comment hello Daddy is live Kappa PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Love you bjerg <3 Does the stream work? Do you think TheShy is the best player at Worlds @TSM_Bjergsen Bjerg &3 <3 yoo baby miss youu Yo long time no see man Hope you have a good stream @TSM_Bjergsen IT DOES BROO @TSM_Bjergsen it does fine N clear sup POG Bjerg senpai <3 <3 WOOOT BJERG squadOmega BJERGSENNN FINALL MAN The legend house is lookin real empty Hi!!! Heyy TSM! lffnTSM king is back does tsm bjegrsen even work? AYOOO undefeated at worlds 2019! Hello fellow Gamer stream is back POG the bjeard BJERGSEN!!!!!! BEST MIDLANER IN THE WORLD PogChamp Bjrgsennnnnn Haiii oh wow finally he streams URF ZED NO WAY is that him :O Hello! ♥️ PogChamp URF ZED Pog welcome rare stream Helloooo we miss youuu Bjerg omg DADDY BJERG Pog BJERG STREAM Pog OMG IS THAT HIM POG Holy shit its him A fan btw hi Yo bjerg Why do I always get shit talked in my games for having the tsm lcs pass huh PartyPoro when was your last stream? @TSM_Bjergsen PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp FrostyyKC subscribed with Twitch Prime. Huuuuuh?! PogChamp Thanks for subbing, @FrostyyKC! Enjoy your banana. bjergBanana hello Bjergsen!) Missed you Vzuwzhvwhzhz POGGERS Yes it’s him @TSM_Bjergsen hi bjerg TSM AHAHAHAHAHH Is that ghosts God has returned is this the real? Missed you dad we made it bois HOW DO WE PLAY WITH YOU How do we play with you Hey Bjerg :) Pog How do you dodge xerath Q @tsm_bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen hey bjerg gl next season hope you do well superpro10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months! SKT or G2 Poggers OMG FINALLY STREAMM TSM TSM TSM TSM Haze_storm15 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Welcome @Haze_storm15! bjergTSM oh POG POG how do u have 122 friend requests BJERG URF POGGERS TSM 100% OWNER PogChamp sujectlol subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @sujectlol! bjergYeah Yung_Prod subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! holy shit boys almost 4 years :D Bjerg stream PogU Greetings From Argentina!!! Welcome back to the world, Bjerg! hi Been waiting fotr your stream 4 like 4 months lffnTSM Moving? Holy shit my favorite player ever with my favorite music ever bjergTSM bjergTSM bjergTSM @tsm_bjergsen love you! Thank you for staying with tsm!!!!! PogChamp PogChamp no way bjergsen is live right now I love u THE MADMAN ACTUALLY TURNED THE STREAM ON TSM TSM TSM TSM !!!!!! BJERG I LOVE YOU please stream more BJERG💕 they have a cannon oh hi There is cannon to fly wooah Ignite/Barrier wowowoowowowowow Cannons make TP useless check out Natureback's Instagram! pogggggg bjerg stream PLEASE SAY HELLO TO BRAZIL There is a cannon that fire u on the map zed time. bring it back bjergsen BJEARDSON!!!!!!! @TSM_Bjergsen Moving to 100T house? Kappa ZED you dont need TP anymore ARE YOU OKAY? OMG I NEED TSM IN WORLDDD when does the HQ open? TSM! TSM! TSM!) the have catapult es este el stream anual? Pog POG Omg Bjerg i missed you so much <3 Hi daddy i love u ay Barrier EL PAPU DE PAPUS ❤️ Heal flash Bjergsen we’ve missed you ❤️❤️ Poooooooog bjerg 😍😍😍 play vlad he is so fun ZED?? Cleanse @TSM_Bjergsen try Sylas, is broken af POG daddy bjerg <3 Clense flash It's always nice to see you again bjerg <3 @TSM_Bjergsen not playing on TR? Moving? PogChamp zed so not bed HI @TSM_Bjergsen heloooooooowwwwwwww I missed Bjerg streams so much PepeHands @tsm_bjergsen welcome back from worlds!!! check out Natureback's Instagram! Pooooog Hi bjergggg Hello Hey man pick’ems was bugged I had you losing in every game but TSM wasn’t an option unlucky maybe next worlds :) WHAT!? My favorite ADCarry AND MidLaner streamed!? On the day!? wingAAH Welcome Back dude!!! Wb bjerg. Grats on new contract happy to see you back! THE SEMI-ANNUAL STREAM IS HERE Pog Pog Pog Zed Pog pog URF ?? PogChamp zed Pog YES zeed Pog nice Goosegrease subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months! 3 years of twitch sub woohoo!! ZED PogChamp slm hemşoooo Pog No bed TSM_Bjergsen prediction for SKT vs G2 ?? ZED POG BJERG! Hope you're doing well! yo @tsm_bjergsen poggers lovely music ahh Hi bjerg! :) hiiiiiiiiiii ZED Pog NO BED Pog brush tmoneyLaugh name of the song???? @tsm_bjergsen do you snus man? @TSM_Bjergsen hi soren @tsm_bjergsen how do you dodge xerath Q? WHAT ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy @tsm_bjergsen i miss you in Twitch BabyRage YEARLY STREAM Pog BJ LIVE OMG PogChamp Bjeardsen!!!!! Dr Pepper Bjerg Pog omg iJRSi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! Noob streamer honestly ONCE A YEAR dark harvest? Hi Bjerg :) poppin out with the zedddd PogChamp yo STREAM Kreygasm wow bjergsen streaming sup dude Pog @Tramear no way I swear u stream once every blue moon Probably a stupid question but does Bjergsen do lessons? TSM TSM did TSM wonned worlds ? HOLY shit is this the first stream this year? @TSM_Bjergsen Bergerking! We’ve missed you <3 Bjerg streaming i must be dreaming BJORKSON OMG ITS BJERGSEN!!!! tenacity useless btw shockblade !uptime i stan the king @Brush LOL 3m 45s kcsoldier_LoL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! welcome back bjerg!! BJERGSEN PLEASE STREAM MORE acebansal subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! BJERGSEN STREAMING????!!!! Dude you are the reason I'm a tsm fan. I'm super excited to see your comeback and TSM's comeback in 2020. TSM TSM TSM BJERGSENKING! OHHH thats Pog gratz to the fan Oh, finally back from worlds I see! duo with him in ranked Bjergsen BibleThump love you mate @tsm_bjergsen since 2014 <3 did you like to stream semi-annual bjerg stream? PogU !played is it gonna be a short stream today? @TSM_Bjergsen :D bjerg where have you been !uptime 4m 5s @TSM_Bjergsen BOOST HIM IN SOLO QUEUE Pog YOU LOOK SAF BRO How's the offseason been for ya? bjergBanana bjergBanana beard looking good man pog the yearly stream TSM_Bjergsen whos winning the 2 semis ? Nice music! Papa Bjerg how are you doinnn Why don’t u stream more often Boost him to diamond Keepo so have you thought of what skin when you guys win worlds next year? can you imagine not streaming nd im here subbed for 43 month ;----; Upi nacl guess i wont be sleeping tonight then... @TSM_Bjergsen Prediction for worlds? @Tramear YESSIR respect Oh shit an actual Bjerg stream BJERGKING!!!!!! The real question is when will Bjerg shave THE KING IS BACK You back* God damn, the best mid NA IS ON! Hey Bjerg how you going hi bro Welcome back Bjerg, I'm that random teacher who put you on a poster in my classroom! Hey bjerg brokennTSM brokennTSM brokennTSM brokennTSM brokennTSM brokennTSM @TSM_Bjergsen when are you moving to the new facility? bjergggggggg BEST MIDLANER IN THE WORLD PogChamp How long you gonna stream? How are u feeling about TSM next season OMG THIS BEARD HES ALIVE A bjerg stram PogChamp @TSM_Bjergsen where is smoothie streaming from? Det var også på tide at se dig igen. Yaaaay lets goooo miss you bj ponder6Hjerte ponder6Hjerte PartyPoro FINALLY THE RETURN OF BJERGSEN @TSM_Bjergsen MY FAVORITE PRO PLAYER SINCE YOU CAME TO NA @TSM_Bjergsen when did you relize you could grow a beard good night king :P How was your break? did you do anything fun? @TSM_Bjergsen The king Pog no bed pog bakery stream POG how are you doin @TSM_Bjergsen Miss you GOAT welcome back to the life my duuuude wait hes actually live Sup my maannn feeling those chill vibes !time 19:35:31 PST rocken that DP shirt I see @TSM_Bjergsen NA will never do well till a team picks up tarzaned glad you resigned :) @TSM_Bjergsen bjerg* Miss your streams prashantgrg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak! i've missed you! welcome back <3 hope all is well POG ITS BJERG @TSM_Bjergsen Dudeeeeee where u been @TSM_Bjergsen POG I want to see u against Faker next season at worlds or MSI No bed, he sleeps on his desk @tsm_bjergsen Do you go to a barber for beard trimming/styling? @TSM_Bjergsen missed u bro He is like Jesus to me with that beard!!!!! Hi Bjerg Who you cheering for at worlds? @tsm_bjergsen pokimane subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! i waited 23 months for u to stream again HeyGuys You beat faker easy @TSM_Bjergsen Bjerg, do you have any guids of your own on blitz? we missed your streams duuude only streams for sponsorships feelsbadman pokiiiiii why didnt TSM play at worlds this year Tsm still undefeated finally leaving tsm lol poki @TSM_Bjergsen what secondary role do you recommend for mid main who plays assassins? @ubid stfu nice @pokimane HeyGuys hiiii man @tsm_bjergsen :D pokiHeart annual stream Pog woah pog When is TSM going to resub Bjergsen in? Team performs better with him over Beardsen. bjergBeard bjergBeard @TSM_Bjergsen what's up dude THE ANNUAL STREAM IS HERE @imaugment ??? @pokimane is there a reason why the TSM logo on your jersey is backwards? hey bjergsen can u kick your teammates and add new ones? YEARLY BJERG STREAM! POG @Giilgamesh play pyke support YEARLY STREAM PogChamp why the fuck is twitch chat grey?? WutFace oof @dunlol sanchPool @tsm_bjergsen u are the most beatiful people in the world perhaps in the galaxy playing urf... can already tell how good tsm will do next season, im out Source: Good News Lee SIn PogChamp i miss you dude So there wont be a tsm house anymore, jsut a facility with apartments nearby who will cook for u :D @TSM_Bjergsen te amo @tsm_bjergsen y didn’t you swap to a better team man 5 man top for the battle royale at the start! :) What you think about new season changes? !time 19:36:46 PST Chill stream but URF imagine playing an urf game with @TSM_Bjergsen Kreygasm @TSM_Bjergsen did you watch worlds? 10k pc and extra low graphics ? @goldkillerrr sanchOooooooo sanchOooooooo music is kinda loud bjerg u best player on earth hi soren @TSM_Bjergsen are you looking forward to having your own apt or would you have wanted to stay in a team house? did you like stream or you do because you're obligated? music loud lul stevenvpham subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! 2020 is TSMs year LETS GET IT BRODIE ANNUAL BJERGEN STREAM Pog ! Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) @dunlol sanchHair_TK all top is the meta !uptime sanchHair_TK 6m 31s Hey Bjerg. I love seeing you streaming. Your the reason I mained mid. I may be hitting my internet usage. But i'm willing to use the last few gigs to view you! Its always 5 top to start @TSM_Bjergsen Will you stream in house matches? HOLY yearly bjerg stream <3 zed Pog what music is this i lik eit @TSM_Bjergsen can you turn the music down pleae This music is intense @TSM_Bjergsen what are the inhouses that smoothie is streaming? daveidT subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! WHOA a bjergsen stream! Music down please sanchHair hello Bjerg urf zed pog @TSM_Bjergsen New URF meta is always a fight at level 1 in top @Kobie_Schooley he just did :D !uptime @MysteryHippo thats wholesome it has been a month since u last stream Nice song @pokimane already here lol that was quick from hasan dick to bjergsen lol @tsm_bjergsen are you going to play/stream inhouses? !uptime 7m 15s @psyto i can be a wholesome guy at times free farm mid? Who is this, new streamer? !sens alienburgerpoo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 51 months! ONLY LVL1 @Juliith0 thanks hehe esa barba ctm who you got winingworlds? 5 man top so you're not waiting for minions to spawn bring back kevin Geez, long time no see farming urf ? turret plate is 300g Bjerg, no one wants to face off against you Oh wait it’s URF LULW @Code10_97 nah bjerg was the original dlck KEKW just realised this was urf lol LUL the music is too low now @tsm_bjergsen when is next match at worlds? kekw Pog Imagine facing Bjergsen in URF wow this urf zed is EXACTLY like normal zed dxtheater subscribed at Tier 1. Thanks for subbing, @dxtheater! bjergYeah !uptime 7m 55s I would also stay out of lane if my opponent were TSM Bjergsen SATURDAY TSM VS G2 WutFace PogChamp PogChamp havnt seen you play this champ in forever Pog Imkindaok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months, currently on a 5 month streak! OMG YOURE BACK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD THE BEARD LOOKS GREAT BTW Pog Pog WTF LOL clean Pog POG PogChamp bjerg i thought you didnt listen to music while playing Pog Pog PogChamp Pog poggg Pog HE'S SO GOOOOD POG POG Pog pog Pog POG PogU that was smooth Pog :O PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp WHAT?! Pog Pog TSM TSM POG U THE BEST DAAAAAMN PogU Pog PagChomp Pog Pog Pog naope What is this music take a plate, it's 300g! the god POGGERS NO no karasmAidab karasmAidab this guy mister bees doesn't even play ranked lol poor guy no No no Pog nope POG no Pog no "I just need level 3", instakill no cool down DAAAMN season 10 bjergsen brings out the zed poogers Clean Pog @pokimane bjergsen got way hotter now thst he part owner lol PRRRRRR POGG ?? Nope Yayyyy POG tryhard yoomus almost always on take a plate, it's 300g and it's lower for first few @TSM_Bjergsen Bjerg is part owner? 100% ACCURACY PogChamp BJERG STREAM PogChamp Play on hit zilean in urf Ayeeee Penance43 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 18 month streak! @pokimane yo poki follow me It’s lit ZED OR BE- wait zed is so op in urf bjerrrrr @zoddie44 yes MISSED YOU BJERG laning against Bjergsen in URF LUL VIKING BJERGSEN Kreygasm 8===b 💧 the practice room looking empty of TSM? just for urf URF hey guys, was the winner of the Dr. Pepper giveaway already announced? JUST URF Plates leave at min 6 only for urf just urf, also 300g plates end at 8min KEKW BJERG I LOVE UR BEARD DAD bot is same mid at top different @TSM_Bjergsen LULW u are my inspiration 💙 YEARLY BJERG STREAM Pog yeah to make games go faster Wait, what mode is he playing on? i can see @TSM_Bjergsen pull on an actual air fan at 8 pm and start playing with it Pog Sniped Poggers Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Pog clean af LUL @tsm_bjergsen was a bad year for tsm.. 2020 is our year.. glad you are part owner of team now.. lookin forward to some big changes.. so there any news that you can give us on the tsm roster.. I feel like tsm holds back the top laners.. same champs every game.. and what the hell happen.. with the jg role? why put in a academy player in when he didnt play in lcs all season long.. big fan glad to see you streaming again.. Pog urf Poggeressss Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm just urf Poggggggggggggg @TSM_Bjergsen this is just urf!~ nicocaina subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months, currently on a 49 month streak! Bjerg never played URF before LUL @tsm_bjergsen greetings from Chile! We are here fighting for our right, to get a better life for every chilean people beautiful beard where has he been !time 19:40:43 PST they added the cannon to normal SR Moving? KEKW D: LUL KEKW\ lol LOL LOL KEKW D: LUL LUL OMEGALUL xD is this the guy from how to train a dragon ? LUL LULW Jebait LUL LUL LUL Ur so good at this game LMAO ??? LUL KAPPA 100 thieves house KEKW HAHAAHAHA LUL LUL 100T KEKW LUL KEKW LUL WUT 100T Pog LMAO monkaW 100T LMFAOOOOO LUL LMAOOO How is being an owner big dog? LUL pog hi adztvLurk LULW Jebaited LUL KEKW 100T ? LUL tyrell_1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak! 3 years POGGERS KEKW had me scared for a second monkaW 100 wheeelchairs bluesy1Pog bluesy1Pog bluesy1Pog bluesy1Pog SeemsGood SeemsGood @TSM_Bjergsen Did you buy a house @tsm_bjergsen how you choosing the fan and why is it me leaked Pog will you do a house tour? @TSM_Bjergsen free buffs lmao what a memer what have you been up to @TSM_Bjergsen ??? oh god hes actually live Pog Pog This is so unfair LOL !uptime 10m 32s ROFL Pof Do u play in houses? PogChamp bruh Pog Kreygasm is this the guy from HOW to train a dragon ? guys ? Pogggg Pog POGSLIDE !song Nade woulda shit his money onto you probably lol FUNNY MEMEM MONKAS holy moly He's back Imagine having TSM Bjergsen on the other team LUL Im RUstY deaths dance rush on zed? :O bjergsen is streaming wtf holy shit he looks great re81194 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 16 month streak! HES BACK POG POOOGGGG @TSM_Bjergsen can you tell me song name please? @TSM_Bjergsen yo bjerg, may I ask, how are league pro's vacation times? is it a month? wait i thought tsm had a new mid laner LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOO @SWilqen lmao no dude The once in a blue moon stream @SWilqen no it's a new owner OMEGALUL ? How often does Bjerg stream? For reference... I thought my phone was lying about him being live. LUL !song woopsssss He's back baby ??? It's him Pog boys im making a funny its ok Bruh turn those graphics up :D Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) NA FLASH ???? Na Flash KEKW !uptime 11m 27s she got straight up removed from the map NA flash LUL damnit dude, now i want a doctor pepper HAHAAH XD LUL LUL Surprise LUL LUL LUL a wild diana LUL this is abuse KEKW winning 4 fun OMG WAT? BJERGSEN? Pog this Is urf? damn what song is this :( hahahhaah she gave up LUL LOL INTING LUL gave up bjergsen u best of best PepeHands MF LUL BJERGSEN i missed u bro Hi @TSM_Bjergsen AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA HAHAHAHA LULW BibleThump bully LUL BRO BJERGGGGGGG :( glad to see you back on LUL LUL LULW BibleThump LUL bully TRUE LUL Bjerg playing God monkaS D: FeelsBadMan Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah monkaS FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan CLIP IT GUYS monkaS !uptime 12m 29s BibleTbump @blaise_ LMAO FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan Vibe check dfs you'd be a great psychologist 4k gold Pog Dark Bjerg incoming monkaS why are you moving? Anti depression promo lol Dark Bjerg LUL He just looking for fun in URF :( Jigsaw? Chat LUL FeelsBadMan getting deep BJERG!!!! OMEGALUL He plays Zed better than LL Stylish FeelsBadMan bully FeelsBadMan mf LUL is there no mmr in urf? KEKW for teemo cyber bully that poor mf Mf LUL FeelsBadMan ARE U DEPRESS ?! MF KEKW @Pengu ad9mHi !uptime 5k gold monkaS @TSM_Bjergsen would you date hamlinz? LUL KEKW MF PepeHands bully FeelsBadMan cute mf Games over LOL Pray for MF BT KEKW IE anyone know why is bjersen moving how worlds going? xD this build kapppp crit zed @nigeriandrugl0rd he already is LULW LUL should gift this MF lmao LOL close 1 monkaS D: omg its a bjerg stream bullseye KEKW KEKW @moe10point0 he gets his own private space I have seen this before monkaS LOL <3 LOL <3 LOL <3 KEKW LOL <3 HE KILLED BJERG. WAT FULL AP ZED GIFT MF LOL <3 ah ty KEKW LOL <3 @TSM_Bjergsen that build suck @Merfner thats craaaazyyy LOL <3 !uptime ll stylish woulda pentakilled and lived LOL <3 13m 32s LOL <4 guys why isnt bjergsen at Worlds Hows it going bjerg LOL <3 @moe10point0 They are getting a team facility instead of a team house. home and work separate now LOL KEKQ LMFAO PepeHands LOL The qs?? LUL HAHA LUL bjergson relegated to urf PepeHands Is it possible to gift a sub to myself? LOL sdfasdfasdf LUL he's acting like a normal human lol what have you bee up to all this time man? @TSM_Bjergsen LUL LUL Thonk !uptime LUL dark bjergsen monkaW @TSM_Bjergsen your accent is officially gone awww yasH @TSM_Bjergsen you are the man <3 @TSM_Bjergsen That Doctor Pepper Shirt tho zed on urf cancer stream more during off season if u want <3! why is he moving to 100t house? anyone else buffering? LOL @TSM_Bjergsen u hit puberty my man <3 u got some beard oh mehh time flies yoyoman82 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 9 month streak! Boy am i glad my favorite pro player Bjergsen of TSM is playing on stream again nice worlds stream HAHA LuL LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL lmfao lul LUL KEKW poor mf prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this is bullying gg Will you play Ranked After This game?! @TSM_Bjergsen LUL rekt do you get edge of night @TSM_Bjergsen Jebaited Zhonya's seems OP here Jebaited gift the mf LUL Wtff he saw my comment... damn i Got chills, my favorite league player. And inspiration. U Mase my day !delay AAHHHHG IM PLAYING WITH BJERGSEN THATS THE BUILD MR in fun mode WeirdChamp @Delikin good luck LUL <3 The Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day. <3 OH BJERG POGCHAMP @tsm_bjergsen will you bring any new players to the team? TSM needs it so much imo !uptime 15m 6s POG whos the fan @tsm_bjergsen as part owner can you change how tsm does there too laner.. n let him carry n play the game. who is the fan @TSM_Bjergsen the hexdrinker has full cd on urf cuz its not an active LUL TSM still has fans? Kapppa Graves tryharding LUL oof SeemsGood !rank Current rank: DIAMOND I 90 If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. <3 you doing any inhouses? is it make a wish? boosting by Bjerg PogChamp DADDY BJERG OH YEAH IM PLAYING WITH BJERG NEXT SORRY LADS @TSM_Bjergsen you bringing back Dyrus? :3 D1 LUL @TSM_Bjergsen forg1ven wants to sign with tsm. thoughts? healed to run away :v wtf bro ur voice changed :D havent heard u long time ago :D LuL bjerg come back in eu man Dam you sound so so sad and with this music monkaS ???? graves LUL 3 ies so many r's xd wow that was not a good idea zed or bad 3 IE LuL pourquoi jte folow toi sale barbu kekw wena villeraen te xupo el ano wait... you're really here. It was not a bait :O buy more infinity edges guys keep asking questions like he is really going to announce roster changes on stream hahaha For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. <3 holy shit bjerg has a beard now?? adumbraxx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months! Hey bjerg thanks for the stream. Hope you guys kill it next year <3 !dpi Bjerg's DPI is 800. stacking ie is hella op BJERG STREAM PogChamp Might be the first time I've heard Bjer play music. twitch with 3 IE + hail of blades is so fun u just come from stealth and 1 shot every1 LUL Ive missed you Bjerg! <3.<3 hell yes the bjerger king is streaming tsm_bjergsen will you bring any new players to the team? TSM needs it so much imo, Have a nice evening ZED Pog 100T Bjergsen when @TSM_Bjergsen are you gonna stream more now that you can stream inhouses? teemos name HotPokket Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) THAT ULT DAMAGE @TSM_Bjergsen glad you stayed with TSM. Have a sub =) Pog who are you gunning for at worlds? @tsm_bjergsen !uptime 16m 31s Bjerger King Zed?!?! Pog @TSM_Bjergsen do u still enjoy playing league because lately uve seen like ure down man like u dont look like u feelin ureself yk that teemo is so tanky wth omg Bjerg!! !mouse Bjerg uses a Logitech G900 mouse. How do I get your jersey? Awesome to see you stream again. Gl next year, bring tsm back on top You guys really think this dude is going to tell you roster changes because you ask on twitch? lol Death's Dance Zed insane it's benn a while gjergsen @shadoburn12 he just said he was really missing league so he's happy to play again dady PogU ??? many spins close DAD? LUL did soren dye his hair yoomus DAD Pog washed up zed player PepeHands Beyblade Zed bnanaAYAYA bnanaAYAYA bnanaAYAYA <3 almost montage play edge of night realy broken for urf monkaS ghostblade to run real fast imagine being this bad at a videogame Kappa i.. wow. monkaS please fuck me daddy bjerg It's like he plays the game in slow motion the way he hits his q's spin to win now I see why it's always bed time youre so good at zed but graves is faker do you have a pbe account? for a second I didnt get it that this was urf and thought that zed was buffed not 4th and 5th IE DansGame TARZANED LULW tsm_bjergsen will you bring any new players to the team? TSM needs it so much imo @tsm_bjergsen said PRRRRRRRR hey @tsm_bjergsen what do you think about veigar ? @blaise_ wait what happened i havent been with it for a while im a new follower but i remembver how much he loved the game yk !uptime WELL TSM never win to SKT 17m 45s @TSM_Bjergsen missed you man. lets grind POG @shadoburn12 he said he likes the game still basically !uptime 5 dragon elder baron also gives rift season 10 changes flamin_sheep subscribed with Twitch Prime. @TSM_Bjergsen Will you be streaming more? Welcome @flamin_sheep! bjergTSM It give all the drag buff Every dragon is elder 5 dragon elder Do dragon, is ancient + All the olther 5 dragons @TSM_Bjergsen it gives all dragon buffs its actually all drakes at once !followage illsugi you've been following for: 2y 5mo 1 dragon 5 buff Hi Boss fk i knew canada was a lie by Big Nation Does his title mean he's playing with one of us or someone he knows already? Baron in urf gives the person who last hits it Herald too TSM is gone for good !keyboard @blaise_ did he play in worlds this year? i have not been keeping track of it LMAO Lb very funny bro @tsm_bjergsen XDD LOL LUL where'd i go?! LUL I PRAY FOR YOUR RETUNE LORD BJERSEN KING OF ALL MID LANERS Who do you think that is gonna win worlds? karasmD 2 autos @shadoburn12 no, missed worlds 2 years in a row, 4th place team. tsm_bjergsen will you bring any new players to the team? TSM needs it so much imo yo bjerg, stream a bit more for the homoes. Love it when you stream why does his beard look fake LUL CANADA IS REAL @tsm_bjergsen are you going to play in the in houses at all? @xXMattsenXx THey wont be giving that info until mid-late november pog for the homoes? senpai @xxmattsenxx stop asking LUL @xxmattsenxx Hes not going to tell people roster changes on stream lol Zoe got mowed down! Pog !uptime 19m 36s @blaise_ ah damn i remember when i first started playing league i used to always root for tsm its a shame that they cant play @tsm_bjergsen edge of night? Hey man, Can u play Lux next game ? :) He did mention one roster change, that he's moving into 100T house Kappa elder gives you all dragon buffs where is bjerg moving? Pog MOVING what is an inhouse? Bjerg in houses POG !uptime @TSM_Bjergsen go to europe team Pog moving to 100 T Pog Dr4gonMyFeet subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak! I'm in an abusive relationship with you I think @TSM_Bjergsen where are you gonna go for vaca bjerg stream Pog monkaS @shadoburn12 TSM can play. Can't win every year though. They'll be back eventually. !followage Pog zosa you've been following for: 5y 6mo Bjerg <3 <3 <3 I don't see Bjergsen in the list ablazeW what is up my dudes go full crit Bjerg vacation POG and he's playing zed PepoCheer TABI @DoubleStixxay ??? !followage @TSM_Bjergsen Streaming it also? !followage DR PEPPER STREAM 3 ies Apartment? PogU pd Warmogs LUL EoN @TSM_Bjergsen randuins ahhhh hes live PepoCheer TY DR Pepper brkennse subscribed with Twitch Prime. Welcome @brkennse! bjergTSM Bjergsen really likes his beard !followage ninja tabi Pog ohhh Bjerg <3 Buy Tabi. sell your swifties !followage @TSM_Bjergsen We need more of your streams steraks> maw just oneshot him first 4Head if not get a steraks POGGERS @TSM_Bjergsen how come you're not at SG? my god nerf urf graves deaths dance is killing you @TSM_Bjergsen still rocking the beard i respect it bro chat will he stream inhouses? or hasnt he said anything tabi 5 thornmails? evrews subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @evrews! Enjoy your banana. bjergBanana Sell BT for Sterak's? !followage Gabiotaxx you've been following for: 1y 11mo Graves 1 auto penta Kill incoming Now I see Bjeg !folowage !uptime 20m 42s @tsm_bjergsen randuins !followge @TSM_Bjergsen Tabi will reduce his auto dmg !followage @TSM_Bjergsen you moving in with friends or alone? @TSM_Bjergsen Did you ever watch Olsen Banden? ratirlTip TSM is getting a facility instead of a team house. Home and work separate. That's why hes moving. nothing to do with leaving tsm chill Pd maybe? Marry me pls @blaise_ ye just a shame like this guy looks so sad lmao even tho i dont think he is hes chilling at 5k viewers but just he deosnt seem enthusiastic yk @blaise_ in NA maybe, international tournaments no way @tsm_bjergsen who will live in TSM house once you guys move? !followage is the fan already determined ? !followage nights edge has low CD TSM TSM TSM @tsm_bjergsen are you gonna shave the beard? or not? AW KEKW @shadoburn12 he is fine. This is how he is and always been. @tsm_bjergsen who you got on SKT and G2? Pepega Clap !followage crazy_Ninjaz you've been following for: 5y 6mo go steraks lol Hey @TSM_Bjergsen have you heard of the #TeamTrees move? KEKYou I wish more people thought like that !followage pd BoneZone KEKW !followage ninja tabi Steraks is good build pd !followage !followage !followage !followage PogChamp Build an IW Bjerg zed urf days are over PepeHands if you want to win !followage @TheMaxCape one day NA will do well internationally #IBelieve HE ALRWADY HAS MAW Bjergson moving to mixer PogChamp !followage !followage !followage !followage IE @tsm_bjergsen Sell Mobis for sorcs LOL !timeup !followage !followage Glad to see you streaming again. It’s been a long wait go full tanky u will still do same dmg Where’s the team? hexblade !timeup !uptime 21m 51s !followage Who plays zyra in urf Dancingbroccoli2 you've been following for: 4y 2d !followage !followage !followage !followage @tsm_bjergsen edge of night !followage Vahki subscribed at Tier 2. Thanks for subbing, @Vahki! Enjoy your banana. bjergBanana @TSM_Bjergsen would you rather stay in a team house or are you looking forward to having your own place? LOL THE YEARLY STREAM IS HERE POG ❤️ hooly OMEGALUL i love you OOF LUL outplayed LUL L U L LUL @blaise_ Maybe if it's a tournament without CN, KR and EU LUL afeitate bro xd karasmD karasmD karasmD this graves bausF LUL LoL !followage LUL My first ever twitch sub pog ouch !uptime LUL you just got spanked KIND OF KEKW @TSM_Bjergsen how do you feel about the new drake changes Do Tabis Kappa Bjergson ! Finally some stream content !followage need full crit SHOTGUNKID you've been following for: 3y 1mo graves op KEKW Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah 5 IE 1 boots is the best to go on all adc Pog hextech gunblade ratirlMangoS every adc with 4IE is broken af @TSM_Bjergsen do you like the changes for s10? Play with IE No wonder you didnt make it to worlds, you get outplayed by a graves @TSM_Bjergsen u should see hail of blades twitch with 3 IE + runaans its kinda disgusting if u get to those items !followage Graves Faker confirmed PogChamp !followage Kappa yoo u build suck 4Head Build ies enable KEKW his build is the AD build for URF play vladi :) I guess stacking IE is the move? Full IE Zed GP is also OP with TF+4IE 5 ie zed WHAT THE FUCK cmonBruh Pog LUL KEKW WALKED INTO SLEEP KEKW LUL Lulumontouto RedGlow subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @RedGlow! bjergYeah @TSM_Bjergsen do you like the changes for s10? Kappa Wats up bjergsen 2019 and people still instant zhonyas PRO PLAYER OMEGALUL i love you !duo Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard bjerg is so bad at zed now infraMate "I would be in top 20 if my name was bjergsen" -no name 2019. does he read chat urf Pog @Swiftfool wot? It’s urf.. @awesomeexpress ???????????? !uptime 23m 34s I dont think you need bt I JUST CAME HERE TO TYPE TSM KEKW @ONLY_SPAM_AYAYA_ HAHAHAHAHA Yeah BT seems unnecessary get steraks I don’t know have u already talk about this, but I wonder what do you think who could win worlds I dont think he interacts with chat :( THAT WHY TSM NEVER CAN NOT WIN SKT LUL eThump Kap you’re back God he looks so weird with a beard. I'll never get used to it go IE if you aint a puss wuss PartyPoro TROLL S M I said it's ADC with IE not Zed... Zed is kinda suck when past 10 min !uptime Tsm in Lcs LUL isnt the urf build edge of knight + infinity edges xd pog?? LUL WTF Exhaust 4Head ?? eThump Kap what? Exhaust xD monkaS LUL LUL karasmD WINNABLE LUL shoulda went tabis LUL exhaust ULTRALUL sell your boots harold AND baron lolol FAKER GRAVES 4Head will i be lucky enough to win the game with bjergsen on my golden birthday? probably not LUL QIYANA LUL Qiyana kappa Exhaust on urf :) lol lul qyiana lmao XDDDDDDDDD wait bjerg is playing urf? our boy became a 4fun player? FeelsBadMan graves is faker monkaS 🦒 Just flash his autos 4Head lmao yo be real bjerg, how much did this fan pay to play with you? KEKW kekw FeelsBatMan lmao LUL asm 100T BJERG Pog THATS TOO FUNY melificent subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! he's 3 levels up too lol QUIY POG NA pro loses to silvers BJERG I LOVE YOU <3 excited for the next years in TSM ^^ nairoBink is this urf @TSM_Bjergsen u should see hail of blades twitch with 3 IE + runaans its kinda disgusting if u get to those items this graves is insane PogChamp Rigbert subscribed with Twitch Prime. Welcome @Rigbert! bjergTSM PepeHands its the gauntlet all over again PepeHands kinda sad bjerg has gotten this bad i guess it reflects in TSM performance im ready :) @luigirock25 NO RANKED hi @tsm_bjergsen what about veigar I LOVE YOU BJERG :( @TSM_Bjergsen Are you excited or sad about moving to an apartment? League is garbage : ( Pog Giveaway @Swiftfool Kappa 1mil a game to play with bjergsen :) Urf Pros vs LCS Pros !uptime 25m 16s lucky @luigirock25 no it's worlds Kappa Is this the fuck a fan of league of legends Hey @TSM_Bjergsen have you seen the #TeamTrees move? hi bjerg Hey dad! @TSM_Bjergsen how is your RSI today? hey Bjerg remember when you used to have 20k viewers? !followage the chosen one it's me :) Vomut86 you've been following for: 4y 8mo That fan only one because I didn't know to participate Kappa what have you bee up to all this time man? @TSM_Bjergsen. @Swiftfool leave then? PICK ME BJERG what are you drinking @tsm_bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen what was the name of the music you are playing? no me :) lol !followage zven is off the team right?!?!?!?!?? hey bjerg im ready to play @Delikin LOSER LUL !followage !followage @TSM_Bjergsen Sorry if I;m spamming but did you ever watch Olsen Banden? Rigged !followage WHO DO YOU THINK IS GONNA WIN THE WORLDS @TSM_Bjergsen Why do you never stream anymore? that fan must be psyched that you're contractually obligated to play wit hthem !followage is it true that berjson earns 3 billion per month at clg ?? lul ITS ME BJERG :) we tried mang we tried "I would be in top 20 if my name was bjergsen" -no name player -2019. 0 solo kills at world btw lol Moobot: !Followage ▶ xxRazze you've been following for: 6y 9mo Orianna is hella fun on this by the way! Especially with the buff just recently 😎 @tsm_bjergsen Rriiggged It’s me :) no its me :) @notaonetrick LUL xqcOld IM READY BJERG :) !followage oleg911ukr you've been following for: 1y 5mo where will you be traveling? @notaonetrick riiiight !uptime i think its almost 6 26m 1s it’s doublelift LUL Does the fan blow out wind fast? @TSM_Bjergsen You're a real inspiration my dude Are you going to live by yourself? @TSM_Bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen going to participate in the inhouses after the move? Pog @TSM_Bjergsen ure gonna be living alone or with someone like a friend or anyone no subs watching? @TSM_Bjergsen will you have a roommate or you living alone? !followage GG man - Zoe get me in there @TSM_Bjergsen I love you <3 He can invite Peter over now KappaPride is it closer to lcs than the house? where tf is frankenpie at !followage @TSM_Bjergsen is the fan doublelift? can finally watch porn in private \followage truth @TSM_Bjergsen name of the music? !followage "I would be in top 20 if my name was bjergsen" -no name player -2019. 0 solo kills at world btw ashlolD !followage !followage hi dad Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) in houses tonight? beard is looking clean Predictions for who will win world's semis? U CAN BRING UR GROUPIES HOME NOW What headset do you use? I'm lurking in the shadows 👀 @Yung_Prod URF! @TSM_Bjergsen Are you living closer to server? play qiyana XD Max? play with me !followage PBOracle you've been following for: 6y 2wk max? @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think is going to win worlds POG Bjerg answered my question @TSM_Bjergsen do you play escape from tarkov? @TSM_Bjergsen hello grandpa @Frankenpie ayyy my guy play fizz Living with Maximus? !followage are we going to get a house tour? BJERG STREAM Pog play syndra !followage thats honestly better how are you doin man ? !uptime 26m 57s !followage @TSM_Bjergsen TSMTID BibleThump We want syndra Can I play urf with you? when duo bb or play akali is he a friend? @TSM_Bjergsen kgtvRE kgtvEE kgtvEE "cherish" Kappa !followage Should have copped a room in Bio's fancy house @tsm_bjergsen can you cook? @TSM_Bjergsen any plans to move back to ure teamates after a while Bjergsen how do you balance motivation vs burnout word is anyone on the team living together?? Bjerg with the sentinmental moments Bjerg I need your beard for Halloween o interesting, so will scrims and such be at the new facility? PepeHands Jesus Pog hi boss tru is that the same housing set-up for your teammates? Fair point that's a really good call, healthy work-life balance That's how it is with a girlfriend miss ya at worlds bud @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think is going to win worlds ludovico einaudi POG @TSM_Bjergsen What has been your favorite memory in that house? motivational music PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen are you gonna stream more? who is new jg and who is new ADC ???? OPEN THE REWAAAAAAAARD @tsm_bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen will the rest of the team be living together? do you worry that new players will have a hard time acclimating to that? @tsm_bjergsen Prediction for worlds ? rankeds :( @TSM_Bjergsen is everyone living seperately or just you TSM Do you think teams like g2 and skt benefit from living together or just an aside When can we expect roster announcements :P @tsm_bjergsen who are you rooting to win worlds? Do they get new Players? @TSM_Bjergsen opinions on how to fix na soloq? i love you these are litter @TSM_Bjergsen will you stream more now than inhouses can be streamed? We love Brokenblade more, but youre also alright <3 You gotta make world's next season man WHO U GOT WINNING WORLD @TSM_Bjergsen is there new tsm members for new season ? Can I play urf with you! wow you have grown a nice beard since the last time i've watched you play @TSM_Bjergsen if you weren't in league, what career field would you go into? LVL4??? play Vladimir :) lordshunsuke subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! are those the new jerseys? LEVEL 4 LUL 4 how do u climb in this NA region... I do fine and my whole team ints me or afk's or rages at teammates every game.... useless Dammn that dude still alive ? SKYPE @TSM_Bjergsen Is Smoothie staying as a member of TSM next Season? lvl 4 LUL level 4? LEVEL 4?!?? level 4 LUL LVL 4 LOL @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think of the fact that all the comps at worlds look the same? I think there is a lack of innovation; look at how Ryze was sleeper OP in 2015, Trist mid, urgot, etc. LEVEL 4 level 4 pog bjerg is diamond 1 wait lvl 4 what TFT @TSM_Bjergsen SKT or G2 going to win worlds? Wtf LUL LVL 4 KEKW @TSM_Bjergsen prediction for SKT vs G2? lvl 4 LUL loool 4 LOL LEVEL 4 LUL level 4 damn level 4 wat lvl 4 bots only. these are literally the music i listen to,, XDD LULW imagine he says TFT Dude still with the beard LEVEL 4 LUL maybe from a different region level r monkas level 4 Pog LUL he just fell asleep what have you bee up to all this time man? @TSM_Bjergsen .. KEKW this is gonna be interesting LEVEL 4 LUL lmao level 4 KEKW thats pretty cool 4 LUL duo botlane your the support :) He is level 4 can he even play those modes ? 4 LUL TFT yo invite thsoe two people lol Imagine if I had won this rally :( LEVEL 4 LUL LUL LUL can he even play normals knfism subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @knfism! bjergYeah Level 4 ???????? LUL delay PLAY AGAISNT BOTS its better fit for TSM @TSM_Bjergsen Invite those two people !! @TSM_Bjergsen I'm digging the Ludovico LULW @TSM_Bjergsen How do you balance burnout vs motivation in life? LUL he just pulled an iboy whatever is most comfortable for everyone @tsm_bjergsen can you even cook Yeah hes lvl 4 OMEGALUL LVL 4 LULW you stream more when you live seperate? bjerger Pog lmao LULW they afk LUL watch as reddit blows this out of proportion 4Head LVL 4 KEKW so u know the roster? LUL LOL Who is that?? WTF LVL 4 LUL new to league and he gets to play with bjergsen LOL level 4 lmaooo lol IGNORED OMEGALUL OMEGALUL LV4 ................. LULW MrDestructoid @TSM_Bjergsen hey Bjergsen Who that? @TSM_Bjergsen have you seen the office? its bronze 4 Kappa Can't type english either LUL LULW Propably EU fan won and playing on NA LUL ? I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here AFK OMEGALUL LVL 4 KEKW player 2 games lu LVL 4 LUL @TSM_Bjergsen That's TSM rooster atm? @TSM_Bjergsen Won't that make it harder for newer players, if they're not provided housing? Next LOL Hey Bjerg, do you usually check your business email? @TSM_Bjergsen LOL Holy You Grew Up So Much :D Big Fan @TSM_Bjergsen @tsm_bjergsen won't that make it harder to integrate new players to the team? GETTING TROLLED OMEGALUL BJERGSEN I LOVE UUUU THE BEST PLAYER ON THE WORLD, THE WORLD IS ALL YOU, THE BEEST Argentina! LUL LUL OMEGALUL LUL Lol I’ll play with you!!! WTF LUL LUL lvl 4 OMEGALUL @Swiftfool thats fucked up man first time LUL Just find match xd can he en do anything at lvl 4? OH REALLY? LOL Yikes OMEGALUL OMEGALUL mans is prob shook lol HES ACTUALLY LVL4 actually new LUL this man made a twitter downloaded league just to play with you @swiftfool so he should play against you, since you're a bot xd LMAOOOOOO OMEGALUL holy shit @tsm_bjergsen are there new members on tsm new season ? WHAT A FUCKING WASTE LUL PICK ME :) KEKW LEVEL 4 LUL LEVEL 4 HAHAHAHA OMEGALUL God dammit a fan who can't appreciate it won the raffle KEKW LV 4 :) imagine ACTUALLY NEW LUL WOW HAHAHAHAHA "I would be in top 20 if my name was bjergsen" -no name player -2019. 0 solo kills at world btw Welcome back senpai LUL LUL ACTUALLY NEW @TSM_Bjergsen what do you think about worlds semi final matchups? CHANGE MODE he prob cant not enough champs LMAO is he a bot? ARAM best gamemode bjerg where is your Kendra Lust Life Size Booty Stoker? fake fan LUL Finalnfinity subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! the beardsen is back POG he is not new GG aram ResidentSleeper LULW is that a legit lvl4 LUL HE JUST STARTED PLAYING LULW Aram is way more crazy for a new player lol. 10 Champs slinging spells this has to be a fortnite kid league has new players?? he probably like who tf is bjergsen New players! POGGERS he just likes drpepper and joined bjergTroll @TSM_Bjergsen Not a dead game :) how tf New to league he wont be able to play its prob a smurf lol resttO resttO if u play 2 games u are already lvl 2 !social maybe fortnite TSM fan who entered into giveaway Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah league has new players? lol lets game COACH BJERG POGGG no voice coms? lets game 😂 lol iits been a while ;) OMEGALUL NEW PLAYER OMEGALUL wait Created an account when he won the contest GG from the last game. I played Zoe. We couldn't believe we were actually playing against you lol. @frankenpie do u tinkk berjsemon likes me ? change mode button helps btw Kappa Thanks Dr. Pepper <3 KEKW Whose this fan @TSM_Bjergsen LMFAO @koalao1 hashWv i mean if u play 2 games ur already lvl4 WAIT FOR ME IM COMING Who is that fan? ARAM KEKW ARAM KEKW how did u manage to invite a lvl 4 new player? NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Someone who doesn't even know Bjerg or league won the raffle, FeelsBadMan Who is this fan? Who is Bulgaria number1 in your friends list @tsm_bjergsen @fancti hmmmm..... HOW IS HE A FAN IF HE DOESNT PLAY LEAGUE LUL imagine queueing up aram, but not getting matched with bjergsen... then you'd have to endure a game of aram @businessscat HeyGuys HeyGuys PhatboyGG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! Finally Bjerg stream Pog THATS FUNNY can bjerg carry a lvl 4 why does THIS fan play with you but your 1000's of other fans DONT? @TSM_Bjergsen LUL This music is so relaxing SHY LULW iBoy? @tsm_bjergsen stream more please!!! BLOWS Pepega Shy or what lvl 4 POGGERS HIGH ELO TALK TO THE GOD LULW FAN why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x? !uptime monkaS 30m 12s OMEGA LUL SO JEALOUS @fancti well... I wouldn't see why not how much is delay Why is he playing with him lol level 4 LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL super fan xd monkaS he is scared rank 4 pro Doesnt play the game OMEGALUL rip someone is trolling you bjerg Im sad for tsm, u deserv better results, Ur amazing dude @TSM_Bjergsen yeah i can hear you my mom said to be quiet though so i cant talk hundreds of people bout to que up and abandon their game when they realize they arent playing wit u big fan scuffed af ok puñetas Legends have it that this fan is actually Faker @frankenpie ty LULW "FAN" DOESNT PLAY LEAGUEL UL enters contest to play with pro 4Head !followage snoopers you've been following for: 5y 3wk He muted? I can hear you Kappa\ WHO IS THIS FAN hes actually trolling LUL declined queue LUL !music Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) surprise its doublelift! he misses you :( hm !followage oh man hows this dude win and i got bjerg gear lol just pick another guy bjerg Dyliis subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @Dyliis! bjergYeah I can hear you Kappa lvl 4 high elo PogChamp bjergBanana IGN OMEGALUL RD whos his duo LUL Thesleepysenpai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! Love Ya. Excited to see you playing in spring bjergTSM bjergTSM love ur beard well then @tsm_bjergsen he's rank 4 LUL I GOT IN Pog !uptime 30m 46s thisis so awkward to watch LUL yikes no mic in 2019 NO MIC LOL NO MIC? LOL WTF someone get this man a mic too nervous !followage Pog SO WHY U PLAY WITH HIM !uptime LUL LUL LUL Its kinda sad he dont realize whats oportunitty hes having KEKW blitz Pog no mic in 2019?? Kappa cass LUL damnit my aram snipe didnt work dude you're gonna be vs a bunch of noobs LUL BLITZ POG N OMEGALUL MIC LUL @pinknwhite4 random who won a TSM raffle to duo with Bjerg IM IN Pog "iF mY nAmE wAs bJeRgSeN i WoUlD bE oN tOp 20 lIst"- no-name player (2019) AKALI thx @blaise_ trade HIM why not urf? @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think of the fact that all the comps at worlds look the same? I think there is a lack of innovation; look at how Ryze was sleeper OP in 2015, Trist mid, urgot, etc. scream at him lets go!!!!!!! why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail ? flame him Kappa he got cass xd !pc LVL4 LUL NARAM LUL !followage OMEGALUL Vinibrow you've been following for: 1y 4wk The dude's the winner of the Dr.Pepper comp or some shit LUL This duo queue is wasted on him man damn !specs is this for make a wish? AKALI MonkaS LUL bjerg will u ever get another doggy he got a pure heart though Kappa imagine a pro player introducing you to League @tsm_bjergsen run predator and build speed its super fun play yuumi on urf with him Pog once in a lifetime chance, doesn't get a mic to talk to bjerg ARAM LULW @only_spam_ayaya_ whos this noname player lmao make a wish It's Myth nothing, grab akali !followage akaili cassio monkas ANNIE Pog hi akali open KEKW Take AKALI! aftesshock I dont even think he realizes who you are fully lol who is it? This is absolutely worst case scenario @Frankenpie hi !followage @TSM_Bjergsen Go akali, she is broken dark harvest blitz KEKW aftershock? @Frankenpie what a dream hexflash PLAY AKALI ARAM more like LCS matches post 15 min right bjergsen: "i can show you the world" taplay cass breaderick subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 31 months! Still a big fan, not going anywhere. Fan for life. Keep meditating, brother! Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) akali @Croww__ HI <3 @blaise_ Nah, maybe he sticks with the game, and then looks back on this fondly in 2 years. Never know! I respect that play cass How does a random get this chance not a true fan Akali :) yea having a mic is a hardcore gamer move xd and he won the give away? LOL @TSM_Bjergsen Why don't you play urf? How did he wonthe right to play with Bjersen? Contest? PLAY AKALIIII DH IS NERFEED ON ARAM @TSM_Bjergsen HEXFLASH go AKALI did this fan donate a ton of money to TSM or something??? LUL play akali @zeet2 that'd be pretty cool :D triple IE blitz @ShdwFlm I hope so. I couldn't take it otherwise lol i wish i could play with you and i'm from br server c.c @tsm_bjergsen tsm boss CurseLit CurseLit @TSM_Bjergsen is this for the WISH foundation? TRIUMPH OP need my toes sucked expeditiously TSM_Bjergsern will you stream more often once you live on your own? damn when was the last time soren streamed a lot of experienced fans you have, and pick a lvl 4 guy new in the game. planning to play/stream inhouses ? @tsm_bjergsen how did you meet said fan? I'm like freaking out lol not everyone can afford a headset dude akali is opennnnnn u should give him a logitech headset so he can be a real gamer PepoCheer this "FAN" is TSM smurf acount dont let bjerg fool you guys!!!!!!!! @TSM_Bjergsen For which occasion do you play with this fan? @TSM_Bjergsen link playlist pls Akali for carry this lvl 4 man by bjerg im going to bed TSM undefeated at worlds!!!!!!!!!! @Lozky60 :) u got this buddy @TSM_Bjergsen did you see the presence of mind nerfs @Lozky60 heheheh make a wish foundation @TSM_Bjergsen ?! !followage skrowsz you've been following for: 5y 10mo aram? @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think is going to win worlds Drkman1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Keep up the good work man. always enjoy watching you stream and play on stage @EL__DYRONE too late bjergFeels 5y <3 AMUMU D: why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail ? @Lozky60 show bjergsen whos best :) are you moving into apartments next year? !followage @Lozky60 KEKW how is he a FAN if he doesnt play the game? this is new TSM jungler PogChamp 420 iq hook pls @lozky60 hey, who are you? BJerg you could have played akali or cass..... !followage your chat is beatiful bjerg tfbUp that troll video bjerg, glad your still on tsm! @EL__DYRONE My god... it's Bjergsen multi-boxing! He's playing ARAM with two accounts at once! Annie with Ghost and Heal POGGERS who do you think is going to win World's @TSM_Bjergsen ? TSM LUL !followage !tittle Kappa !followage you should try qiyana, she's pretty fun Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah whaat have you bee up to all this time man? @TSM_Bjergsen will u shave? @simonapg true that @Lozky60 enjoy it man! congrats! impress godbjerg @lozky60 Good luck to you !followage FeelsOkayMan !followage @TSM_Bjergsen u have TTS on? :) !duo @lozky60 LUL homeless Pog Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard bjersen te faneo fooerte thanks everyone !followage !followage @Lozky60 Good luck! <3 <3 RabbitQ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months! @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 @Lozky60 diamond LUL hakuna matata? LUL smoothie Pog @Frankenpie and insn't any pro, its god BJERG! It's like a dream to play with him, had the oportunitty to talk with him on league voice hakuna matata !followage !followage zed_z you've been following for: 3y 8mo @tsm_bjergsen you guys taking back the ship this split?? smoothie is Lokzy60 Pog I love the music wtf stream PogChamp Blerg should just multibox ad worlds and play by himself he would win everytime @ShdwFlm smoothie LULW !duo !followage good taste @TSM_Bjergsen What do you read !followage @Lozky60 stop streamsnipe noob :) !followage !followage nice 5Head TY !followage he went 0/17 on MF in his last game lol exquisite @Lozky60 Will you have input in roster changes @TSM_Bjergsen ? !followage @lozky60 hes been following u since 11 hours ago LUL Ludovico Einaudi @tsm_bjergsen do you love Voyboys tech he’s always theory crafting? good study music Is bjergsen sr even going away for no beard bjerg? !spotify @Lozky60 Pog who is this duo and why are you playing with him? 6 years follow PogChamp @tsm_bjergsen shave beard?? !followage Followage ▶ zeet2 you've been following for: 5y 9mo @TSM_Bjergsen it means "a morning" in italian @tsm_bjergsen would u stream more? !spotify @lozky60 carry bjerg pls @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds !followage yo What do you like to read? !uptime 33m 11s bjergTSM @Lozky60 POGGERS !followage Raxium you've been following for: 2y 6mo Bjerg why do you never give your viewers a kiss sexy bard @TSM_Bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen what have you been reading? !followage @RabbitQ 52 wtf irelia skin Kreygasm !followage !fan !followage !followage whats the playlist name My Electromagnetism professor is Danish !followage Bjerg’s eu accent is nearly completely gone 5Head !followage with barb.. i don`t recognize him Save $10 on your first two (2) orders of $15 or more at did u say raiding? The Danes are good at everything @Lozky60 U REALLY LVL4 ? why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail @TSM_Bjergsen ? !followage @tsm_bjergsen shave beard? I’ve been following you for 3 years and 8 months @tsm_bjergsen 5Head EXQUISITE AP Blitz yea orb !playlist !followage YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNUAL BJERG STREAM LETS GOO FULL AP BLITZ LOST CHAPTER lost chapter no no Did the fan win a contest or something? whats piano guy name? check recommended Non aram player DansGame no start on item now Who plays ARAM KEKW ludens @TSM_Bjergsen nah just lost chapter what book are you reading? lost chap and 2 pots pls cut beard your thought on Senna? have you read the book "How to get to worlds" ? @TSM_Bjergsen can you link the play list ? How are you? Whats going on in ur life? i hope ur ok :) q burns thru mana not that much mana Kappa NO @tsm_bjergsen I'm upset with you man, I read an article about how you signed for 2 more years, then I saw your tsm announcement video and thought you were quitting. still love you but wtf @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds ch good too TheKillerLightning subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @TheKillerLightning! Enjoy your banana. bjergBanana !followage NeverhealTV you've been following for: 5y 3wk U shave U Win !playlist LOST CHAP not much mana lol !followage bygerking Pepega @tsm_bjergsen what do you read? lets game not much mana Kappa in ARAM LUL this fan hasn't even followed bjerg for 24 hours LUL whats the playlist? @zed_z 4 yrs 10 months here Pog Pog LUL Pog 500iq play Pog PogChamp Pog Pog Pog Pog !followage FAKER LOOK AT THE MOVES Pog PepeHands ANNIE PogChamp @tsm_bjergsen What book are u currently reading? already 0/1 adztvPOG adztvPOG adztvPOG LUL definitely a new player !followage LETS GAME jotrkn you've been following for: 1y 3mo LUL lol LUL LUL no items LUL LULW this hook NO ITEMS !playlist Oh no lmfaoooooooooo Oh my lordy help him LUL XDDDDD LUL LUL LULW LUL IS HIS BEARD REAL??? OMEGALUL LUL LULW i dont think he knoews XD NEWBS LUL insane plays just play fortnite with him lololol LUL LUL this couldn't have gone better ahahah LUL lol he forgot to buy items LUL 5Head who is this guy? KEKW !followage !followage SCREAM AT HIM KEKW 5Head KEKW LUL tell him to buy some items fake fan DansGame LOL @Lozky60 WHERE U AT ?? Secret Aram tactics saving for late game items TEACHER BJERG Pog game changing lul the no item opener, havnt seen that one in awhile wow arams huh long way no items LUL OMEGALUL ????????? @Frankenpie actually perfect casenario Lol no item nice ITEMS OMEGALUL its a learning process LUL he doesnt need items hes to good oh no items next level strat coming straight from the low level players is this like a make a wish thing IS THE BEARD REAL??? !followage @RabbitQ BeasTBiT you've been following for: 5y 5mo Gotta love the new peeps is this guy for real lol hi Steph <3 @StephyHime literally too good for items nah it's fak @TSM_Bjergsen you're too nice man you need to step up and be much more assertive lol fake* :( ANNIE PepeHands LUL INT LUL heyy frank <3 HES INTING XD KEKW F LUL annie Pog KEKW fake DansGame You ever read Andersonville the book, its a really good historical fiction book if you like those kinds of books, Kinda long tho LUL Bjerg what ever happen to u clapping poki cheeks @TSM_Bjergsen do you recomend playing the game in windowed mode? PogChamp Def not bjergsen @TSM_Bjergsen You should update the age in the faq :) @Frankenpie mike says herro That isn't a real person LUL ANNIE RUNNING IT DOWN BigBrother Clap ayy big boy bjerg is back! Oh, they're up against Veigar and Amumu? The stuns, my god daddy bjerg hooks @StephyHime HI MIKE scaling on blitz LUL IS THAT JACKEYLOVE y'all be nice. that's a real person... @maddog_zjb you a moron or something? @Skeeter525 Fresh! JACKEYLOVE OMEGALUL Why not urf @ShdwFlm its gg LUL LUL LUL buy annie LUL hooking CS Pog THEY GOT A POTION Pog LUL annie is jackeylove? Annie Health Potion PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds TSM Bygerking Pog health potion LUL jackeylove big fan OMEGALUL bjergsen duo jackeylove in aram !playlist LULK NEGATIVE GAMING LUL OMEGALUL hello !song LUL anniebot LUL CONTENT LUL because is not good for what ? LUL jared died shopping KEKW Bjerg having to tell his teammate how to play like I do every game YOU DISTRACTED HIM PepeHands baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticLOVE baticAY baticAY good bait XD karasmAidab FeelsBadMan Pog Pog died shopping KEKW Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) Pog Pog potion POTION Pog anniebot LOL Pog POTIONS potion purchase Pog potion Pog @Lozky60 Pog toxic ping fiora LUL pog BIG BRAIN BUY Pog POTION OP tell him what items to buy he is going pro next week Pog look at his background, literally his teammates are mia, big sad its so cute to watch newbie players play lolol @Lozky60 Pog Nice Bait! Omg that yearly stream! sneakyW TSM Lozky60 Pog wait hes back PogU getting flamed after 3 min LUL Log potion wouldnt be fair if he bought actual items :) more healing = living longer which means he can buy more POTIONS Pog JACKEYLOVE Annie pocket pick incoming this weekend waiting to hard buy an item PogChamp Literally bought a single potion, I LOVE it! <3 Pog is he training the new TSM Mid laner Lozky? trash girl potion POWERSPIKE is annie the fan potion LUL LUL tell me that's not a bot Slow and steady what is this resolution? Chat he is new player dont bully FeelsBadMan Hellooo daddy bjerg <3 I mean it’s not flame. He legit didn’t buy items? That’s troll af TSM Lozky Pog holy fuck 4 man veigar cage you know you dont really need to support on aram LUL hi lionel PogChamp bjerg in aram PogU TF blade smurf on enemy AMUMU OMEGALUL Toxic Fiora 0/0/7 @TSM_Bjergsen maybe a game vs ai would have been better TWO POTIONS Pog annie afk LUL LULW 2 potions Pog opening in aram Pog Tryhard in aram LUL @TSM_Bjergsen Lozky60 new TSM jungler? opening with bjergsen on team, rofl fiora SeriousSloth wat the fucc are you building @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think about the latest JackieLove controvery? !uptime 38m 12s whos the fan youre playing with get ludens tear sucks team so toxic didn't need mana before TEAR Pog bought a tear Pog should build to 40% cdr immediately in aram on blitz THE BIG TEAR Lol team flaming TEAR Pog get a sheen into lichbane! "Welcome TSM Lozky60" inc pog @Lozky60 Pog trae Pog toxic fiora in aram LUL why fioradont be toxic :c BibleThump TEAR Tear cause team crying LUL @TSM_Bjergsen play urf tear lul @Clancey17 treatzHey @Lozky60 POGGERS do you play with 400 dpi and 50 ingame sens? tell him he needs 2 boots, 1 for each foot @TSM_Bjergsen he'll understand dont bully him FeelsBadMan MELEE MODE Pog @acknowledgefacts el pollo loco BJERGSEN IS STREAMING POG If I were Fiora in ARAM I might be toxic too tell him he can buy more than 1 item when he dies LUL BibleThump bjerger king <3 TSM LOZKY60 !followage QuackerBox you've been following for: 4y 1wk Dude this guy needs to calm down. Bjerg defend him Gathering Storm Annie Pog those back seat gamer in aram LULW God Blitz actually tryharding in aram Pog @TSM_Bjergsen rush 40% CDR your AP dont matter at all Waaaaay outside the box who dis @TSM_Bjergsen bring him into tsm and do a 0 to hero story !followage Bjerg new support, Lokzy new mid PogChamp PogChamp yearly bjergsen live LUL TSM Lozky will be ready my the next split Pog perkz 2.0 and adc LUL @skeeter525 leaning tower of pisa do you only stream in special events BibleThump we miss you BibleThump @TSM_Bjergsen start them out young!! HAHA aram? Annie hasnt leveled r LUL TEACH HIM HOW TO BE A WARD OMEGALUL LUL irelia LUL @vvii already better than zven in playoffs Kappa LUL irelia? irelia OMEGALUL @TSM_Bjergsen I know who your jungler will be next year \ he's the next faker SHOES Pog he's got boots now big fat meaty beard irelia omg TSM LOZKY Pog This is a high-tempo Annie sorc shoes Pog he got boots 2! why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail ? its 20 percent @TSM_Bjergsen !followage DonteSydnor you've been following for: 4y 3d 20 Oh shit he means he’s going bot lane support blitz only scaling 20 @LaMooN_ i dont think he even looks at chat, this is like a TSM required BS stream boots Pog have to build the perfect jungler from the ground up 20 DID YOU GO TO GYM? its 20 with passive So this is how NA trains macro? You guys like em young They have no bad habits, you can train them from day 1 the right way! PAWNCH !followage Pog TIBBERS ladies and gentlemas this is the new tsm boss TIBBERS Pog You need to look for a jungler that has been reborn TIBBERS !followage i bet that annie has some fun Kappa @slorebear he read my message earlier but not during games Pog KILL!! ANNIE Pog ANNIE ULTED Pog ANNIE KILL A KILL he got a kill Pog GOT A KILL Pog POG POG Pog HE GOT A KILIL Pog he got a kill Pog got a kill Pog ANNITE ANNIE Pog Pog ANNIE ANNIE KILL Pog got a kill pog Pog annie got a kill ANNIE pog annie Pog IT'S TIME @slorebear yea its sad and the last streams are the same too Pogg POG POGSLIDE he's on the board WHO IS THIS ANNIE Pog GG Pog Let’s go bjerg !uptime 40m 8s lmao from lvl1 to world champion tsm jungler Lozky LUL bjerg new tsm support @Infeme either TSM can only afford one monitor or he just doesnt give a fuck about fans varus god LUL HE GOT A KILL POGGERS D: @slorebear I told him I want my toes sucked expeditiously and he said "cool to hear" LUL GODV OMEGALUL @tsm_bjergsen are u reading physical books or just ebooks? GoldV LUL we wanna see Annie's items LuL GoldV xD GOLD V OMEGLUL Annie movement LMAO KEKW ANNIE = CAPS Pog Plat Evil PLATEVIl !uptime bring back doublelift biofrost sven and hauntzer :( is this lemon nation or bjergsen streaming Annie in cave PepeHands @Infeme he was replyin to a comment you made 3 weeks ago and the last prerecorded stream TGile9 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Yearly Stream, Yearly Sub, :) chat do we know roster for next season? FRONTLINE ANNIE POG why we are have fun with annie? @slorebear LMFAO VARUS E TU KEKW I'm drunk, I love you bjerg. Even when not drunk. You''re the best this varus keeps shooting q opposite direction ULTRALUL hey look its lcs midgame simulation Annie > Caps wow the micros @slorebear that was good annie still better than zven you playing urf today? @TSM_Bjergsen is NA having terrible ping an important factor in terms of quality pracitce? :p~~~ idk I cant get ahold of akaddin @TSM_Bjergsen Ludens? is this Craps Annie? lol @SassySascuach @Evilbutteredtoast E TU KEKW @TSM_Bjergsen who is winning worlds? wtf is this lcs pro view? @Guyboid yeah Zven-Zven-Zven-Zven-Zven F I OMEGALUL R A lol fiora LUL @king_joe61 the cdr doesn't stack ELIXIR LUL Dyrus Top Lozky Jg Bjergsen Mid Chaox Bot Elementz Support annie item Pog Bjerg building Archangel thinking "How much could a Q cost? Like 500 mana?" Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) Bjerg why you didnt play soloq at all this season? lol I'm terrible @TSM_Bjergsen is this any differnt from a summensrift for u everyone in mid lol quite ambitious He’s legit carrying as blitz !uptime 41m 35s LUL @Lozky60 the HERO ambitious LUL @Lozky60 LUL annie > doinB omg haha OMEGALUL ANNIE POGGERS lol What song is this? LUL lol Pog @Lozky60 we love u @Lozky60 its okay bro i lost to bots when i first started This is so much fun @Lozky60 u got this @lo fcv 7bx yoink LUL yoink Has this guy played league before? play a bots game lol ╝4 Poggers Lol @Lozky60 PogChamp @Lozky60 Pog Lozky, a true hero of the people ,4444 u dont know that it could awaken him to false potential @lozky60 You'll get better eventually Anyone know the song? i hear annie for zven? @Lozky60 ILY twirlyHeart aram is ok to learn, other than a lot of new champions being thrown at you @TSM_Bjergsen You could have him/her play YUUMI in urf with you tho, might be more fun for both Lozky u are a monster mate Pog report fiora btw stfu fiora NotLikeThis play bots with him @Lozky60 @Lozky60 <3 <3 <3 bladdefist subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @bladdefist! bjergYeah Woah dude don’t throw shade at this guy. He just followed you 2 ELIXIRS Pog @Lozky60 Pog @lozky60 you're doing great! LUL 2 LOL @Lozky60 POGGERS LULW lmao LULW LUL fiora just keeps bullyinh annie Pog awwwww lol I brought my new friend to play urf when he started made him lane against bunnyfufuu Lozky likes the potions Pog Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah chat, pretty sure new player wouldn't have yuumi LUL Playing vs. bots with him would be comfy 2 POTS Pog bjerg stream Pog Pog aram FeelsBadMan SeriousSloth annie 5Head LUL play urf and he plays yuumi Pog it's the long con HES BUYING THEM FOR NEXT GAME @Arezago ludovico einuado i think night garden not sure lozky literally revolutioning the meta gachiBASS What is on your face? losing in front of 5k people in his first game. you should coach him to high elo Freezetrap subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @Freezetrap! bjergYeah THUMBS UP @Lozky60 just stay behind bjerg and spam your abilities when he hooks someone and you'll be fine :) @SupaNinja Pog 200 IQ CUM BOIS? the same people praising @Lozky60 are the same ones who flame their teammates ANNIE BM cumboys = he finally shouted us fans out ! Someone please tell me the song’s name :((( @Lozky60 presss the potions! LEARNED TO USE EMOTES Annie it's like the average Na player you can't change my mind Kappa Kappa Kappa !uptime 42m 53s get shojin Pog I love that Fiora's into it now Fiora NotLikeThis @Arezago wait I'll find it for you XD why is fiora try Harding in Aram tho it's obvious that Annie is too good Kappa @Arezago "generic piano shit" by who cares just you wait peasants, the wrath of Lozky willbe swift. @Arezago uma mattina playlist on spotify fiora stfu PunOko SAVE LOZKY D: The song? you failed your duo D: D: D: @tsm_bjergsen when are you signing that juicy mixer deal to stream on their platform ? D: D: PepeHands Lozky run PepeHands D: D: @TSM_Bjergsen do you miss denmark? D: PepeHands D: @Surgeon95 E TU KEKW rip in peace is this just low quality or different res? YOU FAILED THEM! D: :D bjergFeels failed the duo BibleThump Tell him to eat the potion @TSM_Bjergsen D: D: 1/9 monkaS dadddy i love u D: ruined @Lozky60 Use your Elixir of Sorcery! @Lozky60 Use your Elixir of Sorcery! poppin off Sean_sparrow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! never stopped subbing KEKW Why is he playing aram Annie typical NA Player EleGiggle I had 1650 AP on veigar with URF today lol bjergtato @TSM_Bjergsen thats why you max CDR and dont build AP you russett that's pretty much blitzcrank tho ratirlTip qt YOu could have been AKALI is bjerg gonna play ranked LUL 4 hp pots LUL xD insane timers @R1I1O1T1 he is playing with a fan who is new LUL LUL MEGALUL BLITZ GOD @ZiggsInAblanket no he retired from ranked this is his career now press tab it tells you she got all the POTIONS Pog annie build Pog the yearly stream! NA hook LULW MALZ R Pog @slorebear Not it. Pog fiora q @slorebear lmao malz r macro Heck yeah annie ge tmore potions I feel like bjergsen is also kinda exploring the league :D @LitUpTV right a NEW FAN LUL LuL MEGALUL ULTRALUL OMEGALUL Pog LUL LUL Pog Pog Pog oh man almost a triple Pog Pog Pog HE IS INSANE Pog Pog PogU Pog that sheen dmg lol LUL its better if you have people who dive with you Pog Pog what was that!? Pog ULTRALUL seraph's mana Pog @TSM_Bjergsen You could have him/her play YUUMI in urf with you tho, might be more fun for both @hi_im_tomoko lol not even gonna lie, the same thought is going through my head Pogggg coomecoom subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! monkaSHAKE 1 smacked +36 KEKW LUL monkaS +12 +6 lol bop TriHard trick2g KEKW One Q stack just nasus things +12 +6 pog D CANE Umteon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! Been a minute, glad to see u streaming again :) LUL LUL +36 LATA BIAATH +18 I got destroyed lol D CANE LUL +18 u just made nasus's day <3 lataaaaaa is this sirhcez dat Q LULW 1v5 fiora kgtvRE kgtvEE kgtvEE kgtvEE kgtvEE kgtvEE whys he playing aram ahahha is that what people say now I love it 1/11 FeelsBadMan im sure he is ecstatic If u ult LULW TROCK3J Pog @lozky60 just stack AP mate for the one shot hey nice to see the bjerg back @tsm_bjergsen I thought you died Kappa @Lozky60 hang in there buddy monkaS 1/11 annie Pog !uptime 45m 41s what are yall's favorite sleeper off-meta urf picks? I've been playing AP Lucian nasus building mr in aram slorebear gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lozky60! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! PepeLaugh Nasus is underrated in aram since he can stack q so quickly Annie got the POTION LUL @juicygrapes playing with a fan who won a giveaway leave annie alone D: fucking fiora lmao tsm in a nutshell jesus christ lokzy you could at least sub Pog !uptime aw too sweet slore flaming in ARAM LUL Flaming in ARAM KEKW Sounds like a dignitas baron Kappa He either used it or he sold it pretty cringe fiora LUL @slorebear SeemsGood Pog Pog flame is lame enjoy the game 30 years old BabyRage kid LULW One hook, one kill why aram? We were winning till we weren’t Kappa @TSM_Bjergsen there are a lot of level bots in aram PogChamp he still got it HEADSHOT MADLIFE??? Annie typical NA Player EleGiggle EleGiggle @StephyHime i have to balancy my toxic chatting with cash Some poeple play aram as their main game mode fiora doesnt know PepeLaugh fiora HaHaa @slorebear bigWOW people flame in tic tac toe LULW LUL nice icon tho that numba one lol Negative Gaming OMEGALUL NEGATIVE GAMING OMEGALUL Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) positive gaming Pog flame the annie only positive gamers D: LUL NEGATIVE GAMING LULW mute that dude yearly Bjerg stream Pog Flaming in aram LUL JKL OMEGALUL Toxic Fiora REPORT D: this is not normal howling abyss experience flame Fiora this fiora.. lul Aram? fake Kappa fiora is just a kid LUL soon to be TSM player x9 fiora Rude Fiora 😡 LOL KEKW PunOko MY BAD Kappa Congratulations on resigning with TSM @tsm_bjergsen Pepega fiora redemption arc PogU Kappa flaming in ARAM LUL dooooood fiora is definitely a kid lol LUL fiora WeirdChamp DOOD flaming in aram roosted by bjerg fiora Pepega imagine flaming someone with bjerg in the game i'd just eat a stick of deoderant instead and internalize my rage flaming a 4 year old 😬 Its understandable cos there are alot of aram bots lol first thing to teach annie is mute all LUL actually thought it was a bot LUL WeirdChamp LUL my bad Kappa Bjergsen so chill... so cool flame fiora annytfAyaya LUL i love you Do you say the same thing to zven when he flame spica ? Kappa Riot needs to ban fiora for bully Kappa MYBAD Kappa KS LUL Pog team KS LUL Flame no one it's ok to be toxic with the resst Daddy protecc BibleThump BibleThump Fiora WeirdChamp q WE WENDEYS yea thats what i was saying why is she shttalking in aram LUL FLAME NO ONE flame fiora for taking grasp of the undying on riven in a previous aram game LuL EZ xenonbluez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 58 months, currently on a 20 month streak! Welcome back King imagine queuing up for an aram and going up against bjergsen fiora prob gets bullied in school i mean raging in aram in general lol BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Pog No flame @quackerbox, he thought was bot with no emotions @Zubin LUL aram meta KEKW yea yes yeah @StephyHime i get it SOMETIMES like when garen builds AP or something yup ye yup Annie are you ok? BibleThump BibleThump @OfTelos id be so excited Yeah yes LUL FIORA low elo arams have actual bots to fill cause player base is so low LUL what was that ult @TSM_Bjergsen what is your seraphs bound to? i have 3k aram games and idk i havent seen many aram bots tbh LOL FUCK he has seraphs hard to think someone actually starts league at the end of season 9 but k bruh i got my ass kicked by a ap lucian in an aram once @slorebear MrDestructoid buy more potions default setting is chat off LUL if you're playing with a lot of aram bots then you probably are not very good and have shitty aram mmr lol lol showing lvl 4 the true lol community Kappa bots do 3v3 though intermediate though bjerger Who is he playing with literally running it own yikes Pepega ? Nasus is so monkaS LOL wtf OUch annie is literally a bot gg Get slaughtered Pog Bjergsen kicked out of LCS for helping level bot accounts :( @StephyHime thats the problem. it worked "that one time" and so they do it every time. 2% winrate club 4 v5 reset! Annie is a new player use your poro snax! tbh annie did better than me when i was lvl 4 its gg @TSM_Bjergsen play vs bots Bjerg caught boosting !song @slorebear i miss ap ezreal @wtsky oh so yesterday? dude... no one in ARAM tilts like this. wtf !music Open in ARAM kekw Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) ARAM wasn't a thing when i was lvl 4 there are no Bots on highlvl acc. Daddy BJERG <3 those annie moves LUL The way u are to respect And not flame and motivate it’s so amazing @Lozky60 <3 When you were level 4 were you on a team with bjerg? @StephyHime AP trist with the poison ! !playlist lul GG that snipe awww man gg I’m sure you would of done just as good Should have played akali gg URF play normal GG > FIORA T1 gets banned for running it down smh double standards riot Kappa URF POG REPORT that fiora tbh URF Pog URF Pog !uptime 49m 12s @ratherdashingg LUL well GG we all gotta start somewhere doods Hii bjergsen, My account in Brazil is Bjêrgsen ♥ LUL gg URF POG @TSM_Bjergsen You could have him/her play YUUMI in urf with you, might be more fun for both @Lozky60 atleast u tried ur best FeelsOkayMan @slorebear haha hated that i was always surprised i died against that @slorebear yea i upgrade to 200+ lvl just from today Kappa Fiora did apologize tho Lost the NARAM PepeHands duo ranked with the guy :O @TSM_Bjergsen So glad to see you streaming :D love uuu <3 that double elixir was kinda sick EZ play till win fiora so obnoxious 4vs5 HeyGuys HeyGuys honor the guy lol @Lozky60 you did great, we're proud of you FeelsGoodMan Who do you think will win worlds? TSM TSM TSM TSM honor fiora D: Doesn't even honor annie PepeHands @Therion1 he did Report fiora @TSM_Bjergsen play vs bots honor annie DansGame play bot AI fuck your beard is sweet play vs bots He will get rekt in any game mode that's not bots itll balance out dont u have like a smurf smurf? @TSM_Bjergsen make a noober ass level 1 acct PLAY URF bot game LVL 4 KEKW URF Play a bot game how do we sign up to join? can we? play vs bot teach him :) @slorebear thlorebear URF\ need to make a smurf. xd bjerg make a new account play vs bots bots URF URF URF URF URF URF URF URF bot game @TSM_Bjergsen Make new account ? @TSM_Bjergsen yuumi urf !duo only solution is to play on a new account Kappa Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard !duo How do you feel you stack up with faker? please dont play urf he'll hate it lol URF Pog yikes Make him play Yumi on urf @superpro10 omg thuperpro why are you playing with that person? @copperazide Aram players know URF? lvl 30 players LUL duo bot lane Pog play vs ai Inb4 you meet faker and he beats him 1v1 bjerg you introduced him to the NARAM too soon play bots URF URF Pog Bot lane vs. bots? LUL lv30 players LUL his duo cant play urf discord him Pog co-op vs ai !!! who r u playing with Any new signings u can confirmed? smoothie duo Pog S M OMEGALUL OMEGALUL T H I E normal plssss bjergBeard bjergBeard ZED URF Pog You need a smurf XD Make new lvl 1 account ? and play with him ? URF URF URF URF URF PLAY AGAINST AI wtf u stream now YAYA !duo not intermediat bots, but beginner bots Pog Why is he duo with him play vs ai at least they wouldnt have to worry about rune difference !uptime 50m 5s bots or aram make a new acc and play with him BB whr s bring in backup who is he coop vs ai! @lozky60 have him jg XD URF @TSM_Bjergsen you have to play vs bots if you want him to contribute Bjerg stream Pog! @slorebear miss u @TSM_Bjergsen Add another pro Pog smoothie really fell off huh @TSM_Bjergsen you really play with 200dpi? lvl 4 PogU URF URF plsay vs bots or on a smurf @TSM_Bjergsen what were some of the reasons you decided to stay on tsm? how is @Lozky60 related to bjerg? invite viewers play a bot game why he playing with that guy?? pls? URF URF URF URF URF URF @superpro10 hug u bjerg You are the best !! hi bjerg! 2016 ZED BJERG URF Pog play bots bruh !followage luscasgiovanaz you've been following for: 2y 7mo was he randomly chosen in chat? BJERG IS ALIVE Pog Hi Bjergsen, My account in Brazil is Bjêrgsen diamond three !! does anybody know? who is the viewer? bot game? Play a bot game and explain to him the game URF can you play on smurf? play a bot game and teach him coop vs ai !duo Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard You can carry on urf! Have him jungle it'll feel like normal NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Play against bots/AI @TSM_Bjergsen Some SoloQ later or not? @AcknowledgeFacts won a Dr. Pepper raffle Play Co-op vs AI ;o NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL urff nexus blitz?? wtf year is this Who's Lozky60 Btw ? :o URF URF URF PALY AGAINST BOTS where have you been LOL Or teach him the game in commas COOP VS AI no PepeHands nexus blitz who's duo? who is he playing with TRUE LUL yeah ai Is this ludovico eunadi? normal oooOooo DR PEPPER play URF !!! agreed! make 4 challengers & 1 level 4 player no one played it urf ARAM best mode of all It really was so good Who is this duo? go jungle!!! same loved Nexus Blitz @TSM_Bjergsen PLAY VS BOT because playercount was super low nexus blitz PepeHands create account and normal?? VS IA how about a bot game !followage TRUUUUEEE !followage @TSM_Bjergsen how are you enjoying duoq? URF PLEASE IM THE DUO :) 200 dpi? go duo bot vs bots player retention and play dropped after first few weeks @tsm_bjergsen adopt me as your friend s2 URF URF URF URF URF URF URFU RF Why is he playing with fan Please stream daily love you bjerg how do we check dpi his duo is a bot lol Wait what is the playlist again bot game :) is URF matchmaking based on anything? no i am the duo :) he is playing with a fan rn friends PRediction for worlds? @TSM_Bjergsen PLAY VS BOT LETS GO how do you become a fan of a pro without actually playing the game? like how do you get into it all? check subs Lozky dont say like that PepeHands tell fan about using blitz LUL Playlist?? why are you playing with a fan !settings WHO IS LOZKY How is urf too much? It’s literally spamming all the buttons davet91 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! It’s the fan who won the twitter contest thingy go smurf account and just troll !followage peih_ you've been following for: 5y 6mo how can a fan play video games @TSM_Bjergsen so your playing with 400 dpi now? @TSM_Bjergsen <3 @tsm_bjergsen when are you signing that juicy mixer contract to stream on their platform ? WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHAMP?! tsm still undefeated at worlds!!! play vs bots Playlist? Why no vocal ? @TSM_Bjergsen done anything fun yet this offseason? @TSM_Bjergsen what dpi and sensi in game do you use Why is BJERG playing with fan Bjergsen, G2 or SKT? @lozky60 LOL @TSM_Bjergsen what do u think of the new elder buff? @StephyHime who is the fan? from twitch chat? @TSM_Bjergsen Can you reply to me with a <3 haha Someone give a false lokzy a sub LUL I never had a pc I think riot should bring back the crystal scar map, playing hide and seek on that was fun asf @StephyHime How did the fan get to play with bjerg @lozky60 You can do it, buddy! Everyone starts somewhere! <3 @TSM_Bjergsen I LOVE YOU DAD RAAAIIIDDD @Lozky60 annytfAyaya @TSM_Bjergsen good to have you back boss man, hope this is not just a one time stream :o who is it? It’s been so long since you last streamed. c Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) play bots Bjerg miss u why hes in D1? @lozky60 Pog !followage Punyfishyy2 you've been following for: 4y 4mo Everyone thought nexus blitz would stick around but :( !followage guothai subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! welcome back bjerg @TSM_Bjergsen how many accounts do you have??? @StephyHime yeah "fan" Kappa new to league sure @TSM_Bjergsen Best mid laner perfomance so far in worlds ? :) !dpi Bjerg's DPI is 800. why not play urf ? hi bjerg what if it actually is a bot monkaS @TSM_Bjergsen love u bb >3 @Lozky60 you are the duo? PogChamp idm A LVL 4 SHOULD PLAY BOTS LUL Coach him dont just play the game @TSM_Bjergsen TreeckoxD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 35 month streak! Hi how can a fan use a computer, do the blades smash the keyboard or smth? not sure how @TSM_Bjergsen Ask if he has yuumi could be fun to play you + yuumi in urf or normals ? !followage What your keybindings? @TSM_Bjergsen favorite food? can u ask him to say something? flaming at all really Yooo when do you guys move to the new facility?? !followage !followage !resolution why he playing with Lozky? Bjerg's resolution is 1600x900. why play aram if you are trying to win LOL @TSM_Bjergsen maybe do customs 5v5 so he can learn a bit better @TSM_Bjergsen Who do you think is winning worlds? And waht do you think of DoinB @TSM_Bjergsen wanna use my smurf? aram flame FeelsBadMan i was on recieving end PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen Any soloq after done with fan? flaming in a fun mode LULW flaming in anything but ranked is super cringe Breneedscoffee subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 34 month streak! It's been a while! Are you dressing up for Halloween? Hope all is well <3 Moving Pog flame in aram LUL i havent heard the words baylife come from BERG Dude he has the chance to play with bjergsen, and he doesn't chat or do anything, so borin is this bjergsens girlfriend? If you’re gonna teach this guy shouldn’t you get in discord with him? but ARAM is a warm up so you gotta warm up with the flame too Living alone Pog Moving TEAMS monkaS Pog when will you solo que stream? yeah I'm like shook @TSM_Bjergsen why dont you stream more often during the off season? new apt? Will you be streaming in your new place? get em to mute chat @Raxium you have achieved comedy @Lozky60 All good bud, it takes time to learn the game, so dont worry :) @TSM_Bjergsen Hows the facility coming along? You excited? Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah new appartment? leaving TSM? Just kidding smile :) @tsm_bjergsen do you think G2 is gonna win worlds? theres just people who flame in everything, aram, urf, 5s, even bots ppl flame lol @TSM_Bjergsen do u think youll stream more once youre at your new apartment? kicked out monkaS @TSM_Bjergsen not visiting home this off season or later? Senpai :3 <3 Hey @TSM_Bjergsen Who's winning worlds, and what do you think of DoinB @Dying_Lyte flaming in ranked is cringe aswell LUL no 1 plays better because they r getting flamed just tilts more Oooo new place clg bjergsen @tsm_bjergsen have you been watching worlds? @Periwink im sure you would entertain everyone is smoothie already at the new facility? He’s moving out of TSM house or never lived there? who is winning world's this year ? @Lozky60 u should play URF mode is soo fuun i really wannna use some of his emotes.. anyone gifting subs tonight? @TSM_Bjergsen I'm a fan, My account in Brazil is Bjêrgsen !! afk LUL xdd G2 ain’t winning shit KEKW He’s just trying to play the game PepeHands @copperazide they are getting rid of house because they are going to be playing in training facility @TSM_Bjergsen how hard was it not to laugh during that youtube video recording for your resigning? No more gaming house?? freshly groomed beard Pog YOU SHOULD VISIT PORTUGAL BRO who you playing with Do you plan on driving to the facility or is it like a short commute @TSM_Bjergsen Pog go trick or treating Zilean???? @embbuzomg that’s just not true @TSM_Bjergsen soren, your accent is gone Play vs AI/bots Qued up... didnt get in a game with Bjerg... @zikzlol HeyGuys stream more plzzz NaM Clap !uptime 53m 10s ratirlGiggle @TSM_Bjergsen AYAYA @TSM_Bjergsen Copenhagen Wolves Bjegsen inc???? @Infeme oh Japan Kreygasm AYAYA your beard is beautiful by the way @tsm_bjergsen @zikzlol Bjerg's duo needs coaching btw @TSM_Bjergsen you gonna be streaming alot during off season? Pog tokyo Pog rooAYAYA Weebs AYAYA @Prismcardinal so you truly believe u perform better if i spam ping you and call you trash ? LUL same! you could be a 100t player for Halloween Kappa @tsm_bjergsen kyoto is my favorite place on earth @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail ? oddoneAYAYA japan OfflineTv and Sonii will be in japan at the same time too Ayaya come to Brazil BJERGENSN IS BACK @flame3999 LOL oh shit, staying in a ryokan in kyoto? So youre still with TSM? you guys are boot camping in china no? where's the bootcamp? Wowee i missed you kasLove you going to korea for boothcamp? @eMbbuZomg there is actually a reason to flame in ranked because you actually lose something if you lose @embbuzomg I did when I played the gamr Wow nice have fun! @TSM_Bjergsen You're bootcamping in China correct? bootcamp in brazil Pog @TSM_Bjergsen Wheres the bootcamp? @TSM_Bjergsen yo beardsen how hard was it not to laugh during that youtube video recording for your resigning? Pog Stream BibleThump !uptime 53m 46s @tsm_bjergsen where will you bootcamp?? whos the special fan ? @jarodi no bjergsen is joining SKT I think they're bootcamping in china lol he's so adorable afk D: @TSM_Bjergsen Hope you have a nice holiday ! scuffed who is this person whos this fan? @zikzlol what up coach @tsm_bjergsen do you miss EUW SoloQ? @TSM_Bjergsen will you stream tournament realm games? TSM gonna win the Aram world championship next year put him against bots @TSM_Bjergsen why aren't u using the new logitech g pro x BloodTrail ? @TSM_Bjergsen no more accent for you yo Bjerg, you have the same Backgroud as me :D @Prismcardinal ok you might be a wierd expection but theres actual studies about that if you want to read into it why do u only stream in special events BibleThump we miss you BibleThump @TSM_Bjergsen Can you please talk about your key bindings? i feel bad for this guy where are you guys bootcamping? can you say? @TSM_Bjergsen you ever order iced coffee with no ice? Who is this lozky person Watde playing aram without me? I feel scammed i hope that fiora didnt crsh this poor guys soul who is this @tsm_bjergsen @tsm_bjergsen come to rio and I cook brigadeiro to you @TSM_Bjergsen how comfy is your bjerg hoodie? why playing with a fan? emjoy your time off! u r a legend :) yo move faker to ad and go to skt ^_^ awwwwwwwwwwww @TSM_Bjergsen welcome back yearly stream <3 ^_^ He is in twitch chat lol whats the background of the fan chat? @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds @TSM_Bjergsen how hard was it not to laugh during that youtube video recording for your resigning? a bot lol Why playing with fan @chillerz111 giveaway ^_^ !commands wait wtf is that shirt @tsm_bjergsen what are your thoughts about season 10? moon2CUTE ^_^ @TSM_Bjergsen DoinB? Thoughts? why do u only stream in special events BibleThump we miss you BibleThump @TSM_Bjergsen a @TSM_Bjergsen Who you think gonna win worlds??? hi bjergsen good evening ^^ @TSM_Bjergsen leblack ^_^ this fan probably paid dearly to play with bjerg we did only a night there and a breakfast in the morning who is this fan ? looking forward to seeing you guys playing next season soren, glad to see you streaming @TSM_Bjergsen are you a co owner of tsm now? money is tight Why won't you be streaming much? 😔 bjergsen so kind ^_^ @TSM_Bjergsen Do you like DoinB @TSM_Bjergsen ranke season 10 WOW has it really been that long? Lozky cute annytfAyaya Jaredfreak subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Love Ya! gonna be you for halloween this year He's playing with the winner from the Dr Pepper thing @Dying_Lyte what do you gain from it ? you lose more lp the more you flame because you tilt people but i think generally you do yeah Wheres the bootcamp? <3 bjergsen <3 !followed 1st time in japan? @tsm_bjergsen who you going with?? @lozky60 accept queue dude LUL @ZiggsInAblanket He had to retweet one thing. His fingers must be broken from it. @zikzlol Do you like DoinB? @TSM_Bjergsen Do you drive at all? @zikzlol excited for your 24 hour stream tomorrow boss! @TSM_Bjergsen ryokans usually give u a dinner and breakfast and have hot springs, otherwise not much else @Raxium what is the dr pepper thing? regards from costa rica @embbuzomg can’t imagine getting legitimately mad bright to tilt when someone calls me trash, just motivates me Who is this fan? im 100% positive more than 50% of the people you flame wont play better after flaming @tsm_bjergsen don't like streaming anymore? @TSM_Bjergsen yo beardsen how hard was it not to laugh during that youtube video recording for your resigning? @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think of project a? @TSM_Bjergsen are you playing soloq today? !followage silentq8i you've been following for: 4y 6mo what a lucky fan Pog @bjerg did you get a shinkansen pass it's pretty useful @lozky60 accept q when it pop imagine bjerg live streaming in japan !uptime 55m 19s 2? I'm queued up on level 6 account! @tsm_bjergsen what are your thoughts about season 10? !followage PepeHands !followage i dont understand, how he's a fan if he's new to league? what a lucky person!!! Bjergsen is why I watch league esports !followage <3 !followage BibleThump the fan is dr pepper ceo son mine too FeelsBadMan BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands going where? D: are you the oldest brother? Are you fine? @Luquitasc rly? D: @TSM_Bjergsen miss when back in the day you and the TSM guys would just turn on stream and play for hours every day :/ the music timing PepeHands PepeHands @tsm_bjergsen send him a mic redsL BibleThump Why won't you stream more? !followage VeteraNDreameR you've been following for: 4y 2mo sorry to hear that sir D: @TSM_Bjergsen I wanna hear what you think of DoinB I wanna go back to Tokyo, I loved it there BibleThump I got 5 years 10 months regarding following @Zubin no @TSM_Bjergsen if your going to japan you should visit the team lab planet BibleThump who will be in the new roster? Pog LUL :) Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ResidentSleeper @TSM_Bjergsen are u gonna stream more in houses/ TR games? !followage But how about 6 years ago? man everyone going to japan this year bjerg MMR too high squadLaugh I can relate to that woow !followage is the fan any good? !followage PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL LUL LUL bjerg lux Pog !followage lux Pog I'm Plat 4 so I'm decent NO @tsm_bjergsen when will you be streaming again? i cant bring it on paper how much i love you and look up to you @TSM_Bjergsen being part owner of team, are you still gonna play mid lane? Bjerg i love you <3 can't you hook this guy up with a nice LG Headset?? :) N OMEGALUL LOZKY SYNDRA Pog syndra Pog no go heal always snowball Snowball all the things! CLARITY!! @TSM_Bjergsen bjerg your opinions about worlds? snowball LUL X mana @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think of project a? Clarity @TSM_Bjergsen @zikzlol What do you think of DoinB I wanna know!! barrier :) barrier @terryb01 literally level 4 like never played before lol i alwways wanted to go there my friend went there @TSM_Bjergsen would you mind sharing the biggest lesson of the past two years for you personally? clarity No !followage Umteon you've been following for: 1y 7mo Cleanse clarity op Thingymajingy Pog BARRIER I wish I was the son of ceo of dr pepper seems int Bjergsen, gjør danmark stolt i like clarity on her barrier @TSM_Bjergsen bjerg your opinions about worlds?? I like Ghost in Arams for casters go Mana yes :) yea Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) LOZKY ON SYNDRA Pog CLARITY 5- Not anymore CLARITY clarity is the worst summoner spell CLARITY PLEASSSE What do you thnik about s10 ? Lux is OP on ARAM prob comet dark harvest is giga nerfed NO CLARITY ye @tsm_bjergsen Have u ever been to The Netherlands? dark harvest on every champ is good for aram Always go snowball harvest on aram nerfed FeelsGoodMan go comet dark harvest is good but did get nerfed on aram bjerg sup take prescene of mind on all ap champs Barrier !followage go comet @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds dark harvest is giga nerfed in aram LUL Clarity is awful dont take it Ghost for the tasty outplays MANA @TSM_Bjergsen can you say where you're going to bootcamp? extra Mana is better then sniowball CLARITY IS BEST SUMS IN ARAM Yes DH brother!! YES THATS WHAT I DOOOOO !followage Go comet Clarity for mana KHfantasy you've been following for: 4y 9mo Pog only ult go clarity @TSM_Bjergsen Congrats on going undefeated at worlds. You are absolute crowd favourits! @TSM_Bjergsen What do you think of project a? And presence of mind for MANA presence of mind is broken clarity !uptime 57m 13s that is one stacked team LUL Good night to all @TSM_Bjergsen Do you think Senna will be good? How do you feel about the s10 changes @tsm_bjergsen !followage @TSM_Bjergsen You were talking about DoinB @lozky60 you got this bud karasmUp @TSM_Bjergsen dark harvest and presence of mind are a must in aram !followage @TSM_Bjergsen Can we expect great things from TSM the upcoming season? L AYAYA X !followage @rmisagenius belemoteHeart @TSM_Bjergsen could you share your biggest lesson from the past two years? interested to hear about it @TSM_Bjergsen maybe you generally dont like streaming, and thats ok u know sup at moes stream btw ;) hi bjergsen te quiero mucho tio desde que te vi en el texola hermano que gozada de noche tenemso que vernos mas un saludo kasLove @TSM_Bjergsen Gør moderlandet stolt @TSM_Bjergsen i loved the many streams in 2014-2016 This music reminds me of a sushi place I go to a lot more streams later? @TSM_Bjergsen ?? :) Are you gonna have roomates??? TSM POGGERS @TSM_Bjergsen How is it gonna work being in an apartment while being on TSM? @TSM_Bjergsen u think g2 can win? excited for the gaming facility? @TSM_Bjergsen its really enjoyable when you do stream are you gonna have any roommates? @marbletabletop kasLove I LOVE YOU Pog More stream @tsm_bjergsen what are your thoughts about season 10? !followage @omnimagi rooAYAYA karaflidis you've been following for: 3y 5mo THoughts on worlds so far? @TSM_Bjergsen clarity is giga useless when you can just go presence of mind TSM POGGERS JabuticabaTriste subscribed with Twitch Prime. @TSM_Bjergsen will you be playing inhouse games? if you do, would you stream them? Thanks for subbing, @JabuticabaTriste! Enjoy your banana. bjergBanana Wish u were coming back to EU mate !playlist @lozky60 dude buy items :) You gonna have roomates or just live alone I think he streams less LoL during post season is because pre season changes are huge usually @TSM_Bjergsen So what you're saying is when you move in to your new apartment you'll have no more excuses to not stream? because people love to watch you stream :) @wonderblacky3665 me2 I watched a lot of his yt back then also Bjeardsen how is the beard? @TSM_Bjergsen you should be in an apt. the gaming house thing should be your "9-5" and you should have a base at home. marry me pls Hope to see you stream some inhouses when u get ur new apartment all set up @TSM_Bjergsen do you prefer an appartment or a gaming house? @tanaa2u yes :( @TSM_Bjergsen Congrats on going undefeated at worlds. You are absolute crowd favourits! Damn I failed queue snipe @tsm_bjergsen what are your expectations for TSM next season? is he playing with subs? @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think is gonna win worlds FORG1VEN SAYS HI Forg1ven says Hi!!!!! !followage Ampyra you've been following for: 3y 6mo HI FROM GREECE plz shave your beard and win world next year Pog silent reading stream what are you currently reading? omgbbywtfbbq subscribed with Twitch Prime. Welcome @omgbbywtfbbq! bjergTSM reading stream! forg1ven says hi FORG1VEN SAYS HI forg1ven says hi @tabularasavii hi hellas TSM I LOVE YOU BJERG Greece !followage @TSM_Bjergsen forg1ven says hi @TSM_Bjergsen What books do you read? I'm looking for some new leaf 244 hz monitor? Forg1ven says Hi!!!!!! TSM What’s ur thoughts on season 10 element drake with the map GREECE KEKW dou HELLO FROM GREECE marry me FORG1VEN SAYS HI URF? !followage woah lol LULW @TSM_Bjergsen what book are you reading rn? @tsm_bjergsen have you had time to chat with rekkles? @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds hi Forg1ven FORGIVEN SAYS HI Pog omg hosted @Godkingkxle you want phys books or audio? forgiven says hi pun1sh1Forg1ven funny how everybody still chants tsm though the crowd really went crazy for u guys LUL Bjerg never lost at worlds Pog Whos your pick to win it all?? GOOD BAIT Kappa pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1Forg1ven FORGIVEN SAYS HI sofiniUwu @TSM_Bjergsen do you miss denmark? @lozky60 nice you buy items Hey bjerg Forg1ven says Hi!!!!! lol FORG1VEN SAYS HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hi Greece Next season TSM comeback? @akathejew you ever seen someone chant "LoL" nope . TSM TSM @slorebear i like phys books, audio takes away from imagination imo HI FROM FORG1VEN CLOWN LUL Forg1ven washed up boomer pun1sh1Forg1ven hi forg1ven says hi FORG1VEN SAYS HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII yasW yasW yasW who is the fan Pog snowball Greece FORG1VEN SAYS HIIIIII antilhTaMatiaMou antilhTaMatiaMou LUL the fan is a 15 year old male from pensylvania talk with him by chat forg1ven says HI LOZKY NO lul @TSM_Mariaa pantou eisai esu Why it didnt have your video on bjergsen's channel ? marry me forgiven says hiii RIP LOZ @kingpatelos_ o antras m einai forg1ven daddy of bot lane says hi @TSM_Mariaa AXXAAXXAXAXAXAXA malakagiven blurn subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months! happy to see you streaming dude @slorebear lol fair point marry me gelane ta plakakia FORG1VEN SAYS HI pls sivir's pretty good @Godkingkxle The Riyria Chronicles - dont second guess it just GET IT. this is seriously the best current fantasy stuff ive ever heard. why is Bjergsens beard so well groomed monkaW @KingPatelos_ trueeeee @TSM_Bjergsen autos to 3erei? KEKW Forg1ven says Hi!!!!! FeelsBadMan @blurn you must be a legend @TSM_Bjergsen do you have a huge income loss with streaming that rarely? @kickdel NAI @TSM_Bjergsen do you believe g2 or skt will win? LUL Forg1ven washed up boomer who cant get into LEC all he does is dream of 2016 when he couldnt even win LEC and got a free ticket to semi finals vs a russian team LUL If you throw E and lvl it before it explodes, does it deal more dmg or are the numbers from when you cast it? hes part owner he doesnt need stream money now xd !uptime 1h 1m yo Bjerg your editor is starving as se pistepsw Kappa @TSM_Mariaa @slorebear have you heard of Ember in the Ashes series? i just finished it and the entire tale blew my mind EZ @istellander from when you cast it, the projectile is created with stats from when you cast Pog @TSM_Mariaa XWRISES TON TZANETO? NTROPH S Pog the dips Pog Pog @TSM_Bjergsen how far away is your new apartment from the TSM facility? Pog Pog @TSM_Bjergsen HOW DO U FEEL NOW THAT U WILL BE PLAYING WITH FORG1VEN? Pog @dons1252 KEKW Pog THE PENTA! a little Pog Ty @ThomasBland <3 POG Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) Pog lux is THE BEST aram champ LUL PogU penta LUL !uptime 1h 1m URF when? @Godkingkxle i'll look - dont know it. monkaS DARIUS shes broken in Aram, like veigar Varus and velk @slorebear i'll definitely look into Riyria, sounds interesting, thanks :) Beardsjen you're alive bro god damn OMG Forg1ven says Hi!!!!! marry me KEKW Pog lulw F LUL LUL OMEGALUL what is that damage! @TSM_Bjergsen Have you played BloodBorne? KEKW SOLED Dunked DARIUS POGGERS @TSM_Mariaa klaiw @TSM_Bjergsen how far away is your new apartment from the TSM facility? LUL @Godkingkxle its REALLY good and engaging. JohnLegends1000 Pog outplayed in aram darius > bb @gllucifer KEKW DARIUS monkaW let darius replace BB pls 1 auto and ult enough to kill LUL NAram POGGERS damn that champion is cool Pog @TSM_Bjergsen tell sion to build frozen mallet. another aram special marry me @tsm_bjergsen @tsm_at_words_omegalul NEW TSM TOPLANER @TSM_Mariaa <3 Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah monkS darius UNOFFICIAL PENTA @TSM_Mariaa u can marry me LUL @TSM_Bjergsen duo w smoothie after playing w lockzy? When does TSM johnlegends1000 NAARAM>EUARAM Pog Bjergsen why does your adv and jungle also throw the game TRUE! @anacothic i belong to bjerg @TSM_Bjergsen can you stop feeding, its not OK to have a death on lux in aram. FeelsBadMan Holy shit Bjerg is streaming. After 2000 games of aram I become bored of it and now they make me sick It would be cool if you streamed more, you are skilled i learn a lot from you, and unlike other skilled players you are entretaning. but chill do as often as you want Pog u can check spawn on tab like buffs and dragon any star players Bjeg Nutted in my butthole once at worlds 2016 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Lozky PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen how far away is your new apartment from the TSM facility? beat that Go check out the blitz app here! @JetLance my record is 1996 wins 1995 losses. not a joke Woo Bjergsen playing @CelestialMindset that was your pillow dude, sorry !uptime 1h 3m @TSM_Bjergsen snowball part 2 does damage 11 dark harvest at 5mn lol nowi know why the rest of the world thinks NA LCS is playing like Aram @slorebear was my dog ;( @TSM_Bjergsen platySUH platySUH platySUH guys he read my comment its a real live stream confirmed Brasil i love u what hours you usually stream bjerg??? dogdogEZ LA BARBA BRO @slorebear I think i have 100 more wins than losses if only Bjerg could provide tips on how to play Sindra gift me a sub or ur a fake sub gifter slorebear I just want to know what his biggest takeaway from the past two years has been MF Pepega Clap @c9abner2k you love brazil? manly mf Beard is dope my boy is bacc :0 syndra didnt skill her ult LUL slorebear gifted a Tier 1 sub to thesnoopydog! They have given 2 Gift Subs in the channel! @TSM_Bjergsen how far away is your new apartment from the TSM facility? @thesnoopydog tell your friends mufucka has syndra pressed q once @slorebear gift me one :( no pen boots? BOOTS? hola boots? that mf is the enemy's lockzy NA, aka “Not Advancing” is a region known for their brief yearly appearance in the group stage of worlds, where they manage to disappoint despite having zero expectations. Defense in aram DansGame @slorebear monkaS sorry sir d-didn't mean to offend flat pen? @TripleA7 he said it will be nearby tryharding in aram no boots huh TableHere LUX NO BOOTS PepeLaugh Is Lich bane any good for Lux anymore? cassio rules bjergsen! BRAZIL 7;1 KEKW sos muy lindo berjens is the squirrel costume coming back on halloween? nunca supe como se escrube slorebear gifted a Tier 1 sub to CelestialMindset! They have given 3 Gift Subs in the channel! @TSM_Bjergsen any comments on TL bowing out? @mecha_cubos hola just run it down mid BigBrother @slorebear Thanks for the gift sub! @CelestialMindset the fucc you sa]y to me boi no ult syndra KEKW SWEET PrideCheers No license yet? O: oh brother lol Bjearden !uptime 1h 5m 24 no license KEKW @TSM_Bjergsen are you not living with the team anymore? @slorebear ty my KING @slorebear KEKW @slorebear bro chill bro pls wait soren do you have dual citizenship with denmark and the us? dis free sm wonnered? whats your attack move bind and your communication binds? @TSM_Bjergsen @slorebear thanks mr. bear give me sub guys plz @gardenwest did you just speak to me bjergTSM bjergTSM bjergTSM bjergTSM youre supposed to die in aram tho slorebear gifted a Tier 1 sub to gardenwest! They have given 4 Gift Subs in the channel! you have to win with 1/2 an item or else 😡 @Tridanite WeirdChamp @TSM_Bjergsen Did you have a license in your home country? Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) @TSM_Bjergsen who do u think is gonna win worlds? !uptime @slorebear you're goated 1h 6m @slorebear u insane wtf yearly stream Pog @tsm_bjergsen worlds opinion? @slorebear BRO LMAO thank u I will never speak again Im so sorry at this point you might as well int slorebear is crazy monkaS Is it just me or does bjergsen's beard look fake? NAram that mf OMEGALUL aram dmg is reduced by 15% or something if you are more than 1500 units away @TSM_Bjergsen press keys syndra NotLikeThis bjergsen is training for next year NARAM KEKW @TSM_Bjergsen syndra doesnt have R Kekw @SassySascuach LMAO @TSM_Bjergsen whats your attack move bind and your communication binds? sion is more bad from fan guy @SassySascuach LUL syndra use "R"? LUL !up`time Bjergsen left his home country at the age of 4 to compete as Challenger for the Copenhagen Puppies. Did you watch DL's new vlog? bjerg doing the heelies commute the fan is a new player? @tsm_bjergsen I'm 23 and I just got my license this year !followage trabitaaa you've been following for: 4y 6mo Its true Has syndra leveled R yet? U guys don’t know it’s a challenge without R yeah its true @SassySascuach goood one where do i know this music from? chat? !followage 0 !followage You can see a shield looking animation when it triggers I'm 34 and I just got my liscense :\ @hisksushiman yes is @lozky60 Remind Syndra to put a skill point in ulti :) Melee champs take reduced damage from afar !followage moganeshwaraa you've been following for: 3y 8mo dairus is level 6 and mf is level 5 LUL SIVIR POG Practicing NARAM Pog stealing quatra KEKW he streams only for money !followage lol @followage !followage !followage R now whats your attack move bind and your communication binds? @TSM_Bjergsen lol @TSM_Bjergsen Are you scared of driving? It’s available !followage Kg_keller you've been following for: 3y 5mo !followage the damage reduction doesnt count for ults and DoTs electric scooters are cool !followage !uptime 1h 9m !followage !followage !followage @TSM_Bjergsen you should bike dude, are you dorks in santa monica? lffnTSM lffnTSM lffnTSM do you know how to drive !followage !commands bjerg looks completely different with a beard. almost didn't recognise him cuz i only knew what pre 2015 bjerg looked like !followage @TSM_Bjergsen the redbull office? !followage SeannLoL you've been following for: 1y 11mo @tsm_bjergsen if you crash or get hit I'll kill you myself haHAA why sub to bjergsen when his best emote is free HAhaa Good exercise if you bike to and from the place !followage @TSM_Bjergsen hey bejrg so currently im a viktor one trick and i wanna expand my champ pool and learn some new champs. any suggestions? D: @TSM_Bjergsen would you mind sharing your biggest take away from the past two years? sorry for the spam, just say no comment if youd rather not @TSM_Bjergsen are there going to be roster changes? what can we expect? Did you see DL's halloween vlog? !uptime 1h 10m EASYKILL !followage is that faker Pog any star players Kapp @TSM_Bjergsen whats your attack move bind and your communication binds? !followage Bjergsen playing aram Kreygasm LUL I am :( That vayne LUL LUL @TSM_Bjergsen You gunna stream in houses? Cappa did TSM get an actually facility like TL? @TSM_Bjergsen are you not living with the team anymore? LUL vanye scaar112 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Drive your tesla there !followage Natschoboy you've been following for: 4y 1wk marry me @tsm_bjergsen What if TSM gets a car sponsorship why aram :D song name ? !folllwage BJER VS FAKEL Do you have a girlfriend? @TSM_Bjergsen Are you gonna play/stream any in-houses? !followage isnt it like insanely easy to get a drivers license in murica Er du dansker ? @TSM_Bjergsen have you thought about coming back to eu !followage !followage !followage !followage @TSM_Mariaa huh no urf? !followage pinoyking45 you've been following for: 10mo 2wk Are u going to live alone now that u have the new facility @TSM_Bjergsen what'#s your opinion on old league of legends/twitch culture? do you miss the copy pastas and memes (like haHAA being your best emote etc)? does someone know that song ? are you going to be playing inhouses next stream? Will Johnsun play for first team next season?? i think hes really good !followage Kek @Dejmen its easier if you're older than 18 trying to get it, but its not the easiest thing ever, gotta be somewhat competent yeah driving is pretty fun @TSM_Bjergsen yo beardsen how hard was it not to laugh during that youtube video recording for your resigning? omg bjerg stream pog !followage @TSM_Bjergsen whats your attack move bind and your communication binds? !followage man this is insane pinkcaLove when is the beard going away @TSM_Bjergsen I wouldn' !options i dont like driving i dont @TSM_Bjergsen have u played the preseason patch on pbe? Get free car -> Sell free car for $$$ Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) only in cali lol lol no don't drive in LA Cause of the traffic yeah, other wise i love to drive Driving in la is cancerous i hate driving POG dad is back I like driving driving is fun Same I love driving hate driving in big cities where you have to pay for parking though Driving in LA monkaSHAKE i love driving TeSlaM !followage R1I1O1T1 you've been following for: 5y 10mo tesla sponsorship poggers dat LA bias lol @TSM_Bjergsen it fuckin sucks but it doesnt reallly matter. i drive a 500hp 14mpg challenger in commute every day I hate driving in big cities. I like driving in country Who are you rooting for at worlds I hate it Driving in LA is terrible u need a Car to pick up Girls driving in norway is so amazing TI EINAI AUTA POU PAIZEIS RE FCKING DOGSHIT well idk about LA but driving is fun PogU !followage come to the Midwest brother! You can afford it now! Youre now an owner who tsm @TSM_Bjergsen You are correct, parking is at least my main reason for not driving in LA Er du dansker ? @sheltered_dionysian you don't even have to able to drive stick shift Almost 6 year following BJERG :) !followage Driving is fun when youre not in LA darius in aram is honestly busted :) driving here in germany is awesome !followage Getting Morellos, LS does not like this @TSM_Bjergsen bro you know u gotta shave it doesnt fit u :P Just hire a driver 4Head @tainuwin i super dont give a fuck about parking in LA and i drive a boat.... @TSM_Bjergsen Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah yeet 27 cd !res Bjerg's resolution is 1600x900. where do you park your boat hypersadstream @TSM_Bjergsen did you play urf yet u play URF yet? what do you cheer at worlds? Just like NALCS pepega !song almost 6 yearws foloowing :D im a fan can i play with u !pickems @TSM_Bjergsen play urf just like lcs PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen play URF PLS <3 play urf just tell Syndra to press R on someone when low @Dejmen stick shift isn't that much harder than auto, the only reason the tests somwhat hard are all the little rules you need to know that no one usually follows @mkonieczek D: !followage jstarr69 you've been following for: 2y 6mo Lux is so boring KEKW How is everyoen doing today good people? LUL AYAYA Pog Pog @TSM_Bjergsen What is your attack move button on? Hey Bjergsen. If wanna try to ask Zven something funny. Ask him about hes time to Skive Festival and the ølbong :) LULW what wud ur first car be? !followage @TSM_Bjergsen can you show your whole options? LUL Hello father @TSM_Bjergsen @tsm_bjergsen how old r u ? Maybe zven will get you a win Kappa at least syndra leveled r @TSM_Bjergsen What's your opinion on old league of legends/twitch culture? do you miss the old memes? sorry if you read this earlier and chose not to respond night bjerg! @TSM_Bjergsen thats why you run presence of mind on aram wp give them the ol 5 finger butthole punch Hey Bj play some URF !duo Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard call BB for help i think i dindn't saw a single Q from syndra i love you @TSM_Bjergsen legend of league of legends <3 Bjerg, what are your thoughts on pineapple pizza? Yo, Bjerg. Ask Jdogish if he plays amateur comp league. lol Hey Bjerg do you have your own place yet or still live at the team house? wtf lol Adsev How is he a fan while he don’t know the game? i dont think so yes yes no yes no yes Hey Bjergsen. If wanna try to ask Zven something funny. Ask him about hes time to Skive Festival and the ølbong :) no no yes yes yes no No 0 - 11 Syndra LUL no no yes yes you do no no yes no yes no @TSM_Bjergsen could you share your biggest lesson from the past two yrs? sry if you read this and didnt want to respond, just say no comment and i will stop yes just dont leave fountain you don't no PepeLaugh Yes a lot of yes and nos LUL @tsm_bjergsen did you play urf yet? Yes Ya once u do dmg u cant buy @tsm_bjergsen Are you going to play in the inhouses on TR? Pog 18s ult cd Pog this zed is so cringe focusing bjerg lol @TSM_Bjergsen are the Dr Pepper colored jerseys going to be available anywhere? my god people no you don't. if you take any action while on the pad you can't buy. @TSM_Bjergsen what do you think of the new games riot are making? ive tried it with karthus, it doesnt work @TSM_Bjergsen your god of war streams last offseason were so good, are you going to do something similiar this offseason? its 100% a yes, you can also walk out for ~1 second its a protection mechanism to not fk you over when you forget to buy LOL LUL LUL LULW XD LUL xD!! Kappa LUL LUL 21 second ult LUL johnlegends op PogChamp BjergerSen LUL practicing for naram i see lol LUL peepoArrive I would too :P bye mumu :) playing arams PogU LUL i heard u plan to retire bjerg tilt proof Bjerg, can I get your thoughts on pineapple pizza? LUL @TSM_Bjergsen How have you been spending your off-season? i would do the same, Lotsky new TSM member 4fun region BibleThump He's so precious LUL he wants your hug haha @TSM_Bjergsen do you still have the long delay? big beard thats me :) bjerg so nice c: asap_tea subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thanks for subbing, @asap_tea! bjergYeah @ThomasBland hey it's variables guy from LS stream! 1023 monkaS that cdr 40 DH stacks monkaS john legend is coming monkaS 37 DH stacks 38 dark harvest LuL I remember when bjerg used ti have 30k+ veiwers Yeha she is @Lormen hey man beautiful piano 38 dh monkaS @TSM_Bjergsen are you where you thought you would be when you initially joined TSM? Can someone please link the video to the song Bjergson is listening to? Pog 19 kills anyone is "balanced" RAID BOSS Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) @TSM_Bjergsen hover over the aram buff, they balanced champs Playlist pls yikes monkaS that darius is scary AF OMEGALUL THOSE HEALS OMEGALUL LOL monkaS Hey Bjergsen. If wanna try to ask Zven something funny. Ask him about hes time to Skive Festival and the ølbong :) @TSM_Bjergsen it tells you the nerfs done to lux LUL 2k health back no problem omfg LUL No exe? zonyahs jesus that heal @TSM_Bjergsen can you show your whole options? Your Flash is ready LMAO someone gift me @TSM_Bjergsen your god of war streams last offseason were so good, are you going to do something similiar this offseason? syndra? melee syndra POGGERS johnlegends1000 with the pentakill Syndra Pepega raid boss monkaW finish morello plz morellos time When are you guys recruiting this Darius for TSM? @TSM_Bjergsen legend indeed LUL monkaW hes kinda 1v9 syndra pressing no buttons PENTA LUL jonh legend monkaS this Darius tho thanos darius? dat penta PENTA>????? why is in game chat so large unofficial penta Morellos doesnt even matter LUL Bjerg is good even in Arams. he got the unofficial penta 522 Ad KEKW DARIUS GOING APESHIT monkaS syndra and mf LUL Syndra LUL going full build this game JOHN LEGEND BBY damn syndra 4 cs rip Hey Bjergsen. If wanna try to ask Zven something funny. Ask him about hes time to Skive Festival and the ølbong :) DARIUS monkaW NARAM LEGEND darius excels when enemy has to bunch up and fight with no options nerf john legends 1000 Darius bel ike 'Fine, I'll do it myself.' is johnlegends1000 replacing BB this season for TSM? JohnLegends1000 MonkaS Aram unofficial penta LUL who joined from tyler's stream damn unofficial penta syndra is bot or what?? kekw ? @ritZTAR Zven isn't on TSM anymore Actually darius 1 vs 5 JohnLegends1000 monkaS john legends kinda int @tsm_bjergsen what do you think about g2. Do they even have a chance agianst SKT? @TSM_Bjergsen why is your in-game chat so large LUL LUL LUL LUL ?? ? LUL @hisksushiman where do see that? cmonBruh THE EEEE LUL LUL @TSM_Bjergsen do you still have the long delay? OMEGALUL RUNNING IT DOWN BigBrother na lux LOL LULW LUL omfg LOTSKYYYY LUL LUL !uptime 1h 18m worth ur beard looks fake Lotsky will get a kill one day Guys, who's Lozky? Can someone please link the video to the song Bjergson is listening to? Woot! !dup just tell him to PRESS R 1 time its fine :) LOTSKYYYY Lotzky is precious !duo Bjerg is duoing with Smoothie bjergBeard 0 13 10 is lozky a bot !uptime @ritZTAR just speculation, but problably right speculation thats the next goal is for 1 kill @terradreams trueee 10 asis not bad @Lozky60 PepeHands protect Lotzky oh it's the yearly bjergsen stream!! ItsMrFluffyz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Yay! @TSM_Bjergsen Do you think you'll be streaming more? I love your streams. dat sion with 6k hp !followage R1I1O1T1 you've been following for: 5y 10mo @TSM_Bjergsen biggest takeaway from the past year? Lozky is smoothie Pog Hmmm. Ill try to talk him later :) At least his build is respectable this playing with a fan was a real bummer bjergTSM much respect Bjergs and Lozky60 dont give up it takes a while to learn level 4 Syndra no joke will everyone on the team have an apartment now? dude when did he come back to streaming Lozky is not a bot he is just a lvl 4 player damnn thats long @hisksushiman hmm. Ill try to talk to him later :) LOZKY IS SMOOTHIE Pog ohh hes playing with a fan because the fan won a random draw dr.pepper held on twitter Lozky is Faker btw Has your danish gotten rusty lotzy is a guy who won a giveaway and got to duo with bjerg for a bit !np @TSM_Bjergsen what are your predctions for worlds? gg Hey Soren hope your enjoying the time off. Good luck next season !followage MatSays you've been following for: 5y 4mo SNOWBAALL Let's go Bjerg. Give those losers the old scrotum twist lock @ritZTAR Zven said he want to go back to eu LUL LUL KEKW Doooblelift LOTSKYYYY @Mauro95 tsm undefeated! "its actually doublelift" LUL amumu just typing something to check my followage PENTA Pog Doublelift and not zven LUL pOG Pog YOOOOOOOOOO Pog EZ GOOD Pog @TSM_Bjergsen Do you think you'll be streaming more? I love your streams. POG Pog Good guy Bjerg PogU LUL Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog what a nice guy LUL poggers Pog PENTAKRRRRRRRRRR Pog EZ Clap Nice guy setting up penta PogU Pog !time 20:50:19 PST gratz JDogish POG good guy bjerg Pog SIVIR NEW TSM JUNGLER CONFIRMED DOUBLELIFT PogChamp PENTAKIRRR MingLee Pog @hisksushiman Zven is a good friend of mine from IRL. I'm pretty sure i can get i little insider info :) nice Penta donation !following tsm new adc confirmed? lux is the stupidest champ in aram Good guy bjerg Can someone please link the video to the song Bjergson is listening to? Why are u bullying noobs in aram Zven is a good friend of mine from IRL. I'm pretty sure i can get i little insider info :) @ritZTAR is he staying with TSM or what is he doing next season? yaaaas Queen throw that Q I've never seen this many dark harvest procs jesus didnt even flinch !followage jenniings you've been following for: 4y 3mo Zven is a good friend of mine from IRL. I'm pretty sure i can get i little insider info :) !settings @blaise_ I will know more tomorrow :) !time 20:51:18 PST I MISS YOU BJERG POGGERS He got one on annie i thought !followage na skillshots LOL lol nice skillshot he got 1 kill as annie @hisksushiman ?? !followage LUL LUL LOTSKY LUL LOTSKYYYY BOT LUL LUL LUL LUL Pepega syndra lostky a Pepehands lol LMAO @ritZTAR he thought you were lying so he copied your comment as a meme. that ones on you directions unclear :D Pepega penta LUL !followage bzenere you've been following for: 1y 4d 50 DH stacks int for dcap stacks on stacks on stacks hola pedazo de weon BOTSKY LULW When are you going to save NA @blaise_ Lmao i can give him proof if he wants !followage @TSM_Bjergsen Do you miss mid Nidalee ? FeelsOkayMan Why ARAM? i guess this player is new to something, champ/game @ritZTAR probably not worth the time lol chupalo qlo Bjerg doesn't like to play League with music because music distracts him when he is playing. :) !followage que pasa bastardo y la ctm Is the guys R button broken monkaS ? LUL team? lol monkaS F LUL beardsen love you body !followage oSunEater you've been following for: 5y 2mo go to sion q i love how sion just watched @TSM_Bjergsen Do you think you'll be streaming more? I love your streams. how much ap do you have full stack lux 52 DH stack Pog bjerg lux is best lux <3 that zhonyas LUL ZED Pog @TSM_Bjergsen whats yr owner percentage of TSM? how much ap? !followage 52 dark harvest stacks monkaS @TSM_Bjergsen your god of war and dark souls streams were so good, are you going to do something similiar this offseason? zed is the sweatiest player on the server 1 !followage !followage !followage u play URF yet? 4Head LUL LULW why doesnt he press e lol !followage JUST DO IT i saw 600 ap LUL LUL JUST DO IT! F gg speech Pepega give us a Pete Caroll speech bro na mids gg games lost LUL KEKW u guys lost LUL just do it 4Head gg RIP this syndra is the worst player ive ever seen !followage Hanuu_ you've been following for: 3y 9mo is bjerg gonna play inhouses? !followage DO IT 4Head Doesn't believe monkaS !followpage !followage NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Want more Bjergsen? You can find him on YouTube: Twitter: Instagram: and Facebook: bjergYeah Just do it !followage @tsm_bjergsen Get elixir bjerg dont care about losing this game LuL @TSM_Bjergsen you got a link for your playlist maybe or your actual music ? RIP @TSM_Bjergsen your god of war and dark souls streams were so good, are you going to do something similiar this offseason? PogChamp PLAY URF @TSM_Bjergsen do you ever realize that its the beard that is holding back TSM from winning worlds LUL losing aram LUL gg easy PepeHands ending on loss LUL who ends that fast in an aram lmao @TSM_Bjergsen whats yourr owner percentage of TSM? interested right unless the info is classified @TSM_Bjergsen i was tryharding for you gg !opgg LUL yall bad URF yall bad yall bad yall bad Pepega report enemy team D: "yall bad" Predictions for semifinals? URF man u lost as lux lcs deja vu gg mylA play URF amumu LUL YALL BAD !followage jesusog you've been following for: 6y 2wk yall bad M_Bjergsen do you ever realize that its the beard that is holding back TSM from winning worldszz LUL yall bad @tsm_bjergsen do you think g2 has a chance against SKT? Or is it gonna be a stomp? kappa when amumu talks shit in aram BJERGSEN What was THAT PogChamp urf yall bad LUL yall bad URF 0 wins todeh !uptime 1h 23m @TSM_Bjergsen pleae dad win one for us yall bad LUL LOTSKYYYY @blaise_ youre right KEKW KKona Yall que malo que sos lpm gotta practice those narams Kappa LCS PLaYER Bjergsen Im a super mega fan! Can I play with you? URF MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH PLS yall bad FeelsBadMan go normal blind pick with viewers miss you guys bjerg hate it when that happens can you explain why you lost that ? @TSM_Bjergsen QQ better mid wins play soloQ plsss LULW !followage urf Tried PepeHands PLAY QIYANA URF SO BROKEN gg play urf !uptime @feedordie22 ur toxic Q KEKW yall bad ur back was Kevin Harts back !song !followage sivir name D: like in TSM KEKW mid diff HOLY BEARD @Lotsky60 sunakoHeart hasta la pula te gana please urf HONOR SYNDRA @tsm_bjergsen do you know who Greekgodx is? QW URF NA truly have the best ARAM players bern!! URF :) please play URF :) urf pls please play urf !followage I can't @ stephyhime rexmurphy you've been following for: 2y 5mo LUL lazarus718 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Go TSM @TSM_Bjergsen whats your owner percentage of TSM? @TSM_Bjergsen bearded or not bearded? Zven is a good friend of mine from IRL. I'm pretty sure i can get i little insider info :) french looking Bjergsen urf PLEASE a lot of fostered talent in NA ARAMs whos the fan @Lozky60 annytfAyaya Who is Lozky? no more my brother urf? they gave you the old reverse baby birth... right in the butt @TSM_Bjergsen are you allowed to say where you're going to bootcamp they won a dr pepper raffle Pog urf oh level 4 @TSM_Bjergsen your god of war and dark souls streams were so good, are you going to do something similiar this offseason? Who is lozky Lozky is a fan guys Urf Is For Chumps No ? PepeHands !uptime 1h 24m hes a bot Urf for the gans :) @applesoda31 A raffle winner from the Dr. Pepper !uptime urf pls !followage Victorelfo you've been following for: 1y 8mo why did he play with him? a reallife friend? PepeHands Hey BErg illy x PepeHands LEFT HIM LUL @hisksushiman tell him to leave PepeHands LUL :( IGNORED LULW tilted rip PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands @TSM_Bjergsen URF pls urfff !uptime pepeHands :( PepeHands bye bjergsen PepeHands :( one urf please ! @TSM_Bjergsen who do you think will win worlds PepeHands Shit streamer thanks for the game bjerg why a new apartment? PepeHands PepeHands BOOTCAMP Pog 3 months Pog new apartment?? PepeHands Kapp BibleThump PepeHands PepeHands :(( PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands see you next year Short stream :( PepeHands :(((( unfollowing Kappa byyeeeeee !!! have fun!!! soloQ :( enjoy the new area! PepeHands widepeepoSad :( BibleThump THANKS FOR STAYING WITH TSM BJERG <3 @TSM_Bjergsen cant wait for you to stream in houses !uptime 1h 24m Doubtful I love you Bjerg !uptime UUUUUURRRRRRrRgGFFFFFFFFF Pepehands noo Aight cya soren @Lozky60 <3 good luck pal!!! sub guys its worth it BibleThump where is gonna be the bootcamp? stay classy FeelsBadMan Beardseb sad man Awesome time playing with you BRUHHHH BibleThump I MISS YOU BJERG BibleThump where are you going Bjerg? i love bjer TPFufun you can do it @TSM_Bjergsen :( see you later next year LUL Have fun New apartment!!! NotLikeThis wtf why the beard???? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @TSM_Bjergsen hope you keep grinding for success man <3 GL Soren BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump :( noooo See you next year PepeHands Have fun moving stuff! Ur amazing i believe u in brother, ur gonna come back strong WHERE IS IT GONNA BE THE BOOTCAMP? See you in 2020 Gg Love you Bjerg! ty @TSM_Bjergsen Good bye Mr. Bjerg <3 Kappa Bye Bjerg! Noooooooooooo <3 Loved the stream. Cant wait till you can do it more often. @TSM_Bjergsen wheres bootcamp BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump <3 Everyone add him on League Pog BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump GL Bjerg! <3 PepeHands gl bjerg, moving is hard! GL ON LCS <3 DR P Pog PPER Can’t wait to see you level up gloryFist <3 <3 <3 fuck off GL goodbye <3 have fun <3 Noooooooooooooo PepeHands Hey bjerg havent watched you in a while but hope youre good Apartment O: cant wait to see you back in form man, gl with practice Keep your Head up <3 You are awesome my dude <3 <3 @TSM_Bjergsen good vacation <3 <3 <3 <3 PepeHands come back <3 We love u Bjerg PepeHands PepeHands LOVE YOU BJERG <3 ❤️ Love u TSM BJERG PogChamp love you bjerg <3 <3 <3 <3 Have a good one. @Lozky60 we love u <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 less than 3 <3 <3 Cu bro Don’t forget to have fun. Be safe and have fun! <3 <3 bye <3 Please dont leave us <3 LOVE YOU BUD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 fairLove gg gn gl <3 KonCha <3 can u mvoe to EU pls? :) Take care father <3 WE LOVE YOU BJERG FOREVER <3 <3 <3 GL ON YOUR APARTMENT AND TRAVEL SAFE <3 nemeCat <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Good luck <3 @Lozky60 > @TSM_Bjergsen ily <3 we miss you bjerg <3 <3 <3<3 <3 :) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 TSM night <3 <3 We love you bye bye !uptime ♥ <3 1h 25m <3 <3 <3 UR GONNA WIN WORLDS NEXT YEAR BYE <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ok Poggers ADIOS my friend good to see you streaming BYEEEEEEEE lffnTSM lffnTSM lffnTSM TSM <3 Stay positive damn i see how it is Love you xo <3 <3 <3 <3 cya <3 PepeHands <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Love u !!!! @R1I1O1T1 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH <3 Bye BYE :( WHERE IS GONNA BE THE BOOTCAMPP? lffnTSM i need my toes sucked @TSM_Bjergsen who else will be in tsm content Kappa byee <3 bye <3 <3 <3 cya later bjerg HeyGuys peace @R1I1O1T1 GOOD ONE <3 <3 <3 <3 pce PepeHands :( :( :( BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PansexualPride PansexualPride PansexualPride Pog add Lozky60 on League Pog bye bye meteosHey byeee <3 Miss this guy