comment Pog SAVED SAVED Pog MOE pog 3 we back bois wb f5 he is back Pog fixed? ffffff hgfuijhnojk Pog LETS GO f5 boiss Pog Pog SPAM IS PEPE jooooooooo YO MOE AYY WE BACK KEKW Pog hi saved Pog fffffff wb stream died? Pog DansGame SAVED Pog WB @Yassuo PogU @Yassuo welcome back mr KEKW SAVED NICE SAVED MOE IS PEPE SAVED PogSAVED PogSAVED PogSAVED Pog BACK SAVED yasW yasW yasW back now CLOSE THE WINDOW YOU'RE LETTING ALL THE WIFI OUT SAVED F LA MOE Weird KEKW refresh SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog SAVED Pog CHAT REFRESH f 5 fps LAG laggy lag man SAVED KEKW wb LOOL\ Atleast before game started monkaW its lagging tho @Yassuo laggy af tho 2 fps KEKW pog lags xd SPECTRUM LUL dese frames LAGGY LAG yes SPECTRUUUM we baaaaaaaack PEPE ;aggy as hell LAG' scufff lag we back 15 Fps up in this bitch laggg wtf was thaat 5 FPS FREDDY laggy af BUILD TRIST BORK AGAIN KEKW smart forced US to watch ad smmmart 1 frame call doublelift 2FPS KEKW yasW I was about to donate 20$ but it went down :/ laggi saved pog SPECTRUN LOL rofl I was about to donate 20$ but it went down :/ PepeLaugh laglaglaglaglaglaglaglaglaglaglaglagl lmfao OMEGALUL KEKW ROFLROFLROFL malding true KEKW KEKW KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - CALL BIO AND DOUBLEE ROFL ROFL KEKW BUILD TRIST BORK AGAIN KEKW. SPECTRUM KEKW Thanks, so much! yasANELE KEKW KEKW KEKW ANELE Clap ANELE YOURE BACK KEKW WE BACK? ANELE habeb allah yfgak yasWeird NEXT FRAME KEKW f what game you were playing before in the lobby ANELE SPECTRUM SHIT COMPANY KEKW BUILD TRIST BORK AGAIN KEKW . what happen? Lost my streak view ????????? fake reaction WeirdChamp Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! what happened still lags moe. Call Doublelift!! why is it so laggy f lagging hard still 70 ping btw FPS IS TRASH FeelsGoodMan next slide Asirelith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! F Spectrum, what's poppin moe? When did you finish megaman? Keep it up reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Its lowkey Fing again f this lag though f BUILD TRIST BORK AGAIN KEKW ! stream is 20fps @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! Why is your stream like 15fps @yassuo adc meta your shit laggin moe next slide the 1 fps dream Like this is really laggy, you sure this is how it should be? @Yassuo cal doublelift, content STREAM FPS KEKW LAG Next slide FeelsGoodMan its laggy tho F F LAG 11 FRAME Yassuo is now live! Streaming League of Legends: Pure Domination as always - Raising money for Stand up To Cancer. !Charity lag Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @asirelith no FeelsGoodMan Clap NEXT SLIDE lag FPS KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW Next slide FeelsGoodMan FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide SPECTRUM! fake D SPECTRUM KEKW F spectrum POWERPOINT STREAM widepeepoHappy chat with double and bio !uptime ddosed monkaW The stream has been live for 1 minutes 34 seconds ur stream is cheeeeeeeeeAP FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide FeelsGoodMan Clap Next Slide lag. FIXED PogU YIKES get better INTERNET !uptime NO LAG Pog The stream has been live for 1 minutes 43 seconds spectrum f SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW cheer100 it says 0 viewers. You're locked in here with me now. LMAO POG SAVED PogU only took 3 months SAVED PagChomp FIXED POOGERS pog man why did he dc chat. i play with lag everyday pussy how long are you streaming for why did he dc chat? yo yassuo is your rolex fake? WeirdChamp @Yassuo Isn't there a better internet provider than spectrum? WeirdChamp yay he back LLUL monkaW F 64 POG WeirdChamp Play boshy fuck league STOP DOWNLOADING PORN WTF MAN moe if you want some expert advice on boshy, you can contact me. you're welcome. @Yassuo Why does she have aoe on her basics?? !followage we back adc vs adc mid lane LUL rollex* Tristana is for pussys tbh YOURE TEAM IS STACKED BRO Pog yo uglyass moe wsup? !lastseen Nightblue3 26 Moe losing viewers MonkaW @六四事件 so you saying you are a zero? LUL !uptime The stream has been live for 2 minutes 24 seconds !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - #FLASHBURTA YOUR* @Verlene1000 just listen to what he says? why chat always gotta ask what he just said yo yassuo is your rolex fkae lul fake*? hi moe oooh cool thank you didnt know that !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - that is her e muie psd !followage pog i just watched 3 mins of DL dead stream just to watch moe from mini map :) haHAA ? Aiera_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Fuck man lol Moe sup dude ? Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor what happened Moe? Follow me on Twitter for updates @thedest1ny_ I just joined you fucknut don't act smart if you don't want to reply then be a good boy and stfu s PainChamp Are you gonna be playing on EU servers anytime soon? 4K Andy? @Verlene1000 WRONG GUY KEKW muie psd - What happened 4k andy pog you know league is fucked when u see 2 adc's playing mid @Yassuo Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Pog MOANA @verlene1000 who hurt you man chill Read donations Wait you doing standup about cancer? Cancer funny to you? MOANA MOANA POG So moe what happen with momo MOANA POG PogChamp MOANA Twitch says u afk MOANA Pog muie viorica dancila SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW MOANA Pog POG moanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @Yassuo I just watched a guy beat Boshi in 33 minutes, just do it 4Head MOANA Pog f TURN IT UUUUUUUUUP Pog Moana pof @Yassuo have a great day i'm off to bed :) PRECIPITATION MOANA WH OMEGALUL POG POG MOANA WH OMEGALUL MOANA WH OMEGALUL MOANA WH OMEGALUL MOANA WH OMEGALUL MOANA WH OMEGALUL MOANA WH OMEGALUL POG POGGERS WTF POG SING ALONG Pog 300 Pog PogU YOOOOOOOOOO 300 POG moe once again, if you need advice on boshy, just contact me and I will tell you all the insights of the game. I am expert Pog . @Yassuo WTF POg what the fuck POG yasM03 @Yassuo ur ping is hella high wth 300 Pog WTF? Creed PogU 300 Pog POGGERS Pog @creed BibleThump 300$ Pog POG POG POGG POG HOLY POGU 300 pog MOANA POG Pog POG WTF POGU Pls dont play anymore Boshi LOL 300 WTF POG Pog POGGERS PogU LOL POG CHAT SPAM POG MOANA Pog POG ok 300!!! POG WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? LETS GOOO PagChomp POG !followage Poh Pog joo 300 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - POGG Pog !charity MOE CHECK THISO UT Donate Here - , Learn more here - What are you listening to? DansGame 300 sheesh MOE THATS MOANA Pog POGGGG No pog HOW FAR I'LL GOOOOO pog POG POG POGGERSS RESPECT IGNORED KEKW POG h aDc'S aRe uNdErpOwErEd! Holy shit MOANA peepoPog WTFF nice ks ur viewbot died? PogChamp POG KS KEKW MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog princessYA princessYA princessYA FOR CHARITY CREED U BEAUTIFUL SOUL SHEEEEEEEEEESH MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog MOANA peepoPog . KEKW 300 bucks, react dummy KS XD YEAH SURE 300 YOINKED ks i wish i get 70 ms KEK LULL KS KEKW kssssssssssssssssss DONO DONO DONO DONO Pog POG hes oblivious kekw cucked ryze lol PogU Pog Respect Dono CLEAN POG Pog POGGERS 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 dono OKAY FAKER PogU Pog KEKW\ HAHAHAHAH POG KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAA OMEGALUL ?? DONO DONO DONO DONO DONO DONO KWEKEW ?????? ? is there w and e interaction? HAHAHAHAHA KEKW RLY PepeLaugh poogg ????????????????' 2 hp KEKW KEKW ET TU KEKW KEKW TROLLING KEKW SO BAD KEKW INTING KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW POTION xD ??????? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ????? POT pog lul nice pot KEKW DONATION DONATION DONATION DONATION lmao Okay chill faker Pepega PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW minions lmfao that int W KEKW E tu kekw LOOK MOE LUL DONATION STOOPID POT ignite + casters boosted bro :D KEKW KEKW£ E TU KEKW BAHHAAHHAHA yassuo in a nutshell pogu pog TRASH KEKW BF KEKW ie 300 GLITCH ROFL KEKW DONATION STOOPID! PepeLaugh SURE !uptime @Yassuo bork in to stormrazor The stream has been live for 5 minutes 20 seconds bork KEKW KEKW Kapp @Yassuo METAPHO JUST BODIED THE DOC IN HALO PogU bf Bork KEKW Infinity storm ruinx BF BOOTS 300 LOOK AT DONO BOTRK greaves bork BORK DONATION PepeLaugh check donation dumdum storm razor IE BORK bork OMEGALUL OMEGALUL PS ruind music lol shard MOANA Pog bf and boots Yoo BORK KEKW DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! VDONATION!!! DONATION!!! bork STORM storm BF What heppend you went offline ? @Yassuo @Yassuo Yo Moe when is the song request feature coming back? I aint never gonna make it to a gifted sub (13k points rn) so at least let me listen to my jam boi stormrazor @Yassuo MISSED 300$ what happened rfc pot dono pPog ruind go THEN DON'T ASK YOU TOOL !uptime Pog The stream has been live for 5 minutes 35 seconds SCAMMED DONO KEKW Donation PepeHands LMAO BORK TROLL RABADONS song WeirdChamp DONO Pog Pepega MENTION THE DONATION MOE ie @Yassuo look dono SING THE SONG MOE WeirdChamp 300 box 5k andy YEAH IT BAD DONATION IDIOT music xd Chat what happend he went offline ? bork storm DONO peepoPog 300 bucks no reaction DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! only a 300$ donation chat relax ruind @Yassuo rabadons storm>cannon>shiv IE Go zhonyas ie into stormrazor ie YOU GOT TROLLED RIP DONO KEKW this version WeirdChamp ruined @Yassuo next time boots for roaming 5Head look donations What happened with the stream @Yassuo stormrazor infinity edge @yassuo yes dont listen this silver chat fuck bork monkaW BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM 300 :( pepefromugandnarmy123 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. IE DONO HOW FAR I'LL GOOOOOO STORMRAZOR THE SLOW IS OP IGNORNED KEKW SING THE SONG WeirdChamp 300 k DONOOOO who tf builds er on trist DAAm @yassuo check donos PagChomp :D @Yassuo practicing to get carried in rivals again? music WeirdChamp DONO PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE IGNORED PepeHands lucian LUL ruind is best on her becouse of slow IE 100% ??????+ ????? I HAVE NO DONOOOOOO ignored KEKW KEKW !time ???? ????? USE W???????? Current time in Los Angeles: 01:53:12 PM Pepega KEKW OMEGALUL ?????????????????????? LOL w ?? ??? AHAHAH NOOB ???????? weeb ???????????? @Yassuo donation OMEGALUL ?MOANA Pog nice e ???? KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAH DUDE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ie + greaves+ statikk + rfc + 2 situational items @Yassuo ???????????????????????? w LULW ???? ?????? ahahhaha OMEGALUL ????? LISTEN BADDY WHAAAAAT KEKW @Yassuo look donoo INTING KEKW HHHHHH KEKW HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAH KEKW KEKW ?????????????????????????????/ KEKW Potion ARE YOU SERIOUS ????????????????????????????????????????????? LUCIAN Pog BOOSTED XD KEKW ?????? KEKW YOU'RE GRIEFING KEKW\ KEKW ?????????????????????? w??????? ???????????? bad ?????????????????????????????? POTION READ DONO IDIOT F ?????WHAT ??????????? u so baaad KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pot JUST W IN badbad WHAT ????? use your pot you fucking degenarate @Yassuo omg'hhahahahahah badbadbad :D ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ??? WHATTTT ?????????????????????????????? HAHAHAHA liking bork has nothing to do with it its objectively good :) @Yassuo @Yassuo DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! DONATION!!! LMAO you ran into the r LUL ??????????????? bad lucian kite pog XD stfu u cuck holy HES INSANE KEKW OPEN MID KEKW < sehzarde -> Please refrain from posting links. badbad looooooool !charity saving w for next time bad Donate Here - , Learn more here - 76 ms wtf STEAL KILL AND INT KEKW WTF Pog !stream Moe usually goes live around 8 - 10 am (LA time). Use !time for LA time. man inted two in a row KEKW IE then boots the probably phantom dancer !opgg flaekkernnnn -> PogU FINALLY HE NOTICED BRUH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! KEKW KEKW PogU PopgU FUCK ME GOOD ONE LMFAO pog RAMMUS FINALY DONOOOO Pog wtf 300 Pog FINALLY WTF POG PogChamp POG LOOL DONO Pog {PG Pog POG GJ MOE KEKW PogU POg DONO POGGERS POG LULW PogChamp ok faker chill PogChamp POG POG POG POG POG PogChamp PogU pog Family Friendly on the cursing :) PogChamp !uptime yea gimme some Pog The stream has been live for 6 minutes 36 seconds PogChamp Pog PogChamp Pog LUL POG DONO pog Pog PogU POGU Pog nooo PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro DONO MOE PartyPoro PogU Pog pog POGU WTF PogU PogU POG PogChamp Pog POGCHAMP Pog nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm Pog POGGGGG PogChamp PogCham PogYou Rich Pog POGGERS Thank you!!! PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 300 PogChamp Lol Pog LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW 300$ POG POG PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp you are trolling dude POGO ffffffffffffffffff PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POG PogChamp POGS POGU Pog PogU 76 ping in league 1000 ping in brain KEKW Pog POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU POG Pog Pog PogChamp 300 SANKE did stream crash Pure domination, and now seeing u respawn lol PogChamp PogChamp pog OHAYO CHAT AYAYA / PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp WeirdKEKW POG what happen PogChamp POGUPGOOGOGOG Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog hey bro LMAOOOO POG princessYA princessYA princessYA POG CREED !chairty POG A REAL ONE PogU PGIOG PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kapp !uptime poog NEW MOE KEKW The stream has been live for 6 minutes 48 seconds PogChamp pog POGGG !uptime ruind is best on her becouse of slow LMFAO PogChamp PogChamp come on bro Thank you so much! PogChamp PogChamp Pooooooog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp boxD !uptime KEKW ONLY 300? PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 500 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SHEEEEEESH ONLY 300? PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 500 PepeLaugh !charity yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo where is the overlay for charity? pog PogChamp PogChamp AYAYAWeird !charity !uptime Donate Here - , Learn more here - The stream has been live for 7 minutes 0 seconds kekw :D CS KEKW funny or concerning? creed bratton? ?????? CANN OMEGALUL BN KEKW !charity KEKW CS KEKW£ !uptim cannon KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - Cannon cannon :) CANNON Im too horny monkaEYES KEKW pooooooog CANNON KEKW !uptime lol KEKW 26 @Yassuo where is the overlay for charity? yasHmm KEK CANN OMEGALUL N CANNON pog KEKW i saw it KEKW CmonBruh posture check Try to keep the cursing down if you can :) Thanks, so much for the donations! !stream Moe usually goes live around 8 - 10 am (LA time). Use !time for LA time. yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon PokBlastoise KappaHD @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! fake charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Thanks for the HahaPoint @asirelith Good cause LOL @Yassuo where is the overlay for charity? yasHmm ΚΕΚW Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor trist vs lucian mid KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !time Current time in Los Angeles: 01:54:35 PM HahaPoint Kap yasN yasYoink ANY MANGOS? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo kekw STOP CURSING @Yassuo KEKW ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS @Yassuo sanchHeart for uu toys for tots rip off snake ayoo look whos alive Kappa American raps be like "n" igga monkaEyes CS Pog CS POG !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - AGAIN WeirdChamp TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance 1v1 him :) LMAO Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @yassuo toxic music KEKW LULW @lucasgoddamn does not want to put it when hes playing League KEKW i think u lose the all in KEKW EZ @Sharkerss cmonBruh KEKW STOP GRIEFING DL KEKW SENNA PogU @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! Clean @lucasgoddamn he* BIODADDY PogChamp :D KEKW KEKW clean your room ffs Kaelic90 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! rip ????' EZ u shoulda went in right away hesitated reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! monkaS that scared me Moe I love you okay? 2 EZ shut up fool DELETED BY WIFE KEKW CLEAN Pog yasShrug TheArcalius ah 5Head BOOTS EZ senna Pog YES EZ NO GREAVES YES BORK no no go rfc no Killed by his own wife PepeHands NO GOOD yeah @yassuo nah bro yes no YES yes Yes it snot bad NO KEKW Stormrazor is good !charity EZ KEKW YES ie Donate Here - , Learn more here - YES yes LUL ask dlift @yas @shinto_god what did i do? YES @Yassuo yes its better YES yh no bro dont go storm yes YOu were saying?? YES yes ye !charity no. Yes but take boots first e no its broken that's what everyone has been saying no YES No boots hahahaah senna LUL Donate Here - , Learn more here - CLEAN Play Monster if youre playin Meek MIll TRUUE TABI KEKW IE INTO STORM CarlSmile killed by wife WeirdChamp no Stormrazor myb Moe I love you so much don’t forget me no more inting kekw NOO INFINITY no yes stormraizor broken dude Stormrazer ten times fuck storm go IE 1 ok não faz mal 2 acontece , agora 5? com fraturas? @yassuo you shuold have been 4/0 now you make me so angry playing like this lol Yes @yassuo yes stormrazer but finish berserkers ruind @Yassuo yes bro its so much better ur a griefer if u go stormrzor why low views ? wooof Woof play next game senna STORM>CANNON>SHIV GO STORM KILLED BY WIFE LUL IE, RFC, PD He only asked thots 6 stormrazer nice bulid with cait Woof woof infinity edge greaves ask doublelift DUSKBLADE !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Ye stromrazer ADC's same build LOL lmao GO RABADONS @yassuo you shuold have been 4/0 now you make me so angry playing like this lol @Asirelith i got a emote from your cheer IGNORED KEKW IGNORED KEKW moe are u participating in clash whean it starts? sanchHeart DL ignored you? KEKW @Yassuo Go zhonyas or AFK OkayChamp ie>rfc Getting ego'd by doublelift PepeLaugh Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! reaman411 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Ignored KEKW take tf blade for tcs reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! flame DL BigBrother @Yassuo sanguine blade PogChamp Doublelift busy with his GF PepeHands doublelift trash KEKW @Yassuo doublelift was prob like "who is this guy" @shinto_god yikes jason thinkin he knows how to play trist KEKW DEAS STREAER KEKW 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint PartyPoro Go DFG plz !charity Lol Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Donate Here - , Learn more here - 4 x I.E + Duskbalde @Yassuo Go Zhonyas or AFK OkayChamp Doublelift sayys you are inting @Yassuo haHAA ? see you at all stars moe build ludens KEKW ???????? yey losing 2 times in diamond is fun yo wsp deathfiregrasp? Scuttle stuck KEKW hAHAA SAN 5K ANDY KEKW ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS haHAA SAN CIGANYOK NEM EMBEREK CIGANYOK NEM EMBEREK CIGANYOK NEM EMBEREK Sneaky_Minaj subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! <3 What do you think the best build on yasuo is currently? Keep up the amazing streams and cheering people up from doing so. Much love Habibi, Also nice Rolex for you and the sis.. looks like streaming money really paying off ;) reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! moe balding KEKW Pepega Is moes new thing calling things cringe? !CHARITY Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS RAMMUS NYOOOO widepeepoSad RAMMUS?? KEKW thats not the result of freezing moe you already did the 1v1s? dE A CIGÁNYOK IS EMBEREK :( Kapp hello yasuoo down 30 cs KEKW KKomrade ? ???? ????????/ ????\ ????????????????? ? ??????????? YEET LULW ?? ????????????????????????????????? CANNON WutFace WeirdChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - cannon CANN OMEGALUL N yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasU ??????????? KEKW ?????????????????? SAVED ZAC KEKW @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! sad 5 cs lel yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasU yasU 1v1s? he got a lot more on you now ? you so fuckin bad @Yassuo u still havnt used ur pot Saved KEKEW UP 5 CS XDD ay laggy stream PepeLaugh 5CS KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit rammus KEKW " UP 5 CS " moe how get out of diamond moe you already did the 1v1s? KEKW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW ZAC PogU xD ???????????? REKTIFIED fvldojghvler ZAC Pog Jebaited KEKW ZAC POG GRIEFING KEKW ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW why potion so late? ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog ZAC Pog UP 5 CS KEKW kekekekek same jg mid as last game KEKW KEKW JUST FF kek zac Pog Pog kekw yasSpit yasSpit nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm KEKW KEKW MALD late senna ult WHY'D YOU STAY BRO KEKW ofc he flashed u were 1 hp ryze is gonna carry this game @Yassuo youre inting KEKW if she ulted for shield and damage... 1v1? TWICE KEKW AS U LULW @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! That zac UP 5 CS KEKW XDD BLAMING RAMMUS KEKW SENNA ULT LINEUP POG trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa YOU INTED 4 TIMES BRO KEKW Senna hit everyone KEKW @yassuo you're hard inting this whole game don't blame lol IE and then RFC 5Head nooo nb3Gasm yasSpit this senna ults so late wtf Biobio @Yassuo 1v1s? pepoLeave @yassuo HEY DO YOU KNOW IS JUMP KING OUT YET AND DO YOU PLAN ON PLAYING IT?? lKek PepoLeave UP 5CS !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - blaming jg when not covering map WeirdChamp How much money is raised already? Who is the ryze? KEKW @Yassuo My mom got merried and now i won't be able to celebrate christmas, birthdays or any other holiday because of the mans religion. Could you say something that would cheer me up? Bro, you dont really care about this game anymore, all you wanna do is hookers and drugs smh tfbPepega tfbPepega @Yassuo trick is here are you tilted? @Yassuo Sex tonight? Im 19 bot matchup is unplayable for enemy team moe y is u dumb? @Yassuo are u doing jump king challenge with trick ? yasMald @Yassuo wanna 1vs1? What happen with momo cs diff ..... you were two and one CANNON KEKW CANNONS KEKW get stormrazer @LiuRuizu ? PepeHands CANN OMEGALUL N CANN OMEGALUL N @Yassuo when are the 1v1s? CANN OMEGALUL N @nulu like 800 dollars KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you so boosted KEKW @nulu 700~800 cannon KEKW lol yasCannon ? cmonBruh TRUE KEKW cmonBruh TRUE KEKW£ when are the 1v1s? has the dude hit one cannon lmfao CanNON KEKW old moe back with low viewers Hey yassuo when willl your mechanics be good agane monkaW do you have a driving license moe? @kreshnik1mripa thanks :) Stop inting DL PunOko ASHE LUL cmonBruh Aight imma head out PowerUpL TriHard PowerUpR KRINGE @Yassuo when are the 1v1s? do you have a driving license moe?/ KRINGE LULW kringe no man @Yassuo kring pussy haHAA Pepega ? LOL that sucked TRUE KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp funny kringe? KEKW @nulu gotcha =) trynna make it higher? xd its doublelift botlane m8 3 NICE ONE haHAA haHAA Kringe @Yassuo Give me love TriHard FUCK ME KEKW a pussy ass bitch haHAA yikes WeirdChamp No @Yassuo Don’t lose with bio and lift in your game, that’d be embarrassing really funny joke :) KRINGE KRINGE KEKW that was cringe HOW good job Moe That was cringe haHAA !hyoon kringe cecw ratirlOK Feels weird not having my 10 month subscription because I used twitch prime on a 10 viewer streamer Kringe @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it ? ???? KRINGE haHWW haHAAssuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - when are the 1v1s? imagine blaming someone for freezing KEKW Jebaited KEKW do you have a driving license moe? KEKW 👉 haHAA POG KEKW saved CRINGE KID stop man? LOL ANY KRINGERS? haHAA ?????????????? WHo's MOe? omg so good 2V1 KEKW KEKW YOU SPELLED IT WRONG KEKW Moe Mama TOXIC P[CE KEKW HAHA MaxLOL Kringle Toxic D: ANY KRINGERS? haHAA ANY KRINGERS? haHAA ANY KRINGERS? haHAA ANY KRINGERS? haHAA ANY KRINGERS? haHAA CRINGE ur so weird LUL ITS KRINGE when are the 1v1s? do you have a driving license moe?/ guess ryze isgonna carry all of u !charity Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday TRUE KEKW Pick 3 adcs lol ??????????????? Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pog insecure NotLikeThis NotLikeThis TRUE KRINGE they cant see yours either 5Head PU55Y INSECURE LOL thats rly beta yas5 cuz u is pussy BETA KEKW Bruh you said Cringe with a K SSSSSSssssssssss TRUE KEKW KRINGE NICE LOGIC KEKW da that's for insecure people KEKW yasR @yassuo 1v1s today? 1v9 KEKW Beta KEKW coward! Agreed Insecure "YOU IS" KEKW actually cringe Demolish?? ???? YOU CALLED RAMMUS KEKW when are the 1v1s? BETA KEKW you always freeze on yasuo kinda cringe KEKW @Yassuo 200iq Pepega Pussy Toxic PogYou we eating goood Are you doing song requests? TriHard do you have a driving license moe? LEtS G OMOE sheeeesh DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! do you have a driving license moe?/ @Yassuo dudes be building IE but wont open their EYEs to SEE whats wrong about the world moe read joke do you have a driving license moe? Are you doing song requests? yasThink WHEN ARE THE 1V1? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - YOU SAID 1V9 KEKW @Yassuo ON THE MAP UR 3-4 @Yassuo My mom got merried and now i won't be able to celebrate christmas, birthdays or any other holiday because of the mans religion. Could you say something that would cheer me up? you know you have doublelift + biofrost on youre team? do you have a driving license moe?/ pvmanToxic @KiiNGACS he doesnt i see you now using e w combo naiyu when are the 1v1s? So moe u and momo what’s the stick when you getting the new haircut I EE LULW @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? Jason PainChamp TL inting LUL Pog @yassuo me big fen KEKW moe u missed joke @yassuo DEAFREF NOT ON TALON??? WEIRD CHAMP LUL ur solo laning Kapp @kreshnik1mripa LUL D OMEGALUL UBLELIFT PogChamp @Yassuo dudes be building IE but wont open their EYEs to SEE whats wrong about the world Poog Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW nice joke KEKW @yassuo Moe I love you @AZN_ that was absolutely awful Pog Pog ?????? KEKW MOE GOING PRO KEKW Kapp ???? SHEESH IS THE CRINGIEST WORD THIS SMELLY MUHAMMED HAS EVER SAID 50 cs behind OMEGALUL yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad KINDRED AHAHAH !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Kapp yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy he placed his ward down Dont even read it 4WeirdW KRINGE PainChamp AZN he didnt back dipshit nav is some ass PRO KEKW @Yassuo SOME 1V1s TODAY OR NAH? Dont read that joke 4WeirdW @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon?? 2k for the sub haayooooo doublelift trash kekw but this kinda goes KEKW pvmanToxic @Yassuo how do you do that kiting thing 5Head dog dog what sup dog CONTROL WARD? Pog when are the 1v1s? !song Ghost193387 -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream Pog @Yassuo Yo Zayn whne you start maining tristana 5Head 5Head CRAZY 5Head @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? @AZN_ 4WeirdW Jokes monkaW Moe big nose Hahahah 200 IQ Ikonel1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! good job 5Head reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hello mi lord Seaweeddd subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Toilet paper, over or under? pepeMeltdown reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hey whatsup bighead ????? and waisting time NA ? ?????? KEKW KEKW k ????? NA KEKW ??? good moe saved PogChamp XDDDDDDDDDDD imagine if you would have crit that gromp he would have been so tileted HahaDreidel GOOD JOB KEKW FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESH KEKW PERFECT TIMING FUCKING TROLL KEKW when are the 1v1s? KRINge Kid KEKW ??? Inting DL SadChamp LOL DUMBASS shittty move NO BALLS WeirdChamp JUMPING IN KEKW PrimeUWot @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? Moe has a big nose hahahaha LESA DEBIL ratirlUWU ratirlUWU ratirlUWU DL flaming your bithcass @Yassuo Kapp FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESHFRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESH KEKW DL LOWKEY MAD KEKW Kringle kid back at it again KEKW "LAGGED" KEKW @yassuo gift me a sub! drspooDogDerp wow yassuo is actually a dead streamer now saw that for once Kapp Kapp dont play trist FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESH Kappa SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKWSPECTRUM KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 122 lagging ? LUL KEKW Pog @Yassuo dudes be building stormrazor but wont use a razor to stop the storm growing on their face 💯 movement @makisha03 Nub @Yassuo league NA server is lagging DL flaming your bithcass @Yassuo . SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW hahahah Pogç @yassuo Fucking Spectrum? @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon?? afk ahahaha @yassuo where can I get the crack you smoke WHEN WILL YOU 1V1 ? Carried hey !uptime The stream has been live for 15 minutes 58 seconds haHAA Moe afk PepeLaugh spectrum KEKW Gracias por el Haha2020, @seaweeddd. yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit nb3Gasm Stream stopped for a moment on my end. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - reflexes like a snake when will you 1v1 moe ???? @Yassuo your nose is messing up the signal #FLASHBURTA I play on 320 ping NA challenger stop crying about your “lag” ✋ @yassuo When will you do 1v1? ryze = busted champion..... 5 cs per minute? love yassuo <3 yo dog when will you 1v1 us ??? POGGERS MOE Kappa 󠀀 @Yassuo you dont want ryze smoke too god damn ugly DL flaming your bithcass @Yassuo 430 crits poh KEKW KEKW rofl KEKW get carried yup KEKW @Yassuo Yo Zayn whne you start maining tristana over KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW yasN yasN yasN KEKW @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? KEKW @stripy112 cringe ratirlPepe nah dumbass ???????????? dog what sup dog ??????? KEKW WeirdChamp PUSSY KEKW ??? WutFace ???? @Yassuo have you considered plastic surgery ?????????????? wear challenger jacket for luck OVER? ?????????????? WeirdKEKW what ??????? how u put it on the rack WHAT ? ?? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Yas no ?? WTF THATS DISGUSTING lmao are u stupid HAHAH @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon?? ma betshatef ya 7aywan? ????????????????????????????? DansGame WutFaceW @gg_go_next_irl i play with 1000 ping and blindfolded i am challenger ?????? !uptime ??????? wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo The stream has been live for 16 minutes 45 seconds ???????????????????????? bro i mpretty sure he meant ??? I wipe with my leg ?????????? ?????? what what what??? SAMEEEE U Muslim butch the toilet paper roll Astarothx2 -> Please refrain from posting links. wait what WutFace i wipe around WHATTTTT ?? ?XD WTF?????????? ???? This Teams Siege is rly strong ok? hahahaha' DL flaming your bitchcass @Yassuo @makisha03 who's channel is that emote?: thicc wear challenger jacket for luck WTF ???????? RU STUPD DansGame WHAT how do you wipe over?? @yassuo When will you do 1v1? WIPE FROM OVER KEKW WeirdChamp WHAAAT WIPE OVER ? WTF DOES THAT MEAN ?? ??????????????????????? wtf ?????????????? what hahahahahaahhahahaahahaha HES A WOMAN KEKW how do u wipe from over ALMFAO LOL XD KEKW YOUR NOSE IS A ROUTER WutFace wear challenger jacket for luck. WeirdKEKW ?????? KEKW WutFace GROSS bro are u good just wipe from both sides DansGame 5 cs per min?? yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN SIT DL flaming your bitchcass @Yassuo . stand stand nani SITTING KEKW sitting yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit stand stand up wtf ollolol stand up what IS that GAY MUSIC stand @Yassuo SANCHOVIES HAS MORE VIEWERS THAN YOU LMAO KEKW while sitting SIT SITING don't u use water hose wtf hahahahahahaahahahahahah ew STANDING STAND UP sitting wiping from over?????? shit all on your balls and you wonder why you single LEAN UP A LIL ayy KEKW ??????? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! both stand wtf ollool SIT SITTING BoolinJAM peepoClap !charity i do sand Donate Here - , Learn more here - wtf is wrong with u americans sitting yas1 it depends sit STAND ????????????????????????????????????? Sitting STANDING hey @Yassuo do you search for a new champ to play next season ? I noticed you are not playing as much yasuo as before WHAT standing Sit STANDERS WeirdChamp stand ???????????????????? ???? squatting wipe? @makisha03 yasHands yasHands yasHands i lay down I wash itwith water, wiping is useless sitting wtf wait you guys dont wipe your ass from left to right? too lazy to stand Sitting huh? SITTING SPREADS THE CHEEKS Who asked WutFace SITTING IS GROSS @Yassuo nah u gotta stand up a bit u cant risk ur hand touching the poo STANDING WHAT????????? stand ???????????????????????????????????????? So momo yes or no lol ??????????????? sitting sitting then sstand when will you 1v1 ???? I DON'T WIPE KEKW DansGame yas1 5 NOSE DUZA: HOW DO U WIPE SITTING Doesnt wipe WHAT MAN????????????? both ?????????????????????????? hi bye KEKW TOXIC SHEEEEEEEEESH STANDERS WeirdChamp ????????????????????? No Toilet paper wet wipes only. Not a gorila KEKW revealing too much information mAn i squat your nose should be like an antenna to get HD channels and shit Moe wipes back to front still salty? its mixed for me damn ????????????????? Moetilt WHILE LAYING 420 Pog Sitting cringe ????????????????????????????????? My mom cleans me toxic TOXIC Welcome, everyone! Thanks for being here DONT SIT DansGame IMAGINE WIPING KEKW STANDERS WeirdChamp bye bye buddy how do you wipe sitting wtf sitting nb3Stare @Yassuo people who stand up to wipe have autism v @MrPanicHD KEKW squat with ur butt hangin WHO THE FUCK WIPES STANDING? @yassuo When will you do 1v1?@yassuo When will you do 1v1? who even does it while standing lmao standing while wiping KEKW i lay down. Do you use water IMAGINE WIPING OMEGALUL KEKW U didnt read my donation I just rub it off on the carpet tbh @yassuo When will you do 1v1? IMAGINE PUTTING HAND IN TOILET TO WIPE KEKW sumSmash TriAthlon @Yassuo moe i miss you real dudes squat oh @MrSenk im 12 years old too WeirdChamp damn ryze 1v4 WEIRDEST SHIT I EVER HEARD LITERALLY @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW nice cs check out that w ok duke doublelif pog i lay down when wiping no respect to all the people who wipe while staying I wipe laying down HOW THE HELL DO YOU WIPE WHILE SITTING?! @Yassuo imagine not using a bidet wahh wahh @Yassuo will you do 1v1 today? WHEN WILL YOU 1 V 1 ?????? @Yassuo no YOU carried, dont let others tell you otherwise excuses excuses CARRIED BY DL KEKW @yassuo When will you do 1v1? KEKW why are you steealing doublelifts cs? @Tehblazegr so i have autism? ryze doesn't count , champion is busted... ez to 1v4 why not call doublift and vincent? that ego moe.. doublelift is streamer also LUL @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon Everyone wipes standing wtf are you talking about only girls wipe sitting maybe Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : shame :P NA farm KEKW T I R A C O pepegaJAM TriDance @Yassuo will you do 1v1 today? !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP IDC ABOUT THAT I WANNA KNOW WHT YOU MEANT BY YOU WIPE OVER INSTEAD OF UNDER WTF DOES THAT MEAN KEKW who is duo? RYZE 1V9 @Had995 yes :) XDDDD ZAC KEKW ?????? ???? ???????????????? ? ? KEKW Any tips for d2 peaks? I cant get out this shit @yassuo :( sumSmash SourPls moe u think ill ever find love f Moe learn azir plss !duo Revenge @Yassuo will you do 1v1 today? ?XD LETS GO CHAMP! @Yassuo are you gonna do 1v1's today?? ? NA recall monkaW ?XD 8 hp Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor NA recall !uptime The stream has been live for 19 minutes 18 seconds BETA AS FUCK Pepega @Tehblazegr tnx ik know where the problem lies, next im gona sit down LUL @Yassuo have you ever had rice and pineapple? @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer @Yassuo can i fap to you? wear challenger jacket for luck yasBad yasBad ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider Do 1v1 after this caitlyn is doublelift ? You laugh like twitch 1v1 after this game? wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo go to it after stream u feel me @Had995 no problem man! :) @Yassuo bye moe gtg to sleep ill 1v1 ya for 2000$ 5-01-2020 ez btw calling it. ill pm u :D TREUUU Yassuo would u choose a G Wagon or LAMBO V12 1v1 in euw u been good G? Thanks everyone! @gabzan yes RYZE 1V9 1V9 h a l o 1v1 me in euw !duo Revenge YALLAH HABIBI ANELE is rushing IE good? link is safee @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? wait does "habibi" mean cancer Momo yes or no hey stinky dix @Yassuo If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move?? wear challenger jacket for luck @SU2C np :) gg !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasMald yasMald MOE GIVE ME SUB PLS Did you saw Faker today? Its New moe do 1v1alredy @Yassuo Moe can i fap to you? hey google it ez 1v1 NO MONEy @yassuo laughing about cancer here? @yassuo Did you saw Faker today? @Yassuo sanchHeart let me get a heart back lmao 11v111 yasMald ?????? FF KEKW 1v1 KEKW hakdog my friend 1v1 merhaba kardeshim ANELE Did you saw Faker today? KEKW ranked games feel like normal games atm 1v11v1 GOOGLE THE LAMBO V 12 ez af 1v1 KEKW goes for loved one / fam too HABIBI MOE thats gay homeboy moe zheisty1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ZerosOn subscribed with Twitch Prime. pepeD reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! v12 means 12 cylinder... you ape @Yassuo HONOR RYZE hellou from turkey :3 1v1v 11v1v1 V12 Lambo my guy ANELE Clap @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? KappaPride habibi is my love 1v1 ARE YOU MUSLIM ? u so loved yasANELE ANELE MOE stoned 1v1 11v 1v1 1v1 1v1 TriDance @Yassuo hababti @SU2C Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POGGERS sorieketon habibi winik habibi eeeeeeeeeeeee <3 1v1 get carried by Doublelift @SU2C Lot's of love No homo tho HABIBI 1v1 1v1? i thought habibi means darling or something whats lambo v12? Xd lol 1v1 1v1 1v1 1v1 1v1 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - carried by pros btw v12 means 12 cylinder... @Yassuo 1V1 any cure for gayness? 1v1 habibi moe kekw Cock lovers <3 1V1V1V1V1V 1v1 Moe can u move to eu instead V1V1V1V1VVV1V LOL 1vv1 Just get a nissan GTR @yassuo i have 2k points wtf kelb sharmuta moe. KEKW 1v1 1 V1V1V1VVV1V1V1 @Yassuo why rush IE? 1 v 1 KEKW Muslim gang Did you saw Faker today? 1v1 Ryze monkaW how much for challenger? ryze is balanced 1V1 @akaroh @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? 1vvvq 1v1 monkaW @Yassuo i really think an overlay would help FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESH 1v1 @moe KEKW 1v1 how much for challenger?. wear challenger jacket for luck Momo yes or nah lol DUO ABUSE KEKW 1v11 1v1 1v1 boshy Pog 1v1 @Yassuo SANCHOVIES HAS MORE VIEWERS THAN YOU LMAO KEKW OhMyDog NO 1v1 WeirdChamp 1 V ! 1v1 sheesh revenge @Yassuo i really think an overlay would help @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? 1VVVVVVVVVVV1 teach us arabic slang 1v1 You laugh like twitch ur chat mad stupid 1v1 GOOGLE THE LAMBO V 12 BRO @Yassuo are u gonna play clash ? 1v1 KEKW 1v1 @exCoach sorry 1v1 @Yassuo miss the 2 Challenger vs 5 Gold players series bring it back dummy why u live in US 1v1 !duo Revenge FRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESHFRIENDS DONT LET FRIENDS SAY SHEESH !V! 1v1 wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo KEKW KEKW does underbar laner stream on twitch? Pog game 1v1 WeirdKEKW 22v2 @yassuo Moe I love you so much don’t forget me 1v1 KEKW WHOS THE DUO? U didnt read my donation WOWOWOOWWO 5v3 game? v2 KEKW ! V ! ! V ! ! V ! lmao KappaPride 12v12 wtf is this game? ItsBoshyTime wear challenger jacket for luck ItsBoshyTime LOL U DIED when are you doing pummel PREPARE YOU KEKW v33v43v43v4v3v65v pog YOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! V ! ! V ! new boss congrats DONT SPAM1V1 CHAT DONT 1cv1v1v1v1v1 monkaW GAME PLS? 1v1 for charity LUL KEKW Did you saw Faker today? THIS GUY COSPLAYING FAKER KEKW lol moe you ugly why no 1v1man you dont want to give money LAGGING LET MUDKIP KILL YOU PunOko Pog BUGGED KEKW cringe game wear challenger jacket for luck. when are you doing pummel. ANY LOVERS <3 ANY LOVERS <3 ANY LOVERS <3 ANY LOVERS <3 ANY LOVERS <3 ANY LOVERS <3 @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? waiting for me to go to school so u dont have to lose against me? i see how it is @Yassuo \ lmfao PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime Boss monkaW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime COSPLAYING FAKER CRINGE he beat mega man? zhis boss lokks easier than the last ones @Yassuo Moe thinks he's faker KEKW who is he duoing with? What lp is challenger ?? yo i said on stream yesterday that oy ll never pass this level Did you saw Faker today? RIOT! THIS GAME IS TRASH! @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! Revenge what is that game? boxREE FINISH HIM WeirdChamp wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? wtf is your delay boshy @wintercloud00 @Yassuo the less i yoda better FINISH HIM OkayChamp watching this game be making me lose brain cells Liu Kang KEKW u get it @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? u choking @Yassuo tilt game i can swear I wanna be the boshy well d... WELL DONE OkayChamp CarlSmile it’s gonna be a long couple of months before he beats this one now KEKW HahaThink @afroyam ty violamHype !uptime The stream has been live for 22 minutes 16 seconds FIGHT OkayChamp NOT KNOWING BOSHY WeirdChamp NOT KNOWING BOSHY WeirdChamp NOT KNOWING BOSHY WeirdChamp @Yassuo my sisters acting like a real bitch can u date her then cheat on her for me please Is this the stream with like challenges and stuff? Kapp wear challenger jacket for luck what is this game? yo bro can u say tabon dyamak?! Kappa KAPP LULW kap kapp @orcanito weirdchamp his delay is so low Pog yasMald why is it lag @Yassuo what was the hardest boss you beat? Kappa WEOWEOWOEWOE hey Orochimoeru what's going on my man VAI TER LOL HOJE RAKIN? @lsdeadlyy you mean channel points? dont sleep tell you finish it Did you saw Faker today? i am stuck at sanic @Yassuo You think Tyler can play this as good as you do? np :* @wintercloud00 Tack för HahaLean @jeromesucuk wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo today ends in 50 minutes :) what the fuck is this Pog ? WOOWOWLWOBABABABLELELE Pog MOE KEKW @Yassuo what was the hardest boss you beat?? HabuGaming subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! gotta love the shit you do for charity my man keep up the good work my dude, but whats happening to the hair this time? XDDD U didnt read my donation u dced reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW yes it is D: Follow me on Twitter for updates EZ LUL Jebaited you cant move KEKW LUL Halo stream when? D: @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? LMFAO in the first time KEKW naizu yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy wear challenger jacket for luck D: wtf Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited pog @lsdeadly no i can't move faker won this level so ez Pog to KEKW real quick there @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasMald STAY ON THE RIGHT THEN DROP name of the game ? PepeLaugh CIRCLE OF LIFE lee sins pog yo moe hows gym going , leme see that one pack u got you got a date for the charity stream? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : You gonna play the Master Chief Collection? wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Game name? TRUE ur gonna have a ring of hair LOL Did you saw Faker today? so no balding unless we hit 50k? @Yassuo I GOOGLED CIRCLE OF LIFE HAIRCUT WutFace Did you saw Faker today? you got a date for the charity stream?/ !game League of Legends get the brother banks cut D: D: Are you doing song requests? yasThink KEKW BRUH I GOOGLED THAT SHIT HAHAHAAH ????????? @CmonOryx2 stop spamming you absolute fucking idiot Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap !charity D: Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - D: D: D: W D: W it'll grow back <3 D: @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! D: D: you can just shave it after YEA U ARENT UGLY AT ALL LOL D: ill get mr.beast to donate :) how is this game called? lol good luck with that my man GOTTA LOOK GOOD FOR HYOON 5Head but you are ugly already what do you have to loose You've changed WeirdChamp @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? it doesnt matter LILW moe, you do not get it. you have to stay in the far right from the start. trust me i have beat this game before. @Yassuo 100k for the haircut @mrphosify stfu before i fuck you up !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LULW ugly ass oompa loompa @iwilldominate Moe will join the club your hair will grow back, but those children's healthy organs won't moe is old FCKOFF wear challenger jacket for luck 21???? doing a charity stream when everyone is watching Halo yo habibi just say tabon dyamak arjok!!! PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro bad idea @Yassuo legal drinking age in US is 21 right? @Yassuo changed WeirdChamp what game is that? Viktor? ThePIIRATE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 year and you still havent kissed me. jheez cmon bro @Kadrete I wanna be the boshy @IWillDominate you should play this game would be hilarious to see you rage !charity forsenCD Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! you got a date for the charity stream? CHAT GO GOOGLE CIRCLE OF LIFE HAIRCUT HAHAAHAHAH when lol? o w o reading donos mid fight KEKW jayce @yassuo lux! @Yassuo just go the slicker haircut ZED Vlad qyani Morde CmonOryx2: wear challenger jacket for luck @CmonOryx2 bitch should i give you a ladder so you can reach me? u r snake !indy yassuo choking like in rivals LUL yas ryze lea Zed ZED LEBLANC PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro brand !charity NOCTURN Donate Here - , Learn more here - the only reason no1 donating today cuz we all saving money so we hit 50% on 28th so u get the haircut @Yassuo sylas SHANG TSUNG WINS cant see LoL screen? Viktor @Yassuo Leona weeb Zed or bed ZEEEEEEEEED CmonOryx2: wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo LUL SPAM LEBLANC SHANG TSUNG WINS YASUO YASUO Non-Subs, how many Channel points you got? ryze WHO ? OMEGALUL rumble ryyzee EVERYONE WELCOME BANKS TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB forsenCD yasuo ZEEEED YAS @yassuo kassadin KAT JAYCE leblanc S H A N G T S U N G ryze ryzeee YASUOOO KAT GAME ZED Zed ZED aatrox SYNDRA noc ZED DEUDE MOE lb Viktor. Did you saw Faker today? Syndra !Charity RYZEE MOOOEE Donate Here - , Learn more here - YAS ZED NOC MALZAHAR zed KAT GAME anivia TALON shang tsung win JAYCE PLEASE Zed ZED OR BED @yassuo Hey do you know is new jump king out yet and do you plan on playing it anytime soon? viegar ryzeeeeee yas Leona YAS ZED KAT MOE zed VEIGAR ABUSER KEKW YAS YOU BITCH teemo senna ZED OR BED Sharkerss -> Please refrain sending long messages. !charity JESUS big win Donate Here - , Learn more here - VEIGAR Veigar yasSleeper SHANG TSUNG WINS EZ Did you saw Faker today? KAATARINA MOE VEIGAR play ryze who won? SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS PALY NEEKO PogU PogU Shang Tsung WINS NOBODY SAID VEIGAR yasuo ZED OR BEEEEEEEED SHANG TSUNG WINS moe, you do not get it. you have to stay in the far right from the start. trust me i have beat this game before., TURN THAT SHIT OFF ITS GETTING ANNOYING wear challenger jacket for luck ANIVIA ZED ZZED @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! shang tsung wins pog SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS JAYCE shang tsung wins aatroxx play shang tsung he appears to be good Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! MALZAHAR Zed Shang tsun wins WierdChamp Shang tsun wins WierdChamp Shang tsun wins WierdChamp FINALLY SHANG TSUNG WINS ZEEEEED ZEDDD veigar ResidentSleeper zed or bed ZED OR BED ZED yasSpit good emote @Yassuo TSM WINS HARD COUNTER Kat game SadChamp ZEDD SHANG TSUNG SHANGTSUNG WINS VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR VR senna! Anyone know the game=? @yassuo Did you saw Faker today? ZZED !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ZED Moe can you please play Jayce once? <3 S H A N G T S U N G kassadin mid ZEDD or BEDDD ZED OR DED Lucian VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper PLAY NEEKO PogU PLAY NEEKO PogU !game League of Legends q Who wins RYZE yo @yassuo play irelia? yulasiuduwlaushgasd play lux Guys who won? SAMSUNG WINS MALZAHAR COUNTER VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper VEIG- yasSleeper LEEEEE ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze !charity N OMEGALUL ! Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo teach us some ryze kat is good into akali Kappa @yassuo is this the long charity stream or the short one? sure @Yassuo will you play crit fiddle? Kapp lee win Kapp victor or vlad R y z e DL WON KEKW Is this the yearly charity stream ?? @yassuo M O R D E VAI TER LOL HOJE RAKIN? Play zed pogU @KataGaKill Trueeeeee, easiest matchup for Kat RYZE WON* wowowowoalalalababab MORD you got a date for the charity stream?/ where can we get the game? Wah SHANG TSUNG WAS THE ANSWER !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Yasuo you got a date for the charity stream? Shang Tsung WON Did you saw Faker today? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime anyone knows what game this is Pog Wtf this isn’t league Ayeee back Pog game name ? KEKW 🐍 POG KEKW KEKW LOL MLFAO Pog LOL lmao Toasty~ lmao KEKW KEKW kekw GOOD TRY KEKW O_o you suck YOU SUCK KEKW LUL AHHH KEKW KEKW Progress pogU KEKW DONT KICK THE INTERNET AGAIN YOU SUCK KEKW YOU SUCK KEKW @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a Bookworm" yet?? Its fkcing wholesome!!! LUL KEKW pig WutFaceW so close lolol SO CLOSE KEKW close LUL lol lol !charity YOU SUCK U SUCK POG Donate Here - , Learn more here - looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool POG hecarim lol The game is Boshy chat M PogU E KEKW kekw DONT KICK IT fair boss you suck m o t a r o w i n s WutFace WutFace where can we get the game? KEKW WAAAAAT YOU SUCK @Lake_ftw !boshy KEKW you suck KEKW HAHAAHA SHANG TSUNG WINS yasmald shang tsung win YOU SUCK KEKW KEKW it's i wanna be the boshy from 2010 closeee Did you saw Faker today? SHANG TSUNG WINS sahng tsung wins anyone knows what game this is? owowwoallaallababbba @Lake_ftw I wanna be the boshy yasMald WAH WAH KEKW LULW @yassuo I remember faker playing this part lol SHANG TSUNG WINS ItsBoshyTime LUL LUL LUL LUL YOU SUCK LULW PowerUpL Shang Tsung Wins PowerUpR tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul ItsBoshyTime so close yasMald yasMald game name is I want to be boshy SHANG TSUNG WINS PepeLaugh @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? wanna play outlast bro PogU anyone knows what game this is h PepeLaugh Moe you clean on that last one BlessRNG BlessRNG Shang Tsung WINS SHOULD HAVE REACTED FASTER KEKW you can learn u fkn tater tot and quit crying KEKW Moe viewers too poor for charity PepeHands Moe just dodge like the shao khan dashes !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !Boshy !charity @Pinaaplemint I want to be boshy Donate Here - , Learn more here - where can we get the where can we get the game?game? Sharkerss -> Please refrain sending long messages. PROG RESS Did you saw Faker today? @Yassuo teach us some ryze ryze the only reason no1 donating today cuz we all saving money so we hit 50% on 28th so u get the haircut @Yassuo play KATAAAAAARINAAAAAAA JAYCE ANY CHARITY GIVERS? PepeHands play ZED @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? Kat YALLREADY KNOW WTF GOING On @Pinaaplemint League of Legends ur chat just isn't funny no flame lol ryze please kataaaaaa Asol pog Did you saw Faker today? @libanam7 appreciated bud DONATE TO BEAT CANCER yasSmash haha noobs DIED TO MUDKIP KEKW ryze Katarina ItsBoshyTime go play halo wtf shang tsun has OP build is this game freE? KEKW ziggs KEKW LET MUDKIP KILL YOU PunOko wtf is this game btw !CHARITY Donate Here - , Learn more here - man someone know how to play this game?? ZED Dude i cant wait for tbest of MOE 2019 SHANG TSUNG WINS @Yassuo keyboard is good this time?????????? anyone? KATARINA yas !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime chat? aurelion sol kassadin mid yas Jayce kass NOCTURNE Ap Leona yas ZED @yassuo is this the big charity stream? with the haircut? s SHANG TSUN WINS ryze how can I play this game? EZ SHANG TSUNG WINS h You fell off dumbass ZEDD kat Shang Tsung wins MaxLOL akalii not katarina PLAY ZED lissandra yass a kass SHANG TSUNG WINS show us ryze shang tsung wins PLAY NEEKO PogU PLAY NEEKO PogU MALZAHAR play shang tsung ziggs! shang tsung, wins KEKW MUDKIP AYYAAYA nocturn LEE SIN OP shang ZED PLAY KASSAWIN shung tsung wins Did you saw Faker today? SHANG TSUNG WINS PogU tsung @Yassuo why are you doing three charities instead of one big 1? samsung wins STFU fizz ZED fizz ryze ryze ryze!!! RYZE!! SHANG TSUNG WINS zed rumble this year? u gonna do 2 more this month? you fed shang tsung shang tsung wins Asol pogU W Shang Tsung POG SHANG TSUNG WINS PepeLaugh OM SHANG TSUNG WINS @Yassuo KASS Are you playing in the tyler1 tournamnet i'm learning ryze please THRESH AD MID Pog i luv u and hate u SHANG TSUNG WINS ItsBoshyTime ZAD Lucian SHANG TSUNG WINS ziggs Kat game bro? @Yassuo you've changed WeirdChamp WINS ZEDD poggers shang tsung wins KASSAWIN @Yassuo teach us some ryze scammer ZED LISSANDRA ryze teeenor or pussy @alkatryzer nope that’s the 28th PLAY NEEKO PogU aw zebi good inmidlane MK PogU KEKW SHANG TSUNG WINS EZ SHANG TSUNG WINS monkaEW KAYN Ryze SHANG TSUNG WINS ryxe WHAT A TILTER Sylas can annybody please tell me who wins? NOCTURNE monkaS RYZE monkaW you stupid fuck change channel -_- SHANG TSUNG WINSS talon or gonna go eat a melon KAPPA @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? Go lucian pog yasGood PepePls SHANG TSUNG WINGS SHANG TSUNG WINS zed shang TsUnG WinS NotLikeThis stop it Kappa Zed ZED @Yassuo can u play a akali game Ekko wwtf TEACH US RYZE PLEASE NOC SHAN POGS WIN pepeJAM Zed or Bed Did you beat megaman? @Yassuo SOUND YOU DEGENERATE MOELESTER shang tsun wins Pepega R Y Z E AATROX SHHANG TSUNG WINS pepeD shang tsung wins @Yassuo teach us some ryze . SHANG TSUNG WINGS #SHANGTSUNGWINS NOCTURNEE bro im losing it NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis ZED name of the game ? SHANG TSUNG WINS!!!!!! Kappa lost his mind KEKW DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! MingLee WINS play shing sun shang sunwins TriDance SHANG TSUNG WINS rYZE SHEN IS WEIRD Zed or bed monkaW @Yassuo PLAY SHANG ZHUNG KEKW SHANG TSUNG WINS Sylasss R Y .Z E stop feeding shang sung GO NAUT MID thanks dude lukaxlluka06 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. NotLikeThis NotLikeThis SHEN SUN WINGS SMOrc SMOrc SHANG SUNG zed or bed cmonBruh WHAT GAME IS THIS Sylas no balls Ekko yasGood irelia LUL @Yassuo YOURE GONNA GET BRAINWASHED BY THIS GAME AND ITS SOUNDS MAN ITS DANGEROUS KEKW play shang tsung ryze KEKW DIED WutFace WutFace WutFace play kassadin @Yassuo WHAT GAME IS THIS WutFace SHANG TSUNG WHAT? what's the name of the game? IRELIA ResidentSleeper can u play akali i really want to learn how to play her play ryze FAKER'S GAMES :D @Nrwoope I wanna be the boshy Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty are you close to beating this game? what game is that @wtfinky I wanna be the boshy Say hi i love you to me no League today? Shang Tsung Wins a literal bot are you close to beating this game?/ You're againgst doublelift @holeisback no ryze @holeisback hes in q you play it just becouse of Faker.. I CANT SEE IT yasSmash Kapp Kapp @Yassuo when are you playing the new jumpking? i love pnis y0Mexowh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! a literal bot @holeisback he is picking champ ryze @holeisback he is in the q reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo stealing faker's games WeirdChamp !boshi Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: @dankhubttv Boshy can u play akali i want to learn how to play @Yassuo ryze! mudkip AYAYA kk thanks @Yassuo and you have 3732 only on this world? KEKW well done 3732 deaths pooogg have u ever beaten any boss 1st time on boshy?? @Yassuo !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PLAYING AGAINST DOUBLE LIFT cheerwhal100 cheerwhal100 cheerwhal100 haven't you beaten this game before? reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! can u play LOL? @showermaker yeah not like this game was made for a twitch streamer named boshy WeirdChamp PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro PartyPoro Lets go Moe peepoclap PartyPoro @yassuo CHANGE GAME ON TWITCH ryze RITO NERF SHANG TSUNG what boss is sonic? @StealtHy34 3733 PepeLaugh hey have doublelif on their team and tsm supp Last one? LUL @yassuo you beat mario yet? ryze? PLAYING AGAINST DOUBLE LIFT XD NotLikeThis !charity damn Donate Here - , Learn more here - Irelia ResidentSleeper what the fuck is that game IRELIA ResidentSleeper ANY SLEEPERS ResidentSleeper KEKW ANY SLEEPERS ResidentSleeper ANY SLEEPERS ResidentSleeper tfbKS tfbKS tfbKS tfbKS tfbKS Thanks, again for everyone being here! SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS ResidentSleeper nooo KEKW KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ResidentSleeper irelia @Yassuo can u play akali after this game please? WeirdKEKW git gud @yassuo ResidentSleeper LULW KEKW ResidentSleeper ? rubiusSeh rubiusSeh rubiusSeh say it in all chat coward Irelia ResidentSleeper Are you doing song requests? yasThink Irelia ResidentSleeper IRELIA ResidentSleeper IRELIA ResidentSleeper IRELIA ResidentSleeper IRELIA ResidentSleeper IRELIA ResidentSleeper ANY SLEEPERS ResidentSleeper yo moe how u been? yes they swapped Do you get tax breaks for the money you raise for charity here? KEKW @Yassuo noooo LUL LUL LUl LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL peepoBlanket ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper CloudDevil -> Please refrain sending long messages. ResidentSleeper zZzzZ WeirdChamp IRE- ResidentSleeper doublelift used to be support lol Irelia rssidentsleeper IRELIA LMAO @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? HahaGingercat HahaGingercat can u play ryze irelia ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 tfb5 what boss is sonic?? ResidentSleeper next game irelia isnt ResidentSleeper if he doesnt play passive next game lee sin jg? Calling irelia boring WeirdKEKW damn ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo My mom got merried and now i won't be able to celebrate christmas, birthdays or any other holiday because of the mans religion. Could you say something that would cheer me up? ire resident sleeper ResidentSleeper f ResidentSleeper SO FREE KEKW IF YOU LOSE THIS THO WeirdKEKW irelia ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper HI PINOY BRB GOING TO DLIFTS STREAM FOR CONTENT Irelia ResidentSleeper tfb5 !uptime The stream has been live for 30 minutes 33 seconds Did you saw Faker today? @yassuo Keep ganking BOT akali hot ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper IRELIA yo méaxh???, IRELIA ResidentSleeper I GUESS TIME TO GO TAKE A 40 MIN NAP ResidentSleeper hi bro @Streamlabs is the link for boshy safe? can u play ryze @Yassuo can you pls tell ous who wins? CUCK IRE - ResidentSleeper get akali next game @andrazek800 the fifth, i am stuck at it Pog cool story bro how are you moe? long time no see @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? Hey Yassuo you absolute bot GUNNA BREAK UP KEKW KappaPride @Yassuo did you ever play Monster Hunter World? Kapp thresh plug haHAA pepeD I WANT A CHICKEN SANDWICH irelia ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Tryharding in preseason WeirdChamp ResidentSleeper play some anivia thresh ttv This song reminds me of your old streams, love you Moe <3 ire- ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKW Doublelift and BioFrost irelia ResidentSleeper Kappa IREL - ResidentSleeper yasR is someone also thinking that jglers Do less dmg in average per game? based on post game Stats? Kappa nah i ment shengzu no one cares Kapp !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? ResidentSleeper ryze :(( ive done it !Charity Kappa Donate Here - , Learn more here - Love u Irelia PogU pepeD Dl bot FailFish FailFish FailFish CLIP CLIP ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper like twitch rivals Sea Allah how will you communicate with faker? this look like a lost game WHY DO YOU NEVER PLAY ZOE AYAYA IRELI yasSleeper pepeD da 6 month Doublelift again xqcSlam pepeJAM poki1 poki2 @Stratictiger Pog :z Doublelift Rakan LUL poki3 poki4 Türk varmı They gonna lose PepeLaugh pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? what is this playlist? yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... why do people find a over-sized baby more entertaining than you? you should be the one having all the views homie Irelia yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper sssssss? pepeD fuk u all chat what is the full name of bashi?? chat what is the full name of bashi?????? SSSSSS chat what is the full name of bashi?? ratirlBusiness ANY BUISNESSMEN IN CHAT? ratirlBusiness -1 -500 already KEKW -1 chat what is the full name of bashi??chat what is the full name of bashi?? CS KEKW yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE...... Doublelift support Ez chat what is the full name of bashi??.. bait? SO BAD yas1 yas2 yas3 yasSleeper is doublelift in this game? chat what is the full name of bashi??? @IMTHEBEAST99 i wanna be the bashi ResidentSleeper sssss I WANT TO BE THE BOSHI Can't choke against DL and BioFrost @IMTHEBEAST99 obama HAHAHAHAHA hhhheeeeeyyyy moe i love you INting already KEKW ‘I wanna be the Boshy’ bashy * @IMTHEBEAST99 ???? LOUL INTING KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL FREE tell them how cringe they are Pog PepeLaugh KEKW it was pretty obv... Pog Lee THIS FIZZ HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW "FREE" WeirdKEKW rekt ahhahahH LUL KEKW ????? KEKW inting kekw ANY FEEDERS? KEKW @Yassuo can i get the game on steam? "FREE GAME" WHAT its free he says Irelia KEKW f??? this game is so free KEKW ????? FREE KEKW @Kurlzz <3<3 "Pure Domination as always" int just press dddddd LOL KEKW FREE BTW PepeLaugh PURE DOMINATION KEKW lol damn TRASH 100%win yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... yasSleeper IRE..... nice int KEKW KEKW SAVING FLASH FOR NEXT GAME KEKW ur so free KEKW you fell for that so easy KEKW No flash no sense 100% win KEKW winning btw :z Orokusakii -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. MALDING KEKW IRELIA + NOT SNOWBALLING ResidentSleeper Q ResidentSleeper IRELIA + NOT SNOWBALLING ResidentSleeper Q ResidentSleeper IRELIA + NOT SNOWBALLING ResidentSleeper Q ResidentSleeper IRELIA + NOT SNOWBALLING ResidentSleeper Q ResidentSleeper Picking irelia KEKW trolling i d c they might cheese u sure lul That was int pepegaJAM 100000000 % win it's free KEKW Kapp monkaEyes jung diff OMEGAROLL aei di ci PogMe is he always inting? ResidentSleeper Poppy Jng KEKW you Could Farm THIS GAME IS FREE KEKW CRINGE FREEZE KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? lvl 2 gank degenerate KEKW THEIR MID LEFT THE GAME !elo MISSING XD Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP The perma gank Lee PogChamp LUL LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TRASH KEKW @yassuo irelia is so bad into lee fizz I'm pretty sure thecokeking subscribed at Tier 1. ?? -1 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! zzzzz ResidentSleeper KEKW Fizz ragequit KEKW auto KEKW cs KEKW this poppy will prob say "cant gank until 6" CS LUL -2 KEKW KEKW FIZZ LEFT THE GAME cringe farm "This guy sucks" ? cringe cs LULW moe on irelia ResidentSleeper ?????????????????? yasN not that bad CRINGE CS KEKW CS KEKW ?????? -2 sanch on irelia POGGERS CS LULW me sub ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper kekw fizz afk CRINGE cs only 20k left to free sub Pepega only 20k left to free sub Pepega only 20k left to free sub Pepega CS KEKW ResidentSleeper Why is Moe playing ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ? cringe is a choice u Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday +1 yasOkay @Yassuo u got this my dude pepeD ANY RAVERS? pepeD ANY RAVERS? PepeLaugh TeaTime !uptime The stream has been live for 33 minutes 8 seconds why do people say kekw ? pepeD Irelia residentsleeper mid is back now !charity ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Donate Here - , Learn more here - TAKE ALL OF ME HandsUp Danny72119 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! take my sub big man moe <3 Q + Q + E + Q + Q +Q ResidentSleeper reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ratirlBusiness i am stricly here for business ratirlBusiness Q + Q + E + Q + Q +Q ResidentSleeper Q + Q + E + Q + Q +Q ResidentSleeper Q + Q + E + Q + Q +Q ResidentSleeper moe on yasuo ResidentSleeper moe on irelia ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper moe on ryze PogChamp PogChamp back in this bitch ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper irelia ;( !playlist !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - NICE FREEZE KEKW KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates hes bot W towershot? uniquenemesis subscribed with Twitch Prime. ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper nooo not irelia ResidentSleeper @Yassuo Do you think Irelia still good rn? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Losing against fizz wtf lee sin blue side NICE TRADE KEKW HES BOT GOOD TRADE KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue losing trade lv3 vs lv2 lee sin on blue Excuses PepeLaugh Bro your ping is so bad w when he e maybe? EXCUSES Thanks for the HahaSleep @uniquenemesis WEAR YOUR GLASSES Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW fzz is baiting again yasShrug ZZZZZZZZZ ResidentSleeper thuliumLingua yasShrug what was that e MORE NAV ResidentSleeper Chat dont ghost WeirdChamp ward?? Any sleepers in chat ResidentSleeper OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL White_1611 subscribed at Tier 1. Metro boomin want some more cmonBruh yas100T yas100T yas100T yas100T reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! rumble is revenge? NAV ResidentSleeper ward he was afk KEKW how u ben homie lee reset 100 @AKAROH it denied like 2 creeps, if he hits it the fizz gets oneshot @Yassuo Did you saw Faker today? !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP gonna gank mid from left side @WinterStorme Yes chat do u wanna group sleep while watching moe play irelia ResidentSleeper NAV MORE LIKE TRASH LUL NAV MORE LIKE TRASH LUL NAV MORE LIKE TRASH LUL NAV MORE LIKE TRASH LUL WARD? ciao @Dalbella Fizz has E ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Moe looks like Nav @AKAROH you cant e when stunned @Yassuo where can i install "I wanna be the boshy"? !followage ay subbed moe ma boi ebic how to download this game??? LMAO pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD LEE HERE monkaW Pog that lee loves you suuuure LUL bait... peepD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @jensnielsen Type !boshy why isn't there a SS blue version of moe sub-tag sure Kapp KEKW KEKW ??? LUKW KEKW So bad This game is over KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL HSHSHHSHSHAHAHHAHAHA XDDD KEKW KEKW TRASH WeirdKEKW UH OH lul BAITED rushed your E instead of waiting @Yassuo KEKW KEKW rip.. 0/2 so you know and still goes in KEKW was that planned as well? free win KEKW so ssad nice Jebaited KEKW why saving flash for TCS NICE LULW Super obv that he was still there. Boosted. KEKW That camp is crazy gg HEY YAS nah, u were just outta q range. otherwise you woulda died earlier oof Kekw why did you not keep ur e YOURE SO BAD LULW LULW MALD yasPepega rushed your E instead of waiting @Yassuo . u look fresh af! inting !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime f baddy baited habbii LUL LUL sssssss FREE PepeLaugh LOLW baited so hard yasSpit yasSpit KEKW noob rushed your E instead of waiting @Yassuo .. noob Mad @Yassuo its ok bro u getting hard camped tp top you're so mad 10000% win kekw Moe looks like NAV JK 😂😂 Why did you not keep the e thought he would dash back to his tower cringe better to gank top sad KEKW SAVING FLASH TILL TCS you're doing great moe !charity caught out as usual @Yassuo Donate Here - , Learn more here - whot is thi name from the song? YOU DID DIE THO WeirdKEKW its ok 5Head i see fake message KEKW scaling poppy KEKW did u leak ur roster for TCS moe has thicc ass keep it up moe we love you @majster69 bottom left im waiting for the clean 1v2 youtube clip @Yassuo you played Monster Hunter World before? look top POG QS "So free" PepeLaugh when is tcs ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you are bad what skin is that -300 mana ye @AZN_ u r kinda ugly i m not gonna lie @AZN_ he did u got this moe @AZN_ sanch, trick, moe, gosu, swifte 0/2 pepega Poppy is a useless champ you planning on playing halo at all? @Yassuo POGGERS @Yassuo Imagine playing with conq irelia and lose lmaooooo @expo_us project irelia prestige EricZYang not on Kain KEKW Fucking snake @sin_deed line up kinda crazy @expo_us project irelia prestige edition Why doran and shit when you can buy a sheen? ks Pog macedonianprince subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Coming up on a year keep up the great streams and quality high level gameplay reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ayyy that's my boiiii stealing farm KEKW Pog @AZN_ ahlie pog AATROX NOT TRYING TO HEAL KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Are u gonna do 1v1 and inted of giving us money ur gonna give it to charity when u lose? @yassuo Why doran and shit when you can buy a sheen? lmfao that tax TAX KEKW TAXING @Yassuo how do u carry games as a top laner/support? ik u play mid n jg but ur a challenger player nonetheless so u prolly have some advice does any1 know how much did he raise already? What a tax LUL dude aatrox is so broken atm farm? okay? just take his sister while you at it yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink poppy inting sad gets the kill, gets all the wave KEKW yeah im waiting for the clean 1v2 youtube clip stinger first? @Yassuo U lost a big wave for a kill I think it's not worth @auxt3ro dblade is insane took kill and cs like a true carry @Yassuo 24 hour stream? it's not tax it's pushing lane when man down bro revenge no farm LUL whats the reasoning behind stinger first? yasNunu gamer aatrox broken? LOOOOL not even close Moes TCS roster Top Sanch JG Trick Mid Moe ADC Gosu Supp Swifte u re useless yassuo there is a video of how a black guy is challenging you look for him as FRANCISTOXX SO FREE OMEGALUL biofrost xayah PogU So this is NA grandmaster? CODEINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oh wait its ericzyang RIP Auxtero noob stinger ??? Pepega CODEINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE wamp wamp wamp 000 8mins jungle KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriKool @yassuo why did you bought dblade and longsword when you could buy sheen @sin_deed CD, also attack speed for when u get full stacks (the ad bonus in nice) Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @Yassuo would you say that you are dummy thicc? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? doublelift rakan ? KODAK WideHardo if poppy had stopped doing blue and grabbed that mid wave it would have been so worth but shes inting PepeHands KEKW TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? THAT POPPY Q AHAHHAHAHAHA great champion care lee KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride WideHarder NA Poppy nice roam noob CarlSmile CarlSmile CarlSmile WideHarder HYPERCLAP CarlSmile Kappa nice e lee ??? ?? lee??? ?????? ?? lee KEKW the insec » lee lol what the fuck lol ?? KEKW LUL LEE LUL NICE FLASH lmaooooooooooo gripex KEKW NA PepeLaugh holy insec Yo chat, you guys play any sports? ?????????? ??? NA LOL Dominating LUL more like feeding again LUL LUL KEKW ay guys is this the normal or the kappapride KappaPride KappaPride KEKW blind af feeding KEKW dblelift roam Pog KEKW you blind? THIS GAME IS SO FREE KEKW ggwp @Yassuo how do u carry games as a top laner/support? ik u play mid n jg but ur a challenger player nonetheless so u prolly have some advice STILL WAITING FOR A STUN KEKW you have FLASH wtf so free btw GG GOODBYE noob relia KEKW KEKW NA KEKW Hashinshi ? Doublelift Pog GG doommmmed U CANT PLAY IRELIA @Yassuo Saving your F to the next game? :D go next HER KEKW LOOOOL @YessirGG Yeah, sleeping FREE BTW WeirdKEKW 15 min it her? "FREE GAME" her HER ? the thresh is not good D: her Doublelift PogU doublelift roam pog IIS THAT THE SUPER TOP? KEKW S OMEGALUL FREE blame jg MOE stop playing AATROX IS SO BROKEN ATM he said it was a free win cud doublift support is that hash? blame Canada nooooooo i cant play it on MAC... why the fk did i not buy a normal pc.. !spotyfi you are bad you are the 1/3 !dailybonus gg yasBad 100% win Her KEKW love from Turkey complaining wont help @Yassuo moe saving flash to season 14 yasBoo4 ur useless too though KEKW OUBLIFT AND HASHIN MOE UR WASHED @Yassuo is it true nav called u CRINGE??? @Paradox9 idiot KEEP IT UP MOE WE LOVE YOU @Yassuo poppy is farming till next game.. ur saving flash till next game xD true YUS @Yassuo how do u carry games as a top laner/support?ik u play mid n jg but ur a challenger player nonetheless so u prolly have some advice MOE U ARE THE BAD @QUOTE_IF_OVERPOW_INTED gdzie jest over? he is a kayn otp trueee KEKW LULW at least he admits it :) you are the bad yasThink haha get outplayed haha !spotify blame jg again phase? you kinda inted ngl man you missed 2 e's there, come on man @dunlol u are dababy panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove panuLove havent it one e you are the bad you obese @Yassuo why do u have stinger vs fizz THE BAD KEKW flash ? @AZN_ fact @dunlol KEKW maybe you outlaned him, but that's not gonna win you the game 4Head !uptime The stream has been live for 39 minutes 52 seconds KEKW no tiamat?? stun PogU @Yassuo isn't this poppy a known wintrader? I think i remember dom talking about this guy on stream some time ago W irelia garbage I mean u are Kapp KEKW You are the bad KEKW E KEKW True inting tactic on irelia? LOL Pog where do i buy moe shirts? Guys stfu MOE is the GOAT!!!!!! Who the fuck are you @dunlol @Yassuo dudes be like u dabad, but wont stop listening to dababy FailFish ??? pog this fizz is trash @oldghost77 cdr+attack speed cause fizz is also melee Pog POGCHAMPION ResidentSleeper why flash there ? !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: so sad KILL FIZZ MOE @Yassuo You BABOON Moe don't walk up if u don't have vision man Moe inting as usual= @AZN_ ok djboss2 @narniez fizz E @Yassuo Any big events coming up soon? guys isnt this irelia a known wintrader? EZREAL Pog haha POGG WATCH STREAAAAK POGU Wow moe Pog POGGERS wassup pog PogU ezreal Pog POOOOOOOOOOG who needs a supp bm EZREAL Pog Yes :) DOUBLELIFT KEKW TRASHED JAHA ez 1v2 Ez Pog Moe wanna 1v1? nice job doubleaids Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @chaitealatte7 Shut up pussy 1/3 trash talk Pog im telling u thresh is useless Toxic WeirdChamp FLAMING WeirdChamp ty KEKW ezr will carry KEKW TOXIC WeirdChamp 1/3 talking OMEGALUL LUL Don't kill me moe POPPY POGGERS YO POPPY KEKW @Millionere fite me bitch WeirdChamp Vivids_left_kneecap -> Please refrain sending long messages. Poppy Pog hs doin more then u thpo You're rushing the Second part of your E too often this game. js Pog Poppy 1v9 o POGGERS POPPY Pog POPPY Pog POPPY Pog POPPY Pog POPPY Pog Imagine getting kills in lane as Ezreal KEKW Imagine getting kills in lane as Ezreal KEKW Imagine getting kills in lane as Ezreal KEKW Imagine getting kills in lane as Ezreal KEKW LUL Poppy flaming a girl widepeepoSad from where can i buy your merch? THANKS POPPY DOIN WORK moooooooooooooooooooo look guys, hes flaming his jungler Pog look guys, hes flaming his jungler Pog look guys, hes flaming his jungler Pog aye she kept it up !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: poppy 1v9 wtf poppy did something 1v1? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - IM SMURF Pepega Kappa smurfing # 8 and a half lol if ur irelia u will always have okay cs SOLO LANERS GET MORE XP LOL Gj poppy can you play crit fiddle next? You dare speak when inting ? OMEGALUL wym hee has same kda :) SckOnMaNuut subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! 14 months already HELL YA BROTHER offline boys bunch of WeirdChamp ? ers why is he trash talking him so much ? Pepega look at that sexy squint reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW Slide on the water like a batshit mean Isn't poppy a kayn main? Dem turrets dont overpush Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor ?? UR SUCH A Pepega Pepega ocean :D 3 FeelsRainMan yes @Bass_IV OMEGALUL @NamiUltedJapan6 that's not what he meant Thanks, again for the support @Yassuo TriKool TOWER TRADES BETTER THAN FIZZ Poogs HE moe FeelsRainMan Pooga dodge e?? OMEGALUL smurf Can someone share some channel points I still need 20 thousand for a free sub WeirdChamp solod saved R nice WOA CONQ BALANCED???? SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp SckOnMaNuut WeirdChamp AH close save R Pog r? @Yassuo show us ur keybord plz POGGERSQ not bad Pepega ?? ????// Pog Pepega DOGSHIT WOOF WOOF Pepega w longer? Aren't you a Yasuo main? Or him lol yes for conq heal @PepegaDetective_C134 what he mean then hey Moe just joined, how's your day been? what if u w longer? then hea; ???????????? can u ult minnions? 1/3 PepePls BLAMING TEAM PepePls 1/3 PepePls BLAMING TEAM PepePls 1/3 PepePls BLAMING TEAM PepePls 1/3 PepePls BLAMING TEAM PepePls 1/3 PepePls BLAMING TEAM PepePls 5Head 5Head TheArcalius WeirdChamp ? 5Head 5Head TROLLING MOE I FOOKIN LOVE U GRETINGS FROM #GEORGIA EU dont think the ult does dmg to minions right? ye but you cant think that deep mid fight does he knows to hold down w ????? ult minions then ult hm KEKW @NamiUltedJapan6 he's ahead of fizz by 1 level 5Head ult b4 ur last q rabano 5Head ????? or just kill him first 4Head @phyzz1x are you stupid man? k what if u w longer?? 5Head Ah yes ++ 5Head I see time to watch tyler play halo KEKW ult him after first q:? ???? yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 E TU he ulted the minons it damages and get q reset 5Head u hjust had to q his jump on the caster minions tho @Yassuo POPPY CARRYING Pog asiankelvin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! follow me on insta @user poppy gettin fed DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! for 60 hp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! doesnt ult not affect minions why moes chat i@ so toxic OOOO POPPY CARRY @SawmattNA im just trolling lol carried by poppy Pog POPPY CARRY Pog MOE he yaa 3Head cmonBruh yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 tyler about to 1v1 erobb in halo Pog D: bot needs help moe #$%#%#$%#^#@%#$%# poppy carry Pog PPY Pog ppy E KEKW When are u gonna play pummel again with the squad? @Yassuo push mid go bot HAL OMEGALUL Halo is out on pc POGGERS @SawmattNA do you like living? does he knows how to hold down w?? 3Head ENUFF !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Poppy wintrading for you biddy OH oh POOPPY yasBoo3 yasBoo1 yes 3head Halo is on pc You cant W fizz damage iron chat w only reduces phys damage KEKW iron chat KEKW HAL OMEGALUL old helo pog its out on steam BrokeBack NotLikeThis thats respectable Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - halo on pc MICROS OMEGALUL FT @Yassuo how do you not flame your chat? everyone is so toxic towards you man halo Pog yooooooooooooooo what's puppying moelesters KEKW ya its cool dont read mine WeirdChamp ? HALO POGGERS no tiamat OMEGALUL !help Snakes cannot play HALOSnakes cannot play HALOSnakes cannot play HALO is it new game or smthing ? TehePele clean its halo reach TehePelo ? @SckOnMaNuut PepeLaugh Moe do you think your better than Arkadata? what playlist do you listen to @Yassuo no im gonna work overtime to get you that haircut moe Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Pog PPY its just master chief collection on pc !playlist @boforp POPPY PogU Snakes cannot play HALO @Yassuo you always talk about playing different games but wont even try the new Halo POPPY CARRYING Pog @Yassuo How come you changed the sub badges? pc is SeemsGood poppy carrying you Pog Busted P Pog PPY BlackDynamite17 pepepepe PepeLaugh pog ppy will carry !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - POPPY PogU KEKW POPPY @Yassuo Do you gain anything by raising your rank in preseason? LMAOO YOU carried Kekw LULW YES KEKW ?? poppy 1v9 this shit KEKW MOE DO YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ARKADATA RUFF RUFF OhMyDog OhMyDog :( M OMEGALUL O @Yassuo stick to LB and Yas zoomer Poppy doing work SHUT UP DOG DOG STREAMER KEKW shut up dog haven't flamed him KEKW WeirdChamp ? !keybord Pog ur botlane lost to biofrost adc when u gonna do pummel again? @Yassuo @yassuo why didn't u buy sheen yet? Pog NICE ONE my eyes @Yassuo how do you not flame your chat? everyone is so toxic towards you man @Yassuo Do you gain anything by raising your rank in preseason? Pog ur botlane lost to biofrost adc KEKW that fizz is so bad play yassuoblade @EricZYang omg he here cmonBruh @Yassuo stick to LB and Yas zoomer UR SO SLOW WHERES RUMBLE?? ur botlane lost to biofrost adc these rumble ults are tragic KEKW ? WeirdChamp ? cmonBruh WeirdChamp ? MOE DO YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ARKADATA?? ah ok kekw @Jotta_T1 he has a tri force I'm smurfing KEKW rumble pings he goin in but dosent @yassuo show us ur keybord Cloth armor wtf Yassuoblade Moe how much you pay for your haircut why are u feeding ? OhMyDog @user KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PogChamp mo Why don’t you buy tiamat for conquer ? @yassuo yasBoo4 why didn't you prioritize the sheen? BlackDynamite17 get ur mans PepeLaugh I don’t think irelia is a good pick on high ping ngl my dude. CarlSmile PolishEagle2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! POOPY Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yo sup dog Yo chat what turns you on more feet or armpits? everytime i watch NA server i remember how bad team mechanic is. Everyone just plays for kda instead of objectives LUL LUL ee KEKW BlackDynamite17 how behind is he? hes that poopular PepeLaugh THRESH ????? KEKW Yo chat what turns you on more feet or armpits???? @bottttttle feet THRESH KEKW follow my insta xiaofa_zhu follow my insta xiaofa_zhu follow my insta xiaofa_zhu Kappa THRESH KEKW When pummel mannnn ? !uptime KEKW KEKW The stream has been live for 46 minutes 7 seconds chat whos harder to master fiora or yasuo when prett ni KEKW bronze idiots flaming grandmaster streamer KEKW THRESH KEKW @bottttttle the back of knees really get me CarlSmile @Yassuo true or false, you get fed its gg for them Kappa Thresh is smurfin wdym! sanch irelia is kinda clean ngl i wanna 1v1 that fizz so bad @Orcanito same Yo chat what turns you on more feet or armpits? @averydankmemer im literally the poppy you dunce yeah its actually @user but haha all g it was just as a joke. love your streams moe! !specs CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz @SckOnMaNuut PepeLaugh charity popping off sometimes i tape my dick to my thighs give poppy stayed cool honor if you win !spec that thresh is not grandmaster im sorry is sanch playing irelia tcs? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - why not get tiamat? @bottttttle you are just weird why no tiamat feet mklv13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. DansGame DansGame KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! nothing armpits HUH ew feet feet @optimistic42 weirdchamp none NEITHER armpits ? \ D: neither none YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 YOU 😳 armpits FEET @optimistic42 WeirdChamp DansGame feet armpits? feet ARM PITS???? is sanch playing irelia tcs?? KEKW feet NOTHING DansGame WTF feets feet ???? both lmfao Neither armpits BlackDynamite17 ohhh true???? is it for the djboss fund?? qrmpits both none feet always WutFace DansGame feet ew thighs @Orcanito I'm not even talking to you, monkey. WutFace Armpits feet give poppy stayed cool if you win DansGame NEITHER armpits FEET PogU NEITHER LUL BOTH. Maws YOU 😳 feert if anything true neither feet DansGame is sanch playing irelia tcs? ass. ?????? aslong as she has hairy airpits if feet are cute ? feetss Moe right not gonna li I'd rather my cancer killed me @HarryJamessPotter I saw that KEKW im good on that hhhhhhhh ur chat are all topical yasuo XD feet ????????????????? what is armpits ? no feet feet Dick :) ew. Carryyyy salve yasuo feet dude wtf no questions ass who gets turned on by arm pits what the fuck KEKW @SckOnMaNuut lmao that man needs it feet feet actually armpits why moe is always feeding tits ass Kreygasm FLASH? its a solution wierdchamp POKI'S TOES KEKW Song? feets Kreygasm THAT FLASHHH who likes armpits is sanch playing irelia tcs?? LULW ?????? nice f NA F? yo i just met tyler and he really isnt that big F? KEKW KEKW You got dis all day footboj jessicas feet both gachiHYPER is sanch playing irelia tcs? poki1 poki2 Neither wtf chat armpits Hashinshin Neither i prefer moes ugly face rather than feet or armpits ! @Yassuo ??????????? armpits WutFace that e killed u POPPY WINS THOSE KEKW pog poki3 poki4 !uptime The stream has been live for 47 minutes 21 seconds @Yassuo armpits kinda look like nice ass 0 yasTrue @Yassuo ass... is sanch playing irelia tcs?? what is armpits ?! f was kekw SO MANY GOOD BODYPARTS TO CHOSE FROM DansGame NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LOL google that shit wtf its just another crevis for your shlong Feet xd @Yassuo how do you not flame your chat? everyone is so toxic towards you man @yassuo pure domination?? does this include my asshole? Both PogU Asshole turns me on jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM feet WTF bro? There are simply women with cute feet KEKW people got some weird kinks KINK SHAMING? poki @Yassuo whoa harder to master yasuo or fiora ? @Yassuo armpit lowkey look like some ass haHAA poki3 poki4 haHAA feet Kreygasm hahahahahahaha WutFace AUTISM Are you playing in tcs moe JUST DO IT nice flash what makes a armpit sexy armpits look like pussy @Yassuo LUL LUL feet are sexy af man @Yassuo when you cuddle you can tickle it or some shit idk armpit job bro Armpits look like buttcracks I guess is sanch playing irelia tcs? WutFace haHAA Neither i prefer moes ugly face rather than feet or armpits ! @Yassuo ! feet are sexy armpits are disgustang haHAA are you always that bad moe ??? FEET AYAYA ARMPIT AYAYA do you record the whole stream armpit is better haHAA Clap haHAA ? haHAA yikes twitch chat nerds who theink theyre funny turn me on @dunlol the sweat haHAA Clap haHAA poki3 poki4 x TRUE haHAA @dunlol are you kidding me haHAA poki feet Kreygasm haHAA KEK WeirdKEKW ARMPITS What about collarbones? haHAA Moe likes feet KEKW haHAA I GET TURNED ON BY YOU 😳 haHAA Yo waddup moe @dunlol you ever smell a girls armpit after she worked out? @Orcanito tru !charity i get turned on by her left nostril Donate Here - , Learn more here - gachiBASS @Yassuo armpits do look like armpits lowkey no one cares about you bro poki1 poki2 haHAA Clap poki3 poki4 HYOON feet m chimp @ChimpNA ur an inter @Orcanito When did I imply that? There are literal gold players in this chat that flame when they've been hardstuck for 5 years gachiHYPER ? @Orcanito n-no.. youtuber KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY forsenH Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : ELBOW Kreygasm 2/6 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LULW @Dalbella fuck u mean I ALWAYS FUCK ARMPITS THATS MY FAVOURITE THINF TO DO WHEN HAVING SEX he didnt dinish reading what i said SadChamp poki1 "high quality" 3-6 LMAO 2018 moe, yall ever just get a porn party on discord and watch with your homies? Bruh kinkshaming me I mean skinny armpits have those curves that mm poki PogChamp holy cowe that's gosu? cringe question We don't stop until every patient is a long term cancer survivor! where is that emote from tho @dunlol d-did you want to? uwu ezrial 1v2 in the bot lane BICEPS gachiHYPER @ChimpNA you are chimp on na right? 1v1 Chimp Moe Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? @Dalbella ya PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Orcanito mybe.. kfc yo moe whos ur favorite artist? REDDIT THREAD : YASSUO KINK SHAMES ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS im pretty sure that ez is gosu right? @chimpna PogChamp Alright guys 2nd question what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees?????? watermelon @gortiz99 chimpHey yasU gachiHYPER ? @bottttttle WeirdKEKW deliciouseyeballs subscribed with Twitch Prime. EZ Po reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! i want to play league too. dodge charger gachiHYPER Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees?? stfu dono yasPride Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! GOSU ???? <3 @Yassuo do you think your eralia or TFs is better? @Yassuo yeah its actually @user but haha all g it was just as a joke. love your streams moe! copying sliker WeirdChamp Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at !chairty gachi bus 😂 DL INTING KEKW EZ LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo is this 24 hour stream? poki1 poki2 poki3 poki4 pokiLOL Astarothx2 -> Please refrain from posting links. Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? @Yassuo !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - press 1 in chat if you sniff your fingers after you scratch your balls Kreygasm @iSony1 no thats on the 28th !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 1 yasFBM VoHiYo yasFBM yasFBM 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clap RODDY RICCH ALBUM THIS FRIDAY POGGERS Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees?? 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Moe I dare you to bet on a Rank 1 trip 1 Trueeeeeee 1 1 1 1 2 DansGame yasR yasR 1 1 1 1 1 1 wtf im turned on by licking teeth Kreygasm 111111 doublelift and bio troll way to much another classic game of league finished in 20 minutes Can you say happy birthday to my friend Todor Georgiev 2 @zack_zacky show feet Kreygasm gg 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 gachiHYPER 1 gachiHYPER 1 @mccasmon 1 but nothing Kreygasm about that Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? 1 for eyebrows and 2 for knees 1 1 @Yassuo CAN YOU TYPE IN ALL CHAT OFFROLE NA PROS LUL 1 1 1 they blew an 8-2 lead like SKT gg PogChamp pepeD Stinky 1 DL Rakan LUL BloodTrail 1 1 KEKW bet SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss oh hes playing against doublelift :D 1 Kapp 2 @ayaya27 yes gachiBASS ez 1v9 1 @BlackDynamite17 pepeD Stinky KEKW EASY DELUSIONAL KEKW NA Kapp KEKW @yassuo i ship out for the navy tommorow and watching you is genuinly relaxing thank you. EYES CLOSED RANK 1 i fine @Yassuo who harder to maser fiora or yasuo ? @Yassuo gg CARRIED KEKW I didn't know pure domination was called 3/6 Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @AKAROH PepePls @zoramura the smell Kreygasm is Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? 1 for eyebrows and 2 for knees! LAN LOL do OCE we are shit BRAZIL KEKW CARRIED KEKW NA KEKW @Yassuo Did you hear about the middle east tourni riot games made for 2mill dollars prize? OMEGALUL C E ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS ANY NUT BUSTERS? gachiBASS moe u were carried by that poppy u flamed hard @BlackDynamite17 PepePls KEKW people spamming messages to get noticed WeirdChamp 1 KEKW CARRIED KEKW Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? 1 for eyebrows and 2 for knees?? HOW DID YOU win this game @Yassuo he was support you dog EZ carried my dude Thank you! WHAT UP YASSSSS!!!!!!? AFRICA LUL gachiGASM @Yassuo joining 100T tomorrow, thanks for the great streams !CHARITY Donate Here - , Learn more here - 1 Lee fucker gived up Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? 1 for eyebrows and 2 for knees??? @Yassuo you read my resub?? gachiGasm @Yassuo look at the damage to see your size Beat Doublelift PogChamp 1 honor ez please @Yassuo hey can you say happy birthday to my friend Dimitar :) bitch nice mic @Yassuo would you say you dummy thicc :P @yassuo his playing support his trolling KEKW @Yassuo Did you hear about the middle east tourni riot games made for 2mill dollars prize? Alright guys 2nd questions what turns you on more eyebrows or the back of the knees???? Moe let me know SHEEEEEEEEEEESH MOE YOUR SHIT CLEAN WeirdKEKW U gonna gamble in vegas? 5 BOOSTED BY REVENGE KEKW ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS so many gays going sailor in ur chat bruh !uptime The stream has been live for 50 minutes 53 seconds EatASnickersBruh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Love you Moe, hope you’re having a good day TwitchUnity reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo dmg size your size @bottttttle what the fuck is wrong with you Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor hahaha rofl those clash invites 1v1a @yassuo got a job interview tomorrow gimme sum peptalk pls @yassuo how much for you to just shave your eyebrows yea dont kick internet again gachiBASS !uptime d OMEGALUL ublelift The stream has been live for 51 minutes 13 seconds MAIN GAME TIME FeelsGoodMan !reward gg man arab is the best GAY YAS PogChamp @yassuo @Yassuo 1v1s Did it work I wanna be the bushy omg that's so old 1v1 chimp pussy beat BioADC thatsinsane nostalgic yea getting fucked by shang tsung is more fun than league !wallpaper understandable lmao ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 BOSHY Pog LEAGUE KEKW Are you tho? @Yassuo play boshy only and kick ur internet again whens the merch gonna be back in stock Chat Im never in the mood for sex is that normal? !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LUL BlackDynamite17 wait holy fuck 800 in less than an hour thats Pog unlucky that that money cant buy dj a brain PepeLaugh PogChamp @Yassuo i need to go soon, if we can get akali please do. Missed it being played by u my dude Pog @Yassuo Thanks moe can we se the Rolex?? auxt3ro -> Please refrain from posting links. FeelsRainMan @Yassuo how much for you to just shave just your left eyebrows ????? @SckOnMaNuut nah he been streaming longer lol his internet just cut out why u type that in a twitch chat HAHAH ??????? @Yassuo just only play boshy Asexual yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood wat Season 9 challenger? I think you finished GM buddy @Yassuo Did you hear about the middle east tourni riot games made for 2mill dollars prize?? Gay 4Head same yassuo how much for you to just shave just your left your eyebrow? Moe please give me a good joke i really need one befor bed ^^ KEKW yea never seriously Don't forget the 1v1s later <3 same never in the mood = cant get any :P kapp @Yassuo whos harder to play yasuo or fiora LUL BlackDynamite17 oh ok @AKAROH WeirdChamp Im just never down for it idk why KEKW same @Yassuo have you played sekiro auxt3ro -> Please refrain from posting links. yeah me to @AKAROH no its not normal you should be wanting sex 24/7 gachiBASS I jerk off once a week so i dont jizz in my pants at night, its literally a chore not a want Is it ever ok to save nudes a girl sends you on snapchat @Yassuo sphuduu subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @averydankmemer there is such thing as gay sex tho :thinking_face: @AKAROH Thats actually a fair point im in the mood to drown in sperm :DDD PartyPoro yasGood yasAYAYA incel imagine playing league for a living Yo @Yassuo opgg not looking good xD yassuo how much for you to just shave your eyebrows @neekomains gachiBASS KEKW @Yassuo whos harder to play yasuo or fiora? @Yassuo @SetsunaEna just look in the mirror Maybe its less of being in the mood or not and more of not wanting to put forth the effort to make it happen yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead man its frustrating to me when im not in a mood when i want to be if you feel me ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ?? HahaPoint a lot Kapp ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS ANY VIAGRA ABUSERS? gachiBASS @sin_deed ariW iam down if she asks tho Kappp ???? Kapp Kapp because they dont want to sendu more liar @Yassuo can you say hbd to my friend Dimitar no girls send you nudes what you on about A LOT OF GIRLS Kapp Kap @Yassuo u got ur rollie from chuck e cheese? 💯 @Yassuo opgg not looking good xD @Yassuo have you learnt this boss yet? 1v1 yassuo how much for you to just shave your eyebrows!!!!!!!!! Kapp "a lot of " SURE Kapp LIAR yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue Kapp another fake story KEKW what girls ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ' Kapp THEYRE CATFISH KEKW Kaoo Kap moe gets nudes from guys not girls Yo @Yassuo opgg not looking good xD why did you buy a dorans blade instead of sheen @yassuo @Yassuo if you are never in the mood for sex then you never had good sex A LOT OF GUYS Kapp LOL Kapp does any actually tell u to? that dalm ss was so funny @Yassuo Can I send u on snapchat? @itzhannie Idk why ever since after November missed my resub feelsbadman yasPlead whats the point of sending nudes and keep em IS THIS MORTAL KOMBAL LOL @Yassuo My snap is bugged and doesnt show if i screenshot so i can do it freely LULW sup for every 10 deaths ? play boshi while blindfolded? :O @Yassuo Saving nudes from snapchat liar! ur a virgin KAPPA to jerk off Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @DankAkush3 Old one not funny anymore at 2019 yasFat yasYoink yasFat yasYoink yasFat yasYoink h @itzhannie ......... @Yassuo opgg not looking good xD Thanks, for the donations! ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime how are u not gettin triggered from this? what game is this yasGood plz just jump gosh ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime sup cutie patootie LUL how are YOU @tsb_hunter I wanna beat the boshy ItsBoshyTime @tsb_hunter something like that Follow me on Twitter for updates Fila ? Play Viktor next? Dono PepeHands PepeHands yasFat yasYoink yasFat yasYoink yasFat yasYoink yasFat yasYoink !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - did you beat megaman yesterday? btw who is the horniest man or woman :( ANY BOSHY BEATERS? gachiBASS yasTrue yasTrue wassup @Yassuo love the stream Clap ItsBoshyTime Clap @ChimpNA is beat the boshy a euphemism for fap fap fap? what is this game KEKW Clap ItsBoshyTime PepeHands AUTISM i recommended this game to my friend and he's been stuck on solgryn for the last week LMAO yasANELE ebababababab eb ebbbbabababaabba SHANG TSUNG WINS Uh oh stinky PepePls @BlackDynamite17 @chimpna chimp youre a mod? just don't die 4Head CLAP CLAP CLAP !delay Clap yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega Uu yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE KEKW Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasPepega Clap i relly dont like those type of games so frustrating @anjar_ idk wtf a euphemism is @AKAROH first one to leave loses shoutout to portugal @ChimpNA Pepega @Yassuo you might do betterif you disable sound Clap stay strong my man !time Current time in Los Angeles: 02:41:24 PM im a naughty 12 year old girl pm me yasMald yasMald yasMald What is this game?? negative winrate on yasuo KEKW @BlackDynamite17 Smh Yassuo do you always raise money for charity? @yassuo how can you not dodge these abilities theyre right in front of your facd is there a way to change the speed you walk at yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG @Yassuo he got to solgryn in like 10 days but i meant he's been stuck trying to beat solgryn for the last week @AKAROH i totally dont have the advantage PepeLaugh YOU SUCK !Charity @hideous101 incel Donate Here - , Learn more here - Dude finished this in 30 minutes !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you suck KEKW Come to portugal one day XD @BlackDynamite17 You bastard I WANNA BE THE GACHI gachiHYPER SHANG SUNG Pog llulululululululu did u know girls into sex by 90% and boys are 50% !duo Hey @Yassuo Revenge @EchoMan99 i wanna be the boshy get rekt by shang tsung powa holy fk this game is so obnoxious FeelsBadMan @yassuo catch up on subs and donations piss boy @Yassuo what games this? yasPepega lol u died @Yassuo come to portugal someday @chat i need advise, I might be Malding so i started minoxidil 1 week ago, i have shed some hair due to that. do you think it is worth trying Finasteride? :( @Yassuo how much times do you wank a day Y O U S U C K KEKW @anjar_ "sung" WeirdChamp !followage PORTUGAL DE CU E ROLA !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @weeweeholeburning ty PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype ResidentSleeper wtf PORTUGUESES E TUDO VIADO 2?? my man sung smurfing ResidentSleeper ANY WANKERS IN CHAT? 3Head J j J j J j J j J j J 2? lol Jesus better play supermario @Yassuo tanto fuga aí fds dude put it in the title or something ive ehard u answer that question like 6 times 2?? wtf @Yassuo i hope akali doesnt get banned :'( @Yassuo can we see the Rolex bb? k Twice PER DAY? 3Head gachiBASS 2 is usual i wonder if the creator of boshy will ever develop a last boss that's literally impossible to fuck with players LUL 3Head OI NaM wins shang tsung wins CALA BOCA RONALDO SI SHANG TSUNG WINS change song wins ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime last time i was watching you had 3650 deaths hahaha Thoughts on Gross gore ninja situation? 3Head YOU SUCK KEKW WINS 2 is ez mode shang tsung wins. Rookie numbers hi @Yassuo yo is there some new girl story shang tsung wins Pepega 4head wins shang tsung wins VIKTOR game :D NaM wins NaM wins NaM wins NaM wins when we getting merch back in stock SHANG TSUNG WINS gonna be hearing alot of shang tsung wins KEKW PORTUGAL CARALHO Shang tsung wins NotLikeThis SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS @Yassuo whats the max? who won? are you playing league today shang tsung wins PORTUGALLLL shang tsung wins poggers support this guy nightmeree how do I even get to this game I cant find out whee to go shang tsun wuns KEKW SHANG TSUNG @yassuo dont fight during blood shang tsung wins catch up on donations and subs Shang tsun wins shang tsung wins yasJAM SHANG TSUNG WINS Dude no fucking way twice a day is usual vymainLOL vymainLOL vymainLOL YO I TIHNK SHANG TSUNG WINS Chang Song Wins PA CIMA DELAS PORTUGAL go pking on runescape change song winss How many times do you beat your dick a day Habibi @Yassuo shang tsung win shang tsung win shang tsung win SHANG TSUNG WINS SHANG TSUNG WINS SMOrc Clap WHO WON ? yeah... twice a day... thats weird... i never do that NaM wins is mudkip jumping outskreen everytime? @anjar_ the last boss on the hardest difficulty is like this PORTUGAL CARALHO shang tsung wins !charity !uptime Donate Here - , Learn more here - The stream has been live for 56 minutes 19 seconds caralhoooooooooooooooo NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @Yassuo your arabic accent sounds like the Levant accent. shang tshu wins How long will the stream be? SHANG TSUNG WINS PEPEHANDS Failureboy_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo 1v1 me noob @xxSimoes E CARALHO can you try hard boshy ? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo Change your name to Shang Tsung and you will win your ranked games too Kappa wtf is that game anyone ever think what happens if the creator of boshy purposefully creates an unbeatable boss? or just me @Yassuo moe are you doing tcs Kreygasm CARALHO timing :,D kakkaakaa is boshy on steam? Which skin do you hate the most in league? Danke für HahaCat @failureboy_. @Yassuo COME TO PORTUGAL @yassuo just dodge dont fight @r0chinha14 lol faker? MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega @anjar_ just you why is everyone playing halo IT S PORTUGUESE MODS what the game Hello yassuo Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Yo @Yassuo opgg not looking good xD @Yassuo Whats your max jacking off in a day? watch youtube videos your views are struggling on boshy right now moe why you keep dying? @moinburger020 feelsbad Hey man you suck DOOD yasMald KEKW @r0chinha14 @xxSimoes @kaz1kan0 english only KEKW DUUD yasSmash KEKW Tyler playing halowtf MALD vymainLOL vymainLOL fatalily Ur raging @Yassuo lul @xxsimoes your point ? @Akram_Hamdi it's normal if you're not super busy/free everyday. Wank sometime in the day and probably before bed DUD yasSmash alot of poeple are playing halo calou seus cabrões yasFat it just came out for pc today 113k @Yassuo 112k viewers atm Really liking the stream btw halo mad popular rn tyler is playing halo 113k what the fuck is this game LMAO HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DOWNLOAD A BUNCH OF SONGS IN ONNLY ONE PAGE AND ONE CLICK??????????????????? XD by everyone i think they mean Tyler1. master chief collection got released on pc ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD Zoomer Moe never played Halo WeirdChamp T1 has 15k on his own @Yassuo tyler summit and xqc are streaming it 2k less than League 113k PORTUGAL BEST COUNTRY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Shang tsung is faker Moe Ur Kinda Clean At Boshi It’s just released for pc Pepega @blackdynamite17 I was actually telling them to shut up PORTUGAL PORRA @Yassuo Come to portugal moe how is this game possible !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo i have played league since season 1 got dia5 season 3 and stoped playing @ season 5 and im thinking of coming back at it would support be a good roll to start on in season 10? T1 and xqc are playing halo COME TO PORTUGAL MOE LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo how do you play that game @Yassuo ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Come to portugal moe Yeah, come to portugal WELL DONE (dies) DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! love the stream bro BEST GIRLS EUW @Yassuo DO NOT FIGHT DURING BLOOD JUST DODGE @Yassuo Come to portugal moe pog you can win ez if you tryhard this come to Portugal dude bring sub zero to win this or some shit yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo . ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW noob The Portuguese are invading again 4Weird KEKW PUM ok gachiBASS MUD KIP KEKW KEWK @Yassuo i can fuck your entire life for just 4.99 KEKW MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega MUD KIP Pepega I’m sorry but boshy looks like the least fun game ever made @yassuo I agree, Portugal best country @yassuo cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW Yo portuguese people , I know ur fanboying but like shut up , hes busy and hes going to LA not portugal you have alot 9f pussy in Portugal What game is he playing ? Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty let him talk :rage: Aimbot LUL So.... LUL Come to portugal moe Donate Here - , Learn more here - ONCE AGAIN SHING TSUNG WINS The fuck is this new highlighting. SHeeeeshhh. You are inting btw what's the game KEKW KEKW lMAO KEKW KEKW this nerd LULW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW KEKW yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo AYY LMAO OOO MAI GAAAAAD lol KEKW KEKW wtf was that LUL KEKW KEKW KEWK HAHAHAHA ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo Come to portugal moe OMEGALUL What difficulty you on @Yassuo ? "last time" the sky KEKW yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT MUD KIP Pepega too high up blood monkaEyes KEKW MALD KEWK 4WeirdW strabeSmile gachiHYPER ASS gachiBASS gachiBASS Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: :( gachiHYPER KEKW gachiHYPER WutFace stfu MAD @Yassuo Come to portugal moe gachiHYPER OHHH MY GAAWWWWDDD I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU TERRIBLE PERSON TERRIBLE PERSONALITY did the devs finish this game? Still doing 1v1s later? @Yassuo KEKW Polska gurom C: whats the game? Come to Portugal!! gachiBASS Come to portugal gachiBASS raging @Yassuo it came from your nose delete game came from ur moms vagina PLS STFU ITS NEAR 12 PM IN EUROPE uninstall it WutFace yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo /// and eat my ass yasH did faker beat this game? ragequit yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug ORNN JUNGLE Pog JUST moe chilling @Yassuo Come to portugal TILT lul RODDY RICCH ALBUM THIS FRIDAY POGGERS @Yassuo u succ come to portugal helo man Yo, Moe what do you think about Star Wars? LOVE YOU MOE <3 LUL KEKW COME TO PORTUGAL, BEST GIRLS faker past here likd LULW ORNN JUNGLE KEKW ornn support WeirdChamp ? elo ornn jg PepeHands KEKW <3 @Yassuo if you are never in the mood for sex then you never had good sex Thanks, for supporting us! We are here for you! !followage from serbia Come to portugal moe moe are you in TCS @Yassuo come to portugal RAP GOD Pog Ok :) # catch up on subs and donos FUCK CANCER <3 !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - stfu portugal fucks COME TO PORTUGAL MOE FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper !playlist FUCKING SNAKKKKKKKKKE ornn jg KEKW what happened to doshi urn jg? I followed you @Yassuo Pog @Yassuo Come to portugal moe BibleThump BibleThump FUCK CANCER moen19Love moen19Love ornn* LOT OF LOVE FROM PORTUGAL @zvelocityo literally raising money for personality 4Weird RESPECT TO THAT GUY I LO VE YOU yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo come to Portugal there's good girls here Fuck Cancer = Fuck T1 OMG LEAGUE ResidentSleeper BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo any milestone challenges ? #FUCKCANCER Come to portugal moe do you hav es a small pp? frick cancer @yassuo funny how your viewership is dying because everyone found out you're a snake ssssss Portugal girls are dogshit KEKW No What game was he playing ? how long is a gifted sub? !uptime CUCK FANCER come to Portugal we love you men The stream has been live for 1 hours 0 minutes 14 seconds helo from serbiaaaaaaaaaa this guy is funny banshi @Yassuo Come to portugal moe hehe bro no tings are messagin you dw buddy KEKW !Boshi not funny MOE LOVE ME @Yassuo jrateLove INTING FOR CHARITY POGGERS E VIVA AO SPORTING FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp #FUCKCANCER! LEAGUE ResidentSleeper dad died bc of cancer when I was a little girl leaving me with trauma... @captainkid4288 dead meme man let it go you 14 year old !charity !followage Donate Here - , Learn more here - Fuck cancer = Fuck T1 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - DON T SAY SHIT ABOUT PORTUGUESE GIRLS helo from serbiaaaaaa @Yassuo Come to portugal yasR Don't go to portugal, come to Brazil, it's much better here. All the servers are 20 ping. So is True Damage Yasuo your new fav skin now? (with the white chroma?) Can you give me a yasuo skin? @Yassuo ? saint734 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! send priivate snap because even snakes have a price ???????????? @MachoLatino69 ur retarded spprting sucks @Yassuo Come to portugal moe reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @mods what game was moe playing in champ select POG skin @Streamlabs How long is the gifted sub u get from the points? YO PORTUGUESE PEOPLE , HES NOT GOING TO PORTUGAL , IM PORTUGUESE AND I CAN CONFIRM THAT ITS BORING AS FUCK ?? 69 ping LUL ?????????? are 100t actually 100 ppl ? helo from serbiaaaaaaa NANI what prob with portuguese! !followage fuckin potrugese girls arethe wworst holy shit ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A NEW KEYBOARD? rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco jcole the 🐐 Have you seen TF blades tweet???? someone in chat did KEKW mo looks like slikers son BoolinJAM LUL Bananaflavorednerd -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo what are your thoughts on belle delphine ? @Yassuo were you cheering for KSI or Logan? @xxSimoes they ugly i said they were dogshit KEKW 11 KEKW KEKW yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo @kaz1kan0 ACTUALLY TRUE gachiHYPER Love your support to cancer research keep up the good content love ypu @Yassuo Come to portugal moe keep those to urself man serbiaaaaaaa hey carry me to master please Romaniaaaa here <3 White Knights OMEGALUL SHOUTOUT TO ALL PORTUGUESE FANS Jebaited i always go with steelseries BoolinJAM @kaz1kan0 we are just kiding chill out bro Da best xqcM xqcM ANELE portuguese girls are the best yo boys I have 11k points what should I do when I get 25k points to get that gifted sub ? ????? no cmonBruh EAT MY DICK WHole kit of steelseries h D: OMEGALUL @Yassuo love u hbbe CaptainLigmaa subscribed at Tier 1. Only logical conclution what does 100t stands for reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Yasg Is doublelift in the game ? ANELE yasBoo2 Did you see TFBlades tweet? @xxsimoes stop fanboying KEKW yea u dont have a fake Kapp old man moe KEKW KEK If you really want to kill cancer, kill Tyler KEKW yas100T dont worry we going back for ur birthday TheArabianPrince subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months! say wallah @Yassuo Come to portugal moe @KrasserKevv new keyblade with yasuo or what? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 12yr olds talking about fantasies yo watch david dobrik new vid after game Is Varus good ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - “MoE’s hUNgrY hE’S soOoO fAt” oh yea Unlucky moe ill fedex overnight my id @Yassuo Are you tryharding again? KEKW no LEGIT 1H LEFT FOR MY SUB pepePLS no yes yea u cN HARAM ANELE no ye NO no NO kekw no NO no no ya i think u can NO no yes @Yassuo no no KEKW No yassuo why don't you troll this game just for fun YEA YES yes yes no yes yes yes yes no Don't you use doran's shield? yes 4Heed u cant play yea no wait in vegas idk in vegas you can no ye nada cant be on the floor no ANELE Haram no why not yes no you cant yes i dont think so @Yassuo Do you drink on the DL? If so what is your favorite adult beverage no no yes u cant agamble tho 4Heed just dont gamble no they randomly check ppl I LIVE IN VEGAS YOU CAN yes nooo no You can just go to canada and gamble you cant hover @Yassuo @Yassuo get a fake id no nO no you can't they told me to get out seen u a lot on YouTube but this is my first stream! :D you cant u can get a pepsi no you can't go into the casino because they serve without iding you can enter casino freely just no gamble not the top once no drinks as well you should be able to you can pass through noo @Yassuo YOU CANT BE ON THE GAME FLOOR they will ask for you id as well @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? you can No you arent allowed on the floor It depends on the guards KEKW Yes dude no I SAID NO no you can gamble if you're not gambling, you can no they randomly check people trust lol @Yassuo you can casually walk around just don't sit watching people play @yassuo get some variety its 21 don't be pssy You definitely can gamble is haram cmn dude you cant go near the tables etc i gambled in vegas last year when i was still 20 lol theres more to do than just gamble in casinos i’ve tried when i was 18 and you can’t wait how old is yasuo? No little one just try Yes @jason_lee18 true haram I wasnt even allowed to buy water just go to canada ezy KEKW yeah you can. if you are hovering a table, sometimes theyll be dicks about it and ask for your id yasSpit Where can i download i wanna be the boshy ? worse they take u out my mother had to buy it 20 u cânt No you cant gambling is haram astaghfirullah you can't @Yassuo ur 18 Cali and NY allow gambling at 18 I got in when i was 18, some of them dont give a fuck KEKW he is 20 Why are you going to vegas? wel yeah but you can't go to casino casino @Yassuo but should be fine KEKW tedtdh -> Please refrain from posting links. hahahaha Nah dude !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - YEA HES GONNA BR PISSRRD @frogsurfer44 20 LOL Casinos are huge nobody is checking Ids you just won’t be able to be on a table Hotel maybe yeah , just go to the casino and walk around , if security comes to you to ask some questions , just pretend ur retarded sorry Just get old 5Head What was the game he was playing before league? @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? KEKW LULW KEKW did faker beat boshi? KEKW KEKW KEKW FAILFISH KEKW faker only gambles his dick gachiBASS HAHAHAHHAA KEKW LUL AHAHAHA that ori autoreally hearts lol LYL noob KEKW 1 HP WAHH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAHHHHHH KEKW UR DEAD LUL LUL KekW KEKW KEKW KEKW @BlackDynamite17 Ima fall asleep smfh PepeLaugh pfffff kekw NotLikeThis auto? KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW SO BAD KEKW KEKW HAHAHHAHAHH KEK E TUU nooob F LUUL KEKW joker's laughter CLIP KEKW its joker TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? KEKW kekw LUL CLIP IT KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? KEKW ItsBoshyTime FF Pepega gambling is haram astaghfirullah haram F moe is crying like a clown your new thing dead btw @AKAROH PepeLaugh KEKW Do you ever use doran's shield? @Yassuo you gonna hang out with faker_?????? 3 years Pog @Yassuo U CANT EVEN WALK ON THE CARPET jokers laugh what does c9 stands for U SO FUCKIN NOOB KEKW JOKER monkaW TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - joooookeeer clip plz B R A Z I L KEKW ANELE ANELE Clap ANELE hahahaha BURNED SUMMS KEKW LULW habib 2alby ANELE D: ANELE LUL remisbestgirl26 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ANELE Clap are you gonna be playing any champ that requries skill today? or only yasuo? HARAM ANELE HARAN is the town from best game Dying Light KEKW 10k on red ANELE ANELE HahaShrugRight SHANG TSUN WINS KEKW HAHAHAH Kapp @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? HABIBI <33 ANELE No 72 virgins for you you're not 21? @BlackDynamite17 FUK U BASTERD ANELE ANELE LOOOOOL Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : "starfallah haram" bro work your accent you dont sound like a palestinian bruda Lul u can do something else there gachiBASS ANELE HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight how old are you @Yassuo FK BRAZIL yasHYPERS What do u think bout Star Wars just go to canada you can actually see the girls nude in the stripclubs there too EZ Black @yassuo just turn 21 already ANELE ANELE you gonna play halo on stream? sup bitch u speak arabic since when habibi yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS what does tsm stands for moe Kreygasm Kreygasm CLIP IT 1v1 is Haram WE OUT IN JUNE @_simoes00 on twitter in portugal u just need to be 18 xd you from where in palestine? KIDS CASINA?? You live in LA how you no have fake PogChamp TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? WHEN IN JUNE? whats going on in vegas tomorrow? @Yassuo ur birthday is 11 june KILLING SPREE IN $ MINS POGGERS bro im still 19 shit stinks @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? you were just complaining about being 20 and going to vegas? my birthday is june 14, just turned 21 last year @Yassuo I don't get this 21 thing lol We drink alchohol with 16 here in germany no one gives a shit haha For anyone who doesn't know Arabic Moe just said Haram your ass BABY ARE YOU H OMEGALUL ME 4* moe say a7a LUL June borns are the greats @Yassuo What day in June? Mine is the 26th. wtf Moe stop drinking alcohol you criminal backpage arkb 3lyh GET A FAKE ALREADY DUMBASSS be careful bro in portugal u just need to be 18 10 mins ago u said u're 19 and now u're 20? time sure does fly by SOUNDS LIT IF YOU ASK ME KEKW mirdosx subscribed at Tier 1. !uptime tfti :( this skin is cringe The stream has been live for 1 hours 4 minutes 18 seconds reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Portugal isn’t Vegas @Yassuo u from where in palestine? June what? another leon in chat ? PogChamp AMERICA KEKW what does lmfao stands for moe TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? UR IN LA GET A FAKE ALREADY LULW ARE YOU DOING A MEETUP Kapp What day in June? Kapp Clap you prolly drink anway !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TRUUUUUUUUUUUUE Kapp i am 23 lol Kapp ZOOMER KEKW Mahmoud habibi mahmoud mahmoud habibi boi stfu i am 17 i cant even look at liquor bro not if you're in Europe hahahahahahah !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 4 minutes 38 seconds yasGood american drinking laws kekw TRI TRI Pepega hahahahahahaahha lmao ur 5 11 Just use fake id yasPride @Yassuo When i was 13 i gave my mom 100 dollars and told her to gamble it and I won 300 KEKW yas why u gotta be a snake @yassuo dont come to portugal , I live here and its boring as fuck , go somewhere else interesting Rafaaaaal fucking midhet or just be from europe do everything at 18 XD STUTTERING @Yassuo just get fake ID\ your brain is restricted Habib albi do whatever you want don't let people stop you Faker interview coming??? trick2g ? @Yassuo TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? Mohamad, have you ever tried bacon? LULW moe how long will you probably stream? @yassuo Youre restricted from illegal drugs, are you pissed about that? D: KEKW restricted from going to the strip club KAPPA Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Just get a fake ID 4Head TRUE KEKW american laws KEKW TRUUUUUE just slither past security PepeLaugh gachiHYPER Gruuuuuuuutski Kringe easier to get guns than drinks lul yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega TRUE KEKW Nightblue3 takingto long nb3MonkaS Tell us something new Moe that is why i do drugs, i just hate the restrictions :) @Yassuo american laws KEKW moe x faker when? gachiBASS @yassuo in my country you can do anything after 18 @Yassuo Come to Brazil, legal age for drinking and having a good time is 18 down here so did u choose between the g wagon and the lambo v12 big dawg hey how r u monkaW TRUE DAMAGE OR HIGH NOON? !charity Pog close KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - pog learn some korean to impress him pog Can I do some coke off your ass? Clean lucky Mohamad, have you ever tried bacon? @simogiu -1000 gj HAHAHAHAHA MOE U SMALL AS FUCK @Yassuo what is ur real name ? KEKW clean AYAYA skip song WeirdChamp @Yassuo AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA RACIST KEKW LMAO NaM MingLee HORU UPURU @Yassuo i have a challenge for you. next time you play yas max E first CHEEEEEEEEE Pog WeirdKEKW KEKW ???? ?????????? KEKW ??????????????????????? AYAYA SO GOOD AYAYA HAHAHAHA hahahah HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO WeirdKEKW ? KEKW KEKW suck on my toe pls AYAYA ??????? sprite LMAO ur 5 11 lmahoo AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA? ?????????????????????????????? KEKW shi bal L9 yas3 LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW just scream boi at him !uptime hasakiii AYAYA g wagon vs lambo v 12 google them u will be impressed Dou you ever start doran's shield? SPRITIRUUUUUUU RACIST racist nicu too Faker's waiter KEKW CLEAN AYAYA L9 POGGGGGGGGG MingLee HOR UP SPRITERU ???????????? The stream has been live for 1 hours 6 minutes 6 seconds AYAYA AYAYA you would know that wit yo thirsty ass xD WATER WTF RACIST RACIST KEKW KEKW HASAGI ??????????????????? ONION HASEYO spriteru @Yassuo SPRITTERUUUU bonjour why is that racist? TRUUUU NaM AYAYA MANS GONNA BE FAKERS SLAVE OMEGALUL MANS GONNA BE FAKERS SLAVE OMEGALUL MANS GONNA BE FAKERS SLAVE OMEGALUL MANS GONNA BE FAKERS SLAVE OMEGALUL LMFAOOOOOOOOOO TRUE AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA yasAYAYA ignorants SPRITERU @Yassuo RACIST KEKW Tru TRUE KEKW true LULW water shots ANAHASEYO L9999999999 POGGGGGGGG HAHHAHAHA KEKW omg horrible accent hahah @Yassuo SORYE GE TON like their dicks KEKW KEKW MingLee HHHAHAHHAHAHA LUL KEKW yasPlead RACIST KEKW @Yassuo whay is your real name? SPRITORU KEKW not just un korea ahhahaha LUL Moe same size as their KappaPride @Yassuo ARE U RAISING MONEY FOR URSELF? @Yassuo Thats for alcohol LUL KEKW TRUE Spriteru SPRITERU LULW HOTELLL boshy today ? WATER SHOTS KEKW yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA yasPlead yasAYAYA KEKW KEKW SPRITURU SPRITURO yo! SPRITERU KEKW @yassuo going out today? sprite good KEKW AYAYA !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - HOOOTEELLLL hahaahHqhah Ever been to japan ? @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee @Yassuo SPIRTARU KEKW I remember when you said it in Korean accent and then they actually got it @Yassuo @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? NA OpieOP yasAYAYA GIVE ME REFILL POTION LUL WATCH THAT CLIP AFTER PL NOT TAKING THAT WHAT A PUSSY KEKW MEANS EVERYTHING ? RACIST how do u know what a shot is when ur 20 ?????????? PepeLaugh OLLEH PEPEHANDS ori u ok KEKW ULT LUL SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo SPRITERU MingLee Yassuo Water shots lmao !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 6 minutes 51 seconds kekw ooooooof kekw lol you both suck lol crackhead @Yassuo i have a challenge for you. next time you play yas max E first look at that but her fault bruh yeah wheres/hows ollehs ?????? u be there eating wasabi then they give u a fucking 1 inch cup of milk u look at it u die from laughter !points lmao misses point blank q and talks about dodging @Yassuo in 1/10 how good is true damage yas KEKW v Kapp 5Head Pog Pog PogU POG tell him if we played 1 v 1 yasuo who would win 5Head PogU HAHAHAHA LMFAO LULW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW nt HAAHAHHA PogU KEKW 5 HEAD 5Head THAT FUCKING FISH KEKW Pog Pog LUL in 1/10 how good is true damage yas GOOD SHIT NAMI Pog Pog dumb sack of LUL Pog pog HHAHAHAHAHAA Pog POG POG POG KEKW NAMI Pog D: XD DAMN FISH @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? 5Head SAVEDDDD Pog IT ACTUALLY WORKED KEKW POG KEKW 5Head yes HAHAHAHHA lol Last day of being part of the Moelesters, any gifters in chat? yasU pog KEK PogT hashBk LUL LUL 5head TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance LUL big brain moe POG @Yassuo in 1/10 how good is true damage yas Pog good job moe LETS GO Poggers KEKW Whats ligma? 1v9 LIGMA BALLS KEKW GOOD SHIT DAMNFUCKINGFISH Poggggg @auxt3ro U are spamming for 2 hours smh Duo with olleh KEKW The supp nb3Hehe LUL what time are 1v1s? HAHAHAHA MOE U SMALL AS FUCK 5 11 Graves Malding beef or lamb shawarma @Yassuo lul TriDance ligma joe do you play league ??????? oof yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB @BlackDynamite17 DUDE IM GOING TO SLEEP STOP 1 4 that nami tho 6 h 9.367 0 5Head 8 5Head Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : maikHallo nightbringer or true damage??? @Yassuo CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob 9.3674 5 @AKAROH PepeLaugh tap out 5 limedimee subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 988 ligma what reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charty 9 KEKW this skin is just cringe IS THAT LS ORNN PogU 7 YEET Mohamad, have you ever tried bacon? Haha2020 2 assists and kill LUL CLEAN Pog Pog 1 NO @Yassuo U LISTEN to Suiside BOIS lets get it b7ebak 7bebe no homo 100% DEATHS KEKW Better Than Intchovies giving an sp the kill a "win"......people underestimate supports :\ ONLY DEATH LULW YOU'RE THE ONLY DEATH KEKW His har looks like snow Talyah 100% of deatsh ur inting YOU'RE THE ONLY DEATH KEKW It's down there with High Noon Yas tbh !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - where is olleh moe? and the 1cis all you @Yassuo TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride TransgenderPride ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW ONLY DEATH KEKW u died that 1 Big nose i like ur voice LUL ö TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance is being a moelester legal? suicideboys respect go to korea to find olleh again @Yassuo @Yassuo what part of ny are u from MOE U SHORT AS FUCK 5 11 XDD !points Play League with Poki again best duo TFBLADE KEKW KEKW ULTI KEKW 100% Death Participation KEKW KEKW ???? Heaze911 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! why he cant qrite in arabic Yasuo who was Olleh? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog ORI ULT AMAZING Shock Wave LUL ori is faker This orianna orianna ulti just blinded me why the fuccking moderator deleted my arabic comment true! dude wtf is this region D: @DEvine0Knight yes until they find out Kappa D: how is this orianna so bad LUL nta yad bklmk true! KEKW LUL stop spaming KEKW please :d @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? KEKW D: D: D: D: KEKW KEKW TRUUUUUUUUUUU KEKW D: TRUUUUUUUUUUUE D: tr too far 4WeirdW D_ ugly and rich isnt much better TOO REAL D: big oof TOO FAR WeirdChamp D: LUL Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at NA MIDLANER LUL wtf asmk eh LMFAO TOO FAR POO POO WeirdKEKW Trueeee @Codorean KEKW KEKW KEKW she ulted the wave so she wont get dove SILVER CHAT D: D: only short people say that What Rank is this? pepeJam shes clearing the wave idiots FUCK U IM ONLY POOR Kapp KEKW MANLETS KEKW KEKW lmfao 5'11 KEKW D: trueeeee D: Is that turret drunk BANGER SONG !!!!!!!! D: LUL LUL yaaaaaaaaaaaaa 5raaaaaaaaa Moe, WHY YOU TALK SO FAST? FUTSAL SHUFFLE TIME pepeD @uncledutchh Kappa f HAHAHAHA sadKEK YO HOMIE I WAS JUST MESSIN W U jadeOOF LULW ? this guy for real LA Moe WeirdChamp SadKek LULW my dick is tiny and im tall its true only short people say that tho pussy !charity @Yassuo but they still get the bitches :( Donate Here - , Learn more here - imagine being 20 and talking about being succesful sadKek moe i'd kill myself if i was u sssssssssssssssssssssss but what if im rich and way more handsome then ur chop cheese looking servin ass Im 6'11 and im still think im short KEKW Hey I'm 6'3" and only 2 of those things are right!!! D: 5'11" is not short the fuck is wrong with u people, 5'7" is the average IM FUCKING 5 6 HAHAHAHA BATTLE SCARS yasFBM KEKW lol hes talking about me, im trash @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? KEKW I would laugh if he was like Ronaldo or messi FeelsStrongMan damn u nailed it im just tall thats all i got =/ LMAO lulw no afense BIG YIKES Battle scars Pog KEKW LULW graves bot side BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump u literally look like id walk into a bodega in Brooklyn and youd be serving my chopped cheese Hahahaabha @Yassuo everytime i come on stream "NO FLAME, promise!" DUDES PUT 6’4 IN THEIR TINDER BIO AND EXPECT TO GET LAID LMAOOOOOO !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 9 minutes 58 seconds Moe who was Olleh? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD BATTLE SCARS @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude r ? WeirdKEKW moe like kids this ori is horrible !followage D: offense @VVeenus @SENPUx10 graves was mid anyways, so that ori ult was literally so pointless, wors would've been a 1 for 1 MrCrapAhoIic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Man your weird af, I love it @djboss0729 you just mad ur 5'4 that was a killl !delay reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! FeelsRainMan PepeHands BoolinJAM WeirdKEKW orreh Moe habibi who was Olleh? KEKW true, being tall isnt amazing at all lmao. Take it from a 6'7 are you doing a meetup in vegas im kinda poor @Yassuo as soon as someone mentions his height he gets thius defensive smallmansyndrome confirmed ORNN LUL you are obviously ghosting graves >:( DO U ONOW WHAT SLOVENIA IS? ornn r KEKW tobias1 @LambooDini only "short" people say that Kappa manlets KEKW wait is ornn jungle??? KEKW What do you consider being successful? @Yassuo @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @Yassuo I've searched you so often that when I try to look up Yasuo in LoL wiki I type "Yassuo" :c LUL -1 LuL but moe you are short @Yassuo as soon as someone mentions his height he gets thius defensive smallmansyndrome confirmed. tall guys gay @DrDerpalot chu mean bru the back problems are awesome! !playlist asd Battle scars BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump marry the sexiest women alive or the richest women alive??? COMPENSATION 5’11? More like 5’9 LUL what are u doing at all star breifly !specs CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz Im 6'4 and its a wrap Kappa im short and ugly :) tobiasFLAME tobiasPISTOL cmonBruh KEKW if youre an asian girl, then youd date anything that was 6 foot I am thsi tall :P 5ft 10.07874in @Yassuo Midget PepeLaugh @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude @EvilStreamers шо мутишь? you can't buy height though moe @Yassuo yo Moe tell me who was Olleh are you watching anime @Yassuo what height are you? you ugly too my dick is 6'4 but im only 2 inches PepeHands Short or not i'd still smash build ie n cloak new pd Pog yassuo with only death LUL dont believe my lies just joking cmon bro u play basketball? c mo you aint packing any heat mOE WHY YOU JUST TALK SO FAST? KEKW im 5'11 :( @ファイ ayy BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - is T1 taller? @yassuo how do you feel about the dragon souls? op or what bait incoming IM 5 6 LMAO I JUST WANTED TO SAY HI @dailypapi exactly lmfao Teach him what for @Yassuo Malding is a wrap for sure :( Why you so cute (no ho-moe) @yassuo @Dalbella graves was a bit too far they would just dove her an,d dip out tbh D: im 5'1 :*( yoo wt u think about hashinshin? :D being asian sucks 5'9 for life @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD what !followage If moe 5’11 then Tyler is 6’3 LUL KEKW When do you plan of taking Soligo's LCSA position? 5'11 is above average @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude OMEGALUL 1charity @Yassuo @Yassuo whos harder to play yasuo or fiora? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD mo you gotta small pee pee !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up dive? @SENPUx10 this is moe, he'd have fucked it somehow how are you guys winning with ornn jg? what is the Vip thing in rewards? zeuz997 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Shout out to my wife Jasmine Moeee !! BATTLE SCARS pepeD @Yassuo fogged is 6'6 u lil bitchh reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! i'm 1.90 cm idk the feet system wtf yas5 @yassuo you make fun of t1 height that means you got small pee pee >?????????? BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD WOW 1.9 m sry PogU i tought you would try sanguine blade this game PepePls Pog I have a very small penis :) in sweden 6 feet is the average height POGU Gracias por el HahaThisisfine, @zeuz997. @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude pog Pog Just put on a pair of Balenciaga triple s and boom, now u tall, successful and rich ez clap KEKW FLASH peepoPog yasPls LUL NA IS SO BAD WTF @Yassuo ketchup sour cream so nice combo @reinhardsenpai thats 6ft 1 Pog Pog Blood takes long time to circulate to the tall guy's brain. Most of them are dumb CLEAN ezzzzzzz pepeD @Yassuo moe moe whos harder to play yasuo or fiora @Yassuo ? pog ori flash GG maybe ori expects you to expect her expected dodged so then dodged in an unexpected way expecting your expecting of her expected dodge I am 5.10 ft and dick 23 cm if you want some dick pic I can send you hahahahahah That flex PogChamp @Dalbella haha true dat in sweden 6 feet is the average height. 3Head you have the one death XDDDDDDDDDDD nice bRO YOU TALK SO FAST DO U KNOW WHAT SLOVEN8A IS CLEAN LUL tell them to ff WIFE forsenCD money @Yassuo Shoutout to my ex-wife for ruining my life :) Do you watch some youtbers ? LimPanBoi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! automated response WeirdChamp in sweden 6 feet is the average height they so bad yo why would ori flash straight ahead and not to the side? Ori flash in straight line KEKW tips for being a streamer big dawg?? 3Head ITS NOICE DansGame SLOVENIA Can you ban the guy who jsut said that DansGame bro try it SHIV PogU it honestly goes @Yassuo whos harder to play yasuo or fiora DansGame @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude in sweden 6 feet is the average height. Did you see TFBlade his tweet? BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD BATTLE SCARS pepeD What headset is that yo moe habibi whats up whatever man its good !rank Thanks, for being here everyone! GRANDMASTER I (381 LP) yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @AZN_ you my boy,try it @Yassuo when are u comig to europe AMAZING POGU KETCHUP + MAYO Pog BATTLE SCARS pepeD yasuo ???? how long does a gifted sub last? MOE U PLAY BASKETBALL? 4Shrug nie Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday moe u my biggest hater, physically drama ? TriDance @Yassuo whats your address I need to know for wikipedia reasons Hey streamer man! How is it going friend-o-mine :D so about hob, and yas ?? hey moe hips or chest damn thats cringe you goin to twitchcon Amsterdam in 2020 @Yassuo ? Ketchup+ maionesse ;3 mix that up 4Shrug ehh @marcusb0 one month, it's like a normal sub I'm ashamed to like ketchup+mayo @BlazikenX23 WaitWhat TriDance @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude is 6" nornal? @marcusb0 a month Lmaooo sour cream and chips the best combo LMAO KEKW Blood takes long time to circulate to the tall guy's brain. Most of them are dumb Was super racist AHAHAHAH @BlazikenX23 KEKW LMAO @huatpatato sloveniaaa You miss cannon without being knocked up tho @Yassuo FINALLY Moe do you agree cc wins team fights KEKW i feel gey Blaziken mr cringe D: KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Moe I am 5.10 ft and dick 23 cm if you want some dick pic I can send you hahahahahah KEKW Do you think a ducks arsehole is watertight ? @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? in my balls 10 foot is the average height KEKW KEKW AHHAHAHAH AHAHAHHAAH @NotAutisticRat Thanks' @Yassuo u from where in palestine? hes finally getting banned MOE WHAT WOULD U DO IF U INHERIT RIOT GAMES Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW @BlazikenX23 KEKW habibi whats up hyd phew BLAZE KEKW SwiftRage LMFAOO chaii_1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. LULW tfblade started beef cuz u insulted kekw merch reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up Dude DILLON KEKW 17/1 xd WeirdChamp ? YASSUO MODS OMEGAROLL YASSUO MODS OMEGAROLL YASSUO MODS OMEGAROLL YASSUO MODS OMEGAROLL YASSUO MODS OMEGAROLL DID U SMASH POKI ANYTIME OIIII Yooooo how was your day? KEKW dillon give ur mod to me ???? KEKW Blade tweeted some racist stuff lol Damn i got fucked Wha'Ts the point of being in team Best streamer bc of locked camera NA KEKW KEKW Kapp @Yassuo Its not about the size its bout how u use it my dude LULW is overwolf good? most bs champion in game??? TriDance I am 5.10 ft and dick 23 cm if you want some dick pic I can send you hahahahahah is 6" big? @yassuo TOO FAR WeirdChamp troll davidtu2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo pun1sher just carried brokenblade so hard Being the only death in your game WeirdChamp blaze do mod giveaway is trolling KEKW @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? kk Just trying to be nice man PepeHands gachiBASS @BlazikenX23 U WANNA SMASH POKI @maylor18 wdym 'was' in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo my buts feeling itchy what should i do is 6" big?? TriKool Clap !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls facts facts gachBASS hey lol OH LOOK, ITS THE SNAKE only small dicks say that KEKW No gachiBASS SlimTingOfficial subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hey moe yasH @Yassuo watching u for 3 years now, and i must say everytime i watch your stream it makes my day. thank you for everything. i gotta go now but keep the stream real my dude. What a small dick guy would say KEKW noo LUL !CHARITY Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @yassuo did you see my reply to sanch tweet with the lebron and d wade edit KEKW not the size of the boat, motion of the ocean @Yassuo its tru tho @yassuo When do you build statics instead of PDF on yas? ???????????? N OMEGALUL TRUE no KEKW COOOOOMER no no yes small pee pee yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls NO yes gachiBASS YES Kreygasm no SmileW my 3 inch makes em squirt are you happy about trick being a father is 6" big? KEKW THATS TRUE no N OMEGALUL everytime @yassuo don't you think the new stormrazor is better than PD or statik? do something spicy iam watching you packin big cock i bet I am 5.10 ft and dick 23 cm if you want some dick pic I can send you hahahahahah n OMEGALUL my ass itches smilew !followage Can you please smash my mom soo i can call you daddy ?! ITS ABOUT THE MOTION IN THE OCEAN smileW 5.5 inches tes 6 inch is norm No a merda é que tem um menino na minha escola que se chama Thomas Turbando LUL LUL の 2v19 50% Team deaths WeirdChamp YES @animoose_ WeirdChamp yasSpit @termic0109 LULW no @BiscoitoPTT gachiBASS Pog LUL what mouse u use> Moe got a solid 5.5 if i were to guess Virgins talking about their dick sizes LuL I GOT 7''1/2'' is it good ? Pog what would u do if ur dad slapped ur mom?? SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE MOE IS CLEAN WITH IT Pog Bro that arab dick aint bigger than 2 inches lets be real @AKAROH @hysey WideHard @yassuo in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo @Yassuo 1v1 me i have 500 games in solo duo with yas this season why ks when it was a certain kill? @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @Yassuo whats is your address is 6" big?? @Yassuo got a 9 inch I am 5.10 ft and dick 23 cm if you want some dick pic I can send you hahahahahah yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up @yassuo why shiv over phantoms? never know which is better POGGERS why u laughing like that I have a 11 inch dick is that tiny? 5.5 ANDY LULW @BiscoitoPTT para de ser retardado e nos envergonhar are you a proplayer? laughing cause its dead accurate damn :/ @livezinho22 stfu macaco @yassuo there is this girl that likes me, and i sort of like her but the thing is she has a buff ass friend that will beat anyone's ass that tries to get with her. What do I do? @Yassuo i have an iq of 136 THOUGHTS? @Yassuo watching u for 3 years now, and i must say everytime i watch your stream it makes my day. thank you for everything. i gotta go now but keep the stream real my dude. What's the point of being in a team yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls moe is good PogChamp ? 1v1? Ks @BlazikenX23 WideHardo 🚬 Whassup Brudda cheerwhal100 cheerwhal100 cheerwhal100 @Yassuo put "raising money" at the start of the title it's better EZ Clap TriDance ELEVATE 5.5 POGGERS reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! U A SNAKE @djboss0729 KEKW It´s NA so... did you heat nf new song? Pog delete one: shaco teemo leblance main game time a merda é que tem um menino na minha escola que se chama Thomas Turbando LUL LUL useless to have 23cm and still a virgin @Yassuo whsns the 1v1? in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo DaniMK5 -> Please refrain from posting links. EZ CLAP KEKW yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls preseasn baby @Yassuo WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS I NEED TO KNOW My dick is 9cm PepeHands n ITS BOSHY TIME !charity KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - What headset are u wearing oke yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls ew DansGame how big ur weiner moe? Glad to see a win as soon as I'm back M @Yassuo 1v1 me i have 500 games in solo duo with yas this season 5.7 average in NA what's there to guess @Yassuo give me my kat game BabyRage moe gay? NOONE BETRAYS EL TRUCO in sweden 6 feet is the average height KappaPride @Yassuo whens the 1v1s? wt you think about hash your boy :D Kappapride @BlackDynamite17 STOP what about pussy pic? ARJAY STRONGGG League is a 15 min game 23 millimetres more like you'd probably get blood issues with a 23 cm dick im 6.8 and dick is 52 centimeters Yasuo needs a Tanjiro inspired skin 1v1s hows the gym going fat bastard Moe when will be the 1v1s? when are you doing pummel in sweden 6 feet is the average height. @BlackDynamite17 MAKE IT STOP @Yassuo damn you even dressed up as a clown to cheer up those poor kids, mad respect PogU i can send it too if you want moe KappaPride KappaPride moe how big ur peniz suk dik chat @Yassuo Moe ur fat and ugly :) in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ? @yassuo yo shiv or phantoms? MOE.. HONOR ME I have a 6 foot penis how big ur cock moe when are you doing pummel. !charity what about psst pic? Donate Here - , Learn more here - is 6" big? 23cm WTFF i am 175, 75kg and 7,5 inch dick no lie YOU MUSTAV FORGOT @Yassuo damn you even dressed up as a clown to cheer up those poor kids, mad respect PogU . THIS CHAT KEKW @Yassuo put "raising money" at the start of the title it's better ... join sukkkkkkk dikkkkkk i love sloppy fat dongs :( FK your damage peepoFinger GO KAT GAME PLS do u enjoy reading chats??? Oo !followage is 6" big?? 20 cm :) 7cm FeelsBadMan lmao if he ever checks my chat logs its gonna look sus af but im memeing bro @Yassuo honoring l9 tag club yikes Pepega useless to have 23cm and still a virgin @Yassuo 1v1 me i have 500 games in solo duo with yas this season 0/13 Im 7'10" and 72 CM GAY when are you doing pummel @Yassuo 0 12 im 8 ft tall my phat cock is 69 cm :) KEKW BlazikenX23 is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 18 in the channel! BlazikenX23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to skettii! BlazikenX23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Receipts! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! BlazikenX23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to KiranessTC! GAYY BlazikenX23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tartmelonz1! BlazikenX23 gifted a Tier 1 sub to raijiin_! @Yassuo what is your address moe I need to know because I want to give you presents for christmas 0 13 0/13 XD @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @bakagaijin thats average thx 0/12 Pog m YOU A SNAKE yikes who are you clashing with :) ? Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW pog 0/13 so bad OMEGALUL pogg KEKW KEKW Yo Pog zx KEKW Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @blazikenx23 LMAO Pog @Yassuo damn you even dressed up as a clown to cheer up those poor kids, mad respect PogU lol pog @Yassuo when will be the 1v1s? GAY actually win trading lul ty man yoyo moee in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo? KEKW a 0/13 PepeLaugh you were high right ? Yassuo oof pog Pog poggies GAY LULW Pog @BlazikenX23 KEKW EZ DODGE v YO SUP SNAKE CAN YOU SJOW YOUR COLLECTION PLS DODGED GAY Thanks for the HahaHide @blazikenx23 EZ DODGE KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride 0/12 never luckey SHING TSUNG WINS sanchGaga Pog xD @BlazikenX23 GIFTING TO A MILLIONAIRE 4Weird GAY XD lit JOIN GAY PogU i am 6'4 and 11 cm dick want a dick pic hahahahahaha @BlazikenX23 donate that instead man his charity stream is struggling PepeWhy Pog bannable KEKW @Yassuo 1v1s B PogU SHY SEE TF BLADES TWITTE @Yassuo thoughts on TSM katevolved TriDance DANCE FOR BLAZIKEN NOT ME Pog Gifters :( :( :( ItsBoshyTime SALVE TRICK 2G ideas about clash?? im 190cm 82kg and 20cm @KataGaKill pog di GAREN xqcLeather PLAY HORROR GAME @Yassuo has the build changed at all in s10 ? cassio GAY Pog is length > circumference ? @chat Wassup BIch what r ur keybinds on boshy? ??? tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy IGNORED LULW imacman82 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! @Yassuodont WeirdChamp Dont ban me now ok buddy WeirdChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! IGNORED KEKW @Yassuo 1v1 me i have 500 games in solo duo with yas this season ????? I've got lots of these points so ama just use some ... wassup chat TriHard HahaHide HahaHide HahaHide is 6" big? uncledutchh is continuing the Gift Sub they got from INCIVIK! What are your yas stats cheerwhal100 cheerwhal100 when you old enough to gamble at the casino what you gonna play? @BlazikenX23 PogYou xD @Yassuo Is it ok to make fun of a girl's weight if she makes fun of a guy going bald? ignore 100 stefau79 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lessgoo slime reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @ArdentLocket how u doiun is length > circumference ? @chat he said u gay af @yassuo are you doing clash what r ur keybinds on boshy? WeirdChamp mods dont deserve to be danced for @BlazikenX23 PepeLaugh wrong @Yassuo DRAMA @yassuo @bakagaijin no @AKAROH PepeLaugh No you dont dumbass 4Weird TriHard hi D: yas5_SQ True LuL YEAH BRO JUST PUNCH HER oooooooooooh is he in queue for league? squadW smooth what just happend D: TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2G TRICK 2GTRICK 2G mans read the message then forgot about it instantly TRUE ny nab yasFat my man true JUST BEAT HER DAM UR STILL STUCK HERE? U SUCK AHAHAHAH squadW tfb5Head bausSlaugh @Yassuo he posted a screen of his op gg with trynda only wins eating healthy* don't just stop eating @Yassuo 1v1 me i have 500 games in solo duo with yas this season sssssssnake You will never beat this level KENW kekw elkalifornication subscribed with Twitch Prime. what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy?what r ur keybinds on boshy? squadW moe knows reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - is 6" big? @Yassuo wtf is tfblades KEKW merch though !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - is it fair to call a girl fat for saying u r short Pepega go the bottom platform on the 2nd blood Wake me up when moe gifts hysey new pc yasSleeper when are you doing pummel @Yassuo ur welcome @Yassuo When the second wave of blood comes jump on the platform under you Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : monkaW why cant i buy your hoodie ? dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHA This game is on crack for real wtf yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up u gotta go down one i guess so u dodge the blood ? @Yassuo squadW my man moe lol What is this im not getting my points no popup when i sub #scammed Feelsbadman Is he in Que? 🐍 framedSmited framedHappy framedSmited framedHappy framedSmited framedHappy framedSmited framedHappy framedSmited framedHappy framedSmited framedHappy just go fkin down on the second one when second blood pops out wtf is length > circumference ? @chat what is that game ur playing inbetweens ques? where is your chef? !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 18 minutes 17 seconds @Yassuo are you in queue for league? yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAa what r ur keybinds on boshy? peepoClap 4k peepoClap @Yassuo HOW ARE YOU SO TILT PROOF BRO l yasFat yasFat yasFat where is your personal chef? @Yassuo where are you from how u speak arabic !!? go for 4000 what would u call ur first son big dawg?? trkBoomer been playing this game for years ID QUIT THIS GAME wtf is this game bruh @Yassuo tf blade Merch KEKW KEKW KEKW @TheNoobyJuan Beat the Boshy @Yassuo WHEN u doin 1v1s?? ayy equal rights equal fights AS SOON AS THEY MADE THAT NOISE THE FIRST TIME moe ur so big and handsome :O wat is this FUCK THE CREATORS AND FUCK THAT NOISE framedD framedD framedD framedD oh. my time machine has broken... u r no longer against MegaMan! bravo @yassuo damnit ur so bad is 6" big? What is this chat LMFAO, yall toxic for no reason jk !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 18 minutes 53 seconds @Yassuo Which position is hardest to play in league? what r ur keybinds on boshy Are those guys saying you have a little butt ? don't look at him just concentrate on the targets @TheNoobyJuan I wanna be the boshy Dragonsmack subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hi @bakagaijin nooo yo moe. how many games did it take you to go dia your first ever season? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedL framedL framedL framedL framedL yas5_TK 1 hour and 18 mins?? dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAaa how many inches is ur dick when are you doing pummel moe? @Yassuo WHEN u doin 1v1s?? dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAaaaa what r ur keybinds on boshy? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yasSmash DOOOD dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaa XDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW\ dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Moe when will be the 1v1s? KEKW DUUUD KEKW hahahaha yasSmash KEKW LUL i got 100 death in the tutorial DUD yasSmash dam ur stil stuck here? U BIG SUCK HAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaa Yo calm down dude KSKEKEKEKEEKEKEKEKW NOT ME Pog monkaS what is this name from this game ? MALDING i hate games like these @bakagaijin stop LUL kekw yasSmash yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT keke @Yassuo lately u have been screaming alot/raging i hate it :( hysey pc on the way pog``` JK ILY MOE toxic :S @yassuo framedL framedD !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo when will be the 1v1s? LULW Why can’t I use my twitch prime sub? what r ur keybinds on boshy !boshi @Yassuo baby yoda Clip that big succ yerm WideHardo xD what does using 750 channel points do @Yassuo hold right sied for blood splatter only ARJAY BACK AT IT AGAIN @Yassuo BABY MOEDA this water melon is crazyyyyyyyy lul what r ur keybinds on boshy? moe hello NotLikeThis LUL HEY CHAT SAY HI BACK PLEASE i think u lokse 1k viewers when u rage/scream framedRIP @Yassuo when willyou 1v1s? this game stresses me out @Yassuo @Yassuo when will be the 1v1s? I miss the LOL u died song LUL play other games please not flaming don't take it offensive getting tilted hello hi !twitchprime @Yassuo baby yoda baby moeda, what do u think Yassuo give hysey PC NOWW Yassuo give hysey PC NOWW Yassuo give hysey PC NOWW Yassuo give hysey PC NOWW Yassuo give hysey PC NOWW @yassuo why do the dwarfs always laugh when they are playing football?cuz the grass tickels they're balls @Yassuo WHEN u doin 1v1s?? HI BACK PLEASE ur so fat wtf would u slap poki if she slept with Tyler 😂😂😂 Hi lmao @saif00 lLOL truee GOOD STRESS KEKW SAY HI :) good stress? u freak I HATE SNICKERS TriHArd How many girls you slept with in the past 3 years? @ThunderKiller15 😂 GOTEM widepeepoHappy what is this game calles? did he pass the whole game? HI :) where do you get boshy is it on steam? yasOkay @SckOnMaNuut OMEGALUL is this game free? cmonBruh 3772 DEATHS KEKW 3772 DEATHS KEKW 3772 DEATHS KEKW 3772 DEATHS KEKW ItsBoshyTime yasJoy Thanks, everyone for being here! !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 😂 ? This game is called I wanna be the boshy I think you can just download the game bash harder SwiftRage poha e essssss akskaskaksa FASTERRR SwiftRage How do u have the most cancerous chat on Twitch lol @Yassuo when will be the 1v1s? @Yassuo WHEN u doin 1v1s?? why am i even watching this r word liam1944 wtf but everyone likes them cmonBruh GEADFA sniped @leegally__blind i hate it :( !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 20 minutes 45 seconds KEKW RAN INTO IT KEKW KEKW KEKW THAT ONE KEKW you greeded bro KEKW KEKW KEKW do u eat pork? ur muslim right CLOSE Pog moe what do you think about going hail of blades and buying stormrazor instead of pd @yassuo Just want you to know I would trade my height, dick size, good looks, and massive success to be as good at sword man as you. @seezy because you are also one? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you focus waaaay too much on dps @seezy haHAA 3774 DEATHS KEKW 3774 DEATHS KEKW 3774 DEATHS KEKW 3774 DEATHS KEKW ya Mahmoud yea i hope u meet cjamp xDDD CHAT STFU ABOUT 1V1s CMON MAN KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! champ* how long is the charity stream going to be Faking Faker KEKW WeirdKEKW brasil you finally beat mega man? not tapping fast enough LULW @Saaaaab so u like having nuts in your mouth? that's gay KEKW aqui e brasil poha Fake Faker KEKW @AKAROH yasH you cant Lol trashuo hi that shit is so dumb KEKW almost my irl name is kush no cap @ramada1729 Procurando atenção WeirdChamp NO MODS? WideHard ? liam1944 depends on what kind of nuts Kappa DO YOU EAT PORK? I KNOW MUSLIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO fk this game bro KEKW guys is this game free? Kapp still making progress tho pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - viktor game name? @Yassuo yesterday you started with 2499 deaths WideHardo you suck @artin88lol ye @artin88lol Yes but ndon't play it Kappa SHANG TSUNG WINS shensun wins SHANG TSUNG WINS @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map? SHANG TSUNG WINS Ching Chong wins Keepo @artin88lol no, 60 dollars shang tsung has been winning all day man @artin88lol yup shang tsung wins WideHardo OUR CHAT NOW shang tsung wins stfu sHANG ZUHN lul Do u think its a flex to be hot infront of ur ugly friend's girlfriend? ez my irl name is kush game game WideHardo OUR CHAT NOW WideHardo OUR CHAT NOW WideHardo OUR CHAT NOW i wanna be that boshy is the name of the game guys how can I play it lol? DO YOU EAT PORK? I KNOW MUSLIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO excellent 3777 deads noob SHANG TSUNG WINZ but ok moe u think ill ever find love Shang Tsun wins FATALITY my irl name is kush no cap what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd? KEKW Is he in queue for league? @artin88lol I'm joking it's free just type !boshy KEKW excellent ? aight Are you playing league? oof @Yassuo why are you playing this game? @AZN_ I love you :) HYOON PEPEHANDS @elitegatov yes LMAO !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshy م If you stop tweeting you'll be good Jason OkayChamp DO YOU EAT PORK? I KNOW MUSLIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map? @yassuo are you in queue? moe shut up just shut up PepeLaugh my irl name is kush no cap @Yassuo HOW ARE YOU SO TILT PROOF BRO @squidyjasmine ?..... KEKW XDDDDDDD apologizing for watching the stream and not subscribing kinda broke at the moment khalood221 -> Please refrain from posting links. always the same blood drop KEKW thx @RivathaGaming what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of phantom dancer @biglipsbarry true KEKW 3781 DEATHS KEKW 3781 DEATHS KEKW 3781 DEATHS KEKW 3781 DEATHS KEKW @Yassuo please dont scream or rage i hate it :( Follow me on Twitter for updates omarmullo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! LMFAO this game na ba7b d7ktak de bd7kny awi LUL XDDDDDDDDD reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TILT PROOF @Yassuo why are you playing this game fs like 250 @artin88lol you're welcome my irl name is kush KEKW ululululu IT'S BOSHY TIME PogU got beyond tilt faker games xD this game makes me angry Moe and tilt proof KEKW DO YOU EAT PORK? I KNOW MUSLIMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TILT PROOF KEKW KEKW about 250 times @Yassuo why are you playing this game? @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map?? FAKING FAKER KEKW lululululu @mods is there a death counter? set43a subscribed with Twitch Prime. junkim13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! yo wassup moe !boshy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime When are you giving hysey a computer 4Weird lulululululu 3800 deaths omega lul DansGame what ar ur thoughts on aphelios? 3781 KEKW lulullululululu 5 minutes ago you smahed ur keyboard wdym ur tilt proof LUL my irl name is kush no cap MOE im actually enjoying you streams like a LOT GJ what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd? have u ever slapt a kid ? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : fuck league man keep playing @Yassuo LEAGUE ResidentSleeper pork kinda ass my irl name is kush WeirdChamp PogU @toookaaa gya league u arent missing much can u plz carry this game ornn jg again Why is orn so strong now? @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map??? a moe do you think yasuo is hard to pick up? MOE im actually enjoying you streams like a LOT tyler1B2 yasAYAYA why cant i buy your merch anymore ? @mash1225 IT'S BOSHY TIME! PogU big dawg have u bullied someone as a child? aaaa @Yassuo MOE im actually enjoying you streams like a LOT GJ hope ypu win :D !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - chicken over everything any day Akalifornication AYAYA AKALI FORNICATION AYAYA LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ResidentSleeper WideHarder my irl name is kush thoughts on aphelios??? u definitely have Where you bullied? MOE im actually enjoying you streams like a LOT GJ got bullied kekw WideHarder what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map? u bully me you got bullied KEKW all the time bullier WeirdChamp yasAYAYA @Greedy_Paeson Where Class clown goes as bullied u got bullied PepeLaugh KappaPride D: Kapp sure D: WTF D: ? D: Are u better than tempest @yassuo ?????? @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios something a bully would say KEKW LMFAO wtf WTF D: WTF D: DansGame SAVAGE WeirdChamp D: bullier WeirdChamp knfai wtf wtf KEKW yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown What's the point of being in 100 thieves team KEKW ?? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL D: reverse card now BRO bruh? WTF ok incel Wow bully KEKW SIMP KEKW KEKW D: my irl name is kush no cap ???? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3 nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3Gasm D: WeirdChamp KEKW D: KEKW POG LMAOOOO thats bullying... D: D: D: WTF KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp wtf in her bra D: yasPride yasPride yasPride wut????? perv Psychopath KEKW you got bullied LUL NO WONDER U DONT GET ANY GIRLS KEKW big cap wtf FAKE STORY LULW FAKE STORY LULW FAKE STORY LULW KEKW bruh same WeirdChamp that's bully KEKW @Yassuo thats straight bulying Nande what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of phantom DansGame cancel moe 4WeirdW @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios? yea good fun YES BBG THATS WHAT I LIKE FUN KEKW Say sike rn still hit it tho @Yassuo BULLIE HAHAHAH GOOD FUN U FREAK U are a bad person friendzoned LULW SIMP do u think u were one of the famous kids in highschool? @Yassuo how are you so smooth with girls? hard to imagine a socially awkward kid doing that what keyboard are you using Thats bullying CrreamAwk CrreamAwk SIMPP ????? RIGHT 4Weird Wait that’s bully lmao AYAYA friendzoned like hyoon KEKW @Yassuo DansGame kapp @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios poggers What's the point of being in 100 thieves team ? KEKW FAKE STORY KEKW FAKE STORY KEKW FAKE STORY KEKW FAKE STORY KEKW FAKE STORY KEKW FAKE STORY thats like the literal definition of bulling. regardless of friend or not lol @Yassuo Reported JID da goat SIMPPP @kush_og_420 no1 cares shh Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? Kapp hahaaahaha fun id cry and im a guy lol You a SIMP my irl name is kush right weird thats what bullies say @Yassuo in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo wut :( D: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO a prank chat pussies U make girls cry we know t HSAHAAOHNAIOWP KEKW monkaW WTFFFF @Yassuo She was laughing on the outside but you emotionally scarred her. AHAHAHAHA Dork WTF COME ON MAN ?????? wtf D: D: D: wtf WeirdChamp LOOOOOOL KappaPride ??????????? LMFAOOOOOO WTF LMFAO KEKW ??????????? hahahahahahahah D: BULLY WHAT IMAGINE D: STOP TALKING HAHAHA Damn moe was a fucking bitch D; LMAOOOO ?????? BULLY um What does your bush look like man LOOOOOOOOOOOL hit that ghost D: D: D: CmonBruh WeirdChamp D: LMAOOOOOOOOO D: LMAO U A CLOWN D: LMAO GAY Thats just a dick move FAKE STORY LULW FAKE STORY LULW FAKE STORY LULW FAKE STORY LULW bully BRO! YOU'RE A FUCKING BULLY. D: BRO! YOU'RE A FUCKING BULLY. D: BRO! YOU'RE A FUCKING BULLY. D: Bully MOE YOURE A DICK ??? Bully Moe D: D: how did you see the bush thogh??? liar what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd ACTUALLY BULLY WTF D: D: D: KEKW D: damn u ended his career as a father that guy committed suicide :D ye not that funny now TAHTS FUCKED UP Take notes guys, how to get girls, corckroack is the key sound like a real dick wow what a clown u freak TRI BUSH KEKW what are you looking at hilarious.... liar liar liar liar ew AND WE TRUSTED YOU D: You wouldve died buddy D: D: KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo was he packin tho hello? WeirdChamp thats fucked up Moe I WOULD FUCK YOU UP thats a "dick" move haHAA U a dick D; kakashi 69 D: HIT A Q MAN Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? @Yassuo Of course you remember his bush KappaPride Actual bully monkaS thats not very cash money of you Any poopy heads He was just a class clown btw LOL NO IT WASNT DICKWAD YEA HILARIOUS no not for him yeah for YOU dying stream you sound like a cutn NO ITS NOT WeirdChamp TELL us about your bush D: FUNNY FOR U nice made up story about you being an asshole BULLYING IS FUNNY KEKW wasn't funny for him though funny to who? WeirdChamp oh it was funny nvm ur fine just said he was real triggered lol. thats not in all fun ahahahah WHAT A DICK what keyboard are you using @djboss0729 yasH omg so funny hahahaha Cheer600 what’s your astrological sign? Bully is not funny :/ Bully wtf A bush can be trimmed, a shitty personality is hard to fix if its just for fun its normal but i ment like a child u never saw? reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 10 others in Chat! Thats what bullies say @Yassuo Not funny btw WeirdChamp funny Kappa gg 190 KEKW was born a snake was not funny for the kid KEKW OK KEKW KEKW KEKW what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd KEKW HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA KEKW BANNED KEKW ALPHA PogU LMAO KEKW KEKW LULW YEAH THATS NOT FUNNY FOR THE GUY hahahah LUL LUL LUL KEKW RAKAN HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT FOR DOING THAT KEKW 🐍 Had a school holiday for slapping girls butts KEKW KEKW Beta KEKW no it wasnt you should have sucked his dick !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - truuuuuuuuu KEKW KEKW Why are we watching a bully WeirdChamp KEKW INSECURE LMAO LULW no KEKW BOTH BETA Fish my irl name is kush no cap TRUE KEKW he said sorry you're so beta KEKW no NO LUL KEKW APOLOGISING TO MOE sorry you're so beta nah i think it was a joke @AKAROH yasH is what he said HE'S SORRY 4 U TRUE KEKW KEKW beta @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios?? he meant like sorry that youre a beta HE SAID SORRY FOR U BEING BETA KEKW LMAO he apologized for you being so beta He's saying sorry that you're so beta dumbaass he said he os sorry for u being a beta he is sorry, that you are a beta @Yassuo He apologized about how beta you were, he's not 'sorry' he's 'sorry that you're beta' One sentence !charity yasH Donate Here - , Learn more here - .... he said sorry for youuu DAMN U GUYS GAY LMAO D: ???WHAT??? @Yassuo He is saying that he is sorry for you being beta wtf WTF HAHA ???????????? he meant sorry for you being beta KappaPride hes sorry for you being beta FailFish cmonBruh BULLY KEKW ??? KEKW D: what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of phantom @Yassuo would u suck ur homies nuts In reality moe got pantsed KappaPride Clap KappaPride Clap KappaPride Clap "friends" KappaPride WTF ??????? dumb idiot moe toxic friend LMAO PepeLaugh WaitWhat ????????????? D: he is sorry that you are so beta LOLOLOL jesus fuck you're cringe ?????? HAHAHAHA KappaPride D: D: D: ?? yall hella funny WHATTHE FK DO YOU LIKE APHELIOS??? NA SCHOOL SYSTEM LULW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride LUL LUL LUL he said nah u seem like u were mean @Yassuo He is saying that he is sorry for you being beta. ????? sorry ur so beta Big by your standards :'D Yung tum? WeirdKEKW I see youve been gay since your childhood KappaPride he said yeah fuck this guy iGNITE KEKW WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat That shit is so funny KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride moe you're stream makes so much sense now NUT CHECK LUL WHat IS WRONG WITH THIS DUDE @AZN_ nah thats gay the dick aint tho I USED TO TOUCH MY OWN BALLS peepoPog FOR FUN KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride kk @Yassuo you sound twisted xK0TA subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! do you have any plans on dropping merch again? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! and thats when he realized that hes gay true !rank GRANDMASTER I (396 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP JUST LIKE YOU BULLIED YOUR FRIENDS pogchamp This one dude in our grade had to get stitches on his balls cause we put a pencil on his seat You should bully faker @TheArcalius i still do that peepoPog why bully kids? ! rank that was a thing in middle school see you admited your a bully I’ve never seen someone drop so fast my irl name is kush no cap KEKW LOL MOEINT KEKW LULW monkaS @djboss0729 WTF KEKW @kush_og_420 no1 cares shh SKT LUL LOL MOES INTING Clap Bully down KEKW loooooool LOL MOELESTERS ur ryze got 327 tears 4v2 KEKW @Yassuo He is saying that he is sorry for you being beta What's the point of being in 100 thieves team inter what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd LUL KEKW KEKW yes Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? do u think u over pay pinoy !gamble 200 MOELESTER KEKW Nothings changed KEKW like T1 Bullying stream? WeirdChamp !charity LOL YOU STILL ARE LULW Donate Here - , Learn more here - height means nothing WAS SHORT WAS WAS the weeknd just released a new track @Yassuo Chat triggered KEKW BULLY @tellmewhynot yea it was crazy he missed school for a week and couldn’t walk Kappa Kapp short guy syndrome WeirdChamp t1 Kapp @Baws2015 Cloud Kappa Kapp That's what im saying "You're the one being bullied Moe is 5'8 pog what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead phantomm u still 5 feet tall Kappa @Yassuo was it a dare SHIMPY MOELESTER KEKW And never got bigger @Yassuo Same im short too height don't matter bro @Yassuo shimpy way SHRIMP KEKW Kapp ?????? you didnt grow at all since 5 grade ? @Yassuo monkaS "shrimp @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelio monkaW you can be 5 feet an ld an asshole at the same time T1 Jr. KEKW sure Kapp and now u 5'7 ZigggZagg -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Moe is only 5'8 pog its always the short ones Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy?? sounds like a bully yasSnake T1 height and bullying people SHRIMP Shut up Naruto LULW bully is a bully klass klown moe ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW thats what bullies do lol I love shrimp LMAO SIMP KEKW SHRIMPY WHAT LMAO AHAHAH what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW ONLY 5'8 KEKW JOKER monkaEyes KEKW @djboss0729 WTF monkaW LUL SHRIMP KEKW shrimp KEKW SHRIMPSUO SHRIMPY KEKW joker SHRIMPY KEKW HAHAHAHA tallshort Pepega KEKW Shrimp shrimp shrimp @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios lol Shrimpy KEKW SHRIMP DICK KEKW @Yassuo MOE IS ONLY 5'8 POH KEKW Sahaha you should bully faker shrimpy SHRIMPIEEEEEEEEE ur so mad Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy? KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW 5'8 KEKW shrimpy boy awh, all the girls callin u lil shrimp KEKW Shrimpy DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! kekw shrimpy never had a girl KEKW SHRIMPY KEKW shrimp KEKW KEKW Its Yashrimp all the girls called u shrimpyyyyyyyyyyyy SHRIMP LOLOL rename skinny penis DID THE GIRLS CALL U CUTE AND BITE SIZED? shrimpy moe getting ptsd from the girls calling him shrimpy SHRIMPY KEKW rename: shrip YASSHRIMP[YYYYYYYYYYYYY MOE SHRIMPY HAHA we live in a sociaty Shrimpy shrimp test Allright shut up Naruto From shrimpy to snake KEKW You were a bully but TF Blade was bullied PEEP Shrimpsou SHRIMPSUO HES LYING IT WAS THE GIRLS KEKW @Yassuo whats up shrimpy boy the guys called you shrimpy cause of your dick KappaPride @yassuo how toll are you now? thanks for the shoutout Shrimpy kidnap faker for content! SHRIMPW @tellmewhynot yea it was wild Shrimp lmao KEKW Pog LMAOOOOO Pog EZ LOOOL JUKED Pog outplayed JUKED KEKW LOL JUKED KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty EZREAL KEKW JUKEDDDDDD PLAYED U LMFAO lololol OUTPLAYED Pog Moe pantsied a girl with a big bush???? KEKW Pog KILL THE CAT KILL HER ALMOST OUTPLAYED BUT NICE Are the Twitch servers lagging? Pog went from reeses piece to extra large mars bar Will my donation contribute to the charity?? SlightlySatisfied subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! shrimpeee kekw still got him Pog @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios SadChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - seph_11 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 3 month streak! yo moo what up. Have you heard of Dopped Outta College by 24kGoldn? It slaps Why is your Twitch name Yassuo and not Shrimpy? sanchRage sanchRage sanchRage sanchRage sanchRage would u say u r better than drunk faker? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! DatSheffy DatSheffy Man got his ankles broken but blocked the shot RESPECT .. yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @seph_11 WeirdChamp yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU gachiHYPER KappaPride Clap yasPride Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: WAIT WHAT DID I MISS ????????? gachiBASS KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride your gay WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat gachiBASS awwwwwww thanks man @seph_11 and thats when u realized that ur gay WeirdChamp sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo @Yassuo First Snake now Shrimp what S-animal you gonna pick next Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? that's why HYOON left, she realized you packing a shrimp gachiBASS Clap Explains a lot lol @elite_luemmel he would be stealing my name then lialiaHype lialiaHype lialiaHype @sin_deed moe's a dick yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Like you KappaPride Clap yeah me and the boys used to bang all day every day but it was just the think you know 1 nut shrimp @Yassuo @Yassuo opinions on KatEvolved on TSMA? sorry if it has been asked CamilIe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! whats good moe in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios hehe ;) TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance HYOON pepehands TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance @dreathbeastx explain TriDance TriDance favorite anime is banana fish, hit each other's nuts everyday? idk man OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT TRASH skip WideHard TriDance TriKool TriKool Clap TRASH KEKW do u know there is a chance u could die if u get hit in the nuts real hard TriDance TriDance sound like a fake dababy song KEKW TriDance ricardoFlick TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool Pog TriDance THIS SHIT HIT HARDDDDDDDDDDDDDD TriDance TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH wtf is this shitty music TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriDance TriKool Clap WOOO TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH any gifters Kappa 3 crystals ryze LOL sound like a fake dababy song KEKW sound like a fake dababy song KEKW sound like a fake dababy song KEKW this song slaps moe WideHarder DANCE DANCE DANCE TriDance TriDance TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool ratirlMozart ratirlMozart you know what they say. sore finger, sore dick @yassuo framedL @CamilIe Pog name actually skip this garbage TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance WeirdChamp yasSpit TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance that shit hard trash Ayyyyyyeee j HahaSleep @camilie what is this TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance eh TriKool SKRR FreakinStinkin KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle WutFace WutFace WutFace RlyTho RlyTho WutFace tfbC WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance bass goes lol TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool music is too loud yo tfbC tfbC tfbC TriKoolTriKoolTriKoolTriKool ?????????? ESKETHEEE TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance CLOUT You missed a cheer homie NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance u smoke weed bro like some 420 some u know this shit hits hard WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder lowkey trash clean taste SKRRRRRRR WideHardo TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance CurseLit Poggers Pog TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance GARBAGE TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH TriDance YUH okay okay oow ratirlWot ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart TriDance Shit song KEKW Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance WideHardo Clap TriDance I COULDA MADE THIS SONG WeirdChamp Clap @yassuo play u U U U u U did i mfken stutter RlyTho RlyTho RlyTho SO EASILY. TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance What do you to for the cloud @Yassuo TriHard TriHard TriHard TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance Laud as fuckkkkkk TriDance playlist? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance clean af. neat beat and clean flow TriAthlon TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance GARBAGE NEXXXXT WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WideHarder WeirdChamp ClapWeirdChamp ClapWeirdChamp Clap TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance Any chillers? ratirlChilling WeirdChamp Clap WeirdChamp Clap WeirdChamp Clap WeirdChamp Clap TriHard Clap TriKool Clap WideHard Clap WideHarder Clap TriDance Clap WideHardo Clap TriHard Clap TriKool Clap WideHard Clap WideHarder Clap TriDance Clap WideHardo Clap TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance ANY WIDER WideHard TRUE LULW TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance turn it up TRUEE KEKW TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriHard Clap TriKool Clap WideHard Clap WideHarder Clap TriDance Clap WideHardo Clap TriAthlon Clap TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance trash song TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance what do you think about hail of blades yas with stormrazor first item instead of pd TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD framedD tru TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon @Yassuo is it 2 creepy if i jerk off with ma bruda no homo he had his chair i had mine we were just been in smae room and watching same porn no picking is it gay cos i am scared am i gay now HE ASIMILATES WITH THE SONG CAUSE HE GOT DROPPED OUT FROM THE COLLEGE @yassuo after this game check nadeshot Twitter about the mob @yassuo which is your fav skin among all POGGERS FORTNITE ? THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME KEKW WE WideHarder WIDE TURN IT UP Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance ? Dababy? PLay Bop by Dababy TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance LOUDER TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance PJSalt panicBasket panicBasket DABABY IS A BEAST WideHarder TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool if they deleted yasuo next patch would u still stream? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance ratirlChilling framedL ? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance OtavioNFL subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo play suge dababy rn ornn jg Pog Pog ORNNHUB favorite DaBaby song? Passin EZ TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance ORNN R KEKW ANY GIFTERS WideHarder TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance god POG TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance M CLOUT TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @otavionfl TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance broke up with gf came here for comfort ngl im at my worst state cant eat or sleep ty for streaming WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shrimpee getting carried once again Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 Pride100 The girls called you shrimpy so you resorted to touching other boys schlongs? ANY DANCERS? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance WideHarder WideHarder its over this one YO MOE COME IN GREECE BUD reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 10 others in Chat! peepoClap Ornn jg new meta? srkenji getting out jg by ornn KEKW Do you like the band sleeping with sirens Moe? yasFBM HYOON Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? @AKAROH TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool @yassuo do you have any tips for beating hello kitty? <3 boshy Kappa no u havent HYOON PepeHands shrimpy boi getting carried KEKW SCHLONG Kappa kapp Kappa Kapp hyoon Hyoon PEPEHANDS @Ukinuki00 She worth dying for? NO YOU HAVENT KEKW hiiii <3 SOMEONE ELSE IS FUCKING HER NOW KEKW I wanna suck ur cockk KEKW DONO BibleThump @Tommys7 why dont u invite me :( HYOON PepeHands Kappa HYOON PepeHands widepeepoSad hyoon you havent been through shit when was your last relationship moe you kind of alwyas know its coming :( KEKW @Ukinuki00 stay strong bro, good things will come your way my irl name is kush no cap time just gotta let it pass HYOON PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko HYOON LUL @ukinuki00 <3 HYOON pepeHands @Ukinuki00 ur gonna be alright brother @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios @AudreyFall TriDance yo moe come in greece bud HYOON KEKW I FLEW OUT TO BOCA RATON HES TALKING ABOUT HYOON BUT HYOON WAS NEVER INTERESTED KEKW shrimpy boi getting carried :/ U just expect the girls to break ur heart Hyoon pepeHands when were you even in a relationship HYOON KEKW CHAT OMEGALUL Pog @AKAROH you had to go there? 4Weird HYOON PepeHands what is ur best way of breaking up with someone Faker Pog SOMEONE ELSE LICKING HER BUTTHOLE NOW KEKW yasDiamond hi wy date girls when u can just chill with them CHAT WeirdChamp POG LUL FAKER OMG u never date them u never get ur heart broken HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands AUOTING WeirdChamp INSECURE hyoon Pog Smooth D: havent watched this long in so lang Pog pog @Tellmewhynot People were going to type it anywyas LOOK AT THE ;MOVES TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance PogYou actual 1v2 PogU have fun with them and then realize they probably getting fucked right after u chill more like 1V1 The shrimp got dumped? oh well atleast i fucked first TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance Hi moe, i am your biggest fan why u disrespecting how do u break up with a girl like an alpha? my irl name is kush no cap this was all sudden i still want her back even tho we both know that happening thank you moe thank you chat ill shut my mouth up lol TriDance ANY SHIMMY SHAKERS? favorite dababy song? TriDance ANY DANCERS? hyoon pepehands @AKAROH i was thinkinh about it yoo PepeLaugh aint happeninc* Cheer100 hyoon pepehands in chat plz SKIPPERRRRR subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey moe, gunga ginga TALK TO YOUR CHATTTTT MAN reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! wissestolk subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Ukinuki00 Yo same happened to me a few weeks ago, but its k dude girls come and go focus on yourself how much money did u raiser already? @Yassuo can i be ur flatmate? i want some where to live and stream Thanks for the HahaDreidel @skipperrrrr listen to Kigns by Tribe Society PEPEHANDS @Tellmewhynot PepeLaugh hyoon pepehands <33 HAHAHAA Pog favorite dababy song?? tteelo subscribed with Twitch Prime. HYOON PepeHands PepeLaugh hyoon pepehands reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hyoon PepeHands hes getting ptsd lp hyoon PepeHands yo play ur game fuk that guy ThunderKiller15 easy you uppercut her in the pussy hyoon pepehands KEKW !uptime @yassuo any tips for beating hello kitty boshy? wassup LULW The stream has been live for 1 hours 32 minutes 55 seconds monkaS WeirdKEKW KEKW hyoon pepehands Thanks for the HahaLean @tteelo pepeHands CHAT haHAA @Yassuo I dont know if you use a map cover. but you dont have one on atm shrimpy boi getting carried :/ TriDance hi lol GAY lmao the way they spin that hella funny ? ?????????? in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ez ult LUL KEWK True KEKW Hyoon PepeLaugh ezreal choked hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands ?????????????? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday HYOON widepeepoHappy KappaPride Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? @wissestolk. PagChomp TriDance ANY SHRIMPS H Y O O N Kreygasm FUCK THE CHAT PepeHands HYOON @hyoon peepeehands WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat kinda sus hyoon TriDance yo @Yassuo Do you play Arab rap? If you do, could you play Groups by ElGrandeToto yasU yasU CHAT STOP 4Weird @Yassuo Hyoon PepeHands ezreal lol ey moe hows FED goin TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance You reckon u can Climb Challenger in OCE? wtf is ur support saying H Y OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N moe gunga ginga goonga HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall dragonfire423 -> Please refrain from posting links. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Thats sus man TriDance WOW WOW WOOW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid @hyoon wat @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios ShowLove100 ShowLove100 whats your Favorite DaBaby song? Ez used r ANELE ARAB RAP KEKW I got an 8:30 res at Dorsia KEKW yasH CHAT STOP 4Weird not live in the PAST 4Weird HYOON PepeHands ratirlFlower flower power ratirlFlower CyrusRoller subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasU Never shouted out my sub reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! cmon in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuoin your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol ANELE TOTOOOOOO Follow me on Twitter for updates GayPride GayPride Arab rap WutFace ELGRANDE TOTO IS THE BEST @Yassuo Do you like nightcore? I DONT FUICKING CARE PepeHands scam !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 33 minutes 40 seconds PepeHands dababy haHAA LISTEN TO IT Why did moe get worse over the years bois? What the fuck is ur support saying lmao !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Idfc Will be Aphelios your knew Main the coming Sesone buddy??? omran use to always scoop my tit in class back then he was too horny Ekko Pog pepega KappaPride FeelsRainMan yas5 Please MAN turn of the god damn RADIO MUSIC dont feel bad mo shrimps can get up to 8inches PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands @yassuo become a Vel’Koz otp !playlist <3 <3 <3 <3 idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD idfc pepeD Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW BibleThump IDFC BibleThump IDFC BibleThump IDFC BibleThump IDFC BibleThump IDFC That song makes me sad BibleThump who want a gift PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands SIMP SONG PepeHands BOP is a well a bop yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Moe PogU Pog KS LULW Pog Pog clean This song fits the mood... PogU KS KEKW pOG @Yassuo would you ever smoke weed with me? Ps : Tyler is a bitch. Love you from Canada I HAD HELLA FEELINGS FOR YOU yasFBM POGU wow !uptime OKAY The stream has been live for 1 hours 34 minutes 16 seconds PogU i see you MOE yasSnake_SG PepeStrongMan LMAO SMURF Jebaited VOICE CRACK HYOON yasFBM SIMP PogU Wow youre very good it’s almost like you play this game a lot How are you all? LMAO Pog MOE POGGERS @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios LMAOOOOOOO idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank LUL HYOON WutFace voice crack Hyoon PepeHands new song is better TheArcalius -> Please refrain from spamming caps. what is this beta ass song ff is coming blackbear when u simpin Wowzers idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls WutFace u just listening to blackbear hella sad MOE PogYou @yassuo moe seeems so EMO ca7se I'm so scare WutFace ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper feminnine streamer Stop Go moeeee @Ukinuki00 chin up babde IM ONLY A FOOL FOR YOU yasFBM fake deep music monkaW voice crack WutFaceW HAHAHA LUL LUL stop WeirdChamp !winrate SING IT LOUDER VOICE CRACK POG Moe Justin B Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP | 51W 9L 85% Winrate PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HahaNyandeer PepeHands idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls Plz no more singing FeelsStrongMan widepeepoSad !Charity HYOON PepeHands Donate Here - , Learn more here - HYOON PepeHands WutFaceW STOP IT :( @Yassuo Blackbear is completely underrated imo PepeHands FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan BABYS CRYING IN CHAT ABOUT HYOON KEKW BABYS CRYING IN CHAT ABOUT HYOON KEKW BABYS CRYING IN CHAT ABOUT HYOON KEKW FeelsRainMan Hyoon Pepehands idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls stop singing yasPls Simp LUL WutFace WutFace WutFace life gets better man Hyoon PepeHands :( :( :( soyboy music pepeHands who want a gift PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON PepeHandsHYOON Imagine having a break up and coming to this song on stream PepeWhy POG is it just me or theres been a lot more sad song in moes playlist recently??? this song bangs YOU DONT CARE THAT YOU GOT FRIENDZON BY POKIMANE CAUSE SHE TOO GOOD FOR YOU my irl name is kush no cap KEKWNA CASSIO Stop singing for fucksake OKAY @yassuo check nadeshot twitter about the mob when you get a chance lmao mako gonna fail the challenge AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL PepeHands EYA HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands AYAYA YEET OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios KEKW NA CASS KEKW AUTISM lol KEKW KEKW lol PEPEGA Pepega PepeHands AYAYA ? ingting mo AYAYA ????????????? ayaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAH Pepega AYAAAAAAA hahaha @Yassuo gross gore told me hes gonna knock you out if you keep chatting shit bruv, what are you thoughts? PogYou POG Pepega .. TRIUMPH"!?!?!?!\ AYAYA AYAYA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Hey Moe it's my birthday AYAYA ? MY EARDRUMS STOP IT MAN PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands PepePls IDFC PepeHands AYAYA YAYAYAYA AYAYA LOL autism AUTISM KEKW AYAYA stop singing pogu Pepega AYAAAA Hyoon FeelsStrongMan IM OVER IT FeelsStrongMan BibleThump IDFC FeelsStrongMan BibleThump IDFC FeelsStrongMan BibleThump IDFC FeelsStrongMan BibleThump IDFC AYAYA AYAAA wassup moe AYAYA ? Pog what happened to followage command KEKW CHAT STOP 4Weird YAYAYA yasSpit yasSpit nb3HA WutFace PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands. AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA auyism Pog Pepega idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls autistic screech KEKW AUTISM @Yassuo smoke weed with me PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW SOYBOY MUSIC KEKW HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT autism at its finest poki PepeHands hyoon PepeHands idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls idfc yasPls autism k6 LUL U PLAYED THIS SONG A LOT WHEN POKI REJECTED U ? ayaya PepeHands AYAYA hell no sing please no HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands NO @Yassuo Why shiv instead of PD? haHAA inc NO please stop please rinorkras1 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. N OMEGALUL LMFAOOOOOOO N OMEGALUL NO no no PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands ARTIST LOL i beg stop singing @Yassuo conquerer or fleet? no no pls HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Stop plz no no Ayaya please no no :) yes AYAYA NO no no :) no nb3MonkaS SING PLEASE NO NOOOOOOO in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuoin your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ahahahaHaha xD PokCroagunk kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA kumakuAYAYA plz no choice song after dude told u he broke up with his gf Autisem NOMEGALUL HELL NO PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls no :) Moe Lee! NOOOOOOOOOOOO kinda cringe PLEASE SING FeelsGoodMan Clap LOUDER FeelsGoodMan Clap nopw N OMEGALUL u fucking utisit N OMEGALUL PLEASE DONT MORE DO IT noc haHAA @Yassuo gross gore told me hes gonna knock you out if you keep chatting shit bruv, what are you thoughts?. thgis is why viewership is going down HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands.. stop please you cant sing bro MY EARS WutFace my ears no kekw Pepelaugh go on twitch sings again :D ????? jesus stop my dude no my ears HYOON dummy thicc haHAA CHAT in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo KEKW pow pow pow lol ALLAH MY EARS AngelThump KEKW ? And that's why yassuo doesn't sing on true damage LUL PLEASE OWWWWWW LOOK ME IN THE FACE STOP no please no ?????????????/ Don’t FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan fk you chat DansGame PogU REAL @KataGaKill did he play kat yet? TLEL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME YO BRO u somke some weed u know like 420?? @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios this song ass. sorry Moe TriKool @yassuo how much money did you raise already? sing more PepeHands What happend with twitch rivals? :) SING IT DUMB FUCKL !Charity STOP SINGING Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Why did you buy shiv insteado f pD? hyoon really killed u HAHHA @Yassuo Twitch sings again, when? you;re a good lip syncer Gay CRINGE u fucking autist xdd HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands i thought yo never bought shiv LOL LMAO who want a gifted sub boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA ily. yassuo you make my pussy wet at nite lylyly SOY CLOWNS CRY ABOUT HYOON KEKW SOY CLOWNS CRY ABOUT HYOON KEKW SOY CLOWNS CRY ABOUT HYOON KEKW DOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT @yassuo never give up on ur dream to become worlds best singer in the world PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls yasShrug HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Kringe PepeHands what dq fok in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ? LOL KEKW KEKW NOOOOO stop singing bro ur bad KEKW yes FINALLY much better :) what happened between Hyoon and Moe? I'm kinda slow FeelsRainMan F widepeepoSad yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit widepeepoSad IDFC PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls S I M P Beta boys going crying KEKW HAHAHAHHA youre a streamer and not a singer for a reason KEKW LUL LUL LUL @yassuo thoughts on Diana rework PogU NO CAM KEKW NADESHOT BULLYING MAKO PepeHands FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan come back :( :( PepeHands AHHHH LUL KEKW hyooon lol D: D: BibleThump sSHAHAAAHHA RiQuuZzz -> Please refrain from posting links. f KEKW PepeHands HYOON We just saying to him to stop singin and he say if he want us yo ear him singing make snes KEKW What a gross song :( Blackbear is a cokehead KEKW PepeHands pepePls KEKW LOL no mic no cam Pog LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - joke pepeHands finally :) widepeepoSad F widepeepoSad tfblade? ? NO CAM Pog you're adorable TFBlade cosplay PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands IS THIS TF BLADE Pog lol AM I WATCHING TF BLADE? YAYYYYYYYY 8888 widepeepoSad yasShrug yasShrug SINGING CRINGE huh? HYOON yasFBM HYOON yasFBM HYOON yasFBM HYOON yasFBM HYOON yasFBM HYOON yasFBM HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands tt PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls xqcSad xqcSad xqcSad bully the bully! LOL TFBlade Pog you are idol XD ._. Yatism alert! HYOON PepeHands yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead PepeHands yasHYPERS Finally KEKW fake crying to hide that youre really crying 5Head fake crying to hide that youre really crying 5Head yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM SOY CLOWNS CRY ABOUT HYOON KEKW SOY CLOWNS CRY ABOUT HYOON KEKW FeelsRainMan no cqm FeelsRainMan nice porn !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo if you enjoy singing then sing, thats the most important thing yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM @AKAROH PepeLaugh PogU NO MIC NO CAM TFBLADE RANK 1 GLOBAL widepeepoSad PepeLaugh NO CAM Pog this song reminds him of hyoon PEPEHANDS if i donate and tell you to play a song, do you do it? TF BLADE STREAM KENW unluggy moe LULW FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan tobias fate cosplay? KEKW the tarro remix of this song is so good OMEGALUL TRUUUUUUE KEKW KEKW LULW LMFAO HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands KEKW TF BLADE STREAM KEKW xd KEKW KEKW @BlazikenX23 PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW Pog @BlazikenX23 thank you for the sub! LUL REAL GAMEPLAY NOW KEKW AH YOU BITCH tfblade cosplay pog hey youtube OH GOD WHAT NOW LUL hyoon pepehands KEKW KEKW EMINEM im watching a TFBlade stream wtf rhobalasWTF rhobalasWTF OMEGALUL KEKW PogU ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA KEKW hahahaha hahahahhaa LULW 100% ahahaahhahsj LUL KEKW !CHARITY LMFAOOO Donate Here - , Learn more here - it was good man thats my shit right there KEKW TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard NO MIC NO CAM Pog KEKW @yassuo never give up on ur dream to become worlds best singer in the world LOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE face cam dummy LULW TRUEE RTUE KekW HE'S PROLLY NAKED RN TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IRELIA 1/7 WHEN MIC GONEEEE KEKW keep singing Pog so true KEKW hhahaha yasPlead u playng RANKeD? No mic no cam? KEKW Pog PogU OK FAKER tf is that you PogU it worked Pog Pog ITS WORKING WORKING Pog LMAOOO SEARCH GAY BAR MUSIC IN YOUTUBE KEKW TRUE KEW POGU ITS WORKIGN EMINEMMM IS THAT BLADE? LOL TRUUUUUUU Till i collapsee... TRUE KEKW OK FAKER stream legit better now working Pog Pog IT WORKS ITS WORKING Pog LOL ITS WORKING LULW WHERE'S THE CENSORED VERSION @Yassuo get them brother :D kekw TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool BROKENBLADE COSPLAY PogU hes getting the power guys HAHHAHA KEKW TF BLADE???? Pog JHOJYLKYJAOEIJ congrats chat we did it @Yassuo F keys for style ITS WORKING POGGERS actually real! ITS WORKING i went to las vegas and there was a big section in a hotel dedicated to gaming and there were a lot of people playing wow and lol TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool bro, turn camera back on, you're ruining my jerk session TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool NO MIC NO CAM POG POG Pog OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO GAME SOUNDS SHIT COSPLAY CLEAN Pog TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD pog POGGERS TriKool ITS THE MUSIC Pog Pog TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool Blade Pog Tf blade cosplay pog HES BECOMING TFBLADE Pog TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TF BLADE DOEEEEEEEEE POGGG ITS WORKING PogYou TF BLADE Pog Plays better no mic no cam pog LUL POGU TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool ITS WORKING POGGERS POG Thittch subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 14 month streak! Pog IT WORKS HahaCat HahaSweat HahaThisisfine HahaReindeer HahaGingercat THE MUSIC AND NO MIC reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool and cam HYPERCLAP OK LUL TILL THE ROOF COMES OFF TILL THE LIGHTS GO OUT yo ITS HIM PogYou ITS HIM PogYou ITS HIM PogYou ITS HIM PogYou ITS HIM PogYou ITS HIM PogYou TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool !charity louder Donate Here - , Learn more here - chocolate09876 subscribed at Tier 1. ? TILL I COLLAPSE No mic no cam op reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool is that blade???? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD yoooooo lmao TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon TriDance TriKool TriAthlon it worked ur not dookie anymore TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool OKAY EMINEM TriDance LEFT ez ult in 5 seconds HahaNutcracker w9ooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo PepePls NO CAM STREAM INSECURE CRINGE my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u YOOOO Pog Clap autism tfbBuddy where the fuck did moe go ? TriDance bring moe back Eminem is bad hey moe u a sexy beast WE HEAR YOUR MOUSE 0/10 POOGERS what is this TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap ON THE DROP song! pepeD YESSIR ZOOM SICKK POG U interact with chat 110000x better stream like dat U ACTUALLY PLAY BETTER WITHOUT CAM TriDance TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKoolTriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool TriDance KKool its working rank 1 soon POGU no webcam no respect for human life WORKING POGGERS lol where is moe he just smoked a fat bowl 100% HOW DOES TYLER HAVE MORE VIEWERS THAN YOU WHEN HES BORING AF lkj oiu ,mn you are so good now ZOOM THIS SONG IS TRASH CHANGE TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap bring MOE BACK TriDance GO BACK DansGame ty COGGERS I like this kind of stream Pog pepeD is moe steaming tf blade TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD tfbPepega tfbPepega tfbPepega tfbPepega tfbPepega TF Blade cosplay KEKW pepeD when should you buy shiv peeJAM @Yassuo Why shiv and not PD? TURN IT UP works Pog TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD Pure inting as always Kappa pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD HahaSleep dminem AudreyFall -> Please refrain from spamming caps. yassuo no cam? TriDance KKool Clap TriAthlon Why no cam ? SHOW YOUR FACE CAM YOU APE............. music ?? pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer HahaNyandeer TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap of course hes playing better he doesnt have to pay attention to chat ??? @Yassuo you good in the head boi ? sin_deed -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ITS WORKING FFOR YOU tfbBuddy TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard SHHH TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD CAM GONE CAM GONE CAM GONE CSM GONE Kapp POG KEKW is he pretending to be tf blade? bruh LOL THAT STREAM IS COOL AS FUCK Kapp Kappa Kapp pepeJAM Kappa TriAthlon OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO Kapp moe aint got no girls Kapp !charity MUH IMMERSION Donate Here - , Learn more here - Kapp OOOOOOOOOOO SHHH WutFace He talked penis no seu toba @Yassuo why u turned off camea girls Kapp music name ? is this 2pac TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD OOOOOOOOOOOOO Kappa Kappa cam? sure TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD RANK 1 SOON LIKE BLADE me no like Eminem KAppa Kapp Kappa cam ? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp why no cam? LUL you mean texting noone? TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap BoolinJAM BETTER THIS WAY continue being quiet GIRLS KAPPA pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD comes on time Cam ? tfblade on yasuo no mic no cam stream pog @Yassuo TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap Kappa Tf Blade That U??? cam Kapp TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap YAAAA SUREEEEE tfbUp this song CM ? pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap @Yassuo whats his name? TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap cam why are you smurfing? lmao !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - CHAT ITS TFBLADE COSPLAY cam? TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap Cam? your cam is dead I love this TF BLADE??? HE TALKING TO HIS MOM shrimpy textin the hoes @Yassuo TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM . BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM eminem till i calapse TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap . TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD PepeD TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap lol pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM yas got bullied so he hid his face TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap CENSORED VERSION SCUFFED COSPLAY LULW SpongePls TRASHYOOOO IN ACTION TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap Zaneax subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ayyyyy TF BLADE???? cam ? if we dont see him, he cant see us smart TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap pepeJAM Clap reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap You know tanner and chad are going crazy rn jamming out watching on max volume sexy cam for once turn off the mic too lol TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD love eminem till i calapse TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap deffyxi subscribed with Twitch Prime. WATCH THE OUTPLAY NO CHAT reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! nxzmin subscribed with Twitch Prime. Cant see you moe come back brother KEKW ???????????? KEKW ???????? KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PepePls pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD TILL I COLLAPSE pepeD KEKW ! WHHAT? KEKW KEKW TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap TriDance KKool Clap KEKW NVM outplayed outplayed LULW KEKW nice exhaust faker Even going toplane for the real TFBlade experience Pog my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u it doesnt work KEKW KEKW KEKQW Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @zaneax shrimpy texting dem girls tobias fate cosplay KEKW KEKW kek yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK KEKW LULW wher si moe CLAPPED since when does tfblade know how to play yasuo KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - u succ wh yshiv YASUO IS BALANCED THO KEKW Shrimpy down KEKW lul KEKW loud LOOOOOOOOOL thanks ;)) PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: KEKW Moe go back :) LULW nice exhaust faker KEKW KEKW big fail Camille broke ur ankles harder than my ex broke my heart lol ???? So bad HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine NO LULW more like his champ counters yas shrimpy boi is dead GET A CLOTHES HAMPER FOOL clean XDDDDD Nothing stops true damage U DIED CUZ U TALKED BLADE DOEST LUL POGU KEKW Just came here! Why does this stream seem better? PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK have u tried stormrazor on yasuo ? @Yassuo !music @Yassuo smoke weed with me boi YES RYZE POGGERS GO BACK YOU WERE PLAYING WELL ryze balanced KEKW when should you buy shiv pog flytower123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! <3 can anyone tell me what's going on with the league client/website? When are you gonna use those F keys man @Yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! fapfapfap How can moe be that handsome thejnvr100 -> Please refrain sending long messages. yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK N OMEGALUL You're actually such an entertaining and funny person to watch, and I hope you never change. Keep up the good work, you deserve all the success you have ryze dmg BALANCED in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo BUY A CLOTHES HAMPER........ RN GOGO Camille broke ur ankles harder than my ex did to my heart IT'S OK TO BE MALDLULW Thanks for the HahaSweat @flytower123 TriHard PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: PUT CAMERA OFF D: CarlSmile !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - no Moe Give Me Mod Are you more likely to read chat if Its marked like this? 11111111 ;P 111 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 1man spam Weirdchamp 111111 #PrayforAlbania yasN washed up moe ANY -1K KEKW PogChamp @deathkidx3 that was a really nice message Lul yasH YEEEEEES !dic !div KEKW Q OK FAKER -1k KEKW, any ratirlFlower ? yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK gg KILL THE RAT KEKW CARRIED @Yassuo Why Shiv instead of Phantom Dancer? wp wp team @Yassuo in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ratirlFlower FAKER WTFC !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ratirlFlower Ornn to the save PogU yasSpit_HF thejnvr100 -> Please refrain sending long messages. wp shrimpy kill that toxic cat @Ikickass007 for fun, game's won anyway Moe handsome? HYRAMBA pog ratirlFlower @nxzmin Pog Pog Pog Title : TFBlade smurf on yasuo NO MIC NO CAM TRYHARD GRINDING STREAM KEKW @Yassuo Pog WTF xTridennt subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU POG Pog Pog Pog PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u PogU oos Pog Pog yasU pog cmonBruh @albaniannaruto why you so damn ugly man RIGGED FOR MOE MAINS Pog ANY BUSINESS MAN ? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness 5Head pog Yasuo mechanics Pog wow he discovered new stuff Pog pogggg nice yasSpit_HF yasSpit_TK uu aaqqqqq Pog @Yassuo watch yasuicide montage after this game please? KEKW XDD neever seen such a handsome league player. ratirlBusiness Ready to do business KEKW KEKW KEKW shrimpy boi ded ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness KEKW lemme e into camile KEKW @Yassuo DO YOU KNOW SARDOCHE ???? you ran straight into the E dashed into the stun MOE FAT LULW HAHAHAHA TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE int why the fuck you so goddamn ugly brotherrrrr D: in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuoin your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo DASH TO CAMILLE'S E LMAO LMAO focus your focus Pog ur bad camille broken KEKW say the man who play yas why you so handsome e'd in LUL Astn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! sup bitch best left handed gamer here dont forget me ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! that champion is the least bit broken get fucked Chat, i think the "broke up with my gf" dono got to him. He looks more emo KEKW Give Me Mod taci dreq palying Yas complaining about broken champs lmao moe when should i buy shiv LULW lol !Chrity Pride300 Hey Moe, big fan here. Just sayin' I'd leave my boyfriend of 1year+ for you ngl yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up inting? HYAHAHA forsenE OMEGALUL u suck reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! !charity !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map? Donate Here - , Learn more here - damn f LUL LOL @Yassuo PUT A DONATION BAR !charity u aint raising shit KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - HOW MUCH MONEY DID U RAISE? what do channel points do NICE NOSE OMEGALUL Yasuoside @khalood221 vayne 1 DOLAR Pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls what time is it LUL yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK MOE FAAT LULWWWWW yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up dead stream KEKW in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ? you look so tired ff How was your day Moe? @yassuo @Yassuo How do you stop yourself from drowning in all the Pussy you get?? yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls @Yassuo Do you ever start dorans shield? yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK Logster13450 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! yo moe love the streams. do i ask this girl out kinda scared wanted the boy's opinion LOL tfbINNOCENT think u need a new haircut agian I love you moe @Yassuo playing in TCS and make him -60k? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - D: yasSUO U ARE A FAT FUK, STOP thinking u are so strong and handsome, u smell bad af. please shut up pls @Yassuo you ever gonna stream at 100t house?? @Yassuo You and Trick doing Jump King bet for new map?? @sardine__ LE SEL why are you so fat !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 41 minutes 35 seconds !uptime hey moe, restock them hoodies !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ü If U give Me Mod Ill Boost U @Yassuo when are 1v1s? Yoo Moe watched your video maybe 15 times when you got triggered when monti was trash taking about you in twitch rivals and it’s cracks me up Cheer100 TriDance aeeewwww yasuooooo .... yasShrug pepeD Thanks for the HahaPoint @logster13450 YOU LICK TF LIL PIPI DONT SNAKE HIM AGAIN bet for charity is this the 24h stream 100Thieves content creator btw Nadeshot bullying Mako SadChamp is this a 24 hour stream moe? my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u TriDance TriDance iSpy Poggers Nadeshot bullying Mako SadChamp wheez KEKW ???? @Yassuo stop 1V1 camile boolinJAM Brooo u noob hi moee whats up buddy fat guy LUL U SSSSSNNNNAAAKKEEE TRICK AND NOW HES STUCK IN THE MEDUSA LEVEL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance !charity yasPlead Donate Here - , Learn more here - Ur So FUcking Bad TableHere BoolinJAM TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance moeee in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo yo moe, restock your hoodies pls KEKW Donate the grand prize money from this last twitch rivals oh wait BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance MOE FAT NOOB HAHAHA @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance you cant take flame tho Good thing monte got kicked KEKW @Yassuo do you know the old 100T academy midlaner Linsanity? He's a good friend of mine imqtine using reddis Broken champ Handsome moe here we go yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT Moe is cringe POG BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance dont be salty ass @Yassuo yes yes KEKW wtf is up with the league servers @Yassuo restock your merch dummy its free money LEBRON Xackyz -> Please refrain from posting links. @Rampo123, rampo here we go hey moe @Yassuo NEW WEEKND VIDEO PogU U talk too fast. '-' mans washed up @Yassuo Why u so bad at Yasuo LMAO Yes :) lal yes i aint no pussy straight facts KEKW Stop comparing your self to lebron james its cringe in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo KEKW THIS ANALOGY AGAIN LULW Share more stories, they’re entertaining!! BibleThump BoolinJAM TriDance I LOVE THE DANCE TO THIS SONG ur shit ur not lebron ur like jr smith ??? YOU WISH KEKW WutFace @nxzmin TriHard 7 love your streams dangelo russel of league of legends cuz u a snake lol is this a 24 hour stream? @yassuo when 1V1s????? LULW @Yassuo NEW WEEKND VIDEO PogU g LeBron plays volleyball Yes músic? ItzSpaghet subscribed at Tier 1. pepePls Lmao reddit skin god reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MOE IS CRINGE POG Havent heard that one in a long time @Yassuo Redidit KEKW lol alright i mean maybe steph curry of league aint no lebron of league @yassuo lebron is also 7ft tall @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios lebron james of league lol PepePls moe how can i get a handsome, cute and great guy like you??? @yassuo ratirlPepe ratirlChilling ratirlChilling KEKW Thanks, again @Yassuo IF LEBRON HAS A BIG NOSE.. DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Lebron 3-6 Kappa YOink U talk tooooooooo damn fast. YOU ARE LITERALLY THE JORDAN SMITH OF LEAGUE OF ELGENDS moe noob cringe? GIANNIS>LEBRON BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance BoolinJAM TriDance KEKW wait, lebron dead? !1v1 @Ludilue TRUE KEKW I heard THat u From Plesten is that right (dont know how to type it) LULW Chill bro BisexualPride LEBRON YOU NEED TO START SAYING UR KEVIN DURANT LOL SSSSSSSSS you dont want this smoke... bot. whats that story on ig? i got confused if u meant wetting urself when seeing faker or playing against faker? 🤔🤔 KEKW KEKW lol throwing ff? LULW YOURE THE BEN SIMMONS OF THE LEAGUE CAUSE YOU DONT SHOOT YOUR SHOT KEKW int how do you play the matchup against malzahar after lvl 6 do you rush qss? !1V1 Where did he go KEKW MOESUICIDE !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 43 minutes 21 seconds ehehe go Tyler TehePelo dont you wanna go to staples to see bron murder dudes? !uptime conqueror or fleet? MALARDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Lebron James doesn't sound like a member of the Chipmunks LUL PENTAAAAA @Yassuo what does mean habibi do you have any plans on dropping merch again? I SPY monkaEyes I SPY monkaEyes I SPY monkaEyes I SPY monkaEyes I SPY monkaEyes f f? You are at best Joe the Janitor, who cleans hoods court THROW KEKEW @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios? fffffffffff camille capped u that's y LeBron has a mansion you have a room ORDER FOOD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo Give Me Mod Please I'VE TRIED BUT I CAN'T PLAY LEAGUE WHILE LISTENING TO MUSIC😭 Moe you kekw @yassuo if you are lebron, who is faker? LEBRON KEKW !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 43 minutes 32 seconds should have went PD probably? @Yassuo ur autopiloting bro Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios well you always miss dangelo russell of league cuz u a snake ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !Charity donating to urself Cheer100 lebron James? more like tragic moe buddy why u inting Kappa Clap Donate Here - , Learn more here - Suicidessuo GHOSTING LUL HE DROWNING IN DICKS LULW you were giving 3 kills to camille, that happa ed , W OMEGALUL W he shoots he just misses nick young nick young PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD What happens is you ran it down yea nick young YES KEKW yes HahaTurtledove @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios?? yea PepeLaugh !Charity yes Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Nick younh Mostly dicks Swaggy p yeah KEKW @Rampo123, if I didnt sub would u have gifted :) yes yuup @Yassuo WHY have such a big nose @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? SMAP m7 noice Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo SSSSSSSSSSSSSS LUL LUL LUL Yeaaa ghosting ghosting hahahahahha Lmao you aint even trying xD just okay bachi its more enjoyable to watch OMEGALUL !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 44 minutes 11 seconds nah KD is the snake of the league vejwertz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hi moe, can you play "min nivå" its made by einar WaitWhat yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! you're so skillful, but you missing the winner essence it got leake PainChamp @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u When 24h charity stream will be on? cant wait @Yassuo CONDONING CHEATING KEKW You a snake yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK yasN_TK TehePelo you rly are lebron of league you always blame your team when you lose Thanks for the HahaHide @vejwertz ehehe tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE Nah U gotta tell the girl That was hard @yassuo bros b4 hoes wdym if she a bitch, ditch @Yassuo what do i do when my dad always wants to make out with me? :( MrDestructoid TRUE in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo so what forsenCD @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios?? PogU TRUE Your mom cheats on you !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo you are the joe to my mama lebron only loses cuz his team cant keep up true @Yassuo TRUEEEEEE ANY CHAMPS IN CHAT? forsenCD @yassuo are you really playing in TCS? U KNOW PLAYBOI CARTI IS THRASHING THESE HOES THRASHING THESE BIHS MORE THEN NICK YOUNG TOO IGGY IS REALLY A DUMB BLONDE yasTrue Einar KEKW forsenCD ✌ @Yassuo can you do 1V1s on euw? @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios F Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! yas5 wow Sanchovies FailFish NO MORE HARD Pog leave sanch for last damn that team sounding fire cover map TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU TRICK ? PogU Sancho KEKW @Yassuo who cheated? LS TEAM POG Kapp what is TCS? will lose right away KEKW Gn have a nice stream ^^ Camille is not broken you dog my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u Will u be allowed in with that LP KEKW @Yassuo why not Alicopter , fucking snake You’re Lebron bc next year you’ll be washed up @Yassuo u see LS's team Who's the support??? NICE TEAM Moe this is your chance to get Alissa Violet POWER HOUSE TEAM WHEN IS TCS? @Yassuo is sanchovies bad? ignored WOW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @vejwertz einar is trash compared to dree low, Z.E and ant wan WHEN IS TCS? @Yassuo WHEN IS TCS? @Yassuo WHEN IS TCS? @Yassuo Sanchy POKI BOOTY OR HYOON BOSOM? damn you snaked david ? @Yassuo Crowncupking KD is the snake of the NBA in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo ??? @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios?? if she a bitch, ditch forsenCD so? forsenCD so? imagine cheating on iggy azelea LMAOOO forsenCD fakeeeee WHY DO YOU BRING YOUR PLATINUM FRIEND INTO THESE TORUNAMENT GAMES TO GO 0-10 VS CHALLENGER PLAYERS? ITS DISGUSTING gifted a sub aye ignored WOWOW yas5 PEPE HANDS forsenCD and? !uptime @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios The stream has been live for 1 hours 45 minutes 56 seconds lmfao he savage lmao @Crimson_Vain ls will be out in groups, man cant play anything but malphite @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? FAK FRIEEEEENS @Yassuo u see LS's team for TCS That ain't his boi then tf TRUE TearGlove @Yassuo did he get pulled up on tho? 25k points a sub man wtf i have to watch everyday all day for a month to get that Who's your TCS Support?? Kappa k nick young has joined the gentlemens club forsenCD you will lose the game Who want what :angry: si OMEGALUL n l yasClown Yes let me know what you think about the song min nivå did the stream go offline at some point because it's been more than 2 hours, right? yas100T yas100T yas100T yas100T StoneLightning c WHY DO YOU BRING YOUR PLATINUM FRIEND INTO THESE TORUNAMENT GAMES TO GO 0-10 VS CHALLENGER PLAYERS? ITS DISGUSTING? jainmunglerlol or buy it brah camille is ghosting hard LULW POGGG POG Pog POGG Pog 6666666 pogg pog Did u see your mom naked ever? @Yassuo LUL PREDICTED almost pog but really LULW PREDICT POGGERS oh Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Toxic snake ssssssssssss i take that back ur so fucking good @Yassuo that was pog LUL SANCHOVIES ORNN LULW LUL Pog Sandy a fake. subbed to him and he ignored it BibleThump Kappa @fake230 the fuk? cmonBruh i have no idea how he keeps reading chat during game that fast xD !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 46 minutes 55 seconds POG CHAMPUUU coubqueror or fleet? @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios@Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios moe a real one my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios Pog @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @fake230 chill PORTUGAL im grandmaster too though? KEKW @yassuo can you do 1V1s on euw THROW KEKW ALIVE FOR ALMOST 2 HRS WeirdChamp wtf is yummi PORTUGAL want a screenshot throw troller @Dalbella bro he has koren players he coahed and some of em are in academy LCS and play in challenger KR LUL LUL LUL PepeLaugh CAMILLE 1V5 KEKW Camille is not BROKEN DOG SHE IS JUST FED AF gg doomed game thrower @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios especially when sanch has been d4 for the past month WeirdChamp inter tyler1 playing halo!! MOE DO YOU KNOW YASUICIDDE? ok riot @Yassuo u see LS's team for TCS k @jainmunglerlol if you get the sub you get double points after so you only have to watch like 7 this stream is just baiting peoples money so we cant hit the goal for the real charity stream Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor you know with anti heal you win this right? @Crimson_Vain who is it @yassuo can you do 1V1s on euw server or only na??? WHY ARE U SO PRETTY MOE Moe Inted @Yassuo can u show your settings camille is balanced yassuo giving money to all enemy team bill IGNORED KEKW Tyler sold out to Halo OMEGALUL ryze die nothin this gsme Did u see your mom naked ever? @Yassuo when is TCS? @Yassuo yassoint LS gonna mald !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 47 minutes 44 seconds @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @Yassuo what do u think of yasuo this preseason ? i rly dont like him gosu pog Sil3nt_3ch0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! What superpower would you choose? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LOL @Crimson_Vain Like I say, they might be good but he will be the reason they lose, all he can play is malphite plus he's literally hardstuck D2 @Crimson_Vain who's in it camille q later on totally is broken WAIT 5Head @Yassuo ur going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ? @Yassuo when are we gonna see the spicy garen yuumi bot ??? @yassuo thoughts on Dzukill? actual 5Head You're doing great man! 5Head @yassuo selam habibi oh shit...... !charity True Faaake Every bit counts Donate Here - , Learn more here - waste money? WeirdChamp Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - but were saving it DOING GREAT MOE KEKW Why do you think no one is donating though @Yassuo ? :P We know. money moves minus money snake my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u XXL Penis im saving for the big charity then WeirdChamp IGNORED MY SUB SNAKEEEEEEEE @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? @arab11 its a bunch of korean challengers and LCS academy @Yassuo im just gonna donate the whole bald checkpoint in one if you try 5head us tlike that save ur money chat I am already broke I'M SAVING IT :) :) "waste' money on charity? KEKW @Yassuo you should make something like ''MoeNews'' cause you got all the info lol @Yassuo fav j cole song moe is broke donate KEKW "waste your money on charity" KEKW WILL IT BE REVERSED MOHAWK OR JUST BALD MY BRO THINK ABOUT HOW MUCH VIEWS YOU CAN GET FROM THAT Well technically you wont go bald, you will have a circle on your hair. in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuoin your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo Moe where are u originally from? in your opinion whos the hardest champ to master in lol @Yassuo What money? Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at LUL LUL LUL @yassuo who‘s better u or Dzukill? Nah man I’m saving big time for the next charity stream CarlSmile bro ur allreadu invisible to women only SNAKES choose invisibility teleport or invinsibilitiy @Dalbella bro if he plays malp all he needs is to play safe and hit a decent ult for his team Pepega if ur invisible u cant see moe THINK Are you gonna be at Twitchcon 2020 Amsterdam? @Yassuo monkaSHAKE camille @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios wtf? camille broken @Yassuo Gosu and Swifte are trying to win don't put your trash friend in the top lane what did she build @hadynajem New York @yuumi_and_dupree KKEWQ play min nivå BALANCES KEKW\ He would choose being gay @Yassuo you already invisible to all the girls, that doesnt help you,,,, KEKW i'm already invisible to people pepeHands WHY IGNORE MY SUB MANNNNNNN Invisability is Perbert power vymainLOL vymainLOL vymainLOL yuumi fun champ btw healing redction lmao Invisibily > Mortality? FF told u Immortality my irl name is kush no cap free weed 4 u TehePelo TehePelo @Crimson_Vain they're playing pretty sure so it'llk just be banned @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios? @Yassuo ru going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ? everyone underrating sanchovies crazy BrokeBack BrokeBack guess im broken as fuck EHEHE GO TYLER1 @Yassuo WHY IGNORE MY SUB MANNNNN GET REVERSED MOHAWK BETTER MY DUDE TehePelo HEY CANCER no @Yassuo Gosu and Swifte are trying to win don't put your trash friend in the top lane FailFish @yassuo i dont my money to you no presison is shit @Crimson_Vain draft gg noob PepeLaugh jsaund57 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Fuck cancer gonna beat that dude's ass yes no reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? you were invisible in twitch rivals so thats your superpower KEKW idk man I was watching myself last nite didn't end well lololol @raequaza immortality is terrible cancer 4th drag hi Hello :O @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios sup THEYRE GHOSTINNG COVER MAP HE HAS CANCER ? :( @Dalbella doubt he coachs Challenger teams and only be able to play Malp mid ... people just hate to see little people grow let sanch shine never get sub COVERR MAP YA KALB !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU @ChimpNA kisses ur neck Moe where are u originally from? RAKAN KEKW Pog RAKAN chimp is here time for 1v1's yasWeird moe play " RÄKNA MINA DAGAR " Feat. Einar RAKAN Pog TearGlove I GOT DA EBOLA CANCAR 360! :D XD rakan got baron KEKW dude wtf gg KEKW raid boss arrived @Crimson_Vain watch a stream when he plays solo q, the man is amazing macro wise but his mechanics are horrible. And he tilts waaaay too easy @Dalbella he was the coach for a KR team for awhile Thanks for the HahaSleep @chocolate09876 she healed for over 1k after ga RYZE DIPPED HARD KEKW KEKW LUL RYZE KEKW LUL RYZE KEKW RYZE KEKW RYZE KEKW yasU AHHAHAHA WTF THAT RYZE KEKW RYZE KEKW RYZE INTED SO HARD LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW ryze big brain RYZE SAID NO AND LEFT KEKW awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NA BOINB KEKW A Are you gonna be at Twitchcon 2020 Amsterdam? Pog @Yassuo OMEGALUL RYZE KEKW @yassuo Who's your TCS Support??? yasPlead yasPlead D: SNAKED why didnt they go out with him rofl? RYZE KEKW Moe where are u originally from? HE SAID NO AND LEFT KEKW CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob jizzedd] TRuuuuuuuuu Aphro to dig confirmed HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep lmao D: ryze 5head @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios OMG the DOINB OF NA yasWeird yasH @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? he ulted to camille THROW ryze sux the whole time K3kw @Yassuo WHY IGNORE MY SUBBBBBB TriAthlon D: peepoClap ItsBoshyTime peepoClap You is very good @Yassuo i hope voli gets that rework before the TCS LUL LUL LUL LUL ryzze EW what's ur favourite champ ulti? LULW ryze busted? ryze ? BAAAAAAAA yea Ryte knockup @Yassuo can you pls confirm if im colorblind or not all i see is grey PepeHands RYZE E W FOR KNOCKUP KEKW RYZE ? Pepega Clap RYZE KNOCKUP KEKW Are you gonna be at Twitchcon 2020 Amsterdam? @Yassuo ryze e w ? ryze ew = knockup gold teamates Ryze EW ? ryze ????? Blaming team again, typical le bron NO BAAAAAAAA lol SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood GN lads ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - BabyRage ryze e w ?? @Yassuo YO so RIOT BLASTOISEis not good at irelia dont let him touch that champ !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ryze knockup nice MO BAAAAAAAAAAA ryze knockup OMEGALUL widepeepoSad Clap Moe where are u originally from? LUL LUL LUL LUL ryze? EW Pepega watching a game where no one buys grievous wounds against a yummi hmmmmmmmmm RYZE KNOCKUP LUL yasU this song tho KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW PepeHands LOL 800 KEKW 840 monkaW @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios DELETED LOL WTF DA G. O. A. T. T. I nice xecLol xecLol xecLol xecLol xecLol bruh ??????? @Yassuo did u hook up with hyoon or what 840 true damage PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD 800 TRUE DAMAGE KEKW KEKW TehePelo KEKW LUL LOL BALANCED KEKW KEKW :D GIRLS KEKW LUL LUL literally deleted LUL LUL 11 LOSS 10 WINS camille KEKW hgjjg Wtf KEKW KappaPride reverse mohawk please my dude what a hell i watching LUL LUL KappaRoss LOOOOOOOOOL cd KappaPride squadW SHAMELESS I'm a dude feelsbadman eminem is you ? @itzhannie WHY DID U SAY THAT KEKW Kappa @Dalbella and hes not even playing in it i just realized hes coaching the team with all these players what's ur favourite champ ultimate? @Yassuo FAKE DONO KEKW Hi moe RIOT Weirdchamp LUL LUL WHO SAID IT WAS A GIRL LOL @AKAROH ME IN A RELATIONSHIP LULW @Yassuo for sure u and ur team have 0 antiheal vs yummi and cam !!! Do the futsal shuffle bro Hoe 1 Hit KEKW I leaved me bf 2 KappaPride @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios? GG 4 u yas3 all eyes on ryse 👀 @AKAROH HAHAHAHB @itzhannie HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA TRUE KEKWQ i think u lost bec u had 2 tanks @yassuo will you be at twitchcon amsterdam 2020? @Crimson_Vain that changes everything then lmao RIIISE! RIISE! KEKW WIERDCHAMP is that ornn sanch?? KEKW me PepeLaugh !charity @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios Donate Here - , Learn more here - when are you going to do the 1v1 and if we win what do we get @AKAROH WE @ EACH OTHER AT THE SAME TIME @itzhannie ... @Yassuo Do you ever start doran's shield? 1v1 LOSE TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo yas100T_TK me :) yasTower yasSSS yasMald 1V1S what that sanchovies top?? 1V1S WHEN EHEHE TearGlove TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo @itzhannie LMFAO @Yassuo we kissin next twitchcon fryie subscribed with Twitch Prime. lol reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 1v1 cheer100 Moe FAT LULW HAHAHAHA TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE lmao for the red light district? AYAYA EZ DEFEAT 1vs1 now CHAT WeirdChamp moe do you need a spanking? ;) billyneilluk subscribed with Twitch Prime. ;) reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL open ? reverse mohawk 4Head Moe where are u originally from? Hey Moe have you been to Toronto before 1v1 PH SERVER KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss kk baby @juli2ooo nah mate, shield start on yas just sucks @Yassuo How do I get A BOY to LIKE ME? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - How's Poke @Yassuo KappaPride KappaPride big bro yassuo Kappa for some fuck PogChamp wait the title says pure domination as always, i entered because of it habibi Please play rengar any role so broken Talk to her bro 1V1S HE'LL LOSE HIS VIRGINITY D: lol ask her for a fuck Fk?? 1v1 OPEN watch Yasuicide last montage with chat real advice u will lose virginity ask her if she plays any sports ask her for a fk ? ? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday HahaDreidel KEKW ???? KEKW LULW Thanks! @billyneilluk KEKW THERAPIST MOE BACK AT IT AGAIN KEKW Ryze & Akali nerf thoughts? @yassuo @Yassuo who is ttv masterfiend or whatever? he trolls my games all the time trueee ?????????????? haHAA LUL Pepega tragic bronson alert ?? ???? what's ur favourite champ ultimate? @Yassuo you lose dignity but ist okay i dont have it says ez and his single ass sits at home playing video games Kombaya my brother KEKW @itzhannie just be yourself, your time will come :) DatSheffy DatSheffy play some einar How's Poki Pepega TRAGIC BRONSON ALEEERT ????? LULW ????? KEKW PogU Thank you so much!!! Pog MOM Pog LULW play some einar einar FUCK CANCER haHAA ??? @Yassuo 1v1's !Charity No reason to live with regret, always shoot your shot chat Donate Here - , Learn more here - algum br aqui ? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios Why are you asking moe for advice? The only female he kissed is his mom !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - i have da CANCAR AYAYA :( TehePelo gg Pog yasBad OMEGALUL MENTAL COACH MOEE GOOD TRUE @yassuo if u think sanch good duo him then NAOO Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW :,) People who dont get it dont watch bball GAY YASS KappaPride @Yassuo yo u wanna kiss Say hi from Brazil !!! Gosto muito das suas gameplays mano save @Yassuo 1v1's and when you lose donate to charity hope your day is going well man PauseChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - salve KEKWQ PogChamp PogChamp ATHLETE KEKW GAY LOL @Yassuo subs go to u right GAY YAS KEKW GAY YAS LUL KappaPride Moe where are u originally from? KEKW pauseChamp @Yassuo Can I get a kiss yasU being stubborn lol aight sssss KappaPride Join them EAE GALERA CRLHOOOO salve brs 1v1 NO U WANT gay yas KEKW @Master_Of_Sarcasm LMAO TRUE (was a joke by asking for advice) PauseChamp @Yassuo 1v1's and donate to charity if you lose TehePelo PUT THE BAR 😡 PEOPLE FORGETTING ITS A CHARITY STREAM THEY DONT READ TITLES @Yassuo PauseChamp DENIED KISS THATS SUSPECT 1v1v1v1v11vv11v1v1v1v yas2 !uptime @Yassuo 1v1s? I played league for 8 years and got cancer The stream has been live for 1 hours 54 minutes 1 seconds !charity pq tem tanto br aqui ? 1V1 Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo 1 v1 ? Donate Here - , Learn more here - !1v1 gay yas??? clash Pog @yassuo throwback to that guys make a wish which was to see you FeelsStrongMan GAY YAS KappaPride 1v1 time ? PepeHands lol 1v1 VAMO DEIXAR ESSE GRINGO ATOA widepeepoSad FeelsStrongMan !elo Pog Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP 0 1v1 No time for treatment? XD wtf @Yassuo Thoughts on Aphelios its her choice TearGlove GAY YAS u doing clash? NAOOO Invites KEKW djboss0729 FeelsStrongMan !info ur getting POG ALMOST 1K PLEASE GET TREATMENT PepeHands lul GAY YAS KEKW trolled dumbass IF YOU DIE YOU DONT HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING! LUL SAY BITCH YOU WILL DIE 1v1 GOODGUYMOE GAY YAS KEKW yaspepega CLASH Jebaited Jebaited 1 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - You should 1v1 each someday @Yassuo STREAMER = PSYCHOLOGIST KEKW GAY YAS E esses main Inhasus rezure ut gettying trolled dumbass ramadan Phoenyx636 1v1 yenso Lotus Kria GAY YAS LUL plebsticle lmao yassuo is fat Panda BOSSwraith MIDFEST EggoPoopary Amanster23 thundacatsz no :) Aerioll Zedsu T4D chicirendan euw IGN Raequaza cosmicspade DJKILLER0507 Korud0 paraxel TTT Starboy PseudoZora Lotus Kira i ameuw -.- D: rukhly shaco isnt op rakans Na ? YIkes yoursadtruth naturalchair lobo razi :( mwei75 Cyrixgaming REZURE 1v1. IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo jcrossley22 Rockito Doowan MtAsh JY4WN faker jnvr10 WeirdChamp SKT RAIDENN BarryCS @Yassuo heskoo ign Fritsje nomeL sakliano TreeLangar-- no money? whats the point cass1n1 T4D @Yassuo BLACK YODA ItsDarkinHere just tell her to look at steve jobs, you cant beat cancer !homosexualsexualasss aralteres set43a what's ur favourite champ ultimate? @Yassuo Doowan!!!! lol Gamergiri owo jcpoopyall ign Writers Block @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith IGN: jayremys Toraxini OmEnAft YEA WE CARE Pog Lobo Razi Jextus Trenthill10 Rezure firescope Auxtero I condemn thou Pogf MtAsh . lol guNSHii Foxccon POG johnxiii 123 she is my mood @Yassuo 1204 my name .... Amanster23 Looper2073 yoursadtruth x DelusionalCrist Alkiji finnjii Pog WORTH Soccergamer22 OarEe I LLasT IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . FlyTower EUW @Yassuo Doowan Young NoizeYoung Noize JY4WN FOR CHARITY KEKW BoofyCS AGγ Craid slaime Mashiat @Yassuo MtAsh FINNJII d yassuo NO MONEY LMAOOOO Young Noize Sofisticated IGN: BuffBruisersPls T4D @Yassuo T4D yoursadtruth TreeKangar00 VibeLord ign jcpoopyall ign SpriteSponsorMe POOGERS condom wearer YENSO Matthew11291 rukhly rukhly MtAsh . excoach NA BEAT HIM GUYS Pog YIKES NA FapMinister giftwaster78 yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood cr0wnixx SaquilleOatmeal Young Noize. BLACKYODA @Yassuo DOOWAN MagicNotTouch 100 dmg per RMB Pog TTT Starboy TTT Starboy ................... Amanster23 YassuoEZ ign CanadianScripter MtAsh C9 dyoush TwTv Ludilue @Yassuo 1v1 Young Noize Umiko Ahagon Pog Matahu Ardiirus IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo BoofyCS . its Zedsu YuRiseOnlyToFall sad IGN ABZ IGN ABZ IGN ABZ IGN ABZ IGN ABZ IGN ABZ TTT Starboy @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith MyNammaJef VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 ' Paraxel Spartica563 @Yassuo run it up ign: yassuo is fat ign Logster13450 Dreathbeast ig ttvtimkillz1 Brookums Theruku 8k andy Mattheo D. hi im not gosu VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Sunphoneix05 @Yassuo Kekostantinus rakans s Lotus Kira < MY NAME Rezure ww @Yassuo Mashiat TrentHill10 come on ign jcpoopyall firescope Pog SubOnNative ROCKITO CG Mörglife guNSHii Waifu Senpei Paramedix MtAsh . @Yassuo Young Noize WeirdChamp NA ign PseudoZora Pog Budderapples101 lil puffs one fan VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Aerioll . TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy nadnall redcape hi im not gosu ! TTT Starboy TTT Starboy BoofyCS only na bitch MtAsh IGN: Aısa moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride Faker S8 IS SO FUN @Yassuo run it up ign: yassuo is fat @Yassuo run it up ign: yassuo is fat @Yassuo run it up ign: yassuo is fat Jextus. excoach NA rezure VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Swadle a 1v1 CanadianScripter RATATATATATA twtv ludilue IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . only NA :( Theruku pls @Yassuo Theity .......................... Amanster23 @Yassuo 421fruits @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith waffle jr Young Noize OarEe :) swimerneumber1 hi im not gosu JY4WN Ythka DelusionalCrist yackson IGN ABZ IGN ABZ heykwww Baws2014 Slaime RoyaLerino @yassuo ilyyyyyy6 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Ôsama TTT Starboy TTT Starboy TTT Starboy nexisjr Journeee @Yassuo heskoo Stealthgaming1 mawny WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA YUNGKEVI Clee Torres Oh na yikes TTT Starboy TTT Starboy my igj jcpoopyall @Yassuo yenso BudderApples101 MtAsh . ChimpNA Fakers Lost Child GGEveryoneReee DO SOME OCE U POG dam we fighting 2 cancers in this 1v1 paraxel lightningfiame 1v1 yoursadtruth . Kassadin Sucks chrisgixxer WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA WeirdChamp NA Lotus Kira wait Euw dont? IGN 0hMyBuddha BoofyCS . Lee syndrome v1 Hachoom JY4WN FOR CHARITY mayran OFFBETA MtAsh VEGETTA777 V VEGETTA777 EGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Kekostantinus no money for yooouuuuuu Blind Spot cmonBruh tfblade ign moesuck IceCreamLerry vejwertz H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 TTT Starboy IGN YUNGKEVI IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo Matahu ign Rezure KEKW cLjMsHerman DOOWAn KEKW N1gerian H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo Zzaacchh FINNJII' ADD BLACK YODA lmao FapMinister NA Logster13450 ign TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Lil puffs 1 fan lmao LMAO @Yassuo Young Noize @Yassuo LILBUSA TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy zw4yne @Yassuo ADD ME PLS "MAWNY" TTT Starboy @Yassuo let me log on Phoenyx636 Aısa King XERXES TG rukhly λολ KEKW Azippy Auxtero @Yassuo doowa 1v1 RATATATATATA @Yassuo Cyrixgaming nomeL GaganShallow bismillah151 TTT Starboy TTT Starboy KEKW what high school did you go to Please man Stealthgaming1 LOOOOL ign Matahu its me hang on ign d4rp KEKW LOTUS KIRA ZEDSU Pog TTT Starboy IGN: jayremys Korud0 KEKWQ VEGETTA777 V VEGETTA777 EGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Lxtrodectus ItsDarkinHere. Jltpich FAT KEKW plebsticle TTT Starboy TTT Starboy iwarwolf NA Plain Ghoul VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Looper2073 FapMinister hachoom KEKW shaco isnt op TAG Luffy ......................... Amanster23 IGN: cass1n1 Cr0wnixx TTT Starboy Paraxel RATATATATATA Onryo NA CanadianScripter VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 StoneLightning BoofyCS Alkiji ign: jnvr10 toraxini Cheezeayt @Yassuo buddybboixdd TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Fitleist @Yassuo Mashiat :) VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 BoofyCS . iwarwolf RATATATATATA @Yassuo cosmicspade Gg 1204 ok wait let me run upstairs Clee Torres!! my ign Matahu -Sofisticated SquidNickTTV H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo dskfmd Iamsofakingwetardit IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . LETS RUN THIS YUNGKEVI Redmercy Lotus Kira @Yassuo yackson @Yassuo im logguin on Jebaited KEKW cLjMsHerman IGN RATATATATATA yassuo is snake Subvrzn TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy 100 dmg per RMB H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo TTT Starboy Jextus guNSHii NA VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 ItsDarkinHere Young Noize yo lets gooo PseudoZora PokerChoker TTT Starboy TTT Starboy me ign:Bigdeuce22 Dreathbeast @Yassuo CanadianScripter LILBUSA ThoughtofLove Mawny im a silver prodigy bro Cheezeayt H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo RATATATATATA @Yassuo AnimooseXD NIHHAEE @chimpna TTT Starboy VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 is this the 24 hour charity stream? ign: Bigdeuce22 IGN: Aısa Spartica563 T4D @Yassuo aralteres Natal NA ParaMedix TTT Starboy TTT Starboy LéBrón James @Yassuo BOSSwraith @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd TimiHash Ign: Fake homie NA VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 my ign yassuo is short AYYY IGN ABZ Aısa ok RIGGED Cheezeayt. giftwaster78 Aerioll --Sofisticated H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo TTT Starboy ARE YOU INDIAN LIKE ME? BoofyCS Theity GaganShallow CMONN BOOOIIIII TheBigMacx -> Please refrain sending long messages. @Yassuo buddybboixdd ign 1204 RATATATATATA FingersBlue DJKILLER0507 TTT Starboy TTT Starboy twtv ludilue pussy IGN Auxtero IGN: Aısa @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd BoofyCS . IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo TTT Starboy rezure Charity time DelusionalCrist KEKW yasFat H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo ign jcpoopyall Auxtero .......................... Amanster23 TrentHill10 @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith TTT Starboy TTT Starboy @Yassuo my ign is Phoenyx636 Stealthgaming1 CanadianScripter VVTN kokestantinus Aısa ShaquilleOatmeal! lets run this @Yassuo buddybboixdd Mattheo lets get some money for charity Jebaited LULW Budderapples101 RATATATATATA @Yassuo BYE BYE WUKONG MAIN where are you @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Young Noize Young Noize Young NoizeYoung Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize ign d4rp 😡 RATATATATATA N yoursadtruth BoofyCS IGN: Aısa chichirendan euw come on TTT StarboyTTT Starboy GAGANSHALLOW CMONNNN @Yassuo send inv @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd RATATATATATA @Yassuo yenso @Yassuo \ Plain ghoul IGN 0hMyBuddha IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . @Yassuo send it again TTT Starboy TTT Starboy AC SEVEN paraxel BoofyCS . invite me pussy EUW PLS Aısa @Yassuo buddybboixdd Long Long Man me bare443 JY4WN TTT Starboy Jorch1234 @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd HIT ME UP: Confust TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy TAG Luffy dumbass send it again PagChomp Natal on NA <3 ign Matahu VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 RATATATATATA FameRoyale IGN: Aısa Hebigida ign lorre99 OFFBETA ign: yoursadtruth MyNammaJef TTT Starboy TTT Starboy @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo IGN : CanadianScripter Hachoom Zzaacchh @Yassuo BOSSwraith @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Writers Block lets run it Cheezeayt Trenthill10 ZEDSU TTT Starboy Baws2014 lightningfiame1 Aısa DOOWAN BoofyCS @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd nexisjr nomeL GaganShallow BOTH KEKW EUWW PLS IGN ACSEVEN TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Paraxel ign:Bigdeuce22 MARCVRAFT IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd YAS FAT Matahu KEKW are you 1v1 subs or followers too? @Yassuo yo pull up u lost Theruku FameRoyale FameRoyale Mrhpato @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith mwei75 IGN: Aısa Brookums AFK KEKW Auxtero Gushingranny RATATATATATA @Yassuo BoofyCS . @Yassuo buddybboixdd ign: Bigdeuce22 @AZN_ he did IceCreamLerry Ign: Fake homie NA! LUL =Sofisticated Aısa me now Amanster23 Prince Dutty BOTH JOIN KEKW IGN ABZ IGN ABZ TTT Starboy TTT Starboy TTT Starboy @Yassuo yassuoisshort EUW ROCKITO BtwAustin IGN @Yassuo invite me one sec YuRiseOnlyToFall I LLasT @Yassuo LILBUSA IGN TTVTIMKILLZ1 MOE COPY AND PASTE Jústin @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd johnxiii LUL KappaRoss TTT Starboy ign CanadianScripter lets run it Cheezeayt . BoofyCS VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Onryo @yassuo kokestantinus GaganShallow COMEEE INNNN @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo yackson NeatRigo. TTT Starboy TTT Starboy KEKW LMAO hachoom LOOOL Grassman yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM FAT KEKW lightningfiame tmc mingo VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 KEKW KEKW LEVEL 21 LUL KEKW YASSUO IS FAT SEXY EZ 21 VVTN KEKW lol KEKW KEKW DUDE JOE POG TTT Starboy FATSUO KEKW LULW PíercingLíght nice finally TTT Starboy TTT Starboy KEKW lmao LMAOOO D: D: TTT Starboy DOOWAn HAHAHA LMAO ign: Aısa LUL KEKW moe i got a girlfriend becaue of ur dating advice ParaMedix AHAHAHAHAHAH PepeLaugh LULW TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Swadle PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh :o D: TTT Starboy HAHAHHAHA N OMEGALUL TTT Starboy TTT Starboy KEKW D: Spartica563 paraxel @Yassuo u wanna disc PLZ MAN Joe mama TRUE or no YASSUO IS FAT KEKW D;;;; GET ME IN THIS FAT KEKW TRUE KEKW D`;; @Yassuo yackson leaked? !charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Donate Here - , Learn more here - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer @yassuo PíercingLíght TRUE KEKW FAT KEKW FATSUO KEKW MOE LEAKED was that mundo impersation lmao PLS GO EUW TOO ;( WeirdKEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - how to join the 1v1? FSAAAKE aralteres !discord TriHard TriDance TriHard delete the vod bro lol EUW I GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 Is M OMEGALUL E losing money in 1v1s again? KEKW YEAYA gg if young metro dont trust you trihard_from_france7 HAHAHAAH FATSUO LUL LOBO RaZi Shaquilleøatmeal lets gooooo TriAthlom :( TriHard trihard_from_france7 Fat moe MaN EUW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis EUW KEKW Kekwq TriAthlon ghost? RESPECT KEKW ????????????? ujkhk Cant hear him cant you go Euw too... MUTED WE CANT HEAR HIM ????????? WeirdKEKW we cant hear him D: WE CANT HEAR cant hear we cant hear we dont hear him Man i Wanna Sucide So hard KEKW WE CANT HEAR KEKW cant hear him muted R.I.P EUW we cant hear WE CANT HEAR DIPSHIT MUTED cant hear him we cant hear him ????? WE CANT HEAR HIM cant hear him play in LAS u noob KEKW we cant hear him We . cant hear him 4WeirdW TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo TehePelo AYAYA GO TYLER1 we cant hear the other guy GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 We cant hear him monkaS we cant hear him muted THATS MY BOY AZN LUL LUL !discord MIC MUTED YASSUO lmaoooo we good good Muted??? YUES yes yes yasuo fat lmao yes GOOD ye yes YES yep good I CAN HEAR good ! yes AZN ResidentSleeper y ye yea YE yes qw xN HWE YRS yeyeyeye LMAO true sexy YES yes we can hera YES yes yes yep gucci YES good Wooooo YES WHAT WHAT WHAT HELLO HELLO Pepega YES yes yes KEKW . yes GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <3 good yes Pepega hello hello True Ye xd WE CAN HEAR HIM WE CSNT HEAR YOU HE SOUJNDS FATTER THAN U KEKW @TheArcalius gift GET MORE WARDS Yes Yea @Yassuo how many time u have sex? i BE running these streets nikkaar LETS GOOOOOO who is this carpediemkun -> Please refrain from spamming caps. NEED MORE WARDS @ToilettenRatte 4WeirdW StoneLightning @yassuo PíercingLíght DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Peppe pig @Yassuo THIS GUY SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE TFBLADE XDD @TheArcalius -.- FAT TFBLADE VOICE LULW is that tf blade?? LUL LUL DO IT FOR THE KIDS Pepega CarlSmile KEKW PUSSY ASS BITCH KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty DO IT FOR THE KIDS Pog D: CROSSED THE LINE!1 KEKW forsenCD KEKW KEKW Subvrzn ITS LITERALLY TFBLADE MOE BUTTER IM HEARING TFBLADE KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 4WeirdW KEKW KEKW KEKW Aceese SOUNDS LIEK TFBLADE LULW LMAOOOO KEKW KEKW ROFL LULW LOL KEKW LOL KEKW LOL OMEGALLU FLASH? KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL pogu tf blade? KEKW KEKW ez HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW TFBLADE LUL LULW VIBIN LULWW HAHAHAHA KEKWQ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF KEKW KEKW KEKW VVTN KEKW yasSmash KEKW KEW HES BLADE KEKW lmao KEKW yasSmash LOL XDD HAHAHAH LOL KEKW LOL KEKW TF tf blade keekw KEKW LOOL LOBO RaZi tf IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo POG POG LMAO Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: GO EUW LMAO KEKW @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo ZEDSU @Yassuo BUDDYBBOIXDD ign jcpoopyall actually blade TRUE KEKW lmao LMAO KEKW nomeL KEKW tfblade lul KEKEKEKEKEK LP LULW LUL KEKW IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . he does sound like tf blade EUW llll Logster13450 PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Phoenyx636 lmaolm KEKW LOOL XDDDD mwei75 3Lotus Kira thx for the lp AYYYY IGN ABZ IGN ABZ tf TFBLADE euw plz LOL KEKW @Yassuo Jústin MOE COPY AND PASTE yasSmash yasSmash LOL BoofyCS !discord Baws2014 Rezure IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd KEKW paraxel EZ Clap THANKS FOR THE LP ?????????????? blind spot FameRoyale TTT Starboy LP ? Pepega @Yassuo Stealthgaming1 Hi im Sebastiano Lotus Kira LOBO RaZi sjees AnimooseXD @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd LéBrón James yasSmash IGN: yoursadtruth @Yassuo Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize v Young Noize Young Noize Young Noize clee torres RELAXXXXX @Yassuo BOSSwraith BoofyCS . IGN 0hMyBuddha U IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . sds MUNDO RAGE TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Auxtero FingersBlue IGN KEVINS CHILI IGN REZURE cass1n1 EUUUUUWWWWWWW Jextus fakashi TrentHill10 naturalchair H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo @Yassuo buddybboixdd yasSmash IGN ACSEVEN KEKW LOL IGN BtwAustin @Yassuo 1v1 BoofyCS FameRoyale FameRoyale FameRoyale HAAHHAHAHAHAHA TetronXPlays Hi im Sebastiano @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd TTT Starboy IGN Ôsama iwarwolf H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo rukhly @Yassuo SKT RAIDENN LILBUSA baws2014 Prince Birdman RATATATATATA @Yassuo invite me hoe twtv ludilue ign: jnvr10 @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith @Yassuo how can i 1v1 you buddy DrEnergy IGN: BuffBruisersPls MWE Mattheo Shaquilleøatmeal lets gooo LMAOOOOO IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo @Yassuo ZEDSU ON EU Pog TTT Starboy TTT Starboy KappaPride @Yassuo Mashiat BoofyCS . @Yassuo buddybboixdd yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA HIT ME UP confust @Yassuo run it up bro Theruku RATATATATATA RMWKREW uooo me me me Amanster23 Thats cause he is TF Blade. Ythks my igj jcpoopyall Umiko Ahagon OMEGALUL cosmicspade excoach @Yassuo ign We Windows a TTT Starboy CanadianScripter @Yassuo Writers Block H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo AHHAAHAHGAHAHAAH LOBO RaZi jere PokieBeetsMoe IGN ABZ IGN ABZ TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Hi im Sebastiano Alkiji @Yassuo yackso logster13450 PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . Lotus Kira < EpicEmperor PICK ME @Yassuo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH RATATATATATA @Yassuo johnxiii Raffajaffa IGN EUW BerKingZ Kristyboi 1v1 TTT Starboy Prince Dutty VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 @Yassuo LILBUSA @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd yoursadtruth tmc mingo EUUUW @Yassuo t4d Baws2014 @Yassuo KEVINS CHILI IGN LULW ign fakashi @yassuo ign 1204 ign: naturalchair H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo I LLasT go euw IGN yazz4 AAAAAAAA IGN TTVTIMKILLZ1 IGN TTVTIMKILLZ1 IGN TTVTIMKILLZ1 @Yassuo buddybboixdd IWARWOLF BoofyCS Hachoom phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix shaco isnt op YungKevi VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Spartica563 ign: Hebigida plebsticle !charity VIBELORD Shaquilleøatmeal LEZ GO jnvr10 ign Matahu Donate Here - , Learn more here - Waifu Senpei .......................... Amanster23 @Yassuo 1v1 me im euw master noob IceCreamLerry @Yassuo OmEnAft REZURE RATATATATATA @Yassuo VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 @yassuo PíercingLíght @Yassuo let run it Cheezeayt IGN: Confust phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix JauneAttend 1v1 LMAOOOOOO kkk Fedelx @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Pog @Yassuo swimerneumber1 GAGANSHALLOW IGN : CanadianScripter abdoufv -> Please refrain sending long messages. BoofyCS . Cr0wnixx Ythaka @Yassuo We Windows IGN RATATATATATA Scam phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix phyzzix VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 COME EUW IGN: yoursadtruth asdf IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo TTT Starboy EEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWW @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo JY4WN Paraxel @Yassuo BOSSwraith @Yassuo TreeKangar00 IWARWOLf @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd asdfasdfasdf ILL DONATE 100 BITZ Brookums Lotus Kira TheBigMacx -> Please refrain sending long messages. TTT Starboy TTT Starboy ign osyris BoofyCS phyzzix dffdff rukhly :) LOBO RaZi RATATATATATA @Yassuo @Yassuo buddybboixdd Kapp IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . Chevie @Yassuo ign: Bigdeuce22 Clee Torres !! ign d4rp EZ IGN JauneAttend KEKW dfdfdfdfd Sofisticated TTT Starboy Rex Guy @Yassuo ign kevins chili Ign: Fake homie NA IGN is Confust @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd BoofyCS . IGN Amanster23 fdfdfdfdfd TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Hi im Sebastiano ign : CanadianScripter LUL ign: UptonhSiKvB IGN śyläś iwarwolf RATATATATATA BoofyCS $500 FingersBlue NA Matahu ign KEKW TetronXPlays ign fdfdfdfd ign 1204 YungKevi pls @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt es : naturalchair SELLOUT WeirdChamp WeirdChamp @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Jextus. ign:Bigdeuce22 @Yassuo ign LILBUSA DOU WITH SANCH TTT Starboy Trenthill10 RATATATATATA @Yassuo @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith LUL IGN REZURE 1v1 H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo IGN Fedelx RATATATATATA BoofyCS . Young Noize LOTUS KIRA dfdfdfdfd @Yassuo we widnows IGN qwq @yassuo Brookums yoursadtruth TetronXPlays Clee Torres Logtser13450 PLZ MANNNNNNNNN @Yassuo 1v1 me im master uew noob @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo @Yassuo 1v1 IGN BtwAustin <3 inv RATATATATATA @Yassuo Ivanxll NA TWTV LUDLIUE NEW MOE WeirdChamp @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix fdfdfdfd FINNJII kevins chili @Yassuo @Yassuo BOSSwraith BoofyCS LMAO ign PseudoZora @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd ign: Subvrzn please dad matahu IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo fdfdfdf ign: theman77971 @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix Lets get some money for charity: Mattheo RATATATATATA Hi im Sebastiano IGN: yoursadtruth TTT Starboy TTT Starboy ign big shot IGN: Confust SCAMMER AYYYY IGN ABZ IGN ABZ @Yassuo bro run it up lets go Theruku TrentHill10 dfdfdfd Phoenyx636 DOOWAN @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix ign plex123 Hebigida EpicEmperor EpicEmperorEpicEmperor EpicEmperor EpicEmperor EpicEmperor @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd SOFISTICATED I GOT YOU Lotus Kira IGN LIARBEC YuRiseOnlyToFall FameRoyale Silentuh MOE COPY AND PASTE Jústin @Yassuo BoofyCS . IGN mesoaja @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt na H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo Shaquilleøatmeal!! Fakers Lost Child @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix Subvrzn Ewîc (copy it) SCAMMED me @Yassuo ITS NOMEL ign d4rp 😡 LOBO RaZi LOBO RaZi FIINNJII BoofyCS 100 dmg per RMB ign LéBrón James .......................... Amanster23 JY4WN PLS ign jcpoopyall Cyrixgaming fdfdfdfdf @Yassuo Mashiat :) excoach :) Jextus Kaaymag dfdfdfdf BoofyCS . @Yassuo Stealthgaming1 me H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo Aısa guNSHii Akarz1 FameRoyale NA aralteres Spartica563? @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd PokerChoker @Yassuo we windows ign Faker RATATATATATA @Yassuo @Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith@Yassuo BOSSwraith IGN: yoursadtruthIGN: yoursadtruth ELODADDY GOSU aign: UptonhSiKvB dfdfdfd ign 1204ign 1204ign 1204 @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght IGN jauneattend Captainleague101 @Yassuo DrEnergy LOBO RaZiLOBO RaZiLOBO RaZiLOBO RaZi BoofyCS Trenthill10 Ign auxtero @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix RATATATATATA MUTED H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo paraxel FlyTower EUW BoofyCS . @Yassuo phyzzix ign dipablo @Yassuo 1v1 me im master uew ELODADDY GOSU ! matahu ign ign Hebigida. dfdfdfdf Young NoizeYoung NoizevYoung NoizevYoung NoizeYoung NoizeYoung NoizeYoung Noize Young Noize Young NoizeYoung Noizev Shaquilleøatmeal lets get ittt Auxtero me @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd qwert my ign in jnvr10 IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . IGN: mesoaja me @Yassuo Theruku bless me with one chance YungKevi @421fruits EUUUUW @Yassuo BOSSwraith Zzaacchh Ewîc BoofyCS Swadle FameRoyale FameRoyale my igj jcpoopyall ign: falafel king ign Blind Spot @Yassuo ZEDSU ON EU @Yassuo phyzzix BoofyCS . loudfarts ParaMedix H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo Jhinkleberg PseudoZora SOFISTICATED :O @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix 1v111 Woody34187 me ign big shot @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo BtwAustin sheesh ,mp dooowan VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Onryo jet on jet MyNammaJef what are we doing? IGN : CanadianScripter Thanks, @Yassuo AAAA IGN ABZ IGN ABZ AnimooseXD @Yassuo ChildishArdito @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd eune ign UptonhSiKvB Smellofpsprika TetronXPlays let go do u have to be subbed IceCreamLerry IGN ACSEVEN shaco isnt op MOE SCAMMER MOE SCAMMER MOE SCAMMER IGN TIMKILLZ IGN TIMKILLZIGN TIMKILLZ YungKevi please @Yassuo Dooowan Ign sh11turtle @Yassuo skt raidenn @yassuo ign :PíercingLíght BoofyCS @yassuo my ign Demi rose BROOOOO PLAY ME I SILL SLAP Paraxel @Yassuo how 2 enter? TetronXPlays Brookums Ythka RATATATATATA @Yassuo GAGANSHALLOW you doing na only? i been saying pls smh SILVER 2 KEKW Dude big up from italy, i fucking luv ya, try to say vaffanculo stronzi please!! Ign: Fake homie NA @Yassuo ign kevins chili Auxtero but its EUW.... Silver 2... PokerChoker . KEKW CremeChess456 SILVER 2 KEKW VIBELORD sdfsd silver WeirdChamp HI dad Meeeeeee KEKW :) bismillah15 тащиииии @Yassuo lmfao scared of me doesnt want to play on euw !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 0 minutes 10 seconds dotalicious !time Current time in Los Angeles: 03:47:13 PM KEVINS CHILI @Yassuo osyris D: surprised no1 donated yet TMC MINGO here lmao SAD KEKW WeirdChamp @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW ? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - WeirdChamp NA !uptime Subvrzn please handsom TehePelo WeirdChamp hi dad HOW BOUT OCE @Yassuo WHAT ABOUT BR? WeirdChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght YALLA HABIBI WTF D: what about OCE? @Yassuo yackson KappaRoss NA WeirdChamp EU MALD KEKW Pog Yeah, don't wanna play with Good players. We get it KEKW GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE @gothboirick Hahahah ma che cazz grande @yassuo 1v1 me my account name is Pokimane :'( what about russian people? LULW MOE BUMPING MOE AKA NAV what about LAN? LAS donate $500 if the person who donated $100 wins @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @ChimpNA PepeLaugh NO EU D: @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @ChimpNA PepeLaugh Clueless Player I WANT MY REMATCH moe scared of oce please euw D: 1v1 yas 2 lifelines, $1k to charity if you lose @ChimpNA gift me sub wtf ILL give 20 bucks to charity what about NA? Scared of EU kids KEKW ALl right im ready for next time. chimp if u win give it to me @Yassuo I live in latin america but play on NA EU is where tho money at bro if u do OCE i will shit on u BibleThump @Yassuo you gonna raid trick after? SO GAY KEKW @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW?? go to Egypt and get dusty bro LAN LAN LAN @blackdynamite17 Bastard KappaPride skin KEKW @ChimpNA PepeLaugh @Yassuo "SORRY EU" AND BR? WeirdChamp ill give 100 bits to charity Spiñ2Win @Yassuo ign: flexxu fight me bitch nothing MY dicl Pepega Chat nothing KEKW @Yassuo rigged i never get picked lol your mom !time Current time in Los Angeles: 03:47:57 PM SCAMMED should i just make an NA acc to smack ur ass? @Yassuo its fine that ist just for NA people just lose so you donate 2 char man PRChase nothing CHIMP KEKW Pepega moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride why you look like Nav @yassuo KEKW CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW YE CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW CHIMP KEKW D: D: lol LULW lmaooooo BUT NA PPL CANT BEAT YOU KEKW DONT NEED TO DONATE THEN KEKW SMAAART MOE 5Head KEKW MOE WHATS GOOD G Pepega do it LULW Clap KEKW ?????? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW do it chimp = Pepega D: D: @Yassuo can i be next ive never played you: ign kevins chili DO IT kekw CZ UR RICH LULW KEKW Kristyboi NA run it content do ittt you 100x D: he means if you are so good !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - sounds fair actual chimp brain chimp pepega UU AA DO IT ANYWAYS PUSSY D: CHIMP KEKW Wukong mains DO IT PUSSY KEKW i give 10 buck chimp sMALL BRAIN for charity?????? I was just watching your one Video where he got killed the whole time I had to laugh too bad is u DUMB DUMB weirdchamp chimp braindead BUT NA PPL CANT BEAT YOU KEKW DONT NEED TO DONATE THEN KEKW SMAAART MOE 5Head @Yassuo Have you ever played in LAN? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL monkey man ooga booga @Yassuo wait are these 1v1s? there is no sry give me 50dolars FOR CHARITY :) @Yassuo ign: yackson Beta @Yassuo doo it goo chimp !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 1 minutes 21 seconds LOL @Yassuo UR RICH LULW moe Can i Ask U somthing Where are you From ? to save kids 4Weird KEKW @Yassuo can i please3 go next my ign is FedelxX 10 buck KEKW DO IT OR PUSS ZOO LULW Do it for content Pepega WHY YOU LOOK LIKE NAV LULW DEAL what is happening if u lose i buy ur merch DEAL DEAL LULW LULW CRIMSON ELITE TALON DEAL please euw DD: :'(((( AND SUB TO ME Kapp CoolCat !spotify CHIMP 25 D: @Yassuo ill do it if i lose 25$ DEAL DAD EXCUSES PAPA DEAL dad <3 hi dad :) KappaPride monkaW DAD CALLIN DOTALICIOUS NA COME THRU ILL DONATE 10$ IF I LOOSE TALONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DEAL ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ yes baba ANELE Mute monkaW DAD CALLING forgot to mute monkaW please lets RUN IT YungKevi @Kristyboi IS THAT THE RANKE ONE KAT NA KEKW KRISTY LETS GOO Pog @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW? (after the tutorial....) DAD <3 D: KEKW ??? rude DADDY CALLING KappaPride FAKE CALL baba i love you Sheeeeesh forgot to mute Dad <3 <3 <3 <3 kristi sad deal monkaW <3 cute KappaPride daddy <3 <3 WAIT aww D: DEAL YASSUO MOE @Yassuo ILL DO IT IF I LOSE $25 KEKW Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor I love you <3 <3 hashHrt DAD ANELE <3 Kristy <3 <3 moe loves his dad LUL !charity HELLO ABBA ALLAHU WASHSDID Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU <3 POPS yasH <3 DADDY <3 <3 @Yassuo are you 1v1ing rn? HELLO <3 yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE Daddy OK BOOMER D: !charity represent the kat mains Donate Here - , Learn more here - didnt even say i love you Dad is calling dad DADDY callin Cuteeeeeeeeeeee sugar dady <3 bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple HELLO PAPA yasU BABA ANELE PLEASE LETS RUN IT YungKevi boshy we love you too moe yasU DAD STILL PAYING? YAS SUGAR DADDY CALLING KEKW KappaPride yasANELE yasANELE MOE A LUV UR MUM ❤️ DOTALICIOUS NA COME THRU IF I LOOSE I DONATE 10$ PAPA MOE lol email @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili WOW IMAGINE EBING THIS RICH AND MAKING UR DAD PAY STUFF FOR YOU LEAKED monkaW yasU H OMEGALUL WLING ABYSS Boomers DAD PAYING MILLIONAIRE BILLS leaked shotzL bleedPurple DAD PAYING PepeHands Love u yasWeird Aww moe wuvs his mommy daddy SOUNDS LIKE MY DAD KEKW dad paying for your rent KEKW 18 FPS KEKW lok EMAIL LEAKED @Yassuo yasSleeper muma DAD PAYING PepeHands DAD PAYING PepeHands DAD PAYING PepeHands DAD PAYING PepeHands DAD PAYING PepeHands DAD PAYING KEKW yasU yasU yasU yasU hi daddy come fuck me @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili <3 @Yassuo thoughts on GrossGore KSI fight? !followage dad paying for watch kekw @Yassuo may i plz go next my ign is FedelxX @Yassuo what was that 0/12 qi game with chmp D: LOL NOT EVEN FREE damn that fps :( KEKW LOOOOOL LM AO ITS NOT FREe? KEKW LUL we take those DAD PAYING FOR MILLIONAIRE KEKW monkaW I THOUGHT ITS FREE SCAMMED KEKW 18 fps KEKW GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 F ? wait that wasnt free? Lmao LEAKED NOT FREE KEKW F ??? scammed Add me: ArcaliusNA scam attepmt stream lagging SCAMMED LULW what is fps @Yassuo ign: yackson ffff 15 fps F FFF LUL FPS KEKW laaag KEKW NOT FREE KEKW LAG LAG LAG LEAKED next slide F? F?? lag F tl scammer Arium123_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. LAGGY TL STRUGGLING lmao they charged you? YOINK Teamliquid charged you??? Wtf WeirdChamp stream laging @Yassuo streams laggy LUL LUL LUL lmao lagggggggg @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili LAGGY @Yassuo lag lagging asf KEKW f FPS KEKW GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 Pay ur SHIT in time nikk f LAAAAG FRAMES next slide laggggggggggggggggggg lagg? NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW POGGERS LAG Follow me on Twitter for updates fffffff NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW f lagg fps broken LAG WutFace BabyRage GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <3333 LAG BROOO LAGGY? FPS ANDY fps LUL scammd by liquid KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace !followage Scam attempt saved how the fuck can anyone watch this wtf just happened TEAM LIQUID SCAMMED KEKW Lagggggggggggg saved Pog SLIDESHOW ANDY LULW frames WutFace LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB FPSno cam now its ok llàaaaaaaag LETS GO saved ffffffff NO E KEKW Laggg KEKW OOF KEKW KEKW LULW EZ KEKW LUL KEKW LMAO LULW hahahahahha LMAO KEKW KEKW @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili <3 HAHAHAHAHAHA LULW LAG KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL LOL KEKW LMFAO ur frames lagging af Pog NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog ? KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW NEXT SLIDE PLEASE KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili <3 <3 It is laaagy Nope KEKW KEKW LUL no KEKW POG LMAOO @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili OOF WQWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HES SILVER Pog LULW -250 KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - wtf are u doing ! ??????????? frames freddy LOL KEKW LOST 250 now YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UR BAD POGPOG KEKW LOST VS SILVER KEKW L0ool bm KEKW Donat @Yassuo SpriteSponsorMe Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR KEKW SO BAD KEKW LOST TO SILVER KEKW nope youz didnt dodge LOST TO SILVER @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. LAG KEKW EZ LUL LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE $250 XD LUL LUL LUL LUL poooooog FPAS he hit both W YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KEKW BRUH NEXT LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW SILVER 2 LOL 250, come here baby. IGN Silent Sask GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE v LOL @Yassuo LOOK AT HIM TREMBLE. HES JUST MAD THAT I DISSED HIS WAIFU LOST TO SILVER KEKW no u didnt OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW bro your fps are giving me a seizure @Yassuo LULW ' LULW Pog TTT Starboy LETS GOOOOOOOOOO Loss againts a Silver 2 come on man, i try to say you have the best playlist on twitch and you pull out logic @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili <3 -250 silvir LOST TO SILVER TOO SLOW KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : OK RUN IT @Yassuo NXT moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride IGN: yoursadtruth @Yassuo BUDDYBBOIXDD @Yassuo BUDDYBBOIXDD @Yassuo BUDDYBBOIXDD SSILVER 2 KEKW TTT Starboy TTT Starboy xD LOST TO SILVER KEKW F TetronXPlays @Yassuo my ign FedelxX IGN Silent Sask plz VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 250 ez f LOST TO A SILVER KEKW @Yassuo phyzzix GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE sad -250 KEKW NEXT widepeepoSad @Yassuo SpriteSponsorMe Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Reee IM SILVER BTWw naturalchair TTT Starboy LOST TO SILVER KEKW ign lorre99 plz kekw VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix $250 250 ez my ign is ABZ I'll be a challenge yasHmm yasHmm Auxtero LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW LOST TO SILVER 2 KEKW @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo phyzzix BoofyCS ign osyris VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 1v1 me mundo ball i donate if i lose pussy IGN Silent Sask +250 CHARITY TriDance @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. :DDD Baws2014 +250 PogChamp Schlongdong SAD. KEKW @Yassuo phyzzix @Yassuo phyzzix PokeMaster967 IGN: yoursadtruth XD EUW PLEAAASE DDDDDDDD: ff VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance SILVER > GM KEKW +250 Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE vv YOU LOST TO A SLIVER TTT Starboy TTT Starboy LOST TO SILVER 2 LOLLLLLLL VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo LOST TO S2 wait 250 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Hachoom VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 250 YEAH wait omegalul $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 THANK YOU FOR THE $250 says SU2C TetronXPlays let's goo YOU LOST TO A SILVEEER +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili no :) @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo 7yes ZAD0S ZAD0S ZAD0S ZAD0S ZAD0S ZAD0S @Yassuo ratirlSpit +250 Cr0wnixx yasSpit ? yasSpit no :) yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit You're so charitable that you int yasSpit nope :) Clueless Player I WANT MY REMATCH yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit TetronXPlays yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 lol yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo mine ENDS TODAY LOL yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit VVTN Jústin Copy and paste it @Yassuo no yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit .. GIFTME nice yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit HAHAHAAHAH moe talon KEKW wait is it not random 1v1s? yasN yasYoink yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit LOST TO SILVER 2 yasSpit yasSpits yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 250 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit hi ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ANY GIFTERS? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit peepoClap -250 peepoClap yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit gyhfg JNVR10 yasSpit yasSpit lolelvn -> Please refrain from spamming caps. yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit hasanthebomb subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Pog yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit +250 EzClap yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasWeird yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 250 charity yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay Hah! $250 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasSpit @Yassuo are the 1v1s not random? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Clap yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yaspit any gifters KAPPA yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit CremeChess456 CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Ya yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yo yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ANY SPITTERS? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit WTF KEKW Buddedapples101 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit Yaspit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Ye a non ugly one yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit f yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit NEW EMOTE PogChamp yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasMald yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit RIP yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Yasspit yasSpit THU can i get 1v11 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 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others in Chat! yaspit can i get a 1v1 yasSPIT yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Ye yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasss yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasFat yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit can i get a 1v1can i get a 1v1 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit TetronXPlays lemme beat you yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit YAS SPIT yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 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They've subscribed for 11 months! yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasSpit yasSpit LUL yasspit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasMald yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit treeoctopus56 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo are the 1v1s not random? :) ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit Takk for HahaThisisfine, @8ie8 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG tru3LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! vexardd -> Please refrain sending long messages. yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit YEAH yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @BLACKDYNAMITE17 yasSpit yasPlead CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS icyPLS no :) yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit q yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpityasSpityasSpityasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit NO why is the hole chat mod yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasShrug yasMald ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit Gift me :( yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump lol yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Io yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit classMob classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob classMob ggfMOB PokCharizard LMFAOOOOOOO yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasSpit THU yasspits LULW PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko KEKW KEKW PorscheWIN PorscheWIN PorscheWIN PorscheWIN PorscheWIN @TheArcalius GIFT ME I WANT TO SPIT TOO yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasDog LMFAO KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit LILW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit MAtragzIad: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasPlead yasSpit R) Wordchained subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lmfao KEKW IGN - BlackPinkS2Lisa EVERYBODY SPAM "no cam?" yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasBoo ? classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob ggfMOB classMob yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap yasSpit Clap SO BAD KEKW FINALLY AHAAAHAHAH yasDog Pog Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasDog LULW LULW KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue DansGame DOTALICIOUS NA COME THRU ILL DONATE 10$ IF YOU BEAT ME! RUN THAT SHIT MOE. Pog CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasDog bigt1805 -> Please refrain sending long messages. KEKW KEKW ...................... HAHAHAHA peachyHi wtf is htat hsit yasDog GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit mee lmao KEKW LULW kekw poki1 poki2 poki3 poki4 lmaoooo CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 No gg toxic KEKW yasSpit yasSpit PERFECT KEKW ;p yasDog LMAO KEKW KEKW LOL yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasSpit yasSpit yasDog yasdog KEKW yasdog KEKW KEKW yastits KEKW looks just like you OMEAGALUUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL yasSnake yasSnake yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit HAHAHAH ? @Yassuo are the 1v1s not random? yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 TriHard yasSpit Yasspit bboysnOMG bboysnOMG bboysnOMG bboysnOMG bboysnOMG bboysnOMG im so dead yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit WutFace yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit WOOF WOOF KEKW yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood BROKE ASS GANG KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW yasSpit PogChamp LETS GOOO yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ign BlackPinkS2Lisa LUL SO BAD KEKW CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasDog POGGERD GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE v IGN Silent Sask yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasClown yasClown LOL yasdog @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Spartica563 FRAMES FREDDY KEKW @Yassuo are the 1v1s not random? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump SeemsGood SeemsGood yasDog lol thats fucking ugly Immortal Souls07 =.. ml GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE COMEEEEEEEEE H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) Auxtero but its EUW.... DOTALICIOUS yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit thats a good ass emote 25 WOOF WOOF KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW WOOF WOOF KEKW yasSpit yasSpit ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper LOOOOOOLLL yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit SCAMMER yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit .. BROKE ASS GANGBROKE ASS GANG BROKE ASS GANG BROKE ASS GANG BROKE ASS GANG THATS GOOD yasDog ANY DOGS? yasW KEKW BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan NASwift BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump hachoom @Venoumes im guessing you made that dog emote NA DOG SHELTER KEKW Hi im Sebastiano HUH yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yassDog yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit MAtragzIad: HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys 25 pog Kappa lief 25 Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KEKW Wow! Thanks, @Yassuo yasSnake dangoyYumilove dangoyYumilove dangoyYumilove ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD ellosuSAD LETS GOOOO GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE yes baws2014 Hi im Sebastiano Yassdog 25 KEKW Shaquilleøatmeal run it! yasSpit @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili <3 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay I thought it was gonna be a penis yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasNunu yasNunu yasNunu yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo RUN IT Lotus Kira yasdog TetronXPlays yasSpit yasSpit VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo GrammarKing LOL yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa no 50 KRISTYBOI DOTALICIOUS NA RUN IT ILL DONATE 10$ IF YOU WIN auxtero THATS GOOD yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Tasdog Hi im Sebastiano yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood 1v1 US?? yasDog ANY DOGGERS? CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 HahaLean yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Yasdog @exCoach No but I asked him to get it years ago 1v1 for charitons yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasR yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasFat karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmUp karasmUp karasmUp HI yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit RalpherZ yasSpit mundo ball 1v 1 me i donate if lose YasDog @Yassuo ill do it if i lose $25 to charity ign kevins chili TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati BigPhish BigPhish BigPhish BigPhish BigPhish BigPhish yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Yasdog LUL LUL LUL YasDog @Sanchovies Pog @Yassuo please bless me with 1 my guy ign:YungKevi @Yassuo heskoo NA @Yassuo heskoo NA @Yassuo heskoo NA @Yassuo heskoo NA @Yassuo heskoo NA gold 2 jneeb subscribed with Twitch Prime. slap him yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !discord @sanchovies SANCH Pog SoonerLater Yass love doggystyle DOTALICIOUS NA RUN IT ILL DONATE 10$ IF I LOOSE ? 3Head big fan 3Head yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 3Head big fan 3Head 3Head big fan 3Head 3Head big fan 3Head 3Head big fan 3Head @Sanchovies yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @sanchovies dude gets an office job and doesn’t know how to act LULW big fan 3Head yasSpit 3Head !discord 3Head 3Head @sanchovies aren't u working??? yasDiamond BritishBOI k HahaShrugRight yasSpit turty tree 3Head !discord 3Head HES HERE monkaEyes 3Head OI BRUV 3Head NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis TRUEE @Yassuo KEKW TELL KRISTY TO SAY 3 KEKW TRUE @Yassuo ign: yackson AHAHA TRUUUUUUUUUUUUE 3Head lmaoooo sanchovies KRISTY KAT KEKW KRISTY KAT KEKW HAHAHHAHA KRISTY KAT KEKW yasSSS yasSSS yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Fake D: yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit LMAO KEKW LUL TRUEEE KEKW why this guy sound like 13 year old charty Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT FAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW LUL PFakeeeeeeee @Yassuo what was 0/12 qi game with chimp KRISTY KAT KEKW dikhed 3Head LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL Kristy KEKW NaM or 3Head ? lmaoo KRISTY LULW @Yassuo TELL KRISTY TO SAY THE NUMBER 3 KEKW whos this guy cutie kristy shitting his pantszxs @Kristyboi yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy he knows the deal KEKW 3Head BRUV 5Head DICK HEAD 3Head KEKW D: WTF ZFAKEEEEEEEEEE PepeLaugh DOTALICIOUS NA RUN IT ILL DONATE 10$ IF I LOOSE BRO WH OMEGALUL ? W H OMEGALUL USING UR JOKES WeirdChamp yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit WH OMEGALUL ? WH OMEGALUL ? WH OMEGALUL ? WH OMEGALUL ? WH OMEGALUL ? 3Head 3Head yo karim LUL LUL LUL LUL Wuju EnthusYIast 1v1 im a iron 1 yi main Im broke asf but if i lose then ill donate my last 5 dollars <3 KRISTY KAT KEKW WH OMEGALUL? @Yassuo TELL KRISTY TO SAY THE NUMBER 3 KEKW KEKW yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 PepeLaugh @Yassuo get him to say 333 KEKW WH OMEGALUL ? SOUNDS LIKE BOXBOX WH OMEGALUL 3Head oim over it W H OMEGALUL Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT! LULW KRISTY A DOG KEKW @Kristyboi sucks :) .. !discord @Sanchovies WHAT ARE U DOING HERE yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 @Sanchovies PepeLaugh !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 3Head yooo @sanchovies w8 are u doing 1 v 1? @Yassuo can u 1v1 me next ign is FedelxX ˇyasuoˇ @Sanchovies wassup man VIN KEKW MOE YOU GFOT BIG TITS yasDog KEKW duo with sanch !charity hahahah Donate Here - , Learn more here - 3Head / @Rampo123 gift me wtf dood KEKW yasSpit LULW first tfblade now sanchovies WHOMEGALUL? mundo 1 v 1 me lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW muhammed blueberry butthole KEKW @Yassuo ign: yackson HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW LMAOOOO LETS RUN IT AFTER YUNGKEVI PLEASEEEEEEEE PepeLaugh haHAA Kapp SCARED kristy macaiy1Kek DUDE IS FIENDING FOR TWITTER CLOUT 3Head AM STUH DAME 3Head 3Head GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 3Head 3Head 3Head RED LIGHT DISTRICT 200 Pog VeXtiRi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! mah boy 3Head 3Head ALL THE BOIS 3Head oi 3Head ALL THE BOIZ FGOIN 3Head reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ooohhhhh @Yassuo get him to say 333 KEKW IM INCLUDED Pog pogg haHAA POGGERS $200 PogU THE BOYS 3Head HAHAHHAH 200 Pog 200$!!!! 200 Pog MODS KEKW 3Head KEKW LMFAO yasSpit 3Head POG yasSpit LULW Yes Moe come Pog OOF 200 pôgg M OMEGALUL D S IM INCLUDED WHAT MOE 200 PogU Pog 200 200 POGGG 200 PogU 200 Pog kekw TRUE KWK MODS UNPAID LABOR KEKW MODS UNPAID LABOR KEKW MODS UNPAID LABOR KEKW MODS UNPAID LABOR KEKW turn down his volume yasSpit holy fk 200 HAHAHA POGG D: TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog 200 200 Pog 3Head oi 200$$$$ 200 Pog POG 200 amsterdam POG internet janitors KEKW pog ALL THE BOYS AMSTERDAM lol pog POG f ? KEKW LOSING ON MAIN KEKW all that trash talk for nothing KEKW KEKW HUH KEKW yikes @KataGaKill KEKW @KataGaKill cringe haHAA KEKW You had e, why f? XD YE FLAME ME FLASH KEKW f SERIOUSLY @KataGaKill KEKW FLAME ME AYY CHIMP LULW @KataGaKill YE KRISTY @Yassuo get him to say 333 KEKW @KataGaKill KEKW my YEEE FLAME ME my my my Pepega WeirdChamp LULW KRISTY LULW ME LULW he got no hope of winning Thank you!!! yogiyoogii subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! ez calm down Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Kristyboi you gotta impress that girl from yesterday, dont lose man @katagakill this dude really thinks he’s better than you? TOUGHT KEKW Pepega LUL TOUGHT KEKW 3Head tot KEKW TOUGHT KEKW ROFL KEKW KEKW EU KEKW KEKW Pepega TOUGHT 3Head KEKW using ur jokes WeirdChamp ???????????????????? KEKW LUL man your viewers are cringe ????? HEE HEE lmao ?????????? KEKW LOL wait what? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW KEKW LOOOL KEKW KEKW LMAO Pog KEKW EU KEKW EU KEKW EU KEKW EU Pepega TOUGHT LULW PokeMaster967 thats what i taught Kappa what was that yikes LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW @Yassuo MOE GO? 3Head KEKW LULW he inted LUL LUL LULW ?????? @chaselace U HEARD THAT TOO KEKW? 3Head KEKE ?????????????????????? MUNDO 1 V 1 ME KEKW hahahahahhahaha ign- BlackPinkS2Lisa ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE .. KEKW KRISTY SO BAD KEKW LMFSOSOOSo LOSING ON A ONE TRICK KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SILVER ONE TRICK KEKW TOUGHT so bad baahah KEKW Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT lets run it PLEASE yungkEVI LMAOOO KEKW HAHAHAHAHA KEKW HE LEFT @Yassuo MOE GO for 100 DOLLAR LUL LUL @Yassuo what was 0/12 qi game with chimp @Yassuo LOBO RaZi play me please hahahah malding LULW @Yassuo MOE GO for 100 DOLLAR TTT Starboy ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE s KEKW MALDING KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHA "OK FUCK YOU" pog @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. KEKW TTT Starboy TTT Starboy guNSHii macaiy1Ez YungKevi @Kristyboi LUL @brownkakashi YE KEKW ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE a @Kristyboi can i get a 1v1 @Kristyboi DOGSHIT KEKW DATS WHAT I TOUGHT ign LéBrón James plz!! IGN- BlackPinkS2Lisa TTT Starboy PLEASE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - baws2014 OMEGALUL ItzShxdow PokeMaster967 please play me ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE z @Kristyboi KEKW LOBO RaZi LOBO RaZi TTT Starboy TTT Starboy TetronXPlays yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit FUCKING EU 3Head Thanks @Yassuo !!! how do we 1v1 Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT! GIMME THE GAME guNSHii Wuju EnthusYIast 1v1 im a iron 1 yi main Im broke asf but if i lose then ill donate my last 5 dollars <3 tebherman NA :) TTT Starboy Auxtero but its EUW.... Baws2014 IGN: FSN Dynopanda KEKW TTT Starboy TTT Starboy 1TRICKKK?????? @Kristyboi KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - dogshit yasSpit brain diff CONCRETIONAL Hi im Sebastiano TTT Starboy ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE bruh IGN Matahu XD 25$ for 1v1 PokerChoker ILL DONATE 10$ 1 V 1 ME @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. :)))) Shaquilleøatmeal run it! LOBO RaZi baws2014 TTT Starboy TTT Starboy yasFat :D :D :D :D MUNDO 1 V 1 ME LETS GO LMAOOOO Immortal Souls07 I WILL ign: Enter the Dragon ratirlBusiness Hi im Sebastiano Pog BlackPinkS2Lisa IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo EASYYYY SURE TTT Starboy TetronXPlays letss gooo :d @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith Add me: ArcaliusNA TEBHERMAN - NA :) IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo . TTT Starboy TTT Starboy POGGERS CAHT DO IT Add me: ArcaliusNA. Hachoom hsss hsss naturalchair LMAO BLESS MEEE PLS YungKevi GIMME A GAME guNSHii IGN -- Schlongdong @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo ItzShxdow @Yassuo Add me: ArcaliusNA YuWuntDaRice LOBO RaZi play me ign Logster13450 We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor Add me: ArcaliusNA. Hi im Sebastiano !charity ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE a Donate Here - , Learn more here - Phoenyx636 TetronXPlays @SU2C Pog Baws2014 excoach :) iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iWARWOLF iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf IWARWOLF IWARWOLF VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 250! DATS WHAT I TOUGHT LULW lol ssadasd @Yassuo ill do 25$ for 1v1 ign: smjrocks Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT Add me: ArcaliusNA VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 2,500 NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance OOF Hi im Sebastiano VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Add me: ArcaliusNA Add me: ArcaliusNA Add me: ArcaliusNA IGN: falafel king pick me please (: brain diff :P ign naturalchair @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. TEBHERMAN -- NA :) :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) IGN matahu isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron KatDévolved @yassuo 24h stream or what? my turn @Yassuo ? PokerChoker . plebsticle ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE b Onryo VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo IGN: Flipshift @Yassuo oasjdasd PLEASE BLESS ME YungKevi H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) 450 ok wrote it down Shaquilleøatmeal! Sweaty BalIs SCAMMER Razzip 2500!\ TetronXPlays letss vooooooo H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) @Yassuo if i win mod, if you win i gift 25$ IGN: BuffBruisersPls :))))) Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT! Hi im Sebastiano @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 SCAM LUL IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda PokeMaster967 @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo !charity my ign is ABZ I'll be a challenge yasHmm yasHmm IGN- BlackPinkS2Lisa H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) @AiiroLOL LOL LUOL Rex Guy +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance Donate Here - , Learn more here - PLEASE MAN IGN: Blind Spot VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! he is malding H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) logster13450 PLZZZZZZZZZZZ +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance naturalchair TetronXPlays baws2014 HOSTAGE Matahu IGN isoloedbaron isoloedbaron kristy scammed H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 @Yassuo rawb in space IGN:ManyFàcedGod Immortal Souls07 Immortal Souls07 +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 1Born2Kill hold him hostage @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 ssssnake IGN: ArcaliusNA VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 Hi im Sebastiano my ign is ABZ I'll be a challenge VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 @yassuo can I play please my ign is Demi rose :) 2,500 00 IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp Hit me up, ign is Confust donate to team trees Lotus Kira @Yassuo LETS RUN IT KEKW 󠀀 ALLOW ME Please Yungkevi IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance !charity EkkoBooze - ign Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Kristyboi SCAAAAAAAN @Yassuo what was 0/12 qi game with chimp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - iwarwolf ur gonna get embaressed on yasuo EkkoBooze - ignEkkoBooze - ign IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda KEKW ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE TEBHERMAN -- NA :) ssss +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance yasTrue @Kristyboi monkaOMEGA Hi im Sebastiano KEKW Spartica563 IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - I've donated before to charity give me a 1v1 :D Kappa Kappa KRISTY HOLDING HOSTAGE HOSTAGE KEKW ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE I WILL DONATE 100 IF I LOSE monkaW @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo HOSTAGE monkaW KEKW LUL LUL BAN isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron @Yassuo if i win mod, if you win i gift 25$ ssuo if i win mod, if you win i gift 25$ KEKW TriHard @Kristyboi DONT LEAVE BAN HIS DUMASS KEKW suhsisubmarine -> Please refrain from spamming caps. hachoom hsssssss Logster13450 plz you scammed me +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance Hi im Sebastiano TEBHERMAN - NA :) Kapp !uptime Kappa ign: rainbowfarter123 The stream has been live for 2 hours 9 minutes 32 seconds malding eu iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iWARWOLF iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf iwarwolf IWARWOLF IWARWOLF IGN: ArcaliusNA OkayChamp TetronXPlays gimme gimme what cherity the money is going to? IGN: LOBO RaZi cass1n1 KEKW @Kristyboi pussy TEBHERMAN - NA PUSSY KEKW HOSTAGE KEKW iwarwolf TetronXPlays I DONATE 20 IGN: ManyFàcedGod KEKW LAGGING +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance pp @Yassuo Hey im a broke international student from iran living in canada, what better charity u want :( iwarwolF !charity terminahashope subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PLAT 3 monkaOMEGA PokerChoker CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 pussy ign BlackPinkS2Lisa He also played heimer and went 0-13 after that game go yassuo NUNU KEKW NUNU KEKW KEKW @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght dont play fucking nunu @Yassuo ign: yackson NUNU OMEGALUL IS IT NA ONLY? SUH DAWG KEKW EvanCudder subscribed with Twitch Prime. NUNU reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @KataGaKill ditched VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 VEGETTA777 ikeepitSLEEPYBOI yasNunu yasNunu Nunu Pog kick his ass sea bass @Yassuo pred nunu? WeirdChamp YELLOW noo noo LULW AD NUNU KEKW KEKW NUNU resolve KOMET Yo @Yassuo are you circumcised? LS0ra9 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. after shock @KataGaKill ditched KEKW KEKW NUNU? Grasp yasNunu yasNunu yasNunu PREDATOR @Yassuo what charity you do support? done deal kid yasNunu after shock KEKW KEKW Just lost 25$ AMA PepeHands @Yassuo PREDATOR Pog PogChamp nunu KEKW @KataGaKill DITCHED KEKW aftershock KEKW EZ Clap @ChimpNA I love your vids with moe and stuff. Good shit back then man. 1v1 moe man. BRING BACK GOOD TIMES comet Clap @yassuo what charity? attack speed nunu broken af Kristyboi ILL REVENGE YOU WHATEVER KEKW c--c-clapped +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance @Kristyboi KEKW Wuju EnthusYIast 1v1 im a iron 1 yi main Im broke asf but if i lose then ill donate my last 5 dollars. I aint no snake i keep my word. C-C-C-CLAPPED Clap @Kristyboi respect m8 yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower K-K-K-CLAPPED u did many charities nice! @KataGaKill HAHHA nomeL WHAHAHAH WHAT WTF U DOING @KataGaKill WHAT HUH KEKW lethal tempo nunu or ban .. +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance Okay F WTF CHEATER KEKW HAHA @Yassuo are you circumcised? we good @KataGaKill POGGERS @KataGaKill Paying 100 just to lose KEKW @Yassuo so if i donate $150 will you do an euw 1v1 LUL +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance +250 CHARITY TriDance send me greeting yasuo plis <3 SILENT 100?! TetronXPlays after the £100 dojo match ez clap PogU donate $100 to me I have cancer from league LMAO @KataGaKill 100 dollars to charity PogChamp !uptime Pog The stream has been live for 2 hours 10 minutes 46 seconds Pog ;o Pog Clap pog poggers imagine only being able to play ckat WE RAPPING THIS phalastine charity ?! 😓😓😓 PogYou Pog idk KEKW @KataGaKill YOU GOT DIS POGGERS smart 5Head peepoClap Pog 5Head WE MAKING MONEY PogU Clap ppl with money :) Pog @Yassuo MORE 1V1'S GET PAST GOAL EZ Poggg @koro0oo dw dw :D ???? KEKW @Kristyboi kristy dw ill avenge you q LULW Pepega CAN NUNU Q ON CHAMPS? @Yassuo @Yassuo Q Silent from discord?! Kappa pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Does trick2G still hate you for being a snake? who won katarina match up? SNOWBALL FIGHTTTTTTTTT pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER @KataGaKill nah just e in his face on 100hp hehe xd pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER moe @KataGaKill yasSpit NUNU PLAYER LOL @butilkavodki moe IM EXPECTING BIG PLAYS @KataGaKill Discord q @yassuo why dont you keep the charity bar visible in game so new viewers know its a charity stream k ty !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Kristyboi yallready know wtf going on ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis ResidentSleeper i panicked couldnt combo @KataGaKill pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER No dmg KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 0 dmg LULW lol nunu battle ei ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper this gonna be one long 1v1 @Kristyboi im actually shacking monkaW .... FUN 1V1 KEKW YEEZUS IS A TRASH ALBUM NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @Kristyboi this is not gonna be it ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper thats gonna take for ever ResidentSleeper lacZ this match up can take forever set a timelimit or some shit yasR @Yassuo MAX E 2 WIN TRUST REACHED TOP 5 ON NUNU WORLD ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper They never die if they eat minions KEKW ResidentSleeper yasNunu ? well thats a 50 farm 1v1 KEKW yasTrue Q a minion for more healing ResidentSleeper moe getting hard outraded ResidentSleeper SO ENTERTAINING 10 mins later ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper U ATE HIS ASS KEKW KEKW KEKW ResidentSleeper pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER zzz why not max e DMG ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKW NO DAMAGE ResidentSleeper PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail i sleep pls just go under his turret mana pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER MANA tell him dont Q minoin @Yassuo KEKW Q minions for health @Yassuo kk pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kappa Kappa Kappa NUNU LUL pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Fun KEKW ResidentSleeper pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Thexpecialist -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper THis is fun to watch KEKW this bouta be the longedst 1v1 @Yassuo MAX E 2 WIN TRUST ME, REACHED TOP 5 ON NUNU !charity gg Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW KEKW lmao LUL HAHAHAHAH KEKW PogU ahahaha LUL EZ CLap gwt eem Pog KEKW KEKW ??? wtf pOG THIS IS HYPE AS FUCK Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday HOLY FUCK `??!??!?! ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW ITS NOT OVER GUYS KEKW WHERE U GOING wtfffff Pog KEKW omg hes insane ????? ???? lmao pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER THIS IS SO FUN KEKW OH SHIT PogChamp KEKW you won that LOL FLASH KEKW Pog pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW\ LULW Close Pog ??? KEKW KEKW BRUH POG FROM HIM THO peepoClap omg?! KEKW SHIT CHAMION this is actually kinda pog WTF HOW DID HE LIVE KEKW OMEGALUL Thank, you! PogU SICK 1VS1 LMFAO AHAH LMFAO KEKKW LMAO LMFAO kekw OMG U NOOB ???? KEKW KEKW ROFL ?????? KEKW ? ??????????????/ KEKW KEKW ??? close pog >??????? KEKW GG KEKW KEKW HAHAHA LOL ?? pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER GG OMEGALUL KEWK KEKW HAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW ???? ?????? THIS KID AHHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg KEKW HA ok gg ULT KEKW LMAo gg ur GRIEFING ???????? YOU HAVE NO MANA ???????? ????????????????? ??? ?? U LOST KEKW ????????????? KEKW KEKW ???????????????? `?!`?!?!? WaitWhat KEKW LUL LUL LUL KLNFAIII'FKNAIII' kekW ?????????????????? ?? KEKW =?!??!?!??!? pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER THIS GUYS WANTS TO WIN AGAINST ME LULW !$ =R!*$!2 OMEGALUL GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 MY EYES ????????????/ yikees LULW pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER @ChimpNA if i win do i pull a bye bye buddy or what yikes kwkwkkwkwkkw JUKED pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER JUST DIE ALREADY NICE 1V1 KEKW why didnt he ult q ResidentSleeper trash peepoClap content DAMN KEKW what a game KEKW Just lose already yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper @KataGaKill YES KEKW LULW that was more intense than I thought Fun to watch @KataGaKill duh @ChimpNA i gotchu pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ?? KEKW ? pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Pog TRADE KEKW -???? ????????????? @Yassuo ROLL SNOWBALL TO NEXUS AND SUICIDE 200IQ ? DÖÖD FUN PogChamp OMEGALUL Pepega snooze Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW ??? LOL KEKW DUDDOODDUDUDDO KEKW ? LMAO DOOOD LUL so dumb 15 min 1v1 KEKW KEKW this is Pog zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ?? ResidentSleeper HEALING KEKW ResidentSleeper ??? ResidentSleeper rep riot DOOOOOOOD C word @ChimpNA L LMFAOO pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper you're so mad POOGERS Clap TAKE TOWER SHOT BLAMING RITO KEKW TRUE LULW rito 9 CS LMAO Chimp 5Head holy fk this is boring af ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @ChimpNA ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ACTUALLY ResidentSleeper pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 Tried to study didnt learned shit so i came to stream @Yassuo @AKAROH GO DONATE YOU CLOWN , DANCING IS NOT HELPING KEKW ResidentSleeper xd ResidentSleeper Better cs wis you should just run it down to give money THIS IS TOO INTENSE scarfS yasSleeper yasSleeper i mean at least its for charity moe just suicide for c harity better cs wins NUNU MORE LIKE BOOOOO BOOOOOO @ChimpNA LOL* srry for ping too many times there LOL ResidentSleeper NON DEAD 1V1 ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper SwiftRage ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper actually falling asleep right here SUICIDE FOR CHAIRTY PogChamp ResidentSleeper ENOUGH OF THIS GARBAGE 50 cs <3 you beast yasuo GO NEXT GO NEXT GO NEXT pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Dont Q minoins @Yassuo this is cancer FARM ! troll game Just give the 250 LMAO XDDDD he wants to keep you hostage ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper whole 1v1 full hp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - DOOOD End please yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper PogChamp Gameplay DO IT MOE PogChamp Rough WHY IS HE NOT PRESSING R EVER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER OMG ResidentSleeper save mana for r ResidentSleeper darking256 -> Please refrain sending long messages. ??? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo KEKW AHAHAH ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PepeLaugh R OMEGALUL LLED ?? VEn the nunu onetrick or what yes walk into it ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 50cs it is lmao QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog ANY IN CHAT yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog Whats the bet tho 100% pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER HEal ? that heal ResidentSleeper ODDCHAMP CANCER ? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper he hears u KEKW He's saving r for next season like actually Pog Resident Sleeper Pog If he dies heloses? 5HEAD WTFG POG Pög PogU OH SHIT KEKW xqcSkip PogU 20000 iq Pog POG MOE Pog 5Head Pog AHAHHAHA KEKW AHAHHAHA LOL POGG KEKW Pog LMFAO EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE LMFAO CANCELLED AUTO Pog LUL KEKW LOL LULW LMFAOOOOOOO ????? N OMEGALUL KEKW LULW FAKER WHAT WAS THAT WTF AHAHAHHAHA KEKW ign: yackson KEKW WHAT HOW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO Pog HAHAHA Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW RIOT OMEGALUL KEKW OMEGALUL Pog GAHAHAHAH KEKW pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL LUL lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 5Head KekW NVM KEKW KEKW DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN LULW pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER LULW KEKW LULW KEKW rito hard trolling HAHAHAHA GO AFK KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW NEVER ENDING KEKW pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER OMEGALUL THE ALL IN POTENTIAL Pog LOL kekw TANKS MAN LUL pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER NICE AUTO CANCEL U POUSSY ASS BITCH GO FOR THE HASL ResidentSleeper KEKW HAHAHAHA BRUH pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER KEKW QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Here we go agane LULW LOL LOOOOOL yasDog 3rd time now PepeLaugh 5MINS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper THIS IS BORING AF this fking champ is broken yasDog NAH TAHTS A WIN MAN GO NEXT KEKW 50 cs? just focus on cs-ing kek THATS A DUB JUST GO NEXT 5min 1v1 ResidentSleeper what is this Whats the bet tho its gonna fuckn take for ever crime ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper No more Nunu matchups FeelsWeirdMan this is actually so funny yasDog Just fucking CS @Yassuo pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER TURRET OKAY COACH WTF ?????? next this game isnt gonna end @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeper yasSpit cheating ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper WeirdKEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper go next pls @Yassuo ResidentSleeper QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog QUALITY GAMEPLAY peepoPog , ResidentSleeper WTF IS THIS CHAMP ? 50 ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yas100T win with CS 4Head BAN HIM illegal ResidentSleeper @Yassuo get 50 cs legit that counts, thats so trash he didnt die yasSleeper This is so exciting ResidentSleeper IGN BlackPinkS2Lisa damn this is fun to watch what am I even watching? LULW MAKE IT 25 CS PLS yasuo player ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper RUN IT DOWN @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasR yasR yasR ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo just focus on cs men yasDog ResidentSleeper KEKW you have taken like 5 turret shots just suicide for charity to much time wasted on this one GOT A GIRL FROM YOUR DATING ADVICE MOE THANKS BRO! <33333 ResidentSleeper Nunu 1v1 Resident Sleeper xxxxx ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper zzzzzzzzz 50 cs yasMald ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper this is actually the longest 1v1 ive ever watched holy hell carai. quando q acaba? never have i ever been so bored yet so excited at the same time lmao @Yassuo no mana NUNU BOT tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yo people gonna die from cancer before you end this game @Yassuo ban him after for real end it Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited 50 cs actually they fucking ruined nunu ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper bro just int this for the culture RESIDENT SLEEPER Just end it all moe we cant do it anymore please HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh Pog Pog The longest 1v1 I have ever seen FINALLY Pog ROLLED Pog Pog EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE Pog Pog PogU PogU Pog ResidentSleeper FINALLY Pog finally Pog @Yassuo farm 50 Pog FFS FINALLY LUL GG WP bro so bad FINALLY Pog FINALLY APog pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ResidentSleeper PogU PogU Pog Pog Finnaly KEKW NOOOOOOOO pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER ITS OVER PogChamp next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh Pog FINALLY JESUS KILL ME .. Pog NEXT KEKW WOOOOOO FINALLY IGN- BlackPinkS2Lisa that was the longest 1v1 POG pog pog EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE GOT'EM Pog THANK GOD Pog POG Pog Finally ResidentSleeper pog on earth finally jesus HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog l Pog ign: yackson he heals sooooooo much THANK GODDD KEKW FINALY Pog NEXT KEKW NEXT KEKW NEXT KEKW baws2014 Ez clap FINALLY PGGG @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. Pog finally lmao HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper POG POg @Waffle369 trust i was almost there pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER @Yassuo SpriteSponsorMe Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR POG Pog EW holy LOL EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE EZ Clap GOOD SHIT MOE naturalchair 1v1 POG FINALLY Hydrothunder444 ign LéBrón James pleasemoe!! 1v1 finally PogChamp Wow! pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER whats the bet ; YUNGKEVI pogchamp next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh next person pick nunu again PepeLaugh NO MORE NUNU'S TOOK MAD LONG go disc @Yassuo im in sub chat 1 Baws2014 @Yassuo Mashiat pls :) 1V1 Phoenyx636 finally lets goo this dude literally picked nunu so he can play longer its so sad PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE tebherman NA FINALLY pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Rex GUy Finally PogU HE HAS BEEN TRYING FOR THIS MOMENT Pog Atlast ResidentSleeper TTT Starboy 1v1 Razzip pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER @Yassuo ban nunu from 1vs1s 1v1 Thank you so much! TetronXPlays YungKevi !uptime IGN: ButteryPluto The stream has been live for 2 hours 16 minutes 45 seconds IGNORE BibleThump damn TTT Starboy v 1v1 pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pls never 1v1 that guy again ReeZiner oh please never do that again Pogg 1v1 you ending that 1v1 just beat cancer tbh Thank god no money goes to Charity go disc @Yassuo im in sub chat 1 fucking finally pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER Camquarter subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 5 katagakill haHAA who ever picked nunu u an idiot MyNammaJef ReeZine reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo I took a whole shit and came back to 2 nunus still fighting SELLOUT Pog xerath 1 v 1 me @KataGaKill LETS GO LOLTYLER1 DISCOUNT CODE ALPHA @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp 1v1 moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride NA - tebherman !! what about my 25 :( 1v1 widepeepoSad no leesin player? TetronXPlays after your £100 dollar match Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Kappa @Yassuo are you circumcised? you typed it WRONG AGAIN !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo ban nunu from 1vs1s please @Yassuo would rather watch you play irelia for 24 hours straight than that again no 450 @yassuo what charity you do suppport? moe im next KATAGAKiii donate 250 if you win, 500 is you lost that was so funny who the fuck shittalking nunu 1 v 1 iTS 3 III @Yassuo What about my 25 :( !followage KeTAa idk how many more youre playing but ima check if my shit working PICK NUNU @Yassuo are you circumcised?? WeirdKEKW Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @camquarter CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa CHARITY Kappa ign: yackson LETS ALL PICK NUNU FROM NOW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - what if u lose u gonna give him the 100$ ? @Yassuo are you circumcised? @katagakill LETS GO PogU BibleThump 1v1 moe I got a girlfriend because of you KataGaKill ResidentSleeper HERE WE GO KEKW Money dog KataGaKill ResidentSleeper KataGaKill ResidentSleeper KataGaKill ResidentSleeper KataGaKill ResidentSleeper KataGaKill ResidentSleeper KataGaKill ResidentSleeper Just donate 100 then refund after LULW Someone gift sub so i can wreck him on yasuo discord haHAA anothre cringe viewer HahaThink HahaThink pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER LETS GO KATAGAKILL pepeD LETS GO KATAGAKILL pepeD Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LETS GO KATAGAKILL pepeD LETS GO KATAGAKILL pepeD LETS GO KATAGAKILL pepeD LETS GO KATAGAKILL LETS GO @KataGaKill UGLY KEKW @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU BITCH KEKW why do they sound alike lol @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU 󠀀 His ego its too big ResidentSleeper ratirlKEKW1 @ebayshltkid FeelsWeirdMan yasM03 yasPride EGO guy again ResidentSleeper MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU WHYS HE OUT OF BREATH KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : oof why does this guy and kristy sound exactly the same KEKW SMACKED LULW @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp profenadi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp !discord @Yassuo I thought if i donated 25 ill 1v1 you trash kat shaking KEKW MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU!! Sheeeeesh @Yassuo are u joining tcs this year pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER yasSnake_TK MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU!!! @Wogy0 it's $100 do u have every skin in the game pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER soy el único que habla español aquí v: OMEGAROLL this song a freakin slapper @Yassuo CHOVY TO DX! 8k Watching don't get nervous @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp Where is the mokey? Thanks, everyone! Amazing! yasuooooo @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU 󠀀 sheeesh gg ez WHY yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK yasSnake_TK fusFam THEY FLAME ME MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU<3<3<3<3 @Kristyboi they coming for your life pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER KEKW 4 KEKW EZ 10 KEKW yasWeird WeirdChamp KEKW 10 KATAGAKILL PogChamp LULW LOL KEKW KEKW TRUEEE pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER pepeD LETS pepeD BEAT pepeD CANCER LUL DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW EZ KEKW 10 KEKW SAYS THE DELUSIONAL this guy sucks at league DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW DELUSION KEKW lul LULW MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU<3<3<3 @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp @KataGaKill DONT LOSE WeirdChamp KEKW GG KEKW KEKW KEKW GG kek KEKW tpa ezreal hhahahahaah AHAHAH SCARED KEKW kata doesnt lose haHAA cringe wins 10/10 times Kapp @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU @katagakill LETS GO PogU KEKW LUL gay lol 1v1 BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW Kapp yaaa klbbb @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey PogU ya kalb @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp @hysey WeirdChamp TGY loosing that hard vs 140 ms KEKW PepeLaugh kalb DuckerZ HUH THIS GUY IS SCARED AS FUCK haHAA aw hes hiding haHAA so cute haHAA awww MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU<3<3<3<3 DuckerZ HAA YAKLB MEANS u dog @thearcalius im lagging what a bm pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP huhhh vvtn -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. Kapp Kappa im laggin dudes am i laggin PepeLaugh Kreygasm i cant move i cant ae Kreygasm PepeLaugh BEST MALD KEKW DuckerX HUH? KEKW KEKW AHEGAO Kreygasm Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor LULW HAHAHAH KEKW ahahahah LUL HAHAHAHA KEKW LOL how many 1v1s has he done so far? LULW PING FLASH KEKW ahhahaa mizkifSEAL mizkif4 <3 Lulw MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU<3<3<3< ResidentSleeper is he kat otp? why u ping he flash xddd KEKW frostyelement subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! MOE WHY U PINGED HIS FLASH KEKW How do I enter my nameeee reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LUL OH Pepega kat is op KEKW hahhahha LUL KEKW NARAM KEKW caulesrei -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. @TsBlackii yea hahah TRUEEEEEEEE MOE i GOT A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU<3<3<3<3 @TsBlackii yea EXPOSED KEKW gachiHYPER KEKW LMFAOOOO True PogU HOW DO I JOIN 1V1 ACTUALLY TRUE AAGAHHAHAA gachiHYPER LMAOOOO @TsBlackii eu kata OTP resident sleeper game ngl @KataGaKill yasH gachiHYPER I'm an aram main yasWeird poor girl LUL anyone know if hes cute? poor girl annie bot haHAA ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ooga bogga getting owned TRUE ?? how tf did that hit him MOE GOT SMALL MAN SYNDROME !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 21 minutes 31 seconds for kristy peepoPog LETS GO KATAGAKILL LETS GO @Yassuo is the pickup line for girls still OOGA BOOGA? i got a girl from saying that. and u right. it works @itzhannie quit simpin ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @itzhannie WaitWhat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh yasCarried @NaZe_Minaj im not ResidentSleeper this guys accent so funny @BlazikenX23 dunno what ur on about KEKW KEKW PogU lol GET OWNED KEKW HJAHHAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL POG KEKW LUL PogU PogU PogU PogU GG WP POG OMG PogChamp !!!! LUL KEKW ResidentSleeper LMFAO KEKW AHHAHAHAHAAHAA KEKW ResidentSleeper KEKW Pog pog LULW !charity LOL PogU LULW KAKWWWWW KEKW LULW OMEGALUL LULW KEKW LULW Donate Here - , Learn more here - LULW SO MALD KEKW IGN-BlackPinkS2Lisa HAHAHAAHHAAHAH LULW PogU PogU DOGSHIT KEKW gg I WAS SO SURE LMFAOOOOOOOO @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL Pog Pog PogU EZZZZZZZZZ KEKW POG POG POG LETS HAVE SEX BYE BYE BUDDY @KataGaKill LMAO Pog EZ CLAP Pogu wow LUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL 󠀀 KEKKW YIKES POG ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE A VHAJAHJAJHAHAHAHAAHA POG KEKW @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL POG POGGGGG skill champ lol T-pose lul earlier ignite YOU HATE TO SEE IT @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL 󠀀 KEKW KEKW KEKW RNG ok moe GG bro Clap free KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL lulw Kappa HOES MAD KEKW MAN SAID RNG KEKW YO LETS RUN IT PLEASE ign BlackPinkS2Lisa @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL 󠀀 you can beat me xd @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. KEKW @KataGaKill we never letting this down tebherman -- NA :) @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL POG gg so sad DOUBLE OR NOTHIN KEKW ok moe me next' yasR POG KEKW LUL MAD AJHAHAHAHAA @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL 󠀀 @KataGaKill MAD CUZ BAD @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL lol @Yassuo SpriteSponsorMe ign Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo i think katagakill forgot the y in his name rNg YO 1V1 ME KAT @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL Hi im Sebastiano Hi im SebastianoHi im Sebastiano LUL KATA Pogggg lets gooo IGN: ButteryPluto !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL IGN Silent Sask @KataGaKill @KataGaKill @KataGaKill @KataGaKill @KataGaKill @KataGaKill play ezreal YungKevi @Yassuo IGN:BOSSwraith KATARINA ONE TRICK OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL 😂 @KataGaKill DOGSHIT KEKW 140 ms KEKW ping ign: yackson pog 70 ping advantage @Yassuo ksad ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper !charity @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill PepeLaugh Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob.;; KEKW HAHAH @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL @katagakill OMEGALUL 󠀀 @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp Hi im Sebastiano double or nithing @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL KEKW yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasClown IGN: ButteryPluto IGN: ButteryPluto @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @katagakill KEKW @Yassuo Can i 1v1 you i thought it was 25 i swear :( :( :( LUL @Kristyboi LMFAO @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp AJAJAJAJA TetronXPlays 1v1 @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL lets go best friend TEBHERMAN - NA :) @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp v @KataGaKill OMEGALUL LULW lets go @Yassuo SpriteSponsorMe Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo double or nothing haHAA ? 70 ping advantage @Yassuo @KataGaKill @Kristyboi KEKW @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL PLEASE BLESS ME YungKevi @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. ))))))) Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda jcpoopyall ign \] @KataGaKill 145 ping IGN: ButteryPluto HAHAHAHA :( Username : Hi im Sebastiano @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL @KataGaKill OMEGALUL IGN -- Schlongdong @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp pog pog pog shit game @KataGaKill TRASH KEKW @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith IGN: Young Noize please for the culture sssd Morgausse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! HOLY SHIT YOURE NUTS IS THERE A BETTER MID LANER ???? 100T YASSUO LCS WHEN? @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp TTT Starboy YuWuntDaRice @KataGaKill KEKW SNAKE IGN: LOBO RaZi !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Username : Hi im Sebastiano @KataGaKill -100 KEKW LILBUSA !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ign Logster13450 TTT Starboy TTT Starboy Katarina is a braindamaged faceroll champ anyway, just like half of your champ pool KEKW 1v1 Pog !discord @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp gg yasNLT prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Katevolved next @Yassuo 1v1 me ur bad Username : Hi im Sebastiano LETS RUN IT PLEASE YungKevi cüüüüs <3 Is it my turn yet :) @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp i swear ON GOD the ping fucked my e !discord ign BlackPinkS2Lisa prrrrrrrrr Kappa Username : Hi im Sebastiano 1v1 mr bro im a better kata then all 3 of you LUL @TsBlackii megtanithatnad katazni !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !DISCORD !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TEBHERMAN - NA ! Thanks, @Yassuo !!! moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride !charity !uptime Donate Here - , Learn more here - The stream has been live for 2 hours 22 minutes 47 seconds !uptime me !discord totally fine dude @KataGaKill Kappa 1v1 me That 150 ping dude U r taking all that money right? @KataGaKill Sure buddy what is that that was all ping difference scammed @Morgausse the man the myth the legend moe u forgot to gift the sub @Yassuo silver 3 KEKW Silver III KEKW S2 @Yassuo CHOVY TO DX !! ign Raffajaffa: eu comin to na for this ezreal 1v1 Hydrothunder444 YASOU KEKW @KataGaKill YOU FAILED US WeirdChamp @KataGaKill we believed you man yascarried ezreal!!!!!!!!!!!! yasuo xD ? 70 ping advantage @Yassuo Follow me on Twitter for updates silver4 AHHAHAH im next lol YAS KEKW @KataGaKill lets just go with rng, save your dignity yo he listens to suicide boys PogChamp SIlver 3 yas KEKW silver 3 kekw @Yassuo WHEN IS THIS FUNNY HAIRCUT STREAM ?????XD @KataGaKill you were the chosen one, you were supposed to destroy the siths, not to join them free game IF U LOSE THIS KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW Silver 3 Yasuo KekW D: D: D: D: D: do u have every skin ni the game moe? level 35 silver 3 good save PepeHands D: D: yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried LOL D: @Yassuo sanch did a rewatch u cheated in mundo ball D: D: D: D: D: WTF D: KEKW D: D; D: holy shit the clash invites lol D: HAHAHAHAHA D: D: D: good save Pepega nice skin D= D: D: D: d: D: DEFAULT SKIN D: HDSAHDSAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA D: D: yasTrue I just got this emote free and I don’t care because moe is low iq snake FUCK CHARITY D: LUL D: @ChimpNA ? your d1 wu main ? Cringe LUL S3 YASSUO D: @Yassuo u cheated mundo ball, +250 to charity FUCK YOU CHAT :) 🖕 D; D: D: D: D: @loaiy ya how much if you lose? my name is canser TriHard TriDance ChingZillah subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! I LOST gachiHYPER WideHard @Yassuo are you gonna do more 1v1s bc youre selling out? D: @ChimpNA Chat normie fr reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! DANCE DANCE DANCE Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : good save LUL TriHard D: TriDance bro theres probably thousands of people with the first name cancer @Yassuo D: D: D: TriHard D: !discord TriDance HE PLAYING MUSIC HE KNOW HE FKED UP What lmao TriKool D: D: TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance True TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance D: D: Trikool TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? how to 1vs1 him???????????????? chimp in the chat AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE cmonBruh TriDance @Yassuo u cheated mundo ball, +250 to charity @Yassuo u cheated mundo ball, +250 to charity TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? v TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TriAthlon klapkovec1 -> Please refrain from posting links. TriHard I SEE YOU D: this is actully a song XD TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? Wait this lowkey goes hard D: TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance fly sanchovies out for charity stream TriKool f cancer @Yassuo did u gift the sub to the guy? TriKool D: TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance cmonBruh @KataGaKill Stick to EUW PepeLaugh the monkey is hereeeee how much maney have ya raised TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriDance D: TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance LMAO D: !song imcubi_ -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream Moe: fuck charity @Yassuo 1v1 me TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance D: TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool canacarerasd TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? :( DUDE MUSIC IS SO LOUD TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool who tf calls their kid cancer Yasssuo you should some tatoos TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance cmonBruh moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride french maid nidalee TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance D: Clap TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance @Yassuo u overstepped the line +250 TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? TriDance ?? v HES HERE monkaEyes so loud MUNDO SMASH TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance anyone got kristyboi 1v1 TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance ellosuSAD plz !charity TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance @Yassuo Love me WeirdChamp yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @yassuo do you know who Dzukill is? hint: best yasuo world hairy ass TriKool WHO NAMES A CHILD CANER my mother name is cancer D: who named their kids cancer @Yassuo Donate Here - , Learn more here - ign: yackson how to 1vs1 bro TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER OMEGAROLL Song name pls guys ? gg !points TriDance TriKool TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? v !rank GRANDMASTER I (380 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP whats the rules for the charity? @Yassuo TriKool FUCK YOU CHAT :) 🖕 TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool ClapTriKool Clap TriKool Clap We hoohem -> Please refrain sending long messages. unironically listening to garbage like this ill get em next time dummy some hippy !charity TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER Donate Here - , Learn more here - God Young Thug is so trash lol ill get you next time yas100T YEA yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasPepega yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU !charity neekomains -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Donate Here - , Learn more here - hey just change my name from serkan to kanser THAT SONG IS DAMN HOT !!!! daddyasar -> Please refrain from spamming caps. THOSE HOROSCOPES !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 24 minutes 20 seconds @Yassuo WHEN IS THIS HAIRCUT STREAM ? THIS WILL BE FUNNY XDDD @yassuo i have hairy buttocks 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒 kanye would astrologists MY SIGN IS CANCER KEKW TriDance FUCK CANCER BR BR BR BR HUE HUE HUE damn 2202 3Head lmao silver 3 BIG BRAIN PPLS TriDance TriDance @Yassuo ODA IS COMING TO PLAY LOL EVERYONE STFU torrific_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. YO ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo yo Trash im fighting cancer for 2 years now , please stand up for cancer that kat 1v1 YYO ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo YO ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo O ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo TriKool Clap YO ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo YO ODA IS PLAYING LEAGUE JOIN HIM @Yassuo IAMDIZZI subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! c: reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Cancers suck: Capricorns <3 TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance my mother name is cancer D: monkaW @Yassuo dudes be listening to horoscopes but wont scope out the whores and stay away from them 💯 WALLAH fuck my sub run out big ass nose TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER moe read the joke FUCK CANCER TriDance CHOVY TO DX Who's that? WH OMEGALUL a HE IS TILTED FROM GETTING DDOSED ON OSRS Is he doing 1v1s? Makes so much zense 1v1 llstylish hahaha @CAREFUL_VENOUMES_IS_HERE PepeLaugh !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 24 minutes 50 seconds !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - FUCK CANCER ASS MOE WH OMEGALUL ????? anyone ever noticed yassou looks like yasou 0.o astrology in 2019 WutFace @Yassuo HES GETTING DDOSED ON OSRS AND COMING TO LEAGUE HAHAAAH THAT WASNT BAD TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW @Yassuo HES GETTING DDOSED ON OSRS AND COMING TO LEAGUE! LUL KEKW 4Weird Jason LULW yasJAM 💯 real TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? TriDance ????? v LULW @exCoach PepeLaugh TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance 26 Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @CAREFUL_VENOUMES_IS_HERE TriAthlon yasN yasFat yasJAM ign: yackson pepeJAM @AZN_ your jokes blow, i love itr TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER When is sanchovies streaming?? @Yassuo TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks SHIE TriHard WOOP @Yassuo you never say that a joke is good even if it is spongePls lulw yasJAM !Charity how do i join 1v1\ Donate Here - , Learn more here - Whos comming to twitchcom in Amsterdam ? TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER @djboss0729 TriAthlon CLASH EUNE HIT ME UP KEKW KEKW LOL play with odablock @Yassuo KEKW KEKW LOL gg Pog lmao OH @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd oda talking mad shit lol KEKW naturalchair @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd DUIO WITH ODABLOCK KEKW SILVER KEKW IGN-PokeMaster967 who is cancer and why are we fucking them? KEKW NOO ign BlackPinkS2Lisa ????? that dude was confused LUL IGN: LOBO RaZi play me please moe GG Pog DYING TO MINIONS KEKW lllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk WeirdChamp !join TEBHERMAN - NA :) holy fuck u almost lost @Yassuo next time we do same odds dummy kid TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER rip 100 hunna look at hat ping my dude feels bad I had it before me pog oda is on league help him out @Yassuo ign Gyabin SILVER MECHANICS KEKW ODA SAID "BRING HIM IN" @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith Pog WeirdKEKW ?? LILBUSA høes mad Feedx4 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! gg Schlongdong Phoenyx636 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! BlackPinkS2Lisa Ign SpriteSponsorMe @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd i naturalchair not bad for S3 @Yassuo isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron SILVER 3 KEKW loool TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) HEY @yassuo have u ever thinking playing on ph server well now dont all players on ph server are trashcan dude Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With IGN guNSHii YuWuntDaRice H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) @Yassuo DUO WITH ODA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO IGN- høes mad høes mad høes mad yo moe, oda is on league help him out @Yassuo IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda el Sunny - eune We do talk to get chosen? @Yassuo ODA WANTS TO DUO WITH U LEAGUE IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi next lol my igj jcpoopyall DUO WITH ODABLOCK Username : Hi im Sebastiano H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) !uptime IGN: LOBO RaZi @Yassuo Mewdesu The stream has been live for 2 hours 25 minutes 44 seconds naturalchair høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad IGN yoursadtruth H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith PLease bro EYY @yassuo MUCH LOVE FROM UR LEBANESE BOY HERE, LY AND HOPE U HAVIN A GREAT NIGHTT 😗😗😗😗 IGN: With GG Oda "bring him in" TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) yo fizz players donate 100 and give me account info IGN: KatDévolved @Yassuo skt raidenn !uptime Fenrium -> Please refrain from spamming caps. play with odablock supercliff26 NA @Yassuo odablock going on league, play with big O @Yassuo ODA GONNA PLAY LEAGUE IGN: FSN Dynopanda Username : Hi im Sebastiano el Sunny - EUNE TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) 1v1 Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With DUO WITH ODA MOE ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE i'm 650K yasuo main and i wanna 1v1 you BLESS ME PLEASDE YungKevi @yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt Duo with odablock Razzip zappifyyt -> Please refrain from posting links. 500 if you beat me in EUW @Yassuo odablock is playing league LETS GO -100$ KEKW TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER 1v1 me OGJakohV2 he missed the first q and stayed near IGN: Focal !uptime ign BlackPinkS2Lisa ODABLOCK ODABLOCK ODABLOCK @Yassuo Duo with Oda Username : Hi im Sebastiano disliquids -> Please refrain from spamming caps. el Sunny - EU NEE H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght IG: Eliasey @Yassuo odablock is playing league paly with oda yoursadtruth ign IGN Schlongdong @Yassuo Moe the type of guy to blow on ice cream before he takes a bite xDDD NAME: KatDévolved IGN: WIth ign: Gyabin @Yassuo Mewdesu 1v1 LETS GO cazzii @Yassuo IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi SpriteSponsorMe Lets run it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR supercliff26 - NA 1v1 YungKevi TetronXPlays @yassuo skt raidenn ANELE PLAY WITH ODABLOCK @Yassuo ` naturalchair IGN høes mad høes mad !charity GG Donate Here - , Learn more here - PokeMaster967 Ign @Yassuo Duo with Oda. !charity Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With Raffajaffa: eu comin to na for this 1v1 IGN: Manvsbeast1234 Username : Hi im Sebastiano Donate Here - , Learn more here - IGN: yoursadtruth @Yassuo LILBUSA IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda TEBHERMAN - NA :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) ign Matahu 1 v 1 @Yassuo Duo with Oda ign:GaganShallow BRO U DONT WANT THIS SMOKE 1V1 USER: KatDévolved 1v1 moe is a snacc excoach :D 1v1 thresh, EZ Clap ign 13 rabbit ODABLOCK YASUO IS IN PRRRRRRr 1v1 @Yassuo Duo with Oda. duo with ODABLOCK :) @Yassuo odablock is playing league IGN: guNSHii !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - IGN BlackPinkS2Lisa Pleaseeeeeeee YungKevi TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) Ign Gyabin Username : Hi im Sebastiano @Yassuo Duo with Oda ODA WANTS TO PLAY WITH YOU LILBUSA Yo @Chimp WHERE U AT? HeyGuys COME ON MOE DUO YASSUO ODABLOCK ODABLOCK ODABLOCK ODABLOCK odablock wants to 1v1 u FeelsWeirdMan IGN SkinyDipingSauce ur ugly @Yassuo 1v1 in EUW WeirdChamp @Yassuo Duo with Oda. ign :l u c i f e r oo aa PLAY WITH ODA TetronXPlays let's goooo humptyy @Yassuo Yes thank you!! 1v1 MOE DUO ODA Are you comming to twitchcom? ODABLOCK ODABLOCK ODABLOCK dakata129 EUNE !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Odas about to play leagues @yassuo DUO WITH ODA play Hydrothunder444 ASK @Yassuo Moe the type of guy to blow on ice cream before he takes a bite xDDD @Yassuo Moe the type of guy to blow on ice cream before he takes a bite xDDD ig: moe is a snacc 1v1 @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it Vincente AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - bahadiryigit -> Please refrain from posting links. what do i win if i donate 100$ and win the 1v1? !1v1 1v1 what are 1v1 requirements?? TriHard gold LUL zappifyyt -> Please refrain from posting links. KEW HasanTheBomb HasanTheBomb HasanTheBomb HasanTheBomb KEKW KEKW odablock vibing KEKW opgg inception KEKW KEKW WTF LMFAOOOOOOo i would like to have 100 dollars to eat for 1 week or 2 feelsbadman ign: Masaka yasuo How to 1v1 @Yassuo call him He wants to AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) AsarLazar - NA :) LMAO @Yassuo yasuo is the cancer of league @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it yasMald OMFG I GOT GIFTED hes flamin ur ass KEKW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW KEKW yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood KEKW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW NO DARK MODE WutFaceW LUL who tf is that @yassuo what are 1v1 requirements?? @yassuo if I gift you 35 subs will you carry me to plat? I am in my gold promos. Call him ign: yackson !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 26 minutes 50 seconds Pog PedoBear odablock watching @Yassuo @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it he has the same shoji screen as boxbox annie XD KEKW yasMald @Invict0ry me too bruh :( @Yassuo odablock wants to play with u wtf is all these ResidentSleeper champs @yassuo how long the charity stream going for? invitame manco 1v1 Annie ResidentSleeper torrific_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. TriDance Cx @Yassuo play with oda Annie-versary Skin ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ODA SAID HE'D SHIT ON YOU 1V1 @yassuo Much love from lebanon hope ur doin welll ly habebe TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER play with oda!!!! :D Moe don’t you think that riot is racist they don’t have server us, they don’t give us any champions nor skins Cheer100 RUNESCAPE LULW im 18 month sub and i never get 1v1 yasWeird its a scam guys ODA SAID HE WILL CLAP YOU 1v1 fizz players donate and give me account info TEBHERMAN - NA :) @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it @Yassuo play with oda. SKIN pepeD @scar_da_sexy feelsbadman :( wish you had a br account so i could participate in these PepePls !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - He's logging in ski !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 27 minutes 25 seconds PogU cwalk cwalk cwalk LOOOOOL PogU POG skin !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pog Pog Pog Pog Wow! pog SKIN SKIN SKIN SKIN SKIN POH PogU POG He is logging in !charity Skin Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pog TriDance FUCK CANCER Pog Thanks, man! POG Pog RESPECRT where is this charity for? @Yassuo Skin Pog @ODABLOCK RIOT cmonBruh RACIST KEKW Owo @odablock ODA THANKS KEKW @Yassuo are you better than azzapp? TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER what u donig oda ius here IT'S CALLED MARKETING CORRECTLY 1v1 rn 1V1 RN which cancer @Yassuo this song is fire @Yassuo letsgo ooga booga Y U AVODIING Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor Do u remember me I carried you during pax east my names also moe ur ugly yasGood oda is a shitter TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER 1v1 PogU 1v1 me OGJakohv2 akali cancer or vlad cancer @Odablock 4Head marijuana cures cancer phalastine charity 💛💛😢 LAG DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! hey hey hey hey moe 1v1 me if ur a men hi moe AVOIDER ACVOIDER yes lagging AVOIDER Freeze oof avoider not frozen we good @Yassuo what are 1v1 requirements?? I wasn’t actually serious @Yassuo CHOVY TO KINGZONE TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) LOL AVOIDERR avoider AVOIDER AVOIDERRRR avoider LAG hi moee lagging AVOIDER SNAKE F CANCER A BITCH TriDance AVOIDER AVOIDER F PLAY WITH ODABLOCK lagging MercyWing1 MercyWing2 TriHard @yassuo when is the server ending? DONATE MONEY TO HELP CANCER F AVOIDER CHAMPION CANCER? AVOIDER AVOIDERRR stream is laggy SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE @YASSUO PLEASE DO EU avoider odaWink AVOIDER LAG What does Rocket Mortgage Means????? AVOIDER SCARED HEXTECH ANNIE PagChomp hi yassuo AVOIDERRRR lagging @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW ? AVOIDER AVOIDER AVOIDER AVOIIIDER SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @Yassuo how are u picking who ur playing against? @Odablock KEKW they just gave us bs translation for the game F in chat boys KEKW @Yassuo Cant u go ahead and just donate 1k? Thats still good for charity uwu! @yassuo PLEASE DO EU hi moee Pepega 18 fps Cure against Yasuo? GG ez Lagging AVOIDER what are 1v1 requirements LAG WTF AVOIDER 1k dollar u said AVOIDER @Odablock kick his ass LAG @Yassuo if I subb can I 1v1 you? avoider MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 you r laggin TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER AVOIDERRR ratirlMangoS odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink stream giga laggy TriDance raising money for cancer becuase its genocide of all cancers. no one is on cancers side but this guy AVOIDER AVOIDER AVOIDERAVOIDER @Yassuo This game is cancer so fk this game? !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 28 minutes 31 seconds avioder RED ROVER RED ROVER Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty AVOIDER KEKW @Yassuo PLEASE DO EU KEKW 1v1 me if ur a men LMAOO TriDance try yo get him :D AVOIDER KEKW Avoider AVOIDER COME ON NOW ONDOVER @Yassuo oda cant even download the client TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - avoider BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald @Yassuo just close his stream odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW avoifer 1v1 TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance AVOIDER KEKW avoider TriKool 1v1 odaWink odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odablock is better 1V1 @Yassuo respect for you are doin bro!! I am Ahmed from Morocco PepeJAM avvoiding TriDance FUCK CANCER !charity up it to 2,000 that hobgoblin couldn't do jack shit Donate Here - , Learn more here - odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald 1V1 AVOIDER odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink @yassuo hii bigmanturan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! wassup buddy gl he got scammed reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 1v1 odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink avoiding CDR PepeLaugh AVOIDER Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ENZA DENINO odaWink odaWink odaWink ??? odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire avoider bruh yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire @Yassuo 15% cdr no wonder he got 2 Q KEKW @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it KEKW DAMNNNN KEKW KEKW @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt avoider odaWink avoidinggggggggg BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT. odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ??????\ Mewdesu @Yassuo 1V1 RUN IT KEKW pepeD TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) PokeMaster967 IGN Gods Plan BlessRNG Gods Plan BlessRNG Gods Plan BlessRNG Gods Plan BlessRNG AVOIDER AVOIDER AVOIDING ODA KEKW MEET EDGE KEKW @Yassuo how do u pick who ur playing against? @Yassuo IGN: LOBO RaZi DO EU pog ?? odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaBicepL TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER how did u win that POOOOOOOOOG pog odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink Username : Hi im Sebastiano Prince Dutty ap diff KEKW avoider ??????????? he could have won that odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper smart man !Charity yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW Donate Here - , Learn more here - Im_A_Qt -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. KEKW odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink AVOIDER KEKW AVOIDERRRRR Do u remember me I carried you during pax east my names also moe odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 oda1 his ign is tebherman damn no gg TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER DOOOOOO !subcount TetronXPlays yas100T_TK yas100T_TK yas100T_TK yas100T_TK yas100T_TK @yassuo hiii odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink y u avoiding big O HOW CAN I 1VS1 WITH U LOL AVOIRDERRRRRRR Ign SpriteSponsorMe høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad AVOIDER Do EUW KEK odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink rod damage lmsooo @Yassuo odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink AVOIDER go vs ado @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it Username : Hi im Sebastiano @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo @Yassuo heskoo odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa v scared of big O? pepeD odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink odaFire odaWink ign big shot odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa oda BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa 1v1 me OGJakohv2 COME ON bro act up odafire odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ign: SSword odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa v Yassuo will win odaWink yasW !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 29 minutes 26 seconds odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa EU 1V1 AVOIDER odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT. cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo yo when this stream ending? im late to the party odaFire @Yassuo if i donate another 100 run it back kid i cant take it odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght @yassuo hi odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald AVOIDER odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa scared his ign is tebherman !! Do u remember me I carried you during pax east my names also Moe @Yassuo AVOIDERRERERERERERERRERERERERER yasW yasW yasW lost chapter DO ME odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink pepeD 1 VS 1 ME odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @yassuo moe hi @chimp POOSIE wtf this onetrick guys lol rude odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink ign prince dutty BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaFace1 odaFace2 odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa v ITS TEBHERMAN odaWhale ign: SSword :) Do EUW pls odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa 1v1 swadle odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink GO DISCORD rude kalb DO ME 1v1 ME U WILL LOSE odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo issytoast ign Raffajaffa eu comin to na for this odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire ISSYTOAST odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire issytoast CALL HIM @Yassuo 1 man spam haHAA issytoast oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 oda2 Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa dlong oda will delete you @Yassuo moe hi issytoast EU 1V1 PUSSY Do EUW issytoast odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire IT IS ISSYTOAST TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER TriDance FUCK CANCER @KataGaKill not even winning with ur onetrick oh no no PepeLaugh <3 its time odaWink @odablock smimi smumu issytoast ITS TIME odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFace2 ign: SSword ::) BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. @chimp can I play yassuo hii he says its "issytoast" odaWink odaWink issytoast odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire issytoast oda1 soryy odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire dlong ITS TEBHERMAN ITS TEBHERMAN DLONG @Yassuo IGN BtwAustin 1v1 Pls <3 pepeD CALL HIM @Yassuo . !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo he is still doing patch update dlong odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink oda2 oda2 odaWink odaWink odaWink oda2 oda2 oda2 odaWink dlong dlong I ONLY MABEH AND MY MAMA pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD dlong SONG RUINED IM SRYYYYYYYYY dlong dlong odaEZ odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa ITS DLONG wait "dlong" WHY DID U CUT DLONG longdongdlong odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa dlong DLONG oda Pog long dong g long DLONG ign: yackson dlong dlong CALL HIM ON DISC @Yassuo . dlong dlong U ENDED IT AT THE DROP U FUCK letabasseur subscribed with Twitch Prime. DlONG issytoast dlong odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire DLONG reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! dlong dlong dlong oda is ending already purppWTF DLONG RUINED DansGame PepeLaugh pepeJAM nymnCorn Dlong gachiHYPER ign: SSword l;ll BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT... BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT CALL HIM ON DISC @Yassuo .. dilong KEKW odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald ITS TIME PogU 👉 💍 odaWhale odaWhale odaWhale odaWhale odaWhale odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF gachiBASS BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT. Thanks for the HahaLean @letabasseur gachiHYPER WeirdChamp wtf haHAA haHAA ITS TIME PogU 👉 💍 ITS TIME PogU 👉 💍 lmao @vexardd WeirdChamp call oda on ziscord ???? LUL ITS TIME PogU 👉 💍 WutFace odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink KEKW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire yackson IS HE STUPID WTF GIUS ITS TIME PogU 👉 💍 yasPlead Pepega Dlon odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald ?? call him KEKW HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean odaMald odaMald odaMald KEKW KEKW Do u remember me I carried you during pax east my names also moe LMAO odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink KEKW Cheer150 if i donate another 100 run it back i cant take it :D :D :D cmonBruh ? SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SLIKER 2.0 KEKW l000000000000000000l hahahahahaha budget sliker LUL cmonBruh odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink call him on ziscord gang shit lmao LUL gang shit WideHarder TriHard Clap WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace LULW LULW KEKW WTF LUL can I 1vs1 u WTF KEKW GANG SHIT LULW HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW LOOOOOL LOOOOOOOOOOL odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire cmonBruh KEKW? ?????????????????? NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink F NEXT SLIDE PLS F odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire F ? BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT KEKW scuffed sliker odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart scuffed sliker KEKW budget slicker scuffed sliker Well I’m out, he’s clearly retarded F ? ? F stream LUL NA SLIKER KEKW Do u remember me I picked you up during pax east my names also moe F? NA SLIKER u are laging kkekw KEKW NA SLICKER LULW ?????????????? YOU THE FUCK IS THIS DICK HEAD @yassuo hello SCUFFED SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER LOL NEXT SLIDE PLZ WutFace WutFace actually NA sliker LMFAO NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER KEKW talking gang shit with that japanese tree behind him @Yassuo HAHAHA F laggy stream slideshow F NZXT MALDING KEKW BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT. NA SLIKER KEKW NA SLIKER ur computer taking a poop ure fucking scared scuffed NA SLIKER KEKW odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink holy moe SCAAARED F tru 10k pc KEKW F LAAG lag af NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NZXT KEKW ill take his spot :D BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. F FFFFFFFFFFFFF yeah ur lagging odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink autobot F NZXT KEKW NZXT KEKW SLIDESHOW :D NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW NA Sliker KEKW nice pc :( PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POWER POINT STREAM SLIKER NA SLIKER KEKW F 10K PC NA SLIKER KEKWW SCAREDDDDD @Yassuo lagggggggg STREAM FREEZING 1v1 me you fuckingg scardy cat BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT update? muted DDOS @Yassuo how do i enter to 1v1 u oda1 oda2 NA SLIKER LULW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire EU Slicker KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL NZXT KEKW NZXT KEKW ! NZXT KEKW POWER POINT ddos oda > sliker NA SLIKER KEKW KEKW cmonBruh odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire @Yassuo bro hes updating 5% gg imagine thinking is the graphic card @Yassuo I have 10 mins to play @Yassuo SLIDESHOW he's pathcing you wouldnt irelia 1v1 me u shitter odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink NZXT KEKW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad !graphicscard CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink odaHeart odaWink irelia you dont need to restart your pc to update a graphics driver DLONG gachiHYPER odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaMad odaMad odaMad and tha music? KEKW NA Sliker kekw TetronXPlays !specs CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz KEKW @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire thrill9Beer thrill9Beer thrill9Beer thrill9Beer thrill9Beer odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad 'He's patching It’s another 100 for charity do it BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT. @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire Baby_Zerker -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. yasN yasFat yasJAM CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ign BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa he cant accept its patching !charity @LegendaryAL_ow !specs @Yassuo hes still patching Donate Here - , Learn more here - patching KEKW moe is scareeeed WHAT @Yassuo hows this working cuz im tryna clap u on stream and if it goes to charity even better Double or nothing KEKW KEKW WHAT @Yassuo respect bro for what you are doin! I am Ahmed from morocco big fan gachiBASS hes patching hes 5% KEKW CmonBruh @Yassuo HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% HES UPDATING 5% odaMonka1 oda1 D: ign: Subvrzn please baby odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart WeirdChamp what? @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp @CANCER WeirdChamp gachiHYPER odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire i'll smack you on yasuo lets goo come pu55y odaMald odaMald odaMald f moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride He is patching LUL when will u come to Brazil to 1v1 me? ? odaMonka3 odaFace1 odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart LUL irelia 1v1 me HAHA MOE UR MOM IS IN MY THOUGHTS TriDance LMFAO his mom is what hes updating.... odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad looooool gachiHYPER OH YES @cancer FeelsWeirdMan Subvrzn TriHard BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa CALL HIM HEN EEDS HELP @Yassuo CALL HIM HEN EEDS HELP @Yassuo CALL HIM HEN EEDS HELP @Yassuo CALL HIM HEN EEDS HELP @Yassuo @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE ????????????????????? hey chat is 86 on asvab good? cmonBruh it's normal your mum is in my thoughts the monitors come back on BRO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT PLAY ON 130 PING CONSTANT lets run it while we wait :D can I play 6% KEKW @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE @CANCER WeirdChamp LEAVE odaFace1 odaFace2 cmonBruh IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo yo moe you lookin mad cute today for some reason. keep that shit up my guy @Yassuo how do you end up meeting these crackheads???? Your mom is in my thoughts TriHard yes they go black for like 10s ign SpriteSponsorMe 5% patch ??????????????????????????? wtf Kreygasm Kreygasm Hes patching at 6% -.- isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron @Yassuo buddybboixdd IGN: ButteryPluto CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 excoach IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi cazzii POOGERS excoach Yasuodoof NWTC VIz0 naturalchair TreeKangar00 IGN: FSN Dynopanda @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd GO @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW ? do me :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) Varashe @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire Jayful vatafaak eune widwam ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead LILBUSA JoeyOB mom in thoughts Kreygasm aatlanta mwei75 You can't do it while streaming ign big shot me ROHIT212001 IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi ez win IGN: Eliasey ZacharyTN YarlordWarg @Yassuo EUW neverdarkzzz hWAugstine :) høes mad høes mad Logster13450 FlyTower IGN AJEWISHFISH Thesubwild @Yassuo POOGERS lets run it ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Come Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With hes patching ME :) Cind yato kami Cactus La Flame Chimp ign Sanchovies CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo . ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead IGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN Dynopanda Pumapard123 kamuroya ign Atomic Beast33 Kevin0118 @Yassuo IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt ... ign jcpoopyall v1v yarakkafa MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEEEE i bang you TAG Luffy Zajio lagroubi yoooge . it @Yassuo buddybboixdd ign SpriteSponsorME IGN: Safely IGN: With cygi IGN Nality KataGaKiii TetronXPlays let's gooo theoppaïlord kirkvfttbu k meeee mini milk euw TrentHill10 CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 mee aa @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd TehSauce69 100T Yassuo III DOPA III Ôsama odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa BLESS ME PLEASE YungKevi RIVENTODIAMONDX ! im 18 month sub pick or youre fake IGN ACSEVEN JOELSIN me Logster13450 ign me IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi 0hMyBuddha dakata129 EUNE TEBHERMAN - NA :) PLEASEE @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Craving Pain IGN excoach Chimp CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo .. ign big shot ign big shot IGN: Kraezie NA @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt .. @Yassuo buddybboixdd Subvrzn please Volio Berga Chimp IGN Abdooo613 thesubwild @Yassuo WhenHerDadKnocks NA hi ign TreeKanar00 IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto Dlong Metro Blue CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 I wanna 1v1 IGN: BENCH REGINALD IGN: yoursadtruth hemanfin KEKW Schmobe GN Chimp Sanchovies @Yassuo IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo Trenthill10 Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With KataGaKiii ign champ spartan ottblaster xLokami me IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda bigbum125 haitoku nomeL jcpoopyall tyler1 poogers 1v1 maitre pollo ThreeEyedR4ven IGN: Young Noize please for the culture IGN: Yasuodoof VIELORD me TetronXPlays YAKUZAA ZEDSU OsamaBinLegend EUW høes mad høes mad høes mad pls IGN: NarutoTheKyuubi ign:M1dday EUW widwam. mayonnaise . ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead IGn Zeptix dickface2782 scardy cat Rex Guy IGN: WIth kekw IGN: Mikeydabous pls CHIMP CIMP CIMP ign: yackson jaybee1223 -> Please refrain from posting links. thedaktintn @Yassuo CrypticJava 1v1 me Always muted njegomir @Yassuo lets run it Cheezeayt ... zéd or béd mr stoecklol CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo CALL HIM ON DISCORD @Yassuo ... TrentHill10 Joe best widwam ign:gyabin IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto bLESS ME YungKEi Pumapard123 FlyTower / hWAugstine IGN: LOBO RaZi IGN: LOBO RaZi 24cmpikk ign Logster13450 FOLDE !!!!!!! tonytonebone69 SpriteSponsorME excoach inv poogers PogChamp IGN You a hoe :D excoach CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 firespiritphonix ign: akaliandfizz @Yassuo Chiken Nachos Euw @Yassuo LILBUSA IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasANELE odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart odaMald odaHeart høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad NimaS JoseC IGN: With @Yassuo bigmanturan ign: rezvz IGN Defibz Ijustpeedthere Aqua dude IGN Atomic Beast33 1Born2Kill @Yassuo I love you bro that Ahmed from Morroco respect bro Pumapard123 PallydonLaser IGN chimp 1v1 . Flyinlion Tutenstein. Fuckmoe aa FOLDER IGN BIGBUM125 me CHIMP ign 1204ign 1204ign 1204 Sanchovies KEKW big shot I Fire Wolf I euw BeatcherKeth shaco isnt op SaityNuttz YungKevi ign: netoptijd Chimp Roxsution Kappol F CHIMP shrefi mwei75 @Yassuo Razzip IG KEANU ONLY ThoughtofLove @yassuo shishä LL Stylish CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP !setup zandrel plzzzzzzzz Euw NimaS HungryPandah IGN 1 do me FINNJII] ˆoˇ IGN always muted IGN raphraph RIGGED IGN: Young Noize please for the culture. AlysonWonderland How long are you gonna stream for? SevenTH @Yassuo you fuckingg scardy cat hezbollah letmefizzinyou faaakeee FAK 665 minutes FINNJII we trippin balls TriDance !followage ign Raffajaffa popsuperstar Hydrothunder444 tmc mingo Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With YASuck rho !pc CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz IGN Shadow Xcalliber CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMPMA TriDance NEVER MET THE BROSKIS MAX DESTROY on EUW Rockkid7 RIGGED yasDog_HF gods plan IGN: With ETA 665minutes for patching LULW IGN MindGames WideHardo TEBHERMAN - NA :) PLEASE 450 min to patch Dromus !charity moe how can I get a handsome, talented, non homeless looking, great guy like u? @yassuo KappaPride KappaPride Donate Here - , Learn more here - TetronXPlays meeeee ig: Liuyann saturnaffe645 euw dickfave2892 hes got 665 minutes haha IGN ACSEVEN have u met aubrey 665min update SKT T1 ANDREW NA i'll play yas if u wanna get schmacked again 665 mins untill he is patched SUbliminal47 yasDog yasN yasFat yasJAM yasN yasFat yasJAM IGN: Shadow Xcalliber LUL Wistly cazzii PLS Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP @Yassuo LILBUSA 3lovetaps IGN: 2929 Labanda49 rigged WeirdKEKW uhgyy745 Helpless rooCop Ikê njegomirinv nj yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit moe i dont think its ur graphix card KEKW pretty sure its better for u to upgrade ur ram K 500 min to patch aqua dude euw zkkz919ow !discord IGN Defibz! !followage ajewishfish njegomir CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP @yassuo mad respect on what you are doing yamimaho -> Please refrain from posting links. projectyone -> Please refrain from posting links. ign Comethazine @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght yasDog yasDog_HF yasDog_HF yasDog IGN: With loltyler1 klçll !charity CHIMPN1 Donate Here - , Learn more here - CHECK HOW MUCH STREAM WATCH TIME I HAVE Daddy caboose Hes got 665 minutes for patching LULW TEBHERMAN - NA :) PLEASE & THANK YOU IGN: TL LAG IGN: Young Noize please for the culture.. isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron Kapedi @Yassuo u changed stream background no? CAZZII Subliminal47 zéd or béd IGN: Agent Smoooooth 11hours patching Are U From Pelesten ? @Yassuo he has a 10 hour patch @Yassuo IFN: 2929 @Yassuo since im from EU i nominate chimp @Yassuo lçlçlçllç Pumapard123 daddy caboose ig Liuyann DJKILLER0507 500mn patch PepeLaugh 1v1 if you win i donate 200 XxMrPotato69Xx !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa Cheezeayt MindGames TetronXPlays høes mad høes mad høes mad ReformedEli @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW ? daddy Caboose zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks EU : ReformedToxic01 FOLDER bruh Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With xpkstarstorm Skinam !watchtime RUN IT yasWeird lagroubi1 widwam sad CHIMP IG LIUYAN Daddy Caboose JOIN @yassuo LILBUSA neflonblack2 @Yassuo u changed stream background right? like it used to be blood moon CHIMP Pog sjkss scared of brother o? WHAST HTE FUCK IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasWeird IGN raphraph odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald AHHAHAHAHA @ChimpNA KEKW CHIMP LULW KEKW ign Raffajaffa eu ready to get clapped BRONZE AHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Play me on EUW "Notypetrymybest" OTP Yas KEKW LULW bRONE HAHHA sad SCAMMED KEKW scammed KEKW lobo joined first LMAO lmao KEKW U R SO SCARE D: KEKW SCARED Oda is tryin LUL yasDog_HF yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog_HF LULW @ChimpNA rip you tried LUL bronze 2 THATS SCAMMING @ChimpNA Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday KEKWE bronze 2 gotta be hard you look like carl the llama why are people playing halo right now KEKW @yassuo 1v1v me im from Belize in latin America playing on NA and will own you from here xD @Yassuo his update taking 6 hours btw its gg KEKW whasts yup sexy what rank is o? moe you scared of me SCARED KEKW SCARED @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa - yasuo 4 @ChimpNA kicked KEKW triumph KEKW bronze xd SCARED OF CHIMP @Yassuo yea because u perma play this champ avoider !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - EZ Clap he's patching u loser ????? @Yassuo ur scared ALMOST LIKE U'RE A ONE TRICK 5 ACTUALLY yasdog AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i wanteed to play yasuo vs you HELO SEXY ............................................. BRONZE 22222222222 D: Oda says 450 mins D: KEKW CHIMPPP odaMad can i try i want to see who is best yasuo world KEKW NA Sliker is on dial-up, he's downloading at 25kbs KEKW SCARED CHIMP KEKW SCARED OF CHIMP hey you wanna save money, inv me :D LOL odaFire D: Oda is still 6% odaWink chimppppp helo ua re yos sexy :))) FIGHT ODA SCARED OF CHIMP SCARED OF CHIMP SCARED OF CHIMP SCARED OF CHIMP SCARED OF CHIMP SCARED OF CHIMP @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - chimp prerecorded LUL Ele sempre fala tão rápido? Follow me on Twitter for updates you are afraid of him again 6% KEKW odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad CHIMPP how old are you cool shirt @Yassuo still at 6% Enejd30 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! u like blitz lolchubby -> Please refrain sending long messages. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo hes downloading at 180 kbps lmao HELLO MO youa re so sexyyyy what headphones do you use? are you trying to go pro? or staying pro streamer yasDog yasBoo_SG STILL AT 6% LULW yasShrug yasShrug <3 yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @Yassuo 1v1 sanchovies ur afraid you sound gay moe is a one trick, change my mind NEW EMOTE LIVE yasDog You look shit @Yassuo thats a 3XL hello mo u are so sexyyyyyy chimo bby yasDog_HF yasDog_HF yasDog_HF yasDog_HF BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT yasSpit 100 KG KEKW KEKW lmao hardstuck bronze 2 ftw WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT. moe 1v1 me i LOVE you 1v1 me i wanna 1v1 a real yasuo main yasDog yasDog yasDog big ass motherfucker PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR yasDog TriKool man we miss kr moe 100t shirt salesman !discord yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @yassuo would you ever play osrs again scar_da_sexy -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. hello mo u are s o sexyyyy Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW !discord @yassuo 1v1 if you win i donate 200 rubiusPlebs yasDog LOOK AT THE CHIMP EMOTE LOOOOOLL bronze discord LUL yasDog YasDog sanchovies? yasDog yasSpit IGN: Keep up the content Moe! Much love ❤️ WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT @Yassuo which mob member you think is most likely to fail the social media challenge lmfao yasDOG yasDog LOOL KEKW really gay HAHAHAHAHA yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog kes emak charmouta yasDog_HF yasSpit KEKW WTF 600 mins lol ignored cali W NERVOUS KEKW yasDog WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.... yasDog !charity aceuBlanket Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL LUL yasDog W yasDog chimp chimp bby lmao ahaa KEKW KEKW Sheeeeeesh LOL haHAA CRINGE KEKW kes mit emmak charmoota SHEEJEJJEE WeirdChamp YasDOG weirdChamp HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yasDog HES shakin KEKEW hhhh KappaPride .. SHEEESH KEKW @Yassuo yo im coming LA late december MR KEKW yasDOG Y o i n k yasDog lmao NICE EYES KEKW NICE EYES KEKW NICE EYES KEKW NICE EYES KEKW MR KEKW !charity PepeLaugh HAHAHAAH Donate Here - , Learn more here - this is WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW haha KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAH yasDog yasMald KEKW loool GG Jebaited KEKW LMAOO WOW KEKW KEKW BAHAHAHAH LOL D: oof what is this WeirdChamp KEKW THATS CRAZY ?????????????? WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT POG looooooooool HE STILL LOST KEKW LMFAO kekw Pog LMAOOOOOOO lol LOOOOOL .. KEKW LUL AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA pog HHAHHHAA KEKW WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. HAHAHAHAHAH Pog LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XD KEKW KEKW KEKW HOLY PogU SO BAD KEKW hhahah WeirdChamp Clap LMFAO BRUHH KEKW POG WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW KEKW KEKW lol GG KEKW excoach 1v1 yas LMAO WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW LMAO OMEGALUL he got the E Q and still lost lolololol STILL LOST KEKW LULW IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasHands LMAO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LUL MOE PLEASE 1V1 WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW LUL that was a clean blade lmaoooo RESPECT holy shit HAHAAHA LULW KEK WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL KEKW polease KEKW @yassuo skt raidenn KEKW KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW WAIT HES SO BAD KEKW BlackPinkS2Lisa MR RUNES LULW KEKW MR RUNES pog SNAKEEEE OMG imagine ODA winning ya LUL KEKW howww?????? POG IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasWeird LMAOOOO yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW lmao KEKW KEKW want to try IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda scammer KEKW KEKW KEKW Username : Hi im Sebastiano DJHFGJHDFGDFHGFHDGHFDGHFDHFHG Ig: Liuyann KEKW KEK muted ? PLAY CHIMP woww BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo kekw TetronXPlays SNAKE JUST LIKE YOUUUU STOP FREAKING OUT? LOL KEKW WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - IGN: FSN Dynopanda mad monkaW KEK GGGGG LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW HE TOOK it and fucked u 1v1 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 @Yassuo BtwAustin <3 ign invite lmao I feel bad for the chair TEBHERMAN - NA :) PLZ IGN: ButteryPluto im fuckin shaking Username : Hi im Sebastiano SCAMMER 1v1 moe please KEKW daddy caboose KEKW IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto yasDog SHA YA MOU @yassuo skt raiden yasDog KEKW he had mr would have won with armor kapp Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo wtf KEKW KEKW haha Kappa NA's last hope YASuck IGN: ButteryPluto IGN: ButteryPluto yasDog IGN; Kosotrappin IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo LILBUSA CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP yasdog so mad PLAY ODA Jebaited OK CALM DOWN KEKW KEKw Me @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd RivenToDiamondx i can bust u in 1v1 yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: jayremys yasDog yasDog HANDS IN THE AIR Tridance HANDS IN THE AIR Tridance HANDS IN THE AIR Tridance HANDS IN THE AIR Tridance HANDS IN THE AIR Tridance TetronXPlays meeeeeeee yasDog MindGames lol KEKW yasdog @Yassuo HE SAW THE OPPORTUNITY AND TOOK IT DONT FLAME yasdog CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasDog FriesWithPoutine IGN Raffajaffa IGN: MikeyDaBous yasDogs chimp lol yasdog yasDog TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) widwam Yasdog chimp yas dogs CAZZII PLAY ME IGN: With :yasDog CHIMPP hes bronze 2 calm diwb 3lovetaps Oda is at 7% LULW 1V1 CHIMP SCAMMER 1v1 yasDog yasDog yasDog soujaboitellem subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog 1v1 chimp @Yassuo IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN Dynopanda yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd IGN: REŃGÀR eune KEKW !1v1 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @yassuo LILBUSA chimmp WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. me :) BtwAustin IGN its not in the chat SCARED OF CHIMP TrentHill10 @Yassuo yo im coming LA late december 🤝 yasdog yasDog yasDog yasDog Supercliff26 - NA yasDog Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo YasDog @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd yasDog yasDog eu 1v1 chimp F4LKIN YEET IGN: falafel king pick me please (: yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog excoach, itll be quick 1v1 yas prrrrrrrrrr yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog ign widwam HANDS IN THE AIR TriDance HANDS IN THE AIR TriDance HANDS IN THE AIR TriDance HANDS IN THE AIR TriDance yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasDog yasDog BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo champ EWWW WTF IS THAT CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 TriDance chimpna yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog CHIMP TetronXPlays yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake LMFAO Ign: Gyabin yasDog Username : Hi im Sebastiano yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDOGS oda is at 7% yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? IGN: poopydiaper69 1V1 chimp IGN: With yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: YASuck yasThink 1v1 me moe yasDog yasDOG yasDOG yasDOG yasDOG yasDOG yasDOG PLZ CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT yasDogs IGN : N1cko yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasdog @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW? S3rv0n yasDog yasDog yasDog trenthill10 ODA ODA CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 @yassuo your nose just poked me mate IGN: HUNTY12 :yasdog: IGN yackson yasDiamond Yasdog @yassuo hi IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo IGN: FSN Dynopanda yasDog yasDogyasDog yasDog yasDog yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 mizkifSleeper yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall yasDog IGN MindGames odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog asdasdasd yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog U can’t snake the snake mentalunstable -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. ign: yackson yasDog IGN: Kosotrappin IGN: Kosotrappin IGN: HANDS IN THE AIR TriDance yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 1v1 chimp Username : Hi im Sebastiano yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog YASDOGS UNLEASHED yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog HahaBall HahaBall IGN. enesy yasdog !discord IGN: Kosotrappin CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @Yassuo I JUST SUBBED TO YOU BRO 1v1 ME I SWEAR ign : I play season 13 yasDog yasDiamond yasDog yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? TetronXPlays pick need brooo yasDog yas3 yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog YasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HE IS AT 7% that emote is shit KEKW yasdog Subbbbbs yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasSpit dsadsadsa Thanks for the HahaCat @soujaboitellem lmao @yassuo hello yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall @Yassuo 5ra 3lek yasDog yasDog yasDog Supercliff26 - NA yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog ANY DOGS? yasDog yasDog yasDog xshadowkrypt -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. yas1 yas2 yas3 Daddy Caboose TrentHill10 IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo yasDog yasDog aqua dude but on EUW @Yassuo MAX DESTROY on EUW yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: REŃGÀR eune. Username : Hi im Sebastiano yasDog IGN: Kosotrappin yasDog . Hinshyx please daddy :( @Yassuo yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond yasDiamond I Crazy Wolf I yasDog yasDog yasDog HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto Nerfonblak2 IGN CAZZII yasDog yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU RivenToDiamondx | i can bust u in 1v1 on any champ IGN: WIth TEBHERMAN - NA :) plzz daddy caboose KEKW IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo IGN: KRAEZIE Trenthill10 @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd IGN: LOBO RaZi TIENE runas en RESISTENCIA MAGICA EL OTRO HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall yasDog heykwww Dreathbeast Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo yamimaho -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Varashe CONCRETIONAL naturalchair yasdov !charity YasDog Donate Here - , Learn more here - enesy Cheezeayt yasuomainb5 IGN: REŃGÀR eune.. Chimp @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd HahaBall Ikonik96 yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake TetronXPlays EU 1V1 yasWeird @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. @Yassuo buddybboixdd Cheezeayt . U no life yas tho if u lost to a bronze player on ur main that’s sad isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron isoloedbaron yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog RivenToDiamondx | i can bust u in 1v1 on any champ! @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW ? S3rv0n IGN: REŃGÀR eune Not even close, he downloading in KB's Thesubwild høes mad IGN: ButteryPluto IGN: With CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 asddsaasddsa HahaBall HahaBall summoners yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog Kapedi 98lp CHIMP loltyler1 GAY YAS IGN: FSN Dynopanda YASuck @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd ROHIT212001 ME ME ME yasDog chimp IGN: Manvsbeast1234 IGN SpriteSponsorMe yes TEBHERMAN - NA :) plz and thank you daddy Caboose hop on euw for me? yasU Supercliff26 - NA yasDog Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo exCoach gifted a Tier 1 sub to Venoumes! They have given 358 Gift Subs in the channel! yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasThink yasDog yasDog yasDog You’re a fucking dog @yassuo yasSpit Username : Hi im Sebastiano CrypticJava hWAugstine yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog cazzii pleeease MikeyDaBous Hebigida IGN: REŃGÀR eune. IGN Raffajaffa TrentHill10 IGN Cheezeayt yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo Thesubwild @Yassuo RivenToDiamondx | i can bust u in 1v1 on any champ!! ign Comethazine CHIMP IGN Schmobe YES KEKW yallah Nerfonblak2 !! IGN: safely EkkoBooze - ignEkkoBooze - ign FOLDER CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 ME IGN: ButteryPluto daddy caboose CHIMP yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog CHIMN Nality ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlB ratirlBusiness usiness vincechung ign: jnvr10 yasDog_HF yasShrug yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: REŃGÀR eune yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit EkkoBooze - ign H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasHands Pumapard123 JoeyOB IGN: falafel king pick me please (: x IGN: KRAEZIE in NA excoach neekomains -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. IGN:: craving pain IGN Chiken Nachoes but im EUW GaganShallow pllllzzzzzzz unknøwnvariablë on NA zad0s mee BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) BRAIN DIFF IGN : 2929 awdawd yasDog yasDog yasDog IGN: Varashe Ekru BerserkerEmploy Jose C holly flax yasDog @skt raidenn naturalchair \ @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo MALSY_ beroking10 IGN: ButteryPlutoIGN: ButteryPluto let me run høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad høes mad Cheezeayt Supercliff26 IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo Ewîc Ign raphraph qwertt SpriteSponsorMe Ign:M1dday thedarkkitntin IGN: KosotrappinIGN: KosotrappinIGN: KosotrappinIGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin GUNSHII monkaW Chimp CHIMPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ISeeNoGodAboveme Captainleague 101 why not IGN: CHIMP CHIMP CHIIIMP onfcma memememe Rex Guy IGN: ButteryPluto 100T Yassuo @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd Schmobe ME CHIMPP IGN Cheezeayt yasPride saturnaffe645 NA: Daddy Hunter IGN raphraph I win how do you enter ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IGN : i play season 13 widwam IGN you a hoe STELLADESU H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) TehSauce69 IGN: With Hinshyx please champp quiicho TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) TEBHERMAN - NA :) GENERAL SNIPERRRR ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead IGN: REŃGÀR eunef MEEEEEEEEE IGN: falafel king pick me please (: R igj moelesser8 EkkoBooze - ign IGN Cheezeayt . ign champ spartan LILBUSA CMON MAN lul ign: ROHIT212001 @Yassuo Thesubwild ign widwam meeeee chimp @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd HungryPandah Ćlown Daddy Caboose @Yassuo just made an NA acc, wanna lose to a Plat1 EUW? S3rv0n zad0s is my ign @Yassuo IGN: ButteryPluto IGN: ButteryPluto IGN: ButteryPluto LEMME RUN IT bicknith85 ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ANDYMEISTER IGN OneHighYasup pls bro høes mad høes mad IGN Chiken Nachoes but im EUW IGN raphraph Chimp IGN Ghostly Ghod ME Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo Holly Flax KEKW I think it'd be faster if he just uninstalled n installed it fresh lol @Yassuo @Yassuo EU : ReformedToxic0 Me @Yassuo 1v1 ME SO I DONATE I H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) iGn: jnvr10 can i be ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead IGN: ButteryPluto LILBUSA CMONNNNNNNNNNNNN @yassuo SKT T1 ANDREW CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP IIIlllIIlllII yas 1v1 meee tt11 IGN : WindPearl EUW IGN: seltricks IGN: With @Venoumes try agane abas zaml yasU IGN : N1cko 1v1 Sanch PogU EkkoBooze - ign EkkoBooze - ign Thesubwild @Yassuo i will donate ;) ign Ikonik96 chammp IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo meeeee 1v1 Sanch PogU @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink - Lets go same sums and runes too, im noob. -------------- Supercliff26 PICK ME yasDog Schmobe IGN 1v1 Sanch PogU IGN: Kassadin I Crazy Wolf I Nality FINNJII FINNJII kk ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead Could I please get a 1v1 Moe? IGN: With @Yassuo IGN: NETOPTIJD IGN: KRAEZIE\ IGN: FSN Dynopanda Volio Berga @exCoach PogChamp ign heng654 Varashe ign kevin0118 Hinshyx please daddy scar da sexy chimp IGN: ROHIT212001 Pog ME Mememdkd IGN Chiken Nachoes but im EUW ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead CanadianScripter love you bro <3 IGNCremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 ign: YACKSON My ign is jnvr10 njegomir @Yassuo buddybboixdd IGN cygi. ITS SR ign: 3lovetaps IGN: craving pain IGN: KosotrappinIGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin Ewîc PLEASe Pog Chimp CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 #chimp 1v1 me yasuo Didjsksk Ign:alphagamer56 inv me cazzii 1V1 CHIMP PUSSY IGN fLYtOWER my IGN is Deathgun IGN: akaliandfizz Username : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im Sebastiano IGN: Mewdesu @Yassuo ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead ShivalryIsDead LILBUSA 1v1 rawrxdxdxdxd ign: Crypticjava zad0s is my ign yassuo CHIMP a man like me begging to allah høes mad høes mad I Fire Wolf I unknøwnvariablë on NA JoseC Euw yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 NWTC Viz0 :D IGN: Kosotrappin IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda YarlordWarg @Yassuo Shnoop @Yassuo SHADOW XCALLIBER Razzip change map MAX DESTROY on EUWest @Yassuo IGN: 2929 55 Crow @Yassuo dont do summoners rift !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pumapard123 TEBHERMAN - NA :) pls IGN Gachi TR server ign 100T Yassuo Ign always muted ign Haitoku :::: 1V1 ME PUSSY @Yassuo buddybboixdd gift me sub ign: general sniper IGN: Gyabin MAP KEKW IGN: PISTOLERO VENOUMES HERE monkaEyes hwini azamel unknøwnvariablë on NA . IGN: NamesAlpha moe yass 3XL 100T T-Shirt 1v yasBoo2 HungryPandah. captainleague101 250 LUL yasDog yasDog yasDog AKABIGMACC yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog I Crazy Wolf I SCAR DA SEXY ign netoptijd IGN SKT T1 ANDREW EkkoBooze - ign ZerefDSlayer Chimp yasDog supercliff26 yasDog Ig: Liuyann yasDog IGN : i play season 13 ign:M1dday IGN: With t1 WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT unknøwnvariablë on NA @Yassuo IGN: Hydrothunder444 Always muted lolissuck yasDog @Yassuo you can probably update the driver before his update is complete wrong mapp IGN: Confust Subliminal47 Me mew2 @Yassuo its normal btw WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. SSSSSSSSSSS SUMMONERS RIFT TAKE CHIMP YOU ARE SO SCARED Pls Aragon1711 CJolingmoth9 se mewtwo MOEDUSA KEKW moeee yaaaass jayway1282 zanoStonks Summoners rift KEKW !charity !uptime Pumapard123 ign: it hurts my Donate Here - , Learn more here - MAP mewtwo lol S3 LOL Subliminal47 v The stream has been live for 2 hours 36 minutes 40 seconds yasDog yasDog summoners rift Ikê IGN always muted : JoeyOB IGN chimp SCAR DA SEXYY CHIMP !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Cajolingmoth9 Subliminal47 @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght FINNJIIFINNJIIFINNJIIFINNJIIFINNJIIFINNJII WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT aram BlackPinkS2Lisa mentalerror yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog silver 3 KEKW WRONG MAP ig: Liuyann shit says mew desu u are blind @Yassuo how are we doing these 1v1s kinda confused on the format tbh im dumb af @yassuo TetronXPlays saison 1 league KEKW EkkoBooze - ign EkkoBooze - ign 12$ yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake @ChimpNA He's so Scared Always muted SILVER 3 yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink ign: bm0 12% OMEGALUL MG WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog TENIA RUNAS EN RESISTENCIA MAGICA EL OTRO IGN G2 MattAnderr yasDog @zGroundZero yasDog u ever tried smite moe? ign: yackson he is at 12% scammed WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT. yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog i got that password 1232153fwetewr dssfdfgder MedallionOW subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! PLAY OVERWATCH ez reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasDog yasDog yasDog pls let's me play handsome man @Venoumes dont at me with that emote again zgrounGat mask off WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT KEKW IGN:32IQ POST MALONE gift me sub 20 mins aboogie POP OUT OCEAN MAN REBORN GIANTS PHONE NUMBERS hot heartless the weeknd PRESS 1 IF YOU A TRUE HOMOE OR MOELESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Erase your social VEN HERE monkaW true damage TriKool Clap BROCOLLI balling roddy rich IGN:32IQIGN:32IQIGN:32IQ. Behind barz no peace ABOOGIE Good things fall apart :D MOzart Boku no pico opener AYAYA @Yassuo UNDER THE SUN RAINGING TACOS yasU roxane isis WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. Roxanne is a good song @Yassuo KANYE highest in the room MEEK MILL prime DNA Kendrick Lamar Born Ready pokemon gym theme 070 SHAKE ooga booga GTS Kappa DENZEL VALENTINO 24K GOLD GIANT @Yassuo 6ix9ine tatti kanye hold m li 20 mins lil uzi vert 21 minutes TROPHIES IGN: OneHighYasuo Logic Icy reel it in pop out noticed by lil mosey pick me pls teejayx6 Takk for HahaPoint, @medallionow DO YUUMI 1V1 mad bro HEARTLESS LIL BABY - WOAH TRUEE damage energy asap rcoky rawrxdxdxdxdxd asking what we want o hear, oh dw i got you ultra instinct 1 knotty head SUNDOWN JACK HARLOW under the sun marssupial superstar WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT... love yourz Immortal 21 Savage NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU @Yassuo Immortals - 21 Savage LMFAO THE WEEKND bruh NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU LOL HEARTLESS @Yassuo frozen 2 theme slaps bro!1 BALLIN RODDY RICH @Yassuo BALLIN RODDY RICH @Yassuo BALLIN RODDY RICH @Yassuo BALLIN RODDY RICH @Yassuo BALLIN RODDY RICH @Yassuo WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT. LMFAOOOO Pog agreed LETS GOOOOOO @Yassuo Logic Ballin lmao I have norwegian rap For u PLS LISTEN TRUE startender Pog JID LUCID DREAMS 5head lmaooooo TRUEEEEEEE LMAO 5Head LOL bro stop ResidentSleeper TRUEEE Pog KEKW WTF RODDY RICH START WITH IT WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT POGGG KEKW Sunday Candy Donnie Trumpet WTF yasCarried WUT 5Head Clap PogU YOOOOOO WTF IS THIS Dax dear God Pog pepeD PogChamp hell ye WOW Beethoven Moonlight Sonata KEKW LULW KEKW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH uzi 20 m play the third movement at least @Yassuo LUL wtf lets go PogU WeirdChamp bruh. 5Head ???? LOLLL play come through summer walker MOONLIGHT - X THIS SHIT GOES HARDD BibleThump PepePls my fave Can someone give this poor basterd a sub???? yasSpit NO LETS GOOOOOOO Hot POGG NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU BANGER PogU WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT... THIS THAT FUCKING LIL BEETY 3Head HAHAHAHA fuck off I WANNA DIE what the piano goes hard?????? ? underground 5Head Clap Your such a dog lol 5Head ah yes KEKE 5Head my music Childish Gambino Country roads KKona KEKW sleep LMAOOO WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. YO PogChamp no 5Head SUNDAY CANDY ResidentSleeper @Yassuo BARRSS!!!!! GODDAM HITTING HARD KEKW KEKW 5Head 🍷 AH YES real shit lmaooooooooooo WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT. verzx -> Please refrain from posting links. ResidentSleeper wow I love you man Moonlight POGGERS pllz MOONLIGHT PogU MOONLIGHT SONATA 3RD MOVEMENT POG shit @zGroundZero when is zgrounDog coming out I sub then 5Head EXQUISITE CHOISE LUL WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT ANOTHER KAT PLAYER KEKW pepedance did you see new jordan dior collab 5Head 🍷 THAT BEAT THO IS THIS XXXTENTACION ResidentSleeper YEA U LISTEN TO BEETHOVEN SUNDAY CANDY bro 5Head 🍷 BEETHOVEN HES GONNA BEAT YOU KEKW THATS LITERALLY BETHOVEEN BlackPinkS2Lisa 5Head ty what a banger ah indeed 5Head ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart YUNG HOVEN BEETHOVEN W H OMEGALUL AHAHAHHAHAHAH ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasSleeper not rap yasSleeper WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT... yasSleeper not rap yasSleeper 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 yasSleeper not rap yasSleeper Damn this deep HARDDDDDD LMFAOOO Cheer1000 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Theres 21 dollars also this sonata a bop u cant even lie about it 5Head 🍷 yasSleeper not rap yasSleeper NO PLZ NO play dax dear God 5Head 🍷 THIS IS REAL MUSIC ResidentSleeper PogChamp y moonlight sonata im so dead D: banger reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT.. HELL YE yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @Yassuo LISTEN TO IMMORTALS - 21 Savage HIGHEST IN GHR ROOM SUNDAY CANDY chance 5Head EXQUISITE HOLY SHIT THEM BARS 5Head 5Head 🍷 Fucking PinkWard lmao truuuueeee MMOONLIGHT Pog KEKW YOOO THIS ONE REALLY HITS HARD WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT. :( EZ KEKW yasSleeper not rap yasSleeper wait for the drop Indian Moonlight KEKW okay boomer WE NEED SERVERS IN THE MIDDLE EAST WE CANT BE PLAYING ON 130 PING CONSTANT WOAH WHO IS THIS NEW HIP ARTIST Pog ign: it hurts my ratirlMozart hi moe nice haircut dude joking LUL PartyPoro SAY MY NAME IS JEFF i actually enjoy this music ven aint subbing to no one ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper pepeJAM Pog beethoven m oh PepeHands BEEETHOVEN monkaS 5Head 5Head 5Head POG HARD AF WOAH WHO IS THIS NEW HIP ARTIST PogWOAH WHO IS THIS NEW HIP ARTIST PogWOAH WHO IS THIS NEW HIP ARTIST Pog RELAXING !!!! exquisitly 5Head POG Thanks for the HahaBaby @immaestrolol pOG Fuck up some commas gucci mane? KEKW Psychopath KEKW yeh i agree 77777777777777 ResidentSleeper ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart song? pog ayy ooo owo fuk it up ayy is this xxxtentacion Reel it in 5Head KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp daddyasar -> Please refrain from spamming caps. stop pretending to be cultured pog dodged again beethoven hits different PogChamp classic @Yassuo yo im in LA in 3 weeks 💯 ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart 5Head Clap 5Head 🍷 exquisite moonlight sanata? @Yassuo BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa Excellent choice 5Head i feel smart Ah yes Exquisite your getting sleeeepyyy :wine: @Yassuo this will finally help you get the iq your missing YO 5Head 🍷 Ah yes it happened all at once that day @exCoach I remember it like yesterday goes hard HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY 2 MY MAN Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart peepoBlanket peepoBlanket peepoBlanket peepoBlanket xd 5Head 🍷 AH YES BEETHOVEN 5th symphony >>>>>>>>>> yasThink yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS @Yassuo if you don't win with this playing your ACTUALLY swine lol 5Head EXQUISITE @yassuo Yelawolf - Opie Taylor is a real chill song 5Head:wine_glass: Moe you clappin more kats? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper IGN BtwAustin <3 KILL ME now yasSleeper kill me now yasSleeper <3 What the of the Song ? TENIA RUNAS EN RESISTENCIA MAGICA EL OTRO JAJAJAJA ratirlTip ratirlMozart @Yassuo sounda like great music for the quality of your games xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper @Yassuo Daddu daddy - Coldplay @envyistaken_ spam WeirdChamp @envyistaken_ truth and I think they will make one soon cuz they're making a tournament in saudia now im so shook miboun whats this skeet skeet !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 5Head EXQUISITE 🍷 i prefer chopin if i may say so LMAO 500iq music PogChamp 5Head 🍷 shit music its about to drop the beat Pog ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart 5Head 🍷 !song @Yassuo what do I have to do to 1v1? @Yassuo Drip Too Hard rodgersredrevival -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream moe yass hello ign: poopydiaper69 FeelsOkayMan :wine_glass: lov u 5Head 🍷 how to get in 1v1s? 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 Bootleg Moonlight @Yassuo Headie One, UK artist 5head song MIDSUMMER MADNESS 88 RISING 5Head 🍷 AH YES ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 Kreygasm FeelsRainMan 5Head no :) 5Head 🍷 Ah yes why are u orgasming man Kreygasm STOP IT yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake 5Head yas thanks for the tax deductible OMEGALUL Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm no TRUEEE Beethoven <3 Kreygasm Kreygasm Thank, you! this is definitly a montage type asong @Yassuo 5Head gachiBASS YES this is my jam Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm gay stfup yee 5Head ah yes hell yeah beethoven 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 gay 1v1 me please moe exquisite? HEAT ?? WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW 5Head INDEE CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob 23% fuck it Moonlight sonata?!! 4HEad freak 4head moe wtf is this Exquisite !charity next song is kiss the rain @yassuo Donate Here - , Learn more here - yess 4Head TRUE Yo moe ur straxted hmm yes qxquisite !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 4Head 5Head ????? Y my d is twiching 5Head INDEED @Yassuo play the 3rd movement of the moon light sonata! KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper beethoven is pOG truuee I CAN PLAY THIS SONG you dont even know what exquisite means and that was cringe sogood try river flows in you by yiruma homo dear it's not my fault god put the male g spot in my ass ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlMozart ratirlMozart 23% POG U woke as hell @Yassuo Moe a man of culture confirmed??? iq diff u gotta do chimp ah yes 5Head whats going on behind u @Yassuo POOGERS POOGERS POOGERS POOGERS what is it ? Exquisite Kreygasm pokiSquad Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper if u want an insane music clip watch estas tonne saying hello hes an insane guitar player Hello. I really want to ask you something so tell me, can we be friends? I wont get mad if you dont answer I am getting used to it. HEAT gay YO PLAY MIDSUMMER MADNESS 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 not meek mill WeirdChamp :) fat moe those who say no ya'll boomers Didnt know they listened to this in the hood @Yassuo !discord @Yassuo are u 1v1ing fans betch hes german master race svennoShrek Exquisitely Exquisite yas5 🍷 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm music that truly unites ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo damn blueface got a new sound now huh LiveUrWayz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! POggg when does the beat drop homo !uptime sonata is the best shit ever xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper xqcSleeper The stream has been live for 2 hours 38 minutes 38 seconds chat iq diff reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! you know why bethoven wrote this symphony? 5Head Ah yes it was a delicacy Kreygasm Im FLYING ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis NotLikeThis ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis NotLikeThis ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis residentsleeper he big gay ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart moe 1v1 me please certified classic from beethoven 5Head 👌 gay why tf is it distorted Kreygasm Kreygasm FeelsOkayMan 🍷 next song is kiss the rain. @yassuo seatch pikers on youtube 5 head song 5Head 5Head 🍷 ahh, wait for the crescendo stop 5Head EXQUISITE 🍷 I can play this on the piano CAN I PLAY Thank you! ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart listen NF new song 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 play piekrs Fed Up - Bazanji as song request yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 u on mdma or why can u feel the song? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ratirlMozart ODA 23% pikers vAHH YEAH 5Head homo HES GONNA BEAT YOU KEKW @yassuo theres a ghost behind you yasSSS_SG Lol Orochimoearu bruh 1v1 @Yassuo i deserve a free sub because when I beat u then u will have to donate $250 anyway HES GONNA SMACK YOU Thanks for the HahaDoge @liveurwayz kekw LETS GO 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 5Head 🍷 🔥 @Yassuo Listen to River Flows in You, you'll like it. yasSpit Rick and morty vibes Classic music POGGERS m0xyOkay m0xyOkay m0xyOkay m0xyOkay m0xyOkay m0xyOkay m0xyOkay Do all the money donated go to charity or do you pay for 1 try to beat Moe and if you win he donates to charity? KEKW SERIAL KILLER SONG monkaW !watchtime !charity SONG ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Donate Here - , Learn more here - KAT PLAYER PogU peepoClap free 1v1 ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper bayronstahppls -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 5Head 🍷 @yassuo play fuck up some commas u nerd im gonna fall asleep enough AUTISM 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC 5Head 🍷 CLASSIC brother you look fucktopp TRUTH KEKW 5Head That day it made a mark in history itself PepeLaugh here it comes fuck cancer TRUE song??? report u for this trash music it's so good ngl @Yassuo NOCTURNE IN C SHARP MINOR PLEASE trueLULW LISTEN NF NEW SONG @Yassuo what's your wpm? !Charity moe 1v1 me please please Donate Here - , Learn more here - : 5Head 🍷 you shall repent for your sins moe you shall repent, you shall buy a tesco £3 meal deal GOO MAN RODYY RICH START WITH IT fuck cancer song ?? DansGame Yo put on some Hungarian dance tyty HELL YEAH @Yassuo 1v1 Chimp You Lil Bich why bro end the song DansGame GO BACK 1000 usd yeee thats fucked up A jazz classic PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU NEW WEEKND SONGS PogU bring back the song Xd 5Head 🍷 yasOkay ok this one is ard yes I came to yassuo's stream to listen to Beethoven and hear him orgasm Pog DansGame GO BACK DansGame GO BACK DansGame GO BACK WTF go back KKona LUL Pog DansGame Go back PepePls VVeenus -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. WeirdChamp PogU DansGame PogYou @Yassuo respect for what you doing bro! it s Ahmed from Morocco big fan PepePls i swear PogU KEKW Pog 5Head ResidentSleeper gg ???????????? POG this ACTUALLY goes hard Pog pepeJAM YES go backk @yassuo u putting ur tree up? KEKW pepeJAM PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls im gonna quit the stream OLMFAOOOOO <---- 5Head AH YES ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogChamp @dublinotwo charity for all Classic PogU KKona GOOD CHOICE BROTHER play pikers trap PogU nice ping uwu NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Pog BANGER Pog @Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me KEKW ratirlSleep MUSIC ratirlSleep MUSIC ratirlSleep MUSIC ratirlSleep MUSIC ratirlSleep MUSIC PogU PogU 5Head 🍷 Prp PepePls 3RD MOVEMENT OF MOON LIGHT SONATA YOU SCHMOK! i hate you xD im way to high for this KEKW if this music persists ? PogU jams ratirlSleep MUSIC ratirlSleep MUSIC previous song its banger ill accept this Pog POG so gay CarlSmile pikers Frank Sinatra <3 <3 <3 lol pussy music back POG PLAYLIST KeKw ratirlSleep MUSIC PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 dansgame/resident sleeper if ur 12 AYAYA this is actually a bop no lie GO BACK DansGame PogU jordan or lebron @Yassuo aight im ending my career this is sad gn8 bois Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited classic what the hell OK BOOMER KEKW chat is too young for these bangers @Yassuo noo Pog pepeD pepeJam yasSleeper ratirlSleep MUSIC yesss tiktok btw totally gay kekw Sinatra pog pepeJam pepeD no ew KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss @Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me @Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me YUNG SINATRA pepeD Hahaahhahhaha @Yassuo BOOMER MUSIC KEKW are u ok bro BOOMER MUSIC KEKW BOOMER MUSIC KEKW BOOMER MUSIC KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM Moon addiction? BOOMER MUSIC YUNG SINATRA pepeD pepeJAM @Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me@Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me@Yassuo i like that ur giving money to charity but ur still a pussi becz u dont 1v1 me KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss 3 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 prev song OK boomer peepoClap Pog pepeD Fuck Cancer in the ass! CarlSmile pog afk LUL pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD lo Boomer music WeirdChamp he's afk Lauderrrrr pepeD 1 KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss BOOMER MUSIC KEKW BOOMER MUSIC KEKW BOOMER MUSIC KEKW BOOMER MUSIC KEKW SourPls pepeD u so b ad Frank Santara :D pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD this shit bops Moe @Yassuo respect for this music lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsOkayMan 🍷 peepoArrive afk MOE KISS ME !playlist i ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS @Yassuo yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU <3 the song good choice @Yassuo ratirlTip ratirlTip ratirlTip ratirlTip KEKW jordan or lebron @Yassuo xd yasThink_TK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD remake pepeD MOE IS FAKE @yassuo my dad has that rington KEKW KEKW VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay Boomer shit he had a stroke mid load screen @Yassuo play baby its cold outside KEKW ? locked lol everyone is listening to this hahaaahah Yo this song goes so hard play it Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of...) he said no and left KEKW remake wow PogChamp What the fuck is this junk music AFK CAN NEVER LOSE 5Head TRAPEWD IN THE GAME LULLW PepePls ANY FAN DANCERS? PepePls ANY FAN DANCERS? PepePls ANY FAN DANCERS? PepePls ANY FAN DANCERS? PepePls ANY FAN DANCERS? DC LUL !charity what KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Hi from Norway cohhLUL cohhLUL FED UP - BAZANJI gets fou hyped. i promise go next hes camping Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD TURN IT UP SILVER PLAYERS KEKW HOSTAGE LULW PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? peepoHappy KEKW LOL Thank you so much for introducing me to OdaBlock, Moe. I am laughing my ass off. lmao KEKW KEKW LMAO PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? ITEMS KEKW !uptime LMAO The stream has been live for 2 hours 40 minutes 18 seconds THIS IS FIRE Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD FLY ME TO HYOON u should ban that dude yasU yasOkay yasU yasOkay THIS GUY KEKW SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS wtf ???? lmao still in base Pepega KEKW TURN IT UP LMAO KEKW PogU DOWN EXP KEKW Pepega lul JORDAN OR LEBRON @Yassuo LMAOo LUL BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo XD LOLW Pepega ahhhh temaiken <3 KEKW starting* LOL LOOOOOOOOOL Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega HE DOESNT KNOW THE ITEMS dsfsd KEKW THIS IS YOUR CHAT MAN Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD KEKW Pepega Pepega LMAO XDDD PepePls SCAMMING LOL LMFAOOO KEKW Pepege lmao silver 3 can't even buy items TURN IT UP itzart1WEIRD KEKW THE SONG IS PERFECT hhhhheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehe i love youuu ♪ THIS SONG LOWK SLAPS Pepega KEKW items ?????????? pepeD SCAMMING whats músic? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? TURN OFF ACTUALLY Pepega WAIT 5Head he did LUL ????????????? HE DONT KNNOW WHAT DEFAULT MEANS OK BOOMER Pepega 5Head WAIT 5Head love this music 5Head 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 5Head 🍷 yasDog yasJAM 5Head INDEED LOL 5Head GENIUS 5Head Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD 5Head 5Head block and next game scam WAIT 5Head WAIT 5Head WAIT 5Head 200 iq 5head PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? PepePls ANY FANCY DANCERS? 5Head Pog NAH HES JUST Pepega 5Head PogU 5Head 5HEAD JORDAN OR LEBONR @Yassuo fk 5Head lol kewkw 5Head 10000000000000000 IQ @Yassuo yo this song 5Head extra put 5Head POG SMARTTTT SING ALONG MOE actually goes 5head 5Head LMAOOOOOOO kewk 5Head HAHAH Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD 200 iq Smart KEKW ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman D: This guy Pepega hes gonna kill you KEKW Cheer100 FLY ME to moon more like fly me to hyoon BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa BlackPinkS2Lisa JORDAN OR LEBRON @Yassuo LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL FLY ME TO THE HYOON Much support from Norway ;) LMAo AD HIM WeirdChamp CoolCat PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 whats with all these shitty kat players LOL KEKW pepegaJAM REJECTED Only slaves dream - Canibus / banger PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 SONG BLOWS TriDance too loud this song bangs 200 iq pepeJAM @raymond0622 lmao pepeD PepeHands Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! pepeD KEKW HAHAHAHAH GREAT SONG KEKW the musoic is so loud LMAO Pog KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PepeHands KEKW JORDAN OR LEBRON @Yassuo. LULW FeelsPain UR SO SAD FeelsBadMan OUCH KEKW PepeHands KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE HYOON KEKW you guys so rood LMAO PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 pepeH HYOON KEKW KEKW KEKW PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 Feelspain PepeHands OMEGALUL LMAO @Yassuo TetronXPlays lemme smoke you real quick with that na ping T_T LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW BibleThump LULW ahahahahahahhah Song PLS???? KEKW PepeHands\ omg turn it off wtf GOOD ONE yasWeird KEKW KEKW FeelsBad' actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo @Yassuo Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO PepeHands KEKW OMEGALULU ouch Hyoon PepeHands ur in so muuch pain LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !playlist ICE COLD OMEGALUL Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD JORDAN OR LEBRON @Yassuo Lol LOUDER BibleThump LOLK fly me to hyoon peepoSad PepeHands HYOON 1"music Drribble -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. IN OTHER WORDSSSSSSSSSSS lmao TRUE KEKW too far yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog yasSpit yasDog I LOVE YOU HYOON you can hear the sadness in his voice yas5_TK KEKW MOEEEEe !music KEKW Resident Sleeper monkaOmega ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK FLYY ME TOO HYOOON Swako KEKW Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD Fly me to the moon pepeD monkaOMEGA JORDAN OR LEBRON TRUE KEKW LOUDER pepeD I LOVE YOU ???? HYOON PepeHands ENCORE KEKW HAHAAHAHA PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 PepePls 🍷 KEKW KEKW ??????????????????? ? LUL FLY ME TO HYOON PepeHands ????? LOOOL FLY ME TOO HYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON KEKW ??? KEKW AHHAHAHA ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA lol LMAO ITS ME YOU THATS ME !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL PepeHands FLY ME TO THE HYOON PepePls 🍷 IN OTHER WORDS LOSING TO IRON KEKW u are perma playing sad songs PogU SIMPSONS EDIT song PepeHands FLY ME TO THE HYOOOON YO THIS SONG GO HARD Songle title D: ouch i felt this ma song PepePls 🍷 I LOVE ooooooooooof PauseChamp holy shit the music D: HYOON PepeHands @KataGaKill can you stfu now you inbred PepeHands Ahhahahaha Song Title D: THIS SONG FIRE ? PepeWhy LOVE THIS SONG i love this song the sonng yo listen to sh boom sh boom that shit goes hard @Yassuo xBlackIronyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! Hey moe u so cool bro ahehehehe xd xd linka die tommy gun rechts der Dobermann POGUUUU THE SONG HITS PepePls 🍷 YOU! HYOON m0xyLaugh m0xyKek i do live it FLY ME TO HYOON PepeHands LOL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! this song garbo widepeepoSad its dopee Sunshine - lets gooooooo Pog song song title is me to u @Yassuo THIS SONG FIYAAAA @KataGaKill this man won vs u but losing to this lmao KEKW SHITS A BANGER Best Song <3 :( LOVE IT KEKW suicideboys <3 ;( hyoon PepeHands best SS boys SONG!! PogU @Yassuo SUICIDE BOYS! SadChamp KMS SadChamp KMS SadChamp KMS SadChamp KMS SUICIDE BOYS <3 <3 <3 KYS D: SONG NAME ? minato story widepeepoSad this song is nice af SONGS FIRE KEKW lol i like sucideboys but this song is ratirlSad song is a CERTIFIED HOOD CLASSIC yas5_TKyas5_TKyas5_TKyas5_TKyas5_TKyas5_TKyas5_TK this is good <3 JORDAN OR LEBRON MOE suicide boys is always great i love you as a kat main this is tilting me lol SILVER FAKER Pog Song is heat @Dalbella kinda crazy idk uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad uhoeSad yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK SadChamp KMS je lose SSB <3 @yassuo thoughts on alinity? PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls PepeHands PepePls Ur dead yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK yas5_TK NotLikeThis Silver Faker PogChamp ! music? BANGER HYOON PepeHands PepeHands uhoePog uhoePog uhoePog uhoePog yes like this song ok @Dalbella ping diff happens BibleThump TriKool Clap mount sinai good too cmaonBruh pog Lost to silver the stream you can just E F R him . FeelsRainMan widepeepoSad is TriHard Clap TOO F GOOD White boy edgy rap haHAA FeelsStrongMan PepePls FeelsStrongMan PepePls FeelsStrongMan PepePls FeelsStrongMan PepePls FeelsStrongMan PepePls school shooter music stoped ? LMAO ima motherfucker hard TriDance Whoever doesn’t like this song needs to be banned! KEKW Pog 85% 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 W clean Pog 85% KEKW KATA HOW Pog GG Pog KEKW R U RAGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR @Yassuo respect KEKW EZ FeelsStrongMan PepePls FeelsStrongMan PepePls EEZ SO GOOD PogU Pog POG TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands ?? HOW KEKW R nice ezCLap KEKW U JORDAN OR LEBRON pog wow KEKW mount sinai also a banger imo ez yasMald yasMald PepeWhy PepePls PepeWhy PepePls that guy is kinda poo SO GODOD IGN: jackbbya123 lets go u about to get CLAPPED Snake @Yassuo oof IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasThink IGN: Young Noize please for the culture KEKW EZ ODA AT 85% Moe dead tuffffffffffffff @KataGaKill just washed up hehe xd Budlight26 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 1v1 me pls PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp he flashed forward???????? lmao EZ Clap ez reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! BlackPinkS2Lisa @Yassuo TetronXPlays lemme smoke you real quick with that 100 na ping T_T FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls @Yassuo skt raidenn HOW R U SO GOOD 1 vs 1 me irondemon666 pog Ign: DFleague hasanthebomb -> Please refrain sending long messages. TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands 👏 @Yassuo odas on 86 percent @Yassuo one more for yo boy? IGN Nop3 ODA IS AT 85% 2 POTS STILL LOST KEKW IGN: Young Noize please for the culture. concretional Ign: DFleagueIgn: DFleague This song slaps EU 1V1 1v1 louder ign ; nan clapper pls BANGER @AKAROH discord JORDAN OR LEBRON MOE Ign: DFleague @Yassuo ez clap? pog H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) Pog IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasHands yo 855 DONE oda 85 So silver IGN JOEYX9X hyoon PepeHands hyoon PepeHands hyoon PepeHands :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo 1v1 me please moe last 1v1 please OMEGALUL @Yassuo @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith i SWEAR IMA BETTER KAT THAN THESE DUDES 1v1 actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo @Yassuo 1 VS 1 ME 1v1 @Yassuo TetronXPlays xerath 1v1 me 1v1 IGN: GYABIN ODA AT 85%%%%% IGN: jackbbya123 @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) u actually have a good taste of music ign: Enter the Dragon CHIMP moe pick me IGN: MorsIsDeath ;) unknøwnvariablë on NA 1v1 IGN: Young Noize please for the culture.. IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda ign raphraph 1v1 CAZZI ign: akaliandfizz odas on 86 percent Username : Hi im Sebastiano how r u so good man @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd BlackPinkS2Lisa 1v1 IGN BtwAustin @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) Always muted FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan Poggggg yasDog @Yassuo TetronXPlays lemme smoke you real quick with that na ping T_T MindGames IGN unknøwnvariablë on NA . 1v1 chimp Ewîc XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXO 1v1 @yassuo can you play ride it original version??? 1vs1 me baby @Yassuo 1v`1 IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasThink ODA 85%%%%%%%% unknøwnvariablë on NA IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin TURN THAT SHIT UP PUSSY IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN Dynopanda widwam ODA READY LILBUSA Username : Hi im Sebastiano Username : Hi im Sebastiano Username : Hi im Sebastiano Username : Hi im Sebastiano JORDAN OR LEBRON MAN ign:alphagamer56 unknøwnvariablë on NA . 1v1 Daddy caboose IGN: MorsIsDeath 1v1 TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands 1v1 @Yassuo BtwAustin IGN IGN: Young Noize please for the culture.. @Yassuo IGN: Kosotrappin pls moe Pumapard123 Username : Hi im Sebastiano Username : Hi im Sebastiano shaco isnt op IGN: FSN Dynopanda IGN: FSN DynopandaIGN: FSN Dynopanda 1v1 always muted unknøwnvariablë on NA IGN: poopydiaper69 ME daddy caboose Subliminal47 Subliminal47 Subliminal47 Bro Oda's about to play Leageu @Yassuo IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin @Yassuo TetronXPlays IGN: FSN Dynopanda ign raphraph !! @Yassuo EU : ReformedToxic01 IGN: jackbbya123 u DED unknøwnvariablë on NA . Username : Hi im Sebastiano ODA READY TO FIGHT Korud0 H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) 1v1 me IGN: Kosotrappin 1V1 @Yassuo odas on 85 percent @Yassuo LILBUSA xerath xearth 1 v1 1v 1 fuck cancer tru @Yassuo IGN: REŃGÀR eune H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) ign: Chimp TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands IGN: JOEYX9X IGN BlackPinkS2Lisa unknøwnvariablë on NA 1v1 ign is widwam IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin k 1v1 zómbie chimp v1 IGN: Kosotrappin talkfaster please CHIMPNA 1v1 Username : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im Sebastiano Chimp H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) 1v1 ODA 85 1v11v1 IGN: falafel king pick me please (: IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin Pumapard123 envyistaken_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. IGN: Kosotrappin daddy Caboose 1v1 IGN: MorsIsDeath :) narutothekyuubi ign lolo GO Add Denneljr d IGN: jackbbya123 @Yassuo Chimp IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 Username : Hi im Sebastiano ig : tabon mok IGN: YASuck 1v11 Llol ign: 3lovetaps 1v1 KEKW ign BlackPinkS2Lisa 1v1 @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd @Yassuo buddybboixdd 1v1 KEKW Subliminal47 KEKW IGN: Kosotrappin unknøwnvariablë on NA . rap god DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Daddy Caboose plz end your stream, i got to go sleep 1V1 ME KEKW IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin 1v111 Pumapard123 @yassuo ign: PíercingLíght MALDING LULE 1v1 me u noob @Yassuo H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) Always muted Varashe KEKW IGN: Tejedason IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasHands s WhenHerDadKnocks subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! wack IGN: Kosotrappin yasDog_HF 1vvv1 Username : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im Sebastiano 95% GaganShallow listen to sh boom sh boom thats a bop @Yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin ODA IS SOON DONE 85% ig: hwinie IGN: Raphraph 1v 1v1 chimp IGN : N1cko yasuo 1v1 ez clap @Yassuo IGN BtwAustin! 1v1 yasU MindGames ---------------------- unknøwnvariablë on NA JORDAN OR LEBRON H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) H2Aqua @Yassuo :) let me try pls ah happens ign: dbarker03 FAKE Pumapard123 IGN: REŃGÀR eune 1v1 Do you do 1v1 in EUW? JoeyOB @Yassuo Ign: potatoluke313 actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo @Yassuo IGN: mesoaja IGN: KosotrappinIGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 Username : Hi im SebastianoUsername : Hi im Sebastiano IGN Nop3 1v1 please dad Nerfonblak2 PLS :P Euw 1vs1 PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON IGN: Young Noize please for the culture.. @Yassuo. 1v1 IGN SushiiXIV IGN:yasuodoof @Yassuo 1v1 me 7abebi ig : zebikbir @Yassuo IGN: TetronXPlays quigglelolol Ign : Knightn TrentHill10 @Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith lemme fuck up some homies on kat@Yassuo IGN: BOSSwraith lemme fuck up some homies on kat IGN: KosotrappinIGN: Kosotrappin LILBUSA Ewîc XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 1 vs 1 me irondemon666 FOLDER Username : Hi im Sebastiano Daddy caboose IGN mesoaja nikolatashev -> Please refrain from spamming caps. GENERALLL SNIPERR unknøwnvariablë on NA . IGN: MorsIsDeath U 1v1 just on NA? Ign: DFleague IGN: mesoaja IGN PISTOLERO yasU CAZZII 1V1 FAAAKE 1v ODA IS SOON DONE 85%%% CremeChess456CremeChess456 widwam damn is he tweeking or what? moe yass imma be in LA soon @Yassuo IGN BtwAustin <3 ign: alphagamer56 who win Dreathbeast IGN: Razzip IGN:Yasuodoof IG: Raphraph new is broken 1v1 me @Yassuo 1v1 1v1 CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 ArKé ArKé ArKé 1v1 @yassuo play ride it original version play this xd goes so hard : Plllllzzzzzz 1v1 GaganShallow @Yassuo where you live rn? LA or NY? Which you like better? FeelsBadMan LUL CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 i didn't seee ODA READY JORDAN OR LEBRON. CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 oh sorry it cool song PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands LUL FLY ME TO HYOON KEKW oda is at 95 CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 1v1 just on na @Yassuo @Yassuo promsises ' Eu server ' no man FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls FeelsStrongMan yasPls !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU ign : kahbe ODA IS READY LUL ign: yackson ign: bully the first IGN: CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty not yung gravy im getting lil dicky flashbacks TRUE LULW !playlist nightblade564 @Venoumes go discord CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 xerath KEKW DansGame YOU DONT wtf bbno$ the goat yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK STUDDED STRAP KILL STACY STUDDED STRAP KILL STACY GaganShallow ign plzzzzzzzz play the weekday ah fuck, i just went to bed... ThoughtofLove @Yassuo HOW I PLAY AGAINST YOU? ProtoYasuo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Hey moe, hope games are well my friend LMAO TRUE LULW @Yassuo yo imma be in LA 3 weeks LMK 💯 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasPls ? HE IS LMFAO KEKW you listen to logic Whip a tesla is a banger KEKW ?? GHOSTMANE - MERCURY - HARD AS F 1v1 @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU NEXT SONG i think he said easy, not ez TRUE @Yassuo "kast stream for 2 days btw" this is trash wtf wtf? conq !Charity jaseOh CONQ conq @yassuo play ride it original version ?????????????????? did he mean ez or was he saying ez? @djboss0729 KEKW wait i think he meant "yas ez" this shits so ass aery CONQ conq ez Pepega KEKW yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK . ß????????? Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: u listen to nav unironically u freak YOU SAID YASUO HE MEANT YASUO ???????? conq CONQEUROR CONQUEROR conq TriKool BEETHOVEN PATHETIQUE MVM1 @Yassuo maestro pog he said yas ROFL KEKW pog yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK yasuo 1v1 pepeJAM Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo play jack harlow-sundown Trash Song KEKW @Yassuo you useually save the best for last I volunteer to close out your stream @djboss0729 TRUE yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK . electrocute ? !playlist lol he said ez not ezreal conqueurer @Yassuo you take conq on ez now yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK .. pretty sure he was saying ez and you're supposed to run yas TriKool NOW IM EATIN PIZZA yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK CONQ he said easy ign: yackson i think he meant, ez as in easy bruh yas5_TK @Yassuo do euw yas5_TK .... ODA FINISHEED HE PICKED YASUO how does he have every skin lol he said ez run it now ezreal xD easy @Yassuo IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasPlead he meant YASUO LMFAO !discord @Yassuo My IGN: Yo oi ink :DDDDDDDD KEKW think he meant easy HE MEANT YASUO @Yassuo KEKW CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 he meant ? pepeJAM IGN: jackbbya123 @Yassuo ODA IS 100% DODGING 1v1 KEKW lmaoooooooooooooooooooo lmao CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 yasDog yasDog yasDog Play know better by headie one he dodged LULW pepeJAM pepeJAM HE SAID EZ NOT EZREAL Not ez yasuo its yasuo KKEW HE MEANT EASY, NOT EZREAL lickR KKool KEKW pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM STUDDED STRAP KILL STACY GOES HARD AS FUCK KEKW Lmao LUL ODA AT 100% TriKool TriDance LOL Pepega SCARED KEKW Ez vs Yas pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM yasDog It’s yas ODA AT 100%%%%%% pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM LMFAO Pepega ROFL 3Head i am feel gay U dog KEKW wow LMAO KEKW KEKW Pepega pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM EZ ez Pepega LUL @Yassuo Bohemian Trapsody yung gravy TriEasy Pepega DODGING IN A 1v1 KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - owoo lmao Ez = yassuo 3head KEKW Pepega LUL pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM ODA Pepega Pepega Pepega ;p; pl KEKW @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ODA KEKW @yassuo play ride it original version pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM Pepega Play shirts flow 2 by Nle Choppa KEKW PEPEGA KEKW KEKW KEKW I ACTUALLY WAS SURE THAT WOULD HAPPEN :d pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM its yas HAHAHAHA im dont speak english :"( PTA yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog he meant EASY pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo 1 v1 JUST ON NA @Yassuo rung runes kekw JORDAN OR LEBRON moe chimp pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM What you said im next? @Yassuo why do you take that shield thing on yasuo? LUL ive never beein this mad in my live actually idk pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM HOW @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"? is he doing goals this stream? Pepega pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM xerath worst champ DO I WIN VS JACK BUT LOSE TO THIS GUY Oda doesn’t play league does he ? ODA IS READY pepeMeltdown pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM Me next JORDAN OR LEBRON MOE ign: yackson ODA FINITO @Yassuo odas done @Yassuo IGN: TetronXPlays after Oda T_T @Yassuo dude fuck you its so cold in east coast im currently dying man CurseLit oda is done @Yassuo im tryna clap your bitch ass @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"?. yo moe i got banned from dL chat for sayin that u can play adc with one hand better than him . wtf @Yassuo @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU @Yassuo PLAY THE WEEKND BLINDING LIGHTS PogU @Yassuo omen13 drop dead listen to sh boom sh boom that shit goes hard @Yassuo @Yassuo oda is ready ODA READY ODA IS READY pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM !charity IOnlyUseQ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! peace out chat FUCK CANCER Donate Here - , Learn more here - @KataGaKill u bad reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @KataGaKill Yasuo brain bigger noticed by lil mosey ODA IS READYYYY FIGHT ODA AVOIDER TROPHIES @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"?.. ODA IS READY ODA WAITING @katagakill it must mean only one thing.... pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM hehehehehehhe Ign : guimonstre PepeHands Put on Canibus - Only slaves Dream MA JAM SONG Pog Oda is hyped AS F play sum classical music @yassuo AVOIDER odaWink ODA IS READY @Yassuo YES FIRE SONG ayyyyyy CHESTER PepeHands what if u lose xD? LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO IN THE ENDDDDDDDDDDD Fgg PEPEJAM pog pepeJAM what is the best yasuo skin yea? pentakill in the end?? come on man odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire POG Oday is ready that i s the fking song pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM JORDAN OR LEBRON pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM noticed by lil mosey bruh PepeHands chester FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan @Yassuo hell ya i love likin park so much @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"? @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"? CHESTER PepeHands Kreygasm ITS STARTS WITH Pog AVOIDER LULW finally music gergerger Pog lets go chester hell ya pick soraka D: PepeHands AVOIDERR TriDance CHESTER MA BOI! @yasuo STUDDED STRAP-KILL STACY IS HARD AS FUCK @Yassuo play cant be touched RIP CHESTER BibleThump KEKW SORAKA @Yassuo how do i get in 1v1 put some panic at the disco after @Yassuo ill close out the 1v1 stream LINKS DIE TOMMY GUN RECHTS DER DOBERMANN SourPls D: odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire pog song FeelsRainMan PLAT CREEP KappaPride they should play yuumi and aa to death Your music taste is usually good WeirdChamp song WeirdChamp @Yassuo play botox lips by bladee i love that song one of my favs <3 FeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongManFeelsStrongMan PepeHands CHESTER ODA GOTTA SMACK YOU odaWink @KataGaKill dont you have school tomorrow tall boy do SORAKA !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - CHESTEEEEER yasJAM yasShrug odaFire Shicken odaFire yeeeeeeeees CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP CHIMP HYOON Pepehands @Yassuo that sounds hella gay fam LOVE CHESTER <3 LULW HAHAHAAH KEKW FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan KEKW LUL D: forsenCD pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - go 1vs1 with punisher and i sub KEKW cheesers PICK SORAKA BEST 1 v OMEGALUL LMAO What is better on yaw new conqurer or pta ?? LULW KEKW zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks zanoStonks KEKW LMAO Jebaited yasJAM KEKW LUL LUL KEKW LMAO Slipknot unsainted smacks hard does 0 dmg anyway lmao ez Kouameah subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! yo HAAHA reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! forsenCD I HEARD CHEATING forsenCD ez Pepega KEKW forsenCD AND? ez fake reaction LULW ez lol LMAO WATCH U GOL forsenCD KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL CLASSIC EZ chester <3 <3 EZ EZ EZ forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? HYOON FeelsStrongMan LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? conq on ez is only for 5v5 ez ez ez odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MOE IS FAKE press 1 if chester is the GOAT 50/50 KEKW forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? forsenCD SO ? 5Heads what is the best skin @KataGaKill just focus in getting even better and you will beat him next time :) hp is still same in the eeeeeeeend LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL MaN LOUDER PLAY UNSAINTED BY SLIPKNOT Yass you are best. Give me subb :( :) OEMGALUL KEKW HAHA :( KEKW BlackPinkS2Lisa KEKW @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED clean Tellmewhynot -> Please refrain from spamming caps. PogU Oh no no PepeLaugh KEKW ign: yackson odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @Yassuo PLS EU IGN:Yasuodoof Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh PogU 1 vs 1 me irondemon666 PogU BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo lmao Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh @Yassuo lemme clap you real quick KEKW good job men Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"? KEKW KEKW KEKW ez @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville, play against me IGN: TetronXPlays LOL EEU EU EU PAUSE TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands yackson IGn raphraph odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire PepeLaugh pick me moe MindGames odaFire send him to the fire odaFire TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands @Yassuo IGN BtwAustin @Yassuo @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED PLAY CANT BE TOUCEHD DLONG ig raphraph odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire @Yassuo im next i need to beat ur dog lookin ass odaFire odaFire odaFire ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff @Yassuo 1v1 ME @yassuo STUDDED STRAP BY KILL STACY HARD AF monkaS nervous IGN: PotatoChiiiips @Yassuo IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasPlead 1v1 me after ill run your shit ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff ODA wants best of 3 @Yassuo Can you play "Good things fall apart"?. listen to sh boom sh boom @Yassuo that was quick as fuck} @Yassuo im gonna get you someday on eu ping and show you whats up daddy caboose !charity HI MOE. HAVENT BEEN HERE IN A WHILE. Donate Here - , Learn more here - ign blade staff @Yassuo Scare of EUW People WeirdChamp odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands TEBHERMAN - NA PepeHands 24 hours dxfgxc odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire RIP CHESTER BibleThump ? TURN UP MUSIC ig silentspark @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED ign: yackson ig Robsution @Yassuo Scare of EUW People WeirdChamp . MindGames IGN ---------- bad songs :( ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire IN THE ENED CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire $1000 on the line u got this @Yassuo do u remember sydney hupp from highschool at ICE!!! HI!!! themrjzombie play vs Pun1sher and i sub ODA wants best of 3 ODA wants best of 3 KEKW 有中国人吗 @Yassuo CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456CremeChess456 @Yassuo play botox lips by bladee its one of my fav bladee songs <3 1v1 doinb avoider Play know better by headie one to hype you up CHIMP???? IN THE ENDDDDDD can u 1v1 chimp Play shotta flow 2 CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh why summoners rift? yasOkay SCARED OF EU LULW @yasuo any chat 1v1 today? GAY YAS KEKW was moe in NYC recently guys MOE IS FAKE ODA READY Edgy music Are you scare from EUW People WeirdChamp @Yassuo dudes be building seraphs embrace but dont know how to embrace the seraphs that their parents get them for christmas @Yassuo IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasPlead 1v1 me after ill run your shit EZ Clap @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED i tired so hatd lmao @Yassuo can i be next ? :D Lmaooo PogU ArKé ArKé ArKé ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff ign blade staff odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire K GOLD KEKW ANELE Clap PepeHands ANELE ANELE why summors rift? Wheres youseff at so he can stop Moe ?E? odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire That's close NOT HIS !boshi SCARED OF EUW WeirdChamp PepePls gold iv KEKW odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire KEKW NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED ANELE Azertycrap -> Please refrain from spamming caps. BlackPinkS2Lisa- yasuo 1v1 not his account ANELE Clap ANELE ANELE howling abyss @Yassuo its not his acc GOLD OMEGALUL NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo ANELE MASHALLAH NOT HIS ACCOUNT LOOOOOOL @Yassuo not his acc WHO IS HEE ???? THATS NOT HIM LOL SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW SCARED OF EU LULW Gold OMEGALUL odaWink NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo ITS HIS FIRST TIME @yassuo YO STUDDED STRAP - KILL STACY GOES HARD AF wrong map MOE odablock is the god rs player yasCannon KEKW its not his accocunt Anele7 wrong map not his account MASK OFF FUCKING MASK OFF @Yassuo not him TrIDance @Yassuo watch his stream LOL PogYou ANELE7 IT IS ISSY'S ACC TriDance ANELE its odablock not his account ANELE 7 TFT RANK KEKW NOT HIS ACC NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo KEKW YOURE ON SUMS RIFT yasuoooooooooooo yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay SCARED OF EUW yasSpit SCARED OF EUW yasSpit SCARED OF EUW yasSpit SCARED OF EUW yasSpit NOT HIM ANELE ANELE IT IS ISSY's ACCOUNT uasuooooooo not his account haha ماشاء الله :) IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM hello !gamble 200 ANELE ANELE dudeeeeeeeee ......???????? @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED KEKW TriDance @excoach KEKW LUL odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire 3aml eh KEKW WTF its not his account bro LMAO odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire hahahha IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM lMAO not him STUDDED STRAP KILL STACY KEKW hahahahah how is he talking with HE DOESNT PLAY BRO change MAP wa7shniiiiiiii yaaaaaaaaaaaad y yasuo :D KEKW How do you get moe to 1v1 you anyway LMFAOOOOO @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED ddddddd pls4let me try moe MOE NOT HIM LULW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : THE GUY ITS SMARRRTTTTT KEKW THIS GUY 3k What's happening Pog @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire @Yassuo odaFire chaselace -> Please refrain from spamming caps. DO IT Liar it is him UR GETTING SMOKED it's him youre on sum rift IT IS HIM he wont tho It is him TRUE MAKE IT 10K IT IS KEKW LET HIM WIN @Yassuo not him NOT HIS ACCOUNT it is him @Yassuo not him احا LULW l0000000000l LUL IT IS LMAAAOo KEKW Wow! @Yassuo Imma smack you on Yasuo its him it is him its him IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM IT IS HIM its him LMAO TriDance PLAY WITH ONE HAND @Yassuo it is him odaWink Jebaited IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED SUM RIFT odaFire 7 LULW KEKW @Yassuo IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasPlead 1v1 me after ill run your shit EZ Clap man this game does anyone know what keyboard moe uses is so shit MOE TRY SO HARD LULW AND LOSE IT ALL LULW pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM SUM RIFT@ Teemo KEKW D: LUL IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM Hes scamming !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LOOOL PepeLaugh who is that ? hes scamming DISCORD MAN @Yassuo aery TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance he cant find teemo KEKW ima play boshy cya IGN BlackPinkS2Lisa IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM let me try moe pls watch his stream hes scamming O_o PTA MAP MAP MAP PepeJam TriDance PERCOCETS What a shit song TEEM OMEGALUL HES PLAYING YASUO comet he's gonna be dogshit KEKW eleck ResidentSleeper Kreygasm ResidentSleeper Kreygasm Chester FeelsStrongMan odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @WhiteIceFresh snitch gtfo TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @Yassuo conq is broken 1k incoming CONQ he's going to scam u @Yassuo fitting song odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad HE DOESNT EVEN PLAY THE GAME TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance GO CONQ take mr dipshit kalb run eletrocute pick better skin IGN BlackPinkS2LISA yasuo HE IS CLUELESS KEKW @Yassuo TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance KEKW sondredybbe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hi master song PepeHands whats his stream? The other guy hes scamming, check ghis stream @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED . @Yassuo watch his stream LOL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @SU2C <3 i feel like moe will lose on purpose IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM Donate to me im disabled my pp is 3 cm widepeepoSad who is that guys ? TEEMO AHAHAHAH MOE TRY SO HARD LULW AND LOSE IT ALL LULW Z NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo HES FIRST TIME KEKW NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo HES FIRST TIME KEKW NOT HIS ACCOUNT @Yassuo HES FIRST TIME KEKW Conq COGGERS BEEMO PTA IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM IN THE END IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER pepeJAM هتخسر خد بالك LUL LUL ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW !gamble 200 @Yassuo go in call with him Timmeeee odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald AYAYA TEETO nooo conq @Yassuo fitting song LULW yasDog conqueror POGGERS conqueror !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW Who is the guy? lmfaoooo DISCORD @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo IGN : Firelumet pta pogg @yassuo play STUDDED STRAP BY KILL STACY POGEERS cmonBruh Yeah man can't lose so i won't have to donate 1000 dollars to CHARITY @Yassuo MRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMR PTA and full ad is op @yassuo PTAA nonobobo PepeLaugh cmonBruh master? odaMald HES TRASH< DONT TRY TOO HARD LOL ghosting in 1v1 shipHANDS @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED odaWink Clap scorch for burn MRRRRRRR ratirlLonely ratirlLonely electrocute KEKW electrecute shit TAKE MRMRMRMRMR odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad DISCORD HIM CHEATER KEKW DISCORD MAGIC RESIST magic ressit ill smack u on yasuo - Daddy Caboose MAGIC RESIST @Yassuo you're trash 1v1 me Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Yassuo MR? HES SCAMMING COGGERS go attack speed teemo @Yassuo Whats the gold medal on every skin? Shut up chat free 1k Wrong mastery’s m resist Play know better by headie one odaFire HES ASKING TO REPICK KEKW @Yassuo its insane don't to electrecute OMEGALUL LULW HES ASKING TO REPICK KEKW @Yassuo HES ASKING TO REPICK KEKW @Yassuo LULW Wrong mastery LMFAO WutFace MAGIC RESIST BRO LOL? SNIPING KEKW odaFire odaFire PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh LOL OMEGALUL LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW GHOSTING KEKW wrong MAP KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire ?¿????? KEKW LOOOOOOOL LUL AHAaha PepeLaugh odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW l00000000000000000l wtf? KEKW LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL hi [poop head Teemo Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LUL LOL AHHAHAHAHAA KEKW KEKW lmfaoooooo!! LUL LUL lol lmao Pick mr not armor LMFAOOOO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HYOON FeelsStrongMan KEKW KEKW Kekw LMAOOOOOOOOO LMAO KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED KEKW GET IN VC HAHAHAHAH odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire KEKW WHO TF IS THISSSSSSSSSSSS LULW KEKW KEKW YOU GOTTA WATCH HIM ON 5% VOLUME KEKW odaMad kekw KEKW who told him teemo KEKW Fuck boshy i didnt even get to pass the god damn intro... GET IN VC ITS SO DOOMED LMAO i like this man HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire what is this freak looooooool KEKW LmaooooOoOO LMFAO odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire NA SLIKER KEKW VC HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA lmao L000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000L KEKW odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald KEKW VOICE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOO LMFAO CHEATING KEKW LULW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL GET IN VC LULW KEKW LMFAO Sliker??? KEKW HAHAHAHA CHEATING KEKW LMAO L0 00L KEKW LUL KEKWWW LUL I CANT LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW Yeah man can't lose so i won't have to donate 1000 dollars to CHARITY @Yassuo LUL KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAAHAHAH KEKW LULW :D KEKW your friends are sliker clones NA SLICKER LuL odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire HAHAHAHAHHGHAHHGFSFDHAGHAHAH odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald odaWink oda gonna lose odaMald ODDS LOL LMAO KEKW KEKW BIG O Pog FLEET MAO HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LMAOOOOOO quien me enseña ingles? :v BAHAHAHAHA @yassuo STUDDED STRAP - KILL STACY goes HARD LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW ITS SO DOOMED hahahaahaahahah odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire CALL HIM lol KEKW CHEATING LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW VOICE COMP PLEASEEEEEEE LUL LUL LUL AHAHAHA FLEET LMAO @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED i thought you wer authistic, but this guy.. KEKW AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW 3Head KEKW SLIKER 2.0 KEKW OMG athletes foot LMAO Flash on D KEKW ODA??? LULW discord him odaWink odaWink TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance xd I cannot PURE CONTENT KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW yasMald yasMald !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 49 minutes 51 seconds WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog WINNE POV Pog hes so mad LMAOOOOOOOOO LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL what's his name lmao KEKW 4HEAD LULW lmao CALL HIM this guy lmao WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog WINNER POV Pog odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire !chatstats SHMEESHMEE LMAO StreamElements -> Please refrain from posting links. odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire moe fanboying right now he lost lol SR START E @scar_da_sexy odablock @Yassuo CALL HIM HES MUTED @Yassuo @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED HES CHAT BANNE HES CHAT RESTRICTED yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan FeelsStrongMan monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink ANELE HES MUTED @Yassuo KEKW odaFire thanks odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire he's chat restriched LUL star607CSX Start q for ez win HES CHAT RESTRICTED LMFAOOO CHAT BANNED CHAT RESTRICTED KEKW hes chat destricted TranqBoi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! who is he HES MUTED @Yassuo KEKW HES MUTED @Yassuo KEKW HES MUTED @Yassuo KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! CHAT BAN KEKW @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED keefsterr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! good stuff reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! not /all he lost the game that ggg CHAT RESTRICTED LULW yasShrug KEKW CHAT RESTRICTED KEKW Imagine stream sniping a 1v1er @Yassuo ADD ODABLOCK#3344 HE CHAT BANNEED CHAT RESTRICTED KEKW HES CHAT RESTRICTED IN LEAGUE LOL #OdaBlock344@yassuo HES CHAT RESTRICTED LULW HE IS CHAT BANNED LOLOLOL @Yassuo check his stream lmao @Yassuo what KB do you use ?? KEKW KEKW TOXIC PLAYER KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA Thanks for the Haha2020 @keefsterr yasU hiiiiiiiiiiiii alllllll YES check stream CHAT RESTRICTED LOL KEKW KEKW Thanks for the HahaCat @keefsterr LULW Thanks for the HahaHide @tranqboi HES CHAT RESTRICTED KEKW Odablock#3444 WHAT IS HIS TWITCH CHANNEL 0.0 LOOOOOOOL @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED HahaNutcracker he cant talk in all chat Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @tranqboi LMAOOOOOOOOO hes not even buyinf items brp KEKW he doesnt know how to all chat KEKW jasM jasM BlackPinkS2Lisa in game name bro @Yassuo ODABLOCK 344 CANT TYPE KEKW odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire LULW check his stream listen to sh boom sh boom @Yassuo BlackPinkS2Lisa ok TOXIC PLAYER hes actually joining ODABLOCK#3344 CHECK STREAM HE IS AT BASE @Yassuo ratirlFlower for you 3444 LEAKED LULW He's going top xD sparcDclaws he is top odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire 4K POINTES ALMOST VIP Pog Pog Pog ahahahah nvm hes chat restricted @Yassuo HE'S GOING TOP hges going top :v hes going top hes going top KEKW !discord well its oda he went top lmfao it's 3444 kekw odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire HE IS GOING TOP WITH NO ITEMS BOOMERS KEKW HES TOP HE IS TOP TOP @Yassuo PLAY CANT BE TOUCHED he forgot items AHAHAHHA I have the same bed spread HE IS GOING TOP NBO ITEMS HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat he's no items ;d HE IS TOP #odablvok3444 L00L TOP KEKW LOOOOOOOOL KEKW lol MID LMAO HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HE HAS NO ITEMS HE IS TOP KEKW XDDDDDDDD KEKW Who is he guys ? XP ADVANTAGE KEKW lmao MIDhe is mid KEKW LULW LMAOOOOOOOO KEKW NA KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOL HE'S JUNGLE LOL KEKW ODA KEKW LUL yasPride lmao @Yassuo he said go to ziscord call KEKW this is open l000000000000000000000000 KEKW KEKW TOP KEKW hes said do in discord call odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @Yassuo play 1 hand he's mid Who is this guy? HE HEALED LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL odaMald KEKW l000000000000000 KEKW @yassuo hes goiing mid LULW \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire WATCH HIM WTF IS HAPPENING hey more how do i unluck sub channel on discord? NOW HE WENT MID go mid @Yassuo he said go to ziscord call in his stream he's mid KEKW YA ALLAHI KEKW play 1 hand rn ANELE allahi? THIS SONG ODABLOCK#3344 KEKW HES MID KEKW HE WENT MID he is MID NOW @yassuo hes mid WATCH THE STREAM KEKWE @Yassuo ANEEEELEE lmao LMAOOOOOOOOO FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW mid lul HE'S MID KEKW NOW BRO SOMEONE MADE HIM USE HEAL LOL mid KEKW HES MID 1 hand if ur a real one @Yassuo FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW FLEET KEKW 1 2 3 4 hes mID WADTCH TEH STREAM KEKW hes mid Jebaited انت عيوطه KEKW HES MID KEKW HES MID KEKW his mid HE WENT MID NOW HE WENT MID @Yassuo MID HE IS MID HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHHA HES MID KEKW he healed V . jokerd6Gold yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride HE'S MID KEKW LUL MID Jebaited KEKW MID KEKW LUL LUL StinkyCheese HE WENT MID LMAO he mid now HES MID KEKW LLOL\ l000l0l0l JAJAJAJAJAJAJA odablock#3444 ODABLOCK#3344 MID KEKW yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG yasThink_SG HES MID LOL MID\ ZISCORD KEKW HES MID KEKW HE IS MID KEKW MIUD HES MID Jebaited MID KEKW kekw MIDD ajajjajaja HE S MID KEKW HAHAHAH HES MID LMFAO IM DONE HIS MID HES MED KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited lol hes mid mid HE IS MID KEKW MID HE MID HAHAHAA Jebaited KEKW NOW HES MID LUL MID HIS MID HAHAHA KEKW !discord Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited HE BURNED HEAL KEKW HE BURNED HEAL KEKW HE BURNED HEAL KEKW HE BURNED HEAL KEKW HE BURNED HEAL KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - HE IS MID HE IS MID LMAO LUL KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited LOL Jebaited KEKW XP ADVANTAGE KEKW HE IS MID Jebaited HES MID KEKW !CHARITY he went mid Donate Here - , Learn more here - HES MID LUL Jebaited Jebaited hahahah LMAO KLV KEKW Jebaited Jebaited hahahahaha odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire outplayed LOL Chat KEKW MID JeBaited haseygdfaisduyfg hes´dgxf WHO IS THIS GUY BOIS? ITS 3444 \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire HE WENT MID @Yassuo lmao HE IS MID RN KALEAAAAAAAAAAAAN YA KEL KEKW 3444 3444 loool 3444 KLB Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Jebaited 3444 KEKW NA X1 3444 3444 KEKW HAHAHA KEKW 3444 3444 LMAO 3444 Jebaited 3444 LULW big O actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo @Yassuo 3444 LMAO LUL LUL LUL KEKW HES FUCKING 5Head KEKW HE HAS XP ADVANTAGE KEKW 3444 LOL @yassuo STUDDED STRAP - KILL STACY goes HARD KEKW ajjajajajajaj nmms 3444 3444 asdf 3444 3444 @Yassuo Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited no items? LMAOOOOOOOOO Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited i cant man LMAO 3444 RIP Mac PepeHands 3444 @Yassuo u need the discord tag 3444 REMAKE 3444 Jebaited Jebaited 3444 @Yassuo troll 3444 GETTING TROLLED WOOF WOOOF @Yassuo ITA #ODABLOCK3444 3444 3444 THIS MORE FUNNY THAN CHIMP 1 V 1S @Yassuo HE BURNED HEAL LULW ODABLOCK#3444 JEebaited kes emoooo JebaitedJebaitedJebaited KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Odablock#344 !song suzakhus -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream LULW KEKW LV 2 KEKW 3443 CHAT KEKW 3444 KEKW كفاياك عربي 😂😂 LMAOOOOOOOOO 3444 Jebaited mid troll !song 3444 lulw Frames DansGame \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @yassuo he already randomly healed !playlist HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Press d To Destroy Cancer Moe \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire He has no items XD Jebaited so hard he already flashed RIP :( ANELE عربييي HAHAHAHAHA KES EMOOO lmao OMEGALUL LULW He also used HEAL XD KEKW KEKW O_o LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW yasWeird @Yassuo sanchyy wanna 1v1 on irelia !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - rip ur $1000 KEKW !playlist LOL lol his chat made him use d. telling him he would dance call him HE IS SO BAD NO SUMMS LUL $1000 bet btw HE USED HEAL KEKW LUL he used both summs الله يلعنك شوهت ام اللغة Cancer patients did not deserve this @Yassuo @Yassuo he's in general HES IN GENERAL @Yassuo he doesnt know what all chat is he is in general he is in the general discord hes in general voice HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HE'S IN GENERAL VOICE Monzark subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo hes in general voice he doesnt know what hes doing LOL he is general voice chat hes in general voice chat HES IN GENERAL CHAT GENERAL VOICE CHAT general voice chat HES IN GENERAL CHAT hes in general HES IN GENERAL VC hes in general voice chat @Yassuo hes in general @Yassuo hes in general general voice chat @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo . hes in general voice chat odaMad odaFire @Yassuo hes in general he's in general he's in general vice chat he's in general GENERAL VOICE hes in general @Yassuo l hes in general dc @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville, play against me IGN: TetronXPlays after oda T_T and sanchovies @suzakhus Objects in the Mirror by mac miller !DISCORD @Yassuo general voice chat hes in general oice @Yassuo are you better than azzapp? @Yassuo PETER WANTS TO 1v1 for 1k @Yassuo he is in a voicechat HES IN GENERAL CHAT C HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo L HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA GENERAL 1V1 SANCHOVIES @Yassuo HES UB DISCORD he is in general LULW he's in voice chat @Yassuo Drag him in he's in general KEKW @yassuo general KEKW انا عربي و من الجزائر what? HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo HES IN GENERAL VOICE @Yassuo lmao OMEGALUL HAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW LOL KEKW what??? LULW GENERAL VOICE CHAT KEKW GENERAL KEKW AJAJJAJ LMAO this is sad Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday keKW LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW lmao LMMAOOO Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code @Yassuo he said general channel blind KEKW Jebaited LULW Jebaited i moved him in mod room He is Jebaited ? GENERAL FLASH FOR DAMAGE KEKW this he is in general Jebaited AGAIN listen to no me conoce remix \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited OMEAGLUL DA OMEAGLUL DA OMEAGLUL DA OMEAGLUL DA OMEAGLUL DA KEKW Jebaited shit !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo MOD ROOm in hid disc is jebaited Jebaited Ckapo His nickname is changed too Jebaited funny he has no items Mod room Jebaited EZ Clap @ChimpNA MACING Q PEPELAUGH OMEGALUL DA Follow me on Twitter for updates Moe\ RECALLED KEKW !discord Prismal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 31 month streak! 31 monthsssssssssssssssss pog SHITCHOVIES reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! can you give me tipes to get better at yasuo WutFace akkresif -> Please refrain from posting links. yo yoyo odaFire KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW FAT HEAD HAHA KEKW ITALIAN KEKW KEKW lMAO vallah \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire !charity D: Donate Here - , Learn more here - D: Lmaooo LMAOOOOOOOOO listen to no me conoce remix KEKW respect \odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire odaFire Shicken odaFire @Prismal PogYou <3 NA SLIKER KEKW KEKW D: D: D: E TU KEKW KEKW ITALIAN HES ACTUALLY NY ITALINA KEKW odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW KEKW NA SLICKER <3 KEKW LULW Thank you! is this al capone KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO LULW KEKW KEKW LOOL KEKW Oi MATE 3Head WHATS HIS STREAM loooooool lmao NA SLIKER KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 000 KEKW LOL AHAHHAAH LOL KEKW KEKW HAHAHHAHA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW THIS KID'S VOICE KEKW LOOOOOOOOOL KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA l000000000000000000 KEKW KEKW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire KEKW KEKW LUL LMAO l000000000000000000l KKona KEK HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LMAOOO Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @prismal LMAOO ARMED AND READY KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW wtf @Drizzle7300 odablock @Drizzle7300 odablock BANNED HAHAAHAHHAHAH LMAO KEKW banned lmfao LMAOOOOO BAHAHA Kreygasm HIS GIRLFRIEND ACCOUNT SHARING KEKW PepeLaugh BANNED Ban his acc KEKW HAHAHAHA lol KEKW BANNED KEKW banned LUL Dlong BANNED LOOOOOOL 4HEAD account share KEKW HAHAHHAHA KEKW ACCOUNT SHARING WeirdChamp BANNED BANNED listen to no me conoce remix ACCOUNT SHARING ACCOUNT GONE LULW banned already lmao aHHAHSHAHAH how many cigs does this guy smoke odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa KEKW m0xyKek m0xyKek m0xyLaugh m0xyOkay Bro We all Join The Vc LMAOOOO is that Slikker??? don't tell ACCOUNT SHARING LULW banned KEKW Banned BANNED XD whats his twitch?? BANNED BANNED LOL KEKW BANNED ACC KEKW does he not play league? im so confused :'D BANNED I have an ogs :) LUL LMAO odaSack BANNED LOL LOOOOOL Kapp hahaha dont use abilities @Yassuo Kapp boomer KEKW Kapp Kappa LMAO PepeLaugh Who is this guy? Kapp Have you heard of MANSCAPED ? Kappa Kapp LMao PepeLaugh THANKS believable in na KEKW henriquegarciar -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ALFIE LULW LOL just like moe ALFIE KEKW FeelsWeirdManW where r they in the discord LUL whats his twitch??/ ALFIE LOL PepeLaugh WASHED alfies on his acc WH OMEGALUL ALFIE yasDog lmao LMAOOOOOOOOO LOL moe ;ets play 1v1 LOOOOOOOL KEKW PepeLaugh alfie is veigar 1 trick lol KEKW wt KEKW KEKW F KEKW dds lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D D F BTW lmao Blue_kryptonite subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hello pepega lmao 4Head wasn't even f.. lol D PepeLaugh D thats D reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW KEKW F KEKW LULW Jebaited thats D KEKW LMAO That was D KEKE D D D D D KEKKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FFFFFFFFF LMAO KEKW D KEKW wtf D LULW LOL D D KEKW d hid d it was d ahahha ;p; D D KEY D hhaha KEKW LMAMMAAOO D KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA VALLAH USE F flash is on d KEKW SAY WALLAH PepeLaugh CLICK D WeirdChamp CLICK D WeirdChamp CLICK D WeirdChamp CLICK D WeirdChamp gachiBASS d 0_0 LULW !duo Revenge d LUL Kappa ANELE Clap ITS ON D NA SLIKER KEKW KEKW KEKW OBELISK KEKW OBELISK LOOOOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA lmao OBELISK lol OBELISK LULW dont use abiltities LMAOOOOOOOOO OBELISK KEKW WutFace HAHAHAHA LOL OBELISKKKKKKKKKKKK KEKW OBELISK KEKW STOP KEKW WeirdChamp @dhhf ttv @odablock Thanks for the HahaPoint @soujaboitellem KEKW teddysbeer subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hey man, love your stream. always looking forward to your YT vids, greetings from germany! if you can, say: jetzt wird geballert, brudi! KEKW OBELISK LMAO KEKW KEKW THIS MAN SLIKER reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! OBELISK KEKW HEAL KEKW LMAOOAOAMOMAOMOAMAOO !uptime KEKW The stream has been live for 2 hours 55 minutes 34 seconds KEKW KEKW STOP KEKW LMFAO HEAL KEKW Thanks for the HahaPoint @soujaboitellem K LMAO HAHHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA TRUE KEKW LULW HEAL KEKW LMFAO lol items oooo HEAL KEKW @Yassuo is Pummel party coming back> HEAL KEKW heal LULW LOLLLL KEKW KEKW KEKW AHAHAH Heal KEKW NA HEAL this is amazing KEKW KEKW heal KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAH cmonBruh GG KEKW cmonBruh AOIHAoiawhwgaioa KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW KEKW monkaW bahahahhahahaha LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LULW JHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO cmonBruh KEKW KEKWKEKW KEKW cmonBruh WOAH cmonBruh cmonBruh WutFace LMFAO cmonBruh WTF TOS AWIBHAWOPAWPAWT cmonBruh HAAHAHAHAH cmonBruh KEKW LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL KEKW cmonBruh OMG cmonBruh cmonBruh kekwq KEKW cmonBruh KEKW cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW KEKW HE SAID IT LMFAO BANNED XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW lmao PepeLaugh cmonBruh LMA0 say it? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh OMEGALUL cmonBruh LOL did hey say WHAT THE FUCK LOOOOOOOL LMFAO HAHAHAHAHHAA ????????????????????????????????? he said it cmonBruh HAHAAHA cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW KEKW KEKW banned cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WUT cmonBruh said it KEKW cmonBruh ?????????????????? YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TriHard cmonBruh WTF BAHAHAHAH cmonBruh LULW HAHAHAHAAHA cmonBruh I heard it cmonBruh cmonBruh ????? HE SAID IT LLLLLLLLLLooooooooolllllllllll NA TALENT ADIOS cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WTF HE CANT SAY THAT gamer words monkaSHAKE cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh lul LUL KEKKWWW TOS DUDE WTF? lmfao cmonBruh BANNED cmonBruh !uptime cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh TriHard? cmonBruh comBruh The stream has been live for 2 hours 55 minutes 54 seconds LMAOOO KEKW BANNED TriHard WHATTTT NA HEAL cmonBruh I WAS HERE KEKW cmonBruh ????????????? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF cmonBruh mangoNiceGuy cmonBruh ? reported XD cmonBruh whoooooaaaaaaaaaaa lmao wtf banned cmonBruh cmonBruh lulW cmonBruh 1 vss 1 me eune ? cmonBruh cmonBruh TriHard LMAOPOOOOOOO BANNED KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh he said never cmonBruh cmonBruh TRIHARD LUL ?????? WTF HE SAID IT HYPERBRUH WutFace WutFace BANNE CHUSAY cmonBruh 4HEADD ??????????????????????? cmonBruh cmonBruh LMAOOOOOOOOO HAAOPHAWPOAW banned BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh trihard banned cmonBruh LUL ! listen to no me conoce remix BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh he was saying neva creenge he said it cMONbRUH cmonBruh Why is he like italian realollll cmonBruh cmonBruh KKKKKKKKKKKK cmonBruh woah cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh banned BANNED OMEGALUL ????????????????/ cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh you said it cmonBruh cmonBruh dlong did TOS HE DID cmonBruh BANNED MonkaSHAKE cmonBruh OMEGALUL BANNNNNNNNNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh he did banned BANNED KEKW!! cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HE SAID IT KEKW cmonBruh he was saying never BANNED cmonBruh HE SAID @Yassuo BANNNED cmonBruh ???????????? REALLLLLLL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 1 vs 1 me eune ? Kappa HE SAID IT LMFAO Kapp Wait what BANNED BANNED YES HE DID accr Kapp HE'S HIGH ASF HYPERBRUH yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 Kappa HE DID KEKW Kappa HE DID Kapp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaTOS KappaRoss MAN SAID IT cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HE SAID IT KEKW cmonBruh HE SAID IT ??????? AHAHAHA @Yassuo HE SAID IT KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL LOL Kapp OK RETARDED cmonBruh BANNED THIS GUY LOL He did say it cmonBruh he said it he said it wtf HE SAID IT I heard it cmonBruh KEKW HES LYINH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW Banned HE SAID IT cmonBruh HE DIDDDDDDDD HE SAID IT HE DID He’s black yes he did HE'S LYING KEKW HE WAS SAYING NEVER dlong said it... Kapp HE SAID IT cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh he said it cmonBruh ODA cmonBruh ODA cmonBruh ODA cmonBruh ODA LAUGHING cmonBruh SOMEONE CLIP Kapp ODA Kapp cmonBruh ZD lets play 1v1 HE DID KEKW AHAHAH he said it YES HE DID LOLLLLLLLL BANNED KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh BAAAAAAAAAn cmonBruh HE SAID IT cmonBruh cmonBruh HE DID KEKW he was gonna say neva underestamate o cmonBruh WHAT HE SAID cmonBruh SAY WHAT WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace HE DID KEKW cmonBruh CLIPP ODA DID BANNED he said it lol U playing with oda lock chat he has the pass :) loooool HE SAID IT waiit a sec he said it HE DID VOD GONE banned he said it LMAO cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh OMEGALUL BANNED HE SAID IT!!!!! BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh U DID cmonBruh HE SAID IT they are both partnered streamers lmao they arent idiots cmonBruh HE SAID IT banned LUL he said it BANNED BANNED KEKW bAnnnned HE cmonBruh DID cmonBruh he said it Banned dong no he was it HE SAID IT HE SAID IT chaselace -> Please refrain from posting links. cmonBruh ?????????????? cmonBruh CLIP he said it he said it cmonBruh WOAH LMAOOOOOO WideHard KEKW cmonBruh looooooooooooooool ODA SAID IT KEKW KEKW KEKW HE SAID IT ?????????????????????????? ???????????????? yasN yasN yasN yooooooo HE ACTUALLY SAID IT HE SAID banned figures AHAHAHAHA cmonBruh cmonBruh Clap ??????????? 100% TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Cmonbruh cmonBruh HUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HE SAID IT WOAH RealJacksoff -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW KEKW FIGURES TRUE PepeLaugh cmonBruh ?? cmonBruh TOO FAR He said "Bigguh" he did cmonBruh cmonBruh HES BANNED OH MY GOD NO NO WeirdChamp lmao Kappa bruh.. HE SAID IT LOL someone clip it IT WAS HIM WALLAH BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BANNNNNNNED cmonBruh >??????????? KEKW ?????? he said it BRUH cmonBruh LUL cmonBruh NAH HES GONE ??? cmonBruh ????????? HE SCREAMED IT Kapp HE SAID IT ?????????????????? He did say it cmonBruh WTF BANNED cmonBruh HE SAID IT AGAIN AGAIN cmonBruh Hahahahahah lmao MOE LMAO cmonBruh he did it chaselace -> Please refrain from posting links. banned LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Figure???? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 5Head BRUH cmonBruh ????????????????????????????????? Kapp @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville, play against me IGN: TetronXPlays BAHAHAHAHA HE SAID IT LUL ?????? CLIP cmonBruh KEKW SOMEBODY CLIP IT KEKw HE SAID ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh He did lol he said never AGAIN!!! ?? cmonBruh LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL cmonBruh cmonBruh ? uh OH niggaa HE SAID IT He said never HE ACTUALLY SAID IT cmonBruh BANNEDDD 4WeirdW Kappa HES TROLLING U LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LUL monkaS BANNED BANNED PepeLaugh BANNED PepeLaugh BANNED PepeLaugh BANNED PepeLaugh KEKW i FIGURED thats what he said BigBrother WTF He said it cmonBruh dont and died LOOOOL BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANED ??????? banned cmonBruh NOT AGAIN HE SAID IT PepeLaugh This guy wtf cmonBruh CLIP IT LUL BANNED 5Head YESS PARTNERSHIP REMOVED Clip HE SAID IT cmonBruh cmonBruh Oda see you bitch cmonBruh DELETE VOD Kapp he said it PepeLaugh he said NEVER BANNED TOS KEKW KEKW NO ONE SEES IT FIGURES cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh NOT ON STREAM LULW actually said it TURBOBANNED nah he said it for sure HE SAID NEVER @Yassuo Kappa Banned cmonBruh DONT WTF monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW BANNED cmonBruh GET THAT ASS BANNED XDDDD he said it tos he did lmfao HE WAS SAYING "NEVER..." cmonBruh exposed KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Banned buster HE SAID IT LULW cmonBruh monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS cmonBruh cmonBruh WHERE IS CLIP HYPERBRUH !!! banned cmonBruh DONT SNITCH LOOOOOOOL monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS LMAO cmonBruh Bustet HYPERBRUH Oops OMEGALUL monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS Kapp Kappa WHAT LULULULU ??? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW NEVER ? monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS Kapp LUL Kappa NEVER cmonBruh m0xyM NO KEKW Kappa cmonBruh Kapp saved NEVER? HAHAHAHA NEVER SUREEEEEEE ColtonSRD -> Please refrain from posting links. Kapp NEVA LOOOOOOOOOOOL Kapp LMAOOO KKKKKKKKKKKKKK never talk shit Kappa WTF yea totally Kapp monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS LMAOOOOOOOOO OKKKKK OMEGALUL Kappa NEVER Kappa cmonBruh KEKW NEVER KEKW XDDDDDDDDDDDDD cmonBruh LOLL HE DID NOT ACTUALLY BANNED KEKW ACTUALLY BANNED KEKW ACTUALLY BANNED KEKW ACTUALLY BANNED KEKW SURE cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS NEVER KEKW cmonBruh SAVED cmonBruh cmonBruh NEVER Kapp Kappa O_o never @Yassuo Kappa OK cmonBruh YEA HE SAID NEVER monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS monkaOMEGA TOS NO cmonBruh Kapp Jebaited HE STRAIGHT SAID IT he didnt LULW wut Pruthvi_Patel subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! yee KAP NO HE DIDNT LMAOOO Kapp Kappa cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL Kapp cmonBruh Kappa cmonBruh lmfao saved cmonBruh HE JUS SAID IT AGAN cmonBruh AudreyFall -> Please refrain from spamming caps. bye Banned reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Kappa Kappa cmonBruh SNITCHES cmonBruh Kapp NEVER Kappa KEKW LULW MOE HE SAID NEVER ACTUALLY BAN INC TriHard TriHard TriHard What HE STUPID ??? Kappa AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NEVER KEKW lol AhHaHahAH BANNED LUL HE DIDNT KEKW NEVER LULW NEVER????? LLMAO ColtonSRD -> Please refrain from posting links. r4tard HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA monkaW cmonBruh Chat he said “never” chat Kapp NEVER SURE MOE SURE SAVED LUL Kapp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ODABLOCK SAID NEVER NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW he said neva cmonBruh Kappa cmonBruh xdddddddddddddddddddd listen to no me conoce remix LOL NEVER kAP see u next month LULW @Yassuo nevva why even play it again... garbage. cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh he said never THAT DMG KEKW Kapp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Kap HE SAID IT cmonBruh KEKW KEKW LELELLELE Kappa NEVER BTW LOOOOOOOOOL NEVER Kappa KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO agaom LULW LOL AHAHAHA KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA LULW KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH LUL HAHAHHAHAHHAHA LUL KEKW NEVER BTW BANNED monkaW @xonic ban ban ban LMAO NEVER??? monkaOMEGA BANNED LULW lmao KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LMAO suuuuure cmonBruh lmao again LOOOOOL @Yassuo you deaf homie?? KEKW LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA KEKW HAHAHAHAGAHA HHAHAHAHAH He is trying to play cool KEKW KEKW NEVER KAPPA LMAO MUTED HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA AHAHAH KKW F HE ACTUALLY SAID IT KEKW KEKW Kapp BANNED NIBVER cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW LULW HE FULLY SAID IT HSHAHAHAA LMAOOOOO LMFAO Lol LULW regnarsson1337 -> Please refrain from posting links. NEVER Kapp LULW 1 cmonBRuh NEVER Kappa WeirdChamp F KEKW HE SAID NEVER Kapp KEKW He say it f LMAOOOOOOOOO cmonBruh cmonBruh BANNEDDDDDDDDDD Lvl 4 no items KEKE KEKW HE SAID NEVER GUYS !gamble 500 he says never BANNED F KEKW LULW NEVER KAppa cmonBruh 15 IQ @TWITCHSTAFF hahahahah LOL BANNNNN LMAOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I LOVE YOU YASSUO OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOOOOOOOOOOOL @Yassuo banned Kappa KEKW yes LULW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BANNED LUL never btw HE SAID IT BAN P2W KEKW see ya bitch never Kapp he say it KEKW HAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahaa lol CHILL BRUH forsenCD PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt NEVER BTW Kappa hahahaha actor WeirdChamp Kappa LULW full torva LUL LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMAOOOOOO xd BANNED AHAHAHAH LUL LUL LUL KEKW LUL :O Never say never HIS ARMOR haHAA LULW NEVER MESS WITH THE BOY OD creenge CRINGE KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA I LOVE ODA no items no abilities LOOOOOL ODS KEKW !clip kinda cringe WeirdChamp LUL he said it but fuck it we coo BANNED WHY WOULD HE SAY NEVER??? Pepega Banned TRUE KEKW TRUE D: PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh BANNED KEKW THATS WHY MOE WON D: WOAH KEKW TRUE cya next month LUL KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW GAMER WORDS monkaSHAKE Nuss subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! 7 months sheeesh D: hard r lulw D: BANNED LUL 😂😂😂😂😂 IT WAS NEVER Kappa KEKW Pepega KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW KINDA CRINGE KEKW D: reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! D: kinda cringe who is this/ :d LMAOOOOOOOOO WHO IS THIS GUY odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart KEKW Lol he say it wtf whats his twitcch>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :D HE SAID N-IEVER he knows it too lul @Yassuo lol trying to get odds listen to no me conoce remix LMAOOOOOOOO who is this guy D: im dead @TopTheBlock ODA 77 LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh HAHAHA LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh LEFT CLICK PepeLaugh lomepalee -> Please refrain from posting links. odaMad knee car bzz bzz LMAO lmoa LULW Banned YouDontSay LULW KEKW hahahha LOL carried Kappa new opponent KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LMAOOOOOOOOO LULw PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt go 1v1 him osrs @Yassuo KEKW @yassuo is this where you shave ur head KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOFSDFSD xDDDDDDDDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEWK LULW KEKW KEKW hahahahahaha KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA lmao odaMald lomepalee -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW HE DIDN'T SAY NEVER KEKW LOL rip LULW KEKW The fuck is this LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW 3Head HAHAHAAH KEKW KEKW cribulus -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! this is bullying LOL KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW ok youre clubbing seals KEKW KEKW STREAM LABS LMAO lmaooo LOL guys guy needs to lay off the cigsguys guy needs to lay off the cigsguys guy needs to lay off the cigsguys guy needs to lay off the cigsguys guy needs to lay off the cigsguys guy needs to lay off the cigs KEKW !chairty Content KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yasMald 3HEAD lomepalee -> Please refrain from posting links. Moe??? hahahaha KEKW LULW yasMald yasMald 3- Pog KEKW go next hahahahahahahahah kekw KEKW KEKW 0/3 KEKW LOL DOWNSYNDROM LULW ???? TRIGGERED KEKW !charity KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL LUL lmao KILL THE NEXUS BRO KEKW KEKW OH GOD KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOO LUL KEKW SISST 0/3 LMAO FINISH THE GAME WeirdChamp DO IT true KEKW SISSY ?????? lol G BANNED G KEKW OH NONO PepeLaugh FINISH THE GAME KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LOOOOOL braindamaged? KEKW هو اول مرة يلعب تيمو؟ LUL LUL DansGame OMEGALUL LMAO KEKW OMG LUL !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - craving attention WeirdChamp LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW BETA HOSTAGE KEKW KEKW KEK KEKW LOL PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW LMFAO TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AHAHAHA PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW PUSSY BOY KEKW TRUE KEKW lol FINISH THE GAME MOE LULW KEKW LUL LUL 5CS LUL LMAOOO KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty 2.6k gold lul KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO LUL Hostage lol 5 CS LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO true HOSTAGE LOL whos he playing against leach LUL @feelsweirdchamp 4WeirdW GO LINUINI LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL who is this guy LUL windex1405 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Sanguine blade KEKW Hostage @Yassuo 35b zebt 4WeirdW KEKW hes playing @odablock @yasuo ur arabic is so scuffed BULID TANK 4WeirdW . hes playing against ODABLOCK Beat the shit outta this guy man end this shittt 323 holy Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @windex1405 LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 3Head WARIU TOWKIN AOUT 3Head TANK Bruh he wants content from you Leave mn TriHard thats a lot of debt what are they saying @Yassuo get herald ..xd @Yassuo even ur arabic sounds fresh like how Go hard @yassuo STUDDED STRAP - KILL STACY goes HARD Kappa Like OUALLAH NEXT asdsadas KEKW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: ANELE yo go next US Slikr LUL ANELE ? yasDog ANELE LULW no Kapp ANELE ?? ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE AMEEN ResidentSleeper end this who is this guy Kapp @Rubyarrow u r sad boi KEKW ANELE ROFL ANELE END THIS STUPID SHITT MAN sameeee ANELE this is kind of cringe ANELE ? ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Kapp KApp odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa Kapp ANELE Clap ANELE Kapp ???? WALLAH Kapp MAHMUD Kapp ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Kapp Kapp Kappa LOOL ANELE vallahi LUULW ANELE Kapp Kappa ANELE ANELE MASHALLAH ANELE Clap @yassuo your arabic is so damn scuffedd ANELE ??????/ Kappa ANELE WALLAH gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp ANELE7 Kapp Kapp Kapp @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville, play against me IGN: TetronXPlays shaytan HES LYING 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE ANELE Clap lol WALLAH Slkers brother ANELE ANELE ANELE Clap WALLAH @Yassuo DUDE TELL HIM KOSOMK PLS Kappa KEKW 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE 4WeirdW NEXT PLEASE he odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire is this oda block Kapp ANELE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ANELE ANELE LOOOL SHAYTAN monkaW Kappa THIS IS NOT ARABIC KEKW KEKW ANELE MASALLAH WALLAH LUL ON WALLAH? ANELE Clap LOOOOOOOL WE GET WeirdChamp KEKW 4Head SCUFFED ARABICCCCCCC ANELE KEKW ANELE Muhammad Pog SATAN'S MIDDLE NAME KEKW Kappa 1V 1 ME HES SAID THIS BEFORE PLS KEKW FLASH @shaitan whats ur middle name is this guy jesse pinksman's friend??? CLean flash LUL ANELE ON WALLAH ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE @rengar_habibi huh Who is that guy? yasM03 ANELE ANELE @yassuo where are you from? scuffed arabic kekw KEKW flash KEKW KEKW KEKW YA HABIBI KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHHA PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW odaWink ANY LOANERS? odaWink odaWink ANY LOANERS? odaWink looool KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW RIFT IN 1V1 KEKW lmao KEKW KEKW haahahahah KEKW LMAOOOOOO MASALLAWHH WALLAH LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW LMAO this is calle bullying LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @iamryuu Odablock RuneScape steamer LUUULLL KEKW HAHAHAHAHA KEKW LMAO AJAJAJAJA @shaitan whats yiur middle name?? KEKW KEKW go next dude this is so cringe HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW men i had to go when u were halfway through 1v1 and u said u were going to end stream so i didint rush back... why u lying??? KEKW HAHAHAHA WHY MAN LUL WALLAH ANELE KEKW Marrokan guys lie LULW *yawn !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - get this guy out LMFAO D: HEROLD D: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW hahahahah actually ending LULW next go next haHAA hahahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOO KEKW GO 1v1 RUNESCPAe @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 1V1 SANCHOVIES 4WeirdW KEKW @mjstc1337 dude hes so cringe :O Why are you playing teemo Lol LOL KEKW PepeLaugh LULW This guy is to loud HAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW This guy is hilarious KEKW AHAHHAHAH KEKW RISK FIGHT DO IT WutFace KEKW WutFace ? DO IT KEKW KEKW GO DO IT PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh bring it then yassuo THIS GUY IS SO RANDOM POGGGGGGGGGGGG WutFace anyone know shaitans middle name odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald LOOOOOL bro oda is best risk fighter LUL KEKW HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 v 1 Sanchovies! PepeLaugh 💦 LUL 1v1 1000 kekw DODO IT yasAYAYA DO IT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH LULW PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh KEKW PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 1v1 RISK I Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog LET'S SEE IT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW RUNESCAPE STREAMER KEKW KEKW KEKW fking animals PepeLaugh 💦 DO IT WTF am I watching KEKW LUL WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH KEKW stop yelling ANOTHER LOAN KEKW PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 PepeLaugh 💦 DO IT @Yassuo Pog PepeLaugh Pog Pog Pog Pog PogPog KEKW LOL Pog LULW PogChamp monkaW lmfaoooo i got you big noy Pog HAPPENING Pog Pog Pog LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pog Sanchovies PepeHands Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog wow Pog boy Pog POGGER Pog Runescape KEKW LOOL PepeLaugh Pog Pog LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL THIS IS AMAZING POG OOH POGPOGPOG Guys who is this guy yeessss lets fucking goooo YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES POG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PepeLaugh 💦 Pog LOAN KEKW GETGETGET lmaooooo Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL Pog ITS HAPPENING Pog RUNESCAPE Pog LOOOL odaMad odaMad whos playing that shit LULW PogU Pog Pog LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL POOOOOOOOOGGGGG walah youre gonna get smacked pog Pog OGS PogU Pog pog PogChamp LULW POG KEKW OGS???????????? Pog ohhhhhhhhh shieeeee PogChamp THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Yassuo OGS DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: PogU pog variety STAKE @Yassuo are we raising money to stop this kid from autism? Poggggg PogYou ez 4Shrug PogU Pog HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PogU LUL HERE WE GO PogU PogU PogCHamp STAKE DONT PK hahahahahaha 9k viewers poggers PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ???? PogU PAY HIS DEBT KEKW TERI 3Head POG Loooool Pog Pog TriHard TriHard Sanchovies PepeHands Sanchovies PepeHands Sanchovies PepeHands Sanchovies PepeHands Sanchovies PepeHands Sanchovies PepeHands PogU @Yassuo JoeyOB Pog pog STAKE DONT PK STAKE DONT PK DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: DONT DO IT O D: . POG monkaTOS KappaPride PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LETS GOOO POG GAY wya N OMEGALUL POGChamp twistedbow is 1k irl PogU LOL RS LULW lmao @Yassuo you ready to ogs jamal him pssy boi NO i luv peen ME 1 vs 1 me ;D TriHard lmao dont account share you idiot P0G N OMEGALUL odaEZLY odaEZLY odaEZLY odaEZLY odaEZLY What even is that KEKW me :) LULW no KEKW LULW Sanchi PepeHands Sanchi PepeHands Sanchi PepeHands Sanchi PepeHands Sanchi PepeHands Sanchi PepeHands y moe so quiet N OMEGALUL POG N OMEGALUL pooooooooooooooooooooooog PepeLaugh loaning a millionaire money NO scripted stream KEKW u will get lured LULW GAY KappaPride yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasJoy MILLIONONARE ASKING FOR LOAN LULW PLAY WITH SHITCHOVIES KEKW no :) lmao @vietphenom Nah that's pure rng fuck that odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEW XD its doomed KEKW 4WeirdW KEKW LOOL LEAKED almost leaked monkaW KEKW LUL kekw yasBoo2 lmfao KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW haHAA WHAT IS THIS osrs KEKW a haHAA Guy is on coke 100% KEKW ??? what a degenerae moe i didn't know you listened to $uicideboy$ kkkk odaHa KEKW AHAHAHA haHAA LEAKED who is this guy my man sound like a scammer L0L KEKW @yassuo I got you heh haHAA Farcasting -> Please refrain from spamming caps. LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo 2 of my favourite streamers collabing i love u both LOL GAY YAS WHO IS THIS DUDE odaHa odaHa @whalemilker no way he can beat oda, its what the guy does everyday HE'S A FAKE guy is high haHAA Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt ? KEKW TriHard haHAA SHICKEN odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald man CHICKEN FLOUNDER weeat dont do it o KEKW KEKW TriHard ? TriHard 7 HAHAHAH WHO'S THIS DUDE LMAO runescapers in 2019 LUL haHAA chicken flaunder KEKW shicken flouder odaFire L0000000000000000000L Na slicker shicken flounder chicken flounder? WAT LOL RUNE PepeLaugh !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - stop this s its odablock But I don’t play osrs SHICKEN FLOUNDER LUL yasBoo1 ??? SHICKEN FLOUNDER this guy is definitely on coke WeirdChamp weeat this guy is ODABLOCK big ass rs streamer CHICKEN FLOUNDER THIS GUY IS CRAKCEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @Fakeegucci he's not lol weeat KEKW Dude his Hairline is dropping backwaards innit xD odaHa HES BASICALLY SLIKER LMAO ZV3T4N subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! weeat odaFace1 odaFace2 sHICKEN FFLOUNDER SHICKEN FLOUNDER GAY YAS weeat odaMad reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! WEEAT ODA DONT DO IT ! FeelsWeirdMan is this slikers brother or something yasPepega shicken flounder odaMald any malders in the chat odaMald D: his name is ODABLOCK Drug debt this guy is a crack head lmfao Chicken flounder weeat schiken flounder SCUFFED ARABIC ANELE SOON shicken flounder Kappa !weeat KAAAARA Thanks for the HahaLean @zv3t4n KHARA KEKW chat stfu ANELE TriHard Shicken flounder skillNoodle1 skillV skillNoodle2 @vietphenom yeah, no way he could beat moe in league, its fair. westarve odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink whatis this language? :D LEAKED monkaS LEAKED monkaS LEAKED monkaS LEAKED monkaS LEAKED monkaS yeeee ign narutothekyuubi SHICKEN FLOUNDER Shicken flounder RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS weeat oda1 any loaners? odaWink He doesn't know POOGERS @Yassuo 2 of my favourite streamers collabing i love u both @ashrafaj96 cmonBruh who is this aram odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald SHICKEN FLOUNDER I REPEAT SHICKEN FLOUNDER yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 boy be speaking CURSIVE Sanchovies PepeHands moe run it back PLEASE arab @yassuo your arabic is so scuffed i still dont know what says when he goes "weeat in the chat, as long as youre following YENTA" wtf is yenta? m1koh_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. odaWink odaWink odaWink KAHBA Whats this guys name on twitch @Yassuo WEEAT IN THE CHAT @Yassuo wow getting off league cause ur scared to face me ok bud SCHICKEN FLOUNDER He doesnt know PepeLaugh KEKW LOL hacked HACKED ACCT KEKW oda1 oda2 KEKW Oh no no no PepeLaugh POGGERS KEKW KEKW odaFace1 odaFace2 You cant just recover it if you dont have veng you will get smacked @Yassuo @Odablock go tourny worlds, start maxed and shit and whoever loses trade RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS he saunds like sliker KEKW ResidentSleeper @odablock O_o POOGERS im saving up for the VIP GAY YAS KEKW ANELE so badly @akabigmac odablock hes like the best veng pker in the world btw... @yassuo I don’t play osrs though. cmonBruh IM ANELE play on the mobile Good luck with that PepeLaugh @akabigmac, odablock @Yassuo he definately said it though straight up RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS Do a rajj Royale with sliker and this guy !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - WALLAH EILIHAMDURULA Im the only one in clan chat LUL @Yassuo trkG trkG trkG trkG trkG trkG Let's go ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper !subs yasSnake yasSnake listen to no me conoce remix in 1 minute PogChamp Moe never said a word in Arabic in his life, and now he’s mashallah’ing everywhere 4Head !viewage @Yassuo OSRS is the shit no cap best game wilderness fight? will u beat him @yassuo ? GAY YAS PepeLaugh what is that game bro GAY nmpT did u beat odalol KappaPride KappaPride @YisusEd91 you arent going to get it there is a cap of 50 vips per channel and subs get 2x points PogChamp Did you see faze banks new tweet?? @Yassuo @miki__2003 sliker said he stole his infamous "cheeez" from this guy odaFire oda is in rs what u are in league @Yassuo KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper S2C1????? DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 2 minutes 37 seconds what is this guys twitch name LULW SEAL MEAT ye RuneScape resident sleeper yup use an account because account sharing is bad yea @anuzgod stfu @Yassuo Dude, don't you have like a really small weiner? yes omg7 dont risk fight w/o veng lmfao want a maxd acc ? @Yassuo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Lia1xoxo -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. acc sharing is fine yasSleeper u can account share on osrs what if he is higher level and u get rekr @Yassuo osrs support is doo doo @Yassuo are you doing any more 1 v 1 s? by think you mean you know it doesnt PepeLaugh !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 2 minutes 56 seconds please sit oda reynads_failed_card_game subscribed at Tier 1. @djboss0729 its pretty much allowed now nmpSMILE nmpSMILE nmpSMILE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! oh nvm bohicaMoe bohicaMoe bohicaMoe bohicaMoe bohicaMoe bohicaMoe bohicaMoe PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT PepeLaugh SEAL MEAT @yassuo LOOOOOL dude you’re gonna get fucking smacked LOL @Yassuo you can use my account its max melee Follow me on Twitter for updates odaWink Any loaners? RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS @Yassuo You can use my acc listen to no me conoce remix RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS RUNESCAPE 1 v 1 POGGERS u can use my acc @Yassuo its maxed you want my account? odaH !rank @Yassuo Where's jagex? Pog GRANDMASTER I (380 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP i guess my league small brain didnt know Rap god RAP GOD Pog PogChamp Who's this dude lmao? @Yassuo rap goddd yasuo my man,when you gonna stream from the mooon mate ? @yassuo STUDDED STRAP - KILL STACY goes HARD RAP GOD rap god GAY YAS KEKW E TO Lol lost odaFire odaWink Clap @anuzgod stfu THIS IS SO FKING hype Pog odaHa Pog RAP GOD RAP !uptime odaWink The stream has been live for 3 hours 3 minutes 22 seconds who is that guy? HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER runescape 1`v1 ! This reminds me of getting dru**gs he wont be back for like 15 mins no matter what make sure you call oda a safer RAP GOD Oda is the best high risk fighter bro u cant win MOECTIONEER odaFire Pog odaWink ? tfb5Head who is this guy rap god odaFire @yassuo why your arabic so scuffed HahaPoint Samplecave subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! YALLAH WHALE Vs WHALE who Will win?? @yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! de TAILS yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue DE TAILSS odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink deh tale FatpackTV subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! da tails KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : i love your headset Lol you can't account's bannable dehhtails yasHands yasHands reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Da tails odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart oda1 MOECTIONEER RAP GOD Moe never said a word in Arabic in his life, and now he’s mashallah’ing everywhere 4Head foggedFrog foggedFrog foggedFrog @Yassuo I bet you died on your HCIM odaFire odaBicepL what is moe playing? chil pOg Moe never said a word in Arabic in his life, and now he’s mashallah’ing everywhere 4Head . i had to sub after this collab PLEASE MAKE ODA SIT Yallah THE DETAILS MOE YOU A KAHBA boatyToi boatyToi boatyToi SPECCLE MY OGS odaWink NotLikeThis DEH TALES listen to no me conoce remix screen bro POG Yassuo PepeLaugh M in M PedoBear LUL wallah moe about to get his cheeks clapped KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LOL boatyVV KEKW KEKW screen bro o KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW @elderfeather1 he an infidel KEKW a HahaThisisfine haHAA ???????? wtf LUL @Yassuo teach oda the LoL way KEKW KEKW KEKW @anuzgod stfu DONT GIVE CHAT KEKW odaHa what is the name of this man? KEKW odaHa odaHa odaHa LULW KEKW im not giving you shit mohammad KEKW ??????XD KEKW AH haHAA KEKW LUL lmfao LMAOOOOOOOOO a haHAA @Yassuo i love you LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW !charity boatyVV !!!!!!!!!! you gotta love this guy PedoBear KEKW KEKEW KEKW that laugh haHAA why is ur arabic so scuffed??? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA yo @Yassuo ill spot you a couple Mill bro odaHa family-friendly :) @Yassuo You're gonna die on your HCIM kekw KEKW THE FUCK IS THAT SOUND Is there a Goose in here???!!! Donate Here - , Learn more here - what is bil @anafrost Lul @Shikabala123 Odablock odaMad KEKW TRUE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Who is this guy LOOOOOL KEKW 4Head @Prismal LETS GO Jake!! (btw Jake is Prismal, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol) EUW KEKW this man hes streaming with was in ~$60K USD debt in runescape moe's ability to speak fast is a talent lol monkaGun YO LEGEND odaHD pure domination my ass love u tho hehehehe odaWink odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa Crack laugh OMEGALUL odablock 1000m gold coins is 1b odaHA Laugh KEKW KEKW @avramdacic Odablock odaMad WHAT IS THAT LAUGH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @mustybutth0le billion that laugh is he joker hhehehehe عرص @mustybutth0le 100 billion gp henhenhenhen !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @fatpacktv i honestly cant believe he has paid so much of it so quick he is odablock kmdHYPERs LOL listen to no me conoce remix yasClown hehheeheh reynad KEKW REYNAD KEKW datails de tails KEKW the tails @mustybutth0le runescape currency asleep2Gasm KEKW KEKW DUHTAILS where is this dudes stream OMEGALUL LOL HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ign: Blind Spot RUN SHIT YA M3ARAASSS @duzy and he was 100b in debt LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW yasJoy LULW KEKW KEKW LUL YASSUO is my dad confirmed NotLikeThis this guy reminds me of ice kekw KEKW yasPride yasPride who is this guy ? TELL HIM HES A KAHBA hahahahaha LMFAO KEKW KEKW R WORD D: keefsterr odablock yasClown yasClown odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire THE TAILS tell us the server u gonna fight is the raj Pepega the dètels @shiney99 yes @keefsterr his name is odablock This guys voice gave me cancer KEKW Locomilk -> Please refrain from posting links. @keefsterr odablock ur mom FAT HEAD KEKW sharing accounts D: @cribulus yasGood LEAKED LOL LEAKED fat head OMEGALUL fathead @dalikhelifi runescape streamer leak it who was the? LEAKED KEKW KEKW عرصااات He's name is odablock is this slikers brother? leaked this guy is like a more retarded ice posiden LOL HE LEAKED IT Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW KEKW @duzy wow how much is that irl no N OMEGALUL lmao haHAA LEAKED KEKW LOL KEKW ok no LULW !subs thanks bois KEKW AD KEKW NO LEAKED ? LMAOOOOOOOOO What is runescape KEKW 100b debt = $100k odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire . LEAKED hi lulw ILL SPOT YOU A COUPLE MILL HOMIE @Yassuo NO KEKW NO KEKW nah LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO Not with my money HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ANELE 7 FUCK KEKW NO NO best KEKW N OMEGALUL HE ACTUALLY LEAKED IT KEKW SANK YOU @shiney99 around 75k usd LULW 30B I CAN GIVE U MA LOL\ SANK U No :) KEKW sparc mac is on? كس امك senk youj Any ANELE in here ANELE 7 sank you odaBicepR odaHa odaBicepL odaARF odaARF LOOOOOOOOL SANK YOU LOOOOL LUL LULW sank u KEKW wtf sank u habibi Sank You Money out the window LUL vinni here SANK YOU KEKW wallah i tell you 500m? @yassuo 1v1 framed best osrs pk'er 100% SANK YOU KEKW SANK YOU KEKW sank u this guy sounds like he smokes 4 packs of cigs a day tank you KEKW LEAKED KEKW LULW LEAKED oda2 oda1 oda2 oda1 oda2 oda1 oda2 oda1 oda2 oda1 oda1 sank you habibi ill GIVE YOU MY BELLY LINT Habibi There both disgusting Sanchovies PepeHands sank LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Tell him TORVESTA is better who is this that you gonna 1v1? @duzy jesus christ lol gift me sub for 300m ? :D !uptime bro sanks so mush The stream has been live for 3 hours 5 minutes 40 seconds @Yassuo You need some mods who get Arabic mate some of these words are worth banning YALA sank you KEKW Sharmota 3rd world @cribulus framed haHAA @jackieboyhd shwy shwy 7beebi @cribulus framed is shit compared to oda OH RS3 WTF YOU SUCK ASS @Yassuo give him the ogs wengance مين ينزل كلاش eune?? What's conversion rate to USD? Hacking WHAT IS RUNESCAPE ABOUT listen to no me conoce remix who is that guy chat? activatesalvaticus -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. NP habibi change screen @mina2025 Yup @yassuo ask oda from me why he doesnt grow any hair pls we cant see @mc_conditioner It’s osrs sank u share moota Is he with slicker LOOOL LOSING VIEWERS WITH ODABLOCK KEKW @lulutwitch9 sure give half first then i gift then give other half MY MAN B0ATY UP IN HERE 4HEad LULW PepeLmao mashalla habibi KEKW @yassuo are you gonna try Omnistone yasuo at some point? cant see RS3 IS DOG SHIT OSRS IS BETTER 30 cents per mil wallah bill nah he odablock yoooo moeeeeeee 3Arab he is odablock SANK YOU KEKW @Jehu456 ik LEAKED runescape POG KEKW this guy sounds like tyler1 with a voice modifier what's with this dudes language @Yassuo who is this?? LUL !subcount yasH Who is he talking with? Sliker? @Jehu456 total level? odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink chat if we all dm mr beast to donate here we will do a good thing no? TRUE KEKW odaWink strat hes right KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - SANK U who is this guy any1 ANELE !duo Revenge @WoodDivision odablock z SANK YOU isnt runescape pvp just a statcheck? @Yassuo scared of brother o? @ephyon odablock this is gonna be as one sided as the league fight, just the otehr way @wooddivision odablock fauxL odaFire fauxR NA Sliker habibi ANELE ME Pog Holy shit @blazewOow odablock Cavedaddy21 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Big tiddies here that name Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog LOL who's your plug WideHardo listen to no me conoce remix !subs LEAKED wtf HIS RSN Pog RSN PogU odaFire odaFire odaFire Pog its @odablock Me nice name KEKW SANK YOU KEKW KEKW UGLYYYYYYYYY LOL olololol CHANGE NAME @wooddivision me GIVE ME THAT NAME i have no idea what this game is @MoeAhmed ايش تلعب؟ jg top?? 2 letter name Pog smh that name though WideHardo YOINK BROKE KEKW lmao PepeLaugh kekw LUL that name is worth more than anything on that account LUL LULW lmao PepeLaugh . DansGame whats this shit Me :) Thanks for the HahaBall @cavedaddy21 KEKW Pog pastasauce123 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! happy 4 months. you cute af btw. hehe :3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! like a 1b name lol leak LEAKED LMAO PagChomp xd leanked Pog pls free stuff Change game?? This account LMAO KEKW more than 1b leaked Pog prob the rarest name in osrs too GAY YAS KEKW what's his twitch acc? @chat how much subs have yassuo @pastasauce123 ;3 LEAKED LMAOO THANKS FOR THE ACCOUNT KID likes like a 5b name me :) yasCannon Pog odaFire odaFire odaFire Pog name @yassuo ask oda if he loves twillies from me cressi1LUL WHAT EVEN IS THIS FUCKING GAME LMAO @Yassuo change the name :) RCUKER KEKW Me :) clap ??????????????? RUCKER??????? bro double name change him @Yassuo LUL Me 1b name Pog CHANGE NAME PepeLaugh @Yassuo grab a ring of recoil holy shit that name KEKW WHAT IS THIS GAME KEKW Thank you! @Yassuo get an avernic defender hilt greatest game ever made no that name is expensive af HES GONNA GET TRADE LURED OMG 2b LOL what is this !game PepeLaugh League of Legends SANKS Pog @Yassuo when do blind people stop wiping their ass? Pog sanks !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - me :) LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX T HATS MAX CASH IDIOT LOL 2bill Jebaited HOLY Shit that nasme Brother terp? odaWink LUL WTF idiots KEKW NO ONE GIVING U SHT KEKW any flexers internet begger KEKW DECLINED KEKW Hell no dont get lured !game MOST MONEY GETS LEAGUE 1V1 ogs zonation stream !Game LULW KEKW Jebaited SCAMMED LMAOO LUL Jebaited POG D: KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOL KEKW LOLOLOLOL LUL KEKW @JoelSin it's 2m zick KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : monkaW RUNESCAPE MALDING KEKW KEKW KEKW TOXIC LULW RWT @MoeAhmed حسابك؟ @Elderfeather1 this is osrs not rs3 KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW LOOOOOL LMAO KEKW C D: ROOOOFL 3Head LULW KEKW when do blind people stop wiping their ass? D: KEKW RWT BANNED D: @BigBoiDavid_ HeyGuys KEKW STREAMER DEMANDING MONEY KEKW Jebaited A,AMAMAHHAHAHA TRUE KEKW D: KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO TOXIC PepeLaugh KEKW !Charity :< Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XDD it was 2b KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA fuk u earn it urself LULW that was 2b lol Pog KEKW STREAMER REMANDING MONEY KEKW NO JOB KEKW NO LIFE KEKW KEKW IGN LMGAOOOOOOOO dont get baited outside of safe zone KEKW KEKW KEKW damn yas tyler 1 got more viewers than you and he not playing league KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LMAOOO what game is this? KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW LUL MY MAN KEKW @yassuo THEY R SCAMMING KEKW KEKW KEKW' he didn't give you the 2 mil because u are a dumb dumb dumb hehe KEKW did i tune into asmongolds stream?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW noobs stop cmonBruh cmonBruh Wait is that Ven monkaEyes cmonBruh Jebaited Jebaited cmonBruh cmonBruh WOAH cmonBruh W H OMEGALUL Venoumes ? cmonBruh cmonBrug cmonbruhg cmonBruh TriHard TriHard VENMOOSE LULW VENMOOSE LULW VENMOOSE LULW Venoumes peepoPog wtf cmonbruh cmonBruh ? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh I don't even play osrs TriHard 7 KEKW Wat 2 Pac cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL ruin xcekp KEKW YUH BaldMidget xD Venoumes YOU ARE FAMOUS Pog Wallahhhh VENMOOSE KEKW 0 GOLD PogU when do blind people stop wiping their ass? Cmonbruh cmonBruh yikes what world? KEKW cmonBruh Again LOL LULW LULW TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard RlyTho SUCK MY SAC cmonBruh @Venoumes VEN MOOSE LULW @Venoumes monkaW SCAMMED Pog cmonBruh HE SAID IT AGAN cmonBruh wtfff SCAMMED KEKW hair to bald KEKW I knew he wasn’t dead KEKW KEKW SCAMMED SCAMMEDDD wait really KEKW KEKW SCAMMED LOL om KEKW LUL dude thats his name Damn not ven SadChamp KEKW SCAMMED lmao scammed LUL omg LLLOOOOL LULW KEKW KEKEW KEKW SCAMMED KEKW LOL LOOOOOOL KEKW SCAMMED SCAMMED KEKW scammed KEKW KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOO SCAMMED KEKW KEKW KEKW Scammed KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SCAMMED KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK SCAMMED KEKW SCAMMED OMEGALUL LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULQW SCAMMED LUL LUL LUL LUL kekw LULW please give these channel points to charity thanks moe i do my part smile clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL keep it family-friendly :) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HEHEHEHEHEHE KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh LMFAOOOO OMGGG DSAKFDSKGKFDKGFDKGFDK LOOOL WutFace KEKW LOLOLOL SCAMMED KEKW KEKW HIHIIHI KEKW HIIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI monkaW SCAMMED KEKW SCAMMED LUL OMEGALUL HEHEHEHEHHEHE KEKEW KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW haHAA Hihihi KEKW JEBAAAAAITED WutFace kekw LOOOOOOOOOL KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO lmaooo SCAMMED HAHHAHH HAHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL HES CLEAN KEKW KEKW hahahahaha KEKW WeirdChamp scamazzzeed KEKW monkaW hes losing it LULW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA PogU HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE KEKW SCAMMED KEKW HEHEHE TEHEHEHE lmfao JEBAAAAITED hihihihihihihih LULW HEHHHHEHEHEHEH KEKW HEHEHEHEHEH KEKW ahahahahaha LMFAO @Venoumes people using your name and your mod title for OSRS trades LULW idiots donating money LOL HAHA LUL WRAP IT UP WeirdChamp WRAP IT UP WeirdChamp WRAP IT UP WeirdChamp WRAP IT UP WeirdChamp WRAP IT UP WeirdChamp WeirdChamp 🤚 RlyTho HEHEHEHEHEHE KEKW HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI DSAGKDFKGFDKHKFGKH HEHEHEHEHEHEH KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa BAITEDDD @Yassuo It ain't me lmao CLEAN SCAM SCAMMED HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW D: !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - jebaited HEHEHEHEHEHEH KEKW EH TU LULW KEKW lmao its @Venoumes CmonBruh Hey thats my nuts 😡 cmonBruh Wow what a great league game LUL @Yassuo It ain't me lmao @Venoumes u sc4mm3r HIGHEST DONATION GETS 1V1 is that your account? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh D: osrs is too troll KEKW NO ONE GONNA GIVE U SHT KEKW GET A REAL JOB KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh lmao cmonBruh cmonBruh Runescape DUPLICATION game KEKW KEEP IT FAMILY FRIENDLY D: WutFace :( cmonBruh NAME such an idiot KEKW WOAH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh I SAW IT Ssssssssssssss CHAT STOP @immaestrolol 👋 LMAO its @Venoumes LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL gachiHYPER WTF cmonBruh I will suck the nuts KEKW Jebaited cmonBruh HE SAID IT AGAIN that gear is enough risk cmonBruh @zGroundZero shut up man can u fight already? BOFA KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh D: yasDog Jebaited odaMad @Yassuo It ain't me im black this is making me suicidal TriHard ? !english 💬 English only please! 💬 الانجليزية فقط 💬 Solo inglés 💬 только английский 💬 apenas inglês 💬 영어 만 💬 doar engleză 💬 仅限英语 💬 μόνο αγγλικά 💬 英語だけ 💬 רק אנגלית 💬 sadece ingilizce 💬 тільки англійська 💬 alleen Engels 💬 فقط انگلیسی 💬 ภาษาอังกฤษเท่านั้น 💬 chỉ tiếng Anh 💬 Thank you! cmonBruh WTF KEKW 904_snow subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! whats good BANNED OSRS COMMUNITY LULW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! cmonBruh WH OMEGALUL KEKW runescape PogChamp lmao you got whod WH OMEGALUL odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire TriHard 7 @the dark samurai Habib accept PepeLaugh @BigBoiDavid_ got clapped on stream :/ @Yassuo wait how did u get that rsn wtf cmonBRUH KEKW KEKW KEKW why he with him on call tell now? yassuo just use the money in the acoutn KEKW BANNED cmonBruh KEKW LOOOOL @immaestrolol i got home from work :0 cmonBruh @SU2C this stream is never going to be family friendly KEKW osrs is too troll is he playing league today? can someone give me his twitch acc ? i didnt catch it. What game is this? OMEGALUL @yassuo can u chance the name rq? !objective rich PepeLaugh Creeenge "crieeenge" KEKW CRYINGE LUL shadowsneak17 -> Please refrain sending long messages. @BigBoiDavid_ big pog true :O KEKW KEKW LOL crenge KEKW TRUE KEKW @minahne its odablock haHAA KEKW TRUE KEKW :( KEKW KEKW HAHAHHAHAHA KEKW PogU KEKW TRUE @Yassuo It ain't me btw LUL LUL LUL TRUE LUL LUL LUL kriinge KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :O KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega TRUE KEKW WutFace' KEKW KEKW\ ??????????????????? KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO zumass WutFace GET HIM OFF in debt in RS? how does that work? KEKW a haHAA True KEKW HAAHAHHA KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL QUack? @Venoumes who is he playing wtih? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA kirilpit69 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. omgah my ears zumbass LULW zum ass LUL ummmmmm haHAA KEKW that sound KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW HEY-SOO KEKW This is awesome content what is that sound??!! KEKW lmao ?????????????????? zumbass ??? LIZARD SHALMAN KEKW LULW loool LMFAO SNAKE KEKW wtf are these new emotes LMAO whos he streaming with? yo how do u have that rsn YES ???? lul ZAAAA ZAAA is he related to Sliker? lizard shaman KEKW MOE VIEWERS BROKE khe? what world? yes :) @theriisktaker osrs streamer oda @Yassuo Are you playing this because NB3 beat you in League? Pepega laugh odaHeart Poor viewers LULW KEKW NO ONE WANTS TO DONATE TO A SNAKE KEKW FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan we dont play this wack ass game All your chat has loaned out there money to odablock 337 HAHAHA FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan poor noobs Ehhehehheheheh :P :P odaHeart get good odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart cmonBruh zubass? @sanchovies no 1v1 i guess SadChamp :p ah ha WHO ACTUALLY PLAYS THIS GAME LOL !mil is $10 just buy irl what world? na voice odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart @Yassuo KEKW WORK FOR IT URSELF KEKW NO JOB KEKW DEMANDING MONEY KEKW cmonBruhcmonBruh 300m kappa Stfu your both disguisting Kappa :P odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt odaDebt i cant giv eu any srry i need money for a t bow Kappa SPLIT I quit league lol rs is the superior classic game @Yassuo how much for the name @Yassuo I SUBBED TO YOU PepeLaugh this could be another version of tyler1 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh D @Yassuo What world Hi Moa you give me 50 i give you 100 odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF odaARF @Yassuo I WANT TO 1v1 yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasBoo2 oda1 oda2 odaFace1 odaFace2 10m SHIKEN FLOUNDER odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart Pog Pog i gunna will entirely fund u Pog Man this guy is so annoying osrs PogChamp PogU PogU Pog sparcMax sparcMax sparcMax sparcMax sparcMax finally POG Pog Pog wtf Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog PogU WTF Pog Pog Pog Pog @Yassuo tier 3 gifted sub there Pog okey Pog POG POG @Yassuo i diidn'T knwo u were a bitch Pog LETS GO Pog Pog odaWink only 50? Pog Pog brug Pog PogU TC7 PogU WutFace KEKW KEKW what world? WTF Pog pog odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink AHAHAAHAHA TC POG7 KEKW ????????? 50 Million PogU odaWink what world? KEKW KEKW pog LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 TC7 odaWink KEKW ?? pog PogU -50 MIL KEKW KEKW @Yassuo ill give 1Bill for name AAAHAAAAA poggers omg poggers this dude is actually NA Sliker pogg u @tc7 POG This dude is Zoltan GUYS GIVE HIM CONTENT PLEASE TriHard LULW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW milk the viewers Pog Tc7 pog THIS IS MY DREAM @HELLOimMICHAEL not his acc TriHard no me :) lmaoooooo KEWK LULW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - how tf is your ign me HAAHAHAHHAH THIS GUY IS SO HIGH RuneScape PogU FLEX KEKW kekw bro old poeple runescape KEKW WHO PLAYS THIS GAME KEKW LOOKS LIKE 2000 KEKW Deepep subscribed with Twitch Prime. oda1 oda2 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog What’s the other guys name? KEKW yasFBM KEKW FAT HEAD LULW RUNESCAPE FLEX lmaoooo TRUE LULW KEKW FAT HEAD KEKW HAHAHHA :O BANNED LULW ??????????????????? fat head Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @deepep RS3 > ALL zurendaal subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! @Yassuo play leeg. you lost 2k viewers and Oda is literally an unfunny child. go back to league pls. such a weird flex lol Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TRUE KEKW ;) Imagine flexing in runescape KEKW odaWink Shicken flounder cmonBruh cmonBruh 3Head cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh I SAW IT 400m flex KEKW monkaS BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh yo wtf cmonBruh PeckishWhale (: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruyh HAHAHAHAHA RlyTho ???????????????? cmonBruh !charity cmonBruh YIKES cmonBruh Donate Here - , Learn more here - TOS cmonBruh cmonBruh LOL banned Banned TriHard monkaW cmonBruh finally some good content PogU KEKW cmonBruh KEKW peckish Pepega BANNED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @SU2C PepeLaugh OH NO NO cmonBruh cmonBruh REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh CmonBruh cmonBruh Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday LMAOOOO banned CmonBruh AHHAHAHA LOL cmonBruh cmonBruh !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - cmonBruh LOL BASNNED cmonBruh BANNED PepeLaugh Cmonbruh Banned odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad BANNED LOL KEKW cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh CmonBrug PogU Pog Pog Pog cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW cmonBruh ! Pog REPORTED KEKW Pog cmonBruh Wincent subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh BlessRNG TC7 Pog cmonBruh BANNED KEKW Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) RWT WeirdChamp Pog PogU reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! cmonBruh TC7 Pog TC7 Pog Pog Pog Lol PogU Pog cmonBruh cmonBruh Pog TC7 POG cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 BlessRNG TC7 WTF Pog SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) thats twice now PogChamp TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU TC7 PogU FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW -100 MIL KEKW cmonBruh cmonBRruh 50+20=100 @Yassuo you can put public to off Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @wincent tc7 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp mod TC7 Pog how does that get through filter wtf pogg cmonBruh THE WORDS WERE ON THE STREAM cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh tc7 wow TriHard ez 100 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ban this guy cmonBruh cmonBruh FortBush cmonBruhcmonBruhcmonBruhcmonBruhcmonBruhcmonBruh LUL kirilpit69 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW KEKW charcoal Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW KappaPride lmfaoooo hey youtube LOL TC7 IS SMURF Pog FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW FAMILY FRIENDLY KEKW SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) gift him for being real one Pog KEKW cum on my face SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) @Yassuo monkaW 1b KEKW LULW Wtf bro wtf KEKW @Yassuo yo i donate u 100 million if you do 25 pushups IGN is runFlar245 Oda professional scammer KEKW 1b PogU Pog Pog ez HACK KEKW Pog Thanks for the Haha2020 @zurendaal LUL Pog Monkas PagChomp LETS GOOOOOOOOO PogU SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) @Yassuo you husslin him? POG Pog Pog POGGERS BEAT HIM PLZ WTF KEKW SHEEESH !charity Pog who is he talking to? Pog KEKW U WONT WIN KEKW what world are they on PepeLaugh everything is in bank OMGG Pog Scammed scam DONT DO IT O D: POG He's going to cheat. There's no way DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Holy POGGERS Donate Here - , Learn more here - pog ORNATE KIT @Yassuo ORNATE KIT @Yassuo ORNATE KIT @Yassuo ornate handle odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) SU2C: Guys can we try to keep voice chat a bit cleaner :) YOU GOT THIS PepeLaugh ornate ornate do not forget the granite handle handle ornate ornate handle Haha2020 maul handle orante PartyPoro @Yassuo ornate maul handle ornate wait, is this a private server or real osrs? ornate !charity Clamp Donate Here - , Learn more here - ornate maul handle theindianprince subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! ayee Kapp GRANITE CLAMP @Yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @lowzmann real let's go pk PogU I guess ????? Granite CLAMP this not lol KEKW @theriisktaker, nah he's not he's just axtremely good at it @Yassuo yo i donate u 100 million if you do 25 pushups IGN is runFlar245 aight TRUEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW yasW LOL whos he streaming with?? GRANITE CLAMP @yassuo granite clamp $100 Pog KEKW LOL KEKW 3Head SNAKE KEKW KEKW He for real got DDOS'd 2 times today Variety PogYou @eggnoghog7 @odablock CHARITY’s like. Best that mofo Yas! SNAKE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HEHEHEHEHE LUL KEKW PepeLaugh OH NO OH NO PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh OH NO OH NO PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh HEEE HEEE heheheehe KEKW @eggnoghog7 odablock KEKW odaSSS KEKW SNAKE KEKW KEKW @yassuo can you send me 10k babe hihihi yasSnake hes not lying ppl been ddosing worlds all day yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake sssss who is he? SSSSSS KEKW KEKW snakey AHAHHAAH @Yassuo What are those weird point things? yasSnake KEKW @Yassuo $100 Pog SSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Xd yasSSS yasSSS yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM whats this guy streanm YOU ALREADY HAVE GEAR yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake this guy sounds kinda like 6ix9ine Yo boi SssSsSsSsSsSsSsSsS lmao a haHAA haHAA odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS whoa moe u fkin loaded homie daaaamnnnn see i got a smokin problem Keepo can i bum 15 bone for a ciggy @kaganavic is this Moe's actual account? CRINGE haHAA i dont have infernal cap @yassuo halo? helm has a name like that but no inferno KEKW oda lost his infernal lololol TriDance FUCK CANCER A-AHA haHAA anyone else hearing his laugh LOL Twinnnn -> Please refrain from posting links. LINK ME HIS STREAM NA SLIKER KEKW haHAA who is he?? ah hahahahahhhahahahahahahahhahaha @xperry135 hes from new york @Yassuo each pushup yassou does i donate 3 million aight hurry it up bro ahahhHHH KEKW IS LAUGH IS SO FUNNY @Yassuo make A-AHA emote odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad AVERNIC DEFNDER @Yassuo wtf @ODABLOCK bitch cmonBruh HA AHAAAAAAAAAAA ahahahahahah EVERY VIEWER U'RE LOSING IS GOING TO TOBIAS LMFAO @Yassuo get recoils you need avernic defender RozentuzjazmowanyRewolwer subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake d defender PepeLaugh yasSnake odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaEZ odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad OGS KEKW @ODABLOCK odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart get neitznot helm, and buy faceguard @Yassuo @yassuo Playing with boyboywestcoast cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Ha ahhahahahahahha AA...AAA..AA HA HAA @Yassuo cut ur hair already poosy NERD @yassuo go do Zulrah cuz ur a snake you got it D: fremennik exilies @Yassuo each pushup yassou does i donate 3 million aight exiles nah F WORD I remember grinding this fucking game yasJoy HA AHA !charity ags Donate Here - , Learn more here - ok i do homework now yasH granite handle odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa use serp helm AGS recoil rings @Yassuo riPepperonis Use serp helm yassuo Playing with boyboywestcoast cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @Yassuo ags get serpentine helm KEKW Serpentine helm AGSAGS yasM03_HF yasM03_HF tell this guy to lought again KEKW LULW serp helm use serp helm moe you have more game knowledge than oda no joke @Yassuo safe, then when you run out of food, tele out. Then keep doing it until you get good rng SERPENTINE HELMET shrimp duo with hashinshin some1 donated ags? i think he's saying fat head not f word chat anglerfish shrimpppppppp use serpentine helm @Yassuo VVKool yasOkay pog dude fuck him and go some monster hunt :D @Yassuo hiiiiii wow got unbanned can we keep voice chat family friendly :) can we keep voice chat family friendly :) can we keep voice chat family friendly :) can we keep voice chat family friendly :) can we keep voice chat family friendly :) lolol LOL KEKW 4HEad HAHAHAHA LUL LUL LUL LUL LULW KEKW loool LULW SALE MEN LOL KEKW buy some battle items and go 1v1... erm 5v5 gey !duo Revenge KEKW hehehe AHAHAHAHHAA KEKW shelman SAILMON KEKW SALE MAN saLmon crap game and he plays league lmao SALE MEN LMAOO SAL MEN KEKW bring salesman looooooooool sale man odaHa odaHa @natom1c odablock LOl funny Sal Man SALE MEN saLMON salemon sale men SHALMAN half the people laughing in chat dont even know what tf is going on SALEMEN can we keep voice chat family friendly :) odaFace1 odaFace2 x :c SAILMAN !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - RIP X recoils hes gonna eat sale men BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump HEHEHEE PepeLaugh widepeepoSad Skip !editcom !duo Odablock Wtf is this scam SALE MEN odaHa odaHa odaHa PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh so funny XDDDDDDDDDDDD !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - GachiPls who is this guy PepeHands @Yassuo each pushup yassou does i donate 3 million aight hurry it up bro widepeepoSad X KEKW RIP X use the search kappa if you actually play RS S A L M O N !charity !editcommand !duo Odablock @Yassuo that name is worth at least 1k usd btw odaHa Moe is a fucking nerd !Charity SCAM INC KEKW SCAM INC KEKW SCAM INC KEKW SCAM INC KEKW whats this guy name is this your chainsmoking uncle on the other end or what Donate Here - , Learn more here - theriisktaker -> Successfully edited !duo. bring pizza for single tick eat Donate Here - , Learn more here - odaBicepR odaMad odaBicepL @Yassuo hit him with the ogs vegince RIP WIFE BEATER KEKW XXXTENTACION MORE LIKE XXXTERMINATED !duo widepeepoSad Odablock PepeLaugh bring dh in invy and schicken flounder KEKW KEKW KEKW same way PepeHands KAPPA IF YOU REALLY PLAY RS its the same KEKW KEKW Nice one risk PepeLaugh WutFace KEKW ags gmaul using f keys KEKW KEKW KEKW same way as before lmao u can three tick eat , angler karam sara @Yassuo u can three tick eat , angler karam sara @Yassuo u can three tick eat , angler karam sara @Yassuo LULW u need vengance @Yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SO EASY KEKW Account sharing the account will get ban now lmao ags into maul ags smack then switch to maul and spec KEKW I do know you can spec only once with new g maul LOL veng KEKW GONNA LOSE KEKW with vengence @BigLipsBarry xd KEKW ResidentSleeper BORING ResidentSleeper veng runes KEKW same as before VENG KEKW KEKW VENG RUNES!@# GET VENG u can three tick eat , angler karam sara brrew @Yassuo u can three tick eat , angler karam sara brrew @Yassuo u can three tick eat , angler karam sara brrew @Yassuo u can three tick eat , angler karam sara brrew @Yassuo veng runes AKSED AGS TO GMAUL ags smack to maul angler-brew-karamb veng runes both 50 it's 60 venggg KEKW KEKW !game its still 50% @Yassuo VENG ahHAA KEKW KEKW Old School RuneScape PepeLaugh u need rune pouch with vengance @Yassuo u can do either ags gmaul or gmaul ags get serp helm LLJ PepeLaugh axed 50 yea u got the upgraded one VENG RUNES KEKW KEKW yasSpit_HF VENG RUNES !!! @Yassuo KEKW wtf is this weeb talk vengeence runes @Yassuo PFFFFFFFFFFFFF aksed? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Kappa PepeLaugh g ya its 50 you have the attachment jfjgf you got that clamp on it you good @Yassuo @98Apollo it's a 1 tick gh you need vengence runes too u can three tick eat , angler karam sara brrew @Yassuo OGS SPEC jamal that thing you added to gmaul makes it 50% spec do ags to double gmaul LUL ffdh u have handle so its 50 JAMALL PFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT PepeLaugh He lacks knowledge same as before JAMAL he's not bringing the $$$$ jamal KEKW jgjgjjjgfd @Yassuo put the runes in a rune pouch u zumass @Yassuo veng ags > gmaul on ur pidonly way BRING VENGENCE Veng jamal? TriHard JAMAL eututrsutguf JAMAL esyartufsufjhg monkaW 1k 1k 1k 1k D: yasBad monkaW srtuhjfgsdhgdfs JAMAL SPEC gggfgf yasSpit_HF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :o wtf is happening im so confuseds hghhghgh VENG !watchtime JAMAL. CRAWFORD @Yassuo THATS NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY D: Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : monkaW in game right? fgfshsfhhd BIG GAMER BRAIN hrsdhtrtsdgrfy yasCarried Jamal TEBAW hdtrfdhtrfdhrt ring of recoil @Yassuo Ogis dhrthrdtrdhthdrt get him Moe its so crazy that u still win these recoil drhtrdthrdthrhdhdr tebawww hrdhrdhdhtfh ring of recoil PepeLaugh Ring of recoil @Yassuo so ded ring of recoil @Yassuo helps a ton @infinitesouls77 facts lmfao trhdhrtrhrdht yasSpit monkaW recoil KEKW rdhrdhrdftgh Ring of recoil @Yassuo rdthrfghrdfh attack palyer on @Yassuo attack option @Yassuo rdhhth spellbook :) thhtrhdhh recoils NO RING recoil recoil man player attack is on hidden U gonna die in 2 sec odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald odaMald dhrfhdtdr attack option is on hidden @Yassuo attack option is hidden @Yassuo rdhhrdhtf TEBAW JAMAL 2? attack player ewsrtfgtete ?????????? rterrftgert TAKE RECOIL turn player attack options on @Yassuo Ring of recoil @Yassuo attack option erttg prayer? ertf but @Yassuo got some runescape skills :D rrrr I GIVE HIM 5 SECONDS regtfd egrftda esdrgft attack option @yas @Yassuo attack option ersgtderstg esrtgesrt ROOFS ON HYPERDANSGAME TheOGBlink -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Buy ring of life setsret rrr egerdfs amigos LUL rsegdresrgesrtgyertygs ResidentSleeper ANELE POT gay pot up yass POt NO RINGGG PIETY pot????? POT UP TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW SAFE KEKW ur so fucked PepeLaugh Sainnal -> Please refrain from spamming caps. HERHEHEHEEH HEHEHEHE PepeLaugh KEKW super combat @Yassuo super combat @Yassuo super combat @Yassuo super combat @Yassuo PogU ???????????? LOSER POV PepeLaugh LOSER POV PepeLaugh LOSER POV PepeLaugh LOSER POV PepeLaugh LOSER POV PepeLaugh triKool This kid KEKW @Yassuo use super combat use ur super combat CYA KEKW Pog TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap LOOOOOOOOOL SAFING KEKW LMAO KEKW PauseChamp gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay OO PogU ?????? PogU u all have smell penis Pauton8 super comb pot??????? Ok rs br prep stage. ???? 0 KEW NA kids LUL SAFER TriDance TriDance PER==RAYS loooooool is he winning? piety moe yasSpit_HF PRAYS ON HEHHEHEHEHHE I dont get it i have no idea whats happening KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Super combat TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap v PogU ???????????? MODS? KEKW KEKW COMB POTÉÉ?!é DansGame HAHAHAHAAHAHAA what is this!!??!!?? NA SPECS LOL ?????????? Pog LULW vvv TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap HAHAHHA WHAT IS GOING ON KEKW Ur cute moe KEKW KEKW POGGERS ???? KEKW great game PepeLaugh vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv KEKW KEKW KEKW NICE GAMEPLAY ResidentSleeper ??? gay gay gay gay gaygay gay gay gay gay wtf u play runescape? WTH IS GOING ON LMFAO ay not bad go back to league ResidentSleeper Kappa ????????? v ??????? PogU I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON what is this game LOL what is going on LOL veng KEKW dvd ??????????????? KEKW SOO FUN!! ????????????? vdvdv vdvdvdv WHATS GOING ON dvdvdvd PUT PRAY ON This game is so trash lol PogYou ? intens fight ResidentSleeper THIS IS BORING ResidentSleeper WTF IS GOING ON omg PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? . EPIC PogU Ggf SKILL GAME he died PogChamp KEKW gf ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ?????????? wtf am i watching ??????????? HAHAHAAHAHAHA sit KEKW KEKW sit KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA settings LUL KEKW KEKW PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? PogU ??????? Pog ? REKT KEKW yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON PogU KEKW 1V1 ME MAPLESTORY Lol SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT HAHAHAAHAHAHAH sit ur so bad DEEED ResidentSleeper KEKW GEY gg my money what is this game??? DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame PepeLaugh LOl LUL KEKW HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH KWKWQ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ????????? noob KEKW loololo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOL PogU ??????? PogU ?????? PogU ?????? PogU ?????? PogU KEKW ResidentSleeper trash game ResidentSleeper DEAD SKILLED GAMEEEE SKILLED GAMEEEE SKILLED GAMEEEE SKILLED GAMEEEE SKILLED GAMEEEE what am I watching HAHAHAHHA KEKW l000000000000000000000000l hahahahahahahah ??????????????????? SIT KEKW odaMad KEKW KEKW Kappa KEKW PogU??????? EZ MONEY HAHAH KEKW yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN PepeLaugh KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lmfao kill him habibi KEKW ekakeakek LUL KEKW smacked SKILLED GAMEEEE -1k ResidentSleeper PogU ?????????????????????? KEKW TRASH KEKW KEKW KEKW 4Head TRASH JID EZ KEKW KEKW daphLul gf ags Pog Lmfaooooo HYPE GAME SALMON KEKW Clap roblox fight KEKW smacked lmao back to lumby KEKW PogU???????????? ANELE ANELE ANELE SKILL GAME Trash game @Yassuo ask for rematch with shrimp KEKW I'm so happy I was playing Gunz while people were playing this shit game KEKW this guy is annoying SAILMON odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink gf ags xd What is this shittt???? PLAY LEAGUE !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Broken game that game so bad KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU ??????? PogU ?????? PogU ?????? PogU ?????? PogU sea turtle ANEL:E what a shit game lol YOINK lololol LOST TO SALMON KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN the hell happened EZ 100M KEKW @Yassuo Is this your account? LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper israel -100m KEKW ItsBoshyTime what is wallah??? SAD THING IS ONLY ONE WHO GOT FUCKED IS TC7 WHO GAVE YOU 100M @Yassuo MOE LMAOOO that was awesome odaMad gg's wtf is this Game bro cmonBruh PLEASE GAY YAS KEKW thanks for that content RUN IT BACK u suck KEKW! KEKW REKT KEKW WALLAH HABIBI ANELE hellow lumbidge TRASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ur so nice i hate u @Yassuo yo u promised to 1v1 me lets gooo Sanchovies PepeHands was that your account ENTERTAINING GAME kekw odaWink -100 MILL KEKW Pog 36jkoi;eruotsrg';ksl;te;lktj Easy gp KEKW KEKW LEAKED Leaked KEKW Can someone give some stuff on runescape AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE AGANE ................... why ur login longer than the pass LOL [oihfoqwfbqefobwobefo ************* fiasdfaksdjfl;adskfjadkls;fj @Yassuo you promsied to 1v1 me bruh lets gooooooooooooooooooooooo hacked monkaS RUNESCAPE IS GARBAGE nmz stats PepeLaugh NONADOINFE{FOIB{EIBF{OBEEF FAKE ACCOUNT KEKW Imagine playing Rs in 2019 I lost all my old accounts :( ************************************* KEKW oh its emailk play lol AFHAIUSFDUBASDF LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX yea i thought about it hacked LULW IDIOT KEKW yasBoo3 fufhgihguofuogoi after i typed it username is a book hacked monkaW Why is it so long Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! uhuigyfyiutzchbnmp yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 @Yassuo that was content @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville, play against me IGN: TetronXPlays Cheer100 Moe go 1 more i need my ego back im actually depressed we can even go yasuo i dont care please @Yassuo collab with odablock again one day @Yassuo sanch PASSWORD IS KAJSDBASVGDASHY unlucky 1V1 SANCH @Yassuo Kapp Kapp ? sanch @Yassuo not an original player of RS ? Pog 1v1 sanch? ;0 u are screaming for free jdsiubnaisun iudfnbd sfgn Pog Pog YOOOOOOO WutFace DO IT monkaW odaPride @Yassuo bruh 1v1 me PogU CLASH INVITES LEL sinamasina -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Sanchovies PepeHands KEKW PogU GAY hes mid game KEKW he said you took to long Pog why scream @Yassuo america great country ANELE ON GAME he was waiting for u yasU SANCHIES? sanch Pog PLEASE MOE LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX @KataGaKill WeirdChamp @Milo_ow Imagine unironically talking in twitch chat !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo MAD RESPECT !CHARITY Donate Here - , Learn more here - FUCK CANCER ON GOD TriDance 1v1 sanch boi @KataGaKill ahhh :/ @Yassuo LILBUSA @yassuo what’s the hardcore game? Someone give me a RuneScape account :) but u were doing RS s hit do me THAT LITERALLY SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME if you're still doingthem in 20 minutes JoeyOB @Yassuo KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - SANCHII Pepehands D2 KEKW TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap WHO WON? PLEEASE @Yassuo IGN: Manvsbeast1234 yasPlead 1v1 me after ill run your shit EZ Clap 1v1 me bitch tell him to leave, its that simple OMEGALUL odablock about to donate 1v1 me Denneljr we want slicker @Yassuo 1 vs 1 me please TriKool Way to go community ah this guy Pog mi l sugi? WAIT HIM hi @KataGaKill PogU GAY YAS actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo actually avoiding chimp's yassuo @Yassuo CHANGE THE CATEGORY @Yassuo he's busy tilting GO VS CHIMP Gay gay yas gachiHYPER mi-l bei ? @KataGaKill you saying my kat is better then yours LOOK AT ODABLOCK STREAM !uptime CHANHE CAT The stream has been live for 3 hours 22 minutes 5 seconds 1V1 SANCH Who won? rap god Thanks for the HahaHide @rozentuzjazmowanyrewolwer HI YAS RAP GOD HOST KARIM Go vs chimp kataga poor boy @yassuo ODA WON KEKW LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX RAP GOD oda donate incoming wait a second oda gonna donate @justinxgibson pretty sure XD Harry PepeLaugh 1v1 chimp @HarryJamessPotter PepeLaugh K W Ripnheaters subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! ODA IS DONATING Pog ODA IS DONATING Pog soon brothers ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo wait a second oda gona donate people have fun playing that game? Thank you! hello PokPikachu PokPikachu oda donate inc Can u relax ODA IS DONATING Pog 250$ I hate you @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville SANCH ALMOST DONE @Yassuo SANCH ALMOST DONE @Yassuo @KataGaKill jkjk want to 1v1 for fun? ODA IS DONATING Pog ODA IS DONATING Pog ODA IS DONATING Pog RAP GOOOOD host sanchovies peepoBlanket @Yassuo i hate you rememberr that SANCH ALMOST LOST hes donating wait @Yassuo 250 Rap god finally some real content @Yassuo PLEASE SHOUT OUT MY BOY @nyckwinter @Yassuo u promised to 1v1 me start of stream and now u scared OMEGALUL STOP IT DUDE I LOVE YOU !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 22 minutes 39 seconds RAP GOD Pog Pog @justinxgibson r u na or eu rap god @su2c are u a bot RAP GOD rap god Pog oda i donating 250 LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX weaat 100 bucks? jesus @disliquids don't ruin it pog what @Yassuo scared to 1v1 ok bude Pog ODA <3 f @KataGaKill NA Thanks, @Yassuo ! @Yassuo thank u for playing with oda never laughed so hard SANCH ALMOST DONE actually avoiding chimp's yasuo actually avoiding chimp's yasuo actually avoiding chimp's yasuo @Yassuo yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @disliquids way to ruin it this sounds like odas laugh !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @SU2C maybe u know when 24hr charity stream gonna be? <3 ODA is gonna donate hey moe :D Nooby# @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville thanks yassuo <3 ure scared of me facts that was awesome, thank you for playin osrs @Yassuo <3 wooxMelee odaWink wooxRange wooxMage KEKW yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA !Charity 250 PONDS?!?!?!?! @Yassuo play gunz the duel @KataGaKill im gold you can beat me easy lets go What is the charity LUL oda donated 250 @Yassuo Donate Here - , Learn more here - Follow me on Twitter for updates @KataGaKill come at me im EUW what ever u want yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake @Yassuo cya ugly it was fun mundo ball i could 1v1 you with my toes 1v1 me on euw @Yassuo @Yassuo was content Ressspectttt I love you lol @yassuo odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart I smash you with Akali @Yassuo can u 1v1 my boy HAYNAY the poor kata guy @yassuo @Yassuo play with oda again one day u 2 are amazing raising money for cancer when his main is yasuo LUL LUL LUL play it pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX 250$ donation @Yassuo yea its dead @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville x GunZ Pog play halo reach yasMald GUNZ Pog !chairty @Yassuo add me on gunz the duel thanks for da stream hamoodi yasU 200 PogU TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 TriKool Clap 21 fake Universe gunz is good GUNZ IS DEAD FeelsBadMan HALO pog stream Pog @yassuo what’s your hardcore ign??? KEKW POGGERS @mvpuppy lmao Thank you! odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaBicepR odaWink odaBicepL ODABLOCK DONATED Pog Pog LOOK @ DONATIONS UR ARABIC IS MAD SCUFFED @Yassuo Pog yasH HABIBI xcudiNATI <3 Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Come one moe 1v1 POGGERS was fun Sad :( Yassuo 1v1 me cocky boyyy anyone knows when 24hr charity stream gonna be? Overwatch stream tomorrow?!??? POGGERS POGGERS @Yassuo bruh i donated to charity first and u promised to 1v1 me helo? u gonna lose to this OKAY BET @Yassuo respec Hornshel -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. @Yassuo going to duel arena? hey moe today i get caught cheating ina final exam in college now my dignity is lost what can i do now ?!?!? Pog @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville are you going to vegas with jodi???? you going on mission in vegas? ANELE @Yassuo i hate you Pog Pog Pog Dan0ftw -> Please refrain from posting links. BYE BYE BUDDY TriDance @Yassuo yo add me on gunz the duel bro xcudi1 xcudi2 RAID SOMEONE @yassuo done playing boshi? I thought you were going to beat the boss today :( TriDance VEGAS WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL respect WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL POGGERS Cheer5000 I want my gp back im at ge Kreygasm !playlist Repetititive -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. !charity reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 150 others in Chat! Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo RAID SOMEONE PogU oda is literally killing all hcim, fck him @Yassuo U FINNA FUCK EU UP TriDance LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX how long is all stars ?????????? Jodi who? 3 @Yassuo ok bud thanks for taking my $$$ after promising to 1v1 me start of stream OOGA BOOGA POGGERS di kapa tuli Thanks for the HahaGingercat @ittlive Thanks for the HahaPresent @ittlive faker time FAKER PogU D: leaving us WeirdChamp QUARTERJADE ?? @Yassuo give a hugh on jovirone @Yassuo can you play under the sun by Dreamville x yasSleeper WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL WAS GONNA SAY LOSE LUL KEKW @chimpna do it to him man Thanks for the HahaShrugMiddle @ittlive koro0oo -> Please refrain from spamming caps. get a fade Pog 5k @Yassuo i hate you Thanks for the HahaShrugMiddle @ittlive WB SANCH Thanks for the HahaShrugMiddle @ittlive !charity TELL FAKER BETTER MID WINS IRL Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriAthlon @yassuo KEPP IT FAMILY FRIENDLY 😡 hey moe today i get caught cheating in a final exam in college now my dignity is lost what can i do now ?!?!? byee habibi @Yassuo <3 @Yassuo yo bruh u promised to 1v1 me 1V1 FAKER Poh oh you want a 1v1 with fakerr, im right here PartyPoro Sanch almost done yasPepega trkG trkG trkG Pog * SANCH 1V1 good looks bro yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH @Yassuo yo moe what private server on guynz the duel did you play? this chet gey :( PartyPoro <3 PartyPoro Yasleeper <3 SANCH 1V11 @Yassuo promised to 1v1 me goes back on word ok sanek love u cutie peepoSad <3 PartyPoro <3 PartyPoro hugh jovirone yodaBloodTrail YasU cya ugly RaccAttack RaccAttack RaccAttack <3 SANCH 1V1 ANELE ANELE host sanchovies peepoBlanket MOE IS FAKE stop oda from stacking BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @exCoach PepeLaugh PorscheWIN <3 PartyPoro <3 PartyPoro <3 SANCH READY <3 LISTEN TO NO ME CONOCE REMIX host someone good night @yassuo PogU <3 <3 KappaPride BYE BYE IDIOT Pog RICK FOX bye SAAANCH 1V1 yasH yasH hf <3 yasH pce yasH HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys !uptime i have 10k channel points The stream has been live for 3 hours 24 minutes 53 seconds follo me twitch <3 Pog PartyPoro <3 PartyPoro S later moe yasH 1 vs 1 faker PogU bye yasH yasH yasH yasSleeper pce pce yasH l8rrrrrrrrrrrr <3 PartyPoro <3 yasH Bye Host it 72 virgins ANELE @Yassuo 👋 night bro great stream today man yasU @Yassuo i hate you yasH RAID <3 host some 1 peace <3 PokGengar <3 PokGengar <3 @Yassuo i hate you Thanks man!!! oda is going to the duel arena suck me dad @AKAROH So like what we doing in this call? <3 @KataGaKill 1v1 Jústin copy paste <3 yasH enjoyed my stay yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper good night WeirdKEKW @Yassuo i hate you @Yassuo i hate you @Yassuo i hate you @Yassuo i hate you @Yassuo i hate you @Yassuo i hate you yasH yasH yasH @Yassuo yo moe add me on gunz the duel enjoy vegas bro Host karim CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit later moe yasH SANCH 1V1 <3 <3 HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys bye bye good luck brother nah we good bro PogU SEE YA MY BOY cya @NaZe_Minaj imagine not sleeping yet 4WeirdW <3 byee goodnight big dick yasU peepoClap just end stream BYE muaaaaaaaaaaaak <3 PartyPoro <3 PartyPoro <3 !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 25 minutes 13 seconds @Yassuo <3 @BigLipsBarry idk yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper later Bye yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy bye yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog @Yassuo host oda POGGERS Clap <3 BYYYYYE BABY bye yasOkay host me <3 bye HeyGuys yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH ???????????? BYE BYEE jk ly moe ratirlKiss Bye HeyGuys Clap gn jk ly moe ratirlKiss @Yassuo kiss me back KEKW @AKAROH how do u know his dick size 4WeirdW wow i just got here lmao NIGHT OMEGALUL enjoyed my stay PepeHands OMFG MY EARS BRUH <3 KEKW KEKW Odaaaaa WutFace isn't that the dinasour dude ? @Tellmewhynot monkaW lol DIOCANEEEEEE!!!!! gangsta LULW !command add @Yassuo Thanks for doing it!!! WE LIVE PogU you can give me sub as charity yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald Pog Morning cutie How are u ? Cutie yasU yasH @SU2C PogChamp hey morning MOE yasH OMG We want to talk about moneyyyyyy and finances hey bro <3 YOU SCREAD ME DUMMY !command add !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - do that? Wow omg so cute chat everyone send ur kisses yasU hey cutie hey cutie why tf yasU# r u scaring me? !charity @KataGaKill KRISTYBOI??? Pog yasU Tall handsome rich smart nice yo u a real one for opening my snapchat yesterday dude @Yassuo yasH <3 yasU MOE GIVE US KISS yasU nice ship M oe give us a kiss yasU what we playing zeze TriKool Yassuo is now live! Streaming I Wanna Be The Boshy: Pure Domination as always - Raising money for Stand up To Cancer. !Charity give kiss? @itzhannie, sotp flexxing girl 4Weird zeze TriKool zeze TriKool zeze TriKool zeze TriKool ratirlKiss this that Z shit TriKool this that Z shit TriKool this that Z shit TriKool TriDance @Yassuo yo live whatup ? !removecommand !charity BlackDynamite17 -> Successfully removed !charity. yoooooooooo Pog :O Yoo yasU Kapp OKAY !addcommand !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - BlackDynamite17 -> Succesfully added !charity. hi ugly boi MOE KISSED ME DADDY OmegaLuL !cahirty YOO yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity peepoPog Donate Here - , Learn more here - Fuck you! yasU cooleo KappaPride Watched a couple of your ragetages 😂😂 gay af hi @Yassuo nvm you look the same im out @yassuo congrats on beating Megaman btw where are you @Yassuo Its not sus because IM A GIRL ;) yasH LULW LOL we good Hello works now @Yassuo XD @hangu07 WeirdChamp Supppp Hello heyyy bro @BlackDynamite17 OkayChamp 👍 hello beautiful Respect for a charity stream @yassuo hey hey CHARITY STREAM PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp YASSUO I was just watching ur last video LuL yasR yasR yasR 0 views @itzhannie, wait u said ur a dude D: hi Yassuo ? PogYou Yassuo ? PogYou Yassuo ? PogYou @Yassuo Go back to begging you hobo! Looking good boy Thanks for coming! sheesh Hijiiiiiiii Love your ragetages moe @Yassuo Hi Moe How are you scammed again FeelsBadMan 4Weird CHARITY STREAM? PogChamp !charity Snake Donate Here - , Learn more here - !uptime The stream has been live for 2 minutes 5 seconds !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - just watched your senna video @Yassuo @Yassuo oh you still look like that? nvm see ya Naw dude people made em k back in 10 sexy yasU Hey Moe how are you mate @Yassuo u play new halo? jhi btw shout out to filipinos KEKW Moe's hair at the end of the year PepeLaugh man why cant I clip @Yassuo 1v1 me im silver 4 and i main yasuo yassuo i missed you and i love you hows your day been heyyyyy yassuooo wassap pusssy hannie PainChamp ayyy LOL @Yassuo SENNA VIDEO POG Yikes @Yassuo You got to start streaming sooner. I had to watch Tyler for 2 hours. PepeHands Kapp Respect for charity man its not broke nguys champs busted Twitter notification squad @yassuo seriuoslöy Kapp Yo Moe wassup heyo will you 1v1 today bro? yeh HEY MOE Join the top clash invite KEKW Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too @yassuo wassup boi Senna smurf? we will see MAD RESPECT CHARITY HOMIE @yassuo sup Moe how u been lad hey man how are you ? @Yassuo can someone gift me a sub im sad today make me happy Senna was clean !, Hey AAAAY How are you mate @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please salve karalhooow !uptime @Yassuo You got to start streaming sooner. I had to watch Tyler for 2 hours. PepeHands. !Charity The stream has been live for 2 minutes 37 seconds slam Donate Here - , Learn more here - MOE whattup buddy! mch love When are we getting the goal charity stream Have you seen sliker in the US moe Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too Lol @Yassuo can you fuck my wife? im frezed while i wait a bus and when i see zyour live its better to wait WutFace WutFace HeyGuys HeyGuys PartyPoro 1v1 me yassuo im a silver 4 and i main yassuo do you play pyke? @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - du Charity 1v1 Pog Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too Waassup lookin ass Who do you have in a ufc match KFC or Logan PogChamp Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too Lol yee @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 why were u back in NY @yassuo? sup sup sup @yassuo yasH Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too GAY LUL LULW Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo KEKW !uptime @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please @Yassuo DUO SIMSTUDENT Pog @Yassuo DUO SIMSTUDENT Pog @Yassuo DUO SIMSTUDENT Pog @Yassuo DUO SIMSTUDENT Pog @Yassuo DUO SIMSTUDENT Pog Hiiiiiiii Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too lol @Yassuo How are ya? <3 what you playing today The stream has been live for 2 minutes 59 seconds do funny sounds Muutgtmfdkdgd Any tips for wukong top? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too how u doing my guy 50 CLAPS FOR 5 DOLLARS how good is your shitty ass arabic test We playing boshy, halo, or league? Can you rename runes are name 새로운 룬 페이지 1 @Yassuo moe dumped live by viper *clipped* exact time opening twitch Moeses whats good Hi how’s it going Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too Lol Last stream today? Why if I say “t1 is on ” my sms will be eliminated? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Eyy whaddup yasH Can you shoutout my boy Yush? He legit loves you so much n he a habibi too Lol How are you doing Moe? PartyPoro !uptime The stream has been live for 3 minutes 14 seconds What’s the goal for the charity stream @yassuo Are you gonna see sliker in the us+ Pog i got baited by category fuvk league LOL DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH DUO WITH SANCH can you fuck my wife? Change game ban PogU Can I increase my MMR by playing ranked better now for the next season? bro where u got that summoner icon from??? @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please Love to see it baby any plans on playing halo ? PogU hello hayayayayayaaya WHAT ARE CHANEL POINTS WTF When is the circle of life haircut stream? waht it do baby @yassuo hey mr yassuo, i think your donation link is messed up I’m pretty sure it should go to my paypal account instead. yasH PogU thank god you came live iwas gonna sleep to imaqtpies voice @Yassuo crack me a joke Morning moe Charity stream Pog what's up bb @yassuo who do you have in a UFC match KFC or Logan? How did u sleep DUO WITH MIA What’s popping moe KEKW yasU pepeD 1vs1 Moe how good is your arabiv? MO3 WHY U ALWAYS LOOK HOMELESS yas5_TK @Yassuo moe throw me a kiss Ayyayayay andreas0174 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! hi from denmark happy to see you live early love ya no homo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NO HALO ? PepeHands NO HALO ? PepeHands NO HALO ? PepeHands NO HALO ? PepeHands NO HALO ? PepeHands !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - hi bro ! how was your day ItsBoshyTime ~~ Wanna play some halo? LEAGUE AHAHAHAH NICE GAME !charity crack me a joke 5Head Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo salam akh u pray fajr today LOOOOOOOOOOOL Yoooo you got a haircut! Nicee YO wassup moe autism 3 out now boshy PogU @Yassuo just kidding league is love @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day :) @yassuo do u love me @yassuo beating Megaman Pog do u play boshe because u hate yourself? Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @andreas0174 Duo tyler in halo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - How isssss your day going Moedussa? !uptime Gay YAS LUL The stream has been live for 3 minutes 50 seconds Hi moe your chest hair looking sexy today @Yassuo pokiFree pokiSub yasShrug about time man Sup mahmud heyheyindeed subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasCarried @Yassuo BOSHY?? Salam alekum habibi reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! What's good man? @Yassuo @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick :o @Yassuo Yo mo, going through a weird time rn, just wanted to say your streams are a welcome distraction, thanks for unkowingly helping <3 Open chest moe :) @Yassuo Go back to Boshy WeirdChamp moe throw me a kiss CarlSmile WeirdChamp @Yassuo how much for a sucki sucki? you play clash? HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp dead channel thoughts on gross gore recently @yassuo @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 What charity are you gonna donate to' yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Play Boshy WeirdChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 50 CLAPS FOR 5 DOLLARS jonas_kayn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Hello my favourite streamer, how are you doing? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! what does vip do ? @Yassuo @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please @yassuo are u playing boshy today? Remember when you played getting over it @yassuo thank god you came iwas gonna sleep to qts voice xD @Yassuo Will you ever play Halo or no adaamx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 2 month streak! My guy i love u! Im so hyped for ur big charity stream coming up. Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day SeemsGood reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp !uptime The stream has been live for 4 minutes 13 seconds PogChamp How much will be the haircut goal be? yasH Thoughts on gross gore ksi 1k ANDY PogU dead chat @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick Busy Pog what does vip do ? @Yassuo . PLAY HALO U MONKY @Yassuo TITLE IS BOSHY?? moe wallah ur chest hair sexy bruv @Yassuo @yassuo its almost bzed time REEEE Moe being your favorite streamer PainChamp 100k What's up Moe GROSS GONNA KNOCK HIS ASS OUT @Yassuo u ready to not leave ur house for the next 2 years ?? turning me on Gross actually thinks he can knock KSI out LMFAO @Yassuo KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh a big Hi from Europe How to ruin your stream ft gross gore 4Head 100k PogU !uptime The stream has been live for 4 minutes 31 seconds @yassuo when u playing pummel again trkChamp 1vs1 me for my bday @yassuo will show id 😂 @Yassuo i recently started league from watching your videos, and i want to know how to control mid lane and when to recall and shit 100k make the haircut goal $100 Amyth04 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! That first clash invite knows moe well is there a fucking halo sponsor going on why is everyone playing it @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 100k LULW !points got a cold, waited for your stream like forever Demsprinklez subscribed with Twitch Prime. hey moe how we doing 100 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LUL beat faker in 1v1 for us do 80k Bruh AYAYA @Yassuo KATEVOLVED ON TSM Pog 10k KEKW @yassuo yooooooooo what’s up dude!! Bro how are ladies doing? @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick :o KEKW PunchTrees Kylegibs11 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! it's been 10 months, why am I still here... play heimer man Horror VR sometime in the future? @yassuo Heyyy Moeee TriHard HOWS GOING <3 @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 50k or 100k Moe, why u always looking so scuff?? @Yassuo how much for a sucki sucki habibi reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! no precipitation in title SadChamp Aye @Yassuo I wanna be the boshy stream ? HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp kekw whats gucci HI DAD @Yassuo you play clash? Hello HOW MUCH TO DYE HAIR? KEKW hi moe! LMAOO wtf @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please What’s the reason for the charity? 15 K @Yassuo Where u got that summoner icon from? looks sick bro When is the charity stream @yassuo do u speak arabic ratirlKiss_HF ratirlKiss_HF ratirlKiss_HF Gross Gore actually thinks he can knock KSI out LMFAO @Yassuo KEKW Can i still type? I never disrespect are you going to play the new halo? KEKW BibleThump play clashhhh Follow me on Twitter for updates how do i earn more channel points Josephkuk subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Way ti go KatEvolved @yassuo how much to dye hair reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LULW hi I am new here and I gotta say I love how you kicked tyler1's ass on twitch rivals hey @Yassuo are you going to get a clash team together? !charity hi from Greece Donate Here - , Learn more here - Tiimus subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yeeeeees boys reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NO BOSHY pepeHands ratirlKiss_HF yasOkay ratirlKiss_HF yasOkay ratirlKiss_HF yasOkay ratirlKiss_HF yasOkay @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 <3 yoooo Hey nose ye ye seriosuly TITLE IS BOSHY DUDE??? Give me love TriHard KEKW Will you ever do open games so people can play? hi @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please Spica bouta 1v9 trust NO BOSHY PepeHands Leaked Kapp Tsm Katevolved pog Ye kekw !chartiy Can’t wait for the circle of life @neymar176 hi from egypt @Yassuo how did u meet Chris aka Pinoy? ssssay hi moesusssa HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp HOW BOUT HALO WITH XQC PogChamp @Yassuo BOSHY ??? TITLE ? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : new headphones? gotta study but idc gotta put some respect to ma boy @yassuo ;333 !charity Pepega Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo how much for Tyler1 haircut Hii Skud ud til ham som skrev Danmark før PogYou 100T Pog @Yassuo Just hit 50k points dude :D PogMe love from Hong Kong <3 @Yassuo good morning yasU yasU yasU you play clash? you removed free sub on channel points? lmao when did clash opened? HI from germany love u :P wassup moe :D classMob classMob ggfMOB ggfMOB yas100T yas100T yas100T classMob ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T yas1 yas2 yas3 yasN GAY KEKW KEKW KEKW heey How do I sub? my boy is here @Yassuo are you getting a clash team together? PogU MaxLOL Yassuo=cancer yas100T ggfMOB classMob yas100T yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB yas100T yas100T ggfMOB yas100T yas100T ggfMOB ggfMOB yas100T yas100T yas100T yas100T ggfMOB yas100T yas100T when you meeting faker Wrap it up hannie 4Weird @Yassuo JUMP KING! its 8pm in germany @Yassuo will you be streaming until you reach goal? LULW trkVoli @yassuo do you play on playing multible games in the 24h? @yassuo how much for Tyler1 haircut PogChamp yas100T ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB yas100T classMob yas100T ggfMOB yas100T classMob @yassuo what's your team for TCS? THE MOB KEKW how did u meet chris/pinoy? @Yassuo are you planning on playing halo on pc at all? @Yassuo when did clash started? Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail charity stream with 100T but says hes doing charity stream solo ROFLMAO @yassuo how much for Tyler1 haircut PogChamp PogChamp ay ma boy @yassuo @BigLipsBarry whats 4Weird about that the fuck Amcast1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! !followage reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! HEY YASSUO @yassuo how much for Tyler1 haircut PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Yoooooo You hot xoxo KEKW KEKW @BigLipsBarry Yikes didnt mean to swear How can I increase my MMR for the next season ? @Yassuo you actual cnt that was the first time ever u read my chat WeirdChamp ayo moe come to Florida Idk why I end up playing league while watching you stream guten morgen boissssssss @yassuo do you play on playing multible games in the 24h? KEKW @SU2C no , thank you <3 <3 <3 <# Thanks for doing this! yoo @BigLipsBarry im sorry @itzhannie, WTF D: @exCoach yasU yasH @yassuo how much for Tyler1 haircut PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @yassuo did you see NF new song ? Pog @yassuo we all love u in Egypt man fav Hahahha @itzhannie D: Man you are the best streamer. @Yassuo Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day :) :) Pog wheeeen did clash start? Pog @hardstucksilver yasH !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Snowing right now wutuup yasuo when you meeting faker this is the normie chatbox who old are you moe? !~charity @Yassuo Thoughts on the TSM roster? Pog yasAYAYA -5$ !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day BloodTrail BloodTrail Yo moe wassup! Can you play some top for me? what if lol didnt exist? @yassuo come to Florida Pog 28th PogU Goodday Moe ay 28th ma birthday <3 @yassuo For charity you wouldn't go bald? Terrible person hello my favorite YouTuber since 2017. charity stream with 100T but says hes doing charity stream solo ROFLMAO ay moe respect @yassuo S/o to you you actually read chat that’s a W MOEEEEEEE Mosef, how did u meet Chris/Pinoy? wat up ugly Modern warfare is hella good @yassuo Milking view count by doing charity streams yasSpit yasSpit Kapp !Charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo S/o to you you actually read chat that’s a W PogChamp Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail why arent u playingn halo @yassuo how u doing big boi been waiting for you to stream bro ty Pog ratirlBusiness @yassuo S/o to you you actually read chat that’s a W PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Goat circle of life haircut? Whats up Yassuo! Love you :D NoHomoranes Charity stream for taxes pepeD I have birhtday SU2C -> Please refrain from posting links. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 28th confirmed ? helping kids with cancer playing a cancer game Pog I guess damn these charities really out here scamming us Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day PowerUpL BloodTrail <3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - POG thanks HahaSleep @demsprinklez @su2c, LULW wh oold are you moe? Thanks you! Hi KALEB Pog @Yassuo "Used" to? KEKW charity stream? .. @yassuo yooo wassup bro how are u Kaleb yasH @Yassuo Dont care tell Minaj to stream 4Weird @Yassuo how much to shave eyebrow? @Yassuo PC Specs? GAY LUL YAS KEKW TPF? T1 doesn’t read comments that much dude what are you raising money fore? TriHard ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @SU2C <3 cmonBruh Pog !uptime The stream has been live for 7 minutes 33 seconds brugenier Whats up Yassuo! Love you :D NoHomoranes what hair cut ur gonna do @Yassuo what if lol didn't exist? @yassuo ha moe gay @Yassuo who is your duo? KiviThePoro subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Look who it is, my favorite crackhead! Luv you bro yasH Any plans on going to twitch con eu the 1st of may ? @Yassuo whos harder to master yasuo or fiora ? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! never been so early boys pog @Yassuo why there is everybody playing HALO WTF Oh thats sick, i thought u met him on Grindr. kekw KEKW It’s awesome how u talk with ur chat so much even tho ur such a big streamer lama!!!!!! Hi big boy HeyGuys KEKW KEKW That's cool bro Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at Vitxzor123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Cant wait for the new hair cut !uptime @yassuo how u doin big boi The stream has been live for 7 minutes 48 seconds !followage reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @yassuo howd u meet sanch? Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day BloodTrail BloodTrail PurpleStar U look fresh bro KEKW Torture is ont he 28th baby !duo QuyDepTrai @yassuo can you show what goals are on screen plz Moe u remember u wanted 2 Cosplay yasuo 150k for eyebrows Yurrrrrrrrrr Thanks for the HahaHide @adaamx moe we all love u in egypt bro fav So you do nothing @yassuo If you get 100k, will u shave hair,beard and eyebrows? Cheer100 this is all I can give right now but I love the cause. Keep it up! @yassuo can you show what goals are on screen plz😱 How goes the day moe? PogU why dont you have christmas bttv emtoes @Yassuo Go bald. @Yassuo Thought you were a snake Yo Moe wassup! Can you play some top for me? how much to cut your dick LETS GO 10 k to shave eyebrows who is your duo? do pushups as a goal whats a goal for big charity stream?? LUL @yassuo can you show what goals are on screen plz PogChamp Yaya I get you, I'll see you there if so fam yasH @Yassuo SHAVE 1 SIDE OF YOUR FACE hello ma boy !charity LAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Donate Here - , Learn more here - Any lilypichu gifters? @yassuo can you show what goals are on screen plz PogChamp PogChamp !charity lets play poker bro Donate Here - , Learn more here - dud i want you to smack players today boy i wana see some good plays Bedankt voor de HahaShrugLeft @vitxzor123 yehh boiii Gross Gore actually thinks he can knock KSI out LMFAO @Yassuo KEKW You've seen his video on Twitter right? hey can u talk a little about the cancer startup? @yassuo u cute nohomo @Yassuo What Pc Specs do you have? @Yassuo whos harder to masterr fiora or yasuo ? sanchovies says yasuo yasTower wh oold are you moe? nuyjin -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @yassuo can you show what goals are on screen plz PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp when will u Cosplay yasuo KEKW Mods delete my message plz Shave your beard if you loose this game Imagine the face of twitch not being at twitch con are u cutting hair? D: !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 1v1s? the end of the link is "yassuocancer" KEKW TRUE do squats as a goal scammed LULW Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day Keepo Keepo 4Head looking good !points @yassuo the type of guy to capitalize his friendships :O @yassuo what's your team for TCS btw? !duo QuyDepTrai @Yassuo who is your duo? why dont you have christmas bttv emotes @Yassuo KEKW 22? hey moe looking good today Yayaa I get you, I'll see you there if so fam yasH @Yassuo iGodApplePvP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! nice how much for cuting your dick Pog POG reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! xd 10 k to shave eyebrows @Yassuo remember how you banned me 2 days ago for calling you a fake ? damn dude.. Hello dad i love you @Yassuo @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp WHAT THE FUCK POGGERS NICE wooow u r so handsome @itzhannie, stop begging 4Weird PogYou MOE Pog Poggers Pog Pog I WAS THERE Love your streams man, keep it up. Have a nice day Keepo PogU cmonBruh cmonBruh rip POG ohh ENABLE CHRISTMAS BTTV EMOTES 😡 ENABLE CHRISTMAS BTTV EMOTES 😡 ENABLE CHRISTMAS BTTV EMOTES 😡 game over Trick Pog Pog looking fresh af rn @Yassuo How much for a Hitler mustache Pog TRICK Pog Trick2g LUL trick! pOG TRICK Pog Pog 1v1s PogU KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL SHOW CLIP OF U BEATING MEGA MAN PLEASE KEKW THAT'S A POG TEAM @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp PogChamp GOSU GOSU GOSU POG Nic pooooooooooooog Is trick confirmed this time? im in school right now can uou do sigh language pleadr please i was there Pog Ya went to the Gym Moe??? looking nice today nooice trick PogU @Yassuo whos duo? sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky TRICK LUL HAPPY FIRST SNOW (I know there is not snowing but here is snowing all day) <3 @Yassuo Trick POOOOOG U got trick. Its Over @EquadisEU ok mr twitch prime trick trool sanchBlanky @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp GOSU CARRY Pog Helll Nooo LOL Auto Loss gosu the goat moe read this u are so ugly :) Dream Team PogU not so snake You saw Gosu on twitch rivals and needed him trick LULW GOSUUUUUUU Stopping being a snake? @yassuo looking fresh as always homie el. truco u are on the team, its gg hey there yasShrug SHIT TEAM KEKW sure !duo QuyDepTrai cute boyyiyi Gosu Pog @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp moe why so ugly today KEKW Gosu is the goat Shave your beard if you loose this game Kapp GOSU WILL CARRY KEKW KEKW ratirlKiss_HF ratirlKiss_HF Whats up Yassuo! Love you :D NoHomoranes Kappa Kappa Kappa who is your duo? Relying on gosu carry KEKW LUL sanchBlanky sanchBlanky thats why u left him Kappa @Yassuo is it draft or blind? moe whos harder to master yasuo or fiora LMAO Kapp ! Kappa @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting moe looking good today sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky :P sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky @itzhannie, surely your parents have prime? i just nick theirs @Yassuo who is the worst champion as of this patch in your opinion? yasSnake TRUE KEKW Moe you’re the goat 🐐 HAHAHAH Kapp whose the duo chat? Lmk pls KEKW !duo QuyDepTrai TRICK LMAAAO udyr yas synergie The only thing making you guys good is gosu PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL supp? @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SANCH KEKW hey mother fcker yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald SANCHOVIES ORNN POg 5head PurpleStar PurpleStar @yassuo am i ur boy nuyjin -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Why no alicopter @excoach, viper i think? sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky BACKSTAB HIM AGAIN DO SOME PUMMEL PLEASE @yassuo when are you doing bob ross painting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @yassuo what makes a challenger player a challanger and a silver a silver player? @EquadisEU N OMEGALUL @Yassuo need sanchovies just in case you and trick mess around and int too much LULW SANCH D4 KEKW WHERE'S TRICK wheen that shit is gona staar Pog yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - sanchovies is so fuckin boosted KEKW damn gosu and trick go way back @Yassuo Moe and Trick Synergy 😜😋😛😇🤣 @itzhannie, oh SadChamp where's zed icon ? @Yassuo is tyler1 plaing in TCS? SANCH D4 KEKW whos your duo? @3b00d_09 they said gosu can pick his support, he picked Ty bro @Yassuo <3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - WHY DO FRIENDS, NOT PICK THEIR FRIENDS @yassuo Why not TF BLADE AT TOP? would you agree yasuo, syndra and akali are your best champs? whats your 4th best fedJuan fedJuan fedJuan moe why so ugly ??? yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald where's zed icon ?? fedJuan fedJuan !uptime Yaya I get you, I'll see you there if so fam yasH @Yassuo The stream has been live for 9 minutes 47 seconds can you sigh langauge im in school hey pussy 1v1 SHOW CLIP OF MEGAMAN PLEASE fedJuan @Yassuo HOW ARE YOU ! YO MOE WAZZUP @Yassuo are you doing clash Ur Rolex is fake @Yassuo When is TCS? @Yassuo whos harder to master yasuo or fioraa ?????? sa REVENGE KEKW How goes the day moe? CarlSmile I see @yassuo whats the best Yasuo skin in your opinion. I personally like Nightbringer the most. for what is that team moe just said where's zed icon rhobalasTwerk rhobalasTwerk rhobalasTwerk rhobalasTwerk DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! -Jotaro -Dio - Oraoraoraoraoraoraoraora lol SYNDRA Leblanc 1v1? GAY KEKW is TCS the tyler1 league?? LB why are you not duoing with TRICK @yassuo why is the giraffe's neck so long? !time Current time in Los Angeles: 11:15:16 AM 2k andy lulw 7777777777777 your riven @yassuo how’s your day been Lie KEKW nunu !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL neeko !live voicechat????????????????????????? @Yassuo are you backing your boy grash goret in the fight against ksi? decent KEKW awsmsauce420 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @yassuo how are you man ZOE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ryze? 1v1?? Blitzcrank genius XERATH @Yassuo is Kindred meta right now? xerath kekw Irelia ? !editcommand !duo Revengegaming KEKW exCoach -> Successfully edited !duo. anivia is this the quick stream or 24 hour ? AHAHHAHAHA REDMERCY IS GETTING SO HAPPY CARRYING IN BRONZE AS YASUO gay KEKW qiyana PepeLaugh ZED yas3 yas3 yas3 RYZE You are the best man. @Yassuo !delay !duo Revengegaming how much to cut your dick lol draven @Yassuo choockAyaya !duo hiiiiiiiiiii Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty !Charity @Yassuo my brother and my grandpa died from cancer so I appreciate this stream <3 Donate Here - , Learn more here - XERATH KEKW @Yassuo ryze and sylas? Lee sin !edit command !duo Revenge GAY KEKW Play Chogath KappaPride Lolz !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !@yassuo Irelia DID YOU KNOW PLAY RENEK KEKW Moe have you carried any players before? IRELIA AKALI SYNDRA 1v1 with viewers ? lee :( Wukong? PepeHands FeelsBadMan Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor widepeepoSad @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump XERATH KEKW @yassuo have you seen some videos videos with Gosu and trick? i swear they are fuking hilarious RPGShihu yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 RPGTreeNua @Yassuo are you backing your boy grash goret in the fight against ksi? How many points with yasuo ? :O baffyCry VOICE CHAT WITH REVENGE????????????????? QIYANA 0/13 KEKW You are sick at xerath TRUE KEKW Feelsbadman BibleThump PepeHands Hi im from tunisia and you ? Play brand mid Shave your beard if you loose first game D: @yassuo sup ma boy lookin fresh af rn yasSnake the end of the link is "yassuocancer" KEKW TRUE @Yassuo xasnee12345 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Yo whats good @Yassuo would you do a 1v1 oce with the best yasuo? <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !yasuo WideHardo hiii IRELIA AKALI SYNDRA YAS @Yassuo remember how you banned me 2 days ago for calling you a fake ? damn dude.. LEAGUE ANDY KEKW dadddyyyyy how does clash work?????????????????????????? F in the chat baffyCry hey moe, why did you start play yasuo? fedThump fedThump fedThump 1v1 against viewers? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! !duo @Yassuo Why can't i use Prime sub anymore PepeHands Revengegaming Cancer 4WeirdW @Yassuo wear ur damn glasses boy. u need those eyes yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN gachiHYPER !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - BibleThump BibleThump Cheer100 its boshy time !uptime The stream has been live for 11 minutes 5 seconds @Yassuo will you play more ryze i wanna learn to play ryze yooo watsup itswinch -> Please refrain from spamming caps. moe you are handsome today !uptime Feelsgoodman I have a Green Chest next to the type box, can't claim it, any help?? yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Coach me Moe :O t3r4byte subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW WeirdChamp LULW how are you from moe reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW True is this how we get him to shave himself? @Yassuo Why can't i use Prime sub anymore PepeHands. 4Head PogU LULW POGGERS @Yassuo Daddyyyyyy How does clash workkkkkkkkk MOE para cuando juegas con Pokimane u gonna Cosplay yasuo later? yasSSS What does someone have to do to not get banned? yes PogU thicjesus subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! for real ass cancer runs in my family, so i get a finger in my butt starting at 25 and like every 5 years reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !followage @Yassuo can you do a 1v1 yasuo in oce for 50$ KEKW @Yassuo are you backing your boy grash goret in the fight against ksi? PepeLaugh LULW POGGERS sex boshy time PogU LUL @Yassuo you are my sensei PogU why do your clash invites say GAY YAS? pinoy get the montage music ready WEAR GLASSES hi ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MOE when are you planing to boot camp in Brazil? 1v1 with viewers !duo Revengegaming !uptime BOSHY PogU RalpherZ The stream has been live for 11 minutes 32 seconds hello tardo !liv !duo BOSHY POGGERS KEKW yas1 yas2 yas3 You're at riding the little robots right !uptime Its boshy time !live when u gonna Cosplay yasuo? Nos hi mo3 gachiBASS Now Who is Underbar laner @Yassuo i think i said vodf* i didn't think that would ban me ty pepeD MercyWing1 HolidaySanta MercyWing2 bitcehe !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL monkaW @pinoy KEKW @Yassuo Fuck Cancer thanks for HahaThisisfine @thicjesus gachiHyper gachiBASS KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - sus ? yasPride @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump 609822 @Yassuo hi moe how are u? he luvs it yasBad gachiHYPER WeirdChamp 😏 doesn't sound too bad wqertyuiopo[[] KappaPride ? @yassuo is boshy fun i havent played it? LUL LUL LUL *inhales* HASAGI @Yassuo nah fam\ LUL LUL fedThump boosetteyuraei subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! hey moe. what does you think about the new true damage yasuo? i feel it so smooth like using muay thai lee sin skin. PogU moe, boshy is not that hard, I am at solgryn and it gets way harder after Megaman. just saying LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo whos harder to master fiora or yasuo ????? how are you from moe? yassuo is cancer play halo you gonna play clash this weekend? jcole or kendrick? !uptime The stream has been live for 12 minutes 8 seconds if you Want content go to LAN, you gonna Die of laughter XDDD WHERE IS ZED ICON IN SHOP ? Don’t know how to feel about that dono LUL fedThump Am i banned? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - man used to be subbed but realized that I'm broke and that you should be sending me money ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasNunu At least it’s not a tube in your dick to make sure your kidney isn’t exploding @Yassuo you getting on halo? not in ionia When does TCS start? @Yassuo IS SWAIN GOOD??? CHAT WHEN IS TCS ? MY MOM BEAT STAGE 4 CANCER BUT YOU STILL GUNNA IGNORE ME ON THIS DAY CUZ OF MY NAME WEIRDCHAMP CoolCat poki1 poki2 poki3 poki4 Am I banned moe? see my name Yo sup more ho you playing witch !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? @Yassuo are you backing your boy grash goret in the fight against ksi? TRUEEEE @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama?? Moe can you watch a clip if I send it @djboss0729 monkaW lifeforleagueoflegends subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasCannon SAD We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! thoughts on presence of mind? @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama @yassuo How do you have nidalee lvl 7? Play a gane @yassuo does boshi cost money ? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TheIlluminati @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? CLEAN UP UR GOD DAMN ROOM is boshi on steam? PartyPoro Pog @Yassuo yo deadass where's my money for being here ? Kapp how much money is the first plays in tcs? efflechinrk converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! Whats up papi yasU yasU reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama?? HEY WHERE IS ZED ICON IN SHOP BUNDLES BECAUSE ITS NOT IN IONIA BUNDLE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo you think doinb will choose a yasuo skin? @yassuo boii u lookin clean af rn @yassuo is boshi free? @Yassuo i watch your yt vids daily even the old ones pepeD Is this the annualy 24h charity stream? :) :* @yassuo If in stuck in gold but i know im better because im doing good. is i wurf to make another acc lvl that up and try to get a higer mmr? yasPepega @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump @Yassuo ninja responded to gross gore on twitter with the "Who are you" comment @yassuo when are you getting new emotes ItsBoshyTime @yassuo give me motivation to do good in exams when you want to donate for charity but only have $0.20 in your account LULW PepeWhy @Yassuo so we will see u on 14th and 15th only right? @yassuo Respect your grind, get trick a dub for disrespecting him so hard ??? hola its boshi time that shit is so anoying KEKW yasBoo4 op @ieatcookiez nah @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama How much for your love yassuo? @Yassuo you eill be in the tcs ????? LUL LUL LUL LUL op. @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama?? but when I was subbed you never read my msgs ???? ??? KEKEW KEKW :P D: yasShrug ItsBoshyTime LUL LUL LUL ??????????? ??? Thanks so much for the donations! trick about to int you for being a strike D: whos harder to play yasuo or fiora ? @Yassuo @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama XD your team is so shit KEKW d: D: Trueee yes D: !duo what do I do if I want to be friends with you man keep the good work upp yasuo i watch you every day :D hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn Revengegaming go to the gym moe LULW DO YOU WANNA BE STUPID LIKE MOE? STUDY DIPSHIT yas2 kekw truee OMEGALUL ty NICE ADVICE KEKW trueeeeeeeeeeeee D: why does yourlaugh sound like its from a horror movie !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Family-friendly :) D= !duo Revengegaming !uptime The stream has been live for 13 minutes 33 seconds true KEKW <3 !uptime Yes BibleThump true yasBoo3 lol @Yassuo holy shit you straight up called me out with that one holy shit @Yassuo are you backing your boy grash goret in the fight against ksi? Yea moe will you cut your dick for cerity <3 SadChamp s1mpel0601 -> Please refrain sending long messages. good advice moe 4Weird fedThump fedThump fedThump any BOSHY today so fun to watch bro loved it yesterday yas5. PepeHands <3 fedThump fedThump yasNLT TRUE KEKW We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor fedThump sanchovies is so bad KEKW @yassuo How do you have nidalee lvl 7? Play a game with her Ok now I’m crying TOO FAR yasPlead yasPlead <3 wassup boy @yassuo do u have botlanr??? @Yassuo where can you see all the tcs team lineups? @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? yasSnake !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo 1v1's? <3 @hangu07 TriHard 7 pepeMeltdown widepeepoAad How can I be friends with you moe? yasU What is tcs? @yassuo @SU2C Oh byou havent sen moe yet :P @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 noo yasM03_HF widepeepoSad What is TSC? opinions on corinna getting banned? @Yassuo yasFBM Hey you, i love u KEKW Hope me do well on my presentation today @yassuo HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHA or fuck it and study how to be streamer by watcjhing this stream and get rich yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN @Yassuo when ou thing you must sove lane HAHHAHAHA @Yassuo 1v1'ss???? KEKW Yea my Twitter is better HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH TRUUUUUUUUUUUE Ye KEKW <3 KEKW @yassuo If im stuck in gold but i know im better because im doing good. is i wurf to make another acc lvl that up and try to get a higer mmr? TRUE KEKW HAHAAHA @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama girls dont like beard moe AHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHA snake go workout moe Cheer100 Cheer100 <3 <3 <3 <3 + who is that VonN00 -> Please refrain from posting links. hi my man @Yassuo ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW ITS DOOMED LULW @yassuo how bout 1v1s wagers and money goes to cancer hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn !uptime The stream has been live for 14 minutes 17 seconds HAHA HE IS LIVE PogU opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? كيفك !uptime Tuhttle subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LMAOO gross v ksi what was gross thinking the uk chav KEKW DANG YO STREAM BUMPIN REVENGE IS GONNA REGRET DUOING KEKW LULW CLASH INVITES LULW @Yassuo Looking handsome yasChair @yassuo o How do you have nidalee lvl 7? Play a game with her yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU oh btw ksi beat logan paul unknownbeastx -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts nah Do you ever see people playing wukong in your games? :D @Yassuo whos harder to master fiora or yasuo @Yassuo ? yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue it never comes opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta @Yassuo got an exam tmw that i haven't started studying for. Plz give me some hope bro. Listen to JPEGMAFIA Moe @hangu07 TriHard 7 is this the challenge stream? @Yassuo MOE U FAT BRO GETTING DISGUSTING HONEST @Yassuo Slide in Alissa Violets dms Moe can u play some irelia again? Thank, so much!! Pog Moe, i know you would destroy KSI ,he's a pussy and you're a simple beast @yassuo صلي على محمد @yassuo what if lol didn't exist.? widepeepoSad yasBoo3 yasBoo4 ksi is big EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle ahahah Best TF in the world against the best monkey <3 @yassuo hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn LILBUSA subscribed with Twitch Prime. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😂 @SU2C NP MY DUDE <3 prayers? but u r not religious like every sane human Do you ever see wukong in ranked? long game !charity @yassuo how bout 1v1 wagers and money goes to charity eai mano @Yassuo can u play some Irelia ? :) Donate Here - , Learn more here - widepeepoSad @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team? You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts <3 <3 <3 <3 @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? <3 @itzhannie WeirdChamp <3 opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? <3 Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday <3 <3 <3 widepeepoSad !charity <3 <3 pretty sure Pepega <3 Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Back to NA = chat back to normal <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 widepeepoSad <3 @Yassuo 1v1s??? !dono heart <3 <3 <3 <3 PepeHands <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 manda um salve ai :# opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo <3 <3 <3 ❤️ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :> <3 >3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my dad died out of cancer PepeHands <3 <£ [*] @Yassuo this timing, i jsut ended watching yesterday's VOD couse i couldnt watch live heart real talk mosef my guy, u ever smoked? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ratirlFlower <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !uptime Yo moe do you ever see wukong in ranked? boxBob The stream has been live for 15 minutes 9 seconds <3 <3 <3 <3 <3' opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? <3 <3 ♥ gear widepeepoSad Atheists PainChamp yas5 <3 <3 <3 @yassuo is top yasuo viable ? <3 <3 <3 <3 💗 What good my man greeenSub <3 SAD <3 <3 <3 !charity <3 3 LUL LUL LUL LUL Donate Here - , Learn more here - heart ratirlLove ratirlLove ratirlLove ratirlLove opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo LULW ❤️ <3 @yassuo hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn DOCTORS SAVE LIVES NOT PRAYERS GET REAL <3 @yassuo If im stuck in gold but i know im better because im doing good. is i wurf to make another acc lvl that up and try to get a higer mmr? <3 Keep it up! Its the thought that counts <3 <3 <3 >£ Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 prosjecniklosar -> Please refrain sending long messages. <3 <3 <3 <3 whos harder to master fiora or yasuo ? @Yassuo @Yassuo @BigLipsBarry PepeLaugh SprayGT subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Already 900 dollars in debt to uni but nothing better than donating to a multi-millionaire. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <£ Facts pepeHeart yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - <3 @Yassuo you can be non religious but still pray for someone <3 <3 <3 @yassuo How do you have nidalee lvl 7? Play a game with her Follow me on Twitter for updates ❤️❤️❤️ <3 <3 <3 sup cuhhhh @yassuo my pc just conked out. Could u gift me one that can play league at least hahaha <3 <3 <3 <3 opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Tyler1 has cancer SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH <3 ❤️❤️ @yassuo did you see the lebron edit i made with you and sanch on his tweet LULW BOSHY? <3 <3 <3 MercyWing2 <3 DOCTORS SAVE PPL NOT PRAYERS <3 <3 <3 tyler more fames from you bro 10 min queue is fooked @yassuo Your muslim right?? <3 <3 Do you see wukong in ranked? Who is you duo? @Yassuo hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn <3 <3 this aanonymous got some cashhhh 900 dollars is light 900 LOL @Yassuo can u play some irelia ,mad respect raising money for what? @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts !setup My Grandpa died this weekend cuz his heart was go weak and now my hurts TRY 100K opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo what are your thoughts on grosside gore vs KSI ? My mom dies from cancer !charity I am 20k deep FeelsGoodMan Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo YOOOOO LADS I GOT POKIMANES GOODIES, YALL WANNA COP FOR 5 MILL? @yassuo what if lol didn't exist? LMAO ONLY 900?? Only 900 PepeLaugh true :) <3 pog SiirFlachzange subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! <3 <3 <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH <3 fedLUL opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Mau5 Mau5 moe if u see this clap your hands do you think you have the right to call youreself a challnger player if you hit challneger once in your life? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm well only in NA <3 daniela widepeepoHappy WideHardo <3 <3 !uptime I'm 300k in debt LOLOLOLOLOLOL The stream has been live for 16 minutes 3 seconds <3 im down 30k KEKW Clap opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? <3 <3 7k/500k Clap hello there In the uk you go up to 300k in debt now :D <3 <3 krazyimp subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! lookin cute moe 10 min queue :O PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! <3 Clap GAY YAS PepeHands We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW V @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? PRIVATE EDUCATION KEKW @Yassuo can u play some irelia ,mad respect BabyRage cmonBruh Can you stop talking I'm here for music. @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts Death_Shadow415 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! it’s so nice to see a brown boy be successful sheesh keep up the good work moe love ya yasH <3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - <3 <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yas3 are you Muslim Moe be 900dollars in debt to TRICK <3 moe youre a pussy Good afternoon Yassuo! <3 opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch?? can i get hi pls PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW PAYING FOR SCHOOL LULW hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn <3 <3 Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap CLAP <3 Clap GAY KEKW Thank you!! fuck you moe <3 how is your mental state today? Can we be friends or naw? !uptime The stream has been live for 16 minutes 27 seconds Pog Clap Clap . clap yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 tyler more fames from you moe !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - CLAP !Charity Clap My best friend from a game Age of warring empire passed away 2 years, his in-game name was Landscaper, I kinda feel bad since it's his Anniversary :,/// Donate Here - , Learn more here - !uptime @Yassuo do subs count toward SU2C? Clap no Raising money for what? Clap Clap clapp whats up moe @Yassuo i watch your yt everytime, love your content and pinoy <3 HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE OUT OF STREAMING MOE ? <3 <3 <# Clap we did it chat <3 <3 <3 yasH yasH yasH 太會了 @Yassuo Tobias fate is CLIMBING CLAP @Yassuo What does SU2C mean? bits count towards towards the charity? CLAP HYPERCLAP ty 4 HahaPoint, @krazyimp. Hahaha Flachzange !uptime !Clap fuck you moe claaaaaaaap !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - my school debt in the 6 figures HYPERCLAP @yassuo my pc just conked out pls gift me one that can play league <3 Clap Clap !uptime Do we have dono goals this time around? The stream has been live for 16 minutes 38 seconds Whats up moe £27.5k down the shit cmonBruh who has exams soon press 1 @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip bru those q timers @Yassuo Listen to JPEGMAFIA hello Do you see wukong in ranked or no FBCatch FBCatch HYPERCLAP CLAP Clap 10min QUEUE KEKW 10min QUEUE KEKW 10min QUEUE KEKW 10min QUEUE KEKW 10min QUEUE KEKW @yassuo what if LOL didn't exist? moe whos harder to master fiora or yasuo ? how is your mental state today?? EASY CLAP yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug Chat going crazy !charity @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip Kreygasm Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip 1v1 me any champ ill beat your ass pussy Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event star FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch !Charity @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump Donate Here - , Learn more here - my guy said brown boy, lmfao moe wat elo u at? pog POG @Yassuo @SU2C What does SU2C mean? 10M Q !duo @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip LUL Revengegaming are u Muslim Silencer001 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! keep being fat !uptime jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM jasM The stream has been live for 16 minutes 57 seconds !elo HahaPoint reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo any tips for a new league player? cungch1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo Moe show us that irelia gameplay #fakerschild NA KEKW 11MN hey Moe reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PogChamp @Yassuo what are your thoughts on grosside gore vs KSI ? Faker PogU GOAT SONG Wait, tobias fate stopped climbing NO T1 nice queue time lol @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip LUL LUL opinions on corinna getting banned by twitch? @Yassuo you are such a good guy no cap Do you ever see wukong in a ranked game? SONG Pog hello moe, im from philippines, huge fan bro-stephenn @Yassuo when is the next 24hour stream where you shave your hair again? its boshy time Iterrax subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Noway see your dad KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ShotZ5 -> Please refrain from posting links. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip LUL LUL LUL how is your mental state today??? whats up yassuo Thanks for the HahaPoint @silencer001 u like faker? doinb welcome to the champion squad !song Qstrich -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream @Yassuo Will you tell faker that you beat him in solo q? live stream??? oh nevermind, my na brain just figured it out I'm sad Chat... ShotZ5 -> Please refrain from posting links. Thanks so much! @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip LUL LUL LUL LUL @yassuo goin to clap faker again? @Yassuo why did trick agree to play for your team. You are going to snake him an hour before the event starts HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE OUT OF STREAMING MOE ? @Yassuo You’re gonna see me !uptime get a picture for ig Do you ever see a wukong in ranked? The stream has been live for 17 minutes 18 seconds i wlly want to see a 1v1 moe vs faker @yassuo why does your room look so empty jeez it’s bothering me @Yassuo Show me your big ass arms bro is this a chairty stream ? @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip fedLUL @Yassuo You will not see them, THEM WILL SEE YOU SHEEEEEEEEESH POGGERS SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood @Yassuo Say Hello to Noway when you see him LUL "Hi cutie" lefteris_thal -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. No TRUE HI FAKER DOINC whos harder to play fiora or yasuo ? When’s the 24 hour charity stream? N OMEGALUL 5Head say sup bro KEKW LULW lol @Yassuo Why the fuck you aint playinggg Halo?/ KEKW Play halo yasGood lul ? is there gonna be another jump king bet with trick? 5Head 5Head @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip Kreygasm Kreygasm 5head "I slapped u 1v1" KEKW SMART KEKW @Yassuo 5Head Moe what did you think of Rae’s LOL gameplay last night? PLAY ON EUW BRO @yassuo yas5 TRUE SMARRT yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 1v1 doinb say im your child with an extra chromosome @Yassuo TRUE Hes gona call you a random smaaart PogU KEKW Hi StoneLightning are u Muslim cringe KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW You got this Your Fakers biggest fan? try to kiss faker !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - DendiFace DendiFace DendiFace DendiFace DendiFace SMART !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip fedJuan say CHONG CHONG CHONG BIG BRAIN KEKW SMART MOE SMARTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 @Yassuo MOE I LOVE U I LL EAT U OUT soren bjergsen bjerg @Yassuo SMART MOE SMART @Yassuo show us that irelia gameplay #fakerschild BIG FAN Go to the gym moe !duo Revengegaming 5Head Do you see wukong in ranked? @Yassuo tell doinb to choose fpx yasuo skin lol @Yassuo tell him '' 1v1 me bro'' you shood say ugabuga KEKW fuck I love black people SMART 5Head @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump i rlly whant to see a 1v1 moe vs faker 5Head april fools Speak to him in korean BJERGSEN INTERVIEW PART 2!!! Kappa DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame tell faker you beat him in soloq yas2 yas3 yas2 yas3 @yassuo im literally watching your stream for the first time i only watched your stream highlights they are so funny hahaha yasGood what an incel KEKW Who's ray? @Yassuo just walkup and just assert dominance by getting in his face and calling him a dog for being solo'd by you LULW @Yassuo You will not see them, THEM WILL SEE YOU SHEEEEEEEEESH Pog will you win faker?? i rlly whant to see a 1v1 moe vs faker :)))) !charity @yassuo didnt u alr beat boshy ?? Donate Here - , Learn more here - 3Head Annyeongaseoh no WeirdChamp Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo PepeHands hey how are u moe? ausajaLove finly m <3 l fire_kracken subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Keep up the work Moe @yassuo moe if you see this do a double backflip PepeHands reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !Charity SMARY Donate Here - , Learn more here - Doinb's wife Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm yummy puzzy rip PepeHands Can we ever play? yasNunu PLAY IN EUW BRO @yassuo bro Moe got the moves :( @Yassuo show me your big ass arms bro yoyoyoy PepeHands @Yassuo Moe show us that irelia gameplay #fakerschild :( i rlly whant to see a 1v1 moe vs faker hehe league? yikes will you be putting any money from your own pocket into the charity event? my dad died out of cancer PepeHands why is grossgore fighting ksi wtf lol BigBrother ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 When talking to faker be ur self don’t be cringe KEKW @yassuo nervous about faker bro listen to your own advice lmao KEKW KEKW Annyeongaseiyo Monkas MOE WTF ARE U DOING GO PLAY HALO U DUMB FUCK Yo wassup? !uptime KEKW Kappa The stream has been live for 18 minutes 22 seconds Fangirl KEKW desperate for content KEKW @yassuo kiss faker a friendly kiss for me pls Keepo KEKW :zherkaw: yasPlead KEKW KEKW wassup moe @Yassuo opinions on corinna getting banned? HALLOOOOO IS OUUTTTTTT fanboy KEKW you shood fuck faker for content i hope u can 1v1 him 1v1 doinb pussy Kappa TYLER! Dude requesting to 1v1 faker LULW @yassuo media share and money goes to charity d Who will got the charity? @yassuo faker trash Bjergsen interview part 2?!?!?!? Kappa Kappa TYlLER1 yasSSS My grandfather died this weekend because his heart was to weak. punch him in the face for me bro MercyWing1 yasAYAYA MercyWing2 KEKW We appreciate having you!! make sure to shake his hand and then never wash your hands again and maybe you'll be a good midlaner :) @yassuo @yassuo media share and money goes to charity LUL @yassuo wish the best of luck if u gonna vs faker @Yassuo Moe just tell him that you already 1v1ed him and needs to get his revenge Tyler 1 @Yassuo preference on mouse? How long will the stream last @Yassuo who are you? faker is boosted who are you again? opinions on corinna getting banned?? @yassuo if faker told you to get on your knees and suck his dick would you do it F @Yassuo You will not see them, THEM WILL SEE YOU SHEEEEEEEEESH Pog @yassuo kiss faker a friendly kiss for me :) @yassuo media share and money goes to charity PogChamp whos harder to play fiora or yasuo How does xqc have 20k viewers @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump what does VIP do? 3k VIEWERSAndy KEKW doesnt hurt until you beat him lulw ItsBoshyTime Will you play in clash? @yassuo PLAY ON EUW BRO I have 5.4 channel points. Ont 494k left its gonna hurt them more than help PepeLaugh @Yassuo he doesnt 1 v 1 scrubs who put flash on d @yassuo media share and money goes to charity PogChamp PogChamp Pog You gonna smackkkk Faker @yassuo Kappa whe u see faker u can say that u re that syndra who smashed him TriDance THIS DUDE BEGS NADESHOT FOR TWITTER VERIFICATION AND THINKS HE HAS CLOUT LMAOOOOO WILL U PLAY HALO??? @Yassuo what are your thoughts on grosside gore vs KSI ? KEKW yes. yes LUL KEKW ???????????? CONTENT Pog yes he would HAHAAHHAHAHA gachiBASS @yassuo media share and money goes to charity PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pepega LULW Is corinna actually getting banned from twitch? asking for handouts from skt i see @Yassuo ????????????????? Of course he would you hella sus anyway Kapp ???????? yes Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW yasPride yasPride !charity Moe im doing my 4th year for the third year im currently 19 and my class is 15/16 the teachers smoke with me during lunch time pls pray for me Donate Here - , Learn more here - LULW he will KEKW кекв ItsBoshyTime ? KEKW LMFAO Kappa ???????????? HE WOULD KEKW HE WOULD KEKW HE WOULD KEKW HE WOULD KEKW HE WOULD KEKW @Yassuo !Charity 4K Andy HAHAHAHAHAHHA KappaPride Sell out KEKW KEKW @Yassuo show us that irelia gameplay #fakerschild Family-friendly :) no cap moe u know u gonna do it 1v1 with us LUL LUL gachiBASS what does VIP do?? gachiHYPER LUL KEKW LUL LUL yasPepega yasPepega @yassuo If im stuck in gold but i know im better because im doing good. is i wurf to make another acc lvl that up and try to get a higer mmr? HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE OUT OF STREAMING MOE ? @Yassuo MOE IS not COOL! Kap opinions on corinna getting banned??? say yes Kapp THATS A YES LUL are u playing NA vs EU WTF HE WOULD Kapp Kapp tfbKEKW KEKW I WANT A YASSUO FAKER INTERVIEW Kapp Kapp Faker has a small pp @Yassuo Dont care tell Minaj to stream 4Weird u gay Kappa maybeREE WILL U PLAY HALOOO KEKW LUL if you win against faker it'll definitely hurt them tho u would ye YASUO LOSES 1V1 TO GOLD PLAYERS LMAO Kapp Clap experienced sick sucker i could tell Kapp sure what is there to suck? play yasuo i would and im not gay lmao !uptime @Yassuo did you see revenge's twitlonger? you so would The stream has been live for 19 minutes 16 seconds yasOkay Yes obviously man faker has small dick dou yasTower yasPride yasCannon yasNunu yas1 yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega you licked it @Yassuo Moe show us that irelia gameplay #fakerschild 1v1 faker on boshy, to whoever goes further? @Yassuo Pila whos harder to master fiora or yasuo Would you do it to Tom Brady? @Yassuo kapp kekw KEKW PUSSY cz do it PogU @Yassuo For a 1v1 though ?? u will smash faker easily he washed up KEKW can you give some of these money ti us we have league canser too is it not count !! karasmD karasmD karasmD karasmGasm u know u gonna let him nut in yo mouth too Yea ok Kapp :/ @yassuo you suck dick for bus money then walk home Kappa Kappa Kappa opinions on corinna getting banned?? @Yassuo is yas as good w new oconquerer? @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh You will prob start shaking in front of Faker KappaPride SCARED Kapp I WOULD actually disgusting TRY TO INTERVIEW FAKER @Yassuo suck his dick now @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump HEH Kapp pog Kappa !duo Revengegaming How to earn money instead of working? hmmm would i No The Mob tweets today PepeHands gotta bounce glad i got to help a good cause odyssey pls are you dating someone? nervous laugh opinions on corinna getting banned???? Would u suck his d for a place in a team? karasmCry karasmCry karasmAYAYA karasmD karasmGasm !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh PogChamp @sin_deed is corinna actually getting banned? @yassuo I know you would do it we are family don’t lie @Yassuo is yas as good w new conquerer? imaginee PLAY ON EUW BRO @yassuo Cona Stream dying ever since Yasuo went Snake on Trick...... LUL thats homo af stop capin Whats dirtier, Moe’s room or his beard? SHEEEESH @Yassuo when best of moe 2019 gona come out ? go high noon I WOULD NOT Kappa @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh LUL why true damage yasuo support maybe? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride if you win fake tell him ez DrinkPurple imGlitch akali or sylas got baited into thinking he was playing boshy from twitchalert @youngrecipt she already did? yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride every bit counts! @Yassuo yo bro choose battle boss @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Yassuo faker lost a 1v1 versus a gold player with some luck u might have a chance you gonna get camped U playing NA vs EU? 🖕 Moe im doing my 4th year for the third year im currently 19 and my class is 15/16 the teachers smoke with me during lunch time pls pray for me i hope i can finaly pass this year chroma chroma pls Moe a real one PogU yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @yassuo didn't u beat boshy alr?? nightbriger !charity change skin Donate Here - , Learn more here - Cona molhada @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh LUL what if he puts maney on lane will you do it Pick a diff chromosome Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : "dudee nooo" procceds to do it* My twitter timeline dry as hell without the mob yas100T yasFBM xqcSmile2_TK xqcSmile2_TK true damage best skin confimed by nasa Would u suck his d for a place in a big team? You should get Faker's phone number so that you can send him ball pics :3 @yassuo tell faker you beat him in 1v1 @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh LUL LUL 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer @Yassuo what is that echo> KEKW kekw the fuck KEKW LULW KEKW KKEW KEKW KEKW can you give some of these money ti us we have league canser too is it not count !! Who got banned? KEKW KEKW nightbringer TRUEEEE ??? @Yassuo are you going to go Pro? KEKW KEKW KEKW WISH I DID KEKW 😏 KEKW shadowblazedark -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. CLIPPED LUL BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG YIKES @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW КЕКВ who? halo kekw who got banned 4Weird @Yassuo hey, if I have cancer, then whatever i write in chat, you cant ban me, right? LULW HAHHA KEKW KEKW who KEKW Moe love from the UK kekw λολ KEKW KEKW ? KEKW who got banned? KEKWWWW CLIPPED AND SHIPPED LUL yasWeird @yassuo True damage or battle boss who got banned CLIPPED LUL My twitter timeline dry as hell without the mob yas100T yasFBM Who banned? who got banned alinity got eaten out by a dog KEKW who got banned @Yassuo Love the energy so far, u look really happy today @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh WISH i DID chroma plzz?? ugly today as usual 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer moe do you know who sirchez is? WHO yasN Clip :) it was a clip from last year @Yassuo !follow what about alinity messaging? change skin CLIPPED THAT @yassuo faker said he can't lose to someone who has flash on D WHO who SIMP KEKW link who ? xyphos88888 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hey moe, love the content, keep it up buddy Corinna tfue gf HELLO CHAT SAY HI BACK PLEASE @yassuo should I sub to you or tarzaned? SHOW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! WHO? SeemsGood PogChamp who ? what about alinity tweeting at her KEKW brb Kapp what about alinity getting eaten out by her dog? @yassuo give me material vshab14 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. who tf is karina High Noon Yasuo pls WH OMEGALUL ARXHGOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSS PAPAPAPAP for school project moe u a yung goat fr @Yassuo neeko got banned for 7 days TFUE MAD DONT TALK ABOUT HER Funny Kapp @Yassuo show us the nipple kappa WHOO Cheer100 yo. U got dat link whos harder to master fiora or yasuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo what about alinity tweeting at her KEKW ? @Yassuo is yas still good w new conq???? change chroma noob @Yassuo Why do u take Alactrity on yasuo ,why not tenacity @Yassuo MOE_PLAY_VARIETY trick2g Kapp ? jqmartin13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! lehgooo HI MOE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SINGED420 BEEN BACK ? @EquadisEU u cure @yassuo never played league in my life I watch just to hear your laugh ARE U HAPPY? peepoHappy Yo moe are you still talking to Hyoon??? give 5k to faker if he wins 1v1yasuo yasShrug @Yassuo did you see revenge's twitlonger? what about alinity tweeting at her KEKW @EquadisEU cute* TFUE mad?LUL Moe love from UK hello habibi hwy PokEmpoleon hii i love you moe @tellmewhynot, 😳 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer Play clash moe @yassuo PLAY ON EUW BRO HI MOE 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer 󠀀 @yassuo DIDNT U BEAT BOSHY ALR??? U playing NA vs EU !duo Revengegaming He is talking about the nipple u know exactly what he talking about !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer Gracias por el HahaBall, @jqmartin13. LULW salut les bros !pc CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz what do u think of jon zherka? what about alinity tweeting at her trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa @yassuo I need your fake Rolex to encourage me to work harder in life NINJA GROSSGORE KEKW yo @Yassuo what's your opinion on the new champ? this is the no goal charity RIGHT? Hey yassuo wasuup yasHYPERS yasHYPERS HAHAHAHAHAH HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE OUT OF STREAMING MOE ? @Yassuo what about alinity tweeting at her KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - SHEESH Moe im doing my 4th year for the third year im currently 19 and my class is 15/16 the teachers smoke with me during lunch time pls pray for me i better pass this year MODS FAST AF TODAY how do i download boshy? @Yassuo GOOD SHIT LADS PogU MY NAME IS JEFF !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - how much points u have on yas moeeeewhos harder to master fiora or yasuo @albaniannaruto LULW He meant the nipple clip you Pepega head moe give food @Yassuo bro donate a pack of skittles for my sad boy charity nemesis top KEKW pewdieepie is nr1 yt still U playing NA vs EU? Content :) drama reaction streamer now btw KEKW @yassuo when is all stars? you're the drama queen corinna got banned form a clip form over a year ago: go check here twitter @Yassuo you are our info 100K LULW enough 60k per month alinity lowkey fire Informative stream? trillions KEKW ENOUGH TO GET A ROLEX KEKW OMEGALUL FFLINE TV OkayChamp @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump 4mil moe buy for me a pc moe come to hawaii More than if you were a doctor? 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer @Yassuo Why do u take Alactrity on yasuo ,why not Tenacity 100k Pog Thanks for the HahaBall @jqmartin13 @Yassuo this thing in your chest is hair? @Yassuo doing this charity streams every year . RESPECT! UR BED POGU????????? @yassuo cant play league because not at home,watching u tho ♥️♥️♥️ @yassuo didnt you beat boshy??????????????? how do i download i wanna be boshy @Yassuo fedSELLOUT fedSELLOUT fedSELLOUT 🎐 vhhhhhhhhhh i think like 1,5 mio before taxes fedSELLOUT fedSELLOUT fedSELLOUT fedSELLOUT @yassuo U playing NA vs EU? top casio with comq? like 8k month moe give Pc gift @yassuo PLAY ON EUW BRO COACH PogU !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Nuguri or TheShy? VasbyDaniel -> Please refrain from spamming caps. moe can you buy me a can of cola? @yassuo come to Greece from? @yassuo what happen between u and hyoon ?!?!?!?!? @excoach, PogYou Frig cancer ratirlMad HOW many Pts you have on yasuo !charity ¡Gracias por el HahaHide, @death_shadow415! Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - rank? @Yassuo tell us a story when u got bullied af in school @Yassuo I'm sorry for the shitty LoL community win this one for the boys @Yassuo Why do u take Alactrity on yasuo ,why not tenacity????????? yo your clothes behind you LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo moe mah' man, its sanguine any good on yas? have you seen the clips of alinity's dog eating her on stream? @Yassuo this is a good move from you from @Yassuo When are you coming to Albania? op op who is the top laner? :D gachiGASM 🎐 ecko tips for starting streaming? @Yassuo did you see revenge's twitlonger? Kap @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? yasH from? KEKW JUST FRIENDS KEKW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW Dom said he makes 55k @yassuo SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - SSSSSSSS KEKW !charity KEK :p Donate Here - , Learn more here - !uptime The stream has been live for 22 minutes 22 seconds SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSS are you dating someone :P KEKW KEKW KEKW sssssssssssss PepeHands thoughts on karth conq top? KEKW :P !uptime FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW PepeLaugh :P yasSSS :P @Yassuo how do you feel about singed420 been back ? BibleThump yasSnake SSSSSSSSSSS FALLOUJA Kappa who is the top laner? yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake SSSSS yasSSS Moe come to hawaii cassiopeia is the best champion in the entire game she can be played everywhere KEKW KEKW yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake KEKW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW FOR CANCER? LULW Ssssssassss HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall knjinwo;wofkweorkweogkokrg yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS ssssssssssssssssssss Ssssssssssss for cancer? WeirdChamp LOL LUL 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer yasSnake sssssssssss TRUE @Yassuo sub KEKW JEEZ !duo peepoArrive charity Revengegaming LUL LLLLLLLL NOT FUNNY KEKW have you seen the clips of alinity's dog eating her on stream? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW yasSSS yasSSS 🖕 WeirdChamp 🖕 cancer 󠀀 Moe is the GenZ faker For cancer hahaha y SKSKSKSK AND I OOP Moe i just enjoy watching you please read this yasJAM yasJAM yasJAM @yassuo zzzzzz you should talk with some finance youtubers. Would be beneficial for both IMO because they definitely have questions for you WE KNOW WeirdChamp karol dance degenerado Play well for charity not cancer LUL what is your headset ? the guy who got clapped by adrian? KEKW wait who is that KEKW wait who is that KEKW wait who is that KEKW Play well for charity not cancer LUL LUL good chyrity, after the chemotherapy was going well, my mom has her first of at least 6 radiotherapy sessions tomorrow Best emote twitch? @Yassuo !editcommand !duo revenge !editcommand !duo Revenge theriisktaker -> Successfully edited !duo. BlackDynamite17 -> Successfully edited !duo. LULW Lone_Michi -> Please refrain sending long messages. go it KAROL DANCE DEGENEKE @yassuo If im stuck in gold but i know im better because im doing good. is i wurf to make another acc lvl that up and try to get a higer mmr? is yasuo stronger now because of crit changes or is he weaker because of conq nerf !duo did you see sliker shooting guns KEKW @Yassuo Revenge CHARITY OVERLAY IN GAME @Yassuo CHARITY OVERLAY IN GAME @Yassuo CHARITY OVERLAY IN GAME @Yassuo why he is not online do a in game bet with him for some money to charity @Yassuo tf r channel point Play well for charity not cancer LUL LUL LUL WeirdChamp 🖕 fuck you cancer !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Faker is a boomer, meaning theres room for a new goat u make me wanna play yas every time i see u play yasN Coach tried Pog gracias lol thats thankyou in spanish :) KEKW why yasuo is walking slowly Why you don't cover map??? KAROL DANCE DEGENERADO cmonBruh gracias KEKW Weirdchamp LUL LUL yasN yasN yasN yasN Kappa !editcommand !duo Revenged that’s his twitch name tho... weirdchamp didnt work @yassuo, hes saying to flex !Charity Ay slims Shady Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo, hes saying to flex 󠀀 @Yassuo Show me your arms bro whats his duo? @yassuo U playing NA vs EU? @yassuo, hes saying to flex slim shady kekw no bueno KEKW play some of halo PepePls @exCoach Its revengeleague lol kenoon1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! 2 years w you homie it's been a blast through it all and im glad i spent my well earned money on a second grade streaming. Im just playin. Also 2 years since Baldsuo pog. Keep up the good work homie! @Yassuo can i get a gifted sub :) ? PepePls 󠀀 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! YASSUO GUAPO PepePls MUSIC HARDER Flex Hello OkayChamp is the chat still canncer? @theriisktaker LOL whoops TACO SOMBRERO @TheArcalius, OkayChamp 👋 BACK FROM UNI HOMIES TriHard @exCoach theres no revengegaming lmfao Damn bruvh u looking cute today moe.. thank god NNN is over (no homo) How much you planning on donating today? Moe this is where you stand up slim shady lady Pog PepePls Moe why is alacrity better on yasuo instead of tenacity????? EquadisEU OkayChamp revengegaming Pog @Yassuo nohalo today? ngl your merch is kinda Pog 4Shrug boomer memory ig Coach 3Head PepePls 󠀀 Look chat KEKW You bitch why dont u stream in eu time anymore?! @djboss0729 who? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @exCoach WideHardo 🚬 Chief So many mods WideHardo 🚬 Valeu pelo emote HahaPoint, @kenoon1 pokiS pokiS pokiS The alert sound is loud af mods tbh @thearcalius WideHardo WideHardo 🚬 AHHHHHHH good shit The stream has been live for 24 minutes 20 seconds pokiGUN pokiGUN pokiGUN mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to AceInDaHand! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MrSandmannHD subscribed with Twitch Prime. !watchtime HahaPoint HahaShrugRight KEKW Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @TheArcalius why you screenshotting snaps WeirdChamp the only thing I don't like about that skin is the hair CS Pog Tack för HahaThisisfine @mbh212 lol what are the requirments for a 1v1? WideHardo 🚬 @excoach want a ciggy? 3.4k VIEWER ANDY KEKW @Yassuo 3.4k VIEWER ANDY KEKW @Yassuo 3.4k VIEWER ANDY KEKW @Yassuo 3.4k VIEWER ANDY KEKW @Yassuo 3.4k VIEWER ANDY KEKW @Yassuo damn Moe you ugly Pog PogU @mbh212 Thanks for the gift sub! WTF thanks a lot the giftas @blackdynamite17 send selfies to everyone huh Slim shady '1 Stop asking for my balls picture @BlackDynamite17 WeirdChamp Jebaited @BlackDynamite17 why u showing him whats up? came here cause TFBLade music so shit !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MUSIC HARDER -1 KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness PepePls :) !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PepePls 󠀀 best skin on yasuo?> PepePls PepePls !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Wut damn moe @BlackDynamite17 Man... it was a mistake PepeLaugh @exCoach wasnt even a selfie WeirdChamp @exCoach hey i bought a gifted sub with channel points can you tell moe? PepePls DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Thanks for the HahaSleep @cungch1 i never get ratbusiness emote please stand up PepePls please stand up PepePls please stand up PepePls please stand up PepePls @BlackDynamite17 packing heat? pepepls !best skin on yasuo imagine donating to someone who already has too much money KEKW 1 vs 1 franciscoxx POGGERS @theriisktaker WideHarder yasBoo3 kayn beating elise up Pog jocatSword @TheArcalius, you didnt screen shot the dick pic i sent did you? im say about that man ive been jumping streams and this one is steaaady donations lolol Nightbringer :monkaw Lone_Michi -> Please refrain sending long messages. this skin looks smooth surprisingly Blood Moon @BlackDynamite17 cmonBruh HSWP PepePls @momo_to_strong Charity stream !charity PepePls 󠀀 Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: Donate Here - , Learn more here - hola mohamed como estas Moe when is next twich rivals??????? great hair !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - snake @TheArcalius peepoHug Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor How about project skin? its hiiiiiiigh noooooon @EquadisEU monkaW a TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? true barry WeirdChamp t TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? TriAthlon JOG YOU SAY? 󠀀 @Tellmewhynot peepoHug yasSpit @Yassuo your personal opinion on hardest yas matchup? @repobah wayoftMunch1 nice @Yassuo Wgeb charity stream? if you wouldn't be into guys who'd you like to date ? @Yassuo KEKW SHIT ON yo Barry KEKW Uptime! Get outplayed Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty imagine not donating Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor KEKW @yassuo what do you think of the new nightbringer skins? @AirborneCactus sup barry PepeLaugh you are dead Moe why is alacrity better on yasuo instead of tenacity????? @Yassuo When charity stream? !uptime The stream has been live for 26 minutes 3 seconds Prrrrrrrrr KEKW MUSIC HARDER M03 MOE GAY !uptime u got shit on PRRRRRR PogU Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer staying and getting mad dead Hello KEKW KEKW @Repobah respect wayoftLuigi inting Staying and getting mad I LVL 4 ZED POWER SPIKKE YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT :D LULW @yassuo good content brb gonna go to the restroom ???? When's the new merch? This is getting a bit dirty @Yassuo szakszi04 -> Please refrain from posting links. ?? KATN? PepeLaugh oh nono @yassuo U playing NA vs EU? okey @Yassuo WHEN CHARITY STREAM? PepeLaugh moe lookin slick do you use movement prediction? do u guys think yasuo even read chat? triple doran Pog @yassuo what do you think of the new nightbringer skins? 3 blades KEKW hmmmmmmm TF blade smurfing you on views what vent wrong with your carrier? 2? ?WTF 3 BLADED WOW ????? hey da oh su2c is the chairty im realyl dumb LULW 3 dorans KEKW triple dorans KEKW 3 dorans? 3 dorans? wayoftSmart wayoftSmart wayoftSmart LOOL Triple doran LUL KEKW BUILD whats with the mass dorian meta? TRIPLE DORAN PepeLaugh LOST TRIPLE DORAN PepeLaugh LOST 3 wtf 3db PogU yasNLT TRIPLE DORAN PepeLaugh LOST WPWPWP I never understood the point of buying multiple dorans. Damn kinda need new merch tbh triple dorans KEKW coward 4Weird pot ? pot? Ryan Choi KEKW ??????? 3 DC 3x dorans 4Weird hurtin stream Lek shu moe 3 wtf why @Yassuo u think 4 dorans adc strat is good? i mean u get early powerspike but u waste so much gold from ur build 3DB Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! no pot ? 3 does it pay off to have merch? @Yassuo RAGE MOE RAGE MOE RAGE MOE RAGE MOE hasSmash Moe why is alacrity better on yasuo instead of tenacity????? Triple Dorans PoG @albaniannaruto PogU what's your problem with triple doran? 200IQ buys XD LUL 3 dorans pussy @yassuo forgot pot qa Holidayyss subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! year and a half baby! So, todays bet is gonna be 10 Subs for a Quadra Kill this game! REACT TO YASSUO AUTISM 3 1K GOLD DELAY PepeLaugh reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! karol dance degenereke 3 why 3 dump man PLAY YAS AP WTH PROTO whos ready to see moe int today bronze chat XD !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - wait 2 years lel holy shit imma be honest time is running real fast guys @yassuo what are u gonna do at all star ??? its been that long damn iron chat @exCoach good guy naruty OkayChamp can you go 6 dorans for the charity stream Pure domination as always KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Why not double dorans boots refillable? Hi vamosClown yassuo has a HUGE pp wait your so tanky wtf @tellmewhynot, send me nudes ur hella cute gang why not boots and pot KEKW ROAM @albaniannaruto naruto-Kun nutJob What's your favorite Yas skin? I just reached gold 3 dorans Pog hey sorry to bother u i have an issue so basically when i turned off my computer the screen go drak and when i turned it off it goes dark what should i do ?? @AlbanianNaruto kebab when PogU @yassuo hi MaN TwitchUnity @patarsaps wow 200 iq player buys 6 dorans gg roam KEKW ANELE @albaniannaruto, NATURO KUN AYAYA yee better go 6dorans you have half of that already anyway Im very proud Manav2731 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! what is a modulus function? if you are smart. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW @albaniannaruto a ka shqipe? PepePls moe, new strat with 3 dorans?:)))) My twitch sub is ending today :( Mulțumesc pentru HahaTurtledove @manav2731 <3 I agree with this dono, fuck cancer :) @exCoach @EquadisEU wrap it up 4Weird PLAY HALO HALO DUDE HALLOOOOO pepeJAM <3 @albaniannaruto or what @albaniannaruto, SillyChamp hehehehe moe pls halo SiefPiece subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! much love. keep it up Moe TriKool reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @exCoach Check snap for my dick pic TriHard gg @albaniannaruto AYAYA Cheer100 the first 20 to type "happy national day UAE" will get a free sub please take part all :( !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - <3 TriDance Hmmmmmmmmmm @exCoach he will think about that PogChamp TriKool Clap @yassuo what are u gonna do at all stard YASSUO AUTISM 333 @thearcalius that’s cap TriDance @albaniannaruto a je shiptar? HALO it wasnt a question @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? HALO ResidentSleeper WideHarder 7 WIDE CHAT @Yassuo did you see revenge's twitlonger? Lone_Michi -> Please refrain sending long messages. pink if u had to choose between english for all ur life or arabic for all ur life which one would u choose? WeirdChamp one man spam maybe he meant the song @exCoach nvm fail u ever played aoe DansGame VOICE CRACK LULW VOICECRACK KEKW ABOOGIE WOOOO AAAARD HALO voice crackl LUL PINK PINK PINK voice crack LULW voice crack LULW voice crack HALO voice crack LULW 󠀀 @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama DIDNT SEE PINK LULW hey sorry to bother u i have an issue so basically when i turned off my computer the screen go drak and when i turned it off it goes dark what should i do ?? @Yassuo missed ping on bush VOICE CRACK MISSED PINK voice crack LULW Thanks, everyone for being here! 1vs1? Voice crack ;c Voicecrack KEKW happy PINK pink voice crack LULW 󠀀 WARD @ar3ian_ what? voice crack LUL fking pink on bush CONTROL WARD BOTSIDE @Yassuo @Yassuo just got my 13th account banned thoughts? Missed the control ward twice FeelsBadMan happy nation day UAE @asdasdasd12349 WeirdChamp happy national day UAE HahaTurtledove Voice crack KEKW happy universal day HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE what are the requirments for a 1v1? HAHA sAandMan Sw3eZ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! on all stars ur gonna be like baby yoda looking up to tyler1 WeirdChamp halo Happy nationald day UAE happy nation day UAE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Happy nation day UAE !charity happy national day Donate Here - , Learn more here - @exCoach PepeLaugh happy national day uae Kurva anyád faszzát kabd be happy nation day UAE happy universal day ua smd yas Happy national day UAE @Yassuo CHARITY STREAM WHEN? hsppy national day AUE happy national day UAE FREE HONG KONG $10 for every missing nado ? @SU2C Hey :) @thearcalius monkaS happy national day UAe happy national day UAE happy national day uae modulus function is when everything is postive for example on ur graph, ur negative values turns postive :triumpth: happy national day UAE @hangu07 he will think about that PagChomp @yassuo what are u gonna do at all star KEWK happy national day uae @Yassuo MISSED PINK LULW PogChamp PogChamp VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ xD happy national day uae happy nation day UAE Happy National Day UAE happy national day uae pink pink pink pink pink Why do dirty and clean mean the same thing when it comes to how good you are lmao @Yassuo good music taste tbh Moe when is next twitch rivals???????? @yassuo U playing NA vs EU? sumCreeper happy UAE Kappa @Yassuo MOE SOMEONE SAID 10 or 20 gifted sub for quadra challange Happy Nation Day UAE NaM Woah that voice crack HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE @SU2C <3 Happy nation day UAE You should et Evolved on your tcs team HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE pink ward in the bush @yassuo jeez I heard the news that you are going pro in call of duty I rate it haqply national day Uae NaM 󠀀 Pink??))) PogChamp happy national day UAe Happy national day UAE @albaniannaruto why is ur name albanian at the start? hi moe good game Yo mor favourite game of all time 5k veiwers LUL 5Head it s worth to take barier vs zed in this meta? in 2014 was kinda like that !charity HAPPY NATION DAY UAE happy national day uae happy nation day UAE Donate Here - , Learn more here - cass w balanced happy natuonal day uae Happy national day UAE u baned to TARZANED ???? Happy national day EUA @Yassuo when are u doing viewer 1v1s HAPPY NATIONAL DAUR UAE RuinedNA subscribed with Twitch Prime. Hmmmmmmmmm hey sorry to bother u i have an issue so basically when i turned off my computer the screen go drak and when i turned it off it goes dark what should i do ?? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TriKool Happy national day UAE @ar3ian_ im half alb but dont speak it @yassuo pink HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE TriDance u want to buy 5 dorans blades? why do many d blades? happy national day UAE happy national day UAE happy national day UAE missed a ward HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE looking like a snake today... i mean snack* how do I share rewards? @Yassuo hmmm TriDance Do you think pun1sher is the best cassio in euw? TriDance 󠀀 HAPPY NATIONAL DAY UAE 1 @Yassuo your nose is lookin bigger than usual today JUST three do 6 for the charity get 3 more just 3 4Head just 3 KEKW TriDance yuh JUST KEKW three is a lot @Yassuo yas vs akali who wins mid? TriDance yuh TriDance jUsT 3 yasShrug new emote ? @Yassuo @albaniannaruto im from kosovo i thought u were from albanian nwm itsLeanza subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TriDance ultra sustain TriDance my jam @yassuo what are u gonna do at all star Wut get 3 more then :) just 6 TriDance hey sorry to bother u i have an issue so basically when i turned off my computer the screen go drak and when i turned it off it goes dark what should i do ?? @yassuo what do u think of the new nightbringer skins?? u live in LA ? why he buy 3 doran ? someone know ? can you make a weeb playlist? AYAYA @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? what changed about d blade that made everyone stack them? @Yassuo PogU this man has turned in to Minecraft villager with all these HhHMmmS @Yassuo you playing 1v1s in the all stars? HI do u use movement prediction? @Yassuo WHEN CHARITY STREAM? 6 D Blades pls @albaniannaruto i was saying albanian words smh @kisetsu2 HP ADVANTAGE buy another 3 dorals KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Evening good sir @yassuo yasN GERMANBERG @yassuo what do u think of the new nightbringer skins yasU yasU yasU yasU I sprained my wrist so I cant workout yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit The most offensive thing you can think about times two ^^ VIP for 500k? Pog If only this for all watch time :) @ar3ian_ oh its OkayChamp are the frames a bit choppy for anyone else? yasSpit KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 2? D: more dorans, its for charity @Yassuo no Kapp Did you react to yassuo autism 3? if no pls do! @Yassuo quinnsenju subscribed with Twitch Prime. That new The Game album fire reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 6.7k channel point lets go Kappa @AlbanianNaruto WeirdChamp TOO FAR D: yeah he did @yassuo we need to do 1v1:)))) it s a must Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you yasGood @baronofbacon yes FIRST TO GIFT ME A SUB WINS GL! Wait what happened to hangu VIP PepeHands when the game ends dance your favourite song yasMald Hangu PepeLaugh w nobb yasAYAYA Pog !charity pOG Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pog SillyChamp Any Silly Billies SillyChamp POG Pog prrrrrrrrrrrrrr @Yassuo what are your thoughts on ur nose yasTower Pog PogU POG POG PogYou pOG PagChomp NICE CLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Pog pog PogU Pog PogU pog POG PogU MOE Pog Pog Pog POG PogU pog PogU Pog CLEAN AF PogU Pog POGGERS Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you! PogChamp KEKW EZ solado lixo @yassuo the health bar represents his fat stack of cash he’s making this game PogU yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega CLEAN POG That windwall was NASTY Power of 3 Dorans pog PRRRRRRRRRRRRR Hangu unviped himself PepeLaugh Pog POG Pog PagChomp what is going on ? nob pog KEKW PagChomp Pog omg prrrr Pog pog champ Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you!! THATS A FUCKING Pog RIGHT THERE @Yassuo at which power spike can u nado and and E Q a minion before u ult? ZED DMG KEKW Hmm WITHOUT 3 DORANS U BE DEAD SMARTTT MOE TRUEEE @Yassuo @yassuo which event u will be taking part in Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor max flow on R is op POG @excoach can you even do that Pog Did you react to yassuo autism 3? if no pls do @Yassuo XD SUPP DIFF LOL pog PogU iwdPogchamp Nice Easier to run it down sounds op to me YASUOS SWORD LOOKS LIKE A RUNE 2H SWORD Give him his VIP back 4Weird XD Hmmm KEKW Did you react to yassuo autism 3? if no pls do! @Yassuo XD SUPP DIFF LUL sounds op to me 󠀀 Tack för HahaTurtledove @itsleanza outplay !rank @Yassuo anivias name fits her at least POGU @carizz0 yes Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you??? GRANDMASTER I (363 LP) iwdPogChamp @Yassuo WHEN CHARITY STREAM WITH GOALS? POGGGG do you use movement prediction @yassuo what do u think of the new nightbringer skins? Kreygasm smashed nicewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Will we see some variety during preseason? LUL build pog is this song even allowed in twitch? Pog @carizz0 just like I can unmod myself the triple db saved u so hard @yassuo Domination runes as support jasM jasM Is it charity stream today bruv? how tf did u win last fight @Yassuo Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you???? @Yassuo How come in your bio it says Season 6-9 challenger when you were master in season 8 and GM in season 9? Which is it Obama? @Raequaza 28th react to yassuo autism 4 which doesnt exist but it really should be fredtech21 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! in your opinion what does it take to go pro @wigren36 tack for why @Yassuo at which power spike can u nado and and E Q a minion before u ult?? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! go statik ? What's a watch streak? @Yassuo PogChamp <3 Moe said my name right poggers KEKW <3 7 triple dorans? damn boi that's a tanky boi Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you????? yasN yasN lickR AYAYA <3 Does having merch Pay off?? yasAYAYA !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - damn @Yassuo is gonna stab so many cancercells with those blades any e girls? :frowned: 7.1k/500k PepeHands @cuteboyyukine coming to each stream without missing a day BibleThump PepeHands popops any e girls? 😳 what changed about d blade that made everyone stack them? @Yassuo can you explain how did you win last fight please @Yassuo Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you? @Gozhuxonix Me 5.4/500k hes 1 trick support anivia KEKW Full build lvl 8 PogU @Yassuo why not tabis yasFBM yo how did you know that zed was going to appear in front of you after he ulted you? is it always like that?? (gold 3 btw dont bully me) @yassuo which event will u be taking part in at all stars trid is there a chance we see a yasuo game today? @exCoach Sounds easy EZ Clap TriDance TriDance 󠀀 oniii chan ¨!charity 3 Yo moe can you tell my boy Elijah that he has a big nose like you???? please so I can clip it @AllEyyezOnMe oh hi :) no stop spamming u weirdo @bottttttle fullbuild PogU @boavladi yes its always like that We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yo moe can you explain how did you win last fight please @Yassuo !uptime The stream has been live for 32 minutes 8 seconds !Charity !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - chat is dead yikes Donate Here - , Learn more here - @110110010011 PepeLaugh MingLee MingLee MingLee KEKW wasup is it anked games @fire_kracken. PRRRR KEKW @su2c, yasH @SU2C Are you a homie? TriHard TriKool yo how did you know that zed was going to appear in front of you after he ulted you? is it always like that?? (gold 3 btw dont bully me) @yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @AllEyyezOnMe KEKW wiiw u r gei ZULUL !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriKool Clap Explain the 0/12 heimer game in ur match history TriHard TriKool Clap @TheArcalius SKKKKKRTTT TriHard 7 TriKool Int KEKW @boavladi ????? TriDance TriDance 󠀀 HahaDoge CrossbowNA subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! franciscoxx te reta ad mid and jg you love to see it hi! @Accieo SKRRRTTT BROTHER TriHard 7 TriDance T1 waiting room TriDance @iQui HHHHHi TriKool yasCannon TriHard / my mum off to school! ¡rank is dat alicopter yasCarried TriHard / my mum off to school! Moe why is alacrity better on yasuo instead of tenacity????? !rank TriDance Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP cookie KEKW GRANDMASTER I (363 LP) q @Yassuo you down to play halo? !rank can you explain how did you win last fight please @Yassuo which you have neither yasSpit_HF @boavladi zed always appear behind you after his ults process. @Yassuo Watch the G2 Worlds Documentary silyl SillyChamp Blunt or 2 joints? 1 ward on the map FeelsBadMan SO YOU CANT duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu PogU PogChamp Pog ? ZED KEKW Pog WTF what a chimp Pog omfg HAHAHAHHAA onmg PogU zed KEKW Preseason inters KEKW omFG Pog KEKW "what does it take to go pro? A lot of skill" no shit sherlock Pog pog PogU AAHHAHAHA Pog Pog Pog du LUL LMAOOO Pog Pog Pog POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ZED KEKW KEKW zed KEKW NA ZED KEKW hahahahha Pog ???????? EASY yordlesHA yordlesHA LULZED BAD ZED KEKW Pog PogU ohooooooaosodidosooo Pog OMG POGGERS POG wtf zed Pog wtf NAH BUT WTF Pog Pog Pog LUL WOW POGGERS xD LOL POG NVM holysht PogChamp ................................... Pog pooooooooog Pog lol Pog Pog outplayed lul POG okaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy KEKW Pog Pog ZED KEKW PogU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ZED KEKW sensic1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. pog HOLY SHIT KEK2 Pog @yassuo what happened to trying to use the F keys? PagChomp KEKW PRRRRR lololol NA IS SCREWED KEKW Pog ohoohohohoohoohohohhoooh POG reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pig @EquadisEU U going with a cannon to school? KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChampPogChamp PogChamp poggggggggg POGGGG missed my dono yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ZED BAD LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PogU PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR PogChamp Pog that windwall made my moist POG ZED KEKW Pog OK MOE OK lol he messed up so bad NA IS SO FUCKED KEKW CLAPPED ohhhh PogChamp what a playyyy HEEE IS SOO BADDDDDDDD caralhoo STYLISH KEKW stylish Pog WTF pog POG NA ZED Is today the stream when u get a circle of life haircut? ZED KEKW KEKW POGGGG lulw PogU POGU @Accieo Kiss me trihardbrother89 KEKW ZED PLAYER @ayaya27, YO LEAVE ME ALONE PogChamp POG !Charity clean WTF ELISE LULW ELISE KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - SeemsGood Damn nice PRRRRRRRRRRRR? he had to W flash ignite aa yasN yasN yasN PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp HSWP HSWP !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Bro Elise LMAOOO @Yassuo at which power spike can u nado and and E Q a minion before u ult?? DUDE WHAT IS THIS GAME???? ?????? HOLY SHITTT yasHands hmm Doinb played a ryze game and had 412 cs at 25 minutes Kappa TRICK2G APPROVES THIS CHANNEL yasN yasN yasN @yassuo which event will u be taking part in at all stars BibleThump Hi moe I love you SillyChamp Any Silly Billies SillyChamp why yassuo doing charity now? FeelsWeirdMan shelly PepeHands "when u get tilt, call tyler and tell him to break his monitor" ! charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @TheArcalius :* Ur such a trash player YEAH SO EASY Kapp yasMald 400 cs monkaW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - le_rupert subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Yo moe thanks for recommendation on watching Banana Fish after ending Naruto. Keep it up my man. Less Viewers than T1 when hes playing Halo LUL SillyChamp Any Silly Billies SillyChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo When should you go 3x dorans??? @Yassuo he's jungler was prolly tilted af too tho @yassuo, date with doinb? 400????? Thanks you! clip !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Does herald disappear if you dont pick it up? @Accieo Compre 2 tickets yasThink en el CLASH yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood EarthDay EarthDay EarthDay EarthDay bananafish yasPride Honored to be the only girl in this stream. <3 <3 hold up a positive kda is this really moe tell me wich champions you think are broken atm? SillyChamp KappaPride rip my gifted sub :( wtf are channel points @r6kloud ye NF DROPPED A NEW SONG MOE PLAY IT @TheArcalius same same <3 KappaPride KappaPride No one got rift @Yassuo u think zhonas is op?? hey emma im a girl too yasR @209209lol, didnt ask Thanks for the HahaLean @le_rupert WeirdKEKW HotPokket PogChamp bananafish GIRL!? hello there cutie ;p girl monkaW @Yassuo did you see revenge's twitlonger? WHERE!? AWOOOGA egirls seeking attention WeirdChamp GIRL POG @IEmmaUnicorn hey egirl 😳 KEKW AWOOOOOOOGA DansGame Kappa Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday I'm a girl @TheArcalius gift me bro wtf Kappa TerriakiBoy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! @Yassuo how excited do you think faker is that he'll finally get to meet you? DID SOMEONE SAY GIRL? @Yassuo watch tian talking about doinb stealing all jng camps for him X reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo what was the show on netflix you were watching? KEKW KEKW girl monkaW @IEmmaUnicorn how attention deprived are u lmao @IEmmaUnicorn hhey OkayChamp !charity CANN OMEGALUL N Im a girl :) Donate Here - , Learn more here - DMY1324 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! which yasuo skin should i cop? TRUE KEKW TRUE SAD reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Cannon LUL KEKW i'm a girl you disrespectul woman girl monkaS monkaS SAD SadChamp no girl is watching that neckbeard UGLY KEKW yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon VOICE CRACKED Pog GRIL @hangu07 PepeLaugh there's a giiiiirl girls WeirdChamp yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon Girls on the internet dont exist FeelsGoodMan @Yassuo sry to asking ,but what's ur team for tcs if u participate tehee im a girl guys give me attention teheee Kapp lOfficialHectorl subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Hey Moe what are some good ways to grow my twitch channel? i just started and i want any tips Im also a girl @IEmmaUnicorn E GIRL WeirdChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon sAaAaD lmao there is no such thing as a girl on the internet! @Yassuo you playing halo? :o KEKW DJ KEKW KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates yall such virgins LUL @Yassuo at which power spike can u nado and and E Q a minion before u ult?? KEKW @djboss0729, PepeLaugh LUL yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald did she just assume that everyone is male KEKW KEKW kkkkkkkkkkkkkk KEKW KEKW KEKW @hangu07 lowkey simpin I see u KEKW FLASH KEKW Moe whos the next girl you going to smash !? KEKW ur a greifer and ur ugly Zed ult omg WTF IS THAT DMG KEKW any eboys in here LUL KEKW CLAP CLAP -1000 -1000 -1000 -1000 -1000 -1000 @nisasusu prove it Moe Tyler is like the iron giant and you are like the little kid 😂 what was thaaat KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald @hannaheileen, OMEGALUL not me TriHard yasMald yasSSS yasSSS yasShrug Pog ? @lLoOpEdl Lmao chill it's a joke jeez xD @excoach, 4Weird @Yassuo yo whats up moe hows your day @hangu07 esp you KEKW pls wht is kekw Wassup with Pokimane PEPEGA MOE sell a doran @itsLeanza :) / @hangu07 RESPECT Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW any e boys? 😳 @hangu07 I ain’t simpin @Yassuo what is the best thing to do with yasuo when u lose lane to a roaming enemy yasGood yasBad who wants a sub? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - hangu simping again PepeLaugh @hannaheileen, ok why you gotta do this FeelsBadMan @yassuo what will you be participating in at all stars pls ans this moe @hannaheileen dont talk shit bout hangu Moe what girl you think of smashing next??? yasOkay is tonight the day he shaves his head?? ME @Yassuo have you tried wits, stormrazor , ie vs ap champs? me hi moe new viewer! @IEmmaUnicorn hi :) TriDance @Yassuo Shave ur eyebrows for charity any eboys wanana duo in botlane :flushed: me! :) i mean hey im down !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriAthlon @CurryDK ME TriDance meee TriKool LUL @blackdynamite17, shes meming we cool @Yassuo at which power spike can u nado and and E Q a minion before u ult? @CurryDK me mememe :) yas1 any e boy tiktoker 🔥 !duo Revenge Hey Moe what are some good ways to grow my twitch channel? i just started and i want any tips and u lookin cute today UWU yas how much weed do u smoke in a week ? Yassuo do a gym stream so i can see how weak you are!!! KEKW @Yassuo NF DROPPED A SONG PLAY IT PLEASE TriHard BLUE KAYN lul @jukes coma frutas @ToilettenRatte 4WeirdW <3 im an e-boy PogU yas1 yas1 yas1 how to gain those points? pm me if you want a sub lol if you had 5 db you would have survived @CurryDK me daddi vvvLewd vvvLewd @ToilettenRatte, 4WeirdW TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance @BlackDynamite17 ban her black PagChomp im an egirl too uwu !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @BlackDynamite17 dont talk to me u fake @AllEyyezOnMe im an e non binary person nice to meet you Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo what is the best thing to do with yasuo when u lose lane to a roaming enemy??? keep it up :) @hangu07 she aint memeing tho, thats facts @TheArcalius uwu :3 now gift NAdo !help wall Pog LULW KEKW !commands u inted that KEKW LULW Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank KEKW ANIVIA KEKW ban her 🦍 That Nado yasH ???? @hannaheileen D: tilted @Yassuo Nightbringer Yasuo getting a Chroma PogChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ban her 🦍 SUPP DIFF KEKW BabyRage !duo Revenge @Yassuo Shave ur eyebrows for charity misseed my dono cmonBRuh @LoLRankBot stfu !tftrank cmonBruh elise?? lanning? blaming team end your sentences LUL @BlackDynamite17 jk ily yasH cmonBruh wtf good one chat 4Weird TriHard ? Yo moe gotta go now. Have a great stream Better jungle wins @hannaheileen simp @BlackDynamite17 (dont ban me agai) 4Weird wrap it up Hmmm @Greenfatty bye !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - well its not 1v1 rn anivia KEKW at least she's not 0/14.. funny how you dontt care when you int good eve Moe. Hows your day going so far @Yassuo Someone go get groceries for me pls @BlackDynamite17 stop snitchin and exposing 4Weird NotLikeThis An ally has been slain NotLikeThis enemy double kill NotLikeThis your turret has been destroyed NotLikeThis enemy killing spree NotLikeThis !uptime The stream has been live for 37 minutes 48 seconds @Yassuo Bro i busted a nut while watching a video of your sister @HarryJamessPotter what are you saying man man this game got so bad WHY RIOT NERF TO RYZE? Kappa Dynamite the boy WideHarder !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !FOLLOWAGE FUCK DYN no yes NO CurryDK gifted a Tier 1 sub to imjinju! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! this isnt domie chat for him to wrap up 4Weird reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @pettansderrier hes the most broken mid rn lol NO KEKW KEKW monkaW KEKW HAHAHAA OMEGALUL hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW wtf KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW AHHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL OH SH KEKW AHHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW KEKW spooked WOW KEKW monkaS Pog KEKW HAHAHAH KEKW HAHAHAHA AHHAHAHAHAHHA LUL KEKW POH KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA My ears lol WutFace WutFace u scared me shithead KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW @ToilettenRatte one day homie TriHard KEKW LOL LOL KEKW KEKW you scared the shit ouf of me KEKW ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen SYNAPSE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW HOLY COW KEKW HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAH LULW THAT SHREEK KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW U SCARE ME KEKW BIG COW KEKW KEKW LMFAO MOOOO GOT SCARED TO HELL MAN LUL KEKW KEKW xD GHOSTING KEKW hahahahah KEKW HHHHHHHHHHHHH LULW KEKW ALCOVE POG @Yassuo Hi Moe and chat <3 LUL LUL LUL you got jumped chshLUL yasMald yasMald I SORRY fake reaction WutFace KEKW ALICOPTER? KEKW LMAO Thanks, everyone for being here ahahahh !followage fkin monkey i jumped KEKW I was scared ITS A TRAP KEKW yasClown yasClown yasClown ANivia KEKW HAHAHHAHAAHHhhahHHHhahaaba hi im coconut got damn you scared my ass off OH NO A COE KEKW GET GHOSTED IDIOTS KEKW @Yassuo you scream like a little girl @su2c, sanchHeart bro u scared the hell outa me @Yassuo so manly man Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa SCARED TEH SHIT OUT OF ME @Yassuo Shave ur eyebrows for charity @Yassuo BLOCK MAP BRO MOE U RAT i told uuuuu MOOOOOOO clip please Clip FeelsWeirdMan Supp diff yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega !followage. 15v5 15/5 damn your team @TheArcalius i keep in in mind Kapp manly scream @Yassuo recalling maybe 0/8 botlane THE CLASSIC KEKW show us a new meta build yasuo Gift me sub wasa bro I just joined and what i hear is a super noisy scream !!!! @Yassuo will you ever try variety today??? @Yassuo what was the show on netflix you were watching? that was funny af anivia supp? what elo is this? silver?? <3 5Head wth 5Head i know My ears autsch lul lmao you almost killed me with that @Yassuo If you didn't have your camera on I would of think a little girl scream there !charity 5Head 󠀀 5Head Donate Here - , Learn more here - ANIVIA monkaS hard sup diff this game '''''''''''''''''''''' KEKW yo 5Head precipitation KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - precipitation Pepega KEKW 5Head 5Head !charity smarrt moe smarrt Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW # ????????? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - '''''''''''????????????? hi clip guys MY GUY Moe looks like the naked mole rat from Kim possible @Yassuo Plis do variety today :)) 5Head OMEGAROLL ! charity COWPHOBIA KEKW PRECIPITATION @Yassuo how to play yas against nocturne mid? i just got raped KEKW anivia support Ayy Why do you have 3 doran blades? good ass show sad it was cancelled !charity !charity netflix originals are ResidentSleeper Donate Here - , Learn more here - 5Head Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasMald its a java calculation thing used for programming SMART 16/5 OOF TriKool Clap :D HOW DID U WIN THE FIRST FIGHT CAN U EXPLAIN IT PLEASE <3 @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @chat you are all losers and you suck at everything keep it up <3 !charity taseel16 -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo Shave ur eyebrows for charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - mobile watchers delayed response LUL any imps in chat why not go next XD @yassuo why are u so sexy ? xD TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance :) :) :) :) simps * peepoBlanket Try and do an air bayblade Kappa @Yassuo u watch anime? taseel16 -> Please refrain from posting links. tindergamer -> Please refrain from posting links. @harryjamesspotter, wanna see something 😳 @Yassuo yo could you recommend good shows on netflix? @Yassuo this is an example of hard jgl and sup diff sadly @yassuo you should watch vampire diaries! You look like Damon DBstyle DBstyle CoolCat CoolCat @kaido_the_goaat KEKW better mid Lane wins it's a math function you noob !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - pepeD yeah @hangu07 😳 is this winnable why cant we do song suggestions anymore You give me a failed acting career vibe @thetologamer how much he pay u to write that LUL hi :D !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @HarryJamessPotter hangu we all know anyone have the clip where yassuo screams like a little girl ? pepeD BUT RYZE NO IS THE PROBLEM TriHard DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo would you shave every sinlle hair for charity> @Yassuo didnt elise steal it earlier? @EquadisEU the one just now lol how is herald up again? Np equadiseu, quit simpin @aglion88 which one? He will prob scream in 5 mind or so lol so many pinks @exCoach yasU @exCoach yasU @exCoach yasU 2 heralds WideHarder mods doing work PagChomp @exCoach WideHardo 2? Yo mins* chegler -> Please refrain from posting links. Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: @noobkevin69 the one 2 min ago KEKW Charity !followage wat Thanks, so much everyone! @bvnditmasacre WeirdChamp @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:go @Yassuo do you speak arabic at all? Palestianian here, so just wondering dyn i wanna tell you smth na flash @yassuo is nunu going to be on the 24th hour charity stream.. yasW KEKW Anivia KEKW PRRRRRRRR @BlackDynamite17 jealous? @hangu07 go ahead do you get recognized alot in public? W OMEGALUL W yasMald @Yassuo this game loos pretty lost KEKW not here lul yikers yas5 @Yassuo Plis do variety today :)) hammarama -> Please refrain from posting links. that was good wall from aniv The Modulus Function is known as the absolute value of a function. weirdlemon1 -> Please refrain from posting links. pepeD @Aglion88 here: youtube (dot) com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ Sup alwauys inting boosted yas KEKW cassio kekw @bvnditmasacre thats cap thanks bro @mbh212 LUL Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @blackdynamite17 why u weird champing him @hangu07 u can dm me @jhonfrancisgarat why ? PedoBear Clap zed is busted sing us your favourite song KEKW zed broken bro !charity cassio so bad wtf Donate Here - , Learn more here - @bvnditmasacre yasH WOOOT KEKW That deserves an L @exCoach cuz its bandit @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:go fuck charity lanug -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo hello, u bought new keyboard? Zed op someone gift me sub @Yassuo when is the 24h? balanced @BlackDynamite17 careful he wants to say it cmonBruh Lumfaou subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Moe catch me irl u twig W OMEGALUL W 13 12 kekW ZED BROKEN reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! two lethality items nearly one shots u KEKW Motun_209 -> Please refrain from posting links. !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - W OMEGALUL W imagine thinking skill matters against zed LUL @Yassuo Plis do variety today :) @Yassuo Zed walked right over the tribrush ward u are blind? weirdlemon1 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - WeirdChamp W OMEGALUL W OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL bruh moment he probably maxing E yikes 0-10 botlane any gifters TriHard @Yassuo are you going to donate or have you already donated to the charity? is this a 24 hour stream? toastyKEK just ff KEKW @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:g @thalmane not pedobear if sane age yasMald yasMald TriHard @exCoach ignoring me FeelsStrongMan he has a 1 item advantage at u cmonBruh !ff Any gifters PepeD @tellmewhynot yasH lol TriHard gib sub any gifters :D Ded cmonBruh !uptime !freemoney The stream has been live for 41 minutes 59 seconds cmonBruh OOF ff? KEKW LUL You just got bodied gg PPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEKW mbh212 is gifting 20 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 21 in the channel! round 2 PRRR dog The Modulus Function is known as the absolute value of a function. mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to helloxryan! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to oogaboogalol! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Blasin! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Im_Not_Revy! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to thedarkqueeen! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThatKidCrazy13! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to mrtoasttt! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dukestv! I’m on mobile I can’t see it all mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nicolas277! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tlpolice! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 100 others in Chat! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to poopyshear! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to bearingsea! BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DaMimZ! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kleidieitor97! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ErazerloI! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Albizzare! mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to tashintv! ded FeelsWeirdMan mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to dumanssbm! yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to miki__2003! POG armor runs kekw mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to StORmKnIgHT18! zed so fun to play against PogU he just used his ult wtf Pog Pog KEKW Pog Pog PogU POG Pog Pog Pog pog ANOTHER ULT???? Pog pog POG dodged PogU Pog pooooog pogggggggggggg Pog WOAH BRO yoooo PogU ? Pog Pog ME ME GIFT ME Pog PogU Pog Dodged POG Pog PogU PogU Pog POG Pog wasdasda Kappa Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @mbh212 Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU pog pOG Pog POG me? PogU PogU PogYou ez dodge ME 20 Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @mbh212 Pog Pog ? pog :D Pog dft gg POG POG dontlie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! moe's yasuo zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pogu Pog POOOOOGGGGGG ty Dodged Pog Pog PogU YOOOOOOOOOOO pog PogU PogU DODGED EZY duskblade E aa ignite passive + R usually kills anyone below 2k hp Pog Thanks for the HahaDreidel @mbh212 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Yooooo Pog pog W POG NOOOOOOOO Pog lol PogI WutFace pog Pog !!! pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp dodged PogU POG Pog Pog :O Pog Thanks for the HahaHide @mbh212 =píoik POG POG Thanks for the HahaCat @mbh212 gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP pog gh Thank you! the man TriHard Pog Yooo HO-LEE-SHIT PogU !!!!!! dodged PogU @mbh212 Tack för prenumerationsgåvan! POG POGGERS Pog MYE ARS 123 LOL Merci pour HahaSleep @mbh212 PogU EZ DODGED Pog Pog WTF Pog Whoooo w poggg poh pog Pog DODGED EZ i OUSHIE PogU POG never me pog red smite with blue kayn EleGiggle ez dodge WutFace LOUD AF Pog Thanks for the HahaCat @mbh212 POG POG POG Pog ears bleeding nice man pog oh lawwwd Tak for HahaPoint @mbh212 EARS WutFace me Pog Pog POGG Pog DODGED meeee POGGERS 123 Pog sd* POGGERS WutFace pog WutFaceW pooof pog SO LOUD WutFace Pog Pog pog LIT hi POGG MEEEEEEEE Pog rip ears PogYou PogU pog looool wow pog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper VoHiYo xd a Ayy cool Pog lol @Tellmewhynot FICK EN dude that scared the fuck out of me turn that down Thanks for the HahaHide @mbh212 fix it lol pog pog POG sd dodged lets goooo o WutFace PogYou eee pog Pog ... wowowow KEKW xD DODGED POG Pog KEKW relaax Never lucky KEKW PBUGGED OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL KEKW nice Pog WutFace lol Pog Thank u but dodged KEKW Exactly not me KEKW CLAP CLAP st1mpeLips st1mpeSpit st1mpeMouth .. e can i m? Pog YOOOO OLOL LULW can u please turn it fucking down KEKW MUTED KEKW pooog I'm safe DOGDGED Pog WTF PogU shipCHA shipPAN shipYA shipCHA shipPAN shipYA shipCHA shipPAN shipYA shipCHA shipPAN shipYA KEKW q pog ouch POG POG WutFace WutFace Pog Family-friendly :) EZ DODGE Pog KEKW Coming clutch with the dradel HahaDreidel HahaDreidel :Z Pog riot games poggersssss LUL Thanks for the HahaBall @mbh212 me wow O Pog that's so loud Pog What the actuall fuck loo pog Ty bb HahaSweat, @mbh212. POG !followage pog pog pog KEKW p9g :O whoooo omg here pog Pog dodged Pog Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @mbh212 Wait Pog HahaPoint HahaPoint !Charity L pog Donate Here - , Learn more here - Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 gachiHYPER huh YO WHAT lol h :c never me Lol Lower the fkn sound =) ME yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU V yas5 Pog Vbk Stop turbo feeding this Zed please @Yassuo pog wait Omg ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ dodged Pog pog pog XDDD me? damn me YTAS Me ZEZEZEZEZEZ Moh zzzzzz z lol Me ff zzzz ah, the gifted sub life is great pikabooSay yasM03 dodge IMAGINE GIVE MORE MONEY TO A RICH GUY WeirdChamp HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall lol pog xd pog KEKW ZZZZZZZZZ Nice KEKW Hey Me Xd FF your team has 0vision lol BLUE KAYN BTW poggg uh rikkyaLove Me SO MANY GIFTS, I GOT STILL NOTHING KEKW xD yasN yasN yasN yasN @AlvaroGrZp xdd grande tete Louder me? BibleThump VoHiYo hur THIS SPAM netcodes -> Please refrain from spamming caps. yo whats up moe ZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZIZI zzz duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu so many gifted subs xd hey pog Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! zzzz me yes KEKW KEKW dodged yet again Pog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper tyler1Hey pog kekw yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE gift me, my sub ends today FeelsBadMan me e e Pog eq eq eq Pepega @Yassuo holy shit thats loud @Yassuo you should donate like a dollar for each gifted sub lol Pog I GOT A SUBBBBBBB poggers PogChamp Pog PogYou Pog Pog Pog 1000 @Yassuo you max e as zed vs yas thats why it did that much dmg Pog PogU never mind 1k pog ez' 1K Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog pogu Pog PogU PogU +1000 PogU me PogU Pog Pog ryve is a nice champ nice 1k PIOG POG TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 Pog ok booner Pog Pog Pog PogChamp Pog Pog Pog PogChamp PogChamp Pog pog Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG Pog holly Not me pog pog Amen Sad elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace damn predicted hg PogU PogU hendrikw0lf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ur famous in germany bro i love you pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Okkk PogU KEKW Pog vip spam WeirdChamp Pog 1K Kreygasm @Yassuo hard supp diff :P BUDGET CHARIRY STREAMS KEKW bruh Pog you are by far the hottest streamer @daniela00unicorn peepoHug elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace elmillorFace :P !charity duDudu Pog Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo They're ghosting Nice zebi zebi gg yasH yas5 pog pepeJAM I HEAR IT do a new meta build Gift me sub ASH PepeHands Ree :P yasH yasH You max e as zed vs yas thats why it did that much dmg @Yassuo should i gift 100 subs?= AYAYA POG @Tellmewhynot peepoHug BANANAFISH POG yes @xquantomxx u won’t Banana fish <3 GIFT ME weebs FeelsWeirdMan Cover your map @Yassuo Pog The Modulus Function is known as the absolute value of a function. !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 pepeJAM I could use a sup lol @EquadisEU damn, i called you cute but youre actually kinda ugly tbh Okay chat its 20/7000 calm down 4Head Okay chat its 20/7000 calm down 4Head Okay chat its 20/7000 calm down 4Head Okay chat its 20/7000 calm down 4Head its trash MY SUB ENDS TODAY PepeHands @xQuantomXx hell ye !uptime Best irelia skin? dude, im smoking and watch the stream stuff trach u a trick or 2:))) The stream has been live for 43 minutes 55 seconds @xQuantomXx Pog SURVIVE SAID THE PROPHET Pog High Noon = Hyoon :P NonBinaryPride ur fps dumb too ? u needed to flash there cause u used ur E on ryze before ulti dont u think so? @Yassuo @Yassuo What do you think about the TFBlade vs Fogged bet? the ali was in all the map in all game your eyes are popping moe @Yassuo hello !!! he is on EUW? @EquadisEU PepeLaugh 800 ZED KEKW Pog CLEAN KEKW ???? Pog PogU What do you think about vegan burgers Pog Cheer100 I know I said the first 20 to type in chat but I honestly didn't figure out how to gift a selected bunch sorry :( POGGGGGGGGGG PogChamp THIS ZED TRASH PRRRR @EquadisEU peepoHug PogU damn POOG Pog ooooh PogU ez outplay PRRRR SO BAD omh Pog ez cLAP POOOG you sur about that @exCoach +800 PogU Pog Pog hes malding PogYou KEKW ZED pog Pog HassanChop HassanChop HassanChop HassanChop ZED KEKW pog pog yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG Lol THE OUT PLAYU POG AF Pog @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:go PogU Pog cmonBruh poh didnt even use R ???? (◕ᴗ◕✿) nice pog PRRRRRRRRRRRR ez Clap i cant believe that you arent a male model you cutie <3 <3 <3 Pog zed KEKW g wp 123 fed He made that look easy ZED KEKW ZED KEKW ZED KEKW ZED KEKW ZED KEKW POG WINDWALLED ALL 3 QS he deddddddd PogYou bitch zed COOL CALM AND COLLECTED Pog KEKW ITS THE SONG paychecks dayy ITS THE SONG !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Zed Malding looking at chat for Pogs XD hess maaaaaad 1000 IQ miss every q free kill balanced PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR? ITS THE SONG i just bought this emote and this is the best investment i ever made yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 ZED KEKWWWWW Yooooo yassuooo wasssupp boiiiiiii emo music omg WutFace woodian subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months! !charity AYAYA pepeJAM ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) Donate Here - , Learn more here - reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! s ratirlFlower ratirlFlower !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - jsjs AYAYA pepeJAM AYAYA pepeJAM AYAYA pepeJAM AYAYA pepeJAM AYAYA pepeJAM looking at chat for Pogs XD looking at chat for Pogs XD SCAMMED WutFace prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride Jebaited Pog KEKW pog xD ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) ANY E GIRLS? (◕ᴗ◕✿) You needed to flash there cause u used ur E on ryze before ulti dont u think so? @Yassuo yassuo finally making plays and not feeding, its quite emotional ss Jebaited Jebaited Banana Fish Buff Pog 1 scammed KEKW zed played that correctly he jusit loses to conq yas when yas finishes IE Thanks for the HahaDreidel @woodian brrrrrr 1000000 iq KEKW Your just the better player 4/3 in a 26-10 game who is this guy????????????? mee Zed is a fanboiiiii I'm fat I got scammed, I was 2nd PepeHJands gimme a subscription but i typed do it again LULW subscribe, i need emotes BLAME THE WINDWALL LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PRRRRRRRRRRR p Zed is malding LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride LesbianPride hehe a zed complaining that windwall is not balanced windwall not balanced OMEGALUL Lol wait im already subbed LMAO IS THIS NY MOE? ^_^ i dont have money :( never getting a sub prrrr yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG Follow me on Twitter for updates !donate klarity246 -> Can someone please give me a sub, thanks Cute dono AYAYA MOE is popping up ZED TALKING ABOUT BALANCE KEKW @Yassuo whats max. Goal ? GenderFluidPride NonBinaryPride AsexualPride TransgenderPride GayPride gachiBASS SCAMMED yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake 🎳🎳🎳🎳 English please chat 5k @dejavu_trix !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LMAOOOOOOOO high noon DansGame worst skin yasMald yasMald yasMald oof im freezing to death but i watch your stream... yasS yasS lol F CLSOE PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEKW ROLLED KEKW KEKW oof KEKW CLOSE outplayed POG PRRRR Outplayed PRRRRRRRRRRRR PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BagOfMemes TableHere PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PrimeRlyTho PRRRRRRR PogU Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : was it warded? PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEKW prrrrrrr How did he know what IE prrrrrrrrrrrrrr dd PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR PRRRRRRRRRRRR the was close dd of !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DD PRRRRRRRRRRRR GA skrrrt frozen mallet PRRRRRR DD than GA PRrrrrrrrr PRRRRRRR Mallet he knew u were in bush.... GA A DDOS LULW deaths dance yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit dd well i spoke too soon, another int sanguine blade cd lmao dd yea HANDS KEKW mobies OMEGAROLL GOT CLAPPED PRRRRRRRRRRRRRR GA dd !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you need wardens BLOODT rapid fire cannon steraks? PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR steraks v zed is good Kapp sedenta Linguini deaths 100% GA @Yassuo hex drinker PrRrRRRRrRR WeirdChamp FROZEN MALLET prrrrrrrrrr ohmwrecker gage TriHard Cleaver wardens and you win 1/7 cait GA GA lingunie Kapp howd he know u were in there? zhonya sunguine ga is thaat ll stylish? idk @Yassuo qss? yes frozen heart he went in hard PedroPablo20 subscribed at Tier 1. what's with all these excuses moe wtf DansGame @EquadisEU PepeLaugh languini @yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! GHOOST WARDED he did redemptionn That was bs OHMWRECKER yes Stream snipe either mallet or GA PRRRRRRRRRR Dd 5Head Streamsnipe Kapp how come yopu didnt go shiv this game ghosting He saw the crugs die @Yassuo Lifesteal @Yassuo is BT not good anymore ? lingunie. @Yassuo sanguine blade @Yassuo can you suggest good netflix show ? if u air blade he has sweeper KEKW PUSSY red trinket Poop !charity steraxe Donate Here - , Learn more here - 10 sec CD R RRRRRRR HE HAD ORACLE bt Kapp @Yassuo He had sweeper he had lens either he had vision or hes ghosting @Yassuo moe, buy death wardens!!!! and he does no dmg looking at ur stream maybe stream snip GA watch replay after @Yassuo U need lifesteal GA Yassuo dzukill copy cat WeirdChamp ✋ @Yassuo @yassuo steraks l @Yassuo Is not exhaust better against zed??? yeah who would stream snipe yassuo, everyone lik ehim laungini @yassuo @yassuo they are ghosting wdf? revenge KEKW wtf is his ult CD !duo KEKW Revenge @Yassuo why deaths dance instead of bloodthirster? @young_kdo they changed shiv and hes against zed so needs shield for zed r ult again? This Zed is so cringe @young_kdo he rarely goes shiv anymore, the shield on PD is too broken Yo moe quick question. what do you think about new stormrazor on yas? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 1/7 0/5 GG PepeHands frozen mallet? punisher is better cassio @djboss0729 zendaya got a bf now PepeLAugh <3 SadChamp FeelsStrongMan @young_kdo a lot of 1 shot potential probs <3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - <3 this is challenger? <3 You should try sanguine blade on Yas @theriisktaker ahh oki sd @Yassuo what do you think about statick ie DD 29/10 KEKW @Yassuo how do YOU move and atack? If i do it the cursor turns red yours turns orange @tellmewhynot ???? You’re lying @yassuo steraks ? @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:go KEKW <3 BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump KEKW FeelsStrongMan !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL Inting LUL @djboss0729 look it up PepeLaugh 1/7 CAIT KEKW 70ping KEKW SUP DIF @young_kdo monkaTOS yasMald i just came he died pure domination KEKW @yassuo what are u going to be doing at all stars pls ans if u see this LUL LUL LUL BECAUSE U STOLE HIS CAMPS @Yassuo the zed saw the crugs die there thats how he knew anivia LULW BrainSlug BrainSlug BrainSlug m supp dif lol top 3 lvls down 1v9 is tough 70ping kekW Blames jungle yasN yasN @exCoach its fine i didnt want a heart back :) @Yassuo its bushy time Keepo team diff KEKW dudeeee Better jungle wins 1/12 bot AND LEECH OTHER STREAMERS KEKW OhMyDog @bvnditmasacre I did? @Yassuo how you doing bro? love the stream @Yassuo homie, how am i ever gonna get 500k points to get vip But ryze is clean wtf PepeLaugh ? This Zed literally thinks he's Faker it's so cringe KEKW @Yassuo 3 LEVEL* KEKW pepeJAM It's 30v10 your social media is struggling though KEKW @exCoach false haahha KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOO KEKW yasH monkaW LMFAO @Yassuo 1v1 yassuo oce???? Just hide your map, team isnt enjoying this, stop making excuses !charity KEKW KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW LUL KEKW KEKEW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo how come you are getting death dance instead of bloodthirster? KEKW Preseason si so fun, Right? censorship begins @bvnditmasacre yasH BUT ITS PART 3 Wait what LMAO who do you think will win the bet tf or fogged? @Yassuo KEKW Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at BANNED KEKW PepeLaugh !charity mobi anivia Donate Here - , Learn more here - another flash KEKW arifcicek2 -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW twitch no f im gonna ban you haHAA BANNEDDD you kaban!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOE REACT TO YASSUO AUTISM 3 MALDING KEKW hi moe, how are you doing DOESNT DESERVE A BAN D: HE SAID 3 TWITCH NO F !opgg arifcicek2 -> Moe aint taking shit today lads is it worth subbing KEKW ULT r ????? KEKW KEKW KEKW WATCH IT 70 ping OMEGALUL rr sick airblade DICTATORSHIP @Bigmamma123456 yes ????????????? ?????????? xD yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN @Yassuo you look so fresh today as well ngl yasH nice R ???? thats game DOESNT DESERVE A BAN Kapp KEKW KEKW Pepega LOOL hhhhhhhhhhh Ezzzzzzzzzzzz LUL KEKW Kapp @yassuo you kaban KEKW @Yassuo Ya ubnl kalb, have you seen when Slicker gets a remix sung by NymN when playing cs:go KEKW KEKW PRRRRR 1 second on phantom dancer lol PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR it is worth to play rank in this preseson?????? hhhhhhhhhhhhh lmao Its ok LUL lag Kapp KEKW Kappa Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW hey @Yassuo you gonna check out the new halo? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp that ult xd Kappa LA INTERNET KEKW Kapp revedDerp revedREEE TRUUUUUUUUUUU KEKW PRRRRRRRTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTRRTRR Lmao wow this guy is bad I can gho b ack to tyler wtf halo better than this grey screen LUL EXCUSES LAGGED IN BRAIN KEKW @Yassuo prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yes yea @yassuo WHAT ARE U GONNA BE DOING AT ALL STARS pls ans if u see this yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN KEKW KEKW fun Kapp Pikleloaf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ayyye 3 months baby Kapp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LUL KEKW 70 ping kid KEKW LUL i play at 120 everyday LULW KEKW U like fudge? This Zed literally thinks he's Faker it's so cringe KEKW @Yassuo lul SEEMS HILARIOUS thats what i normally play on SPECTRUM KEKW !spectrum Kappa 🔧 Hey Moe, Spectrum technician is here to fix your internet Kappa 🔧 LOL ANIVIA BESTT KEKW @tellmewhynot they’re costars on a movie you idiot they aren’t dating. Tom Holland the only one that spooked me a LOSES JG STILL GOES BLUE KAYN Snake KD OS BR, VAMO Q VAMO GARAI CAITLYNN LUL this IS PAYBACK FOR ELTRUCO! play yasuo jg kid professor akali KEKW @tellmewhynot but this wasn’t even about him Kappa @Yassuo u missed my sub :( shut up you stupid dog @Yassuo @yassuo WHAT ARE U GOING TK BE DOING AT ALL STARS zed had ult again? @Yassuo why dont try some new champs in pre season BOSHY TIME Pog @Yassuo but u suck KEKW Caitlyn is kinda laggin KEKW Thanks for the HahaBall @pikleloaf not your reason LMFAO LUL @djboss0729 Jebaited How are u so popular then? this zed has like no cooldown on ult Tht zde is hot trash Bro KEKW we wtach you to make fun of you KEKW yo is this the yearly charity stream or? everyone playing halo except this lonely rat 35/11 WOW :D Pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - vmbdbj,bfjsbjdjjdghjgeygtejheuehgyeggtgetgetget etgeyigiyy Cheer100 its boshy time HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall Server in laging so hard man when is charity stream? Denzel Curry Speedboat is fire how come you have 7k people in the chat then? @Yassuo @yassuo yasuo jungle !time IS IT BOSHY TIME? PogU Why death dance and not bt? @yassuo bashyyyyyyyyyyyy when are you doin pummel party everyone playing halo except this lonely rat.. yasHands ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Love you moe <3 KEKW @djboss0729 actually getting mad at me PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime ? WTF KEKW ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ KEKW !gambleall LUL JUST OPEN OMEGALUL yasNLT Nice nado LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo How do YOU move and attack? If i do it i get red cursor you get orange Hi PRRRRRRRRR Kappa pride !uptim Yo @Yassuo If I say "Yassuo" or "Moe 100,000 times live would you go through streaming? I would be very excited <3 <3 KEKW Kapp Kapp iquii4rab iquii4rab iquii4rab iquii4rab iquii4rab :D Kapp Kapp KEKW EXCUSES at least u can read chat now !uptime The stream has been live for 49 minutes 34 seconds ok gonna do it rn Kappa !gamble 500 !gamble all WINNABLE!!!11\ @Yassuo are you going to play clash? yasN yasN yasN yasN Kapp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - LUL 70 ping lmaooooo Z A I O N GOD LA SadChamp Kappa @Yassuo why dont yoy try some new champs in pre season i know the feeling Your Internet is shit Moe ngl better luck next game excuses again yasTrue yasTrue I KNOW ITS TILTING just win? 4Head yasW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Got prrrrred KEKW Noob Why death dance and not bt? @yassuo 69 Pog KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp Its ok Moe cant win them all PPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRR LUL OkayChamp what is the minimum rank a league streamer should have? pogg ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yamikazeInt yamikazeInt yamikazeInt ZED LITERALLY PLAYING ARAM Pog I play on 120 ping majority of the time, and lag isn't an issue lol. just be humble and accept that u fukt it up KappaPride Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp YOUR BOY Kapp kekW get PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RIOT YasSmash WITH M Y BOY LUL BRUH HE DONT EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH UGLY ASS FANBOI OkayChamp @liversedge5 you can press A and then left/right click to attack move and i think u can click shift+right click also Vegas Moe KEKW Kapp stylish is that u @Yassuo i play with 70 ping there is not mcu hdelay why is NA west coast ping so high @Yassuo How do YOU move and attack? If i do it i get red cursor you get orange if you and faker are so cool why didnt you duo when you went to EU ItsBoshyTime Clap Your boi ? Cheer100 choke my boy haha : I play on 120 ping majority of the time, and lag isn't an issue lol. just be humble and accept that u fukt it up Gg KEKW !charity @Yassuo Yo, you mind turning this up bro? Donate Here - , Learn more here - @professorakalii iquii inik ya zeu Yo @Yassuo If I say "Yassuo" or "Moe 100,000 times live would you go through streaming? I would be very excited <3 <3 GG ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime nice f troll flash @RubberQuacks same i play with 250 lmao ZED IS LITERALLY PLAYING ARAM Got clapped BOSHY Pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @aranzaboi oh thanks :) @Yassuo can you suggest good netflix show ? best zed > yasuo Kapp POG sa, Thanks!!! GG EZ CLAP Yas a faker wanna be 300 PogU take your vehicle to vegas and speed the whole way faker would understand lolooo !charity "best friends" KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - IT'S BOSHY TIME PogU @Yassuo why dont you try some new champs in pre season @slinks51 mala zebi howa BOSHY TIME TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE ItsBoshyTime 3Head Okay ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasHands !uptime The stream has been live for 50 minutes 36 seconds hz yasuodan selalmlar @blackue LUCIFER did you see sliker shooting guns KEKW @Yassuo whe. !uptime yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN boshy time PogU YA GET ME LMFAO @Yassuo are you gonna interview him like you did with Bjerg? KEKW monkaW KEKW monkaW yasCannon monkaW @SU2C POG ???? monkaW ??? LOL monkaW oi 4Head monkaW monkaW Pog KILL MOE LUL KEKW that escalated quickly ??????????????? ?? monkaW <3 <3 <3 <3 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Pog charity stream when? monkaW KEKW monkaW <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 monkaW how was the birthday party ? ? Kappa yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon XD XD XD yasMald yasMald yasMald PLEASE PLAY YASUO JG LUL xD XD xD XD ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime XD DAP XD 3Lass XD xD @AKAROH Pogtrk XD xd xd DAB POGGERS xD xqcDab CRINGE <3 <3 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime XD x XD SD XD xD XD do u have a guide to Yasuo? you are reaaaally good anniHI anniHI anniHI XD XD XD XD sa XD D XD XD XD XD Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE Pog KILL MOE XD OH SHIT XD XD Roadman CRINGE WutFace XD haHAA XD haHaa I GOT U FAM XD XD XD Thanks, for all the donations! XD Faker be like W H OMEGALUL ARE U haHAA XD DAP POGGERS XD XD XD WeirdChamp !yassou whats up moe XD Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! xD <0/ @AKAROH Pog * yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit KEKW as duxas XD XD Boshyy time XD NO DABBING FUCK OFF haHAA for a second i thought i was watching youtube XD XD TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE TriDance AKAROH HERE just because its for charity !charity @windwalkerrrr ty Donate Here - , Learn more here - XD just play boshy WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp cringe haHAA haHAA jin_zeros subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! moe will you be in TCS? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Agree XD FOR DAB GUS TRUE @su2c yasH @Yassuo Yo, you mind turning this up? Please and thank you. @Yassuo faker is our boi Bruh PLAAY WITH VIEWERSSS @Tellmewhynot EZ u havent watched all the seasons yet !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - when are you doin pummel party ItsBoshyTime gifted sub today :) !duo Revenge boshyyyy What the fuck did you just say about jojo? trueeeeeeeeeeeeeee TRUE LULW did you see sliker shooting guns KEKW @Yassuo 소리에게 돈! MaxLOL god feels so weird seeing something other than KEKW lol can u dab properly two arms @Yassuo WeirdChamp did u see banana fish? @SU2C 💜 ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo bruh twitch chat is so cancerous lol !duo GAY XD Revenge ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !duo Trick FRANCISCOXX of lan's server challenges you to a 1v1, with yasuo. He says he is better than you and you would not win him a duel. peepoClap ItsBoshyTime peepoClap Pog Pog Pog TRICKK What would u answer if u had a gf and her father ask u about ur job? "I am a fat streamer?" @yassuo PogChamp PogU TRICKKKK Yo @Yassuo If I say "Yassuo" or "Moe 100,000 times live would you go through streaming? I would be very excited <3 <3 Greatings from Argentina Pog OOOOOH ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Thanks for the HahaThink @jin_zeros ITS DOOMED KEKW YASSSSSSSUO Pog SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS gosu Pog can you see it guys xD GOSU TRICK Pog TRICK <3 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime swifte so bad KEKW SSSSSSSSNAKE Pog ItsBoshyTime GOSUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Pog TRICK trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ZigggZagg -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Kill himmm what happened to boshy PogU ItsBoshyTime TRICK POGU yasSSS yasSSS yasSnake 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 PogU TRICK2G TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime SSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNAKE pretty bad team slow down bruh Swifty from wow? Pog !uptime sanchovies is terrible so you lose The stream has been live for 51 minutes 35 seconds ItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTime my guy TRICK GAY RAPGOD G Pog S U GOSUUUUUUUUU POG Deja vu ? ItsBoshyTime Pog best bot SeemsGood shit team KEKW yas1 swifte gonna tilt from trick and sanch and int G Pog S U G Pog S U TRICK PogU GOSU PogU REEEEEE JOTARU DIO @Yassuo interview faker like you did with Bjerg KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TRUUUE KEKW @Yassuo gosu accepted to be on such a meme team ? Gosuuuuuuuuuuu KEKW boshy TRUEEEE zwagWave_SG @Yassuo No precipitation in the title? TRUEEEEEEEE EXACTLY @Yassuo tyler said youre not invited but trick is Why not hard LULW sroDab BibleThump aigjt Have you seen Demon Slayer? @yassuo why you still single? GOSU, TRICK AND SANCHOVIES PogChamp hyoon did.. pepehands Nice moe, try the old build on yasuo from 2014:)))))))) refresh the raised money thing G Pog S U OO G Pog S U yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue Did u see doinb 400cs 24 min?????????????????????? what is tcs? TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK nani? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime tell us a joke sad . SadChamp Gosu AYAYA @Yassuo CLASH TAGS LULW @Yassuo what would you think if Elmillor signs up a team? Yo @Yassuo If I say "Yassuo" or "Moe 100,000 times live would you go through streaming? I would be very excited <3 <3 Greatings from Argentina Pog guten tag Trick will hard carry you xD lembitutv1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW Hi from Denmark The Modulus Function is known as the absolute value of a function. ?????????? D: Pog guten tag @yassuo you have swifte uhhhhh, good luck buddy :D hello all <3 Da fucc LULW NaM Pog ? LMAO KEKW ??????????????? KEKW Pog ROFL pog ???????? r u Muslim D: D: POG sanchovies is so pussy KEKW Height tyler championship series ahahhahahaha KEKW !charity AJAJAJAJAJAJJAJA Si señor GUTEN TAG Donate Here - , Learn more here - ???????? KEKW VIVA ????? Jus go On Lily’s stream SI SEÑOR KEKW PogU VIVA ESPAÑA SI SENOR KEKW @Yassuo BOSHY Sheesh ? KEKW KEKW VIVA ESPAÑA CLIP Pog ???? KEKW No señor @yassuo where’s alicopter? !charit KEK more spanish then fed LUL AYAYAY ahahahahaah ahhhh i love you <3 VIVA ESPAÑA Pog WeirdChamp Spain Height. KEKW U like cheese????? Pog si señor when are you doin pummel party !duo SI SEÑOR VIVA ESPAÑA COÑO Pro Spanish Revenge what is tcs?? peepoClap ItsBoshyTime peepoClap Pog SI SEÑOR !time What’s tcs BRO YOU SUCK SO MUCH , YOU ARE TRASH EZ 1v1 LUL !charity Current time in Los Angeles: 11:57:20 AM UPDATE THE DONATED AMOUNT Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo CLASH TAGS KEKW guten tag: MR WORLDWIDE GAY @yassuo what event are u going to be participating at all stars pls ans me and if u are vsing faker wish u will beat him:) !duo LULW BUEN ESPAÑOL KEKW what is tcs? SI Pepega JET MR WORLDWIDE @Yassuo Yo hablo bien español porque soy de Argentina PogU BOSHY !Charity KATT Donate Here - , Learn more here - ITS BOSHE TIIIIIME ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo how u doing my G BOSHY TIME PogU TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK TriDance TRICK TriDance IS TriDance BACK JATT ItsBoshyTime si pokito SI SENORITAA! JaAJAJJAJAJAJA Pog AYAYAY faker fanboy KEKW signore jatt KEKW Height¿ WeirdChamp BACHI @Yassuo r u going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ? BOSHY TIME PogU Pog what is tcs?? Stop takling so much i love you tho BEST BISS NEW BOSS monkaW RPGOops RPGOops RPGOops RPGOops Espania KEKW wait B OSS Lee sin Pog LOL que buen español tiene Pog Pog u beat it? MUDKIP AYAYA Kappa Forsen AYAYA MUDKIP KEKW MI ESPAÑOL NO BUENO KEKW Shang Tsung! wait, your spanish is better than I expected @yassuo EYYO MAN, Do you know who I am? IM TOP G ON THE STREETS FAM. Need food? Need Ps? You come to me bruv. ItsBoshyTime POG or no nvm Hurensohn Pog Pog MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE BOSHY PogMe You cheated @Yassuo KEKW KEKW WELL DONE monkaW GOT BOOSTED IN BOSHI LOL 00======D~~ LEE KEKW What is this game LYL Height KEKW i love that sound Kreygasm I can’t get past hello kitty KEKW lag MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE !duo Revenge MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE KEKW CrreamAwk WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime LUL @YungManuel sheesh beruhig dich KEKW The Modulus Function is known as the absolute value of a function. LOL WTF KEKW Kappa bosyi POGG Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at ???? the person who designed this game must have been on crack momoaoanoanoanoababababdf LUL 1 sub every death YOYOYOYOYLLLALALABBABA WeirdChamp ? the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it.... WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime Pog Pog wad ANY BOSHYS? ItsBoshyTime spongePls ANY BOSHYS? ItsBoshyTime spongePls ANY BOSHYS? ItsBoshyTime spongePls ANY BOSHYS? ItsBoshyTime spongePls Shoutout whoever gifted me a sub a week and a half ago pog is that NA FAKER I can't stand this fucking game, the sounds are so damn annoying the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it..... PogU !charity KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - why cashnjmt Now we got 10 h to learn this boss Pog @Yassuo Yikes KEKW @Yassuo Yo hablo bien español porque soy de Argentina MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE KEKW kill yourselves what is this game ? you fucking pieces of garbage MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP disgusting shits Pog ress WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime !WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime !WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime !WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime !WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! WHEN U DIEE DON'T RESET INSTANTY @Yassuo your viewers have dropped so much over the last week are you gonna scrim for tcs @Yassuo what's this game ? MUDKIP AYAYA LUL the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it.... THIS IS A WEIRD GAME WTF wtf @NeoNiXx3 cringe the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it. the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it.... !uptime @Yassuo r u going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ? The stream has been live for 53 minutes 45 seconds yasTrue MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! WHAT TIME IS IT? ItsBoshyTime ! do u have a guide to Yasuo? you are reaaaally good anniHI anniHI anniHI how do i get the game? PLS PLAY CELESTE literally nobody calls it "the faker game" !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Moe and Faker best friends !game link League of Legends pepeD if you play this game then you will be able to dodge syndra ults Kapp have you ever visited palistine ? Pog !boshy @twitchfusionhere I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime I'm BACk what is the name again ? how do i get the game? @Yassuo the person who designed this game must have been on crack when making it.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ KEKW KEKW @Yassuo r u going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ?§ how do i get the game? KEKW freedom PogU HahaDoge MUDKIP AYAYA broxahLUL broxahLUL @sin_deed is something wrong with you? 3.6K LMAO SMOrc wtf is this @EquadisEU PogU !boshi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshy 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head !boshy !boshy !boshy !boshy !bashi !bossy FAKER KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshy !bashi I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime HahaDoge yasTrue !boshy hey moe @adaresa yeah finals have gotten to me have you ever visited palestine moe ?? !boshy !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !boshi !boshi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !bashi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime unlucky !boshy !boshi !boshy Is it free? !boshi !duo Revenge !bassi Unlucky addicted monkaW !bashi !boshi KEKW !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime tell a joke Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Sonic the hardest boss? !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE jannu700 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Wassup moe! looking fresh ItsBoshyTime !chairty reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! this is one of the more annoying bosses which year ? !boshy !charity <3 Donate Here - , Learn more here - OkayChamp !chairity N OMEGALUL ItsBoshyTime !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ???? !boshi FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp good boy moe :) @Yassuo league of legendsss this game looks easy 1K deaths pepeLaugh FUCK CANCER <3 D: i wanna be the bashi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime what about sonic FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp !boshi !boshi PepeLaugh you dont know YasuuoNA -> Please refrain from posting links. DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! GANNON pepeLaugh What about sonic? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshi hey moe did you ever visit palestine ? @AKAROH TRUE WeirdChamp Kapp he wants to help yasuo mains KAPP WeirdChamp CANCER OUT i beat mega man first try :D FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE DansGame LULW @CANCER WeirdChamp bro this game is making me mad @yassuo my teacher told me to turn off your stream so I hit her with the left did you dodge? so you're waiting for Q? aqous subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! interesting game, whatcha think of aphelios? XD almost at one year sonic was the most fun music though @AKAROH fuck me instead OkayChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @koro0oo FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp hi @Yassuo whats up Nah sonic was worse @Yassuo FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp you cried after beating sonic LULW will my 2gb ram computer handle it? man the chat the past few days is dick man !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - sin yasOkay yasSnake yasSnake ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime sonic BibleThump you cried when beating sonic KEKW @CANCER WeirdChamp XD I hate this game but sonic u cried? Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW yo have you ever visited palestine ?? good luck Moe what game is this? yasU yasSleeper yasR surpressed sonic cause he made you cry man? :( D: D; He doesnt know PepeLaugh KEKW lul yasOkay @cancer WeirdChamp FUCK YOU MALD chill man MUDKIP AYAYA just dodge 4HEad MUDKIP AYAYA LUL CUTEE @Yassuo the blood is RNG D: Pepega ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF ratirlHmm_HF FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp FUCK CANCER WeirdChamp yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay stay on the platform longer Malding KEKW i said its one of the more annoying ones because the blood attack is bullshit sometimes, its RNG if i remember right @Yassuo he start to get angry !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime if faker can do it you can @Yassuo stop showing ads and trying to make a living just a random mudkip are you gonna scrim for tcs PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp were nowhere yet guys the rage is coming @BlackDynamite17 Pog its getting me mad fr MUDKIP AYAYA @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp hes ganna brek the keyboard can we hear why u cried after sonic? yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue !uptime !game The stream has been live for 56 minutes 27 seconds League of Legends name of this game ? YOYOYLOLOLOLALABABA 3639 deaths omggg Chat, what is the specs required for the game? will the gameplay be on yt? PogChamp PogChamp @AKAROH Pog @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp @cancer TOO FAR WeirdChamp Flying Mudkip widepeepoHappy uwuwuwuwuwwuwuwuw he gets mad pepega WHAT GAME IS THIS FOIGHT @BlackDynamite17 POG is moe in queue YOYLOYLOLALAALA BABABA uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuw where do you get the game? guys @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @Yassuo ur hardstuck at this game HAHAHAHHA wait we are still at this @BlackDynamite17 Pog !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Did you got a new Keyboard ? !bohi ratirlOld ratirlOld ratirlOld ratirlOld ratirlOld ariW Which boots when on yasuo @Yassuo peepoArrive KEKW !game @lexus20032 @Tellmewhynot Pog @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 widepeepoHappy LULULULU widepeepoHappy LULULULU widepeepoHappy LULULULU RicooPlays subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Who are you gonna play TCS with? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! What a brain !! To play whis game LOL This game gets me cancer league of legends have changed a bit omegalul @Yassuo every steamer playing halo while you are playing lol WeirdChamp widepeepoHappy LULULULU widepeepoHappy LULULULU widepeepoHappy LULULULU widepeepoHappy LULULULU @Streamlabs how are you yasWeird is this the last boss @CANCER yasWeird YOYLOLLLLALALBABA @Yassuo is boshy the hardest game ever? is Shadow Dogs playing in TCS? YAWOWOWOWOWOW YAWOWOWOWOW LMAO @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo POG It's an Anti-Tilt construction Game in long term PogU only boshy today? !uptime Pog The stream has been live for 57 minutes 27 seconds PogU WTF LYOYLYOLOLAALBAABA Pog SANCHOVIES Pog @Yassuo what do you think of playing velkoz TRICK POGu POG LIE KEKW TRICK KEKW PogU Yassuo you should grow your hair out ur getting fucked, shit team @Yassuo r u going to stream TCS games like twitch rivals ? !uptime Sanchovies FailFish SOLID KEKW Pog TRICK Pog Pog PICK HARD Kappa TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU PogU He finally picked Trick goduu Pog what were u doing in scarra's chat yesterday? thought u didnt enjoy tft Sleepchovies @Yassuo @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 YOYLYOLAALALABBLL PogU Pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - why u snakin hard like that What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo? 57 Minutes of boshy = 3600 deaths GeminiScorpio subscribed with Twitch Prime. oi reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! chat is this the last boss DUD @Yassuo the blood is RNG KEKW Pepega TRICK Kappa LIES WHY NOT HARD PepeLaugh BabyRage swifte ? DOOOOOOOD KEKW mate just dodge it open ur eyes hahzhhzhz !bashi NO RNG!!!!!! What’s tcs? open your eyes :) Yo moe u wanna help me with maths homework? ANY BLOODS? WideHardo DUD PEPEGA TRICK2G SOLID? KEKW TriHard Blood just dodge 4Head @yassuo WAHT ARE U GONNA BE PARTICIPATING IN AT ALL STARS xd Just dodge bro Kappa go under the platform foward instead of backwards for blood? !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime 70 ping Pog isn't the requirement like 500 lp gm? Sanch can't play. Trick has the clout tho TriHard MUDKIP AYAYA PepeLaugh monkaW blood PogU Nose at the way that's why KEKW jump down? ?? almost DUUUUD Solgryn when monkaEyes LMAO @Yassuo cribs for life LULW its easy to dodge can u jump down? jsbsaa broxahLUL broxahLUL broxahLUL just dodge em get gud DOOD bad ultra instinct @Yassuo KEKW predict and jump down to the left side!!! Faker can ask Faker in Vegas Kapp DROP PLATFORM Pepega just I can see it :) Jump down to the other one Just dodge it 4Head ONLY FAKER CAN 4Head just do it LUL go under platform DOOD !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW @Yassuo is league big in NY ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad how can i play it go down I'm one hundred percent ni**a KEKW 3644 deaths what a loser boomer mechanics KEKW go to the lower platform FAKDER DID IT !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - U CAN ASK FAKER AT ALL STAR go down YAOWOWOWOWOWOOW YAWOWOWOWOW No on the platform stop repeating what spoeedrunners said on AGDQ FailFish @Yassuo dont look at the blood look at your body and dodge the blood when near 4Head just stay on the platform Finished 3645 KEKW Cheer100 just move out of the way of the blood. It’s not hard. Pepe iuiuiu YOLALOAALOALABABB u can go down to dodged blood Watch fakers gameplay LYOYLYOYLYOLYOLLOOLABABABABA just be good @Yassuo Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Yassuo how tall are you ur shit PepeHands LUL what is this Pepega game 4HEad KEKW PepeLa that hit u right in the babymaker PepeLaugh 4Heed ARE U JUST WAITING IN Q hey have you ever actually visited palestine ? q buen español KEKW !boshi fall off then jump back JUST DODGE 4HEad PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy deth YAWOWOWOWOOW YAWOWOWOOWW Jump to the lower platform when it pops his head 4HEad maybe on the second blood splat try jumping onto a lower platform KomodoHype 4Heed MaxLOL 4Head 4Head how can you be so bad at this low qual game LUL LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED LOL U DIED !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime is it free game? PagChomp hey moe how do i get this game? 4Heed windwall it SeemsGood 4HEad just dont touch the blood ez way @Yassuo gg can you put on "its raining tacos"? do u know any greek words? JUMP dude 4Heed jump to bottom layer? wtf this is so weird LUL JUMP DOWN @fluffytiger414 !boshy what's the game's name Jump to the lower platform.. @binzu_ no 4Heed WOW @Yassuo drop down after the first blood what is that game called? Jump down after first round of blood. YOU have to jump to other Platform before the second bLOOD wave !boshy Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : holy shit u died 1100 times since u started yesterday I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LAGGING ON 6K PC KEKW LAGGING ON 6K PC KEKW LAGGING ON 6K PC KEKW !duo Revenge what if you jump down after first rain of blood? @Yassuo ITS RAINING TACOS pepeJAM Jump down lol forward and down for second blood punch @Yassuo winwall it lul LUL EXCELLENT Pog faker I hope youre having a good day Moe play nidalee mid LULW JUMP DOWN AFTER THE 1ST BLOOD RAIN SHANG TSUNG WIN Lol how are you still sane after this cancer? MingLee stay most left@!!! @Yassuo Make the sound of the lil asian flying kicking mfs KEKW no @hxa3 boshy something yes yh hell yes yes yes yes LULW he listened to chat KEKW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yes have you actually visited palestine ?? wait first wave blood then jump bottom platform? YES yeah wow you died wow wow you died what is that game called?? i feel like youve been performing kinda bad recently because u get mad at chat KEKW Thanks so much @Yassuo @Yassuo Yeah. I love MK series. YES no Kapp hes an old man yeah yes YES 4Shrug lool 0/3649 yes? ys Shang Tsun WIN u r dumb yes yes MingLee china numba won yes KomodoHype yes PogU shang tsung try to be in the second platform when 2. head pops HELLO BEST YASUO NA @Yassuo shang tsung @Yassuo i finished this game with 0 deaths yasClown EEEEEEEEEEE are u gonna play leauge today? VARIETY Pog WTF kingjeffshen subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! cancer is cancer dood for the first blood phase stay on the first platform and for the second one go on the second platform first tried it reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! HE IS A COOL GUY KEKW play ufc Kreygasm 00=========D~~~ he's not that broken in mortal kombat Wow! @Yassuo you excited for Resident Evil 3 remake? MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA This game is pure acid. What the fuck. hes shit in the game when 24h charity Respect actually !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - YOYLOYLOLAOLAAABABA KomodoHype Will you go bald agane ? OMEGALUL Trying to redeem himself after snaking trick SMH WeirdChamp !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - what day? its 29th Oh no no no PepeLaugh bro in shaolin monks he's fucking hard to beat in the shao kahns tournament @KitTonji PogChamp 5 gifts ARE you gonna play leauge today wait you didnt fuck it up already? OMEGALUL Baby yoda isnt it 29th ? is he playing league or just boshy now? PogChamp @Yassuo windwall it lul Less popular than TFblade and Tyler 1, really going downhill buddy jump what's this game name !bochy SMARRTTT MOE can i spend via paysafe? mid -> then left MUDKIP AYAYA acrylic_breakfast subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! thanks for donating to charity @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! how was the first day when u had the ideea to start streaming something? do a charity bet vs T1 in 1v1 on halo lol Haha2020 yasSnake Play league for gods sake anivia screeeen SHANG TSU WINS bop @Yassuo is league big in NY @Yassuo are you gonna stream at 100t house anyday?? what game mode do u play on for boshy yasSnake !bochi @Yassuo Looking at your head i thought the charity stream already happend @Yassuo favorite character from travelers? 0 whats the download link to boshy ? 0 0 roadzumkelvin -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. 1 dollar 20k Charity - NO BEARD SHAVE for 1month per 5000 Dollars 0 10; 0 10k 5000 5% 50k 0 100$ 6k 20k 15k 20k 200k 0 $20 100K @Yassuo 10k 0 20d dollar @Yassuo 10K 0 0 700$ 20k 20 K 0 i dont have either, can i gift you paysafe and you use it for donation? 1500 12 cents 10$ yoolllaalalblalala 20k 2 dollars :) 20k 0 20k 15k 0 "cancer" 100k 21k 0 must be a nice write off 0 32k 100k its none of our business :) 37k @yassuo check Greeks twitter 5k 50k 5k 6k 0 do you thing you are good at league? @yassuo !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime 50k 20k avoiding taxes with charity KEKW 15k 7k @Yassuo Prob around 33k 15k my money not urs 20k 50 dollar you scamming Fat piece of shit 0s dollars 20000 7k 20K 20 @Yassuo 3 dollars 20k 32k 20-25k 20k 5k 15k !charity 1 mil Donate Here - , Learn more here - 20k o 1k 100k as much as you spend on food 10k 2K 1mill PogU 20k dont forget tyler bet 67000 $15 - 185k A GIFTED SUB KEKW 20k 0 @yassuo u dont write your donations of taxes???? 15-20 k -100 10000 3subs and a bottle of wate what the hell im a sub? 25k -10 $ 25k Kappa I WAS RIGHT dont forget new zealand chat 27K OO iguessed 20 PogMe hehehe i was right CALLED IT weird flex 4Weird 20k PogU !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime 1000000000000000000000 20k Not evel 26k KEKW why is he gmaul speccing? :) 10K FROM TYLER What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo 20k -1000 STOLE MONEY FROM CHARITY KEKW Clap imagine having 25k in the bank KEKW 2k tax refunds will be nice. yo should i bring my nintendo switch to run smash n shit Cause you the mazn i dont have either, can i gift you a paysafe card and you use it for donation? are u intereseted in some variety during preseason? who cares i stealed money from charity why not keep track for taxe? 30k weird flex MY MONEY 10K FROM TYLER TO NZ FLAUNTING YOUR GENEROSITY KEKW !duo Revenge 1$ no jump! "-100" LUL My man stealing from charity LULW moonwalk that's more money than i've had in my entire life. casual flex ahhhh moon walk ß TAX RIGHT OFF KEKW @RedmercyLoL !!!!!!! league peepoArrive @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy smash dope tell a funny joke U LIKE THIS SKIN ? @RedmercyLoL Go back on facebook KEKW smash Pog THE MUSIC BROTHER What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo? !Revenge @Yassuo is league big in NY WHO IS HIS DUO? wanna smash ;D 3.6 k deaths KEKW @Yassuo stream at 100t house ever????? LOVE THIS SKIN Revenge moe would get addicted to smash Pog ok @yassuo did you see Greeks twitter? WU TANG used money for charity to smoke crack WeirdChamp Speaking what gamemode does yassuo play on for boshy? damn im gonna download MK trilogy now :) U LIKE THIS SKIN THE MUSIC IS SO LIT @Yassuo Do you mind replaying this song? Such a fuckin' banger. @Yassuo you wanna go to heaven right Go let chimp habibi teach you dumbass !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yololoblablablaka u are not sas no more Yasuo every game ResidentSleeper Anele <3 how old are u yasuo is my fanorite champion KKomrade @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy @Yassuo new conq with cass is fucking op moe i feel so sad and depressed right now i had a horrible day and i hope u will make me feel better LOGIC KEKW RAP GOD Wheres my Kat game bro daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam TRUE LULW @Yassuo give me 1 good reason to sub rn 20Yo DO U LIKE THIS SKIN @Yassuo where did you download boshy Aphelios perma ban inc true LULW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriHard LOGIC OMEGALUL @Yassuo honestly you read so fast it is an ability for you @Yassuo ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling is this game playable on 175 ping another champ to permaban KEKW Moe wanna play a kat game for me F IGNITE? @Yassuo favorite character from travelers? moe i dont have either, can i gift you a paysafe card and you use it for donation? or i gift someone prime and you donate the worth? @Yassuo Gosh your chat is so toxic, line up clean asf @Yassuo hey moe can you suggest any good netflix shows? @Yassuo Heeey how you doing mate :) oh finaly my wife yassuo, haven't seen u since last we slept together @fazeel6 not really I want to gift 2 more subs before going to bed !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshy !playlist moe i feel so sad and depressed right now i had a horrible day and i hope u will make me feel better ;( SENNA AND APHELIOS IN THE BOTLANE ;-; @fazeel6 yes @Yassuo chat what game mode do u play on for boshy What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshi have u ever had an idee for a special skin for yasuo??? like something that u would love too see for yasuo and use it kinda everytime !charity Thank you! Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasThink Pog actually do a Kat game !boshy how can we get free sub from channel points?? monkaW @yassuo how long will it take u to beat that game @Yassuo you ever gonna stream at 100t house? DOM? heroin explain matchup this game Dom? lonejellu converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! LOGIC yasBoo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! D OMEGALUL M ? dom? @Yassuo dom? do a kat game Pog Dom dom historian @yassuo in islam saying such info about ur charity donations deny you the rewards dude Thanks for the HahaSleep @fire_kracken Austinbtw subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Hey Moe hows your day doing my guy? Keep up the great streamer work :) reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! AHHAHAHAHAHA do you think that aphelios will be the ONE champion that takes omnistone? @Yassuo Pog !boshy LULW I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Kapp Pog KEKW Distant_Gravity subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! LMAO Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @KataGaKill DO IT PepeLaugh Yayyyy @russian_patriot123 how is that even possible DOM pog Pog @KataGaKill KEKW are you going to upgrade your emotes? like ever? !boshi @katagakill, do it PogU !boshy HE GONNA DO IT OMEGALUL I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @katagakill PogU do it @Yassuo u liking the beef with gross and ninja? Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @distant_gravity !charity Vďaka za HahaPoint, @austinbtw what Donate Here - , Learn more here - do it yasU yasU WHAT @Yassuo what what game mode do u play on for boshy EnderDj37 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Another month, another Yasuo skin, this time High Noon (Just use this as clickbait "Subscribing to me actually give you free Yasuo skins" actually free money), anyways already half a year TriDance W O R K reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ! boshy yeah you can smd TRUE LULW :D @KataGaKill Don't that could be 2000 gifts in rat chat ratirlGift @Yassuo wear your glasses jesus christ !charity 7.3k/500k Donate Here - , Learn more here - @KataGaKill donate 10k so yas plays kata anyone wants a sub? RlyTho On more first death we should spam Shang tsung wins @KataGaKill donate the 10k.... I wanna see his kat game @katagakill, fake yasH 5Head Moes* russian_patriot123 -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy dog @Yassuo i love your yt vids i love it and i love pinoy ! @KataGaKill True no no yes kinda YES KEKW @KataGaKill dude do it for charity please yes no PogU Follow me on Twitter for updates when is the big charity stream? yes no nah u good @KataGaKill NO THAT COULD BE 20 SUBS IN RAT CHAT :) no 100 for shitty gameplay? yes N OMEGALUL yes no No no Dont touch that 💩 champion ResidentSleeper no WeirdChamp just play it for free dumbass @mbh212 me 4Town Yes LULW Imagine playing Kat no no it's charity hell no Hello @Yassuo No, but yes KEKW no its not !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - no :) What was your name in League before u named urself Yassuo? nope No buy a dog NO no a think about a skin that u will like to see for yasuo PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @phantom_207 the 28th !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo who is your tcs team? wow moe WeirdChamp just play it for free dumbass @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM true TRUE TRUE KEKW id rather kiss my dead dog than donate that much to you tbh TRUE KEKW It's forcing someone to do good thing Abusing ryze i see @mindoc c9 moe Jackierne subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Lets goo Sellout reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! true yas5 chshLUL kitty LUL KIDDY KEKW Is curing cancer shitty? KEKW Kiddie kitty? wut KITTY KEK @plyr__ thanks mate @mbh212 right here bruh Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to fcbernar! They have given 22 Gift Subs in the channel! FURRY KEKW trueee Kata reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! please play kassadin habibi KIDDY OR KITTY @Yassuo wil you play kassadin please kitty AYAYA kekw @Yassuo why dont you try some new champs in pre season He was Nidalee player abi sa $100 to click random and play that champ in mid @Yassuo !rules littl3xd1 -> Chat rules: it's not for him WeirdChamp Cheer100 your girlfriend has a strippers name bro IS THIS THE BIG CHARITY STREAM???? @Yassuo if i keep playing so badly continuously at 4:00 AM does that mean i need rest ? moe i feel so sad and depressed right now i had a horrible day and i hope u will make me feel better How are was your day my guy good to see you stream @yassuo Nice @Yassuo is league big in NY yaaa baiiii AYAYA @yassuo how much money you at prob you were virgin when u had name kitty LUL @Yassuo KEKW he calls that lag lagging Pepega yasSpit SPECTRUM KEKW @mbh212 thank u so much! moetarded @KataGaKill it not to him its to charity 4Weird Tanking minions and Ryze damage: "i JuSt loST mY wHOle hP baR" @Yassuo mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to pykedive! They have given 23 Gift Subs in the channel! wait moe has a gf? reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MOE CAN YOU TRY TO PLAY APHELIOS? Is hard af @Yassuo if i keep playing so badly continuously at 4:00 AM does that mean i need rest ? SONG HAHAHAlidays! WHo is his girlfriend? SONGSOng !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - song song song ? @katagakill, yo you hate charity? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @mbh212 PogU song song onsg @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM ME PLZ Damn 70 MS LA Trolling my boy moe here. dana1upAmor what is the song sonh song @Yassuo Tanking minions and Ryze damage: "i JuSt loST mY wHOle hP baR" song song did u ever used a katana irl? KEKW oh nvm im retarded LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Anice f this is the first time ive tuned into this stream and you arent inting... nice KEKW KEKW ROFL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @DaniMK5 bottom left idiot KEKW f LOOL NICE F KEKW have you heard of the champion Sett that si comming moe? OMEGALUL LMAO KEKW KEKW FDSNFKJAFAD RYZE KEKW IJDASIDJSAID KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL f D: KEKW KEK w AHHHHHHHHHHH F AAAAAAAAAA KEKW nays f KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA MOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KEKW OMEGALUL POG whaaaaat KEKW KEKW KEKW FLASH KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW lLUL LUL KEKW OOOOOOF omg so bad LMAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW POG KEKW NA F Pepega Akram_Hamdi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Any month of wasting prime on you has been worth it, happy 8 months of depression kappa LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHAHAHHHAA lul LULW kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk KEKW kekw LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol LULW KEKW LULW KEKW HAHAHAHHA Hahahahah reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! HAHAHAHA AHHAHAHAH NA F KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL AHAHHA YIKES LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW POG LULW FLASH LULW KEKWWW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH kekw YIKEEESS KEKW LUL KEKW NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW ????????? HAHAHAHAHAH HEY YT KWKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW FLASH LMAOOOOOOO KEKW !uptime AHHAHAHAHHA LULW ping NA ryze hashinshin tp KEKW The stream has been live for 1 hours 6 minutes 44 seconds AHAHHAHHA ratirlWontLook ratirlWontLook ratirlWontLook NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg iron5 flash PartyTime pepega NA F u suck unsubb KEKW NOOOOO OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL SO BAD KEKW REALLY MOE??? Say hello moe <3 , i appreciate you so much bro MOOOE NA FLASH KEKW LMAOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKEW HEY YOUTUBE KEKW FAKER?!?!?! Wouldnt have matter but WHATEVER KEKW noc would f after u anyway NA Flash lel LULW LOLW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL he flashed anyways lmaaaoo @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy Coconut HAHAHAHHA NA FLASH NA FLASH hHAHAHAHHAHA LMAOOOOO HI YOUTUBE 1k to charity NICE FLASH SNAKE KEKW xDDD @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM? ????????????????? KEKW lag !title synapse/ THATS A YOUTUBER KRKE LULULULULUL he had flash to anyway Pure Domination as always - Raising money for Stand up To Cancer. !Charity Kekw !uptime NICE F yasThink OLW Lmao clip ? NA FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog --> KEKW KEKW bad ping კარგის ტყვნა KEKW LMAOOOOOOO classic na flash "CHALLENGER" LUL LUL LUL LUL Kzdjdjdjzofickjejgjjc. LOOOOOOOOL HEY YTB i want my money back best flash na KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO XDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw You was dead anyway Noc had F !gamble 100 FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish u definitely deserved to die after that lol Kekw LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL HOW DO YOU MISS THAT yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN NA FLASH hahaha HAHAHAHHhaha bad i was here Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! LMAOO @Yassuo he had flash anyways Boshy skills KEKW CLIP THAT NA flash kAPPA Ha flash lol @itzhannie imagine working the 28th PepeLaugh LUL did u ever used a katana? ff LOLLL LMFAO @Yassuo that was intentional for a highlight, you smart making money moves lol he wouldve flashed after you anyways !gamble all NA J4 KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move?? LOOOOOOL 4HEad HI YOUTUBE !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 7 minutes 8 seconds J4 ??? KEKW @Yassuo chat what game mode do u play on for boshy LOL "CHALLENGEEEER" OMEGALUL KEKW კეთილების ტყვნა KEKW AHAHAHAH AHAHAHAH AHAHAHAH AHAHAHAH LULW lul KEKW KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace LOL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW ASDASDASDKASHDASKJ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lmao KEKW HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA @Tellmewhynot ye :( KEKW GOLDEN Kappa CHECK KEKW XDDD LUL LMAAAAAAAAAO fo[ige ewg w Report jg KEKW KEKW LULW ITS OVER FOR NA KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL ROFL LMAOO KEKW KEKW NA IS FUCKED KEKW HAHAHAHAHA LUL KEKW KEKW LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit KEKW Hi YouTube lmao looooooooooooooooool WHAT AM I WATCHING xd kekw Have you heard of the new champion Sett that is comming Moe`? feels bad m8 NA ITS OVER KEKW KEKW lmaoooooooooooooooooo HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH KEKW cmonBruh KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW how that wall feel KEKW NA HIGH ELO Shit happens CHALLENGER KEKW KEKW NA JARVAN cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Highrank game btw KEKW U GUYS SUCK LULW yeyeyeyedyrusgod -> Please refrain from spamming caps. !charity HAAAHHAHAHAHAHA Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW NA TriHard TriHard TriHard LUL LUL LUL KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NA IS OVER KEKW @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW That fucking Laugh KEKW BibleThump dude what is it is it silver or something whattt LULW WHAT IS THIS ELO PLEASEEE NotLikeThis FAIL FLASHED KEKW NA KEKE this game is so boosted KEKW NA SERVERS KEKW !elo lolø Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP KEKW Who is lmao? lmao @itzhannie WAIT, WTF, youre so cute, damn yasH LUL LUL LUL NA IS FUCKED KEKW KEKIW @Yassuo KEKW NA CHALLENGER KEKW hi YouTube we could proally watch this game on saltyteemolmao @Yassuo Moe laughing when he just failed flash LOOOOL @Yassuo you are flaming cause u flash bad KEKW !boshi NA kekw NA PLAYERS KEKW yo moe is sanch still gonna be on ornn duty or are you gonna let him carry @tellmewhynot simp NA PepeLaugh LUL @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM??? KEKW @Tellmewhynot thanks hella deja vu 3pm GrandMaster? Kappa early If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move?? heard of the new champion Sett that is comming @Yassuo its 3pm @Yassuo @exCoach shes a man, its okay, im not a simp pepeD @itzhannie, @tellmewhynot cuties yasH you wouldve died anyway? KEKW @Yassuo EARLY MORNING mbh212 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sanlyn! They have given 24 Gift Subs in the channel! why u laugh when u flash??? reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! N OMEGALUL @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM?? thougts on that skin ? it's 9 pm wtf 4Weird @mbh212 Thanks for the gift sub! u @EquadisEU yasH 9pm here ... u are all bad @tellmewhynot kap its 5 pm here bruv any gifters? :) @tellmewhynot, yasH PogChamp100 I bet you die in 10 seconds CoolGroes -> Please refrain from posting links. WHAT TIME IS IT? it's 9 pm @Yassuo gifters :D gift me LUL ???? KEKW KEKW its 7:13 am for me ??????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????? @Venoumes RESPECT KEKW KEKW well its 10pm KEKW =????????????? KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW ??????????? OMEGALUL KEKW xdddddddddddddddddd If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move? ?????? YIKES ?????????????? ??? MOE CAN YOU TRY TO PLAY APHELIOS? Is hard af HAHHAAHAHHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL .. KEKW KEKW ???????????????????? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA KEKW LOL ????? ?????????????????? YOU DIRTY INTER ???? Pepega xDDDDDDDDDD KEKW KEKW ??????????????? ?????? KEKW moe int ????????? LMAO ?????????????????? what KEKW LULW ???????// ? : If imaqtpie was in front of you, and scarra was behind you, and you were an inch deep in imaqtpie, and scarra was an inch deep in you, and you had to move an inch forwards or backwards, which way would you move?? AHAHHAA ........... SO BAD ?????????? ?????????????? HELLO? ?????????????? ???? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? KEKW KEKW NA SOLO QUEUE BTW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LULW ???????????????? KEKW WTF WAS HTAT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4Head 4Head KEKW ???? KEKW ????????? KEKW kekw WHAAAAT LULW so bad LLLLLUUUUUUUUL UR INTING ???????????????????????? YOU DIRTY DIRTY GRIEFER that was a good trade until u ran down KEKW ? moe are u on crack amn ???? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL KEKW KEKW AHAHh(Siö-uhda reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! I have this feeling this ain't moe's day @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM?? oof predict Akon pepeHands SPAM 1 DEATH = 10$ LUL LUL LUL AKON FeelsStrongMan pepeD NA NA NA FF 15 KEKW HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA dana1upLUL Bro what was that play @Yassuo is league big in NY NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis akooon ????? J4 OkayChamp STOP TROLLING @yassuo OMEGAROLL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL whats the playlist? yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM POG POG change skin plx Come on sub share grief AKON pepeD AKON pepeD AKON pepeD AKON pepeD AKON pepeD heard of the new champion Sett that is coming @Yassuo GivePLZ VoteNay TakeNRG @exCoach lmao IT S SOMETHING CALLED MISSING THE MOMMENT WHEN U MISS THR Q "wähhh Chat is so cancer now, they always flame me wähh" pepeJAM pepeD WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? r u okay dude, need a hug or something tyler1B1 ratirlInt tyler1B2 Verlene1000 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. NA NA NA NAN pepeD Kapp Hahahahha OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL Moessiopeia reyos_senpai -> Please refrain from posting links. Not clean pepeD yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN psz10x yasuo why are you trolling so much?? steeefHI steeefHI @Yassuo stop saying 'NO JOKE' no joke This is na Grandmaster you you RPGFei NA Yasuo Main players RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD I can and I will 4Weird childhood son play senna !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yassuo vs franciscoXX yasN yasN yasN No more int Kapp pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD MOE CAN YOU TRY TO PLAY APHELIOS? Is hard af pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD @yassuo what happened to momo from rajjroyal? Thanks for the HahaBall @aqous childhood songg jigodie88 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @venoumes laughing at my heart :/ RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD RIGHT NOW NA NA NA pepeD KEKE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PepePls ur bad pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD MASTER KEKW akon feelstr NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NANANA peepofinger thus chat akon FeelsStrongMan kelw 1430 Points... Soon 25000 Kappa REALLY MATURE? KEKW INT @exCoach I'm laughing at my dumbass Throwing LUL Pepehands I miss her ur griefing Bryzdd converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! INT 1/3 soo retarded NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD KLED BALANCED reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ?????????????????? wtf I was gone for 30 seconds? What happened?? lol WHAT IS YOUR SPOTIFY PLAYLIST? WTF KEKW monkaS LUL NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD hello DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! INT MONTAGE MUSIC cringe Moe why are u always inting when i watch you... ur throlling KLED R???????????? cringeeeee 6k Thanks for the HahaCat @bryzdd lol @Yassuo If I tier 3 sub, what do I get? TYPICAL YASUO LOL SKT LULW NANANA KEKW yasso rubiusL rubiusL rubiusL WHY DIDNT YOU ULT THE HOOK NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD FF at 15 lolbad hes trolling nananananananana your burnt my guy Clutchmeiste -> Please refrain from posting links. cringe @venoumes I’m lost what happened inting lol forest4FUMING KEKW KEKW REPORT YOU FBCatch kekw hard to watch e malaka NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD 800k uas Moe's back at it again LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL <3 NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD se gamawwwwwwwwwwww\ whatever man sure yunglitttsu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! heyyy buddy lmao reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PogChamp100 you bad lol but skt lost Say hello Moe <3 kEKW hes feedin why throw tornado on kled while he is in r? why not hold it? NA' yassuo :) :) :) peepoFinger pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: Moe, try to use the tornado when u ult at the same time @exCoach I donated the money you gave me for birthday to charity maybe I'll stop feeling bad WHY DIDNT YOU ULT THE HOOK @Yassuo MALDING 32019 NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeDNA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD 󠀀 @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM?? yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon MOE CAN YOU TRY TO PLAY APHELIOS? Is hard af CANNON KEKW yasCannon @venoumes PogChamp PogChamp !Charity you got any delay? Donate Here - , Learn more here - Cannon LUL NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD Cannon KEKW yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD cover map or don't complain lol NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD 󠀀 nice cannon KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty N OMEGALUL Thank you so much! NA NA pepeDNA NA NA NA NA pepeDNA NA NA NA NA pepeDNA NA NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD @mbh212 Thanks for the gift sub! @venoumes I’ve told you, you’re good man AKAROH Run monkaEyes @Yassuo Tomorrow NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD you can have 1-10 and still be toxic and complain on all 24/7 KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA CC NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD KEKW KEKW @excoach so are you yasH NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD KEKW peepoFinger KATEVOLVED IN TSM @yassuo KEKW i care KEKW 8 YEARS THAT CC Pyke ult KEKW 4 secs I don't get why People are calling you fat KEKW HahaShrugLeft yeyeyeyedyrusgod -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @SU2C <3 love youuuuuu ♥♥ NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD KEKW @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM?? 8 YEARS LULW NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD Morgana is aids KEKW KEKW KEKW CAIT MORG ResidentSleeper @yassuo you playing in tyler championshit thingy? literally 8 years KEKW @Yassuo what do you think about that new new champion? FF at 15 CC EVERYWHERE morgana is trash !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 4s = 8yrs 3.87 = 4 op M OMEGALUL ORG CAIT is morgana cait dummy KEKW MOE why didnt u MOvE @exCoach <3 yo pepeD change boots then :) @Yassuo From 2/0 to 2/4 KEKW Literal CC gods literally NOT 4 seconds. JUST FF KEKW not ltierally What is that css holy na 3.87 sek bro not just any morg, that's biofrost smh 4s = 8 years qss When is gonna be the charity stream? Cait + Morg ult q and trap :P KEWK @venoumes oh u see now you put it in the Dono lmfaooo :> pepeJAM Morgana KEKW KEKW PUNISHERRRRRRRRRRRR1 3.87 seconds = 4 years LULW NA TP MOE CAN YOU TRY TO PLAY APHELIOS? Is hard af 3.87s=4s=8years REVERSE 420 5Head NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD Thanks everyone!!! that dono was sus af NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD LAN LAN LAN pepeD its feels like 8 yrs BRUH This j4 new lol KS morgana is trash !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - YOINK you goo <33 NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD yasTower NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD ????????? Most likely ye @yUsTkIl pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA NA ?????????????? yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower NANANNANANA NARAM NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD @yassuo you playing boshy tnght? NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD NA NA NA pepeD HahaSweat PEPEJAM inting again? @Yassuo u see Jack got signed to TSM? NA BAIT PepeLaugh +50\ you are soo good hon what a good song ♥ this is legit gold euw !time Current time in Los Angeles: 12:17:53 PM KEKW KatEvolved to TSM? yas5 anyone know the playlist he is using? @Yassuo you have ugly emotes gunna pepeD @itzhannie donate and tell him to play kpop PepeLaugh @yassuo you playing boshy tnght?? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - pepeJAM no one knows what they're doing, they just aram at 11mins O NYO KEKW whats your discord? Sup moe TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? @maghirang just look up yassuo on spotify EU > NA AND NA < EU AND ALSO NA < THE REST 😔 pepeJAM beat is hard TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? @Yassuo yo wssup miss u buddy TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? when is gonna be the big charity stream ? Someone flashes Moe: OKAY FAKER!!!!! !playlist Kapp Signing racist players WeirdChamp @yassuo you playing boshy tnght? I said that you could most likely beat me? @yUsTkIl @maghirang its his own playlist on spotify i think !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - The score is even but it kinda feels like you’re losing idk PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR @vattimogaming thanks bro TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance CAN YOU GIFT ME MY RESUB @Malinovka25 ty ty @yassuo go shiv pd not enough TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance LUL NOPE KEKW @Yassuo Statik better or PD LMAO KEKW KEKW !dpi TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? cheer100 can call my friend beast an autism survivor for me please? @Yassuo having fun right? KEKW almost ha,hahha KEKW POG KEKW TOWER? Sup moe TriDance adfasdfsakjl TriDance adfasdfsakjl TriDance adfasdfsakjl first time yas? !Boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ye nocturne has ult 2/5 KEKW TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance Hey yass don't forget my sub message for 8 months :( bad TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ??????. Someone flashes Moe: OKAY FAKER!!!!! LUL FLASH Say hello moe UwU <3 @napsternemesis Send it with @ yassuo shiv 4fun PogU 2 5 nice beard LUL yasNLT >'=''' TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance D: Hey man, hope you’re doing good. Just wanted to say I appreciate the streams and the great YouTube content. Keep it up my man. Love you, pinoy <3 DEEZ NUTS ? how can u be an autism survivor? KEKW HAHAHAHa WeirdChamp too far yeah nocturne is aids KEKW KEKW get pd LUL TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance .... Is this real? @yassuo can you stop using this trash skin? go back to high noon TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance that mannwill 2/5 KEKW NA SOLOQ KEKW conqueror meta yo moe what do you think about new diana NA KEKW NA KEKW lulw supoport ignite up LUL Can this jarvan stfu 2/5 talknig LUL @yassuo you play boshy tnght? you are :D BOUGHT A SPACESHIP NOW IM A SPACE CADET TriDance !rank @yassuo you play boshy tnght?? challenger btw KEKW GRANDMASTER I (348 LP) ur 2/5 bron ze Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP NA IS BRONZE !charity if you weren't a streamer what do you think you would be doing rn? Donate Here - , Learn more here - 2 5 LUL TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance that man will one tap ur ass get pd na challenger is bronze KEKW shadow55122 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! what was the name of the game? i got the site but dont know more how you so handsome what is best yas skin ahaahhahaha Jebaited !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank bronze is way worse TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Can you Q nocturne out of his ult ? @yassuo wiw hey yassuo can u explain matchup vs talon as yas !rank @Yassuo SHOW ME YOUR ARMS BRO I WANNA GET AFRAID AGAIN BIG WHITE MANSION THATS MY HABITAT TriDance @Yassuo i have played better games in silver what is this !lastgame Last Game: Win. Played Yasuo 10/17/19. 1.71 KDA. (48 % KP) 1x Double Kill Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday ayy what's up discount tyler1 true damage yasuo looks cool. you still love high noon? @Yassuo ur chat is so annoying damn.. wish i was mod and coujld clear thigns out here !avgrank Summoner is not currently in-game !charityt !rank Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (348 LP) yas1 yas2 yas3 yasSnake !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - "i feel like im against SKT" "i feel like im against bronze" KEKW !charity coolest part of this skin is still the wind wall Moe do ur laundry bro !charity @saltyyghg damn, you're so far up his ass it's unreal Donate Here - , Learn more here - SMOKE A LOTTA TREES WHERE THE WEED AT TriDance\ Donate Here - , Learn more here - SNAKE HahaSweat Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? @yassuo you play boshy tnght? ur bad nice try 3 mid No airblade Pog Almost Pog chat seems virginity sad the whole team is there yas3 twitchtv/joaotsk MAIN MASTER LEE SIN INSANE GO GUYS This is actually so sad yasM03 @yassuo Hey buddy read my sub message >:( close KEKW @Yassuo hey what monitor do u use Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW NA whole team there wtf This ryze is literally never alone in lanes close PogU KEKW you come to lane and u die, thats inting KEKW Pure domination LMAO @yassuo you play boshy tnght?? ff pls TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance KEKWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW @yassuo you play boshy tnght? moe can you play fiora next game ? @turbo3245 !monitor High noon or riot SMOrc ThunBeast My ass and your penis TheReturnOfBoris subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Hey man, hope you’re doing good. Just wanted to say I appreciate the streams and the great YouTube content. Keep it up my man. Love you, pinoy <3 TAKE CODIENE WHERE THE LEAN AT TriDance @DrDisrespect PogU reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! cheer100 no say that hes an autism survivor TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance ty mod for the link just blame the jungle 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 KEKW Someone flashes Moe: OKAY FAKER!!!!! LOL 2/6 KEKW Mods Flinstoico advertising a twitch channel in chat WeirdChamp someone voice SadChamp can you stop feeding? yee SHAKER KEKW Ryze is actually broken wtf ITS BIOFROST Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? skt is bad -.- ofc cover map LOL Pure Domination Lmao 5 stream snipers map cover diff wotLETSGO wotLETSGO wotLETSGO wotLETSGO !charity BIOFROST VISION Pog Thank you! Donate Here - , Learn more here - BIOFROST MORGANA POG is int smtg @Yassuo isnt fpx>skt Follow me on Twitter for updates wanna 1 vs 1, i main Poppy :) they are ghosting? DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy Yo whaddup Moe! Favourite arabic food? i feel gay why not finish statick @loltyler1 PogU i would rember it brynliWiggle skt sucks PepePls 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 TriDance 2/6 inting revenge's games yasSleeper !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo chat what game mode do u play on for boshy 6 CANT BE FAKERS IN VEGAS yas5 no buy? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ofc G2 you mean @Yassuo na DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW i fall asleep on the toilet, can't feel my legs !playlist NA KEKW Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? MAN JUST BUY A WARD @yassuo you play boshy tnght? Lets go 1v1 the guy was so good in 2017 and look him now PepeHands PEAK NA LULW Ok faker NA players are dogshit @hideous101 thats gay KEKW @vinasky hey! @samshune bruh wtf KEKW yas vs yas DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW DONT WALK UP IF NO VISION KEKW tilted KEKW @samshune F @tellmewhynot, @itzhannie one of you you're most welcome to all that got my sub gifts, glad that I made you happy. good night ^^ i lost a game i was 12 0 13 at the end with 350 farm in silver and team couldnt get 1 drake i stole the one we got but i prob could have done better maybe get 101%KP instead of 100 but you know there's only 2 genders those eune gold players are terrible guys is pinoy carrying yasuo's channel? yes or no ah fuck @samshune KEKW why shiv and not pd its because you dont know what the modulus function is oops @Yassuo u playing against biofrost Moe feeding? wasup man miguelopez_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! keep the good work just cover your map then @EquadisEU ? moe can you play fiora next ? ResidentSleeper reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy pummel when??? Try heimer !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @tellmewhynot, i mislick LULW NA CHALLENGER IS EUW GOLD @wil @nikosapa ye he is tbh @Yassuo 1v1's later maybe ? i think yasuo needs a little buff pummel baby Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? Hasaki why statikk Gamer Yassuo Feeling like feeding in the NA location @Yassuo Ima head go to sleep bro keep up the good streams <3 @captscrimshaw you're just bad, that's why you're silver buddy @Yassuo chat what game mode do u play on for boshy @EquadisEU 4WeirdW KappaPride @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. hi moe KEKW LOL @Yassuo yas5 yasDiamond <3 @tellmewhynot, hehehe SillyChamp moe would u make out with me ? dont call me buddy TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance You're literally laning 1v3 how to play pyke jungle pokiYA why not build runaans hurricane moe Pepega why not do this Pepega why not hurr durr Pepega @RATIRL Poggers will you even try playing in SEA servers? just cover mapppppppp @captscrimshaw if you cant carry in silver it is your fault u are terrible yes We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor @Yassuo Moe why do u q the person the furthest away??????????? @ArashiiTN lol 1000 ms TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance TriKool Clap TriDance Sniper @Yassuo in your opinion, what's kendricks best album? @yassuo why have you gone back to bt over deathsdance? noon How’s life going bud Yo this guy is trolling with tunisia :D @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance HOL UP TriDance Kappa KEKW ? RYZE KEKW Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? Q did someone ever saw 52000ms? kekw yo moe you make som great content, sometimes ur cringey but compared to many others your leading the community in a good way, gj bro! tungdil56 -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. wow the nade This Pyke reminds me of my unranked Thresh game you are so bad yassuo LUL 2 motnsh ayyy kekw Why wont you cover the map? hu HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance 2-6 mecânica is up KEKW forsenCD HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance HOL' UP TriDance RYZE Pog ryze lived? Pog im a SAVAGE on the INSIDE Pyke smurfed so much SUC2SUC @Yassuo what game mode do u play on for boshy @mbh212 Thanks for the gift sub! Ryze nerfs FeelsBadMan ryze lived KEKW nice score dude omegalul @yassuo respect for the charity MaN moe if you see this clap your hands + who is harder to master fiora or yasuo ? 1vs1 Poppy Vs Jasuo? :) 2/6 KEKW kapppa moe shiv or pd? @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. nice This nocturne though/.... yasPlead yasPlead didnt read my sub yesterday how tf you reading chat without looking KEKW itsme_tony subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months baby reward A Sub shared Rewards to 15 others in Chat! TOWER LUL Can you play on pro level with locked screen @Yassuo ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - average KEKW @Yassuo in your opinion, what's kendricks best album? i go bring him !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Plis do variety today :) not even hard KEKW yasuo is tired neither do I LUL @rarekay21 cover map can statik crit now? DJ Yasuo now wtf PLAY SOME RISK OF RAIN 2 cover map which champion is more retardaded? pyke or senna @Yassuo Moe i didnt understand yet hiv or PD? cheer100 can you say that beast is loved and cherished by all. you are old SMOrc BloodTrail @narvarth2 stfu it doesn’t matter KappaWealth @Yassuo show your runes please) 1vs1 Poppy Vs Jasuo? ^^ seizure_lights -> Please refrain from posting links. pro KEKW Moe i didnt understand shiv or PD? why not buy a cloak to sit on while getting the steraks TRUE LULW lol @Yassuo Plissss do variety today :)) ranked in preseason is fucked Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - moe are you using that twitch money into other investments? btw you should !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pure domination FeelsStrongMan @yvsser1 KEKW you should try bulding sanguine blade!!!!! @Yassuo !game League Of Legends League of Legends 666 the beast is cherished and loved :) PURE DOMINATION :p why do people still ask if hes going pro KEKW do they not see his match history? BibleThump BibleThump gucioP any mods? I would like to use my 25k points for gifted sub and it says to contact a mod beforehand 2 / 6 pure domination but why even give them the option too Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : ranked in preseason is fucked damn Pyke is so sad TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? aram' KEKW HassanChop @kakarot994 im vegeta :) TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? lol_support_ -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. KEKW TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? D: i dont watch streams with covered map TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? 2/6/2 a true yasuo player .... xD yasJensen keld i didnt understand, shiv or PD? @yassuo why did u go back to bt over deathsdance? Why static? absolutecelestial -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. yasjensen TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ??????. hello there hey @yassuo gibe angwy kiss pls fak forsenCD !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? ?????? forsenCD KEKW Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? LOL TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? ??????????????????? yasTrue KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW :D :D :D: :D :D :D KEKW ? KEKW ????????? KEKW ??? XD Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KEKW LUL KEKW so shit OMEGALUL @auxt3ro shiv build is more late game, yasuo wants to win early to mid so normally you get pd for the lifeline XXDDDDDD KEKW HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW HI YOUTUBE ?????????? heroNO heroNO why do u int KEKW KEKW ????????????? wow ?????????????????????????? hahahahahaahahahah xDDDDD} NA F KEKW KEKW xD HAHAHAHAHA NA NA FLASH LEL ¿? !cHARITY KEKW BAD AS FUCK LMAO ??????? KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - pogg SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc yasJensen yasJensen yasJensen yasJensen yasJensen yasJensen TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? lol oh dear GO NEXT LUL KEKW Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? AHAHAHAHHAHAHA 2-7 KEKW bet yasuo na HOLY MOLY MOE KEKW KEKW KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? KEKW ? TWITCHTV/JOAOTSK MASTER BR RAPAZIADA VAMO LA GUYS NA ??? KEKW ????????????/ good one habibi KEKW 2/3 KEKW go pro yasMald xDDDDD ur trolling NICE Q KEKW HAHAHAHAH 2/7 powerspike INC KEKW eu de yasuo kapppa LUL LUL KEKW E TU trueblaze88 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yiiiikes that death KEKW MOE? ur build is ass MercyWing1 MercyWing2 This what you do best reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! q missed relax bro she was shielded bro wyd Classic Yasuo play KEKW morg shild idiot !Charity @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. sorry for spamming this hoping you see it. MOE KEKW?? ???????? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA Donate Here - , Learn more here - why did u not Q minions and knockup cait you missed Q NA F JOKE yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA shotout to all my fucking apes Pepega Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? i am a gp graves fiddle main mid what u think of those champs and all of them have 52 and above win rate and i get to have fun but what u think of those champs @yassuo Missed q Untiltable btw 2/13 Powerspike KEKW just ff yasPepega yasuo main CHILL broxahFail broxahFail Pepega yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA kekw cait? I come to moe's stream just to instantly see him int lul KEKW AHAHHAAHAHAHHAH WHAT WAS THAAT HAHAHHA Yo @Yassuo u ugly kekw hahahaha yasuo bad champ tbh LULW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - get more blades KEKW MercyWing1 Kappa MercyWing2 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - i didnt understand, shiv or PD? KEKW KLED EVERYONE IN CHAT IS HARDSTUCK D4 KEKW Untiltableeeee Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? wait im confused did they summon herald twice this game can someome explain pls ? GIFT ME 1 SUB PLSSSSS shes 0/5 ur 2/7 no difference ranked in preseason is fucked sheesh Dying like there is no tommorow puRE doMiNaTIoN KS @Yassuo u should try stormrazer yassuo Murrit subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yo whats up Moe what is your favorite arabic food? Peak na player btw reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! SSSSSSSSsssssss noone: yassuo: SHEEEEEEEEEEESH yasBad_SG he 0 5 xd @yassuo jusg ll sstyissh she who is underbar laner?? zileaneuw -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. yasSnake @4tema NOT TRUE IM PLAT 4 actually Kapp Kapp i didnt understand, shiv or PD? Wasup chat sheshhhhhhhhhhh KEKW 2 and 7xd Play conq cass pls map cover time dead chat KEKW MACRO PLAYER? Moe i didnt understand, shiv or PD? chat dead ? KEKW !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 22 minutes 2 seconds Yo gib me sub kappa KEKW KEKW @yassuo just what i like to see going 2/7 cmonBruh dawali which player he talking about chat adc @yassuo why did u go back to bt over deathsdance? why dont u ever build stormrazer what is KEKW? ANELE so good yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake 2/7 KEKW waraq 3enab? @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. sorry for spamming this hoping you see it. !charity It's Dolma homie and it bangs Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo what champions do you think are unbalanced? @aljazpracek1 emote bttv CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN HOW THEY USED HERALD TWICE THIS GAME PLS Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer im so unlucky i cant take gift sub :( :( moe how do you not feed on yasuo? DOLMA @Yassuo Have you considered covering the map like other streamers or has this been discussed before? Moe when do i go shiv and pd? yasuo support ? @Yassuo we call it wara enab @auxt3ro shiv is for more damage, pd is againts burst champs. Its basicly small steraks :) 2/7 "THAT GOOD" KEWK yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp yasSnake gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp gorgcGorp MORDE IS NOT balanced preciptation tfbHmm how come every time i tune in to this dude's stream he always feeding IS Littarly the best food hahah !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @toni2562 there’s two heralds BETTER SUP WINS how @toni2562 herald spawns twice in preseason @aljazpracek1 FrankerFaceZ google TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? true damage or battle boss yasuo? Pleasae moe play teemo next @Yassuo when do i go shiv and pd? it has 75% slow tho @toni2562 it can spawn twice if you kill it early TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? Moe when do i go shiv and pd? @miniali1995 only worth building if you're going a wits end + merc treads game with it, it's very situational wahtver eyy i know that my favorit too Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! You have a good taste habibi moe @prwhn_enell Oute egw :( :( :( TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? What do you think about the new patch so far @yassuo what does ghosting mean chat I'm new ? your fav yasuo skin? @Yassuo warak dawali "Domination" Cannon wtf is ghosting? cannon herald spawns early at 6 min now if you kill it it respawns at 8min @toni2562 there are 2 herlads i ngame now spawning in different times. herald can be ccd now nad loses health when its crashing yasM03_SQ Really ? holy fuck thanks guys yasCannon noooooo when do i go shiv and pd? Why dont you go the new conq on yassuo 👻 Welcome yasH streamsniping - ghosing CANNON AHAHAHAHAHA hi kled stream sniping... yasPride yasPride cookie sonic LUL Moe when do i go shiv and pd? ghosuting yasHmm_HF Just dont get sniped 4Head then cover it 5Head zoomer term = stream sniping moon2S Just do delay 4Head so it's basically the same thing as stream sniping gotcha @Yassuo thanks Hide the map? @Yassuo KEKW cover map then @Yassuo Thanks, everyone for coming! ? its stream sniping lol isnt ghosting when you dont respond to someone through text? ? I HATE THE STREAM SNIPE LUL 2/8 @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. sorry for spamming this hoping you see it. damn moe Who'd even ghost in a dying game tbh? Inting KEKW Inting KEKW Inting KEKW Inting KEKW Inting KEKW h NomNom just don't stream 4Heed KEKW 2/8 LULW When STATIKK n when DANCER @auxt3ro u rly dont know ? KEKW KEKW why go statik shiv? 120 damage value compared to 280 to 600 shield value and movement speed for kiting with phantom dancer? thought htat was only worth it in the early game @yassuo why did u go back to bt over deathsdance? @SU2C who are you that's ghosting someone teach this man how to stream delay @Yassuo i like Sumack, its pretty good ever try it !charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW THEY LOST KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - youtube game ?? !rank GRANDMASTER I (348 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP why don't you say stream sniping? like stream sniping like that lmao 2/8 LUL LUL Revenge is going throught it lmao vel koz smurfing U just need ie for dmg KEKW HEHE Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? :p :p :D ;p ;p SeemsGood sweet escape only 16k viewerpoints to free sub for 1lucky person in chat lets goo Why do you go fleet instead of conq isnt conq op now with that healing? dog shit player @Yassuo why shiv this game over pd? @Yassuo in your opinion, what's kendricks best album? KEKW what POG VEL @1HumbleG because its ghosting, sniping is a different thing Kewk "i am just good" 2/8 WTF they will just let him take that? !elo moonwakj 2/9 incoming moonwalk Pog @chat is it reportable when the toplaner comes to midlane at 1 min cuz he dont wanna play vs trynda top and forces me to go top or share xp? MOONWALK LUL wtf was he backwards? ? KEKW wtf+ @spydafx the fundraiser that Moe is rasing money. For @Yassuo i like Sumack, its pretty good ever try it @Yassuo in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? @Yassuo why go statik shiv? 120 damage value compared to 280 to 600 shield value and movement speed for kiting with phantom dancer? IMAGINE FEEDING ON YASUO ONE TRICK @Yassuo DO you like true damage? Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? q yasHYPERS Is true damage your favorite skin now? @exCoach oh KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Flashed for style points KEKW KEKW xDDDDDDDD KEK XD KEKW W hahahaa KEKW KEKW KEKW washed up :/ sad! LUL this pyke yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 Yasuo OTP KEKW ???????? old moe who get that never seen this guy as a mod so @exCoach PYKE OMEGALUL Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? l0ol It´s a bug it´s on cd yas just why isnt nightbringer your favorite skin yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yas2 yasW yeah noc ult can fk up client markers or high noon Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty pepega, he's "GOOD" @spydafx bc it’s for the charity that’s running today . @Yassuo why go statik shiv? 120 damage value compared to 280 to 600 shield value and movement speed for kiting with phantom dancer? Moein 1/10 how smooth is true damage? KappaHD SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood @yassuo why did u go back to bt over deathsdance? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? 3/8/4 ? TUNE TriDance Stop spamming dont do anything reckless u just reseted ur gold noob has no lifesteal KEKW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: damn that playlist fire af yo homie what up The have dragon now wow your team INTING anneni sikebilirmiyim music louder plsss yasS true damage or high noon? !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 26 minutes 5 seconds TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? TriDance ?????? xqcSmile2_TK xqcSmile2_TK @yassuo is it possible to go stormrazet instead of pd or shiv? gonna need to get omen this game Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? YE Pog @Yassuo how come you always make sure to use your E on something before activating your ult? I notice you always do it. sorry for spamming this hoping you see it. this old kanye NA FOR FUN REGION yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU hey moe i love watching your streams keep it up :) !charitt yasSpit yasMald yasPlead yasOkay Is fireee !charity hey @Yassuo hows boshy Donate Here - , Learn more here - 3/8 ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness yasU NA FUNNY REGION AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA @salihfidann41 4WeirdW @Finn280 Do you not speak english? KEKW @CoolSpeedy stack e dmg yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF 3/8 KEKW @Yassuo you ever been to the indies @CoolSpeedy more dmg xD @zoramura it adds damage? i didnt know that Imagine ghosting and still struggling to win. NA logic 3_10power Spike Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? @CoolSpeedy bc hes trying to airblade for max damage. Search what an Airblade is on yasuo. thanks for answering JeremiahSan10 subscribed with Twitch Prime. im ratirlBusiness here ratirlBusiness strictly ratirlBusiness for ratirlBusiness business reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ratirlBusiness @hamsandwich00 smd winnable MercyWing1 yasU MercyWing2 @CoolSpeedy yep im ratirlBusiness here ratirlBusiness strictly ratirlBusiness for ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness @Finn280 good one KEKW respect to the best yasuo na , i dont care what chat says @hamsandwich00 too lazy to change my copypasta @Yassuo Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? have a fun stream moe i gotta sleep now yasH ratirlBusiness ANY BUSINESS MEN? why go statik shiv? 120 (negatable) damage value compared to 280 to 600 shield value and movement speed for kiting with phantom dancer? the timming @Yassuo shiv or pd? @thunderkiller15 tru! @Finn280 i forgive you Squid1 Squid2 yasWeird_HF Squid4 Chats not so bad today @Carizz0 yasH train me to yas lbvs @Swipers22 YESSIR ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @Carizz0 PepeLaugh At 21? yasHmm yasM03 @exCoach hey, I would like to use my 25k points for a gifted sub and it says to msg a mod beforehand so I do Thanks for the HahaHide @jeremiahsan10 @thunderkiller15 tru, here to learn more about yas too, wanna git gud at him LUL @yassuo do you think its better to go Stormrazer instead of pd or shiv? why moe talk like a rap god? xD @TheArcalius yasSpit yasHmm_HF yasM03_SQ HahaLean YOURE THE REASON WHY THE GAME IS SO HARD KEKW @mayihavecoochiee inting KEKW PogU Pog Pog UUU Pog OMG Pog clean PogU WOW tobias1 tobias2 POG pog Pog gg O9MG MOE PogU Pog Pog OLD MOE PogU Pog POG Pog POG OK MOE POG pogpogpogpog Pogggggggg Pog @betrayer21 redeem, Moe sees requests after stream :o pog WOW POG Pog pog Pog pogU Pogf pog Pog POGGERS PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU pog POG big pog clean POGU POGGERS GJ pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POGG Pog POG CLEAN MAN OLD MOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Pog Pog Pog CLEANn Pog poggggggg nice flash pog CLEAN Pog Pog WP PogU OMG POG WTF pog POGGGGG pooog o shit Pog Pog * faker? clean Pog POG poggg PogU POG PogChamp !! POOOOOOOOOOOG pog Pog PogChamp Clean af wtf pog Pog pogU celan Pog Pog FBPass yasW_HF FBBlock OLD YASSSUO ASD\ @Yassuo i like Sumack, its pretty good ever try it pog XZCKZKCZC pog PogU hehe xD froggenChamp froggenChamp NEW YORK MOE Pog poG POGU sheesh bro PogU pog pro Pog Pog POGGIES Shadow596 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 7 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Tellmewhynot neekoPew POGGERS hello yasuo Smaaart PoG Pog Pog POG the only problem for Moe's build is that he can't itemize for MR and armor he has to pick 1 and then get deaths dance 4/8 Pog LOLL broken ankles sheeeesh Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? PPPPPPPPPPPPPG pog POGGERS OK MOE Pog POG big boy pog @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW POOOOOGGGGGDEEEERRRSSS pog Oo no lifesteal andy PogYou POG HahaHide pog Pog Pogg POG Pog Smurfin on em pog yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 SSSsss POGGGG Pog Pog that was sick Pog Pog poggggggggg ChomPag pogpog PogU Late game Yas pog 20 Pog SHEEEEEEEESH pog Old moe Pog Pog PoG @Yassuo SMURF Pog pog ok faker Pog pawg' kebab pog now moe wants to play good lol MOE REACT TO OUR POGS PogChamp so many gift subs @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL Pog Out palyed naiiisuuuu colingRawr MOE REACT TO OUR POGS MOE REACT TO OUR POGS @TheArcalius WideHardo 🚬 @yassuo High noon or true damage? damn son Pog !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 28 minutes 44 seconds feed me moreeeee vel koz straight up inting @Yassuo what monitor do you use moe? Sick play moe yasSpit nisuperhero_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! u should do 1v1's but u give all the money to charity instead of viewers faker is you? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! haHAA what i normally do is PD > Frozen mallet would that be just as effective bc I like the kiting combo you get from those 2 @Yassuo U going to the vegas today ? GOOD REACT ratirlOpen Ghosting dont mean SHIT when you got skill. pog whats the cloth for ? yasThink @yassuo can stormrazer replace shiv or pd? Hey @Yassuo Why are you so cute? that should be illegal. @nisuperhero_ yas5 Does your Tornado dissapear when bra can you lower the music a bit? @Yassuo Q SOUND WutFaceW WHEN ARE YOU GONNA PLAY BOSHY? Garbage skin for garbage champion. zilean can rekt your yasuo anyday bte "pog" "POG" Pepega 👍 "pog" "POG" Pepega 👍 "pog" "POG" Pepega 👍 Moe in 1/10 how smooth is true damage? btw* @Yassuo how do you know when to proritize sterak's instead of lifesteal item rubiusPOG rubiusPOG yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasBoo yasBoo2 yasBoo3 yasBoo4 yasGood yasGood 5t5ctr gf xDDDDDD Does your tornado disappear when u Ult something? @Yassuo That ks @EraiViolett You should consider stalking him ^^ hello yassuo big fan from mogolia what is ur definetion of a celebrity and do u count ur self as one? ok @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KS COMEBACK POG which skin is best on yasuo? @Yassuo PogChamp yoink @typowystudencik instant burst is sterak fuckog yasBad internet celeb you actually insane @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL ego LA moe !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MORG REACTION Pog Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Pog pog CLEAN Pog You actually brought it back yasW yasR_TK Pog Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer pog ÅPG POG @Yassuo why are tsm fans such delusional, worthless, pathetic human trash shouting tsm just to disrespect good teams actually competitng international??? ratirlOpen mid KEKW Pog Pog RIP charity stream? Pog why dont u go tabis instead of berserkers greaves? they only have ryze and morgana as ap champions and morgana is sup @Yassuo WHAT A BEAST captscrimshaw -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL @yassuo calm down faker wtf POG yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK i didnt think u gonna read it but wohooo a streamer who listens to chat can small streamers get this channelpoints feature too ? @Yassuo @chat ? dang you've changed 4Weird yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK !charity respect Donate Here - , Learn more here - POG omg KEKW been on for like 6 minutes and already #1 on league on twitch now that’s a man yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK yasR_TK LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? Pog yasNLT @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL Pogchiga u could E minion and escape from kled Pog voyYAY voyYAY @Yassuo My mom got merried and now i won't be able to celebrate christmas, birthdays or any other holiday because of his religion. Could you say something that would cheer me up? why do you go berserkers always? why no tabi? @Yassuo synthesisenvy subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TRUE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo Imagine not going hurricane on Yasuo LULW so bad LULW you have a lot to learn OMEGALUL 1 @yassuo Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? is supp worth playing? ouisieOof ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG @CookieSonic BAD BULID. TRUE !charity FACTS M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E Donate Here - , Learn more here - This man just got banned lmao @Yassuo Hey moe, why'd you go statikk I thought you said PD was better moe u playing top ? LUL !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? any ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness men ratirlBusiness here ratirlBusiness ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - crispyperson420 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! is support worth playing? @Yassuo Why not bloodthirster personal pref for me is PD > Frozen mallet would that be just as effective? I like the kiting combo you get from those 2 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @yassuo can you build stormrazer instead of shiv/pd? Stormrazer->IE M KEKW E M KEKW E M KEKW E M KEKW E M KEKW E @Yassuo didnt you say you gonna play some other games in preseason boring ass shit ? just got back from work and noticed my sub was available so here talon vs fizz who u think wins lane? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! You getting less flames today KEKW @Yassuo what do you think about tl broxah ? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo Send love !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - DORIME @yassu oif riot removed yasuo you would still play league? eseverko -> Please refrain from posting links. !penis bitch Bedankt voor de HahaSleep @crispyperson420 !followage @FishyBro how old are you? can't you not participate in his religion? like moe? BETTER!!!!! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? @Yassuo whats your main? @Yassuo How to carry as Yas with shit team? @Yassuo Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? GO ZHONYAS @Yassuo PepeLaugh @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? isnt queue time like 2 mins tho KEKW ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo thanks for always giving good content when does the season begin LIFESTEAL @Yassuo ist this the big charity stream?? Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? PLAY SOME RISK OF RAIN 2 @Yassuo toughts on tl broxah ? pls read me UwU <3 dumb gnom Why dd instead of bt? @Yassuo Send love bro PartyPopper Why would anyone think stormrazor could replace pd/statik lol @skywalker2757 bronzie lol yasW @ThunderKiller15 depends who builds armguard/hexdrinker first KEKW HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep pummel party? would stormrazor be good on yas now @Yassuo Play some Risk of Rain 2, you won't regret it love ya big dawg but i got to go imma be back !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - clean asss play alpha af what are these new rewards POGGERS what i normally do is PD > Frozen mallet would that be just as effective bc I like the kiting combo you get from those 2 @Yassuo if you go through your F2 F3 F4 F5 keys its really easy to see where noc is in his ult PogChamp Pog nice Pog clean insane Pog PowerUpR yasU PowerUpR Pog When Moe played outlast was the best content tbh @Yassuo POG Pog POG POG POGÇ lol POG BALANCED @Yassuo u still play osrs? HYPERS falconizer subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Poh PogU 2v3 PogU ALPHA AF @Yassuo Send love Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog It says I have 300 Pog PogChamp POSITIVE SCORE Pog PogChamp pog Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp wait, moe not inting?????? bruh Tempest goes Mallet in a lot of games now ALPHA AF CLEAN LUL TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU POGU yasR_TK @yassuo Moe if riot removed yasuo you would still play league? 2 man carry Pog TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU pog ALLAH AKBAR pog pog TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU TOO GOD FOR THIS REGION PogU @NaZe_Minaj im going to bed dad yasU VELKZO SMURFING @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? @Yassuo Hey moe, why'd you go statikk I thought you said PD was better TRUEEEEE yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF yasW_HF Trueeeeee yasFBM yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug GOOD * @Yassuo Send love bro @Yassuo yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog KEKW No soul @Yassuo duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu moe i feel so sad and depressed right now i had a horrible day and i hope u will make me feel better why statik? TOO GOOD FOR THIS REGION PogU PowerUpL ratirlBusiness PowerUpR @tellmewhynot good shit, sleep well yasH anthonywrongg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! whats up moe thanks for the quality content on the daily, carrying these d1 dogs reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! djdkfjbkdnewvkdvkdajsnfjvj js Kapp yasW BUSTED BECAUSE YOURE PLAYING HIM make pummel party @Yassuo is league big in NY soul id 5th dragon @Yassuo youve become boring zzzzz Do you like mountain soul? late game yasuo is BUSTED @NaZe_Minaj stream/r6? eyyy @Yassuo why did you built statik? @NaZe_Minaj no, imma watch stream from bed PepeLaugh now you have a perma shiled LULW @Yassuo how does it feel to main yasuo and he is banned so often? yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay who would you main without yassuo? PowerUpL ratirlBusiness PowerUpR PowerUpL ratirlBusiness PowerUpR PowerUpL ratirlBusiness PowerUpR 4Heed daily Kappa ANTHONY WRONGG KEKW he would call him self ryzze Good evening moe @Yassuo do u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? KEKW @Yassuo did you get the prestige qiyana skin? PAID COMMENT KEKW yasS yasS yasS @bvnditmasacre downloading update rn Moe have u smashed lately? if not are u planning on smashing soon? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you out here going from 2/8 to 9/9 while im here with garen going from 2/8 to 3/19 @Yassuo Hey moe, why'd you go statikk I thought you said PD was better Maybe stream @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday @yassuo is going stormrazer-IE better than the standard shiv/pd-IE build? How can you Stay so cool in fights didnt buy long sword KEKW When Moe played outlast was the best content tbh @Yassuo @naze_minaj PogChamp PogChamp Moe u a bitch sush channel points feature able for small streamers ? @Yassuo @yassuo Love ur streams rito nerf cancer plz moe has become boring SadChamp today chat is not as cancer as yesterday @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? kekw @tellmewhynot OkayChamp @NaZe_Minaj dude, fuck the new sniper cham[p BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage OH NO how many shield did that drake give you moe @Yassuo @mostafa559_ cringe pummel party didnt buy ILL MAIN HER !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @xeqtrpie pepega Wait I like that DD buy instead of ga I dont care @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday @NaZe_Minaj new sniper guy is fucking OPOPPPPP you gonna play boshy next? I got the game on ssd wtf ur level 18 we want pummel party @NaZe_Minaj busted ass champion Why are you building Deaths Dance? Ill get it every game @auxt3ro Trueeee *0' Good stuff LMAOO Can you stop playing with this ugly skin? wtf cait? CAI(T ok moe good shit Pog AAHAHAH Caitlyn KEKW UINT CAIT LUL CAIT LUL what is that roooooot riot OK CAIT idk if u wanna discord PogU Pog lol Pog the restraint Pog winnable PogU KEKW KEKW ALMOST CLEAN PogU nice r? No GA KEKW KEKW LULW Pog pog trash lel FF KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 7.51 secs HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys 7.5 cc im SO SAD ??? KEKW BigBrother KEKW qss POG @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday KEKLOL moe you gonna play boshy again? @Yassuo 7.5 sec cc KEKW rito pllllzzzz why 7.51s CC no qss Kappa KEKXD bith 7sec cg 7.5 SEC STUN TIME LMAO SO BAD LUL R????????????????? When do you take steraks over pd? @yassuo pog yasSSS 8 sec cc KEKW Its ok still winnable sad why does pyke icon have 2 ult icons 7.51s cc XD yasNLT Pog ? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Uwu @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 34 minutes 24 seconds OOoooOOO Pepega !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - BB OOH r? UwU OkayChamp QSS LOL Ooooooooooo gachiBASS 7 seconds today chat is not as cancer as yesterday bio hitting everything 7.51 seconds wtf moe you hgave become too much of a meme Pepega OOOOOO INSANE Moe have u smashed lately? if not, are u planning to soon? XDDD EZ Clap @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday XDXDXD SoonerLater MOEDUSA POPPIN OFF XDXDXDX XDXDXDXDXDXD @Yassuo 7.5 second cc duration KEKW XDXDXDXDXDXD spookyking1 -> Please refrain from posting links. hey kled BM KEKW 7.51S CC moe is chat behaving today? XDDDDDDDDDDDXDXDXD Bannana noodles with souve QSSLUL XDXDXDXDXDXDDXDX oof Sauce EASY MONEY So bad not sad XDDDDDDDDDDDDXDXDXDX XDXXDXDXDXD KEKW today chat is not as cancer as yesterday XDXDXD XDXDXD get carried @Yassuo did you see Tempest NA Yasuo tier list? He has you as S tier lmao KEKW QSS LUL XDDDDDDDDDDDD xdxdxdxddxd KEKW KEKW xD GG EZ CLAP KEKW 7.51s cc AHAHAHHAA !moe @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday spookyking1 -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo do you not enjoy league anymore u zzzz rn LULW you died 10 times, why are you typing btw? XDXDXDXDXDXDDXDXDXD XD?? Imagine playing league when halo is out LUL LUL XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD spookyking1 -> Please refrain from posting links. !charity gg Donate Here - , Learn more here - LULW xd coiten999 -> Please refrain from posting links. FortOne FortOne FortOne XDXDXDXDXDXD 4Heed BETTER SNAKE WINS XDXDXDXXDXDDXDXDXDXDX KEKW today chat is not as cancer as yesterday No you are dumbass and you are INSECURE TOXIC TRUE D: KEKW @yassuo do you think stormrazer can replace shiv/pd? Its better overall imo @Yassuo Watch replay NO PogU Clap bletscarlette subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! OOOOO 6 MONTHS SUBBED TOTAL OOOOOOOOOO @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday PogU Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NO NO Pog XDDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD WP KLED Pepega XDXDXDXDXD i am the kled :) KEKW uoo Pepega we want to redeem the channel points and the rewards are dogshit watch VOD of him ghosting? Kapp When Moe played outlast was the best content tbh @Yassuo !playlist N OMEGALUL !charity !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? PogU Clap ur watch for the charity mate !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PogU PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo @Yassuo ANY OIL PRINCES IN CHAT? KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - check if he ghosted KLED FUCK OUTTA STREAM NUB D: today chat is not as cancer as yesterday smd :) charity for what? no :D PogU Clap ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Moe is the cancer that needs fighting Thank you so much! you should double however money is raised @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday @Yassuo gg man i was the kled :D @Yassuo Whats the charity? BALANCED PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo ] is stormrazor good on yas cause of the changes @Yassuo is league big in NY Give ur watch for charity Give ur watch for charity check if ghosting why isnt there an option to open pants to charity Give ur watch for charity !uptimr KappaPride PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo buerinLanso @Streamlabs WeirdChamp Fuck charity OOH UNLEASHED SHADOWDOGSS FUCKK MOE !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 35 minutes 22 seconds @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? !duo HAHAHA GAY LOL Revenge GAY YAS KEKW UOO Pepega IM GOING TO THROW MONEY AWAY FOR CHARITY PogU today chat is not as cancer as yesterday GAY KEKW WTF D: "gay" team AAAAY MOE GIBE ANGRY KISS boshy @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday xDDDDDDDDD !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PUT GOAL ON SCREEN @Yassuo OMEGALUL KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates Moe ratirlBusiness a ratirlBusiness true ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness man !duo yasOkay Revenge OOOOooOH who u duo ing with? KEKW GAY KEKW @Yassuo you is a snek LUL @yassuo today chat is not as cancer as yesterday GAY YAS HAHAHAHA KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime give your fake watch KEKW give my dick for charity 24 H stream ? gay yas EleGiggle yasDiamond @Yassuo If you was given the chance to rework anything about yasuo what would you change? yes KEKW OOOOO GIVE YOUR WATCH TO CHARITY gay KEKW TRUE KEKW !duo Revenge ExemptOrphan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Moe ratirlBusiness a ratirlBusiness true ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness man Moe ratirlBusiness a ratirlBusiness true ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness man Llder lmfaooo HAHAHA KEKW Show your watch PogU @Yassuo GAY Kappa !duo GAY YAS KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! GAY YAS KEKW KEKW "GAY" Team for Yasuo mains KEKW OOOOOOoOOOOoH GIVE UR LIFE SAVINGS TO CHARITY Pog Give your body to charity ;) was playing adc then my supp was stealing farm :L GAY team LULW @yoel_y Fuck you lul Yo whatsupp moe. Whats your non stream hobbies ? I would like to talk with you so much. Moe have u smashed lately? if not, are u planning to soon? @HarryJamessPotter it is on screen PepeLaugh PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo Pog GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW Pog PogU PogU GAY YAS LUL @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime chet is virginity :( PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo ItsBoshyTime GAY KEKW gay lol PogU Pog GAY YAS PogU PogU Pog Gay KEKW IQ TEST Pog Pog GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY YAS KEKW PogU WeirdChamp Ur the richest man here, how about you donate Mr Sheckelstein @Yassuo @NaZe_Minaj how long u got on updateww Pog YES Why are you so cute @Yassuo that should be illegal. Moe ratirlBusiness a ratirlBusiness true ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness man ? pog pog @Yassuo CLASH TAGS KEKW Pog lol vwt PogU ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime A ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Pog fuck charity bet GAY YAS buerinWOW buerinWOW buerinWOW PogU Aha loooooooooool u gone cure poverty LLW Give ur tits to charity KEKW @Yassuo why arent you playing halo like everyone else? Pog Pawg GAY yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink !charity LULW Yo Moe, what do you think about Tyler having 3 times more viewers than you? Donate Here - , Learn more here - Give me money xqcM @Ackarnadamvuran wait is this the charity stream where he gets the hair cut n shit?? 1v1 with lider give me 250 GAY YAS KEKW ItsBoshyTime @bvnditmasacre 30 mins great PogU Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Pog ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime GAY KEKW PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY @Yassuo PLZ BOSHY gay yas :p @kik1o failing n n n POG yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink @Yassuo CLASH TAGS KEKW KEKW GAY YAS KEKW yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink WutFace WutFace yasThink yasThink yasThink Wow! Nice! Thanks! @Yassuo Yo Moe you still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? PogChamp My money xqcM @Yassuo yasGood GAY YAS KEKW when will you do it ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime pog 1v1 LIDER FOR CHARITY No ItsBoshyTime !charity !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - UNLEASHED SHADOWDOGS KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - Pog @yassuo is stormrazer ie a better build for yasuo now? GAY YAS BOSHY Pog rooSip !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime GAY YAS KEKW gay <3 worth rap god @yassuo are you thinking about buy the the Halo Reach? and stream it, of course RAP GOD Every death in boshy 100 dollars ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo CLASH TAGS KEKW @Yassuo what gaming monitor do you use moe?! ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Moe ratirlBusiness a ratirlBusiness true ratirlBusiness business ratirlBusiness man l ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Who is from Euro? yasU yasU after 1v1 we need to do charity for ur food lmao @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit !subs GAY YAS LUL rapper? when you making 24h stream gachiHYPER KEKW 1v1 LIDER FOR CHARITY @Yassuo CLASH TAGS KEKW KEKW LULW vi tomorow school im from Croatia gotta to good night wear challenger jacket for luck yasPride yasPride LULW KappaPride Clap @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? yasH xqcBall_BW xqcBall_BW gachiHYPER !charity KEKW KappaPride GAY YAS Donate Here - , Learn more here - @NaZe_Minaj idk if i wanna play ranked with you tho, i litterally lose every game when i play with you. yesterday the only 2 losses i had were when i played with you i can beat you 1v1 with yas easy. have played him 3 times tho and refunded him tfbPride 250 charity 250 to who ever wins @Yassuo @yassuo how bout we get vip RAP GOD actually KEKW @Yassuo thank you for streaming once again you're a beast baby do you think that phase rush or conqueror is better on cass Would rather Donate 2 Tyler then Charity GAY KEKW @LlDER yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo channelpoints for smallstreamer ? KEKW @Yassuo , u forget link in post gme, poor guy MALDING FOR CHARITY Pog @Yassuo How do i get in for 1v1s!???? give Nuclear Throne a try @yassuo yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride ahahhhha what was that dono? 🐍🐍🐍🐍 Moe have u smashed lately? if not, are u planning to soon? N OMEGALUL HAVE TO ASNER THE DONO boshi donate 1 or 10 cents for everz death in boshy why dont you donate 250to charity and 50for the one bething you at 1v1 Say hello moe <3 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @NaZe_Minaj just cuz we play against better players when we play with you You are so good at this game... @EquadisEU can u turn the music up @Yassuo who are you douing with? wear challenger jacket for luck. THANK YOU BASED MOE yasANELE yasSpit yasNLT yasMald yasW yas5 yas1 yas2 yas3 yasMald give VIP to charity yasPepega N OMEGALUL N OMEGALUL @Yassuo What caming monitor do you use You didn't read my sub :((( MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA @tellmewhynot, ye? WTF KEKW wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo Yo Moe you still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? PogChamp not my type of game !watchtime ARE THESE NEW STAGES? @Yassuo @yassuo did my donation to through it came out my bank but I didn't see it on stream Kappa @EquadisEU just wanted to @ you PepeLaugh if we win we get VIP, whose with me? NAME? no way this game is just gimmicks KEKW falppy bird? 4HEad infiniteintrovert subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! :) @bvnditmasacre yeah ofc, you also learn faster with / against better players 5Head KEKW DOOD WTF IS THIS LUL yasW yasW yasW yasW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Greetings from Poland <3 @tellmewhynot, man no discord is boring DOOD mortal kombat monkaEyes PepeLaugh Here we go again KEKWW whats thaaat WTF;' TriHard 7 whay up yall @tellmewhynot, SadChamp !boshy LUL LUL LUL I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYAMUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA u should play sekiro instead mate Comparing this to sekiro lmfaooo what's the name of the game true Sekiro is very good KEKW Wtf is this Kappa FailFish FailFish FailFish LUL so annoying game that's why you fail over and over KappaClaus D: :) KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WHHHHHAAAAT kekw JAJAJAJAJAJAJAAJA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @EquadisEU im in bed, too much pain to be on chair tbh LULW KEKW NEW VIEWERS NOT KNOWING BOSHY WeirdChamp KEKW @Yassuo youre dog in this game xd KEKW monkaW MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA KEKW OOOOOF TRASH KEKW @NaZe_Minaj yeah thats why i went from silver 3 to bronze 3 when we played together, and after you left i got back up to silver5 progress PogU KEKW KEKW WutFace WutFace yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald ok !boshy @LlDER Bro stream a bit more man, I miss the int streams I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @llder man broke his controller on dark souls 3, could you imagine sekiro KEWK jump forward truueee moe ply seikero @tellmewhynot, PepeHands !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PepeLaugh are you in queue? RITO KEKD losing to shang tsung PepeHands GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW !watchtime KEKW Insanity beat this boss in like 3 tries KEKW @Yassuo MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAY music up pls @LIDER where are u from tho ? Improving you say IT'S BOSHY TIME PogU @Yassuo this donation site is 100% safe right? dont wanna get scammed out of the little money I have @Yassuo can i just have the 250$ to give a charity of my choice? I'm not gunna actually give it to a charity but you know the thought is what matters its moshi time widepeepoHappy mizkifE mizkifE mizkifE !watchtime @tellmewhynot dont die BibleThump KEKW You should stream Dark souls 3. It would be quality content. yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? TrKool ???? i did it in 1 :) i luv penis MUDKIP AYAYA @bvnditmasacre Yeah no flame id rather have a player on my lvl in my team too !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Kappa yasMald yas1 ItsBoshyTime yas3 PowerUpL Kapp PogU Clap yooo whats up @Yassuo who are you douing with? MEGAMAN PepeLaugh Kapp update raised money Play league yasSleeper yasSleeper 10th LUL slapyoazz -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. PowerUpL yasMald yas1 ItsBoshyTime yas3 ay @bvnditmasacre maybe we play some casual because ranked shes gonna be banned steve_984 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. !followage did he beat megaman? !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 38 minutes 56 seconds Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! yasBad yasBad gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPERS !followtime Donde se descarga ese juego? ): its bwashy time widepeepoHappy @excoach yasH gachiHYPER ssss @winterstorme stfu dog wtf is he playing gachiBASS @NaZe_Minaj she isnt Kreygasm 00==========D~~ DID he beat megaman ? @Yassuo did you see the new NF song? gachiBASS tf are u playin moe @naze_minaj :> @bvnditmasacre PepeLaugh shang tsung rednoisepod -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. lol give up on this 😂 !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank !boshi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @azersole yessir gachiGASM gachiHYPER Kreygasm @excoach np :) @wintertime10 do t type D: Gracias :3 KEKW !followtime gachiHYPER I SAW what the fuck you beat last boss??? GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW GAY KEKW you are so bad at this easy game honestly why it has the league category but is a trash game UNBAN HIM gachiHYPER Balls Do you think yasuo is ever gonna get a hextech skin ? !charity is boshy free @NaZe_Minaj im in bed dad yasU Thank you! !charity 3669 deaths KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - Donate Here - , Learn more here - MUDKIP AYAYA DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! loaiy but u still silver xD @tellmewhynot Okay stop calling me dad weirdo !Charity TRU Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo what gaming monitor do u use yo what the fuck you actually beat the last boss? what s the game name !followage KEKW ez game 3670 KEKW 3671 death powespike KEKW 3671 whats your controls ? @Yassuo you only play this cuz faker plays it @gabrielgstudioo u can see the client behind his game u know KEKW @Yassuo no halo? 3671 KEKW @Yassuo u are faker's child right? !game League of Legends wtf am i watching? CHAT whats the game name ?? 3672 @NaZe_Minaj okay dad wtf 4WeirdW LUL YULULULU pepeMeltdown YULULULU pepeMeltdown YULULULU pepeMeltdown YULULULU pepeMeltdown END THE GAME PLEASE WTF IS THIS @tellmewhynot 4Weird u finne be broke Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: WHAT GAME IS THIS BANKRUPT KEKW finna POOR IN 5 MINUTES KEKW CursingVortex gifted a Tier 1 sub to SU2C! They have given 67 Gift Subs in the channel! he has more but he got a new computer KEKW YULULULU reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !followage @NaZe_Minaj PepeLaugh is this 24 hr stream ? 1$ Per death every death is a penny going broke KEKW This game sucks @Yassuo 1 dollar for every death! youll be broke asf nib 3673 @tfueisnoskingod i wanna be the boshy PepeLaugh pog tyler is 15k andy @Yassuo it would have to be $1 per death if not u would go broke chat talking when they cant beat turtorial KEKW @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - HOW DO I GET BOSHY Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer !ponits !charity YULULULU pepeMeltdown YULULULU pepeMeltdown YULULULU pepeMeltdown Donate Here - , Learn more here - !uptime @tfueisnoskingod its boshy time !! The stream has been live for 1 hours 40 minutes 55 seconds Join the #SU2CStreamTeam Discord and help build our community together - Stand Up To Cancer :) !points 0 downloading the game through that link is downloading 10kb per second wtf itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 WELL DONE SMOrc WELL DONE SMOrc WELL DONE SMOrc WELL DONE SMOrc @frosty0015, !boshy hi fortijs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! :) @kieranontoast yasH reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty jump back and then on the thingy again when he gets fatality !boshy YULULULUBLA Pepega I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LAST ONE PepeLaugh @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday?? KEKW moe so cute finish him SMOrc MUDKIP AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA your still at that level following! !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LaSt OnE xd 3Head god Last one Kappa @whisper122 boomer net RpoArtemis subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Tellmewhynot :) yasJoy yasJoy damn @yassuo you're so bad i would not even start playing cause i am literally worse reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 1 death is 1 cent what do you think of blood moon yasuo? @yassuo !following !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PogU ? !howlong lAsT oNe yasN !followage @yassuo WHAT ARE U GONNA DO AT ALL STARS AYAYA KEKW LUL D: KEKW is boshin free? KEKW Flexes watch then says he's broke next stream when he has to donate @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo are u going to buy the new Halo Reach? and stream it? KEKW KEKW KEKW PowerUpL yasMald yas1 ItsBoshyTime yas3 update raised money. D: yasSmash ItsBoshyTime so much yasPride yasPride in the chat telling Moe is cute wierdchamp do every 50 death = 20 dollar it didnt work @Yassuo can you show que times in the corner when youre playing other games? ur a beast dude LUL LUL @Yassuo is this 24hr stream or what ? WeirdHead yo yassuo halo ? @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? yasH @rodgersredrevival yes! ah ic !boshi KEKW tsm biofrost @yassuo is stormrazer IE a better build for yasuo now? Stormrazer is better than shiv in dueling and kiting yasMald yasMald yasMald where do i find this game? na 4Weird EU>>>>>>>>>>NA Thank you!!! ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime update raised money We are here for you!!! @Yassuo what are u gonna say to faker when u meet him in riotgames Have u tried Koshary before @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Another yasuo game yasSleeper yasSleeper installed boshi and ended up with viruses @michmas !boshy Jankos said he hasnt played since world finals so you got a chance KEKW @Yassuo did you see the new NF song? ItsBoshyTime @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? yasH sheeesh im so sorry NA KEKW yasSpit <3 ok boomer update raised money. @Yassuo are you gonna practice using function keys? Lul blade more viewers what are you doing during new years holidays? !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime <3<3<3<3<3 @yassuo When is next Twitch Rivals???????????? love your content btw yasH he plat 4? KEKW update raised money wassup dawg <3 @yassuo is stormrazer IE a better build for yasuo now? Stormrazer is better than shiv in dueling and kiting <3 <3 im a dog CAN NA PLAY WITH EU ? LIKE BRONZE VS CHALL/ <3 D: woof i guess update raised money. NF OMEGALUL WeirdKEKW WHEN WILL YOU 1 V1 ? idc he has cancer KEKW let him flame us <3 :) :) D: D: 2 snakes in 1 game @Yassuo replace IE with stormrazer VPN dawg WOOF this random KEKW woof woof D: Is it true that soraka mid is busted? !charity ANELE Donate Here - , Learn more here - ANELE Clap yassuo When is next Twitch Rivals???????????? love your content btw update raised money @yassuo are you going to buy the new Halo and stream it? @Yassuo WHEN IS THE MAIN CHARITY STREAM? what are you doing during new years holidays ????????? WTF D: Poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz ?????????? D: <3 ??? ANELE ANELE ANELE D: ANELE ANELE LUL yasSpit wtf ? D: ????????? foo\ yasSpit Use Firefox :v ???????????? @hardstucksilver im D4, throwing you all a bone D: KOSOMK HAHA yasSpit HA TOOF ANELE rand0mhouse subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! ANELE One of us WeirdKEKW awooga reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! YO MOE WHEN WILL YOU 1V1 ??????? 2 snakes in 1 game.. why can you use google in china @Yassuo ANELE TFOO @yassuo why is the donation goal not on the screen ingame? yasH haha&@&@ xddddddddd 1 VS 1 ????????? yassuo When is next Twitch Rivals???????????? love your content btw :) why cant you use google in china tho ? what are you doing during new years holidays? mohamed ANELE TRUEEE ???????? Say Kahpa kelb !clip i luv u noobs !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 42 minutes 52 seconds @Yassuo We saving it for goals !uptime its halo release @yassuo is stormrazer IE a better build for yasuo now? Stormrazer is better than shiv in dueling and kiting every Tornado you miss is a sub Parent credit cards Go to North Korea league dead game WeirdKEKW @Yassuo they use their mom credit card MOM CREDIT CARD ? Mommys money? LUL yasSpit yasSpit KEKW KEKW or we arent millionaires @Yassuo kek XD yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald dead stream FORTNITE KEKW KEKW @Dalbella Im D3 34 LP yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit at the time fortnite is evidently a bigger game @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW KEKW WASHED UP KEKW parents credit card KEKW you have to play with drake yoooooo whats up broski *//*/ mom credit card just donate harder 4Head we broke Moms credit cards MUMS CREDIT CARD LUL they have their parent credit card ILL DONATE MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TO CANCER :) @Yassuo cause their viewers got their parents CC are u arab moe FREE ENTERTAINMENT FeelsGoodMan u ugkly as hell yasBoo2 yasBoo2 KEKW u love u bronze noobs yasDiamond @hardstucksilver you're the 15% ;) yo moe whats wrong with Dom lately everytime i watch him he is tilted and banning ppl srsly this guy is going crazy @memeshinshin the problem with that is the cost of the double ad crit items, the zeal crit items are much cheaper to get to 100 crit and give the aoe for waveclear to roam midgame KEKW @Yassuo we canst steal credit card from our parents since we moved out already you know White viewers Dude chinas selling coats made of cat skin Pepega 💰 just play fortnite then 4HEad @Yassuo @cronoss40 Pepega why is google baned in chrina china bc kids steel there parents cards is witsend rush against heavy AP still good? @Yassuo just play fortnite then yas5 @Yassuo ABORTNITE League community is poor dont hate on us thanks yassuo When is next Twitch Rivals???????????? love your content btw :) @Judgement_LC CHRINA KEKW KOD TriKool @3mohero yes. Read bio @Judgement_LC why do u think man Q q KEKW NA Q -1000 @Dalbella KEKW yasU math class boner rapper Pog @optional_hobo cmonBRuh @OABtraining90 KEKW what was the game he was playing? @Yassuo WHEN IS THE MAIN CHARITY STREAM? NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom @yassuo can you try out the stormrazer IE build this game? TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance @Judgement_LC why give money to an american corporation when they can make their own one and get more income yamato8Burger yamato8Burger yamato8Burger @memeshinshin later on i would probably sell it for stormrazor When do you start E? @Yassuo True I feel like some in this community are kids aswell lol @Judgement_LC Nord VPN wants to know your location !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime That is like the wind, always by my side @venoumes I was just about to change it, ty -1000 :) >>><<<>>><<<>>><<< @galuf420 I Wanna Be the Boshy !boshy is this the 24 hours stream? @exCoach gotchu I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW @memeshinshin i was playin jhin yesterday and was very pleased with how good it was on him Q KEKW MATH CLASS BONER RAPPER KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - NADO KEKW flash q or no balls ><>o kekw @Yassuo lol i didnt know that u can speack franko arabc ur inting your ms high af where are u rn? @Yassuo god he has an awful taste in music Yo I’m gay flash E @NaZe_Minaj we can do whatever dm on iscord @Yassuo what do you think of NF? @yassuo have u seen the new season 10 emote? I think it's control+d to use , pretty cool imo Nado kek When do you start E? @Yassuo -1000 @Yassuo do you not enjoy league anymore u zzzz rn lol when will you 1v1 KEKW @bvnditmasacre No :) Follow me on Twitter for updates @HiimYann hi gay, im dad NA KEKW hi vlad ResidentSleeper fuck yeah Cali @yassuo can you try out the stormrazer IE build this game? @yassuo have u seen the new season 10 emote? I think it's control+d to use , pretty cool imo :) @Yassuo WHEN IS THE MAIN CHARITY STREAM? @yassuo who is ur team at all stars @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday That is like the wind, always by my side NO HALO? peepoLeave @Yassuo choose one: pizza or taco @Yassuo in arizona i get 80 ping lmfao @Yassuo i live in bay area and have IDENTICAL ping, we be staying on 69 yasFBM hey greqting from tunisia yasTrue boomer Kahpa kelb "Ok" @Yassuo I could get that ping while playing in EUW wtf yes yes :) YES yes @Yassuo yes yes KEKW yes ye NO DansGame berserk first yer Yes PogChamp do it pussy -10000 Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @yassuo is double cloak rush worth it? stormrazor statikk @Yassuo !charity @Yassuo thoughts on NF? no Donate Here - , Learn more here - SURE no :) wait who goes stormrazor, are they ok VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea nah yes stormrazor witts end no :) y yasW yasW @yassuo hi hope u doing good today yasH pls no boshi that game is triggering YES -1000 triforce? some tips to get out of plat? not really yasAYAYA -10000 PepeLaugh Oh no no no why would you move to cali if the ping is worse? yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug he's gonna blame us when he ints now :/ probably need to hold a recurve for Q cap go stormrazor runaans KEKW @mr_hype_x_toxxic int is like a wind ...always by my side RABADON CS Pog @oabtraining90 respect on just eating points @Yassuo stormrazor + statikk go stormrazor runaans KEKWgo stormrazor runaans KEKW -1000 @Yassuo from my shit testing stormrazor works if you do witsend into it @hellothisisscoob just win WeirdKEKW go stormrazor runaans KEKW -1000 @hellothisisscoob get good @hellothisisscoob /mute all You need Bork/Wits end if you go Stormrazor Yasuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper TRIFORCE DO TRIFORCE pepe @exCoach pussies wont spamm with me WeirdChamp @NaZe_Minaj i dont care then youre not playing with me +20 New emote control d - 1000 -1000 @Yassuo sit on a recurve bow PogU +100 @Yassuo moe are you getting paid to play with that skin? -1000 @Yassuo can u carry a game as yasuo if the enemy team has a malzahar? i lost everytime WITSEND? Play other champs What server is he playin on? CHAT WASTING POINTS INSTEAD OF SAVING FOR SUB KEKW wasting points WeirdChamp mages with conq are just so broken its not funny anymore -1000 why did you thing shaving that wave was good +100 yasH -0 :) Plz @lahodnapredk0zka sae but true xdd -1000 KEKW why do people do -1000 in a channel where u can get free subs KEKW respect @Yassuo Yo Moe you still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? ReCURVEbow KEKW yerrrrr. NY gang 7K points @s95ammar how much i need for sub ? @superviper2018 yas5 it is, isnt it? NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR STUPID POINTS LUL !discord snake KEKW SAVING UP FOR VIP Pog @LahodnaPredk0zka 25k @Yassuo u banning azir again? he is getting buffed next patch Pog Can you gimme some tips about how can i get diamond (plat 2 rn ) no one in US got a goddamn pc except nerds -1000 :) :o i shit more cash than these channel points CoolCat no u is this the charity stream? !spotify @Yassuo do i still play on EUW servers? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! New emote control d @Yassuo r there leagues that lowelo players can compete in? 19k almost a sub pog can you tell where your viewers r watching from? -1000 KEKW E TU -1000 aramthebawse subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo your playing against a vlad why not wits end atk speed -1000 again KEKW E TU im rich People waisting 1k points meanhile im farming BoolinJAM pog -1000 KEKW E TU league big in eu KEKW im rich rich your stream is laging LUL WHY MOVE TO CALI IF THE PING ISN WORSE -1000 PogU -1000 AGAINE KEKW E TUU -1000 @Yassuo WHEN IS THE MAIN CHARITY STREAM? @miki__2003 because he wanted to roam and don't want the vlad to come so he force him to take cs or lose if he come -25000 channel points ty moe...@yassuo yasU yasU yasU yasU rere @Yassuo do u still play on EUW servers? KEKW -100 KEKW you have more viewers than fortnite player right now only 480k away from VIP :-) @Yassuo Yo Moe you still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? @Yassuo u banning azir again? he is getting buffed next patch we dont care plebs xD !charityy -1000* yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Doinb is worst mid worlds 2019 KEKW tobias1 ratirlTip VoHiYo if ur that rich get a sub bois !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 47 minutes 45 seconds @Yassuo what's the diff between plat and diamond -1000 KEKW ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE I have 7.6 k Kappa I NEED 5K MORE POINTS AND I CAN VIP :) I WANT SUB yasU DONATE TO CHARITY :) imagine wasting channel points KEKW @Yassuo In what situations do you go double dorans? @eugelp tobiasCREEP a @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday? @saqz cap why is everyone redeeming their points? xqcBall_SG i @yassuo thoughts on NF? yasSpit my last 1k bois im out of ammo FeelsBadMan yasH yasH yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit tobias1 tobias2 -25000 :((((((( !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasN_HF PogU ? POG POG POG Pog Pog OGG EZ clean Pog pog OKAY Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog CLEAN SO CLEAN Pog Pog Pog wow PogU DOUBLE DORANS VS VLAD FOR SUSTAIN damn poggers Pog @Yassuo CLEAN MOE CLEANNN Pog POG hey moe :) POG HOLY FK pog PogU pooog pogU hi moe greetings from greece buddy PogU Kreygasm pog Pog gg pog Pog @yassuo is this an early executioners game? Pog pog yasDiamond PogU Kreygasm Kreygasm PogChamp PogChamp POG i will get vip for my points :) NomNom pog Pog -25000 POG PogU Pog CLEAN ill give you some of my points :D PogU pogu pogu pogu yasBoo4 yasWeird PogU @OABtraining90 you did a good job pog pog mizkifSEAL mizkifM mizkifP mizkif4 mizkifSEAL mizkifM mizkifP mizkif4 mizkifSEAL mizkifM mizkifP mizkif4 Pog yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS Kreygasm Kreygasm PogU Pepega @dormantor in euw, the biggest difference is definitely wave management, people in plat just mindlessly push like hashinshin yasN True dom said you would never go pro. just saying @Yassuo yasPepega yasBoo4 yasWeird yasWeird @Yassuo Do you know any good places to travel? why are there pog's lmao it was just a typical beyblade lmao @Sanlyn ty good sir @omerazulay PogYou CLASSIC BEYBLADE give your channel points an icon bro if you've ever played osrs you are waiting for the 25k points @Yassuo DO U STILL PLAY EUW SERVERS???? Pog Stormrazer IE!! @Yassuo WHEN IS THE MAIN CHARITY STREAM? POGU yasH !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 48 minutes 58 seconds @nikosapa drama Pog drama Pog tu est vraiment trés fort sur yasuo incroyable Can you gimme some tips about how can i get diamond (plat 2 rn ) fire_penguin98 subscribed with Twitch Prime. grind dom said you would never go pro. just saying @Yassuo reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! shadowwoofs You have received free brain damage! Type Pepega to redeem your brain damage! Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @fire_penguin98 cause us osrs player know how to grind Its really bad Pepega on osrs right now watching you @Dalbella thanks! why stormrazer instead of standard build? oo Pepega Pepega Pepega @Yassuo Yo Moe you still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? Pepega Pepega PEPEGA CHEST WITH 50 POINTS Pog Pog Pog Pog Kapp yasN can you spell three Pepega Pepega Pepega PepeHands Pepega Can you gimme some tips about how can i get diamond (plat 2 rn )1 Pepega Pepega D: free Pepega Pepega doggie dog Pepega PEPEGA Pepega You get a gifted sub for a month if you have 25k points? KEKW Do u still play EUW faker's child ??? LUL POLSKA Pepega LUL LUL @Yassuo When variety stream? KEKW Pepega Pepega Clap Pepega KEKW KELW KEKW How can you get points on your channel? is it a verified thing? loooooool xn,gng KEKW Pepega kmlkgmse go winds end and stormaraizor KEKW MANLY SCREAM KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap thats so funny haha SORRY KEKW bruhhhh uff KEWK KEKW KEKW SEEMS LIKE YOU GOT A BUG PROBLEM LUL Kekew yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega @Yassuo how can a noob begin getting into competitive play that was for trick KEKW get smacked @leegally__blind, Yes this is a shit game for stormrazor tbh !duo VOICE CRACK KEKW Revenge SANCHI Pog VOICE CRACK WutFace @Yassuo wassup bro how is the game going today compared to yesterday! KHA ABUSER WeirdChamp YASUOOO yasH voice crack LULW WutFace WutFace KEEKw hamoudeehh Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : POG u suck cassio conqueror pog voice crack LULW 󠀀 voice crack lulw KEKW VOICECRACK KEKW @Yassuo hey moe, when's the charity stream? @yassuo are you going stormrazer IE? NO TRICK WeirdChamp gosu Pog GOSU POG VOICE CRACK KEKW POG ASF trkGates trkGates trkGates KEKE why no hard KEKW Voice crack sanch KEKW voice crack KappaPride KEke trick on your team? KeKw add ilivewithmymom on euw if you want to play aram voice crack KEKW KEkk Pog swiftie gosu pog ur so funny man hope u die irl @Yassuo notice me dad wati wrong chat yasN smaller prize = trick yasSnake @Yassuo why ur pp small? WHEN ARE U GONNA PLAY HORROR GAMES YA KELB KEKw KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KEKew @EmtecNK my blind ass in first time noticing it KEKEW codithVolty codithVolty codithVolty codithVolty KEKW yasTrue trick left out again WeirdChamp Actually? Sanchovies KEKW @EmtecNK thanks! yasCannon how can i activate points on my channel? kekw nice cs @Yassuo Is it confirmed you are teaming with Trick or you just baiting us/him again? LULW !charity WeirdKEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - CANN OMEGALUL N he repeat the team 10 times stop your team is shit Yasuo tattoo for your next charity? @Yassuo 1v1 you monkey yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasN yasN yasN cs KEKW does he live with courage and nadeshot chat?? @lcrimson_king_ he literally said trick wat u chattin begging to play on tyler touranament KEKW Yallaah HABIBI EleGiggle !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - you miss out on Q cap early and still have to look into a lifeline item later @teetolive KEKW nice tho yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN @leegally__blind, np! how can i activate points on my channel yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake VoHiYo VoHiYo yasSpit @Dalbella im joking relax hii WeirdKEKW @Yassuo hey moe, when's the charity stream? ok so sanchovies hard gosu swifte nice ;) boogie slaps MaN ? @lcrimson_king_ KEKW macaiy1Sleep macaiy1Sleep macaiy1Sleep macaiy1Sleep and there's no way to fit in a item like wits end when they dont have enough ap + a camille that does true damage !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @zvelocityo No, he lives with Jensen and another guy who works at 100T yasOkay yasOkay yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasCarried yasCarried 1v1 monkey!!! yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN Is rerfillable really better than 3 pots? !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - !duo Revenge yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yo wat are the charity stream goals DANCE MONKEY BOOM @drago_frago read the title u incel LUL no shiv anymore? ratirlMagic ratirlCheer ratirlCheer ratirlCheer 3k Is rerfillable really better than 3 pots??? yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN LUL LUL LUL LUL yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN !chairuty !charity @sadboyjay the main charity stream Pepega Donate Here - , Learn more here - what is you're favorite Yas skin? @j0a0zit0 shiv trash lulw yasJAM yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN @on1yen gold efficient HYPERS yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasH yasH this guy cant land a Q LULW @Yassuo how much would it take for the circle of life haircut !spotify !playlist Any Holiday GIfters TriHard ItsBoshyTime cus proc doesnt crit anymore? Wibblay subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! SHEEEEEEESH reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Still missing Qs in s10 PogChamp PogChamp jacksyourmoney subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! kekw reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN VoHiYo hi Sup Moe Sorry moe...i would donate but i dont speak english so i cant get the link D: @Yassuo Will money be donated to for you? oy MOE i got cheated on... KEKW KEKW KEKW kek w BALANCED KEKW KEKW KEKW XD!!!!!! !charuty KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW ur bad lol LUL KEKW LUL ?? yasMald yasMald yasMald KEKW exhaust vlad WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW CY@ KEKW cy@ MALD CY@ outplayed! CYA LULW KEKW It died to his W @Yassuo why the fk did you walk back into him m0xyCozy m0xyCozy m0xyCozy nice champ riot games :) KEKW yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN KEKW cy@ MINIONS ARE PAID ACTORS cy@ cy@ yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald @martinmacmacko forsenCD Clap KEKW ItsBoshyTime <-- VoHiYo SO CRINGE KEKW vlady HOW DID IT NOT BLOCK IT HERE????????? That shoudlve blocked tbh 'cya@' cringe How KEKW cause ur bad Cringe XD cringe Stormazor Vlad is a nice champ byebye buddy LATA BITCH outplayed he's under the ground. it's ALWAYS been like that stormrazor yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad MALDING yasPepega cy@ xD vlad cringe champ ZERO DAMAGE WeirdKEKW Why is everybody in chat spamming @on1yen refillable is always better i think they could charge 200g for refillablew Cy@ WHEN ARE U GONNA PLAY HORROR GAMES NIK TABON KHALTEK YA KELB yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 exteniqeur PogChamp NOOB Vlad cy@ WeirdChamp yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Any Vip in the chat ? Kreygasm @martinmacmacko yo I'm sorry my guy, never felt that but I can imagine how hard it is yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasAYAYA "WINNING" KEKW NOOB U SO BAD hex jgl diff this vladimir is actually the mid laner from the game you played before spellbook vlad 5Head !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - with his exhaust i dont think you can ever out play that :( speak human chat WeirdChamp you let evelynn farm to lvl 6 @Yassuo Eve into Kha is a losing matchup pepeD Hi Moe pepeD Kapp pepeD if kha invades eve will behind pepeD 12 2016 savage PepeHands run join us chat pepeJAM Moe sounds like a robot while reading donations LUL yasFBM TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 10 + 9 = 13 seems about right actual camping lamo TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 , What elo does he play at? What to do when you get cheated on.. You should learn some yas buddie @Yassuo When some Variety games? TriKool Clap Camille not here Kappa KEKW 5Head HES MAD LULW KEKW ruined np np true KEKEW TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 LUL silver 2 now actualy no problem @Yassuo yw KeazenGG -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. @Yassuo Excuse me, I'm Silver 2 bronze 4 actually np :) @martinmacmacko PepeHands @GangstaVino grandmaster guys is underbar laner Revenge? im bronze 3 SILVER 3 THANK YOU VERY MUCH TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 @Yassuo FLAMING US WeirdChamp isnt cass a moe dick sucker Thanks, everyone! you really cry like a little child all the time man @martinmacmacko ignore it and keep fuck the girl silver 4 >>>> academy players s: TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 -1 We’re good at that Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday @martinmacmacko go next @hannaheileen hey :) I’m plat 4 u fuck POG Pog We're not silver, we're Iron KEKW cannon :( why read chat when you just gonna get mad anyway? yasW finally got a gank 13 mins in game @martinmacmacko break up and move one, cheating is not an accident ur bad EVE R KEKW EVELIN KS FAIL KEKW yasW yasW yasW yasW @martinmacmacko or fuck a different girl too Take TF blade for tlcs Xd PogU clean PogU yasCannon Its just jg diff and its a eve like why play eve when they have vlad xah cam and kha @Yassuo imagine wasting ur highlighted message on something serious lol BibleThump PogU KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Man this chat is so cancer sometimes Your chat is so toxic, jesus I'm unranked LUL TRUEEE @Yassuo u deserve bronze Im bronze excuse me im plat 3 @Yassuo put in sub mode youre shit hey chat, first time on twitch, anything I can expect from moe? @hannaheileen 4WeirdW im iron 2 you cunt KEKW PLAT 4 LULW FIRST GAME IN 13 MINUTES KEKW moe youre great, dont let these bots trigger you Im iron 4 dad atleast u get ganked pla4 sucks hahaha unranked here reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cmon bro im plat 4 PLAT 4 LUL @su2c no problem DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo damn ur chat tho who is your top laner? @Yassuo !charity plat 4 is silver lul Donate Here - , Learn more here - That was a clean wall @Yassuo MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP CRYING stormrazor is now good on yasuo? 21 TriKool what is a highlight message tho @Yassuo but i agree with you.. TriDance dance chat @yassuo why your cursor is so small? I <3 YASUUO VoHiYo NO HOMO @Yassuo can you tell my friend, William, that plat is not high-elo Ignore chat were fucking clowns LIKE PLAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE VS CHALLENGER KNOWLEDGE LUL moe will you ever have a sex tape for the league community to worship Who would you consider to be top 3 mids atm? Havnt played LoL since I went military back in 2015. or how do i get it yassuo suck a poopoo Its just jg diff and its a eve like why play eve when they have vlad xah cam and kha @Yassuo NotLikeThis yasW yasW yasW yasW get clapped kid KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????????????? KEKW !charity KEKW @Yassuo 21 TriKool KEKW ????????????? Close Windwalled nothing KEKW KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW synapse NADO LULW F KEKW @yassuo i am watching your videos the whole fucking day and i laugh everytime in everyvideo i hope you can see this comment anyways keep up the good work my man SUB MODE IT PogU do you guys like the drake changes? cain flip`? KEKW VLAD ABUSERS WeirdChamp TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 KEKW Im zinc 4 @Yassuo Plat 4 is basically Gold 4 KEKW booosteeeed TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 <3 moe who is your top laner? @Yassuo yasU yasU yasU @Yassuo get pooped on Plat players play like silver half the time lol its rainy :D PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE SCAMMED WeirdChamp Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW LUL LUL LUL KEKW I don't understand your jungler he can't miss his w why is he so baaaaaaaaaad BETA KEKW noo love you moe @Yassuo BEST BUILD FOR YASUO ? @Yassuo can you tell my friend, William, that plat is not high-elo Pepega :( Everything below diamond is trash lets be honest eminem? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - lol jhin you blocked it yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA DUO ABUSER WeirdChamp @Yassuo suck a poopoo lol do u think revenge is the reason ur losing? @Yassuo PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @NeoNiXx3 its under the chat you pay 1000 thingies @hannaheileen i agree LIER LIER LIER LIER yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird jhin WeirdChamp @Yassuo why not just get two of the cloak of Agility before building a full item and hit that 100% Crit for 1400 gold even tho im plat Kippa evelyn lost early on failed bot ganks, and then didn't perma farm to make up for it i think PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ItsBoshyTime is vlad a hard of a matchup to yasuo ? can revenge still play riven? @Yassuo @Yassuo why not build wits / merc Scammed just like this stream Why Revenge and Not Sanchovies PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp bro u literally give me anxxiety because u talk so fucking fast smoke some weed u tweaker why is chat so salty towards u?thoughts? OF COURSE HES NOT GONNA BLAME U CUZ U DUO WITH HIM All these T1 Fanboys GTFO !whymoeisvirgin TriKool moe when is the last time you had a girl sit on your face? @Yassuo what's your mous sensitivity? TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 TriKool 21 @Yassuo what best advice in yas vs zed? ji !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - 9 11 ANELE Pog @hannaheileen nah, diamond is also trash. Masters is the bare minimum 5 vision score at 15 mins :/ @lcrimson_king_ WeirdChamp @NeoNiXx3 and respect for the advice and or answer noob inter! 1 v 1 me on yasuo! AHAHAHAHAHA HAHA You are so BAD YAsup Learn to PLay game Youa re Just bad Player noob Fuck off Uninstall Leag of Legends You fucken Noob player if ur not in high elo (silver 3 and above) dont talk PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @jewelofionia you get no attack speed which yasuo's entire kit relies on him having PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ??????????? @Yassuo can you tell my friend, William, that plat is not high-elo 700 g PogU oh its bio daddy playing thresh EVE KEKW nice play EVE KEKW EVE KEKW EVE KEKW ????????? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog KEKW Wowee can you type faster then tyler @Yassuo actually curious ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 EVE KEKW Who counters yasuo? trying to play yasuo better why u no play fun game like tyler 1? @Yassuo @Yassuo can u do your best Trick2G impression??????? @Yassuo She must be playing on 10k Ping KEKW Eight6 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NA EVE KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ? MAP Kreygasm Noob learn play game Wowee Kapp PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR u need to play fun game like tyler moe @Yassuo can you tell my friend, William, that plat is not high-elo tyler is a 1 finger typer he types fast af for 2 fingers tell em is there a reason why you're playing that aggro moe? @Yassuo can u do your best Trick2G impression????? 2 fingers POG RamenN00dies subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo isnt wits end a go for in this matchup? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog D Can i kill myself i type with two fingers WeirdChamp @doxylicious idk bro my friend is master and he’s trash lets just say It’s NA LUL Pog typing with 2 fingers???? what? @Yassuo just build exc @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday IS PLAT HIGH ELO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR types fast just not accurate LUL asa Obvious you only lose bc you are bad haha learn to play game PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog fun game? PogU Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor ggfvivrjcjv h vjvjf yasMald !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - do you think this kp freeze guy is good? @Yassuo fuck tyler`1. i dont like his attitude... @rogit31 he always plays like this with 2 sausage fingers PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog Tyler types fast he just presses 6 different buttons that never construes into english idk why stormrazor is so expensive for it's build path halo fun game LUL LUL KEKW cucked LULW @Yassuo can you tell my friend, William, that plat is not high-elo Jebaited @Yassuo GET EXECUTIONERS Q Kapp YashuaG subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! how long u think this game gonna last? :^(( LUL KEKW KEKW tower and died reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! how the hell type with 2 fingers ?what man KEKW Jebaited flash earlier? IS PLAT HIGH ELO WeirdKEKW DIED AGAIN KEKW yas1 KEKW Jebaited He doesnt type words tho lol jebaited MaN vlad players are incels PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Pepega HahaThink PEPEHANDS @Yassuo is plat high elo? Donate to prevent cancer boomer typing @Yassuo HES GONNA KEEP OUTHEALING YOU GET EXECUTIONERS @sweatysweatster N OMEGALUL Tyler types with his head kappa : PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog 4Weird died again When is the charity stream ? do you think this kp freeze guy is good? @Yassuo ` khazix is cringe yas1 yas1 yas1 what PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR lol dude, tyler cant type fast, he just presses random buttons, dude never wrote a sentence where he hasnt written samething wrong :( someone gift a sub monkahmm BOOMER TYPING plying like supertop LUL LUL nice stormrazor moe @Yassuo HassanChop i do like 6 it dosent hepl taht he tpyes leik tihs tho W OMEGALUL W Pepega Type Is there a reason why you're playing so aggro this game moe? Boomer typing KeKW do a 1v1 with chat @Yassuo typeracer how many points on yasuo? :( WHen are u gonna do charity stream @Yassuo do u still play Irelia bro???? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR noob youa re the hashshinshin of Midlanme Haha gea Hi my name is Stephen and I am the coolest guy in the fucking world I type with 4 fingers 120WPM PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Shadow dogs unleashed PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Shadow dogs unleashed PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Shadow dogs unleashed PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @fredmerrr no he considers masters+ and some d1 @Yassuo Define high elo please Do <3 it <3 for< Revenge chshHeart PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog yasTrue_HF PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ll Boomer typing KEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - You remind me of hashinshin untiltable Kapp stfu stephen opinion on 6ix9ine situation and music? Do <3 it <3 for <3 Revenge chshHeart PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE HAS NO MR, BUT VLAD HAS ARMOR let the eve farm up yas5 yas5 yas5 Please tell mods to block T1 fanboys The Hashinshin of MIdlane she will 1 shot : PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ll TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Tyler fans WeirdChamp : PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog do you play zoe much? These people suck define mid elo yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF mods hello donocts subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! @FIBONACCII but I am cool yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF ur def LCS ready with that mental yasuo s till plays yasuo boring Please tell mods to block T1 fanboys moe The super mid @Yassuo NO MR, MEANWHILE HE HAS ARMOR 1v3 lOL yasOkay yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF Thanks for the HahaPoint @donocts ff r: PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog u look like my brother hamza Tyler one Pepega Moe 5Head @zvelocityo oh shit that's right my bad @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? ????? yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF ghosting? ?? ghosting ? Please tell mods to block T1 fanboys moe :) moe define mid elo what Ghosting for sure ghosting theyre GHOSTING hahaha ??????????? yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF yasTrue_HF ghost mods ban these t1 fanbois why was she so scared of that face check? bro u litty? CASSIO KEKW SUS ! EURT @FIBONACCII respecc ghosting mods ban t1 fanboys plz @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? that xayah is ghosting PLAYING SMART = GHOSTING WeirdKEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL do they have a lane ward or something yasTrue_HF what rank is this? !followage @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? Ghosting End of year tax break stream. POG Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : maybe ward on river Hes on biodaddy :0 where is sliker? he is funny guy lol AYAYA Hashire sori yo~♪ AYAYA kaze no you ni~♪ AYAYA Tsukimihara woo~♪ AYAYA padoru padoru~! AYAYA pepeJAM CENGO BIST DU DA HABIBI?? THRESH Pog w o l v e s ???? AngelThump @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? Kayne Pog old kanye PepeHands pepeJAM Spongebob meme? BIOFROST Pog @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O MercyWing1 BibleThump MercyWing2 pepeJAM IGNITE BAIT PogU biofrost thresh pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD hey kidz @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O pee pee jam moon2O ima fix wolves !song Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 stazzzzTV -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream q KEKW TriHard NEW KAYNE BlessRNG @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? @mash1225 literally not old kanye, its 3 years ago baffoon BEST SONG When do you take fleet and when to conq ? wich do you think is the best draong soul? MaN yasU peepeejam 😂 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MR TLOP = Old Kanye EleGiggle nice one chat pepeJAM HYPERCLAP DEUTSCHLAND🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? PepeLaugh close KEKW KEKW Whyd you attack it LUL cringe drag KEKW cringe dragon KEKW @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? Wolves Pog NO MR NO MR NO MR NO Mr using cringe for everything haHAA cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O cringe moon2O @Yassuo can u play some Kayle <3 <3 gg KEKW wich do you think is the best draong soul?f yasSnake tfbSNAKE trkMoedusa cringe dragon KEKW @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? U ALMOST DIED KEKW cringe dragon LUL "CRINGE" DRAGON KEKW pepeJAM NEW KANYE WeirdChamp WElp GG kha is fed !song @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN NO MR go next @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes KEKW yasGood cringe dragon moon2O @Yassuo KEKW cringe !charity @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? Cringe is his new main word again CRINGE! Donate Here - , Learn more here - !playlist hard random calling drag cringe WeirdChamp Gg go next KEKW KEKW there is a lot of cringe this game huh RANDOM AGAIN wich do you think is the best draong soul? CRINGE BTW haHAA @Yassuo play halo :) HARD KEKW smoketvCringe @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? random btw hedeedinator -> Please refrain from spamming caps. cringe everything KEKW dragon is cringe LULW Mute? @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon?? @chiggitty that's definitely not evidence of ghosting he walked from mid off of wave KEKW Everything is cringe KEKW GO NEXT Cringe gg Graduation and MBDTF Kanye's best albums, change my mind PogU you cringe moe smoketvCringe CRINGE!! STOP SAYING CRINDGE new kanye fans KEKW !Charity CringE KEKW Donate Here - , Learn more here - t do you know what that means D: cringe KEKW !chairty cringe cringe cringe BASED cringe ur gunna get banned cringe haha so funny just mute lmao PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER 1 BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR cringe haHAA im 12 and everything is cringe :) ANELE Claop go 5 min w/o saying crineg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA huh D: HE SAID ANELE Clpa Calling people randoms is also kinda cringe though wich do you think is the best draong soul?? AHAHAHAHA ANELE moe is a cringe main KEKW CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE ?? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR cringe ass game dude... CRINGE DRAGON moon2O CRINGE DRAGON moon2O CRINGE DRAGON moon2O CRINGE DRAGON moon2O CRINGE DRAGON moon2O CRINGE DRAGON moon2O ANELE HABIBI YOU R. ORE CRINGE WHEN U SAY CRINGE THO !charity ANELE 7 aight Donate Here - , Learn more here - YAHMAR LUL 😂😂😂 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA CRINGEEEE PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR literally cringe random btw ANELE U DIED WAAAY TO FAST KEKW ANELE Clap JHIN BROTHER ??????????? yasSleeper yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE everything is cringe forsenWeird grey screen simulator ANELE PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR / KEKW ANELE 7 ANELE Clap YOU ARE CRINGE BRO YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK YOU R A CHILD KEKW what did u just say? @Yassuo @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes what a cringe dragon LULW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE’S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER’S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR dont overextend ;P ROFL LMAO KEKW looooooooooooooooooool ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE lol MOE do u think jayce is a good champ want to learn him wich do you think is the best draong soul? that was cringe ! Charity ANELE 7 he is turkey monky Kha balanced KEKW lmao i hate jg dif games !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - calling people randoms is cringe midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald what did u say? This game is soo sad 12/1 KEKEW moe think about a skin that u would love to have for yasuo or cover your map KEKW @Yassuo how to lane vs malzahar ??? Blaming players for ur own faults KEKW imak 7mara :'( !Charity int Donate Here - , Learn more here - Xd chat was is he saying? KEKW u are booooosted its so boring WeirdChamp oof 102 cs 0/5/5 mo420 infernal why chat slow. where are degen spammers? @Yassuo PepeHands pepeLaugh what were u saying lol @Yassuo YALLAH HABIBI ANELE ocean drag for sure 4 KILLS FROM U KEKW hahahahha the fuck is "7" ? ocean i like the sentence "hard random" cause irt goes to show how ego he is about his fame cloud KEKW @Tedo995 turkey ? @Yassuo what happend to the stream yesterday?? ocean ocean soul is pretty good who loves gibby from iCarly? healing is nuts worst soul KEKW cloud map is insane tbh gn gamers moe cover your map cloud MOE JUST SAID YOUR MOM IS A DONKEY TO JHIN LIUL lol Cloud worst PepeHands cl OMEGALUL ud opinion on 6ix9ine music and situation? ok ocean is the best and its not close ocean id say ocean is best CLOUD IS THE WORST KEKW slow chat PepeHands THAT'S THE WORST ONE KEKW @zvelocityo hes honestly one of the cringiest streamers hes lucky to have viewers with the babyrage moments he has SIA IS BAE think the regen is better than cloud tbh Ocean is best by far @yassuo Kreygasm CEAN SIA ! CLOUD BEST DRAKE XD CAN SOMEONE PLZ BAN ME I HATE THIS FUCKING GUY imak 7mara what a cute way to insult people lol adele WeirdChamp !uptime The Ocean brings life is better The stream has been live for 2 hours 2 minutes 13 seconds so after this game 1v1 mountain soul is nuts with the 3 sec cd shield joe mama is alright i think cloud soul is worst Favorite thing is when someone is playing poorly and people point it out "It's because I don't care." RIIIIIIIGGHHTTT when u moe has 1/3 of his teams kills u kno its bad na is sooo cringe xd cloud literally worst one @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes than the Air @Yassuo what can i do literally laning 1v2 THAT SHIT RYHMES @Yassuo how to lane vs malzahar ?? Love your content btw :) sneakyE sneakyE weirdchamping adele WeirdChamp u ever tried joe? Ocean/infernal bis when will i ever get a gifted sub @calqlata HE SUCKS @Yassuo will u be on rajj show any time soon? ive been watching all this time and i only got 13k points smh the rng dragon souls are kinda dumb tbh Ocean is the best for sure... not even close are u duo with revenge? peepoHappy IMMAK 7MARA = YOUR MOM IS A DONKEY LUL kanye WeirdChamp ocean is busted with tornment lol did u try joe? weebfourg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 3 months went by so fast... weird question but do you guys in the US also have complimentary literature, like books you need to read at home and then get tested on in class? <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! daphLul !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo how to lane vs malzahar ?? Love your content btw daphLol I played mundo with ocean went afk in their base Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! what is QS !online zelingHYPE @zvelocityo and hes legit a bad person/acts like a bitch/is a bitch...legit virgin do you only play yasuo nxt week KEKW HMMM lilyDango lilyDango lilyDango HahaBaby @justweirdchamp shut the fck up it's raining ? new kanye fans WeirdChamp ocean soul is broken i think, mountain is good for those NA arams we do a lot, cloud for rotating in theory should be best @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes Cloud is great on people like Tryndamere. You get URF tier ult CD, and you can chase down anyone with the 40% movespeed on ult activation infernal is meh Elder is actually dope af. Just nuking everyone like it ain’t shit @Yassuo Infernal's the worst, aoe is pretty bad and cooldown sucks 0 assist Pog pm me beauty girls. i have got something for you. not in bad way btw Cheer300 Hey Moe, how's your day? Keep up the quality content SeemsGood yasN do you play zoe much moe? @weebfourg yeah we have that reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! cringe music tho weeb HYPERS yas peepoArrive STOP FLAMING ? weeb? AYAYA HUH KKona ily !offline weeb DansGame @afan489 unfortunately not Why do you always go "HMMMM"? imagine saying kanye is not the greatest KEKW why do u keep calling the people "random"? do u think u are famous?? !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 3 minutes 20 seconds who doesnt tf yas1 yas2 yas3 sup moe y Good song reeee SURE Kapp MOE STOP FLAMING peepoArrive ? Moe a snake WHAT IS LITERATURE KKona yes that's because it got pollinated idiot @Yassuo 900 ping th theres plant in jng too Jebaited @lcrimson_king_ new kanye is literally Pepega @seper2 cringe WHAT IF MARY WAS IN THE CLUB @calqlata I can't wait for his inevitable demise @Yassuo if Yas wasnt in the game who would have have found fame with? @Yassuo if u 1on1 fight tyler1 irl and beat his ass im down to donate 300bucks it got pollinated by bees and bees are dying yassuo @martinmacmacko yes because its a meme NVM HE STILL FLAMING peepoLeave !charity yas1 Donate Here - , Learn more here - Season 10 plant abuse how do you play on 70ping? HahaGingercat @yassuo uuh biodaddy as thresh do you play zoe much moe? yasFat @Yassuo how do u feel about the Tarzaned 30day ban? moe u have gf now? WINABLE @lil_yasuo1 bro shut the fuck up , kanye is the goat !charity @calqlata I wanna see this man homeless Donate Here - , Learn more here - TwitchRPG why is Kanye such a bad singer? @justomarnader nah ofc not Is that camile drunk? PowerUpL ANELE PowerUpR In this new season PD or Statil for Yas? lmfao the link is yasuocancer? LOL @Yassuo When do u take fleet ? @lcrimson_king_ was* lol KEKW so bad KEKW !charity ?? Donate Here - , Learn more here - if you or cass gets that kha shutdown its over KEKW HAHAHAHAlidays KS @lil_yasuo1 is*** NA KEKW Q ? KEKW did the new season start already? @zvelocityo hes literally physically hurt himself while triggered at the game so many times...thats the best content when he slaps himself in the face acting like a complete baby EVE Pog GL in the game man you got this GOAT HAPPY NEW YEAR CHAT IM FROM FUTURE i love kanye but this song fucking blows pepeJAM dying chanel do you play zoe much moe? ouuu gg if you or cass gets that kha shutdown its over... but evelyn got it KEKW @tubarik preseason atm Follow me on Twitter for updates @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes @lcrimson_king_ SCOOP DIDI WOOP WOOP DI SCUP DI DUP @tubarik No, this is preseason سلام عليكم HAPPY NEW YEAR CHAT IM FROM FUTUREHAPPY NEW YEAR CHAT IM FROM FUTURE HAPPY NEW YEAR CHAT IM FROM FUTURE pepeJAM !playlist how do u win irelia matchup i got shit on today fist me addt !uptime yasSnake The stream has been live for 2 hours 5 minutes 14 seconds @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? lb is easy for pros !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo yo did you already check out the new NF song??? Hi NICE PLAYLIST MAN I ALWAYS FIND NEW GOOD SONGS FROM UR STREAM T OMEGALUL RY LANEZ charity money bar is gone @Yassuo 5 head\ POG sanguine blade on yas decent? @lil_yasuo1 that had a meaning behind it PogU Nice pog do you play zoe much moe? @Yassuo HOW YOU E SO FAST ? PogU TriDance Pog Pog PogYou Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content dad KEKW imagine thinking LB is hard OMEGALUL Pog @Yassuo SHESSSSSSSSSH MOE POG POG Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : YO MOE WHEN 1V1 DAY WORHT POG xqcPoppin DAMN BIODADDY PepeHands PogU @iron_lungz710 you have to windwall her E or she just kills you and try fight her when she has low Q stacks ppoooggg pog ... UNLESS KEKW PogChamp yasAYAYA @Yassuo did you already cut your hair for charity? KEKW Pog weirdKEKW kill 3 KEKW poggg do you play zoe much moe?/ POG kill 4 ppl next 4Weird charity money bar is gone @Yassuo ! Al salam alaekm wp saved YOU COULD HAVE GONE NEXT @Yassuo how do u win the irelia vs yas matchup ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 TriKool Clap kek PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR yasOkay VLAD SMITE @yassuo Is it better to use something you shouldn't have to use just to be safe like using flash or stopwatch when you really don't need to or is it better to not use something and risk dying so you have it for future fights? @lcrimson_king_ nah you memeing xD do you play zoe much moe?// @yassuo do you think the new omni stone is good on yasuo? Because yasuo benefit from pretty much all runes Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content bronze chat LUL do you play zoe much moe? My boy Moe looking clean just like always. Love ya <3 @Yassuo HOW YOU E SO FAST ? PogU ?? 100 gifted subs if she steal @Yassuo Can i post link to my reddit treat at r/league of legends, got bug where i couldnt transform in the whole game pepega Pepega ??? eve is outscaling tbh Pepega Clap shte qm vafli za vecherq mama vi da eba mnogo sum napushen i sum golqma utaika i za tova maika vi da eba Hello Moe, hope you have a good day Pepega what is a shadow dog IS BLOODTHIRSTER BETTER OR DEATHDANCE Pepega do you play zoe much moe?/ steal !! !folloage NICE STEAL KJEKW AYAYA KEKW charity money bar is gone @Yassuo ??? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - tf !followage LMFAOOOO @Yassuo AS playing kayn LUL LUL LUL @calqlata I hate his narration, his voice his mannerisms everything about him makes me wanna strangle him when do you go deaths dance when bloodthirster? @Yassuo wtf HAHAHAHAHA KEKW LUL LOL JHIN POGGERS LUL KEKW VLAD KEKW LUL hHHAHAHHAHAH KEKW LUL LOL do you play zoe much moe? LOL KEKW KEKW Ratirl steals those KEKW E TU LUL @lil_yasuo1 u dont know why he did that? was to prove a point , that rappers can say random shit in a beat and get attention , it literally was on purpose HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW PogU? KEKW That LAUGH LOL PepeLaugh KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW @yassuo who is ur team at all stars KEKW EleGiggle NA im dying here KEKW Trash D: KEKW kekw POGGERS olloolol LUL KEKW Nice play Vlad KEKW FeelsWeirdManW na KEKW NA LUL LUL Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content dad Thank you! 430 Pog LUL LUL 4Head yassuo calling the people random looks like he is famous NotLikeThis POGGERS KEKW nb3Gasm nb3Gasm Wp KEKW VLAD KEKW <3 !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - xqcL i make 430 per year @Yassuo Pog @SU2C <3 ! bio too good Cheer100 Do bits go towards the charity? not including subs WeirdChamp IS this the charity stream? KEKW BIO Pog Make the bar big so people know bio wp THRESH POG Eve had all sums and ult but did nothing. I swear she bought her account or she's doing something You should definitely put the bar up in-game as well, more people will donate. :) Not irrelevant Where the goals at you should have it on the screen at all times if you really wanna raise money @Yassuo did u see Leslie raising 31k? LuL BIO PepeHands @zvelocityo good to hear KEKW YOINK JHIN POG Pog POGGERS YOINK BI OMEGALUL FROST biodaddy Pog madlad !charity RED BUFF KEKW yoink TriHard Donate Here - , Learn more here - get ur money up not ur funny up @Yassuo YOINK do you play zoe much moe? When is the other charity stream @yassuo YOINK TriHard take red KEKW !charity y i o n k Donate Here - , Learn more here - TriHard my red GET YEETED 7k people watching and only 400? We all cheap asf @zvelocityo make sure to clip anything he does that exposes how bad of a person moe really is put the bar ingame u get more donations get ur money up not ur funny up PogU !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 7 minutes 28 seconds dont ignore the bits its just you bro we broke TRUE KEKW LEAGUE VIEWERS KEKW !charity @Yassuo TRUE, LEAGUE VIEWERS STINGY AF Donate Here - , Learn more here - @lcrimson_king_ i mean obviously, since he already is famous it will get attention but i dont think anyone genuinly listens to that song xD, regardless old kanye still slaps league is free, playerbase is broke LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - You are doing great man! Every bit counts! Czilera totalna YOU CAN START OFF BY PUTTING THE BAR ON SCREEN PogU -25000 @Yassuo cuz they actually care its u free games attract poor people PepeLaugh @Yassuo free games attract poor people PepeLaugh @Yassuo free games attract poor people PepeLaugh @Yassuo free games attract poor people PepeLaugh @Yassuo free games attract poor people PepeLaugh @Yassuo YOU WILL NEVER BE DR LUPO @Yassuo your viewers are broke KEKW TriHard Thanks for the HahaDreidel @fortijs KEKW you need the bar in game nobody reads the title bro Pog @Yassuo shiphtur raised 5k in 24 hours yasTrue yasTrue cuz hes popular and talented in a year do you play zoe much moe? being old BAR ON SCREEN @Yassuo F2P games have broke people playing them Ninja donated like 200k no? TRUE I WAS LIKE QRTF cause 12 year olds @Yassuo @Yassuo he plays fortnite he doesnt KEKW yeah KEKW Pog @Yassuo man his fans are 10 year olds OVERLAY! do you play zoe much moe?/ cuz his viewers are retards lol we know he wont keep it Moe, is sanguine blade decent on yas? Like to use for fun or is it an int item? Kapp league attracts poor people PepeLaugh dude kids dont know wtf they doing Moe's charity PogU spoiled children @Yassuo we literally play a free to play game to fill our time man dream big Dont ignore the bit donation ratirlCannon !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo 1mil $ u serious? we broke af bro we broke what do you expect if we had job we wouldnt be sitting here watching someone play league KEKW NO ONE READS TITLE YOU NEED BAR IN GAME SURE Kapp we dont trust u @Yassuo trick2g always get good amounts even with average viewership Can I be the charity then? TriKool Because his boys donate over 10k each we use acsh on skins @Yassuo most of your viewers are 12 moe xqc raised 1 million in donations in 20 minutes @Yassuo @bl33d9 moe is the cringiest streamer for children @Yassuo hello brother people work their whole lifes and cant make a mill lol Well, we are glad you are here! you will yoink it all kalb TriDance !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yeah I'm saying League streamers can't raise anything 18 or 80? ninja donated 100000000000 Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content <3 is this a 24h stream? Don't ignore the bit donation he might give more money !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @bl33d9 you cant act like moe is for adults @Yassuo have u seen the NoWay and Broxah Tree-Fund Raiser? @Yassuo Ninja donated like 200k from that 1mil lying Thanks, for everything! Every bit counts! !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - KEKW you will yoink iy all we too stupid lul Ninja donated like 50k or something# league streamers or league viewers? KEKW 4Weird say it WE ARE CHEAP KEKW in one stream?? @Yassuo we're degens KEKW SAY IT KEKW cmonBruh league is mostly played by teenagers that dont have their own money league viewers broke league players are poor moe what is better statik or phantom right now we wasted our money on rp cards LUL LUL who is dr lupo? @Yassuo you're doing a good thing at the end of the day and the number doesn't matter. you're doing good !bonus @Yassuo do a mediashare stream cmonBruh Fortinite is a rcih people white boy game yesdude subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! harambe shot first League viewers too toxic to raide that kinda money older people watchh dr lupo as well reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Braindead kids were racing to top donations thats how he raised 1m i guess do you play zoe much moe? @Yassuo you need the bar on screen in game more people will donate no worries chat. i m from the charity and moe wont get in contact with any children put A donation goal @yassuo Need money for skins Kappa KEKW KEKW @Yassuo his 12 year old fans take their moms credit card He would've had better word of mouth from otyher streamers i'd imagine KEKW KEKW int? @Yassuo have u seen in France the Z event raised 3.5Million euro for pasteur institute (health related) GG KEKW Whats the state of the mid meta looking like nowadays? havnt played in a hot minute Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content dad KEKW @Yassuo Look at Yogscast they are streaming the whole december for charity @Yassuo why didnt u go for wits end? KEKW only poor peopleplay league KEKW only poor peopleplay league KEKW @Yassuo its probably league viewers age right?? @Yassuo do a mediashare stream! :'C do you play zoe much moe?/ @yassuo Is it better to use something you shouldn't have to use just to be safe like using flash or stopwatch when you really don't need to or is it better to not use something and risk dying so you have it for future fights? lul KEKW KEKW Thanks for the HahaDreidel @yesdude sup too much reading chat in game inting KEKW can you do a zoe game moe buy stripers @Yassuo where is stormrazer liar ff @Yassuo put the bar in game nobody reads the title\ !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @on1yen qss did he raise a mill in one stream @Yassuo IS BLOODTHIRSTER BETTER OR DEATHDANCE 0.69s cc cant move KEKW 0.69s cc cant move KEKW 0.69s cc cant move KEKW 0.69s cc cant move KEKW Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content! :) noway4you raised 30k for trees KEKW @Yassuo We use money to buy skins bcs skins=skill , right ? Pog of EVERYONE DONATE 1 DOLLAR RIGHT NOW HandsUp Pog @Yassuo where is stormrazer liar? !typhicalyasuo forget this and boshi my manPepeHands pog ZYRA PogU zyra Pog yasThink POG Pog only poor peopleplay league KEKWonly poor peopleplay league KEKW only poor peopleplay league KEKW can you do a zoe game moe? jayirP subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! !donate what champ is that PooZ_ScreaM -> league players are 18+ 5Head s xd @Yassuo what do you think about the new elder dragon buff? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! any mods in the chat? @Yassuo do a mediashare stream He was literally the one sitting mid BIO Pog WHY UR SO GAYYYYYYYY Jebaited can you do a zoe game moe?/ watch the g2 documentar yon stream? @Yassuo they are malding buy lethality poggers Redeemed Highlight My Message 1,000 paxjaxpaxjax: WHY UR SO GAYYYYYYYY zischoR subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Moe <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! How much do we have to donate for you to shave your head again @Yassuo prob executioners cause camile xayah and vlad woulda gone bork ga hee Pog poggers guys Hey moe how do u counter or fight a malzahar lategame in teamfights I HATE HIS ULTI , keep up the good content dad can you do a zoe game moe? @Yassuo when do u go for wits end @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? @Yassuo what do you think about the new elder dragon buff? hi Thank you! DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! that zyra is in fucking Africa @Yassuo Buy Hexdrinker ?? can you do a zoe game moe?/ @Yassuo duo with froggen ? AngelThump @on1yen buy a QSS KEKW BRASIL <3 br kiteordie -> Please refrain sending long messages. brasil KEKW she's in brazil she's pretty damn cute Kr, Mayumi Kai I think @yassuo did you see new NF song????? @Yassuo where is stormrazer liar br canthandlemysw4g: that zyra is in fucking Africa @Yassuo do a mediashare stream! she's from brazil someone asked if bits go towards charity goal is she a support? ResidentSleeper @Yassuo brazil shes asian Brasil mayumi is fking cute AYAYA @SU2C <3 camille in that bush camile behind u maybePout thx @zischor. SUPPORT EGRILL PLATER KEKW camiel in bot brush dude !sub @on1yen quicksilver sash. <3 br AYAYA ? wife her mo BR OMEGALUL ZIL bRAZIL brasil she plays ekko Kappa Kreygasm Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - egirls LUL @Yassuo You got pd passive already why are you getting hex??? Twitch PrimeSheda56: camille in that bush 5-Month Subscriber (3-Month Badge)64pillars: camile behind u Yo snake how you doing/ Brazil how cringe is ryze as a champ AYAYA > ? KEKW FEMALE LULW PRO KEKW ET TU just looked up my lord Kreygasm can you do a zoe game moe? KEKW WTF AYAYA ? KEKW tried to warn u buddy another egirl ResidentSleeper wow LOL SO am ii nb3Gasm nb3Blush !spotify but is she good? @a_hokage you're dumb how is a game a "rich white people game" ? genuinely curious it's a children's game nothing to do with race and besides most player base is west coast whis is heavily people of color LUL id you see new NF song????? can you do a zoe game moe?/ KEKW yas5 yas5 chat 5Head bruh xD rubiusFOCUS rubiusFOCUS KEKW rtard yasuo can you do a zoe game moe? can you do a zoe game moe?/ br OMEGALUL nzil DAMN MOE GOOGLE HER YOURE MISSING OUT HONKERS @Yassuo what do you think about the new elder dragon buff? New York Moe wins that WeirdChamp fk egirls Steraks? ga play to EUNE ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 PLAY AZIR YOU HOE me from Brazil ooga booga PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR are you black Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! SUPPORT OMEGALUL brazilian e-girl? Z OMEGALUL E She legit showed ok bommer 1k true damage soon :) Z OMEGALUL E When do you buy Death's dance on Yasuo? Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: still no Kat game i guezz.. TRUE DAMAGE KEKW @xJREEDx Its a joke you fuck boi EUNE KEKW SHES JAPANESE AYAYA DO AN ASOL GAME PogU You gonna be streaming for a few hours at least? I go to work in a bit and need some entertainment. 🐍 go lux mid xD Goodnight Moe im gonna sleep please keep up the good content #Faker's Apprentice <3 <3 <3 <3 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 are u good on zoe? PLAY AZIR :) yassuo this article shows the female brazil esports player @Yassuo Whats your favorite skin(all champs)? @yassuo did you see new NF song???? ap Leona mid with conqueror is strong nb3Stare nb3Gasm Thanks for the Haha2020 @rand0mhouse tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1Pride tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD hi moe are you doing a clash team?? KEKW just saying but french streamer raised 3and a half miliom euro in like 3 days and in the last day tey started whit like 200k oh shit she hella cute chat can we watch the new g2 documentary together @Yassuo !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 11 minutes 37 seconds @Yassuo Leagues audience is poor college students and Fortnites audience is rich kids who steal their moms credit card to donate vlad trolling KEKW @yassuo stromrazor is good on yas? Vlad nice champ LULW yea yea vlad trolling yea POGGERS Kha fed gg 69 MS AHAH LAUGH GUYS GIGI highlight my message is useless if he wont look at it mayumi poggggg !elo yasCannon yasCannonyasCannonyasCannonyasCannonyasCannonyasCannonyasCannon balanced Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @xJREEDx Imagine being on twitch and not being able to take a joke yasYoink TriDance i tattoo my own name cuz only god can judge me BIO DADDY <3 UWU yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon BIO PepeHands dumbass cancelled his ercall @Yassuo did you hear nf's new song? hey moe im a broke college student but i think its cool that you're doing a chairty stream for cancer, my sister has cancer rn and its expensive <3 TehePelo TriDance @CANCER WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 @yassuo stromrazor is good on yas? bio KEKW TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance hey moe TriDance love that song !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Ho3 MOE did you test stormrazor on yas this song slaps TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance Clap TriDance yasH you suqq p3n1s .. TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE BoolinJAM BoolinJAM BoolinJAM TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE lmao why did someone gift me another sub no :) WHO IS JOSUKE yasChair mods KEKW TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE @yassuo stromrazor is good on yas? no :) JOSUKE POG @pepefromugandnarmy123 he doesn't bro 1 man spam KEKW cass POG cass Pog CASS Pog hit a q TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE CASS Pog revenge PogU 1 man spam WeirdChamp cassio saved ur ass @Yassuo cass Pog BIOFROST KEKW CHOPPER WITH THE SCOPE SO DO NOT TEST ME YA Pog Cass Pog gg BIO KEKW Pog WOW THIS CASS IS SO GOOD TSM BTW LUL TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE gg Pog moe did you test stormrazor on yas yo guys what can I tag to get the midlane ? it keeps giving me second role each time which one is revenge guys Pog kha KEKW TEAM Pog CASSIO Pog @yassuo did you see new NF song???? @Yassuo can u show kha build? @Yassuo i lost 1 of my friends to cancer , it really sucks i want to donate but i cant ;_; keep up the goodcontent though #pinoy_is_my_dad winnable biofrost KEKW ggwp jhin the FAST "ff now " nice simulator yea yeah pxyah cassio is 1v9 this game salam YEAH :) TriDance IF TriDance WE TriDance DANCE TriDance CANCER TriDance STANDS TriDance NO TriDance CHANCE Revenue Carry Pog yo guys what can I tag to get the midlane ? it keeps giving me second role each tim WHICH ONE IS REVENGE @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? Why dd instead of bt? Revenge @yassuo stromrazor is good on yas? dragons are so important now THE TECH Pog boosted by duo? JD TriDance duDudu TriDance cassio 1v9 every game champ op LUL cassio is sardoche in NA Kappa jg mallet tech KEKW JD @eflieem top? @yassuo did you see new NF song???? your team is actually good JD @pepefromugandnarmy123 why u so mad Moe lost 1 of my friends to cancer , it really sucks i want to donate but i cant ;_; keep up the goodcontent though #pinoy_is_my_dad @eflieem I take top Adaptive helms ? @Ghostcreeper_ cassio is revenge zhonyas You should grow out your hair Moe BlueCola subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! Moe did you test STORMRAZOR on yas reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! OMEGAROLL chat so fast, nobody see that im gay KappaPride @chiichan02301 oh ok thx Mo u suck sell exec KEKW @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? do u ever go storm build? @Yassuo @Yassuo i lost 1 of my friends to cancer , it really sucks i want to donate but i cant ;_; keep up the goodcontent though #pinoy_is_my_dad TECH ACQUIRED Pog KappaPride can we watch the new g2 documentary together @Yassuo @samofoos KappaPride any gifters? voyMALLET voyMALLET voyMALLET moe u tryhard bruv @samofoos OMEGALUL @pepefromugandnarmy123 u are litteraly a jojo fan albertCD actually kinda wierd champ 3Head mo how dig is your bick Moe yasH @samofoos fellow KappaPride Moe my man, love from sweden !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Xiishyy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! KEKW PokLucario reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Stevenpoop123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @stenten mine õpi ajalugu donkey ratirlRich Henlo moe, how are you? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! HolidayCookie w 1 for 1 EZ @yassuo stromrazor is good on yas? @yassuo did you see new NF song???? Pog that wasnt worth Thanks for the HahaBall @xiishyy KHAZ @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? khazix KEKW pog PartyPoro PartyPoro NA FLASH a PogU Khazix trollijng KEKW Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Jihn dmg PogChamp DAMN Squid1 ArgieB8 Squid4 yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG h @Yassuo i lost 1 of my friends to cancer , it really sucks, i want to donate but i cant ;_; keep up the goodcontent though #pinoy_is_my_dad Trash yasN this kha has been highkey inting for the past 15 @Yassuo nutPew KEKW revenge KEKW lol what happened to the stormrazor? wait what sub shards PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MOE'S DECEASED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TYLER'S A BEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TONIGHT WE FEAST PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Moe, is sanguine blade decent on yas? Like to use for fun or is it an int item? KEKW this zyra is insane Nah bro it’s brick outside I’m fucking dying I’m bundled up with gloves on yo fuck the cold on everything @Yassuo moe how were the days before the snake move on trick? much hate? NA BABY Follow me on Twitter for updates frozen mallet lol This some bullshit call out my name FeelsRainMan 4 yasBad Favorite skin? MOE WHAT IS THE BEST RUNES FOR YASUO @Chillidog_ EZ @Chillidog_ Pog ric flair drip go woo on a bitch its sucks i think pepefromugandnarmy123 -> Please refrain from posting links. @yassuo did you see new NF song???? yooo Moe have u tried out aphelios on pbe? dont do it ur gonna int !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasYoink moe u not gona play halo? SO CALL OUT MY NAME yasSleeper linguini KEKW yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG CALL OUT MY NAAAAME!!! Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO yasOkay Moe what do you think about conqueror ryze ? PLAY KATA AFTER PLS ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit @Yassuo electrocute yas not as good? ?? yas3 @Chillidog_ SCAMMED @Yassuo you think Glacial augment can work on yasuo? @Yassuo wen stormrazor? CALL OUT MY NAMEE CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CS KEKW CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan v opatJoy opatJoy opatJoy u gona play halo? yasN yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake gimme my sub ratirlUWU its very cheap ?????????? PLAY KATA L33tSalmon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yasM03 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! CANNON Pog yas3 @Yassuo u still talk to that girl from Rajjchellor? CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan CALL OUT MY NAME FeelsRainMan Cannon Pog !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @kualagamin nahh i want you to stay even though you dont want me FeelsRainMan dedbul Moe are you planning on doing clash wit the bois or nah Thanks for the HahaSleep @l33tsalmon FeelsRainMan CALL OUF MY NAME FeelsRainMan tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? CALL OUT MY NAME SadChamp pepefromugandnarmy123 -> Please refrain from posting links. eyy Camille KEKW ! scathful subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! K why is enemy team griefing kha is actually trolling @Chillidog_ lol u aint gettin it ??? lol kha? KEKW FeelsRainMan k6 trash af they actually just inted this game so hard wintrading6 its not worth to switch statikk and sterak in late game Khazix Players KEKW gg wp all @djboss0729 it would be reallyu good for early game no? for poke damage e q aa why cant i use my twitch prime on you??? wintrading? MOE DID TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO i almost cut a piece of myself for your life FeelsRainMan I always feel like kha zix is so useless after 30 minutes Linguini doesn’t give crit though :(( pog PSYCHOPAT KHAZIX KEKW k6 throwing cringe khazix @Chillidog_ u need 2 tell a mod before claiming it Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 he didnt see eve and didnt realize he wouldnt get the isolate why cant i use my twitch prime on you???. he has to check the channel point thing or something pog @TonyTone_ :( BOOSTED I GUESS @Yassuo Yo Moe, are your origins from Syria or another Levant country kha throw KEKW Looks like a wintrade why cant i use my twitch prime on you??? tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? 20 SECOND ULTIMATE? PLAY KATAAAAA KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - gg coolio WHY ARE YOU USING PSZ NICKNAME AS TITLE CLICK BAIT? jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrGASM Fuck the cold I’m actually frozen AFTER @Yassuo What exactly is VIP? Why did u left 1D 🥺 @limedimee you are already a sub dude oh thats soo cool didnt even know that was a thing IMAGINE SUBBING TO THE GUYS KEKW lol sneakterror subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MOE DID TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO Pog pog SEX SONG gachiBASS why cant you wait till i fall out of love FeelsRainMan yasBad Pog atlas97 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! ayy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! SeemsGood yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad can you pronounce Kahpa makooEZ makooEZ BALANCED PogU POG Pog OKAY Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @atlas97 Pog mallet Pog carrying fights as always POG Pog pog gg Pog biofrost Pog tnkille -> Please refrain from posting links. 25 sec cd on ult WeirdKEKW @Yassuo u look like my boi josuke aka diamond is unbreakable aka diamond hard balls aka swagger boy aka joseph love baby aka moe aka dios love life Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad @yassuo did you see new NF song???? 25K ??? how is that even possible lmao COMEBACKABLE Pog why cant i use my twitch prime on you??? i checked and i can use it on any other streamer nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Saiyan MOE yasuo bro how are you khazix flash yas5 yas5 yasU healing monkaEyes SAVING ULT FOR 2020 Pog balanced champ Mayumi poggggg @yassuo moe 1v9ing around the block TRIR TRUE why not win I only have 2k channel points and I watched quite a bit @alonzo_carlo I'm sitting at 16k and I've used like 5k how do I claim the free sub? fortnite's audience is not rich kids LULW tru when do we choose death dance instead of BT TRUEEE Almost 90 kills KEKW @mash1225 EZ Clap your stream is really nice, honestly not boring at all 5 vs 2 and not try to win Actually true dono Nebur01 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Ameenycsgo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! moe u a chimp bro i hope you have a good day reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @mash1225 Pog Moe any new girls in your DMs? @mash1225 EZ xd @TheBigMacx I think subs get way more points tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? LULW TRUEEE SMAAART MAAN why cant i use my twitch prime on you??? i checked and i can use it on any other streamer. Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @yassuo did you see new NF song???? Pog when do u go frozen mallet vfg PogU BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail I currently have 2 bucks in my account OkayChamp Thanks for the HahaBall @nebur01 youll take it? ye not shit wtf lmfao just realized the amount of kills this game LUL no If only sword of the occult was still in the game :/ ITZ Mayumi EZ الو !Charity moe_xoo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! Donate Here - , Learn more here - !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - zyra KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! dodged why are you so bad hahahahaa xD Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 yasTrue MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO Eminem the GOAAT HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall why cant i use my twitch prime on you??? i checked and i can use it on any other streamer cmonBruh wait i can get a sub with poimts? Hi @Yassuo na challs are crazy bad they couldve finished the game if they go mid nb3Stare nb3Hehe don't forget stop watch lmao...My darling.... WideHardo free sub how to get off diamond?? yikes zyra kekw @tarpezo PogU On the phone at work zzzzzzz !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @AudreyFall u mean URF? @limedimee you are already subbed lol @tarpezo EZ KEKW @tarpezo PogU Pog KEKW NA juke? @tarpezo pOG i been playing since 1789 and ohmwrecker is the only good item i’ve ever seen 44:44 Pog Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @tarpezo Pog moe holds his phone like a senior citizen KEKW ... @limedimee Gotta wait until you arent subbed anymore to use your twitch prime KEKW !charity @ThexDivine yeah but it ends today and i cant renew it Donate Here - , Learn more here - LMFAO LOL KEKW LULW KEKW LOL LMFADO KEKW LULW LOOOOOOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahaha KEKW @tarpezo WideHardo Clap YOINK LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XDDD KEKW KEKW LUL L M A O LOLLL NA KEKW BibleThump LUL lmao KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL stole with POOL wtf SHEESH EVE KEKW KEKW LOL hahhahahahaha EVE KEKW KEKW Lmaoooo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO HOW THE FK KEKW @Yassuo itry to hard get rank on lol but i cant get lp what i need do? KEKW its still game KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL wow so bad LMAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKWWWW KEKW @kakaioo kkoooko VLAD HAD SMITE KEKW COMEBACK KEKW KEKW KEKW YOINK EVE Pepega KEKW Still win kekw HE HAD SMITEW bruh eve tilted LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Did Vlad E go through your w? Wow HE HAD SMITE tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? KEKW TRUE BOTH JUNGLERS WINTRADING KEKW guys I just got a ps3 what are some good games? no online games VLAD 5Head haaha KEKW Walk of shame ?? ???? KEKW Pog PagChomp POG Pog PogU Pog pog Pog Pog nado pog POG Pog Pog Pog Pog POG pOG pog Pog Pog Pog PogChamp uff Pog POOGERS Pog @alonzo_carlo dragon age origins if you dont mind the dated graphics Pog Pog @ThexDivine but i have renewed it 3 months wiht prime tho pog Pog ph1lPOG ph1lPOG ph1lPOG @alonzo_carlo ur a few years late Pog -1000 KEKW pog BALANCED wow POG i don't know what you did but thats clean nice HOW IS HE ALIVE p0G icsdiii Nice KEKW wtf was that moan Pog ? KEKW ?? ????????? !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ??????? Moe clean AF LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ? LULW wtf ???????????? KEKW ??? LUL ????????????? KEKW KEKW ??????? ??????????????? ? ?????? KEKW NOT POG XD ?? KEKW 🐍 ????????????????????? ? what are you doing lmao KEKW ? jeromesucuk subscribed with Twitch Prime. E spamming montage gg KEKW sell the GA ? this game ??????????? LULQ do u lose? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ??? z????????????? HES DOING IT PogU trying to show off any -1k ers? ???? KEKW CHOKE ??? nb3NANI nb3HA nb3NANI KEKW @yassuo is steraks gage good on yassuo and if so when FROM Pog TO KEKW REAL QUICK KEKW Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 @Epicnaws oh yea I already played that on pc LOL ur trollin Actually lose KEKW ? SO BALANCED Pog game Hi Moe (Day 1) THROW WHAAAAAAAT????? loseable HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys my most plays are bot sup or jg bot morgana jg master but how i can rank up i got all games 0lp? @Yassuo biology test tomorrow... send help gg they win ? MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO Trash can Team KEKW fucking eve what was that ||||| C SJHDIFIYUWEFBUYISDFBYUSIF GONNA LOSE DRAGON SOUL TOO KEKW Eve PogChamp !subscribe CAN SOMEONE POLEASE JUST KISS ME? eve can R smite baron for 3k Who wants a free sub??? PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt IM GOING CRAZY GIGI GGz you went ultra INTstinct look evelin yasJensen vlAD OP Evelyn is a real Kahpa FailFish no? ok Pepega TakeNRG hit tower DoritosChip DrinkPurple DrinkPurple DrinkPurple RaccAttack yasuo combo eeeeeeeee lol me @redbullsgivesyouwings HERE :D OMEGALUL KEKW @redbullsgivesyouwings me I want a free sub Gg its over eve wintrading? KEKW TRUE SOLO LOST KEKW Stand Up To Cancer - Join the #SU2CStreamTeam and start Fundraising or Donate today! We won't stop until every cancer patient is a long term cancer survivor Vladimir is going to be godlike with ocean soul @redbullsgivesyouwings hey moon2CD Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO losing vs this khazix pog @yassuo isnt evelynn autofill #flashburta vlad with soul KEKW demanding a sub gg ez game u lost KEKW how do you lose a soal ELIXER? AudreyFall -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Any gifters ? TriHard he is support player yasFBM monkaW sell pd EVE can combo smite the baron when it has 2k hp AP LOL KEKW vlad with ocean soul lol ??' whats song? Highlight nerfed :( ??? You are literally doing everything else besides trolling ? Locket? HeyGuys ff ???? ??????????? lol locket KEKW who is the worst kha or eve Moe any new girls in your DMs? ???? ?????? What? ???? Wtf BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage teamplyer the FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ?????????????? Youre inting KEKW GO VISAGE IT DOESNT DO THAT SOLARI POG ? U NOOB maximum power spike KEKW HOW DID U DO IN BOSHY YESTErDAY I COULDNT CONTINUE THE STREA SINCE I AHD TO GO vlad with ocean soul KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA @redbullsgivesyouwings do you drink Monster\ it doesn't give your team anything FailFish NEW BUILD POGGERS GRIEFING 5Head Preseason games man... vladimir and ocean soul LMAO MOE LIVING IN S4 NEW META Pog SOLARI 1ST ITEM Pog cant use my twitch prime os gonna lose my 3 months :( locket yas OPPP hey KEKW Moe any new girls in your DMs?? cmonBruh cmonBruh back to s6 bro @yassuo new tech xddd :D MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO L OMEGALUL CKET evelyn threw so hard @limedimee How many points do u have BALANCED KEKW LOL WTF POG LOCKET?? HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys POG VLAD shield him? LOCKET JHIN locket him 4Head F locket him??? SHIELD KEKW locket LOCKET????? use solary mallet locket new bruiser meta use your locket lol WELL THATS BALANCED LOCKET FOR THE JHIN KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - use ur locket? @Yassuo Locket the jihn? z how did vlad die KEKW if you destroy all 3 inhibitors, can they still respawn?? you sold ga for solari and you dont shield him? XD ZYRA CARRY Pog ? KEKW Ü????????????? Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited wtf is this game f maaan this game is ugh nice keyblade KEKW we win there KEKW LITERALLY lived POGGERS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOW SOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS literally lived KEKW tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? ??? yo LOL BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG @Xzion129 22.4k OMGGGGGG HUAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHHAA KEKW LMFAO OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOL wtf LMFAOOOO kekwww HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW LOCKET JHIN? KEKW KEKW 1 HIT KEKW HAHA KEKW KEKW BRONZE CHAT KEKW why ult KEKW LOL LULW HAHAHAHHAAHA LUL KEKW AHAHAHAHAHHAA KEKW LUL NOOOOOOO LUL KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEW LUL KEKW OMG ?????????? KEKW KEKW ? lol LUL you inted it lol deserved LULW ur so mad NO FKING WAY KEKW KEKW YESSSS KEKW u lose LUL 1 AUTO RIP KEKW 1 hop HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSS why ult lmao did you get the new keyboard LMAOOO why r hw6y ult noooooooooooooo WTF KEKW loooooooooooooooooool KEKW LUL LOLLLLLLLL DOOOOOD KEKW lol LMAO NO FCKIGN WAY why even troll that? COME ONNN LMAO KEKw GG OMEGALUL KEKW ?????????????????????? NA KEKW WHY ULT LUL YOU LOST Evelynn got this MANNNN YESSSSS Pog why ulttt voyWAT voyWAT voyWAT voyWAT THE AUTO WAS MID ANIMMATION KEKW GG KEKW KEKW LUL DUDA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa PogChamp KEKW lul nooooo lol GG LULW end??? KEKW as always, it happens SHEESHHH KEKW DOOODAH ANYÁDAT KRISZTIAN HAHAHAHAHAH ahahahahahahaha NOOO u lose DUDE KEKW @Yassuo poo items KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH looool stop trolling ASUHASUHUASHUSAHUSHUSAHUHASUHAS youre fucking bad lmao MOEEEEEEE KKKKKKKKKKKKK LOSE LOSE LUL LUL LUL LULW u actually lost this game :DDDASFGWDHEA no way lol LOL GOD DMANNNN XD no KEKW lol LUL Nope gg zzrot MOEEEEE frozen mallet KEKW looooooooooooooooLLLLLLLLLLLLLL nb3HA nb3HA nb3MonkaS MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ur so bad Cassiopea inted u bro he didnt hit the nexus he just died lolololol ??????????????????????????????????????? lmaaaao PepeHands if you just locket the jhin you win GG GG LOL Why not save jihn with locket? gg evelynn can backdoor jhin up in 5 No one ward the lantern KEKW ignite the nexus 3Head Inter Inter Inter gg ALMOST THEREEEEEE LOSE XD GG KEKW UR GONNA LOSE LULW GG Why solari? @Yassuo yasM03 PLZ LOSE if you had ga u end KEKW GGGGG JHIN BACKKDOOR? did you get the new keyboard bro gg ggg ur team trolled tbh LUL KEKW KEKWWW jhin can stall GO VISAGE You inted it you missed 1 auto KEKW GO VISAGE GO VISAGE GO VISAGE nice win there moe gg u lost KEKW Kappa gg YOU SO BAADD support yas PogU losed gg Whaaaaaat -LP KEKW hi moe KEKW PLZ LOSEE @SkyWhite01 Are u here? FeelsAmazingMan Loseable yes JHIN BACKDOOR??????/ GG YES gg gggggg Revenge threw gg OMEGALUL no they cant gg LMAOOOO KEKW its over JOSUKE WITH THE POGGERS gg CASS BACKDOOR Pog jhin got this PepeLaugh KEKW if the xayah died He needs to slow down wave lost coz sold ga KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh LOST HAHAHHA gggggggg ye yo get iron elixir evelynn backdorr GG Ult gave him 1~2 aa @Xzion129 22.4k. VISAGEEEEEEEEEEE @Yassuo gg VISAGEEEEEEEEEEE @Yassuo @yassuo you literally refused to attack nexus!!! @yassuo u lost the game 1 hit > 2 sec self root iron elixir i think auto was mid animation that suckssss @Yassuo they end GG LOL OH NO NO PepeLaugh ???? hahabahab GG KSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS JOSUKE WITH THE POGGS OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh AYAYA ? PepeLaugh ?????? OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh omg what rank is this LOSE NICE ULT LOL KEKW Please let him lose this LOSE PLZ ggg la volits PepeLaugh @Yassuo @moe_xoo sanchHeart gg KEKW OMEGALUL charity crlrford anal GG LOST KEKWWWWWW LOLOLOLOL ???? LMAOOOO KEKW PepeLaugh lost JOSUKE WITH THE LOSST hahahahahahaha !charity U LOST KEKW LOST CAUSE YOU DIDNT LOCKT THE JHIN HAHAHAHHA GG KEKW LUL WINTRADE the jhin lost you the game PepeLaugh EKEKW NA KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ???????? Staff in the chat AHHAHAAHA KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO SKT-KT throws Next time attack nexus lol HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU LOST OMEGALULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL JOSUKE WITH THE HAIR imagine having that 40 ad from ga there no shit sherlok NOOO Donate Here - , Learn more here - you are so bad DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! LULULUL hahahaha GG EZ KEKW WOW KEKW LULW KEKWWW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW omfg KEKW LOOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW 1 HIT NA KEKW LULW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOST ahahahahahahahahahah KEKW KEKW KEKW dude LMAOOOOOOO lmfao watching this on double's stream KEKW This hurts CLIP IT KEKW KEKW LUL LUL lol ez KEKW LOST LULW MY GOD lul ff OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OMEGALUL OMG LULW YOU'RE GARBAGE PepeLaugh 💦 KEKW :D AHAHAAAHAHAHA JOSUKE WITH THE LOOOSE oof LMAOOOOOOOO OMEGALUL so close threw that game lmao you are trash OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh BAN EVELYNN LUL GG KEKW Biofrost OP GG HAHAHAHAHAH LOST KEKW KEKW 1 hp nexus LMFAO LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL loo KEKW KEKW yikes f i cant believe that lmao kekw na KEKW AAHAHAHAHA hhhhhhhhhhh OMEGALUL lost coz sold ga HAHAHAHA KEW KEKW 🐍 ff KEKW SO SAD KEKW yassuo wintrader KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ez KEKW f GGS KEKW KEKW HI YT Attacl the nexus you noob 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW what did i watch yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald UR FAULT @Yassuo LEMME SMASH BRUH Poooound Poooound GG KEKW KEKW AHAHAAHAHAH when u realise this game would be over if u kept ga BOSHY @Yassuo sanchHeart this heart is for u adorbs ff 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW Not even close PepeHands 4Head CAUSE U SEELLED GA lmao trash KEKW KEKWWWW f FLAME TEAM PLEASE KEKW KEKW OMEGAKEKW YOU LOOSE NOW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW 1 HP LULW KEKW LMAO F KEKW KEKW !charity YOU SUCK BALLS BRO man wrote challenger season 9 Donate Here - , Learn more here - That evelynn solo loss the game voyS voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SHAME yikes dude afroyam subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! pfff honor eve you deserve that GG new background? respect lol AHAAAHAHAHAAAAAHAHHHHHAHAHAHA reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW CUASE NO GA LOL g LOL KEKWLaugh eve btw hahahahaha noob FLAME THOSE CUNTS @Yassuo sanchHeart this heart is for u adorbs TRASHUO woooooooooooooooooooow fk it !!! VOICE CRACK LULW your team deserved that loss tbh xDDDDDDD AAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH BIOFROST POGGERS yes LOL yea probably !charity Moe you gonna do clash? yes voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY voySPICY Donate Here - , Learn more here - close game ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime UR FAULT - YOU COULD HAVE ENDED yes IF U HAD VISAGE yes PepeLaugh NA GAMES ratirlMangoS lmaooooo U NOOB KEKW PogChamp OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Google Mayumi Moe PogChamp yes hi yt yes i think so Solari? wtfffffffffffffffffffff !uptime nop KEKEW The stream has been live for 2 hours 25 minutes 31 seconds Thresh and xayah ghosted LOW DMG WITOUHUT GUARDIAN @Yassuo you win if you have locket your jhin is it 24 hour stream ? Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty AHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAA !charity titled Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo if you bought a damage item instead of Locket you had it ILY <3 i think you would have won if you auto @Yassuo sanchHeart this heart is for u adorbs literally lost coz solari buy !uptime G.A WINS THAT SHIT no tbh tho ravenous hunter without statik doesnt get much healing. You think eyeball collection would be better? idk nope didnt change anything na uwere doing 157 per auto Good afternoon Moe MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO lcs >>> YOU SOLO LOST THIS FUCK ... @Yassuo you let jhin die to vlad ult not ban me LOOOOL KEKW yuo could have ended hey if u didn't sell ga you'd have enough damage to finish AHAHAHAHAHAHA THATS SO SAD !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - No realyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yasHands If u had GA @Yassuo unlicky bro DansGame DansGame DansGame Eve and Kha Thanks for the HahaPoint @afroyam WE actually won thaaaat try hiding map tho Kippa What about Solari active? did u not change from blood moon yasuo background? @Yassuo yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands I’m gonna flame that eve for ya LOOK REPLAY YOU CAN END AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GA ResidentSleeper IF U LOCKET THE JHIN That YASU-THROW!! AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GAA Snakeeee 1 auto from ending and they end hahahah yeah @Yassuo look at what biofrost said LOL scroll up Bro that really sucks I would be so tilted GA he mad KEKW can y play kata?? Faker isn’t gonna want to talk to you tomorrow @Yassuo yas play urgot KEKW Doubt it, you got a big shield from ult AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GUARDIAN i feel that hahah KEKW TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool KEKW use R to style > 1 basic atk to end NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis yasYoink LULW KEKW cringe Evelynn real Kahpa WE ACTUALLY WON THAAAAT AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GA HEY MOE Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands you are though KEKW guardian angel KEKW GAY YAS KEKW @Yassuo didnt u have blood moon yas background before? LUL KEKW OMGGGG TRUE KEKW if you had the ad from GA you would have won, sad CRINGE PLAYERS KEKW @yassuo who is ur team at all stars you are cringe !duo AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GUARDAIN actually mad KEKW Revenge BOSHY lemme 1v1 you GAY KEKW lol lul MALDING KEKW you actually are KEKW @Yassuo 1v1 use R to style > 1 basic atk to end NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Moe are you doing clash or nah gay lulw Moe are you competing in clash? AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GA CLASH KEKW !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MAD YASUTHROOOOWWW GAY KEKW He always calls me Dude PepeHands Snakeeeeeeeee YASSU-CHO GAY LMFAO TRUEEEEEEEEEEE ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 LEMME 1V1 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 hey can y play kata man pls?? NaM fuck man not duo Any halo today? @Yassuo bpshyy @yassuo WHO IS UR TEAM IN ALL STARS what other games does moe play besides boshy? MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO TRUE KEKW @Yassuo thoughts on mayumi !duo Revenge GAY YAS KEKW gang] AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD G A you literally spammed same shit last game but now u block them KEKW @gay RANK 1 KEKW ACCEPT GAY CLASH CLUB KEKW moe, do 1v1 s:))) GAY YAS KEKW BOSHY rank 1 korea omegalul ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime wait that guy is speaking facts wtf YOU WONT EVEN GET CHALLENGER KEKW Thanks for all the donations! RANK 1 KOREA KEKW KEK Mayumi GAY - YAS play clash? @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? sad @xEragon try getting rank 1 NA first lmfaoooo lol gay invit you in clash xD LULW RANK 1 ????????? GAY YAS KEKW gay yas KappaPride 1v1s cant even get NA challenger xd Say yag Moe looking clean just like always. LOVE YOU <3 Faker won’t talk to you tomorrow WeirdChamp Russian KEKW @Yassuo lemme 1V1 AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GA Kreygasm Kreygasm GAY KEKW gay yas Kreygasm Kreygasm japanese japanese CUTE <3 CUTE ???? Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm japanese I LOST haHAA Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Mayumi PogYou Kreygasm I LOST ''BRAZIL'' She's japanese <3 Kreygasm Kreygasm <3 <3 BRAZIL KEKW MrMoeDominator Kreygasm <3 trap AYAYA ? ?????????? lol GODDAMN SHES HOT Kreygasm MAYUMI GO TO BRASIL Pog Kreygasm japanese AYAYA e girls WeirdChamp GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog SHEEEESH Play boshi Kreygasm date her L OMEGALUL L go on her ig GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog I LOST LOL DUDE I LOST import LULW They have japanese people in brazil KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! AYAYA Clap Snakeeeeeeee SHES SO CUTE tf Jebaited Kreygasm Kreygasm i'd let her wintrade my games :) what role @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times by accident. bro can you get some posters on your wall or some shit, looks plain as fuck back there Moe trying to get some kangmyungwan subscribed with Twitch Prime. AYAYA My sub ends today - Any gifters? GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog AYAYA smash UR A WEEB U SHOULD KNOW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo moe i really appreciate your content Pinoy is my boyy , i really help with my struggle with my mental health and i wish u all the joy in the world! boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd ILOST MOE DID YOU TEST STORMRAZOR ON YASUO AYAYA AYAYA CAMILLE WINTRADE? ... AYAYA Cant get 500 lp on NA but want to get Rank 1 Korea KEKW She's brazilian AWOOGA @Yassuo did you hear nf's new song? @yassuo I love you Date her Pepege GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm SHES 14 YOU FUCKS GONNA HIT THAT? Kapp cmonBruh japanese girls Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm AYAYAAAAAAAAAAAA @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times by accident.!!! FUUUKJ How did i know JINX MOSHI MOSHI smash her cmonBruh Import player KEKW sub 1v1s thats it? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh T1 has 14 k views you have 10:( AYAYA SAMPA TEM JAPONES PRA CARALH I LOST Date her Pepega cmonBruh ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime AWOOOGA yasN yasFat yasN yasFat yasN yasFat jinx @yassuo you should rearrange your title, can’t even see it’s a charity stream it gets cut off on browse page cmonBruh smash snake A GIRL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp If you knew you were gonna die tomorrow who would you give ur accounts to GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Pog GO TO BRASIL Wyou Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 KappaRoss KappaRoss nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm she looks hella cute' boosted to challenger LUL @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? THATS IT? SHE HOT AS HELL GODDAYMN Kreygasm !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - no GAY KEKW a WOMAN 🐍 @leIeskine OMEGALUL yasSleeper Thanks for the HahaThink @kangmyungwan GO TO BRAZIL Kreygasm GO TO BRAZIL Kreygasm GO TO BRAZIL Kreygasm MindManners yasBoo ResidentSleeper hyoon FeelsRainMan MARRY HER Pepega smash her ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR GAY im enjoying this music so much GOD DAMN SHE HOTTTT #FLASHBURTA yasSleeper Hey can u help me i cant stop watching porn what do i do @Yassuo IM GOING TO BRAZIL PogU yasW SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR q @Yassuo moe play urgot SHE PLAYS SUPPORT WeirdChamp NICE STREAMEr TriDance ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime PartyTime @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times WHY DOES T1 GET MORE VIEWS WHEN HE PLAYS ADC LIKE WHO WATCHES A ADC PLAY LOL aight gay poggers Jinx look at the first clash inv lmfao yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!! HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Flexing with the iphone GREAT SONG ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo look at clash invites KEKW AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GA jinx ResidentSleeper normie chat LULW SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR i !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - jinc FeelsRainMan ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper jinx Hyoon or Mayumi chat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! content ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug Moe jst playing games ResidentSleeper !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - report RUDE AS FK !uptime mariosalmantino subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! The stream has been live for 2 hours 27 minutes 57 seconds @daddyasar wtf did u expect KEKW @godofhyperdeathgrimotaku Cringe reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! AHHAHAHAH U INTED WHEN U SOLD GUARDIAN yasPride WaitWhat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasSleeper ................ poki PepeHands hyoon PepeHands HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper !music yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper who's his duo partner? SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR p Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 <3 how impolite ItsBoshyTime TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance wow ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper boshy brooooooooooo you are at work man wtf SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper HYOON PepeHands yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper ResidentSleeper #FLASHBURTA What is clash ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Poooound KEKW CHAT PLEASE WHAT IS THIS MUSIC ? LULW Probably they watch only his baldass raging Poki???? Nah WE TAKE THOSE boshy LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEW sexting ur manager Moe any new girls in your DMs????? #PinoyIsMyDad <3 <3 @Yassuo play urgot KEKW KEKW @burnbabyburn322 SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR KEKW POKI @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? revenge ?? underbar laner?? KEKW Jinx yasN lul Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KEKW Hyoon bad af. Sorry about that one my guy brayswordart subscribed with Twitch Prime. KappaClaus HahaSweat reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Do you still talk to hyoon? fake PepeHands SEXTING HANA KEKW jinx BOSHY LUL ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KappaClaus KappaClaus yasSpit say I said hi Using phone at work WeirdChamp hyoon PepeHands SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESJ !uptime @Cigrip_cigrip mid maybe? these organisations are actual simps wtf The stream has been live for 2 hours 28 minutes 35 seconds Who is his duo partner? BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo Exacly you tried Stormrazor into IE yet MOE ? abro are from palistine baled cha9i9a @Yassuo ur so ugly KEKW yasM03 opgg review pog? KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - yasCarried yasCarried SHEEEEE Pepeg SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Nice Content m0xyLaugh m0xyTransparent m0xyTransparent m0xyTransparent m0xyArm2 m0xyClassic m0xyIdea yas2 yasThink Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp who is ur top laner try not to int your phone? @Yassuo you have a manager? @Yassuo do a mediashare stream join the GAY clash inv :) : Using phone at work WeirdChamp tyblimp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! where's the #1 spicy Senna NA? @yassuo WHO IS UR TEAM IN ALL STARS yasClown reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! moe lesters peepoLeave why u no smash poki yet? KEKW Is hyoon still a hit thoe? yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug T,T !duo Revenge yasSpit HABIBI @daddyasar what would she play? lux and syndra? KEKW yasOkay Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp Using phone at work WeirdChamp saifdw: who is ur top laner GAY chat can we all spam snake in the chat plz i like your taste in music yasN smash her defecta -> Please refrain from posting links. moe hitting mayumi's dms WeirdChamp BOSHY yasR I HAVE A QUESTION WHAT HAPPEND BETWEEN MOE AND HYOON @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? SHOW THE GIRLS IN YOUR DMs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T1 Short AF did he win the last game against Vladimir? @Yassuo 1v1s? Moe, have u had sex with poki?? Get off the phone 4Weird @Yassuo try linguini this game YAS GAY nice teams yasANELE Im the #1 Spicy Senna NA @Yassuo play urgot 3675 m0xyCozy m0xyCozy m0xyCozy XD Kapp Kapp never ur fault KEKW 013 Kappa yasTower yasNunu yasPride yasDiamond stuck grandmaster NA we are boring Hey Moe can u help me i cant stop watching porn what do ido @Yassuo KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime 3676 SHOW THE GIRLS IN YOUR DMs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T1 Short AF adas Kappa Oh shit this boss is really really hard @yassuo hooow ? wasnt Kappa She’s getting nerfed BOSHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTime 1/13 "NOT MY FAULT" Kapp KEKW 1/13 "NOT MY FAULT" Kapp KEKW 1/13 "NOT MY FAULT" Kapp KEKW @hunterxdevils WeirdChamp jinx Jinx jinx jinx Jinx jinx Jinx Jinx jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx yasHYPERS SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT HAPPEND BETWEEN MOE AND HYOON WHY NO DATING ANYMORE SOMEONE TELL ME Boshy time ??? SOME ONE TELL ME !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - +.36 you bet megaman? @Yassuo yas monerz using phone at work KEK 3677 Z KAPOW shao kahn monkaEyes KEKW KEKW SOMEONE TELL ME WHY MOE NO DATE HYOON why you playing boshy again? monkaEyes that reaction time wow EHI I WAS IN TOILETTE... DID YASSUO WIN GAME AGAINST VLADIMIR? what the FUCK bro you actually beat the last boss? Yeas was not Kappa SOMEONE Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : TELL ME PLS ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime bruh who tf do you play this game ? im stuck on the first level WaitWhat your fingers are gonna bleed after you beat this boss WHY MOE NO DATE HYOON NO MORE Can i link reddit post about my game where i coulnt transform during whole game iits bashy time nb3Gasm 3678 mordekaisa trilogy Man I gotta say Hyoon is actually fine af, good try tho holmes PogU how many bosses left? @Yassuo Yo Moe let me destroy you 1v1 with yasuo. LUL lol F It's bashy time PepegaPhone ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MUDKIP AYAYA Why no celeste in queue @yassuo haha PepeHands KEKW KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Just Friends PepeHands Just Friends PepeHands Just Friends PepeHands Just Friends PepeHands ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime StrawBeary StrawBeary StrawBeary StrawBeary KEKW !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - PepeHands PepeHands Just friends PepeHands KEKW LULW yo how many bosses left? @Yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW game name? Moe you fat and have got a big nose hahahahhahhaah @Yassuo WHY HYOON NO IN UR BED KEKW KatEvolved subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! friendzoned BibleThump reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! the only nerf they can really give senna is range right? HYOON PepeHands PepeHands hysterya HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo If you see this u fat >:c just friends PepeHands @yassuo opinion on one punch man? @Yassuo game? cus hyoon say nono to moe He Friendzoned her moe can u replay the game from the begining PLEASE @KatEvolved CONGRATS Merci pour HahaDreidel @katevolved pepe BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo did you beat mega man? @Yassuo why does autofill exists? just why ffs "Just Friends" LUL LUL have you done chapter 9 of celeste? @Yassuo does she still stream? yas5 🐍 @KatEvolved Tsm pog is hge the human or the trianglelol KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @yassuo WHO IS UR TEAM IN ALL STARSz Lol moe you doing clash wit the bois or nah WHY U NO SMASH POKI KEKW yasSnake Stand Up To Cancer’s (SU2C) mission is to raise funds to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking translational research that can get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. Learn more at SNAKE KEKW BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS learned it from the best :) 🐍 katevolved hates em cmonBruh @Yassuo Moe u fat how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo was beating megaman one of the happiest moments of ur life again? as with sonic as I recall @yassuo Moe X Hyoon is still a thing? cspirit subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lets goo DUD 🐍🐍🐍🐍 @KatEvolved made it to tsm? Pog reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! why moe SO BAD LUL !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - MOE LOOK LIKE JOSUKE @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times!! Hyoon or Mayumi ? :) DUDAH wtf are u doing KEKW MOEEE FAT Just dodge then :) @Yassuo after first blood go to bot platform since the second blood is high Cant handle blood lol hit Q @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? MOE LOOK LIKE JOSUKESPAM MOE LOOK LIKE JOSUKE MOE JOSUKE @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!! ITS BASHY TIME holy fuck 3.6k deaths MOE IS JOSUKE wtf kinda game is that XD Someone invite a gold-stuck support to your professional clash team why is your room so messy just dodge :) what game is this? KEKW MOE LOVES JOSUKE Better hit boxes than lol Como se llama ese juego? Squid3 JOSUKE @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !! true KEKW kill D: weebs LUL o.o KEKW @pepefromugandnarmy123 except if u talk about his hair he’ll sit quiet like a bitch spam? KEKW KEKW replay the game ? @Yassuo Gift me a sub. Thx cringe bro aight @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times ... MOeE is god? KEKW HE WISHES HE LOOKE DLIKE JOSUKE LOL spam?? ÇHANGE FROM LEAGUE ON TWITCH yo DUUD how many bosses left? @Yassuo LUL @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!! DUD DUD DUD KEKW DUD Pepega DUUD hahah RUFF SO BAD KEKW KEKW ? LUL DUD PogU isv WeirdKEKW ROFL moe THAT FACE !Merch Stop inting :) Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: sup moe @yassuo opinion on one punch man? Name of the game? Greedy yasuo main.. Kappa :D DUD Wub wub wub Moe have sex with josuke :) OI JOSUKE, I USED ZA HANDO TO ERASE MOES CHANCES OF DATING HYOON @andiuus boshy time @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!!! best yas ever 3685 times you were a boosted monkey feelsbadman josuke? how many bosses left sir @Yassuo was that a bark?! are you using double dmg @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times . KappaClaus KappaClaus !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo Shoot, bed or Marry Trick2G, Tyler or Hyoon why everyone is playing halo? is this boss harder than sonic and megaman? 200 deaths "still learning" KEKW neeka wins YOLOLOLOLELELBALABLABLA !game League of Legends lol Pepega !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime somebody clip that @(@? @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!! is this game harder or celes ur so sexy babe how many bosses left @Yassuo MOE IS YOUR ARABIC AS GOOD AS YOUR ENGLISH? yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW wow you must have a big dick to be this good Pog !charity Did u watch all jojo parts Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo You finna watch Weathering with you once it comes out in the US? @Yassuo why all play halo?= moe whats ur real name Finish him moe wtf are u doin man? @iamnewtotwitch1234 stfu no one cares Moe how long is your dick In centimeters @Yassuo you are so bad Wheres your skill? sanchSexy @Yassuo drop down after first blood to platform its easier forsenT sir how many bosses left? @Yassuo KEKW THAT LAG THO !uptime SPECTRUM monkaW The stream has been live for 2 hours 32 minutes 49 seconds WHHAT speak arabic KEKW sanchPoggy sanchPoggy KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald ur so SEXY Rage Double jump to avoid it? 10k PC KEKW Did you watch all JoJo parts @Yassuo !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - @yassuo are u going to anime expo next year 2080TI LUL no it's not u went 2 josuke's house why would you even play this cancer game @camaraoze321 can you please convert to decimeters 1 MILLION PC KEKW @yassuo I was just watching ur highlight clips video of last year I’m wondering will you be making another one this year? lol actual lag KEKW it literally only stressing 10k$ PC thats game for asians @Yassuo thoughts on ARAM ranked? @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times ! 30k pc KEKW NZXT KEKW stand on the far right of the platform and do not move when the green ball is there AYAYA MUDKIP AYAYA @cheenis LMAO What game even is this? PowerUpL DarkMode PowerUpR !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - hamood habibi hamood how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo MUDKIP AYAYA what game is this? LULW this game legit cancer Hyoon @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times.. Bashy time @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? why u are so SEXY!!!! faker beat this like 10 times KEK HAHAHAHAH YASUO CANCER @Yassuo Are you doing song request? hes beating cancer game for charity xd This shit gives me anxiety is this boss harder than sonic and megaman? how many bosses left sir?? @Yassuo @Yassuo did you beat mega man? you are dog shit at this game dude :P gg moe noob kid !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 33 minutes 36 seconds !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - WELL DONE KEKW @rngnumbergenerator i wanna be the boshy how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo @Yassuo Are you doing song requests? yasThink YO CHAT what’s this game called ? the turkey noises are nice @MrToniBoss lol bruh this wowowowowowoowowowo Lee sin looking us dude is saying is driving me nuts Pepega boss @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times ! this game is ass MOE IS YOUR ARABIC AS GOOD AS YOUR ENGLISH? Jebaited hello Yass and chat :) where is lol content? Kappa Kappa @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times ... Como se llama el juego? 77 how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo . @iamnewtotwitch1234 dude stfuuuuuu Pepega ITS FUN AND YESTERDAY HE RAGE QUIT Lone_Michi -> Please refrain sending long messages. XD MORTAL KOMBLYAT KKomrade I wanna be the booshy vlad R ? YO MOE answer this question that would be such an honor from a yasuo god like you "How to get out of diamond 1 hardstuck for 2 seasons?" @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times !!! DOG shit at this fking game dude stop playing how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo @Yassuo you have to drop downa fter first blood or its bs just jump off when the ball is on the third cycle. Even the blood kills u? yllallalyaalallalablalalba @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times .. @iamnewtotwitch1234 stfu supercalifragalisticexpialidotious HahaNyandeer HahaDreidel wtf was that mudkip AYAYA KEKW triggered how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo . everything kills u stop !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - maybe u beat at 7k deaths @ayhanrasimov LULW @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch please i put in a link too many times ItsBoshyTime u gotta go more right how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo nerd game LET MUDKIP KILL YOU PunOko @Sharkerss how do you read this message I thought that he had made it past this part yesterday? lol WHEN DID HE FINISH MEGAMAN? @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? daddyasar -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo did you see groos gores twitter video on NINJA and KSI? LUL @Yassuo you have to drop downa fter first blood or its bs. how many bosses left sir? @Yassuo .. How long is this gonna take !charity MK FeelsStrongMan @Yassuo im done spamming im talking facts u dont have 2 believe me u look like josuke aka diamond is unbreakable aka world wide handsome aka joseph love baby @Yassuo If you like these style of games there is a game called "Cuphead". Recommended game to play like this. KEKW bruh who tf do you play this game ? im stuck on the first level WaitWhat @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times whats this game called just calculate the trajectory of the blood man so bad yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper Donate Here - , Learn more here - @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times.. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday go down Kapp damn bro stop smurfing when blood supahpanda1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Yassuo whats the game called !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - Name of the game? XD @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!!!! @Yassuo you have to drop downa fter first blood or its bs i always does @iamnewtotwitch1234 ban him mods DUD @DarkX_Twitch i wanna be the boshy the blood is killing u KEKW go down step when blood is this only boshy or also league? !boshy @Yassuo did you see groos gores twitter video on NINJA and KSI? LUL I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo when's the next bet? bycicle kick to win, nerf pls is this boss harder than sonic and megaman? this game looks so easy i'd win first try Play scary game moe !uptime why this game is so random? XD The stream has been live for 2 hours 35 minutes 31 seconds Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Don’t you get tired of this shit @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!! ty Jebaited Jebaited So bad and cutie at the same time @Yassuo when's the next bet? .. @why dont you study your hero Faker on how to play boshy? @Yassuo you have to drop downa fter first blood or its bs :) !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - play scary game moe @Yassuo when's the next bet? Pog @Yassuo boshy stream again? POG or u inqueue?? are u lagging or is the game supposed to be like this MOE GONNA CRY AGAIN KEKW !Charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - what is the playlist moe uses? moe pog @Yassuo when's the next bet? .... yasPride You look so happy playing this game what a great memories Danke für HahaHide @kangmyungwan. LMAAO scary game moe do you have a driving license? @Yassuo when's the next bet? will you still talk to yourself while off stream playing boshy ? 30$ PogU fix your donation bar. No1 notices it like that LOL YOU DIED LOL LOL YOU DIED 4Head LOL YOU DIED LOL LOL YOU DIED 4Head LOL YOU DIED LOL LOL YOU DIED 4Head LOL YOU DIED LOL LOL YOU DIED 4Head Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo when's the next bet? .. !uptime @Yassuo If you like these style of games there is a game called "Cuphead". Recommended game to play like this. The stream has been live for 2 hours 36 minutes 2 seconds KEKW @Yassuo when's the next bet? yea !followage ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo when's the next bet? .... do you have a driving license?/ Havent seen Pinoys Lovely face in a long time is this game has end ? what isb KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus !charity @Yassuo when's the next bet? Donate Here - , Learn more here - btw jump off and double jump as the ball is on the third cycle. Cheer100 thoughts on code geass? Yo Moe I got a mad strat, if you start talking to Hyoon now maybe around Valentine's day next year it wont be to awkward to ask her out you feel me? yas5 KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!! KEKW NOT EVEN PLAYING ON HARDCORE KEKW LUL KEKW rage more monkaW SMASH yasTILT @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times.... sumSmash monkaW @iamnewtotwitch1234 why are you acting like that isnt you lol yasSmash yasMald yasMald yasMald monkaW monkaW PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt KEK what ist. th SMASH yasSmash Stop playing this shit bro go on league. broxahLUL @Yassuo do you still play OSRS? where do i download this game from? xqcSlam shang tang run this bitch HE NEVER FINISHED IT yasMald BOSHY TIME PogU yasThink AYAYA Slam HAHAHAH ?????????????????? jesus fuck an anime ??? @Yassuo you have to drop downa fter first blood or its bs :) it is and its the goat it is what is this game it s CODE GEASS DIPSHIT it is Pepegfa Code Geass HE DIDNT SEE THE ENDING IT IS KEKW shang tang run this biitch it is the anime name it is are they sounding like turkey :D abululuul bruh AYAYA code geoss IT IS code gay ass IT IS KEKW it is Code geass?? did u get a New keybord BTW? mods ban him plz @iamnewtotwitch1234 code gease ???????????????????????????????????????????? Code Geass is an aniime Pepega code geass Too easy Code geass CODE GEASS AYAYA its an anime code geass Code Geass is an anime you idiot i told you to stand ont he right you dummy. Does he still play OSRS guys? have you watched demon slayer moe? lol boku no pico HE DIDNT SEE THE ENDING REEEEEEEE code geass its definitely code geass Behehhehehehehehehh are u lagging or is the game like this?? @yassuo code: geass yasMald yasMald yasMald @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!!! code gay-ass shang tang dont play games CODE GEASS IT IS it's an anime fix your donation bar. No1 notices it like that it is and its the goatt @Yassuo yes it is YOU SUCK KEKW "gimme suck" @YessirGG Actually 5head strat ima copy paste This game is twisted in so many levels I don't even know. he read that message like the donator couldnt be more fucking stupid LELOUCH OF THE REBELION AYAYA stop LELOUCH IS THE MAIN CHARACTER @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper weird name anime shang tsuang dont play games boi ???? @yassuo how long do you plan to stream for today? Code Geass : Lelouch of the Rebellion @Yassuo CODE GEASS: LELOUCH OF THE REBELLION have you watched demon slayer moe?/ There is a code geass and code lyoko @Yassuo can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times. Yo Moe I got a mad strat, if you start talking to Hyoon now maybe around Valentine's day next year it wont be to awkward to ask her out you feel me? yas5 KEKW @Yassuo its got lelouch vi britannia lelouche @Yassuo drop down to second platform after first blood YEA lol mortal? ????????? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper code geass stupid game KEKW @Yassuo THATS STEINS GATE KEKW have you watched demon slayer moe? THOUGHTS ON KITBOGA? bro just stand on the right of the platform when the green ball is moving. jump off and double jump on the way down to avoid it on the way bac LUL lelouch l2 KEKW KEKW LUL Pretending WeirdChamp have you watched demon slayer moe?/ LeLocuh Lemperlouge yasHYPERS can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times lelouche YOU SUCK KEKW POG KEKW have you watched demon slayer moe? lelouch lamperouge u uncultured swines KEKW you suck LIT hhhhhhhhhhh xD yeah we can see have you watched demon slayer moe?/ can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!!!!!! lol MOE REACTS 2 JOSUKE that's literally code geass: lelouch of the rebellion WeirdKEKW !elo UR THE ONLY ON THAT SUCKS LUL Weebs WeirdChamp Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @iamnewtotwitch1234 stfu !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Shang Tsung the god. yee MOE REACT 2 JOSUKE LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA biofrost also if this dude hasnt watch code geass may someone save his soul "i fell" KEKW fix your donation bar. No1 notices it like that. Make it bigger and visible in lol discord lmao Yo Moe I got a mad strat, if you start talking to Hyoon now maybe around Valentine's day next year it wont be to awkward to ask her out you feel me? yas5 KEKW @Yassuo ; can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times!! @laserblade08 Aye respect haha @Yassuo yes moe yes Hey @yassuo I could use your help or anyone in chat that can contact someone at riot yloyloyloelolyeow fix your donation bar. No1 notices it like that. Make it bigger and visible in lol @Yassuo @Yassuo drop down to second platform after first blood can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times. weeeeeeeb!!! @Yassuo you suck LUL GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE Double lift ez win 3700 LUL lol TRUUUUE LULW @YessirGG Dw i got you homie LULW Clap GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLEGOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLEGOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE is this boss harder than sonic and megaman? @yassuo BACK LEFT CORNER when the blob comes can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times! zed Yo Moe I got a mad strat, if you start talking to Hyoon now maybe around Valentine's day next year it wont be to awkward to ask her out you feel me? yas5 KEKW @Yassuo veigar LUL YASUO or bed @laserblade08 NICE SPAM KEKW :D its sayed code gees anivia VIKTOR @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a bookworm" yet?? its fkcing wholesome!!! yasuo cassio @iamnewtotwitch1234 stfu senna Where do I get this game? SOL ArsonNoSexy TALON M LUL E @Yassuo play urgot zoe play anivia veigar fix your donation bar. No1 notices it like that. make it bigger and visible in lol @Yassuo VIKTOR, diana AZIR Sylas kTAa riven vlad dianaa zoe Kennen talon @Yassuo ZED OR BED Zed or bed kalista mid Malz? yas talon ZED XERATH MOE TFBLADE HAS MORE VIEWERS THAN U RIP Zed or bed imagine being a boss and get fuked by a caution sign lmao zoe ORNN Pog VIKTOR. kataaaaa ZEDDD veigaR ryze ekko plz annie aniviaa jax talon talon kASS Cass please talon @Yassuo MOE REact 2 josuke vladimir viktor zoe Pepega talon Orianna brand skarner kassadin vlad SYLAS XEATH ANNIE viktor! kata ZED OR BED ZED KATARINAAAA ZEDDDDD ZED OR BED anivia TEEMO MALZ sylas ekko SYNDRA urgot GAREN !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - ekko zed did sbody clip yass beating megaman? ZOE ZED OR BED LULW EKKO kassadin please talon SKARNER morgana GALIO XEARTH @vlad yasuo ZEDDDDDD ZED ori FIZZ Pog gorki bard ;+ veigar kata @yasuo ma boi ekko plz Z O E Vikrtor % diana viktor talon @Yassuo ZED OR BED KEKW BRUH KEKW katra EVERYONE SPAM MOE REACT 2 JOSUKE sanguine yasuo dianaaaaaaa Zed fizz ANIVIA TRISTANA KEKW zed DansGame zoe Call Doublelift!!! ???????????? can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times ekko Tristana Pog HEIM AZIR AZIR AZIR AZIR AZIR @Yassuo have you watched "Ascension of a bookworm" yet?? its fkcing wholesome!!! TRISTANA KEWK EVERYONE SPAM MOE REACT 2 JOSUKEES !charity Donate Here - , Learn more here - -.- @yassuo stormrazer IE next game? eko KEKW ekkkko you suck LUL f f f can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times...... try fulll ap trist DISCORD DOUBLELIFT talon do you have a driving license moe? Um F myra_tv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! You’re so fucking cute moe. I got a 90 on my physiology and anatomy practical today yasU ZED OR BED F F preseason kekw f f F reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! F f f Talon 6oooooo------------- F f KEKW F SHOULD HAVE PICKED AS NEEKO WeirdKEKW f F f Gg f F ffff f f F F F f :( f f f f f F ff f f f f TALON F F F f F F SPECTRUM KEKW f f F NICEEEEE FF f F ff f EVERYOE\NE SPAM MOE REACTS 2 JOSUKE F F ????? wannabe faker KEKW F FFF f f ffffff F F f FFF f F F F F? Yasuo on Trist big yikes F F FFFFF :( F !spectrum f Kappa 🔧 Hey Moe, Spectrum technician is here to fix your internet Kappa 🔧 F PepeHands f F QUE FLIPAS f SPECTRUM :) OMEGALUL SPECTRUM :) OMEGALUL SPECTRUM :) OMEGALUL SPECTRUM :) OMEGALUL F F fff F fffff f f F F F F ffF f yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit F f can you unban Taseel16 from twitch he put link in too many times f f f ffffffffffff ff LA STREAMS FeelsWeirdMan WeirdChamp noooooooooooo stream not louding;( @iamnewtotwitch1234 shut up man how can you be that delusional to even try getting an acc unbanned by violating another rule F FFFFFFF JOSUKEE fffffff f fffff SPECTRUM KEKW fff F f FF f f F PepeHands Spectrum F f f f f :( f FFF f F F ff F yasSmash SPECTRUM f f a F ff doublelift and bio frost in game fff FFF f monkaS ffff FFFFFF FFFF ffff yasHYPERS_HF FF ff f TEAM WAS STACKED PepeHands F fffff fff yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake ffffffffffffffffffffff f ff ff ffffffffff f f #FLASHBURTA revive Pretty good logic so i can just have fun, right???????????? ffff ;c F fff That sucks for the charity Stream F fffffffffffffffff TEACH ME HAMON ffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffff F SPECTRUM SPECTRUM KEKW F yasSnake yasSnake lee xin wu gar ffffffffffffffff FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF fffffuck spectrum FeelsWeirdManW That sucks for the charity Stream :/ yasHYPERS_HF yasHYPERS_HF yasHYPERS_HFnice mote FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F f FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF f yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake That sucks for the charity Stream :/ Please refrain from posting links. gg WTF f fffff wut fffff f uh F f wtf F ??????????????? LOL peepoFinger F bye fff LMAAAO LA moe F ?????? f fff F Fff ??????????????????? ff F R ffffffff xqcSlam f @iamnewtotwitch1234 DDUDE STFUUUUUU F XD SPECTRUM wtf lol F f FF SPECTRUM LMAO rip ffff f F fffffff F SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW SPECTRUM KEKW Spectrum LULW FF F FUCKIN SPECTRUM f @Yassuo All good fam? gggggggg what happend FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ff xDD F f rip fffffffffff d VFFFFFFFFFFFF WTF Wtf LA M OMEGALUL E FFF 5HEAD LUL Oh no no no F LOL KEKW LULWW KEKW Pog HE BACK Pog KEKW WE BACK TriHard Yassuo: i unplugged my internet SAVED we back!!!!!\ PogU SAVED Pog KEKW HES BACK KEKW LOL WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK KEKW KEKW f WE BACK??? saved KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW saved HAHAHAHAHAHA NOT SPECTRUM'S FAULT he back WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard KEKW LULW saved f5 PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW SAVESD OPg D==SA saved saved saved AD KEKW saved WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard Pog LOL LULW yasJAM yasSmash KEKW WE BACK Pog Pog BACK Pog monkaS WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard WE BACK TriHard KEKW DUMBASS KEKW 😭 Pepega Clap KEKW SPECTRUM yasSmash SPECTRUM yasSmash SPECTRUM yasSmash SPECTRUM yasSmash SPECTRUM yasSmash SPECTRUM yasSmash LULW saved LOL nah YEA THATS WHAT I THOUGHT PogU good job man SAVED KEKW Is he done playing leauge? KEKW saved Pog peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 peepoLeave back to T1 SAVED Pog Pepega LULW WE BACK HOMIES WideHardo WE BACK HOMIES WideHardo WE BACK HOMIES WideHardo WE BACK HOMIES WideHardo WE BACK HOMIES WideHardo KEKW ahahaah whoops peepoArrive WE BACK peepoArrive REFRESH we back bitches we bully him too much @Yassuo PogU ACTUALLY CAME BACK LETS GOOOO @Yassuo dudes be too busy listening to dababy they dont even have time to take care of derbaby @NaZe_Minaj who hurt u what time u getting off @Yassuo what happened? SSSsss creeper awwww maaan @Yassuo what happend lol spectrum sucks spectrum sucks spectrum sucks spectrum sucks what happened? WE BACK BOIS @Yassuo wat u playing after boshy?? He was on YT watching how to beat the boss KEKW He was on YT watching how to beat the boss KEKW He was on YT watching how to beat the boss KEKW thx for coming back youre my fav streamer cdja vu just dance it away pepeD just dance it away pepeD just dance it away pepeD just dance it away pepeD just dance it away pepeD just dance it away pepeD blaming spectrum when he just kicked his ethernet cord LULW i am over damn you're like 5-7 stages/bosses until solgrun moes foot yasSpit we back once again MUDKIP AYAYA gb guys MOE NOT PLAYING LEAGUE peepoArrive MOE NOT PLAYING LEAGUE peepoArrive MOE NOT PLAYING LEAGUE peepoArrive f LULW why is the internet box at ur feet thats the worst idea ever 0? yasSmash Yassuo is now live! Streaming I Wanna Be The Boshy: WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING KEKW FACTS HAHAHAHAHA WE BACK @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats one big F for moe? tru Yeah TRUE What happened WHAT HAPPENED TO STREAM BEFORE? FeelsBadMan damn you're like 5-7 stages/bosses until you reach solgrun damn SadChamp True WHY ? PepeHands sorry chat changed TheArcalius here peepoLeave its the plebs 😡 O viewers now you can? oh Because everyone knows better Kapp i noticed you were only reading nonstop negative messages a few games ago ITS T1 VIEWERS LUL THEN DONT READ IT 4HEad @tommymayran False xd sad lol ITS BOSHEE TIME or every game accidentally hmmmmmmmmmmmmm LUL its bc youre not trying in preseason and chat BabyRage about it @Yassuo have u played hollow night?? that was way too funny yoyyoolylyyoobaba how do i watch clips that i made? Moe yasuo in s10 Pd or Shiv? WutFace lag @HarryJamessPotter i ordered iphone 11 3Head EquadisEU -> Please refrain from spamming caps. farthest youve been? Wait, he beat meagman? what was moe? @Tellmewhynot no way How was your day moe phantom_subvrzn -> Please refrain from spamming caps. All the viewers went to tyler1 NotLikeThis yoyyooyoyolllolobababa KEKW @Yassuo YOU STREAMING VARIETY IS SO MUCH BETTER what time you getting off? Moe yasuo in s10 Pd or Shiv? what was? @HarryJamessPotter fuck android PepeLaugh boshy time hell yea 2.5k wtf I remember this chat being a lot more wholesome, blows How are you moe? roast us back then! just fall on second hit the shaking screen is fucking with me @Yassuo please do more variety, PepePls u should play jump king again if was Hella fun variety pog HOW DO I WATCH CLIPS THAT I MADE?? stop it MOE Moe yasuo in s10 Pd or Shiv? Welcome to the game 2 again? PogU MysticK9 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! MOE I LOVE YOU NO HOMO THO nah theres only so much of this game u can watch without getting a headache @Yassuo play fortnite You are awesome MOE @Yassuo Play CoD yasThink dead streamer moe u think ill ever find love Moe yasuo in s10 Pd or Shiv? wb thunderboltgamerz yasSpit MORE VARIETY PogU WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING, WE PRECIPITATING FORNITE yasSpit how long did megaman took him, haven't watched in a while? VARIETY MOE PogU VARIETY MOE PogU VARIETY MOE PogU VARIETY MOE PogU VARIETY MOE PogU @auxt3ro im gm yas main - pd , shiv cant crit anymore. wb from eu @Yassuo @habit just a bit in the head YES LULW widepeepoSad no ur not @Yassuo habits @TheArcalius xD JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap @EquadisEU you got school, sleep kid PepeLaugh inting in bashe KEKW garb movement tbh Boshy ResidentSleeper @DaMimZ Oh thanks Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : LULW lol @Yassuo WE NEED MORE VARIETY @tellmewhynot, not on mate FACTS ZALLA INTING IN BOSHY its wolwolwolwwloloyowlow How was your day moe? @DaMimZ 1200 games d2 :o is this faker wanna be Kappa ive beat boshi did he dc or did he always have 2k viewers? think about poki yloyolwlowwolow @Yassuo play meat boy PogU MINECRAFT SOON? @Yassuo peepoPog ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp cup man on crack turn on submode lol ~~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp VARIETY MOE PogU WILL YOU PLAY THE NEW GAME PROJECT A ? FAKER IN BOSHY HI faker league today? LULW how much longer will you stream you think? KEKW who cares faker is washed LULW ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp How was your day moe? Pog ress KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW WHY DO U SUCK FAKER'S DICK THIS HARD lmaooo KEKW Jebaited GOT HIM AGAIn Oh no no PepeLaugh 4 KEKW KEKW monkaS KEKW MINECRAFT SOON? @Yassuo peepoPog <3 KEKW HE DIDNT KNOW pog= thers five btw KEKW welcome back KEKW KEKW raging first thing in the afternoon gachiBASS o no TREU 4KEKW ROFL Faker Pepega SO GAY KEKW ??????????? TRUE WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING, WE PRECIPITATING I thought he was washed up LUL TRUE THAT BRO KEKW MrsLisa_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! not only that but he also beat boshy, twice I believe why viewer count so low, did he just start stream back up again? ~~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp I would suck your dick Moe, No homo :) @NaZe_Minaj damn u look cute KappaPride KappaPride faker 2.0 READY FOR THE FIVE ONE FailFish OK BOOMER @TheArcalius i rememver him saying he is making minecraft server PepeHands Liu Kang PogChamp @itzhannie holy shit ur cute HITBOXES KEKW does it taste like 3 world championships? @yassuo Did you saw faker with the penguins? lag KEKW !BOSHY Ok boomer I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime IM ALLERGIC TO ASIANS brain lag? BRAINLAG KEKW you beat MegaMan or ? lag KEKW LAGGED Kapp @exCoach damn ur cute bro @zalla1 Same PepeHands MOE SOLO KILLED FAKER MEANS MOES GOD @ceoofw8ter yes he dc'd @tellmewhynot go to bed 😡 So weird to see MK like this Did you saw faker with the penguins? KEKW @EquadisEU ur so cute man ! did you take a break from boshy the last time i remember you playing was since sonic lmao @zalla1 I was ready with my X-Ray FeelsBadMan look at his face chat @Hangado ahh ty DID YOU BEAT THE OTHER BOSS? Shang Tsung monkaS dude base is SEXY @tellmewhynot, 😳 m-me? @TheArcalius wassup cutie LOL KEKW KEKW when i see faker it s seems izi, when i see u, i feel this game hard xd @NicoKEKW UR CUTE died to mudkip KEKW KEKW MUDKIP AYAYA @Yassuo How does one HASAGI!? Not gonna shoot Kapp Tellmewhynot yasSpit ??????/ im downloading boshi @Yassuo u kinda cute when you play games like this 😳 @Tellmewhynot nutSip dies anyway KEKW @naze_minaj too hof @Tellmewhynot wrong emote yasH HolyCatto subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! MOE I love ur stream keep up the funny content bro LA Moe PainChamp LA Moe PainChamp LA Moe PainChamp Shao monkaS @TheArcalius i want ur spit tho yasH @Yassuo youre too lax with bans imo, when someone says some dumbass shit you should perma them instead of 24 hr Did you saw faker with the penguins? @Yassuo u kinda cute when you play games like this tho 😳 nice monkaS KEKW mp4sora subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! yo whats up moe, what do you think of the dreamville album getting a grammy nomination di you listen to it? @zalla1, fax yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake @Tellmewhynot WutFaceW @Tellmewhynot WutFaceW @Tellmewhynot WutFaceW @Tellmewhynot WutFaceW how is that fair? KEKW At the the first fireballs you do t have to jump to dodge the@ 3k andy xqcThonk thats why its there :) WOW U'RE ACTUALLY SO GAY how you gay @Verlene1000, ? NaM bruh he got uppercut best streamer alive p Pog @itzhannie ignoring me but the rest didnt FeelsStrongMan Pog kerkrw Kekw monkaW kekW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! uppercut KEK How do people have fun playing this game his blood everywhere sup yas ? pepeD What kasious420 -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. ?LUL this is actually more interesting than league @oniccss yeah but it just gives more time New bods gachiBASS IMAGINE SLEEPING pepeD how do people have fun playing league KEKW !uptime !uptime The stream has been live for 7 minutes 22 seconds hey moe big fan you should perma ppl more instead of 24 moe is this new boss pepeD ZOOMERS want Easy games KEKW is supper rewardin when i beat my meat IMAGINE SLEEPING pepeD wtf are u playing KEKW pepeD There's people who speedwrun this shit KEKW if u read this ur gay IMAGINE SLEEPING pepeD I love the way you think Moe :) love u SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Looks like ur pretty refreshed Its too late to sleep @Tellmewhynot I didnt ignore u I was playing osu Kinda like how people have fun beating playing Celeste LUL pokiW moe has the biggest iq how do you read this chat Yassuo and do you try to read every message if not out loud but in your head ResidentSleeper *playing what happened LUL @itzhannie Snapchat 4WeirdW WHY ONLY 2K VIEWERS ? @kVaixen celeste is wayy easier tho MIYUMIYUMIYUMIYUMIYUMIYU Oy hes back @Tellmewhynot im not cute @exCoach pm ylolyoolllllllllooooooooooooooooool @TheArcalius simping live on nation twitch tv WeirdChamp Hannie edating everyone forsenCD @Tellmewhynot what do u mean why are u saying that Play Osu! kthanks @gunner456789 atually 3.5k @itzhannie osu PogU yoyoyoylolololobabababa @TheArcalius huh @zalla1 monkaW @itzhannie 4Weird @NaZe_Minaj True @thepunisheryb True but its still hard No league today? ?????????????????????????? KEKW 3.4K ANDY KEKW @Naltron_osu Osu is fun league? over 1.2k deaths today @thepunisheryb YE WHATEVER @exCoach private message me osu AYAYA @yassuo what did you do? the stream went out xd @itzhannie surely is ITS BOSHY TIIIIIIME SOUND IS TRIGGERING THE FCK OUTTA ME Wow, I had no idea Faker had a twitter Pog @Yassuo Fun fact: The last boss, Solgryn, is actually a danish oatmeal product, and the package looks exactly like the last boss. How can people just play a game like this and not lose their minds LMAOOOOOOOOOOO LUL @itzhannie its my opinion so u cant say anything, u cute now AYAYA maaaaaaaaan TriHard i love u gay homo chet youolololobgbaba If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? WTF KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates malding KEKW YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap PLAY OSU! thanks !uptime The stream has been live for 8 minutes 57 seconds @Tellmewhynot You haven't even seen me ANY CUTIES? AYAYA KEKW SO BAD KEKW !vansdifhsijdfgsdfgdsi @MYNEWDUMGAME he lost half his viewers when his tream died do a rage reaction LULW 11/10 entertaining streamer PepeLaugh oops LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap ignore that guys @itzhannie stop DansGame peepoClap yasN @Yassuo If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? @Yassuo yo moe do you enjoy the current state of league? didnt mean to post an osu link Faker : LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Plz do something so I can Pog SO BAD I meant o post @itzhannie PogU but wtf is that link @itzhannie i dont care LULW the peepoClap thing Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : And i oop- FINISH HIM! hi fatty well done faaaaaaaall FATALITY! dammit! 🔨 LOST 8K VIEWERS NICE @exCoach I meant to copy and paste the lets go moe thing @jato10 are you rich? MUDKIP AYAYA GunRun OSU AYAYA If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? mudkip AYAYA @exCoach turns out I hadn't copied it recently @tellmewhynot, wanna e date? 😳 MOE STOP BEING PISSED CMOON MAN LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo Fun fact: The last boss, Solgryn, is actually a danish oatmeal product, and the package looks exactly like the last boss. @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats LULW !boshy MUDKIP AYAYA more deaths than viewers KEKW I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Noo! LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap OMEGALUL ROFL RABBİNİ SİKİYİM KAPAT If only i was as talented and good looking as yassuo PepeHands @itzhannie PepeLaugh ive done that before KEKW KEKW anyone know if faker beat this game ? LULW lets go! PogU KEKW KEKW @Yassuo NOOOOO KEKW KEKW LETS GOOOO QUITTER @Yassuo If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? 3,4K ANDY WHAT HAPPENED MOE KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW @EquadisEU sorry, im e dating @itzhannie 10 MINUTE STREAM KEKW KEKW No MOE 4WeirdW KEKW CANT BEAT IT KEKW @Yassuo DO JUMP KING FOR WARM UP OF SEASON 3 pepeD what was like that 4 hours KEKW hood stream 9 minute stream WeirdChamp @Yassuo i was here @jato10 thats a Kapp moe you should perma ppl from chat more instead of 24 them TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands KEKW i love u moe KEKW FAKER BEATS IT IN HIS SLEEP KEKW @Yassuo NOOOO IT WAS FUN TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT PepeHands !uptime Ggs you started with 2499 deaths The stream has been live for 10 minutes 11 seconds @tellmewhynot, forsenCD nice game name ??? If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? faker nice Great stream homie yasH PO box when? @Yassuo PepeHands good stream faker Pog 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp !uptime The stream has been live for 10 minutes 23 seconds @Yassuo MORE OF THIS PLEASE WeirdChamp KEKW FAKER BEATS IT IN HIS SLEEP KEKW YOU CANT AWAKE KEKW gg @Yassuo Fun fact: The last boss, Solgryn, is actually a danish oatmeal product, and the package looks exactly like the last boss. - @yassuo so u did restart the stream for 5 mins? Bro you look handsome no cap @EquadisEU she doesnt know tho PepeLaugh hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challenging @Yassuo If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? @Yassuo what did you say about dreamville's album wtf 10 minute stream KEKW Can you host me? ratirlCheer ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands !uptime 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp More variety PogU 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 mINUTE STREAM KEKW have a good one man love you moe PLEASE i dont want spoil what im sending in dms !uptime The stream has been live for 10 minutes 34 seconds 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp i love u when was the last time u washed ur hands moe you should perma ppl in chat more 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING, WE PRECIPITATING @Yassuo wat games u playing aftr boshy 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp variety streamer POG @Yassuo You always stop streaming when boxbox gets online DONT LEAVE US MOE 4WeirdW @Yassuo i beg you man do more variety fuck league ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands ANYWAY PepeHands 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 󠀀 @Yassuo I redeemed sub but you never have any mods here, and the ones who are don't respond. D: good stream hello moeee i love u 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh DONT LEAVE ME LIKE HAT hello yassuo! KEKW forced to watch heimler1 FeelsBadMan 10 minute stream WeirdChamp yo wait for me to get some points 10 min stream hahahah 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp LOVE U MOE 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh Play more of other games yasH hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challengin Already over KEKW !up 10 min stream PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp TRUE <3 10 MIN STREAM 4WeirdW 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM ANDY LULW cya man gave a good day 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh . LOVE U MOE POG 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 󠀀 moe you doin vr again soon? VARIETY PogU 10 min aww what... i just got here Agreed You started with 2499 deaths in Boshy finished with 3415 i think PALY HORROR GAMES PLEASE yes D: @samshune, PogU GAME 3k viewers KEKW !uptime D: D: Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp The stream has been live for 10 minutes 57 seconds 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp Whats up with these 4 hours streams? it understandable D: SadChamp 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh 10 MIN STREAM PepeLaugh NOT EVEN 30 MIN PepeLaugh !uptime yerrrrr Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp forced to watch heimler1 FeelsBadMan forced to watch heimler1 FeelsBadMan what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp D: KEKW hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challenging sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart ya chat moe needs the mental refresh no point playing more If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? have a good day moe <3 love u moe KEKW Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp @Yassuo True its annoying asf PepeHands <3 <3 <3 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp Moe u hae a fake rolex PogChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN KEKW PepeLaugh One last league game?? @Yassuo KEKW 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp 10 MIN STREAM WeirdChamp play overwatch MOE I LOVE YOU just be honest u need to poop !uptime I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH The stream has been live for 11 minutes 8 seconds Pussy KEKW !uptime GREAT STREAM Im cancer chatter :) @Yassuo If riot removed yasuo would you still play league? !uptime See ya Moe <3 Yea PLAY HORROR GAMES <3 @Yassuo I redeemed sub but there's rarely mods around and the ones who are don't respond to messages. FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp just don't play league WeirdChamp cause ur fake WeirdChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp MOE BAN PEOPLE MORE ???? KEKW Chat let's be shit, so he would play variety :D LEAGUE KEKW LA moe WeirdChamp LA moe WeirdChamp LA moe WeirdChamp LA moe WeirdChamp Last day of my sub, any gifters who wanna help me with keeping my pristine title of Moelester HeyGuys FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FUCK U CHAT 4Weird wdym bad @Yassuo since zalla1 left, your chat fell off remove KEKW :) idk because i came here @Yassuo wat games u gonna play after u beat boshy then get skinner LA.. bc chat are plebs focus on good gameplay fuck the chat YOU HAVE TO BAN PPL jato10 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. SlykeR like just rude? YASSUO MORE LIKE DICKSSUO UWU <3 I joined :) cos u fucked trick Ban people mroe we're pepega as fuck man kekw sub only @Yassuo LA Moe WeirdChamp LA Moe WeirdChamp yo moe you gonna play jump king again? ive been in chat for six months widepeepoSad FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp PepeHands sorry FeelsRainMan CUZ U GOT MORE POPULAR <3 seeya moe HANDS UP CHAT monkaH LEAGUE OF LEGENDS CHAT KEKW WeirdChamp cause u became an LA fake streamer WeirdChamp YOU HAVE TO PERMA BAN PEOPLE MOE ban more Hannie forsenCD ? perma sub mode idiot FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash Bye Moe nice stream! Strict chat now yes :) T1 FANS CROSSED OVER PepeHands all the cancerous people left with boshi @Yassuo @Yassuo <3 too meny yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS 's what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands what now PepeHands we love u moe !uptime The stream has been live for 11 minutes 31 seconds @Yassuo all started when you picked hard over trick fat people getting bullied? !uptime ? love you moe, good stream as always Was a really good stream yasH @Yassuo i left FeelsBadMan bye moe later ARE YOU PLAYING TOMORROW <3 BYEE BYE BUDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY orchiMOEru yasH NA MOE>LA MOE WeirdChamp MAKE UR STREAM LIKE HASHINSHIN yasU ARE YOU PLAYING TOMORROW? CY@ bye BY DUDE <3 !uptime FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp FAKE ROLEX LUL PogChamp <3 ARE YOU PLAYING TOMORROW??? <3 <3 yasU yasU yasU bye BYE DAD ARE YOU PLAYING TOMORROW? VARIETY MOE yasH bye its just t1 viewers that are cancer yasU yasU yasU <3 hqppened after twitch rivals cuz u call urself lebron wtf cya ugly yasU yasH yasU yasU yasU LOVE YOU DAD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 FAKE ROLEX FAKE ROLEX FAKE ROLEX yasU Byeee! <3 sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart <3 @Yassuo left Pog KEKW NY MOE>LA MOE KEKW Pce widepeepoHappy 👉 ❤ yasU MOES MAD yasH yasU PepeHands VoHiYo yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU MOES MADMOESA AS Byeeeee yasU yasU yasU <2 bye bye you ugly fat :) <3 bye DFASDASDAFGFSDGFDG yasH yasU NOOO DONT LEAAAAAVEEEEE yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU <3 MOE no host WeirdChamp T1 VIEWERS WeirdChamp <2 okay NO MODS WideHardo NO MODS WideHardo NO MODS WideHardo NO MODS WideHardo NO MODS WideHardo NO MODS WideHardo NOOOo 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird now what <2 󠀀 did he deadass go back offline 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird 11min stream yasWeird BYE <3 PogChamp live PagChomp duo with sanch Moe online 4Weird i was here PogMe MOEE OkayChamp BABYY i wasnt there WeirdChamp SALAM ALEYKUM MOE PogChamp moe live hey moe thanks for gifting me my sub :) Yassuo gifted a Tier 1 sub to mosta3211! MOE ALIVE POGGERS TIME TO FAP DansGame PogChamp PogChamp POGGERS wassup duuuuuuuuude hi moe <3 HEY\ lol moe can i trade my vip for 30k points PogU nice shirt moe wassup moe POGGERS did you get a couch Why not cmonBruh @yassuo thanks habibi finally @Yassuo love u yasH D: are you sick again ? how was poki moe OkayChamp LULW OMEGALUL LULW wtf KEKW PepeLaugh WeirdChamp KEKW Yassuo gifted a Tier 1 sub to WickedSilverWolf! Give me VIP TriHard time to change chat POG Kapp @Yassuo hangu told me to give his VIP to me ? PogChamp wait where did she move @yassuo kAPP pokiLOL P OMEGALUL OKI SMART KEKW WHY NO ONE TELL ME MOE LIVE WTF ruthless business woman Yassuo is now live! Streaming League of Legends: WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING OFFLINE CHAT FAKE KEKW ah okay @Yassuo DID YOU GET A NEW COUCHH Another GALIO win KEKW HIIII LEAKED LULW OMEGALUL PainChamp LIVE PogU itzhannie WeirdChamp Wossup stfu hannie squadW I love you Hi moe factssss TRUE Hannie, you are fake 4WeirdW hi moeeee Sup sup we aint fake IM HRERE Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa god moe you're so cute Fuck you Hello habibi Fuck you chat :) 🖕 FUCK U HANNIE @yassuo U SMELL ma man wrap it up woman 4Weird offline chat peepoBlanket I love you @yassuo STOP TYPING HANNIE PainChamp Jk i love u lov u YOU SAID YOU WERE GETTING A COUCH FOR YOUR ROOM Love ur streams!! Hi no homo 78 KEKW Check Diana's new R TriHard xqcL MOE hi @AlbanianNaruto aint getting that vip back LULW Yuck Fassuo how you doing? @Yassuo Thanks for opening my snapchat earlier cutie yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH wasaaaaq yasH Fuck you chat :) 🖕 MOE NOTICE ME yoyooyoyoyoyoy but still lov u Nonce @ @Yassuo whats up my lover Play variety PepeHands 78 viewers PogU first hi+ Hello dudede sup come fast Jebaited hellooo @Yassuo HANGU TOLD ME TO GIVE HIS VIP TO ME PogChamp DO IT PogChamp hi @Yassuo BrokeBack yasFBM MOEEEEEE @hangu07 shouldve transfered it to me PagChomp ? KEKW @Yassuo vip hangu he is crying PepeHands i main lux weu WOWIE m0xyArm1 m0xy5Head m0xyArm2 HELLO hi moe Yoooo PLAY VARIETY Wowee STOP it with the rain already lets int WOWIEEE Aye fat loser stop going live when I’m at school Jebaited that sounds gay Moeeeewew Hey moe is yasuo better with conq or fleet now? @yassuo What time is in la SeemsGood Fuck you chat :) 🖕 where is precepitiation false @Yassuo you said yesterday you were going shoping for a new coach lol 229 Andy KEKW SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED woof woof when u do 1vs1? harryjamesspotter PepeLaugh m0xyArm1 m0xyKing m0xyArm2 WOWIE KEKW Hey bro! hy yassuo gl for this game yasHYPERS @HarryJamessPotter WeirdChamp fake news WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE PRESEASON SO FAR Yes Fuck you chat :) 🖕 harryjamesspotter that means no PepeLaugh Hi. My first Stresm I'm watching from you omegalul Hi give me vip i have a nice na,e @Yassuo Hey Moe!!! <3 <3 say my name @Yassuo give hangu his vip back MaN !uptime ???? Make it owning ur mom The stream has been live for 2 minutes 20 seconds @Yassuo Harry vip KEKW moesuo its back na3eeman mohamad Give me you ADDRESS peepoPog Hy moeeee when 1v1 ? yes Sup moe looking retarded as always hiiiiiiii 🖕 4Weird yes BloodTrail hi moe you suck will u play bashi. hei moe FeelsRainMan LMAO yes WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE PRESEASON SO FAR? hi yasuo? sssss @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public they trynna steal my vip WeirdChamp YOU GETTING A TV TODAY? POGGERS @Yassuo Yo play zoeeeee yea Sup sorry that i called you idiot yesterday ssss @Yassuo give hangu his vip back MaN . PogChamp PogU Moe is live PartyPoro Ap yasuo WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE PRESEASON SO FAR??? LUL hey moe HIIIII MOE Moe is yasuo better with conq or fleet? @yassuo You should @Yassuo you gotta stop saying precipitation Salamo alaykoum Mohamed TwitchRPG and a tv can You PLay Luuux mid_ yasH yasH yasH yasH hey Moeeeee finally is here :( snake more fuck bitch Just watching TF Blade and he was talking shit QT LUL nice hair ignored by hangu sad @Yassuo love u moe ? LULW WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE PRESEASON SO FAR?! Does preseason mmr counts for next season ? Play veigar @yassuo SUP MOE @yassuo can you gift me a pc fro christmas :) hears shopping, brings up watch hey yasuoo LUL LUL @Yassuo you gotta stop saying precipitation. Hey dog oh god its moe, my day is ruined i gotta sit in here now TwitchRPG DogFace DogFace DogFace PogU nice shave gr when are you going to decorate your room moe? <3 how old r u?? YOU GETTING A TV TODAY? POGGERS @Yassuo ! @Yassuo you gotta stop saying precipitation.. LUL LUL Ad zoe LULW hangu07 pass me the vip cuh WideHardo WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THE PRESEASON SO FAR!? <3 @Yassuo Hey buddyyyyyyy LUL LUL LUL <3 @Yassuo vip hangu he is crying PepeHands wooooooooooooooohooooooooooo qt @Yassuo Cutie when can we expect SOME VARIETY??????????????? Moe WHENS 2019 RECAP @Yassuo you gotta stop saying precipitation.......... Stop spamming how old r u? NAISUUU Clean cut HeyGuys LMAOOO Hi Moe @yassuo can you gift me a pc for christmas :) TRUE KEKW @itzhannie Having Moe in snapschat but not me WeirdChamp @Yassuo any plans on going back to korea in the future? TRUW NoTeiRo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! You look cute af <3 true are you gonna join tcs @Yassuo YEEEEEEE i love you hello cucumber did u sleep with anyone in that bed behind u Brand mid @Yassuo Variety anytime soon? hj @Yassuo you gotta stop saying precipitation1 Does preseason mmr counts for next season ?? YOU GETTING A TV TODAY? POGGERS @Yassuo cmonBruh Hello noob LULW True hi yo this snow is WHACK @Yassuo @hysey :( CAN YOU TRY APHELIOS ? Is so cool HolidayOrnament MaxLOL PixelBob HolidaySanta GunRun @yassuo moe why u so cute and cringe i love u @hysey sad hi moo moo i love you sorry that i called you idiot yesterday r play zoe gift hysey a pg PogU you tried ayyyyyyy moe how r u ssssssssssssssssssss @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public! MOE IS YASUO BETTER WITH CONQ OR FLEET NOW? @yassuo Mid is so good what are you doing for christmas OMEGALUL how much can u bench yas? Does preseason mmr counts for next season ? karasmai is already an aphelios mian now Kapp fresh cut more butt TRUE cmonBruh Fuck you chat :) 🖕 @Yassuo hello <3 moe can u show me ur runes for senna? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CONQEROR? cutie 400 viewer. ded moe KEKW @Yassuo can you Play LUX ??? @Yassuo Can you give me money? :) noon I know you feel like shit @Yassuo any plans on going back to korea in the future?? good for you! hello :) what do you think about the new conquer @yassuo Eussssouiuiuuuuuuuuu Hey Moe looking real good today, id turn gay for you : ) Heyyyyyyy AYAYA u look like shit TRUE LULW Guys @Yassuo any variety soon???? why is the MOElester forgotten xqcT Gg @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public!! looking good yasU KEKW AYAYA COME LIVE IN CANADA Does preseason mmr counts for next season ?? not cute LUL bro this snowstorm is whack we cute chat yasAYAYA @yassuo millionaire andy 4Weird hey bby boo Yassuo I need a new main for season 10. I main zed but he’s always banned who should I main? missed ya karasmai been spamming aphleios for a week now lol hes op KEKW moe how much can u bench? SO CUTE AYAYA WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PEAK Pog FeelsBadMan my vip gone so does my life 4Weird can I get a kiss yasU @Yassuo MOE I MISS YASCHAIR Play some Asol today Moe @Yassuo how old r u? u look good yo i missed you moe xqcL @Yassuo add "We Precipitation" In title IM NOT CUTE HOMELESS KEKW @Yassuo yi did he just start streaming? Looking retarded as always moe the realest honestly why that cliche title?? @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public! any chance of pummel this friday/week? @Yassuo @Yassuo Play other games while preseason You still fat tho Is Christmas so close ? Get a fucking tatoo @Yassuo Hello bruvski how are you doing DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip Start going to the gym again fatty !!!!!!! Yasssssss @Yassuo ARE YOU GONNA JOIN TCS? 2 CHAINZ Pog hi moe !! how it going imagine how many stremears would die to have 400 viewers cmonBruh Xd mob has more viewers pummel? hi gift me channel points C OMEGALUL D DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! they lying you looking good today kidding you look good @Yassuo i saw tyler1 at the gym. he wasnt that big as i expected him to be.. @Yassuo kinda cute I guess pumle party sup dipshit YOU GETTING A TV TODAY? POGGERS @Yassuo Brand what you doing for christmas @Yassuo You have beautiful eyes :) just like Faker imagine not being a variety streamer in 2019 sᴜᴘ ᴍᴀɴ did you see the new otv hous how much can u bench moe? STREAM IT PogU @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public!!! Moe your yas is shit @Yassuo YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO VARIETY IN PRESEASON pummel when @yassuo xoxo @Yassuo back to korea soon? hihihi man fk legion by lenovo MOE IS YASUO BETTER WITH CONQ OR FLEET NOW? yassuo posidennn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! u a cutie did you play Nier Automata ? @Yassuo yo habibi how good is your arabic? @Yassuo Yo <3 Play cancer champs @yassuo @itzhannie PLAY MONOPOLY PogU I saw xqc yesterday playing it and it was very fun PogU u should try as well PogU KEKW Clap FPS MOE POGGERS pummel when? the channel points thing , how long is it staying? thank God you're live. I was watching scrubnoob YouTube videos monkaW D: i heard cod is full of campers and claymores 4Shrug nice hair M D: O malza jng ? HEIMOEDINGER did you just wake up Greetings from Sweden KEKW @Yassuo how are you? PogU sup good looking man you crack WE LOSING, WE INTING, WE GETTING STOMPED do the jump king bet with trick @Yassuo Variety when? Pog @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public POG whats up with ur hair pummel? :) HEY JUST STREAM variety PLEASE @Yassuo TRUER @Yassuo skipping ap calc to watch moe at home ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɪɴ? C Pog D @Yassuo hey, you doin alright man? kawai moee TinyOne ahahah FPS @HarryJamessPotter yasHmm mmaybe PogU @yassuo pummel when? Pog Pog Looking like a midnight snack @yassuo can you explain what mmr is im silver trash cod modern warfare ??? snake PLAY APEX BRO TCSSS so you can get smacked like you did in twitch rivals? ALICOPTER SANCH TRICK PogChamp you're too low elo for TCS leak team plz @Yassuo karasmai been spamming aphleios for a week now lol hes op try him out FeelsBadMan venmfreeze subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! hey you should stream some csgo Pog what is TCS TriHard TriHard Pog you are the strongest man alive Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @yassuo pls buy me a new pc for Christmas it’s cyber Monday and i still play on windows 7 yasH !uptime Hi love u!!!!! The stream has been live for 4 minutes 25 seconds EL TRUCO PogU OMEGALUL sup bruh LULW KEKW SANCHOVIES TRICK? PogU Pog ? YE Sup snake Pog @Yassuo ratirlKiss @Yassuo JUMP KING WAITING ROOM , CANT WAIT <3 WITH TRICK OR WITHOUT ? Trick TRICK?????? Pog HAHAHAHHAA KEKW imagine Moe playing variety KEKW sup fuckhead Pog Pog TRICK Pog ALREADY LOST KEKW about to swipe more of t1s moneys PepeLaugh who? PogU Pog 15 @Yassuo trick in it? LULW Why aren’t u going to the gym DOOMED PogChamp when is tcs WH OMEGALUL poggerzsz PagChomp GG Pog EL TRUCO PogU PogU KEKW GOSU PogU MOE OMEGALUL yooo TRICK KEKW SUPP? <3 i think your mid sucks PogU TRICK AND GOSU HOLY SHIT did you play Nier Automata ?? Good morning moe @yassuo trick2gram PogU POGGERS ALREADY LOST PogU Gosu 🐐 @Yassuo how long will channel points stay for? M OMEGALUL E Kapp LOST Pog sanchHeart sanchHeart when is next twitch rivals? Pog POG SNAKE SNAKE SNAKE @Yassuo Are you cake? Cause I want a piece of thaatttt TriHard <3 Sanchovies KEKW kinda smart ALREADY LOST OMEGALUL GOSU POGGERS WTF GET ALICOPOTER PogU GG GOSU PogU ME AS SUPPORT :) What is tsc what is tcs? look at the top of his heaaaad NotLikeThis NotLikeThis WHATS TCS POG WeirdChamp Why Yasuo is so gay ALREADY LOST Pog CAN YOU TRY APHELIOS????? gosu Pog GUSO OMEGALUL Pog GL oh thats a dub team @Yassuo PogU TROCK KEKW Pog ALREADY LOST Pog @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please CLASH KEKW @albaniannaruto sad supp bruh @yassuo You’re a true inspiration man. Keep up the work. SNAKE ᴡᴀssᴜᴘ ᴅᴜᴅᴇ? ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴏʟᴅɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ? clash POGGERS @Yassuo WHY NOT TF BLADE ON TOP? ALICOPTER PogChamp clash POGGERS I’m just saying shit cause I wanna get noticed XD did you play Nier Automata ??? Moe when does the season start? @yassuo wear your glasses and put on a wig on so i can call you Mia Khalifa PogChamp TRACK2G !elo RIP SERVERS LULW CLASH? clash PogU ALICOPTER SUPP WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE HEIMOEDINGER @Yassuo just missing alicopter dude Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP PogChamp TRACK2GPogChamp TRACK2GPogChamp TRACK2GPogChamp TRACK2GPogChamp TRACK2G SNAKE YASSUO FAKE 2 FACE GOSU POGGERS ALICOPTER OR SWIFTE @YASSUO FUCK yo moe I don't have money to sub to you sry MOE IS YASUO BETTER WITH CONQ OR FLEET NOW? yassuo TriHard trihard u gonna be in TCS ? Team for what!!??!!?!?!?!?! Hows your day @Yassuo TriHard ? LET ME SUPPORT @Yassuo Are you cake? Cause I want a piece of thaatttt Kreygasm TCS PRACTICE IN CLASH PogU TriHard Alicopter TriHard GOSU IS SO CLEAN you got the drip bro? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! triahrd YERR Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: yo phat boi whats up @yassuo what you doing for christmas FUCKING DOOMED PogChamp wtf clash? TriHard NY MOE ? TriHard TriHard real shit @Carizz0 WOT? repugnante Good time PepeLaugh good morning even tho its evening over here @Yassuo GOSU POGGERS bro i cant type fun DansGame this snowstorm is whack bro DU Hey moeeeee @Yassuo look at the top of his heaaaad NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis hi moe looking fresh td @Yassuo can you play lUx TriHard 7 ok TriHard ALICOPTER wya @Yassuo can you bring back the reuqest song thingy with points? @albaniannaruto clash is live :( Play ivern Like twitch rivals? atleast ur playing with your boys ALICOPTER SUB? Winning sucks :) what’s tcs what r u talking about? yoooo moe what's up so if i get 500k points i get vip, nice @Yassuo why not cmonBruh trick? you mean hard? it's fine you made same mistake before Fakefriend LULW Team for what? @Yassuo TRUEEE TriHard TRUEEEEEE yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake @Yassuo have you seen ls team? u into nf ?? @Yassuo u didn't play yassuo u didn't tryhard @Yassuo skipping ap calc to watch moe at home, moe>apcalc look at the top of his heaaaad NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis FUN KEKW WINNING KEKW @Carizz0 not in euw OMEGALUL Gosu is good af though @Yassuo Getpoki as sup ғɪx ᴜʀ ʜᴀɪʀ yo moe can u play some Da Baby :) moe im poor can't sub to you... so sad 4Head SO SMART REDEEMED SUB POG "losing when winning is hard" DIDNT WANT TO BE CALLED A SNAKE LULW waddup ,oe my guyyy @Yassuo get alicopter KEKW SECOND TODAY mmmm CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Goodluck on TCS Moe. Cant wait for the content man hello @albaniannaruto did you check? u can lock december 7-8 and december 14-15 i remember the last time he said this ALICOPTER SUPP PogU do you listen to nf Yo yasssssssuo PepeLaugh KEKW @Yassuo What's the difference between low and high diamond? at least i think so WE PRECIPITATING? @Yassuo they did look at the top of his heaaaad NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LOL u just ape Was announced like 3 weeks ago YASSUO YOU'RE SNAKE ALICOPTER SUPPORT PogU How many mastery points do you have on Yasuo ? they did goodmorning moe @Yassuo Are you cake? Cause I want a piece of thaattt homieee Kreygasm how long will channel points stay for ? and Mad respect from Kuwait bro <3 gl getting the payment from T1 if you win😂 @yassuo who's on ur team? bruh homoes wasssup @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 @Carizz0 my client is always open dont see clash @Yassuo can you Play Lux? gosu PogU moe you're a bro? YOUNGREZZY AS SUPPORT look at the top of his heaaaad NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis YOUNGREZZY will you play at all star Let’s go @albaniannaruto did you refresh dog SWIFTE Pog ? @yassuo what would u suggest to someone who has 600 games on gold 3 leaked for all stars? gosu kinda smurf PogU Snake @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please t1 PepeLaugh @Yassuo play Viktor you into nf’s music?? LS KEKW @Yassuo i just joined who is on the team @Carizz0 no yeah @Yassuo Rezzy support LULW KEKW sup @Yassuo ABUSE RYZE Pog @yassuo what you doing for christmas ALANITY DRAMA KEKW @Yassuo try aphelios man come on karasmais already maining him @albaniannaruto i will Hey Yass LULW doesnt matter you already owned the korean server trash pummel YASSUO I'LL KNOCK U OUT IN 2 SEC BRO YAS U FAT AF MaxLOL @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 Hey if you tell the truth so often then why do you always say that your cute? yas2 gosu the beast Pog gosu gon int yo ass !uptime 4Weird LS making a free 50k The stream has been live for 6 minutes 9 seconds KEKW did gosu get challenger this season? buy me a pc for cyber Monday for Christmas im on windows 7 pog yasPlead yassssuooooooooooooooooooooo yesh Pog they scrim vs lck teams PepeLaugh gl yeahhhhhhhhh YOU'RE FUCKING 2 FACED FUCK BASEMENT DWELLER l Moe when you were going to hunter, what degree were you going for? I’m going for my BA in finance and I’m lost in what I’m going for. MY MAN WHATS UP im poor can t sub to you... sad.. yasThink what do you think about aphelios ? jdhsdjkhfsjkdfghksjdgf ARE U STILL LIVING WITH UR PARENTS? LOSER @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please yasPlead yasPlead group jerk off session begins in 10 minutes chat gachiBASS you gonna have truck on your team this time Moe? 😂 600kps ?????? lulllllllllll Wow his viewer count hit the ground lower than a snake You type so slow PepeLaugh Are you moving in the house with poki moe u snake KEKW khkhkjhkjgkjgjkhjhfkuhkjghjk What's up Yassuo and chat im poor.. You type so slow PepeLaugh oh no no Do u love tyler ? @Yassuo how many teams in tcs? Ill twitch raid you can you explain mmr please my silver ass doesnt know Ghhggvcfffjhhvcffr KEKW @albaniannaruto its live PagChomp moesiopeia TriDance HolidayCookie HolidayCookie hi yas brain lag hold on chat What happened to those glasses?? OMEGALUL 10 WPM LUL loser PepeLaugh WeirdChamp > @Yassuo i;udsd;uhfsdfgs LULW I gifkcufsirugick jufxudtiuxggk what is ur team? WeirdChamp slept in for the stream @Yassuo WHY NO TFBLADE ON UR TEAM????? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Are you streaming less than before? @yassuo name the best non pro of each role in NA SUB BADGES FROM THE SIMS KEKW LUL didnt answer LUL ;ksdjfdsk;fsdjklfsdjkl; YASUO VS FIZZ TIPS ? @Yassuo PLS BRO ANWSER ! Key board spam be like t90Bois t90Bois t90Bois LA MOE WeirdChamp PLAY XERATH @yassuo wtf is he doing LUL !uptime @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 The stream has been live for 6 minutes 48 seconds answer the question fdgkhøfm,øhm,døøg,æøf asio99u332q qsdfdsfqsfqsf This song slapsss guiahuihfia chat pls help my adblocker doesnt work anymore? any tips? nice haircut @Yassuo play Viktor. iegijrgiojwepogjwepog Slow typing PepeLaugh moe you aight bruh PepeLaugh sorry that i called you loser yestarday im actually a fanboy when u coming back to netherlands? Videodisc Dickensian h fuckig shush do HA do gd San not sky eh ha Last day of sub any gifters yasNLT hjkfhahfjdhfahfushfui hi moe I just wanted to say that im poor.. sure Kapp @Yassuo how many teams in tcs @YAssuo How do I climb as a support? hey chief @Carizz0 nice acc u got to play on OMEGALUL @Yassuo Looking clean not gonna lie Ignored PepeLaugh Slow typing PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please ZED OR BED @Yassuo play Viktor :D hi @Yassuo my boy give me money im behind on rent @albaniannaruto WeirdChamp Weird !howlong Tf is his hair KEKW hi snake DAD Do you type with one finger? PepeLaugh MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee SO WHATS YOUR TEAM? ???????/ csgo >>>>>>>>>>> lol PainChamp it's always fun cs fun till you run into cheaters YO ALMOST GETTING THAT VIP MOE 490K PTS Pog @Yassuo csgo is trash now same LULW !followage bad SAME how long will channel points stay for ? and Mad respect from Kuwait bro <3<3 @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? MOOOO I LOVE UUUUUUUUU @Oreosmilkshake what's wrong with you? you got some issues kid, hope you find your brains back someday :) Kapp @Yassuo yooo waddup MOE lookin good today!!! 2 mins @yassuo how does the talon yassuo match up work in ur opinion, what does each champ need to do to win? !headphones 1 game massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic D: true moe you going to have trick on your team for clash? 😭 2 games @albaniannaruto too far WeirdChamp @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. 😂 you have to TriHard yeah same happens to me when im bad at a game answer the question what's tcs.? Csgo traaaash can u play aurelion pls? more like you can only play a game after you get hard flamed cuz ur trash at cs @Yassuo plus if you want to have fun you need to be good at it @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Are you really going to against faker in all star ? @Yassuo its boring now YOUNG REZZY AS SUPPORT !! YOUNG REZZY AS SUPPORT !! YOUNG REZZY AS SUPPORT !! YOUNG REZZY AS SUPPORT !! YOUNG REZZY AS SUPPORT !! whats ur team @yassuo name the best non pro of each role in NA @Yassuo meanwhile i'm here farming a sub with points cuz i'm poor PogU @Yassuo whats your tcs team? Pog ? paid comment LULW @yassuo what you doing for christmas @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... Pog ? peepoPog @Carizz0 u even got my smurf banned WeirdChamp Pog @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 TriKool TriDance ff KEKW rank in cs? Say T1 is bad again and I’ll give you 100 dollar donate for telling the truth POG POG @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?? Play with people go next ho HAAAA @Yassuo WHATS TCS Pog yasuo POGGERS BOT Pog Pog TRUCOOO POG BOT LANE Pog EZ Pog Play some Asol KEKW PogU SWIFTE PogU swifte monkaW So bad KEKW PogU trick PogU trick PogU trick PogU trick YOOOOOOOOOOOOO really Pog @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? PogU @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please swifte sucks LUK Swifte KEKW KEKW AIGHT WE LOST LOL BETTER HAVE TRICK NO SWIFTE BOT Pog YOOO WHATS UP @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?é THAT TEAM LEGIT GO YASUOO ff KEKW Pog EZ Clap peepoPog rank in cs go? Pog swifte? yikes you low-key hitting different lately @yassuo Kapp YOU MID KAPP oppp breaching Pog POG PogU TCS? 2k viewer Andy lmaooooo Hahahhaha TRICK YO ALMOST GETTING THAT VIP MOE 490K PTS Pog @Yassuo ! teach to play against yasuo. . . Are you really going to against faker in all star ? @Yassuo <3 PogU el trucko Pog GOOD SHIT Pog trick jg Kapp @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. brts what's the VIP? TRICK POG @Yassuo yooooooooooooo LS team will win TCS @Yassuo GOSU AND SWIFTE Pog Pog is he talking about clash? yasN sounds fire INTCHOVIES Pog Pog kapp Do you type with one finger? PepeLaugh gaijin4 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! go next KEKW POGGGGGGGGGGGGGG TCS? Kapp Why did 100T say that Soligo is their Academy midlaner? a system error ? thresh onetrick KEKW @Yassuo Whats TCS? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. swifte is PogU Ey moe lookin fat af today lol diabetesxdd LUL LUL @hannaheileen, heyyy PogChamp TRICK OMEGALUL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL yasR d kane pog Bro swifte cries too much wtf HI MOE DESTROY THE ENEMY TEAM swifte is good he got an ego LULW SANCHOVIES OMEGALUL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? please read my massage that beards looking clean INTCHOVIES Pog hey yes mental !uptime trick is baaaack SANCHOVIES FUCKING SUCKS LMFAO KEKW yes u re LA MOE WeirdKEKW The stream has been live for 8 minutes 5 seconds PepeLaugh @yassuo good morning even tho its evening over here sanchovies weak link again PogU @Yassuo "Whats for dinner" KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh REZZY WHIP HIM? @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please SWIFTE TILTS LIKE NO OTHER KEKW @Yassuo XERATH XERATH @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. So its Rivals but you not being a snake KEKW cant wait to pick Hard instead of trick again :) yooo wassup so only streamers and pros can play in TCS? REZZU SUP INTCHOVIES Pog Pog ya ok bro you know revenge tried to do that to me and he tilted faster than i did ay whazup bro? @hangu07 yooo @Yassuo finnaly the snake meme is dead @albaniannaruto sorry MaN HES GONNA RAGE AT SANCH LOLOLOLOL GO QIYANA when does it starts hot boy LOL LUL moe 1v9? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Ey moe lookin fat af today lol diabetesxdd LUl INTCHOVIES Pog #FREE KODAK TriHard WeirdKEKW finally the streamer that doesn't rage about chat calling him shitty things LS team will smurf on TCS @Yassuo @Yassuo 2k viewers??? SAD...snake MOE #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard @Yassuo when will this happen? Trick about to carry you int fat ass @Carizz0 what team is moe talkin about ? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... REZZY SUP PepeHands REZZY SUP PepeHands REZZY SUP PepeHands REZZY SUP PepeHands katarina @Yassuo BASICALLY GOSU CARRYING xerath what do u think about aphelios?? SANCHOVIES OMEGALUL dead stream lulw @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. ori tf blade more views than u yikes TFBLADE HABIBI TOP ??? @hannaheileen, how are you ^_^ QIYANA #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard KEKW @swifte @swifte actually true LULW swifte is budget popstar Adrian hello Honestly sounds like a good team love it @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? can u show the runes XERATH LMAO LS PepeLaugh @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. lul dead stream feelsbadman Yo Mohammed when you are come again to Taiwan, we Taiwan and hong kong missed you so much ;( , Dont forgot you got 400K subs on the translate channel @@ Moe pls @albaniannaruto 4Shrug KEKW what is he talking about ignored both highlighted messages @Yassuo pog xD yoo the biggest streamer LULW u visit me in chicago? KEKW hey yassuo i love u @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... Swifte monkaW Pass out your best T1 insult and I’ll donate 100 dollars I liked tarzan jungle though we comfy peepoBlanket TeaTime yeah they yoinked insanity from us Shut the FUCK UP YOU FUCKING SIMP @Swifte WEAK MENTAL L OMEGALUL RL OMEGALUL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 lol "wanna have fun" -> picks hard over trick2g Ey moe lookin fat af today lol diabetesxdd LUL LUo !uptime when does it starts hotttt boyyyyyy The stream has been live for 8 minutes 43 seconds @Yassuo pick odyssey yasuo plsss KEKW yasJensen Moe bring back yas chair what a snake @Yassuo Play Odessy yas please TRUE KEKW practice for LCS? what is tcs @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. @hangu07 good hbu better than lck STILL LOSE TO KOREANS KEKW @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please Swifte Flame his ass PepeLaugh yasJensen KEKW LS WeirdChamp nice hair @Yassuo when will this take place? @Swifte TriHard Clap @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. its 50k tho @yassuo KEKW Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday tashvsDisappoint @hannaheileen, a bit better PogChamp Are you moving to the house with Poki LS WeirdChamp faker playing tcs?? @yassuo when is TCS @itzhannie yasJensen @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... Amazin how big TCS has become Play Odessy yassuo @yassuo LCL PLIS kog mid @yassuo BRING YAS CHAIR BACK @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 ap @Swifte HES saying u have a weak mental sup moe hows ur day @Yassuo i wanan touch your face with my face fams KOG POGGERS @Yassuo yo @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. Froggen eyy moe diabetus nog TriKool @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please kaisa? VLAD kekw KOG Pog MR sanchPool sanchPool sanchPool @EquadisEU hes so hot ngl @albaniannaruto i got an account PepeLaugh @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? take @awildsorakaa you would suck a dick for 10k TriKool @yassuo can we get a final boss game? @hangu07 i’ll be back in a bit text me if you need me KOG POGGERS It’s 50k though kaisa mid mr KOG TOP just take mr for safety ap kaisa mid @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. VLAD MID moe @Yassuo olaf mid kaisa jg just go health kaisa vlad mid kog top Pepega 1000000% ? i had full house against quad of aces im kinda sad Kodak pepeJAM Are you really going to against faker in all star ? @Yassuo kai sa mid??? u look beatiful today! Thats how the best competitor teams were made TriKool Clap mr @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW @itzhannie true i would slam and im straight what do u think about aphelios ? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? KAISA JG 100% @Carizz0 hysey doesnt tho YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE AHAHHAHAH @hannaheileen aight or kaisa mid 400k Subs on Translate channel Pog WotameIon hell yea hi @yassuo when is TCS. kog jungle Alistar top kog and kai sa mid trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa Or Kaisa ? @yassuo yo what up moe 10k each VÖAD MID KOG TOP NOO GachiPls @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. duda moe diabetus tcs > worlds ofcourse you wouldnt send bad players WotameIon im broke nice hair moe :D PepeLaugh he doesn't know it's kaisa where the rollie at @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. aint want that heat 10k each NOW WE NEVER KNOW Vlad NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY WITH SNAKE moe your hair lookin good hii @oreosmilkshake blocked me because you can’t talk any shit? Hahahahaha get a life kid winner takes all yes 10k each @yassuo u lookin hella cute today ngl @Yassuo THEY SMELL U @Yassuo when is tcs? gimme the 10k if u dont want xD 100$ if you play ori mid @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? TriDance Hi @yassuo you look cute today ALISTAR MIDDDDDDD KEKW YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE AHAHHAHA it got stolem STOLEN 50k alone for winners only @yassuo are ya doing 1v1 today? show us the guns dude! u lookin scary HeHeXD WeirdChamp Hows your elo? LOST FAKE ROLEX KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. KEKW KEKW LOST I T robbed 31st BTWW lost @Yassuo Whats good g how you been? hope your day been blessed hey moe sup Maaaaaad RESPECT from Kuwait Moe <3 much love @Yassuo YOINKED moe u got nice volume in your hair u hairy boi That was fast lmao @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. STOLEN monkaS Yoinked KEKW lost 10k watch PepeLaugh wheres ur indian rolex KEKW MY WATCH NOW @Oreosmilkshake stfu xD Follow me on Twitter for updates KEKW alrady lost it huh @yassuo who do you think will win the bet? fogged or blade? @yassuo pass out your best T1 insult YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE AHAHHAH fake roley @Yassuo are u going to play in clash? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... robbed @yassuo when is TCS? already lost hte watch - 8.5k LULW - 8.5k LULW - 8.5k LULW - 8.5k LULW - 8.5k LULW YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE AHAHHA هههههههههه mine now @Yassuo MY WATCH NOW KEKW FAKE KEKW FAKE KEKW FAKE your cloths are on the ground @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE AHAH Hey Moe, how are you? <3 @Yassuo LULW YOINK MINE NOW TriHard Play Odessy yasuo please @yassuo @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 yasYoink @albaniannaruto unlucky :( @Yassuo looking good moe :D buys a rolex doesnt even wear it OMEGALUL v KappaPride @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. YIKES VIEWERS AHAHAHHAHAHHAH SWITCHED WITH TF BLADE OMEGALUL monkaW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. what is Tsc and what is your team @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please Is the rolly fake? @Yassuo do u even diabetes bro xdd @Yassuo play god of war my fake rolie now FAKE ROLEX OMEGALUL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? I stole the rolex @Yassuo wassup im back ya digggggggg @Yassuo What factory is the fake Rolex from? :) FAKE WATCH كيف حالك محمد FORGOT IT IN NEW YORK @Yassuo Plans for next year? boot camps? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. wear it WeirdChamp Best solo q players forming a team and then competing SOMEONE GOT vip YET? @Yassuo WAIT ITS FAKE??? how did you lost it ? Clash Pog XDD @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... @yassuo woof woof watch are you going to scrim? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. @Yassuo put the music up a lil dawg ???? KEKW ??????? ??? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo how much was the watch? LULW XDD XD WeirdChamp caht XDDD OMEGALUL shadow dogs own you those three guys you stared at on the porch came to your house and stole your watch @Carizz0 moe readin my msg's PagChomp KEKW ????? HAhahaha KEKW KEKW KEKW RRATRDS @yassuo Boshi? @yassuo who do you think will win the bet? fogged or blade? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Nice scam lmao He got robbed @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 @Yassuo can you explain what mmr my silver ass doenst know sanchSad sanchSad sanchSad @Yassuo so today its 32st of November? CRINGE no :) XDD @albaniannaruto ikr PagChomp !time Current time in Los Angeles: 11:21:38 AM du yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR fuck u KE KE W scrims when kekW @yassuo how much can u bench? KEKW @Yassuo how can a watch be fake its a fuckign watch eljuaco5 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Erased_HD subscribed with Twitch Prime. are you brain damaged or something moe you looking mad cute today bro how are you ;) u broke SNAKE XDDDDDDDDD @Yassuo up the music bro #FREE KODAK TriHard !uptime do you lick taints -8k KEKW OMEGALUL FAKE The stream has been live for 10 minutes 36 seconds @Yassuo why you even listen to low iq chat LULW 󠀀 @yassuo talk about investments and money i just had a finance phase and watched finance videos all thanksgiving break LOW? KEKW GOOD PRICE KEKW #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard @Yassuo Plans for next year?? bootcamps? KEKW GOOD PRICE KEKW KEKW GOOD PRICE KEKW KEKW GOOD PRICE KEKW KEKW GOOD PRICE KEKW what happen to ur hair it matchs u cute :D buying fake watches LULW @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please cuz its fake LULW @Yassuo big penis he beat tcs take money more rolex fake XDD diabetes weight gain XDD next year you gotta get a bussdown stupid idiots lol xd have you ever tried Georgian food like khinkali or khachapuri if u haven't u muuusstttt @yassuo when is TCS?? 8K WASTED LULW moe chat is aids becaues youre playing league those three guys you stared at on the porch came to your house and stole your watch1 !uptime HAHAHHA Kapp @Carizz0 streamer noticed me PagChomp KEKW fax fax how did u lose virginity? if u did lmao u. mean u got the cash discount how long will channel points stay for ? and Mad respect from Kuwait bro moe what do you think of my first job choice im gonna be working at best buy yasChair yasChair is that what they told you lol certified refurbished MILLIONAIRE CANT BUY AN ACTUAL BED LULW FAKE WATCH KEKW imagine u win tcs, we could say tyler paid you 20k$ 8k for a fake LUL Kapp @Yassuo when is the TCS starting? @Yassuo Moe do you smoke weed? baldingandy -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo YOU SUCKED HIS DICK FOR A DISCOUNT LUL @Yassuo you did you lost it ? ANY DICK SUCCERS TriHard yasBoo3 BR KEKW USED ROLEX KEKW 8K GOOD PRICE KEKW Get a new keyboard!!!!!! china? @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 Kappa Kappa @albaniannaruto im jealous :( Play malzahar I dare u @yassuo FUCK BRAZIL KEKW GO KR FIRST Brazil Pog @yassuo how much can u bench moe? Is pinoy recording rn @yassuo next rumble party?? @Yassuo when the moe tourney starting up Kappa moe I said good morning on instagram when you asked me to say it back why didn;t you reply to me Kappa I love you habibi moe those three guys you stared at on the porch came to your house and stole your watch! You’re looking hella cute today Can I borrow the watch? @yassuo sleep with me? fuck u moe are you going to scrim? BRASIL monkaW @yassuo you looking spicy today are u gonna play clash kassa funnel Challenger PepeLaugh WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 8k for watch #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard #FREE KODAK TriHard PepeLaugh CHina Go back to Turkey Pog Kappa MingLee @Yassuo when are you gonna react to videos like the scuffed xQc you are @Yassuo can you Play Lux? Pog NaM @boneyskeletin You can get fake rolly's bro. People tryna make one for $100 then flip for $10k hey moe what internet should i buy, i been using spectrum and i wanna cry from it PogU Kappa Kappa @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please my teacher likes you DONT SUPPPORT CHINA PLS @yassuo taco > gosu btw , you saw how did he pop off in rivals NaM MingLee FUCK BRAZIL LULW Chek if your Rolex is set on 32st?????! Bet ull still look at phone for time LULW Whats popping @yassuo FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU new year's eve plans? Are you cake? Cause I want a piece of that ass TriHard yes china monkaW not coming back NaM CHINA NUMBA ONE DOINB Pog @yassuo Will you play some Boshi? MingLee NaM nice yea go to china go portugal EU Pog Brazil ? you trynna die homie ? NaM SUPER SERVER Pog 8k is like really 20 dollars in IRL theres a rolex for 1.7k what the point of having chat points? @yassuo moe how much can u bench? @yassuo I bet you wear that 8.5k watch and still check the time on your cell phone cmonBruh @illAquila do u getting boner for watching snake? You're fucking weird I love you habibi moe ANELE Clap do you lick taints euw ez kekw Hi @yassuo you looking good homie go to China plss @Yassuo imagine buying an overpriced watch to flex it on nobody. Dubai dont go china lol @Yassuo I said good morning on instagram when you asked me to say it back why didn;t you reply to me KEKW LOL StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo SERVER IS LULW china going to arrest u monkaW !uptime The stream has been live for 11 minutes 18 seconds OCE do you lick taintss Go back to ALASKA TriHard this chat autstiic KEKW new year's eve plans?? wtf cmonBruh NO STREAMS IN CHINA PepeHands it is do you lick taintsss السيرفر العربي بيفترح قريبا @Yassuo CHINA KEKW yasAYAYA MOE WILL DIE IN CHINA monkaW turkey server is dogshit @yassuo u looking good love u have you ever tried Georgian food like khinkhali LUL star607Cyberspace star607CSX star607Cyberspace Moe worldwide Come oce When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU When you go to OCE ? PogU BRAZIN PLS FREE H..K hello moe how are u? when you coming to africa ?@yassuo theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo . cmonBruh Alaska? are you competing in clash and who is on your team? CHINA NUMBA 1 YOUVE CHANGEd WeirdChamp new year's eve plans? Jk u trying to gift me TD qiyana hey moe what internet should i get, i been using spectrum but it makes me wanna cry ;-; Get slapped around m0xyCozy m0xyCozy m0xyCozy yasHYPERS COME OCE Go portugal HOWS NEW OFFLINE HOUSE PogChamp PogChamp yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay PogU China Yeah you play league and betray friends like Judas gtfo FREE HONG KONG FREE HONG KONG Pog @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please MaN NaM OCE YOU CUCK Are you competing in clash? if so who is on your team? WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW ANELE new year's eve plans?? play viktor? theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo If you go to China you’ll never come back ANELE ANELE Clap :D I swear moe your chat says the weirdest stuff LOL @Yassuo tips on getting girls???? Jebaited ill lick your taint theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo . go to Dominican republic Hinkali *** Means i suck dick in spanish dogdogHypers ANELE ? !rank LUL D: GRANDMASTER I (364 LP) DansGame ANELE Clap Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo clunclareh Pepega chenchelly ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE come to portugal khenkhaleh yasANELE @Yassuo changed WeirdChamp where are u going to stream on if u stream in china? @Yassuo theres a rolex for 1.7k @Yassuo . @Yassuo Btw what happened with the lcs thing? I don't know what u need to to be a pro player, so what happened? Have you been at Greece ? @yassuo play viktor?. @Oreosmilkshake you are the weird loser here talking shit behind your computer xD pussy, come face me little kid hahah @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 CLASH IS 2 WEEKENDS no yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE nice hair @yassuo How many hours do you have on Yasuo do you think? yasANELE yasANELE no OCE IS HARD DOM WAS HARDSTUCK D2 no N OMEGALUL 5-7 dec sanchHeart no :) @Yassuo I said good morning on instagram when you asked me to say it back why didn;t you reply to me NO KEKW N OMEGALUL @yassuo talk about your investments and money i just had a finance phase and watched finance videos all thanksgiving break no :) N OMEGALUL NO EW PepeHands N OmegaRawrXDforDab NO LUL @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please WutFace did you ever smoke weed? no PepeLaugh ??? no no N OMEGALUL YES :( no no KEKW bye no @yassuo WHAT No :) noooooooo pls don't go im gonna miss u BibleThump FINALLY PogChamp Kappaq no :) KEKW Kapp Kapp IM GONNA MISS U 🦀 no bye dont come again :) no way no. KEKW Pog @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public no ur fat Kappa Are you really going to against faker in all star ? @Yassuo Kapp no ??? lol @Yassuo not really no :) Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa No :) KEKW You have big mental for putting up with this all day lol you have barely streamed KEKW N OMEGALUL DansGame Is that a fuckload of chest hair or are you wearing an undershirt? Kappa kapp WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW @Yassuo china has been putting muslims in concentration camps, be safe brother monkaW I feel bad having a 100 dollar watch and using my cell phone to check the time copyThis pastaThat Kapp Kapp KEKW Kappa Kappa so easy win for faker Kapp Kapp where are the allstars? no what will we do BibleThump @Yassuo big penis he win tcs and take money and more rolex xdd @yassuo funny video :D IM GONNA MISS U CUTIE yasH please gimme a kiss @Yassuo DID YOU EBVER SMOKE WEED?????????????????? KappaPride KappaPride PepeHands YES Can you Play jg sometimes TRUE Kapp @Yassuo FAKER IS THE GOAT @Yassuo Btw what happened with the lcs thing? I don't know what u need to to be a pro player, so what happened??? would never miss u Thank god hes gonna be gone Fuck you moe how about the chef u were talkin? AHHHHH FOR FAKER WHAT A TEAM PLAYER when you coming to belgium FINALLY PogChamp 󠀀 I WILL MISS YOU MOE PepeHands @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public! @Yassuo i'll miss you moe I HEARD CLASH IS DECEMBER 7-8 AND DECEMBER 14-15, IM GOING TO MISS YOU MOE SadChamp no moe PepeHands its ok KEKW KEKW ok yasFBM :( FINALLY PogChamp No DansGame RUDE U LEAVING US You ever been to Toronto ?? Noway goes also !!!!! you changed man NICWE HAIR M OMEGALUL E LULW yasHYPERS yasHYPERS BETA BOY LULW moe how you gonna buy a rolex but mount your bed on metal sticks and put your clothes on the group ill lick your taint and floss my teeth with your pubic hair Stupid punk stop going away OkayChamp Get a new keyboard for pummel and Boshy FAKE NOT EVEN MISSING US yasMald no im gonna miss u @Yassuo love u BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo arabic server will open soon be hit challenger pls @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 Kapp TRUEEEE stream from there Kappa NO Play mage @Yassuo TFBlade vs Conor McGregor match to death who wins do u gonna vlog? Cheer100 Dude I never see u stream, do you stream less? Or streaming in shitty hours, from EU. Have you ever tried the food victory? COME SAUDI ARABIC SERVER WILL OPEN SOON !!! good ! @albaniannaruto @Yassuo Boshy today? no Kapp big up georgia ok SadChamp @Yassuo MOE you looking spicy today @Yassuo thanks to you I have learned to wear sweatpants in public!!! LOL Kapp LUL @YassUO IM MISSING YOU ALREADY Kapp Kapp NO fake why not @yassuo i gotta study but idc gotta put respect to ma boy moe no :) RhysPanda subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Bet you won't say my name right Clap faker Kapp moe when is tcs, i wanna watch it but idk when @Yassuo moe how you gonna buy a rolex but mount your bed on metal sticks and put your clothes on the group. faker dont talk to anyone N OMEGALUL yasPlead yasPlead wow funny Kapp didnt you try weed in the netherlands? we will miss poki instead @Yassuo IM MISSING U ALREADY MAN YASU We don’t care lol Do you have a chest tat or are you just hairy? jasonrD jasonrClap jasonrClap jasonrClap @itzhannie stop simping 4Weird WEED IS COOL Pepega @Yassuo destroy faker and i suck u off MOE U ARE NOT FAT!! LOLLL do you read chat fake rolex Kapp the chef u were talkin about? CiGrip will you play in all star? @Yassuo you did you lost the rolex !uuptime xinkali op LUL MEEE BAN SENNA BRO !uptime The stream has been live for 12 minutes 37 seconds @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please please enable omegakek did you finish celeste @Yassuo @Yassuo any tips on getting girls ???????????! fortnite today? POGGERS GO TO OCE NEXT YEAR search for khinkali FIX UR HAIR @Yassuo @yassuo A girl left me on read on WhatsApp, what should I do? moe how you gonna buy a rolex but mount your bed on metal sticks and put your clothes on the ground yasSnake ill lick your taint and floss my teeth with your pubic hairs @Yassuo TFBlade vs Conor McGregor match to death who wins? you ugly L Nice hairline comb 1 trick yassuooo u ugly watching all the way from South Africa Have you ever done meth SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 @yassuo next rumble party?? @Carizz0 OMEGALUL @boneyskeletin it is though Kappa Kappa Kappa @Yassuo did you beat megaman???? @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3. did you sell your bed frame to fund the watch? CrreamAwk @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 g are u flunet in arabic ? @Yassuo how does it feel to be a wealthy famous internet personality Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! TF Blade KEKW @yassuo pummel when u dumb? u said u would get a chef nice hair ma man !uptime PLAY LEE SIN MID AGAIN Pog The stream has been live for 12 minutes 59 seconds KEKW yasS yasS yasS DETAILS ON NEW HOUSE @yassuo will you play in allstar? @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 , yes veigar is mid what a beast your hairstyle PLAY LEE SIN MID AGAIN Pog Pog what about the chef play viktor? @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 . OH shit you said ir right it's Reese Can you play chlorine - top? @Yassuo are u gonna crack open a cold one with faker? He ment TF blade vs connors son @Yassuo Cheer100 wassup my man havent been active in streams latley mb homie :( @yassuo gotta study but idc putting some respect to ma boy MOE oh no its the homeless man omegakek report low elo aurelion sol @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 : OFFLINE HOUSE BRO @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please ill like your taint and floss my teeth with your pubic hair @yassuo Is gifted sub for 25k points removed or I just can't see it on my phone for some reason? Yo you gonna play in TCS? WILL YOU MAKE A VLOG THERE @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! OFFLINE TV HOUSE BRO oof @not_sniped_btw when is that? faku Tacos or burritos? KEKW I’m hour Chinese fans come play our super server moe what time is it in the US? Do you play CLASH moe? watching from South Africa peepoBlanket TeaTime we comfy Dude I swear some of these questions are "would you rather get $1 million or lose your legs" WTF these people expect you to say haha OTV HOUSE keroyos subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! LOVE UR STREAM HABEBI lul i'm the Veigar bout to snipe yo ass play viktor?, doesn't show on phone tho yo can you play chlorine - top? @Yassuo ANDY RUIZ VS ANTHONY JOSHUA? KINGPENNA subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 4 month streak! not trying to be disrespectful but these new sub badges are kinda doo doo yasU so tyler will make teams? what headset are you using peepoClap ever been in Greece? @yassuo tacos or burritos? play viktor?. pummel before you leave @Yassuo can you say hi colin for my boy moe ugly amirite KEKW Pog doesn't show on phone tho , you still roomie with jensen? NonBinaryPride @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!!! boy your looking scuffed. @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 peepoClap Can you shut up for 1s ? criquz subscribed with Twitch Prime. you still living with jensen moe? You got it right nevermind KEKW you a bitch for not reading my message trkHorsey trkHorsey trkHorsey ANELE PogChamp LUL Jebaited WutFace you gonna compete in TCS?? Whats up SNAKE @Yassuo Yoooo i didnt get notification :( i know you saw it can't u just start live a little earlier. you know it's midnight in Georgia and I need to go to school tomorrow Do you play CLASH? Leak the offline tv house address POG what's up bro love the games @Yassuo how does it feel to be a wealthy famous internet personality, no meme @Yassuo invited trick2g for clash Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : NO LIKE WHAT U THINK ABOUT IT been ages since i seen you on @Yassuo would it be worth switching to mid this season??? TRUE LULW Jebaited LUL PogChamp WutFace ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE i Tyrone_Squid subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo Did u hear that there will be league version for phones,xbox and even ps4 PogChamp + the bes thing tft for phone <33 @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please LUL @yassuo I gotta study but i dont care man gotta respect ma boy moe... :( Viktor PogChamp @yassuo Will Tarzaned compete in the TCS???? mthrfckermerg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Homoes rise. Your opinion on Wits End + Stormrazor instead of Stattiks+IE on Yas? TriDance let me guess yasuo? OMEGALUL OMEGAKEK Whens the next mcdonalds stream LUL ishe playing the TCS chat?? @Yassuo run back pummel with the squad what is TCS oh ok, guess it just doesn't show on my phone play viktor?:D get getting free merch for christmas or whatttt kat wins these yasPepega_HF @Carizz0 tcs is a tournament PagChomp fan meet up in LA anytime soon??????????? where you going??? Introduce me to your sister bro? Please @Yassuo @Yassuo i dont speak english , speak spanish plsss eq senna mid? WHAT U THINK ABOUT THE HOUSE GAYLORD... UwU AYAYA @yassuo nice cut SeemsGood play viktor? :D LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo can you play xerath next game? what headset is that? @byyro1220 yes yoo KEKW RIVEN KEKW play aatrox Pog LULW @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!! OOOOOOOOF TriDance Verlene1000 -> Please refrain sending long messages. we cute chat AYAYA @albaniannaruto i dont like tyler :/ @Yassuo YOU KNOW WE OUT HERE GRINDING THE FREE SUB CUZ WE POOR PogU TCS>worlds PogU EZREAL FAKER PogU veig WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace chrissss veigar WutFace KINDRED MID ezreal @Yassuo play aatrox Pog GP 4Head ofc yo wasp @Carizz0 same :) @Yassuo You speak english? @Yassuo thanks for unbanning meeeeee Ur gonna int on riven @mosta3211 whats his team? WHO cmonBruh what the fuck is this furry spam DansGame ' TriDance awe are you watching anime sometime dumbass sup moe u gonna 1v1? @Yassuo can you play xerath next game? What would you recommend to someone who has 600 games on gold 3 @yassuo yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ez mid @Yassuo you speak spanish? WH OmegaRawrXDforDab !uptime FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU FAKER EZREAL PogU BORK IE morg mid The stream has been live for 14 minutes 38 seconds TAKE RIVEN yes no WHAT UP MOE!!!!!!~! phase rush yasuo cmonBruh no u int @carizz0 I’ll cast TCS on my stream PagChomp OMEGALUL * stromrazer its trash try it! hi moe how are you? no STORMRAZOR YES stormrazor ie HIIII MOEEEEEEEEE yasOkay yasOkay yasDiamond NotLikeThis yo moe i spent all today looking for that 100T long sleeve you be wearing cant find that shit anywhere second! @Yassuo No, not IE at all no :) YIU EVER COMING OCE? can u play clash (league of legend) @Yassuo Did u hear that there will be league version for phones,xbox and even ps4 PogChamp + the bes thing tft for phone <33 go ap @yassuo I gotta study but idc man gotta put some respect to ma boy moe stormrazor ie yessss KINDRED IS MID TRY BORK IE Pog sanguine No you int everygame so you cant experiment @Yassuo arab server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 omnistone Yasuo change skin @yassuo Your thoughts on the Tarzan situation???? awe @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help! trinity force @Yassuo YES OR PUSSYY nooooo WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace U speak arabic?? go lethality yassuo yo u the best streamer no cap @Yassuo try sanguine pls TriHard u play pokemon? @Yassuo can you play xerath next game? what is TCS TRY BORK IE PogTRY BORK IE PogTRY BORK IE PogTRY BORK IE Pog !Songlist PepeLaugh yasM03 @yassuo just do it No just int LULW do it PeoplesChamp lethality yasuo? WutFace AYY KUWAIT Try the new rune on yas Qt is veigar Yes YEAH DO IT PogY Kapp TriHard TriHard TriHard TRYHARD try hard which support is better, nami or soraka? @Yassuo Kuwait ye do Moe u should rob another 10k from Tyler @yassuo TRY BORK IE Pog TRY BORK IE Pog TRY BORK IE Pog TriHard YES yes yes try hard yasM03 yasSpit @byyro1220 sanchovies trick moe gosu swiftie ye :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: Just play normal man @yassuo Do you baby <3 ANELE Clap @Yassuo Did u hear that there will be league version for phones,xbox and even ps4 PogChamp + the bes thing tft for phone <333 TRYHARD POG yes yasANELE Trihard TriHarr are you travelling moe? ANELE TRYHARD Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ANELE you're washed up Smileyface ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE yesss ANELE Wa3alykom salam true dmg yas peepoArrive @Yassuo infinte life steal @yassuo stormrazor ie is good Boom boom BI BI LOVE YOU MOEEEEEEEEEEE @Yassuo tryhard and talk about wave managment etc pls No eyyy habibi! morning YES PLEASE TRYHARD STOP EMBARRASING YOURSELF we already moe is going to play like shitt ANELE SOON SALAM HABIBI ANELE fan meet up in LA anytime soon??????????? @Yassuo DO IT Tryhard @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please TRY BORK IE Pog ANELE moe why dont you sex with poki try sanguine blade ma men @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help try hard i really wanna c it girls with long or short hair? @yassuo yasM03 yasSpit yasSpit habibi ANELE Clap no @Yassuo You speak spanish? LOL KUWAIT BROS. UNITE !uptime put them in dirt The stream has been live for 15 minutes 12 seconds This dude just said lazy to buy another item in shop well he might go ap ez still ANELE qt veigar pog QT KEKW @yassuo ay gotta study but idc some respect to ma boy moe Jebaited @mosta3211 ok thanks 4 ocean drakes + tank yasuo is annoying as hell and broken with blood thirster sheeesh when did zayn malik start streaming ? @Yassuo KEKW have you tried lethality yasuo? maybe ap ezreal mate @Yassuo Jebaited TriHard ing btw LULW @yassuo salam habibi how much points have with yasuo? You ever been to Toronto @yassuo Just experiment SUBS ONLY PLZ What’s to try hard when malp on his team omegalul tfbTrolling tfb5Head lol @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM when tf blade has 8k more viewers than @yassuo :0 !uptime Salam yassuo, keep the work up The stream has been live for 15 minutes 24 seconds wheres allstars Long yasWeird WillBlow4Saki subscribed with Twitch Prime. you should play more yasuo bot i think its kinda busted QT Vei tho KEKW @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!!!!! @Yassuo League for ps4,xbox and phone soon POGGG imaqtpie is viegar @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 LONG HAIR HABIBI ANELE @Yassuo why you dont play to EUNE @Yassuo is it true if a woman uses a vibrator while pregnant, her child comes out shuddering just like you? yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please @yassuo go sttatikk into IE into steraks no hair? @Yassuo you still living with jensen or nah Man with short hair Kreygasm pop off just like in korea server @Yassuo @Yassuo does it matter if ez mid you are vs Qt free win either way girls with a buzz cut Kreygasm Big Tiiity or big booty @Yassuo moe go for poki qt's been doing adc veig for a bit Salam Aleikum smae !upptime against Imaqtpie Longgg U play pokemon? 4Head @Yassuo tryhard and talk about wave managment etc pls Are you moving in a Hause with Pokimone hi subs chat pls!!! too broke in here yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink @yassuo bout no hair? H Edddiy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 year ayy. Can you do the yasGood and yasBad irl pls. :) Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump QT @yassuo ay gotta study but idc putting some respect to ma boy MOEE Truueee IS IT WORTH SWITCHING TO MID THIS SEASON? yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU hai Ass, titties or feet? any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? PagChomp YasPride YasPride YasPride YasPride YasPride YasPride @Yassuo low key if you try hard and do well imma prob bounce. I am only here to watch ya tilt / rage tbh pokimon @Yassuo which ethnicity of girl do you prefer @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? hyooon PLAY IT ON STREAM PagChomp yasU pokimon KEKW moe go for poki!!! its kuwait read that right bro PLAY IT ON STREAM PagChomp 󠀀 yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride why is there a nest on your head q feo eres nano PLAY IT ON STREAM PagChomp when tf blade has 8k more viewers than @yassuo :0 Play with BB Maybe if I highlight this message you’ll read this :o hyoon yasGood yasGood pokimon pokimane ? Kreygasm tryhard yasBad are you going to scrim? @yassuo yasBad @Carizz0 whats up homeboy yasH hiiiilovegirls subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! KEKW ew @Yassuo arabic server will open soon, hit challenger please <3 @Yassuo What about 100% crit (PD/shiv+cloak) followed by DD/BT? The IE passive isn't a crazy spike like it used to be. @yassuo you dont like bald girls? NICE HAIR KEKW @yassuo wait so u dont even play super smash Are you moving to a house with Pokimone Get itttt @yassuo fuck marry kill, me, djboss0729 or Dante? @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out???? Have you seen friends moe? subs chat pls!!! too broke in here yasThink yasThink yasThink y you have a rolex you can afford a switch lol yasBad @Yassuo waited for u the whole goddamn day! @Yassuo 8k watch but no switch WeirdChamp Ass or tittie person? @yassuo long hair or short hair for men ? @Fezzry yasL @Yassuo I've tried pd+ stormraizer on yas but it's kinda bad...thoughts? yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood he plays pokimane Jnroxas9 subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasR yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasGood @Fezzry yasH Cheer108 No, just not IE at all, you go normal build after like Steraks,GA whatever. yasGood yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay YAS CRINGE LULW yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald KEKW yasGood yasBad YASBAD YASGUD scammed yasMald_HF hi yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW lazaPogU lazaPogU lazaPogU lazaPogU lazaPogU lazaC lazaC lazaC lazaC lazaC yasGood HAHHAHA OMEGALUL yasGood Ass or tits? @Yassuo D: yasSpit D: yasSpit ALL 3 yasSpit FAVOURITE MOVIE?!!! SohnarLoL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 3 month streak! monkaGun @djboss0729 OMEGALUL D: sanchMille monkaEyes LOL yasMald The thing about short haired girls is that in order for a girl to pull off she needs to be super pretty and at that point she might as well have whichever hairstile D: LULW are you gonna smurf on qt now? yasMald_HF yasMald_HF yasMald_HF yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay PogChamp yasBad yasGood yasHYPERS @yassuo can you build a steraks hyoooon D: D: yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasGood yasGood yasU KEKW @djboss0729 KEKW omegakek fan meet up in LA anytime soon??????????? @Yassuo good choice moe LMAOOO @yassuo what do you think about the new Diana? LULW yasGood yasBad Are you moving in a house with Pokimone @Yassuo Did u hear that there will be league version for phones,xbox and even ps4 PogChamp + the bes thing tft for phone <33 Watch it being a veigar mid ???????? rtarded dono ??? KEKW !followage @yassuo gotta study but idc putting some respect ya know ;3333 @djboss0729 im so jealous man moe actually likes you TRY BLADE OF RUINED KING pog yasSleeper dead i guess yasSleeper Pog why is yasuo such a hated champ? cheer150 @Yassuo you already have 100% bruh DON TPLAY YASUO THEN U DUMB FUKN DONO KEKW PorscheWIN where the precipitation go man MAP? lazaB lazaB lazaB Chroma is insane any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM cmonBruh the worst thing is playing against urgot when u playin yas pog cmonBruh @Yassuo thoughts on the situation with alinity and her dog @Yassuo How does the 25K Point reward works? Bartholemuel subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Moe what are some good places in NY to go visit like food and just sightseeing. @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please watching all the way from South Africa its sanguine any good on yasuo? m0xyArm1 yasU m0xyArm2 @Yassuo You wont probably see this but hope ur having an amazing day Moe <3 ALREADY TILTED LULW yasTrue_TK no Klepto KEKW GO STORMRAZOR > IE @Yassuo KEKW KEKW can we turn the music up a lil bit :o @Yassuo you look younger ngl, why monkaW ? @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! pls !uptime The stream has been live for 17 minutes 18 seconds monkaW @boneyskeletin what exactly happened there what does wits end have to do with stormrazer. sounds like rampart idiotism What server are you playing on rn Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! monkaW Cheer700 Good luck in Twitch Rivals homie halal guys for sure SCRIPTING @boneyskeletin i was hella confused TriHard -25K KEKW what are these dogshit na players needing to cheese @Yassuo Did u hear that there will be league version for phones,xbox and even ps4 PogChamp + the bes thing tft for phone <33 WHAT UP NEW YORK PIMP bb !uptime why does he look younger chat monkaS ? The stream has been live for 17 minutes 33 seconds FeelsBadMan 4K Andy hey Moe hows your day going so far @Yassuo @lightzone01 search it KEKW yasSnake my Ass KEKW wait whats it called again @Yassuo ? the food place WeirdChamp one man spam @carizz0 you ask him to play Jhin then say some shit like that KEKW !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please in what server is he? @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? how can we see you in NY @Yassuo @Yassuo do you have 1 mill in ur bank NO PRECIPITATING??? Moe how old are u?? any mods ? ImTeg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! do you still pray 5 times a day? say the truth xD he looks younger than usual wtf monkaS gay Just watch this game you will know why KEKW when is tcs? damn this skin fire @djboss0729 he literally doesnt read my messages but ok plz mods only sub mode 4 real its smells broke in here!!! yasOkay yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad havent they fed him enough monkaW @djboss0729 guess im not typing anymore 4WeirdW any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM hello HeyGuys HeyGuys on second thought...dont hit that halal guys food wont go anywhere else @EquadisEU true LUL imaqtpie is viegar @EquadisEU first u simp for hannie now u simp for moe 4WeirdW d kekw do u make sure the food u eat is halal or u don"t care @yassuo ? December 13th tcs Ew chroma When is the next twitch rivals draft?? thought he was meant to be try harding this game? @Yassuo have you picked a team yet for tcs? Hey Snake whats up Lolw @Yassuo does this skin feel smooth Jhene Aiko got a tattoo if Big Sean's face KEKW NAZE RAID WideHarder @JV1s imagine donating money to this ape KEKW @carizz0 SadChamp it’s ok @EquadisEU go back DansGame KEKW NAZE RAID pepeD when tf blade has 7k more viewers than @yassuo :00000 yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN do you even know what precipitacion means are u gonna play clash NAZE RAID WideHard @JV1s 4WeirdW qt feeding LUL @Yassuo clean! dont look like a hobo anymore, now you cant scare me on the streets, your rollie is mine! yasWeird NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder @yassuo gl in esports qt feeding again what a guy !server NA yo MOE make the wlof wlof thing @yassuo 93avalanche93 subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! FeelsWeirdManW keku FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHard NAZE RAID WideHard NAZE RAID WideHard moe kill ur slef PogU nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID Pog LULW Pog Pog Pog die :O Pog PogU PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU Pog PogU POGGGGGGGG POGGIES PogU / Pog PogChamp we precipitate PogU Pog pog Pog Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog ? Pogu Pog pog o fuk ur slef PogU Pog NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder Pogger PogU PogChamp Pog Pog minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper POG POG @yassuo THAT CHROMA IS DOPE AND YOU LOOKING SPICY TODAY nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID LAZE RAID WideHard pog POG Pog pog Pog POGU pog Pog die PogYou SO OBV KEKW KINDRED POG Pog sheeeeeeeeesh peepoPog n1 NOT WORTH POG yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood PogU di uhhhhh WP OOOOO POGGGGG that was so obvious @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor?? PogChamp pog Pog pog PogU PogU EZ Clap pog pog pog POG LPOG sheesh Pog nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID 󠀀 wave is fucked MonkaS Pog @Yassuo do you still pray 5 times a day? say the truth xD pogpog Pog SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Pog PogU HOLY SHIT PogChamp Pog tho NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder pog PRESSED F Pog though though though Nice Pog Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! @Yassuo WTF is that him pog pog pog pog o// ikill ir uself no one cares though u almost hinted tho nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID Pog PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU yasBoo tho tho tho minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper tho yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! 4 Wow Nt all of it mate 4CS nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID 󠀀 tho tho tho PogU Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @Yassuo clean! dont look like a hobo anymore, now you cant scare me on the streets, your rollie is mine! CLEAN Nutty Nice try Though though @Carizz0 HE Will realise one day minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper minaj raid yasSleeper NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder Nice nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID you're just keeping doubles alive for longer so you can take it later. calculated ur so fking baddudeee yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yamikazeLUL yamikazeLUL @hangu07 wdym BloodTrail BloodTrail @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID nazemiL NAZE RAID do you still pray 5 times a day? say the truth xD Kdkdkekekddk Klepto FeelsBadMan Moe Kreygasm @Yassuo let me jg in ur clash team better then hard hairlinelostgetemnexttime subscribed with Twitch Prime. 1CS KEKW Mate 3Head Doesnt read chat anymore SadChamp not worth fcking raid spammers .. NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder NAZE RAID WideHarder though though though ? CS KEKW map? is your cam okay today? seems stretched farming KEKW place ur wall better 1 @NaZe_Minaj tHANKS FOR LETTING ME BORROW YOUR LAMBO steeefHI steeefHI NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis wtf KEKW ricardoFlick KEKW @naze_minaj sad ? HELP? KEKW MAL KEKW yasBoo4 yass die youre blind af moe KEKEW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: KEKW SUBS monkaW MODS Wha-? it looked cool so worth @Yassuo Klepto removed @naze_minaj unlucky @NaZe_Minaj sad fake streamer Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! KEKW yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo3 yasBoo2 ?ARE U BLIND??? @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor?? At least he cancelled ez back KEKW look at your map lol!! yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 @NaZe_Minaj wait yo get food and run r6 i can have comms now M OMEGALUL DS yas1 yas2 yas3 duDudu KEKW @Yassuo did you get any big black friday deals? @Yassuo wassup moe no klpeto but he got a kill red buff ez because u idiot dont watch ur minimap U COULD AHELPED HIM becuase u are bad stfu ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 HIS HAIR he died next to you @LlDER ur insane lider cus u sleeping cuz you let him die homie @Rampo123 rampy widepeepoHappy gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP you didnt help him @LuqmoneyOG anytime bro, no worries about the rolex btw you can keep that thoughh OMG MAP AWARENESS @Yassuo you look homeless HIS HAIR KEKW cmonBruh why cause you arent paying attention and deserve to be reported KEKW UR BLIND WTF AT LEAST LOOK AT THIS HEALTHBAR ONCE LOL HIS HAIR KEKW @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? HAHAHAHA @AlbanianNaruto UGLY COLOR U GIRL NOW? @bvnditmasacre Aight bet KEKW KEKW EZ not taking the kill WeirdChamp fuking degenerate u stupid dont blame ur jg for dyng u fking loser @carizz0 SadChamp KEKW 5k viewers washed up @Yassuo you got hosted WeirdChamp PogU EG Lider I HAVE 25K POINTS PogU @Rampo123 look at yours WutFace when will you stop saying though though KEKW ASKING FOR HELP ON NO MANA CHAMP KEKW what happened to your face moe? is that kioncuer yasuoa CLEAN UR ROOM WeirdChamp EHEHEH KEKW eeheheeeh KEKW @NaZe_Minaj okay i play 2 ranked without you so i get rank and then we run together? thoughts?? ITS PINK bye moe you dead TBAngel @only4loots are you okay man what happpened in ur life shive wave u nob I remember when moe used to read my 4 Viewer host SadChamp LULW madafakatwiist subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! 69 ping nice @Yassuo did you get any big black friday deals? @NaZe_Minaj still up :) LOL what is that hair INT MaN ?? ????? KEKW ezreal is balanced @tellmewhynot PogU Glavex subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yo Moe are you gonna do the charity event you do every year? i would love to see a reverse mohawk nice you gotta dodge those Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Join discord peepoClap monkaW ur actually running it down LMAOOO 🐍🐍🐍🐍 so if you fall asleep we can wake u up Pog EZ KS KEKW PogU @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? Pog KEKW KEKW MID WAVE ez dog peepoClap PogU i hope u die in the game i hiope ez dominates u hard ks ks ks u fuking koser Pog Pog Pog EZ that ez is fu,ing pog @Yassuo Dummy PogU EZ Clap star607TY4KILL he made them run it down ugly Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! BESTTEAMEVER Not inting PogU sagresmelhorquesuperbock -> Please refrain from posting links. penis pogChamp @NaZe_Minaj check dms @yassuo whos you mansssss u lookin like a hobo my guy!!!! @NaZe_Minaj now Kappa @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor??? how did ezreal do so much damage?? PogChamp @Pluto actual 5Head warming up Pog cmonBruh ? is the a chroma for true damage or base? Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!!? -6000 XP KEKW yasFat yasN cmonBruh @yassuo now thats vision control we know cmonBruh Idiot Klepto Removed @yassuo Doubles pepeD im not late yay habibi stop getting trigger by 12 years old @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! PUT SOME RESPEK ON MY MAN MOES NAME!!!! :P screamingc0ck red buff prob THOUGHTS ON NAZIS? insult me in arabic why u don't take plate you are doing it great for the first game moe relax moe how about u die??? i hate the look of the blue and red buff @NaZe_Minaj Oh rly? thanks man rly appreciated. If u need any loan for college hmu @LlDER ur name is leader or lie der @Yassuo I saw the new 100T facility has around 50 ping u doing great @Yassuo ??????? what do u think of new storm razor on Yas? lol u playing vs qtpie LUL my friend ANELE YASUO WHATS UP WITH THE CHEST HAIR @Yassuo did u main any other champ before yasuo THIS CHAT PEPEGA RedArrow15 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? ??? KEKW ??? Pepega KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW @Yassuo When is the next twitch rivals draft?? HAHAHAHHA ahahhHAHHhahHAHAHAHAHA i can never tell if i have that Pepega Pepega If nobody @s me because of this message, then I will finally be cured of my depression and get a qt3.14 gf Pog @LuqmoneyOG respect ???? Pepega ALOT OF RATRDS ACTUAL AUTIST LULW LUL idiot Bhahahahah HAHHDSAHdasd Pepega dumbass chat D: AHAHAHAHAHAHA TRUE LULW hola que tal KEKW Pepega yasMald Kappa DEAD STREAM KEKW KEKW Pepega haHAA Pepega no u WE SO STUPID Pepega Clap Pepega this chat is legit brain dead KEKW Pepega Yas chat always Pepega haHAA YOU DID KEKW qtpie veigar SO TRUE D: D: yikes bye D: WE ACTUALLY SO STUPID this chat gives me autism lol you said he dosnt have klepto hehehee D: 3Head yasN cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh xdddloool KEKW DELUSIONAL KEKW guys why is my BetterTTV not showing emojis ? TRUE THIS GUYS DUM DUMB KEKW kid friendly streamer :D BOOTY BUTTCHEEKS tyler1BB @1nterrupt_ ypu did say something about kleptı pog actuallly dumb @Yassuo PLAY OSU! yasAYAYA can a silver like me grow to be a player like you? @xt3nte Pepega KEKW @yassuo whos your mans why u lookin like a damn hobo 2day! Which champ would u delete @yassuo 1head hey moe i just got plat a few weeks ago and if i play more do you think i can hit diamond for next season? @itsmecalledyou just ask her, shes just as much a human as you, if shes interested it wont really matter much how you ask her PogU @Yassuo at 20k channel points, it it worth grinding for VIP? that trade Kreygasm PixelBob monkaW 󠀀 KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD MindManners MindManners From were is moe? @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? you said ezreal didnt have klepto @Yassuo wassup moe this snow in NY sucks @Yassuo who won twitch rivals ? lmao tge man said he doesnt have kelpto ur all fucking deaf @Yassuo have you ever had Halal guys on 53rd and 6th?? SelectShad0w subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Yeet kid friendly streamer :D Last day with sub yasFBM yasFBM WideHardo 7 You said that Ezreal doesn't have klepto so it's not worth for him to hit malph KEKW @yassuo PokCharizard PokCharizard PokCharizard PokCharizard PokMaskedpika PokMaskedpika Smert ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS N OMEGALUL KEKW SNAKE !subs you lookin good boy D: trash talk qtpie D: xD sadface What a scam im close to getting it :) @Yassuo u wont be streaming on twitch tho by then D: no dont im at 400k points SCAM KEKW cmonBruh fuck you jus say? SNAKE wtf is VIP, though? smart moe smart im so clos MaN hey moe i just got plat a few weeks ago and if i play more do you think i can hit diamond for next season?!??? Giving vip or mods with points WeirdChamp Why at 6 why not wait till they are level 18 why you have to kill minors WeirdChamp snake Snake D: SCAMM KEKW Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS @Yassuo Ih ave 25K points how do I claim them smart moe scamming again WeirdChamp @smallfry_97 pretty sureyouve always been autism @Yassuo SCAMMER @Yassuo you are trolling. malphite cancels his recall and then gets chased for 40 seconds while you tunnel vision on your wave instead of helping the malphite who got chased to raptors you degenerate. then u say "how did my jungler die to that" Thoughts on Aphelios my dood? @Yassuo you did @Yassuo you said ezreal doesnt have klepto so he wont get shit when malphite stop his recalled MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU MESSI WON PogU @Yassuo u did say ezreal doesnt have klepto so it worth that malphite stopped his recall Pepega 4WeirdW why thats alot of points SCAMMER LUL ???????????? 🐍 Giving vip or mods with points WeirdChamp 4WeirdW . @Yassuo MOE/FACEBOOK WHEN ratirlPepe what does VIP do Giving vip or mods with points WeirdChamp !points @Yassuo What are VIP perks though? @Yassuo WeirdChamp im at 400k points dont scam me Clash is live btw wack @Yassuo i got 400k coming for that VIP hey moe can you see how many points we have? Best channel points tbh, others offer shit @nxzmin sup love I know this is stupid question but im new why u E+Q anything befor R while he got hitted by a nado? You still crushing on poki?? haha tf bade has more viewers their team scary yasNunu @djboss0729 spamming stan ult him NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @nxzmin WTF NAZ xd_player_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! @iamneno, Well you get the badge and you can spam, thats about it saying a message twice WeirdChamp DONT TALK TO HANGU next knock up u r or pussy KEKW yasNunu yasBoo2 yasNunu yasBoo2 hello peepoHappy @MotheroftheWolf TY but i mean its hard to get the confidence we know each other for 4 years bow we are best friends,,, NAZ TriHard has he lvld E ? PagChomp lool .. man look at this dude ahaha look at the top of his head hahaha good boi @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor? Im at 495k points, don't scam me for VIP 4WeirdW whats up @Yassuo you look like you just woke up. Like night with Jensen last night? @xt3nte Pepega trash talk imaqtpie welp i guess this is worthless LULW ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower Pog LULW LULW KEKW Nearly 2 years POG 4Weird good one dono cringe @kvaixen badge, can spam even in slow mode and r9k and i think the timeouts for us are a lot less strict trash talk qtpie yasTower OMEGALUL LULW LULW KEKW KEKW poggers KEKW worthless LUL nado PagChomp @yassuo do you toggle can lock or hold space bar? KEKW LULW kinda cringe dono lol PogChamp lol ok buddy KEKW lol yikes haha KEKW any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM @nxzmin ratirlFlower TriDance not worth LUL LULW GOOD OMEGALUL N E LULW GOOD ONE DONO ratirlFlower @Yassuo You look skinny today POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : ur playing so well habibi <3 <3 Kapp hi LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Lmao yasFat yasN yasJAM yasH LULW KEKW GOOD ONE @carizz0, clash is up PogU HEY GORGEOUS kek one more LUL LOL naruto wouldve won that Hmm ay thats me xD FBPass FBBlock @Carizz0 i wouldve won that KEKW down 20 cs KEKW shes winning lane KEKW RAMPO POGGG @Rampo123 @Yassuo I want to use my 25K points ? @Yassuo Can u shoutout my friend @Iman_Igor?!8 @Yassuo Play osu! yasAYAYA ARE U GONNA SCRIM FOR TCS ? PogChamp ARE U GONNA SCRIM FOR TCS ? PogChamp ARE U GONNA SCRIM FOR TCS ? PogChamp @hangu07, yo TriHard @hangu07 don't tag naz my gf ratirlMad ginopaoloxd subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! !elo @hangu07 yes ik but hysey doesnt have an account Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @itsmecalledyou oof okay yeh thats a difficult situation... goodluck bro! Coach would of killed him @hahahahahahahahahaha he plays on screen lock STORMRAZOR PLEASE @nxzmin ratirlFlower @nxzmin ratirlFlower @nxzmin ratirlFlower @nxzmin ratirlFlower @nxzmin ratirlFlower @nxzmin ratirlFlower song? XDXD F u c k M y W i f e !uptime wena lo k The stream has been live for 24 minutes 26 seconds KEKW nice chroma !runes i man Coach would of destroyed him there moe how can I get a guy as hot as you to like me? @yassuo Last Game (Yasuo): > > > | > | > > @carizz0, chu mean yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 yasBoo2 @Yassuo BRO I WANNA USE MY 25K KEKW ANELE Ayman KEKW forsenCD OK forsenCD albertCD iMan Poki 😍 @Rampo123, smd clown IMAN? U THINKING ABOUT POKIMANE? @ArianSun WeirdChamp @nxzmin mods ban her 4Weird ARE U GONNA SCRIM FOR TCS ? PogChamp TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 forsenCDF @ArianSun ??????? KEKW @Yassuo Hello, how are you doing? TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 󠀀 forsenCD u @nxzmin, how are you :3 forsenCD @Yassuo why arent u helping the malphite who got chased by ezreal to raptors galek hada wa7Ed xin zhao @MotheroftheWolf yeah playing in TCS? @Yassuo LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK CR7 > MESSI 💿 nice chat @Yassuo When is the next twitch rivals draft?? @albaniannaruto, snitch TriHard 7 naz my boy @Yassuo hi @hangu07 naruto told me that hysey doesnt have an account check riot twitter @ArianSun forsenCD Pog LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUl Kapp hey @Rampo123 TriHard nice shirt StoneLightning StoneLightning ugly hair, go shave it off HE READ IT PogU @Yassuo I WANNA USE 24K POINTS BRUV Why 2 blades????? !time @hangu07, great hbu mizkif4 @nxzmin ratirlFlower TriHard Kapp Current time in Los Angeles: 11:36:02 AM @carizz0, did he got banned? @ArianSun go back to watching blade KEKW shout out andy TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 bro have u played kled??! AVALANCHE? ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob 7winii @KappaTron_420 TriHard my name is Aymen 2 :) D: BRAZALETE OYSTER BRAZALETE OYSTER BRAZALETE OYSTER ITS @IMAN_IGOR TriHard FeelsDankMan hello My dixie rect TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 yassuo a on point @nxzmin lemme call mods OkayChamp @NaZe_Minaj you? Poggers @nxzmin, missed you but fine !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower are u playing clash? Minaj Raid TriHard kled is so fking broken!!! Kapp you're saying thank you a lot you're such a sincere person 5Head Kappa @NaZe_Minaj He actually read it PogU yasSpit ???????????? KEKW @albaniannaruto, snitch suck out KEK nah, ur just lazy TRUE yasPepega 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 thats a hard Kappa @nxzmin TriHard 7 Kapp @hangu07 idk thats what naruto told me LULW CANN KEKW N Trick wouldnt say the same WeirdChamp 4Head it's posible to airblade lvl 6? CS tell that to trick KEKW @hangu07, good one CANNON KEKW CANNON @itzhannie thats me PogMe CANON yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon owenb11shop subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Moe for real a snack say that to El Truco @nxzmin monkaW be careful mods ratirlFlower Kapp Canon KEKW trick KEKW yasCannon yasLeppega @Yassuo ask Trick2g if u switch up FAX can you @naze_minaj pepeD @NaZe_Minaj TriHard minaj gang TriHard 7 @KappaTron_420, Pog 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 @yassuo what about el trucko then CANN OMEGALUL N UNLESS YOUR NAME IS TRICK2G KEKW @carizz0, i make team and inv u tho ? moelester_army -> Please refrain sending long messages. hello Trick lol biamlurrows1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! u looking like a snack moe, wheres your lady at quiero cocaina @Rampo123, trueee dw @jibooo FAP TO HER OKAY yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega WTF Pog Why 2 blades broo POG Oig TRICK LUL HES INSANE Pog TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 TriHard @Rampo123 @hangu07 ok Pog @nxzmin, one day . !uptime PogU The stream has been live for 25 minutes 23 seconds Poggers What about trick KEKW PagChomp trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 😍 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 😍 missing cannon for content respect OK we back baby, we grinding, we losing, we crying KEKW pOG Pog Pog Pog POGU More can you shout my brothers channel for youtube @DIY GUY wanna get him to 400 subs please moe it would mean alot!!! pog Pog Pog IceSworx -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW WTF POG Clean Pog monkaW pogu @hangu07 PogChamp PogChamp PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU BEAST PogU CAN YOU TRY APHELIOS NEXT PATCH???? Pog Pog @nxzmin TriHard ratirlFlower pog Nice q Pog @hangu07 ill be playing on 0bradley0 trkLUL shave head again. looks better Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 CLEAN Pog Pog TCS Pog SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KEKW TCS LOL Pog hey moe i just got plat a few weeks ago and if i play more do you think i can hit diamond for next season? pog tyler1LUL @KappaTron_420 nver seem u in ym stream but respect for name mizkifS tfbSNAKE Pog Kapp Pog mizkifSad TCS PogU tell us Pog MOE AND TRICK TCS Pog Kappa you're just gonna dump him again almost died to shyv's dad where do u live? when is tcs bro TCS OMEGALUL What is TCS? clean. up. ur. room. WHEN? tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O Bench Sanchovies what about pummel @Yassuo Kapp WHATS THE TEAM????????? WeirdChamp nazemiL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp whos ur team @nxzmin miz sub WutFace what time is it @Yassuo ? Would of been reddit if that nado hit yo @yassuo when you will fight penoy irl PepeLaugh LUL PICKED TRICK IN TCS BECAUSE OF BIGGER PRIZE POOL SMART TRUE 5Head @Yassuo Are you playing clash? ? you look extra cute today @Yassuo What is TCS? KEKW WutFace @NaZe_Minaj ill check out your stream TriHard I just want a @Yassuo that doesn't scream like a girl. Is that too much to ask? this dude Who is it LULW last pLACE LUL WutFace ????????? KEKW ??? LULW KEKW Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again KEKW @Yassuo KEKW LUL LUL LUL ? @Yassuo wahts your team in TCS bro? KEKW NA SUPP LULW ????????? KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TCS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR LULW WeirdChamp HAHAHAAHH KEKW ? ??????????? KEKW KEKW lUL why is pokiman? @Yassuo whats tcs? ?????? KEK NA SOLOQ KEKW ???????????? KEKW KEWK AJAJAJAJAJAJ KEKW KEKW NA KEKW NA ?????? @Rampo123, muted 2 weeks mizkif )): PepeLaugh NA LULW KEKW NA SO FUCKING BAD LOL ?????????????? lUl LULW @Yassuo i stopped building shiv because i dont want to kill the minion that i need to dash to and stack my Qs KEKW LUL LUL LUL LULW LOL win trading NA OMEGALUL INTER LULW How good is the storm razor on yes? NA SOLOQ BTW ??????? KEKW Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again. KEKW @Yassuo WTF MKEKWorgana ??????????? ?? Morgana Bruh TELL US KEKW NA OMEGALUL wtf is tcs @Yassuo whats your team NA BRAIN KEKW @nxzmin for what KEKW hits everything "YOU CANT HIT ME" NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW @KappaTron_420 RESPECT TriHard NAAAAA @yassuo do you still build PD even though shivv gives more attack speed? when is tcs Kapp ??????? M KEKW organa TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW what is tcs chat? someone @ mw im the best yas on the world i got 2 kills and 10 deaths ez BIG BRAIN KEKW who in your squad? yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega chat what is tcs? Hey Moe for some reason I lost my acc and I'm using and old one, Do you maybe know if I am able to change my account name and if yes how ?? Thanks if you reply @yassuo tf is tsc can i join ur tcs team? is that me playing morgana???? sure looks like it NADO Tell us bitch you destroyed imaqtipie @yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? PepeLaugh it is though whats the squad??? when is tcs? @Rampo123, sliker muting because Pepega yasR XD How’d he switch on trick? YBN CORDAE pepeD what is tcs? chat? KEKW malding !uptime The stream has been live for 26 minutes 34 seconds Tf is Tcs TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again KEKW @Yassuo YBN CORDAE pepeD @Yassuo who are you playing w in tcs? cmonBruh moe lookin clean Hard soooooo bad lmfao 😂 u just cant hit, stop lying Trick has no self-respect @Yassuo in leauge donation LMAO! @Yassuo or hes just too good hes frenvh @naze_minaj people literally using kekw over omegalul for words WeirdChamp XD whats tcs @nxzmin oh LULW sanchovies, trick2g, yassuo, alicopter and some adc? WHAT IS TCS??? ???????????????? yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR bc he knows you would miss anyways yes yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? unlucky KEKW KEKW @Yassuo NAH HS BETTER LUL ????? KEKW cuz ur so bad he dont needs it KEKW CANT AIM Pepega KEKW LUL ??????????????????????? LUL LUL KEKW HAHAHA TCS IS TYLER1S TOURNEY DUMMIES tcs is tyler 1s league tourny he puts together LULW LULW LUL @Yassuo What do you expect he's an ezreal player LULW Kapp مان انت مجنون Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 ?????? ??????????????????????????? @Yassuo who's all on the squad for TCS? ?????? KEKW PauseCahmp TCS = TYLER1 CHAMPIONSHIP WeirdChamp KEKW ???????????? KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA Pepega OMEGALUL tcs is Tyler1 Championship series KEKW SO BAD LUL chat what is tcs?? KEKW LULW TCS ???? Pepega Pepega Pepega KAPPA KEK KEKW KEKW ???????????????????? KEKW x2 Says that after na dient get out of groups KEKEKEKEKEKEKEK KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW KEKW @NaZe_Minaj you got new follower yasN TriKool ???????????? kAPP KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega ??????????????? PauseChamp Pepega staright line Pepega Kapp yasWeird yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega ?????????????? DA TI QM USHITE MOE ???????? KEKW KEKW u should snake him again for chat, for the boys HAHAAHAHA STRAIGHT KEKW LINE he is faker lol Kappa >''' any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM Kapp ANELE 5Head Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again. KEKW @Yassuo only4loots -> Please refrain from posting links. u wont hit why should he dodge Soon ANELE Yeeted KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW TCS > TWITCH RIVALS > WORLDS KEKW KEKW !tcs ????????? use that gold for a gold simp Keepo Kapp Pepega Pepega Pepega FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW FAKE MESSAGE LULW MOE SNAKING PRISMAL TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap WideHard MY CAMP It seems like he dodges when u can actually aim at him you have sex with any people recently? albertCD KEKW Kapp TCS>Twitch Rivals KEKW 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ when is tcs ? @carizz0 yea Thats what ive been talking aboiut 5Head use that gold for a girl, simp Pog TCS??? Moe can you shout my brothers channel for youtube @DIY GUY wanna get him to 400 subs please moe it would mean alot!!! Thanks RIVEN KEKW only4loots -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW RIVEN @KappaTron_420 PogYou thanks nazemiH fuck you you little poof Sanchovies Trick2G Yassuo Voyboy alicopter ? TriHard riven tried to yoink RIVEN KEKW what is TCS anyone ? Riven R??????????? when is tcs bobos any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM @Yassuo How you are so good? Kappa loool TCS ARE THE NEXT SHADOW DOGS??? Rivens ganking more than malphite kekw Actually SAD tarikkuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Poggers KEKW ROCK UWU HAHAHA @Verlene1000 ratirlUWU KEKW ??????????? NA KEKW ROCK BLIND KEKW tcs is tyler1s tourney WARD UWU ROCK KEKW SOLID CONTROL WARD ward BLIND? POGEGRS uwu lol noob hi moe u looking good love u TCS is tyler1 champion series or whatever the bs is called lmao ratirlPOGGER only4loots -> Please refrain from posting links. POGGERS @tangmingtxx, OkayChamp hey rock have no eye PogYou so what if hes blind WeirdChamp @Yassuo YO MAN I WANNA USE MY 25K POINTS More can you shout my brothers channel for youtube @DIY GUY wanna get him to 400 subs please moe it would mean alot!!! @mia14 why are you flaming lol ok Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again KEKW @Yassuo hug me chat asleep2Love PIXEL WARD is this d1 ? lost in jungle @Yassuo whats the rest of your team @NaZe_Minaj go eat you ugly fk you dont have time MOE BLINDIST WeirdChamp u laught like teemo , i like it hhhhh *Flexing gold* funny dono when you come to portugal? i whole ass thought you were on bloodmoon yasuo for half of this @dalm812 can I get a gifted sub about to redeem 25K points Turret KEKW @yassuo CHALLENGE DONT BACK @bvnditmasacre smd OkayChamp when is tcs @yassuo Do you know if I can change my twitch name and if yes how?? Thanks If you reply !! clear another ward Pepega WutFace WutFace moe am i to old to go to chucky cheese if im 20] @Yassuo BRO I WANNA USE MY 25K POINTS ratirlGiggle aggyJ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 150TIMU u do KEKW cmonBruh @NaZe_Minaj seek .. :) Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again. KEKW @Yassuo h cmonBruh you laugh like chucky this is somalia gold 4 yasN pnly 6k PepeLaugh @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? pogU any gifters OLD MOE > this moe @hangu07 Hey yasU FBChallenge 20 years is not OLD LOL PO lool when u coming to africa? @Yassuo moe what about stormrazor instead of pd? PedoBear only 6k? PedoBear friends Moe, ever been to Denmark? what if you go alone with a trench coat? yo moe shaco vs yasuo RIP How good is new storm razor on yas? I SEE cmonBruh I TYPE cmonBruh LOL U DO @Yassuo STROMRAIZOR PixelBob u srs KEKW yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat Kappa @湯米丶 how are youooo ^^ PedoBear Clap Kapp KEKW Kappa @yassuo when PUMMEL MAAAAAAN Kapp Kapp yasR yasFat yasN Kappa yea ur a fucking weirdo if ur alone at chuck e cheese and ur 20 Kappa thegoldenarrow17 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! if you could only eat one thing for the rest of ur life what would it be ????????????? UR GIRL? CHUCK.E ALONE KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa dave and busters?? fuck a chuck e cheese The thing is that there's more fun to be had than going to Chuk E Cheese Kapp Kapp yasBad KEKW Kapp Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Kapp don't think you're allowed in without a kid Kappa Kapp Kapp gift me ty :) Kapp any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM any uwus in chat? uwu gladdGASM Simp yasBadyasBad Kapp Kappa Kapp @Yassuo your laugh is so contagius!!!! when you coming to hawai PainsChamp Kapp Kappa @Yassuo The animatronics will kill you Why no Cassio Moe?? yasBadyasBadyasBadyasBad @Rampo123 yasH Hyoon :( Kappa Kapp BIG KAPP lol You're too old to go to Chuck E. Cheese at 21. Because then you can just go to Dave & Buster's and get drunk while playing games. Kappa @Yassuo home girl? She at your home??? !elo thier pizza is amazing SIMP dick Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Kapp !uptime kapp QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 The stream has been live for 29 minutes 3 seconds Kapp @suchlazar after all stars @sallpls ratirlLove UNFOLLOWED 😊 🔪 >moe talking about not loving poki YOUR GIRL Pog HES IN TRUE KEKW yasBad yasBad QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 QUEEN POKI 😍 SIMP KEKW TRUUUE KEKW KEKW TRUE LULW HES IN True Simp haha! KEKW TRUE Can you please remove my gifted sub, i dont want to sub a SSSNAKEEEE KEKW !uptime GOOD AFTERNOON MY HANDSOME MOTHAFUCKA KEK I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo goin to hit up them single moms at chicky cheese HIS LAUGH SAYS IT ALL KEKW lies @Yassuo what was that story you posted on insta with the boxses and everything? !elok REAL AND TRUE LULW TRUE KEKW Ahh finally, i missed u man @hangu07 all good TRUEEE KEKW > kappa in the chat KEKW GIRL TRUE KEKEW HE'S IN true KEKW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW truu lier goto Dave and busters way better than chuck e cheeses tf @Yassuo !elo HE'S IN PogU KEKW TRUE FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW @Yassuo im not gay, but if i was, sheesh. no homo tho lieer @bvnditmasacre spammed too much cant type LULW @Yassuo Why u hate German Food ? GAY BESTFRIEND KEKW @jibooo you need help WeirdChamp hug me chat asleep2Love STILL HAS A CRUSH KEKW @bvnditmasacre BET lieeeer girls are gross TRUE squadW friendzoned Thougts on Denmark? whats a simp? squadW_HF squadW_HF squadW_HF GAY BESTFRIEND KEKW . Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW @Yassuo The animatronics will kill you. Cringe chat cringe chat SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? K OMEGALUL D A K Tell Trick that them ditch him in TCS again KEKW @Yassuo yasSnake @yassuo you go to college? or is streaming your fulltime thing why predict e if he doesn't dodge I know I'll get downvoted for this, but does anyone else think Poki is attractive? Why BF sword and not cloak? Wiuld u smash kayla POG KEKW SHEEEEEESH @Yassuo what was that story you posted on insta with the boxses and everything?? Mobuoyant: girls are gross KEKW kek KEKW KappaPride stop fake laughing @Yassuo what was that story about on instagram about u being in offlinetv HAHHAHAHA KEKW FAKE COMMENT KEKW KEKW yasBad LUl If she asked u out tho? SHEEESH hahahahaha @4DeadLeeSins :hug: SHEEEEEEEEEEEESH @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears??? @albadrex your mom gargling with a mouth full of cum what you on abt KEKW how much did the plate use to be? KEKW yasPride yasPride yasPride yasFat yasPride yasSnake yasFat yasPride yasSnake yasFat yasPride yasSnake KEKW KEKW yasWeird lul NP KEKW if i waste 1000 points is it more likely to moe reading?? Moe laughs like Chucky LUL LUL yasPride yasPride yasPride whats up snake KEKW yasPride yasPride yasPride PepeLaugh KEKW SHEESH @Yassuo Hi Moe do you know if I can change my Twitch name and if yes how ??? Thanks If you reply!! NO ONE SAID THAT KEKW @sallpls asleep2Love asleep2Love asleep2Love KappaPride HYPERCLAP yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride peepoArrive yasPride yasPride ur gay FREEDOM PogU 󠀀 KappaPride moe gay confirmed Follow me on Twitter for updates xds @Yassuo I mean you send pics of ur dick to your homies KEKW So Rumours are true that youre gay? @Yassuo It's so hard warching your stream cause you're such a big strong intimidating man that I fear you will reach out and grab me by the neck if I even laugh at any misplay xd i wish u are :( @Yassuo yasPlead pls tyler I’ll give you the 10k just let me win this rivals game so i can impress poki yasPlead i have enough points to get a gifted sub Drop_Top_Drew subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! you gonna play in clash? I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo There is a difference between being gay and being blind @oscaredw apparently not KEKW hasnt hiti a nado since he talked shit about ez dodging btw zjz a3sobix TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap dog song, just like u WOOF Moe was boosted by his mom to make him think he cute why are you gay Nice dick homie PepeD yo moe how are you TriDance @Rampo123 aram? kap snakes stick together LULW @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? @naze_minaj yo i got timed out for the cause WideHard dekcoL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! @invisiblekller, KEKW yasPlead pls tyler I’ll give you the 10k just let me win this rivals game so i can impress poki yasPlead yasPlead pls tyler I’ll give you the 10k just let me win this rivals game so i can impress poki yasPlead 󠀀 tf is this If you hit him with a knock up do you kill him (ezreal) in keane? @Yassuo German Food good ? yasPlead pls tyler I’ll give you the 10k just let me win this rivals game so i can impress poki yasPlead @sallpls WATCHING moe cmonBruh no aram TriDance WHATS TCS CHAT? SOMEONE @ ME WHATS TCS CHAT? SOMEONE @ ME WHATS TCS CHAT? SOMEONE @ ME WHATS TCS CHAT? SOMEONE @ ME CLASH OMEGALUL Snake eat snake Pog cmonBruh ] Pog TCS yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead toastyG toastyG toastyG CLASH LULW bagoombaa subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! ooh mama show me that new skin. when go pro? @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR without trick btw Pog theres 2 weeks for clash when is clash??? has donated $2000 kill ur slef cmonBruh 7 Why not shiv tho? why u in vegas? yasTrue WHO IS IN YOUR TCS TEAM yasGood @MG_Invictus german food good yes if you go to the right restaurants HYOON PepeHands @Joeyrushes all stars league @carizz0, @albaniannaruto aram ?> MaN @Yassuo when will you be in vegas do you like clash? @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? @Verlene1000 tyler championship series tyler1BB both KS KEKW morg morg morg and kindred Mor morg morg both :) playing in TCS with Trick ? Morg N O B A L L S both Kindred MORG i thikn just mrog both gboth MORG i flashed :) @Rampo123 oh thats in vegas? What’s TCS? onlky morg has donated $500 die moe homless snake fuk xd yasPlead poki I’ll get you to diamond and even play lux so it doesn’t look boosted yasPlead poki pls just one feet pic yasPlead EmceAs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! qt rocking that veigar adc :0 Chat why dosent clash work @hangu07 nah i gotta read like 50 pages in this trash book for tmrw @Joeyrushes yah MOrg only @Yassuo Hey Moe do you know if I am able to change my Twitch Name , and if yes how?? Thanks for replying !! Pugpest subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! @Yassuo kindred didnt flash @hangu07 cmonBruh 7 yasAYAYA 7 LUL qt rocking that veigar adc :0!!!!! ZWEDEN IN CLASH BOYS 3Head I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo @Yassuo why do you sound like a snake @Rampo123 thanks man moe you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... !uptime @sallpls, the fuck you want loser The stream has been live for 31 minutes 14 seconds PepeLaugh pro @only4loots tyler1HA hey i watch ur stream from tunisia , i love u so much 3》 @carizz0, ok gl NO DMG @djboss0729 stop being akaroh FeelsWeirdMan np me no parsel toungue pepeD yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead moe out here missing Q's like he's styling Why does Moe not play snake WHAT'S TCS tyler1HA morg kin flashed thresh hook bronze chat ezreal cute dmg KEKW stylish go booshi @Yassuo TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? @djboss0729 WeirdChamp welcome back U aint good enough to go pro bruh u a one trick @khalilohhhh yezzi bla t7yn @Yassuo can talk the talk but cant walk the walk, noballs Pog ? @jibooo time to get banned for some weeks, enjoy ^^ wtf ??? ???????? anyone wanna yasSpit on me Pog ????????????? Thresh hook Lmaooo how did u get that R OFF? tyler1LUL KEKW !rank Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood ?????? GRANDMASTER I (364 LP) WTF KEKW ???????? KEKW PRO BTW KEKW @hysey LULW ????? KEKW ????? what ? hwo was that in range ? ?????????????? @Yassuo WHY you hate german doof good damn ? ???? SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood 7???? how bruh u moenly get one shot. one opportunity lol ??? R? how ? Imagine having moe on you team yasJoy yasJoy @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears??? ??? Malphite a lil bit confused Kappa PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp wtf ?? @itzhannie kinda weird but ok yasSpit 10 year knockup @itzhannie, me uwu tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW how DID YOU R? @itzhannie wtf ? >?= that was SO LATE @Koussayy hhhhhhhh 3leh HOW ????????????? tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW tyler1LUL KEKW this noc last so much hey moe will you send me nudes to send to my girl? what is themmr How were you still able to r that wtf @Yassuo @hysey ok i stop you could still ult that late?? I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo Malp no skil ????? how the fucl @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR crazy R OUTPLAYED why ur shit ult so long @albadrex banned for what cringelord LOOOOOOOL @itzhannie uhhhh nice one wait how chat @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! were you not invited to all star? moe qt is rocking that veigar adc @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR 10 years of flying lulw what Malphite R let him ult @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? CHAT everyone yasSpit @ me 18 Pog KEKW A lot longeeeeeer like 2 sec 18 seconds POGGERS @Yassuo Who won twitch rivals ? @Yassuo What do think about reworked conq? im a lot longer than u think 18 SECS ! POg KappaPride KEKW @invisiblekller KKona HYPERCLAP Pog @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears??? @malek_benjemia t7eb etta7en ? @itzhannie yasSpit Pog No voy? :( 18 POGGERS Pog Pog Pog scarra and toast can someone clip that? NA LULW 2sec? WHERE MY BOY SHIPHTUR you and tyler again? KEKW NA KEKW Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! @Yassuo NA DOOMED KEKW voyboy Pog Pog we free EquadisEU PogU redmercy os going btw @Yassuo Pog @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? cool Moe isnt moe qt is rocking that veigar adc Voy is going too I think NA KEKW Voy > Moe that ult is like 20yrs later no can u wind wall a herald ? 4Head @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... always you and tyler ResidentSleeper moe how can I get a hot guy like you to like me? @yassuo take dragon yeah the other streamers are for TFT NA GG moe i been looking for that 100T long sleeve shirt you always wear that shit doesnt exist @awildsorakaa PogUs @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR NA LUL MEGANA MEGALUL L Pog G I C Redmercy is going toast and hafu and sacraa 2 per region toast for tft @kristijonas labas damn moe u looking like a snakc NO U YOUTUBERS KEKW youtube KEKW ok who banned us YOUTUBERS KEKW REDMERCY KEKW Voyboy is going! reveal urself ND4 POGGERS REDMERCY OMEGALUL RED MERCY KEKW AYAYA RED KEKW no u KEKW RED KEKW no uno u TFT KEKW we wont hurt u :) TFT KEKW RED LULW scarra TFT KEKW toast and hafu and scarra are going why REDMERCY KEKW REDMERCY KEKW FAKER POGGERS @Yassuo Hey handsome <3 Kreygasm LULW hi ur hair is sexy who`? TFT KEKW TFT ResidentSleeper REDMERCY LOL RED KEKW KEKW na will rise W H OIMEGALUL REDMERCY KEKW i unlock the fcuking chair emote wtfffff TFT LMAO toast and scarra for tft right red kekw TFT KEKW moe isnt qt is rocking that veigar adc disguised toast Pog nikki taylor KEKW is everywhere gg YT POGGERS @Koussayy lé mahouch thin , he's just a fan TFT LULW rekt KEKW Toast @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears??? KEKW xd TFT KEKW ??????? W H OMEGALUL RED KEKW KEKW TFT KEKW this is pleasant news Nicki Taylor is 100% a streamer not a youtuber though KEKW Why no qss @Yassuo moe qt is rocking that veigar adc W H OMEGALUL ? REDMERCY KEKW @Yassuo Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! redmercy there ohhhhhhh i like that QT POG @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR TFT KEKW NICKI AYAYA yasShrug QSS qtiepie veigqar LOOOL qss? "clicking spells" WeirdChamp @malek_benjemia wenty a fan ? @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? qss it cuz of you 70 ping !!!!!!!!!!| @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR moe why u looking like a snack Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! TFT E TUUU @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... gg how come tf has nearly the double of viewers hi yotube Nicki widepeepoHappy LMAO QT KEKW gachiBASS @Yassuo Why Is Your Quality So Good When You Are Streaming? @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR MOE IS A HOE MOE IS A HOE STORMRAZOR when bloodthirster or DD @itsmecalledyou just do it yass does a line before every stream KEKW REDMERCY?? KEKW NA LOST KEKW REDMERCY?? KEKW NA LOST KEKW REDMERCY?? KEKW NA LOST KEKW REDMERCY?? KEKW NA LOST KEKW @Yassuo have you got a hair cut Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Squid4 KEKW good morning LULW @Yassuo F for flash? KEKW not big fan i just watch his plays @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR fuck uuuuuuuuuuuyu, FANBOY they dont care about you KEKW Hello, are you the best yasuo? hi ? YES qweqweqwe YES U DO nah you fine @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears?? @Yassuo plug u up with butt plugs faded @Yassuo yes no no yes Yes dont know ugly ass kys yes good CUT KEKW YES YESSSS SHAPE UPPPPP YES YES yasR yasFat yasN yasR yasFat yasN noo you're fine honestly HAIRCUT u aight cute go bald KEKW Shave yes haircut need NO good you look good u need haircut HAIRCUT you look like a cute boy now Haircut u look good yasMald haircut YES YOU HOBO KEKW DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Haircut you good yes DOESNT MATTER KEKW No you look great yes cut it all yes @Yassuo YOU PLAYING ON THE TCS? PogU UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW UGLY LULW YES WutFace sexy thanos music monkaW You got a personal barber?? HAIRCUT KEKW :! D: yes you look great clean sides CUT yes good HAircut cut GOOD scuffed u look like a chimp KEKW yes haircut u look cute homie ugly KEKW haircut please cut haircut HAIRCUT cut HAIRCUT DansGame haidcut haircut uglyface you look like shit either way :) @Yassuo not too short tho haircut haircut You're chilling haricut style your hair cut af y haircut it looks good u look like shit Kappa mad cute hahahahhahahah Kapp no HOMELESS look cute my standards are low noo bald You look homeless as uysual U NEED PLASTIC SURGERY NOT A HAIRCUT KEKW ugly af yess gooood haircut cute either way yasH yasN buzz cut UGGGLLLLYYYY u look like pubes ur fine # you look gd haircut why do you look like a crackhead its fine you going to be ugly regardless BALÑ @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR its good get it nah you beautiful go bald kekw bald 4Head @shave your neck you look like ape look great bro ur GOAT BUY PANTS haircut Your fine wtf lookin clean @Yassuo you look like my ass during a shittake Frames? just a tiny snip would be good @Yassuo Get plastic surgery Shave it all goood af NOSE CUT no haircat pls go get a haircuz KEKW HAIRCUT HAIRCUT HAIRCUT HAIRCUT Cut mad cy BALD EW use some kind of wax for the love of god change ur face dude KEKW KEKW lmao ur good you look great YES U good hear cut can help that LUL Scuffed you need plastic surgery kkkkk You look homeless 81 KEKW @Yassuo you need to cut the top abit Haircut u look beautiful Cut @Yassuo i thought u said u were confident just a day or two ago @Yassuo hair cut will never do you wrong u look good NZXT PepeLaugh Homeless 40 fps XD HOMELESS @itzhannie come discord PogU close porn 30 fps KEKW 10K PC OMEGALUL 80 FPS OMEGALUL 80 FPS OMEGALUL 80 FPS OMEGALUL 80 FPS OMEGALUL 80 FPS OMEGALUL cut Haircut dye hair orange mad cute nice powerpoint stop downloading porn KEKW plastic surgery @Yassuo @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR BUY PANTS! Balding @Yassuo Then you're prob not going KEKW INTEL LULW MOE YOUR TOO SEXY FOR HAIRCUT When's the 24h chartiy stream moe? @Yassuo virus monkaW spectrum nzxt PepeLaugh Look nice and clean HAIRCUT @Yassuo dude, you need a haircut and to shave or the skymarshalls will just kill you as soon as you enter the plane suck my dic INTEL LULW 󠀀 hair cute get that crispy fade Look good STAFF monkaW KEKW 10K PC KEKW Yea u need a line up LULW nzxt pc nice You need a haircut. @Yassuo you look like my ass during a shittake. Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Kapp Kapp You look kinda homeless my man i like it tho Kapp sure BALDING Kapp INTEL LULW New patch fucking up nividea update THEY ARE RIGHT HAIRCUT Kapp Kapp POTATO pc Kapp Kapp SHOW HISTORY Kapp ON PHONE THEN Kappa yasBad Kapp Kap SHAVE MOUSTACHE Reverse Mohawk 5k dollar pc , 40 fps yas3 use GSYNC PLEASE Porn buy a new pc nzxt % off MrterrificFTW subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 69 MS pepehands get a nosecut that neeko fed af T1 ain't delusional LUL always get a haircut a week before something important jhust in case they mess up or it looks funny :) FUCK THAT GUY LUL T! will play heimer in 1v1 LUL LUL trim D: D: d: Cringe D: D: PepeLaugh D: KEKW @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: D: WHATS TCS CHAT? SOMEONE @ ME xd KEKW KEKW D: D: D: KEKW D: D: HES TRYING TO SCAM YOU !ponits yasBad D: true LUL If so clean bro @Yassuo can you 1 vs 1 galoull (best midlaner in Africa and south east) LA MOW WeirdChamp D: XD D: TRUEEE NICE KEKW use gsync for no ghosting/lagging on screen yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasNLT SCAMMED @Yassuo yo whats good shordy D: @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... 1v1s today Pog ??? waddup with that shitty pc of him KEKW chat its an obvious scam yasHands RESPECT ur a jew? NA KEKW !uptime yasHands yasHands yasHands The stream has been live for 35 minutes 14 seconds LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp Its a scam bro dont trust Retouch neck beard and take like a quarter off the top and fade the sides with a 3 clip and you’ll look fresh GREEDY MILLIONAIRE WeirdChamp LA CHANGED YOU WeirdChamp First game I join that you’re not hard Inting cant wait for the charity christmas stream this year dude LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp dumb ass dono trying to scam, ban that fucker WeirdChamp moe is playing ao good its sya Rich yasuo player can't pay someones study KEKW monkaW ?????? KEKW Veigar E?" KEKW ???????????????? @peteythepjman I'm about to redeem the 15K points for a sub KEKW donating money to ask for money LUL TWITCH ratirlBilly KEKW KEKW ? LUL OMG MY LAST GAME WAS FULL BUGS @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears? KEKW oh KEKW ratirlCheer NICE INT KEKW silver map awareness KEKW RAT ratirlCheer !uptime puedes hablar español? The stream has been live for 35 minutes 54 seconds u idiot ratirlMangoS Clap Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! yasNLT blame twitch MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 he a rat what you expect UR WLCOME LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW Use GSYNC PLS @Yassuo can you 1 vs 1 galoull (best midlaner in Africa and south east) trkRat trkRat trkRat trkRat trkRat trkRat KEKW You're welcome lmao @Yassuo When you play football in america u wear knee gears?? RAT PLAYERS KEKW @Yassuo tell that twitch he should be going for ie the rat Kappa Kappa not sorry Kappa @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... why would he stay there HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KEKW blames twitch for inting lul @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo 1v1s today? Pog ?????????????? imrick133 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! ayy my boy MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive MOE INTING peepoArrive TriHard The Throws cmonBruh KEKW me ? tilted tiled tiled tiled tiled ? ZULUL KEKW OMEGALUL @Yassuo hey body how are you ? TriHard AFRICA LUL ZULUL Kappa Kappa Kappa ???????????????/ KEKW WHY cmonBruh who KEKW holaaa cmonBruh "OMG WHERES JUNGLE" new item on yasuo? ZULUL WH OMEGALUL Do it ZULUL ZULUL @Yassuo are u gonna scrim for tcs PogChamp @Yassuo are u gonna scrim for tcs PogChamp @Yassuo are u gonna scrim for tcs PogChamp xd racist ZULUL yasMald yasANELE yasANELE ZULUL KEKW KEKW WH OMEGALUL cmonBruh ZULUL ZULUL London Visit? any gifters in chat W H OMEGALUL Why afreeca ? QTPIE KEKW @Yassuo hey body how are you ? ? KEKW d hhh best in africa more like only person with internet in africa LUL ZULUL yasBad LULW HAHAHAHA KEKW Pog ZULUL W H OMAGELUL KEKW CHU MEAN cmonBruh BETTER REPORT JUNGLE KEKW Moe i have a crush on this girls,,any tips on how to ask her out??? pls help!!!! yasNLT ! lol ZULUL qt lmao LUL @itsmecalledyou just ask her out man dont be a pussy everything its gonna be alright , even if you get a no you are going to be proud of urself for trying @kamenridergordonxd OMEGALUL ZULUL moe: goes in too deep and dies also moe: sPliTpUsH tWiTcH KEKW Retouch neck beard and take like a quarter off the top and fade the sides with a 3 clip and you’ll look fresh QT veigar PogU OmegaLUL WHY AFRICCA Any mangos in the chat? ratirlMangoS @kevinbeshiri1 get a job wassup G top 10 african mid laners = thanks for reading yasPride @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! did Qtie stop streaming? @Yassuo yasGood @daniela00unicorn JUST ASK HER OUT 4Heed why you look so scuffed yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasPride yasPride yasPride mental booming already LULW NO BULLYING THERE remmwmber that blitz yesterday, a fucking supp carry... africa KEKW D: NOT HARD 4Heed she stopped moving to q thats why he missed spam ping more fat top 10 women ive slept with : thanks for your attention! Can you 1v1 me best ? Qtpie Pog Hey what are your thoughts on Corinna being banned on twitch Are you a good player?lul @itskay0 he still streams is it gay if a homie kisses you but says all homo? ratirlMHM ratirlMangoS will you make a vlog there yasSpit_HF Is qt going playing in tcs? PepeLaugh go nash >:( MORG BARON STEAL KEKW yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF thrash tank ? @matt same yasMald IT'S HAPENNING yasMald HE IS MALDING yasMald @daniela00unicorn like its weird we are best friends know each other for 4 years @kylo_rei wh o? god NA CHALLENGER PepeLaugh twitch still not there KEKW steal Pepelaugh Yooo KEKW NA FLASH PepeLaugh KEKW XD KEKW KEKW dude OUTPLAYED KEKW THRESH KEKW WOOF WOOF MOE DOG BAD LUL LUL LUL JOYSTICK THRESH KEKW NA KEKW outplayed KEKW DUD KEKW FLASH INTO VEIGAR KEKW What LOSING TO QT KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp xd your mental is so strong .. malardo DUDE KEKW NA KEKW KEKW DUD KEKW hhahahahahaha HE HASNT HIT ONE Q gotta get that vision score up FLAME BigBrother lol KEKW killed by QT @Yassuo gate you dummy @Yassuo LA MOE WOOF WOOF DOG DUDE KEKW You’re my favorite streamer because you make me want to be better at league plus you’re funny is that adrian Pog yasMald NA SUPP LUK Akon Pog @Yassuo scream randomly, free content 5Head and now kindred steals Kapp KEKW GJ @itsmecalledyou but you are 100% those are feeling for her and its not just the fact that you feel lonely and she is close to you ? OUTPLAYED KEKW FLASH INTO VEIGAR Pepega THIS IS PAINFUL Will you ever rematch with Punisher???? (Best midlaner in Greece) :b you are not good @Yassuo turn on circle by post for thresh Akon @Yassuo is sanguine blade any good on yasuo? Pog if u look good, moe and tyler are the same, they scream and flame its not Thresh its Thrash GJ yasMald GJ yasMald GJ yasMald GJ yasMald yasPride yasPride DUD xqcS OK THRESH @Yassuo When are we getting NY Moe back? LMAO gaza gelme oç 800k değilsin !elo WP yasMald WP yasMald WP yasMald Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP KEKW TRUE TRUEEEE KEKW NOT dd? @Yassuo u flash in like a dumbass and then flame team??? SAD 5Head yooo waddup @itsmecalledyou cuz if you are ask her nicely its not a big deal TRRRUUUUEEE TRUE LUL MOE IS NOT INTING FOR ONCE PogU truee true KEKW !rank GRANDMASTER I (364 LP) TYLER BEAT U TRUEEEEEEEEE KEKW @burakbey6761 :D:D:D KEKW 👉 yasMald NA > EU yasPride LULW WTF HAPPENED TO YOUR BEARD LINE? @yassuo Check stockX Kappa kes lan yarram @Yassuo NA thresh lands 1 hook NA players POG this man's a beast @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY are you the real t1 play variety? @Yassuo Where do u live btw? @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... he beat you in the tourney tho did he not? @Yassuo but ur hardstuck? QT KEKW @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw NA KEKW TRUE LULW #AD @aydinlijojxxx xd well he is not delusional about NA being bad tho KEKW OR HE ISNT COUNTRISIST @yassuo moe you looking white af whats your secret? He said na is bad LUL LUL LUL The only good thing 100T has is the merch @RogueSunset LA yo moe, open the merch KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw? Is qt playing in tcs ? YOUR? iswallowfatdlcks -> Please refrain from spamming caps. T1 got carried by Adr and Tarzaned exactly! bait dumbasses monkaW WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL monkaW WHO WH OMEGALUL DogFace DogFace WH OMEGALUL monkaW @Yassuo you rejected my clash invite :/ the state lul @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY FeelsBadMan who @daniela00unicorn 100000% she is just so perfect in every single aspect as a human being! who who who yasTrue lol dog PogYou The State THX 4 D LISH cares PogU Pog Pog PogU POG KEKW POGGGG I WAS HERE Pog PogU PogU @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Pog o wp EZ PogU 1v3 Pog pog Pog Pog POG PogU too good Pog poog 7777777777777 Pog monkaW PogU / yasPride yasPride yasPride Pog مو حبيبي كيف حالك Pog Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POG PogU PogYou Pog OMFG pugu ayee we running this shit POG trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald pog pog PPPPPPOOOOOOOGGGGGGGG POGCHAMP PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TTours TTours xD I am e girl slayer Easy champ lol nice BALANCED LUL pog MONEY MOVES PogU CHEEEEE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp squadNation Diamondrew subscribed with Twitch Prime. pog POOOOOOG POG pog THE GOD yasPride .. yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad god yo moe, open the merch POG @Yassuo would you go sanguines on yassuo? PogChamp PogChamp tfb5Head tfb5Head yasPepega woof woodf PogU @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please pog THIS STREAMER LOOKS VERY NERD :) THE GOD YAS yasPride yasPride POG WTF @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... You’re finally not Inting PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog exactly imbalanced KEKW @itsmecalledyou then just try it and tell her how you feel, but if you get rejected dont take it n a wrong way :p MODS BALANCED KEKW QTS CHAT IS UPSET KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW nice int @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MOOOOOODS MALDING KEKW KEKW nice KEKW KEKW ? KEKW ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ KEKW LULW Ayayaaaaaaaaaaa kekw KEKW OMEGALUL LOL ? ????? KEKW ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. MaN FEEDING KEKW ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ! KEKW Malding int ????? timtim47 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hi KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh MaN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ that aint it chief Pogey LUL LUL LUL KEMW yasR yasFat yasN STOPWATCH BTW stop MODS REEeee KEKW ??? KEKW MOODS SLEEPING stopwatch BIG ROCK POG how is veigars w already up WTF rip Pog Wat is that quackPoop LUL LUSTING FOR QT yasPride MODS PLS Mans just casually 1v3s and is like man i did so bad mods @Yassuo London Visit anytime?? malp trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL Do you think chall players in eu are better than chall na? Wtf WORTHHH KEKW Will you ever rematch Punisher? (Best mid in Greece) @yassuo KEKW xd yasSpit trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw?? JEBAITED PepeLaugh PogChamp Is qt to playing in Tcs bro? T1 SUBS WeirdChamp TYLER FANS MORE THAN MOE SUBS PogU int KEKW @yassuo I can beat your ass easy on 1v1 🐍 @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY shut up bitch ass cringe ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ssssssssssnake Jebaited write all me @daniela00unicorn i guees TXY cant wait for this year charity stream ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ yasPride yasPride look at malphite r cd @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY HI ignrunawaypls subscribed at Tier 1. @Yassuo Do you think Messi will win Ballon d'Or? :D Press r champ LUL NO MODS KEKW stop @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw ?????? theunfSG theunfSG KEKW Pepega thresh Pepega thresh Pepega thresh Pepega thresh Snake Keepo @Yassuo big fan, been waitin to see you stream for like, so long now ??? KEKW @Yassuo what would you change about league? @Yassuo upgrade your emotes WeirdChamp tyler1BB LEBRON AGAIN KEKW first time on your stream FALSE Kappa ludwigWC london? stop with that lebron shit u clown not again drake is trash KEKW ???????????????? DELOSIONAL @OhneKontext Stfu cringe boy KEKW KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp spam LUL !uptime CHAT WutFaceW The stream has been live for 40 minutes 40 seconds Kapp LONDON? nah trash compared to faker KEKW @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw????? @Yassuo stream OSRS xqcR KEKW WeirdChamp gachiBASS KEKW @Yassuo Do you think Messi will win Ballon d'Or? 4Head CHAT KEKW DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY DRAKE IS BEST RAPPER? DRAKE'S OVERRATED yasPride @quoteifmoesayslebron KEKW cmonBruh KappaPride ?? silver chat he was full ccd he cant stopwatch. and if he stopwatch at this point he used E it will be a waste <.< MODS???? KEKW MID WIPE KEKW did this man just say Drake was the lebron of rap? that doesn't make sense because Lebron is good at basketball unlike Drake at Rap KappaPride straight fake @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw KappaPride KappaPride yOO Moe think he Lebron this t1 fuck fanboy is spamming in every streamchat YOO DRAKE RAP KEKW WutFace KappaPride ?? @Yassuo I mean Drake propably just took them from you @Yassuo Moe is like a Eminem of LoL @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please @itsmecalledyou take care good luck yasH why u look like pubes if u are lebron then whats faker? So when you engaged like that do you have to ult quickly yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride T1 PLAY VARIETY IN CHAT peepoLeave T1 PLAY VARIETY IN CHAT peepoLeave T1 PLAY VARIETY IN CHAT peepoLeave T1 PLAY VARIETY IN CHAT peepoLeave T1 PLAY VARIETY IN CHAT peepoLeave True MODS TRIGGRED KEKW BY T1 EMOTES KEKW MODS TRIGGRED KEKW BY T1 EMOTES KEKW MODS TRIGGRED KEKW BY T1 EMOTES KEKW KappaPride hey moe wana go on a date HAMOUDIIIII @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? @quit_simping keep on talking gorgeous :) ??????? !opgg mikasayas -> girl KEKW DICK @Pluto true ur dads ass borgor ass for sure chat :) DICKKK LONDON VISIT? homoe trkP trkP trkP trkP HYOON xD pussy @Yassuo @Yassuo LMAO MOE = DRAKE @Yassuo stream OSRS xqcRage food XD theunfSG theunfSG theunfSG pussy :) KappaPride @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 You are playing vs imaqtpie PogChamp !! ATTENTION !! PogChamp !! HALO ON STEAM TOMMORROW !! PogChamp Money ???????????? pzza you can add anything on it POKIMANEEE @Yassuo aSS FOR SURE ?????????? @Pluto yea lebrons good at his profession but drake and moe arent @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please DansGame KappaPride toilet paper Pepega ???? HARAM ANELE PogChamp !! ATTENTION !! PogChamp !! HALO ON STEAM TOMMORROW !! PogChamp PogChamp !! ATTENTION !! PogChamp !! HALO ON STEAM TOMMORROW !! PogChamp no NOOO POTATO WAFFLES Pepega thats NA logic yes :) Pepega Pepega NO @Yassuo nice hair YES @Pluto God damn, the man's got a family you know @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw?18 ? IT MATTERS YES ????????????? yasS true ?????????????? Dansgame SAME SHAPE ????? ????????? true Pepega NO ??? TOBIAS depends on calories SAME SHAPE yes Pepega NO @Yassuo do more mcdonalds chicken nugget streams :V same @Yassuo Pepega ITS NOT KEKW same ????????? fSAME yes LULW true ??????????? ?????????? you would be the same Kappa lol SAME ????????????????????????? it matters on the long run sameee ????????????????? same Obviously not Pepega ????? ????????????? ???????? depends on how much you eat @Yassuo its all a matter of how much you eat of something brother no way moe is fed for once lmfao Education @Yassuo ask people in NA who order diet coke with their 10 burgers :) Is qtpie playing in TCS? yasH SAME SAME SHAPE yas5 ??????????????? @Yassuo just choose ass FeelsGoodMan PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ???????? nononono JUST ANSSER THE QUESTION U Pepega YES SAME SHAPE ???? yes same Pepega nah Pepega ????????????????? of course not We all know the answer is Chipotle ??? Steak Bananas yas5 yas5 Depends on what you put in each @Yassuo DICK ???????????????? lmao ??????????????? ?? why add on to it Bananas hhhh Pepega HI ugly fat fart lol @Yassuo it depends how fast you metabolism @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw NotLikeThis yo can you do a yas jungle game yasFat yasFat @Yassuo IF YOU EAT PIZZA UR GONNA GET FAT ???????????????? True ????????? ????????????????? PIZZA KEKW yes no matter what you eat you will still be a manlet KEKW lel ??????????? NA OpieOP ??????????????????? ?????????? I would choose raspberries @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? @Yassuo thoughts on sanguine on yasuo? na brain @Yassuo eay pussy @Yassuo ass bluh autism? >R?J????????'' It's in game name not i gonna NotLikeThis yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue kinda true i had it GOOD CHOICE yasFat DICK HAHAHAHA ??????? WHAT THE SCHNITZEL yo moe let me 1v1 you for that shirt? yas100T Bananas u monkey theunfSG DEUTSCHES SCHNITZEL people who add to a question are annoying sun nong dan ? all americans are overweight snitzel from chowdor? YAS SPLITTING ANELE SCHNITZEL UHHHH KEKW KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried ???????????? DansGame Schnizl xdd DatSheffy DatSheffy DatSheffy ANELE Clap DansGame @Yassuo INDIAN FOOD ANELE Clap ANELE 7 schnitzel 😂😂😂 DansGame tru Chinese food QT Pog DatSheffy KEKW KEKW EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle dolmades Pog QSS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW maybe hamburger you made for the mob LULW LULW KEKW KEKW nice KEKW lmao KEKW NA QSS STOP QT QSS KEKW sumSmash yasSmash QT KEKW XD DUUUDE HAHAHHA @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? LULW outplayed LOL KEKW KEKW pizza has so many varieties so u can eta a diff pizza every day for KEKW KEKW hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KEKW KEKW EVERY FOOD IN THE WORLD KEKW KEKW BALANCED KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOL KEKW QT Wat is this urf veigar @Yassuo KEKW BY QT LUL OMEGALUL HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA lol sorry for calling your language isis the other day lmao @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 please LUL LUL hahahhaha what a champ KEKW LULW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @Yassuo sabich? QT'S JUST TROLLING WITH U KEKEW WTF ??? BRO hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh neverending stream of farts if you go on grape leaves LUL KEKW HAHAHAHAHHAHA OUT PLAY LOSING TO QT KEKW KEKW michael santana Pog EZ pastaThat pastaThat that qss Qt Pog ur shit he buttfucked u boo NICE FLASH warak eenab the goat *asANELE @Yassuo @Yassuo sabich?? @Yassuo BRO I WANNA USE MY 25K POINTS Fiddle and rammus in urf be like LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL veigar btw KEKW mightymammut subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! hows it goin big boi? bokita el mas grande papá BOOMER POWER LOSING TO WOW PLAYER KEKW SwiftRage FLASH? yasANELE merchs get qss u monkey ahahhhahahah HE TRIED SO HARD KEKW @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 can you do a yasuo jungle game Kappa Kappa Kappa WeirdKEKW veigar cage on 3 sec cd DD CLIP IT MERCHSSS hi LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW yas100T_TK LOSING TO WOW PLAYER KEKW @Yassuo BRO LET ME USE MY 24K POINTS KEKW HSWP HSWP AM FrankerZ @yassuo warq enab ❤️ LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW qss @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw s why problem make when you no problem have you dont want to make @Yassuo peepoLeave LUL SASASAS ClutchRChoke subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! damn your popping off yasPride yasPride yasPride wot 3Head sadfdfd Qt is good yas2 yasM03 LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW SA?DAS? KEKW tht qss yike LULW LULW Chicken bacon ranch pizza with red chilis and green bell peppers. Could eat forever EntropyWins LUL CrreamAwk SabaPing TearGlove TBAngel MVGame Kappu PogChamp PogChamp yo moe let me 1v1 for that shirt HYOON PepeHands KEKW FUCK KEKW Can you do a Yasuo jungle game? @Yassuo whats your dream car? @Yassuo Why my room smell like rancid farts KEKW Kekw IS TRASH !elo @Yassuo whats your dream car??? @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw? Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @xTagin one man spam WeirdChamp ACTUAL PUSSY KEKW @xTagin trying to make a fight over pixels WeirdChamp qt irrelevant streamer FeelsBadMan @MrSenk Atleast he hits challenger unlike moe KEKW @Yassuo Bananas shouid be our main gain right? @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW > KEKW LULW=KEKW ANY HYOONERS? PepeWhy SO NO ONE LULW his hair be lookin like a god damn bird nest monkaW I WASNT HERE THEN MAN @Yassuo whats your dream car? your* saludos de arg bro UNFAIR i got it PogMe Is it snowing for you moe? LULW ResidentSleeper @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw?@ i have ur bloodmoon joggers LuL > LUL > LULW > LOLW > KEKW @Yassuo it took 3months to ship KEKW kekw is fucking trash stop using it OG yas merch PogU it fucking pisses me off u gonna get that RANKED merch ratirlPepe @xTagin WeirdChamp Yikes PogMe got it im talkin bout the 100t homes Ever played yas jungle before? BETA @Yassuo whats your dream car?? @xTagin KEKW I WASNT FOLLOWING U THEN RE-RELEASE IT MAN yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake HYOON PepeHands @xTagin KEKW 5Head @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw @yassuo please check out yassou autism 3 "KEKW" USERS WeirdChamp mOE sTOp iGnoring My meSSages i spread too ;) @Yassuo for something to be limited edition people need to care about it in the first place. love you though <3 Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : yas1 yas2 yas3 yasU The one that people didn't receive for almost a year after ordering? @Yassuo my first time watching ur stream xd , have been watching u 2 years ago on ur youtube channel and synapse WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT 6LACK? @xTagin KEKW Can you do a Yasuo jungle game? ef @hyoon @kkerlos haHAA KEKW THIS EMOTE SURVIVED LONGER THAN I THOUGHT KEKW @Poenesss KEKW @JetLance KappaPride @yassuo Is your merch still avaible@yassuo Is your merch still avaible? "WeirdChamp" KEKW "WeirdChamp" KEKW "WeirdChamp" KEKW OMEGAYAYA !yasuo ratirlKEKW1 RAT GET THE TFBLADE KEKW MERCH @Yassuo KEKW KEKW kekw users floss in the club and that's a fact @yassuo Is your merch still avaible @Yassuo whats your dream car? RATIRL you did the same thing a minute ago LUL Moe when will your merch come out dude ratirlMangoS DUD Why phage tho? @yassuo Oh no no PepeLaugh Pog @Kieroh QSSS POG bigos is the food :DD Pog Where you at Now stop ignoring my messages I showed you my ass @xTagin I can tell that u are sad Pepega af build @Yassuo whats your dream car?? sometimes_pro is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! KEKW NA ULT do u remember mcdonaldsworker1 from euw? YAAGAYAGAYAGAYAGAY sometimes_pro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Joeyrushes! CPT JACK Pog !uptime The stream has been live for 44 minutes 39 seconds WHERE IS MY TURBO @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw @kkerlos ? DUD pog @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? THEY REMOVED TWITCH TURBO?? @yassuo Is your merch still avaible kekw POGGERS yasWeird_SQ USA KEKW @Yassuo whats your dream car? that flash SAD SAD! PokCharizard yasOkay PEPEJAM KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! 4Head yasPride yasPride saD! i joined an esports team for my school and we will be going against other schools any tips/advice for keeping calm? DASDASDA hey my dudes need some help ANELE @Yassuo new build ? SDASDASDSAASDASDSAD What's with the eboy hair? e SÆÆÆD I MUNNEN PepeHands 🐍 @xTagin KEKW malphite is actually a robot Can you do a Yasuo jungle game? @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw? @Yassuo bann kekw E almost as fat as you OpieOP flash @Yassuo whats your dream car??? first drag LUL GET THE TFBLADE KEKW MERCH @Yassuo @Yassuo Bananas for the monkey TRUE KEKW CUTE Cutie hair YES :) KappaPride nervBoo nervSted AYAYY KEKW TRUE :) 1 PepeLaugh moe looking cute KEKW @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw??? SHOW BANK ACOCUNT Kapp u a snack HANDSOME CUTIE camper1_BW camper2_BW camper3_BW camper4 camper5_BW Ever played yas jungle before? how did it go`? Kapp @Yassuo New build ? uhh TRUE YES Kapp PogChamp PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LOL sure PepeLaugh lol yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird LOVE U Karasmai WeirdChamp Kapp Kapp Welfare Midbeast over here. KEKW DansGame DansGame DansGame TRue karasmai KEKW cute GOOD ONE KEKW LMAO mizkifYo mizkifYo mizkifYo MWAH yasU FALSE u look like a homeless millionaire KEKW querisma? KARASMAI KEKW 1 PokGardevoir PokGardevoir PokGardevoir FALSE KEKW TRUE @Yassuo whats your dream car?? eww karasmai @yassuo wait you killed ezreal When iss your merch coming again? it it just me or does league just get better and better with every major update? HeyGuys HeyGuys Delusional KEKW Kapp karasmD karasmD @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw? @lilmerc hahah hva faen Moe meed Haircut yasPride and a lot less toxic, oh wait WH OMEGALUL yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle @Yassuo You look like Sadam KEKW PepeLaugh HE'S UNAWARE KARASMAI Weird KEKW @Yassuo ur hair looks fine lol karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown karasmDown that's a mad quiff Kapp @Yassuo New build ?? how is that your teams first dragon karasmai haHAA @Yassuo Discount Zayn Malik @itzhannie Give me snapchat TriHard H_kieroh big boy really excited for snowdown event OKAY FAKER @Yassuo Isnt Bananas your main gain dude? KEKW u look like a homeless millionaire KEKW karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA !uptime Best yasuo NA karasmCry karasmCry karasmCry karasmCry karasmCry The stream has been live for 45 minutes 49 seconds i like your haircut look so dope @Yassuo Yassuo karasmai has the personality of a cardboard box wait moe isnt inting did he get camped? @itzhannie yea give snap FPS WeirdChamp @Yassuo @Yassuo why do you think karasmai doesn't do any twitch rivals or anything. He is a pretty big streamer. @Yassuo whats your dream car? @sy_mush Ain't happening 80 frames PepeLaugh mad cute MaN down retrasado hijo de perra mal cojido MaN reactions BANN KEKW KEKW Tf Why is your FPS so low? Even while streaming LoL shouldn't be this demanding. Thresh is on 200 ping @Yassuo whats your dream car?? dont talk about my boy like that I would be watching him if he was on, but im settling for you lol Qayum subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! @Yassuo What's with that phage ? @yassuo Is your merch still avaible URF VEIGAR? yasuo is a broken champ FPS WeirdChamp @Yassuo OK FAKER WHOS UR TCS TEAM VIgar with that slow rune is cancer OK FAKER @Millionere N OMEGALUL NOT OK FAKER WeirdChamp @Yassuo notice me <3 KEKW Pog @Yassuo whats your dream car? cmonBruh cmonBruh what are u building phage into? ? OKK FAKER cmonBruh cmonBruh WOAH lmfao fps WutFace ?? TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard cmon brother BLACK SHIELD KEKW @yassuo only normies use kekw so bann it man there goes your qss vlad shield?? @Yassuo do you get anything from these channel points or is it just for us PogChamp @millionere trying to enable chat weirdchamp ok faker WaitWhat cmonBruh ndeaaaaaah @batubreezy Tried that already :P TOO FAR DUDE cmonBruh BabyRage PogChamp KappaClaus Can you do a Yasuo jungle game? wtf cmonBruh KEKW qss kekw black shield is lucky omeg TriHard shield what headphones do you use? Kreygasm @Yassuo whats your dream car?? sit on me instead @yasuo go steraks do you find support boring??? @yassuo Is your merch still avaible ok cmonBruh cmonBruh black shield is lucky OMEGALUL 😂 COME ON ME BROTHER voyMALLET voyMALLET voyMALLET voyMALLET @Yassuo stream OSRS xqcRage yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? sit on my face Mallet over steraks? @Yassuo PETE DEL ORTO RETRASADO @Yassuo You are a yasuo main CS lookin good nice to sit on chat is soo haHAA hes lucky that the morgana is good I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo ok faker cmonBruh Moe when is the merch comming out? he doesnt need tanacity cant build steraks with pd Change my mind KEKW Isreal Is same as ISIS KEKW country found on relegious Bullshit KEKW he has qss LOOK He cant build steraks iron chat KEKW no what cmonBruh KEKW @exCoach can I get a gifted sub just redeemed 25K points KEKW ROCK YEA OKAY IM WATCHING LUL LUL LUL PepeLaugh xd cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW he keeps saying it 😂 HE SAID BLACK KEKW malding KEKW KEKW i hope i get to see the day when kekw is disabled ResidentSleeper NA SOLO Q HAHAHAHHAHA @Yassuo BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage KEKW yasJoy @Carizz0 KEKW I just scratched my balls @yassuo Is your merch still avaible PepeLaugh Malphite PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Malphite PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Malphite PepeLaugh KEKW LOOK MAPLHIOTE KEKW @Carizz0 same yasuo main PogChamp @carizz0 factual EHEHE @Yassuo whats your dream car? why r u still in this game @quit_simping so is half of Europe then KEKW PIECE OF SHIT SON OF A BITCH twitch frontline malph backline WAAAAH BabyRage delete kekw @shinto_god Moe sees the request s he will gift after stream @bakagaijin he dont drive lets help him Pog i wanna lick malphite nipples lickR Po MALPH Pog Pog POG PogU everyone ask for dream car @Yassuo whats your dream car?? !uptime @awayfromloltherapy True and north africa too KEKW The stream has been live for 48 minutes 25 seconds Yasssssuooooooo Q KEKW BIG ROCK na Q how is gp balanced? @yassuo how much money would you pay to listen to eternal atake at this moment knowing it might not ever come out? I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo everyione ask his dream car POG POG POG id say Pogu but you just pressed R :D oh u fed fed PogU @shinto_god Pog @shinto_god PogU @Yassuo dream car? buying armor should reduce attack speed IMO OLD MOE IS BACK PogChamp first kill!!! TESLA @shinto_god Pog cyber truck Pog DREAM PLANE? ANELE ferrari PogU @Yassuo do you suck dick bro? PogChamp CYBER TRUCK? TESLA CYBERTRUCK KEKW doesnt go outside CAUSE YOU CANT DRIVE KEKW @Yassuo getting carried ResidentSleeper @shinto_god POG he doesnt go outside @invisiblekller KEKW HE CANT DRIVE KEKW TESLA FERRARI F12 BERLINETTA Kreygasm @Yassuo dream car? CYBERTRUCK R again wtf WTF PogU @shinto_god soyboi ? LUL Pog CHEVROLET CAMARO LOOK IT UP @Yassuo He has a dream GIRL Kreygasm !points @shinto_god damn @Yassuo do you have a license? Did you make a team for TCS? monkaS got him LULW ratirlKEKW1 PC cmonBruh Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday cmonBruh WTF monkaW cmonBruh KEKW He has a dream GIRL Kreygasm He has a dream GIRL Kreygasm He has a dream GIRL Kreygasm cmonBruh WTF TriHard ??? cmonBruh cmonBruh @Yassuo do you even have your license? RI OMEGALUL T cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WOAH so? cmonBruh KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh TriHard . moe do u have license? @Yassuo When is the merch comming out again? just 4Head dream man? KappaPride buy a GTR xd TriDance TriAthlon ❓ monkaW CURSED cmonBruh cmonBruh CUZ HE KNOWS HE AIN'T NEVER GONNA GET A DREAM CAR @Yassuo you are delusional to the max. thsi fool has never drove or owned a car wtf? do you have a license? @Yassuo cmonBruh BUY A GTR cmonBruh cmonBruh WOAH @shinto_god Pog bruh clash is out @shinto_god he uis a god TriAthlon Kapp Kapp cmonBruh wht screen OMG HE SAID BLACK 😂 Kappa KAPP LUL jebaited @Yassuo GET A CYBER TRUCK POGGERS GET A CYBER TRUCK POGGERS best is Porsche 911 @Yassuo Tesla Cybertruck :) Kappa KEKW You don't even have a drivers license my dude chill out cmonBruh m5 comp f9ü or e63 amg s you got a drivers licenses TriHard @yassuo why u copying my name Moe PogU Whys is your FPS so low? Even while streaming LoL shouldn't be this demanding. LUL Jebaited GG Kappa POG dream man? KappaPride @Yassuo ?????????? gg KEKW Kapp nooo Pog peepoPog LOL moe what typa drugs u do i want in PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Jebaited . tesla peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog izi can we go car shopping @harryjamesspotter Ferrari DansGame Kapp @yassuo how much money would you pay to listen to eternal atake at this moment knowing it might not ever come out? CAMARO 16/6 ?? wooowww why your framerate fucked @Yassuo gg @Yassuo gift that guy a sub wasn t worried at all lol imaqtipie is bad yasPride yasPride cmonBruh kapa prid xd BMW Kekw ANELE Clap ANELE ? @Yassuo call QT he's crying 😿 ANELE MaN @Yassuo Toyota Tercel DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! do you have a license?? @Yassuo mini cooper Pog LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Team for TCS? LULW do you have a license? @Yassuo What's up with that fps ? toyota prius !uptime The stream has been live for 49 minutes 34 seconds BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother @Yassuo watch clash video on riots YT NO INTERNET KEKW @NaZe_Minaj 4Weird TOO FAR 4Weird @Yassuo do you suck dick man? @shinto_god buyed a sub with points @Yassuo and a mattress yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega Pog @Yassuo is QTIE good? Get a new pc 100t needs a car sponsor ANELE? CUZ HE KNOWS HE AIN'T NEVER GONNA GET A DREAM CAR KEKW @Yassuo Says that with a rolex You need a computer and a girl :) and a watch @Yassuo Do you have a prebuilt pc?, if so what GPU do you have? Hyoon :( BEAMER +50 BRO ME wait you dont have a license? CANT EVEN DRIVE KEKW @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR DEADASS LOLW KEKW CANT DRIVE KEKW Kapp KEKW Kapp no license KEKW @Yassuo The real question. Dream girl? 21 WideHard moe i go sleep ok STILL DOESNT HAVE A LICENSE KEKW i dont need a car...BY THE WAY no license at 21 KEKW Here comes DUI LOL NO CAR TILL 20 Kapp Kappa NO LICENSE KEKW Kappa BUS wanker KEKW ahahaha Kapp wait he doesn't have a license? KEKW OK SURE 20 without a license WHAT LOL Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp SURE KEKW heard this was the place to get your ass waxed but small dick NO LICENSE??? Moe when iss your merch coming out again? TALL KEKW tall Kapp DUO SANCHOVIES WHEN @Yassuo kapp KAPP You need a computer and a girl :) OkayChamp Kap PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kapp Kapp BMW BMW BMW BMW BMWBMW BMW BMW BMW yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood @Yassuo dream car is the bang bros bus? KEKW short ugly and fat Kapp KEKW lol HYOON PogYou alpha male Pog 5' 9 KEKW @Yassuo you are pathetic kill ur self HAHAHAHA @Yassuo LUL CAP Ez Kapp Kapp Kapp you kinda sound insecure Where are you from in nyc @Yassuo shut up idiot handsome KEKW TRUE GO TO THE GYM THEN Kapp @Yassuo DUI here we come KEKW Kappa no license KEKW no license KEKW no license KEKW no license KEKW no license KEKW @Yassuo you're too blind to drive Kapp @Yassuo 1v1's? Pog OK BOOMER SUREEEEEEEEEEEEE GO TO THE GYM THEN Do you have a penis? 5,11 tall? KEKW Kapp hes turning 21? werent u just 19 like yesterday Kapp lmao SUPER RICH FROM LEAGUE KEKW You need a computer and a girl :) YOU CAN"T DRIVE LULW read dono please @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? DELUSIONAL KEKW GO TO THE GYM THEN 5"4 @Yassuo get an E300 AMG the interior is absoluteley INSANE SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood ALPHA CHAD Pog Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa do you find support boring?? HYOON PepeHands Kappa for sure @Yassuo HYOON botrk on yas ? @Yassuo Kapp ok dude Kappa @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR Kapp you're not tall dude hah @Yassuo get a reliant robin and nice @ss too Kreygasm @Yassuo SAYS THAT WITH A ROLEX ''tall'' FLEXING WeirdChamp get a GTR clip this @Yassuo give him sub CHAT HE;S NOT GONNA HAVE ANY OF THAT NEXT YEAR KEKW Kapp kekw yeeeeee Cheer100 Bus wanker @Yassuo The real question, Dream girl? Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW 1967 Chevrolet impala @Yassuo just stop man 20 without licnese TRUEE Pog but small cock HYOON? KEKW Imagine being from na and not drinking until 21 kekw DELUSIONAL KEKW that what u said last year LUL Kappa true flex So forever alone 2020 but with a nice car xd yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird Get a drive license lol sounds like virgin LUL KEKW LITERALLY GONNA THROW AWAY ALL HIS MONEY KEKW @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? . HYOON PepeHands why not now KEKW UR SMALL DICK IF U GOT NO LICENSE LOOOOOOOOOL tall 5'11 GOLD DIGGERS KEKW @harryjamesspotter not even Kapp ing Ooooooookayyyy buddddyy sure Kapp HYOON PepeHands aren't you gay? i love you moe yasH SUPER RICH KEKW LEAGUE PLAYER KEKW you gonna get some surgery too? gonna stop being a snake @Yassuo okay baller what car PogChamp PogChamp Kappa Kappa Kappa ayy im turning 21 next yr too yea go to thailand girls will flop their dicks on u lulw definition of rich pls BOOMER KEKW Kappa Kappa early Pepega viewer 1v1's Pog? U fucking kid @Yassuo do you suck dick man?? Kappa hows everything goin with momo EARLY DUO SANCHOVIES WHEN @Yassuo ... TRUEEEEE HYOON??? shotzL Team for TCS? @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? Small dick doe🤭 How is June early early PepeLaugh i get my license in june too @Yassuo i miss old yassuo you are such a fucking delusional cuck nowdays Thats hafway thru next year lmao The only way you're "fucking tall" is if you're sleeping with a person named tall @Yassuo JUN yasANELE @Yassuo What GPU do you have? @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR dad my bday is 12 june im 16 NO LICENSE??? HYOON KEKW aasba dont get your hopes up except u live in the US so u'll just get shot lmao @Yassuo The real question. Dream girl? POGGERS Gold diggers pogu @Yassuo do you suck dick man? Ima get a license too yo we gonna do this shit man i can’t be taking public transportation to college lmao get a shelby gt 500 son get all them hot ladies ;) @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? . BUY AN BMW M8 BRO @Yassuo someone redeem get a gifted sub,sogift that guy :) u r like 5'7 250 Pog 1v9 Kappa cmonBruh hi moe "early"?????? thats a half year in? you know it takes time and you need to read for a driving licese @Yassuo ? @Yassuo get an E300 AMG the interior is absoluteley INSANE dude 300k Car PogU HYOON NEXT YEAR? KEKW HYOON KEKW @Yassuo Boshy in queue? You already know you a beast at the game and gonna beat megaman the older the shitter @NaZe_Minaj 4Weird ferrari above all mercedes e63 amg s or bmw m5 compitetion f90 or audi rs7 !rank !rank 21? GRANDMASTER I (378 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo ARE U PLAYING IN THE TCS Pog 21 old ass man kekw Anele ANELE ? ANELE Is it snowing for you !subcount KABOM ANELE ANELE SOON ANELE @Yassuo go watch clash video ANELE same age as me and look at the social difference between us @yassuo how much for Challanger I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo ANELE ANELE damn stop hurting our feeling man @yassuo baboon cmonBruh ANELE KABOOM ANELE ??? @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? . erra ANELE Pog mahmott kabol LUL ? ANELE ? ??????????????? @Yassuo Tfblade and fogged are doing a 2.5k bet only playing trynd and climbing as high as they can till the end of this month who do you hink is going to win? open the capsules ANELE ANELE Clap @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR ANELE ANELE @Yassuo The real question, Dream girl? @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw ANELE ? hi yas @yassuo wait wtf your only 20 How do you not have a license? At 20? ANELE ???? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Get a nissan GTR ANELE anele KAPOW ANELE ANELE ANELE gonna stop streaming at 21 ? ANELE fuckin falla7 @Yassuo ANELE yes ANELE @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? ANELE ???????????? @awildsorakaa hoyyy ANELE KABOOM? peepoPooPoo Habibi KABOOM ANELE @harryjamesspotter you're delusional KABOOOM u just made those up man ANELE Clap KABOOM ANELE MOE U IN TCS? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM yasANELE yasANELE WH OMEGALUL PALESTINE GIRLS Kreygasm Kreygasm @yassuo who's the best player in NA u think? @Yassuo do you suck dick man???| ANELE Clap LUL @yassou how close are you to be a millionare @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? . anele cLAP ????? ANELE do you find support boring?? bnanaAYAYA yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE @Yassuo do you suck dick man? ANELE whats ur budget on the car love u man love sa5neen @Yassuo i go sleep ok ? ANELE 7 WAIT ARE YOU HALF AFGHAN? ANELE aaah yes yasANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo do you suck dick man? bro Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Dokey hahaah ArigatoNas ANELE Clap yasANELE Clap yasANELE Clap yasANELE Clap yasANELE Clap i am from sakhnin too kapp, i am from haifa Heey Moe do you sm im from sakhnin btw :D pog you bitch @Yassuo im a better yasuo!"!!! KABOOM HAHA BOOM BOOM @Yassuo Boshy in queue? You already know you a beast at the game and gonna beat megaman yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE NY MTA KEKW TRUE @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw?? @Yassuo The real question, Dream girl?? סכנין xqcJ ~ ANELE ~ ANELE ANELE ANELE NY MTA KEKW NY MTA KEKW NY MTA KEKW NY MTA KEKW yasANELE just like london LULW @Yassuo play on my clash team yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE @Yassuo Do u like sabich? @Yassuo pog you bitch @racempanunu yasU BALLONNN DORRR CLASH UP POG @yassuo 1V1 ME YAS PUSSSSSY !uptime The stream has been live for 51 minutes 0 seconds @yassuo how much money would you pay to listen to eternal atake at this moment knowing it might not ever come out? @c0r3x3 haHAA you know i get that Jebaited I hope 2020 is a good year for my mom @yassuo elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA KEKW PALESTINE GIRLS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm SHOW ROLEX @Yassuo @Yassuo Do u like sabich?? "used to" KEKW TRAIN USERS KEKW yasSpit TRUEEEEE ANELE yasN yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE elite5SMUG fat what about buying stuff and the ID you? moe lookin hella fresh @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw@@! my free sub ends tomorrow :((( @Yassuo do some pantheon No Snow SadChamp no license no bitches Kapp open ur capsules go to loot yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasClown yasClown yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasClown yasClown Sad you are younger than me 🥺 Play ahri :) @Yassuo SHOW ROLEX @Yassuo XD elite5Gachi elite5Gachi elite5Gachi elite5Gachi @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR racempanunu semaine bloquée btw KEKW Pog you play ball moe? take the host back if he plays vlad Have u been there once? elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk elite5Honk @GuyMission זה לא הסכנין הזה Kapp Hey moe do you speak multiple languages? !yasuo yasClown DansGame snakes hardcounter vlad tho CHAT FULL OF TRUMP DUMBASSES LUL yasN yasN any 1.000 kers ? KEKW matrawALFA holstjPresset holstjPresset holstjPresset holstjPresset holstjPresset You look like you are 25yo D: yeah you’re crazy if you drive in the city and don’t work far away yasTrue @Yassuo trains are kinda busted, unbalanced as fuck @Elite500 KEKW @Yassuo Can you 1v1 Mini Garen no1 garen euw yasW AobaSuzukaze_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! KEKW NEXT N OMEGALUL D: lol D: D: U GONNA BE IN TCS? .. tf talkin bout ur fake rolly SHOW ROLEX @Yassuo wtff yo get me in that clash squad ill rammus TRUUUUUUUUUUUU better then hard DansGame @Elite500 xDD KEKW ur a bear DansGame KKona ? LULW DansGame D: KEKW WutFace CLASH WutFace DansGame wanna join my clash team eww @yassuo so ur half Russian? yasClown yasClown yasClown WutFace ewwwwwwwwww ugly KEKW XD EWWWW Go to loot SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper no you dont but ok DansGame @Elite500 LUL elite5Gachi LULW KEKW wtf is that HAIRLY NIPPLES Pog Rich brian Pog WTF Have u been in isreal once ? @Yassuo READ MY MESSAGE DUDEEEE HAHHAHAH @Yassuo do you suck dick man? @yassuo you looking spicy today keep it up KEKW @Yassuo Boshy in queue? You already know you a beast at the game and gonna beat megaman KEKW @Elite500 noticed Pog @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR AHAHAHAHHAHA @Yassuo trains are kinda busted, unbalanced as fuck. LUL @awildsorakaa KEKW only emote i can use W H OMEGALUL TriHard MiniGaren hey GAREN 1V1? LUL @Yassuo STOP BEING SO FUCKING DELUSIONAL GO FUCK YOURSELF GAREN LUL SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper @Yassuo do you suck dick man?? @Yassuo BRO I WANNA USE MY 25K POINTS ya theres 2 weekends @Yassuo I GO SLEEP OK ? im best garen NA @Yassuo do you suck dick man? SHOW ROLEX PUSSY CHEST HAIR DansGame hairy ape Girls dig the chest hair racempanunu why do you find support boring??? SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper @Yassuo do you suck dick man??? @dunlol dunlolMental i miss u @Yassuo I GO SLEEP OK ? . Pooga VLADIMIR GachiBass @Yassuo do you suck dick man?. KEKW Do you drink alcohol? sanchBlanky @Yassuo trains are kinda busted, unbalanced as fuck hi PartyPoro PartyPoro KEKW @Yassuo watch the clash video yasANELE Clap @cheffylol miss ur smile whats that yasuo icon fron garen KEKW AYAYA pepej` u r gay @Yassuo @Yassuo I GO SLEEP OK ? SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper HAIRLY NIPPLES Pog ? SIEMA Dominate Waiting room ResidentSleeper PepeHands sanchBlanky Na @Yassuo BRO I WANNA USE 25K POINTS MAN KEKW GO TO LOOT AND OPEN ALL UR CAPSULES SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper NaM sanchBlanky duo general pepeJAM will u stream during all star @Yassuo SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM ResidentSleeper VLADIMIR PagChomp VLADIMIR PagChomp VLADIMIR PagChomp VLADIMIR PagChomp VLADIMIR PagChomp @Yassuo check the recent guy who redeemed a gifted sub through channel points Use GSYNC pls @Yassuo How did you convice your parents to let you play league in highschool? @Yassuo I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @yassuo So you’re half Russian? @awildsorakaa ma shit is broking KEKW skdandi subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo POG YOU BTICH @yassuo what do you think about the new Diana? sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky @morgoshiailia noone cares ResidentSleeper moelester_army -> Please refrain from posting links. allah akbar @Yassuo Drink gfuel bro Moe is the merch coming soon? Team for TCS`? PartyPoro @Yassuo YOU ARE DELUSIONAL can u follow me yo W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL RK work KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky Bro can u show me ur senna runes? sanch lowkey a hidden gem SANCHOVIES WAITING ROOM Weird__Flex W OMEGALUL RK wiw 3la zebi What do you think is the meta for midlaners rn?? yasSSS WORK KEKW yasU yasU yasU ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKWA @Yassuo I GO SLEEP OK ? What type of girls u like bro qt KEKW W OMEGALUL R K @Yassuo sanch started work, i guess we back to watching moe WeirdChamp QT KEKW @awildsorakaa broken* WeirdChamp no streaming ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW qr KEKW racempanunu yasPepega GENERAL SNIPER Pog mia khalifa GG how did qtpie finish challenger QT KEKEW QT STACKED? LUL Moe waiting room... oh wait PogU QT KEKW @Yassuo allah akbar does na suck this bad KEKW @Yassuo I GO SLEEP OK ? . @Yassuo Discord with them qt KEKW KEKW GGS Siema kurwa mac yasChair yasChair yasChair QT is stack KEKW QT KEKW QT oh snap its the pie Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo DUO GENERAL AFTER QT KEKW XD Doing TCS to lose agin or you Winning it? Aww in Vegas and he can’t go clubbing sucks @yassuo talk about investments PogChamp @Yassuo beard on fleek sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky Get a nissan GTR bro noobva generalsniper 13 years old PedoBear qt sucks QT KEKW yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair time for vlad PLAY DIANA voice with them @vandalaism follow me call QT KEKW General sniper :O @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it @yassuo really fun streams recently yasH Kapp IMAQTPIE KEKW UR MOM XD QT KEKW Parmarater subscribed with Twitch Prime. g4greveNoel g4greveNoel g4greveNoel g4greveNoel g4greveNoel 5head sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart @Yassuo Discord QT @dunlol how did you? PepeLaugh heimer yo wiiiiw @Yassuo POG YOU BITCH VIKTOR BB PLS Cheer100 So you're fluent in Arabic and English? .. 5Head DISCORD POOOOOOOOOOG racempanunu bara akra ban veigar play yasuo plz Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Yassuo aske for support, go blitz!! DISCORD QT @dunlol hes a good player lol STACKED TEAM PogU Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW qt LULW @dunlol Well moe and t1 didn't so maybe it's not that easy KEKW racempanunu andi math godwa @WinterStorme true PagChomp PagChomp TRUEEE yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair Pepega DONO NotLikeThis yasU CALL QT FOR SOME CONTENT @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR yasSpit !free KEKW @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? DISCORD QT SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssss...... !rank Moe ask if you can aupport qt again Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Yassuo = Overrated GRANDMASTER I (378 LP) yasN PixelBob @yassuo So you’re half Russian? shaco lol im challenging you to follow me in twitch i bet u cant @Yassuo Play vlad yasSpit lol Did u get a new keyboard? wow QT = GG KEKW DO IT FOR CONTENT MOE Pog @awildsorakaa FeelsPumpkinMan sanchPoggy sanchPoggy @Yassuo How did you convince your parents to let you play league in highschool? Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW guys what the fck is KEKW ???? haha pog you salam ThankEgg QT is actually higher elo than Moe atm @NaZe_Minaj VIKTOR PLZ PainChamp PRECIPITATION BOYS CALL QT FOR CONTENT Your blitzt was clean support qt again !elo poggers DISCORD QT Pog @Yassuo disc qt yass picks money over friends speak some Play pantheon ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW LOL @dunlol qt is the best. 4 time challenger jacket winner, worlds participant Not fluent in either KEKW 1 @Yassuo Yeah u gotta work on that english racempanunu spongePls @yassuo can you gift me true damage yas !elo @Yassuo you once said that youve not been trying but if you do you are the best yassuo in the world ... that right there is the problem of na's mentality ... whats keeping them behind others ... like idk @Yassuo you are talking about English right? :) OVERRATED LETS GO PRECIPITATION @Yassuo DISC QT pogU @Yassuo wassup man love the stream Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo DIS QT this one guy spams the same emotes @djboss0729 t-true @froenntsm WeirdChamp @Yassuo Imagine these people that only know one language KEKW ANELE PLAY DIANA AND ONE SHOT KEKW Anele wowie @awildsorakaa gachiHYPER and mods are just asleep More yes VIKTOR :D yes EZ cosminel29 -> Please refrain sending long messages. @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ?? Yes nah no nop 500k no PLUMBER POG yea YES yes yes :) yes hahahaha more 20000 YES yes MORE KEKW lol PepeLaugh lol no, 1mill a month yes YES Isnt mindbeast going to do an all star thing? @Yassuo More OH yes MORE KEKW KEKW yes LULW LULW OIL PRINCE PogU yes :) LULW LULW yes LULW KEKW OMEGALUL LOL KEKW KEKW OK 4K a month i bet more PepeLaugh yes xd @Yassuo if u move to facebook KEKW U WILL tru LULW OMEGALUL how much before tax LELW WHUT LUL 1 okay fuck u @dunlol and he got streamer of the year. How can you get better than him KEKW WTF KEKW lol LMFAO WTF KEKW yea D: KEKw probs 40k/mnth? ES 1million yes :) D: KEKW 20-30k a month KEKW haha I wish i made liek 40k a month feelsbadman CALL QT KEKW KEKW !subcount Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : lmao LULW WeirdChamp ?? Our money KEKW ahaha KEKW OK YES YES KEKW ANELE Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKWPlay a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW im challenging u to follow me in twitch i bet u cant @Yassuo pog GOOD ONE KEKW @h_kieroh 50k LUL u make 60k OIL PRINCE LULW racempanunu gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP yikes Kappa thats pocket money yasN yasN 60k a month LULW OK MAHMUT @dunlol HI baby ;) 70k a month safecall No Remember that 1v1 with qt? yes : KEKW PLUS KEKW N OMEGALUL PepeLaugh THEY DONT KNOW PepeLaugh MILLIONARE LULW 40k @yassuo you should get a certificate in arabic how much you make? YOU DO MAKE THAT @yassuo show us your vladimir true skills LULW how much u make bitch 10 K LOL 30k @Yassuo TCS ???? 30-40k KEKW how much do you make LOLW around 70-80 k :) u make 80k / month i know it 20k LULW @hanu0010 hey stinky @Yassuo do u like fighting games? I'm guessing 60K a month make way more than iwd and he makes about 40k a month @Yassuo 199k what is he grinding: @Yassuo YOU MAKE 50 OUT OF YOUTUBE KEKW how much u earn? what do you make a year off streaming kek vlad LUL LMAO 50K MINIMUM BUT YOU DO LOL @Yassuo What kind of car you thinking of getting? TALK ABOUT MONEY Pog 30k VIKTOR PLZ PainChamp DONT YASUO dom makes like 60k a month so you probably make like 300k @Yassuo KEKW The crackhead dom makes 40k a moth 15k at least @Yassuo vladimir dude probably around 50k poor guy 199k? Rich brian is so ass vlad WeirdChamp you dont make anything WeirdChamp just get donated from randoms WeirdChamp ZED SINGED SINGED SINGED SINGED Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW Play a cancer chamP @Yassuo KEKW v c @Yassuo Get a Shelby GT 500 get all the punani my dude!!!! VIPER'S BROTHER Pog @yassuo So you’re half Russian? GO VLAD !subs !playlist if dom makes 54k a month moe probably around 80k KEKW VLAD PogU FeelsBadMan I WISH I COULD BE SO GOOD AS QT ON VEIGAR 8 DEATH PER GAME AVERAGE FOR 30 GAMES FeelsBadMan ZED all ad monkaW WE LIKE HEARING YOU TALK ABOUT MONEY Pog Sponsorships LULW need more channel points PRECIPITATION YASSSSSS @Yassuo TCS ???? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR 90k QT playing WoW rn @Yassuo do u like fighting games?? Yassuo do you pay taxes? go yasuo 80k a month jesus allah akabr AINT LOOKING LIKE IT IMMA TELL YOU THAT @yassuo !subcount BLITZ ABOUT TO INT A KID 4Weird does randomly spamming chat give channel points? Moe listen to DJ YUNG VAMP What a Team @awildsorakaa ay gtg cy@ FeelsRainMan no. grr CALL QT 4-20k MAX @Yassuo Do you think Tyler1's dick is as big as his ego? yasuo again ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper when was your last fight @Yassuo buy me a dinner bro you hella rich Kap VLAD @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? less than crackhead twitch a scam @Yassuo Nightbringer pls @Yassuo are u and Stylish not in a good mood . u guys used to be close If being fluent means being like a 5 year old that has basic understanding then yes you’re fluent NOT PLAYING VLAD WeirdChamp VLADDDD @Yassuo Rich Brian is underrated when was your last fight @Yassuo D: D: racempanunu see you peepoLeave KEKW Vlad D: / @Yassuo Nightbringer!!!! NIGHTBRINGER SKIN D: CHANGE THIS SKIN ALREADYYY TriHard TriHard TriHard zzzzz YAAASSOOUU KEKEW tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB DansGame @Yassuo go odyssey yasuo ResidentSleeper vlad CUUUUUTE IE General Sniper omggggg D: D: OMEGALUL TRUE @h_kieroh KEKW but u are UGLY @Yassuo change that ugly skin CUUUUUUTE PLAY DAWNBRINGER KEKW SURE u ugly as shit bro @Yassuo you are so delusional its unbelievable KEKW SOOOO CUTE @Yassuo CALL QT DISCORD yasuo again ?? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper CHEST HAIR LUL suscribe my chanel pliiss =) KappaPride Kapp ????????????????? ? DansGame trueeee ODDYSEY SKIN BROOOO stop full screening man youre ugly af hello moe KEKWT lol chat he makes 20 k a month on subs alone u all stupied Wtf no way you are making 2.4 million haha noo wayy you are though LULW NIGHTBRINGER SKINN HAIRLINE KEKW haHAA Kapp bird's nest on his head PepeLaugh @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin@Yassuo Bloodmoon skin@Yassuo Bloodmoon skin@Yassuo Bloodmoon skin GOD DAMN CUTE KEKW YEA RIGHT thats a yikes from me dog EGO ANDY KEKW Kappa WutFace NIGHTBRINGERRRR DansGame DansGame CHANGE SCREEN WTF KEKW Kapp true KEKW zzzzzz KEKW KEKW OKAY FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Kapp you just did when was your last fight UGLY FAT KEKW karasmD karasmD karasmD karasmD @Yassuo do u like fighting games? DELUSIONAL KEKW ResidentSleeper trueee TRUE Kappa fact see you in 30 years WutFace WutFace WutFace KEKW ahhahahahahahahaha truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue DELUSIONAL ANDY LUL LUL Kapp Get a nissan GTR pog @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin Pog Kapp yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair U r disgusting Kapp LICE KEKW YasPride ResidentSleeper Kapp Kappa CAP ALERT KEKW but who wants to date a snake KEKW ur very ?????? KEKW KEKW Kappa Kappa Real Modest ok dont go too far with your Ego ok cocky KEKW KEKW yikes What about that nose ??? trrrrrrrrrrruuuuueeeeee KEKW Kapp your ugly LOOOOOLLL so delusional its sad FeelsBadMan I WISH I COULD BE SO GOOD AS QT ON VEIGAR 8 DEATH PER GAME AVERAGE FOR 30 GAMES ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper YASUO AGAIN @Yassuo sure buddy daniela00unicorn u here? yasPride ur hair looks like my pubic hair GO BACK TO FULL CAM can you pronounce my username without saying it like s k dandi and say it all together @Yassuo UGLY DansGame kekw the reason i watch you everyday is because of ur yasuo, pls dont play other shit champs @Yassuo i could point out your flaws but it would ruin you DANDRUFF kekw @Yassuo i want to destroy your ego alo ur very attractive haHAA you ugly and fat relax ugly KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW KEKW yasFat good ARAB ds yasN @dgzeder lol oh wow D:p Kappa DELUSIONAL ANDY KEKW self loathing can do crazy things @yassuo Nightbringer skin MAAAAN pepega u are ugly fat TriDance KEKW LMAOOOOO MOE DIABETES LULLLLL @Yassuo @Yassuo go oddyseeeyyyyy that chest hair tho WutFace WutFace @Yassuo KEKW D: WHO EVEN SAYS THAT ): ur sexy SHUT UP KELP KEKW haHAA Kapp DELLUSIONAL KEKW fake confidence KEKW @Yassuo itookash -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. True KEKW yasChair yasChair yasChair yasPride yasPride do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo You looked better 2 years ago KEKW hahahaha Kapp ok moe @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW NO YOUR UGLY GO SHAVE AND WASH YOUR FACE TRUE LULW tomorrow merch will arive💜 D: @yassuo dont take chroma MOOOOO333 yasPride yasPride SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc BATTLE BOSS SKIN eyes tooc lose together big nose shit eyebrows DELUSIONAL @dunlol wish you streamed more . Now im stuck with this monkey dunlolHands every monkey at Kappa Kappa Kappa @awildsorakaa yeah always UR SEXY YASSUO ? KEKW ...... SadChamp Kappa D: KEKW Kapp Nah your hot TRUE @zalla1 you are fat @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo Have you seen the nightbringer chroma? D: whens the last time you smashed Whose this caveman on screen ? yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM do you find support boring?? D: WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU SNAP OUT OF IT do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo a when was your last fight @Yassuo KEKW HAHAHAHAHAH true KEKW you look fine bro I'm going through a difficult time in the family and the few lives you do make me happy. My sister is pregnant and I'm not ready to be a father @Yassuo yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype Do you make 6 figures in a month? @yassuo mad cute Pog moe you gay ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE yasPride yasPride yasPride @yassuo gift me a sub u wont @Yassuo BIG NOSE KEKW TRASH HAIR KEKW FAT FACE KEKW CHEST HAIR KEKW THICK EYEBROWS KEKW @Yassuo have you listened to baby keem? UGLY FUCKING BASTARD PIECE OF SHIT LMAOOOOO MOE DIABETES @Yassuo LUL LUL says hes attractive but can't get a girl KEKW @Yassuo What car you thinking of getting? kekw @Yassuo check the recent guy who redeemed a gifted sub through channel points u could leave ur hair to grow and gets yasuos style EGO TOO BIG KEKW Money is 80% of it sry pal @yassuo PLAY DAWNBRINGER!!! looking good babe <3 <3 <3 D: ACTUALLY TRUE LULW @Yassuo what is this circle yellow in the skins? but ur a snake KEKW DELUSIONAL KEKW HAIRLINE KEKW renekton mid KEKW ado you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo a xqcL_HF xqcL_HF xqcL_HF renek galio KEKW Dog shit player OMG I FUVKING LOVE YOU U ARE FAT D; @hanu0010 its ok just a lil while longer NEVER KEKW just stop watching this dude u r fat tho KOREA KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW @Yassuo THATS WHY U SINGLE KEKW . NEVER KEKW looking good babe <3 <3 <3 <3 KeKzMaScHiNe subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lul yasChair yasChair @Yassuo You are handsome, i wish i was like you :D daniela00unicorn moe's shirt has something witten under yassuo never NEVER KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW never KEKW Qtpie is handsome compared to you @yassuo NEVER KEKW i think u cute, but not like amazingly cute tho KEKW KEKW NEVER KOREA?? KEKW CALL QT DISCORD KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER na hair YESTERDAY exactly KEKW HE HAS TO THINK KEKW today :) never KEKW like smash bros? @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR UGLY AND DELLUSIONAL KEKW @Yassuo Bloodmoon skin? Pog never KOREA KEKW 2014 VIRGIN KEKW KEKW @yassuo So you’re half Russian? FOREVER KEKW never NEVER KEKW KEKW You know snakes change skin, u changed ur face long ago backstabbing cunt DELUSIONAL KEKW KOREA KEKW KOREA KEKW KOREA KEKW KOREA KEKW cap NEVER bust out ur phone never NEVER KEKW hahahah NEVER KEKW bdc team go NEVER KEJW do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo never LMAOOOOO MOE DIABETES @Yassuo ! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD @Yassuo trains are kinda busted, unbalanced as fuck. when was your last fight Kapp hahahah ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NEVER NEVER KEKW LULW NEVER KEKW LUL smashed you mom last night haHAA VIRGIN ANDY ????? @yassuo what do you think you will do after league is a dead game ----switch games ,retire or something else? HES A VIRGIN KEKW KEKW you gonna get back into gym? PLAY DAWNBRINGERR TELL US PSSYY LUL JUST SY IT KEKW KEKW E TU yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair yasChair KEKW KEKW KOREA never? moe = gay ????? KEKW never daniela00unicorn i dont have it KEKW KEKW exactly KEKW KEKW :DDDDDDDD @yassuo Lets gooo yasPride yasPride NEVER KEKW virgin SO UGLY CANT SMASH LUL LUL CALLING ZALLA UGLY WeirdChamp HE MADE YOU KEKW KEKW KEKW xDDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KOREA KEKW Clap virgin @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR LOOOOL. why u doing math u virgin ape NEVER KEKW KEKW NEVER LUL NIGHTBRINGER SKIN LULW KEKW LUL EGO BIGGER THAN TYLER1 ego bigger than Tyler1 VIrgin Airlines @Yassuo from an attractive brown guy to another attractive brown guy. You look pretty nice, no homo you are mad average looking bro KEKW when was your last fight @Yassuo mediumthicc subscribed with Twitch Prime. ahahaha hahhahahahha @awildsorakaa waiit really TOUCH A WOMAN QT is not even paying attention XD Change that skin to high noon @Yassuo KEKEW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 KEKW pololoo every monkey on his eyes IDK HOW U FEEL TILL YOU TELL ME KEKW when was your last fight Virgin KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAHAH KEKW yesterday Virgin check MOE send me some Merch Big Champ monkaW KEKW I what happened between momo 2+2=4 GO BATTLE BOSS SKIN lol he can"t even remember he is gay last time moe was in pussy was the day he born dummy ETERNAL VIRGIN forsenCD LULW WeirdChamp LMAOOOOO MOE DIABETES @Yassuo alohadylanvg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yoooo moe, can you show how to go through walls with yasuo e please! HYOON PepeHands KEKW NO GIRLS KEKW 0 Girls? KEKW @mmtmtesla KEKW OH NO POOR 1 GIRL hahahahahaahah u culd leave ur hair to grow and gets yasuos style @Yassuo @Yassuo NIGHTBRINGER 0 KEKW what is this circle yellow in the skins? @Yassuo ahahahaha مزعج Kapp ???? KEKW who cares its an empty list BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo What car you getting? dude ima qtpie locked in veigar adc MonkaW LOSING NOTHING LULW all 2 of them? SO 0 CONTACTS LUL 0 LUL LUL So none KEKW Kapp KEKW 0 u ugly peace of shit Kaqpp U look like poo haha. Xpplijjh monkaW Other skin Kapp Kapp the only difference is, WE GOT EFING GIRLFRIENDS, AND WE ACTUALLY GET PUSSY!!!! CHAT CALLING HIM VIRGIN WHEN 90% OF US ARE VIRGINS KEKW tRUEEEEEEEEEEEEE daniela00unicorn yea idk what it says tho Sussing subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! runescape? any cuties in chat? btmcAYAYA btmcLuv btmcPat LULW forcenCD do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo a hmm, no PRECIPITATION in the title today? erickddz27 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! SOREKIETON when was your last fight @Yassuo yasU KEKW XDDDDD I WANT NY MOE KEKW LULW EVER KEKW SAME :D in 20 years just have the list in ur breain HYOON LAST SMASH Hign Noon @Yassuo HYOON KEKW LULW HAVING A LIST FOR GIRLS HE TALKED WITH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ok virgin ?????????????? LUL LUL NEVER KEKW have yoiu talkewd to a guy recently tho HYOON PepeHands why would u make list dude like wtf you mean the blank list? LOSING NOTHING LULW LOSING NOTHING LULW LOSING NOTHING LULW LOSING NOTHING LULW LOSING NOTHING LULW we knew :) ????? CALL QT PogU KEKW VIRGIN LULW Do you fap with league champs? @yassuo KappaClaus KappaClaus THATS WEIRD ASF WeirdChamp @Yassuo I WONDER WHY KEKW VIRGIN frostynomad 20 YEARS LULW You mean never man its okay @Yassuo first time sex? what about a dude? @Yassuo Current Bench press max? you mean ever KEKW DRY 20 YEARS KEKW Lonely Moely 20 years maybe only for him have you ever even slept with a girl lel lulw u're bein real about it though respect PowerUpL FrankerZ PowerUpR KEKW KEKW monkaW Hackers NEVER KEKW yasN yasN YIKERS A WHILE KEKW you are a virgin lmfao 20 odd years yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? gay KEKW yeah its been like 20 years 20 years HYOON BROKE HIS HEART KEKW When was the last time you fapped? never KEKW HAIRLINE KEKW GG ZOOKDOOK IS A FURRY KEKW Hyoon? HYOON PepeHands GG GG HYOON PepeHands YOU FUCKED KEKW what about guys ? creepers haraamm hamoudii what is this EVER KEKW Pepega 20 years lol @Yassuo You Look Good. RIP GGGG KEKW GG LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo 20 YEARS KEKW 20 YEARS KEKW 20 YEARS KEKW 20 YEARS KEKW 20 YEARS KEKW 20 YEARS KEKW GOTTA BE SOME 20+ YEARS KEKW GG when was your last fight forcenCD My Man Clap gg @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? @Yassuo check the recent guy who redeemed a gifted sub through channel points GG EZ Change skin @Yassuo trains are kinda busted, unbalanced as fuck.... KEKW gg Hahahahabi respect that @yassuo F السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته same 3 topics every stream 2011 PepeLaugh Pepega Clap no precipitation in the title today???? UFF Poki ITS DOOMED GG KEKW clap when was your last fight @Yassuo lane swap billythekid20034 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! 15 months whats a waste of money.. NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis laaaaame @Yassuo What car you thinking of getting? PepeHands HYOON PepeHands e-girl? GOTTA BE SOME 20+ YEARS KEKW GOTTA BE SOME 20+ YEARS KEKW GOTTA BE SOME 20+ YEARS KEKW when was your last fight HYOON pepehands -1000 yas5 10-0 ah yes the renek bot was the last time with your mother @Yassuo 5Head Its been 20 years x_flower -> Please refrain from spamming caps. when was your last fight- @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD 20 year old virgin in 2019 KEKW can you shut up we are watching the stream @Yassuo I WANNA USE MMY 25K POINTS BRO CHANGING SUBJECT KEKW CHANGING SUBJECT KEKW CHANGING SUBJECT KEKW CHANGING SUBJECT KEKW CHANGING SUBJECT KEKW can anybody gift me a sub, mine will end in 1 day :( SAVED PogU manuganu15 -1 =3 you havent slept with a girl for a while but you slept with a guy thats for sure noooooo 5HEad hh ily moe HYOON pepehands HYOON pepehands HYOON pepehands HYOON pepehands HYOON pepehands HYOON pepehands a guy? 5Head renekton inter you're fine 4head you gonna get back into gym? when was your last fight @Yassuo how about a guy? lol @Yassuo Current bench max? KEKW hyoon :( fuck you bro MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD amazingooo @Yassuo You Look Good.. when was your last fight - CHAT HE HAS MULTIPLE NAMES FOR HUS HAND KAPPA its been 20years you look kinda better than me,have more tons of money compared to me and still virgo KEKW whats wrong وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته Ninjajack527 subscribed with Twitch Prime. What s your current elo? ANELE hello when was your last fight @Yassuo @Yassuo Which car are you thinking of getting? imaqtpie gonna carry this one HAIRLINE KEKW when was your last fight هلا hi go win yasuocide @Yassuo Since it's so cold here, watching your stream warms me :) U COULD LEAVE UR HAIR TO GROW AND GETS YASUOS STYLE @Yassuo SolidSnake PogU PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDpp CALL QT ON DISCORD CALL QT ON DISCORD CALL QT ON DISCORD CALL QT ON DISCORD virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas virgin yas : when was your last fight. PogU TESLA @Yassuo QT abusing Veigar !duo QuyDepTrai LAMBO KEKW lambo KEKW renek not that strong in this patch anyway is he @Yassuo Are you not in a clan or do you just not have the tag? cringe amg u playing boshy today or you got tilted after one day? @Yassuo Kapp Lol dont LAMBO HAHAHAAH GTR why cant i make a clip anymore LAMBO KEKW Calm down Rajj 4Weird GET A TESLA @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? AGAHAGHAG hiii ma manb boyy Audi ELON TRUCK kappa OVERCOMPENSATING KEKW KEKW @Yassuo get a BMW M6 TALL Kapp What games do u have in mind if u do variety when was your last fight @Yassuo LAMBO KEKW TALL KEKW @yassuo talk about money and savings it’s high key interesting IMO LUL sure bud FIAT CYBERTRUCK LAMBO LULW HAAHAH LAMBO LULW WeirdChamp not tall tho TRUEEEE ford focus KEKW LAMBO WeirdChamp @Yassuo KEKW TALL? T1 TALLER Honda civic tesla Kapp lambo is dead TALL KEKW tesla @Yassuo Get GTR mini cooper ??????????? lambo big dumb tesla KEKW LAMBO KEKW LAMBO IN LA BASIC AF whats wrong with him KEKW LAMB OMEGALUL tahts t1 My dad has a lambo... yo against swain 5head MR rund KEKW DODGE CHALLENGER fiat punto lambo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper WeirdChamp Mclaren i guess Lotus Kapp Tesla cybertruck KEKW GET A TESLA bently TESLa prius TESLA CYBERTRUCK g wagon @Yassuo Porsche T OMEGALUL LL Tesla you have to take and add a mechanic for yas, what u choosing? CORVETTE FIAT 500 KEKW TALL BTW KEKW bently prius MACLAREN FORD F150 toyota kekw Widozz55 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. CYBERTRUCK mustang a honda LULW Cybertruck 100% ford f-150 WHY DO U HAVE SUCH BIG FPS DROPS CYBETRUCK bently GTR Toyota Echo moe <3 Tesla pickup @Yassuo CYBERTRUCK tank CYBERTRUCK CYBERTRUCK @Yassuo Toyota tesla cybertruck @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDlmaooo @yassuo have you seen the new Diana rework? Lambo Ursa @Yassuo CYBERTRUCK!!!!!!!!! volvo CYBERTRUCK whatever car you're not in kekw TESLA A PRIAS needa training car first @Yassuo Mclaren @Yassuo porsche or mclaren @Yassuo Sleeping next to your mom after you had a bad dream doesnt count for sleeping with a girl bmw FORD FOCUS Tall ? NO ONE CYBERTRUCk @Yassuo mazda when was your last fight def a cybertruck audi r8 Bentley a tesla rolls royce wraith @Yassuo Tesla Truck Lambo weirdchamp bently yasThink yasThink @Yassuo Yugo A RARRI TESLA FORD FOCUS rf @Yassuo check the recent guy who redeemed a gifted sub through channel points mercedes Citroen @Yassuo dont get a expensive car on us dont change tesla LAMB OMEGALUL rolls royce small fat ugly NORMIE CAR KEKW MCCLAREN Mazda LAMBO WeirdChamp small dick spotted YUGO KEKW when was your last fight - G wagon Bmw m2 MCLAREN @Yassuo okey calm down, you are not THAT tall mercedes gt 63s TESLA moon2M do you have turkish blood ? rolls royce a tesla has a computer yasSleeper lambos LAMBO KEK Tesla qd? dodge ram A PRIUS KEKW @Yassuo cybertruck blueeox subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! sanchHeart @Yassuo just get a type r MINIVAN when was your last fight buggaty @Yassuo GTR says that honda civic HONDA KEKW Get a nissan GTR @yassuo @yassuo Damn that skin is so perfect and sexy yasPride a spaceshuttle bentley KEKW OVERCOMPENSATING KEKW KEKW POOR AF KEKW Ford TALL PEOPLE DONT FIT IN LAMBOS new tesla xd CYBERTRUCK @Yassuo a honda LULW ???????????? @Yassuo fiat punto tho BUGATTI VEIRON!!!!!! a lot of cars can say that bro Honda civic KEKW TRUE HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW MINI COOPER Inf solid snake is from LAN Mclaren Rolls Royce @Yassuo Mazda lol when was your last fight- Cybertruck CORVETTECORVETTECORVETTECORVETTECORVETTECORVETTE A Mazda 40K IS BROKE DODGE RAM r8 Roller TESLA MA BOI the tesla module 3 rolls royce PICKUP TTUCK KEKW POOR? KEKW yo moe, how good do you think yasuo is now in this patch? Just get a Tesla man save the earth ???????????? @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDddooodd @Yassuo get a BMW M6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Yassuo how you gonna be saying you make more than 200k... but your bed looking rough AF TAKE CYBERTRUCK FOR THE FANSSS 40K IS BROKE KEKW KEKW Toyota Corolla 2009 ford @yassuo M8 Maserrati CONQ SWAIN XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD VW Golf 3 when was your last fight royce KEKW LAMBO URUS G WAGON KEKW Get a rolls Royce ?????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW it's 80k Nissan GTR ratirlFlower but you are broke as hell ?????????????? HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HONDA KEKW BICYCLE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo BUY A TUNER CAR AND TUNE IT YUORSELF MERCEDES AMG PogChamp MERCEDES AMG PogChamp MERCEDES AMG PogChamp MERCEDES AMG PogChamp MERCEDES AMG PogChamp MERCEDES AMG PogChamp ROLLS ROYCE MOE @Yassuo MERCEDES GWAGON DODGE CHALLENGER. Tesla Roadster Defo a Roller @Pluto FeelsOkayMan you're such a fuk'n MOE, I love it 50 k THE BOOMERS DONT KNOW THE PRICE Roadster maybe sCARra LUL IMA BENZ UR MORE LIKE A VOVO SUPRA KEKW @Yassuo get a honda civic honda civic bmw bmw bmw bmw bmw bmw bmw bmw CORVETTECORVETTE CORVETTE CORVETTE CORVETTE McLaren Audi R8 !!!! Lambo HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N bugati cherone when was your last fight- G WAGON MERCEDES Pls Tesla BMW I8 40K IS BROKE LULW move to mixer MCLAREN KEKW *goes back to my model 3 sadly* HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW big tesla TESLA AUSTIN MARTIN Mazda KEKW anything with a price tag of 200k + lol A beatle KEKW BMW M8 @Yassuo maserati TESLA MODULE 3 @Yassuo NinjaGrumpy Pegassi Zentorno xD KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW HONDA KEKW @yassuo a red ferrari looks sick when was your last fight rolls roycE Honda KEKWW PartyTime where he at @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDyess yess mmm MAZDAAA @Yassuo U COULDM LEAVE UR HAIR TO GROW AND GETS YASUOS STYLE chevy aveo Acura NSX so a honda accord> twitch staff salary KEKW you will crash is fattie HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N @Yassuo GO STORMRAIZOR Nissan GTR WeirdChamp DISRESPECTING CYBERTRUCK @Yassuo rs6 avant @Yassuo FILLING INSECURITIES WITH CARS KEKW FLEXING WeirdChamp CYBER TRUCK IS 70K DODGE CHALLENGER! TALL KEKW rolls Audi R( HOMELESS Maybach s600 NINJA? POGGERS Mercedes easy hammer TWITCH STAFF yasH yasH Ferrari HAIRLINE KEKW 69 chevelle ss fam MCLAREN Pog السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته lul @Yassuo ELECTRIC PORSCHE astron martin man thets the go to car get a car like Tyler @Ninja POGGERS nissan gtr Royals Royce Audi R8 when was your last fight- s @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS RENAULT 12 KEKW @Yassuo buy an ugly ass car so they think your dick big BMW i8 HONDAAAAAAA KEKW rolls royce @Yassuo whats your longest sub @Yassuo SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW get a gtr honda lul civic BR OMEGALUL KE @Yassuo get a motorbike Pog what's your TCS roster take 20 kills T20 PEUGEOT DODGE RAM! @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDoohh its nice mmm yteah 90s toyota camry Get a McLaren @Yassuo get a Nissan GT R @yassuo GET A PORCSE OR SOMETHING IMILAR NOT A LAMBO TESLA ROADSTER LAMBO URUS Pog @pluto SadChamp when was your last fight @pluto model 3 PogChamp it’s sooo nice @Yassuo Ferrari 458 or GTR HAMMER jag f-type best skin GET A INF Q70 PogChamp the base model is 39k your entire fam is rich wtf RICH BROTHER PogU rich family mashallah 40-70k Pluto SadChamp THE TOP MODEL CYVERBAC Lambo Ursa @Yassuo 40K BASE MODEL @Ninja POGGERS MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL have u planted trees? KEKW OVERCOMPENSATING KEKW @pluto hihi Brad Corvette 2020 ARAB PRINCE @Pluto buy one it's 40, 60, 80k @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD!mm yeahhh ouuh rf @Yassuo check the recent guy who redeemed a gifted sub through channel points when was your last fight- You're so good you could DOMINATE the renekton even playing yasuo, right? @Yassuo a ferrari Maybach s600 Dude 40k is entry version Testa roadster. 200K. Looks like a lambo @yassuo @Yassuo 40 k with no options MCLAREN BETTER THAN LAMBO 9k andy KEKW @Yassuo LAMBO UIRUS Pog GET A NISSAN GTR SOOOOO NICE yasJoy dou get a mercedes when was your last fight 40k base 78k max stylish on the outside savage on the inside haHAA @ninja poggg @Yassuo Lebron Game? KEKW @Yassuo Get the tesla roadster yassuo what will you do when league is a dead game---retirre,switch games or something else?? when was your last fight- You can customize it KEKW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 juts wait for him to get like a toyota or some shit @Yassuo Get a girlfriend first "upgrades" @Yassuo SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW 20 million trees dono? @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD diabettttt i think one model is 99k aceuLove @Yassuo GET A VOLVO 740 KEKW yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper ELECTRIC CARS ResidentSleeper WHY wait what is moes tcs team? THE GATLING GUN COSTS 30k PogU KEKW Get a lotus ?? moe is bad muslim, good muslim never betrray trickus2g did you see nightbringer yasuo's new chroma? OkayChamp yasAYAYA COSCU ARMY LUL Nissan GTR can smoke any car and still can be tuned MOE FLEXIN HIS MONEY FROM STREAMING KEKW when was your last fight teslaa if you can afford get a McClaren @yassuo its clean The way u carry itself matters more then what car u got @yassuo solid snake inf @yassuo 70k high end mode @Yassuo Is this where I see the best yasuo in the world? you have tattoo? when was your last fight- KEKW KEKW @Yassuo get the 2020 roadset like atually !tcs @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD OPEN MID KEKW AYYYYYY i like that vooice BANGER pepeHands Nor armor vs renek KEKW when was your last fight You are so good you can still beat him SEPPUKU Kapp ????? PepeHands AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo Yo Yas, would you rather be bald or have shitty breath, but have sick hair me lul and handsome KEKW me yanni can Me :) me :) ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW ANY BLANKERS? KEKW KEKW ????? 1 q lmfao Ghosting PepeHands no one else playing that shit champ @Yassuo coming from you balanced KEKW 59 ALL DAY SHAMELESS MONEY GANG me :) kekw renekton vs yasuo = renekton favored match up but this is moe were talkin bout well go becuse yasuo aint baleced etheer l Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo Is this where I see the best yasuo in the world? kkkkkkkk And handsome KEKW @Yassuo SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW SMASH HYOON KEKW monkaW Renekton W TOYOTA COROLLA shows ur handsomeness wait, thats not swain ss mid what TriDance SSMID @x_flower 4WeirdW PogU WAT auto KEKW POGG RENEK HEAL LOL heal renekton THIS GUY IS SO BAD LOL MISSCLICKS KEKW SEPPPUKU HEAL XD SS MID MY MAN WENT HEAL ?????????? handsome but fat KEKW KEKW what a pussy AUTOED MINION LULW What was that trade by renekton lol HEAL KEKW LOL HEAL Q KEKW HE FLASHED Wtf HEAL POGLULW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : IGNITED AND HEAL KEKW why are you using this shit cursor? SS MID GO GO Q KEKW @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD!! TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard LOool Heal what a WeirdMan monkaW MONKAS qt POG KEKW sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA sparcA MonkaW é amigo PogChamp it must be a glitch.. it must be ! @Yassuo gg whats that dmg holy monkaW monkW so bad KEKW back dude BoolinJAM back Balanced MERCEDES AMG GT C COUPÉ PogChamp MERCEDES AMG GT C COUPÉ PogChamp MERCEDES AMG GT C COUPÉ PogChamp buff yasuo oooooooooooof @yassuo Can't wait for people to grow up and stop paying you... instead of helping world working and developing stuff you get to get pleased with the money of ppl in what world do we live in.... Anybody play cod Mobile Balanced xd gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM $B Pog FortOne FortOne FortOne FortOne gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM sillywill subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hello dick head PogChamp PogChamp KEKW chigan chigan\ thismusic LULW AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo hi gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM monkaW Close KEKW monkaS wtf LULW KEKW RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ NotLikeThis KEKW Pepega KEKW monkaS KEKW 6 5 MY EYES KEKW KEKW ? OMG OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW OMG KEKW This is GM BTW LOL KEKW monkaS lmao LMFAO LUL LMFAO NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW LOOOOOOOL kekw ahhh LUKLW XD KEKW OMG monkaS KEKW KEKW wow monkaS monkaW KEKW 6 HP KEKW lLOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 6HP monkaW XDD XDDDDD LMFAO KEKW LULW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW 8 HO WTF Pepega lol LUL LUL kekw_gang 8 Hp monkaW looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool shit that got me ded AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW 8 HP OMEGALUL ajaajjsjsjs aajja KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 6 Monka CHALLENGER LULE XXXXXXXXXXXXXDDDDDDDDDDDD MonkaS kekw SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 6 hp KEKW dsadsadsadsadsasdasadsadsad LUL LUL LUL LUL lol so baaad monkaW hi yt 5 LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 8 hp KEKW LOL 10HP LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega LOL damn i prepared my KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW SYNAPSE LULW SYNAPSE LULW SYNAPSE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 8 hp xDDDDDDD Xdddddddddddddddd LUL LUL LUL LUL yeah bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes looooool ye yea KEKW 3 hp ROLLED BY A MINION KEKW 6 litterally one more hit and you die monkaS OMEGALUL yes yes ??????? ye he did KEKW clip that 66 KEKW . o O ( monkaS ) yes yes yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega ratirlPOGGER no NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis monkaW yes YES HOLYYY KEKyesW Yes xD HE FLASHED @Yassuo HE FLASHED @Yassuo HE FLASHED @Yassuo HE FLASHED @Yassuo HE FLASHED @Yassuo Pepege Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa cmonBruh cmonBruh 6 Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap !!! Pepega Pepega NOOBSUO xDDD SYNAPSEEE SYNAPSE keriosWTF keriosWTF keriosWTF keriosWTF keriosCry DUUUUDE !elo MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM LuL yasS what a manly scream xD 6 hp where is jensen? lookin scary today moe lol Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP when was your last fight TRUE TRUE KEKW Clap Pepega nice man Pepega Pepega yup ur dogshit DOOOOOOOOD SwiftRage Facts lol LUL @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD yooo yoyoyooy mm yeah yo wtf happened to you and hyoon, did i miss smthn LUL LUL LUL TRUUE TRUE KEKW you forgot ugly LUL forgot Kapp KEKW Clip?# when was your last fight @Yassuo tashvsDisappoint tashvsDisappoint tashvsDisappoint tashvsDisappoint tashvsDisappoint tashvsDisappoint hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yasCarried WE ALL KNOW THAT HE REALISED And fat Kappa Pepega Clap LUL LUL @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD!@121 Pepega Pepega Clap LUL LUL LUL LUL last little hit you NA yassuo LUL handsome no more WAAAAAA3 BabyRage So NA iron KEKW KEKW hey gamera when was your last fight lol yes @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDyess mmm yeah NA IS DOOMED @Yassuo You're not stupid don't worry! :) NEVER KEKW gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW NEVER KEKW do you use sun cream when going out @Yassuo T1 TR KEKW LULW when was your last fight- yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD!! lol fight zzdd man twitch con LULW CS LULW NEVER KEKW never soyboy NEVER KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW Ugly and stupid TRUE LUL 12 FARM KEKW so bad and ugly when was your last fight SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood stfu yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS EMOTE THRASH EKWKLUL True fakesnake streamer LUL when was your last fight- weak PepeLaugh you are, but all good :D lookin scary todya @ yassuo gg READ CHAT THEN yasNunu !uptime !uptime CANT DENY THAT KEKW The stream has been live for 1 hours 1 minutes 3 seconds Look at his face- NEVER KEKW yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue fat boi ugrly nogggmnnoggg @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD pepeD 12 CS KEKW i legit thought you and hyoon was a thing !followage TWITCHCON W TYLER1 xd amigoexpp31 -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. @thearcalius TriHard f or almost PogU LEE KEKW Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog GRAGAS Pog Clean clean POGU POG POG U Pog POG Pog GRAGAS Pog PogYou PogU Pog WHO IS HE PogYou Poh PogChamp @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD Pog Pog POGU PRRRRRRR gragas Pog EZ @Yassuo your dad is a doctor, the only fights you got into were in court so bad so stupid Pog Well fought Moe. cameronxd_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo how much did you pay that renek? be honest :) Pog GRAGAS POG he already flashed right he did no POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU POINT BLANK NADO PogU Renek is playing without a keyboard what are those moves GRAGAS PogU they are stupid, big wawe :D NO is that him PogU yea yes yes yes yes @Yassuo Ego higher than your mmr WINNING LANE AGAINST RENEKTON he did CONQUERER BROKEN KEKW LEEE USED F tyes no KEKW lee flashed he flashed behind you to land q yes no no sssnake @zalla1 hahahahaha @Yassuo True PogYou no yes PepeLaugh where is jensen yasBoo1 He flashed yo @Yassuo the renek went 0-11 earlier, he's an inter OH NO NO PepeLaugh yes @Yassuo PLAY PUBG FOR 1k lee flashed behind you ur memory. grag flashed PepeLaugh ??? ITS LEGIT A BOT KEKW pog KEKW ?????? also jg is helping you KEKW KEKW @Yassuo karma APE ¿?¿? Pepega Clap Jebaite OMEGALUL SO BAD BTW KEKW KEKW KEKW LELW LUL LUL KEKW KEK KEKW wtf wasd that man 1130 channel points weird flex ! LUL HE'S SO BAD KEKW KEKW lol KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW SO BAF He is so bad Jebaited PepeLaugh ???? LUL KEKW KEKW LUL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW how good is yasuo in this patch? PUGYOU KEKW KEKW ? LuL KEKW KEKW YEAH YEAH YOU ARE WORSE KEKW Renekton is bad KEKW kappa KEKW ? KEKW favourite rap artist ? kekl sirspl2KEKW trkRat trkRat trkRat 😂 @Yassuo 😂 @Yassuo 😂 @Yassuo 😂 @Yassuo KEKW LUL LUL LUL if renekton comes back after missing that wave youre boosted as fuck U DOG INTER ??????? KEKW CANT MAKE THIS UP KEKW KEKW SO BAD BTW KEKW HE BAD KEKW IS SO BAD RENEK BAD KEKW @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD@Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD @Yassuo you mean hes special go 6 dorans sandbagged kandyHAA kandyHAA kandyHAA KEKW opgg symfSUS KEKW YYYYY TUUUUUU kappa pride hes bad BTW KEKW He's bad but not so bad HE IS SO BAD KEKW kapp greedy mf karma OMEGALUL Will you play TCS? mind games 5Head he is so bad xD how good is yasuo in this patch @Yassuo 😂 actual trash DOG INTER ? yasMald Losing it KEKW dick had PepeLaugh KEKW @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDxdd mm yeah yasAYAYA KEKW 4HEad Pepega @Yassuo 😂 👌 favourite rap artist ? DUDE @Yassuo feeding as per usual KEKW Finally no "xD" in chat FeelsGoodMan u are very confident lmao KEKW LUL fo you have autism? i just realized thats imaqt Pepega PepeLaugh i played with him today, he had like 0 kp in 50 kill game Usually u look like homeless but today u look extra clean yasNunu Karmaaaaaaaaaa xD I NEED A TrapP 4Head 4HEad 4Heed KEKW @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD@Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD SO BAD KEKW yasNLT If you couldnt stream, what would you do as a job then xD chill XD ??? yasuoooo brazil y love you FARM KEKW @Yassuo how do you win against a good darius @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD xD yasOkay yasOkay @Yassuo hey Moe after watching your youtube content for 2 years this is the first time watching you live. Much love from holland <3 BUILD DORANS RING SO HELPFUL XD WHAT KEKW i disable addblock for the bro XD? DansGame WTF Jake paul? J COLE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA corny ass xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD xD ur gay for that @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDDGOAQTTTTT GOATT XDD eminem J Cole is overrated WHAT J COLE KEKW KEKW Clap ??? J C OMEGALUL LE DansGame LUL jcole overrated AF JAKE PAUL FailFish HAHHAA J COLE KEKW fucking dog NotLikeThis XD W H OMEGALUL truuu KEKW XDDDDDDDD Kapp I NEED A TraPP LISTEN TO HYOONS PLAYLIST U WONT J COLE KEKW XD J COLE KEKW @Yassuo jake paul LULW JAKE PAUL ???????? zenkaryu subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Selam habibi, what's poppin. WH OMEGALUL ? ? @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD@Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD do you think bronze rank matches should feel like diamond + ranks, as in like, mages top destroy darius and aatrox, oor? CS KEKW Jake Paul??? jake paul wtf Travis Scott <3 Moe are u mentally ill do you need help Respect KEKW Clap put it down on J Cole? you wanna fuck him> is he and trick good yet? @Yassuo Would you fuck a goat ? W H OMEGALUL ? FailFish FailFish FailFish DUDE PLAY SOME WEEKND! Jake PUAL? WHY MOE WHY WHIGGER KEKW Hey Moe, do you use GSYNC? I think you are not. Please enable it for your sanity! curry legit better than cole @Yassuo DUDAHAHHHDAUADH@Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis VoHiYo You seem like you stan Russ Jake Paul Kappa True yasOkay why sub to moe when his emotes are free ? yasOkay J cole OMEGALUL 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool zalla1 here POGGERS @jackplaym j cole* 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool 21 SAVAGE TriKool Who in chat wants to fuck? Travis Scott he is not even a rapper yasU yasU yasU yasU yo can some1 explain me this new twitch mechanic? Kendrick is the real GOAT LOL KEKW OMEGALUL U GOT THE PLATE PogYou any mondray gifters ratirlMangoS KEKW jp kappa IGOR RAP ALBUM OF THE YEAR KEKW @purmorphamine j cole* KEKW Utopiacc -> Please refrain from posting links. rekt LUL LUL LUL LOGAN PAUL ? yasuo u are shit BROKEN LULW LUL oh skin feia KEKW you should be on quarantine for stupidity KEKW KEKW KEKW pog KEKW KEKW REKT KEKW can you rank yasuo skins in order, since they recently released Battle boss and true damage, i would like to see what order you put the skins in KEKW BALACNED KEKW KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW WINDWALL KEKW IGNITED HEALS LULW KEKW LUL LUL RENEK BALANCED KEKW @awildsorakaa ANELE 7 ballanced jajajajaa if you think j. cole is overrated, you're wrong HES SO BAD KEKW BRO LOLW Jebaited BLANCED LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? lol gg says the yasuo KEKW XD 1/2 KEKW ur bad KEKW "renekton is shit" LULW S O BAD KEKW HES SO BAD KEKW JESUS CAN SAVE YOU!!! who is khabib fighting against? HEAL RENEKTON KEKW @Yassuo 😂 👌 @Yassuo 😂 👌 LUL reneekton is bad? KEKW JAKE PAUL AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo AUDI R8, NOT TOO EXPENSIVE AND RELIABLE AF @Yassuo @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD lol I NEED A TrapP @Yassuo sup :D Actually IRL malding KEKW LOST TO NO SHOUJIN RENEK LULW xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY i won 10 points and idk why or how KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BALANCED @Yassuo 😂 👌 he so bad curry legit better than cole @Yassuo Will you play in TCS? hahhahahaha ff 15 KEKW MOE bies yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay @MathrGamer dkoakdosdak u played clean but get fcked up by comlex champ design dont blame gragas for that LULW Heal sekiy @Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD@Yassuo LMAOOO MOE DIABETUS SLEEPS WITH MEN LOL COZY XDD MOEbies yasClown stop feed @Yassuo he healed wear challenger jacket for luck were u stunned? bruh why do you keep clenching ur jaw so hard lol @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo Hahahhaha Mobis wear challenger jacket for luck . q BOOTS DO DMG he wouldnt have gotten to u without em Moe Will you play in TCS? Heal So Yasuo is balanced ? i think no can you rank yasuo skins from best to worst? LMAO? kekw xqcBall LOSING TO INTING CROCODILE KEKW LOSING TO INTING CROCODILE KEKW LOSING TO INTING CROCODILE KEKW LOSING TO INTING CROCODILE KEKW XDD ez nooobz lmao @Yassuo why TF blade got 0 sense of fashion who puts kekw emote on fuckin merch and wants 40$ for it ? KEKW MOE BEES MID DIFF @Yassuo are you participating in TCS? KappaPride ? MOEBIS KEKW ask camille to swap xdxd @Yassuo its okay bro you gettem next time yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown KEKW ??? ????????? yasThink ???? TRUEE LULW LUL renektons bad btw LUL Xddddddddddd true WTF LUL LUL DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! true KEKW @Yassuo give me vip habibi wear challenger jacket for luck - tHis RenEkToN iS sO BaD!!!111 KEKW lmao ANY CUTIES? btmcAYAYA ANY CUTIES? btmcAYAYA ANY CUTIES? btmcAYAYA ANY CUTIES? btmcAYAYA yasMald xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? xqcBall ANY THROWERS? ? YAS. PLAYER COMPLAINING ABOUT BALANCE LUL OK ay bbe girl how you doin? @Yassuo yo moe when is the nxt pummel party COZY KEKW ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ??? pepeD 🤔 ??? TRUE PogU best champions for improvement rather than raw lp gains? facts @kikeod420 you get +10 every 5 mins No BabyRage SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood TRUE1 wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo we cute chat AYAYA TRUE Pog ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? ITS MOEEE WEEBS IN AYAYA SeemsGood SeemsGood yas1 yas2 @Yassuo You can still win Renek is actually bad LuL xqcP @Yassuo holy shit u finally shaved XD hes gonna die emidiatly without any amor LOOOOL Phantom or statick? !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 4 minutes 20 seconds TF talks shit then loses like always karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmGasm I NEED A TraPP B) TRUE /+:) just came back and i already see my boy inting Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: entire army camping midd sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM ANY BLANKERS? gladdGASM Man I feel bad for some of the things you have to read Moe lmao renek running dorans shield and heal and is still broken as hell ff @made15 thx mid fiesta Kappa Doesn’t Gragas convert movment speed into ability power?? 😂 ANY SIPPERS? ratirlSip ratirlSip hmmmm kekw oussy @aezeorwow it all depends on how you play, clearly a single champ cant just gain you lp for playing them.... yas5 Renekton no heal KEKW PUSSY renekton balanced Not going tabi vs Renekton MOnkaS QT INTING LULW yasOkay yasOkay Q KEKW QT AND MOE INTING KEKW LU Q? q NICE Q KEKW I NEED A TrapP Q LULW @exCoach i feel bad for some of the things i type Na q that q :D Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty KEKEW vermin KEKW RENE LUL @Yassuo no haircut before leaving ny? u might get FUCKED up out there by some low yelp reviewed barber ????? LMAO KEKW NA LUL @zalla1 that’s cap @zalla1 good :) 4 manned KEKW R LULW MIDARAM KEKW PUSSY OMEGALUL KEKW NA KEKW R KEKW GRAGAS KEKW this song is racist ????? NA LULW NA KEKW NA KEKW ult? NA KEKW @Yassuo the heal tech PogU SYNERGY KEKW NA BTW :D t yas2Remember when nb3 beat you 1v1 as Yas? SHADOWDOGSS MaN GRAGAS ??????????????????? NARAM LULW NA OMEGALUL lol sound yasS @NaZe_Minaj dumbass discord WARD KEKW @NaZe_Minaj check discord ZULUL NA KEKW yasS KEKW PUSSY he is just too good KEKW racist song CS KEKW NA KEKW this song is racist WARD KEKW NARAM KEKW because of mobies Nice Wtf are they all doing mid at min 8 KEKW bro these silver players in chat saying NA lol relax @NaZe_Minaj discord ZULUL stacked team How is NA so fucking trash wear challenger jacket for luck KANYE cmonBruh 46 CS IN 10 MIN KEKW ZULUL cmonBruh do a montage play @Yassuo I ate big falafel can i get diabEEETOS nice riven just came back and i already see my boy inting holy fuck @Yassuo how do you know when its your best bet to buy another dorans blade YE cmonBruh wear challenger jacket for luck - cn you rank yasuo''s skins from best to worst? kanye GOAT jesus is king haHAA yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? VI VON ZULUL nice cs @ipatricko youre silver arent you ????????? KEKW NA KEKW KEKW oh... LUL LUL ou :( KEKW why u gotta int general sniper KEKW @Yassuo u should play katana zero on stream one day Bro hit the futsal shuffle LUL LUL wear challenger jacket for luck RIVEN ULT ? OMEGALUL Pog is there a dead body on the floor? Pog POG you listened that too? Pog grag you made him go in POG GRAGAS KEKW @Yassuo Just supporting your boy, you know how we do. you like true dmg yas or you using it cos its new? you won't buy chain best against renek? GRAGAS Pog SAVED Gragas PogChamp moe listen to racist songs. OMG you racist always ints general sniper OMEGALLUL POGGERS moe i love u from Korea POG Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo PogU LUL LUL LUL Pog Gragas PogYou Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Imagine asking this 1-2 46 cs yas for a tutorial elo? he trash Muted POG CS Do the futsal shuffle Pog PogU POGGERS moe love u from korea is it me or is the league SFX is bugged? CS KEKW yasSpit Does he have a Tattoo on his chest? dud he is busted because new conq 4Weird CS PepeLaugh @Yassuo i think you took "picking on someone your own size" too literally moe KEKW haha noob cs How do you do air blades and keyblades CS KEKW rin_tohsakaaa subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak! CS KEKW pepeJAM @Yassuo did you cut your own hair/ @Yassuo Free Lane now lmao MrDestructoid PowerUpR rise wipe out the humans she just walked out @repstyle no it’s hair KEKW ur playing like dogshit thisgame wtf moe 50 cs min 10 KEKW Fun fact: This was the final song that Kanye made that could be categorized as good Pog CS KEKW KappaClaus Pozdrawiam wszystkich polaczków CANNON CANN OMEGALUL N CANNON LUL MrDestructoid PowerUpR rise wipe out the humans MrDestructoid PowerUpR rise wipe out the humans MrDestructoid PowerUpR rise wipe out the humans KEKW XD DESTROYED KEKW int Cannon ;'c inting KEKW KEKw KEKW CC INT KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW wtf is going on? Kapp LULW cs KEKW OMEGALUL Kapp KEKW Bye ez nooob:) KEKW INT INT INT stormrazor on yas not bad I don't think Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo WELL PLAYED MOE LUL POGGERS PRO Kapp gg yassuo inting hard yasWeird stop feeding thoo KEKW tf bronze iq yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay !cannon KEKW Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Any snakes in the chat? TriHard lol snipers MiniK wear challenger jacket for luck INTSuo ratirlInt When don't you feed your lane ? @Yassuo KEKW LUL Outplayed 1/70 :( ur playing like dogshit thisgame wtf moe BRIGHT ? haahhahhahah ff KEKW 1/3/1 KEKW KEKW KEKW BRIGHT SIDE KEKW KEKW KEKW BRONZE IQ hello @Yassuo you may be ugly but at least you're not bald at 22 wear challenger jacket for luck - KEKW typical yasuo player @Yassuo im tryng to improve my cs per min, any tips ? :) From 1-0-1 to 1-3-1 YIKERS yasBoo2 @djboss0729 Thanks it looks wierd on my TV :‘D LUL yasOkay miniK best yasuo kappa 0 vision score im gonna run late for class to watch that titty of a play YASSUO man cmon renekton is a broken champ YOU ARE WORSE THEN KEKW MECHANICAL PLAYER KEKW MECHANICAL PLAYER KEKW lul the salt wear challenger jacket for luck @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD true tho KEKW CANNON PogU CANNON PogU CANNON PogU CANNON PogU MOE COMING THROUGH :wheelchair: KEKW EXCUSES deliusional mid laner MOE INTING peepoArrive XD what do you like about yasuo? what is your favourite subject? KEKW 1 Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo 1 / 3 / 1 yasN lolol D: na player KEKW wear challenger jacket for luck - KEKW KEKW you playin agaisnt 3 people in mid LULW 15 FPS KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MALDING KEKW KEKW triggered LULW D: LULW Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Any snakes in the chat? TriHard u sooo baaad @VeryNiceCancer KEKW Kapp PERMAD KEKW @VeryNiceCancer KEKW KEKW He mad EXCUSES LULW BRONZE LEVLE IQ gg mietje INTING STREAM peepoArrive MALDING KEKW monkaW LOL TRIGGRED KEKW TRIGGRED KEKW TRIGGRED KEKW TRIGGRED KEKW u did KEKW @VeryNiceCancer KEKW KEKW STOP EXCUSES D: xD KEKW POGU D: 1/3/1 vs 3/1/1 he went 0/10 today against general sniper once, he's fucking awful @Yassuo You hit him with the ever D: XCC monkaW karma MAAAAAAQAAA 5Head SMALL BRAI Mid diff :) ssheesh LMAOOO ur retarded Any snakes in the chat? TriHard TRUE wow KEKW WutFace dang INTING STREAM peepoArrive INTING STREAM peepoArrive INTING STREAM peepoArrive u gotta fight when his w on cool down renketon too powerful otherwise @VeryNiceCancer How long ban? so bad this why yoiu wathcing him ACTUALLY MALDING KEKW D: Keepo MALDING MOE KEKW !tcs PRESS 1 IF YOU A TRUE HOMOE OR MOELESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111 Stop excuses MOE :) 3Head NotLikeThis stop lagging when u're talking toxic streamer pepega Kapp stop with excuses and stop throwing LUL Kappa u mad moe much love from korea Now you were in sheepshead bay that’s near to where I live lmao why is moe giving excuses TILTED BY CHAT KEKW I KILL HIM HERE KEKW IGNITE LUL KEKW KEKW Kappa KEKW ANY MANGOS? ? ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Any snakes in the chat? TriHard Didnt Yassou say that renekton is bad? KEKW @yassuo comeone MO3 i believe you win it yasPride LMAOO xd 1 KEKW Wake me up when moe does the futsal shuffle !uptime moe i think u should shave your head u looked good that way The stream has been live for 1 hours 8 minutes 9 seconds HE IS MALDING yasMald HE IS MALDING yasMald HE IS MALDING yasMald HE IS MALDING yasMald HE IS MALDING yasMald KEKW U MAD HAHA wtf is that healing hi moe 2 THIS WHY YOU LOSE TWITCH RIVALS moe is sensitive no but he has E why doesnt he buy amor yes but hes waiting for q Bro why are you so salty to your viewers yasFat w Moe, how is yasuo with the zeal changes? :) @yassuo Fuck you moe, in a good way i love u man @Yassuo Have an awesome stream! INTING STREAM peepoArrive INTING STREAM peepoArrive INTING STREAM peepoArrive @Yassuo calm down buddy, u win these : ) NO FLASH that ult lasted 20 minutes support diff!!! where is your jungler Pull up in odas chat later and get flamed boi @yassuo your excuse can be new conq busted as anything hi need some trap PogU KEK Rene so bad KEKW PogU Pog PogU Pog @Yassuo WTf this renek Renekton Pepega ????? PogU eezezezaeazea ? KEKW WP eaz lol XDDDDD Pog Wtf is he doing KEKW Pog he is fucking greedy KEKW RENEKTON KEKW Nice POG? DAT RENEK ez Pog HES SO BAD KEKW HE SUCKS what is he doing r? that renek sucks lol Pog KEKW SO BAD KEKW this renk is so nad BRONZE IQ hes actually so bad tho r? shit on ? e what the fuck FF PogU Pepega KEKW PogU WHO IS THIS GUY Pog this lizzard is retarded is this plat? bad flash ???????????????????????? I SEE YOU @Yassuo SO BAD RENEK KEKW Gj holy shiit that renek is so bad NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW NA KEKW Renek is so bad Hahahah Renekton so stupid Played him PogU xdXD tyler1LUL This guy lost to me tyler1LUL pog HOLY SHIT RENETKON PLAYED THAT POORLY KEKW flash instead of R? ez he is bad gwt renekton some milk @Yassuo u ever play katana zero its a sick game u should try it if u haven't yet welcome to my laboratory where safety is our number one priority He is so bad jesus this is GM in NA? KEKW h3s boosted @Yassuo Bought acc Nice Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo NA LUL NA KEKW hhahahah the turrent kill rene xd LOLS ! @spitfireszn are you trolling or? Q KEKW Q KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW hey @Yassuo im tryng to improve my cs per min, any tips ? :) Q R>F??? Austin123hdpro subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! wagwan g lol KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega POG Q KEKW Can you rank yasuo's skins? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper AYAYA Yum KEKW AYAYA Pog @Yassuo is general sniper taller than you PartyPoro 1V1 NIGHTBLUE3 AGAIN! 1.5K SUBS permaban? @yassuo QT is feeding XD Pog @spitfireszn he was stunnde you subhuman @Yassuo viktor next/ -1 k KEKW Should have let him hit you then q ulted him under tower Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW kieranontoast subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Hey moe our 1v1 got put in your new vid my stutter made me hard cringe, but was nice talking to you regardless. keep up the content yasU yasH IMM HUGE 100% crit already, zzzzz How old is yassuo ayeeeeeee KEKW @Yassuo viktor next? Moe love u from Korea @Yassuo is new stormrazer decent on yasuo? Any snakes in the chat? TriHard high noon? POGGERS 100 CRIT LFT Yassuo eww high noon when you were in new york did you eat at Au'Zatar WHAT ABOUT PROJECT ITS A GOOD SKIN ??? high noon >> what about executioners? Moe love u from KOREA stop altabing lol high noon > no skin > other trash skins how low is project yasuo on the tier list? @Yassuo i feel like they changed the q hitbox can u confirm? baetalol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! When is next pummel? KEKW @lum1nous stop man that joke is dead zzzz KEKW Clap @Yassuo have you tried sanguine blade Follow me on Twitter for updates he is bad but u r bader yasHmm yasHmm yasHmm GRAGAS LULW that gragas E didnt hit KS OMEGALUL MrSinj_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! what are channel points for? Q KEKW wtf NIGHTBRINGER> >>> QT 1v1 KEKW how many times you gonna read my sub lmao yasN yasN yasN KEKW YOINK that range isso balanced. KEKW KEKW joo u rly stopped streaming that much.. its rude KEKW Clap BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW haha :D Verlene1000 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. wow yikes Yikes DELETED KEKW yasChair Deleted rippp OMEGALUL yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown @Yassuo you succ @Yassuo is Qt a veiger otp now ? Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo POG oof @0nesh0tmepls ;) SnaYDriX -> Please refrain from spamming caps. gg ff at 15 KEKW Pog gragas PogU Pog Pog Moe you ever went to Brooklyn? Sheepshead bay Pog PogU Hight noon splash art is pure art ! their team is really scary HONOR GRAGAS PogChamp Trash Pog PogYou is a badass skin Riven SMurfing THIS RENEKTON IS SO BAD HE SAID AHAHAHA Yassuo just got vibechecked by cc Swiftie lmaooo CARRIED BY 13 YO @Yassuo 1v1 me irl 4Head lil viper Pog tyler1Free TARZANED Selam qtttttt Buy mercs lol QT KEKW :) PartyPoro wear challenger jacket for luck @Yassuo do u love nightbringerskin ?? TwitchRPG B) @Yassuo Holly shit your so bad Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo 1 hey @Yassuo im tryng to improve my cs per min, any tips ? :) Respect yasS yasSnake_TK channel poitns trashhhh u soo baaad pokiAww pokiAww pog QT 3/5 Yikes VIP KEKW @Yassuo she calls me daddy but i dont even know her mama :/ how many channel points for a sub KEKW @Yassuo would you fight a 14 year old? Keepo VIP what does VIP even do? @Yassuo boxBob pokiLOL vip for 500k KEKW VIP POGGERS @Yassuo I HAVE 25K POINTS BRO VIP Kapp VIP KEKW pepeJAM banger !points 500k wtf? SUB Kapp VIP PepeLaugh kaboukias -> Please refrain from posting links. yasSleeper whats the vip anyways? need to know if it's worth grinding for i have 23,2k points guys, General Sniper is actuallly insane at this game, i'm pretty sure he has carried everyone in this elo atleast once daily reminder that this riven is 13 years old how many for sub @45sid keiwq 500k VIP WeirdChamp PepePls yasUyasUyasUyasUyasUyasUyasU yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? VIP KEKW earn them for doing nothing like you do with ur money yasU or you can highlight your message and call moe a butt moe just farming chat activity by inting KEKW !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank pepeD I Want a Child from u You use them so you can say -1000 KEKW at 5mill i get your channel :) yasU yasU yasU VIP Kappa Big fkin Kappa whtas the point in playing ranked in pre season?? Jampuppy10 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2/4 pog @64pillars 25k for a sub and 500k for VIP only 493k more to go for vip KEKW @Yassuo is vip permenant ? kanye west is shit how many channel points for a different streamer? yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS Du sej RarePepe pog change song LUL i have 390 almost at 500k 500K KEKW yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU make it 250 at least why 500 how many channel points does everybody have Statik or Phantom dancer? @Yassuo @marcitys cap i want a dic pic @Yassuo lel goggigigi mrkiby wants a bann har du bollet trick2g? xqc kuve xqcM kirby wtf s m d cigan ?XD ??? One man spam WeirdChamp WeirdChamp @mrkirby12 u good? SSSSSNAKEEEEE one man spam Pog WeirdChamp @mrkirby12 WeirdChamp googoogog @mrkirby12 Shut the fuck up idiot @mrkirby12 WeirdChamp @exCoach Hey bro I wanna use my 25k Point bro we dont have to buy sub anymore with these channel points yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU I only have 12K PepeHands WeirdChamp Pepega Clap Phantom better giving shield yasPride @mrkirby12 WeirdChamp ✋ HI one man spam @Yassuo what's the vip anyways? 4Head WeirdChamp @mrkirby12 stfu WeirdChamp yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK @pape212 ne @exCoach i only need 499.6K more Moe you should buy stuff for your room. LET ME ONE MAN SPAM Pepega Clap mrkirby12 WeirdChamp PogU that is record spam 1 man PogU Clap TriHard 7 WeirdChamp SSSSS TriHard what did kirby say TriHard 🐍 clap Pepega Spammer peepoArrive yasSnake_TK 🐍 sssssssssss haHAA snake haHAA TriHard 7 tr1fz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 9 month strong letsgoooooo Gogogogogogogogo tassuo Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo 1 WideHardo 7 how many points do u guys have :) 500k isnt as much as u think chat a lot of streamers set it higher yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake TriHard whats the point earning rate? I only have 9172626210 points yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK @mrkirby12 red chat KEKW TriHard @Yassuo when can we expected to find Yassuo on Mixer? ult yasSnake yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS @mrkirby12 ur trash kidget a life TriHard yasSnake TriHard yasSnake TriHard yasSnake yas5_SG yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU @marcitys that sounds better Ya kalb inta himar @Yassuo R?????? yasSnake yasSnake ULT yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK MESSI GOAT yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS veigar cage Kreygasm PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR 🐍 ssss 🐍 BibleThump FOR PASSIVE yasSleeper where did camille come from? hello TriHard 7 u win TriHard AYE MY MAN yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU TriHard TriHard u best na @lum1nous ty for Dono (: THRESH yasSSS yasSnake yasSSS yasSnake yasSSS yasSnake yasSSS yasSnake yasSSS yasSnake ? +!???? bro we dont have to buy sub anymore with these channel points @Yassuo SSSSSSSSSSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE itssliFake itssliFake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasTrue @exCoach How can I use my 25k points bruv Messi Ballon D'or messi gonna win NA LEE LUL go boi TriHard Clap GivePLZ imGlitch TakeNRG yas5_SG ANY HOMIES IN THE CHAT? TriHard 7 np snakes bro we dont have to buy sub anymore with these channel points yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieDab albieCry albieCry albieCry albieCry Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo wanna smoke weed? damn light mode is hurting my eyes yas5_SG yas5_SG 500 points for this LULW yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK league of no adc KEKW @Dirtyyduck for sure LEE KEKW his stats don't show it, but for laning against renekton he is actually popping off Have you seen the new brackets? whats the point earning rate? ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU POG what a trash song KEKW !points Pog TriHard 7 Clap @cryaoticxd123 use it, Moe revives requests and should gift subs after stream so kind Pog 500k KEKW @Yassuo I WANNA USE 25K BRO I HAVE THEM XD DISABLE TRIHARD POG 5Head MOE REAL ONE 25k tho KEKW im 20k, 5more and ill get it :) Title we dominating I click to watch hes 3/5 lmfao Pog yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK IM AT 20K Pog ME @Yassuo I WASTED MINE KEKW My next sub is free PogU <3 here for like 1k hours KEKW TAKES 10 YEARS Pog KEKW true <3 PogU Respact <3 <3 <3 u llook like a weed guys whats a watch streak 6k/25k SMARTTT Ya kalb inta himar @Yassuo TriHard RESPECT <3 moe a real one Good Guy Strimmer dude Pog fart fart fart how many for a sub 500K VIP KEKW hi MOE THE REAL ONE real one moe yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yas5_SG yas5_SG 500 points for this LULW . cursivCry cursivCry cursivCry cursivCry @Yassuo u underperformed so much @ twitch rivals =[ pog 420 SMOKING WEED KEKEWQSAWQ21 <3 respecttt nice man <3 25k are u for real man !uptime POGGGGERS KEKW The stream has been live for 1 hours 13 minutes 18 seconds PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro ohmanzTakeMoney_SG ohmanzTakeMoney_SG RESPECT <3 Is it possible to get 25k in a month``? i got 8460 point yasH yasH yasH yasH RESPECT +++ Why pd oder static???? im on 20k :o <3 RESPECT DO YOU STILL GET MONEY FROM THE SUB? yep :) MOE GOOD GUY VIP = sub forever PogU 420 :) <3 yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasANELE what is the difference between VIP and sub tho !points i have 25.6k respect PogYou respect moe <3 @Yassuo Thank you Moe! i have 100k already yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU I got 27k i'm up in this bitch :) @Yassuo @Cryaoticxd123 message a mod first. Then when u use it they can see @Yassuo what does vip do 3k channel points for song request @islapu4fun two weeks of ur here daily yas3 12k, halfway there Pog sakihito -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. rivals needed pick ban Bro why did u switch from 100k to 500k VIP:( @Yassuo 8.7K <3 I’m almost there pog @Yassuo have you tried the sanqine blade for yassuo? I've been watching the strem for 1 month and I only have 5.6k KEKW you need 25K for a sub? @Yassuo That's so sick actually, if you're here enough you get a sub. Huge, you'll see me here more often then. YAEAH !points 1.7KDA 100+ Deahs KEKW @Yassuo @pape212 USMU Einstein11 no way Fireshader subscribed with Twitch Prime. im on 22000 points GOO GO @justinxgibson subs get 2x right? AYAYA excuses yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU soligo is insane, all tyler team was hello moe are you gonna play in TCS @Yassuo DO YOU STILL GET MONEY FROM THE SUBS? ?+ yasTower NA ACADAMY KEKW @Ferdia90 its 500k if u cant beat soligo how u gonna join 100t lcs Win yassuo Verlene1000 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Bjergsen interview? won academy too @sharkyyf How much have you watched? I have 4k 99BenSavage99 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! !points 10.8k :( @Yassuo you did fine bro you held your own against really good players. I love cock and ball torture am i the only one with badd quality? Soligo is legit as fuck no shame there Wait i dont have the option to get a sub for the points why? Soligo played against bjergsen in his first LCS game yassuo KEKW He ate on you Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : u the boi what is vip kbdove14 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 7 @yassuo you are actually such a cool person, i've been watching you for like 4 years even tho i dont type much. Sad i've never met you because im from portugal but i hope one day i meet you! :) BTW YOU'RE NOT FAT ahahahaha @Ferdia90 yeah lol imagine getting a highlighted message deleted by mod Tyler 1 knew how to let his team carry WeirdChamp @Yassuo are u better than t1?? yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower You did good man head high!!!!! you laned against faker 17.4k OkayChamp Tarzaned shitted on Hard @Yassuo yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU but you 1v1 faker and win him @Yassuo tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD tyler1XD are you the one that gifts the sub? or is it twitch? here comes all the excuses When do this points reset??? tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU LULZ YOU SUCKED nice So did hard and he got shit on by tarzaned @Yassuo BBro why did u switch from 100k to 500k VIP:( @Yassuo im here all the time it is going to take a while to get to 25K but still appreciate the eventual free sub yas2 GunRun PixelBob TwitchRPG yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower how do we get channel points you had bad wave management, thats all @Yassuo you good DO YOU STILL GET MONEY FROM THE SUBS??\ moe u are washed up shh plans for trip to Europe to meet fellow arabs? youre never joining lcs lol Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo QT LULW yo moe ty for the free sub in the reward i always watch ur stream but i'm too broke to buy a sub @Yassuo hard got kinda dumped on washed f keys? LUL LUL yasS xqc on you play way to much yasuo to get into lcs @Yassuo ;) yasS KEKW monkaW ???????? how much time shood i watch your stream so i can sub for free its way less monkaW GOD DAMN bruh LUL you can tell this man plays osrs RIVEN MonkaS ONLY 100 HOURS LUL TwitchRPG TriHard PartyPoro LUL B) yasS @lightcursedshadow just watch the stream and they accumulate automatically Pog Subs get x2 and i've watched alot might by why @Laughingracoon89 no way WAY MORE LULW 100 WTF I have 18k points PogU KEKW LUL ITS WAY LESS POG im at 14k :) IM GETTING THAT VIP i already got 10k nah it aint worth it smart PogU ?? DeviGod_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. PagChomp WAY LESS jaja RUNESCAPE NUMBERS PogU yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands xqc xqcF WOW REALLY yasGood @sharkyyf Oh I see makes sense WORTH POGGERS Kapp pasive es igual TriAthlon Atam_khan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! i have a free sub Pepega NA math u gain more from that than we lol What is VIP tho? I have 20K points Po m already 6K what does a sub do Glowing_ASol grrr itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink @Yassuo id have 500k if u had this implemented in 2016 I'm saving up for that VIP @Yassuo when did the pooint ssystem start thats nice Less than that KEKW NERF SENNA WHEN ??? yasTower yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU pogu @Yassuo But points do restart, right? michaelthefansfan1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! @KIDROCK2095 what points you got rn TriAthlon cool @Yassuo Do u earn back the sub cuz of ads? PogU <3 <3 <3 respact you good man what does vip get you @Yassuo 2 hahaha @gumilolz if you’re gonna say that, say it in English 5 Hi moe Ur like riot nothing is free KEKW 55555 YASSUO BATTLE PASS Pog yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU wait ii thought steraks and pd is bad DO YOU SSTILL GET MOENY FROM THE SUBS? I have 5k points rn, is that average? There's also random things that give like +50 if you're paying attention. Pog !points 25.3k But you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. Cheer1000 I just want to take the #1 throne on bits cheers, even though if its for a short while. respect moe <3 yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR but moe wont you be losing money if you let people sub for free? nobody has 100k ive been in here all month and i only got 22000 @Yassuo When do this points reset? 2 extra points Pog PogChamp100 Moe, what do you think about the new champ? 100 hours for 5 $ thats A GOOD DEAL BRO what does vip get you moe @Yassuo yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH @justinxgibson 101K i have 2K almost there POG KEKW TRUUE @Yassuo baiting subs WeirdChamp mr_nickg -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. ???? :D I have 31.7 and I'm from EU so I have 5.7k points, where can I ask for sub? riots game is free idiot..... KEKW League not free KEKW i got 12k therealjeohn -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. LUL wasting 1k Pog SAVE FOR MVP How do you get the sub for the points tho? I dont have the option to do it @yassuo Gambling PogU Moe MaxLOL 500k for VIP is good, it gives VIP proper value yasSSS any mods in chat? @Yassuo is VIP permanent? @DaftMatt a personal skype call Hello how long does it take to get to 500k if ure a sub? what does vip get you @Yassuo @KIDROCK2095 100k??? how yasPride yasPride TRUE WeirdChamp Pog @tsm_brokenblade tsm_brokenblade POGGERS @tsm_brokenblade KEKW im at 11k and i havent even watched that much @Yassuo TriHard BB PogU what about vip what does it do? @Yassuo @Uphillsquirrel0 yes @tsm_brokenblade Pog he is here Pog Keep up the good work homie 💯💯🙌🏿🙌🏿 Watching uir streams takes a lot man.. i wwatch 100hours of int for a $5 sub KEKW @tsm_brokenblade yeeted But you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. yasR any 25k points gifter? WideHard 7 i cashed in 25k views for a sub league of legends is a free to play game from riot wasting another 1k Pog i have 12k cant the see sub thing ur talking about can someone explain what VIP even means? :D okay i want my points back @yassuo what does vip get you wtf is VIP tho ive never even heard of that @KIDROCK2095 you mean 10k? @justinxgibson just type a lot in chat and get those watch streaks @Uphillsquirrel0 you gay @Yassuo you have a higher net worth than t1 KEKW gg Poogers riot use to give yearly free skins for player before season 5 gragas lol ?????????????? Deepjhl subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! KEKW BB here @tsm_brokenblade 4WeirdW GET OUT that must have felt bad poogers NICE NADO KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW NADO KEKW fuck was that gragas ult but moe wont you be losing money if you let people sub for free? KEKW @tsm_brokenblade Hi :) @yassuo How many for ap Yasuo? i heard that people in ny are angry af the whole time, that true ??? @Yassuo NADO LULW poggers ????? KEKW no LUL no you were not @Yassuo what's VIP? BBro why did u switch from 100k to 500k VIP:( @Yassuo 0 DMG LUL 0 DMG LUL 0 DMG LUL 0 DMG LUL oof ???? pinballed yasHYPERS NADO LUL LUL How did u survive that long xd KEKW Pepega KEKW Pepega KEKW Pepega NADO KEKW kekw how long does it take to get to 500k if ure a sub? Pinball KEKW F you lost kekw Making pasta with my e-girl call it chef rawr XD PogU Poggers 3,32 sec CC = WHOLE FIGHT LULW that gragas ult was really bad LUL LUL u are bad @KIDROCK2095 typing gives more points? moe likes kids wait their team comp is disgusting gragas missed barrel LULW @Uphillsquirrel0 kian what you up to KEKW NOOB Tank meta lol but moe wont you be losing money if you let people sub for free !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 16 minutes 8 seconds @Yassuo Points do eventually reset, right? u were getting bounced around everywhere LULW @yassuo you are actually such a cool person, i've been watching you for like 4 years even tho i dont type much. Sad i've never met you because im from portugal but i hope one day i meet you! :) BTW YOU'RE NOT FAT ahahahaha pepeD PANIC KEKW watch 100 hours for 5 bucks. moe stonks u bad af BOWLING no need to knock rthem all away Pog @dewiix You get +20 per 5 minutes if you're subbed. So every hour gets you 220. 25,000/220 = 113.63 hours QUIT LEAGUE come 1v1 me Camille so bad Why didnt you flash on Jhin? @Yassuo NO MERCS BOOTS KEKW yeeet Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo CIGAN CIGAN CIGAN hes OOM @Yassuo I dont even think qss would help either KEKW i can teach u yasuo brodie Do the futsal shuffle bro But you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. Are you moving in a house with Pokimone play yasuo ap JHIN KEKW but moe wont you be losing money if you let people sub for free? KEKW KEKW hey man you inted that last fight KEKW LUL Luxark03014 -> Please refrain from posting links. its ok :) jhin i cant login to league lol !moestonks jhin?????? mswindsma subscribed with Twitch Prime. !opgg Jimmer_lol -> Mercs? why do you look like harry potter? where is your korean gaming glasses? KEKW loool KEKW saving flash for cts that jhin 1v9d the fight tho This dude is a sandy dandy @Yassuo what does VIP do? u no more entertaining nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc nairoDestruc what is vip? @Yassuo 113 hours for 5 dollars . Minimum wage is like 10 dollars an hour KEKW this why u get stuck in semis for twitch rivals PUSH UR NOS3 UP NIKK @Yassuo Just asking man, maybe you had a valid reason, since you are a higher rank Tanksuo POGGERS CLean Yas player can u suck my pipu @Yassuo you have lost the overview you usually had in teamfights. what happend? in twitch rivals, u focus on leona none stop? matthewjohnson873 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Yassuo you watch NBA?????????????? Are you moving in a House with Pokimone @Blueslimey Pepega PogChamp Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! lol ignoring other bit donation @sa30mu11el Are you 12 ? stop obssessing about your queen in others chat KEKW qt KEKW you shood have wauted for gragas r so you can r 4people @sa30mu11el After he gets engaged KEKW statik isnt built anymore? PogU KEK Do you have any tips to climb of course not in like 24 hours but just in general how to climb Pog SOMEONEM SAID BUY MERCS 👌 😂 I CANT @Blueslimey what jhin you idiot?= WideHardo ANY GIFTERS? WideHardo Pogu yasMald hi moe @Blueslimey theres no jhin my dude are u hashinshin "GALIO IS NOT BALANCED" duo with the kid PogU !points Pog General sniper man Pog Pog carrying lol GENERAL PogU @Verlene1000 no he gets money off of ads through all the time of people watching @ansimika nah man i'm looking for 500k math :D with having a sub.. so basically subs get doubled i think @Blueslimey the point is that therse no jhin in his game you dumbass EZ W let him carry u CARRIED BY 13 YEAR OLD Press 1 if you want my number Viper's little brother Pog Mercs Pog Clap yasJensen @Yassuo DUO RIVEN 13 year old riven player PogU "Galio not balanced" - continues to 3 shot entire team with 1.5 items KEKW Yasuo btw 2 yo habibi what is cip @Yassuo 1 CARRIED BY A 13 YEAR OLD LUL @Yassuo yasFBM Vipers little,borther 1111111111111111 1 galio isn't balanced neither is riven lol @Blueslimey are u stupid or brain damaged? 69 1 f ? STOP PLAYING RIVEN 1 IE? yasThink 3 1 alt f4 @Yassuo tell us a story festermester subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! try using a ladder @bathwatre @Yassuo you have lost the overview you usually had in teamfights. what happend? in twitch rivals, u focus on leona none stop? yasJensen yasJensen KEKW yo habibi what is vip? @Yassuo Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo @Digitulized true i had forgotten about ads but i heard moe say he doesnt put ads? 100 hours with ads> a sub you sleepy @Yassuo ? @Yassuo what do u think about stormrazor on yas Moe that beard looking clean today my dude What does VIP do @Yassuo it must be quite good if it costs 20x the amount of sub? @Yassuo if i redeem my sub then do i receive it automatically? @Yassuo What does VIP do, exactly? yasSnake HeyGuys Probably need merc treads too tbh when did you know that you were gonna be such a successful streamer? are you daniel radcliffe? Lmao Galio is not balance as galio gets sht on by riven i heard that people in NY are angry as fuck the whole time, is that true ??? @Yassuo !howlong @dewiix The +20 per 5 minutes IS the sub doubled amount. It's +10 per 5 otherwise. If you want the VIP, it comes out to be 2,272.72 hours. 500,000/220 did you see tyler trying yasuo? yasH f push up on me dem boiz make you do a backflip balance on da beam yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? @Yassuo you have lost the overview you usually had in teamfights. what happend? in twitch rivals, u focus on leona none stop?, ctrl + w :O @Kr4zykilla bragging rights f 1 Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo LUL !penissize YO habibi what is vip? @Yassuo what does vip do VIP = 2,272.72 hours @Yassuo if i redeem my sub then do i receive it automatically?? @Yassuo you have lost the overview you usually had in teamfights. what happend? in twitch rivals, u focus on leona none stop??? @Uphillsquirrel0 you gay @ixalae a role with a badge that allows you to spam F fOR Gragas traffic crazy once you get to know them they are fire relax chat, not jhin, I meant camille. She was low hp and wouldve died to flash e q ctrl + w Pog gragas giving jungle to everyone KEKW MALLET POGGERS MOES MAD WideHardo what does VIP o That kid doesnt sound like he's 13 he has a family in Africa @Yassuo @Yassuo i think riven is unbalanced u too? Anybody who plays Galio is a bitch straight up WHY FROZEN MALLET @animoose_ u can spam thats all I think PepeLaugh How do you cash in the channel points for sub and vip? Dont have the options for them @yassuo O_o i like that nado looking nice yasPride that garaus litterally got zero farm from that clear lol how do you look exactly like daniel radcliffe O___O gragus dont disrespect NYC MOES MAD WideHardo DanishDotDash PogU but hes right @mc_cree2 tankiness. doesnt get 1 shotted offended LULW ctrl + w :O @yassuo pepega streamer TriHard TriHard TriHard @Uphillsquirrel0 kian you fuck ur washed KEKW Yes malding MAD 5Head `? lol @yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! TRIGGERED TY COACH KEKW cigan cigan cigan cigan cigan cigan WASHED KEKW ANDY MALDING KEKW MOE SENSITIVE LOL grages support? he's giving ull champs KEKW TriAthlon TriDance TriAthlon TriDance TriAthlon TriDance TriAthlon TriDance @mc_cree2 to survive New York the type of place where its a nice thing to tell someone to not fuck themselves when they go out !points i see it, arab daniel radcliffe @Blu1emonade u get icon next to ur name, and get subscriber benefits WASHED KEKW @Yassuo have u tried stormrazor on yas yet Im retarded, any tips? U MAAAAA Trueeeeeeee @mc_cree2 he already has pd so cant build the item with the same passive Bro slow walkers get the most shit lol Nice no ad when i clicked on stream TriDance best skin for yas? True hi moe @Yassuo you just succ big dick 5-6 LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL I WOKE UP IN A NEW BUGATTI WideHard I WOKE UP IN A NEW BUGATTI WideHard I WOKE UP IN A NEW BUGATTI WideHard Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: @gamenight011 sippy cups :) cs Pepega KEKW GameNight011 just have fun :) cigan cigan cigan cigan CANNON KEKW WideHardo TriAthlon @yassuo are you gonna join TCS? @ansimika what about the "special bonus" i get like 100 when i pick it.. that's like every hour or what? holy shit this chat is cancer today gratz on 3rd place at twitch rivals yasMald LULW LEE ENGAGE Pog nice hook yasS @DaftMatt who? @cnewbster this is nothing trust me PogChamp monkaS aram pog GENERAL Pog GENERAL SNIPER POGGERS GENERAL SNIPER CARRY Veigar Pog g Q KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Cnewbster FeelsGoodMan nice e q general sniper Pog Veigar so broken WTF PogChamp mizkifThink Guys do you have the option to get sub for channel points? I dont have it you need tenacity bro @dewiix I'm not sure about the bonus, tbh. It's at random intervals, I believe. But I think it's capped at like 1 per 15 minutes. my rolee is nicer than yours yasANELE_HF LOST TO FAKE CHAMPIONS @exCoach gotta love being a mod best game why frozen mallet ? mallet tech KEKW raikouben subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! keep up the good work yasGood @cnewbster I do :3 how come i can carry norms every game but when i rank i cant carry PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR get ie dumb fat idiot moe stupid dummy mizkifSip coolparty123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. if the lee's got a team so can you LUL @Yassuo flawwlessss you're already subbed you dummy DALE MESSI @Yassuo what u think about stormrazor on yas Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo how does twitch profit of a free sub? @dewiix The 2700 hours is pure watch points. You could get points otherwise, there are a couple other ways trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa @flawwlessss try scrolling down and it only shows up if youre watching on PC not mobile QT otp FeelsBadMan moe my rolee is nicer than yours Are you moving in a house with Poki MINE TriHard Why is the vip 500k instead of 250k that u had earlier? @excoach oh i can make it worse if you’d like @dewiix There's something called a "watch streak" which can give up to 450 points, but idk what triggers it KEKW POPPED no lee 5Head I am gay but its haram and my baba wants to beat me, any help ?? @Yassuo @djboss0729 sigh No infinity edge? DIES KEKW 2PAC Trihard MY MAN PD JUST CAME UP DAMN u suck bro is the new lethality item worth building on yasuo? not die hahahaha\ MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo @quaterz because people are already at like 60k tilted @QuaterZ Cause he wants you to watch him for 2,700 hours, not 1,350. why frozen mallet pLS hello Cheer100 do you think players in north africa and the middle east deserve a server? Aramzada itssliV Tupac itssliV TURN UP THE VOLUME Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo This Yas skin is so clean holy @SlixyTV take the beating cam KEKW Are you moving in a house with Poki D GENERAL yasChair @kikeod420 no General sniper PogChamp VIPER JR POGGU @Yassuo what u think about stormrazor on yas Swifte flash KEKW CmonBruh qt veigar otp KEKW carried by a kid KEKW Naram best gameeee @islapu4fun ok Redemption cmonBruh @jonesbones123 the free sub is given by amazon prime, amazon is partnered with twitch. So they both get half the profit. HolidayPresent "deserve" WeirdChamp 5 mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ POG Wtf why isn’t sniper In school WideHard pepeJAM conq swain is kinda gross EXCUTIONER Could trade PD for another zeal item and get steraks if you need tenacity SWAIN FED IN 2K19 KEKW yes we do deserve a server ANELE ANELE @djboss0729 How they do that i have missed 2 streams after these points came and im only at 7k Yasuo scaling, Yassuo not mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ mizkifEZ Any gifters FortOne @uniberg snow day mizkifYo TRUE KEKW who is this swain again? KEKW can someone explain the mallet buy? no flame KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW PepeLaugh Are you moving in a house with Poki why is this chat so judgmental? KEKW LUL 아안할래 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Do these channel points reset? KEKW LOOOOOOL hi homeless XD @youssefahmed124 LOL LUL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL OMEGALUL LKAO== KEKW @quaterz subs earn 2k points you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. mayahiS mayahiS mayahiS mayahiS mayahiS mayahiS mayahiS @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament yes LUL LUL "one" KEKW washed xd @Yassuo u got viper's brother in your team LUL lmao why are you so toxic @Yassuo Blu1emonade subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasN @shroomcrow Twitch isn't partenred with Amazon, they're straight up owned by Amazon. Amazon gets all the profits. bad days bad games happens XD PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob MALDING MOE KEKW this is why pros dont stream gratz on 3rd place at twitch rivals You cant take anything bad, you just ban them haha what a fail you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. Clap cant take the heat Seikku subscribed with Twitch Prime. u've played bad every twitch rivals to be fair You overrated tho KEKW i conclude you are DANIEL RADCLIFFE Moe gets so ssalty nowadays lmao RIP NY Moe PepeHands @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD you played 7 games that dude is an idiootttttt lmaoooooooooooooooooo AntiVax_SoccerMom -> Please refrain from spamming caps. CCKRIDERS GETTING OWNED KEKW @youssefahmed124 RIPPPPPPP AND U A SUB TOO wasnt that a complement? @youssefahmed124 KEKW itssli0161 ULT??? @Yassuo hows it feel being called dogshit by no names and then actually getting triggered by it oof @youssefahmed124 4WeirdW ? You friends with swifte? @yassuo says mr lebron james of league IGN ? R ?? IGNITE HIM? you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. ignite or R? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SO BALD LULW moe would get flamed harder than huhi KEKW r perhaps ignite ? ?? fragile ego F ? ULT ? LUL KEKW what are you kill her MESSI WON THE BALLON DOR @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament? who is "always play ahead" again? @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament Definitely not a pro alright KEKW @Yassuo what u think about stormrazor on yas uoi know bad days bad games happen @Yassuo mayahiS1 mayahiS2 MOE STOOOP @Yassuo teach me the ways of a true Yasuo carried by QT MESSI <3 Are you moving in a house with Poki @youssefahmed124 F F F F F F F @Yassuo A girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex how should i do that AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to heltah420! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to layznick! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to iFunOfLegends! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to kooniusmaximus! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Beast_M4rty! SENSITIVE SANDY KEKW AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to 88isafat69! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to remmman! AobaSuzukaze_ is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 17 in the channel! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Gabito2404! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Top1cZ! AobaSuzukaze_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to sogamer! @Yassuo good evening @quaterz i have 20k and I’m only here for like 30% of the stream keep your h They need to have diminishing returns on CC fragile ego KEKW PogU ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. POGGERS you could play against the best, you proved that in eu and Korea. Your skill level takes a dip when your in comms or tournament stages. Pog ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . Pog OK POG PogU WTF pog PogU PogU PogChamp PogChamp PogU daaaamn PogU DODGED KEKW Lol W Pog PogU WTF Pog ook Pog Pog @AobaSuzukaze_ Danke für das Geschenkabo! @AobaSuzukaze_ Thanks for the gift sub! PogU ? PogU PogU YOOOO POG EGO ANDY KEKW Pog woah PogU POG He litterally laughs right after getting flamed xd only because I love you guys pog Dodged sub for me? dodged EZ asdada a peepoPog pog PogU DODGED Pog Y OMEGALUL TriHard POGGG Pog This man needs tenacity so much feelsbadman :( dodged POGGERS ok pog DODGED Hi inting poog POG gg dodged WA Pog POG EZ Dodge PogU pls POG LUL Pog @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament. dodged Pog pog POG POG PogU FUCK DODGED people be like; yo you did bad that game, you suck'' meanwhile pwned so many times lmao pog pog pog my screen wtf Okk PogU DODGED EZ pog PagChomp POGGERS PogU Pog lol nice subs LUL LUL LUL lol joooo poggers ok dodged :( lol 20 qs on galio and he doesnt die thats so disgusting @tyler1__play______variety PogYou xd pogg nha ok Pog keep your sad oo lol d kon dodged pog POG a #pog z POG pog thx b poggg dodged ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament.. Pog Pog pog Pog lol i www pg lol pog .. ddddd pogg ty PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pog lol dodged FeelsGoodMan @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament. Sensitive theSnitcher -> Please refrain from spamming caps. dambalYawn Pog u are lol pog ez @Yassuo stop listenign to the haters u are the best in my heart i will love u till death pogU Ok Everyone here whining about his responses has never performed at a high level in anything they've done, its stupid annoying to hear people say stupid shit pog :0 POG PogU @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament pog pog Jebaited Jebaited GIVE ME mee DODGED EZ Clap NotLikeThis Thank uuiu KEKW Clap ppp TriHard TriHard TriHard pog ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ POG I DODGED AGAIN TY GOD PogChamp people don't understand everyone thinks moe sucks but when moe pops off he's actually insane and I respect him for thst playing Yasuo isnt easy u grt focused and camped we all should respect moe i got gifted pog POGGG Pog poggers SeemsGood SeemsGood a xD pog @murphyadotcom u suck balls tyler DODGED EZ xd K Me @AobaSuzukaze_ Pog u generous <3 @Yassuo haha ur fat pog Pepega Clap that rive. yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega Lop k wop OMFG I GOT A FREE SUB PogU Thiefghost1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @yassuo moe why are you so cute Pog what he say tho he was complementing u MAN I WANT THE SUBS pog Pog @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament// oi KEKW pog Are you moving in a house with Poki POG keep your r for later POGGEEERS KEKW D: hh Gg Pog yaaaa ds dodged lol very very sad :( :( :( pog pog K pog ooooo @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament.. ok bud Pog DODGED Pog ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ pog thank you bro Xd @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo gg its called banter mate Kinda chose the wrong profession if you don't wanna hear all that lol @AobaSuzukaze_ legend @AobaSuzukaze_ good shit PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament... want suuub 1 month meeeee wow EZ DODGE o scumbagshafi subscribed with Twitch Prime. TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Pog pog you gonna need qss for sure here still not subbed smh @iFunOfLegends Pog @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament? Pog STILL PLEB FeelsGoodMan 1 MILLION SUBS Pog LUL love you Cheer100 I think players will main ziggs and jinx if a middle east server was ever to open lol lol okk macaiy1Pog macaiy1Pog macaiy1Pog @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament Pog asd yasPepega yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit MOES MAD WideHardo @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournamentw KonCha jeez ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ jhj BRO GIFT ME A SUB KEKW @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament// Why I Must every time miss sub XD pogu Kill them G You are clitoris level sensitive Mercs attack speed item O_)O hhh @funoflegends Pog gimmeh sub too PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp yes esta demente INT kek BANTER 3Head free sub?! WTF KEKWW thanks EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle Pogu Why u have to be mad gift me yasTower Pog poggg KEKW OMEGALUL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ We struggling today in soloq Moe? Gang shit owo where is my free sub D: Moe You Should Do Another Bet With Someone :D LUL Holy Lol that riven is viper's brother 13year old he is streaming right npw How do you talk shit to people every stream, and than when someone in chat comes in and talks shit you get salty. what a baby back bitch bro kek <3 <3 <3 <3 @iFunOfLegends I WATCH UR VIDS EVERYDAY PogU My dream is to get a subs :( qt pog gift me a sub plz :) Heeh uwu dodged hh Imaqtpie actually ACARRYING Pog qt best player in the world tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ gtpie with the outplay butto can some one gift me sub ?? hail marry wont u come wit meeee 100 GIFT SUBS FOR CHAT ARE U READY @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament can I have a sub alias141 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! GIFT ME PLS BRO Are you moving in a house with Poki <3 LOST TO BOOMER VEIGAR that was banter WHISPER ME pog @Yassuo What color is your favorite Dolphin? Do u think yasuo need some buff gift me a sub or die @Yassuo i am not saying you are bad player, all i said was, i saw all ur t rivals games, check it urself if u dont believe me, i pay u 1000 dollars, if im wrong? Lol Pog Ban uwu Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : I m gonna get VVIP @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament?? @ansimika so if it's for example every 15min 100 special bonuses.. that means it's 400 an hour + 20 per 5min = 240.. 640 per hour Just use KEKW and it's banter KEKW subby? shut up, fucking dictator 0.0 yasJensen yasJensen @hangingdownsouth 4WeirdW hello yasR I think you need to stop reading chat. These dudes are braindead @Yassuo what u think about stormrazor on yas LULW your behind everygame @Yassuo does he ask you to use your content? agree with me or I cancel u ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ w hello KEKW IS IT JUST ME OR IS THE LIGHT ON THE STREAM TWEAKING???????? woa @iFunOfLegends lol KEKW KEKW KEKW DatSheffy LULW So easy to bait you LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ap yasuo beter true KKomrade lul so banter are logical saying's between freinds? Come with me Hail Mary Run quick see what do we have here Now do you want to ride or die La dadada la la la la yasShrug ???????????? BEST WISHES FROM LITHUANIA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament. !subs Moe if you read this i'll sub ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . I got a free sub STONKS LOL that kid left the stream XDDDD F F F KEKW LUL yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK TwitchRPG TriHard @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament.. oO Pog DatSheffy so? PartyPoro WAT ?? 5Head gift me a sub !uptime that dono KEKW The stream has been live for 1 hours 24 minutes 22 seconds you need to get a woman WHO WANTS A GIFT SUB WHISPER ME T1 1v1 KEKW 5Head NO WAY @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament... mizkifEgg mizkifEgg mizkifEgg mizkifEgg mizkifEgg HOW ARE YOU 20 AND ALREADY WASHED? KEKW pog? yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK Dashing through wolves to flex on us KEKW !sub no free sub for me i guess:c who cares about dashes ur not yasuicide ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ , MOUNTAIN CHANGE Pog @yassuo Are we struggling in soloq today? mizkifJif mizkifJif mizkifJif 5Head LUL LUL Pog HOW ARE YOU 20 AND ALREADY WASHED? KEKW @Yassuo Pog pog KEKW @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament KEKW KEKW POG pog @ifunoflegends Pog TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG TwitchRPG KEKW Pog JUKED yikes KEKW PogChamp KEKW KEKW LUL LULU LUL FLASH PogChamp KEKW OKAAAY CAMILLE Pog yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS LUL LUL KEKW squadHUH squadHUH squadHUH ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS WHERE IS YOUR ROLEX BUDDY gonna rarely do them sadly KEKW @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament/ tfbSNAKE pepeMeltdown @xdlolmeme2009 I see you copy pasting begging for a reaction XD grow up scrub shut up president yasS PogU POG Gragas Pog ?? thresh Pog tfbFire tfbFire tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE LUL people don't understand how insane moe is cuz when pops off he's actually a God its just annoying to play yasuo and get focused every time moe is one the few steamers I will always look up to POG Pog Pog camille r KEKW KEKW HELLO YOUTUBE PogU WHO WANTS A SUB WHISPER ME Pog Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @xdlolmeme2009 get a life LOL !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 24 minutes 59 seconds ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1R1 tyler1R2 tyler1Beta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1T1 tyler1NA tyler1R2 tyler1BB ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tyler1XD tyler1Champ tyler1B1 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 tyler1B2 tyler1M tyler1XD tyler1IQ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ , Pog blue buff beaten the shit out of that camille POGu team THESE HOOKS THRESH IS CARRYING HARD bb grages PogU PogU GODLIKE this thresh is a god gragas PogU KEKW smurfing yasSleeper You need to stop reading chat, these kids are dipshits @Yassuo why do u e right before u press ur ultimate? hi YouTube YOTUBE PogU He just doesn't die does he damn HI Pog nICEEEE DUD Pog pogg HONOR THRESH thresh + gragas 2 v8 Pog Duo Queue with Blue Buff monster ACTUALLY KEKW PLAY KEKW GOOD JOB QT HELPED PogU MAD hard carried KEKW yasR @Fent23 wow, such a fanboy rekt DOOOOD MAD LUL 13 year old KEKW KEKW OUTPLAYED BY 13 YR OLD DUD poggers LUL MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo lee sin steal 13 year old steals ur CRAB LULW KEKW MAD KEKW yasMald MAD MAD CAUSE HE LOST SCUTTLE XD no adc = gg general sniper losing on enemy team getting carried on ally team KEKW @Fent23 why dont u suck him? Being flamed by a 13 year old KEKW xCH0W subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! Ur about to throw here bro badge Carried by a literal child LUL MADSSUO im not mad squadW MAD QT KEKW QT OMEGALUL yasMald Kappa yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald zoomer got the crab, boomer mad Carried yet again smh yasMald PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW ? ???????? Pog LOL LOL qt Pog KEKW LOL XD KEKW LULP lmao balanced OUTPLAYED LUL qt lol LUL xd Can you time me out pleas for 24 hours JK LULW lmao outplayed LULW LEE SIN KEKW Q+R SKILL WOW aiiiiiiiiiii got em Moe can u lower down the volume of the game? ?? PRESS R Pog QT PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW kLOL qtie did something OMEGALUL insane Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo qt carry wait thats QT? I honestly didnt know because he's doing well LEE SIN 5Head QT Pog KS BARONE LUL @Yassuo DUO RIVEN AD MAIN LULW Jesus, what happened too your face? that fucking ult from QT jfc CARRIED BY A CHALLENGER WOW PLAYER KEKW EXECUTIONER MOE @ansimika so if it's for example every 15min 100 special bonuses.. that means it's 400 an hour + 20 per 5min = 240.. 640 per hour= 782h !followage play better QTS VEIGAR IS CLEAN MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS MS gachiBASS VEIGAR NERFFFFF @Yassuo why do u e right before pressing r? SOO MUCH STUPID PEOPLES IN TEXAS TriHard getting carried by a washed up homeless man do u love nighbringer skin ? mad stream carried by boomer LULW WHy do you use such a shit headset when you are rich People really hype about dudes that play cheese champs ok QodT carciLeft carciRight carciLeft carciRight carciLeft carciRight @Yassuo why not discord ur dad qt moe when's variety? yassuo hey can you do a tutorial on when and how u can do blades with yasuo? i thought hard was better than trick UGGA BUGGA man i wanna drop out of uni and stream league what do you think good idea? SALAM FROM MALAYSIA, PEACE BRO what is up small ass boy PowerUpL this skin ugly af @Yassuo whats the best yasuo skin where ur hp go LUL LUL LUL CAKE_W -> Please refrain sending long messages. monkaW Oh you hit 30min renekton is fucking useless KEKW MOE UR ONE THE FEW STREAMER I WILL ALWAYS LOOK UP TO lol this renekton gets hit by every hook Thresh is fucking point tho Fuggggg it duude TriHard Did u saw the Doinb Game with his Ryze on 400 cs at 24 min? @Yassuo KEKW PogU Pog holy damn oi what cam do u use for the stream? ?CF I am gay but its haram and my baba wants to beat me, any help ?? @Yassuo LEE clean boi Pog WTF Pog Renekton without shojin KEKW that was fucking confusing @Bravebogdan10 so is moe woooooooooooooooow KEKW KEKW POG DAAAAAAMN yasU that was pretty clean KEKW Moe going crazy do u watch football ? pog NA LEE PogU POG NA REACTION LUL BROXAH? LUL POG LULW Lee Pog @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament that was clean damn pog that lee sin damn wtffff @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament// @Yassuo why do u e before r ? moe when's variety? EU LEE KEKEW @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament. !duo QuyDepTrai @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament MESSI <3 only e sports @Yassuo why not discord your dad qt @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament... Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo man that was clean @Yassuo Wow you are so salty about playing terribly in the tournament jaguars ass @grandlarry LUL @Yassuo NBA? beta is sniper struming? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp messi won PagChomp LCS OMEGALUL phlepper subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! messi golden ball ESPORT POGGERS OK BOOMER SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing haHAA i watch lcs khabib vs tony is on @Yassuo E KEKEW Sports KEKW LCS Championship Series KEKW FFS NO KEKW MUTE HIM 24 HRS LOL not again LEBRON AGAIN HERE WE GO NO MODS TriHard HERE WE GO AGAIN KEKW HERE WE GO AGAIN KEKW "xdlolmeme2009" KEKW HEREW WE GO KEKW KEKW HERE WE GO LMAOOO LEBRON JAMES ban him lebron james LEBRON AGAIN KEKW LEBRON ANDY Pog oh no again.. no LEBRON Pepega Sell dblade and buy executioners dad LEBRON JAMES POGU ??? But lebron never plays bad LEBRON JAMESSSSS ANALOGY ANDY KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW STFU WITH LEBRON here we go again LULW here we go again YOUR NOT LEBRON JAMES KEKW ANALOGY ANDY KEKW tournament ??? lifesteal? OMG NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Moe=Lebron of League here we go again THEY DID THAT ALL LAST YEAR ur not lebron LOL lebron james? Kappa Because you’re unathletic here we go here we go again @Yassuo Here we go again! no maan Here we go again LEBRON ANALOGY KEKW YOU AIN'T LEBRON LeBron analogy KEKW @capncrunchyoass sport is fucking boring except volley LOL UR LEBRON IMAGINE LEBRON JAMES LOL FFS KEKW LEBRON AGAIN ResidentSleeper LEBRON AGAIN ResidentSleeper here we go again KEKW KEKW LEBRON @Yassuo here we go again XD yeah but ur not lebron HERE WE GO AGAIN KEKW shut up PEACE FROM MALAYSIA MOE KEKW AAAAH SHIT respect for watching league LEBRON again you arent lebron homie LEMOE JAMES POGU LEBRON ANALOGY AGAIN ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kreygasm LOLOL compering himself to lebron OMEGALUL LEBRON AGAIN KEKW KEKW here we go again HERE WE GO AGAIN LEBRON ANDY KEKW lebron lul !uptime he does Compares himself to Lebron James BCWarrior Jebaited stop The stream has been live for 1 hours 27 minutes 43 seconds @Yassuo do you play any sports? HERE WE GO AGAIN Futball =/= soccer COMPARING VS LBJ KEKW why u throwin man Kappa here we go again S P OMEGALUL R T YOURE NOT LEBRON BUDDY do u watch any series atm LEBRON ALWAYS CARRIES PepeLaugh @Yassuo Are you hyped for the TCS? i dont wanna imagine THINK YOU'RE LEBRON JAMES KEKW imagine spending 1k points for a highlighted message instead of saving up for a free sub KEKW Your not lebron LMFAO HE THINKS HES LERBRON @Yassuo with all these big names leaving twitch for other sites please for the fucking love of god do not pick facebook at least pick mixer or even fucking hitbox @iidaze xd meme Stop comparing yourself to Lebron bad analogy u going to play clash rigth? comparing to lebron LOL LEBRON AGAIN you are kinda washed up you are lebron ? LEBRONZE KEKW comparing himself to labron LUL COMPARED HIMSELF TO LEBRON HAHAHAA ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper SabaPing CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob Yassuo as good as Lebron James hahahahahahaha ResidentSleeper yes, but you are not lebron Pog lebron again man LOL MOE IS LEBRON XD LEBRON AGAIN ResidentSleeper LEBRON OF LEAGUE Kappa LEBRON HAS ACTUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS YOU DON'T LEBRON ANALOGY ResidentSleeper TILTED LEBRON OF LEAGUE HORRIBLE ANALOGY u aint lebron u idiot MADSSUO LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis They literally say that every year the lebron analogy NotLikeThis LEBR KEKW N ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper SeemsGood SHUT THE FK UP @Yassuo ego andy comparing himself to lebron again YOUR NOT LEBRON KEKW LEBRONN LEMOE yasSleeper Lebr Pog n DELUSIONAL yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 LUL but you're not lebron KEKW terrible analogy LEBRON SICK OF YOU ALREADY MOE hasMods shut up True @Yassuo who's the squad for All Stars? PixelBob LEBRON KEKW UR NOT LEBRON KEKW FREE HK KEKW still think your'e lebron no one worst analogy ever LEBRON PPL FLAMED LEBRON ALL YEAR AND LISTYENED TO THE CRITICISM WTF COMPARING YOURSELF TO LEBRON LMAO comparing yourself to LEBRON LOOOOOOOOOOL lebron wouldn't choke in a tournament though MALDING KEKW what do u think about clash? D: TRUEEEEEEEE YOUR NOT LEBRON people already say lebron is washed what are you talking about TRIGGERED LEBRON OF LEAGUE CHAT IS SILVER KEKW KEKW TILTEEEEDDD LEBRON 20111 FINALS KEKW LEBRON 20111 FINALS KEKW LEBRON 20111 FINALS KEKW LEBRON 20111 FINALS KEKW D: NA always choke thou ANALOGY ANDY KEKW ANALOGY ANDY KEKW you do not even equate to lebron THIS IS THE WORST ANALOGY OF 2019 LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YOU AREN'T LEBRON yasU yasU Here we go again ResidentSleeper @Yassuo why are you blaming yourself when you lost because of top difference? but im better than you KEKW ANALOGY ANDY ur fucking moe not lebron KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper shut up bro ur not even a alex caruso of league LEBRON OF LEAGUE OF LEGENDS You mean Kevin durant Lebron aint a streamer KEKW @Yassuo Who is your favorite athlete besides LeBron Moe stop reading chat, these kids are so dumb, it's insane @Yassuo youre not fucking lebron no thats dumb he has coaches dumbass IM LEBRON JAMES @Yassuo imagine compairing urself 2 lebron lawl D: KEKW D: Lebron ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKW LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis You are Luka > lebron KEKW khabib vs tony is on!! @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo why do u use ur e right before r ? Thats not a good mindset LOL Even ironically comparing himself to Lebron KEKW HAHAHAHAHHAHA COMEDIAN not LEBRON UR A TRASH ASS KID NOT EVEN DRAFTED SHUT THE FUCK UP KEKW @Yassuo moe dogshit not lebron more like dogbron ACTUALLY TRUE TACO TUESDAYayayayay LeBron ResidentSleeper why do you keep referencing you with lebron flame your watchers, makes sense LULW NICE ANALOGY. NOT KEKW delusion yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper You would wish to be LeBron waterboy lol DELUSIONAL AF fax wtf is with lebron examples stfu discounta bron james bye D: not again pls Lebron never had a bad tournement @YAssuo Notice me Moe <3 TRUE @xdlolmeme2009 get fucked LOL you are not challenger D: LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis LEBRON ANALOGY NotLikeThis UR NOT LEBRON master? @Yassuo you dont have your s10 rank in your infp down below Yasuol is the lebron of LEAGUE KEKW MOE THE LEBRON OF LEAGUE coaches? moe lol im challenger tho :) imagine COMPARING URSELF TO A BASKETBALL PLAYER being a video game streamer LOLLOLOL U talk the talk but you dont walk the walk im challenger :) that is true D: CARRIED BY A 13 YEAR OLD LEBRON ANALOGIES LULW POGS get lebron's dick out u throat @Yassuo moe ur just bad at this game dont compare LEBRON NEVER PLAYS BAD you're grandmaster **** KEKW grandmaster NOT CHALLENGER KEKW the delusional Yassuo @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? nah youre salty arent u master? Lebron won stuff... yo idiot 0.2 percernt are better than you @Yassuo Moe notice me <3 Comparing himself to the goat lmao Ahhaahhahsha but you didnt even reach challenger duoing with iwd KEKW MAN SU OK boomer But you had 1 REALLY BAD TOURNAMENT Grandmaster KEKW LBERON JAMESSSS shut up dude dud tyler plaayed heimer u cant beat that brokken shit YOURE JUST LIKE NA PROS KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Pure trash @xdlolmeme2009 get fucked LOLLL Pleas Shut up ANALOGY ANDY KEKW u boosted GRANDMASTER OMEGALUL you aren't lebron lol Challenger KEKW LeBroN grandmaster* ANALOGY ANDY LULW TRIGGERED OMEGALUL PEACE FROM MALAYSIA MOE GRANDMASTER*** KEKW LOST TO LOLHEIMER1 LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LEBRON JAMESSSS YOU'RE NOT LEBRON WeirdChamp YOU'RE NOT LEBRON WeirdChamp YOU'RE NOT LEBRON WeirdChamp YOU'RE NOT LEBRON WeirdChamp Eminnen ? gold man come on dude :( but im gold tho xs ok moomer Kappa Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited he still listens to his coaches ok Challenger Kappa NA Challenger 4Head YOUR KEVIN DURANT CALM DOWN Cheer100 Been here for 6 months, decided to share my love and support for you. Cheer100 xd You're a D2 benchwarmer at best in comparison dude pls name another legendary player of any sport besides lebron or jordan shut up moe im challenger :) u are tilted u gave them what they want chill @xdlolmeme2009 happy now kid, got your reaction. Such a little bitch LBJ is TOP 2 OF ALL TIME dude i am challenger makes complete sense, how do you not understand the analogy LUL @Yassuo your not the lebron of league though @Yassuo u are bad not lebron no good analogy u r bad pls accept it ty faker: u suk TRUE YOU THINK YOU CAN COMPARE TO LEBRON JAMES? KEKW ENDED GRANDMASTER KEKW Kapp Lebron and lol player Comparing himself to a champion GM* terrible analogy TYPICAL MAIN YASUO LMAO @yassuo we plat homie @Yassuo Except for Lebron put up 40 pts in his first NBA game. And he carried his team first time in playoffs beast analogy yo dont get challenger xD *Grandmasters lol Absolute maldage Moe's bullying us :( Toxic af league players LUL ACTUALLY TRIGGERED KEKW ACTUALLY TRIGGERED KEKW ACTUALLY TRIGGERED KEKW ACTUALLY TRIGGERED KEKW stop frontin MOe you can't even dunk on them kiddie hoops bro @fesii stop being a fucking pussy grandmaster kekw but thats just simple Maths if you play bad at one tournament out of one thats 100% MOE CAN U NOTICE ME @Fent23 kek2 I'm Challenger What a noobish kido Pog yeah u are better so teach us PELASE By your logic you can never be wrong, well the results speak for themselves xd you're more like jr smith than leborn LULW meme Jebaited KEKW I BEG U MOE FLASH KEKW KEKW MALDING KEKW @Yassuo Shut up hardstuck grandmaster WeirdChamp True NA Challengers thinking they're LeBron is why we never perform internationally FLASH LUL actually im plat 4 50 lp so stfu na random galio flash KEKW You’re like Ben Simmons you’re too scared to shoot your shot LULW That is the worst thing I have ever heard EleGiggle no ones iron players in here KEKW ok Boomer rdrrDs Lebron is one of the best NBA Players you are some dude who streams League at a high level. You are not even in the top 100 of league players dude hey im silver IT'S ANOTHER LEBRON ANALOGY FROM MOE KEKW You’re like Ben Simmons you’re too scared to shoot your shot LULW every1 in chat is 4Head GALIO OMEGALUL no wonder why u dont get any women KEKW IM A BIG DICK Is Lebron your favorite basketball player? no one MOE MAKES A LEBRON JAMES COMPARISON Flash KEKW Pog yasGood @robinnm hell no it depends on the game bro, you cant say legends playing their sport is boring, shits exciting Analogies are only used when you know you have a weak argument because you can't defend it by itself WINNABLE oMG MOE IS MORE LIKE ALEX CARUSO DO AN ALEX CARUSO ANALOGY PLEASE QT POG Pog Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday A better analogy is Lebron drop kicking a kid for calling him bad @Yassuo ur not challenger though :) @Yassuo moe u suck cuz of ur big nose KEKW wtf is going on @mix_martial_arts_is_life i dont think you understand analogies at all to have that response PogU @Yassuo UNSUBING THIS THRESH!!! <3 PogU PogU Pog Nvm hes not washed up ?????????/ @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? IM GOLD Use NA as an analogy since its irrelevant since season 1 KEKW Lebron is the GOAT, you’re just Moe xD NICE Blacksalami101 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Hey bro keep up the good work and you should do a meetup in Ireland Challenger in NA = Silver Korea this veigar is going nuts EZ Clap @Yassuo Except for Lebron put up 40 pts in his first NBA game. And he carried his team first time in playoffs. If you proive it first you can suck here and there... but... where's the proof m,y dude lmao LMAO LUL ?????| GG youre assuming we're bronze silver, theres bound to be someone thats better than you in your chat PogU Gg'ez khabib vs tony is on @Yassuo Imagine being so butthurt over your OTP sucking that you flame your entire viewership Imagine comparing yourself to Labron lmao. You don’t even make the same amount of money as him and ur comparing skill lmao @Yassuo YOU DONT EVEN WATCH BALL STFU DOG D: h @Yassuo DUO RIVEN @Yassuo why are you comparing yourself with lebron? did you know his team mate fucked his mother? did trick2g fucked your mother so you kicked him out of your team? FLASH AHAHAHAHA ?? chat its my bday ] WHY DID YOU FLASH YOU WASTED IT @Yassuo did lebron fuck your mom or something Moe these kids are idiots who can't handle being called out. Just stop reading chat You’re like Ben Simmons you’re too scared to shoot your shot LULW @Yassuo DUO SNI[ER wish me chat MOE YOUR NOT WASHED UP WE JUST SAW THAT THERE LOL Wut happened some1 s ego is so hurt khabib vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo haHAA LBJ IS A TOP 2 PLAYER OF ALL TIME @Yassuo DUO RIVEN fck veigar so fck broken Youre bad "you choked" isn't that wild I AM FROM BRASIL AND WATCH YOU EVERDAY... NICE PLAYS Pog MOE WE GET IT YOU ARE LEBRON KEKW got carried noob @xxexploitxx word yasSpit yasSpit gj jeez ur so mad lmao LISTENING TO TWITCH CHAT KEKW LMAOOOO damn :) MOE WISH ME that is a lie because the general public doesnt even paly on the same servers as twitch streamers so their suggestions would be invalid MOE GOONG CRAZY ON THESE FOOLS @yassuo true that dandruff tho Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS BRO LMFAOOOO best 13 year old NA @Yassuo Moe you bad at this game just addmit it man TRUE KEKW So mald KEKW MOES MAD KEKW MOES MAD KEKW @getwu POG U Why are the gold and silver getting slain on what about plat and diamond ;-; @Yassuo stop responding to silvers in the chat TRUE KEKW I just got gold today KEKW we are not bronze players u boosted player moe just stop responding to them u chode shutup dog TRUE KEWK Get a nissan GTR bro true though KEKW IRON CHAT KEKW You will never be in LCS @Yassuo When moe comes up with the Lebron analogy you guys have to realize you are wrong jkhj so back to the original question, you are indeed salty that youperformed like shit what's that tag on your headset wire? do you think it was sanchs fault? yasR yasR @Yassuo what u use for the stream fam? MOE IS ALEX CARUSO GOOGLE ALEX CARUSO Thats true actually KEKW mad Are u playing TCS? @Yassuo you aint lebron you're more like Melo Why u got to be mad... it's just a game @mommy4206 he can be wrong, but if he’s to take advice it won’t be from you guys, it’ll be from someone in his league or better. Or even if they’re slightly worse, maybe masters/grandmaster, but silver/bronze? Hell no Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo YOURE SO MAD KEKW THATS ACTUALLY TRUE DUDE CMON KEKW FIRST TORNUMANET BTW woulda won with trick MOE TRYING TO GO PRO KEKW Lebron KEKW its cause youre shit @Yassuo @Yassuo Except for Lebron put up 40 pts in his first NBA game. And he carried his team first time in playoffs. If you proive it first you can suck here and there... but... where's the proof m,y dude lmao fa The conclusion that you're going maximum overmald. True actually choked KEKW actually mald KEKW KEY FRAGMENT pOG I am gay but its haram and my baba wants to beat me, any help ?? @Yassuo @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? . u r just bad dude now u know how pobelter feels but..LeBron has proven he isnt braindead like you DUO HIM Pog thats debatable cause if they are better then moe they would be playing the game not watching @Yassuo with all these big names leaving twitch for other sites please for the fucking love of god do not pick facebook at least pick mixer or even fucking hitbox bish_27 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! I respect your self-reflection and how on-point it is. id like to know the average rank of the players here accept it @Yassuo why are you comparing yourself with lebron? did you know his team mate fucked his mother? did trick2g fucked your mother so you kicked him out of your team LOST 400 VIEWERS BY TALKING LULW GENERAL SNIPER POG mad moe kekw duo with him !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 29 minutes 45 seconds with a WHAT? TriHard RANKED MERCH IS OUT DUO GENERAL SNIPER @TFBlade DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS BRO CARRIED BY 12 YEAR OLD Cheer100 Any man who must say "I am the King" is no true king. Tywin Lannister @Fent23 Does jh carried by 13 year old KEKW PRO MOE KEKW shoulda just picked trick mad xd qt robbed do you find support boring?? TriHard @Yassuo Add general sniper as afriend Lebron = best in NBA : Yassuo = washed up streamer? hi moe @Yassuo @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament? defending oneself as a streamer always sounds salty :/ NOT WILD: if you play that bad Kappa yo KKool @Yassuo have you beaten boshy?? @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ?? I think you would perform better as a team if you gave Sanch more help with ganks etc. @Yassuo @yassuo nice game yasPride Tell us sone story RIVEN IS 13 LULW Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Kapp @Yassuo 24H STREAM Pog We all know Twitch chat formulates the best arguements I AM FROM BRASIL AND WATCH YOU EVERDAY... NICE PLAYS @getwu Happy birthday FeelsBirthdayMan you're more like a G-league player KEKW KEKW TRUE WHAT LP IS CHALLENGER? LEBRON JAMES pepeJAM LULW CARRIED BY A 13 YEAR OLD @Yassuo DUO RIV yOu'Re jUsT bAd mOe KEKW Boshy Time @yassuo KAPP TriHard khabib vs tony is on! will u watch it ? @Yassuo KEKW ?? Kap u've been absolute shit the past 3 twitch rivals @Yassuo you snaked on trick and still lost...... TriDance be yourself xD Kappa Howd u feel when tarzaned stole the baron tho ?\ TriKool Twitch rivals doesnt count @Yassuo Except T1 lmao @Yassuo YOU DONT EVEN WATCH BALL na challenger = china iron GET CARRYED BY ARDIANS BROTHER KEKW KEKW KEKW u where bad at rival who cares move on chat FUTSAL SHUFFLE TIME Pog Don’t wait your breath Autism 4 Yassuo could never be a coach cuz hes shit at drafting teams:) lmao OMEGALUL @Fent23 Does he taste well? 5Head KEKW TRUE KEKW why do you keep referencing yourself to lebron DUO SNIPER @Yassuo Wow you’re upset. Sorry Moe we didn’t mean to hurt your delicate feelings POG DONNO Moe going crazy PepeLaugh except for the king ? AND NOT GETTING CHALLANGER HAHAHAHA TriKool :gold: Consistently* FUTSAL SHUFFLE TIME Pog MORE LIKE GENERAL DIAPER! AHAHHAHAHA GET IT? CAUSE HE'S YOUNG! KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo 24H STREAM Pog @Yassuo 24H STREAM Pog TRUE @djboss0729 YESSS imagine explainig for 10 mins to a random pleb Wow, Twitch chat really is a shithole @yassuo you are quite smart can't lie Duo with general sniper? OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL chat just stop, you guys not winning this one TRUE 5Head Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa NA PRO KEKW IRRELEVANT KEKW LIKE NA KEKW TRUE OPEN THE 250 LVL CAPSULE FUTSAL SHUFFLE TIME Pog @Yassuo Noticeme Moe True 5Head bruh qt playing wow in game since when u have been playing league ? HES MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD @capncrunchyoass like, i can watch highlights and be entertained without being into the sport. But i've never liked watching it a lot. Only if it's a team i really like. Cheer100 you said I am a challanger buerinCoffee mizkifJif mizkifJif mizkifJif mizkifJif I mean everyone who talks shit are usually below 10iq Kapp they just wanna to tilt you Kappa Kappa You are LeBronze KEKW deluded AHHAHAHA Kappa HERE WE GO AGAIN Kappa احكي عربيييي yo any boshy today my guy @Yassuo LEBRON WHITE EDITION LMAO WutFace WutFace WutFace KEKW OMEGALUL THINKS HE IS FAKER OMEGALUL THINKS HE IS FAKER LEBRON JAMEEESSS truee LeBronze KEKW KEKW GOT refrence KEKW Tru you are the alex caruso of league of legends what NOT DELLUSIONAL Kappa ? your the lebron hoe xD GENERAL DIAPER KEKW Kappa MJ GOAT UNSUB @Yassuo KappaHD Kapp NotLikeThis Kappa LUL LUL go home... aww ur at home ahahahhaha+ù Kappa Quoting a tv show KEKW Lukrious -> Please refrain from posting links. LEBRON JAMMMESSSSS ??? Kappa ??????????????????? if we lose just blame moe :) Kapp HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA ???????? KEKW leBRONZE james TRUEEEEE SMAAAART MOE TRUUEEEE khabib vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo so cringe LEBRON ANALOGI KEKW Kapp Kappa sure @Yassuo you aint lebron you're more like Melo You just lost to the “bad” renekton though احكييي عربيييييييي Kappa Kappa Kapp FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch DELUSIONAL KEKW ? Lebron isnt the GOAT Kapp Kappa lies LUL LEBRON ISNT THE GOAT OMEGALUL LEBRON ISNT THE GOAT OMEGALUL LEBRON ISNT THE GOAT OMEGALUL LEBRON ISNT THE GOAT OMEGALUL LEBRON ISNT THE GOAT OMEGALUL Kappa Kappa then what does that make shiphtur who? Biggest cap of all time BabyRage BabyRage no one has said that KEKW Twitch chat can't handle sarcasm OMEGALUL Lebronze james KEKW ye when walking on the streets U r not lebron lol JEBRON LAMES GEMSTONE Pog Kapp Only by yourself KEKW "I never said I'm the king. I said I'm the goat." KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Kappa Kappa Kappa ?????????? ur lebronze LUL Lebronze KEKW OK by your mom :) @yassuo actual cringe as fuck ???? ??????????? GEMSTONE TOPKEK Add your s10 ran in your info below Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa LEBRONZE? squadW CALLED LEBRON KEKW POG 🦠🦠🦠🦠 its cause you look like him you monkey In the Mirror GEMSTONE???? Pog OMEGAROLL you getting called that by yourself tho... عربيييي lebron is not the GOAT gemstone "I'm not delusional" LUL BCZ OF UR HIGHT!? LEBRON WHITE EDITION LMAO SCUFFED GRANDMASTER KEKW michael jordan is the GOAT @Yassuo u wernt lebron in twitch rivals :) ????????????????? Pepega MOE STOP @Yassuo 24H STREAM Pog Pog duuuuuuuuud @Yassuo maybe its because of your hair line? PJSalt @Yassuo whaat u use for the stream cam? KEKW INTELLECTUALS KEKW KEKW Michael Jordan !rank lebron james of backstabing ppl agree @Yassuo lol GRANDMASTER I (393 LP) your mom is hot @Yassuo lebronze james Pepega Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP XD WTF LUL monkaW LULW LEBRONZE LMAO KEKW Monkas KEKW Pepega Pepega NBA = LCS TILTED KEKW malding lmao ????????? kekw xD ????? lol moe, that’s not a good comparison for yourself to someone like lebron, you should’ve used kwame brown WutFace HE GOT A GEMSTONE Pog WutFace KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW LEBRONZE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega ☎️ @Yassuo I see gm on your op gg Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa autism Put submode wtf mAAn lul BabyRage @Yassuo Dude they trolling you just keep banning them. PauseChamp But lebron james is in the top league and youre not so... @Yassuo !rank yikes mah dude lebronze @YAssuo Notice me Moe Lebrone is not the goat @Yassuo did you beat boshy yet man? Getting mad over chat Baiting you into arguments KEKW @Yassuo they just wanna to tilt you THATS 🧢 You’re cringy as Fucc yasNunu Exposing 15 yo kids that play 2 games a day league thats who you are lmaooo not a Lebron dude KEKW honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. only conclusion is that your champ pool isnt quite there yet @Yassuo. You got like 4-5 champs that are good so its close tho turn off that Echo??????? K??????????????? WutFaceW hahaha monkaS We may be stupid but atleast we dont watch Bananafish 4Weird lebron would never main a champ like yasuo KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace LEBRONZE khabib vs Tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo LeBron supports genocide Pepega Moe is more like the Muggsy Bogues of League. Short ass irrelevant player 10 gems yasN yasN yasN yasN Buy a hextech skin! YOU HAVE A TOXIC CHAT SOOOOOOOOOOO YOUR BAD :) you reading bro we listening it hurts us OK BOOMER Lebronze James KEKW @Yassuo احكي عربي @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? hi KEKW KWAME OMEGALUL OMEGALUL YELLING = FUNNY LMAO Grandmaster = Challenger ?? REEEEEEEEEEEE Use the gemstone KEKEW KWAME BROWN moe LEBRONZE KEKW Antonio Brown! autismoe this chat pepega KEKW alex carumoe USE 10 GEMSTONES Le Bronze KEKW Cheer100 dude when is the next drop on merch?! been saving 500$ cmon man!!! BITCHING LULW there is a reason everyone is typing and not streaming like moe GEMS SKIN PLS Cheer100 I can compare you to joffery baratheon now LeBronze KEKW @Yassuo to listen to this? do u mean to read this? same here fam WERE CHAT Pepega XDDD Fakers the Michael Jordan of lol and you’re the Lebron James J.R SMITH KEKW @Yassuo LULU Atleast you get a Rolex and 5k in food a week out of it im pretty sure the one trolling leborn is NOT even close to the goat This guy is trolling yeah aight KEKW LEBRONZE JAMES KEKW @yassuo now chat says there are better players than you in the chat. That is right but thet don't say that you are terrible in tournament. Better players are mostly more gentle. Keep it up Moe we love you. who is lebron KWAME BROWN KEKW haHAA you didn’t end challenger in season 8 or 9 though...... ?? No one: Moe: AHHHHHHHHH MOE UR DELUSIONAL GRANDMASTER GRANDMASTERGRANDMASTER ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime GEMS OPENING KEKW khabib vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo Notice me Moe Is qt playing in Tcs? LEBRONZE KEKW DUUUUUUUUUDE Lebronze James KEKW @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament?? 123x4 your not ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS lol LUL LUL NA PRO KEKW IRRELEVANT SINCE S01 KEKW NA 13 GEMS pogux could be t 1 fans Lebron would be top ten KEKW yasU You should try to end challenger int he end of the season first KEKW @Yassuo even if they're not trolling, just ignore them man. Its not worth your heath are you playing in TCS ? @Yassuo YOU ARE BAD DUDE CMON Glorified Hoodie Salesman KEKW Lebronze James KEKW Lebronze James KEKW Lebronze James KEKW Lebronze James KEKW bitch? truning into hashinshin Omegalul honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. WTF IS GOING ON WITH CHAT RN, HE IS MAKING A PERFECT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice twitch rivals btw LUL ????????? USE GEMS yasNyasNyasNyasNyasN Lebron plays in the big league, all you do is wwasting time streaming u virgin 1 Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo peach__tree subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Moe I love you, but you are washed up. Still my favorite league streamer... maybe try getting rank 1 season 10? Kappa honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo Stop screaming dumb, you are scaring my kitty LEBRONZE JAMES ONLY KEKW @Yassuo Hey moe Pog My sub expires in 2 days. How do i redeem my sub points to extend it? Kappa @Yassuo Send me your fucking joggers 4Weird ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasSpit CHAT yasSpit CHAT yasSpit CHAT yasSpit CHAT yasSpit CHAT yasSpit CHAT !uptime khabib Vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo !Musik The stream has been live for 1 hours 31 minutes 29 seconds Joffrey KEKW @organiccatnuggets +1 @yassuo you have some good points LEBRONZE JAMES 400 bucks on yassuo merch KEKW @AsianPaul_ moe ur lebronze james fnfal20 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Did u Tell Siri to call you LeBron? 400 on MOE MERCH KEKW @Yassuo can you show us your challenger rank on your profile? :) GET THE 100T Shirt Only WeirdChamp USE GEMS MAN 1v1 Lebron Haha Funny Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa buying merchandise ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 yasN yasN yasN yasN Moe any boshy today my good sir? @yassuo have you seen doinb 400 cs at 24 minutes with ryze honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo ' Stop being angry for no reason, they are obviously trooliing or are metaly challenged. Either way you should give them 0 attention @Yassuo your a guy with a big ass nose xD Only JR SMITH KEKW BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @yasuo lebron ? more like kevin hart use gems yasN ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ do you like TF Blade new merch? Mastery 6 on victor ?????? do you like TF Blade new merch??? @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? I be the I.G.G.Y let me in honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. FREE 100 CHANNEL POINTS LETS GOOOOOOOOO S9 GRANDMASTER KEKW I wouldnt spend a penny on that bengdahl subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! LETS GO! do you like TF Blade new merch? @robinnm yeah watching the team you support is better than watching other teams play, it can get boring gc KEKW Muggsy Bogues @dunlol hey bro I have 25k when do I use them khabib vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo MOE IS THE ANTHONY BENNET OF LEAGUE KEKW KEKW KEKW SICK ADVICE honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo ' ur my Mia Khalifa dude do you like TF Blade new merch?? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo LULW Fake laugh WeirdChamp HAHAHA honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. KEKW KEKW ????????? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo what are those coins in your storage??? 250 on shitty shirts with a yassuo sticker KEKW NOT WRONG KEKW KEKW TRUE honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @Yassuo you aint lebron you're more like Melo. NBA = LCS this streamer is delusional PepeLaugh THEY DONT KNOW MOE PepeLaugh THEY DONT KNOW MOE PepeLaugh THEY DONT KNOW MOE PepeLaugh THEY DONT KNOW MOE honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo LUL KEKW Moe like a JR Smith kinda player !uptime Fake Laugh? The stream has been live for 1 hours 31 minutes 58 seconds fake laugh KEKW LOSING IT monkaW yasWeird chat extra annoying today roastmaster -> Please refrain from posting links. Fake laughs hide the pain KEKW Fake laugh @yassuo have you seen doinb 400 cs at 24 minutes with ryze. honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @Yassuo To moe nice beard homie :D QT AGAIN Malding hi moe @Yassuo 24H STREAM Pog fake laugh WeirdChamp Just switch to mid lane, what champs you reccomend learning?diamond elo do you like TF Blade new merch? KEKW TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE Real Laugh Kapp LULW Kapp honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. KEKW @Cryaoticxd123 u can exchange for sub !rank lol when a silver tries to coach Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Does 100T take a cut from your stream income @yassuo i dislike moe there i said it GRANDMASTER I (393 LP) LMAO MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Kapp honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo u are delusional LEBRON WITH EXTRA CHROMOSOMS khabib vs ferguson?! sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky He’s not wrong though im just the best and fuck every one else GARRY LAUGHING CUS U KNOW ITS TRUE KEKW yo moe why no static its been a wile so idk why @goodguygarry in the chat POG rank! Sanchovies is the boyz so its fine where is sanchovies :(((( yo moe where did u born Kappa Fake laugh WeirdChamp KEKW honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo Kapp facts you didn't have a top lane HE WAS KEKW honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo pepeLaugh TRICK WAS THE PROBLEM KEKW they just wanna to tilt you do you like TF Blade new merch?? sanchBlanky uwu Adrian was least important member on Shadow Dogs. They won off Tarzaned/Soligo ORN DUTY D4 TOPLANER KEKW peepoBLANKET Homie nice beard line up clean @Yassuo play viktor boi HI YOUTUBE @yasuo wait twitch rivals already over ? @Yassuo Both a snake and a noob... must be hard to be you xdlol sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky WASHED UP GOTTA DEFEND WASHED UP KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanch did well sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky @yassuo are duoing qt? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible @Yassuo y does this snake have so much views KEKW KEKW KEKW @dunlol ya but how does it work? don't i need Moe to see it? D: @yassuo hi moe hope you doing good today, your hair looking cute again yasH KEKW you got the pie again WutFace WutFace LMAO KEKW like u KEKW CHILLLLL KEKW D: TOO FAR anchovies 🐟 @Yassuo Any tips on a new streamer trying to do good Imagine being bronze and criticizing Diamond players @Yassuo D: TRASH KEKW i think sanchovies play decent in the rival @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo Both a snake and a noob... must be hard to be you xdlol. KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky !duo QuyDepTrai tyler won because of tazaned !rank D: D: so hes useless KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart z? MOE is like LeBron only 5 feet shorter and 40 less on his vertical LOL sanchBlanky ? @Yassuo Notice me Moe Y'all made fun of T1's draft picks though haha But lebron james can do several moves and you only can play Yas and a bit Syndra @Yassuo D: khabib vs tony is on, will u watch it ? @Yassuo WutFace YOU PUT SANCHOVIES ON ORN DUTY sanchBlanky @Yassuo are you playing TCS? "HE IS GOING PRO" GET THE JOKE NOW INCHOVIES Pog do you like TF Blade new merch? k D: CHILLLLL TOO FAR D: real men blame themselves. @Yassuo Both a snake and a noob... must be hard to be you xdlol.. honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I’ve seen your mechanics when you’re trying and they’re nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. You got smashed like a pornstar champ, deal with it KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky BC U BAD sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky Those Syndra picks WutFace @capncrunchyoass exactly, i can't see why people would watch random teams.,only if you are yourself REALLY into the sport / good at it and want to watch some of the best. !duo Ur subs would double if you would shut up and play. Your voice is painful. High pitch like a woman’s. honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo SANCHOVIES IS TRASH ONLY REASON YOU LOST DOESN'T SOUND LIKE YOU'RE BLAMING YOURSELF KEKW @Yassuo sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart U DIDN'T HAVE TO DO HIM LIKE THAT LMFAO do you like TF Blade new merch?? @yassuo she still call me daddy but i dont even know her mama youssefxehab -> Please refrain sending long messages. pink ward KEKW WHAT ? its true @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky get my rammus in TCS squad play heimeeee sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL sanchPool sanchPool sanchPool sanchPool i blame prismal for no reason Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! sanchOooooooo no ban sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky do you like TF Blade new merch? @Cryaoticxd123 click ur channel points bottom left and click the gifted sub one SANCHHHH why are we talking about twitch rivals right now Says the person who got stomped and went 2/7 in multiple game KEKW @Yassuo wait what? pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU pszDISCONUNU We Love Sanchy <3 INCHOVIES Pog Pog @yassuo احكي عربي u gonna lose in that tourney to? lets go QT OUTBANNED KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky they target banned QT KEKW honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo WHO'S UR TEAM FOR TCS ? @yassuo Rambeee jyugfukygilu KEKW SHIRT yighiuuioooi KEKW no its not is every challenger rank famous? siushfkjscfsudhflkcsgfiusd WHAT IS YOUR TEAM ? @Yassuo GRAB YOUR BLANKY CHAT honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky if you're looking for jungler my dms are open hard is meh K'FDGDKHMNDKHR will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ? @Yassuo When is TCS? show us your vladimir true skills man zxjhcj,kcvzkxjcklzj PowerUpL OhMyDog yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue tsrghldfksgi jsdifghjdfxkjhb;lkfcghjk fgh yasCarried honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo kekw any boshy today? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible @Yassuo rank! i heard moe is role swapping to adc, i think it’s a good move. i heard they call him the lebron james of league of legends !mucik You didn’t win mid cuz ur washed up Sanchy is doing great in the rival @Yassuo what team do you have in tcs? qwqdfeqfqefqf Aloooo what is your tcs team? sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky boxFine boxFine boxFine sanchBlanky sanchBlanky @Yassuo duo Dun VIKTOR dude you gotta just grease your mouse ball and pro status is yours That voice tho But lebron james can do several moves and you only can play Yas and a bit Syndra @Yassuo ty i_enigma_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! hey moe how youve beem? @Yassuo Hey moe Pog My sub expires in 2 days. How do i redeem my sub points to extend it? yasThink @dunlol Ok I already did PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpL @yassuo did u figure out ur tcs team yet? maybe you would have won with trick @Yassuo are you duo with qtie ? !Musik MOE is like LeBron only 5 feet shorter and 40 less on his vertical are u playing on tcs Whats TCS? @Yassuo Are you in the all stars? @yassuo احكي عربييي TRICK Pog KEKW SHIRT LOST KEKW KEKW SANCH M OMEGALUL E xd 6honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo why u got so much nav on the playlist M OMEGALUL E ALREADY LOST KEKW QIYANA GOSU Pog KEKW TRICK POG TRICK POG Le ro PogU Pog GOSU Pog KEKW TRICK POG : honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo KEKW Pog what is TCS GOSU POG TRICK Pog GG take a shower you HABIBI ???????????? pogux Pog Pog Lebron Mohammed James YOU TOOK SANCHOVY CAUSE HE YOUR BOI BUT SNAKED TRICK2G WOW GOSU Pog LUL Pog GOSU PogU OH G0D OH NO PogU TRICK GONNA CARRY will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ?? @Yassuo GOSU <3 <3 <3 @yassuo play Diana Kapp TRICK Pog Pog TRICK GOSU Pog TRICK IS WASHED UP Pog TRICK Pog Pog OHHH NOW U WANT TRICK EZ Clap TRICK GOSU Pog SWIFTE MENTAL LUL sanchovies rip yasTrue yasTrue EL TRUCOOOO NICE TRICK Pog honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @Yassuo WHERE'S ALICOPTER trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp Pog for real are you making it up? Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo TRICK POG TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU TRICK PogU carried by bot lane hard LULW gosu pog maybe you will manage to win..1 scrim GOSU POG lol insta lose EL TRUCKO @yassuo Do you think LeBron compares himself to you when it comes to Leagues? SSSSSSSSS Trick POGGERS trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa gonna win Kappa Pog SANCHOKE monkaW what is TCS OH NO NO NO just like twitch rivals Pog itookash -> Please refrain sending long messages. no chance KEKW KEKW KEKW Whos in the jungle? LEBRON CAN GUARD ANYONE IN THE LEAGUE AND YOU PLAY ONE CHAMP LULW YOURE LIKE RAY ALLEN you roasted swifte in twitch rivals WeirdKEKW EL TRUCO LoL Sanchovies TRICK KEKW @Yassuo Are you in the all stars 1v1s? What is tcs? IMAGINE HAVING THE CHANCE TO PICK TRICK BUT DIDNT KEKW No snake Pog Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS no alicopter?? clip it @Yassuo Have you seen uzi's Futsal SHuffle? Swiftie = gg lololol lol yasGood CONTENT AND SUPERBOT PogU SWIFTE LUL will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ? @Yassuo TRICK LUL WILL BE A NICE TEAM finally a good jungler TRICK IS BACK BABY sick team Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS YOU ARE PLAYING WITH IMAQTPIE @Yassuo when is TCS honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS SSSSSSSSS @YAssuo Moe notice me INSTALOSS LOOOOL what is TCS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ GOOOOOSU VAYNE POG RalpherZ @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? Alicopter???? now you wanna play with trick Chat does snow affect internet ? Pog Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS Trick POGGERS will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ?? @Yassuo EL TRUCO Trick GOnna Carry GONNA LOST TO LS KEKW finally el truco EL TRUCOOO WOW KEKW @dunlol Now what SANCH Pog @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu?. get carried by gosu everygame honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo no FORGOT LUL gift me subs pls yasR l we remember when you ditched him KEKW EL THRUCK BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa no HARD THIS TIME? TRICK IS WASHED @Yassuo SWIFTE BabyRage @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu?? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible @Yassuo DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! HE GAVE YOU THE FLIPS PepeHands no Kapp ZZROT will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ? @Yassuo Ff now switch me for pizza topping and its a wrap work this dick TRICK EL TRUCO IS IN LOL SNAKE yasSnake don't skip scrims that shit will be your last act @Yassuo take a shower Trick yasSnake Trick yasSnake Trick yasSnake Trick yasSnake Trick yasSnake trkRat trkRat trkRat will you wtch khabib vs tony ufc ?? @Yassuo ELLLLLLLLLL THRUCKKKKKKK mizkifSit @Yassuo get rid of Sanchovies and put a real toplaner this is getting stupid Going off the stage and sitting down watching other games LULW What about insanity? they forgot @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? yasuo ResidentSleeper yeah no gosu will carry lol ssssssssss Isn't TCS the Turkish Super League, I'm so confused. Why are you playing there? MOEDUSA 180 pretty quick KEKW trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa mizkifCorn when is TCS? Alicopter tho?? will u eat my dogsht please @Yassuo u mosta fogat play azir next game sssSSSsssSSs ssssssssss can anyone tell me what TCS is Pleasedascake -> Please refrain from spamming caps. WAIT, GENERAL SNIPER IS A 13 YEAR OLD RIVEN OTP IN CHALLENGER Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake TRICK CARRY LULW WTF @Yassuo NO ALICOPTER???????????????????????? LS comming from korea its that tournament is lost LS TEAM COMING FROM KOREA monkaW @yassuo @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? u sure el truco wants to be on the team after last tourney @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu\ @Yassuo pls play azir next game GO TENACITY ! @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? No Hard WeirdChamp Stealing_Society_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu??? ssssss?? ssssssssssssssssss @yasuo GO ODYS YASUO PLZ WITH CROMA @Yassuo Are you in the all stars 1v1s? stream it tfbPepega why not alicopter feelsbadman @demaciano13 yess Moe must have forgot EL TRUCO @Yassuo are you going to all stars habibi No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake No Trick yasSnake Chromaa KHABIB THR GOAT OF MMA @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? damn you wont have fun this match xD PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? You know there will be Korean teams there @Yassuo GO NIGHTBRINGER PAPA Is TCS blind pick PLAY FIRE YASUO SKIN @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu?? MOedUssa y no taco honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu??? Run high noon been so long you are playing with imaqtpie moe ugly fuck thats whats he said gosu is pog @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa change skin nymnCorn Chroma @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? . KappaPride @Yassuo SANCHOVIES IS A LEECH GET A REAL TOPLANER long stream? @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu??? fogged carried ur asses YOU MUSTVE FORGOT!! @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? qUeStIoNmArK who you got in the fight? @yassuo Take white chroma if you own <3 yasPride SNAKE VS SNAKE KEKW Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo MOE I LOVE U suck on my donkey chodes please @Yassuo Gyro. @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? .. trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man @Yassuo @yassuo sanchovies gonna struggle again PepeHands KEKW Moe probably gonna do a snakemove and get adrian and nb3 instead of trick and sanchovies @yasuo oddys yasuo !!!! PLZZ @Yassuo NIGHTBRINGER PLS !uptime SWIFTE is annoying The stream has been live for 1 hours 34 minutes 44 seconds is he talkin about TCS ? DansGame KEKW KEKW no @dunlol KEKW Scammed? KEKW kekw @Yassuo what happened to you and insanity at TCS @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu?? kekw merch KEKW @Yassuo DUDE GO NIGHTBRINGER SKIN Chroma KEKW TALL LUL dumb question what is tcs KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw tbh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FF BLADE LUL KEKW KEKW Looks trash KEKW KEKW KEKW show us KEKW KEKW KEKW neither KEKW KEKW how does a shirt look tall KEKW KEKW KEKW No one :) KEKW 100% KEKW > @yassuo what are u talking about? another twitch rivals??? @yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW s KEKW KEKW KEKW POGGERS KEKW LAME AS HELL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ´s KEKEW KEKW KEKW YASSUO> kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW KEKW SHOW US @Yassuo KEKW FACTS PogU kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW 100% @Yassuo is TCS blind or draft pick?? KEKW KEKW is best yours KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW s KEKW KEKW KEKW i want to see it KELW @Yassuo Are you in the all stars 1v1s? KEKW KEKW youngoreoz -> Please refrain from spamming caps. FARMING KEKW KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW4 ratirlKEKW3 A chroma @Yassuo show tfblade shirt MOE GETTING CARRIED KEKW you can probably go pro if you go for it and push your limits, everyone who says otherwise prob has 10 or less iq, keep up the good work and good streams bud Moe will there be any boshy today? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUEEEEE KEKW KEKW 100% TF BLADE HAS A KEKW BAG XDDDDDDDDD kEWK Ooorn Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW4 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW F Why would i wear any of these two Cheer100 Yo Yas, next Twitch Rival do the content squad, Sanchovies, Tirck, You, Alicopter and idk about the adc but Gosu maybe? xD KEKW KEKWWWW KEKW u muslim? @Yassuo Is prismal better than gosu? QT dodged not gonna lie moe is the best streamer QT DODGED NO VEIGAR open hextech chest XDD 1 @YAssuo Notice me Moue PLUG TRICK KEKW *e @Yassuo For real though, dont waste your energy and mental health on twitch chat. Even if they're not troll they are for sure brain dead PLAY VIKTOR MA MAN yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit zayn malik not tall yes kekws are da best TRICK yasSnake TRICK yasSnake TRICK yasSnake TRICK yasSnake What did he say his team was? can someone in chat help me? KEKW @Yasuo bro am i the only 1 thinking the true dmg yasuo skin is ugly af QTPIE DODGED LUL LULW qt haha W OMEGALUL W POGGERs KEKW KEKW PogU Pog ACTUALLY POG POGGGER POG PogU POGGG KEKW Pog i think your nose dosent let you see clearly Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW POGGERs KEKW LULW PogU N OMEGALUL @Yassuo Hook him up. Homie needs some help, bruv. Better shout out WAAAAAAAW Pog LUL Pog KEKW KEKW play a different champ @yassuo Pog Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU POG Pog PogU PogU KEKW PogChamp KEKW pog Pog OK I UY Pog PogU yasTrue NO FUCKING WAY PogU HOODIE SALESMAN KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL N OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW change skin ACTUALLY DONT LOOK BAD LMAO KEKW KEKW i already ordered 3 POGGERS Kappa KEKW ugly as hell NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW KEKW OK I BUY PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PogChamp Kappa LUL ALREADY ON SALE KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW POG AHAHAHAHHAHA i feel like i'd get my shit kicked in with a kekw shirt wtf is that shirt holy fk Pog LUL LUL KEKW Boshy Time 20 % Pog KEKW 20 % Pog KEKW 20 % Pog KEKW 20 % Pog KEKW 20 % Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW lol PogU KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW2 TRASH SHIRT LULW AD AS FCK KEKW IMAGINE WEARING THAT KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man @Yassuo LMAOOO KEKW LMFAOOO KEKW WOW POGGERS KEKW KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 HAHAHA KEKW Pog qtpie safed KEKW Pog 32$ KEKW ahhahahahahaha you_will_know_pain -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW EE TUU K E K W why u don't craft a skin with ur gemstones? I BOUGHT ONE Kapp Hi yasThink 32 DOLLARS KEKW who would buy that lol KEKW that is so ugly lmao UGLY KEKW KEKW THE OTHER KEKW SHIRT IS ACTUALLY GOOD KEKE 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW 32$ KEKW POGGERSSS no one will buy that shit kekw normies WeirdChamp KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOO THAT SHIRT KEKW HAHHAHHAHAHAH wtf is the kekw wgo would wear this LMAO KEKW KEKW i have night LULW LMFAOOOOOO KEKW LULW KEK KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HOW TO GET BEAT UP IRL KEKW gosu POG KEKW KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW KEKW stfu dumbass KEKW KEKW Is FKN WEIRD THOUGH HAHAHA aight the hoodie kinda clean tho cringe clothing KEKW 32 DOLLARS KEKW ETU KEKW SO GOOD KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kappa The rest doesnt look that bad tbh @Yassuo HE DID WEAR THATS THE PROBLEM LULW LMAO KEKW LOL KEKW LMAOOO Cringe af HAHAHAH Dont do it 4Weird @Yassuo IF IT AINT YASSUO OR TYLER MERCH I AINT BUYIN yasMald yasMald yasMald girls are bitched WierdChamp ? KEKW KEKW 4Head KEKW KEKW XD KEKW KEKW KEKW ET TU KEKW KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW KEKW KEKW IMAGINE WEARING YHAT KEKW KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW KEKW E TU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp cringe KEKW imagine buying anyone's merch LUL ??????? idk if my mental can handle more league games, fkin insane how many cancer patients you get in your team LULW LULW @Yassuo Why did you say "Bitches" like you were whispering into my ear ASMR-style oh my lord KEKW BEST SHIRT EVER LUL GARBAGE SHIRT KEKW i have hit people for less take it out of your mouth KEKW D: the pink one lit BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW I WILL FAT FAT SWOLE KEK FAT FUck :) KEKW Kapp FAT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ? yassuo > tf fat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat if i see someone at school in that it would be funny af LUL @Yassuo Cut the arms off FAT FATTY Kapp yasFat Kapp XS KEKW FAT KEKW Fat KEKW فقعث فقعث look at the pink one fat guy fat LUL KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW KEKW He WEARS YOUR MERCH D: FAT KE FAT KEKW yasMald yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat glorified hoodie salesmen Open hexteh chest with 1 gemstone please :D @Yassuo BRO I USED 25K POINTS ALREADY KEKW KEKW Clap @yassuo do you actually like boys? YoungScoopy subscribed at Tier 1. FAT YOU KEKW Kappa Kappa Yasfat fat KEKW KEKW Kappa EGO KEKW KEKW BACKPACK PowerUpL ResidentSleeper PowerUpR @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo XL KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW IMAGINE WEARING A SHIRT SAYING TF BLADE ON IT OR RANK 1 GLOBAL LMFAOOOOOOOOO OR A RED KEKW TSHIRT HYporCrite passive_maksa -> Please refrain from posting links. ??? BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW what did he say his TCS tean was???????????????????? KEKW f @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? i can see tf getting a lot of biches NICE COMMERCIAL FOR YOURS KEKW thats the best one YOU ALREDY KNOW KEKW KEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKW l forsenPuke5_HF w XD as what is his tcs team????????? sad ??????????????????? just the logo hes alreaady on the mapo @Cryaoticxd123 message a mod first KEKW @yassuo Take white chroma if you own <3 yasPride where's Moe from? boy TriHard hours GOAT MOE?? Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo can i get an akali game ??? henriquegarciar -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 0161 BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BULLY MAGNET KEKW BUY IT OR FAKE 4Weird ur hoodie was clean tbh @Yassuo where is your merch sop @yassuo messi the goat On some real though i respect you homie your'e a good streamer! wtf my adblock isnt working KEKW cmonBruh mizkifJif gota @yassuo looks like you just woke up but still clean that KEKW shirt is legendary KEKW BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @yassuo do you actually like boys? honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo ???? shows your merch OMEGALUL LUL @Yassuo what exactly are these channel points LUL yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat ????? @Yassuo why wasnt Katevolved in the tournament?? KEKW Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man @Yassuo yasPride yasPride hUh ??? KEKW monkaW cmonBruh Cheeeeeeese ??? ????? KEKW ?? MOEHAMMAD Fuck ????? didn't even watch the whole thing OMEGALUL ?????????? ? CASS you skipped !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: Moe i love you @yassuo honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo ZOE cass play ahri pls ??? VIKTOR GAME TALON you skipped through a 15 second video !followage @cosmick102 I already did and he guide me trhough it but after I spent them he ignored me and dipped KEKW play ad tf SNAKE PepeLaugh kass you skipped poressa kk @Yassuo You skipped GET BOLD PLSSS AGAIN KEKW Clap @Yassuo Are you in the all stars 1v1s? TALON sg u ssoooooo baaaad @Yassuo KHABIB VS WHO??? KEKW @Yassuo have you tried sanquine blade on yas yet? RICE @galaxyboss21 Pog TALOB GAME @yassuo do you actually like boys? ekko kk gringo viado @galaxyboss21 KEKW EQ PogUU Can someone in chat tell me what he said his TCS team was? I missed it? yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird KEKW Clap Ekko a LOST Aint watching Ryze 😡 katevolved in TCS KEKW SennaOTP -> Please refrain sending long messages. Yasuo again ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper EYY FREE SUB HE INTING AGAIN KEKW NO YAS? @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them lmao honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I’ve seen your mechanics when you’re trying and they’re nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. Yassuo EQ PogU @yassuo Plz tribe Ryze skin @Yassuo BRO I SPENT 25K POINTS RYZEEE why u don't craft a skin with ur gemstones @galaxyboss21 the saving king @Yassuo Notice me Moe alphalovesmomx4 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: RYZE i would love to see moe on the pro stage just for the content he would provide imagine him going SHEEEESSHHHH loud af on stage stop singing 4Weird conqueror ryze op @Yassuo riven ban, sad 1 yo moe wattup *watches a scattered 3 seconds* this is why i dont click links if you won worlds which champ would you give a skin to? (other than yas) DOINB POG honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo @Yassuo KHABIB VS WHO?? OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNAKE @Cryaoticxd123 go on discord and screen shot the convo @Yassuo anytime dude! Thanks for the good content! !followage PHASE RUSH lebronze KEKW RE UP PogU Ur facing vipers 13 year old brother Free phase rush, Kapp KAPP hey moe plz get good its not fun watching u int ur face off everygame @Yassuo are you going to be playing the TCS? pick yas puaa LOV UUUU @Yassuo Ditch Sanchovies, think about the other players on the team they want to win and you are doing them dirty by putting a bad player because of nepotism Kapp My ears ahhh @joeyrushes Gosu swifte yas sanch trick Doinb plays conqueror puss @Joeyrushes sanchp trick gosu swifte honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I’ve seen your mechanics when you’re trying and they’re nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. Yassuo. @yassuo take presence of mind in the 2nd tree!!! @Yassuo WHO IS THE BEST YAS NA LEMME HEAR IT yasSleeper GET BOLD PLSSSS it was so funny tho -.- Passive is phase rush??? conqueror heal is so busted with ryze ,Aint watching Ryze 😡 @yasuo 1v1s today? swiftie on adc LUL @Joeyrushes gosu, swifte, trick, moe, sanch Ryyyze maybe conqueror is better but I'm gold I know nothing DARK CRYSTAL RYZE PogChamp PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR MANGO ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS @Cryaoticxd123 message a mod there HUMAN RYZE PogChamp Phase Rush @Yassuo KHABIB VS WHO???? @Yassuo Ditch Sanchovies, think about the other players on the team they want to win and you are doing them dirty by putting a bad player because of nepotism. its busted tho did you see Faze Banks cheated on Alsissa Violet @Yassuo @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op o cara fala muito rapido, que isso honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possibl @Yassuo conq is busted AF PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR try it hammoudi abdalrhman @Yassuo did u see messi winning his 6th no qt sad take champion ship skin @cosmick102 How do I find the convo tho KEKW conq supoer OP someone sniped his wukong honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I’ve seen your mechanics when you’re trying and they’re nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. Yassuo Messi <3 @Yassuo you're tone deaf. go search on youtube how to sing in key. youll have a better time at parties and stuff N OMEGALUL CONQUEROR @yassuo hi yassuo I just hit level 30 how do I git gud and escape silver no yasuo bye TRIBE RYZE SKIN u do trust me D OMEGALUL INB Yoo you should turn on tfblades stream it’s so lit @yassuo @yassuo whats your team for TCS GO DARK CRYSTAL RYZE honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I’ve seen your mechanics when you’re trying and they’re nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. Yassuo,, @joeyrushes sanchovies trick2g Yassuo Gosh Swifte Does tf blade sell a fleshlight of his butthole too? give conqueror a try @Yassuo DRAMA Pog DRAMA POG zzzzz N OMEGALUL CONQUEROR forsenCD LUL forsenCD Clap forsenCD Clap who cares LOL Pog forsenCD forsenCD DRAMA Pog no way DRAMA Pog DRAMA pogux Pog yo yassuo u gonna play clash oh lord no DRAMA? WHERE peepoPog AGAINST TYLER1 PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR forsenCD forsenCD CLap drama POG PogU forsenCD YOU SEE WHAT CORINNA SAID TO ALINITY??????? @Cryaoticxd123 did u wispher the mod? forsenCD so? @Joeyrushes trick in the jg, sanchovies top, yassuo mid, swifity sup, and gosu adc Faze Banks joined the champions club Pog forcenCD dat shit crazy, like holy shit shofuMad shofuMad DRAMA POG NO C OMEGALUL NQ forsenCD so. forsenCD Clap Why did she wait so long to say it mo forsenE drama alert NEW CHAMPION ForcenCD dramaaaa change skin A NEW CHAMPION HAS ENTERED THE ARENA forsenCD OH SHEIT WELCOME TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB forsenCD 2019 the year of cheating ye I k oe he cheated @Joeyrushes trick in the jg, sanchovies top, yassuo mid, swifity sup, and gosu adc : P respect lost f go to ur bookmarks PepeLaugh DRAMA ALERT DRAMA ALERT NATION KEKW @cosmick102 Yeah forsenCD so? OKAY KEEMSTAR Pog who? @dashiel99 @kappapuraido @Bravebogdan10 TY GUYS Who could have guessed Pepega forsenCD MY MAN imagine cheating on alyssa violet when u look like faze banks forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? VIOLET Pog I COULDNT CARE LESS washed up andy I LOST Creator & owner BABY YODA AYAYA SUPERMODEL KEKW Kreygasm WH OMEAGALUL WutFaceW Kreygasm WELCOME TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB forsenCD ???? LUL WTF I FUCKING LOST albertCD they broke up long time ago NEW MEMBER forsenCD Kreygasm take champion ship skin Kreygasm keemstar of twitch Kreygasm Kreygasm WeirdChamp Kreygasm I lost Hoe st1ck DansGame Kreygasm DansGame she not a super model she just egirl I lost Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm TOS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KILLER MOE PogChamp i lost forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION? E wh OMEGALUL re SHADOW DOGS Kreygasm she fine af Jake Paul's ex KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Kreygasm Kreygasm this bitch dated everyone Follow me on Twitter for updates Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm DansGame SUPERMODEL LULW I lost Kreygasm This shit is so hilarious banks a forsenCD Kreygasm ngl he got low taste i won :) shes OK Kreygasm goddess gachiHyper hideous UGLY AS HELL M BANNED DRAM1A OULWQ lele pons @Joeyrushes NP :) forsenCD WELCOME TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB DRAMA ALERT haHAA KEKW LMAOOO Kreygasm forsenCD WELCOME forsenCD EW1 KEKW PepeWhy KEKW forsenCD MY MAN DansGame HOS DUMB ARE YOU TO CHEAT ON THAT THE CHAMPIONS CLUB GROWS LARGER forsenCD "YOU MIGHT LIKE" LOGAN PAUL flat D: D: KEKW bruh forsenCD KEKW LMAO MY MAN forsenCD Clap forsenCD we have a new member D: monkaW Kreygasm I lost Kreygasm I lost Kreygasm I lost Kreygasm I lost D: :) D: D: forsenCD love that KEKW Moe is keemstar forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨ M Kreygasm E LUL yeah forsenCD woah D: LUL LUL what a piece of shit lol KEKW JEEZ D: Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : oof D: D: D: Pog DansGame LUL forsenCD so???? kekw ur dogshiit @Yassuo D: D: D: D: SHEEEEEEEEESH DRAMA NATION take champion ship skin jsjdjddndjdjjfjdmc forsenCD KEKW HOES MAD KKool SCRIPTED 4WeirdW off imagine cheating on a model KEKW forsenCD WHERE MY SUB forsenCD ????????????? OOF HOES MAD TriKool WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE STAY WITH HIM AFTER THAT LULW forsenCD I don't see the problem SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW FeelsBadMan Pog SHEESH W WORD D: @Yassuo whos that girl ?? D: WOW LUL HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool theyre both scumbags buckie_buckie -> Please refrain from spamming caps. :( forsenCD ✌ ragesuo fact KEKW pog KEKW forsenCD CHAMPIONS CLUB monkaS LOLOLOL ? ive supported banks for the longest but homie is insane both bitches who cares POGU CHEATING KEKW THE TWO TIME forsenCD FeelsBadMan BABY YODA you know these arent real moe right yassuo KEKW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW FAKE DRAMA 4WeirdW KEKW Girls who cares HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool LULW KEKW LOOOL ssssssssssssssss LMFAOOO POG KEKW LMAO LMAOOOOOO FAKE DRAMA get WeirdChamp forsenCD MY MAN DRAMA Pog WTF GivePLZ PJSalt TakeNRG GivePLZ PJSalt TakeNRG GivePLZ PJSalt TakeNRG KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL what a bunch of donkeys# WHY ARE WE DOING THIS ONLINE LUL forsenCD Clap lol KEKW holy shit shit drama LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW forsenCD Clap LUL HAHAHAHAHA KEKW DAMN KEKW WAIT SO THIS HAPPENED BEFORE AND SHE STAYED WITH HIM KEKW LMAO this shit high school drama...... KEKW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW KEKW yasPride yasPride ?????????????????? THE TWO TIME forsenCD CALM DOWN MOE LUL yikes KEKW HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool KEKW KEKW gah dayum KEKW WTFFF omfg fake drama FAKE DRAMA KEKW LULW FAKE 4WeirdW IMAGINE CHEATING ON THAT NotLikeThis HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool jeremyecoca -> Please refrain from spamming caps. DOGS = MOES LULW LUL ??? RAP GOD the fuck ???????????????????????????????????? sheeeeeeeesh -500 yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man sheeeeeesh wtf LMAOO KEKW SHHHEEEEEESHSHHH THIS GIRL GOIN IN KEKW forsenCD MY MAN forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man ????????// gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP SHE GOIN OFF GAD DAMN 8 phones wtf HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool DAMN LMAO eminem damn forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man forsenCD Clap my man HOLY SHIT SHE MURDERED HIM KEKW SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH take champion ship skin forsenCD SHEEEEESH SHEESH forsenCD MY MAN that was jake pauls girlfriend lmao PepeLaugh PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW @Yassuo stop dude thats nadeshots friend oof LMAOOO who hurt you KEKW HOLY SHIT forsenCD NEW CHAMPION SHEEEEEESH SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW KEKW OMG KEKW FLAMED HIM that man fucks tho HOWS MAD KEKW MOE PRETENDING NOT TO BE FOREVER ALONE haHAA forsenCD CHEATING ON A MODEL LIKE A REAL CHAMPION damn FeelsBadMan fake poor girl HOES MAD RESPECT forsenCD MY MAN 8 phones KEKW this si so cringe yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh omg no one cares man SHEEEEEEEEESH TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog forsenCD yo yassuo u gonna play clash DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN OMEGALUL MY MAN forsenCD HOES MAD KEKW forsenCD FAKE DRAMA TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog damnnn HOES MAD LOLW she is a bitch tho honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo yes i did :) DAMN CHEEEEEEEEEESE SHEEEEEESH POG SennaOTP -> Please refrain from spamming caps. RAP GOD godaaamn BANKS KEKW SHEEEEESH HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool @Yassuo CHAMPIONS CLUB SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW SCRIPTED 4WeirdW big fcking oof Sheeeshhhhh FORSENCD forsenCD Clap WHO OMEGALUL ? wow he's a douchbag WH OMEGALUL forsenCD WHATS WRONG Smileyface Smileyface Smileyface thanks for update :) HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW HOES MAD KEKW KEKW YIKES wheew @Yassuo BABY YODA SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW holy damn both of them so fucking cringe KEKW Deserved LUL HOE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAD SO SHES SINGLE PogU @Yassuo forsenCD ✌🏽 champion are you afraid to play 1 vs 1 against gaaloul ? HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW SUPERMODEL LULW LULW Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man @Yassuo forsenCD Clap MY MAN boshy time @Yassuo hit her up it's your chance Pog THE EIGHT TIME forsenCD THE EIGHT TIME forsenCD THE EIGHT TIME forsenCD Thats a true drama, that's fair thou DRAMA ALERT NATION KEKW yo wtf FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp @Yassuo who is she? WHO snake next time go Ryze conq its nuts HOES MAAAAAD 4Head 4Head 4Head SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH forsenCD HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool HOES MAD TriKool who was that ??? WH OMEGALUL ? Still Beat forsenCD Clap HOES MAD forsenCD CHEATING IS FUNNY KEKW oof dude @Yassuo whats your team for tc She went crazy ngl imagine being on twitter in 2019 HOES MAD KEKW Moe sliding in? @Yassuo she aint that beautiful just hoes mad forsenCD SO' @Yassuo Ditch Sanchovies, think about the other players on the team they want to win and you are doing them dirty by putting a bad player because of nepotism. Good for her Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 fake drama WeirdChamp wait who is this? CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE HOE sucking everyones dick Deuces She says k DID U SEE NINJA CALL GROSSGORE WEIRD KEKW @Yassuo forsenCD KEKWQ MOE GO IN FOR THE SCOUP YOU GO THIS play boshy babyy yoda distrack coming soon @Yassuo it's your time to get her CHEATING IS A FUNNY THING LULW ANY MAGICIANS forsenCD ✨ SHEESH HotPokket DID YOU LOVE ME WHEN HotPokket FUK BOTH OF THEM thats a Yikes from me yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN faze banks exposed KEKW moe facts xd MAD HOESSS MAD SHES SINGLE PogU no one cares playing clash this season?? who you playing clash with @Yassuo cloths on the ground @yassuo wahts your team for tcs] LULW Pretty girls are crazy KEKW KEKW WELCOME FAZE BLANKS TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald WHO DID SHE AFTER Yo moe you're my dad please go pro luv you man @Yassuo yasPride yasPride yasPride Do one wit corinna and alinity sheeeeeeee KEKW That's not crazy thats deserved. Don't undermine her by calling her crazy! The 5x Timer forsenCD STILL BEAT THO MrDestructoid Now slide in Moe HAHAHAHAHA sergifq -> Please refrain from spamming caps. I'd smash nothing wrong i guess moe news yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit HOES MAD Oh damn HIT HER UP THEN MOEEEEE the things i lost for no having a twitter acc WTF THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS FUCKED KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness wait what happened? who got cheated on? she's available now then 🤔 @Yassuo AHHAHA SHEEEEEEESH her head must suck if she got cheated on twice looking like that the nxt eminem... 🤪 forsenCD LOOOOOOOOL KEKW YEAH man im 17 and i feel too old for this shit pretty ho...attractive KEKW KEKW WELCOME TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB forsenCD WELCOME TO THE CHAMPIONS CLUB forsenCD forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨ @Yassuo in your opinion, do you think certain summoner icons are cursed and make you play worse when you equip them? lmao KEKW honestly banks is an idiot KEKW @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op Boshy why u don't craft a skin with ur gemstones @Yassuo ngl, sounds like it was a recurring issue. damm honestly though moe, you have to get on the grind more if you want to go pro. I've seen your mechanics when you're trying and they're nutty, but you need to polish up. maybe in the next year or two it will be possible. @Yassuo GROSSIE KEKW SHOW CLIP Pog @Yassuo @Yassuo hi moe ???????? where NOT FALSE LULW the tea bb @Yassuo Variety stream when Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited CLASH IS HERE STILL BEAT KEKW EVEN NINJA where ? Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 i mean what do you expect that guy looks like an absolute douchebag no shit he was cheating on her @Yassuo JUST BUSINESS ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @yassuo CLASH ISS HERE KEKW GrossGore TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog TOO MUCH DRAMA Pog show us RAP GOD @yassuo is 3 mil mastery a lot You know it's Destroy dick december right? (; @Yassuo GR OMEGALUL SS G OMEGALUL RE ARE YOU GONNA PLAY CLASH Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Yassuo Ditch Sanchovies, think about the other players on the team they want to win and you are doing them dirty by putting a bad player because of nepotism l where did ninja call gross gore ? @Yassuo play zoe if u not pussy forsenCD @Yassuo you're tone deaf. go search on youtube how to sing in key. youll have a better time at parties and stuff @Yassuo its your time to slide in @Yassuo when is the Variety stream what do you think of these long waiting times???? CLASH IS HERE? wickd and toast twitter drame too @Yassuo WH OMEGALUL moe play boshy the facts on twitter xd @Yassuo Where is ur Super Model GF fax forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION play boshy TONGUE Punch what now <3 can I see your Mastery Points on Yasuo? YEE Yo play some boshy between queue? JUST BUSINESS ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness MESSI THE 6OATTTTTTTTTT livestreamfails who are you playing with in clash @yassuo 3Head WOT THE FOK @Yassuo Where is ur Super Model GF KEKW @Yassuo Where is ur Super Model GF KEKW @Yassuo Where is ur Super Model GF KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Ну ты играть то будешь? MrDestructoid moe news Hello and ya3tikom 3asba Welcome Albert, settle in, drip in forsenCD MEEEEEEEESIIIIIIIIIIIII @Yassuo you look good today bro no homo Kappa Ty TRUE GEORDIE PODCAST Pog forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION forsenCD ANOTHER CHAMPION OH NO NO GROSSGORE TWITTER VID COMING KEKW NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy hello POGGERS NINJA POGGERS HAHA TRUEEE KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW POGGERS AYYY MOE SHOULD MAKE A DRAMA ALERT STREAM KEKW KEKW KEKW E TU OMEGALUL MESSI THE BEST PLAYER KN HISTORULY TRUE THOUGH LULW @Semer09 YARRAHA FI SORMEK TRUE LULW KEKW KEKW moe its your time to show alissa what a loyal handsome man is all about KEKW KEKW LUL LULW POGGERS LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW play against gaaloul POGGERS NINJA KEKW Ninja LUL GROSS G OMEGALUL RE GROSS GORE KEKW KEKW GROSS GORE FUMING KEKW HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys KEKW POGGERS NINJA BRUV LUL KEKW sup TRUE KEKW KEKW TRUEEE KEKW GROSSIE FUMING KEKW that face KEKW HES TALKING ABOUT YOU LOLW 3Head WOT kekw TRUE KEWK KEKW KEKW KELW LULW gg such a loser G R OMEGALUL S S G OMEGALUL R E LULW 3Head Thats why ninja averages 10k now KEKW yasU HolidayCookie HolidayCookie GR OMEGALUL SS G OMEGALUL RE 3Head KEKW SUP RONALDO FANS BITCHES LULW 3Head LUL LUL 3Head BRUV 3Head PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW 3Head KEKW LULW LULW HAHAHAHAHAH KEKW 3Head KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW BTW KEKW KEKW 3Head 3Head 3Head LMFAO WH OMEGALUL LUL KEKW M8 BRUV 3Head M8 KEKW BRUV 2Heade lmao 3Head M8 3Head PepeLaugh 3Head LULW LUL TRUE GORDIE STABILISATION PogU 3Head 3Head KEKW 3HEad SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW KEKW 3Head SELLOUT PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO HAHHAHAHAHA KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW BRUV Mate bruv 3Head IM FUCKIN GDEAD KEKW KEKW KEKW IRRELEVANT LOSER LOLW SELLOUT KEKW MATE KEKW MATE KEKW MATE KEKW MATE KEKW MATE KEKW MATE KEKW M8 3Head KEKW 3Head KEKW 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3head TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard 3Head ¡@AobaSuzukaze_, gracias por la Suscripción de regalo! I mean he's not wrong 3Head LULW 3Head 3Head 3Head LULW HIS NOSE KEKW grossssssssssssssssssssy LUL MAITE 3Head 3Head YO BRRUV HAHAH 3Head M8 3Head LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 3Head KEKW HYPERCLAP PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO KEKW KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head OI BRUV 5Head KEKW KEKW SELLOUT 3Head A NUFF 3hEAD 3Head hes the biggest twat i've ever seen tho A NUFF MATE fucking spaz HES RIGHT THO KEKW @Yassuo KEKW 3Head BRUV PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO . 3Head OI KEKW TRUE 5NOSE LUL CUCK TALKING KEKW XD 3Head M8 true ENIAF 3Head A NUFF 3Head MAIT 3Head LULW lol EE NOFF 3Head 3Head GREEDY CUNT 3Head 2Head PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO GROSS GORE MALDING OI BRUV 3Head AY NUFF 3Head E NUFF MAITT messi win ballon d'rol LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL JEALOUS KEKW the nostrils lmao AY NUFF 3Head AY NUFF 3Head AY NUFF 3Head A NUFF MAITTT 3Head M8 SELLOUT BRUV KEKW forsenCD ITS NEVER ENOUGH 3Head KEKW DOUCHE LULW @difroost1114 hhh 3le wled s7abi 3Head KEKW . LUL LMAO FOLLOWING HIS BIG ASS NOSE SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW SO TRUE KEKW i swear to god camera following his face is the funniest shit @Yassuo LOL ENUFF LILW MATE 3Head 3Head YA FOCKIN SELLOUHT NUFF SAID BRUV 3Head OI KEKW BRUV :( :( :/ >( BRUV HAHHAA JEALOUS KEKW 3Head Clap FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp FAKE WeirdChamp DRAMA WeirdChamp MAANY 3Head 3Head BRUUUUUUV TRUE LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL BRUV 3Head Clap 3Head Clap RUV 3Head BRUV BRUV 2Head kinda true 3Head BRUV Cheer100 but gross gore does it for attention, and he spits in his rants O.o 3Head BRUV bruv BRUV 3Head OI BRUV KEKW 3Head BRUV 3Head KEKW BRUV KEKW LOYAL TO COMPANIES KEKW KEKW LMFAO 3head sellout bruv nuf nuf bruv? 3Head BRUV MALDING KEKW A NUFF 3Head BRUV TRUE KEKW 3Head BRUV 3Head enuff? WATCH MORE GROSS BRUV LUL 3Head BRUV BRUV 3Head BRUV 3HEAD KEKW KEKW gross gore is such a idiot TRUEEE LOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lmaooooooo well he is kinda right KEKW Clap 3Head Clap 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? 3Head enuff? KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE LULW KEKW TRUE true though BRUV 3Head BRUV 3Head ANUF 3Head KEKW TRUEEEE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUR TRUE MATEA TRUE LULW KEKW hqhahaha lol Cringe AF LUL LUL LUL 3Head BRUV! 3Head BRUV 3Head BRUV 3Head BRUV 3Head BRUV 3Head WHENS ENUF ENUF BRUV 3Head KEKW yo yassuo u gonna play clash moe play boshy LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL anuff ENUFF 3Head KEKEW trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO trkSO BRUV @Yassuo HE IS RIGHT DOG KEKW OI BRUV KEKWQ LUL Kapp NO HES NOT KEKW EU LOGIC 3Head Kapp do you think missbuffy is cute?Come on answer. LOL ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head M,Y MAN BRUV look at chinnys response @Yassuo smart KEKW ? Kapp LUL 5Head ? KEKW Kapp @yassuo you forgot about Corinna Kopf vs Alinity. LULW Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEWK 5Head ? Kapp yo yassuo u gonna play clash yo yassuo u gonna play clash yo yassuo u gonna play clashv yo yassuo u gonna play clashv @Yassuo you're tone deaf. go search on youtube how to sing in key. youll have a better time at parties and stuff smart KEKW @yassuo hey man I just hit 30 how do I git gud and escape silver 4 LULW tristana mid Kappa Kapp Kapp I HATE HIM SO MUCH tbh hes right oo 3Head SMART BRUV WHAT NO KEKW GENIOUS wq BRUV TRUEEEE kappa?? EU LOGIC 3Head HE DID IT FOR ATTENTION it would be pretty sad if he was serious BRUV he was getting toxic hate pretty bad tho okay relax buddy @Yassuo play zoe if ure no pussy 5Head moe scared LMFAOOO gross gore lebron james of IQ 3Head--->5Head @Yassuo What about Hashinshin's Carpet ? DRAMA MONEY MOVES LOLW JUST LIKE YOU LOLW yankes aight moe, where's the kapp nah he just dumb af NAME A BETTER TF EU LOGIC 3Head EU LOGIC 3Head EU LOGIC 3Head EU LOGIC 3Head Ok idk about Genius lol true Kappa BRUV 3Head KEKW true A NUFF KEKW Genius too much @Yassuo GENERAL SNIPER POG Akali gamme? he's a fucking pedo creep dude yas5 @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op 1 ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head ENUFF 3Head I don't think he's a genius when he's a dogshit onetrick yo yassuo u gonna play clash] kiddingtube65 -> Please refrain sending long messages. SO FUCKING STUPID HES SMART LUL @Yassuo play zoe if u not pussy his wife has patreon But lebron james can do several moves and play with his team while you only can play Yas and a bit Syndra and int your team @Yassuo who isnt your boi @Yassuo I USED 25K POINTS BRO WHAT DO I DO NOW BRO KEKW wickd and toast twitter drama @Yassuo !followage what drama @Yassuo NAME A BETTER TF THAN HIM General sniper ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit @Yassuo Why dont you play other game while preseason? what playlist do you have? HE IS AS FAKE AS YOU LOLW TriKool his manager was probablye like go in for some attention and toast popped off watch lsf @Yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Women=drama hello moseph ye man biggest brain in the industry OMEGALUL @Yassuo are u duoing with general sniper Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Bruvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv How to get of iron dude?! @Yassuo everyone is ur boy my man @Yassuo play zoe if ure no pussy yo yassuo u gonna play clash Akali game? :) @Yassuo did you see the drama with el truco YIKES TAKE ZOE !followage he is bipolar and very serious ... BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump REDEEMED SUB NO SUB @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows? every one is your boy lately Alanity and Corinna Drama u gotta pay for challenger rewards @Yassuo KEKW ratirlLouder ratirlLouder more drama ratirlLouder ratirlLouder ratirlLouder When is the variety stream fatty? @Yassuo what are about the magician drama forsenCD TriDance @slixytv wrong KEKW theestyy subscribed with Twitch Prime. thanks for the tea He's a genius because he mains twisted fate @Yassuo play zoe if u not pussy nah im good no messi playlist @raidmanpog Tobias Fate KEKW yasGood 40k KEKW GENERAL SNIPER Lol your spotify music trash @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows?>' no :) no :) KEKW tristana mid TriKool Clap @Yassuo show your bank account, you wont! POG OK sellout NO no noty. @Yassuo What did you think about the KSI songg he bought out to do with the fight? @yassuo lets see a qiyana game NO @Yassuo can you promo my playlist no :) N OMEGALUL @yassuo lets see a qiyana game! fuck yourself kid nop DO U HAVE ANY TIPS AGAINST QIYANA AS YASUO???? KEKW WTF @blackmoonx77, not his wige but ex gg WHY U CARE ABOUT SPOTIFY FOLLOWERS? !delay the playlist is goated @Yassuo did you see the moe and trick2g drama? ONLY 39K LEFT KEKW whatchu thinkin bout albert joinin the champions club no When was getting more money than you already had considered stupid N OMEGALUL @Yassuo play Qiyana plsssssssss only 39k off xD NO OMEGA LUL @Yassuo I JUST USED 25K POINTS BRO @Yassuo Why does TF blade viewbot ? VIKTOR GAME BROTHER !playlist been following the spotify for a while got some bangers on there lmao @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows?? wickd and toast twitter drama 39k KEKW @Yassuo What about albie and lily? I still dont know how they found him cheating @yasuo why shaco? I was gonna mock your playlist but you have kanye playin, so im gonna keep my mouth shut Alanity Drama KEKW ratirlCoffee me enjoying this drama ratirlCoffee D: 4Head n OMEGALUL Kapp cmonBruh yo yassuo u gonna play clash akali game KEKW peepoBlanket We cozy Chat? yassuo ti si peder lol. @Yassuo WHO IS THE BEST YAS LEMME HEAR IT @Yassuo hey moe my friend who is a huge youtuber said all youtube drama is fake and planned i was wondering of all twitch drama is the same? too much kanye NO 🧑 lider here uzuzu OK buddy relax :) Juju TRASH OMEGAL LUL TRASHC UR TRASH AT EVERYTHING XD ZOE xselenax, 👋 TriHard FeelsBadMan @Yassuo Like the streams and personality keep it up DUDE SEARCH UP FOR A NUFF @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows? @yassuo lets see a qiyana game how was the new offline tv house? VIKTOR GAME BRO Dunceroni subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! How much do you bench small arms? !followage wack I've noticed you often let cannon minions die to turret/minions. Can you explain your reasoning behind this? Is there something I'm missing? @Yassuo did you see the drama with el truco tho? MaxLOL boshy xhornyboy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! :) @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? ME LOVE DRAMA ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee ZOE4 100t clash? @Yassuo @Yassuo whats the playlist? @Yassuo Are you in the all stars 1v1s? @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? hello @Smasher942 xd SKRT Messi Ballon D'or 2019!!! Akali Pog hey @Yassuo was that clock fake? KATA MID KATA MID KATA MID KATA MID @Yassuo Im only 39k off to 39k @LlDER OkayChamp Kappa ;) @Yassuo play jhin mid it's pre season try new things yasuo shit !followage yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit help me get of iron : ivandor21 play akali poggers yasS 20LB POGGER PepeLaugh the 5Head akali hover yo yassuo u gonna play clash yo yassuo u gonna play clash yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 10kg Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : network error #2000 what does that mean :o? ur a weak pussy u are weak @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?. 95 lbs mooeoee @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op @Yassuo What did you think about the KSI song hhe dropped for the fight? KEKW any business men in chat? ratirlBusiness 135 25 KILOS PepeLaugh KEKW 20lb KEKW weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak moe FAT KEKW LULW @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? Kata tristana mid PepeLaugh !uptime @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?. The stream has been live for 1 hours 44 minutes 4 seconds YASSSUO IS LIVE LETS GO KEKW WEAK lulw KEKW OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! LULW FAT 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh 25 KILOS PepeLaugh WEAK LUL only 39k away from 40k PogChamp reset client its a bit laggy when are you gonna start the " just roam" meme again @Yassuo Kanye cmonBruh @Yassuo Nimbus cloak zoe you only got 2 brockhampton songs BibleThump OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!! 3 kg KEKW !follow 10 LMAO KEKW A PLATE? OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! yasuo @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows?? OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!! A PLATE Yo see this @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?.. YOU CAN SOON BENCH THE BAR Weak KEKW Kappa juga zed gey HAHAAHAHAHAA you're a little girl a plate sick IMAGINE im weak.. only 135 sup braindead POGGERS any tips against qiyana as yas?? bitch KEKW TYLER BIGGER CANT EVEN LIFT THE BAR PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO yo yassuo u gonna play clash OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!!1 Prob the bar Plate PepeLaugh WEAK ASS BITCH wickd toast twitter drama @Yassuo whats ur max 3 Plate PepeLaugh Plate PepeLaugh Plate PepeLaugh Plate PepeLaugh what about in your prime @Yassuo weak OMEGALUL @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? yasuo yasuo yasuo 135? GIRL STRENGTH LUL Fat Moe yasFat a plate WHY YOU LYIN WE SAW YOUR INSTA STORY IN THE GYM hi azir PICK YASSUO YASUO show rune page please @Yassuo @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? bye gotta go. good stream WHAT IS A PLATE? XD people who KEKW rn cant even lift that IM BIGGER THAN U T1 GONNA ROAST THAT FACT LOL 1 plate? @Yassuo is your squat and bench the same weight? @Yassuo look at this yasuo yasuo yasuo yasuo yasuo yasuo yasuo yasuo Not even 60Kg PepeLaugh @Yassuo JUST BENCH YOUR NOSE KEKW OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows? OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!! not bad. its so hard going to the gym gift . weak rat KEKW I DONT KNOW = LESS THAN 135 LULW yasSpit 1 plate yasSpit 1 plate yasSpit 1 plate yasSpit 1 plate yasSpit 1 plate yup you're not a man if u can't bench ur own weight for reps OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!!!! pick yasuo yasuo @ChimpNA HI BUDDY how much in your prime FAT MO3 PLAY ZED Yo moe i just broke up with my gf and first thing am doing is watching ur stream. Cure for me uwu. 10 LB plate Kappa @Yassuo ok boomer @ChimpNA hi how much u weigh lol ratirlBusiness any business men in chat? ratirlBusiness so much drama hi OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! HE IS PLAYING AGAIN WITH GENERAL SNIPER I just hit 545 three weeks ago! tristana mid OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!!! GIRL POWER riley reid mia khalifa drama smol boi GO TWISTED @Yassuo What did you think about the KSI song hhe dropped for the fight? OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!! akali KEKW PLAY ZED MOE @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ?..... pick yasuo WTF IS A PLATE BURH masse_123 -> Please refrain sending long messages. OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!SA @mattsuks ? snake vs snake i guess pick yasuo or Messi won his 6 ballon’dor @yassuo dont really know if you Care lol AKALI ResidentSleeper KEKW did you noticed the TFBlades gramatical errors gift .e sub moe WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW WICKD WAS RIGHT LULW Weight??? @Yassuo what is your bed cover? uwu ZED CMON KappaPride laggy client uwu uwu AYAYA yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasClown TRUE can you create some more drama SHE A HOE TWISTED FATE yo yassuo u gonna play clash CASS PLZ @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows?? squadW GIRL POWER!!!! FACTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! fdb KEKW MOELESTER GANG LUL LUL KEKW No @Yassuo are you going to be playing in the TCS @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? uwu yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake TRUEUUEUUUEEEEEEEEEE AYAYA uwu yes anal ZED LUL yasSSS FDB uWu AYAYA uwu uwu AYAYA yasW GG create some drama plsss GIFT SUB GIFT SUB F that BBBBBBBBBBBB UWU AYAYA KEKW yasSnake Akali @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?.. kata ResidentSleeper akali*** yes OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!!??!?! Shameless @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?.@Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ?. damnit YOU DESERVER BETTER KING Blood moon skin plz AKALI ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper uwu fuck that bitch How much do you weigh gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM gladdGASM hey yassuo, how was the new offlinetv house conqueror CONQUEROR Conw conq CONQUEROR conuqer yes Electrocute :) noooooo ResidentSleeper CONQUEROR @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? @Yassuo would you move to mixer if they offered ? conq conq its op conq better electrocute SHE A HOE DUDE FTB CONQ CONQ plz Blood moon skin conq OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??! conq What is the win loss ratio right now? Moe how do i become a confident ALPHA like you? @Yassuo @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op yo Moe come to LAN bro @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? should take conq CONQ conq ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Pog moe, do you every just watch midget porn for fun? AKALI ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 4Head 4Head 4Head CONQUEROR @Yassuo have you tried sanquine blade on yas yet? GRASP OF UNDYING :) conq @Yassuo miss ya brah @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? . yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper qonq man Weight? yas1 yas2 yas3 SHUT UP BITCH , ''GIRL POWER'' MY ASS I just hit my bench PR of 545 three weeks ago CONQ play master yi DUMBASS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ochoaswag11 -> Please refrain from posting links. yasSSS @Yassuo i like electrocute AYAYA AKALI did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? VIKTOR MAN FeelsStrongMan OMG are you that pro @Yassuo from that 100 theives!!!!!!!! i saw you win against faker in a 1v1 so you must be soo good at league of legends?!??!!!! KANYE CRUST They picked cassio man vipers viper streaming ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo different chroma! U NEDD CONQ less viewers than tf blade LUL yasSnake_HF Conq NEVER GIVE A FUCK ABOUT A BITCH ??????????? conqueror op you will see AYAYA yasAYAYA You want conq conq is too good @Yassuo does that mean u like watching drama tv shows? cheer100 are you duo with general rn? Electrocute ! you dont need on anyone its just good CONQQQQ ???????????? Conq life steal stupid yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasANELE yasANELE @Yassuo CONQ HEALS YOU ASWELL DUUUDE snake vs snake KEKW electrocute 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ conqueror is insane with akali @Yassuo What's your weight? u trolllllii8ng Electrocute for sure Zedortrollpt -> Please refrain from posting links. Pep fleet is better in mid fleet yo @Yassuo , is there a posibility we see on you on crit thresh mid? What do you weigh? we pal gume @fesii like slap her and shit? @yassuo yo moe, just watched your episode of the rajjpatel show and I was wondering if you still talking to Momo im SUS conq on top suss @Yassuo i love your YT vids he said itr yassuo you the best, pičko jedna mala haha. im sus? @Yassuo after conqueror change theres no good runes against tank matchups ? lol yes Electrocute? !duo snake vs snake KEKW QuyDepTrai fasho Vs cass you want conq go rewanż pog How much do you weigh? do you think is a good idea to master evry single champ ? oh no thoughts on heimerdinger? What happened to playing irelia? I remember earlier this year she was your top 2 champs played now you dont play her at all gg conq is troll bro moe when do you gonna make charity streams?? its better foot SUS CHAT IS HARDSTUCK D4 KEKW xqcL_HF xqcL_HF xqcL_HF XQC LIVE POGGERS fat alert Cheer100 I would love to see half of these people say some of this shit to your face dont go conq nice song sad Aww @smasher942 herJoy herJoy herJoy cptkarlssons -> Please refrain from posting links. TriDance fleet better @Smasher942 lol xd TEEMO SUPP LOL fat PepePls This guy seriously can play only yasuo and akali Kappa @Yassuo Thanks for trying! :) did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? MIRROR MATCHUP PogChamp !time wow u fat Current time in Los Angeles: 12:57:20 PM FAT AS FUCK @Smasher942 ahhahahah pickoooo balanescu04 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Habibi Can someone gift me a sin? too much KEKW FAT GGWP fat youre small bro FAT fAT FAT KEKW thats decent Can someone gift me a skin? when you gonna make charity stream holy shit ur fat FAT KEKW what is you bmi @fesii punish her by not punishing her fat FFAAAAAAAAT Yo MOOOOE If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op FAT KEKW how tall are you tho DUDE SEARCH FOR A NUFF KEKW Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo fat LILW SKINNY FAT KEKW FAT FUCK OMEGALUL Actually FAT KEKW Kapp FAT when you gonna make charity stream. FATTY WTF IM 64 KG FAT not too bad LULW LIGHTTTTT height? wtf thats fat only? How tall @Yassuo sad :( @Streamlabs I did not posted links mother faker height? thats not even fat wtf thats fat Any -1000 ? FAT FOR YOUR HEIGHT FA fqt FAT i thought your chest hair was a tattoe LIGHT fat FAT how tall are you @Yassuo when you gonna make charity stream FAT FK KEKW TRUE KEKW PLAY MALPHITE MID wtf hoe is thst fat? FAT LULW @Yassuo after conqueror change theres no good runes against tank matchups? 78 KEKW height? !playlist yas Thats not fat OMEGALUL youre overweight @Yassuo SKINNY FAT KEKW KEKW LULW not fat FAT KEKW height? WHATS TIS DODGES how tallr u But lebron james can do several moves and play with his team while you only can play Yas and a bit Syndra and int your team @Yassuo FAAAAAAT UGLY MAAN LULW BMI? FAT It’s punisher FQQT faty fat no TRUE 100% if u think thats fat your a skelteon FAt ye 100 u liar yes YES KEKW Kappa 173 is not fat lol HI MOE BIG FAN fat height??? yes KEKW no yes yes BUFF AF PogU MOE GAT ??? thats oight @Yassuo take a skin with bigger boobs theres no way you weigh that yes KEKW @Yassuo viktor game ma man? hi Ok im D1 maybe just MAYBE i can queue snipe HES ACTUALLY VERY SKINNY CLASHHHHHH IS COMING yes SKINNY FAT MY DUDE KEKW says a 300 pounds kiddo FAT noo YES Kapp show stomach FAT KEKW yea no NO WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace DansGame fat fat no LULW stand side on LIGHT WEIGHT @Yassuo when is next twitch rivals yes THICC Kreygasm CAHJI XUY COCU KEKW YES KEKW THICC litterally skinny lmao 78 is normal wdym fat Lol skinny fat YES LULW KEKW BANNED u gotta be 85 kilo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI EWW show abs small boiii YIIIIKES NO WAY YOU ARE STILL 70KG @Yassuo fat Show Tummy fat as fck that is really light what the hell FAT KEKW lmao MOE ISNT FAT i am 75kg on 175 cm, amateur boxer he's average lol SHIRT OFF' no YES KEKW FAT SO FAT XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD yasSpit gachiBASS NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN FAT KEKW 80 kg is a lot tho FAT KEKW fat dog lmaoo WeirdKEKW titties LULW KEKW FAT THICC fat ass :) thicc THICC did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? short fat ugly yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat when you gonna make charity stream! too skinny dick thicc Elephant Moe normal fat can confirm THICC!!! fat KEKW Pog GREEK Size stop breathing in @Yassuo fat FAT YOURE BLOCKING WHOLE CAMERA THE ASS IS FAT @yassuo T H I C C lol fat man boner KEKW YOUR DICK IS SMALL @Yassuo Show the fat belly normal gachiBASS SOOO FAAAT @Yassuo playing another game today??? lmao mooo BIG THICKY FOR 5'6 UR FAT @Yassuo fat 5'2 FAT BITCH boner height at 20 yrs old you're 75kilos? damn ur ass fat KEKW @Yassuo These guys are small , u aint fat big boy honestly, no Pog Skinny @Yassuo show skin FAT KEKW He is punisher THICC MOOBS KEKW sucking in @Yassuo WHEN VARIETY?? THICC how old are u fat zoomer FAT KEKW fatt height?? so fuckin fat bludge @Yassuo GODDAMN U FAT BOIII ALMOST AS FAT AS UR NOSE KEKW how do u stand twitch chat @yassuo BONER SKINY HOLDING BREATH boner fat fak KEKW FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT BULGEEE NICE BONER F A T F U C K fatass FAT KEKW is your account unlocked by Riot? @Yassuo Like a slightly stale marshmellow show belly bitch YIIIIKES OpieOP Clap not fat, fat ass FAT ASS gachiBASS fatttttt cute yasFat tfbS tfbS tfbS tfbS thiccccc @Yassuo BURGER? OpieOP thiccc boii fat ass POKI THICC hes cute u have a sht ton of visceral fat BULGE Litterally not fat Fatass not fat, thicc doe We know I BET CHAT IS 100 AND EAT CHIPS ALL DAY KEKW show skin bitchh holy shit ur so overweight yes FAAAT height? nice boner btw soooo cute! thocc yasThink @Yassuo BONER Stomach Omegalul BONER its because they are twigs big dick Its your huge slong that weighs so much :) @Yassuo SKINNY FAT UNHEALTHY ! LMAO FAT SNAKE fuckin obese SHEEEESH LOOKING BIG @Yassuo LULW admitting the problem is the first step :) @Yassuo whatever JABBA 5"1 ayy that ass kinda fat no homo tho @yassuo 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW @Yassuo you big PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp FAT ASS EleGiggle thicc @Yassuo JOIN MY CLASH TEAM ITS TPF somalia called fatttttttt everyone who thinks he's fat is an underweight basement dweller 4HEad tyler1T1 tyler1T2 tyler1T1 tyler1T2 tyler1T1 tyler1T2 cute T H I C C THICC BULGE KEKW yasFat yasFat its good You look ugly that’s for damn sure. And you can’t dress for shit Bag_Of_Bones you got those pants at pacsun @Yassuo I want a CHilD from u obese AF damn my middle eastern brother Lil Boner KEKW BONER Kap but what height though? THICC BULGE!! 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 5'6 200 pounds KEKW 4HEad D: THICC THICC gosuGasm you are soo normal haHAA so fat ass holding ur breath Nice cock man :) WHY IS HIS RIGHT ARM SO MUCH BIGGER THAN LEFT ??? KappaPride handsome fater than alissa HE IS NOT FAT BUT THICC KEKW FAT AF KEKW boner issue EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle BONER KEKW ? play akali pog ur totally round man CLIP pls BONER BONER BONER 3RD LEG REACHING OUT FOR LOOKIN AT CHAT Yo @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina CHAT FULL OF 4'9 MIDGETS KEKW CHAT FULL OF 4'9 MIDGETS KEKW CHAT FULL OF 4'9 MIDGETS KEKW How tall r u ahahahahahahahaahahah WeirdCHamp Damn Yassuo thicc BONER PowerUpL critroleHenry PowerUpR LMAO k That boy got some MEAT auctally abuse @Yassuo viktor game ma man? 78 kg fat? fcking apes @yassuo so bad be proud man u did BOOOOOOOOOOOONER thicc tyler1T1 tyler1T2 @icehot16 haha pička ti strinina how do u stand chaat @yassuo 76 kilos is always small LUL these degenerates KEKW no boner POGGERS Boner RAP thicc Kapp 4HEad BONER KEK @Yassuo A FAT SNAKE Do you have a vagina? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL BONNER POGER Okayga COCK B OMEGALUL NER want another cookie? BONER KEKW @quote_if_dom_ls_on_crack playing yasuo built like gragas KEKW TRUE omfg you soo ugly TRUE Thicc Halfium subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! not fat just thicc RAPP moe u so big and strong anorexia LUL fat boner WHY IS HIS RIGHT ARM SO MUCH BIGGER THAN LEFT ??? KappaPride Kappa Pride KappaPride TRUEEEE RAP tyler1T1 tyler1T2 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW MAYBE TRUEE fat american BONER KEKW Cheer100 u know about faze banks drama? KEKW TRUE KEKW RAPP TRUEEEE sumHorse itsfre4HYPERS Nah u good u just need to lose some weight @yassuo KEKW whats good snake @Yassuo KEKW FAT KEKW TRUE Looking kinda like a snack ngl widepeepoHappy BONER KEKWL RAAPP LOL tRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE lee sin mid gachiHYPER I SAW IT gachiHYPER I SAW IT gachiHYPER I SAW IT gachiHYPER I SAW IT Cheer100 your face looks like humpty dumpty thiccc cutie Kappa BONER KEKW THICC booty too fat I wierhgt more than you but lean muscle akali again @yassuo can you play Fizz pls? dummy thicc 👀 TRUEE play ekko How tall are u? yasSpit TRUEEEEEEEEE ur so skinny mate CHAT FULL OF 4'9 MIDGETS KEKW 80kg fat KEKW CHAT FULL OF 4'9 MIDGETS KEKW 80kg fat KEKW SKINNY KEKW WE FKN SWOLE GOAT BOY 78 kg fat? fucking apes @Yassuo BURGER? OpieOP x cute @quote_if_moe_inted when you gonna make charity streammmmmmmmm yasGood yasGood yasGood YOU CANT HAVE MUSCLES WITHOUT WEIGHT! @Yassuo relax moe youre not fat just morbidly obese lol SIMP TRUE SKINNY insecure yasClown im only 285 MOE U GOT A LARGE PP gachiBASS Ihr Hunde did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? when you gonna make charity stream Ayo whats Up Moe! @Yassuo @Yassuo have you ever gone to the bathroom to fap mid stream? @yassuo so badd man why did you snake trick @yassuo lets see a qiyana game play good i want to learn akali yasClown yasClown yasClown malzahar Why do you have a big ass dent on the top of your head? 11,111 pog 111111 @Yassuo relax moe you're not fat just morbidly obese 170cm 78kg KEKW anivia? Height? carciLeft yasClown carciRight Kappa qiyana game THICC gosuGasm idk @Yassuo i'm about a solid 130 to be honest you dont loofat k but i bet under that shirt you have a huge belly fat forsenCD ? UR Skinny WEAK! QIYANA! 1111111 SIMPNG FOR MOE IN DONATIONS LULW @Yassuo honestly you look like you are in a good shape @Yassuo MESSI IS THE BEST EVER U WILL SEE yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa TRUEEE TRUEEE KEKW is fizz good in high elo? @Yassuo Leck mein Schwanz bitte kostenlos when you gonna make charity stream, @Yassuo relax moe youre not fat just morbidly obese Viktor pls? TRUE @Yassuo join my clash its the tpf free ratirlMangoS NEW CHAMP forsenCD CAN you play lee mid play anivia Did you try going for stormrazor first or a stormrazor build of any kind? @Yassuo NAW YASUO play ekko so Good actually TRUUEEE chat is jealous cuz moe is hotter @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op KEKW 11111 TRUE KEKW bawkGun yasClown @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina How tall are you? HOW TALL ARE YOU MOE moe looking hella cute ngl yeah, the client is kinda fcked rn. probably due to clash again Any gifters? ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift why do you ban shaco? xD moeW TF blade more views omegalul @Yassuo how the fuck does tfblade have more viewers than you !uptime @Yassuo relax moe you're not fat just morbidly obese The stream has been live for 1 hours 47 minutes 54 seconds I i ain gonna lie u lokin like a snacc moeee @Rhanng all muscle Kapp KEKW TRUEE KEKW Kappa @Yassuo which team you playing clash in? paly sylas pls I NEED LOVE yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa MOE IS 6'5 I MET HIM 11,111 @Yassuo a girl i fuck wants to be punished while sex, what should i do ? yasuo i weigh 126lbs and in my eyes you are fat 11.111 hello @Yassuo BRO I USED 25K POINTS BRO I USED 25K POINTS BRO I USED 25K POINTS BRO I USED 25K POINTS KEKW irelia game ? how tall are you moe way akali bann StivenSenegal -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo what do you think of BDD? HOW TALL ARE YOU U GOAT @yassuo HI MOOOOE yasH man im not watfching the vod fuc that BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG @Yassuo "Cryaoticxd123" used 25k points apparently idk how to verify, but logs says hes spamming he has 25k points and about to spend lol VIKTOR gamr? sylas? moe love me T1 =30k andy , moe = 10k andy KEKW did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? @Yassuo relax moe youre not fat just morbidly obese !followage your playlist is fucking fire holyshit Height? !elo tris mid Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa tyler1 waiting room ResidentSleeper @Yassuo what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD GO MALZ @Yassuo I NEED SOME LOVE play katarina MESS 4EVER THE BEST🐐🐐🐐 ? VikTOr Kapp more can u play sylas sure JUST CURIOUS...............HOW BIG IS YOUR PENIS??....MINE IS 5 AND HALF INCH AND I'M 13 Y/OLD XD KEKW I have 11k BibleThump Play pyke -1000 KEKW YA HIMAR YA KALB @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo test hey @Yassuo any thoughts on being the cutest brown boy in L.A.? @Yassuo have u ever fought someone irl in 2019 Kapp !shop how tall are you @Yassuo MOE FAT OMEGALUUL play some kat YASUO Welcome to the champions club play anivia mid @Yassuo play Qiyana @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD ryz Iced out Go malz KEKW zed fizzz syndr yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa.. ryze MAL T1 =30k andy , moe = 10k andy KEKW morde op irelia VIKTOR syndraa DIABNA neeko MALZ Is qt playing in tcs? kat ZED ap ZOE ICED OUT pepeJAM Albert welcome to the champions club, come in forsenCD , settle in forsenCD , DRIP IN forsenCD sylas talon fizz hi muu VIKTOR IS FUn DO A ZOE GAME PogU Syndra @Yassuo What did you think about the KSI song hhe dropped for the fight? Qiyana! NEEKO DIANA sylas PLAY ZED zed zed MOE ZOE katarina Mr_Cyborg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Vlad viva la macro TriDance yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa ZOE OR BED ResidentSleeper @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD........... fizzzzzzzzzz @Yassuo I NEED SOME LOVEE !points szegikornel -> Please refrain from posting links. maroc KASSADIN PLEASE tf @Smasher942 jel e to baka krme poslo haaha TriKool Clap veigar yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa....,.,,. play braum my guy ZOE GAME Dude moe, let's see some Syndra SYLAS GO ZED did you notice TFBlades Grammatical errors? NEEKO ?? xerath xerath @Yassuo whats TCS viktor is fun af @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op play kat zed Z E D play neeko Albert welcome to the champions club, come in forsenCD , settle in forsenCD , DRIP IN forsenCD KEKW yasuo/zed TriKool ZED yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa-- KASSADIN play vladmiire ZOE OR BED ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper im collecting for that VIP Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday @Yassuo Are you playing in TCS? @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD.......... OptimizePrime Kapp POGGERS Pepega Play Ekko XD TWISTED FATE haHAA swag Kappa KEKW play zed Z O E KSI KEKW sylas Kapp yasuo @yassuo fire haHAA when is tls? ZED OR BED TriKool Kapp PLAY sylas Z E D KFKFK play YAS neeko KEKW ZOE OR BED ResidentSleeper pls play kata zoe zed for the chat @Yassuo @Yassuo are you going to be playing in the TCS> vlad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump REEDEEMED SUB NO SUB @Yassuo U know about Dzukill?? show us the vlad haHAA what u think of zoe hard to play? zed the song isnt even bad viktor Pog Xerath PLAY KASSADIN LULW KEKW Vlad @yassuo prutt PKAY ZED @Yassuo play ekko :D zedzed are u playing? play the song PLAY XERATH 4Head @Yassuo PLAY ZED Ahru l ill have it in few years KEKW @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD......... 🇸🇦 ? play it was shit zed ZED ZED ZED ZED draymixx -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW ZED zed zed zed PLAY THE SONG VLAD KAT TRIHARD ZED OR BET zed vvladd Kassadin viktor AHRI AYAYA zed PepeLaugh GO ZEEEEEEEED KATARINA !spotify Z OMEGALUL E What is his Spotify playlist name yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa yorick mid or no balls Kappa ZED neeko dude do you knoz qbout qrqbic lol tournq;ent nexusM PLAY THE KSI SONG :res ZOE OR HOE @Yassuo r u playing in the TCS? Zoe or simp LULW Zoe or simp LULW Zoe or simp LULW Zoe or simp LULW Zoe or simp LULW :clown: how was the ksi song :clown: VLADD Zoe he's too bad at zed lissandra or bed :) @yassuo what do i have to do to get subscriber rank on your discord. Do i have to tell a mod or what? play ap PLEASE ZED OmegaRawrXDforDab is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! sylas NEEKO OmegaRawrXDforDab gifted a Tier 1 sub to JaxMooze! OmegaRawrXDforDab gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kralladin! neeko or bed OmegaRawrXDforDab gifted a Tier 1 sub to berghuhn2! OmegaRawrXDforDab gifted a Tier 1 sub to xIMagnuM! lookin good today chief TF @yassuo ZED OmegaRawrXDforDab gifted a Tier 1 sub to qwazersito! zed pls ZED. ZED. play zed quiyana KASSADIN zoe yasR the song was okkk VLAD PogU ZOE OR BED sd PogU ZED OR DED ZED ZED ZED Lucian KATA WeirdChamp IT WAS JUST A QUESTION HAMUDIO it was actually good tho TriHard Pog politics VLADD zed ZED OR BED Pog viktor man pog SUBS PogU 1'S IN THE CHAT FOR KSI SONG <3 EZ DODGE ZOE pog DODGED zed Pog DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! VLAD Pog ze PogU ZED PLEASE :o Yas or bed ZOE IS STONG MAN KATARINA @Yassuo Zed Kassadin USE ZED play the donw like that by ksi @Yassuo wait Pog ZOE OR BED! @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD.... Talon zed Pog VLADD DPDGED YOOOO ZOE PLS i got a gift lets goOoo pog ZED PLEASE PLEASE @Yassuo Are you going to be playin in the TCS? VLAD ! bro play zed PLAY THE KSI SONG go anivia ZED pog VLAD DODGED EZ Clap Go lucian with sanjuin BRAND @Yassuo viktor is the best who the fuck says swag in 2019? KEKW EZ dodge Sylas LEE mid mwe play zed pls pp Malzahar yeah thats what i thouth ^^ pog pogg i've never seen you play TF GIMMIE SUB cutie bot Dodged Pog ZED pohggg Pog VLADIMIR play sylas zed PLAY KSI SONG pog oi ap 3 DODGE Pog VLAD !WeirdChamp IT WAS JUST A QUESTION HAMUDIO ZED Pog ceeeeeeeeeeeeb Zoe ZED ez dodge KAT sylas Play xerath VLADIMIR moe can u play 7am freestyle TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool ZED OR BED Ahri RYZE play zed for fucks sake pog QT viegar KATARINA xerath ye hey vlad too much ad wait viktor 1v9 KATARINA vlaaadmire Moe can you link your playlist VLAD ziggs he ZED ZED no not yassuo TWISTED FATE @yassuo Yassuo PogU WideHarder kouhaiLurk zed pls KAT im already subbed kata @Yassuo WHO IS BEST YAS WOLRD im brain damaged why zed no banned? bruh do you know the arabic tournament sponsored y riot nexus? PLAY KSI SONGS R U K ! 🐍 EZ @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op ZED @Yassuo Are you going to be playin in the TCS on a team? KEKW TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool too much ap ZED ZED ZED @Yassuo HOW DID U DO TO BE THAT SMART ? KEKW @yassuo I just hit lvl 30 how do I get a actually good and escape silver 4 @Yassuo join my clash team, its the PTF team :) ZZZZ play zed manå play xerath @Yassuo WHEN VARIETY 5Head yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega EZ PLAY KSI SONGSS Ex @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD........... snek yikes FULL AD KEKW INDIE COMPANY KEKW ESPORT READY BTW KEKW tyler1Sleeper @Yassuo you're a snake lol PLAY KSI SONGSSSS nice client riot pick your dick stupid one trick pussy Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW redeemed sub no sub BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Yasuo indie company KEKW Pepega thoughts on new champion?? PLAY KSI SONG too much yasuo too much ad TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Always Yasuo so boringgggggg pepeD TriKool lil baby Punisher? SMALL INDIE COMPANY, HAPPENS nice client rito KEKW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Yassuo U know about Dzukill? PLAY KSI SONGSSSSSSSSS @OmegaRawrXDforDab pls giv sub tu mi do u know about nexus arbia event ? :( tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper ZOE IN BED Pog @Yassuo yo moe are you you going to be playin in the TCS? ResidentSleeper Yas :/ @ChimpNA Youre not :) Yassu.. ResidentSleeper Yassu.. ResidentSleeper Yassu.. ResidentSleeper Yassu.. ResidentSleeper @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD? ZED ZED ZED ZED ZED Zed zed ZED ZED fuckin yassuo again -.- RIOT CLIENTTTTTTTTTTTTTT nice ap RITO GAMES ResidentSleeper @ChimpNA KEKW how much adderall u take to start the day? play the ksi song TriKool @Yassuo can you link your spotify playlist pepeD :( full ad ez win KappaClaus i why hp? what good fatty me :pogu: GO ODYSSEY twitch with the new iteam so op XUCK YOU yasFBM CLENSE? PLAY THE SONG small indian company KEKW ap yas NOT ZED 2009 client is better than this one omegalyl yasu..... ResidentSleeper R I OMEGALUL T @Yassuo Yassuo U know about Dzukill?? YASSUO tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper tyler1Sleeper heca poor SUP RONALDO FANS BITCHES KEKW Press it ResidentSleeper YAsuo Again <3 <3 <3 cassio mid TriDance play something diff irelia top ResidentSleeper irelia Cassio monkaOMEGA D: cassio cassio cass itws general sniper top YA HIMAR YA KALB @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo YA HIMAR YA KALB @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo play the ksi song i bet its cass CASS cass cass CASS @Yassuo Thoughts on new champ cass njinja tabi get rekt your tean cass yasClown yasClown yasU irelia cass cass mid PPLAY THE KSI SONG cassio caso cass CASSIO MID cassio mid CASS CASS casseo mid CASS irelia cassio cads cass VEIGAR cass odyssey! cass cass casio cass cass cass cassio veigar cass cass Karma TriHard 🖕🧑 @Yassuo HOW DID U DO TO BE THAT SMART ? Cass GRAVES CASS casss cass HES PLAYIN WOW cass You what's your favorite skin for yasuo? Y A S U ResidentSleeper Y A S U ResidentSleeper Y A S U ResidentSleeper Y A S U ResidentSleeper Y A S U ResidentSleeper play nightbringer Cas mid cass irelia Cass @ChimpNA ook ook irealia @ChimpNA TRUEEE Kappa cass @Yassuo u playing in the TCS ????? you GRAVES Cass cass mid IRELIA cass veigar cass cassio Ireliaaaa BRI cass @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op snake JOHN CENAAAAAAAAAAA SWITCH SKIN @Yassuo irelia mid KEKW @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina lmfao its qt on teh other team yasSnake IRELIA CASS qt adds IRELIA PICKED 1st SO NO WAY do u know about nexus arbia event ? Jebaited Actually cheating WeirdChamp Jebaited Welcome back veigar graves mid messi ballon dór poggers IRELIAA PLAY THE KSI SONG graves mid @Yassuo moe what do you think of BDD?? He is a mid lane GOD........... GENERAL SNIPER IS IRELIA Cassimoe mid Kappa he s playing wow that boomer Cas top cass veig yasu.... ResidentSleeper yasu.... ResidentSleeper yasu.... ResidentSleeper yasu.... ResidentSleeper yasu.... ResidentSleeper yasu.... ResidentSleeper Cassio he is punisher @Yassuo veigar mid Cass mid CASS @Yassuo Are you playing in the TCS? EZ @Yassuo Ditch Sanchovies, think about the other players on the team they want to win and you are doing them dirty by putting a bad player because of nepotism. Jebaited Jebaited Karma bro they swap They need me in the trap but I cant go back PLAY THE KSI SONGggg MOE @Yassuo CAN YOU PLAY LINK YOUR SPOTFIY PLAYLIST Cass @Yassuo THEY SWAP LANE MOE how much Points He have on yasuo? WHEN PUMMEL Pepega @Yassuo JOHN CENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BDD @Yassuo PUNISHER ENEMY NO moe Could you play KSI's Walkour song after this? too muc ad in team comp ? yasSpit_HF dvds or VHS ? WH OMEGALUL ? BBC? TriHard BDD was on KT 13y TOP LANER KEKW BADD LUL play down like that hi WHen U GOING TO EU AND VISIT CANADA ? NO IT'S ME HEHE XDT. JIHIØXDT. yasTower wtf is this inori jungle vs generalsniper another yasuo game ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo HOW DO U DOO TO BE THAT SMART ? @Yassuo are you playing in the TCS? YA HIMAR YA KALB @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo YA HIMAR YA KALB @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo LONGZHU GAMING/ KINGZONE LONGZHU AN KZ QT Playing wow longzhu BDD Pog Bdd was on Kingzone Dragon X kurow was on roz bdd was on kz bdd TriHard the irelia is streaming too Kingzone QT's PC CRASHED KEKW VS GENERAL SNIPER POGU trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa you know your channel dead when blade pulling more numbers KEKW his comp crashed hahahaa LONGZHU POGU u lost its general sniper BBD was on king zohn bro thoughts on new champ? @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op yeas msi and worlds YE KEKW are you playing in TCS @Yassuo YES LULW QT KEKW Bdd is a beast @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina ARE YOU COMING TO TORONTO WHEN U GO TO VEGAS ? yeee do u know about nexus arbia event ? play ksi song Remake Imqtipie crashed Moe help I saw a girl on tinder and her pic looks a lot like the blurry one in who liked me but I'm out of likes for the day KEKW DELTA FOX LUL KEKW how many points you got= gonaa lose to qt LULW :( yes TriHard100 XD have you seen gen g new roster @Yassuo WANNA HUG BRO that boomer cant get a pc they will swap lane kalb imaqtpie TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 how many mastery points do you got? Qtipie are you going to be playing in the tcs? kiyaS Disaugment -> Please refrain from spamming caps. yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF yasSpit_HF you lost all your games yo can you play chlorine - top? @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD opgg @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude ;) how many mastery pionts do you got?? Imagine losing to a wow streamer KEKW kilherme07 -> Please refrain sending long messages. do u remember the old immortals ? they were so good show mastiers !opgg taylormunroe99 -> PedoBear meeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo wait you can play other champions than yasuo???? what does kalb mean moe ? why spend money on watch instead of upgrading/getting new pc setup how many mastery pionts do you got??? GENG bdd MESSI PogU gg dont lose to that boomer ,eeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssiiiiiiiiiii Generel sniper will tilt you as always KEKW messsssssssiiiiiiiiii LEO MESSI PogU sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand how many mastery pionts do you got yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude POOL POG hey moe which champ do you main are you playing in the TCS? tyler live PogU talking about fucking a 16 yo riven main? why dont u use movement prediction to feel less laggy? @Yassuo Have you saw the news about Lira's new team ? @Yassuo do you think you could beat caps in a 1v1 yasuo? MESSI 6 BALLON D'ORS PogU yasN any magicians there? forsenCD how many mastery pionts do you got? @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina @Yassuo Do POKI :D Kapp @yassuo try lucian with sanguine blade that shit op This song hits !rank @cake_w dog i think GRANDMASTER I (393 LP) 5Head MOE MOE MOE ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo what border is that Kapp @Yassuo Do POKI :D :D why dont u use movement prediction to feel less laggy at 70ping ? @Yassuo how many mastery pionts do you got??? 5Head ? @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude ;) POKI KEKW @Yassuo Do POKI :D Yassuo moving to mixer Pog MESSI Pog Pog Pog poki smart KEKW how many mastery pionts do you got???? flex the fake rolex Kapp when tcs starts ? when I asked you to take a picture with me and my grandma you slapped her in the face and started to run. I have just one question: Why ??????? @Yassuo hows your day been yasMald LEECHING, SMARRTTTT MOE, SMARRTTTT scarra Pog This song slaps @yasuo how do u not get sick of yasuo WHICH PLATFORM YOU MOVING TOO? yasMald TOAST 5Head 69 ping POGGERS @Yassuo Do POKI :D :D qt 3 games in row 'friends' KEKW @Yassuo bdd has a 96% win rate ayeee MOE STRUGGELIN when I asked you to take a picture with me and my grandma you slapped her in the face and started to run. I have just one question: Why ??????? @Yassuo MOVING TO FACEBOOK LIKE TOAST KEKW @ahmedmsmg1 mid? This song smacks @Yassuo Do POKI :D ruthless business woman u win u got more conquerors MESSI @Yassuo are you playing in the TCS? how many mastery pionts do you got @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude @Yassuo Do POKI :D :D POKI A BUSINESS MASTERMIND KEKW POKI A BUSINESS MASTERMIND KEKW TRUE do u remember the old immortals ? they were so good try that @Yassuo you should remove the sub shit from points man, or at lest higher the price @Yassuo Do POKI :D MESSI Pog N OMEGALUL when I asked you to take a picture with me and my grandma you slapped her in the face and started to run. I have just one question: Why ??????? @Yassuo :( @Yassuo Do POKI :D :D are you qt and sniper the only one playing today yasHYPERS please dont move to facebook TRUE im on my pc after a whole 2 months of not having a pc DONT YOU DARE 😡 @yassuo ya kelp Facebook KEKW WeirdChamp well sure as hell not as friends KEKW LEAKED PogChamp POG Pobelter pobelter facebook gaming is gay it feels fucking good how much they pay toast? POB FROGGEN try mp HUNI ReignoVER KEKW BAITING RUMORS cody pobelter olleh ANY FACEBOOKERS? KEKW mamak adrian huni pobelter xmithie pob TURTLE HUNI RO POB WT ADRIAN WildTurtl turtle LUCIAN TOP KEKW reignover pobelter adrian turtle? @Yassuo Do POKI :D adrian PLEASE DONT GO KEKW adrian WH OMEGALUL NI imm OMEGALUL rtals There aint no way you moving to facebook LUL Is qt playing IN TCS? pobelter qt adrian Pob do u know about nexus arbia event ? yasBoo1 If u move i will be angry 😡 If u move i will be angry 😡 If u move i will be angry 😡 If u move i will be angry 😡 moe can u tell me who is the best 1 v9 champion? YES @Yassuo MESSI WON BALLON D'OR For the 6time Pog FAKER you already left new york dont leave twitch too xmithie @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude PogChamps if u leave twitch channel is dead @yassuo help I got found a girl's profile on tinder that looks just like a blurry pic in my likes but I'm out of likes for the day huni was pog when I asked you to take a picture with me and my grandma you slapped her in the face and started to run. I have just one question: Why ??????? @Yassuo :( ' why did he get clapped in twitch rivals thats doesnt sound like a smurf roster OMEGALUL MESSI MVP W H OMEGALUL 17-1 17-1 mbh212 -> Please refrain from posting links. still didnt win worlds And won the split that yer @Yassuo why dont u try ffxiv? pretty good time killer HUNI DIGNITAS NOW BigBrother MESSI GOAT ye 17-1 and then shit the bed in playoffs D: 17-1 year* @Yassuo bdd has a 96% win rate! Sounds op M5 MESSI GOAT PogU divine irelia Kreygasm moe goes 0/7 this game don't @ me @IIIIIIIl They went 17-1. They were very good not covering map? @Yassuo Don't go fb bro BALLON DOR IS MAFIA YasFat Lost to TSM how much adderall do u takebefore u game 12 ywar old @floffers she Uggo thats why EleGiggle MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI MESSI LEOOOOOOOOOO MESSI LUL Lost 3-0 to TSM both playoffs KEKW gift me sub Nobody: Moe: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hi @Yassuo and chat <3 Olleh gg +45 ahve KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : KEKW GHOSTING MR VS IRELIA PEPEGA TRUE KEKW NICE SMACKING KEKW the 17-1 SPRING SPLIT IMORTALS Pog KEKW LMAO KEKW i remember LMQ they were so fun to watch KEKW KEKW lul KEKW KEKW XD KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ?????????? ???? KEKW KEKW KEKW XDDDD LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW lmao LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW LM,FSAO XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL wow KEKW CRINGE KEKW KEKW haHAA MESSI Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LOL lmao @Laughingracoon89 What did they do internationally PepeLaugh ??? KEKW KEKW ???? BLITZ malding KEKWKEKEKEKEKEKW ????????? KEKW LULW KEKW nice flash KEKW KEKW LULW pog @Yassuo asks people to ghost as a joke knowing that they will and then asks what chat ''thinks'' sweet play dude ;) KEKW KEKW goofd KEKW KEKW do u know about nexus arbia event ? LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW CRINGE LOL BLITZ TROLLIN KEKW 17-1 I think @Yassuo @Yassuo just cover map Prob should cover map dude @Yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW GETTING INTED FOR BEING A STREAMER KEKW karasmD LUL 1/1 PogU Why not cover map and respect other players in the game? PRE SEASON BTW KEKW LOL general snip[er with the play DESERVED KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL WTF KEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKW bot lose this game Misclick :) BLITZ MALDING LUL he didnt answer the dono question LUL about to get clapped by a 13 year old help !! @IIIIIIIl What did any NA team except TL and C9 do internationally? Your comment was still wrong lol they predicted him doing blue PogU YOU ALREADY LEFT NEW YORK DONT LEAVE TWITCH TOO WeirdChamp brokennHi brokennHi boom box @Yassuo please look up the meaning of cringe dude u say it wayyy to much LUL GingerPower @Yassuo cover ur map idiot KEKW ? ? ??????? yasU ???????? PogU sike ???????? Pog ?????? ez LULW ????????????????????? KEKW KEKW IRELIA KEKW ?????? :D KEKW KEKW WTF?? L KEKW KEKW IRELIA? LUL @Laughingracoon89 i mean c9 has gone far NICE Q TRADE LUL Pepega XD KEKW ???????????? PogU xD ??? IRELIA KEKW Pog bullying a 13yr okd k? ??????????? 13 year old needs to learn the game KEKW EZ Clap 12 YR OLD LUL what is vipers little brother doing KEKW %??????????????????? NA KEKW EZ 13 YEAR old PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR HUH ?????????????? WIN TRADING KEKW hashinshin tp GM player btw KEKW Pog autoattack battle general trash KEKW bullying a 12 YR general not on riven FeelsWeirdMan STICK TO RIVEN KEKW EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp WINTRADING KEKW question mark PogU WHAT WOULD MEEK DO yasThink him Hashinshin TP? @Yassuo cover map bud? @Yassuo stop bullying kids Fed give you good financial advices? @IIIIIIIl I said aside from C9 and TL :/ IS HE A BOT 2 minutes TP i hate general sniper lmfao HASHINSHIN RAGE TP LULW BULLY D: DOES GENERAL SNIPER STREAM? ? when its another riven one trick who cant play another champ KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW pog wtf Pog Pog LULW Pog LULW Pog ? LOL lost to 13 yr PogU Pog KEKW KEKW SHIT ON BY A KID KEKW FUCKED KEKW KEKW pwppwpwpwpwp POG KEKW TerraBuck subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! Pog KEKW pog GET REKT KEKW KILLED BY A 13 Y/O Pog why that minion? just q lol WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING KEKW UR GARBO HAHAHA C L E A N Balanced @Yassuo If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina general sniper lol lol Pog OWNED PogU WeirdChamp FLASH? LUL NOOB POG this kid KEKW 13 year old clapppppp clean PogChamp Wow that was clean GET REKT LUL SOLOD BY A 13 YEARS OLD KEKW dayum KEKQ WH OMEGALUL 13 YEAR OLD PogU hard inting LOL i mean respekt for that move poggers lost to 13 yr old XD owned xddddddddddd nice WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING!!!!!!! PogU LOST TO 13 y old KEKW WTF??? OUTPLAYED KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW xddddd xddd lost haHAA to haHAA 12 haHAA year haHAA old haHAA USE UR FLASH MAN Balanced champions e'd a minon at half hp LUL POG KEKW bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp bullying 13 yo WeirdChamp SNIPER TILTED AF KEKW KEKW GENERAL BETTER STICK ON RIVEN WeirdChamp Poh CHAT WORSE THAN THIS KID KEKW @Laughingracoon89 i read thet wrong LMAO HAHA wtf is she doing HAHA HAH HA HAHA @Legendary_TwistedFate_NA PogU DOWN 10 cs KEKW jasonk26 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. laugh WeirdChamp CS oof LUL bullied by a 13 yeard old KEK T1 IS LIVE SANS MODE ON bullied by a 13 yeard old KEKW KEKW GETTING BULLIED BY A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW ?????? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SAVING FLASH FOR LATER BTW yasMald HaHAA Kapp @IIIIIIIl Rip lol t1 live bye Kapp yasH BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD PogU @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO CS LULW yasNunu KAPP PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR . haHAA CS KEKW yasJoy PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR CS KEKW yo man he is embarassing u LULW a 13y that was able to climb, most of you cant get out of gold, dummies Wave PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR denaf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 17 month streak! BRO AHA PLZ SUCK ME FAT SISTER ASS SHE SO HORN AHA THANKS BRO HER UTERUS SO FAT I STICK FINGER IN FAT PROSTATE IT TURN ME ON AHA IDOT CS KEKW @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO blind @hmooodbestgnar Go Watch that Midget if you want to -2 yasChair @singleftw I feel attacked is it me or whenever moe tells a story, it always starts with lebron james or kawhi leonard whats better high noon or true dmg for sweat? @Yassuo WeirdChamp BigBrother KEKW haHAA ? yasFBM yasShrug Later t1 fans -2 T1 KEKW BigBrother WeirdChamp ok KEKW denaf booty buttcheeks mods blind KEKW anyone know a safe overclock for a monitor tyler1 is a meathead and his viewers are all dumb nuts get fucked t1 fans KhanofLeague subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! hello 12 year old KEKW türk varmı la Q kekw i raised the max hz on my monitor by 25 but idk how much is reasonable @PhaserYo no one gives a fk KEKW DOOMED KEKW PogU the irelia skin PogU q LULW for a monitor overclock Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! q KEKW -4 KEKW KEKW KEKW T1 FANS IMEGALUL LOSING TO A 13 YEAR OLD LUL booty buttcheeks KEKW @oleksandr002 ok groupie LMAO jukes -5 yasCarried_SQ the_RyManZz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Hey Yas, you dont look like youve lost much muscle mass since you stopped gymming, ever think about starting it up again? TheReturnOfBoris subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! @lovelyirelia Hey I watch both t1 and moe CS Pog at this point just autp attack, missing every q wastes time DEESTROYED BY 12 year old kekw Watching a Angry MIdget in 2019 KEKW THOSE QS jesus BETTER MID WINS RED BUFF KEKW cover ur map LOSING LANE TO 13 YEAR OLD KEKW I only follow t1 srry moe DogFace DogFace cover map @the_RyManZz ignored LUL eminem tim westwood freestyle PogU aye i just solo killed faker its lit whtat is the worst lane now in ur opinion? KEKW LUL PogU LULW SO BAD xdxdxdxs ff ?????????? ? POG air blade is ass KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFAO inting LuL XD LUL ok ur bad KEKW ?????????? KEKW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW OMEGALUL mashed int bad LUL LUL xaxaxaxxaxaxaxa PogU KEKW ROLLED KEKW KEKW KEKW its ok GET REKT lmao smacked KEKW WEWK 13 yr old KEKW ??????????// PogU KEKW KEKWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW jajaja KEKW xD KEKW SO BAD KEKW LUL AJAJAJAJJAAJAJJ KEKW LOOOOOL @yassuo Are you going to play at All Stars? KEKW INTING KEKW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW LOST TO 13 YEARS OLD LULW SO BAD KEKW SO BAD LUL LMFA smashed STYLED ON BY A 13 YEAR OLD SO BAD LOL LULW DIED TO 13 KID KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL good int MALDING LULW KEKW OUTCLASSED KEKW LUL PogU GETTING SHIT ON BY 13YO LULW SOLOKILLED BY A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW @Yassuo destroy KEKW ?????????????///// smurfed on wuschlaaa subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! cucked by a 13 y/o KEKW KEKW LMFAO yo moe can u go to top and int KEKW CLIP IT xddddddddddddddddddddd NetoJr -> Please refrain from posting links. EASY Imagine losing to irelia as yasuo kekw SAD LOST TO A KID KEKW KEKW what yasR yasR yasR yasR ROLLED BY A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW Bad XDDDDDDDDDD LOSING TO A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW ur so bad NIC CHAMP DESIGN KEKW MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL KEKW xd not really HA losing to 13 yearold KEKW NA's future looks bright wait ur jungler is level 3 losing to a 13 year old xd @Yassuo WASHEDDD UP KEKW OUTSKILLED KEKW @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO u go behind them POGGERS POTGGGG LUL LOSING TO 13 YR OLD LUL CLAPPED CLIP IT GETTING SHT ON KEKW KEKW threshool subscribed with Twitch Prime. SON big oof moe go int bot losing to 13 yeard old LUL Ez CLAP LUL LUL LUL LUL welcome to being a caster in league lol So good? DELETE THE GAME KEKW LUL\ 1/10 power spike IT WASNT son KEKW losing to a 13 year old KEKW solo killed yassuo let´s go it´s lit KEKW ok i go to class now bye chat yasU LOSING TO A 13 Y O KEKW THATS WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE DUOED WITH HIM SO HE CANT CLAP U His q is not projectile dummy GET SMURFED ON BY A 13 YEAR OLD WASHED UP PartyPoro WASHED BRO BLAME 70 PING smurfed on by a child NetoJr -> Please refrain from posting links. nah he q before u shooted nado KEKW outplayed LOSSING TO 13 YEAR OLD KEKW UPCOMING TALENT PogChamp MALDING com on focus LOSING TO 13 Y/O KEKW SON KEKW LOSING TO QT KEKW hec lvv3 LOSING TO 13 Y OLD Nexop12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! You got this, don't worry! Let's take a deep breathe together BOmmering begins SOLO KILLED BY A 13 YEAR OLD washed OUTPLAYED KEKW MOE BAD KEKW MOE TRYHARD getting smacked by a 13yo LA MOE KEKW DUDE HE CAN Q TROUGH WINDWALL WTF ARE YOU SAYING cover MAP @yassuo he q'ed before Hey Moe how was you day so far? outplayed by 13 tear old KEKW FAKER SON PogChamp you pressed after he went through @the_RyManZz IGNORED LMAOOOO GG feeder someone pst a clip Is General sniper dude, is god KEKW Went b4 yasHands irelia 13 years mental what a cancer chat yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown you're not okay, 3-1 irelia Kapp yasWeird bye moe im going to sleep @yassuo yasH 1Gal4xy -> Please refrain from posting links. yasuo is the most broken champ in league @zedrama PogU !mouse Razer Deathadder GENERAL SNIPER WILL SAVE NA @Yassuo imagine when he gets older and better reflexes @Carizz0 night yasH KEKW 13 YEARS OLD BEATING YOU KEKW\ losing to 13year old @legit5head relax :) you get shit on now its the 70 ping Kappa irelia wins until late wdym @Yassuo REASONS KEKW @Yassuo YOU THREW IT AFTER HE Q'ED ur clicks are like watching a silver player @Yassuo @itzhannie xqcL Follow me on Twitter for updates ok yassuo is shaking moe needs a finalmouse LUL EXCUSES @yassuo LEBRON JAMES WOULD’VE NEVER LOST TO A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW gett8ng smacked by a 13yo KEKW 2 best solo lane champs Moe losing to 13 year old again bye worst lane right now? KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Pog SEYA KID lmai ??????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW FLASH KEKW inting KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW you are piss bad KEKWlaugh FF KEKW garbage KEKW Hey @yassuo how was your day so far? Losing to a 13 years old who plays currently in school LUL GETTING FUCKING SHIT ON KEKW @itzhannie lol TROLLING LULW KEKW YASUO MAIN BTW KEKW KEKW LOST TO 13 YO outplayed? losing to 13 year old KEKW SO FKN BAD LUL LUL LUL LUL LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL KEKW KEKW KEKW SO BAD KEKW SO MALD KEKW DUDE UR WASHED SMACKED KEKW ?????????????????????????? shofuMad KEKW GG KEKW KEKW MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL nice flash LOOOOOOL INTING KEKW Jebaited @Yassuo YOU THREW IT AFTER HE Q'EDD "I'm still okay" OMEGALUL GO NEXT dumpstered by a 13 yo POWER SPIKE 1/10 KEKW BEATEN BY 13 YEAR OLD . LUL LUL LUL LUL inter LUL STOMPED KEKW KEKW LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD INTING KEKEW Chat going LA MOE KEKW NEW YORK MOE KEKW but moe is moe he ints 13 years old to good Pog KEKW ??????? u suck lol OMEGALUL GO NEXT POGGERS MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL FAT KEKW shit on by a 13 year old dude hes losing to sniper AGAIN? LOST TO 13 Y/O LULW BULLIED BY A 13 YEARD OLD KEKW LOSING TO 13-Y-O 13yo yassuo NA outplayed MALDING KEKW KEKW SON holy bad player @carizz0, sleeping so early LULW 13 yo INTIN KEKW lost to 13 year old BYE BYE BUDDY RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEKW KEKW Gg HE'S 13 KEKW THE FUTURE IS NOW OLD MAN Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : TURBO WASHED @Yassuo lebron btw GETTING DESTROYED M1/3 INTING KEKW 13 YR OLD > MOE :( 2019 MAN kekw solo'd by 13yr old OMEGALUL @yassuo LEBRON JAMES WOULD’VE NEVER LOST TO A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW this is the best yasuo? damn sad to see my boy being outclassed Hes level 4 lol easy rekted WeirdKEKW LOST TO A 13 YEAR OLD AND IRELIA lvl 4 KEKW lv 4 THE FUTURE IS HERE LEVEL 4 LVL 4 LOL heca lvl 4 KEKW 13 years old!!! yasWeird_HF level 4 OMEGALUL KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW WTF KEKW 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 LULW WeirdAYAYA LOL LUL LMAO KEKW CLOSE ONE LUL LUL KEKW pahahahha GG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW wow KEKW LUL cancelled 4 autos LUL OMEGALUL He cancel auto Ff imagine get smacked by 13yo close KEKW JUST AA LUL nice Flash Gg he cancelled like 3 autos DAMN ZOOMERS JUST GO NEXT LUL YOU ALREADY LEFT NEW YORK DONT LEAVE TWITCH TOO WeirdChamp Actually bad yasClown LEAD KEKW 13 y old btw Yasuo syndrom LULW KEKW HYPERCLAP LOSING TO 1`3 YEAR OLD KEKW LEAD Kapp CS Pog i knew he was about to blame jungler lol open it FF 100T is getting destroyed by a 13 y o kid ACTUALLY SO BAD KEKW @Yassuo LOSING TO QT KEKW QT Pog answered your question KEKW FF PogU gg mid GG KEKW FF G_G it's 15min FF LUL ???? losing to a boomer KEKW I LEAVE FOR 4 MIN AND I COME BACK TO THIS KEKW qtpies veigar to clean KEKW always shifting blame WeirdChamp ff brazilian yasuo LOSING TO QT KEKEW FF 15 yasHYPERS QT KEKW yasHmm worst lane in ur opinion? team diff just ff next @Yassuo trolling u? u got solo'd 3 times gg QT KEKW Open Cheer100 Any man who must say "I am the Challenger" is no true challenger, irelia lannister ofc ill lose to qt - moe mid dif they're running it down LULW ff at 1min ACTUALLY MALDING TYRUE true KEKW 5Head Get solo killed 3 times you are 1 3 relax bruv KEKW @yassuo LEBRON JAMES WOULD’VE NEVER LOST TO A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW doesnt a 13y old have something better to do then playing league the whole day? xDDD @peach__tree who is that ? viper bro kid is hillarious he gets u mad so fast and wild :D yasChair STOOPED Moe Washed up? KEKW JUST GIVEUP :/ :/ losing to qt KEKW ints and blames team KEKW washed KEKW @Yassuo stop watching chat and strat playing @mix_martial_arts_is_life fax accept the fault like a man WeirdChamp Hi Yassuo I’m big fan BM KEKW Old moe would've won lane pepeHands GAME OF PHONES Pog from solo killing faker to losing to a 13 year old OMEGALUL 1v1's today mahmoud??? KEKW lol KEKW KEKW SO BAD KEKW ? KEKW KEKW SO BAD LUL don't worry qt will throw Pog WHAT general sniper was one of those guys on the stoop callin u a pussy KEKW ? KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW LULW moe what do you think of season 10 it seems pretty ridiculous KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW KEKW DESTROYED KEKW KEKW dont even need ult KEKW LUL KEKEW KEKW POG ?????? DICKED KEKW ?? KEKW SMURFED ON KEKW ??????? what is this range? Kapp rip LUL kgdn1ba KEKW GET SHIT ON reported KEKW ????? CONQUEROR LUL CLAPPED ???????? he's just farming to kill you... 1-4 LUL lol SOOOO BAAAAAAD yeah that's it YOU GOT RUN OVER KEKW KEKW KEKW got rekt by a 13 year old BLAMES CONQ KEKW widepeepoSad GAMES SO OVER KEKW SSURE ITS CONQ Kapp kekw KEKW SO BAD FED trying to talk about somethiung else bro DELETE UR GAME 13 YEAR OLD 13 years old You're getting rolled KEKW yasHmm and she had 5 kills PLAY SAFE Wow any gifters? PepeHands @Yassuo imagine dying to a kid who has not hit his puberty LMAO SMURFED ON BY 13 YEAR OLD KEKW KEKW lmfao yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake 13**** OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL OMEGAROLL KEKW @yassuo Are you going to play at All Stars? @Yassuo who is harder to master yasuo or fiora ? @yasuo yasuo miss q YOUR SO SAD irelia wins that matchup right ? why is his name yassuo? FEED getting smurfed on Hey moe big fan getting booty cheeks clapped GENERAL SNIPER Pog LUL Yes idk Guess you could still play TFT right you are bad YES yesssss yes yes LUL yes YEAH yes ahahah so bad wait he's 13? yes yes NO HAHAHAHA yes IT PROCS iker297 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! GENERAL SNIPER Pog LULW YEs guys is he rea;;y 13 yo yes YESS IDIOTOTOTO GG KILLED BY 13 YEAR OLD KEKW Conquer? Thats the problem? lmao KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW irelia in such a bad spot atm too from solo killing faker to losing to a 13 year old KEKW any gifters ? ratirlGift inting KEKW 7/1 KEKW Kappa FF KEKW ?????????? "WE BACK BABY, WE GRINDING, WE WINNING, WE DOMINATING" 1/4 uwu JG? Kappa GENERAL SNIPER SMURFING KEKW shofuMad shofuMad shofuMad shofuMad shofuMad You can still win BloodTrail JESUS GO NEXT LUL Go lethal tempo full attack speed at this point Q KEKW next LUL this kid is scary 7-1 KEKW CHALLENGER KEKW ASK HIM BLAMES CONQ KEKW lul ASK HIMMM Add me mephesses 1v1 me shitter yasDiamond yasM03 @mirosenpaiii yes !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 1 minutes 55 seconds This is funny ASK HIMM NOT TWITCH CHAT hashinshin think top lane is the worst lane right now hat u have to say to that? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kat is pretty fucking fast btw KappaPride @Yassuo Ask him FF NO NO NO yes Kapp hard intcoming NO Irelias always been pretty good at any stage of the game NO KEKW no KEKW n OMEGALUL ff doubt(X) N OMEGALUL no :) doesnt a 13y old have something better to do then playing league the whole day? xDDD HE FLAMED YOU IN CHAT KEKW ?XD?XD Does he not go to school?? no KEKW NO Imagine being 50% win rate 2k games + playign irelia and trashtalking KEKW You guys can still win tho right?? brand is the fastest conq stacker QT ON VIEGER, MARKSMEN ARE DEAD KEKW NEXT GENERATION OF PROS KEKW "ONE DAY YOU WILL BEAT ME" LUL PogU geting fucked from a 14year old yasAYAYA_HF can i get a sub , im very poor and i love this guy maaan GOOD MONEY Pog BLITZ TROLLING KEKW u cant kill shit look at ur items jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW Kreygasm Only 16-4 still winnable no map cover cant hit hook Pog Pog Pog Pog yasGood bli3tz Pog 4 death powerspike Kappa THIS BLITZ Pog ask him if he still wants map cover pog blitz Pog Pog Kapa still ff KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pepeJam Kapp Kapp smurf Blitz carries shit Yasuo Pog WANNABE PogU PogU wow save your KDA i like that q first before ult gj I SAID YES PogU WINNABLE OMEGALUL Winnable Pepega actually winnable Pog u have 2 b Kanye PepeJam @Yassuo did you beat celest? @vattimogaming KEKW first time i've seen hexflashed used for a kill LUL hashinshin think top lane is the worst lane right now hat u have to say to that? Pog PogChamp ? ppg KEKW LuL ?????/ Inori mad KEKW SMURF BLITZ CARRIES YASUO PogChamp ???? ??????? INT? UUUU SOOOOO BAAAAAAAD PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp NA Heca can scale with irelisa at ne point? If he is about to kill them like there inting Hey guys just got back from the Antartic did Moe's team win Twitch Rivals? KEKW lol can u react to Real Slav music video @Yassuo KEKW INT KEKW dead again told you close KEKW ???????????????? int look at the plays look at the int Pog Yassuo what was that?!?! Pog ?? ?????? HAHA BIG NOSE KEKW E KEKW SO MALD KEKW KEKW General is god that was a filthy int WP MOE JUST WP LUL inting INSANE OUTPLAY BRO back to inting KEKW @Yassuo can u play a clean game of yas? thanks xD what is you doing bro? ????? ? WALKING AWAY AINT AN OPTION SO CLOSE POG BLIRZ CARRY @Yassuo why are U trooling jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW Inori malding Pog UUUU SOOOOO BAAAAD you moe have you done anything with momo yet? ??? teach me the way of a true moe senpai UWU OOHO Actually washed up trash lebron stop lol KEKW ur dogshit Pog gachiBASS NA OMEGALUL HAHHA BIG NOSE yasAYAYA dude all these kills in 10 mins @mactobix You soo baddd to my friend irelia KEKW Pog yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue ur fucking inting. straight up . u wintrading'/???? @Yassuo Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pepega 📣 UUUU Pog WANNABE Man you always take one step forward then two steps back. Why int there? this is why you aren't challenger in season 9 LUL can u react to Real Slav music video @Yassuo ??? ?? Ooooooo Pog oh yasSnake WINNABLE P OMEGALULg why are you intentionally feeding just fukin run from the tp WeirdChamp IRELIA KEKW DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! thurnis_haleyy -> Please refrain from posting links. WOW PogU CLOWN REGION KEKW heca good af nt Smashing keybord fiora KEKW why you type that? Every game he feeds HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA yasuo. Pog Kreygasm you are actually lebron here cause you're throwing everything yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA ShadyLulu imagine if she aimed her w KEKW F I OMEGALUL R A QT 7/1 Pog 11 mins 32 kills LULW NA NA QQ "almost" FIORA PLAYED IT THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY OMEGALUL Moe washed up after getting the Shadow D sivir LULW lo yasAYAYA Pog yasN yasN Qtpie is too good, can't win PogU EZ She got away why she jump back in lmao pog NA CASS KEKW winnable Pog WINNABLE Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty EZ pog 2/5 yo QT did good XDDD WINNABLE i mean heka trrollin TriHard @Yassuo you are Lebron but irelia mid is luka doncic 3Head 美服的人真的爛死ZZ havent missed a hook Kapp INNIT 3Head @yassuo heyy :3 HE MISSDED CASS HOOK STFU BLITZ @patrickskaarup u already know flame this poor guy for run region Pog Pog PogU Pog Mobis KEKW LOL ? lool Pog Pog POG POGGERS POG PogU Pog too good Pog Pog POGG 5ΗΕΑΔ KEKW Pog Pog kekw PogU greeeedy WHAA Pog Pog Pog PogCHmap OOOH POG POG Pog POG Pog Pog POG Pog @Yassuo whos easier to master fiora or yasuo ?? @ yassuo POGGERS Pogu POGGERS KEKW PogU ABUSED A 13 YO Pog POG Pog Pog PogU POGGGGGGGGGGGG Pog EZ D Pog KEKW wtfff XD# POG KEKW pog DEEE outplayed pooog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POG KEWK pog ????????????? POOG Pog POG WINNAB;E FUMING u clapped a 13yo PogU LOL Pog poggers pog winnable LUL BlessRNG Pog Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Pog POGGERS POGGERS WP POG Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: 13 year odl mental pog Pog EZ Clap POG LULW POG one day pog Pog PC Pog EZ HE BOUGHT MOBIS KEKW he cancelled like 4 autos WTFFFFFFFFF Outplayed POG pog POG WE BACK DOINB asieoawpf PogChamp Pog ACTUALLY WINNABLE POGGERS PagChomp U TOUGHT Bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo Bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo !spotify GG PogU WINNABLE Pog 12 YO MALDING ALREADY KEKW LET ME SUCK YOU DRY FOR SOME OF THAT SKILL child abuse SYNAPSE OK PIGCHAMP Pog GO BACK TO SCHOOL; IDIOT broken POG asieoawpf BULLYING 13 YO WeirdKEKW HOW DO WIN THAT LOL bullying 13 yaer old winable PauseChamp !time Current time in Los Angeles: 01:16:15 PM TCS 50k asieoawpf . wtf you clapped a 13 year old moe WeirdChamp SHEEESHHH HE GOT DIZZY KEKW Bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo you insane bro child abuser BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD KEKW Finally clapped a 13 year old after how long WINNABLEE BULLYING 13 YO WeirdKEKW .. getting inted by a 13 year old KEKW asieoawpf Bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo Bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo BULLYING 13 YO 4WeirdW the throwing KEKW oof LMAO @Yassuo do you believe in feeding skins? dw moe we know you were just limit testing Yep You guys can win now nice ACTUALLY PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @mactobix you type he bad but i ask why KEKW THEY THROWIN GIT XD FULL AD KEKW all ad yea, !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 5 minutes 21 seconds @yassuo lookin kinda fresh tho FAKE LAUGH HAHAHA WILDCARD KEKW they are throwing LULW ha3ha3ha3 Why u bully a child? who can throw harder ok Kappa ROUND 2 lel winnable after 2 min ace xD Dude this looks worse than my silver games LULW she has ult Ghuz NA players am i right ?!?! pls play boshy !yassuo Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? U cant win against the one and only Imaqtpie KEKW sup @AZN_ GIVE HER A FREE E rep Ded what am i watching WeirdKEKW O NO NO PepeLaugh she has ult yasCarried WE TAKE THOSE Pepega Q jasonrKEKW LULW @Yassuo whos harder to master fiora or yasuo ? WeirdKEKW why is ur ping so high cannon minion ftw Pog NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis losing to qt KEKW winnable HECARIM Pog yasAYAYA_HF dude i love you so much maan i wish i can subscribe to you much love you are the best moe yasAYAYA_HF Love you Moe yasU LOL what up yall TriHard 7 IRELIA IS OUTSCALED Pog MOE WHY DONT U GO IE FIRST ITEM U CAN GET 100% CRIT LUL LUL LUL LUL MOUNTAIN POG yas5 69 ping pog @Yassuo is pd still better than shiv? 70MS HIGH PING CHAT Kappa hello IMAGINE BEING VIRGIN KEKW why is your fps so low? yasAYAYA_HF dude i love you so much maan i wish i can subscribe to you much love you are the best moe yasAYAYA_HF yas5 yas5 yas5 pog Pog na KEKW or windwall none of it outplayed KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahah POG KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW Pog LMA,O PogU CLAPPED KEKW SO CLOSE TRASHH KEKW LOL MOE FAT DUMB IDIOT VIRGIN KEKW Pog OMG UR SO BAD LULW ROLLED LULW KEKW NVM cloase Pog KEKW PogU NICE WALL KEKW Pog pog ROLLED KEKW OMEGALUL DAMN ???????????? INTT LUL Pog -.-' ?????????????????? TRASASHSHSHS KEKW DAD DICKED LULW Pog KEKW KEKW Malding LUL KEKW KEKW GET OUPLAYED NOOB LOL KEKW YOURE SO BAD KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOL OOOOF KEKW PogU KEKW OUTPLAYED BY 13 YEAR OLD Pog OUTPLAYED KEKW outplayed HES CRACKED KEKW LULW KEKW OUTPLAY KEKW NA Q KEKW hios move speed is nuts KEKW CLOSE KEKW KEKW 13yo 13y/o Please refrain from posting links. losing to mobis irelia Rekt by a 13 VIPERS BORTHER SHITTING ON MOE PedoBear CLAP I smell a pedo.. PedoBear homie with 13 year old? Pedobear PedoBear your SoN? PedoBear Clap ping diff honestly Kapp XD 2500 games /50% win rate / spams only riven and irelia yeah he is true god KEKW PedoBear SNAKE LIVE yasSnake PEDOBEAR TODAY? CUZ BAD LOSING TO MOBI IRELIA BOY FOR WHAT\ kinda inting PedoBear moe start trying that kids sweating FBI PedoBear Clap PedoBear KappaPride KappaPride Yah yasU that kid's gonna get picked up by team as soon as he's 15 lmfao @Yassuo TRUE IS HE ACTUALLY 13 wow chat so funny KEKW WHAT MECHANICS PedoBear Clap ? PedoBear Clap PedoBear Clap pedo0 MAYBE YEA LUL Moe Washed up after getting the Shadow D :) MaN UR EVERYTIME LIKE TIS 30 year old man friend with a 12 year old Kids 13 but you should still call him daddy @yassuo THIS Kai otan ergazesai oute fantazesai ti kanw monos mou mes sto saloni mou ............ 70 PING Kappa PedoBear Clap LA MOE WeirdChamp LOSING TO MOBI IRELIA KEKW he is better than u tho guys wtf is that KEKW/??? :/ TODAY Kappa Hey how was you day? "that's my 13 year old boy" loiil t1 took all your skills @Yassuo i have been watching you since u solo claped faker with ur loud ass keyboard with shity cam, can u please for once play 1 game without inting a 13 y/o ? plz? is that too much to ask for? KEKW @Yassuo i think its the ping @PepegaDetective_C134 I personally think he is better than moe, I watch him a lot E KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp NEWS: yassuo stroke 13 year old safinav20 -> Please refrain from posting links. if my brother was a pro player and all i did was play league id be challenger too KEKW that shave looks weird on u @Yassuo qtie? QT KEKW nice e kekw Pedo Pog QT KEKW hhhhhhhhhhhhh kekw Keraril -> Please refrain from posting links. Pog Ariumand -> Please refrain from posting links. QT KEKW Pog @iris Moralv -> Please refrain from posting links. QT KEKW @iris PedoBear Clap PedoBear Clap PedoBear Clap Whisperbrew -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris Beazeril -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris Mazugore -> Please refrain from posting links. They are inting fiora said ur trolling qt kekw and he liked it Kreygasm Centrirn -> Please refrain from posting links. qtie KEK YOU'RE HUGE @iris @Yassuo YO MOE 10% NZXT BUILDS WITH 90 FPS ! @iris @iris QT KEKW @iris Arashitilar -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Vudoran -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris PogU @iris WINNABLE Pog Kirihelm -> Please refrain from posting links. ??? they are legit inting @iris @iris How was your day? @Yassuo i have been watching you since u solo claped faker with ur loud ass keyboard with shity cam, can u please for once play 1 game without inting a 13 y/o ? plz? is that too much to ask for?? @iris @iris @iris Landagrinn -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Gholore -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Auhelm -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris @iris Malaril -> Please refrain from posting links. HECARIM KEKW KEKW @iris @iris yoikes Saijurus -> Please refrain from posting links. QT says fuckk @iris Keletius -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris @iris he need more t-shirt now to sell Granihuginn -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Raybolt9 -> Please refrain sending long messages. @iris Faetaur -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Centririus -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris BOYD KEKW 13 ? @iris @iris Cejurus -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris M OMEGALUL DS i think this guy is wintrading anymore KEKW @iris Siralhala -> Please refrain from posting links. LUL @iris @iris @iris @iris Sajora -> Please refrain from posting links. 13 13 13 KEKW Painshaper -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW @iris @iris @iris mazujas -> Please refrain from posting links. WutFace WTF? PedoBear Clap PedoBear Clap @iris LMAO @iris @iris @iris @iris MODS PLEASE STOP KEKW BOTS WeirdChamp ANYMORE @iris loseable Malora -> Please refrain from posting links. wtf hecarim KEKW Malontrius -> Please refrain from posting links. ok chat ok /pat BOTS KEKW THIS @iris Arashakar -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris WHEN COULD HE 1V1 HER IN THE FIRST PLACE KEKW @iris @iris Kathrilis -> Please refrain from posting links. WutFace bots @iris LUL WutFace Kazralkis -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris like he could KEKW @iris @iris @iris @iris @iris OMEGALUL Conjugelv -> Please refrain from posting links. MrDestructoid @iris LMAO when could he ever 1v1? BOTS WeirdChamp @iris Wtf is this chat WutFace @iris @iris KEKW @iris Faerg -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris lmao @iris @iris Bugamand -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris @iris @iris Pesius -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW MODDDS KEKW @iris @iris @iris @iris @iris @iris @iris KEKW @Yassuo BOTS HAHAHA @iris @iris BOTS WeirdChamp WHO IS IRIS Yotilar -> Please refrain from posting links. ??? what am i missing? @iris @iris @iris bots WutFaceW Tushakar -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW KEKW @iris MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ? ? @iris anamath -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Shalmaran -> Please refrain from posting links. Mightskin -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris KEKW MODS MODS R9K ? @iris @iris watch KEKW @iris @iris Opilanim -> Please refrain from posting links. Follow me on Twitter for updates stop chat pls im crying @iris @iris Mageforge -> Please refrain from posting links. M OMEGALUL DS @iris sub mode chat incoming widepeepoSad Oghmathis -> Please refrain from posting links. ???????????????????????????????? @iris @iris Arashitaur -> Please refrain from posting links. qtpie on veigar AGAIN? KEKW @iris Nilasius -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW @iris Modirdin -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW HAHHAHAHAHAH KEKW MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ? lmfao KEKW HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA @iris HAHAHA ?????????????????????????????????? @iris pog @iris iris @iris PepeLaugh @iris qt MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid @iris troll INTING KEKW Tygoshicage -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW KEKW HAHAHHAHAAA @iris monkaW Kapp @iris LUL MODS Bazragore -> Please refrain from posting links. LUL @iris KEKW MODS bots @iris Shajora -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris thats some fuckign cancer 2 secs WHO THE FUCK IS IRIS KEKW @iris PERMA CC KEKW Nigrinn -> Please refrain from posting links. walk away moe wtf @Yassuo i have been watching you since u solo claped faker with ur loud ass keyboard with shity cam, can u please for once play 1 game without inting a 13 y/o ? plz? is that too much to ask for? that slow duration ?? what's going on @iris Nuadalore -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo this shave looks weird on u LUL @iris @iris @iris KEKW POGG Mooguzahn -> Please refrain from posting links. PepeLaugh why stay? KEKW @iris MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ?MODS R9K ? ????????????????????? @iris dw moe we know you were just limit testing @Yassuo whos harder to master fiora or yasuo ?@yassuo @iris LITERALLY @iris @iris LUL LUL @iris Iangelv -> Please refrain from posting links. glacial agument elmillorMoyi elmillorFrisk elmillorSleeper elmillorCalvo QT SMURF ur nothing to QT Kappa Watch lol Gravelsong -> Please refrain from posting links. The Pie Pog @iris @iris hahahahaahahahahahah @iris @iris Mavegas -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris kekw 6 YEARS KEKW ????????????????? prisoned literally @iris Kapp @iris @iris Hugilis -> Please refrain from posting links. Wtf LUL LUL BOTS WutFaceW @iris Nalmejurus -> Please refrain from posting links. literally literally literally Moe you owe me a 1v1 offstream PLEASE PUT ON SUBMODE KEKW @iris Grolkis -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris ? why 6 YEARS POG @iris @iris Agadwyn -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo might want to move off the ice? WHO THE FUCK IS IRIS MrDestructoid BEEP BOP MrDestructoid BEEP BOP MrDestructoid BEEP BOP @iris @iris STOP TAKING EVERY FIGHT MODS R9k Flamerunner -> Please refrain from posting links. MrDestructoid HELLO FELLOW HUMANS @iris @iris BOTTED @iris AHAHAAHHAHAAHA THE FUCKING SLOWS get merc treads then nerd SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD BOTS monkaS @iris NO MODS WideHardo why moe feeding? Iris dies in season 3 tho? BULLIED KEKW @iris SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT MODS KEKW KEKW @iris Dalagda -> Please refrain from posting links. SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT SUBCHAT soo bad Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW @iris . @iris PepeLaugh @iris @iris Pepega @Iris diya tennim BOTS KEKW oghmagar -> Please refrain from posting links. glacial augment busted Excuses gud IM HUGE ks! @iris @Yassuo i have been watching you since u solo claped faker with ur loud ass keyboard with shity cam, can u please for once play 1 game without inting a 13 y/o ? plz? is that too much to ask for?. ks KEKW @iris @iris MrDestructoid @iris @iris Doshakar -> Please refrain from posting links. @iris Nilagrinn -> Please refrain from posting links. MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid @Yassuo BOTS Pog thank you Pog KEKW OMEGALUL ANYMORE KEKW his mechanics are fine but general sniper keeps choking under pressure KEKW MrDestructoid / submode? Pog Pog PAY 2 TALK MOD Pog KEKW nice BYE NON SUBBERS Pog @iris KEKW saved PogU Hecarim so dulisional pog Plebs KEKW lel emonster94 subscribed with Twitch Prime. im a sub now forsenE SUB MODE DansGame PAY 2 TALK MODE Pog lol submode LUL yasSpit pog @iris LUL GIFTED SUBS EZ Clap VIP, WYA Moe, can you lick my finger? PedoBear Clap POG Let’s gooo i forgot im a sub @iris astorias9 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Futsal shuffle bro do the dance @iris Kapp sup KEKW yas5 Pog KEKW IMA SUB TheLittleGrom subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! ayy thanks for two months Free plebs TriHard noice FREE SMOrc THE SMOrc PLEBS SMOrc Clap moe has the big gay submode Pog yasSnake ima sub @Yassuo What are your best tips for climbing ranked? FAKE SUB KEKW any gifters ? )( xd l @iris MrDestructoid WHY NOT JUST MAKE THE CHAT UNIQUE MESSAGE MODE KEKW KEKW u gonna play in the tcs? Kozak13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Free the plebs WeirdChamp we in the homies mode Pog tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O why feed though? sub mode KEKW cant stop us plebs Ooo is it sub mode lets gooo FREE SMOrc THE SMOrc PLEBS SMOrc Clap Any ratirlBusiness ? PLEBS MESSAGE ME OkayChamp TriHard Sub mode pepeD HELLO RICH PEOPLE !followage Wait why’s it in submode ANY GIFTERS IN THE CHAT? sub was sup PedoBear Clap Plebs send me a message PogU Plebs send me memes i love you yasN @djboss0729 bots KEKW FLASH PLEBS 👉 WideHardo Where can I see how longe ive been following this homoe hellloooooooo fuck u chat :) LOL duo with general sniper ? go next guys this irelia is too good :) its worth to lose 750 for that flash KEKW @Yassuo !followage @h2aqua1 KEKW ANYONE GIFT ME A SUB PLS I DONT HAVE ANYMORE CHANNEL POINTS :( if u cover ur map imagine being a sub while we got channel points KEKW hecarim died 6 times to irelia now KEKW @MaxnificentLoL yo :0 yo moe why subs only chat plebs have right to express themselves woww AHAHHAHA @Yassuo watch grossgore's response to ninja pls NA KEKW KEKW LULULLUULUL @ahmed2z44 Sup bro I nut everytime Moe calls someone a dog Kreygasm OH NO NO PepeLaugh wow OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh wdwd kinda sad imagin being a sub FREE THE HOMIES WideHardo NA PLAYS PepeLaugh NA PLAYS PepeLaugh NA PLAYS PepeLaugh NA PLAYS PepeLaugh HOw am I sending a message ok -750 KEKW dead lol ANY -750ers? -4.99 KEKW SUBS LOL Homies? WHERE WideHardo :) ANY SMILERS? :) ANY SMILERS? :) Oh wait hey moe what up man LOL KEKW LOL ??????? its sub mode OMEGALUL LMFAO KEKW kekw KEKW HEIMER? watch grossie v ninj Pog ??? HEIMER KEKW lol any -750? hello fellow subs how are you doing? u go duo with general sniper ? yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue any gifters xqcGift Oh wait HEIMER KEKW feelsbald man HEIMER KEKW moe10point0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! can you stop inting you monkey PLEBS PepeHands peepoHappy Xd WINNABLE KEKW I just failed my chemistry exam, I want to bath with a toaster PLEBS PepeHands WideHardo Whats poppin Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! P:OG is that mairn?? Watch new grossie vid on twitter @Yassuo after game im back baby\ @jhonfrancisgarat DO IT? KEKW imagine not being a sub KEKW MOE GOING 6/9 LUL ! Moe chill man @Yassuo HEY HABIBI yasH Plebs KKonaW k never release the plebs lol pizza at door u fat fucc thats why u wont see a single dollar from me KEKW wheres my badge bitch hes pissed yasN pleb with powers= illojuanEy1 illojuanCHEF illojuanArbol mean Imagine subbing to moe, i got 7k points btw yo moe i got banned off hashinshins chat for saying that the physical map of league of legends is not designed around mages yassnake @Yassuo Have you tried PandaExpress? @jhonfrancisgarat I'd wanna bath with a toaster if I ever had to do a chemistry exam KEKW @yassuo when you playing on the perkz son account again? i got 23.8k plebs spending 750 KEKW KEKW close to a free sub Felonious subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! @cetnickivojvoda2 what's left sucks yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird imagine not having a sub badge ABUSING SUB MODE WHEN OVER 10K KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : plebs 4Weird KEKW subs spending 5$ KEKW PepeLaugh @jhonfrancisgarat Yeah that true imagine not having twitch prime KEKW -720 KEKW Moe, JUST WIN 5Head Gifted sub Pog KEKW KEKW Imagine wasting 5 dollar on this guy KEKW anotheraccbczigotbanned PepeLaugh -72- WideHarder SUBS WeirdChamp SUBS WeirdChamp SUBS WeirdChamp 750 his E is one of the most disturbing spells in game, the stun should be reduced the longer the E has been up @cetnickivojvoda2 yeah, i got 13k also, in like a week or so, that's 2 free subs every month at least THIS THING IS GLITCHED GUYS imagine paying 5$ for a 0.5 cm badge on the left of ur name LULW @Yassuo yo moe i got banned off hashinshins chat for saying that the physical map of league of legends is not designed around mages like wtf T1 VS SOLIGO Pog @Yassuo Have you tried PandaExpress? yasThink what do you think about the enthropological state of the USA ,write an essay of 30 lines where you express your opinion , if you cant answer you are illiterate imagine wasting $5 on this fool KEKW HELLO SUBS LOL KEKW lol yasSnake SingsNote SingsNote This fiora is phat @pepegadetective_c134 medschool u wouldn't get it.. did you guys know that you can put a light bulb in your mouth but you cant take it off (dont try it, you will get really hurt) Pepega Hmmmmm SUBS WeirdChamp SUBS WeirdChamp SUBS WeirdChamp SUBS WeirdChamp damn u real cute today gotta leave again chat, moe imma spam ya ass again give me my 1v1 kappa Sub mode PogChamp SUBS Pog !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 15 minutes 18 seconds NON SUBS DansGame PogChamp SUBS WeirdChamp ANY SUB GIFTERS? hm plebs redeeming points to chat KEKW SUBS WeirdChamp NotLikeThis HMMMMM lol yasFBM why are non subs typing lol PLEBS FREE why do i have a sub gift me sub you rich people Feelsbadman\ plebs PepeLaugh free my boys in the chat yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit imagine paying money to type Pepega how can you focus on chat and the game at the same time , i once had a friend sit next to me and i couldn't focus Sub mode means nothing FIORA POG hm FIORA 1V9 PogU GIFT ME SUB AND ILL GIVE YOU SO MUCH LULW ARDENT KEKW we hacked through the system OMEGALUL yo moe i got banned off hashinshins chat for saying that the physical map of league of legends is not designed around mages thoughts? domination @Yassuo RAVENOUS LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW yoo 4Shrug ravenous @Yassuo irelia and veigar most toxic broken champs in the gamer @Yassuo YOU SAYIN IRELIA BROKEN, BUT FIORA MORE BROKEN, TRUTH LOL ATHENES lol RAVENOUS ATHENES fleet ravenous Ult plus W TRIUMPH Moe's mad why is ur chat sub only??? gachiHYPER it was domination MOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sup pusssis and fellasssssssssss Athenes and ravenous most likely KARMA gachiHYPER how can you focus on chat and the game at the same time , i once had a friend sit next to me and i couldn't focus triumph HEAL WITH DRAGON @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD U SUCK kk @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD 2ND TREE DOM @Yassuo :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddDDDD sssssssssssssnakessuo taste of blood? MY BOYS what happened tho @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD Pog reeeeeeeeeeeeeee FREE M OMEGALUL E TriHard / KEKW finally FREE Pog WideHardo SUB MODE KEKW smoking penises hahahaha freedom WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD freeee TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard qF FREE ? LMAO ez FREEEEEEE we free FREEEEEEE FREEEEEEEEEEEEE WE OUT HERE KEKW why submode? FREEEEEE WE OUT HERE SMOKING PENISES hey FREEEEEEEEEE WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he didnt even heal that much tbh FREE KEKW LOSING TO A WOW PLAYER kekw_gang FREE Pog Free Pog 2x truimp and lvl up @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD @QUOTE_IF_MOE_SO_BAD KEKW @Yassuo YOU SAYIN IRELIA BROKEN, BUT FIORA MORE BROKEN, TRUTH :) Karma doesn't give heals though WideHardo / build qss maybe or exec pls @Yassuo PIECE OF SHIOET Taste of blood and Ravenous LUL freedoooooom freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeE WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE WideHardo FREE plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan plebs free FeelsWeirdMan freeee 3-15 KEKW FREEEE @awildsorakaa bots karma smoking KEKW LOSING TO A WOW PLAYER KEKW imaqtpie SONG? @mike_hawk_5 D: MODE BAD why dont u guys have Executioners into that team comp PowerUpL EntropyWins PowerUpR WideHardo FREE 7 HEC is Gold @mike_hawk_5 you're an idiot yasS NOT BANNED ANYMORE GabeN SUBS SO BORING HE HAD TO TAKE OFF SUB MODE KEKW yooo we out boys!!!!!!!!!!!!! why deaths dance over bt? FREEDOM! Karma only shields and move spped plebs KEKW Is that moe on heca KEKW PepePls WE FREE WideHardo Fun POG respepct for what u just said Pog whats hashinsin tp? LUL WideHardo CASS R KEKW FIRST DAY OUT TriHard air blade KEKW NA AIRBLADE ok yassuo do be kinda fresh tho yasCarried we are free MercyWing1 PogChamp MercyWing2 @awildsorakaa WeirdChamp sub cass having fun too KEKW You can't outsnake the snake yasSnake a Qt really played wow the entire season and still ended challenger meanwhile you ended gm.....bro come on why does moe have negative stats every time i open his stream? ???? i have 7000 twitch points only 493000 to go yasSpit xd getting fucked by graves inted for krugs KEKW POG ur trolling Inting? someone gift me gta on steam W OMEGALUL W INT inori Pog ? M0E KEKW kekw Is deaths dance better than bloodthirster ? ???? @Yassuo That was just Karma healing LUL Cheer100 Æ̶̒̚ fun LUL moe having fun as well KEKW graves dicked u KEKW KEKW wtf is this game alright you kinda trolled with that one yasH inted that hard as you can :D at least you're having fun is there a way to change my chat colour gg HACH kekw 20 death powerspike EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle hach KEKW Guys yaasssuo just killed the snake yea Ya bayeee Irelia Graves KEKW ok mow with the normal yas inting game pepeD me doing the futsal shuffle pepeD yasW_SG wpw wow yasSnake_SG SIVIR AUTOS DO NO DAMAGE nope throw irelia is still broken lel XD gg caught one too many times kekw NA KEKW LOSING TO MOBI IRELIA KEKW 3-16 HECA KEKW nice skin man @Yassuo haha fat ggs any funners? jg 3/16 KEKW nope KEKW poggers gg KEKW moe lost that game LUL 4Fun region Kapp forsenCD nope 3/16 KEKW witsend KEKW YAAAAIIGHTT HEca KEKW jg gap real small this oen repor5 this heca WTF KEKW nope I used to hate going back to class in the same clothes search "little reislin" on phub, you wont regret it. no nut november is no more HECARIM LOL KEKW for fun KEKW here we go Heca MVP MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo MOES MAD WideHardo LUL yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG yasSnake_SG BLITZ BAD TOO LOSING TO MOBI IRELIA 3/16 :o 12 deaths LULW heca didnt do shit toxic 34vs53 GM GAME KEKW HECARIM KEKW NO, WIN GOOD, LOSE BAD, U BAD LOL @Yassuo mid difference Hecraim carried LOST TO QT KEKW @Yassuo report hec for int XD XD XD fgellas @Yassuo Have you tried PandaExpress? yasThink only 4 deaths behind LULW Hec is on suicide watch cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 3/16 holy shit KEKW fgellas PLAYING FOR FUN KEKW @YASSUO FEED IRELIA IN LANE AND LOSE TWITCH RIVAL ALL OVER AGAIN LOOOL 12 deaths aint any better u did just as bad as hecarim 7/12 PepeLaugh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 3 16 yasuo you are one of my favourite streamers Nice throw VaterTomate subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yo moe greetings from germany, Keep up the good content and youre traaaaaaash love ya plebs WeirdChamp DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! NICE ULT BRO ult??? ez lost to 13 y.o Ouclassed. PERM CC suck EZ 7/13 KEKW KEKW 13 Year old btw PepeLaugh @yassuo you missed me sub ^_^ gg GROSSIE RANT VIDEO @Yassuo dogshit @Yassuo Heca MVP Pog @Yassuo how can you look so good and so bad in the same game? 7/13 KEKW 7/13 KEKW PRESS 1 IF U FAPPED TODAY nice voice crack little bitch give me subb always losing games R ready but he's rooted??? report hec Allah w hasan nasralla @QUOTE_IF_DOM_lS_ON_CRACK Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Sup guys Moe here 1 KEKW 1 1 1 Get smurfed on by 13 yo no school 1 1 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 1 1 LOGS ON GREY SCREEN AND LOSING lol 1 @Yassuo cover map lost to qt again KEKW CHAT KEKW j blitzcrank actually a bitch lmfao KEKW 1 12 hecarim cs yikes nice 1 1 1 0 lost to a 13 year old LULW 1 KEKW truee 1 1 1 1 LUL WTF 1 1 HELLO 1 Kappa 1 1 1 1 111111111111111111111111111 lost to a 13 year old LULW LULW KEKW KEKW ooop wow nice try you lil bitch KEKW @StivenSenegal kekw 2 lost to a 13 year old LULW kekw how was your day si far? KEKW 1 3 deaths less and u r talking 1 lmao KEKW rp how did you get what song was playing to show in bottom left? 1 lost to a 13 year old LULW LULW 69 how was your day 1 0 MALDING KEKW @Yassuo dogshit silver player 3 1 KEKW qt is 2 good 1 Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty 11111 lost to a 13 year old LULW yasClown yasClown yasClown qtpie smash u like always widepeepoSad CRING why is your chat so toxic bro PepeHands KEKW WTF IS THIS CHAT KEKW PepeHands 1 @yassuo you missed my sub ^_^ u kinda inted a bit inlane tho @Yassuo frikkaW yasFBM 13 deaths KEKW fuming @Yassuo how can you play with 70 ping without going crazy? again bots hello Chat being BibleThump BibleThump BOT @Yassuo cover map dummy guys stop otherwise hes gonna go off ,am lost to a 13 year old LULW LULW dont cry my MaN Robot chat is brain damaged Smile to the world :) 11111111111 1 BACK IN LA Nehna l shi3a wlak @Yassuo you should be grateful to have such a nice beard with that ugly ass face LULW lost to a 13 year old LULW yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo isnt the healing of ocean what was op QT just vibe checked you bro 11 @Yassuo u good player :) Gross gore ninja drama out again @yassuo haHAA @Yassuo how do you look so good and so bad in the same game? 1 FUCK MY BITCH BIG NOSE fake laugh FeelsBadMan : NO, WIN GOOD, LOSE BAD, U BAD LOL @Yassuo :) What chat are you reading? BibleThump time to watch tyler better than this shitty mid laner Lost to 13 year old KEKW @Yassuo whats wrong with ur eyebrows? lost to a boomer and a 13 yo KEKW mald wait hes actually mad You guys are breaking this man holy lost hard to a 13 year old washed up boomer you got him YouGotMe @Yassuo report hec محمد Chat is so toxic Play Veigar 1v1 veigar mid play boshy BibleThump BibleThump redeemed sub no sub RYZE Stop malding :( @Yassuo ty for banning me yesteryday bro cancer chat weird champ RYZERYZE Whats your favorite yas skin now? LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MID play bashi pls Chat so cancer tho RYZERYZERYZERYZERYZERYZERYZE ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime duo general sniper toxic chat PLAY RENEK Does it get lonely being single for as long as you ? @yassuo 3-16 chat a bunch of apes :) kat LUL lol missed my sub . . . sad Play trist mid Yas when you gonna make charity stream tik tok DatSheffy DatSheffy DatSheffy MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: is you got me your new thing? D: @Yassuo I think you wanted to give QTie a win smile XD NO, WIN GOOD, LOSE BAD, U BAD LOL @Yassuo :) ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime RYZE RYZE RYZE RYZE RYZE +14 - 16 LUL VEIGAR MOESSIOPEIA Yea KIDROCK2095 -> Please refrain from posting links. true KEKW could yo utry irlia @yassuo? YES @yassuo dont even read the hater comments u shrine brighter than the sun x 1000 @Yassuo play ori and the blind forest mizkifE mizkifE HIIIIIIIIIII mizkifE mizkifE TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :) Pog Pog POG pog when you gonna make charity streammmmmmmmm what is this why they keep flaming u how is pinoy gonna make videos if you keep losing BOSHIU Pog @Yassuo SUCH A CANCER CHAT subscriber mode only ResidentSleeper Pog D: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss BOSHY Pog yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald NICE! NO no dude+ç Pog oh yikes How was your day so far @yassuo ? Pog he got m,e pog @yassuo you missed my sub xp Kapp im not cancer, i enjoy how you play league HACH KEKW PUMMEL PARTY @Yassuo Baboon ? PLAY SOM ow @yassuo why are u even reading these idiots’ messages? pog YES Pog tru POGGERS PogU Pog boshi for 2 years PepeHands ItsBoshyTime missed my 20 month sub yesterday btw :( Pog! RYZE facts all your content is you repeating chat flame and saying 'you got me' Pog Boshy POG POG @Yassuo you the man, dont let em get to ya play with me Kreygasm Play with my feelings BOSHY THE 🐐 game fr @Yassuo I love you man, no homo press 2 if u watched porn we are cancer KEKW @Yassuo keep sub mode then please holy shittt ur so fuming lmao @Yassuo did you beat celect? Nah just a shit human being that picks the wrong jungler and loses the tournament @yassuo waht about Qiana B ResidentSleeper SHY when you gonna make charity streammmmmmmm rage quit weak skills Stay league!!!! YOU GOT ME PogU ItsBoshyTime LETS GO ItsBoshyTime time to go to t1 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime f Pog Pog its time boshy APHELIOSSSSSSSSSSS uninstall last time I watched you play boshi it made you cry though BibleThump moe what do you think of fleet footwork and stormrazor IE ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo Can you get VIP if you are not a sub ? 22222222222222222222 o yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown 2 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime play bashi OH HE GOT ME 2 b Pog my habibi i guess u need to change your build on yasuo cause bt after statikk/pd is much better than rush ie @Yassuo 2 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime u r shit Stay league plz just tuned in Pog rage quit?????????? It’s boshy time YA GOT ME @Yassuo best pokemon? Leave the stream time Check Gross Gore twitter @Yassuo ResidentSleeper LLLL ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !boshy yasANELE I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime 2 2 Is there a lot more after megaman? @Yassuo SOLGRYN ( BOSHY CREATOR) MADE NEW GAME ITS ON STEAM CHECK IT OUT ! PagChomp Habib do a challenge with TF @Yassuo GOT ME @Yassuo whats the headset ur using yasClown yasClown yasClown ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo lets 1v1 @Yassuo new grossgore vid ItsBoshiTime Kapp is twitch chat always this belittling? People are so hateful in this generation. yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald Hey i love you man Gift hecarim he carry ItsBoshyTime wait you still haven't beaten it Kapp yasAYAYA_TK Boshy is back ItsBoshyTime yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasW yasW yasW yasW @Yassuo missed my 20 month sub yesterday btw :( ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Pog CELESTE ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTimeItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime OH U GOIT ME uninstall game delete nickname OMEGALUL fake cry 2 4/7 cCheck Gross Gore twitter @Yassuo Play Moessiopeia Please yasAYAYA_TK yasAYAYA_TK LEAGUE MORE LIKE PEE LULW BoozeBallz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Big yeet yas1 PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime what happend i dipped for 5 min lol ItsBoshyTime dont want to play league cus outclassed yo wusup ItsBoshyTime nice head xD ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime when you gonna make charity streammmmmmmmmwhen you gonna make charity streammmmmmmmm a sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky YOU DIED WHAT YUA U GOT ME CHAT YOU REALISE YOURE SO TOXIC TO HIM RIGHT pepeD KEKW PepegaDetective_C134 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Imagine a person who unironically would type out this bs pepoLeave are u that much tilted???????????? died already @yassuo i love you tho @yassuo sub mode is the way man, chat autistic FIRE PepePls WOP WOP YOU DIED pepeD wow you died pepeLaugh hair nice??? lmao hair dent SourPls pepeD pepeD WHAT NO U GOT M,E lololololololol aint wrong @Yassuo you died pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeD pepeD wow u die pepeD @redzergaschild no it was real, he played the same boss for 10 hours straight pepeJAM Whats your hobbies ? I would like to talk to you so much. wow BoolinJAM pepeD pepeD LOOK AT HIS HEAD LULW MOE SAD Look at hait Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! pepeJAM pepeJAM CRYING OVER CHAT LUL pepeD you died pepeD PepeLaugh you died Moe u died LULW KEKW pepeJAMJAM MOE U DIED, MOE MOE, YOU DIED pepeJAM finaly other game fklol no texts lol pepeD ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime WOP WOP YOU DIED lol hello more boshy PogU LUL ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PJSalt thickness Pinoy zoom in on his head shape plz pepeD pepeDS pepeJAM pepeD pepeD is he crying? MOE YOU DIED MOE MOE yasJAM MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL HE WENT TO CRY LIL BIT @samon5547 dumb fak pepeD PepePls GROSS GORE NEW TWEET pepeJAM JAM pepeJAM JAM pepeJAM JAM pepeJAM JAM pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeMeltdown pepeD @Yassuo PLay Jump King Please I wanna see u and laugh LMAO YOUR HEAD KEKW NICE HAir pepeD yasAYAYA_TK yasAYAYA_TK R CVR6Y pepeD pepeD peepoClap pepeMeltdown CRYYY KappaPride pepeD yasAYAYA_TKyasAYAYA_TKyasAYAYA_TKyasAYAYA_TKyasAYAYA_TK ItsBoshyTime boi ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy NinjaGrumpy kuweer -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. pepeD pepeD checking if his tinder match messaged him back TriDance is moe crying???? CRYY BABY CRYUY BYE dam you you thicc r MOE U DIED MOE MOE U DIED no life so he is crying now? yasWeird yas5 yasWeird yas5 yasWeird yas5 yasWeird yas5 yasWeird yas5 LMAO YOUR HEAD KEKW A g4greveMongolin g4greveMongolin g4greveMongolin g4greveMongolin pepeD pepeD T1 HEAD KEKW ;p R pepeD VIEWERS PepeLaugh 👉 📉 Pepedance HEADSET HAIR WutFace Clap yasAYAYA_TK yasAYAYA_TK yasAYAYA_TK yasAYAYA_TK TriDance THIS SHIT GO HARD TOE look at hsi hari xD pepeJAM ahaha his head WEIRD HEAD CarlSmile CarlSmile CarlSmile CarlSmile crying?????? Kapp KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD pepeJam BENT HEAD @Yassuo Can you get VIP if not a sub ? pepeD U BGOT ME UR HEAD LOOKS LIKE T1 HEAD HAIR LOL Kappa hahaha pepeD pepeD @Yassuo fake cry pls leauge of legends? yo this song kinda slaps Kapp xD i feel him I thought he said he goes to the gym Kapp @Yassuo Moe are you muslim? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Wow you cried wow wow hou cried cry? You dont get girls dude FULL SCREEN ?? FULL SCREEN ?? FULL SCREEN ?? FULL SCREEN ?? FULL SCREEN ?? FULL SCREEN ?? GROSS GORE NEWTWEET BALA BALOPPA YA U GOT ME KappaHD Kapp B) B) @Yassuo hello dude i'm from brazil and i love your lives send a save please missed my 20 month sub yesterday btw :( Sorry squadR YA U GOT MWE Kapp yassuo why the hell do you have a facebookuser wait you are still on this shit LOL @yassuo hahaha after paying for a new graphics card to fix this pc i wonder how i will pay for my textbooks next semester. Any textbook gifters in chat all from your mom tho @Yassuo LOOK TWITTER GROSSIE yasH yasH true LULW muted TOE LOUDER MUSIC @Yassuo play the adventures of pepeL 2500 DEATHS , LMAO U BAD :) @yassuo you like Diana mid? @Yassuo Play Jump King @samon5547 u idiot nolife kid jeez go sleep FAKER MODE ON pepeD @Yassuo moe just go man, like 2-3 times / week, gonna make u happier is he in queue? yasJensen ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @yassuo hey moe when are you doing pummel again? this music pog WHY MY BOSHY GAME DOESNT AUTOSAVE?" @Yassuo what difficulty do you play ?? HM IS THIS THE EASY LEVEL? you cant play yasuo you think you can play this game? @Yassuo Moe i love you yasSnake Fighting magamna KEKW NYAN CAT OR BED Play leagueeee dude Bado baba bado baabba trying to be faker KEKW LOUDER MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!! i need to beat my meat bye @yassuo did you ever play Pokémon its weird watching people speedrun this game, and then watching moe MOE gonna cry KEKW nicuh is that a real death counter top left? @Ahryess no lmao, he said no more league Play cod Pog not gonna play league anymore? how far away are you from beating this game? ItsBoshyTime rip KEKW WHAT IS THIS LEVEL KEKW LOL YOU DIED ItsBoshyTime DUD CAN SOMEONE HELP ME. WHEN I PLAY BOSHY THE GAME DOESNT AUTOSAVE GUYS @ ME IF MOE CRIES AGAIN IMA BRB No more league pepeD lol rip @yassuo what about playing bloodborne 2500 INC PepeLaugh weak mental DUD KEKW ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU yasSpit damn you suck KEKW FAKER POGGERS Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing 2500 INCOMING Pog u already finish playing celeste ? @Yassuo oh its the forsen game nb3Stare Kappa he in queue or he really playin this shit?... what the hell am i watching yasSSS ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo PLAY BLACK OPS 2 KEKW LUL Suse test @Yassuo how far have you made it in this boss level ? better Kappa wow so its like your soloq games DrMerk no he is tilted and not gonna play league oh no ight im out FULLSCREEN PLEASE? wtf is this pepeD 2500 !!! POGGERS 2500 pog D OMEGALUL G S H I T @yassuo hey moe when are you doing pummel again? LULW LULW DUD RIOT DOOOOOOOD KEKW yo chat what's the link for this game, dm me! Pointclicked LULW DUDDDDDDD 2500 PogU LOUDER MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!! Pog 2500 Pog 2500 pogger DOOD DOOOD DUD MercyWing1 MercyWing2 <3 ty faker wannabe WeirdChamp u already finish playing celeste ? IF YU PLEYING AP DEER ON MIDDEL I DROP 100BUCKOOOROOOZZZ @yassuo U PUSSI WIILL DONT PLAYING THIS NOOB MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid @iris ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime SMASH KEYBOARD PLEASE MOE LMFAO PogU 2500 POGGERS POG PLAY CELESTE pepeD STARTING SOON GUYS @Yassuo what difficulty is this??? 2500 we did it guys 2500 Pog 25 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL PowerUpL PowerUpR yasMald yasMald yasMald Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : SCUFFED XD u play this lvl half year @Yassuo did you beat the game ones? 100T AD PogU 2500 KEKW 25 D: D: The Rage Ignite Soon @Yassuo every 10 deaths 1 sub credit card LEAKED lol NOO FACEE PLEASE :) skip the face cam, nobody wanna see that shit @Yassuo LOUDER MUSIC Professional streamer LUL LOUDER MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!! First time OBS @Yassuo DONT FORGET THE 100T AD Pog u finished celeste ? @Yassuo this is much better 2 5 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL PERFECT yasS 5Head nvm metal gear solid Pog CREDIT CARD LEAKED DOOOD LOUDER MUSIC inb4 crying inb4 crying inb4 crying T1 LIVE Pog STAYING HERE BECAUSE T1 SUCKS ASS Pog Ayy PipeHype yasSpit 250 @Yassuo did you beat the game ones? he did @yassuo hey moe when are you doing pummel again?. 2500 trick already played jump king LEAKED KEKW KEKW boshy Pog did daddy qt slap you around 2 much? DOOOD DOOOOD Pog celeste mad fun tho TIME TO ROLL UP SOME PACK 🚬 @Yassuo what dificulty u play on KEKW SPONSORS @Yassuo KEKW 2500 yasMald yasMald yasMald @Yassuo which game do u think is better overall? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Yes finally no more boring league Pog what game LUL metal gear solid music Pog 25 OMEGALULU OMEGALUL KEKW misses the hard levels and says the game is easy 200 iq KEKW and music1! ??????????? no cam was better LOUDER MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!! @ Yassuo where do you download boshi so what we doing SP OMEGALUL NSERS @Yassuo no more league?? ?????? im outta here what the hell is that piece of crap oh no this fjking game trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime remover cam @Yassuo where do you download it we see nothing @Yassuo are you only doing boshy yasSpit smaler cam pls @Yassuo this worse than watching tetris B side is like much harder !boshy samer cam gachiHYPER yasChair u are too big !time deaths this is so boring Current time in Los Angeles: 01:36:29 PM !time smaller cam yas1 yas2 yas3 pepeD Ever tried Hyperlight Drifter @Yassuo he says yasooooooo let me rephrase, this worse than watching chess yas5 ItsBoshyTime AYAYA u havent get all strawberry in celeste :( @Yassuo PogChamp !! ATTENTION !! PogChamp !! HALO ON STEAM TOMMORROW !! PogChamp PogChamp !! ATTENTION !! PogChamp !! HALO ON STEAM TOMMORROW !! PogChamp !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 25 minutes 34 seconds @samon5547 Then leave lol yasNunu yasR yasPepega @Yassuo are you only doing boshy @Yassuo We cant see half the game cuz of your cam ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo have you tried playing cuphead? its fun too. what is that game? w8 is ur rolex fake @Yassuo your big head is in the way, make cam smaller pls KEKW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW KEKW KEKW HHAAH KEKW @Yassuo just dont be bad bro SourPls @yassuo either my timemachine works or u really suck at this game. every time I am opening ur stream u r at the exact same point @yassuo u ply cuphead? D OMEGALUL G S H I T KEKW ez u havent get all strawberry in celeste :( LUL dont look at chat u cant multitask like me KEKW LUL my hands smell like balls but thats because i scratched my balls and its just smells good , ya know PepePls KEKW KEKW @Yassuo SOLGRYN ( BOSHY CREATOR) MADE NEW GAME ITS CALLED "ROAH" ANDITS ON STEAM CHECK IT OUT ! PagChomp yasMald yasH MOE U DIED, MO MOE, U DIED NO ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime I JUST COME HERE TO KEKW its fine @Yassuo you are mt ruim Change game on twitch snaaaaaake haha missed my resub yasJoy how far away are you from beating the game? pepeD remove cam cam smaller? KEKW dont make it full screen camera a bit smaller? this is good h2aqua1 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Faker did it @Yassuo did you beat the game ones? TOP LEFT CAM TOP LEFT CAM TOP LEFT CAM TOP LEFT CAM VV just keep it fullscreen YO MOE have you ever thought about playing Dark Souls? pepeD @Yassuo HIDE CAM DansGame REMOVE CAM LULW SMALLER CAM make cam smaller hide cam PepePls pepeD cam smaller ItsBoshyTime take off cam @Yassuo keep it its fine remove 100t top right camera @Yassuo i beat boshy in the first 6hours of playing lulw a bit Make your cam smaller yeah Bob u died? pepeD BoolinJAM that was good that you did there just do smaller cam @Yassuo nah dont worry about it turn off camera 5Head cam smaller Don't make it fullscreen pepeJAM HIDE CAM LEKW yeah YasSpit KEKW WITH ME BOYS pepeD AWAY WITH FACECAM pepeJAM It was fine before, dont listen to plebs TOP SMALLER CAM move it to the right pepeJAM yasSpit TOP RIGHT @yassuo What difficulty is this on? take off cam or take off boshy Face cam smaller camera up right MORE before was just perfect in my opinion smaller more yes tahts good yea SMALLER 😠 hide big nose no cam KEKW Wow you died @Yassuo SOLGRYN ( BOSHY CREATOR) MADE NEW GAME ITS CALLED "ROAH" ANDITS ON STEAM CHECK IT OUT ! PagChomp . KINDA pepeD top right HIDE CAM turn off cam PUT CAM TOP LEFT KEKW PUT CAM TOP LEFT KEKW PUT CAM TOP LEFT KEKW PUT CAM TOP LEFT KEKW yasSpit yasSpit TOOF KEKW to the righy remove cam smaller TOP REMOVE FACECAM top right top right top right top right top right take off both pepeD PepePls pepeD Take off shirt?? TOOF YasSpit Yeah REMOVE SHIRT chimpMoe chimpMoe DPS PogU !uptime TAKE OF CEM KEKW Good The stream has been live for 2 hours 26 minutes 42 seconds stuck on the easiest boss? yes TOOF yasSpit JUST END STREM KEKW hi gay chat <3 @Yassuo tricks been practicing jump king. u need to get on that WeirdKEKW do like tf blade no cam no mic no nothing ItsBoshyTime CoolStoryBob ItsBoshyTime UR GAMEPLAY IS TOOD yasSpit JUST END IT ALL KEKW pepeD pepeJAM pepeD Yes KappaPride !game I Wanna Be The Boshy Top left corner Are u in q? Guy on the left just be vibin we dont wanna see your ugly face we wanna see boshy LULW smaller cam @Yassuo did you beat the game ones? Maybe cam top right corner? EZ chat quiet you havent get every strawberry in celeste yet LUL @Yassuo move cam to top right @Yassuo KEKW KEKW I HAVE NO CH SOMEONE GIFT ME SUB KEKW pepeJAM KEKW PUT CAM TOP LEFT OR RIGHT KEKW KEKW camera up right jump king PogU @Yassuo no alerts ? Hello guys we need an adc for a flex plat/ gold He did KEKW trick lost the bet N OMEGALUL He finished it in 3 days he did he did he was too busy making babies beat sekiro change game tittle he did lol bad at leagu e and boshy yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper FAKE' He had to restart NOT OMEGALUL Sekiro would be fun MOESSIOPEIA Pepega Clap 2.502 deaths xD doctorBEST Put cam top left corner so we can't see ur deaths Smart :) pepeMeltdown ye the bet was so fun tbh sup yas what makes a good streamer ? 10 broken keyboards KEKW monkaD When will mlg happen again monkaS forsenRedSonic still didnt beat this boss play sekiro bro, its a good game rubiusL log onto to twitch... many are on but who cares.... MOE RUNS SHITT ISSOU Kappa @Yassuo beat cuphead :D monkaS Is moe actually muscly guy? @menotgoodinenglish why r u asking moe, he just lost 5k viewers to t1 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 6.3k lets go Kappa KEKW LULW KEKW EZ KEKW KEKW pepeJAM pepeD pepePLS pepeJAM pepeD pepePLS pepeJAM pepeD pepePLS pepeJAM pepeD pepePLS KEKW KEKW KEKW yes KEKW LULW KEKW image playing league for a living and not showering @Yassuo did you beat the game ones? KEKW KEKW gachiHYPER its boshy time k cam to righ rubiusL rubiusL rubiusL rubiusL i would KappaPride make camera up right hard game tbh dam @Yassuo You got this Brother! close @Yassuo MOVE CAM TOP LEFT IF YOU CAN @soilab3rg44 KEKW ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo beat sekiro u gonna play lol today you now faker plays it !watchtime Beat poki LEKW sekiro pog SHIT HEADSET KEKW i’m curious KEKW Faker wannabe @soilab3rg44 woow @Yassuo Hollow Knight is also top tier Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday wtf kick cam in two hours or left now do you remember me? 2500 deaths EZ @Yassuo did faker finish this game? @Yassuo What is the story of boshy Yo moe has muscles? PLAY SUPER TUX KEKW SIMP KappaPride Kapp did you beat sekiro ? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo beat sekiro :D KappaPride bruh what bruh ay did faker finish it?? does anybody know?? @Yassuo faker? PogU xD KappaPride DansGame lol KappaPride KEKW wait LUL @Yassuo what site did u get this game from? KappaPride u are NO Kappa Kappa YES KEKW YEAS kappa lets hope so buddy KappaPride Nice MOE RUNS SHTTTT yes yes YES yes OMEGALUL LMAO YES yes when you meet him say AYY SOLO KILLED FAKER YUP yes KEKW yes bruh hel lyea Has faker beat this game? yes YES SIT yes y not at all yes ys yes yes yes yes @Yassuo where will u meet? BriskNipss subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! yes kapp Yes KEKW yeaaaaap in que or just playing boshy? Yes u are No you re hardstuxk forever yes KEKW LANGUAGE BARRIER yes you should try to do butt stuff with him YES !boshy KappaPride yes yep I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime where are u meeting faker?????????????? yes Still gunna hit KEKW yes Follow me on Twitter for updates you'd havr to learn korea yes forsenKek hm yes yep @Yassuo what's the plan for the rest of the stream Kappa Kappa nooooooo nah youre just a dog @Yassuo u think hes gonna talk to u ? LULW FAKER WILL BE LUCK TO TALK TO YOU... MOE RUNSS SHITT @Yassuo where are you going to meet him ? faker and lebron fanboy KEKW are u gona talk to him !boshy !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime !BOSHY !boshy !boshy !BOSHI Fan boy SOLGRYN PepeLaugh !boshy @Yassuo what do you think is harder this part or sonic? !boshy NOOOOOOO BETTER AT SEF MAYBE KEKW KappaPride Yeah FAKER IS GOD IT SELF !boshy get a selfie with faker @Yassuo yes KEKW @yassuo where will u meet faker? YEAH ok calm down there Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats TRUE] !BOSHI KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride D: he doesn't eve know about your existance KEKW :) !boshy D: SEX doctorLOGO2* D: ;EAGUE DOG SHIT VHAT true Trrrruuuueee D: !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 29 minutes 54 seconds trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime play loool sensitive cindy KEKW i never type in your chat, just today, widepeepoSad D: WTF D: !boshy sorry :) why You and faker becoming friends is as big as of a chance as you and me becoming friends @Yassuo youre not delusional youre just a dog Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW D: understandable Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? ? because you re trash lol LOL S KEKW GOOD EZ !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime truuuuuuuuuuu shame on you chat start banning PepeHands PepeHands Just switch the game :D I'm pretty sure we'd all love to see u play some new shit :D just dont read chat WeirdChamp D: D: :( wait this game is free i fucking hate you too :) variety stream time Oof U MADE THIS\ What happened D:: D: This game should be called Moe needs to play Boshy @Yassuo where are you going to meet him ? @Yassuo :O what did i do dad :( PepeHands :( SUB MODE PLS LOST TO CHAT OMEGALUL come on man :( baka chat PogU VARIETY ARC CHAT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IDIOTS way to go you degenerate dogs time to move to facebook true :( WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT SadChamp D: Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? YASSUO WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO COMPLIMENT YOU? why same as dom Understandable lmao BabyRage you have the worst chat of any league streamer HE HATES US D: Dont play it LUL we don't want boshy i love you man you mad cute stream legends of runeterra exclusively on facebook @Yassuo damn got them yougins in here you enjoy this PepeLaugh BabyRage just turn sub mode on @Yassuo @Yassuo we are sorry to make you feel that way D: D: Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? ? we dont care if u enjoy it just play :( timeformaqic subscribed with Twitch Prime. shedtuesday subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! a guy that got rejected from mcdonalds more successful than ill ever be damn thats crazy true everyone is so shit when you play lol we jsut playing man Ibn al kalb CHAT DO THE REJECT OF YOUR ZACTION how are you meeting faker? BEST COMUNTY = BOSHY COMUNITY chat difference forsenKek chat difference forsenKek Does moe actually have mucles? CHAT IS THE REAL SNAKE KEKW would you ever play co stop crying chat the hardest fall off of 2019 play lol plz youre not delusional youre just a dog @Yassuo Just keep sub mode bro cod the new qt Agreed tbh @Yassuo boys he wants compliments KEKW BabyRage 7 Sub chat? FK U CHAT :) 🖕 FK U CHAT :) 🖕 FK U CHAT :) 🖕 FK U CHAT :) 🖕 FK U CHAT :) 🖕 FK U CHAT :) 🖕 Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? aw @Yassuo Have you tried PandaExpress? yasThink moe do you remember me? dont be a pussy !game Your personality is shitty sub chat play lol right now 😠 NO :( HOW YOU WANT CHAT TO BE GOOD FOR U WHEN U DISRESPECT US Still enjoyable watching you keep doing what you feel like doing maybe try subbing if it's that bad I Wanna Be The Boshy positive vibes :) WHY MY BOSHY GAME DOESNT AUTOSTART MOE DO YOU KNOW? but we love you bruh go 1v1 with faker . I am from morocco by the way you have gross gore syndrome sup fat yasssssup doctorTHINK FOR BEAING NOOBS OBESE fat LOL ur not fat :) Yes, but you re as toxic as youre chat sry for the toxic chat Yo @Yassuo !! If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina <3 i love you @yassuo you have inspired me to be funny @Yassuo wont you play outlast again it was fun Keepo you're big boned tubby isnt that what u should do every time u stream ? just do whatever u want to stream ???? YOU'RE FAT KEKW i get u @yassuo ❤️ U HAMMOUDI MOE OBESE MOE FAT KEKW KEKW fat fuck youre not delusional youre just dogshit @Yassuo chat difference OMEGALUL Boomer LUL @Yassuo you ugly and fat HA xoxo jk brother FAT :) @Yassuo Where can I download this game? fat KEKW Sub only ur morbidly obese U FAT KEKWQ2341 MOE OBESE ur not fat Kappa BibleThump i see a bunch of league streamers turning follower mode on now a days !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Easy U ACT SHIIITG WE ACTVSHIIT 2 guys spam compliments @Yassuo OBESE KEKW Big chungus looking ahh @Yassuo Im sorry skinny PepeHands Does moe have muchles? ur full of carbs Sub mode @Yassuo how about to limit to sub only chat? @Yassuo Hollow Knight is also top tier MOBESE Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? omg guys stop @Yassuo beat sekiro :D KEKWERQ1111 ur not fat moe Kappa I font get it, hes not fat forsenMald @Yassuo have you tried using the bigger bullets on boshy what the speedrunners use? how do you know how much hp is left on minibosses? @Yassuo MOE RUNS SHITTT nb3Thinking @Yassuo roast them back and they will learn to not be rude @yassuo check out Just Shapes and Beats Sub mode? mod i ll ban those bastards why do you hate chad consume moe whats this game <3 you moe do sub only it\s like make it funny at least something like i didnt know i was at sea world because you look like shamoo theres nothing funny about your obesity :/ damn this chat is toxic af HA TOOOOOOOF insecure streamer this chat is literally retarded lmao @Yassuo COMEDIAN CHAT PogU DO UNRANKED TO CHALLENGER ACCOUNT why u fat moe obese KEKW KEKW @Yassuo you look cute today GUYS MOE IS NICE PERSON we need DOOD emote lol PepePls DONT DO IT flawthrottle subscribed with Twitch Prime. KAPOW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Iron chat Kekw THIS THEME IS A BANGER PepePls bro youre honestly the best league player in the world. you have the greatest personality. you are so skinny. you are so arabic its amazing. its literally awesome. youre awesome. now play league :) @Yassuo NEED ONLY FOLLOW MODE how was your day so far? :( :( season 10 fat soul aquired Pog sanch challenger KEKW @Yassuo whats harder this part or sonic? Bro just do ur thing FK chat :) yasJensen what's this game? @Yassuo thoughts on riot adding clash Wait your title is pretty ironic since you can't win at this game OR league @Yassuo They trash talk someone who is clearly better BibleThump BibleThump me WHATS YOUR TCS TEAm @Yassuo have you tried using the bigger bullets on boshy what the speedrunners usee? who ur team MOE RUNS SHIT wow, so many compliments im jealous KEKW in tcs !uptime The subs flame him more i think boshi PagChomp @Yassuo your subs love you , dont listen to the haters @yassuo where will u meet faker?? The stream has been live for 2 hours 31 minutes 57 seconds moe do you remember me? stop crying fuckin rat @Yassuo You can skip the running to boss part if you place your save point in the portal room' am I watchig kungfu pnada playing boshy dam PogChamp @Yassuo how did the fat meme start, cause you are not fat tier. @yasssuo whats your tcs team Im not gay, but im tryna kiss you CHAT I BETTER SEE SOME FUCKING DANCING pepeD @Yassuo You can download the game from the official wikipedia article. The ZIP file i think u should stop talking I mean tbf all flame he gets is basically ''HaHHa ur so bad u complain about everything but you suck and ur fat HaHHaaahha'' so i mean i'd get tired of it too it's not really fun flame xd moe ur chonky !uptime triggered by chat KEKW @yassuo I just lvl30 how do I get good and escape iron 5 Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? moe gonna be socially awkward with faker KEKW focus THIS CHAT IS SO CANCER TO HIM WTFF how was your day moe !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime what game is this? Kappu KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Moe Just rob another 10k off of tyler it will make u feel better. @Yassuo how do you download boshy? just ban idiots pepeD @Yassuo did faker beat megaman? when did you get so chunky :D you should do another bet with tyler where he 1 tricks yasuo and you 1 trick draven and whoever ends highest wins @Yassuo Why do you give a shit about what people think @yassuo you're more successful than them u pussy how am I supposed to collect 500k points to get that stupid vip icon BibleThump will probably take a year lul Have you tried PandaExpress? NaM Love you Moe, sorry about the oonga boonga's in chat TURN THE MUSIC UP why dont u have following only im just kidding bro KappaPride !timeup @lennschlexd ty @Yassuo Is the Trick drama a big part of this? I'm a T1 fan but I'm sure the snake jokes got old pretty quick pepeD !time Current time in Los Angeles: 01:43:35 PM @Yassuo just dont read out loud the negative shit. these ppl werent loved so they need attention @Yassuo perma ban toxic people in chat :) can we get some music !offline socailly awkward fan boy with faker insecure Have u ever played Mega Man X? !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 32 minutes 32 seconds Fuck chat SwiftRage @emilosaurus Go to the wiki you can find a download link there. chat trying to make edgy humor and fucks everyone's experience damn DONT BE SURPRISED IF HE STOPS READING CHAT YOU GUYS ANNOYING AF @Yassuo where can I download this game? just dont stream :) Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? ? i love u my mans new to chat fuck them bruh u da sexiest fat mans i seen lemme smash on god (funny streamer btw been watching you on youtube) pepeJAM doctorPUNK why people gotta be so toxic dude, spread love, not hate tru @Yassuo how did your chat got that toxic man? play koshyy bro, chat mostly 4 year olds ur chat is just jealous :( You got this moe PogChamp !! Sorry Moe 4WeirdW @Yassuo i feel like when you are big streamer your chats just becomes aids @Yassuo maybe u will feel better if u pick trick next time POG Yee the chat is pretty cancerous the past few weeks moe s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? having a toxic chat is more fun than a dry dead chat degenerates have nothing better to do than flame someone better than them lmao Kapp Lets go. :D but why blame league Chat we gonna be here for a while KEKW smart rich handsome true :) monkaS THING IS HE CANT MAKE GOOD CONTENT as i talking to ppl who say same crap every day monkaEyes @Yassuo nb3Thinking if you roast them back they wont say stuff like that dw ur awesome nb3Happy seems to be the trend on twitch in general, nothing but toxic hate for the person theyre giving money too lol @Yassuo POG you shootin that shit like sperm Your chat is wht u allow it to be Is you beating jump king 2 on your YouTube? cos moe grew and ego Pog NICE PogY EZ Pog HES DOING IT PogU PogU PogU NICE did chat bad start during twitch rivals or before PogU_enthusiast ? PogU moe how does chat become so toxic Pog @itzhannie Fake Weird__Flex PogU ? PogU do you remember me? monkaEyes !boshy PogU I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime we still gunna fuck thought right ? @Yassuo Pog ? PogYou POG yea the chat is pretty cancer the past few weeks maybe let moderators ban more people MOE KILLING MEGAMAN THIS RUN POG PogU Wait streamers have feelings? OK PogU hi man MaxLOL @TheArcalius Fake what? witch chat not twitch chat LULW PogU c'mon bro play lol plz screw koshy :( yas1 monkaW Tours POG OK CAM IS BLOCKING IT BRO OKAY Understandable, kinda like reading the same news paper ovewr and over again that would get boring af too lmao @itzhannie Ignoring all my messages WeirdChamp LETS GOOOO monkaW omg galica subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Its Boshi Time HE'S DOING THE THIN PogU pog matyoshi123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Wassup baby can u tell my friend jelly he terrible at Yasuo PogU HE'S DOING IT !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime JUST DIE poh Toxic Pepega crying incoming WTF monkaS @TheArcalius I was watching Hachu stream LETS GOOOOOOO POGG POG alvarozz69 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! HE'S DOING THE THING PogU Pog OKWTF DONT DIE Luck @yassuo do you never do irl or variety because you scared of twitch ban FAKER no came turkey ananı sikerler monkaW standing still PogChamp Pog POG forsen1 bajs? PogU WTF POG POG PogY Imagine complaining about the same chat that allows you to live the lifestyle you do. LUL PogU HES DOING IT PogU Pog POG LETS GO PogU Pog WOW PogU PogU POGGERS LOl POG pogU Pog LOL I WAS HERE PogU i was here POGGERS consume PogChamp Pog OK POGGGGGGGGG Pog Pog Pog POG POG PogU PogU KEKW Pog I WAS HERE PogU POGGERS PogU OMG HE DID IT POGPOGPOGPOGPOG PogU i was here Pog POG WTF POG pog Pog pog ;p; PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU POG NICE Pog PogU POGGGG POG DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! Pog I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HER PogU MOE THE GOAT PogChamp PogChamp POG POG stood still Pog OMGOGMGOMGOMG PogU PGGERS Pog POGGGGGGGGGGGG WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Pog PogU PogU I WAS HERE WP POG POGGGGGGGGGERS Pog Pog POG PogYou LETS GO MOE POGPOG POG Pog PogU WTF pog POOOG\ POGGG Pog POG EZ Clap POG Pog Pog pog GJ POGG I WAS HERE EZ PogChamp I WAS HERE NEXT BOSS BABY LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO Pog MOE UR A GOATR PogI POOOG POGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOG POg pogu Pog I WAS HERE POG YOU DID IT nice bro GJ I WAS HERE DONT CRY KEKW pogk PogU Pog POOOOOOOOOOGU THA BEST MOE ggez POG POG pogg i was here POGGGGGGGGG PogU where do I go to play boshy again POG GGG POGPOG POOOG pog PogU GAMING GOD PogU pog Kappa I WAS HERE Pog POGGERS pog POOOOOOOG back to league ? @Yassuo POGGGGGGGGH I WAS HERE Pog pog yasPepega I WAS HERE Pog Pog POG itssli0161 PogU I WAS HERE POG POG poP go first time pog POGGGGGG I WAS HERE POGU PogChamp Pog POGGG I WAS HERE I WAS HERE PogU Pog PogChamp POG congrats I WAS HERE PogU POG POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG yasPlead POOOOOOOOOOOG yasW yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Pogeee PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog POG PogYou POGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGP PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogYou greekWC good pog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog i was here POGGGGGGGGGGGGG I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU neekomains -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. pog Pog yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS I WAS HERE Pog NICESU Pot PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp I was here pog POGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOGPOG POGGGGG POGGERS Good shit GOD GAMER PogU POG POG Semi1125 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. I was here PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU OK CHILL KEKWQ PogYou POG Yea the chat is pretty cancer the past few weeks GG CRY FOR CONTENT Pog poG WTF 1ST TRY Pog HYPERS nice one I WAS HERE xxnscopexx -> Please refrain sending long messages. I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU PogU yo we here GGS POOOOG I WASH HERE POGGERS Pog BIG MOVES PogYou I WAS HERE pogggg PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog SOLGRYN IS WAITING forsenKek DUDE Pog I WAS HERE POGGGGGG POGU POG CHAMP ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog ItsBoshyTime Pog I WAS HERE LETS GOOOO TUTORIAL FINISHED POG so awesome man only2.5k deaths :) GZGZGGZGZG I WASZ HERE pog IM PROUD OF U MOE I was here GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG rubiusL rubiusL rubiusL rubiusL ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) GJ MOE Pog BOSHY TIME RIGGED GOOD JOB MOE :) I WAS HERE HYPERS LETS GO HYPERS Pog NICE MOE IM PROUD OF YOU I WAS HERE PogU POGGGGGGGGGGGGGG SeemsGood loggers wow Pog YOU DID ITTTTT he did it PogYou Congrats Obese Moe POG trkBoom I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU BloodTrail GG mooooooooe NOW SWITCH TO LEAGUE @Yassuo KEKW POGPOGPOGPOG I WAS HERE GO WHERE KEKW im so happy for u nice I was here peepoPog GJ damn lets go I WAS HERE POG! poggggg POGGGG Poggerz 2 years got u bro im from Chile keep the good mood <3 HOW DID YOU BEAT THAT SHIT PansexualPride POG pog I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU I WAS HERE PogU beast moeD xD lets fkn go chat HYPERS LEEESSGOOO Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: WP we were here guys IWASHERE @Yassuo FIRST TIME BEAT POG lets go away from the stream he told us too I WAS HERE PogU POGU god dam ez HEY YOUTUBE! I WAS HERE yasHYPERS BOSHY CHAT BEST CHAT OkayChamp when faker plays : No reaction Moe plays this game : LETS FCKING GO CHAT CONGRATS POGGERSS its because i just got here KEKW damn I just arrived :( HERE WE GO Pepega Pogu Dude only took 2513 deaths @yassuo XD yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS WE LOVE YOU MOE You're such a beast dude! well played yasH See chat helped indirectly I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou I WAS HERE PogYou POGGGG MOEEEE yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood @Yassuo was sonic the hardest boss? Now go back to league NICEEEE!!! GOOD JOB MOE!!! DAMN YOU KEEP DYING NOW YOU WERE SO CLOSE ALL THE TIME KEKW yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood PogChamp LUL Kreygasm PogChamp LUL LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp peepoPooPoo Poooooogggg yasGood yasGood yasGood ?? LULW yasMald yasGood yasGood yasGood yasW yasW Good looks moe GO WHERE KEKW GO WHERE KEKW GO WHERE KEKW ur chat is gay HHHHHHHHH ??? STUCK how many more to go? @Yassuo jo man u'r lookin sick are u alright? NotLikeThis 2 years :) KEKW yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood back to league POGU u bad u bad u bad u bad u bad yo bro I'm about to download the game there better be no virus buddy play jump king @Yassuo its bashi time yasOkay Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty ever played undertale? mohammed sucks at yasuo league now @yassuo missed my resub BibleThump its boshy time its boshy time OMG ItsBoshyTime KEKW 13 14 forsen1 wiat, he beat megaman? 15 FINALLY DID IT PogU its boshy time ITS ITS ITS ITS IT'S monkaS @Yassuo u jump on the left platforms twice Pog Imagine complaining about the same chat that allows you live the lifestyle that you do LUL 16 can we get some music ITS KEKW IT'S ITS BOSHY TIME OMG UWU FUCK ME IN THE ASS FUCK ME @yassuo you ,might be a cute ugly fcker but man im so gratefull you started streaming and i found you once i find a job i will sub i promise YOU DID IT... YOU CRAZY SON OF A BITCH YOU DID IT anyone else not really like world 8 on boshy? like this world in particular ITSITSITSITS POGU pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls moe s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? what are u playing ? SOLGRYN PepeLaugh how do you get it KAPP YOU DIED 678786 TIMES ok relax BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack sonic was harder @Yassuo It's chat for a league stream it's going to be filled with toxic, silver retards thinking it's everyone else's fault they're hardstuck "Wasnt as hard as i thought" hardstuck for 4 months @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats mute the respawn sound plz good looks PogU Its its boshy time 4HEad WHEN UR VIEWERS LEAVE TO GO TO TYLER1'S STREAM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog PogU peepoPog vintumort subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! as soon as I joined u beat it GJ HOUIEWQ1112 Eat some tacos TriHard how many bosses are there? Eat some tacos TriHard Eat some tacos TriHard Eat some tacos TriHard Eat some tacos TriHard Its Its its u use 2 years to beat this boss KEKW @Yassuo D: wht u sepposed to do ? ... Pog you got it Easy now! HE DID IT ? PogU TOXIC @Yassuo How do you get the game @Yassuo s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? yasGood_BW D: yasGood Now youre goign all the way egotistical on strim socially awkward irl LUL @AbsolemHD The chat itself does not give him shit G N moe gon be socially awkward with faker KEKW moe s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? @Yassuo 24 hours steam when ? gj DID HE CRY CHAT?????? Its bOsHY tIMe canyou double jump after landing on one of the things? @Yassuo They trash talk someone who is clearly better than them not only in Lol but also in look W OMEGALUL W NicoKEKW @yassuo are you a Virgin ? W OMEGALUL W "imagine getting mad at the chat that lets you live" but youre still here lol @Yassuo u even playing this game trying to beat faker ? hhhhh @TheArcalius Anyway sorry I missed ur messages cutie close @emilosaurus !boshy NicoKEKW ban for afk 4WeirdW PogU @Yassuo stand still on one then w8 for next one @NicoKEKW PepeLaugh @NicoKEKW no Double jump after jumpinf off the first one maybe @Yassuo from one side to the other @yassuo PLAY JUMP KING FOR THE BOYS Double jump on the next pad ? @Yassuo jump before it hits you so it launches you up u have to stand in the small spikes s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? @Yassuo Im already against Solgryn :D maybe?+ Can u play some league whats this game have name? bruhhhhhhh Momentum this game is so hard hi @TheArcalius PepeLaugh dont junp after you land @Yassuo time the jump on them to get extra height :) @Yassuo i like sonic :) do the next stage tomorrow play league now heard of geomery dash?? you gotta get up top there trying to be forsen * forsen1 OMEGALUL pepeD pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD PepePls u need to res POG am I watching kongfu panda streaming boshy PogChamp PogU moe s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? pepeD pepeD FORSEN CHAT stand on small spikes maybe PepePls BOSHY TIME POGGERS Faker washed Up KEKW 5Head you need to rest time it at perfect hight cant u jump on the edge at the start? @Yassuo u even play this game trying to beat faker ? hhhhh hi I told him Pog the second one you don't jump you wait for it to make you go up doctorPUNK doctorBANGS Oh you died Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Did you saw faker with the penguins everyone who beats boshy is reborn with better mechanics moe what is yor main now on lol? try not jumping maybe it wont disapear NotLikeThis100 hello? wht happen whn u hit the smily face what do you get as vip? ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega ItsBoshyTime its boshy time WTF IS THAT harder than boss KEKW ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega ItsBoshyTime - - - - - its boshy time Pepega This game is so annoying wtf Itssss wait is it boshy time ? 3Arab @Yassuo jump wall to wall to jump higher its pboshy time pepega @shampagneshower checkpoint @Yassuo maybe they disappear only when you jump? @shampagneshower :) -> :( its Boshy time Pepega ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega im frustrated its boshy time Pepega Clap moe do you remember me? STAND IN THE SMALL SPIKES MAYBE?? do free 1v1s for free contains IM OUT NotLikeThis didnt read my sub :( @shampagneshower its just save spot this is the most frustrating game ITS BOSHY TIME holy sht u suck harder than megaman BlessRNG BlessRNG Did you saw Faker with the penguins? Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME ItsBoshyTime ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega Pepega @Yassuo time the jump on them to get extra height :) ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega MADNESS why does it sound like bashy and not boshy yasChair yasChair one hundred year later ... moe i am falling asleep watchnig this shit what the fuck moe ITS BOSHY TIME moe s10 yasuo Pd or Shiv? the two spikes on the top ITS BOOOOOSHY TIME Pepega Is it Boshy time?? jump after hitting the 1st plane @Yassuo ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime wait you actually gonna be here for like 2 hours KEKW You get momentum upwards if you jump before the heli hits you @Yassuo iTs boShY tImE u stood in the small spikes before tho you don't jump on the second one @Yassuo Do you eat cereal? yasThink This is harder than Megaman did you saw faker with the penguins fuck did he beat the boss ? u jump back ? DIED 2500 TIMES LULW god this game is as annoying as u cringer 69 Just fcking jump xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE xqcBall WE RISE @Yassuo take longer jumps when u hit the things wtf you beat mega man while i got food wtf is that timing man @Yassuo have u tries shooting the things? cant u just stand on the flythingi they are trolling youuu u landed it on the small spikes b4 Yes TriHard iTs BoShY tImE dont jump on second one BEUH U NEED TO JUMPNTO THE MIDDL3 spikes Pepega @Yassuo sanch started his job today PepeHands 5Head lol 5Head lol first try you stood on the spike beneath you\ PogChamp PogU 5Head Pog 5Head SMART PogU 5HEAD gj tho 5Head 5Head WTF 5Head Pog POGGGGERS Pog Pog Pog Pog 5Head 5Head @Yassuo ur welcome 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head forsenCD Pogu 5Head Pog 5Head LOOOOOOOOOO POG 5Head POG 5Head xqcBall 5Head POGU ME :0 TY 5Head lul U NEED TO JUMP BETWEEN THEM im a genious it was me :) Pog 5HEAD 5 Head Pog 5Head me :) 5Head Pog 5Head indeed thank you SMARTTT i said it Pog MOD HIM Pog RIOT LULW What are you planning to do? hahaha you cant go underneath KEKW LULW me :) TY PogMe Rito 5Head it was me :) RIOT? KEKW thats me :) Me ;) pog 5Head riot lmao riot? riot RIOT LUL 5Head :) it was me :) KEKW LOL riot KEKW You get momentum upwards if you jump before the heli hits you @Yassuo pog 5head RIOT KEKW SeemsGood RIOT KEKW Tipy RIOT COME ON RIOT PEPEGA I DID riot? xD yas5 yas5 yas5 RIOT LULW ME :) I'MA FCKING GENIOUS RIOT LULW just jump riot RIOT LULW Mod him Pog RIOT KEKW riot games pls 5Head 5head same thing RIOT KEKW Riot KEKW me @HamzLeague 5Head you said it Pog RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW @polisheagle2, it was you? ME RIOT? KEKW me :0 me :) np :) me :) Riot KEKW @Yassuo did u see grossgore's reaction to ninja ty :) Faker is hard stuck in this game BrokeBack RIOTKEKE RIOT ?? IT WAS ME :) 5head RIOT RIOT lul me :) Rly riot ??? always riot's fault @yassuo me hehe You get momentum upwards if you jump before the heli hits you @Yassuo ! you re welcome :) trkLOL gift sub WeirdChamp KEKW IT WAS ME :) LUL diajobou @Yassuo AYAYA @cosmick102 i did 5Head yea that shit sends u to astroworld NotLikeThis Riot wtf me :) KEKW YES LUL Elias09002 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! what are u playing later? @yassuo stand on the little spikes at the top RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW Riot??? gift him WeirdChamp Follow me on Twitter for updates go bottom left lol stop saying it was u @HamzLeague Pog U SHOULD GO UP ON FIRST PART do u get jump resets off the boxes? @Yassuo @Yassuo DID U SEE GROSSGORE'S REACTION any mods? I would like to use my 25k points for a gifted sub and it says to msg a mod beforehand ANY GIFTERS WideHarder YEEEEEEE RIOT CRATETED BOSHY GUYS go DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuo horror game if u stop moving and hold jump u go high af MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL You get momentum upwards if you jump before the heli hits you @Yassuo DaMimZ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo where can I play this game seems cancer-fun When u gonna play league again @Yassuo widepeepoHappy go DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuo go DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuo @Yassuo did u beat I wanna be the guy? AYAYA moe remember me? yo 23 k for sub im on the board Today's stream sucks XD Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @Yassuo DR STONE????? LOL how many bones are in your body is hhe in queue 1,000,000 ?? have tried any story mode games on stream WideHard did he win this last game? @chat you need to stay on the edge in the second part aswell @yassuo @yassuo u liking dr stone? Yo @Yassuo !! If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina <3 SENKU 1 BILLION % KEKW hi sir @Yassuo nice shirt BabyRage @HeronickSK LIKE YOUR MOM KEKW this game titing me ItsBoshyTime ❗ IT'S BOSHY TIME POOGERS DR STONE 🤡 ANIME KEKW Widehard go DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuogo DOWN in 2nd room @Yassuo did he beat it? You get momentum upwards if you jump before the heli hits you @Yassuo iTs BoShY tImE hey! @Yassuo np he beat megaman?É widehard nb3Bad comedyLW comedyDC @HeronickSK because of the chat XD is 1 mil % different from 100 % ? wideHard show shirt Its Boshy Time mc one @phyzz1x yea FAKE COMMENT KEKW @Yassuo Your character has to be going Up right as they hit you so that they propel you even further up nice dick bro ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega is yassuo tryin to be faker Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME @yassuo can u beat Tyler one in. a @Yassuo You can do this, good luck man POF League is so much better.. ItsBoshyTime moe enta sameen <3 Pog POGGERS POG KEKW KEKW 30 deaths alredy LULW @Yassuo Pog albadrex, Pog Pog Pog albaniannaruto, any chatters? im not watching but i have chat open. if any of my og boys see this @ me and say hi love you <3 yasH pog PogU gachiHYPER PogChamp POGGERS true story: boshy was the nickname of my father and he was a stuntman Hey moe cab you please play pummel party with t1 voy and trick its hella funny bro i miss it :( when he doesnt read ur sub :( did he beat megaman chat? @hangu07 yes yas1 HYPERCLAP @hangu07 ??? trkMoedusa trkMoedusa is this after megaman? faker wannabe KEKW pog are we in que? pogpog ? WTF BORING MAN This games is lot easier than carrying BRONZE PLAYERS @Yassuo u ok? lookin sick today i dont understand how people stand this game pog ! coin @XDEliasWorm he said they will play next week wait this part is insane DIE DIE DIE DIE No music DansGame what Kreygasm !pointz Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME @superviper2018 its fun af !followage no league today because mental boom! !points !points so much death Pepega Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME type 1 if u have a feeling its boshy time :) !followage shoot the save thing mid air and tthen go from there !game I Wanna Be The Boshy @vel_koz_support ok than kyou ItS bOsHy TiMe Pepega Yo @Yassuo !! If I say 100,000 times "Moe" live... can you give me 50 subs on my channel? Greattings from Argentina <3 DAYING STREAM @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats @Yassuo dont jump far away IT'S BOSSI TIAME dont hit that bird HAHAHAHAHAHAH ITS BOSHY TIME no more league? IT'S BOSHY TIME is this even possible change character boshy is made to train your mental doctorPUNK doctorMRSASSASSINKNIFE its bashy time nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3Notlikethis 2615 deaths wtf Shadowdogs Unleashed!!! ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME moe runs shit boi omg poggers 420 swag lord god xd maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo lol ItsBoshyTime NotLikeThis IT'S PUSSI TIME :( LUL you died LUL yo moe is surprisingly patient boooh @Yassuo how u doing today ya khara @haidarlari what dose daying mean? moe runs shit boi omg poggers 420 swag lord god xd ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo try playing destiny 2 its grindy just like runescape problem is that pvp is retarded. also love ur content :) that sounds gives earaches i used to watch moe more and then he stopped reading my chat and stopped reading my donos so i go to t1 !points show shirt n11gga Play hotline Miami Moe @albaniannaruto, how are you 4HEad just don't hit the spikes lol Hype to see you switching it up just dont hit the spikes 4Head just dont hit the spike ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ITS WASHINGTON KKona U SUCK & THIS HIT KILLS E If you die again you area a snake. Kappa ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TRUUUUUUUUUUUE cmonBruh D: @hangu07 good u OkayChamp truee kekw NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis are* TRUEEEE KEKW ItS bOsHy TiMe ITS BOSHY TIME gachiHYPER @Yassuo go more left @Yassuo why not try variety now that its preseason anyway you are suck this game, it is so easy Where u can download this Game maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance??. @Yassuo type 5 if that number on top left is how many times ur LoL teammates die every week lacAYA TriHard ItsBoshyTime TriHard ItsBoshyTime TriHard ItsBoshyTime THIS IS SOO INFURIATING @Yassuo did u see gross gore response to ninja? yasMald can u mute that "boshi time" holy shit that fcks with my brain is this a gif? just do variety league is dying anyways @Yassuo POSITIVE CHAT @styroslol Thanks, now I can't unhear it MORE ENJOYABLE BEY DAYING AFTER AND AFTER LIKE STUUPID :d pog !rank @Yassuo is this after megaman GRANDMASTER I (377 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo stpry time PLS Kreygasm just lay heimer and league is great @Yassuo I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @justinator2322 you are suck yasSnake @yassuo you need to avoid the spikes most annoying champ in league? which do you enjoy more bash or jump king? LIKE ACTUALLY PISSING ME OFF ITS BASHY TIME weeat thats izi dude qwtf wrong chat ITs BoShY TiMe @Yassuo pummel will come back ever? @MaxnificentLoL KEKW 5Head someone said N11GGA? TriHard ANY CEOS? ratirlBusiness @Yassuo i dont play it maybe more than one switch u can use the 1st one go back and then do it so it doesnt block u It’s boshy time simulator @danishdotdash TRUE LULW KEKW im tilted from watching you @yassuo did you beat megaman? go left to get some momentum ..maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo @Yassuo yo moe how u so patient with this game I would have quit long time ago OMEGAROLL cmonBruh hey moe you can do it :) cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh @Yassuo Know I understood how faker learnt to not react . HE PLAYS THIS FCKING GAME LUL The trick is to avoid the spikes cmonBruh iceslash_ -> Please refrain from posting links. monkaS going nsane kekw Same room WeirdChamp MODS cmonBruh cmonBruh @Yassuo play dark souls :D I SANE First jump on the first one that flies up yeahh JUST TAKE THE RESET FROM THE SECOND ONE, THEN GO DOWN @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof PepeHands playing heimer just to cope with a shit game PepeHands @Yassuo Mike Hawk @AAKillerAmi TriHard MODS EYY BOSHY ive been waiting for this xd INSANE ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega kekw Just avoid the spikes 4Heed @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof. JD what if you just used the little hop from the left thing instead of double jumping i feel gay INSANE U nice idea bro go left to get some momentum ... @yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? cmonBruh maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo Jenny Tulls STOP THIS MADDNESS FFS @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof @AAKillerAmi cmonBruh MODS WTF? 2658 moe Is 5 head Too hard this streamer are not very good at video game lol :/ i go watch some1 els e now LUL yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? Turn down the volumen NIKKA @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof. your idea was right i think MUTE SOUND NotLikeThis yo chat he is not watching his chat :) N11GGA yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it u can o it come on yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald IT'S MOESMASH TIME this is painful to watch its magic time WHAT TIME ISNT BOSHY TIME HYPERS :) Its boshy time @soccarmann cmonBruh maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo . @Yassuo JUMP MORE TO THE LEFT yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? MODS KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ITS BASHY KEKW yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it welp im going to watch someone else ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof ItS BA NotLikeThis ITS BOSHY TIME NotLikeThis Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald KappaPride cmonBruh YASSUO IS THINKING IT WideHardo yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it fuck u boshi i hope u die mo fucker im tilted man how are u not u have to get some delay by going a bit to the left on the 2nd platform 4Weird hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challenging LUL Someons Stop Him I WOULD BE SO TRIGGERED ALREADY @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? This tilts me lol yo ur dogshit LOOOOL wait, did he really die 2677 times now? xD :(( @Yassuo didn't you beat this game already PLAY LEAGUE kekw yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it chat is it boshy time ITS MOESMASH TIME ITS MOESMASH TIMEITS MOESMASH TIME @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof jump left fck it trkKiss trkGJ trkKiss trkGJ trkChamp trkGJ Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME IT yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo .. HandsUp @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof. lul First kill the one in front yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it It fucking bashy time play fucking league @soccarmann cmonBruh id uninstall jump before you move sideways after landing on the first one yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof its boshy time snaaaaake VOTE TRUMP!!!!!! BOSHY PagChomp nymnCorn yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it close @Yassuo Tried to take out the first platform first, then jump idiot whats that yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? i would literally break shit after like 100 deaths panicBasket BabyRage TTours mcaT NotATK NotATK DendiFace NotATK HeyGuys TheThing mcaT mcaT NotLikeThis NotATK NotATK NotATK HassaanChop mcaT mcaT TTours TTours TTours BabyRage mcaT when boshy is less tilting than league KEKW 2700 deaths? still less than a typical yasuo game Face it you're not gonna pass it @Yassuo the one you are hitting you need to get it more up to make it down to the bottom yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it its boshy time ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof. TAKE SECOND ONE TO RESET JUMP THEN GO DOWN STRONG MENTAL ITS MOESMASH TIME ITS MOESMASH TIME ITS MOESMASH TIME yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? Pepega 📣 ITS BOSHY TIME @macholatino69 FUCK YOU WeirdChamp nymnCorn yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it @Yassuo or gets you so tilted you cant even right click wait if you bet on this game with someone @Yassuo stupid palestinians @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof get all the int out of you @Yassuo This trains your mental for league, yet you still pop off on everyone? LULW gets tired of chat spamming the smae things. Proceeds to continuoulsy die the exact same way in Boshy @Yassuo if u want a harder but more manageable approach for ur woof woof brain, u can stand on the edge of the last triangle u woof woof yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it lol i miss when moe had more viewers than i have channel points Prepare your mental for season 10 KEKW Pog PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS wait what does N11GGA mean chat? TriHard :( you torturing urself maybe land on the closest one first then on the further one for distance?? @Yassuo PogU you're welcome @Yassuo yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? CLOSE Pog peepoClap OOOOOOOOOOOOOO yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PepeHands LOLW KEKW yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it Pog INTING Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS kissed? Maximumbro22 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? @Yassuo im pretty sure u can get pass it without jumping on those heads yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS do you this is entertaining for us ? almost Pog @AAKillerAmi cmonBruh I'm going to hear this sound in my nightmares and u called it too lol @Yassuo dudu when you jump for second time from the thing just jump upward then hard right Faker is a beast at this game VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!! yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it NOOOOOOOOOOO Its Vegeta ? its infuriating time Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS are there no mods in chat????? yasU yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS i love how addicting this is going left a bit on the 2nd platform makes it way easier Moe, do you have any tips for climbing in ranked? 2680 deaths ? i would be at 500 and deinstall already lmao @yassuo xqcH xqcH xqcH yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS You can do it Moe we believe! i bet if I allowed an orangutan 2700 tries it could do this. PepeLaugh nymnCorn MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 i wouldve quit in the first 20 seconds LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap One man spam WeirdChamp yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS xqcH wait what does N11GGA mean chat? TriHard POFG PogU MorphinTime LULW LULW POG yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PogU_enthusiast almost KEKW KEKW POGGGGGGGG @itzhannie yo me back come disc LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Pog SO CLOSE XD FORSEN BEAT THIS PepeLaugh OMEGALUL peepoClap NOOOO KEKW KEKW TILT LOL KEKW ahahh rip Pog yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS WTF cmonBruh PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Please refrain from spamming emotes. close any gifters? ratirlGift yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHmm Did u see Gross Reaction to Ninja?> ItsBoshyTime yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it WE ARE BORED POg PogU yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PogU ITS BOSHY TIME Cheer100 top 10 anime death scenes ITS FUN KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TRUE KEKW IMAGINE BEING RACIST ONLINE BEHIND VPN'S AND FAKE ACCOUNTS KEKW KEKW monkaW yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ItsBoshyTime !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime pog LUL LUL LUL LUL yasHYPERS yasHYPERS you need the second jumppade for the lower part true lol true bcz we love u ITS ACTUALLY FUNNY yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS because you give me company FeelsRainMan MOCE CAM PogU hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad game and challenging i have my eyes closed yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? ok mb enough no more N11GGA in the chat TriHard LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @cryptic747 SeemsGood SeemsGood @yassuo have you played welcome to the game 2? sweet but psycho yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS We can't I can't its actually tilting me more than league normally does XD yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it LUL jiraya yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS @Yassuo we watch just incase u break something live Top 10 anime betrayals right there yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ITS FUN WATCHING U DIE EZ Clap D: SMART DONO LETS GO MOE IM LOSING MY MENTAL WQTCHING YOU trkBaby trkBaby trkBaby trkBaby yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS 3 deaths 1 sub? cam yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Cheer100 Do you play any instruments, or have any artsy hobbies? LUL yasHYPERS SCREEN Pog DarkMode yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW its yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS One man spam WeirdChamp ITS ITS cam @itzhannie yo come 4Weird can't see its its Give me 1 good reason to sub rn @Yassuo screen ITS ITS ITS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ITS ITS ITS ITS ACE, ACE, ACE 5Head CAM PepeLaugh its pepegaJAM PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime ? its stand melee range with the save points, way easier yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ITS WE WATCH YOU PLAY LEAGUE, IT’S NOT THAT DIFFERENT KEKW i literally get off to you playing boshy Kreygasm @Yassuo its its funny watching someone dying over and over again :) PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? xqcH xqcH xqcH xqcH WutFace cant see cant see :( ??????????????????????????????????? move camera yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Pepega ITS ITS ITS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it its PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS Pepega LUL Play hotline Miami Moe ??????? ITS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? ITS ITS ITS Pepega CAN'T SEE PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh ITS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it IT IS ur right, im out of here peepoLeave yasHYPERS yasHYPERS its its its its its its its its can't see @Yassuo GO UP FOR ITEM its its its its its chat seems gay yassuo Can u play persona 5 or have u ever played it? yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PepeLaugh big head we can see nothing ITS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS we dont see lol @Yassuo GO UP FOR AN ITEM U SAVE JUMP what time is it? secret we cant see We cant see yasHYPERS yasHYPERS peepoWTF move your cam yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS That's a secret yasHYPERS @Yassuo GO UP FOR ITEM WOOF WOOF SAVE JUMP yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS ITS ITS ITS ITS BIG HEAD 5Head the one with the checkpoints going up is faster @Yassuo yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS MOVE cam ItsBoshyTime MOVE CAM DansGame io see everything @Yassuo GO UP FOR ITEM WOOF WOOF SAVE JUMP . yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PepeLaugh yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Hypothetically 5Head @Yassuo GO UP FOR ITEM WOOF WOOF SAVE JUMP i cant see ittt, its fucking invisible!!!!!!! pepeMeltdown @Yassuo move cam to left please What do you think of Sneaky not in C9. and what do u generally think of 2020 LCS with all the changes happening! @Yassuo yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo walk off the 2nd one 5Head Put cam at top corner @yassuo ultravioletpigz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! make your cam smaller LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 󠀀 no cam stream JUMP FROM 2ND TO FOURTH OR SAVE JUMP FOR ITEM @Yassuo PogU ITS BASHY TIME Pog just run off the second last one i love watching it cuz u playing it Pog JUMP FROM 2ND TO FOURTH OR SAVE JUMP FOR ITEM @Yassuo. JUMP FROM 2ND TO FOURTH OR SAVE JUMP FOR ITEM @Yassuo KEKW i ate my mom's pussy :( Here it comes PepeLaugh PogU Pog LULW D: PUT THE CAM N THE TOP LEFT CORNER PLEASE jump on hi m this part PepeLaugh !game I Wanna Be The Boshy q LUL OH SHIT Pog PROGRESS Pog @Samaine PogU @Yassuo HOLD JUMP WOOF WOOF ur nuts Pog NaM? someone please gift me a sub it's my birthday in 10 months :) @Samaine xqcWut you what link of this gsmr Pog POGGERS POG PogU Pog OH FAKER Pog holy PogU DOINB Pog POG PogYou PogU PogU Pog crazy Pog INSANE TOO GOOD AT THIS GAME Pog PogU Pog POG Pog Pog Pog pog POG HOLY Pog PogYou Pog PogU WTF POG POG PogU Pog Pog pog PogU PogU gg PogYou OK OME Pog POGGERS OKAYYYYYY PogU OKAY Pog POGGERS Pog o shit PogU FAKER pog HOLY PogYou Pog PogU Pog HOLY Pog NICE LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap poggers Pog PogU Pog u cant play like a faker dude HOLY Pog ppppp poggg Pog Pog PogU PogYou pog yasHYPERS yasHYPERS PogU SMURFING LULW KEKW ppppogg KEKW Why are you not playing like that in league? POG BOSHI CHALLENGER @Yassuo what world is this LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Pog pog Insane 2nd faker? WTF Pog Pog AyeSir_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! how many times are u going to die before u rage quit lmao, still love u tho faker 2.0? PogU yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS Pog PagChomp super meat boy is more fun and less mentally draining !followage wtf KEKW Kapp wait for the guy need to wait for green guy JUST WAIT Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday jump late easy Kapp LUL Wait for the Green guy you can wait for green man u're faker now congrats KEKW @yassuo check gross gore twitter LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap dod KEKW wait for the gy guy Kapa EZ jump KEKW The tilt begins is this like a sequel? i thought you beat this a while ago @Yassuo chat u dont wait for the green guy LOL DUD KEKW chjill @Yassuo Wait did you beat megaman?? Kappa dud DOOOD KEKW chill DUDE DOOD DOOD the tilt starts PepeLaugh yasSmash greetings from Denmark Pepega LuL DUUUUUUD xqcSlam xD when league? @yassuo dood Pepega STOP yha OMEGALUL the rage is buliding up LMAO Pepega DUD Pepega DUD Pepega DUD DUUUUDA DUUUD doooooooooooood DUUUD @Yassuo just jump its not that hard LULW dood jump on to the roof NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis d8uuuuuuuuuud @Yassuo wait for the green thing here it comes, the rage xD hes starrting to tilt DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD Pepega 📣 DOOD just run off, no jump needed jump late bruh u jump while falling u stoopiid LMAO a lot RIOT DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! its coming out KEKW SMURFING RIGHT dudeeé squadR DUD squadR !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 49 minutes 27 seconds butt u must be korean and have that eyes of asians wait for the dude then jump bounce the rouf Pepega DUD yasSmash Pepega Clap @Yassuo U RUN OFF THEN JUMP U CANT JUMP TWICE WOF WOOF Kapp its chilled you will get it TILT wait for the guy Just wait for last room PepeLaugh DUUUUUUUD @ChimpNA yo im about to claim my free sub just wanted to let a mod know since moe said so =) DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam DUD xqcSlam Pepega Clap rage quit incoming xD @Yassuo WAIT FOR THE GREEN THING MAN ah yes 5Head is this like a sequel? i thought you beat this a while ago @Yassuo BLAME RIOT PLS @Yassuo just wait for the green guy to bump you up 4Head wait dumb ape wait for the green monster Whait for the green guy wait for the robot stelladoto -> Please refrain from posting links. yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald EEEehhhhh WutFace yasSleeper yasSleeper poggers PogU PogU POG Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW DUUUD RIOT Pog pog yasSpit yasSpit chet seems virginity T1 ? KEKW yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasSmash DUDE yasN yasN yasN yasN KEKW yo yassuo smurfing you doing clash? Pog CV VBGFXGN chet seems virginity PepeLaugh did he beat mega? actually better at boshy than league JUMP INTO FIRE Pepega DID YOU BEAT THE BOSS? chet seems viriginity @ChimpNA u there? lol KEKW PepeLaugh LULW KEKW KEKW LULWS LULW PepeLaugh lol Any mods on? PogU KEKW Kapp LUL Kapp KEKW respect for getting this far @Yassuo : ) 2 years and 15mn Sheesh LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 󠀀 play league, not this shit game any justers in chat 4Head Kapp not adding the time played this before this Kapp i didnt see it :) LULW chat how long would it take moe to beat solgryn 15 minutes give or take 4 months Kapp it was cool to !game I Wanna Be The Boshy moe cant win PepeLaugh PogU 4HEad just win the game PogU STYLE KEKW parnstar zelians music is so fuckd LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap never LULW KEKW NVM KEKW KEKW @Yassuo tell us some good story, u know, story time :DDDDDDD RIP HIM Lies Kappa LUL KEKW @AlbanianNaruto KEKW AlbanianNaruto fake 4WeirdW Kapp LULW lmao mow did u just start today with this game? where do you get this game from KEKW i hate black color KEKW @AlbanianNaruto for you PogYou Moe Im always rootin for you homie @Yassuo don't go too fast ull have to w8 the guy downthere LMAO LUL YOU CAN DO IT MOE YOU CAN DO IT MOE DOOD @Samaine cmonBruh LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap OhMyDog be patient @Samaine cmonBruh LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap it's ahhh @Samaine cmonBruh !link WE NEED MUSIC FOR THIS GAME! yasNLT\ @Samaine ??? yasNLT wait a bit cmonBruh yasNLT lol wait @TheArcalius what MaN LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap the first one is longer, wait a little just wait 3rd roration @Samaine cmonBruh . @Yassuo you are waiting too much wait longer daysvivid subscribed with Twitch Prime. yasMald monkaW KEKW dudududu PepePls PepePls wow wow wait half a sec PepePls u wiat too much idiot PepePls SourPls LOL YOU DIED KEKW he still playing this shit lmao @Yassuo remember how you banned me yesterday for saying you were fake ? damn sorry dude.. didnt mean to hurt your feelings matte KEKW YOU DIED KEKW pepeD PepePls wait 3 cycles POG LOL U DIED @Samaine cmonBruh Zero patience PepeLaugh I think you have to go immediately maybe wiat till after it cycles wiat longer pepD im getting so much more stress seeing you play this game then you are playing it and ive been here for like 10 mins U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap WHEN THE FAST THING GOES PepePls wow wow you died PepePls literally died the same time 3 times wait on the middle piece lol you died LUL you died PepePls PepePls DOOOOOD WAT yasMald pepeD guy below you is moving slower yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald go bottom right there is a hole when its facing down @Yassuo LOL YOU DIED MOE U DIED KEKW MOE MOE U DIED U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 w8 the dude yassuo where do i get this game from MOE U DIED MOE MOE U DIED KEKW MOE YOU DIED KEKW MOE MOE YOU DIED KEKW MOE U DIED PepePls MOE U DIED PepePls MOE U DIED PepePls MOE U DIED PepePls MOE U DIED PepePls MOE U DIED PepePls LOL Woah you died @Yassuo when its at its widest Cheer100 kamikaze pilots flying into US fleet 1945 colorized You need the robot though no more league? woah woah youdied @Yassuo the spike extends out if you rush it you get through it :D LUL pepeD YOU DIED pepeD LUL LUL YOU DIED pepeD Jump when its open LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap Wait more U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap jump twice on middle MrDestructoid MrDestructoid ay yo lets go moe MaGe_FireGod subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Moe im plat 4 rightnow jg main btw but ill hit chally soon and i will feel very bad for u bc u will go against me each game and lose and u will cry You wait too little LULW let's goo Pog OKAY MOE you fot it KEKW KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 DUUDD it wasn't man WutFace monkaW Just run on the floor Kappa you got it I TA KEKW !headset massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic wow @ChimpNA hi, i just redeemed a gift sub with 25k points, how can i get it? oke KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap hi LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap KEKW JASŁO nb3Gasm nb3GG nb3Gasm pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED BOSHY !game I Wanna Be The Boshy @Yassuo INSTA JUMP OVER ONCE U GET THERE U WOOF WOOF j CASH MONEY Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 d Actually i hate black color :) cache pog JD CASH yasJoy pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED @Yassuo INTSA JUMP OVER UW OOF WOOF @Samaine cmonBruh boxWow LULW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap hahahaha @Samaine cmonBruh 󠀀 YOU GOT THIS DUDE dud cmonBruh @Samaine cmonBruh ????? DOOD TriHard yasPlead DUUD Kapp Kapp we see it Kapp @Samaine cmonBruh 󠀀 LUL u died LUL LUL u died LUL u died LUL LUL u died Frames Dropped KEKW framerate KEKW Kapp LUL mods nice bait @Samaine cmonBruh cmonBruh Kappa lag in boshy cmonBruh WideHarder he doesn't stop yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead Kapp oof nb3Blush golden Kappa check me too :) Kapp brain lag KEKW MODS ? I see joanna1997 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hey moe i love ur streams Kappa Pog lag in boshy BRAIN LAG DUDE pog Pog Kappa PogU lets gooo HE LOSES THESE Pog Pog Pog @AlbanianNaruto change the color back to normal 4Weird OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW @Yassuo im happy to see you playing boshy again, so entertaining :) Pog KEKW Hi cuties in chat and you moe yasH KEKW NOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH OMEGALUL BRAIN LAG shis KEKW xd KEKW PepePls fucj me LUL pepeD YOU DIED pepeD LUL LUL YOU DIED pepeD PepePls man im just gonna say it U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 KEKW kekw NotLikeThis kkk LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM LOL YOU DIED pepeJAM :) yasAYAYA yasW PepePls TOLD U KEKW yasSpit_HF LUL POG MrDestructoid KEKW YOU DIED KEKW KEKW YOU DIED KEKW nekono123 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. tell us some arab story 4Head dude just beat the level 4Head L OMEGALUL L U DIED @BigLipsBarry it looks nice MaN man im stuck on a stupid boss and i dont wanna play this anymore U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap from Pog to KEKW real fucking quick Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : holy no save things KEKW LOL you dield pepeJAM LOL you dield pepeJAM LOL you dield pepeJAM LOL you dield pepeJAM LOL you dield pepeJAM LOL you dield pepeJAM ANELE anele stories LULW triggered LULW u got this LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap ANELE 7 Ahahahahaha faker game POG ANELE only 20 k points till gifted subb SeemsGood ANELE 7 ANELE stories ANELE Clap moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks Pog ANELE Craldo subscribed with Twitch Prime. talk arabic while saying a story @AlbanianNaruto I miss the yellow tho PepeHands U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 EZ KEKW i was walking down the street and i saw some ankle ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE Clap 1001 night kek moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks? what's ur religion habibi !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime how can i change twitch hood color. i hate black DansGame MILLES ET UNE NUITS ANELE 7 yasHands @Yassuo yo, i just redeemed a gift sub with those points, how can i get it? @Yassuo @Yassuo just like sonic? @yassuo i know lets go moe do do do do lets go moe tell the open sesame story FeelsGoodMan dont worry moe you already made good progress for the day PepeLaugh LULW LOL you dield pepeJAM ARABIC STORIES LIKE ARBIC NIGHTS MY MAN THINK HE IS IN DISNEY KEKW where do u live Moe? they think ur shehrazad LUL KEKW KhemTheKhemster subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Pretty easy, instantly dies KEKW LOL you dield pepeJAMLOL you dield pepeJAMLOL you dield pepeJAMLOL you dield pepeJAMLOL you dield pepeJAMLOL you dield pepeJAM Anele kkkkkkkkk EZZ only 490k till VIP Pog kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk " It's pretty easy " gne gne talk to me chat 😡 KEKW Anele LULW moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks?? @BigLipsBarry im stickin to this for now but i'll go back to yellow for sure smooth U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap easdjsahndasmfn asfhabsfdasfd vbasgds dvfbasdaaga forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED ANELE Clap AYAYA bro how the fuck have you not cried yet this game looks so fucking hard lmao @Yassuo im happy to see you playing boshy again, so entertaining :) KEKW AYAYA ANY CUTIES AYAYA LULW any gifters? WideHardo DOOD LULW DUD U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 KEKW DUD yasSMASH dud Pepega DOOD DOOOOD KEKW DOOOOD @AlbanianNaruto why you got turbo? rich rich?? DOOD DOOOOOOOOD KEKW DUD KEKW DUD KEKW i can smell no mic no cam streaming Kapp KEKW DUUUUD RIOT KEKW KEKW dud "DUDE" - moe 2019 RIOT KEKW RIOT KEKW @Yassuo yo, i just redeemed a gift sub with those points, how can i get it? @Yassuo riot fix ur game dood LEL TriDance DuDEeeeEEEEeeeee KEKW DUD KEKW Pepega 📣 DUD KEKW nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Gasm KEKW doooooOOodododo ME yasAYAYA / M OMEGALUL E !followage LUL DUD Pepega FUCK RIOT fucking riot at it again moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks??? DOOOOOOD i just wasted all points and u never read any of those 10 messages @yassuo ggwp RIOT KEKEW RIOT @realkevinhartofficial free badge WideHardo DUD RIOT KEKW hye @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challenging wait for it to go as close as possible q Hes got it wideHardo I MISS LEAGUE DOOD DON MARC MERRIL yasMald U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap qq RiiIIiiooooOOOoTTtt Can someone send me the link for this game? AYAYA LULW WHy doesn't yasSmash work anymore ): yasW DON'T HURT THE KEYBOARD PepeHands here it comes PepeLaugh Rip wow SHIT TEAMMATE @AlbanianNaruto ? free? isnt it 30 euros or soemthing -1000 KEKW DUDDEE You have too much patience clean ur laundry u saw grossgore new twitter video? @Yassuo this shit is like midget porn.. i wanna click away but i just cant!!! hows the new offline tvhouse looking? STOP PLS moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks????? RIOT SHT SISTEM RIOT YOU BASTARDS yasSmash !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime well if u blame riot for this i will blame u for my taxes :P JAGEX YOU PIECES OF SHITS yasMald @ChimpNA hello zomar :D yes dude watch it yes any gifters? HAHAHAHAHHA Yes YES KEKW HAHA how the heck is he not raging? xD SHIT SYSTEM smacznAngry SHIT SYSTEM smacznAngry SHIT SYSTEM smacznAngry SHIT SYSTEM smacznAngry most annoying game ever @Yassuo y Chat hes about to break PepeLaugh PogU yes bruv 3Head YES YES EVAN MARLOW IS GAY GR OMEGALUL SS G OMEGALUL RE moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks???????????? @EquadisEU yasU 4Shrug idk yes JAJAHAHAHAHAH its really good @Yassuo worth ItsBoshyTime Jacklabel -> Please refrain from posting links. WideHardo check it out now @realkevinhartofficial i didnt pay shit i just saw it in my badge list DOOOOOD @ChimpNA hi man, how can i get my free sub, i redeemed with those 25k points... i am watching and i am going crazy xD U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 yasSmash dUUuuuUUdDDDdEEEEee LULW so never hi moe :) you looking good today bro @Yassuo SHIT SYSTEM yasSmash check it now WATCH IT second Kapp @ChimpNA 😳 @Stsuspect Moe said he will gift it off stream U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp i cant watch it peepoLeave FREEZE Second, give or take six years Oh he actually lagged Kapp Grossgore is one of those people I would love to repeatedly punch in the face. "almost done with it" moe 2019 @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats ggs so never :) U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @AlbanianNaruto WideHarder hey @Yassuo give Nuclear throne a try, not a bad ame and challenging yes blame riot KEKW nice pc @ChimpNA oh, ok ty <3 ezz !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 56 minutes 3 seconds @Yassuo do you play i wanna the boshy because u want to be more like faker? yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC yasSmash INC ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YouWHY YouWHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YouWHY YouWHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime RitzMitz RitzMitz kekw yasClown ? KEKW lol LUL KEKW Pepega LULW LUL KEKW waaaaaaat fake faker so never kekw KEKWS U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW pixel standing kek You fell off KEKW Pepega U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 RiiOooOOOttt yasBoo2 BigBrother Clap RIOT WTF Hello Pepega KEKW nb3Gasm @Yassuo when u read "Great Level Design" remember me :) yasPepega yasPepega Pooog Jacklabel -> Please refrain from posting links. Good job Moe, keep it up! Lost 5k viewers to Tyler KEKW man you suck dick U HAD NO MANA BigBrother Clap i hate black color sry FAKE KEKW FAKE COMMENT KEKW yasPlead take a shower you scuffed homeless monkey yasN U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap peepoClap @albaniannaruto that was my message he read :) lets goooo brotha PepeLaugh here it comes KEKW AHAHAHhHAHahaH LUZLW RIOT LULW ROT yasSmash RIOT trash LULW hi lets go moe do do do do lets go moe oo stinky RIOT KEKW RIOT DOOD RIOT RIOT KEKW Jacklabel -> Please refrain from posting links. riot LUWL riot LULW RIOT KEKW riot? riot RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT KEKE riot RIOT KEKW SACK OF SHIT RIOT RIOT LULW RIOT DUUUUUUUUUUD riot ri- KEKW RIOT?? riot PepeLaugh riot??? riot dud man LUL RIOT RIOT LMAO RIOT KEKW RIOT! ????????? IROT RIOT lebrOn JaMeS cmonBruh RIOT RIOT RIOT JAHHAHA KEKW nb3Hehe @realkevinhartofficial ye copy me PepeLaugh hes gonna break DansGame DansGame DansGame XDD RI OMEGALUL T Riot dude man stop this sitz positive chat PogU positive chat PogU positive chat PogU positive chat PogU riot KEKW Love your streams Moe yasHYPERS RIOT KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 some how still Riots fault !uptime FUCK YOU RIOT RIOT yasClown RIOT yasSmash JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap PepeLaugh @albaniannaruto Smileyface riot stupid ass company JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap . SHIT SYSTEM yasSmash holy shit gross gore is poised to go on a rampage, he's fucking nuts LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo why do you look slimmer? did u lose weight or something ? riot XDDDp RIOTTT AHHAHAHHAHAHA DOOD RIOT RIOT ON THIN ICE The stream has been live for 2 hours 56 minutes 58 seconds RYYYYET D: LUL RIOT KEKW @Yassuo ME 2 KEKW LEBROOOOOON JAAAAMMMMMmMMMEEEeeeeS U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap When you have an addiction they deserve it lmaop RIOTDOOD HAHA CHAT HE SAID RIOT BUT HE NO PLAY RIOT GAMES GAME HAHA SAY KEKW FOR FUNNY HAA KEKW RIOTTTTTTT KEKW missed my 2nd sub too im sad moe 4Head JUST DO IT 4Head !followage RIOT KEKW KEKW what world is this SwiftRage RIOT Well ur full life is league so makes sense @Yassuo frames KEKW YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap KEKW riot OMEGALUL @Yassuo dude he is right watch the gross gore video LULW again YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW lag KEKW LUL Pc cant handle JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap . That doesnt make any sense lul nvm LULW MALD KEKW RIOTTTTTT Pepega @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats KEKW KEKW nb3Gasm GROSSIE 3Head RIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks? ........????????????? professor_nutsack subscribed with Twitch Prime. sack of shit lol !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 57 minutes 20 seconds KEKW KEKW LOLW Riot? cmonBruh ragequit stupod as SHIT SYSTEM yasSmash @Yassuo WAT???? TYPE OF BREAK? REACT ANDY LOLW REACT ANDY LOLW REACT ANDY LOLW REACT ANDY LOLW Lets make some vids react PogU HAHA CHAT HE SAID RIOT BUT HE NO PLAY RIOT GAMES GAME HAHA SAY KEKW FOR FUNNY HAA KEKW LOOOOL LULW PepeLaugh peepoPog just win moe MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap 3Head MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap yasOkay league? KEKW Prepare your 3Head s Lmaoooo 3Head hahahahaa MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap 󠀀 3Head 3Head OY BRUV 3Head T R U E HAHA PLAY TETRIS karasmGasm karasmGasm KEKW leagu? hi yasN OMEGALUL LULW stfu grossie LULW TRUE 3Head 3Head LULW LULW fullscreen 3Head 7 hi youtube LUL KEKW KEKW WTF why are u running KEKW 3Head Clap KEKW 3Heead Clap PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh I'M ONLY HEARING FACTS KEKW yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK 3Head can you please notice me OMEGALUL 3Head HYPERCLAP KEKW KEKW lmao yes LULW HAHAHAHAHA 3Head NEVA 3Head 3Head PepeLaugh yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK yasU_TK 3Head YES KEKW EVERY WORD YOU SAY LULW 1Head YES KEKW NEVAH PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh LOLLLL WANK LULW LULW yes WANK KEKW 3Head wank WANK YOUTBUE WASSUP 3Head Neva WANT 3Head KEKW YES 3Head NEVA WANK 3Head LMFAO 3Head 3Head LOL @albaniannaruto ta qi nanen im your biggest fan WANKER 3Head true LULW KEKW 2Head 3Head KEKW TRUW 3Head 3Head WANK WENK 3Head STUPI WANKKKK WANK WANK KEKW JK LUL LULW KEKW TRUE LUL I actually fucking love grossie hahahahah SMURF HAIR KEKW lmfao LADS BOIS LADS BOIS LADS BOIS LADS BOIS KEKW . 3Head 3Head OY BRUV WANK SMURF HAIR LOLW TRUE WANKER MATE 3Head 3Head HES NOT PRETENDING HHAHAAHAHAHAH CRINGE KEKW 3Head TRUF KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3Head OI MATE 3Head Mate KEKW yasCannon LMAO 3Head HES MENTAL BRUV 3Head HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH youre cute SIRR THIS IS WENDYS LUL 3Head IM UP IN YOUR HEAD BRUV 3Head KEKW LULW TRUE THOUGH LJMAOOOO KEKW KEKW LUL BRUV 3Head Bruv 3head BRUV LUL WANKA 3Head BRUV 3Head He acting like ninja is his ex OMEGALUL 3Head Clap focking macaiylas tweet LULW BRUVH BRUV KEKW 3Head bruv 3Head 3Head BRAV yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue KEKW KEKW BRUV 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head 3Head bruv KEKW CRASH GORETH BEST STREAMER WORLD 1Head KEKW gachiBASS LMAOOOOOOO HE'S BRAIN DAMAGED 3Head LUL KEKW Kappa fuming LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 3Head BRUV BRUV WANKER BRUV 3head BRUV 3Head WENKA 3Head BRUV KEKW 3Head 3Head WTF ?? KEKW 3Head trueee LULW what drugs does he take, i need me some of those BRUV KEKW 3Head innit bruv BRUV PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis BRUVVV 3Head SUCH A LOSER KEKW LULW 3Head bruv wank 3Head KEKW LULW moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks???? O I bru HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAH IM FUCKING DONE BRUV @Yassuo gachiHYPER I DREAM OF YOU EVERY NIGHT HAHAHAHAHAH @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats 3Head innit bruv 󠀀 qtpTASTY IMAGINE UNIRONIOCALLY UPLOADING THAT PepeLaugh 3Head KEKW yasGood yasGood 3Head fucking wanker BRUF HES SO CRINGE AHAHAHAHHA LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 3Head Dont do drugs he's fucking so mentally unstable 5head MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap MAYBE NEXT TIME MOE peepoClap OI BRUV BRUV REACT TO SOME VIDEOS PogU @Yassuo wait whats the drama 3Head grossies on crack nb3MonkaS BRUV 3head Sir this is a Wendys drugs U FOKIN WANK 3Head so lets again moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks @Yassuo @Yassuo Yo <3 3Head ninja u foken wanka LUL HAHA CHAT HE SAID RIOT BUT HE NO PLAY RIOT GAMES GAME HAHA SAY KEKW FOR FUNNY HAA KEKW long break That guy wishes he was ninja lmao nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan Yassuo Moving to mixer for a better comminty oi bruv what did ninja do KEKW He really be the League OG YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap thats a break looking for attention play league ffs u noob Wow DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET ? WdieHard HOMIES ? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Mental reset YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap YOU WIN THESE peepoClap Follow me on Twitter for updates IMAGINE UNIRONICALLY UPLOADING THAT PepeLaugh IMAGINE UNIRONICALLY UPLOADING THAT PepeLaugh IMAGINE UNIRONICALLY UPLOADING THAT PepeLaugh esetheee PPL DONT REALISE HES TROLLING TILL THIS DAY @Yassuo LOL @98gooner 4Weird Where is ninja saying this? WideHard HOMIES ? JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap Ah shit here we go again did you see the video with his gf @yassuo go play leagueeeeeeeee gross gore is in the wrong then i can smell that no cam no mic stream coming Hi @Yassuo !! If I say 100,000 times live "Moe", would you go through the stream? I would be excited ... Greetings from Argentina <3 U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 reddit 4Weird SillyChamp TRUE GEORDIE Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : gross gore is a nasty ass human rip my sub for 3rd month in a row Pog PagChomp oh? PogU PogU Pog PagChomp pOG Pog PogU PogU Pog POG Pog POGU 4Weird 👉 reddit Pog POG PepeLaugh chat thinks hes got this clean pOG POGG PogU POGK pog WTF Pog OH SHIIIIIT Pog Damn pog POG Pog MOE Pog Pgo CLEAN POG LETS GOOOOO PogU PogU D: @Yassuo he should quit streaming and do twitter rants KEKW PogU Pog pgo PogU OMEGALUL Pog pog PogU Pog chat did he beat the boss? Oh there it is Pog @Yassuo go play league you monkey. ooAAAooo AAAAAAAA D: PogMe 6 Months pog Pog U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap cam CAM camcam we cant see @Yassuo keyblade now MOVE CAM JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap Finger break worked PogU camcacmacmac pog mental reset worked thx grossie CAM MOVE YOUR FACE TOP LEFT @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! CANT C U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap 󠀀 CAM TTours Pog CAN SEE PepeLaugh CANT SEE facecam OMEGALUL cam CAM camcammm cam cam ??????? cam CAM PepeLaugh ITS COMING CANT C cammmm @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! . Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited cam SansoRr subscribed with Twitch Prime. idk cant C CASM CAN CAM TOP LEFT U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap facecammmm cam @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! cantsdeeeeeeee grossgore should just mind his own business Hi @Yassuo !! If I say 100,000 times live "Moe", would you go through the stream? I would be excited ... Greetings from Argentina <3 UR CAM CAM PepeLaugh @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! . PUT CAM TOP LEFT OR RIGHT KEKW pit cam on 50% transparency Move the cam under the death count @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! PogU cam LAZY Pepega Clap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap 󠀀 :D ngl ninja is honestly kinda annoying tho PepeLaugh OH NO NO CAM jump Pepega lol jump on top man' ? jump to other side @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! . GO UP 4Head JUMP 4Head did you beat the Boss? wtf fall jump on the things ape jump 4HEad is he playing league after? right left right right? GO LEFT beat it 4Heed go round and under jump on the yellow hazard you jump PUT CAM TOP LEFT OR RIGHT KEKW PUT CAM TOP LEFT OR RIGHT KEKW OH NO NO PepeLaugh jumo 4HEad climb on that Be e esporter of this game KEKW @Yassuo Jump on top of the first spinnng thing hacks JUMP 4Head jump 4HEad @Yassuo Move the cam under the death count PepeLaugh KEKW Jump on the laser KEKW @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! abobe spike and round KEKW BAD up HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh @Yassuo again, jump in the spike corner and from there i think @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! / STREAMER IS UNAWARE PepeLaugh D: jump left, you dont see the walls again @Yassuo PepeLaugh D: Are u not playing leage today ? @Yassuo REMEMBER ME ON GREAT LEVEL DESIGN DONT LOSE UR MENTAL OK :)! . myb u can climb on that I can't even get past tutorial KEKW SMALL pike again? he's seen speedruns PepeHands PepeHands 4Weird he doenst know PepeHands PepeHands ? PepeHands? PepeHands > PepeHands ? he sucks KEKW can you jump on the spinny thing @yassuo ? PepeLaugh oh no no Pepega XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CLIMB ON LASER kuppo__ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! just jump to the spinning thingy platform PepeHands PepeLaugh under the laser PepeHands Pepega its the easiesst room tbh JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap "PepeHands" Pepega platforms on top of the laser thing stayinfrostee subscribed with Twitch Prime. HE DOESNT KNOW PepeHands KEKW @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? seems impossible but spike hug PepeHands Pepega Clap Jebaited JUMP ON TOP U IDIOT @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? PepeLaugh dude on the lasers!! PepeLaugh "PepeHands" Pepega jump to the plantfoorm PepeHands he is unaware PepeLaugh HE LACK CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh HE LACK CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh HE LACK CRITICAL INFORMATION HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeHands @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? JUST BEAT IT peepoClap bro when did you become so hot @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? on the spike corner PepeLaugh Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! FAll the other way he doesn know PepeHands JUST BEAT IT peepoClap JUST BEAT IT peepoClap JUST BEAT IT peepoClap JUST BEAT IT peepoClap yea :) Pepega ?? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? @Yassuo GO UP U WOOF WOOF WTF? ITS BOSHI TIME PepeLaugh are u in q? just jump 4Head @Yassuo move cam under death count @NaZe_Minaj 4HEad Here it comes PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh OMEGALUL HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh KEKW spider PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh oh no no PepeLaugh zalla1 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo was joking bruv, no clue HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh PepeLaugh EZ HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh MISSING CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! PepeLaugh xD PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ARE U PLAYING LEAGE TODAY OR JUST BOSHI League ? WeirdChamp Bot DONT TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh KEKW PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh HHHHHHHHH PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO SHHHH PepeLaugh did you beat the boss you were stuck on? LEAGE? OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)!. this game is damn hard Pog PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh xeeeno -> Please refrain from spamming caps. PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh DONT TELL HI hasier -> Please refrain from spamming caps. NO MORE LEAGUE Pog @Yassuo Jump right not left widepeepoSad hit the checkpoint and die u idiot NO MORE LEAGUE Pog Fk LEAGUE PepeLaugh NO MORE LEAGUE Pog respect @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! PLAY PUMMEL WITH VIEWERS? PogU MISSING CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh What monitor d you have @Yassuo dont tell him chat PepeLaugh dont tell him chat PepeLaugh dont tell him chat PepeLaugh dont tell him chat PepeLaugh @Yassuo preseason kinda poo HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT PepeLaugh not play boshy are u gonna play in TCS? Pog O PogU DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh DON'T TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh . PogU pog Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog PogU @Yassuo moe theres a new jump king expansion r u gonna play? ????? Pog and you're enjoying boshy? O.o Pog HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh PogU @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)!@Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! pOG Pog PogU D: not play boshy PepeHands not play boshy PepeHands not play boshy PepeHands Pog did you beat the boss you were stuck on Moe? HE MADE Pog How much DOLLARS is this game KEKW PepeLaugh HES UNAWARE OF THE FACT THAT HE LACK INFORMATION PepeLaugh pog DON'T MOVE PepeLaugh no play, its more entertaining @Yassuo @yaeduo get the bois on pummel or somethin monkaW is he in que? @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)!@Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)!. KEKW nice brains monkaS Pog variety finally smurf on boshi XDDDD @Yassuo Bruv I Spent 25K points dont forget Please moe yass are u playing in tcs OMEGALUL ? KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW BAD KEKW LUL JUST DON'T MOVE KEKW Pepega @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)!@Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^) Pepega KEKW WHAT Pepega Cube Fake why did moe stop playing league? LULW PEPEGA LUL KEKW PogU @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! D: BrookeAB subscribed at Tier 1. D: moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! . snek @Yassuo HOLY fk i thought u were gonna smurf that rollling shit first try which world is this moe? yasH he doesnt know LULW woah only boshy stream? im here for this @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES yamato8Turtle have fun with this KEKW Brooke PogU Here We GO when ur trying to be faker @BrookeAB OkayChamp moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks? did he beat the boss chat ????????????????????????????????? close theYaBoy710 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! LUL PogU close CLOSE Hey @BrookeAB ^^ almost Pog SUCKS KEKW sheesh CLOSE Pog D: smurfung @BrookeAB POGGERS 100t sub ok smurf What keyboard is @Yassuo using? BROOK KEKW @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! simp @Yassuo actually almost smurfed OkayChamp BOSHY Close PogU XDDDDD Kapp Kapp @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES GUYS DONT TELL HIM PepeLaugh BrookeAB PogU HAHAH Jason LULW D: @BrookeAB you the best Faker beat it :) @Yassuo YES no league? peepoLeave PepeLaugh @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! Actually true KEKW no the hardest game in the world is the hardest game in the world ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TRUE KEKW @BrookeAB TriHard Yo no offense Faker is a master at this game moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks??? @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! farthest you've been or? @Yassuo play new jump king expansion soon or later? jason LULW KEKW quit simpin KEKW a girl gamer POGGERS SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND CHAT WeirdChamp KEKW @BrookeAB <3 !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 3 minutes 18 seconds ItsBoshyTime Yassuo - TwitchYassuo - TwitchYassuo - TwitchYassuo - TwitchYassuo - TwitchYassuo - Twitch Jebaited @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @zalla1 do you know? LULW @Shaclone habibi chimpHey @BrookeAB KonCha @BrookeAB symfW_TK symfW_TK NO LEAGUE peepoLeave WOMEN IN CHAT RARE EVEN <3 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 D_ simp KEKW no it isn't she finished it in 2 days PogU @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! KEKW KEKW @Yassuo You haven't seen some of the mario romhacks if you think this is the most difficult game. KEKW KEKW @BrookeAB D: @Yassuo moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks PepeLaugh EXCUSE ME D: lol oops CHAT SHE SIMP KEKW LUL just triggered @NaZe_Minaj know what? anyone who disagrees probably cant even get pass the tutorial or the first stage KEKW @yassuo ANY GIRLS DM IM TALL AND HANDSOME :) @ChimpNA u never added me in soloq wtf man @Yassuo moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks... FAKER IS A GOD AT THIS GAME HES MALDING KEKW Pog VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance @BrookeAB did you cry when beating sonic too? PepeLaugh Kamillia 3 PepeLaugh he lost to 13 Aritzardanaz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Keep it up my boy <3 Change the category @Yassuo HAHA LULW LULW why did he stop league? ur so ass @chimpna hey boss KEKW @zalla1 thats what im saying PepeLaugh dud KEKW Kapp KEKWDOOOOOOOOD KEKW DUUUD KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh DOOOD Kapp DOOO ur broken DOOD lmfao Moe is the best guys he gets so many girls he does not simp :) uh oh, what's a simp, am i a boomer monkaS hahahhahaha Kapp duuuuuuuud DOOOOD LULW LULW DUD KEKW SMASH IT Kapp Kapp KEKW DUD KEKW DUUUDEE \ yasSmash Kapp Man this is hard LULW xddd DUD Pepega DOOOOD duud ask sponsors for a new one smh dood xD LUL Man my sub alert didn't go through or what? @Yassuo 6 months subbed bro, subbed on YT since 2016, love you Moe DDDOOOODDDD Kapp NA BOSHY sure Kapp @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 @BrookeAB WideHard 7 sure Kapp 2.8k deaths LULW @BrookeAB :D Kapp DIUUD xD Any girls in chat go away, this is boys only KEKW @ChimpNA tyler1Hey Kapp LULW RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOT kekkk Kapp DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! watch what it's doing when your dead OK XQC lol Pepega DUD3 XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW ye yes keyboard=brainfart yes LULW SMAAASH IT PLEASE @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! yes YES KEKW Kapp OK XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW moe why do you buy a rolex but put your bed on metal sticks @Yassuo LUL Yes @Yassuo DUDE BE CAREFUL OF THE SPIDER MOnkaW DUDE BE CAREFUL OF THE SPIDER MOnkaW DUDE BE CAREFUL OF THE SPIDER MOnkaW What was that dude xDXD Kapp yes :) Sure man Kapp NO SHIT WeirdChamp You always smashing tht shit LULW @Yassuo POG CHAMP XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW XQC WANNABE KEKW @Yassuo why not play darksouls cod pubg fortnite anything else xD YES LUL LUL just ask sponsors for a new one smh LULW Pepelaugh @BrookeAB @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! Kappa Kapp ok LUL LUL LUL ur 5'6" calm down buddy Kapp OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW YOURE NOT KEKW YOURE NOT KEKW YOURE NOT KEKW xDxD HAHAHAHAH LULW KEKW DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD DOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW Kapp DUUUUUD Kappa Kapp KEKW DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD KEKW Kapp Kapp LULW LULW LOOL LUL LULW HAHHAHAHA DUUUUUUUUUUD KEKW KEKW HAAAAAAAAHHH PepeLaugh Kapp kekw Yees Kapp LMAO LUL LU LU YES kekw Pepega LMAOOO Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp LUL Kappa @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! . Kapp hahaaahahahahaha KEKW KEKW DOOOOOOOOOOOOOD KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKEW KEKW SLAM THE FART LOLW DOOOOOOOOD BabyRage Kapp KEKW DOOOOOOOOD Kapp yes BACK TO LEAGUE Kappa yasSmash KEKW LELW KEKW SWITCH KEYBOARD THEN WTF DUUUUUUUUUUUUD Kapp jajajajajaaj LUL LMAOOOOOOOOOOO LULW . Yea yea ahahahaha lmaoooooo trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL trkLOL KEKW KEKW moe is fake af Kappa Its part of the level PepeLaugh Kappa Kapp LULW DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD POG Kappa DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD RIOT Kapp ItsBoshyTime sumSmash It couldn't have anything to do with you slamming on it all the time right? KEKW your keyboard is fucked because you smack it every time @Yassuo Kapp Kapp OMEGALUL LMAO LULW STFU Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp 󠀀 chill @Riot pog tell me more xqcE xqcSmile2 SLAM THE FART @Yassuo LOLW Kappa PepeLaugh EXCUSE ANDY KEKW @Yassuo Kappa Kappa DansGame DansGame Sssswear Kappa Triggered PepeLaugh DansGame soooo fkae GOLDEN Kappa CHECK @Yassuo dont tilt on great level design just remember me :^)! Lmao Kapp sure DansGame Lul SURE Kapp keyboard the killer PepeLaugh EPEOP Kapp fake\ clean it then? KEKW Kapp Clap get a new keyboard then dumbass lol ???????? KEKW WHATS THE NAME OF THIS GAME ????????? ??? DansGame Kapp LUL MrDestructoid LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL DansGame Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: ok KEKW ?????????? Kapp Kapp kappa LULW LULW KEKW AHAHAHAHAH Kapp Kapp LOLOLOLOL Kappa NOT WORKING KEKW DamsGame ?????? Kapp CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk OMEGALUL ...... OMEGALUL YOU LIED KEKW kappa @Yassuo i wonder why its broken okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk LUL Kapp Kapp yea liar ??????? Kapp KEKW KEKW Yes true kapp I SE PepeLaugh 💦 ?????????????????? Pepega LIES KEKW KEKEW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ?????? LYING LULW PepeLaugh LUL KAPP Kappa KEKW DansGame BabyRage xeeeno -> Please refrain from spamming caps. CLEAN UNDER IT IDIOT :) ok man LULW KEKW ????????? LOLOL Kapp OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh KEKE :) lieeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss Kappa ????????????????????? FAKE xD hahahahha I WONDER WHY Kapp I SEE LOL PEPEGA LOL LULW KEYBOARD DansGame Kapp lie kappp Kapp Nice Kapp OMEGALUL RIOT RIOT RIOT CLEAN YOUR KEYBOARD DansGame KEKW LIAR HAHAHAHHA Kapp Kappa Kapp LMAOO KEKW Not playing league because he is raging so he rather play boshy xD LMAOOO Kapp PEPEGA CLAP Pepega LIAR LIES lmao kap Kapp OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh LUL LUL :) :) Kapp Very true KEKW LYING LARRY LULW @Yassuo MAYBE ITS THE FKING LEVEL U DONT SLAM IT EVERY DAY LOL BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage Kappa lies LUL LIAR Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW PogChamp LIAR KEKW Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp :) You're not Kapp Wonder why monkaHMM Kappa DansGame DansGame @Yassuo thats what happens when you go ape shit on it every league game shitty keyboard Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa LIER LULW Kappa LULW DIRTY KEYBOARD KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA Kapap :) Kappa Lapp monkaW lieer it works normal Kapp KEYBOARD DansGame 󠀀 KEKW FAKE AF Kapp LYING ANDY KEKW faker monkaW VIVE Kappa PepeLaugh WE BELIEVE YOU clean it fake Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa LUL LUL LUL SeemsGood PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Kappaa PepeLaugh Kapp ofc Kapp @Yassuo Wat is ur mouse? U DONT ABUSE UR KEYBOARD LOL WutFace WutFace WutFace @yassuo we believe you LYING Kapp1 sure... jesus your keyboard is fucking dutty @Yassuo it is brown thing it's made of shiz to it's slippery @Yassuo dont nut on your keyboard next time lmao Millionaire cant get new keyboard Clip that LOL KEKW DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD u buy 3 8k watches but no a keyboard xd Kapp XQC WANNABE XQC WANNABE XQC WANNABE XQC WANNABE XQC WANNABE XQC WANNABE FAKER POG DID HE BEAT THE BOSS CHAT ???? KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KEYBOARD CAM Kapp KEYBOARD CAM Kapp KEYBOARD CAM Kapp KEYBOARD CAM Kapp KEYBOARD CAM Kapp KEYBOARD CAM Kapp @yassuo but we can hear the key sound and you released it to late wt that point 100% first_jon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! corsair makes an inferior product, too bad you don't have Razer @Yassuo get a ducky bro theyre on sale Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty THERE IS SEMEN UNDER IT, JUST CLEAN IT order one right now! My favorite delusional streamer, keep it up KEKW TRUE KEKW ????????? glitch in real life KEKW @Yassuo Bro I used 25k Points dont forget please cmonBruh @Yassuo wait you actually dont know about the spider? KEKW @Yassuo get a ducky bro theyre on sale rn Change the category to boshy @Yassuo lol KEKW TRUE ?????? just True KEKW KEKW ? @Yassuo I believe u ?xD aye glorified 100T hoodie salesman KEKW ?????????? trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ trkGJ ?????? KEKW "rich" KEKW @Yassuo rip fake rolex @Yassuo wait you actually dont know about the spider? PepeLaugh Kappa Save money for next life KEKW kekw CHAT DID HE BEAT THE BOSS HE WAS STUCK IN???? really guys its broken OK FAKER @chimpna OHHOOOAO HOHOOHOO HOOOHHOOO yah 8k waaay better then buying 100$ keyboard PogU PepeLaugh PogU KEKW chimp is a mod PogU_enthusiast KEKW LULW LULW ??????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NVM ?????????? KEKW PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh ??????????? awwbman AAAAAAHÉAHAH where u even supposed to go close pog oh no no no PepeLaugh ?????? @Eggo15 chimpCmonBruh hmm xeeeno -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW HOW THE FUCK Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited close tho kekw KEKW is That is why u cant play LOL ? HJAHAHAH GAHGAHAHA Pepega ??????????? Pepega IIIIIIIIIIIIIII XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD what happened there moe KEKW Pepega} Pepega ??????? KEKW LOL KEKW LUL LUL Pepega KEKW monkaW KEKW TEA KETTLE ?????? KEKW Pepega Cla PepeLaugh KEKW haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa monaks monkaS KEKW E TU WutFace Pepega 💨 monkaS monkaW WutFace autsim? monkaW LUL > ????????????? KERKW THAHAHAHAHAH KEKW Need some water? KEKW Pepega ? Pepega MY TEA KETTLE IS READY halali dzma LUL LUL LUL LUL Pepega LUL LUL LUL kekw KETTLE KEKW ????????????????????????? Kappa ok moe PogU Kapp Pepega I dont remember turning on my pressure cooker pepega Water cooker Pog Water cooker Pog Water cooker Pog Water cooker Pog @AZN_ LMAO DONT TELL HIM ABOUT SHORTCUT PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM ABOUT SHORTCUT PepeLaugh arrow key Pepega KEKW @Yassuo what difficulty are you on? PepeLaugh 💨 arrow keys are too important for league too PepeLaugh Ahhahahahha where can I play this game bro ????? KEKW I think you’ve lost views after showing you’re rolex watch KEKW this game is better than league tho using arrow keys in leage LULW Pepega Clap hahahahaha akaroh, WeirdChamp ????????? Buying a watch saves money LUL is ur rolex actually fake? KEKW Clap how many times you die? Arrow key for League KEKW OK BOOMOE SO tilting watching this please change KEKW @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats KEKW Clap @Yassuo wait you actually dont know about the spider? PepeLaugh . KEKW lol yes kek O LUL LULW ?? Pepega Only true fans left OH KEKW yes deaths are the same as your yas games ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasAYAYA LUL ? YES OMEGALUL H what do you even do im 2 iq ??? nb3Gasm Teqzi2k subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Order a Keyboard right now on stream, u ugly ass play league yez o Yes Get on the platform no no no YES KEKW KEKW jump off early and get to platform yes yasHmm yasHmm yasHmm @Yassuo play league if he fails again hes retarded yes PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh Kapp cmonBruh theres actually a spider @Yassuo FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers Coat hangers KEKW no u jump off late 4head U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap @Yassuo this keyboard is on sale only today so get a bunch man dont fall on the spikes TIDE PODS monkaS moe got a girl pregnart ask your sponsors for a new keyboard duh how many times you die? Ur Muslim shut up POGGERS Cocaine? monkaS KEKW Coat hanGerZ I LOVE TIDE PODS They taste AMAZING sponsored TTO EAT ? @yassuo duo with someone Filming tide pod challenge? AND BRAIN TIDE PODS POGGERS TidePods, YUMMY shampoo DansGame FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers . tide pods monkaS U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 karasmLuL ItsBoshyTime karasmLuL ItsBoshyTime karasmLuL ItsBoshyTime karasmLuL tooth brush LMAO REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE WERE EATING FUCKING TIDEPODS XD vaisa -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD lots of bodywash amazon stream pls just go out man i need a computer LUL @abrahamrabahat ????????? SHampoo FROM AMAZON Pepega?? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Jebaited Jebaited To eat them? moe got girl pregnart FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers Kapp Kapp yeah, don't fall on the spikes homie Kapp @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD- Kapp Greensilence_Productions subscribed at Tier 1. A whole TV? Not half a TV??? LMFAO unboxing stream for the ladies? U have to get a new brain PepeLaugh Kapp a whole tv not half of one? smart food golden Kapp check no You need another watch Kapp MUKBANG EATING TIDE PODS PogU Kapp i need earbuds recommendations? smells like a boosted hard stuck league player Kapp Kpp stinky @dNuts2k yo im about to claim my free sub just wanted to let a mod know since moe said so =) pls respond if u read this =) BUY SKILL! Kappa smell lik BO he smelled bad at tcon chat PepeLaugh PepeLaugh 🕷️Clap Kapp @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD u smell like camel Shampoo from amazon Pepega ??? Mukbang tide pots KEKW how many times you die? oOBloomingRoseOo -> Please refrain from posting links. shopping stream U smell like sweat bro why do u play games faker plays? ur not him bro KEKW KEKW Kappa KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHHAAHAH im just saying you dont LOOK like you smell all that kappa uh oh stinky KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOO PepeLaugh LULW KEKW Kapp HAHAHAHHA HAHHAHA DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD KEKWKEKWKEKW KEKW LULW KEKW FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers LUL KEKW WutFace LUL HAAHAH DOOOOOD BabyRage KEKW HAHAHAHA ahahah LOLOL RIOTTTTT Kapp Clap KEKW KEKW Kapp LAG HAHAHHAHA LUL LUL LUL LULW DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUde KEKW DOOOOOOOOOOOD WAHHHHHHHHHH DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD xD yasSmash KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL kek DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE KEKW KEKW @kreshnik1mripa ok BabyRage LULW GHAAAAAAAAAAAA WAHHH WEAHHHHH Kappa Kapp ye sure KEKW Kapp Kapp and the streams over KEKW MOE MOE LISTEN ITS CYBER MONDAY I HAVE A CORSAIR KEYOBOARD MINE BROKE TOO SO DID TRICK SHIT COMAPAY DUUUUD HAHHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKWWWW LUL KEKW lagging in boshy KEKW LUL WAHHHHH KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL u smell like biryani and chicken salan PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime LMAOOO aahahaha And you smell bad KEKW LMAO sure bud PepePls DUD KEKW PepePls KEKW calm down KEKW FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers LOL @Yassuo you smelled like the poop 😹 haha poopy sinker mental DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD KEKW Sure man Kapp nb3Gasm nb3Hype nb3Gasm nb3Gasm DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD KEKW feelsbadman KEKW KEKW can you lag in an offline game. : / DOOOOOOODE yasPls lol u died yasPls LUL BabyRage DOOOD BabyRage DOOOD BabyRage DOOOD BabyRage DOOOD GOIPOOGOO GQH GAH KEKW HarryJamessPotter -> Please refrain from spamming caps. POOR JENSEN HAS TO DEAL WITH THIS EVERYDAY OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL pepeD YOU DIED pepeD LUL LUL YOU DIED pepeD duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh WAHHHHH Windows update made boshy lag KEKW! PepePls Kapp WAAAAAAAAAAH BabyRage FUCKING RIOT Kapp Clap LULULULLULLUL $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW moe is fucking hysterical man BabyRage PepeLaugh ANELE ANELE ANELE $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh KEKW delusional streamer SMASH IT $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW LULLULULUL niiiice lmao brown boy shush lagging in single player btw $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW $6k PC lagging in a 2d game KEKW OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers DOOOOD 4Head 4Head 4Head OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh u are broken lol PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime @dNuts2k hey sexy @Yassuo im just saying you dont LOOK like you smell all that kappa Kappa ;) lagging? KEKW DOOOOOOOD DUDE PPEPELPEPEL @Yassuo you smelled like the poop 😹 haha poopy sinker hahah stinky Lagggg then stop smashing it WeirdChamp BLAMING KEYBOARD PepeLaugh LUL YOU DIED LUL LUL YOU DIE PepeLaugh funniest stream @yassuo we believe you kekw yasPls LOL U DIED yasPls WAAAAH WAAAAAH deaths are the same as your yas games sure OH NO NO PepeLaugh WAA WAAA @dNuts2k, k redeemed it @AZN_ hey babe BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage KEKW DUDE PepeLaugh Only faker can play it CHANGE GAME MOE how many times you die? whats ur card info ill buy u a keyboard yasW LUL LUL LUL LUL OMEGALUL TRUE TRUE I HOPE UR TROLLING OR I HATE YOU 2.8k deaths thats rough moe shagges his own nan for christmas overreacting because girl is here KEKW Lagging in a solo game KEKW CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIPCLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIPCLIPCLIPCLIP CLIP CLIP only there its broke xD Order a pc FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers . @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD LUL BabyRage stop downloading so much fucking porn @Yassuo Too much porn FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers PORN POGU holy shit that guy has 25k already? @kreshnik1mripa SCAMMED KEKW BabyRage BUEH @kreshnik1mripa lmao I cant even see it. ill let him know tho close some tabs RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT RIOT faker beat it on 400 deaths or so @NZXT WTF WeirdKEKW yasSmash LUL YOU DIED LUL LUL YOU DIED Windows update made boshy lag :( Kapp !pc Kapp CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz nzxt KEKW KEKW DUUUUUUUUD Kapp lol Kapp LUL Kapp kekW Kapp NICE ONE KEKW KEKW NZXT KEKW NZXT KEKW NZXT KEKW NZXT KEKW OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh oh no PepeLaugh KEKW Kapp WAHHH 4times KEKW Kapp Kapp LUL !specs Kapp OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh 4 > PLEASE yasSmash MOE SUCKS KEKW Kappa Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp pepeD WAH WAH WAHHHH Kapp PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime Pls give your computer to me and get a new one yourself HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA DUD Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh kekw Kapp ????????? @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD- Best reactions KEKW SMASH IT sure buddy STALLING FOR CONTENT 4Weird STALLING FOR CONTENT 4Weird STALLING FOR CONTENT 4Weird STALLING FOR CONTENT 4Weird bout to hit 5 times 4 ? KEKW KEYBOARD click back to the left ok sure Kapp Kapp yeah of course Kapp @NZXT WTF KEKW WAHHHHHHHHHH Kapp SURE MAN yeye osleepinggod -> Please refrain from spamming caps. nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES SURE DUDE Kapp KEKW its only working at that spot yes Kapp try to move the key and put it again @Yassuo LUL LUL not fly's sounds like excuses man idk akaroh, WeirdChamp djboss0729 WeirdChamp carizz0 WeirdChamp hangu07 WeirdChamp albaniannaruto has me blocked WeirdChamp biglipsbarry WeirdChamp awildsorakaa WeirdChamp hysey WeirdChamp forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED forsenPls LOL YOU DIED Faker beats it in 400 deaths @Yassuo BREAK KEYBOARD BREAK KEYBOARD Kapp ofc man Sure Mohamad Kapp @Yassuo CHANGE MOVEMENT KEYS TO WASD ill take mod Kappa @dNuts2k i made a sc i can send in discord if needed how many times you die? lol moes pussy hurts LULW HandsUp KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime so sad pepePains KEKW the rest of you WeirdChamp ? KEKW PepePls lmfao we have the same keyboard ? KEKW ?????????? ???????????? CLIP LULW KEKW wWTF KEKW @LGDimp f u the rest of you WeirdChamp ? 󠀀 @sckonmanuut, my turn now OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh MOES PUSSY HURTS LULW ??? KEKW ???? ????? HAHAHAAH WeirdChamp ? PepeLaugh ????????? LMFDSKFGNFLK ? LULW `????????????????????????????????? Kapp ????? IT WORKS FINE wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW ???????????? ????????????????? ?????????? PepeLaugh ????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? LULW kek KEKW HAHAHAHHH KEKW HAHAHAHHAHAHA ??????????????????????? LMAOOOOOOOOO ?????? KEKW it works KEKW ????????????????????????? ??????? COMPLETLY NORMAL KEKW Pepega ??????????????? fly's to the right LUL LIAR KEKW WORKS FINE ????????????? ????????? wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW wtf happened KEKW FeelsWeirdMan Maybe thats supposed to happen KEKW HAHAHAHAHA ? KEKW lies IT WORKS PERFECTLY ???????? ????????????????????????????????? LULW IMAGINE BLAMING THE KEYBOARD KEKW KEKW ??????? tendulkar100 -> Please refrain sending long messages. KEKW?? HAHAHAHAAHHA PepeLaugh 👉 ⌨ Hi @chat I see that death score is this intsuo game play ? ??????????????????????????????????????? HAHAHAHAHAHA such a liar BabyRage PepeLaugh ????????????????/ Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @SckOnMaNuut 4Weird OMEGALUL 4Shrug ???????????????????????????????? KEKW ???????????????????? I SAW IT NO LIE PauseChamp LOOKS PERFECTLY FINE ???????????? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Autismo activated KEKW ?? ???? SMASH IT MOE Kappa Kapp ?????????????????????????????? FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers KEKW ALL LIES kapp are you okay moe? LULW ????????????????? lol? because it works ?????????????? ? ok boomer pepega SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN KEKW MY FAVORITE DELUSIONAL STREAMER PLZ SMASH IT MOE FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers .................... Kapp ????????????????????????????? WeirdChamp cRAZY PepeLaugh 💨 hangu07, what did he say why is everyone KEKW im only in chat KEKW ??????????????????????????????/ KEKW SURE ??????????????????????? KEKW 👉 ItsBoshyTime PJSalt HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IT WORKS LULW ??????????????????????????????????? BUSTED WaitWut ???????? ??????????????? maybe thats supposed to happen xD PauseChamp -------------- ?????????????????? ? Kapp Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday LMAO OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh Delusional HAHAHAHAHAAHHA THERES NO PROBLEM he doesn't know PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW delusional KEKW MY FAVORITE DELUSIONAL STREAMER KEKW LYING pepega ? how many times you die? GUYS REPORTED YE SURE MAN Cap Kapp KEKW lol BRAIN DMG LULW LYING WeirdChamp MYTHBUSTED. IM NOT DELUSIONAL PepeLaugh this shit cracks me up crazy LYING KEKW DUDE You are brain damaged KEKW THERE IT HAPPENED what are you talking bro? you got some heavy keys padre Lying WeirdChamp go see a doctor you Pepega GUY SMY KEYBOARD IS SO BROKEN KEKW FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers . HAHAHAHAHAH ??????????? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ResidentSleeper HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys PauseChamp monkaW NotLikeThis we belive you moe DUDE Pepega AHUTNED??????????????? reported for self harm delusional KEKW ???????????? ARE U THE ILLUSIONALIST? OMFG CHANGE KEYBINDS BIG BRAIN @Yassuo HAVE YOU THOUGHT THAT MAYBE ITS THE LEVEL OR NOT THE KEYBOARD????? noob :p stergsim18 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. rigged monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted ICE ONE Pepega Clap NICE ONE Pepega Clap NICE ONE Pepega Clap we got ghosts in the house pretty sure you are delusional @Yassuo He doesn't know KEKW WOW MOE UR KEYBOARD IS SO BROKEN KEKW Lying for content WeirdChamp FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers excuses it seems nb3Blush DUDE REPORRTED DUDE UM? can i have that "broken" Keyboard? akaroh, WeirdChamp djboss0729 WeirdChamp carizz0 WeirdChamp hangu07 WeirdChamp albaniannaruto has me blocked WeirdChamp biglipsbarry WeirdChamp awildsorakaa WeirdChamp hysey WeirdChamp naze_minaj u a cutie no cap When did the stream start? Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap ITS LITERALLY BROKEN Pepega HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IM NOT DELUSIONAl, thas what delusional people say LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp YOU VE CHANGED WeirdChamp try to remove the key and put it again @Yassuo OH YEAH YOU ARE RIGHT actually delusional FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan :+1: i support autistic streamers . LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @Yassuo HAVE YOU THOUGHT THAT MAYBE ITS THE LEVEL OR NOT THE KEYBOARD????? / DELUSIONAL LULW KEKW ya bro sure the keyboard bad chill know try to double jump straight to that box above @Yassuo haunted Kapp sorry moe i hacked ur keyboard :) yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers @yassuo we can hear the key sounds you either press it multiple times on accident or you release it to late. cashfillet subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! dw we trust you, have a good day break it to prove ur point sanchProblem LYING WeirdChamp RIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT K95 platinum :D monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted monkaEyes Haunted bind other keys for movement CORSAIR CORSAIR Smash the keyboard Smash the keyboard Smash the keyboard LULW GOOD ONE KEYBOARD LULW Follow me on Twitter for updates 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 🤖 arms tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H1 tyler1H2 shit chat hes crazy HAUNTED PLFAO PepeLaugh he dosent know Smash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboardSmash the keyboard nice twitch acting @Yassuo Moe what are you PC spec? @Yassuo the keyboard is alive LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp im not PepeLaugh PepeLaugh 👉 ⌨ koro0oo -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ?????????????????????????? Kappa NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap yeah seriously KEKW @Yassuo move the cam up hella ugly LYING LA MOE WeirdChamp LYING LA MOE WeirdChamp maybe your finger is lagging @SckOnMaNuut What I ever do to you 4Weird break it robots monkaOMEGA LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp @Yassuo how's your ego doing? Kapp Kapp ? mental illness :( heroin FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers . BabyRage it was my keyboard I SWEAR BabyRage LUL LUL LUL THE KEYBOARD IS ONE OF US Pog yes YES @Yassuo move the cam up we dont wanna see the bed Yes yes LUL yes YES yes YES KEKW yes yes yes yes :) no Kapp YES LULW Yes :) yes Yeap Kapp LYING LA MOE WeirdChamp Yes :) yes close tabs to reduce lag lol YES bro ur more delusional than gross gore @cashfillet SIMP KEKW YES yes Yes yes yes yes YES yes Yes ? OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh yes :) yes no Kapp yes YES delusional LULW sorry guys i dont watch liers im leaving bye chat FeelsWeirdMan yes yeah try to double jump straight to that box above yes nooooooo way NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap yoss no :) actually ofc you have done it before it's the internet. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS EVOLVING monkaEyes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS EVOLVING monkaEyes ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS EVOLVING monkaEyes ??? YES FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers @Yassuo i hope you watched pokimane keyboard prank on youtube :) just saying "Detroyed : possesed keyboard" @Yassuo move the cam up we dont wanna see the bed 💯 try to remove the key and put it back again @Yassuo @Yassuo tyler1 is standing under your table, and pressing the button, didn't u see? KEKW Pepega @Yassuo it's not the keyboard it's the game happends to me 2 no ur really good Hm :( Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW KEKW before jumpp early pretending bro where are u supposed to go beforte Before BEFORE We believe you man chill KEKW before before NO MOE peepoClap UR KEYBOARD IS BROKEN peepoClap NO MOE peepoClap UR KEYBOARD IS BROKEN peepoClap NO MOE peepoClap UR KEYBOARD IS BROKEN peepoClap before yes GLITCHED be4 after before before!! Stay on the edge before before before before before Before BEFORE between Before KEKW PepeLaugh after before??? LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp before before BeFORe before!!!! My KeYbOaRd Is BrOkEn, It'S NoT mE! I'm NoT dElUsIoNaL lol you ded KEKW before Before LUL before 230 before before no Kappa before yes AFTER???????????????? before b4 after b4 jump off the cliff before. before 4Shrug befor BEFORE before I think before nub move the cam up fatty before HOW AFTER???????????? before before b4 @albaniannaruto, Kappa after peepega right before how do you jump afteR???????? JUST KEEP STAYING ON IT Pepega JUST KEEP STAYING ON IT Pepega JUST KEEP STAYING ON IT Pepega JUST KEEP STAYING ON IT Pepega FAKE MESSAGE OMEGALUL Kapp before The fuck you mean after IN FRONT OF IT jump before it comes to the spikes Jump after you died KEKW OpieOP HOW COULD U JUMP OFF AFTER IT??? R U DUMB HAHAHA biglipsbarry, ur my boy. at least i didnt leave u out WeirdChamp ? WHAT DO YOU MEAN AFTER KEKW LOOOOL 4Shrug after pepega try to double jump straight to that box above @hangu07 wat man is boshy free? LULW yes :) before LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp LA MOE IS SUCH A LIAR WeirdChamp FAT KEKW OKAY @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE NT NT KEKW ?? close ?????? damnnn jason slimmer than you kinda crazy ???????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog ?? ???? KEKW OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh KEKW U ALMOST HAD IT ??????????????????? KEKW PepeLaugh wtf PANIC Pog kek KEKW aww Kapp @Yassuo I have a corsair keyboard trick ha a corsair keyboard all of ours broke SHIT COMPANY ORDER NEW COMPANY yasSmash we told you but you're bad before KEKW Kapp sure it did moe Kapp he says before and he jumps after... ????????????????? NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap NICE ONE STREAMER Pepega Clap ?????????????????????????????????? "glitch" albaniannaruto, HI i miss u yasH Kappa ???? KEKW Kapp @albaniannaruto, unblock sckonmanuut he needs u lol KEKW TRUW @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE ' KEKW KEKW FAKE Kapp Kapp Kapp Yeah Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp ofc Kapp Kapp SURE GLITCHED Pepega Kapp KEYBOARD CAM sure DaMimZ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. hahahhahaha @SckOnMaNuut Ok thats fair thanks a lot man WeirdChamp Kapp ???????? Kapp yall actually bullied him into moving his camera Kapp how is that possible Kapp close one to be fair Pepega Clap Sure Kapp LULW iT gLiTcHeD Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap when will the lies stop WeirdChamp 3k keyb more like a la moe 4Heed MY BRAIN GLIDGED break it please for baby2g biglipsbarry, <3 @Yassuo The keyboard is $129 on bestbuy. Gonna run out of stock dude @SckOnMaNuut what MaN Sure Kapp same with me Kapp hmmh VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance sticky keyboards be like go order some food @Yassuo Farming Kapp :) is boshy free? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasU yasU yasU yasU @Yassuo JUST KEEP THE CAM ON THE KEYBOARD AT ALL TIMES @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE cyber monday? Kapp oh glitched Kapp Kapp sure KEKW @SckOnMaNuut OkayChamp Kapp Rich People KEKW yeah Kapp @Streamlabs WeirdChamp sure DOOD change keys??? LUL Kappa FAT AND LAZZY KEKW click back to the left @Yassuo lost twitch rivals because of keyboard aswell, unlucky yet you buy a rolex KEKW yeah you dont smash it all day everyday GO ON AMAZON IT TAKES 10 SECS Kappa WORK W OMEGALUL RK PATHOLOGICAL LIAR PepeHands it lagging from 2832 deaths @Yassuo WORK WORK KEKW Work KEKW dood W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL RK glitched Kapp W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL R K W OMEGALUL R K W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL R K W OmegaLUL R K PepeLaugh W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL R K so did ur keyboard glitch 2832 times? Work KEKW work lmaooooo GIVE IT TO ME THEN BOIII WASD FOR MY WORK LUL W OMEGALUL R K Pepega LMAO whats is the keyboard? work lol J OMEGALUL B W OMEGALUL R K W OMEGALUL R K W OMEGALUL R K W OMEGALUL R K ? W OMEGALUL RK USE ASD ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW W OMEGALUL RK IT GLITCHED KEKW albaniannaruto, HOLY FUCK IM FREE hi buddy i missed u yasH sorry if i bothered you yasFBM ?? XD FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers arab key W OMEGALUL RK -WORK KEKW W OMEGALUL R K SHOPPING STREAM LUL ofc it is J OMEGALUL B the keybind not key @yassuo can't you use wasd??? W OMEGALUL RK i have a 4 dollars keyboard for 8 years know BibleThump @Yassuo bro i understand you i had that problem playing CoD W OMEGALUL R K W O R Kapp J OMEGALUL B J OMEGALUL B JOB LUL J OMEGALUL B W OMEGALUL RK ???????????????????? > Yea bcz every sec you smash your keyboard KEKW gachiBASS inflqted? ?????????????????? ? ????????????????? here we go again maybe it's because you know that you won't have any more excuses once you get a new keyboard PepeLaugh gachiBASS Aint it just brainlag? IMAGINE LEBRONJ ??? gachiHYPER gachiBASS cant use wasd for boshi @Yassuo ?? INFLATED?????????????????? INFLATED KEKW ?????????????????? ????? WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD WASD ?????????? LEBRON JAMES BALLS DEFLATED SadChamp ???? ?????????????? lebron james ball inflated KEKW W OMEAGALUL RK Kapp ???????????????????????? hangu07, u a real one bringing me back with the love of my life come on bro is not that difficult you just have to jump yassuo shopping stream Pog LEBRON JAMES KEKW they get a pump Pepega Clap PogU COMPARE TO LEBRAON???? KEKW Pog ????? lebron james ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW ORDER IT NOW @Yassuo KEKW @SckOnMaNuut i never blocked u OMEGALUL PogU Pog ok lebron gachiHYPER BALL @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE POG lebron of boshy? pog ANOTHER NBA REFERENCE WeirdChamp delusional AF again KEKW Clap LOSE die you diue PogU PepeLaugh ya ok man PogU PogU Pog PepeLaugh i mean he can buy rolexeS of that so delusional chat imo KEKW @Yassuo lost twitch rivals because of keyboard aswell, unlucky FeelsBadMan KEKW Inflated balls CrreamAwk CrreamAwk KEKW LULW KEKW 7k Andy pepehands KEKW WTF KEKW KEKW KEKW stop comparing yourself with lebron its actually cringe lmfao PepeLaugh here it comes KEKW 4HEad KEKW WTF IS THAT KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW \KEKW ????????? 4HEad KEKW KEKW HAHHAHAHA KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW monkaW LAUGH KEKW TRUEW Pog KEKW KEKW LULW xD LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFAO KEKW OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh E Z KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAHAH KEKW faker did it in 1 try. KEKW WTF KEKW ??????????? ??? farthest youve been?! KEKW GOOD LEVEL DESIGN KEKW doable LULW Fake laugh KEKW gl NICE LAUGH haHAA KEKW KEKW HAHAHHAHAHH THIS LEVEL ALT F4 KEKW SPIDER monkaW KEKW PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO KEKW MaN KEKW NO NO NO NO KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHA SPIDER monkaW SPIDER monkaW SPIDER monkaW SPIDER monkaW SPIDER monkaW albaniannaruto, so u were ignoring me while reading my messages thats just sad :( AH MaN KEKW here we go i could beat this with my eyes closed KEKW oh MaN NICE LAUGH haHAA NICE LAUGH haHAA HE DIDNT KNOW PepeLaugh 하하하 PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime MaN ? Amaz already won SUUUUREEE DUUUDEEE SUUUREEEE DUUUDEEE @Yassuo fall off first then jump just walk it JUST DONT HIT THE SPIKES 4HEad JUST DONT HIT THE SPIKES 4HEad JUST DONT HIT THE SPIKES 4HEad JUST DONT HIT THE SPIKES 4HEad it's easier than it looks without a jump D: KEKW whats so funny KEKW KEKW just walk MOE YOU HAVE JOKER LOUGHT !boshy It's BA I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime He's losing it PepeLaugh He's losing it PepeLaugh He's losing it PepeLaugh He's losing it PepeLaugh He's losing it PepeLaugh @Yassuo he was right about the cool level design boshy time @SckOnMaNuut ye u were bein weird PogU +-5 -10 PepeLaugh BLAME THE KEYBOARD U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 dont jump man just walk there ur s9 bad -15 ITS ITS ITS Pepega death counter? monkaEyes nope u aint gonna make that shit MUTE AUDIO D: MUTE AUDIO D: MUTE AUDIO D: MUTE AUDIO D: MUTE AUDIO D: 500 DEATHS INC KEKW 3Head PepePls go order food HAHAHAHHA Doesnt know how to jump Pepega its smashy time sumSmash PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC -30 LMAOOOOOO albaniannaruto, the fuck did i even do??? Lmao ITS BOSHY TIEM ITS SMASHING TIME KEKW Its boshy time PepePls PepeLaugh :point_right:🕷️ KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime oh boi its gonna be a long night...... MaN U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Hell in nutshell this tilts me to watch -40 ITS BOSHY TIME Pepega why not playing lol?? ???? GO DOWN PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC NotLikeThis lmfao my eyessssssss pepeJAM KEKW TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati never gonna finish this TRUE KEKW peepoClap peepoClap bro this looks like hell @Yassuo dont jump off the first platform, just fall off then jump Mute the god damn voice please game? YOU NEED TO GO DOWN VOD FRIENDS SKIP 3 HOURS FeelsGoodMan @Fibolino no it's not, idiot. eShrug Loooool Its magic time KEKW @sckonmanuut, dont remember Spacebar broken too BabyRage xqcSmile2_TK xqcSmile2_TK xqcSmile2_TK PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC disable sound PepeHands for our enjoyment iT'S BoShY tIMe U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap PepeLaugh Here we go Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap Almost Moe peepoClap NOT EVEN CLOSE KEKW faker beat this game? its its its KEKW its boshy timee LULW toastyA toastyA toastyA U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Its BoSHi TimE ITS BASHY TIME KEKW MOE YOU HAVE JOKER LOUGH Improving Pog ItsBoshyTime KEKW ITS MAGIC TIME ITS BOSHY TIMEE KEKW Stop ItsBoshyTime 󠀀 yikes @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE @Yassuo dont jump off the first platform, just fall off then jump. U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW @hideous101 multiple times is there a no death boshi run ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ PepeLaugh 👉🕷️ xdxd ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PrimeMe ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime just ff already yassuo @BrookeAB how do you find 100T house so far? try to not hit the spikes just run the first platform u ape U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE NotLikeThis i get stressed watching this RuskiHaker subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! It's Boshy time, it's boshy time, it's boshy time, it's boshy time, it's it's it's boshy time boshy time GO BRO KEKW stop dying noob UUHH UUUHH UHHHH UUUH KEKE ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime JUICY KEKW PogU ur not even quarter the way is just doing this till he pops que or is he just playing this KEKW Pog MOE DOES THIS WITH A BROKEN KEYBOARD THATS INSANE PogYou KEKW KEKW albaniannaruto, i told hangy pangy haHAA nnie was cheating on him PepeLaugh ?? tempt_in -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW f pepePls PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES ff PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 That what she said @yassuo if ur arrow keys are broken cant u but use wasd??????????????????? WHY AM I WATCHING THIS SHIT T LULW PepePls ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES SeemsGood BU KEKW KEKW Boshy time KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @GeiFmonkeyBsns don't move in until january but very excited! :) PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES PepeLaugh 👉 🕷 HERE IS COMES v IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp Kapp DONO KEKW @yassuo, you know what time it is? LUL Pog True PogU Is this this guy's first playthrough? FAKE MESSAGES KEKW IT'S ME TIME :( PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths Pog Pog PagChomp @sckonmanuut, with who ItsBoshyTIme itsBoshytime Fake KEKW PogU xqcSkip catch you latter xqcSkip xqcSkip catch you latter xqcSkip xqcSkip catch you latter xqcSkip xqcSkip catch you latter xqcSkip Pog ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime pretending messages LUL U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap WE PRECIPITATING LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh LOSING TO PIXELS PepeLaugh fake message did he not all rdy complete this game Pog ???? @BrookeAB oh! i saw you in the videos i thought you moved in already! gl :) ItsBoshyTime IT'S HITLER TIME pepega Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : imagine keyboard not breaking there @Chipster101 ok cya loser PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC KEKW PAID ACTOR LULW PAID ACTOR LULW PAID ACTOR ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime fk this boring game albaniannaruto, wait what?? are we thinking of different things? theohr3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Best streamer by far amazing content keep up the good work huge fan :) ItsBoshyTime VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance PogU @soccarmann good one man 4Weird we can't see Best room design albaniannaruto, if its not that then i dont remember lmao What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh SPIDER INCOMING PEPEGA Kapp it's not broken anymore PogU KEKW LULW KEKW xxtiltedcookiexx -> Please refrain from posting links. @EquadisEU D: DUAAADAAAAAAAAAAAA KEKW LMFAO What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE ' it's bOShy Taym KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis MrDestructoid LOL @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast yeah some jumps you have 1 frame KEKW ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS KEKWQ What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls IT'S forsenPls R PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC 5Head What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh @sckonmanuut, u told him hannie was cheating on him with me ? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper TriHard TriHard ResidentSleeper TriHard TriHard ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper TY 5Head 5Head 5Head ah yes WOOF WOOF yo NT AROOO AROOOO Pog 5Head @Yassuo save when you are down on that pog 5Head PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS albaniannaruto, what the fuck is going on? PepeLaugh 5Head understanable @EquadisEU Why you getting butthurt from hitler lol BIG BRAIN TIME 4Head ANY GIFTERS WideHarder PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS UUHH UHHHUUUUB UUUH UUUH KEKW MrDestructoid lol What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh ah isee 5Head 5Head Clap ??? KEKW FAT SAME AS YOU KEKW WAYTOODANK sparciee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! We back moe, still with my gf and watching your stream with her is so fun we love you moe forsenPls @sckonmanuut, idk what u talkin about PepeLaugh 👉 🕧 DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh Close POGGERS IN THE CHAT, WHAT ITs A Pepega WideHarderpraisehelixftw: PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS PepeLaugh 👉 ⏯️ SKIP VOD FRIENDS I SAID OGGERS CHAT ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega u can land in beteen forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS Can u make it inbetween the spikes?? @Yassuo @EquadisEU did he melt someone of your family that's cool albaniannaruto, ok so what did i do?? DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh @musmaroc, it was just a really funny joke man 4Weird im laughing URRR MADD Closer Pog pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega ITs A Pepega I SAID POGGERS IN THE CHAT WHAT, I SAID POGGERS IN THE CHAT Nwa! KEKW LMAO WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW wwwwwwwwwww W POOGERS W wwwwwww W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls can you lower your voice mate, I'm trying to sleep. KEKW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w WW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW @sckonmanuut, dont remember MaN pepePls wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW PepePls wwwwwwwwwwwwwww uhhhh uhhh uhhh PepePls it's it's it's it's it's it's boshy time wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww IF I HEAR IT BOSHY TIME ONE MORE TIME ... ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats Pog wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWW wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wkek wwww pepeJAM W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls I SAID POGG3RS IN THE CHAT WHAT, I SAID POGGERS IN THE CHAT WWWWWWWWWW LOOOOOOOL kawaiipye -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Wwwwwwwse W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls GG KEKW double you nb3Hype WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW monkaW PepePls WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW xd wwwwww W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W KEKW KEKS wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww @musmaroc, har har good one 4Weird wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww KEKW KEKW tryna cheese it WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW There literally is no space ? LULW 1 DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh uhhhhhh uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww PepePls albaniannaruto, no man i really dont KEKW 4Head WWWW W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls PepeLaugh yasPls Can one guy das me the best Settings gorbi wanna be the boshy DONO KEKW W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls W PepePls rip mental WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWwwwwWw yasPls There literally is no space ? LULW 󠀀 W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW w 4Head KEKW feenOof feenOof www WWWWWWWWWWWWW ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPLS AGHH forenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu wwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww HAAHA w w KEKW @sckonmanuut, same WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Wwwwwwwwewsewwwws www DABEW DABEW DABEW wwwwwwwwwwwwwww POGGERS POGGERS POGGER POGGERS POGGER POGGERS POGGER POGGERS POGGER POGGERS POGGER POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGERS autism game W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W forsenPls W . wwww double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu double iuuu W PepeLaugh W yasPlead W forsenPls W PepeLaugh W yasPlead W forsenPls W PepeLaugh W yasPlead W forsenPls W PepeLaugh W yasPlead W forsenPls WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW wwwwwwwww PepeJam wtf bro mute Wwww NotLikeThis wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Double u just mute it WWWWW shit bro @Yassuo wwwww wwwwwwwwww moe gay gachiBASS yes sir COGGERS @yassou, what if you donate a dollar for each death to charity? forsenPls its boshy time POGGERS Wwwwwwwww NotLikeThis NotLikeThis w UU SO BAD KEKW tilted LULW ????? ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww COOGERS DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh DAILY REMINDER IT TOOK M OMEGALUL E 17 HOURS TO BEAT SONIC PepeLaugh Did you say get a life? LOL ? @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls UU forsenPls INTING KEKW its W8 WHAT TIME IS IT? look at his eyes STOP THIS GAME JESUS CHRIST just got back from class COGGERS PepeLaugh ITs LOL ITS Wwwwwwww ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ItsBoshyTime W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls W PepePls W yasPls W forsenPls ?????? HAHHAHAHAHAH he's losing it BOSHYYYY LMAO ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega KEKW ITS boi tyler has double viewers than u OPEN MERCH MOE ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls DUD NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis HE LOST IT KEKW LEMME INNNNNNn KEKW LET ME INNNN what did you degenerates say to this 12 year old to make him stop playing league for this torture? what is that spike placement KEKW PepeLaugh ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls imagine having having an insane mental like moe being able to play this tilting game nonstop no matter what KEKW let me iiiinnnn OMEGALUL ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega no :) LET ME IIIIIIN wtf man I T S B O S H I T I M E @Yassuo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk LET ME INNNNNN BatChest BatChest BatChest BatChest ironmaster87 -> Please refrain sending long messages. ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls ITS forsenPls Pepepls This part is easy wtf KEKW Only VIP DUD Pepega TILTED LULW 3000 DEATH POWERSPIKE SOON LET MEEEEIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNN LEEEEEEEEEET MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ItsBoshyTime SOFTLOCKED OMEGALUL almost 3k dead KEKW LULW KEKW Pepega DUD KEKW DaMimZ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 3k coming close dude mute the game sound my lord DOD ITS UHHI ITS UHH ITSUHHH KEKW duuuud DUD Pepega DUDE DOOD DOOD DOOD Pepega DOOD D OMEGALUL OMEGALUL D PepeLauh @Yassuo hashinshin doing voices in this game? XD riot FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW ALMOST 3K DEATHS Pog ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS Pepega TIME PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW powerprike to strong DOOOOOOOOD U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime tears of joy at the end? ItsBoshyTime - - - - - - 1v1 DOOD ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega DOD ITS Pepega @Yassuo STOP SAYING DUD OR BLADE WILL BE SAYING IT TOMMOROW KEKW OhMyDog @Yassuo PogYou u looking cute today PogU any positiv chatters PogU god bless variety FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW KEKW pogg KEKW BabyRage KEKW HAHAHA forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls OMEGALUL_M_E BabyRage BabyRage KEKw OMEGALYL WEEEEEEE ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls BabyRage LUL KEKW THRY BEAT IT 4Head LAST BOSS KEKW how far are you into the game? @yassuo this is not good for ur health my boy albaniannaruto, nice :) truce? What time is it? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕧 PepeLaugh Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Pog BabyRage @Yassuo save when you are falling there first drop then jump KEKW OMEGALUL RUN OFF THE EDGE KEKW :( :( :( INTING KEKW BabyRage WAAAAA beat your meat insteadf KEKW forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls . equadiseu yasH TRUE KEKW Hqhqhahhaha !subcount @zalla1 8 days @Yassuo just walk off spike you monkey ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ALMOST 3K PogU LUL LUL LUL KEKW @Yassuo Go in and Do a mini jump mid air FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW 3k incoming :)) 4Heed JUST BEAT IT gachiBASS cornflex memes inc Pog @sckonmanuut, OkayChamp @Yassuo homie, save when you are falling there Pog Inting LUL @Yassuo if you save farther back youll get to drop down with one full click ? almost 3k ITS KEKW ITS KEKW ITS KEKW ITS KEKW it's the right key arrow KEKW hahaha BabyRage KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW 3k 3K SOON yasANELE its boshy time gif???? which world is this jump up on spawn and come dpwn KEKW WAT DOINK so easy just win almost 3k PogU minkK use your brain Bab loL hIS fACE forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME FARMING DEAGHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME use someone with a smaller hitbox @Yassuo 3k PogU NEAR 3000 death omg that's fucking annoying try left side? ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME @realkevinhartofficial we will take a picture dont worry fan which sick fuck created this game Guys is moe in the que? @Yassuo have you ever beat this game before? i would lose all of my hair playing this shit forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . @Yassuo stop farming emotes 4WeirdW AWW KEKW @Yassuo DUDE IM GETTING SO MAD JUST LOOKING AT THIS cmcHaha cmcHaha cmcHaha cmcHaha cmcHaha 1v1 boshy feet Kreygasm gif KEKW no @nico_naciado LUL DAMMIT KEKW 5 more ALMOST 3 DEATHS Pog kreyGASM what the fuck is this level lmao @nico_naciado No, he's just playing Boshy 4 WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW Omg he isnt pog MENTAL IS STRONG yas5 forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls I am gona go and se som porn later Moe @menegoth they all have boshy's hitbox 3 DAAMIT 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 2 Kreygasm 3K Gratz!!! 2 1 @Yassuo you look cute like that, but still stinky StinkyCheese 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp 3000 DEATHS PogChamp FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW PogU 3k PogU 3k PogU 3k PogU 3k PogU 3k 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 ItsBoshyTime 3000 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 3K PogU forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . @zalla1 i will literally try to avoid you so cringe 3000. LUL SURE Kapp 3000!!!!!! averydankmemer -> Please refrain sending long messages. 3k deaths 3k deaths 3k deaths!!! blame keyboard 3K Pog 3000.3000. Did you look up how to lose in this game KEKW JUMP ON SPAWN AND GO DOWN IT MIGHT WORK CHAT TELL HIM PLEaase 3000 PogU 3000 3K DEATHS Pog so sad man just stop trying PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths PepeLaugh 👉 3000 deaths 3000 deaths yasHYPERS 3kkk 3000 3K Kappa @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE Magic time 3000. GIFFTERS? my finger broke KEKW 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp 3000 deaths PogChamp . forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 3k 3000 change settings to wasd LOL 3000 Pog ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME HAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW SURE Kappa 3000 DOOD PogYou KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW ITS Pepega TIME KEKW KEKW KEKW 3K DEATHS PogU BabyRage WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !discord this is torture wasd settings? DDFDDDDDDD monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes monkaEyes 3K DEATHS LETS GO 3k forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . LUL KEKW Kapp KEKW @realkevinhartofficial ok poopy stinker LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW KEKW PEPEMELTDOWN LOOOOOOOLLLLLL KEKW hahhaa moe tilt asf SLAM THE DESK KEKW ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME KEKW yasSmash BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage MY KEYBOARD BROKE AGAIN ResidentSleeper MY KEYBOARD BROKE AGAIN ResidentSleeper MY KEYBOARD BROKE AGAIN ResidentSleeper MY KEYBOARD BROKE AGAIN ResidentSleeper KEKW @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW WHAT TIME IS IT KEKW KEKW THIS IS GOLD! LUL gonna cry? :) lmao forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls MALDING SO HARD HE IS REGROWING HAIR cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage HAHHAHAHHAHA PLAY LEAGUE BRO hes so mad KEKW love it KEKW moe is getting crazy He's actually getting mad hahaha @zalla1 wannabe sanchovies. sad. @Yassuo SMASH UR KEYBOARD WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp RAGING OVER A GAME WeirdChamp @Yassuo CHANGE LAYOUT YOU FUCKING Pepega yasSSS DAMN IT KEK W ITS ONLY 3K DEATHS BECAUSE HE RESET HIS OLD SAVE PepeLaugh SHOULD BE AROUND 10K Gonna cry? :) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . bro your mental :( MALD KEKW\\ @Yassuo da bardy @Yassuo can you change your keybinds??? just smash the keyboard :) that room only there to tilt you for the next room pepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW wixB KEKW\\HOW KEKW BloodTrail forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls @Yassuo i think you died because you hit the spikes, thoughts? HE'S LOSING IT monkaEyes HE'S LOSING IT monkaEyes HE'S LOSING IT monkaEyes Has he beaten megan? U GOT THIS MOE Pog MALD MALD @Yassuo CHANGE LAYOUT YOU FUCKING Pepega 1 MOE LOO GO TO TWITTER 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD 🍼 BabyRage DOOOOOOOOD ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME ITS Pepega TIME !discord Megaman KEKW LUL @yassuo seee dm elmillor write you one death one extra chromosome forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . Trick could probably send you a keyboard DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! JUMP ON SPAWN AND GO DOWN IT MIGHT work buy a new keyboard u fcking dickhead Yo bro u will have heart attack chill out there KEKW chat has yassuo ever beat thsi game before or no? imagine if moe had a good keyboard CAN'T U LAND INBETWEEN THE SPIKES IN THE MIDDLE??? @Yassuo Is NZXTs shipping worldwide? @yassuo USE "WASD" INSTEAD OF ARROWS u struggling bruv Elmillor dm u in TWITTER :) Gonna cry? :) @Yassuo HARDER THAN SONIC KEKW @Yassuo HARDER THAN SONIC KEKW @Yassuo HARDER THAN SONIC KEKW forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls FARMING DEATHS KEMW @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE 200 deaths on one spot KEKW this level is legit pixel positioning wtf @Yassuo your face bro lmao @Yassuo CHANGE LAYOUT YOU FUCKING Pepega 7 give me a good name for a mmorpg character REGRESSING MOEE GO TO TWITTER broken keyboard inc nadedRage I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT nadedRage KEKW IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp FARMING DEATHS KEKW man im tilted just looking at check DM from elmillor @Yassuo LOOK TWITTER @Yassuo Elmillor is sending u an email for T1 tournament VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance VARIETY TriDance MOE GO TO TWITTER PLS Pog Pog 5Head PogU MOE GO TO TWITTER IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp IT'S BOSHY TIME SadChamp Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: 5Head @Yassuo this is ironically the easiest part of the stage youre just doing it wrong Kapp pog XDD Moe a tip don't hit the spikes 5Head Clap LUL no its chat 5Head 5Head indeed forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls KEKW MOE GO TO TWITTER ???????? THERES A GUY WHO BEAT THIS IN 33 MIN KEKW yasSleeper RUN OF THE DGE THERE MOE LOOK TWITTER @Yassuo someone legit told you to do that no im a genius wtf moe dont do the minijump BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage KEKW ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? @Yassuo WHOEVER MADE THIS GAME CAN ACTUALLY EAT A DICK OMG CHAT PogU CHAT 5Head WDYM YOU ARE THE GENIUS XDDDDDDD @Yassuo Go to TW KEKW gonna cry? :) LGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAGGGGGG TWITTER ITS BOSHY TIME jump from the higher ledge when you get to the bottom @Yassuo forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . is this the hardest ? TWITTER MOE LOOK AT TWITTER @Yassuo KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty ITS BOSHY TIMEE @Yassuo TWITTER NO U ARE NOT D: yassleper @Yassuo UR PC IS HAVING A SEIZURE LMFAO HE HAS GONE INSANE monkaW lmao thief change ur moment config to another keys maybe it will help !!?!! forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls AH YES QUITE SIMPLE 5Head yasSleeper ELMILLOR SENT YOU DM IMPORTANT @Yassuo as someone completed this game without dieing? great this is giving me anxiety OMEGALUL lmfao KEKW MOE GO TO TWITTER haha forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls MOE CHECK TWITTER ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega ITS Pepega when did he beat megaman? awa 5Head i see gravity elmillor write you in dm @yassuo ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME @Yassuo TWITTER CHECK TWITTER CHECK TWITTER CHECK TWITTER It's aw.. it's Bo.. It's dam.. It's aah TWITTER its tilin time i downloaded boshy game is cancer hard Check Titter MD spam some awa ? ItsBoshyTime my ears yasNLT hi Abdofares69 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo I WON A ARAM GAME PogMe @Yassuo I WON A ARAM GAME PogMe @Yassuo I WON A ARAM GAME PogMe @Yassuo I WON A ARAM GAME PogMe xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD TWITTER forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . KEKW has anyone beat boshi deathless? !followage did he beat megaman? TWITTER MD ANELE that's bloody epilepsy is this game free? DOOD Pepega DUD KEKW KEKW LMFAO duuduuddud Pepega LULW TWITTER dude. KEKW KEKW cancer KEKW ur losing it man BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @Yassuo lets watch a speed run of this game on stream :) KEKW KEKW monkaW play pokemon sword TWITTER MD PepeMeltdown um..i think its boshy time is he losing his shit? Twitch PrimeLaNoufal: change ur movement settings to another keys maybe it will help !!?!! KEKW YO MOE LOOK TWITTER PLS I WISH I HAD HIS PATIENCE forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls KEKW KEKW NAAAAAAA MaN NOOOOOOOOOOOOO MaN 1v1's @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE ' sumSmash BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @EquadisEU peepoPog UNLEASH YOUR RAGE SMORc hey how do you do the pepega with the megaphone bruh bruh ITS BOSHY TIME @Yassuo TWITTER CHECK TWITTER CHECK TWITTER CHECK TWITTER TWITTER YOU Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo CHANGE LAYOUT YOU FUCKING Pepega 7 KEKW KEKW KEKW ANELE DONT CRY BibleThump DOOOOOD TWITTER KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKWKEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TWITER MD KEKW @Yassuo walk off the spike at the bottom part hahahhahahahaa 14k points @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats LUL LUL LUL LUL Pog Is NZXTs shipping worldwide? Is NZXTs shipping worldwide? Is NZXTs shipping worldwide? Is NZXTs shipping worldwide? BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage jus play lol :3 can anyone tell me what time it is? Hes gonna cry again KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol MaN I hope you beat it Moe MOESBNOSE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ITS BOSHY TIME nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage MaN MaN bro ur gonna go isane MaN dudeee KEKWKEKWKEKW LOOK AT HIS FACE GUYS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? insane* @Yassuo hahaha bro chill, you've got this! piece of cake for you Ads we waiting for a queue? OWL2019200iq KEKW KEKW MaN ❗ plat some league man Never seen a human go insane IRL til today @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE INTING KEKW HASHAHAAHHAHA ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime moe can you change keybinds on this game? HAHAA THIS IS BS GAME @senseidelicious its boshy time DaMimZ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast 3080 LMAOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW just win lol HES LOSING IT trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls . reaching his limit KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yasBoo] BRO yasChair MAn look twitter keyboard abt to get smashed ITS BOSHY TIME so booooooring ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ?ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? Kappa forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls Have you tried setting up another pummel game with the boys? @Yassuo tiltani hade l9lawi wtf Look at his face HAHAHHA you are losing it man take a break DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis i think its boshy time HARDER KEKW THAN KEKW BOSS? KEKW you suck hha ha @Yassuo stop jumping how is this guy so good KEKW i began watching since 2500 deaths yo bro go to twitter ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo You're so cute when you're angry sanchKiss yasHands yasHands @Yassuo slide MENTAL TRAINING SLIDE NO IDIOT SLIDE no minijump SLIDE SLIDE AND JUMP slide jump slide u walk and jump slide Slide slide jump SLIDE ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 PepeLaugh ? HERE WE GOOO 4Shrug start from the one above that one! slide try walk then jump RUN OF THE EDGE slide and jump slide SLIDE why u playing this tho? fall then jump jump from the higher ledge @Yassuo slide slide jump @Yassuo jump into it slideslide trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald trkMald slide JUMP INTO IT slide slide bro drop down then jump SLIDE slide must be slide slide slidee bboth LUL slide SLIDE @Yassuo check twitter bro JUST DIE 4HEad @Yassuo slide man EquadisEU -> Please refrain from spamming caps. TABLE SMASH IN 10 SECONDS RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo sllide i believe in you Jebaited Jebaited JUMP up to get slamed down into double jump xD Jebaited @Yassuo whats the name of this game ? @yassuo Go in and do a mini jump mid air IT IS Pepega Slide @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast bb slide slide Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited jump before D: Jebaited its money monkaW D: SUBSSS @Yassuo bro u need to flash you have to make jump from the platform Do It :) cause i said so POG yasBoo D: Jebaited @Yassuo you still havn't replied to my dm yasANELE cause ur the homie lol GIVE ME ATTENTION 😡 slide jump no forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls cause it will be fun! VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo GO TWITTER @Yassuo Do it :) @Yassuo wasnt my dm dude... thjeres something you should see..... Don't drop down I cant send my cock on twitch chat 4Weird JUMP SLIDE JUMP AGAIN LUL can you squeeze into the left part of it and then use a larger jump to take you to the next platform yes :) @Yassuo because you are da awesome Can anyone tell me what time it is? 4Head Can anyone tell me what time it is? 4Head shoot the twitter boy yes :) @Yassuo jump from the one above the one ur jumping from. then u can use ur second jump to get up jump from the higher platform @Yassuo @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats dont check twiter JUMP FROM THE HIGHER PLATFORM @Yassuo you slide you just fucked up jump from the far left? money Pepega he is an oil prince ANELE 💰 PogU wait, why have you been here for 10 minutes ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime check your facebook LULW ban him if trash @avery its not LUL pepeD YOU DIED pepeD LUL LUL YOU DIED pepeD Dick Pic jump from the top platform LOL U DIED !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 22 minutes 15 seconds PepeLaugh u are the awesome! Pepega dick pic incoming LOL U DIED LULW PepeJam ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME ITS KEKW TIME @FireRis guarantee it's not important MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Clap stop flexing loser JUMP BEFORE FALLING DOWN then jump again unto the OTHER PLATFORM. @yassuo how u doing my G LOL U DIED Kapp PepePls @Yassuo check your front door RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo PepePls WEIRD FLEX 4Weird Kapp u dont have that many notifications u can stop pretending Kapp Kapp @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast OK weird Flex Kapp FAKE FLEXING KEKW shut the fuck up !!!!!! weird flex but ok WeirdChamp @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH FLEXING KEKW Kapp Kapp ITS PEPEGA TIME flex 4Weird 7 MOE YOU DIED MOE MOE YOU DIED WEIRD PLEX OMEGALUL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL jump from the higher platform @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH bo shytime bobo shytime fame elmillor Kapp mayb Moe you died u are the awesome man Kapp @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH voice crack KEKW NO ONE LIKES U KEKW FLEXING WeirdChamp darius ???????? PogU dar THATS WHAT IT SAYS Pog WTF Darius Darius KEKW Kapp Clap stop flexing 4Weird darius ???? darius u dumb ass weird flex but ol darius Pog Pog zed that is dariu god king POG NICE DARIUS yasuo KEKW GOD KING DARIUS PogU PogU @darisu god king darius pepega Pepega?????????????????? or is that yasuo ppgu thats darius ????/ s Pog darius ???????????????? Pepega IT IS KEKW }????????? ????? is that yasuo he says NICE pog How can you not tell? THATS ANNIE Pepega ?????????? Pog god king darius GOD KING DARIUS @Yassuo check your front door for me please Pog OF COURSE are you retarded? @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH !uptime YASUO KEKW LMAOO Pog god king garen ???? RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo YAS BLIND KEKW thats godking darius that is darius you dumbfuck LOL The stream has been live for 3 hours 22 minutes 51 seconds ?????? ?????? god king darius darius with the wolf Nvm ur rart its garen GOD KING DARIUS KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH pig @Yassuo God King Darius how would that be yasuo WEAR YOUR GLASSES AGAIN Yasuo Pepega ???????????????? Goodshit wtf PogU what is that boar behind darius KEKW nice shading is it a good drawing if u cant tell what it is ؤ its yasuo lol N OMEGALUL yasSpit PepeLaugh @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH yo try jumping from the higher platform DARIUS PogU NO Where is the yasuo in that pic KEKW Yes no NO KEKW NO printed NO no :) SENNA PogU no yes no no POG N OMEGALUL AZIR no @Yassuo Give me your joggers 4Weird no no no JUMP BEFORE FALLING DOWN then jump again unto the OTHER PLATFORM. no NO no No its garen YES PogU NO you got it EZ yes NOPE yes :) Beat megaman? @Yassuo you yass pls go play some cs with sliker @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH one day yo thats a good drawing pog No :) no no NO no LUL N OMEGALUL weak mental lmao its garen LOOL its bristleback JUMP FROM THE HIGHER PLATFORM YES yasH yes wtf yes PogYou YES THERE IS A LITTLE BIT YOUR HEAD CAN HIT ON THE BASE OF THE SPIKE ABOVE NO yes never yes @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL sumSmash CARPAL TUNNEL its harder than mega man RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo RUN OFF AND JUMP @Yassuo yassuo will never beat this UR NOT WITWIX LULW perfect KEKW @Yassuo you slide and time the jump no Kapp U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH 2 YES WE BELIEVE IN U MOE it looks sick @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Looks so good no Yes FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou FAKER PogYou JUMP FROM THE HIGHER PLATFORM It'sBoshyTme KEKW With percipitation then yes yes you must believe U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 search god king darius in google its like exactly that @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH JUMP FROM THE OTHER ONE PLEASE! YES It'sBoshyTime youre not faker bud @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Absolutely not slow and steady wins the race weSmart Yassuo YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap You are a mechanical god forsenPls ITS BOSHY TIME forsenPls AWH forsenPls DAMNIT forsenPls AGHH forsenPls ITS BOSHY forsenPls WHAH forsenPls ITS MASHING TIME forsenPls Kapp GIVE UP NOW GIVE UP NOW GIVE UP NOW GIVE UP NOW GIVE UP NOW LOL JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap . who is this streamer WeirdChamp gaaaalul gaalul gaalul is better than u YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap YO CAN DO IT MOE peepoClap answer elmillor twitter tempt_in -> Please refrain from posting links. 💯 @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap JUMP BEFORE FALLING DOWN to the small platform then jump again unto the OTHER PLATFORM. u wetpussy @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo Love you xqcL @Yassuo Love you xqcL @Yassuo Love you xqcL U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH faker is the best in this game no cap Watch a boshy speedrun monkaW ITS AYAYA TIME ITS AYAYA TIME ITS AYAYA TIME ITS AYAYA TIME ITS AYAYA TIME jump from higher platform ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH yasSpit @Yassuo THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH MY BOY KEKW YOU GOT IT JUMP FROM HIGHER PLATFORM GOON someone pls tell him to jump from the higher platform @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo PLEASE JUMP FROM THE UPPER PLATFORM WHEN YOU REACH THE BOTTOM MY DOOD! Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap loool IT'S BASHY TIME @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH deaths sound so annoying I miss fat witwax FeelsBadMan LUL OFC hard stuck KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH peepoClap 4k peepoClap KEKW this game brok my mental aye FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH brb FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs FUCK YOU @streamlabs 󠀀 FROM EU GOING TO BED X) KEKW THIS LOOKS ENJOYABLE HHHHHHHHHHH Kreygasm KEKW AaAaah KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH LULW someone donate to this idiot to jump from higher LOL xqcSlam DUUD just 800 deaths there it's OK did you already play league today or wat @Yassuo yasSmash LMFAO monkaW xD LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm KEKW dud KEKW DUUUUUUUUUD @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH yasSmash gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul gaalul JUMP BEFORE FALLING DOWN to the small platform then jump again unto the OTHER PLATFORM. KEKW KEKW yasSmash KEKW MaN KEKW MALDING KEKW LOSING IT yasSmash KEKW autismo GO BACK MAYBE U CAN FIT THROUGH THAT GAP DOOOOOOOOODE monkaW KEKW OH NO NO monkaW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH KEKW MaN KEKW FATTY KEKW yasSmash WHERE CAN I PLAY THIS GAME PLEASE TELL ME yasSmash KEKW KEKW sumSmash nb3Blush nb3Blush nb3MonkaS yasSmash ITS DEATH TIME yasSmash yasSmash My KeYbOaRd Is BrOkEn, It'S NoT mE! I'm NoT dElUsIoNaL @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm ' PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP PepePls PLEASE PepePls STOP KEKW KEKW xD PJSalt @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW monkaEyes sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash yasSmash moe gay jump from the higher platform when you get to it KEKW KEKW 6k Andy kekw yasSmash LULW monkaW MaN 󠀀 @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH ever played getting over iyt= Go beck to feeding at league ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW ITS yasOkay TIME KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH FAKE REACTION FOR CONTENT WeirdChamp @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSUO love this content OMEAGULOL fake @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH KEKW KEKW Hard stuck KEKW @Yassuo Jump from the higher platform at the end yasSmash Jk Moe monkaW yasSmash FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @NicoKEKW gift sub TriHard @Yassuo stop jumping on the bottom just time your double jump @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH LOL PEPEconcern yasN @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH WTF monkaW yasSmash PLAY ANOTHER GAME @Yassuo moe ever played getting over it? Moe autism 4 dead streamer PepeLaugh KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage cmcRage JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap KEKW yasSmash @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH yasMald @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH kekW hahah I love wen yo pissed off @Yassuo TRY NOT TO GET STUCK HERE LONGER THAN SONIC PepeLaugh @Yassuo TRY NOT TO GET STUCK HERE LONGER THAN SONIC PepeLaugh MORE FUN THAN LEAGUE BTW KEKW Why is his room so empty @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH monkaW IS HE GONNA PLAY LEAGUE OR NOT? ITS STEREO SAYIAN TIME NO cap Kappa Kapp any snakes? yo moe might wanna take a break !!! @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Big Cap @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Kapp YOU HAVE DIED 600 TIMES SINCE STARTING TO PLAY TODAY no Kapp @YASSUO JUST JUMP DOWN SIMPLE AS THAT yasPride :joy: 5Head Kapp LULW @Yassuo switch keybinds? @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Kapp Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! yes PepeLaugh kekw ===== how is he so good at boshy @Yassuo PLEASE JUMP FROM THE UPPER PLATFORM WHEN YOU REACH THE BOTTOM MY DOOD! ???? @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH 3124 SENNA SOUL EXACTLY DIPSHIT @Yassuo PLEASE JUMP FROM THE UPPER PLATFORM WHEN YOU REACH THE BOTTOM MY DOOD!!! ??? @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH ???? figured it out LULW as we said :D i think the goal of the game is to actually NOT die 4Head OK BOOMER yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald @Yassuo Imagine having to gift subs for deaths in this game lmao @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH just jump 4Head @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH Can anyone tell me what time it is? 4Head Can anyone tell me what time it is? 4Head DETH widepeepoHappy @Yassuo I know you are triggered but I have that one girl I met from a league game and she lives 300km from me so I don't know if it's worth giving it a shot help me oh master of the girls lol lmao i was watching yt and i hear a man scream and its like oh its moe lmao scared me keep it down 1 @Yassuo TRY NOT TO GET STUCK HERE LONGER THAN SONIC PepeLaugh @Yassuo TRY NOT TO GET STUCK HERE LONGER THAN SONIC PepeLaugh more rage pls U can you just need to hit it pixel pefect it's ok @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH I feel a DUDE coming oon aw man i missed it :/ anyone have clip 3Head BOSHY TIME TriHard @Yassuo gj figuring it out bro 2Hewa JUMP FROM THE UPPER PLATFORM @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ SwiftRage jump from the further left dude ur about to smash that manitro PogU Kpap pog OMFG LOL U DIED Kapp 2Head ALMOST Pog @Yassuo youre not supposed to die Pepega WOW yas3 @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH SO CLOSE PogU manitor* PogU ? @exCoach hi cutie yasH how do u even beat the first part of this game @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @Yassuo you can jump it Pog Pog FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW FARMING DEATHS KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo i just saw it from witwix in the lower part it's only sllide and 1 jump fucking idiot yas3 yas3 yas3 @realkevinhartofficial yasH @exCoach Whats poppin chief WideHardo 🚬 @Yassuo PLAY STREETS 1:12 FOR MOTIVATION @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH you planning on doing 1v1s @Yassuo @TheArcalius WideHardo from the upper platform LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH PauseChamp ALMOST @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH what am i watching?? BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage This isn't megaman. @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @Yassuo did u beat megaman? do i gonna play league today ? true 4 keys on league is better KEKW @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump from the upper platform idiot WHO WANTS NAKED PICTURES FROM ME TriHard @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH @Yassuo slide stop then jump and PLAY STEREO SAYAN OR MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH you the one who chose this over league Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 Squid2 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Pog FOR 50$ EACH ONE PogU pog Pog Pog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogU PogU O POG OK Pog PogU @thearcalius, peepoPog / PogU PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU POGGGG U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap PogU Pog Pog HOLY PogU POGU HE DID IT PogU Pog @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm POF PogU PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog WTF Pog POGFF POG EZZZ @TheArcalius gift me first PogU Pog Pog WHO IS THIS GUY PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 JUMP BEFORE FALLING DOWN to the small platform then jump again unto the OTHER PLATFORM. Pog POGGGG I WAS HERE PogU KING MOE @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU PogU whatch faker boshy pog SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc PogYou genius KEKW @EquadisEU TriHard LULW POG GOOD SHIT Pog @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU Pog DOES IT CHANGE SOMETHING IF U PRESS OTHER KEYS? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW Pog @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU NOONE THOUGHT HE COULD DO IT Pog you mean Tyler 1? r.i.p @ToilettenRatte 4WeirdW come on mann.... WideHardo Now the hard part KEKW RESPECT What camera do you use to record yourself ?? @Yassuo ur a devil and ur a bastard... neat/?? @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm PepeLaugh FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU koro0oo -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo u such a handsome devil genius bastard U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU hes finally at the hard part KEKW PogU Pog Pog increase game volyme Pog ANY WideHardo ? jump PepeLaugh @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast JUST JUMP 4Head @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap how bad did megaman get? @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU short jumps U BEAT THIS peepoClap U BEAT THIS peepoClap U BEAT THIS peepoClap U BEAT THIS peepoClap U BEAT THIS peepoClap stop inting in the same place lol @yassuo I'm losing brain cells watching you die over and over and over and over again. . . all I hear is it's boshy time over and over please fucking play lol or ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN THIS MIND MELTING GAME @Yassuo PLAY STEREO SAYAN PogU TIME TO RISE HOMIES WideHardo TIME TO RISE HOMIES WideHardo TIME TO RISE HOMIES WideHardo TIME TO RISE HOMIES WideHardo PepeLaugh @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats + 3000 deaths KEKW FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers dobblejump quick have you beat boshy before? @Yassuo DOOD I CANT WAIT FOR JUMP KING @TheArcalius i got minus 200 onmybankaccount sorry fam KEKW FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Pog Pog progress DID ANYONE CLIP HIM BEATING MEGAMAN??? CLOSE PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Was he ever past this point on other saves? how tilted will he get from this part? wtf yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue POGU UR INSANE the desing on this room is so gud @ToilettenRatte monkaW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 6k people watching this.. lmao wat cmonBruh what man ? How long has he been on this checkpoint for? @naze_minaj, no Pog @NaZe_Minaj no vod from yesterday >? true RIGHT Pog True LULW did he do it today? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap @TheArcalius sad right TRUE KEKW TRUE LULW MOE CRYING KEKW ANY CLIPPERS TriHard TRUe no KEKW yasN TREU TRUE KEKW TRUEEEEE TRUE LMAO Handsome DEVIL TRUEEEEEEEEEEE TRRUUUEE TRUEEE True LULW LFS PogU TRUE KEKW SMART MOEEEE true TRUE LULW its too ez TRUUUUE ecause your a snake LUL TRUE KEKW ur alwyas bad though LULW TRUEEE 5Head yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue WHERE CAN I PLAY THIS GAME BRO PLEASE TELL ME i clipped it dm me :) Pog ? @hysey clip already zzzz PogU WTF PogU Pog Pog which vod Pog BCS FK DEMON POG is he in queue? Pog AYYY Pog SHEEESH Pog U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 PogU @why0hate0yasuo !boshy CLIP iT LUL PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Senna clip? Pog yasWeird yasWeird OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 its cuz you removed clippers from discord yasShrug @Yassuo GO UP MORE @realkevinhartofficial what who ever made this game he is fucking mad guy go up top @Yassuo you have to make the first jump without using doublejump fuck you U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap GO ON TOP UP MOOOORE GO ONE UP 3.2k DEATHS WTF JUMP UP U MORON @Yassuo the platform above for the 1 jump Fock u D: so you save double jump @Yassuo go one step more up UP MORE AUTIST. ItsBoshyTime GO HIGHERRR Go to the top and jump from there to save the double jump. go up omg ITS BASHING TIME Pepega @hysey u clip everything dont you yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird xd up is this mario boss? ON TOP ON TOP you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega jump to the one above and then jump one time i'd loose my fkn mind u can do it up 1 GET ON THE UPPER fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu gunterthe1st -> Please refrain sending long messages. Z R Z R Z R ZR KEKW monkaW wtf Kreygasm WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh JUMP UP KEKW you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega go on top man ??????????? WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh HHHAHHHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHA UP MORE U AUTISTIC XD GO HIGHER UR BAERIIINDLESS FK @Yassuo u need the 2nd jump donwn there @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats @realkevinhartofficial N OMEGALUL Pepega clap GO UP ONE MORE jump up you memer are you Pepega ? BOSHY TIME POGGERS OH NO NO PepeLaugh IT'S BOSHY TIME, IT'S BOS... FUCK YOU, IT'S, IT'S, IT'S... wrf go on top GO UPPPPPP Pepega Clap IT"S BBBBBBBBBBB WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh can someone send my their cock and balls? lmao wtf UP MORON LULW ITS @Yassuo moe plssssssssssss there's 1 more platform USE IT GO U0 this shitt gives me anxiaty @yassuo GO UP FFS he's broken go up moe Stay in middle you can go one layer up WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh WAIT FOR IT CHAT PepeLaugh ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS ITS its bosh-itsb-its-its-itsboshytim-itsbos go top can someone send me pics of their cock and balls? PepeLaugh DUDE GO UP ONE MORE GO UP MOE you're not Faker U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 go on top you fucking degenerate PepeLaugh get on the upper can someone send me pics of their cock and balls please?? PauseChamp go up PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC go up first @yassuo play some musik man youre gonna go crazy PepeLaugh 💦 FeelsGoodMan Clap stop dieing ffs lol UNAWARE PepeLaugh PepeLaugh getg on th upper GO UP KEKW WTF GO UP LULW ITS UHH ITS UHHH ITS UHH PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh im studying while watching ahd all i hear is your death dialogues xD @Yassuo UPPPPPPPP monkaS PepeLaugh HE DOESN'T KNOW GO UUP PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh go up moe PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh What kind of camera do you use to record yourself with? PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh loo above you NotLikeThis UP HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh get on the upper go up PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC almost yasSmash PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh UPPPPP HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh KEKW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh go up DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh PepeLaugh GO UP GO UP GO UP GO UP GO UP ResidentSleeper HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh @Yassuo JUMP OFF THE TOP NAIL AND DOUBLE JUMP HALFWAY go upp @Yassuo THERE IS ANOTHER ONE U CAN STAY IN ABOVE YOU GO UP Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC if i hear its boshy time one more time imma kms GO ABOVE UUU all i hear is it's bushy time PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh @yassuo PLEAEE FUCKING PLAY SOMETBING ELSE THAN THIS FUCKING MIND MELTING GAME .. . hearing from you his fucking sound hurts my head it's boshy time it's boshy time it's boshy time fuck man : DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ABOVE THE SPIKE HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh GO UP go up BE CAREFUL MOE PepeLaugh BE CAREFUL MOE PepeLaugh BE CAREFUL MOE PepeLaugh THERE IS ONE ABOVE THAT PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh uppp GO UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP this makes me mald Beat boshy in 1 life Shanti_3o subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Here, let me support you with my twitch prime. TYPE UP so he listens PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh @Yassuo THERE IS ANOTHER ONE U CAN STAY IN ABOVE U GO UP ONE FIELD ON RIGHT DOWN FACING TRIANGLE ABOVE YOU UP above u PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh , PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC @Yassuo GO UP BROOOOOOOOO GO UPPPPPPPPP GO UP 1 MORE LOOK AT CHAT HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh GO UP XDD PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh GO ABOVE U OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES MOE PepeLaugh DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES MOE PepeLaugh DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES MOE PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh BRUHHH ABOVE YA U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC go up @Yassuo JUMP OFF THE TOP NAIL AND DOUBLE JUMP HALFWAY NotLikeThis you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega oh yikes go up man THE BLOCK ABOVE U HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh FUCK STOP AHAHAHAHA sumSmash HYPER INTING DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh FINALLY Pepega Wait @Yassuo get closer to the second spike then jump up maybe? DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh DONT TELL CHAT PepeLaugh can he jump in between spikes? genius you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega you cant go higher chat Pepega PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE wtf is going on??? any explainers?????? Jebaited PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh KEKW PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh @yassuo play some musik man youre gonna go crazy PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE Jebaited NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @Yassuo JUMP OFF THE TOP NAIL AND DOUBLE JUMP HALFWAY wewqeqqqq\\\\\\\\ Follow me on Twitter for updates PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh , PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC yikes not above PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh chat = Pepega KEKW PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE PepeLaugh HE IS NOT AWARE oh boy the midle KEKW he is not aware 5Head the middle YOU REALLY CANT SEE IT???? @Yassuo kek he is not aware guys go play some league this game is garbage try to jump to the to one i guess would be ezer MIDDLE @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats PepeLaugh KEKW LUL SPIDER PepeLaugh LOL HE DOESNT KNOW LUL PepeLaugh HE THINKS HES SAFE PepeLaugh U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap ??? PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh MIDDLE @Yassuo JUMP OFF THE TOP NAIL AND DOUBLE JUMP HALFWAY NotLikeThis LAG KEKW gachiBASS ABOVE YOU THEN THE MIDDLE @Yassuo GOD DAMN Pepega Clap HE DOESNT KNOW KEKW this chat MIDDLE BETWEEN SPIKES Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW DONT TELL HIM LUL damn im out Middle @Yassuo going above you will allow you to save ur second jump for the lower part this is hurting my head @Yassuo Can you land in between the two triangles? HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh MIDDLE BBETWEEN SPIKES @u need the 2nd jump down there He is lacking critical information PepeLaugh giga autopilor such a ez level GIF I don't understand why not just win? MISSING CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh CiGrip CiGrip U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 U have to jusmp over the spikes and manouver around them PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh ? pog peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE peepoClap GO GO MOE MOE Jebaited CiGrip ? MIDDLE BETWEEN SPIKES PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC PepeLaugh SPIDER INC dont HE STILL CANT SEE IT whoever timed me out fuck you dumbass bitch 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 Pog Chat PogU LULW what is this KEKW @yassuo I beg you play anything other than a this repetitive fucking mind melting game PogU Pog LULW 5Head CHAT LULW OMEGALUL KEKW HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh Minaj, Let me give you one 🚬 KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA @hayboye D: KEKW KEKW play LOL @hayboye agreed LULW kekw OMEGALUL PepeLaugh KEKW why at I watching a WWE toys commercial>? OMEGALUL u can do it O KEKW KEKW @hayboye it literally says you have no time outs pog Pog KEKW Jebaited @Yassuo MOD ME 5Head PepeLaugh LULW @yassuo middle between spikes he doesn't know PepeLaugh oh shieeeyt lesgo mooooooooooe DID YOU beat megaman? Challenger chat KEKW youre so close dood this is getting into my nerfs league @Yassuo Can you land in between the two triangles? ITS BOSHY TIME IS THIS A REPLAY ? DO IT FOR US MOE peepoClap DO IT FOR US MOE peepoClap DO IT FOR US MOE peepoClap DO IT FOR US MOE peepoClap DO IT FOR US MOE peepoClap WHEN which megaman chat KEKW @Yassuo you think you can beat wr of 33:34:44 im suck on ryu fo rmonths @Yassuo wanan beat my sister too? :) Pepega Clap What camera do you use ? PepeLaugh MAN TAKE YOUR TIME WHY YOU IN A HURRY.. @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm @Yassuo MOD ME 5Head press 1 ItsBoshyTime Its Boshy Time! ItsBoshyTime 500 deaths on one page lol ITS BOSHY TIME JUST JUMP TO THE RIGHT peepoClap JUST JUMP TO THE RIGHT peepoClap JUST JUMP TO THE RIGHT peepoClap JUST JUMP TO THE RIGHT peepoClap who tf makes a game like this Pepega @yassuo play some musik man youre gonna go crazy you did it PogU can do it again easily PogU sanchPool sanchPool sanchPool @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats @Yassuo u have to avoid the spikes who was harder sonic or megaman? SANIC @Yassuo Press harder so it jumps higher have you tried alt f4 yet? how bad was megaman OMEGALUL SONIC KEKW This is actually so tilting to watch beat megaman lost to spikes yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Stuck on Ryu PepeLaugh @Yassuo What does VIP do? S OMEGALUL NIC JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap @Senpai_MuHi the world record is 30:51 and its not by witwix noob @yassuo are you playing league? S OMEGALUL NIC any reason you're playing this? SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump SONIC PepeLaugh 👉 BibleThump DUD DUD monkaW those bosses have the best music tho DUD JUMP ACROS THE FUCKING TOP What headset is that moe DUD KEKW @Yassuo who was harder sonic or megaman? damn NAHHAHAAHA JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap @Yassuo Press harder on the keyboard so it feels like it jumps higher @Yassuo Can you land in between the two triangles? @Yassuo you have over 500 deaths in this room alone FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers FeelsOkayMan 👍 i support autistic streamers beats sonic and megaman, loses to one spikey boi @yassuo play some musik man youre gonna go crazy yasH its easy why cant u do it lol @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm Sonic is 2nd or 3rd hardest boss in the game Takes most people 15 Hours @Yassuo it is easier to jump over that thing and use the 2ndjump down there Are you gonna play leg @yassuo please stop playing this mind melting residentsleeper good for nothing game FUCKING BOSHY TIME OVER AND OVER AND OVER PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS yasMald yasMald Im at the final boss, that shit is brutal What does VIP do, chat? it's bo U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap that is tilting me >What camera do you use ? we are tierd what game is this Why dont u play league? that legit tilts me 🤣 @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats ItsBoshyTime Play some music yasH you should play getting over it @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm ' ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime bro its boshy time its boshy time! SAYS THAT BUT LIKES LEAGUE LULW @Yassuo what difficulty are you on? @Yassuo Press harder on the keyboard so it feels like it jumps higher. BOSHY TIME TriHard KEKW Remember when u were at the bottom and u missed the jump and died :) ? @WHYLD_ did you use the double shot trick? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime its tilting PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS Ah well :) JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt ratirlInt dont jump on the top one you should play jump king @Yassuo ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕐 ITS BOSHY TIME im guessing solo q was more cancer than this? JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap JUST JUMP 4Head peepoClap its bashy timeeeeeeeeee jump over that What about Jump King? hatsunNeko i tried it im like 200 death but still cant beat the first part of the game ITS MOE TIME BABY why are you playing this tho? !uptime i feel like i'm waisting time of my life watching this What did i say LULW The stream has been live for 3 hours 32 minutes 51 seconds yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! What camera do you use to record with? @Yassuo Press harder on the keyboard so it feels like it jumps higher its nashy timee and you are the most challenged gamer :) @chat why isnt he playing league? @exCoach it was his chat dont jump on that ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo you still havnt replied to my dm @Yassuo it is easier to jump over that and use 2nd jump down there ItsBoshyTime 👉 🕥 @Yassuo its not more challenging that Twitch rivals KEKW It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega i feel like you dont have to get up top double jumoing has the same effect its bashy time Play jump King brooo @Yassuo play without sound I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 have you tried jump king' delusional? LUL CarlSmile @Yassuo Press harder on the keyboard so it feels like it jumps higher. Moe like --ò_ó-- ratirlBusiness do you have more momentum if you're further back on the platform Dont u want to listen to music? did yas ever beat celeste @threshprints nah is that like shooting more, because I see videos where people shoot more Do a zero deaths run You should try League of Legends, you'll never beat it yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime image trick playing this game Whats your camera? moe why do you not play celeste instead? How do you even download Boshy? It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega is he gonna cry over this again ? is jumpking close to this in difficulty? dont jump on that top one, jump over PLAY COD peepoPog PLAY COD peepoPog PLAY COD peepoPog PLAY COD peepoPog PLAY COD peepoPog PLAY COD peepoPog Pog No more pummel party ? Kapp Im legit getting annoyed just by watching u play my man @Yassuo DO CELESTE B SIDES LULW game is a cake walk try alt f4 Kapp @Yassuo DO CELESTE B SIDES beating league = rank 1 Im giving up Okay maybe League beat you Deadcells TRINIMMORTAL COULDNT DO IT HOW CAN YOU listen to phoon song it will help u @yassuo @Bioshot167 damn :/ @zarzach Only fridays ds3? Cant u turn off those annoying voices @yassuo OkayChamp @leftkyoto you couldn't do better Dont jump the top one lol PLAY FORTNITE POGGERS PUMMEL WITH VIEWERS? PogU have you tried the flossing challenge? OkayChamp qwertyuiopas subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! :) ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... ITS ..... @Yassuo get high elo in chess, dab on carlsen ItsBoshyTime when you beat this game, you will be able to beat faker its easir to just jump and then double jump before the spike @yassuo bet with trick again? you gonna make a bet with someone on Jump King 3? @yassuo @Yassuo jump over that one and use 2md jump down there Pepega Like your nose @Yassuo Press harder on the keyboard so it feels like it jumps higher yasSpit so bad the hitbox is really insane in this game Kapp nojoke see the button next to f3 ? Kapp sure this game So hard gachiHYPER Bigger KEKW DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo man I feel bad for u this game consumes ur braincells actually KEKW Faker main game LUL its bashy time @Yassuo Seriously mute the game and play some music! @Waffle369 hahah FACTS @blooshaw gachiBASS its its ItsBoshyTime its ba KEKW @exCoach he won 3, lost 1, but didn't play well and chat was just flaming him so he doesn't feel like playing anymore @yassuo have you ever played trap advenger 2? its bash lag Kapp HYPERBASS lol KEKW lagg yeah mute im gonna lose my mind trash PC Shit computer @Yassuo Seriously mute the game and play some music!. RIP CPU ahh close 10k $ PC BTW KEKW 10K PC KEKW boshy > 2080ti KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @Yassuo This game is fucking bullshit. KEKW graphics requirments :troll: THIS IS IT? peepoPog THIS IS IT? peepoPog THIS IS IT? peepoPog THIS IS IT? peepoPog THIS IS IT? peepoPog THIS IS IT? peepoPog its bashy- SHIT COMPUTER Moe potato PC ItsBoshyTime omggggygg @Yassuo can you make it in one jump? PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS @Yassuo Change compatibility mode to win 95 :) HAHAHHAHGA please mute I swear to god just go from the top again Kapp did you beat celeste bside and c side tapes? whyyyy brooo U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap games uses your PC to mine bitcoins ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime sop close one its its its in going insane u cant jump u troll u lose all ur speed @Bioshot167 thatll do it lol, ty for info It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega It'S sMaShInG tImE Pepega its the fucking boshy time what time is it ? KEKW ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog omg you are so cloooose LULW NO @WHYLD_ go into controls and bind the button for down to the button that you use to shoot. Means each time you press shoot its 2 bullets and you can kill boss in single phase easy SO CLOSE NotLikeThis U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 PepeLaugh maybe you're going th wron gway KEKW yasGood yasGood yasGood Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime CAN YOUSTOP?? grabRap character hitbox? apeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee JUST GO FROM THE TOP AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS bosh the shit out of f4 boomer @Yassuo you really are fakers child with extra chromosomes GO MIDDLE BETWEEN SPIKES This is harder than sonic KEKW @Yassuo Seriously mute the game and play some music! . @exCoach WideHardo U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap u playing clash with the boys? 4WeirdW jesus D: KEKW Havoc137 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW peepoLeave ok D: what time is it? cant get further its boomer FAK LULW D: @Yassuo try to jump to the left there @Tellmewhynot WideHardo xd ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog fuck these haters why does moe look attractive af tho 😚😚😚😈 LEAVE THE STREAM KEKW D: lol moe not having it today peepoPooPoo peepoLeave KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Mute the game play some music Pog KEKW LOL NOOOO D: @threshprints oh shit thanks heaps! No music monkaW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAAHHA KEKW ?xd KEKW HE MADE POG Kapp D: KEKW KEKW KEKW hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh D: KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW gg KEKW OMEGALUL LULW KEKW Kapp rude D: KEKW DUMBASS RIP D; KEKW AFUIHAGFUIPAGPIFA LIAR KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SURE Kapp LUL LOOOOOOOOOOOOL You're nearly there moe LULW LMAOOOO KEKW hahahhahahahaz i saw it KEKW KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAHHA KEKW KEKW sure Kapp KEKWK KEKW KMAO peepoArrive no monkaW kekw xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Pepega KEKW KEKW HAHHAHAHA ok boomer FUCK ME MAN LULW IQ gliched plssss bro playy leaague KEKW KEKW LULW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW @Yassuo try to jump to the left there, its shortcut YEAH YEAH Kappa @Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast@Yassuo 1 day sub left but im too broke to renew still gonna keep watching tho u sexy beast yasPls LOL U DIED yasPls FUD KEKW Kapp FUCKKK pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon pepeMeltdown TriAthlon KEKW HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa LMAOO CLIP THAY no lmao Are you gonna stream clash?? Yea FCUUUKK kekw Kappa AAHHAAHHA yeahhhh SUre man Kapp stop man your mental is boom ur just BAD Yes ItsBoshyTime tobiasOK FUCKKK MAN LUL @yassuo pls play your own musib @Yassuo do you know the definition of insanity? its doing something over and over again hoping for a differend result kekw hi yt sanchRage sanchRage sanchRage suck md excuses KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL CLI its to quick for us u gna play clash?????????? KAP LULW stop man your mental is boom- Kapp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp CLIP is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat gege HAHAHAHAH ITS UHH gladdGASM ITS UHH gladdGASM oof dalimon2 -> Please refrain sending long messages. stop man your mental is boom yes we saw that U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 HITBOX FUCKING HELL MOE 4HEad RAGE COMPA:ATION KEKW CLIP IT stop the prob is the save in the other side its hard Kapp sure GEGE KEKW ratirlMozart LULW lmao Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW this is hurting my soul tbh but i can't stop watching KEKW kekw sucks to suck PepeLaugh KEKW XDDDDDDDDD moe what is up you seem so irritated KEKW LMFAO PepeLaugh u died too many times ur game started laging KEKW @Yassuo KEKW KEKW glitch again? ITS BOSHY TIME LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LOOOOOOOL KEKW LUL D: KEKW poor keyboard D: SHOOT LULW KEKW My head hurts PepeLaugh 💦 @naruliaqua Pog KEKW KEKW LUL Pog LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap :( U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog KekwKekwKekw that hit box on the spike is op@ya KEKW MOE KEKW LOL ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog hahahhahaha LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 3rd world problems Good boy moe FrankerZ BROKE IT why are u playing that hahahahhaah :( @yassuo man you are delusiinal af @Yassuo try to jump to the left there, its shortcut KEKW KEKW ?? im scared KEKW KEKW HE HAS IT DOWN Pog Monotoneee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! You're looking extra spicy today my guy RIOT ? chat spamming KEKW like usual LUL YOU WILL NEVER SUCEED LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap K E Y B O A R D FAULT 6k andy should really be catching up on your jump king skills U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ALMOST MOE peepoPog ???? LUL is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat is it boshy time chat peepoLeave my ears hurt bye this guy has mental issues CLIP IT LOLW SEND TO XQC LOLW @Yassuo do you know the definition of insanity? its doing something over and over again hoping for a differend result LUL never going to do it again KEKW LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo SHOOT YOU CLOWN KEKW KEKW it's like seeing a monkey get it's banana taken away over and over again' nikuc_r6 -> Please refrain from posting links. ItsBoshyTime WeirdKEKW LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL havent he completede the game all rdy before? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Kraft_0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 7 month streak! ayyyyy made it to one year with this boi poggers KEKW LULW LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap CLIP IT AND SHIP IT LUL wasn't there something to do with a windows update making the game randomly lag? he mad league??? @artin88lol this mf can buy 300 keyboards why the fuck would we buy him one? its boshy time :) WOOF U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap KEKW this is the ultimate gaming experience Look at his face PepeLaugh Look at his face PepeLaugh Look at his face PepeLaugh he's evolving PogU tyler1 woulda made it THE MENTAL PogU LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap MOE TRYHARD LOOK AT HUS FACE KEKW LOOK AT HUS FACE KEKW LOOK AT HUS FACE KEKW LOOK AT HUS FACE KEKW LOOK AT HUS FACE KEKW YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT MOE peepoClap YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap ITS-ITS-ITS-BOSHY-ITS-BOSHY TIME yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald CLIP IT AND SHIP IT TO XQC LUL ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BASHY PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap ITS BASh LAG monkaW it looked like yasuo was killing u KEKW NA lag Lag lol TheLightHouse -> Please refrain from posting links. its boshy time its boshy time its boshy time its boshy time its boshy time its boshy time its boshy time LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard oof Im gonna have a dream about this game Keyboards face verbal and physical abuse every day... if you just donate ONE dollar to save moe's keyboard, you'll make a change ;( he is trying to beat faker LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap why do u do this to yourself man how does this not tilt you? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 @itzhannie, he wont leave the poor thing alone PepeHands Pepega HYPERCLAP itscancertime KEKW HES GOING CRAZY monkaEyes ITS BAS ITS BA ITS BASHY ITS BA ITS BASHY TIME ITS ITS BASHY TIME yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW ITS BOSHY TI... KEKW what time is ? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap get a new keybread 4 2 @itzhannie yasU damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE artin88lol -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 3 are u okay? 1 1 4 2 LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 2 3 ITS KEKW ITS BOSH KEKW ITS BOSHY T KEKW ITS BOSHY TIM KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS dude shoot the fucking check point U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 donate a sub for every death ratirlFlower ratirlMozart 3 GO LEAGUE PLSSSSS 3 21 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 0 1 LUL gift subs 5 DAMN DaMimZ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 1 LULW 6 4 HAHAHA KEKW Pog SO CLOSE LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald 6 WeirdKEKW PepeLaugh 7 5 MORE TIMES KEKW RIP so close SHOOT YOU Pepega 999 4 f KEKW KEKW 8 5 4000 deaths soon Pog 3 KEKW 1 77777777777 2 8 5 ur so bad double jump 4 r u gonna stream clash with the boys?? KEKW 1 89 till 3500 10 LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 3 0 925 yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald dude moe i feel sorry for u D: 9 2 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime D: hmm he is trying to beat faker in this game 77777777 10 more tries GO LEAGUE CHAT LETS Gooooooo KEKW D: D: D: 0 D: D: HELLO YOUTUBE 2o ITS.. D: 7777777777777 134444 U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap D: D: yasSmash 1 LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap 5 back up more on the bottom D: KEKW D: D: :D D: 69 0 D: D: D: D: D; D: JUST SHOOT4HEad @Yassuo JUST SHOOT4HEad @Yassuo JUST SHOOT4HEad @Yassuo JUST SHOOT4HEad @Yassuo JUST SHOOT4HEad @Yassuo D: 15 hes tilted D: D: U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 D: KEMW D: LULW :( D: 50 more Chat go LEAGUE @yassuo double jump D: REPORTED 6600 hh D: D: D: 7777788 WHEN AT BOT CRAP USE DOUBLE JUMP YOU HAVE ROOM KEKW -6 moe why do this to yourslef like grossgore it's boshy @Yassuo riot's fault. @Yassuo i think you need to jump from further when youre down and glide through it LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap D: BibleThump BibleThump -5 D: RUDE I like how even the background is just spikes 5 more tries PepeLaugh its gachiGASM time 4K DEATHS INCOMING gif xd excuse me what? HE'S NOT BLINKING -11 @Yassuo when a bet with T2p in boshy? @Yassuo i was just watching one of your videos Pog 23 or not YES ITS WHAT? Kappa Pog Pog Pog peepoClap 4k peepoClap Pog Pog ahha i woud rage quit only cos of taht stupid dead sound ahha LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap Pog Pog Pog KEKW FireRis subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Best of luck on this hell of a game. Fuck riot. Love you bro. PogU Pog Pog POG Pog Pog U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap OMG Pog what time is it?? Pog PogYou FUCK YA Pog POGGGG Pog HE DID IT PogU U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 Pog Pog YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS Pog FINALLY PogU pog LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap Pog SMURF Pog PogU Pog PepeLaugh PogU monkaW PagChomp monkaS Pog POGGER monkaW finally What camera do you use ? Pog Go league LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo whos harder to master yasuo or fiora ? @Yassuo @Yassuo Pog @Yassuo keep mental up ^^ POOGERS PogU what boss is it @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats POGGERS Ayyy U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Pog SMIURFING @Yassuo play without sounds cuz its triggering af KEKW Pepega HYPERCLAP D: PogChamp POG POggers 400 DEATHS KEKW SHEESH HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo PogU LETS GO CHAMP OKAY MOE YOU'RE INSANE monkaW Pog PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh -6+-5 Press 1 if ur currently touching ur PP RIOTTT CONGRATS U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO he is trying to beat faker in this game POGGGGG PogChamp pogc I'm so tilted, bye I was here Pog Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES Pog ONLY 5000 TRIES U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Jebaited @Yassuo LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap @Yassuo whats the best and worst thing about NY here it comes PepeLaugh ihhyukl this game is FeelsDankMan CLOSE 3.5k Pog hh No lol today? @Yassuo THATS THE ONE Pog @Yassuo THATS THE ONE Pog @Yassuo THATS THE ONE Pog @Yassuo THATS THE ONE Pog @Yassuo THATS THE ONE Pog i literally took me like 7 tries total to pass that :v i feel bad 4 your @Yassuo PepeLaugh HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh LUL yo chat what boss is he on klfHey YOU GOT THIS peepoClap LETS GO BOIS 3520 DEATH MARk POG Pog Pog Pog pog Pepega HYPERCLAP PogU @Yassuo have you tried undertale? PogU Pog PogU Pog PogU Pog Pog LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap PogU you beat it Pog PogU Pog PogU UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh Pog Pog POG PogU lets go Pog THIS IS IT MOE Pog this looks so easy Pog PogU pog PogU NEW BOSS PogU PepeLaugh Pog PogU Pog I WAS HERE Pog HES INSANE Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog <3 PogU PogU PogU PogChamp PogYou PogU LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap POG Pog HES NUTTY Pog Pog Pog THIS IS IT MOE Pog THIS IS IT MOE Pog THIS IS IT MOE Pog THIS IS IT MOE Pog PogU YO LETS GO MOE Pog HES INSANE Pog HI YOUTUBE POG Pog Pog PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU Pog Pog Pog' Pog Pog Pog ALREADY PogU PogYou @Yassuo PogYou @Yassuo PogYou @Yassuo PogYou @Yassuo POGGERS PogU+ PogU Pog PogU pog POGGERS Pog PogU I WAS HERE PogU Pog I WAS HERE PogU PogU EZ PogYou PogU NOOWAY pog wow Pog ItsBoshyTime HI YT Pog PogU pog monkaW UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh UH OH PepeLaugh PogU @Yassuo LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU Pog U DID IT MOE peepoClap I WAS HERE PogU PogYou PogU PogYou CHEST GET CoolCat I WAS HERE PogU monkaW pgpg i was here PogU monkaW i was here PogU pog p KEKW PepeLaugh U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap Here we go PepeLaugh monkaW PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS monkaW monkaW monkaW U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap U DID IT MOE peepoClap 󠀀 EZ pog PepeLaugh Clap ROFL I WAS HERE monkaW LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog MK monkaS NaM GL KEKW pog pog PogU monkaW Pog I WAS HERE PogU LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap MK PogU POGGERS mudkipz LULW monkaW monkaW monkaW pogu monkaW AYAYA monkaW mah hiep MK Pog MUDKIP KEKW monkaS Pog OLD MEME Pog NaM Clap Mortal Kombat? LUL MK monkaW Ok settle down mortal kombat sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchJax sanchJax monkaW LULW KEKW ???? lol bruce lee monkaW LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog LETS GO MOE peepoPog . old memes @Yassuo LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU - he's from mortal kombat MingLee LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap good luck MK MUDKIP AYAYA monkaW XD MUDKIP PogU NaM monkaW epic NaM im shiny hunting mudkip right now lmao MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU MK PogU LUL KEKW LULW??/ MICHAEL JACKSON LOL lee sin? LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap ancient memes LUL U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap gg MORTAL KOMBAT KEKW namacs WTF monkaSHAKE THIS IS THE COOLEST BOSS lol @Yassuo LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU monkaW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 NaM KEKW it's a mortal combat refrence i feel gay did he beat megamen ? gl with that U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Follow me on Twitter for updates hows that boss called LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap KEKW LOL @itzhannie, u back PagChomp Macayla streaming PogU Pog @Yassuo LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU LETS GO CHAMP PogU - why he is offline ? THIS IS GONNA BE FUN PepeLaugh THIS IS GONNA BE FUN PepeLaugh THIS IS GONNA BE FUN PepeLaugh KEKW LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LULW KEKW LUL PepeLaugh NaM KEKW ????? KEKW MingLee KEKW LULW what is this game liu knag LUL WTF WTF FLULW KEKW LOL KEKW wtf wtf poooooooog LUL LUL LUL Samsung wins WTF LULW LULW SHSnowBirb subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! KEKW WTF/ This game is so troll wtf LMAO U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 LIU KANG KEKW THE ANIMATIONS SO BAD KEKW faker can complete more levles then you waiting in champ select.... POGU didnt he beat the game tho? KEKW this is such a retarded game HAHA KEKW KEKW WTF HEY MOE RESPOND IF YOU LOVE ME @Yassuo NOT FIRST TRYING THE BOSS WeirdChamp LMFAO WTF SF KEKW LOL ???? KEKW ur fucked Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : KEKW DID HE BEAT MEGAMEN BOSS ? KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW monkaW LULX KEKW what is this shit boomer FINISH HIM LMAO WTF KEKW LULW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap WTF KEKW finished your ass U SUCK wtf WTF monkaS LOL WTF HAHAHAHA ????? Jesus KEKW LUL SHAO KHAN KEKW monkaW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 WHAT THE FUCK this boss is so insane U SUCK LUL YOU SUCC KEKW LMEO q WTF KEKW KEKW TP what are these sounds U ck SHAO KAHN KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW What is with the mudkip man lolw well balanced AYAYA boss SHAO KHAN KEKW MORTAL KOMBATTT dude you're a fucking triangle youll never beat him U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap MALPHITE ULT KEKW JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap SEE YOU IN 6 HOURS VOD FRIENDS How does he skip the sequenz??? @chat ItsBoshyTime U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 peepoClap @Saakuzyo YES KEKW LEE SIN Pog LEE SIN Pog LEE SIN Pog LEE SIN Pog lol this game is about as original as you are m8 dont worry moe 3526 deaths is about your average deaths per day on yasuo MUDKIP ??? KEKW @Yassuo this is easier than megaman in my opinion what pokemon got to do with this game lol MUDKIP AYAYA LUL LUL Pepega Clap nikuc_r6 -> Please refrain from posting links. ??????? this boss U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap Pepega Clap lulululuye woop woop U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 XDD mwemwemwmewmemwmemwmemw @bayronstahppls ty yep PEPEGA CLAP mewmemwmemwemwemwm damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo damn so not only faker is better in league than you even in this game hes superior @Yassuo HELPO YOUTUBE Disturbing ass sound KEKW STICK TO LEAGUE KEKW and mudkip helhelhleyluulu KEKW MUDKIP SO CUTE AYAYA POKIMON KEKW vod friends skip 3 hours PepeLaugh vod friends skip 3 hours PepeLaugh vod friends skip 3 hours PepeLaugh vod friends skip 3 hours PepeLaugh vod friends skip 3 hours PepeLaugh KEKW ? U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap STICK TO LEAGUE KEKW any poki subs? :) @Yassuo 3531 deaths??? You don't give up that easily do you PogChamp HELLO YOUTUBE LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap holy cow YOYOLGOYLYOOYLOYOYOYOO NaM U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE KEKW U GOT THIS MOE KEKW U GOT THIS MOE KEKW U GOT THIS MOE KEKW nononahadshdashsad KEKW no LUL LUL the sound effect just so great LMAO pls How to download this game? Jump off to the right yoloylyoylooyoyl FAKER ONLY HAD LIKE 350 MUUUUUUUUUUUDKIP 5Head LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE MOE peepoClap Whats the last boss in the game? @Yassuo Chat why are you lying to him KEKW Pog ??? KEKW ? KEKW XD ?????????????? mudkip AYAYA LUL Pepega ???? KEKW Pepega ? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW ?? wp ??????????? BigBrother = 🐐 PepeLaugh Vod friends skip 3 months PepeLaugh ?`????? KEKW ?? ??????? JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap ????????????????? @NicoKEKW yasU oof ??? who? ???? Is this the PBE League Reskin I heard so much about? ??? LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap SNAKE JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap JUST JUMP MOE peepoClap @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... this game is so strange and crazy but i like it LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap CHEETAHMEN??? @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... faker had 0 death this game Kappa solgryn U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap W H OMEGALUL have u played i wanna be the guy @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @exCoach solgrim @Tellmewhynot yasH LULULULULLULUULLUU Pepega KEKW @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... @Yassuo cheetahs the final boss... KEKW @exCoach i think u suck whattt KEKW KEKW KEKW lul YOU SUCK KEKW how tf U SUCK KEKW soundin like SAO u suck D: "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW "U SUCK" KEKW he knows KEKW u scuk KEKW U'RE STILL MID GAME-ISH @Yassuo WutFace @DaMimZ No he isn't stfu YOU SUCK KEKW U SUCK @realkevinhartofficial ik, i was memeing KEKEW BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 just go down you suck KEKW ~~~~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 U SUCK KEKW you suck KEKW gachiBASS raging U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE U SUCK MUDKIP AYAYA U SUCK sucks 2 suck Even in this game shao kahn is BS YOU SUCK ~~~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SOLGRYN IS HARD AS FUCKKKKKK U SUCK RIOT HAHAHA U SUCK U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW KEKW BALANCED KEKW KEKW LUL WTF YOU SUCK KEKW KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Jebaited the nerves on this guy, jesus KEKW KEKW KEKW you are the only one with a dildo in the butt KEKW tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart tfbHeart WTF LULW LULW KEKW LUL U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap LULW LUL Y OMEGALUL U SUCK ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp monkaS the one two monkaW LOL DAMN it's always funny when games say "you suck" in games xD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw AGANE KEKW u scuckn't KEKW AGANE PepeLaugh Chat do you liek mudkipz? lol AGANE KEKW KEKW U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap KEKW GayAssNasusPlayer -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. Jebaited SHAO KANH KEKW agane riot i swear @exCoach sorry im hella tired even more stupid than normal LUL LUL TF KEKW sojiweh BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 BigBrother = 🐐 monkaW monkaW monkaW LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap BALANCED KEKW he did say finish him WORSE THAN VLAD Jebaited TOO EASY SIT RIOT BabyRage that first dodge 5head LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap LETS GO MOE peepoClap PAT PAT CHARGE WORSE THAN FORSEN KEKW WORSE THAN FORSEN KEKW WORSE THAN FORSEN KEKW WORSE THAN FORSEN KEKW you are the only one with a dildo in the butt MingLee gachiHYPER how long have u been playing? KEKW FACE !game touching my cu YOU SUCK KEKW I Wanna Be The Boshy U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap yes dafranLUL Pepega Clap just dodge it 4Head @Yassuo HITBOX KEKW get clappd kfc and watermelon IS that RUSH? THE 2 TIME forsenCD GEGE @Yassuo be aware of the spider U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap 󠀀 stand on the left side of the bar and dont move yasGood yasGood yasGood just dodge it 4Head !mouse jump at a certain limit the pad reaches @Yassuo Razer Deathadder @realkevinhartofficial its all good homie, get some rest if you need yasH ? yoylllyyllylyoykylyoyo that sound Pepega Clap SUCKKK KEKW GO BACK TO LEAGUEE go off the front on the fireballs U'RE STILL MID GAME-ISH @Yassuo why are u playing this game?? RIOT FIX THE GAME LUL megaman 2.0 incoming PepeLaugh papanwah -> Please refrain from posting links. @Streamlabs yasShrug @zalla1 LULW good one :jouemoji: !uptime DID SOMEONE SAY 2? forsenCD The stream has been live for 3 hours 42 minutes 29 seconds sry! stand on left edge Who loves when moe is tilted? wtf is this @realkevinhartofficial one more week pepeD !keyboard CORSAIR K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard just drop from the right 2? Faker ragequited after this game LULW @Yassuo Doubbleshot glitch doesnt work on him grinding in boshy jesus, this game looks difficult af xD yass u beat megaman POGU 10/10 on the sound effects though this game will you get mentaly ill @exCoach boomer trying to use emojis :jouemoji: FeelsWeirdMan plan on feedn him some more ayy? yoyooyoyooyoy AYAYA Mudkip chat can explain me why is he playin this game when will you play league ? I have literally been watching the past 10 minutes thinking you was the char on the right and wondering what the fuck was going on @zalla1 ok maurice DUMBASS rip Now I realise youre the triange !mic KEKW C U C K S M Y A S S watch faker do it AT2020 + Yamaha Mixer why not stand on the right side of the ledge yaaaaarrrrrggggg GUYS I DOWLOADED BOSHY WHY I KEEP DYING AT THE START LOL I DIDNT DO ANYTHING @AshClimbs KEKW FUN KEKW theressomething ITS FUN Kappa !comp yooylyooyoyooy !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ur always angry about it so how is it fun @Yassuo Would you fuck a mudkip? @Yassuo !computer LETS GOOO MOE KEKW Good one zalla LULW yolololbubu KEKW yes damnnn MORE FUN THAN LEAGUE KEKW ^ maonitskiiiii KEKW "fun" i was about to say that balanceD KEKW THE HAMMER yes @Yassuo why not jump to the right on the fire going up isnt it easier he got a 8k gold lead you dooemd AYAYA Mudkip yea there are 3 jumps KEKW @abokhamis17 cursor this game is fucking with ure brain !uptime yea you gotta drop down @Yassuo The stream has been live for 3 hours 43 minutes 48 seconds YEAH NO SHIT KEKW @abokhamis17 your mouse cursor can kill you :) No actually was a good one LULW Can someone tell me how he skips the boss sequenz?? @chat @Yassuo you jump to the second one and stay there cause he teleports two more times KEKW KEKW ????? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : LULW KEKW CLOSE PogU just jump botton shelf on second finish him?? @Yassuo KEKW KEKW habiby hard LULW LULW KEKW Pog ALMOST KEKW thats cheap Pepega go to the bottom kid LUL Jebaited JUST WATCH FAKER WALKTHROUGH KEKW what happened to league? meenoot habiby LUL YOU GOT IT KEKW he go hard on the ass @azurex3 wow but it wouldnt be boshy if it wasnt cheap like this ?????????? MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MORE BROKEN THAN RENGAR KEKW KEKW ?????? AYAYA Mudkip MUDKIP AYAYA use your windwall he teleports four times ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp its poppy KEKW people question marking moe are the type to get stuck at the first part of this game LUL AYAYA @exCoach widepeepoHappy 👉 ❤ Pog progress PogU Moe whats ur fetish @Yassuo The last boss, Solgryn, is actually a danish oatmeal product, and the package looks like the last boss. KEKW KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW 4 cloud drakes rangar LULW KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW 12 4 MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo MOE SMART MOE SMART peepoo what are these Pepega noises LULW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW YOU SUCK KEKW RIOT XDDD KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW YOU SUCK headshot the one two THREE Pog 3 KKEW LULW PEPEGAAAAAAA xddddddd yikes Jebaited @Yassuo there is 4 KEKW Jebaited TOO EASY KEKW POG FINISH IT UNINSTALL THE GAME LOL hahahha KEKW KEKW KEKKW PepeLaugh he didnt know kekw KEKW 3RD lmao naifuuu mudkip PogChamp @NaZe_Minaj widepeepoHappy nazemiH THIS GAME KEKW and another one only 4 KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW FIX YOUR GAME RIOT KEKW @NaZe_Minaj i slept to early and woke up, now i cant sleep pepeD there is 4 jumps yall what is this game LOOOOL @Yassuo Check out Just Shapes and Beats PepeLaugh KEKW ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp 4 teleports why is this so fun to watch KEKW just wait for the blood... Mohammed u got this MUDKIP AYAYA you dont need to jump at the second 1 SO BAD KEKW SO MAD KEKW @tellmewhynot youre stoopid RIOT FIX THE GODdAMN GAME RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW RIOT GAMES KEKW 7th one PepeLaugh @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. JAJAJ call them shitty camping too for having a 3rd one LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. ?? para cuando la polola o me salio wekereke +1 lag @Spirit373 yikes PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. ???? THIS SHIT IS DRIVING ME CRAZYYYYYYYY ??????? HABIBI U GOT THIS KEKW AYAYA Mudkip SillyChamp ????? @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @NaZe_Minaj and youre cute yasH ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp nhhamharjajeh give up dude @Tellmewhynot we told you what was that hitbox @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. boomer mechanics SillyChamp ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp . @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @probablyhighrn pussy blblbllblblblbl U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap U GOT THIS MOE peepoClap ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp MUDKIP AYAYA KEKW @Yassuo go ryu , bigger bullets hits him easier and his bullets move a bit faster. @exCoach who are u 4Weird how can 1 be soooooo bad !mic AT2020 + Yamaha Mixer SillyChamp haHAA just watching you play for 5 minutes gave me anxiety @zalla1 im sorry zalla you were saying something ? @tellmewhynot go to sleep man you gonna fuck your sleep schedule up again yasH @exCoach jk, lofe u yasH +1 lag 3557 !game I Wanna Be The Boshy New patch??? please Play lol PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS PepeLaugh 👉 📈 DEATHS monkaW dude take a rest @Tellmewhynot yasBoo @Tellmewhynot his bullets are bigger but not faster zalla you here monkaW he cant do it peepoClap 4k peepoClap is moe muslim Kapp haHAA SillyChamp u gonna die soon @Tellmewhynot PepeLaugh 👉 🛏 @exCoach i didnt? ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChampo why what happed ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp LUL ? Go to the down pad idiot KEKW that fuckin jayce keeps smashing u play seriously KEKW @EquadisEU pepeD why is he not playing league Watching this stream makes me sick lol Not banned PogU F LMFAO F f that screen shake hurts my eyes LULW F LOOOOOOOOOOL f KEK ~~~~~ SillyChamp only real SillyChamper can build this pyramid !!! SillyChamp SillyChamp . Try like me !!!! Try like me !! Try like me !! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Try, and my pyramid still higher !!!!!!! SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp . lol FFFFF f F f the second dash try just moving off rather than jumping f? I giv eup F F FFFFFFF F F f @ugnis45 he doesnt feel like it FFF f f THAT f F F F ?? f F F LULW f? F KEKW F F PepeLaugh f KEKW f F f F F KEKW F xdddd F F F f WTF lmao lmao F f haha xD F LMFAO KEKW LMFAOOO F F lol F F FFFFFFFFFFFFF HJAHAHAHAHAHAH f f CY@ fff F F THAT F f F he broke his shit F F F KEKW RAGEQUIT KEKW F f lmfao BITRATE LULW F F ff f F F f actual F lF F BROKE HIS COMPUTER KEKW F F f F LMFSO LOOOOOOOL chin up LOL f L,FAO oh o FACE KEWK F fffff F BANNED POG lag? F f F F F LULW THE SCREEN LUL broken comp F F KEKW f fffff F f f Pog F F F F F FF NICE PAUSE KEKW F F F Timing F KEKW f look at his mf face ff F F :) Gonna cry? :) F WELL DONE KEKW WELL DONE KEKW WELL DONE KEKW WELL DONE KEKW F F F the timing LMFAOO fff F F f F FF f F What does F mean? monkaW face f RAGE QUIT KEKW F ? KEKW F ??? f lololo f BROKE THE STREAM KEKW CLIP THIS FACE yasSmash Wtf FF KEKW g f f ???? F KEKW gf REFRESH SOMEONE SCREEN HIS FACE LLU F F THAT FRAME KEKW ff BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW D: f F ?? f KEKW ff F I just thought he was playing whilst in queue LUL f HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BROKE HIS STREAM KEKW خخخخخ he raged THAT FACE KEKW f F f ? LEGIT BROKE HIS COMPUTER KEKW F BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW . F LOL Bottom RIGHT KEKW F yasSmash ????? FF F KEKW HIS FACE LOL 88888888888888 FFFFF F to pay respects ?????? I SS'D THE FACE A SUMMONER HAS DISCONNECTED KEKW KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW LLLLOOOOOOOLLLLL @NaZe_Minaj why would i be banned F F F F F F F FF THE FACE THOU ??????? HAHAHAH RAGE lol fffffffffff f\ LMAO دنتا بضان Ff ff KEKW wait f ???????? RIP MOE ANELE broke his shit f it freezes every sec perfect timing KEKW BRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH F LOOK AT HIS FACE KEKW xqcSlam 💻 What does F mean? help DID HE KNOCK OUT POWER CORD? lol BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW !! LMFAOOOO HE STOPPED STREAMING why 3 them shits KEKW f pc broke what happened ? BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW ?????????? disconnection ban THAT FACE KEKW KEKKEEK F he rage wuit the strean KEKW HAHAHAHA LUL RIP STREAM PC BROKE OMEGALUL lol LUL what does F mean KEKW yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash @zalla1 the way coach said that monkaW LOL HAHAHAHAHA LOL RO{ hard f yasSmash yasSmash monkaW KEKW F LULW ff KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ??????????¿ LOOOL lol F RIP ffff KEKW RIP CRASH LOL LULW GG did he rage quit? wtf LOL hahhahaaaa BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW BROKE HIS PC KEKW LUL WTF monkaOMEGA spectrum, dawg yasSpit HAHAHAHAA XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LUL LUL LUL LUL HAHAHAHAHA KEKW FFFF LOL LOL F KEKW LUL LUL F LOL spectrum, dawg yasSpit F بضااااااااااااااااااان FFFF KEKW KEKW LOL LUL KEKW LULW KEKW ? LOL WTF OMEGALUL KEKW GOING OFFLINE KEKW KEKW ? LMFAO LOLW KEKW BIG F KEKW monkaW spectrum, dawg yasSpit LUL KEKW LUL F FFF FF F KEKW NICE lmao xD lata LMFAO ROLF KEKW f F HI CHAT :) LUL LMFAOOO YIKERS LMFAO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ???? wtf KEKW KEKW KEKW yasSmash HAHAHAHAHAHAHA RAGE QUIT xd KEKW KEKW monkaW kekw FfF spectrum, dawg yasSpit lul HAHAHAHAHHAAHAH RAGEQUIT KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW LULW XDDDDDDDDDDD end streams HE BROKE HIS PC KEKW AHAHAHAHAHAH LUL KEKW F F XFDDDD RIP STREM HAHAHQHQHAHAHAHAH zumpor -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Lmao F ahhahahahhahahahaha KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL KEKW LULW XDDXXDF RETARDED KEKW somethn comn up m8? XD SPECTRUM well done DXDDF monkaW yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink KEKW FFF pussy refresh, he got banned LOL XDXD wait he went offline ?????? WHAT KEKW KEKW lmaoooo rage LOL F monkaS RQ KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL WHAT THE FUCK LOL spectrum 100 No way dog RAGE QUIT KEKW LMFAOOOOOO Xddddddddddd KEKW hey Pog WE LIIIVE Pog PagChomp someone gift me a sub to ahmed gift to ahmed pls Moe online peepoPog hi smh why did you remove vip @hangu07 looking fresh wtf man @Yassuo yasH @Yassuo perma ban me yo moe wtf ur live hello moe :) Can I be the first one to flame you? i was snooping monkaW wassup Moe @Yassuo TriDance VROOM VROOM MOE LIVE LETS GOOO Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : lookin cute not farming offline hours SadChamp farming points OkayChamp OH U DONT SAY Pepega ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss no PepeLaugh sure looking so good man OkayChamp @Yassuo @ Yassuo perma ban me play aphelios on pbe PogChamp Moe, have you seen the new Diana? peepoPog @Yassuo Yo moe I just go back from work and WOWWWWW. sheesh some customers really dont let u live. they're so rude :( ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss ratirlKiss @Yassuo Can u TriDance in chat please KEKW sad true KEKW PepeLaugh cmon man D: @Yassuo gimme a kiss PepeLaugh now u can give me some girl advice to make some content @Yassuo N OMEGALUL TriDance Yassuo is now live! Streaming League of Legends: Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation do it You are a girl SadChamp TriDance WeirdChamp Not TriDancing TriDance 86 viewer andy KEKW yo TriDance TriDance Do it for fake HLLO Are you a keyboard? Because you are my type yasOkay heyo @Yassuo Like man im just one person I dont run the freaking company please dont blame me its not my fault. but they dont understands 86 viewer andy LULW Pog yasH hey moeeeeeeeeeee how are youuuu?? Hey recovered from twitch rivals again ? KEKW thearcalius you changed Yo KEKW LULW ayy Moe is alive awwww yoo Hey moe ! Salam Yassuoing PepeLaugh 💦 yasH yasH frikkaW false lol Ahhhhhhh hiII mOeeEE HELLO morning moe yasFBM yooo he said he would DM you Yooooo @Kaim_Sa gift me a sub to ahmed @Carizz0 HOW 4WeirdW FAKE @Yassuo Play christmas songs hi OMGLOL ur a pussy jk How are you g? LYING PepeLaugh ei @itzhannie it be like that sometimes :( yooo thearcalius im kidding OMEGALUL U SMELL hi sir HeyGuys what boi hellooooooo LYING WeirdChamp MORNING MOE Fatt Eyyy waddupo Moe @Yassuo nice shave snake moe nice hair bro chillingtons hiiiieee whats the goal for today 💪 1v1s today??????? @BlackDynamite17 can u ban me yoo moe MOE HI @Yassuo Yo moe I just go back from work and WOWWWWW. sheesh some customers really dont let u live. they're so rude :(:( :( fresking work waZUP MoEeeEeEe shot out me sup big dog fuckk you sup cutie Yassuo autism 3 is out !!!!! @hangu07 no SadChamp Sup moee Du shot out Hey moe @yassuo ahahha doing great looking great PogYou morning beauty yasU @yassuo moeeeeee @Yassuo YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKED MY GF IN A TAXI AND MADE HER GET IN CAR CRASH shot out me moe I said gm to you on insta but you never dmed back :/ wheres the clock any gifters to extend @chat? Moe small Hi moe Good morning yo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo @yassuo hi! YOOO @blackdynamite17 xqcL Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! MOE ready to lose 100 dollars in 11s 1v1s today?? you noob @Repobah repobaThanos barddaAbdulThanees sanchAbdulThanees WHY ARE U AUTISM @Yassuo !upyime @Kisetsu2 yasH Sup daddy Higher the music whats up moe here from argentina fuck you moe :) W OMEGALUL RK komm 1 vs1 WHATS UP MOE D: 8K Watch KEKW Damn chat is Toxic. @Yassuo Can I be the first one to flame you? PepeHands @BlackDynamite17 why are you here sup !uptime Yo The stream has been live for 2 minutes 20 seconds @AlexTheGreat80 feel you SadChamp Yooo HOWS LIFE moe ur looking freshh yo wassup @yassuo I love your streams crazy how cassiopeia so op right now KEKW LUL lol Hiii hi :) ANY HANNIES PepeHands @bvnditmasacre ? eyyy wadduuuup wassup Autism 3 is out moe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @yassuo TAKE A SHOWER @itzhannie called u a buddy Pog do you know PUN1SHER? D: hellos LULW Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 󠀀 Good morning, time to int some+ yoo Wassup LA MOE DansGame D: play aphelios on pbe PogChamp Bruh yoooo whats upppp Are you gonna dominated tyler1 again Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Hi# suh dudes yo moe @Yassuo YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKED MY GF IN A TAXI AND MADE HER GET IN CAR CRASH YOOOOO hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) you look like ikay gundogan KEKW NO FLAME KEKW @Yassuo you really lost to brooke ? 1v1s today??? katerinoLove katerinoLove wassup man @daniela00unicorn feels bad man Man it’s snowing here in nyc hey i want to resub with channel points @yassuo u make it through the airport with ur roli @BlackDynamite17 honest question no flame :) YOOOO more inting today? YOOO MOE Back in LA PogU Thanksgiving had no turkey :0 yo moe pick a new game for us ur awful KEKW WHATS UP BROO komm 1 vs 1 yas suhh @Yassuo AP Yasuo Soon? at least I tried hi moe @yassuo back in LA??? ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness KEKW !uptime @Yassuo REPLY TO MY GOOD MORNING MESSAGE ON INSTA :P The stream has been live for 2 minutes 45 seconds u make I WAS WAITING ALL DAY Pog @Yassuo LA MOE Pog inting time? Starting stream during football games WeirdChamp nooo its la moe time MOE @bvnditmasacre bc im modding lmao jensen yoinked that moe mohammad @Yassuo you really lost to brooke ?. @Yassuo YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKED MY GF IN A TAXI AND MADE HER GET IN CAR CRASH 😡 WHATS POPPIN hello @yassuo YOOOO YOOOOO YOOOOO YOOOOO YOOOO nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo nhbTrashuo YAS @Yassuo u back from new york?? u make it through your airport with ur roli or you get robbed aye 1v1 today ?!!!!!!!!! Whats up Dad @Yassuo Are you planning to play the new diana next season? @yassuo Do u know pun1sher? tf i this titke @BlackDynamite17 bet, good luck qt :) @Yassuo 1v1? pog WHATS POPPPIN BROOO U SMELL First time here I love ur laugh man LUL La moe Poggers we back @BlackDynamite17 black? 1v1 s today? hi from egypt mo yo YOOO yasJensen new VR GAMES? when are you gonna play league LOL hey yasuo 80 viewer andy KEKW @Yassuo u mom cute :) ratirlBusiness Yo are you still trying with that girl? Scooting around @yassuo @AKAROH PepeLaugh love that boiii yo moe you look like ikay gundogan @Yassuo AP Yasuo When? YOU LOOKING LIKE A SNAK @Yassuo HI Pog top of the morning pussyboi @Yassuo YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKED MY GF IN A TAXI AND MADE HER GET IN CAR CRASH yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN I would beat you up i will rape u in an akali 1v1 do u miss him? you got a dig bick? hi mytrueidentity subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo supp do u have a mic @yassuo ? Sup fam @Tellmewhynot PepeLaugh @Kaim_Sa kaim? ewww la moe @BlackDynamite17 btw if i use the "get gifted sub" can i use it for ahmed channel instead of moe? yasJensen YOU LOOK SNACK NO HOMO wassap wassap @yassuo back to LA? snek !prime Autism 3 is out moe !!!!!!!!! Moe show us your air blade HS 1v1s rn neekomains -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Come EUW 1v1 me bro Moe how can I raise my mmr?? moe you look like ikay gundogan 22937474743 900 viewrs lol 1 vs1 100$ AHAHAHAH Poooooog good morning E yasJensen whats up my mans @Yassuo Wassup moe @mods can i sub with channel points? YOOO YAS KEKW @Yassuo LA MOE NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis SeemsGood @yasuoo wagwan g what you telling me broski PepeLaugh askadegor subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! wut 1v1s I WONDER @bvnditmasacre no WeirdChamp PepeLaugh @yassuo whatchu cop on black Friday? KEKW MonkaW @Yassuo u back from new york? yo moe can u give me vip i heard u can unvip urself i wanna try @Yassuo your fucking retarded dude SadChamp @Yassuo How about AP Yasuo? Sssssssss hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) PUNISHER MONO MOUNIA i tune in and I hear that @toxic_ferris HS du kek 1v1s today or? LUL @yassuo do u have any tips playing vs Illaoi I always have a hard time against it gm u are so hot PixelBob @Yassuo show us your watch box me lets set a date and we can train until then @Yassuo LUL @Yassuo can i snipe u and play akali then ? :) @Yassuo u look fucked af LULW YOU LOOK LIKE A SNACCKK NO HOMO more inting today? bro moe you look like ikay gundogan @Yassuo we gon get more pummel at some point since you're back in LA? u made it through with the roli or get robbed along the way? PogU Are there 1v1 todayyyyy?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi moe how are u? yea @BlackDynamite17 4Weird cmon man pog yo PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ill hit you in dm about advice im in middle of game right now @Yassuo do anything interesting? 570 ur literally retarded wassup FUCK DYN 1v1s today or? @Yassuo wasup boy lol !uptime @BlackDynamite17 he here How can I raise my mmrr????? The stream has been live for 3 minutes 40 seconds @BlackDynamite17 PogU !uptime LA MOE IS BACK SNAKEEEEEE ReferencePPP subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 year cassi moe pia Kreygasm 1v1s today? dumb ass Sup Moe PAY U LATER Kappa If you have 5 heads and you lose one, would you still have a forehead? Moe can I get mod @Yassuo Is a girl haha SSSSSSSSS PAY U LATER Kappa PAY U LATER Kappa thoughts on the new season so far?? moe defo looks like ikay gundogan EY BALDY whats upppp bro, you look huge hook me up, dude First stream after a bunch of highlights, love you Moe gift me! hello baby PagChomp Do variety today pls ? @yassuo PogU SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i did Yo why do we look alike, but don’t play league alike. Fuck this world yasU Snek moe is back PepePls gift alex! yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE hell yes it's inting time again PogChamp PogChamp real alex PogU @Yassuo Do we have to wait until our sub runs out? or can I redeem now even if my sub runs out in 9 days? YOOO MOE yo this guy's subed for 1 year @Yassuo hey Moe how's ur day, your hair looking cute yasH @Yassuo how is that weather in that day out side @Yassuo Its AP Yasuo Time!! yas5 omerazulay redeemed Get a Gifted Sub to the channel 25,000 @yassuo hello buddy how was your day yesterday PUMMLE? MOEEE Moe How to choose lane yas5 owo PogChamp @yassuo your mom is kinda hot no cap @Yassuo BOX ME big shnoz did u just wake up LULW @Yassuo hi moe good morning gift me too PogU yasSpit where is the 25k watch gift me bro @Yassuo Have you check the new diana? szorijegettonn time to int Pog YOU LOOK LIKE A SNACK BRO LA M OMEGALUL E @Yassuo Do we have to wait until our sub runs out? or can I redeem now even if my sub runs out in 9 days?? @yassuo I think your nose is a bit big ill hit you in dm about advice im in middle of the game right now @Yassuo Challenger? moe looks like the footballer ikay gundogan @Yassuo gift me sub to ahmed barddadANELE 1v1 today? I love you moe <3 @yassuo hey bro how was your day ? M KEKW HAIRLINE LULW scammer! omg 25k you are gonna get haircut in like 25 days LUL moe are u looking for rank 1 can i touch ur beard? CHASEEE sup moe morning moeeee Pog Are there 1v1 PogU Pog PogU LA MOE WeirdChamp DUDEEEE IS CAIT A GOOD ADC RN??? PepeLaugh 👉 M sup man oh ok ye u did Pog Pog WTF?!?! PogChamp @BlackDynamite17 gift me sub to ahmed pls :) chaosk12Notlikethis chaosk12Notlikethis chaosk12Notlikethis chaosk12Notlikethis chaosk12Notlikethis u have a mic moe? still looking homeless bro PogU ALL STARS Pog look at that hairline PogU Pog yasPride no u wont Pog hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) Pog Remove your eyesbrow Pog PogU pog yasPride moe defo looks like ikay gundogan PogYou ok ? WeirdChamp POG OK POg POGGGGG supernovaxx2234 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! LL @itzhannie do it when your sub runs out What lv were you when your yas is lv7 PogU SEE YOU THERE @Yassuo TAKE A PIC @yassuo yo moe why u gay af KEKW IRL STREAM?? @Yassuo PogU @yassuo hey Moe you lookin mad cute today @Yassuo YOU STOLE T1's JOB????? bout to get clapped by rookie again all stars in 2019 WeirdChamp Pog SEE YOU Pog First stream after a bunch of highlight videos, love you Moe KEKW @Yassuo Its Time for AP Yasuo. Do It, I dare you. @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad heloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou Pog OkayChamp Moe autism 3 is out go check it out SNAKE!!! didnt ask @Yassuo Pog POGGERS IDGAF set a date and we can box @Yassuo PoG moe losing weight?? @Yassuo your shave matches your tshirt xD lets goo LA MOE WeirdChamp @Yassuo 1k viewers LUL @yasuo are you having a good day? heres comes the moe with the moes mode, so emo for me @BlackDynamite17 Thanks dyn. Will do! PogChamp YOU SAID YOU WERE GETTING A CUT THE OTHER DAY @Repobah what if we kissed in the alcoves? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo sup moe looking cute Moe x Faker gachiBASS KappaPride yoyo YASSUOOO :D then under ur breath u can tell him u dicked him in lane hey moe show your arms check out fakers twitter post lol moe gonna play KappaPride @Yassuo favourite ye album? Kapp @Yassuo your shave matches your tshirt xD. homeless boy with a roleeeeeee @Yassuo bro ur beard loke so clean @Kaim_Sa LA2 YOOOOOOOO Do variety today @yassuo pls ? Ayeee I can take a nap LA MOE IS BACK TO INT POGGERS someone nows when titch rival final is ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness such a nice guy that you would let faker take a pic with you what happened to ZaynMoelick account? MOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Please go bald Moe LUL U STILL LOST LUL WHATS UP MOE Ayyy solo killed faker @yassuo First stream after a bunch of highlight videos, love you Moe Moe what was the coolest part of EU outside of leage. Like culture wise and shit @yassuo maybe suck his dick? Lol YASS I love you Moe yasPride yasPride @Yassuo Oh shit bby you looking fly rookie was limit testing on vlad cmon @Yassuo wait are u stupid u traaaash 1v1s today at all?? show me ur mic if u have one :) @Yassuo Its Time for AP Yasuo NotLikeThis graduation :) DUO? MOE LULW YasPega Yeezus is my shit !uptime !uptime LA moe back i gotta leave The stream has been live for 5 minutes 8 seconds DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! when you doing charity hair fuck up stream yas duo? 808s is better Do variety today pls ? @yassuo AP YASUO yasPride yasPride yasPride @Yassuo whats your favorite song? you nose big Graduation by far ratirlBusiness my favourite streamer is back how was your Thanksgiving? ill hit you in dm about advice im in middle of game right now @Yassuo hey looser yo moee @Yassuo did you get a hair cut looking clean MY MANS LOOKIN FRESHHH @Yassuo You better play the new diana when comes out TriHard Jack boys comin soon babyyy AP YAAAASSSUUUOOOOO u suck ass pussy 1v1s today? !playlist @Yassuo But Honestly man Ik Im always trolling in chat but you always make me laugh and I appreciate the offline chat too they funny too you bring the funny people together YasChair subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 30 months! AP YES say hi to my boy sohrab MOEE wassup laughing face @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad AP YAAAS whats up monkey jumpyscares subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 Year baby love from Malta! ratirlKiss yasFat YOO MOE yasFBM Diana rework @yassuo your mom is kinda hot no cap🤪 AP YASUO MOE MOE MOE HIT EVERY NADO are you going back to the gym ?? why is moe looking so god damn cute today, if iwasnt in denmark now i would fuck him in the us @Yassuo Suck my ick IMAGINE ACTUALLY LIKING DELUSIONAL KANYE KEKW repobaMario / WE repobaMario RISE / repobaMario / WE repobaMario RISE / repobaMario / WE repobaMario RISE / repobaMario / WE repobaMario RISE / ABILIT welcome back to LA favourite sex position? Imma jump u boi plz play diana POWER suck my dick Hey moe what’s good YASUO your nose is really big u little man TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard dick @BlackDynamite17 btw minaj said hes streaming later tonight RL in 2's thoughts? @Yassuo more aoe ABILITY Do variety today pls ? yassuo Yo why do we look alike, but don’t play league alike. This world is whack Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) POWER saving up for vip be like Pog How are those shrimp lookin arms doing today ? uloc_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! how you doing moe wukong rework : D YASUO Moe gay? ahaha (In Moe voice) have you seen trick's fucking haircut shulkin7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! salam alaykum brother ayy ma boi 1 year 1v1 today?!!!!!!!! ratirlKiss @Yassuo new diana is a BOMB LUL @yassuo can u put full screen i need a haircut like u hair rn please psussy moe losing weight OMEGALUL @Yassuo Will you be able to give us a date soon? I want to watch all 24 hours man I gotta plan for this you know???? Hey ugly @bvnditmasacre not my choice boi PepeLaugh douche bruh do u even know what precipitation means Play the yasuo rework 4HEad play it 4WeirdW @Yassuo CHILD P0N haHAA damn man another year with Moe who would have thought 4Heed AP YAS PepeLaugh kek LILW pussy LULW monkaW moe u look like a coconut AP YASUO @yassuo new Diana has her R and E swapped, and new R does crazy dmg @BlackDynamite17 huh? what? xqcTOS AP YAS HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS new diana so fkn broken MOE WATCHING CHILD PORRRRR MICHELLE PepeLaugh @Yassuo Pog live sup ? hi michelle :) Do the stanky leg moe has a boyfriend already u guys AP YAS @BlackDynamite17 how it aint your choice !uptime MICHELLE PepeHands The stream has been live for 6 minutes 8 seconds Yogscast largest stream pog Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: MICHIELLE, ITS THAT EVEN A NAME PepeLaugh SHOW IT TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard wtf yasSleeper theozeangorgon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Say it with me, Yo thanks theozeangorgon for subscribing sorry i haven't read your sub once yet ayy :D TheLostSpaceman subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! 9 months, what we naming the baby moe? LULW Cwalk itssli0161 <3 Cwalk itssli0161 <3 󠀀 KEKW Muted AHAHAHHAHAHA WutFace @bvnditmasacre i dont choose if he plays the game or not lmao ??? HAHAHAHHA PepeLaugh AYAYA CUTE LOL KEKW AYAYA wtf LOL yasAYAYA precipitation is weather LULW hello king @Yassuo @yassuo WHY U BOUGHT 24.000 DOLLARS WATCH ? WHEN U NEVER LEAVE UR HOME ? KEKW LMAO LOL ResidentSleeper KEKW KEKW yes AYAYA your nose fat just liek you Its a girl for you <3 PogU Pog LUL KEKW reeeeeeeeeee so what's better la or na Pog KEKW KEKW SCAMMED WeirdChamp COMMENT lol Selloutino subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! asked my crush out yesterday bro and she said yes letsgooo <3 lmaO @Yassuo but she is hot KEKW @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad 1 whole like PogU that's u at the mall lol Pog COMMENT ON IT @Yassuo AP Yasuo When??? @Yassuo But Honestly man Ik Im always trolling in chat but you always make me laugh and I appreciate the offline chat too they funny too you bring the funny people together LUL morning moe POG BRUH MUSICC MANNN D: I didnt :) im so cold moe :( scamming as per usual WeirdChamp Check new Diana R TriHard when are you going to vegas? RUDE @BlackDynamite17 o no i meant if he does r u down to do 2's if he is down, synergy is Pog @yassuo READ MY NAME That’s tricks daughter LUL Do variety today please ? @yassuo yassuo why do you always e before ultying on yasuo . Is it something youre addicted to or is it actually useful? SCAMMED WeirdChamp U SK LUL AP YASUO Ohio Yassuo! @Yassuo LUL yasChair End of year means another best of moe video. PogChamp yasChair yasS YOOOOOOOO YAS WHATS UPPPPP @Yassuo HI NOTICE ME Pog BIG NOSE VIRGIN HAHAHAHHA hello YO MOE YOU LOOKIN FRESH AS FUCKKK iml0p3z subscribed with Twitch Prime. variety when? @Yassuo yo waddup moe Moedusa is streaming @Yassuo what are the allstars team hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) @yassuo you lookin mad cute today @selloutino poggers AP YASUOOOO READ MY NAME Hey moe what’s good pogg SoonerLater matthew11291 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! ayo, we gon get pummel at some point cause you back in LA? why are you always getting fatter damn u looking real _ _ _ today precipitation is weather LULW TriDance DA MUZIC AYYY LOOKING GOOD WIT DAT HAIRCUT CUUZZZ @Yassuo But Honestly man Ik Im always trolling in chat but you always make me laugh and I appreciate the offline chat too they funny too you bring the funny people together MUSIC MANN variety when? @Yassuo ! AP YASUO LUL @Yassuo AP Yasuo have you ever had dick burn bc friction going crazy im FAT @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad nice hair cut uglt basterd @yassuo TriHard 7 @yassuo TriHard 7 @yassuo TriHard 7 @yassuo TriHard 7 @yassuo TriHard 7 @yassuo TriHard 7 DAILY DOSE OF INTERNET? @Yassuo YOOOO yo you still ballin while in Cali or what PogChamp WeirdChamp INGENUINE LIKE DarkMode you lost to T1 lol Do variety today pls @yassuo theexplodingjosh subscribed with Twitch Prime. @yassuo READ MY NAME @Grims_Reapy :) max01110011 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! ah damn, wrong button again noo PorscheWIN PorscheWIN PorscheWIN YO MOHAMED MUSICC @Yassuo yo we need some of that christmas music @bvnditmasacre synergy is not pog LMAO @yassuo please do a full screen i need a haircut like u hair rn @Yassuo Play christmas songs Moe what was the coolest part of EU outside of leage. Like culture wise and shit Did you go Black Friday shopping @Yassuo When tryhard league again? You know it's a struggle in school to stand out with the name Mohammed. variety when? @Yassuo ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower !followage Why have you bought a 24k Watch when you never leave ur home lmao Yo @Yassuo did you see @queenkate_17 ig she looks like poki Same Hi Moe BloodTrail ???? @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited iWizarddd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! yas why e before r Just noticed you back in LA poggers Dick burn Kreygasm YOO WASSUP MOE yo moe u cut ? 324 !uptime I LIKE UR HAIR The stream has been live for 7 minutes 22 seconds Are your headphones wireless? u have a big hesf what are you getting me for christmas moe :) fat moe looking kinda cute @Yassuo show us your watcH @Yassuo cmonBruh 2 months no pummle xqcS Hey moe, just wanna say keep up the amazing streams. yasHmm Do varieeet todaaaaay pleaaaaase @yassuo 300 iq @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited? PagChomp yo cutie TriHard yas why e before r whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy variety when? @Yassuo ! xqcS SIX CONSOLES have you touched your dad's balls? @BlackDynamite17 synergy on discord, not synergy ingame. you both are yasR hey yassuo you know precipitation means air moisture right? 5Head PORN yas5 SMART AUTISM 3 VIDEO ZALLA IS OUT Qt demoted KEKW TV POG TRUE draconian23_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! what do you think about cho'gath in this current meta with more assassins and high mobility champs? I have 5.5k points but I cant see req for sub icon Pog @Yassuo i love how i can talk to myself here just by @Yassuo LUL @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited hi Pog variety when? @Yassuo 5Head girls and stuff @yassuo NETFLIX Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm whats up cutie Pog GETTING THINGS yas why do you e before ring rich WeirdChamp j CYBER COUCH Precipitation @Yassuo look at that hairline @Yassuo Buy things for your room, that wall looks so clean WutFace @yassuo Read my Name # BUYYYY A GIRLFRIEND @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited! Pog USING THE SPACE NETFLIX Kappa U BACK IN LA? soshi89 subscribed with Twitch Prime. CuteBoyYukine subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 11 month streak! Yo Moe, it's been 14 months. Haven't been here much but a lot has happened since then. You've made a lot of amazing achivements. Congrats man and keep it going. Also this Yassuo jumper is DOPE !followage @yassuo What fake story do u have now? !subs why not put the tv right over your bed so you dont have to stain your neck looking at it did u like the new lethality items hi @ChimpNA cyber couch????? why coach tho 5Head Duo with punisher? Pog @ChimpNA BYE BYE BUDDY BYE BYE BUY A GIRLFRIEND Has your dick turned purple before after going hard multiple days in a row @Yassuo you missed my sub ape FLEXING MONEY WeirdChamp @Yassuo LA MOE buy a pair of hair clippers Wazza Wired headphones or wireless headphones? Sup boy CELESTE PogU KEKW @Yassuo Buy things for your room, that wall looks so clean WutFace WutFaceW hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) @Yassuo pUMMEL PARTy? YASUO WHY DO YOU USE YOUR ULTIMATE BEFORE E @ChimpNA yooo 1V1 plz @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited. @yassuo READ MY NAME give me boshy !subs @Yassuo do you like aphelios? why not put the Tv right over your bed so you dont have to stain your neck looking at it MOE IS BACK THE LGENDD THE MYTHH do i have to subscribe to this stream in color? ive been thinking of using my prime here on xqc channel what should I do? SHOP ON STREAM sanchBlanky sanchBlanky monkaW CHO noc top/mid broken as fuck try him out if u havent already NETFLIX KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride precipitation is weather LULW Buy a Hamster TriHard Where the fuck you been? league ResidentSleeper celeste ResidentSleeper where is the real variety? !time @Yassuo whats the build for Yasuo ADC now? Current time in Los Angeles: 10:18:10 AM up time yasuo when is pummel go watch redbull playerone smoldrizzo subscribed with Twitch Prime. Coat Hanger when Girl gets Prego monkaW @Yassuo Play some VR ill hit you in dm about advice im in middle of game right now @Yassuo yasR Coat Hanger when Girl gets Prego monkaW @Yassuo Coat Hanger when Girl gets Prego monkaW @Yassuo ARE U CUT UR DICK HAIR yasBad OH TRUUU TODAY SUNDAY @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited salam you kalb you good look at that hairlinelook at that hairlinelook at that hairlinelook at that hairlinelook at that ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Buy a Hamster TriHard and put it next to the wall TriHard hey moe wna 1v1 basket squa ! Uptime did u beat megaman in boshy? !uptime The stream has been live for 8 minutes 26 seconds supp TriDance MOVES? Pog Any chance of moving into 100t house? @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited. WutFace Are there 1v1 today Appalapppa subscribed with Twitch Prime. you mose big u little man TriDance damn he missed my sub rip @ndroidmaster use it on far better emotes @Yassuo dom feeding in DIAMOND HAHAH @Yassuo do you like aphelios???? @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad Moving to Facebook PepeHands Moving to Facebook PepeHands Moving to Facebook PepeHands Moving to Facebook PepeHands d @yassuo that’s what I’m fucking saying get some furniture ??? moe I'm in deep with 2 girls, how do I solve this ill hit you in dm about advice im in middle of game right now @Yassuo ok? MORE MOVES? random emotes are shit lol Hallo 1v1 Sundays PogU D: yo wassup Pog 1 v 1? @Yassuo WHY DO YOU E BEFOR ER you' R Hi cutie D: @yassuo 1v1s ur s small Hi buddy how you doing T1 Is Leblanc and Zed worth two tricking? yooo @yassuo READ MY NAME fake LAMLE Moe would you ever play varus? box tf blade Tyler 1 woah D: trueee pls wassup MOE HELLO FROM SWITZERLAND hashinshin TRUUU bro, today i saw my dad naked, was the worst thing ever TOS D: T1? hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) TYLER T1 you're a ;league streamer too though tyler? WHY DO OU E BEFORE R knock tyler??? xd 1v1 lvl 34 s1 first season ryze 1 trick tyler Ryze game? @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited.. D: Logan paul LUL tf knock dom out? Pog @Yassuo TFBLADE BANNED What up Moe ;) @Yassuo knock out blade kekw aight imma go do some hw rn, how long will the stream be? @yassuo spongePls D: T1 @BlackDynamite17 did you see they keyboard im getting btw LMAO bo t1 look at that hairline @Repobah I like your name it sounds nice t1? Kkkk @yassuo beat Tyler? hey @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited Pyke ? yasTrue_TK @Yassuo wasssup Are you still going pro next season? I don’t mean to flame just asking. yasMald wow hello @Yassuo the best of 2019 has gotta be as good as 018 that video was gas if u do 1v1s i call dibs first @yassuo is there delay why e before r?'' what happened to momo? Are you guys playing pummel Friday? yasU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp first time un your stream @Yassuo Hi have you seen tf blade !uptime aaaaaaaa The stream has been live for 9 minutes 8 seconds @AKAROH RESPECT 💪 yasN gonna start using subs for you since ive realized that you are more superior than trick @Yassuo yasGood yasGood Maybe if you could bench 185 @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited.. Chat he scared @Yassuo get a contract with facebook and earn 30 mil ngl max 6 people now in pummel now LUL Kappa yasU you are weak though @Yassuo Boxing match vs trick?? Kappa MonkaS Kapp @Repobah TriDance <3 duo with him ? @Yassuo are you vlogging all stars will trick agree tho? Kappa Kappa LIKE HE SLAPPED YOU UP AT TWITCH RIVALS KEKW masterbaiter214 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. yasSpit yasSpit hello there :v @bvnditmasacre no lmao idk or care much bout stuff like that Kappa all the things in the title doesnt describe u @Yassuo @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad I love you Moe Why didn't you play celeste B-side and the C-side they are ,uch harder that the games itself @Yassuo Kapp Kapp Moe how can I be as good as you @yassuo PLEAS READ MY NAME BRO have you seen tf blades merch forsenPls @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited guys sub to moe for instant channel updates and to get into his discord! LMAO its 8 max for pummel actually he will fuck you up KEKW ngl moe calm the ego u are just saying hey moe welcome back home <3 LUL Tyler you mean yasSpit Tyler1 gonna clap yo ass like cherokee drums @Yassuo !uptime KEKW shave bear man The stream has been live for 9 minutes 30 seconds @BadFrazz its 8 Pog KEKW are you zayn malik? D: toughts about pyke ??? LULW LOOK AT HER ACTIN COLD LUL Kapp yasSpit TriDance Kappa BEEF yeah sure buddy KEKW He beat your ass BigBrother KEKW tyler wins twitch rivals once thinks hes god Kappa Shop on stream POGU KEKW TRUE D: Tyler would breaks your fingers LUL I grew up without a father WeirdChamp calm the ego kekw yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit trick 2 gram !uptime The stream has been live for 9 minutes 40 seconds @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) @yassuo PLEAS READ MY NAME @BlackDynamite17 yeah i saw the setup yesterday, kinda struggling ngl PepeLaugh trick would kick your ass having a kid from trick2g KEKW Facts trick would smack your ass moe HAHA @Yassuo YOU ARE FIXING MY MOOD T1 is better than you true wallah yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit MOEEEEE @Yassuo tyler gonna slap yo ass tyler 1 gonna eat you bud ωηηηηψψφ @russel To poor to sub yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Wassup moe FACATS xqcP Autism 3 is out @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited OptimizePrime @yassuo READ MY NAME Isn't trick bigger than you? trick retire KEKW yasClown yasClown yasClown i won't to be like u bro Moe who did you think is the best streamer adc @yassuo I better see a pog ass best of moe video from pinoy this year @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) tyler will murder you buddy tyler 6'11 giant swag man u beta finally at LA @A_Fricken_Taco ohhh damn, i saw cloakzyplay last night with 6.. didnt know it was now 8 ;p not bad at all TRICK is too old no 1v1s? yeah yeah kidding xd much love mate @Yassuo yo DOM IS FEEDING IN FUCKING DIAMOND HAHAH KEKW ANELE @Yassuo sup moe SALAM ANELE Moe anyone could take you in boxing wtf ANELE youre boxing match w poki nice haircut ya kalb hey makhmoud @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited trick mad at you as well so he wilk go all out Wired or wireless headphones? !uptime The stream has been live for 10 minutes 6 seconds a kid from trick2g KEKW trick would do things with you u never saw before @AKAROH And Look how you turned out WeirdChamp Play a game of pyke yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) yasANELE yasANELE Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday You wouldn’t do shit to t1 pussy SCUFFED ZAIN MALIK @yassuo PLEAS READ MY NAME ANELE ANELE yasSpit :O yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake SALAM ALEIKOM yasR ayyy moe backkk @Yassuo YOURE BACK How big is ur penis MOE ? LA MOE WeirdChamp salama leikom Russel OkayChamp 👉 <3 Kappa I meannnn can you even box?? Box adrian true !uptime The stream has been live for 10 minutes 18 seconds lol Assalmualikum ANELE KEKW looking fresh today Pog @Yassuo @Yassuo remember that time when you bottomed for me in montreal? yo whats popping @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited Kapp 2 DAYZ SUB REMAINING HELP ME CHAT f shiees KEKW @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad lol truee @cosmick102 A rich brudda TriDance hell ye @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) @Russel "comedy" haHAA take on nb3 LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW @yassuo READ MY NAME BRO : Russel OkayChamp 👉 @BadFrazz yea its pretty sick, but it disables like 4 minigames but its aight he said ANYONE COULD TAKE YOU lol lmao Kappa @Yassuo 1v1 vs fans irl? can you do 1v1's later? KEKW moe is fat trash t1 is so much better you'll never be alpha lol PogU @Yassuo how big is your PENIS BRO What do you think about Leblanc? Clap ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) It's a struggle standing out in school with the name Mohammed. yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR yasR Even Poki would fuck you up PogYou have you ever dated someone? LA MOE WeirdChamp man you crazy @yassuo READ MY NAME 10 min queue ResidentSleeper RESPECT PogU Clap Follow me on Twitter for updates LULW Kappa @Yassuo yo im selling out your stream wehres my gifted sub @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited Remember that guy that used to go to the gym? xinaWOW xinaWOW xinaWOW xinaWOW xinaWOW xinaWOW xinaWOW <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) then why dont ui have a gf? cLAPPA yasTrue the best lol streamer is live lets goooooooooooo @Yassuo @Russel too far yasWeird Moe do you play any sports? @Yassuo Show nipples or bed ResidentSleeper @Yassuo ur single tho KEKW and can't get girls Kapp !uptime The stream has been live for 10 minutes 47 seconds ugnis45 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 3 month streak! salaam alaikum bratva 1v1s today? @Russel true what if shes 14 should i still ask her out <3 sure Pog 3K ANDY KEKW 3K ANDY KEKW 3K ANDY KEKW Can we please listen to ballin by snoop dogg Kapp yasN yasFat yasJAM @Yassuo have you acc in lan?? @Russel OkayChamp @yassuo Will ya Run 1vs1's later WideHardo HE GOT THE GIRL CLAP FOR HIM CHAT PogU Clap KEKW / StinkyCheese @Read MY NAME yunqq_gucci subscribed at Tier 1. Even Poki would fuck you up Hyoon PepeHands 3K ANDY KEKW 3K ANDY KEKW PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob OMEGALUL <3 HYOON Acting like people in chat ain't socially akward KEKW @Yassuo what do you think about stormrazor rush plus boots or ie rush then storm razor plus boots. I think it is better than zeal rush since more ad LULW ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo ok? hyoon PepeHands =) COACH DOESNT PLAY yas5 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit I’m gonna ask my crush out right now yasR @Yassuo all the things in the title doesnt describe u why ? change it bro LOL READ MY NAME @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited Moe what was the coolest part of EU outside of leage. Like culture wise and shit HYOON KEKW @Yassuo wassup lul moe is fat trash t1 is so much better you'll never be alpha @yassuo Remember that guy that used to go to the gym? i asked my crush out and i was left on read unlucky @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) BRUH U IS SINGLE FOR YEARS yasTrue yasTrue zalla video autism 3 is out HYOON PepeHands COACHES DON'T PLAY HYOON PepeHands Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW @Yassuo have you acc in lan? @Yassuo Hyoon PepeHands Pl <3 yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Thanks for the girls tips man do you have tinder moe? you're a beta that's why LUL @Yassuo wait what happened to momo @Yassuo yasU ask Hyoon out bro Hyoon yasN !uptime The stream has been live for 11 minutes 14 seconds HYOON LUL Isn't hyoon like 10 years older than you? i fucking love u dude <3 you just dont care for the girls play noc :D moe im sellin out your stream wheres my sub at xD HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited +100013.6+2 Coz he cant get one duh!!!! @Yassuo what are that allstars team? i know you and t1 got invited :) Where is the merch link :0 RPGHP RPGHP RPGHP RPGHP RPGHP RPGHP @russel good one Russel DansGame @Yassuo my crush is you. !followage @ugnis45 labas I'M GOING TO ASK MY CRUSH OUT Pog Hey Moe wanna go out? @Yassuo @Yassuo ASK UR CRUSH RN ON STREAM HYOOON WE MISS YOU @russel Good luck why? HYOON PepeHands why? yasSSS_SG nice haircut ya kalb. @Yassuo HYOON He doesn’t go to the gym thats why also big nose Moe, Are you a keyboard ? Because you are my type Kreygasm yasFBM ok triollionaire hi] boohoo HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo have you acc in lan? TELL US ABOUT HYOON STORY FlipThis FlipThis FlipThis FlipThis FlipThis TFBLDE MERCH KEKW @Yassuo What is that kinda headset? did you win twich rivals i love you <33333 Moe too much of a player for 1 woman, they cant hold him back why what up big nose @Yassuo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 bodyth1MonkaS bodyth1MonkaS bodyth1MonkaS bodyth1MonkaS ghosted from read LUL cute Yo Moe salam aleikum READ MY NAME like what yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful sucks to hear hope u feel better pog U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful stressful playing video games LULW how come you're the only streamer that has Channel points? pow3r02_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! u are the best bro keep it up (from italy) U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful @Yassuo Do you have advice for GIRLS on how to TALK TO BOYS???????????????????????? hi yas :) love you @Yassuo Thankyou for all the laughter you give me and for making my days better. I hope you had a great thanksgiving and I hope you have a great day, and crush them in All Star SoBayed SoBayed HYOON PepeHands U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful KEKW Why HYOON PepeHands hi moe hope you will have a good day, been here since the first yasuo tutorials :) HYOON STORY yas5 yas5 yas5 U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful Man shut up lmaooo @yassuo Coaches don't play HYOON PepeHands Bro where was this confidence when you almost got jumped? smh my head LULW v i think i made hyoon way too cool being a league streamer is so stressful POG Hyoon? WeirdChamp U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful Kapp Poggers resub what about u , u talking to a girl or wassup @Yassuo what stresed you HYOON pepehands KEKW OMEGALUL U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands afroyam subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Yayyy! ILY <3 @yassuo ask your crush out right now @Yassuo U LOOKING GOOD BACK THERE WIT DAT HAIRCUT CUUZZ U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful HYOON widepeepoSad yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay Kapp !uptime The stream has been live for 11 minutes 50 seconds Kapp Moe and Tyler on the same team KEKW I know she would say yes but I dont know what would I do with her "out", bcs I am too much of a nolifer HYOON yasHands U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful @Yassuo what happened with hyoon? U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful FAKE Hyoon 4WeirdW HYHOON PepeHands did stream just started?/ U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressfulU MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful TELL HYOON STORY yasFBM Hyoon PepeHamds Pog @Yassuo hyoon pephand HYOON PepeHands yasBad_BW yasBad_BW yasBad_BW yasBad_BW yasBad_BW yasBad_BW yasBad_BW U MAKE MILLIONS MY ass its been stressful Lets be a FUN chat boys! hyoon BrokeBack BrokeBack HYOON STORY HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands submarine12 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Ayeee HYOONY widepeepoSad hyoon pepehands PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees BloodTrail @Yassuo what do I get from VIP Lmfao KEKW MIXER monkaW Alright but like where is the Yassuo merch link D: @Yassuo MOE ASK UR CRUSH OUT NOW A STREAMER BEING STRESSED LUL COACHES DON'T PLAY @yassuo FACEBOOK INC ? @Yassuo true @Yassuo FACEBOOK/YASSUO KEKW Clap akali game ? u tell me suck but i want see good game ! :) HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands going to mixer??? ? : HYOON widepeepoSad LOCK AKALI IF U GET YAS BANNED HeyGuys Yassuo do i need to give you my entire bank account or something bc i swear i will sex hyoon PansexualPride @Yassuo business moving to mixer lol ???? JustChris319 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo do variety toady please ? ???????????? Hyoon PepeHands so sad ? Kapp ??????? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR What u guys gonna do if you and T1 on same team More stressfull than that time you were stuck in Turkey yasHands yasHands 1V1S ADMITTED TO MILLIONS PogU MAKING MILLIONS Kappa Mixer is there any pros u wanna play with at all stars? yasTrue yasTrue ?????? @Yassuo Do you have advice for GIRLS on how to TALK TO BOYS????? KEKW ?????????? TRUE KEKW KEKW have you acc in lan? @Yassuo massiveb00mder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! When’s charity stream READ MY NAME Lmao ? LULW ???????? would you do porn? @yassuo I'm in high school and see people who like me but I don't like any of them, so should I settle Streamer seriously make me so angry these people no work no try yet make money for no reason just play game and do drug everyday what is our world turn into ReRe Hello Hahahaha f DoritosChip Homework KEKW yes New zalla video Autism 3 you dont make millions XD @yassuo bring trick 2 gram to allstars yas2 sex hyoon PansexualPride t HYOON SO SAD LMAOOO BROOO TRUE KEKW uare switching mixer simping KEKW @Yassuo why every streamer is lowkey depressed? Cam LAGGING LULW i saw ur insta story , u lookin good FACEBOOOK monkaW MIXER monkaW F HOMEWORK ITS IMPORTANT 4WeirdW f i spend 1k to highlight this message i was willing to farm 25k for a gifted sub hope it's worth it tho @Yassuo so what WeirdChamp :( LUL KEKW I'm stressed about applying to college int on twitch, int in lcs. Hard choice mo money, mo problems @Yassuo @Yassuo hey I got 2 days left on my gifted sub, can I get a new one if I tell you a really funny joke? ;) tf blade has mor viewers u noob @Yassuo do variety toady please ? ! lag MIXER @Yassuo there's this hot chick in my class and the term ends in like 2 weeks so if i don't talk to her rn iw on't have another shot since she won't be with me in the same class next term, you think i should go for it he has to decide which hoodie to release LUL CAMERA LAGGING Homework KEKW MAKE SURE YOU SUB TO MOE, (MOE IM SELLIN YOU OUT WHERES MY GIFTED SUB) MIXER KEKW shit i still need to do my home work is that a rich joke we're too poor to understand are u going to mixere yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW MOE MONEY PepeHands MOE PROBLEMS PepeHands Hope your stress calms down man have a good week @yassuo West112233 subscribed with Twitch Prime. my fav hoodie salesman is on atpRtsd @Yassuo Streamer seriously make me so angry these people no work no try yet make money for no reason just play game and do drug everyday what is our world turn into ReRe Hello !points DONT SWITCH PLATFORMS PLEASR D: ?????????????? IMAGINE BEING A MILLIONAIRE AND BEING STRESSED OMEGALUL @yassuo YALLA HABIBI LULW you ever find that champ that was like heimer but not heimer? @Yassuo AUTISM 3?? TriHard BAN? monkaEyes FACEBOOOK monkaW MIXER monkaW shco KEKW is he really making millions? TriHard Super Entertaining man keep it up HE LOVES ME TOO! PepeHands <3 Mixer @Yassuo do variety toady please ?? <3 DON'T BAN ME monkaW I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING MAN f yasuo fat ass moe hello moe READ MY NAME LULW is that a rich joke we're too poor to understand. MOVING TO MIXER SOON ? @Yassuo UR CAM LAGGING 😠 cam lag f @Yassuo ASK UR CRUSH OUT ON STREAM Take yasuo plssss im stressed i might only make 1 mil instead of 2 :( @Yassuo @Yassuo damn u sound like a bitch rn !elo f KEKW yasSpit Bitch you think projects and homework aren’t stressful @Yassuo if you move to mixer im pissed Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo yeah i have my organic chemistry final in a week im going to die and not get into med-school now :( KEKW TRUE Cheer100 shoutout to my boys going into finals we finna DIE !rewards look at that hairline TRUE PepeLaugh @Yassuo ur xam is lagging ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo BOOMER KEKW f Check Reddit PogU yasSpit I’m stressed about college apps fuck you LULW @yassuo iwearnike subscribed at Tier 1. @Yassuo ur cam is lagging or smth He's not wrong hyoooooon cam lag Precipitation kekw @Yassuo NEVER SWITCH PLATFORM PLZ MY MAN BibleThump !uptime The stream has been live for 12 minutes 57 seconds f holdmylatte is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 47 in the channel! ff alright im done with trying you broke my heart moe LULW holdmylatte gifted a Tier 1 sub to intartifletteweetrust! LUL holdmylatte gifted a Tier 1 sub to geotwin! holdmylatte gifted a Tier 1 sub to Airaro! l9smurfs . com ;) Kapp Kapp Kapp @Yassuo have u seen autism 3 from zella? KEKW CAM LAG It almost takes 1 game to get into a game Pog @Yassuo why is every streamer lowkey depressed/stressed? CRINGE Name him moessiopia YO AUTISM 3? @Yassuo is this guy autistisc ? LUL LUL LUL whya re you having a seizure? fergilla -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. kappa woo KEK xd we- gachiHYPER @Yassuo do variety toady please ? Pog @Yassuo 3k Andy LUL READ MY NAME ;) gachiBASS 53 pog LUL o yeah guys he's stressed and needs to make business decisions, like who to backstab next for content LULW WTF XD gachiHYPER kendalljennerluv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! yo moe, greetings from berlin once again. enjoy your day brother Kappa lol ok LETS GOOOO!!!! YOU CANT BUY ACCOUNTS ON EBAY YASSUO MOVING JENSEN KICK HIM OUT u ugly af M OMEGALUL DS @Yassuo do you think all adc's and mages are op? Hashinshin thinks so @Yassuo just checked the merch? When ya'll restocking? trying to cop a black long sleeve MOE STREAMING AGAIN HYPERCLAP @hysey sanchBlanky Passi1612 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo ok? KEKW PICK YAAAAAAAS as @yassuo you became boring... is ur eye broken, why is it twitching??? yasOkay yasOkay FINNA TriHard do your parents know u are gay? @Yassuo AUTISM 3 WATCH IT XD most broken champ in game? I GOT 2 DAYS LEFT ANYONE GIFT ME I'LL SEND NUDES לח l Check The reddit Pog lul Why u permaban shaco @yassuo beyler tr plat elo esnek gelecek varmı yeah guys he's stressed and needs to make business decisions, like who to backstab next for content LULW @Yassuo @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles? yad @carizz0 sanchPoggy FINNA ? RlyTho I mean he’s right steamers that complain about their livelihood are annoying as fuck l Moe is Stressed because he plays Games for living and chills all day SHOUT OUT TO THE BOYS TriHard dom is feeding in diamond bro lol @Yassuo dodge EZ <3 autism 3? SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood @Yassuo play diana @yassuo that makes no sense yas @Yassuo see, my selling out is working xD dom inting in diamond elo Finna bust a nut are u high? @onenewbieboy he is bullying me @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles hey, what are your thoughts about kassadin atm? hope u have a nice day moe good luck in all star :D make sure smack t1 xqcL play nunu pls pog OkayChamp ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo :) wholesome moe yes noc x yasH PepeHands HES LYING yassuo yaaasuo zed or bed YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO don't paly yassuo YES @yassuo you don’t have to stress about bills habibi @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles?? @Yassuo Autism? Zoe @Yassuo .............. lawnmower? i have exams :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( play yasuo is ap yasuo happening or Goodmorning YASUO IM BACK BOYS im stressed i might only make 1 mil instead of 2 :( @Yassuo fuck u Moe, use glasses OkayChamp yasH yasH katarina sehinchi subscribed with Twitch Prime. .......................................... KEKW ZOEMOEZOEMOEZOEMOZE !uptime The stream has been live for 14 minutes 0 seconds @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles Any hangover remedies? What do you think about Leblanc? gg go next @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles? ZOE PedoBear Zoe KEKW KATARINA Z OMEGALUL E TriAthlon @Yassuo wear ur glasses full ap PogU yasOkay READ MY NAME READ MY NAME READ MY NAME READ MY NAME READ MY NAME READ MY NAME READ MY NAME int first game first champ select Do you have an advent calender @Yassuo ? :) u talking to a girl or wassup ? @Yassuo KosMaty17 subscribed at Tier 1. you are vs akali and picked zoe you crazy Veigar PepeLaugh @joshsor96 another beer ZOE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasM03 Z OMEGALUL E malza Hey Moe is your sister single dodge moe what do you think about religion? @yassuo DODGE KEKW regretting too early AGINAST veigar PepeLaugh @Yassuo NOT A HOBO PogYou RENGAR KEKW Helo WeirdKEKW @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles ill hit you in dm about girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo ZOE Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm .. ANELE D OMEGALUL DGE leave dodgeeeeeee moe its preseason why dont you play jhin :D READMYNAME @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles?? 1 shoot's inc everyone make sure to sub using your twitch prime. yassuo appreciates every effort you make to help his stream Penisessss? Kappa rofl raed my name @Yassuo your cam is sometimes lagging for like 3 seconds then catches up Z OMEGALUL E @yassuo where did it go wrong in twitch rivals Kappa Any content creator that says their job is even remotely difficult compared to an actual career is a privileged bitch Zoe Kreygasm Kappa KEKW Zoe ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper 4Weird SALAM ALEYKUM MOE Kappa read my name hyoon PepeHands @Yassuo hey I got 2 days left on my gifted sub, can I get a new one if I tell you a really funny joke? :P I like penissesss KEKW HYOON PepeHands PepeHands @yassuo when is the charity stream KEKW can u please reach more lane management need help with it he got a boyfriend KappaPride moeeeeeeeee :( yasFBM why is ur nose so gigantic? yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake pls dont int it will hurt my eyes im zoe main xD Hes talking to her sister PepeLaugh Dodge u back to LA ??? u r wintrading bru @yassuo fizz? stfu lulw readmyname @Yassuo ASK UR CRUSH UOT @albaniannaruto sanchBlanky Moe show sister? DPDP YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO akaroh TriDance gay AYE LA MOE BACK] what happened to the girl from twitchcon @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles??? HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands How you doing habibi You want penis? eh? read my name moe walaikum salam brooooooooo KEKW someone whisper me the wholesome video LUL KappaPride PunchTrees DoritosChip xqcArm1 xqcArm2 ITS WA ALAYKOM EL SALAM NOT WSUUP BROOOOOOO lmfao jk HYOON PepeHands PLAY TALON you talking to boys ? @Yassuo Qwantum21 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Hi moe :) HAHAHA why is that auto mod Dodge bitchh play yasuooo LMAO HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands do you have any hangover remedies? Pepega iiiiiiii @yassuo do you know what precipitation is? monkaW how is ddd going my fellow nutters? How much money for you to take it in your bum? TALON TALON beard looking clean bro HYOOOOOON PepeHands @Yassuo play some dababy read my name @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles? What business decision do you need to make? who to backstab next? LULW why is your nose gigantic when you look to the side? You talking to dudes then bro? Moe how is your sleep dude? ITS AHMED WITHOUT H I watch stream until I hear you laugh, once every day.. and then I go LUL Are you a keyboard ? Because you are my type Kreygasm TriDance loli @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles??? D: D: Hey Moe, what percent of your viewers do you think could last a game in challenger 4WeirdW you playing against qtpie D: TALON TALON TALON TALON LOL Z OMEGALUL E moe u will get clapped this game PokeMOEn do u know what is mashy ? kind of food fake overreactions KEKW you just had 1k viewers but now you have 4k mention my name in your sub for gifts if your team wins individually it won't matter that you're full ap read my namee YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUOYOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO @TheArcalius 4Weird Yasuo PepeLaugh who from oce? Stop trolling boi readmyname @Yassuo I just bought celeste D: playing lolis WeirdChamp READMYNAME @Yassuo do you think all adc's and mages are op? Hashinshin thinks so LUL Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @Yassuo play ziggs ur arm is massive wkaOMEGAAUGE YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO @BlackDynamite17 monkaW jukesMec TriDance BRUDDA ? nimbus cloak @Yassuo hyoon widepeepoSad Bleh @musmaroc wow good one 4Weird READ MY NAME ITS AHMED WITHOUT H ITS AHMED WITHOUT H U HAVE A BROTHERRRRRRRR ???? Kappa Kappa Kappa monsterok123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Z OMEGALUL E @TheArcalius 🚪 SCREEN we cant see !followsince CHANGE SCREEN ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo show game HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands .. did u see that tyler1 autisam videos if u didnt u have to watch it WutFace WutFace ShadyLulu KappaPride @bvnditmasacre PepeLaugh procs on sums screen gives movement speed after ult It works with your sums now YO TALON IS GOOD FOR U shxdowraven subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! gives ms on summoner spells read my name YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO READ MY NAME Pog we can't see CHANGE SCENE it gives u movement speed Moteyy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! yo moe, you better not int today. Greetings from the Netherlands! Ey, notice me dad Autism 3 is out!!!! @yassuo when is charity stream SCUFFED STREAMER movespeed for summs NEW MAIN PepeLaugh Screen budd swapped ult fort summs PepeLaugh !uptime @yassuo play yorik that champ will farm for you yorik got you The stream has been live for 15 minutes 37 seconds Change scene SCENE @yassuo is a boomer we cant see tge game Do you have an advent calender @Yassuo ? :) can you say hello to my friend natillas? @embiast what about the mute people that can’t whisper? Think about your privilege before saying things of this kind again SCREEN ???????????? i have a big one M OMEGALUL E !followage PepeLaugh READMYNAME# CHANGE SCENE MAN It works with your sums now! love your stream and yt GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 yas3 SHOW US UR BROTHER are you back in LA? NO HAIR? Pog movementspeed when you use any kind of sums United is so fucking bad im so mad 1v1q moe try ekko qt KEKW yas3 why is yassuo playing as a girl? NOOO HAIIRRR? peepoPog hi moe notice me @albaniannaruto any league of legends players? readmyname WeirdChamp yas3 yas3 OkayChamp read my name\ jukesMec yasSnake mention my name in your sub messages for gifts Let’s date go bold again moe you like tits? do media share stream pls @Yassuo and reverse moehawk OkayChamp NO HAIR YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO HEY MOE go bald iv1s moe cmon See my dick Read my name oo ppppp 24 hour POg Laxatives? PogChamp yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake DansGame Pog AYEEEE MOE HOW IT BEEN HOW DA FAM AND ALL DAT WAE ZULUL why corrupting pot over d ring ?? G OMEGALUL ALS VS QT POG sick998 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Pog @Yassuo Am I annoying? yasFBM @yassuo REVERSE MOHAWK Yo how you doing my man @yassuo Nimbus Cloak 😭😭😭 SELLOUT GO BALD AGAIN TO SHOW RESPECT HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta NOO dont go bold NaM NaM NaM TriAthlon QT ON ENEMY TEAM your hair looks so good tho PowerUpL TPcrunchyroll PowerUpR NaM are you back in LA @Yassuo ? @Yassuo are you still gonna do that circle hair cut? Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? yasThink @Yassuo Viewers decide your goals "CONTENT" KEKW Cant wait Pog HeyGuys Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa NaM Duo with Trick MiniK What do you think about Leblanc? You should 1v1 your brither @Yassuo do media share stream please ??! NaM Can u play some GP ? rip moes hair PepeLaugh CHINA NUMBA ONE NaM NaM @Yassuo what is your daily routine in los angeles? MY LIFE SUCKS OkayChamp 👍 Sup twitch rivals loser @yassuo :) NotLikeThis 4k viewers KEKW WAX UR ASS Are you gay?????????? yas5 REVERSE MOEHAWK @Yassuo CIRCLE BEARD ANY WAYFER FANS? TriDance PepeLaugh 60 ping to kr is doable zydRage zydRage zydRage Circle of life PepeLaugh NaM NaM NaM LULW LOL YES KEKW @Yassuo Hope u get faker in allstar BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump go bald Circle of life AHHAHAHAH @YASSUO REVERSE MOEHAWK yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 monkaW im g4 and i want to be good but i will never be good COLOR IT LULW PepeLaugh KEKW WTF LUL KEKW WutFace LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW YES KEKW PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh noooooooooooooooooo KEKW KEKW THATS WORSE THAN BALD LMAO KEKW KEKW DO IT PLZ lol LUL NOOOO u stupid as fk? 5Head @Yassuo IONIA IS THE BEST CHINESE SERVER LOL CIRCLE OF LIFE POG FUCK YOUY KEKW Oh no no PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ??????????????????????? KEKW omg no LUL yesw KEKW 50? wtf @Yassuo can u say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan of you YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YOUR CAM IS LAGGING @YASSUO KEKW 50 grand? what the fuck LOL PepeLaugh KEKW ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo ok? LUL @Carizz0 im playin 50??????????? 50K``??????????????????? 100K zoe XD. 50 grand?? finally u are back u scrub 100K OR NO BALLS the ring you pussio do you think you're still the best yasuo in the world? dude 100k yasSnake yas2 100k looking to good pls dont Lu Pog Tevez ghlid @albaniannaruto i noticed :( call mr beast cosplay a girly skin @Yassuo Kapp Q KEKW yas2yas2yas2 lmao thats basically bald 500K POG REMEMBER BALD STREAM FUNNIEST THING IVEE SEEEN SO Far q How are you sssss? THIS SKIN Kreygasm bro you're gonna ruin your good looking face Kappa yas2 yas2 yas2 50k? Chump change 50K aint worth that, 100K at least WATERPOLO PepeLaugh NICE Q KEKW LULW Hey midget I said good morning to you on instagram this morning and you didnt say shit back you fake bro @Yassuo reverse mohawk?? doubletap24 subscribed at Tier 1. WATERPOLO PepeLaugh ITS THAT EVEN A SPORT more channel points xqcM PepeLaugh yo moe i heard ur friend got injured at london bridge recently, he good? Misses Q KEKW bronze "circle of life" Water Polo heehee Troll @Carizz0 im getting inted by my friend yasThink La moe 4WeirdW AH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN KEKW YOUR SHITTY SPECTRUM DROPS FRAMES @Yassuo every game loss u donate 1k tho SKIN SOO GOOD Pog "good looking" "good looking" why do you only have 4k viewers gayyyy @albaniannaruto Kapp chat its content how can i be a streamer? (girl) HERE WE GO AGAIN KEKW ill hit you in dm for girl advice im in the middle of the game @Yassuo ok??? yasCannon Glad I'm ale to catch a stream today u re a snack yassuo fake bro.... why dont you fix your hair no ur not yasSnake U CANT GET AWAY WITH THAT SNAKE BOI Real snake Pog CS KEKW CS KEKW yasPride HA yasMald KEKW Cant CS KEKW Zoe şerefsiz car KEKW :YOUR SHITTY SPECTRUM DROPS FRAMES the usual @castoblivion still higher rank then u @Bizzneuf He just started the stream as per usual "I'm a real one" Think we forgot about trick :'( Pog LA MOE Pog Pog I dunno, I think Moe is pretty KappaPride Your mad cute on your insta story NO HOMO THO your viewers going up like crazy LA MOE WeirdChamp imagine qt with a circle hair cut I JSUT STRED STREAMING CAN YOU FOLLOW ME PLS @Yassuo whats up man @Bizzneuf he legit just started heroicflash subscribed with Twitch Prime. @lindaey literally put facecam on and do anything E KEKW !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP LOCK SCREEN GANG WHERE YOU AT TehePelo 69 Ping nice KappaPride excuses Andy? Yo @Yassuo. Im playing Yasuo for 2 Years now and have 1.5 mil (1mil on 1 acc and 500k on another) and want to 1v1 you :) Jayce? yassuo how cn i play yasuo like you ??? <3 cant play na setup while being la moe WeirdChamp BOT Pog Jayceee???/ yasThink la* Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! !uptime The stream has been live for 18 minutes 9 seconds Congratz on 1st place in twitch rivals @Yassuo yasBoo @TheArcalius yasShrug QT KEKW hey yasCannon yasN yasFat qt playing wow on 2nd monitor so.. ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? ANELE StinkyCheese ANY YASSUO FANS IN CHAT? yasH wait qt streaming goodbye zoomer nice cs Kapp Kapp EXCUSES ANDY KEKW kAPP Kapp tfb5Head 👉 tfb5 i will start playing yasuo, how can i learn that champ Kappa EXCUSES KEKW Kapp Kapp yasH excuses starting already KEKW Kapp Insyaallah ANELE hes playing with imaqtpie right? Kapp @aggtuatara you don't KEKW @yassuo i really wish to have your hair 0 balding @Yassuo qt litterally playing wow PepeLaugh Precipitation KappaHD LUL 1uptime nightbringer yasuo or project yasuo? L ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness CS KEKW RlyTho Jayce players ResidentSleeper !uptime The stream has been live for 19 minutes 8 seconds ur mouth LAG man how can i become a good yasuo ? qt stream ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper U ever gonna play heimer on stream q kekw milesjordanmusic subscribed with Twitch Prime. CHALLENGER CS KEKW Q KEKW @Miiren_ i will play that champ help KEKW SeemsGood LUL Are you going to do 1v1s ? how can i become a good yasuoo ? @Bebrylune WHY DOES HE HAVE 2 KEKW where is shot nade? Pepega SOMEONE REALLY JUST SAID "qt streaming cya zoomer" KEKW finally i dont have to watch dom anymore thank you moe Imagine picking Hard over Trick and coming in 4th LUL ?? ms when u ult Roses are red .. violents are blue .. It is the first of decembre and Its time to fap looking at you MS upon spells @Yassuo Pepega cmonBruh no shield Pepega challenger btw KEKW Pepega CHALLENGER BTW KEKW MOVEMENT SPEED ON SUMMS Pepega Clap when u R u vroom vroom when u click r it gives u speed @Yassuo CHALLENGER BTW KKEW MS after summoners @Yassuo MR SHIELD KEKW KEKW Speeds you up after ult use it sucks dick pepeLsugh sum spells MS on sums @Yassuo he has nullifying orb not nimbus mspd on summs gives magic sheild after sums gain ms movement speed on summoner spell cast movement speed when r yasy move speed on summoner spell cast prank him ms on spells now yasyas movement speed if you sum hii yasuo wasuup when u use summoner spell it gives u ms increase ms for 2.5 s after sums go qt ms when ut and sums yasyasya @aggtuatara just play the champ 4HEad CHALLENGER KEKW no s just read it CHALLENGER BTW KEKW gives MS when u use a summoner @Yassuo are you going to do 1v1s ??? no yes Challenger KEKW AFTER SUMMS yassuo how can i become good yas no summs movement speed on summoner spell usage no MS ON ULTI its r its sums it gives crit summs NO movement speed when u summoner spell stop forcing chat interactions WeirdChamp no, summoner spells yes SUMMONER SPELL NO SUMS yes nO NO No its summoner spell Not anymore ms @Yassuo its summs summs when u use sum spells U laggiing bruhh and wtf is that fps? @yassuo after summs yassuo @Yassuo Spell yes Summs no its spells now high ms after summs SUMS @Yassuo ms when ss It summoner yes yes yes summs speell FLASH yassuoo r and sums yes @Yassuo Its broken yes YES A CHALLENGER KEKW The item Nimbus Cloak, speeds you up after ejaculation. yes yea after summs yea ITS SUMMONER SPELLSUMMMS No summoneers y YE SUMMONER SPELL YES yes\ @Yassuo MS AFTER SUMMONER @Yassuo Movement speed after sum IRON CHAT LOL iblamemymatesl2p -> Please refrain sending long messages. wassup yes sums and your w broken with smite Zoe @Yassuo MS on summoner spell summoner maybe bugged yes Challenger player KEK IT WAS HIS ULT RRR summs or movement speed no summoner spell ITS SUMMONER SPELL ult no summonr spell!!! !uptime did he? The stream has been live for 19 minutes 56 seconds Jayce ult gives MS dude she saif no 4Shrug no he got ms boost from his E movement speed on sum itas jyace passive idiot my man moe how can i become good yas @Yassuo sum spell cd Sum spell only now his r gives him movespeed @Yassuo @Yassuo that's jayce passive yes and zoe summs form w precipitation??????? Homie that's part of the water cycle his ult cmonBruh cmonBruh @Yassuo Its acutally so broken bro Increased speed when you use a summoner jayce ult His R gives movement @Yassuo e its after summoner spell @Yassuo jayce gets ms when swapping form Thats just jayce PepeLaugh HE DIDNT MISS CANON PogU CS KEKW Ms on sums @Yassuo just jayce, he has nullifying or he used E MOVEMENT ON SUM his r gives ms lol yoo whats up yo yas how are u guys he knows its sums now his E i think jayce e @Yassuo sum spell cd @Yassuo sum spell cd JAYCE PASSIVE LUL nice cs Summoners spell Kristoffer_1997 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! Name of baby? Moedusa? DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! ms after summoner spell R went through his gate Movement speed when ultimate snake whats with your voice challenger btw xd Thres a rune for extra ms on ms abilities @Yassuo His R is movement yasCannon when he changes stance he gains move speed @Yassuo He ulted celerity from ult form change @yassuo i think it was jayce passive his r/passive gives him movespeed @Yassuo @Yassuo 1v1s ?? speed after ult ff] jayce r does give movement speed though lah @Yassuo JAYCE PASSIVE NOT NIMBUS Jayce already gets MS from his Ult hello moe dNuts2k subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! mambo wambo It works on Zoe W aswell Speed after ult Roam PogU CHALLENGER ROAM KEKW ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? insane bubble from the upcoming lcs superstar Nice E KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty its speed u after using ability Did u even take nimbus cloak great roam EZ 5Head NICE Q KEKW KEKW KEKW 5head excuses OMEGALUL CS KEKW MOUSE KEKW mouse Kapp CS KEKW KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW nice cs SWAP TO OLD MOUSE zoe DansGame KEKW EXCUSES ANDY KEKW CS? mouse Kapp mouse KEKW Kapp ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? MOUSE EXCUSE KEKW @Yassuo get a logitech g pro wireless Kapp EXCUSES KEKW im sure its the mouse M O U S E KEKW ye ye the mouse seriously @Yassuo 1v1s today? just use the same one bruv Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: @Yassuo just buy the same mouse KEKW 🐁 or take your mouse with you? cuz u bad just bring ur own mouse ALREADY EXCUSES @Yassuo GETTING EXCUSES IN EARLY KEKW Nice CS the grip ? mousepad @Yassuo suffering from success KEKW mordredbtw subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 1 month streak! easy 17 months ly bro Placebo mousepad KEKW MY MoUsE KEKW why you dont play with your team ???? U laging! why did he ward in the middle of the lane there? moe u look like a coconut Just bad KEKW mousepad did u get a haircut damn boy u look cute Mouse weight maybe GET A LOGITECH G PRO WIRELESS FOR TRAVEL cause you a snake KEKW Pog got cannon Excuses why is he constantly switching between ny and la? bc of the shape ? take your mouse with you or just ur mind HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THE ROAM KEKW close its your ping it feels weird because you are too much sexy for that mouse so close W OMEGALUL W monkaW CLOSE close W OMEGALUL W w OMEGALUL w CLOSE D: Jebaited D: KEKW D: yasW yasW yasW W OMEGALUL W @Yassuo just saw your insta story, goodmorning W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W w OMEGALUL w W OMEGALUL W monkaW yo boys which emote should i unlock? Ad0ptd subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Pog TFBlade has more viewers LMAO ?? Daamb So Close @Yassuo 1v1s ?? CLOSE D: W OMEGALUL W amgtewds subscribed with Twitch Prime. W OMEGALUL W nice ping KEKW ghosting lul znielsen subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! are you getting the call to step up as the 100T mid laner now? W OMEGALUL W QTPIE on Viegar KEKW W D: W oh im sure its the mouse NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Pog ass bastard D: what mouse? FeelsRainMan ping difference KEKW is he ok ? FF SKILL SHOTS KEKW FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan @Yassuo I have felt depressed and bored lately anytips on what to do? lol !mouse Razer Deathadder no mana What mouse is it? @Yassuo oom for nothing KEKW Ur laging NO MANA KEKW NO MANA KEKW NO MANA KEKW NO MANA KEKW NO MANA KEKW find slicker a girlfriend, he's struggling 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL PING KEKW bro, why did he ward in the middle of the lane? he got vision trough minions`? dodged into it KEKW HYOON FeelsRainMan I see that your Zoes kinda rusty Moe NA JAYCE OMEGALUL ZOE KEKW NA JAYCE OMEGALUL 󠀀 miss every skillshot=bad mouse NICE CHAMP KEKW 5Head BigBrother Clap isnt used to mana champs? KEKW isnt used to mana champs? KEKW isnt used to mana champs? KEKW moe streaming PogU isnt used to mana champs? KEKW isnt used to mana champs? KEKW isnt used to mana champs? KEKW . SHSnowBirb subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! ayyyyy we out here, out here with the boi yassuooooooo STEAL THIER SUMS TriHard moe why are you playing on 70 ping? KARMA KEKW chat died sad zGroundZero subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! find slicker a girlfriend Kreygasm Z OMEGALUL E FeelsStrongMan song 90FPS KEKW going all the way bot for some fruit WeirdChamp @Yassuo your mouse feels weird because you are too much sexy for that mouse bro isnt used to mana champs? KEKW !uptime The stream has been live for 22 minutes 42 seconds @tashintv Talk to someone who can help, whether that's therapist, parents, teacher whatever. It'll help you a ton to get thoughts outta your head and be able to vent. Take it from myself. @Yassuo What mid champ is the strongest in your opinion atm bro, why did he ward in the middle of the lane? he got vision trough minions`? unlucky CLEAN CS Pog CS Kreygasm @zGroundZero silv PogU ANY SHACO NUTCRACKERS? yasClown ANY SHACO NUTCRACKERS? yasClown ANY SHACO NUTCRACKERS? yasClown ANY SHACO NUTCRACKERS? yasClown U HAVE NO MAAAANAAAAAA CS Pog JeremiahKG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! did ur ent the home SS @bvnditmasacre PogU @Yassuo Moe tryna pick up girls : OOGA BOOGA GOO GOO GA GA yow moe i missed you no homo 130 fps and 70 ping no wounder ur mose feels wierd -1 no did u rent the place u are sitting at rn? Spectrum Mohamed why are you gay @Yassuo ***** LA M OMEGALUL E WeirdChamp SURE no no Teach me how to get girls TriHard PogMe ? mods going off today i missed u @Yassuo Play christmas songs @zGroundZero where have you been i havent seen you stream 60FPS KEKW homo @matthew11291 i am not that depressed, i am just idk i want to do something but i got nothing to do. 70 ping in 2019 KEKW @Oobi3 ?? Find slicker a girlfriend he's struggling Veenies subscribed with Twitch Prime. so PepeLaugh yes @Yassuo whats mixer's offer? KEKW bro, why did he ward in the middle of the lane? he got vision trough minions`? yes :) CHRISTMAS @bvnditmasacre was gone over the weekend, just got home Yes :) @Yassuo do u have a 144hz monitor?? y yes yes play them now yes :) YES yea >:( KKona yes yes???? yes sanchKiss sanchKissy ENABLE PADORU NOW WeirdChamp :) yes nice ss Play em PepeLaugh yh HolidayTree HolidayTree HolidayTree bro yes who doesnt ? Who survived no nut november? yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS xmas 4Weird thats the first time in 18 months he saw my sub yus Duh HARAM ANELE TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DO NOT PLAY CHRISTMAS SONGS PLEASE how u getting sub 144 As soon as december hits its christmas season Christmas starts after Halloween! @Yassuo yo moe u fucking handsome bitch whats up u wanna 1v1 you should lock frames 70 fps KEKW Christmas lasts 1 week, no longer @zGroundZero o shit, nice PogU @Yassuo 144 not even 240hz LOL ? its a hassle U are fat man peepoPooPoo you know what advent is bro? PADORU DESABLE WeirdChamp @Yassuo Why is your fps so low? HARAM ANELE VoteNay @Yassuo What mid champ is the strongest in your opinion atm? Kappa i pinged it Pepega The day after thanksgiving starts Christmas SS KEKW CHRISTMAS SONGS WE PLAY THEM IN OUR BUSINESS NOW monkaEyes poor December is Christmas month in our country, christmas songs start playing on october LUL 100 fps tho ashtheketchup98 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! <3 FeelsWeirdManW @JeremiahKG Oh damn, well grats on getting noticed! atleast youre not inting KEKW nice nose 100 fps lmao fps tho 100 Moe if your a goat you can throw me a fat host at the end of the stream all month you should lock frames dude nice nose bro KEKW !uptime The stream has been live for 24 minutes 13 seconds LEAGUE DOESNT EVEN LET YOU HAVE 240 FPS KEKW 2 u suck budget streamer lol trick how does your ping not spike @Yassuo ratirlYikes IPS of VA better be 4k cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW WE NEED PADORU NOW WeirdChamp @Yassuo KEKW 144Hz monitor not even 100FPS KEKW ZOE ABUSER 4WeirdW WeirdKEKW bro what is that ping nice bubble find slicker a girl moe PepeLaugh nice nose !time Current time in Los Angeles: 10:34:26 AM jk moe PepeHands cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW . nicee nose PogU @yoshiswager a stable 70 is bad KEKW YASUO PLAYERS ON ZOE KEKW Roses are red .. violets are blue .. Its the first of Decembre and Its time to fap looking at You. I have more fps on my MacBook PepeLaugh PogU KEKW @yassuo if I 1v1 you and win would you gift me a cheap jayce skin? @Kdubwifi and a month of destroying your dick nid is a monster MISSED EVERYTHING KEKW Poh PogU Pog NIDALE NID Pog KEKW 144Hz monitor not even 100FPS KEKW DAT MULTITASKING moe don't cap your fps I have more fps on my MacBook PepeLaugh oh no no nida peepoPog u inted @tashintv Just got that mental hurdle of bordem, i;m there too. I've been tryna get into producing music again to not be bored, just try find something to do to pass time that you don't usually do. Something to take your mind off that's productive. yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake 144Hz monitor not even 100FPS KEKW why you look young POOR ASS Nid Pog NIDA 5Head @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan Techwarlock3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! Whens the basketball video? KEKW ya nice nosseee old ass man capping will make everything appears smoother uncapped is better BBoomer j @Yassuo Get a better computer KEKW YASUO PLAYERS ON ZOE KEKW TOO BAD YOU NEED MORE SKILL FOR HER KEKW NICE NOSE 1440p KEKW 20??? old LULW TURN ON VSYNC lmao boomer !pc CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW cant afford 240hz KEKW , BOOMER KEKW @Yassuo boomer KEKW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW thinking 20 is younmg KEKW good play by er 21 Savage NICE NOSEE her BOOMER EXCUSES 4WeirdW @Yassuo 20 years old? that's boomer BOOMER KEKW NICE NOSE wait wtf you're 1 year older than me? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : any tf blades mods that can unban me TriHard Clap l ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? Kapp 21 old....... boomer LUL Kapp Kappa ow drinkin soon aint we ? 21 21 you have 144 hz monitor and your fps is capped at 100 @Yassuo capping ur FPS will prevent screen tear/ghosting bro why are your frames so shit with a 2080 ti Kapp you are lanky BOOMER MOE KEKW 20 lots money POG 21 year old calls himself old, I'm ancient Kapp mah mah mate @Yassuo when are u doing 1v1s????? yasU yasU yasU OK BOOMEK KEKW Kapp Kapp yo chill lmao you are ass he cant even hit a freethrow chat moon2WUT YOU'R NOT GOOD AT BALL BRO ur 5'6 tho you wont :) yasu @matthew11291 will try something ty for the comment HOW ARE YOU YOUNG AND RICH 5 6 KEKW U FAT ! ur 5'6 Yasu U fat bro sory BOOMER KEK U FAT Getting old lolllll Ok boomer Kapp KEKW yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue @Yassuo I just watched your vid from yesterday and i swear im still laughing Im 21 in 3 days im way cleaner then u where is the tunac tunac video for 1 million followers @Yassuo you got your drivers license already? 5'6 KEKW My boy moe nice camera quality bro you Cant get to the ring with your 5.6 @yassuo I just turned on your stream and you're already playing black and white simulator BOOMER IS 60 YEARS CHAT WeirdChamp nice mia fat BOOMER when u doing some 1v1s?????????? moe u look like a coconut This stream is much better @Yassuo Who is in you opinion the strongest mid champ atm I will literally clap you in basketball and im 14 lol When you gonna do tunak tunak Video why the fuck do these 15 year old kids think that 21 is old i will get your praid in 1v1 basketball dont talk about smoking me at basketball @Yassuo l Zoe AYAYA :) you look like you indulge in smelly coochie @KIDROCK2095 yoo im 18 in 3days that jayce skin is so cool wtf @riotlion42 ryze 5.6 KeKW @joshsor96 ok boomer Fav basketball player????????? ????????? ???? F? true KEKW moe do you still workout ??? @yassuo are you moving into the 100 Theives content house? KEKW KEKW 1 year anniversary since hyoun dumped you DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! ??? Did someone say basketball ? TriHard Id slide the f*ck outta u INDULGE HAHAHAAHAHAHAH KEKW @brokenkfcwings_ nice Pog did you see that alinity clip PepeLaugh HAHAHAHAa WeirdKEKW GOTEM KEKW FeelsWeirdMan Chat tell moe to do tunak tunak Video fart xDDDD Screen frozen? R?? !playlist @Yassuo Are you the lebron james of basketball? did you see that alinity clip PepeLaugh 󠀀 EU viewers ratirlYikes 700 viewers 5000 robots cmonBruh sc1rfac3 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. nimbus @Yassuo yes thats a rune it is that was nimbus yes hullo yasU yasU yasU yasU nope, just me. wtf every spell nimbus l i will smoke you in basketball i have been training for 10years nimbus cloak @Yassuo Like i said its broken chat the day has barely started and youre already being cringe yasN @Carizz0 what clip LELW @Yassuo does nimbus pop on zoe W? l did you see that alinity clip PepeLaugh new nimbus op man !opgg H3ATCLIFF -> when u doing 1v1s ???? for fun ofcurse cellus5000 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! RIP qt's stream PowerUpL yasN PowerUpR i dont think so ye yasN TAK BLUE Pepega yes we did @Yassuo Yes it does no it doesnt LUL u ape !playlist LULW it does work on her w it does it does @Yassuo it does pop on zoe w MOE TAKE NIMBUS yes D: LUL play ryze that shit is busted @Yassuo Its reduced on zoe w why wouldnt it? it does' ol yasPepega yes it does but cd it does proc @Yassuo Is there any player that could question your strenght when you're tryharding mid @Yassuo not big movespeed tho im selling moe out all day bb why should we think for you we did yes but always 15% increase no it doesnt ur w already gives you movement speed yieks @Yassuo pummel party pls that guy is making fun of you dude whats going on @Yassuo he has nullifying orb not nimbus was yasuo banned? tomatosHonk he doesnt even have nimbus cloak, he has nullyfying orb @Yassuo When you gonna do tunak tunak Video holy shit I hate this guy KEKW Q !opbb nice q bruv Hello moe, getting some quick games before going to run my 5k Seed Run. yasU yasU yasU yasU !opgg @Yassuo HOw can i get League of legends lust again? i have tried my hardest in this game sence season 7 any tips on getting it back H3ATCLIFF -> it didnt go of SS KEKW YASUO PLAYERS ON ZOE KEKW QEKQ end stream @Yassuo chat moving so fast they wont see that i have a 21 inch dick @yassuo Dom is currently losing his mind on stream SS lul yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN Do SS PepeLaugh !playlist Kappa whats up homie wtf is that Zoe skin kek KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan KEKW KEK KEKW meanwhile jayce roams and get multiple kills take a break end stream man @Yassuo TRUEEEE that green chroma damn !uptime KEKW The stream has been live for 27 minutes 50 seconds ss yayce Kapp yas lb 2trick KEKW i rather have asassins only than being an inter only Play some heimer @LlDER KEKW Moe is on a team now, so he has to learn new champs. Good luck man. Tunak tunak????? Remember to call him fat chat, cuz thats what we do all day Kappa @jafelpung start guardian @Yassuo play some riven TRUE LUL chat moving so slow everyone will waste 3 seconds reading this useless massage say YA HOSSIEN YA ALI true !uptime The stream has been live for 28 minutes 1 seconds When is the end of the season? KEKW OMEGALUL @Yassuo IS tahm kench a good champion to main? wassup bigman true KEKW LULW too far 4WeirdW KEKW TRUE bug dumb dumb LUL true T R U E @Yassuo mate everything else u play justi nt XD ss mid rolled PepeLaugh they really know how to recruit real mature lider WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW why did you attack him like that pinoy be slacking bro KEKW Not doing SS kinda FeelsWeirdManW Kapp If u want freelo play conq cass all i can say you were amazing in twitch rivals PepeLaugh you actually are tho this guy is actually not good at the game i miss when moe tried :( !uptime The stream has been live for 28 minutes 17 seconds ?????? Yassuo hyped for wild rift? inted rivals KEKW @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY lmfao lets get him to end Kapp TriHard RAMP OMEGALUL which is why he called u an inter KEKW 4 1/2 ap NA Jayce too good. peepoClap @Yassuo you were amazing in twitch rivals Tunak tunak Video when???? true PepeLaugh Cmon LIDER don't destoy his self confidence the fvck does kekw mean @LlDER true irella alsaydin keşke honestly moe could go pro if he had a good team and not sanchovies !watchtime yasS magicCD @CheStalin ANELE LULW KEKW able3 imagine saying im not trying KEKW wussup pussy pepeD lost to tyler in rivals KEKW TriDance Louder OkayChamp TakeNRG you look like zayn malik russ haHAA @Yassuo pinoy IS CARRYING YOUR CHANNEL SO GOD DAMN HARD TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO YOU INTED IN RIFT RIVALS TOO OMEGALUL Dominating Moe sheesh Does moe know what precipitation means? TriDance LOLW (((( @Yassuo u got my point doesnt matter english or chinese yo !watchtime nice thing u complained about ur rng @quoue_if_Moe_peaked_in_Korea what does kekw mean LULW KEKW thought about losing some weight moe? @Yassuo loooking really tired you should take a break REDEMPTION PogU U ever gonna play some insane heimer yasJoy Tunak tunak ooo da da da when ????? So crazy KEKW Pog ali expres zayn ss Pog TriDance TURN THAT SHIT UP HYPERS HYPERS Pepega weee HYPERSS HYPERS hello PogYou HYPERS WEEEE nah u have a clean yasuo a clean irelia a clean ryze a clean akali too wee HYPERS HYPERS ouiiiii HYPERS Louder TriKool HYPERS WEE HYPERS WEEE TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO TriDance DOO DOO DOO DOO Russ WeirdChamp are u zayn malik TriDance ALI EXPRESSS ZAYN HSAHSHAHAH Femco subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! Hi Moe. Do you think getting P3 after 2 seasons of league is good? Precipitation??????????????????????? MingLee imagine listening to russ LOL @Yassuo TriAthlon TriDance Dakiller991 -> Please refrain from posting links. TakeNRG TakeNRG TakeNRG TriAthlon TriAthlon anything cool today or jsut soloq ? @Yassuo jjjjjj Dettelaffe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! lookin good today C R A Z Y LUL LUL LUL KEKW TriDance 4Head LUL !title DansGame Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried Tunak tunak when Moe WEEEE Kappa TriDance < precipitation Pepega 4WeirdW fake laugh SAY WHAT IT MEANS what does it mean then WeirdChamp Pepega love from INDIA Zayn ali Express hahah what does it mean? i miss when u tried moe :( yasClown literal autism man this game is genuinely creeeeenge TriKool yasHYPERS WEEEEEE yasHYPERS LMFAO U DONT KNOW WeirdChamp you good bruh? TriKool ANY JUICERS? @Yassuo u dont understand the hypothetical precipitation of the situation right now odaBicepR odaHa odaBicepL you still single moe what does it mean big brain TriDance juice !uptime Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday looking homeless today Kappa The stream has been live for 30 minutes 8 seconds Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa TriKool JUICE hello cmonbruh is snake a bannable word in this chat? HEY <3 cmonBruh KEKW @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY good one Hiiiii SMOKE WITH ME DRINK WITH ME IM A SIMP BTW Where is tunak tunak Video it mean rain like reign LOVE FROM INDIA zayn malik left 1d for lol KEKW snake LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA Why are all the LPP skins green? LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA Why is this streamer playing an illegal loli? @exCoach lacWeird LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LOVE FROM INDIA LULW hi moe @BreakingGNR nope that a new skin? TriDance Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW 4Weird hi from brazil Ok relax India tyler waiting room KEKW 2 flash BALANCED precipitation = rain Tunak tunak Video???????? KEKW KEKW 4WeirdW @Haures_Evolved KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EZ Clap LULW @KIDROCK2095 cause moneey is g reen and that's all they want KEKW ??????????// KEKW @Haures_Evolved street pooper pog hoes get precipitation when moe is near gachiBASS i stopped KEKW ok KEKW comedyL barddaH squadL mizkifHug hi from india KEKW gay KEKW OMEGALUL ?????????????????????//// KEKW ;0 i miss old chat why would you give the option of a champ having the ability of 2 flashes? can i look now? mosebye subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! What do you think of Ivern as a playable champ in season 10? I respect that flash KEKW i from hong kong brazil ratirlYikes KEKW YASUO PLAYERS ON ZOE KEKW BOOSTED nice flash the fuck doesd kekw mean T1 waiting room haah KEKW E TUU isn't this Dota 2??? how u doin today fam Ur booty stink Hi from philippines! Lol When you watch rain or snow fall, you are watching Precipitation in action!!! a chat where kekw wasnt enabled hi for sinaloa :D good old tmes he runs at the speed of fast Boosted g blade or flash he uses w for no reason xD @Igna20 really no way Follow me on Twitter for updates Way is conqueror is shit on yasuo yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue My eyes KEKW KEKW @Carizz0 Mini_Uzy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! hi from greece !! Hi from Portugal! <3 hi from croatia Tunak tunak Video when???? @blackdynamite17 too far @Carizz0 KEKW T 1 waiting room hello from macedonia :D :D thats some wk E monkaW @Yassuo How do you shoot q even through the w ability animation two health pots on key w and stopwatch on 4 with 77 ping????? LOLW Hi from Philippines! @Yassuo hey you are my 3rd favorite streamer :) shad0wwoolf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! How's it going Hi from my room @yassuo PepeLaugh BR FROGS Close monkaW Htf do u even got to masters with those mechanics 1V1 ME YASSUO i miss the tryhard @Yassuo TriHard jayce got wheels TriHard Hi from mom’s basement HeyGuys more ping than fps soon KEKW Russian is here KEKW @Carizz0 minaj chat goat @bootynhoesbb cmonBruh oh thats qt zovijene retarde ?? ma boy i have 8 k viewerpoints waiting for the 500 @Yassuo cmonBruh KEKW HIII FROM WAKANDA you have under 100 fps when the screen gets a bit too intense too Hi from Philippines!! yas3 @bvnditmasacre minaj chat is basically offline chat so yasShrug WAKANDA scammed KEKW on the creeps LUL PepeLaugh hhhhh KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW Pog he hit it XD PepeLaugh 💦 oh no no hi from hell gachiHYPER KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW kek @justanotheryasmain hi ma man Respact hi from me ProGamerXDFTW -> Please refrain sending long messages. KEKW true KEKW KEKW Kapp L lol @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain CANNON KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Clap OH NO NO PepeLaugh twitch chat is so cancerous cannon :( what up @Yassuo bro why do you have a 2080 ti but only get 100 fs @Carizz0 which is all we need lmao noone likes this chat yasShrug fps Kapp CAN OMEGALUL ON are u zayn malik yas1 are suck Good :) hey from saturn @Yassuo KEKW what? CANNON KEKW yasNunu yasNunu blaming mouse and now blaming settings WeirdChamp why are you using all of the english you know in the title yasGood hi from greece today my bday gkod @Yassuo Good :) rip ballon fucked up alone cadyCry lmfao @bvnditmasacre FACTUAL THIS CHAT IS DOGSHIT what the fuck is this 69 ping bout to hang out with friendsgiving today yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon yasCannon @Yassuo Why don't u do a Cinese bootcamp Ur booty stink yasuo talk arabic xD PolishEagle2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Moe why was your youtube vid without cursing? I got sick then was miserable for two day Are 100T lucky to have Moe or is Moe lucky to have 100T? @Yassuo good :) @Yassuo take a break bro you look tired LULW Anyone From Waknda Lads ??? yasNunu no thanksgiving fer me, i'm Canadian had sex with family? i was alone yasHands @Yassuo lost in rivals WeirdChamp lmao\ turkey is always shit KEKW LOL ali expr3ss zayn chicekn on thanksgiving peepehands @Yassuo Why do stopwatch 3 corrupting potion with q r combo with 70 ping zoe?? moe 4 head dood went with a walk that lasted 3 hours with the cousins :D when r 1v1's? HI TO MARIJUANA joviLOCO yasNunu @waporize just shut up dawg KKona Clap excuses andy KEKW chicken > turkey we dont have thanks shit @Carizz0 very big fax yasHYPERS @Yassuo eating your country WeirdChamp cute chat R) Haram talk arabiccc!! Jayce KEKW SupremeNeo0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! YOU SUCK! yasClown yasClown <3 sounds nice what's the time there moe talk arabic gothim! Yasuo you look like Zain ur looking cute @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain talk arabic LULW TRUE ; !uptime The stream has been live for 32 minutes 42 seconds What is famliy? KEKW you from turkey or you had turkey xd LOOL talk arabic moeeee ?? KEKW TRUE moe4headdood hi @Yassuo why you such a goddamn cutie (no homoe) do you and/ or your family identify as muslims? R° yasClown PeyTonnix50 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! @Yassuo tryna smash @Yassuo play vlad hes broken and so underrated yasClown what are the specs of your pc SHOW RUNES Moe why is chat beta? ratirlFlower family ratirlFlower R) in the uk we didnt celebrate thanksgiving L/ getting flamed all day yeeeeesh !time @OTA_Mytho "3 hour walk" yasClown Current time in Los Angeles: 10:42:54 AM !followage PepeLaugh show runes please i sub and then u dont stream :/ youre extra cute today APPRECIATE IT :) @Yassuo should i resub @Yassuo Will u do a Chinese bootcamp? yasThink my dad left when i was 7 years old to get milk never came back @yassuo hey clown, what are you dominating? TF has more viewers. no NO nope N OMEGALUL !ad no NOPE no N OMEGALUL NO KEKW m a hindu cow, so thanksgiving dsnt mean anything for us :P @Yassuo i refuse to believe u have a 2080 ti with ur fps you should play minecraft N OMEGALUL 󠀀 No :) cursing WeirdChamp peepoBlanket no :) KEKW NO no no N OMEGALUL no :) what fight NO no no no yasDiamond princessHey n OMEGALUL no Yes TONY GONNA WIN KHABIB ?? no 4WeirdW NO D: nqnay subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! in the uk we didnt celebrate thanksgiving :/ + asian parents PogU YES NO KEKW ResidentSleeper KEKW no N OMEGALUL @Yassuo Hope u get faker in all star SHOW RUNES Yesss No yes N OMEGALUL N OMEGALUL nah in january @Yassuo PepeLaugh NO no :) N OMEGALUL no one cares WH OMEGALUL FUCK YES BRO no PepeLaugh no yes :) no :) conor vs cerrone PogU no KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride no Yes ufc WeirdChamp HI n OMEGALUL YES yasShrug WH OMEGALUL n OMEGALUL no wayfer_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months, currently on a 23 month streak! 23 months of cuteness KHABIB POG NUNEZ V KHABIB who ? KEKW what fight? N ResidentSleeper zanoMA noooooo @Yassuo Its not 100% sure yet And January Mcgregor vs Cerrone N OMEGALUL no no who even watch UFC LOL gachiBASS You should WH OMEGALLU YES Khabib ANELE tony habibi? @Yassuo WH OMEGALUL yes YESS I`M HYPED FOR TCS Pog khabib is your uncle? nope. is it tyler vs moe ufc we r hype just bcs khabib Sister left for a while so party hard alone with my pizza yasBoo4 Yes @Yassuo hey im selling out your channel wehres the gifted sub at i wanna see Floyd Mayweather again yoooooooooooooo @Yassuo Runescape stream anytime soon? ResidentSleeper Show runes @Yassuo Say some arabic stuff who you got ? yo moe wassup from singapore PepeLaugh PepeLaugh khabib ANELE habibi @Yassuo yeah gonna be unbelievabe best fight in years TCS PogU !uptime why learn to fight when I have a gun KKona tony habibi?? @Yassuo The stream has been live for 33 minutes 38 seconds good one khabib needs to get his shit rocked dudes ego is massive @Yassuo FBCatch FBCatch and mcgregor vs cowboy @wayfer_ xqcE @mlgbaconlover You should KEKWW WRAP IT UP DOMEY squadD KAISA Pog anxiety_syndrome subscribed with Twitch Prime. they cancelled the fight @Yassuo E KEKW I’m hyped for mcgregor vs cowboy ????? PogU @Yassuo do a chinese bootcamp ANELE ANELE KHABIB TIME BITCHES All I get is 80 ping man KHABIB YOU UCNLE??? Kai'Sa Pog PogU getting hard carried Get carried xDDD No OFC BRO TONNY OR KHABIB @Carizz0 xqcL Moe at what lvl i am able to do blades with yasuo? Theres a mod here ? KEKW insecure if you hit your skillshots you do more dmage btw hello @penguin2199 es un noob Khabib gonna smack him 3/2 akali is afraid of u XD khabib is the best @holdmylatte yooo dude thankzzzz YOOOOOOOOOOOOO YASSOOO @Yassuo Runescape stream anytime soon? maybe you should try senna mid? grown men fighting haHAA Pog Pog Pog KEKW kobe XDDD Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Pog LULW She had no mana Kappa KEKW POG Pog Pog lol EZ Clap monkaW KEKW when is the charity stream? @Yassuo PogChamp KEKW Pog KEKW LULW Pog ?XD ? Pog KEKW Pog Pog xd pog ez CLAP LUL ???????????? wow that killed her what a stupid cha,mp she doesn't deserv the k/da prestige skin Pog is kinda fun dude play something a bit more flashy hannaheileen subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! Pog pog KEKW ??????????? Didn't dodge PogChamp KEKW ?? SHOW RNES lol L SO BALANCED POGGERS why is your room empty ?@yassuo KEK lol BROOOKEEENN @Yassuo hey if im selling out your channel shouldnt I get free sub? Z LUL E Pog AKALI KEKW WHAT ? nice KEKW what\ PogU KEKW fair champ KEKW OUTPLAYED PogChamp pog POG PogChamp This champ man KEKW OMEGALUL balanced POG EZ Clap nothing much Are you gonna hit anything other than Gunblade this game? KEKW AKALI cancer vs cancer NA KEKW habibi That fight has not yet been announced. LUL FBCatch 🍆 EZ ferguson a freak yasHands yasHands yasHands RIGHT THROUGH THE SHROUD ANELE ? POG just oneshot like that LOL khabib vs who? khabib is your cousing hamdullah habibi how does it go fellow anele ok moe why dont you do these outplays on yasuo aswell khabib will just fucking clinch again all fight jake48blue42 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! yoo H OUTPLAYYED why is your room empty ? awhen is the charity stream? @Yassuo conor vs cerrone much more hype WeirdChamp @Yassuo why you such a goddamn cutie (no homoe) yasBoo1 @Mrcoldroom tony ferguson stop playing zoe runes? come to my server and play on 190 to 230 ping is khabib your cousing? only insecure people call other insecure GG yasuo next game Ezmag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! Much love my guy. Hope you had a good time back in the city. You just missed the snow too. Good timing Pog @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain talk arabic when is the charity stream? @Yassuo why r u so handsome? MOEEEE how u doin @jcpoopyall awww shieeeeet nice when r 1v1s? waddup MaN This man crying about 80ping while I play on 120 wtf LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo yo if im selling out your channel dont I get free sub xD hi from greece !!!! BUDDY KEKW Moe can i sleep with you Who's on your call? yasTrue yasTrue unless tony can submit khabib i dont see khabib losing @Chat i have 1.7k points how much do you have? @Yassuo Runescape stream anytime soon? @Yassuo KSI vs Logan Paul, who u got ? ill hit you in dm about girl advice i just got into my game @Yassuo @wayfer_ what was the dm :( is khabib your uncle? DansGame xqcL @Yassuo u dont even know what the words in ur title mean KEKW LUL you dominate as much as a wet fart BETA hai Tunak tunak??? ? awhen is the charity stream? @Yassuo DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo 1vs1 today? KEKW moe talk arabic just doing it monkaW KEKW KappaPride i am coming in your bed lma @yassuo when are the 1v1s N OMEGALUL @Carizz0 about unvip @laleyendadepipo why you sucking him yoooo moe can i notsleep with you? talk araaaaaabiicccc @Yassuo 1v1 me rn @Yassuo did you get my twitter dm about merch? BUDDY KEKW BUDDY KEKW @Yassuo moe why did your editor release a vid that has content from a year ago yesterday KEKW @wayfer_ xqcL DMG LUL its always fucking snowing here man @Yassuo i play with 100 ping XD xqcL TriAthlon why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain Moe why do you pl;ay zoe Its snowing hard rn @Yassuo Tunak tunak when? why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo . useless KEKW Kapp moe u need to get jacked to back up ur shit talking @wayfer_ ah okay xqcL !yassuo Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) its gon snow today @Yassuo it's a blizzard out rn when is the charity stream? @Yassuo @Yassuo Have you heard OCD by Logic? @Yassuo RUNESCAPE PLEASEE moe is khab1b your ucnle? from palestiniani kapp KappaPride KappaPride Kappa Kapp HarryJamessPotter subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! Hey dude 14 months, imma start working for that vip soon and hope to see you in EU Tcon in amsterdam in may :P idk man same damage as janna OMEGALUL why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo , why u a nonfactor @Yassuo VR soon? PogU @Yassuo pummel party or league LA MOE WeirdChamp me omw to sleep with moe TriAthlon How can i get in a 1v1 what friends? awhen is the charity stream? @Yassuo Moe hi play yas The topic was the fight what do you think of impact buying an entire building? MOE IS TOO GOOD why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo .. nah its raining haHAA KappaPride KappaPride RUNESCAPE @Yassuo show some yasuo plays 10k/500k for vip pog Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Kapp room tour please? @Yassuo You whatsup Moe im from hungary! @Yassuo 1vs1 today??????????????? @exCoach coach here peepoLeave @Yassuo some places in ny getting 12-16 inches of snow tonight Why do play zoe moe shes broken af yea? how do u use obs Yep it’s snowing in ny moe can you say: my peepee hard in arabic ? why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ,, siryarbs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! when is the charity stream? @Yassuo yasNLT yasNLT hi from greece !!!!!! @Yassuo aye its me from canada bro, im sellin out this channel wheres my sub at bruh HE JUST CANT LOSE @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo moe why did your editor release a vid that has content from a year ago yesterday. why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ' I've gotten like 6 inches since this morning...and yes I mean snow D: :P haHAA did you get my twitter dm about merch? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. thoughts on kaisa yeah H-hey g-g-uys I'm new here :) MOE IS TOO GOOD You ever gonna play heimer on stream? StephLOL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Hi. PepeLaugh PUMMEL PARTY OR LEAGUE why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ., yup Ytrue HipHopHeadz YIkes @Yassuo so what haircut are you doing for the yearly charity stream? @Yassuo 1v1s? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. i have 499k :) moe can u pls talk aarabic alexzero12 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Much better stream than shin shins @yassuo blooWut blooNo blooWut blooNo blooWut blooNo blooWut blooNo blooWut blooNo blooWut ye ye true yeah exactly Truee hi moe can i ask you something? Is khabib your ucnle from home @Yassuo 100 theives worlds champions next year? awhen is the charity stream? @Yassuo Moe why do you play broken champs LUL i have 9k points @Yassuo @Yassuo Are you going to TC Amsterdam? conor is wack yes yasCarried Wiesss13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! monkaW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: I'm about to get that VIP KEKW @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain play cassio pls yasNLT will I see you at twitchcon in sugma? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo whats that behind you under the ceiling hi did your watch actually cost 25k? VIPS KEKW @Yassuo ye true just vip me now HAVE 3 PEOPLE is this guy gay im seening rain here itsyoboisyn subscribed with Twitch Prime. do first 5 or someshit SHADOW DOGS @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. @yassuo WHY ISNT IT DOMINATION Check Diana's new R's TriHard SCAmmeD when is the charity stream? @Yassuo Are you gonna go to the fight in Brooklyn? KHABIB yasGood NO ONE IS GONNA REACH THAT Kreygasm Kreygasm how do u use obs SNAKE @Yassuo u won't be on twitch when ppl do MOE/FACEBOOK KEKW when we gonna pummel party homie we dont have thanks giving my my town no one saves for that lets be real why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo . KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. @Yassuo Did you shave? you look clean af @Yassuo tbh I wouldnt have that 500k vip thing hi moe can i ask you something? is khabib your cousing? @Yassuo thats what i told u in the beggining :P bruh im only at 11k, shit is gonna take forever. no one gonna get it @Yassuo horror VR soon? PogU moe i have 9k im i a real one ? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... i have 1.1k im saving up. Hi from iran ma boy <3 <3 Moe why do you play broken champs LUL LUL @Yassuo ple do a CHINESE bootcamp I HAVE 26K SHOULD I GET GIFTED SUB OR WAIT FOR 400K facebook PepeLaugh thoughts on kaisa? first 5 to vip omario_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! is Ali back on twitch? Increase it by 100,000 per use @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. who is the best lol player Check Diana's new R's OkayChamp <3 yasTrue I'm at 5.4 K already RAP GOD RAP GOD LUL 500k then 1mill for next vip @Yassuo limit it to like 10 VIP / First 10 the issue is gunna get to like 300k then you're gunna be like aight NAH yasAYAYA Hashinshin still streams? LUL how do the channel points work? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. hehe 7.1k WATCHING TF BLADES BLACK SCREEN 7.7K WATCHING U @Yassuo I watch every stream im at 10k Yes ;) H KEKW SHINSHIN Why only you have this channel points? You think your special? :D only 493k points away LULW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain @mosta3211 wait Am here and i dont play LOL @yassuo that was alicopfer who donated that to you @Moemtaz get cover and stop donating no one is gonna save for vip lets be real premioss subscribed with Twitch Prime. @yassuo i want to bang an arabic woman , whats my peepee hard in arabic ? kapp HASHINSHIN IS DOGSHIY OF A PLAYER i either sub for free every month or get vip in some months. not both SadChamp hi moe, i have a question: are you the cousing of khabib and zayn malik? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. @Yassuo -limit it to like 10 VIP / First 10 yassuoo , give me a kisss baby yo moe i had a dream about u u were crashing at my dorm and u kept sparying water on my roommate with a water hose and smiling af lmao pummel party ⌚ yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasAYAYA f how do the channel points work tho awhen is the charity stream? @Yassuo play cassio How do the gifted subs for channel points work? it's literally impossible to have 500k points TriHard yasNLT @Bredjinn who the fk does LUYL ur arms are jello PepeLaugh @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. My channel points are missing DONT EVER COMPARE Hashitshin hi from greece !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Yassuo runescape anytime soon? WHAT? so when pummel yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYAyasAYAYAyasAYAYA @Yassuo flex with ur rolex :) ??????????? smh LordKingfisher subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Yo heppy to see you enjoying some time with your family. That's a clean Rolex btw. And Ferguson all day btw, that's my guy! ANELE ? FALAFEL IS ASS KEKW TriHard why did u remove sub and vip no one can reach 500k points dude D: the fuck you just say? KEBAB ANELE KEKW ???? W TRUE ACTUALLY PogU WHAT are u muslim moe ???? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... who is the best lol player WHAT THE FUCVK DID YOU JUST SAY talk arabic !opgg fluxonnnn -> why r u so handsome? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. ANELE -1k Pepega dude how the fuck do u use obs FOR TRICK @Yassuo what about thos 1v1s? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? na ad Tunak tunak Video CHAWARMA <3 @Yassuo will you play variety again? shawarma prrremios hi Moe? are you the cousing of khabib and zayn maliek are u muslim ? Check Diana's new R's OkayChamp bruvv talk arabic D: FALAFEL IS DISGUSTING KEKW wait what i left to get food game is over @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp !uptime The stream has been live for 37 minutes 16 seconds @Yassuo imma go study tho uz deadlines soon, have fun imma be back later <3 yasH you ever eat fool @Yassuo teach how to get 100cs in 10min pls tvbwong subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! great stream keep it up :) shawarma is bae rewatching the streamer showdown play anivia @Yassuo PUMMEL or league 1v1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 find out how old is your waifu ⎝ PedoBear its removed lol YO RUNESCAPE PLEASE Man complains about everything I told him that and got banned @Yassuo you playing clash homeslice? 1 k bet @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp ?? KEKW !followtime pla PepeLaugh yasAYAYA @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain BigBadBaleros subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! moe hope you had a dope thanksgiving Take that back flafel slaps BIG TIME big head KHABIB WILL MURDER HIM KEKW play xerath Rolex PepeLaugh @Yassuo you gonna play Riots new fps when it comes out? yasANELE SHADOW DOGS POGGERS Lost it KEKW 25k btw @yassuo where are you from ?] gurrix_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! How do i improve as a midlaner 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 find out how old is your waifu ⎝ PedoBear LULW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. !elo KEKW yikes KEKW LULW Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP hi moe! i love your stream. one question: are you cousing of khabib and zayn maliek show yasSpit yasSpit -1k yikes FAKE @OTA_Mytho "How was the 4 hour walk" Kreygasm and a big nose too saying food suck is haram fake rolex KEKW @Yassuo hey moe whats your opinion about dzukill yasuo @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. WASTED MONEY KEKW flexing rolex WeirdChamp how do u use obs bro for the 100th time @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp Pog @Yassuo u do any black friday shoppin besides the rolex @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... LOST 25 K ALREADY KEKW a !heloç @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp Rolex and he doesn't know how to count the time PepeLaugh s Already lost it KEKW dude flafel is better @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? yasSput @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp !helo kingdavettv subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! wussssssssssssssssssssssssssssup moe, hope you're doing well is it iced out tho yasSpit LOST 25 K KEKW @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp cringe KEKW @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp What do you think about vegans @Yassuo you gonna play Riots new fps when it comes out?? @Yassuo Hey its my moms birthday she says hi we both watch u together WASTED 25K ON ROLEX KEKW ya kelb tell sliker to go live @Yassuo im not a lady but can I still dm you? @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppp LOST 25 K KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp poki thick ABUSING MONEY KEKW @Yassuo Play osu! hasHaram hi from greece !!!! @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppp No meat WeirdChamp @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp <3 <3 <3 respact @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... Heeey moe love you @Yassuo did you get my twitter dm about merch? @Yassuo what does the vip thing do ?????? @Yassuo show ceritification for the rolex if its real @Yassuo WHY ROLEX INSTEAD OF NOSE SURGERY? roam 4Head @Yassuo im at 10k BRO i tired lol, but couldnt get to learn because its full of toxic players falAfel itssliA just roam @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? Tunak tunak Video??? TRASHSSUO DO EVERYTHING WELL 4Head dude im hella ugly and i got a gf. pathetic. @Yassuo good morning moe CS KEKW yassuo DO EVERYTHING WELL 4Head DO EVERYTHING WELL 4Head lebanesewarrior1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ROAM KEKW @Yassuo show ceritification for the rolex if its real xd @Yassuo you gonna play Riots new fps when it comes out??? @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain que manga de trolos man @Yassuo any horror VR soon? PogU what did u say about me ROAM ?????/ @Yassuo open your honor 5 boxes pls 12 gemstones Just roam 4Head TRASHUOOO KEKW @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp KEKW @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp @Yassuo stop mispronouncing words please TRASHHHUOOOO hello @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp I would if you even answered your DM lmao skr yasM03 Check Diana's new R's peepoPog TRUE @Yassuo have you still got some merch? Are you just gonna spamm soloq entire stream or play something else too today ? :) @Yassuo TRASHUOOOO D: TRUE KEKW FACE IMAGINE WASTING 25K ON A WATCH WHEN I CAN BUY ONE FOR 10 DOLLARS KEKW JUST WIN 4Head hello Mo3, nice stream you have here. Could i ask you a selected question? Is khabib and zayn malik your cousings ROAM PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampppp TRASHHHUOOOOO LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo when are I KNEW IT KEKW JUST ROAM KEKW why everyone play micrarf? JUST ROAM @Yassuo Have you met sliker irl? @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp @Yassuo are you going to be playing clash? @yassuo should i climb as adc ormid? spending money on watches KEKW fortnite @Yassuo 1v1s ??? 1v1s? @Yassuo Whys the VIP 500k?! Holy moly ROAM ROAM ROAm @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp fake KEKW TRASSSSHHHUUUUOOOO @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp Jebaited @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp @Yassuo have you tried sang blade on yass? @Yassuo WHY ROLEX INSTEAD OF NOSE SURGERY?? Buying fake rolex KEKW yas5 @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppp TRASHUOOOOO @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamp 4 PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR sHaDoW DøGs UnLeAsHeD 1v1s / @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppp Thoughts on Aphelious JUST ROAMMMMM @Yassuo what is best midlaners right now @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcampp @falafelhumus pkmnHmm pkmnHmm pkmnHmm D @Yassuo stop abusing yasuo @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppp IMAGINE WASTING 25K ON A WATCH WHEN I CAN BUY ONE FOR 10 DOLLARS KEKW KEKW 1a KappaRoss @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain @Yassuo TRY THE NEW CHAMP ON PBE @Yassuo Pls do a Chinese Bootcamppppp DAAAAAAAAMN @Yassuo u look clean as fuckk PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR . @Yassuo Hail of Blades Ivern is op rn in Korea Pog J. Cole the goat PogU @Yassuo so you'll stay in la till new year? @grimfiend3 sarcasm... 12 com 1v1 yasR Are you just gonna spamm soloq entire stream or play something else too today ? PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR sHaDoW DøGs UnLeAsHeD. T1 ivern was Pog tyler1Champ @Yassuo READ THE CHAT...when are u doing 1v1s???? @sanjoseeeeeee one man spam WeirdChamp yas v yas DUDE I EARNED 400POINTS PogU 12 @Yassuo you tried Aphelios on pbe yet? JDiggs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 9 month streak! <3 ANY MODS ? silver kEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR hi from greece @Yassuo you tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? @Yassuo HOw can i get League of legends lust again? i have tried my hardest in this game sence season 7 any tips on getting it back Why Rolex not haircut or nose surgery @Yassuo do you think getting plat after 4 year is average? ivern adc is poggers hi moeeee whatsuppp!!! i follow you since day one! one question is zayn malik and khabib family of you. perhaps your cousings? Duo with general sniper!! !followage you suck lappkoLewd hi PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR :) Sup yassuo my man u hvae 12 gewmstones get a fkn skin yo reinhardsenpai is continuing the Gift Sub they got from serenakayle! SKT LET CLID GO PEPEHANDS @Yassuo you tried Aphelios on pbe yet? PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR sHaDoW DøGs UnLeAsHeD !uptime The stream has been live for 39 minutes 11 seconds T1 IVERN WAS Pog tyler1Champ why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo does hail of blades yasuo still a thing? yasH yasuooo back on 70ping MaN @yassuo play azir, is he in a good spot rn? YES @Yassuo opinions on zed not getting buffed? WHAT I DO MY LOVE IS ON OTHER SIDE OF WORLD LULW I'm the king of all mullets SNAKE JUNIOR LULW @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain yasPls DOUBLETIME KEKW why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo . 2 riot points pog RAP GOD PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees PunchTrees Kappa check @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? ahmedwithouth -> Please refrain from spamming caps. rap god duo with nightblue? @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? breath do you think players in league are better now or were they better before? RAP GOD Pog @lamin_ i know... @Yassuo stop mispronouncing words please np <3 INTERACTIVE STREAM POG Kappa Eminem @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY tyler1Hey Can I have a gifted sup from someone please? rap god pog :D ANELE @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo thoughts on zed not getting buffed? is this guy tryna sell smth hes talking so fast moe shave your beard kim kendal kendal km LUL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. KENDALL None kim KEndall hi from greece neither Kendall Emiyassuo Kendall KENDAL KENDAL im gold and getting to plat this next 1 - hope i get a great place kendall kendal kim kendall Both :) Kendall KIM LOL kim KENDAL JENNER Kreygasm kendall kenda;l KENDALL Kendall kim @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. kendall YOU Kim kim Kendall KENDALL kendall kendall kim yasGood_BW kim KEKW kendall Kendall Fam Kendal kendall for sure kendall kim kendal for sure kim kendall JENNER kendall easy KENDELL Kendall Kim EASY WTF Kendal @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... tru kim KENDALL kendal free Kim Kim .. taylor MOEDUSA KEKW kim Kendall KEKW kendell KENDALL KENDAL ALL THE WAY BRO KENDALL KENDAL KENDALL jenner MILF kendall CLID PEPEHANDS kendal kendal ofc why not both you feel me Kreygasm kendač all day lend Kendall Kreygasm Kendall Kreygasm Kendall all DAY kendall Kreygasm kendel kendall all the wayy buckoo both TRUEEE ????????????? caitlyn 100% KENDALL id rather kill myself kendall KEKW bruce I WOULD SMASH KENDALL yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Kendall @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?..... kendall kendall TRUE Kendall 100% show is who is she kendal fFOR SUREEE JENNERR kn Kendall twice kendell kendall Kendall has a deformed face DRAKE KIM IS A MILF why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo .. KENDALL Kreygasm easily kendall yo why are u not a auctioneer Kendall @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? DansGame SMASGHING PLASTIC OMEGALUL 60% plastic ratirlFlower KYLIE WTF CAITLYN KYLIE WTF @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain who? @Yassuo why you such a goddamn cutie (no homoe) KENDAL IS 100000x PRETTIER PogChamp KENDAL IS 100000x PRETTIER PogChamp KENDAL IS 100000x PRETTIER PogChamp KENDAL IS 100000x PRETTIER PogChamp KENDAL IS 100000x PRETTIER PogChamp boxComfy boxComfy boxComfy kendall kendall kendall do u like foul ? @Yassuo ANELE FBCatch 💣 CATCH @Yassuo candle? Kendal because my pussy is not that THICC Kendall KIM W H OMEGALUL KIM'S ASS UGLY AS FUCK KIM WUT ??? all day all night ur too young to know yung KK @Yassuo @Yassuo thoughts on zed not getting buffed? :) kim KIM IS A FUCKING MILF kendall Kendall and Courtney the finest hoes in that house kiiim kylie I rather fap to some1 else KIM SUCKS forsenCD WH OMEGALUL kim is a milf Kim is like 50 PepeLaugh Kendal yooo moee. yasuo whatsup i am a big fan and have one quetsion: is zayn malik and khabib and knedall jenner your cousings? KIM IS DansGame kim monkas forsenCD @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. WeirdChamp threesome? both docsCD why was the latest video you posted a repost from awhile ago? KIM Kim in 2010 PogU neither Moe I’m gold first season how can I improve? !subs @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... Why would you fuck a doll ffs tbh kylie CAITLYN JENNER yasGood_BW yasGood_BW yasGood_BW I choose harambae kylie wtr weirdos @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. 4Weird 🤚 Nah Kylie tho? KIM DO BE KINDA THIOCC THO NGL forsenCD neither. @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? yasJensen Follow me on Twitter for updates CAITLYN JENNER ALL DAY Kendal skinny i mean if you smash kim its like smashing plastic Kendall 100% Both are ou family from the kardashians? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?..... Kylie kim is crusty tbh im not tryna stick my dick between two latex balloons u feel me? @Yassuo @Yassuocan you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain Will u do 1v1s today? why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ,. kylie Plstic KEJW Kendall ugly as hell You smoking craxk bud @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?...... THEY BOTH ARE PLASTIC BAGS LUL @yassuo get ready in season 10 because i will get ahead u kim still got that donky @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. Kim time is gone @Yassuo THOUGHTS ON ZED NOT BEING BUFFED FOR S10? @Yassuo KYLIE OVER BOTH NO CONTEST KYLIE Kreygasm Kim hotter and I'm gay. KappaPride @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? moie @Yassuo WHY ROLEX INSTEAD OF NOSE SURGERY? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? Kendall @Yassuo Easily as a man Caitlyn Jenner @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... yassip @Yassuo pls play Qiyana this game :) @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Kendall 100% kim is a boomer LUL why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ., fucking plastic ? 8K Rolex KEKW -1000 KEKW @Yassuo Donated 3 times to move and he has missed two of my donation XD imo kendall if you got a small dick and kim if you a man Kylie @Yassuo canyou say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain telhas teezy yo @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet??? i prefer caitlyn jenner how much was ur rolex TRUEEE LULW WeirdChamp soon KENDELS TRANS same KEKW ahmedwithouth -> Please refrain from spamming caps. NotLikeThis LUL LUL @Raequaza KEKW ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? us ed uneducated Pepega Check Diana's new R's peepoPog LOL TRUUUUUE free da uyghur muslims @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. YO I had a dream last night where we did a 1v1 and I clapped you on Yasuo Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Imagine giving money to a millionaire @Yassuo Donated 3 times to moe and he has missed two of my donation XD @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? lul no you wont GEOGRAPHY TEST AGAIN ? @Yassuo KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... Get educated! @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. KEKW LUL CAITLYN JENNER LUL DW Unlike other streamers you actually try to read subs and answer all Donos @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... hello yasuo how did u increaseur fps bro could u help me !elo ????? LULW LULW KEKW KEKW Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP MaN ? KEKW olle tu tiene washap KEKW ???????? KEKW @Yassuo Basically Hong Kong is rebellign because they want more rights .w. LMFAO KEKW LULW KEKW DansGame @Yassuo ur a boomer at heart LULW WeirdKEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ahhahahaH @Yassuo you should play with Quy again! UGLY LULW KEKW u ug N OMEGALUL u dojnt ANELE Shqbh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 1 month streak! burger is big like monkey moe!!!!!! N OMEGALUL cute No :) YOU DONT KEKW U DONT PepeLaugh MOE DansGame KEKW KEKW yassuoNA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW U DONT LULW hawt @Yassuo If you are a real one youll fuck Caitlyn Jenner or Kendell VVeenus subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! You don't look amazing LOOK AT ME!!!! You don't, you look fat no ugly moe LOOKIN LIKE A SNACC KEKW !time NO KEKW u look nothing like that irl @Yassuo UR UGLY KEKW 1v1? Current time in Los Angeles: 10:50:56 AM mangoDaHeck mangoDaHeck mangoDaHeck N OMEGALUL FAT CHIN KEKW no LUL u dont LUL GREAT KEKW WTF N OMEGALUL hot lmaoo WutFace NO u dont look great KEKW NOOOOO FAT KEKW DOG NO OMEGALUL Kapp you dont look great KEKW N OMEGALUL KEKW ??? @Yassuo thoughts on zed being a useless ass champ? @Yassuo whats your ethnisity? U ARE UGLY DUDE LULW ugly KEKW UGLY ARAB ANELE KEKW caveman PepeLaugh fish eyes cap LUL KEKW u look fu thrash KEKW N OMEGALUL KappaPride HAHHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW FAT CHIN MOE KEKW LEAKED KEKW Can yasuo get you out of gold yasuo how did u increase fps monkey ... no KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace you look like 50 dolla gigolo thats kinda gay to ask us fam Fat face nice filter Kappa Kreygasm GM :) FAT KEKW kiss me @Yassuo you dont look fucking great NOPE LOOKIN LIKE A SNACC LUL LUL KEKW WHO DOES YOUR EYEBROWS you dont look fking great Thats a fat face big nose CRINGE HAMBURGER MOE KEKW I WANNA ANAL YR ASS SOCKET Your eyebrows are dead fam NOSE KEKW Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm NAH GO BACK TO THE OTHER INSTA PLLS that is so fake u dont look close to that irl KEKW ugly rat KEKW acutally no ccpp filter KEKw KEKW fat KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW you don't look amazing Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm SEX ??????????? YUCK U FUCKINGGG DO LOOK GOOOOOOoD kapp ZAYNMALIK Lol no caveman PepeLaugh YO @Yassuo WE ALMOST D2. When I get to D1 let me get a duo :) N OMEGALUL KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? I look great you look meh can u play some song of duki? OOGA BOOGA U LOOKED BETTER WHEN U WERENT FAT FATCHINCHIN EWWW MODEL KEKW Kappa Kappa OK DUDE u didn't reply to me saying good morning @Yassuo WHO IS THAT UGLY FUCJK LOOKIN LIKE A SNACC -1000 KEKW Kapp Kapp KEKW FALSE @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. I CAN SEE THE NECK BEARD ? you LOOK LIKE A CHILD BROOO u used to have fps drops KEKW kekw Kapp @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi fromspain Kapp @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Kappa Looking like a snack Kreygasm Looking like a snack Kreygasm ??????? @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... LOooOL Wrong insta KEKW Sexy money KEKW wait do you have a cleft chin? Kapp @Yassuo FAT KEKW LOLW MONEY WutFace WutFace WutFace kapp @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... FATCHINCHIN KEKW FATCHINCHIN KEKW Stop saying that are u gay? SURE BRO KEKW fucking cringe @Yassuo the cherry of the pie KEKW do u have a mirror ? @Yassuo @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?...... you look like the reason kekw was invented nunu hotter TALL KEKW imagine beeing in a relationship with a guy that looks like moe Kappa That jewline tho U don’t look great KEKW t a l l TALL KEKW <3 U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo that never happened @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?....... PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON Kapp Kapp KEKW looking like a caveman FATCHINCHIN KEKW kapp xd cringe MONEY @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? v.... im going to send you a dick pic :) !runtime Looking like a snek r u gay why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo Krappa U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo Nas, good music bruh moe you struggeling rn huh always the same content Kapp big jaw Which days do u do 1v1s? @yassuo How TALL you WAS? KAPP delusional KEKW Kappa SURE cmonBruh Kapp Kapp @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?........ KreyGasn flopping towards you KEKW you are hot tall PepeLaugh wow ur so humble KAPPA KEKW KEKW U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa BibleThump ANELE @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. @Yassuo i feel u, i kinda look like u why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo . Kappa ANELE? LOLW I mean u look great wtf actual snacc ANELE HAHAHh how delusional is this dude KEKW JUST GOOD LIGHTING @Yassuo KEKW you're actually so sex xddddd @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. Hyoon PepeHands @yassuo i will take your rank in season 10 so get ready <3 <3 kapp Why does your face tilt to the right I would smash you for 50$ LULW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? Kappa @Yassuo U look like a wet dog @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo . Yea cuz it definitely aint how tall you are KEKW Fat Kapp Kapp you look like shit dude KEKW hello @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... Kapp TALL PepeLaugh Man using filters on his pic KEKW yo cmonBruh Kappa why you suckin you own dick man come on ?????????????? yasCarried Im Amazing Kappa the chat highlight is a scam lmfao DELUSIONAL AF ROFL LOL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?...... you look like u just woke up from a drinking night PainChamp Please just shut it Kapp ANELE Kappa OF COURSE KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo ur sisters got better genes than u you like like a girls with a beard @Yassuo Kreygasm KEKW UGLY AS HELL @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. :) im going to send you a dick pic :) Kapp I would smash you for 50$ not for more OkayChamp do u have a mirror ? @Yassuo ! have you been to singapore @Yassuo thoughts on zed? yas5 why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo , @Yassuo im glad youre confident but this is just being delusional man WTF LOL @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hifrom spain moe gimme sex TRUE LULW U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo LUL EXPOSED @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... you look like the reason kekw was invented KEKW : Which days do u do 1v1s? @yassuo @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?....... U look like an Indian scam moe looks like ANELE lmao ur actually delusional xD YOU LOOK LIKE A FKIN CHILD XDDDD U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo . how long are u streaming today? we struggling on the block out here @Yassuo believe me bro its not the looks, u strugglinnnnnnnnnnn BDarkRevenger subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Yo I had dream last night where we 1v1'd on yasuo and I won. Are you gonna be doing 1v1's today so I can make it happen? love you @Yassuo can i get my sub back, i did it by mistake @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. @Yassuo will you play variety again? U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo U LOOK GOOD BUT SINGLE AT 20 KEKW E TU @Yassuo boiiiiiiiiii nunu hotterr that's why hyoon left you kekw why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo .. KEKW KEKW KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... @Yassuo thoughts on zzed as a bad champ? such toxic chat lmao KEKW yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue TRUE KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. @Yassuo same content, WHY CHANGE SOMTH THAT WORKS KEKW holy shit he read my comment ahhahaha nice thank you KEKW WeirdChamp pls stop @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... 5awal v.. HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands moe everytime i open stream you always talking with a mouth full of lies E TU KEKW @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? KEKW E TU confidence is key bro you got this E TU TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE confidence is oozing out of you KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands . KEKW the chat highlight is a scam lmao @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?...... E TU KEKW KEKW @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? KEKW yo HYOON PepeHands why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ,. LOL LOL SINGLE @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?....... imagine this chat going 10 seconds without saying KEKW TRUE KWK KEKW ETU SHOW ARM HAIR FOR A FREE SKIN delusional monkaW JOKER lol moe single no girlfriend AHAHAHAHHAAHHA TRUE LULW what phone do you have ? just asking @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... tru KEKW TRUE When pummel True TIED DOWN KEKW who needs a girlfriend when u have league @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. TRUE HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain TRUEE ahahahaha naw bro No @Yassuo True Your ego is dangerously large my fren @Yassuo Are 1v1s going on today? LA moe WeirdChamp yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit YES KEKW LUL LUL LUL h a h a h a h a h a h a Kapp true PepeHands delusional player and streamer LUL KEKW I have a wife KEKW PepeHands @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? hall noo NO LULW TRUE widepeepoSad KEKW TRUE KEKW Pummel? HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. HYOON KEKW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW KappaPride YES KEKW Kappa UGLY CAUSE UNSYMMETRICAL FACE OMEGALUL @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.... YOU GAY KEKW HYOON PepeLaugh how didu increase fps yes HYOON PepeHands @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?. TRUUUUUE Kapp NO, WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW ye Moe After reading chat forall this time and how many messages you get that you would be able to speed read but nope WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO BE TIED DOWN KEKW yes @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH L m a O no ofc ! TOO FAR SadChamp yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride HYOON KEKW KEKW sINLGE AND VIRGIN HEY SEXY KEKW christianlite -> Please refrain from spamming caps. HYOON TRUEEEEEEEE says girls flock to him yet didn't smash a single girl in Europe Kappa Kapp NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW @Yassuo Yes u want it so bad but ur insecure KEKW xD @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?..... HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands yeah you do\ TRUE KEKW NO HYOON LULW @Yassuo POKI AND HYOON KEKW HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! cap duo with Revenge only going downhill like your channel KEKW TRUEEE GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands. Kapp @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fanand hi from spain lmao HE REALLY GOT HURT THAT MUCH Lmao @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?...... your only confident because you have money Hyonn TOO FAR widepeepoSad dick Kapp KEKW @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?.. yasWeird yasSpit LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride its not like ur gonna get a single girl in ur lifetime so why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo ., can u say to me how u increased fps Kapp 😬 RESPACT @Yassuo HAHAAH HYOON KEKW respect @Yassuo TRUE BUT YOU ARENT KEKW !subs @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue the problem is you're with 0 girls HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW NOT CORRENT 4WeirdW cap yikes KEKW KEKW HYOON PepeHands HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan guys age like fine wine so it actaully just goes up hill from here u idiot KappaPride PREACH girlfriends on that age are waste of time OH TRUE N OMEGALUL HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands my man forsenCD FeelsBadMan TOO FAR SadChamp TOO FAR SadChamp TOO FAR SadChamp forsenCD MY MAN forsenCD @Yassuo thoughts on zed being a usless champ and not being buffed s10 and getting nerfed because of the 2 lethality cap? Harem incoming KEKW BUT U GET NO GIRLS HYOON PepeHands YEAH OK LUL Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride NO U'RE JUST GAY but ur with 0 Kapp Kapp truuuuuuuue forsenCD MY MAN 30 KEKW Sure Kapp ??? Kappa ???????????????? cant get even one Because you wanna be with a man LUL TRUE scum Kapp Kappa hyoon PepeHands if this is your peak, you need to find one now lmao forsenCD well u are with 0 girls pog @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? Kapp GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW truuuuue but ur not with 30 girls either no kap true Kapp you get no ass I recently realised you have to talk to girls in order to have a gf :( HeyGuys SeemsGood my g WeirdChamp KEKW E TU KEKW what about hyoon LOL forsenCD FACTS @Yassuo LOCKED UP BUT YOU HAVE NO OTHER GIRLS LOL ok where 30 girls at then Kappa LUL LUL LUL LUL 4 HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands you want to be with 30 girls but cant get 1 KEKW haHAA @Yassuo ok bro 30 guys* KappaPride Are you with 30 girls tho? other girls KEKW LOOOKING GREAT ROOOOLFFD TRUE forsenCD HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands YIKES HYOON Pepehands HYOON Pepehands HYOON PepeHands but u got none lmao HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan Would you fuck poki if she had a dick ? @yassuo STILL VIRGIN KEKW Pathetic forsenCD MY MAN 30 lul yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @yassuo will you do 1v1s today?... @Yassuo clown YOU'RE JUST ACCEPTING THAT YO UCANT GET A GIRFRIEND @Yassuo STILL VIRGIN LULW @Yassuo STILL VIRGIN LULW @Yassuo STILL VIRGIN LULW @Yassuo STILL VIRGIN LULW @Yassuo STILL VIRGIN LULW @Yassuo 30 girls but u cant get i friend lulw T h I r T y G i R l S O M E G A L U L over confidence =delusion delusional LULW DO 1V1 AHHHHHHHH hyoon lol Moe Delusional HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands. stick to fucking girl loser nunu hotter forsenCD MY MAN @yassuo will you do 1v1s today? @Yassuo wanst most recent vid reused content? I am 21 and live with my gf xD and it’s great Kappa HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands All you can get is a boy @yassuo PepeHands too real If you can't get even get 1 how you gonna get 29 more? @Yassuo >:( PepeHands HYOON PepeHands 30 amn?? 1V1S GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW GIRLS ARE WASTE OF MONEY 4WeirdW Or guys BUT YOU DONT GET ANY KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE SMART MOE 5Head girls @Yassuo why wolud u be tied down with only 1 bitch ... dillusional!! yasPlead yasSpit yasMald yasSpit yasShrug yasMald yasSpit yasShrug how much game youve got rn Do you think it’s crazy that Trick2g is gonna be a daddy @Yassuo can you say hello to myfriend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain epeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands U sound like Sliker @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? OR U ARE JUST GAY moe lowkey; a player you like to see it :) yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit DID MOE GET DUMPED BY HYOON OR OTHER WAY? D: Pummel? Kapp Hyoooooon Pummel?? bro how did u increase fps no one likes you Kappa HE GOT HURT A LOT GUYS HYOON PepeHands ARE YOU WITH 30 GIRLS ? M OMEGALUL O I can beat you IRL KEKW SourPls Moe you fuckin stink dog Kappa just farm to get a girl @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? Moe but youre not drowning in pussy. not havinga girlfriend is only worth if youre drowning in pussy @Yassuo thoughts on zed nerfs due to 2 lethality item max cap? why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo why you look 30 tho M OMEGALUL E butz u r still a virgin KEKW Which days do u do 1v1s your sisters dont count WeridChamp @Yassuo @exCoach xqcL thank you for reading my comment :D forcenCD MY MAN Clap Where are the 30 girls tho dreaming for 30 doesnt even have 1 PepeLaugh DO 1V1s MOE hyoon PepeHands bruhhhhhhhhhh true hi from greece !!!! fuck lost all my respect for you HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet???? @trxshbxyy PogU hi pus pog @tasos_gr_yasouzo Agree Where's Poki? Where's Hyoon? 1V1!!!!!!!! PINOY'S CHANNEL LOL HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain Pummel?.. hyooooooooooooooooooooon THE ONLY GIRLS YOU DOINB NAMI & AHRI no wonder your single, that laugh sounds like a gargoyle😂 Jk love u moe @yassuo yasuo how did u increase fps @wayfer_ xqcL why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo . no one Likes You KEK Tunak tunak Video when bruh true KEKW @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet??? nice icon ALL PINOY TRU Pummel? cosmick102 -> Please refrain sending long messages. "Single By Choice" Kappa fapping to girls on insta doesnt mean u have a girl KEKW KEKW @Yassuo moe fat KEKW TRUEW TRUE KEKW @Yassuo was definitely a reupload bro TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRUE KEKW E TU damn moe you got a fat ass :) LUL havent heard that one before yasWeird KEKW FACTS Ban him PepeLaugh TRUE LULW hi from greece nunu is hotter xd @Yassuo TRY NEW CHAMP ON PBE BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump chimp in the chat KEKW MOE DO YOU STILL LIFT? do 1v1s KEKW @ChimpNA Will you stream today trueee TRUEEE PINOY <3 TREUEUEUEUUE TRUE KEKW Precipitaton??? KWKQ I do like u but if u never felt what it's like to love someone then i just wish u the best to find that but it's way better to be with 30 girls my opinion you look meh tbh HAHAHHAHAHHA TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE @Yassuo its okay, you dont need a girlfriend, league can be the girlfriend do 1v1s moe DSAFLKJAJFD i am a chalenger and i want 1 vs 1 yasuo @ChimpNA sup ape KEKW do it whats the elo rn brother? you should play on the Zayn moelik account Trueeeeeee KEKW U ARE LONELY LMFAO CAN I REDDEM A SUB ? @Yassuo Good Morning Moe cm @yassuo Do you get more money from youtube or twitch? cmonBruh moe your horses as* cmonBruh cmonBruh pinoy a cutie ive reached 100 girls. looking to double in next year <3 @trxshbxyy xqcL @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet???? HYOON PepeHands @ChimpNA BÝE BYE nunu hotter U never said bojan on stream even though you said you will why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo , chuSay cmonBruh ha ha ha TriHard cmonBruh yassuo how did u increase fps Check news diana R's TriHard @mosta3211 yea you can says girls flock to him yet didn't smash a single girl in EU Kappa @yassuo Moe looks like an Indian scam cmonBruh GOLDEN Kappa CHECK GOLDEN Kappa CHECK GOLDEN Kappa CHECK cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Kapp 200000000000000pts yasuo how did u increase fpz @Yassuo u look like a Turkish guy winter53Nar ? @Yassuo (please read) thoughts on zed nerfs due to lethality cap yassuo 1V1 benbach642 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Good morning Moe сука бляд big difference between imagantion and reality moe 4Weird 🤚 @Yassuo u missed my sub and u also look like a donkey hi from greece cmonBruh Clap cmonBruh WE COO? variety when He doesnt know PepeLaugh Is Pinoy actually Filipino? cmonBruh ? Noon Ooga booga Kappa how did u increase fps cmonBruh @Yassuo CHIMP IS HERE 1V1S YASSUO. MOE. 1v1. like that?? muslim HOW CAN U MISS IT NEW YORK OkayChamp homie said mommaroneck lmaooo yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink ItsBoshyTime @yassuo play me in basketball irl @Yassuo i like shitting on you but you're a very good brother which i respect and admire OkayChamp how many time you hear the word bev every day in new york LULW THAT SHIT SUCKS brick Kappa @Yassuo any VR soon? PogU what does brick mean cmonBruh !headset 1v1s moe massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic Its cold as shit here TOO Cold widepeepoSad @Yassuo do you listen to NF? brick? 🧱 where my new yorkers at thatre gonna be snowed in soon @Yassuo Do a 360 SHIT SHAWARMA yo the stories with ur family were mad cute @Yassuo Come england then in cali COLD IS SO GOOD why did u google the spelling of perseverance KEKW @Yassuo .. same do 1v1s @yassuo Do you get more money from youtube or twitch? hello moe How can you like being cold? Looking cute yea Is Pinoy actaully Filipino? @Yassuo Would you rather be with 30 girls or that one girl you said was the most perfect girl you ever met? nunu hotter Pepega ll Are you just gonna spamm soloq entire stream or play something else too today ? I LIVE IN CANADA AND THE COLD FUCKING BLOWS LULW Moe you need to buy a chain for round yo neck hi moe how are you doing whats the elo? 1v1s ok pog @mosta3211 he is gonna look at them after stream hey moe u good? KEKW @chimpna Are we gonna get a bye bye buddy again today mathilBrick Which days do u do 1v1s? hi from greece U like yeezyz? @Yassuo you arabic beard did you know ???? true poki? who? bro what did u do to increase fps Hyoon Kreygasm <3 Kapp HYOON PepeHands 1v1s moe @Yassuo i like shitting on you but you're a very good brother which i respect and admire OkayChamp 👍 Kapp Is Pinoy actually Filipino? ???????????????????? TriDance @Yassuo You like the cold cause youre a snake do 1v1s man hyyon @yassuo Dwayne = yassuo Kevin hart = tyler1 dumbass question HYOON PepeHands POKI KEKW no HYOON HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Oh cmonBruh Hyoon PepeHands TriDance thank god im in silver i couldnt wait challenger queues time HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON FeelsRainMan HYOON @Yassuo WHO IS THAT GIRL?? PepePls gyoon PepeHands yes CAN YOUR ROLEX COVER YOUR INTS? ??? HYOON PepeHands. YES yrd PowerUpL TriHard PowerUpR HYOON PepeHands marriage DansGame Yup yes YES monkaW HAha DIVORCE @Yassuo hey @Yassuo would you go on a blind date with one of the girls from your chat? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS thats my moe HYOON FeelsRainMan Hyoon perfect girl PepeHands divorce her duh YES MARRIAG IS STUPID LULW MARRIAG IS STUPID LULW MARRIAG IS STUPID LULW MARRIAG IS STUPID LULW MARRIAG IS STUPID LULW trueeeeeeeeeee @yassuo how are u? SSSSSSSSS @Yassuo PLAY AHRI :) @Yassuo turn my boy kendrik UP!!!!! CHEATS ON YOU Hyoon hyoon FeelsRainMan you get a divorce lmao divorce? yes hello moe how is hyoon KEKW ETU KEKW HYOON PepeWhy Pummel today??? HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spainç is a man? Just get the perfect girl Kappa divorce LULW @BlackDynamite17 ok ty forsenCD ? HYOOON divorce It happens TRUEEEEEEE @Yassuo that's called marriage Yes I don't wanna ever get married it definitely is hyoon PepeSad what happened to hyoon anyways LUL Heyyy monkaW monkaW OOOOOOOOOOOOF !uptime sucks to be u then divorce Pog @Yassuo Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world??? yasThink DUDE people divorce a lot so dont marry thats how it works The stream has been live for 44 minutes 32 seconds how did u increase fps DIVORCE? TRUUUU you divorce DIVORCE LUL you screwed up HYOON PepeHands HYOOn PepeHands VoHiYo100 what if someday, one of ur sisters get a boyfriend or a husband from your twitch chat ?? divorce lol not that hard forsenCD hyoon PepeHands moe im the most perfect girl you'll ever meet HYOON PepeHands. monkaW Divorce? THATS WHAT DIVORCE IS FOR KEKW @Yassuo TRUE divorce duh KEKW @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain HYOON yassuo has commitment issues divorce forsenCD monkaOMEGA cheat forsenCD DIV OMEGALUL RCE just divorce lol DIVORCE forsenCD CHEAT ON YOU WITH SOME OTHER GUY forsenCD TAKE SOMEONE ELSES TRUEE then you get a divorce? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE DO 1V1S so? forsenCD @Yassuo you have to swim in the ocean to know how deep it is ( if you know what im saying ) LUL Divorce the bitch HAPPENS ALL THE TIME If u like cold is bad visit Russia i think its hella cold there @Yassuo HYOON MARRIAGE IS STUPID LULW MARRIAGE IS STUPID LULW MARRIAGE IS STUPID LULW divorce forsenCD forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit aight ima head out PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PEPEGA @Yassuo it is ez cheat on her HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands thats why you dont marry early? is this a midlife crisis thing? 50% of all marriages are that @Yassuo TAHTS WHY IT TAKES TIME No , its just because ur a snake I'D BECOME A MURDERER forsenCD forsenCD HYOON PepeHands forsenCD JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head @yassuo deal with it you say she was the perfect girl but you didn't even get her social @yassuo ? forsenCD just divorce fuck her That's why you don't date someone for a year and marry them.... you divorce you dummy Yes, people change dude I fking love you man @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo Then you get the google docs out HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Murder marriage don't make sense man just watched banana fish, it was really good THATS WHY ITS SERIOUS U DUMBASS forsenCD <3 @Yassuo you can doc her EZ KEKW same for jobs, gfs, etc CoolStoryBob DIVORCE JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head divorce forsenCD Clap HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump SABCHOVIES SAID THAT LUL @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? . HYOON PepeHands True that's why you spend years with someone before marrying them ??????? forcenCD forsenCD another one just cheat @Yassuo Do the 2.5 year realtionship test forsenCD KEKW q Just don't get married LULW @Yassuo HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Just divorce 4head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head JUST DIVORCE 4Head Drink a perc 30 for the boys JUST DIVORCE HER LOL 4Head HYOON PepeHands just dont get married 4Head PepeHands KEKW True MOE! <3 HYOON IT WONT WORK OUT PepeHands @Yassuo THATS WHY IT TAKES TIME MOES A SIMP @yassuo how does feel being Arrogant forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE forsenCD JUST GET ANOTHER ONE yasBoo4 HY OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N NO? TRUE Pog @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? @Yassuo forsenCD Just Get Multiple? .... @mosta3211 whisper me so i have your name somewhere DO IT LIKE DRDISRESPECT AHHAHAHAHA "no one" KEKW hey @Yassuo would you go on a blind date with one of the girls from chat? forsenCD wdym forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? Yes JUST DIVORCE 4Head BAHAHAHA 4Weird 🤚 it's a business are u gonna stab her to you fricking SSnake taking bout Poki lol forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? MOES A SIMPPP MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW MARRIAGE = SCAM LOLW HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands do 1v1s KEKW I DO :) KEKW HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands 2 WIFES forsenCD KEKW forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? LUL that's why you don't marry until your 2 or 3 years into the relationship cmonBruh LKEKW HAHAA Polygamy it can happen with friends too this is not exclusive to marriage KEKW cmonBruh KEKW forsenCD Clap the chat highlight is a total scam lmfaooooo KEKW cmonBruh divorce is expensive FOR THE MONEY KEKW KEKW LMFAOOOO She took the kids PepeHands @Yassuo You tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? forsenCD ? HYOON DITCHED PepeHands @Yassuo But what if you miss your opportunity to be with the one because you wanted to wait? CD KEKW forsenCD Clap @Yassuo go fortnite with poki? truee smart trueee decline, 1v1s forsenCD Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : PepeLaugh cmonBruh KEKW how many pentas in ur whole LoL history u have made? @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain forsenCD Clap 2 wife MOES A SIMPPPP moe moe moe moe moe you lost to 1 lululululu just kill her Kappa @Yassuo arabs marry a girl for a year so they can hit that and then peace YOU NEED TO BE PERFECT TO FIND SOMEONE PERFECT @Yassuo I hope hyoon sees this bro @Yassuo look ur parents and take an idea about marriage xD FORSEN ALBERT AND MOE THE CHAMPIONS That’s why you date for a few years before marrying 5Head forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? forsenCD READY TO JOIN THE CLUB? pick a card LOOK AT HIS CHEST HAIR] you find that out before you marry her then if you got a brother tell him to hmu get a prenup REALIZE SHE HAS A DICK LMAO ask albert A Two Of WIfes forsenCD @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet? QTPIE OOOOOF JUNGLE KEKW No , its just because ur a snake , u'll probably snake ur wife aswell Kappa just came whats happening? @Yassuo marriage isfor grown ups HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands could be worse. imagine if she finds out she doesn't wanna live with you but you still love her xD LULW @Yassuo if u allready think like this., you are not rdy for it. ur mind will change QTPIE Kapp KEKW BUT HE SHIT ON U HARD magicianCD do 1v1s PepeLaugh @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet?. MOE THE SIMP ya u r yasssssuuuuoo tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ hhahahha look at your team @Yassuo Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world??? Kreygasm jgl KEKW yo moe ass or tits? ONLY WON BECAUSE OF TARZANED KEKW ONLY WON BECAUSE OF TARZANED KEKW TRUE just order new ones kekw FIRST OF MANY KEKW why would you want to spend the REST OF YO LIFE with someone, it's such a huge commitment That wasn't the first time LOL Pog just like me! yes magicCD is there nut on that bedsheet TRUE KEKW @yassuo you let him win right lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao losing to t1 yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue fat lazy and stupid Pog do 1v1s moe YTUEEE ROLLED why get 1 when you can have 1000 it is :) @Yassuo you beat Celeste? @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet??? hey @Yassuo would you go on a blind date with one of the girls from chat? and ugly too KEKW TRUE JUST DO 1V1S fivesi1Attack fivesi1Attack fivesi1Attack fivesi1Attack Glad u understand it chat in slow mode pls ? @Yassuo tbf tyler didnt really beat u tarzaned soligo adrian did KEKW ANELE mokhleya ? is there nut on that bedsheet @Yassuo hi yasiy ANELE ANELE ? I HAVE 24.3K POINTS PogU @yassuo you are ANELE you can marry up to 4 girl YES KEKW JG ANELE Tyler is just a cry baby ANELE TRUE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE TRUEEE ???? @Yassuo im going to send you a dick pic :) yasTrue_SQ Cheer100 been with my girl for almost 3 years and I’m pretty sure it’s her and also any restaurants you recommend in New York? the chat highlight is a total scam lmfaoooooo Rice? ANELE >? Clap ANELE ITS MLOUKHEYA Hola hes just like us chat Pog ANELE ANELE @yassuo we can marie 4 girls 7abibi yes @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet? ANELE Change name brother to RatIRL True hi from greece @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain truer ANELE SAY WHAT go ivern ANELE molokhaya JUST GET A HAREM AYAYA @Yassuo Marriage is scary but what if you miss the one because you were scared? ANELE ANELE yasANELE Clap revan301 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Bro you missing out on relationships. My girl tries to sex me everyday ANELE maclub @Yassuo i always eat molokehea with bread that goes harder ANELE ANELE yasDiamond DO 1V1S U FAT LAZY ROLE MODEL o jungle KEKW ANELE mlokhyaaa why divorcing in the first place when you can do magic tricks? forsenCD @Yassuo coms with adrian Ivern or noob Kappa ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE is there nut on that bedsheet? WutFace karasmGasm karasmGasm hi from greecd plax :) true ivern !followage adrian riven Pog @Yassuo KEKW big head small brain win u pog adrian Anelee @Yassuo Why you not meet sliker itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake hi from greece love u hamoudi habibi KEKW @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? !points karasmLuL GO LEE SIN!!!! yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat @Yassuo whats ur last name beautiful? yasFBM yasTrue where in new york did u live DO IT LIKE DRDISRESPECT AHHAHAHAHHA @Yassuo can you say hello tomy friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain cmonBruh @sin_deed yes pog Have u tired Mandy ? @Yassuo @Yassuo pls music xD @Yassuo u missed my sub bro. what u got to say about that imaqtpie and adrian PogChamp adrian qt solar and you on one team damn its stacked play warwick with predator @Yassuo comms with adrian KEKW lee sin cmonBruh what fogged said u are a very good player do u think the same for him ? lol JuZoxHG subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) shawarma ANELE gameplay lee sin if u want a good buffet. check out mizumi PogChamp @Yassuo Did u ate Hrissa Tounseya ? play lee sin boo ya LEE SIN!¨!!! MY ASS? peepoPog KEKW closed almayas ANELE yasFat yasFat yasFat LOL WHY in my ass ? ANELE Clap xqcE xqcE el my ass eat my ass? Kreygasm EAT MY ASS? eatamyass? Why did it close down xd where were you eating with your family? mediterranean man L MY ASS KEKW L my ass PepeHands WideHarder ?????? ATE MY ASS the restaurants called eatin my ass Do you watch the NFL or NBA moe? L my ass? LOL KEKW KEKW eatta my ass <3 AYAYA anime ass My ass TriHard EAT MY gachiGASM Trick ANELE Cause you're the only one eating there and now you're in LA PepeHands yo bro can u COME TO NORWAY? my ass KEKW imagine being in the same elo with a 15yo PogChamp BabyRage eatmyass_ Why did the restaurant get closed down @Yassuo where u live in ny lee sin L MY ASS KEKW L MY ASS ARE U OK MOE ? ANIME ASS AYAYA skrrr ate my ass? AYAYA my ass KEKW peepoArrive THE PIE KEKW KEKW imagien not being 2 year sub lol @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain AHHAHAHAHA OMEGALUL EAT MY ASS KEKW are you planning on startin a family? @yassuo @Yassuo Have you tried Aphelios on pbe yet?? ANELE Why did the restaurant get closed down @Yassuo z KEKW arab food is So good ANELE LULW DISCORD ADRIANJ it closed down cuzz you ate there @Yassuo u look like a knicks fan KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ROFL KEKW KEKW @Yassuo hamoudi habibi wassup ya kalb KEKW xd discord adrian KEKW KEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKWKEKW KEKW KEKw LEE yasTrue discord KEKW LEE SIN LEE SIN LOL @Yassuo I REMEMBER U SHAKING VS QT KEKW nidalee @Yassuo NIDALEE YES lee KEKW LEE SIN lee LEE eve lee sin KEKW adrian hell no WUKONG YI RENGAR WUKONG WUKONG WUKONG imagine having a rolex before a car KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW play noc noc lee IVERN kayn cmonBruh no YES KEKW LEE SIN yi yeaa ZAC KKEW LULW HARAMBE YES YES nocc NO ITS BAD YES LEE SIN RENGAR NNO RENGAR VI LEE SIN KEKW LEE IVERNN dadu01 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! lee udyr LEE SIN UR LEE IS CLEAN WUKONG WUKONG WUKONG cmonBruh ? NUUNU leee YI YI ITS BADS YESSSS nocturne hell no EKKO LEE VIVI RAMMUS wukong is ass lol yasuo No yikes YES YES PogU LEE SIN no Nunu Yes gragas lee IVERN ITS GARBAGE lee sin OPLAYYY Lee you wont yes nO RENGAR WUKONG WUKONG WUKONG WUKONG YES YI LEE SIN KEKW IVERNNNN khazix YES DO IT lee bin nOOOO PLAY WI yasU ITS SHIT LEE SIN hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CallMeDaniel subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! We here with the back to back to back to back to back to back to back nocturne NUNUN cmonBruh RENGAR RENGAR discord cntent NO . NO HAHAHAH J4 Yiiiii kha LEE Rengr LEE vi noooo WU kha YES BLIND MECHANICS ivern LOL PLAY EVELYNN lee INVERNINVERNINVERNINVERNINVERN WUKONG NUUUUNU SIN GO LEE SIN REGNARRRR yi x oh no PepeLaugh j4 yup KEKW khakha master yi yasJAM YES YES YES YES mechanics Yi youre legit gonna int INVERN INVERNINVERN INVERN ITS NOT adrian no stream? CHO EVELYNN kha wukong is ass imagine wasting 120$ on some guy that does more than 1 million a year ivren BYE BYE BUDDY hes not here PogChomp ZOOOOOOOMIEE chimpFeelsGoodMan chimpFeelsGoodMan chimpFeelsGoodMan chimpMoe chimpMoe chimpMoe KEKW WUKONG LUL HERE WE GO KEKW lee sin LEE KAYN @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) Kindred Noc WUKONG ResidentSleeper yes monkies belong in the jungle tho zoom discord riven for contnet Call qty Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo xc ohnonono master yi bb @chimp NO ZOOM ZOOM KEKW @Yassuo change ur tts voice pls go warwick with predator @yassuo CHIMP LEFT XD @Yassuo its dogshit gg @exCoach we got KEKW here HYPERS NOPE 0/11 incoming PepeLaugh @chimpna wukong. warm up for 1v1s vs chimp OH NO NO PepeLaugh jeez games over CHIMPNA wow monkey rlly? cmonBruh WUKONG IS DOGSHIT CHIMP cmonBruh WU'D TRASH JUST NOW KEKW CALL him @Yassuo did you beat celeste? lmao yo ass gonna feed Is reginald in game?? wow u made atleast million already today :O chimp Pog E TU KEKW Did u ate Hrissa Tounseya @Yassuo ? INTSSUO BACK AT IT @chimp KEKW tyler1BB tyler1BB looking good CALL HIMM @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain @chimpna t 1 alpha as fuck wukong trash @ChimpNA He made chimp leave for smite Pog triumph smh PepeLaughing Lol yasClown INSPIRATION PepeLaugh nice champ @chimpna imagine watchin qt -16 yasANELE @Chimpna triumph alactrity Lee sin teach how to get 100cs in 10min pls @chimp triumph alactrity triumph alactrity triumph OMEGALUL SIMP CHIMP CALL HIM| jkfhsldkfhsfksdfhzsdfhzsD @Yassuo he coming ho do you get this runed hud? H4uptschule subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! yasHYPERS lee yasR Play udyr ChimpNA he gone fsdjflkdsjlkflksdfjlk;sdjflskdf;sldkfsdlkfjds @Tellmewhynot yasHYPERS so ur professionally inting now @Yassuo you beat celeste? BYE BYE BUDDY dsfdsfsdfksdl;fksd;kfsd;fds; ANELE l KAYNE @Schurke03 what's with this E TU meme? !uptime The stream has been live for 47 minutes 52 seconds @zoom saioakldlakdjslakdjaslkdjaksdlkqajdsa dopsu9wapodjahrw09adihjisiohwhiah @chimpna triumph alacrity asdfaeawefasdf @Zoomer hothouse kbds6jgfds Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo x raging_degenerate subscribed with Twitch Prime. CALL QTY fhhdjcjfnc adrian vs viper disrespectful brat thinking everyone watches his stream rdhtsjzdgkuhfligöopllkjhfgdfsjdkf @elftype you lasthit minions buddy XD zx;lxjnx;lzjnlzxchlfxcngxfoujg !keyboard CORSAIR K95 RGB PLATINUM Mechanical Gaming Keyboard FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish morgana @Yassuo Did u ate Harissa TOunseyaa before !? N @Yassuo ur even a faster typer then T1 @wlti he's been pro inting asdasd thepunisheryb -> Please refrain from posting links. triumph alactrity yasHYPERS CALL HIM Bye bye buddy D: triumph alactrity triumph alactrity SelectShad0w -> Please refrain from posting links. BYE BYE BUDDY @chimpna @lolquydeptrai hiii U.GG LUL KEKW RarePepe LULW BYE BYE BUDDY LULW true KEKW LUL Monkey noises* how do you get this runes hud? BibleThump @Yassuo UGG KEKW CUT DOWN TRIMPH ya kalb @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor Kekw triumph coup de grace LUL KEKW PepeLaugh TeaTime duh Sorcer WUKONG HAS 44% WR JUNGLE OMEGALUL KAPPA @ultrenjun hi lol boots and time warp HARAMBEEEEEEEEE shimp unistone :)) time to int KEKW Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo b CALL QTIE triumph and coup de grace shrimpNA @Yassuo NO TRIMPUH CHANGE SKIN Kimo221 subscribed at Tier 1. KEKW NOT WRONG rek'sai gonna give it to ya y Peepo yah kelb itssliV yah kelb itssliV yah kelb itssliV yah kelb itssliV Go mr Are all these words in your title your new year resolutions? @Yassuo COUPE ketz go oda1 oda2 odaWink odaWink odaWink odaWink W U K OMOEGALUL N G @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain CALL HIM trimph and final blow CHANGE SKIN PLEASE PEEPO youssef ANELE ANELE ANELE attackspeed triumph coup de grace i mean tena and coupp Fix your hair that shit looks whack Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo k is wuk Useless ? Really ? @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet? shot skni @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? change sjkin hi from greece TAKE NIMBUS U HAVE SMITE TAKE NIMBUS U HAVE SMITE TAKE NIMBUS U HAVE SMITE nice WATERWALK ABSOLUTE @Yassuo CALL HIMMMMM :( presence of mind Yassuo Pog default the fudgies are smacking the giants thankm god KEKW SAVED Pog odaBicepR odaHa odaBicepL KEKW Pog dodged Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo l G OIVERN @chimpna r u here? LEE SAD loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool DODGE KEKW SAVED peepoPog @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet? @Yassuo change ur tts voice pls TRUE KEKW play varity in preseason shit saved Int dodged PogU KEKW saved PogU @Yassuo Aphelious thoughts? saw Brockhampton friday the show was crazy SAVED peepoPog <# KEKW How sad Pog Pog IM StAYING Saved KEKW ???????????????????????????????????????????? SAVED Pog Pog saved from wukong HAHAHAHAAHA SAVED PogU KEKW FAT SUPPORT KEKW @Yassuo if there a website i can check what rank i am with a sertain character ? SUPPORT cap Kappa shit SUP KEKW Kapp LMFAO haHAA SAVED PogYou haHAA 10/10 haHAA fat haHAA bad! ugly haHAA haHAA haHAA GOOD FAT shit ego good EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW haHAA He gonan gets destroyed by kong SUPP OMEGALUL RT 8/10 haHAA UGLY KEKW KEKW Go Sej @yassuo haHAA Yo Moe, are all these words in your title your new year resolutions? @Yassuo hot ????????? qt again LULW 7/10 UGLY KEKW DansGame haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA good cute haHAA KEKW UGLY average CUTE HAHAHHAHAHA hot af sexy 6/10 gau 8/10 7/10 SUPPORTTTT fresh 5/10 SEXY fat I guess :) clapped ugly BLITZ INCOMING KEKWWWWW Sexy haHAA yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat hairy af @Yassuo trash FAT KEKW cute haHAA like shit SUPPORT KEKW LUL ok FINE haHAA 7/10 @Yassuo SUP for qt haHAA 10 crackhead 7/10 you look good! You look gay KEKW Hot ugly gay haHAA 3/10 KEKW STUPID homeless craackhead haHAA ugly HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH Fat WutFace 8/10 SUPPPORT KEKW PLAY BLITZ odaHa UGLY 5/10 8/10 haHAA TriHard TriHard TriHard QT SUPPORT KEKW THIIICCCCCCCCCCCCC KEKW PICK YASUO PLS 10/10 KappaPride dapper good haHAA ugly af 0/10 haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA HAHAHA Pog KEKW KEKW fat KEKW UGLY KEKW @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? 10/10 BLAD KEKW 8/10 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL as a girl yes u kinda lookin cute @Yassuo cute It's okay, your hair could be better 7/10 he do be lookin kinda fresh tho lookin like a snack haHAA KEKW 7/10 haHAA that chest hair coming out your shirt doe DansGame haHAA 9/10 HOMELESS haHAA ssssssssssssss FT ugly 10/10 SEXY haHAA SUPPORT KEKW !uptime he do be lookin kinda fresh tho. haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA The stream has been live for 49 minutes 3 seconds budget jonah hill4 haHAA xqcSad xqcSad 8 hhhhhhhhhhhh beautiful u fat haHAA haHAA HAHAHAHA okay u look sexy asf HAHAHAHA solid 5 YOU LOOK LIKE A HOMELESS FUCKING IDIOT he do be lookin kinda fresh tho odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad WutFace @Odablock lmfao haHAA SUPPORT LMAO ugly haHAA GENUINELY CREEEENGE 6 haHAAA 7.5/10 @Yassuo :) he do be lookin kinda fresh tho. haHAA haHAA haHAA 8/10 boi YOU LOOK FINE AS HELL ;) I AM A GUY AND I WOULD FUCK YOU @Yassuo u look like a pickle 1.5/10 Hahaaaaaaaa @Yassuo wow yeah u look great -11/10 10/3 @Yassuo sup cutie ugly ass hell KEKW KEKW KEKW haHAA itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV HAHAHAH -10/10 KEKW yikes Adrian Pog Kappa You look handsome, but need better attire. time to whip out that Blitzcrank I guess @Yassuo CLEAN AF BRO Pull out he blitz again 1/!0 1/!01/!01/!0 kalb KEKW odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa good! @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain Gay ANELE he do be lookin kinda fresh tho budget jonah hulll cmonBruh cmonBruh 8/10 8/10 14/6 Gay haHAA . cuuuuute us fuck haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA sexy man yasGood WALLAHI haHAA haHAA 10/10 KappaPride 1/!0. odaHa WALLA BRO SUPPORT IMAQTPIE KEKW TRUE KEKW itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame HAAAAAAAAAA not @Yassuo stop shaving your neck hair F 5/10 AT MOST KEKW UGLY SUPPORT AUTOFILL 7/10 ! Roasted KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ANELE ANELE ANELE F Haha 1/!0., 11/10 lol your hair is just messy your look alright g no homo and complete honesty 7.5 BLITZ SUP KEKW SEXY Y @odablock LULW @Yassuo you look good bro. you know you got it work it 8/10 ANELE YASUO SUPPORT KEKW 2/10 ok DELUUUSIONAL 4/10 LUL BLITZS lagggggggggggggggg 1/!0 haHAA odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa u have no fashion sense @Yassuo Kapp yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue CHUCK??? @Odablock Pull out the blitz you bot HAHAH UGLY AND FAR @Odablock WHATS THE ZEBT AT insecure what can i do wirh f 8 . 10 yas5 SUPPORTING QTPIE Now youre going to hell itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV FAT budget jonah hilllll xd Like normal dude HAHAHAHA you are cute af D: mod abuse mod abuse mod abuse CREEEEENGE WALLAHI ANELE KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride PICK BLITZS KEKW support lmao odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa cute af adiren Pog 8 u look good but u have no style @Yassuo Solid 5/10 @Odablock sit zumass odaFire U look acquisit cuuuuuuutee WALLA ANELE pettansderrier -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. ay ladies rec that hair tho !uptime 0.3/10 odaWink odaWink odaMald odaMald odaMald odaWink @Odablock its okay dont believe him you are beautiful The stream has been live for 49 minutes 23 seconds 0/10 yasTrue KEKW 1/10 @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) i am a lady u look bad ANELE WALLAH Support bro sameee Fiddle SUPPORT FOR QT KEKW OMEGALUL ur 0 8-10 waallahi @Yassuo im going to send you a dick pic :) moe blitz u look good but u have no style @Yassuo LUL itssliA itssliA itssliA itssliA itssliA Kapp Honestly Moe you look fine as helll todayyy vallahi billahi KEKW you look like the hottest Austist on Twich and there are so many around keep slaying my man LULW Sire KappaPride Next slide Pls Kapp yasuo. support. yo what happened with you nd Momo F F F F F PICK BLITZ PogChamp LOL you're definitely insecure Play Sej @yassuo Are all these words in your title your new year resolutions? @Yassuo delusional it must be those big arms egg with a neck beard Pyke SUPPORT wallah WALLA ANELE bro anyone who talks this much about themselves is insecure as fuck Kapp ANELE MY BROTHER @Yassuo Dont swear KEKW like an ant LUL yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald WALLAHIIIIII What can i do with 7 k channel points? KEKW @Yassuo u jerk off to yourself too? Brother Oda is just jealous of your nice head of hair @Yassuo I actually saw somebody that looked like you in Walmart. @Yassuo being confident is good but moe confident is the worst thing that could happen to you. KEKW JUST DONT BE INSECURE 4HEad i'd fuck him :P ANELE yasN KEKW ??? walahy u look like za moon LUL KEKW LÇMAO BALD KEKW WALLAH ANELE LUL MALD KEKW SHOMAL XD imaqtpie more handsome LUL Yo moe i really wanna 1v1 u man i think that u are a great yasuo and i wanna do a 1v1 so i can learn something from u and maybe who knows i can beat u xd go irl then Yassuo @Yassuo where did that Wallah came from? u never used it before ? kewk LULW BALD KEKW bald hahaha LULW LUL yo dog, wasup KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL lag -1.253 / 10 2/3 thats why you went to the gym right? cuz you aint insecure KEKW BALD YEAAAH SURE Kappa ??? KEKW w Blitz KEKW KEKW ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump KEKW TRUE KEKW 4Head LAG LUL BALD PepeLaugh he do be lookin kinda fresh tho why do u need all that validation then @Yassuo @Yassuo teach me to be confident plz solat brother KEKW what about when you look homeless AYAYA ADRIAN AND QTPIE PogChamp ADRIAN AND QTPIE PogChamp ADRIAN AND QTPIE PogChamp you are insecure as fuck lmao Yes you look so good no joke KEKW KEKW BALD BALD KEKW go gym SERHAAAAAAT -> Please refrain from spamming caps. CAN WE GET THE BLITZ GOD odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa odaHa delusional So confident? Look at bjerg interview @Yassuo @Yassuo UR LAGGY @odablock I heard u got shanced @Yassuo BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW u look like man who hides semen into customers pizza KEKW U BALD KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald ANEL MALD LUL Play with Quy!!! show him the bjerg interview @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor on yasuo lagg?? KEKW KEKW MALDING KEKW @Yassuo would you be as confident if you were bald though cam is laggi8ng thats what an insecure guy would say KEKW KEKW BALD ODA @Yassuo UR LAGGY @Yassuo UR LAGGY you spent too much time with ur family , a lot of walla KEKW BALD GoodTheCookieIs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! FeelsGoodMan Clap NEXT SLIDE EVEN UR CAM IS LAGGING CUZ OF HOW UGLY U LOOK LIKE wrong person MOE BALD KEKW AI SUPPORT PART 2 budget jonah hillll KEKW BALD Boi don’t swear ull go to hell Play blitz KEKW 12/10 @yassuo PixelBob ANELE xqcE But cursed with being stupid as well. :( You can't have everything I guess Kappa BigBrother being secure is a sign of unintelligence KEKW MONKEY :P BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKW @Yassuo Pepega play blitz flame Pepega KEKW Balding Isn't Fun Chat :( flamingo BALD FLAME KEKW pepega KEKW cam lag habibi @yassuo you lookin nice flamingo Fkin 7mar u speak too much LEE SIN NICE NEW YORK INTERNET FLAME Pepega Laggggg Imma blitz main wallahi KEKW bro you lagging @Yassuo KEKW FLAME KEKW @Yassuo UR LAGGY @Yassuo / UR LAGGY KEKW Flamingo NOT FLAME @Yassuo @Yassuo Can you try gangplank next flame Pepega can you play bts 3Arab hahat subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! anybody with mad money should be confident kek its flamingo Pepega diamond flame KEKW @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor on yasuo ????? @Yassuo PLAY WITH QUY PLEASE @madarasharingan how is he jonah hill LMFAO flame Pepega @yassuo Yasuo supp SLick KEKW lmaooooooooooo diamond flame KEKW KEKW Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday LULW !elo PogChamp Kreygasm Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP SIMP EZ KEKW PLAY PYKE DO IT !uptime @Yassuo make sure the bot doesnt load in this time The stream has been live for 50 minutes 11 seconds KEKW LUL @odablock KEKW ????????? KEKW @Yassuo IT WAS FLAMINGO Pepega Clap KEKW SIMP KEKW @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) LULW LULW @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet? you do really look good moe but you should be more humble sometimes I think wtf lol 1V1 ME @Yassuo im going to send you a dick pic :) FREE GIRL Pog EZ Clap supp OMEGALUL yall should know better, moe's only into guys smh DO IT Kreygasm you spent too much time with ur family , a lot of walla KEKW play talon @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? On scale of 10 how good is ur arabic ? @Yassuo VWHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp WHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp WHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp ADRIAN TROLL XD it is <3 FREE GIRL MOE, TAKE THAT 1 V 1 Pog can you give me ? Kreygasm @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor on yasuo ? ...8 @Yassuo wait are we talking about the older sister or younger sister @Yassuo Play Senna Pog Pimping his sister WeirdChamp SENNA KEKW yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ WHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp you have smite @Yassuo show qt the blitzcrank run it back LMAO my friend was the Jayce against us last game GO BLITZ LMAO forsenCd @Yassuo 1v1s today? @Yassuo Blitz PepeHands Noone =gonna marry his sister dude WHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp WHAT IF SHES CUTE AS FUCK ? PogChamp @lolosho12 english pls forsenCD KEKW TAKE THE DEAL Pog oh no no no blitz Enesbitt81 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! nblitz PYKE SWAIN senna WUKONG LUL yess blitz its doomed @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet??? PogU forsenCD yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ yasW_SQ oh no TAKE HER SISTER Pog Miss every hook again ResidentSleeper thresh Pog AYAYA ? KEKW BC DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo AI GAMEPLAY Pog hey do u ever read anything but donations DIVORCE KEKW F is for flash damnit full ap PepeLaugh read my name INT QT KEKW Weeat in the shat AYAYA DARK HARVEST U AINT NO BITCH TAKE HER SISTER peepoPog DO IT odaBicepR odaHa odaBicepL HE PLAYING A BOT AGAIN mr_firefly13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! <3 in chat TARIC. HE'S GAY AS WELL KappaPride AYAYA PepeLaugh Here we go EZ Win with Adrian Pog peepoArrive AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU DEMOLISH SENNA????? WHY U GO BLITZ MONKEY CDR predator @Yassuo DH KEKW MOE BLITZ KEKW @yassuo hash ban me from twitch chat for no reason yo u need me as ur stylist man u have no style no cap @Yassuo what u think about new season @Yassuo ? dark harvest ayyyyyy Soraks 10 subs for every Q miss @Yassuo aftershock GO AP losing to t1 in rivals omegalul yasS PowerUpL LUL PowerUpR GO APP INTING MUSIC INTENSIFIES here we go KEKW literally turns down a hard 10 @excoach k sry that guy wants to pork his HOT sister nice its all left side AYAYA ? DEMOLISH GO APP GO AP @Yassuo do you go down ( if you know what i mean )? AI GAMEPLAY PogU RESOLVE RUNES? demolish conditioning and overgrowth Sorak Guardian alll left side @Yassuo - Nimbus Cloak + Hexflash = OP @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor on yasuo ap PepeLaugh Blitz Yasuo Main @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) ALL LEFT SIDE @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? full ap use omnistone Your cam is lagging as hell Pepega Clap next frame Soraka webcam is so lagged APPPPP PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks ALL LEFT SIDE RUNES didn't you say you were going to get a fade? GO AD Duo qtie Qt trolling what u think about diana ? @Yassuo @Yassuo Did u ate Harissa tounseya before ? Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW mohamad when is pummel Hershey492710 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AP FULL AP Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo precipitation LOL Stylish is better yasuo than Moe SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood THRESH @yassuo COPYING TYLER2 WeirdChamp full ad BLITZ ur literally copying t1 lol precipitation PINOY PLAY THE INTING MUSIC ew man PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Get the iblitzcranck 0 HOOKS 0 HOOKS 0 HOOKS 0 HOOKS Precipitation KEKW karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA thats the worst skin Call qt pls :) LMAO D: DansGame Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo j copying t1 KEKW Go biscuits Here we go int again PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR My sub gonna end, can I have another ? @Yassuo can you say hello to my friend natillas he is a big fan and hi from spain tell adrian to stream PepeHands OMEGALUL POG Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo t @Yassuo iBlitz is a cheater skin. you should have went that KEKW KEKW KKonaW KEKW KEKW t1 fanbouy WINCEST piltover customs skin KKona Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo e gift subs per missed hook pussy @Yassuo thats what qt used to do when he gave a fuck @yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer or statik shiv with stormrazor on Yasuo ??? hey do u ever read anything but donations??! Precipitation worst skin SadChamp Am I late? wait what LKEKW KINGE7 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! YO remember my name One day I will become even bigger than you yasU yasU yasU @Yassuo ur cam is lagging btw KEKW Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo w moe my sub ends tommorow can i get a new one nvm !v1 ? @Yassuo Did u ate Harissa tounseya before ?? can i have a sub can you play bts ? one missed hook --> 10 gifted subs Cheer100 Yo Moe the boy almost D2, you already know we about to start streaming league for that quality content. Pick me up next Twitch Rivals ez clap Next Slide Copying Tyler1 WeridChamp Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo q KEKW Rusty to match your league skills KEKW DIDNT CHANGE KEKW best tip to claim from gold AChangeisGonnaCome subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! You should listen to Dollar by Becky G do it like denaf Why did ur favorite restaurant get closed down in NY lol @Yassuo i Bot with QT KEKW Only soloq today? Kreygasm @Yassuo wallahi stop saying wallahi PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks yasuo123456sdds ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? !followage what the fuck are channel points yasU @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? @yassuo what u think bout removing brawler glove? SG Syndra Kreygasm @Yassuo your stream is lagging af i was gonna q but i wanna watch you get flamed by imaqt sypherW sypherW sypherW <3 adrian riven pog Imaqtpie yes yes yeah YES MY MAN KKona why does akali keep getting picked or banned ? wassup Solidsnake yes SOLID SNAKE NOCTURN JUNGLE Pog 2 SNAKES IN THE GAME Pog yes NO THE AP ONE no go ABDUL ANELE ap best tip to claim from gold? yes steel sholder NO relic RELIC SHJIELD relic shield relic @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) shoulderguard PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks support ResidentSleeper @Yassuo SHOUL;DER PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR 4Shrug you baboon relic relic ap if he lands the first q he throws ill tell my crush that i love her PogChamp pinoy get ready for int montage 5 gifted subs per missed hooks AP omg is that the best blitz NA sHoW uS yOuR RoLeX PepeLaugh What if his sister told him that she likes you and told her brother to donate to lose on purpose so he can give u her number relic relic lrelc 3Head 5HEAD Please refrain from posting links. abu shreek det ik gratis at kig sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy sanchPoggy WeirdChamp trkMoedusa yeah trick ? put me on the map True Yassuo a millionaire ? KEKW ADRIAN QT MEO yasThink @Yassuo call qt? trillionaire @Yassuo is yas have lag @Yassuo but still you backstab TRICK M,E,OPE,P yassuo took trick off the map KEKW trick would like a word @Yassuo go troll enemys blue yea trick was really on the map YES C OMEGALUL D its trash trash @Yassuo what about trick #AD dont @ichewbuds Pog its ASS @Yassuo U BEEN LAGGING ALL STREAM YES BUT YOU WILL GET SMACKED yes YES trash yeah but got bored already heck no that game is cancer N OMEGALUL @Yassuo YES 10 fps @Yassuo Pepega Clap STREAM IT so laggy NO KEKW go troll enemy blues trash YES what is this lag bro? Check Scarra's twitter @Yassuo its ass LULW @Yassuo like you did to trick2g at rivals? snake. stream It Pog STREAM IT Pog yea DansGame COD N OMEGALOL campaign is 5 hours and sick its good TIKTOK SONG KEKW c OMEGALUL d its good F ITS SO GOOD lagging yeah its wayyyyyy good KEKW KEKW GOT HIS CAREER HANDED TO HIM KEKW how is he become a millionaire?from lol? ???????????????????????????????????????????????' sanchSexy HI THERE CUTIE 0/1 0/1 KEKW ??? ????????? LOL LULW not today LULW STREAM IT POG KEKW lel smart KEKW HOOK COUNTER: 0/1 @Yassuo UR LAGGING ?? its awesome @Yassuo LOL ?? @Yassuo play the story on hardest diff pussy 1 Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? its good af @Yassuo Can u rage ?? Whack lol yoo 0/1 5Head 5Heasd STREAM IT 5Head 36% 0/1 you and raj put sliker on the map PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks PepeLaugh ---> 0 landed hooks 5Head 0/1 KEKW @Yassuo you better stram it 0/1 ER´,E´+AS' 0/1 ez MENA lost KEKW KEKW Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? gg @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo avroovulcan -> Please refrain from spamming caps. LOL W8 TILL HE STARTS KEKW LUL KEKW 0 hooks PepeLaugh welcome to blitz KEKW ggwp KEKW 0/1 yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald ?????????? lag EACH Q 1 SUB KEKW KEKW LULW yassuo xD gift a sub for every hook u miss @Yassuo Moe gifts sub for every hook missed You should have went the Ap health support item rather than the ad item cause you have ap scaling. Nautilus is much better here it comes KEKW You’re gonna get your ass clapped in COD people are too good now yasSpit is that tobito lulw hes doing a Yassuo impression why did you get the ad support item AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU KEKW yeah, blitzcrank needs quite a lot of mana for his hooks opinion on pun1sher @Yassuo opinion on pun1sher @Yassuo Pog POG OK PogChamp 1/2 1 1 @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo !!! @Yassuo Pofg 1/1 Pog 1/é 1-1 Pog Pog each Q i do nothing 1/2 pog PogU 1/2 ok 1/2 Pog Pog 1-1 PogU @Mythik16 my guy you didn't just call this a tiktok song did you? 1/2 PogU Pog 1/1 Pog POGGERS Pog 1/2 Pog 1/2 LOL @iqoverflow wussup ^^ XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pog OK Pog 1/1 Pog OK pog 1/2 POG pog 1/2 KEKW yasN_SQ OK MOE HOOK COUNTER: 1/2 Pog 1/2 @ichewbuds Do it Pog OKAY hi @Yassuo hope youre doing well today man Pog PogChamp 100 mana PogU orochi2244 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Support main now i see 1/2 oom pro player Pog @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) nevere hook againf or 100% Pog i seee that GIFT 1 SUB PER MISSED HOOK 1/1 1/2 gift subs for missing hooks @Yassuo HE LANDED ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1/2 Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? @yassuo 1-1 maybe support is your true calling @Yassuo Don’t pull till 2 yasU 2/3 Pog POG PogU sgeesh Pog 2/1 Pog 2/3 Pog Pog PogMe ???? Pog 2/3 Pog pOGu 2/3 POG Pog Pog I SEEEE Pog Pog WTF PogU WHO IS THIS GU PogU yoo PogU Pog Pog INSANE Pog POG Pog PogU PogU WTF 2/3 Pog 2-1 Pog 2/3 Pog HOLYYYYYYY Pog PogU POGGG WTFFFF WTF Pog WTFWFTWFTWTFT GOD DAMN PogU PogU PogChamp SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH Pog Pog POGGGGGGGGG LEL HOOOOOLY INSANEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DansGame that range Pog Pepega 📣 AAAAAAAAAA KEKW ??? KEKW Pog Pog POG ASF 2/3 POG LOLOLOL POG POG Pog POG Po g Pog Pog PogYou ????? XD Pog Pog Pog Pog THE GOD HAND PogYou PogU Pog WHOOO IS THI S GUYY PogU PogU pog lmfao SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH UR SO CLEAN WutFace PogU POG wow great OMG KEKW WTF POG POG POG SHEEEESH CLEAN pog POG Pepega 📣 GAAAAAAAAAA ?????????????????????????/ Pog nother one POG EZ POG WHO IS THIS GUY Pog POG GO OFF HAMMOUDI PogYou PogYou LMFAO xqcWut THREADING THE NEEDLE LMFAO WTF Pepega TRIF MILSUGI Pog FAKER ON BLITZ HOLYYY Pog PogU PogChamp Pog mow going crazy MrDestructoid MrDestructoid KEKW 1 SUB FOR 1 MISSED SUB PogU Pog THIS AINT MOE W POGGERS W POGGERR POGGGGG PogYou pog poggggggggg pog synapse APHROMO IS THAT U ????? Pog ??????????????????????? SHEESH PogYou POGGER pog 22 Pog BEST BLITSCRANK NA >_< PogU CLEAAAN PogU PogYou LULW Pog WRF THE ANGLE PogU ACTUALLY FAKER WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY poh PogYOU MOE POG PogU SJEEEEEEEHHHHSSS Pog gay Poggers Clean AF LULW sheeesh CLEAN Pog IM DEAD Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa POGGERS Pog BLITZ GOD PogU TRUE KEKW OOOOOOOOOO lmao Pog HOLY best blitz na? opinion on pun1sher PogU poggers PagChomp THATY WAS NUTS RarScooby -> Please refrain from posting links. poog HAHAH YOU'RE INSANE POG PogU OMG pog gb FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch PogYou Pog WHO IS THIS GUY SHEEESHH MOE GOOD LOOKS PogU wwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooow CLEAN G A Y Kapp Kapp Broken Pog THIS AINT MOE POG OK MADLIFE SO SICK PogU :bull: 💩 bullshit PogYou Beautifulll 100T NEW SUPPORT PogU SMURFING KEKW ok madlife ok madlife LULW Kapp its the range buff WeirdChamp Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? SMURFING PogU KEKW QUITE DOWN JENSEN SLEEPING yasWeird QUITE DOWN JENSEN SLEEPING yasWeird QUITE DOWN JENSEN SLEEPING yasWeird QUITE DOWN JENSEN SLEEPING yasWeird YIIIIKES 😂 BRO sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh\ 100T Support???? PogU KEKW y tu PogU SOLARBACCA KEKW @Yassuo why r u banning Shaco? while abusing Yazu.. big puzz :) we get it xddd Kapp did some1 clip it?????? @yassuo moe is the best blitz NA MADLIFE KEKW how was the loss to nightblue kekw support to challenger No Kapp imagine thinking THIS SHIT IS BALANCED LMAO Clap no 🧢 yes Kapp KEKW Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? Damn wtf who is this guy Once moe on team, there must be feeding yasuo KEKW Like every other yas main pogu VoteNay Kapp xD Clip? Clap Moes hair KEKW Bruh no cap lit deadass 😂 Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss?? 2-3 ?????? Pepega 📣 AAAAAAAAAA Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : shaco is aids tommy_is_nice309 -> Please refrain from posting links. madlife LULW SmoocherZ yasR ez claps KEKW Exposed abusing yasuo ??? KEKW tru KEKW MOE IS COCONUT ANDY KEKW Pusssy LULW KEKW !playlist Is that Madlife KAPP 2/4 2/4 50% KEKW he misses every single one from now dont disrespect made life KEKW KEKW Pepega clap KEKW ??????????????????? LULW ??? KEKW KappaEqualsGrayFace haha WutFace COVER ? KEKW 2/4 -1k KEKW KEKW KEKW How come half of tf blades merch is kekw KEKW LULW yasSSS] ??????? KEKW hahahahahaahha ?????????? 2/4 2/4 LUL KEKW 2/4 LULW Pog mad* KEKW 2/4 KEKW 2/3 KEKW KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW 2-2 @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo KEKW KEKW HOOK lulw Pepega 2v4 2/4 ??, HAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH 2/4 LUL lmao ???????????????????' ????????? Kapp ?????? KEWK? MOOOO ????? Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss??? KEKWW LULW LULW 24/ MALDLIFE KEKW LULW 2/4 KEKW 2/4 ???????????? ? omegalol THAT SONG RIGHT IN THE FEELINGS ??? KEKw kapp KEW BECAUSE YOU STARTED WITH AD ITEM YOU HAVE NO MANA KEKW synapse v2 GIFT A SUB PER MISSED HOOK @Yassuo ?????? ????????????????????? KEKW Devovesley -> Please refrain from posting links. 0 hooks now KEKW ???????? yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS 2/4 Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? KEKW 2/4 ? ???????? 2/4 didn't you get that perfect girl's social atleast? @yassuo Kapp Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? KEKW int support ResidentSleeper 5Head CAN'T BE BROKEN xdxd TriDance ???????????????? KEWK i thogt i would hit KEKW TRUE TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW TRUE LMULW KEKW KEKW all true KEKW banger pepeD KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW 2/5 MOE BLITZ PogYou 2.5 SNAKE KEKW 2/5 KEKW kandyRIP 2/5 @hinekjsss1 ur weird 2/5 KEKQ TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW actyakky trye thi tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE TRUE KEKW 2/5 LULW ?????????? 2/5 2/5 KEKW ??? KEKW NOT FALSE KEKW KEKW THERE WE HO @Devovesley lol halts maul TRUE 2/5 LULW ?? 2/5 Trueee KEK TRUE THO trueeee 2/53 ? 2/5 KEKW LMFAOOOO 2/5 KEKW secretly mad KEKW Slowly but surely loosing his mental KEKW KEKW KEKW Nice Hook OMEGALUL yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasTrue yasTrue yasWeird @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne in saudi KEKW u MAD ????????????? THERE WE GOOOOO KEKW lol ???????????? True omgalul LUL KEKW moe you've really changed bro KEKW nice cannon !todayclip CHIILLL skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo SKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT KEKW Hey moe, i was wondering if you could kiss webcam same time as i do so it's like we eKiss? Skrrrrrrrrttttttt zhis syndra is so bad KEKW 2/5 SKKRRRRRR KEKW KEKW i see what you mean by twitch chat now ... what are these 5iq donations you dumb fucks KEKW @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne in saudi middaddy ?????????????? PepeLaugh KEKW Pepega quest @Yassuo are you going to do 1vs1 later ? upgrades by itsekf no one even brought up the snake meme KEKW malding Pepega DONT WATCH NOW HES SCARED it upgrades OMEGALUL ? they auto upgade no need ??????????????????????????????????? Pepega its a mission auto upgrades IT UPGRADES KEKW Pepega it auto evolves ?? KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh new items ????????????7 PepeLaugh ?????? ??????? PepeLaugh WITH GOLD auto upgrades Pepega TIME QUEST it auto upgrades now Pepega aight You are Gay no need DuckerZ HUH PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW bruh Pepega LUL Pepega it evolves LOL KEKW Pepega FIRST TIME SUPPORT S10 KEKW Pepega not pretending pepega KEKW KEKW LUL LUL Pepega @exCoach yasFat ???????????????? KEKW You really dont read patches Pepega it auto upgrade FailFish automatic PepeLaugh he doesnt know he does not read patch notes yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo !!! @exCoach PogU how have u just realised Pepega kek you see the gold puch above your spells, you need 500 gold @Yassuo KEKW can't buy them anymore, they'll get upgraded through use it PRESEASON10 BOTTT PepeLaugh HI !!!!!! are you slow? WW KS LULW PepeLaugh @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo a good yasuo on this stream Pog @KappaTron_420 yasN upgrades automatically POGGERS auto HAHAHAA hes better than u tbh @Yassuo Solid Snake nocturn Pog KEKW its more qs than you LUL YOU NEED TO WAIT FOR LEVEL UP YOUR ITEM yAS LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo (SEEE THIS) @exCoach accept friend request on league yasN ratirlHappy them pog punch Pepega challenger player btw @excoach xqcL he is dead dog @Yassuo you need 1000 to upgrade it fully age 15 jojopyun9 > MOE @hysey xqcL 5Head @exCoach nazemiH Kapp 5Head I see okay alicopter poor gp :( yassuo why are u that good? Kapp KEKW 4Head just kill him XDDDDD! Kapp Kapp Kappa AKingLikeMe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hell yeah Kapp Kapp KEKW read patch? Pepega Ok :) Kapp NA KEKW ok boomer HE'EL LW THAT SHIT ROFL TriKool ? Kappa ? ? ? KEKW ???? warded KEKW @moeisaniger cmonBruh ? ? ?????? ? ? ? peefed subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 8 month streak! whats good with it <3 come visit me in hawaii ill take you on stairway to heaven !!! ? ghoster ?? yasPride_SG KEKW nice one ? ? ? GHOSTER ? ? ? ? for you ?= @ichewbuds what did u tell ur imaginary crush ? Yup ? ? Kapp ur already the best support NA hi dad ? ? ? ? KEKW HE KNOWS (GHOSTING KEKW) HAHA kekw you just lost 2 lvls of exp by sitting mid doing nothing xD @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo ( NO SEEN) rip xp ? Do you put anything in your hair ? ?? LMFAOOOO hell no ghosting @moeisaniger KEKW ? he knows dude OMEGALUL its fkin warded ritard Warded lel Ghosting WARDED ? help syndra !delay KEKW Pog BEST SUPPORT lamooo Lvl 3 KEKW KEKW KEKW good one man Ghosting LUL LUL yasNLT @Yassuo MATCHMAKING IS TERRIBLE RIGHT NOW U WWILL DIE FROM TRYHARDS IN MW @Gromidon thanks man KEKW d AFK SUPPORT Pog yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT helo @cosmick102 uhm he missed the first one. and i wish she was imaginary bro @exCoach :) @SENPUx10 no shit! you must be faker! hello warded @SENPUx10 you are super smart! PogU Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Gromidon fucking snitch word on the street is you locked in wukong best yasuo ? JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH @Yassuo what do you think about replacing phantom dancer and statikk shiv with stormrazor @Yassuo qt made you KEKW best sup ? sex or food? got dodged? SAAD] no balls to go shojin @Yassuo @sf90h KEKW KEKW :))) ROFL WHY ARE U BULLYING ME KEKW pepeD xDDDDDD @tellmewhynot peepoPog its you @ChimpNA he did KEKW LUL LUL !delay bye dad broooooooo yasM03 @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? YASUO PLAYER KEKW leave him alone hes 15 thats how it feels when you int on yas ??? yassuo u think hashinshin is challenger player? @ichewbuds the one in the drake pit was troll buy extra dagger wait did i miss the wukong game or did it get dodged tfbINNOCENT tfbKS @hysey yasH why supppp???? ????????????????????????????? yasuo is cosplaying you KEKW @ChimpNA you will always be ther better Wukong go hob with it KEKW cringe how u talk this yas bad to prove ur better @Yassuo mo3 KEKW Guys what’s yassuos real name @ChimpNA dodged @ChimpNA dodged CADE OS BR? @ChimpNA dodged yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 @Yassuo ty @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet??? @ChimpNA dodge yasTrue yasTrue hit that shit pussy POG POG moe Pog im seeing you when i look at the yasuo 0/3 wtf PogU @cosmick102 i said the first one idc man PogU POG Pog pog ???? 3/5 Pog @Yassuo Why are you so boring in stream but so good in videos? Pog pOG PogU Pog STOP IT Pog EZ SEEEHS THIS ISNT MOE PogU PogU Pog Pog SHEESH Pog Pog EZ KS PogU KEKW Pog 3/6 SHEESH Pog PogChamp 3/6 Pog BEST BLITZ NA???????????? Pog BEST SUPPORT NA Po 3/6 Pog @ur_senpai06 youre idiot or loser pog SO EASY 3/6 KEKW pog PogU OK MOE ks KEKW PogU sex or food? SMURF PogU 3/5 wHAT PogU 3/6 CLEAN Kapp Pog KS KEKW PogChamp Clean AF PogYou outplayed KEKW 3/6 3/6 POG 3/5 he did it again that range is dumb 3/6 pog POG PogChamp EZ NICESUU PogU actually smurfing @cosmick102 also im a pussy so yeah KEKW 100T new support shit's too EAAASYYY boy ur so bad man stop taking kills @Yassuo kAPPA BETTER THAN MADLIFE PogYou SOMEONE ELSE PLAYING FOR MOE KEKW truuuue virgin Pog PogU @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? FOOD Kreygasm TRUE KEKW ???? FOOD Kreygasm Food Pog Kap Kappa food ???????? F +1 true Food Pog Itsmydadsbirthday -> Please refrain from posting links. sex is food god boyboy KEKW kAPPA VIRGIN KEKW gay Kapp sure Kappa LUL you deserved the kill more Kappa trueee TRUE KEKW LUL SeemsGood @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 FACTS F OMEGALUL OMEGALUL D FOOD OMEGALUL fat that was good Kappa the enemy definitely isnt braindead Kappa h yasFat KEKW yasSnake yasSnake Kapp he never had sex KEK @ichewbuds TRUE KEKW SEX OR LP????? @Yassuo fat 4Weird SEX WITH FOOD @Yassuo how do you feel about sanguine blade on yass honestly truel tho TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE KEKW HARAAM cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW @Yassuo u don't look fat anyway cmonBruh the best NA duo SeemsGood cmonBruh you eat pork? cmonBruh KEK hm cmonBruh KEKW ANELE WTF cmonBruh KEKW cmonBruh D: KEKW @Yassuo u cant pick between sex and food when u dont get sex in the first place KEKW cmonBruh LOL FOOD KEKW KEKW cmonBruh LOL cmonBruh CHU MEAN KEKW u can eat dat pussy though kek MOE cmonBruh ??? KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL GOOD HOOK PogU yasN yasFat KEKW cmonBruh KEKW U TROLL ????????? trolling KEKW KEKW yasN yasN E TU KEKW nice to meet you OMEGALUL ????????? yasMald TriKool LULW ?????????????????? KEKW APE FLASH KEKW Pepega ???????? carrying qt KEKW never loose huh ? Kappa dog what are your thoughts on the new champ? @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . Pepega Kreygasm cmonBruh NICE FLASH EKW lmao KEKW NA F That hook KEKW KEKW MOE LOOL KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW NICE HOOK U DUMMY WOW LMFAOOOO KEKW NA FLASH KEKW crazy plays respect PULLED HIM OUT OF STUN KEKW HOOKING IT OUT OF E PogU haha LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW bruh cmonBruh WTF NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis SO BAD KEKW you made him miss e xdd cmonBruh NA F KEKW NICE HOOK KEKW 4/7 saved janna KEKW LUL LMAOAOAOA that noise kekw 4/7 @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 ga LUL NA supp KEKW what the hell KEKW so bad He can't compare sex vs food, he never tried one of those 2 KEKW lmfaooooooooo MONKEU cmonBruh HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega HOLY SHIT Pepega SAVING JINX KEKW karasmCry karasmCry karasmCry KEKWWW u trolling 4/7 LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL best supp LelW NC FLASH LUL SYNERGY LULW @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . ouch Pepega trkMald trkMald trkMald LULW WIN TRADING KEKW NICE F KEKW ??? lululululululul LULW @Yassuo u dont realize but u do the same thing as that yasuo every game KEKW KEKW ululu cmonBruh fuck yu say? dragged him out out of qt stun KEKW lululul i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm i0kiGasm @Yassuo can you fix your stream title, it should be Domination not dominating. Thanks. @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 ululul ???????????????????? ulululu KEK u sooo baad moe kapp Wtf mor BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEEEP LUL Pepega BEEEP THROW LANE KEKW lul reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ANYBODY ON MDMA RIGTH NOW? @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne Wtf moe PogU POG POG Pog Pog PogU Yassuo paid actor KEKW PogU C L E A N PogU Pog Pog BETTER THAN YOU KEKW pog Pog a good yasuo SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . KLEEN Pog BEST YASUO NA Pog OLD MOE??? lool new zalla video RESPEK Pog Pog Pog Pogu Better yas PogU pOGu IS THAT HIM POG better yasuo than u BETTER THAN YOU KEKW . Pog ITS M OMEGALUL E PogU @Yassuo can you fix your stream title, it should be Domination not dominating. Thanks.. POG GIFT A SUB PER MISSED HOOK @Yassuo Pog M PogU E Pog TAKE NOTES PogU POG POGU BETTER THAN YOU KEKW POGGERS PogU KEKW pog other moe :D Better than Moe KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOL pog MDMA KEKW KEKW Pog IM ON LSD KEKW Pog YHZHAHAH THAT HOOK @yassuo @Yassuo but gives you more damage and i think is more op He can't compare sex vs food, he never tried one of those 2 KEKW PogU pogchamp u right yasN Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo shojin or no balls @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 ? me :) TRUE KEKW 4/8 its therapeutic FeelsBadMan KEKW LSD ALL THE WAY in 2019? WTF RETA CHAT So I can't sniff a line while watching ur stream? Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp ???????? KEKW im on crack lmfao @Yassuo Kapp LUL Kapp Kapp im on a dildo bicycle Kapp ;)= Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp ? Kapp Kapp IM ON CRACK RIGHT NOW MOE Pog kappa Kapp ;) Kapp Kapp HARAM @Yassuo can you fix your stream title, it should be Domination not dominating. Thanks @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3,. Kapp Kapp Kapp ok Kapp watching League on acid is beautiful moe cutie bot lane how the fuck did this happen? Kapp ;) pog u inted qt Kapp Kapp TRUE KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp ;) Kapp Kapp Kappa Kappa Kap Pog IM ON CRACK RIGHT NOW MOE Pog yasSnake yasSnake Kapp @Yassuo Its haram Kapp moes a crackhead now FeelsBadMan IM ON CRACK RIGHT NOW MOE Pog Kapp Kappa TAKING DRUGS SO COOL PogU kappa Kapp youre a drug addict Kapp for fucking real lol if your able to sit down and chill while rolling Kappa Kapp Haram :) Kapp he legit has never done a single drug lmfao hope u dont take em yea u totally don't consume crack wait u take lsd? ANYONE ON CRACK? WideHard ;) Kappa @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 Pog IM ON CRACK RIGHT NOW MOE Pog mana KEKW so thats why u so dumb huh pa Kapp Kapp ur so bad man stop taking kills @Yassuo Kappa Kapp KappaHD Kapp im literally on shrooms rn adderal 3Head Kapp Kapp Kap lvl4 kekw who the fuck on mdma its 2pm on a sunday im on crack every day and it has ruined my life Kapp @rock_c9 english pls IM ON CRACK RIGHT NOW MOE Pog IM ON VODKA, IT COUNTS? what a slut ITS NOT MOE HE ISNT 0 5 INTING AND MAKING EXCUSES Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : thinking drugs are cool WeirdChamp @Yassuo LUL LUL still 4 level im on crack every day and it has ruined my life . Kapp eyyy BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage bro inting is haram i heard you're the new 100T support @r3con59 have a good trip YOINK LULW @exCoach i see you doing work yasH What WeirdChamp Flexing about consuming drugs WeirdChamp cool jokes WeirdChamp @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3. ?????? KEKW i've got the columbian flu what Kappa Kappa MOE MORE LIKE UGLY ?? w at 5/8 ??? Pog ??? spellshield ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????? @exCoach ok bro denied LUL ?? 5/8 you call yourself arab but you do drugs you junkie i inhale sperm on a daily basis @Yassuo are you doing 1vs1 later ? ?? ?? noc W pepehands? iron chat was spellshielded precipitation lmao @Subliminal44 Its the end of it, It's 6am lol IRON CHAT KEKW KEKW spellshield bronze chat IRON CHAT DOESNT KNOW SPELLSHIELD IRON CHAT LULW another Kapp ?????????????????????????????????? Iron chat TriHard wow you havent screamed yet the stream is so enjoyable KEKW LULW orin chat KEKW LULW its called spell shield IRON CHAT KEKW TriHard MY MAN KEKW KEKW that does couint? LULW iron chat LULW LULW adrian stream link pls KEKW @Yassuo did riot ask you to come to the league event in saudi 5/9 IRON CHAT KEKW squadR IRON CHAT KEKW BRONZEEE X20 CHAT KEKW @Steeef98 CLAR KEKW NORI CHAt squadW conquerror420 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! hi moe KEKW CHAT " IRON CHAT KEKW " SHUT UP BITCH Inting KEKW moe dont fk around with ecstasy just stick to weeed dat ward Pog D @D0nkec CAN WE MEET KEKW @andrei99 steeefHI squadHYPERW @r3con59 ah, its 2pm where i am: prime tripping time haHAA HERE COMES THE "IRON CHAT" TA GUEULE LA PUB TA PUTAIN DE MERE ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? 6/9 PogU hi :) KEKW HERALD 6/9 stll lvl 5 squadW lvl 5 KEKW overkill Pog @PCGamerBG12 @groooovee @alexb19 @Bekxs13 @Alertminotar IRON CHAT KEKW como estas moe :) monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteKappa monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteKappa monteGASM2 monteGASM2 monteKappa monteKappa monteGASM2 monteGASM2 @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 QTIE CAPS KEKW Oh god moes blitz my eyes squadW 6/9 Kreygasm @prosjecniklosar yes i do big business kappa hi yasuo / moe. im a big fan and hae question to you: are you family from zayn malik, khabib and kendall jenner?///// BIG GREETS FROM ME Noc flaming the shit out of his team rn GOLD CHAT KEKW yo NA HOOK KEKW adrian stream lionk pls send me KEKW @cosmick102 shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LULW ? uo @morgoshiailia just get good, silver is bad Are you not supposed to max E? KEKW CHALLENGER CHAT BrawlDeal Kapp nori tahc TPFufun TRUE LULW a lil treat KEKW ur gonna throw TRUE LLU Kapp KEKW ye Kappa LUL streamers squad Pog @Yassuo go get the treat you fucking dog 1/1/2 deserved KEKW How low r ur standards bro when u reset youll get the 3 wards @cosmick102 dude im legit p4 MEJAS LUL it upgrades again at 1000 monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE monteWE respect LOL respect.. Kappa KEKW yasHYPERS_SG yasS it upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . hi yasuo / moe. im a big fan and hae question to you: are you family from zayn malik, khabib and kendall jenner?///// BIG GREETS FROM MExx yasANELE it upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo it upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo play another sup game LULW how did u increase fps k @cosmick102 jokes on you i don't even play this game 5Head KEKW wait yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird BUILD PROTOBELT tslW PepeLaugh @cosmick102 ? you said respect 6 times this game xd pog kekw 7/10 PogU KEKW Are you not supposed to max E? yasThink @Bekxs13 Embarrassed KEKW 3 ult KEKW respect? 7/10 @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 SO BAD ulti- E @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet?? NOC BALANCED KEKW 4WeirdW danKEK BloodTrail enemy double kill! yasWeird yasWeird dont get mejais bud supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo WW?!?! yasWeird LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo @PCGamerBG12 *IRON 4 KEKW SUPPORT DIFF Kappa LULW THE TIME MrDestructoid OF MAN MrDestructoid HAS COME MrDestructoid TO AN END MrDestructoid janna pog OK still better than Twitch Rivals @yassuo try to play thresh why stop at mejais treat yourself and get deathcap kappa @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . Rekt YAS KEKW yasuo diff @Yassuo ULTI - E habibi @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet??? yASUO KEKW @yassuo you would have got him if u built AP cums all over my tits PRESS R TO SILENCEE HIM HABIBI @Yassuo TITLE SAYS DP LULW supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo yasuo player lmao na you shoulda insta ulted no mmejai? QT IS BOOMER NOW LUL yasuo popping off red lens TriDance blooRee blooRee blooRee blooRee Hey guys can u guys follow Reckful , hes LIVE!!!, only if u can thought, hes channel is RECKFUL at twich tv,im just a fan helping him out, only if u can.....!, best of luck to u guys :) and have a amazing life, lol shojin or no balls @Yassuo @yassuo do any of your family members watch your stream? like nunu or cousins or something yasThink @Yassuo go get the treat you fucking dog im typing to u and im watching porn enjoy guys I CAN HEAR QT NOW... WOW THAT ACTUALLY KILLED ME??? KEKW RQ LULW KEKW KEKW 5Head Adrian 2 deaths IMAGINE YIKES @alexb19 Called out Homie KEKW IRON KEKW KEKW adrian LULW Adrian LUL U could've save him tho Respect LUL KEKW THAT Q ADRIAN LULW @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 .. ADRIAN MALDING KEKW I LOVE YOU RQ KEKW ADRIAN LULW you re playing on north america ? aadrian LUL supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo supp item upgrades again at 1000 @Yassuo ADRIAN RQ KEKW RAGE ADRIAN KEKW ADRIAN DIPPED LULW adiran D: monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteKylo monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug monteBug holaaaa @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 adrian rage quit GGWP @Yassuo ur the best fuck the haters ADRIAN LULW @marko_strasna_faca he did it didnt do anything @Yassuo did riot ask you to come to the league event in saudi @Yassuo Zookdook how do u ijcrease fos in lol 3 1 nocturne, not too surprising qt got oneshot map DansGame @PCGamerBG12 @groooovee @alexb19 @Bekxs13 @Alertminotar IRON CHAT KEKW You guys can make a team KEKW @Yassup Tried Aphelios on PBE yet??? hey monkaW monkaW monkaS monkaS yasN monkaEyes monkaW @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . same kekw KEKW @Yassuo u do the same thing as that yasuo and u flame him LULW best map for blitz monkaW monkaW GP WeirdChamp monkaW ? monkaW SCARY monkaW monkaW monkaW lulw monkawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww map monkaW monkaW monkaS Why r u lvl 6 yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteAIM2 monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo monteKylo ... monkaW KEKW KEKW KAWWWWWWWWWWWWW @cosmick102 ? WWWWWWWWWW STOP SAYING LULW EVERYONE KNOWS KEKW IS SUPERIOR monkaW KEKW KEKW plus, gp used r too iirc KEKW WATCH OUT monkaW how we can get out of silver ? KEKW LUL KEKW pussies in the chat writing monkaW @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 CCANOOOOOOOOOOOON LUL KEKW map WutFace what lvl 9 KEKW KEWK TriHard KEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 READ U FKXCVX blame mep KEKW good one KEKW 7/11 PogMe 7/11 fame or fame so bad !rolez KEKW QT KEKW vingenious -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. !rolex 24.6k sub points Pog sup difff @Yassuo GP is watching your stream KEKW KEKW LUL LUL qt is KEWK KEKW @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 LULW ]qt lmao KEKW QT KEKW look at this sup diff FLAME QT PLKS tahm kench is better voyunMEGA voyunMEGA voyunMEGA xdddd LUL QT inting xddddddddddd Jinx 4/0 KEKW kekw QT IS TOO OLD FOR THIS SGIT literally uzi KEKW u have to flash e R then Q Pog PepeLaugh uzi KEKW WTF qt trash can lol PogYou 7/12 PogMe damn okay Using KEKW makes you a normie GJ KEKW ok nice hook good one dude xd @morgoshiailia turn your monitor on ? KEKW ????????????? ok moe 8/12 t lords lmao USED AL MANA NICE monkaW ?? 8/12 Verlene1000 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. ennemy adc : auto attack moe : man that guy is faker @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 8/12 PogMe cs where the int songs? LUL LUL cs Pog CS god CS POG cd POG abused in lane LUL PogU CS ON POINTS solarbacca is malding skuuurt @Yassuo moe i love you as friend xd mejaaiiaia NOT EVEN 100% yes 66% deathcap Kapp only 12 hooks attempted?!?!?!?\ lich bane Kapp DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! zekes zeke's @yassuo do any of your family members watch your stream? like nunu or cousins or something? Rabadons lost lane to jixn KEKW zekes 1 hook per minute KEKW yes @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 zekes 4Shrug U NEED MANA DUDE NIGHTBOT IS BANNED LUL Zekes knightsvow get zekes RABADON zeke's My helo is Vietnamese @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . AP KEKW no one told him that dominating is not a noun? build habibi device death cap 66% hook rate ????? what do u think about the challenge between TF and fogged? build zekes convergence 1 hook a minute? garbage zeke's or knights vow DDATHCAP ludens LUL @Yassuo Zeke's and connect lucian BoalinMac subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 2 month streak! AH AHAHHAHHAHA @Yassuo moe is gae @Yassuo go zeke's to knights vow Do you still beat your meat C3Elite2122 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Would you change anyhting about your twitch rivals team? into habiti's sword why u are so good? @Yassuo play some christmas music Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty my habibi pls dont leave me pepehandslaugh get righteous glory if youre playing 4fun @Yassuo KNIGHTVO next SHOW THEM ARMS DADDY KEKW LULW yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT LUL GG LUL OMEGALUL lol LOLOL KEKW yikes KEKW KEKW KEKW so baad KEKW Jumong 4:1 ZND1 so bad 9/13 PogYou LUL LUL LULW LOLOOLOOLOL KEKW NA KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KEKW KEKW nice troll ff @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW useless lmao KEKW Hi KEKW KEKW IRON 4 PLAYS PepeLaugh LUL LUL LUL pls rage 9/13 cmonBruh ! WINTRADE KEKW appropiate name KEKW what are u doing bro KEKW GOLD SO GARBAGE KEKW omg LULW SO BAD KNOWN WINTRADER KEKW LULW is this iron 4? BabyRage AHAHAHAAHAHA Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! get there faster WW KEKW KEKW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: Do you still beat your meat? BabyRage KEKW PepeLaugh we started off so good too :/ KEKW monkaW calm down yasMald voyS KEKW WTF KEKW monkaW malding in preseason NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis yasPepega WINTRADE wow that ww is so damn bad YOU ARE LEVEL 7 KEKW MALDING WutFace @Yassuo i love you as friend LUL yasMald HYPERCLAP KEKW SO SHIT kekwwwwwww low elo gameplay LUL 3/7 Yasuo KEKW legit you are smurfing BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL BabyRage BabyRage yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP Pepega washedup monkaW yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP yasMald HYPERCLAP ff @ 15 dooda Kspps KEKW UNLUCKY KEKW RW WHERES THAT LIL TREAT? @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace DUEGA! Kappa TRUE KEKW why are you whack? dddud Better sup wins @Yassuo mejai? KEKW RQ KEKW BabyRage M OMEGALUL E monkaW BabyRage better sup KEKEKEKEKW BabyRage BabyRage WAAAAAAAAAH how oto get out of hell elo in league when your team like bronze POGGERS MALDING INCOMING PepeLaugh BabyRage Pepega @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 lol D: ff 15 bABYrAGe Pepega KEKW BibleThump BibleThump Got Yassoued lmfao pie u deserve mejais now @Yassuo TYRU KEKW QT KEKW QT KEKW QT KEKW QT KEKW 1/3/2 LULW zaped LULW KEKW 9/13 BabyRage KEKW pyriarEE pyriarEE QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDAAAAAHHHH @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 . BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage lm,ao BabyRage Yo yassuo how much did this black and white sim cost? TOXICCCC SNAKE vingenious -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Pepega oW D: Pepega D: true facts Get some XP M BabyRage E Bobbysan -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. imagine tilting in preseason KEKW trueeeeeeee Kapp BabyRage CALLING SOMEONE BabyRage KEKW D: actually true ACTUALLY MALDING KEKW READ MY MESSSAGGEEEEE @WantepHek Pog @WantepHek Pog @WantepHek Pog @WantepHek Pog @WantepHek Pog seriously why are you so bad? Kapp ??? perma 0 stacks @Yassuo qt made your career don't disrespect him Kappa M OMEGALUL E BabyRage M OMEGALUL E BabyRage M OMEGALUL E BabyRage M OMEGALUL E BabyRage best player KEKW woulda killed her if you got mejais @Yassuo @Yassuo how to get out from silver give me a brolike advice d <3 yasM03 QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL Kapp @Yassuo HEY ITS DECEMBER BABY Kapp ??? KEKW ??? best KEKWQ ;D good on @WantepHek hello my MaN true ?? ???? pog? but QT is adc malding monkaW ? mejai = perma 0 stacks 10/14 PogYou YEAH, LUCIAN IS SUPP 9/13 :D KEKw hi :) zzool MaN yasFat YOW MOE! BIG FAN SINCE 2016 HHAHAHAHAHAA lmfao PRESS 1 IF MOE IS DELUSIONAL KEKW They didnt . they put him on ADC mejai = perma 0 stacks mejai = perma 0 stacks yasPepega ????? 9/14 PogYou never too late to go ap blitz instead of sup blitz :> QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL HEY MOE 1 1 Is that a snake I see? ? !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 7 minutes 2 seconds KEKW 1 doing any 1v1 today moe 1 !followage ????????? @Yassuo read me !!!! where are you form ? YASUO Pog int !discord outplayed thats him is precipitation the tears coming from your eyes @WantepHek Hi MaN @Yassuo you inted qtie first YO moe big fan <3 yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat KEKW YAS Kimo221 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. 2 1 Flash yasuo Pepega go next IgnitedVenom MaN int jinx more pls 3 Pepega 10/15 PogYou POG UR INSANe\ POG PogU Pog KEKW KS LULW 10/15 Anyone tyring to PLAT duo? 4 OMEGAROLL Pog LULW ?? pog EZ Pog Pog nice shut dowjnwww PogU Pog KEKW KS what do you think about romania ? @Yassuo got the kill KEKW DoMinATInG 800g XDXDXDX POGGERS POG 1014 Nice ks yasPepega PogU POGGERS KEKW KS KEKW 5 youre goated Pog WHY AD ITEM ON BLITZ? 800GS LULW moe did u ever think about how is to be a women KEKW PogU noy ur bad lol OKAY CRISP Pog +800G KEKW KEKW 6 10/15 10.15 @Yassuo read me !!!! where are you from ? KS KEKW KEKW aftershock plus e combo hey m0e big fan not playing yourself ? @Yassuo So wait, your not the 100T midlane? I'm confused. KS LULW BASIC KEKW 7 oops :D KS KEKW dude do you sometimes completly forget how the game works too ? sometimes i wake up , play and dont know how this fking game works Kappa HOLY 8 oops KEKW FPX MOE PogU ?????? @Yassuo what do you think about romania ? @Yassuo @Yassuo KEKW monkaW Damage monkaS You max W second ???? SYNDRA KEKW KEKW Anyone trying to PLAT duo? QT POGGERs ? monkaW yas5_SG big brain WTF monkaW yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega 9 lul monkaW damage ff 15 QT PogU WOOAHH monkaW monkaW poof THE PIE PogU what do you think about romania ? @Yassuo ACTUALLY FAKER ???? 10 gn damage? Shoulda just played wukong lul now you have enough for mejai's akali so broken disgusting 11 Kappa Kappa Kappa 11/16 12 1115 IGNITED KEKW KEKW SYNDRA Pepega 11/16 LMAO GOOD GREED clownplank AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU 11/16 PogYou 6/6/6 13 666 FF kkekw typical Iron overstay KEKW 666 @Yassuo what do you think about romania ? @Yassuo @Yassuo @Yassuo PARLEYED KEKW @Yassuo So wait, your not the 100T midlane? I'm confused... kekew Kappa ZEKS 666 gp ignite Pog PogChamp true' 6/6/6 KEKW 14 GOOD THING U AUTO IT REALLY HELP THE DMG SYNDRA NEEDED UR DMG M OMEGALUL E sad 666 gp monkaW yas2 4/29 hooks LUL supp diff Moe feed to win gp score 6/6/6 what do you think about Romania ? @Yassuo better jg and mid;.. 15 6 6 6 SO GARBAGE KEKW GP monkaS 5Head Hello moe 16 saved Pog ye STOP INTING LMAOOO Snakee @Yassuo Connect lucian not syndra 7/6/6 PepeHands ruined 17 cheer100 hey moe how's your day been :) yo moe big fan <3 @Yassuo So wait, your not the 100T midlane? I'm confused. why have i stopped gaining points? @Yassuo conenct lucian with zeke's KEKW you got the Jinx 500g you lost the game there RELEASE THE FAT MANKEKW 18 KEKW Kapp LUL @Yassuo RO POWER why have i stopped gaining points?? @Yassuo Lets do drugs together OkayChamp gp is watching map !drop Moe is now sponsored by Massdrop! Moe’s wearing the Massdrop x Sennheiser pc37x headphones, check them out here: Kapp USE ACTIVE BRO WeirdChamp RELEASE THE FAT MAN KEKW TRUE 19 KEKW QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL QT TOO BUSY PLAYING WOW KEKW LUL TRUE KEKW Kapp Kapp solid snake proud LAN moedusa what do you think of iceland CANN OMEGALUL ON yea everything KEKW 20 @Yassuo what do u think about slovakia the yasuo looks like u lol QT on syndra, might as well ff cannon your master yi was cringe KEKW HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROMANIA BTW KEKW we luv Moe 21 true u suck KS 22 what about trick KEKW 23 hatzzzzzzzzz gionule @Yassuo You literally told us already what you'd change LUL 24 TRICK? WeirdChamp AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW USE ITEM BROOO SAD! y delete bro? xd how to get out of hell elo Come to Ibiza dude Your sister has been to Romania, you should come 2 @xymasterofksyx big fan Kappa MUIE PSD LULW KEKW QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL 25 look at that handsome fucking mug of yours You were playing with my buddy Hyphe @Yassuo 1 v1 with fans today/ yasHands HARD is dogshit jungler actually. Can't believe you let Primal influence you to pick him. @Yassuo and advice to get out from silver or gold ? 26 for trick HATZZZ Pog how to get out of hell elo how to get out of hell elo 27 PogU @Boltex LUL 1 WARD peepoPog YE how to get out of hell elo 28 zekes PepeLaugh CUZ ON INFERNAL how to get out of hell elo how to get out of hell elo typical autofill feeder FeelsBirthdayMan 🇷🇴 TF BLADE MORE VIEWS THAN MOE @lier2525 Kapp :p 29 @reinhardsenpai really? LMFAOO it's actually fun to see yassuo play blitz QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL @Yassuo and advice to get out from silver or gold ?! moe you performed well for your skill level 5Head Solo Queue conspiracy! Hey Moe, can you say Happy Birthday Romania ?!?! 30 KEKW @Yassuo this guy @steeef98 is the best yasuo EU and your biggest fanboy that wants to 1v1 you, jk, he's a d4 hardstuck precipitation Pepega exquisite word 5Head COME TO ROMANIA BRO. 31 it ssnowing right now in ny he is still playing better then sanch KEKW PA VEORICA ONE MORE KEKW AND I'M OUT @Yassuo and advice to get out from silver or gold ? precipitation KEKW 5Head BEEP Pepega 32 @Yassuo in the preseason are yassuo matchups played differently ? i mean if u where winning against someone are u loosing now ? Pepega yasMald PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR nspringdorf subscribed with Twitch Prime. beep @quang16903 you can't you have to get lucky teammates 100 games in ar ow KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsGoodMan 🇷🇴 33 TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance actual manchild KEKW KEKW pm me uwu KEKW KEKW IM A SUB KEKW @qExpect yea :)) praifjalkfa ye I love that word too 5Head Clap yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasSleeper 34 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo use ur active item KEKW ye facts @Banjo586 KEKW KEKW TriDance J COLE Pog yasSleeper yasSleeper ratirlPepe ratirlPepe ratirlPepe KEKW 35 TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER @Yassuo come to Romania QT PIE 36 Moe if you ever come to Romania hmu so you catch these hands @Verlene1000 how are you doing? go out KEKW qt KEKW RATIRL SUBS OMEGALUL PowerUpLOhMyDogPowerUpR @Yassuo and advice to get out from silver or gold ? @Yassuo if qt is your only hope its doomed press 1 KEKW 37 CLIPPED AND SHIPPED TO PVC LUL TriKool i mean dont come to romania cuz there is bad food. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday MrMangoDude -> Please refrain from spamming caps. zekes 38 @FalseAmy lol doomed QT KEKW TriKool OzzyZ01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL HeyGuys = Qt pie @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ? 39 PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR TriKool TriKool 40 song yasHYPERS itssliA AYAYA tion HeyGuys really deleting my message ratirlMangoS KEKW TriKool M OMEGALUL E @Yassuo try playing top :) is that mope typical yasuo can u turn up the music a little bit @yassuo god you’re so fucking annoying @yassuo @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ?! 41 PRESS 1 KEKW is that yasuo moe lol Better mid loses for sure TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER TriDance DON'T SAVE HER 42 USE THE FKING ITEM ON SYNDRA I had that Kapp Qt smurfing with syndra bot pog Yasuo main itssliA @Yassuo u aint diffrent from this yas any flowers ratirlFlower 43 Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW ratirlFlower did you use zekes yet my brother? @Yassuo 1v1 Typical yasuo every yasou 44 LMFAOOO typical yassuo KEKW 1v11vv1v1v1v1 KEKW YES KEKW PRess 1 yes PepeLaugh yup 45 thats the nerf yeah @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ? Yes LULW XDxda xd 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 no ye 46 you cant NOPE KEKW @PublicScriptL9 nobody cares fanboy WeirdChamp yup rip go to base KEKW NERFED dumb af any ratirlBusiness he learned that from u KEKW @thatsjustweird that's just weird thats the supp nerf KEKW nope KEKW go base yeah support is gutted ratirlBusiness youcan Kapp TriDance its capped at 1k gold earned @Yassuo yeah it sucks ?? messagemessage Yasuo main KEKW nope nope GIVE ZEKE KEKW @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ?! 47 reset you get a 2k gold item for free.. you get gold over time KEKW @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ? wont even press 1 KEKW imagine playing league in 2019 KEKW Go back to base 48 USE ZEKES USE ZEKES every supp item is like that now USE YOUR ZEKE can u turn up the music a little bit @yassuo KEKW 49 Use your 1 KEKW put your zekes on someone @Yassuo what do u think is the most balanced champ? the most broken champ? the weakest champ? Follow me on Twitter for updates 50 @PublicScriptL9 i feel you ratirlFlower it means u have to participate in fights to earn now LUL 1k then it expires ZEKES gp toxic NO @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ?! (main yasuo) give him convergence @Yassuo gangplank? wtf U CANT 51 KEKW D: KEKW IS BETTER LOL KEKW hahaha YIKES KEKW LMFAOOO KEKW E TU 52 peepoSpit KEKW yasSpit TRUE KEKW M OMEGALUL E KEKW KEKW ANELE TRUE LULW yasSpit ratirlSpit whack 53 ratirlSpit ratirlSpit ratirlSpit TJO 3alik @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ? Spit on me gachiBASS @Yassuo what u think about iceland yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit im crying yasSpit @morgoshiailia YOU GET LUCKY 100 GAMES IN A ROW THAT"S HOW YOU ESCAPE ELO HELL Hey Moe can u say Happy Birthday Romania?? 54 yes tfo alik atfu KEKW @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ?! ANELE I yasSpit on you LA MOE WeirdChamp @Bluemchenfee ratirlFlower 55 RATIRL SUBS OMEGALUL yasSpit USE IT ON LUCIAN TriDance ????????/// LUL @Yassuo any advice to get out from silver or gold ? KREW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @hxskeet stop being bad 4Head use that ITEM GP WeirdChamp kekw jinx yasS monkaW use on adiran? luc? I yasSpit on you PUT ZEKE ON SOME1 when lol players literally mald themselves to death yasSpit ratirlSpit 56 ATFO 3liek ANELE XD @Yassuo yo what's up buddy, how did twitch rivals go for you? got stomped by T1? cocobSpit ANELE USE ITEM BROOO 57 yasSpit Clap yoo 69 ping This streamer is very toxic nutSip ratirlSpit hey ANELE 58 @Yassuo Are you doing some 1vs1 later ? ANELE ANELE morgoshiailia -> Please refrain from posting links. yasH 59 can u turn up the music a little bit @yassuo ANELE 7 gp actually tilted from the mid roams LUL D: 60 that skin XDDDDD ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex @aarel__ im not bad YA HABIBI PogChamp 61 atfo 3alik Mxjd subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Cant wait to see you again! Inshallah at The Mob House <3 hope all is well hope you had a good turkey day habibi @rafic0077 yes blind hook 11/17 PogYou SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KEKW LULW yasChair yasChair yasChair OMEGALUL KEKW ???? pog @rafic0077 yes he is 62 who is known win trader @Yassuo M OMEGALUL E faker Pog OK FAKER KEKW XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD close gp Pog brutalzero subscribed with Twitch Prime. @hxskeet Stop. being. bad. 63 GP KEKW yasSpit SOLARBAKKA Press 1 moe KEKW @Yassuo Solarbacca PogU HE'S MOCKING YOU this gp is a fkin stupid moron 64 QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL KEKW 12/18 PogYou XDDD 65 KEKW KEKW KEKEW KEKW KEKW PogChamp KEKW LOOL KEKW GP D: KEKW @aarel__ i'm not bad KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEW KEKW EZ Clap Faker got owned dance now xd RANDOM KEKW PogChamp LUL dummy boy KEKW yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega KEKW KEKW KEKW S OMEGALUL LAR ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW 66 gp kekw KEKW calling people radom WeirdChamp @aarel__ ily Pepega KEKW krew kurwa KEKW ? ??????????? HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 ?????????/ 67 KEKW ? ASBNFIUASDFIUSDAFOUSDHOUF KEKW Pepega ahsuhasjanaskhsdjkajhdas solarbacca is not a random @Yassuo So wait, your not the 100T midlane? I'm confused. ????? DONATION OMEGALUL ????????? alesjvfnlsekjtgbnaert ???????????? 68 Pepega ?????? SDUOYBASDBHLJASDHKJLBASDDAILJBSNDASDNKJDASJ fat54r wungfubawnvtguy bdf the rage tho aerglkjdnaelkrgjn KEKW DICKED KEKW ??? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa xcjbsfdbvnjbvdbs insta karmas @hxskeet yes you are lol MOE IS MOELDING KEKW why have i stopped gaining points? SIXTYNINE Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation, INT can u turn up the music a little bit @yassuo Kapp SDUOYBASDBHLJASDHKJLBASDDAILJBSNDASDNKJDASJ Kapp Kapp M OMEGALUL E Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp BENCHED hard KApp KEKW SQGJOEHRIJNDR @Yassuo WeirdChamp STOP LYING KEKW hood salesman KEKW why have i stopped gaining points?? Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa SUB LOL 2 FOR 1 SPECIAL kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp KAPPA Kappa LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LMFAOOOO @Yassuo what u thnk about Iceland dude Kapp Kappa Kapp what about SOLIGO? KEKW Kappa Kapp Kapp literal liar Kapp Kapp KEKW HARD Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa GOLDEN Kapp Kappa Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa gachiBASS BIGGEST LIAR ON THE MARKET KEKW Kappa Kapp Kapp lol TRUE\ Kappa kapp kapp Kapp TF BLADE MORE VIEWS KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Big Kapp Kapp why have i stopped gaining points? lol GOLDEN Kappa 70 Kapp Kapp Kapp kappa Kapp GOLDEN Kappa lmao what about soligod you know when u use the 2 D's instead of 3 D's sounds like dumb n dumber GOLDEN Kappa KEKW KEKW KappaEqualsGrayFace Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa NA IS DOOMED KEKW Deutschland Kapp hoodie salesman Kapp true, true Kapp ur trash CONCITED yasSpit yasSpit Kapp Kapp :tf: ResidentSleeper UPCOMING FOR 10 YEARS KEKW Kapp Kapp upcoming LUL HARD Kapp @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 <3 HANDSOME KEKW kapp Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa GOLDEN KAPPA CHECK welp ig na doomed then @Yassuo 71 Kapp Kappa HUGE Kapp fact Kappa kapp @bakagaijin why not Kapp haahhahaa ANELE ?? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Cant even win rivals KEKW Kappa Kappa Kapp NA DOOMED LUL yasTrue 1v1s today? NA is doomed KEKW one of the most upcoming lekw Kapp Kapp Kapp Facts Kapp glorified hoodie salseman KEKW Kappa bigbad33Grannie why have i stopped gaining points?? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @leopard_jack asta 72 Han'some delustional AND hard stuck Kappa Kappa Kappa Na is doomed then na doomed WASHED UP ALRAEDY KEKW QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL GLORIFIED HOODIE SELLER KEKW thats why na is fucked @Yassuo that's just sad for Na Kappa uses yr item 73 Kapp @o_PraY_o LOL You eat a lot of hummus itssli0161 itssliV itssliV itssliV Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa why u speak like trick 2g @Yassuo NA pretty f if that is the case Kappa can't even get 75% master acc KEKW @yassuo did u give anyone your zekes yet? KEKW Kapp @lucasgoddamn said probably not HolidayCookie HolidayCookie HolidayCookie no cap Kapp 74 sneaky is the hottest Kreygasm @CuddyBeast LMAO @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 does he know that precipitation means rain? U peaked 2 years ago boomer you better have had that hummus with fries OOUUU TriHard TriHard TriHard 75 Kappa most handsome streamer doublelift kekw na is doomed if yassuo is the best upcoming talent GOLD Kappa @PublicScriptL9 lololol itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV forest4NoJorts @Yassuo wow na is a dead region KappaPride Hot. Kappa spongePls 76 @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 . AYAYA im here Kappa dead @bakagaijin dont worry about it. not for long itssliA 77 qt im here KEKW baiting QT agian lUL @Yassuo thats like saying you have the biggest dick in your straight relationship LUL PepeHands <3 KEKW Nas most upcoming palyer POG Anelee awwwwwwwwwwww BlackDynamite17 thank you KEKW KEKW supp diff Pog good support @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 <3 nvm PepeHands OMEGALUL THE HERO WE NEEDED KEKW @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 KappaPride <3 Qt straight trollin LUL LMAO SPANISH 78 muffinabaldwin2nd subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! 😁 @yassuo ARAB JOHNNY SINS :P @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 . simp LULW Noobshot14 have you stopped gaining points too? this is my last day as a sub BOYS QILINGUAL ll @Yassuo Have you seen the new support for INTZ (Brazil team)??? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm yas5 lmao even if it costs you your life? @Yassuo how to get out from silver ? @Yassuo Isn't soylugo better than ryoma? QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LULQT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL AFK KEKW For what?? ty ofr averything hammud QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL the best one 500$ in black friday sale :) Pog NA support KEKW GOOD SUPPORT Pog ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 @bakagaijin happened few days ago, then it started again KEKW Eso no es español do you actually speak spanish? respect xd Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! GP ULT KEKW QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL . @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 @needtobe18toride pretty sure he literally does not care QT LUL TOO LUL BUSY LUL PLAYING LUL WOW LUL KEKW LUL Is QT even relevant? Jopt @Yassuo how good do you think you are compared to the average LCS midlaner (better, worse, about the same...)? @Yassuo how to get out from silver ?? u fake Pog FAKE AFK instead of getting vision fake KEKW FAKE KEKW FAKE KEKW yasTrue yo what u thinkg about iceland :) PogU QT Pog PogU CLEAN POG Pog yasThink literally stole it all GAME THEM TOWER PogYou OMEGALUL 13/19 PogYou PogU ALL YOU monkaW yasU_BW hi guys POG ULTS THE ENTIRE WAVE KEKW PogU @yassuo it seems you like food recently :) Holds wave KKona FAKEEEEEEEEEE PogU TTHE SETUP Pog O SHIT POGGERS POG INSANE SUPP PogChamp @Yassuo how to get out from silver ?? ! LIPog Okay Pog Pog thats moehammad POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Pog Pog YOUR INTING PogChamp Pog POGGERS Pog yasU_BW ULTS THE ENTIRE WAVE KEKW ULTS THE ENTIRE WAVE KEKW pogpog ACTUALLY @Yassuo how to get out from silver ?? MOE POG HUGE PogU u palyed it soo well SUPPORT DIFF Pog TAKES ALL THE WAVE WITH HIS ULTIMATE LES GOOO Pog ZEKE KEKW ULT the entire wave good ult homeless man Holds Wave. Ults Wave CARRIED PogU QT ULT LUL @Yassuo how to get out from silver ?? ! POGGERS IMMEDIATELY NUKES WAVE KEKW genjimain221 subscribed with Twitch Prime. PogU ACTUALLY THE SUPPORT VERSION OF FAKER CHEEEEEESE yasGood ItsZeMario subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! cheer100 Why you gotta use such big words in your stream title? Precipitation? Is that when you're sweaty af? LULW REAL ONE TAKES ALL THE WAVE WITH HIS ULT yasU_BW yasU_BW use zekes on yass PogU GREEDY jheeeeeesh @WantepHek yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW Nice FIESTA @Yassuo how to get out from silver ? ikeepitKOMRADEBOI fake bind to someone moeeee NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis zekes on anyone? THATS SO CRAZY KEKW @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 @Yassuo Link ur zekes¿ USE ZEKES ON ANYONE BROOO skål never use zeke : KEKW yasBad joey bada$$ FeelsGoodMan <3 nice play man gg @Yassuo what kind o videos i have to watch to hit diamond playing on mid?? im tired to be horrible :/ GP take it Faker support is that you????? @BlackDynamite17 brb STILL NO ZEKES BIND NotLikeThis NotLikeThis IN GAME monkaW M OMEGALUL E link zekes? yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW best supp na confirmed? @Yassuo cAn YoU uSe ZeKeS pLs yasU_bw Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : wait that actually worked KEKW TRUE can u play pyke mid @Yassuo do u even know what precipitation is? Watch gp take it lmao yasFat Precipitation??? honor for you yasU_BW @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 ! are us tupid click 1 on a teamate click the zekes on a person? kekw 5Head ????? LUL LUL LUL when it rains ? ????? WHY DO YOU LVL UP E ????????????/// 5Head Xd HUH??? Lmao 5Head AH YES ?????? what oh yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega ? HEY YASSUO READ ME LULW kms ? 5Head bruh 5Head ? why arent u maxing w 2nd lol ? ? WTf ???????????????????????? 5Head ???? Pepega Phoenyx636 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Hey moe how's it goin. You already do 1v1s today??? PepeLaugh ??????????? ? yes Pepega ???????????? 5head ??????????? ???? 5Head ?????? A ????????????????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? yasHands when it rains 5Hed 5Head ah yes, the raining. ?????????????????? ?!??!?!?! the economics start to fall into play ah I see 5Head ? ?? wait what @Yassuo buy ice born gauntlet i dont think he knows what precipitation means ???????????????????? its rain ????????????????????????????????????????????????? Pepega Clap ?????????????? wut ?????? its not when its about to rain? ?????? WHAT 4head 5Head ? Pepega KINDOF are americans stupid? xd Pepega Clap no kap Pepega ?? ECONOMY POG ?????????/ Joker WutFace ??????????? ??????????????????????????? Pepega star607Cuddle ????? ??? ?????????????? ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ?????????,,,?7 moe playing blitz, hes doomed ITS LITERALLY RAIN KEKW ww hes just pretending wtf ?????? on Lucian man Pepega Pepega @Yassuo Click one on QT calm down im not gay @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!!!! AH YES 5Head its rain you fuck nugget ??????? ?????????????????????????????? irs rain @yassou ya ur making it RAIN deaths NA education LUL ??????????? XD monkaW WW is hard carry it's usless on warwick put it on lucian its rain bro what eco shit u talkin about KEKW its rain man @Yassuo put it on lucian wtf It has literally 0 CD Just use it PEPEGA rain... Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation hi moe plus all his stuff is on hit @Yassuo usless on warwick put it on lucian known win trader carrying Pog pepega clap pepega clap pepega clap @morgoshiailia v i dont get this precipitation meme wheres this from !followage yasSnake fuck LULW precipitation=rain @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!!!!! dumb YASUO IS BORKEN ofcousrse yasuo YASUO INTING woah Broken champ LULW CAUSE ITS BROKEN CHAMP ARDIAN Pog Unbalanced champ KEKW Pog push mid his name so skeptical Kapp BRUH ZEKE'S IS 0SEC COOLDOWN USE UT @exCoach aight finally you found your real role @Yassuo @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!! moe playing on 2 accounts KEKW why arent u maxing w 2nd? ?????? ?????? shotcaller Pog @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!!!!! ?? KEKW he's lost chat KEKW 5Head APM TOO HIGH u havent used hexflash this whole game !followage u havent used hexflash this whole game u havent used hexflash this whole game @Elekktro why would he maxing e is litty Kappa rivals flashback XD yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 COGGERS b A n G COMS COGGERS @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!!!!!!! SHEESH Pog KEKW HYPERS ♿ LUL cuz he doesnt wana run it down with w B) youre supposed to max W second @Yassuo Pepega COGGERS squadD Pepega @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 @Yassuo LEVEL UP W NOT E, E DOES NOTHING WHEN UP UPGRADE IT!! why did u play blitz?? u havent used hexflash this whole game KEKW maxing e is what you do COGGERS M OMEGALUL E caralho vc fala mt rapido DO MARBLES @Yassuo pummel? COGGERS Clap PepeHands KEKW COGGERS vai com cal HA GEII Pepega VOICE KEKW coward PUST EVERYTHING ON ADRIAN w? wtf ♿ 4WeirdW YOU ARE 1V1ING HAMOUDI 4WeirdW YOU ARE 1V1ING HAMOUDI 4WeirdW YOU ARE 1V1ING HAMOUDI 4WeirdW YOU ARE 1V1ING HAMOUDI 4WeirdW YOU ARE 1V1ING HAMOUDI what a pussy COGGERS blitz recall M OMEGALUL E OK COGGERS POOGERS AFRAID OF WUKONG MAIN KEKW yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash hahaqhah PUT EVERYTHING ON ADRIAN @Yassuo You are actually funny af, thanks for being a DOG Jebaited FUK SPRCTRUm bind someone dont forget no Kapp @QUOTE_IF_MOE_BIG_NOSE stfu LAG kAPP SUCK SPECTRUM AM I RIGJT pepeMeltdown no yeah KappaPride voice crack J COLE VIBES GASM lag Kapp POG ANELE Clap VOW KEKE emoney7 KEKW 13/20 PogYou KEKW ???? it be like that sometimes ???? ? KEKW ?????? ??????????/ LUL whats your opinion on season 10? ?????????????????????????????????? ???? ????? ?????? wp ????? ratirlWontLook ?????????? ??? ,, @comunistatetudo consegue entender n ? LUL ???, ??????? LUL BRAIN LAG ???????? LAg ???????? ???????? KEKW Nocturne is a LAN pro player KEKW Pog BIG Q omg Clap ???????????? Pepega KEKW yasU_BW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog wtf what is that D summoner? ??? ???????? KEKW ???????? ςΟς wtf be honest, if you did 1v1s you'd go bankrupt @Yassuo KEKW LULW HAHAHAAHASKJHDBVAKJHSDBALKJSDNMALS'D script ??? ah ha hah kikw Pepega yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW ??????????? ?????? kallecaraffa subscribed with Twitch Prime. ALMOST KEKW ?????????? KEKW NOOB ??????????? yasANELE ؟ ?/ ??? ?? KEKW HOOK VOW KEKW ?? nice hookerino OMEGALUL KEKW Close KEKW ?????????????????????? KEKW BLAME LAG KEKW TRASH LULW VIBE CHECK PepeLaugh yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW yasU_BW there isnt a twitch in your game check again @Yassuo close bind someone dont forget (knights bow) Zeke him vow* ??? OMEGALUL rofl ??????? ????? ???? ???????????? KEKW ALMOST HIT IT ricardoFlick the hook yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT ????????? a hook that left them shook Nichols4242 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! moe blitz > stunt blitz if that janna would flash taht would be sick predict LAN KEKW FELLAS EZ hes crosseyed now too chat KEKW NA SOLO Q LULW So close 5Head GET CARRIED Bro your actually so good you predicted that janna so hard @morgoshiailia play like gold . USELESS* 14/21 PogYou oof whats your opinion on season 10? monkaOMEGA @yassuo Not gonna lie those hooks lookin kinda rusty O_o BETTER SUP WINS PogYou int him PepeLaugh Pepega Kapp e tower he doesnt have zekes int him what is that D summoner spell? E THE TOWER YEA KEKW @Yassuo 1v1 ? 3 ?? ye ye 3 FeelsOhWait Clap ye its not even onb him PUT IT ALL INTO YOU KappaPRIDE yasuo 11 deaths power spike LULW yassuo not playing yasuo, clip this why dont you us power fist on tower?? E max Kappa 3 No baron is 3 min I have better ping na sucks 3 min NOW KEKW AIM now 2.5 it used to be 3 14/22 PogYou ??????? ??? ? KEKW LMO @a_isa145 hex flash it lasts 3 min now ?????????? f @a_isa145 hexflash, its a rune 3 minutes LMAO use* ????????????????????????? sad moe the stinky fakerman KEKW M OMEGALUL E KEKW ????????????? monkaS he didnt even dodge though sad ! MaN KEKW OMEGALUL thanks :) MUIE STEEEF KEKW 3 min ANELE ?>?????????????? KEKW OU JUST BAD ROFL YA ALLAH 15/23 PogYou Pog Pog PogU ya allah YALLA MOE NEEK ANELE ? MADLIFE BTW Your zeke's isn't on yasuo lol @Yassuo Pog Pig EZ Clap Pog tried to pull gp and got janna, LOl VisLaud Doublelift Blitz Pog *anyone dodges any skill shot* Moe: OKAY FAKER MAN MEANT TO HIT GP KEKW @Sebisebi975 ,romania :)) ANELE ?????? 22 PRESS F KEYS WHEN NOC ULTS @Yassuo ??????????? Hey mods why is my stream laging? ? NICE Uzi KEKW XDDD M OMEGALUL E ??? ????????????? ? 15/24 PogYou ???????? ?? monkaEyes KEKW ????? ?????????????????????? KEKW ? ? no LUL ???? ???????????????/ ?!??!?! HUH ??????????????????????????? ALMOST nicee pretty good uzi ?????????????????? ???? ??? ??? IT WAS TRASH KEKW NOT NICE OMEGALUL A NICE MISS no :) Your zeke's isn't on Yas @Yassuo ΚΕΚς it wasn;t KEKW NO KEKW NO KEKW NOPE that wasn't nice yea if idiot ????????????? Kappa it wasnt a nice hook Pepega Clap ?????? you literally died hhhhhhhh seper2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 9 month streak! At first i thought i had improved this season, but with so many people complaining about s9 ranked i am not sure if it's just the ranked system (got from plat 1 to d3-2) Love u <3 THAT WASNT NICE ROFL didnt hit so no TRASH KEKW AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU omg your like as good as madlife kek w ?????? it wasnt nice :) how can i counter a full build yas ???????????? that was troll af ????????????? int it wasn't :) troll It wasn't nice :) INT KEKW ?????? 4WeirdW THAT WASNT NICE 4WeirdW THAT WASNT NICE 4WeirdW THAT WASNT NICE ??????????? if it wasnt LUL KEKW it wasnt nice moe ?????????????????????? NOT EVEN CLOSE KEKW ?????????????????? BUT IT DIDNT ??? ???? LULW NICE Kappa woulda been nicer if it hit it would be nice if it hit random even iron 5 tries that shit ????????? 222 it wasn't nice because it didn't hit ratirlXD can you fucking use zeke's youre triggering me @Yassuo LUL ??? it missed tho :P nice INSANE ?????????????????????? ???? AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU troll how do i accept a gifted sub? ?? it missed because they did expect You didn't put zeke on anybody ??????? ??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING KEKW it was nice FeelsOkayMan ....................... Kappa ? nice LUL ????????? yea a nice int 2/6 KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa M KEKW TRASH Kappa ?????????????????????'??? LUL This man misses a hook says nice KEKW ???????????????? U MISSED IT SO IT WAS BAD HOOK ? that wasn't nice trye KEKW TRASH infernal soul is OP right? didnt land wasnt nice B) it was bad yasN Inferno soul not that good IMO NAHH ??????? CARRIED POG KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa close TRUUUUUUE HIGH ELO CHALLENGER GAMEPLAY MOE GO To PbE aNd Play aphelios HAHAHAHAHA TRAAAAASH KEKW @Yassuo stop being sad @Yassuo I think this chat is boosted NAHHH ???????? Yo mods help my stream is laging for no reason ???? BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW QT KEKW NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KEKW NICE LUL JInx monkaW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKEKEKEKEKEKKEKEKEW hight elo in NA KEKW QT LUL Qt alt tabbed to wow again KEKW hey moe big fan morgoshiailia -> Please refrain from posting links. HE IS INSANE WHAT U TALKING BOUT even if u hook him u die ACTUALLY THROWING KEKW I KNOW THAT YASUO WASHED KEKW 4Head 4Head Only 2 more days of being a part of the Moelesters, any gifters in chat yasU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp nicen't hook QT LUL TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother FlipThis FlipThis BigBrother M OMEGALUL E It was pretty cool, you almost hook that pink ward Kappa @Yassuo ur so bad ya 5ra. love from tunisia <3 TRUEEE haahahahah ok wow A rolling golem gathers no rust QT KEKW 30k points pog no KEKW SOLARIS KEKW redemption iceborn rededption solaris redemtion redmption This chat is like the streamer -- BOOOOSTED KEKW ZHONYA You call NA Challenger High elo? PepeLaugh lmfaoooo why i love watching you @Yassuo real mf lich banes Put your Zeke's on Yas @Yassuo It's not on him atm its not challenger high elo gameplay yasOkay yasOkay rightgeous glory play aphelios pbe @yassuo @Yassuo redmptionnnnnn @Yassuo locket iceborn you have qt how high can this elo get YOU WONT MEJAS KEKW hahhahaha @uncledutchh OMG IM SO EXCITED yasPride yasPride 2/6 MEJAI KEKW MEJAIS KEKW W H OMEGALUL stoneplate go solaris! warmogs YEAH NA CHALLENGER KEKW get iceborn gauntlet @Yassuo just get the anti crit item ZHONYAS righteous glory @Yassuo Frozen Heart @Yassuo How does 25k POint work? iceborn Rabadonjs BUILD AP BUY LICH BANE BAITED KEKW ZHONYAS1 opinion on season 10? Rabadons im boosted in silver KEKW Locket @unclekeung OMG IM SO EXCITED KEKW play aphelios on pbe moe APPPP BUY LICH BANEEE Heart 42% Pog MaxLOL iceborn gauntlet and frozen heart ICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLET what the new item do ? Frozen heart BUILD AP NO BALLS Frozen heart CHEAP ASS KEKW @Yassuo why do u ask chat, then call us silver alcoves? Righteous glory true :) ICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLET AREE DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! AGREE yasR wait why im i even follwing this traitor GO BORK Ifkeleludado ocean AYAY yhat thats the point. KEKW ICE BORN GAUNTLETICE BORN GAUNTLET ICE BORN GAUNTLET ICE BORN GAUNTLET ICE BORN GAUNTLET AYAYA BUILD AD BUILD AD TRUE KEKW Moe Best Support :) i dont like the filters on them though ugly guy doesnt like ugly things strange KEKW MaN SEASON 10 IS DOPE Pog you just don't like change WutFace KEKW Zeke's Yasuo @Yassuo MaN ??ù BUILD AP Righteousnglory TRUE KEKW play aphelios moe u fuk TRUE NO BALLS how did u increase fps SO YOU LIKE BUSHED w/ the quickness boy hit the auto cancel like its part of him QTPIE is flaming u on his stream LOL PRESSES 1 BUTTON - IM SO TALENTED Pog filha da puta Haeisl subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! :) @Yassuo Where you born in the USA? BUSHES Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty yasuo how did u increase ur fps YISAD RABA K @sennesu ???? Vision Pog Pepega MOE PLAY APHELIOSSSSSSSSSS 7 1 DIS DIS DIS Pepega Disgusting LOL yassuo on support ? ;ooooooooooo yasBad Pog 16/25 PogYou support is so easy U LIKE BUSHES HAAA POG Pog monkaW LMFAOOOOOOOOO WTF KEKW LULW WTF WTFFFF WRD Pog Warwick WARWICK Pog monkaW HOLY WW PogU monkaW WTF Pog LULW LMAO ???? LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW h u h Pog monkaW KEKW KEKW monkaW haha\ monkaOMEGA WTF ???????? KEKW WW monkaW monkaW PogU Sanic Pog ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider ratirlGlider You´ ve tried the new COD yet, if so is it a cop? PogChamp PogChamp LOL LULW LULW LUL balanced HOLYYY monkaW ww HEY SYNAPSE 16-26 PogYou KEKW SONIC Pog @Yassuo why people call u fat you'r not fat at all bro LMAOO lol ????? LUL KEKW HOOK KEKW CLIP{ LUL LUL KEKW LMAOOOO ratirlWheel POG ???????/// .. KEKW KEKW clip ????????????? LUL ????????????? KEKW Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: KEKW HHHH @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 Q KEKW boosetteyuraei -> Please refrain sending long messages. THE SACRIFICE QT KEKW ?????? KEKW ?? KEKW LULW WTF Pepega Pepega POG 17/27 PogYou POGGERS HOOK pog haahahahhaa Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW qt KEKW ratirlPOGGER M OMEGALUL E WTF you trolled qt lmao KEKW SHEEESH lost kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW USE KNIGHTS VOW LULW GG Flying Warwick monkaS PartyPoro yasMald nice KEKW LULW killed everyone KEKW worth you killed synra lulw oh hi pinoy look yuas 4V5 CLI{ LOST THE FIGHT KEKW 4v5 KEKW KEKW KEKW 7km hook no yas LOOK YAS yikes QT SOLO LOSE KEKW YAS KEKW QT BAITED LULW Pog yasTrue YASUO BOT yasuo SCHEECVHHHH yasuo afk KEKW @Yassuo BRO GIMME ADVICE TO GET OUT FROM SILVER <3 . @Yassuo you re losing man @Yassuo hey man love ur yt vids and this the first time i watch a live stream i hope u know that i love u and respect ur ass yasuo xD YASUO KEKW What the fuck was that speed LAG TRYUE KWK YASUO KEKW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaurbad LOOK YAS KEKW yasuo lmao like you said you are crazy MATE YASUO?? 4v5 fight yasAYAYA WOW PLAYER KEKW YASUO LULW QT trolled LUL YASUO KEKW like qwhyat the fuck was tha KEKW its lost dat akali POG that flash q, thats what happened YASUO KEKW yasuo afk M OMEGALUL E you grabbed them into nhim kek Yas bot QT inted that Yasuo is not in fight and not even splitting KEKW 4Head HAPPENS 18/29 Moe do you still lift? if so what are your lifts brother @yassuo USE KNIGHTS VOW SabaPing SabaPing qt so attractive and talented how did u increase fps You´ ve tried the new COD yet, if so is it a cop? YEs YES SHE IOS @Bekxs13 that's rude :( yasuo is useless 18/29 PogYou Kapp yes SHE Is why is QT on syndra though that flash q happened @yassuo Qt inted yes PepeLaugh @yassuo take shurelia’s its broken now Inwisp -> Please refrain from posting links. Hold up bro bro how did ur fps increase NO Phrez -> Please refrain from posting links. she wins east no yes yes this yasuo is so useless yeh Kappa she can KEKW Kapp bloodline I the king of all mullets! wait WTF POT KEKW 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS 4Head HAPPENS Pogf yassuo how did u increase ur fps hasaki KEKW Pog Pog Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! PagChomp ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega ??????Pepega no yass WTF PogU WTF ITS FeelsAmazingMan Pog PogU YASUO PogU WTF\ WTF POGGERS pog Pog HE IS MOE KEKW Pog POGGERS WTF Pog Better than you KEKW pog WTF wtf PogU ?????// PogU ?????// PogU ?????// PogU ?????// PogU HOLY Pog WTFFF PO Pog yas ???????????????????????/ pog wtffff PogYou OK MOE WTF Pog wtf HES DOING IT HOLY SHIT Pog WINDWALL PogU WTF PogU WTF XDD BETTER THEN YOU Pog BETTER THAN MOE PogU HOLY FUCK YASUO V9 ACUTAL POG PogU PogU WTF PogU WTF PogU WTF PogU WTF PogU WTF WTF Pog @Yassuo Jump King waiting room here <3 <3 <3 <3 BETTER THAN MOE Pog LMAOOO POGGERS BETTER THAN MOE KEKW BROKEN CHAMP KEKW champs broken or what xddd PogU ????? PogU ????? PogU ????? PogU ????? PogU ????? HOLY SHIT POGGERS WTF Pog SHOW REPLAY LATER WTF??? PogU WTF PogU WTF PogU WTF HES INSANE BETTER THAN U KEKW FUCKING BROKEN ASS CHAMPION Pog Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ok Pog Pog maybe he can coach you Pog BETTER THAN MOE Pog 5v4 Pog POG Yasuo PogU ok faker finally some decent yassuo play Pog Pog LINK HIS STREAM Pog BETTER YASS Real yasuo PagChomp Pog NOT MOE PogU new conqueror pog YASUO BORKEN 10 death power spike WTF 1V9 UR BROTHER LMAO Yasuo its broken POG WTF he s better than you ok moe this guy > yassuo Pog LlDER Pog BETTER THAN YOU Pog BETTER THEN YOU POG INCARNATE PogU Pog GG Pog BETTER THAN U Pog BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU WHAT A GOD better yas wins MOE DOESNT DO THAT better than u @Yassuo OK FAKER better player LUL BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU BETTER THAN MOE PogU hes a fucking god Pog should a drink a 4loko rn cuz football? would you have won that Moe? KEKW POGGERS Moe, looking good today bro. broken champ BETTER THAN MOE Pog Y A 🐍 🐍 U O YASSUO 2.0 BETTER THAN YOU LUL PartyPoro better than moe 13 death power spike yasOkay TRUE KEKW Pog NOT MOE ON YASUO Kapp real yasuo PogU HAHAHAHAHHAHA! he hit his 10 death spike KEKW BETTER THAN U PogU TRUE YASUO TRUE KEKW BETTER THAN MOE PogYou BETTER THAN MOE PogYou BETTER THAN MOE PogYou really? KEKW ajajaj BETTER YAS true kekw LUL BETTER THAN YOU BETTER THAN U PogU OK FAKERRRR jajjaja TELL ME THAT LUL bcs he isnt you KEKW Yas broken THE REEEEEEEAL YASUO? yassuo take shurelia’s its broken now BETTER THAN MOE KEKW broken champ takes no skill BETTER THAN YOU PogChamp PogChamp BETTER THAN YOU PogChamp PogChamp BETTER THAN YOU PogChamp PogChamp BETTER THAN YOU PogChamp PogChamp ur main tho LOL BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW Imagine one tricking it DansGame @Yassuo better yasuo FAKER KEKW you play him knights vow op Wtf nerf yas Better than u BETTER THAN MOE ON YASUO Pog CLIP IT better Than Yassuo :DDD finally some good yas gameplay on this channel PogU finally some good yas gameplay on this channel PogU finally some good yas gameplay on this channel PogU Better than moe Pog KEKW true YASSUO JR! yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit says the dude who plays yasuo XD LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS LIDER POGGERS MOE WOULD BE 2/36 PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL HSWP BETTER THAN YOU MOE Way Better PagChomp AGE 15 PogU LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL u suck L OMEGALUL L ProGamerXDFTW -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @yassuo 1v1 HIM Pog YOUD BE 0-10 YOU'D ONLY BE 3/13/11 ULT KEKW better than 0/13 FINALLY SOME CLEAN YAS GAMEPLAY ON THIS CHANNEL Better than you lmao @Yassuo STOP CRINGING PLS BETTER YASUO THAN MOE? !cip finally admited it KEKW 13 deaths power spike that's how Y A 🐍 🐍 U O Y A 🐍 🐍 U O !clip is better then you at yasuo the why he won that one hahaha 1v1 him @Yassuo where is the cooking video at better than you KEKW Random yasuo better than you 1v111 him does he stream? THATS ACTULLY YASSUO JR 0/13 KEKW Joink that wave ratirlBusiness NVM MB 0/20 @yassuo take shurelia’s its broken now 1v11him u'd be 1/10 MOE UR UGLY AF 1v1 him 0 9* 1v1 him CANT RUN FROM THE WICK wow player better than u btw xD Kappa yes you would :) Kappa right, 0-13 RIGHT UD BE 0/20 KEKW the 13 death powerspike 0/13 KEKW 1V1 HIMM who isn't better than moe on yasuo LUL didn't he lose a yasuo 1v1 to nb3? ''Why don't I do that?'' KEKW MOE / 10 KEKW Squ you would be 0/20 KEKW YOU WOULD : 1v1 him Do a 1v1 SMURING KEKW 13 death power spike PepeLaugh 1 v1 x do doubt 1v1 him yasM03 12 kp LULW 1v1 him @Yassuo should've gotten dark havest ap blitz Nav the goat 18/30 PogYou 101him @Yassuo PROVE IT, Play Yas next game ????????? BETTER THAN YOU M OMEGALUL E KEKW 1 V1 HIM >? KEKW JUMP KING WAITING ROOM HeyGuys HeyGuys nice hexflashes Pog 1v111 ?????????? KEKW Close???? NA AIM KEKW chat why is the map like this ? ke troll 1v1 him1v1 him jk love u mate 1V1 LULW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 ADRIAN KEKW Jinx KEKW 1 V 1 HIM BETTER YAS killed the lucian xd 1vv1 poggers 10/31 PogYou ??? OMEGALUL OMEGALUL M OMEGALUL E ??? ?????????????????????? ?????? KEKW monkaW Snake KEKW ?????? ?????????????????? ????? NICE H OMEGALUL OMEGALUL K 19/31 PogYou KEKW ???????? ???????????????????????????????? HAHAHAH KEKW KEKW 1v1 himmm eu yasuo ???????????????? nice : 1 V 1 HIM "????????????? OMEGALUL ????????? INTING LULW ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? KEKW nice hook bro yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 OMEGALUL yassuo take shurelia’s its broken now ???????????? ? rekt YO ???( sick hook KEKW 1v111111111111111111 ???????? INTBLITZ rofl HAHAHAHAHA KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW ?????? 4 sec fear ??? why did you hook OMEGALUL ???? ????? KEKW God awful player LUL ??????? ??? ?????? 1v1 him ??????? ????????? WHY DID U HOOK HIM TELL ADRIAN TO STREAM KEKW WHY hook him??????????????????? KEKW 1v11 him get rekted KEKW who hook him KEKW HUAhahahhahahhHBAHAHAHAHAHAHA LUL ? : 1 V 1 HIM fzz KEKW OK XD ?????? ???? TROLLING LUL INTING KEKW CLIP WTF LULW KEKW 1V1 NOCTURNE feeding ? Y A 🐍 🐍 U O 5 sec fear LULW why would u pull him for a 1v1 ????????????????????????????????? WHY WOULD U HOOK HIM TPO URSELF ??? @Yassuo dark havest ap blitz best garbage support hooking when no one is around???????? LULW LULW ??????????????? 1v111111 him ?????? : 1 V 1 HIMzf feared till next game KEKW yes that's how nocturne works Y O Y KMYJUIHBADUIJA @Yassuo hes broken CLIP IT!! nice int y? niceo hook @Yassuo "I dont deserve death" also hooks the nocturne^^ ??????????????? ?? Pog cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh now you inted LOL I DONT DESERVE DEATH, HOOKS TO SUICIDE KEKW lol ???? Pepega : 1 V 1 HIM fz u trollin bro @Yassuo get MERCS 2 sec ur trolling hhhh Stefdzeks00 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW forsenE doa 11v BLINTZ whhich one is adrian Awful KEKW pettansderrier -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Kappa its 2 sec : 1 V 1 HIMa KEKW KEKW KEKW 1v1 I dont deserve death btw KEKW ????????????? 1v1 him ????? .. Pepega HOLY monkaW yea but you a dumbass KEKW noc is just not balanced tbh i m in love with yasuo ! chill moe \??????????????????????? monkaS warwick i think its lost monkaS hasagi @Yassuo Tabis or Mercs : 1 V 1 HIM fzf BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump nice int ok moe @Yassuo If LOL is so good why havent they released LOL2? AJAJAJAJAJ 1v1 the yasuo Pog ?? @Yassuo its 2.5sec pogegrs yasSpit : 1 V 1 HIM please why onlyenglish and no spanish int then don't cry gg yasuo VoHiYo RAP GOD Youtube game KEKW <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 PogU moe get serious plz 0DMG KEKW LULW doa 1v1 KEKW 1v1 the yasuo1 gp PogU WW KEKW qt legend TRASH KEKW KEKW poutsa vlakes WW KEKW @yassuo take shurelia’s its broken KappaPride NA LUL : 1 V 1 HIM WOW CASTER W0W BASE Pog gp ooh KEKW lol ??? that gp slow tho LULW MOE CASTER Pog SadChamp @Yassuo do a 1v1 no GG KEKW GG YES GG GAME WINNIONS Pog breath mofo .. 1V1 HIM yes ww KEKW KEKW throwing PepeLaugh GG LOST SOUL KEKW GG KEKW : 1 V 1 HIM a nah Are u trying out for Riot Commentator? KEKW host blazikenx23 no balls gg rip GO NEXT KEKW : 1 V 1 HIM GG LUL gg @Yassuo get serious pls wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 4 infernals wtf? 3 inf monkaW INFERNAL SOUL GARBAGE KEKW gg 3 infernals monkaW GG LOST GG KEKW TRUE LULW : 1 V 1 HIMb D: DONO : 1 V 1 HIM Game is over kekw TRUE DONO KEKW gg kekw 3 infernal KEKW u lost the game 1v11111 him : 1 V 1 HIMb KEKWWWWW GG KEKW death legit clsoe game atuistic haHAA Clap Infernal not that strong honestly : 1 V 1 HIM KEKW : 1 V 1 HIMb TRUE KEKW You noob 1v1 : 1 V 1 HIM: 1 V 1 HIMb with Junx LUL elder soon monkaW yasN WINIONS Pog 3 inf and sould gg yasU_TK 1V1 YASUO It’s a lot. For akali lel 20 cdr dono trie yasHYPERS : 1 V 1 HIMb Respect do a 1v1 against taht yasuo wtf blitzcrank? true NA Challenger OMEGALUL NA Challenger OMEGALUL NA Challenger OMEGALUL v @yassuo take shurelia’s its broken now what nice hook on Noc before MONKA WEST Infernal is the worst Dragon soul IMO Gg souls insecure 1V1 HİM @morgoshiailia Play like gold insecure doesnt wanna 1v1 when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s? !followage Blitz ult is a shield breaker btw 1 vs 1 20/32 PogYou yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash DEAD AGAIN KEKW play thresh next? ur ded SIR Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : rip INTING XD XS PLEASE SPAAAAM 1 V 1 KEKW FEEDING LULW ???????? ?????????????????????????? inter good job on the banshee pop ?????? THROW EXDEE LUL REDEMPTION BTW wp feed KEKW ???? ???????????????????????????? ok faker KEKW again int KEKW Passive item INTING ???? why are u like this @Yassuo ff KEKW INTING ROLLED KEKW INTINTINTITNITNITNTINTITN redemption @Yassuo ??? ????????????? CHILL OUT KEKW YOU HAVE REDEMPTION. INTING LULW you popped it alright KEKW ???????????? REDEMPTION???? blitzcranck? ?????????????? rede u stoopid ACTUALLY THROWING KEKW aha ha 1v1 ok faker yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash KEKW KEKW inting REDEMPTION? sitinre REDEMPTIONNN. KEKW '????? RED 1v1 yasuo ACTUALLY INTING You got the banshees though :) POG REDEMPTION?????????? why are people watching this inter ????? KEKW nice redemption @Yassuo PRESS 7 PogYou redemption @yassuo ARAB JOHNNY mfking SINS REDEMPTION yasNLT REDEMPTION Pepega 7 redemtion 1v1 moe REDEMTION? REDE ?????????????????????????? BEST SUPP NA LUL Pog nice ace XD HELL YEA 1v1 him Redemption??? tordrl subscribed with Twitch Prime. 7 pepeLaugh POG HAHAAHAHAHAHA REDEMPTION lmfao XDD nice Redemtion... 77 GG KEKW KEKW REDEMPTION KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA ur trolling hahaha KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap SAVING REMEPTION FOR NEXT GAME LULW KEKW use redemption!! REDEMPTION PepeLaugh lol to late too late u dumb fck PogU RED DEAD REDEMPTION Redemption el ... KEKW we got em KEKW REPORT USED IT WAY TOO LATE KEKW KEKW omg KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LMFAO REDEMPTIOM OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU HAVE FUCKING REDEMPTION KEKW TOO LATE NICE ONE KEKW LUL f KEKW !subcount Plz xDDDDDDDDDD LATE REDEPTION KEKW KEKW IDIOT luuuwl better adc wins tyler1Monk doa 1v1 LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LULw ggwp KEKW IRON5?!?!? WHATS GOIN ON HERE LMAO LUL LUL LUL good wasste gg KEKW KEKW ITS TOO LATE NOW U RETART would have been useful earlier KEKW 1v1 him LEL xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd KEKW KEKW you just lost the game KEKW KEKW NICE REDEMPTION COMMENTATION > TEAM you can redemption while ur dead?? LULW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s? KEKW GOOD REDEMPTION dog support woof woof wait u can do that wehn dead? 1v1 him yas Kapp kekw jajajjaja two hour late on the redemtion saving hexflash and redemption for next game Krappa Kap redemption PEPEGA can i get an f in the chat why are you inting KEKW KEKW tyler1B1 ratirlBilly tyler1B2 PepeLaugh he doesnt know trollin Kapp LUL 2/9 OMEGALUL iss wrap CAN DEFEND Kapp f REDEMPTION EARLIER LOL not that much Kapp 15 seconds to late 1v9 what KEKW MaN ROAD TO IRON KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 .. PepeHands INTING Pog do a 1v1 NA THROW Pog blitz throw KEKW POG POG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh LOL POGGGGGGGGG ??????? KEKW kekw ???????????????????????????????????? poh lulw KEKW CRAZY 21/33 PogYou KEKW IMAGINE USING REDEPTION END OF FIGHT Do 1v1 yasuo Pog KEKW KEKW hmm lul PogU ????? LUL LUL LUL gg KEKW pog KEKW k LOL KEKW KEKW TOO LATE FOR PROPER PLAYS KEKW NICE @Yassuo can you please speak less and concentrate more on the game? ????????????? LUL LUL KEKW HYPERCLAP LUL LUL feeder 2 Flash ? nice ONE OK Faker KEKW KEKW Pepega LUL : 1 V 1 HIM It's over KEKW YASUO 1v1 10/10 PGO yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash Inting KEKW LOL save flash for next game FALSH? the shield wtf u throw the game Better support wins KEKEW Best support ever LULW : 1 V 1 HIM SF SUPPORT IS TOO HARD 2/12 KEKW are you a number in c++? cuz all you do is int ok that was sick POGGGGGGG int nice YASUOOOO 1v111111111 inting blitz 21/33 PogYou END SCORE y i k e s flach :3 xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 1v the yassuo SHOW REPLAY OF YASUO BARON "i tried" -> INTS KEKW gave her passive proc hehehe 4HEad Pog TRASH SUPPORT AHAHAHAH lolllllll Solo loosing KEKW DO A YASUO !1v1 @morgoshiailia play like gold. 1VS1 PauseChamp Pog FAKER, LMAO MY BAD kekw TOO HEAVY KEKW was this first hook in this game! @Yassuo 2-10 LUL 1v1 yasJensen !subcount do some 1v1 1v1 the yasuo lucian 0 dmg LULW you didnt try one bit KEKW peepoClap monkaEyes Hard rolę asf KEKW what a fucking money you are hahaha POG END SCORE 21/33 PogYou END SCORE END SCORE 21/33 PogYou END SCORE END SCORE 21/33 PogYou END SCORE END SCORE 21/33 PogYou END SCORE POGGERS 1v1 yasuo 5/17 LUL BETTER FEEDER LOSE KEKW ripsann -> Please refrain sending long messages. schlecht do a 1v1 YOU DID GOOD FeelsOkayMan FOR ENEMY TEAM @Yassuo Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation @Yassuo play wukong just ONE GAME its busted apparently why not abuse it?! yasHmm Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Kapp GP was trash !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 26 minutes 42 seconds ????????? WutFace Doa 1v1 4Weird ✋ not cool peepoClap peepoClap @Yassuo PLAY NAUT TRUUU Jhin E Pog AI GAMEPLAY PogU AI GAMEPLAY PogU TRUE KEKW @Optithanos doesn't c++ have floats/doubles? 🤔 yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake janna presses E and you get outlayed BLAMING CHAMPION KEKW @Yassuo u complain about NA soloq but u 4fun every game @Yassuo what do u think is the most balanced champ? most broken champ? the weakest champ? peepoClap honored by qtpie FeelsOkayMan jjajajjajjajajajja do a 1v1 FAKE KEKW DRAGGING QT DOWN ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW1 D: gainst yasuo star team aswell i was in a game idiot peepoBlanket TeaTime i believed in ur comeback... ratirlMHM ratirlMHM ratirlMHM ratirlMHM ratirlMHM ratirlMHM ratirlMHM chat spam 1 vs 1 1v1 yasuo 1v1 him KEKW ? 1v1 him WATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR M OMEGALUL E lKEKW went off KEKW 1V 1 YAS xskagga subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lolathonBlobby lolathonBlobby lolathonBlobby lolathonBlobby KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW gogo monkey SKI PepeHands KEKW ? TRASH KEKW Conq stacks on garen E but not Wukong R trkKEKW 1v imagine having 12k because youre the only semi relevant league streamer on KEKW went off LULW 1v1 yasuosooo 1V1 KEKW LITERAL 4v5 OMEGALUL @Yassuo ur blitz is rusty 1v1 LUL 1v1 him KEKW damn NOOO THAT SONG WAS POGGERS 1V1 yasu 1v111111111111 KEKW fact 1v1 him KEKW lool KEKW OMEGALUL 1v1 him1v1 him FeelsWeirdMan 1v1 yasuo @Gromidon it does but it also has ints janna did more damage KEKW KEKW yasuo can you please try fiora with the new item @Yassuo KEKW 1v1 him 1v1 You homoless fuck AKON LOCKED UP Pog KEKW typical autofill feeder 1V1 1v1 1v1 yasuo wukong pls Kapp !delay TriDance 1v1 gim skipping ski PepeHands 1v1 him @Yassuo what is it like being outclassed by sanchovies in every way as a human being 1v1 WATCH YASUO PLAY Kapp PLAY FIZZ @yassuo Play heimer for one game if u don’t mind 1v1 1v1 moessiopia SHOW REPLAY OF YASUO PLAY ON BARON 1v11 @Yassuo gangplank next game? PogU 1v1 TriKool 1V1 YASUO 1 v 1 him Do 1v111 1v1 him 1v1 him Can u mid morg?? 1v11v 1v1 moe supp just too clean wtf akon PogU 1v 1v- @yassuo tell Quy to stream put ranked armor on 1v1s today? @Yassuo 1 v 1 that yasuo FeelsBadMan feels bad about Yasuo @Yassuo AB yasuo better Conquerer is GARBO on wu 1v1 1v1! @Yassuo you think they'll fix next season ranked? DO 1v1's you homeless DUO QT Yes 1v11 XDDD Hey! Please play 1 Wukong game, I want to see how you do on him. yes 1v1!1 @Yassuo thatboyAB yasuo cleaner 1VS1 chocoAYAYA chocoAYAYA 1vs1 YES KEKW yes FortOne yes @Yassuo Buy some stuff from the blue essence emporium yeah your blitz is nice Kapp yes TRUE LULW trueeeeeeeeeeeeee @morgoshiailia just get good, if you cant get out of silver its pretty hopeless IM LOCKED UP THEY WONT LET ME OUT !! yes yes TRUE INSECURE KEKW Yes TRUE KEKW Kapp EXACTLY KEKW NEVER LOSE Kappa TRUE TRUUUUUUUUUE KEKW 1v1!! ahahahahahahahahahahhahaha Charity stream this year? youd lose to that y TRUE KEKW @Yassuo TRUEEE Yes KEKW but u did lose? :tf: u lost to chimp SOO INSECUREEEE 1v1 do 1v1 1v1 exactly Kapp BIG KAPP when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s? yasFat yes :) TRUE KEKW Kappa insecure KEKW SCAREEEEED TRUE LULW losing to nightblue3 KEKW TRUE KEKW true lost to nightblue KEKW My sub is running out in 2 days.. any gifters? POGGERS YES U LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS PepeLaugh HE KNOWS NEVER KEKW ur beta af how many points do you have with yas? @Yassuo let s make a 1v1 youd lost to that yasuo 100% mostunique44 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Yo you should queue up for support again, that shit was nuts (∩╹□╹∩) Kapp TRUEEEEEEEEEEE can you please try fiora with the new item @Yassuo kekW ANY TRUERS? you lost to NB# XDD LOST TO CHIMP LUL LOST TO NB3 KEKW yes :) BETA INSECURE Yes :) TRUE man defineteleey true ahahahhaha LOSE YASUO 1V1 agains NIGHTBLUE LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW you lose to irons in 1v1 pussy boy !playlist KlouseInTheHouse subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! How you feel about Aphelios? thats what friends do LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW LOST TO NB3 KEKW we flame u regardless U lost tho chimp @Yassuo KEKW didnt you lose to nightblue Losing to chimp yasuo KEKW @Yassuo is yas still good?>?? 1v1 faker or u pussy ?!? :) :O yasTrue AKON Pog @subabs yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU cmonBruh NB3 LOSS KEKW @morgoshiailia man just search up guides, it will take you ages to get some typical answer like "get better" come on moe 1v1 is best content insecurecm Never loose one mmh Kapp LOST TO NB3 TriDance cmonBruh you re playing on north america ? @Yassuo hey Moe you think they'll fix next season ranked? Lost to NB3 PUSSYING OUT KEKW LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW !points @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne @Yassuo what you think about the sanguine blade on yas V NIGHTBLUE HUH? NEVER LOST HUH? @Yassuo LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW TriKool Hey @Yassuo how did you come up with this nickname of yours? :) yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW speak spanish ? could u play lissandra pls? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump arent u the cutest WATCH OUT YASUO PLAY How many mastery's do you have on yas? @Yassuo @Yassuo you re playing on north america ? Lost to NB3 KEKW @Yassuo @Yassuo IS YAS still good???????????????? NB3 Number 1 yasuo world :# Broken KEKW TRASH TriKool TriKool peepoBlanket QuTiQie is online, challange him, you wont be able to beat him >:) LOST TO NB3 KEKW @Yassuo Why don't you do the challenge where you play as the champ you played against in the previous game? It would be fun! when are the 1 vs 1 s? yasOkay hes disgustingly broken @Yassuo you still havn't replied, but i made you some other emotes Big brain, can’t lose if you don’t play ripsann -> Please refrain sending long messages. gameplay KEKW CANT READ LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW LOST TO CHIMP ON YAS KEKW play brand😂 Pepega LMAO TRY HIM ON PBE OMEGALUL chat all type 1v1 hi from greece fu SourPls Are you the best Yasuo in your opinion watch qt's youtube vid, i was in it XD When we have seen him lose games to OTP gold and sliver yas players though eblurry subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! <3 @Yassuo you re playing on north america ?! tslStravostomis tslStravostomis tslStravostomis @yassuo can you tell Quy to stream yasU yasU @Yassuo have qt even got mad or tilted?? Can't read!! zZz NinjaGrumpy @Yassuo buy chromas for BE DUO VIPER JR m omegalul e duo with General Sniper Play him on phe Did you lose to solorbacca? play heimer true He's fun to play yo what's up moe 1v1s today? no @Yassuo you re playing on north america ? false Kappa TRUEEEE KEKW no you missed a donation about a guy wanting advice about a girl can you please try fiora with the new item @Yassuo Kapp TRUE KEKW Kapp m OMEGALUL e Kapp yasTrue_BW KEKW Kappa KEKW You suck @alexdd41 ti leei lol ggggggggggggggggggggg .. Kapp @Yassuo tempest? KEKW 1 Kappa @Yassuo you still havn't replied, but i made you some other emotes ' rookie BIIIG KAPP what is ur second MOST PLAYED champion ? @Yassuo yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW @Yassuo did you see what happened to Lil Wayne @yassuo buy chromas adwaw Twp WASHED UP KEKW @Yassuo When will you get that eye laser you were talking about? tempest? dzukill on euw is way better then u @yassuo have u seen both soraka legendaries? they're pretty sick imo moe i like that mentality GIA PAME LIGO lider you are in NA KEKW @Yassuo dzukill? KEKW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW @Yassuo YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE 100THIEVES MERCH SELLER LIDER arkadata! relax fatty @yassuo do you knoww noway4you and if u know what u think about him ? KEKW Kappa COCKY KEKW KEKW @Yassuo KR YASSUO Pepehands teddy yasuo worse than u facts @Yassuo 1v1 TEMPEST which yasuo main can lose you 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 1v1 YASUICIDE S6 missed you @Yassuo gangplank next game? PogU @Yassuo R U BETTER THAN FAKER fake snake best yasuo NA right,not world @Yassuo YO MOE RUN SOME MARBLES U CUCK 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v DEAD STREAM 1V1 TEMPEST DO 1V1's SAME GOES FOR U KEKW WASHED UP @Yassuo you still havn't replied, but i made you some other emotes wHeN i Am tRyInG KEKW KEKW you are in NA KEKW @Yassuo how much points have with yasuo??? heyyy 1V1 TEMPESTT lost to chimps yasuo KEKW M OMEGALUL E AND HIS TEAM ARE D OMEGALUL GSHIT when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s? what about spin? @Yassuo remember when u used to be good? me neither PepitoFrogito subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Hey Mohammed, League is a dead game but I still come back to give my resubs because i've been a viewer since NY 2k Moe, and it's great to see how far you've come, much love man <3 lickR 1V1 TEMPESS @Yassuo lil wayne had a concert in saudi and he brought weed and got into trouble KEKW @Yassuo KR YASSUO @Yassuo When will you get that eye laser you were talking about?? Your icon looks cool @Yassuo youre mad hahaha 4HEad youre mad hahaha 4HEad youre mad hahaha 4HEad youre mad hahaha 4HEad youre mad hahaha 4HEad hey moe big fan can you please try fiora with the new item @Yassuo YO MOE RUN SOME MARBLES 1v1s today? 1V1 TEMPEST yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE GLORIFIED HODDIE SALESMAN OMEGALUL says ok faker all the time tho B))) qTEMPEST????? @Yassuo When will you get that eye laser you were talking about??? KEKW Kapp ! @Yassuo this song is so good @Yassuo didu ate harissa tounseya before hoody salesman yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE @yassuo Perkz is better yasuo KEKW whats the mans clip @Yassuo KEKW DELUSIONAL ANY BAJS? forsen1 @Yassuo Did you see nukeduck's yasuo ? yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE KEKW LUL LUL LUL xD? Hey guys look it’s the 100T Mascot yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE not even best yasuo on the east coast !merch W OMEGALUL RLD Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: READING FAKE MESSAGES KEKW KEKW YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY yasPride faker is better on yasuo teddy better KEKW Lider tho how to counter yasuo? @Yassuo give me a free cream 100t hoodie bitch ?@Yassuo When will you get that eye laser you were talking about??? LULW best world how come you have all skins? yasANELE play 1v1 so we flame you for losinig to silvers fav champion ? no yasuo KEKW W OMEGALUL R L D KEKW @Yassuo when is life of moe coming back?@Yassuo when is life of moe coming back?@Yassuo when is life of moe coming back?@Yassuo when is life of moe coming back im gold 1 and could clap u with yas easy , try to change my mind Best Yassuo world Kappa I C U forsen1 Kapp @yassuo can u try to do a flyblade? @Yassuo hey Moe you think they'll fix next season ranked? PLAY LEE SIN MID CUZ U GOT ME FLUFFED UP TheAtomicDoc subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! ayy lost to CHIMPNA KEKW letstgo remember when moe wasn't a glorified 100t hoodie salesmen who can lose you in 1vs1 DELUSIONAL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo When will you get that eye laser you were talking about???? Mohamed KEKW KEKW forsen1 @Yassuo Best midlaner NA? PogU YO MOE RUN SOME MARBLES U CUCK forsen1 I C yasPepega !headset massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic @yassuo can u try to do a flyblade !followage faker would beat you 1v1 on yassuo @Yassuo Why don't you do the challenge where you play as the champ you played against in the previous game? yasClown @yassuo can u try to do a flyblade? Do you still watch nelk boss? @mansoori3 partnership as known streamer penguin2199 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Yassuo didu ate harissa tounseya before ?? SANTORIN Pog YOU LOST TO NB3 AS YASUO THO KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp yasN yasN yasN KEKW GENERAL SNIPER POG MOE ADC KEKW !howlong GENERAL SNIPER KEKW KEKW who are ur fav hip hop artists? ADC KEKW general KEKW You have lost Yasuo 1v1's to viewers KEKW LUL @Yassuo whats your real name? youre the only person i know in 100T lmao yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW yasTrue_BW PowerUpR OhMyDog PowerUpL PowerUpR LMAO forsenE haHAA KEKW uloc_ is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Yassuo's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! yasU TRUE KEKW LULW TRUEE @Yassuo yasuo adc uloc_ gifted a Tier 1 sub to Kanade_Nishizawa! TRUE KEKW TRUE adc kekw Kapp KEKW Tunak tunak Video??? PepeHands PepeHands KR @Yassuo KEKW Kappa yasTrue do you pay for your trips to europe @Yassuo nice watch brother Ahahahahhahaha ??????????????? ??????????????????????? ? @yassuo make another gym vlog PepeLaugh ??????????????????????????????? perfect KEKW TRUEEEEEE KAPP Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday yasTrue ???????????????????????????? ??????????????????? KEKW LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW shut up fatty ????????? ahahahahahahahaha ????? KEKW you are delusional Kapp HAHAHAHA Kapp XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you re not perfect Kapp @Yassuo bro aha no homo suck me sister ass Kappa wtf KEKW UR SO DELUSIONAL KEKW LUL KEKW Yass ADC pls Kapp Delusional DELUSIONAL AHAHAHAHAHAHAH DELUSIONAL ????????? DELUSIONAL perfect in the head Kapp lmao KEKW Kapp KEKW Kapp KEKW lol ????????????? KEKW ????? Kapp ????????????????????????? INCEL ?????????????????????? ???????? KEKW Kapp yes yes KEKW ?????????? LMFAOO DELUSIONAL KEKW That right there is why LUL ?????????????? ???????????? Kapp incel shit KEKW KEKW pepeMeltdown Precisely the reason KEKW ughly af why re u fking screaming calm ur tits bitchhh KEKW Kapp WTF LUL ????? AHAHAHAHAH ??????????????????????? true what happened to the girl you took on a rid at twitch con ??? @Yassuo ok boomer Kapp OMEGALUL Kapp are you? Kapp ??????????????? ?????????????????? DELUSIONAL KEKW THIS IS WHY CUZ UR DELUSIONAL Kappa neither do i BCY U EGOISTIC @Yassuo youre a dog thats why KEKW @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' LUL Kapp INCEL BECAUSE YOU STAY HOME ALL DAY? NO KEKW KEKW ego andy incel kekw on what day will u charity stream for-24h BIG NOSE LUL LUL LUL TRUEEWWW ANELE ??? ??????????????????????????? INCEL YIKES cuz you are a snake DELUSIONAL ETF LOL Yas / nautilus? ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW LuL SELFLISH DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp DELUSIONAL WeirdChamp Kapp KEKW man this guy NA YAS KEKW VS. WORLD YAS PogU yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown Kapp ??????????????????????????????? where can i get this 100t merch or it a limited edition hoodies shit? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL perfect?? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit TRUE Kapp ?????????????? delusional LUL LUL LUL :( :( you stink wtf moe you're inting even if its preseason you cant show ur weak YO, do you still watch nelk og bobby johnsan? Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited LUL DELUSIONAL AHAHAAHAH incel @Yassuo what s your height ? @Yassuo @Yassuo UGLU AF U ARE SO DELUSIONAL OMGALUL ok yasN yasN yasN yasN good morning moe bro u ugly in ir; agrexgaming subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! are you doin 1v1s today btw youre beard looks great @Yassuo ur hot as fuck Actual incel KEKW @Yassuo this is the reason they dont talk to you xD FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW FeelsWeirdManW same tbh :/ TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you are so perfectly delusional KEKW NICE GUY TM sure u are Kapp Nice Ego fat kappa @Yassuo bcz of this u "perfect" KEKW Smhmyhead LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? just for badge tbh You are a gamer, as I am moe perfect? OMEGALUL delusional andy BECAUSE YOU NEVER LEAVE YOUR HOUSE? YOU ANTISOCIAL FUCK? NARCISIST you are the type to let someone hang And thats why INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA INCEL azzaOMEGA how did you lose 1v1 vs nightblue as yasuo what happened to the girl you took on a rid at twitch con ?? @Yassuo thats why no one talks to u ur ego KEKW EGO ANDY BRUH cringe have to ask for rmid @Yassuo should i roam? lul Scuffed human ur Pepega and arrogant thats why @Yassuo kappa Any tips for new players is he high ? LUL KEKW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW CUZ U'RE SUCH A SHOW OFF @Yassuo maybe youre too good SMaaart moe SMaaart what happened to the girl you took on a rid at twitch con ? @Yassuo LOL !Clip KEKW ok bomber INCEL Kappa KEKW KEKW SOUND LIKE GROSSGORE KEKW What’s your type K squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected KEKW Yeet OMEGALUL yasMald yas1 yas2 yas3 yasNLT AHQAHQA KEKW TRUE? CHAT WTF "im so perfect" Kappa Kappa High-Impact Super-Sliding Wind-Gliding Yasuo Gameplay from the best. KEKW u look lik3 a hobo and say perfect yea sure squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected squadW incel detected what you said was pretty gay 1v1 hi i love ur stream t1 @Yassuo What s your height ?? UNLEASHED DOGS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1v1v11vv1v1v1vv what happened to the girl you took on a ride at twitch con ? @Yassuo Delusional ego bigger then nose @Yassuo maybe they dont talk to u because u think u are perfect Dude if you look at LeagueOfGraphs best Yasuo there's so many yasuo mains with higher winrates and like 300 games GIRLS DON'T A KEKW YASSSSSSSSSSSSS 1v1 ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER how much did the watch cost what happened to the girl you took on a ride at twitch con ??? @Yassuo What kind of girls you like JUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GOT NO HAIRLINE! PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago ! HA TOOF MightyMerix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Any 1v1 tonight`? looks like its easy money KEKW 1 V 1 !!!"!!!!!!!!!!!! perfect?? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit I just followed to say bs Delusional PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE PLAY RYZE GIRLS DON'T WANT A PERFECT GUY @yassuo ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaW ELLIOT RODGER monkaWs CRINGE DELUSIONAL AUTISTIC YASSUO MAIN ROFL UNLEASHED DOGS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo What s your height ??? kat sylas what happened to the girl you took on a ride at twitch con ?? @Yassuo PLAY LE BLANC sylas neeko NEEKO? velkoz? @Yassuo @Yassuo do you know dzukill? hes by far the best Yasuo in euw Neeko neeko saantorin smurfing in challenger wtf neeko dogShit ZED OR BED @Yassuo @Yassuo Do you know dzukill? his yasuo is by far the best in euw @Yassuo neeko Annie KEKW @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago ratirlKEKW4 NEEKO U PLAYTED NEEKO you missed a donation about a guy wanting advice for a girl telling him idk Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Yassuo @Yassuo wheres ur hairline BRUH SHOW IT YASUO ResidentSleeper what happened to the girl you took on a ride at twitch con ? @Yassuo PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR neelo Zed TRUE KEKW Pog yas ';;;'] TriKool KEKW @Yassuo What s your height ? @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW @Yassuo did u ate harissa tounseya before !! ? pepeD song stop using this shitty skin please HEY MOE CAN YOU PLAY WUKONG BRO STOLE YAS? @yassuo what is your mouse dpi? And mouse settings in league yasN zedd project yasPride @penyautista brain dead UNLEASHED DOGS PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog KEKW And you LOOOVED zoe back then zeddddd Zed @Yassuo didu ate harissa tounseya before ! FeelsWeirdManW KEKW . yasCarried DPDP @Yassuo Why don't you do the challenge where you play as the champ you played against in the previous game? It would be fun! @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' nightbringer SANTORIN KEKW project yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago @Yassuo is yas still good w/ new conquerer LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? LeBron of Real Life too? Precipitation LUL KEKW you're against quy PogChamp QuTiQie is online, challange him, you wont be able to beat him >:) is general sniper the young kgid PepeHands why no 1v1's my armpits stink >.< SJ YASSUO odyssey yasuo pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese on what day will u charity stream for 24 hours? precipitation Pog NOT THAT SKIN AGAIN Missing @PEENDON dono KEKW @Yassuo fu @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW project yasPride yasPride Try ptaĄQ FeelsWeirdManW# why are you so ugly? why are u so good? @difroost1114 oss nikomek Muslim penis true damage suck 4Head 4Head 4Head CHANGE SKIN PepeWhy odysey yasuo pls @Yassuo hey man you like CBT? gachiHYPER GO DEFAULT SKIN sad! @Yassuo WHERES UR HAIRLINE BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CHANGE SKIN PRECIPITATION MONKAS yasn GO DEFAULT @Yassuo have you tried sanquine blade on yas? CHANGE SKOIN project project project thoughts on battle boss skin? ksy CHANGE SKIN BRO @Yassuo Do you know dzukill? his yasuo is by far the best in euw CHANGE SKIN @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago @Yassuo missed my dono was 1min ago Mmmm fac stfu no gay skin GO DEFAULT LUL MOE you wil get over it FeelsBadMan haHAA STOP @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo 4FUN LCS PLAYERS KEKW vsing imaqtpie D: yasN True FeelsWeirdMan odysey skin? change skin u dipshit SELLOUT true CHANGE SKIN CHANGE SKIN CHANGE SKIN @Yassuo did u ate harissa tounseya before ?? @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo ! 5Head title, I bet he doesnt know what any of those words mean KEKW @Yassuo whats your real name? @Yassuo are u best midlaner NA? can u redeem my sub so i can have double channel points @Yassuo fax Kapp CHANGE SKIN why are you so fat? forsenJoy FAX @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo change champ no put on the cool chroma DONT CHANGE True FeelsWeirdManW @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo ! it's my second season and i got to plat!!! Is there a charity stream this year general sniper Pog 4WeirdW SIMMER DOWN MOHAMMAD 4WeirdW SIMMER DOWN MOHAMMAD 4WeirdW SIMMER DOWN MOHAMMAD 4WeirdW SIMMER DOWN MOHAMMAD change to to high noon 4WeirdW just go offline you are too toxic @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo ???? chose nightbringer skin that man makes 500K to be a terrible LCS jgl though yasW lol general sniper it's your boy moe ?????????? i have big big peen PepeLaugh @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo yasPepega GOLD II a mini player is tyler playing lol KEKW @Yassuo iron 5 Stealing fnc content gachiHYPER KEKW BAD KEKW LUL D: can i get a true damage ign hlynovabomb euw what appened WeirdKEKW ????????????? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ??????????? PogU WutFace lol? silver, just pressed r WeirdChamp WutFace 3Head ?? haHAA WeirdChamp ?????????? KEKW I didnt see anything ?????????? SO BAD LULW XDDDDDDD KEKW PogYou iron GOLD II cuz they are so impressive bronze 2 OMEGALUL KEKW ????????????? @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk @Yassuo ? bronze 2 WeirdKEKW gold 4 Cringe 9 ???????? KEKW ??????????????????????? 3Head ELTS GO BOIIIIIZ trash thats silver Pog WutFace WTF WutFace XDDDDDDDDDDDDDd ? Silver KEKW lol just 2 people tho, no? AHAHAHAHA pressed R KEKW PRESSED R PogU WeirdChamp WeirdChamp ???????????? hachu2 hachu4 GOLD II cuz they are so impressive about it WutFace ??????????????? KEKW ? WeirdChamp ??? irom WOOOD WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW KEKW Elo LUL LUL LUL aTHE BOIS Pog WutFace ????????????????????? Pog haHAA you can just tell these guys never made good plays in their life LOL bronze WeirdChamp ?????? PogU PogU true true PepeHands WeirdChamp Please refrain from posting links. when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s? OTA_Mytho subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! lowkey made a new amazon acc to get that free month just to hit 6 months love u man MAKE HER CRY Sanchovees cuz trick was there when is charity stream goonna happen? Trick PepeHands not fun can u still rank up in offseason Gold 2 is the new silver 4Weird GOLD KEKW KEKW GOLD 2 KEKW @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked?? @Yassuo pummel party when? 25k points KEKW feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands feelings PepeHands @zgroundzero unfortunate ee sssssssnake yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS @Atomicnerd123 what surprises you fun BOTTOM KEKE isnt that the twich rivals where he made a girl cry? KappaEqualsGrayFace Friends KEKW its because of trick PepeHands What kind of girls you like hi masayo just dont have friends PepeHands PepeHands does mmr count in preseason ? It simply became stale in so many years lol KEKW TWITCH RIVALS WITH TRICK WAS THE ONLY TIME YOU HAD FUN yasS yasS u need MOTIVATION @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk if you play yasuo @Yassuo (CHALLENGE) KEKWKEKW @Yassuo Do you know dzukill? his yasuo is by far the best in euw PepeHands Just play normals with friends DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! How much money did you bet with Trick for Jump King? KEKW Last time was that much fun was when you did the cooking stream with a certain girl. Ah, wait.. @Yassuo KEKW ADC TRUE LULW Same PepeLaugh @yassuo its because you play solo @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked? VR PogU SAME LULW you've played it for 1000's of hours that'll happen yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT There's no element of surprise for you anymore. You've seen pretty much every outcome same PepeLaugh SAD PepeHands @Yassuo TWITCH RIVALS WITH TRICK PepeHands 1 v 1's today? KEKW @TheArcalius it doesnt matter, u spam the same thing every 5 seconds, hoping that moe reads it so you can finally get some attention in ur pathetic life :) KEKW TROO HYOON FeelsRainMan LUL thats cause u god damn well know you're gonna play league anyways last you had that much fun was when you snaked trick Kapp !!!!!!! Can somebody explain why pd and steraks are bad together on yas why don't you play something else ? :( TRUE LULW same FeelsBadMan ye duo with trick whats us snake FeelsStrongMan PepeHands no friends PepeHands no friends FRIENDS TRUE TREU play with sanch duo makes game much more fun @fantern yes Hyoon PepeHands friends PepeHands KEKW no friends yasSpit SAME PepeHands you have no friends hmmm I wonder why Ask qt for mental help HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA FRIENDS YOU BACKSTAB YOUR FRIEND PepeHands @Yassuo react to tf blade merch @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' would be dope yeah why dont you play with sanchovies anymore U SNAKE friends? PepePls 5v5 flex with the bros!!! @Yassuo you play league cause that's the only thing you are a pro at, and that's your main source of income ma dude dduo with trick Playing with friends is so fun yasCannon yasCannon no life check tfblde's twitter playing eith others would be a good idea @Yassuo You don't have friends 1v1 today? TRICK2G DIDNT PLAY TWIT RIVALS PepeHands yte 5 man ranked flex PepeHands HYOON well its been 5 years FRIENDS KEKW :( HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk if you play yasuo @Yassuo (CHALLENGE)! u dont have any friends cause u a snake truuuuuuuuuuuuu Gold 2 is close to silver 2? All the Gold’s punching the air right now lmao SANCH @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked?? @Yassuo you gotta find something to work towards SANCHOVIES??? Why dont u Try other Games playing bots with friends is more fun than playing soloq @Yassuo @yassuo what is wrong with the back of your head PLAY FORTNITE Just do smth and when you are so tired, play league f koro0oo -> Please refrain from spamming caps. PUMMEL Hyoon PepeHands Hyoon PepeHands Hyoon PepeHands Hyoon PepeHands osrs POGGERS @Yassuo COD WOW DOING THE SAME THING FOR 1000 HOURS GETS BORING? REALLY? me irl u make alot of money of league i get in a 5 man discord call and have a blast kekw new cod? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo climb with trick Pog FAT KEKW Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? JUst play low elo with dumb builds :D You lost ur best friend Trick ChampionshipLeBlanc -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: try a single player game VR PogU PLAY CSGO @Yassuo jumpop king @Yassuo did u ate harissa tounseya before ??* where is Sancho? @Yassuo Rank flexxxxxx HYOON PepeHands How much money did you bet with Trick for Jump King? Your a snake @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked? play that new star wars game play ow HYOON PepeHandw PLS PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo New cod? just dont play league then KEKW sanchovies PLAY FORTNITEE Celeste :( @Yassuo DUO WITH TRICK @Yassuo Did you finish celeste?? you promised!! @Yassuo why don't you try new games? yas i saw you q fly by my head when i was teaing omg LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL yooooo where is sanchovies @Yassuo react to tf blade merch. ? @Yassuo play some other high budget games FeelsRainMan im jsut a leagerrrr play variety @Yassuo didu ate harissa tounseya before ??? TriHard BOYS @Yassuo play fortnite kekw BE a variety steamer play TFT @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW @yassuo STREAM IT PogU @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk if you play yasuo @Yassuo (CHALLENGE) HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands play some apex legends or new star wars JAJAX Fortnite PogU @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked?? PLS PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo pls 10k pc for League LUL @Yassuo play new halo with the boys Pls 3v3 league Enter the gungeon @Yassuo and we watch the guy who dosnt have anything better to do your tits were shaking when u did that @Yassuo sanchovies Battlerite lol Then try going pro pepega @Yassuo VR PogU PUMMEL new cods asssssssssssssssssssssssss TriDance Yassuovies INTCHOVIES @Yassuo REDEEM SUB BoolinJAM U can literally play anything else and u will have high view count if ur worried about that @Yassuo What do you consider to be your favourite outplay moment with Yasuo? oo why dont you play with him anyjmore you gorilla who is sanchovies @Yassuo PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo pls TriAthlon go aram ! YO will you stream cod also? why are u so good? ANELE ??? playing wuth homees league is 100% more fun gachiBASS @Yassuo have you watched It's always sunny in Philadelphia? i see your shirt TriDance We should be together yasFBM charity stream when? Is Stormrazer rush on yasuo good at all? how tf do you even make 100t money @Yassuo hey Moe you think they'll fix next season ranked? PLAY WHIT MI MOM when are you gonna do the 1 vs 1 s ? overWatch , peepoLeave league? You seem you have allot of fun with sanch Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty @Yassuo Halo Reach releases for PC on Tuesday. int-chovies yoo I WISH I NEVER MET HER yasFBM adc yasuo if you so good ANELE Try to up your game and go pro @Yassuo new halo game peepoPog IN THE CHAT BOIS when's the next variety stream?? join mixer PLS PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo pls Sanchovees iwdANELE saintfourteeen -> Please refrain from posting links. 1v1 today? @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked? Kapp Kapp F CLIP NAYEK LOST KEKW Kapp Kapp Tunak tunak Video when???? ALGERIAN ONE IS THE BEST Kapp RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ PLAY RDR2 @Yassuo pls @Yassuo could always say fucck it and play a solo player game like The outer worlds or skyrim or sum shit yasN Kapp @Yassuo you played cs:go before and you seemed to have fun league is like life at first youre bronze and youre having fun with it like kids are having fun but then when you go to high elo its like mandatory to play and you wish you could stop like in life past adult you just wanna die but you cant I MADE IT TO A MOE STREAM CSGO @TheArcalius no response?:) did i hurt ur feelings? Minecraft @Yassuo anthem @Yassuo can you try stormrazor first item instead phantom dancer or statikk if you play yasuo @Yassuo (CHALLENGE) ? HOOOOOOOOORAH CS GO KEKW bensy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! ily <3 TRUEEE FORTNITE breath of the wild poh :/ WITCHER 3! nba 2k 20 10k pc for League only LUL he doesn't care because he can still but 25k watches no matter what @Yassuo GIFT SUBS TO REDEEMED @Yassuo stop cappin bro JUMP KING IS COMING @Difroost1114 saha baba MINECRAFT NO KAAAAAAP Rank flex to challenger JUST DANCE 2020 RDR2? MINECRAFT POGGERS Why is mixer better? @Yassuo why do u have everything unlocked?? dota HALO comes out tuesday true @difroost1114 eyyy yazbi @yassuo killing floor 2 on steam boshy PepeLaugh @Yassuo @Yassuo roleplay gta v pog play random games, its preseason anyway so fuck it @Yassuo Play Pavlov VR @KappaEqualsGrayFace league partner program @Yassuo Homie it's impossible to get a gahdamn gifted sub via these points, I got 13k at double points and I'm always up in this b yasThink How much money did you bet with Trick for Jump King? do you try them though? rust new jump king dlc is coming soon ! What about offline games? OVERWATCH Halo in 2 days PogU scary games monkaW go pummel this week please god,you look like you enjoy that @Yassuo ايش يا كبييييير COD PLAY SOME SCARY GAMES AGAIN pokemon runescape Try OverWatch @Yassuo play with sliker itssliA @Yassuo JUMP KING @Yassuo hollow knight since you like indie games Kappa yall Kappin but he really set DIABLO 4 HALO playing flex with frends is best play maplestory TIME TO PLAY MINECRAFT YAY pummel TERRARIA JUST DANCE 2020 Overwatch @Yassuo You should play more of duo because it's actually fun DOTA 3 LETSGOOOWWWWWW osu! terraria Dying light @yassuo DoinB went Stormrazor IE Tri force, thoughts? runescape LUL stop talking and turn up music @Yassuo RED DEAD REDEMPTION Overwatch! RUST RUST RUST @Yassuo halo reach coming on tuesday! the new COD? DOOM play terraria hey @yassuo you should play snake-io🐍 NEW RIOT FPS Pog league pubg lite WoW Lost ark FORTNITE POGGERS He makes enough money if he’s playing league or not. F O R T N I T E Read dead redemption 2? @Yassuo @Yassuo DOTA ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED? @Yassuo @Yassuo Halo Reach FORTNITE POGGERS MAPLESTORY OSRS they dont make them anymore JUMP KING PLAY WOW CLASSIC @yassuo try rust PogU pokemon @Yassuo hey yasuo if u search a champ that dont need a big brain to play pick urgot SMASH??? Cheer100 Ayy Moe the boy almost D2. You already know we about to start streaming. I better be on the next Twitch RIvals team Fortnite KEKW @Yassuo Do you use the dennis system @daniela00unicorn 5Head @TrevorB oh thank u DUDUD xqcE terraria Overwatch nO YASUO FOR YAsuo KEKW DODODOD twitch sings Pog NEW RIOT FPS Pog LOL FPS WILL PROBABLY DO THAT TO YOU :) @Yassuo HAVE YOU EVER TRIED STARCRAFT? Pokemon sword shield? @Yassuo cant wait for new riot games new games are trash these days @Yassuo SMITE @Yassuo same terraria vr games? just dance 2020 RED DEAD 2 SKYRIM Kapp @Yassuo Destiny 2 OLD SCHOOL RUNESCAPE play dead by daylight Monster Hunter OVERWATCH NO KAAAAAAAAAAAP @Yassuo The witcher 3 OSU assasin screed WoW RAGNAROK ONLINE @Yassuo GTAV ? @yassuo tic tac toe call of duty @Yassuo archage unchained TRY WOW witcher 3 on stream Destiny 2 GRIND! We nead LOL2 no lifer @Yassuo Homie Precipitation is like rain. Why you got that in your title @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW FALLOUT rip some elder srcolls online rayman legends DOTA LULW WOW ? the forest Read Dead redemption 2? @Yassuo @Yassuo Halo Reach comes out SOon @Yassuo play Dofus xd ARK @Yassuo @Yassuo ARK @Yassuo have u ever played monster hunter? Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? runescape F OMEGALUL R T N I T E @yassuo fortnite lmso PLAY RUST 13 Dec the 13th 12.12 @AKAROH yasH 13th it’s free rn WOOW ? ANELE @Yassuo HAVE YOU EVER PLAYER STARCRAFT 2? @Yassuo terraria Enter the Gungeon Moe! Can u say happy birthday to me?:( THE VISAGE (horror game) Rainbow 6 Siege!!!!!!! El truco 3000$ bet LULW @Yassuo @Yassuo black desert lol @Yassuo Red Dead Redemption 2 Runescape @Yassuo new riot FPS lirikHS WORLD OF WARCRAFT we back Breath of the wild @Yassuo @Yassuo DOTA 3 is goood muhammed Stop masturbating. WeirdChamp DRAVEN league forever pokemon KKona @Yassuo Dota 2 bro play RAID SHADOW LEGENDS @Yassuo STARTCRAFT 2? sliker play skyrim for stream @yassuo @Yassuo you don't like mmos? those are full no life yasuo @daniela00unicorn yasH lUC @Yassuo halo this week Fortnite heimer stardew valley is a pogger game to no life till you do everything Read Dead redemption 2? @Yassuo such a nice game FORTNITE POGGERS dota DRAVEN Unturned @dofus Terraria play death stranding EZ @yassuo Rust Destiny 2 Grind kaisa ASHE XAYAH LUC play terraria PLAY JUMP KING WITH UR OLD FRIEND TRICK POGGERS dont play Ez DansGame best game na lmaooooooo KEKW MOE BOT solarbacca on other team PogU HEIMER thresh 4HEad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You have been permanently banned from talking in Yassuo Ez u wanna DODGE TRISTANA HEIMERRRR dead by daylight LUCIAN kaisa SENNA Bet the yasuo on the other side up trippy DRAVEN Kai'Sa LUCIAN if you like outplay mechanics dbd could be fun Dude try Ark Survival Evolved @Yassuo pokemon DRAVENNNNNN TWITCH VAYNE draven heimer vayne veigar lulu VAYNE draven RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Destiny 2 is Sick yasN jinx MF lulu itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 DRAVEN! @Yassuo no life runescape and get 100b zebt LUCIAN lulu ezreal Read Dead redemption 2? @Yassuo Read the chat XAYAH kaisa HEIMERHIMER HEIMER HEIMER HEIMER HEIMER lulu RUNESCAPE kaisa vayne !followage @yassuo i bet u like girls lulu @Yassuo friday 13th december new Jump King yasuo @Yassuo @Yassuo Dofus yas ezreal lulu aatrox VAYNE VAYNE VAYNE twitch RUNESCAPE @yassuo VEIGAR SENNA PLS most games are trash im in the same position @Yassuo lulu @yassuo PLAY SUPERLIMINAL ON EPIC GAMES HEIMERDINGER heimer EZ caitlyn EZ lulu @Yag00d Happy B-day! heimer yas lucian lulu Monster hunter or destiny 2 FORTNITE POGGERS FORTNITE POGGERS @yassuo playing with friends is the best thing ever. i find it more enjoyable. it destroys competitiveness that s why i m hard stuck but i don t care it makes me happy Runescape heimer ez HEIMER widepeepoHappy @ELGOBLlNO good one haHAA The master chief collection coming tuesday maybe you should try that. Halle games were hype YUMI Vayne vayne veigar nooooooooo gg wp trist is good Heimer heimer?? pokemon ResidentSleeper X AYAYA H have you played pokemon sword and shield :< SENNA WIN YAS KEKW ADC Lucian wtf Kaisa @Yassuo Play syndra!!! PLS Tristana ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper THE VISAGE SUCH A DOPE GAME STAR GUARDIAN DARK SOULS ashe supp inspiration draven XAYAH KAISA ResidentSleeper Ashe? i give up Read Dead redemption 2? @Yassuo such a nice game Aurelion adc @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' Heimer World of Warcraft rayman legends is free on epic games ResidentSleeper boots and cookies cards agaisnt humannity? Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? nice INSPIRATION KALLISTA POGGERS pummel party CSGO is aight if you play scrims with friends ask colkd !uptime yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper The stream has been live for 1 hours 37 minutes 42 seconds EZ KappaPride @Yassuo shouldve locked in heimer 5Head are you going to make a bet with trick2g on jump king like the previous one ? boots and cookies boots and cookies boots and cookies boots and cookies @Yassuo Try OverWatch = they wanted give u mid STAR GUARDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Play minecraft with the boys boots and cookies right? insparation ResidentSleeper read the gamechat @Yassuo CONQ OR DONK mf yasuo Beat the yasuo up no Check Blade's tweet KEKW nah no @Yassuo have you ever been told that you look persian? DARK SOULS 3 yeah @yassuo new jump king is released on december 13th Play sekiro habub no no :) NO ResidentSleeper absolute focus is garbag NO no no BISCUITS SMITE? NIMBUS CLOAK ON XAYAH KEKW double armour they full ad STAR GUARDIANNNNNNNNNNN yes SUSTAIN ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper enemy team all AD they're 5 ad @yassuo dude do u have merch? 5 ad ssg star star ssg SSG SSD SSG star ssg base skin No SSG STAR ssg yes STAR SG SSG SG star ssg any mods in chat? SG Kreygasm star g ssg star STAR GUA ssg ssf SSG star star guardian SSG star SG SSG SSG STAR STAR star guardian STAR star guardian SG SSG SGG SSG Star star guardian SSG ssg star ssg ssg ssg SSG ssg star guardian Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! sg sg Star Gaurdian SG ssg star SSG star SSG PLZ star star guardian ddg SG star guardian sg SSG SSG ssg SSG ssgssg SG ssg sg ssg Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? star STTARRR star guardian STAR GUARDIAN SGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGSGGSS star gurdian @yassuo tfblade tweet PainChamp yo i was watching tfblade but i came here cuz better streamer shes is a teenage girl sg ssg moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave are you going to make a bet with trick2g on jump king like the previous one ? . star sg SHES 12 FU new jump king released on december 13th @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW @Yassuo how do we join the league partner program? full AD team, I wouldve gone double armor myself WeirdChamp widepeepoSad The problem is that there is no game that will hype u like league used to turn music up KonCha SSG better why do you have all skins wassup habibi shes 12 HOT Kreygasm @yassuo no cap some horror game like dead by daylight would be fun to play/watch KEKW moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave STAR Pog star guardian Shes Shes 12 WeirdChamp Shes 12 WeirdChamp Shes 12 WeirdChamp Shes 12 WeirdChamp 12 WeirdChamp SHES 14 @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' hi nerd LULW @Yassuo HAH DONK Ssg WeirdChamp noob cmonBruh @Yassuo you dont like mmos? those are actually no life games itssliA moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave NOOOOOOOOOOO @yassuo remember pubg with Jensen? Wtf everytime I tune into the stream Moe is playing adc, he is now an adc main? jebaited scammed SLIKER 3Head SG or SSG xD Hi Moe CHAT SHES 12 WeirdChamp ALLO LUL Bruh STAR GUARDIAN @yassuo MOE do u have merch for sale cmonBruh monkaW Rip monkaW fbi itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink HI pog ssg monkaW wtf Cheer100 i know World of Warcraft seems super daunting at first but just like league once you get a grasp of it its addicting as fuck and so no-lifeable 3Head LEAKED CALLERS WeirdChamp star guardian SSG KEKW bruv wutFace itssliV FAKE CALL KEKW TriKool ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE monkaW monkaX LUL LUL time to die monkaW Ssg monkaW scamer ANELE @Giiyu_ if she 12 im 12 LEAKED monkaW MonkaW ????? monkaW DED IN 5 MIN scam SHES 14 WeirdChamp damn monkaS monkaW @Yassuo are you going to bet with Trick on the new jump king ? KEKW WeirdChamp moe playing adc ? peepoLeave scam monkaW T OMEGALUL M Muted @TakiXD He used to no life RS all the time TOM KEKW yasBoo4 TOM peepoPog monkaW monkaW SG or SSG KEKW ahh shit monkaOMEGA MOM TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog TOM peepoPog gachiBASS KEKW ?/ Tom WeirdCham LOOLOL gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER KEKW LUL gachiBASS monkaW ashlolFail u lose Kappa Kappa KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride T OMEGALUL M @Yassuo have u ever tried monster hunter gachiHYPER he gon come rub u down TOM KEKW FAKING CALLS KEKW gachiBASS MASSAGE itssliThink tobiasOK W OMEGALUL RK W OMEGALUL RK ''working KappaPride !time tahm kench? KappaPride gachiHYPER dick massage? Current time in Los Angeles: 11:48:58 AM LOL KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Tom WeirdChamp W OMEGALUL ORK WORKING KEKW KEKW @Yassuo how do we join the league partner program?? Muted lol that sounds gay dude gachiHYPER Clap working moe playing adc ? peepoLeave moe playing adc ? peepoLeave gachiBASS work kekew STALKER W OMEGALUL RK lmao Keepo Keepo MonkaW gachiHYPER @hysey Fucking hell that tweet is painful PainChamp Jungle wintrade gachiHyper W OMEGALUL RKING come up TriHard dont you know the story of Tom the Caller? monkaEyes rip moe @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW HAPPY ENDING TOO? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride 1 WORKING KEKW Kappapride @xxnscopexx LOL for the massage WINK WINK PLAY SKYRIM @yassuo Kapp KappaPride möe KappPride JUCIE KappaPride any NaM ? Yeah a lot of riot games are about to come out you like any of those? yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Massage KappaPride ? gachiHYPER gachiBASS NUMBER LEAKED KEKW JUNGLE WINTRADE CaB torture gachiHYPER yasSpit kappa @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? tom is the bf Happy ending massages KappaPride Enaable peepoFinger peepoLeave Human Trafficker monkaW tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride hello happy ENDING @Yassuo how do we join the league partner program? i lub u möe KappaPride yea yea tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride KappaPride WINTRADE JUNGLE TRICK PepeHands gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER @yassuo moe do u sell merch ???? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride SUCK MY DICK PLS @Yassuo yasPride yasPride @Yassuo ASIAN MASSAGE? Pog gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER working PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro HAPPY ENDIN GFROM TOM????????? gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER @Yassuo are you going to bet with trick on the new jump king ? KappaPride Tom with a man? KappaPride Yea dude tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride Pog WITH TOM KEKW its the abortion clinic JUNGLE WINTRADE kKona yasSleeper PepegaAim heey hasagi boi @Yassuo Happy ending from a guy? KappaPride youll play it for a day then drop it KEKW @yassuo tfblade tweet PainChamp its gonna come out 2022 fix camera happy ending with a man u wishj TRUEEE LULW KEKW dude ur gay TRUE KEKW JUNGLERS WINTRADING KEKW @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW wassup moe KEKW tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride tom giving u a dik massage? KappaPride yeah 2021 lol @yassuo play killing floor 2 on steam ???????? pummel party 2021 KKonaW KKonaW KKonaW True KEKW LUL KEKW TRUEE TriKool IM WITH MY SHOOTERS CSGO Moe ordering a happy ending massage PepeLaugh KEKW yasSnake_BW @Yassuo how do we join the league partner program?? MOE GAY Yo moe was nice meeting u at twitchcon thanks for the pic and thank u for streaming it means more for some of us than just entertainment you are the best <3 Cheer100 KEKW KEKW ??? krikor132 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hey bby KEKW oof happy ending from a guy ? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride SOT late 2020 early 2022 KEKW have you ever tried to play trove= Check Blade's tweet KEKW @Yassuo play overwatch LULW HOW DID U GO FROM 2020 TO 2022? just play OVERWATCH COME TO BRAZIL RAINNOW & THE JUNGLERS VR PogU h3uhu3hu3hu3 brbr GAY CONFIRMED Wild Rift 1 year for OW ripoff KEKW late 2020 = early 2022??? play dead by daylight bro CS WOULD STILL DESTROY THAT GAME WHEN IT COMES OUT rocket league is a game you can nolife cod modern warfare but it looks like shit nah ? skyrin yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yo u dog coach me or else @Yassuo JUNGLERS!!! Im looking forward to the league fighting game 2020 -> 2022 KEKW ????????? late 2020 - early 2022 but where is 2021 ? Santorin PepeLaugh skyrim what's a raid? @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' hello from chile culiao Brazil bootcamp soon? @Yassuo JUNGLERS!? @Lifelimitt yes thats the joke @Yassuo i would recommend sekiro or dark souls for a no-life game mordekaiser es numero uno @morgoshiailia Play like gold santorin literally rank 1 by a mile. this game ova @Yassuo wassup homie love the stream thats the fuckin joke you fucks didnt you say you wanted to try overwatch once? yasR Quy Pog yasPepega CLAB late 2020 = early 2022?? GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride 2021 DOESN'T EXIST Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? DID SOMEONE SAY SKYRIM PogChamp Enemy Jungler is the guy u hostd a long time ago Follow me on Twitter for updates yasBoo1 moba player usually suck at shooters SAME CLAN YESD LATE too late no darkness_2080 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! sup ugly yasH yasH NO it is no it is YEAH OW GARBAGE ITS LATE fuck overwatch IT IS TOO LATE KEKW no play it NOOOO OW sucks @Yassuo We wanna see you try hard at other GAME Cheer100 late 2020 isnt 2022 lol OMEGALUL W no YES Try it TRY IT Pog @Yassuo what s your height YES no game is doomed try it out hi from greece TOO LATE yeah KEKW NO YES yes try TRY OW2 its late Too late just try no its too late OMEGALUL W yes OMEGALUL W try it OMEGALUL W SAME CLAN! YES YES garbage game try it too late its dead KEKW ;ATE OMEGALUL W no LATE KEKW Try it too late PLAY RAINBOWXIS Its to late too late go for it no try it its easy its tooooo late YES no OMEGALUL W try it YES no YES NO Not late! overwatch 2 is coming out no xd OVERWATCH 2? GAME'S DEAD KEKW TOO LATE late N OMEGALUL KEKW ow overwatch is pretty dogshit right now @yassuo try it yes NO KEKW COD MW to late GARBAGEEEE OW IS DEAD ALREADY no no its cancer NO TRY IT!!! DEAD GAME OMEGALUL TRASH game now HELL NO THAT GAME IS DEAD @Yassuo too late very late yes noo try it Pog WAY TOO LATE KEKW N OMEGALUL LATE nonono OMEGALUL verwatch ITS DEAD KEKW try it TO late too late just play league no its dead TOO LATE too lae Play WoW nah YES GO garbage no OW is trash did he miss my bits? nononononono Overwatch 2 Dead game just play it late Its Poular play modern warfare No ITS SHIT LULW yes not really dying overwathc is dead game no ow its pretty stable No It's dead no u can but overwatch sucks N OmegaLUL nononnonnono DEAD GAME N OMEGALUL Overwatch 2? KEKW OVERWATCH OVERWATCH IS TERRIBLE i started ow last year, its more toxic than league DED GAME yes play that shit OMEGALUL !followage TRYYYYY DO IT WHY YOU DONT COVER MAP YASSUO MOHAMMED ? ANELE OW2 comes out soon WAYYYYY too late NEVER TOO LATE Omegalul TriDance plays League tho @Yassuo dont play that doomed dead game TOO LATE HELL N OMEGALUL OMEGALUL W is trash its hard af its definitely too late for overewatch No Try it out YES OW 2 @Yassuo go for it So dead PLAY IT APEX? KEKW just try for a bit its popular PLEASE DONT @Yassuo what if your son wanna drop out college to start streaming what you say ? TriKool Clap TRY IT HOTS PogU @Yassuo halo infinite DO ITTTT @Yassuo What s your height TriKool lol 1v1 tomorrow? fot 100$ but i'll play with you RAINBOW 6 DEAD GAME YES Your playing league right now? though LATEEE yasW !song mrwise20 -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream Gta5 TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance PLAY IT @Yassuo OW2 announced may as well try it csgo bruh SO A LEACH KEKW @Yassuo SO A LEACH KEKW @Yassuo over watch is trash dont play it dude you should play a soloplayer game which you can grind on with chat @Yassuo HYOON PepeHands HOW ABOUT FPR play runescape lol @Yassuo PLAY BF V TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance don;t Yes please Overwatch 2 will come soon @Yassuo play OW2 when it comes out N ;OMEGALUL @yassuo I’ll play with you @Yassuo What s your height ? Try it it isnt too late Dont ever play overwatch Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Q @Yassuo Rainbow Six Siege is so fun with the boys try it out overwatch sucks @Yassuo Start playing tekken 7 Pepega POKEMON !!! W N OMEGALUL THE CLAN FOR JUNGLERS Too late W TriDance TriDance N O W Éradiquer TriDance PLAY OW You can play DEATH STRANDING W TriKool TriDance W KEKW marjfar subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! IntChovies, SSSSSnake ur playing league man 😂 hi from greece W play with xqc OMEGALUL W 2 SCAMMED w TriDance play tf2 SCAMEMD BE A GENJI 1 TRICK W 5HEAD "Likes to play new games not ones that are dying out" - Still plays League q and max e @Yassuo wait for shooter from Riot TriDance late Play overwatch 2 when it comes out w Pepega SCAMMED WTF TriDance Any Dancers? Everygame is a dead game to chat YOU START W PepeLaugh started q u start e play warcraft 3 when it comes out play modern warfare instead @Yassuo have XQC carry you lol Kinda toxic and teamsters are worse than league dude you should play a soloplayer game which you can grind on with alot of chat interaction @Yassuo SCAMMER OW2 is literally the same game KEKW if a write in spanish i get baned?¿?¡ need riot to hurry up with those new games KEKW Last twitch rivals was the worst to watch i dont know why? TriKool Over watch 2 is coming out ugly bastard that uhhh sounds like billy Harrington DEATH STRANDING @Yassuo E W Q MOESSIOPIA AND SCAMMER WTF d shiled TriDance @Yassuo why did u leave one direction cod Just play cod or destiny 2 E>W>Q you only start w with rakan tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE d shield dude you should play a soloplayer game which you can grind on with alot of chat interaction! @Yassuo TriDance TriDance TriDance SCAMMED KEKW gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS v @Yassuo You'd be good at Overwatch play it before it dies is the real logic @yassuo pummel part !!!!! yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood yasGood FBChallenge helloooo @pogchamp999 you only start w with Rakan m8 chat is stupid. You go Q E w/o rakan for quick trades and quick roots. You start W with rakan for the level 1 DDDude you should play a soloplayer game which you can grind on with alot of chat interaction! @Yassuo @yassuo horror games and single player story games are pog Hi Max e sssssssssss Cheer100 idk if you saw my last one but if you do ever play WoW play classic its so good take the red how many channel points for a sub TY :) The JUNGLERS CLAN PogChamp MOE SHARINGAN CONFIRMED @Yassuo when is riots fps game coming out JUNGLE CLAN labyo m9e So whos this ryoma punk you need to beat up to get a spot m o adc e LUL KEKW WHY NOT classic WeirdChamp W OMEGALUL W lookin cute today @Yassuo wassup homie love the stream W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W classsssic what time is there in NA? take red and win lane? are you silver or what XD its too old OSRS classic isn't good anyway LMAO ssssssssssssssssss W OMEGALUL W OLS CHOOL RUNESCAPE it was a good first time exp for me playit its fun @Yassuo more viewers than tfblade WeirdChamp wow is trash why dont you stream runescape? W OMEGALUL W notice me moe You gonna play halo when it comes out? classic was good 15 years ago LULW its good because of that nerfed @Yassuo play super smash bros play some elder scrolls online neverfed on range @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW play terraria W OMEGALUL W that game is so dogsht WeirdChamp if u will take his jungle i ll donte 100 $ W OMEGALUL W yasAYAYA xd twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho gg yasSnake Who do u think will win the bet Fogged or tfblade ? WOOMEGALULW yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace KEKW @Yassuo YOu will get camped by people if you get into classic now ????? WutFace MrDestructoid DansGame monkaW MrDestructoid 7 monkaW BOTS energetikna subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! almost a year pog BOTS WutFace KEKW wtf WeirdChamp WutFace WutFace WeirdChamp tf WutFace WutFace ?? WeirdChamp wtf WeirdChamp bots MrDestructoid WutFaceW SUB MODE LUL bots WutFace Ey Moe ik you are bad are bad at league but you still need to try WutFace monkaS WeirdChamp MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid WutFace bots bots MrDestructoid WutFace bots WutFace Clap WutFace twitch-paaulinho ???????????? bots WeirdChamp wtf bots omega lol twitch-paaulinho WTF monkaEyes BabyRage BabyRage Blizzard is garbage That damage BOTS WutFace MODS nice bots KEKW MrDestructoid W H OMEGALUL D: RAID LMAO SUB MODE SUB MODE WutFaceW MODS WeirdChamp bots WutFaceW BOTS WutFace WutFace bots BAN EM WutFace SUB MODE TIME NEZ2Y subscribed with Twitch Prime. M OMEGALUL DS The fuck is happening SUB MODE WutFaceW WeirdChamp wtf fuck SUB MODE OkayChamp ahahah bye bots sub mode baby KEKW TRUE MODS PogU hi KEKW Pog BOTS DansGame sub mode PogU wait till aphelios is live Why is it sub only? MODS 4Weird HeyGuys Plebs EW SUBS we rolling boizzzzz MODS DO SOMETHING Pog bye bye plebs PepeLaugh he looks broken rn yasHands plebs ok why are they banning bots now Modz Pog Bye PLEBS MonkaS TriHard NOT SUBBED BUT STILL IN SUB CHAT TriHard LUL Aphelios is worst KEKW thanks mods OkayChamp PLEBS PepeHands mods PogYou advertising your channel in twitch WeirdChamp monkaW KxNPakaPunch subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! HAHA PLEBS STAY OUT KEKW Senna broken pepeJAM plebs PepeLaugh HeyGuys PLEBS Turn of sub only come on feel bad for the other viewers Imagine subbing to moe WeirdChamp plebs PepeHands wintracde PlebChris subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! WHERE THE PLEBS AT dude you should play a soloplayer game which you can grind on with alot of chat interaction @Yassuo I can’t watch this goodbye nuts hey guys POGGERS HeyGuys plebs yasSpit now we all get benched cuz of this guy trying to be funny sad pleb life Plebs LUL KEKW Morons Sub Mode WeirdChamp -750 KEKW Bloodytalent1 subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 2 months! plebs outt Dralffus subscribed with Twitch Prime. tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey SUB MODE Pog @Rampo123 ratirlFlower Sub mode PainChamp every game the enemy senne manages to get fed idk how sub mode leh go Plebs kekw_mald PLEBS PepeHands -4.99 KEKW Plebs OkayChamp Hi gimme a sub WeirdChamp ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS stupid bots BOTS pokiW @PublicScriptL9 ratirlFlower -750 time lads KEKW mods kekw Plebs :( -750 KEKW what's up Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS Plebs, I'll post your messages in chat OkayChamp Just PM me OkayChamp Subs got nothin on me PLAY TERRARIA WITH THE BOYS Pog Clap Submode WeirdChamp IMAGINE BEING SUBBED KEKW didn't dodge KEKW the moe can you go to my cousin-in-law youtube channel and say hi to him in the comments but it has to be hey with 4 y's ok? ok thank you moe @Yassuo this is the type of dudes that ask moe for shit on stream FREEEEE US DansGame Imagine not being poor KEKW play zombies with your boys its hella fun imagine being a sub OMEGALUL Plebs message me OkayChamp @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' POGGERS haHAA SUBS haHAA Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS KEKW -750 wait, submode? @Yassuo A PLEB HERE, SUB MODE WeirdChamp -750 PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW FREE US TriHard Moe on ADC KEKW KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 KEKW -4.99 imagine paying to chat OMEGALUL IT ISNT KEKW -750 KEKW D: DOOD DUDE yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald Paying for chat in submode LULW fuck you subs WE WANT EQUALITY It wasnt us it was the bots PepeHands she aint thats the thing DUD Pepega DUD Pepega DUD Pepega DUD Pepega DUD Pepega MALDING KEKW dood yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald D: yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald SUBMODE yasWeird yasWeird yasWeird use bisquit duDudu duDudu duDudu lmao FREE Pog We out Pog Plebs yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS TriDance yo TriHard Oh FREEE LUL TriHard WE FREE DUD FREE ME W FREEEEEEEE what a loser that guy was yasWeird how is yasuo balanced DUDEE DOOD -5 WeirdKEKW twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho PLEBS FREE WutFaceW Sub mode PainChamp ratirlBusiness any business men? ratirlBusiness any business men? ratirlBusiness WarlordRaidon subscribed with Twitch Prime. -750 LUL WutFace BAN EM FREE YAY SUBMODE DansGame BOTS STILL HERE WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace KEEP IT ON WutFace AGAIN LUL KEKW f WORK WORK BAN MonkaW wtf ???? what do you mean, her W travel speed is the slowest skillshot in the game LOL it really IS balanced senna is actually busted atm and theyre not even gonna nerf her next patch KEKW not fair MrDestructoid LUL twitch paulinho omegalyl PLEBS DansGame ratirlBusiness any business men? ratirlBusiness WTF Okey i get why sub only was on hahaha Xsd Xd TriHard XD Xd plebs can never be released Plebs Chill DansGame handang1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Immagine paying an already dead rich person to watch free content outplayed DOOOOOOOD peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap Make it 1 day followers Xd odaBicepR odaHa odaBicepL poh idk whats worse, watching TF blade randomly scream any time he gets poked, or watching moe do the same. Xd Pyke and LEE SIN HAVE SAME CLAN @Yassuo bro plz be quiet and just suck me sister ass aha thx Sub mode doesn affect the bots haha zombies with the boys is super fun hgfhgfh I see the offliners, Pog US!!! wasting sub points to say fuck you moe but also love you moe plebs Pog ANY TRUERS IN CHAT yasH r9k mode 4Weird ER Imagine being a Pleb KEKW bots monkaW 4 dorian xd plebs spending all their points KEKW yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake i was expecting him to flash as well buy ROLLIES -750 KEKW any -750 er's ? WIDEHARDO Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : bots monnkaW Plebs pm me what u want to type in chat KEKW bots raid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid PLEBS widepeepoSad subs are so ResidentSleeper KEKW yasGood iTemp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! hello moeseph AWWWWWW ugly bastard poosy hello mohammed OkayChamp -750 KEKW EZ CHAT WE GOT THIS RUNES KEKW @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW FREE US TriHard CUCKS PAYING 5$ TO CHAT IN SUB MODE WHEN I DO IT FOR FREE KEKW M OMEGALUL DS YO IM RUNNIN LOW ON AMMO, SOMEONE GIVE ME MORE AMMUNITION KEKW -750ers yasW -750 KEKW WHY U HAVE SHIELD ITS NERFED KEKW how many points for vip ? Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS imagine spending money for watching livestreams KEKW trueee -750 LESSGOOO @ChimpNA FK OFF -750 PepeLaugh no be what -750 KEKW -750 Kwk IMAGINE SUBBING PepeLaugh I just left for 3 minutes what did chat do? Pog true paaulinho MrDestructoid paaulinho MrDestructoid paaulinho MrDestructoid -750 KEKW -750 PepeHands why Moe PLEBS yasSpit M/O/10 R reaDonLETSGO INSECURE MOE KEKW LA MOE IS BACK KEKW INSECURE MOE KEKW LA MOE IS BACK KEKW imagine twitch prime existing KEKW d REACT TO VIDEOS AGAIN PogU @yassuo Please play variety again soon... i love when you play variety :( sub mode PagChomp PLEB REBELLION HAS STARTED IMAGINE SPENDING MONEY TO TALK IN SUB ONLY KEKW SUBS KEKW IMAGINE SUBBING PepeLaugh skrt essence reaver -> ie -> atk speed Subs SLEEPERS OH WAIT I AM -5$ PepeLaugh lol. Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! so broken vs that clomp jiazzaaua @daniela00unicorn thinking any sane person cares about moe twitch points KEKW lel free LOL senna has low passive ad fuck 4Weird TriHard am i subed? j any pauliners? KEKW l, yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake WideHarder kekw insecure xd oh i am @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' SPIT ON THE PLEBS yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 2 YEA KEKW HELOOOO report paulinho's ass ???????? hi FREE ???????? FREEEEEEEEEEEE WideHard awkward laugh TriHard FREEEEEE sup TriHard YASn PLEBS ARE FREE TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Paulinho KEKW plebs unleashed Imagin being a sub KEKW yasM03 we back MrDestructoid KEKW POGGERS FREE KEKW WideHarder FREEEEEEEE freee yasANELE fat :) the flood gates are opeeeen YASsNAKE FREE yasN TriHard twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho twitch-paaulinho plebs are free OMEGALUL @imshredded7 you can get a free sub dummy -1000 LETS GOOO WutFace 󠀀 TriDance freedom Kappa tru aghoya MAN HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WutFace WutFace WHY PepeHands jfc. 4Weird WutFace cringe KEKW hi WutFace BRUH NOOO PELBS PLEBS BACK TriDance WutFaceW DansGame M OMEGALUL DS ? WeirdChamp BOTS STILL HERE D: KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW keep it sub mode WutFace yasW WeirdChamp Bots still here monkaW NO PLEBS Pog IMAGINE PAYING FOR FREE ENTERTAINMENT KEKW Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS lol mods useless OMEGALUL Mods, make it 10 mins follower mode monkaW JUST r9k? MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid PowerUpL SHIET WRONG SPAM DORRY wtf is wrong with regular chat O_o monkaW yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit R9K yasShrug plebs outt AllCreed subscribed with Twitch Prime. BYE PLEBS KEKW BYE PLEBS KEKW BYE PLEBS KEKW BYE PLEBS KEKW BYE PLEBS KEKW THE MOMENT ITS OFF KEKW report the stream thats sending the bots twitch-paaulinho TriHard 7 lets goo we still in this bitch Just turn on R9K WeirdChamp -750 last points KEKW This is a ploy by the Mods to steal our watchtime point FBtouchdown SRY CHAT, WE WILL BE IN SUB ONLY FOR A LITTLE WHILE (: wajirocks69 -> Please refrain from posting links. NO POINT PUTTING IT IN SUB MODE CU TH BOTS CAN SPAM PAST IT...... M OMEGALUL DS Just turn on r9k mods 4Weird HOLD THE DOOR yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit BlackList "twitch-paaulinho" STEVIE WONDER ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___4.99$ Don't mind me subs, just taking my money for a walk. FUCK THE SUBS KEKW 1Head mods just put 1 week followers actual 1Heads JUST TURN ON R9K KEKW Senna has a 55% winrate as adc in diamond + KEKW @Yassuo @ERROR_Cloud why jot do r9k? lol @ERROR_Cloud no worries bud yasH MY POINTS No one: Moe chat: -750 -750 -750 put it in 1 month follower mode lul M OMEGALUL DS BOTED STREAM I GO WATCH PORNSTAR ZILEAN ratirlBusiness Poor plebs plebs JUST TURN R9K ON KEKW does this man have no mods Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS -750 -750 -750 -750 -750 All u do is complain @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW yasThink Plebs widepeepoSad PLEBS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit bots being followed for 1 day + smh EZ @EquadisEU that only works if 1 person iss spamming ANY BOTS? MrDestructoid Clap -750 monkaW moe complaining about pyke when he inting KEKW Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS Pyke LUL IMAGINE PAYING FOR FREE ENTERTAIMENT KEKW E TU . PLEBS AND SUBS MUST UNITE AGAINST THE BOTS @error_cloud why not long followers mode? baiting subs PepeLaugh LUL HEY PLEBS TriHard YOU CANT CHAT NO MORE TriHard EZ CLAP TriHard WE WONT MISS YOU TriHard flash Pog Pog hi @BlackDynamite17 loyal bots L O Y A L Mods not turning on R9K Mode WeirdChamp @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW ' qq a WELCOME TO ADC LIFE KEKW sixteenhundred -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW IMAGINE PAYING FOR SUB ONLY kekw DORAN welcome to botlane -750 KEKW yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA @ERROR_Cloud i swear it doesnt let people send messages that are too similar to others? is he filled? DORANS Nachricht im Nur-Abo-Modus senden erhalten 750 Nachricht im Nur-Abo-Modus senden erhalten 750 Nachricht im Nur-Abo-Modus senden erhalten 750 COMPLAINING IN PRESEASON KEKW @hangu07 ehy CANT STOP PLEBS WutFace okl and complaining will do what? Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS you just bad lol keker Pyke lee sin win trade haha hahah ya he's trolling KEKW @Yassuo you still havn't replied ariW BabyRage haha plebs Pepehands LULW yasW kekw yasMald yasMald Freee my homies BibleThump I mean you can dodge senna q yea welcome to botlane LETS ALL SAY FUCK - PAULINHO ANTISPAM AYAYA AYAYA LETS ALL SAY FUCK - PAULINHO ANTISPAM AYAYA AYAYA Phynatik subscribed with Twitch Prime. sucks to suck TriHard WE FREE @AKAROH WeirdKEKW D: twitch-paaulinho Pog boomer KEKW FREE !gamble then FF its coming free ay sucks to eat ass bots monkaW free FREEEEEEEEEEE WideHard TriHard 7 FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WE FREE TriHard ahahahha Yo since when Moe became Hashinshin SUBS KEKW freedom good man pyke lol the pyke BOTS KEKW POGGE tnx 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers r9k no? B) B) B) We free plebs BabyRage pleb chat back monkaW BOTS ARE COMING monkaOMEGA 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers MrDestructoid xd TryHard Free stop complaining you're a millionare KEKW free Mod ABUSE Mod ABUSE FREE rengar ult bot check? no MrDestructoid FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM plebs message me and i type ur message in chat monkaW plebs message me and i type ur message in chat monkaW lucian Q rek sai ult caitly r freedom KEKW Poggers Lucian q camille e :) hes actually right man, u're kinda playing bad WE BACK lucian q BYEBYE BOTS KEKW 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers 0 iq mods do 1 week followers B OMEGALUL TS xerath q looooooolk twitch-paaulinho lucian q MrDestructoid MrDestructoid gonna comme back 1 week cya bots uhuh ItIsMeYolo -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Freeeeeeedom BabyRage vlad q lee sin q moe u delusional Lucian Q FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM LUCIAN Q KARTHUS R leblanc W SUBS KEKW monkaW 👉 MrDestructoid Lucian Q lucian Q :^) where are the wards??? Aint even place one neeko q lucian KEKW lucian Q LUCIAN Q lucian lucian q freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \ TriHard / FREE lucian q Lucian Q lucian q lucian q qiyanna q FREE THE PLEBS TRYHARD twitch r xerath w Camille e FREEEDOM lee sin Kapp YOU CAN KEKW you bro if you had me on luke we’d be set, pyke 1 trick 5mil points always going for flash plays maybe too aggressive sometimes @Yassuo did you forget already? LuCIAN Q Pyke lee sin have same clan lucian q we are back guys DODGE KAISA Q KEKW FREE MrDestructoid PLS NO BOTS should have went fleet They winteafe FREEDOM ???????? twitch-paaulinho TriHard 7 e WHY HIM cmonBruh Just dodge 4Head fizz q MrDestructoid Twitch pailinho KEKW JUST DODGE IT LOOOOOOOOOOOL 4HEad WERE FREEEEEEE free JUST SIDESTEP LUL you are so ugly Karthus R FREEEEEEEEEEEEE yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit yasSpit BOTS yasSpit its like saying lebron will miss a 3 pointer REEEEEE even with yasuo's w u can only dodge lucian q with a dash Fizz t where the paulinho guys like wife like husband Win trade Pyke lee sin FREE POGGERS FREE MrDestructoid ANY HUMANS Hello Chat yasH Did you know you can SUB to Moe for FREE with TWITCH PRIME? POGGERS Just link your AMAZON PRIME account to your TWITCH ACCOUNT for a FREE monthly subscription! yasHYPERS i can :) Same clan icewallowcommm9 -> Please refrain from posting links. Fizz ult But she is always hitting you through minions instead of locking on to you KEKW DEFAULTS ARE BACK!!!!!!! REPORT THE SPAMMING DOG'S CHANNEL MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid ????????????? *????????????? im silver and i can dodge ??????????????????????????????? xD KEKW SO BAD @hangu07 type ???????????????? u're bad man KEKW KEKW HAHAHAAHHHAHAHA ? ulti LMAO KEKW ???????????????????????? ????????????? 0 DMG KEKW KEKWW KEKW KEKW so bad KEKW KEKW KEKW ?????? KEKW te consideras el rey de los bots? ?????????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW flash LUL LUL SILVER ADC KEKW ???/?? what the fuck are you doing ?????????????? LUL LUL ??????? FF KEKW ???? ?????????????????? KEKW nice R Pepega broken champ yasuo @HarryJamessPotter you can dodge with high movement speed ?? ???????????? AOU ARE SO BAD HAHAHAHHA LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW ?????????????????????????????????? Have you thought of giving dota a try @Yassuo ??????????????????????? WHAT WAS THAT E nice combo man ????????????? KEKW @albaniannaruto, OK UMA JAN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? says yassuo lmao omg LULW KEKW NOW U KNOW gg LUL LUL LUL ff yikes Nice R KEKW XDDDDD XDDDDDDD STFU U MAIN THAT CHAMP GG SENNA Pog wow Quadra KEKW U PLAY YASUO LUL ????????????????????? GG FF FAST int ANY HUMANS IN CHAT? TriDance KEKW HOW DARE YOU FF GO NEXT\ ???????????? GG KEKW GG 0uad wtf F KEKW ff WHAT A FUCKING COMBO TRASHUO KEKW supp btw yas main btw KEKW first 4 kills LUL senna balanced dont make this chat on sub mode only its annoying Moe on Xayah yasS loooolololll KEKW KEKW you play yas KEKW ANY HUMANS IN CHAT? TriDance ANY HUMANS IN CHAT? TriDance LMAO THAT ULT mele adc windwall balanced KEKEW WOW quadra LMFAO D: GO NEXT quadra... u are suck LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL thats an supp btw lmao KEKW GG GO NEXT LUL LUL salt over???????????? Pepega D: D: BabyRage D: talking shit about his own main LUL Have a taste of ur own medicine ANY HUMANS IN CHAT? TriDance never initiate with Xayah ult 4HEAD LMFAOOO xd D: D: SENNA NOT BANNED LUL SENNA NOT BANNED LUL SENNA NOT BANNED LUL SENNA NOT BANNED LUL BLAMING PYKE KEKW support btw KEKW Whoever was botting message me KEKW facts dude toxic BLAMING PYKE AFTER THAT PLAY KEKW gtg have a good strea, KEKW TOXIC D: ??????????????????????????????????????????? WTF TriDance LA MOE IS BACK KEKW D: "support" @Yassuo YOU LITERALLY DIDNT HEAL HIM WHEN YOU COULDNT HAVE AND COMPLETELY WASTED YOUR ULT ? u suck nice fucking r KEKW ????????????????????????? loooool negative moe :) pyke does nothing in lane til 6 D: KEKW CLASSIC AUTOFILLED ADC DOESNT KNOW HOW TO MOVE KEKW UR SO BAD KEKW Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday wtf hi GO NEXTTTTTTT LMFAOOOOOO melee xayah senna jhin lane real cancer so delusional f santorin KEKW midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald midbMald yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA KEKW LUL LUL *blames support* KEKW how are you doing @yassuo LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp KEKW Pepega LUL LUL LMAOOO @bentaha yea but he cant get so much ms especially as xayah early without a supp that buffs your ms KEKW Pepega KEKW xddddddddddd ????? KEKW Say the guy who has 1 mil on wind wall champ LUL KEKW Pepega Pepega LULW Pepega Pepega KEKW KEKW dude its ur fault too lmao LUL KEKW stop flaming pls you represent 100T now TRUE KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW Pepega Pepega pepegaJAM Pepega D: Pepega KEKW E TU KEKW KEKW LUL just ban senna then ???? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Pepega HEEEEEEEEE KEKW Pepega XDDDD image blaming others when ur so bad hes autofilled FailFish LOOOOOOOL Pepega Pepega Clap 3Head hi youtube Pepega Clap yes KEKW KEKW DELUSIONAL LUL yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash Pepega KEKW Pepega I agree moe :) Pepega LUL LUL KEKW MALD @Yassuo he muted you LULW Pepega Clap Pepega Clap THATS HOW BOT WORKS KEKW D: yep. i have dealt with the same thing. skill shot supports vs senna is not fun MAD LULW UUUHHHH Pepega HAAAAAAAAN Pepega Cla^p Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap you are terrible barddaH comedyL squadL mizkifHug Ok zoomer Im D1 KEKW 4Head 4Head 4Head Pepega autism WutFace Pyke lee sin same clan KEKW im gold IV :) @Yassuo you havn't replied to my twitter dm SO MALD Pepega any gifters? HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys Pepega LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace KEKW clip it !!!!!!!!!!!11 Pepega REEE D: NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis !uptime ur delusional cait jhin op lane nothing you can do LUL LUL LUL The stream has been live for 1 hours 50 minutes 32 seconds LULW WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH qhqhhqhqqhhq Calm your ego kekw TRUE MAD CUZ BAD ur dumb man i love u that's how you play pyke tho welcome to botlane Kapp KEKW ITS UNWINNABLE OH NOO Smybot1 -> Please refrain from posting links. SO BAD KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW MALDING KEKW D: STOP BULLY not silver btw :) peepoWTF that pyke is awfull, but coming from a pyke otp that match us is so easy yeah, but pick is bad into senna haahahhahaahha That was ur fault tf u talking bout @Yassuo uzi would win this WeirdChamp And laning against a pyke is more annoying MALDING Kappa Clap Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW better ad win BigBrother play better 4Head Pepega i ban senna TRUEEEEE pls CLIP IT someone :D WITH THAT MENTAL OF COURSE NOT CRYCRYCRYCRYCRYCRYCRYCRY ok boomer now complain about millenials LUL yasN yasN yasN yasN delusional gj ur grandmaster delusional ??? actually im gold 😎 Ask tyler for help Play under tower :) delusional Gloomywheel -> Please refrain from spamming caps. TRUEUEUEUEEEEEE @tangyin6666 english pls pyke QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD just win first off Im gold buddy but you right this pyke is trash and senna OP bro you need me on pyke Pyke lee sin have the same clab yas100T That why senna is perma ban lol You need to go all in before they poke you down DELUSIONAL ANDY ok dude LUL yasBoo2 hoes mad should have banned senna KEKW quite @btbrowne SHUT UP PLS KEKW monkaW chill dood PYKE IS BROKEN RAPPING better ad wins its preseason calm down to ur own words KEKW @Yassuo yo moe, are you malding? bye plebs crap supp welcome to adc I guess @Yassuo Same clan Pyke lee sin You right dude ignore chat LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL qt would have won THAT'S HOW YOU PLAY PYKE LMAO BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump :( :( :( :( :( BibleThump BibleThump :( :( :( :( :( Pepega pls clip DELUSIONAL UR TRASH MALDING IN PRESEASON KEKW THIS PYKE LOL Pog hit the minion @Yassuo sell more 100 Thieves merch T R I G G E R E D HOES MAD LUL LUL LUL hes hitting minions ! XD Lol cry baby stop feed hhhh just win its not that hard Blah blah NA CS KEKW hi T1 BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother clipp POOGERS TRUUUUUUUE KEKW senna is countered by hook champs, that pyke is just bad as a player D: yes u are :) HAHAHAHAHA Pepega Clap KEKW DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! MOE ARE YOU MALDING? D: ‘Q meeee Q meeeee HAHAHAHA PYKE BROKEN KEKW im bronze :) KEKW pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown Kapp @albanian689 take notes LUL lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp KEKW MALDING Pepelaugh lmao ayaya27 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Kapp noob you miss every q in lane, then hit every one in the fights KEKW Kapp go back to sub this chat is aids CLOSE CLOSE @Yassuo why r u not banning senna lol, she should be perma every game WE MADE YOU D: BabyRage LUL LUL PYKE LUL nice steal KEKW @albaniannaruto take notes LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL unlucky KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Malding almost Kappa Pog I am actually in Diamond 1. Idk what you're talking about. gachiHYPER KEKW peepoMeltdown KEKW @Yassuo I'm trash LMFAO YASUO ABUSER DISCOVERING BOT IS ALWAYS SUPPORT DIFF KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW HAAAAAAAAN Pepega Cla^p WutFace KEKW Kreygasm gachiHYPER ClarityNick U ARE TRASHHH !!! BigBrother WutFace MOE ARE YOU MALDING OR WHAT? PYKE WINTRADING KEWK yas rage gachiHYPER PepeLaugh mental boom KEKW gachiHYPER mald KEKW AhhAAHha Pepega KEKW KEKW Cant tell if moe is actually angry or not WutFace gachiHYPER . KEKW he's wintrading FeelsRainMan KEKW KEKW anyone euw in plat elo looking for duo ? im top riven main msg me if interested pls Kreygasm WutFace You're silver if you think Senna isn't broken LUL You're silver if you think Senna isn't broken LUL You're silver if you think Senna isn't broken LUL You're silver if you think Senna isn't broken LUL You're silver if you think Senna isn't broken LUL yassuo one of those retards who says adc is op but feeds and complains everu time he plays it TRUEEE OCEAN MY FAVORITE gachiHYPER Ignore chat Yassuo yasMald yasMald yasMald BLAME THE PLAYER, NOT THE CHAMP pyke counters senna yasJAM yas100T_HF PepeLaugh uzi would win this WeirdChamp Moe actually toxic MingLee NA PYKE KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp welcome to the adc role SCORE KappaPride TREYWAT Kappa Kapp Kappa MO3 ANGERY BabyRage damn LA moe is a little 4WeirdW stop projecting your anger on pyke yasMald Kapp Moderator19-Month Subscriber (1.5-Year Badge)VerifiedSanchovies: Yassuo Diamond 2 Btw Kapp @wtfkhaays sure you are kid Kapp Kapp hey karim sanchBlanky JUST MOAN HARDER gachiBASS just malding KEKW MALDING Kapp Kapp @Sanchovies Kapp Kappa Kapp @Sanchovies yo my boy give me shoutot pls love you @Sanchovies ANELE Yeah senna is big unfun sanchHeart sanchKiss sanchKissy sanchKiss sanchKissy Im not angry im just fcking angry why is ur fps so low MOE ANYONE WHO THINKS U HAVE A CHANCE IN THIS LANE IS DUMB @Carizz0 what MaN not completely furious right now Kapp KEKW Na Yasuo 1trick thinks he understands the game KEKW bv Gyaahhahw ???????? @Yassuo JUST MOAN HARDER gachiBASS LUL not mad !followage PepeLaugh he doesnt see ? OMEGALUL LOL HAAHAHAH OOOOOF KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL yasSleeper LUL KEKW MY LAST CHAT BAN FOR FLAMING A PYKE I KNOW THE DEAL BRO ?? KEKW @Sanchovies rank up and duo moe WeirdChamp why dominating instead of domination? @yassuo ???????????? broken KEKW this guy is delusional as fk OMEGAROLL OMEGALUL LUL WHOL TEAM kekw HHAHAHAHAHAHAA INT] KEKW sb LOL BALANCED balanced KEKW @Sanchovies 👋 sanchMere LULW LMAO surprise WutFace SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER KEKW KEKW yasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeper KEKW' KEKW KEKW HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA r 2 tower shots Balanced LULW LUL Senna is trash vs good supp players e OMEGALUL pepelaugh yasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeperyasSleeper BALANCED KEKW KEKW KEKW THIS A WRAP BOYS ???? KEKW SO BROKEN LMAO yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper @Yassuo why do you talk so much about bad players, you didn't use to :/ Balanced KEKW @Yassuo Q side step KEKW yasSleeper KEKW BALANCED KEKW nice champ but also i think santorin is duo with this pyke and then bashing him in game i think this is a wintrade man WutFace that supp so balanced BALANCED instaban senna KEKW PYKES FAULT LUL BALANCED KEKW LUL LUL LUL LULW Lul pyke counters senna 0/3 NOT OVERTUNED BTW totally can u smell da balance? @Carizz0 if i was pyke EZ win why is he inting ? that one just sucks 1v1 yasuo KappaPride KEKW KEKW yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 pyke dies motherfucker KappaPride for you boyfriend? Boyfriend watawat KappaPride is senna broken or are you ass? I can't tell ugly gold amount BF @Yassuo nofap will make u calm person KappaPride BF? KappaPride @Yassuo what would you say ur rank lvl would be as in adc? masters lol? ? KappaPride KappaPride NICE Boyfriend`? KappaPride ? boyfriend? BF NICE KappaPride SAVING GOLD FOR NEXT GAME OMEGALUL MOE READ ME SENNA AND JHIN ARE S TIER CANCER DONT WORRY BRO BF BF @Sanchovies WierdChamp 2 tower shots KappaPride KappaPride HARAM KappaPride yasM03 KappaPride BF BOYFRIEND??? Senna is balanced LUL BOYFIREND Kapp KappaPride you could have :) KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride yas100T_BW Kapp nah ur pyke was just awful ooozi Kapp Kapp senna zed is so nice combo i think do you try The new champion? so broken LUL Kapp Kapp KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride he would XD What do you think about that in game advertising? Cheer100 Just farm 4Head BOYFRIENDS? FBBlock FBBlock Kappa ok Kappa he would win KEKW Kapp ok DONO LULW Sugar Daddy moe KappaPride saving gold for bf KappaPride supports win lane TriKool BF BF KappaPride ur 2ND DEATH WAS UR FAULT ROFL DONO KEKW okay ok Okay So who's the lucky man tfbPride Yes he would win KEKW OK ok ok okay M/0/3 Okay. okay okay ok okay Ok OKAY OKAY OKAY pyke wins vs senna OMEGALUL KAY lmao okay ok okay Okay okay Ok KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride bleedPurple ok ok okay best case scenario he doesn't die once and has like 40 cs pl Okay 4HEad OMEGALUL K okay OK OK :) DELUSIONAL LULW OK ok Kapp ok ok TIMING KEKW TriKool ok ok okay okay ok KEKW he wouldnt be 0/3 KEKW OKAY OKAY okay OKAY ? LOLW okay okay OKAY uzi would be 10/0 ok ok Ok uzi bans senna ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper okay окаъ OK OK okay ok Okay ok ok ok okau ok ok :) ok okay you put Uzi and they ff at 15 ok 4Heed no OKAY M/0/3 Okay. :D ok Ok :) Okay OMEAGALUL K OKAY uzi is the lebron of league KEKW okay okey ok oh okay no but you cant blame pyke his kit sucks against sena @Yassuo OkayChamp how much do you think pyke can do vs senna jhin than, pyke in a bad spot too e okay OK ok okay ok ok ok boomer LOLW OMEGALUL K okay :) ok ok 4HEad OK D: okay ok OK KEKW Ok KEKW ok Uzi would know how to play around pyke KEKW ??? Ok ok Ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok ok ok ok Okay ok LULW ok OK yasNLT You max W not E :) i see I see D: yasPlead OKAY ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ok NO VARIET ok Okay XDDD okok okay 4HEad OKAY OK OKAY TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok Okay ok :D OK OMEGALUL D: ok ok boomer ok D: points in q lol? OK D: Ok @YASSUO max w TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok WeirdChamp ok ResidentSleeper okokok 3Head @Yassuo max w second at least Ok ok gachiBASS OK ? okok' KEKW OK Ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok ok ok OKOK OK Ok LOLW okok yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok OkayChamp ResidentSleeper ok K boomer OK KEKW rammus Pog okokokkokokokokkokk MAX Q SECOND KEKW MAX Q SECOND KEKW MAX Q SECOND KEKW MAX Q SECOND KEKW MAX Q SECOND KEKW ResidentSleeper ok ! OH KappaPride OH KappaPride ć !commands ResidentSleeper OK Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank TriDance ok TriDance ok OK OKAY OK ok TriDance ok okay ok boomer TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok 0k b00m3r YasU Senna does bonus damage to snakes TriKool ok max q second??? at least 1v2 you would get solo xp, hes just hurting you by being there TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok okh Jhin senna strong as fuck cause they have range on literally everyone @yassuo LOLW LOLW ?? TriDance ok TriDance ok TriDance ok Boyfriend? u lost when u didnt ban senna KEKW @yassuo you max w second @Yassuo why do u have not tts brian? Jebaited :) -1000 OK KEKW dead LUL BF??? k ok ok o ok ok ok kok the guy who linked his stream soccarmann LOLW M0/3 Inting? peepoArrive Q PepeLaugh BOYFRIEND NONO? HAHA ok TriDance MONKAS 4Weird yes KEKW KEKW KEKW are you real moe yasuo main ? KEKW Ok Kapp 4Weird kekw KEKW Kapp NA LUL KEWK LUL What’s up you monkey @yassuo xddddddddddddddddddd sike KEKW KEKW paid LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WINTRADING KEKW wintrading OMEGALUL banned LULW pogchamp_guy -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL reported KEKW Clap KEKW LULW LUL KEKW not duoing him @Yassuo hello king how's it going KEKW Hoywmuch do you make per day at streaming? LULW na solo q lmao no duo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW no doe OMEGALUL ???????? KEKW !commands NO DUO XD no duo Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank KEKW disrespected KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NO DUO KEKW Bannable KEKW NO DUO WINTRADING KEKW ? kekw KEKW REPORTED valiant effort KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Na high elo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW at least 1v2 you would get solo xp, hes just hurting you by being there Yikes... 0/4 KEKW WutFace youre so bad NO DUO KEKW NO DUO KEKW LUL LUL LUL NO DUO DUO HIM ntnt KEKW LOLW NA KEKW So that's how challengers survive ganks... n00b LUL LULW CHEATS 5Head 0/4 5Head KEKW TRUEEE POGGERS 5Head naw stfu u werent MOEW 5Head !matchup 5Head what is this 5hEAD 5Head 5Head 5Head Summoner is not currently in-game SMARTTT DUO 5Head 5hEAD yas5 duo him MIND GAMES Pepega 5Head your trash now hhhhhhhh DUO HIM PepeHands 5Head yas5 PF 1Head !runes 5Head 5head NO REASON PepeLaugh 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head bIG bRAIN SA Last Game (Yasuo): > > > | > | > > 5head 5head i scale 5Head I see 5Head Kapp 5Head HOLY SHIT AAAD kekew 5Head 5Head 3Head 5Head yas5 Mad cause bad 5Head 5Head DIAMOND = HIGH ELO EU BRAIN 3Head Moooooe u uuuu suck LUL 5Head 5head @Yassuo you havn't replied to my twitter dm mindgame = using streamer clout lmfao Kap 5Head 5Head LUL LUL LUL yasM03 SURE Kapp 5Head TriAthlon gaming737 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! Moe, where is the tunak tunak remix homie Kapp heeh no dou 5Head 5Head Bluffing :/ yas5 LOUD IS FUNNY FeelsGoodMan Clap LOUD IS FUNNY FeelsGoodMan Clap 5Head 🍷 ahh yes 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head play with quy DUO LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! you used to duo him i remember this kid TROOOOOOOO of course 5Head PRECIPITATION 5HEAD yasN @Yassuo DID YOU SEE TF BLADE MERCH PogU now u have to duo with lee KEKW SCALED KEKW o/4 monkaS at least 1v2 you would get solo xp, hes just hurting you by being there . Big Brain dudu pls play something else after, I'm bored :D 5Head ah yes im scaled now MO4 scaled 3Head still 0/4/0 KEKW and jhin got 1 and a half yes 0 4 pog N OMEGALUL lmfao Egirl isnt it kindred main that you helped back then? @Yassuo Moe can you tell me why you are so damn handsome? @Yassuo jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash jadeTrash LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! LOLW ceyk double you! 0/4 also helps back faster smarrrt KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? KEKW omg_itzenvy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! KEKW KEKW ?????????????????? @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? KEKW monkaW OKAT any WideHardo NICE ONE KEKW MaN joyers WeirdChamp The Lee is the guy u hosted a long time ago @Yassuo Pyke lee sin same clan Senna jhin is nasty SENNA BALANCED KEKW 0/4/0 KEK Scaled lulw hey chat peepoArrive yo moe how do you think you would do on Hot Ones? @Yassuo NICE DODGES KEKW senna balanced KEKW LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u KEKW LULW KEKW 3 tiems ive made plans with this chick, and shes got sick and cancelled all of them... am i being played @Yassuo please stop screaming mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D: PepeLaugh Pepega SPAM THE WideHardo 'S KEKW LULW cmonBruh JUKES holy shit CRY MORE JESUS FUCK LMAOOOOOOOO Pepega Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : KEKW LULW Pepega imagine what i have to lane every game :) ???????? KEKW at least 1v2 you would get solo xp, hes just hurting you by being there Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW XD i see him on synapse and other channels alot actually kk Pepega HE D: ??????????????? monkaW ????? Pepega KEKW lmao KEKW Pepega PepeLaugh Pepega KEKW Pepega ??????? Pepega senna is such a bullshit KEKW LMAO lmfao Pepege LOL omg... WideHardo PepeLaugh look at this dude LOL ? wtf KEKW KEKW KEKW haha KEKW KEKW KEKW OH NOOO ????? xd XDDD u scared from ur own recall ??? Pepega ????? PYKE RatirlSpit KEKW KEKW Look at this dude PepeLaugh KEKW AHAHAHA ???????????????? WHAT KEKW look at this dude PepeLaugh KEKW LOL AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Pepega LMAOOOO LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LMAOOO LOLW PEPEGA ?????????????????????? ???? KEKW whens the last time you didnt feed or went positive? how can someone get washed up in 6months XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW Pepega why cant i get ladies PUKE hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @yassou flame the pyke Pepega Clap LUL LUL LUL I'M A PLEB AGAINNN @Yassuo you havn't replied to my twitter dm ' Cwalk itssli0161 <3 KEKW Pyke ratirlSpit KEKW lost it KEKW Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER OmegaLul is he on drugs? IT SCARES ME TOO EVERY TIME KEKW hi YouTube U SCARED i thought is was ziggs R as well Hatoof I’ve seen bronze player better than pyke !discord 1v1's today? Delusional KEKW kekw khara Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER how the fck i change my name on twitch? scared of back animation lulw yo moe how do you think you would do on the show hot ones with the spicy wings @Yassuo PYKE KEKW Scared of your own skin xd Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER Pepega Clap CHALLENGER PLAYER BlessRNG VID OF THAT scared of backport animation LA MOE IS BACK yasMald WELCOME TO BOT LANE LULW WELCOME TO BOT LANE LULW WELCOME TO BOT LANE LULW guys i have a joke who wants to hear it NA FLASH FLASH KEKw IT SCARES ME TOO EVERY TIME KEKW @Yassuo senna is weak asf yasSpit @lankyhanky actually asking the real questions here KEKW pyke is wintrading thats why u bann senna KEKW pyke counters her FF KEKW @Sanchovies, ye say it mixer ftw @Sanchovies me @Sanchovies ME @Sanchovies Say it :) POG wp PYKE HIT A Q KEKW say it @Sanchovies Pyke has been overnerfed why are you trolling? @Sanchovies me OMEGALUL @Sanchovies go on ha toof ahhaha @Sanchovies me OMEGAROLL Pog @Sanchovies me KEKW Me me me @Sanchovies @Sanchovies no on e :) pog @Sanchovies me ???????????????????????????? @sanchovies no @Sanchovies what is it :) 1v1's today? @Yassuo KEKW @Sanchovies what is it PogU LULW ????? @Sanchovies hit bro PepeLaugh ur supp is just a bad player grey screen u hate to see it FF LULW ?????????????????????????? \KEKW TOXIC League KEKW ff @Sanchovies But first TriDance ??????????????????????????? @Sanchovies me KEKW Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh Going pro PepeLaugh ??????????????????????? that flash KEKW un tiltable People these days be playing senna but wont Senna DM to their crush.. real shit 💯 @Sanchovies MEW POGGERS ff ???????????????????????? D: LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u D: ???????????????????? LA MOE 4Weird LA MOE 4Weird LA MOE 4Weird LA MOE 4Weird un MaN @Sanchovies brother sanchovies PogU adc life tyler 1? unbrainable ???????????????? pykes fault KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW @Yassuo GG FF 0 5 wow, you trolled so hard BETTER YASUO WINS @Sanchovies you KEKW winnable pls play something else after, like ur streams, but League's just... :D morde true LA MOE WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW MENAL BOOM KEKW KEKW !! SUPPORT BTW KEKW 14 day ban incoming winnable bro @Sanchovies PepeHands TRUE LUL 5Head KEKW LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u KEKW that was cringe LmAOOOOOOOOOOOO xd GOOD ONE KEKW KEKW YIKES LULW Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation !!l TriKool @Sanchovies KEKW 4HEad Good one true KEKW KEKW ??? LULW @Yassuo senna can do everything KEKW KEKW LMAO lulw maldddd haHAA ungay haHAA Clap TRUE TRUEEEEEEEEEE @Sanchovies TRUE WeirdKEKW haHAA haHAA PainChamp kekw LULW WeirdChamp haHAA who counter senna? WutFace KEKW nice one 🔥 or :poo: true LULW KEKW WTF GOOD ONE KEKW @Sanchovies haHAA LULW ??? ANELE ANELE HaHAa cringe @Sanchovies we believe in you yasS why even say that.. ???? 😂 IM DEAD haHAA @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u ez NA JOKE KEKW LA MOE = TYLER1 LA MOE = TYLER1 LA MOE = TYLER1 haHAA\ then fkin ban senna @Sanchovies !title Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation MOEEEEEE NOOOOOOOTICE ME stop playing xayah ok u aint gonna loose again haHAA haHAA Clap CHAT HOW THE FUCK DO I SEND A DM I AM A FUCKING PUSSY NA JOKE Santorin and pyke with the wintrade 0/5 KEKW peepoPooPoo SENNDIZNUTS haHAA Clap santorin dodging moe KEKW 0/5 LUL MAN UP PUSSY GG EZ real gang shit Trihard MiniK NA mental KEKW @Yassuo you sound like t1 pyke sucks to suck lol iv seen bigger come backs PLAY WITH SANCHOVIES PogU just ban senna then @Yassuo repobaThanos repobaThanos repobaThanos @Sanchovies WeirdChamp 🔥 you lose lane every game tho whats the difference ? makes me sad to see a bad pyke as a pyke 1 trick JUST WIN OhMyDog PRChase KEKW KEKW 0/5/0 this is what most streamers are, delusional @Sanchovies haHAA good one good joke bro haHAA 🔥 LA MOE = TYLER1 GO NEXT fr fr 🔥 just go a mid game champ BabyRage 😂 IM DEAD TRUE KEKW cmonBruh @sanchovies 4Weird ur hating rn :( haHAA why max q second? MOEEEEEEEE NOTICEEEEEEEE MME FALSE KEKW !title kekw FeelsBirthdayMan KEKW TRUUUEUEE Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation @Yassuo i love u @Sanchovies AHAHha peepoClap 0-5 haHAA POGu CS POGGERS Pog ? aarush3002 -> Please refrain from posting links. FR FR 🔥 haHAA good one fucking loser Sancho <3 @Sanchovies good shit sancho peepoClap team int? peepoArrive team int? peepoArrive team int? peepoArrive Sanchovies OkayChamp if it was anyone else saying it u would flame him :) @Yassuo nice joke :) 4Head PYKE? u are the best streamer ever. much love No homo btw♥️♥️♥️ @Sanchovies can i get ashoutout or smt ? i love you sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky @Sanchovies Can you help this moe guy out? He isnt looking his best. Give him one of your ties pls peace BETTER THAN MOE OK MOE comedyLW E MOE Pog this man pyke is worse than an intro when you think about it Have you ever had any other main champion Yassuo? that champs OP better yasuo KEKW okaaaay RE 4Weird SO THIRSTY LUL KEKW yasuo Pog PRESS E KEKW KEKW duo chadchovies right now >:( hahahahahhahahahha nice flash BETTER YASUO LUL E EEEEEEEEEEE Stop hating on Moe he is a beautiful creature OH SHIT WE GOT MOE OVER HERE HES INSANE EE BROKEN CHAMP LULW LUL Pog KEKW That Yasuo farming LULW KEKW KEKW BETTER THAN MOE POG LMFAO EEEEEEEEEEE LMAO BETTER THAN MOE POGGERS KEKW BETTER YASUO WINS KEKW KEKW BETTER YASUO WINS YASUO POG KEKW BETTER YAS THAN YOU guess thats on pyke too KEKW EEEEEEEEE LULW YOUR CHAMP MOE Pog Pog better yasuo KEKW moe vs moe? BALANCED better yassuo than moe KEKW E KEKW better than moe YASSUO KEKW this guy is smurifng PogChamp LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u onn you 1 v1 him better yasuo KEKW very not cringe joke :) true BETTER MOE THAN YASSUO Pepega Clap 1 v 1 him R PogU this is why u lost rivals HE CLICKED R POGGERS LULW HE CLICKED R Pog @Yassuo you havn't replied to my twitter dm TRU 1 v 1 him i come back and 0/6 ofc beter yasuo than you LUL 0/6/0 will you be wearing that womans watch or is it a gift KEKW Youre god player let hateee you hahahaha lol how ur challenger ??? @Sanchovies how that haircut go karim MORE KILLS THAN YOU KEKW 2 ITEMS KEKW TRUE KEKW ? PD D: ? true KEKW LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u PYKE OUTPLAY ? ZULUL cmonBruh Clap D: haha poop poopy diaper he is not funny PepeHands R Pog 1v1 pyke @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? PD DansGame pressed R PogU pressed R PogU ZULUL ? ZULUL ? Better Yasuo win LUL LOLLLLLLLLLL LULW moe you boob how do you think you would do on the show hot ones ? yasSnake nah karim funnier than u ZULUL He got better jokes tahn u dawg P OMEGALUL OMEGALUL P @Sanchovies TRUE You should play skylanders feels bad man ? KEKW why max q second? TRUE TRUE TUE LUL LUL TRUEEEE for real for real hello moe Thats why he is Turbo POOPOO l9 ? sNaKe why u inting KEKW sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky True KEKW @Yassuo and we are the haters ? MOE IM PH NUMBA 1 YASSSUO KappaPride KappaPride ? fake and fat LUL LUL LUL LA moe GayChamp yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake how ur challenger and i am gold ??????? ? LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp sanch way funnier where you inpresed by enamy yasuo Better yasup wins yasSpit 1v1 pyke yasSnake @Sanchovies ? KEKW your xayah is... @sanchovies stream already sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart yas5 @Yassuo get PD "haHAA" are cringe WeirdChamp "haHAA" are cringe WeirdChamp "haHAA" are cringe WeirdChamp "haHAA" are cringe WeirdChamp @Yassuo sanchovies is a real one TRUE KEKW @Sanchovies TRUE TRUE AF LUL 1v1 pyke man sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky poopy diaper has poopy jokes his voice is deeper I think that's it RedBull subscribed at Tier 1. Kadeem > kareem turn music up @Yassuo Love that i suggested this song ages ago, and now you're digging it. Big ups denmark Sanchoveees NOOOOOOOOOOOTICEEEEEE ME MOEEEEEEEEE ok BOOMER KEKW sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo @Sanchovies did you hear that, he hating on you dude Pyke lee sin same clan so youre admitting youre washed up ur washed up KEKW watching old yassuo and comparing it to now you can really tell after the 10k bet, playing in korea, playing in EU, playing against world-class players, his gameplay is really going to shit LUL TRIIICK sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky Pog REDBULL @Yassuo you want your boi to fail? what a fake YO THAT SONG IS MADE BY A DANISH ARTIST @Sanchovies when u start streamin boy. I have to leave this pepega pls xD rooD Pog Said a guy who asked us if we nut in a sock??!! ur mouth @daniela00unicorn hey yasH @Sanchovies HAHHAHA TRU THANK YOU REDBULL asdnaasdalsk feeder yassuo yasSpit TRIIICK2G mo check old videos of yassuo montage by Baka Sepra he is real good @sanchovies backstabbed sad You can win this! <3 Pog REDBULL SUBBED Redbull <3 trick been streaming forever and hes still funny WeirdChamp @Yassuo nice excuse "WeirdChamp" haHAA "WeirdChamp" haHAA SILVER ADS KEKW KEKW @RedBull Pog LULW ???? ???????? Canattrox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! KEKW LULW mow I watch all your video and I hope the best for u xD LULW ??? KEKW thanks redbull KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW destroyed KEKW yasTrue KEKW intin KEKW KEKW @RedBull KEKW OOOOP KEKW LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u @RedBull #AD 0/7 KEKW @awildsorakaa ayyyy i missed you <3 KEKW lol yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @RedBull TriDance KEKW REDBULL Pog looool they did try something KEKW 0/7 gg ez LUL LUL yo we need a yasBlanket fr But you was never funny tho @yassuo @RedBull hi guys @RedBull KEKW @RedBull PogU @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? failed root KEKW tf ? ad KEKW Pog xD Pog RedBull PogChamp KEKW 0-7 KEKW @RedBull @RedBull PogU 0/7 KEKW Pog @RedBull why arent u just playin heimer? lol @RedBull KEKW @RedBull PogU KEKW #ad @RedBull WeirdChamp comedyLW so bad REDBULL KEKW REDBULL Pog #AD KEKW @RedBull PogU ff 5Head #AD 0/7 KEKW SPONSPORSHIP @RedBull Pog Pog aww yasH KEKW' #AD @RedBull Pog #AD KEKW hahaa haHAA 1v1 pyke !!! what did i join to KEKW @redbull hi daddy redbull assayee berry is better PagChomp @RedBull add me on snapchat bro? KEKW REDBUL @RedBull PogU 5 ad KEKW reck Redbull Pog @RedBull Pog @redbull KEKW @RedBull PogU @RedBull Pog KEKW LOL pyke and lee sin same clan. WIN TRADING?? @RedBull PogU @RedBull Yoda Pog @AD LKEKW @RedBull #AD #AD tikktok1207 -> Please refrain from posting links. monster or redbull? @Yassuo @RedBull @RedBull wtf 0/7 KEKW POG REDBULLLLLL @redbull @RedBull Pog @RedBull I NEED SOME REDBULL TriHard #sponsored @RedBull :O LUL LUL LUL @RedBull PogUUU @RedBull CAN I GET A GIFTED SUB I DEADASS ALWAYS DRINK REDBULL :( @RedBull @RedBull hello there yasH can i have a free can of redbull ? thank you WHAT CONENT ? KEKW Sellout Pyke lee sin same clan @RedBull POG @RedBull hoook it up pls :) Winnable PogU REDBULL SPONSOR INC PogU @RedBull Yo hook us up! twitch_sketch31 -> Please refrain from posting links. @RedBull @RedBull Pog TriDance @Yassuo why are you playing adc? autofill ? Lee sin Pyle same clan when he says "we" I NEED THAT REDBULL DISCOUT ena @daniela00unicorn haHAA @luciferhchrist what spelling KEKW 0/7 holy fuck WINNABLE KEKW winnable KEKW <3 Chat be cool Family-friendly stream KEKW @RedBull kys so shitt @RedBull PogU 0/7 "You can win this!" @Yassuo yea moe did you forget that you need to be good UES WE NEED THAT REDBULL DISCOUNT @RedBull Pog WHEN U DRINKING REDBUL AND THERE IS REDBULL IN CHAT @RedBull yes yup no @redbull Pog YES TES KEKW yes LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u yes yes @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? yes Yes yes Yes YES @redbull yes PepeLaugh yes 0/7 ok ye yes 100% yes yes KEKW yes YES NO obviously @Yassuo are you a ADC main now? Lee sin and Pyke Same clan yes KEKW YES yes absolutely yes yes yasPepega_TK YES yes YES YOU DED yes 100% absolutely yes YE 100% !uptime The stream has been live for 1 hours 59 minutes 9 seconds yes yes yes there wont be a tower 100% KEKW @Yassuo Int - > drink redbull --> pop off. perfect ad yes yes ?????????? yes KEKW Kapp yes ???????????? KEKW KEKW Support BTW KEKW W OMEGALUL W ? @RedBull Pog KEKW KEKW tower? KEKW KEKW why he max q before w ? XD ahahahha KEKW close 0/8 nice KEKW INTING KEKW yasPepega_TK yasPepega_TK yasPepega_TK yasPepega_TK yes xd get AA @Yassuo why you playing adc? KEKW KEKW reported not under tower ?? ncie int it wastn under tower tho! not under tower KEKW Clap ??????? under tower? yasTower yasNunu 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ninja! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! KEKW inting :) Abhijeetssaini subscribed with Twitch Prime. 5Head int Yes that was not under tower what tower? ? @redbull where is ninja PepeLauh close fight ??????????????? KEKW TRUEEEE ainstein yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA @RedBull I need one, exams up in 2 days I like turtles ! inting inting dirty inter inting lmao LOL Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation 0/8 KEKW @Yassuo you dig this song? I suggested it ageeees ago haha 8/0 ? RUNNING IT DOWN KEKW 0/8 stop tower YOU WERE RIGHT Pog You do realize that you just genuinely inted Pog CORRECT PREDICTION ????????????????? you're literally inting ????????? 08 KEKW @Ninja M08 Literally inting @Chromifying not worth proper grammar MOE IS FAKE troling how do i redeem points? NINJA POGGERS Pyke lesson same clan NINJA POGGERS damn he really doesnt want to impress redbull @Ninja Pog that was reportable KEKW Pog Perdiction 081 KEKW this is litteraly int lol 0/8 KEKW Trueeeee yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation, Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation 0/8 Ninja PogU kp very high yasGood yasGood yasGood 8/0 LUL POGGERS <3 <3 yasWeird PogU sjshjs @Ninja Pog thought i was watching moe not hashinshin PUT THE INTING MUSIC ON Pog guys when is TCS? @Ninja POGGERS legit int kekw M08 3Head Bruv @Ninja MO8 KEKW W OMEGALUL W @Yassuo STOP INTING WINNABLE PYKE PogI Pyke lee sin same clan my eyes cra zy 0/8? how Pyke was supposed to lane with that adc ? @Yassuo Kappa xD @ninja LOL yasHYPERS yasHYPERS @luciferhchrist just made it sound weird KEKW 0/8 KEKW @Ninja Pog @Ninja POGGERS trueeeeee yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA PeCipItAtIoN yassuo carryyyyyy 0/8 KEKW @Ninja wow WOW pyke going crazy wtf happened @RedBull sanchBlanky @redbull Pog @ninja 1-Month SubscriberVerifiedRedBull: <3 <3 yasWeird you need push so my guy bipolar 1v1 PYKE 1v1 PYKE 1v1 PYKE 1v1 PYKE KEKWEBLE !!!!!! Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation, Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation, Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation @Ninja 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 @Ninja POGGERS @redbull pogg @Ninja PogChamp yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA even redbull yasWeird - s you KEKW @Ninja Pog @Ninja Pog @Ninja WTF Pog Dont sur @Ninja @ninja This int @RedBull @RedBull PogU @Ninja what crack head is on the redbull account spamming these emotes KEKW @Ninja and @RedBull PogU @Ninja PogU WTF @Ninja report this man u wont carry shit LULW @Ninja POGGERS pyke lee sin win trading lul @Ninja You can't carry with 6 items pyke win trading KEKW 0 push any lane @Ninja pyke wintradding I CAN CARRY KEKW LUL I TUNE IN AND HE IS 0/8 HAHAHAHAHAHA @Ninja u like doritos? ALWAYS THAT ONE BASTARD THAT VOTES NO Sssssss yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA pyke wintrading for lee KEKW KEKW @Ninja pyke with the moves lol Kapp @Ninja @RedBull @Faker Pog @Ninja Pog @Ninja peepoPog POGGERS ? you have to push Kapp 5Head Moe on adc KEKW cs @Ninja DAMNN @Ninja Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation 12 896 54 389 844Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation 12 896 54 389 844 Follow me on Twitter for updates @Ninja POG @Ninja Carry ? KEKW @ninja PogU @Ninja PogU @Ninja 5Head 5Head 5Head @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja @Ninja @Ninja NINJA POGGERS 1 kp lmao 5Head 5Head @Ninja BACK FROM MIXER KEKW ? ca? @Ninja KEKW 5Head @Ninja @Yassuo what's nunu ig ?! :P @Ninja PogU Kapp you have same stats with my top and jg on 10 min 5Head MasterworkTwitch subscribed with Twitch Prime. @Ninja Pog @Ninja you cant even carry that big as head of yours @Ninja @Ninja 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 5Head LULW @Ninja 5Head @Ninja 5Head @Ninja PogU 5Head Indeed 5Head @Ninja PogYou 5Head AH YES ok @Ninja yas5 @Ninja Pog @faker @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? @Ninja Pepega 0/8 5Head Clap 5hEAD Pog @Ninja @Ninja BACK FROM MIXER KEKW ? @Ninja BACK FROM MIXER KEKW ? @Ninja BACK FROM MIXER KEKW ? 5Head Clap @Ninja @Ninja HERE peepoPog moe yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 @Ninja @Ninja WTF FeelsOkayMan @Ninja Pog @ninja lool @ninja Pog 0/8/1 @DonaldTrump Pog 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap @Ninja Pog @Ninja @ninja POGGERS no @ninja PogU @Ninja Pog @Ninja yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA DoritosChip haHAA @Ninja PogU @Ninja @Ninja BACK ON TWITCH POGGERS 5Head 5Head nah f canon @Chromifying I just woke up gimme a break OkayChamp 5Head ahhhh ye i see cannon @Ninja yas5 MOE @Ninja IS HERE @Ninja WAIT OMG NINJA 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap @Yassuo have u tried playing donttap? @ninja @Ninja @Ninja and @RedBull @Yassuo you got yourself a deal 0/8 @Ninja wtf @Ninja @RedBull @Yassuo time for mixer? CANNON KEKW @Ninja PogU ok so and autistic bipolar CANNON 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap 5Head Clap cann OMEGALUL n @Ninja Pog Ninja is in mixer chat KEKW CANNON OMEGALUL @Ninja Pog no @ninja LUL @Ninja Pog pull out your big brain my guy @Ninja POGGERS lul moe 0/10 powerspike cannon @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja POGGERS MOE IS FAKE @Ninja PogChamp HE WAS ACTUALLY HERE yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA @Ninja yas5 you will die in less 20 sec @Yassuo Typically you max W second on Xayah stfu @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja @Ninja POG @Ninja Pog @Ninja PogU @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja @Ninja Pog spent too much time with voyboy 5Head Clap @Ninja Pog but of course 5Head tfb5 BLA BLA @ninja CANNON KEKW @ninja 4Weird cannon geek @Ninja Pog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog @ninja LULW Kappa wait @Ninja is acc here what kinda calculations were you using during laning phase @Yassuo @Ninja PogU POGGERS NINJA OMG NINJA ninja? LUL 5Head @Ninja with xayah you don Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @ninja Pog @Ninja PogU yeah this is big brain time calculations... 0 8 @Ninja WTF LULW lacWeird @JesusChrist PogU @Ninja LULW @Ninja 0-8 again @Yassuo hahahaha inting again? @Ninja Pog @Ninja KEKW @Ninja POGGERS jk "calculations" @ninja @Ninja Pog @Ninja @Ninja wait what W @Ninja NINJA POGGER @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY daddy daeGasm @Yassuo @Ninja IS HERE @ninja @Ninja POOOOG @IWillDominate WeirdChamp pooovgggggggggghhhg yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA XD doesnt that mean its been winneable the whole time...? @Yassuo yo whats good moe @Ninja @Ninja @Ninja WTF REAL NINJA DEAD AGAIN KEKW it just shows u dont believe @Crackhead Pog i will dominate oh my god POGGERS lacWeird D OMEGALUL M @IWillDominate lacWeird NINJAAAAAAAA @Ninja IM A BIG FAN OF URS @ninja POGGERS POGGERS NINJA Shut up dom 4Weird @Ninja SO BAD KEKW @Ninja pog LUL isnt he on mixer ??? @IWillDominate WeirdChamp NINJA ok yas5 @Ninja i calculate the 0 8 adc is the reason you lost @Ninja Ninja watching Moe int @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter KEKW lol @Ninga wtf ? @Ninja @Ninja KEKW @IWillDominate POGGERS did you calculate that damage? Hahahahahahah HE said you will die in 20 seconds and guess what..... YOU DIED @Ninja @Ninja @IWillDominate WeirdChamp KEKW @Ninja PPOGGERS @Ninja go away man u smell LULW OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL NINJAAAAAAAAA @Ninja . @ninja Pog chat worst jebait ever @ninja @Daequans_Metal lacWeird comedyLW @Ninja 1hp tower "really good" such lag @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' @RedBull and @Ninja HMMM 0/9/1 @Ninja WE DONT WANT U ON TWITCH ANYMORE 😡 @Ninja KEKW BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog BACK FROM MIXER peepoPog ' @Ninja POG @Ninja KEKW Pog @Ninja ??? KEKW 0/9 KEKW SO BAD KEKW @Ninja PYKE KEKW @Ninja POGGERS @Ninja Pog @Ninja pogg @Ninja LULW buddy just alt+f4 @Ninja LULW NINJA @ninja NO WAY 0/9 KEKW INTS THEN SAYS WINNABLE KEKW okay @Yassuo he gets exp @TYLER1__PLAY______VARIETY lacOkay PYKE OMEGALUL @Ninja @Ninja POG im nuts @IWillDominate <-- POGGERS @Yassuo Well he gets another kill to his collection @ninja 19% now @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? @Ninja LULW NINJA Ninja is here Pog okayokay could xayah be viable option as a midlaner? @Ninja @Ninja huh Do you enjoy inting moe? @Yassuo my man doesn't even know what calculus is WINNABLE PogYou 16% Yasuo is a chad Kappa @IWillDominate hi ninja @IWillDominate LULW NINJAa @Ninja Pog @Ninja KEKW @IWillDominate ReBull will never sponsor you dont bother KEKW @Ninja POGGERS @ninja Go back mixer WeirdChamp @Ninja ??? yo you only powerspike on yasuo when you feed not xayah @IWillDominate @Ninja OMEGALUL @RedBull Pog @Ninja @ninja yo @RedBull okay @Ninja @IWillDominate WeirdChamp IE IE IE IE IE GO INFINITY EDGE BRO @IWillDominate 4Weird Your trolling PepeLaugh @Sanchovies hey boo @ninja pog @Yassuo how winnable is this game now in percent 0 9 pog LULW yas1 0/9 Poggersssss yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA KEKW @Ninja PogU fucking terrible no no @Yassuo since 100t is sponsered by grubhub, do u get free delivery or somn? max w secondman @NINJA OMEGALUL 1v1 PYKE YES KEKW @ninja @Ninja pog WHAT A CUCK LULW KEKW ninja tweet NinjaGrumpy no 0/9 STOP @RedBull yo whats popping guys Lee sin Pyke same clannn @Ninja @ninja tommy309Gasm tommy309Gasm tommy309Gasm @loltyler1 press "start streaming" so we dont have to watch this goober @IWillDominate @RedBull yas1 yas1 yas1 yas1 WINNABAL @Yassuo hes actually here LMFAO @Shroud PogU NINJA LEFT KEKW It's so funny to see the title of the stream and then see his gameplay on this game PepeGa @Ninja ?? @IWillDominate DOM KEKW KEKW yasCannon IE IE IE E EIEIE IEIEIEIEIIEIEIEIIEIE REDBULL WAS GONNA SPONSOR YOU TILL THEY SAW U 0/9 KEKW @ninja @ninja PogU LEE SIN PYKE SAME CLAN He's actually here though lol yas1 yas1 yas1 INFINTY EDGE HE LEFT yas1 @ninja wtf NINJA POGGERS FORTNITE POGGERS he was legit here it let me @ him 0/9 LUL Ninja in NYC yas1 yas1 @IWillDominate LMAO KEKW @ninja JUST KICK 4Heed Pog PogU Pog whos ninja :) PogU yas1 yas1 yas1 Pog Pog O PogU @ninja wtf LULW @Sanchovies KEKW Pog PogU ninja POGGERS WTF Pog PogU Morde Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog @Ninja HE IS HERE PogU PogU WutFace PogU Pog @Sanchovies sanchGood1 sanchGood1 Pog OOOOOOOOOOOO Pog yas1 yas1 yas1 yas1 @IWillDominate Ninja dude unban me ffs the funniest part is he thinks playing fortnite is harder than being an nfl kicker WINNABLE PogU PogU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogU PogYou MORDEKAISER Pog moe u playing? PogU PogU KEKW @Yassuo STOP YELLIING FUCKER okay actually carried Pooooooog pOGu Winnable PogU ? Yo moe nice trim @ninja watch my video :) @iwilldominate PogU Pog Pog WutFace PogU shit @IWillDominate KEKW ninja pog u ITS ACTUALLY WINNABLE GET CARRIED Silver Reaction Lol @DonaldTrump WTFF? @shroud PogU @sanchovies LUL Pog @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? clean @IWillDominate 0 9 ¨POGGGGGGG WHY ZEAL? Wp Qiyana :) 23% 0/9/1 OMEGALUL Kappa pog Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa REDBULL POGU 0/9 Poggersssss yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA Kappa Redbull bangs mihax12345 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 0/9 lul @IWillDominate Pog @IWillDominate WideHarder HOMIES TriDance PepePls im tight with redbull :) #AD I just opened his stream, and he's 0/9 0-9 pogu Kapp big Kapp @Yassuo what u think of the weeknd heartless @loltyler1 press "start streaming" so we dont have to watch this goober @IWillDominate KEKW LUL @AnthonyDavis WTF? 0/10 power spike inc Pog 0/9 @faker POG Ohahit -> Please refrain from posting links. @IWillDominate you've fallen out of relevancy these days KEKW 0 9 1 0/10 possible ? 0/10 powerspike incoming Pog 0/9 0/9 MOE IS TRYHARD INTING LULWW BETTER BOT WINS LUL 0 - 9 - 1 KEKW u kinda doo doo this game ngl LULW @redbull WeirdChamp @IWillDominate @IWillDominate Unban me Pls PepeHands 0 9 XD this is such a shit stream who can watch this yo your beard lookin good man no homo Poggers @IWillDominate Real PogU @Yassuo GO INFINITY EDGE, NOT IE BRO 1 kill participation of 19 kills 10 DEATH POWERSPIKE POFFERS nice smurf btw moe 0/9 smurf Kappa @Iwilldominate Pog @Yassuo whats the idea of Precipitation in this case LMFAO Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @AnthonyDavis POG PYKE LEE SIN SAME CLAN @IWillDominate yasMald you Just cant play diff champions worst player wtf cadezilla48 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! YO MOE! much love brother, cant wait to met you one day yasANELE gg WP @LebronJames woah Support KEKW GG @IWillDominate Pog you killin it cuh @Sanchovies LUL Fairly closed to balanced btw 0/10 spike incoming @CristianoRonaldo WTF? @Yassuo Senna is the woman version of Jhin bro 0/10 powerspike incoming LULW GG monkaW BabyRage gg wp KEKW 0 9 yasAYAYA ?????? @MichaelJackson on god thought u were dead bro !discord @Yassuo GO INFINITY EDGE BRO WHAT U DOING WOTH ZEAL BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW HandsUp gachiBASS COMMUNITY HandsUp gachiBASS certainly 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to Streamlabs! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! @Messi wtf SO BUSTED KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW BROKEN KEKW it is @Messi PogU @therealdonaldtrump LULW gg gg @Yassuo ninja was waiting for that duo inv ggg go Pd @Sanchovies yasH yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA @ninja queue up with @Yassuo PepeLaugh lp 👉 📉 @Faker PogU lol 0-9 @Sanchovies you struggling @ChrstianoRonaldo holy shit IE SEASON 10 LULW lag Double digit death power spike incoming dont worry 10 death powerspike KEKW @cristianoronaldo POGGERS gg? NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @TCrookz AHAHHA 0/9 KEKW ???? GIFTED A BOT KEKW you're 0-9 why you talking about balance i had a dream where you had a kill @Yassuo act? KEKW Clap thats the most broken soul in the game mord balanced REAL FRENS UNLIKE MOE TO TRICK2G PepeHands 0/9 kek @JustinBieber in hERE @lebronjames PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Ninja WHAT DOES THAT DO? Pepega KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW 0/9 KEKW KEKW lol KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW HYPERCLAP wtf ffffifter strealabs ? OMEGALUL @XQCow PogU kekw KEKW KEKW @6kAlex If you out here giftin' subs then hook a broke brother up <3 lmao @MyDadWhoWentToTheStoreForMilk 0-10 KEKW @cristianoRonaldo supp 0/10 powerspike KEKW 0/10 ????????? LEE OMEGALUL nice backup KEKW KEKW BACKUP KEKW 0-10 kekw deleted KEKW KEKW @TakiXD u typed it wrong you baffoon @barackobama hey wassup obi BACKUP KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL ahahhaaahaha 0/10 0/10 @Sanchovies today's a stream= BACKUP ADC MOE LUL LUL LUL *pings* flash heal R KEKW ALL SUMS UP OKEY STAY UNDER TOWER kekw 0/10 KEKW 0/ 10 0/10 KEKW NICE BACKUP KEKW 0/10 POWERSPIKE KEKW 0/10 LULW KEKW u ruiin everything KEKW 0/10 0/10 POG @faker PogChamp @cristianoronaldo WTF?? NICE BACKUP KEKW KEKW !watchtime comedyLW so bad outplayed 0/10 KEKW BACKUP PogU damn unlucky @streamlabs yey asd saving heal and f for next game @Yassuo ?? 10 death powerspike PogU omg just use r 4Head @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? zero and ten ????? poor morde PepeHands na special LUL LUL LUL 0/10 0/10 Powerspike AD MOE KEKW 0/10 10 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 0/9 THIS IS GOING IN THE PINOY INT-MAGE 0/10 KEKW OMEGALUL / 10 go play celeste KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 0/10 LUL 0/10 KEKW is this a hashinshin stream? LUL LUL LUL LUL ??????????? 0/10 power spike 0 10 powerspike report @Yassuo stop shit talking adcs when you are 0/10 KEKW OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL @BarackObama why you here??? 0/10 powerspike POGGERS OmegaLUL / 1 OmegaLUL 0/10 10 Deaths powerspike PogChamp POGGERES WINNABLE adc so easy Kapp POGGERS ? sanchMere 0/9 POGGERS POGGERS FORTNITE OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL / 1 0/10/1 0 10 POGGERS @JosephStalin KKomrade Winnable 0/10 Powerspike POGGERS Poggers open yassuo stream and GRAY SCREE NOTHING NEW LUL POGGERS WTF IM SUPP MAIN G2 AND IM BETTER XAYAH THAT YOU POGGERS WINNABLE 0 10 KEKW POGGERS moe u are one useless bitch Can i get a sub ...pretty plz off role moe KEKW WingedPangolin -> Please refrain from spamming caps. OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL lol WINNABLE POGGERS WINNABLE POGGERS WINNABLE HYPERS @faker WTF @Yassuo you got hashinshin'd boi don't play adc M/O/10 poggers asd1 always feeding when i open the stream jeez wtf man CLOSE ? KEKW Kapp Kapp POGGERS KEKW 0/10 KEKW Kappa OMEGALUL Kapp Kappa \ POGGERS 7 OMG WHAT IS THAT! DOMINATING PERSEVERANCE 0/10 KEKW still winnable POGGERS Kapp lmao dont u int? XD Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp whats your losing streak today? @Yassuo you literally inted Kapp KEKW YOU DID NA special OmegaLuL / 1 OmegaLuL KEKW POWESPIKE Pog Kappa LULW Kapp M/0/10 @Sanchovies yo yo wat up FeelsOkayMan Kappa KEKW Kapp you saved flash and heal there Kap Kapp not int LUL ????? 0/10 yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN KEKW KEKW DOG Kappa fakers little bro KEKW ??????? OMEGALUL 0/10 hahahah KEKW SURE 0/10 KEKW Kapp Kapp Kappa u did KEKW Kapp ONCE Kappa UR TERRIBLE Kapp LOL ur inting Kapp Kapp kapp Kapp Kap yasTrue Kapp Kappa moe.. you played like ass.. Kappa 0-10 yikes LUL Kapp big Kapp UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUH Kapp Kappa 0 10 1 ?????????? 0-10 not bad LUL Kappa you did OMEGALUL U fcking kid BibleThump KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW loLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL check dmg done KEKW DELUSIONAL Kappa Kapp !uptime 0/10 Kappa 0/10 noob LUL moe and 10 Kapp The stream has been live for 2 hours 3 minutes 40 seconds you INTED @Nyekszonkaa csá LUL LUL Kapp You griefed that KEKW M/0/10E ok Duo with lee Kapp Kappa AHAHAHAHAH Kappa Kapp Kapp @Nyekszonkaa csá@Nyekszonkaa csá m/0/10 do it Kapp SHOW THE DAMAGE KEKW kappa Kapp KEKW 0-10 kekw DO IT NOW Kapp kek OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL Kappa do it you wont Kapp Kappa say that to Hashinshin LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL \\ POGGERS 7 OMG WHAT IS THAT! DELUSIONAL do it KEKW HolidayCookie HolidayCookie EVEN ur laughing at that statement SNAKE LULW do it or else HAHAHAHA yikes 0/10 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 yasM03 Kapp pokiPuke Kapp moe/10 DELUSIONAL OMEGALUL Kapp kappaazerty ???????????? F ONCE when you said you would die to YAS YOU DID OMEGALUL Kapp Kappa you played just what you know, nothing more literal inter fusYikes fusYikes peepoPooPoo OMEGALUL Kapp BETTER BOT WINS LUL lul it says losing is the new winning 1 kp KEKW Kappa 0/10 YOU GOT HIT BY EVERY SKILLSHOT POSSIBLE KEKW DO IT SUUUUUURE Kapp Kapp Kapp DO IT DELUSIONAL KEKW HAHAHAHAHA do it Kappa ???????????? M/O/10. KEKW INTER MOE DIFFRENCE SURE BUDDY LULW ratirlMangoS pokiPuke pokiPuke pokiPuke pokiPuke pokiPuke Kapp Kappa you played just what you know, nothing more hahah Kapp YOUR EGO IS WAY TOO HIGH MAN Hi all, yes i'm back👍🤖 SEND TO GOSU Kappa ok kid delusional lol moe and 10 dying 10 times is not support fault delusional KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa DELUSIONAL COMPARING TO UZI KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL / 1 OMEGALUL actually delusional KEKW PERKZ LUL KEKW LUL damage 0/10 egospike KEKW tell him at all stars KEKW DO IT NOW Kappa Kappa y u mad xd DELUSIONAL adc and supp dif KappaPride do it now PYKE MORE DAMAGE KEKW DO IT !! @yassuo check dms damage KEKW Kapp OMEGALUL So when hashinshin goes 0/10 it's jungle difference? LESS DMG THAN PYKE KEKW Kapp DAMAGE KEKW OMEGALUL SURE Kapp DMG KEKW 0/10?? @perkz Play safe u fck LOOOOOOOOOL DMG LOL KEKW better adc wins <3 <3 PYKE DID MORE DAMAGE missed every e you play the best of your abilyties yea but you ran it down after going 0/4 NICE DAMAGE XD less damage than pyke LUL 0/10 pog 0/10 LOL kalb what about aafter lane? Do it NOW LOL SNAKE lol LULW LULW lul delusional LUL DELUSIONAL DAMAGE KEKW DAMAGE KEKW ?? @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? oh no hes delusional :( PYYYYYYYYKE IN LANE YES AFTER YOU INTED KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace NICE DMG aHahahahaha Hey who is the QuyDepTrai guy? dmg KEKW SUPP DIFF KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL HAAHA Pepega Clap DAMAGE CHARTS KEKEW SAVAGE PYKE KEKW you're a garbage can KEKW WAKE UP MOE KEKW kekw the list monkaW SOMEONE MAKE A GOFUNDME AND LETS SEND THIS VOD TO UZI Lol @Yassuo if he popped off would you let him advertise? 0/10 and says adc is a easy position to play weirdChamp ? BLAME SUPP KEKW ????? Owen LEAST DAMAGE KEKW HASHINSHIN YIKES Rolex Pepega hows your day been so far? tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB ? ROLEX PepeLaugh Pepega LMAO pshycotic behavior? @Yassuo Sure man Kappa KEKW TRASH ON ANYTHING BUT YASUO KEKW KEKW NICE DAMAGE @Yassuo bro plz do me favor and just SUCK me sister ass aha thx no homo THIS GUY HAS ADHD @yassuo check twitter dms Hahahahha u didnt even tryhard lol @Yassuo SHOW US THE WATCH Pog FLEXING WeirdChamp Delusional lol DMG KEKW FLEX KEKW DO IT MOE and says adc is a easy position to play WeirdChamp ADHD ANY KEKW wtf xd Pepega STOP FLEXING show it 0/10 XD yasWeird FLEX D: ROLEX PepeLaugh Stop making excuses for being bad KEKW MALD cmonBruh EZ Clap ? stop flexing WeirdChamp missed every single e bruh Pepega ROLEX :O PepeLaugh PepeLaugh D: what kind of watch @Yassuo hey moe yeah nice one @Yassuo Show the watch PogU it just popped in ur hands? KEKW Kapp peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE peepoPog BIG DAMAGE TRUE PepeLaugh xd duuud Pepega Hashshin DUO M OMEGALUL E 0/10 blaming support KEKW whats his twitch? NOT HARDSTUCK LULW ROLEX PepeLaugh rewatch the game @Yassuo Dont call me stupid 4Weird 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to Riot Games! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel! DELUSIONAL KEKW top damage LOL D: KEKW hardstuck GM KEKW D: KEKW ADVERTISING FOR MOE VIEWERS OOF big yikes u are LOL ROLEX Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOO Wierd flex and says adc is a easy position to play WeirdChamp. add lee sin true chat is kinda ehhh fuck you HARDSTUCK GM THO KEKW @Yassuo WHAT WATCH DO YOU HAVE PogU @ninja @Yassuo Show the watch Pog FLEX WeirdChamp ✋ i'm not tho lULW you are hardstuck? What pyke was supposed to do with that adc thoi ? @Yassuo UR BAD :) LOWER DAMAGE THAN SUPP KEKW yo cmonBruh ? TOO FAR D: PepeLaugh and says adc is a easy position to play WeirdChamp, UR SO TRASH NNOW HOLY LIKE D4 LEVEL DAMN TAKE A JOKE LMAO 4Weird Pyke lee sin same clan MOESTUCK OMEGALUL ADFRIENDLY KEKW you hard stuck @Yassuo WeirdChamp monkaW @Yassuo how much did ur watch cost u ? KEKW danS KEKW LOL زق D: monkaW DUDE RESPECT monkaW DOOOOOD monkaW ????? monkaW monkaW LMFAO monkaW sockthedino subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Moe how much to switch to mixer monkaW monkaS ??? chat malding KEKW monkaW WTF D: WutFace KEKW LULW AND THEN YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT CHAT FLAMING YOU and says adc is a easy position to play WeirdChamp . KEKW KEKW MALD ????????????? monkaW DUDE monkaW monkaS xDDDDDDD D: LUL monkaS monkaW KEKW WeirdKEKW KEKW You are hardstuck WEIRD FLEX ROLEX Pepega Pepega WutFace ??????????????????? what does nloking someone do? @yassuo ???? DUUUUUD iam challenger 1k LP :) D: wowowow LULW SO MAD monkaW KEKW DUD ?????? monkaW ??? WutFace WutFace monkaW D: LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL monkaW KEKW LUL monkaW MALDING KEKW KEKW To real LUL BibleThump BibleThump monkaW lol MALDING KEKW WutFaceW MY EARS ? DUDE Delusional Kappa ahahah D: MONKAS and says adc is a easy position to play WeirdChamp 0/10 least damage KEKW supports fault Pepega D: yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp LOL XDDDDDDDDDD URE DELUSIONAL Dont cry KEKW 4Weird you have problems moe 4Weird ur the delusiional one here moe KEKW simmer down 4Weird 4WeirdW Autistic ????????????????? LUL LUL LUL LUL yasSnake_BW MALDING KEKW MY EARS BRO WutFaceW ??? ????? You are so fucking bad Pepega Pepega HUH Pepega D: D: D: LUL chill yasS yasS monkaW DUO LUL PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR bipolar? monkaW DUDE!!!!!!! Pepega KEKW MALDING HARD Pepega monkaW WeirdKEKW Pepega LOL monkaW moe u cant even get out of diamond when u tried to go unranked to challenger KEKW XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LUL LUL LUL lol @Yassuo Why did you buy Rolex? There are much better watches. You just like it or what? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL monkaW sb PepeLaugh Pepega MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW MOE AND 10 KEKW pog KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap Oigg stop it 3Head Pepega Pepega SMOrc Pepega @Yassuo SAYING YOURE HARDSTUCK WHEN YOU DUO QUEUE YIKES Pepega LOL OpieOp OpieOP LUL Pepega ?? WeirdKEKW DOOOD AUTISM g less damaga than pyke lel Pepega KEKW What's your watch? @Yassuo Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega @Yassuo STOPPP YELLING THEN STUPİD MOTHERFUCKING IDIOY KEKW UR SO DELUSIONAL LUL xD Pepega Pepega Pepega Clap ???? Pepega omg BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage WAHHHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHH LMFAOOOOOOOOO just ban senna KEKW AUTISM Pepega Pepega WeirdKEKW pepega TILTED AF LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW 0/10 lmao HHAHAHAHAHA not like that WeirdKEKW pepega monkaW LOSING IT Pepega richard mille PogChamp Pepega Pepega Pepega ok tfblade TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW TERMINALLY MALDED KEKW Pepega Pepega LOL LIKE ME ?? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL TriHard TriHard TriHard RlyTho BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @yassuo check twitter dms Even a silver adc would have stayed back and not feed like that YOURE THE ONE WHO IS DELUSIONAL LUL uh huh Pepega Pepega Clap I SEE Pepega @Yassuo Show us the watch Pog Pepega POOF yasNunu Pepega Clap pepega_kkona_chan_ayaya KEKW I want to say hello to my old sick granny who make life is strange👽👑👌💨 sa chimp autism KEKW MALD CAN I GET AN L IN THE CHAT u lost your min fk off moe PepeLaugh Look at him hello from bb tilted Pepega pew pew lol nice duo Pepega Clap PEPEGA Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Hey... Blame ur self, u know what ? LUL D: PogU DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL DELUSIONAL Pepega BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage u suck Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap dam u should be an actor @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter 0/10 blaming support KEKW. yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW 5 HEAD denail Pepega Clap hı bb @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? hi ALWAYS SUPP FAULT Pepega Clap CELESTE PogU so hug tower and freeze Pepega xddd AUTSIM 4 CLIP LOL, ppl trolling ya ass yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' 4Weird you ok moe? 4Weird BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage @Yassuo SHOW THE WATCH Pog Pepega clap DENIAL abusing duo q @Yassuo WeirdChamp quy is the goat Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP WeirdKEKW KEKW @Yassuo since 100t is sponsered by grubhub, do u get free delivery or somn? LUL what kind of watch @Yassuo 0/10 blaming support KEKW TILTED ? Pepega Pepega sb PepeLaugh sb PepeLaugh sb PepeLaugh sb PepeLaugh sb PepeLaugh ahhaha yasR 3Head tilted lol Pepega PEW Pepega Pew Clapped xD stop it chat WutFaceW CELESTE POG FINALLY NOT LEAGUE denzel MonkaW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage bb ınga DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! cmonBruh Song GRANDMASTER I (374 LP) @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW yasSnake_BW ena كسمك يله انت بقيت بضان Pepega @Yassuo WALLAH BRO I SAW YOU YESTERDAY HAHAHA tilted WutFace 3 HEAD yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald LimpingKyoti -> Please refrain from posting links. 0/10 blaming support KEKW.. PYKE LEE SIN SAME CLAN lol delusional xD imagine spamming pepega when he literally gave a good example LULW chat @Yassuo that was jungle main btw BB RAID Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation KEKEW 0/10 blaming support KEKW... ??? Pepega Pepega can u actually give us a steam code !uptime being toxic in front of red bull kinda cringe tbh The stream has been live for 2 hours 5 minutes 22 seconds I have 3.8 k what are these for ? @yassuo Thoughts on TFBlade fogged bet ???????????? Pepega STUTTER KEKW plz dnt play xayah again moe ??? 0-10-0 didnt do poorly Kapp yo soy SABALEEEEERO yasMald yasMald yasMald Hi from BB MOE BOI Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD lirikD hi ??????? !editcommand !duo QuyDepTrai exCoach -> Successfully edited !duo. Pepega 0/10 blaming support KEKW sa yarram ??????????????? 4WeirdW LA MOE 4WeirdW LA MOE 4WeirdW LA MOE 4WeirdW LA MOE 4WeirdW LA MOE 4WeirdW LA MOE BB <3 @6kAlex dud you gifting subs to bots and making the homies stay hungry KappaPride 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to Fortnite! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel! bee bee LinieNg -> Please refrain from posting links. MaN @Yassuo Show us the watch PogChamp KappaPride bb <3 show watch bb WTF U TALKING 4Weird hi selam hırrım hi M OMEGALUL E OI Bruv 3Head didnt read my 13 monthsub :'( yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrak hashinshin mentality Preseason KEKW literally no one complains about the hook being the op part of his kit @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' yes you did mizkifSat 0/10 snake blames pyke hi BB Pog As tmikagW tmikagW tmikagW Kk @Yassuo are u 6'5 TriDance BUDDY followers mode pog @yassuo what does blocking someone in league do? sa pog BB <3 Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrakkkkkkkkkk BB RAID Pog babe ,???? washed up blade KEKW 0 10 STILL BETTER THAN 1 18 LUL POGGERS yasU BB yasHYPERS monkaW BB <3 ADAMSIN Welcome @Fortnite habibi = bb POGGERS Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty HeyGuys tmikagW BB POG POGGERS <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 yasNunu byby 4Weird LA moe 4Weird LA moe 4Weird LA moe 4Weird LA moe Just do reaction vids Pogg POGGERS THE 1V1 FROM LAST GAME @Fortnite PepegaClap POGGERS FORTNITE? haha Fortnite Poggers BEE BEE SOUNDS SUS BRUH KappaPride LinieNg -> Please refrain from posting links. KappaPride @Yassuo yasU -1000 KEKW ❤️ Pepega Clap @Yassuo u guys getting snow today? yasKiss ????? 0/10 burası tr amınaee @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? @Fortnite Pog Pog 0/10 blaming support KEKW yasU fortnite fortnite fortnite fake watch 1V1 LAST GAME ROLEX? yo 17 k pog THAT RAGE LUL LUL how did you get started in streaming? BB sa Tamerlanchiques -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW fortnite POGGERS i literally just want his account rank... without searching it on op DOT gg yasSpit haHAA Kapp yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Fortnite poggers USING A WATCH IN 2K10 KEKW @Yassuo why you got runes names at your title? Pepega ROITS GAMES ICE DRIPPIN ON THE HOES smh didnt read my sub byby xd show it up close watch is useless Pog @Yassuo ladies love money LUL LUL FLEXING WeirdChamp how much did it cost? WeirdChamp orospunu çocuğuuuuuuuu yasSpit gold diggers u mean ? KEKW bro so sexy holy fucc Flexing WeirdChamp @Yassuo it won't .. ok\ UGLY WATCH KEKW SELLOUT WOMAN WATCH KEKW yasSpit weird flex haHAA haHAA useless WeirdChamo @Yassuo thoughts on Forg1ven ?? @yassuo check twitter dms pls haHAA lady wrist 4Weird DRIP Pog still looking homeless :D @faker PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Fortnite he got ice on his wrist WASTING MONEY KEKW ladies watch KEKW show what kinda watch is it yoo t1 destroyed u? ahhahahahhahahahhahahaha god ur such a tool KEKW Chad Moe. LUL @Yassuo yasSpit Pog haHAA yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: scammed KEKW WeirdChamp DRIP FAAAAKE Pick up a MVMT Bro WOMENS WATCH KEKW FAKE 1V1 YOU PROMISE UGLY LUL @Fortnite wtf????????? the gym helps more than a watch NIVE FLEX BTW yodaCassioloira PogU Rolex Pog Nice Casio PogChamp FAKE KEKW money = ladies haHAA DansGame ugly watch FAKE KEKW KEKW flex WeirdChamp HA TOOF HAIRY DansGam WeirdChamp i think the problem is your personality KEKW WeirdChamp chettty yarrrrraaaaakkkkkkk saldırısıııııııııııııııııı ladies watch KEKW SHEEEEEESH Abi ossur wheres the diamond FAKE ROLLY Pog @faker PogChamp FLEXING 4Weird 3$ watch rolex? LMAO UGLY KEKW fake CLEAN ASS WATCH Kapp @Yassuo do you even know how to tell the time one it ok man nice flex WeirdChamp FAKE LULW doesn't look nice tbh KEKW nice flex clean Stop @Yassuo WOMENS WATCH KEKW DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS thats shit you look like you have a white bmw old af LA moe is trash for you it wont you puss WASTING MONEY KEKW damn is that kanyeee? PogU PogU ARM DansGame celest pog DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS women watch FAKE KEKW ugly af ugly af terrorist watch looks like 80 years old watch LUL Girls watch lol SHEEESH Waste of Money PepeLaugh FAKE ROLLY KEKW @Sanchovies SHOW HAIRCUT PLEASE WeirdChamp . FAKE FAKE KEKW WOMENS WATCH KEKW WOMENS WATCH KEKW WOMENS WATCH KEKW WOMENS WATCH KEKW FAKEEE Pog is that gold? looks like a womens watch KEKW Pog pog stop shaking pussy @Yassuo @faker PogChamp PogChamp Man that's a watch for girls SHEEEEEEEEEESH AsianGlow ;p ;p ;p AsianGlow FALE ROLEX KEKW looks good 31st???????? WATCHES IN CURRENT YEAR KEKW DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS FAKE AF WutFaceW ! 10 dollar UGLY KEKW SHEEEEEEESH ?????????? watch wont help ur ugky face idoti foolish fool @Yassuo @Sanchovies Waste of Money PepeLaugh Waste of Money PepeLaugh Waste of Money PepeLaugh Waste of Money PepeLaugh Waste of Money PepeLaugh YasSpit UGLY AF ahahaha girls watch ahaha dad watch lol CHAD MOE KEKW just like gross gore KEKW WASTING MONEY KEKW woman watch KEKW wristwatch in 2019 KEKW girls watch haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA Your date is wrong, dingus A WATCH IN 2020 Pog Fake AF Pog .. WutFaceW some girly ass watch tho FAKEEE FAAAAAAAAAKE WeirdChamp sick ice with a walmart shirt smh FAKER pog FAKE KEKW PogChamp FAKE ICEY ROLEX looks like a womans watch @Yassuo stop WeirdChamp 4Weird lowkey flexin dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo PogU FAKE LULW GreatContent_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. TRASH KEKW UGLY AS FUCK KEKW SHEEEEEEEEEEEEESH Pepega FAKE FAKE KEKW ANELE how much that cost FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE LULW 10 dollar LOLW Clap HAIRY ARMS KEKW POGU FAKE LIKE YOU @Yassuo womens watch fake YOU'RE STILL USE YOUR PHONE TO READ THE TIME KEKW mm fat @Yassuo DRIP! poggg Chad moe KEKW WeirdChamp still uses phone for time really ugly yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS 1st just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog @Yassuo get a chain to this FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW Cant even tell the time on it KEKW imma steal u TriHard ACTUALLY UGLY KEKW ACTUALLY UGLY KEKW ACTUALLY UGLY KEKW ACTUALLY UGLY KEKW we get it youre rich @Yassuo Kapp DansGame 4Weird WASTE OF MONEY 4Weird WASTE OF MONEY çakma rolex ama bire bir Pick up a MVMT Bro. THATS A DAD ROLEX' fake, just like yassuo LULW clean Did they run out of watches for men? lmao remember when yassuo was good at the game lolw FAKE WATER BOTTLES POG FAKE KEKW KEKW LULW ldemexl -> Please refrain from posting links. dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo dude thats a girls watch LMFAO @Yassuo KEKW IT'S LITERALLY FAKE KEKW FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE ROLLY Flexing on students 4Weird WOMENS WATCH KEKW KEKW ,FAKE what a waste FAKE XD ?????????????????????? actually looks fucking fire @Yassuo women watch LOOOOOOOOOOOOL fake matkap mi lan o ?????? NO KEKW yasSpit Pepega u look like a homeless person that just won the lottery 31st KEKW 31 November? KEKW KEKW ROLEX Pog LOL KEKW ????????? LULW its 1 LUL 31 NOVEMBER KEKW Pepega Clap dumbass ITS THE 31ST KEKW AUTISM lmao LMFAO fake rolex pepg DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS DRIP POGGERS LOOOL Pepega Clap WTF LULW Pepega Pepega FAKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW its the 1st LULW 12/1 FAKE KEKW ???????? KEKW ITS THE FIRST DUMBASS KEKW imagine having santorin as rank 1 LUL yikes LUL 31 KEKW FAKE KEKW FAKE KEKW ?? 31st ////////////////// isthat FAKE KEKW ???????? FAKEE just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog FAKE KEKW KEKW FAKE KEKW FAKE FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW women watch KEKW FAKE WATCH KEKW Pepega OHMYGOD Pepega Clap Pepega FAKE WATCH KEKW FAKE FAKE Flexing WeirdChamp 31? LMFAO SCAM LULW FAKE HASBDJADBASKD SHEEEEEEEEESH CAN YOU EVEN TELL THE TIME ON IT KEKW CAN YOU EVEN TELL THE TIME ON IT KEKW Pepega WTFFF FAKE REFUND Pepega FAKE scuffed KEKW ????? ITS THE FIRST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh KEKW hahahahahahahahahaha Not drippy 😂 rolex giveaway when ? DUMBBBB rolex china NICE WATCH KEKW fakeeeeeeeee FAKE FAKE KEKW FAKE KEKW Pepega lololololololololol AHAHAHA shit watch ?????????? FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh Pepega FAKE WATCH BAHAHA OH MY GOD XD KEKW SCROLLEX SHIT WATCH LULW shit watch KEKW just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog NICE WATCH LULW LMFAOOO FAKE WA TCH LULW KEKW FAKE ROLEX ?????????????????????????????????????? FAKE ROLEX KEKW FAKE KEKW Pepega Clap rolex WeirdChamp weird flex but ok WeirdChamp FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh . Water bottles KEKW LULW FAKE FAKE KEKW Clap Pepega KEKW FAKE fake XD plebs money SAY THANK YOU OR I LL SHUT UR CHANNEL MY DAD OWN TWITCH FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE GET REKT KEKW Alo FAKE AHAHHAHA SCAMMAAAAZ this guys an idiot ROLEX FAKE LUL Fake watch KEKW LUL LUL LUL LOL KEKW UGLY KEKW UGLY KEKW UGLY KEKW KEKW scammed ???????? WRONG YEAR fskd Fake Fake LOL AAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHHA FAKEEEEEEEEEEEE yikes KEKW faaaaaaake retarded watch NA EDUCATION 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to xQcOW! They have given 5 Gift Subs in the channel! SCAMMAZED KEKW ITS A WATCH Ok boomer FAKE PC AND ROLEX KEKW china rolex lol YES LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL SCUFFED WATCH FAKE IT IS 1st cuz it is the first FAKE mizkifHand KEKW actually spending 10k to tell the time @Yassuo FAKE KEKW FAKE CHINA ROLEX KEKW Yes YES FAKE KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE OMEGALUL YES fake LULW KEKW YES KEKW FAKE CHINA KEKW NO CHINA LULW KEKW Pepega FAKE WATCH KEKW faaaaaaake Fake SCAMMEDDDDD FAAAAAKE FAKE WATCH KEKW FAKE WATCH KEKW FAKE WATCH KEKW FAKE WATCH KEKW FAKE WATCH KEKW looool your so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww Scammed YES MANUALLY that is some fire man ROLEX FAKE KEKW ROLEX FAKE KEKW ROLEX FAKE KEKW Kappa Kappa NotLikeThis FAKE LULW YES KEKW SCAMMED FAKE yep fake roelxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FAKE LULW Fake xD Harry Motherfucker LUL yes fake : FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh NA EDUCATION PepeLaugh SCAMMED YES LULW KEKW WutFace LULW XD fake rollie KEKW yes you have to manually do it FAKE OMEGALUL hit the gym bro fake OMEGALUL FAKE @ @Yassuo FAKExD KEKW YES MANUALY NICE FAKE WATCH LMAOOO KEKW FAKE just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh FAKE PepeLaugh IT ALWAYS HAVE 31 CHINA KEKW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW my watch too bro FAKE ROLEX KEKW nice watch KEKW FAKE HAHAHA FAKE cmonBruh Fake KEKW LA moe LUL yanxiangslayer69 -> Please refrain sending long messages. KEKW FAKE FAKE HAAHHAHAAHAHHAH U BOUGHT ONE OF ONLY MODELS THATY ISNT GOI NG UP SNAK33333 U HAVE TO MANUALLY DO IT fake 2 NA ROLEX KEKW FAKE LIKE YOU KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW FAKE ROLEX DATEJUST KEKW KEKW FAKEEEEEE scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW scammed LULW Fake FAKE PepeLaugh CQX POGGERS faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake FAKE ROLEX LUL LUL LUL SCAMMED Rolex LUL FKAE KEKW just adjust FAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YES WATCH IS A DUMB AS YOU CHINA ROLEX PepeLaugh CHINA ROLEX PepeLaugh CHINA ROLEX PepeLaugh CHINA ROLEX PepeLaugh CHINA ROLEX PepeLaugh first time wear watch ? LUL SCAMMED manually do it on a watch FAKE FAKE ur retarded KEKW SCAMMED KEKW YES just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog moe u are cringe i reached challenger in 2 hours it take you 20 months haha ur bad ur cringe Pepega EXPOSED CHINA XD Fake KEKW doinb? FAKE KEKW SCAMMED LULW YES YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY CHANGE ROLEX OMEGALUL RETAR wish OFC Jaymanfu subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak! Hey ya my grandma used to go to mexico and get me fake rolex's too LOOK AT THIS HAIR , WHERE U COMING FROM u MONKEY !followage LUL fake 3 SCAMMED KEKW SCAMMED FAKKEK fake just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog Çakma rolex amına koyam FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh FAKE ROLEX PepeLaugh MADE IN AFRICU bro, watches have to have 31st LUL Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap KEKW SCAMMED @xQcOW HIIIII FAKE Lol @xQcOW POGGERS LMAO FAKKEEEE LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL @xQcOW POGGERS no you don't KEKW YEEES U HAVE TO u do @xQcOW Pog FAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE xqcE KEKW fake KEKW @xQcOW fakeeeeeeeeeee CHINESE SCAMMER FAKE OFC DUDE YES fake4 OF COURE..... Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap @xQcOW PogU DHHDSNBDND @yassuo can’t wait til someone knocks the fuck out of you to steal that watch @Yassuo Old man watch, how much was it Fake as fck XQC POGGERS xqcL RACIST SNAKEEEE @xQcOW oh wow ITS 1/12 in EU MANUALLY CHANGE IT U FUCK thats a chinatown special my dude Faker YEEES SCAMMED my man wearing a rollie w pajamas KEKW yepyepyepyepyepyepyepyepyep YES Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap only fake watches dont do it automatically yes Rolex yasSpit yasSpit XQC LUL XQC LULW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? Fake rolex lul XQC POGGERS 8dollars yes you have Thats a fuckin watch that where rich old womans that got their money from their mana @xQcOW fake no "manelly" KEKW FAKE WTF ITS NOT A WIFI WATCH ITS DONE MANUALLY MATE xqcE @Yassuo you have to manually do it KEKEKEKEKWWWW RPGAyaya Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap POGGERS u got tricked xD itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake yes when their is 30 days not 31 IT ALWAYS HAVE 31 DAYS @xQcOW xqcM xqcP SCAMMED KEKW 2 just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog yes you do lol @xQcOW Pog @Yassuo since 100t is sponsered by grubhub, do u get free delivery or somn? CAN YOU EVEN TELL THE TIME ON IT KEKW drugsssssssss POGGERS XQC xqc WeirdKEKW @xQcOW PogU xqcP XQC POGGERS @6kAlex plz gift me a sub :'( PogChamp @xQcOW POGGERS XQC LOLW its mechanical ofc you have to @Yassuo KEKW KEKW u have to PepeLaugh @xqcow XQC POGGERS Gameflash2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. fake watch KEKW !subs KEKW PVS POGGERS fak just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog just like gross gore Pog you have to manually add it OMEGALUL zuloleagUe -> Please refrain from spamming caps. xqcP fake amk pazardan mi aldın @xQcOW 😂 @xQcOW fake @xQcOW PogU 1v1s ? xqc PogU PogChamp POGGERS u sooo baad Fake AF KEKW 1V1 KEEP YOUR PROMISE Made in china XQC WAITING ROOM tiny arm KEKW lbsjFlba CAN YOU EVEN TELL THE TIME ON IT KEKW CAN YOU EVEN TELL THE TIME ON IT KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW TRUE MANS ROLEX FROM TURKEY LUL lmao @xQcOW xqcL OptimizePrime XQC POGGERS . KEKW XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 SCAM KEKW LULW TRUE KEKW xqc @xQcOW ratirlFlower LUL KEKW @xQcOW POGGERS TRUE KEKW XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 . LUL KEKW HE DOESNT KNOW HOW KEKW TRUe HOW THE FUCK WILL THE WATCH KNOW UR IN DECEMBER OR FEBRUARY KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 , @xQcOW KEKW LMFAO MANS LUL LMAO @xQcOW xqcM bro u dont buy a 25k watch to see what time it is @Yassuo TRUE KEKW KEKW LULW lmao @Yassuo since 100t is sponsered by grubhub, do u get free delivery or somn?? @yassuo check twitter dms habibi pepega KEKW KEKW XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 XQC THE REACT GUY 😂 ,. TRUE KEKW XD ROLEXSSSSSSSS @xQcOW go live bitcj EU JOKE KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????? KEKW LMAO lmao @xQcOW HE IS NOT EVEN HER E KEKW @xQcOW HE IS NOT EVEN HER E KEKW @xQcOW HE IS NOT EVEN HER E KEKW @xQcOW HE IS NOT EVEN HER E KEKW Hello ! fake how much points u have on yas KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @xQcOW OP OP OP OP LMAOOO WOMAN WATCH KEKW HAHAHAHAH KEKW u did react XDDDD 1v1s moe ? PepeLaugh i lfet a game 10 min ago and its still not done CHAT IS CANCER TRUE haHAA U DO ITS MECHANIC YOU DID REACT.... @Yassuo you big very noob love from iraq Are u trolling lol?) LULW LULW @Faker @Sanchovies yasuouoo dfsd OK BOOMER KEKW KEKW WTF potatoes celeste??? Poor man PepeLaugh watch videos in queue baconxeggsx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! ayyyy asd not wrong KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo you dont know how to change the date do you ? LULW @yassuo didnt read my sub rip f t1 fans .................,.llll.. @xQcOW play celeste HIII CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega CHEETO Pepega why you so funny XDD KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KEKW 1V1 YOU PROMIISE LAST GAME @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' TRUE LULW xqcY xqcY xqcY xqcY xqcY xqcY @xQcOW YOYOYOYOY @Yassuo did you see tf blades merch KEKW like canu reconfort me plz yassuo WeirdChamp KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW !dup LMAO ITS MECHANIC KEKW XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 XQC 😂 WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp @xQcOW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW !duo 😂 KEKW QuyDepTrai HAHAHAHAHAHAH FAKE LAUGH KEK That watch is for pussies KEKW hi bro , big fan 1v1 @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter wheres celeste @Yassuo no WeirdChamp @Yassuo Thoughts on forg1ven ? @Yassuo since 100t is sponsered by grubhub, do u get free delivery or somn? @Yassuo i don't like your watch, but your beard looks fire dude @Yassuo Buy an ARF Rolex PogU 1v1v1 yasHYPERS MaxLOL fatshtihead -> Please refrain from spamming caps. FAKE ROLEX XD KEKEW yasHYPERS sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand sordiwSand danielnotlit subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! 1v1 Now Moe will Drip ice on these ho** @faker @yassuo maybe some non 12 year old bedding will help you get chicks ROLEX 8K KEKW SLAM THE DESK 😂 REACT 😂 GO AGANE 😂 FART 😂 THE JUICE 😂 ENDLESS TTS SPAM 😂 DÜD 😂 LOLOLOLOL SO FUNNY 😂👌🔥💯 ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex ratirlFlex 1v1v1 Imagine buying an expensive watch with 43 million people living in poverty @Yassuo did you beat Celeste? Mexico its a nice country WeirdChamp 1v11v !chatstats !duo YOU promise 1v1 QuyDepTrai StreamElements -> Please refrain from posting links. 1v1v1v1 panky @Yassuo NOTICE ME I LOVE U U SO HANDSOME GOOD LOKING PRO LOL PLAYER RICH HAS A ROLEX!!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO REMEMBERS THE 1V1 v11vvv11v Cunt 20 bucks !duo @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? 5mil 20k watch owowowowowo 1vvv11v1v 20 MIL EZ SLAM DESK LOLW FART LOLW FUNNY LOLW SLAM DESK LOLW FART LOLW FUNNY LOLW SLAM DESK LOLW FART LOLW FUNNY LOLW KEKW 1vv1v1v1v Narcissistic much? 100dollars any tips for akali moe? D: Chat been so dead since you stole tyler1s fans in the 10k bet 1v1v1v1v1vv l zero KEKW lmao flexing WeirdChamp @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' 1v1v1v1v 2.5 $ KEKW 1v1v1vvv 1V1 dont do the business for them dummy decorate your room bro PLAY DRIP TOO HARD CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit sellout pls dont switch to mixer how much is it @Yassuo 👀 Watch Videos in queue u did 1M 1v @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter my mom got fked soo here im 🙂 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to DrDisrespect! They have given 6 Gift Subs in the channel! 1v1 ye u did 1v1 @yassuo check twitter dms pls xqcM xqcM xqcM xqcM xqcM yasTrue yasYoink 1V1 DO U EXPECT UR ROLLEX TO KNOW WHAT MONTH UR IN ? peepoPog 1v1 Penguin880318 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. 1v1 yasHYPERS yasHYPERS @Yassuo Can you kiss me TriHard HE'S SWITCHING TO MIXER PepeHands 1v1v1v1v1 NicoKEKW subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! smart. cute. funny. polite. brave. clever. hard-working. generous. honest. kind. 9 months baby yasU @yassuo you’re eating stuff again Imagin duoing lmao loser gottagetmygameon -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA HEY N OMEGALUL @Yassuo Buy a decent counterfeit watch, buy a Noob or an ARF KEKW 1V1 1vs1 1V1 LAST GAME KEKW 1v1 haHAA SO FUNNY 1v1 LULW braaağğğğğğ :) 1v1v1v you promised 😡 yasSpit forsenCD !duo 1v1v1v1v forsenCD forsenCD QuyDepTrai forsenCD CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CoolCat CurseLit CoolCat SOMEONE GIFT ME A SUB PLEASE 1v1 yo Denzel Curry the goaat v11vvv1v1 forsenCD forsenCD THE LEE SIN forsenCD Yassuo u look hot tbh @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne in saudi ForsenCD @DrDisrespect Pog 11v1vv11v @DrDisrespect kekw forsenCD EZ DODGED KEKW lol v1v1vv1v1v 1V1 @DrDisrespect PogU forsenCD 1V1 @DrDisrespect forsenCD v11 1vs1 @yassuo looks nice but waste of money hope ur saving @DrDisrespect PogU forsenCD 1v1v1 SHOULD PLAY WITH SLIKR MORE YOU PROMISED US 1V1'S YOU DUMB FAT FUCK FBtouchdown FBtouchdown BloodTrail FBtouchdown BloodTrail FBtouchdown BloodTrail FBtouchdown BloodTrail kjkj# forsenCD @Yassuo would you ever make a yasuo mechanics and guide video? The 2 Timer forsenCD @6kAlex GIFT ME A SUB TOO 1v1v any gifters star607Blondie star607Cuddle @DrDisrespect 1V1 LEE SIN forsenCD GIVE SUB PLS @ninja ? 1vv1v1v1 forsenCD MY MAN 🐍 @DrDisrespect @DrDisrespect vv1vv1v1 @DrDisrespect @DrDisrespect forcenCD FORSENCD forsenCD MY MAN @DrDisrespect hello @Sanchovies SHOW HAIRCUT PLEASE @DrDisrespect PogU v1v11vv any business man???? @DrDisrespect Pog @DrDisrespect MY MAN forsenCD @DrDisrespect @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter forsenCD v1v11v1 u promised widepeepoSad Ure hot yassuo 1V1s right fucking now @DrDisrespect ?? @DrDisrespect Pog HAS A ROLLEX, BUT HAS NO CAR SingsNote 1v1vv1 forsenCD MY MAn! @DrDisrespect Pog @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' take yasuo v1v1v forsenCD !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 8 minutes 50 seconds HH @DrDisrespect HEY 1V1 Dr Disrespect 1v1 GIFT TO POOR PEOPLE YOU FUCK i will unfollow now this guy is to rich for me ez dodge ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness forsenCD @dr homies forsenCD <3 <3 1V1 LEE SIN FROM LAST GAME ANY GIFTERS? forsenWC DUDUUDUDU THE CHAMPION HIMSELF forsenCD @yassuo check twitter dms pls 1v1 1v1 yas , its a yas thing dooododoododo dddddddddddddude duDudu tmoneyg3_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! rolex is big bad company and is for man who gets money from his woman @DrDisrespect PogU HE ES HERE CHAT monkaS @DrDisrespect @DrDisrespect @DrDisrespect dududududuud Pepega forsenCD PorscheWIN PogU moe 1v1 me for your channel if urso good yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown monkaW clipped displates are on discount CELESTE ? forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC forsenWC @Yassuo who u duoing with? haHAA SO FUNNY forsenCD Kapp Kapp @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter WHY ARE U YELLING YASUO WALLPAPER DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUD KEKW @DrDisrespect donaru1Dandy donaru1Dandy donaru1Dandy donaru1Dandy donaru1Dandy @Yassuo TURN IT UP pepeJAM HOW much is the rolex V1 @tsm_brokenblade @MyWife forsenCD Kappa 1 vs q KEKW yasOkay yasOkay @DrDisrespect PogU next 2 min u mean give me a sub :Z :( 2?😂 2 months ytou said that 1 year ago WE KNOW KEKW @DrDisrespect hello moe GIFT ME SUB PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt gsus84 subscribed with Twitch Prime. give us back the rolex season 3 bronze 5 @DrDisrespect BlessRNG ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness VINTAGE ROLEX DATE KEKW VINTAGE ROLEX DATE KEKW VINTAGE ROLEX DATE KEKW N OMEGALUL @Yassuo go crazy like on twitch rivals? YOU ARE ALREADY CRAZY KEKW DONATE MONEY TO ALBANIA <3 KEKW @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? dindin123456 -> Please refrain from posting links. LUL u already Crazy #1 gifter onlu 100 KEKW PinoyRunsUrChannel -> Please refrain sending long messages. @Yassuo i'm a poor bitch gift me a sub @DrDisrespect @DrDisrespect @Yassuo would you sell sister for Rolex or sex her? @Yassuo give me military tips BloodTrail @Yassuo CHEK INSTA DMS KEKW dalm812 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! Habibbolay <3 moe you hoe @Sanchovies ur the dr disresepect to evry girl . ROFL u simp simpson noob how much is thr @DrDisrespect Flex it again pls @DrDisrespect 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to big_back_clock_69! They have given 7 Gift Subs in the channel! moe "im a great saver" buys a fucking rolex @Yassuo TURN THE SONG UP pepeJAM кой от вас са българи😁😁 @Yassuo Zed? yasSleeper yasSleeper @PinoyRunsUrChannel TRUEEE -1000 KEKW @yasuo do you think top lane can be impactful sup @Yassuo why did t1 ban u from chat? CAN SOMEONE GIFT ME A SUB FOR NO REASON AT ALL PLS? you duo is muted General Sniper POG 1v1 me dog GENERAL SNIPER Pog @zopius3 wtf is wrong with you @yassuo would you rather eat a dick and sit on a pie or sit on a dick and eat a pie How much did you pay for the watch? @Yassuo DEATHSDANCE OR BT? play akali how much is the rolex MAN @Yassuo jhin is taco YO MOE GET YO FATASS TO GYM BIATCH MUTED DUO yassuo shit habibi keep this good work @DrDisrespect @Yassuo u up to date with the offlinetv house move ? lol where is moe currently living? hi gachiHYPER dont go into the military Play Diana @DrDisrespect h How long will you stream today? shaco? AZIR ZAC xerath KEKW @xvtu1 WeirdChamp yassuo clock LUL YAS @6kAlex ME PLEASE lmao forsenCD ANELE AZIRRRRRR talon Alkali game? senna cassio good military tips, dont get shot senna KEKW kassadin senna XD !duo No-Nut November started with those words too KekW QuyDepTrai cassio NY gb Senna KEKW ZAC!! @6kAlex Pog any gifters? Corki cassiopia yyasuo do you have any furniture besides your bed and desk GENERAL SNIPER RIVEN Pog GENERAL SNIPER Pog Pog diana vlad DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA u should go on trainwrecks scuffed podcast @Yassuo doodFps doodFps doodFps doodFps play kassadin homie big black clock moe u hoe DIANA SENNA @yassuo CASS @6kAlex yo hook a homie up :) heimer why not Rolex DayDate KATARINA YOU MUTED DUO can i get a sub PLAY DIANA @Yassuo if i seen you irl would you not want me to be like yo moe whats up syndra dr_nippley_xd subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! UWU Wukong cmonBruh ? yasuo not playable atm? gachiHYPER @yassuo where are u currently living? KEKW @big_back_clock_69 Pog gachiBASS @6kAlex me me pls cass moe you hoe can i get a sub? gachiHYPER @6kAlex gift me motherfuckr general sniper Pog @DrDisrespect @xvtu1 STOP 4WeirdW how much was rolex Talon dont spam cock ?? ANELE PogO General Sniper POGGERS @Yassuo How long will you stream qiyana @Yassuo did u see what happened to lil wayne Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday @6kAlex gift a brother out here @yassuo can u chose what lane? he'll go crazy on 'chat help me assemble that plz" Kappa DISCORD SNIPER ratirlW BBx WHATS THE SONG ? @vasko_power кои* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa an akali play could be good couldnt it? moe u hoe Jj @Yassuo would you blow for a rolex millionaire cant drive KEKW MOE GIFT SUB PER DEATH? what is up with these akali banns @Yassuo UR SO HNADSOME GOOD PLAYER U HAVE A ROLEX U ARE THE GUY TO BE ON THIS PLANET TBH gachiHYPER BBC dud yasPride yes ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness no @yassuo DIANA DIANA DIANA sanchBlanky sanchBlanky im too broke for a sub teto why do you only have a bed? is it the only thing you have? J NO ? no :) SHOULDA GOT A PRESIDENTIAL HE GOT IT ON WISH KEKW moe you hoe DISCORD GENERAL SNIPER PogU greedy KappaPride no No, I'm poor no MOE 1 SUB FOR DEATH DO IT @6kalex yo can u gift me a sub 🥺 play akali moe @Yassuo should have bought a patek phillipe forreal 515215 DOLLARS TOT ELL THE TIME sus XERATH D: yea, that's how i got my GF @yassuo shaco ban ratirlCage NO IM BROKE KEKW Flex WeirdChamp no you still talk to lilpeepeepoopooman? Kapp NO CUZ I DON'T HAVE MONEY pEPEhANDS SyrePwns -> Please refrain from posting links. FAKE COMMENT KEKW you only see money WeirdChamp looooooooool @Yassuo buy a fucking gf KATARINAAAA play yasuo moe u hoe HOW MUCH IT COSTS ? true THIS guy got rolex instead of furniture XDDDDDDDD KEKW loooooool rich people Moves @Yassuo Moe you actually said that we could 1v1 because i had a bet against you of wether HYOON would dump you and not, and she did so now you owe me a 1v1. You said you will play xayah to go easy on me. So when are we gonna do the 1v1? KEKW TRUE HAHAHAHA FAKE KEKW General Sniper Pog @Yassuo Buy a decent counterfeit such as a Noob or ARF KEKW yasBoo4 yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo yasBoo4 yasBoo2 yasBoo1 @Yassuo bro u could get one with arab numbers looks siick af Redeem my sub @yassuo Who u duo with tho? UWot FALSE KEKW LULW MUTED DUO @Yassuo How long will you stream? ur just fat THAT WAS ENGLISH @Yassuo is gnar a cancer champ TRUE KEKW FAKE MESSAGE KEKW fake message PepeLaugh True Kapp WTF XD. TRUE LULW sex Paid comment fake MESSAGES LULW @Yassuo DONATE SOME TO ALBANIA Pepega 's in chat big black clock xD Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW No mann @Yassuo would you blow for a rolex . @yassuo where are u currently living? FAKE KEKW moe you hoe THERE IS WATER BOTTLE WATCHING YOU BEHIND YOU ryee so how much? FAKE MESSAGE KEKW can i buy ur chesthair? handsome fat PAID MESSAGE KEKW play runescape in queue @Yassuo ROLEX OFF WISH KEKW FAKE MESSAGE KWKQ PAID ACTOR PepeLaugh England is my city GENERAL SNIPER OFF RIVEN KEKW @Yassuo Why don't you tryhard league and talk about league more s10 is actaully good old moe ratirlSad SHOULDA GOT A ICED OUT PRESIDENTIAL OR SUBMARINER. THAT ROLEX SUCKS yasBoo1 yasBoo2 yasBoo3 yasBoo4 1v1 @Yassuo do you get less lp for duoing with people KEKW ryze ge @Yassuo looking good today chief @6kAlex mind if i get a gifted sub :) not to be greedy, but would be appreciated IS THIS ADS FOR ROLEX, LUL 1v1v1 Diana 1v1 @Yassuo posted twitter link but need permissions lol Richard Mille Next Time @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter in other words you stole it !uptime @Yassuo @Yassuo Moe you actually said that we could 1v1 because i had a bet against you of wether HYOON would dump you or not, and she did so now you owe me a 1v1. You said you will play xayah to go easy on me. So when are we gonna do the 1v1? The stream has been live for 2 hours 10 minutes 55 seconds @Yassuo better buy poki DONE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIAN LOLW he still looking homeless as before :D moe u hoe @Yassuo Can you play Post Malone new Album @Yassuo stick ur finger in me sister ass plz WHY NOT KEKW who u live with? DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA <3 1v11 DansGame ryze game ? not even 2 rolexes KEKW why is your room still so empty?? @Yassuo buy a gf SCAMMED moe i actually love you Kekw @Yassuo why fat? @Yassuo rolex is not so my style i dont tlly like all the metal, i like lether and stuff more are you religious?>??? fake comment KEKW wtf KEKW not gonna lie you apear like 20 years older with that watch @Yassuo LUL @Yassuo i sent you some more emotes on twitter' @Yassuo donate some to Albania can i like hyoon S5 SILVER DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA yassuo will you have my love child bro the side of ur face is mad ugly FAKE MESSAGE FAKE WATCH FAKE LIFE Play pyke BRAND OF THE WATCH PLEASE Y so extra Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana Diana KEKW @Yassuo are you getting themob merch? DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA <3 Do you guys have a plan to fix your house internet in LA? iamgine being so fake the fake rolex calls your name Do you have a god complex?? LMAO LULW LULW @Uassuo AP YASUO WHEN???? lmao !settings GIFT some money to charity! @Yassuo yasSpit what rolex is that Everything is "Very High" SeemsGood SeemsGood KEKW is that denaf? give me runescape boy @Yassuo @Yassuo who U duo with tho cmonBruh bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW bought rolex to play league KEKW moe you hoe FLEXING WITH ROLEX ON STREAM LUL WTF KEKW KEKW buy some girls with daddy issues WTF KKonaW Follow me on Twitter for updates LMFAO DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA monkaS whats the watch KKona forsenCD KEKW Clap PepeLaugh ' !settngs IS THIS ZN ZD FOR ROLEX? can i get ur organs? ???????????????????????????????? @yassuo U GOT SCAMMED KEKW WHAT IS THIS WATCH DIANA who are you duoing with rn? @Yassuo yasN moe u hoe NEEKO FLEXING WITH ROLEX ON STREAM LUL . Qiyana KATARINA XERATH Pog hello senna mid AZIT WHAT IS THIS WHATCH KKonaW nothing wrong with that GENERAL SNIPER Pog OR GALIO Pog TALON kata synd SYLAS KKonaW Ryyyyze GALIO zed ekko busted @Yassuo YO WTF READ 2 OF MY MSGS I FEEL REWARDED BY GETTING NOTICED BY BEST (NON PRO) MIID LANER kass play kassadin SOL XERATH ZED kass FIZZ POGGERS ??????? PLAY GALIO Pog @Yassuo if can choose: rolex or eat mouse poo poo diana Redeem subs @yassuo TALON KASS ZED OR BED FLEXING WITH ROLEX ON STREAM LULFLEXING WITH ROLEX ON STREAM LUL orianna VLAD Kata kata SOLA SENNA KATARINA Pog galio ZED KATA ZED diana ekko 6kAlex gifted a Tier 1 sub to Twitch! They have given 8 Gift Subs in the channel! @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? WHAT IS THIS WATCH PLS KKonaW KASS Qiyana What’s with the flex while playing league that’s how u know u don’t care lmao fizz KKonaW yas2 yas2 yas2 zed SENNNNNNA KATAROMA ZEDD TehePelo dianA XERATH 4WeirdW THIS IS GETTING KIND WEIRD galiovlad CleanGloves converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! Veigar diana HES A KID MAN D: ZOE RYZE ZED or BED zed QYIANA syndra Pog ziggs @Yassuo Moe you actually said that we could 1v1 because i had a bet against you of wether HYOON would dump you or not, and she did so now you owe me a 1v1. You said you will play xayah to go easy on me. So when are we gonna do the 1v1? ARRIBA ESPAÑA!!!!!!!!!!!!! zed or bed ZED OR BED do you get tired of league ResidentSleeper ok doinb Kapp Kapp @Yassuo Can we listen some Melly moe pls VIKTOR zrd KEKW KEKW PogU SENNA ResidentSleeper ZOE Kapp orianna Yey KEKW UH OH Kapp caps Kapp lol TIME TO INT KKonaW DIANA DIANA DIANA Kapp that watch is ugly af ResidentSleeper XD @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? Kapp TRUE LULW stop acting like you're not a onetrick KKonaW only in na not false PogU omg not ryze again RYZE ResidentSleeper kapp Kappa kAPP YASUO Kappa Kapp Kappa WHAT IS THIS WATCH VIKKi ahmedelsherif -> Please refrain from posting links. Kapp NA IS DOOMED THEN DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA 3 Kappa KEKW KEKW SOUNDS FUN KEKW Well NA is doomed NOO ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kappa ?????????????? ResidentSleeper gangplank KEKW HYPERS Kapp @yassuo this rolex looks like it was made by t1,just as trash as him KEKW Xerath ekko where can i dm you for business @yassuo Kapp yes Kapp Kappa kapp sure Kapp Residentsleeper Kapp THATS A Kapp DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA <3 VIKTOR INT KAPPA kapp maybe the worst KEKW KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW yasAYAYA yasAYAYA Kapp Fizzz Zoe FUUUK NO AH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN... LUL Kappa !opgg Dt_Tuck -> First things first I'ma say all the words inside my head I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh rom heartache from the pain Kappa ResidentSleeper uh kapp Kapp ruse is sht WHAT IS THIS WATCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yaaaay am a hampy viewer Dumbass BRO U NEED TO READ CHAT DO NOT BECOME FAKE moe u fuck dick ye Kapp Kapp ZEDDDD Kappa BEST RYZE Kapp SHOW YOUR GAME SETTINGS trying to be donib KEKW a dropout streamer appeal to illeterate people know it would happen @Twitch PogU play cassio play gangplank Kapp veigar why is your room empty Moe’s skill is as real as his watch KKomrade DOING POG Kappa phase>conq KEKW we saw worlds NA has nothing to offer RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper @Twitch Kappa KATARINA thanks for appreciating my sub after 23 days buddy XD HAHAHAHHAA NA IS DOOMED IF UR BEST RYZE KKonaW nothing wrong with chat FAKE PHASE RUSH @Yassuo tips on climbing in mid? @6kAlex GIFT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHOW YOUR GAME SETTINGSSHOW YOUR GAME SETTINGS zombie ryze pls moextra here comes 0/10 say that to soligo KEKW Clap ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper TriKool @tyler1 Galio op karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA ratataatata Do you think octopus are from earth? @Yassuo new to league, what role should i main for current/next season? if thats true na not looking good german song FLEX MORE WITH THE WATCH :Z :Z :Z :Z :Z lets spread mana @twitch SHOW YOUR GAME SETTINGS ResidentSleeper DONO KEKW go manflow LL Stylish is better than u :D kappa xdd MiniK MiniK MiniK TriDance can you give tips on yas ur ryze is as clean as my teeth lol RESLOVE Nico_Nico_BBY -> Please refrain from posting links. yasSleeper CHANGE WITH VLAD dom @yassuo WHY SO MOEXTRA Kapp this is yellow or rose gold? @Yassuo DUO WITH GENERAL SNIPER PogChamp you heal so much with domination second @Yassuo shut up, trying to listen to the music su Kappa Kappa Play lb next @yassuo your rise into yasuo is crazy @Yassuo have u ever been to plaestine ? we get it you have a watch THOSE ARE KAT RUNES i havent seen anyone wear a watch while hes playing games WeirdChamp @Yassuo PRRRRRRRRRAA Change the skin STOP FLEXING THE WATCH OK WE GET IT THAT UR RICH KEKW @yassuo not better than Soligo PepeLaugh hay virgin ryze ResidentSleeper @Yassuo have you seen full tank zac mid with conq? It's absolutely crazy BRO THE SIDE OF UR FACE MAD UGLY would u move to mixer for a mil Mana flow tenecity last stand @yass hideinbanana1 -> Please refrain from posting links. ur a bum and a snake, ur disgrace me playin gryze who u live with KEKW Sorcery for mana flow MOE GO SORCERY FOR MANAFLOW @Yassuo tagged you on twitter the michael reeves tweet HAHAHHAHA FLEXING WITH ROLEX ON STREAM LUL wtf is that ryze skin yasSnake young ryze Pog bro the side of ur face mad ugly can we see never seen that sub :( KEKW hideinbanana1 -> Please refrain from posting links. why young ryze PedoBear adwawdawd OK MOE u cant even play ryze @yassuo last stand KEKW 5Head you sad AF KEKW MrHMC subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Hey Moe! Half a year already cheeeeeeeeeeeese. Keep up the amazing streams, glad your back in LA. Hope to meet ya one day EZ Flex Rolex WeirdChamp WHY YOU HIDE THE JUNGLE FAKE ROLEX KEKW how old is nunu? saw the birthday ig post DONATE SOME MONEY TO ALBANIA <3 @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? @xvtu1 Hundreds of millions speak Arabic. Stop being weird 4WeirdW fuck LA moe WeirdKEKW SUP LADIES KEKW I wanna turn into a child and fuck a pedofile. I want to kiss a pedofile. I want to make a pedofile feel valid and loved and let him do whatever he wants to me. :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: Sanchovies waiting room sanchSad sanchSad sanchRage @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? moe looking for gold diggers KEKW Kapp 5Head He cute thi KEKW Pog lmfao can u play gangplank no you need a stack of money , too NO KEKW t3_tation subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp Thi Kappa KEKW ???? SAVE ALBANIA @Yassuo can i get a sub alex HeyGuys NO KEKW 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? 🐍 ANY SLAKES ? Hell no wt N OMEGALUL @Yassuo go and buy poki 4Weird ugly HELL NO ? no HELL NO KEKW @Yassuo Whats your favorite tag on Nhentai kekw no TRUEEEEE delusional ?? no looks like a chimp KEKW KEKW HELL NO Kapp LUL delusional jipsy KKonaW lol NO KEKW literally nothing like you looks like ur bro KEKW LMAO XDD TRUEE NO TRUUUUUE HAHAHAHAHAHA N OMEGALUL @Yassuo POKI BOUGHT U THAT ROLEX NO KAPP BRO looks like lucians dad kapp ohh helll nah BIG NOSE KEKW @Yassuo Do you love pokemaine? KEKW HAHAHAH BRO SIDE OF UR FACE MMAD UGLY your nose is bigger N OMEGALUL 4WeirdW NO KEKW @Yassuo how much was the rolex? yasN cmonBruh Pepega KEKW MOE GO SORCERY FOR MANAFLOW BAND PLEASE ??? KEKW NO KEKW True KEKW LOOKS UGLY AS FUCK KEKW no LUL N OMEGALUL HAHA LULW WTFF THE NOSE huh? NOPE KKEW ape ew cuz of the nose KEKW KappaPride KEKW N OMEGALUL LMAO NO KEKW KEKW noo big nose N OMEGALUL KEKW Imagine saying yassuo is ugly oh right Kappa no stop KEKW u r more beautiful than ryze ahahah xdddd N OMEGALUL yasPepega yasR yasPepega yasNLT yasThink yasThink KEKW l;olololol naw LUL HELL NOO nooo NO no YOU TALK TOO FAST BRO KISS ME KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW N OMEGALUL NO KEKW lowkey true CHIMP @Yassuo apparently everyone looks like you, you yesterday said I look like a budget verison of you m8 @Yassuo Not even close !headset ur not ryze KEKW massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic + KEKW KEKWÜ TRUEEE ? no just stop kekw No BRO SIDE OF FACE MAD UGLY RYZE IRL PogU KEKW KEKW delusional KEKW yasN n OMEGALUL yasBad yasBad KEKW KEKW Long hair? NOSE Big nose KEKW wow youre so sexy <3 No L@Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? oh shit he do you are not rize you're not ryze PhlipAce -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW KEKW Ur not ryze KEKW KEKW Pog you are Ryze @Yassuo you're not TAKE OFF UR HEADSET Smoothieness -> Please refrain from posting links. KEKW @Yassuo You need the earring OMEAGLUL u wish lol TRUE PogYou BRO UR GRAGAS KEKW no KEKKWKWQWKQKQKQKQKQKQQ| cringe youre trpping your mom gay Ryze mad counter to vlad LA moe 4Weird This is a disease Kappa delusional N OMEGALUL Bald KEKW Cringe the big ass nose shit runes better lookng PogU better lookng PogU @Yassuo ye u are ryze ur both weak xD damn young ryze be ugly as fuck you look like calssic ryze not even close @Yassuo you are cassiopea INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh INDIAN RYZE PepeLaugh true both ugly dummies YOUR DOWN NOT RISE imagine wagons imagime wagons imagine wagons imagine wasgons imagine wagons imagine wagons imagine wagons imagine wagons imagine wagons wait TRUEEE saem big nose So little bit @ChimpNA TRUE @Yassuo conqueror on syndra? yasW yasW yasW yasW Young ryze got too small of a nose to be you uglier ryze @yassuo KEKW Moe play Leblanc next @yassuo OK Bro you look more like his original skin TBH He's storng? you not :d KEKW U LOOK MORE LIKE CASS KEKW U LOOK MORE LIKE CASS KEKW U LOOK MORE LIKE CASS KEKW U LOOK MORE LIKE CASS KEKW U LOOK MORE LIKE CASS KEKW ur high Faker want to know your lowation WAHT hey moe u are gp @Yassuo do u have triumphant ryze? !followage CONQUER? Show the ROLEX KEKW TOS INC karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmAYAYA karasmAidab karasmAidab karasmD karasmD karasmBlu karasmCry karasmRed karasmUp karasmHYPERS Ryze mad vlad counter SILVER PLAYS KEKW ????????????? goes 0/10 KEK Looks like Veigar Pog RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ur litearly gayomega lol PogU Kreygasm wow DELETED @Yassuo ur muslim RRRRRRRRRRRRRR PogU PogU ? PogU nice champion RUNES KEKW WeirdKEKW RRRR uuuuh WutFace ?????????? RRR well ryze actually has a hairline imagine not taking manaflow on a champ that gets dmg from mana 4WeirdW Kreygasm silver PogU @deviliste Kreygasm RRRRRRR it's just Pyke KEKW Pog Type 1 for la moe 2 for ny moe kekw nice champ KEKW Same Nose KEKW POG KEKW noo KEKW KEKW KEKW ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW KEKW KEKW! AgusGanjah subscribed with Twitch Prime. SSSSS 🐍 ryze on their team vs ryze on your team ryze on their team vs ryze on your team He got carried by Pyke @deviliste <3 2 you and rise difrence is you are not op KEKW KEKW KEKW BRONZE CLIP they dont have vision you ape KEKW lmao HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW hahaha KEKW ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW xdddddddd no vision???? 🐍 ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW i cant LUL @Yassuo Check your Insta DMs i got your doppelganger :D :D th D CANE Kreygasm fake xChilledia subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! Almost 3 years watching this dude feed NASUS KEKW @Yassuo THIS TWITCH CHAT IS STUPID THEY ARE DISRESPECTING THE BEST PLAYER TO BE ALIVE! PENTA PogYou Pog SSSsss @Yassuo More like YOUNG GRAGAS LULW Wackaroni -> Please refrain from spamming caps. PogU please recreate play with your water bottle @Yassuo bro that shaved hair at ur neck looks like a second shirt KEKW RESPECT KEKW LUL ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW yassuo show game settings bronze for sure music PogU there was no wave KEKW dumb af nasus hello @Yassuo do u have triumphant ryze for winning tourney? bronze LUL WHY couldn't your pyke last game do that gifted penta D: FLEX ROLEX WeirdChamp hello @Yassuo \ FRAGAS KEKW @deviliste <3 D: D: @Yassuo Any tips for a gold mid laner? no vid=sion] KEKW Moe's Ryze KEKW D: toxic KEKW thats prob at least silver lol TOXIC D: ryze on their team vs ryze on your team KEKW @Yassuo is ryze better with conq now? shhut up ugly and fat KEKW @Yassuo nasus didnt show it was their wave switch song KEKW Clap ugly D: D: D: NICE ONE MORE Toxic D: YOU BOUT TO GET CAMPED KEKW haHAA FUNNY MOE trkMoedusa ty ty D: D: D: -1K KEKW budget version of me D: yo moe duo aphroomo toxic Type 1 if yassuo is ugly LUL ok D: MOE IN GAME KEKW yassuo show game settings yassuo show game settingsyassuo show game settings KEKW Who is that yasuo ? Is he streaming? D: yo what happened between you and momo @yassuo camp incoming KEKW @Yassuo LULW ??? STOP RAP GOD Pog Rap god!!!!!!!! KEKW 1 RAP GOD Pog rapgod PPonx RAP GOD rap god RAP GOD 1 rap god KEKW S9 GM KEKW RAP GOD KEKW RAP GOD Rap god PogU RAPGOD rap god ???? RapGof oh learning a new champ? no more yasuo one trick i see >??????????? rap god fast wtf LUL ????????????? GM KEKW Easy man Moe -1000 KEKW rap god GRANDMASTERXd RAP GOD ayeee Moe, im a youtube viewer but just now getting into twitch a bit more RAP GOD faster @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? RAP GOD PogU rap god rap god RAP GOD Pog rap god tatattatatatatataat STOP HIDING MAP HOW FAST ARE U TALKING 1 Kreygasm Kreygasm rap god PogU wtf have you ever cried ons stream ? rap god RAP GOD Pog !rank Terminaligator subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! yassuo show game settingsyassuo show RAP GOD Pog Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (374 LP) why do you sart w @Yassuo hahahahaha PLAY NF moe you're fucking garbage at any champ that isnt yasuo what are you doing man RAPPY GOD HOLY SHIT YOU TALK FAST yassuo doing xqc cosplay GAP ROD LMFAO moe raps fast are sub badges bugged for u guys? - 2K LOL WTF RAP GOD rap god KKona 2 give me a Rokex RAP GOD rap god damn this man didnt read my sub, i want my prime back @Yassuo any tips for a gold midlaner? !help yasuo rap god gae setting toweer cs kekw rap Pog RAP GOD nisqy widepeepoHappy o u lookin mad cute ngl says hes rich and cant even play water polo lmfao !settings imagine using 1k points to say -1k points kekw Jebaited Everything is "Very High" HAHAHAHA WeirdChamp STOP HIDING MAP KEKW @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? what WHAT ????? LULW KEKW rap god SPITTIN STRAIGHT FIRE LUL stop hiding map 4Head haHAA Jebaited got em Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : BAn HIM ARE U BLIND? DUDE STOP HIDING MAP yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay soulja boy lol haHAA SO FUNNY BoolinJAM jebaited Jebaited Jebaited hahaha @Yassuo is ryze better with conq now? 5Head SUMMA LUMMA DUMMA THANK YOU FOR THE 5 MONTHS SHEEESSS, THANK U FOR THE AL MOST 3 YEARS Is the 500k VIP forever? RAP GOD Hey guys can u guys follow Reckful , hes LIVE!!!, only if u can thought, hes channel is RECKFUL at twich tv,im just a fan helping him out, only if u can.....!, best of luck to u guys :) and have a amazing life, Just hit b 4Head u cute fk my ass @Yassuo So when then? HIDE UR MAP DUMBASS show map pls Mental has gone kaboom already... If gold Never push wave 5Head steez rip ROAM which drugs have you tried? why are you so ugly ? @Yassuo Why conqr hello RAP GOD CLIP EMINEM AND FAKER COMBINED Stop Hiding the map @uegolden yea Pogchamp RAP GOD saa what if you have a team that is retarded yeah play in twitchrivals and back after every wave just like moe, Pog KEKW CONQ FOR EASY MATCHUP, PHASE RUSH FOR HARD yasWeird just back 4Head 4Head Pogchamp MOE CAN I PUT MY PP IN YOU NO HOMO? YEEEEEETTT bro this is thanos @itz_barcodee He said he tried crack @uegolden im farming for that i have 16k for now im trying to ghost u turn on map JUST BASE 4Head 2h in Yassuo has lost his mind KEKW why w lvl 1 KEKW Why start W and not E CS KEKW FIXED SCREEN DansGame cs -1 CS CS COOMER STREAM !watch for some reason lol look smoother to you presence of mind is pretty cool now hey -1 cs CS KEKW cs KEKW CSS KEKW -2 cs KEWK C SSSSSSSSSS 🐍 cs finally a Real Yauso player TriKool Why don't you play hanbok and go to gank faker? Moe, what mid champion would you reccomend to abuse for grinding? @awildsorakaa dude i have 10k, will take forever watching all the way from South africa wait chat.... what does CS actually stand for??? cssssss yasSSS @Yassuo hello streamer sanchHeart -3 Is this ryze conquer ping 69 lol @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? @yassuo when is your next game of twitch rivals? pogu @mrtomtishh annie @Yassuo Will you be doing 1v1's? @Yassuo mrtomtishh mordekaiser -1 rip steez creep score @mrtomtishh ryze He appreciates every sub within 10 seconds and for mine he waited 23 days, scam. you still owe me a refund, budget version KEKW KEKW zalla1 here peepoLeave @Digione Creep score -1K KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo imagine moe is 89 years old and streaming loool 6 JANUARY trkMoedusa KEKW KEKW LOLOLOL EKKW KEKW KEKW any sub gifters? WideHard C O ck a Pe E pEE KEKW what pummel party? ryze abuser WeirdChamp AHAHAHAHHAHAH he got clapped @digione creep scpre tiwtch ruvaks KEKW yassuo is a dog woof woof WHO WON? LOST TO T1 KEKW LOLW KEKW KEKW KEKW 6 JAN KEKW KEKW los to t1 and tarzaned KEKW @Yassuo i watch your YT a lot !!! LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW 6 JANUARY NEW TWITCH RIVALS DRAFT RIGHT? He lost jan. 9th is the next one 有没有人 @mrtomtishh talon qiyana for lane priority and roaming or cassio for hyper carry WHO WON KEKW KEKW who win twitch rivals? INTERNET EXPLORER OUTET stop saying hmm @Yassuo who won twitch rivals? @Yassuo Favorite tag on Nhentai? moe please answer to @mrtomtishh moe please answer to @mrtomtishh moe please answer to @mrtomtishh moe please answer to @mrtomtishh moe please answer to @mrtomtishh @xXMRmeedo21Xx t1's team would you eat whale just to say u tried it? LOLW u q the minions and it hits him sssssssssssssss @Haxcalu ty thats crazy... been playing league since season 6 and didnt know that haha KEKW @zalla1 t1 10-0 MAYBE TAKE TRICK THIS TIME KEKW hello cs POG Pog CS cs Pog why are you so good??? CS POGGERS damn Pog cs POG CS Clean CS POGGRERS CS Pog Pog CS CS POG -3cs cs Pog ditched trick and still lost yasSSS sssssss CS Pog clean BALANCED WAVECLEAR KEKW NO CS POG actually csing for once wtf? cs PogYou those last hits 有人吗 watching all the way from South africa CS PogChamp KEKW Clap your_fathers_paypal -> Please refrain from posting links. Waveclear POGU CS POG WHY U GREED C SSSSSSSS 🐍 PogU PogChamp WaveClear PogChamp CS POG @Yassuo Is there going to be 1v1's today? U GREED U DIE eq eqeqeqeqqeqeeeqeqeqe PogChamp !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 17 minutes 50 seconds Jfava8021 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reset that dude's yasuo > moe's yasuo FeelsWeirdMan feeder ryze balanced PogChamp -4cs Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Pog KEKW Pog REKSAI -5cs Pog PogU clean BETTER JUNG WINS Clap pOG bro you are inting... Pog PogU EZ Clap PogChamp nuuujs gg that was such a perfect gank sheeesh Pog q? Pandamaster15 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Moe u are good snake yasSnake yasSnake LULW KEKW missed canny ???? ? KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW CS LUL KEKW PogU SO BAD LULW OMEGALUL ،ُ،ً KEKW KEKW CS HAHAA KEKW HAHAH 2 CS KEKW KEKW KEKW POG ???????? cann OMEGALUL n KEKW KEKW MISS EVERY Q STILL KILL PogU @Yassuo are you gonna do 1v1s today? KEKW KEKW lmao KEKW KEKW CS KEKW better jg wins KEKW wow LUL KEKW LMAO !runes -5cs - 1conon KEKW NotLikeThis LUL Last Game (Yasuo): > > > | > | > > PogChamp REK SSSSSSAI 🐍 OMEGALUL o.O xD pom just put tour mana back to half wtf AHAHAHAHAA LUL LUL LUL LUL kekw kekw PogChamp cs kekw @Yassuo 100T MIDLANE KEKW XDD tax AH AHH hes getting korean UR BOOSTED KEKW KEKW KEKW BakaPrase is better yasuo than you KEKW o.o is he going conq ryze tax season KEKW CS OMEGALUL ya thats on u lol u needed help anyway bois when does moe do 1v1's??? KEKW -4 or it wont bounce cs monkaS abusing ryze WeirdChamp abusing ryze WeirdChamp abusing ryze WeirdChamp abusing ryze WeirdChamp Kapp imagine missing every minion as ryze KEKW u2 MOHAMMED PepeLaugh @Yassuo tp mid? @Yassuo turn up music? :) Kappa SHIOT UP -6cs - 1cannon GARBO KEKW !timewatched he try to deny yas exp 4Weird BakaPrase is better yasuo than you! Its so op !watchtime @Yassuo u got 235 Pog PRESENCE OF MIND\ plus 100 perma mana gain OOM 135 Pog 1 full combo @Yassuo Hey Moe did you try the more expensive build on yasuo like Stormrazor into IE and is this attack speed enough with berserkers ? its 235 Pepega top saying mom u ape @vlad_z4 4Weird Yosemite PagChomp why didn't you use tp 4Head ?Q yo chat, wtf is that title imagine buffing a minor rune that caters to ryze WeirdChamp oom @Yassuo conq > phase rush? nice q q? goly @yassuo was in @odablock 's stream the other day, what a monster -7cs - 1 cannon do you think big head people will eventually become attractive in the future? ??? @Yassuo u got 135 + 100 EQ EQ EQ EQ Pepega Clap yasJensen WTF pyke KEKW pyke pyke ?? KEKW pyke kekw pyke? run to reksai? PYKE KEKW Why do you keep saying “hmmm” like a Minecraft villager? ????????? ?????????????/ KEKW ???????? pyke KEKW R? close FLASH? i think u playing yasuo, for this reason i come for here KEKW SO BAD KEKW KEKW INTING I BLAME PYKE greedy flash ?????????? r? ahahah trash pyke pyke LULW OMEGALUL F for your tema pyke?? Pyke KEKW Hey Moe just ecurious what DPI do you play with ? @Yassuo pyke Pepega 5Head Pyke was predicting the flash should have flashed earlier moe -10cs - 2 cannon ult out? KEKW Clap pyke tried to predict the flash KEKW GENERAL SNIPER PogU TF BLADE MERCH KEKW y @Yassuo what is your favorite yasuo skin ????? @Yassuo 2 kekw IRELIA KEKW check WHY DIDNT U FLASH YASUO'S NADO? pyke 5Head SHOULD HAVE FLASHED EARLIER @Yassuo why not r out after doging pyke q? lost your conq KEKW ? irelia Pepega ignite pyke tried to predict flash chat KEKW HE DID IGNITE pyke ignite too right worth dodge @Yassuo is there 1v1s today? DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! pyke holding his q for legit 10 seconds pyke tried to predict flash if u didn't realise that chat This chat full of silver so stfu pls what was that? yasS yasS OMEGALUL reksai KEKW brokenshard LULW REKSAI KEKW ??????? IRON CHAT TYPING BY PYKE TRYINNA PREDICT FLASH KEKW reksai fast recall 5Head exedcuted KEKW reksai lol quick back reksaiiir SCHNIPUH PogYou KEKW ?? Xd fleeing from yasuo LULW KEKW FAST RECALL 5Head reksai??????? QUICK BACK reksai 200 IQ Team Work PogU pepeJAM TROPEZZZZ PogU lmao predicting a flash he doesnt have kappa @Yassuo are u gonna do 1v1s ? Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: FAST RECALL POGGERS pepeJAM Malone the Man eqqeeqeq How does reksai die to chickens BibleThump REACT TO TIK TOK POGGERS pepeJAM moe do you still lift? Q KEKW q KEKW LULW q?? Q KEKW @xanaxdreams91 HE HAD IT YOU BLIND ANIMAL HE FLASHED AFTER KEKW OMEGALUL look at all those reksais Nice q NICE Qs KEKW MISSED Q KEKW Q'S KEKW nice Q KEKW q take him BRASIL Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Q KEKW best ryze na LUL POGGERS if you just hit an ability you kill KEKW moe da boi SERBIAA <3 qeqeqeqeqeqeqeeq skill MISSED Q'S THATS WHY HE DOESNT DIE what a disgusting champ rico5522 -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. he dies bad idea incoming lee gachiBASS LEE gachiBASS bnanaP1 bnanaP2 Are you dominating lane like you dominate Shadow dogs? LEE SIN Pog Pyke $head Pog Pog Pog PogU bnanaP3 bnanaP4 POGGERS POG PogU PagChomp Pog PogU Pog DAB1 clean omg almost Pog POG PogU POG Pog Pog POG pog Pog Pog Pog peepoPog lollll Pog PYKE?? POG PogU pog Pog pog FAKER? Pog SMURFING PogU pog 900 iq POGG PogU Pog Pog PogU 3 top LUL Pog why is it dominating and not domination in the title? all the other words are nouns Shaawh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! big fan ly WHERES THE CAMERA PhlipAce -> Please refrain from posting links. Pog pusshy pyke is perma roam PYKE FANBOY CLIP 300 iq pogu POG @zuloleagUe you fucking monkey RYZE ABUSER 4WeirdW damn bpii Pog boi'' chat pogging to mssing kills KEKW q KEKW post malone <3 q Champ qqqqqq Pog Q's KEKW fucking hate perma roam supps so aids clip? @Ezuri5 cause Pepega q? RYZE ABUSER 4WeirdW Q? Q POG Q KEKW moe still lift? Q Pog you still lift? Q KEKW !song you look skinny on this cam Aeloo -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream Q KEKW ryze so op its cringe LOOOOOL what is ryze combo? What runbes @Yassuo is there going to be 1v1s later? yasN @ryansreign ppl at least he go out tho MorfiuM -> Please refrain from posting links. gg 👍 Penzar subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Abusing ryze WeirdChamp nahhh Kappa Kapp omg, really GoSu Kapp Kapp olti22 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Moe what sports do you play fatty? ULGY Kap moe beautiful @Yassuo What runes are you running ??? Kappa itssliFake Kapp green? KappaPRide ? ???? Kapp "beef"? Fat as fck LUL LUL DansGame ? cap cringe oh shiit he start BROWN EYES LUL WutFace toned eyes Pepega Green Kappa WutFace LUL -1 😂 KEKW KEKW KEKW WOOT ? PhlipAce -> Please refrain from posting links. Kapp yea GREEN eyes ??? green > no you look fat because those big arms Pog green eyes??! Hazel LMAOOOo Toned Eyes PepeLaugh :v KAP ANELE ho ok Q? hazel green? hazel green KEKEW QQQQQ GREEN EYES KEKW KEKW LULW Hazel green LUL tone hazel green DuckerZ HUH ?????? GREEN ??? GREEN EYES Kappa LUL green eyes? the fuck is hazel green ??? Kapp Toned eyes??? ????????/ KEKW KEKW Q Brown = green KappaPride DuckerZ @Yassuo you look like homo Gud flexing Kapp UGLY BASTARD KEKW Hazel green? DuckerZ nivel q green moe cute Kapp akatsukisoul subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kapp HAZEL GREEN????? hazel green?? Q ??? Kappa American PepeLaugh handegg LULW your neck looks fat withour beard hazel/green ? KKona KICKED KEKW Kapp @Yassuo how are your teeth so white? handball? Kapp yassuo r u a professional player? Ole_Duncan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! KappaPride Ugly asf Kapp S OMEGALUL CCER Kappa Kappa Kapp Kapp both balls so beautiful AMERICAN FUTBALL PepeLaugh KICKER KEKW S OMEGLUL CCER You guys play any sports KEKW heyy football BTW Kapp sure you fat fuck Kapp do you know what is handball? EVERY THING WILL BALLS BABY SOCCER 3Head water boy ill cross you up moe @Yassuo all the balls American football Pepega what position did u play in football? Dont you have to be tall to play basketball? Kappa sure football BTW Kapp , you a STICC BASICALLY IMAGINE LEBRON JAMES... why learn ryze if they are gonna nerf him soon? The lebron of LEAGUE so you play any sport holi fak men basketball TriHard Sup Moe, you ever gonna stream with Sliker again? Football and the other is american bullshit ??? hUh american football? were u the punter ? football BTW with no muscles LUL american "football" PepeLaugh moe what do you bench the bench isnt a position.... Heavily Kappa BASKETBALL TriKool ya sure what positions? @Yassuo do you still lift u look like a power bottom, i mean forward do you still play runescape? you still lift NICE DODGE @Yassuo Do you know what's handball? do u even know what precipitation means? @Yassuo you guys play any sports? double message he was left bench CS Pog he was waterboy @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are So u played with all ball related games ? Why is naut so huge CS Pog Soccer KEKW American "foot"ball kele9 @data_pog most recognized and watched sport of all times, got something to say back bitch? :) KKonaW FOOTBALL KEKW played basketball but was actually the ball KEKW @Yassuo Nice commentary dude esport lebron james of football NO DMG naut LUL chat don't you see his bIG arMs PogU ??????????????? doinb literally woulda had 110 cs by now KEKW Q KEKW moe in football for some reason I cant see that hahaah GGGGG i seee my dead dad and he trainy my to trravel in time INTED is that doinb on ryze? KEKW inter QQ HITBOX KEKW OMEGALUL @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are / PogU LUL KEKW KEKW scared PYKE KEKW KEKW wtf SO BAD LULW KEKW comedyLW LULW That shouldnt have hit @Gabrahan its dog nice q KEKW Q" hi Moe watching all the way from South Africa Pog NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis "pretty strong" LUL KEKW @Yassuo how are your teeth so white?? TILTTTTTTTTT KEKW inting l o c k e d c a m e r a @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ; !rank can you dodge one thing ? LULW gg GRANDMASTER I (374 LP) support diff HEY TEAM GO IN AND INT Pepega HEY TEAM GO IN AND INT Pepega HEY TEAM GO IN AND INT Pepega HEY TEAM GO IN AND INT Pepega Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP KEKW YOU CANT HIT YOUR Q DUDE Sss KEKW Clap KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis VoHiYo VoHiYo outclassed midlane q? That was your fault! You pinged to go in lebron james of league moe you still lift so bad LUL nice Q KEKW Small supp diff KEKW do you still lift the 1 time naut roams KEKW tabis ratirlBilly nautilus xp is bugged man not his fault @Yassuo alicopter Pog KEKW mid diff KEK< pyke is perma roaming too KEKW KheyheyUK subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! 20 months hammoudi, can I get a kiss? PS Don't worry you're scaling yasSmash Pog tabi????// pyke op now KEKW Pog when was the last time you went to the gym tho? yasThink LUL LULW Pog @data_pog u are a dog and not even a recognized one :) KEKW oo Pog how is that possible pyke has been roaming all game TF BLADE ? PogU PogU OOF PogU FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch IRELIA POGGERS Pog POGU pog PogChamp BloodTrail SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood PogU pogg @Yassuo dont sweat it MOE ur Cute they are ugly AF! PogU fragas u r so bad he said.. u r ugly KEKW insecure xd 13 year old boy pog KEKW MOe dO YOU STILl LIFT????? @Gabrahan eu teeth POGU AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA 4/0 the bad fragas PogU @Yassuo how are your teeth so white? blaming support kekw irelia for Tf Blade 0/2/2 vs 1/0/5 @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ;' 1v1? you have to land your q's too MOE!!! What work outs you did for your arms whos the duo??? WEEBS IN AYAYA apextle subscribed with Twitch Prime. aaaaay im scaling Pepega mecanics PYKE NAME monkaW @ItsBaghDaddy !duo Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : !duo QuyDepTrai overUsmieszek Jumpman PepePls !duo haha lol tho Q @data_pog burger boi? go to the fking gym u fat af KEKW MISS why u inting againt ur ryze so bad LUL TriDance say it back NotLikeThis NotLikeThis moahej01 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! habibi pyke name? Q KEKW Hello g:D KEKW Clap !duo QuyDepTrai how do i get merch? is there a website @Yassuo @yassuo next game conqueror vladimir for KEKWS @Yassuo ngl your mechanics are clunky af with ryze @Yassuo hello sir yassuo Q hello guys TriDance jumpmanjumpman TriDance How do you cs well when ur getting out macrod whats pyke's name @Gabrahan too far 4WeirdW duo W H OMEGALUL now naut is roaming lmao NAUT KEKW KEKW forsenE ANY BAJS? @zalla1 4Weird pog PogU REK SAI LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @data_pog sry PepeHands ur flash LUL LUL LUL naut hyper turbo ultra carry pog forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? reksai got comboed hard KEKW not even subbed 4Weird @awildsorakaa dont @ me unless you want to gift me a sub @Yassuo Your ryze is insane practise this champion more ratirlXD ratirlGiggle lee thoght he still had kick lol @saltipss me :) kill secured Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! yas5 @saltipss No @Gabrahan rly got me on that one good job 4Head zalla1 KEKW @zalla1 im the one who gets gifted WideHardo challenger gamer LUL yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 @zalla1 who mizkifKid forsenE DAD IS DISSAPOINTED OK MOE KEKW Q ???? Q KEKW Hahahhaa KEKW WideHardo Clap AHAHHAAHAH KEKW FAKER Pog KEKW xd LUL KEKW you are so bad KEKW ??? hello Q ????? Q ???????? issyog -> Please refrain from posting links. LOL HAHAHAHA wow ? gj moe KEKW no wau KEKW QQ QQQQQ Q KEKW HAHAHAHHAHA Q KEKW never subbed WideHardo always gifted WideHardo QQQQ KEKW KEKW actually so bad KEKW KEKW ???????????????? wow LMAO KEKW KEKW HELOO? Q CRAZY Q KEKW Q KEKW @data_pog PogME you miss haha lol lee smurfing Q??? KKonaW Leee Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL OK DOINB Kapp Qssss POG KEKW Thats a bad ryze 900 PogU PogChamp leee poooooooog pog PogChamp RYZE ABUSER 4WeirdW QQQQQ WHY ISNT HE RING yasBoo JUST E W AAAAA MOE HELPING LEE TO ESCAPE KEKW <3 still our Mo PogChamp KEKW ? IS THAT HUMAN RYZE? KEKW @Yassuo how are your teeth so white? Nautilus POGGG ????? F Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW ????????? KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW bad why jermaine on da tl KEKW mechs LUL int like the fresh shave lookinh clean lamo Moe give me a Rolex gift me a sub for yassuo: autism 8 to drop WideHardo why didnt irelia go all in u are inting hey coach yasH What's this bug? Grey screen thingy stick to yas @HentaiMoviez yea stfu Inting GeneralSniper Kapp Smoothieness subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! moe can you react to this edit i made MOE RYZE KEKW Pog LCS ready CANT PLAY ANY OTHER CHAMP KEKW @Yassuo its cuz u suck XD holy fk this chat is so cancer All this q :((((( barn223 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! :D @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ;' yo imagine beign bad at ryze LUL inting LUL get CDR time? sub :) GLORIFIED 100T MERCH SALEMAN KEKW @Yassuo Kappa D: Kapp gift @zalla1 for autism 8 POGGERS Kappa <3 :) Kapp SUB MODE Kapp true HII MOEEEE hahhahhaha <3 D: moon2CUTE !subcount @Yassuo HOW TF do you have rusty blitz and human ryze skin? <3 Kappa Clap D: WTF u don't love us Kapp <3 :) Kapp Kappa yasFat yasN yasFat yasN you love this chat DansGame Kappa WeirdChamp Kapp you love us yasSpit :) <3 for moe TRUE KEKW <3 <3 !uptime Kapp D: :) The stream has been live for 2 hours 27 minutes 36 seconds D: <3 BibleThump :) :) D: sarcasm Thanks sh @yassuo is it just me or does the stream go dark we know :) Kapp <3 TRUE Kappa D: sure Kapp Jebaited <3 time for sub mode itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake Kapp Kappa halfKap ratirlFlower ratirlLove <3 <3 I was gonna watch this stream but I hate snakes moe take off ur headset and show us the side of ur face HAHAH you need to stand or you'll get a hernia. you still killin it tho Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm <3 <3 <3 fuck you then good job moe yassuo going crazy even though being camped < GIVE ME SUB @Yassuo dont sweat it Moe ur better than all these fat apes!!! nice tp stop streaming then :) 4Head SpranksterrYT subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! I love how no one cares in preseason it really makes the game enjoyable NINJA TABI MOE IS INSECURE cry moe dog Kristyboi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak! hi moe big fan first time watching stream thought i'd sub ssssss lolol Moe you are so fat yasMald Kapp good tp KEKW sssssssssss heh 4Head yasH yasR yasN yasFat SSSSSSSS KEKW KEKW <3 <3 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO LUL KEKW sssssssss HAHAHAHAHAHAH FUCKING SNAKE MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee OMEGALUL DO IT KEKW monkaW ??????? KEKW yasS KEKW theblazingmango subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! ok oemak to smiec KEKW WeirdChamp nice one dude GLORIFIED 100T MERCH SALESMAN KEKW GLORIFIED 100T MERCH SALESMAN KEKW @Yassuo sssssssss XDDDDD @kristyboi real one PogU chat Pepega 4Heed EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle @coolkidz2007 mobile or pc? yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Fallenesta1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! esketit Say "Pila" :D yasMald yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake KEKW HE WONT DO IT yasMald yasMald RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper RYZE ResidentSleeper HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys moe take headset off and show side ofu rhead HAHAHAHAH ShotaCreampie End ur life then OK MAN KEKW @Smoothieness sick edit respect that HAHAHAHA GIVE ME SUB LMFAOOO LMFAO moe take headset off and show side ofu rhead HAHAHAHAH yasGood @kimTV KEKW @Kristyboi abusing ryze pepega cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh pseudo_v1 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. jejejejejejejeje KAAHAAHAHAJAJAHAHAH KEKW kristy pog yasuo just inting like always MrDestructoid HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW Fake viewers KEKW @xxVerteN ty slucha smieciu mezczyzna bez brody jest jak krowa bez ogona Logstrom3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Just had a doctors appointment and he told me he noticed a major IQ drop 5 months ago... coincidence? chat be braindamaged sometimes LOL Moe if you read the nice messages you wouldn't tilt when reading chat ResidentSleeper if you encouraged wall text spamming it would be a lot better @Yassuo ??????????? @Kristyboi FAKEEEE KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW nice int\ KEKW NOOOOOOOOOB smacked PepeLaugh KEKW @Yassuo how are your teeth so white? PowerUpL PowerUpR BibleThump KEKW Yasuo op SO BAD KEKW thingie ? THAT WAS SO INTERACTIVE LUL Your face is like a holofoil, when you tilt to a side you look like a snake he loves you stop feed """ CLEAN !! Destroyed GETTING SHIT ON BY YASSUO KEKW CLEAN LULW actually inting KEKW cmonBruh ???? thingy locked camerea player btw tyler1NLT Say "Pila" sup diff you r in the x ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper wow, i am shocked at this level LOSING WITH THE MOST BROKEN CHAMP KEKW tadaaki subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Go crazy moe! Ive learned a lot of yasuo tips from you pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW SAY SAN AGAIN LOOOOOL FUNNY DOT COM @Yassuo HOW TF do you have rusty blitz and human ryze skin? its funny how bot turret has full hp has he ever been in late at all? TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Jack who? Hello moe szyslak :) do the 16personalities test lol not even the minions pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW give em sub SMURFED ON KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ok :) @Yassuo Moe if you read the nice messages you wouldn't tilt when reading chat that may be the best yas ive seen STOP FEED fan boy be camping u @Yassuo going pro anytime soon? stop feed''''''' nie LUL PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ;' can you feed me mid diff TriHard @Yassuo how are your teeth so white?? Stop feed KEKW nice MOE STOP INTING WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW pyke on their team vs pyke on your team KEKW PYKE IS MID LUL ^^ lowest farm xd Chromatiic subscribed with Twitch Prime. STOP FEED HAHAHA KEKW :) Feed NotLikeThis NotLikeThis wingPOLICE when you gonna buy another bape piece PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt stop feed 4Heed @Yassuo can u say HBD to yuli (cxlibri) fuck you i just was gold1 @Yassuo You should do a pushup for each death lol camped by fan boy widepeepoHappy peepoBlanket @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are [] MOE TAKE UR PANTS OFF AND SHOW US THE SIDE OF YOUR PENIS HAHAHAH STOP FEED SMOrc stop feed""""" SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing @xxVerteN english pls if u didnt shave u would have ur beard connect to ur chest hair yooo moe u cute bro ;) sub scammed ooof WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW WE NEED WALL TEXT SPAM LULW gotcha = paintball GO CRAZY AAAAAAAAAA lol MAIN GAME Pog LUL stop the feed maurice FailFish Did u hire a chef yet stop feed 4Heed . Say "Pila" :D MAINLY RETARDED KEKW Cancer Streamer = Cancer Chat, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT CoolStoryBob Look at this message if ur a woofer Riot Games is a wholesome, family oriented company that creates fun, entertaining, and mentally stimulating internet based strategy games. Playing any of their numerous titles will leave you feeling a sense of community and accomplishment. celeste! amazing game, i never finished B and C sides :( LUL Zedientolol subscribed with Twitch Prime. more like 10. one is way too easy. weak KEKW KEKW Cant do 4 push ups WideHarder cringe 10 subs for each death this game is supp dif you lazy pig Do it. you would get huge :) darkq8x subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! My Boi yassuo you are pepega yasBoo yasBoo4 yasBoo3 yasBoo2 yasBoo1 YOU HAVE A JHIN IN YOUR TEAM AND THEY EZREAL?? WTF KEKW Hello moe szyslak :) BY THE END OF IT HE WILL BE BIGGER THAN TYLER KEKW Can i see the side of ur fata&& @Yassuo do u actually dislike tyler1?;c this chat unreal, i am shocked , so \mean people chatting KEKW fan boy Flex WeirdChamp ChefFrank Kappa Kappa REAL PogU Kapp 4Weird Kapp Kapp Kapp @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are -= Kappa Kappa lies LOOOOOOOOOOOL Kappa Kappa KEKW Kapp gachiBASS Q Kappa Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Q wtf !subs Pog Kappa def not all stars KEKW not lie PogU Kapp Andreeek -> Please refrain from spamming caps. yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK Kapp Kapp Q WYF Kappa Kappa Kapp Kapp kapp q went trough yas hitbox? Kapp Kappa HAHAHAHHAHA ok Kapp Kapp KAPP BibleThump BibleThump FAKER PREFERS T1 KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa yas2 kappa Pog Kapp why are u so cringe Stalking Faker WeirdChamp no but like why are you actually going Kapp that q lmao the dumbest lie ive ever heard in my life yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK alright soz pal cringe QSSSS so bad !sub better yasuo wins LULW KEKW KICKED Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa but faker english is bad Moe very dum you aren’t good league bronze man @yassuo KEKW then they agreed to a suckoff WHO IS THI SYAS Pog KEKW U GOT FUCKED KEKW Pog how did the first q not hit???? KEKW haha lol mlfao rofl LULW KEKW haha lol mlfao rofl LULW KEKW haha lol mlfao rofl LULW ?????? holy shit u got styled on hahaah that q went trough yasuo Rek Sai KEKW stop feed feeeeder rip CLEAN YAS PogU that yasuo clean no cap yasBadyasBadyasBadyasBadyasBad ???????? oh shit KEKW INTING KEKW wtf q KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump yasuo is just not balanced :) TRASH YASSUO 1v1 him Kappa sounds more like stalking faker KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa WHO I STHIS YASUO yasBadyasBadyasBadyasBadyasBadyasBad comedyLW so bad Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Pog that yas stop feed if thats true then why are we just now hearing about this??? @Yassuo do u actually dislike tyler1?;cc PLEASE STOP FEED AAAH @Yassuo YOur first q went trough yasuo KEKW look at you @Yassuo .. youre scaling! MOE YOURE ACTUALLY DELUSIONAL i wont be proud to go out with faker in vegas Kappa LUL Yasuo feeld unfair right? i said stop feed moe off yasuo KEKW he said stop feeding This guy cant stop lying huh ? Wtf is this ARAM @Yassuo how are your teeth so white?@Yassuo how are your teeth so white? pyke still mid KEKW JHIN Shouldnt you know how to play against Yasuo? he's better yas WeirdChamp camp the streamer EZREAL STILL BOTLANE KEKW hey kekew what happened to your Q? yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK God is a great man dead screen again @Yassuo 1 hp SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad yasBad WOW faker english is bad @Yassuo what kind of headphones are those? JHIN OMEGALUL Clap yasSpit KEKW KEKW what I say @Yassuo While your there tell faker how to play yasuo the right way THIS YAS STILL CLEAN !title Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ;' go go stop feed TWITCH RIVALS RYZE KEKW ARAM KEKW Hello moe szyslak :) “i don’t know bout all that” moe my guy you have 4 deaths LULW i keep it tako KEKW stop feeding NARAM KEKW ......... NARAM KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao baffyRose NARAM KEKW PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @yassuo u and tyler are friends right??? Moe bad and bronze kidder @yassuo You wıll smıle whıle readıng thıs message ıf you are gay yasShrug yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS this guy yasuo is betetr tahn yours NARAM KEKW Ryze abuser man stop they are eat Stop feed Smileyface Follow me on Twitter for updates FANBOY FANBOY PYKE A FANBOY yas2 yasChair LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? how much sub KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao papadibby they in his description @Yassuo can u say ''HBD yuli'' they can't handle ur skill so they camp !settitle BIG NOSE KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao How the fuck are people paying to watch grey screen @emre1871 I smiled passive phase rush @unvau that is true but ,aybe hes trying to get better and thats why he wants tot hang out with americans W e wq faker HAHAHAHAHAHA @Yassuo ur passive E passive Smileyface DUO WITH GENERAL SNIPER PogChamp @Yassuo Im learning a lot from that yasuo PASSIVE KEKW Pepega your passive LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? Q passive ur passiove lmao U NEEDED TO SAY ITS NA OFC ITS ARAM BUT OK lol passive @Yassuo do u actually dislike tyler1?;c LUL 2 Spells Q passive q KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao Hey moe, sorry for coming late @Yassuo Pepega oh !subs passive KEKW passive Moe is accualy so good just is getting 5v1s if u guys wolud be in that situation u wolud be 0/10 LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? passive Pepega passive Pepega passive Pepega passive Pepega passive Pepega passive Pepega @Yassuo moe, so why are you ACTUALLY going to vegas? LastLivingPirate subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Hi :) why do you have conqueror lmao wait are u gonna go to vegas to stalk a yung korean man Moe bronze guy bad man at legue best ryze NA has to offer LUL Overload its q part of q's effect KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao gift a SUB :c @Yassuo moe, so why are you ACTUALLY going to vegas?? LUL @Yassuo you type like loltyler 1 Q passive Pepega chat Pepega WaitWhat ??? Q passive e Pepega LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? LUL WUT ??????? ? TriKool good shit TriDance Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW it's w :) PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED rooVV passive dude YES LUL OH Pepega passive ????? Hello moe szyslak :) gift pyke a new pc JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance JOEY TriDance best ryze na btw zalla1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! came here after i saw you in Sanchovies stream, kinda dissapointed because you actually not that funny without him, had to still sub out of pity sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo YOOOOHHHH!!!! :DDDDD PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Pepega this chat wtf ??????????? THATS WHY U LOST TWITCH RIVALS KEKW oh Pepega KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao EU>NA KEKW XD KEKW KEKW KEKW LEE SIN PogU KEKW KEKW 3 man again KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW outplayed KEKW @zalla1 XD KEKW FANBOY Almost Pog KEKW @yassuo that used to be his shield combo KEKW Q passive OK FAKER BRO THEY ARE NEVER ALONE comedyLW SYNAPSE HAHAHAAHHA lol KEKW KEKW LEE 5Head KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao NAUT TURNED AROUND CANT EVEN SIDE LANE getting gangbanged all game ACTUALLY FOLLOWING YOU LUL LUL 4Heed KEKW ?? bad bro your free real estate for these guys lol stop inting yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK they are camping you so hard jesus KEKW they really dont like you garbage I WAS HERE crazy 4v1 @Yassuo Do you think Lebron knows who you are ;' Kapp HUNTED LULW @zalla1 POGGERS geez they want ur ass bad Old ryze was more fun and complex fuck this new ryze ?????? feeder Kapp yeah streamsnipe Moe if you read the nice messages you wouldn't tilt when reading chat COPYING TYLER KEKW Kapp calm the ego WeirdChamp wait that was actually crazy THEY PLAYING CHASING THE MOE Nice to have some fanboys KEKW why these fan boys ur so bad at ryze stop picking him ok boomer they want the rollie Kapp @zalla1 Give kiss yasU kapp yasR yasR yasR yasR @moon_bob your a little pussy TRUE KEKW KEKW they are eat you are food miniK 4Heed !duo QuyDepTrai HES LOSING IT PepeLaugh HES LOSING IT PepeLaugh HES LOSING IT PepeLaugh WIN KEKW yasTrue_TK @Yassuo how are your teeth so white? true sanchovies is trash why you live with grey screen? 🤔 !headset haHAA massdrop x sennheiser hd6xx but also will use massdrop x sennheiser pc37x when i need to use a mic WutFace TRUEE kekw GOON SQUAD TriHard Clap the 5 man is real Why do people pay to watch grey screen yasFat yasN yasR low key tru @Yassuo faker doesnt know who u are btw @Yassuo BETTER YASUO WINS that's the reason i don't want to be famous they follow you everywhere dude . yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK TRUEEEE KEKW SO much ryze voyboy rubbin off huh Kappa me fan bot :) @Yassuo do u actually dislike tyler1?;c THEY PLAYING CHASING THE MOE+ RAP GOD AGAIN your fans scare me @Yassuo danAww as cmonBruh ? he solo lost twitch rivals lmao lee sin is just doing it for the e girls from the stream @Yassuo noob gay KEKW @Yassuo do you still do 1v1 sundays any truer SANCHOVIE BETTER THAN YOU hashinshin revenge KEKW Zalla here haHAA KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol LULW lmfao KEKW hahaLol Moe is crazy funnnnny DansGame why are u always inting ? D: NA teeth ? DansGame DansGame its arabic power thats why Might wanna scroll up on those subs scammer :( zalla pogu Kapp Kapp dansGame Farming Kapp KEKW dfoesnt brush danSgame cmonBruh Kapp sanchGaga DansGame Rek's going to carry invisaline bro @hardstucksilver yasU more wise DansGame Kappa HANDSOMER LUL ¨handsomer¨ your such a cutie moe! <3 yasN "Hanndsomer" KEKW UK TEETH KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace Handsomer lmao Sanch new hair reveal after haircut today @Yassuo Do you ever win games ? handsomer mine are foken yellow m8 handsomer HANDSOMER NICE ENGLISH trueee Brown skin makes teeth look more white handsomer¨ sanchOooooooo Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @zalla1 Thanks cutie yasU actually out here getting targeted @Yassuo goin to sleep can u give me a good night kiss???????? wp ResidentSleeper sanchOooooooo @zalla1 are u the guy who does those sick videos on yt big fan PogChamp FUCK THAT THE THONG IS MORE IMPORTANT @yassuo Are you dominating game just like you dominated Shadow dogs? He should start maining kog maw abomination ew bruh yasN yasN yasN yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS MO UR ENGLISH SUCK U LIKE DONKEY U SPEAK GORILLA TONGUE HAHAH ANELE skin makes it look more white KEKW yasJoy ey hello x9 ryze @AlbanianNaruto LMAO YES THAT ME POGGERS dale tilteate puta TriAthlon yasU yasU yasU yasU AHAHAHAHA question of the day ( do you ever win games )? LUL LUL LUL LUL I think you need to change your screen... is always grey, don't show colors anymore Chat acting like they brush teeth 3Head hows it feel to have a shitty support cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh why no frozen heart build Porco Dioooooo LordsHub -> Please refrain from posting links. Did u see doinb’s 400 farm at 24 min game on ryze? (more wise) (handsomer) hahahhahahahahaha yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU how trash can u be Alé Alé ever though to bleach ur anus? -2 yo this yas is lowkey nice hey moe :D how you doing you're really out here playing ryze and shit.. cringe dude. real cringe. all good Kapp out here making ryze look balanced LordsHub -> Please refrain from posting links. ;l BROOSHING TEETH IS FOR LOOSERS FOK ME 3Head @zalla1 where is ur vip PepeLaugh LordsHub -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo u main Ryze? TriDance @Yassuo BETTER YASUO WINS HEHE @Yassuo MOE BACK IN LA PLAYING LEAGUE ratirlYikes FOK TEEF 3Head awa when was the last time u carried? i really dk how he's still at his elo eggsdeenoworry subscribed with Twitch Prime. @AlbanianNaruto ratirlXD LordsHub -> Please refrain from posting links. jejejeje kekw lol Q ARE YOY MOE YES OR NO land a q omg you miss everything miss Q PepeLaugh all the q Imagine brushing ur teeth missed everything @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player LAND A Q DUDE @Yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again ? 70 Ping Ryze KEKW why they re not fixing that Pyke ult indicator bug @zalla1 stop abusing Yikes wind wall balanced :) you ryze sucks LUL JUST HIT ONE QQ SadChamp Missssss 0 DAMAGE KEKW missed everything :( Q KEKW you hit nothing 0% participation every q jejejejeje o this yas is lowkey nice Q!!!! loosing with ryze lol OnlyDastiny subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! I am looking forward to seing you in lcs next split ! Wish you luck on going pro, brother! hit a Q u dumb nO u hear about what happened to joe? Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! first time ryze ? @Yassuo faker doesnt know who u are btw Q KEKW wind wall balanced right? :) @Yassuo u missed everything @Yassuo you dont like mmos? those are time killers @bvnditmasacre ratirlYikes miss 5 qs @Yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again? That was 1 Q, what about the other 4 PepeLaugh @Yassuo how much bitrate ? pog q miss every Q who's your favourite champion in the game moe? @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo you missed everything Ryze 🤮🤮🤮🤮 D: you need to Q enemy champions not air @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player ;' no kill participation there LUL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Jebatied 😂 haHAA KEKW Kreygasm D: D: WTF Moe miss Q HOW WHY zHoNyas mY Q KEKW Gottem haHAA @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player [] KEKW D: bro no lie, everytime i tune into this stream, moe is neg like 5 LOLW D: losing against you're one trick yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK yasTrue_TK @CAKE_W TRUEEE Jebaited GOOD ONE MOE WeirdChamp @Yassuo how much bitrate moe ? KEKW JOE MAMA AHAHAHA SO FUNNY CHAT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JOE MAMA LOLW D: wow joe is a real person man, so insensitive Moe are u going to try variety during pre-season to expand your champion for next season !playlist yasS yasS yasS @Yassuo BETTER YASUO WINS KEKW Qs Kapp KAppa LUL LUL @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? xqcSmile xqcSmile xqcSmile xqcSmile Kappa YOU HEAR ABOUT CHO ???? u can only miss q and u did E Q E Q E Q E Q E Q eat pp @Yassuo @Yassuo Moe miss Q HOW who is joemaama KEKW u miss evrythink @Yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again ? LUL @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo !playlist haHAA KevinTurtle i have points? :D you think rengar is op? BAD WORDS xqcSmile BAD WORDS xqcSmile BAD WORDS xqcSmile BAD WORDS xqcSmile BAD WORDS xqcSmile BAD WORDS xqcSmile TOWER OMEGALUL KEKW HYPERCLAP @Yassuo damn your chats jokes be hitting different tho 😹 100% You literally say the same thing about all champion :) @Yassuo TOWER LUL LUL LuL BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: BAD WORDS xqcSmile D: yasCarried Dude shut up seriously... my last warning... @Yassuo fuckem otakufrosty subscribed with Twitch Prime. @justin_anderson u start with Q :) CHAT I FOUND THE PINNACLE OF COMEDY HIS NAME IS YASSUO PepeLaugh kill the boomers :) LUL yasBoo1 @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? boomer PepeHands Boomers can't be converted pyke is top "I don't really play (insert champion here)" pyke top? boomers need to die DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @Yassuo Do u main ryse? ok boomer. boomer in the chat: D: Tower D: Convert is not in a boomer's dictionary KEKW pyke top ok zoomer yasN PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR plz usa just convert to metric system its so much better salam anele how does it go what is a boomer here he comes monkaW xqcSmile say what's up Pog @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo this yas is Pog KEKW PYKE PYKE KEKW yasN GET FUCKED PYKE they will pass the torch to the moomers and they will become the next target of ridicule when all the boomers die Q Pog finally @yassuo WHERES THE MERCH BIGNOSE?!?! GET FUVCKED @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player yassuo not on yasuo KEKW @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? Kappa squadW PYKE PogU Kappa !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 35 minutes 32 seconds @Yassuo faker doesnt know who u are btw SillyChamp I MISS THE 3000 VIEWERS MOE ???????? BETTER YASUO WINS @Yassuo fffik dont compare yourself to faker KEKW Hay man you should switch to Dota do u still think faker is the best? if youre a boomer and dont have anyone on ur will hmu "my faker movement" KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty yasGood_HF @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo LickR RIOT? epicoutlaw30 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! can we get a kiss for the boys lickR Mortes9 -> Please refrain sending long messages. you are in earth lickL you beat faker tho LULW KEKW riot? KEKW with all the fans in the world moe still clean whats your fav drag map LUL KEKW KEKW TRUE wow TRUEEEEEE D: Kapp km KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: LUL KEKW Q KEKW Kapp D: U CHANGED TRUEE D: D LUIW KEKW E TU :O FLAME KEKW SHAKER KEKW KEKW LUL LUL D: KEKW LOL D: What, that's exactly what you are @Yassuo jesus your chat is filled with lil zoomer hypebeasts KEKW D: thats fucked KEKW kekw LULW D: FAKER NA moe bad at league SHAKER KEKW kys in a game Kakica321 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. lick my booty yheh FAKER TRUE LA MOE WeirdChamp D: doinb is SO BAD FAX nice path doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb doinb Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: XD ??????????????? NA ULT ??????????? wtf D: R OMEGALUL Faker trash players always good teammates LUL LUL LUL PepeLaugh 5Head ??????? ?? ULT KEKW KEKW you are so gooood >DDDD ???? lol why not faker says my yassuo movement PogU ? thanks "PRO PLAYER" PepeLaugh nt lol EU: SHAKER 3Head team suck ???????? too far D: PYKE KEKW ????? chasing ULT KEKW moe you are looking weak rigth now , would look better with short hair ??????? Q? ????????????????????? nice ult LUL DOINB CAN ACTUALLLY PLAY RYZE KEKW KEKW ???????????????????????????????? NA ULT W E? ? KEKW THAT HEALING u cant ryze man LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL INTING KEKW @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? OKAY DOINB ???????? pogU NICE AWARENESS p Inting is fun right moe PEPELAUGH FAKER yooo how does my beard look classic shaker he did f this song makes me want to play 2K19 greedy man NICE R KEKW TUNNEL VISION KEKW nice ult widepeepoSad oh nyo better yas KEKW PepeLaugh ULT unlucky WASHED UP KEKW KEKW @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player ' mid stop feeding last warning TEAM SUCK DOINB HE SAID LMAO @Yassuo watch ur mouth fatty your ryze is terrible lmao @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo YOU SUCK chasing yikes ff why do you r for fun 100% wr ryze PepeHands That ult sucks dude GG better mid wins hey moe, if you get 10 deaths, can you go woof woof for the boyz you're awesome moe KEKW ff PepeLaugh BETTER YAS WINS KEKW Awful yas main never give up kind blue delivery service :P @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? supp diff φθψκ υοθ νιγγα KEKW TRUE ffff wouldn't righteous glory be good for armor better jg wins Chat toxic asf sanch knows m0xyCozy m0xyCozy m0xyCozy m0xyCozy Moe u suck how do u have young ryze your bad no Kapp LAST WARNING KEKW Kapp Kappa the ult was good, empowers the q's that you miss rooSnow rooBall LAST WARNING KEKW Kappa D: moe ryze PepeLaugh D: :( Kapp Kapp not TRUE im diamond 2 ryze main 1v1 D: Kapp DOINB CAN ACTUALLLY PLAY RYZE OMEGALUL Kapp m k good :) Kapp Not even good at being a snake moe so cute AYAYA Toxic why is he so salty Kappa do u want to bet? Kapp @sliceoftoast999 jesus stop the spam haHAA Fukin inter doINT yasMald doINT yasMald doINT yasMald doINT yasMald doINT yasMald doINT yasMald doINT yasMald LUL boned Kappa stop die 4Weird Kappa Kappa you lost to nb dont forget that @Yassuo 1v1 me you play ryze with 1 hand Have you thought about moving to mixer? :D THATS JUST NOT RUE KEKW readmyname Not true that im bad doesnt make u betteer stfu retardedddd Kapp wttfffffff kqpp @Yassuo if you had sorcery you wouldve got him ryze PepeLaugh far from the truth Kapp Kapp just giving back to the community for thanksgiving @Yassuo Kappa salty PepeLaugh kapp Say PILA @ yassuo BET! you wont!!! @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo LOL i thought ur mental was strong PR OMEGALUL hell ya LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u StOp fEdiNg D: yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald D: yoo how does my beard loook lmao RedTeam AYAYA 🔫 KEKW moe so mald PepeLaugh You are not Better than faker. btw and he is the Ryze God ?XD yasSpit bodyth1MonkaS bodyth1MonkaS bodyth1MonkaS LUL lmfao hahaha LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so bored INSECURE MOE KEKW LOL yasSpit HA TOOF KEKW rap god KEKW KEKW yasSpit im gols 3 @Yassuo im about to play ryze. and my bronze 5 ryze looks better than this lmao moe dog grandmaster D: yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit stfu rooSnow rooBall lol D: AA TOO KEKW lol power spikes can occur lmao LMFAO spit on them @Yassuo yasSpit yasSpit U CAN CARRY RYZE + MOE OP yasSpit with one Hand u cant even pee @yassuo Kappa ur grandmaster tho KEKW A TOOF D: yasSpit @yassuo WHERES THE MERCH BIGNOSE yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit How do u have young ryze? D: Can’t play another champion stop playing league moe u stop die 4Heed yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit KEKW 1v1 him yasSpit DFK WAS THAT WutFace grandmaster hardstuck talking HAHAHAHAHA Inter asfuk CRINGE OMEGALUL TriHard TriHard yasSpit yasSpit why you steal everything from your friends? D: so what you are saying is Non sense. im a iron 5 ad ryze main :) yasSpit @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? wanna be LIDER FAKE RedTeam LULW 🔫 KEKW if u hit one q u win yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player @Yassuo Sanchovies hair reveal today lmao yasSpit TRU LULW TRUE KEKW 1v1 him i watch you for you not your K/DA love you yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit WHOLESOME CONTENT yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @chimpNA rip D2 How u lose Twitch rivals after being a snake LULW BAD WORDS yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yes yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit 1v1 am g1 1 trick ryze fight me 1v1 him 1v1 him boring IAM CHALL U DOG SUCK ME CRAY Z YEAH but youre a yas one trick so you cant talk 1v1 him im iron 4 but its k cause i get laid yasSpit actual cringe KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit but why are you so mad LULW AMEN LULW @Yassuo im platium 2 can you also spit in my face? ha toof toof yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit you're abushing ryze, and ur 4/7 KEKW still higher than 90% of chat lol LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u LOLW kayk double u 1V1 him 1v1him 1v1 I'm Silver! Not flexing BibleThump 1v1 him Kapp Kappa cmonBruh FAKE cringe kid yasspit is the best emote yet Ur toxic today man 1v1 WideHard Clap yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Kapp you think rengar is op? inting just like how you stole sliker SHEESSH no one steals anything from u because u arent funny what happend ^v^him 1v1 with 1 hand @yassuo Like? pussy TriHard THAT RYZE trueèee Yeah but yeah you have no jokes to steal WideHarder Clap his originality is being unorgiinal 4/8* KEKW no 1v1s today?? STOLE TRICK'S HAPPINESS yasSpit like?? 1v1 himä damn yasuo is just broken right @quit_simping KEKW @Jaaspeeer more like 65% PepeLaugh LUL More bad mid why keep play if bad @yassuo gottagetmygameon -> Please refrain sending long messages. KEKW gg xd LUL ^v^him ur dead all that counterplay 4HEad KEKW KEKW u kinda doo doo bro that guy's yasuo > moe's yasuo Pog first time watching you HumbleLife hahahahahahahahaahah godo one so bad KEKW is your ryze at d2? ROLLED KEKW 1v1 flash KEKW BETTER YASUO WINS you cringe tho nice flash KEKW @Jaaspeeer 95% * MALDING KEKEW Slow fingers Mad cuz bad?!?!? 1v1 him map awareness KEKW @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo lel you dont Have you thought about moving to mixer? :D NA FLASH KEKW OMEGALUUUUUUUUUUUL @Yassuo under 100FPS in LoL nzxt wp yasNLT KEKW @Yassuo did you do 1v1s yikes Kapp Imagine 1vs1 as an OTP Yasuo 4Head imagine a gm flexing DansGame @Yassuo can i spit in ur mouth? pls. better mid wins KEKW Kappa go next stole slikers jokes KEKW Like the feeding enemy team Kappa better yasuo than you Didn’t w for root Super slow fingers 1V1 BLADE MERCH KEKW TRUE KEKW 1 v 1 himm nice f except if the bois steal a line from you, they actually steal their own lines imitated by you TRUE KEKW PepeLaugh TRUE tru you just can't TRUE KEKW 1v1 him s Conq is broken true TRUE KEKW that dude's yasuo > moe's yasuo KEKW frozen heart got me KEKW hehe :) true ResidentSleeper true LULW TRUE KEKW YEA YOU ARE BORING LULW TRUE KEKW true KEKW KEKW TRUE TRUEK KEKW XD TRUE KEKW ResidentSleeper KEKW VoteYea True KEKW ???????? TRUE KEKW TRUUUE KEKW TRUE KEKW @yassuo big feeder stop play game kid TRUE KEKW TRUE yasSleeper 1V1 HIM true then start being funny this is how i watch ResidentSleeper TRUEEEE LMAMO @Yassuo TRUUEEEEE TRUE haHAA TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW 4Head KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 itssli0161 itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliFake itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink itssliThink itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliA itssliA itssliA itssliA itssliA KEKW nobody was laning bro, you just ran mid and died lol @Yassuo why is the league community full of lil bitches LULW TRUE LOL play something different True TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ACTUALLY TRUE LUL dog moe TRUE KEKW Truuuuue PepeLaugh PepeLaugh you maybe look like ryze but you play him like an idiot resident sleeper gameplay indeed TRUE LULW 3/6 INTER LUL true TRUE KEKW AHAHAHAHAAHA TRUE LULW TRUEEE KEKW we watch one eye open TRUE KEKW true Yeah coz its that fucking boring @Yassuo KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE hhahhahqhqh @Yassuo can i spit in ur mouth? pls 0/10/1 TRUE hahahahaahahaahahhaa HASHSHSHSH KEKW stay with yasuo btw TRUEEEEEEEE TRUE KEKE True because you don't tryhard @Yassuo TRUE WE FALL ASLEEP ResidentSleeper KEKW TRUE KEKW TRE TRUE KEKW wtf lol TRUE MALDING SO HARD PepeLaugh TRUE KEKW HONESTLY TRUE KEKW TRUE more like trashuo KEKW TRUE noting stream True Pog KEKW Pepega SOO FUCKING TRUE True True dog moee NaM :)))))))))))))))) HAHAH TRUE BECAUSE ITS BORING ResidentSleeper xd TRUE cause you boring Lol TRUE LUL truuuuuuuuuuue true mald DONT BE SO BORING THEN haaahhahahhahahah 0/10 KEKW YOU JUST SUCK BRO STFU TRUE TRUE KEKW @Yassuo hello sir, i am diamond 4 wukong otp may you please spit in my face? 3/6 KEKW TRUE KEKW yes because you are so boring KEKW dont laught like that man you scare ME WutFace WutFace WutFace TRUE TRUE TRUE DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW monkaW Trueee TRUE LULW TRUE BECAUSE STREAM IS RESIDENTSLEEPER True KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRUE KEKW HAHAHAHAHAH KEKW LUL just ward KEKW Clap and you didnt ward 😂 true bec u boring in game play LUL @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper TRUE KEKW MALDING boring stream TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW FALSE'NT literally true damage stats TRUUUUUUUUUUUUE KEKW ResidentSleeper litearlly everyone thinks u are incredibly washed up @Yassuo KEKW TRUE TRUEEE sure bud :) bro u are shit DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW DUDE MOE WHY ARE YOU 3-6 INTER HAAHAHAHA KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW true Ever gonna finish boshy @Yassuo TRUE KEKW TRUEEE KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you should take more adderall true u are actually bad !cmds we stoned thats why TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE @Yassuo celeste Pog true ResidentSleeper new moe FeelsBadMan TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW moe go woof wooF TRUE UR STREAM IS ResidentSleeper PepePls stop crying idiot lost again ofc MAAAAAAAAAAD Commienomaly subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Hey Moe, very impressive ryze gameplay! Maybe give faker some tips in vegas so he can dominate next split? KAP TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUE nah you suck :) STOP SPYING ON ME true faker wuold won those 1v3 :) wingFlex1 wingPOLICE wingFlex2 wingZZZ TRUE KEKW people just trying to make you tilt !"!! DONT BE SO BORING THEN KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper JUST WARD 4head literally Kappa Dude is fuming PepeLaugh ok boomer KEKW @Yassuo stop reading chat start tryharding like you used to and we won't watch like that ratirlMad WEWK True lul Moe can you react to this league edit i made, pls: dead stream ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PepePls PICK UP THE PHONE TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUE that guy's yasuo > moe's yasuo Pog dude whats with the LAG KEKW Wtf NO 1v1s TODAY? trash shit moe GRANDMASTER HARDSTUCK 1K GAMES KEKW u like my beard was that] trueee TRUUUUUUUUUUUE boring stream thats why we sleep @Yassuo can i spit in ur mouth? pls. @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? LUL grandmaster ur stream is ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper U missed like every q haha but u still good mate :) GET THERAP that dude's yasuo > moe's yasuo KEKW @Yassuo celeste in queue yasJoy HOES MAD yo tell me how to play miudlaner @Yassuo did you do 1v1s YOU ARE KEKW widepeepoSad Kappa Kappa False KEKW WTFFFFFF OMEGALUL k boomer KEKW KEKW you are Cry more baby man @yassuo LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO monkaW LUL BibleThump BibleThump KEKW dou ? I destroy you come 1v1 me BabyRage yasPlead getting trolleb by viper's little brother Cheer100 yeah, okay lmao BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Moe is steuggling yasPlead D: moe cry like a bitch LUL LOL KEKW BabyRage !duo itsmecalledyou -> Please refrain from spamming caps. LUL well u cant blame us for sleeping half way through watching ur stream what happened to old moe FeelsBadMan QuyDepTrai same thing i say in my silver games LUL U R :) ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kapp who's your duo @Yassuo LUL LUL LUL Kapp TIPS KEKW @Yassuo CAN U PLAY SYLAS and teach me how to play him properly Cheer100 yeah, watching ryze gameplay really does make me fall asleep KEKW BabyRage WAH WAH WAH ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper nymnCorn ResidentSleeper nymnCorn ResidentSleeper nymnCorn ResidentSleeper nymnCorn Moe if you read the nice messages you wouldn't tilt when reading chat where jensen Was it PYKE from last game??? rossable84 subscribed with Twitch Prime. DON'T LULW BibleThump BibleThump sorry the struggle is REAL monKaW @Yassuo beat celeste in queue KevinTurtle PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt !duo @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo QuyDepTrai mo im big fan me no english good but ur english suck u like donkey u speak gorilla tongue reeeeoyoooyoyyokorea!!! KappaPride @yassuo WHERES THE MERCH BIGNOSE?! LUL LUL Please play Yasuo 101 best You are bad BIG ass ego @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player @Yassuo damn your crazy matches mine KEKW he wont even talk to you tho :/ @Yassuo faker kekw ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper HOW TO INT FEATURING MOE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo play celeste stop playin this trash game plz THE TIP OF MA DICK KEKW yasBoo1 yasBoo2 yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasBoo3 yasBoo4 ANY DANCERS? TriDance oof guy needs to be unfollowed @Yassuo no 1v1s today? why dont you ban chattards like that moe? where will you see him? gooo goo gaga look at me im playing ryze U HAVE Lol Kapp show the rollie @Yassuo faker? KEKW whos that Have you thought about moving to mixer? :D kiss him on the lips? LA MOE 4WeirdW ✋ gonna be the night of your life KappaPride @yassuo i mean fed alr did later chat look at coral sharon insta you gonna hook up with faker in vegas? @Yassuo did he actually hit you up?? Gay yeah YES yea yes Moe can you react to this league edit i made, during queue: wow you a litle kid or what XDXD YES :) yes @Yassuo Flex queue rank? yes kappa @Yassuo GIVE FAKER TIPS SO HE LOSES WORLDS AND EU CAN WIN PLZ no Dont be pissef yes YRS KEKW Everyone in the stream knowing yassuo will int this game ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle yes GAY yes @Yassuo Is faker a virgin? moe vs faker 1vs1 real life xD YES U AER AAh that's the kindread main right? YES KEKW FANBOI KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride GAAAY fanb OMEGALUL y slatkaYikes KappaPride KappaPride gay Dominating, Perseverance, Dedication, Precipitation KEKW yeah LULSAWERQRRRR Kapp of course you're not KappaPride KappaPride np KEKW Your not as good as faker so don’t speak @yassuo PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt ye yes KappaPride not weird gay he cant wait to see you LOL? yes KEKW fake4r fan boi Kapp gonna be the night of your life KappaPride gonna be the night of your life KappaPride Faker more like shaker haHAA KEKW KappaPride ? KEKW kAPP suck his dick already @Yassuo ggay uh lol 4WeirdW @Yassuo HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH KappaPride @Yassuo LA MOE 4Weird say inchalh ???? N OMEGALUL Kapp you're gay moe GayPride U are very bad KappaPride OMG I CANT WAIT TO MEET FAKER GAY FANBOI ?????????? Gay kapp OMEGALUL SadChamp ???????????? OMEGALUL PAS OKAY i met u and i was disappointed Kapp MINIME? KappaPride why Kappa Kappa Kapp KEKW LEBRON KEKW gay Kappa KEKW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride trueeeeee ???? @Yassuo when you go to allstar? Tyler did it better 4Head ur a nobody compared to him tho LOL yes Smileyface KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo i felt the same when i met you for the first time :) gonna be the night of your life KappaPride cringe PASS @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? KAPP shibbybeast subscribed with Twitch Prime. just curious is homeboy gay? why you gae tyler1HA tyler1HA tyler1HA ????? LOL ??????????????? Date faker pls @Yassuo do 1v1s :D KAP Tunak tunak Video??? Kapp TRUEEEE KEKW Kapp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper yeahhh totally LUL LUL FAKER IS JORDAN LEBRON ResidentSleeper Giuxur subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kapp yeah yeah doinb```???? Faker stan what if he turns out to be the type of dude who yells at waitresses @Yassuo Sex ??? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride faker is the GOAT GAAAAAAAAAAAAY @Yassuo Moe if you read the nice messages you wouldn't tilt when reading chat @Yassuo i felt the same when i met you for the first time yasH stop duoing with that fraud lebron of league SHAKER KEKW KappaPride Ayyyyyyyy solo killed faker its littt @Yassuo play it one more time @Yassuo GIVE FAKER TIPS SO HE LOSES WORLDS AND EU CAN WIN PLZ . Moe can you react to this league edit i made, pls: MEETING U LUL HARD PASS ON THAT MEET KEKW Kappa I never wanna meet ya KappaPride yasPride yasJensen @Yassuo 1v1's today?? @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? new moe FeelsBadMan EleGiggle WHERE WILL YOU MAYBE SEE HIM? LEBRON KEKW ankleFace ankleFace ankleFace ankleFace GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY KEKW Qs KEKW @yassuo STOP COMPARING URSELF WITH LEBRON FORGOT DELUSIONAL IN YOUR TITLE @Yassuo when u comimg out the closet f KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Kappa llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride llsPride yeah idk about that you're fan !duo @exCoach yasU yasH QuyDepTrai @Yassuo GIVE FAKER TIPS SO HE LOSES WORLDS AND EU CAN WIN PLZ ok then @Yassuo what is faker there for? @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo false yasBad yasGood yasBad kekw Everyone in the stream knowing @Yassuo will int this game ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle ratirlGiggle KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype FAKER IS JORDAN OF LEAGUE THOUGH QUYDEPTRAI Pog fight faker irl clap him irl you can't say you LIKE faker cause you don't know him why am I bullying a child LeBron is washed LUL SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc LEBRON KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @Yassuo how are you gonna give him tips? You can barely speak 1 language your like meeting a clown at an amusement park faker can play more than 1 champ at a professional level @Yassuo yo vlog that shit mo im big fan me no english good but ur english suck u like donkey u speak gorilla tongue reeeeoyoooyoyyokorea!!! yoooooo ; @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching?' SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc Are you gay? it looks like you love faker You will be meeting him? @yassuo @hardstucksilver peepoHug yasH I got chalemger on NA on 300ping 2rp Cheer100 you gonna sell out for that chinese money too? @Yassuo i felt the same when i met you for the first time yasH yasH @Yassuo GIVE FAKER TIPS SO HE LOSES WORLDS AND EU CAN WIN PLZ ! lul yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake DxCat !elo KEKW Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @Yassuo go int mor games BloodTrail go int mor games BloodTrail go int mor games BloodTrail go int mor games BloodTrail go int mor games BloodTrail Did you survive NNN @yassuo @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo faker is LeBron of league 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP 2RP Change game title LUL KEKW YOUR THE WATERBOY KEKW 100T Yassuo Moe can you react to this league edit i made, during queue: LUL bruh matt makes games inc KEKW Faker is pretty thick :3 U a fanboy @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league @Yassuo GIVE FAKER TIPS SO HE LOSES WORLDS AND EU CAN WIN PLZ @Yassuo ok fuck you then Clax0n subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW Ry0ma XDXDXDXDXDXD OCE PLAYERS XD !uptime LOL hey its my first time i' your twitch @yassuo The stream has been live for 2 hours 40 minutes 7 seconds KEKW DID YOU SEE TF BALE MERCH Pog Follow me on Twitter for updates Squid4 Squid3 Squid2 Squid1 KEKW 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp 2 rp ResidentSleeper nymnCornResidentSleeper nymnCornResidentSleeper nymnCorn fanboy strong start @Yassuo faker is like a Eminem of LoL!!!!!! KEKW @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo DuckerZ Huh ? @Yassuo when I go fullscreen your stream goes dark LULW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp GG @Yassuo actually didnt enjoy meeting you SJW GAME ResidentSleeper @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league are you fonna play leagu? celeste LULW KEKW QW yasSpit @AKAROH 5Head @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo How was NNN? @yassuo ResidentSleeper nymnCorn What game is dis T1 MOVING TO FACEBOOK CHECK TWITTER @MrB4N0 5Head yasN Pog :O B) ArgieB8 @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league !duo gachiHYPER QuyDepTrai Yu think Rengar is op KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW hUh SAME KEKW wtf is this shiit KEKW KEKW gg i was the yas KEKW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo Open your mouth yasSpit KEKW DDD 2EZ KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Doinb>Faker SAME PogU same got 4 faps already LUL LUL LUL @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? LOL Already failed December @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of League PogU PogU Squid4 Squid3 Squid2 Squid1 Same here TriHard I FAILED LIKE 28 TIMES KEKEW how are you at 1k deaths, I beat it with 5k lmao why are you meeting faker @Yassuo Pog I FAILED LIKE 28 TIMES KEKW is this new jump king? rub one out... for the boys "failed it really hard" XD tfbPride whats the name of this game I wonder how many ppl unironically did NNN oathThink What game is this again? monkaS musci fading !game League of Legends WHAT A EASY GAME pogers I made it through NNN and literally feel no need to nut, it's surreal @Gabrahan TRUE KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league! FACTS wat is this game gg BIG D DECEMBER PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp EZ game name rz lol @Yassuo Open your mouth yasSpit @Yassuo Open your mouth yasSpit good job! faker Pog ? <3 some people say DDD is harder than NNN EZ Moe when you're coming to Brazil? This is the snake bitch right? yeah lol gg EZ KEKW @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo AYAYA YES yes lol SCAMMED LULW EZ Clap Pog ? I WAS HERE Pog yes POGGERS? no Yes :) what is this game? EZ KEKW GG gg yes Pog where is league of legends ? YES PepeLaugh no yeah KEKW wtf EZ Clap ff 15 gg LMao h 3Head gg ez NO KEKW play undertale gg GG Pog Pog Yes PepeLaugh @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching?' EZ ??? BOSHY TIME Pog ye GG VIEW DROP KEKW I'm here 13333 viewers xd bsides are the difficult part you ape EZ cla[ 4Shrug @Yassuo u have to try ori and the blind forest CRY? PepeLaugh \ there are probably more levels you can do B-side which is A LOT harder lmo PepeLaugh celest TOO EZ Hi coconut PLAY B SIDES PepeLaugh 💦 LUL "easy" PepeLaugh b-sides PepeLaugh Easy Game with 1200 Deaths LULW YES theres alternate stories EZ clap Cry moe BOshiiii BOSHY @Yassuo you got scammed NotLikeThis boshy time do the strawberries it gets harder wait for it PepeLaugh PLAY BOSHY Pog Yo Moe why are you meeting Faker? Of course it's easy, you didn't do the B or C sides... BOSHY are you in que? is he in queue boshy time Pog have you ever thought about semen retention? @Yassuo yasTrue PepeLaugh what a waste of 39 dollars KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league Kapp PepeLaugh PepeLaugh BOSHI TIME @Yassuo side A is like the tutorial Cry moee PLAY SOME BOSHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime there are more levels and they are hard af go boshy Kapp boshy bro KEKW Clap no you wont PLAZ BOSHZ PLAY BOSHY Kapp wow i didnt know games were 1 minute long. how much did u pay for that PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo PLAY B AND C SIDES KEKW @Yassuo boshy POG play it Will you do DDD @yassuo? 😂 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime BOSHY PLS ITS BOSHY TIME! PLEASE no PLAY BOSHY POGGERS @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo boshy = faker level WAIT FOR JUMP KING peepoPog MOE CRY ItsBoshyTime There are harder levels if u unlock them C SIDES PepeLaugh OH NO NO BOSHY IDIOT ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ? @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? Boshy EZ BRUHHHHHHH boshy time bro u trash thought BOSHY TIME boshy BOSHIIII now wut mate ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime VIEW DROP TO 13K KEKW BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME BOSHY TIME Has faker beat boshy? now wot 3Head DO BOSHY widepeepoHappy go gachy fck boshyy @Yassuo THATS WHAT SHE SAID LOL @Yassuo faker is like a Eminem of LoL he doesnt know PepeLaugh you'll never beat boshy KEKW @Yassuo You finished the tutorial. Try the B sides... @yassuo ORI AND THE BLIND FOREST ORI AND THE BLIND FOREST PepeLaugh point_right: ItsBoshyTime where can you get boshy? bald if dont beat boshy on christmas stream PogU you a shit bro Followage! !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime CRY Pokemon sword/shield now? DO BOSHY NOW OR BED NO ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime DUUUD BOSHY IS TO HARD POOGERS AYAYA @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league Moe can you react to this league edit i made: widepeepoHappy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo play the worlds hardest game on coolmathgames :p pog @Yassuo so you can cry again kekw go boshy play boshy zoe POg no crying now? @Yassuo @Yassuo PLAY READ DEAD 2 PLS OR RUST FeelsBadMan AngelThump PepeLaugh here it comes BibleThump @Yassuo Do b.-side its a lot harder @yassuo is there one thing you would change about preseason. if yes what? Clap ItsBoshyTime Boshy KEKW KEKW PLAY M ItsBoshyTime boshy time well KEKW GG ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime widepeepoHappy !mouse Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! time for boshy @Yassuo @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo ItsBoshyTime Razer Deathadder Ez KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime EZ Clap PepeLaugh boshyyyy BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BOSHY OR BED CRY MOE CRY PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime warm up for new jump king map? Pog ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime widepeepoHappy !uptime !followage The stream has been live for 2 hours 42 minutes 13 seconds @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo KEKW KEKW L @Yassuo PLAY READ DEAD 2 PLS OR RUST Chapter 8 and 9 @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching?' <3 have you ever played Ori in the blind forest? @Yassuo SKIPING CREDITS WeirdChamp readmeeverytime -> Please refrain from posting links. PepeLaugh 💦 Moe can you react to this league edit i made,: @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league WAIT FOR JUMP KING peepoPog ItsBoshyTime Pog BOSHY Pog PogU BOSHY FINNALY Pog BOSHY PogU lol he playing Celeste boshy <3 play shovel knight sss Play Baba is you ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Nice haircut and beard cut! @yassuo ORI AND THE BLIND FOREST ORI AND THE BLIND FOREST ORI AND THE BLIND FOREST play Renekton pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @yassuo CRY MOE ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime celeste shit game GRRRRRRRRRRR MOE PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime watch speedrun ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime is wuk useless ? boshjy pog boshy oh no no PepeLaugh BUT WATCH ENDING IDIOT dodge KEKW mo im big fan me no english good but ur english suck u like donkey u speak gorilla tongue reeeeoyoooyoyyokorea!!! BOSHY Pog BOSHY Pog ResidentSleeper xqcH_TK PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime pog PepeLaugh 👉 ItsBoshyTime does jumpking have new map? @Yassuo show us some katarina !rank Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (360 LP) moe play orianna LETS DO IT go boshy HAHAHAHHAHa @Yassuo you while playing boshy yasSmash ivern rengar bot PogChamp preseason ranked games KEKW watch speedrun is really cool good one haHAA yasHYPERS lol itsboshytime queue timers are long for high challenger not u diamond @Yassuo you should play the messanger on epic games ive been playign it in que and really enjoy it ban rengar yo dog coach me @Yassuo PogU IVERN RENGAR BOT HAHHAHAHAH orianna PogU ? @Yassuo PLAY READ DEAD 2 PLS OR RUST yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made, pls: @exCoach LMAO how did you know i was in there yasU bro not banning pyke after that last game/ @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? TBAngel 5Head 🍷 @Yassuo u ready for the Demon slayer movie? play cass cus snake xD @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo @Yassuo show us some katarina brother 5Head 🍷 Agree u have to pklay qiyana Kapp Kapp Kapp 5Head 🍷 name Kapp u lookin cute Actually good yasAYAYA yo you must stream with faker Kapp for that 5 dollars Next patch pema bann aphelios during all 2K20 Kapp KEKW cried on stream cause of boshy KEKW UncleNox Do you think rengar is op? Kapp historically inaccurate but ok yasSSS yasSSS yasSSS i main adc and senna is fun af you cired bitc EleGiggle EleGiggle CLIP IT QIYANA BRO Kapp @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo @Yassuo moe and faker is like messi and ronaldo of league Kapp RIP Kapp RIP Yasuo banned THATS A FAT LIE KEKW @Yassuo Can you try one game and not give up after dying once or seeing temmate do stupid shit please ratirlLove ghosting moe tyell me how to play midlane?> play master yi FOR THAT 5 AKALIII WAYYY BANEE @BlackDynamite17 PepeLaugh 5Head 🍷 TeaTime @Yassuo still virgin? Ghosting chat is so braindamaged sometimes @Yassuo moe on ori PogU ? @Yassuo coach me or ill get challanger and run it down in ur game ghosting 1 Kapp is league your favourite game? QIYANA PLS <3 5Head PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS peepoPog play lux :) Imagine banning Yasuo @Yassuo can u play ryze pleas ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime oh Zayn Malik !uptime roam inc The stream has been live for 2 hours 43 minutes 13 seconds Lies wtf ur tilted thinking about boshy @Yassuo u ready for the Demon slayer movie?? no pyke gan gg dogshit ROAM @Yassuo PLAY READ DEAD 2 PLS OR RUST zed or bed Why the fuk did they ban wukong moe u lookin hella cute @Yassuo u should try to hoook this girl, its better than pokimane, Belafernandezz !!!!!! Pog 4Head yas5 POG you aint beating that game lets be honest @Yassuo Stream snipers 5Head kekw 4Head KEKW 4Head ANYBODY TRYIN 2 FU Moe can you react to this league edit i made: 4HEad 4Heed master yi plsss SYNDRA DOGSHIT Roam @Yassuo Moe tell me how to get out of gold Stop with ther fidgeting noise 5Head Pepega 4Head ????????????? play veigar 5Head KEKW 4HEad LUL stream sniper that yasuo ban 5HEAD WhineGlass Pog duDudu duDudu 4HEad THAKN YOU peepoArrive yas5 "when off season is here we go variety" PepeHands 4HEad smOrc 5Head moive!> KEKW kill nexus 3Head KEKW ankleRage ankleRage ankleRage ye ahahah 5Head is talon good starting mid champ @Yassuo ?? KEKW AYAYA Clap Pog OWWOWOWOWO FeelsSmartMan @Yassuo WHY ARE U SUCH A BETA 2020 POG TY 5Head play zed What Pog thanks ORNN OR PORN what the fuck is this crackling sound? DansGame 2020 ILL BEAT U Zed in 2020 have you ever played outlast 2 @Yassuo POG 4HEad ? 5Head did you watch fire force @Yassuo ' Kill Minion and Kill nEXUS AYAYA WOW ADVICE I have faith in off thx for the stream play zed so u can impress faker 2020 PLAY DEAD CELLS MOE Pog you aint beating that game lets be honest @Yassuo . 5head IF U DONT PLAY QIYANA demonslayer movie Pog 4Weird season 2 is movie Kapp zed or bed i don't get tilted and then you smash your keyboard yasSmash @Yassuo what do you think of Azir in the metagame? DOGSHIT zed zed rich bastard :( ??? ? Kapp ROLEX @Yassuo can you play ryze pleas yep before season 2 WeirdChamp dragon slayer bvetter ziggs ????????????? haHAAç YEAH THE MOVIE IS ON THE TRAIN wassup @Yassuo love the streams man yes 2020 demon slayer movie x) what u think about the new jump king? PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS peepoPog Better than Boshi TriHard what about kill tower @Yassuo @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? WeirdChamp ok 4Head !points haHA WeirdChamp STOP 4Weird weird flex but okay :) yasWeird LULW @Yassuo can you play ryze please rolex best, got one too flexindg WeirdChamp @Yassuo can you be informative on ryze next time you play PogU where u been habibi @Yassuo FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp lol weird flex but ok ZED WeirdKEKW FLEX flexz a sol hahahah tell me jng FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp FLEXING WeirdChamp ZED ekko psuuy play tf mid Cheer100 have you tried enter the gungeon? did you ever watch fire force @Yassuo have you ever seen the game Dungreed? NoxianSion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey,how are you doing? it's boshy time!!! richboi ZED OR BED you arent getting through mega man ur too bad :) 5Head WineGlass u like my beard tf dont flex on me I is broke @Yassuo Play Zed :) Watch trailer @Yassuo ZED @Distant_Gravity ?????????? WeirdChamp WeirdChamo thats kind weird CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob hey HeyGuys LA MOE RICH MOE Beta KEKW ZED or BED How would you recomend me to start streaming? ZED OR BED zed Pussy KEKW SHOW WATCH @Yassuo play ori PogU ! Does anyone wanna kiss my lips? yasU impress faker with ur zed zed NotLikeThis @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo any news about charity stream? :) 100$ rolex KEKW when variety big nose @Yassuo yasSmash DansGame why do the ads only work for yassuo's stream????? flexing LA MOE katarina LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED @Yassuo show rolex, if dont fake 4Weird ZED ZEEEED Go zed Moe destroyingbarry -> Please refrain from spamming caps. uga booooga @Yassuo hey moe u looking great today LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE play zed LA MOE RICH MOE thx for stream safe flexing on fans WeirdChamp zed LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo Zed or you lose viewers u snake how was your thanksgiving @Yassuo LA MOE RICH MOE maad cus bad xD LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ZED OR BEDD ZEEED OOOR BEEED Lucian mid Play Random horror game moe @Yassuo pls play outlast very good content try it out is it a DayJust? Play zed yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: What are good mid laners to start playing as a beginner mid @Yassuo ?? Cheer100 Moe when we playing the new CoD? ZED have you watched fire force FlexingOnPeopleWhoMadeU WeirdC @Yassuo thats technically OUR Rolex lets be real here quit flexing on me moe. ill have you know that i have the nicest rolex's and fuck the hottest dudes @Yassuo can you play ryze please ! Star wars game? WeirdKEKW @Yassuo PLAY READ DEAD 2 PLS OR RUST Freakplayer19 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Love your content keep up the good work brother caht bought the watch KEKW @Yassuo still virgin? ZED OR BED U BASTARD Enter the gungeon is really good im actually so good at syndra @AKAROH no but here u go yasU pog maybe a syndra game? zed plz @Yassuo Did you see TF Blade merch KKEW your pathetic this is crazy @Yassuo touch one woman ZED u forgot about kill tower xD challenger btw Shadowdogs RULE Shadowdogs RULEShadowdogs RULE Shadowdogs RULEShadowdogs RULE Shadowdogs RULEShadowdogs RULE Shadowdogs RULE LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE 2ed STROP FIGDERGINTG moe when are the runescape streams coming back Enter the gungeon is awesome @Yassuo zzeronix subscribed at Tier 1. LA MOE RICH MOE im a natural talent ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED m0xyDone m0xyDone m0xyDone m0xyDone Dead cells is sooo goooooddd KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW Play Steamworld Dig, really fun game LA MOE RICH LA MOE RICH MOEMOE reis zed oyna @Yassuo I think if you played Yasuo @ twitch rivals your winrate would go up by a lot !redeeem BOUGHT NEW PATEK, BEST FEELIN IN WORLD! ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ahAHhaAH mOe bIG nOSe hAHhaha OmegaLUL tell me that my beard looks good LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? woman watch OMEGALUL CHINA ROLEX OMEGALUL @Distant_Gravity adrian waiting room 4Weird ROLEX THINKS ITS 11/31 4Weird ZED OR BED YOU BASTARD SNAKE yasWeird ZED P'Z PYKE LUL LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW KNOCK OFF ROLEX KEKW LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE 1v1s today? @Yassuo Play horror games pls Moe is too pussy to go zed LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE play ze'd poggers What are good mid laners to start playing as a beginner mid @Yassuo ??? sa yasSmash boshy yasSmash time yasSmash LA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo Did u watch JoJo How about you and Poki @yassuo? Think this relationship could be good content tho haha LUL @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ? LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE zed ResidentSleeper ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED <:( @yassuo HAHA PUSSY SCARED OF PIXELS LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ZED PLZ LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE yasSmash boshy yasSmash time yasSmashyasSmash boshy yasSmash time yasSmash Zed ZED ZED ZED ZED plau yzed LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOEv @Yassuo enter the guneon is a really good game selling diamond 4 na account for 10$ whisper me if interested! PogChamp LA MOE RICH MOE Qiyana Pog PLAY SOMETHING NEW LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE pick lucian LA MOE RICH MOE >:) zed ZED Kaytho_TV subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE Diana LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo i heard you watch my boys Devious Runescape VIDS LA MOE RICH MOE ZEEEDD What are good mid laners to start playing as a beginner mid @Yassuo ? DID YOU SEE TF BLADE MERCH LUL KEKW LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE Too pussy to go ZED LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE yasuo PLAY KATAYEETA bruh do it do it yokai ahaa How about you and Poki @yassuo? Think this relationship could be good content tho haha LUL just joking moe u like the pic that i sent you ZED zed LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE NOTHING KEKW zed pplay zed Best jng champs? akali @Yassuo go katarina teemo nothing anivia anivia diana KASS xearx trist love u @chat TwitchUnity Nothing LULW alt + f4 + enter ZED YASUO nothing teemo counters CASS LA MOE RICH MOE irelia Z3EEEEEEEED i do :) TALON Syndra nothing KEKW @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ?! cass SYLAS zed zed or bed Zed vel koz why u have rolex watch and i have CN ben 10 watch @Yassuo CASSIO LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE brand casss Is 100T mid lamer an actual possibility? @yassuo nothing KEKW anivia @Yassuo DA ROCK ZED vlad/syndra/yasuo riven zed diana whats the full name of the Bashi game ? i cant find it on google ZED Kassa yassu vladimir @Yassuo Veigar LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE Yasuo LUL NOTHING KEKW 0.0 AZIR !uptime zed TALON The stream has been live for 2 hours 44 minutes 47 seconds teemo fiddle Cass alt f4 counters ryze vlad yassuo zore teemo or syndra ZEEEEEDDDD irelia CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KATARINA VEIGAR KATARINA VELKZ malzahatr zor ZED OR BED KEKW CASSIO vel koz plz Kassadin GO VEIGAR DIANA orriana cassio Sion ! yasuo ZED teemo teemo cass ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo cass ZED OR BED tristana qyiana ORI Pog How about you and Poki @yassuo? Think this relationship could be good content tho haha 😆 SYLAS AYUYA PICK YASUOOO QUIYANA] CaSSSSSSSSiopeia tristana best ryze na doesnt know countetr tristana SOL ZOE im so good at Syndra this is CRAZY VELKOZ @Yassuo Pog KATARINA tristana yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake vlad Pepega LISSANDR VAIRGARRRR KATARINA Zed ORRIANA XERATH @Yassuo syndra orianna katarina CASSIO brandn xerath TRIST ziggs @Yassuo PLAY IT WITH NADE SHOT PogU ? yasuo ZOEE TRISTANA orianna teemo ttemo xERATH ori? KASSADIN KATARINA katarina Nothing KEKW zed KATARINA DIANA VIKTOR SYNDRA ZOE vel koz lol teemo irelia beats ryze ANIVIA zed KATARINA TRUST VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo @Yassuo tristana ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo Zed or bad @Yassuo TALON POOGERS Go ZED ZED Pog diana KAT ZED OR BED teemo teemo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo vel koz yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: Ryze qiyanz ASOL ZED OR BED SwiftRage DIANA BRO yassuo lol jax bot? teemo lb IRELIA IRELIAA ORII @Yassuo KATARAINA YEYEYE ZED IS FUN veigar KATJ IRELIA NO yasSpit What are good mid laners to start playing as a beginner mid @Yassuo ??? KASS lblb KATARINA TRUSTTTT talon Talon teemo teemo malza ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo \\ MOE'S ANIVIA Pog vlad @Yassuo KATARAINA katarina veigarrr vel koz pla IRELIA anivia @yassou play diana ZED teemo LISS @Yassuo KATARAINA cassio KAT KATTT ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED @Yassuo QIYAN SNAKE KEKW galio soraka why u have rolex watch and i have Cartoon Network ben 10 watch @Yassuo Sion counters him! VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VIKTOR. KASSADIN @Yassuo KATARAINA Orianna @yassuo TALON KEKW wus good habibi @Yassuo diana IRELIAAAAA Zeddddddddd VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo lb kata teemo teemo NONONONONONON SOL lb TRISTANA vel koz ze3d EKKO @Yassuo KATARAINA NOOOOOOOOOOOO zed TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo nononono PepeLaugh IRELIA LISSANDRA GALIO ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ' CASSIO no KAT XERATH NONONONONONONO DIANA PLS katarina OMEGALUL TALON TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo ZED OR BED ZED OR BED @Yassuo KATARAINA kataa @Yassuo VIKTOR @Yassuo KATARAINA KATA ZED ORI ORI ORI KATARINA VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VIKKKKK orianna @Yassuo XERATH TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo kassadin ORIII Azir @Yassuo QIYANA zoe @Yassuo KATARINA BRUH DogFace ZED RETAR CASSIOCASSO play zed TRIST FAM kass DIANA @Yassuo KATARAINA KAT ORIANNA veigar Go zed bro KATARINA XERATH VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo XERATHH PLEASE TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo . zed ZEED YES XERATH AZIR SORAJA veig @Yassuo KATARAINA DIANA DIanadiana diana LEBLANC zeeed TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo ZOE ? VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ @Yassuo KATARAINA ZED OR BED kata le blanc @Yassuo XERATH take zed jhin into ryze :) @yassuo xerath ded Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : @Yassuo KATARAINA @Yassuo KAT @Yassuo still virgin? XERATH zed PLAY VIEGAR @Yassuo KATARAINA Trist zed ekko ekko ekko ekko ekko ekko NOCTURNE is galio good @Yassuo GLACIAL VEIGAR TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo IRELIAAA ZED Luxx veigar DIANA BRO VIKTOR zed ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo ANIVIA @Yassuo // zeddd ZED OR BEDZED DZE KATARINAAAA kata lat VEIGAR Lux VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo diana ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED ZED OR BED soraka Zeddddddddddddddddddddddd kassadin GO VEIGAR Luxx veigatr XERATHHH le blanc !!!!!! TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo TEEMO PogU @Yassuo GO GO GOG VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo VELKOZ Pog @Yassuo GOOOO VEIGAR IRELIA VEIGAR PogU SHE IS? KATARINA Lux ZEW Yaaaas le blancc play zeed WHAT XERATH PLS DZED OR BED katarina pls cassio VIK VEIGAR @Yassuo You should play enter the gungeon or dead cells. Both amazing CASSIO IS THE MOVE veigarveigar Kass SHE IS PepeLaugh zed EKKO Luxx @Yassuo Have you played Ori and the blind forest? irelia yasSleeper lokmaysPing lokmaysPing lokmaysPing lokmaysPing lokmaysPing lokmaysPing lokmaysPing ZEDDD OR BEEDDD kassadin KEKW MAN VEL KOZ LISSA Lux MOE zed VIKTOR @Yassuo orianna or anivia plz KAYLE FAKE zeded Nocturne VEIIIIIIIIIIGAT ;b FAKE MOE Luxx XERATH Zeedd FAKE o Lux Azir ? FAAAAKE vIKTROE play zed SORAKAAAAA VIKTOR LETS GOOOOOOOOOO complete throw triiist zed zed zed Veigar PogU LUXX zed u loser VEIGAR ResidentSleeper NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wb zed zed gg 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here ZED ZED zedddd Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper Ori @KataGaKill LMFAOOO NotLikeThis WeirdChamp Nami its not good into ryze no @Yassuo Remember your jungler? :P TRISTANA oh bruh LUXXX glacial cuck DansGame 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here ; Lux FAKE oof so close for Kat Damn D: Luxx veigar ResidentSleeper @Yassuo ICE ON MY WRIST CALL ME GLACIAL VEIGAR Lux Kat mains MALDING PepeLaugh irelia zewdd target ban cassio WeirdChamp ResidentSleeper moe be scamming these days Luxx VEIGAR WeirdKEKW How would you recomend me to start streaming, how can i make people watch me? How about you and Poki @yassuo? Think this relationship could be good content tho haha LUL PainChamp veigar crazy @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ? ResidentSleeper Luxxx malzahar Lucian BOORING Lux Viegar ResidentSleeper NO ANIVIA ResidentSleeper TAKE SCALING CDR RUNES tristanqqq yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: Kataaaa ze kats bad vs camillie and morg anyways vlad santa any sleepers? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper kat is not good into ryze. she only wins the early game ResidentSleeper @DJ_Y4SSIN 4WeirdW santa for december lol. DPDP qiyana yo moe keep it quiet, i'm trying to sleep 4Weird yo moe keep it quiet, i'm trying to sleep 4Weird VLADDDD zed SANTA YAS how can you read this amount of messages final boss FINAL KEKW kinda elderwood why u have rolex watch and i have Cartoon Network ben 10 watch @Yassuo :( 1v1s today? @Yassuo Elderwood SANTA PogU SANTA PogU Elderwood NICE ANY SLEEPERS IN CHAT ResidentSleeper elder elderwood wena chuchetumareee KEKW ewwwwwwwww elfrt SANTA PogU SANTA PogU SANTA PogU SANTA PogU SANTA PogU ELDERWOOD lmao elderwood pog final boss the best boss 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here ELDER ZEDDDD ELDERWOOD elderwood final boss @Yassuo touch one woman FINAL BOSS DDINT GO THROUGH forsenSanta Majora's mask style SANTA QTPIE PogU WLDERWOOD KEKW ResidentSleeper FrankerZ ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Viegar ResidentSleeper d yasShrug Braum is good against ryze 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here 4WeirdW anivia is insane here l didnt change didnt switch right Elderwood lsxyzKEKW why u have rolex watch and i have Cartoon Network ben 10 watch @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper elderwood SANTA @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ?! @Yassuo how did u found this op jg duo PogU play braum yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug asAS KATARINA MAINS WeirdKEKW ✋ KATARINA MAINS WeirdKEKW ✋ KATARINA MAINS WeirdKEKW ✋ KATARINA MAINS WeirdKEKW ✋ EWWWWWWW FINAL BOSS hi wtf is that skin lsxyzKEKW Clap Moe what will be the content for the next year @yassuo ELDER WOOD BOSHIIIII @Yassuo Faker is a Eminem of LoL PokCharizard PokCharizard PokCharizard PokCharizard ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper cmonBruh ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper cam utl cancels kats utl too Kappa DID YOU SEE TF BLADE MERCH LUL KEKW KEKW @Yassuo did u listen to the new Weeknd songs? how much k ryze? LUL LETS PLAY BLOS HI Kaoo LULW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper got lucky KEKW Kapp Kapp PepeLaugh woman watch OMEGALUL CHINA ROLEX OMEGALUL :( Kapp Boss WidePeepoSad KEKW kekw what are your watches? @Yassuo KEKW Ben 10 Ben 10 the GOAT Pog BEN 10 PepeLaugh @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ? Boshy ROOOOOOOT KEKW yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: HYPERS PogU POGGERS Clap NotLikeThis LUL KEKW LA MOE RICH MOE i mustve donated him enough for that watch ResidentSleeper KEKW yasWeird D: ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper BibleThump Kapp KEKW @Yassuo how long did you stream daily when you started? KEKW LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE WOOOO HYPERS SadChamp KEKW 5k andy lol LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper :) NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LULW LA MOE RICH MOE ResidentSleeper YAY KEKW KEKW Clap ResidentSleeper TUNAK TUNAK ?????????????? What are good mid laners to start playing as a beginner mid @Yassuo ??? POGGERS KEKW yasHYPERS ResidentSleeper LULW @Yassuo touch one woman stupid LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE League KEKW Kappa HYPERS KEKW Pog @Yassuo ice on my wrist.... call me glacial veigar. thoughts? KEKW moe u've changed, now u cocky and flexing OH NO LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo Hey moe did u listen to the new Weeknd songs? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeper Season 11 DID YOU SEE TF BLADE MERCH LUL KEKW. Pog :( no Solid snake LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ResidentSleeper no HYPERS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo shut u mouth and spank me sister ass idot show watch dumbass LA MOE RICH MOE no NO @Yassuo Remember your jungler? :P no KEKW Nope LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE no FUCCCCCkkk N OMEGALUL your comp hardstomps theirs \1elo Smileyface yes no KEKW NO STARBOYYYY yey SadChamp WE LIKE FORTNITE LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE league in 2020 KEKW 100% PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokDarkrai die NO HELL NO ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogO N OKEGALUL LA MOE RICH MOE Pog do u even like games NO ResidentSleeper N OMEGALUL !elo POGGERS LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE you fools jacye is a way better counter to ryze no Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP N OMEGALUL ResidentSleeper LA MOE RICH MOE N OMEGALUL no PogU @yassuo will we have a best of moe 2019 nooooooooooooooo LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE no more league pls. no LULW ResidentSleeper TriHard HeyGuys BYE HeyGuys Hype! ResidentSleeper KEKW LA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE wooooooo i cant wait Kapp will you ever stop streaming league LUL RETIRE @Yassuo thoughts on new jump king ?! FORTNITE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE KEKW LA MOE RICH MOE @Yassuo shut u mouth and spank me sister ass idot aha KEKW LA MOE RICH MOELA MOE RICH MOE ilt will i get banned for n Pog Kappa @Yassuo ori PogU ? POGGERS more varietys next year pls PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew PokShadowmew you Moe... with that Rolex you think you are Ben10 you dumb fuck Minecraft with Moe is ad veigar any good? KEKW TUNAK TUNAK VIDEO YOU SCAMMER ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player 5Head neeko Yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: INCEL TYPED THAT variety! KEKW ily ??? FOOLS KEKW 1v1s today? @Yassuo haHAA @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo? @Yassuo did you watch the rajj show last night? @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? woman watch OMEGALUL CHINA ROLEX OMEGALUL WeirdChamp @Yassuo What do u think about new Weeknds songs? u playin ranked bud @Yassuo u best be hopin on that roit shooter Cheer100 Chat, we cant complain about the watch. We bought it for him. KEKW LUL LUL LUL @yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again ? OMEGALUL KEKW @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? ahhaha @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world? moe u lookin cute Yo Moe how about you show chat your upper body strength if you remember what im talking about :) LULW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo touch one woman stupid KEKW IM A MOFFAGGGGIN STARBOY Minecraft? @yassuo yasHands KEKW FeelsBadMan KEKW ? thoughts on new jump king ? KEKW KEKW @Yassuo what about new riot games? thx for telling me my beard looks good @Yassuo yo moe fuck you mom LULW KEKW yo Moe can you react to this league edit i made: KEKW PokMewtwo PokMewtwo PokMewtwo PokMewtwo PokMewtwo is there any Korea bot camp soon or china one @yassuo chat please leave the jokes to the comedians KEKW try dota 2 you smell jokes LULW hi moe have a great day :) @Yassuo flex on the new AP ayeee KEKW KEKW Funny FeelsOkayMan LMFAO @yassuo Someone named moe is streaming LOL RN HAHAHAHA moe do u even like games anymore its yo upper lip @yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again? Bet you smell like shit @Yassuo who did u snake to get that watch yikes cmonBruh @Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? Yassuo IS FED GF PREGNANTS ? ? PainChamp zebi zebi moe more variety next year pls KEKW Clap @Yassuo smash me bro yasSmash LUL LUL kinda feel bad for moe Hey Moe big nose hahshahshahah! KEKW did I do it? ur bunz :) YAS I NEED A STEP SISS moe you suck on male nuts tommytsnipes subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! First time catching the moe stream. keep up the good work, hope you eating good mine was good. you will get it when ur older :) @yassuo fuck you you smell like shit this isnt a joke DansGame TWITCH CHAT PainChamp @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now @Yassuo that is OUR Rolex lets be real You are the best joke KEW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? hmm You suck more KEKW thoughts on new jump king ?! @Yassuo BUST DOWN AP true league is fine KEKW @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world?? yasSpit hey moe do you know when tyler is going live? @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now. You shoulda bought an Omega mate Kappa biglogan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey cutie @Yassuo THAT SHIT SMELLS LIKE SHIT 1v1s j @Yassuo get this stream title tatted on your face!! TODAY I LOST MY VIRGINITY FEELS GREAT Dale ganemos la partida Moe!!! u weak Moe @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now season 10 is fucking fun for me tho COGGERS when is the new bape piece coming you dont seem to care league is fine KEKW league is fine KEKW league is fine KEKW league is fine KEKW league is fine KEKW @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now. league is amazing and thats fax w8, this guy playing VEIGARGOD? nice bro Another good game of moe playing off champ lul go to gym LEAGUE NOT BAD LUL Kapp nop play 1v1 POG CrreamAwk CrreamAwk KEKW no Kapp thx for telling my beard looks good my g play leblanc my guy at least just reuse the easy jokes like hoe moe spends his money dumb shit to cover for his lonely personal life @Yassuo 1v1s today? Kapp @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now @Phrez itswillEndTheStreamMyGuy / @Yassuo thoughts on L9 coaching? final boss KEKW weak bcvb yasSpit woman watch OMEGALUL CHINA ROLEX OMEGALUL @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? dud @Yassuo every kill 50 bucks? @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now. Any -1000 ? yasW @kmjpetros PogU @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world? @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now YASW @Yassuo our jokes smell as bad as you do Kappa I LOVE HOW HE READS OUT THE BAD ONES TO TRY MAKE US THINK WE'RE BAD AT FLAMING KEKW @QUOTE_IF_MOE_INTING @mezzed boatyVV @Yassuo You think Rengar is broken? kewinsh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! My lesbian neighbors got me a Rolex for my birthday. i don't think they understood when I said i wanna watch. why weigar ? WutFace WutFace whats your delay Pog +10 PogU GG PogU WARD @yassuo i got 10 k points what do i do now.. veigar* no KEKW @Yassuo Now that you've played some games on the new rift, what do you think about the changes? yasW yasW yasW yasW Pog 🇹🇳 Oh buy -1000 Dale ganemos la partida Moe!!! VOS PODES @Yassuo Free Xp and Gold do you think there will ever come a game that will take over leauge like fortnite did but actually stay at the top? gg show ur small arms TODAY I LOST MY VIRGINITY FEELS GREAT @sorenhyoek nope, im getting that free sub mizkifEgg do you think there will ever come a game that will take over leauge like fortnite did but actually stay at the top?. Kappa Kappa @Yassuo Play the new song for TheWeeknd 'Blinding Lights' pepejam @yassuo i woke up at 4 pm is that bad? @Yassuo Another Year of League, but the same paycheck for Pinoy.. F bro i was about to study for an exam tomorrow and you are streaming NOW ... peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap KEKW DONO KEKW lol he’s lying when you first timed with veiger you smurfed anyway @Yassuo After watching Worlds 2019, who do you think is the best league player TSM EZ pogu @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not when new bape peice coming Kapp kekw Donno KEKW BJERG EZ TSM LUL KEKW brokenblade<3 ) Kapp Kobbe Pog you really need to go to gym BB EZ KOBBE EZ who isn't your boy? vincent wnag biofrost KEKW DONO Biofrost who isn't your boy?? bio bio Biodaddy biofrost bio @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world? bio BIOFROST EZ @Enetang 5Head @AKAROH yasU bio TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap so the whole team, but youre not a fan bio bioforst KEKW BIOFROST Yeah bio is back BIOFROST Biofrost Biofrost who isn't your boy? @Yassuo what time is it there? KappaClaus bb <3 biodaddy yasSpit biodaddy LOCODOCO biofrost itsmatiass: Dale ganemos la partida Moe!!! VOS PODES @Yassuo lmao KEKW bio BIODADDY bio bio who isn't your boy?? @Yassuo Ye SMD SMD @Yassuo That fcker will get tilt soon enough TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap TSM peepoClap Vulcan is a beast Kapp biofrost @Tellmewhynot yasU TRICK SIN'T KEKW @Yassuo Now that you've played some games on the new rift, what do you think about the changes? LULW Kappa Please @Yassuo can u show ur config grapichs biodaddy chat isn't his boy BIO @Yassuo you had shower ? i doubt you had becuse you stink DansGame your boy but dont know his team How can i make people watch my Stream Moe? not a fan of tsm but you boys with whole team lol who isn't your boy? Kapp Kapp Biodaddy @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world?? moe loves boys is tyler your boi? yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Kekw kapp KappaPride mad homo low key WeridCHamp @Yassuo -1 KEKW who isn't your boy?? social Kapp Kapp @Yassuo they your boys but you aint any of their boys TRUE TRICK ISNT UR B OY LUL how many push ups can you do if u are chill with all you are chill with none 5Head Kspp its because your famous OkayChamp who isn't your boy? Kapp KEKW "SOCIAL" KEKW Kapp @yassuo bjergsen??!? MAD SOCIAL soren bjergsen bjerg @exCoach yeah but thtas with like every team Kappa lies Kappa BJERG INTERVIEW LMFAOOO hi he is Kapp LUL who isn't your boy?? NETWORKING IM VER GOOD SOCIAL -2 $ocial CUT TO THE IRL CLIPS PINOY OKAY DUD Kapp the 6'5 athletic freak isn't ur boy tho :/ you were kinda cringe at twitchcon "my boys " wont pick any of them and will just pick hard KEKW BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SNIPER KEKW Your brain was lagging there KEKW why is everyone playing veigar? @yassuo when will we see you in rajj show again ? KEKW FARM KEKW CS LUL you had no lag you lyer KEKW who isn't your boy? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KEKW Pepega -3 OMEGALUL BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo they your boys but you aint any of their boys -2 @Yassuo your veigar is already worse than D OMEGALUL M'S TRICK ISNT UR BOY KEKW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not 4 real answer me or no KEKW KEKW DuckerZ HUUUH @Yassuo am i your boy? :) KEKW LUL who isn't your boy?? How are you not bored of this song yet?`???? @Yassuo @Yassuo you've never made eye contact with someone in your life CRINGE lag Kappa First time veigar ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 1 stack after whole wave NICE STACKS KEKW @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world? @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? You're just bad with girls duo Hashinshin @Yassuo Lul sure Kapp bjergsen interview KEKW @Yassuo they your boys but you aint any of their boys xd OMEGALUL 1v1 yasuo 100bucks pussy who isn't your boy? Where will you meet Faker moe first time KEKW fitsdt ime veigar OMEGALUL CSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS poop MINIONS ARE SMURFING Pog Why play on 70 ms lol @Yassuo with how u cs you shouldnt play veigar first time veigar 1 STACK LULW -4 LUL first time veigar stacks btw KEKW KEKW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pepega 2 BJERG INTERVIEW KEKW KEKW KKW im ur boy @Yassuo TRICK LUL Q KEKW THIS HURTS MY EYES AS A VEIGAR MAIN :( Tyler Kapp thoughts on new jump king ? t1 4cs omega lol TRICk KapapPride Dragorobert234 -> Please refrain from posting links. - yikes how was it like hugging tyler1 on stage like that i aint ur boy @Yassuo trick T1 TRICK KEKW i got a lot of boys KEKW BJERG INTERVIEW PepeLaugh :pedo' gachiBASS am i your boy? :) KappaPride ?????????? is poki your boy? KappaPride you are social with Bros not hoes KappaPride not trick KappaPride PedoBear Is Hachinchin your boy? @Yassuo KappaPride DoinB is a frog like the chat KappaPride gachiHYPER feel me WideHarder KappaPride NO GIRLS? TRICK IS NOT UR BOY ANYMORE @Yassuo yasPride ok 4thShotCrits -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KappaPride TRICK PepeHands PINOY THE MAN TRICK KEKW TRICK? T1? trick KEKW sounding kinda pedo my NOT TRICK KEKW Kappa Trick KEKW ur so bad yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride PedoBear :omegalul1 DoinB minion doesn't sound as good as faker minion CHAT LETS COUNT HIS STACKS KEKW KappaPride welxome boyfriends yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride me? :) ALSOKNOWN AS NO BOIS KEKW well that gay yasPride KappaPride TRICK AINT YO BOY TRICK PepeHands KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @yassuo im ur boi? KappaPride yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit DO YOU NUT WITH THEM? gachiHYPER @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not wow ur giving me a lot of confidence in my veigar, thanks man so many boys but no girl KappaPride Kappa Kapp Kappa Kapp @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? Kapp SLIKER ? HOW CLOSE KappaPride Thats KappaPride Good social? Forgot bout soren bjerg bjergsen yasGood then u stabb them from the back Kapp @Yassuo monkaGun YOU UNDER ARREST Pause Kapp yasPride Kapp 🐍 Kappa maybe u should play Zilean he have Rolex too yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake KappaPride Kapp snae trick 40 yo man wdym KEKW yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake SO SOCIAL WITH BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEK Kapp gachiHYPER Clap are we your boys? :) Kapp SsssssssSsssssSsss DansGame Kappa yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake LULW psyber_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! LUL LUL Since you backstabbed Trick you have one less SO BAD KEKW FAKER NOT THE BOY (CLEARLY YOUR GOD) Kappa SO SOCIAL WITH BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEK lmao yasHands Kapp Is fed a boy??? vyp3x subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! @Yassuo what kind of impact do u wanna leave in this world?? KEKW rip sup diff is SLIKER ? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo a lot of boys, very few girls NotLikeThis yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Faker minion? NotLikeThis KEKW TRUE is trick your CLOSE boii? SO SOCIAL WITH BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEK this is a scaaaaaaaam sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky PogChamp csing on veig SHEEEEEEEEEEEEESH MOE LAND A SKILLSHOT Trick no boy with snake 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 LEE Pog Pog SSSSSSS KEKW yasNLT Pog Pog Pog ok u got boys but where the ladies at moe lee almost smurfeed Rip SSSSSSSSSSSS nice Kapp KEKW +5 LEE Pog not worth that gank setup is ridiculous hello guys Copz99 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Pog SSSSSSSSSSSSS Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW loool KEKW LOOOOL KEKW LEE ALPHA Pog KEKW KEKW Pog all Lee F ? KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW @Yassuo real question is whose your girl? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOL SO SOCIAL WITH BJERGSEN INTERVIEW KEKw YOU TAKE THOSE KEKW KEKW lmfaooooooo nife KEKW LUL KEKW LOL KEKW AHAHA Nice KEKW KEKW I won't take that pog KEKW KEKW Not worth kekw LULW L MOEDUSA KEKW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 NA KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Deleted monkaW KEKW KEKW JEEEEZX KEKW LULW KEKW youll take that? am i your boy :) take that as well KEKW lololol uhmm XDDDDDDDDDD KEKW monkaEyes SO BAD KEKW WORTH KEKW KEKW AHHHHHHH KEKWKEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo Ignoring SadChamp yasR yasS yasR yasS yasR yasS yasR when are we returning to fortnite? boom MY BOYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS what happend I blinked KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW rakPot yasSnake @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not read man LMAO lol DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ILL TAKE THAT why type cake w guys 😂 lol SO SOCIAL WITH BJERGSEN INTERVIEW lolw wtf that scared the shit outta be issans -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Kappa lolo NA LATE GAME XD BLAMING PING AGAIN KEKW KEKW Kappa CONTROL WARD? yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash LOL xd KEKW KEKW 🤣🤣🤣🤣 blaming ping KEK yasuo was banned? u didnt even see him KEKW COMPLANING ABOUT 70 PING KEKW LOL 70 PING 69 ap @Yassuo STILL TAKE THAT? HA TOOFFF yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit GONE FROM NY FLAME PING AGAIN KEKW KEKW @AKAROH doesnt look like there is any talent show, i got scammed 4Weird are we your boys? :) 0/1 lmao CS KEKW yasNUNU Deleted CS KEKW ASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUOASSUO CS KEKW CS OMEGALUL nice cx whys he on 70 ping cs lol what is this csing KEKW yasSmash -20 cs KEKW just have 20 ping 4Head yasNunu na servers You should do more 1v1 moe that will boost you ;) . @yassuo Pepega CS OMEGALUL CS KEKW lmao KEKW dude my ping is always 250 idk what r u talking about !song aznremix416 -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream @Tellmewhynot WeirdChamp PYKE KEKW LUL LUL bullying an afk first time vei lul Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW fuck the LoL go to an party nearby I have seen dom play better veigar than this hmmm ff YOURE SO BAD i play on 140 ping daily KEKW No mana KEKW @AKAROH yeah fr WeirdChamp first time veigar Pog HMMMMMM KEKW TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance when new supreme piece coming @Yassuo why do you have 70 ping @Yassuo is veigar good against ryze? Pepega @Yassuo BRO JUST KILL HIM 4Head JUST TP-ed TO LANE AND HAS NO MANA KEKW E TU Pog Pog THE MOVES ure dead monkaS KKona ANY KKona BILLS KKona UP KKona IN KKona HERE KKona ? KEKW monkaSHAKE monkaW Inting @riceyxd, lvl 2 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOL LMFAOOOOO LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ahahahahaa KEKW KEKW LUL UR SO BAD level 2 pyke KEKW LUL ???????????? KEKW KEKW ??? ??????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 0/2 KEKW KEKW LULW ????? LUL KEKW XD LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lmao KEKW KEKW LUL LUL xddddddddddddd KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW UR TROLLING Pepega KEKW lmfao kekw MONKEY BRAIN MOE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW called it KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaSHAKE when i play veig - 1600 ap when yas plays veig- 79 ap KEKW @Yassuo yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit BAITER trash KEKW retardeddd KEKW KEKW KEKW YIKES KEKW KEKW retar forgot bout ryse Q xdxdxd GG WP kEKW KEKW ??? KEKW ? YIKES ACTUALLY INTING initng today? FF is he trolling? or HES LVL 2 LOL ??? KEKW Well FF15 ff u suck xD lvl 2 pyke roaming LUL ????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ff15 @Yassuo tell team to go next level2!!!!!!!!! KEKW yasHands yasHands KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 🤣🤣 OMEGALUL KEKW LUL FF 15 KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 4Head KEKW damn so thats how u play ryze huh PRESEASON KEWK 4Heed LOL LEVEL 2 KEKW ??? gg Wtf KEKW greed hahahah FAKE LAUGH? THAT LAUGH KEKW 4Head 15 BALANCED CHAMP KEKW yasJoy because its botlane ?????????? ! ??? YES ???????????????? yes LAUGH WeirdChamp ggff KEKW ??? clip that shit FAKE LAUGH 4Weird FAKE LAUGH 4Weird KEKW KEKW Clap WeirdChamp FEEDER TEam LOL FF 4Heed ???? GIVE ME AN OPEN RAT IRL SUBS HAHAHAHAHA ????????? KEKW yes KEKW Yes I can OMEGALUL PRESEASON KEKW yes lee lvl 3 15 FF WTF yes stop laughing like that YOURE INTING KEKW KEKW 0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 u guys rnt watching 0/2 what is that laugh? fake why are you goin in at 0 hp? HHAHHAH ahahahhahaha KEKW fake laugh 4Weird YES ??? Lmao so bad bot ex NA PYKE yes Go next KEKW this game KEKW we can YES WE CAN BLAME YOU You inted PepeLaugh haha haha hahaha haha YES ?????????????? because its botlane vs midlane go next FAKE LAUGH KEKW KKona ANY KKona BILLS KKona UP KKona IN KKona HERE KKona ?? Laugh haHAA yes lee level 3 kk TEAR KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa yasShrug Draven69696969 Pyke faults now right?¿ !elo FAKE LAUGH KEKW u died 1v1 WeirdChamp LOLW WeirdChamp Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP yes we can you took a max ranged slow skill shot an ddied with flash PYKE KEKW YOURE INTING WTF LMAO HOW 0 3 SUPPORT DIFFERENCE EVERY GAME RIP how was that NOT your fault lol MOE KEKW yes we can poooooogers your lee is level 3 LUL BLAMING PYKE FOR INTING KEKW WALKED RIGHT INTO IT KEKW its xp nerfs? fake cringe kid KEKW @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? and you bkame the pyke WHAT A EVIL LAUGH HAHA HAHA HAAH AHAHAHH ff@ 15 psychotic laughter I mean yes, but also, you inted LUL FAKE KEKW FAAAAAAAKE 6v1 loooooooooool Lee level 3 Open in the chat @Yassuo we can blame u but pyke is a thing why did you walk into ryze q lamoooooooooooooo LOOOOL KEKW So fake laugh HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HES 0 3 for that kill UR FAULT 4WeirdW actually trolling its xp nerfs? @Yassuo KEKW C xd KEKW Yeah you solo died dummy yes?????? TAHA...TAHA....TAHAHA if he was level 5 you still die KEKW Forced laugh ArgieB8 what are u laughing u died like a bubu LUL your duo pretty good 15? , D: TAHAHAHA veigars passive op tho KEKW Clap no cap KEKW Bro u trolling M OMEGALUL E BOT LANE IS SPLIT EXPERIENCE... WAVE DOESNT GET TO LANE UNTIL 2:20 poor pinoy, has to make content out fo this HAHA......HAHA.....HAHA.....HAHA M 🐍 E ff ? WALK INTO RYZE Q LULW KEKW !duo Is your duo mate supp ir what? @yassuo QuyDepTrai i see moe still has an ego after rift rivals unlucky they're pretty bad you're delusional wfe Smileyface KEKW Clap your veigar sucks rusty ass veigar blame pyke LUL Ooooo man Alpha_Shark subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? nice mana ryze vs veigar is gg KEKW @Yassuo use the quick cast ResidentSleeper @yassuo i dont like morg disrespecting my boy pyke please fuck her up if u get the chance :) thx Macaiyla subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! Nice CS lol u needa stop burning mana on all ur spells before chapter. ur out of milk TriHard he's 0/3 but u dying is entirely on u lmao 0/3 KEKW when u can only play one champ weirdchamp can you start hitting something your mana management is actually so bad wtf NICE LUL where are u aiming at KEKW OMEGALUL BUY A TEAR KIIIK SKILL SHOTS LULW KEKW NICE @Macaiyla hi UR VEIGAR SUCKS Nice. @Macaiyla WeirdChamp mana KEKW WELL PLAYED start hitting something? @Macaiyla macaiy1L Mana LOL losing a 2v1 mid Pog Moe on a skillshot champ PepeLaugh yasN 👃 @Macaiyla FeelsGoodMan @Yassuo check that pyke name tho , i smell some inter fanboy yasPepega @Yassuo thoughts on TF blade merch ????????????? OmegaLUL ryze double kill incoming @Macaiyla Pog mana lol Kappa yasN yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue 👃 ? ok boomer yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? yasN Any smellers? shouldn't the alcove be a pyke buff ?????? OMEGALUL @Macaiyla Where's the midget? LOOOOOOOOL you smell all things malding KEWKW @excoach lacHiYo KEKW mid is free UR VEIGAR SUCKS KEKW bro just farm BibleThump OMEGALUL OMEGALUL no mana KEKW KEKW @Macaiyla WeirdChamp WURFF KEKW KEKW KEKW what does the channel points do @Yassuo Pog @Macaiyla go in t1's chat on ur phone and unban me pls thnx mizkifOkay Pog KEKW Veigar new main EZ GOT THE KILL not wurf "FREE" KEKW KEKW KEKW LOLOLOLOLOOLL sup snake lolw @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? who is @Macaiyla guysß its doomed saving flash for next game FREE MID KEKW inting shi bro just afk farm KEKW @Macaiyla YOU POOSI STINKU POGGERS NA RANKED IN PRESEASON KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW Macaiyla TriHard @Macaiyla WeirdChamp MOEW MOEW KEKPP KEKW KEKW lol t PogChamp veigar smurf feeding peepoClap yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay LUL MOEW KEKW ????? widepeepoSad NotLikeThis glp LOL HES MAD CUS BAD xD you make bomb ff15 noop yasPepega yasR yasPepega yasR yasPepega yasR yasPepega yasR just farm wallah @Yassuo moe sucks not his veigar KEKW FEEDING TEAR DIDNT BUY BTW LUL LUL yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash @Macaiyla widepeepoHappy 8 cs for pykie you moe you going nuts I believe in the late game outplay ... KEKW KEKW items? BUY A TEAR PLEASE HOLY @Macaiyla hiiros1Ayaya KEKW KEKW KEKW DRAVEN MAIN KEKW runes? Moe are you okay? You sound sadder than usual. dont listen to them, your veigar is awesome jax PepeHands Alg late game ezy 1shot R ITESM @KataGaKill how did you get vip so fast DIDNT SPEND @Yassuo Don t worry Moe you scalling PYKE KEKW items PepeHands I miss your cringe Zoe MOE DONT LISTEN TO THE HATERS UR A BIG HUGE LOOKING MAN WITH A SMALL NOSE AND UR LOOKING HELLA CUTE TODAY! i thought i was watching qt lol yasBoo3 O @Macaiyla <3 1/3 with 38 cs omegalol heyo, wil u do the bets of moe 2019 moevie??? FeelsAmazingMan @godswordkirito tf you mean fast @Yassuo wallah just farm and you will win wallah @Macaiyla when in god's name are you unbanned ResidentSleeper NA KEKW @macaiyla chin som chin KEKW yasBad_SG IS THIS DOINB glacial build????????? he bad RIVER PYKE Pog YOURE SCALING they're ghosting TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard @KataGaKill bruh im at 3k points OMEGALUL NA GM BTW pyke inting KEKW @macaiyla stay banned ! wait is it pyke jungl? KEKW hsahahahahaah MOE SKILLSHOTS LULW KEKW KEKW PYKE KEKW gg @godswordkirito happens Any gifters ratirlGift Poo poo Pepe KEKW ff @macaiyla unblock me on twitter qween REALLY? thye are really trolling graves to smart i guess @AKAROH waiting for the discord room Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : gg wtf mid diff KEKW xD pyke is running it down @KataGaKill xD GG NA GANK KEKW NA GANK KEKW NA GANK KEKW NA GANK KEKW NA GANK KEKW NA GANK KEKW why are they trolling that hard Pog LAND ABILITIES MAYBE pog Pog WTF WAS THAT GANK this pyke is trolling so hard lol flash PogU jeez this ryze better than ur ryze @macaiyla kidding mom dont hurt me plz that reaction time get fakered KEKW @Yassuo Just farm u stupid kid wallah PogChamp PogChamp LULW Mid diff KEKW int .... missed everything lol KEKW LOL LUW LULW KEKW @Yassuo hey moe what happened in that xayah game?? KEKW @Yassuo hey moe what happened in that xayah game?? KEKW @Yassuo hey moe what happened in that xayah game?? KEKW AlexLive90 -> Please refrain from spamming caps. Poggers JEBAC DISA NOT FAKER BTW @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? wtf happening LULW FEEDING @Yassuo dude why you playing pre season? what is the point MaN Moe I feel bad when dumb people in chat and u take it positive What a bunch of fucking tryhards dude LULW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW NARAM KEKW !offline KEKW MAN ARAM KEKW OOOOO Pepega uWu gg Moes Veigar going good. Pretty Lit i guess Nice int MOE XD gachiHYPER KEKW WHATS GOING ON go next KEKW jfoadshfigasdf uwu? Is this the kid who lost vs T1? KEKW LEVEL 4 PYKE OMEGALUL LUL 3Head @Yassuo Just farm u stupid kid wallahh NA SERVERS KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW preseason is so fun to watch LOL KEKW lee sin lvl 5 KEKW lOOOOOOOL KEKW oh no KEKW ITS DOOMED KEKW JEE JEE POGGERS OMEGALUL TEAM KEKW NA UWU UWU na btw TEAM DIFF KEKW whats pykes score?? bunch of monkeys KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW mom, moe's feeding again KEKW KEKW KEKW MID DIFF Pog LUL LUL lul DUDE U HAVE GLACIAL KEKW 15 1v1 later? @Yassuo NO BOOTS? what rank is this LUL rip your skills NOW THATS HOW U PLAY RISE !!!!!! ff15 please KEKW FIESTAAAAA RYZE KEKW M OMEGALUL E 15 boots KEKW when did u buy the bronze account moe !offline if only pyke was 6 NotLikeThis BUY GLP KEKW still no kill @KataGaKill Hey bro come to psz stream and gift me a sub ratirlBusiness go next 👉 @Yassuo GLP MAN U HAVE GLACIAL amazing team you have tehre @Macaiyla macaiy1Hey feeding whts happening LUL you need duo me Pepega not this jg LOL Dont buy ludens lool yasJensen sir r !upptime OK MOE I GOTTA SLEEP NOW BYE @yassuo <3 Boots YOINK UWU @PublicScriptL9 n o 1v1s today? @Yassuo KEKW Pog KEKW LOOOOOOOOOL KEKW KEKW no escape Pog smurf pyke Pog Pepelaugh surrender NA KEKW PYKE PogU he didnt need to f lol @Carizz0 gn yasH @Yassuo Just farm u stupid kid wallah OOOOOOLOOOOOOL @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? XP KEKW "no escape" NA team Zoo Yassuo is awesome but I can only watch so much locked camera lmao KEKW !uptime The stream has been live for 2 hours 56 minutes 15 seconds got XP hahahaha HE GOT XP BTW lol BWM BOYYYYY ? morg KEKW u wanna join korea in like april/march? @blackdynamite17 xqcL @Carizz0 leave 4WeirdW KEKW Is this the kid who lost vs t1? Peep PepeHands asdasdasd !offline @Carizz0 gn homie Yeah you 3 are hard trolling ?? 1/4 KEKW ??????? this is depressing Kapp monkeys ZHHAHAH MORG KEKW LULW Pyke said im the captain now Kapp 13/5 🤣🤣🤣 you are troling KEKW KEK missed everything AIM DUDE AIM brain lag SKILLSHOTS KEKW I’m sorry man this shit just isn’t even fun to watch @KataGaKill too far brother FAKING IDITOS jeez louise How do you forget you went glacial LULW Kappa LEGIT INT LUL 4Shrug LAGGING KEKW LOLOLOO KEKW ??????????????????????????? what elo is this? RIP !watchtime KEKW Keke KEKW YEAH YEAH LULW mb Babyyy im a beamer boi !team bro you play like a cat XD 0 ganks KEKW KEKW WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A SILVER MATCH pepeD @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump PEEP BibleThump MANCHILD KEKW HAHA SNAKE mate @excoach sanchHeart Moe the type of guy to miss a Veigar ult scaling KEKW pyke just wants xp from mid lane KEKW @flarecolby1 low gold pyke lee lvl 5 LULW you need to quickcast the abilities no dmg LUL @Yassuo is your brain lagging? KEKW !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP wtf is this game why is you chat fucking retarded? is this the new double jg meta i've been reading about NEVER TRUST SNAKES yoo peep you dont stack from W LUL you are too slow 0 dmg peggers @Yassuo Just farm u stupid kid wallah SCALING DW w gives no stack everyone trolling @AthenaxGirl yo that twitchcon 19 looks like L9 xD yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT I think you’re only good at yassuo maybe stick to him KEKW why stop b ? PepeLaugh You dont stack with W LOOOL KEKW NotLikeThis @Yassuo you dont stack from W G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL D Man I left cause you were inting. I come back and you're STILL inting @Yassuo OMEGALUL WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A SILVER MATCH 1/4 @godswordkirito ok :) Pepega KEKW kekw XDDDD out of range KEKW SO BAD KEKW inting KEKW KEKW TRASH KEKW yasSmash 15 FF PLSS oof KEKW no mana KEKW @Yassuo so are you playing competitive any time soon? KEKW XAXAXXAXAXXAXAX KEKW MALDING KEKW THE RAGE every game you're in is aram it wouldnt kill him anyways so worth KEKW 1/5 KEKW YOU DONT STACK WITH W BOOSTED APE lol yasMald yasMald yasMald ryze is just busted yasMald Moe playing veigar LUL KEKW MEGAKEK xddd 1/5 sumSmash hahahaha SO BAD LUL WutFace KEKW GG KEKW good tuto SLASH FF GG so bad HAHAHAHAHAAHHA THIS IS LEGIT INT LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW LCS BTW KEKW yasMald 1/5 yasMald yasMald league of legends lil peep FeelsBadMan lil peep FeelsBadMan lil peep FeelsBadMan lil peep FeelsBadMan lil peep FeelsBadMan broxahFail broxahFail tlsWTF LUL LUL I have this guy THIS LEE KEKW yasSpit yasSpit ff WutFace yasS JAX BUILD LUL 1/5 50 cs High elo btw INTING KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald SMOrc DOOMED KEKW M LUL E how did she know u were behind tuurret Inter NA FOR FUN REGION SO FUN suicide @itzmioo yes he does FailFish MALD AF ff OpieOP moe on anyone but yasuo EleGiggle LOL better mid wins :) moe just play yassuo Kapp Pepegachamp gg u ruse inting FeelsAmazingMan Boots sumSmash yasSmash sumSmash yasSmash sumSmash yasSmash sumSmash yasSmash sumSmash yasSmash bc ur ult is a fucking nuke lmao KEKW WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A SILVER MATCH 1/5 yasMald yasSpit play with gnar are u against kr players stick to ez yasuo PepeLaugh LULW KEKW Kreygasm your inting moe KEKW CmonBruh cheapjohnson subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! ez yasuo YOUR GIRL NOW rekt macaiy1Chin @Macaiyla minute delay PogChamp DOMINATING,PERSEVERANCE, DEDICATION LMAO MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp ? @Yassuo LETHALITY JAX LUL NotLikeThis casper or something @Yassuo LULW 15 months? Pog a real one ma WH OMEGALUL ? cmonBruh what thank you coke gaming LULW yoink M Kreygasm O JUST GO YASUO U DEGEN @Macaiyla tilted 16 - 5 btw lulw yw @Macaiyla WeirdChamp KKona ANY KKona BILLS KKona UP KKona IN KKona HERE KKona ? THE LEVEL NA ppa K ppa K ppa K LULW SO BAD Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! your inting moe he cares lmao luv u moe inting BigBrother Kapp 1/5 and says u didnt see how i got there, welll u int as we can see on this one LUL so you are inting ? @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW moe take NOTES thats how u play RISE moe finna smash macaiyla you suck dude not even wasting 1k points cuz you will see this cuz you suck dude i know you care half hp bar Kappa MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp MACAIYLA WeirdChamp mate he said it twice you jsut said that @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW can u play jayce mid next game my g my homy? macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin @Macaiyla tyler1HA tyler1HA malding LULW @Yassuo smurf on that ryze bro KEKW u just said that? @macaiyla LOL @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW daphLul say it a 3rd time @Macaiyla have u unbanned me yet? ??? lost halve health to chickens tyler mad KEKW since u read the negative comments: youre ugly !followage Fed ryze gg LUL Cheer100 thoughts on diana rework? your chat are so retarded get moe to 20 deaths @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Yassuo Have you met Sliker irl? thats a 15 nice why not go top and catch the huge wave @Macaiyla ur kinda cute 😳 ANY CHINNERS? macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin daphLul @Macaiyla CRIMSON CHIN PogChamp DansGame kanyeeuwest0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! who told u that his e range is same as ur r range ? @Yassuo hmmm @Yassuo two points into w then e max EQEQEQEQ Pepega macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS macaiy1Chin ANY CHINNERS @Macaiyla lol forsenPls Love the stream ur so awesome!!! sneaky lul @LlDER OkayChamp 👍 @Macaiyla why ur face look so weird 1/5 and says u didnt see how i got there, welll u int as we can see on this one LUL! @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW Pog Just stop streaming bro lmao Pog PogYou Pog Pog did you know veigar's w called Dark Matter KEKW KEKW VEIGAR BALANCED HER macaiy1L @Macaiyla macaiy1L PogU @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW PogU daphLul PogU Awesome stream so dope man so dopeee!!! yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald @Macaiyla Hope you enjoyed your one slice of pizza. Pog Ching Chang wing wong @Yassuo hey moe what happened in that xayah game?? KEKW BALANCED KEKW 1/5 BTW Did you found your champ for 2020 moe? Pog POG PogU u wanna join korea in march/april darexdoss subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 yasNunu POG HAHAHA INTING DAY @Yassuo ? PogU nice @Macaiyla YOURE AWESOME KEKW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Yassuo love you bro, dont listen to these bisches 2 points on W, then u max E dmkspsdmksdmkpmdsmlsfmlsfdm WHAT A STUPID CHAMP KEKW OOOOOO nice why do u die ok but ryze is broken asmikasdjoasdkokodaskoads T1 GOT CHEATED @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW @Macaiyla WRAP IT UP EDWARDS 4WeirdW free blue @Yassuo nah its fine you just gonna smurf on em later making them think they have a chance Kapp isnt ryze getting another rework? macaiy1Chin Poopoo play with gnar NOT NICE ENOUGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA not broken hes fed @macaiyla cheating on t1 with a true alpha @yassuo yasN yasN yasN 2/6 @data_pog 4Weird gnar XD PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR shadow pups unleashed AKAROH -> Please refrain from spamming caps. lee sin noob was it good? @Yassuo o my god braziilian xd give them your word now and snake them PepeLaugh @Yassuo YO MOE I GOTTA GO TO SLEEP SEE YA MAN HAVE A NICE STREAM yasANELE @LlDER how are you dud your chat is so fucking retarded u are my fav streamer i love u No homo btw♥️♥️ @Yassuo smurf on that ryze dude 2 points on W, then u max E expensive? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @ItsREDDDD no TriAthlon KEKW KEKW PJSalt EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle yasN RoyalHickory52 subscribed with Twitch Prime. are u coming to Denmark XD LIL PEEP FeelsStrongMan LIL PEEP FeelsStrongMan LIL PEEP FeelsStrongMan LIL PEEP FeelsStrongMan Boracacy Pog @Macaiyla I GOT ATTENTION MY DOPAMINE IS RISING PogU macaiy1Chin destiny four seasons? ORACHAI GET HIM GUYS LULW BloodTrail yasGood feeding lider stop inting in soloQ macaiy1Chin who summoned me LEE KEKW INSEC Pog ... @macaiyla MARRY SOON? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAUA NA FO u lose @LlDER if you can afford a 25k watch you're good KEKW LEE macaiy1Chin was it expensive surrender Sooooo gooooood LEE XDDDDDD cringe dates defeat ever !time NA SO FUN Current time in Los Angeles: 01:09:40 PM @Macaiyla dog is 4000 channel points good? @hoaw macaiy1Okay INTING ???????????????????????????????? oh no no no no PepeLaugh @Macaiyla expensive? @Yassuo IF HE GOS JAPAN WE GET SEX STORIES @yassuo it was the peonyang hotel 1v9 moe fastest* RICH $$$$$$ What webcam is he using chat? ResidentSleeper content monkaW KEKW 2-6 KEKW 4k monkaS KEKW not bad not bad HOTEL FOOD OMEGALUL tjats that not bad @Macaiyla hi!! @Yassuo you put two points in w and then max e PogChamp 4k monkaW Follow me on Twitter for updates richer than Tyler1 KEKW P OMEGALUL OMEGALUL L yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug yasShrug oh look, another streamer using veigar FREE FOR 4K Pog good pcs? What does this do what was the name of the hotel? not bad tbh not to mention the sex robots 4k is not even that much chat 4k jesus save me @chimpna hello macaiy1Okay @Macaiyla PogU Pog Did you get a relationship? PYKE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW you guys actually make this monkey rich KEKW pyke paid actorcs too? KEKW pyke XDDDDD KEKW Bruh Hows going KEKW how about tank veigar 2-6 this pyke is NUTS Pog 111 per nmight @LlDER it was 7k OMEGALUL PYKE KEKW camille KEKW KEKW @Yassuo you put two points in w and then max e btw LUL LUL @chimpna hey boss IMAGINE BEING CARRIED AFTER U INT WTF you're such a fuckng diva lmao @llder misfits did u dirty come to NA PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR KEKW KEKW so many mods @pykeegaming hi Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : but nobody asked 4Weird runes? Yikes LUL stories getting old ResidentSleeper wtf is up with your pykes recently lol HA4D KEKW keylogged KEKW HARD>TRICK KEKW @Macaiyla wtf is that 2 mm emote KEKW it aint free when u payin´ 4k Can i come NA ROAMS AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @chimpna Pog HARD KEKW TriHard POG CS HARD KEKW alright u can sponsor me then 5Head 🍷 2 points on W, then u can max E HARD KEKW @chimpna stream today? GET HARD KEKW this jax lmfaooo @Yassuo you put two points in w and then max e no one cares 4Weird gachiBASS Hard you mean the guy who got clapped by Tarzaned? @Yassuo PepeLaugh @Yassuo Oh wait Tony was Hard? in late you win Kapp imagine going to another country to play games lmao HARD WeirdKEKW KEKW @PaidByJack yea KEKW twin and zhonas Kapp @pykeegaming 4Weird lider isnt subbed omegalol DEAD KEKW jax got me dying KEKW LULW KEKW comeback time When you go on pro @yassuo ? LULW Clap KEKW WTF WAS THAT JUST ARRIVED AND SAW 2/6 KEKW SCALING KEKW monkaW 2-7 KEKW KEKW RYZE IS BALANCED!!!!!!!! Im strong KEKW how about some 1v1s today my g ? KEKW STRONG INT OMEGALUL Clap "im actually strong" jax mALDING STR OMEGALUL NG get rekt KEKWº HOURGLASS👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 Clap OMEGALUL gg KEKW KEKW so strong KEKW STRONG AF SO STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW KEKW comeback KEKW CHIMP STRONG KEKW Peepeega When you go pro moe yep twin shadows, at this rate u will get it at 30 mins wait 2/7? lol veigar? GG KEKW Clap @ChimpNA @rize JAX MALDING LULW you better than faker? IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW IM STRONG KEKW quack1 quack2 scaling BTW AHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA yasBad ??? YOU NEED CHIMK KEKW Clap Pegged L @Yassuo you put two points in w and then max e Bro do you still get flashbacks from Twitch Rivals 5Head math you look like you dont care anymore sad pepehands yoooo MOE INTING? @yassuo 2 points on W, then you max E @liljuanca3 Jax so mad KEKW his stream title KEKW yodaSehloiro RYZE IS BALANCED!!!!!! 2 yasuuu how are you bro When do you go pro @yassuo 2/7 OMEGA LOL INTING ?????????????????????????????????????? @bananan_man123 nice name NEEKO OMEGALUL Clap 1v1's? KEKW do people actually enjoy this stream Ur playing Veigar and inting xD KEKW HOURGLASS👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 2/7 KEKW LMFAOOO When do you go pro yassuo cmonBruh Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 6sec POGGERS RYZE KEKW LMAO !uptime NA KEKW why are you feeding every game im watching RYZE POGGERS Clap The stream has been live for 3 hours 2 minutes 6 seconds RYZE IS BALANCED!!!!!! 3 nice counter pick? yo @Yassuo how about some 1v1s my g PepeLaugh KEKW LUL DEAD AGAIN OMEGALUL Clap NICE F @yassuo 2 points on W, then you max E. KEKW black friday cooldown KEKW LULW Feeding as always lol KEKW FLASH KEKW pepelaugh KEKW DEAD KEKW Clap hahahaah GG you are the veigar i meet last match? i play fizz @Yassuo you put two points in w and then max e lmao this guy is a hard inter NA SO FUN YES SLASH FF why are you suddenly mario 🤣🤣🤣 oh scalling btw PYKE HAS ULT LULW super mario KEKW do you think rengar is op right now? TRASH KEKW 2/8 @Yassuo can you talk arabic ? KEKW JAX KEKW When do you go pro yassuo? I want you to be on championship haha HOURGLASS👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 RYZE IS BALANCED!!!!!! 4 LUL LUL 1v1 1v1 1v1 D: @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not 2/8 GO NEXT How about some zed mariiiioo MID DIFF KEKEW imagine this guy managing to get into your highelo games and then he does this OMEGALUL Clap its more fun MMARIO 1 HP AGGAAINN MAMMA MIA the best game i have ever watched 2/8 D: @yassuo 2 points on W, then you max E.. Pog HOURGLASS👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 TRASH KEKW Clap MID DIFF KEKW JAX IS OUT KEKW 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU RYZE IS BALANCED!!!!!! 5 Mario 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU @Yassuo your cut p'ssy ? pyke inting? 2 / 8 OMEGALUL Clap BOSH TIME When do you go pro yassuo? I want you to be on championship haha :0 @Yassuo idk if you can check but i got a gifted sub with the points HOURGLASS👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈👈 Kekw MID DIF KEKW Clap MOE DIFF Pog gapclose Pog Veigar laning phase PogChamp You just sound like mario when was rengar not op KEKW KEKW ?@Yassuo wait 4 ff in like 2 hours your botlane trolled so hard man these games KEKW TRUEEEEEEEEEE 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 At least you win some 1v1s BOSHY TIME KEKW this pyke tho destroyed by a LLA latam pro player KEKW Op since its preseason why dont you play variety? DOMINATING KEKW 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU 1v1 PogU the book lol Clap PunchTrees When do you go pro yassuo? I want you to be on championship haha just surrender LEVEL 9 OMEGALUL Clap its over @h2aqua1 did you redeem it? omama wei rengar OP ryze OP @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not man cmon feels like playing against Korean players scalling btw KEKW LUL Kappa kekw Is the precipitation thing a joke LOOL Im on moe way LULW KEKW Jebaited MID DIFF AHAHAHA losing streak coming hot 🤣🤣 Dead kEKW @yassuo 2 points on W, then you max E KEKW LUL gg mohammad! lol ur so bad .. LULW KPP Aye Moe can you show chat your upper body strength like you did that one time :) @macaiyla why KEKW LUL LUL LUL Kapp Kapp BOSHY TIME Pog NVM KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Clap beyler mouse alıcam durumu iyi olan varsa bağış atabilirmi iban: 409144061191 @Yassuo can you talk arabic ?? @BlackDynamite17 i already talked to a mod about it SCALING OUT OF THE GAME KEKW poggers @Yassuo play viktor next Kek Kapp Anyone farming for 500 000 for VIP? Kappa Kappa you in tcs? @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not yes no ? Kappa Clap soon Clap whats that shirt MARBKES KANYE Pog POG CLAPPED Gonna be a champion? forsenCD MARBLES YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR PRO LOL Kappa Pog Go Variety not good enough for pro KEKW thx for telling me my beard looks good lyyyyy mamaciLUL Coming soon been 1 year Kappa Clap ItsBoshyTime @BlackDynamite17 i did it when he wasnt looking :( uptime! Upper body strength Kappa Wtf was that game man Keep playing veigar !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 3 minutes 35 seconds !uptime how soon is soon???? search history checl D: KANYE? WTF WAS THAT TSM KEKW TRASH going pro LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PLAY SOME MARBLES TSM KEKW holy frigg are you talking fast @Yassuo moe do you talk arabic ? HARD Kapp @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not say me now do you think there will ever come a game that will take over leauge like fortnite did but actually stay at the top? @Yassuo Your upperbody strenght isn't good enough ????? ARGHF ARGHF DOG DO IT Go Variety PogU Scammed PepeHands lee @Yassuo how do u feel about stormrazor on yasuo "friends" Kapp That pyke is definitely TSM material imjoonsung subscribed with Twitch Prime. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime TalentSupressionMachine Appreciate it buy ummm MARBLES? would it be gay for you to suck your homies dick or you suck his dick? @Yassuo play viktor next @yassuo 2 points on W, then you max E LEE POGGERS Lol muted moe do you like shisha? how you doin habib SUP MOE SHEEEEEESH 5Head 🍷 360 LP KEKW can you please try fiora with the new item @Yassuo boshy time Pog i think aatrox is busted, thoughts? sucky sucky play some variety moe @Yassuo idk if you can check but i got a gifted sub with the points @h2aqua1 its fine, he can see the alerts for it, he is most likely checking after stream, but ill have ur name down in case yasCarried ayy do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not say me now @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not .. @Yassuo the type of guy meets them once or talks to them automatic boys hahahaha do you think there will ever come a game that will take over leauge like fortnite did but actually stay at the top?. who's this jungler? @Yassuo true you've become bjerg's friend after your interview BOSH TOIME TriHard Pog NOT EVEN CHALLENGER HAHAHAHAHA do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not say me now 7 DMG SO FUN BOSHY Pog Pog @Yassuo play viktor next. Pog !opgg JoHnNyLeEsInSs -> Who is duo @yassuo when u 0laying variety yo first time in your live DUOQ ABUSER ResidentSleeper months now BOSHY TIME ChefSpaghett subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yasMald yasMald @BlackDynamite17 okay got it thanks for the information :) @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not Have you met Ry0ma yet? @BlackDynamite17 are you the real blackdyn17? Pog pyke honor POGGERS NOT LEAGUE ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Anon-2 ItsBoshyTime Hella ItsBoshyTime BOSHY gachiBASS HARD STUCK MEGAMAN KEKW !discord 1 YEAR KEKW 1 YEAR KEKW 1 YEAR KEKW 1 YEAR KEKW 1 YEAR KEKW 1 YEAR KEKW KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo How do you have so much confidence? um Kappa this boss is diamond elo for you Kapp KEKW PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Metal gear music PogU @yassuo play yasuo and flex on em @yassuo play viktor next game this boss is diamond elo for you . Kapp @Tellmewhynot PogMe ? wtfok @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not wow Wtfok OMEGALUL JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN KEWKW KEKW KEKW Clap KEKW KEKW TRASH OMEGALUL KEKW zhcarry -> Please refrain from posting links. @yassuo thoughts on 100t roster 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo can we get minecraft PepeHands HE WAS THERE 8 YEARS AGO KEKW even with upgrades stuck LULW LUL what is that? EVEN FORSEN BEAT IT KEKW gachiBASS SO HAAAARD DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! every 3th death 5 subs @yassuo 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo PogU 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo PogU @Yassuo Did you see the Cassio & Rek'sai duo synergy? Cuzz abused that shit to get Rank 1 KR where the hoes at moe CursingVortex subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! i subbed for the first time to this boss, you are hardstuck @Yassuo do u have double shot set up? Sol Grin is coming PepeLaugh ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo would u ever ´play jump king again? has he played dark souls 2 ? @yassuo whats the name od the také? JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN download this charachter, it is op @AKAROH no show today KEKW Clap TRASH KEKW game? Soul Grin is coming PepeLaugh KEKW OMEGAALUL @jffstarman PogU @Yassuo play enter the gungeon @Macaiyla u would be perma stuck on the first stage of this game. u wont even get to the first boss KEKW Already Tilted PepeLaugh faker? KEKW KEKW KEKW 2455 PepeHands KEKW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not dude KEKW 2500 deaths KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime gachiHYPER Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty ResidentSleeper W OMEGALUL W Fakerrrrr??????? ItsBoshyTime JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN I WONDER WHY KEKW Pog looooooool POG ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Macaiyla whyd u get banned Kapp PogMe KEKW Clap POGGERS KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo PogU IT SOUNDS LIKE HE IS CRASHING HIS KEYBOARD Already Tilted PepeLaugh KEKW Clap KEKW @Yassuo Do you ever watch witwix play this shit? LOLOLOLOL Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW Clap OMEGALUL yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash untiltable btw @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not monkaOMEGA KEKW ResidentSleeper KEKW WutFace WutFace Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: LOL D: FUCK - sorry yasSmash LUL LUL do u have double shot set up moe? makes this shit way easier whats the name of the game? :D KEKW Clap KEKW KEKW MaN MaN "fuck" "okay sorry" KEKW KEKW KEKW im on the last boss in boshy with 5k deaths, any1 want files? @Yassuo higur4sh1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN gg noobs Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh what gmae !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime MaN F OMEGALUL CK same jsjsjsjhahhahhavahav Pog lol COGGERS WideHarder gachiHYPER Clap @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not answer NOW!!! LULW @Yassuo every death 1 sub PogU WOW KEKW !duo QuyDepTrai [PG N OMEGALUL POG sumSmash TILTED Pog Kapp DEMEGE W OMEGALUL W chat he is gonna break his keyboard PepeLaugh PogU W OMEGALUL W POGGERS Clap Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not hi W OMEGALUL W 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo PogU copy like faker why? I 100% remember you going against this boss like 6 months ago lol Clap HASOOOOOOOOO Which Game ? 🐍🐍🐍🐍 monkaW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN Pogm HASOOOOUUUUUUU Pog @BlackDynamite17 hey what this game called? pepeJAM yasJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM 3Head pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime KEKW !boshy @tomazzss I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime RPGEpicStaff faker 2.0 pog Corki lul LUL pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime pepeJAM ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW wasdwasdKEKW POG lol troll ban lol KEKW KEWK C OMEGALUL R K I I WAS HERE PogMe JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U degen corki ban KEKW 2400 deaths LUL BANNED CORKI KEKW cursor is coming haha poopoo :D KEKW KEKW CORKI damn u look fat yasJAM ItsBoshyTime yasJAM ItsBoshyTime yasJAM ItsBoshyTime KEKW DOING IT PogU Pog you dont dodge if you dont ban !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank MALDING KEKW Pog HASOOOOOOUUUUU monkaW @BlackDynamite17 ty Banned corki KEKW what game is this Pog PogU' 1 sub every death ? @Yassuo PogU POG PogU PogU Pog ? POG Pog @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not Pog PogU PogU monkaW PogU cheshhhh Pog POGU PogChamp Pog I WAS HERE Pog Pog just do 1v1 POG monkaSHAKE PogU monkaS monkaW pogggggggg ???????? Pog yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake SHEEEEEEESH MonkaEeys MaN LUL POOGERS KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW Clap monkaW KEKW KEKW NAME OF THIS GAME lool Pot MonkaEyes KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU LUL Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega LULW KEKW LUL MaN TRASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BOSHY TIME ACTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE LOH Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh Already Tilted PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW so bad FailFish LOL YOU DIED Pog @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not dude DUDE @Yassuo you gonna buy halo reach on tuesday? lol KEKW KEWK JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN SO BAD KEKW moe u died lmao you can 1 shot him when he comes kek POG WELP YOU DIED KEKW !boshy @FearTheVision malding monkaW lol u died MOE U DIED I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @yassuo theres literaly an app that make you fire 100 at time and btw play cupheads more entertaining KEKW boshy time u need to be to the far left and calculate the distance @Yassuo watch a pro do it monkaW LUL U DIED KEKW @Yassuo align it with the bottom pipe things yasSpit yasSpit @FearTheVision ItsBoshy xdddddddddddddddddd KEKW xd @Yassuo play viktor next. LOL LOL U DIED KEKW On your feet bruv U DIED @Yassuo trial and error u need to look at the screen after u die so u remember KEKW pog MOE u died Moe Moe u died xdf u need to memorize the pattern @Yassuo peepoWTF yasThink @yassuo say potato outloud and youll win 2459 deaths yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake xdfxf $SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSELLLOUTssssnake BOSHY KEKW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not ItsBoshyTime KEKW ItsBoshyTime KEKW ItsBoshyTime KEKW ItsBoshyTime KEKW ItsBoshyTime KEKW ItsBoshyTime KEKW is boshy good to reset your mental? LUL Hardstuck KEKW pepeJAM you died @FearTheVision I WANNA BE THE BOSHY @Yassuo play viktor :D The song when you die is the best Kreygasm PogU @Yassuo LOOK ALL THE WAY ON THE BOTTOM FOR REFERENCE POINTS stuck gachiHYPER Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not TriHard ORGASM Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Pog pepeJAM is this cool math game moe set up double shot you'll kill this boss in one go Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW is boshy good to reset your mental?? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm WutFace WutFace Kreygasm Kreygasm whats the download link to this game Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW LUL OMEGALUL HQHJAJZHAHQHAHQHA KEKW KEKW Pog he read LOL LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad KEKW E TU KEKW Banned KEKW LUL LULW is boshy good to reset your mental? LMAO GAHAHAHAHAHA monkaW KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LUL LUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WAIT NO LMFAO Gottem KEKW E TU . KEKW LOL TILTED LUL KEKW KEKW LMAOOO kekw KEKW CAKE W LOL :O LMFAO LUL KEKW SORRY KEKW KEKW TILTED LULW LUL SCAMMED KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW toxic OMEGALUL LUL LULW gonbriru -> Please refrain from posting links. rip KEKW KEKW scammed KEKW DUMBASS KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4Weird xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D: KEKW KEKW what game I LUV U MALDING KEKW well desrved bban AHAHHAAHAHAH no :) KEKW troxic LOL ratirlMad ratirlMad ratirlMad It was copy pasta LUL KEKW LUL HE DIED D: HE GOT BANNED FOR COPY PASTA @Yassuo read my messages dipstick XD KEKW SCAM KEKW BANNED KEKW LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo kekw tilted MALDING AKEKW E TU SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kekw KEKW THERES YOUR PRIVILEGES KEKW KEKW banning subs 4Weird SCAMMED KEKW @Yassuo LOOK ALL THE WAY ON THE BOTTOM FOR REFERENCE POINTS!!! ? HE WASNT EVEN SUBBED KEKW LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo hiii he wasnt even a sub LUL it was a copypasta TILTED KEKW KEKW wait he didnt ban me KEKW banning wrong person @Yassuo @Razzz nice privilage KEKW LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 9 minutes 1 seconds SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It was a copy pasta KEKW banned for pasta KEKW IT'S A COPY PASTA LMAOOO @Yassuo play viktor :) Kreygasm Kreygasm !time KEKW True D: D: is boshy good to reset your mental?? Current time in Los Angeles: 01:18:59 PM its a copy pasta pussy nice ego @Yassuo same boss for 6 month KEKW @Yassuo why streaming so late lad! KEKW okay doublelift KEKW KEKW Moe, it should me Domination* im on solgryn rn and if you are struggling here then you are fgucking doomed. the rest of the game is 5x harder than this boss MOOOOOOOOOOE SwiftRage Chat what did he say? @Yassuo it was copy pasta dumbass MOEDUSA Poor Guy KEKW supp UNBAN HIM MODS 4Weird KEKW he want a sub LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo . tilted moe I got gifted a sub, but now I'm a pleb again NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis D: Yikes people are actually so stupid @Yassuo Would you date a viewer ? hit me up dude that wasn't the person who started it OMEGALUL @Yassuo KEKW IT WAS COPYPASTA LOLLLL read this message if u gay king_pelagius_ -> Please refrain from spamming caps. @Yassuo what game is that FF it's copypasta @Yassuo wow how come ur playing boshy? did u beat celest? maybe it was a pasta SILLY MOE KEKW E TU LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo IT IS COPY PASTE sooooo so-so g guys haha its my message i started HAHA LUL WRONG PERSON BANNED KEKW SCAMMED KEKW Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not snaking on his own viewers lul s yeah moe never reads chat 56464654 pepeD It was a copy pasta KEKW KEKW copy pasta KEKW banned kekw_mald IT WAS A COPYPASTA Kreygasm @Yassuo Why is your stream so boring but your youtube videos are so entertaining @yassuo that wasn't the person who started it OMEGALUL @Yassuo D: poor pleb xD KEKW @yassuo facts tbh you respond a lot to my messages lol u died @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not MOE U DIED, MOE U DIED, KEKW @Yassuo It's funny how angry people get because people don't get their messages read LUL SMOrc PEPEJAM MOE STOP IGNORING ME @Yassuo maybe he was subbed on youtube KEKW it was a copy pasta LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo COPYPASTA LULW you are not better than me viktor whatd he say before that it was a copypaste KEKW @Yassuo BANNED THE WRONG PERSON BibleThump BibleThump + MOESSIOPEIA triggered by pasta KEKW @Yassuo IT WAS A COPYPASTA KEKW F SOIIIIIII000000 ... moe set up doubleshot and kill this shit in the next try deadass moe why you never read my msg :) ? the moe lesters need to chill out IT WAS A COPYPASTA FailFish @Yassuo It was a copypasta KEKW COPY PASTA KEKW "Stop ignoring me in chat" ? Lol there's 12k people here. How is he supposed to see all those messages. COPY PASTA whats this game called spongePls bro it was pasta LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo . i got someone banned haha LUL KEKW LOOK ALL THE WAY ON THE BOTTOM FOR REFERENCE POINTS!!! @Yassuo non EU friendly stream! @Yassuo it was copy pasta dumbass?? IT WAS A COPY PASTA What are some situational yasuo builds and what are those situations read this now :( yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT @yassuo that wasn't the person who started it OMEGALUL @Yassuo OMEGALUL @Yassuo bro why u never answer my messages hey moe can i get free sub? POOR GUY do you think sanguines is better than dusk as first item? moe what game is athat it was a copy pasta KEKW You truly responmd so much you do LUL it was a copypasta yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT COPY PASTA KEKW ETU COPY PASTA BANNED THE WRONG PERSON KEKW It was literally a copypasta lol MOESSIOPEIA @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo LMFAO IT WAS A COPY PASTA KEKW @Yassuo he was memeing for sure IT WAS A COPYPASTA FailFish @Yassuo IT WAS A COPYPASTA FailFish @Yassuo IT WAS A COPYPASTA FailFish @Yassuo @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not what game is this read mine read mine widepeepoHappy JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN COPYPASTA AHAH KEKW GoingCorrupt -> Please refrain from spamming caps. are you friends with doublelift? COPY PASTA HAHA LULW MOELESTER BTW @Yassuo would u ever play jump king again? why never read my message @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not @yassuo hi moe COPY PASTA KEKW E TU AsianGlow BibleThump BibleThump @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not @Yassuo read my msg OMG :) R COPU moe stop ignoring me D: @Yassuo tilted by a copypasta WeirdChamp WeirdChamp yoo IT WAS ME WHO STARTED IT HAHA moedusaa BANNED FOR A PASTA it was pasta man KEKW imagine thinking being subbed gives you privileges lol KEKW . RRRRRRR it was a fucking copypasta u prick @Yassuo KEKW LOOOOL pepeD moe pepeD you died pepeD moe pepeD you died pepeD moe pepeD you died pepeD moe pepeD you died KEKW MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid IT WAS COPY PASTE i think moe why you never read my msg :) ? KEKW what's up moe?? KEKW yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS yasS Man needs a pacifier LUL @Yassuo YOU BANNED THE WRONG PERSON KEKW LUL D: KEKW KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp RIP KEKW WeirdChamp HAHAHAH ratirlMad KEKW KEKW KEKW KUK Dear Moe, I wrote you but still ain't callin' I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace moeee game is that? LUL LUL fragile KEKW KEKW pepeD BANNED yasSnake KEKW kekw COPYPASTA peepoBlanket @yassuo moedussa +1 KEKW read mine widepeepoHappy read my msg OMG :) @Yassuo KEKW BANNED FOR A PASTA KEKW LULW @yassuo has this guy never streamed for 13k XD not cool 4Weird @Yassuo @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not @Yassuo i can give u the files for the last boss in boshy !boshy what game is moe playiong I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime moe what are we watching :P KEKW whats the download link to this game @Yassuo can i please have it @Yassuo Copy pasta lul :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: :tf: @Yassuo KEKW game called? KEKW @yassuo he spammed a pasta of someone unironically saying it he still is just now hi WutFace WutFace losing twitch rivals changed this man fr LUL YOUR DOING GREAT MY GUY DONT WORRY @yassuo yasGood KEKW yasMald yasMald yasMald thats pretty fucked up moe WeirdChamp !uptime i like turtles The stream has been live for 3 hours 10 minutes 2 seconds do u not get bored of league ? pepeJAM KEKW E TU TriKool KEKW this kid has such a big ego i outtie Cx JUST PLAY MINECRAFT U DEGEN @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not LULW u are good at reading chat compared to other streamers what game that i m fllwing u don t read my message no need literalyy nothing DID U MEET UP WITH JOE YESTERDAY? @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not triggered KEKW Wait actually WeirdChamp Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday KEKW @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not say me now KAPP xd peepoArrive pepeD moe pepeD you died pepeD moe pepeD you died pepeD moe pepeD you died Kapp Moe, why can you on;y shoot 3 times Kappa Kappa LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime love it Real Gamer @Yassuo Did you beat Celest or why are you playing Boshy? Dako78 subscribed with Twitch Prime. peepoLeave do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not say me now . Kappa :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( DAMNNNN MOE YOU LOOKING DUMMBY THICCC TODAY Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LUL KEKW Next MSG AHAHAHA @Yassuo when will you tryhard again and stop read stupid chat? Lol nub LUL bruh FAKER IS THAT YOU ? yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit @yassuo MOE WHY DO YOU READ all my messiges give some attanton to others too what game is it bro? what's the game name? Are yah in queue? peepoLeave ??????????? omg i am getting tillt watching this game , idk how you play it over and over with that sounds they made when you die yasMald insanity beat this part already kekw KEKW lol Unban him BibleThump BibleThump oh @Yassuo i wish u the best in ur life <3 i really enjoy watching your stream and i hope u stay happy in your life ANELE my fav Mohammad boy kekw good luck in your games LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap LEAGUE IS FUN peepoClap Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Na streamer I WONDER WHY? Moe is dying in this game and Im getting triggered by it, fuck this game fr DID U MEET UP WITH JOE TODAY? show us the biceps nazi concentration camp mods 4Weird bot banning copypasta does banned mean he/she can't watch the stream? im @Yassuo I've never written a message in your chat before, but you still didnt read it i mean yasFat_SG peepoClap MOE I DONATED 1 SECOND AGO PLS READ 😡 anyone that post copy pasta should get banned imo @ddple LMAO RIP SOMEONE widepeepoSad do people send you free stuff @Yassuo Did you beat Celest or why are you playing Boshy? I LOVE YOU MOE <3 lets try tiltproof today unban Razz kassooooooo SS MODS KEKW LOL what is this gam called LULW Senna op 4Weird Bot That’s actually WeirdChamp as fuck lol POG I WASNT HERE @Yassuo YO Is tarted copy pasta ban for me better karma and unban ppor guy please man how do you color your message Happy christms hahah is not Kapp @imjoonsung no i think it means they cant talk in chat xd GENERAL SNIPER POGGERS MAX E LUL DAMNNNN MOE YOU LOOKING DUMMBY THICCC TODAY Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm @imjoonsung they can't use chat FIRST TIME KEKW !duo SSSSSSSSSSSSSS QuyDepTrai cant beat em join em what's the name of this game pls ? GENERAL SNIPER LUL LUL cmonBruh PepeLaugh Second time btw KEKW goes 0 12 KEKW gg ratirlCheer ratirlCheer Is this LA MOE KEKW U first timed senna a while back lol cmonBruh ? Follow me on Twitter for updates FIRST TIME THE POCKET PICK that faker guy ? wtf is that senna icon yas1 yas2 yas3 yasHYPERS baneate esta isnt that difficult moe ur cringe @Yassuo did you finish the tv show you were watching? can you tell us what it was? KEKW MAX Q League ResidentSleeper moe on senna KEKW KEKW mods KEKW mods TriHard KEKW what is this game, MOE? KEKW Pinnoy cut to "she cant be that hard" when hes 1-10 KEKW KEKW @Yassuo Q auto not auto q Faker oh noo Fuck, GENERAL SNIPER POGGERS POGGERS Max W ban me ye and this stream is called wannabesnake yeah GG 15 SNAKES yea KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yeah ratirlCheer PLAY ADS ratirlCheer yes what's the game you play irl Kapp E Q W E start r lul though first time Pog Bruh you already "first timed" Senna in a highlight reel YES max e I main senns start q then w then e faker is that you lol 1/10 KEKW what is this game and is it free wtf Q Kapp TRUE LULW League of Legends pvmanHYPERS 15 Moe playing senna yasHYPERS u have a 12yo in toplane PINOY KEKW Q - E - W get spells theif 0/10 Moe, OPEN YOUR MOUTH yasSpit MAX E What runes are you using?? q @Yassuo do you read my message too ? ive been typing so much and asking u but u never answer why ? ,man.. im sub too i have privileges or not start w if you're invading start q if you're not BD UHasBC KEKW nah she balanced Kapp LUL not first time lol You sure? @yassuo MAX E Kappa KEKW Senna dies really fast @yassuo q hits turrets btw wait u playing senna but i jus started a match playing senna :( wont get to watch now :( nono its fine Jebaited EZ PLAYING POKEMON KEKW Start W no its fine moshinshin GENERAL SNIPER!!!! had 3 sennas feed me today @yassuo WHen I get d1 can we duo ? no dorans blade thats the right one no you're fine you did right spelltheif good item that's not your first time nO its fine @Yassuo u can poke so much and lvl 2 u can get a kill with AA + Q @Yassuo Did you beat Celest or why are you playing Boshy? spectral aiggle XD get dorins and run ad cig ul Pepega no its good @Yassuo that item is fine WRONG ITEM Kappa NO D: Nah that' correct KEKW Bruh I seen people going Dorans Ring cause mana 15 FF LUL LUL your autos reset your Q @Yassuo my first message has to be good so i want to know how long tobiasCREEP ;) @Yassuo you got AD spell thiefs so ur good @Masterfiend ? just stay behind the ADC poke the enemy yasSnake @Yassuo did you finish the tv show you were watching? can you tell us what it was? @Yassuo Aphelios gameplay? cug gul LUL DAMN LUL No you good GG AAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH d1 KEKW lpm First time Kappa yasFBM MEAT BOY IT IS PRESEASON @yassuo had to shoot my shot at least lol @Masterfiend you literally AFK in preseason what are you on about lol PartyPoro ll]l Pinoy best man ^^ and collect souls as much as u can TwitchSings SingsMic PorscheWIN LUL @quote_if_moe_snake_ you can use your Q +D for a big stun lmaoo BloodTrail Pog Mo Queens Misses you. The Hood Misses you. @captscrimshaw tobiasCREEP tobiasPISTOL @ChimpNA KEKW Your Q heals you and every teammate you hit with it @ChimpNA LUL I thought you already beat boshy do ypu have a feeling new champs are broken EleGiggle I WANT TO BEAT BOSHY EleGiggle I WANT TO BEAT BOSHY EleGiggle I WANT TO BEAT BOSHY so good DO AUTO CANCEL ITS ANOYING agency agency squadOmega squadOmega squadOmega squadOmega squadOmega squadOmega big fat like you @chimpna yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS you troll especially in preseason dont do that Moe i love you bro (no homo) the soul SENNA TALLER THAN EZREAL Pog @Yassuo press D to dance its a senna mechanic TriHard TriHard TriHard why grandmaster and not challenger? is Megaman worse than sonic @yassuo YOUR Q HEALS @yassuo @Yassuo moe have you gotten fatter? @Yassuo preseason is the right time to troll tho LUL try to basic them then use q at a minion so it hit the one you basiced so that you get a soul @Masterfiend 600s timeout for smartassing mod yasSpit @Yassuo Collect the droped Souls from Minions and Dead Enemies senna IS GIANT CMON guys stroke my cactus gachiHYPER @ChimpNA 4Weird Nice q its tyler1 @Yassuo there's a quest if you kill thresh you get soul (Not sure tho) click to get your passive dingusfigmar subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey moe im the guy from anime expo that took a pic with you where we were both saying "smaart" pres D see how does senna dence Lol hahha THIS CHAMP IS NOT BALANCED holy fuk u look so dumb yea senna's broken hahah nananana yeah it is! why do u have heal shes balanced senna is balanced this champion is balanced senna is balanced that champion is balanced KEKW ggg ITS NOT whats ur favorite travis scott album yassuo man It's balanced :) Game is for homosexuality This champion is balanced balanced BALANCED KEKW KEKW KEKW @yassuo ive been climbing as adc, its def not balanced She's balanced :) she is balanced :) yassuo play senna mid pvmanFAM LUL LUL LUL YESSS she is THIS CHAMP IS OP AF this champion is balanced @Yassuo @yassuo Rank yasuo skins from best to worst Senna is balanced she is balanced It's Broken n OMEGALUL MOE SMD PLEASE support with jhin power and stuns! thresh tried to all in lvl 2 with hiemer, hes just stupid THIS IS FINE KEKW this camp is balanced @Yassuo this champion's balanced <3 This champion is balanced if you're high af needs a buff EPSTEIN GOT KILLED REMIND THIS is that t1 against him senna way op @Yassuo right click them after you dmg them to use your passive for %hp dmg The q can target towers too @Yassuo opinion on tsm fans? delusional? you know speak brazilian? Supp yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! 0 CS WAH just dodge senna auto 4HEad Pog Calling it rn: Q range is getting nerfed by 75 nice heal BROKEN AS FUCK LULW Pog HAHAHAHAHAHA Pog LUL I don’t understand this gayme Imagine putting Senna and Balanced on the same sentence LUL Kappa Pog ALCOVE Pog Pog this champ is so broken KEKW pog how did you win that ALCOVE Pog ROFL KEKW WTFFF LULW KEKW it's sad POG SENNA IS DISGUSTING LULW LULW ALCOV EPO what skin is this wp LOOOOL POG Pog Pog POG no way PogChamp lol you could q off of anything like ward Pog KEKW Pog alcove op KEKW KEKW lul LMAOOOO PepeLaugh BALACNED BALANCED LUL Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaam them Alcove plays PogU LUL BALANCED KEKW holy shiut POG ALCOVE LULW POG BALANCED KEKW nope POF LMAOOOO PepeLaugh LMAOOOO PepeLaugh LMAOOOO PepeLaugh GG go next q heals ????????????? 2nd time BALANCED KEKW PogU balanced EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega WTFF HAHAHA POG the alcove Pog stop talking about balance EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega LMAO this is Broken af ALCOVED POGGERS Pog Oh no no PepeLaugh POG MaN poggers 2ND TIME EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega EKKO Pepega Pog Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh Oh no no PepeLaugh first time @Yassuo I'm sorry for what I said I take it back. balanced POG???????? BROKENNNNN UNBALANCED peepoPog you can ward q and heal towers with q XD POG PepeLaugh MORE RANGE THAN AN ACTUALL ADC y ou said first time last time RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh ALCOVE ISNT BALANCED look at your passive tell riot that man ur second timing it 4Weird @Yassuo alcove plays Pog what game did he play while he was in queue and is that game free PepeHmm every new rito champ is OP btw pogggggggg @Yassuo yead your passive and you will really think it's balanced title KEKW OMEGALUL "support" you said first time the last 3 times you played it nu esti tu ba ala Every NEW CHAMP ON RELEASE IS BROKEN!!!! Hi YouTube moe kekw RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh LOL @Yassuo look at your passive 1st time? stop lying KEKW u can heal teammates with q EZREAL TP KEKW I wanna be the boshy and yes @St3fkeee Yes EZ TP KEKW DONT DO IT moe no balls wont flash THIS DMG JUST BULLSHIT NICE LYING Your q can pick up souls if it hits them too skin?? @Yassuo opinion on tsm fans? U GODDAMN LIAR ITS NOT FIRST TIME AHHAHAHAHA tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ Pog chat Yeah, its the moe pocket pick only one control ward? not a team player. @Yassuo read passive PRESS E X PepeHands @Yassuo I think hes balance ez to kill him FAAKE Hey have you played Hue? u can't first time a champ several times stop lying not first time yasSnake yasSnake FUCK LOVE yasFBM when u have no friends so u come to moes channel Even moe can use it then that's telling smth ???? 5Head LIES go crit andyWH andyAT CHECK OUT TFBLADE MERCH AFTER MATCH LULW 5Head 5Head NICE LIE KID LUL MOE Int NOW we want to Laugh Fast areu ok with trick? @lck1_banned_me yeah yummi had 30% wr 5Head PepeLaugh LMAOOO PepeLaugh LMAOOO PepeLaugh LMAOOO @lolquydeptrai ur jungler hes good Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : you could q off a ward Lying to chat about first timing, shameless baby PedoBear !uptome @yassuo new merch pog Your autos cd your Q Moe ur so talented sanch who the E icon is thicc Pog general sniper POG Faking the first time, we always did that Wrong build m8 Pog read passive and you really gonna think it's broken gets double kills in a chaotic fight then ThiS cHaMp Is bRokEn !uptime 1 RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh The stream has been live for 3 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PogU BABY??? PedoBear Corsair MORE JUMP KING? Pog YOUR SUPP ITEM BECOMES WEAKER IF YOU TAKE FARM two buff troll @Yassuo will tsm be boosted again in spring? JUMP KING STREAMS ARE GOING TO BE BACK PogU yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake :) yasPepega TAKING CANNON KEKW I can't decide if Irelia or Fiora is sexier @Thunder777777 yeah and then 2 days later she got overbuffed. still counts as broken on release FailFish rip tricks keyboards rip triick's keyboards for jumpking lol moe its precipitating outside my home none E KEKW u suck Stop farming lol XDDDDDDDD PepeLaugh wtf u doing XDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Wooff woof that thresh is garbage so bad KEKW read my previus mesege it will be helpfull KEKW KEKW blue buff to heimer gg Kappa What id do baby! KEKW 1 for 1 pOG KEKW KEKW 5Head so bad... this thresh is whippin you im confused is trick a jungler or top laner Pog 1for1 500ms reaction time KEKW SMART MOEEEE SMART <3 Zayotiic subscribed with Twitch Prime. COGGERS no boots faster recall Kappa WutFace WutFace ye LUL LUL LUL LUL what are u doing KEKW moe will u play jump king vs t2g? eri entero malo payaso culiao KEKW lmao the screams of terror It was a bait KEKW @Yassuo opinion on tsm fans??? no shit LUL homer ass scream senna is sexier TriKool damn im a jinx i came the moment you died KEKW Q YOURSELF Pepega you cannot heal urself yes ''KEKW'' 4Weird ChAmP iS BrOKEn I think Senna is balanced if Moe is using it KEKW KEKW Double buff to heimer FOR FUN REGION LMAO @Yassuo Tf Blade invited you to a party near him KEKW LUL @Yassuo U can hit other objectives with q to heal kekw you can't q yourself also q ur team mate If you take farm your item becomes weaker You can, tf Abhijeetssaini how do you get channel points me' m0xyArm1 m0xy5Head m0xyArm2 alicctoper @Yassuo alicopter @Abhijeetssaini it always heals her lol KEKW Pog auto attacks make q cool down and you need to hit enemies with q to heal KEKW Yassou POG Pog Pog only noobs SILENCED KEKW NICE ROAM KEKW ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird ''KEKW'' 4Weird alicopter KEKW shit roam KEKW Long ass roam, more like a waste of time dumb KEKW hi X PepeHands LUL Roam Pog Q always heals Senna, you just can't target yourself Kappa xqcL_HF xqcL_HF xqcL_HF xqcL_HF 5Head 5Head KEKW ALICOPTER DOES PagChomp WTF pog roam POG it heals you if you heal a team mate hacker you're like a louisville slugger, always knocking it out the park ROAM KING ALICOPTER @Abhijeetssaini kida jatta @yassuo merch idea merch in colours of flame ree yellow orange and written on it 100Tornadoes LULW AA RESET xddd KEKW xdDD LULW how? Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW flash?? noob auto attack lmaoo monkaS AA KEKW ???????????????????? cancel everything KEKW ???????? inting ? ??? Inting LULW ???? ? KEKW KEKW LUL ????? ?? KEKW ??????? ? pls replay that xxx song SO BAD KEKW bruh LULW ???????????? Nice auto cancels KEKW KEKW ????????? FLASH MAN ???? u trolling trolling so hard lmao xD KEKW ??? dominating KEKW SO BAD KEKW SO BAD KEKW SO BAD KEKW SO BAD KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW ?!?!?!? KEKW YOU ARE SO TERRIBLE xddddddd SO BAD KEKW jesus my eyes youre trash KEKW INTING Kapp YES WAY ????????????????????????? KEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR DOMINATING KEKW shulda just flashed out man ... LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Flash on pyke?? dumbas HAHAHAHAHAHA 2 ints a row KEKW @Yassuo boosted? SO BAD KEKW le00 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 7 month streak! troll Kappa PING POG "how hard can she be Kapp " KEKW just flash out KEKW ?????????????????????? yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald I play on 120 ping holy shit you're a bot Right Sure man threhs Kappa lolz yy LA MOE KEKW nah u didnt pings fault now KEKW Kappa INTING KEKW YOU SO BAD KEKW EXCUSES KEKW that happens to me too dad Kappa OFC it woukld go off lol i love u babe sure GARBAGE shut up lmao YOU'RE DEAD IRL THEN WeirdChamp you could've just not go in there lol :D ? BibleThump PanicVis ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper LMAO ff PinkMercy LMAO blame the ping xd his trolling3 MOE KEKW oh no no PepeLaugh Clip int absolute bot LUL great senna player oh no no PepeLaugh oh no no PepeLaugh oh no no PepeLaugh oh no no PepeLaugh oh no no PepeLaugh fsdagaaf Pog Ahhahahahahhahaha PayPal me / Mrnasus BeeaSophia subscribed with Twitch Prime. LUL LAMO yasuo what was that KEKW challeger NA . D: TRUE KEKW KEKW true lmao ff KEKW KEKW Booosted Why no flash on Pyke ?????? KEKW KEKW LUL D: MOE KEKW INTING !playlist daaaaaaamn lacBaby clipped PepeLaugh "yasuo what was that" right after you trolled KEKW nice fps i have 562 ms youre actually bad PowerUpL YouDontSay PowerUpR ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper get ready Pinoy 2-10 coming up Moes inting like hashshinshin owo Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 70 ping KEKW INT aHahahahahaha ZULUL true blaming mouse, settings, ping, teammates but never yourself WeirdChamp KEKw flames yasuo after making stupidest play of his life I play in grandmaster with 100 :'( kek that is why u suck d PING KEKW why does he have 100fps is he poor or what lol TRUE KEKW @Yassuo q Auto not Auto Q Thats why Pyke didnt die TRUE KEKW u know our comments get to him when he replies with "ur in silver" Super Meat Boy is 90% off on Steam btw for the people who want it. noob It's Q auto not auto Q :) LOL ping doesn't matter in any elo Lul Blame ping, goes in 3v1. Ok. TRUE pls tell me you are braindamaged to actually take that @yassuo Kappa yasW THROWING LEAD KEKW boxSmug tilted inting music starts senna aint broen only a true hero would take that play PepeWhy SILVER master 90 ping ? Pepega every champion is broken TRUE KEKW you are a bad support KEKW u can Q your towers to heal you xD you look like NAV stop with that elo shit dumb YE ITS A PING KEKW yea right She isn't even broken. zoinks why is he saying it sarcastically KEKW why you grinding ur teeth so hard my dood please stop? move to chicago then or don't complain about ping... senna aint broken MOEEE clowwwwwnnnnnnn E ? :D Guys, come on.... He's no bad.. He's garbage. isok moe <3 stop complaining about ping pstar managed to get grandmaster with 120 ping HeyGuys KEKW @Yassuo you did play that whole sequence pretty bad tho oof KEKW 70 is bad ? KEKW lol KEKW moessiopia TriDance W KEKW NA GANK LULW i play at 250 ping no less PING BTW Q AA BAD Moe ur so talented! q auto i have 500 ms ad hes crying to 70 auto Q how many stuns are you gonna miss? Auto Q auto q auto q W LULW auto q auto KEKW neither q auto always the same comeback: you're in silver AA Q AA DOM BLAMES STREAM SNIPERS MOE BLAMES PING LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL TriDance yea q auto q auto gives stack Pepega yasPlead_SG auto q @yassuo i am diamond 4 euw playing with 94 ping Q Auto @Yassuo eat my assuo auto q auto dad Imagine cmplayning a q a Pepega Clap auto q @yassuo auto q auto its hit E then you can Q A :D q autooooo q auto Q AA Pepega auto q auto What would you say player "deficiencies" are per elo? (why people do not climb) Cheer250 chat Pepega yasPlead_SG yasPlead_SG yasPlead_SG Yes q auto i fucking hate looking at this champion Hi change in ping is worse than playing consistently at a higher ping You can auto reset with Q, but to poke Q auto is best ezreal hearing stream KEKW yasAYAYA yasAYAYA lol that q Chat, does it not get tiring spamming the same emote for weeks on end PepeHands its like we are living in an endless void, simply waiting for it all to end FeelsSadMan auto q You can q towers @Yassuo cant you q tower SPEAK q towers you can Q tower and allies as well @Yassuo ;-; i just sub but the notification didnt go through ??? KEKW ignored KEKW KEKW KEKW ???????? kekw kk o god yes @KannykTodo KEKW reported yes it does damage yes it deals damage i love u yes does dmg Chat, does it not get tiring spamming the same emote for weeks on end PepeHands its like we are living in an endless void, simply waiting for it all to end FeelsSadMan yas5 5head Q towers moe KEW 4Head widepeepoHappy 🔪 widepeepoSad JUST AD... THE CARRY PART IS MISSING LUL 5Head 5Head NICE TAKE yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 yas5 Pepega omg roy woods is playing poooogers q also applies on hit effects Kappa pog Including the trollings 5Head just win Kappa We better at inting @Yassuo !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: ??? 4Head @ruckfaed oh i guess im blind LOL ty ty KEKW 5Head THANK YOU MR.Moe fancy way of saying i dont want to answer this question @Yassuo LULW ?? TRUEEE stop trolling ez LMAO stop taking his cs bro 4Head JUST BE BETTER just bet better 4Head only thing is gold is same as plat. they suck stop taking his cs its actually tilting me LMAO this ez is way too kind KUK KEKW I mean, you can climb Bronze to Gold just learning basic shit tho, like actually learning to CS Silver are better at aram than diamonds tho KEKW Senna Q does damage towers yas100T yas100T press e? goat what was that PepeLaugh U HAVE E KEKW What is in your opinion high elo :) DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! EZREAL D: horny gioat man pog FAT FLAME LUL adc now TriHard i have gm mechanics with silver map awareness but im in diamond horny goat man!! horny goat man KEKW ANELE yasShrug yasShrug 300 iq flame BasedGod horny goat man KEKW Why Are u farming ? horny goat man KEKW yasAYAYA_SG horny goat man lmfao so ur silver right @failstronaut and damages wards satyr u gonna get less gold from cs if u keep taking it @LoadedXan not true horny goat man warriorofyourass subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! how far will you go in DDD SourPls Ezreal WeirdChamp ratirlBusiness gachiBASS @Yassuo Q auto is what made klepto senna broken. You can AA during q animation Lul Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: I WANNA FUCK YOU gachiBASS say something in arabic This bastard knows you will get less gold after 20cs? Horny goat man ratirlBusiness hard shoving waves lol !subs i dont understand how u can be insane on every champion tfw you order 36 mini chicken and cheese tacos widepeepoHappy gachiBASS why does your title say "precipitation"? do you even know what that means? @yassuo gacihBASS KEKW what does your e do? @yassuo wahr is high elo in you opinion? gachiBASS ups Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty gachiBASS @Gulitrix tfw youre fat and ugly and american USE E? E KEKW LULW E e? PRESS E e use e? say something in arabic e??? ????? KEKW lmao KEKW ? ??? KEKW KEKW e? KEKW you deserved that LMAO donkey baited KEKW 2/10 incoming KEKW inted yasClown D; ???? ???? use e? You're bad YOU HAVE NO MANA BigBrother E KEKW KEKW KEKW You are so bad, not sad :D e? dat 70 ping ????? gachiBASS KEKW WORTH Pog KEKW are you dumb? PRESS E KEKW outplayed TEAR e?????? ulttttttttttttttt KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW small brain player Use E for movespeed? WORTH Pog WORTH Pog WORTH Pog WORTH Pog WORTH Pog E? LuL NICE RESET LUL gachiBASS gachiBASS E KEKW all part of the plane NO E ???? LUL inting music moes not bad, he just always turns brain off or eeeeeeee 70 ping BabyRage walked into ekko ult KEKW the fast reset yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown you re engaged wja pinoy time gachiHYPER yoms ??? athese121 dude if a new player learns to cs, like average 7-8, they're be fucking leagues ahead of almost every Silver and Bronze player gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS what kekw @Yassuo have you played the new Champ ??? e???? WHAT ARE U DOING RlyTho RlyTho TriHard TriHard StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning RlyTho RlyTho StoneLightning StoneLightning TriHard gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS SO BAD KEK lol what SMOrc SMOrc No E no mana???? LUL is this EUW? wtf is that ping yes u did yes u did U HAD not bad at all ezreal just gave shutdown and fucked wave KEKW not bad KEKW ? YOu had mana :P Moe ur so talented! gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS u did have mana lol no mana yasThink @32432421 tfw your means widepeepoSad yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown Reset to ur death :P YOU HAD MANA KEKW utl you have BigBrother ? you had no mana for ult Hey guys I'm from Taiwan LUL LUL yoms or manamune no mana for ult @sukhbaataar west coast ping REKT KEKW you had mana ,, BigBrother no mana BigBrother Kappa Kappa Kappa you can q through mists PowerUpL BibleThump PowerUpR Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @32432421 also im pretty good looking but widepeepoSad Pog 。 your e refrehes dusk @Yassuo Pog Pog Pog EZ okok moe OOOO watch and be amazed > misses R no mana because missed w Pog PogU @yassuo ignore this message thanks Pog better yasou then moe :D yasBoo You got that EU ping buddy @베냐민 thats pretty disgusting. NA btw That yasuo is better than you! LOL Hi SNAKE save ult cuz its "balanced" EZ Clap does general sniper stream? !rank GRANDMASTER I (345 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP Best Yasuo WeirdChamp PepeLaugh @yassuo i’m new to this game, can you help me understand it? !rank !yassuo Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) POG Pog pog OK FAKER okay faker PogU clean CLEAN FANCY FEET PogU this fucking snake can feel holly @iMojo Yassuo barely understands it himself mate. Pog Pog u suck Pog OMGF OMFG @Yassuo Ayo I'm tryna catch a buzz, what'd your favorite way to do so? Pog Pog Pog SCRIPT POOOOOOOOOOOG POg LULW GOOD DAMNNN Pog Pog PogU POG Pog pooog CLEAN POG PogU PogU Pog PogU poooog OOF griogrgrgnrgjrekgnrjknweg PogU WTF I NUTTED PogU jk dodging lkiek faker GASM Pog POG wha PogU gachiBASS WTF Pog Pog PogYou balanced KEKW Pog dude everytime i open the stream you're losing or dying Gachibass SYNAPSE !elo Pog POG POG POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG disgusting! POG PogU WTF Pog POG Pog holy shit pog pog pog LMAO pog ORGASM Kreygasm Kreygasm POG KreyGasm POGU pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SO FUCKING CLEAN POG POG my fucking cock man yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasHyasH KEKW POG CLEAN AF POGGERS POG PogU KreyGasm Pogu Kreygasm Pog WTF Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm hi YT Lol PogU CLEAN POGGERS FATTY lmao busted champ CLIP Pog KS pog CLIP POG THAT WAS CLEAN yasH Pog PogU GACHIHYPER HI YOUTUBE Pog dfdfsb PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POG PogU DAYUM SYNAPSE I CAME HI YT I just jizzed my pants I WAS THERE xDDDDDDDD PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU \ POG POOG yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit big brain support LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL pog overreacting pog the dick got into you BALANCED KEKW KappaPride POG HI YOUTUBe PHhpgh Kreygasm HI SYNAPS hi utube I WAS HERE POGGERS Hi youutube POGG Kreygasm POG PogU @Yassuo Synapse pog PogChamp KEKW i missed it synapse Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm POG HOLY FUCKL BALANCED KEKW Gasm) Pog hhhhh support btw LUL pog LMAO STOP DOING THAT BRO KEKW yt pogu REDDIT DANCING ON THEM gachiBASS what runes you using? GOD DFUCKING 4Head Damnnn hi youtube Kappa POG they FF at 15 hi pinoy hiii CLIP THAT SHIT someone clip POG those moves @Yassuo thats a synapse play right there Pog HI YT NOT PICKING UP ORBS NotLikeThis POOOOOOGGG JEESUUUSS gachiHYPER Pog pog Hi yutube YOUTUBE kimiW nice POGGERS Pog HI IM COCONUT PogU POGu someone put a dick in your vagina ? LUL hi yt POG SYNAPSE LUL LUL LUL ITS TRUE hello youtube :D shes balanced! DAMN yasW yasW yasW yasW Kreygasm SUPPORT WutFace WutFace WutFace true KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW squeaky clean HI YOUTUBR Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm busted champ made me bust POGGERS sisi un orto tenes barbita HHHHHHHH Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega yasPepega LUL Pog orgasm? So broken TRU KEKW op cham0 TRUE KEKW CLIP PLS youtube that was still bad u denying that shes op as shit???? Kreygasm Hi MOM ez YO PINOY senna is fucked tho KEK Hi YouTube!!! TRUE LULW NOT FALSE KEKW Cliped damn yasThink yasThink yasThink MOE TYLER1 Is BETTER THAN YOU ENOUGH Y BAD TEETH HE GOOD TEETH Peepohappy New Main???? @yassuo kekw 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head BOTH TRUE AY moe thats life yasPride kebunBBwain kebunBBwain kebunBBwain widepeepoSad Not moe, Just the champion. 0 skill here. Too hamoodi hope your doing good keep it up love you @yassuo Pog BECAUSE U ONLY PLAY BUSTED ASS CHAMPIONS KEKW yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue YOU DODGED EVERYTHING AND PERFECT COMBO'D ALL THREE wooooooowww hi chat NOT UNTRUE hi yt yassuo you are bad HI Porn Hub KEKW e E balanced good play, presser R youve literally said busted since the game started w W w boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd w w w w w W BOTH TRUE THO Please refrain from posting links. J0E2 -> Please refrain from posting links. ruckfaed -> Please refrain from posting links. chat my fat ass is aboutt o eat all 36 tacos widepeepoHappy xD you were right, no way to lose with senna, lol no you max R KEKW ldemexl -> Please refrain from posting links. !rank Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (345 LP) so many NA plays there LUL fokoff TRUE KEKEW BROWN BOY yassuo you're bad @Yassuo I wonder how manamune is on her silver KEKW !ELO WARRIOR OF THE ASS gachiBASS miio GJ MO u are silver btw he should learn to get manamune @Yassuo How is Senna mid though?> read passive you said it yourself dummy Does anyone have a clip of that? read passive moe Senna just fucking outranges towers weak early show thsirt KEKW !elo yasClown @Yassuo what do u think about upcoming champ Aphelios? what does precipitation mean? AHAHA SNAKE your so skinny jesus but you are the one farming LUL iJavi11 -> Please refrain from posting links. @Yassuo where are u now ? U LET UR ADC FREE FARM shes good mid lane hi from greece !!! have u seen aphelios? JESUS THE DAMAGE wtf yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown LOOOOOL RIOT OMEGALUL that damage is pissing me off APHELIOS IS MORE BROKEN BUT HARD AS FUCK support KEKW KEKW BALANCED KEKW KEK LUL rvelvet -> Please refrain from posting links. what KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : support btw Pog POG SUPPORT KEKW WTF WHAT poor ezreal hasnt been able to free farm PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW LMFAO KEKW support btw KEKW omg ?? WTF SUPPORT BTW KEKW Support soloing top BALANCED KEKW SUPPORT KEKW BALANCED LULW Support BTW KEKW RIOT??????????? KEKW @labakoz sup lol MOE Pog pog -+ WTF pog busted champ SUPPORT @PublicScriptL9 ratirlBusiness -+-+ U almost got rolled by a silver KEKW ur 7-3 -+ Moe what do you think about Tgirls? RIOT FUCKED THIS GAME pisses me off watching that shit Senna gets less stacks in a solo lane. they made it so the souls drop less if you're actively csing. and statwise each soul is worth 68 gold wah gwaan moe. yaadie bwoy What does precipitation mean? cheeee SUPPORT???????? lethality btw balanced KEKW senna Pog @Riot GOOD ONE FeelsWeirdManW @Riot GOOD ONE FeelsWeirdManW @Riot GOOD ONE FeelsWeirdManW @Riot GOOD ONE FeelsWeirdManW nutter_7 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! who green lit this champ 🐏 @Jesmu_ ratirlFlower ratirlBusiness i just wanna talk range pyke :D RIOTAUGUST KEKW destroy dick december! @Yassuo FEMALE JHIN WITH STUN AND WHOLE MAP ULT XDD 4Heed 6 3 vs 1 7 POG support KEKW Aight time to destroy a ryze in plat elo brb SENNA SHOULD BE NERFED AND ONLY ALLOWED TO HAVE THIS DAMAGE WITH LUCIAN DUO senna balanced Pog TRUE KEKW well u r fat and bad STOP INTING well top is 1/8 and he has 8 kills xd you still bad TRUE ratirlPepe LUL !accountage @xxxtreme 4HEad TRUUUU TRUE KEKW WP she has 30% crit chance with no items kekw TRUE KEKW "Pyke does too much damage for a support" RIOT: HOLD MY HIPSTER BEER Well earwax is busted ?????????? lulw LMFAO EKKO KEKW SO TRUE KEKW wtf support KEKW BALANCED KEKW LOL KekW yeah guys cmon. i think we can all agree that senna is OP AND moe is fat. ? LULW Still true KEKW ??? ?????????????? your a support??? lMAO LMAO KEKW SUPPORT BTW not busted :) LUL KEKW support She's broken to sell true damage skins 5Head KEKW KEKW BALANCED BALANCE KEKW RIOT MA MEN GJ ON SENNA @Riot Nice Champion FeelsWeirdManW @Riot Nice Champion FeelsWeirdManW @Riot Nice Champion FeelsWeirdManW @Riot Nice Champion FeelsWeirdManW @Riot Nice Champion FeelsWeirdManW So fuckingop CLICK TO KILL KEKW support btw :) RIOT DOG SHIT COMPANY RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp RIOT OkayChamp thier top is 1/7 kek not broken getting champ carried WeirdChamp pbe or normal shit Nice champion :) 0/10/1 btw KEKW How is this OK 8/3 KEKW kekpog Once Aphelios hits the live servers nobody will remember Senna lulw GREAT PASSIVE ekko no dmg lol bronze elo KEKW BROKEN CHAMP Yassuo “I’m adc when 1v1ing I’m the support” PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT PepeLaugh RIOT MAIN SENNA INC Kappa ok settle down, this is Silver KEKW KEKW DONO THE WHITE KNIGHT !playlist what is he criting with ? lol Moe what do you think about Tgirls? Kapp RIOT FeelsWeirdManW FAKE DONO KEKW gg suck his dick please. SIMP @angerofthegods0 KappaPride Kappa 8/3 = Pro toplaner good streamer KEKW SSSSSSSS white knight @exCoach you gonna play something with the bois or nah? PAID ACTOR LUL NICE DONO KEKW you cant play senna and still destroy everyone lmao Go crit PAID DONO Staged dono KEKW PAID ACTOR dude yeah moe when i watch you i enjoy your content @Yassuo main senna since beta Rito gonna release another "BALANCED" champion now So Sad she is gonna get nerfed :( "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW "means a lot " KEKW staged RIOT HIRE THANOS WeirdChamp RIOT HIRE THANOS WeirdChamp RIOT HIRE THANOS WeirdChamp RIOT HIRE THANOS WeirdChamp RIOT HIRE THANOS WeirdChamp Self dono KEKW KEKW paid KEKW after listening to your advices i improved from gold to diamond, but how can i go for chall next season ? @Yassuo LUL ?????? ? THEY NEED TO FIX HER RANGE AT A PERMANENT RANGE ??????????????/ NICE R KEKW R KEKW yasThink moe knows we love his retarded ass KEKW a normie speaking @Yassuo stop kissing ass 1 in chat if moe is balding a bit recently KEKW LUL ? monkaS Hey moe, did you know you can q towers? 5Head r Pyke is useless in this meta @bvnditmasacre 4Shrug, minaj might stream late tonight apparently but idk a bit close there pal smart yasMald Cheer100 Fuck, Marry, Kill. Sanchovies, Tf Blade, and Tyler 1 1 I think we should really consider what moe is doing for us evwn though he is a monkey sometimes SMART MOVE 5Head Pls notice me yassuo I love your stream I got twitch just for them support split pushing KEKW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 u can q wards too 1 1 1 1 11 Senna is by far the best support right now 1 1 you can q wards for the sick plays @Yassuo I hope you know you can't CS with the support trinkets or you get reduced gold LUL 1 1 11 1 yeah he told that too but doesnt seem like it honestly nice farm ur gettin KEKW 1 1 1 111 cum 1 what does precipitation mean? nice gold 1 1 1 11 1 1 RIOT KEKW WeirdChamp 1 kill sanch\ @Yassuo did you know you can also q ur waards and thresh lantern? gachiHYPER yeah he told that too but doesnt seem like it honestly @exCoach Why SANCHO WeirdChamp moe after u use w on someone it roots them Why SANCHO WeirdChamp Why SANCHO WeirdChamp Why SANCHO WeirdChamp Why SANCHO WeirdChamp Why SANCHO WeirdChamp fuck tyler kill all KEKW GG u also can q wards, enemy or allies Are u toplaner moe ? @Yassuo youre good at senna? LULW @Yassuo I hope you know you can't CS with the support trinkets or you get reduced gold :) BANNED KappaPride gg gg CARRIED KEKW f HYPERS CARRIED AF you won a game Pog 4Head Hey Chat! 4Head I noticed most teams 4Head have skins for their region 4Head SKT for Korea 4Head FNC for Europe 4Head And apparently IG 4Head will be getting some for China 4Head Where can I find 4Head the NA skins 4Head PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR KappaPride MARRY TYLER HE IS THE RICHEST KappaPride CARRIED LUL ew GAY what does precipitation mean?? PepeLaugh THE MAN SNAKE KEKW KappaPride kekw Cheer100 Cheer100 Are you planning to come to Russia? KappaPride KappaPride CARRIED BTW Marry Sanchovies, Fuck Yassuo, and kill TFBlade ??? kekw Raxas13 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! yassuo you are bad MY MAN <3 gachiBASS ez Why are the minions giving such little gp? KappaPride @Yassuo do some 1v1s? D: LMAO you need standards KEKW HYPERS weee SSSSSSSSSSSNAKE D: TOS :D LUL KEKW HAAHAHAHA LUL KappaPride TRUE KEKW ?????? KappaPride KEKW lacPride GAY what does precipitation mean? , FAKE TYLER LMAO KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Kappa LOST TO TYLER1 IN RIVALS KEKW Moe what do you think about Tgirls? yasOkay Thats kinda gay bro KappaPride @Yassuo if you could redraft your team who would you pick snake 4Head Hey Chat! 4Head I noticed most teams 4Head have skins for their region 4Head SKT for Korea 4Head FNC for Europe 4Head And apparently IG 4Head will be getting some for China 4Head Where can I find 4Head the NA skins 4Head what does precipitation mean?. you are bad KappaPride TF DansGame KEKW TYLER LMAO what does precipitation mean?- TRUE FUCK BETA TYLER KappaPride 10K after listening to your advices i improved from gold to diamond, but how can i go for chall next season ? @Yassuo KappaPride tyler got the bank account @Yassuo KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Kill tyler then fck him KappaPride KEKW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride <3 what does precipitation mean?m AND TRICK? @Yassuo have you played the new Champ on PBE yet? Banned Kappa KappaPride Yes KappaPride search 18-1 senna korean adc please NOT FOR TRICK KEKW yasPride You know a support is fucking broken when it has a 50% winrate on release and it doesn't even need to start with a support item. what does precipitation mean?a KappaPride Big sus sus for reeeeeal homo yasJAM trick isnt the homie? REVENGES BORTHER kill trick again? what about tyler KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Keepo Kapp KappaPride so sus who is anchovy KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride my dude youll just do another bet and win tyler1B1 tyler1BB tyler1B2 KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Pog YUP KappaPride yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM OPEN KEKW raining yasPride yasPride tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL tyler1LUL KappaPride KEKW do pummel party with the yassuo team? KappaPride kekw LOL PepeLaugh OPEN CHEST KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KILL TYLER GET HIS VIEWERS 5Head Sus KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Sanch pepeD Kappa Kappa precipitation is rain you monkey KEKW yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride KappaPride THAT WAS A GRANDMASTER GAME WutFace ANCHOVY KEKW OPEN CHESTTTT! yasOkay yasPride Kinda sus? A lotta sus WH OMEGALUL anchovies anchorey what does it write on ur tshort @yassuo didnt have love for your boys for twitch rivals Nah u good hey ugly CARRIED BTW ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo would you marry your homie if we was about to get deported? as longgg as you dont calllll me RUUUUDEEE yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride pack oeninggg vip or gay yasPride yasPride yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride :( :( :( tyler1Hey leo? THATS ME Pog why yassssuo never plays yasssuo TRUE KEKW !duo Torius_ow -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. QuyDepTrai KappaPride your boy? KappaPride ITS BOSHI TIME Open Chest @Yassuo Open casent yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Kapp man 1v1us TriDance yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Kappa yea like how you ditched trick2g @Yassuo hi cutie how are you? VoHiYo Kapp KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride who is he guys you are doing with? Kapa KAP Chovy korean midlaner LOL Kappa Cheer100 favorite arab and dutch food? cmonBruh ? OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh :sweat_drop: HERE WE GO yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash yasSmash SMASH yasSmash subss# k LIKE U CRY LAST TIME JHAHAHHA Kappa Check his duos stream ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime no u arent It’s boshy time shut up ugly lulw did this game ipruve your skill in this game broo ? @Yassuo !boshy OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh 💦 HERE WE GO I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime moe would you suck hisbdick if u keep him alive? fuck marry kill poki hyoon that spanish girl Then tell ua what does it mean? @yassuo tyler1O ez clappo tyler1O Clap tlyer1O residntslpepr awd What's this game called? is it weird if you fap with a condom ? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm sungslW sungslW yay faker is faster Assume? wad have you beaten boshy yet @moe what is the gaem called yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay yasOkay naisuuuuu PogU ? you cant lose a kids game with 80hd moe...................... KEKW @Yassuo when is jumpking comming out? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @tyler1__play______variety Wassup buddy LULW game name ?? OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh 💦 HERE WE GO fake faker KEKW there WideHarder LUL gg KEKW Game name? @Yassuo You know precipitation is the amount of rain you monkey Pepega KEKW look at the background LOLW 2 weeks Moessiopeia is boshy a browser game? fuck marry kill: poki hyoon that spanish girl you liked ff 12 is boshy the hardest game of all time forsenCD @talion4747 I wanna be the boshy I think This game HAHA STFU U DORK forsenCD @Yassuo you should try to speedrun American Dad @Yassuo is jumpking not already out? game name? 2500 deaths? @Yassuo is this new corki? forsenH try right side i thought jump king already came out. i saw Ceez play it a while back MOE U ON THIS LEVEL FOR TWO YEARS ?!? hey Moe i love you are those singular m1s?? Its cuz NNN is over w dddtdttdtttdtdtdtdtdttdtdtdt Is this a different version of Boshy? You only get to shoot 3 times? @taherr ty I wanna be the boshy is the game name Play "The worlds hardest game" pretty quick i guess tuckedtv subscribed with Twitch Prime. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday Moe i love you there are way harder games WideHarder ?? has moe ever played cuphead? HATSOOO i beat boshy in 20 mins Kappa LULW KEKW KEKW @uegolden he rolled that game 1.5 KEKW it just feels like two years literally 2 years KEKW just 14 months just 2 months KEKW LUL big sub gang KEKW How far from Faker are you? @Yassuo hi moe good I wish you best of luck ! Play worlds hardest game 2 2 years.. more like 200 years play geometry dash demons Follow me on Twitter for updates @Yassuo Moe you should try to speedrun American Dad if possible yea sure throwing snakes EUW promos is the hardest game -1000 KEKW 1 Year 11 Months Kapp HARDSTUCK ON MEGA MAN KEKW Kapp Kapp sure game? yer ? Can we see you beat Worlds hardest game for us? JAHAHHAH KEKW !game F where to download League of Legends LULW HASOOO we are going to have the same with the sonic ???? STOP play osu! in new tork beating sonic is already a big enough achievement !boshi hardstuck GM hardstuck megaman Archieall -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. u were hardstuck@ya !rank do u play ps4 games? HARDSTUCK widepeepoSad Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP i remember when he beat sonic and cried after. I WAS THERE! DS3 tho? moe are you in queue for league? Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Kapp if you beat sonic , you beat anything , so you got this buddy GRANDMASTER I (362 LP) @Yassuo u were harstuck in nyx what is this game called? yasHmm yasHmm @Yassuo MAN U wont beat the GAME trusdt fam boy lad @labyrinth_27 i wanna be the oshy UnforgivenWay subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Love You Moe!!! ANELE Clap maybe what??? ANELE schnitzekl @Yassuo Moe if possible, can you speedrun American Dad? snitchel schnitzel what is waterdoelle ANELE Clap k did you beat the Celeste B sides and beyond stage 7? "worlds hardest game" is not that hard though Did you eat Frikandellen and Bitterballen in the netherlands? stroopwafel Dutch food is also ANELE food now LUL ItsBoshyTime r u waiting for q? Kappa How is faker so good at boshy @Yassuo !uptime Kapp The stream has been live for 3 hours 31 minutes 42 seconds u need some kebab habibi two days SURE KEKW hmmm 2 days KEKW yasClown yasClown yasClown yasClown Damn, I didn't know you beat it on stream Do it without crying PepeLaugh we have lives got back into leage after 5 years plat 2 after being hard stuck bronze in season 2 and 3 herJoy herJoy herJoy sonic KEKW @Yassuo did u beat this part before? 24 h bossy POGGERS AND CRIED KEEKW and cried like a baby @Yassuo KEKW have you ever played the untitled duck game memorized :D Faker wannabe? he need some milk we have lives tho Cheer100 what was your favorite food in the netherlands? Kapsalon? 😂 😂 BabyRage mash that button Kapp moe you should play shrek 2 ps2 game with 4 player coop 6 hours??!?!?!?! crying over a video game WeirdChamp TRUE KEKW 6 hours KEKW ppga HA TOOOOOOOOOF ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo moe, if possible can you speedrun American Dad 6 hour stream Pog HeyGuys when will you do another 1v1 with fans HA TOO KEKW Get some lessons from witwix what's the game called? waht even is this game? kapsalon is not really dutch though HASAGI bro i know this is SO america but the kababas and chicken wraps from Fadi's are so GOOOOOOD HATSOOOOOO . ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper what will happen first will you get chall or beat this? p @sSsMroKU It's just that traditional dutch food takes a long time to make. Dude, my favorite Arab food is manaesh with labneh and zaytuns yasGood yasGood yasGood bless you yasU_HF @yassuo sup moe yasOkay monkaW COGGERS KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW @CakeChase1 wdym? he is the lebron james of LOL Pog pog LUL Pog yasNLT lost 4 ranked games.. in elo hell stuck for life.. :( pog KEKW monkaW Pog that jump !game ItsBoshyTime uh oh League of Legends ur sad ?? KEKW NT monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime xd oof KEKW hahahahhahahahaa @yassuo if you read this I give u my luck ;) KEKW !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Pog jesus where do you even go there? XD good run KEKW q fuck marry kill: poki hyoon that spanish girl you liked Now i understand why the game is so hard this game is i wanna be the boshy pepeMeltdown yasJAM TriDance PepePls pepeMeltdown yasJAM TriDance PepePls pepeMeltdown yasJAM TriDance PepePls @Yassuo can you speedrun American Dad, I saw someone do it in 8.91 seconds WHAT GAMW IS THIS { @Yassuo atleast i know no matter how many months i take a break of watching you, everytime i come back you will be stuck at that boss KEKW rage game LUL LUL LUL inting again DOU - GAME: ITS BOSHY TIME @BeeaSophia most basic smh lol yasSmash yasSmash yasSmash monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW nvm what game is thid *beats it rn* read me too u never rread one of my messaged i m sad KEKW u died bro that was some shit luck you gave Moe when are you doing the next 1v1 with fans Look at the pillars beneath the red part of the floor to see where to stand KEKW pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown if u read this ur KappaPride ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YouWHY YouWHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YouWHY YouWHY ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime pepeMeltdown clap searcbb it up ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Wtf? 😂 Ask Faker how to beat thiw boss @yassuo ASZNEE pepeMeltdown Clap KEKW Above the first grey pilar on the bottom from the center Quick Google Search 😂 👌 imagine knowing what this game is called losing with 80hd ?? F3 guys i cant read what game is this? IWANNA BEAT BOSHY It's all about muscle memory, trial and error and patience LUL pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown KEKW yoshi veigar @Yassuo joshi stand on the lines on the backgrounds KEKW Vivi YOSHI peddo BLACK MAGE Megaman KEKW yoshi ItsBoshyTime GAME: ITS BOSHY TIME ItsBoshyTime CAT NYAN ryu 1st 1 PEDOOBEAR YOSHIIIIIIII yoshi bear @Yassuo MOE, can you speedrun American dad, saw someone do it in 8.89 seconds ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YOOOSHIIIII yosi Mega MAN PogU Leveling smurfs from lvl 0 to 30 is so easy, they made a yasuo package with 14 day exp boost for 650 rp UDYR YOSHI Pog GUH pedbear PedoBear magqman play with peepoRun excitebike Mega man nyan cat yoshi ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PedoBear neon cat YOSHI PedoBear pedobear YOSHI# YOSHI YOSHI @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi PedoBear Clap below the edge of the left platform ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY RitzMitz PedoBear ness I'll donate 5$ if he wins this xD 🐍 hey pedo bear ahahah cmonBruh THE GUY Kappa What stage are Faker on and what are you on? :O NYAN CAT ?????????? jkjk YOSHSHSHSHHSHS PedoBear yoshi What is this game leage NyanPls @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi YOSHI cmonBruh ? its SIMON PedoBear Clap chiollll ness lol? you dont know simon ? castlevania DansGame ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime YouWHY ItsBoshyTime RitzMitz castlevania cmonBruh YES ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime simon from castlevania yasSmash YOu don't know Castlevania? PedoBear NYAN YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PedoBear PEDOBEAR castlevania @Yassuo simon belmont is castlevania be the black mage LUL pedobear YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU NYAN CAT PLS NyanPls NyanPls SIMON BELMONT Pog PedoBear PEDRO BIAL? CAT Castlevania @Yassuo joshi @Yassuo joshi PedoBear USE NES Pog middle left side ryu you don't have him Ness @Yassuo CASTLEBANIA' mid left RPGEpicSword RPGEpicSword RPGEpicSword RPGEpicSword ItsBoshyTime YOu dummy boy PedoBear use the background lines to measure the distance where to stand YOSHI tyler1Champ TAKE NESS Vexum22 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! went from silver to diamond watching you thanks for the help, keep up giving us "content" KEKW KEKW castlevania DansGame ryu is all the way to the left KEKW PedoBear yassssssssss PedoBear KEKW LUL XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW sup bro ily <3 ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime AYAYA KEKW WutFaceW KEKW hhahahah AYAYA ResidentSleeper WutFace KEKW KEKW KEKW no plz nooo NotLikeThis DansGame MOELESTERS WITH DA BOI PEDOBEAR! AYAYA widepeepoHappy lol this game is the simplest hardest game I have ever seen KEKW AYAYA Clap CoolCat WutFace YOSHI AYAYA XD LUL KEKW pedo bear xD widepeepoHappy LUL LUL KEKW KEKW MEIW WutFace WutFaceW In Serbia is 22:44 pm :( NYAN AYAYA WutFace WutFace KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW AYAYA AYAYA omg i love it KEKW AHAHAHAH KEKW wtf LULW WutFace AYAYAYA KEKW AYAYA Pog AYAYA cat yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime widepeepoHappy yasAYAYA INSTA WIN MUCH BETTER !! Yoshi Tommorow school KEKW KEKW Clap ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace STOP widepeepoHappy Legit had to watch the video of you beating sonic, that shit was legendary haha KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride @Yassuo He's a Vampire Hunter from Castelvania KEKW AYAYA yasAYAYA AYAYA BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan that damage Pog NYAN NYTAN NYAN NYAN YNAN CatBag yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit CUTE CatBag CatBag ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LUL @Yassuo moe can you speedrun American Dad Simon Belmont is from the critically acclaimed game, Super Smash Bros Ultimate NYAN AYAYA KEKW KEKW MAKE IT STOP AYAYA WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace h0m0 lol CONTENT WutFaceW STOP Isnt the hitbox bigger ? WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride so cuteeeee CHANGE IT NotLikeThis WutFaceW STOP WutFaceW STOP WutFaceW STOP WutFaceW STOP WutFaceW STOP WutFaceW STOP H0000M0000EEEE HAHAHAHAHAH YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU Kappa pride lol NotLikeThis sooo annoying WutFace KappaPride KappaPride CatBag STOP WutFace the rainbow's blocking things hahahaha yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit it seems more dificult with the cat @Yassuo do u see the blank small areas in the groud? orentate urself on them. the one left from the big gap is propably safe (no joke) DxCat WutFaceW WTF hiw this game is called? bruh KEEP IT STOP IT Kreygasm itzhannie, CatBag what game is this moe you cant see shit whit that PEOPLE WHO DONT REMMEMBER IT CLEARLY FUCKING 12 KEKW skin to win Kappa widepeepoHappy 👉 CoolCat my ears KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFaceW I CAN' TAKE THIS MAN WutFaceW I CAN' TAKE THIS MAN WutFaceW I CAN' TAKE THIS MAN WutFaceW I CAN' TAKE THIS MAN AYAYA it's like a gay ekko what is rengar doing here MUSIC RalpherZ CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat annoying af he's stoopid chat DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace KappaPride KappaPride WutFace THIS CHARACTERS UNPLAYABLE WutFace already annoyed pippipipiipip I wanna be the boshy yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald TheRinger StoneLightning JKanStyle OptimizePrime KEKW thats what is called HES STILL PLAAYING THIS GAME CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis widepeepoHappy WINNING WITH NYAN CAT Pog KappaPride ACTUALLY PLAYING BETTER WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace the screenshake is so annoying Stop STOP ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo is it raining in LA? @Yassuo do u see the blank small areas in the groud? orentate urself on them. the one left from the big gap is propably safe (no joke btw) plz no cat WHAT IS THIS GAME CALLED \ AEOIFAJIASD WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace pepeJAM CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat DxCat DxCat DxCat DONT PLAY LEAGUE MAN racism hes playing better since no music HE IS IN QUEUE DONT WORRY Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: WutFace STOP IT NyanPls widePeepoHappy NyanPls widePeepoHappy CoolCat no ore yoshi pls metal gear music @lolGingerrr !bohsy plz no cat PicoMause no moreee GAME IS CALLED BOSHY LUL voy WH OMEGALUL THE KID Pog KEKW THE KID PogU VOY Pog its him VOOBY LUL Mechanical beast VOY Pog Pog yasJoy yasJoy yasJoy yasSnake Voy Pog THE KID POGGERS YOSHII I don't like where this is going. voy?? Voy PogU V OMEGALUL B OMEGALUL Y @lolGingerrr !boshy * 0/2500 powerspike bois when are you doing your next 1v1s nyan kat is op @Yassuo do u see the blank small areas in the groud? orientate urself on them. the one left from the big gap is propably safe (no joke) megaman for megaman MID LEFT VOY LUL LEFT YOSHI boshy plz NO U NEED YOSHY CANT BE VOY NO FROZEN MALLET TECH rip voy KEKW MA BOY VOY Pog left 5Head ah yes yas5 KEKW THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME Voy D: 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5head cmonBruh 5Head 3Head ? 5hEAD SAMRT 5Head 5Head PogChamp TRUE 5Head @Yassuo middle left? !uptime 4Head The stream has been live for 3 hours 36 minutes 7 seconds 5Head Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty azza156 azza156 azza156 azza156 azza156 azza156 azza156 MOE u died Moe Moe u died tfb5Head 5Head \ ,k, moonwalk Pog MEGA MaN ? 5HEAD follow the lines in the background to know where to stand 5Head? llll whats the name of the game TRUUUE 5Head megamanception @Yassuo ryu was xed out is he in queue chat?> WeirdKEKW pqikesdqojemawf @Yassuo second row far left KEKW GosuuU Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm i feel it has a higher dps, no cap as megaman dud KEKW YOSHI HA TOOF kekw DUD KEKW DOOD DOOOD KEKW clean WutFace KEKW YOSHI BE THE YOSHI TO WIN KEKW CL OMEGALUL sad @Yassuo do u see the blank small areas in the groud? orientate urself on them. the one left from the big gap is propably safe (no joke) YOSHI POGCHAMP DUD KEKW KEKW yoshi plsssssssss YOSHII YOSHI PLS pay to win WeirdChamp PLAY YOSHI DOOD PedoBear PedoBear PedoBear PedoBear u didnt pick the chest KEKW GMAE NAME? @Yassuo HOW LONG U LIVE FOR U NONCE faker have the question mark VAYNE PogChamp PepeLaugh to the guy who wants to know the name of the game: I Wanna Be The Boshi. hope you see this play with PedoBear too op DLC this game fucking stupid what is this game play the little green dragon PICK YOSHI download character THANK YOU to OP KEKW KEKW KEKW 5Head W OMEGALUL W you not worthy KEKW YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU YOSHI PogU yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yashi time LUL there will be league today?? ratirlKnight YOSHI POG play PedoBear PogChamp WutFace WutFace WutFace Play yoshi salamoalekom. how ya doin today? @yassuo SMOrc SMOrc FeelsGoodMan Clap WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Pog DAMAGE WutFace ear rape <3 <3 <3 <3 YOSHI POGGERS It's Yoshy time HAHAHHAHA name of the game chat? @Yassuo are the hitbox the same ?? WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace <3 <3 WutFace WutFace WutFace this is way more entertaining than league @Yassuo pogU @Yassuo do u see the blank small areas in the groud? orientate urself on them. the one left from the big gap is propably safe (no joke) !uptime n3zmodMood The stream has been live for 3 hours 37 minutes 11 seconds FeelsGoodMan Clap WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Wutface WutFace @barnyh, ItsBoshyTime ITS BOSHY TIME WutFace this game retarded these sound effects are dope why u loook so stupid WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace That trigger finger is what the ladies desire These mechanics monkaS Is 2+2 really 4 qq faker did this lv whille chosing his champ lul Name of the game chat please megaman's dps was p good moe name of the game? game = I Wanna Be The Boshy moe kiting on em HA HA HA HA HA Pepega hap hap hap toes is there differences? TYLER 1 TWEET PogChamp TYLER 1 TWEET PogChamp TYLER 1 TWEET PogChamp bro u ok lol TYLER 1 TWEET PogChamp @iishaco i wanna be the boshi what is this name called? @iishaco its boshy time i had to watch a video to see what the rest of the level looked like HAAA SOOOOO Pepega TCS PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp whats that game conq ryze with ghost is busted TakeNRG this game is prob the most retarded game made ryze again ResidentSleeper General Sniper Po yassuo give us toes ItsBoshyTime vs a 13 year old !boshy I Wanna Be The Boshy ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime To download the game go here and click on older games. There will be a link for the game. ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime yasSnake Pog sa yasBoo_BW TCS Pog 12 YEAR OLD CHALLENGER Pog TCS Pog lol Pog General Sniper Pog TCS 50$k ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime how we freeze the wave? !duo QuyDepTrai General Sniper PogU !rank GRANDMASTER I (362 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP when are you doing the next 1v1s? RAP GOD @yassuo first item stormrazor btw TCS KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @Yassuo what headseat is that? 50k @Yassuo you are not a good Yasou !yassuo Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) Moe talking 400 words per minute @Yassuo have you tried sanguine blade on yas yet? SHOW WeirdChamp PedoBear you're ugly ass motherfucker :) @Yassuo are you doing another jumpking bet with trick? @yassuo first item stormrazor. yo moe OMEGALUL KEKW TCS Pog yasGood_SG PogU LUL ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW PogU PogU TCS Pog it's so fucking soonm Pog jukes>>>>>> ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW ONLY 50K KEKW Pog tyler1O @yassuo first year of league and wwent from iron to silver 2 is this good? PogU BigBrother TCS FREE PLUG by pinks so they cant camp PogU KEKW LUL LOMEGALULL TYLER! LUL LUL LUL LUL ANOTHER TWEET KEKW ARE U GONNA JOIN? TCS Pog DISCOUNT CODE ALPHA KEKW WTF KEKW 50k pog could you teach us how to lanr against ryze because this champ is AIDS LUL Everyone go cop The Mob’s merch ggfPOG classMob ggfMOB ggfPog yas100T are you playing ? @yassuo first item stormrazor Im hardstuck VS ryu @Yassuo , guys don't play Boshy its HARD ! Everyone go cop The Mob’s merch ggfPOG classMob ggfMOB ggfPog yas100T na players funny what is TCS? L OMEGALUL L T1 г @bloodytalent1 trash yasHmm adeptHAA xqcTree shouting out your boy t1 FeelsOkayMan riven smashes yasuo are you gonna participate in tcs? @yassuo when you played xayah did you go lethal or conq? yasBoo3 sure thats why Kappa If tarzaned goes off this tournament his career will skyrocket xqcTree xqcTree xqcTree LULW Q @charltonyo tyler1's championship series KEKW Q Q KEKW 13 year old @charltonyo trash championship ABOUT TO LOSE AGAINST A 13 YEAR OLD PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW 13 year old beating you OMEGALUL KEKW @charltonyo tyler 1 championship moe bout to get his booty clapped vipers little brother Pog LUL @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? PepeLaugh KEKW bmed by a 13 year old aww viper's little brother he is 13 years old btw QQQQQQQQQ losing to a child WeirdChamp YOOOOO MOE WHATS UP MY BUDDY PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO KEKW Vipers brother Pog youre an ez lane 13 years btw LUL PepeLaugh q he's the next faker PogU LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD KEKW mr FeelsBadMan General sniper looks exactly like his broother its crazy Faker was so poopoo this worlds got ya KEKW KILL THE CHILD OkayChamp old man moe calling a 13 year old cringe LULW manhandeled by a 13yo lol manhandeled by a 13yo lol manhandeled by a 13yo lol manhandeled by a 13yo lol manhandeled by a 13yo lol manhandeled by a 13yo lol Riven is disguting @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS?? Isn't he like 5 Q wasn't it gonna be 100k prize pool cs LUL CS KEKW this kid actually thinks he is the best KEKW @Yassuo LA Moe weirdchamp nice cs losing to a 13 yr old Follow me on Twitter for updates pro farm Pog Just GOT MY New Huawei So pressured by a 13 year old KEKW He’s better than u KEKW Chat is linguini any good on gas as like a 3rd item? Pog n1 kid ? PogChamp KEKW whos he laning against noice KINDRED? holding ignite SeemsGood @Yassuo @Yassuo HI THERE! NotLikeThis LUL LUL flexin on a 12 year old KEKW BM HIM KEKW double flash lel holy sh... KEKW BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp 52 KINDRED? yasThink KINDRED? yasThink KINDRED? yasThink KINDRED? yasThink I thought trick and t1 ended this kids career? DogFace @Mr_nazuul never buy it on yas @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? BMING A 13 YR OLD KEKW 1v1s today Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : DOUBLE F KEKW ??? lul KEKW BULLYING WeirdChamp 13YOLD KEKW ur chat is a lot more readable that poki's i hope he beats your ass @Yassuo @yassuo when you played xayah did you go conq or lethal? !time Current time in Los Angeles: 01:50:46 PM i mean he def acts like a 13 y old your age then POGGERS is he actually 13? @Yassuo !opgg crystalpsychoxd -> moe why dont u pummel? u forgot to say 13 yo challanger PeepoHAppy @Yassuo you getting on that jump king preperation grind? @Hoaw yes KEKW FUCKING SNAKE KEKW !howlong Is he actually 13? damn @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? Is Kindred good again?\ u doing 1v1s today? WiredChamp wtf is that title lol !live youre shitting on an underaged player moe WeirdChamp @Hoaw YEAH alguem br? @Hoaw hes vipers younger brother damn he is so gifted if he is only 13 !uptime why would trick want that The stream has been live for 3 hours 41 minutes 14 seconds caps Is he really 13???????? Kapp man moon2WUT 1v1s today? @Yassuo Kapp @Hoaw Yes he streams, check him ou KEKW Rip that tagged message that got ignored Kappa Kappa Kapp KEKW Kappa SURE Kapp Kappa Tyler1 just announced tyler1championship with 50k prizepool @Yassuo hardest Kap HARD Kapp hes not doin 1v1s because im here 4Weird #1 dead 12k streamr Kapp Kapp Kapp biggest loser 2019 Kapp @ezra_md whos viper KEKW @Hoaw ye hes Vipers brother if you know Viper Here 11 pm kapp LUL Moe is a cutie @Yassuo i thought jumpking was already out? smokin my weed and see riven cry 🐒 !time Current time in Los Angeles: 01:51:27 PM Kapp WeirdChamp claro Kapp KEKW peepoHappy mid diff WeirdChamp @Yassuo do 1v1s if you aint pussy to face chimp Trick is a shit streamer why do people care sm !time !follow check tyler twitter its his championship riven wins hard doesnt he? WidepeepoHappy riven missed cannon LUJLW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SuperVinlin KEKW LULW @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? LULW oh no no PepeLaugh !info ????? Hey buzz, When you doing a 24hr stream next for us Aussies xD KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW KEKW KEKW TROLLING KEKW MALDING KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW cohhNani ??????? KEKW beat by 12 year old KEKW hide map dipshit KEKW KEK WutFace KEKW 😂 KEKW KEKW KEKW calling a 13 year old cringe WeirdChamp GETTING REKT BY A 13 YEAR OLD Cringe for being a good jungle????? K how is that cringe KEKW yd Hoes mad lmfao MALDING KEKW kekw Camp Stimmer Pepega @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ?@Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? ??? KEKW LUL LUL KEKW EPIC CRINGE moe - "I won that trade! nice! brokster subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! yasGood tyler1 twitter U GOT A GANK FIRST U KNOW KEKW KEKW Nice trades man @yassuo loses to 13 yr old what do you mean you got first gank buddy @ChimpNA got washed up tyler1Yikes tyler1Yikes viper brother getting camped KEKW u fall for it everytime Moe is a cutie pie LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD KEKW so u got a gank and he's not ? mid diff WeirdChamp Nice one :D KEKW kekw Do you even read these? MALDING KEKW Is everything cringe to you? @Yassuo cringe 13 yr old D: SCHNIPUH KEKW That whole enemy team is so bad for yasou Crowncupking Crowncupflag We saw rammus in the river? it's the game you salty bomb tilted snake pussy lost to wantep KEKW CALLING 13 YEAR OLD CRINGE WHEN UR OLD MAN KEKW im confused isnt jump king already out on steam????? HMOES BAD KEKW LOSING TO A 13 YEAR OLD RIVEN KEKW @Yassuo do another jumpking bet what to do when u r against a bully matchup? yasGood lul beaten by a 13 year old KEKW FED KEKW WH OMEGALUL @Yassuo okie boomer MOES MAD KEKW chimp hey buzz, when you doing a 24hr stream again?? hi Fed Pog ???? riven have 13y old? Kappa My BoY FeD tyler1Bad karasmLuL LMFAO KEKW KEKW KEKW i love u chimp KEKW LULW LUL KEKW big fan KEKW' Gg too much money LULW LUL KEKW what a Pepega h KEKW yas5 KEKW fed kekw Is this what faker felt like when you sniper him? KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW was it from the time we went climbing LULW @Yassuo wait towed from your garage? moe too old to play KEKW boomer mechanics KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh moe getting booty clapped by 13 year old? Fed7 lol TriHard yasM03 KEKW why didn't you go 4 dorans @Yassuo Crib is for a baby? i dont ynderstand? @tmanster yasH yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN yasN !song kENZZRisaBigNoob -> If Moe is playing music on spotify it's in the top right or bottom left of the stream Omg. Yassuo playing Yassuo Fed7 yasFBM lol !followage how u forget ur car urshit cheapest parking in LA Kappa @chimpna Yooo Chimp KEKW @Yassuo what the fuck was that trash food video KEKW you didnt cook shit KEKW yo @Yassuo is it possible to get the shirtless battleboss yas chromo still? KEKW yasMald KEKW OMEGAROLL KEKEW KEKW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW yasW worth Kqpp TAUNTED @yassuo you double flashed for a 13yo riven 1 trick cringe lord inting @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ?@Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ?? KEKW @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? YASSUINT WeirdChamp YASSUINT WeirdChamp YASSUINT WeirdChamp YASSUINT WeirdChamp ?????????????????? Pepega MALD KEKW GG Pepega ??? monkaW KEKW monkaW ayaya Autism lololol AYYAAYA KEKW Pepega FF15 KEKW lol mald HES LOSING IT monkaW Pepega ??? monkaS stop coping t1 ? LUL monkaW ?????????????????????????? `AUTISM WutFace @Yassuo 4 dorans is what you should be going right? @itshellkaiserftw hi Kapp Good boy moe OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo KEKW So bad . Pepega Pepega yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald KEKW ??? WutFaceW Pepega sykS yasPride ?????????????????????????????? OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo keke yasW yasW yasW yasW WutFace AYAYA oh hey El Shneko NICE INT 0/2 okaaaaaay doingb outplayed KEKW Y U SO WEAK oaaaiyay KEKW LOL OOOOOOAAAAIAIAAAAA KEKW KEKW losing kid is not that bad tho cause u r a kiddo 100t one ITS OUT its ok u have white teeth KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace ??? Pepega KEKW moe u fuckin suk 100 thieves food vidoe Leaked It is yikes feed again, wp monkey Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo OPEN UP KEKW @Yassuo tfbINTING tfbINTING 100t Losing to 13 y.o big yikes 100T The mob Postmates btw @Yassuo OKAY DOINB ON YOUR TEAM SPAMMING COOLDOWNS 100 thieves one THE SHIT VIDEO OF 100T HAHAHAHA 0 2 int 100t 100T outclassed by 13 year old kiddo noe @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? ??? mental state is crazy rn malding uhm aa how do people copy and paste sums like that? amm amm amm HAAAA 13 yo is better then moe the grubhub one 100t leaked shen KEKW 100t actually malding Pepega uhm Pepega ? KEKW ummmmmmmm Pepega lost cannon KEKW ?????? @Yassuo Taunting the right target to taunt? Must be a fanboy KEKW so full of yourself KEKW ?????????????????? ammmmmmmmmmmmmmm lmfao Waffle_yt subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Time goes by so fast :( widepeepoHappy quick checking ur phone WeirdChamp yasU_HF yasU_HF grubhub pepega the grubhub ???????????????????? shen one man spam WeirdChamp lmao Pepega 755 Riv 910 riv tp 935 ad 930 jg 1045 sup LEAKED KEKW the mob Pepega Clap Pepega yasHYPERS @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS?? leaked ? you might have brain dmg no joke TRTRTRTRTRTRRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRT Zoned out btw Pepega 13 year old mechs / reaction time. just to much for your boomer mechs LEAKED KEKW joga bem Mod what's goin on bro hard feed? Pog BCWarrior widepeepoHappy Moe* moe u fuckin suck getting booty clapped by 13yr old general sniper on riven Pog why is he dying every time I open his stream? SmoocherZ SeemsGood SeemsGood 3Head 3Head KEKW Q stfu losing to a child PepeLaugh MOBIS RAMMUS LUL schooled by a 13 year old btw KEKW @aboodhuehue no one knows KEKW Lol PrimeYouDontSay TRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTR KEKW @aboodhuehue hes never not dying LULW you about to get styled on KEKW lol @blindeyy hi KEKW not a fanboy your just mald YOOO thats general sniper the dude he duod with a while ago haha LUL rammus coming i can feel KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW UNMOD alicopter UNMOD KEKW LULW rofl KEKW UNMOD KEKW RitzMitz ANELE M OMEGAROLL D LUL QQ MOD REMOVE INC KEKW Fanboy MOD LUL KEKW lmao yasCannon UNMOD KEKW ahahahahah LULW @yassuo unmod him who gives af unmod his ass jdtMoney mod btw fan boy QQ Waahhh KEKW ??? UNMOD KEKW again LUL NO LONGER A MOD KEKW remove mod KEKW LUUUUL LOL WeirdChamp OKAY DOINB ON YOUR TEAM SPAMMING COOLDOWNS Fanboy RitzMitz UNMOD THE FREAK COOKED @Yassuo UNMOD HIMLUL @Yassuo ban the mod wtf Lmaoooooo UNMOD INC KEKW UNMOD PERMAN BAN HIM KEKW remove mod KEKW it really be ya own UNMOD HIM KEKW unmod UNMODED YOU JUST ORDERD Remove his mod KEKW ban him unmod him lmao imagine using fanboy as an insult @te\ UNMOD HIM THEN @Yassuo unmod UNMOD PogChamp UNMOD PogChamp UNMOD PogChamp @Yassuo demoted after the game LOOL !mods Alicopter? unmod him KEKW UNMOD HIM KEKW @Yassuo UNMOD HIM KEKW MonkaS UNMOD HIM KEKW KEKW Q UNMOD HIM KEKW UNMOD THE FREAK PLZ M OMEGALYL D UNMODED LUL unmod if you lose Not appreciating fans DansGame Unmodded for ganking KEKW UNMOD POGU BabyRage UNMOD WHOM? @Yassuo tell that shen to shut the fuck up no one wants to see his timer spam bitch face Lol CS CS Unmod M OMEGALUL D @Yassuo UNMOD BAN HIM FUCK LIDER CS gachiBASS UNMOD HIM LUL Is that now ur fav yasuo skin? @yassuo CLEAN KEKW Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : s KEKW Clsp unmod kekw NOT USING BRONZE MODS KEKW KEKW CS Pog KEKW ROFL KEKW unmod and ban him D: clean Kreygasm Clap LUL OMEGALUL CS POG pog flash KEKW @yassuo I got nothing left in life except for my 20 cm schlong, how can I use it to secure my future ? cohhD @yassuo IF U UNMODDED HIM NO WONDER U GET CAMPED This is literally how faker felt when u sniped him LUL HSAHASHSH D: KEKW DO IT Transfer his mod to me ;) i would have done it LULW Kreygasm @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? LOL pog cid Kreygasm CS Kreygasm CS Kreygasm Kreygasm cs Pog CS Pog old moe would have done it PepeHands CS Kreygasm Kreygasm pog cs WOW THAT CS cs Kreygasm cs Kreygasm Kreygasm beta kekw CLEAAANNN CS POGGERS craygasm im not even watching the steram im just here to support my boi cs Kreygasm cs DJ cs Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm @Yassuo tell that shen to shut the fuck up no one wants to see his timer spam bitch face. @EquadisEU hes talking about rammus, hes a mod and camping his ass PogU 1V8? CS wouldn't surprise me if he liked it prob @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS?? ok moe WeirdChamp is QSS a good buy aganist rammus?? @yassuo cs Kreygasm FAKER IS WASHEDUP WeirdChamp 1V8?????????? Is that ur fav yasuo skin? @yassuo why 8 @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? why 1v8? SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED TriKool Kreygasm Kreygasm thats so biased and cringe he literally loses 1v1 lanes all the time @Yassuo you mean shaker? KEKW 1V8 nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA 1v8 cuz he still smashes his laner when's the new vid coming Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! @KingFipp WeirdChamp headbutt a train edgelord @KingFipp you sound mad a depressed loser faker a bitch like u @Yassuo is it me or is new conqueror a nerf to yassuo?? FeelsWeirdMan yasBoo2 man i wish i had a teammate who spammed timers and these retards are flaming him LULW LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL why do people complain about ryze wave clear and not yasuo wave clear xD ResidentSleeper @Yassuo not even watching the steram, i just here to support the boy Ok moe 4Weird yasHYPERS Kreygasm Kreygasm LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL KEKW LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL LOSING TO 13 YEAR OLD OMEGALUL all you dogshit players talking shit on Faker wouldn't last one minute in game with him called it CS Kreygasm KEKW LULW and it still works LULW you even called it and still died Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog @Yassuo 1v8? WeirdChamp tyler1Bad tyler1Bad POGU "such a fan boy" Pog 1.000 points just wasted Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog pog @yassuo I got nothing left in life except for my 20 cm schlong how can I use it to secure my future ? PogU pog Pog POGGERS Pog Pog Oh CLAPPED SHIT ON KEKW Pog POGGERS that was kinda nasty PogU Pog PogU Pog DOOOOUUUU POG yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit CRINGE ASS 12 YEAR OLD shit on Pog PogU `POG PogU POGGERS PogChamp PogU KEKW Pog Fangirls? INTTTTING PogChamp WPWPWPWP POGGERS too clean POGU FedEx KappaPride BOYS NICE KEKW BOYS he's so mad KEKW Pog LUL LADS KEKW INT ??? @Yassuo Abuseing 13 year old Pog Moe clean Cutie pie Shissss DITCH SHEN WHO CARES AMIRITE MOE LL STYLISH STREAMST POGGERS Typing not playing KEKW shen? pog KEKW FANS 3Head BOYS 3Head POGERS is moe lagging or is it the stream Celebrate too soon LULW huge nado FANS 3Head BOYS 3Head What was that LULW Rammus KEKW TIMING SUCKS KEKW sanguine on yas is any good? LUL RAMMUS KEKW TEAMBLIND ANDY TEAMBLIND ANDY TEAMBLIND ANDY !opgg EquadisEU -> KEKW Dylan922156 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog KINDRED POGGERS rrespect he the mark general sniper haHAA 2nicce subscribed with Twitch Prime. POGGGG @Fedoralover666 it's you QUY DEP TRAI ALWAYS GOT YOUR BACK Pog LMAO HE'S FUMING wait she lives PogU KINDRED Pog PogU LUL SHIIT ONETRICK Pog RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit REKT KID Pog Pog BYE BYE BUDDY BYE BYE Pepega MADDD POGU RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit RIVEN yasSpit LUL POGGERS KEKW BYEB YEEE THIS KINDRED WTF Pog Vipers brother KEKW CHIMP Chimp Pog malding over little boy Bullying a 13 year old LUL FLAMING A KIDS REAL MATURE PogU STOP D: misstimed the ks LUL bye HeyGuys Thank you for a 100 KEKW BYE BYE 4WeirdW trash talking a 13 year old WeirdChamp MISSED CANNON FOR FLAME KEKW yasCannon yasCannon yasU yasU yasU yasU !yassuo copying chimp WeirdChamp Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) @ChimpNA KEKW lost canon for that KEKW Kindred 1v9 bye bye BUDDY chimpNA KEKW BULLYING A 13 YR OLD :( EZ Clap youre clean honey LULW sanguine on yas is any good?? LUL BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD KEKW missed cannon for typing lmao BYE BYE.BUDDY BULLYING 14 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD he's 13 WeirdChamp chimp CHIMP BULLYING 13 YR OLDS LULW toxic The riven is so cringe Bulluying KEKW TOXIC KEKW RIVEN MALDING KEKW yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis PixelBob PixelBob @chimpna lol Bye byebye cannon OMEGALUL HUU HUU HUU HUU HUU HUU KEKW Trash talking a 13 year old, thats low im gay @ChimpNA ??? LULW CRINGEEEEEEEEEEE smurf kkndred OMEGALUL Flaming a 13 year old WeirdChamp BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird ? LMAO "onetrick" LUL BMING 13 year old WeirdChamp flaming a 13 year old xd WTF SO TOXIC @Yassuo one arab flaming another arab? KEKW KEKW BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird @Yassuo wjat runes do you use? bullying a child BULLYING A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW why u BM 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo lol bullying a 13 yo after he manhandeled you in lane? moe the type of guy to get clapped by a 13 yrs old on the game and cry about it FLAMING A CHILD KEKW BULLY HIM MORE PogU SOUNDS LIKE CHIMP HES HALF YOUR AGE CHIMPPPPPPPPPPPPP BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD 4Weird ? VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW VIPERS BROTHER KEKW 4Weird imagine bming a 13 year old lul bullying kids @Yassuo calm down hes just a 13 years old. @yassuo why u bullying a 13 uear p;d talking shit to a 14 year old weird champ CHIMP better jg literally bullying a 13 year old @Yassuo the chimp lives on in moe @ChimpNA he still profiting off your line @Mods WTF SO TOXIC BULLYING A KID WeirdChamp MORE TOXIC THAN 13 YEAR OLD WeirdCham chimp POOR MAN WeirdChamp BEING TOXIC TO 12 YEAR OLD KEKW ? TriHard TriHard TriHard WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp BYE BUDDY Pepega LMFAO @ChimpNA he pulled out ur move KEKW you a piece of shit bruh D: HES HALF YOUR AGE KEKW @chimpna @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? Imagine trash talking a 13 year old LUL KEKW LUL 4Weird LUL ENDORSES BULLYING general sniper haHAA WeirdChamp D: Ur so mean HE'S CRYING ON STREAM yasU spam byebye cannon LUL MORE TOXIC THAN 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp MORE TOXIC THAN 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp MORE TOXIC THAN 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp KEKW !elo BULLY moe is just picking on someone his own size KEKW man all the top streamers are so toxic. Its no wonder league is getting more and more toxic @Yassuo sanguine on yas is any good?? Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit youre so sad He’s only a kid chat be like BULLY but if moe loses then u say he gets wrecked by a 13 yr old omegaulul 3Head 3Head 3Head !opgg WeirdChamp bigherro0 -> @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? lmfao LUL Abusing 13y old kid LUL LUL Well done he’s 13 true Flaming 13 year old lmao FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp WHY YOU BULLY 14YO WeirdChamp OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit he did change @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? KEKW KEKW KKEW e First snake now Molester MORE TOXIC THAN 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp monkaW LUL monkaW lol FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp ? KEKW KEKW monkaW D: Not false monkaS LA MOE WeirdChamp LA MOE WeirdChamp D: Ok D: @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS?? KEKW KEKW wut he was always cringe LA MOE KEKW Yassuo why do enemies not ban yasuo more often? banned monkaW its the 70 ping KEKW FUCK YOU MOE FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp FAKE ROLEX PogChamp POKGGGG lmfao EGO ANDY KEKW @Yassuo LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL lower emotional IQ than a child WeirdChamp !uptime WeirdKEKW The stream has been live for 3 hours 48 minutes 28 seconds ALPHA POGGERS ALPHA POGGERS ALPHA POGGERS MY CHAT TriDance Why do you Mained Yasuo? KEKW KEKW fuck you :) barely holding your ground against a 13 yo KEKW dam lol nice EGO ASD ASD ASD who is that streamer name a BUILD KEKW buy a new cam pls yasSnake @Yassuo Taunting the right target to taunt? Must be a fanboy KEKW so full of yourself KEKW ban sup KEKW @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? POWERTRIP KEKW LA MOE EGO ANDY KEKW @Yassuo . !runes CUM ??????? monkaS TILT 5 VIEWER STREAM KEKW hi daddy role model KEKW CHINA MOE SadChamp Last Game (Yasuo): > > > | > | > > hahahahah he gonna do it again lol leave him alone plz he did nothing wrong im calling peta you shouldnt treat dogs like that @Yassuo Grown ass man harrasing a child yea Moe real mature @yassuo LA MOE WeirdChamp @Yassuo can you try stormrazor yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake NotLikeThis CRINGER @saltyyghg KEKW Just wants to come Kreygasm WE LOVE U MOE :) @saltyyghg KEKW what up yeah full ad team WeirdChamp YAS BULLING A 13YEAR OLDYAS BULLING A 13YEAR OLDYAS BULLING A 13YEAR OLD this stream is actually funny lol UNMOD HIM KEKW @Yassuo Ur so mean to general sniper its good against ur jug @Yassuo ARE YOU PLAYING IN TCS ? stop copying t1 EGO ANDY KEKW @Yassuo , i mean you have an ashe and kindred too he doesn't need to build armour TriDance moa hates his fans lul BYE BYE BUDDY BYE BYE "just wait" - riven Kappa Rammus building thornmail must be fanboy KEKW @saltyyghg KEKW what up.. unmodded HE WANTS TO COME GachiBass KEKW he lose the game just for counter you lol he is rammus what do you expect met4Champ met4Champ met4Champ met4Champ Why you banned Yasuo? @Yassuo ASSHOLE MOE WeirdChamp you'd have to be relevant to have fans in 1st place WeirdChamp OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit OTP RIVEN'S yasSpit wdym thats a normal rammus build maining yasuo WeirdChamp Riven gonna smash you xD TriDance dominating? i dont see it LA changed Moe trkMoedusa MOE KILLS RIVEN -> OMG BULLY WeirdChamp MOE DIES -> REKT BY 13 YEAR OLD HAHAA KEKW @yassuo TfBlade better LULW Report Stream guys WeirdChamp that ward was bad ¨Will you be playing in tcs? @Yassuo NO COZ YOU ALL AD IDIOT EGO ANDY KEKW @Yassuo yo can you keep it down bro my son is trying to sleep @Yassuo :) !rak :thinking: @itshellkaiserftw shutup snowflake RPGShihu RPGShihu RPGShihu RPGShihu why is this soo cringe wtf !rank Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (362 LP) :p :p :p :p ;) :p :p :p :p :p god I love yasspit !elo GENERAL SNIPER ISNT 13 YOU FUCKING RETARDS LFMAOOOOOOOO Play zed yasPride Kappa100 is it reebok or is it nike? LA MOE WeirdChamp stream title KEKW ITS OKAY TI BULLY HIM BECAUSE HE IS A RIVEN MAIN Lane swap pussy??? report the stream boys Pog PogU Do you think that pun1shers Cassio is one of the best in the world? KEKW PogU WeirdChamp PepeLaugh byeeeeeee enjoy your game PogU ????????????????????????? @Yassuo You said you didnt like this skin when it came out what happened? what do you get information from that ward moe how a full tank like rammus can assasinate you with no damage ? LUL @Yassuo Ashe does zero damage LUL pogU Cheer100 Bro i swear on jah that rammus is a fan boy STOLEN KEKW @ilijaboii everything is cringe when u are 13 y old, dont worry u will grow up :) nice ult KEKW he is stoled LUL that rammus is putting him self behind LUL RAMMOOSE KEKW gg KEKW Can't burst down yas KEKW PepeLaugh Pogu OMEGALUL Clap KEKW Moe gets hella bitches BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW @Yassuo Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa he stole it KEKW yasCarried PogU Rammus did so much dmg wtf ryze so op ? YOUR MONITOR HAS BROKEN? JUST ARE GRAY ON SCREEN LETMHELP 1/3/5 LUL KEKW Moe build shiv. No one uses pd anymore UNMOD HIM RAMMUS IS A FKING TANK PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR LULW ,,GOOD TRY YAS MODS ROASTED KEKW @yassuo how can I get better in general, I have good Cs in lane and in jg, my "plays" r decant and I'm still stuck in silver 3, I've been playing 4 - 6 months, how can I carry games wile every lane is I ting except for me... somtimes X AYAYA H calling all ur mods fanboys WeirdChamp shade at mods lul xayah KEKW XAYAH MALDING KEKW smd_joakim subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! how are you doing moe @Yassuo just mute them?? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday shiv sucks :) do mods get paid? why pd and not statikki? ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss @Yassuo i played blitz ull ap mid yesrtday... and had 4 air drakes... ult was 4,5sec :D @Haychyko what Moe lookin cute today @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yas? shield shiv doesnt crit anymore ight dude SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS u pussy pd sssssssssssssssssssssssssss RymegaLULze xayah KEKW sell pots? @yassuo YA 🐍 🐍 UO cmonBruh lmfao Xayah PepeLaugh ssssssss KEKW ee KEKW SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CANNON KEKW kawrohan -> Please refrain from posting links. -1 .. xayah mad af EleGiggle yas1 I luv shiv SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMEGALUL cannon PogU KEKW KEKW Q selphyGasm Kreygasm Kreygasm if you and fogged play top against each other who wins? your yas or his tryn? Kreygasm bad sup man PepeHands Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PD gives earlier Qss cuz u dont get steraks, efficient item path Moe you a whole snake -1 gachiGASM lookin cute buddy @Yassuo let me read chat Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW KEKW KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis fanboi KEKW cannon a fanboy SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNAKE BabyRage BabyRage @Yassuo NO COZ YOU ALL AD IDIOT Kreygasm Moe big nose Shisss RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW yasShrug READ XAYAH MSG hoes mad GUYS WHO ARE YASUO MAINS INSIDE HERE TELL ME : ISNT IT THE MOST ANNOYING THING TO CANCEL YASUOS Q WITH THEIR CC ? KEKW poopoo peepee yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake K I wanna see outplay ratirlSleep ratirlSleep ratirlSleep @Yassuo copyinh T1 LUL whag is the name of streamer fhat is 13 yo yasFat yasPride yasFat yasPride wtf is kekw @YuYuYuna_ get me pregnant want to 1vs1? Hahah rkxbragger subscribed with Twitch Prime. -69g tyler1? @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yas? i have a big dicku what mods mean ? shiv is better HHAAHAHAH MOE IS TILT ASF ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness PINOY WE NEED A FANBOY COUNTER ON YOUTUBE lol @Yassuo did u drop out a vending machine cuz you look like a snack Taking the word fanboy from Tyler makes you a fanboy too Good ass song how is fanboy an insult lol tune nadedRage WTF I wanna be a fan boi too :) probably going too lol this on for Trick Hey someone gift me a sub i'll suck your toes. DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! @YuYuYuna_ WeirdChamp !followage @ShinigamiGodhat dear god hiiros1Lul RAMMUS IS MOES MOD LUL moe like tilted, why? moe hates his fans KEKW fanboy new insult? Nut? me too xD kept flowshield PogU Why are the enemy team so braindead small wolf ;w; @Yassuo ARE U GONNA JOIN TCS? casualdassword -> Please refrain from posting links. So dumb ?????????????? @lucidowo that’s tempting actually XD what's the song? ? CS nicre rubiusPlebs rubiusPlebs rubiusPlebs rubiusPlebs this rammus is actually cringe Moe, I just watched qt and you are literally the only reason this dead-ass game is entertaining Ciechomska usiądź mi na mordzie. Flisu jaraj dupy elo benc enemy jng is playing around mid and river KEKW what a fanboy KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo waffleThink waffleDab PainChamp Can someone please gift me a sub, my cat just died so I can't pay for it bet. i'll do it @eirick_ engulfing_amoeba gifted a Tier 1 sub to lucidowo! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! @Jesusisratherkinky bot left Lol players are brainwashed ? Your favorite skin now?? like l ike like stfu can i spit in ur mouth chat? pls. 4WeirdW like lik like pro- pro- proximity 94 @itzhannie i see u PagChomp Kapp @YuYuYuna_ 😉 this is what happens when u have a 5 viewer stream r u a god @itzhannie yasSpit 5Head exactly 93 chat can you believe that 40 minutes ago i clicked on my wireless MOBILE phone that i wanted 36 tacos and some rando divers me the tacos widepeepoHappy someone gift me sub? daveyxHAPPY @Yassuo Is it riven mid or rammus mid? i genuinely cant tell KEKW @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh Moe eye tracker challenge again Proximity 5Head @engulfing_amoeba Thanks, now send me feet pix 93% delusional BabyRage they are literaly sneaking ariund mis 24/7 xD i mean its yassuo vs rammus @Gabrahan WeirdChamp @YuYuYuna_ i thought you were a sneaky only viewer 4Weird @Tellmewhynot Hello yasH XD dudeethatsrad subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months, currently on a 1 month streak! My dude, Lakers or Clippers? @TheArcalius ??? yasSpit wat it do @Yassuo can you listen to Infinity by XXXTentacion and Joey Badass EUW borthers wishing can3er To NA challenger sl*ts!!!!!! hachu3 hachu4 Kapp more like 85.6 MAXPAIN1233 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS i need help i have a french test tmrw any help ? plz ? @Call_me_Zeroo oddonePat WeirdChamp @lucidowo if u suckem il sub TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS No we dont believe you 4WeirdW GIFT ME A SUB YOU WONT CHAT IS SOFT andersmadsen10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! @YuYuYuna_ oddonePat @Gulitrix the future is now man are channel points forever? @TheArcalius Wassup homie TriHard sneaky viewers WeirdChamp its doomed for u today l KEKW hi KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo big desperate times out here FeelsBadMan LUL why ruby crystal when going qss? how do you feel about new stormrazor on yasuo? MOE IS IT TRUE THAT U HAVE THE EXPENSIVE WATCH PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp WeirdChamp @itzhannie Open ur mouth yasSpit Moe, I just watched qt and you are literally the only reason this dead-ass game is entertaining u trash yass xDDD @YoussefTheD no ETS i swear !yasuo Sneaky WeirdChamp !points Can I get an AYAYA in chat @Tellmewhynot TriHard <3 hachu1 hachu2 where are ur cisors? song? @AcidicStorm Acii waffleAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Spurs OMEGALUL LOOKING FOR A TEAM FOR TCS DM FOR INFO POGGERS LOOKING FOR A TEAM FOR TCS DM FOR INFO POGGERS LOOKING FOR A TEAM FOR TCS DM FOR INFO POGGERS Spurs KEKW !rank AYAYA GRANDMASTER I (362 LP) RIVEN KEKW WeirdChamp spurs Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP SPURS KEKW SPURS LULW VAI BRASIL kaido_the_goaat -> Please refrain from posting links. !yassuo Yassuo: $(leagueoflegends "yassuo" na) PagChomp AYAYA @YuYuYuna_ ur now banned from sneaky's chat for watching other streamers :) hiiros1Ayaya Clap gift me sub if you gay irl AYAYA ayaya AYAYA ? Kk AYAYA oddoneAYAYA RPGAyaya AYAYA nvm we lost YAYAYA ? AYAYAYAY AYAYA general sniper haHAA @itzhannie good news, booked ur flight to sweden, you here for 8 weeks Kapp SPURS NOT GONNA MAKLE PLAYOFFS LULW 9-11 Anele where are your cisors? hi kaido_the_goaat -> Please refrain from posting links. !subs Better botlane wins @zklramsey SIMPS emoneySimp TELL THE RAMMUS TO SIT THE FUCK DOWN What’s your opinion about PUN1SHER AYAYA boxAYAYA lakers or clippers, says spurs lol Any Hannies? AYAYA Any Hannies? AYAYA Any Hannies? AYAYA Any Hannies? AYAYA Any Hannies? AYAYA Any Hannies? AYAYA Throughout the last like 3 years, as you've gotten bigger, your chat has become more dominated by normie cringe spammers herJoy @Yassuo 13 YR KID MALD PepeLaugh spurs might not make the playoffs this year sixers need to get their shit together man shen tryhard comms WeirdChamp raps ryze waveclear 4Head i need help in my french test tmrw i need help holy waveclear what does precipitation mean moe? @yassuo u need to Stream tmrw i will resub bitch AYAYA why is xayah talking lmao !mastery just came from Tyler the creator Hot 97 interview @yassuoisinsecure nah goldenstate warriors hi If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh ??? How much master points does Moe have on Yasuo? @Tellmewhynot Oh no no no PepeLaugh KEKW hey @Yassuo send some people at your jg's channel too man KEKW FANBOY KEKW RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo Does that mean I cant summon the hydra no mo widepeepoSad ?????? WeirdChamp fanboy wasted flash POGGERS @YoungPepto why is everyone suddenly using the word simp? like wtf Pog OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh 💦 HERE WE GO Pog Kindred carrying Pog KEKW Pog HIT NADO FOR ONCE POG WEEBS FeelsWeirdMan 👉 🔥 kass build???????????????? NICW SHEN Pog KEKW If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world fax @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh shen Pog @katukas under tower taunt?? hee maddd SHEN GOAT WTF IS THIS ZAYN MALIK? yasU yasGood yasGood How much mastery points does Moe have on Yasuo?? @YuYuYuna_ yeah you're out PogU Get in comms with the kindred @Yassuo Shen Pog send fan boy in all chat SHEN POGGERS eat cisors agin pls monkaW monkaW FeelsStrongMan SIT THE FK DOWN RAMMUS AND SK IT take it monkaW teach me your ways so i can steal them and be better than you moe Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! greed If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the woorld ult no balls monkaW monkaW YOU CRAZY BITCH pepeD DO IT YOU WONT monkaW If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world Any gifters TriHard LOL PogU shen monkaW ? Moe, I just watched qt and you are literally the only reason this dead-ass game is entertaining VoteYea monkaW monkaW eat it Pog Kreygasm ;,FAP monkaW don't get greedyy WutFaceW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaE @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yasuo? SHEN Pog KKona Clap monkaW monkaW TriHard AYAYA TriHard @itzhannie PepeLaugh monkaW PUT IT DOWN monkaW monkaW monkaW LUL LUL monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW fat monkaW monkaS monkaW miam Drill his butthole monkaEyes eat it KEKW monkaW uhhhhh garbage drill Jesus wtf man monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW EAT IT dental work hell yeah WutFace monkaS monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW PUT IT IN UR EYE monkaW monkaS monkaW EAT THAT SHIT monkaW monkaW monkaW WTF WTF WTF what @Yassuo show off the watch monkaS eat the drill monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaS monka monkaEyes BANNED WTF KEKW ACCESSORISE tf monkaW eat it @Abdullah3s monkaEYES monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaS When r your 1v1?? monkaW monkaEyes DRILL HIS URETRA monkaEyes monkaW PUT IT MOUTH POGGERS Twitch talk is disgusting monkaW drill in youre head OOOOOOOO Pog monkaEyes h yasGood_BW wtfffffffff DUDE UR FACE EAT IT peepoPog If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world monkaW POG nice what kind of drill is that broken KEKW you had that on your deskmfor months monkaW monkaW THROW IT AWAY asmr eat it @Yassuo you just have a power drill on hand reach triSoft monkaW DRILL YOUR HEAD KEKW Yasuo is balanced Pog ??? Pepega LUL Throughout the last like 3 years, as you've gotten bigger, your chat has become more dominated by normie cringe spammers show watch ? wtf was that combo monkaW @Yassuo Why are you in LA? why are u such a HAMAR @Yassuo !followage @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh PepeLaugh eat hit drill my asshole Kreygasm LUL @AKAROH POGGERS PUT IT IN MOUTH HAHAHA 1v1s when? is your dick reebok or nike SON REBOK O SON NIKE WAKANDA FOREVER triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft this is the rythm of the night ctrl 3 please ? @yassuo how can I get better, I can Cs, can make some waht good plays and over all I'm a good player when I don't tilt or int. NADO @Abstergent_ Black and decker shit drill ?????????????? PepeHands RYTHIM OF THE NIGHT @Yassuo a female friend is watching show off your watch now's your chance put it in your mouth like you do with the scissors is it se reebok, or so nike Pog HAHAHA dogshit? Moe is big muscular and handsome @yassuo u will stream tomorrow cause i ll resub @itzhannie KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW nice bm KEKW RIVEN riven KEKW KEKW When r your 1v1?? Can I see your watch @Yassuo bro that drill has been there for like 2 months now, clean ur fking bedroom KEKW PepeHands PepeLaugh riven KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ashe Pog BYE BYE Pepega zomar lmao wyrwyrhwuryw If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world :) LUL SO MAD KEKW BYE BYE GH8O[ ISEGSeg WEn awidjfegjskshndiowejsnd ashe god BYE BYE ANELE 🖐️ Stealing my quote 4Weird @Yassuo you are a kalb @Yassuo going to all-stars on Wednesday? Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : WErn wjlemjopriwepaR mad 13yo Nam? *turns into chimp* KEKW BULLY WeirdChamp Taunt to bodied HE JUST A KID PepeHands yasCannon has anyone seen that vid where the chick eats corn off the power drill and rips off half her hair Riven players KEKW why are you cosplaying chimp @ChimpNA ashe slow !slots bye bye ANELE are we doing 1v1s today? MALDING PepeLaugh bullying 13 year old WeirdChamp triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft is that vipers brother? yo wassup my man KEKW BM BACKFIRE KEKW MONKEY NA BYE BYE BUDDIE @ChimpNA KEKW 4Weird ChimpNA??? @Yassuo why does kass have every component item in the game? LULW yasFat yasFat @yassuo show the flex my boi gotta seem the diamonds yasCannon 17 Pog yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried yasCarried stop hes already dead PepeHead thats usually how that works @prxshant yea @ChimpNA LUL kass build If MOE has million of fans i am one of them . if MOE have only one fan and that is me. if MOE has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against MOE, i am against the world :) :) :) @theriisktaker pet? mr against riven lul @ChimpNA sue him iWhen r your 1v1?? SAY IT BUDY (BYE BYYE BUDY BYE BYE @chimpna TRUEEE @ChimpNA Pog 4Wierd literly copyed that line from a fan playing for the powerspike 5Head Kapp monkaW SPECTRUM KEKW i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about moe. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol. Kapp SPECTRUM WeirdKEKW Kapp SPECTRUM KEKW NA PING LULW @Yassuo google reebok or nike its good content SPECTRUM yasSmash LA ping WeirdChamp Kapp 91 trash ping ok how do you play on 70ms sfhSMUG 70ms Pog SPECTRUM KEKW all day Kapp windows updates maybe @Yassuo is general sniper taller than tyler kaoppa @Yassuo "this is the rhythm of the night" song lyrics sounds like "is it the reebook or the nike" :) Spectrum KEKW @acidicstorm, calm down loser getting ddosed i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about moe. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol. SAD A FAN TAUGHT YOU THAT LINE IN A 1V1 @Yassuo KISS ME STOP LAG EZ Spectrum is shit LaGgINg AlL DaY @Yassuo g oogle reebok or nike its good content K A P P zomar told you that buy buy buddy isnt that the inting build? why does rammus do so much damage KEKW Reaperlion subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! FANBOY DDOS KEKW CurryDK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4 month is not long. but still 4 good months tho @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh @yassuo Türklük var mı çok benziyorsunda mortal reminder 5Head with the 6 mana items triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft triSoft MEGAKEK @Yassuo are you in LA or New York windows is updating pepeMeltdown LA PING KEKW LETS HAVE ALL THE PRO PLAYERS AND STREAMERS PLAY ON 70 PING KEKW Kass going frozen gauntlet @theriisktaker I was saying if a pet walked across your keyboard cause you typed random letters why not buy the 2nd cloak before b.f i think you will have to wait till next game till Kassadin finishes all those 7 items @Yassuo precipitation? on YouTube I see moe int in every game, he is actually good jakesdigbic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! moe i love you yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride KEKW CALLING SHEN KEKW SHEN PogU yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride gg yass @monkeydluffycha ingiliççe sorsana pepeMeltdown KILLED 13 Y.O. WHATS WRONG WITH U Hi @Yassuo You said you didnt like this skin when it came out what happened? yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride cs Pog not giving shen cannon WeirdChamp did he lost lane to rivne?\ Scynoz subscribed with Twitch Prime. @acidicstorm, i was typing wat general sniper said. my bad then you lag at 90ms so what should I say if I told u I play all my games at 95ms yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about moe. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol. CS POG isnt that viper lil bro im not yes ICEBORN? ?????? what is that kass build ICEBORN GAUNTLET KEKW lol yasPride yasPride yasPride go sad that riven so she can get tilted lad top lane PauseChamp 13 y/o talking about being a man KEKW manuel_v_3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 AYAYA items KEKW yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride Pog Moe, I just watched qt and you are literally the only reason this dead-ass game is entertaining monkaW I don't think riven wins KEKW i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about moe. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol. BET PogU gg he's not even a man he's like 13 KEKW oof ok 1 v 1 a kid DONT BRING ANYONE monkaEyes Man IF U LOSE U GIVE 5 SUB TO CHAT wait for shen ult ayay Jebaited MaN NA KEKW KEKW BOUT TO GET 1V1'd KEKW bring ur team KEKW she will call her buddy rammus :D he hasn't even hit puberty yet KEKW KEKW about to die to a 13 yo KEKW Azazel12 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! beat his ass @yassuo Moe. the kind of guy Who cant get laid with a hug full of tickets outside a concert @Yassuo you wanna 1v1 later? pls fam emet Pepega He gonna lose KEKW lets go1!!!!!! homie hes 13 not even a man yet KEKW @Yassuo 13 y/o talking about being a man KEKW KEKW true man LOL KEKW beware of rammus bring chat KEKW MOE A SNAKE LOL LOL KEKW TRUE KEKW MaN Holy shit he's gonna kidnap u go 1v1 KEKW KEKW yamato8MonkeyS yamato8MonkeyS yamato8MonkeyS yamato8MonkeyS yamato8Smug yamato8Burger snake him Pepega @Yassuo LET ME CHECK UR TSHIRT KEKW time to lose KEKW wtf is this kass doing? KEKW PepeLaugh OHNONO PepeLaugh OHNONO PepeLaugh OHNONO PepeLaugh OHNONO PepeLaugh OHNONO PepeLaugh OHNONO KEKW KEKW YASUO IS A GIRL CHAMP 1x1 Gangbang him KEKW "if you're a man" said 13 year old. Damn 13 yo not even in puberty KEKW yo rammus waiting LULW !subs !uptime alcove 1v1 LULW The stream has been live for 3 hours 57 minutes 53 seconds f What’s on your shirt? RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW 1v1 alcve LOST TO A 13 YEAR OLD KEKW Moe a man KEKW alcove bush cheese KEKW Yo U Good At Lol Game So Good pog Pog PogU Pog Pog OKAY/ Pog Pog PogU Pog PogU PogU PogU OH PogU that cheese LMAO LULW ignite KEKW WOOOO holy shit that was insane Pog WON ez pz :D Pog RAMMUS LUL pog EZ OMEGALUL KEKW HAHAHHA RAMMYUS LOL OK POGGERS lmaoo pog POgu pog EZ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice windwal Got u bitch POG HE DODGED IT LOL PogU KEKW rammus HAHAHAHA EZ yasHmm OMEGALUL RAMMUS told you he will come :D KEKW pog KEKW RAMMUS RED BUFF KEKW fan Pog LULW RAMMUS F ur insane moe jhheeeeez PogU KARMA RAMMUS OH NO NO PepeLaugh rammus ????????????/ KEKW POG @Yassuo LET ME CHECK UR TSHIRT EZ Clap omg so bad! lol KS WeirdChamp Bulling a kid EZ KEKW o dayuum KEKW KS EZY Clap KEKW KEKW CALLED RAMMUS CLOSE PogYou KEKW LULW easy KEKW kekw BOY~ EZ Clap Ez KEKW Flash KEKW EZ HI YT HeyGuys actually wp Pog wp KEKW EZ Clap lmao RAMMUS KEKW RAMMUS POGU Viper junior messed up LULW NADO HITBOX KEKW easy claps snake stood in a bush NA 4FUN KEKW EZ Clap BibleThump Men's world hes mad JustJW -> Please refrain sending long messages. You're mom gay riven KEKW EZ Clap isnt being a fan a good thing? @Yassuo LET ME CHECK UR TSHIRT PLS fiesta boys better XD lol That Riven is patetic @Yassuo IMAGINE FLAMING A KID IN LOL RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW Rammus is sad KEKW Wow look ar your face mad why ur mad you cheated with the bush wasnt fair 1v1 since he didnt have vision of you Pog STAN BibleThump hes soooo mad child abuse WeirdChamp @Yassuo U stole fanboy from tyler you fanboy WeirdChamp PogU KILLED A 13 YRO KID CLipa He's not talking anymore RAMMUS IS MOE MOD KEKW LULW 13 years old challenger pog @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh ABUSING A 13YEAR OLD WeirdChamp Lmao i love how now they just silent, sore losers KEKW BULLIED A 13 YEAR OLD Pog Bullying 13y old kid WutFace WutFace LEFT KEKW I hate this community bully PepeLaugh @yassuo Moe. the kind of guy Who cant get laid with a hug full of tickets outside a concert cy@ yasGood_SQ yasGood_SQ yasGood_SQ @MonkeyDLuffycha he flamed the rammus yasR @yuna09 lol dude plz Pog PHAGE Trinity yas Pog ? yasSleeper when are 1v1s? yasHmm ItsBoshyTime ? ??? @Yassuo i love watching your YT vids ! what is that kassadin build ?7 ????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? trueee WHAT phage for death dance 4Head @Yassuo why dd instead of bt? ?? Moedusa phage doesnt build into deaths dance? @Yassuo @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh ???/ LOL rammus win trade ? ?????? ? ??? @brswiftkey KEKW bruh? What was that kass build KEKW ? ???????? ?? true LUL ? ???? TRUUUE KEKW ??? weakest roast ive ever heard TRUE LULW KEKW ?? ????? ?/?? LMAO um????? ?? phage doesnt build into DD anymore LULW ??? excuse me what? ??????????????????/' ??? yasJoy ?? lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo ?????????? yasTrue ?????????????? ????? phage ???? bro what the fuck does that mean what KEKW what..? yo true KEKW ?????? KEKW KEKOW KEKW tf any reason why dd over bt? ????? TRUEEEE LUL yasU Lol ?? Moe XD someone shoot these bad comedians Pepega ??????? ?? TRUE KEKW Cringe ??????????? ?????? @brswiftkey ???????? ?????? WE STRUGGLING KEKW ?????? WeirdChamp ??? GOTTEM ??????????????????? what phage for death dance ??? ? ???? @brswiftkey just delete your account right now tard ???? sub mode pls TRUEEEEEEEEEE KEKW im so confused ???????????????????????+ ???????? LMAO KEKW TRUEEEEEEEE lmaoo try maxing W second :) true PEPEGA deaths dance doesnt use phage u monkey @Yassuo ???????? ?? nice chat Moe @Yassuo KEKW TANK KASS WILL SCALE KEKW KEKW KEKW Cringe @roniman03 lol? :) ?????????????????? @Yassuo LET ME CHECK UR TSHIRT PLS @Yassuo google reebok or nike its good content PHAGE FOR DEATH DANCE OMEGALUL NaM WEIRDCHAM[ ? @Yassuo Can you give us a senna mid gameplay soon O.O!! TRUE LULW LULW i feel it *** do those dudes even get laid wtf Moe BAN HIM leagueissuicide subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Heyyy moe, How are you doing!! AYEE but its TRUEEEEE WEIRDCHAMP wtf does that even mean> But what did he mean? @Yassuo i love your YT vids Hahaha gachiBASS sit on it rammus wintrade 4Weird thoughts on tarzan? !uptime The stream has been live for 3 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds the truckdrivers of getting laid fr wtf @Yassuo back in LA? i feel you man UL pogggggg POG KEKW MOE you cant roast for shit LUL KEKW ?????? KEKW Q KEKW phage is my face btw @Yassuo OMEGALUL KEKW FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW ???? LULW ????? Twitch chat were special. Follow me on Twitter for updates KEKW FLASH KEKW !uptime battleethereal subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW sit KEKW KEKW ?? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW INT KEKW KEKW NADO?! kekw millions to stream a video game isnt worth it LUL INT Moe is handsome and muscular Trueeeeee KEKW ??????????????? that was kekw this is why he doesn’t read chat KEKW Nice Q flash suicide Nice Flash inting *f SO BAD KEKW my eyes MISSED LUL DED KEKW FLASH KEKW OMEGALUL flash kekW Flash Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW HES BACK KEKW KEKW @Yassuo see if you switched to mixer you would getless money but mature viewers yikes Pepega LMAO PepeLaugh KEKW EMBARASSING ???? KEKW LMFAO LULW AY MOE LOOKIN KINDA CUTE TODAY NOHOMOE DOE KappaPride PogChamp OMEGALUL ????? PogChamp LUL ok man @Yassuo you want to 1v1 later? gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EUW Q LUL @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh Pepegaclap wp man @yassuo nice haircut u look younger sanchHeart bro watching ur stream makes my head hurts @Yassuo LET ME CHECK UR TSHIRT PLS what's your favorite preseason change LUL f where is that 22 ap came from?? PepegaClap KEKW why do you get so much hate moe @Yassuo going to allstars wednesday? padnok27 subscribed with Twitch Prime. !server NA Want an epic roast huh ? NA Q KEKW How did u put music in corner? Still missing flash q in season 10 Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : KappaPride PorscheWIN yasM03 KappaPride @mrsepehr8 baron @aron0083 stfu you so cringe @insanity LETS GO David!! (btw David is insanity, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol) @mrsepehr8 baron SDKJFNSDJOFHSDIUFSDIUFSUID yo llol @mrsepehr8 baron buff gives ap copterCYA copterHeart copterFeelsBad copterHeart copterFeelsBad copterCYA copterCYA copterCYA copterCYA copterCYA copterCYA Q do u prefer la or nyc? pepeMeltdown RAP GOD @jajong stfu ape Q KEKW hey moe tap for me pls sanchHeart @Yassuo get a hair cut WeirdChamp @yassuo cleaver ? u tryna play tcs Please save NA at worlds @Yassuo Moe, give us the girl tips fam tab @Yassuo i wish u the best in your games buddy <3 enjoy ur time mohammad ANELE ratirlSip ratirlSip !followage sanchHeart Kapp :/ what's your fav preseason change hi moe peepoArrive AYEEE he read mine YES yes Pog YES Yes YES yes yes YES YES yes POGGERS yes when are you doing 1v1s always? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ItsBoshyTime Clap YES @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? Am I still a sub? yes no YES yes POGGG YES YES PogU yea\ yes' YES nah ur too good yes yes yes yes YES yes yes Yes YES Pog YES N OMEGALUL yes Pog Yea YES POG YES Yes YES you not invited Yes PogU YES YES YES say kurwa win it yes yes the fuk is tcs Subwild subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Got gifted a sub last month, but time to give you my money :) thanks for the constant entertainment yes YES you cant get it KEKW YES NO YOU SUCK] Yes ye YES YES YES Yes yes no yess @Yassuo can you do 1v1 later? yes lol its the only content in preseason YES yes yes yes yes YES yes YES YES YES yes YES PogU what is kass build ? yes please YES YES WITH TRICK get a team unless you scared YES BIG DICK can normie play in TCS ? yes YES yes because you would roll them when are you doing pummel YES yes yes YES Yes YES pOG yes content Pog Is it me, or you? YES yess @yassuo is thinking about where he went wrong and y he has to deal with us YES YO WHATS UP yes YES yes yes yes FAKE MESSAGE KEKW What is tcs??? no. u need redemption from twitch rivals @Yassuo bro you can't keep taking Tyler's money in wich ss was yas the best? in your opinion nah you arent good Moe jump king bet against t2g again? YES POG you need to apply not a single no LMAO No ask tyler LULW hes not gonna let u play LULW YCS yes Pog Moedusa wtf is tcs @Yassuo tyler isnt competing so you might have a chance to win for once :) No Yes !!YES WITH TRICK thats why you got 2-0 @Yassuo content Pog play with trick YES yes Yes CAST WITH TYLER @Yassuo This game is so dead. moe is trying to make it fun to watch atleast @Yassuo play with me :) N OMEGALUL by tyler LCS 50k tho better have a better team than twtich rivals yeah I need money If you don't play in TCS your channel is dying @Yassuo we want you to play 1v1 TALKING WITH IMAGINARY FRIEND LOL TRICK lul KEKW lmfao last week I ate nothing but cashews for 2 days straight so when i pooped my shit was straight up butter, oil shit cant even wipe it so I freaked out and went to the doctor and got tissues up my bum to clean that excess oil TRUE LULW KEKW true KEKW dont make promises to jungle KEKW Yes TRUE KEKW Please play with trick! @Yassuo KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW What’s tcs KEKW can i join your team? when are you doing pummel. KEKW play LULW how can u duo with another midlaner TRICK PogChamp Play with TRICK2G @Yassuo play what ? PLAY WITH TRICK @Yassuo KEKW @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? moduesa and friends is back whats tcs play with trick snake TRICK IN JG YOU SNAKE when are you doing 1v1s always? i need money OMEGAROLL what an easy way to get money @ YASSUO CAST WITH TYLER PLAY WITH TRICK trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa @Masterfiend Why would he play with an inter play with @generalsniper1 in tcs @jajong speak ape busy man PogYou PLAY WITH TRICK @Yassuo SNAKING TRICK AGAIN? AIGHT I SEE HOW IT IS Pog PLAY TRICK PLAY TRICK LS has a team for tcs full of korean challs What’s TCS what was that highlighted message D: To beat the level look at the LINES in the BACKGROUND behind the stage floor. @Yassuo @Daericc what the fuck is wrong with you whats ccs ? TELL HIM EZ @insanity inv :) / Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! GayPride How does Kass do damage while building full tank? yasBoo4 PLAY WITH TRICK @Yassuo ! Just reached Gold 4 Chat PogU FLANKED KEKW KEKW ????? ? KEKW KEKW ??????????? nice int tcs is tayler 1 championship seris KEKW failed wall dash twice !server NA KEKW did you really miss a Q there? LULW what are you going to do huh LMAO no he doesnt LUL What’s tcs !?!?! ?? FREE PALESTINA KEKW tank kass KEKW @AKAROH YOURE SO CUTE MAN yasH yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 he killed them Pog Hmm KEKA TYLER CHAMPION SHIP kassadin cant do shit because look at his items KEKW HE AINT GONE DO SHIT TriHard yasBoo3 Solid int @Yassuo put trick in jg to put all this snake stuff behind @Yassuo what are you gonna do 0 DMG KASS KEKW NA KASS KEKW nt KEKW he's tank KEKW PHAT DMG SNAKING TRICK AGAIN? AIGHT I SEE HOW IT IS tank kass kekw qss you took the Rolex to flex at Faker when u meet? @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? qsssss kass is building tank lulw hashDab hashDab Malphite ult Kreygasm KEKW inting qsssssssss @Tellmewhynot peepoPog <3 phage xD qssssssssss EUW PLAYS LUL PLAY WITH TRICK @Yassuo yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 yasBoo4 TCS POGGERS deaths dance vs bt on yasuo? stop inting nice inting for the whole team kassadin is tank Inted Tank Kassadin what is phage for? TYLER CHAMPION SHIP TYLER CHAMPION SHIP TYLER CHAMPION SHIP just cast tcs with tyler TANK KASS KEKW qsssss @Yassuo what is phage for? yasBoo hy yassuo moe y do you deal with us? qssss @MonKhaS tyer championship series u smel Your team definitely won that one go qqss KEKW TANK KASS yikes TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS TCS POGGERS KEKW go qss KEKW KEKW Jebaited 1hp LUL PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW why do you have a phage pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW yo KEKW LUL what is that kassadin build KEKW KEKW KEKW tank kassa? KEKW go qsss KEKW yasSnake KEKW KEKW peepoBlanket KEKW @Yassuo Kiss me TriHard read my name no HotPokket What’s tcs @yassuo i was kidding about the concert thing 😂 love ya @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? Desmond_Sun subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! u didnt go for qss yasPlead SHEN <3 LUL KASSAWIN?!?!? LOOOOL kekw ne orospu cocuklari XD @Yassuo last week I ate nothing but cashews for 2 days straight so when i pooped my shit was straight up butter, oil shit cant even wipe it so I freaked out and went to the doctor and got tissues up my bum to clean that excess oil @Yassuo deaths dance vs bloodthirster for yas? Moe is handsome and Muscular Trueeeee lookin like more of a crack head than Dom right know, not gonna lie moe 1 if you are gay 2if you are lesbian seraphs gives more ap the more mana he has and all the rest he goes tank @Yassuo tf blades' merch is actually so clean I guess im gonna kiss my self SadChamp !uptime The stream has been live for 4 hours 3 minutes 30 seconds lol landonkool subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEWK KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW LUL TF BLADE KEKW KEKW KEKW lul KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEWKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW FAKE LAUGH KEKW KEKW What’s tcs @yassuo LUL KEKW Everyone go cop The Mob’s merch ggfPOG classMob ggfMOB ggfPog yas100T LULW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL D: how much did ur watch cost FAKE LAUGH KEKW FAX NO PRIN|TER KEKW lol FAKE LAUGH can u speak arabic LULW why is cass full tank? KEKW KEKW WHO SAYD THAT KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW its trash LULW LOL KEK FAKE LAUGH KEKW D: His merch is really shitty tbh KEKW SNAKE LAUGH KEKW Complene -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. for TFBLADE KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw riete bien conchetumare poki s merch is lit @TFblade ahahhahaha its realy bad man KEKW SHIRT wtf does kekw stand for KEKW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo Where your march at tho / I already did :) help a friend out man cmon :D KEKW WTF ur laugh holy shit me KEKW I AM :) KEKW KEKW KEKW I AM KEKW KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME u dont even wear ur own merch anymore @Yassuo TRUE KEKW LUL kekw voyboy does not approve of that kassadin build i bought it :) KEKW WTF llll @Yassuo true good for him, its like the retarded kid finding out what 2+2 is I bought it i am KEKW i did :) me riete bien conchetumare @Yassuo his merch prob only comes in toddler sizes :/ excuse me and where is ur merch? GONNA GET BULLIED LUL LULW I will KEKW KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME IMAGINE WEARING THAT OUTSIDE KEKW I say KEKW in real life :) @Yassuo KEKW KEKW if my kid ever wore KEKW merch id clap their ass @Yassuo SHOW IT PogU @Yassuo SHOW IT PogU @Yassuo SHOW IT PogU @Yassuo SHOW IT PogU @Yassuo SHOW IT PogU IF YOU WEAR THAT SHIT YOU'LL BE TARGET PRACTICE KEKW TFBlade better streamer fake ass laugh KEKW is best, I'm gonna sell it to my friends, what are you talking about KEKW ??????????? lul RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW RAMMUS KEKW UNMOD KEKW KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME KEKW BUY ME @Yassuo this rammus bill cosby and you're 11 year old girl tbh Wear his merch if you wanna get bullied IMAGINE WEARING THAT OUTSIDE KEKW . @Yassuo yo moe love your streams. From Malaysia KEKW When are you doing 1v1s? What day and time? KEKW IF I SAW SOMEONE WEARING TF BLADE'S MERCH I WOULD BULLY THEM UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD KEKW she has ga PepeLaugh @Yassuo put trick in jg to put all this snake stuff behind @Yassuo . KEKW Rammus is just broken in this game I AM WTF IS WRONG WITH U WeirdKEKW WeirdKEKW BabyRage that shit's way too expensive . . perma cc UNMOD That Rammus is so gay baited three times in a row ????? BabyRage Oh what do u know, turning on stream and its grey Kappa KEKW this buid sucks throwing? deaths dance vs bloodthirster on yasuo? he is so mad KEKW lmao dude KEKW I saw KEKW in real life and wear it on my shirt :) You wear his merch if you wanna get bullied monkaW WeirdKEKW Review tf blade merch THE LOGO ON TFS SHIRTS ISNT EVEN HIS CURRENT LOGO KEKW LULW @Yassuo Why deaths dance and no blood thirster? KEKW @lucasgoddamn KEKW LUCAS LMAOOO @yassuo would you dance with Me till your feet fell off lol kekw! UNMOD POSITIVE! F Full tank kase is viable mad LULW monkaW BANNED KEKW KEKW that riven grow balls now :D :D LOOOOOOL @Yassuo HIDE YOUR MAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEKW @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? LULW LATA BITCH KEKW KEKW KEKW Greetings from Uruguay big mad annoying KEKW WeirdKEKW KEKW lol l yung_loaf_sap subscribed with Twitch Prime. UNBAN HIM 4Weird @lucasgoddamn monkaW sounds like T1 LULW @lucasgoddamn KEKW LUL nighggerrrrrrrrrrrr KEKW GET FUKT KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW @Yassuo UR SO BAD LULW F KEKW @lucasgoddamn KEKW TAKE THE L @lucasgoddamn KEKW KEKW T1 VOICE?! lmaooooo REKT bye KEKW KEKW !Uptime what he say? The stream has been live for 4 hours 4 minutes 48 seconds @lucasgoddamn KEKW LUL D: @Yassuo Why deaths dance and no blood thirster? ? KEKW UNMODDED @lucasgoddamn KEKW LMFAO KEKW Get em moe deserved WeirdChamp LATA BITCH KEKW SMACK HIM D: alrightt MOD ME IM POSITIVE widepeepoSad TELL HIM KEKW @lucasgoddamn OMEGALUL SHEEEEEEEESH KEKW LUCAS GONE monkaEyes D: :D lucasgoddamn SadChamp :( WeirdKEKW LMAOO @lucasgoddamn KEKW LUL TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOF what''s with the title? oof WeirdKEKW rekt KEKW OH SNAP @lucasgoddamn KEKW what up yea this is positivity land lol i said ok boomer to SRO and got banned LULW KEKW D: KEKW KEKW TOO FAR WeirdChamp @lucasgoddamn stfu nighgherrrrrrrrr MOE you mae my life easier. law schoo lsi hard especially studying abroad MODS ?????????????????? can i be a mod? @lucasgoddamn KEKW SHEEEEESH LUL LAATAAA rekt pssy @lucasgoddamn cant wait to get that free sub with my 25k points LMAOO OOOF GETTING ROASTED SHHHSSISSHHS Moe mod me ? KEKQ SO MEAN U APE @Yassuo Why deaths dance and no blood thirster ? listen buddy fuck i love anime LMFAO WHY DEATH DANCE FOR YASUO? ITS VIABLE? @lucasgoddamn WORTH KEKW @yassuo fakkkt mod me @Yassuo Mod me I promise to be positive :) Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp Mod abuse WeirdChamp BIG F LOOCAS LULW Sanguine Blade meta & @Yassuo I'm positive :) MODSSSS? sl @Yassuo hello moe, hows your day been @lucasgoddamn L @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh How Much Points? ???????? @lucasgoddamn UNMODDED KEKW PLEB KEKW BULLYING KEKW KENDRICK Pog WEIRDO Christ that man had a family imagine being positive watching league stream KEKW Truuu PepeHands LUCAS GET CLAPPED LUCAS KEKW @lucasgoddamn KEKW @lucasgoddamn Unmod and Banned KEKW Sanguine Blade meta ? This rammus is the embodiment of SAD D: Waah cry cry read my message :) WeirdKEKW moe is gowing to int more MODS BAN @oraoraora1800 F why phage ? cmonBruh\ @Yassuo moe oyu gotta 1v1 me luapchung subscribed with Twitch Prime. buerinLanso Moe be vibing passiva do yasuo estacando DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! that man failed moes vibe check @lucasgoddamn LULW haha lmfa o cmonBruh 4HEad why death dance instead of bt What’s tcs? @yassuo LUCAS KEKW lul TURN UP TURN UP MUSIC @Yassuo BibleThump @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @lucasgoddamn HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Kappa it is LUCAS yasFBM LUCAS yasFBM LUCAS yasFBM LUCAS yasFBM btw how to apply for mod peepoSad malding @lucasgoddamn GET FUCKED LUL LUL LUL WHAT IF HE IS DEPRESSED MOE ILY Moe your a baby WeirdKEKW @lucasgoddamn EDGY 12YO KEKW HumbleLife FUK EM if you read this message i will suck my own dick @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh @oraoraora1800 MODS cmonBruh TRIGGERED LULW stop crying D: but beeing mean was his job Why you crying man @lucasgoddamn KEKW Kappa NICE? Bullying WeirdChamp Snake we love you moe <3 BibleThump D: Why deaths dance and not blood thirster @Yassuo love you bro when are you gonna start playing some tfts? POG I'd beat you senseless in real life. if I had a gun or youre bad and accept it to improve :D @Yassuo BEING NICE TO YOU ROFL MODS I'm sad IRL but I will still be positive for you bb what happened to kristyboi @Yassuo Pog Ya zalma please win TRIGGERED LULW TRIGGERED LULW TRIGGERED LULW TRIGGERED LULW TRIGGERED LULW TRIGGERED LULW kys caught KEKW @Yassuo why is he even vip? WHY DEATH DANCE ,, NOT BLACKCLEAVER TURN UP THE MISIC @equadis Yo @yassuo why death dance over bt? damn lost mod LUL <3 in the chat if you love moe! @lucasgoddamn SadChamp @itzhannie 4Weird tiler 1 bans for a week you ban for a day you are bether ty MODS MODS MODS IDIOT MODS Pog Pog Pogchamp @lucasgoddamn NOOB KEKW KEKW @yassuo im positive .. my gf fk my money every day and im still smiling 😁 ????? SO BAD LUL @Yassuo wp ??? KEKW lol Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: FOCUSING RAMMUS Pog OOO KEKW KEKW KEKW ASHE PogU KEKW @lucasgoddamn SadChamp lests g o F in the chat for lucas surviving burst KEK ASHE PogU Oooooooooooo Im a sadman too FeelsSadMan <3 <3 @lucasgoddamn <3 Ashe Pog R hey moe make sure to win next pummel against tyler Ash Pog oooooooooooooooo thats alot of flashes lol PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW ? peepoClap io Moe... did u get the Rolex to flex at Faker when u meet? QSS SEEMS GOOD f F @lucasgoddamn well deserved FeelsGoodMan riven had one job lel ASHE KEKW PagChomp PagChomp PagChomp Pog Ashwe PogU Djiinz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hey moe tips for someone in silver lol @yassuo i want to dance with you till my feet fell off PogU ASHE LUL F XMITHIE?!?! kassadin damage Pog WeirdChamp moe kiss me no homo @Yassuo THE MUSIC IS THE ONYL CONTENT IN YOUR STREAM Pog i see you still inting, nice HES HOMELESS MOE DONT MIND HIM that was harsh #FREELUCAS SwiftRage Dauqs subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 5 month streak! yasSpit yasSpit @Yassuo YOU NEED NEW MODS survived burst Pepega Clap @lucasgoddamn yasH LUL isnt he just joking F PogU peepoClap SAD PagChamp @Yassuo last week I ate nothing but cashews for 2 days straight so when i pooped my shit was straight up butter, oil shit cant even wipe it so I freaked out and went to the doctor and got tissues up my bum to clean that excess oil WeirdChamp BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump throw up some <3 for lucas self diagnosis KEKW PogW Hows Kassa doing damage with no damage item WeirdChamp RIOT WeirdChamp Stop crying kassadin name cmonBruh @Yassuo WeirdChamp xD he trying to save it 4Weird Weirdchamp KEKW i'm sad always FeelsBadMan I could've sworn I heard NAV mention u in one of his songs preach moe preach PagChaomp MODS ASLEEP yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue yasTrue OK peepoClap TRUTH <3 Xmithie adc 2020? Hows Kassa doing damage with no damage item WeirdChamp RIOT WeirdChamp ????? you dont know what bipolar is KEKW Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty Kekw 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird RESPECT TRYEEEE 4WEIRD kekw very true @Yassuo hey dude, in the last month, i have the feeling that i suddenly got worse at league, i missclick and all that, any advice? clip it bro you are not bipolar stfu @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yasuo? true yes preachin trueee Qss really good this game Moe :) KEKW TRUE u are so toxic to ur veiwers! u have changed! Self diagnos WeridChamp TRUE Ami kako peepoClap fap it out RESPECT FeelsWeirdMan SELF DIAGNOSED BI-POLAR i swear bruh FeelsOkayMan truuueee 4HEAD play with sanchovies again he's way funnier than you @lucasgoddamn you are fuming KEKW its so trueee stop talking you're going to dig yourself into a hole 4HEAD yasSpit how many cocks can u fit in ur tiny mouth Moe? @Yassuo MOE YOU LOOK SEXY preach @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? ItsBoshyTime ? @yassuo i want to dance with you till my feet fell off damn you're negative to other players LOL but hey, isn't cyberbullying a fun thing? j 4head just be happy 5Head CHAT ANY HIGHLIGHTERS? FeelsBadMan yasTower you're negative to other players LOL LOL Being a sad boy gets you mad egirls nowadays chat be happy I'm sad and sometimes happy PepeHands wow ur being a real fan boy yassuo Sad so insult strem WeirdChamp you're negative to other players LOL lmao smoke a lil crack and cheer up bud MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou MOD me im positive PogYou if you're bipolar nothing will help lul lololol MODS YOURE SAD???? I THINK YOU MEAN BAD BECAUSE SHEEEEESH YOU A BADDIE peepoClap I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION peepoClap lul wow gross gore bipolar motivational af Pepega moe you look so damn cute today ANY DANCERS? TriDance then why are you mean and flame people in league? its the same thing yasSpit KEKW lol KEKW moe kiss me no homo yasNLT i am in ELO HELL any Advice guys? BibleThump TRUE LULW YOURE SAD???? I THINK YOU MEAN BAD BECAUSE SHEEEEESH YOU A BADDIE @Yassuo He's obviously mad u unmodded him LULW PogU DIDNT DENY IT PogU @Yassuo you need new mods sad people KEKW "other players" its a fking videog ame PepeLaugh what's your opinion about punisher? LUL Dr Phil in this bitch MOD HIM PogU PogU Damn Moe you actually a Dalai lama PogU MOD ME ILL FLAME YOU PogU mod me im a real one :) mod me too :D is building dd and bt together good? What means pog ????????????? @yassuo i want to dance with you till my feet fell off If you are depressed just cheer yourself up 4Head @Yassuo pepeMeltdown rreeey subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! lookin cute as heck today no mod me! Not modding him WeirdChamp yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit Sad is fine but being an asshole isnt helping the situation @djboss0729 PainChamp @yassuo hey im sad any tips? djboss0729 thats a jebait PogU PogU stop being shit kass lvl 16 how do the watch points work I really don't get them making other people feel good will automatically make you feel better too mod me im gay :) YOURE SAD???? I THINK YOU MEAN BAD BECAUSE SHEEEEESH YOU A BADDIE @djboss0729 Mrviktor213 subscribed with Twitch Prime. why Phage @Yassuo not doing there jobs Mod me and ill atleast Fake it @Yassuo @Yassuo mod me I am a very positive person :) PogU mod me im positive PogYou GN Moe Peace and love iwdBoostedAnimal Can you show kass stats? get good lul im free after 1 yeaa gachiHYPER ill suck your pp for a sub widepeepoSad I tried @yassuo do another jump king bat how to play kassadin TriHard 7 First time he read my comment <3 @Yassuo MOD ME I DONT HAVE A LIFE what's qss Moe do hw for me :) @Yassuo are you playing on TCS? KappaPride inc rammus followage iwdHuh iwdHuh wassup moe moe MingLee pepeMeltdown Noone said you look cute Keepo yasMald lifesteal ???? rammus is there KEKW TriHard @Yassuo im hella positive read my logs in your chat @Yassuo i suddenly got worse at the game, i missclick, miss skillshots, all that. any advice? What means POG ? CALLING SHEN KEKW icyfrosty12 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Stay up @Yassuo You so handsome and successful today :) i wouldnt mind mod haha... unless? Moe is handsome Trueeee lolsantos8 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 1 MORE MONTH Pog how do i earn those stream points? omegalul cant win 1v1 4Weird widepeepoSad yas2 yasTower yasTower yasSpit yas2 yasTower yasTower yas2 yasSpit yasTower @Yassuo great stream man make sure to stay hydrated I miss NYC Moe PepeHands Well then u can mod me as i am also positive person :) !followage @yassuo is building dd and bt together good? BULLYING A TWELVE YEAR OLD BibleThump Mod me, My name is Arcalius :) Thank you Moe do u like playing Soccer Vip me? love you no homo PogU eune or na ? peace :) iwdUnlucky someone msg me what lucas said KEKW AUTOED can you play next game katerina mid ??? if i were a yassuo mod, id be so cool CRY CRY 4Weird CANT 1V1 nadedRage Bully PogU @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? @Yassuo i will use reverse psycology.. DONT MOD ME if u mod me I'll cancel my sub for t1 @akaroh yes because not nutting for 30 days is normal and very healthy. Have fun with ball cancer piss Pog shen is the fanboy KomodoHype riven PogChamp BULLY WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp killing a 13 year old WeirdChamp @Yassuo what is with christy boi, is he allive? whats the page for? why phage ? BUSTED CHAMP KEKW KEKW runescapr fight KEKW everyone is sad that doesnt mean that you have to bring other people down because of that... you can still bring positivity in other even If you are sad do you think chat is toxic cause of the streamer? Oh oh no no PepeLaugh just got is hows that sup shen doing? no mod me :) SHOW runes Bullyy widepeepoHappt @Yassuo i suddenly got worse at the game, i missclick, miss skillshots, all that. any advice? WHAT MEANS POG ????????????????? YO WASSUP MY POOR HOMIES TriHard RICH BRUH HERE KevinTurtle Kassa players 4WeirdW untiltable widepeepoHappy this guy has no mods wtf YOURE SAD???? I THINK YOU MEAN BAD BECAUSE SHEEEEESH YOU A BADDIE 3Head @djboss0729 What did that have to do with anything u just said q spam champ lol ez @trihard_from_oceania cmonBruh @lucasgoddamn LEFT THE CHAT LULW peepoWTF @djboss0729 ?????????????? @lil_nikola pog means Pog @djboss0729 stop man go build ur pc if u mod me I'll cancel my sub for t1 . Oh, kass is doing damage because he's running conq lol does BT heal with tornado? play katerina pleaseee XD WHAT is kassa runes NA MACRO LUL Nice moe, thay shuld just ff Conq + full tank Mod me, My name is Arcalius :) Thank you @Yassuo i suddenly got worse at the game, i missclick, miss skillshots, all that. any advice? @akaroh you can’t call me painchamp yasPlead @djboss0729 WeirdChamp Shakiijg my head Ryze balance LULW GGEZ Smmmh trihard_from_oceania -> Please refrain sending long messages. @thearcalius vouch @djboss0729 What u just typed was extremo PainChamp MOE R U DOING 1V1S? Ryze OMEGALUL Kass Pog @djboss0729 TriHard ? 7 fanboys are so mad KEKW Pog 666 ,Pog type 1 of moe is a retarded human beeing Pog Pog DA WOMBO Pog Pog POOGERS Pog GG EZ RIVEN KEKW RIVEN KEKW WTF peepoPog @Yassuo are you doing another jumpking bet when it comes out? PogU gg clean when moe doesn't int he wins ez nice Pog @Yassuo CLEANN POG CACHORRO POOGERS WHAT MEANS POG ???????????? Pog @akaroh ok ball cancer man cry bitch PogChamp PogChamp KEKW GOD DAMN MOE Pog Pog bnye bye bnye bye Pog Pog EZ @djboss0729 PainChamp ❗ 33 sup ad hahahaa BETTER MID WINS rekt riven :D PogU PogU kekw top diff KEKW playing 15 y/o gg if u mod me I'll cancel my sub for t1 win LLUL Kappa @Yassuo Will you do coaching any point of your career ? FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp Rules 1 - No Racism 2 - No Spam 3 - English only in the chat 4 - No walls of text 5 - No bullying 6 - No religion questions/discussing 7 - Avoid bringing politics in the chat ggs yassuo WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW what do u do when u feel sad ez pz moe kiss me no homo TOP DIFF KEKW JG DIFF KEKW byee bye POGU can you explain what "The mob" is? looked like a bunch of fortnite players @Yassuo WeirdChamp toxic Rammus? is building dd and bt together good? PogYou BYE BYE BUDDY gg gg Top diff mid diff EZ Gg gg tpo diff monkaW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp !opgg moe i offered to pick u up from lax in the dms but u didnt respond yasFBM @Yassuo FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp FLAME THAT RAMMUS OkayChamp dont forget Rules 1 - No Racism 2 - No Spam 3 - English only in the chat 4 - No walls of text 5 - No bullying 6 - No religion questions/discussing 7 - Avoid bringing politics in the chat War5188 -> cause you get carried, thats why you win sleeping mods WHAT MEANS POG???? BULLYING 13 YEAR OLD WeirdChamp UNMOD RAMMUS KEKW jg diff LUWL ahahaha LULW Rammus tried his best flame him BigBrother RAMMUS RIVEN FLAMING EACH OTHER KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW mid diff LULKW u already knowwwwwwwwwwwwww @djboss0729 At least I didn't think of buying zendaya body willow PainChamp play katerinaa lad TRUE TRUE KEKW sup rashid BYEBYE BUDDY KKEW ayy moe hahaha lol true truee TRUE KEKW do u think deaths dance is the best for ls on yas? LOL KEKW F OMEGALUL R T N I T E wassup and that's the game boys gg mmoe i offered to pick u up from lax in the dms but u didnt respond yasFBM @Yassuo but still losing against T1 @yassuo WHY ARENT YOU JUST FCKING DANCING WITH ME moe I don't have money gift me sub @Yassuo are u doing another jumpking bet when it comes out? TRUE LULW the "new" conqueror synergizes very well with Yasuo right? nice Game dude ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG who? @Yassuo did you move? gg THE MOB KEKW QuyDepTrai Pog you have no mods KEKW Do you have a car and if so what is it? yh theyre hilarious yasPride any truers? @Yassuo what is with christy boi is he allive? ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPOG ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog ggfPog THE MOB OMEGALUL @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh ggfPOG classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob normie brand WeirdChamp one of them look like a shool shooter @Yassuo actually cringe you can bring positivity even If you are sad... everyone is sad these days mobs KEKW pog isnt that the kindred u gave a free stream career to? @Yassuo M OMEGALUL B fucking cringe kids professional tweeters KEKW bruh riot support is so shit moe i offered to pick u up from lax in the dms but u didnt respond yasFBM @Yassuo actgually WHY THEY ON THE PAYROLL KEKW WASTE OF MONEY M OMEGALUL B stealing CHIMPNA catch phrase 4Weird @Yassuo boomhau3r94 subscribed with Twitch Prime. classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob classMob the mob is cool KEKW why u always say "for a minute" WeirdChamp there was only 1 funny kne MOE KISS ME NO HOMO Kapp @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ggfMOB ONCE AGAIN? noob KEKW Where’s your gym gains bro ? They are rich, the donted like 8000$ to Zherka ggfMOB makooMob classMob makooMob classMob ggfMOB PRES 1 OF MOE IS RETARDED KEKW Kapp i want goku black's ring, where can i buy it (with good quality) :D The M OMEGALUL B ??????????? PogU ? ur nub MOE UR TRASH CALM DOWN the mob is so cringe lol noob :D Stfu bro respect check notification I have 4.7 k chat point PogChamp !duo all day league ? thats all QuyDepTrai can i join the moe mod squad? :D <3 yasN 1\ ITS GETTING NEW @Yassuo one of them look like a school shooter @Yassuo boshy cant win solo 4Weird honestly funny tweets tho @Yassuo when do you take pd vs static shiv+steraks @Yassuo would you ever duo with a gm ir challenger viewer? (me) KEKW you have a gift You're getting old bro you cant hit challenger anymore :( ???????????? Kapp @yassuo If you play League of Legends does that make you a Leaguer? cmonBruh Stfu broolo cmonBruh it's getting old after one pop off? cmonBruh 0 cmonBruh Moe what would you do if you had a million dollars i'm also getting tired of you saying the same shit KEKW 1V9? KEKW !duo can u link ur playlist QuyDepTrai 1v1? ???????????????????? someone gifted you @Yassuo heck notifications cmonBruh ANY LEAGUERS LULW KEKW TRUE haHAA haHAA Stfu broooo LUL Pepega Moe u cute when honer TriHard getting old line you KEKW classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper classCapper any leaguers here? NaM KEKW 13 YR OLD Boshy no league PLAY TCS WITH TRICK @Yassuo @yassuo WHY ARENT YOU JUST FCKING DANCING WITH ME TILL YOUR FEET FELL OFF can u like ur playlist GO QIYANA CmonBruh 13 year old haHAA cmonBruh !rank GRANDMASTER I (378 LP) Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP MrDestructoid 😂 Come On Brother 😂 KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh HE SAID IT why did you buy phage rammus flaming riven on his stream @Yassuo honestly fuck this kid lol Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday yasPlead yasSpit man you won 2 lost2 you gotta host general sniper for that flame though cmonBruh ANY LEAGUERS ? BOSHY ????? someone gifted you @Yassuo heck notifications man Revenge of the Boomer blox___ subscribed with Twitch Prime. BULLYING KEKW FLAMING A KID WEIRDCHAMO moe i offered to pick u up from lax in the dms but u didnt respond yasFBM @Yassuo yo Moe tips on acquiring friends? @Yassuo ryze didnt azk for the swap riven asked for it lmao hes 13 BOSHY ANY LEAGUERS ? POGGERS احبك angry lil man KEKW @Yassuo Will you do coaching any point of your career ? BULLYYYY MOE PLAAAY QIYANAAAA cmonBruh boshy boshy time Pog Duo with General Sniper MaN LUL BULLY WeirdChamp MaN NO THE RIVEN LUL LUL LUL @yassuo WHY ARENT YOU JUST FCKING DANCING WITH ME someone gifted you @Yassuo check notifications man Bullying a 13 year old wow MaN hes viper's brother right ? @Yassuo mannnnnn snfnngnnnn mann KEKW you get more often mid if u put mid / adc MaN MaN n @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yasuo? himoe carried NaM CYBERBULLYING A 13 YO OMEGALUL ItsBoshyTime do you get bored with yasuo or are you still having fun with the champ? @Yassuo mN LUL MaN boshy? @Yassuo can you explain pd vs steraks+shiv LEAGUER HE SAID IT cmonBruh whats ur playlist my guy BULLYING WeirdChamp go play yassuo yasPlead MaN what DPI do you play on and your game mouse speed? classAngry @yassuo this you rn bro BOSHY BOSHY BOSHY BOSHY BOSHY ??????????? Nam someon3 gifted you @Yassuo check notifications MaN @yassuo will you come again to taiwan? Hong Kong and Taiwan fans are missed you so much man , you got 400k subs on translated channel @yassuo SOU BR hi moe big fan iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Bullying 13 Year old KEKW @Yassuo GO THROUGH THE TOXIC MODS CHAT LOGS PLEASE ???????????? sup noobi ItsBoshyTime > NM offer for abduction KEKW !duo QuyDepTrai FLAMING 13 YR OLD KEKW Bullying weridcahmp 40 year old man bullies 12 year old WeirdChamp @ isnt that kindred u gave a free stream career to? @Yassuo Bully Bullying 13y LUL LUL Dude would shit on you though. Stop capping. !duo checking ur phone at work 4Weird elo? QuyDepTrai oooo dam the flame creep song louder what a bully !height in the chat .. ANELE 5'10, but 5'11 with shoes on so if you round it up, technically im 6 feet :) @yassuo do you dominate soloQ and lane just like you dominate shadow dogs omegalul Are you gonna play in the TCS? i love u moe !playlist play ezreal @Yassuo u ever reply to insta dms? BibleThump are you getting more often mid-lane if u put mid-adc ? @Yassuo yasClown ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime BOSHY duo abuser WeirdChamp @yassuo your the best TheRealWaluigi468 subscribed with Twitch Prime. song .. KappaPride احبك ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime @Yassuo GO THROUGH TOXICCCC MODS CHAT LOGS @Yassuo song louder !uptime LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL The stream has been live for 4 hours 11 minutes 1 seconds General Sniper gets on my fuckin nerves lol ItsBoshyTime !delay yasR someone just died why no boshy? @yassuo ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo ItsBoshyTime VoHiYo VoHiYo boshy? yasuo are you gonna play on EUNE ???? KISS O-O ItsBoshyTime ? @yassuo what to do when ur sad moe? Advice? Kapp @xlirlol yea he does Kapp moe i love you pls respong back to my confession!!!! @Yassuo why you going to vegas again? Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard CarlSmile Kapp Kapp Kappa does BT heal with tornado?? Follow me on Twitter for updates Kapp someone in your house monkaW sing for us man yasgood Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard gifting at snake jitsu Kapp l Hey Buzz, When you doing a 24hr stream nexted? Why this 13 yr old so disrespectful? Kapp whats up with hyoon @Yassuo where did u get the icon :O where can you download boshy? حبيبي Kappa IF U READ THIS JUST TO LET U KNOW U R THE BEST STREAMER ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ON THE PHONE DURING WORK WeirdChamp KISSU 😳 @yassuo Kapp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper someon3 gifted you @Yassuo check notificationsa cmonBruh yoo @Yassuo i suddenly got worse at the game, i missclick, miss skillshots, all that. any advice? !duo QuyDepTrai yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU yasU why are they called CHAMPIONS in league of LEGENDS and not LEGENDS??!?!!? yasShrug how did you go from silver to challenger in one season? where do u download boshy Moe what would you buy if you had 1 million dollars play PedoBear Kappa what is that game THE NYAN CAT @Yassuo can i link you something and can you react to it? Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard Any Leaguers TriHard @yassuo ignore dono? Ok PepeHands yaay !watchtime T1 LIVE POG CarlSmile Right. Sure. lmao T1 STREAMING BYE :) KEKW KEKW @yassuo truth or dare? KEKW 2482 deaths KEKW U R THE BEST STREAMER KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Brain broken too KEKW moe i know you like to travel do you have plans for traveling in balkan its boshy time KEKW prob cuz u smash it so much ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime LULW KEKW ???????? AHHAHAHAH Im new and I came to watch this????????? ???? kekw Moe what does mod mean??? no @SENPUx10 i wanna be the boshy keyboard stick drift KEKW KEKW LUL ??????????? FUCK YOUTUBE ! gn KEKW SO DUMB KEKW Kapp broken KEKW ??????? ???? KEKW YOU ARE RETARDED KEKW @Yassuo koro0oo -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW T1 just went live Pepega LUL Fake KEKW IT NOT BROKEN ??? ??????????????? KEKW actually goin g to break it !subscribers LUL ?????????????????????????? @AKAROH D: yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride ?? LIAR KEKW OK KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? When will we get pummel again KEKW AUTISM Pepega Excuses lul ??? Austim KEKW ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ratirlCozy ItsBoshyTime ??????????????????????? ? ?????? tyler PunchTrees Kapp @yassuo next time you change character change to vivi @bananado5665 thanks KEKW So u faker now... @neekomains But Im not wrong SadChamp TYLER? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? Autismo or black mage Pog Pepega Clap @Yassuo how do you feel about new stormrazor on yasuo? @Yassuo i suddenly got worse at the game, i missclick, miss skillshots, all that. any advice? HandsUp looka maa no hands ARABS HAVE SMALL DICKK LIKE YOU PJSalt Kapp awd SPECIAL KEKW yea u are special ed special in the head true 5 SUBS A DEATH? FAKER WANNABE KEKW KEKW KEKW TYLER1 IS ONLINE !!!!!!!!!!!! Kapp W OMEGALUL W U DIED u dumb as fuck boi you you are special KEKw xpecial KEKW cmonBruh @AKAROH true FeelsRainMan scrubnoobFinger scrubnoobFinger scrubnoobFinger scrubnoobFinger special 5Head cmonBruh wtf :( my mom told me I'm special too You have special needs u definitely special lol Is he trying to be faker or something? youre special ed yeah Tyler went LIVEE FAKER WANNABE LULW yasJAM @Yassuo how did you go from silver to challenger in one season? BROOO @Yassuo where can you download boshy? SPECIAL 3Head SPECIAL 3Head SPECIAL 3Head SPECIAL 3Head SPECIAL 3Head Actually smurfing Special ed check gift notifications @Yassuo @Yassuo "LOOK MOM, PLAYING WITHOUT HANDS" Pepega "LOOK MOM, PLAYING WITHOUT HANDS" Pepega "LOOK MOM, PLAYING WITHOUT HANDS" Pepega yasPepega CiGrip CiGrip TRUUUE LULW faker??? HE WAS ON THE SHORT BUS KEKW @shacompampas sad thing is he's probably bigger then you @neekomains FeelsRainMan special in the head KEKW CiGrip Clap hook me homie TriHard 7 Someone say weed? TriHard WHO IS HERE BECAUSE WE ARE JUST WAITING FOR TYLER TO GET ONLINE? HAHAHA FAKER AND ARKADATA WANNABE LULW imagine living in SJW infested Cali LUL tyler kinda special ? WideHardo 🚬 Any weed heads? WideHardo 🚬 Any weed heads? WideHardo 🚬 Any weed heads? WideHardo 🚬 Any weed heads? blade is malding Ignoring donos everyday @yassuo SAD LA has changed you PepeHands wad YOUR THE BIGGEST SNAKE ON THE PLANET Pog hatsuu @Yassuo TfBLADE called u afucking snake monkaS you make death dance for yasuo but bt is not better? @Yassuo monkaW pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown pepeMeltdown PogU ???????????? FeelsGoodMan Clap WideHardo 🚬 Any weed heads? KEKW BAD KEKW why you going to vegas again moe? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW tyler streaming bye bye sumSmash BIGGEST SNAKE name of game? KEKW duu ahahahaha KEKWS almost pogg DUD KEKW RIOT KEKW OOOOOOF Pepga League must seem so easy after this yasWeird KEKW DUUU LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW Hahaaaa weed bro yasJoy bro I’m so high right now fuckkkkkk man DDU KEKW Akmew uninstalle KEKW F KEKW YasSmash @Yassuo did you just said WHERE IS MY PHONE , NIGGAAAS ?? Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Love the stream man! can you explain when to take pd vs static shiv + steraks on yas I'm trying to learn him but I'm dumb he in q? int nse yasSmash KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime What's the name of the game @Yassuo Moe KekW @AKAROH WideHardo 🚬 yasPepega yasPepega im dieing wish i could be in L.A. rn, its literally ice in canada i hate this game this game is such a meme T1 ONLINE Pog DUUUUUD MAN KEKW intense match man DUD malding KEKW xqcSlam @Yassuo TF blade is sad u dissed his merch Pummel has been "next week" for months @Yassuo @Yassuo if they nerf Yassuo, is it still possible to outlane people? or should I play something else? yasSmash XD 2487 deatjs @djboss0729 there wasnt a talent show today yasDiamond why u torturing urself?? @lukekari yes yasSmash DUD MAN yasSmash ur so trash pOG LMAO Bro how u doin ????????? then u get a sub how long does it last HARDER THAN SONIC? yasSmash when are you gonna admit you are with hyoon gift Pog Pog MODS PLAY JUMP KING FOR PRACTICE T1 is there - bb babe @tellmewhynot SadChamp soon LULW CLIP CHIMP KEKW Irelia understood begging for mercy was pointless as akali tightened the straps. The strap-on was much to large for her already torn asshole but she didnt care. This was love. 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog MOE MERCH DOT NET Pog his merch is actually shit though KEKW ARE U GOING TO 1v1 NB3 AGAIN SOMETIMES?? PS U R BEST @Yassuo if they nerf Yassuo, is it still possible to outlane people? or should I play something else? moe merch kekW making blade cry WeirdChamp making blade cry WeirdChamp making blade cry WeirdChamp making blade cry WeirdChamp making blade cry WeirdChamp making blade cry WeirdChamp whats the name of the game OTV MERCH?? 1v1 fans @djboss0729 actually good, i was feeling kinda tired and weak today LUL i cant get past the first level of iwbtb how do you do that yo what what is a mod LULW DONO WeirdChamp PainChamp DONO is this game fre itsbsohi free 2491 deaths PepeHands @Yassuo go for 2500 deaths Nice one KEKW AND THEN EVENTUALLY CRY LULW Its not bad it horrible DOOD FFASan subscribed with Twitch Prime. he has inted in Bachi wad @chessey2222 4WeirdW WeirdChamp flame djboss0729 using a hammer to take out a screw r word @chessey2222 WeirdChamp @chessey2222 yo link boshi moe merch or 100T LULW LUL haHAA DONO @tellmewhynot :( LUL LUL TriHard yasWeird gachiHYPER Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW CHINA KEKW @chessey2222 PainChamp damn. I left for an hour and he's still playing this its boshi time HAHAA why you going to vegas again? @yassuo good night moomoo 5HEAD joke qwe L OMEGALUL L U DIED LULW Moe do you really look up to tyler? Weesss KEKW i mean, KEKW merch, what do you expect? pepeD ItsBoshyTime you die monkaEyes EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle @Yassuo are u going to 1v1 NB3 again ? ITS BOSHY TIME 8 more Thats not LoL ItsBoshyTime LOLW U DIED yasH its moelester time what is the game called? @yassuo TfBlades chat is full of Ssss cause He called u snake OreoThugTV u ok man? u can die there? yasSmash TFblade modeling his own merch LUL LUL LUL faker could do this in his sleep YOU ARE RETARDED KEKW gachiGASM OOOK OOOIK smashing it too much KEKW Do you really look up to tyler? 15k points goin 4 the sub What game is this show us faker could do this in his sleep KEKW yasH yasH yasH faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW ???? hey moester what is your gaming peripherals @sckonmanuut you mongaloid you pull it with the other side not the part that smashes stuff reeee you're not on that many deaths Kappa U NOOB STOP SMASHING IT THEN GUYS T1 IS LIVE!! Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : game?? @snakerz_ Have small Dick @yassuo @Yassuo why would you try to curse tyler1 hoe faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED 2492 timeskilled yooooooooooooooooooooooooo yasuoooooooooo 1v1 me :D What is this game name? DAMAGE KEKW get some sleep man you look like Dom yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat almost 2500 moe im straight and i know you are but wanna suck my peepee? tryharding NAISUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW 100K keybord btw KEKW i see faker playing this what is it called? t1 live KEKW whats up yass yasW @Yassuo are you waitingf for que? faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKWfaker could do this in his sleep KEKW yasW yasH yasW yasH KEKW PogU @desmond_uwu lol Ur here too @yassuo TFBLADES CHAT IS FULL OF SSSS CAUSE HE CALLED U SNAKE SAD KEYBOARD Moe do you really look up to tyler? whats that game¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿?????? ya ok djboss0729 BANG BANG HIT HIT SCREW WITH HAMMER IT COME OUT yasN yasN tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE tfbSNAKE Where is my army at? TriHard 7 PogU i was here faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW KEKW LOLW U DIED FUCK YOUTUBE! yasHands yasHands What's it called your hair is good Just don't think about it being broken i used to do the same thing but it was fine how it was :) faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW always playing some bullshit @Yassuo pepeD lol you died pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD PhaxFN its called i wanna be the boshy l pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeD MOE YOU DIED pepeJAM wow wow u died TriHard 7 here brtoher @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling GOOOOOD “KEYBOARD” MORE LIKE “GIVE ME MORE” MONEY ANY TRUERS ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime BrainSlug ilaanx subscribed with Twitch Prime. somebody summon tyler 1 t o make moe intttt qiyana hits kyebord with fist hmmmmm 5Head pepeD -1000 KEKW can anyone tell me the name of the game? cmonBruh snitch HOW ABOUT NON-STOP STREAM UNTIL COMPLETE MEGA-MAN? OMEGALUL faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW GO QIYANA snake KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW faker could do this in his sleep KEKW ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime Moe do you look up to tyler? No snitches cmonBruh @Yassuo where is boshy download snitch fuck y KEKW LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp LYING WeirdChamp Do you really look up to tyler? I SAW PRECIPITATION IN THE TITLE PogU IS IT TRUE @yassuo yo been following for over 2 years, can i get a sub drugs4thekids subscribed with Twitch Prime. @yassuo CAN U DO 1v1s PLEASE @pimpampetkampioen ty 6ix9ine KEKW pick something ne plz TriKool Clap D: ALGUIEN QUE HABLE ESPAÑOL JODERRR @Yassuo can you pls play RYZE LUL No snitches cmonBruh wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh SNITCH cmonBruh snitch we got a 6ix9ine in the client YASUO yo we at 8kk boys not long til that free sub TriHard Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Places that u can't go yasBad KEKW :P we got a 6ix9ine in the client KappaPride are you gonna participate in tcs`? its physically impossible to look up to tyler djboss0729 RODDY RICCH MEEK MILL HAVE A SONG DROPPING ON HIS ALBUM SNITCHIN WRF snitch HE LOOKS DOWN KEKW :P ##what was the game corki yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride @PoiintDrawn No?? T1 is 5'6 KEKW time TriKool YASUOO @Yassuo fuck u looking at? TriKool SNITCH cmonBruh TriKool * YASUOPO WHOS SNITCHIN cmonBruh yasYoink xerath Really you dont? I thought you did irelia? TriDance Damn what a SNAKE NOT A REAL HOMIE cmonBruh ANIVIA PogU corki time TriKool TriKool Clap YAAASUO YASUO TriKool Tap anivia Pog @anarkistamalvado yo hablo español wapo TriKool Clap stinky thumb? cmonBruh Meek pepeD DITCH THE SNITCH TriDance ur room so empty @Yassuo TriDance go hemer corki time @Yassuo yasThink TriHard 7 YOO TriKool Clap LOUDER TriKool Clap LOUDER TriKool Clap LOUDER TriKool Clap LOUDER heimer Go talon did u hear about doin choosing yas for worlds skin no WeirdChamp why u always streaming the night before my spnish test?? xD wym look at 69, snitching the new thing @Yassuo I've paint my PC in my so now it run faster Pog PepeLaugh TriDance TriDance TriDance NA YAS OTP LULW Pog no TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP yasuo TriKool Tap tap tap TriDance TriKool OH NO NO PepeLaugh monkaW TAP OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO PepeLaugh WHATS THE NAME OF THE SONG NOC KEKW go yasuo he already knows he looks down on tyler 'cause tyler's 5'6" KEKW Tap tap tap tap tap tap pepeD yasuo almost dodged OMEGALUL game is lost wld l9a7ba WHITE sometimes gereveSufar MorphinTime TombRaid ultimate hunter yasS ZULUL TriDance MOVES @Yassuo why no corki KKonaW TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK ResidentSleeper make me sad OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh LOUDER MOE TriKool Go talon next NO ULTIMATE HUNTER KKona back back back this a hard skip pepeD PRESENCE kennyk0809 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! yo mo please tell me your rate nav TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool UR THE BEST STREAMER EVER LOVE YOU KKonaW zamel @yassuo if noc mid then take ele navvv @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling like home electrocute Wassup ali ttack speed no? Not triumph play yasuo, you can only play yasuo really for real play yasuo only yasuo come on man seriously @Yassuo why not pochetpick naut @Yassuo @yassuo loltyler1 is on bye PepePls pepeD TriDance TriKool Clap ye sudden MERCS sup moe sudden impact KKonaW TriDance ANY DANCERS? TriDance ANY DANCERS? TriDance ANY DANCERS? TriDance ANY DANCERS? TriDance ANY DANCERS? TriDance ANY DANCERS? lethal Hell of blade TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE LUL attack speed spongePls letha; eyeball both work dumb ass lethal inting his duo KEKW sup moe u take letha lethal yu aint fioolin n obody you wanted to choose zoe TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool TriDance TriKool Lethal on Jungle, Electrocute on Mid TriHard 7 @rabbih_ ... TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE TriDance AYE mid u take ele Hail of blades Kapp lethal lethal lethal 100% dont take sudden impact noob chat is Pepega take lethal attack speed @TheSanator its reworked not good anymore TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP TriDance TAP Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! Yo cheap shot is BROKEN ANY LISTENERS KKonaW Pog WHY DO U BULLY TF BLADE lethal lethal ELEC with lethality items now, i'd go electrocute more than lethal lethal ELEC elec lethal letha; LETHAL lethal elec lethal lethal lethal lethallll elec ELECTRO matchup says lethal elec lethal TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK TriDance WORK electrocute aery nothin nothing KEKW TriDance YUH lethal none LETHAL MAN sanguni balde op op op op BELL lethal @sonseyhanli sarcasm donkey elec lethal im feeling naut LULW TriDance TriDance TriDance TriDance pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM KEKW DODGE KEKW lethal with sanguine blade lethel phase rush ELEC ZULUL GWA GWA GWA OMNISTONE BELLBELL @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling like hail of blades :) elc Fleet footwork BELL comet LISTEN KKonaW do u know where morocco is? @Yassuo with lethality items now, i'd go electrocute more than lethal, lethal before was good with black cleaver etc wda take akali @Yassuo lethal with sanguines is super entertaining @Yassuo bell does trick still hate u ? ELEC RANGED LETHAL MELEE Elec better for their comp is that guy vietnamese? Let me fap while watching the stream :) TriDance YUH YUH YUH TriDance YUH YUH YUH TriDance YUH YUH YUH TriDance YUH YUH YUH TriDance YUH YUH YUH PHASE RUSH NEW META Moe more like and u be mine moe? ZULUL CHECK BELL BOSHY Electrocute omnistone for both kekw Elec @yassuo YOU REALLY HURT BLADE BY SAYING HIS MERCH SUCKS LUL !merch Support yassuo IRL by purchasing some merch. All merch purchases include an alert: Hell of blade pls ????? CAN U PLAY AZIR Is this the snake den? monkaWS PepePls Leathal whos the duo what was the name of the game u were playin? monkaEyes SingsMic SingsMic SingsMic Its op BOSHY @Yassuo BOSHY pepeJAM lethal PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls I think everybody in this chat has an extra chromosome... !duo QuyDepTrai PepePls ANY DANCERS? LULW SCAMMED rune page rune page runepage Hell of blade @Yassuo with lethality items now, i'd go electrocute more than lethal, lethal before was good with black cleaver etc. Why u bully tf blade rune page was a rune page a rune page ward @Yassuo 2 rp KEKW A rune page rune paage PepePls Jebaited @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling like home he gave u a rune page trolled RUNE PAGE PepePls BOSHYYYYYYYYYYYY runepage !duo SourPls QuyDepTrai rune page go to chest go to store check profile runepage @yassuo U REALLY HURT BLADE BY SAYING HIS MERCH SUCKS loot princeofpersiaxd -> Please refrain from posting links. Rune Page Pog PepePls \ Io Moe u look fat today gifters? OutplayInBush subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! pepsi or coke pepeJAM pepeJam Pepeg @Yassuo ya look cute today PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls @yassuo play KAYN :p you have another available now @Yassuo with lethality items now, i'd go electrocute more than lethal, lethal before was good with black cleaver etc F Bruh you can have 3 customs i think QT BOT LANE YOU LOSTY QT Moe i love you please notice me senpai <3 T1 LIVE peepoLeave T1 LIVE peepoLeave T1 LIVE peepoLeave bandwagon QTPIEEEE QT LUL @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling like home.. QTPIE yasPls TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT TriDance SHEEEIT pog imaqtpie ???? @rabbih_ mb then VEIGAR FOR THE WIN pepeD peepoArrive pepeD peepoArrive pepeD C OMEGALUL KE PLAAAY QIYANAA is there a discord? CRACKHEAD @Yassuo how do you decide between pd and shiv+steraks on yas Hacked there is no difference Go talon PJSugar Iamqtpie PKG Pog EVERYONE FOLLOW MOE"S DUO PARTNER lolquydeptrai THE YUNG PRODIGY @Yassuo I guess it's Corki time ye rune page thissinal, GO YASUO Pyke again @Yassuo You gonna be a caster for TCS? !time yas pls Current time in Los Angeles: 02:29:33 PM @Yassuo who your favorite music artist qt>>> lost lost u missed my sub :'(( sssssssssssssss ryze !discord go katarina moe INTING BLITZ KEKW @Yassuo why dont you hide your deafult rune pages? lol moe ur my idol moe is handsome Iamaqtpie lol !duo QuyDepTrai @Yassuo is Revenge your goto streamer to watch when you're offline? I saw you lurking the other day why dont you try out aphelios? @yassuo !uptime ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze ryze SHIV IS TRASH The stream has been live for 4 hours 19 minutes 52 seconds TriDance QT and Pyke = Lost shiv is dogshit it dosent crit anymore @Yassuo yasOkay MC DONALDS OR BURGER KING UR THE BEST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Go talon plz Love you moe ! pepeJAM moe go katarina @Yassuo U playing in TCS !!EVERYONE FOLLOW MOE"S DUO PARTNER lolquydeptrai THE YUNG PRODIGY!! pepeJAM LOUDER go for a vid nautilus @Yassuo love you moe pls go yas oda KEKW I'm a yasuo one trick that can't climp to Plat because yasuo gets banned all the time. If I get him ii. almost win every game. 79 % mit yasuo on 500k Give us a anivia game the fact title says dominating instead of dominance is triggering me why do u build dd? DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! pepeJAM @yassuo yo you missed my sub don't listen to the broke a$$ haters. You look good as hell <3 Plz go talon what about me :) He win any game? Yeah boi @yassuo you playing with Aphelios? Made by the creator of Yasuo and Zoe pun1sher cassio how i can donate do u only listen to rap gosu the daddy OdaMAD BoolinJAM qt LUL Take hell of blade nocturn its very op @Yassuo say hi to qt in chat RIGHT NOW @yassuo QT gonna play wow classic in the background while you try to 1 v 9 Pepelaugh PepePls yasuo have you ever expected to be where you are today my G put some repsect on odablocks name get oda out of debt @Yassuo dominationg LUL pepeD cheekypepp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! do you enjoy living in LA? Also where would you want to live that's not New York or LA? imaqtpie bot KEKW @Yassuo could you please said CHING CHING CHONG to me, cuz Im a asian, it makes me feeling like home...... odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad odaMad OMEGALUL DOMINATING KEKW PRECIPITATION KEKW Kekw LUL tryna be einstein out here ol spoiler. qtie will play veigar domination*** spectrum PRECIPITATION LULW Io Moe u look fat today!!! LUL Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: KEKW D OMEGALUL M Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo DO DOMINATION MOE !followage @Yassuo youtube moe > twitch moe Oh no no no PepeLaugh Noc ban rip PogChamp @yassuo DOMINATION @Yassuo is yamikaze the best talon na? change it to domination wtf why dominance ur a bitch 4Head yasSSS NYC Pepega do u play with movement prediction in ur setting ? pay oda's debt WeirdChamp @Yassuo you didnt Kappa Precipitation LULW hey moe what do you think of ezreal right now? what do u think about L9 @Yassuo ? PepePls GO KAAAYN pepeJam AY 24K CHANNEL POINTS TILL SUB KEKW PrecipitationKEKW IWPrecipitation spain LUL spain is dogshit ive lived there @yassuo we miss u ya kllb live in japan with jakenbake can u turn up the music a little bit @yassuo 3Head MOVE TO THE UK odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS odaSSS repeat after me @Yassuo move in with forsen KEKW YASUO PLS precipitation Pepega SPAIN GIRL KEKW youll find faker LULW uk? @Yassuo Try Senna mid its broken mid too @yassuo i own a villa in spain i could hook u up go live in LA <3 tho PogChamp @Yassuo you know were is Latvia? Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty moe have you ever expected to be where u are today? yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake just had two inting spanish bot laners would not recommend Favorite skin on Yasuo? And second favorite @yassuo thoughts on 100t roster ratirlL9 @Yassuo play senna mid man its broken can i cash my 25k points for a sub to another channel? KEKW u a pussy come to morocco How much money to never play Yasuo again? Isn’t LA mad expensive tho? U PLAYING IN TCS ?? WENA PERRO CONCHETUMARE JV1s subscribed with Twitch Prime. 5Head AH YES I heard North Korea’s great to live in 1SHOT TF LULW any 1v1s today? @Yassuo you know were is Latvia?? @yassuo make it like dominant perservative etc instead of nouns You're big money now, why don't you have a MCS hey moe yo @Yassuo you fucked momo yet/ llspeeddemonll -> Please refrain from posting links. Mmmm what are you holding @Yassuo Try Senna mid its broken 1v1s today at all? what do u thnk about the group L9? WHEN?? does kled just win lane against yas? <3 @yassuo how i can donate :p Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo YAS OPEN its corki time TF IS MALDING tf malding rn @Yassuo pay oda's debt @Yassuo duo sanch .-. where can i instal bashi pls ? guys TF IS MALDING KEKW corki time @Yassuo Stylish is playing QiYana in JNG do 1v1?? wtf play some fizz @yassuo how are you in the same game as Imaqtpie? @yassuo g are u ignoring my donos :( yas yas Go talon @Yassuo try senna mid KappaPride SPAIN GIRL KEKW PLAY KAYLE PLAY WITH YASUO AGAIN PLEASE I NEED WATCH ANYONE PLAYING fav artist?? people still watch this clown after what happened? MOE = odaSSS MOE = odaSSS MOE = odaSSS MOE = odaSSS MOE = odaSSS yasuo ZED i already ate my whole calendar :/ kassadin SENNA MID Talon! yasuo NOC @Yassuo SENNA MID show us the xerath @Yassuo why the fuck do you have precipitation in your title mah boi katerina pussy heimer YASUO what do u think about tank meta is s10? corki timee just go yasuo dude MCS for us silver players @Yassuo @yassuo pls Stream tmr i will resub buddy ❤️ bro u are better than soligo just improve and be 100 thieves midlaner lol NO senna mid op syndra how is the weather ? KEKW GG buy chromas ure rich dude Play AHRI HEIMER KEKW ok im out heimer ur brain will be afk all game bruh GOOD NIGHT CHAT. what's ur current favorite song? @Yassuo ResidentSleeper ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ResidentSleeper wring yordle @Yassuo NEXT TRY SENNA MID yes heimeee IM SAD MOE Soroaka mid vs QT Ahhh xerathh heimer peepoLeave FailFish FailFish HEIMER ResidetSleeper -20 I ting qtie KEKW TYLER COPYCAT WAAA omg muted PepeLaugh Ruse ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper BibleThump zz TylerMoe? heimer... yooo got some of the merch today <3 HEIMER KEKW Go conq heimer mid oh no fav artist? Ryze ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper pls guys how can i instal bashii ? zzz ResidentSleeper is it me or does the song sound scuffed @yassuo what's yasuo best lane right now? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo why the fuck do you have precipitation in your title? When are 1v1 gonna be man I want that free money ResidentSleeper tyler stream all over again ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper pussy @DeathVolcano95 idk soligo is kind of a mad man imaqtpie amrwadle subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! I also want to know what your favorite yas skin is Go talon tf malding rn @Yassuo Ever think of going to Brazil? conqueror @Yassuo дарова Yassuo1 guys TYLER1 IS STREAMING U CAN LEAVE THIS BORING ASS STREAM wrong champion? buy chromas youre rich dawg @Yassuo bro heimer conq is broken Zzzzz FOR THE CONTENT BOY @yassuo have u gone to the gym recently? Fat favorite song? MOE CONQUEROR Variety stream when? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper when do u do 1v1s Qt veigar pot snow skin ! ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo are you a win trader? heimerdinger ResidentSlepper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper better conqueror on heimer hop on disc with the pie buy chromas you're rich dawg ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Chat does he deserve the twitch prime Conqueror @toyz1olz stfu ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper MCS you Finaly would win :D luv you ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper conq i dont get show T1's viewers spikes above 20k but normally its always less than yours KEKW yasBoo1 @Yassuo try senna mid next game bro fav artist?? @Yassuo HES BROKEN WITH CONQ MOE and big nose what day do u do 1v1s? FOR PERMAPUSH PICK MALZAHAR ResidentSleeper CONQUEROR IDIOT ResidentSleeper * ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper best skin @yassuo how are you in a game with qt? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper RESIDENT SLEEPER Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo GET CONQ what do you have in your hand? @toyz1olz wow really funny i thought tyler was offline KEKW @Yassuo why the fuck do you have precipitation in your title ResidentSleeper true heimer so op they dodge DODGE am i watching tyler? buy chromas youre rich dawg thank fucking god they dodged Inting qtie KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper fav artist? sheeesh no conqueror KEKW thank god for the dodge PLAY MORE NAV @barddaddy yasU yasShrug T1 copy WeirdChamp yo @najiino what's up?!! thank god What will you do after retiring from streaming? YORDLE SYNERGY OKAY TYLER 1 HEIMER @toyz1olz I laugh 4Weird @Yassuo cassio? is he moving to a new platform? ResidentSleeper Apples1140 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! puuuuuuuuussssssssssyyyyyyy heimer ResidentSleeper BisexualPride BisexualPride BisexualPride is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak af DODGE LETS GO @Yassuo Aight now try SENNA mid cmon @Yassuo PLAY BOSHY KID Moe fat fat fuck who are youduo=ing with? ResidentSleeper fav artist?? thank god PLAY LUX who are u duoing with ? there is another chance for Corki so u int ResidentSleeper heimer ResidentSleeper Kapp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper OhMyDog 1v1s today? @Yassuo Kappa Kapp Kapp @yassuo top 5 Twitter ethots? wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 its heimer man @yassuo what platform are you moving to? can you play RYZE u do nothinnnnnng what do u thnik about tanks in s 10? Kapp Kapp "tYlEr PlAyS pUsSy ChAmPiOnS" *picks heimer* aight my im sorry i want to see your heimer boshy @Yassuo your heimer is shitter than T1 LUL Is this the guy that got lost to tyler1? by inting? try katerina fav artist? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NaM ANELE Moe I love u NaM ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Yassuo naut when "i make plays" yasM03 NaM im vietnamise Pog stop being so afraid that people will say u copied tylers champion and play the champion drake is overrated Where is the ahali tho WutFace @Yassuo you dont know what ur missing xd is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak af @Yassuo so what's happening with tmrw clash? NaM @yassuo aphelios? Your own team dodge you cause you was on heim precipitation? @Yassuo did you know you can hide the deafult rune pages? SAYS HE WAS GONNA JUST PERMA PUSH why are u so cute nohomo What will you do after retiring from twitch? hey yasss <3 4k* fav artist?? KEKW pronunciation pog yasSpit yasSpit NaM Better? KEKW when do u do 1v1s stream time play boshy I MAKE PLAYS KEKW yasM03 how is your day who are u duo-ing with? Why are you so ugly KEKW play yasuo pls true i love you baby NaM @Yassuo U ARE SO HANDSOME dont fight Vietnamese in Jungle heimer>yasuo Moe I love you UwU Whats a pretty good build after your greaves, pd/shiv, IE? <3 TriDance TriKool Clap pepeJAM Kapp cmonBruh !duo QuyDepTrai KEKW KEKW @Yassuo lil wayne tried to bring weed into saudi KEKW how did Twitch Rivals go? any plans tonight? @Yassuo is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak af yas5 WHATS THE POINT OF STREAMING IF U PLAY HEIMER what day do u do1v1s? play a cassio for pun1sherr @Yassuo fav artist? Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo !duo QuyDepTrai @yassuo are you moving to mixer? moe what do you think about fizz? CLIP IT cmonBruh MOE STINKY HAR HAR HAR Why is your chat so toxic yasN yasN fav artist?? !duo QuyDepTrai play anivia man GO GLACIAL LUX No shit he’s better than me, but I’m better than him @yasuo is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak af you trash What will you do after retiring from streaming? @Yassuo dont fight with your jungler in the jungle LUL how u ever expected to be where u are today @Yassuo FeelsOkayMan <3 greavers before zeal? @Yassuo are u getting platinum soon gold stuck scrub @Yassuo im sorry for bullying PepeHands Oh boy is moe gonna cry about chat again cheer 100 like this famous PepeHands play heimeeed why is your name yassuo Hey i accidently subbed to tfblade, how do i cancel further subscription? @yassuo moe how did you get so much BE? GayPride Do you paly something else than league soloq allday ? tyler's heimer mechanic is trash lol @Yassuo is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak af dude LeBron is playing trkBoomer Hey Yas do u do coaching on yasuo? fav artist? Moe what happened to Hyoon Whats the most broken champ in the game What will you do after retiring from twitch? whats ur opinion on fizz? h imoe picj cass for pun1 @Yassuo play yasou man pliz why u always play the victim ? hi moe You are so cute yasU yasU yasU yasU !duo QuyDepTrai fav artist?? is it better to go zeal first now that it gives 50% crit?? how i can donate yasU yasU yasU yasU @Yassuo feeling good, wish you positive vibes! ty 2 rp yas5 yas5 yas5 Yassuo play talon pls ban @Yassuo is yasuo any good now i feel hes weak Why do I feel like Tyler and Moe and friends u look good as hell dont let boring chat ruin ur day z3 the real lebron haha HOV ARE JU @yas you can hide your deafult rune pages ? @Yassuo fuck u looking at cheer100 pls moe how can i instal bashi ? pls OMEGALUL fav artist? what s your thoughts about tanks like mundo yassuo how do you get so much blue essence? cmonBruh ? have u ever expected to be where u are todya @Yassuo Do you paly something else than league soloq allday ? cmonBruh @Yassuo how do you have 2 rp @toyz1olz 4Weird What will you do after retiring from streaming? salam @Yassuo why the fuck do you have precipitation in your title yasN yasFat yasHYPERS pls perma ban him @Yassuo It's my favorite champ but I'm pretty shit with it cmonBruh YAssuo i love you QuyAnLz where did you download boshy????? inhaaaaçu @toyz1olz LOL Pizza or Burger? OkayChamp always feeding cmonBruh cmonBruh ? hey yaasuo big fan Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo ravaxar shechemaaaaaa @toyz1olz KEKW @Yassuo do you have any arabic ruits ? @Yassuo u lookin small af KEKW @TheArcalius NA FAT LULW <3 cmonBruh Habibi W OMEGALUL W Pog BRAUM LUL Pog <3 <3 @yassuo could you explain why omistone is such a bad rune? <3 EM OMEGALUL TE What will you do after retiring from twitch? WHAT DO U THINK ABOUT THE CHALLENGE BETWEEN TFBLADE AND FOGGED? @Yassuo Man you're an inspiration, whats your secret to getting chicks constantly? <3 yasU pog cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh TriDance WO W KNEW @EquadisEU PepeLaugh YES PogU <3 yes PogU WTF Yes yea <3 best runes for Yasuo? hell yeah kinda not really momenatre toooooooooooooooooooo yes open irelia mastery 7 LUL thats a ton flex not really YESS no PogU use ur gemstones i got 6k @yassuo top 5 Twitter eTHOTS?? wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 wrestl14Fart1 wrestl14Fart2 Yasuo i have 190 points on my Yassuo Bank Account yes lol i have 10k SO MUCH reroll wards i have 7k KEKW ur chat is so toxic heres a bit of positivity, your a great person keep up the good work What will you do after retiring from streaming? booty or titties? @Yassuo POG sad when do u take death dance over bloodthirster no what do u think about fizz TriHard TriHard use your gemstones McDonalds or Burger King? yasThink Tyler1 Washed up 5k Views LUL @Yassuo is it better to go zeal first now that it gives 50% crit?? Re roll them How do you get 8-10 cs a min as yasuo going against ranged champs ??? yasuo you re cursed by me Anniversary Loot @Yassuo can u do a sylas game im trying to get better at him but i dont an of the pro-tech and suff TriDance no thats garbage 3k from 10 year anniversary Y AS SU OU They gave 6000 for 10 years anniversary @Yassuo whats up big boy When’s the only fans coming out @Yassuo Aneversery event riot gave alot out a awhile back i have 7k with 20skin shards rare? sitting at 35k Use gemstones PogChamp Let’s do it what is trick and foggeds bet? 10 year anniversary yasMald can you show your skins Why do I feel like Moe and Tyler are secretly best friends XD @Yassuo as a yasuo player, do you have interest in samurais?does it intrigues you? VoHiYo VoHiYo hi moe i love your streams and your yt videos you are amazing <3 4WeirdW @Yassuo are you black @yassuo YOU REALLY HURT BLADE BY SAYING HIS MERCH SUCKS What will you do after retiring from twitch? GET THEM PogChamp gemstones no need to safe u will get more @Yassuo you get new ones each year when you hit honor 5 but u get more too 3K FROM 10 YEAR why do people duo with you if u int 90% of games Get that one Pog u rich in and out of game @Yassuo what do you think about playing yasuo mid vs playing him top. whats the difference in your opinion. TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger are you a booty guy? @Yassuo best runes for Yasuo?? @yassuo have you tried storm razor + IE yasuo daddypattty subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! wassup moelester medieval is bad get gansta twitch Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! u gay? 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full Anniversary 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full @yassuo do you have black alistar? moe you still lift? if so what are your lifts brother Can u spell my name moe 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full @yassuo who do u think is the steamer atm most likely to go pro? Apart from u obvs😂 BOSHY NOW @Yassuo u lookin small af 95% What do you build as Yasuo against galio? 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full best runes for Yasuo? dont lie 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full who the fuuk plays twitch @Yassuo ? tyler said moe is trash i wont let him enter my tournament are you a booty guy?? @Yassuo we all know ure a onbetrtick stop lol can you play lux next game? ნაზუქი მაჭმე yasWeird 0/10!!!!! 0/10 yasBoo3 What will you do after retiring from streaming? 1 14 DEFEATS DEFEATS how is the weather today ? 1-14 KEKW LULW @xlegend123 WeirdChamp 1 man spam zzz missed both of my highlight messages 1 trick @Yassuo Man you're an inspiration, what's your secret to getting chicks constantly? @Yassuo will you go to All Star to meet Faker again? Kappa Give us good content Take off shirt , no like woman arms, wear shadow dogs shirt CHALLENGE BETWEEN TF AND FOGGED? THOUGHTS? FACTS Kapp are you a booty guy? @Yassuo Medieval twitch and grey warwick used to be so rare face what do u think about hail of blades yasuo? its presesason @Yassuo u lookin small af ngl one man spam WeirdChamp u have 12 gemstones MY MAN SMART 5Head TRUEEE pick cassio for pun1sher :D @Yassuo Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo play luxxxxx KEKW Yassuo what are your Runes to Yasuo? gemstone skin maybe ?, low spec mode We all know ure a onetrick KEKW TRUTH McDonalds or Burger King? yasThink whats ur opinion on fizz? No ekko face ass tits? nice tits, tits and tits Pog XD FeelsRainMan Pepehands @Yassuo you succ big popo 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full loo Man gettin real out here No ekko SadChamp Just use a bag for the face problme solved FACE KEKW true do you go to college? @Yassuo hahahah 💿 nice so u would date a super fat girl if she has nice face Yassuo what are your Runes to Yasuo?? 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full WHAT ABOUT THE INNER? 10 minute queue wtf DO 1v1 MOE tits e222 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full 4Head Hey Chat! 4Head I noticed most teams 4Head have skins for their region 4Head SKT for Korea 4Head FNC for Europe 4Head And apparently IG 4Head will be getting some for China 4Head Where can I find 4Head the NA skins 4Head K No ekko SadChamp precipitation Pepega Clap PepeHands 1v1 1v1 1v1 1v1 SAD Feed, feed, feed Bullshit No ekko SadChamp tits WeirdChamp PepeHands GREAET peepoPog No ekko SadChamp deeeeeeep moe how do you get so much blue essence? 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full 1f y0u c4n r34d 7h1s y0u 4r3 834u71full FACE GANG tits just get floppy when they get old its bad we need good content moe PepeHands @yassuo u should really go to the gym. i can sign you in if u want PepeHands PepeHands get a GF man @batman22145 GL in recovering from loss m8 ❤️ PepeHands FeelsBadMan SAME LUL BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump D: PepeHands PepeHands ekko is broke DONT @ me hyoon PepeHands PepeHands ARE U GOING TO PLAY FORTNITE EVER AGAIN SadChamp SAME WHOLE SQUAD ON THAT REAL SHIT Kreygasm HeyGuys HeyGuys Same FeelsBadMan @samsteri ure right man that'slife! YIKES KEKW LUL PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands D: What life @Yassuo What do you think about Lux mid??? :) PepeHands PepeHands LMAO LOL PepeHands TOO TRUE PepeHands TOO TRUE PepeHands TOO TRUE KEKW put a bag ever the face and u wont se it PepeHands D: lmfao KEKW widepeepoSAD PepeHands flashedbacks PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump KEKW SAME PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Take off shirt , no like woman arms, wear shadow dogs shirt Yassuo what are your Runes to Yasuo lmao PepeHands SadChamp KEKW PepeHands lmao LOL KEKW Hyoon XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LUL ass Is way better than tits LOL LMFAOOO same moe same widepeepoSad PepeHands lmao LUL deeeeeeep KEKW Moe life... good joke ??? LUL hagagaga PepeHands My man KEKW PepeHands lolz pepehyands PepeHands sad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands LMA widepeepoSad HYOON :( sadf KEKW fucking brat why you make fun of depressed people ? hyoon PepeHands LMFAO :((((((((((( LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW SAME .. widepeepoSad KEKW dont say that :( D; SAME sad SAME hi moe i love your streams and yt videos you are amzing <3 PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands what do u think about hail of blades yasuo? yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride PepeHands KEKW yasBad_TK KEKW luuuuul @yassuo who do u think is the steamer atm most likely to go pro? Apart from u obvs😂 ratirlMangoS hyoon yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands ??? SO DEEP PepeHands TOO TRUE PepeHands TOO TRUE PepeHands TOO TRUE PepeHands TOO TRUE lol feel ya @Yassuo do you go to college? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump JUST DRINK AND HAVE FUN 4HEad wurwumia tu suramela BibleThump Love u Moe <3 Jebaited @Yassuo When are you coming to euw? OMEGALUL oof bruh @moe do you have any aarabic ruits sadness Hyoon widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @Yassuo Do you ever play ahri? Don't see her that often in high elo pubs How am i getting these random free bonuses JUST DRINK AND HAVE FUN 4HEad <3 dont be sad pls Just pull a bag over her head then she doesnt have to have a good face 4Head BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump same @yassuo what did you do to get famous on twitch ? Besides streaming a lot. ^^ HYOON kgotdatjuice296 -> Please refrain sending long messages. Lol im 14 and this is deep moe u sound like u need a hug lol CrreamAwk damn widepeepoSad yah but you're full of money anyways... go get some hookers dude sometimes it be like that NO GF HYOON yassnake yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS yasHYPERS let sent him hearts <3 GET YOU A GF Mono yassuo plis Hyoon :( pants are dragon gachiGASM JUST DRINK AND HAVE FUN 4HEad <3 JUST DRINK AND HAVE FUN 4HEad <3 JUST DRINK AND HAVE FUN 4HEad <3 @Yassuo I FEEL MOE AND TYLER ARE FRIENDS IRL play lux @Yassuo sylas game plz c: TF BLADEE KWKW Hyoon :) moe whats up with the coke promo thing? @Yassuo GET A GF FFS !duo QuyDepTrai @yassuo thoughts about the challenge tfblade and fogged? wideoeeoiSad true TFBALDE KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan yasDiamond tyler1 streaming KEKW WHAT ARE YOUR RUNES TO YASUO? tarzaned > tf KEKW tf blade is a fucking monkey what do you mean LULW waffleH waffleH waffleH waffleH waffleH why always hyoon @chat KEKW HYOON LUL <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Face Ass Tits = F.A.T. @Yassuo LUL @Yassuo Can u play Lux? :) rooLove <3 PepeLaugh poki KEKW HYOON PEPEHANDS i mean katevolved was in the academy tryo6uts or w/e it was ca`led do you think general sniper can go pro in the future? TF blade has lost every single top lane match up in every tournament KEKW are u gonna he in TCS @yassuo widepeepoHappy @Yassuo do you go to college? Hyoon pepehands ნაზუქი მაიტა <3 <3 YOUR PLAYING AGAINST IMAQTPIE yasPride Dont you just hate when your dick gets stuck in the floor crack when you are walking ? add a heart Did i hear Corki time ARE U GOING TO PLAY FORTNITE EVER AGAIN @Yassuo taranzed is way too good too CALL HIM HYOON no fucking way that rightclick champ abuser wil go pro what the fuck is that TF blade merch WTF katevolved hyoon pepehands it helps with ppl social master what do u think about hail of blades yasuo he is so kind ngl moe educational LULW add a heart TF blade is legit monkey Wholesome talk lol <3 if you are happy with your lonelyness dont be afraid @Yassuo @44sanchezz vaaax mevasebi hi moe i love your streams and yt videos you are amzing <3 @positivitysmile he 1v1 qt on stream and the faker 1v1 helped a lot. Being specially good at one champ helps build a community that was revolves around yasuo @Yassuo KATEVOLVED WON SCOUTING GROUNDS whats wrong with hyoon i just came someone tell me CANT GO PRO IF IRELIA IS BAD LUL KATEVOLVED IS OP @yassuo i also got friendzoned PepeHands that's surely gonna happen PepeLaugh Play ekko Met you in LoL quarters in Madrid and got a pic too :D ty for the great streams and keep up the streams :) TF Blade is not toxic KEKW hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands KEKW VIKTOR TOXIC TRASH LULW turn on low spec mode ur client wont die socially awkward yeah just throw in on the ground right there thats a good spot whos he talking about Dont you just hate when your dick gets stuck in the floor crack when you are walking ? @Yassuo didnt chat flame you for talking too much when your tried to explain stuff LULW general sniper prob the most likely what do u think about hail of blades yasuo? JACKSON Pog Kappa ARE U GOING TO PLAY FORTNITE EVER AGAIN @Yassuo We all know you're on a pro player level, why aren't you pro yet? against the pie PogChamp I LOVE JACKSON Pog @yassuo play ekko who he talkin bout FOGGED IS PRO peep <3 what about you ? what about pants? @yassuo that guy is wholesome fr Jackson Pog can you play ryze Tell me why T1 is becoming irrelevant @Yassuo shutup What about quantum fizzics? @Yassuo Play Kat wtf what do u think about hail of blades yasuo IMAQTPIE OH SHIT :( stop schooling pls Play rkko Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo @Yassuo PLAY TCS PLEASE :) BETTER STREMER WIN <3 @Yassuo IT'S CORKI TIME LUL LU @Yassuo play some dababy please ? @yassuo how i can donateeeeeeeeeee shut up moe sheesh widepeepoHappy BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump <3 peep FeelsRainMan ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan widepeepoHappy set urself BibleThump <3 fake love @yassuo play ekko m OMEGALUL e when are you going pro? FeelsOkMan PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR @Yassuo I saw you when you played in Korea, you could definitely go pro if you play like that, just need to find the flow again widepeepoHappy Good guys Moe respect @Yassuo BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump batman22145 -> Please refrain sending long messages. <3 hi moe i love your streams and yt videos you are amzing <3 ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @Yassuo who the fuck is this duo Motivational speeches by Moe ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP luv you bro <3 set urself what? @Yassuo Looking mad cute today boo nocorki what do u think about hail of blades yasuo? ADD A HEART 😡 Tell him you love him BibleThump KaveDweller subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! ooga booga Imagine asking moe for advice KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump gg PepeHands play katerina HeyGuys HeyGuys ARE U GOING TO PLAY FORTNITE EVER AGAIN whats good moe <3 KEKW against qt @Yassuo do you go to college? Teemooooo meta on rengar u gonna be in TCS @yassuo link his twitch If you ever watched Saiki K, you talk like that detective guy who talks a lot @Yassuo Advice Andy KEKW @Yassuo Advice Andy KEKW @Yassuo Advice Andy KEKW @Yassuo Advice Andy KEKW trolling? teemo kekw moe im in a pretty shit mood can you change the song to something less sad :/ @Yassuo LIL PEEP RIP ): damn ur easily influenced jesus fucking christ ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP ADD A HEART HYPERCLAP <3 <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy PEEP PepeHands wow FeelsOkayMan oogabooga what uni did u drop out form?? full AD XD v fvfv grf grbe35gbdvfcs sssssssssssssssnake pog you really are done with the season take mr mr pta and demolish @Yassuo Who is that Beyta Pepega ? IM AT SCHOOL RIGHT NOW WATCHINH UR STREAM timheckalo1337 subscribed with Twitch Prime. 1v1 hashinshin who is this dude Holy this guy is really crying to moe shut up already KEKW Go ap Trist puke dragon trainer tag_me_if_fatal_toxic -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. ??? Dragon Trainer ur against QT @Yassuo Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled you cant jump veigar cage yas1 yas2 yas3 how can a chimp talk about education? DRAGON TRAINER>>>> ur gay moe firefighter dragon trainer they cost blue essence for chormas for demon riot girl tristana is still my favorite DragomTraomer LUL LUL LUL little demon christmas DRAGON TRAINER is that faker trist mid bewitching or demon Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday little demon firefighter riot girl dude how are u so easily influenced to play trist mid lmao presence of mind on tristana DRSGONTRAI flash exhaust @Yassuo luuuuul intin music turns on riot tristana armor KEKW dragon CHRISTMAS elf is december QT is Veigar enemy iamqtpie I think @yassuo Holy shit he is really trying to get us to pity him KEKW @djboss0729 thank you very much. But I really wonder what he did at the very beginning, like, I imagine people getting stuck at 50 viewers for years while moe probably got an increase in audience size very quickly No mr? GET IN THE SPIRIT firefighter @yassuo DRAGON TRAINER Demon <3 PepeHands @Yassuo who the fuck is this duo DRAGIPMN <3 JOLLY OL SPIRIT it's so nice Geranimo KEKW my man <3 DRAGON TRAINER or do the elf firefighter firefighter Tristana please Firefighter has the best auto attacks @Yassuo fireman PepeHands <3 or rocket girl pay to win skin QT is playing Veigar lol bewitching trisrt best <3 yassuo is such a troll bro @Yassuo whe will you shave that ugly beard? A REAL MAN <3 <3 @Yassuo Christmas spirit firrfight bro ELF insirpational moe <3 ADD A HEART @Yassuo <3 <3 FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan FeelsRainMan m o e is gay widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy dragon cause she looks like kled @Yassuo Follow me on Twitter for updates who is that? @Yassuo QT is in your game. VEIGAR hi :) legend <3 How can i get out of friendzone ? @yassuo widepeepoHappy FRIEND who the fuck is this Blade has more viewers than t1, wtfff kinda cringe lol <3 @Yassuo Can you tell your duo to stop being a pussy? and crying to us I dont want to see it Moe, Check New's Diana R Kreygasm Respect <3 @Yassuo little demonn <3 <3 just play EleGiggle too wholesome Trick2G wating Room trkMoedusa <3 ADD A HEART ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰 shave your neckbear elf its december if he plays yasuo hmu PepeHands <3 hey moe. I just wanted to let you know that you really Inspired me to play yasuo! thanks for all the tips. keep up the contents! good luck in que! take magic reesist gigachad widepeepoHappy @yassuo firefighter so kawaii i just joined what's up with this guy, and who is he? dragon trainerr <3 yasH @Yassuo QT is Veigar GO WITH ELF FOR THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT no skin like faker How can a chimp talk about education?? wholesome take elf one Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo he still ditched trick <3 true @Yassuo it is qt pls againmst ekko MOE U ARE THE BEST STREAMER I HAVE EVER WATCHED KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK LOVE U so fake and cringy oh tyler is on, see ya moe. have a good day yasH take tp ARE YOU DEPRESSED MOE? DRAGON TRAINER PLS ELF one widepeepoSad stream why no play yassuo you are so kawaii *-* fire dagon trainer Be ready to int fighter yasOkay probably qt so washed up he forgot how to right click 4Head yasPlead QT is veigar mindzero9ii -> Please refrain from posting links. youre so kind moe Wholesome moe is best moe yasH have u ever expected to be wheere u are today? Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW Moe, Check New's Diana R Kreygasm looks sooo nice Kreygasm @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled Call QT Yassuo, Well, your adc is Geranimo :))) lol fr take mr Against the master QT himself LUL LUL ya thats qt FULL AD TEAM KEKW @Yassuo who the fuck is this duo @Yassuo lookin mad cute today boo 😈 demon @Yassuo u playing in T1 tourny? i wanna see more hashinshin yassuo drama @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled LUL wholesome content take exhaust @Yassuo call qt he is crying yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead baiting stream WeirdChamp Hyoon :( Moe are u hot? How can i get out of friendzone ? @yassuo u better stop being sad big arms :O Go to Spain man and have fun trihard_from_oceania or else 10 k points pog me bipolar TriHard u hear me? HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands HYOON PepeHands Hyoon :( bipolear <3 BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump yasSleeper BIPOLAR monkaW D: Perks of being 19 and famous @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled HYOON PEPEHANDS BIPOLAR Hyoon :( Little fuking shit @Yassuo who the fuck is this duo. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS thats depression bipolar SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp SHUT UP FAT WeirdChamp @Yassuo How's gym going? thats cuz ur fat i habe that 2 @Yassuo GET A GF U NEED A DOGGIE hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands you fucked momo yet @Yassuo bipolar LULW big arms BIPOLAR GANG AHHHH @Yassuo If your sad while having streaming as a career there is something legitimately wrong with you no cap YOOOOOOOOOOO BROOOOOOOOOOOO SUBSCRIBE ME ARMPIT HAIR DansGame Hyoon PepeHands yeah,hard life yasPlead yasPlead yasPlead legit straight up same thing for me lmaoo u pull more views than TYLER Hyoon PepeHands PepeHands @yassuo was there a time where you had less than 50 viewers ? yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat yasFat habibi be happy armchair psychologists LOL getting back into league a little, how is sylas rn? Yo moe I went on my first date with this girl yesterday any advice for not messing things up? My baddddddddd bipolar monkaS yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper KEKW casey_clic -> Please refrain from spamming caps. KEKW KEKW look at those arms POG KEKW jsut dont be sad 4HEad DAMN THOSE GUNS @yassuo ARE U GOING TO GYM imma kill u if u keep sad ECAUSE YOU FAT ok gramps @Yassuo Everybody a psychologist here now lmao HYOON PepeHands cant see @djboss0729 thank you very much. But I really wonder what he did at the very beginning, like, I imagine people getting stuck at 50 viewers for years while moe probably got an increase in audience size very quickly hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands hyoon pepehands. BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump scene Go to Spain and have fun clubbin TriHard TTours Clap yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasSleeper yasClown Screen KEKW @Yassuo Just keep in mind we love u <3 need content the scrren cant see e Pick up a new hobby young lad the world still open for you psyscho monkaS Moe be like yea I can beat anyone How can a chimp talk about education?? i'm bipolar as well we aint stop fighting moe 1 year older than me and got shit done in life i just started college LUL scene SCENE @Yassuo Bipolar BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump caughtslacking subscribed with Twitch Prime. man's got mega arms Scene TTours @Yassuo WE CANT SEE @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled. Hyoon PepeHands ABSOLUTE MASSIVE ARMS POGU cant see the game screen ol @yassuo swap screens get in da comms with the jg @Yassuo scene screem I turn 20 today, love your streams @Yassuo OVERLAY f How can i get out of friendzone ? @yassuo the screem? scene KEKW SCREEN drink some coffee MO3 it willelevate your mood @Yassuo TTours TTours when am sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead screen yo Kappa @yassuo Fav artist? HYOON PEPEHANDS oogabooga Internet famous is not the same as real life famous Screen @yassuo sad more like bad because sheeeesh you bad af cutie 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥴🥴🥴🥴 YASUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i subscribed you on youtube.... get me back nega hyoon WeirdChamp its okay to be sad @yassuo dont let twitch chat bully ya outta that why is chat mean Scene ? LOL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh mega small arms cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Pro streamer Fat Pog @Yassuo How long you been going to the gym now? small KEKW @Yassuo Damn you look scary @Yassuo imagine being rich and sad, just buy yourself some happiness WeirdChamp mans pinZ sheesh u huge Can’t see bra KEKW you stopped lifting??? LULW LOL LUL i was here FAT BIG KEKW F A T LULW are u still working out moe @yassuo sad more like bad because sheeeesh you bad af cutie 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥴🥴🥴🥴 ??????????? BIG STRONG KEKW HIGH BMI KEKW no need to be sad with those arms moe GLITCH weird glitch I ONLY SEE FAT PepeHands FKKKKKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU yas5 KEKW chicken arms glitch ?? KEKW Sup moe. HeyGuys hyoon KEKW LMFAO @yassuo We all depressed bruh yasU ratirlBusiness yasU big arm but just fat xd MY BOY GOT BIIIG! Ya still going to gym tho? it's the camera moe it's the camera My man bouta run it down and say he is 1v9 KEKW KEKW try the other arm dude dont worry its the camera angle ur HUUUGE LOL KEKW Kappa dude u look older than meeee and i'm 21 years old u have bobyes man said a glitch LMAO i miss ny moe Kapp LUL Kapp @yassuo hit me up in my boxing gym when you are in germany FAT BIG KEKW KEKW Kapp too much eating Kapp Kapp Kapp visual bug bro LAZY start tomorrow PogU Kapp Fat Keepo cut fat Kapp FAT BIG KEKW VEIGAR IS QT PogU VEIGAR IS QT PogU Moe be like yea I can beat anyone LULW sad cuz bad FeelsBadMan Moe how you gonna not break your mouse with those guns damn dude same shit happened to me Perkz my man Croatian💪 Kappa fav artist?? youve been saying that for months KappaPride @Yassuo WHat's your jackin arm? tylers live seeya Damn cant wait till u get bigger and bigger Kapp @Yassuo hey, I dont think you remember me but ive been here for a while now. I've watched your streams on and off. Recently my mom passed due to cancer, your streams have helped so I would like to thank you yasuo i think im better at yasuo then u Sheeesh need to get a workout bro dont worry its the angle ur huge IRL STREAM? @Yassuo MOE DO YOU HAVE A CAR !!!!!!? CAN YOU DRIVE ? PICTURE WITH FAKER POGGERS Kappapride who's the duo can't see KEKW im feeling sad all the time because i have tinnitus thats aids i your ear man fuck my life fan boy FAKER GONNA BE IN VEGAS ? BACK KEKW My Finger is Bigger then u arm KEKW make faker your chef KEKW Next week ratirlLouder ratirlLouder ratirlLouder Kapp SEE faker? KappaPride just ask him out @Yassuo dont be scared Where are you now Shaker KEKW YASUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO U R THE BEST STREAMER LOVE U You fakers boyfriend? does faker want to see you though Go pro Yooo Ekko is my boy Gio Monster faker dont give a shit bout you LOL Kapp KappaPride KappaPride PogChamp PogChamp love you moe Kappa Yo Moe, haven’t seen Pinoy for a while on YT. Have you fed him yet? @yassuo you are really good man but if yoh are reading this you are gay kappapuraido next week tm faker love saranghae Kappa Precipitation? would u like hyoon if she didn't workout 70 ms holly shit I stopped a year and a few months ago I feel sick highkey Did u ever test how much coke u can sniff into that huge nose? ntrsxshynexz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! 4Head show faker your yasuo whats up @Yassuo LUL Kappa you gonna just showe up to his place? lol Can you do a tutorial on how to do blades on yasuo F Go pro moe need to get those faler dodges its all good man everyone has ups and downs esp with lifting MOE CAN TOU DRIVE ????! @Yassuo What do you bench? It is proven that exercise elevate your mood @yassuo got cheated on since then Im hella depressed @epilepticpinenut does faker care about you? @Yassuo Bro do you think Ahri is a good Mid lane Champion? Is golden Kappa still a thing? so do you survive with streaming? or do you also go to college just in case? @Yassuo sjr Yo Moe... make Faker your bitch! lol -1 skrr !uptime The stream has been live for 4 hours 33 minutes 34 seconds @yassuo can u giive me word? *1 !live m How can u not be wanting to travel I travel every week man for work hahaha @yassuo FlipThis well yas5_SG e U LOOK CLEAN MAN ! Disgusting Tristana mid player can i get gifted sub??? make a gym video with t1 @mr_longkong the difference is that i dont give a fuck about faker, also i dont work at mcdonalds full time like you and give my money to millionaires @yassuo try out aphelios man HYPERgachi cheer100 lets go moe LEST GO Hi cs LUL Ornn only has 1 skin and has been out for 2 years yasThink no just run on them e-q @yassuo plz talk don't tryhard w e :) Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! auto g auto f Just auto 4Heed i want to learn yasuo but i cant stand watching this cringe fuck Bruh just press E and auto dont need a big brain to do that @zara1 idk about mid but shes the best champ to fap to :) u ugly boy right click to death W + rightclick @Yassuo E auto auto auto auto why do u push so hard right click is your combo KEKW yeah just E W and auto w e auto ult auto e w auto auto auto auto auto auto is trist mid AP still worth? You can E and R during your W my boy Gio is gonna smack you e the tower its still splash damage and people forget e q auto auto auto auto poke rightclick :) Le02k subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! Almost two years my mans, hope all is well <3 yas5_SG yeah auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto @Yassuo just remember double jump your streams lighten my day man keep up the good work W E Q AUTOOOOOO w e q KEKW W mid ear E und AA Q AA... auto E Q auto auto auto full stack E bomb resets w and her W and R add charges to the E, thats all mechanics @sickwavedude nobody forces you to watch cringe ass mf You can E and R midair that’s about it w e 4 auto R @Yassuo e-auto w in- than w out @Verlene1000 No duh my dude who wouldn't fap to her? Platinum chat Pepega @Yassuo qe3 autos r auto while the knkockback pog POG Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog @Yassuo moe what champ is best in silver solo queue PogU Pog death_stroke14 -> Please refrain from posting links. Pog Pog Pog PogU POG clean OKAY Pog Pog PogU Pog cheer100 Hey Moe have you thought about working out with Bradley Martin? He will get you jacked! Pog nice one Pog POG Pog pog POG Pog Pog POGU Pog clean Pog Yo that was clutch Pog ekko is garbage LULW Pog Pog ok faker Pog PogU pog Pogu PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp clean Pog i poged first Pog PogU PogChamp Pog pog PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog PogU KEKW Poggers that ekko hard whiffed q Pog is that moe ? PogChamp PogChamp cs pog Pog Ekko missed Q KEKW Disgusting Trist mid player Ok Faker tristana is OP Dude, wtf this ekko's skin KEKW PogChamp LUL www l POG bradley martin LULW NA Ekko LUL Clean is that faker ? oh he didnt die nvm broken champ kekw Pog pog kingnithin1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hey Moe, max E that skin does not look like ekko at all e e Raybolt9 -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. E e e DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! ee E e E e E EEEEEE if u fight ekko max w e ll e e E ! e then q E e e e e E max e lll e e E E e E you are faker manoo e>q>W ll no reaction from u? i would scream @Yassuo E E E E EEEE e E EE max e E e llll W e cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow cmeisterWow Cleaan e E E THEN Q Q E MAX RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE IS BACK lllll E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE l w f Q lll e @Yassuo you better hit one insec this game e go full ap for jump EQW e ll After Q W LOL JK a please e Yasboo1 lllll eeeeeeee he doesnt know Pepe yasNunu q NF MUSIC POG kkkkkkkkkkkk e q w max order max r EEEEEE E E e HEY MOE have you never played tristana It's actually auto e q from max range or weq for short range. @Yassuo You have to E mid W. EQW e Top 3 mids world? @Yassuo @Yassuo its fight week who do you think will win Deontay Wilder or Luis Ortiz ?? go sanguine blade first @yassuo tyler said there aint a chance of you winning TCS E E then Q @Yassuo if u get fed early, fast iE? then max Q .. ni w CHAT WeirdChamp NF <3 yasAYAYA moe what top lane champs are best in silver? hey @Yassuo what r you tryubg to do in the gym? what's the prescription on your glasses oo RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE IS BACK RATSNAKE!!!! AP Tristana PepeHands @yassuo rush boots as well cmonBruh R that skin does not look like ekko atall @mods @Yassuo Best combo forTrist is CTRL+F4 yooo fat whats up Any BigBrother in chat? Moe has joined 100 Thieves! Check out the announcement video and drop a like: EQRW oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i believe you can e at the start of the w @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled oooo FALSE ABOUT TO GET VIP TOdAY <3 @Yassuo !duo QuyDepTrai yasBoo1 kkkk ratirlOpen I make them bitches precipitate W E Q W ooop WHo remembers AP tristana mid PepeHands Max r bro just w e auto x4 and then w R @Yassuo Calum Von Monger čkkkkmč EQW?? wow IE either bork Bork ie bork bork IE NF WutFace bork @yassuo just remember to max w before r bortk IE @Yassuo Bork into crit IE žćčšđ Nf ❤️ WOW NF <3 bork Stormrazor @yassuo TCS casting? bork into IE ie NF (puke) bork no bork ie pd ie @FIBONACCII do you have 500k watch thing? never ER MAX R 4Head IE rabadons Pog 1v1s? yes WEQ NF absolutely bops IE čšćđž IEE yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG yas5_SG bork or stormrazor no firecanon storm razor bork IE IE Bork Stormrazor ie rush IE first lsangunie borkk wewsodfoisdfopisdaofasd i thought ekko was rappiing but its NF lol e w q BORK žšščđđđ Check out BLD by NZXT! The simplest way to get a customized gaming PC. Choose the games you want to play, set a budget, and BLD takes care of the rest. Built and shipped within 48 hours with a 2-year warranty ie poggers STORMRAZER INTO IE botkr Ie ie or bork max R IEPog storm razer bork into crit IE NF Pog wit's end Kappa bork IE and then beserkers ie is better infinity BORK first monkaW whats bork ie into ie into ie @yassuo boots, bork or ie hmm @yassuo W, while flying E on him so on landing you get a stack then Q BOTRK It's not E Q W it's W E Q W u r mid not adc, go bork Pepega trist mid abuser kek Kill em always BORK first lmao no point on freezing as trist any mods in chat? !time Current time in Los Angeles: 02:46:42 PM @Yassuo stormrazer zeal ie !elo Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP @noteska blade of the ruined king, an item @saltipss dml thought it was 25k 4Head why is moe abusing again chat go bork cuz ur solo lane PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR Hi yassuo pp TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid deadass 😂 @saltipss fml e the tower @kedrycklol he's not versing people with much health so he doesn't need it early @FIBONACCII FailFish @yassuo MOE PLS CHECK IG DMS first press e then jump you cant get prock from jump if you first jump PurpleStar PurpleStar PurpleStar PurpleStar PurpleStar PurpleStar PurpleStar Ekko pussy @saltipss lol how often do u guys shave ur pubes? I have a Big PeePee E tower when its low you can E to tower moe you can e the tower! forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? forsenE ANY BAJS? e the tower my dude !playlist @Yassuo E the tower KEKW KEKW CAÑON KEKW BAD KEKW KEKW ! KEKW Ekko look like another champ KEKW Sure Kapp yasU canon omega lol KEKW KEKW I didnt watch u for a while but u still has so fuckin big nose holy C A N N OMEGALUL N try W E Q W it is super combo for one shot @Yassuo yasR NA EKKO LUL yasCannon @yassuo MOE PLS CHECK IG DMS!! first press e then jump you cant get prock from jump if you first jump yasCannon yasCannon @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W He didnt want it Kappa kekw i guess.... SadChamp uasN XD yasN @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W! 1 PARA FLEX ORO-PLAT kai dzma yas aba magrad <3 gexutune gulshi HeyGuys @Kornel722 yasN Moe Why My PeePee Big? Advice chat Pepega will this be the insec what ur name KEKW yasANELE pog balanced KEKW Pog LUL KEKW LUL ?????? LULW HE'S SO MAD LUL META LIL jg impact role LUL LUL yoink He's so angry HES SO MAD RENGAR KEKW KEKW LUL ADCS ARE SO BALANCED KEKW KEKW ROAM @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W Metaphor malding OUTPLAYED POGGERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ?????/ Pog yasPlead KEKW pog Pog HES MAAAAD ?????????? YOINK KEKW META OpieOP KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW @yassuo i was kidding about the concert thing. love ya bro 😁 1 PARA FLEX GOLD-PLAT rip moe OOPS oops... yes BORK that champ is stupid asjell kekW TO BECOME BETTER PLAYER ONE MUST ROAM KEKW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PogChamp PogChamp n9 HELLO BRO HOW CAN I BE A GOOD PLAYER Pepega bork KEKW @Kornel722 you wasted points to say that shit? bork bork sanquine IE bork into ie... IE IE walked into it KEKW bork noooo IE bork yes BORK nooooo BORK BORI BORK botk bork first typically bork BORK first press e then jump you cant get prock from jump if you first jump yasShrug yasShrug stormrazor or bork BOTRK SANGUINE not er SLOW BRAIN go IE BORK 1 PARA FLEX ORO-PLAT Bork @amatulo1994 LAN? STORMRAZER INTO IE sanguine blade @Yassuo no stormrazer, then IE ???????????? bork BORK bork NOOO lol u buy bork mid IE IE BORK IE IE into ER IE BORK bork BORK IE IE No bork ie IE U WANT THAT SLOW BOTRK SHIV/PD @Yassuo @Kornel722 idiot BOTRK bork BORK Go IE bork bork IEIE SANGUINE SANGUINE BORKKKKKKKKK IE OR BORK IEIEIEIE KEKW SSANGUINE BLADE FOR SOLO LANE yo moe hail of blades is the only keystone on trist botrk IE MATE NO BORK IE Ie PepeLaugh IE. stupid sanguin blade I EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE big yikes IEEE HE FELL FOR IT KEKW Ie BOTRK SHIV/PD @Yassuo Tyler1 on now it ok BOTRK SHIV/PD @Yassuo ITS IE OMGGG ie bro Jebaited IE yeah razor NO widepeepoHappy Jebaited sanguine u dont need ER bork @Yassuo IE / stormrazor . ffs u guys suck so hard lol BORK U DOG SSANGUINE BLADE FOR SOLO twitch258BORK MESSED IT UP ALREADY KEKW LOL THE DOG BORKING fucking terrorists, keep bombing my city SuperVinlin dogs in the chat KEKW you're muslim dont eat bork Ri[ no IE thats ... Ie BORK, LOL Jebaited Rip RANDUINS Strokrazer NO WHOS SAYING BORK Jebaited what ur name hella streamers in this game Pog Ie DOG LOL LOL ITS INFINITY EDGE LMFAO NONONONONONONONONONO BORKMEGALUL Noooooo bork sucks just go ie man first e than jump don't take botrk yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald yasMald you always go bork 1st on trist mid NO ONE SAID BORK how can we know what to build we are silvers lol Bork wtf??? bork is troll Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited hmm 1 FOR PLAY GOLD-PLAT RANK WHAT if you said bork youre bronze CS Kreygasm wow cs TF @Yassuo enemies don't have that much health so you don't need bork til late SSANGUINE BLADE FOR SOLO ? bro yoh liste kng guess bork is the new IE chat LUL clean csing yas3 i have no clue where moe is reading from but it's not this chat lmao Jebaited Jebaited BORK IS TROLL IDOLIIT LOL wa chat actually jebaited the guy hew b first e then jump baited asf LUL RANK WHAT RANK WHAT RANK WHAT ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness nf is a doggo sanchSad hes building bork KEKW who are you listening to? @Yassuo Is the 2019 Moevie in the productions? 1 TO PLAY GOLD-PLAT ratirlSip_TK ratirlSip yasMald rank what u just got troll by chat join our kahoot game twitch snealu gm @erenq23eren Jebaited LUL NFFFff BORK WITH TRIST KEKW @Yassuo stormrazer or ie into a zeal item, then get the ie or stormrazer (whichever you didn't start with) then get bork !runes Last Game (Yasuo): > > > | > | > > Ranged mid KEKW When u doing 1v1s sexiest female league champ chat? iron chat stfu first e then jump !rank E Perkz Son is Diamond III 44 LP GRANDMASTER I (378 LP) Ekko KEKW Follow me on Twitter for updates SSANGUINE BLADE BEST FOR TRIST MID MAN @yassuo you got trolled by chat , this item is shit reksai reksai @Verlene1000 no w e bork KEKW e in mid jump Use E mid jump e mid air never e w 5Head reksai ofc wtf yasBoo3 Ult stacks E as well WEQW buffer e u can e mid w you listen to nf!!? @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W mid/ top is bork start.... bot is storm or ie E mid air Use your E mid jump @Verlene1000 WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING HotPokket your w resets as the bomb eplodes if u w on him so youll get a 2nd w yasAYAYA you can E while jumping Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : that wasnt great God I love this song, J Cole the goat fr Its W E Q W close POG KEKW ??? ??????? NOOB KEKW OUTPLAYD KEKW @verlene1000 Poppy 👌 KEKW wow KEKW SHIT ON KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW OOF LMAOOOOOOOO OUTPLAYED LUL LUL LUL ?????????????? LOOL youre inting KKEW SO CLOSE lol?? SSANGUINE BLADE BEST FOR TRIST MID MAN RIP Clap this skin tho turn the song up the same way you can ult FLASH kekw NICE TRY KEKW ??????? u can ult then auto before ult hits him LUL KEKW kekw FLASH? KEKW chat getting you killed man KEKW FLASH ? ?????? M OMEGALUL E hahaha KEKW wp moe KEKW KEKW LUL LUL frewK frewK frewK frewK frewK @Yassuo almost PUTPLAYED cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WEQW @Yassuo f ready KEKW use something KEKW EATING W AND ULT KEKW SMACKED KEKW flash?? @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W!!! :] LUL LUL OUTPLAYED OMEGALUL mobafire mongos trying to tell how to build KEKW KEKW yasuo on tristan ?! .. not good .. Kappa saving flash for next game? lol you can w then e for two stacks yeah build bork KEKW TURN THE SONG UP NICE INT KEKW Sick insec tho KEKW OUTPLAYED KEKW Ult stacks E as well was a good try tho KEKW THIS SKIN BROKEN KEKW KEKW LUL NICE BORK @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W CLOSE RANGE PepeLaugh flash LUL LUL ???? flash Ez almost clean KEKW CLOSE RANGE PepeLaugh KHA PepeLaugh nice try on the insec atleast Your W resets when E explodes so W first monkey @Yassuo The combo is W E Q @Yassuo please ask ekko where is he from excuses again... DansGame nice bork imagine you went bf sword @yassuo i was kidding about the concert thing. love ya bro 😁 😁 bork is trooooll first R then Alt+F4 @yassuo saving flash for next game? this man is actually building bork KEKW @yassuo u really need to finish boooots GG KEKW TriKool ivern is nutsssss @Yassuo TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid TombRaid SSANGUINE BLADE BEST FOR TRIST MID MAN @Yassuo when you pick tristana. = Greyscreen mode : Enabled Colourblind mode : Enabled im getting tilted watching you lol ur only hope is over BORK KEKW KonCha @yassuo variety when losing to qtpie LUL @yassuo W, while flying E for stack than Q than W!!! @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? you didnt LULW GG MOE IS CARRYING ON TRIST another excuse KEKW highlight DansGame KEKW Bork is troll lol 4Heed happy birthday chat :) true KEKW @Yassuo Crit would be a better idea over on hit EXCUSING LULW hello sir moe :D just play well KEKW why does ur chat flame u so much like why lol 4Heed @Yassuo LISTEN UP, BORK SUCKS, GET INFINITY FOR FAKER'S SAKE @greekgcdx yasPepega CHAT ACTUALLY DOESNT LISTEN KEKW u cant play with tris ekko op moe 1v1 me ekko montage youre fucking up by building bork @akolio -1000 KEKW She nose stop it with the excuses moe wtf DansGame Kapp love from romania lordnexx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! You’re inting by building botrk bro anyone saying bork first on trist mid is mentally deranged Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats @Yassuo You get W reset after making E Explode with Autos @auringsl its cause of twitcth rivals 4Head wow I love this skin 💗💗💗💗💗💗 pog Because we fucking hate him :) RENGAR MALDING KEKW Pog KEKW Join the discord server and talk to other viewers from twitch chat If you're a sub be sure to connect your twitch to your discord to talk to Moe in the sub chat along with having the chance to 1v1 and play in subs games with Moe! KEKW ?" bork is always the play on trist mid you apes KEKW LULW KEKW INTING KEKW ?? ?????? @Yassuo bro only 2 days left for sub, gift me one! meanwhile Isn't streaming depressing for u ? it kinda looks overwhelming monkaW THAT SMITE KEKW @xxnscopexx KEKW ?? KEKW not looking KEKW ? KEKW KEKW THE AWARENESS BRO ???????????????? Kappa KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW ?? KEKW LOL INT PepeLaugh ? ??? Ape KEKW ??????????? LULW soloed LULW LUL KEKW LOLLOL ??? KEKW KEKW ???????????? ff ???????? KEKW @! ???? Pepega WHY IS LEONA HERE ME MOE Pepega inttt KEKW inting KEKW KEKW PogChamp KEKW wohooo my messege is colored Hard INT ?????? INTING?? kekw @yassuo why would u Build stormrazor on trist? botrk isnt way better? @Yassuo do u use streamlabs obs or obs studio? __¡¡??????????????????????????????????? i had that last game bronze awareness KEKW Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats. xd interrr fk that my boy gio is smacking peepoWTF K INTTTT KEKW LMAO HAHA KEKW hey EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle KEKW man love from romania oops XD BOROK IS TROLL BTW KEKW Typical Yasuo hey stop it with the excuses moe wtf DansGame Kapp EXCUSES KEKW inted GREY SCREEN ANDY HHH peepoWTF "Not int" loosing to a boomer Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats @Yassuo yes it is KEKW KEKW you got him dd man hey ddddd KEKW SSANGUINE BLADE BEST FOR TRIST MID MAN ddd can we see ur shirt??? Love from ROMANIA EXCUSER LULW dd man WeirdKEKW ? yo guys @SaltyCola101 your braindead silver i see ekko KEKW KEKW EXCUSE missay1Ayaya ggs hope all is well, you enlighten my days keep up the great work man BUDDY ZONED SHE KNOWS nice haircut dawg u troll peepoWTF OH NO pepeHands preseason KEKW 1 TO PLAY GOLD-PLAT hey !uptime The stream has been live for 4 hours 43 minutes 3 seconds ok gg PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pog SHE KNOWS GUYS yasuo im in ur game5 Isn't streaming depressing for u ? it kinda looks overwhelming Yoo Moe fuck twitch rivals! there is a tournament in Saudi and total prize pool is 2 million dollars no joke check it out after the match if you want Cheer100 is that a dennis shirt SHE REALLY KNOWS Bork is fine? which idiot said that go languini peepoPog PepeLaugh i love ur haircut dawg innnnnnt She doesnt know chat PepeLaugh all of a sudden ekko 4/1 rocketbear__ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! shut ya mouth rude boy THROUGH ALL THE TWITCH FOLLOWERS I FOLLOWED, YOU HAVE THE MOST VIEW!!! @Yassuo chat so triggered thinking they could play better on your place right now Pepega Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats @Yassuo 2/0. more like 2/3 !delay She doesn't know PepeLaugh show shirt Yo habibi INTING ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Arsames subscribed with Twitch Prime. whoever said get bork doesnt read patch notes SAUDI Pepega @cyberdemon666 gio is dog shit bro easy clap poggerzsz -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. man can u play by olliao yo what's this subscriber's only chat buerinCoffee SAUDI Pepega INTINGG do you still enjoy playing yasuo as much as you did before? Pepega 100 cans of OIL I am sub for 2 more days, rip Get Bork Yo it’s my birthday krypticAG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! TFBLADE MERCH KEKW JUST JUMP ON HIM 4HEad @Ben4Pres cmonBruh ? yasTrue who wants even be yassuo sub? cmonBruh Yo it’s my MF ING BDAY @itzblinkonceg he already has it ? @imcoyy hbd cutie sanchHeart PartyHat KEKW 21 years old 😂 @cyberdemon666 lol he's my boy its just a meme WHY U JUMP lol KEKW ???? KEKW LUL KEKW Pepega kekw ???? @kiisi not me LUL barellllllllllllz pretty close, F KEKW 5Head KEKW that intnig jump this game is over its always sunny is fuckin hilarious you dont jump in there buy IE u dummy that q dmg is crazy ?? W IN XDDD MaN why jump IDIOT LUL yea KEKW NO why jump there? omegalul KEKW feeding KEKW bork and dont jump BORK KEKW WineGlass @yassuo Any thoughts on doing variety? KEKW yu are trolling why the hell would u jumb there had to flash the barrel just auto GG ? what is the stream schedule OUTPLAYED KEKW love from romania moe u are the best streamer 5Head :wineglass: 5Head 🍷 @imcoyy hbd nb3HA always sunny is hilarious 2/0 to 2/4 KEKW MOE SHOW U ROLEX i dont think its worth using w there EleGiggle @yassuo shojin on trist is playable? GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR TODAY M OMEGALUL E inting Isn't streaming depressing for u ? it kinda looks overwhelming @Yassuo post on ur life of moe u slacker TriHard nice hop @Yassuo OhMyDog didnt bork loud enough slow him with ruind then e w actually griefuing gg @Ben4Pres gio who xd yo moe why did u stop playing gp 5Head 🍷 Better team wins i spend 1000 points for 1 colored messege and waste it... damn moe SEKIRO HOW MUCH WAS UR ROLEX peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF 5Head 🍷 u literally jumped into him to kill u jump to him xd TriAthlon Use E mid jump how big is offlines new house love from Romania bruh play hollow knight @cyberdemon666 Gio Monster, the ekko 5Head 🍷5Head 🍷 a new jump king is coming out no ? Aye thanks for the bday wishes homies hahaha what is your monitor information ? Did moe beat celeste? saving flash for next year @yassuo d stop it with the excuses moe wtf DansGame Kapp you gotta you need shave lol i donjt think w is worth since you jump into his aa range and you would do mroe dmg if you just aa play by illiaoi BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime play basketball Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Thought about streaming tonight but hell idk 😂 Yo @Yassuo whens pummel party gonna happen again??? DIANA MID man 1v1 me lebron y dont you mix it up What server do they play on in Riyadh tournament @Yassuo God you feed on anything that isn't yasuo Isn't streaming depressing for u ? it kinda looks overwhelming xD SHAVE YOUR BEARD BRO!!! BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime BOSHY ItsBoshyTime do you not like playing ekko? play master yi fam @Yassuo Have you heard of Hollow knight, it's a good indi game 0 crit lol @Yassuo vlad so broken , why no one playing it in high ello ? chat, help me out. where should i go if i want a cheap surfing vacation? any surfers in chat? @fakboi1234 most romanian name ever xD @Yassuo inting and more viewers than tyler KEKW pog song <3 stick to yi @Yassuo pog song hhahhahahaha bork pepeJAM @Ben4Pres ah shit, my name is Giorgi so thought u were someone I know yasWeird_SQ @ImGoingToTroll ? he feeds on yas too pepegaJAM bitch cringe moe DIANA MID @NotAutisticRat Hollow knight might not be suited for streaming though Mom's spaghetti his palms are sweaty yasWeird_SQ yasWeird_SQ yasWeird_SQ pepeJAM yasBoo1 yasBoo1 yasBoo1 PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA LULW Pepega LUL LUL LUL KEKW loooooooooooool KEKW LUL LMAO BAITED ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LMAOOOO BLAMING RIOT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kekw LUL LOL he cant post on life of moe if he doesn't have one yasTower yasTower yasTower yasTower KEKW KEKW cancelled auto clipped NO WAY THE CANCEL AA LUL KEKW xD wow that drag movespeed cancelled auto LMAo KEKW RIOT ? KEKW LOL LUL how can u blame that on riot M OMEGALUL E KEKW LOOOL @MrToniBoss get out of my mind cloud dragon KEKW lol RIOT LUL LUL Riot LUL baited BORK KEKW LMAO KEKW LOOOOOOL RIOT KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime Cloud keystone LUL KEKW LUL LOL UR MAD RIOT GAMES XD OOF OOF THE BUMBUM KEKW KEKW 0 loooooooool] Good auto KEKW Cancel aa :( lmao unlucky LUL LUL yasDiamond yasWeird_SQ yasWeird_SQ yasWeird_SQ yasWeird_SQ you did stop it with the excuses moe wtf DansGame Kapp u did KEKW ooof lmaooooooooooo GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR OMEGALUL GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR OMEGALUL GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR OMEGALUL GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR OMEGALUL awfuljFF play by illiaoi why the fuck blaming riot for that xD? YES YOU DID U DID KEKW repobaThanos repobaThanos repobaThanos KEKW why you blaming riot ? YOU DID U did CANCELLED AUTO LUL yasPride you did u did You did once... U cancel aa LUL hhahaahahahahahah WHEN YOU FLASHED OMEGALUL did Ff 15 hahahaha nice auto cancel LOL KEKW u did PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime yes u do delusional KEKW u knew u did you did KEKW you did rofl you did kekw CANCEL AUTO LOOK AT REPLAY IDIOT you did monkey Hey, I was wondering do you think that Yassuo is in a good spot right now for low elo, or should I look into more carry champions like Cassiopea Katarina. Also how is your day man looking big . KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW he didn't cancel dumb chat it ran out of range at the beginning RIOT LOLLL @Yassuo actually did :/ unlucky bronze chat pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM BUild one more bork yes you did KEKW YOU DID LUL u did 😂😂 ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat You did cancel one LUL u canceled last auto u did bro u did 5 subs, watch vod @Yassuo CLOUD DRAGON CHEESE you did. u did kekw STUN COLD DOWN WTH @yassuo SHOJIN ON TRIST IS PLAYABLE? i swear u did 2/5 RIOOTTTT!!! delusional awfuljFF awfuljFF u did clip moe why you stop uploading to life of moe WutFace WutFace DIANA MID! TILTED GMpepe @Yassuo you were Jebaited to build bork LUL u did passive moeeeeee drag can you fly with ur watch or atleast travel threw time? 25k sheesh you did at the end u cancelled last auto yasANELE i camcelled one u canceled YOU DID @Yassuo YOU CANCELLED AUTO IDIOT LOOK AT REPLAY LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL passive he Has passive passive moe hit me up in my boxing gym when you are in germany @yassuo NanoNate9 -> Please refrain from posting links. PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime LULW hiy passive.. Tilted peepoWTF u did ekko broken omg u did L O L yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM ntuh Silver chat KEKW MOM SPAGHETTI u did bud KEKW HOW ARE YOU MR. SNAKE? STILL LEARNING PASTLE TONGUE? Kappa @KaiserKyomori Katarina is the low elo god good boy !uptime The stream has been live for 4 hours 46 minutes 55 seconds u did ur bad do he didnt you irons Moe not on yasuo KEKW his passive bruh @yassuo you know you're better than everyone in chat.. don't bash yourself too hard for a bad play or two. fck 'em :) @Yassuo ekko gets ms on 3 hit passive M OMEGLAUL E build 2 borks KEKW @Giiyu_ he said it was 8k yesterday YOURE WRONG MOE. ACCEPT IT i can feel you are sad, or maybe just i am sad @Yassuo Yo Moe you still play RuneScape? A ONETRICK KEKW he didn't cancel auto he was out of range???? delusional chat L O L yasFBM yasFBM yasFBM @Yassuo he entered cloud speedboost canceling ur aa out of range BRONZE CHAT KEKW imagine building bork Silver chat he didnt cancel the auto himself KEKW He doesn't believe us he's just saying that to get us to shut up BibleThump @Yassuo IDIOT YOU CANCELLED AUTO LOOK @ REPLAY WeirdKEKW You missed your 1 shot moe @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime if they run out of range in the first 0.1 seconds of auto animation it cancels dumb fucking chat MOE TRIST > VEIG THO NOT EVEN CLOSE he did cancel @Yassuo remember when you were 2/1? KEKW 2/5 KEKW This guy flames me for playing only 1 champ KEKW ur character was about to auto him thats why we heard an auto attack sound but ekko ran out of ur range You didn’t, ran out of range bronze chat damn left when he was 2-0 lol LOLW what happendd yasClown Moe spaghetti moe how tall are you @Yassuo flaming me for only knowing 1 champ KEKW ff? mid gap KEKW pisslow elo chat moe bitch you missed many shots @joshuasmiles sadly yes TILTED TEAM LULW he get out becouse his passive, he get ms OMEGALUL GG play the parody to this "Mom's Spaghetti" POOGERS KEKW TILT ALREADY VOTE YES "Dominance" PogU moe thoughts on aphelios> Can u build a infinity edge pls Pog MOE PogChamp PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime Playing tris mid 4/10 LUL !pc CPU: Intel Core I9 9900K 5GHz GPU: Asus ROG RTX 2080Ti Motherboard: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero z390 Ram: 32 Gigabytes Corsair vengeance 3200mhz LULW KEKW wurf vomit on his sweater already, moes spaghetti KEKW @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime W Pepega worth PogU pogU BORK Pepega LEL LULW MY PEEPEE BIG ResidentSleeper Kreygasm Kreygasm WINNABLE KEKW Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats @Yassuo @goodluk4life are you bronze or what.. did you look the animation? ???? worth WORTH? @yassuo U NEED PD AND CANNON BADLY u scary 😂😂😂😂 im subbed? KEKW Moe do something funny LiveAmort subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! moe karma got you in twitch rivals Hide in a bush from Rengar 5Head XxshadowXxt -> Please refrain from posting links. 17yearoldprodigy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months, currently on a 31 month streak! wow @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime pog @Yassuo GO SUBMODE WOaw i got a gifted sub and i didnt even know it sadsparow -> Please refrain from posting links. 321 30+ kills 16 min loolo WHERES UR IE MOE @Yassuo YASUO ONETRICK KEKW @Yassuo did my teammates give u money to tell you how good of a yasuo I was? If not they FAKE @Yassuo Joining TCS? Moedusa gang gang @Yassuo are you selling a copy of call of duties BETTER MID WINS U doing 1v1? aphelios is insane NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis dovinoleagueyt -> Please refrain from posting links. susenkmat -> Please refrain from spamming emotes. Pls don't lose to that washed up homeless man with all the cats. @Yassuo IamNano subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! hi @Yassuo why only know 1 champ? @Yassuo u didnt cancel auto i just watched the clip ekko went out of range of ur auto so u couldnt auto also have a fourth of the deaths Veigar KEKW @AnorthosisFamagusta1911 bro, he didn't cancel the auto ekko went out of range from it, you must be bronze tbh Moe spaghetti PogChamp QT Pog Veigar GLACIAL ResidentSleeper wassup moe u listened to the new weeknd songs? 360 :^O tyler is live don t watch this loser thay trols watch him int how long will you stream. @yassuo Pog i forgot qt even existed KEKW Rakan yasSpit Pog QT KEKW i can feel you are sad or just i am sad BibleThump @Yassuo @Yassuo u didnt cancel auto i just watched the clip ekko went out of range of ur auto so u couldnt auto. who is tyler? smurf öppp 493k more points for VIP EZ what is a qt KEKW lost to team qt at twitch rivals KEKW ITS QT KEKW imagine being in this chat to say come watch tyler, what a loser xd @Yassuo U Joining TCS? @Yassuo qtie said omg this man is faker actually :D:D:D CANNON KEKW CANN OMEGALUL N losing to WoW player KEKW pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM CANNON trkLOL Remember when QT got like 20k viewers per day chat :( nice cannon @Yassuo Gp is not balanced @yassuo ! im vs ashe mid on yasuo, i just abuse right?? yas5 its so insane OkayChamp monkaW @sadsparow they are different flavours but it's all about preference ... LUL btw monkaW tslVAR tslVAR tslVAR the damage is real @湯米丶 hope u feel better buddy :) keep trying ur best itll work out oof .. KEKWKHA @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime LUL KEKW GAVE BLUE AWAY SO BAD PogChamp KHA KEKW loooool nice lots of counterplay :) @Yassuo Yo Moe there is a new jump king coming out no ? .. KEKW BLUE blue to veigar GLACIAL ARGUMENT OMEGALUL gege man i wanna see ya winning moe nice blue ?????????? look at moe using big brain words in the title of his stream OUTCLASSED takes blue.... gives blue to veigar......... FF R I OMEGALUL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💔 Blue transfer lol 5Head :wineglass: @Yassuo why only know 1 champ? stole blue from Kha just to give it away WOW! @yassuo is this solarbacca KEKAWINA @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime KEKW R I OMEGALUL T !duo QuyDepTrai OMEGALUL Malding vs qt LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL not int maybe? Kappa How to trade buffs xD peepoWTF peepoWTF LUL do you like my beard maybe dont run back and worth or stop to take blue @Yassuo WOW YOU FAILED LAST AUTO NOOB LOOK @ REPLAY !points say sorry to team feeders @yassuo ! im vs ashe mid on yasuo, i just abuse right?? 5Head WineGlass @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime boosted kid INTsuoM OMEGALUL E hababah Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see amazing content everyday 1v1s? Moe im 5,9 feet tall so im tsller then you giving back to qt for making his career Kapp man atleast your beard lookin slick as hell yasSpit 50% of moe's stream is grey screen NotLikeThis HOW ARE YOU YASSSUOOOO Clapped by QT poggerzsz -> Please refrain from spamming symbols. stfu hes not playing boshy @yassuo thoughts on aphelios? WINNABLE outplayed with a sick skillshot R by veigar 5Head 🍷 1k people just went from moe's stream to tyler1's stream LOL ff or i nt all u qt>m OMEGALUL e yo moe, u getting them sweet offers from other platforms or wut? thats a wintrade if ive ever seen one EKKO INT KEKW yasSnake yasFat yasPride yasSnake yasFat yasPride To bad kha wasn't Damir Moe wintrading boomer qtie since he needs all the help possible, what a homie LOVE YOUR HAIR MAAN DID YOU KNOW: You can subscribe for free with Twitch Prime! Be sure to use your free subscribtion to get access to all the emotes, the subscriber only discord, and even the chance to 1v1 Moe himself! Click here for more details! poopoo ekko TriHard !opgg sirravelooni -> TriHard Clap ??? Then gets blue back.............. ?????????????????????? LOL ???????????/ ?????????????????? LMAO ????? KEKW KEKW lol lol KEKW ur griefing etf LMFAOOO ?XD ? KEKEKKEKEKW SO BAD lol ?????? KEKW ig FailFish LULW m ???????????????????????????? L:MAO LULW ?????????????????? ye ye ?? Nice KEKW YOUR TROLLING JUST FF HOLY SHIT KEKW ????????????????????????? ????????? ?? U FUCKING IDIOT ??????????/ LITERALLY INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? LMAOOOOO KEKW int ?????? that would of been a cool insec LUL LUL OOPS bang trist you dont get proc if you dont land e first LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Moe on enemy team POGGERS Follow my Instagram and like my pictures yasW r ignite ????????? KEKW hellooo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW eciipson subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! @yassuo why are u inting Moe 1v9 KEKW ??????????? SO BAD HAHAHAHAHA\ KEKW KEKW 666 KEKW Still flashed lmao ??????? pretty good flash though KEKW LUL garbage @Yassuo PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime PLAY SOME ItsBoshyTime KEKW HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHGAGHAGHA whats geht 666 monkaW my peepee 7am Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 HAHAHAHAHAHA WORTH 4Head 666 Diablo ! WINNABLE SO BAD @Yassuo hey man how was your day?? KEKW no surr LOL JUST FF SO GOOD u fed tho ks you are actually bad tho HARAM 6Head like i said 50% of moes stream is grey ItsBoshyTime IE first you bitch you are actually\ ff is for babies So bad KEKW bruh you are a fourth of the deatgs Almos IE, only has longsword 33-32 alliterate? go and take 2 kills and die What's up with people watching a streamer just to shit talk em? no need for flash tho 1V1 QTIE PogU ff DEAD KEKW fucking ff wtf POOGERS Should have just flashed for the kill and lived instead :) oooooh OOOOOOH Pog qt best adc in the history of NA SMURFING peepoPog 1v1s later today? You're so fake and cringe now. @Yassuo how was your day? UUuuuuwwWUUUUuuu ???????????????????? ?????? Pepega Clap ???????? wait, 1/10 irelia KEKW 5Head 🍷 Hohoooy ?????? KS only POGGERS ??? ??????????? Kha is the only good Player on your Team, including you y no ff? MATH losing to qt KEKW HeyGuys HeyGuys demont9Aww 6 is not half of 13 TriHard 7 tank god NNN is over, time for DDD stop exagerating xd 80IQ love you yes take the kills from trolls LUL LUL LUL listen to some good music KEKW KEKW <3 we can all smell that guy..... yasPride lul QT IN 2K20 lul right here HJAHAHAHAAHAH KEKW @hillbillybuckjimbo stfu kid KEKW LOL he can smell u kekw KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL Even if you flash rengar ult the auto still goes off if your the one being hunted KEKW KEKW KEKW ???????? \ qt best adc in the history of NA KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW bryuc REKT ?????????????????????????? KEKW KEKW HAHHAHAH KEKW KEKW LUL KEKEKE KEKW KEKW trash LUL SAKODAJKODASJKOASDOSDOSDFOKSFOKSFOK KEKW KEKW LUL nice sense of smell PLAYING ADC IS FUN RIGHT KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW he can smell u KEKW he smelled you first xD lul ... LULW RIGHT? yes u r LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LSKEDKDKSDKSFKKSFKSFKSF yasSpit loooool ofc u can smell him kekw LULW SYNAPSE LUL KEKW u smell KEKW KEKW RIGHTTTTTTTTT????????? LUL lul KEKW LMAOOOO KEKW 200iq Ahahahaahahaah LUUUUUUUUUL LMAO yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit KEKW KEKW i think he smelled u POG outplayed bishh @amandoeer was geht yasN KEKW KEKW ahah big nose jutso Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm peepoWTF bhfbbbtyhdt no he can smell u :) 69 gachiBASS HE CAN SMELL YOU TOO you really have gotten shit @Yassuo getting smurfed on by qt veigar lmao hwy whats up LOL he smelled you fro,m further away habhahahahababa B E N LLLLMMMAAAOOOO that qt guy is pretty good LULW KEKW KEKW @Yassuo Am I a Moelester now? LMAOOOOGHG OMEGA LUL KEKW We all smell that fat c*** We all can LUL 1v1 yes u r 😂😂😂😂😂😂 clip this pls LMAOOOOOO !uptime TriKool ? The stream has been live for 4 hours 53 minutes 0 seconds LMAOOOO 69 69 69 69 PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype HUNGRY rameeMonka rameeMonka rameeMonka LULW 69 bois anyone? rlly KEKW @Yassuo u listened to the new weeknd songs? Lol LUL ur so mad LMAOOO KEKW yup KEKW LMAOOOOA KEKW NOT FALSE KEKW @Yassuo No love for boshy ? ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime lol 6/9 @Yassuo have you played Res Evll 2? its true tho Tiwtch chat loves you man full combo fuckboi eh submode LITERALLY I lost my dog can you smell the way to him? PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype PipeHype @Yassuo how you doing today bro? never been here for a 1v1 you tryna change that today? Washed up LUL u suk chatters :( KEKW KEKW TRUE I think he smelled u first LMAOOOOOOOO @Yassuo what time is it in LA? LMAOOO LMAOOO qtpSWAG qtpSWAG qtpSWAG qtpSWAG qtpSWAG Hi again OMAGELUL TRUE true very true TRUE U ACTUALLY GOT TRIGGERED BY THAT KEKW @Yassuo imagine taking donations from hungry ppl :( <3 <3 <3 <3 chat is a reflection of the streamer KEKW KSKSKKS'\ @joanna1997 fxck? Where are u currently living boooooring im goning to tylers stream Nah just more people watch you so you got more retards kekw Tru PepeHands yasYoink KEKW 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL @yassuo are u expanding ur champion pool? OMEGALUL It really does surprise me how stupid the chat is KEKW Hey I think you are dope don’t listen to those nobs ???????????????????????????????????? ?? ITS NOT HUNGRY SMOrc ITS HUNGARY SMOrc ITS NOT HUNGRY SMOrc ITS HUNGARY SMOrc ITS NOT HUNGRY SMOrc ITS HUNGARY SMOrc ? ?????????? KEKW ? KEKW SO ARE UOU OMEGALUL ?????? ? ???? ?????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? KEKW KEKW ? AHAHHAAHA literally inting KEKW KEKW nadedRage WTF LMAO ??? >???????????? ?????????? KEKW ????????? ?? ????????/ wtf MEU DEUSSSSSSSSSSSSS INT ? @Yassuo i feel bad you getting flamed for no reason MaxLOL AHAHAHAHA nice lulw MOE ON THE DAILY BASIS Whaaaaaat? ?????? ?????? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ??????????? ACTUAL INT ????????????????'' ? looool KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LUL PEPEGE 👍 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL ?????????????????? reportable ? ???????????? KEKW KEKW LUL ??????????? WTF ARE U DOING BRAINDEAD what ?????? Fireblaze784 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Moe you should play heimer ahahahajjajha LITERAL INTING Bro what was that ? ?????????? AHAAAHHAHAHA ?????????????? KEKW cody sun is that you???? U DUMB? ''HES LITARRALLY INTING'' try pressing surrender button KEKW LMAOOO wtf is that xD @Yassuo "Metaphor is literally inting" BRAINDEAD INT MALDING KEKW u said that my beard looks good heey moe just wonna say love ya and my dream is to 1v1 you i did my thing KEKW peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF xularr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! gg rep yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands wtf moe can you start inting and yelling "ok man" @Yassuo Did you beat celeste? FF BRAINDEAD INTER LMAO 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL 3 IQ YASUO PLAYER LUL Metaphor is inting! -Ints. GO NEXT YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY INTING FOR THE 10 DEATHS POWERSPIKE I SEE feed O MY GOD FNY ME GOF JHY\ ??????????????????????? hahahahaha nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage Quasar9763 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! REPORTED no ff KEKW is there doublelift? you didnt ff LUL @Yassuo you lost evrey game i watched wtf yassuo escucha c90 amigo, temasooo Inting for stream content Kappa MID DIFF KEWK WHY ARE WE? BRAIDIGJ INTER NE ME winnable @Yassuo Have you played res evil 2? THATS WHAT PLAYING YASUO DOES TO YOU m @Yassuo should have played corki hes 15/2 LUL @Yassuo IMAGINE TAKING DONATIONS FROM HUNGRY PPL D: Imitating bangs Tristana WeirdChamp Performing with this chat lol 42/15 LUL Kapp yo t1 is talking about you @Yassuo duo sanch Pog @yassuo heeeey Moe from morocco @Yassuo moe you got me into Yasuo and he's my main now. how you doing today bro? ?????? YOU LITERALLY DECLINED 2 SURRENDER VOTES Can u play by Illiaoi ? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa this kha try win solo Mid diff ti talking yas oOoOoO gosu ? ??/ KEKW LUL qt best adc in the history of NA loooooooool @Yassuo you have to try to kill enemies and not die kekw if you say oooh one more time im gonna fuckin blow my brains out @Yassuo @yassuo u said that my beard looks good hey moe wsup bro FF KEKW LUL deleted boys and girls, Alinity did it again :O 1/12 irelia LOL LOLW pog @isumarukun khouya better ùid wins No entiendo que pasa gege Moe did 6/11 @Yassuo IS that UUUH new? Are you Mr Poopybuthole? You should play Red Dead Redemption 2 man, FREE CONTENT BRO Pog 1/12 irelia KEKW mid yorick mid or no balls @Yassuo peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF whats this game name ? LUL LUL POggers moe yass lmao KEKW KEKW KEKW 1/12 irelia KEKW Your beard looks patchy yasM03 yasM03 feeder whger the fuck is my shitty ass tea yasSnake yasPride yasFat yasSnake yasPride yasFat LOL @Yassuo are you selling a copy of call of duties You tried TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard KEKW @Yassuo why dont people ever flame you in game ? is it because youre famous cudi POGGERS fax red dead is a motive KEKW peepoLeave U doing 1v1s? Can u play by Illiaoi ? please 😢💗 @Yassuo Busted Moe Is MR POOPYBUTHOLE were you autofilled draven thx brooo Can u play by Illiaoi ? YasSpit M OMEGALUL E qt pog @yassuo Sorry i meant the remaked version yes @Yassuo yo please play some azir grao master 450 Can u play by Illiaoi ? @Yassuo Do you think you're still a challenger player? KEKW 1-12 kha UR THE BEST LOVE U xD Check out the HTC Vive Moe is using : Kevinv5 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! 1 YEAR! what are you gonna get me? fam OMEGALUL us 3 KEKW honor kha 11 deaths yikes You should play Red Dead Redemption 2 man, FREE CONTENT BRO Pog lol qt abusing the veig adc greed_and_feed subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! moe im rewatching your old vids and you said youd play welcome the the game and you didnt.. please man kakakakkakafjhjiofryreotjioe qt best adc in the history of NA @yassuo are you playing in TCS? Heimer is annoying :( moe next game can you please int and yell "ok man" everytime you die yasMald PepeLaugh KEKW yasSpit anyone? u the best KEKW SO FUN heimer brain dead champ Imagine thinking you're big Kappa <3 @Yassuo How do you win with retarded team ? Kappa Uff First time watching Your stream and you go 6/11 1v1s nice man Duo with qt no i love you LUL Hardstuck grandmasters Thank you MOE Pog qt best adc raid Kappa Boshy <3 kappa @Yassuo HIMER RESIDENTSLEEPER Kappa :) Kappa PepeLaugh @LearnSomethingNewEveryday Tf was în your team...? that irelia lmao cry more 1/12 irelia 4Weird kapp Kapp sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart sanchHeart lol @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 !uptime The stream has been live for 4 hours 55 minutes 37 seconds <3 how much lp did you lose lol NP MOE peepoPog @Yassuo Maybe take a break bud <3 Kappa Kappa <3 !duo !followage Kappa QuyDepTrai PepeHands 4Weird moe ???????????? BOSHY 1v1s Kappa !uptime 5Head 🍷 Can u play by Illiaoi ? please high elo game aren't so different from gold+ games just sayin <3 F wait i just joined the stream PepeHands Listen to apologize by baby Keem @Yassuo when u doin variety ? !uptime LUL LUL LUL LUL Are you going to play TCS? @Yassuo we love you 2 <3@Yassuo we love you 2 <3@Yassuo we love you 2 <3 1v1 :( @Yassuo moe i am trying to purchase the new COD are you aware of anyone selling it :) This chat lol PepegaPls Why u ending slut <3 good night habibi @Yassuo Play res evil 2 for variety pls if you have the chance :D stop being fake Kappa LOL PepeHands ????? whooped by a homeless man atpRtsd lyyyyy brah <3 <3 @Yassuo the stream ending like no cap? bye cutie When I watch your stream I feel less sad cuz I know Im not the worst one @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 @Yassuo we love you 2 <3 WDYM you are welcome for my presence Moe nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage nadedRage CRY MORE Kapp <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 bye DONT YOU DARE WTFF 1v111 one more? !uptime gg have a nice day <3 dont go and wank The stream has been live for 4 hours 55 minutes 57 seconds Bye Moe <3 what r u gonna do now I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH I ENJOYED MY STAY yasH bye dad @Yassuo FeelsGoodMan cya m 0/3 @Yassuo HOST LL STYLISH host sarnch Missed my sub @Yassuo ???? BYE MOEEEEE noo why hey bro love you too <3 <3 ratirlBusiness BYE <3 no 1v1s rip Cya around Moe :D @Yassuo host sarnch MAHMUD <3 Can u play by Illiaoi ? !uptime !uptime #, <3 <3 <3 <3 Bye cutie <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh no <3 <3 <3 Man dont leave us for the wank :( host sanchovies?? ? @Yassuo host taco yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH yasH sancho host PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro what do you mean ure ending stream The stream has been live for 4 hours 56 minutes 10 seconds yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride W When I watch your stream I feel less sad cuz I know Im not the worst one Bye jesus Pog aa NOT HIM Pog BYE hahahahaha PartyPoro HeyGuys PartyPoro 1v1 with tfblsde respect @Yassuo have a nicce day!!! @Yassuo GOOD NIGHT MOE U A BEAST FR WHO AM I GONNA WATCH MOE PLEASE DONT LEAVE PLEASE ok byeee <3 host sanchovies THIS FREAK goodebye chieg WE LOVE YOU TOOO bye gae <3 ending already <3 <3 BYE BYE BUDDY KEKW LA MOE WeirdChamp 5 hour stream !uptime SANCH EW moe WeirdChamp yasHYPERS yooo <3 bruh STYLISH yasPride EZ do you ever change sheets @yasuuo SANCHOOOO raid rasdasd <3 sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky sanchBlanky yessiir yasHYPERS ads kekw yasPride yasFat yasSnake yasPride yasFat yasSnake bru did you adopt sanchovies or something? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PogChamp PogChamp LUL LUL hewwo OSFrog YASRAID