comment Hello dizzyHey dizzyHey dizzyHey <3 @rush dizzyHey dizzyHey dizzyUp PogU So early. I’m going to bed :( bless you yooo first veiwer first ROOOOOOOOOOOSH !duo Solo loloctane subscribed with Twitch Prime. yeaaaaaaaaaay loloctane's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! RED CARD PLAYER ONLINE Pepega What up Brodie The true allstar stream rush you spelled intpact wrong in the title Hi rush nope @godzilla77777 bingShrug 26 viewers KEKW pog impact no cam no mic? I watch rush stream and I become Gold IV in less than 40 games Pepega dead stream 100 viewers rush boosted me to gold jungle HeyGuys HEYYYYY pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS viewbots DEACTIVATED Dead stream widepeepoSad viewbots only come for the cam i was silver and rush boosted me to iron 3 Pepega CHECKING IN tyler1Hey weiyu at rush CAAAAAAAAM @rush pre recorded strim? no mic no cam no emotional gameplay what happened to cam HE's ALIVE hello rushu DansGame no cam widepeepoSad eve game? dizzyHey dizzyHey dizzyHey dizzyHey pvmanFBM Cam is back stream not dead anymore no cam peepoLeave pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS xin zhao dizzyUp dizzyUp for fun? too early to int Homeless Pepega Jobless Pepega YEAH ITS ME RUSH Pepega Can you go all ie xin zhao :) kINTred KEKW LUL 300 viewers dead stream PepeHands you are welcome :) LUL The true allstar stream hello @Rush Rush Kreygasm pvman = ggman cohhHi Roosh you are back! Pog pvmanNOO @rush, its pronounced kin-dred PepegaPhone SoSnowy CandyCane RRUUUUUUUUSH getting banned by rush himself LUL ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness RUSH LOOKS LIKE MR MIYAGI PepegaPhone ROOOOOOSH What headset is that? G Pro X? GET EM RUSH no @Rush why no stream for so long after only 4 hour stream on last day PepeHands you're cute pvmanMonkey kind red wait until the stream have 8k ppl to say stupid shit LUL keep up the good work broether Rush why you always wear same shirt you are toxic bro almost right Pepega TopHat RUSH Kreygasm @rush it’s 5am and I just finished studying for my exam. I need to sleep. Why stream now kind red u have to give adc red buff no job FeelsBadMan PAWGchamp rush banning people WutFace it's kin-dred it's pronounced the way you want, we love u <3 duo zven @Rush he is funny as well :) !duo Solo pvman back at it again KEKW Llinderoth subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months! ratirlBusiness TopHat american rise Pog Llinderoth's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! roosh! FeelsGoodMan who is solo Monkeyman! Omg finally Mr Monster @Rush thank you. Finally online <3 Rush not playing for 2 days waiting for Impact or Corejj to come online to carry widepeepoSad pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin 500k follow Pog 49 PogU ratirlBusiness IceCold duo impact? widepeepoHappy 5head big IceCold PogU BIG Kappa so if i get banned i dont get icon? INTCOVE? peepoSad SantaHat WTF YOUR ALIVE best gay streamer RUSH COMING TROUGH PepegaPhone what is the alcove called in korea how do i put emotes in the ice cube chat pvman = streaming Pog @Rush it's a term used in architecture what's the Korean name for alcove then? KEKW IceCold PepegaPhone PEPEGA CHAAAAARGE good morning papa rush is home :) MOMBOOM Never troll what pvman means? 그 남자 잘생겼다 and your teammates hope that you don't troll KEKW KEKW TopHat PogU IceCube roooooooosh widepeepohapyy @borba1 na mvp backwards Is this what emotional gameplay looks like? @borba1 NA MVP PogU IceCold no trolling ok team? PepeLaugh emote then ice cube @rbmone Why streamer never stream widepeepoSad PogU TopHat @Rush have you camped Zven in bot lane yet? SneakyW does impact stream? sneakyH TopHat ruuuuuuush why no viewers? Krappa sneakyW go farmmm !uptime @reploid34, rush has been streaming for 8 mins 34 secs @DeepZeen it worked thanks sir iolkaiCafe TopHat !uptime @danigza he just went live like 5 minutes ago impact is such a good guy PepeHands still duo with rush imagine power farming LUL meanwhile he full clear lol consen2 IceCold Ghosting u look like febby ratirlWinter imagine ganking in s10 KEKW !uptime pvmanR @ImJubilant, rush has been streaming for 9 mins 4 secs Ward saw you rush peepoArrive pvmanHands KEKW !uptime @VexTranscendent, rush has been streaming for 9 mins 26 secs fother mucker D: !opgg Roosh live POG better jng wins KEKW !rank KEKW FOTHER MUCKER lee went bot after all PepeHands JG AFK PepeHands Jg diff PepeHands Hi widepeepoSad !duo Solo lee is everywhere read the title ???? PepeHands IceCold @froous what is reading? monkaHmm Yasuo peepoSad SantaHat !uptime @Rush ROOSH widepeepoHappy <3 @krammikk, rush has been streaming for 11 mins 18 secs Pog Rooooosh ggggg EZ Pog pog better top wins :) bawkPoggers readin in 2019 pepeLaugh impact Pog Nice pvman = ezman Pog 3 stacks 6mins' RUNING IT DOWN Pepega pog REEsh Widerspoon Tipic yassuo ROOSH nutBlush Fother mucker Yassuo pvman = gg Pog impact 1v2 bawkPoggers pvmanNocounter pvmanNocounter pvmanNocounter roosh Pog pvman KEKW Any monsters in chat? carried by impact KEKW I went from watching rush before i go to sleep to watching rush when i wake up SMOrc TopHat pvmanHYPERS !duo Solo trio KEKW KEKW nice smite KEKW smiteking btw KEKW nice smite smite king KEKW IceCold pvman=smiteking pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR !uptime @flaturf, rush has been streaming for 13 mins 34 secs dogshit game with saber olleh rush n impact would be best content ever made lollllllllllllll TORNADO TILT KEKW @rush it’s 5am and I just finished studying for my exam. I need to sleep. Why stream now misses smite flames yasuo missing q KEKW Pog nice ult pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS Pog KEKW YASUO LOGIC bug Kappa a Pog oh hes a bug yasuo = literal bug bug KEKW LULW !playlist senna luc duo RPGAyaya KEKW ESU double blade yas? real strat or troll? !uptime @aibaby, rush has been streaming for 14 mins 51 secs Impact is TL top laner right? Rush = tfbYOINK enemy lp Focus on KappaPride Impact is SKT toplaner watch out RKO Pog @Rush Wheres my gifted sub? BabyRage BabyRage @loloctane Doran's blade passive isn't unique anymore INTPACT KEKW intpact RPGSeven coming trough PepegaPhone niceeuuu TAX HIM Oh, Impact has good English TAX HIM PogU Ez Clap InTiP TL Rush? xD PogU !uptime @EXCUSEMEIMBUTTERED, rush has been streaming for 15 mins 59 secs stinger on mord? Old rush wouldve taxed WeirdChamp TL RUSH CONFIRMED? poggers LUL senna op af Old rush would've died lvl 1 KEKW yes rush joined TL, this is old news. check the wiki Rush i didn't see you at All Stars but I want you to know that youre an All Star to me. SIKE New rush = PogU FeelsBadMan Pepega i watch rush's jungle streams and I got to Gold IV in 40 games Pepege learned to charge from the best for fun yeah sure TL Rush after they anounced Broxah KEKW .... Pepega Chat pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR I want TL Rush but I love Broxah NEW RUSH PogU TL Rush Pog yes!! favorite feeder streaming again FeelsGoodMan fun Pog IMPACT PogU gg! Pog IMPACT LUL LUL LUL LUL POOGERS BETTER TOP WINS GG BIG IMPACT Pog Impact POOGERS WELCOME TO MY TOP LANE PogU rush not feeding FeelsBadMan PogYou IMPACT POGGERS PogU pvman = ggman??? POG PogChamp pvmanFGM pvmanHYPERS MingLee POGGERS gg MingLee WTF RUSH ?! impact POGGERS whatcu mean chinese style MineLee MingLee TL RUSH ChomPag WHO'S BROXAH? KEKW KEKW racist joke pvman = EZ EZ Clap re lol Impact love herald more than i love my wife the reason impact lose in world because he is the only good player in team? :) HE'S CHINESE OR WHAT? star607Yo @Rush How are you cutie star607Blondie yamato8Business chinese style pog monkeyS monkeyS I'm really happy for Rush getting picked up by TL this split feels badminton Rush = tfbYOINK enemy lp two koreans talking to each other in english pog Rush PepeHands @Kaniskion rush is NA jungler now so they rather draft an eu one KEKW huh? KEKW huhh ARRRRMUR but you have way more ad than armor and mr???? monkaHmm no its 2% monkaHmm hmm yes monkaHmm YOOOO RUSHHHH good math Pepega Pepega smite king LUL jimmyt17LUL ad and ap increase ability no.. Rush Pepega Pepega NA meth jimmyt17LUL LUL Pepega Pepega all dragons are useless except souls HahaThink 5Head NA math Pepega omg, it starts :D Pepege 👍 5Head acrtually LUL !opgg saved ult for worlds PepegaPhone chargeee CHAAAARGE Pepega !rank swetPEG LUL LOL SHELLY PepegaPhone LUUUUSH PepegaPhone CHAAARGE actually pvman = gg PepeLaugh pvman Pepega rush should've been at all stars. he couldnt have been worse than bang KEKW or uzi senna PogU OpieOP Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog hes ok EZ Pog Pog POGGERS ROOSH BRUV pvman = gg Pog ggman boring win every game widepeepoSad monkeyS ez clap EZ Clap Better jg Rush PogU conqueror xDDD pvman = EZ Clap duo abuser WeirdChamp Pooga pvman=gg KEKW pvmanFGM rush lucky game PogU EZ IceCold Conqueror abuser WeirdChamp with Duo abuse WeirdChamp Clap ! rush gay Long time no see widepeepoHappy rip pooga PepeHands no Pooga WeirdChamp stacks Kreygasm KEKW pvman = gg Pog hi dad gg ez EZ Clap EZ TopHat free lp shipHYPERS ggman boring win every game widepeepoSad no honor KEKW roosh make it look ez Clap IceCold EZ Clap EZ Clap I'm here for Impact Pog Pog impact good enuf to carry rush Pog peepoLeave yoink lp pvman = carry KEKW Kapp Kapp NO EZ CandyCane intpact Kappa sure Intpact POOGERS no KEKW paid actors :) B+ KEKW Pepega CHEK IN NO KEKW KEKW papa roosh mr rooosh intpacct KEKW Delusional KEKW sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 literally carrying Pepega TopHat Rush stopped streaming 2 days, can't play without duo Core or Impact KEKW ^ D: KR server bro? plz no pepega warfare @Rush hey, peepoLeave and peepoArrive is not open Pepega / LUL !duo Solo iwd KEKW any m o n s t e r s in chat? D: Can you play Nidalee???????? !elo WeirdKEKW ZVEN KEKW omegalul @StreamElements WeirdChamp zven KEKW AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU true KEKW Pepega Thats our home Pepega zven kekw chase KEKW C9 is doomed PepeHands shipAYAYA Those pepega have jobs zven more lp than you LULW peepoSad @Bekfliplol its actually impact not solo lol Pepege SantaHat ls refugees this game is easy money for reksai next life Kappa pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic SoonTM? Kappa Enabling :peepoLeave?? peepoArrive only later? peepoLeave peepoSad add my brothers peepoSad WeirdChimp later , never @Rush I thought KR server was good, but Zven has 1k points. How come? lost to EU import KEKW Pepege TopHat NA Shaco main KEKW Gn rush Ls Refugees here play malphite SANAOL NAAY PHONE SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU RPGAyaya Pepega 📣 ? SANA ALLLLL @Rush why didn't you stream the past days? Did something happen? monkaW PepegaPhone CHAAAAARGE my phone lol its donna waldo @Rush Enable peepoFinger also wadoo RPGAyaya SantaHat Pepega 📣 ! @rush how to be as good as pvman? my playstyle is exactly like you but i am in silver 2 can u help me @Rush shipANGERY Weebs hey @Rush whens the amardyl godsword giveaway? hey Rush you should join LS's Challenger Korea team KEKW Pepege SantaHat 📣 chaaarge rush not at all stars = ResidentSleeper HeyGuys hashAya SantaHat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad monkaW dont tell us widepeepoSad widepeepoSad :( widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan feelsbadman widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad white people sad PepeHands dad yes voicecrack widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Was it your sister who did something to u? MingLee WTF BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad MingLee Clap widepeepoSad widepeepoSad rejected by kr gril :) widepeepoHappy LUL waito piggu go home widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump KEKW widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PogU monkaW @Federaldemon @rush what happened to Pooga? I miss that emote say it again xin @Rush New rush -> Wins every game -> boring widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy Pepege life is sad widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy monkaW PSYCHO widepeepoHappy PepeHands IceCold SoSnowy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad MingLee white peepol happy PepeLaugh AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU New rush -> Wins every game -> boring widepeepoSad . widepeepoHappy when the universe punishes pvman KEKWait Rush i missed u :( POOGERS widepeepoSad AYAYA Clap monkaW shipOWO Rejected by deft FeelsBadMan SantaHat widepeepoHappy 🖕 widepeepoHappy Bad things happening to Rush again widepeepoHappy PepeHands Pleasure widepeepoHappy from other peoples misfortune widepeepoHappy New rush -> Wins every game -> boring widepeepoSad --- Pooga widepeepoSad Pooga Pooga widepeepoSad Pooga WeirdChamp widepeepoHappy suffer widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy @Rush gonna die soon :) Pooga feelsbadman PogCamp Pooga widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Pooga PepeHands @rush Why do you duo lots but have less LP than the new Sneaky?? offended by pooga WeirdChamp offended by Pooga WeirdChamp @Rush we are both widepeepoSad yes MF Pog yes KEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy monkaW no KEKW FeelsGoodMan bad things monkaW widepeepoHappy suffer:D widepeepoHappy Yes :) KEKW chat WeirdChamp monka@ Why are all rush viewers Pepege or widepeepoHappy PSYCHO Miss Fortune LUL i like bad things :) offended by emote WeirdChamp Music name ? monkaW i got karma skin so im good feng shui MingLee bad karma monkaW how is Pooga offensive? i have 4 karma on reddit :) skin anyone know chat Miss Fortune you say? LUL i will get bad teams in solo q monkaW pixels offended people Pepege rush i saw your sister this weekend at this bar in downtown korea Kreygasm widepeepoSad it looks like all korean thats why Disabling Pooga WeirdChamp what??? EU KEKW REDNECKS LUL more people want Pooga tho EU Teeth KEKW squadPepega ? LULW 3Head NO EU offended by pooga KEKW 3Head OI It is chinese streotype what KEKW WHAT?! LUL karma farm is god tier 3Head this draft is lost EU teeth HyperMan Lee next game? :D EU TEETH 3Head i think it was making fun of chinese people FULL SCREEN CLIENT DansGame 3Head olaf , its going to be hard 3Head snowflakes FailFish 3Head I think it's the eyes..if it's not I have no idea Everything can be racist if you take it to be Kappa @rush I really cant imagine what it could be LUL NaM MingLee IT DOES WTF RUSH !? why is tryhard disabled? widepeepoSad WeirdChamp Korean Teeth Nytt subscribed with Twitch Prime. shipSIP Nytt's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Músic ñame ? oh God look at enemies team comp D: @Rush 3Head is the same, makes fun of english people why are only Chinese offenened KEKW bad education LUL eu TEETH 3Head LUL :mega: Whinne the Pooh :mega: TryHard banned actually WeirdChamp EU teeth WIdeHardo ZVEN AsKED FOR DISABLE, Beat him now KevinTurtle no i dont KEKW LULW truee twitch chat is very racist KEKW Jebaited Jebaited pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO :mega: WideHard People say WeirdChamp looks like Chinese also KEKW cmon Bruh Krappa Pepega 7 Checking in TRUE KEKW RACISTS MingLee truth TRUE KEKW PattyFreakinClips subscribed with Twitch Prime. Fuck p Won game TryHard PattyFreakinClips's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! good luck btw this game 👍 @Rush I agree double standard HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink What if I actually did steal my wifi WeirdChamp @Rush favorite emote? twitch chat is fulkl of racists :) stolen wifi brnaHi not false KEKW LMAO star607Yo Bruh MF shipGASM twitch chat is reaaaally racist people use tri hard to be indirectly racist and it's weird FREE WIFI? CruW tri hard this game KEKW yoinking wifi @Rush you are not streaming enough buddy! Whootpecker subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW @Rush QT stream died when he disabled Tri_Hard emote Whootpecker's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KevinTurtle STOLEN WIFI FREE ENTERTAINMENT KevinTurtle BasedGod Is this emote Chinese? WeirdChamp Roosh, what is the secret to be a super Pepega monster ? enable Pooga and Triard" NEVER SUBBED BasedGod HahaThink NO BasedGod yes yes monkaS LUL NO that mf skin so hot oof Try hard my favorite emote rascist jokes are funny lol no :) monkaW yes LULW Name pls never :) no :) EZ steal No i never leave my house :) damn right i did pretty sure its illegal PepeLaugh if there is no password then it's not thievery atpCarl HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys never leave the house :) never steal :) im gonna report you to the police @Rush :) lol rush steals wifi Hi roush MiniK GIVE THE WI FI BACK BibleThump if they don't put a password on their WiFi, they *want* you to use it never :) Just steal the wifi :) Subbed B) Payed for wifi B) Kapp NO IM NOT stealing BLC Man ANY RETARDS ? Pepega Clap some If it's public, not illegal EZ rohaan32 subscribed with Twitch Prime. never subbed RedCoat never donated RedCoat stolen wifi RedCoat rohaan32's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! cant steal sometihng if it's out in the open, like a 100$ bill on the road KEKW infrastructure ?? infrastructure korea has the fastest internet infastructure Wtf is HOB better on xin than conq? is 5G there? KEKW :) Imagine stealing free wifi when its free D: ?????? D: cause it's meant for public LUL infrastructure hahaha rush you make me feel so much better laughing so much watching you thank you star607Mhmyea star6073Luna F D: D: D: @youngrezzy KEKW D: D: back in the 00's i would steal wifi with my psp on my way home from school and use it to download pron woah there rush D: F max KEKW brother mucker WutFace D: Roooooosh i'm losing to bots help me LELW KEKW shen Pepega MONSTER D: @rush how are the hospitals system in KR ? @maxwaldo father mucker D: Rush boost me out of iron pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanToxic donna waldo Pog Pepega Monster : CHECKING IN wax maldo Pog donna waldo !duo Solo New rush -> Wins every game -> boring widepeepoSad D: D: flame him in chat BigBrother mods clapping chat today F HEY STOP D: D: D: @maxwaldo Pog onion man is playing support PepeLaugh gosuGasp BasedGod Gank lv 2 monkaW mods AlexTuT subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! iam really happy to be a 15 month sub btw you are my favorite future world champ AlexTuT's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! mods weirdchampagne Mods SeemsGood stolen laptop mods OP plz nerf subbed B) donated B) adblock off B) owned computer B) payed for internet B) helping jobless washed up jungler B) but there is no mods in chat monkaW its probably the caps free entertainment IMNPACTU mods WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL Pepega nice smite KEKW ??? RUSH?? LULW ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ BasedGod free KEKW 10/10 Pepega KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL KEKW KEKW ????????? Caps = delete LUL LUL D: LEL RUSH? emotional play KEKW KEKW Future world champ atpRtsd4 squadPepega squadPepega squadPepega squadPepega squadPepega squadPepega squadPepega PVMAN PepeLaugh KS KEKW omg why azir didnt ult KEKW KS KEKW KS Jesus Christ rush you are so ducking Pepeha LMAO 10/10 x2 KEKW LUL LUL pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS Did he just say my name? azir DansGame Pepega charge KS !uptime @sillyfresh, rush has been streaming for 30 mins 15 secs Pepega charge KEKƯ Pepega ?????????? HEY! D: KEKW Pepege KEKW lets troll a bit Pepega Charge KEKW Pepega Pepege Charge kekw squadHUH squadHUH squadHUH PepegaPhone duo with the legend KEKW WutFace Pepege gg KEKW KEKW WutFaceW Pepega KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKW Pepega Pepega monster SIMTE KEKW LUL INTING? KEKW WutFace WutFace KEKW malding WutFace LMAOOOO WutFace ggman KEKW KEKW TOP DIE PepegaPhone CHARGE NICE SMITE KEKW KEKW WTF GG pepga fight pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO Pepega KEKW Pepega I FOUND HIM KEKW EMOTIONAL KEKW malding KEKW INT WutFace BasedGod Never subbed BasedGod Never donated BasedGod ADBLOCK ON BasedGod Stolen laptop BasedGod Neighbors wifi BasedGod Free entertainment BasedGod atpCrab OMEGALUL CRIT KEKW KEKW emotional player LUL LUL LUL Crit Kapp What the fuck that scream KEKW FULL MALD LOL "crit" LOL KEKW CRIT KEKW aaaaaaaaaaaa gachiBASS crit Kapp pvman = GG LUL LUL LUL KEKW CRIT crit looool gachiGASM KEKW D: crit clap pvman = GG cmon bro think ggman 📣📣📣📣📣 Crit runes pvmanNocounter pvmanNOO pvmanNOO subbed B) donated B) adblock off B) helping jobless washed up jungler B) azir's fault KEKW emotional player roosh KEKW you mucker futher Pepega famous olafs crit build KEKW BRAIN LAG? Pepega %1 crit rune shipHUG MALDING KEKW MALD LUL Another jg gap Crit runes Kappa who is he duo with? KEKW sup malding paid entertainment 4Head paid wifi 4Head paid sub 4Head always sub FROG !uptime @rebeccamo, rush has been streaming for 31 mins 36 secs INVADING FROG pepeJAM !duo Solo pvman = 100% Pepega entertainment LUL paid entertainment 4Head paid wifi 4Head paid sub 4Head always sub 4Head bought house 4Head got job KEKW nice invade KAPOW LUL jungle diff KEKW * !duo Solo roosh better adc then jungler Pepega FeelsBadMan Liés BasedGod Never subbed BasedGod Never donated BasedGod Adblock on BasedGod Stolen laptop BasedGod Neighbors wifi BasedGod Free entertainment BasedGod KAPOW Never Subbed KEKW Spamming widepeepos KEKW mods are banning me KEKW Pepega Checking IN KEKW lvl 3 wow paid entertainment 4Head paid wifi 4Head paid sub 4Head always sub 4Head bought house 4Head got job 4Head dividends 4Head housing market 4Head landlord OOO SHEN KEKW OCEAAN KEKW @Rush can you please explain to me how to go beast mode on gnar support? trkBaby RPGGhosto Never "KEKW" :) sub to rush :) donate to rush :) nice comments only :) widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ??? world champ btw cirComfy lvl 4 monkaHmm SanDiegoKid89 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months, currently on a 21 month streak! SanDiegoKid89's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! sktfakerMoya WutFace HahaCat My Favorite Pepega streamer LUL two korean players speaking english RUSH <3 !duo Solo omg it's pvman :) Federaldemon: Usinge "SMILE" KEKW Supporting ROOSH KEKW not being a Pepega KEKW lets eat poo ZULUL this chat WeirdChamp heyimamgosu: Federaldemon: Usinge "SMILE" KEKW Supporting ROOSH KEKW not being a Pepega KEKW Using "SMILE" KEKW Supporting ROOSH KEKW not being a Pepega KEKW lets drink pee and poo 4fun Pog don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish PogYou PogYou just farm 4Head 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish :) heyimamgosu: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish heyimamgosu: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish KEKW cs Pog heyimamgosu: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta yo das me KEKW Pepega TAXING LANES PepegaPhone CHAAAARGEEE hello turk var mı any pepega chargers? !uptime @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP, rush has been streaming for 35 mins 15 secs ??? KEKW 0/5 LUL SMITE KING LOL OLAF GGman = pv LUL Pepega MONSTER OLAF @vexed_turtl0l_4head PepegaPhone CHARGE KEKW KARMA KEKW LUL Pepega KEKW WutFace KEKW KEKW LULW OLAF B-?\) KEKW KEKW Pepega BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump monkey sounds KEKW vainezreal: heyimamgosu: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW LS ADC 69GETponyo: vainezreal: heyimamgosu: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta hex flash KEKW yes AZIR FLASH+AUTO Pepega vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish OOOCEEAN KEKW brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish hexflash as shen KEKW CHAT WeirdChamp : HahaThink falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish impact Pog how did i get left out :( OMEGAYAYA heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta HahaSleep OMEGAYAYA stop bullying olaf BibleThump HahaThink rush being duoboosted KEKW UdyrJrLoL: heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish !opgg UdyrJrLoL: heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish NA olaf LUL is it known when mobile version goes live? ;p hachu1 hachu2 PAYA496: heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish heavy_penguin: PAYA496: heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta FailFish NaM song 1 Pepega 2 Pepega 2 Pepega Pepega 3 Pepega Pepega Pepega no bully olaf 😡 vainezreal: heavy_penguin: PAYA496: heyimamgosu: falloutvomb: brejner: vainezreal: Heyiamgosu: A_sick_duck: 8kuji777: don't copy the name if you copy the pasta Pepega Pog 4 Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pog PogU ???? KEKW niiiiiiiiiice Pepega KEKW R I P 6 Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega 6 Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL i won Kappa EKKW LUL FEEDING ???????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaS Pepega Pepega KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega 8 Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega KEKW 📣 📣 📣 CHAAAAAAARGE 📣 📣 📣 pvman = int KEKW 1/3 no ap btw LUL Kapp LULW Pepega ITS ME RUSH Pepega ITS ME RUSH Pepega ITS ME RUSH Pepega ITS ME RUSH Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega u reset his gold SO BAD KEKW master of delusion KEKW mental BOOOM KEKW KEKW 0/5/0 karth LULW atpCrab atpCrab losing as xin 1v1 karthus KEKW no u dont KEKW Pepega pvman = gg pvman = gg KEKW 1/3/2 KEKW 1/3 KEKW LUL LUL 0/5/0 karth LULW 0/5/0 karth LULW 0/5/0 karth LULW pvman=gg win 1v1 Kappa 9 Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega pvman = gg 5Head pvman = get carried KEKW PV MAN = GG 5Head 10 Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega 3Head 5Head bounty reset AYAYA any cuties in chat pls hit my dm cuties im not creepy pls AYAYA Losing to 0/5 Karth LUL pvman = gg 5Head lose to 0-5 karthus KEKW pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy Kapp 5Head ah yes KEKW KEKW STRATEGY MOOOOO Pepega Pog 5Head pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy PepegaPhone WE MADE IT choiAYAYA choiAYAYA choiAYAYA Lost to 0-5-0 Karthus KEKW Lost to 0-5-0 Karthus KEKW Lost to 0-5-0 Karthus KEKW Lost to 0-5-0 Karthus KEKW AYAYA 200 iq 별거없는 러쉬형님 ㅋㅋㅋ pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy pugginCozy Pepega CHAAAAAAAARGE @Rush dead streamer NAMVP = pvman U so bad lollll jg gap AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA I see u!! karthus Q 👈 KEKW 👉 karthus Q DEMACIAAA Pepega KEKW KEKW try and see what happens in promos Kapp any 11ers? Pepega monkaS banned for pepegas Kappa @rush you need a int emote LUL Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega 11? Pepega Kappa Kappa Sure Kappa FOR DEMACIAAAA Pepega ahahmm KEKW Leblanc juke !mouse www 450G Pog DOUBURU mex on shen Pog getting assist Pog www dot spacetoon dot com ksing assistance WeirdChamp high tempo game PogU 5 v 16 monkaW play like AI POG Pepega Pepega KEKW LULW KEKW pepega dive KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap LUL Pepega Pepega dap dap dap Pepege KEKW KEKW roosh Pepega LUL KEKW execute Pog Pepega Clap Pepega CLAP Pepega Pepega Clap KEKW widepeepoHappy = LOSE widepeepoSad = WIN 1/4 HOI KEKW charge Pepega this jungler KEKW RUSH Pepega Clap Pepega Clap fast base Pepega Pepega Clap Pepega Clap www dot letmesuckyourcockdaddy dot come @freakcarry fast base Pepege Pepega fastbase not bad fast base KEKW Clap atpRtsd4 FAST RECALL 5Head 20s base KEKW 1/4 Pepege fast troll Pepega Pepege widepeepoHappy = LOSE widepeepoSad = WIN Pepega Clap Pepega Clap level 8 fast base Pepega Pepega GOOD JOB MASTER Clap where's the PD @falloutvomb true KEKW malding KEKW @rukia__kuchiki I see widepeepoHappy 30s fast base KEKW Kapp MALD LS ADC+SUP DUO cs gap Kapp Kapp why int bro? u dont wanna be in a team for this season? you were good player in season5.. kappa !rank ZULUL Kappa 1/4 xin Kapp outjungled KEKW more like top gap KEKW !duo Solo Pog Rush Xin is JPL level Pog D: AYAYA ZIR doi is impact BasedGod EAT DA POO POO Solo What did I do to you?!!!! D: rush doesnt int he just dies a lot KEKW Roosh winning... We no get to see roosh lose chat FeelsBadMan SoSnowy Kappa the reason you are not pro anymore is because you are DELUSIONAL @Rush olaf online OMEGALUL L A F 3-0 Azir,not that bad KevinTurtle EAT DA POO POO why azir is bad? impact pog SoSnowy @IVigilanteee guess again my guy it says solo who is impact , music widepeepoHappy rush winning = more monkey noise widepeepoHappy ? PepeHands rush is not bad PepeHands wow Rush playing CHIN CHON @thegenericrandom widepeepoSad !uptime @mrjonjonjon, rush has been streaming for 41 mins 6 secs just flash away from Karthus ult uh oh StinkyCheese widepeepoHappy i hope rush loses :) widepeepoHappy ROOSH is bad widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy me too widepeepoHappy pvman is gg rush good player pvman win games yoink widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy MF leash olaf blue lol widepeepoHappy guacamole KevinTurtle benis widepeepoHappy bye bye rush fast base again widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy Rush winning widepeepoSad max 5Head widepeepoHappy KEKW CANNON LULW LULW CANN OMEGALUL N KEKW widepeepoHappy 👉 📈 monkey noises KEKW beter xin wins Kappa Cannon widepeepoSad KEKW Papega CHECKIN IN lol KEKW ?!?!??!?!?! KEKW cannon LULZ KEKW MEX CANNON KEKW KEKW KEKW missed cannon KEKW CANNON KEKW C A N N OMEGALUL N GGman Tri Hard cannon MALD D: pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic Cannon widepeepoSad Cannon widepeepoSad Cannon widepeepoSad Cannon widepeepoSad @Rush ask shen if he knows who Wax Maldo is impact streaming? Pepega CHECKING IN !duo Solo omg ur bald PepegaPhone CHECKING IN Pepega CHECKING IN He's duo with Impact 1-4 KEKW olaf malding true he is solo carrying MISSCLICK KAISA KEKW DAP DAP DAP DA PDA PDA Pepega KAISA kaisa missed auto LULW Kaisa pepega monster she auto the wrong target KEKW Kai Sa Pepega She clicked azir KEKW KEKW Pepega MONSTER 📣 📣 📣 CHAAAAAAARGE 📣 📣 📣 CARRIED LUL EZ Clap GG EZ Pepega thats efficient LP 15 FF KEKW CARRIED KEKW Pepega monster i join, you win :) pro player rush stays cool.. karthus paypal 10 LP top lane carry Again zven KEKW carried PepeLaugh !duo Solo CARRIED BY TOPLANE PepeLaugh he is duo abusing hi reddit carried af sure Kappa hi youtube never honor 4Head no honor? but hashinshin always says top lane sucks PunOko Zven duo abuser WeirdChamp Kapp roosh didnt lose widepeepoSad Zven's duo is carrying, Impact's duo is inting.. KEKW Kapp Krappa yes feelsbadman KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp zven feelsbadman AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA SantaHat 4Head sup dawg AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy @exodiasleftnut AYAYA AYAYA nice forehead Rush KEKW TRUEEEEE KEKW KEKW KEKW is FSN Saber Korean? KEKW 5Head why azir was bad? KEKW u are inting rush KEKW Neils > Zven Why Impact name "Panics" ? Ur mic isnt muted KEKW @Rush GOOOOD NIGHT !!! rush duo with sneaky good content make new team for flex AYAYA SantaHat Clap HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU 11/0 inting KEKW kda player @Rush say "FBI open up" to intpact why impact duo with rush? too nice of a guy impact is reverse feeder KEKW Rush Pog hi @Rush I am learning korean, any good word you can teach me? AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU KEKW AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU 11/1 “I think impact is inting” KEKW play kayn looking good, looking like fiddlesticks KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy :point_right: :chart_with_upwards_trend: monkey noises KEKW KEKW KEKW LOLW WeirdChimp Clap true KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: KEKW KEKW too far D: C9sneaky monkey KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW D: BRUH xqcKek nice D: KEKW D: tOXIC D: is Impact name Pheonix or Panics? rush picking xin zhao is inting, the last time he wasn't awful was when he didn't exist Monkeys al around Twitch huh LUL Jobless monkey widepeepoSad Te amo Gillian sneakyFeels KEKW Clap PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic pvmanToxic Monkey Noise POGGERS :D Pazeku subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! but rush is monkey king :) WHERE IS PV MAN, HE is the only way to gg a game from the start happy face happy face CLIP IT KEKW Pazeku's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW Midoriya Pog @Rush are you going to ragequit again tonight or was that just a one time thing? Don't worry, you can be pro in the Turkish league. go go gadget hi youtube i was here !rank PLAY JANNA JUNGLE @Rush Pog Te amo gillian :CCCCCCC send clip to sneaky KEKW roosh = dodge they ran away AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU mavenMav mavenMav mavenMav mavenMav mavenMav mavenMav mavenMav pvman = dodge HahaReindeer @Pazeku why u racist ? level 5 Pog Midoriya PepeHands Roosh = carried OMEGAYAYA OMEGAYAYA AYAYA PADORU PADORU AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA Clap WEEB SHIT DansGame AYAYA OMEGAYAYA HASHIRE SORI YO Cancer AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ,3 AYAYA AYAYA oh god no PADORU PADORU AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA AYAYA PADORU PADORU forsenPuke anime trash AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA NO! JUST DONT AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU HASHIRE SORI YO padoru padoru VIRGIN SHIT KEKW HASHIRO SORI YO AYAYA AYAYA stupid weebs AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU WEEB TRASH NaM AYAYA ayayA PADORU PADORU AYAYA AYAYA who is racist LUL TPFufun AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU hashie sori yoo ! NA PROS are plat/diamond in kr AYAYA Chat AYAYA AYAYA bad word?? AYAYA CUTE ROOSH AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat Clap HE SAID IT SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO SantaHat SantaHat AYYAA @Latrops KAZE NO YOUNI AYAYA AYAYA IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU PogChamp PADORU PADORU AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA PADORU AYAYA banned NotLikeThis 'Paad' is fart in Hindi AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA NotLikeThis AYAYA AYAYA Clap Pog AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA NotLikeThis AYAYA AYAYA Chat stop WeirdChamp AYAYA AYAYA PADORU AYAYA AYAYA OMEGAYAYA cirAYAYA DansGame STOP AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA PADORU PADORU AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO AYAYA banned AYAYA <3 OMEGAYAYA PADORU AYAYA Clap AYAYA KEKW AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat Clap AYAYA AYAYA DansGame AYAYA SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA WutFace AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA NOOOOO NaM NaM NaM KEKW AYAYA Clap AYAYA haHAA DansGame AYAYA Clap NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Why DansGame AYAYA DansGame AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat KEKAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA WutFace OMEGAYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA @whaleOwO PADORU PADORU LUL OMEGAYAYA @Rush WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 fukin weebs DansGame DansGame DON TSKIP no rush why DansGame DansGame AYAYA ratirlCrazy AYAYA KEKW AYAYA WeirdChimp PADORU PADORU Kreygasm Kreygasm VoHiYo SantaHat AYAYA OMEGALUL WutFace CUTE AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA LMAO LUL AYAYA PADORU PADORUUUUUUUUU Sure YES DansGame dont skip AYAYAYA lsxyzAYAYA lsxyzAYAYA lsxyzAYAYA lsxyzAYAYA LULW AYAYA 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed cute chat AYAYA AGAIN AYAYA AYAYA D: WEEB SHIT JUST GOT CANCER5 TY RUSHH :) NO PADORU PADORU AYAYA YES AYAYA yes YES NotLikeThis OMEGALUL YES OMEGAYAYA AYAYA AGAIN yes weebs out WeirdChamp if you play again i leave AYAYA SantaHat yes forsenPuke DansGame YOU DONT SKIP PARORU AYAYA Yes i just subbed dont go away monkaW AYAYA PADORU PADORU SantaHat AYAYA OMEGAYAYA PADORU OMEGAYAYA PADORU PLEASE AGAIN AYAYA Clap DansGame no wrtf AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA ok bye DansGame OMEGAYAYA AGAIN AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA WEEB WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 weebs PainsChamp AYAYA Clap Clap STOP DansGame LOOOOOL AYAYA Clap PADORU PADORU AYAYA Clap OMEGAYAYA pvmanWeeb pvmanWeeb pvmanWeeb pvmanWeeb ???? WEEBS WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA stop it WutFace cirAYAYA monkaW satan speak AYAYA KEKW AWAY THE WEEBS Weebs 4Weird pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey STOP NotLikeThis AYAYA SantaHat Clap ChristmasPresent AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA AYAYA 1 hour loop :D 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA 4Heed AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA 10 HOURS PADORU STREAM Kreygasm Kreygasm BabyRage does impact stream? WeirdChamp how is going on CUTE CHAT AYAYA Clap enable padoru AYAYA Roosh = gg "suddenly" MEMER BOY POGGERS KEKW AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU Its been a meme for 3 years LULW AYAYA TopHat "SUDDENLY" AYAYASantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU 5728 me :) AYAYA ME AYAYA ME me :) me :) shipAYAYA ME me :) :) me :) me :) WEEBS' CHRISTMAS SONG AYAYA me :) me :) AYAYA ME!! NOT ME Kapp it was me Not me O_______O it was me me :) VoHiYo VoHiYo me :) AYAYA SantaHat me :) :) :) AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU it was @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP ban him now :) ME :) me :) im gonna say it was pvman me :) me :) me :) not me monkaS weebs in AYAYA monkaW Bot lane duo with egirl me :) me :) You not me monkaW pvmanWeeb AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU actually me :) lee song weebs are trash WeirdChamp YOU NEVER play Pv man because you cant get past champ select??? no chat, it was me :) !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again !leesin leesong SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin !leesin AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU V I E T _ _ _ ? LEE SIN WeirdChamp !leesin pvmanYesyesyes pvmanYesyesyes pvmanYesyesyes AYAYA SantaHat NaM NaM ❗ PVMAN started AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent Weebs deserve christmas too BibleThump ResidentSleeper AYAYA IceCold Weebs ship7 NaM SantaHat NaM imtyznSWEAT imtyznSWEAT imtyznSWEAT i like rush subbed but ignored pvmanFBM Hashire sori yo, kaze no you ni, tsukimihara wo, padoru padoru rooOOOOsh coming through Pepega SantaHat NaM !duo so MF body pillow or Ahri body pillow? Solo AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU Lies weebs WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 cat_valium subscribed with Twitch Prime. cat_valium's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @loloctane ahri MF Impact support? l garbage HahaShrugLeft HahaDreidel 러쉬 짱 NaM SantaHat HolidayPresent NAMDORU NAMDORU Jebaited peepoArrive RUSH pog wide peepol sad! Jebaited hachuAYAYA pvman = dodge KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW pvmanFGM Kapp @rush top tier junglers ? Kapp mizkifEgg ? Ran away FeelsBadMan pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanBully Kappa 'NaM' shipOKO activate weepoArrive 😡 rush lee sin monkaW Champ pvman = dodge KEKW 😡 activate weepoArrive 😡 KEKW Ran Away FeelsBadMan Save LP what do you think about kassidin and taric jungle? How do you beat them? 😡 activate PeepoArrive 😡 peepoArrive enable Nyanpasu AYAYA okay FeelsGoodMan :) Thank you peepoLeave ROOOOSH Pepega 😡 weepo ? 😡 Enable peepoArrive spam widepeepoHappy play elise ppPoof @rush top tier junglers ? peepoArrive peepoLeave widepeepoHappy faster 😡 widepeepoHappy jungle elise! not enabling PeepoArrive PeepoLeave Play senna jungle Thank you Rush widepeepoHappy play olaf I once vsed a Taric jungle with 7 million mastery points PartyPoro peepoArrive HahaShrugRight peepoArrive !duo Solo peepoLeave Can you speak Asian? HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS Enable bttv weeb emotes cirBaka mister rush type your login info into the chat box to enable pepe emote !! PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands OMEGALUL monkaS PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands OMEGALUL AYAYA PepegaHands LOL PepeHands OMEGALUL AYAYA widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad POGGERS peepoLeave OMEGALUL Clap PogU AYAYA ? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA FeelsBadMan PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU LULW LULW FeelsBadMan ayaya PogYou PepeLaugh PepeLaugh LULW PepeLaugh @tus AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA PepeHands PepeLaugh ayaya Kreygasm PagChomp gachiGASM PepeLaugh PepeLaugh monkaWW HandsUp gachiGASM AYAYA LOLW LOLW LOLW PogYou PogU PogYou PogU monkaW PepeHands AYAYA PEPEGA PogU FeelsBadMan LULW gachiGASM HandsUp PogYou gachiGASM HandsUp gachiGASM HandsUp KEKW ? monkaW :pagcho gachiGASM SoSnowy Pvman = gg KEKW FeelsOkMan AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU monkaW monkaW WeirdChamp FeelsOkayMan 5Head WeirdChamp WeirdChamp 5Head @rush top tier junglers ? WeirdChamp monkaW 5Head HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp FeelsOkayMa FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan WeirdChamp HYPERS HYPERBRUH KEKW HYPERBRUH Kapp SantaHat widepeepoHappy HYPERS HYPERS widepeepoHappy HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS KEK HYPERS WeirdChamp FARMING EMOTES WeirdChamp HYPERS PepegaPhone PepegaPhone PepegaPhone PepegaPhone PepegaPhone ChomPag HYPERS HYPERS widepeepoSad FeelsGoodMan memes HYPERS EZ HYPERS KKomrade widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy KKomrade HYPERS SoSnowy FeelsWeirdMan DOG EZ KKomrade get rid of AYAYA WeirdChamp WEEEEE HYPERS peepoThink PepeD peepoArrive @Rush KEKW is number 1 liar FeelsWeirdman pvmanSpooky pvmanSpooky pvmanSpooky WeirdChamp PepoThink KEKW SantaHat AYAYA gachiHYPER peepoLeave PepoThink :hyperactive: AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU FeelsWeirdMan no peepoArrive peepoArrive weepoArrive hypers AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU get rid of normies AYAYA SantaHat peepoArrive peepoArrive get peepoFinger then which 1 is impact AYAYA SantaHat PepoThink WeirdChimp TopHat HYPERS PepoThink highly underrated monkeyS peepoArrive KEKW GIFS are bttv PepoThink HYPERS WOOO PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu widepeepoSad PepoFat peepoLeave widepeepoSad WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp peepoArrive peepoLeave shipGASM D: peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat graves peepoFat PeopleFat KEKW people sad, people happy, people fat :( bttv PepeLaugh BTTV emote peepoSad @Rush it's BTTV because it's GIF ppHop peepoFat PEEPOfAT ? peepoFat BTTV its on BTTV @rush @Rush can you activate monkaThink ? peepoLeave peepoArrive search on google @Rush Pepega peepoSad its BTTV SPAM AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU until pvman enables pepoArrive peepoFat NA peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoLeave BTTV @Rush Kreygasm I CANNOT WIN peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave it's a gif FailFish GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ EVE shipGASM rush evelyn widepeepoSad peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoSad peepoArrive peepoLeave nyanPls AYAYA 30 per cent winrate KEKW yeah but bttv 💿 4Head monkaHmm Pepege PauseChamp ratirlBusiness ffz has no gif emotes peepoFat = NA KEKW Rush taking care of chat widepeepoHappy @Rush can you activate monkaThink ?? ATTENTION RUSH CHAT, do not use anymore AYAYA , THERE ARE ONLY 20 AYAYA LEFT !! BrokeBack peepoArrive soggyYuck soggyYuck soggyYuck soggyYuck soggyYuck soggyYuck pvman eve = ff 15 AYAYA Clap “Hashire Sori yo” “Kaze no You ni” “Tsukimihara wo” “PADORU PADO OMEGAYAYA peepoArrive login to bttv widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy peepoArrive tell mods to do it GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ is bttv safe? why would u take that second electroucte rune AYAYA PauseChamp Pepega ... ACTIVATE! peepoArrive te amo gem bardales :C AYAYA peepoArrive peepoLeave AYAYA AYAYA peepoLeave peepoArrive AYAYA peepoArrive nice pepega peepoArrive Pepega AYAYA CUTE Pog peepoArrive ChomPag Refresh? peepoArrive Kippa peepoArrive forsenCD add nyanPls AYAYA peepoArrive AYAYA peepoArrive monkaHmm . o 0 (hmm) peepoArrive peepoArrive @rush top tier junglers ? peepoFat f5 peepoArrive peepoArrive checking in peepoFinger dont refresh PepeHands peepoLeave @Rush you need peepoLeave roooosh Pog Jebaited AYAYA LULW ROOOOOOOOOSH Do peeopLeave too Kappa peepoArrive rooGreed Halo tricotdepull rooBot peepoArrive CHECKING IN active peepoLeave 😡 peepoFat TopHat @Rush can you activate monkaThink ??? AYAYA KEKW What do you think about Shyvana in the current stage? @rush :) GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ peepoFat ReinDeer peepoArrive Check peepoLeave :anger: FeelsBadMan Jebaited gachiGASM is this a RooshV stream? KEKW ChomPag pay pay hands monkaS monkaS WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp monkaS gachiGASM PepeHands monkaS monkaS ChomPag PepeHands EZ Clap monkaS KEKW You need to pay to add more I think PepoThink get more! think u need to pay LAST SPAM monkaS LAST SPAM monkaS let your guard down. . . . . ... <3 pay money u cheap fuck monkaW gachiGASM SoSnowy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad distH it works riPepperonis PeepoArrive EZ Clap Clap remove pepehands INTpact KEKW more subs pls :) EZ EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap PepeHands Clap peepoArrive EZ Clap WTF rush do you have a terminal disease? That must be why Impact is giving you free lp EZ this night go to the club EZ EZ Clap WTF NO D: AYAYA WTF NO monkaS is global EZ Clap PepeHands EZ Clap WTF @rush is this a Pepega stream? EZ Clap last spam EZ Clap last spam EZ Clap last spam EZ Clap pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS PeepoFat EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap Ez Clap 4Heed pepehands !uptime pvmanFGM @aires_the, rush has been streaming for 54 mins 2 secs EZ Clap NO WE NEED EZ Clap pvmanHYPERS EZ Clap EZ Clap PartyPoro EZ Clap EZ Clap more like PEPEGAY @rush rush can you add monkaThink ? EZ Clap EZ Clap MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap peepoArrive first PunOko KEKW clap isnt dumb chat KEKW Clap are you gonna snipe Zven Vulcan?? 5Head ON EZ Clap peepoArrive !evelynn pvmanD EZ Clap last spam EZ Clap last spam EZ Clap last spam . Clap PogU add only peepoleave PepeLaugh KEKW Clap PepegaPhone ROOOOSH they are not EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap dont kill him widepeepoSad never refresh EZ Clap peepoArrive peepoLeave !uptime @rhetrospect, rush has been streaming for 54 mins 31 secs EZ fiesta EZ Clap akali pepega Pepega Clap D: fLASH LUL me :) LULW KEKW D: D: D: D: D: Pepega MONSTERS ACTIVATE Pepega akali KEKW D: D: hello KEKW D: D: D: D: EZ Clap widepeepoSad EZ Clap D: POG !duo Solo FLASH KEKW KEKW support rush EZ Clap message deleted by a moderator AYAYA eve PepeLaugh oh nonono EZ Clap SPAM THIS SO HE DOESNT REMOVE the duo is intpact EZ Clap O EZ `PepegaPhone NICE !uptime @vurderlak, rush has been streaming for 55 mins 22 secs roosh eve = ff 15 EZ best emote KEKW PepegaPhone Nice HYPERS WeirdChamp ReinDeer Pepega 5Head look at the scuffed clear KEKW Pepega ReinDeer gachiGASM Pepega ReinDeer SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold Rush is bottom ratirlBusiness ReinDeer pepega Pepega Kapp KEKW ReinDeer akali no flash PepeLaugh Kapp 4FUN Slow tempo int akali kekw 5Head ReinDeer 5Head ratirlBusiness WeirdChamp CandyCane ReinDeer AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU omg you finnaly streaming I thought you get banned KEKW ReinDeer <---- monkaOMEGA EVE KEKW Roosh Pepega 7 KEKW KEKW KEKW EZ Clap fast base KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL YouDied 1v1 by support KEKW LUL KEKW ghoster :) solo killled KEKW oh its max waldo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MONKEY JUNGLER FAST BASE KEKW kill by supp LUL LUL LUL smells ghost to me GEE GEE KEKW only farm jungle diff KEKW lol fast base Kapp 4fun dirty inter as usual OpieOP DIED TO MAX KEKW Impact english good fast base fast base fast base fast base !duo Solo GETTING DICKED BY MEXX LULW 4FUN jg @Rush You have to WORK on weekends , I missed you PepeHands no thats int dont tp gg KEKW LMAO IRELIA KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW INTPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW ff KEKW KEKW better jg win hashinshin TP KEKW KEKW INTING TELEPORT LULW hashinshin tp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW -2 KEKW KEKW pepega warfare KEKW KEKW KEKW executed KEKW JG GAP EXECUTE KEKW you didnt get 1 executed LUL Minion kill omegalul lol wtf EXECUTE KEKW KEKW you didnt get him KEKW execute DIDNT GET SHIT KEKW execute KEKW pvman = gg kekw KEKW ohhhhhh EXECUTE KEKW You got nothing KEKW ff JUST OPEN LUL GOT ONE KEKW ff at 3 gachiGASM what am I watching executed KEKW ^shit what a troll is rush ff UH OH Kreygasm \ Kreygasm ahhhhh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis 0 GO NEXT KEKW GG gachiW OMEGALUL ff GG open open KEKW OPEN KEKW MALD go ff KEKW ggg KEKW KEKW 116 gold KEKW gachiW open pyke KEKW ggman gg KEKW WutFace open mid plz KEKW GG trkOpen monkaW monkaS <3 monkaW 0-2 to 7-2 KEKW Had a 2 kill lead btw OMEGALUL disconnected Kapp Roosh = gg KEKW ddos ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ChomPag KEKW WARD KEKW NA ward KEKW TILTED KEKW EZ Clap KEKW KEKW GGMAN = PV 4fun jg script on Pog React YouTube Rewind 😂 FeelsBadMan Hayaja INTpact Retire pls Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp LUL LUL LUL 😂 follow rush please u cant Kapp Roosh KEKW I love you rush 4fun monkey jg steals gold from team Pvman = GG KEKW Retire next year don’t embarrass yourself any further EVE KEKW @nichohells bully widepeepoSad :v nichohells haHAA eve clears KEKW roosh = ff15 KEKW lvl 5 still omegalul PVMAN + INTPACT = OMEGAGG Roosh = pvman = gg KEKW @nichohells well arent you in the christmas spirit PogU Jebaited HE?! HotPokket PogYou ssumday > impact or impact > summday? :thonk: not lvl 6 bad tax nice "tax" KEKW lvl 6 100% LUL Still lv 5 PepeLaugh jg diff KEKW lvl 6 here we go LUL 3-0 draven KEKW @Kawaii_SanChan taxing xp monkey KOREAN 80% TAX kekw just ult towards him??? tsk 15 KEKW c-c FF 15 KEKW rush eve = ff 15 JUST ULT BACKWARDS DUMMY KEKW ult backward? KEKW @Rush ult backwards? feed top this game is wonnered? CLOSE KEKW KEKW INTPACT INTPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW INTPACT KEKW KR FLASH OMEGALUL KEKW that flash KEKW wasted flash intpact INTPACT PepeHands intpact KEKW KEKW Flash oh no PepeLaugh INTpact KEKW hahahahhaah F KEKW KEKW Impact PepeHands NA flash KEKW TL 2020 OMEGALUL KEKW Reksai could stun under tower if he ult towards PVMAN = GG KEKW INTPACT KEKW PVMAN KEKW KEKW Any business men in chat ratirlBusiness ? PPMAN KEKW @wewboy no PepeHands Kappa Theirieone how is it any different if he flashes? Kapp lvl5 Irelia lvl7 eve he could ult be4 he went under turret ratirlBusiness D: D: 15 KEKW GO NEXT fook them Yes woopsGasm Pepega gg go next :| winnable KEKW @vainezreal some day ratirlBusiness KEKW kekw int PogChamp KEKW PANTH Pog tristina KEKW Fast Base Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU tristina KEKW so bad KEKW go next KEKW Tristina TRISTENJNA KEKW @wewboy I hope so BibleThump Clap KEKW 2500*7 !runes christina AYAYA You can 1v1 KEKW 여보! Rush KEKW lmao wtf KEKW akali KEKW INTPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOO akali int and KS KEKW yikers OMEGALUL its ok KEKW akali KEKW KEKW akali FailFish KEKW INTPACT KEKW KEKW 054 KEKW 17-9 KEKW its k LUL Yikes INTPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW actual fiesta KEKW AYAYA SantaHat outplayed Akali fother mucking inter 😡 KEKW Kappa take drag sneak EZ Clap Pepega Its ok Intpact didnt get the kill he can keep inting OpieOP AYAYA KEKW KEKW Pepega ? intpact PepeHands KEKW KEKW TURBO INT KEKW Y TU 064 KEKW Pog pog PogU Pog EZ PogYou Pog POG Pog Clap Pog Pog pOG PogChamp Pog Pog PogYou PogU pog Pog Pog Pog Pog POGU ChomPag Pog Pog Clap PogChamp Pog POG Pog Pog Pog PogYou PogU wtf ROOSH Pog PogU Pog ChomPag PogYou Pog PogU Pog PogU PogU POG Pog PogU {pg Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog PogChamp Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU POOOOOOOOOG PogYou ChomPag PogChamp Pog max value ult Kreygasm PogU Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PRO PLAYER Pog CLIP IT POG PogU Pog Pog PogChamp PogU PogYou POGGERS ChomPag ChomPog Kapp POGUPOGUPOGU RUSH THE FOOKIN GOD !uptime @azhron, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 5 mins ChomPag Actually winnable PogU pvman = gg Pog intpact KEKW PogYou PogU CandyCane ReinDeer !uptime @Nic0805, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 5 mins ACTUALLY JUNGLE GAP Pog StinkyCheese Uh oh MaldChamp TopHat AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU PogU TopHat AYAYA satatardy he would be under tower in front of rek instead of behind the best from korea POGGERS KKomrade only help mid LUL MaldChamp SantaHat 4HEad peepo Leave Theirieone he doesn't have to ult there FailFish he could do it on an angle so he doesn't go under tower Top it's okay only help mid 5Head TopHat 🍷 KEKW KEKW NICE B8 actully nting LUL counter gank KEKW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited team TOP DIE OMEGALUL D: D: ROOOSH D: D: Intpact on intrelia Mr Pykeh D: Pepega WeirdChimp SantaHat LULW D: D: KEKW DOOMASS Pepege SantaHat no eye :D singing rush KEKW no eye KEKW D: PepeLaugh evelynn no flash KEKW GREEDy R? KEKW ?????????? r? R????????????????? ULT KEKW R KEKW LUL RRRR R RR R ult?? WutFace ??? R? r???????? nice ult R LULW wtf r r r r rr PRESS R????????? LUL R R R R OMEGALUL TROLL RUSH LUL ?? RRRRRR??????? R KEKW r????!??!?! ??? R?? KEKW KEKW greed KEKW USE R KEKW ??????????????????????/? are you doing GREEDY RRRRRRRRRRRR the greed R???????? GREED MALD 💢 ROOSH WHAT U DOIN Emotional player save ulti for next game so greedy rrrrrrrr OMEGAYAYA GREED GREED KEKW Pepega Pepega Pepega ?!?!?! LULW JUST TAKW THE KILLS SCUFFED TEAM FIGHT OMEGALUL KEKW JEJW greeedy SO GREEDY KEKW LUL KEKW coulda got another double Saving R for next season KEKW KEKW save r for next KEKW pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR nice R KEKW GREEDY AF pvman = ? Pepega 📣 ROOOOSH GGMAN D: int going for poggers double kills stupid trist, DIDNT PRESS R Pepega D: OMEGALUL saving ulti for season 10 Greed KEKW EZ CLAP Sounds like yoda ? plastic 9 toxic korean D: JGL GAP LULW wtf KEKW wtf is this pyke Language D: visually malding LUL BR OMEGALUL NZE 7 saving r for supermassive tryouts KEKW LULW D: D: D: LUL D: KEKW me MALD :) D: D: D: im pyke :) Pepega Rush R being saved next to Doublelift flash me :) wtf 😡 D: me :) it me is it bronzed 7 sminething lower than iron 4? dogwood rank 4 LUL D: wtf bro D: WOOD hi, i'm pyke :) widepeepoSad Even impact laughed Hey Bronze 7 me :) team gap shipANGERY i am the pyke :) fuk u im silver 4 D: AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP mejai LUL too good to be chat PepeLaugh hacks drinker it's me :) :) MALD I'm the pyke :) 4 fun KEKW KEKW NICE ULT KEWK KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW R KEKW should run away :) for fun jng LUL Inting 4fun KEKW ULT chasing 4 fun OMEGALUL R broken oof 4fun player trash KEKW mejais btw AYAYA ggman KEKW NotLikeThis FEEDING AGAIN LULW for fun player RRRRRRRRRRR 4fun @Rush enemy botlane are NA players KEKW having ult Pepega this panths cs pvmanR ulting there does nothing?? bronze chat rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MEJAI STACKS PepeLaugh 4fun draven is the CLGA top/mid 1 shot the guy Kappa jungler gap KEKW @Rush enemy botlane are NA players KEKW IMAGINE LOSING TO NA PLAYERS KEKW R !duo Solo jungle diff PepeLaugh mejai 0 stacks sell pls or grief Doomed check ur R button @Rush LCS? RR if he ults reksai can follow KEKW na chat KEKW Chat if he ults then rek'sai just ults and kills him lol mejii lul FF 20 !solo INTPACT 0/8 KEKW JG GAP Bronze chat KEKW GZ_Zeldafan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! love you papa pvmanHYPERS GZ_Zeldafan's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Reksai ulted akali, 20% winrate PogU wair 20% is terrible gachiGASM uuuUUUU 20% winrate MORE THAN 0% Pog 20% Pog winnable Pog Post minute 15 rush LUL @miri2670 its good for rush ah i see 69 AYAYA trist 0% mej lul @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChimp why everytime i watch rush he is getting stomped or he is winning hard LUL lmao LOOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL ㅋㅋ KEKW KEKW ? KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ???? PVMAN ????? ......... LUL KEKW pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanA pvmanA troll jg NICE R KEKW easy r... KEKW @KorjinstaR_LoL cause his playstyle is pepega charge EZ Clap Easy KEKW !elo KEKW KEKW TRAGIC GAME OMEGALUL KEKW . PVMAN=GAYGAY MEJAI 0 STACKS KEKW and shutdown 1k gold KEKW worst eve KR KEKW 1K BOUNTY MISSED KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat this guy was a pro `?? :) pvman = gg no stacks KEKW @Rusb is eve playable? So weak early game in this meta :( @weebs_ruin_everything TPFufun ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChimp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChimp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChimp KEKW mejai value KEKW pyke bronze 7 Pyke KEKW KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything shipWINK @MarcvsTulliusCicero 🤢 duo intpact Pog @MarcvsTulliusCicero cirHi KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh shen KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxLurk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ KEKW @Sadisstiic (puke) PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh E TU KEKW PepeLaugh Kekekekekeke PepeLaugh LEKW stole blue KEKW PYKE?? MORE LIKE PUKE! HAHA rush coming through NotATK PepeLaugh akali Pog akali buff transfer INTPACT 0-8 KEKW who is irelia? STACKS KEKW @Dshecker intpact Impact pvman = no stacks KEKW intpact ah tx Intpact is 0/8 what do you mean gj Pyke KEKW Inted by world champion widepeepoSad tl go boom MISSED CS MISSED CS @Dshecker impact NA TOP PepeLaugh 0/8 0/8 inpakt? enemy draven is a melee player PogChamp P OMEGALUL K E r IreliaKEKW KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap ? better not to flash at all Kappa what are you doing Pepega ryze balanced Kappa INTPACT 1/9 KEKW +4 mejais stack Pog Kapp 4 stacks Pog GOODTEAMFIGHT ITS FINE widepeepoSad rush inting another game FeelsBadMan @rush who is enemy shen 1/9 IRELIA KEKW ryze is being abused, hes so strong. i thinm i just broke my spine im the pyke :) WHITE MAN SAD I'm Spartacus :) this is good PogU white peepo happy KKona IMPACT 19K 6D PogChamp widepeepoSad hi I am pyke :) I can chat here because I am dead half of the game:) KEKW MAX WALDO IN ENEMY TEAM forsenKek draven looking KEKW DITCH IMPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW help impact???? KEKW Sneaky x 2 KEKW 1 10 LUL KEKW Pepega 📣 💨 KEKW KEKW WOW PogU Pepega Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW uselss KEKW AFK JG KEKW XD gg Pepega rush = watch teammates die Fucking Pyke gachiGASM GAME ACTUALLY Pepega KEKW GO NEXT KEKW LOSING TO NA BOTLANE PepeLaugh @Rush KEKW PVEMAN KEKW Pepege KEKW KEKW PYKE SMURFING Pog useless jungler KEKW 2/12 spectator rush whole team dead Rush still running around like healdless chicken LUL Hahaahhaah PepeLaugh WutFace HAHAHAHAHA KEKW WutFace KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega LOOOOOL KEKW Pepega KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW WutFace wtf KEKW Pepega KEKW Pepega Clap monkaW LOLOLOL Pepega Pepega Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEK LUL KEKW troll teammate so sucks? KEKW jamodoL jamodoL deadddd WHITE PEPO SAD KEKW my god LUL LUL Pepega MEJAIS white people sad smite champ white people sad widepeepoSad So much content for Korea solo queue peepoSad MY PP SOFT FF BabyRage stop the massacre PepeHands !duo Solo a Pri white people sad PepeHands who is the duo? TL impact !duo Solo better jg wins KEKW pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey AFK KEKW it's time to FF !opgg you never bought ? pvman=gg KEKW 1/12 2/13 LMAO INTPACT 1/12 KEKW Kapp Pepega MY TIME TO SHINE KEKW Never miss smite TIME TO SHINE KEKW PVMAN EVE = WARD KEKW rooooooosh PogU PVMAN EVE = WARD KEKW PVMAN EVE = WARD KEKW U can never miss smite if u dont smite let's make some pepega play Pepega PVEMAN KEKW 2 stacks Pog fruityDERP 50vs23 0 son PVMAN = INT pvman = gg irelia KEKW 50 vs 23 POGGERS 2 stack mejai KEKW 0/10 peepoThink KEKW P CHANCE KEKW KEKW FEED KEKW lost again monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW 53 vs 23 rooPog PVM MAN = INT KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW GGMAN KEKW KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything boxGun peepoArrive Kapp pvman = gg only 30 kills behind CiGrip @awesomechad D: PVMAN EVE = WARD KEKW D: XDMAN rooKek D: PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW MALD top sup duo? KEKW KEKW Mr streamer, mejais isn't very good efficient if you never have stacks impact toxic :D top sup duo KEKW EZ KEKW yeah, pvman = gg OMEGAYAYA It's fine widepeepoSad duo abusing WeirdChamp better jungle won KEKW better jungle wins smurfing KEKW TPFufun 🐱 gorilla FortBush KEKW RUSH 5Head yes yes you could of won if you ultied in that fight before shutdown Why are you explaining 🤔 just ban him 4Head monkaHmm makes sense 5Head Pepege wtf mhmm TPFufun 형님 너무 잘했습니다 peepoSad free my brothers peepoSad Pepege pvman eve = pepege no me not why didnt you ban him then 4Head its good to explain roosh :) 3Head You throw game by not ulting ㅇㅅㅇ pvman stick to Lee sin pls D: D: @rush how many burgers you eat today? Pepega ❓ im not one of the dumb :) free peepoArrive PVEMAN KEKW Rush just making ecuses again FeelsBadMan donna waldo too op its true im an idiot CruW SantaHat SoSnowy we learn from u sorry for being dumb dad pvmanFBM ur face is dumb :) i don't think :) Could you explain how to dive best? Pepega ❗ @Rush stream on weekend MALD AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo we pepega rush boys yamato8Turtle KEKW Impact no stream? @rush squadW I'm not dumb my mom says I'm special. 3Head D: LOSING TO NA BOTLANE PepeLaugh @Rush KEKW LUL better jungle won :) LOST TO NA BOTLANE PepeLaugh @Rush KEKW very :) pepega stream widepeepoHappy BRUDDA? : peepoArrive peepoLeave PVMAN EVE = WARD KEKW @rush can u stream a few hours earlier Brudda MingLee KEKW SantaHat D: D: emoticon in pesona message? how ? I wasnt listening D: D: D: D: D: WTF excuse = Duo with an inter W D: W D: D: ChomPag @Rush you played WELL D: D: pvmanHands defending best friend :) D: D: D: TOO FAR D: im sorry dad pvmanHands POO_POO_toilet subscribed with Twitch Prime. POO_POO_toilet's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! D: SantaHat D: my ears D: @Rush hows ur boyfriend? Pog Yes yes PogU do it peepoArrive peepoLeave sesterces subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! rush i subbed so you have to stream everyday now yes yes yes peepoArrivew peepoLeave hmm widePeepoHappy 나는 바보 shigeShark sesterces's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! YES yes lol widepeepoHappy YES pepeD peepoArrive peepoLeave POGGERS widepeepohappy widepeepoHappy @rush slow fingers FailFish just peepoLeave KEKW camille rush peepoLeave widepeepoHappy KEKW widepeepoHappy I have arrived ADD pepeD 😡 He called us dumb chat ChopPag WTFF @puppetworx KEKW peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoFinger PLAY TALI AYAYA Pog shigeNyab HahaDoge HahaBall HahaHide Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp kAP Kapp Kappa Pog TRUSH HIM BIG Kappa rush peepoArrive rush eve peepoLeave Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp #1 pepega streamer kappa pvman=gg widepeepoHappy @Rush what do you do when you feel bad on some days? Kapp Kappa @Rush why dont u stream earlier widepeepoHappy SantaHat @rush why are your games so short? 15 minutes, 16 minutes, 11 minutes add GunChinshin please @rush ggman = pv despacito rhyno00 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! peepoFat peepoArrive rhyno00's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! add peepoArrive and peepoLeave @Rush Stop showing off muscles subbing to rush when his emotes are free WeirdChimp rush u fell off Kapp IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy kekw streamer widepeepoHappy LULW pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey peepoArrive widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy 4HEad TopHat OMEGAYAYA i love u rush widepeepoHappy IceCold pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanToxic sanchOooooooo YouDied widepeepoSad pvmanHands pls sub to rush pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands busy Kapp widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Kapp Kapp Kapp TopHat IceCold peepoSad busy KEKW SaltyCorn SantaHat start stream at inconsistent times widepeepoHappy stream for a random amount of time widepeepoHappy disappear for random amounts of time widepeepoHappy must be rush widepeepoHappy Hello could you play Ekko ? slow fingers @Rush widepeepoSad peepoSad SantaHat widepeepoHappy IceCold look chat im half frozen widepeepoHappy IceCold look chat im half frozen widepeepoHappy IceCold look chat im half frozen gg go next KEKW AATROX pvmanHands pvmanHands ayaya boys yamato8Smug KonCha how good is camille jng Rush how many donations do you need to buy another shirt? widepeepoHappy 🖕 @chat CruW SantaHat CruW SantaHat CruW SantaHat CruW SantaHat CAYAYAYAMILLE start stream at inconsistent times widepeepoHappy stream for a random amount of time widepeepoHappy disappear for random amounts of time widepeepoHappy must be rush widepeepoHappy wow @Rush , you're looking very tasty this morning. Like a little snack peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoFat peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoFat peepoArrive peepoArrive roosh can u stop wintrading i wanna learn something today peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive KEKW rush on camille peepoLeave EZ Clap pvmanA HahaSleep peepoLeave bye peepoLeave KEKW MiniK Kappa Kappa Kapp sure pvman = gg peepoArrive peepoleave Kapp DansGame Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW peepoArrive peepoArrive LUL KEKW Kapp u wash ur mom? D: CHAT JeBaited MOM HYPERS cloth peepohappy MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp KEKW YOU WASH YOUR MOM EVERYDAY? U NEED TO WASH CLOTHES TOO MAN KEKW KEKW you wash your mum? WutFace mom HYPERS mom KEKW You wash your mom everyday? KEKW true added peepoArrive? peepoLeave KEKW peepoLeave "my mom" KEKW KEKW jhakshgdjikhasdhjkashdk RACIST? why do i not see peepoArrive KKona WTF LUUL lol FREE MOM D: mom PogU MOM pvmanSpooky Kapp TopHat KEKW KEKW wtf KKona LUL KKonaW lol HahaCat KKona WHAT TOO FAR WeirdChamp KEKW D: Mommy Well.. you are a dirty inter KKona WTF not a sweaty american peepoFat You wash your mom? monkaS CHAT Jebaited same shirt for 30 days KEKW peepoArrive wash clothes every day??????????????? KKona wtf no 😡 REPORTED KEKW REPORTED KKona wtf man monkeyS Korean smell like dog CHAT Jebaited banned TRUE NA STINKY already reported Old mom need washing PepeHands shipW clean ints :) We love you in the sh1t :3 where is peepoLeave 😡 KEKW Shirt gets messy with dropping burgers PeepoSad no sadKEK widepeepoSad Clean Inter KEKW cleanly inting :) clean inter :) peepoLeave BaconEffect SantaHat Kappa gachiGASM clean inter KEKW Kapp ChomPag racism Kappa only we're allowed to be racist KKona Clean inter kayyHi loeyaH That shirt prolly stinks from you sweating all day in it rush aftershock camille? or omnistone? gg EZ clean inter no peepoArrive and peepoLeave pvmanHands these ads so annoying 2/11 game incoming LUL You can tell gameplay is clean because he always says "another clean game" RUSH LIED TO US 😡 SantaHat Hi rush peepoArrive @GZ_Zeldafan takes a couple of minutes .. he enabled it @Rush do u have an EU accent? where is the emote peepoLeave peepoArrive @jaysoft i know im just being a mad sub pvmanA u look like a human being without glasses im KappaPride im very clean PeepoPeepo IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy rush peepoArrive rush camille peepoLeave it's already gg KEKW Gameplay time ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower Rush is a pro player if he says his gameplay is clean then I believe him more than I believe randoms in chat 😡 where were you rush??? pvman = dodge KEKW dodge KEKW @GZ_Zeldafan gonna report u to the twitch police kev1nSalt kev1nW N OMEGALUL @Rush where is my peepoLeave ? 😡 pvman = dodge KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW KEKW wat no wota 3Head Pepega wotah NANI KEKW peepoLeave wodder WHAT THE? LULW KEKW Wata-nee AYAYA WATA They smelled your shirt and dodged Kappa "EU English" KEKW 3Head wodda 3Head wuta 3Head WODDA 3Head KEKW LUL wodda Pepega TRUE LULW vodka EU doesnt have english UK does WOODAH I was being told = lie do they teach you "fries" or "chips"? huh LUL wataaa MingLee Wata is a bruce Lee kick WOTAH WODER KKona WOTA 3Head Wot-A 3Head English started in EU 3Head HELL YE mom 3Head 3Head wotah american accent? there is like 50 states bruv LULW @rush hey can I clap your cheeks :) ??? D? KEKW EU 3Head woha xDDD eu english xDDD OI YOU WHAT M8 @Rush how do you say coke? na accent KappaPride ? More straight KappaPride ? wa dah TRUUUEEEE what gachiW wadder no? Actually wrong what d? KappaPride stutter KKona Clap what NA accent KappaPride ? fucking D gachiW butter tit? vietnam ! tomatoh 3Head wader Kappa wader wo uh 3Head butter AYAYA butter @Rush when are you getting a new playlist instead of this degenerate soulless garbage In EU Karthus = Karfus nj here, we say wooder studder wudder 2Header PepegaPhone ROOOOSH studder Stop tomato tomato BUTTAH ??? 3Head Chisao Pog Wata ZULUL ???? weather? PepegaPhone wotuh no Reeeee BROTHER KKona water = warer inter KEKW peepoArrive Color and colour Pepega stop BOTTOM english accent Oi Bruv 3Head something like that :) OI GIMME DA BUDDAH M8 duty doody Pepega Say OI 3Head americans butcher the english language... especially new yorkers Rush streaming Wide Peepo Happy DansGame oi rash 3Head Like what the sound like what de nobody in England says it like that LUL korean english teachers are Pepega UK accent WATAH MingLee watah 3Head woota teacher DansGame no one ssays thaat no even eu lol KEKW Cawfee Losh? Teacher = Jebaited thats bedder 3Head worer Pepega WeirdChamp Cola Could u pass de watah 3Head NaM ReinDeer SoSnowy pre reorded stream You're right @Rush don't listen to these filthy yanks So many different accents in English Wait do you learn English in Korean school? @rush EU Rush ok ok its not EU english @Rush My mom says you're cute Probably because he learned brithish english inter fodder moder Teacher = Jebaited say "vietnam" CONFIRMED RUSH EU > NA BRUDDA KEKW PepeLaugh Like what the sound like what de motha Chat full of street trash KEKW UK English best english not EU at all KEKW KKona BRUDDA @Rush wtf u insulting us eu people ?! can u play ekko jungle @rush its a huge problem its ok KKona hellp brother wattah 3Head no its Wader Kappa @rush Weren't you roleswapping to adc finr by me 3Head yeah move ur mic away from ur mouth yes fine yea holky fuck 3Head 👍 @Rush yes NotLikeThis yes ye KEKW Green tea AYAYA haahhaah KEKW KEKW KEKW @rush Listen to the vayne sound in russian for education PogChamp seq1 seq1 @Rush Can you say squirrel 3Head SeemsGood you sound american tbh @Rush hi roosh my fat sister thinks you are cute 3Head ye 3Head why is na trigerred by this when they didnt even create the language? EU KEKW DO YOU SAY SODA OR POP? they gonna punch you for talking like this People will find you weird anyway rush @Rush Grammar is more important than the accent tbh most foreigners i hear speak english with NA accent wtf speam american pls Kappa say squirrel straight right sounding american FeelsWeirdMan americans don't drink water LUL they have shitty pipes @Rush are all asians racist? Play lee SINGED Pepega seqWoo Sheeko seqWoo SHAYCO Paparamericano @Rush I win vs you in fight TPFufun 7 rammus shooco nidalee? PepegaPhone 📣 SINGED oudyr? ya mate 3Head ITS SHAYCOO a-atrox OH DEAR Pepeg Twitch chat is always right @rush can you say tater tots? TRISTINA peepoArrive @Rush u did .. by saying we cant speak propper english ... saying eu humans are just saying words without propper pronounciation SODA OR POP? ASS H E SHAKO Lee sin chat give me food OMEGAYAYA ResidentSleeper Gayren its shaco not shaco Graves? wtf WeirdChamp @GZ_Zeldafan no AYAYA J4 DansGame @Rush have you ever thought about playing in a EU team? iarvaaaaan PVMAN = DODGE Kappa SHACKO SHACKO Pepega play more kindred Lee oh no no PepeLaugh seqGasm pvman is gg @rush Check this accent, this is the name of the video on youtube: Best Scottish Accent Ever! Kevin Patterson with Tweedswood doesnt graves hard counter J4? KEKW Fiona @rush how do you say button? Play shayco @Yakemae pvmanHands rush peepoArrive rush J4 peepoLeave pvman = coinflip KEKW @steelersfan01 does anyone actually call it pop lmao shaqoh AYAYA SantaHat J4 ResidentSleeper pvman = KEKW pvman=-3 or -20 Kapp sheicko Kapp @GZ_Zeldafan joke you can have some of my rice with eggs MingLee Kapp How is there an na accent Na has at least 10 different accents Kappa J4 rush is slave ResidentSleeper i wonder why PepeLaugh KEKW D: tru season 9 rush KEKW D: Washed OMEGAYAYA pvman = gg LUL TRUE KEKW OMEGALUL can you say squirrel? @Rush KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW TRUE KWK LOOL True KEKW KEKW Clap EU>NA NA = Pepega KEKW NA LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Why not Rengor. DOGGO WOOF WOOF @rush @Yakemae widepeepoHappy seqS @rush listen to vayne in russian PogChamp LULW I agree KEKW PepeLaugh EU PEPOPLE ARENT PEOPLE KEKW SO NA ARE STOO´PID LULW OMEGAYAY NA best region TRUE KEKW NA = Pepega KKona >:( G2 PVMAN PogU CMON EU MAKES NO MONEY peepoArrive peepoLeave NA in worlds every year 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 @Rush we are just trying to help you improve PepeHands brexit Pog Only scary thing in EU is their bad teeth KEEKW what about OCE?? Scared of EU, stay in 3rd/4th best region KEKW KEKW tru pokeM EU more toxic cause they all hate each other KEKW RIP EZ Clap PepeHands Dont lie you miss Ram Ranch Jensen traumatized dush Rush Rush run away from EU PepeHands BOTH ARE CRINGE LULW more of same Pepega no, personality affects culture Like that coach wanted for fraud LUL oce > eu > na rush u cute :) yes no guns in euw also ... just like in korea @Rush inter connected yes EU and KR are both same, both think they are better at league than they are 4Head why play in EU when you can play in better region aka NA cirLaugh LUL americans have no real culture they are more strict, NA is laid back @Rush why do you close your eyes for thinking? It's not polite. You should mantain eye contact rush u cute :) how would personality affect culture KEKW KEKW chicken or egg came first monkaHmm rush streams at a good time for OCE, OCE is the best region Kappa EU has a lot more pride I hate being an Europeons. PepeHands Pepega ? u stupid to think its the same i like u rush cirSlain roosh = dodge dodged KEKW pipigas Pepega twitch chat Pepega well EU and KR were both saved by US, so they have that in common Pepega Pepega Pepega pretty sure you being Pepega affects all your games KEKW Pepega dodge agane wtf PVMAN = DODGE haHAA Egg was first :) Egg comes first TPFufun monkaHmm NA rewards you if you are Pepega Being Pepega affects your culture #teamegg No chicken I was the chicken :) ^ But society can corrupt you FeelsBadMan chat is the chicken, roosh is egg ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper seqSleeper seqSleeper Kapp FeelsBadMan do you play ekko jg sometimes @rush 🦀 EZ Clap IS GONE 🦀 if you think about it. the american founding fathers are really the equivalent of rednecks and shotguns in todays world !rank why do u ask such questions to ur brain damaged Pepega chat ? KEKW ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH cirComfy Pog Kapp woah thats blue Pog Is he tilted yet? some 1-12 Ekko gameplay`? some 0-8 Olaf? yes? KEKW EU and KR always MALD pvman = dodge KEKW 2/11 inted KEKW KEKW LUL personality is heavily affected by the society and the culture the person grows up in. if a culture is Pepega then high chances personality is Pepega did you just spit on you monitor while talking? Pretty good so if you don't int you win every game? :) RUSH JOINING TCS? PogU @Rush Hey rush how old are you living with your mum ? me :) seqReally im smart lol me :) 🦀 EZ Clap IS GONE 🦀 No me :) me me :) me :) :) 5Head / me : 5Head im smart :) i am? ME me :) like me :) me :) Me :) smarto NO KEKW :) 5Head / me :) 5Head yea but they ignore u me :) yeah but who types lol Me me KEKW me :) 4k people 5Head ? smart people dont talk in chat Me :) I am emotional player fck u rush :) me :) @Rush do u think Darvin's theory is correct and we all came from harambe? no KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Sure KEKW Am smart boy me :) LMAOOO 5Head :) 1 or 2 kekw no especially in your stream Pepega me :) SHOW CHAT LOG POGGERS KEKW i am the 1 or 2 people :) pvman = not smart :) PokDarkrai PokDarkrai PokDarkrai PartyPopper PokBlastoise pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey CHAT 3Head @Rush i am mediocre and it kills me :) / :) / 5Head / HandsUp 5Head/ :) / @Rush if people keep dodging then chat gets to talk to you dad pvmanHYPERS HandsUp Everytime I spam KEKW my IQ drops by 1 me 5Head / dunning kruger effect Jebaited i actually have a doctorate but i act Pepega in chat :) :) / o/ : / you disrespect your chat so much :) :) / :) / Pepega ?\ smart people wouldnt be watching you feed KEKW :) 5Head / me Kappa / KEKW / :) / :) / show chat log 5Head / smart people are just watching you while playing :) / Im start check logs :) / : / :) / 5Head / I’m smart but I waste my smartness in league of legends and twitch chat :) *Raise hand* :) 🖕 one here o/ pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey HeyGuys Handsup! :D Pepega im very smart Pepega who is the rush :) / seqWoo seqWoo seqWoo :) / :)/ :) / :) / lol 5Head i am a smartie watashi AYAYA sickNice / 0/ o/ CoolStoryBob :) / Pepege / I IS SMAART with 69IQ and with 6-head :) / :) / :) ✋ here smart people doesnt watch Rush :) :) / BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail Kappa / :) / typing is a sin @Rush me smart 3Head / exactly 3 KEKW :)/ HandsUp :) / Pepega ? :) / o/ :) / \ ME Pooga / :) me 5Head / :) is that a trick question LUL i actually have 115 iq my mom had me tested 5Head 5Head / :) / Kapp / smart peopel wouldnt stay in twitch cirLaugh Pepege / KonCha 5Head / @Rush its especially prevalent in NA but lets be honest... most people are stupid in general what is the definition of smart Pepega / hi 😁 / 5Head Kappa / squadPH 4Head / AYAYA / Kapp / sacFLEX1 ceezExplo sacFLEX2 MrDestructoid SMART AI :) / 5Head HOLA RUSH HandsUp me not me KEKW :)/ 3Head / ME FeelsBadMan \ Pepege / LUL AH NOT ME BibleThump I’m here but I never type 5Head SantaHat 6Head Pepege / 3Head 7 lffnThink pvmanMonkey / ratirlMe peepoFat/ :) / A smart person wouldn’t raise his hand people that sub to rush are the smartest naroYay / PepeLaugh / maybe me ;) peepoFat / Pepega/ cirHi boxLewd Pepege / AYAYA / .... o\ mid pvman = gg Me :) 3.14-head right here vineJape / 4.2k ppl u said 2 have to be 1st one is you who is 2nd one ? @rush i am smart butneed to write now :) ME :D MrDestructoid pv man no smart hehe define high IQ Pepege Pepege / @Rush leblanc ? peepoArrive roosh mid WutFace sacFLEX1 ceezExplo sacFLEX 30 lffnThink Mr Perfect Cell 20 13 11 19 w 12 @rush me big brain 23 17 22 12 20 3 BabyRage 25 46 14 :) can you play ezreal jg? :) 23 12 12 10 7 12 22 19 26 20 24 22 im 20 13 KEKW 20 46 22 20 21 12 29 18 26 19 16 18 19 :) 21 69 25 22 9 38 22 23 23 20 21 3Head / 24 28 FeelsGoodMan 19 25 PepeHands 35 5 22 No, play jungle pls 19 98 24 kids are watching fortnite 24 20 FeelsGoodMan 2 72 12 around 20 11 1 69 :) / 22 25 25 69 22 23 18 22... 21 25 27 25 haHAA 12 BTW haHAA 21 nathanBoomer 58 8 20 68 78 24 20 29 1438725 28 PepeHands 21 69 naroSmug 20 11 13 26 fartnite KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 69 :( 21 12 :) 9999 12 POGGERS Do a strawpoll fartnite KEKW Fartnite KEKW FARTNITE KEKW 26 POGGERS 21 FART NITE 26 84 23 25 KEKW FARTNITE KEKW true KEKW KEKW 2 FARTNITE KEKW KEKW KEKW FARTNITE FARTNITE 20 KEKW ANY MINECRAFTERS? KEKW fartnite 😂 KEKW KEKW 19 FARTNITE 666 79 BOOMER KEKW 12 nb3Hype old man here 34 20 46 13 :O FART NIGHT 30 TEEN 40 TEEN 50 TEEN KEKW I played in season 1 and I'm 18 TRUE 5Head KEKW Everyone who says 69 is 12 lewis v KEKW 18 No Fuck you RUSH 48 not me im broke :) 16 lmao Kappa 69 KEKW im 12 :) 22 I PLAY MINECRAFT AS WELL WTF RUSH we play pokemon Kappa LEWIS VITTON PogU LUL boomers KEKW TRUE KEKW we mechanical :) KEKW KEKW 70 KEKW thats me PogU 69 1/2 TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW ture xD me :) Fartnite > Minecraft like Rush KEKW I am 15 years old bru! @Rush selliong LV to league player KEKW that's me KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW true KEKW YOU KEKW i can buy LV :) CAMILLE MID OMEGALUL 53 like rush KEKW thats me KEKW 23 lffnHey seqThink im not bad if my team is bad seqThink LUL HAHAHAHA KEKW Fartknight manchild KEKW U TOO KEKW KEKW projecting KEKW i played lol for 9 years PepeHands LUL KEKW KEKW THATS ME KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW nice a camille rush top KEKW KEKW full of rooshs KEKW yeah, i buy LV Kappa KEKW KEKW ITS MY CS pvmanA so true thats me LUL xddddddddddd MANCHILD PLAYERS KEKW sounds like me Pepege truu KEKW pvman on my team better dodge KEKW fck supporter :) KEKW Truuuuu literally me KEKW @Rush your actually right, im 25 but and would call myself quite mature but when it comes to league, i convert to a superautist sounds like rush :) WAAAH WAAAH ITS MY CS pvmanA Adc in a nutshell MALD open speaking to my soul @Rush Sounds like roosh KEKW MaH cS hOw DaRe YoU what about when the jungler fails the gank and takes your whole wave 8) apes together stronk LUL maple story players D: Says the 30 yo still living with his Mom LUL YOU TAKE MY CS? ALT F4 3Head LUL D: D: boomer @Rush same, im very autistic on league only LUL D: KEKW ssibal byunghsin? D: say it's like runescape players KEKW MAPLE STORY KEKW KEKW HahaShrugLeft HahaDreidel FBBlock KEKW @Rush league of legends community has a lot of mental illness. people stopped playing the game to watch only streams to not deal with toxicity. MAPLE STORY KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahaahahaha adc is "my mistake is small mistake, ur mistake..." u take my CS I take ur LP :) D: BAD WORD FeelsBadMan PepeHands KEKW HahaShrugLeft HahaThisisfine HahaShrugRight PepeHands TRUU KEKW KEKW KEKW 25 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan LOOOOOOOOL +100 BRAIN DAMAGE Pepega @Rush clean webcam DansGame Too real PepeHands Rush subs never type in chat so Rush subs = High IQ 5Head too real PepeHands so same as lol? KEKEW LEAGUE LP IS SAME THING KEKW dont talk about real life pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands KEKW PepeHands MAPLESTORY FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy i feel attacked PepeHands stop @RUSH NEETS? most biggest KEKW so the equivalent to degenerate KEKW MAPURU SUTOWIE PepeHands @Rush did u play grand chasE? like how u getting to challenger and getting older and older KEKW no conqueror? i am in this stream AND I DONT LIKE IT Sounds like rush ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis pvman= dodge "most biggest" is bad english. just "biggest" is correct @Rush watching rush, getting older and more toxic nothing else FeelsBadMan all the dodges wow classic for na WeirdChamp TopHat KEKW !duo Solo grandchase PogU GRAND CHASE PogU pvman = dodge KEKW kabajiOhMy dodge KEKW HOW MANY DODGES RUSH GETS TO TALK TO CHAT pvmanHYPERS KEKW GRAND CHASE POG pvman boomer KEKW pvman = gg :) GRAND CHASE KEKW BOOMER GAME GRAND CHASE Pog Top 10 pvp in GC was real good now mobile game FeelsBadMan it died yes. now it's mobile aplBoomer Clap Grand Chase is so much better than Fortnite rush you inspired me to play jungle Ragnarok Kreygasm JUST LIKE LEAGUE KEKW @Rush isn't it just to run away from real life? You also sometimes take weeks off from streaming because your mental is not good. Other people have the same issues :) ignoring impact KEKW what got you into gaming? Gunbound KEKW @Rush did you play Runescape? i think it was good up until 7 characters have you played cabal? jin ftw Elesis is Pog @rush how come no english speaker play dungeon fighter\ Ragnarok Online gunz Pog hehehehe 4Head gunz Pog GUNZ Pog Pog gunz Pog stone age PogU grand chase is the korean runescape BOOMER GAMES KEKW @Rush do you play Epicu Seven? PvP was really fun They killed gunz >:( PVMAN = GG Boomer KEKW diablo 2 PogU anyone remember Soldier Front AKA Special Force? rush monologue; i go now @Rush no counterstrike? do you prefer starcraft 1 or 2? starcraft 2 D: hackers killed gunz :D D: Boobs POGGERS D: GUNZ IS POG @rush favourite starcraft pro? KR is famous for their love of starcraft peepoArrive sudden attack looks like a cs clone was ragnarok online ever big in korea ?? @Rush FORSEN KEKW @Rush did u play gunbound? TRUE KEKW forsenE Clap CSGO KEKW KEKW BasedGod TopHat seqElbow cs 1.6 was best @Rush arent all the best tekken players in korea What about GEARS OF WAR? 1.6 Pog talk like playing SC isnt nerd KEKW BAJS? FeelsGoodMan CS1.16 PogYou what friends ? KEKW KEKW FRIENDS PepeHands KEKW KEKW LUL @Rush what about ragnarok? for whatever reason korean games were huge in brazil LUL PepeHands PepeHAnds KEKW PepeHands D: Friends KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW k KEKW PedoBear TopHat Thats me :( runescape PepeHands PogChamp BDO Pog B D OMEGALUL peepoArrive Starcraft looks really fun to play with friends ResidentSleeper why arent you playing dota then? tfbHands Maple DnF LostArk play TEKKEN PogChamp fortnite? i miss gunbound FeelsBadMan refresh peepoArrive peepoLeave wierd country @firstbrhere my small town in canada had literally everyone i knew playing it Blade & Soul @Rush i miss rakion @rush WoW im plaing archeage Kapp I have 800h of fishing on BDO. GOOD GAME. KEKW korea was mmo kingdom what about fighting games? @Rush Runescape :) Kapp BDO KEKW peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive BRAZIL OMEGALUL it juice to be D: Current Retail WoW is trash TalesRunner was big too LEE @random__unicorn yeah that game was dope blade and soul was the shit KEKW TRUE KEKW Gragas i miss gunbound without the aim bots FeelsBadMan Ragnarok was so damn huge in Brazil it is true?? LUL LUL KKEKKW W OMEGALUL W qtpie KEKW TRUE KEKW HAAAHHAHAHA TRUE KEKW QTPIE LULW KEKW dumbass zoomer LUL boomers? x W OMEGALUL W TRUE PepeHands KEKW boomer calling other boomers boomer KEKW true KEKW rush is a zoomer dumbass W OMEGALUL W qt KEKW True KEKW KEKW KEKW dialup internet was the good ol days Kappa have you played cabal online? @Rush @rush don’t they play their own version of counter strike? It’s crossfire right? @rush ragnarok onljne? NAK BOT PogU LEE SIN peepoArrive Do ppl still play lost arc in korea? true LUL cirNilla AYAYA IceCold cirCola @Rush i tried to play wow classic. its for people who live in the past. @Rush have you ever roleplayed in any mmo's? game looks like sht they were Starcraft. it was fun PepeHands BOOMERS KEKW KEKW nostalgia effect Jebaited hahahhaha @Rush you Koreans are very racis people ! KEKW now we have mobile games PogChamp BBoomer forsen LULW old games were so unbalanced LULW OLD SINGLEPLAYER games were BETTER. KEKW TRUE Disagree. @Rush Its nostalgia Nostalgia 4Head @Rush how abt heroes of storm? TRUE LULW this is your average zoomer league of legends addict league is pretty shit 5head Warcraft 3 is da best ! QT LUL @dack_cx triggered KEKW WeirdChamp Racism in chat. . . wow classic KEKW PogU @funfhundertfunf @dragon51xv gaming 2019 LUL environment 2019 LUL Government 2019 LUL Would you play season 3 League again? Yes then you are boomer too @rush you are actually wrong wow classic is shit, people have rose colored glasses on about it TRUE KEKW b OMJEGALUL OMEGALUL mer 4Head hehehehe M OMEGALUL BILE OLD BAD, NEW GOOD TRUE KEKW Gunbound friends FeelsStrongMan true lol FACTUAL LULW esports PogChamp meanwhile plays league KEKW BOOMER MECHANICS KEKW but to be fair AAA games SUCK i dont even play wow and i know that wow classic was a hughe hit WC 3 ! KEKW KEKW Kapp W OMEGAYAYA W CLASSIC @rush did u go see parasite yet? old roosh better LUL people never remember the negatives Lies Wow needs mechanics? OMEGAYAYA @Rush how about nostale? season 3 league was the peak of league peepoArrive peepoLeave @Rush WoW classic is the Uncle Rico of mmorpg. Its for people who live in the past @Rush have you ever roleplayed in any mmo's? Playing league of legends @Rush is bommer lmao I member old roosh dont swear on stream my kids are watching PeepoLeave @Rush is tekken big in korea or are there just a few ppl who r really good at it season 5 Rush are you corean? I ask becasuse of the eyes assuming Skt PVMAN KEKW KEKW BBoomer OMEGAYAYA RIP TRUE KEKW rush peepoArrive on camille PeepoLeave CALLED OUT KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW hehehehee Season 3 was so fun KEKW TRUE KEKW 5Head KEKW true KEKW ok but 1v1 me lffnMelee for the nintendo gamecube see how good my nostalgic game is ratirlBusiness im no ratirlBusiness subscriber ratirlBusiness im strictly here ratirlBusiness for business old league was better peepoSad is sylas jg viable? season 9 was SO FUN Kappa @rush also in your mind the game graphs are better than they usually were hashinshin has peak passion for league KEKW !duo Solo ppl dont udnerstand how broken released champ used to be, their numbers were insane League passionate LUL monkaS They nerf Camille jungle so hard ratirlChilling ratirlChilling monkaS I miss that PepeHands LUL it was the most fun, we only play now cus we're addicted XD ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling league will die in 2020 PPMD Kreygasm KEKW KEKW true PepeHands true monkaW true true PepeHands true PepeHands true PepeHands true PepeHands I do hey chat, which one impact's account? SO TRUE KEKW true KEKW i still have it KEKW lobby music KEKW KEKW LUL LIKE PVMAN KEKW i started in season 4 and had ranked anxiety widepeepoSad LUL tfw my friends bullied me for being gold TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BEAD KEKW KEKW true KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad LUL more accurately played a while, maybe even a year or 2 and thought they are good, thats the peak of nostalgy KEKW KEKW true KEKW KEKW xDDDDDDDDDDDDD tfw friends didnt let me eat with them at lunch because i was gold FeelsBadMan 4FUN KEKW 4Fun Pepega NA 4 fun region KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKWù KEKW EHH 4FUN KEKW peepoSad KEKW TRUE KEKW So league was better before LUL KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA WutFace KEKW KEKW KEKW you sound jaded gg man KEKW KEKW thats just you 4Head NA KEKW kEKW 4Head Pepega 4FUN KEKW TRUE KEKW LMFAO monkaW true KEKW dead inside players trkG lol 4FUN KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW everyone lose KEKW KEKW just start next 4Head Cause its the same game that hasnt changed shit nerds are passive aggressive pos KEKW actually trye TRUE!!!!! true. HUMANS r getting WORSE KEKW LEAGUE CLASSIC PogU LETS START 3Head KEKW @AWOAT lffnFail lffnLUL 40-60 matchup @Rush don't you miss when you could carry from 1 role? game is too teamplay focused now KEKW KEKW KEKW 4fun Pepega true it's not enjoyable anymore PepeHands Dead inside LULW squad1 squad2 rush dead inside player KEKW go next 4 Head monkaW league of legends 2 PogU pls use nak bot squadW rush peepoArrive on camille PeepoLeave BOOMER RUSH KEKW playing the same map for 10 years KEKW community is a bunch of nihilists squadW squadW squadW HERRO does impact stream !duo Solo tfbPepega It’s good but people ruin it I get it KEKW KEKW Eminem 2Pac renekton dead inside is fine KEKW go outside lol addict zoomer rush is dying inside monkaW Pepega Impact voyun123 INTPACT LOLW Pepega SantaHat 4fun jg is bead better? PeepoLeave @Rush season 3 and 4 it seemed like individual skill trumped the better team. meaning you could solo carry games much easier than the pastr few seasons because they remove the solo carry potential from so many roles but not top/mid rush peepoArrive on camille PeepoLeave FI OMEGALUL RA Pepege SantaHat FiveDollar69 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! FiveDollar69's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Bot lane never inted in season 3 Kappa LOLW KEKW coinflip camiller monkaS I want to take the game seriously, but cannot do it when its not balanced 😡 PLAY TALI AYAYA 😡 ANY TRUERS IN CHAT LULW impact never stream LOL gachiW season 3 full ap alistar mid PepeHands miss you gachiW I SAW IT Kreygasm gachiGASM gachiW RIP TRUE KEKW HandsUp i want to take the game seriously, but cannot do it when i am a boomer PepeLaugh Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog PogU Pog KEKW PPMAN Pog Kreygasm ChomPag KEKW KEKW XDDDDDDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4fun KEKW ?????? KEKW ?????? JG GAP KEKW ??? lulw KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW LULW why would you int there FailFish KEKW 4FUN KEKW KEKW Pog.. nvm KEKW ??? BOOMER MECH PPMAN KEKW KEKW xD JG DIFF :( FROM Pog TO KEKW REAL QUICK KEKW KEKW !rushbus peepoArrive coming to lane peepoLeave ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey Pvman = GG KEKW BOOMER MECHANICS KEKW PixelBob WASHED UP S3 PLAYER LUL rush doesnt have a mouse rush always dead when i look at the steam boomers are 50+ years old and dead XD fast base better jungler KEKW feeding KEKW !rank PVMAN = INT KEKW 4fun jg NEVER HIT BY SPEAR !rushbus peepoArrive coming to gank PeepoLeave fast base @coldbier3 yeah okay boomer peepoArrive SantaHat @Rush Is Camille jungle good? there is no such thing as a good nidalee spear only a bad sidestep Pepege im fighting actually silver decisionmaking inting KEKW KEKW DEAD AGAIN KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW INPACT FLAMING KEKW KEKW PVMAN = INT KEKW dirty inter KEKW 4fun jg LUL Rush pls MaldChamp SantaHat LULW KEKW inting GG KEKW grey screen simulator KEKW peepoArrive PeepoLeave gg KEKW KEKW KEKW YouDied JG GAP KEKW Dirty little inter MaldChamp SantaHat SoSnowy not bad Kapp pvman = gg squadOK HandsUp gachiW gachiW Kreygasm I wonder who intend Pog gachiW gachiGASM !headset ChomPag Rush uses a custom Echo Fox headset signed by Fenix gachiW Pog ChompPag hoans gachiW gachiW What a fiesta lol POG POG Kreygasm ughh POGGERS WeirdChamp HandsUp Kreygasm gachiW gachiW SoSnowy roosh = gachiGASM peepoArrive SantaHat LUL CHARGEE PepegaPhone Kreygasm Nice sound effects HandsUp ChomPag peepoArrive PeepoLeave hi HandsUp SoSnowy WOW ITS SNOWING that flash KEKW why rush always moan when he duo impact? KappaPride PepegaPhone Pepega CHECKING IN Pepega ? every play is misplay if your rush :) ty ;) @Rush hiiii 1 rush can't win PepegaHands high tempo misplay KEKW High tempo, feeding faster Good jung OkayChamp Chat weirdchampagne pepega warfare Pepega MONSTERS Pepega MONSTERS gachiW LUL that noise Kapp what a blood bath Pog\ MALD FIESTA Pepega MALD pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey MALD KEKW MALD chat i lost 7 ina row and won 7 in a row KEKW MALD MALD AYAYA IMPACT eminem 2 pac MALD MaldChamp Clap MALD AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo MALDCHAMP MALD StinkyCheese team so lucky peepoLeave MALDING 😂 AYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA that cs's LUL Kapp AYAYA peepoArrive PeepoLeave 😡 PLAY TALI AYAYA 😡 cirAYAYA korean high elo is just one big rundown dfuq @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxLurk weebs DansGame @ZeoKaixa i only did the losing part PepeHands peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad < @ミッドガルド TPFufun why E man? @Rush D: @MarcvsTulliusCicero cirLewd i miss gorillA giggles AYAYA Clap AYAYA Clap AYAYA Clap @nevercheatagain PepeHands it will stop soon i believe DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame AYAYA ⁉️ gachiGASM TopHat AYAYA HYPERCLAP PogCamp weebs out DansGame boxREE rise weebs boxREE @pvman Pog AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent AYAYA TopHat AYAYA TopHat AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat HolidayPresent PADORU PADORU AYAYA MALD Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog pog POG Pog Pog Pog POG Pog CLEAN Pog PogU Pog Pog gachiGASM TopHat help i cant see gachiGASM TopHat help i cant see gachiGASM TopHat help i cant see PogChamp PogU @pvman Pog Clap PogU PogChamp PVMAN Pog Pog Clap CLEAN CAMILLE Pog Pog Pog the FAM Pog Pog Nice rush every time i think hes inting this shit happens ROOSH = WIN Pog Pvman = pog pvman = gg but unironically Chinese mid Pog Ryze getting flamed probably Pog The Play Pvman = gg for enemy team PogU @filantoz i swear man lol pvman = not gg Pog pvman = gg Roosh = win PogU PowerUpL AYAYA PowerUpR WEEBS RISE PowerUpL AYAYA PowerUpR Aguante Argentina gatos KEKW IMPACT FAN BOI PowerUpL AYAYA PowerUpR WEEBS RISE PowerUpL AYAYA PowerUpR korean fanboy KEKW KEKW KEKW flat is justice AYAYA PowerUpL TPFufun PowerUpR @flat_is_justice_flat AYAYA @flat_is_justice_flat TPFufun intpact Pog TPFufun MALD Pog renekton is done with life for sure NaM 🗡 AYAYA kill all weebs KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @YuriMahouShoujo @korea_bandwagon AYAYA KEKW pog Po OMEGALUL KEKW LOL KEKW oh noooo Pog LULW KEKW KEKWWH KEKW MALD REN= MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW oh he's so mad KEKW MAL D hes mald KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOL D: Pog KEKW LOL MALD PepeLaugh kekw lmao pog D: KEKW PepeHands Hair JENSEN KEKW D: D: LUL MALD Renek Kreygasm KEKWH RENEK KEKW MALD LOL Pog KEKW D: Pog D: hahahaha KEKWWWW RENE MALD MaldChamp Clap jensen XD D: D: KEKW D: D: KEKW ULT Kreygasm :D MALDING JENSEN = MALD gachiW 8=====D OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy KEKW Pepege CHARGE YOOO HE MALDING 😂 👌 🔥 "open top" MaldChamp ?!?!??!?!? pvman = gg KEKW SOON ANELE MaldChamp Clap MALD MALD MALD MALD MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MALD Clap MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp voyHELLO LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW HAHHAAA KEKW BOOSTEC KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW AHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW F KEKW NA FLASH KEKW lol KEKW KEKW hmm ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NA flash lol KEKW LUL NICE FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKWWW KEKW KEKW KEKW bOOsted kekw Looooool KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW BOOSTED Roosh ? KEKW what a flash :D KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW greeedy KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan KEKW BOOSTED KEKW MALD :) KEKW XC KEKW NA FLASH KEKW LOL NA flash hi synapse KEKW KEKW NA Flash LUL LUL KEKW RUSH MALDING BOOOSTED FLASH KEKW Troll KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SO MALD BRONZEFLASH Flash King CLIPPP PixelBob CoolStoryBob PixelBob CoolStoryBob PixelBob PixelBob KEKW HE CANT PLAY THE GAME ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ LuL LUL MALD MALD nice flash KEKW Boosted pvman = coinflip KEKW rush MALD MaldChamp Kekw Blame team KEKW Farming KEKW in chat KEKW KEKW KEKW Flash king Zkekw MALD MALD @Rush why E max and not Q? clean monkey KEKW KEKW KEKW Rush losing hair KEKW MaldChamp flash gap MaldChamp @Dehfs cdr Next time Use ulti before Maldchamp his forehead looks like the mald emote MALD feels batman MaldChamp ReinDeer @Dehfs cuz E is your best ability :) rush losing hair KEKW SMITE jg gap KEKW KEKW Your camille is pretty sick... too bad it is a year and a half late LUL INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW throwing KEKW ??? KEKW rush on camille jungle KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SUPPORT BTW KEKW SENNA monkaW KEKW wait what Senna dmg monkaMEGA KEKW 👉 @Rush FIESTA KEKW stopwatch balanced OMEGALUL ? ? RUSH TROLLING HWAAAT? monkaW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW balanced champ where did kaisa go KEKW SUPPORT BTW KEKW ? He's inting again FeelsBadMan @pvman KEKW peepoFat SantaHat dark harvest proc pvman = gg KEKW shitalks boomers, loses/ karma :/ @rush KEKW she isnt even supporting here iron chat KEKEW KEKW SantaHat ok boomer 😂 Why is his screen always grey? Kappa PepoThink TopHat (@00 KEKW E Kapp is rush actually delusional or is he trying to be funny :/ 4Head @Dassiz he is being funny :) he is delusional he needs a psychiatrist HE is delusiu PepoThink SantaHat 3Head TopHat ReinDeer KEKW @rhyno00 Kappa KEKW alot PMSTwin PogCamp widepeepoSad SantaHat i'm too wide @Fuze_yy Kappa rush absolutely delusional PogChamp TopHat YouWHY 35 kills at 13 minutes MonkaS Actually delusional PepeHands Chat can’t get rush jokes 3Head Pog no hes fully delusional PogCamp SantaHat MaldChamp ReinDeer TopHat old graves burst damage moon2PH AUTISM BibleThump o NO NO NO leona does it LUL no money to see doctor that's well his condition is worsening LUL Keepo Rush exhibiting signs of schizophrenia PepeHands peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive RitzMitz heal LULW LULW bro--- just play 5 adc Kapp xayah and kaisa kits KEKW @Rush KAPP Kaisa in a nutshell TheThing fucking riot KEKW RitzMiTZ JG IS OP Like 75% crit chance , with no crit items, yikes PogChamp ReinDeer SoSnowy Kappa BabyRage just wait till aphelios RitzMitz PeepoLeave Adc senna heals herself too LUL JUBGEL IS RUINED WAHH OH NO JUNGLE IS ONLY A LITTLE OP NOW KEKW BabyRage why play Lulu when you can play senna !settings aphelios has root slow turret cait r in an auto titanic hydra boomerang lifesteal KEKW KEKW Pog Pog Pog Senna is not balanced not in any way shape or form Pog Pog KKona Pog Pog {pg aphelios has root slow turret cait r in an auto titanic hydra boomerang lifesteal KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW Pog Pog JUNFULU++ aphelios has root slow turret cait r in an auto titanic hydra boomerang lifesteal KEKW KEKW KEKW . PanicVis PauseChamp ReinDeer PauseChamp ReinDeer PauseChamp ReinDeer PauseChamp ReinDeer PauseChamp ReinDeer Senna gay rush gay all gay PVMAN = WIN PogU IM MAD moon2A every lane can afford to make mistakes but 1 mistake in jungle and your 2 lvls behind.... jungle balanced RUSH FREE EMOTE Pog KappaPride PogU PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis PanicVis hou ? moon2COOM moon2COOM moon2COOM KEKW Clap KEKW thx bus LULW FBCatch EZ Clap PauseChamp TopHat 🍷 another clean game EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap next adc gets to be unkillable tank i bet izi OWL2019gg Clap HeyGuys FeelsSnowyMan !bus hey rush stop bullying !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ PauseChamp ReinDeer PauseChamp ReinDeer Thx bus w4nn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! KappaRoss w4nn's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! stream elements not subbed KEKW thx bus IceCold TehePelo peepoLeave Now better player wins NaM FBBlock AYAYA is xin good? is PVMAN SAFE Kappa @Rush why no uploads on youtube KEKW rush ekko KEKW 0% KEKW NaM 🔨 AYAYA KEKW KEKW is PVMAN = OLAF KEKW sneakyW FBBlcok sneakyWEEB3 PVMAN EKKO KEKW AATROX mejai eve Kappa Zven 1000 LP , Rush 150 LP LUL teach us ekko pvman Kappa IS XIN GOOD? @Rush can u show us your ekko?? Kapp HARD KAPPA Kapp PLAY EKKO @rush C OMEGALUL R R E C T Kappa what about ezreal jg? holy shit thats a Kappa pls ekko boss Kappa Kappa no Kapp sneakyE Kappa NO Kappa Dopa Kapp sure Kapp no you always fight Kappa 5Head ah yes huge Kapp for me @XtremeKO he has other accounts IS XIN GOOD??@Rush ekko plz Kapp true never safe play LOL no KEKW @Rush where do you live ? Where is came from this english ? 러쉬님 카오스는 안하셧어요? correct player PogChamp PogChamp sneakyNLT Safe cyberbully no inting or anything :) rush is troll player Kappa Gragas please Kapp true int when it is correct only play correct Kappa guys i think he is delusional PepeHands twitch chat is digusting sneaky1 sneaky2 NO No Can you show us your ekko? @Rush correct Kapp PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko InuyoFace ITS OKAY for your elo :) :) KEKW "plays safe" goes 0/12 this game PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko what are the top tier jglers right now? !delai PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone he is good if you are bronze PVMAN Pog Tall Pog Handsome Pog Intelligent !delay KonCha PunOko @Rush where do you live ? Where is came from this english ? ????????????? PepegaPhone SantaHat PepegaPhone PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone PepegaPhone blitz jungle is awesome :) PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko roosh PepegaPhone play ekkoPepegaPhone play ekkoPepegaPhone play ekkoPepegaPhone play ekko i wreckon xin good cause fiesta games he is good at fighting KEKW PepegaPhone play ekko PepegaPhone play ekko PepegaPhone play ekko Play Xin zhao more pls monkaW HandsUp gachiW LUL PepeLaugh LUL @Rush play Qiyana JG MonkaW monkaW KEKW @rush ekko pls bpss lmao @Rush can you play some xin now? HandsUp yes sir monkaW gachiW monkaW AHAHAH monkaW SoSnowy monkaW LUL monkaHmm 📝 monkaW MALD MaldChamp D: HandsUp CandyCane SoSnowy CandyCane SoSnowy CandyCane SoSnowy CandyCane SoSnowy D: @rush gragas game please! sneakyW @Rush xin is good if you meed tp snowball a hyper carry lane what about tank junglers? D: D: AATROX AATROX AATROX where is came from that guys english Pepega pvman ekko KEKW r key broken always :DDDDDDDDDD please seriosly how do you know english Taliya gachiW PansexualPride no PepeHands He says it sometimes rush ekko KEKW play sej bottle @thetracer16 no one likes this dump champ no, thats too 2016 WeirdChamp PepeHands rush came out of the closet KappaPride KEKW welcome to my butthole sneakyC my butthole he's become straight WeirdChimp normiefied PepeHands sneaky grow up rush still immature D: POST RAM RANCH SNEAKY PepeHands A A T R O X GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride PinkMercy old sneaky would welcome me to his butthole PepeHands @Rush did you try on sneaky's cosplay outfits when at c9? !time 21:43 @Necromcancer he player in NA for a while so he got very good while he was there TehePelo CandyCane KEKW tru seauhang subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! play yi? seauhang's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! play Kindred @Kaniskion if sneaky's straight then i'm jesus Kappa rush you monkey what are the top jglers right now no C9 = can welcome to butthole again FeelsGoodMan is sneaky your mom? @SveItE thank you 2019 SNEAKY IS TRAP SNEAKY Kreygasm KEKW THE GIRL Ester @Rush milkers or buttocks? master yi monkas esther lyn @Alviss144 praise be to you our lord FeelsBadMan When Sneaky is more mature than you OMEGAYAYA Imagine if i could use Rush emotes, and be a monkey too :D The girl monkaW the girl KEKW do you have a Patreon? @Rush :) wait sneaky is not gay ? OMEGAYAYA PepeHands my sneaky sneaky cosplay female league of legends characters = grow up Pepega girls DansGame BibleThump rush sad oh no OMEGAYAYA BibleThump THIEF PrideGive sneakyNLT MY SNEAKY automod DansGame why dont u do lee sin cosplay fuck all da girls OMEGAYAYA PunOko @qeeeew nope cheated widepeepoSad !time 21:44 outing sneaky as straight WeirdChamp Rush's sneaky widepeepoSad Pepege SantaHat !uptime @theblakkid_, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 2 mins no he has big hands he has to cosplay blitzcrank when will u get cosplayer girlfriend? @Rush sneakyGrip changed man @Rush what do you think about poppy jgl play warwick no balls @Rush YI PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko PepegaPhone chat wants ekko his girlfriend is a trap, right? FBPass MaxLOL FBBlock FBSpiral EKKO Irisa Pog Gragas DansGame play jax no balls @rush DansGame 3D gf DansGame DansGame elise @Rush I've never seen you play a yi game rush how do u play high tempo all the time when i try i just int kled players FeelsWeirdMan 3D gf DansGame Ornn LUL Soulmario is a beast with him elise <3 best champ spider tits DansGame KEKW just spam Ornn 5Head Kled is for furries WeirdChamp I said yi not lee facepalm FBRun PauseChamp FBBlock KLED KKona Do you think ornn junlge is any good @Rush elise ResidentSleeper No Kappa what about tank junglers like zac seju etc. I agree rush is live PogU monkaHmm ReinDeer AYAYA AYAYA Furries VoteYea PauseChamp FBBlock sneakyWEEB3 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA TROX tell that to hashinshin hashinshin disagrees KEKW fly smart GG KEKW monkaHmm ReinDeer loool sylas into aatrox, 2 most useless champs rn is it true top for noobest player :) AYAYATROX tell that to hashinsin AYAYA ????? monkaHmm SoSnowy ReinDeer TRUE KEKW HASHINSHIN DELUSIONAL hashinshin hardstuck d2 KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW lol TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW PauseChamp FBCatch FBPass KEKW what about trynda Ekko going to smurf on Roosh widepeepoSad monkaHmm ReinDeer IceCold SoSnowy KEKW monkaHmm SantaHat FBBlock AYAYA KEKW !duo Solo good *** saber KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hashinchin is a big baby BabyRage why is camille good late game? YOU DO THE EXACT SAME KEKW Kappa FBPass MaxLOL FBRun KEKW you never do that KEKW TURE OMEGALUL AYAYA Now he is plat KEKW is saber plat now? rush stream peepoArrive rush on elise peepoLeave TRUE KEKW Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp saber widepeepoSad hashinshin just can't team fight Kapp Kapp Kappa rush stream peepoArrive rush on elise PeepoLeave Kapp Kapp hashinshin d4 KEKW I could've had a better jungler - Hashinshin probably you literally only blame KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp first is teammates KEKW @Rush would you say Aatrox top is better than what people think? Kap LUL hashinshin is a diamond player, why are you guys bringing him up ? WeirdChamp KEKW Kapp SantaHat Kapp Kapp KappaRoss rush on elise PeepoLeave Kappa perfect KEKW LUL Kappa PixelBob LUL kappa YOU LITERALLY ONLY BLAME KEKW my gameplay? KEKW first i need to play LULW hahahaha Kapp KEKW Kapp Hi rush, how you doin today? DELUSIONAL KEKW @Rush I havent seen a yi game from you... play yi to CHARGE!!??!! LUL MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 bob ross of lol peepoArrive PeepoLeave Kapp SantaHat I'M WEARIN THE HAT ChomPag Kapp Kappa L OMEGALUL G I C A L DELISIONAL KEKW and correct PixelBob JGL DIFF KEKW little fish head = gg 5Head L OMEGALUL GICAL first is teammates KEKW rush is such a casual memer and its hella cute YES Yes lord ur the one inting with ur pepega CHARGE PixelBob rush=blame teammate Kappa pepega Kapp SantaHat SoSnowy illusional Streamer KEKW perfect flash into wall KEKW L 5Head G I C kaiaYA L 5Head GICAL lmao 러쉬 귀여웡 highly educated i see monkaHmm !duo Whats his rank? Solo LING LING lice lice don't mind me justa daily KEKW spam ignored as usual Kappa golden kappa test FBPass PinkMercy FBBlock FBSpiral !rank 2 rush Pog Kappa @patricio2811 he's ~150LP NaM FBBlock AYAYA @Rush is that ur little brother? do they still do golden kappa GunRun PixelBob PartyHat 2 pvman one team PogU PogU RitzMitz Furry @tims_nina read title Pepega atamLol 2 pvman = gg KEKW Impact always watching monkaW LENEKTON KEKW @seauhang no idea, i hope so, it's a cool thing Ornn items kappa blue->gromp->red might be good Kappa !chair pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR pvmanR No Mods BibleThump @Mortryx we all watch rush, we're all Pepega torina2Sad bawkGlad peepoArrive Gank enemy top he's famous inter :) D: D: D: D: D: D: D: d: D D: monkaW D: D: D: D: D: D: D: peepoLeave meanie D: in game? D: D: D: 4Head pepega streamer D: top die LUL top die SeemsGood D: 4HEad BANNED D: JUST MAKIN IT WORSE D: D: wtf D: D: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 카이사 HEY D: monkaHmm coming through monkaHmm N OMEGALUL LUL LUL wtf ggman LUL Can say it on mic to 5000 people, but type it in chat to 4 people Riot perma bans LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW JGL DIFF KEKW RUSH PepeHands oof KEKW KEKW LULW OMEGALUL NA FLASH 15 KEKW rip GG KEKW pvman= gg KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega Rush pvman = gg KEKW Jebaited team ??? UR TROLLING PauseChamp FBCatch FBPass KEKW KEKW blame teammates KEKW JDL DIF geegee KEKW pvman = gg JANGLE DIFF KEKW pvman = gg KEKW JG gap KEKW HEY RUSH TOP DIE pvmanNocounter pvmanNocounter pvmanNocounter pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanNonono pepega pvman is back bad player kekw dont go in btw KEKW HEY RUSH KEKEW widepeepoSad FF 15 KEKWW pvman = troll kabajiOhMy ACTUALLY SO BAD KEKW JG DIFF pvman = gg KEKW PVMAN = ?? KEKW playing correctly Pepega Int just kill them CORRECT PLAYER pvman = gg 15 WutFace peepoSad KEKW Misplay WutFace the correct play OMG D: WutFace WutFace WutFace peepoSad SantaHat Filthyfondu subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! !rushbus WutFace fivepeopledead KEKW EARS WutFace peepoArrive Filthyfondu's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! stop bluyying roosh widepeepoSad pvman = 15 mins gameplay KEKW widepeepoHappy PepegaPhone 💨 NotLikeThis naviPoo pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey tilting top laner Pepega Clap @yo dont go top...its a tank top useless to gank but roosh booly us sneakyD wtf man Bus wheel gone Kekw Kapp sometimes !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ true Kappa What happen to frozen guys ? which team is he playing right now ? peepoArrive PeepoLeave PinkMercy CAULE OPEM Impact Pepega pvman cheese 15min win or 15min lose widepeepoSad PeepoLeave PeepoLeave big meanie KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL PowerUpL PinkMercy KEKW Inting KEKW ? wTF ?????? KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahaha ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? ???????????? INT Pepega KEKW jungle diff KEKW KEKW inting KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW rip pvman = gg ???? LUL TROLL KEKW inting KEKW pvman = gg KEKW Stop inting Impact 😡 @Rush ???? Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 nice chunk Kappa the correct play Pepega RUSH BAD actually gold level KEKW chain inting Pog pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM REPORT ORNN better jungler wins KEKW shipSWEAT shipSWEAT shipSWEAT HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat ??????? chunk him kabajiLmao ggman KEKW pvmanFBM pvmanFBM ???? Troller ... ??? you can do it roosh Outjungled PepeHands ?????????? REPORT ORNN !!!!!! hey guys , how's the inting today ? ekko fed gg carry it Poor impact PepeHands rooSpy Yooooo huitzo rooHi PowerUpL MVGame PowerUpR impact 1v3ing toplane Pog pvman = gg Impact widepeepoSad top die Pog tilzc subscribed with Twitch Prime. tilzc's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Report jg impact:( ff 15 PowerUpR PowerUpL what did impact do to deserve this PepeHands pvman=gg lulw rush I know you are good player but why do you sometimes make literally bronze play? Inting as good as ever, premium content skt rush?? @Nazzet rmzHI rmzHI jg inting SavageGardenLoL subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months! SavageGardenLoL's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Ornn can't carry this widepeepoSad Thanks for the HahaHide @tilzc !duo Solo LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW WTF MAN KEKW INTING KEKW !uptime @Intratone, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 11 mins KEKW INTing JG Pepega pvman = ff@15 KEKW pvman equals? ganking without the adc KEKW Turbo inting KEKW INTING JG KEKW 0/3/0 @6min KEKW KEKW KEKW OPEN Omega inting KAISA NOT THERE DUMMY !duo Solo 0/3 CHARGE Pepega y i k e s pepega warfare running it down RPGTreeNua ROOSH = GG KEKW efficiently inting Pog FeelsBadMan WASHED UP KEKW 15 jg diff for real KEKW EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle lul jungle difference is huge KEKW 15 PVMAN = GG Bronze Elo game lol jg inting 15 gg KEKW 15 gg professional player KEKW 15 death 6 mins KEKW Report ornn pvman = 15 gg 12/2 jgl gap KEKW ekko jg we told you@rush 030 15 gg ff 15 KEKW 러쉬님 화이팅! pvmanKappa TPFufun TPcrunchyroll TearGlove CarlSmile CrreamAwk scale on Elise OMEGALUL Rush was willing to abuse Elise again, didnt work because he's now a 4fun dirty inter KEKW pvman = gg !uptime @canvas_, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 12 mins now go mid so you have fed every lane :) jg... scaling KEKW another int game FEED MID HE'S CRYING KEKW jg difference impact FeelsBadMan Rush turn now? feed mid, you won't KEKW there you go :) FeelsBadMan lol EZ Kapp BibleThump winnable nvm not anymore next FeelsBadMan !rank monkaS monkaW 0/5 do it Pepega Brace yourself chat OpieOP monitor pepehands not the chat one monkaW !uptime @Grizzles_Fun, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 14 mins is this imaaqtpie stream? 0-4 XD stream ending soon Pro player doesn't know champion mechanics KEKW it resets on autos^^ taric lol don't die monkaW Close game btw when aphelios coming out ? feed qiyana he's crying BabyRAge last game FeelsBadMan I told u play gragas but u didn’t listen @rush !uptime @KidoBR, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 14 mins ggman how to get better at kindred Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW I CAN STUN Kapp oh my Big spoder KEKW Inting again FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW feeding impact lane again.. Pog na super top hashinshin Pog widepeepoSad SUCCESSFULLY FED QIYANA FOR ALL LANE KEKW This feed lol ggman KEKW 052 jungle gap !8ball is pvman = gg ? Kapp @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Better not tell you now. pvmanNocounter why is rush turbo inting every game today :( 05 i mean black people are just faster KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ggman KEKW KEKW KEKW wtf @rush why dont you play ekko :) KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL BRONZE MECHANICS ?? why no drag when ekko had to b a LUL p v m a n = _ _ ❓ PepoThink KEKW Fake korea player KEKW PeepoLeave NYAAAAAAAAA more of correct player Kappa TPFufun Impact PepeHands 1v3 toplane PepeHands SoSnowy its okay Kapp kind boy feeding again PepeHands PepeHands pvman = gg monkaHmm PeepoLeave Kapp rush has a risky playstyle if it backfires hes doomed @totalpoi to entertain the public 5Head Kapp ??? LUL intpact Rush counterboosting Impact s account LUL @schrodingersmau5 p v m a n = 승리 KEKW Duo inters 1-10 duo KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW my time to INT KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 1v1 Kappa go get him DIE KEKW shinyy u playeed that so horrible !8ball is roosh going to stop inting ?monkaHmm @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Concentrate and ask again. LMAOOO Jgl no fingers no face mom boom to the sky whitepeoplesad KEKW KEKW monkaS lol LMFAO ?????? u couldn't have played that any worse game boom next game karth LUL NEXT NEXT GG Another NA coccoon FeelsBadMan @ㅎ__ㅎ KEKW ggman KEKW open mid KEKW GGMAN KEKW KEKW Lol 15? COCOON? IMPACT HAS NO IMPACT OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW monkaW die pvman=gg kekw in the future try hitting Q land your fkn e ffs OWL2019gg open 15ff holy shit rush is ACTUALLY bad widepeepoSad THE BEST OF KR Kappa MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu Lol CHAMPION PROBLEM LULW Kapp KOMI-SAN 1-11 great duo widepeepoSad Sad spoder D: @mrjonjonjon he also has no jg WOULD HAVE WON WITH EKKO PepegaPhone D: 15 062 widepeepoSad KEKW 1 rush can't win PeepoLeave LUL KEKW jungle gap KEKW m0xyDone LULW KEKW so have you KEKW LUL SoSnowy LUL 062 XD Kr Hashinshin 0-6 YOU TOO KEKW next next LUL Fok Rush BabyRage Just like you seems faliliar LUL KEKW adc's fault elise died 6 times in 13 min too KEKW "0/6" KEKW my jg died 6 times 13 minutes LUL 0/6 widepeepoHappy IceCold SO DID YOU pvman = gg KEKW 0/6 XC bot gap LUL SantaHat SoSnowy LUL LUL Angry spoderman you too LUL NOT MY FAULT 4Head PeepoLeave inting duo KEKW 0/6 btw 3v1 toplane LUL botlane losing too D: PeepoLeave Clap KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW LOLW LUL pvman=gg MAN TRUE KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW Intpact KEKW KEKW lmao what means kekw LUL :/ elmillorWotofok greyscreen simulator ?? ? team dying every 30 sec KEKW @donvidan1234 pvman means kekw KEKW KEKW ??????? KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW he means mentalboom KEKW KEKW KEKW ROLLED KEKW KEJW LMFAO POG KWKEKE KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp NEXT Pog I KNEW IT KEKW KEKW KEKW EKOO PogU Korean Ekko Pog LMFAOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW jungle gap GO NEXT LMAO Xddd EKKO THE BOY WHO LIVED KEKW 0-7 KEKW MaldChamp KEKW EKKO Pog Balanced widepeepoSad D: KEKW KEKW yyyyyoooo KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 0-7 EKKO PogU pvman = gg KEKW KEKW roasted KEKW Malding cause bad KEKW korean eeko TRUE KEKW KEKW PogYou 31-10 IMPACT TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW !duo Solo pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey jg gap KEKW like youu OMEGALUL 0/7 player KEKW KEKW PVMAN= GO NEXT LULW Korean Ekko vs NA elise KEKW 0-7 stuuipid players free kill KEKW like you LUL INT AND MALDING KEKW pvmanMonkey 0/7 !solo insane jgl gap LUL JG diference GGMAN KEKW D: Kek D: D: D: D: D: jg gap KEKW HEEH 4Head KEKW D: jgl finger 4 ? D: stop bully roosh 0/7 spoder feelsbadman WutFace i'm gonna reinstall lol just to int for fun LUL LULW PogYou 900 Pog 9000000 pvman= pepega KEKW ? Rush only 2 fingers LUL WutFace KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW E TU KEKW Stop playing with your feets KEKW KEKW Y is he 0/7 Kappa not winnable Rush inting another game away FeelsBadMan he is 1/7 Kappa Pvman = KEKW 1/7 btw KEKW cured my depression he isn't 0/7 Kappa kaisa POG YIKES KEKW 3-14 great duo !8ball will roosh stop feeding like a na player? monkaHmm @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Better not tell you now. pvmanNocounter @Rush why blue smite over red smite? 1/7/2 feelsgoodman KEKW Oh sorry mb he just got a kill he’s just 1/7 sorry chat lmfao OMEGALUL How does a jungler get 7 deaths so early? If u hit ur e it will stun them whats the time in kr has to be night or !duo Solo Daddy Roosh I love you LUL LMAO KEKW LUL rat he got tower vs 4 people KEKW twitch Pog PVMAN = GG KEKW GG LUL KEKW LULW twitch 1v9 KEKW KEKW rat irl Pog 0 stuns landed RATATATATATATA has rush landed a q yet,? jg dif KEKW @innegrimmsch 10pm KEKW @gawzer Impact is his duo WINTRADE pvman = GG first time elise KEKW 16 at 17 mins imp PogU whit e u can stunt them RAT IRL is that RATIRL?? ratirlBusiness !8ball did roosh hit a single cocoon this game? JG DIFF KEKW @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Cannot predict now. MrDestructoid yikes Twitch teammates LUL rush havent land a e this game IMAGINE BEING 1/8 KEKW KAI'SA LOST TO TWITCH OMEGALUL You’re actually playing pretty bad this game.. ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness IMAGINE NOT HITTING COCOON RATATATATA spray & pray 3-16 THE DuO lul imagine not landing a single E all game Rush we <3 PogYou duoman = gg Kappa imagine being a big spoder and getting killed by a litle rat @picolo1122 he did , in mid lane, are u watching or not? NaDuo 3-16 WINNABLE PogU gachiW WINNABLE gachiW he nutted IMAGINE BEING WINNABLE LUL !8ball is rush a dirty inter? @punpun_friendhard, the 8-ball says... Concentrate and ask again. Imagine saying he’s playing bad when you prob play in NA LUL 187 KEKW gachiGASM comeback? Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm QQQQQ LUL roosh streaming again widepeepoHappy moon2COOM he's cooming LUN LUN LUN LUN GachiGasm WutFace nvm KEKW LUL lmao KEKW widepeepoHappy\ KEKW OOF KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW Pepege UNLUCKY MAAAN lul helping :) LUN LUN LUN LUN LUN LUN clean Kreygasm Kreygasm !opgg LULW KEKW LULW KEKW ? intpac and ppman KEKW STILL WINNABLE POG! KEKW !rank helping KEKW 43-16 ggman KEKW !duo Solo Having fun no hp and still hunting for KS KEKW so close to 10 death powerspike widepeepoSad !uptime KEKW / @rSabin0, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 23 mins 4/18 LCS PLAYERS KEKW We don't lose, we int to win Kappa 4Head little fish head GGman=pv KEKW LCK 4Head 4Head GETTING ROASTED KEKW lol cant say bad word KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW write down his name atpRtsd atpRtsd atpRtsd KEKW KEKW can someone translate ??? GGMAN=PV KEKW i want to say something, but im streaming 4Head KEKW KEKW what is dis?? NA SoloQ?? INT LIST pvmanMonkey KEKW translate u ady did KEKW translate plz Pepega translate plz 1/10 powerspike KEKW on the list BigBrother BigBrother you know what to do Translate XD Red card BabyRage Translateeeee @rush DADADADA Pepega already ran it down KEKW What is he saying? Tranlate please It says he's a pepega W OMEGALUL W Damn wish I knew korean translate pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands RAT IRL OP naut said "is elise even a jugler" MALD rush become hashinshin truly a business man ratirlBusiness MALD DELUSIONAL RUSH MALDING malding BabyRage RUSH LUL widepeepoSad MaldChamp taric to clean I can't tell if Rush actually thinks he played well this game lol SO OP = 19 KILLS 20 min KEKW Hello @Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) WutFace go next KEKW J J ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH gachiW AAAAAA @Rush what did Naut say? KEKW GO NEXT! MALD 🌬️ WutFace gachiW BabyRage quit gachiW gachiW gachiW MaldChamp Clap calm down lush gachiW AAAAAAAHHH the usual rush gachiW Always losing gachiW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gachiW gachiW KEKW JG GAP KEKW roosh = gg no honor for intpact kekw BabyRage Blame team KEKW @Rush what did Nautilus say? No JG No Win Better jungle wins C- KEKW D: how can i do emotes in league like sandbox gorilla C- @rush twitch/taric is a legit duo for bot lane. Stealth stunt xD tell us what did naut say PunOko @Rush 1/10 kekw @Rush maybe you should play Ekko? D: D: D; !duo Solo monkaW @Rush what icon is this ? Jungle dif insane this game D: Hello @Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) monkaW punish Keepo 1/10 btw Kapp !rank monkaW IN GAME? Nautilus basically called him retarded monkaW SoSnowy buy new skins Hello @Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) monkaW @Rush play red smite twitch jg D8 What did the nautulus say? Translate please in game? monkaW @Rush Lee Sin1? And said pro player LUL time for lee naut said "is this elise even a jungler??" I used to play that in season 3 KEKW monkaW SoSnowy its ok, since taric can just ult u full hp and ratata @rush INGAME DEAD? OR? @theloneranger0811 impact is his duo Every time i get into this stream he's inting moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN w8 that works? Pepega SoSnowy Pepega KEKW Hello Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) monkaHmm @rush should change the title to IWD cosplay KEKW @schrodingersmau5 thanks man Pepega SantaHat does anyone know which icon rush has ? not anymore, but they used to be Kappa monkaHmm . o O ( gachiW SoSnowy ) @roughrobie <3 monkaHMM I see.. @Rush play twitch jg informative stream Pog @Rush hi rush, why are you so bad at winning? seemed pretty viable to me Kapp monkaHmm . o O ( gachiW SoSnowy ) PepoThink SantaHat monkaHmm . o O ( gachiW SoSnowy ) schrodingersmau5: @roughrobie <3 ratirl 18-0 :) @rush dead in game? or? you just misplayed so much and yet blamming team Kapp ranked down? kaisa naut losing to twitch taric WeirdChamp @flat_is_justice_flat HandsUp ??? @Irontimm pretty sure it's from the Odyssey event stuff widepeepoHappy SantaHat Viabilty doesn’t matter if the jungler runs it down @Rush play twitch jg its op as heck Imagine AYAYA Rush LUL peepoSad SantaHat when did this become IWD stream blaming teammates LUL Hello @Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) The main problem is having Rush in your team, its the worst thing that can happen to you if you want to grind Keepo Rush LEE SIN PogYou the thing at 6 is that kaisa cant kill him tru taric shield stealth invincible aoe range attacks fall off.... Rush inted top and then went to int bot stee sto stu stun stop stee stun monkaW maybe they win til 6 Inting elise falls off faster monkaW PepeHands FeelsBadMan SantaHat FeelsBadMan all that matters is who gets a level and gold lead. @Rush mental issue? widepeepoSad PepeHands <3 feels batman FeelsBadMan SoSnowy widepeepoSad Kappa PepeHands SantaHat brain lag and slow fingers PepeHands FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad TopHat why am i so wide getting old PepeHands Kapp PepeHands SantaHat Kapp are you sick everyday? FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy PepeHands excuses widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SoSnowy LUL did you mom try to bench you just like NA and KR teams? pvman = gg widepeepoSad Issues feelsbadman lier, lier, pants on fire!! Rush has AIDS BibleThump Kapp Pog mental boom ? gachiW Kapp KEKW SantaHat gachiW gachiW gachiW ?? get better soon Rush FeelsBadMan <3 anemic korean there needs to be a big go next button on everyones hud Kapp HandsUp HYPERS D: D: fast fingers Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW D: SantaHat D: Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Depression PepeHands i'm sick every time i play solo queue FeelsBadMan D: D: widepeepoSad IceCold moon2D fast fingers gachiW D: my problem PepeHands GO PVMA D: peepoArrive D: IceCold D: D: D: lol PVMA chat feels sorry for Rush? WeirdChamp PVMAN YOU FUNNY KEKW mental sickness D: @Rush im sorry dad I love you peepoSad IceCold chat say sorry PepeHands win next - twitch jg PeepoLeave D: IceCold QUICK twitch chat, lets be nice to RUsh now!! D: D: D: D: WE CARE ❤ oof PepeHands LUL KEKW RUSH sorry roosh widepeepoSad True D: SoSnowy apologize to roosh chat WeirdChat BigBrother FLAME THEM chat tag me for no reason @Rush as long as you didn't get AIDS from a girl or from a boy, you're fine :) He said it "mental sickness" KEKW Pvman not GG? peepoLeave sorry roosh widepeepoSad Rush we love you, you silly twort monkey Pepega CHECKING IN peepoSad IceCold sorry roosh widepeepoSad peepoArrive peepoArrive PeepoiArriv PeepoLeave but bullying is fun PepeHands widepeepoSad peepoArrive peepoArrive SoSnowy yes peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave @rush you make our life happy peepoSad no peepoArrive peepoArrive IceCold @Rush do u think jungle gets flamed more than other lanes? peepoArrive you're peepo? peepoArrive ePeepOaRrIVE pvman = ? Pepega CHECKING IN peepoArrive checking in Pepega CHECKING IN Pepega CHECKED IN Pepega sorry roosh widepeepoSad Pepega peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave Pepega CHECKING IN TRUE Pepega IceCold Pepega CHECKING IN Pepega CHECKIN IN Pepega Pepega quinPega ppPoof Pepega CHECKING IN 100% they do i thought jg had lowest play rate CHECKING IN peepoArrive peepoLeave daphSucc 100% flame the jg for loss peepoArrive Pepega has CHECKED IN PeepoLeave daphSucc Pepege Pepega checking in vi @Rush it sometimes take a little time to show BTTV emotes after you enable OMEGALUL IceCold HahaReindeer PokCharizard peepoArrive IceCold Pooga DOM IWD Kappa my bot will be at base, mid lane no prio, no vision then blame me for not getting drag Kapp tru Dom WHERE IS POOGA???????? @LinusLad KEKW pepeHands IWD Kapp DOM LUL i recently noticed in korea you put the last name first and the first name after it. is it same for K/D ? because you are 0/12 every game :) ? @Rush RUSH WHERE IS POOGA? every lane can blame jg KEKW :) FBCatch Pepega IceCold I CATCHED ONE OF CHATTERS Jungle not gonna shit talk itself LUL sparta105OPC SoSnowy guys is Senna any good ? you arent in bronze? Pepega Naut is a naughty boi. Rush is best jungle TRUE KEKW true !discord Soon TM NOOOO CAMMMMMILE RUSH MY FRIEND WHERE IS POOGA? DO LEE SIN GAMMMME "challanger jungle can't even carry" peepoArrive IceCold KEKW LEEEEEEEEEE SINNN GAME Pepega FBBlock AYAYA KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW 4Head LEEEEEE SIN PEPGA i recently noticed in korea you put the last name first and the first name after it. is it same for K/D ? because you are 0/12 every game :) ? lower elo is full of poor macro rather than poor mechanics. KEKW IceCold LUL LUL LUL "They push up all game on me and you never gank" Pepega rushW Flaod Mayweather? mrstor3J IceCold most smartest Pepega what about the time when you get camped enemy jungler gets all jungle camps and mine afk at blue? most smartest Pepega @Rush queue against saber please 5Head me me :) not you then Kappa so not you KEKW KKona Our president Impact ? me :) monkaHmm me ? YEs true @Rush JG IS SUFFERING PepeHands D: JUST LISTEN TO RUSH Kappa ... no :) i recently noticed in korea you put the last name first and the first name after it. is it same for K/D ? because you are 0/12 every game :) ? monkaHmm how to tell if someone is smart PepoThink no :) WutFace PVMAN = GG democracy quinPega Pepega Alright Ima get up PEPEHAND Pepega rush is the best WutFace Pepega elise PeepoLeave rush's pepega voice Pepega Clap Pvman = Notthebest i recently noticed in korea you put the last name first and the first name after it. is it same for K/D ? because you are 0/12 every game :) ? yeah ppl on this game is mental tbh WeirdChamp Pepega bogg is the best PeepoLeave @Rush is like Kim Jong Un WutFace gg life problems another run it down elise game Pepega Clap elise PeepoLeave @Rush this is especially true for NA players WutFace ELISE selling frozen pepega 5$ :) FBCatch Pepega IceCold EZ Clap IceCold But what about when he goes 1/10 Elise is he still smartest guy? elise PeepoLeave echo fox problem ? @Rush elise PeepoLeave playing elise PeepoLeave KKona Clap elise PeepoLeave technocracy is the word you're looking for elise PeepoLeave SantaHat KKona Wtf kekw ELISE AGAIN DansGame KKona art NO DODGE KEKW who says that? rengar support???? PeepoLeave SoSnowy elise PeepoLeave KKona WRONG Kkona art is flat OMEGAYAYA majority monkaS not always Art is flat Pepega art elise PeepoLeave :kekw: elise PeepoLeave but majority is stupid LUL sience must be fake news ART IS ROUND DoDGED peepoArrive Nazis were a majority ya doomy i recently noticed in korea you put the last name first and the first name after it. is it same for K/D ? because you are 0/12 every game :) ? @Rush ART IS FLAT earth "round" OMEGAYAYA Play Lee :) pvman elise = PeepoLeave dodged elise peepoArrive peepoArrive earth is flat true Eliseman = dodge Kappa KEKW peepoArrive @Rush im not even sure if your jokes or your gameplay is funnier peepoArrive Clap judging by that logic gold/silver players should always be right cause they're the majority urth elise dodged peepoArrive @itzyaboiikonsti lmao OMEGAYAYA ørth eath iS FLat ran away from your Elise gameplay so pvman = gg? monkaHmm if earth is curve , why my shoes are flat ??? urte tee I LOVE YOU PVMAN NO HOMO rush make me pregnant pls urf? rush: peepoArrive rush team: PeepoLeave the only thing flat, is my teammates brains song? Orth AYAYA KEKW LUL no u KEKW Earth is flat that is why they draw maps on paper 4Head KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WE LOVE U D: IceCold pvman=gg PeepoLeave I love you dad, im sorry chats being mean to you widepeepoSad I am kiddin, you are awesome ;) KEKW KEKW PeepoLeave peepoArrive RIP JUICEWRL 형 한국어좀해 그러다가 한국어잊어먹겠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ communism is the answer if earth is flat how come mountains exist? rush: peepoArrive his team: PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PepegaPhone Pepega Clap hhahahahahhahaha QWER AUTO KEKW AYAYA CUTE VOICE AYAYA WutFace Real voice Pepega q w e r auto @vurderlak KEKW ㅋㅋ QWER AUTO we are rush Pepega WutFace 형 한국어좀해 그러다가 한국어잊어먹겠다좀 말좀해줘 ㅋㅋ Pepega voice QWER AUTO KIL Pepega so true If earth si round how come floor is flat widepeepoSad lee sin Pepege "democracy bad" but majority of chat is gold KEKW pvman so smart 👉 0/9 KEKW pvman = 5Head @Rush i started washing my face and my wr went from 1% to 2% !lee sin but yelling is fun Better to yell if you dont understand Pepega @Rush you playing league wrong you should always CHARGE Pepega !lee play cammils nidal WutFace :( FeelsSnowMan SantaHat SoSnowy Rooshh best jg korea KEKW KEKW banned play master yi !leesin PepoThink Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again naidalee lmao Naidali Pepega !lee Nida peepoArrive YU YI Pepega I make funny voice means im right generalizing all of twitch chat as one. D: KEKW snipped monkaW no nidalee KEKW naydalee KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Kappa KEKW Rush IX peepoArrive Roosh PeepoLeave KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW remove KEKW SoSnowy KEKW KEKW rush best jg PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Roosh best jungle ok Roosh Best JG misuse of kekw KEKW roosh is best jungler TR 4Head rush best jg KEKW xqcOld SantaHat Rush best jg Kappa lee PeepoLeave rush best jungler KEKW' !lee KEKW KEKW KEKW ERS UNITE KEKW KEKW Rush big pp pvmanLeesin SONG !lee pvman = dodge or gg KEKW peepoArrive !leesin there is nothing wrong with kekw KEKW Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW SoSnowy yeah it's true chat should be restricted for only high elo (silver 2+) players lee PeepoLeave !lee ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Roosh best jg Korea damilTrigger KEKW PeepoLeave @Rush best jg in world MegaKEKW Rush best jg Kappa Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again BEST LEE KEKW rush looking old kekW pepoLeave lee PeepoLeave KEKhands not elise PeepoLeave pvman lee peepoArrive lee peepoArrive rush worlds star lee peepoArrive !leesin RESIDENT SLEEPER Lee always fun to watch PepeLaugh 👉 📉 ALL STARS VIEWERSHIP lee peepoArrive pvmanLeesin IceCold pvman lee PeepoLeave lee PeepoLeave @Opiq gold 1 player monkaW KEKW PogU monkaW monkaS @rush Why not name change? maybe with name change people will see your good Korean low master gameplay and you get a new team PogChamp monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW im diamond 2 support :) monkaW monkaW that would be so awsome gold 2 tft :) monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW you would cry at my higher KR LP account monkaS monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaW monkaW i wanted that for so long pvman = dodge or gg KEKW iron unranked :) KEKW monkeyS KEKW that would be Pog pls no monkaW PeepoLeave exposed monkaW D: monkaW EXPOSED oh shit im hardstuck plat monkaW KEKW KEKW kek OMEGALUL monkaW lets not rank badges KEKW KEKW @Rush your team will feed again damilTrigger LOL Don't finish placements gg HAHAAHA LULW Pepege KEKW KEKW BHAHAHAHA KEKW Peepoleave KEKW lol KEKW PeepoLeave is alacrity better then tenacity? @Rush KEKW KEKW (gold IV) monkaW THIS ISNT A MONKEY FEEDING STREAM? PeepoLeave KEKW 4Head TRUE KEKW haHAA PogU KEKW lmao KEKW TRUE stop inting KEKW -silver iv KEKW KEKW peepoLeave Can you play Ivern today? @Rush I'm challenger pokiW D: Unranked representative B) bruh bronze 3 here actually true LUL KEKW (silver IV) sounds like you need to move to facebook KEKW silver 3+ high elo KEKW monkaW I'm gold III 4Head silver 1 40 years old KEKW KEKW - iron 1 !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again @rush Why don't you play Rengar? didn't even play league Pepege rush is bad :) - challenger rush is so Pepega KEKW (silver II) @zack_zacky Also a simp Unranked squad B) 4Head KEKW (almost silver IV) @Rush maybe NA players will care about soloq in that case u aint good for elise -silver 1 4HEad 4Head Rush is best jungler! (Challenger KR 1350LP) 4Head pvman=gg -iron3 KEKW 4HEad 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head is alacrity better then tenacity? @Rush 4HEad -bronze 2 @Rush it would be blank because i cant get out of unranked its hard Pepege MUNDO IS OP KEKW (bronze 4) @opiq pokiPuke Rush is so good -IRON V rush best jg Kappa PVMAN = GG KEKW (iron 3) just land it 4Head @zack_zacky poki subs PeepoLeave I'm Bronze III why @Rush ? JUST HIT SKILLSHOTS KEKW KEKW [Challenger] pokiW Clap just win 4Head KEKW -silver1 NOOB LULW (IRON 4) pvman = gg - challenjour @vurderlak pokiAww kappa rush best jungler- challenger Just win - Challenger Poki subs . . . pokiW WHY DID YOU MISS YOUR R GOLD4 Kappa Kappa PVMAN= 5 HEAD (challanger 1000lp) monkaHmm someone gift me poki subs pokiW Clap Rush is best jungler! (Challenger KR 1351LP) @Rush why so bad rush D4 mmm yes Kappa RUSH KINDA CUTE (bronze 3 ) Kappa Skill shart KEKW BUT YOU WILL GET CC KEKW (Bronze II) 4Head why didnt you kill him just don't get hit 4Head pvman = best jg kr --- Iron 4 @rush Rush is good Iron II 50 Lp god player logic i get it pvman never get hit you can't play lee IRON VI Precision always over free hoots and cdr? VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan just dodge it 4Head skillshot by a point and click nocturne e NotLikeThis pvman = gg KEKW (Challenger KR 1350 LP) KEKW ol poki1 poki2 Could you pick teemo top? It's a good toplaner in preseason -Johny, Silver 3 EUW @Rush boots poki3 poki4 Kappa KEKW Can you please read the conqueror runes for us with your main language @rush PogU RUSH IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad (silver II) KEKW Kapp LOL @Rush but what if your facing faker? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh true KEKW KEKQ KEKW KEKE KEKR POKI SUB VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan D: (iron 2) We're gonna see it now PepeLaugh LUL pv man = gg (challanger 5000 lp) well this will make a good youtube cut VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan (silver 4) 4Head but you are so bad CANT KEKW D: D: lol DO IT PogU VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan Leesin Pepelaugh, hope I can see rush actually land q. kekw D: D: D: IceCold D: LULV D: monkaW KEKKO W please only high ELO can speak in chat (Silver 4 and higher :) ) KEKW punished KEKW monkaW punished POGGERS I'm Bronze iV why D: lulv I just want to hear daddy speak Korean pvmanHands monkaW rooosh is not bad widepeepoSad (silver II) LUL Can you please read the conqueror runes for us with your main language rush monkaW BANNED KEKW nice KEKW POKIMANE GANG UNITE pokiW monkaW KEKW LULW monkaW @rush domination second over inspiration? pokiW KEKW KEKW me :) pokiW monkaW the name pvman = gg peepoArrive KEKW KEKW monkaW monkaW banned monkaS monkaW monkaW pokiW pokiW monkaW pokiW pokiW KEKW POKI SUBS KEKW poki\/\/ monkaW o fuk me :) me :) widepeepoSad dont do it @Rush petition for @rush to play ivern monkaW me it was me :) monkaW snitch Punish him Kreygasm rush KEKW pokiW Clap monkaW me :) here pokiW AYAYA AHHAH monkaW AYAYA moon2A no snitching chat AYAYA AYAYA pokiW monkaW AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? me :) it was me :) AYAYAY AYAYA NaM monkaW VIRGIN CHECK monkaW 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan its me :) monkaW AYAYA @zack_zacky VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan monkaW pvman = gg KEKW AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA monkaS IceCold me AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Ayaya AYAYA weebs DansGame YEs sir AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA virgin check poki w KEKW rush started it AYAYA AYAYA WE CUTIE? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA monkaW not me AYAYA monkaS AYAYA we cutie? AYAYA AYAYA !playlist KEKW (sliver III) you started it KEKW AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA you are starting monkaW i started it :) AYAYA monkaW it was me :) monkaW .. AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA monkaW @zack_zacky dont rat me AYAYA @rush this guy right here AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA pvman = gg NaM 🗡 AYAYA KILL ALL WEEBS dont snitch chat AYAYA AYAYAa AYAYAYA AYAYA it was @Rush :) AYAYA Clap AYAYA @nyanra KKona TopHat AYAYA AYAYA OMEGAYAYA IceCold me AYAYA Clap AYAYA ANY CUTIES AYAYA OMEGALUL that's elon musk AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AAYAYAYAYAYAAY @GodOfHuskies "please only high ELO can speak in chat (Silver 4 and higher :) )" kekw it was @Rush u started ayaya @Rush punish urself AYAYA you started it @Rush LULW N word ? AYAYA NaM 🗡 AYAYA KILL ALL WEEBS OMEGALUL any snitches BasedGod AYAYA AYAYA punish us Kappa AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA GunRun user @Rush started this KEKW KEKW @vurderlak I won't pokiS AYAYA OUR CHAT NOW AYAYA rmzEVIL2 rmzDB rmzEVIL Cancer chat :) LUL ayaya (silver III) LULW PepeLaugh r u banning now like the NA emotional players do? monkaW 👉 @Rush this guy right here NaM 🗡 AYAYA KILL ALL WEEBS! it was me :) @zack_zacky FeelsOkayMan @rush hi babe rmzOK rmzOK AYAYA Hello Rush this is LWX, sorry for bullying you and saying pvman = gg . i can make up for it. if you want to i can hop on my girlfriends account and help you reach master (dont want to lose so much lp on my main) :) impact KEKW monkaS IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA (Grandmaster) KEKW HahaBall kekw KEKW LUL 💨 KEKW ChamPog KEKW electroCUTE AYAYA LUL KEKW DansGame WutFace ChomPag WutFace KEKW KEKW Pepege 💨 WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 4HEad Pepega 💨 KEKW 💨 FeelsGoodMan Clap lmao Pepega 💨 (Bronze II) stop breathing 4Head @whisper_me_ahri_rule_34 AYAYA KEKW Pepega 📣 💨 NotLikeThis WutFace IMPACT! Stop breathing ShoopDaWhoop FireSpeed does impact have NA Belly or why is he breathing so heavy ? KEKW PepegaPhone 📣 💨 !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again black desert mobile global release 2dayz left FeelsGoodMan lee singa gachiW 📣 💨 Kreygasm lee sin q is nonsense. he uses his hand to q and land with feet KEKW aphelios out this week monkaW PepegaPhone i believe in you rooosh (silver I) D: Here it comes PepeLaugh what is he pressing to look at bot? wtf D: HAH D: D: t 4,913 19,781,991 League of Legends Category: League of Legends English MOBA Panel Content Panel Content Panel Content Panel Content Panel Content LIVE Volume intpact KEKW !8ball will rush find a team Summer Split @vurderlak, the 8-ball says... xD Kreygasm EZ Clap breath WutFace Pepega 💨 Pepega 💨 air gachiW PogU xayah pog EZ EZ Clap PVMAN = EZ Clap EZ Clap LUL MaldChamp 💨 Pepega 💨 Pepega 📣 💨 NotLikeThis damn Pepega 💨 Pepega EZ Clap Pepega 📣 💨 Pepega 💨 Kappa !duo my ears Solo IMPACT MAD KEKW take that mustache off please so i can watch the stream KEKW stop breathing NotLikeThis !8ball will Rush Win? no breathing PunOko KEKW 💨 2 ks nice no breathing? D: Pepega 💨 FBI open up my ears DansGame PeepoLeave Clap Pepega 💨 Pepega 💨 pvman = gg :) Pepega 📣 💨 Pepega Pepega who is he playing with guys ? WutFace why did that lucian walk away from his turret lvl 3 no boots? (d1 player) @wingchung89 impact peepoArrive PeepoLeave pvman not inting PeepoLeave KEKW ? int pact IntPact MALD MaldChamp KEKW KEKW E TUU KEKW Top Die KEKW he has flash impact lying PunOko not my pvman PeepoLeave daddy impact PogU @RalSand that naut q wtf Pog Pog ChomPag pvman not inting PeepoLeave EZ Clap the flash worth? pvman = top die KEKW @wingchung89 PogU did that naut q went though terain? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW KEKW KEKW @SquishyAaron pvman = dodge or gg widepeepoSad KEKW ? KEKW KEKW @unseenzzi korean hook curve KEKW KEKW KEKW how good is Impact at Renekton? KomodoHype KEKW @Treawer looks like it XD KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = KEKW widepeepoHappy rush gameplay KEKW KEKW kekw KEKW PeepoArrive EZ Clap PeepoLeave YES KEKW KEKW Pepega 📣 💨 BREATHING OUT PogU Pog EZ whats mean kekw POGGGG NOICE PogYou PogU PogYOu PogYou EZ Clap EZ Clap Pepega ChomPag Pog PogU pvman not inting PeepoLeave EZ Clap Pog EZ Clap EZ Bro PogU EZ EZ EZ Pog EZ Clap eeeezzzz EZ ez POGGERS NOT MY PVMAN PeepoLeave when are the ezreal buffs coming pvman = gg EZ ez EZ 📣 💨 EZ Clap EASY E Kappa !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again peepoArrive ROOSH PogU paid actors , paid actors everywhere !leesin HIGH TEMPO high tempo gameplay PogU pvman best jungler lee peepoArrive peepoFinger KEKW LMFAO NICE FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW REPORT KEKW NICE FLASH KEKW !leesin KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !uptime KEKW @leowuu, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 43 mins KEKW KEKW peepoArrive MY PVMAN KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW lee gameplay KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW nice flash KEKW INT DUO WutFace KEKW THE THROW KEKW best flash KEKW NA FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW dirty inter KEKW RUSH INTING AGAIN? peepoArrive NA DIVE KEKW KEKW KEKW ao KEKW PVMAN IS BACK peepoArrive NA FLASH AHAHAHAHHA NA FLASH Iron flash :/ EMOTIONAL PLAY KEKW that's KEKW NA PVMAN = NA FLASH !opgg THATS AN IRON FLASH PVMAN INTING peepoArrive KEKW (Bronze I) SO BAD Kekw throws kekws peepoArrive RUSH IS BAK LUL RUSH INTING peepoArrive KEKW bad KEKW ggman KEKW FeelsBadMan ? KEKW KEKW peepoArrive ggwp NA INT 100 Dive when wave is gone. That was quinPega PVMAN = NA JG +400 KEKW pvman flash (Bronze I) SO BAD KEKW turbo int duo KEKW RUSHING INTING peepoArrive pvman = gg peepoArrive nice bounty deliver LUL this the real rush KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again 511 Kreygasm D D D DDRAGON Pepega Pepega NYDALEE rushing winning PeepoLeave rush inting peepoArrive oi rush cirComfy ZVEN IS 1K LP IN KR KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW ? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LULW MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL MALD 💨 YouDied KEKW 💨 .... MALD 💨 Pepega 💨 OOF KEKW LUL KEKW MALD 💨 monkaW BREAATHING Can you guys both get on an lcs team together already and make lcs great again? impact MALD 💨 pvmanA MALD 💨 MALD MALD MALD 💨 MaldChamp MALD 💨 🎙️ wat happooooon MALD 💨 MALD 📣 💨 MALD MALD MALD Pepega 📣 💨 NotLikeThis MALD MALD MALD 💨 🎙️ Pepega 💨 MALD REEEEEEEE moon2WAH MALD MALD MALD 💨 MY BOT LANE MALDING 💨 MALD MALD MALD MALD MALD 💨 rush please dont leave me MY BOT LANE MALD 💨 MALD 💨 MALD EVERY GAME MALD My bot lane BabyRage KEKW why he not on elemental patch? Kapp Kapp PeepoLeave 💨 Kapp Kapp YOU CANT LULW MALD D: @dimplicque he is Kapp LOL enable peepoClap PeepoLeave Kappa peepoFat MALD D: NA E LULW KEKW NICE E LULW Kappa perfectly widepeepoSad YouDied toxic rmzDB peepoArrive Kapp peepoSad No R but have Int Pog XAYAH BALANCED KEKW peepoArrive RYZE QS KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LMAO RYZE KEKW LMAO HAHAHA RYZE KJEKW Qs KEKW LUL XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW RYZE KEKW LMFAO KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW RYZE NA Q KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW RYZE KEKW KEKW EZ Clap no PogChamp WHOS THIS GUY WHAT A CLOWN KEKW KEKW dont blame him, the knockup makes it look like the dude was higher it was trippy how the lucian was flying around lol Ryze 1v9 pvman Ryze KEKW ryze was giving kill to you :) @Teitonii only confusing for bronze AYAYA just shitty game animation tbh PVRYZEMAN KEKW EZ THIS RYZE, SO BAD (silver 3) EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Clap PVMAN = EZ EZ Clap EZ EZ EZ and he's ult PogU pvman = gg :) EZ @ScubaTeeb NO CLAP HE JUST SAID EZ pvmanA pvman = dodge or gg widepeepoSad not inting? PeepoLeave SoSnowy kekw KEKW Teitonii: dont blame him, the knockup makes it look like the dude was higher (bronze 3) ftfy bud high tempo play PogU xayah KEKW KEKW KEKW xayah KEKW KEKW MEMER IN CHAT just kidding KEKW KEKW peepoSad KEKW KEKW RitzMitz Furry anyone? Impact is such a good teammate poggers someone flex ? we need a 5th one ,silver elo This isn't my pvman PeepoLeave !duo Solo add : Stalker13 @Aggroboy WeirdChamp 36 cs KEKW !uptime @quote_if_greek_joy, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 49 mins @Aggroboy pvmanHYPERS NOT MY PVMAN PeepoLeave RitzMitz furry chat someone flex ? we need a 5th one ,silver elo add : Stalker13 10 kp level 7 cause rush doesnt farm jungle KEKW how do i get out of silver?(silver2) @ParacelStorm KEKW KEKW ♿ comin thru KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW Q KEKW monkaW KEKW KEKW peepoArrive peepoClap not enabled PeepoLeave LUL monkaW q KEKW POG Q KEKW @ParacelStorm add what server so you dont waste anyones time you Pepega pvman = dodge or gg widepeepoSad High tempo means no farming only ganking KEKW almost PeepoLeave peepoArrive someone wanna play flex ? we need a 5th one ,silver elo add : Stalker13 ENABLE gunChinshin PLEASE pvman = got it PeepoLeave pvman doing well peepoSad dragon this dude is so funny PeepoLeave pvman doing well widepeepoSad xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON @ParacelStorm say your server BrokeBack @Rush why BC if they have no tank? im nub EUW !duo Solo 9/3??? not my pvman PeepoLeave server KEKW E Whos he duoing? !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again MALD 💨 MALD 💨 WutFace MALD 💨 MALD MALD 💨 🎙️ MALD 💨 MALD 💨 KEKW MALD 💨 MALD 💨 MALD MALD MALDD 💨 @shapeless18 impact MALD 💨 xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall MALD Pepega 📣 💨 @shapeless18 title WeirdChamp WeirdChimp someone flex ? we need a 5th one ,silver elo add : Stalker13 server : EUW 💨 @nisioisin ah shit my bad MALD 💨 MALD WeirdChimp 💨 pvman = gg :) MALD 💨 MALD MALD NOT USING PINK LUL KappaPride (iron 2) when you spend all your money on a tower and cant afford a mic setup PepeHands someone wanna play flex ? we need a 5th one ,silver elo add : Stalker13 Server: EUW :) <3 pink for escape or engage he doesnt need to use it gachiBASS @vurderlak a tower? ANY POKI SUBS? AYAYA pp big pokiW Clap !followage pokiW @iForkas, pokiw is not following rush l LUL my queen 😍 !followage pokimane @ParacelStorm maybe tomorrow? Rush will lose this game pokiW ? !followage pokimaine WeirdChamp @schrodingersmau5 POKI SUBS KEKW !followage pokiW @vurderlak, pokiw is not following rush @vurderlak WeirdChimp goon squad KEKW all the GOONS @mublacksmith go look at impact's twitter ANY POKI SUBS? AYAYA KEKW poki subs OMEGALUL survive OMEGALUL xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON xqcBall SOON killed in the smoking lounge MALD 💨 🎙️ 5 bot KEKW pvman is back peepoArrive All enemies bot KEKW xdddde survive PepeLaugh 2 koreans speaking english WeirdChamp pszWhappen ALC OMEGALUL VE MALD 💨 MALD 💨 🎤 pszWhappen 💨 @zack_zacky WeirdChamp lmao 4 manned lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA for the viewers i guess OkayChamp hachuDisgust hachuDisgust hachuDisgust hachuDisgust hachuDisgust hachuDisgust hachuDisgust to an english speaking only audience virgin check monkaS 👉 pokiW MALD 💨 🎙️ pvman doing well PeepoLeave !followage @KAI0, kai0 has been following rush for 4 months 5 days 8 hours rmzOK pugginHyper @zack_zacky my queen Kreygasm @iforkas pokiYA pvman inting PeepoArrive @vurderlak what's his @ I only wanna sub to mr roosh xqcE ✌️ xqcE ✌️ xqcE ✌️ xqcE ✌️ xqcE ✌️ xqcE ✌️ !followage rush !followage @zack_zacky WeirdChamp !followage 💪 pszWhappen ✌ mods PepeLaugh @schrodingersmau5 pokiW !subcount 4Weird ? Current sub count: 915 xqc sub , disgusting LUL ANY CUTIES AYAYA SantaHat 50cs 15 min 😂 @zack_zacky pokiW Clap gachiW p OMEGALUL ki MALD 💨 chat likes lolis ? ghosting Pepega 📣 💨 why spam poki emotes when she's gonna move to mixer LUL MALD 💨 if ure a poki sub pls block me xqcGob xqcGob2 @professorbyleth PedoBear WeirdChamp KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW AYAYA SantaHat SoSnowy KEKW KEKW @zack_zacky gift me poki sub pls Kapp KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW lolis cirISee KEKW NICE FLASH NA FLASH KEKW ???????????? KEKW KEKW LIGHTNING FAST FLASH KEKW NA FLASH KEKW XD KEKW kick support kekw wtf ㅖㅐㅎ ????? KEKW SUPER FAST Pog LULW KEKW lidl chinese insec KEKW TRESH KICK PogYou @minkim834 my sub is a gifted sub KEKW so fast that i didnt see it @Synric i dont know man she said she was a 3000 year old dragon :) WP!ç! SUPER FAST KEKW ryze EZ so fast I didn't even see KEKW starting with flash KEKW @professorbyleth PedoBear WeirdChamp KEKW LMFAOOOO KEKW KEKW Q KEKW RYZE ULT OMEGALUL Pepege Q KEKW 100% KEKW MALD 💨 🎤 nice its windy MALD 💨 MALD LULW MALD MALD 💨 D: KEKW D: LULW MALD 💨 Pepega 📣 💨 PepeLaugh LUL LUL MALD 💨 MALD MALD STOP BREATHING monkaS Impact breathing KEKW stop breathing MALD 💨 MALD MALD WeirdChimp 💨 MALD 💨 KEKW Clap Stop breathing monkas pepega breathing MALD 💨 🎙️ its windy lul MALD 💨 KEKW stop breathing @Synric i cant like lolis ): MALD 💨 🎤 pszWhappen 💨 MALD 💨 MALD 💨 🎤 A LEE STAR MALD MALD 💨 MALD 💨 STOP BREATHING MALD :daash: DASH 🐮 💨 MALD 💨 🎙️ KEKW MALD 💨 LUL LUL LUL Pepega 📣 💨 MALD dash ALISTAR hahaha @professorbyleth PedoBear WeirdChamp Pepega 📣 💨 MALD asmr Kreygasm a lee star? `MALD :dash: KEKW KEKW STOP BREATHING MALD 💨 KEKW KEKW COW GO MOOO MALD 💨 🎙️ ACTUAL MALD 💨 Stop breathing *banned* monkaS MALD MALD MALD :dash: KEKW alistar breathing KEKW “Stop breathing” KEKW MALD 💨 STOP BREATHING monkaW intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen toxic relationship YOU CANT MILK THOSE gachiBASS MALD Maldistar stop breathing monkaW KEKW KEKW LULW !followage stop breathing just LUL @MinKim834, minkim834 has been following rush for 3 years 2 months 5 days 13 hours LMFAOOO LULW @Synric why you thinking like i would fuck them ): they just cute impact janna Kreygasm MALD 💨 🎤 Impact 💨 yasuo KEKW 💨 PogU LUL he will die BibleThump MALD 💨 💨 KEKW impact egirl now 3 year andy HASAKI IN HIS NOSE monkaW OMEGALUL jmpact cosplaying janna KEKW @Rush what do you know , he may be farting , @professorbyleth PedoBear WeirdChamp R KEKW KEKW LUL He is playing inside a tornado KEKW KEKW NICE KICK KEKW LOLI GANG LOLI GANG What tehf cuk isghe evn doing nxDDDD she has r WaitWhat LUCIAN POF EchoFox Rush PogU peepoClap still not enabled PeepoLeave POG RIGHTEOUS GLOR=Y RYZE PogU RYZE PogU poh 💪 pszWhappen ✌ RYZE monkaW Ryze nice champ !rank damage !jensen 10/4/7 NOT MY PVMAN PeepoLeave !yensen !jensen na ward GHOSTING peepoLeave not enabled? peepoLeave widepeepoSa widepeepoSad @rush Why are so noob dude LEASH KEKW ty for leash KEKW Kappa ty for leash KEKW THANKS FOR THE LEASH KEKW !followage c9sneaky @xD_LUL, c9sneaky has been following rush for 4 years 11 days 8 hours not feeding PeepoLeave Sorry but your lee sin is trash ddue kekw KEKW !followage Pepega 📣 💨 GHOSTING BabyRage they just have friends LUL MALD 💨 intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen intpact pszWhappen KEKW NICE KICK MALD 💨 ghosters FeelsBadMan MALD 💨 MALD MALD MALD 💨 🎤 rush peepoArrive !followage !followage !followage nuddle8 EVERY GAME MALD MALD 💨 Pepega 📣 💨 !followage @MaurGB, maurgb has been following rush for 4 years 12 days 10 hours MALD 💨 I just had a fun league game, miracle @Rush cover map peepoArrive rush lee sin peepoArrive stop blowing the mic KEKW MALD 💨 MALD / \ pszWhappen @maximum_testoster0ne who are you MALD 💨 MALD MALD 🌪️ 💨 🎙️ mod me so i can be white knight and ban these fuckers KEKW 💨 Allistar impact cosplay 3 hours monkaS KEKW Clap !followage MALD 💨 @MaurGB 4 year andy PogU TORNADOES GOES WOOOOOSH MALD 💨 @Rush Why is your duo cosplaying Janna? !followage @MAXIMUM_TESTOSTER0NE BasedGod 7 !uptime @dareanthony, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 58 mins squadREE 💨 KR Server haunted? monkaW 👻 Politely ask impact to take his microphone out of his nostril. !followage !followage pokimane @Darthosx, darthosx has been following rush for 4 years 16 days 6 hours BasedGod 7 Pog Impact NA breathing KEKW POG BITCHES MALD FBBlock FBRun pszWhappen KevinTurtle why or even yasuo rmzCARRY rmzCARRY rmzCARRY rmzCARRY can you ask him to take his mic out of his throat im cooming moon2COFFEE BasedGod wtf impact s house is soo windy CLOUD DRAKE OP Poggers top die? monkaW pokiW pokiLOL Omegalul 4Head JUST FIGHT monkaW Pepega POGGERS EZ Clap BigPhish BigPhish KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again NICE Q KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW KEKW SMITE? KEKW KEKW nice q KEKW nice q NICE Q Q KEKW NICE Q KEKW KEKW KEKW HOLDING SMITE KEKW KEKW pvman q kekew chat LUL @rush who is more conceited. Doublelift or you? Keeping redsmite for next game KEKW X AYAYA H KEKW WHAT Q KEKW red smite and q KEKW PVMAN Q KEKW KEKW KEKW MISSED ALL OF THEM KEKW X AYAYA H !leesin top die flaming impact KEKW DansGame wait what use smite? KEKW WE DONT EVEN BUY STOPWATCH LUL look me KEKW missed all Qs KEKW KEKW !duo Solo Pepega 📣 💨 close king KEKW 56 kills 21 min FLAMING IMPACT widepeepoSad SO YOU KEKW impact world champion chat stopwatch so really good? kr english pvman most kills PeepoLeave Rep pvman for troll POOR RUSH widepeepoSad he got it Rush ResidentSleeper inting ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper LeeSin ResidentSleeper again pvman positive KDA PeepoLeave u die we no tank KEKW Finarry She's building stormrazor Pog PogU naut PepeHands Pog Pog Pog KEKW PogCamp PogU Pog Jebaited wow Naut BibleThump nauti PepeHands poor naut NAUT PepeHands 5Head LCK STRAT PogU 5Head CLEAN PogU SMITE KING OMEGALUL naut :( KEKW SMITE KING KEKW SMITE KING KEKW KEKW NAUT PepeHands !duo KEKW SMITE OMEGALUL Solo MACRO Pog XDDDDDDDDDDD OMEGALUL KEKW 51 KEKW smike KEKW KEKW nice smite ryze xdddd KEKW KEKW KEKW naut helping SMITE KING KEKW !XD ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ LMFAO NAUIT KEKW KEKW ryze op SMITE KING KEKW NAUT KEKW SMITE KING KEKW KEKW SMITE TANKING HOOK PogU CHARGEEEEEE BabyRage KEKW MALD FIGHT !jensen SO USELESS KEKW ULT KEKW R?? dead KEKW KEKW KEKW NO MORE BUFF kekw only missed 51 hp FLSH NEVER TENACITY KEKW R LITERALLY DIDNT DO ANYTHING GG KEKW gg KEJW THROWING KEKW rip baron KEKW fawk lul KEKW Saving ult for next game KEKW NICE R PVMAN = GG KEKW gg KEKW KEKW KEKW r? KEKW GG KEKW no kick ult? save ulti and flash fight KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW THATS MY PVMAN PeepoArrive LUL KEKW NEGATIVE BARON KEKW !XD !XD GGMAN = PV ULT KEKW KEKW R READY LULW THROWING NAUTALIST KEKW roosh PepeLaugh BARON LEAD LUL LUL WORTH GG Never get feared KEKW Korean Baron SAD:aSD: MALD 💨 !XD PVMAN = GG f + ult up u dumdum FIGHT HE SAID LUL lul that was sad to wath "I NEVER GET FEARED" MALD peepoArrive rush after 20 R READY quinPega Why fight there? he couldn't ult he was feared KEPT FLASH ULTI PogChamp MALD 💨 🎙️ R? Does Ryze speak English because Rush is NA jungle? just peel 4Head iron chat negative baron power play OMEGALUL That would have been a great multi kick play FIGHT KEKW FLASH AND ULTI KEKW gachiW Never feared Pepega Fight agter getting. Baron widepeepoHappy together rush losing peepoArrive jungle gap KEKW gachiW SoSnowy " i never get feared 4Head I never get hooked 4Head widepeepoHappy TOGETHER 23 minute full item :O I can do better (gold 1) lee is garbage shojin PepeLaugh ad carry that carry games monkaW PeepoLeave SoSnowy PeepoLeave SoSnowy BAD WEATHER lee worst jungle champ(silver2) These 2 Pepega C9 Players PepeLaugh @nexfs a lot of chinese and some tourists play on kr server so occasionally they use english i dream a chat full of peepoLeave !c9 KEKW SourPls I loved that "FIIIIGTH" call LUL classic Rush throw WutFace !clg EZ TopHat HEHE KEKW any AYAYA? i need the name of the most iconic song for AYAYA humans plis PepeLaugh NAUTILUS KEKW AYAYA ???? PVMAN = GG KEKW naut flash ult q thresh lul PepoThink 1ho btw KEKW ULT? WE WIN Pog Pog PogU pvman = dodge or gg widepeepoSad g g man CHASING KEKW PogU Jebaited kill them all AYAYA KEKW CHASE Fiesta pepeD chase for kills Pepega AYAYA yes TPFufun 3Head OI i thresh q Pepega 3Head KEKW 40kill isn't enough better chase than end LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW roosh getting baron peepoArrive roosh immediately losing it PeepoLeave gachiW ooooo RYZE DMGS monkaW ryze balanced KEKW ???? monkaW _____ WOW gachiW KEKW ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ KEKW ??????? ryze BrokeBack INTING KEKW WOOO POGGERS KEKW balanced as fuck WOOO KEKW BALANCED LULW ?????? KEKW KEKW ??????? Ryze smurfing PogU Pog survived Pog ????? KEKW POGGERS POGGERS peepoArrive rush lee sin peepoArrive POGGERS POOGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS HYPERS Wooooloooooo POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS xayah LULW BALANCED RYZE POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS monkaW POGGERS Poggers peepoArrive king POGGERS POGGERS COGGERS POOGERS WOOOOO INTING WutFace RUSH INTING AGAIN peepoArrive POOGERS EQEQEQEQQEQ EQEQ EQ EQ BrokeBack POOGERS POGGERS INT POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS RYZE BALANCE POGGERS ryzs ?????? Ryze is broken pvman is back peepoArrive POGGERS POOGERS widepeepoHappy POOGERS WOOOOMEGALUL LYZE KEKW COGGERS phase rush is so much better CONQ OP PLEASE NERF (silver 4) TRUE :) true KEKW RICE BALANCED conq on mages is broken POGGERS LYZE AYAYA cassio conqueror is broken, ryze is different pvman after 20 minutes peepoArrive that naut/ryze carried so hard LUL rmzCARRY rmzCARRY rmzCARRY rmzCARRY Conqueror too much time to stack greedy how LUL RICE BALANCED LUL rush coming through peepoArrive why can't impact stream PepeHands conq on ryze, swain, and cass is so broken especially MALD 💨 LYZE BALANCED AYAYA LYZE @Orangesaur you never played ryze LUL lirikWINK_HF LYZE NaM wwwwwwwwwooooooooooowwwww WutFace WutFace monkaW ReinDeer justaviFluffy Pepega 💨 🎙️ WutFace 💨 IE at 30 minutes peepoArrive NaM 🗡 AYAYA all weebs die rush wanna do an xpeke there? @alizl WutFace AYAYA CS KEKW AYAYA HATING WEEBS IN 2020 AYAYA mic sounds LUIOLSAQWERTYUI4 AYAYA danSnow NaM NO U AYAYA PowerUpR ALL CUTIES RISE @sgc_ixframe I guess moon2BRAIN nigg squadW 4Head AYAYA CALLING ALL CUTIES AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA mods Does this guy smoke? Cause holy shit this breathing. PeepoLeave 💨 peepoArrive AYAYA PowerUpR Impact has so much experience with renekton I remember watching it when it was skt t1s vs najin white shield SeemsGood monkaW ryze Pepega ryze LUL NAUTI R KEKW he is always OK 4Head holy is overrated in KR lol AYAYA squadK Pepega FBBlock AYAYA all weebs must die NaM KILL ALL CUTIES twitchRaid AYAYA PogU moon2WUT insec D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: land q KEKW D: TOO FAR D: FATHMUCKER D: D: D: D: D: D: FATHERMACKER D: D: KEKW scarfD D: robertW X D DDDD D: D: D: NOT THE FATHERMUCKER D: carried Pog :( D: :o FATHERMUCKER D: pvman not gg? PeepoLeave 러쉬 귀여웡 shipD <3 pv man is not kind boy anymore :( EZ Clap HONOR RICE YYEAGH @Orangesaur you q e q w q and youre fullstacked, for that he needs like 1-2 seconds maximum EZ TopHat Pepega YEAH HOI YEAH gachiGASM EZ Clap balanced POOGERS YEAAAAAAH MingLee EZ FATHERMUCKER HOI AYAYA Rush's lee Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again moon2PH gg YEAH gachiGASM HOI peepoArrive rush lee sin peepoArrive EZ TopHat 🚬 Clap Impact carry PVMAN WINING? PeepoLeave GG pvman not throwing his lead PeepoLeave HAI AYAYA MALD IceCold AYAYA IceCold YEEEEAAAA peepoArrive PeepoLeave FATHERMUCKER copyThis pastaThat GG EZ Clap MALD ReinDeer balding PVMAN NOT THROWING? PeepoLeave no honor pvmanA muted KEKW peepoClap still not enabled PeepoLeave qtpA u get more lp in challenger than i get in d4 Pog not my pepega king PeepoLeave !duo Solo moon2D taking opponents lp lirikANGRY no honor PepegaPhone WONNERED @Orangesaur its literally one ryze rotation to get conq fullstacked ^^ no YES no :) Clap DuckerZ HONOR RICE?? DId TSM wonnered? Yes peepoArrive monkaS ReinDeer sure 70s p*rn music SourPls rmzLP DuckerZ HUH yes impact is plat ? no PeepoLeave yses peepoArrive rmzTHICC no YES yeah but bttv is like a third party thing :) WONNERED PeepoLeave Clap YES WTFF PeepoLeave YES 😡 SUB PogU peepoArrive YES RUSH LOOSING?? PeepoArrive ah he won... PeepoLeave YES need AYAYABASS peepoLeave no peepoLeave widepeepoHappy moon2SH ryze monkaW ReinDeer WTFF fextraNyaaa HahaSweat PrideTake PeepoLeave moon2SH ENABLE wide hard 2nd wife? 💿 D: rmzLP rmzTHICC LULW PeepoLeave I'm glad ryze can 1 shot anyyone on 3 second rotation howdy moon2SH having phase rush to reposition is better and forsencd @Rush but the healing FIGHT IS WIN PepegaPhone cassio conq is way broken and the heal? moon2SH WEQWEQWEQWEWQ its 5 spells eq weq eq Q W Q W QW QW Pepega @sgc_ixframe I agree with rush on this @rush chase is claimin to be a better shaco player than you. I think you need to prove him wring. -Twitch Chat @rush yeah didnt say its better just explained how fast he stacls DONT NEED EXTRA DAMAGE Kapp moon2SH WeirdChamp ReinDeer moon2SH moon2SH any more partners in chat? I'll be back and you better not feed PeepoLeave :( Pepega W E Q Pepega W E Q Pepega W E Q Pepega W E Q Pepega W E Q Pepega W E Q Pepega Its scientifically proven that if we dont bully rush he streams for a longer period of time widepeepoHappy KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW dodge ryze w pepga LOL skilDonkey skilDonkey skilDonkey CHAT CANT PLAY RYZE KEKW 4Head just dodge KEKW KEKW Cass doesn't need to escape when she can actually facetank 3ppl LUL Some real shade HAHAHAH KEKW KEKW EQWQMOVEAUTOEQWQMOVEAUTO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW facts LUL TRUE KEKW gachiW VOICE CRACK KEKW gachiBASS LUL Kreygasm Pepega haha EWQEWQEWQEWQ KEKW what if they dont have cc I'm low elo :( gachiW +1 KEKW LULW gachiBASS ravenous gives you all the spellvamp you need Pepege stop making me laugh pls ! hey it takes alot of skill to roll my face on the keyboard TRUE KEKW KEKW I'M FULLY STACKED gachiW KEKW KEKW Can you say it again, EQ move EQ move EQ or something? and conq doubles it gachiGASM stand still and EQEQEQEQEQ What does that SAY Roosh making my pp big again peepoArrive rush lee sin peepoArrive gachiW Pepege ReinDeer STACK ME DADDY gachiW how do you move while attacking? asking for a friend hey rush <3 even people in silver and gold move a lot with pr LUL I'm grandmaster and I do that :) KKona WTF KEKW KEKW KKona wtf KKona KKona LULW LUL KKona chu mean KreyGasm Full Stack KKona LUL peepoFat LULW whats wrong with that? KKona KKona ? KKona 🖕 KKona KKona KKona peepoFat KKona DID I HEAR SAUSAGE? Get cut boys. for ryze play fat fingers FeelsGoodMan KEKW KKona ReinDeer KKona MURICA KKona Clap BibleThump no burger? KKona WTF KKona KKona you can press two buttons with one click thats good BARBEQEQEQ KKona NA finger Let me fat finger u no KKonaReinDeer PeepoLeave no burger PeepoLeave yes what is that elise game history? KKona HELL YEAH sausage in my hands gachiGASM fat fingers more APM KKona no no yes KKona Clap ryze not for NA players KKona burgers are good no, not at all KKona ReinDeer KKonaW of course peepoFat KreyGasm Full Stack Feels Goood what happened on elise game? @Rush KKona BURGER GOOD Its not cheap so no THEY DO KEKW no I EAT IT EVERYDAY AT WORK NO PARENTS PepeHands Not Americans fk u i rather die fat and bad :) yes :) no better slow and fat, than not eat burger @Rush LULW certain people do... no poor people eat fast food JACK IN THE BOX FeelsGoodMan i ate taht shit onight YES KKona peepoFat ReinDeer KKona They buy us McDonalds blasphemy I eat it sometimes :) peepoFat BURGER probably Sausage finger @Rush I eat at mcdonalds every day when im at work I buy 2 mcdoubles once or twice a month. they used to tell me to not eat at mcdonalds cuz i would have become like rush Kappa Like Twice a MOnth if no option play ornn play gragas! In-N-Out peepoFat @vurderlak fat fingers good for starcraft players :D Kappa McDonalds DansGame @Rush DEAD ASS I ATE IT TONITE agreed Gragas ! peepoFat EAT NOW, DIET TOMORROW peepoFat right. mcdonalds is terrible for you. no, we don't really eat mcdonalds at all at 3x the price. Five guys is $9-12 true its not that cheap anymore so its not that popular anymore good when drunk though Novelty food mcdonalds correct FatPeepo / BIG MAC peepoFat yes Food is expensive. I eat at home. true mc sucks lol kebap ftw BK KFC I eat mcdonalds like 5 times a year peepoFat / i prefer to eat good food its famous because its cheap peepoFat In-N-Out peepoFat I prefer Burger King peepoFat peepoFat just this sandwich i love mcdonalds peepoSad mcdonald's is food when you're lit :> outstandingly bad KEKW people only eat it when theres nothing to eat at night @Rush McDonalds is average there are better burger places PepeHands NO PARENTS PepeHands NO MONEY PepeHands fries are good at mcdonalds tastes mediocre always reliable fast food is common for poor people I havent been to mcdonald for the whole year Agreed @rush do u eat off !uptime @Leary48, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 12 mins @Rush i dont eat fast food. fine dining only or home cooked. occasional 2 $$ is acceptable like Lotte in korea? @Rush mcCafe 2 mcdoubles for 5$. Cant beat that. McDonalds is a Big Company? Pog fast food can be good. Better than eating random snacks KKona WRONG @rush off subway is healthy :) NA KEKW korea mcdonald got nerfed Xayah7 (hovers kaisa) it is @kfc @tutrinatrusanusbananus the chicken nugget meal is like $7.50 now , thats not cheap at all peepoFat I will start diet tomorrow peepoArrive people only eat it when theres nothing to eat at night @Rush NA MAC KEEKW even mcds KR better than NA widepeepoSad NA fast food is really bad mostly NA MCDONALD'S LULW i eat mcdonalds bcs in my town is almost the only thing open 24h McDonalds in developing countries is generally middle class meal If you are hungry just sleep and you wont be hungry anymore :) peepoFat ye McDonald’s is good for what how cheap it is, at least in the UK McDonalds in NA is the worst one in the world honestly moon2SH Subway occasionally bayst shakeshack is fire as well RUSH PLEASE ENABLE gunChinshin McD is emergency food, I only eat it because it opens 24 hours near my place @rush do u eat kfc Only poor people eat mcdonalds KEKW Their fries are god damn fantastic @RUSH IS it true that there's beer in mcdonald in Korea? GRAGAS 5 GUYS gachiGASM @Rush is sylas good champ peepoArrive people only eat it when theres nothing to eat at night @Rush peepoArrive cheap and unhealty KEKW price is a big factor peepoFat just feel FULL damn im hungry for mcD now sponsored by mcdonalds Wierdchamp Rush so rich CiGrip CandyCane SoSnowy I eat mcdonalds and I am poor #Ad khazix Pog also if i eat at mcdonalds i feel less fed up yeah in n out meat isnt as good as five guys but its a lot cheaper monkaW ReinDeer Korean mcdonalds is way better than american McD, coming from an american ResidentSleeper same 6 champs every day ResidentSleeper do you celebrate christmas? @Rush do you celebrate christmas? @Rush do you celebrate christmas? @Rush do you celebrate christmas? @Rush WutFace peepoFat SantaHat monkaW ReinDeer ANY POKI SUBS? AYAYA @rush ty for the McDonald’s ad now I’ll go get some KKona You cant eat outside if you are poor. Rush can you speak to that 1/10 elise game in history, specifically why its team fault? if i sun will i have big pp? @imlnfinite true, only McD is open past 10 pm how are you not Riot partner yet? @Rush Kapp WeirdChamp @iForkas Pog Same LULW poop Same pszWhappen veggies and fruit are cheap tho five guys is like 10$ burger nIIIIdalee you wont survive eating mcds though That's how you get cancer KEKW OpieOp I hate food EAT DA POOPOO ZULUL don’t google “turkish oreo” WutFace MrDestructoid I cook for myself Kappa Coke DansGame Kreygasm @Rush exactly. you should eat to live, not live to eat. it's all about health eat shit Coke is good for You Pepega D: peepoFat CandyCane ???? Truee 5Head @Rush to be honest I don't really like fast food 4Heed eat what? gachiW i eat beans and rice every single day OpieOP OpieOP JUST SURVIVE 4HEad definitely unpopular opinion cocaine is pretty great seems pretty bs to me coke drinkers LUL Just survive Kreygasm cocaine? do you drink beer often? you won't feel FULL tho peepoFat Coke PeepoLeave can you cook? pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey thats because u're ddead inside PepeHands depression @rush do you like mushroom? alot of koreans drink RUSH SMART so what do you eat cardboard ? the fuck is that logic @Rush Same @rush you and me drink what now? gachiW mostly I cook myself drinking Soda KEKW vanilla coke PogU I don’t drink coke but I snort it @rush D: coke is bad so good job pvman SeemsGood you will die eventually regardless so eating something enjoyable is nice, having a long boring life is not good @Rush healthy food can be tasty food too ya know. you are korean, our food is healthy overall compared to american food you don't mind eating same food everyday? D: wow you actually dont have have a life FeelsBadMan Food is the only thing in my day that i look forward too. :) DansGame @My2ndAngelic cannibal monkaS D: I scream gachiW I dont eat those things either. D: D: unsubscribed DansGame @Rush is it true that you sold weed in TIP house? KEKW nah, I eat to survive too, I'm poor 4Head KKona SO WHAT KKona KKona wtf DansGame KKona KKona i only drink water and eat white rice OMEGALUL alright now you've gone too far thats good sugar is bad YOU DRINK REDBULL TRUE KEK D: NA KEKW it is disgusting Do you eat grass if no veggies? lazyman KEKW lots of other tasty food Thats why you are a bit depressed what about girlfriends @Rush true I WANT ICECREAM NOW pvmanHands NA FOOD KEKW KKona CHU SAY D: @rush what is your fav food and drinks The same way you enjoy playing League, I enjoy eating different things :) wtf do u mean u dont feel motivated to eat @rush dafuq are u sayin broi yummy KKona roosh healty player PogU sugary drinks are pretty nasty KEKW NA LUL chu say KKona hypoglycemia monkaW CiGrip VapeNation gordan ramsay KEKW D: CandyCane On a diet atm....Oats, chicken, rice, broccoli almost every day LUL XD MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid unsubbed , im NA And offended TRUE KEKW healthy rush KKona WTF REDBULL? What do you live for then DansGame KKona now im hungry what do you eat then Hes gonna go get his donuts now 4Head OpieOP wtf love a good salted donut SALT KKona WTF??? KEKW here's the conspiracy theory, sugar kills you faster just drink alcohol instead KEKW KKona YEE HAW ? STAND UP LAZY BOY KEKW robertHmm OpieOP gachiW gachiW i saw it he didnt get up lmao Pepega rush likes salt KEKW handicaped ♿ coming through ♿ disabled? 💺 PeepoLeave RUSH HATES NA PepeHands that's not kkona, boomer chat sugar is the #1 cause of all cause mortality illnesses in NA @Rush that thicc thigh true (((sugar))) 💺 peepoArrive REDBULL?? @Rush is it true that you sold weed in TIP house? korea only drink alcohol KEKW Can you do that chair swivel again. great content CHAIR MECHANICS PogU STAND UP OpieOP hahahahahaha best opinion ever handicaped rush pure alcoholl cures Kapp good outfit Pog 5Head u need muscles to look good in outfit Floor is made out of floor get good outfit KEKW ZULUL KEKW EatPooPoo LUL poop Kreygasm PepoThink KEKW challenger pooping 5Head FeelsBadMan everything is healthy in korea.... I never eaten so many veggies in my life korea think they are healthy but they're not KEKW TRUE monkaW KEKW TRUE KEKW PepeHands FeelsBadMan wtf WeirdChamp OMEGALUL GOOD POOP KEKW TURE peepoSad TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW LIES ITS JUST CALORIES IN < CALORIES OUT KEKW TRUE LULW literally true TRUE KEKW D: KEKW poop vman Kapp PepeHands Jesus lul KEKW peepoLeave lmao true 4Head putting aesthetics over health benefit LUL peepoFat but I don't care too real widepeepoSad PepeHands peepoSad GOOD POOP PEPEGA Healthy food can be tasty too LUL 4Head Last I checked their are a lot of fatty Asians LULW Rush says he doesn't drink Coke, Twitch plays a Coke ad to interrupt... PepeHandsUp true that's why I'm peepoFat did u just tell me to kill myself? widepeepoHappy peepoSad Clap !duol FeelsBadMan its called nihilism !duo Solo LOL food is life pvman = dodge or gg widepeepoSad !time 22:58 Preach papa rush @rush how old r u peepoFat just eat now, diet tomorrow !uptime @7leeb123, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 17 mins ??? I have a Good Poop ZULUL ok :) pvman = gg KEKW Everything IS pointless TheIlluminati just dont eat Ask impact about NA food habits @16inchflaccid that's just if you're trying to lose weight, you don't want to be in a calorie deficit every day of your life no Kapp I eat because I'm unhappy and I'm unhappy because I eat PepeHands REDBULL bruhstquets what do you think about ekko jgl TheIlluminati Kappa My poop is better Pepega !howlong @Balefrostt, balefrostt has been following rush for 3 years 4 months 7 days 8 hours I'm stop LULW NA diet Kapp coke used to have coke in it Kapp I DO COCAINE Pog im stop Pepega I'm Asian and buffed af but like tall as Tyler LUL im stop AYAYA !howlong impact only snorts coke. Drunk Cokc COKE? monkaW was gonna shit on your life if coke is he duo with TSM impact? KEKW FeelsAmazingMan D: KKona wtf KKona NA impact @i4mn01 tree stump LULW FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy Coke Just drink coke zero 4HEad impact eats a lot of banana FBI Open up Pog leash KKona COKE FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy ROOOOOOOSH !followage @Nuddle8, nuddle8 has been following rush for 18 days idk a single person who does that in america either lmao KKona coke is cheaper than water why not FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy lev 2 gank camile KEKW hello @Rush how u doing OpieOP when i arrive at mcdonalds peepoArrive when i take a look at my wallet -> PeepoLeave KKona YEE HAW KEKW Pepege 💨 MALD 💨 SKT Impact PepeHands WutFace MALD 💨 MALD 💨 MALD !followage MALD 💨 Korean pride WeirdChamp roosh peepoArrive MALD 💨 @rcsgodlike KEKW my 2 roommates go through 4-6 litres of coke together daily quinWTFF ASMR Impact SKT PVMAN KEKW MALD 💨 MALD 💨 @Ne3s1 jesus christ KEKW MALD 💨 💨 💨 MALD MALD Pepega 💨 pszWhappen D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: MALD 💨 🎙️ D: D: NO U D: D: D: RPGGhosto D: D: D: monkaW ok :) D: D: D: in game D: KEKW WTFF ? pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey jgl gap KEKW D: KEKW Clap D: she already did KEKW In game Kappa Why play kha zix he is dogshit maaaaan, that feeling when u step out of the shower after workout Kreygasm KEKW Pepega INT COMING @EstOffMe instant nut Kreygasm told u were no emotional player like NA streamers rip @ggbb528 KEKW Hello there. D: HEY D: D: IceCold D: D: thought hey stop D: TOO FAR pepega game? Pepega HahaLean SantaHat D: SantaHat IceCold D: D: shipD @ㅎ__ㅎ oh ye Kreygasm D: IceCold !duo Solo 🧀 that first clear was pain @spicyyyy its intpact D: IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy ahgaaang subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Hi dad :) ahgaaang's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !uptime @CKMBrother, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 20 mins I GOT SUB die top almost clean PepeHands !followage @xanrinaa, xanrinaa has been following rush for 5 days does pvman = gg, yes or no? damn KEKW KEKW no KEKW KEKW That's my pvman peepoArrive KEKW NOT EVEN CLOSE KEKW MaN FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW Stop doing that tongue noise DansGame kenen was like PeepoLeave FLASH UP kennen peepoArrive river ward was up PepeLaugh SantaHat PepeLaugh im kinda confused because there is a lot of rumors that pvman = gg but im not sure? @Rush cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA Roosh = WP "they dont know where I was" PepeLaugh IceCold ME at night : pvman = gg KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW Cld of flashed warded mrstor3J SantaHat level 4 KEKW PVMAN = WIN HYPERS PepeLaugh ReinDeer @kenseikage1 gimp ? Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp @ロロロロ WeirdChamp Kapp Kapp Kapp ONLY ME GOOD CAMILLE SMOrc Kapp Kapp Kapp only I* SantaHat KEKW WeirdChimp Kapp kAPP ure so up yourself cir3 !uptime @0352664343, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 22 mins Kappa @thegenericrandom WeirdChamp 🖕 nb3WOW SantaHat boxAYAYA SantaHat Pog EZ cirComfy SantaHat D: smite king that nautilus is really good DAS GOOD tfbWp tfbEz tfbEz NOT NEGATIVE KDA? PeepoLeave that was slightly MonkaW Why flash there as adc? thats very bronze !uptime @vurderlak, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 23 mins @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxGun MONKAW does pvman = gg? @Rush pvman not inting ? peepoLeave !duo Solo peepoLeave peepoArrive wtf PeepoLeave peepoArrive KEKW KENNEN Support. Carry u Krappa kennen ult to cs? lol PeepoLeave Pepga WutFac WutFace monkaW PeepoLeave capital p peepoArrive lowercase p is so tilting Pepega WitFace peepoLeave peepoLeave Pepege PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave AARRRGGGGGHH Pepege Pdrraaaaa Pepega ReinDeer Pepega WutFace WutFace PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive sure Kapp peepoArrive PeepoLeave bnanaPepega ReinDeer peepoArrive Pretty good read from Rush PogChamp ReinDeer peepoLeave ANY LEAVERS? peepoLeave PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive PeepoLeave peepoArrive ReinDeer he cookie he cookie pvman winning peepoLeave HahaBall HahaBall peepoArrive ?? Another kind boy stream. Harmony and peace of mind my friend KEKW PeepoLeave ReinDeer LMAO KEKW still lvl 5 KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ?????? KEKW MALD Cringe NICUUU Pepega Pepega KEKW why no charge??!?! Pepega ReinDeer Pepega W KEKW jungle exp FeelsBadMan MaldChamp really fun FUN PepeLaugh good mechanic FUN widepeepoHappy why does PeepoLeave no show for me peepoArrive RUSH PeepoLeave Camile not my rush PeepoLeave MaldChamp MaldChamp MALD monkaW Rush is live peepoArrive Rush inting on smurf account PeepoLeave @its_dinner_time he's waiting for cammile to charge instead MaldChamp peepoArrive RUSH PeepoLeave Camile MALD MaldChamp malding monkaW MaldChamp TopHat cant tell MALD MaldChamp Clap lmao rightful hair MALD balding MALD KEKW ? AUTISM? Pepega !opgg BigBrother Same level as support :) KEKW KEKW rush coming through peepoArrive KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????????????? LUL KEKW INT KEKW int trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp pvman = gg KEKW OMEGALUL LMAOOOOOO KEKW OUTPLAYED D: Pepega peepoArrive peepoLeave thresh smurfin KEKW KEKW GGMAN lmao KEKW KEKW KEKW lul MeldChamp pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg KEKW FAKER WHAT WAS THAT peepoArrive RUSH IS BACK ♿ coming through KEKW INTING AGAIN KEKW whats up with the hair @Rush trkP trkP trkP trkP trkP peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive Roosh = WP limit test KEKW peepoArrive thats my rush OM_EGALUL No this rush NotLikeThis FAKER? peepoArrive pvman = gg peepoArrive Tristana can jump but khazix gets interrupted PepeHands KEKW pvmanFGM pvmanFGM inting another win away FeelsBadMan peepoArrive INTING LIMIT TESTING KEKW peepoArrive PeepoLeave the real rush PWMAN = GG RUSH IS BACK BABY peepoArrive pvman=gg Should of Drank a Coke KEKW peepoArrive MY RUSH IS BACK xD peepoArrive inting E TU KEKW peepoLeave dodge hook with face trkChamp trkChamp trkChamp LIMIT INTING KEKW FeelsRushMan Why even play kha six such a bad champ PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave KEKW GO NEXT peepoArrive KEKW rush is not bad widepeepoHappy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yarrak yeyin hepiniz I never get hit by skill shot Kapp 36 cs KEKW peepoArrive Rush coming through peepoArrive tenacity is useless if you never get hit Kapp 10 MIN level 5 KEKW STILL LEVEL 5 KEKW peepoArrive pvman=gg peepoArrive Gp lvl 9 PeepoLeave jg ruined widepeepoSad LOL 2 Q ? KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFOA KEKW KEKW KEKW PeepoLeave Rush PeepoLeave inting PeepoLeave jungle PeepoLeave again PeepoLeave KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW !uptime trkP SO BAD KEKW red @thelegendofparnstar, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 27 mins KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW ULTIMATE KEKW ????????????????? KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW pvman = gg KEKW SO BAD KEKW day w heal? MALD ? KEKW SO FKING BAD KEKW KEKW w q r? lmaao bad and toxic too UNLUCKY RUSH LUL KEKW Clap hahahhzh JG DIFF PVMAN=GG KEKW KEKW Roosh can be so rettardedd sometimes veigar VA PogU jungle diff KEKW Clap Use w? pvman = gg KEKW MALD MaldChamp your mid laner Dude what are you doing MALD MALD 💨 BOT GAP LUL No q? play like hashinshin malding in real time KEKW limit testing gp q dodge not work rush is tilted LULW this syndra KEKW fiesta KEKW Fun fact: rush was the voice actor for Weevil Underwood roosh thinks he's alpha but he's really beta KEKW IS PVMAN ALWAYS TROLLONG? lvl 6 LUL Jungle role sucks now. Rather 2-1-2. bad and toxic too NA jayce peepoArrive can farm, wont farm "FARM FARM FARM DIE" KEKW KEKW GANK KEKW KEKW KEKW true LULW @乾您娘 always widepeepoHappy he doesnt want you rush KEKW This gameplay resembles the pvman I know. :) LULW "you only go die" Pepega Hehe poor Impact pvman = you only go die KEKW INTPACT KEKW LUL kekw kekw KEKW Impact in 2k19 PogChamp DansGame LMAOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW INTpact KEKW INTPACT KEKW intpact INTPACT KEKW pvman = gg PepeHands feeding duo Intcpact top KEKW Pepega oof hes become NA Jayce LMAO KEKW SKT Impact PepeHands trash KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lmao no no no no KEKW NONONO PLZ KEKW nononoon ROFL Int pact EleGiggle 4Head NA No charge FeelsBadMan OPEN KEKW level 7 KEKW s10 jungle KEKW OPEN KEKW KEKW KEKW yesyesyes TOP DIE pvman= nononononononon pls KEKW 4 levels down PepeLaugh go for it open FeelsBadMan SoSnowy "shall I kill him and pepega?" Pepega 2v2 win Kappa el impacto PogChamp OPEN KEKW kekw KEKW we win 2v2 LUL jayce wants that shutdown kekw AYAYA XAYAYA AYAYA VoHiYo X AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA XAYAH7 AYAYA 7 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA OMEGALUL PEN AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA PeepoLeave pvman=gg fuck you rush WeirdChamp x AYAYA X AYAYA ? TAKE CRUGS PLS AYAYA pvmanFGM OPEN Open LUL HE DID LULW X AYAYA 7 Impact Irelia KEKW Impact Jayce KEKW gg open m0xyOkay X AYAYA H pvman = gg LUL AYAYA krugs arent op anymore Na duo = gg not playing with ggman ever again KEKW syndra Pepega SYNDRA Pepega Pepega Pepega this syndra cant hit stun on anyone KEKW Pepega i"m not buying the god damn ps4 get over it MALD PepegaPhone SoSnowy trkP tobiasWAVE 5Head Syndra Kapp 4v1 KEKW no play game 4Head meanwhile GP has 2 items LUL GO HOME KEKW GO HOME LMFAO !uptime @Abed_Lv, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 31 mins MALD ADC no play game KEKW KEKW for context, Naut name is "This is my Home" no play game MaldChamp why you play sup SMOrc pvman = go home, no play game KEKW KR BANTER KEKW you are super weak KEKW massive Kreygasm SONG NAME PLS CHAT????? hostage KEKW would u use hexdrinker on kha?` OpieOP DAT JAYCE ? IMPACT KEKW close Kapp boxGun @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxGun gg SOLD ITEMS LUL guys what does pvman stands for? INTPACT kda player JG DIFF PeepoLeave Kai sa iems KEKW JG GAP KEKW Kaisa build LUL song name? Hi Rush pvman = gg @stiiller73 write it backwards.. NA MVP Kappa stronk mental kaisa kaissa sold items.. pvman losing widepeepoHappy OWL2019gg open JG GAP widepeepoHappy KEKW pvman = xayah7 mental boom KAISA KEKW @stiiller73 public violence man Kappa chinese kaisa PepeLaugh level 8 vs 12 KEKW Impact unimployed LULW KEKW HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW slow brain KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW MF KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW pvman = gg widepeepoSad ??? Roosh = gg KEKW thats called dying gg next? SMOrc SMOrc gp unbalanced HAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHA KEKW pvman=gg KEKW jj KEKW KEKW outpathed , outscaled , outffarmed KEKW KEKW GG pvman = xayah7 mental boom oof KEKW !playlist KEKW KEKW this is just murder jj pvman = gg KEKW Guys, GP will come with IE next LMAO ggbb528Nice ggbb528Nice ggbb528Nice Kaisa was right all along FeelsBadMan is impact still in TL? shoulda gone nid KEKW ㅈㅈ EZ EZ 0 dmg KEKW Pepege KEKW DEAD LULW LIVING WARD KEKW KEKW 0 DMG KEKW LULW RUSH TROLLING KEKW L:OL minus dmg KEKW Pepega Why he walk back KEKW WUT Pepega aa Roosh = gg KEKW Clap broekiDerp PeepoLeave old rush PeepoLeave running it down Kappa PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave PeepoLeave widepeepoSad COMING THRU pvman = grey screen 23 7 peepoArrive @rush khazix bad champion? hey @Rush i think you might have que for ranked when you meant to play a bot game :/ ad difference ROOSH IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad Roosh = gg PeepoLeave Another day another FF FeelsBadMan Better jg wins :) D: pvman = peepoLeave bad team, as always PeepoLeave jg gap game KEKW 4Head fake laugh GP 3force steraks esence river in <20min D: JG GAP KEKW PepeHands PepeHands D: PeepoLeave gj Roosh <3 run away KEKW It’s aight tho bad games happen dw bro pvman=hh Better minion cannon wins PepeLaugh running away PepeHands PepeHands stop bolly roosh, he tried peeposad screw u dad RUN AWAY KEKW D: RUN AWAY KEKW D: Kha zix sucks peepoLeave Goodnight <3 PeepoLeave rush PeepoLeave Bye HeyGuys RUNNING AWAY KEKW short stream WeirdChimp PeepoLeave :( rush is running away <3 good night Rush! aw fck i missed the int bye 4 hr stream PeepoLeave thanks for the stream Roosh bye roosh good stream <3 PeepoLeave bye KEKW gg bye <3 PeepoLeave PeepoLeave bye roosh impact streams? roosh running away PepeHands pvman = gg HELLO KIND BOY :) PepeLaugh hi roosh AYAYA IceCold ppman hi rush Pog Hello good evening Pepega Clap RUSH SAMA RUSHHHHHHHHHH hi rush :) Pog hello mr. Rush is that you wait it's na mvp PauseChamp pvman = gg PartyPoro Hi Pvman @Rush rooosh widepeepoHappy RUSH AYAYA cirAYAYA PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOSH here to learn from the best lee <3 <3 <3 I voted rush for all stars but instead they send bang FeelsBadMan boxAYAYA PepegaPhone roooooosh hachuAYAYA my favorite streamer katerinoAYAYA xfsnAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA hihih pepega player yasAYAYA pvman = gg FeelsSnowyMan IceCold Pepega 7 monster checking in naroEhehe ROOOOOOOSH : Pepega IceCold ROOOSH polesmokerface subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! my favorite kind boy !followage @j71196, j71196 has been following rush for 3 years 1 month 29 days reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ROOOOOSH rush widepeepoHappy <3 hi rosh PogChamp PartyPoro !playlist RUSHHHH BABYYYY WOOOOHOOOOOOOO pvman = gg NaM @Rush WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? PartyPoro U DA MAN @rush where yt videos? !uptime @scottygami, rush has been streaming for 3 mins 45 secs rush i really like it when you play league and i think you are really good but after the first 2 games u stop playing and its just a grey screen for me for until rest of stream. Anyway else experience this? yaaaayy r00sh i missed you!! pvman in 2020 allstars : PauseChamp IceCold D: yo WeirdChimp 7 why didny you play at ase???? D: D: D: TopHat Did you see na vs eu all stars? :D <3 Rush you missed the plane? You are supposed to be at all stars good sir. rush is live PogU D: IceCold D: !opgg KEKW Pepege Clap D: Kapp Thank god pvman is here, your team doesnt say this D: ReinDeer Just find a 5 man team to ladder with so you don’t have these problems pvman = gg welcome back rush i am in love with you. i want you to bear my children. fioNa IceCold PepePls fiona Pepega toxic today aren't we D: @Rush Did you play all stars? Pepega ReinDeer @robinstalk 4 men team KEKW based D: SoSnowy pvman stream widepeepoHappy IceCold Pepega ReinDeer pvman = gg HYPERS PogChamp D: pvman widePeepoHappy IceCold IceCold IceCold D: IceCold LUL rush play league pog How can someone say fuckin in every single sentence 3 times. For real I’m watching since 3 seconds and he already said it 10times League of Legends POGGERS D: IceCold ReinDeer PepegaPhone AIIGOO SoSnowy AYAYA Tali AYAYA taliah yayaayaya KEKW @Rush i think you just miss chat widepeepoHappy IceCold IceCold IceCold just play variety Pepega ReinDeer hello rush :) IceCold PepePls IceCold PepegaPhone ReinDeer COMING THRU KEKW ? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper LOL KR FLASH KEKW nice flash KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN GG Pepega IceCold KEKW NA F No taliyah helped her IceColdAYAYA KEKW KR JG nice flash btw LUL KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW LUL KEKW Korean flash without impact no hope KEKW SantaHat 10/10 pvman =gg KEKW : KEKW IceCold RELAX, its all good pvman = gg Rush is not bad widepeepSad KEKW pvman = GG KEKW good KEKW Jg cap good KEKW its tilt time !lee NA Flash HYPERS mid gap KEKW pvman + KEKW GG 4Head !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KR flash pvman = gg KEKW FIRST THING I HEAR WHEN I JOIN "MID GAP" 0/5 D: D: LUL WELCOME BACK @Rush D: YAY ANOTHER RUSH STREAM i can learn how to turbo int! D: Toxic D: D KEKW KEKW KEKW KR F D: D: 💨 D: D: D: D: hello D: D: SoSnowy korean pinocchio LUL D: ReinDeer D: IceCold D: SoSnowy D: TopHat D: nutWut nutWut nutWut KEKW KEKW D: SoSnowy PVMAN = GG KEKW MID BOT LOSING ORI TOP KEKW D: SantaHat go practice flashing for 25mins in custom sadKEKW if people around u are stupid..Then... monkaHmm Hello monkey mman PJSalt heyhey Pepega Clap "Fiona" Pepega checking in hjey hjey Q KEKW KEKW q LUL kr q KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EZ CLAP KEKW q KEKW KEKW KEKW ahaha KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ? THAT Q KEKW EZ KEKW EZ Clap KEKW i joined stream at right time GGMAN KEKW pvman = gg KEKW rush used to have a stronger mental Pepega 📣 ROOOSH Pvman = GG KEKW RUUUUUSH I MISSED YOU AND YOUR INTING Nice int! PVMAN = MISS ALL SKILLS KEKW noob KEKW FINALLY pvman is back jg gap KEKW jg gap jg :) Lmao PVMAN = widepeepoSad Omg it's Pvman PogU !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again 15 kekw Jungle gap KEKW jg gap 100% never rush's fault. Rush is only a baby noob 15 7 min LUL WeirdChimp pvman = gg KEKW Pog Rush!!!! 900LP Plays Ff LUL 15 KEKW stop trolling WeirdChimp ReinDeer Jg gap KEKW "my teamates" lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DIFFICULT BRO KEKW Still level 5 KEKW EZ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW EASY ORI Pog almost wp KEKW 0/2 From Pepega to KEKW Fiona SMOrc Fiona? ppman cirBlech peepoFat FIONA Zach support ? Is it any good ? 8====ლD~ (- O -) ~ᗡლ====8 no more widepeepoSad BibleThump Peepee man = GG KEKW LUL comin thru @PatrickLetoileDeMer zach @kind_boyy lmao Pepege Pvman streaming FeelsGoodMan No eyes widepeepoSad KEKW D: JUNGLE DIFFERENCE jng diff kekw KEKW KEKW Was rush invited to all stars? LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL lulw JG DIFF KEKW KEKW PVMAN = INT KEKW KEKW jg gap KEKW KEKW KEKW YouDied pvman feeding widepeepoHappy smite? Jg dif for him not having ipeyes rush comin thru JG GAP jg gap !uptime Legend KEKW LUL @linklaam, rush has been streaming for 10 mins 42 secs JG GAP widepeepoSad KEKW go Nice int again widepeepoHappy 0/3 KEKW KEKW roosh POOGERS Gj nice int BigBrother Clap monkaW BigBrother list monkaW MONKAw tp KEKW pvman = gg KEKW fiora tp LULW THE LIST KEKW monkaW INT LIST lets go Hhhehehe go next KEKW Intime jungler blames mid Rush at allstar next year widepeepoosad KEKW KEKW Red card monkaW Finally list LUL LUL LUL LUL pvman = gg widepeepoSad Its easier : Mald IceCold MingLee ReinDeer WTF orianna PepeHands LUL racist WTF type cao ni ma to him RED CARD FIONA why top's nationality matters ? KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again : MALD IceCold MingLee WTF KEKW RACIST MALD 0/3 KEKW D: culturist WTF D: TRUE KEKW !uptime @flaturf, rush has been streaming for 11 mins 51 secs RACIST ON CHINESE cmon bruh Thats league culture everywhere no? racist NaM Malding KEKW chinese culture = genocide KEKW PVMAN = Mald KEKW LUL Kappa i am chinese, thats true KEKW monkaHmm pvmanLeesin MALD MingLee WTF THEY WATCHED PVMAN STREAM KEKW Thats literally every league i love rush stream so i can learn how to not jungle (: MaldChamp LULW TRUE PauseChamp i guess that makes me chinese KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW !uptime TRUE KEKW @bluepost, rush has been streaming for 12 mins 19 secs its everywhere top is jungle difference is every region KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW True KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LU KEKW !leesin KEKW KEKW Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW hahahaha KEKW KEKW KEKW E TU Pvman = KEKW KEKW 0/4 JUNGLE GG KEKW LOL ACTUALLY INT KEKW slow finger PepeLaugh LUL yes KR will just open KEKW jng trolling :( KEKW KEKW LMAO anyone calling you racist hasnt played with chinese players before watch this KEKW INTPACKT KEKW BigBrother LUL you r big dumb LULW Blatant inting PVMAN = INT Old man reactions PepeHands Inting? I am watching 3Head !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU pvmanMonkey FF LUL sorry rush, had to report you widepeepoSad INTMAN = PV KEKW KRMOOEN KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW fiora flash KEKW FIORA FLASH KEKW MALDING KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KR do open though HSWP tmemSPODERMAN Kapp pvman= gg pvman= ggpvman= ggpvman= gg CruW FF man = pv KEKW LUL fio flash KEKW duoing with impact? !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU WINNABLE report fiora and lee go next monkey man farming feelsBatman fothermucker lol D: FF man = Pv KEKW lmaoooo OK Pepega 👍 my sweet little monkey <3 wingLewd wingLewd wingLewd wingLewd my teammates hold me back from getting out of plat what do Ok will report KRMan = pv KEKW good thing they're banning chinese from KR server soon KEKJW monkaW !command !duo edit Solo monkaS !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU monkaW Pepega roosh monkaS KEKW PVMAN = LOSE !duo monkaW KEKW monkaS !duo !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again DUO with IMPACT PogU ? hello pussyboy !command edit !duo Solo @Rush, successfully updated command duo. KEKW LOL KEKW pvman = gg Pepega Clap PepeLaugh KEKW !duo Solo Pepega Clap KEKW !duo KEKW KEKW Pepega !Pepega Clap Pepega make me mod 4Head BOOMER Pepega Clap Squid1 PogChamp Squid4 monkeyS !duo Solo Clap editing commands in game KEKW Pepega !duo !specs LOL KEKW PVMAN = GG POGGERS Pepega Clap hacking monkaS POOGERS POGGERS Clap PogChamp Pepege EF Solo PogChamp POOGERS Clap mmmmmmmmmmmm h KEKW Clap POGGERS He did it Pepege Clap LUL open KEKW Pepega Clap BLAME THE CHINESE POOGERS EF Solo PogChamp clap maybe dorm is on fire LULW RACIST EZ Clappo KEKW he left RACIST OPEN EZ Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW negative gaming KEKW it was time for dinner KEKW Again the chinese KEKW ILL NEVER FORGIVE THE JAPANESE He disconnected normal KEKW NEGATIVE GAMING JACKEYLOVE KEKW NEGATIVE GAMING negative gaming experience LULW NOT FALSE KEKW Pepege Clap CHINESE KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW @Rush cause riot is china's bitch KEKW china top = gg KEKW NEGATIVE GAMING KEKW HSWP tmemSPONGEBOB not false KEKW KEKW FIORA NOOOOO wtf NaM thats every region KEKW Chinese ppl has a weak mental like Me KEKW LUL too many players, cant ban them all them NaM wtf THEM ??? 욀케 화낫어 hostages KEKW they're actually griefing LULW PepeHands 4 chinese KEKW hostage situation KEKW Hostages KEKW trumpW yes rush rush mental weaker the n chinese KEKW thats culturist man D: winnable KEKW KEKW fake chinese video KEKW Kappa MALD Fiona SURE THEYRE NOT Kappa So mad KEKW fiona LUL fiona FIONA KEKW LULW JUNGLE DIFF SMOrc Chinese = Weak mental = PVman LUL fiona POG FIONA KEKW MALD MingLee LACIST FIONA KEKW D: FIONA Pog vote tyes TRUE :) BANNED KEKW CHINESE = SELFISH ?? PVMAN IS CHINESE? Pog what a way to start the stream KEKW pvman = weak mental = gg widepeepoSad LUL why so emotional KEKW !uptime @swangarang, rush has been streaming for 16 mins 3 secs lol wtf I just got here and he's already raging ff KEKW <3 <3 <3 <3 pvman is black pvman = gg True don’t let it bother you too much rush 15 min stream 15 min ff KEKW vacation incoming KEKW chinese culture is actually selfish gg square shaped bottle WeirdChamp XD monkaW you PogU BabyRage LUL 0/4 ON LEE KEKW how do you lose that hard at 15 mins KEKW u PepeLaugh me :) me :) no-one Kapp chinese dog BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage TRUE KEKW not rush @Vindole its not tbh 15 min stream 15 min FF KEKW winnable PogYou Me :) BabyRage PepeLaugh PogYou @Rush Junglers solidarity kekw YOU raging on the CHINESE !uptime @PlayedOff, rush has been streaming for 16 mins 35 secs PogYou most of them are the only child in their family because of the one-child policy, that's why most them are selfish AF WINNABLE PogU kd BabyRage Clp POGGERS Clap pvman = weak metal = inting = Mald =KEKW LUL POOGERS Clap CLEAN POG WINNABLE a kill Pog Clean 16 min ff Kapp pvman = ff for other team PogU pvman = ff for other team PogU pvman = ff for other team PogU RUSH Poggers Clap clean Pepega EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap Pepege Clap not rly roosh POOGERS 1/4 PogU :tf: Clap pvman KEKW PERFECT LEE PogChamp POGGERS pvman should be in allstars widepeepoSad !uptime @cute9000, rush has been streaming for 16 mins 55 secs I played perfect lee :) pvman is back Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again fiona KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 📈 maldness allstars PepeLaugh !int FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan KEKW @Rush i love ur ironic way pvman = gg KEKW FeelsBadMan ROOSH PogU FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan !leesin PepeHands FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FCreep MALD MaldChamp !lcs why isnt !int an command FeelsBadMan feels bad man widepeepoSad That guy gonna int ur games now LUL @Rush That's not true widepeepoSad BibleThump I voted for Rush FeelsBadMan SantaHat PepeHands D: D: D: fiona KEKW FeelsBadMan 🚬 사랑해요 러쉬 D: IceCold i voted rush D: KEKW hahaha D: D: wtf swearing fucking fiona i didn't vote rush KEKW mald... i voted for mikeyeung widepeepoSad i voted for you <3 D: 💨 monkaW we voted for Rush but he didn't wonnered FeelsBadMan i voted for rush FeelsBadMan kind boy PepeHands SantaHat LLOOOOOL @stiiller73 it actually is but ok, what do i know after living there for 3 years... Pepega monsta Checking IN widepeepoSad i voted for pvman why didnt kt pick you up cirBlech I didn't even vote KEKW yes my fav streamer give him the treatment rush hello kind boy PepeLaugh 👉 📉 all stars with no pvman TAKE IT BOY gachiW BRUDDER? !uptime heoo kind boy :) / i voted for rush FeelsBadMan Kapp @mrjonjonjon, rush has been streaming for 17 mins 55 secs I voted for Rush not Pvman LUL mikeyeung kek take it Kreygasm RIOT KEKW TAKE IT BOY gachiGASM when is all stars:??? @rush watch your language im watching stream with my mom @Rush do you think diamond players are bad? BRUDDER? LUL @FULL_CAPS_BRO BANNED Take it like a man PogChamp roosh D: MaldChamp Banned D: i voted for no one KEKW Pog I voted for Pvman would you date a guy ? KappaPride RUSH GIVE ME A KISS when didi you get 900 lp @Rush meta jungle picks atm? @wafflepigs :) Rush > Pvman > cyberbully > roosh > widepeeposad LUL You forgot to report ?? hehehehe 4Head duo with deft !uptime @mrjonjonjon, rush has been streaming for 18 mins 38 secs all stars is kinda of boring to be honest, @Rush make sure to get a team next split so you can make into worlds, that would be nice 4HEad HEHE Hey rush Kapp !rank Roosh why didn't you stream yesterday? :( CruW 15 min fast game KEKW and chinese 3? KEKW Pog rush pro KEKW KEKW ME? pvman = Rush Pepega ggman is back KEKW Rash POGGERS pvman pro KEKW rascal Pog meiko Pog rush KEKW 15 min game inc Pepega 2 KEKW pvmanMonkey 2 and 1/2 KEKW and 2 chinese players so its gg D: IM PLAYING :) Meiko Pog KEKW KEKW @Rush pvman = ex-semi pro KEKW Pepege KEKW D: SAUSAGE pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW love rush rush WHO ? KEKW KEKW 🇨🇳 WeirdChimp LOLW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW fathermocker KEKW @Rush when games with intpack? KEKW HAHAHAHAHA KEKW LOLOLOLOL KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad D: ohhhh KEKW Rascal POG meiko POG Pvman KEKW LUL im in diamond 2 pick kindred KEKW D: i'm gold @Rush Did you cut your nails yet or what? no? D: wow toxic Kappa Kappa TRUE KEKW i am isushi :) Not False KEKW iron FeelsBadMan pvmanMonkey im bronze :) Rush proplayer POG KEKW D: woah woah woah, im in silver bro KEKW fater mocker LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW not bronze smurf xd KEKW TRUE IM IN SILVER!!!! TRUUUEEEE KEKW D: D: @rush i played with u in TFT :) TRUUUUUEEEE KEKW KEKW LUL Fuck you rush :) KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW where's your team KEKW PepeHands D: im mentality challenger rascal Pog meiko PogU rush KEKW no black shirt peeoSad KEKW Lmao i was the fiora :) LMAO rude af KEKW KKona KEKW KKona WTF plat 2... widepeepoSad TRUUUEEEE KEKW KEKW KKona what? KEKW I’m in play thanks KEKW NOT FALSE KEKW KEKW KKona rascal Pog meiko Pog rush KEKW KKona KEKW improving NA not cut nails = NA KEKW KEKW YOU'RE LAZY KKonaW KEKW KKona what TRWE KEKW no black shirt peepoSad I’m master :) no KEKW no :) Racist wtf D: not filing nails WeirdChamp KKona MALD 🇨🇳 True :) PepeHands T D: X I C can i eat yours instead? FREE FOOD I EAT EVERYTHING KKona No :) racist eating nails KEKW its a habit KEKW DELICIOUS I feel personally attacked 😡 @rush how come you are not at all stars? Is it finally gg? stop eating burgers too KEKW thats why you fat rush 4HEad KKona Clap KEKW KEKW KEKE KEKW KKona need to EAT fighted eated 5Head but they are so delicious KEKW 4HEad American eating nails LUL LUL just be hungry 4Head DansGame that's why i am fat KKona Kreygasm WutFace ok i will try rushy gachiGASM who the fk eats nails DansGame !rank play nunu why are you not in NA for All Stars next your gonna say stop eating burgers KEKW JITTT subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! pvmanMonkey 12 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! thats mean! LUL KKona We eat nails who are you going to feed on this game @Rush eat snails PepeLaugh elise Imagine eating Rush toenails Kreygasm but corejj smell his fart and he could buy a tower, I'm going to keep smelling my fart Eating snails WutFace support is japanese? AYAYA nunu pls :) ResidentSleeper AYAYA Karthus widepeepoHappy karthus KEKW I never eat my nails, i eat my friends nails ☺️🔪 AYAYA support Meiko, don't feed please you go cosmic insight and boots @Rush áya? Can nails even be digested ? STOP PLAYING BOORING CHAMBBBBBBBS nimbus clock time can u play a game of X(x = troll jungler thats gonna lose u the game)? Ive bitten my nails since i was 4 and im 24 PepeHands Can't stop nibus cloak op nimbus LULW weebs NaM IceCold SoSnowy Pvman = KEKW =GG = RAGEQUIT LUL ???? @rush have you been talking to pro teams already? love to see you back nimbus clock ⏰ inspiration go full dmg Nimbus co...k 5Head PVMAN IS BACK TO INT KEKW CBLOL girl support cirGasm cirGasm cirGasm wow said it correctly Pog monkaHmm NIMBUS CZOCZK nice rush widepeepoHappy press R champ KEKW gathering storm :) @opieop_dansgame_opieop krxCozy sneakyGasm No ravenous hunter LUL Kapp karth... ResidentSleeper scout ZULUL ō O play with Piglet Pog play with Deft Kapp @goblibguy01 cirISee cirHi cirHi cirHi ResidentSleeper play with deft !duo Solo !duo playing with Gen G player Pog anyone here on business ratirlBusiness get rpesence of mind!!! P´lay with Ucal BibleThump comPAtative Skt scout skt rush POG LUL pvman to china? Pog play with scout R-R-S-S-S pvman=dpdge or gg KEKW dodge KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW KEKW KEKW go elise ppman=dodge KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW pvman= dodge KEKW pvman = peepoLeave @Rush = gg PICK LEE rascal dodged KEKW dirty inter, not a normal one :D PepeHands widepeepoSad PepeHands pvman = ff I UNFOLLOWED LULW we all unfollowed you KEKW IceCold Pvman = dodge KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad pick nasus me follow u FeelsBadMan play wwwww i unfollowed :) widepeepoSad PauseChamp pvman = GG widepeepoSad i can follow you home MaN is rush still FREE AGENT Kappa widepeepoSad pvman = unfollow KEKW unfollowed :) where can i vote 499 753 ok i follow bot u KEKW unfollowed PepeLaugh not even 500k KEKW lets unfollow KEKW KEKW cus you boosted Widepeeposad KEKW jobless FeelsBadMan free asiant Xia pian hao chi NaM 🇨🇳 ban ryze MALD 🇰🇷 PepeLaugh pvman = gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW they don't know PepeLaugh TRUE PepeHands Kapp pvman = free peepoLeave :( !uptime @gugusal123, rush has been streaming for 23 mins 52 secs KEKW Kapp pvmanFBM 499 753 Pepega they know pvman = gg KEKW they would find out that pvman = gg KEKW PepeLaugh FOLLOW NOW pvmanA FOLLOW NOW pvmanA pvman = gg Kapp they know that pvman=gg KEKW roosh widepeepoHappy MingLee Clap Unfollow Pvman if gay KappaPride KappaPride EU needs RUSH KEKW Does it help if I unfollow and then follow again ? they lack critical information PepeLaugh iwillyb subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pvman = gg no Kapp i think they have watched the stream Kappa love u rush widepeepoHappy kt chose Maldrang instead of rush WutFace even clg don't want you someone tell me to go revise my team jg pvman PauseChamp IceCold better be free than caged Keepo !duo Solo YouDied gonna play hahaa censqred subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! is this some kind of sexy time music pvman means emotional gameplay THEY HAVE WATCHED THE STREAM THATS WHY HahaBall HahaPoint HahaSleep roosh FeelsGoodMan POGGERS @Rush ekko or diana kind red kindred WW TWITCH JGL POGGERS ap shyv Pog THEY HAVE WATCHED THE STREAM THATS WHY EZ Clap @Rush is EU is the last resort KEKW Nocturne widepeepoHappy tsm will sign you if you get a million follows POGGERS no team want rush PepeHands noc POG POGGERS nocturn game ResidentSleeper Rush and sneaky unemployee duo when LUL pepega charge champion Pepega when? POOGERS @jeffsmetagaming no EU teams are gonna take him, only NA KEKW conqueror = ez game pvman = Pepega CHAAARGE It's good widepeepoHappy HahaHide Wrong runes @Rush why u dont take atk sped runes Is clash happening in kr rush? green_year subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! hello chat, now that all stars has begun don't forget to advertise rush in the riot games channel. let everyone know p v man = g g reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! try hail of blades Daddy where's the youtubers? HahaPoint Get the coldown reduction for ultimate instead of the triumf AFTERSHOCK NOCTURN 😡 PVMAN = GG KEKW dont' use blitz anymore ? KEKW pvman=gg KEKW AYAYA AYAYA Tack för HahaDreidel @green_year AYAYA KEKW pvman = gg AYAYA AYAYA PepeLaugh Kindred widepeepoSad KEKW pvman = gg we cute AYAYA pvman = gg KEKW LOL wingH Cute KEKW pvman = gg pvmanNOO AYAYA pvman=gg KEKW D: I SAY YES widepeepoHappy AYAYA ? AYAYA monkaW ok no worry roosh AYAYA AYAYA BUT CHAT SAY YES NO OK Kapp u need to cater to the weebs more roosh AYAYA pvman=gg PepeLaugh AYAYA ?? PREDATOR kek AYAYA I said yes widepeepoHappy OK boss ? OK PepeLaugh squadF squadF squadF ggman = pv chat we know what to do widepeepoHappy AYAYA shut up mr rush he said no KEKW PVMAN= NA MVP BEST JUNGLER OF ALL TIME @rush 200 more followers Pog WHY AM I GETTING ADS????? I have pvman = gg on a hotkey ukeashed Daddy, did you find a team? :( @Rush wideharder @Rush Does your mother yell at you because you are jobless? only spam: pvman = wonnered :) roooooooooooosh :D Rush whats your favorite drink holy your eyes said yes :) foreh shuh No ult target gg Why did they pick kindred into nocturne? Thought he was a counter to them VIETNAM NEEDS RUSH KEKW how to disable chat filter in mobile? WideHard ggman = pv ? Are you willing to play in academy? yugwha1 yugwha2 yugwha3 yugwha4 Because KR = 5Head water Pog water FeelsBadMan water LULW coke OpieOP KKona WHAT IS WATER? Water Pog KKona WHAT 😡 peepoFat KEKW LUL KKona Clap ? KEKW peepoFat they SNIFF it not drink KEKW Coke is water though OpieOP alocohol actually good coke -aine monkaW na OMEGALUL aight imma spam Pvman = gg KEKW in all star gg = pvman NA says water DansGame because they fat LUL OpieOP squadW PJSalt coke pvmanMonkey i do FeelsBadMan no :) S OMEGALUL D A thats soju PJSugar squad1 squad2 PVMAN = GG KEKW lie! i see your coca face clearly true coke is kind of water KKona WR OMEGALUL NG PJSugar soda everyday KEKW @Exinih my fav streamer pvmanFAM WR OMEGALUL NG pvman = gg KEKW i drink 12 sodas a day @chat pvman is what chat? PEpega water > coke squadW SoSnowy Coke? squadW FeelsOkayMan coke Water ur favorite drink kekw @Rush u prefer coffee or tea or neither marked monkaW 근데 이분왜 한국롤하시나여 Pepega pv man IS WHAT CHAT? Pepega coke is just water but black KKona !uptime @Unionize, rush has been streaming for 27 mins 31 secs @Rush i sub bc u stream early and are good stremer coke is 80% water, good enough KKona PJSugar squad1 squad2 E coke does braindamage KEKW rush popping off on nocturn widepeepoSad\ urSleepy subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW squadW PJSugar EEE reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! COKE? squadW jungle education? rush popping off on nocturn widepeepoSad apes in here squadHYPERW squadD ㅎㅇ squadW ♿ Rush is the best. naturally funny guy without trying <3 Any coke enthusiasts? squadW COKE squadR @rebeccamo with ton of sugar kaffeine and whatnot Go to gym before talking healthy @rush PepeLaugh PepeLaugh squadG TRAIN TRAIN Kappa So many brothers here squadW SoSnowy so you KEKW squadD Kapp COKE SMOrc Kappa MY MAN squadW rihanna? Kapp Rihanna Kappa @Rush pvman = ggman? KEKW you are the easiest KEKW Kappa KEKW Krappa easiest kill target is always Rush squadR SoSnowy @Delpzie6 squadW thats why they marked you :) KEKW but you are the worst PepeLaugh Kapp pvman is very good :) KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle 🦍 so many train subs Kapp sure Kapp squadSid I agre Kapp Kapp @Rush who is the best jungle in the world for you ??? Kappa chally acc PogU Kapp Mark the well known INT'er, pvman PepeLaugh Kapp Kappa sure roosh Whose emote is that? nice f ori Kappa she should get a mejais too @Rage_Incarnate you can buy emotes without being a sub with stream points @Unionize squadW ? i do coke squad1 SoSnowy squad2 SoSnowy yes Klappa Pepege monkaS PJSugar squad1 squad2 pvman=gg monkaW pvman is back monkaS monkaW monkaS ????? Pog PVMAN = PJSugar PartyPoro monkaw IceCold Pog w @clue_1ess Yea is that T1? PVMAN = EASY TARGET @KeikuTRBL ah i didnt know he had points enabled pvman=fb 5Head @Unionize No it's from TrainwreckTV ggman where is youtube content? aka ape 5Head 5Head aka coke man squadW KEKW pvman = gg Krappa Ur free kill mate 5Head ez mark on nocturne Imagine playing Kindred KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL GG KEKW KEKW INTING TEAM KEKW why he strong KEKW pvman = gg pvman baiting toplaners poggers jg diff KEKW gg LULW KEKW GG KEKW intpact Kindred = gg KEKW KEKW Clap W H squadOmega A KEKW jg gap KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW Rascal Guys Imma going to spam Pvman =Gg KEKW tmr LUL 5Head POGGERS KEKW rihanna big brain bullied out of his jungle. KEKW Ornnana Oranna Pepega RIHANNA jgl gap KEKW RIHANNA? PepegaPhone pvman = gg KEKW OMEGALUL NICE ORI ORLANNA Pepege rihanna KEKW OLANNA Pepega ORLANA PepegaPhone ORLANDO oolanna OMEGALUL it was not free KEKW smite KEKW play graves now Pepega 📣 RIHANNA Pepega game smite KEKW orlana Pog PepegaPhone CHAAAAARGE Pvman = Pog KEKW OMEGALUL Pepega Comming through KEKW Pepega OLANA MEANS FAMILY Pepega PVMAN = GG LUL 15 KEKW COMIN THROO PepegaPhone pvman=gg KEKW KEKW VERY GOOD KEKW KEKW mid gap Pepega gromp Pog OMEGALUL RIANNA gg KEKW OMEGALUL R I KEKW Pvman = gg Midgab = GG KEKW :( PVMAN = GG KEKW not bad KEKW fuuckcing mid gap; KEKW he got mark KEKW GGMAN KEKW OANA KR KEKW Pepega Rihanna LUL pvman = gg KEKW mark KEKW Pepege GG jungle gap KEKW 10+5 = ? GG MID KEKW EZ MARK KEKW HAHAHAHA he got the mark on you :) KEKW lol MID GA\P mark KEKW RIHANNA PepegaPhone ORLANA na f pvman losing the game alone because of blue buff LULW ? not worth OMEGALUL ri all 4 Report ORlana ORLANA GGMAN = PV mid dif KEKW mid gap MID GAP AAAAHHH Pepega widepeeposad mid diff PogYou classic you KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle YOU Pepega you Pepega Clap JG.... RUSH pvman = OMEGALUL Just dont die? 4Head U KEKW That is pretty bad KEKW OPEN MID Pepega Mid difference you :) u GOT THE MARK KEKW OLANA KEKW afkrianna Pepega YOU KEKW u pvman KEKW Gg Pepega pvman MID GAP no it was mid for sure jg gapp Pepega Monster Nocturne too hard for you. Play Amumu. Much easier for pvman. @Rush Pepega Monster Olana? Rihanna? Moana? LUL Team gap LUL Nocturne KEKW PogYou OLANA MEANS FAMILY Pepega Clap NOCTUNRE KEKW gachiW GG LUL gachiW Kreygasm gachiGASM Easy mark gachiW Pepega UNCAGE ME kindred got the mark KEKW Open jgl Pepega BigBrother Pog Kreygasm gachiBASS Pog gachiW Pog KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle PepeHands PogU OwO @Rush It has always been you - sadly legit my eye ball stalks hurt from what im watching @Zexard Pepega Clap Kreygasm 5Head ??? KEKW Ooooh no that singed player LOL PepeHands Let's 1v2 Pepega Rush I'm the pepega monster :) Hi Roosh Kreygasm pvman = gg jgl gap no? alcove play LUL jg diff 2 marks PepeLaugh 4 ChomPag a fine life draws to it's end PepeHands KIapp he has kills, you dont KEKW pvman = gg Roooooosh Krappa he is 3/1 rush 0/1 Kapp 1 camp at 4 mins LUL better player KEKW LUL he has 3 kills KEKW u have 0 KEKW 3/1 > 0/1 ? KEKW smart KEKW PVMAN = GG feels sped man? KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KEKW c OMEGALUL ming 🔫 cmon Bruh 0 DMG KEKW !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ Pyke LUL KEKW KEKW lets go rushhhh Pepega pvman = gg KEKW igNar Pog HahaNyandeer LP gifting on the way RUSH Pepega you kill him with tempo there KEKW monkaW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW Pepega D: D: D: D: D: D: KEKW D: D: Graves KEKW LUL D: jg diff LUL pvman = gg KEKW :D PVMAN = GG D: evo19Wut D: stu KEKW peepoFat Run 8cs KEKW Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ D D: 💨 jg diff everygame KEKW Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL jg gap again KEKW 4/2 already KEKW shut up KEKW LUL 4fun region PepeLaugh JUNGLE CHAYI HOBO PepegaPhone CHAAAAAAAAAAARGEEEE singed KEKW jg diff enemy jungle 100% kp KEKW You’ve cleared 2 camps in 6 minutes wtf am I watching 0/1 > 4/2 KEKW BigBrother BigBrother PogU ??? sirchez pog EZ 5 min 2 recalls 1 dead CLAPPED EZ xD Rushgasm EZ Kapp better KEKW orn clapped Pog I'm about to start playing league again, any advice? 5Head Pepege OK PepegaPhone CHARGE scuttle Pepege no the easiest player to kill is getting bullied KEKW cucumber seller here, anyone want cucumber @Rush ??? afk 5Head ff go next KEKW @whatyearizit Dont :) NO BULLIES : THIS IS A BULLY-FREE ZONE go afk 5Head Pepega @whatyearizit dont Pepege ORI Pog EZ KR FLASH KEKW Pepege Ori Pog Ori Pog PauseChamp Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ @whatyearizit just dont xD get rid of league everyone DDD OMEGALUL it 5Head 5Head Kreygasm Kapp KEKW IceCold 5Head Clap basic play Pog if ur not making money will you duo today ? d d d d d DUEL yay pie man 7 mins 16 cs LULW Noc Scaling KEKW Dominion > Nexus blizt > trash > TFT LUL pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS ornn fed LUL easyggman Kapp gave Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp nobody says that KEKW Kapp LUL Clap Play Graves :) graves KEKW Urf > TFT LUL whitepeoplehappy KEKW Pepega Monster Pepega Graves :) nope Pepege Clap TRUE KEKW LUL @rush you're the better jungle - when you're on the other team KEKW KEKW NA LUL LUL KEKW KEKW pvman KEKW KR > NA KEKW KR is trash NOT FALSE MANCO LULW nakkiStop Pepega Pog KEKW pvman = gg LUL LUL LUL LUL Imagine watching TFT allstar tmr KEKW LUL Kapp luc griefing pvman = gg KEKW weak mental FeelsBadMan 🚬 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega monster ORNN LUL NA ult KEKW KEKW ? KEKW OMEGALUL R N N KEKW KEKW ????? KEKW o KR soloq FailFish ping too low KEKW 5/2 > 0/1 JG GAP KEKW korea Pepega Monster 0/1 vs 5/2 KEKW KR Players KEKW MALDING KEKW Ornn jg diff victim KEKW KEKW people land those ults on NA !uptime @MrGeeTV, rush has been streaming for 35 mins 33 secs sanchovies orrn KEKW SKRRRRRAAAA ORNN LULW call 911, there is a crime to report @Rush I dont know your work schedule anymore ? monkaW Clap ornn ult KEKW W OMEGALUL R K KEKW honest question, why did you not flash follow? pszJAM Work KEKW CALFUL EZ red text monkaW ♿ coming through ♿ monkaS Blitz Pog WutFace LUL KEKW KEKW WutFace KR PLAYERS KEKW rekt omegaS KEKW KR KEKW jungle diff pvman = gg Blitz with the no counter play PogU @KookieKlepto I think it was already worth getting rid of Kindred's flash KEKW monkaOmega Gg LOL BabyRage KR so good Kappa Rush how did Korea do in worlds this year and last year? ggman widepeepoSad KEKW ???? INTING KEKW NICE ULT KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? KEKW o KEKW I'm going to flash R KEKW KEKW ? ignar Pog nice f KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ````??? KEKW KEKW kekw int pvman=gg KEKW GGMAN = PV wow MaN KEKW ????????? Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ LUL KEKW PEPEGA pepega MaN So bad LOL KEKW SO DUMB KEKW OMEGALUL jg gap KEKW LULLLLLL pvman = gg KEKW BETTER JG KEKW KEKW tilted KEKW LOL so good TRASH KEKW KR KEKW loo PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW PVMAN pvmanFenix KEKW jg diff WTF ROOSH KEKW Pepega man GGMAN KEKW LULW OPEN KEKW Go back to NA OUTPLAYED KEKW JG GAP KEKW pvman = gg JG GAP KEKW OUTPLAYED KEKW GGMAN KEKW u took too long IM GOING TO FLASH R KEKW KEKW spaz PVMAN=GG KEKW LUL pvman = OUTPLAYED LUL Ff im dying ps send help KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GGMAN KEKW gg pvman = gg OMEGALUL pvman LUL Really your life, that flash was so planned @Rush @cute9000 i c i c, ty Lol ROOOOOSH PVMAN = GG KEKW LUL Korea is better BTW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHA bett3r jung Kappa ff 15 OMEGALUL Pepega monster play Unlucky pvman = gg KEKW KEKW Better jungled sims KEKW KEKW rage quit inc IM GOING TO FLASH R It's okay Rush everyone has those games PepeHands ggman Wins GGMAN full Pepega flash in a straight line LUL MALD EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW JG FAP JG GAP KEKW Wow bad KEKW SMOL BRAIN PVMAN = GG not tilted KEKW It's na proplayer? Pepega mosnter Gg ff15 Baited Go Ragequit stream LUL LUL 4Head JUST monkeyman KEKW jg diff :/ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ pvmanFenix pvmanFenix pvmanFenix pvmanFenix pvman=emotional player poor ornn @Rush open fast why kill Shelly widepeepoSad TOO OLD FOR LEAGUE 6 KILL DIF KEKW better jg wins GGMAN IS BACK singed at rush games KEKW noc scaling vs kindred is very good right? :) PogU pvman is back widepeepoHappy Sindred Pog Pepege sanjeet pvman = gg KEKW widepeepoHappy my son ggman cirBlech another loss cirBlech Kappa pvman gg Huge jg gap Sure Kapp nocturne with no ult KEKW ♿ emotions ♿ coming ♿ through ♿ lmao 5Head Rascal Smurfing POGGERS D: D: D: KEKW D: KEKW D: D: VaN @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA D: D: D: D: D: KEKW Clap D: D: Pepege sinjred evo19Wut D: ITS TRUE THO LULW D: D: D: 💨 D: @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP oh no not you again WeirdChamp D: D: IceCold @vogg one day he will listen SHAT YOUR MOUTH RUDE BOY itssliV i <3 rush, i ,3 chat T D: XIC @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA D: SantaHat widepeepoHappy weebs NaM IceCold SoSnowy @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp IceCold Doraemon? AYAYA widepeepoHappy Clap WTFF SoSnowy my son PogChamp Doragon behind noc though LUL 6 kill kindred LULW widepeepoHappy IceCold widepeepoHappy AYAYA IceCold Noc late game PepeLaugh WEEBS OUT moon2SUFFER SoSnowy SoSnowy @ABNORMEL WeirdChamp IceCold @ABNORMEL WeirdChamp IceCold @ABNORMEL WeirdChamp IceCold sanguine @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat @weebs_ruin_everything cirPat WeirdChimp PepegaPhone OMEGAYAYA peepoHappy IceCold OpieOP DansGame OpieOP duskblade D: IceColf AYAYA SoSnowy IceCold sanquine blade ¨xd sanguine ? peepoSad IceCold for fun @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp AYAYA IceCold KEKW KEKW PepegaPhone CruW KEKW IceCold Sanguine actually good for this game prob OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy Jungle diff KEKW KEKW JG DIFF KEKW XDDDDDDDDD KEKW how long until Rush Ints his team? Oh, that was fast jg diff down 3 levels pvman = gg KEKW NaM ??? jgl gap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp IceCold SoSnowy Kapp IceCold SoSnowy Kapp IceCold SoSnowy 4House SoSnowy jg gap KEKW KEKW inting 4fun OUTPLAYED OMEGALUL pvman KEKW NinjaGrumpy KEKW JG GAP KEKW PepeLaugh 0/3/2 blkdsnşklabdkjasbdkjasbdkjşasdkjabsdkjabsdş KEKW -IceCold pvman free win IceCold PepeHands PVMAN=GG KEKW GO NEXT MONKEY gg go next JG DIFF AS USUAL KEKW YouDied CN MID > KR MID KEKW KEKW SoSnowy ppman = gg widepeepoSad Jgl difference is real KEKW warm up game only LUL @Rush open fast WeirdChamp pvman is back KEKW KEKW IceCold Clown drake KEKW Jg gap always sanguine blade is dope if r splitting. hurts in team fightsy that's the tenten PepeHands IceCold LOOO ornn 4fun player pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW widepeepoSad pvman on my eam xd coldice KEKW ORNN KEKW PVMAN = grey screen KEKW ggman is back FeelsBadMan JGDIFF IceCold NINJA POGGERS IceCold IceCold IceCold pvman=gg widepeepoSad pvman on my team pvman = gg KEKW Go Next KApp Korean gameplay KR ORNN OMEGALUL pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey KEKW IceCold no graves = GG hes still better than you KEKW blamming top when 0/3 KEKW rush hard carrying the enemy team Pepega Wowee IceCold you have pepega in your jg too KEKW blaming top KEKW but Kindred is better KEKW there is a Pepega in jungle EZ death hehe KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL Pepega in your jungle KEKW KEKW jg gap LEASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW "mine" NICE SMITE KEKW KEKW KEKW' Kappa // KEKW EZ KEKW KEKW KEKW KWKQ HAHA Pepega HAHA KEKW PVMAN=GG KEKW EZ Nice leash! nOOO ROOOSH KEKW WORTH KEKW ahahahahabaa KEKW o KEKW JUNGEL DIFF Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ ez mark nocturne LULW Stop trolling pepega WASHED UP KEKW KEKW KEKW Better jg wins KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW worth OMEGALUL smite king Pog Malding KEKW FEEDING LULW didn't help top and blamming top KEKW LUL oh noez dubba buffs you are blue jg gap EASY KILL ez smite haHAA pvman = gg is back widepeepoSad D: W ????? ahahah inting for content Pepega Clap JG DIFF KEKW gg JG DIFF KEKW This is my death! jg gap How long until Rush ints his team? Oh, that was fast JG GAP for sure KEKW KEMW xenoCreep Clap pvman back for money KEKW jobless player ez smite haha KEKW NA jungler KEKW kindred" ez mark on pvman PLAY GRAV ESSSSSSSSSS Clap TURBO INT KEKW ornn is PogChamp THATS WHY YOU ARE FREE AGENT KEKW 4fun 4Head Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap nooob outjungled by moojin OMEGAYAYA ez Smite KEKW jg gap KEKW losing to moojin WeirdChimp Pepege Clap ff NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW Fire Drake PepeLaugh PVMAN = GREY SCREEN Kappa ReinDeer SoSnowy pvman can only win in na KEKW useless jg ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen jungle gap KEKW singed KEKW JARVAN SINGD PepeLaugh gg pvman KEKW Rox tiger Moojin LUL Lol just ff Clap ez smite haha KEKW DIDNT BUY THE ITEM KEKW SING Pepega FREE KILL ON SINK Pepega FIGHT FIGHT PepeGa KEKW pvmanGrey incoming ChomPag SKARNER KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KJEKW PepeHands KEKW widepeeposad KEKW LUL PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW W? TURBO INTING KEKW OMG KEKW KEKW Rihanna top POGGERS KEKW KEKW U DED .......... KEKW REPORTED KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW ??? inting for content Pepega Clap . KEKW PVMAN = GG OMEGALUL KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW NA Jungler KEKW RUSH GGMAN = PV pvman=gg pvman = KEKW Feeding. PVMAN=GG KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad RUSH IS NOT BAD pvman = gg KEKW TILTED EKW emotional Pepega TURBOINTING KEKW KEKW PVMAN = POOGERS PVMAN OMEGALUL you're dead KEKW widepeepoSad IceCold SoSnowy Grey screen makes me sleepy chat tmugsyELF ggman KEKW KEKW inting jg pls report OMEGALUL PVMAN NOCTURNE PPMAN LOLW LUL LUL LUL KEKW pvman purpose feeder INTING KEKW turbointing KEKW OMEGALOL KEKW KEKW GO NEXT E TU LUL @Rush HASHINSHIN OF JUNGLE ping the flash so its worth LUL pvman = gg JG GAP INDEED KEKW !bananas Gg man gg widepeepoSad NotLikeThis Kappa suicide in painless it brings on many changes nooobs pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW ur banned bud couldn't int any faster :) Pepega charge champions only today? report noc PEPEGA MONSTER KEKW 0/5 TURBO INT KEKW dw kindred doesnt scale It's okay boxREE HIGH TEMPO INTING KEKW GGMAN = PP KR jungle cant win KEKW KEKW KEKW u teach us how to troll ? 0 5 Kappa doesnt scale Pog XD LULW RUSH = GG jg diff IGNAR ChomPag JUNGLE GAP KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ExDe KEKW Pvman = FF KEKW LUL Can teemo jungle to challeenger but cant play noct LUL sure sure cirREE gg /ff Pepega Carrying The enemy team again PogChamp kindred stong or rush bad? @Rush SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap Rush bad inting for content Pepega Clap if i see one more xD in chat i will be very angry OOOOF RUSHS NOCT IS FEEDER ggman= pv BrokeBack widepeepoSad xD FF man = pv KEKW LUL he just turned chat monitor off KEKW monkeyS W OMEGALUL W IceCold IceCold IceCold ? AYAYA SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy xD just go nexttttt Can we get rush to play? This pvman guy is not so good. Kappa PepeLaugh ReinDeer monkeyS good skill shit KEKW SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer 0:5 PVMAN KEKW KEKW pvman = gg PepeLaugh SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap SoSnowy EZ Clap KEKW SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy gachiBass POGGERS POGGERS IceCold SoSnowy gachiGASM PogYou POGGERS beeman FeelsGoodMan LUL PauseChamp is he about to ----- say it chat gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy !duo Solo LUL COMEBACK Krappa Is this game jg difference or no? @Rush KEKW SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy Remember when rush was younger and mad good ? Time flies FeelsBadMan 🚬 ORIANNA KEKW ORI BibleThump Ori :) Oriana YOU <3 ORI gachiGASM SoSnowy ori? gachiBASS oriana 0:5 best man KEKW ori KEKW ORI KEKW SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap my precious Pog Ori :) Kapp rush yiou are precious ori pvman = Pog SoSnowy SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy Clap monkeyS Kapp orianna KEKW HandsUp OH MY SHOULDER KEKW RIGHT CHOICE KEKW ORI :) squad1 SoSnowy Ori EZ SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer PPMAN = PP KEKW SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer KEKW SoSnowy IceCold ReinDeer 1-5 not worth trying to kill KEKW FeelsBadMan SoSnowy Clap Kapp No sanguine Blade? Kapppa me :) jg gap xenoCreep Kappa Kapp Kappa KEKW SoSnowy HandsUp KEKW SoSnowy IceCold Kapp pvman not worth it uh oh HandsUp SoSnowy KEKW IceCold When do they change the map to winter map? :D league of fucking legends Pepega WOOOOOOW monkaS SoSnowy Clap KEKW pvman not worth it KEKW SoSnowy 5Head KEKW Q AUTO KEKW FeelsSnowyMan TopHat hes 10/3 KEKW LULW LfoL KEKW EZ SoSnowy TopHat banned !ggop 1/5 KEKW 10/3 vs 1/5 Pepega no win LUL dirty ignant inter KEKW classic pvman KEKW @iamplewto maybe after all stars makes no sense Pepega SoSnowy IceCold Where’s Impact hes lvl 10 10 kills plus your top jg on respawn Pepega TopHat SoSnowy He has 10 kills and you are down 2 levels. @KidoBR thanks EZ SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap LUL 10 kills I wonder Pepega SoSnowy IceCold monkaS Pog PogU EZ Pog POG KEKW TopHat Pog IceCold Pog relexes Pog 10ms DODGE Pog holy shit POGGERS Pepega SoSnowy IceCold ReinDeer Clap shelly allready taken u dumb pepega pOG PepeLaugh TopHat Pepega non widepeepoSad IceCold i cant fit in chat IceCold Pepega 10 ping REACTION TIME Pog PogYou INHUMAN REACTIONS gachiGASM SoSnowy it's not snow Pepega TopHat Pepega IceCold NON Pepege yes take it KEKW ? Pepega SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap KEKW KEKW monkaS TopHat KEKW KEKW KEKW kill dat drag rush LUL LUL LUL ❓ ❓ ❓ PVMAN KEKW @doublebubbl3 2 now bro PVMAN = GG KEKW LULW WutFace FailFish u feared dragon KEKW FEAR DRAGON You feared the drake KEKW Pepega feared dragon @Rush YOU FEARED DRAGON IDIOT fear on dragon KEKW feared the drake KEKW PepeLaugh he knew fearedd rag LUL you feared dargon pvman ??? NICE DRAKE PVMAN KEKW YOu feared dragon LUL pvman is always gg FeelsBadMan U E DRAGON OMEGALUL FEARED THE DRAGO LULW Feared Dragon KEKW PepeLaugh Kappa YOU FEARED DRAGON KEKW Kapp ? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa you feared dragon you are dead, nothing to be afraid of U FEARED DRAGON NA MVP FEARED DRAGON SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap @Rush HASHINSHIN OF JUNGLE PVMAN KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW Kapp MALD PepeLaugh KEKW feared dragon Pepega FeelsBadMan Clap KEKW u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake u feared the drake CarlSmile CarlSmile CarlSmile KEKW FEARED HIM @twotgobblen1 HASHINSHIN OF JUNGLE KEKW @doohuh wait for real? Pepega boxLurk pvman NA jungler in @Rush ninjas aren't afraid of Rush gg. actually bad KEKW 1/6 gameplay KEKW Are you doing this on purpose? KEKW FEARED DRAGON KEKW only real twitchers can use this emote SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer 8 STACKS NOT BAD KEKW @doublebubbl3 yeah 8 min timer Pepega SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap KEKW @rush don't pro's get upset when you troll high elo like this ? KEKW SoSnowy Better jungle win KEKW pepegaman is back Pepega pepegaman is back Pepega pepegaman is back Pepega KEKW ignar LUL KEKW Jebaited SoSnow KEKW KEKW @Rush i didnt know kindred could get 8 stacks Pog when you play it it's only 3 stacks maximum no? :) !uptime @EraDawning, rush has been streaming for 45 mins 58 secs Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KEKW Jebaited KEKW Baited Af LUL Clpa PogU PogT pepegaman is back Pepega pepegaman is back Pepega Pog PogU KEKW SoSnowy Clap Pepega SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap Pog PogYou doesnt need to hook when you walk into him Pog PYKE POG PYKE AYAYA monkaS @doohuh cause games where not fast enough allready xD ty for telling me PogU PogYou 4Head Pog POGGERS Pepega SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap team diff Pepega SoSnowy Clap Pog PogChamp nvm Pog pyke making rush horny LUL pvman = carried Getting carried POGGERS 1-7 pyke Pog 1/7/5 jg PYKE GOD Pog Kapp POGGERS wtf PogYou POGGERS PogChamp who is that Pog POGU Pog Ori Pog ALL PLANED pvman all star SoSnowy Pog pvman = GG LULW all planned Kappa PepegaPhone ALL ME Kapp Pepega SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy PogChamp Ori Pog pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW :) im the pyke "I MADE THE SITUATION" LMAO caps on piks Pog SoSnowy 1/7 OMEGALUL PogYou SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer KEKW FEARED DRAGON KEKW LUL MEIKO Pog chat Pogchamp 1-7 the bronzil score KEKW u tanked that was ur triple kill Kapp pvman = 1/7 Kappa meiko Pog why is kaisa back animation different? k a p p a SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy Clap DOES PYKE HAVE A STREAM? 1v9 uu I missed rush streams widepeepoSad gunChinShin mehico gachiGASM SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy NOT SNOW KEKW rush thinking this is winnable you are ussles ???? ??? HSWP HSWP HSWP ? KEKW KEKW ggman ???? ????????????? LUL ?= +???? KEKW WHY????????? OMEGALUL EZ KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap NOT SNOW KEKW ???? ? KEKW KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle ? KEKW NICE ULT ????? ggman KEKW ???? @Rush HASHINSHIN OF JUNGLE pvman = GG LULW LUL damn WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT KEKW ??? 1/8 KEKW R??? KEKW ggman LULW KEKW ReinDeer widepeepoSad RUSH IS GOOD always inting 4fun WeirdChamp KEKW 1/8 LULW EZ CLAPPO HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat Tubointing KEKW 1/8 Pepega k a p p a space bar HEHE RUSH FEEDING AGAIN FeelsBadMan literal inter pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW pvman is back KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump sick r pressure 1-8 LUL GGMAN 1/8 Pepega ReinDeer You need to apologize to ur team for this one LUL @Rush RUSH IS DOGSHIT KEKW running it down KEKW inting for fun KEKW not buying sanguine blade jg diff getting clapped by the entire enemy team KEKW Meiko must be fuming rn monkaW No wonder u are not in lcs or lck NotLikeThis who was on your list this game @Rush jg diff :/ Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad "WE" KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW Support Noc KEKW junh Stop trolling brah top gap ThIsGaMeIsBaLaNcEd yea dud top gap KEKW ChomPag why the screen always black and white sometimes he forgets its not the 4fun server Pepega Top gap Kappa jungle difference "TOP" GAP??? Hopefully no teams are watching this stream FeelsBadMan jg diff ORI AND ORNN KEKW PepoThink widepeepoSad PLEASE DON'T KEKW DISABLED STREAMERS Ori ult KEKW KEKW YES ????? inting KEKW INTING KEKW ????????? pvman=gg KEKW Pepega Charge jg gap TURBO INT LUL GGMAN team all missed R's widepeepoSad :( PogChamp insane pvman = gg KEKW run it DOWN LUL KEKW power int KEKW actual inter WeirdChamp geegee running it down :) JG GAP GO NEXT report pvman pvman = gg KEKW 1/9 KEKW Grey Screen KEKW PepeHands pretty Pepega jg diff widepeepoSad PLEASE DON'T KEKW DISABLED STREAMERS 1/9 TURBO INT KEKW 1-9 1/9 LULW 1/9 JUMBLER LUL 1/9/6 FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad pvman = Pepega 1/9 KEKW Why running it down? @rush better jungler wins KEKW peepoSad SantaHat GREY SCREEN SIMULATOR who? Kapp xD i know wait youre running it down back to back jg gap pvman = gg lol Hopefully no teams are watching this stream FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad LULW jng diff @Rush HASHINSHIN OF JUNGLE @Rush Can't understand you PepeHands <3 you PogYou noob report xD 20 MIN POWERSPIKE pike 1v 9 pvman = Pepege PVMAN IS BACK, I MISSED HIM FeelsGoodMan widepeepoSad Clap KEKW Jungle Difference peepoSad You KEKW its was you rush 1/9 Hmmmm.... PogYou mhm KEKW JG DIFFERENCE KEKW :++\\\ almost as many deaths as levels Pog JUNGLE DIFF 1 more PogU inting for content Pepega Clap . lost the game in champ select widepeepoSad Clap it was you peepoSad PepeHands KEKWait PogYou you! IT WAS PV MAN GUYS DONT BLAME RUSH KEKW monkaW pveman = gg jg gap PepeHands another inting game FeelsBadMan W OMEGALUL W @rush pvman = gg is back PogChamp thanx so much :) @Rush i love ur pepega rush streams :) white people sad return of pvman is the return of the ggman rush with pepega charge champion = gg KEKW widepeepoHappy rush gonna be a streamer forever @Rush You are 1/9 - are you actually this delirious? ANOTHER INTING GAME PogYou 5 levels down KEKW hey guys BOOLY widepeepoSad 4-5 lvl diff WutFace pvman is GONE riPepperonis riPepperonis riPepperonis KEKW KEKW KEKW 1-10 KEKW D strotyed too much MaN akali just 1 shot pyke? hiw e does like half your health LUL kidnapped 1 death per level KEKW grey scren simlator 1/10 LUL Kapp Kapp go afk???/ KEKW WHAT ITEM 1/10 KEKW Kappa Kapp widepeepoHappy 10 gray screen KEKW] 1-10 rrrrrr tech W kekw PVMAN = GG Kapp hahaha this is some pvman gameplay for sure int KEKW Kapp 1-10, is this his LCS record? KEKW he needs to upgrade you, not your item 4Head Flame him for no upgrade 10 death powerspike Pog no matter when I tune in, he is losing and inting smh 1/10? better than NA at worlds SeemsGood 1-10 ♿ coming through ♿ Grey screen simulator NotATK NotATK NotATK 2 games 2 embarrassments FeelsBadMan SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy ♿ Pepege COMING THRU only pvman can get scores this good this guy used to be a pro player monkaHmm pvman = gg KEKW ♿ pvman coming through PepegaPhone chaaarge best player in the team (1-10) pog ♿♿♿ Rushin HOO Pepega HOOOOO POOGERS EZ MaN ggman? WHY IS KAISAS BACK ANIMATION GOLD? 11/0/8 gachiW HOO KEKW 1/10 pvman=gg Comebackable ? PogU maybe try TFT? monkaHmm PepeLaugh roooooooooooooooooosh why won't ornn forge him good items :( PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW useless KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW inter LMFAO KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????? KEKW kekw KEKW no assist KEKEW LUL KEKW ? LMAO YOINK FAILED KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW @JessicattQ challenger recall KEKW LAMMMMMMMMMM lol FAIL you are ussles in ths mach!!!!!!!!!1 KEKW Clap Golden Kappa check you fricking nerds. Kappa ain't me. pvmanKS free for them KEKW NA Korean LUL Kappa Kappa FeelsBadMan @Ardentcenturion oh thanks PogChamp SO BOOSTED KEKW Kappa Kappa Kapp winnable Kappa 1/10/8 O_O Kapp Kappa FeelsBadMan ♿Kappa Kappa TFT is a great game for pro's that are retiring :) 1/10 KEKW SantaHat wonned so sure wonnered :) gg new rush inting for content widepeepoSad pvman=gg yay pvman = gg KEKW 1/10 KEKW winnable BigBrother the 1/10 special KEKW IceCold !uptime @niffanboss_, rush has been streaming for 51 mins 34 secs rush is pepega monster rn 83 CS tbh SourPls ShoopDaWhoop good idea, you don't want to die this game Kapp 4vs6 rush special KEKW widepeepoHappy inting for content, rush went full NA FeelsBadMan This is what happen when don’t play with impact Why not Elise only? Can't play anything else. @rush BasedGod IceCold hi boosted HeyGuys rush on the enemy team widepeepoHappy PogU ? widepeepoSad I miss old pvpman=gg Rush Pog LUL OK KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle 4fun pvman widepeepoSad KEKW GG KEKW KEKW KILL ME KEKW KEKW GG KEKW LUL widepeepoSad KEKW karthus? GG Pepega widepeepoSad GG KEKW unlucky 1-11 kill me widepeepoSad INT-man is back? 4Head pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg KEKW gg inting BabyRage pvman = gg saving f for next game LUL 1-11 111/9 Pog 1/11?? wtf kindred pog white people sad GO NEXT Play Elise only man baiting team KEKW pvman = ff KEKW KiLl mE Pepega :( widepeepoSad pvman = gg intingggg 1/11 KEKW FeelsBadMan He walked pass you and you died LUL pvman = ff widepeepoSad 1/11 Kap i think this is reportable monkaHmm FeelsBadMan F Kapp Well widepeepoSad better games will come pvman = gg 1/11 KEKW jg gap XD LIKE YOU KEKW FeelsBadMan SoSnowy PVMAN = INT @Rush you are korean hashinshin 1/ 11 Kapp PepeHands maybe next game pvman = jj 4Head 1 troll Is this game jg difference? yes or not inting is real @Rush apologise to meiko LUL Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad what a jungler Keepo @rush can you int on nidalee next game Pog top gap Kapp pvman = lose LUL gg Jungle Difference KEKW pvman = gg KEKW PepePls SoSnowy i think this is reportable monkaHmm @Rush Kapp inting chinese plaYERS PogU PepeHands Kreygasm ? widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan @NYMN_MISSING_HAIRLINE_LUL nymnU ggman widepeepoHappy 11 gray screens Is he actually going for win? ggman FeelsGoodMan quick cry PepeHands SoSnowy pvman=gg KEKW cry now crying rn pvman=invis :)))) don't cry roosh widepeepoSad hey chat, when he gets back lets cheer him up by spamming pvman=GG :) cry now FeelsBadMan BibleThump BibleThump this is rush dealing out punishment chat, those people on his team were on the list monkaW how can he fking int every singel game and be challenger 900lp any domers squadD squadHUH hey rush a k a EZ CLAP how are u ? @PepeHandsUp he usually plays pretty seriously on this acc )))))))))))0 ? squadD squadHUH mata mata @UnNameless oh, unlucky I guess PVMAN=GG KEKW the legend pula Any alfieVV he is crying BibleThump welcome back yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle yamato8Turtle widepeepoSad peepoSad welcome back KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @UnNameless ''usually" KEKW AYAYA widepeepoSad widepeepoSad MALD lilyfoLAUGH lilyfoLAUGH lilyfoLAUGH lilyfoLAUGH widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy @KidoBR KEKW whitepeoplesad HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean u stilll look very cute. one day you will make a nice housewife. thinpeepoSad why u dont play with map covered and delay FeelsBadMan SoSnowy SoSnowy BETTER JUNGLE KEKW Kapp Kappa EZ CLAP RUSH RATATATATA XD .. pv noob tarzMad pvmanFenix pvmanFenix pvmanFenix pvmanFenix they had better jungle stop the int 0% winrate FeelsBadMan Kappa SantaHat who is joe? WH OMEGALUL peepoSad SoSnowy play trundle ah my fav korean lesbian streamer is back W H OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW You had to int for all 10 days before HWANEN ELEVEN KEKW just don't int @akikoba KEKW KEKW 3 who LUL 1/11 KEKW KEKW 1 / 11 How do you use prime on mobile?? looool 1/11 KEKW 1/11 KEKW PogYou HWANEN ELEVEN KEKW 1/11 KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW UR KDA LAST GAME KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW HWANEN ELEVEN KEKW KEKW 1/11 OMEGALUL let ucal carry u rush ㅋㅋ ROOOOSH KEKW HE KNOWS KEKW KEKW 9/11 ANELE KEKW 1/1111111111111111111111111 PLAY GRAVES MAN KEKW kda mouset1Cry any cryers? mouset1Cry KEKW @Rush the matchmaking is against pvman widepeepoSad :) HE DOESNT KNOW KEKW Denial LUL yes it was @rush imagine if you playing Graves instead widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @FunkyKimble WeirdChamp no Sick in the head yeah KEKW 1/11 peepoSad bullying sick streamer he was KEKW PepeHands SantaHat SoSnowy widepeepoSad nyoooo i love u rush CLIP IT AND SHIP IT KEKW tfbUp tfbUp rush has a year left chat PepeHands whitepeoplesad u get payed to get bullied by ppl who dont shower :D @Rush peepoFat no booly widepeepoSad Play Shyvana or ResidentSleeper plz peepoSad gachiGASM IceCold SoSnowy mouset1Cry play graves @rush i'm sick too. today sucks widepeepoSad Hi YT :) BibleThump BibleThump FeelsBadMan HahaHide HahaHide HahaHide duo deft? @lolzenopunk LUL LUL pvmanHYPERS pvmanBully pvmanBully white people happy !! 1/11 was an inside job. @Rush are you not good enough to play graves? squadR whyyy buuuly mata you are used to it tho LULW LOL IceCold SoSnowy FeelsBadMan @Rush need to play rush champion, wukong D: Gorilla is in Sandbox Gaming now? :) fuck you i am 875 LP :) pvmanm is reasonable but rush is delusional Pepega !music Pepega Clap Watch corejj all star 1v1 to flame him im rank 1 :) what lp is rank 1 :) @Rush demoted to gm inc PepeLaugh not what you deserve\ I have 876 ?) -23 LUL if you play graves you get it back @rush im 875 LP challenger TFT :) yeah Rush losing is very weird Kapp @Rush do you know korean ? You must surpass them be number 1 @rush when did you turn into an asshole? Krappa -600 is 2 weeks pene GGMAN = PV @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxgun no It seems easy from what I've seen LCS when @Rush do you speak korean ? @rush play rengar he’s your champ 1500 lp monkaS @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxGun boxGun @rush help saber hes hardstuck widepeepoSad rush you are decent player. This is best we can say for you PVMan will NEVER lose. Only twitch chat is loser. OHAYO CUTIES AYAYA @rush what is this music called? no yes yes no @Rush are u chinese? get higher than bdd next game, you are a hero @rush can you play Warwick???? it does though Is Kindred good this patch? @Rush just not the leap @Rush are u chinese? @MarcvsTulliusCicero cuties cirAYAYA graveessssss how is pvman even challenger KEKW hi pvman @Rush if im good at mechanics what role should i play? @rush 1/11 was an inside job. it doesnt though leverageup subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Can you play syndra jungle ? yes you can press q Play Elise only, you can't play anything else. @rush and auto from a greater range as long as its nt a leap Support D: KEKW KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: LUL KEKW KEKW loooooooool KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Play FAKER ROLE KEKW KEKW lmaoooooo xDDDDDDDD D: 💨 Clap KEKW xD KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL my mechanics are on point and im iron 5 D: Dominaet LUL NA KEKW LUL OMEGALUL Play FAKER ROLE KEKE FeelsSnowyMan TopHat KKona wtf "docter, i have a problem, i should be challenger, but i'm stuck in silver" LUL Will you play a Warwick game @Rush KEKW SoSnowy NA LULW @Rush are you chinese? mad because BAD KEKW im plat 2 and im amazing you should play sona if u got good mechanics FeelsSnowMan TopHat Is SANDBOX a new team or something? IceCold KEKW pvman is back to KEKW @Rush there is a new place for people like that, its alcove KEKW shameful PepeHands lmao ChungB1887 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Rush should I learn Korean or Japanese language? Also remember to support rush with Twitch Prime because he's always nice to chat Kappa KEKW IceCold reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! I'm D2 in brazil, i'm just unlucky :) im plat 4 in oce how is that my mechanics are clean but im stuck in gold 4 cause i play mid FeelsBadMan we seen your mechanics rush LUL not good sir We I have good mechanics tho pvmanHYPERS im gold OCE i am very god @Rush sneakyWEEB2 OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy TopHat @oceanbed98 in brazil lmao I have good Master Yi mechanics :) pvman = dodge ehh youre not in All stars?? bad mechamics maybe?? WEEB AYAYA d2 EUW Japanaes Kapp LUL LUL LUL i should be master at least! but my team always holds me back! I’m gold 4 :) Kapp kekw Japanese OMEGAYAYA TopHat SoSnowy Keepo AYAYA weebs NaM IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA IceCold TopHat hey not everyone has the machanics to go 1/11 Kappa rush is always nice to chat :/ @Rush top 3 junglers atm? 45 ANSWER HIS QUESTION learn korean over japanese, trust me Play lee so I can learn how to miss qqq PogYou SoSnowy WEEBS OUT moon2SUFFER my sona mechanics are very good OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy rush you have 30000 games ofc you are better than most other players that dont play 100% of their time why no play zac d3 EUW LEE SIN HSWP HSWP rush you living in your own apartmen? is kindred good or u were out jg last game ? @Rush PVMAN = GG KEKW @Rush Trynamere mechanics out of this world why no ivern? @rush WAWICK AYAYA ReinDeer !uptime olaf @ㅎ__ㅎ, rush has been streaming for 1 hour tahm kench taric jungle :) AYAYA SantaHat why is tryn top banned in korea? @Rush can you please tweet out which champions are good for jungling every patch KEKW IceCold elise time to win ?? WeirdChamp IceCold NIDALEEE @Rush do you think anyone can get masters with enough practice? or do you need talent too? @Rush is your relationship with other pro players based only on lol or u have a friendship with someone? maste ryi I was just watching rush vod didn't realise he was online OMEGAYAYA Hey Rush! pICK CHAMP CHIMP support banned tryndmere KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp @bigguynate coz trynd is gay champ GOOD AT OLAF KEKW Kapp play ivern already warrior Pog ChomPag SoSnowy @angeriii hahaha same :tf: KeKW warrior or inter rush ;) keyboard warrior nimbus cloak olaf PogU YouDied SoSnowy gachiGASM @Rush is your relationship with other pro players based only on lol or u have a friendship with someone? Rush olaf = PepegaPhone CHAAAAARGE Krappa IceCold Clap No ivern? WidepeepoSad rush ask rascal to play singed again KEKW What’s up @rush Rush olaf = PepegaPhone CHAAAAARGE A Pepega charge game PogU gachiGASM SoSnowy now he will sit on his throne playing olaf olaf pepega charge no more blitz KEKW 1/11 incoming pepelaugh @Rush is your relationship with other pro players based only on lol or u have a friendship with someone?? TEEMO MID BRO YAH TEEMO MID HAE JJASHYA no more blitz sponsorship? @Rush @rush why adaptive force instead of attack speed? PepegaPhone IceCold why mg resist not armor ? @alvindolo11 he is real friends with some of them, they hang out Same ornn last game bet he loses what about nimbus cloak on olaf? @Rush Just don’t get bullied rush PepegaPhone IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy not snow why magic resist injungler ORNN HUB PogYou IceCold Free win !blitz Rush uses the app to get all his champion info and League stats all automatically! Free download here: lost hello dad @ray_thesavage your main clear is q and you already have w attack s oeed does ryze R take olaf with it if Olaf uses R? Kreygasm IceCold why dont you play karthus every game PepegaPhone IceCold SoSnowy Kreygasm ORNN some1 gonna dodge @Rush WHERE IS BLITZ? rush why are you 돌아이 @LoleiroXd because elise ppman = doge LUL CALLED IT LULW @LoleiroXd mmm are you blind or retarded ? dont you see the elise? monkaHmm PVMAN=DODGE PepeHands what about nimbus cloak on olaf?? @Rush PVMAN = DODGE KEKW monkaW PepegaPhone SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer pvman = dodge KEKW LUL SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SoSnowy pvman = dirty inter DODGE KEKW @china_ruined_everything PunOko but hes unstoppable INTING KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL @Cookies11 nimbus cloak dont exist anymore PVMAN = NA MVP and ornn w stops ryze ult cuz he unstoppable PepegaPhone karthyFok U !watchtime widepeepoSad IceCold HELP CHAT MY HEAD FROZEN widepeepoSad IceCold so play karthus to win 4 games pvman = best bronze jungler KEKW ivern has 100% win rate if u play him why not play trundle @Rush D: @Rush why are you 돌아이 ? WeirdChamp Your Ivern is best KEKW PepegaPhone IceCold like you guys D: LUL widepeepoSad SantaHat Im too wide PepegaPhone SantaHat !uptime @Sikowitzz, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 4 mins WeirdChamp IceCold Frozen Franklin pvman is maid for CAMILLE gameplay 1/11 KEKW like some champions can force plays When he says team losing he means he gave 1st blood and is 0 in 4 kek hey guys , how's the inting today ? LUL or go 1/11 Like Rush Noct HahaDoge HahaDoge drx vs sb roosh can you play udyr pvman = dji dji WeirdChamp SantaHat NaM TopHat IceCold SoSnowy HahaSweat HahaSweat !rank 1/4 1/11 Pepega never nidalee :'( friend request pls 2/15 in 2 games KEKW RPGTreeNua Tough last two games play nidalee :) BabyRage IceCold SoSnowy PowerUpR IceCold Duo mata @rush God I should’ve just canceled my sub do you think cuzz is good? NaM TopHat IceCold or deft Kind Boy :) Did u played against faker ? DUO DEFT Pog AYAYA PowerUpR NaM IceCold monkaOMEGA IceCold Time to freeze lane just like LS taught me 4HEad IceCold abusing new emotes WeirdChamp SantaHat AYAYA PowerUpR NaM IceCold DIE NAMMER WeirdChimp @Rush u are good streamer :) @Rush ive been playing for 9 years and im thinking of going pro, but i am stuck in bronze 2 because my teammates keep feed. How can i stop them from feed? rush you only stream for us when u need money widepeepoSad TopHat If you say mean things, your weenie will shrink :) i learned it from impact WeirdChimp SoSnowy rmzOK NaM TopHat IceCold SoSnowy @Rush how do i stop being toxic/ hows your week been man Duo Deft @rush rush are u number 1 in korea? AYAYA TopHat PowerUpR NaM IceCold DIE NAMMER rush 2 win WeirdChimp TopHat Can u react to mk11 fatal blows?? widepeepoSad IceCold HELP CHAT MY HEAD FROZEN widepeepoSad IceCold rush do u have a girlfriend ? AYAYA IceCold Frozen loli do korean eat westtern food? u prefer bk or mcdonalds? we <3u rush WEEBS OUT NaM IceCold SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsGoodMan TopHat i love my hat KEKW KEKW KEKW Is rush rank one? :O He plays so good D: wtf 9 years KEKW @Rush do you think RUSH > CUZZ Kappa D: TopHat beyond that luck you need PVMAN in your team to = GG yes it’s my teammates kamoSpecial ChomPag OMEGAYAYA BK is trash LUL just answer KEKW @rush do girls prefer master yi or lee sin player @Rush @Rush bj or bk? WeirdChamp IceCold Frozen Francis OpieOP TRICK QUESTION, RUSH LIKES WENDY'S Burger king is bad in NA TopHat are you happy or depressed i like rice KEKW Pvman = gg big belly NA peepoFat "BK" haHAA abreviations are cool guys haHAA D: TopHat Hows your week been mate ? MaldChamp TopHat u have jollibee in kr? @Rush do you like drugs? Hi chat HeyGuys @rush can you play Warwick today? @Rush mom's touch or mcdonalds mcd>bk its like that everywhere @Rush do you feel fat? LUL @Rush im still stuck in d3 since i asked you how to get out during your big loss streak widepeepoSad Rare Burger DansGame BJ gachiW KEKW bj BK any drug addicts in the chat? bj gachiW asez subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! KEKW hey rush, is kha'zix a good champ? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! gachiGASM bj KEKW BANNED D: BJ KEKW gachiW BJ gachiW KFC Kappa haHAA RELAX CHAT OpieOP BJ KEKW Checkers is the best one anyway ben and jerrys Kappa bj KEKW bj gachiGASM gachiGASM WeirdChamp bj gachiGASM gachiGASM SoSnowy PepoThink KEKW TopHat FRUIT AND VEGGIES ONLY FOR MY MONKEY MAN google it blow d Burger Jing gachiW BJ KEKW gachiW He doesn't know guys KEKW gachiW BI @prodajgaming yuup @rush big spoon or little spoon? PepeLaugh he doesnt know lotteria burgerking both bad google it gachiW SoSnowy MOMSTOUCH POGGERS in KR @Rush do u like drugs bj is what you and impact do for fun PVMAN = DODGE KEKW He doesn’t know gachiGASM SoSnowy 🎐 BJ BJ HandsUp SoSnowy @Rush do you give bjs? vegetarian monkey pvmanFGM HandsUp SoSnowy BJ LUL HandsUp SoSnowy its Black Jack moms touch best korea fast food :) duo mata Pog @Rush Are donuts healthy for breakfast? :) @Rush bj = blue job HahaDreidel HahaDreidel HahaDreidel ppman=11minque did you watch the rick fox stream @Rush BJ KEKW yeah long queue lacPride Rush give me BJ blow of the jobs monkeyS could be queue bug BJ KEKW DansGame re queue KEKW PogChamp 11 MINUTES :( one eyed jack pvman high mmr bugake gachiW-IceCold BJ = Bubble Jum D: D: D: D; D: D; its for charity Rush hates charity D: ECHO FOX KEKW LUL pvman=gg D: IceCold PepeLaugh he doesn't know its for charity rudeboy D: WeirdChamp LUL D: D: Duo Deft or mata @rush pvman = ff D: Pog SoSnowy 🎐 D: RUSH HATES CHARITY @Rush faker lost in bronze :P KEKW but it was charity D: kicked out by rick fox KEKW REQUE WeirdChamp Rush is such a bully but faker was there D: Pepega TopHat he dint stream for his gameplay lol LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PepeHands DOPA WeirdChamp it was charity stream OMEGAYAYA faker was there PepeHands 1/4 & 1/11?? suck Rush hates charity FeelsBadMan @Rush Can you smurf on everyone this game , i want to watch you bully enemy team please what about iron streamers TRUE KEKW @Rush Its for charity uzi Beta pvman = gg KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 -3 pvman = dodge :) yes :) :) yes :) fk u :) :) yes :) D: :) Hey rush how can i be that good? :P D: ^ now u got it :) true :) :O LUL NO HEAD? :) yes :) D: fk u :) no :) Clap D: SantaHat -3 TRIST MID KEKW Clap Pog KEKW Clap PLEASE CLAP EZ CLAP EZ Clap Clap EZ Clap EZ CLAP Klappa Klappa EZ ppman adc KEKW the guy above me is 100% gay not lying :) KEKW Clap Clap DOINB PogChamp doinb pog pvman=dodge doinb Pog DOINB Pog ppman mid KEKW KEKW Doinb Pog doinb POg KEKW Better doinb PogU LUL Clap clap clap doinB Pog AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH -30 insead of -3 DOINB PogU doinb not real doinb noobs :) LIFE Pog SUPPORT DOINB KEKW BAN TRIS not real doinb noobs :) not real doinb noobs :) not real doinb noobs :) not real doinb noobs :) not real doinb noobs :) JUNGLERS LULW pvman = -3 real doinb Kapp THE REAL DOINB POG RUSH ZED Pog fake doinb KEKW DoinB LULW doinb=geng Life 1 more FeelsGoodMan and im out <3 EZ SantaHat KEKW NICE MATCH MAKING RIOT LULW KEKW DoinB in LA ? Doinb PogU isnt he in Vegas? Pog DOINB Pog why arent u cool like doinb KEKW Not doinb chat Pepega OMEGALUL GIVE DOINB MID OMEGALUL KEKW WTF KEKW everyone is in S.Korea jungler? KEKW Doinb playing form NA Kappa F TOXIC KEKW KEKW KEKW 3 JUNGLES :) world champion pvmanA pvmanA pvmanA pvmanA NICE MATCH MAKING RIOT KEKW KEKW LUL monkaW xDD real doinb Pog doinb? wasting 30 min of my life PepeHands don't give doinb mid? LUL Doinb=GenG Life @S1dieus thats not doinb, its life D: KEKW -3 5 junglers gachiGASM Kappa JUST LIKE YOU KEKW how many boosted accounts do u have KEKW LUL doinb is in na iron chat how can rush read all those swiggly lines on the crean? pvman = -3 MAIN JG ARE FCKING STUPID KEKW ITS NOT DOINB KEKW ITS GENG LIFE KEKW D: KEKW dirty inter Kappa that is not Doinb LUL GIVE ME KEY TO LOR!!!! 3 rush can't win PepeHands -3 Man D: doinb is lige Jungle mains are apes :) u feed even whghe n ryur jugnelk;l thats not a very long password life @Rush why cant junglers lane? if you go jungle u just feed :) rush > doinb they should put a mascot along with a major league player like you. to have incertainty you never new what your pet would do on a fight :P Is that your Plat account? is cyberbullying real? bronze pet gen g life is doinb @Rush so toxic BibleThump hewwo 1/11 :) MALDING WITHOUT PLAYING KEKW Not better jng then me ....0/15 Pepega 123 Pog pepega123 Pog Have you been banned yet Roosh Team can only handle 1 bad jungle and thats Rush pepega456 xddd rush > doinb 8 monkaHmm PLAY WITH DEFT Pog squadPepega 1 2 3 thats 9 LUL 9 pepega123 is 9 8 letters Pepega Pepega 123 is not eight letters lol pepega123 = 8 letters KEKW 9 letters? LUL ovman=gg is 8 letters 9 letters nice password Rush123456 Kappa 8? Kapp GET CHALLENGER ON THIS ACCOUNT KEKW KR marg KEKW doesn't work 8 letters KEKW pvman=gg 8 letters KEKW Pepege Pepega Clap KEKW pepega123 KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega Pepega Clap KEKW did impact boost this account for you KEKW fast math Kappa Kappa Pepega 8 Kapp IceCold 69 KOREAN MATCH LUL LUL pepeD SoSnowy in korea numbers are different rush, you will open your account and be iron teemo player :D 69 KEKW LUL 6+3= 8 monkaHmm master 49 lol fastest math nidalee Kreygasm boosted monkaW Kapp CARRIED BY CORE KEKW carried Krappa !rank Me carry :) whats your lowest account? na challenger? xwx played on your account in promo :) Bully KEKW quorox gifted a Tier 1 sub to ggman! They have given 8 Gift Subs in the channel! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 2/8 Carry LUL HAX Pog @rush do you prefer unnies or noonas ggman KEKW PogYou KEKW GGMAN KEKW KEKW KEKW me :) GGMAN ggman KEKW you KEKW I am :) ???????? qqman PogYou Gifters :) you KEKW pvman = gg man me ggman :) GGMANE KEKW KEKW KEKW ggman monkaS @ggman @ggman PogU @Rush KEKW right bottom on the screen KEKW KEKW You :) ggman is the streamer KEKW its rush @ggman LUL pvman = GGMAN PVMAN + GG = GGMAN @ggman @ggman KEKW gonextman yeah me KEKW kpop? @ggman KEKW GGMAN LUL ggman = pvman KEKW pvman= ggman KEKW WHO IS BEST JG ? pv=ggman? KEKW pvman = KEKW KEKW KEKW who knows ggman? i have never seen him. only Pog player Roosh Return of ppman pvman =ggman widepeepoSad KEKW LULW Kapp 👈 pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa ggman = pv PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR xix PogChamp me :) HandsUp SoSnowy PPMAN boxUwU boxUwU 4fun4 players PogChamp ye beni rush who is DoRun i think you and HAchubby will get along well :) do run pls go home ResidentSleeper HahaSleep NotATK 0____0 WeirdChamp hachubby KEKW lolol ? D: KEKW D: D: D: KEKW TRUE KEKW LUL D: D: fuk you :) D: LULW HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep when is the all star starts ? KOREABOOS KEKW BOTH ARE Pepega D: D: koreaboo True LULW @Rush clickbait title -_- yes kpreaboos WeirdChamp koreaboo they love kpop yes. thats me watching you :) ur cute :) koreaboos mo asmr !rushbus its my fetish :) ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ Pepega is why no racistrush :o AYAYA koreaabos D: RACISM thank you mr chow @Rush Korean fetish MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee NaM wtf MingLee WTF SAME PEOPLE :) yes NIDALEE ching chong D: @Rush Interest for the language, country, culture yes pvmanPride @jaaaaaaaaaack he was on pvman and dodged so he switched accounts MingLee WTF i can :) MingLee wtf Chinese ugly, Korean better, Japanese Best JAPANESE AYAYA HOLD UP NaM Kappa AYAYA WTF AYAYA AYAYA all same NaM WTF koreaboos and kpopstans AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA NaM KKona TRUE FBCatch FBBlock HSWP yeah doinb is chinese Kappa CHU SAY? NaM D: JAPANESE Girls are Prettier rooAYAYA BRUH D: all asians look alike I knew it rush is racist D: Kappa D: banned Banned :( you guys look so different wtf D: HSWP racist D: ASIAN RACISM KEKW KKona TRUE RACIST WTF @Hades145 even if pvman its not pvman :( D: @Shatter725 you ugly JAPANESE GIRLS ARE CUTER AYAYA AYAYA LUL WTF D: all japanese walk horrible, very easy to tell WHAT HotPokket korean girls are pretty he has the word pass chat hes asian MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee RUSH IS JAPANESE? U CANT SAY THAT RUSH D: NA = Kappa 💢 AYAYA SantaHat nani THATS LACIST! KEKW Asian people in general are <3 report him KEKW JAPANESE GIRLS AYAYA Clap True. all asians look the same :) racist roosh widepeepoSad im japanese and im offended :( ANELE Helo @Rush SELF RACIST KEKW WHAT U SAY WHAT HotPokket HAHA @rush you have Manhwa, Japanese have manga @rush your noise is big and gay :||||| @rush but chinese people have chubbier cheeks a lot of the time right? D: 💨 ??? LUL 4Heed Clap 4Heed Clap 4Heed Clap whats wrong with racism @R u Chinese widepeepoHappy ? TOS monkaW wtf SPEAK FOR YOURSELF KEKW japanese girls WutFace WutFace monkaHmm no racist MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee cmon Bruh thats just called being smart mingLee KEKW How is that racist? KEKW NaM chu say NaM @Rush True TRUE KEKW shut up u chinese LOLW You look mixed yes It's not stupid lol, it's smart FailFish LUL KKona no difference All white ppl look the same :) no, because dumb people from US think any asian person is chinese but you look chinese CN = MingLe, KR = DAESuppy , JPN = AYAYA more numbers? what does that mean pvman=chinese KEKW bro thats not racist at all KEKW its just a good guess rush is leblanc broken? i want to learn her KKona no difference you look Vietnamese if they int in ranked prob chinese @Rush i tell by smell you look chinese though you dont look like chinese i know because my gf is chinese FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish ching ching :D Korean a Japanese look more alike CN = MingLee, KR = DAESuppy , JPN = AYAYA rush you are clearly Malaysian The west tells people by their top part of the nose and the eyes. In the east they recognize people by their nose and the below right eye Korean play is smart play, expect for pvman you look indian D: We can tell the difference... for instance it is obvious to me you are Russian XWX are you korean? LULW DansGame that's why you low key play like a chinese player Im korean and you look like Chinese KEKW CHING PING Korean face chinese gameplay @Rush people generalize Asians all the time rush @Rush its easy to tell difference between korean chinese japanese. but vietnamese and thaiwanese hard Kreygasm Kapp KEKW KEKW korea is small so it's easier to say chinese your gameplay looks like american no worry KKona 7 Kreygasm smelly Pepega Kappa Kreygasm @Rush chinese = big nose Rush = big nose rush = chinese Hey i just came here are yoou korean? are you chinese? you can tell by facial structure sweet? KEKW LUL gachiW Kreygasm LUL Kreygasm @tairaaaaa there are noticeable differences between different europeans sweat monkaS sweeeeeet CN = MingLee , KR = DAESuppy , JPN = AYAYA HandsUp Koreans are mixed with Japanese. That's a undeniable fact Kapp Kreygasm @Rush to be fair, there are less koreans here than chinese Koreans love Harry Potter glasses @rush thats cause they know cn>korea in us we just simplify asians to possibly chineese lol @rush how about Taiwanese cuz you have small eyes Chat I got star guardian Jinx from Twitch Prime Loot!!! Woohoo :) washed up LULW my phone smells like you :) ㅎㅇ @Rush are you from the EU monkaHmm is because of gamplay they ask you chines and not korean @Rush LUL LUL You look arabic ANELE KEKW cmonBrug chinese=small nose MOE KEKW KEKW NO KEKW RUSH BIG NOSE LUL small pp koreans smell like Bulgogi @rush dont chinese people have chubbier cheeks usually? Smells like kimchi LUL You can tell by the shape of the face, Koreans have rounder faces DansGame @Rush is your mom chinese? KEKW Check pp @Rush cologne when? Korea = High elo. That's how I know Yeah you look arabic Japanese= Cutie AYAYA Koreans are more pretty Ez chinese has a rounder face, japanese are more squared and korean are a mix @FinkleTheMage other way around dude rush is Jew :) It’s the same in Europe, it is hard to tel difference from English, German, Norwegian @the_poopster I know I’m joking cuz that’s what he said The west tells people by their top part of the nose and the eyes. In the east they recognize people by their nose and the below right eye rush Sweet by Rush MingLee MingLee chinese speak loudly public rush OpieOP koreans are THICC shape of belly ? more rounder OpOpie Kapp Kapp KEKW 7 you Korean? Kapp Kapp Kapp your gameplay looks like NA Kapp gameplay looks american KEKW @FinkleTheMage nonsense korea is the capital of plastic surgery, don't trust streamer KEKW LUL gameplay = NA KEKW Kappa Kapp Chinese playstyle KEKW Kapp D: your gameplay looks NA @rush ask if chinese after they see your gameplay KEKW OpieOP Kr is the NA of Asia? Krappa D: LUL KEKW Kapp IceCold Kappa its na :) Fried Chicken perfume AYAYA WTF 1 11 nocturne LUL CHINESE GAMEPLAY Pog KOREA GAMEPLAY @Rush Japanese jungle JAPANESE LEAGUE OMEGALUL Sure Kappa LULW AYAYA WTF D: AYAYA WTF japanese can only speedrun TOXIC LUL Kapp AYAYA NANI Kapp Bad = current world champions... AYAYA D: @Rush easier to tell with girls than boys rifteagle subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! what does pvman mean anyway D: SoSnowy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Krappa Japanese a re good D: Japanese = cutie = Rush = Japanese AYAYA JP LEAGUE KEKW Pvman=gg AYAYA BAKA AYAYA SoSnowy WTF NANI ASIAN RACISM KEKW 1/11 last game kapp BasedGod what PVMAN = LPJ JUNGLER KEKW Kapp sure LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Rush never make Emotional Play :) It's insane how if a non-white talked about this they would instantly be labeled rasist Play not japanese Chat not chinese JPMAN KEKW why don't you speaking korean during game? KEKW vietnamese gg PunOko BAKA RUSH nonasian* roosh racist gg your play like turkish KEKW @Rush the biggest difference are the eyes, chinese have double eye lid, koreans and japanese dont lmfao all asians are so racist JPMAN NA soloq JAPANESE OMEGAYAYA KEKW CN numba 1 JPMAN 👈 KEKW pveman pvman = gg pveman KEKW LeeSunho subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 7 month streak! You should've been invited to All-Stars. Rito Games are racist TRUE KEKW KEKW its neeeeeeeedali reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! i can read korean NAMVP PogChamp Probably danish tbh pvman=gg KEKW @Rush They think you're chinese because of your jungle style pveman korean, asian or chinese.. they all the same 4Head player vs man your gamelevel is NA wich is = GG yuliYAYA yuliYAYA yuliYAYA YES Pvman=ppman JPMAN :point_left: KEKW no pvp HahaSweat pvman = pve KEKW D: @Gaminile not really lmao it's like if a white dude talked about europeans LACIST D: PVMAN = NA MVP D: SoSnowy @Rush hello rush why did you not go to all star event? did riot forget to invite you? :) D: D: D: KEKW D: Gameplay time D: D: IceCold monkaS monkaS KEKW D: Kappa D: SoSnowy D: D: D: Kreygasm D: D: SoSnowy NA soft LMAO hahahahahahaha toxic AF KEKW sneakyD D: IceCold pveman widepeepoSad D: TOS D: D: widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy LUL LUL D: KEKW the snowflakes are melting Where the gifters at tonight? Let me get a sub bic boiiiiis :) D: SantaHat LUL relax KEKW TOS D: TOS D: TOS D: TOS D: TOS D: D: NA snowflake TRUE ????? Smite KEKW tilting smite LULW squadW squadW malding KEKW true widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy D: IceCold SoSnowy banned KEKW IceCold D: ??? D: KEKW D: D: LUL TopHat lmaooo asians are racist to each other so it's cool KEKW BUT U SAID CHINESE Rush PWNS libtards with FACTS and LOGIC B) CALCULATED BTW TRUu smite KEKW MALDING SMITE KEKW rayceest KEKW who cares whatr they think mate if you think like that you are 200% american crybaby 4Head KEKW TRUE Pepega smite Jebaited squadW LACIST PIG :( my safespace smite king JP GAMEPLAY KEKW :gorllia: my man if you think like that you are 200% american crybaby 4Head . racist and mentally abusive widepeepoSad dirty chinese inter KEKW safe = racist? hmmm JP JUNGLER @chat KEKW LUL squad IceCold SoSnowy KEKW KEKW racist KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW THAILAND SMITE KEKW Japanese smite KEKW KEKW JPMAN KEKW KEKW racist KEKW KEKW KEKW RACIST KEKW JP GAMEPLAY KEKW KEKW KEKW bcs you are smiteKing KEKW HOW TO REPORT 9 PEOPLE? squadW IceCold SoSnowy They think youre chinese because you flame and Int KEKW JPMAN :point_left: KEKW @soliloquy22 I corrected myseld 5 messages under, meant to say non-asian and not "nonwhite" because I was actually just targetting whites, because only whites can be racist according to some PepeHands 🦍 My Man !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ KEKW we did it chat 🍗🍉🍉🍉🍗🍉🍉🍗🍗🍉🍉🍉 KEKW just ignore NA viewers, NA have no brain JP GAMEPLAY KEKW . hahahah poor Rush <3 KEKW KEKW NANI LACIST DESU SENPAI AYAYA KEKW RACIST KEKW JP GAMEPLAY KEKW JPMAN :point_left: KEKW !xd KEKW D: HahaThisisfine @LeeSunho Thanks KEKW truee 🐒🐒🐵🐵🐒🐒 KEKW scrubnoobFinger NA= only burger exist !XD if you think like that you are 200% american crybaby 4Head KEKW @brankodrama BasedGod D: TRUE true NA IS bad :) :) paid KEKW !xd :) :) :) So true NA KEKW :) :) VIE___ ? KEKW VIE___ ? KEKW VIE___ ? KEKW NA people LUL :) Kapp no :) RUSHNOSTATE NOW :) KEKW TRUE !xd :) SELF DONATION KEKW :) :) YUP :) :) :) @Lemonwings LUL :) no :) :) yes :) NA is a racve KEKW Na never racist FeelsGoodMan Kappa :) racism is overrated xd fake dono KEKW NOT TRUE KEKW PAID ACTORS KEKW NA isnt bad, just lazy Pepega :) = Krappa no? :) he's not a racist he's Asian :) @quote_if_greek_joy KevinTurtle KevinTurtle Clap sure Kappa PVMAN :point_left: KEKW 👉 GG :) JP GAMEPLAY KEKW Pog EZ PogU Pog KEKW EZ KR irelia KEKW ACTUALLY GOOD poppy POG EZ Clap EZ Clap Clap EZ calculated Pog EZ Clap EZ Clap TRUE KEKW NA IRELIA KEKW championist D: EZ Clap tfblade yes TRUE LULW EZ HYPERCLAP ARE YOU IRELIA MAIN? KEKW EZ Clap because the champion sucks racist to irelias widepeepoSad Yes Rush irealia players are like yasuo Japanese irelia widepeepoSad SMOrc FeelsBadMan YES play around poppy yes Kapp no :) WARD IN TRI @Rush how did u learn english? no :) sure :) :) i dont know :) JPMAN widepeepoSad JPMAN widepeepoSad JPMAN widepeepoSad JPMAN widepeepoSad racist to chat :( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jpman KEKW PepeLaugh PVMAN :point_left: KEKW :point_right: GG PepeLaugh don't tell him PepeLaugh chat is turned off KEKW he placed a ward rush SeemsGood uh.. hey its warded btw :) PepeLaugh we knew SORRY :'( PepeLaugh didn't know JPMAN = GG WE KNEW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW FeelsBadMan SHe did close the map LUL FeelsBadMan WE KNEW PVMAN 👈 KEKW 👉 GG pv + man = gg KEKW I'm silver never look at map cnman PepeLaugh peepoSad We don't know PepeLaugh tyche71 subscribed with Twitch Prime. np :) CHMAN = GG PepeLaugh sorry mr rush i will try to improve map awareness :( reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MaldChamp CandyCane @Rush isn't dark seal the better buy? lee in tribush man yw :) PV / GG = 1/ NaM :) AYAYA SantaHat @Rush its gonna be warded next time :) Cyberbully D: np :) alkUpset np no stream advantage kekw what happened to closing chat KEKW close the map rely on chat only Pog what is the jpman joke chat? :) Youre welcome RUsh you gonna die lvl 5 @Rush pvmanFAM HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy TopHat JPMAN = KEKW he thinks he is better than jp players KEKW DUH rush 1v9 4fun OMEGAYAYA SantaHat SoSnowy !discord Soon TM @seamushaha JPMAN :point_left: KEKW :point_right: GG D: widepeepoHappy TopHat Pog KEKW POG Pog D word KEKW KEKW PogU Pog ChomPag KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW see you die lvl 5 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOL KEKW that dmg KEKW ???? Pog that killed u`? KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW PogU easy death KEKW JPMAN KEKW Easy death OpieOP widepeepoHappy gg KEKW LUL easy dead 4Head yo whyd they go in without you pvman = gg KEKW what? easy Int kekw kekw kekw kekw kekew kekw GROMP KEKW jpman = gg KEKW I SAID IT YOU GONNA DIE LVL 5 CHONK LUL that tower shot Japanese gank KEKW NO PINK BUY? that damage was stupid PV / GG = 1/ NaM and modest FAST BACK @roxxmarson Pog good job rush :) unlucky death to turret SEA GANK KEKW HWANEN ONE PogU Keepo 360 tower damage yikes @roxxmarson Pog PogU KEKW Kapp OMEGALUL Kapp :D KEKW Kappa Kapp 'not me' it was w flash no not me KEKW just bad he?? you have no ap KEKW SO SHIT cause nidalee is a support jungler KEKW self awareness KEKW @KisakaNagen kogmaw also shreds armor only pvman blames champion KEKW KS KEKW KS EZ Clap KS poppy btw EZ Clap KILL SECURE @8kuji777 makes more sense, thanks EZ Clap that was not a ks lol jungler did it all FKING KS CLAP nice Ks ez Clap poppy was gonna die outskilled PohChamp tanking 5 tower shots at level 7 :) top gap Poppy Pog KS after poppy had nothing else :( widepeepoHappy jgl gap poppy couldnt get the kill chat Pepega Not worth investing golds on a Soraka jgl 4fun player but w/e FeelsBadMan ROBBED KEKW FeelsBadMan outplayed with W and E Pog PepeHands @ukejay thats not ks you stupid or retarded? FeelsBadMan raptors our Raptors ftfy widepeepoSad why he steal ks irons in chat KEKW 4Head pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS D: D: tfbKS D: D: D: D: D: my chat are dumb Pepega D: D: woah D: D: WTF chat reflects streamer KEKW Kill Secure btw TRUE pepeHands D: SoSnowy :) The chat reflects the streamer tfbPepega D: SantaHat :D scrubnoobPisslow scrubnoobPisslow actually TRUE widepeepoHappy thats me calling flashes Kappa we are mindless fucking morons :) @rush your chat is just a mirror KEKW :( D: TopHat D: SantaHat Streamer influence KEKW dummies everywhere no pink buy ?? D: KS = killing spree 4Head PepeHands low iq player attract low iq viewers @Rush randomly KEKW !leesin PepeHands Not true Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again dumb people KEKW PogU pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS Clap D: SantaHat Pepega hi roosh PogU Wonder why OpieOP HYPERS THATS ME Sure Kap ???????? dumb streamer, dumb community KEKW KS lee Pepega D: you make us dumb is this iron woa D: Like father like children Pepega Kapp true :) PVMAN =/= GG sneaky is at allstars Kappa D: SoSnowy D: SoSnowy wtf lee KEKW SantaHat random chat Pepega thats me widepeepoHappy EZ Clap EZ widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SantaHat ahuehue Pepega Pog LULW Pog holy EZ Clap KEKW LUL KEKW LOL LUL PogYou Pog pog EZ Clap Pog EZ Clap what a god PogU WOW KEKW LULW no ks :( LULW x KEKW Pog NotSoEz @nymn_missing_hairline_lul you watch league? PogChamp NaM pvmanHYPERS i watch rush i climb out of bronze MALD LULW Smurfing EZ Clap Pog Pepega SantaHat PogU ahahahah GG POGGERINO Pog PVMAN = GG EZ EZ Clap Jebaited MALD ? mald LUL SoSnowy PepeLaugh HES MAD MALD POPPY 2V1 Pog PogU widepeepoSad rush not inting LULW poooooog pvman = good Pog! el dios rush EZ Clap ! Pog *MALD SoSnowy FeelsWeirdMan rush is back Pog EZ Clap SoSnowy FPog HE WAS DESPERATE SoSnowy Pog U ARE SO CLEAN NIDALEE HandsUp SoSnowy you know exactly what this is ZaneC1 yes PogU nymnWHY !elo gachiGASM SoSnowy rush playing on masters PepeLaugh rush playing on challenger MALD cyberbully DansGame why do you keep taking breaks from stream? top is an inter I'm here to drop my daily KEKW bye now, gl Rush :) SoSnowy xqcY xqcY SoSnowy HandsUp SoSnowy you know exactly what this is gachiBASS WeirdChimp KEKW Q KEKW monkaW monkaW Tanks this pre-aseason ResidentSleeper KEKW monkaW mokaS monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaHmm Sure Kapp 5Head monkaW squadHYPERS EeeeeeZ EZ free money Kappa KEKW IceCold EZ Clap Kapp Old Rush PogU monkaw 5Head SantaHat Kapp EZ EEEEE Z Kapp LOL saved by midlaner monkaW LULW rush definitely didnt just shit his pants PepoThink monkas PedoBear THE MASTERMIND pvmanHYPERS LUL This game pvmanHYPERS BE NICE Enemy team are paid actors KEKW miss spear for zombie ward 5Head AYAYA ZOE KEKW AYAYA PedoBear ALL PLANT HolidayTree boxEZ sneakyEZ squadEZ tfbEz trkEZ EZ CLAAAPOOO HAG KEKW EZ Clap pvmanFAM pvmanFAM pvmanFAM Z AYAYA E PedoBear TRUE monkaW Clap PedoBear KEKW AYAYA D: 4/1 pvman=win Keed D: D: D: peepoFat pvman = e z man legal loli AYAYA tfbEz PedoBear TRUE PedoBear Clap LUL HAHAHAHAH D: !uptime D: @arcussma23, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 34 mins keed PedoBear Clap AYAYA D: D: TRUE KEKW so yourself? THATS SO TRUE fook you D: keed PedoBear LUL U AYAYA TRUE AYAYA IM ZOE AYAYA LUL AYAYA @Rush I'm 20 what do u men ? cirGasm Just Like Chat ZOE = TWITCH CHAT keed im 11 :) AYAYA D: BabyRage WTF i'm not a kid. i'm 13 PedoBear where the kids chat WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp ZOE CHAN AYAYA The old web excuse LUL 12 yos loli cirGasm Rush thinks we all boomer like him KS :) REAL VOOCE big boomer rush :( LUL KEKW PepeLaugh LUL KEKW PepeHands IceCold 🔨 NaM Annoying KEKW a true cyberbully Pepega battle LUL PogU KEKW BULLYINIG LULW Pog POPPT LuL PogU KEKW poppy monkaS Pog RUSH PLEASE STOP BULLYING THEM BibleThump Poppy Pog 4Head 4HEad ok 4Head 4Head 4Head can u dodge my spear? 4HEad Stop bulli irelia widepeepoSad pvmanFGM KEKW Kappa SantaHat rush git gud TRUE KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW ReinDeer KEKW SantaHat that is kinda of TRUE can you dodge my q 1 2 3 HandsUp KEKW KEKW poopy KEKW poppy only strong cause rush camp top KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW TRUE 󠀀 KEKW Poppy is hard champion thats why :) ???????????? tactic68LUL_TK POPPY Q FLASH Pog REAL AND TRUE KEKW D: TANK PLAYER BrokeBack KEKW Janna mains KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL Using flash to kill the supp was worth it for Poppu? boxThink OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKWÜ KEKW KEKW he wasn't there LUL Karma for talking sh*t KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TALON PLAYERS KEKW pvmanLeesin Kapp KEKW Kappa Kapp Kapp LUL Kapp PVMAN :point_left: KEKW :point_right: GG Kapp Kapp LUL Kapp Krappa SantaHat PepegaPhone FOKIN POPPY KEKW Kapp no team to be seen when dragon up in season 25 FeelsBadMan Pvman has been back 10 times this year KEKW Kapp Kappa KEKW Pepega Clap Kapp Kapp Kappa no :) Kapp ok Kapp Kapp im silver and i smurf with nidalee Braindead confirmed Kappa 57 cs KEKW KApp braindead lol Kapp LUL GOOD MECHANICAL BRAIN DEAD Kapp good mechanics yea good at braindead Kapp good at brain dead good at mechanics and brain dead KEKW russmoHORN d good at being brqind dead? rushs ego is the size of my butthole NA JUMP PogU Clap OK KEKW SPEAR Q KEKW OMEGALUL NICE SPEAR the cat is a Braindead player magnet LUL good mechanics tho :) smite monkaW Pepega monster KEKW LUL LUL red smite? show your lee sin next @Rush my botlane widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad dragon is up idk if red smite worth 🖕 peepoSad widepeepoSad COGGERS ???? cool guy streamer is back :) KEKW INTING FOR FUN KEKW 107-61 cs LUL PepeHands KEKW 󠀀 widepeepoSad lee sin legit 4 mins ahead KEKW . widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaS widepeepoSad TopHat bro do you even have a jungle ? KEKW FeelsBadMan KEKW FeelsBadMan sad pvman = gg EVERYTHING DEAD PepeHands HahaThisisfine Pepega how do you lose lane as xayah/rakan tho widepeepoSad nou counterplay KEKW EZ LATER VIRGINS LIFE IS OVER :( jungle is gone :( KEKW D: it was a bait KEKW Pog Pog Pog Pog Jebaited monkaW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Pog SoSnowy What a dirty nidalee PepeLaugh Jebaited Pog PepeLaugh Pog Pepega Clap 🦀Jungle is gone🦀 real Hunter pog KEKW pog KEKW LUL KEKW woah D: KEKW *he is fking stupid AHAHHA KEKW KEKW KEKW you said? KEKW he know KEKW KEKW 󠀀 KEKW LUL PepeHands KEKW famous last words KEKW KEKW stupid LUL KEKW thats what you get KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW they knew KEKW !uptime :) :) @cordorak, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 39 mins D: &hes fkin stupd KARMA KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW kekw PepeLaugh now whos stupid KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW SantaHat SoSnowy MALDING LUL WutFace widepeepoHappy DETH KEKW stoopid KEKW you are still playing good Talon definitely sniping DansGame STUPED Pog PVPMAN KEKW MALD GHOSTING ! Kappa don't cry rush widepeepoSad why athenes against full AD team? MALD GHOSTING Maphack BabyRage KEKW Ghosting Kappa *HES FKIN STUPID LOL pvman = gg why do ppl laugh when rush die? when i see him die, i get sad MALD ghosting KEKW MALD Clap PVMAN 👈 KEKW 👉 GG REPORT HIM FOR STREAM SNIPE rush brain delay KEKW niye bidondan su iciyon SantaHat BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump gachiW SoSnowy unlucky KEKW pepeLaugh TopHat PepeLaugh TopHat PVE MAN > PVP MAN > GG MAN > PV MAN @Rush why u talk like that? MALD SantaHat 35 kills jp game Finally found the perfect stream ; Gray Screen Stream MALD SantaHat I'M NOT BALD OK IWD LUL no delay on top of the 1 minute brain delay LULW thanks rush qtpHONK MALD TopHat Delusional streamer pog what holds of my future widepeeposad I don’t want to get to this point in life !uptime @corontas, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 40 mins PepeLaugh TopHat MaldChamp SantaHat he? MALD LULW irelia is dogshit he Kreygasm BasedGod SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA TopHat CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob AYAYA SoSnowy Baka its not snow notsquishY SantaHat EZ Clap KEKW SPEAR monkaW Pog calculated PogU KS KEKW EZ PogU LOL PogU PVMAN IS BACK Pog LUL PogU so greedy monkaW PogU PogeChamp BroBalt AYAYA SantaHat 17 min first dragon KEKW Holy Q PogChamp chunky first dragon 17 minjtes Movement PogU poopy Pog W LUL MISSED CANNON LULW poopy Poopie widepeepoHappy D: Poppy PepeHands D: KEKW Dear Rush, I apologize in advance, but I will have to report your name in-game because cyberbullying is an extremely sensitive issue in our Korean society. I hope you understand. Have a great day, and please spread the awareness. I thank you so much! 4HEad LUL D: Why grail? KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = = gg? just dodge 4Head OMEGALUL KEKW or do you AHAHHAHAHA KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW OMEGALUL LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW Just dodge then KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL TRUE KEKW KEKW &you dont lose if you dodge KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW KEKW KEKW D: MALD KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg KEKW D: TRUE OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW just dodge LUL JUST 4Head LUL outplayed D: KEKW KEKW SoSnowy you dont lose JUST DODGE KEKW JUST DODGE KEKW LOOOOL LUL just dodge 4HEad MALD YOU FEED LULW KEKW KEKW CONQUER XDDDD LUL u didnt dodge Fathermucler KEKW KEKW KEKW lvl 11 vs lvl 13 KEKW KEKW peepoFat why didnt you dodge it *YOU DONT LOSE IF YOU DODGE POG KEKW JG GAP KEKW why flamming MALD WHY FEED just dodge 4Head KEKW KEKW HYPERS :keyboard: LUL KEKW KEKW HahaShrugLeft squadREE HahaShrugRight slow fingers PepeHands KEKW TEAM FEEDING LUL fu,ck y.ou yteam !subcount Current sub count: 901 STOOPID just dodghe q 5 Head KEKW LUL you don't lose if you dodge Rush LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad he wins that if he just jumps on him KEKW KEKW :) BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack D: Just dodge 4Head MALD YOU HAD THAT hands up VoHiYo He has 10 stack i going in KEKW kekw PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands rush is so funny KEKW how could you lose that agane kekw ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ahhaha fuck 6you team ******YOU DONT LOSE IF YOU DODGE LOL ******** emotionalman = gg ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 Too far FeelsBadMan KEKW AGANE team mistake Kappa PVMAN = Gg KEKW KE KW sry for flaming boxHands wanna play with me i'll follow your lead. :) you feed Agane @Rush WISH ME LUCK ON MY EXAMS TODAY SIR kind boy let lee have that STUPED TIM :( !uptime @its_dinner_time, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 43 mins ZOY kogmi Z OMEGALUL E Z O I Z OMEGALUL E Japan would win that fight zoy good luck :) @CheIIs_ 🔥 TPFufun 🔥 it's fine KOGME @CheIIs_ Good luck mate. Zoe smurfing Pog zoy and kogmi zoy kogme KEKW zoy and kogmi Z OMEGALUL E Z OMEGAYAYA E OhMyDog KOGME? who the fk has exams in december ? dont eat him Rush :) ZOY KOGME Pepega FeelsBadMan ConcernDoge SoSnowy ReinDeer IceCold STUPED TEEM widepeepoSad widepeepoSad OWIE Pog IceCold KEKW another loss cirBlech ggman cirBlech jg gap cirBlech KEKW monkaW ???????? ? ????? KEKW ????????? ???? GOD GAMER Pog KEKW LUL KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW KEKW na flash ? NICE FLASH KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW na f nice F flash for fun LUL KEKW monkaS ok KEKW PVMAN+GG NA timing KEKW KEKW 4FUN Nice flash :) The flash was for bm points EZ Pog Pog poppy Pog Pog poppy POGGERS lee LUL poppy god POPPY Pog D: why is poppy carrying us so hard PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog POPPY POG Pog py Pog POPPY Lee Syndrome KEKW HAHA Pog Poppy Poppy POG Pog py 5Head poppy Pog PogU PogU Pog Jap Lee KEKW Pog Pog HOLY PogYou Pog Pog LOLLLLL PogU POG POG Pog Pog PogU POPPY GOD PogU PogYou LOL Pog 5Head Pog POG Pog PogU SantaHat RUSH THE GOD Kreygasm Poppy 5Head Clap PogU Pog Pog every :point_left: KEKW :point_right: nid Q SPICY 4Head wp 4Head EEEEEZEEEE Pog poppy op PVMAN = GG Pog 4Head 4HEad 4Head pvman = Pog Pog Just 4Heed Coloured text OP POPPY CARRYING YOUR ASS Pog Pog Poppy was a god there. 4Head PVMAN IS GOOD widepeepoHappy PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 4HEad Wow carried by poppy KEKW Pog Sensie ty now im challenger @Rush 4Heed IceCold 4Head PVP MAN Pog his skills Kreygasm 4HEad JUST DONT TAKE DAMAGE Kapp 4Head EZ Clap jgl diff but Rush getting carried as usual W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W poppy pressed W Pog pvman=gg PogYou Number 1 Poppy Pog Poppy with the hard carry Pog #1 poppy !nidalee "Poppy was a god" he just pressed W bro LULW #1 Poppy EZ Clap China NUMBA ONE As usual FeelsBadMan POGGERS #1poppy pvman PVMAN NOT INTING Pog 0/10/0 TOP WTF 0/10/0 0/10/0 KEKW just dodge aas 4Head Despite all your rage your still just a rat in a cage number 1 autistic pepega rush inc poooopy is good 0/10/0 FeelsBadMan 0/10/0 KEKW JPMAN = GG @KisakaNagen yet you would manage to not hit W there KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 🇨🇳 OMEGALUL Top = Inter POPPERS POGGERS IceCold NICE CS PVMAN Poopie Irellia pvmanHands 0 10 BrokeBack @Rush what is -2 squared irelia win trading i came here to laugh widepeepoSad @Quest_Log it's rly not hard 0/10/0 4 0/10/0 that's depressing irelia Rank #1 delusional streamer 4 @KisakaNagen im hard :) faker was just pressing buttons in that 1v1 vs ryu gg i was irelia :) -2 squared is 5 cyberbully > pvman @Quest_Log i'm hard now :) neither can you not impressive at all I miss the 1/14 rush KEKW you too 0/10/0 LULW gachiW Im hard too AYAYA monkaS gachiGASM gachiW gachiW Kreygasm gachiW gachiW ARAM POGGERS gachiW HandsUp gachiW sub banned FeelsBadMAn Kreygasm 100g KEKW Pog rush is hard too Kappa Pog gachiW SoSnowy not snow EZ 4FUN PLAYS SNIPER Pog HandsUp Pog PogU pvman EZ GAME EZ Clap 0/11/0 Poppy POg WONNER! HAVING FUN DansGame EZ Clap o 1rd EZ JG DIFF Pog PVMAN = GG PogU irelia is hundertpercen chinese widepeepoHappy carried by poppy :) Better jungle win Pog EZ Clap gachiW SoSnowy its snow dad I swear EZ Clap Soraka jgl OP gift poppy for carrying your ass KEKW nida is so fun burnOMG EZ Clap jg gap Raman busted EZ Clap And the award for KSer of the match goes to PVMAN KEKW tactic68LUL_TK carry everytime i play nidalee i fele like i deal 0 damage Kreygasm I've got a question, I'm plat 1 in BO for diamond, knowing that the season is closed, will my game border be updated if I make iit to diamond ? Wonered WubTF 2 EZ PepeHands Pvman not in allstars pv = gg EZ TopHat Clap these ads are so shit Kapp @firstbrhere u must suck cyberbully PepeHands pvmanFGM 0110 tactic68LUL tactic68LUL_TK pvmanHYPERS SUB TO RUSH FO FREE pvmanHYPERS 24 LUL @hissroth no teach me master :D Stop bullying them BibleThump EXPOSED KEKW lmao veigar123 @firstbrhere bcs nidalee is one of the hardest junglers Pepega 123 Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Watch out ♿ pvman coming through ♿ Pepega 123 D: Pepega 123 pepega123 @hissroth no bro @hissroth no its based on end of season rank :( Pepega123 Pepegs 312 Pepega 123 Pepega 123 LEAKED leaked Pepega 123 Pepega pEpEGa123 Pepega 123 Pepega 123 Pepege Pepega123 CHECKING IN Pepega 123 Pepega Pepega thoughtt rush is washed out..never thought he will get challenger... what is that logo Pepega IceCold Pepega 123 Lol @Rush favourite kind of bean? monkaHmm o O ( Pepega / CHECKING IN ) Pepega #254 here !rank 8 letters Pepega Pepega checking in Pepega pvman = GG pvman Pog pvman = gg @rush enable PeepoClap LEAKED PASSWORD Pepega 123 Pvman FeelsGoodMan :) I watch pvman stream and I'm 5-1 in ranked placements jungler for first time :) PvE man KEKW golden Pepega check PepeLaugh here we go Pepega / checking in Pepega SantaHat IceCold Pepega Pepega why aren't you league partenr? Pvman=ggman GN RUSH :( @matt101xd he said adzuki a long time ago hi roosh Pepega Monster Are u gonna play clash Pepega 696 reporting for duty Pepega 7 lee sin = gg wp Pepega 7 Pepega Pepega 7 ready Pepege what is wrong my mine head Pepega 7 Pepega 7 REPORTING FOR DUTY hey rush I'm new to the stream. you are funny man I like you :) Pepega 7 Pepega Pepega is he challenger? boosted or what @Rush what happened to yt uploads? !elo ROOSH AYAYA peepee 123 Pooga Hi pepegaboss Pepega 7 Pepega broothers ROOSH! how are you today @Rush mate we'r still looking for a jungle main for a clash team do you have time tommorw? Password Leaked: Papega123 @coldbier3 Pepege looks fine to me squadPepega XD PepeArrive @Rush brother Pepega 7 Pepega 7 checking in Pepega Pepega Pepega Alone is weak Pepega Together is strong KKona Bruthers Pepega YO Pepega checking in Pepege CHECKING IN Pepega 7 PepegaPhone teemo jungle ??? PogU @Rush can you play one game lee sin for me Pepege 7 CHECKING IN KKona 7 ggman is back POGGERS Pepega SantaHat squadPH Honor level 5 Pog Pepega Monsters checking in Pepega checking in @Rush you are the Pepega king Pepega Pepega @Rush did pvman get challenger this season @Rush one of us Pepega @Rush one of us Pepega @Rush one of us Pepega Pepega 7 awaiting your orders sir Pepege SantaHat rooosh Pepega Alone is weak Pepega Together is strong im pepega #926 pvman=gg !lee @Rush show pvman lee sin ggman MonkaW Kapp hello paid friend what are we doing today? @Rush Kapp Kapp Kapp any Bruthers in chat KKona ? PepegaPhone Hello RUSH, I'M HERE Rush Korean 1/11 i am going to joing clash.. please teachme jungle plays 100% WR PogYou Pepega #42069 checking in wassup @Rush YEA BECASUE BETTER JUNGLER LUL when haircut @Rush PepegaPhone Pepega 📣 ))) !opgg reporting for duty Kreygasm Pepega #11333 CHECKING IN @rush are Koreans rascist? @Rush duo with Deft and tell him to go support - you go ADC 4Head duo Deft Pog @Rush hey kappa !uptime @sleepyrichie, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 49 mins !uptime !uptime KEKW Kapp Isn't Sneaky best ADC gachiBASS rush how long will you stream today = gg ? PepegaPhone yes what about the lo fi music? PepegaPhone CAN YOU HEAR ME RUSH !rank KevinTurtle wtf rush Kappa KEKW @Balldropper no no difference its people that are racist, doesnt matter country BasedGod nationalist? @wirejump LUL KEKW Korean hate Japanese AYAYA KKona KKona Clap KKona Kkona TRUE everybody is racist KKona Clap KKona hell yeah brother KKonaW WE ARE KKona Clap KKona DAMN RIGHT NA OMEGALUL KKona Clap KKona HELL YEAH RUSH HATE CHINESE PLAYERS LUL muricaaaa NA OMEGALUL XENOPHOBES wtf D: @rush we missed u at all stars KKona all true na Pepega @RUSH are you staying in a dorm in korea? or is that your house KKona Clap brought democracy to korea patriotism at its finest brothers KKona NaM WTF KKona God's Chosen MingLee wtf AYAYA MingLee WTF Kapp 🇺🇸 Proud Bruthers KKona Clap dude what is this weird streaming time? @Rush will it always be like this? RUSH HATE CHINESE PLAYERS LUL@rush LAST STREAM PepeHands north America BEST korea ruled e sport xd AYAYA WTF good job educating everyone rush I don't :) Yeah i somewhat agree on that RUSH HATE CHINESE PLAYERS LUL @Rush KKona Best culture 4 chinese cant win Korea better than Japan KEKW People are like this in every coutnry though, not relaly korean only :P KEKW delusional ppl Last Stream PepeHands i mean it makes sense to think japanese culture or chinese culture are superior, but no one thinks korean is superior we are all humans KKona Clap HOT DAM KKona Clap FEELS GOOD KKona Clap TO BE FREE KKona Clap here in europe we think asian culture is just weirder not better or worse @rush <3 <3 <3 <3 kind boy Rush is from best Korea aka north korea Thanks for answering! Kapp Kappa PunchTrees IceCold TRUE LULW Kapp nowayFeels nowayFeels Kapp Kapp Did you not have to go in the army @rush Kapp Kapp @Rush would your Mom disown you if you married Sneaky? is kpop the korean equivalent of anime? Kapp D: IceCold Kappa Rush, I think you are one of the best in the world!!! Africa #1 :) WINNIE rush just got baited -26 pvmanKappa Kappa IceCold Kapp !rank WHo likes playing with chinese players KEKW Pvman = gg man Kapp PepeLaugh Kapp WINIE THE POOH Kapp Kapp Kapp no cap Kappa Kapp IceCold Kapp rush racist :( no cap KEKW no Kapp Kapp NA hate LPL Kapp no cap Kapp sure Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp IceCold no Kapp LUL Kap BloodTrail nice Rush XIAOSHAO OMEGALUL XWX Pog OpieOP XWX china is part of hong kong KR better than Japan and China KEKW Kapp right LOL i knew he would bring xwx Kapp not serious :) Kapp Kapp Kapp sured Rush racist Kekw would you play on LPL ? Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp XWX LULW i believe u mr Rush :) Just like if I say all Asians are horrible drivers doesnt mean I dont like them @Rush pvmanFGM Did you not have to go into the armmy @rush whens next xiaoweixiao stream PepeLaugh XwX XIAOWEIXIAO LMAO KEKW of course Kapp how are we talking about rush not liking China.... have you heard him talk about NA players lol? farming Kapp Krappa sure PepeLaugh MaldChamp pepeJAM Fuck that Winnie the Pooh looking mofucker fuck china anyway Pepege look at my face BOGGED pepeJAM @rush is xwx skinny now ? he's def. lying @starkjonsnow D: @Rush why long hair is popular in korea? BOGGED PepeHands KEKW LUL MaldChamp SantaHat can't see I'm malding Rush from North Korea @Rush do you miss Vasilli LUL Jebaited rush dont like muricas KKona @Rush duo with Deft and tell him to go support - you go ADC 4Head KEKW MALD SantaHat KEKW Łöł AYAYA SantaHat clambam subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! y my pp smoll MALD TopHat Riot needs to make a diablo game reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TRUE LULW KEKW BYUNGSHIN FeelsBadMan SoSnowy LULW SoSnowy FeelsBadMan many hours wasted FeelsBadMan peepoFat SantaHat D: KEKW any gifter in the chat? lol FeelsBadMan why dad KEKW KEKW lol ASk your dad FeelsBadMan KEKW pvman KEKW widepeepoSad diablo game with boss Rush LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan Rush has big pp MALD LUL D: MaldChamp PepeHands FeelsSadMan KEKW MALD i am D: widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad bald and small pp D: LULW he is PepeHands MALD SoSnowy go next BALD OMEGALUL FeelsBadMan i am widepeepoSad KEKW MALD TopHat r-right Bad dad >:< don't ff life feelsbadman :/ SoSnowy -10 :) LUL KEKW never surrender That is though, but don't FF FeelsBadMan league life lessons with Rush :) in ffing PepeHands go next life FeelsBadMan GGMAN = DODGE KEKW KEKW bald small pp small brain gg ff KEKW @rush do koreans hav small pp? Adc roosh DuckerZ SoSnowy should of flew south LOL PepeHands WeirdChamp stop dodgihng KEKW Smurfing again KEKW KEKW DODGE MAN LOL KEKW GGMAN KEKW @Rush duo with Deft and tell him to go support - you go ADC 4Head NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis nice .. dodge .. epic :) WeirdChamp stop dodging roosh MaldChamp SantaHat at least im not bald haha tro ll pvman dodging instantly KEKW gg go next widepeepoSad roooooooooosh pvman = gg HAHAHAH korean big pp MaldChamp TopHat MaldChamp ReinDeer 3 pvmans can't win KEKW dodging because scared KEKW MaldChamp 3 pvman= gg dodge simulator stream ResidentSleeper small pp small pp small pp MaldChamp ? smol pp MALD Small pp pp BigBrother moon2M hey i think bald is fine gangnam style :D KEKW nymnThink small pp small pp small pp Malding for sure small pp small pp is worse smol pp small pp worse Small pp widepeepoSad balding widepeepoSad must be rush widepeepoSad small pp small pp is worst bald for sure small pp small pp small pp I would rather be bald @rush do you count yourself as a jungler aswell? bald is worse FeelsBadMan I have both HerbPerve SoSnowy BOTH Small pp dude western people look ok bald tho KKona pepopepo L E A K E D mom KEKW LEAKED PASS KEKW i both KEKW Small pp KEKW KEKW MOM? WTF people see you bald everyday small pp worse smoll pp bad in America some people find bald attractive KKona mom????????? if I was a dude I'd rather be bald than have a small wang mom? small pp OMEGALUL your mom? KKona MOM ? jason statham? the rock? you would know widepeepoSad mum? mom and dad only gachiW mom KEKW ???? KKona WTF? just get a toupe your boyfriend LOLW forsenCD not if you have two id rather be bald and have big pee pee, look up Johnny Sins Even if you are bald and have small PP its not GG, dont FF - Rush 2019 @Rush tyler1 is bald PogU KEKW LEAKED UR PASSWORD both KKona forsenHead ? KKona You small pp? balding can be solved small pp cant why kkoreans are not bald? no small pp worse KKona your mom ? MOM ??? LOLW Mom play with small pp? your step sister Kreygasm they cant see ur hair when the lights off KEKW i wanna talk to Rush mom ppman? KEKW MOMCEST PedoBear johny sins is bald KEKW it not how big it is its how you use it mate nothing KKona rush you have a big pp we get it bald is better ez... you can make bald work. gachiW MOMCEST SHOW HER FRIENDS monkaW KEKW i have both LULW ?????? And the homies If your bald just get a hair transplant ?????? im a grower not a shower @Rush Sweet Home Alabama.mp3 no? yes everyone has a small pp before 10 tho no WTF KEKW My balding wouldn't make my partner sexually frustrated. @Rush Rush show us your big pp why stop at 10 :) WINCEST POGGERS N OMEGALUL KEKW ????????? i'am bald around my Small peepee!! MOMCEST gachiW tfbPepega My mom wash my pp until i was 14 ?? WeirdChamp RUSH ? ????????? YES !!!! y not just both KEKW no my mom died Small ppman WeirdChamp RUSH ? WeirdChamp RUSH ? WeirdChamp RUSH ? WeirdChamp RUSH ? ????? how would your mom know YEEESSSS ! ??????? i can wash myself as soon as i was born :) My mom knows KKona Clap LUL LUL HAHAHAHAHA chat has no mom? Chat never had this kind of love from their moms FeelsBadMan id rather be bald with big pee pee LEVEL 69 Kreygasm nah, you can wear a hat. good luck keeping a woman with a strap on lmao @Rush I think its only us asians that get washed by our mothers lmao PepeHands WeirdChamp KEKW feelbadman " ahh yess, like father like son" Yea, she asks to see it sometimes wtf my daddy washes my PP Is 1 cm small pp? KEKW monkaS RUSH ABUSED LULW OMEGALUL KEKW buy a 1600 english wig - not bold, easy LUL LULW KKona HELL YEAH KEKW My mom wash my pp until i was 34 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona OMEGALUL fake newsss XD Oh hey step mom Kreygasm I was just about to take a shower too KKona might as well save on the water bill KKona nice KKona LOLOL KKona true news KEKW AMERICANS I'm 26 and my mom still wash my PP KKona KEKW KEKW thats NORMAL in MURICA BigBrother benfruitBanana what you mean even if your american?? @Rush i have long johns on right now mr rush fake news Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW KKona YEEHAW @Rush @Rush so are you saying your pp hasnt grown since age 10? you stop bathing with your parents when you hit like 5 in na my mom hasnt seen my adult pp so @Rush Yes, your mom washed my PP KEKW Kreygasm Rush racist @rush wanna see my bald PP?!?! my mom still washes my pp widepeepoHapp teh team support is supposed to wash the pp @green_year OMEGALUL Rush's mom wash our pp's my mom wash my PP until she was 80 and deads what are you doing step bro ? 😡 Kapp Even if you are bald and have small PP it¨'s not GG, don't FF - Rush 2019 @Rush IceHard Kapp Kapp My sister washes my pp Kapp I too don't know what that means XD Rush PP game strong Is it True that koreans have small PP @Rush KKona !rank Kap !opgg Kapp it would be 40 if american.. Kappa @angeriii KKona Clap My giraffe washes my pp even if LUL NM mommy wash my pp widepeepoHappy IceBox kPop Krappa He knows Americans do wild shit lol rengar jungle what is pp? LUL Pepega wash my pp Pp is pp KEKE nidalee pog? ppman :) lee sin . wash my pp widepeepoHappy pvmid=gg KEKW play yasuo Kapp peepoFat / wash my pp how are u checking the main roles of ur team? @Rush Did u watch Bleach? my turtle washed my pp ????????? OH NO KEKW not the rush zed KEKW PepeHands pvman zed KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh oh nonononono KEKW KEKW NO ZED YASUO TIME KEKW he cannot play mid KEKW PepeHands widepeepoSad rush is not racist INTING LULW ratirlLouder ratirlLouder ratirlLouder ratirlLouder Guys please your mom would never do that in NA. Only your sister What about roosh pp small big??? lets go boys, we eatin gucci he's gonna int play annie PedoBear Pepega POGGERS Kapp @sebbydaking101 you're really funny WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp karthus mid Pog @Rush Kapp INT ZED KEKW PLAY YASUO KEKW Kayn mid PogYou CAMILLE MID ♿ go Nidalee mid then SeemsGood Play Katarina Pog Kapp play katarina @Rush Kappa play evelynn Rush gonna feed again widepeepoSad Kapp LEEEE he won the nidalee game?? Play karthus fail clips Pog Midalee PogU CLIP IT LOLE ZED = BAD Z E D O R B E D CLIP IT LOLW KEKW ryze open @Rush plau Tristana or Lucian!!!!! PepegaPhone ROOSH MID camile zilean Pog camille camille camille lucian PogU RAMMUS PepegaPhone CAMILLE cam camille PogYou LUCIAN D: play teem,o camille camille aatrox orianna Kapp camiile camilee camille camille @rush lucian camille Lucian camille CAMILE camille LUCIAN CUH ! Nidalee Cammile YI caille lucian camille play ryze easy win camille Teemo ap lucian camillee LUSIANO camille camille lucian PogU ryze lucian Lucian camille PepeLaugh play nunu mid 😡 LOLW IceCold cammillle roosh feeding on camille Pog luciano kass luci LUCIAN EZ Teemo taliyah lucian lucian Camille rasmmus asd rammus Kapp PepeLaugh Cam Kapp @Rush Tristana !!! Kapp Lucian PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO yes :) Lucian Kappa Kapp :) Kapp NO KEKW lucian Camel toe Kapp Lucian Kapp pvmanHYPERS SUB TO RUSH FO FREE pvmanHYPERS gachiGASM taliyah mid Kapp HAHAHAHAHA PepeLaugh camille mid yes Kapp Kapp Kapp PogU go ignite KApp sure Kapp RUSH ON CAMILLE KEKW then why dont you use rush camille skin Kapp @Rush why do you lie so much Tyler1 might be able to beat your camille Kapp no cap big Kapp Sure Kapp Kapp Kapp @Rush how about nuguri yes Kapp ON JAH No Kapp Kappa Kapp Kappa RUSH ON CAMILLE GG KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa SoSnowy I googled RUSH CAMILLE WutFace @Rush did blitz stop paying you? Kapp Kapp i only watch to spam KEKW isnt kapp? LUL Kappa why do you lie so much Rush is honest king boy Rush why are you so delusional true Kapp pvmanHYPERS SUB TO RUSH FO FREE pvmanHYPERS Kapp 1p? Kapp Kapp Kapp :tf: SoSnowy I'm here for Pepega Monster Remember rush on camille 2 months ago KEKW Rush conditioned by north korean propaganda @Rush the only thing thats no Kapp is your skill level cap Kapp @Rush new conq on cam broken heal on her true dmg is busted widePeepo watch ur stream :) kind* :) IceCold uh oh your team has lucian top :z I learned camille for @rush :) blitz make his game hang rush aint capping cmonbru probably the only lie rush has't told Pog I watch the stream to spam KEKW living the dream FeelsGoodMan :D IceCold !subcount Current sub count: 900 What happened to YouTube uploads? camille xD your camille skin has the same haircut as you @Rush HahaThisisfine @Rush most sarcasm person on Twitch I learned camille from Rush :) are u a ass or boobs guy? @rush im thibking if studying abroad in korea and playing lwague while there im only diamond in NA you think korea will help me ikprove though? @Rush did blitz stop paying you? Mid camille PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR KEKW Program Camille pls v akali or ryse? @sebbydaking101 ass or tits rush can me and my fiancée adopt you? Program skin rush you the best I watch cuz ur pp game strong lucian top KEKW I watch the stream to aid my study into the ape brain :) 4FUN TEAM the only kapp rush has is a handiKapp :) Rush do u want the smoke? NO AP POG elise not ap? @loco4yourlove tits vs ass and blitz KEKW elise? Not my LP KEKW D: KEKW no ap POG youre gonna feed anyway and lose KEKW NOT MY LP KEKW @Rush dodge KEKW PepeLaugh Not my LP KEKW Quit+ @rush use program camille pls like your zed KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW LOL OMEGALUL / 13 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW quit and join pvman LUL dodge EZ YIKES KEKW KEKW KEKW omg KEKW oh lee fuck KEKW KEKW dodge lucian is easy, @rush :) dodge D: KEKW OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh don't worry rush will carry widepeepoHappy IT IS GIRL RUN RUSH RUN @Rush your zed is still worse KEKW HE'S COSPLAYING RUSH KEKW DODGE T D: X I C KEKW JANNA PLAYER support main is amazing lucian player dodge Rush can you tell me about yourself? what do you study? !duo Solo 0.84 KEKW KEKW I googled RUSH CAMILLE WutFace I googled RUSH CAMILLE WutFace I googled RUSH CAMILLE WutFace not my main KEKW WHAT KEKW PepeLaugh 2 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL LULW LOL KEKW KEKW 10.7? KEKW KEKW OH. NO NO NO PepeLaugh kekw dodge this bumb LOL LOL LMAO KEKW LULW GG PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Clap GG PepeLaugh OH NONONONO KEKW that is actually troll as fuck PepeLaugh Spp main LUL CONQUEROR LUCIAN KEKW imagine not dodging KEKW like me :) 1 OMEGALUL why didnt u dodge lol stop exposing random people like that KEKW LUL PepeLaugh Must be rush KEKW KEKW KEKW conq lucian lol... LESS DEATHS THAN PVMAN KEKW why didnt you dodge OMEGALUL tell him in chat I also main Int :) GGman is back KEKW wow apdlvm = gg KEKW don't worry guys rush will carry widepeepoHappy ALL IN go big pp plays CARRY corrupting pot but Rush also gets 10 deaths every game KEKW GG man = Pv KEKW carry BETA KEKW beta WeirdChamp BETA BETA KEKW beta KEKW G MpvN = GA WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW your kindred has 1,31 kda tho KEKW CHONK BETA KEKW BETA BOI WeirdChamp Pvman = beta KEKW betaman sam da soo LOL HES DYING lucian inting cyberbullies cannot be betas KEKW any alpha's in chat ? GG KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW wat does Pvman mean ? @Rush KEKW LUCIAN FLASH WINTRADING PepeLaugh Omae wa mou rip pots KEKW GG MALDING LULW KEKW KEKW @ShadyMalz read it backwords bud LUCIAN ALREADY STARTED KEKW W OMEGALUL W NO MALDING PLEASE Grand master KEKW support players are boosted KEKW MaldChamp why cant u just play normal mid laners rush candence KEKW PV Maaaaannnn dis song is so chill KEKW emotional streamer LOLOLOL KEKW KEKW @Hellbabesjd2 why play normal mid u dont know how to play? KEKW LUL KEKW boxG you play very beta THE JUNGLE BURDEN PepeHands PV WOMANNNNNN contrl NO ABILITIES LULW anxiety KEKW Camille is a normal midlaner @ShadyMalz did u get it yet? :) LULW Whats that i above rize? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg HAHAAHHAHAHA ryze KEKW D: LULW KEKW KEKW IceCold OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PV BOYYYYYGG KEKW KEKW D: KKKKPEPEGA LOL KEKW fudermucker "' It started Fathermaker KEKW DO IT BigBrother Clap fother mucker D: FITHERMUCKER run it down D: MALDING KEKW BigBrother D: pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey AJJAJAJAJAJAJKAJJAAJk fudermu let yes BigBrother do it PV GIRLLLL MALD FOTHERMOCKER D: RUN IT DOWN BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother D: FUTHER MUKER FUTHER MUCKER... LOL MaldChamp CS Pog do it BigBrother Clap PEED '' FUDERMUCKER '' RUSH 2019 Fudermucker DO IT BigBrother BigBrother PUT IT DOWN D CANE BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother RUN IT DOWN BigBrother BigBrother DO IT BigBrother DO IT BigBrother Clap CANN OMEGALUL N shut up pepe man DO IT PV NaM -1 KEKW PogU PogChamp PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog LMFAOOOOOO FUDER MUCKER ryze is such an interactive champ :) waveclear easily at levle 3 Rush mid Pog CANNON OMEGALUL monkaS INSANE PogU POGGERS PogChamp LMFAO PogU FUDERMUCKER LUL Pog POG Pog PogU clutch LOLOLOLOLOLOL SUPPORT LUCIAN PogU PogU LOL the 0/10 powerspike ChomPag akali flash? herroherro he got it PogU 200iq KEKW GG man = pv = Fudermucker KEKW Lucian is INSANE Pog gachiW NA Top lane KEKW GETTING CARRIED POG Why is he hating on this lucian? Mid is open scrubnoobGG ChomPag Akali KEKW ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag PogU MALDING LUL ChomPag ChomPag MALD ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag LULW w00mera because he's dirty inter @w00mera cause he inted and needs to vent ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag MALD ???? coach roosh PogChamp ChomPog ChomPag ChomPag he sound so annoying :X ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag LUL !uptime ? @pazzp1, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 4 mins ChomPag yes ???????? ChomPag FLASH???? flash hit KEKW FLASH AUTO KEKW ChomPag KEKW KEKW yep WTFFF KEKW KEKW ChomPag whats that icon near ryze? KEKW LUL OMEGALUL LOOOL nice gank KEKW PVMAN = TROLL MAN Jebaited KEKW ward? KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ??? KEKW ELISE OMGEGALUL kaisa W gives vision KEKW OMEGALUL LUL KEKW KEKW sniping KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW DEAD KEKW LOL LMFAO cucked lol KEKW IM DEAD KEKW KEKW ALL YOU KEKW ChampPog OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW im ok KEKW ?????????????? LOOOOOL GGMAN KEKW KEKW not ok LUL L M F A O hahaahaha lol mega outplayed KEKW HAHAHAHAHA PEPEGA 15 KEKW KEKW KEKW TROLLING PV BOIIIIIIIIIII KEKW KEKW KEKW D: LUL PVMAN = GG MAN KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW that thresh is a pogstar OUTPLAYED KEKW LULW Kappa KEKW KEKW ????????????? IM OKAY HAHAHAHAHAH type it LULW XDDDDD RIGHT ON TOP OF IT LUL FF KEKW SNIPED INTNG KEKW D: LULW ChomPag UNSUBBED PVMAN = GG PEPEGA MONSTER KEKW PVMAN=GG KEKW "im okay" Kappa LUUUUUL Pepega Clap monsters stop throwing retad who is the dirty inter Ryze didn't have enough mana to fight Fizz you are the Pepega monster @rush PV BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII gg HAHAHAHHAHA KEKW GGMAN ? KEKW I'm ok FeelsBadMan DIRTY INTER KEKW PVMAN=GG fook you D: BEST CAMILLE YIKERS LUCIAN POGU RUN IT DOWN PepeHands thresh smurfing gg lucian > pvman elise inted widepeepoSad THRESH IS A GOD GG MAN OMEGALUL KEKW FF short game, make so many mistakes KEKW Pog Leave game fuck you team THATS A HARD FF KEKW lucian better than you lucian better than you v lucian better than you lucian better than you i didnt know you could fly straight up lol pvmanHands "Im okay !" Kappa Kappa PV BOIIII KEKW RUN IT DOWN PepeHands PepeHands yodaPadre KEKW KEKW KEKW "Im okay !" Kappa Kappa Kappa @Rush ALT + F4 to reroll team :) Kapp KEKW D: WINNABLE Kapp PV BOI dirty inter my what? @angeriii thats not the problem LULW OhMyDog WTF pvman = honest Pog Good job :) kind boi Kappa OhMyDog DAWG KEKW @Rush IWD is most honest jungler @arinsky KEKW who is pvman? Pvman = ALT +F4 KEKW honest dog OhMyDog he has 2 kills. he peaked now :( Pepega PepegaPhone CHAAAARGE PepegaPhone CHARGE BOIIIIII MALD lol KEKW WutFace MaldChamp monkaW monkaS EleGiggle Elise skillshot KEKW ELISE BOOSTED KEKW YEHH monkaS WutFace monkaW insanity :o BrokeBack WutFace PepeHands MALDING LULW is this elise your other account monkaW chat im scared emotional roosh is back WutFace MaldChamp SantaHat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad jajajaajajaq can you play nidali again pls EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW widepeepoSad MALDING IN REAL TIME LULW kaotykS pvman = gg MENTAL BOOM KEKW pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS Why is Camille encouraged to hit the farther part of her W instead of the inner part? She is a melee champion open KEKW KEKW KEKW ahahahahah team = gg !rank PepeHands KEKW ELISE KEKW thresh smurfing BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump WutFace jg gap korea full of pepega? widepeepoSad !discord D: pvmanHands Soon TM Cyberbully = pvman = gg KEKW BibleThump BibleThump Rush coming through ♿ CHAAARGE PepegaPhone Rush coming through ♿ CHAAARGE PepegaPhone Rush coming through ♿ CHAAARGE PepegaPhone Rush coming through ♿ CHAAARGE PepegaPhone autofilled challenger = bronze in main role Kappa PV MAN = HEHE XD monkaW BibleThump he got plates hes gonna carry u inting mid Clap :) Clap Toxic D: Clap Clap Clap FeelsBadMan EZ Clap Clap lol 20 Clap ezclap Clap Clap Clap Kappa // rooosh you are very emotional 5Head MALD Clap Kapp notsquishY SoSnowy Clap Pepega Clap I have 6 iron account and even me know the rule : dont fight akali in the fog Stop cyber bullying widepeepoSad Kappa CUZZ LP / 2 = pvman KEKW Calp GachiW Clap Pv man = Getting carried LUL Chat who is this rush guy ? CLAP ive never heard of him ISICLAP @kaido_the_goaat rush = pvman = gg KEKW hes the worst jungle NA rush is king Pepega KEKW MaN EZ Pog Pog Pog Pog 4Heed Pog Ez OBVIOUST PV MaN ChomPag Kapp Kapp PauseChamp ChomPag @rush will you play hecarim or olaf next game ? PogU PepegaPhone Pog KEKW ChomPag 󠀀 Rush is popular Korean streamer known for his Camille inting and high IQ twitch chat support main Pog Pog Rush = Pvman LUL LOL ok KEKW No :-) 4Heed LUL ChomPag huh XD :) Sometimes i confuse rush and doublelift no Rush is popular Korean streamer known for his Camille inting and high IQ twitch chat KEKW :) the battle of supp mains PogU sup mains in top lane KEKW 44 cs KEKW HarrisL1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LOL im dead. stop flaming top support main lucian is not equal gg widepeepoSad @green_year actual facts from wikepedia okay sOAZ HahaSweat SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer look at this emote KEKW ReinDeer EZ Lucian > pvman :Z LUL HahaSweat HahaThink @heyimamgosu monkaW HahaHide HahaHide HahaHide HahaHide HahaHide KEKW Kapp lucian is doing well vs akali tbh KEKW Ty for HahaBall, @harrisl1 Kappa gachiGASM SoSnowy not snow AYAYA i-i-i-i-i Pepega AYAYA SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer 5Hea Kapp Sure Kapp AYAYA Pog ReinDeer look at my 'stache 5Head Kappa Krappa OMEGAYAYA KEKW SoSnowy sure E TU KEKW Kappa Kapp 5Head Kapp Kappa HahaBall AYAYA :) IceCold Pepega ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy Kapp FeelsBadMan SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy ReinDeer rooblank @Kaataja_ nice stache PogYou Pog Pog PogU AYAYA SantaHat HolidaySanta Pog mista fortune 5Head Pog PogU ohhhh rush is gona run for office Pog nicee Pog SantaHat monkaW gachiW PogYou SoSnowy 5Head Kreygasm gachiW monkaW SantaHat rooBlank WutFace gachiGASM PogYou ROOOSH Olaf is not balanced almost 1v3 KEKW gachiW POGGERS SantaHat HahaSweat HahaThink HahaSweat HahaThink PogU Kreygasm gachiW gachiW POGGERS good job KEKW LUL gachiBASS Kreygasm rush POGGERS gachiW UHHH balanced kekw RUSH Poggers gachiW SantaHat 5Head CandyCane RUSH POGGERS POG Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ChomPag SantaHat Rush = Gag WutFace WutFace WutFace olaf 1v3 monkaHmm olaf life steal is very balanced :) SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy ReinDeer mobile users cant see this KEKW ultingn to wait the cd POGGERS PowerUpL WutFace PowerUpR Rush = Pvman = GG LUL HahaSweat Pepege SantaHat PVMAN = GG KEKW after that play it'w obvoius 100 t ruch KEKW Pepege IceCold SantaHat CandyCane SoSnowy LUL MALD outplayed by support main top KEKW Kapp CLAPPER MaldChamp Kapp ? thresh always mid WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp KEKW PepegaPhone MALD KEKW 3Head PV MAN = !!! shhhh Ryze ghosting BLITZ KEKW akali is ur life ok? yay or nay noice KEKW Hook u saw him use R to escape gank earlier missed tiamat KEKW more walls Kreygasm FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan Don't carry Lucian doesn't deserve it FeelsBadMan TopHat FeelsBadMan D: ????? D: D: lol D: WeirdChimp lol gachiW FeelsBadMan gachiW D: Kreygasm D: SantaHat :D stream with minimap = big balls gachiW Rush so toxic gachiW FeelsBadMan SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy monkaS Pvman = Feelsbadman LUL I cannot take Rush seriously with this accent tarzLULZ OHOHOHOO XD Pepega monkaW everything he says sounds like a meme PepegaPhone COMIN THRU Lucian killed olaf Pog !song ifucking HATE the tint the dragons put on the map Pog Pog @AsTruNut mooBruh PogYou Pog Pog I can't take Rush seriously with this gameplay Kappa PogU EEZ Clap Pog monkaW Pog pvmanFGM p v m a n Pog POOGERS can Ryze R out of camille R? Probably not right? He would have to time it so it goes right when camille R ends? camel toe He cant ? lmao ?? KEKW easy smite ? Pog forced smite at the cost of 80% hp ?????? pog Pepege Good smite waste 5Head Pogu ChomPag got his smite OH LAUGH Pepega play HE BAITED SMITE BRONZE CHAT FailFish PogU Rush is hillarious EX SMITE POGGGG he got the smite Pog losing smite on olaf pretty big deal honestly PogChamp Not scared of rice lul didnt buy LULW Tri force? Akali bullies Camille dang I haven't been on in a while @heyimamgosu such an intelligent human @Rush What is your opinion on Kalista? rush face like 50years old but his brain like 20yaers old that e hitbox THAT CAMILLE E HITBOX KEKW or not No stinger lmao KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW only a silver would be insulted by being called a bronzie LUL KEKW CLAP NA FLASH LUL KEKW No one saw that LUL miss The as@ KEKW lmao i love your commentary lmfao poor ryze EZ Clap Pog KEKW lol axxaaxaxax MaldChamp OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KR FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: nice flash KEKW NICE FLASH LULW KEKW KEKW kneek gur ???? KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW :D 😡 D: nice int KEKW MALD LUL D: YOU LOSE KEKW NA FLASH KEKW D: D: D: D: KEKW D: D: D: NA flash OMEGALUL LUL KEKW pvman = gg D: LUL D: D: rush monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFAO KEKW KEKW ?????? KEKW HAHAHAHHA HAHAHAA\ MaldChamp Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW LUCIAN KEKW KEKW MaldChamp OMEGALUL KEKW D: KR KEKW D: MALD KEKW ?? REPORTED AND DEPORTED monkaW xd monkaS SoSnowy why u need heal KEKW MaldChamp Clap PepegaPhone EMOTIONAL MALD Clap malding KEKW monkaS corpse flash KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUCIAN 5Head SantaHat what was that LUL LUL PV MAN FLASH is this camille a support main? painChamp rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 KEKW LUCIAN BRONZE OMEGALUL widepeepoSad PVMAN = LOSE KEKW Soloq Pepega widepeepoSad MALD AF pvman =ggman KEKW MALDING OMEGALUL KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW MaldChamp rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 MY EARS BRO UnSane WutFace D: LUL D: NotLikeThis WutFace WutFace D: D: D: D: rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 D: D: Luc still needs to die 6 more times remember !elo Komrade MALDING PepeLaugh father mucker? father mucker WOAH D: so toxic !discord w hat is the Kekw? Soon TM stop being a bitch Look at plays, look at the moves, Rush ! What was that ?! fuder mucker just a game 4Head such a father mocker man KKomrade PVMAN = GGMAN pvman autofill = gg KEKW emotional streamer LUL !rank ush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 it worked gyus Pog back to challenger games quinRage PV MAN FATHER FOOKER KEKW holy fuck camille is so fast Pepega Pepega rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 4FUN KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega LUL KEKW LULW KEKW Pepega trash weirdo KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW so troll KEKW Pepega Kappa KEKW Kappa KEKW rooosh they know camille zooms around with like 500 MS pvmanFGM SUB TO RUSH TWITCH PRIME pvmanFGM Pepega Clap TROLLING KEKW KEKW kaisa op NICE CHAMP KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg KEKW D: FM KEKW KEKW pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM KEKW KEKW KEKW RUNNING IT DOWN monkaW KEKW Pepega D: :D KEKW outplayed MID GAP KEKW FeelsGoodMan y isnt rush feeding D: monkaW Pepega pvmanHands pvmanFGM RUNNING DOWN father muckers Pog KEKW WHAT Pepega KEKW AKALI KEKW LULW KEKW PogU KEKW Pog KEKW Pog LUL JANNA MAIN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kappa E TU KEKW oof so funny xdddd Kappa KEKW akali OTP KEKW E TU KEKW :) KEKW Kappa YUMMI MAIN CoolCat KEKW D: D: KEKW D: D: D: D: then Kekw is outplayed? i am from br rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 D: KKona D: widepeepoSad true <3 akali more kills and gold than u KEKW win trade Kappa D: D: D: D: D: D: YOU ARE LUL true Pepega / fight \ Pepega D: lolol ye I wouldn't do that :) FeelsBadMan D: D: KEKW DansGame rush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 ME GOOD widepeepoSad :D Don't lie to us PepeHands HahaDoge liar ush no angery please man is just video game man dont cry please i love u man i am ur biggest supporter please win worlds 2020 :( PepegaPhone widepeepoSad Rush in such a funny mood today yeah i only play teemo top rush made me feel good for a minute there FeelsSnowMan KEKW Pog KEKW Charge KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW alkUpset KEKW OOF KEKW KEKW BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior LOST TO SUP MAIN KEKW cya nerd KEKW KEKW KEKW cya nerd RIP VOYBOY GunRun are you okay :( pvmanMonkey LULW monkey sounds KEKW killed by sup main OMEGALUL DIED TO AKALI KEKW MF Pog Kappa ?? OMEGALUL dies to the akali alkUpset alkGralli pvmanMonkey WeirdChimp Clap TQ @Rush you scream like a girl boxLewd ? joke Fusuw subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! ? ? HahaShrugRight reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ? ? pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey ? ? AYAYA Monkey man noises ? ??? wat 🐒 LUL nice_guy_taurus subscribed with Twitch Prime. widepeepoHappy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! fadda 🦍 tyler1Q gachiW SoSnowy DADDY CS KEKW ? ? ManChicken ❓ ?? ?? ? squadHUH ? ??? ????!! ? ? ???? ? ? ??? ? !subs me ? xfsnPing ❓ ? ? ? ? question mark ? ? ❓ ?????? ? ??????? bamboHands ??? ? twitch chat is challenger +850 LP :) tarzWut KEKW ? ? ??????? ????????? ?????????? QUESTION MARK ? PepeLaugh ? ❓ ??????????????? ¿¿¿¿ ? monkaS ??? ???? ? pepeLaugh ?/ Question mark L_ ? ?? ?????? :tf: Clap Where is Pvman? ????? ??? ???? PepeLaugh why are you gae pvmanFGM PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh ??? monkaW ¿¿¿¿ , 2640 FeelsSnowyMan ?? ?? ????? PepeLaugh TeaTime ? PrimeUWot PrimeUWot PepeLaugh ???? FeelsSnowMan ? love the music mate PepeLaugh ? PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW monkaHmm ? PepeLaugh 👉 ❓ PepeLaugh ? 🦍👀🖕 PepeLaugh elundis core question mark :) PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ??????????/ ?? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Clap HAHAHA he doesnt know F streams down HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh d d d d dragon PepeLaugh ???????????? ? PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW Pepelaugh PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh DuckerZ SoSnowy should of flew south RedTeam FeelsAmazingMan 🔫 HE DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh ❓ chat's not even gold+ LUL Lol he doesn’t know PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh DONT TELL HIM @RyeMik flown* !dpi PepeLaugh HE DOESNT KNOW doesnt knowwhat @RyeMik have* PepeLaugh he is currently unaware @Xakoo WeirdChamp Guptanator subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! I enjoy wasting my hard earned money on pvman = gg dddddd @RyeMik you just butchered the language LULW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! dd dd d dragon xqcL PepeLaugh Chat PepegaPhone dddd dragon ? OpieOP OpieOP E @Xakoo TRUE KEKW 9 KEKW chc cha chia KEKW 6 mr KEKW Changed terrain KEKW 5Head monkaHmm PVMAN = GG KEKW 5Head 5Head 5Head ??? monkaHmm PepoThink yes 5Head KEKW KEKW 5Head Clap KEKW KEKW D: kekw D: PogYou D: D: D: AFK LUL D: WTF ???? D: :( 5Head FROM OH SHIT KEKW D: 🖕 ... D: PogYou D: D: D: B) dont talk to me B) monkaS monkaS monkaHmm not 8% but 60% D: D: STREAM SNIPING KEKW PogYou monkaHmm KEKW D: WOAH D: F I D: D: D: D: O_o Jebaited ??? pvman =/= gg my bad widepeepoSad D: PeepoFinger D: .. fUCK U 😡 D BLADE PepeHands , F lets stop talking to him sterak D: sterak + ga chat shhhhhhhhhhhh steraks? PepeHands So-so-so-sorry mr. rush Kapp Mid gap KEKW shh chat dont type @Xakoo thank you so much professor SeemsGood yeah get sterak when you have maw widepeepoSad music widepeepoSad @iambundung he got maw they don't stacks KEKW ?? ? KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW Pepega ???????????? MID GAP KEKW Pvman = ggman ???? KEKW sterak with maw Pepega NICE INT KEKW FailFish OoO ?????????? KEKW ff olaf is not balanced 2v5 KEKW EZ Clap MaN MaN MaN NOT WORTH??? emotional play KEKW KEKEW trying hard to lose KEKW fiesta Inters WeirdChamp Throw KEKW KEKW PepegaPhone ENGAGING MaN hell yeah INTING KEKW no MaN easy ????????????? JUST BARON KEKW MaN Pog THROW FREE BARON PepeLaugh no INTING KEKW not N OMEGALUL emotional play KEKW N OMEGALUL noooooo whole team int KEKW monkaHmm MaN maybe i like the contrast betwwen the music and commentary noo emotional player remember that one game BDD got PD, maw, and sterak on Yasuo and he DIDNT EVEN KNOW PepeLaugh why is lucian always bot lane? KEKW HELL YEAH you can go baron sounds worht 3for2 ahhha Engaged but at what cost depends on worth Kapp u should do.baron Kapp maybe EVEN TRADES ARE BAD WHEN UR AHEAD KEKW im on mobile is MaN enabled yet ? yeah great decision Kapp worth Kappa wrong :) y Kap Kapp 5Head Of course Thanks for the HahaSleep @guptanator D: no :) D: I'm not smart enough KEKW D; no :) epic engaging btw no STUPED ONO :D thats why you not on the team LULW No :) no :) NaM I can’t stop :) why do we live only to suffer Uve changed :( Rush overdeath as usual :) :) im not :) rice ? hachuDisgust Where is Rice= D: D: D: D: Rice? D: Hard mas D: D: D: D: winnable rush stom int xd Fuck you VaN mad cow disease mad 🐮 :D KEKW * KEKW EZ Clap KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW Easy Kappa che lidele relax qtpie KEKW KEKW ACTUALLY D: EZ Clap MALD IceCold KEKW MID GAP qtp KEKW STUBBORNS actually KEKW QT STREAM PogChamp QT STREAM PogChamp KEKW KEKW THREW KEKW FEEDBOT RUSH gachiW CiGrip wait what that actually killed me? CiGrip fdsthfdxsfhdxfhdx weirdorigin Pepega CHARGE Kreygasm wow that actually killed me ResidentSleeper wait that actually killed me WeirdChamp hard int HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint Kreygasm ? MF KEKW 1 hp zhonyas Pog gachiGASM Clap HUHUHU gachiW 🎐 POGGERS SoSnowy ego Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PepegaPhone ICANTP KEKW Kappa B) KEKW gachiW 🎐 💦 POGGERS SoSnowy i can PP I KAN TP 🦍🖕 KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LUCIANO KEKW LUCIAN KEKW KEKW 👀🤣🦍🖕 Pepega unecessary WeirdChamp ? gachiW 🎐 POGGERS NOT SNOW dellusion smite king Kappa NICE SMITE KEKW gachiW SoSnowy 🎐 POGGERS Rush winning no fun :( KEKW That’s all lucian KEKW TRUE KEKW KappaPride KEKW KEKW D: !uptime lololo C A N OMEGALUL N @0352664343, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 27 mins dragon TRUE KEKW SUPPORT PLAYERS KEKW KEKW KEKW D: False D: Kreygasm bro half way to 10 death avg tell that to corejj @Rush Pyke though @nunuANDwillumpp tyler1Hey jg low skill dummy role KEKW AYAYA ;p OMAE WA gachiW PogChamp PogChamp balanced KEKW SoSnowy NOT SNOW gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW gachiGASM @ForestFairyBilly tyler1AYY tyler1Hey I can toilet paper wagamamma is doing a 24 hours Dota 2 stream today. When will you do a 24 hour League stream @Rush ? gachiW 🎐 POGGERS SoSnowy G j :) supports are definitely braindead inting ryze SoSnowy gachiGASM NOT SNOW SUPPORT MAINS KEKW Pepega SoSnowy what is the IG icons on enemy champions ? IceCold gachiGASM not snow BIG BRAIN Split Rush passive icon SUPPORT PLAYERS KEKW ME me :) me :) Yes Kapp Yes me 😡 gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW me me :) MALD :) me :) :) MALD SoSnowy me :) SoSnowy MALD yes :) MALD 😡 fuck me :) yes me :) MALD me 😡 😡 yes Me :) LUL imagine being a support main LUL pvmanA me :) im a support main and i carry @Rush :Z Me LUL not mad but tru Kappa me 😡 @Synric when was last time u had escort? Kappa MALD D: ME :) D: no MALD D: D: me MrDestructoid Me 😡 D: xdddddd D: MALD D: you flame corejj D: PepeLaugh supports D: D: SoSnowy KEKW o :) BAN THEM KEKW D: SoSnovy D: D; fevi PepeHands true KEKW D: D: ok bye :) D: 💨 Clap D: D: D: at least i have a job KEKW N OMEGALUL reported D: Im support main but my top winrate is higher :) rooD Freak you D: D: D: IceCold no mad its the usual thing :) KEKW hahahhahahqhqha ok bye :) BAN US DADDY widepeepoSad SoSnovyD: !duo Solo D: IceCold Bye :) oh bai stinky D: 💢 Pepega SoSnowy D: SoSnowy D: SantaHat IceCold D: @Synric fucker LUL rude IceCold PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp widepeepoSad SantaHat Support is the most skillful role you need at least 200 IQ to play :) D: IceCold D: Unfollowed LUL D: IceCold D: D: you get carried by gorilla tho, rush unsubbed :) unfollowed :) adblock :) D: rush a poopoo head widepeepoHappy D: IceCold :D D: SO TOXIC WTF D: . #fuckyoulucian D: IceCold D: #FuckYouLucian D: #fuckyoulucian FAMILY STREAM D: #fuckyoulucian IceColdD: gachiW IT TAKES SKILL TO PLAY JANNA KEKW racist #fuck u lucian shipSIP SantaHat #fuckyoulucian gachiW #fuckyoulucian #ggman why Lucian wtf BasedGod cmon Bruh ? Kind boy #racism @Synric local girls ye but not others D: IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat cmon Brah ??? jungle mains all had to leave KEKW IceCold D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gachiW AHH KEKW ? KEKW IceCold LUL wat wtf ????? KEKW rush is toxic KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FUCKING KEK OMEGAYAYA KEKW LUL EZ KEKW LUL LUL LUL EZ Clap o JE JE KEKW KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat jj KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW CLEAN KEKW EZ AND RUSH DOES IT AGAIN F U LUCIAN now we know ROOSH Roosh = WIN PogU jay jay EZ Clap o EZ Clap\ JJ carried by lucian AYAYA jj carried KEKW ROOSH ROOOSH PepegaPhone Ryze pepega pvmanFGM LUL Mid gap EZ Clap PPMAN=GGMAN EZ Clap cmon Bruh ROOSH how come no team wants u pvman = gg EZ Clap gg ROOSH #fucklucian PVMAN = EZ Clap EZ SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy pvman is back PogU do you think warwick is a good jungle pick? geygey LUL Lucian Carried this game autofilled support won hopefully with 10 mns more he would sololose Rush winning no fun inting so fun 🙃 TRUE KEKW DRX Rush PogU when DUO with deft again? !playlist SoSnowy hacked gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW i love that login artwork PogU skt rush LUL WE KNOW HIS PASS Pog widepeepoHappy Rush is the best ♥ EZ-SoSnowy pvman ? clean game LUL @Synric nah the local escort is fine once you get to know them but not others i mean foreign EZ SoSnowy monkaS pvman = gg if grand masters are so bad what you call chat ? LUL widepeepoHappy SantaHat IceCold EZ SoSnowy KEKW PVMAN = DODGE KEKW pvmanFGM SUB TO RUSH TWITCH PRIME pvmanFGM play Aram with Mata PogYou pvman = gg Password is jungleking123 you think just because you are challenger you can look down on us gold? Look yourself in the mirror. My arm is bigger than you head @Rush Pog GorillA PogU PVMAN= KEKW Duo ucal :) gorilla :( Leaked KEKW chat stop spamming gif emotes my laptop so hot pvman = gg widepeepoHappy you think just because you are challenger you can look down on us gold? Look yourself in the mirror. My arm is bigger than your head @Rush pvman still no team KEKW GachiPls IceCold SKT T1 MATA Pog You gonna win Rush! nb3Hype D: ppman = gau KEKW D: peepoSad @Synric where do you live? play graves @Trannce you mean the ANELE and MingLee s 100T RUSH @aamaterasu123 cringe 1-11 KEKW @rush do you have friends to play clash with D:IceCube from pro player to streamer. you are the definition of failure widepeepoHappy SantaHat IceCold 1/11 LUL YIKES THAT WINRATE ANY DEGENERATES IN CHAT? Pepega 7 1-11 LULW @rush , why is your password smiteking123? 1/11 Mata as skt coach LUL @AlfredJPennysworth why cringe? 25 min 83 farm 1/11 KEKW KEKW SoCold 11/9 ANELE D: IceCube SoSnowy SantaHAt D:IceCold SoCold :D @Synric no man they are like from romania french etc What happend on that game? KEKW KEKW IceCold D: IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat at least you have friends FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy PLAY LEESIN POGGERS SantaHat IceCold @AlfredJPennysworth cos ur a little scrawny kid!!! @thegenericrandom watching someone play video games LULW @Trannce DansGame KEKW Clap :) SoSnowy EZ SantaHat imagine having <70% winrate KEKW cuz what you said is literally cringy :) IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat PVMAN = -3 KEKW 69 cs LUL 4 jungles now Keepo SantaHat IceCold :O SantaHat @Synric where r u from so i can see if there is good grills Kappa hi @AlfredJPennysworth i have big biceps and that is what maters Rascal KEKW LUL Clap SantaHat Kapp SantaHat Rascal KEKW SUPPORT MAIN KEKW KEKW KEKW @thegenericrandom don't do like this, it's rude stop bullying!!! rascal LULW GGman incoming D: senna is shit widepeepoSad SoSnowy PepeHands Ban Shen ezban shen na PepeHands @aamaterasu123 how many inches whats with all the support hate PepeHands they're just there to help you D: SENNA OP senna is so good in the right hands GOOD BAN Corejj feelsbadman widepeepoSad SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy Ez Play ivern :) oh no D: pvman=-3 or -20 KEKW PEPEGA CHARGE!!!!! L L L L !playlist L @Rush hows living in south korea? @THOT_OF_WAR its in meter you scrawny fk L IceCold rush you are washed up that's why nobody wants to hire you L !KEKW Bilibili gaming KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy Play rammus!!! LEE SIN POGGERS What does L means ? what about north korea Pog ? Pvmann = gg Pog PepeHands NA JOB Pog PogU Pog @Rush ever been to north korea sir? ????? Pog PogU north korea>south korea, no? W OMEGALUL RK L means 'No' TSM RUSH PogU KKona Clap LCS? Pog PLAY LEE SIN L=ㄴ=no WORK POG Widepeeposad Pog Kapp Sure Kapp rush tsm picking you up? LCS? Pog J OMEGALUL B LULW kEKW PepeHands SantaHat working in NA TRUE LULW Kapp W OMEGALUL RK 10th place Academy team PogYou KKona DAMN RIGHT TSM KEKW Pog Camille jg pls RUSH DEMOTED TO NA Pog PepeHands Kappa its NA SO TRUE LULW KEKW LUL Kappa you want to go to america? gachiW North Korea > South Korea PogU TSM CLEANER PagChomp Pog CLEANER KEKW LULW TSM RUSH Pog KEKW gachiGASM TSM RUSH Pog nice TSM CLEANER gachiGASM LUL gachiW LUL @aamaterasu123 fuark joocy TSM cleaner KEKW gachiW !duo Solo gachiW SNEAKYS MAID gachiGASM Kapp TSM RUSH KEKW PLAY LEE SIN PEPEGA KEKW LUL Tsm cleaner KappaPride gachiBASS ahhaha regards from Portugal :D CG Rush New TSM ward Rush TOO BAD FOR LCK FeelsBadMan TSM JANITOR PogChamp lie Kappa LUL PepeHands tobiasPOOP tobiasOK 'Probably' pvmanHands Can't make it in Korea KEKW SNEAKYS MAID KEKW TSM waterboy Rush sneaky duo cosplay @Rush You have us sneakyW Lol why does k,orea not want you PepeHands TSM JANITOR KEKW Rush cosplay as maid with sneaky :o @Rush be sneakys maid thats so sad TOO BAD FOR LCK FeelsBadMan IceCold how about China? gachiBASS KEKW :( gachiGASM gachiW XDD no gachiW WHY NOT Que dodgeing that Korean army draft KEKW @Rush KEKW LUL reject from KR lulz no money D: IceCold why not FREESM KEKW Feelsbadman D: KEKW GOOD LUCK KEKW why not D: KEKW gachiGASM mate? sneakyPride sneakyPride can't find a job in KR mean you are not good at this game anymore Kappa Play amumu LUL gachiW TOO BAD FOR LCK FeelsBadMan SoSnowy Couch Rush KEKW lmao KappaPride Outcast in korea PepeHands gachiW TopHat IceCold shhhhhh dont say anything gachiGASM sneakys gatekeeper position is already taken LCS KEKW !subs radaAngery CAN'T TOUCH WTF DansGame pvmanPride You hate him? what about you touching him? kekw KappaPride sexual harassment is most of the fun gachiGASM TopHat Amumu? @Rush If you stream longer you can make a lot of money, no? !subcount Current sub count: 902 Pepega syndra jun Too bad for Korea KEKW KEKW IceCold ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness_HF imagine voters ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness_HF thinking they matter ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness_HF when we own the politicians ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness_HF wukong KEKW FeelsBadMan Rush is washed up ;_; DansGame SantaHat LET SNACKY TOUCH YOU why no opportunity in Korea? 4 fun KEKW KEKW 4fun AYAYA ReinDeer IceCold he can look at u? sneakyPride sneakyPride not even with the shitty teams korea has he cant get a job KEKW iron sneaky's cosplay costumes swxvHero swxvHero swxvHero swxvHero IceCold KEKW Rush = 4fun = GG = pvman Any PepePls ? why it dont work ConcernDoge any millionaires in chat? EZ icecold me EZ PepoThink is it because more money in NA? me :) YouDied Kappa 123 Kappa 321 Pepega Kappa 666 @solidtwo me bilels93 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! WeirdChimp @rush why no opportunity in Korea? no only billionaires :) SoSnowy Hey Rush wanna join my clash team? JAG Rush PogYou RASCAL Pog this was not my proudest fap but i will take it MingLee ROOSH do u coach ? you should be new SKT coach WHY IS OLAF BLACK??? pvman = gg :/ I miss the old 46% winrate Rush FeelsBadMan senk ju @Rush Is BLG shit? alfieThink @thegenericrandom may I ask what was? @Rush do you coach ? @Rush What do I say when my team calls me trash? i am fan of pvman ok @Rush @Rush how is the best and most handsome jungler today? ineedthisforgiveaways /mute all new Rush only wins FeelsBadMan is the rigght answer Its a good idea to have a contact with ex girlfriend? @Rush wasnt pvman the name of Vman7 like in season 1? @Rush when is pvman=gg merch dropping? KEKW pvman is back finally LUL Really wish Rush to get a job Kappa IceCold @zagubionyintrowertyk if u have to ask then the answer is no 5Head @zagubionyintrowertyk always a bad idea I miss 49% nagative wr rush BibleThump BibleThump monkaW monkaW id buy that @imshredded7 not a bad marketing idea monkaW me? monkaW old rush PepeHands ReinDeer perbert @cat_valium tbh MonkaW monkaOMEGA @cat_valium ikr id buy that shit instantly Pepega I STOPID rush my pp doesn't fit in my pants. how to fix? l0l KEKW l0l @cat_valium PEPEGA MONSTER ANOTHER GOOD 1 LUL LUL LUL ggman = unemployed KEKW rush on camille KEKW SMOrc OMEGALUL Pepega D: @zagubionyintrowertyk it is, if things are not going well on her end she may come after some pity fk D: IceCold rush camille KEKW Pepega U ARE just getting low hp for more attack speed EZ LUL camille KEKW they arent wrong KEKW Pepega LULW PepegaCharge KEKW Kapp WTF Camille E KEKW FeelsBadMan ReinDeer nice mana KEKW ReinDeer SoSnowy PepeLaugh PepeLaugh SMITE KING I love you dude PepeLaugh PLS PLAY LEE SIN FOR ME NEXT GAME PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HE DOSENT KNOW PepeLaugh SantaHat WTF ARE U DOING ez clap ? Pog Pog Pog LULW ???? Pog KKona Kapp ????????? LULW lvl 1 btw pog ez clap KEKW TSM BOT Pog wow ur greedy KEKW KEKW KEKW KR FIESTA Should i cook or order food ? monkaHmm Help me out chat gg is back KEKW EKKO: GOT TO GET BLUE BUFF Pepega order @rcsgodlike cook you lazy fuck waffleAngry FeelsBadMan @rcsgodlike are u fat rush sacrifice jg for team widepeepoHappy FeelsBadMan coin flip player PepeLaugh if you are unemployed like rush just cook, you need the money @Notagingerman1 @Hydrophob D: EZ ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @rcsgodlike why cook when u dont have to right? KEKW @rcsgodlike depends on what time it is in your place @rcsgodlike dificult question. Do you have money ? do you have time ? Can you cook ? @cholehehehe TRUE KEKW PepeLaugh pvman = gg @rcsgodlike i asked u a question tard, just answer it love you rush <3 D: KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat Im not fat PepeHands insane Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog <3 Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU KEKW HahaGingercat ???? KEKW D: D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: OMEGALUL KEKW ?? D: KEKW KEKW D: LUL D: SoSnowy KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW this gold? always killing yourself KNEW HE WAS COMING KEKW from 5Head to Pepega He didn’t have mana jensen poggers D: IceCold died for no reason KEKW hes a memer sneakyJensen @Jensen KEKW she is Leblanc she can't really push that as usual Pepega Just push 4head @jensen POG PepeLaugh SoSnowy KEKW jensen HIIII @Jensen @Jensen So bm KEKW SoSnowy missed cannon 4Head @Jensen LUL i love u 4fun KEKW JENSEN KEKW Jensen <3 @jensen Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SIMPLE Pog ? terrible jayce KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HE GOT OUT KEKW HEY SEMART BOY Hi jensen :) KEKW F LULW KEKW KEKW\ KEKW KEKW he cant get out !!!!!!! KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL SantaHat HE CANT GET OUT KEKW KEKW KEKW GGG you can't get oy KEKQ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = gg widepeepoSad Better jungler wins LUL pvman is back KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Mr. KEKW KEKW ive never seen olaf look weak before HE GOT OUT KEKW sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen inting KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman=gg is back KEKW uh oh KEKW @Jensen jg troll @Jensen PogU GGMAN KEKW !jensen KEKW SantaHat pvman = gg KEKW jg gap pvman = gg? D: YENSEN KEKW broxahLUL gg ff 15 pvman = gg KEKW top side is gg now SAVED ABILITIES KEKW pvman = gg widepeepoSad He played so well ggman KEKW SoSnowy !uptime @mirmidonac, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 43 mins kaiaRip kaiaRip kaiaRip pvman is back pvmanHands 5Head Spend 30sec to stop 5sec back monkaW KEKW POP QUIZ! pv + man = ?? KEKW @Ne3s1 I know it Pog GG gg! jungle diff gg insecure no smite KEKW widepeepoSad gg pv + man = GG KEKW jg... nice leash 🐒 👡 pvman is back... to inting KEKW that ekko skin is dogshit btw LuL SEEEMMMAAARTT RUSH Chat so smart :) LuL - LUL JG GAP KEKW LVL 4 KEKW brain gap KEKW KEKW KEKW why didnt you cut em off o.0 true KEKW mid gap 3Head mid gap kek Just kill the nexus 4Head is this a 4fun game gachiGASM is it always q over e max with olaf jungle? poo tier jayce nice NA boomer mechanics rush @haraldthehammer yeah i often q 2x before 1 e for quicker lv4 farm level 5 KEKW KEKW ? dead chat WeirdChamp R) @haraldthehammer it's always q>w>e doesn't matter in which lane you play him WeirdChamp SantaHat SoSnowy cozy chat KEKW SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc KEKW KEKW SMOrc SMOrc KEKW KEKW KEKW SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc not farming WeirdChamp gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW SMOrc SantaHat all star rush? peepoSad peepoSad SantaHat CHAT ResidentSleeper E? NA at worlds FailFish game is saved! KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW @jostra aren't there some top matchups where u max e? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EZ Clap soloed by sup KEKW WidePeepoSad Kapp Kapp KEKW IceCold Karma flashed Kapp Kapp CHAT IS SO BORING ResidentSleeper Why isnt Rush in Vegas? He is a popular LoL influencer. Almost Kappa Kapp peepoFat EU 0-6 LUL KEKW SoSnowy Kapp IcoCold ^ lol NA LUL olaf too fat Pepega @DecdLilyKronos you are boring waffleAngry IceCold popular pepega monster KEKW good song How do pyke die 2v1? Im cold peepoSad IceCold SoSnowy !uptime @MrGeeTV, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 49 mins NA irrelevant at worlds since season 1 MingLee KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat ReinDeer @Ne3s1 Not as much as the other ones FeelsBadMan 🚬 HYPERS IceCold @hydrophob KEKW IceCold rlewisThorinThumb Kidnap D: hi my name is rush. i only charge Pepega Pog Pog PepegaPhone CHAAAAARGE KEKW KEKW JAMES JUNGLE GOD Pog KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPhone CHARGE LUL 그걸 피하네 EU Talent Caps PogChamp NA Talent Goldenglue LUL Pepega 📣 CHARGE .... KEKW pepega charge works Pog LUL KEKW PepegaPhone soulmarioCharge CHAAAAAAAARGE ChomPag why didn't you tank it you selfish fuck evil KEKW BAITED LB Nice Teamate PepegaPhone CHARGE you didnt block WeirdChamp you could have tanked KEKW @Jensen Just get out of groups next year :) 4Head @Rush what champion should i pick up to learn the jungle role? Caps = turkish talent KEKW LUL Ebola monkaW Turkey ANELE dying monkaW ligma monkaOMEGA Cancer PogU @jullzz73 Yi 4Head !uptime @pcmouse_lol, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 50 mins D: IceCold PepegaPhone ROOOOSH Turkish LOL LUL Worth Pog SMITE KING wut D: D: D: SoSnowy D: LULW D: :3c LUL EU beating all 3 korean teams PogChamp NA losing to wildcard FailFish I've heard turkish food is pretty good, Turkey dont seem so bad father mockers peepoSad SoSnowy SoBayed jayce a filthy feeder widepeepoSad SoBayed SoSnowy Grf > EU LUL joviLOCO 0% Ekko KEKW KEKW G0-6 LUL KEKW KEKW no smite KEKW PepegaPhone ???? PepegaPhone CHARGE SoSnowy PepeHands Gg NA buys washed up koreans for 2 million DansGame KEKW HOIT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FLASH KEKW SoSnowy SoBayed SoBayed SoSnowy SoSnowy SoBayed SoBayed SoSnowy KEKW IceCold CHALLENGER KEKW 2 quick ones KEKW KEKW @Jensen KonCha @krasibetterthankurt holy fk ! Was that huni ? IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW NOT SNOW SoSnowy gachiHYPER NA LCS KEKW FULL OF IMPORTS KEKW !uptime @Intratone, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 52 mins FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin G2 sub cant even get a job LUL INTerseting decision making. :) widepeepoSad oh nyooooooooo !rushbus KEKW IceCold ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ Kappa IceCold SoSnowy Wide people sad :) SoSnowy It's actually snow widepeepoSad SoSnowy FeelsGoodMan IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat SoBayed SoSnowy IceCold SoBayed :) SoSnowy white people sad widepeepoSad KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !jensen kekw nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy KEKW pepega monster KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MISTER KEKW KEKW KEKW /ff KEKW GG OMEGALUL Clap HYPERCLAP SoSnowy Pepega Clap deflection kekw :) SantaHat Clap mr pvman challenger may be too much for you :/ make that 3 quick ones KEKW pvman = __ KEKW @KidoBR in general, they buy players like bang, piglet, impact, ssumday,huni etc. all past their prime and they just went to NA for cash, but they still have a big name. Clap Roosh is bad widepeepoSad KS flame jayce, say no mom jayce Lolol u whacky GGMAN KEKW hahahahha pvman = FF HYPERS SoSnowy D: D: Pepega IceCold Clap D: D: BigBrother Clap KEKW D: Rush is the best widepeepoHappy KEKW KEKW KEKW BigBrother SHOW HIM KEKW 4fun Pepega mijorlHypers ? D: KEKW KEKW Pvman = FF NO FUCK YOU gachiBASS KEKW KEKW KEKW 🦀 Pepega SoSnowy Clap CrabPls KEKW D: IceCold toxic KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW S H E L L Y KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SHIRLY BM KEKW ok :) SantaHat SoSnowy BM KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL ReinDeer DELETED BM KEKW BM KEKW BM KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold PepoThink oh this player is good INTeresting LVL 8 LOL KEKW KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW 4 levels behind top FeelsBadMan MALDING KEKW Pvman = FF JAYCE KEKW OUTSCALED JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE KEKW its very effective KEKW KEKW SoSnowy NOT SNOW u r pvman LUL jayce no mom @toop D: @Rush hits himself in confusion @rush you are getting old so you can’t play well now? i am on an 8 game losing streak send help is it nuguri? MaldChamp SantaHat gachiW SoSnowy getting outscaled in real life FeelsBadMan me :) u me :) me me :) :) 2 lvl behind enemy jg. No high tempo anymore FeelsBadMan pvman = gg me :) that pvman guy made it unplayable KEKW PogYou I did it :) rush suck my small PP :) Rush can t play lee sin anymore cuz of NA boomer mechanics, so he plays low skill champions like Olaf, FeelsBadMan PepegaPhone CHARGE charging back Kappa JG DIFF KEKW jungle diff KEKW oh no no no PepeLaugh charge to ur base peepoSad lvl8 to .v.12 kek No penta pvman = gg KEKW clappped JUNGLE GAP quinPega quinPega quinPega pvman is back is this pro NA player Rush? Kapp GG HAHHHAAAHHAHAHAHA KEKW Kapp TRUE KEKW Kapp pvman = gg KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp lvl 8 KEKW Kapp Truee Kapp better jg wins Kapp Kapp Kapp #NEXTGOEKKO Kapp Kapp ur ult was bad GGMAN KEKW 4-8-3 = perfect CAP HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine top top top Sad life Kapp Olaf Marathonist New skin Kapp purrrr fact lee? @Rush what jungle should i play to learn the jungle role? Press 1 if Pvman = gg rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad he may be upset :/ Why hasnt your team FF yet? Carry enemy team KEKW KEKW 형 한국말 까먹엇어? #GONEXTPLAYEKKO pvman = gg GANBARE RUSH SAMA AYAYA MALDING MaldChamp JG GAP pvman = gg is back Pog SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy gachiGASM Jayce no mom 😡 classic league KEKW monkaS y rush monkey at olaf is he not alpha man :) peepoRun LB LUL leblanc KEKW LB LUL KEKW Still don't understand why people play ekko KEKW KEKW KEKW LB LUL PVMAN ALWAYS CARRYING ENEMY TEAM KEKW Hacks monkaW 1000 APM Pog JG GAP KEKW OpieOP AFK REPORT widepeepoHappy afk !time 22:02 Pog nocturne kek report afk OpieOP AFK why americans watching a korean? hey chat what did i miss? whats the kind boys win rate today?? KEKW POSE PogU shelly solo defending base KEKW this is fine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine win rate KEKW @kaoozin because tzhey want to see how league looks like for good players? dat zhyonas looked sick tho @Rush what do u eat OpieOP ? Does @Rush cook his own food ? @Rush watchu eating HahaBall are there wins to rate KEKW Shiw food uptime! SHOW FOOD !opgg Whom do we blame for this game ? pvman not an all star BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump SHOW FOOD KKona what is that describe food @KidoBR no, his mom is cooking MONKEY MAN ONLY EAT FRUIT KEKW peepoFat @Rush what jungle should i play to learn the jungle role? SHOW FOOD peepoFat KKona SHOW FOOD waffleAngry SHOW FOOD this is a dog? Did you find a job ? is this a mukbang stream now PepeHands @Rush sweet potato? egg? u look sick @Hydrophob I thought he was living alone :( @Rush what do you think about kim-jong-un? does pvman still = gg? Show food play camille /) C- FeelsBadMan everytime i watch roosh he's on a losing streak, is it my fault? widepeepoSad :) O match history looking clean today 1-11 KEKW water Kreygasm Rush eats so much since becoming NA FeelsBardMan FeelsBadMan Has your winrate on jgl dropped since pre season ? Would you say junglers are weaker now ?@Rush Do you drink any other beverages besides water ? @Kawaii_SanChan gotta fit in Kappa @KidoBR alone in his mom's basement KEKW SoSnowy 1/11 nocturne KEKW !playlist SHOW FOOD peepoFat KKona SHOW FOOD what food did you get @Rush ? :) KKona please show food? :) Has your winrate on jgl dropped since pre season ? Would you say junglers are weaker now ? @Rush (failed the @) Is ign korean dog name offensive ? @KidoBR actually I have no clue :) SantaHat food ? @Rush c- olaf KEKW 4th loss inc PepeLaugh adc ROOSH > Jung ROOSH hello rush good morning floor KEKW what's that 1/11 game ? KWKW KEKW hey rush why do people say that pvman=gg? dont step on food KEKW KEKW i love the background p0rn music oh dude ur getting old... Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat brain food @Rush khazix next game pls don't put your food on the floor wtf ? KEKW OpieOP describe taste @rush He's feeding the houceants wash hands DansGame waiting for the roosh role swap to adc like ResidentSleeper Pog sweet potatoes HeyGuys @Rush Give me a Taliyah game D: IceCold not washing hands DansGame DansGame DansGame D: D: KEKW D: D: KEKW old man rush KEKW KEKW D: KEKW ROOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHH no fence D: hey @rush i ran it down mid with camille so hard today it reminded me of you D: D: D: D: 3 lose = 3 win VoteYea or VoteNay SoSnowy OK BOOMER old man rush KEKW Has your winrate on jgl dropped since pre season ? Would you say junglers are weaker now ? @Rush SourPls "no offense" PepeLaugh SantaHat pvman = gg no :) roosh why u so mean widepeepoSad BBomer People make money just by eating on stream. You're becoming one of those people ! peepoFinger yes Kapp nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy nergarEbalo SoSnowy @rush do you ever play Qiyana? yes Kapp FUCK YOU NO OFFENSE 😡 KEKW AngelThump no KEKW Rush is the best widepeepoHappy KEKW @rush i love you rush!! are you still a clg streamer? Kapp PepegaPhone ROOOOSH I hate you :) play camille :) ratirlBusiness ANY BUSINESSMEN? ratirlBusiness @Rush can you enable peepoFinger? STOP BULLY PunOko rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad no more hurt PepeHands we promised BibleThump you hurt us always when u're live KEKW i never flame you or your skill in the game widepeepoSad PepeHands 🔫 bye lil bit KEKW Kapp Kapp duo Deft PogYou widepeepoHappy rooosh is not bad Kapp Kapp GOOD PogU jungle pepega role now thats every lane now rush monkaHmm just dont fall behind 4HEad just play perfeclty, hit everything,dodge everything hey rascal again... he may dodge KEKW NUNU better jungler wins 4Head Rascal PogChamp elo ? Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat Rascal widepeepoHappy @Rush but you once went 10 cs at 10 min with camille and still won KEKW Kapp Is rascal in SKT ? Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat : Kappa IceCold SoSnowy @rcsgodlike gen g you make our eyes hurt with your jungle skills widepeepoSad KEKW IceCold Krappa but how do you manage to recover all the time after falling behind rush @rcsgodlike geng Kappa SantaHat : Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat Krappa IceCold get rascal in call 😡 :) SantaHat IceCold Kapp SantaHat why the fk do they not ban anything lol Kapp Kappa SantaHat @rush thoughts on new skt jungler and toplaner ? AYAYA IceCold SantaHat Kapp Kapp SantaHat KKona HOW ABOUT SOME BROTHERMAN BILL @ㅇㅅㄴㅅ @zack_zacky thanks @rcsgodlike you're welcome pepeJAM Kapp Kapp Kapp SantaHat @zack_zacky Who are them @CupNoodlesBestNoodles that is a lot of dodges on this elo, banning something every game must get annoying ryze & yas NotLikeThis KEKW SantaHat Pepega Y Pepega SantaHat Kapp @rush 러쉬야 팀 아직 못구했냐 play rengar :) play XIN why is your client so cute chat ayaya? Ryze & Yasuo PepeHands banned roosh elise and take roosh lee :( thank god no ResidentSleeper lee hey pvman have a good game :) @Rush play rek'sai olaf Rihanna PogChamp high tempo camille why are you so thin pvman @Rush ? @engageburger the jungler cuzz rank1 Korea most of the season .. toplaner I forgot his name KEKW REK SAY POGGERS Warwick rammus jungle Zac@ xin POGGERS xin zhao!! Lee Sin ResidentSleeper Rihanna ? PogChamp Kapp SoSnowy Kapp SoSnowy SantaHat XIN Pog ZAO ZAO MingLee KEKW MingLee MingLee Nam MiingLee Already lose KEKW D: KEKW MingLee MingLee RACIST D: MingLee Clap MingLee MingLee D: RACIST MingLee MingLee zhao zhao zin záo KEKW MingLee ? WutFace MingLee Clap Boomer champions PepeHands @engageburger pretty good player I think MingLee POG ZAO Pog POGGERS XIN COMMENTARY ZAO ZA STREAM PP ZAO MingLee clap xwx NaM wait whered rengar Khazix @zack_zacky Anyway he is better than rush Kapp play with conquer so u can feed NaM WTF coinflip champ LUL griefing WeirdChamp big time POGGERS LUL D: MingLee Clap LOL KEKW racist D: To the arena! KEKW MingLee wtf does xin zhao even mean anyhting in chinese !uptime NaM bro @Xdeivid9ue, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 6 mins haHAA CHAT RELAX do it again @engageburger KEKE SKT RUSH NEXT SEASON DONT WORRY why u lacist pepega NaM widepeepoSad Rush is only a little racist chat easily offended WeirdChamp Gen G top PepeLaugh NaM WE COO? TOO FAR WeirdChamp mermermervyn subscribed with Twitch Prime. squadW any incels hi reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! say it again !rank chat Pepega pls dont tilt to d1 widepeepoSad @Rush @rush are you playing xin cause he is as old as you are ? @willitbe, it's just a name @SlamTheFart WeirdChamp pvman = GG i tought u were korean not chinese ? :) @Rush squadW Gang Plank KEKW @Rush WHy NA are BAD in games and eat BURGE every day ? =D PepeHands D: monkaW widepeepoSad chat stop, Rush is only a little racist Show sister @Rush ???????? PepeHands FeelsBadMan squadW squadW it means big feeder WutFace yasuo FeelsBadMan rush is a lore nerd LULW widepeepoSad GP bad man FeelsBadMan PepeHands rush knows the lore PogU widepeepoSad L OMEGALUL R E !uptime FeelsBadMan @CheDG, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 6 mins offensive!!! peepoSad GP WeirdChamp RUSH READS LORE KEKW widepeepoSad graves KEKW knows lore i am impressed FeelsBadMan Miss UnFortunate ah yes monkaHmm LORE Pog widepeepoSad dopas champ TF oriana LUL nocturne what does yasou means monkaHmm 4Head monkeyS opinion on kayn? LORE 3Head widepeepoSad IceCold Orianna is short for Borianna Kappa wukong afaik mf killed gp Yasuo means widepeepoHappy Do you think junglers should play around objectives i.e soft force a gank bot lane if dragon is up and they don't have priority ? Or is it better to prioritize lane activity and take objectives only when you have priority ? @Rush what about mr monkey man @zack_zacky Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the webYasuo. Gender: Male. Origin: Japanese. Meaning: Peaceful One. The name Yasuo means Peaceful One and is of Japanese origin. monkaHmm teemo means devil in swahili @zack_zacky It means bitch boy in japanese Yasuo means pvman=GG 2 fake dopa any Pepega Monsters ff Pepega !opgg high tempo SMOrc teemo is devil in Ugandan Yasuo = Pepega Yasou means Open Door, Invade q FeelsBadMan 4fun as usual pvman you are just bad or retarded KEKW @Synric for real ? iam not Pepega 👇 he is ! @synric ah ty :) @KidoBR google it Pepega pvman 4fun player Pepega FAKE NEWS KEKW Kapp Kapp BIG Kapp Kapp Kapp lvl 2 gank go go go pog EZ Clap POGGERS Pog Pog POOGERS RUSH POOGERS EZ ks POGGERS POGGERS POOGERS win zhao Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Poggers Pog Clap POGGERS Not even close EZ POOGERS POGGERS EZ Clap PepegaPhone CHECKING IN invade 4fun Pepega PepeLaugh this is kinda greddy tho gachiGASM POOGERS PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Pepega charge POGGERS boxHide SOMEBODY TELL HIM pardon me, could you tell me if you has won the game with OLaf? I dont speak english. speak slowly POOGERS ROOSH he lacks critical information PepeLaugh Pepega 📣 shhhhhh KEKW Chat don't tell him monkaS boxPeek POGGERS POGGERS I won't tell PepeLaugh TELL HIM KEKW PepeLaugh monkaW AYAYA @Synric but he is not peaceful he is always dashing aroung and screaming HASAGI duDudu smito why do you have such a small frame Pog smite KEKW monkaS SoSnowy SantaHat he doesnt know forsenKek high tempo rush FeelsGoodMan high tempo SMOrc = gg PepegaPhone CHARGE Pepega 📣 CHARGE jungle gap Pog smito king Pog pvman PogU Pog Pog Pepega @nunuANDwillumpp tyler was in all-star PogU CHAAARGE PepeLaugh EZ PepeLaugh he doesnt know Pepega 👍 PogU Pog He doesn't know PepeLaugh PepegaPhone chargeeeeeeeeeee 2 0 EZClap Pog PepeLaugh HIGH TEMPO RUSH Pog PepeLaugh no :) HAHAHAHA POGGERS EZ start Pog @ForestFairyBilly ivern adc KEKW Pepelaugh He doesn't know jg diff BOT FEEDING AGAIN KEKW bot lane inting as usual double kill bot LULW again jg gap KEKW BOT LUL @nunuANDwillumpp KEKW jg gap :) Did zac get his name from sneaky ? PogU @Rush Thats why they made him a huge green snot PogU jg gap All of this negated by bot lane feeding KEKW FelsBadMan Gank sololaners and bot feeds. The classic PepeLaugh jg kingdom squadW EZ Clap POGGERS POOGERS EZ Clap PogU EEEEEEzz ryze Pepega EZ Clap BULLY win zhao PogYou POOGERS PepeLaugh PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POOGERS EZ Clap easy Pepega 5Head KSing KEKW Pepege TopHat POGGERS Pepege 3Head Ryze SURE Kapp Ryze POOGERS Pepege pvman taken all the kills, GG PepeLaugh PogYou ROOOSH Kapp No you dont really enjoying the high tempo gameplay Kapp Kapp Kapp Ryze = Huni KEKW Kap Kapp ME SMART Pepege Pog Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp 4Head EZ Pepega PepeLaugh he know pvman will throw this PepeLaugh the one and only PPMAN Pog rush he knows PepeLaugh not buying stuff with 1.6 k in the bank coin flip players KEKW Gen G Rush Pog not coinflipping ResidentSleeper lets not coinflip Oh No No PepeLaugh im gay to rush KappaPride permaganking ryze oof literally camping KEWK CAMPING PepeLaugh If you take the kill you bad PepeLaugh HASHINSHIN MaN camping RYZE KEKW CAMPING D: pvman PepeLaugh @Kjusen econ TFT strat KEKW literally camping PepeLaugh ryze PepeLaugh PepeLaugh MaN PepeLaugh POR RYZE PogCamp LUL 3Head NA Ryze KEKW Ryze widepeepoSad ryze Pepehands kill widepeepoSad KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ryze KEKW KEKW dirty camper LUL @Kjusen why buy when you can kill STOP BULLY DWG :( ryze really enjoying game right now PepeHands ryze RYZE is malding ryze player deserves that tbh MONKEY MAN IS BACK! ryze is having fun :) you meanie widepeepoSad dead rice G2 ryze KEKW Kappa Pvman is GENG and DWG killer LUL rap god Ryze widepeepoSad W KEKW @nunuANDwillumpp ryze top DansGame FLAME BOT BigBrother Ryze is Camille from last game JG GAP KEKW usual bot lane LUL LUL bot lane feed KEKW @ForestFairyBilly ryze* DansGame bot always feeds. BETTER JG WINS. WhitePeopleSad jgl camping solo lane instead of bot WeirdChamp widepeepoSad pepega botlane LUL really do FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad white people sad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad botlane = apes karasmLuL KKona ? widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad must be tough for rush. He shts on pro players on the daily, but no korean team wants him :/ widepeepoSad mid gap widepeepoSad CHARGE Pepega Pepega PepeLaugh Dont you max e on xin for the attack speed ? black people happy DRAGOONIA 4FUN Pepega PepeLaugh FF ok :) KEKW rush is challenger since when? FeelsBadMan 4fun as usual FF will alcoves get removed after preseason? WeirdChamp PepeLaugh ok :) hi ppman why was yasuo revealed on the minimap? widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad Pvman = gg WidePeepoSad ff :) dont tell them chat 4fun PepeLaugh ok They know PepeLaugh u will die monkaW KEK Pog ff BigBrother monkaW Pog PogU Leesin come! PepeLaugh monkaW 4Head PogU WutFace monkey sounds PogU Pog monkaW monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaS monkaW HAHAHHA THAT WORKED Pog Normal peepoSad Pog hahah 2200g.... BasedGod 👍 whitepeoplesad PepeLaugh IceCold wtf ? KEKW LULW LULW monkaOMEGA monkaW 4Head monkaW Pog POOGERS monkaW monkaW psycho PogYou PepeLaugh ff MonkaS Pepega this was kinda coinflip COINFLIPPED Pog PepeLaugh Jebaited them all Pink ward is that you ? Pog KEKW Pepege PogU monkaW Pog LUL gg He lost it monkaW KEKW KEKW Attack speedPOG?? POGGERS Pooga POGGERS 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head Revenge KEKW BM PogU we call it coinflip PepeLaugh monkaW IceCold widepeepoSad Hi smallppman Pepege POOGERS Kappa PLANNED COINFLIP KEKW Arthur Fleck? Pepega 4Head monkaS IceCold Pog HEY WHATS UP Pepega BOI WutFace this is a jungle titan match Coinflip GAMER PAID ACTORS KEKW honour thresh BibleThump IceCold just jungle diff 4Head Planned coinflip KEKW ALL RUSH PogU POGGGG PVMAN IceCold monkaS 5Head Jebaited boxGun @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxGun Mid diff LUL LUL LUL monkaS SoSnowy akali can 1v2 no? lee was farming maldchamp what is IceCold AKALI KEKW HahaSweat KEKW Rascal POOGERS gg akali OMEGALUL rush 1v9 Pog rush farmed top lee farmed mid n bot imasgine farming in 50/50 meta small ppman HahaSweat HahaThink monkaS IceCold does rush have any guide hot to jungle? @eLastic0207 Kappa IceCold LULW IceCold Dying as Akali KEKW FeelsBadMan Rascal KEKW FLASH WALL why this man screams like a monkey? XD? KEKW IceCold Kappa IceCold IceCold KEKW ????? SoSnowy IceCold Clap PogU @Rush Do you drink coffee? im addicted to coffee PepeHands Clap O that flash KEKW invis lantern ? Pepega STAYY Pepega EZ clapo @coldbier3 His mother smoked while pregnant !opgg yes Was that a lantern ? lol PepeLaugh @Chintanda yeah just make up any plan and add "for fun" at the end Pepega 📣 alcove Pog KEKW PogU Clap PogU THRESH Pog Pog jellyb19Tess jellyb19Tess jellyb19Tess Pepege POOGERS PogYou Pog PogU PogYou Pepega Clap lmao LOOOL Pog Pog Pog EZ clap o PogU Pog EZ CLAPPO KEKW POGGERS KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Pog wtf Pog PogYou Pepega HYPERS PogU who is this guy??? Pog POOGERS Yasuo players KEKW PogU Pog PogU omegalul POOGERS Clap KEKW NOT COINFLIP OK ? IS THIS HOW A MONKEY TALK Pepega PogU 5Head PoG Duo thresh LULW LUL Pog FeelsGoodMan KEKW rush actual god PogChamp POG Pog IceCold rush is so fucking clean why so loud FeelsBadMan PogYou u were KEKW Too good PogYou Thresh: Naii song!~ Yasuo players KEKW But how is Lee 5/0 though monkaHmm 5/0 PogU thresh is such a fucked champ Roosh coming thro Pepega PepegaPhone 📣 ♿ LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace ??? KEKW Pog !song KEKW ???????????? DoritosChip elift1Dorito ulti kekw ?????? KEKW KEKW ????????????????????? PogYouIceCold KEKW LULW what? POG MALD LAD ult KEKW ♿ panic KEKW PepegaPhone COMMING THROUGH ♿ !playlist KEKW ult??? ??/? NA ULT Pepega Pepega R KEKW Nice ult rush KEKW ROOSH KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW LULW Na Pepege KEKW LUL KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW POOGERS no counter play KEKW pvman = gg KEKW GEN G KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW GEN G = GG KEKW Pepega IceCold Throw KEKW ????? PepegaPhone NOOOOOO KEKW winner DIRTY INTER KEKW thresh LUL he ulted to stop ori combo. ape chat KEKW into KEKW Kreygasm chinese streamer plays chinese champion Krappa Kreygasm is this the throw Kreygasm KEKW Kreygasm gachiW Kreygasm KR Pepega EMOTIONAL RUSH KEKW why were u runnign that way Kreygasm pvman = gg KR SOLOQ KEKW winzhao Pepega IM GONNA DODGE IT Gen.G = GG KEKW Kreygam why is akali low though jg diff KEKW pvman = gg Akali fault ? LMAO inter nut FeelsBadMan emotional player KEKW Pvman=gg inter KEKW PPMAN = GG PogChamp Krappa not coming earlier gachiBASS Pog POGGERS ??? YOINK KEKW :) SantaHat IceCold AKALI Pog akali shouldnt be that low when ryze is so behind PepegaPhone COMING THROUGH Rush with the moral support Pog EZ Clap O PepegaPhone yasuo PepegaPhone NICE TRY PepegaPhone Pepega monkaW He is crazy this thresh is very good LUL KEKW Kapp nice w KEKW yasuo players WeirdChamp REAL VOICE WutFace w KEKW PepeHands hes lost it LAG Kapp 11 ms lag KEKW PepegaPhone CHARGE leg ? Rush should've checked top before inting like that No reason to fight ㅋㅋ lol 11 ping lag? brain lag actually ping went from 10 to 11, so its indeed lag Okay OK mnice w true KEKW ok :) Kapp Kapp no 😡 KEKW Kapp Kapp Pepega Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp Kappa Kappa Kapp jungle is weak but both junglers are the strongest in this game KEKW Kapp Kapp RAGERS Kapp Kapp Kapp ITS TRUE THO KEKW Kapp pvman = emotional and delusional player PepeHands PepeLaugh PepeLaugh all of sudden Pepega PepeLaugh he knows! PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OK KEKW he knows PepeLaugh he knows PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh lee is better than you is true KEKW forsenKek @DWG_Simple HeyGuys 👻 warded PepeLaugh LUL @Rush Have you ever played professionally? pepega ghoster already lost it KEKW 👻 ing PepeLaugh PepeLaugh\ PepeLaugh just use sweeper 👻 😡 PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh pvman is gg D: 👻 PepeLaugh cooming moon2COOM PepeLaugh oh no no no no 👻 Pog TO THE ARENA Pepega moon2COOM RUSH PLEASE STOP INTING og Pog GG Pog actually he is really ghosting PogU EZ Clap Pepge Kapp Pepege Kapp PogU jungle gap EZ Kapp Pog Kappa Pepege Clap PogYou true EZ JG GAP 4Head PogYou who is this guy??? better jgl lose FeelsBadMan better jungle wins Clap Pog !song Pvman=smurf !playlist another inting yasou FeelsBadMan Rush is in permanent Pepege mode lee's team are dirty inters FeelsBadMan pvman is not gg widepeepoHappy tubuk tubuk SLOW TEMPO PLAYER KEKW white people happy widepeepoHappy Herald? @Rush play int tempo SeemsGood VaN D: bom dia Head of a pica D: D: D: D: D: ROOSH JG KINGDOM D: ???? Woah D: D: D: widepeepoSad where is the dirty inter rush? D: D: KEKW Pepega Monster D: x2 D: 112 KEKW Pepega ???? D: apologize D: fat man what are u doing!! 112 KEKW PV BACK IS MAN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW GET CLAPPED EZ Clap KEKW KEKW better jg win KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL |KEKW clapped better jungler wins KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Lvl 8 vs lvl 9 KEKW KEKW CLAPPEN KEKW jg gap better jungler wins KEKW GGMAN = PV JUNGLE GAP KEKW better jungler won KEKW JUNGLER GAP KEKW pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg jg gap KEKW KEKW CONQUERER JUNGLE GAP KEKW ez cl KEKW JG GAP HE SAID LUL Ez Clap = KEKW pvman malding KEKW pvman malding KEKW pvman malding KEKW better jungle WeirdChamp KEKW conq :) EZ cla- GGMAN = PV KEKW champion gap honestly JUNGLE GAP better JG always WIN pog conq imagine not going Conq KEKW pvman = KEKW KEEKW Ez clap Kapp CONQUEROR WeirdChamp KEKW He has tiamat and kindlegem lol conq op kewk Better item wins KEKW because he has better items? @Rush jg gap KEKW he smited first maybe hail of blades is shit KEKW LUL JG diff Lee not balanced LUL lee sin op Some champions are better than others :) Jung gap LUL HoW Do I LoSe > cause ur bad KEKW rascal Pog rascal Pog monkaHmm conq diff goldo sheet YASUO Pepega KEKW conq vs hail of blades better conquerer wins 4Head LOL YASUO KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega Pepega KEKW Pepega monster Pepega ????? rush = Pepega Pepega KEKW this yas really likes to int Pepega KR INT Clap Pog EZ Clap Pog team Kapp Clap Clap Clap Pepega me go in. Me die CARRIED Clap Clap Pepega 5Head Pepege 📣 CHAAAARRGE this thresh is a god 5Head ladies and gentlemen we got em THRESH is a monster thresh PogChamp enemy ff 15 Clap JG GAP Kapp grey screen stream KEKW 5Head Clap Kaisa quadra Pog Better Sup Wins Its Crepo? PVman gettign carried classic Pepega Moster thresh is god 5Head ahh of course EZ Clap 5Head Clap Pepega SMOrc Lee has 100 percent kp honor thresh 0 8 gragas kekw 5Head Clap jungle gap EZ Clap jg difference KEKW Kapp jg gap EZ Clap Kapp 1-6 yas adc E TU grey stream ????? KEKYou better jungle KEKW thresh hard carry Klappa yasuo 1/6 4Head GAY STREM POOR LEE poggers support gap LUL D: pvman=gg KEKW E TU KEKW D: honored no one Gray sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap 3Head 1/11 KEKW 1/11 duo with ucal duo with ucal duo with ucal duo with ucal duo with ucal Kappa 1-11 KEKW LUL Rush you should chek your graphic card, your screen turns grey all the time KEKW 3Head 3Head OY Korean logic KEKW Rush Pepega monkaHmm 4Head inc You suck but I love you dad :) 1/11 KEKW 5Head TopHat 3Head ???? Pepega 1/11 LULW Never honor :) 17,5 min average last 4 games KEKW 1/11 KEKW 1/ OhMyDog OhMyDog 3Head TopHat 3Head BRUV okay ok duo with ucal 5Head 5Head coin flip player confirmed oka 1/11 KEKW i/11 powerspike PogYou better adc than jg LUL far away from 2 wins MATA BibleThump dreame24LUL dreame24LUL rush 5Head as usual Rush = 5Head @Rush did you not say in the olaf game nocturne is lame? but you did just play him one game before 1nd1-11 KEKW Pepega Rush you should check your graphic card, your screen turns grey all the time KEKW !elo @Rush which champ would u recommend to get better as jngl ? (learning basics) former p2 adc did your team roll tails when you went 1/11 LUL sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap Cuzz winrate is nuts Mothertucker 870 lp PogChamp wtf was that link monkaS that TF was a god skt cuzz PogU Skt Cuzz ????? Xin is ez one day rush will get good teammates just you wait and see 1/11 KEKW win zhao Pog cuzz is still number 1 ? Does he ever lose ? TRUE PogU T1 Cuzz Pog @Rush Camille jg game? @kunsarm yes HahaShrugLeft RPGShihu Play amumu :) One day Rush will get tood you just wait and see IceCold warwick @rush can we have some Megaman gameplay in q time ? plox pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanKappa j4 is ez Zac duo fevi D: @Rush so xin j4 ? THX ok play warwick NOOO widepeepoSad @rush are you male? D: no :) PepeHands D: widepeepoSad pvmanNOO baffyCorn widepeepoSad NO :) widepeepoSad OH NYOOO D: last game FeelsBadMan PunOko NOT AGREE No no Play lee No 2 more need to test coin flip theory widepeepoSad !time 22:28 nidali screw you @rush you're supposed to lvoe me and be my dad SantaHat Kapp Kapp AYAYA whitepeoplesad widepeepoSad AYAYA discordo jg plz KEKW AYAYA Lee sin @rush AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? AYAYA discordo AYAYA AYAYA ?? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Clap Only short streams now. widepeepoSad monkaW ZA WARUDO OMEGAYAYA this ? AYAYA monkaS AYAYA ?? AYAYA Kapp Kapp SantaHat AYAYA IceCold DISCORDO nice AYAYA Boo! AYAYA baffyCorn AYAYA you are slacking at work i might have to reduce your pay @rush monkaW r-relax sandbox game monkaHmm AYAYA autofilled Pog dodge INC I love this guy PepeLaugh Pepega BACKGROUND PVMAN= DODGE KEKW LUL LUL KEKW AYAYA SoSnowy SantaHat disucordo LULW LUL ching CHONG RUSH. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING? TRUE KEKW KEKW D: IT STILL DOES KEKW KEKWK pvman dodge KEKW dodgeman KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW ok KEKW I bet cuzz doesn't dodge LUL @jacobtootwo D: TRUE KEKW OK KEKW PROCEED TO DODGE KEKW Pvman = Dodge widepeepoSad KEKW justagame 4Heed LULW KEKAYAYA LEAKED pw leaked LUL @Rush if you quit now but then you can't get the coinflip Victory/Defeat stat pvman = dodge KEKW DCman ok then dodge KEKW ah gg X DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD what is the mistake of brazil in soloq? @Rush Pegi 12 KEKW PEGI 12 PepeLaugh dodgeman=gg KEKW pvman < dcman offrole happanes all the time in low elo 69 Kapp Kapp You just kick out being carried Pepega sure WeirdChimp DODGEMAN KEKQW PEGI 12 KEKW widepeepoHappy @rush play IVERN what is the mistake of brazil in soloQ? @Rush iolkaiCafe what are those numbers? Isnt it preseason? LUL @Rush i tried rengar to learn jngl but is he a champ who u need to play 100games to test the limits ? cuz its 50/50 on kills for me right now 100lp pvmanFBM nice win rate PepeLaugh !elo q pop :) message added by a moderator. Cyberbully KEKW Kpop squad1 SoSnowy squad2 SoSnowy Coin flip player :) what does pvman means chat 50% PLAYER KEKW play camille :) D: D: LULW D: SantaHat D: !uptime LUL LUL LUL D: @coldbier3, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 26 mins why u bully chat D: D: D: pvman = gg it's terrible KEKW D: PepeHands D: WOAH D: D: LULW D: TopHat no longer 47% widepeepoHappy hardstuck smurf account D: D: D: TRUE KEKW who do you think is the most broken champ in jg @Rush D: D: winrate can't be negative :) what are thse numbers on the leaderboard? @Rush TRUE D: !followage @TUSKANfaun, tuskanfaun has been following rush for 10 months 28 days 7 hours u said u would not do it :( D: u can't say that Rooosh fact KEKW pvman means dirty inter in korean D: @rush ww game? @rush youtube videos? @rush go back to 47% KEKW @Rush cant be negative win rate if I dont play 5Head Ivern game @rush I have 58% win rate, better than yours thanks rarehomosapien Rush widepeepoSad It's 52% Rush :) 51.5wr EZ Clap one trick rengar KEKW rengar 2019 KEKW !followage @ArashJikan, arashjikan has been following rush for 3 years 10 months 19 days 8 hours 53* Pvman = 49% winrate Rush's win rate is 51 percent higher than mine feels bad man RENGAR ONE TRICK OMEGALUL has it ever hurt when you've pooped? @rush D: random__unicorn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! do you eat ass? What is this chill beats to study to? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! racist !followage D: WOAH WOAH senna perma ban zzz Rengar PepeHands D: IceCold SUPPORT MAINS MATTER !time 22:31 SENO AYAYA !followage banning in smurf KEKW @Rush can i link a clip of jensen rXwat subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! :) Insainna reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Rush why is this your last game? you dont have anything to do except from playing league @Rush are you winning a lot today? KEKWH SoCold KEKW D: D: D: D: KEKW rooD IceCold KEKW D: D: KEKW D: D: hey rush. im trying to build a champ pool. ekko, xin and noc. but i feel they all do the same thing. any surgestions? play qiyana jungle D: TopHat KEKW @Rush What do u think about kalista? cli[ KEKW pvman = ??? KEKW !followage woah D: D: @plane_from_greece, plane_from_greece has been following rush for 4 years 16 days 7 hours its ok he left stream KEKW Kapp pepeDS jensen KEKW D: TopHat rooD TopHat D: pvman so rude D: SantaHat @Rush can I post jensen clip? He talks shit about your sister D: SoSnowy D: D: @Rush Hey Rush wanna join my clash team we're gold players clipped , sent to jensen baffyGun !followage no Pvman=gg kekw @rush he got his penta ruined KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kap @rush stop with your harsh language or I’m gonna report you to your mom? Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW how was your break? FeelsSnowMan Kapp KEKW pvman = gg widepeepoHappy Kapp Not a tilter KEKW take teleport for fastest clear !duo Solo qiyana game NOT TILTER ONLY EMOTIONAL KEKW Kapp eve pvman=never tilt team comp looking spicy no !leesin lee son Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again YES Pog LEE SONG no no !leesin yes yes !rush !rushbus Warwick @rush ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ @Rush first step of grief is denial Kapp LEE SONG Pog Yes ResidentSleeper Kapp @rush when will u go back to NA ? yeeeey Kapp Kapp !xd Kapp ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ Kapp Kapp Sure Kappa KEKW Lee ResidentSleeper Kapp Kapp Kapp rush Lee sin ResidentSleeper Kapp Kapp !leesin xd Kappa 4 hour stream KEKW !jensen !lee Gg pvman = ggman Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa sure big love Kapp rush lee sin Pepega sure Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Sure Kapp Kapp pvman = tilter KEKW NA streamers KEKW !lee NA KEKW Kapp yes you r Kapp Never tilts cleanest lee sin in the special league program Kapp Moe KEKW we believe you see you tomorrow @rush still love u dad even tho you play ResidentSleeper champion Kappa Kapp RUSH STOP YOUR DAMN Pepega KEKW emotional player @Rush you tilted so hard you took a 2 year break KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp pvmanMonkey hey rush. im trying to build a champ pool. ekko, xin and noc. but i feel they all do the same thing. any surgestions? ffman KEKW "good" Kappa skt lee sin DansGame yes Kapp i watch you 4fun Kapp PepeLaugh 💨 HahaHide Is rush not with CLG anymore? rush never tilt Kapp . emotional player KEKW Rush Lee sin lirikTOS Emotional player I WATCH YOU SO I CAN CLIP STUPID SHIT KEKW DansGame EW people watch to see you int Pepege no tilt, only feed... giving away lp Pepege this streamer very setsee You try to disguise your tilt but your efforts are futile. :) DansGame pvman is gg PogU pvmanMonkey pvman Piglet Pog KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again PIGLET 2019 KEKW piglet Pog piglet 2019 KEKW no KEKW KEKW piglet PogU VoteYea I watch bcuz u are monkey man piglet 2020 monkaS Pog let DO IT!! KEKW SKT T1 PIGLET PogU i watch cause other league sttreamers not on KEKW Mc Donalds lee sin skin KEKW DO IT piglet = gg KEKW just fight PogU hes washed up so no KEKW Yes !leesin W H OMEGALUL rush 2019 KEKW piglet 2019 KEKW Only emotional W H OMEGALUL piglet monkaS :kitchen_knife: !playlist HahaSweat HahaSweat message enabled by a moderator. AYAYA Clap did SKT get rid of clid? wtf LUL monkaGun no need to camp boomer KEKW rush will feed this game FeelsBadMan but rush is also washed up @rush hope you’re having a good day :-) Their team is actually pure aids SMOrc SMOrc Piglet PogU I predict piglet to skt 2021 HahaSweat HahaSweat HahaSweat SMOrc TopHat BREak him 2019 worlds was so boring, I hope this year is better SMOrc IceCold SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc ME SMURF SMASH SMOrc who's piglet? SMORF SMOrc SMOrc SoSnowy widepeepoSad SMOrc SoSnowy send him your resume in chat thats not piglet piglet is duo jungle just cause FPX won :) @Rush you have more than 500k followers POGGERS @coldbier3 are you NA or KR KEKW @Rush u have moe on team @coldbier3 but this year is still 2019 KEKW worlds next year will be crazy, China always go big widepeepoSad SoSnowy @chedg s3 skt botlaner piglet to old and maybe he would retired soon Kappa SoSnowy IceCold EZ Clap !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again @recimo I mean 2020 XD Chargeeee Pepega SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy Pepega too short KEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy SantaHat korea aram KEKW AYAYA KEKW KEKW KEKW SoSnowy @Rush what do you think of qiyana jungle KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW wo dotn win Pepega 👍 @NA_WORLD_RECORD_AT_MSI neither Pepega Clap KEKW Pepega Pepega KEKW 👉 🐍 pvman = ravageGg LULW ? KEKW DIRTY INTERS Pepega Cyberbully, more like Cyberbullied @Rush PEPEGA CHARGE KEKW Jebaited ff 15 hahaha Gg Pepega Clap lol KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW wtf are they doing KEKW gg pvman = gg inting PVMAN = GG KEKW Pepege SantaHat Jebaited his whole team KEKW WTF lol OMEGALUL !opgg BAITED YOUR TEAM KEKW pvman = gg KEKW rush on lee sin LULW zz ? KEKW FIESTA KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW Rush feeding again FeelsBadMan LMAOOO pvman=trash KEKW ㅋㅋ KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ff15 game gg LUL zz i love these games holy shit man so funny what is this int KR for fun region and this is the proof KEKW PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoSad You knew he was there. Goldfish brain. !uptime @LovetheTitan, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 33 mins Pepege gachiW ? zz pvman = gg ggman = pv POGGERS lulw Rush on Lee song, it's a free win he said KEKW gachiW KR KEKW gachiGASM kekww Piglet said send him back to NA kekw gachiW @Rush "I AM GOOD AND I NEVER TILT" -.- gachiW Kekw fiesta get red, then run it down mid pl00x GG KEKW WeirdChamp Stop making noises KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg jungle btw KEKW gachiGASM AYAYA IceCold Cute CHAT AYAYA IceCold Cute CHAT AYAYA IceCold Cute CHAT AYAYA IceCold Cute CHAT ff15 not LPL will 3 peat next year in Shanghai! :P pepega naut LUL monkaW Korea is such a clown fiesta lol jg difference KEKW AYAYA no KEKW monkaW PVMAN = GG KEKW PepeLaugh BigBrother Clap invade PepeLaugh monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW :) 7 D: monkaW pvman=gg KEKW monkaS monkaOMEGA WutFace Its warded monkaW D: WOAH monkaS D: SoSnowy monkaW monkaOMEGA monkaW KEKW monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaW SMITE KING KEKW AYAYA DO IT PepeLaugh KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW monkaW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LULW OMEGALUL wtf monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL kekw LUL LUL LUL Pepega :loudspeacker: GO PIGLET GO OMG KEKW KEKW WeirdChimp Clap mopnkaW KEKW INT KEKW KEKW KEKW MONKEY KEKW WeirdChimp 📣 KEKW OMEGALUL hahahah LMAO PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW better jg wins KEKW LUL BUFF TRANSFER KEKW AYAYA WutFace LUL LUL 4Head INT KEKW OMEGALUL E TU KEKW KEKW pvmanMonkey wut PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW GG monkaW PVMAN = GG LULW nay keker INT KEKW LUL WeirdChimp AAAAAAAAA use T1 tactics OMEGALOL omegalol gg PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW INT KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW FF 15 INTING U KNEW SHE WAS THERE KEKW WeirdChimp 📣 AAAAAAA So evil that JG jg gap lmfaoooo aJG GAP pvman = gg KEKW R OMEGALUL OMEGALUL S H KEKW jungle gap This is so over lOl AYAYA lol JG GAP KEKW OMEGALUL so tragic JG GAP KEKW Pepega rush OMEGALUL megalul CLOWN FIESTA POG do you need to change your pants? @Rush pvman = ggman Qi AYAYA NA AYAYA its gg RUSH 2 INTING JG GAP FF 15 KEKW KEKW massive jg gap MALD INT KEKW 💿 Clap KEKW 💿 ✌️ KEKW ff 15 KEKW 2/0/2 at level one quinPog Ghosting 💿 HUH ? forsenCD SO? life is tragedy, Rush, you might as well enjoy it :) FF KEKW BabyRage It’s doomed 🦍 WeirdChimp 🦍 💿 SO ? Team gap 😡 qiyana ghosting 1000% every level lol 1 life pvman = -14lp 💿 ✌️ 💿 So? balanced KEKW champion gap KEKW passive and electro? Uyama Hiroto Pog WeirdChimp Passive i c forsen bajs PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoSad imagine playing a non s9 champ KEKW @herroherro thresh warded the red brush? FailFish forsenCD Kr KEKW forsen1 🦍 WeirdChimp pvmanMonkey GunRun 🐒 piglet duo abuse ResidentSleeper WutFace Your team is bad but your lee sin is worst LULW Pepega GA 🦍 🦍 🦍 WeirdChimp 🦍 🦍 🦍 this is my gang, pay banana Pepega EZ guh guh guh guh guh GAGAGAGAGA Pepega @lecordonb1eu are u retarded i said that earlier Kappa sounds like iu and park myung soo @Rush 🦍 🦍 🦍 WeirdChimp 🦍 🦍 🦍 this is my gang, pay banana rengar KEKW D: RENGAR KEKW LUL LUL LUL D: 🐵 FF 15 🦍 WeirdChimp pvmanMonkey GunRun 🐵 🐒 🍌 @herroherro no im not, but u might be. how is qyiana ghosting 6 CS Pepega squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW this is my gang pay banana squadM LEV 3 KEKW @Rush isnt lee sin just dog champ now KEKW COOMING gachiBASS JG GAP KEKW any COOMERS in chat ? Hey rush duo fevi RENGAR KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 🦍 🦍 🦍 WeirdChimp 👉 🐵 kill this guy jg diff :/ KEKW RENGAR KEKW Pepega SantaHat rengar widepeepoHappy i peed white WeirdChimp RENGAR KEKW SoSnowy that lee sin q did like 26 dmg STOP D: :gorrila: squadG 🦍 can we get a wall of WeirdChimp 's in the name of harambe q is just for dash Lee sin in s10 PepeLaugh SoSnowy WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp SKT T1 RUSH POG WeirdChimp KEKW ReinDeer SoSnowy PogU Pog Pog EZ clap PogU PogU Pog Pog POg Pog Pog 오 Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU PogYou holy Pog Pog OOF Pog CONQUEROR CARRIED WeirdChamp POGGERS Kreygasm EZ Clap O Pog Pog PogU YOOOO holy EZ CLAP BRO PogYou Pogchamp 캬 Pog Wow ez PogU i was here PogChamp Pog EZ Clap Pog JG GAP PogYou Kapp EZ Clap PogU PogChamp gachi gasm PVMAN = GG PogU WeirdChimp SoSnowy ill never be this good lol POG POGGERS pvman=gg Pog LUCKY EZ Clap lee sin god Pog Pog SoSnowy Your bot lane suck PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro THEN WHY YOU FIGHTING ALL TIME PepeLaugh they are KEKW KEKW Kapp LUL LUL LUL SoSnowy Pog pure skill wow EZ SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy babyJesus tahat was close lirikSIP jungle gap for Harambe WeirdChimp QQ QQ Pepega jgl gap KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW WeirdChmp wtf how fast was she there again shit CREATIVE SELF CARRY WeirdChimp jg gap LUL jg gap KEKW Q_Q PEPEGA gg :) karsadin Pog is tiamant still worth on lee sin? @Rush yoooooo jgl gap :) KEKW Kahhsaaadin kr soloq just as garbage as everywhere else people overextending without wards, junglers nightmare EZ SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy ????? LUL monkaW KEKW KEKW Krugs > kai'sa kill KEKW About to get solokilled by kassadin LULW lvl 5 vs lvl 7 kass nice jg xp :) fuck s10 3lvl behind LULW you about to get solo killed KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW WutFace damage LUL LUL LUL WeirdChimp 📣 AAAAAAAAAA Pepega PepeHands PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW jungle gap KEKW jgl gap KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump fuck u jg gap KEKW KR AKALI Pog PepeHands akali getting kills Pog PV EZ MAN PV EZ MAN PV EZ MAN PV EZ MAN PIGLET >> PVMAN Pog Winnable PogU BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump who made that shit champion qiyana Jebaited Pvman = 🐒 9/11 ANELE !uptime @lolMlxd, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 39 mins LUL 9/11 Pepega pvman = -14lp KEKW SMOrc hello mr rush Pepega 📣 GO PIGLET GO FeelsBadMan do it SMOrc Do it Pepega CALL PIGLET HE'S CRYING BibleThump pepeJAM WeirdChimp PepeLaugh here it comes PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW pvman = gg INT KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW not coin flip, we have smite king Piglet Pog KEKW fair champ KEKW jg Gap Kappa pvman = gg pvman = gg KEKWE JGL GAP KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Pepega jgl gap KEKW YouDied he doesn't know PepeLaugh FeelsBadMan LUL INTING LEE KEKW SoSnowy yikesJAM pvman = gg PepeLaugh Piglet>pvman KEKW brizziSTINKY brizziSTINKY brizziSTINKY brizziSTINKY jg diff KEKW twitch chat =gg kekw you say windrake or wintrade? Kappa lul PepeLaugh Piglet = GG pvman = gg 1 Piglets > 1 pvman KEKW Kai'sa fed now pepeLaugh PepeHands piglet = Pog pvman = KEKW PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoSad 1/3 SILVER NOOB PVDADDY CYBERBULLY = GG pvman= Pepega conq cass is cool 4Head widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad Pvman = gg PVMAN = GG KEKW widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy cassiOPeia will carry widepeepoHappy conq cass is winning PVMAN IS BACK BABY !!! sup man on a scale of 1 to 10 how you doing today widepeepoHappy pvman has good team :) pvman POGGERS widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy SantaHat "conq cass is balanced" - riot games KEKW widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy SantaHat SAD LEE sad LEE Sad lee PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy SantaHat TopHat QAQ KEKW SantaHat peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad akali broke. whats new ? SADLEE SAD LEE KEKW Pog Qiyana? KEKW widepeepoSAD widepeepoHappy ReinDeer OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP everybody abusing conqueror thats crazy OpieOP Akali smurf OpieOP MercyWing1 SoSnowy MrDestructoid TopHat SoSnowy MercyWing2 SoSnowy Qi AYAYA NA OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP sweeper on lee? noob or? KILL PIGLET Pog help my little bro is crying widepeepoSad - peepoSad OpieOP OpieOP whos the best lee sin player in KR OpieOP @dedeiroslol its getting nerfed doomass Wide SoSnowy peepo SoSnowy happy SoSnowy 1-hp KEKW Kapp 10 hp* KEKW 10 LUL pepehappy why everyone playing with conq? bro how do you get 10 ping KEKW nice smite KEKW 10 KEKW KEKW Pepega @csgo420csgo I know, but in the present is Balanced Keepo ??????? MISSED SMITE KEKW KEKW LUL 0 IQ he actually help kaisa piglet KEKW 3v4 so its better to fight Kappa NICE KICK KEKW bad call 15gg jg gap LUL OMEGAYAYA 1 Piglets > 1 pvman KEKW BloodTrail pvman = gg KEKW go next! Cybertroll Kappa KEKW This game is such a shit show KEKW JG GAP gg pog jg gap KEKW pv man = gg his name is "justfighttt" KEKW FF15 you kill your teammates JG GAP KEKEW LUL jg gap JG GAP jg diff jungle gap KEKW OMEGAYAYA its jg gapp KEKW jg gap EZ rush you look burned out of this game rush is a inter now it's JG GAP KEKW jg gap Jg gap JG GAP LUL jungle GAP JGL GAP jg gap jg* pvman=ff KEKW YES KEKW jg gap KEKW KEKW KEKW no :) Piglet better pvman help kai sa 100% JG GAP KEKW Mid Gap Kapp JG GAP DUDE KEKW CLASSIC lee sin JG GAP KEKW big jg gap jg gap LUL JG GAP KEKW IS JG GAP not 1/4? CASSIO MALDING KEKW KEKW KEKW Pinging Rush as usual PauseChamp it isn't Kapp YESSSSS sneakyEZ jungle too ez jg gap KEKW 1 pvman cant carry KEKW Kapp Nahh :) jungle GAP pvman gap KEKW pvman gap KEKW pvman gap KEKW you mean huge gap :) j u n g gg jap KEKW JG GAP just jg gap JG GAP FeelsBadMan SoSnowy 1/4 5/3 vs 1/4 JG GAP KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW cheese gap KEKW team gap PauseChamp This music makes me wanna smoke MrDestructoid :( 5/3 vs 1/4 JG GAP kekw 1-4-3 is not jgl gap noooo u hasvee top rengar i blame that rush difference as usual Cassiopeia name is "justfighttt" KEKW 2 kills for sure KEKW TEAM GAP KEKW 1 pvman cant win KEKW Kapp pvman=KEKW Jungle diff KEKW DRAAAAGON CHAAAAARGE ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag Gunblade EZ GUN BLADE Pog jg gap LUL PogU ChomPag Kreygasm Kreygasm ChomPag LUL Pog KEKW KEKW ChomPag KEKW KEKW KEKW XD KEKW KEKW 1 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ???????????? KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW . xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW YouDied YouDied YouDied KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAHAHAHAH ded KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW get balanced NA ULT not rush lol LULW kekwwwwww KEKW KEKW JGL GAP Kappa JGL GAP Kappa JGL GAP Kappa JGL GAP Kappa JGL GAP Kappa horrendous pog TILT MASTER KEKW LUL KEKW PVMAN !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again LUL KEKW KEKW u r not rush? kekw LOOOOL new champ > old champ jg gap PepeHands no smite???? YouDied YouDied YouDied YouDied YouDied KEKW JESUS KEKW Clap JUNG GAP KEKW NOT RUSH, ITS PVMAN ez clap NOT RUSH LUL JG GAP XD jungle gap JUNGLE GAP KEKW Get balanced KEKW KEKW jgl gap ??????????? KEKW KEKW = pvman MALDING KEKW LULW pvman=feed KEKW rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad lol NEVER TILT BTW KEKW JG DIFF KEKW 😘 JGL GAP emotional play KEKW clap KEKW peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad widepeepoSad balanced MALD KEKW i love you Rush PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoSad emotional emotional GGMan = PV PepeHands JG GAP just troll !xd 6/3 dude pvman gap KEKW ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ LUL pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM 1/5 xD pvmanLeesin =gg KEKW 6 1 wtf should R ward Q and ward jump at the same time pvman=gg you are 1/4 he is 5/3 BibleThump maybe he has stronger items Kappa emotional player xD HAHAHAHAHAHA Lee is shit tier unless you get going. Too weak rn. LUL why not play QI AYAYA NA only 2 lvl difference LUL INTING ON LEE SIN AGAIN ResidentSleeper 5/3/5 vs 1/4/3 lee ????? 153 LUL jgl gap so big widepeepoSad jgl gap no doubt :) you didn't shield before R it's jg gap Just play Qyiana 4HEAD @Rush Honest question. Why you suck? @Rush that play was emotional Coin flip :) pvman=washed up itzyaboiikonsti subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Hey, here is Boonjae Lee, its my fifth Birthday today and mom and me really miss you. since you clearly failed at becoming pro can you pls come back dad ? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 14 min in 8 lvl KEKW please rush I want to learn lee sin PepeHands please no emotional PepeLaugh roosh is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad D: KEKW monkaW vs qiyana jg uff ist that rly lee sin main? monkaW k..kill? when is next patch? KEKW D: KEKW d: KEKW D: KEKW KEKW D: monkaS D: LUL LUL LUL LUL D: KEKW D: KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL pvman=gg you hLUL rooD TopHat KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: OMEGALUL KEKW D: D: F WORD D: KEKW ggman+pv fawk qu KEKW Ppman D: degenerate father D: TOO FAR pvman=deadbeat dad KEKW Fuuu Q D: D: 🎷 pvmanMonkey monkaW show us some korean lee sin mechanic no balls D: 1v1 her again PepeLaugh :( i wanted to see him go in 🎷 WeirdChimp neesion pvman = gg KEKW Hit box KEKW yes you will ????????? PVMAN yes. ???? KEKW KEKW ??????????? trash ... KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????????? ? ??????? LULW ??????? PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW saved thresh KEKW WTF ARE YOU DOING KEKW KEKW KEKW ?????????????????? ?????? KEKW KEKW jungle gap KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW what was that lmao KEKW nice kick KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? ?????? CLASSIC PVMAN KEKW omg so bad hahaha KEKW ?? FF 15 ggwp KEKW KEKW KEKW Kassadin Pıog youre seriously inting these games Pog GG KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW No KEKW Clap 1/6 BTW you should take a break naut you are !uptime pvman = Press Q and die KEKW YOU are pepega monster KEKW @Fairytail_bee, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 47 mins could have flashed into nice kick there. LEE IS Pepega Monster no you macaiy1Kek not U need drunk to be good peepoSad ppman did it again jungle gap !xd classic rush LUL LEE IS Pepega SantaHat monster 1/6 KEKW PEPEGA TOP pvman is pepega monster Jump in you die Kappa Pepega Team Pvman = dirty inter NoM team boom EMOTIONAL PLAYER 1/6/4 PepeHands Mid gap for sure MiniK jgl differens PepeHands RENGAR KEKW RENGAR KEKW Lee is Pepega monster RENGAR KEKW KEKW jg gap big kassadin will 1v9 pepeLaugh RENGAR KEKW Kapp what about Lee having Flash jgl in your team is trolling @pvman veldWHAT so did you KEKW This stream is so plainful to watch PepeHands Kapp IMAGINE BLAMING RENGAR KEKW not 1 & 6 Pepega Kapp team comp KEKW naut Kapp no agree your fault 100% NOY MY FAULT KEKW not 1/6 Kappa NOT KEKW 1/6 Kapp still 8 lvl KEKW on you for sure NOT KEKW remember lvl1? PepeLaugh Ur fault it is KEKW lvl 8 Kapp 46 kills 16 min wtf elo is this? why are you 1-6 Mr. Rooosh? :) 2 levels down on bot lane KEKW 1-6 Kappa Everytime i turn on your stream you have negative kda Facecheck for Fun LUL AGREED not better jg wins :( EZHI DODGE EG dodge support higher level FeelsBadMan Kreygasm Cyberbully = gg FeelsBadMan brikin !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again conq cass balanced PepeLaugh forfun ??????? D: QIyana KEKW Kappa !Rushbus Kapp ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ D: KEKW KEKW 118/111 mages have been so fucking broken this season lol NARAM KEKW KEKW KEKW NA ULT KEKW KEKW cya KEKW ?????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kappa Okay :) cya KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman 4fun player LUL LUL LUL cya LUL LUL LUL cya KEKW KEKW cya nerds KEKW CYA NERD KEKW Kappa LUL jg gap MALD KEKW IM NOT A NOOB Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 1/7 :) CYA NERDS KEKW OMEGALUL HE r'D OUT OF IT 4Fun player :( LUL KEWW KEKW Kappa MALD Clap @Rush do you have any good lee sin streamers u can recommend? cya KEKW KEKW 1 & 7 Pepega report jungle KEKW KEKW nice throw KEKW wtf kassadin flash again? KEKW pvman = pvman KEKW KEKW GETTING PINGED KEKW emotinal player KEKW KEKW 10/10 emotional plays pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW spam pinged KEKW KEKW Boon-Jae Lee waiting for his dad to come back PepeHands KEKW CYA NERDS KEKW JG GAP KEKW KEKW KEKW ? thats funny KEKW KEKW @cavegirl peanut KEKW KEKW KEKW POOGERS KEKW KEKW JG GAP KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman=always inting KEKW WEAK MENTAL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW better jg wins can u just peel cassio and get carried by her pepega Pvman = 4Fun player = GG KEKW 1-7 LUL ff he admited defeat in his heart @Rush check out my stream I'm good Lee Sin, maybe you can learn something Kappa LUL Clap OMEGALUL KEKW if you dont get banned League is terrible game KappaClaus @Rush stop being dummy and just peel for cassiopea MUTE KEKW @Rush maybe form isnt too good today SHOUTING INTO AN OPEN COFFIN. KR MENTAL pvman = MaldChamp pvman = gg ff quinNUTTY quinNUTTY quinNUTTY KEKW WEAK MENTAL FeelsBadMan mute lol pvman = POOGERS pvman = bad leesin better jg wins ff kr lee sin :/ 1-7 PogU Kapp Cyberbully has to get banned for inting here we go again FeelsBadMan @Rush stop playing emotional... just ff Kapp pvman=gg KEKW BRA71L LUL don't play lee sin gg jg gap this guy is gonna be looking for a job for a while Lee sin needs nerf bad tower dive? cut the western shit imagine being 2 levels down KEKW Iron 4 LUL he wants to mute twitch chat as well KEKW Pvman = FF = Weak mental KEKW lvl 9 KEKW bad teammembers!!! bad plays!! best JG ever is you @Rush never int, never rage widepeepoSad why are you like this rush Pvman wintradin?? @rush Tian lee sin or Rush lee sin? FeelsBadMan SoSnowy why is map red monkey boy lee sin oh 1-7 LULW nice int better jungler wins KEKW pvman = gg 4 levels down compared to kassadin KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW @n0twei u do realize he makes a shitton of money streaming right yes :) KEKW E TU mid gap FeellsBadMan 1 / 7 flaming others KEKW says the 1/7/5 lee KEKW KEKW Why did he just port back LUL monkaS WutFace E TU KEKW moon2WAH KEKW WutFace KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @brosilian u do realize im joking right xD GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW KEKW 1/8 KEKW RENGaR Pog PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW holy throw jg gap getting bigger :) KEKW !!! GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW 1/8 KEKW GO NEXT GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW LEE USELESS KEKW KEKW LEE KEKW KEKW remc20 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pepega monster pvman=useless KEKW JUNGLE GAP PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW totally useless INTING RUSH LUL ff @THOT_OF_WAR the new updates kind of puts a tint in the map after 2nd dragon Rush washed up GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW gray screen simulator pog actually useless KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW @Rush You learn from iWillDominate? 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW 1/7 KEKW KEKW KEKW You are inting GOING TO INT Pepega @brosilian and u do realize his goal is to play pro not sit around with twitch chat all day lmao 1/8 1/8 1/8 pepega JUNGLE GAP KEKW 1/8 KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW 2 levels lower than enemy support KEKW GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW 1/8 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 flaming team KEKW MALD IceCold 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW PVMAN POV KEKW @n0twei nice troll 4Head 1/8 ?? emotional player lvl 9 widepeepoSad KEKC KEKC KEKC KEKC 1 8 loooool 1/8?/ Pvman = FF 4Head Wtf gachiW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW 1/8 KEKW COMPLETELY USELESS KEKW 2 levels down widepeepoSad Kreygasm Cyberbullied PepeHands PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW gachiW KEKW GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL gachiW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW gg Pepega KEKW KEKW GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW ff F KEKW RUNNING IT DOWN gachiW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW gachiW SoSnowy gachiBASS SO BAD KEKW GachiBASS Pepega monster FF @rush why u acting like u r Chinese now. Playing bad and still flaming teammates KEKW 1/9 KEKW GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW LEVEL 9 KEKW KEKW gachiW ff /ff PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW ffffff gachiW gg 1/9 KEKW PepeLaugh 💦 gachiW GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW pvman = ff PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW report pvman :) beg for mercry sad rush FF KEKW GO NEXT NOW time now Weak mental LUL thats a dd pressed stopwatch Pog ff suicidal 1/9 1/9 PepeLaugh pvman KEKW 1/10 BlessRNG jungle diff KEKW gachiW Moan Louder RUSH ff RUSH CANT HANDLE ANYMORE 1/9 AYAYA EZ LEVEL FUKIN 9 KEKW roosh is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad PepeLaugh 💨 GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW 1/9 KEKW 1/9 KEKW 1/9 KEKW byebye gg go next J J PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad rush is not bad Jungle Gap KEKW pvman = FF NO 1/10 PepeHands pvman = lose :) pvman=gg LUL KEKW KEKW JNGL GAP just dont play lee LUL better jg wins im actually wheezing rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad play twitch jg 1/9 LEE CAN'T WIN :) PogChamp PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL actually worse than IWD gg = gg PepeHands BETTER JUNGLE WINS feeds EZ Clap ez lee sin is only for mechanical players KEKW EZ MaN FeelsBadMan Rush why always only 4 hour stream EZ Report EZ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ EZ Clappo EZ widepeepoSad indeed KEKW PepeHands ez pvman=gg :( chat KEKW ROOSH IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad Emotional plays PepeLaugh not 10 death powerspyke BibleThump BibleThump EZ Clap EZ EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ TopHat Clap GRAY SCREEN SIMULATOR KEKW EZ Clap PVMAN IS EZ EZ PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW EZ Clap pepega rush I GOT TROLL AGAIN EZ ManChicken EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Red Honor EZ Clap EZ Clap Don’t play lee son ever again EZ Clap PVMAN = GG EZ EZ Clap Reported EZ Clap EZ Clap stick to EZ champ like nunu :) EZ CLAPO EZ Clap pvman GG KEK ez clap EZ TopHat Clapped EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap moon2CUTE Ez clap LUL EZ Clap ez klap EZ Clap EZ SantaHat Clap GGMAN=PV EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap widepeepoSad rush is not bad blotLUL blotLUL blotLUL NO MO LEE SON GG EZ Clap Keyword ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ EZ Clap ManChicken Clap report jg feding never ganks EZ Clap EZ honorable opponent KEKW lost to piglet OMEGALUL roosh is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad EZ loss RUSH COME BACK TO NA <3 play meta champs SqShy TopHat EZ Clap U FF korea always ff the tilt is realt KEKw CoolStoryBob GG man = weak mental LUL FeelsBadMan Rush why always only 4 hour stream ? bad stream widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad I think Rush played well just team gap PepeHands rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman is not gg widepeepoSad PepeHands @Rush do you have any good lee sin streamers u can recommend? widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D: Roosh widepeepoSad nooooooooooooo PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan 4 hour long stream WeirdChamp TopHat widepeepoSad F Hi Rush im new, is this a emotional stream? pepeHands widepeepoSad pvmanNonono pvmanNonono pvmanNonono pvmanNonono pvmanNonono pvmanNonono no way i just arrived PepeHands ggman=terrible winning stream EZ Clap winning stream EZ Clap winning stream EZ Clap PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad rush is sky again widepeepoSad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad !uptime !uptime @vurderlak, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 53 mins we <3 you rush PepeHands widepeepoSad wait dont go stream more MALD widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad EZ SantaHat Clap one more! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 3-4 KEKW ONE MORE play more roosh plez widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan KEKW DESERVED widepeepoSad Negative day LUL 4 hour long stream WeirdChamp SoSnowy widepeeposad stay daddy widepeepoSad see you rosh pvman= gg widepeepoSad widepeepoSAD 1 morr not even 4 hrs MaldChamp SantaHat RUSH PLZ I JUST GOT TO WORK widepeepoSad good day mr rush are u pro player SHORT STREAM PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump LIVE PogU YouDied 안녕~~ PepegaPhone roooosh <3 lck rush Gg !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pepega rushhhhhh pvman=gg hi rush yes my favorite streamer jungler Pog hi rush gg man <3 first ( in korean) Talk to us u pepega HeyGuys hey @Rush HeyGuys atamAYAYA seungri is innocent oh the god is back nice yay 러하 PepegaPhone cmon through 76th viewer hell yea!!!!!!! monkeyman! afk streamer rush @rush why are you not watching Mama 2019??? play lee Carrying Impact again :) Where is the.camere put it up or we will run it down 499k KEKW mic muted GOD CAMILE @Rush poor impact BibleThump pvmanMonkey no mic no cam FeelsBadMan hi rush where is pvman? die. politely asking. not even 500k followers LULW gunChinshin pvmanMonkey intpact 🦍 cam POGGERS is ur yt chanel ggman? POOGERS you welcome rush congrats 500k😀 RUSH U THE BEST Kreygasm ggman and intpact at it again 'rooooosh pvmanWeeb no glasses monkaW Yes ugly gg man heyyyy rush duo with hashinshin he is very bad YOU MAKE ME WANNA BE KOREAN Damn its Lush PogChamp no u hi roooosh widepeepoHappy HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys congrats on half milli widepeepoHappy everybody unfollow 😂😂😂😂😂 <3 <3 <3 lolz KEKW cirOwO hash > impact Hashinshin KEKW rush looking a stud out here please dont int today , lets ahave a nice and clean stream @Rush what hashinshin is a super top brah duo with saber later gg man Pog Exinih subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! finally in time to see a wild monkey in its natural habitat lucky for me :) cirComfy Imagine Rush and Hashinshin on the same team, 0% chance to win YIKERS reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hashinshin would just flame u for not being top 24/7 >.> ready to win pvman not gg !uptime @ohleho, rush has been streaming for 4 mins 12 secs danBlank @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxLurk LULW KEKW NANI why are you trolling already rush god damnnit? @marcvstulliuscicero cirISee I have never seen Hashinshin win his lane when I go to his stream. LuL dint be a chimp today ok Kappa no :) no :) shut up rush How are you feeling rush. still earthquake time? @rush favourite manga? Finally in time to see a wild monkeynin its natural habitat lucky for me :) who saw faker new video today? he wore a suit MingLee KEKWait not enabled KEKW can you please lose for your 1st game? NaM ❓ @Rush you need toplay more lee sin you weeb is camile jg good rn? manga? DansGame hentai AYAYA WeirdChamp weeb AYAYA AYAYA ? AYAYA @Rush looking forward to pepega gameplay again !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU pvman=gg KEKW hello rush AYAYA Kapp @Rush Whats a good jungler you'd recommend for a first time player :) NaM finally pvman = gg Congrats for the half million Rush Intpact !uptime @the_communist_puppy, rush has been streaming for 5 mins 54 secs rush can you please tell Mr Korea to make your language easier. I want to learn it but I heard there's a lot of things that make it difficult rush are you from australia? Pog pvman= Pog 어녕이 is impact? @Rush wintrading? KEKW Ready to feed IMPact widepeepoHappy i learn 1 word automatic elo boost 10/10 would recommend KEKW yeah its inmpact Kapp the kind boy original 470 viewers KEKW LUL hello Roosh rush daddy uwu ROOSH Pepega hey Rooooooooosssshh !uptime @stev153, rush has been streaming for 6 mins 56 secs !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU nice rush is on so i can learn how to run it down when my teammates are rude to me D: @nyannko777 what a troll , he just started streaming @rush Ask Impact about “FBI OPEN UP” LUL your hair looks a lot better today. very sexy @Rush can you do a 24h stream for the 500.000 follower? :) 600 viewers widepeepoSad INTpact + pvman EleGiggle ? LULW flash r widepeepoSad KEKW ? ?/ GOOD START KEKW OMEGALUL E E KEKW washed up streamer widepeepeSad ?? sinner pov lolz gg pvmanE i will :) unfollow KEKW nice E gg NA E KEKW pvman = gg KEKW 8 win streak KEKW rush stream widepeepoHappy GP KEKW 3 buff EZ Clap !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Chat what do you think, rush play next season for LCK ? no rush in LCK? KEKW never @Rush Did anyone tell you I love you before, cuz I do ekko widepeepoSad hey rush ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 rush can u stream earlier :( pvmanYesyesyes OMEGAYAYA KEKW PepoThink !uptime @bluepost, rush has been streaming for 9 mins 33 secs Rush is nuts Pog HIGH TEMPO ReinDeerD: moon2COOM Pog fast base Pog 5Head Pog fast recall kappagotrekt subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PepoThink Pog rushs camille is so fun Thanks for the HahaCat @kappagotrekt Thresh POGGERS !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU gachiW SoSnowy HahaHide ?? LULW KEKW 499,301 != half million ?? E KEKW E KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Pepega NICE E KEKW smite king e king KEKW nice E Pepega Clap hes not at 500k is he? is this ranked? Pog WHO IS THIS GUY AND WHAT DID HE DO TO RUSH Pog Is Rush the best camille on earth? pvmanKappa ROOSH I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH monkaW @Kitecat8 probably everytime he e he falls asleep @deathb3rry PrideFlag ROOSH widepeepoHappy best camille EA KR VPN KEKW !uptime @HOVisdrunk, rush has been streaming for 11 mins 34 secs @dack_cx 499,406 or so pvman is live PogChamp Pog Im early 10 ping in korea KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @Mantodaraposa so rush is selling fake news? !uptime @TiPera, rush has been streaming for 12 mins 1 sec Bug KEKW KS Pog ks KEKW KS KS KEKW KS KEKW ks KEKW !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ KS KEKW ks KS EZ who is better Camille? Rush or Ning? monkaW ekko Q ks PogU ks KS LuL KS Ks WeirdChamp @dack_cx hes a liar man. GP KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KEKW I mean :z 5Head slowly walk to ks the kill PepoThink GP 3Head TRUE gachiGASM gachiGASM Kapp 5Head 5Head HUH KEKW rush=patient, username checks out KEKW smart 5Head 5Head why tiamat this game? gachiGASM JUST COME ALREADY yo chat is it still pvman =gg? @Rush who is better jungle you or Broxah chinse cait KEKW anyone know why tiamat this game? gachiW SUCCIOON rush=patient, KEKW tell impact he's smart D: is camille any better in s10? 5Head 📝 rush actually 200iq no cap 5Head gachiGASM come = gg hahaelo jungler btw looking future KEKW looking future Pepega 5Head I concur NaM D: taking the kill !uptime @0352664343, rush has been streaming for 13 mins 45 secs !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU who he duo with? @BigGuyNate Impact @BigGuyNate a friend top die is impact boosting rush? why does he have two points in e and q? yes PepegaPhone Checking In no, they are inting their team !opgg !time 20:55 getting carried by impact again? PepegaPhone CHECKING INN PVMAN = GG KEKW I was just finishing up last nights stream lol now you’re live let’s goo meanwhile rush 0% wr ekko do rift no rush T OMEGALUL P DIE widepeepoHappy Hi GGman SMOrc herald widepeepoSad TIAMAT KEKW ROOSH = GG !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Hi roosh! :) TIAMAT KEKW ! duo EL IMPACTO Pog 한국인 두명이 영어로 겜하네 IMPACT FBI OPEN UP tiamat is not working !? what !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU hello daddy rush bawkHello MALD 2k viewers but chat moving so slow monkaHmm @Rush ask impact about FBI LUL MrDestructoid 7 MrDestructoid MrDestructoid hey its my favourite MALD streamer @Rush papa rush, who is impact? I only know pepega league players like you. MrDestructoid !uptime @KidoBR, rush has been streaming for 16 mins 24 secs @claques MrDestructoid i am definitely not a bot YUP MrDestructoid IceCold @Exinih what happened with fbi? Half a million Pepega Pog rush is live Pog Pepega IceCold cirBlech Riot nerfs Kassadin instead of fixing client LUL RarePepe SoSnowy !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU IceCold Kappa IceCold Pepega PepeHands IceCold what are you implying MrDestructoid yeyeye LUL TopHat IceCold Rush live 9 pm Korea PogU monkaS IceCold D: IceCold @BigGuyNate Impact likes to make a joke about FBI (adc player) name They nerfed Kassadin? LUL ItsBryce subscribed with Twitch Prime. IceCold D: FBI OPEN UP reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !time !uptime 20:57 @Grizzles_Fun, rush has been streaming for 17 mins 1 sec iamsocal IceCold monkaS IceCold SoSnowy IceCold D: IceCold LULW SoSnowy squadW IceCold SoSnowy LULW IceCold Pepega IceCold OMEGALUL D: SantaHat IceCold !watchtime KEKW IceCold SoSnowy Pepega haHAA IceCold IceCold monkaS IceCold AYAYA SoSnowy IceCold IceCold KEKW is back IceCold Kappa KEKW SoSnowy IceCold IceCold Half a milion followers but 2k viewers LUL IceCold LUL IceCold Pepega IceCold KEKW ReinDeer IceCold moon2AY KEKW IceCold AYAYA IceCold D: IceCold how do you stack emotes IceCold ,ds IceCold SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat IceCold Kappa IceCold IceCold pvmanMonkey Pepega IceCold ForeverAlone SoSnowy KS KEKW KS KEKW pvmanMonkey IceCold SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA CandyCane IceCold monkaS pvmanKS i got i Kapp MALD IceCold IceCold D: IceCold Pepega IceCold IceCold IceColdmoon2AY Pog IceCold IceCold IceCold markooChill D: SantaHat IceCold D: CandyCane SantaHat shipSIP IceCold Pog SoSnowy KEKW moon2AY IceCold rush gank bot anyday plz. ty KEKW IceCold IceCold IceCold xqcBall_SG rise brothers IceCold .. Pepega IceCold whyno work markooChill IceCold Pog SoSnowy D: IceCold PepeHands SantaHat SoSnowy LuL IceCold FROZEN BAGS MELTING LuL IceCold PepegaPhone IceCold IceCold KEKW IceCold ... IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold Pepega D: SantaHat CandyCane IceCold IceCold PedoBear SantaHat KEKW D: D: IceCold SoSnowy gachiGASM D: Pepega IceCold KEKW KEKW Pepega IceCold this is fun IceCold LuL KEKW IceCold D: KEKW KEKW KEKW AYAYA IceCold KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW racist OMEGALUL IceCold KEKW IceCorld Pepega IceCold EKK OMEGALUL LuL IceCold SoSnowy YouDied SoSnowy KEKW IceCold D: SantaHat CandyCane SoSnowy IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW SoSnowy CruW IceCold IceCold LUL IceCold monkaSpeed KEKW SoSnowy SoSnowy .. KEKW IceCold KEKW D: IceCold IceCold D: @Rush hello handsome childeater KEKW IceCold D: ANELE YouDied SoSnowy D: IceCold OMEGAYAYA 👉 YouDied D: IceCold stream sniper 100% Kappa IceCold if only you could play ekko Kapp alkUpset IceCold XD KEKW IceCold Imagine having a winrate so negative you need to duo a world champion to fix it KEKW SoSnowy Shirley Pog D: IceCold jebaited KEKW SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy IceCold LUL D: IceCold Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy YouDied KappaIceCold monkaW IceCold IceCold D: pvmanMonkey IceCold WeirdChimp IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold KEKW Kappa IceCold LuLIceCold IceCold LUL SoSnowy KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU LuL IceCold D: IceCold IceCold KEKW yeah Kappa pog this ekko is ghosterino? or nay? LUL IceCold monkaS IceCold LULW IceCold IceCold LUL MaldChamp IceCold i am jobless and have college debts :) IceCold D: HandsUp SoSnowy NaM IceCold Kapp !duo SoSnowy D: DUO with IMPACT PogU ANELE IceCold I want to go back to arabia Kreygasm SoSnowy LUL IceCold IceColdKEKW !rank NaM SoSnowy Pepega IceCold LULIceCold LULW IceCold IceColdD: SourPls SoSnowy EZ SantaHat NaM IceCold D: IceCold gatekeeper impact IceCold Pepega IceCold Pepega IceCold IceCold Pepega reading patch note KEKW SoSnowy SoSnowy alkUpset SoSnowy EZ what rank is rush ? KEKW SantaHat EZ TopHat LULW IceCold bahtsız bedeviyi çölde kutup ayısı sikermiş derler o yüzden çöle özenmeyin IceCold Pepega LuL IceCold FROZEN BAGS MELTING LuL IceCold EZ SoSnowy what are you sheep even spaming lol Pepega IceCold is impact duo? NaM SantaHat Wowee SoSnowy HahaDoge D: IceCold EZ TopHat Clap LUL IceCold KEKW IceCold Pepega IceCold EZ SantaHat Pepega SantaHat IceColdPepega alkUpset SoSnowy IceCold FeelsBadMan SoSnowy IceCold D: WutFace IceCold HELLO WHAT RANK IS RUSH ? Kappa IceCold Pepega SantaHat Pepega SantaHat Clap Kappa IceCold pog Pepega IceCold FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy FeelsBadMan IceCold cait PepeLaugh PedoBear ReinDeer IceCold LUL D: IceCold rhydorP SantaHat MaldChamp Kappa Pepega TopHat IceCold PepeHands Kappa IceCold PepegaPhone IceCold YetiZ IceCold Kappa WTFF IceCold VIP SwiftRage IceCold fuckboi caitlyn TopHat SwiftRage IceCold FeelsBadMan SantaHat MaldChamp SantaHat PepeHands SantaHat SoSnowy : IceCold Kappa PedoBear SantaHat KappaClaus SoSnowy KappaClaus SoSnowy KappaClaus SoSnowy Tophat SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold D: IceCold KEKW D: IceCold KappaClaus SoSnowy TopHat SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold Pepega SantaHat Clap okay Kappa SoSnowy not snow gachiW KEKW TopHat @Rush My sister was visiting and asked me if I was watching a comedian, I thought for a moment, then replied "Yes, I am watching a comedian" Because Rush is not a gameplay streamer Pepega SantaHat happy holidays y'all PedoBear SantaHat SoSnowy Kappa IceCold e: SwiftRage IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold FeelsAmazingMan SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold SantaHat IceCold SantaHat Pepega HerbPerve IceCold Pepega TopHat SoSnowy KEKW SantaHat IceCold Opiq ok IceCold TopHat :) rhydorP IceCold IceCold KEKW Kapp IceCold KEKW SoSnowy :) TopHat Pepega IceCold Pepega SantaHat TopHat IceCold D: RarePepe IceCold ChomPag IceCold KEKW SantaHat KEKW SantaHat KEKW SantaHat KEKW SantaHat D: SantaHat already inting ? LUL I open Rush stream to a grey screen- i am not surpirsed !time 21:02 MrDestructoid TopHat SoSnowy Pepega TopHat merry christmas kids PedoBear IceCold IceCold rhydorP IceCold moon2E 💿 TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU SoSnowy Pepega :D TopHat Pepega TopHat SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy peepoFat SoSnowy Pepega IceCold im so confused with the snow n santa] @Rush are you going pro again some time? :) IceCold Pepega SantHat SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy Pepega SantaHat @Rush you look nice today Pepega TopHat SoSnowy IceCold PVMAN = GG KEKW TopHat ConcernDoge SantaHat KaRappa SantaHat markooChill !duo ReinDeer Pepega DUO with IMPACT PogU oh the weather outside is frightful SoSnowy Pepega Pepega TopHat AYAYA Clap IceCold FeelsGoodMan CandyCane widepeepoHappy SantaHat OMEGALUL IceCold roooosh widepeepoHappy TopHat widepeepoHappy SantaHat Pepega FeelsGoodMan ReinDeer SantaHat gachiGASM EZ widepeepoHappy SoSnowy top carry Pog SantaHat widepeepoSad OMEGALUL IceCold SantaHat gachiGASM SantaHat SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SantaHat Pepega hachuSanta SoSnowy widepeepoSad SantaHat FBI OPEN UP OMEGALUL IceCold gachiGASM SantaHat SoSnowyKEKW KEKW SantaHat PepeHands SoSnowy Pepega SantaHat Clap pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS gachiGASM SantaHat gachiW SoSnowy widepeepoSad SantaHat SoSnowy i am too wide hachuSanta IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy PepeHands Kappa IceCold IceCold SoSnowy gachiHYPER gachiW SoSnowy This is like 10x better than watching NA wtf PepeHands TopHat FeelsBadMan IceCold SoSnowy FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy widepeepoSad SantaHat PepeHands ReinDeer gachiGASM SoSnowy merry christmas rush PedoBear SantaHat widepeepoSad IceCold gg IceCold pepeJAM IceCold PepeHands CandyCane ytoll herald LULW gachiGASM IceCold SantaHat ReinDeer M&Mjc SantaHat PepeJAM IceCold !uptime @xOG_BA, rush has been streaming for 23 mins 41 secs CandyCane NaM gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW widepeepoSad SantaHat SoSnowy i am too wide pepeLaughing IceCold NaM TopHat PV MaN IceCold 🦀 @LilMorpheus NA ping is too high and players don't try as hard over there :/ SantaHat WeirdChimp IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy :crab: PogU SantaHat hi dad NaM SantaHat does anyone know impact main acc opgg @Rush My sister was visiting and asked me if I was watching a comedian, I thought for a moment, then replied "Yes, I am watching a comedian" Because Rush is not a gameplay streamer Pepega IceCold NaM IceCold gachiGASM IceCold SantaHat ReinDeer TopHat Pepege SantaHat monkaW ? Pepega NaM SoSnowy IceCold KEKW Pepega SantaHat Clap flash? KEKW LOL KappaIceCold LuL Pepega Clap Pepega SantaHat SoSnowy Pepega CandyCane wiped LULW YouDied IceCold KEKW lemillionx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! hey! SMITE KEKW So Pepega SoSnowy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pvman = gg KEKW EZ SantaHat Clap stop feeding Rush Opiq ok Pepega smite ?? inting LUL YouDied SoSnowy yup Pepega IceCold Clap FeelsBadMan TopHat YouDied SantaHat @Rush My sister was visiting and asked me if I was watching a comedian, I thought for a moment, then replied "Yes, I am watching a comedian" Because Rush is not a gameplay streamer Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @lemillionx Pepega ReinDeer Clap yup Kappa SoSnowy SoSnowy Thanks for the HahaDoge @lemillionx FeelsAmazingMan ReinDeer pvmanMonkey SantaHat "It's beginning to look a lot like INTmas pvmanMonkey SantaHat IceCold TopHat Smite was up:] PepegaSantaHat HahaThisisfine HahaDreidel PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy u missed smite eh? everytime I tune in I see him feeding widepeepoSad IceCold Pepega Pepega SoSnowy Clap pepega chat says smite lul HahaGingercat SoSnowy SoSnowy It’s just like NA game NaM TopHat softSmug softSmug softSmug INTmas FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy Pepega IceCold IceCold WTFF SoSnowy IceCold Pepega IceCold smite no dmg chat FeelsAmazingMan TopHat Pepega SoSnowy Wowee SantaHat FeelsBadMan SantaHat IceCold @Bhoytan your fault then Pepega forsenE SoSnowy red smite the guy you cant hit Pepega im a knee WTFF IceCold SoSnowy Kappa snicker : pvmanMonkey SantaHat "Merry INTmas everyone" INTmas pvmanMonkey NaM SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat SantaHat @OhMyBirth PepeHands SoSnowy monkeyS SantaHat GabeN SantaHat SoSnowy @Am4teur monkaW FeelsGoodMan CandyCane MaN SantaHat rush your face is swollen are you alright D: IceCold FishMoley SantaHat LuL IceCold FROZEN BAGS MELTING LuL IceCold D: IceCold PepoThink SoSnowy NaM SantaHat knee snicker Lemillion POG D: IceCold SexPanta SantaHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU D: IceCold . Pepega IceCold is Impact streaming? widepeepoHappy SoSnowy HYPERS SoSnowy BlessRNG SantaHat SexPanda SoSnowy monkeyS togata senpai M&Mjc SoSnowy same shirt as yesterday PepeLaugh markooChill IceCold 💼 IceCold TaxiBro SoSnowy p v _ _ _ = gg ❓ PepoThink SantaHat SoSnowy MaN BBoomer SantaHat @green_year KEKW SoSnowy cirComfy SoSnowy SantaHat IceCold monkaHmm SantaHat FishMoley TopHat SoSnowy !duo SoSnowy markooChill IceCold DUO with IMPACT PogU ManChicken SoSnowy blitz KEKW hey roush :tf: SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat BLITZ KEKW SoSnowy FeelsBadMan SoSnowy new patch has been making my pc lag sometimes too ManChicken IceCold supports summoner name LUL ratirlBusiness SantaHat KappaFace SoSnowy KEKW SantaHat 5Head SantaHat monkaHmm TopHat Impact Tower LUL HahaTurtledove close blitz if screen is freezing :( HahaBall IceCold ButterSauce SoSnowy PepoThink TopHat HahaBall HerbPerve IceCold KIND BOY POGGERS B) IceCold SoSnowy same shirt as yesterday? why do i get timed out for posting emotes ?! D: IceCold HahaBall ugly ass emote SantaHat markooChill SantaHat BibleThump IceCold pvmanMonkey SoSnowy LuL IceCold FeelsGoodMan IceCold HahaShrugLeft HahaReindeer HahaShrugRight D: SantaHat SantaHat IceCold same shirt KEKW SoSnowy , SoSnowy AngelThump IceCold SoSnowy D: SantaHat Pooga IceCold HahaThink Pog IceCold KEKW SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold :tf: IceCold Pooga AngelThump IceCold alkUpset IceCold ReinDeer SoSnowy TopHat AngelThump SantaHat :( where is the pooga emote IceCold IceCold AngelThump IceCold IceCold SantaHat That camera movement Pog SoSnowy POOGERS Pepege SoSnowy SourPlz KEKW SantaHat KEKW POOGERS TopHat AngelThump SantaHat BibleThump SantaHat SoSnowy ReinDeer markooChill ReinDeer SourPls POGGERS TopHat Clap POOGERS SoSnowy FeelsAmazingMan SantaHat TTours IceCold POOGERS IceCold Pog SoSnowy Clap FeelsGoodMan SantaHat EZ TopHat Clap !uptime @NIKOS_PETALOUDAS, rush has been streaming for 28 mins 44 secs forsenPls SoSnowy NaM IceCold KEKW STREAMER WT F happened to the jungle this season KEKW SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA TopHat KEKW SoSnowy IceCold KaRappa IceCold NaM IceCold widepeepoHappy ReinDeer AYAYA SantaHat HYPERS SoSnowy variety jungle KEKW SantaHat AYAYA SoSnowy PogU win Kapp AYAYA IceCold KEKW SoSnowy AYAYA TopHat KEKW IceCold AYAYA TopHat IceCold half a million followers still jobless feelsbadman TopHat Kappa PepePls SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA KEKW IceCold haHAA IceCold hey guys look how cool I am TehePelo TopHat FeelsGoodMan IceCold SoSnowy KEKW IceCold haHAA IceCold KEKW IceCold VoHiYo TopHat SoSnowy he knows how it works dude KEKW IceCold ConcernDoge ReinDeer haHAA SantaHat haHAA IceCold -13 btw haHAA TopHat Jesus christ impact move the mic away from your mouth 😡 IceCold theslu77 @JJYEO jobless LOL this guy makes more money than he needs off streaming IceCold IceCold KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU !subcount Current sub count: 894 FeelsWeirdMan IceCold TopHat haHAA IceCold KEKW PepeLaugh IceCold @NewStyles check subcount KEKW KEKW IceCold !uptime @rebeccamo, rush has been streaming for 30 mins 51 secs subcount is al ie Kappa IceCold SourPls subcount straight up lie IceCold Keepo IceCold subcount monkaS down like 500+ <3 SantaHat Pepege SoSnowy @NewStyles I don't know man, rush could be making way more money with his fame and talent AYAYA IceCold KKona SantaHat Pepege KEKW IceCold tryhard Rush ResidentSleeper @NewStyles but the thing with being on a team is that you have a salary + you can also stream MercyWing1 IceCold YouDied MercyWing2 IceCold LCS pays more than LCK !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU <3 IceCold @KidoBR he doesnt need it KEKW AYAYA SoSnowy ReinDeer Clap KEKW IceCold IceCold KEKW 4 drag monkaW KEKW ReinDeer KEKW SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat true @zoame !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @NewStyles and you get more subs and sponsors depending on the team your on Rush could be a funny actor in movies!! KEKW SoSnowy @TiPera Not needing money KEKW SoSnowy pretty hard to balance streaming and being on a team tbh PartyPoro SantaHat @KidoBR he is rich af and he is buying a tower soon KEKW facts KKona SantaHat AYAYA infernal soul Pog KEKW IceCold D: D: Pog IceCold KKona SantaHat LULW D: TOXIC Pog D: SoSnowy D: SoSnowy D: D: SoSnowy D: IceCold Rush KEKW OMEGALUL fuck roosh FK RUSH KEKW SoSnowy @Rush focus winning stop reading chat monkeyboy @Rush My sister was visiting and asked me if I was watching a comedian, I thought for a moment, then replied "Yes, I am watching a comedian" Because Rush is not a gameplay streamer @TiPera Rush cannot keep a sleep schedule, how the fk he is going to manage a build ? KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW griefed KEKW FeelsSnowMan D: IceCold PUCK RUSSIA Pog pepe lol rush Pepege rush trolling as usual KEKW PowerUpL KKona SantaHat PowerUpR @KidoBR people will do it for him KEKW IMPACT MIC NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW Kappa D: It was over KEKW RICE EATERS KR KEKW Kapp Kapp KEKW FK U INTPACT it was over KEKW Group intelligence in this chat? it was over KEKW @china_ruined_everything MingLee SoSnowy Group intelligent OMEGALUL it was over like ur career KEKW its not over D: SantaHat Don't bring me into this KEKW SoSnowy pvman = stall KEKW rush is Iron KEKW Im just here to spam KEKW chat do you think they could end there? and that, is an actual NA professional player gachiGASM SoSnowy oh nice how many world championships have u won? @Rush LUL RUSH thinks this chat has intelligence AHAHAHHAHAHAHA LUL Kapp not me KEKW Kappa Kapp ? gachiW SoSnowy yeah Kappa kappa KEKW Kappa Rysh angry cmonBruhg I thought rush is a 4fun and coin flip player? Chat won Worlds Kappa Kappa SantaHat Kapp what does IceCold mean SoSnowy Lush @capnswing we have 3 intelligence :) Kappa TopHat Kapp SantaHat gachiGASM SoSnowy IceCold means IceCold im smart :) bruh disabled :( IceCold KEKW IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW :) IceCold @Rush brain is smarter than a normal person brain on drugs 2000 people with 1IQ is 2000IQ Chat :) gachiW SoSnowy KEKW pepega IceCold FeelsGoodMan :) IceCold is he duo with fenix im on drugs :) im srmat :) smart man :) :) IceCold Pepega IceCold Winter is coming monkaW IceCold !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW got caught KEKW KEKW SO BAD monkaW TopHat @UnNameless 9 women can deliver a baby in 1 month :) IceCold KEKW wtf :YouDied: IceCold sacrifice Kappa LUL Clap monkaW SantaHat EZ IceCold KEKW Kapp IceCold PogU he ded wpgg EZ IceCold GG EZ carried by impact KEKW carried monkaW SantaHat EZ KEKW IceCold @KidoBR instantly actually :) ez IceCold Kappa IceCold EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap TopHat SoSnowy EZ IceCold Clap EZ TopHat Kapp KEKW IceCold haHAA TopHat Kapp IceCold monkaW IceCold !uptime EZ Clap @WaferRolls, rush has been streaming for 35 mins 42 secs EZ IceCold Clap NewStyles subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! impact widepeepoHappy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 5Head SantaHat 5Head 5Head 5Head ROOSH Pepega Clap 3Head 5Head 5Head IceCold 5Head 5Head IceCold Kappa PogChamp Kapp widepeepoHappy TopHat Kappa 5Head 5Head SantaHat 5Head TopHat Kapp Clap KEKW CARRIED Thanks for the HahaThisisfine @kappagotrekt Kapp !uptime Kapp @pazzp1, rush has been streaming for 35 mins 58 secs Gorilla PogU EZ IceCold Kapp He can listen to your stream Pepega ! 6Head peepoHappy WAOW THATS INSANE 2Head 0 KEKW 1Head KEKW KEKW Pepega IceCold 5Head 4Town KEKW KEKW FeelsGoodMan SourPls EZ IceCold Clap 5Head SantaHat EZ IceCold Clap SoSnowy tfbPUNCH KEKW SAVED PogU @Rush carrying Intpact ezcalp TopHat SourPls SourPls SourPls ROOOOSH monkaS IceCold where face cam went SAVED pre recorded PogU IceCold IceCold widepeepoSad SoSnowy IceCold monkaS Pepege SantaHat widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat monkaS IceCold rush smoke break? SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy did rush get more votes than anda? KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat TopHat little bong break ofc SoSnowy @Rush you're missing...! did rush winrate went from 50% to 45%? no wonder he plays on his smurf FeelsBadMan SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SoSnowy monkaW TopHat SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold widepeepoSad SoSnow SoSnow SoSnow KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat SourPls IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy 1611 region 5 V doomsland AYAYA IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat OWL2019Reinhardt OWL2019nanoboost SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad monkaS IceCold PogCamp SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW KEKW IceCold SoSnowy widepeepoSad TopHat IceCold SoSnowy no facecam FeelsBadMan no cam? PartyPoro what is rush main account gachiW gachiW SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy LULW gachiW FeelsBadMan SoSnowy 🚬 merry christmas I guess AYAYA SantaHat gachiW no cam? PepoThink gachiW SoSnowy is this break or no mic no cam gachiW SoSnowy hotdogss good one LULW JON NOT SNOW gachiBASS SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy . gachiGASM SoSnowy white shower pvman = KEKW TF Blade cosplay FeelsBadMan gachiW SoSnowy SantaHat NOT SNOW gachiW SoSnowy IceCold !rank is it just me or are the emotes not combining pvman SoSnowy :tf: IceCold BroBalt SoSnowy gachiW IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy @Rush unfortunately life has taken a bad turn for me, so you have to be content with a free sub every now and then out of me. Just know that I still love you widepeepoSad SoSnowy SoSnowy Pepega SantaHat problem ? :tf: IceCold pvmanKappa TopHat Pepega SantaHat PogU Cam Pepega @sh13104 i've ffz and it's not combining as well ty rush when will you have a team? thanks :) rush how does it feel dead streamer? yoo NaM SantaHat @sh13104 try typing the combining emote after the regular emote Kappa IceCold pvmanKappa TopHat 🍷 muck fods and puck flebs HES BACK Pog IceCold pvmanKappa IceCold :tf: !uptime @thelegendofparnstar, rush has been streaming for 38 mins 50 secs Pepega streamer kayn !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU ty rush for supporting the blind barbers in Korea :) pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanNOO :tf: IceCold = Grey Face (no space) cool clothes mr rush yess elise MrDestructoid SoSnowy yayyyyy ResidentSleeper TopHat :D elise :D notsquishY SantaHat GreyFace TopHat ResidentSleeper TopHat Pepega man elise onetrick back ResidentSleeper IceCold @Rush rooosh widepeepoHappy <3 xqcSmile TopHat Pepega SoSnowy ResidentSleeper SantaHat D: TopHat rush looks cuter with that bowl haircut pvmanGrey pvmanGrey pvmanGrey pvmanFAM full ad with mordekeiser lol tf:IceCold Pepega TopHat PepegE elise one trick Pepega SoSnowy Pepega SantaHat resuscitate the stream quick rush! @pr0killertv how does it feel to be a wannabe streamer Pepege @rush whatdo u think about kindred FeelsGoodMan CandyCane PepeLaugh SoSnowy impact carrys u elise 1 trick and morde 1 trick KEKW @Rush how to understand what to pick into enemy team (drafts) 💰 IceCold why does the client look so smooth when he is doing runes? it isnt as smooth as if i did it myself i have a good pc same shirt as yesterday @Rush Pog Pepege SantaHat notu carry him xD truuuue Pepega SoSnowy no PepegaPhone Pepege TopHat Pepega TopHat You need to pay him KEKW FeelsBadMan ReinDeer jobless rush KEKW Pepega checking in +$5 rush accoount !uptime @IamLegendNumber1, rush has been streaming for 39 mins 54 secs Pepega monster Pepega SantaHat widepeepoHappy :dagger: @mods rush you are not boosting you are boosted @TheEnro feelsbadman that's for sure. SoSnowy gachiW Pepega SantaHat Pepege SantaHat OMEGALUL TopHat wa wa wha ty rush !song !uptime @its_dinner_time, rush has been streaming for 40 mins 8 secs new job PogU no he is duo with you Kenny ? @pr0killertv FeelsBadMan // ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NaM TopHat 🗡 AYAYA SantaHat !time 21:21 IceCold NOT (N)ICE IceCold @Rush whats the song name sounds beautiful massive gachiW Sure Kapp Klappa SoSnowy Pepege TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU TopHat SoSnowy @rush all I want for Christmas is pepega charge TopHat Pepege Kappa IceCold yep u are smurfer rush :) Kapp @Rush :) just checking in. How is your mental this morning? monkaS TopHat PogU Kappa MALD TopHat Pog So good Kappa Kappa Pepege SantaHat Pepega IceCold AYAYA SantaHat FBBlock NaM TopHat 🚪 SoSnowy !followage @Codenar, codenar has been following rush for 3 years 1 month 7 days 4 hours MaldChamp IceCold Pepega SoSnowy 🚬 rush is a elo booster now MaldChamp SantaHat Pepege SoSnowy Kappa NaM IceCold Kapp LUL MALD TopHat Kapp time to lose now :) KEKW ELISE MORDE 1 TRICKS KEKW Kapp NaM FBBlock AYAYA MALD TopHat SantaHat @rush how about ekko? SantaHat Krappa :( IceCold Kappa PepegaPhone TopHat Kreygasm SoSnowy LV QIYANA Kreygasm IceCold IceCold MALD SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat SoSnowy Krappa WeirdChimp IceCold PunchTrees IceCold MALD SantaHat any hat wearers? christmas is shit i want to main jg this season i was plat adc last season PogCamp SoSnowy stop shilling christmas AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA DansGame AYAYA INTPACT AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA SantaHat IceCold NaM AYAYAYAYA AYAYA NaM but i think im actually better at junglee sb. else played on rushs account again Kappa OMEGAYAYA AYAYA idolAY idolAY idolAY idolAY AYAYA AYAYA HYPERS SantaHat AYAYA IceCold gachiPls SoSnowy NOT SNOW Mordekaiser: YEEEEE AYAYA Impactu gambare Impact Mordekaiser: Top die OMEGAYAYA IceCold HolidaySanta SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SourPls SoSnowy you can match with gif emotes PogYou MALD TopHat 🍻 MaldChamp SantaHat OMEGAYAYA gachiW SoSnowy NOT SNOW POGGERS HYPERS TopHat SoSnowy NOT SNOW PogU MaldChamp ReinDeer LUL PogU SourPls TopHat EZ SantaHat Clap SoSnowy AHAHAHAHHAHA MaldChamp Clap KEKW MALD SantaHat 🍻 MaldChamp SantaHat LUL MaldChamp AYAYA D: IceCold EZ Top D: SoSnowy MALD IceCold MaldChamp KEKW IceCold KEKW SoSnowy D: IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy FeelsAmazingMan IceCold 🔫 SoSnowy EZ TopHat Clap TopHat IceCold KEKW TopHat SoSnowy IceCold LUL D: IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold FeelsBadMan IceCold @schrodingersmau5 your tag is smart for a twitch chatter Pepega TopHat IceCold still playing old comfort picks IceCold Pepega IceCold SoSnowy Pepega @KidoBR Thanks Pepege Clap FeelsBadMan SoSnowy MALD SoSnowy LUL Scarra hosted you with 4,926 viewers! how balanced are the champs in this meta? Pepega SoSnowy IceCold Pepega IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat LUL IceCold hash tp KEKW Scarra MingLee TopHat Clap hashinshin tp KEKW Hash TP KEKW hashinshin tp HAHA LUL widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SantaHat IceCold hashinshin tp ? Is that a thing ? KEKW Clap SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SantaHat TopHat PogChamp LEE KEKW Pog PogU Clap !rank Pog OLD RUSH Lee Pepega EZ TopHat Clap KEKW LUL KEKW Yo that mundo skin looks cool PogU SoSnowy Clap OkayChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW ppman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW Monkey Brain LUL the bench KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SantaHat Why play smart when you can dive Pepega PRO PLAYER JUNGLER LUL PepoThink SoSnowy ggman = pp KEKW SoSnowy KEKW 4fun PogChamp Pepega SantaHat ???????? damn thats still a good play though WOGGERS Pepega SoSnowy dive !uptime !uptime NaM IceCold @humboldxxx, rush has been streaming for 45 mins 6 secs 4FUN player KEKW bUrself IceCold Pepega Clap TopHat EZSoSnowy IceColdCandyCane EZ TopHat literally makes a big brain calculation kill on lee sinthen ints KEKW They could've waited a few secs for the e cd FishMoley TopHam FishMoley TopHat CandyCane !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU NaM PepegaIceCold FishMoley CandyCane jl. Hashinshin tp LUL TopHat EZ sneakyEZ Pepega IceCold rooooooosh Pepega EZ TopHam NaM SoSnowy EZ TopHat PedoBear TopHat EZ SantaHat cirGasm btw who is duo? SoBayed SoBayed SoBayed SoBayed glhf against fed mundo. maybe morde can deal with him idk Pepega TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU best jg and most intelligent streamer Kappa impact? KEKW ahhh good old impact MALD IceCold SoSnowy 5Head 4Head SantaHat ppman 5Head @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxGun SantaHat 5Head 5Head SantaHat Is mundo even playable right now ? Back on season 9 he was not on a good spot Wtf was that smite 5Head sneakyC EZ 5Head TopHat c9 teammates still strong synergy AYAYA SantaHat @MarcvsTulliusCicero cirPat HOW THE F U GUYS STACKING THE HATS 5Head TopHat holy fuck rush you're gonna make me mayo all over myself AYAYA SantaHat AYAYA SoSnowy SantaHat TopHat Pepega SantaHat pvman = gg EZMAN = GG KEKW SoSnowy Clap WTF HAPPENED TO THE MAP TopHat Pog EZ TopHat SantaHat FeelsSnowyMan TopHat pvman = win PogChamp WTF Was that red text? EZ EZ IceCold EZ TopHat EZ TopHat PVMAN = GG KEKW Clap pvman=jg dif JG GAP EZ Clap Clap PVMan = GG? Clap 5Head EZ Clap GrayFace TopHat Pog Clap IceCold EZ CLAP @Rush this is a youtuber how does that stuff appear in the jungle? Ez SoSnowy Clap TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU EZ IceCold Clap IceCold Clap SoSnowy D: SoSnowy IceCold IceCold EZ TopHat Clap IceCold SoSnowy Clap SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy maybe i gotta watch the video FeelsGoodMan TopHat IceCold KappaFace TopHat EZ SoSnowy TopHat Clap EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy killing is fun tho impact? Clap SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy TopHat GunRun TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat IceCold better jgl always win SoSnowy KEKW Clap ReinDeer EZ TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat Pepega IceCold rush your audio has some bass frequency bleeding through it sounds awful NaM ReinDeer Pepega IceCold EZ TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat EZ TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Clap SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy TopHat ReinDeer EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy Pepega TopHat Pepega SoCold Clap SoSnowy IceCold EZ @Anxiety_Prime thats just you EZ ) TopHat EZ SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy pvman=gg KEKW can someone explain whats going on with the emotes today? BroBalt IceCold 5Head ReinDeer TopHat PepeHands SoSnowy @Rush with glasses is better than rush with no glasses 100% confirmed monkaW thoughts on the comedian Nick Gurs? monkaW monkaW IceCold monkaW monkaS TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat LOLW IceCold SoSnowy EZ SoSnowy Clap KKona TopHat PVMAN=GG KEKW monkaW IceCold LOLW TopHat @skyzr1337 WeirdChamp !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU EZ TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat mods D: i see it KEKW TopHat KKona IceCold ⛏️ PunchTrees ur team bot vision control feelsbadman @SamB27 regular emote + festive emotes and you can combine it too EZ SoSnowy Clap Ps4 you cant evens watch a damned channel wtf EZ SoSnowy IceCold EZ Clap PepeLaugh @xVolcanO INTpact KEKW pvmanKappa IceCold ur 3 lvls down dude chill IceCold Clap RarePepe IceCold ⛏ PunchTrees intpact KEKW @KidoBR they dont combine for me lol, am i missing something? Pog PogU Pog Pog Pof WTF OLD RUSH POGGGG PogChamp Pog PogU EZ SoSnowy IceCold Clap Pog pOG Pog Woah PogU Pog PogU pog wtf Pog the prediction POOG YouDied TopHat EZ Clap POG LUL Pog omg PogU PogYou OLD RUSH IS HERE POGERZZZ POG PVMAN PogU oooooooooooooo HOLY SHIT u a god Pog Pog pog PogU IceCold what was that PogU PogYou PogYou Pog 5Head CALCULATED PogU GGMAN PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PREDICTION GOD holyyyyyyyyy PVMAN IS HERE PogU PogU PogU PogU 5head 5head POOOG what an animal i thought you were dead for sure old Rush PogU Pog roosh > intpact WHO IS THIS??? i am not impact lol Oof clean PogU coinflip god Pog KR Rush POG PogYou not impact Anyone has a spear pc that dont use that can run lol smoothly PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PepegaPhone SoSnowy it was so cool hi youtube holy shit PogYou TopHat PogU IceCold FeelsSnowyMan FeelsSnowMan You are 5Head PogU rush is really broken i know u hard rn after that stun urself rush PepoThink IceCold POGU @ohtaa me :) AM I IN A RUSH STREAM? FeelsSnowMan IceCold someone else playing for rush KEKW SoSnowy IceCold hi youtube HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys FeelsSnowMan ROOSH = XP AYAYA D: TopHat SoSnowy C9 Rush hahahaha FeelsSnowyMan NaM IceCold KEKW why does the legend's stream have only 3.5k viewers ? BOOS did anyone clip that Pog scripts turned on AYAYA !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU weeb WeirdChamp JustSpanks subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! feeding per usual i see EZ TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SantaHat SantaHat TopHat TopHat SantaHat SantaHat reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy weebs PainsChamp CS KEKW jofrillos37 FeelsAmazingMan IceCold FeelsSnowyMan EZ 🚬) TopHat SPEEDMONSTER SoSnowy EZ KKona TopHat 🚬 EZ TopHat 🚬 monkaS SoSnowy Clap FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy CHAT UNFOLLOW KEKW FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy KEKW TopHat EZ SoSnowy TopHat 🚬 EZ SoSnowy Clap TopHat 🚬 Stay in school kids FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy PedoBear SoSnowy half a million followers but only .7% of them are watching FeelsBadMan KEKW SantaHat EZ TopHat ) m'lady SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy EZ SoSnowy FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW Kappa EZ AYAYA SoSnowy PepoThink SoSnowy FeelsSnowMan SantaHat 🚬 OMEGALUL PogU TwitchVotes ✅ Faker: look at this dude PepeLaugh SoSnowy Pepega Kappa SoSnowy that cc chain though RarePepe IceCold ⛏ PunchTrees EZ TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat 🚬good evening fellas feelsbadman leona LUL Pepega SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy Yoink EZ Clap EZ SoSnowy TopHat 🚬 !playlist WubTF IceCold AYAYA SoSnowy SoSnowy Thanks for the HahaHide @justspanks !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU SoSnowy BasedGod gachiGASM SoSnowy 6 hot loads AYAYA IceCold SoSnowy intpact PogU rush when are you making more youtube vids ROOOOSH GET ALL THE KILLS EZ TopHat SoSnowy 🚬 OMEGALUL PogU TwitchVotes ✅ Faker: ggman+intpact PepeLaugh TopHat CommanderTRYHARD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Jg is ruined PepeHands EZ TopHat taydroLurk what is this bass Kapp Kapp EZ SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy TopHat Pepega Kappa AYAYA SoSnowy IceCold IceCold FeelsSnowMan Kapp pepehands BibleThump Kapp Kapp SoSnowy Merci pour HahaBall @commandertryhard Jontium subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Delusional HahaHide Kapp Kapp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! EZ TopHat 🍷 AH YES Thanks for the HahaThink @commandertryhard Krappa As a silver jungle main I agree anybody hear this sound xD=? FeelsSnowyMan TopHat Pog !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pog Pepega Clap Delusional IceCold EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy : EZ TopHat Pog IceCold !followage pokiW @vurderlak, pokiw is not following rush 러쉬님 영어잘하시네여 FeelsEZMan Pog SoSnowy Krappa AYAYA SoSnowy IceCold PepeHands SoSnowy : EZ TopHat SoSnowy IceCold OMEGAYAYA EZ SantaHat CandyCane ReinDeer gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy widepeepoHappy Riot where is the snow map KEKW SoSnowy Pepega CHEKING IN EZ SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy suggesting wordlchampion as a streamer XDDDD impact cant really speak english after so much time spent in na xd gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy sneaky1 SoSnowy sneaky2 SoSnowy sneaky1 SoSnowy sneaky2 SoSnowy sneaky3 SoSnowy sneaky4 SoSnowy sneaky3 SoSnowy sneaky4 SoSnowy OMEGAYAYA IceCold : gachiGASM TopHat SoSnowy !uptime @coldbier3, rush has been streaming for 54 mins 55 secs FeelsBadMan SantaHat FeelsSnowMan SantaHat pvmanMonkey SNACKY WutFace !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU SoSnowy FeelsBadMan SoSnowy @UnNameless I don't think that is snow FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy FeelsSnowMan SantaHat SoSnowy sneakyW FeelsBadMan TopHat GOO MORNIN 6:35AM HERE Pepega Clap KidoBR gachiGASM PepoThink SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy SoSnowy gahiGASM SoSnowy KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy @coldbier3 where are you AYAYAY Clap 7:36 AM HERE Pepega ANY EST TIMEZONE FeelsSnowMan Clap SoSnowy gachiGASM gachiGASM SoSnowy AYAYA Clap FeelsBadMan SoSnowy FFZ doesn't work with BTTV SoSnowy PepeHands SoSnowy SoSnowy AYAYA Clap . wow he is not feeding :D Nice. AYAYA Clap 13:36 here SoSnowy AYAYA @Mixollydian central america :) SantaHat Kappa ROOOOOOOOOOOSH everyone in chat can wear this hat FeelsBadMan TopHat 🚬 SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy my lovr impact is playing FeelsSnowMan SantaHat 23:36 here Pepega IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW ROOOSH KEKW lol LUL SantaHat gachiGASM SoSnowy Machoke IMPACT IMPACTTR FeelsBadMan SantaHat 🚬 Kappa IceCold SoSnowy lol rush you're such a show off :P asian people happy AYAYA pvman = lose LUL watch FeelsSnowMan IceCold SantaHat Kappa IceCold widepeepoHappy WeirdChimp 🍌 im hungry 'Tis the season to be jolly FeelsBadMan SantaHat 🚬 Pepega SoSnowy Feelsbadman OMEGAYAYA peepoFat FeelsBadMan TopHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy SoSnowy another year gone FeelsBadMan SoSnowy FeelsSnowMan I WOULD FLASH TO EXPRESS DISPLEASURE Kappa IceCold peepoSad REMEMBER, be kind to your teammates hahah !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KappaClaus peepoSad TopHat its xmas again FeelsBadMan SantaHat 🚬 widepeepoSad roosh not feeding widepeepoHappy SantaHat Pepega IceCold Kappa IceCold HolidaySanta 🖕 peepoSad SantaHat 🚬 @StreamElements Bot KEKW SoSnowy IceCold pvmanMonkey NotLikeThis SoSnowy You fake Korean not watching mamamomia IceCold WeirdChimp peepoFat at this lpoint you need to remember your teammates need kills too hahaha Pog KEKW E PogYou widepeepoSad SantaHat So Snowy i am too wide Pog MONKAw Pog KEKW cocoon monkaW ez peepoSad IceCold help me fast fingers Pog Pog roosh PepeLaugh lee 이지 jg gap Pog impact carried again PepeLaugh callate widepeepoSad SantaHat SoSnowy i am too wide EZ SoSnowy GET EM POGGERS KEKW woo has this lee gank LUL !uptime @tomtong1, rush has been streaming for 58 mins 29 secs Pog Pog never miss skillshot EZ Clap Pog KEKW ez clappers FeelsGoodMan SantaHat SoSnowy !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU when Roosh tryhard monkaS EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy widepeepoSad SantaHat peepoSad anyone actually watching stream? EZ TopHat who is the playing with? KEKW FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy next year is going to be better Pepega SantaHat SoSnowy no FeelsSnowMan @schrodingersmau5 peepoSad SantaHat 🚬 peepoSad SantaHat impact peepoSad TopHat LS IS MALDING @hotdogss peepoSad SantaHat widepeepoSad SoSnowy going to rush stream to watch gameplay PepeLaygh widepeepoSad TopHat peepoSad SantaHat peepoSad SantaHat PepeLaugh because we are watching you FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy :smoking: SoSnowy peepoSad peepoSad peepoSad SoSnowy jobless rush peepoSad peepoSad SantaClaus widepeepoSad SoSnowy wiide peepoFinger widepeepoSad SantaHat widepeepoSad peeposad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad 󠀀 PepeHands SoSnowy pvman win = peepoSad widepeepoSad widepeeposad :( how do you like the new map changes @Rush widepeepoSad rush is not bad they cant stack peepoSad peepoSad ny000 WeirdChimp widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad Na widepeepoSad FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad pvman = widepeepoSad SantaHat peepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad SadPeepoUNITE widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad SantaHat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad true it's true peepoSad white people sad widepeepoSad peepoSad SantaHat christmas cant save this year peepoHappy widepeepoSad @NYMN_MISSING_HAIRLINE_LUL WeirdChamp just have some faith boys NO widepeepoSad TopHat SoSnowy i'm too wide widepeepoSad SantaHat peepoSad SantaHat Kappa i wish Rush could use Elise's Rappel in real life :( I said that every year widepeepoSad peepoSad it can it can be worse :( PepeLaugh widepeepoSad SoSnowy hotdogss, WeirdChamp It can widepeepoSad after game lol widepeepoSad it's the same every year peepoSad BibleThump <3 jesus will protect u peepoSad it's just the season pvmanHands SoSnowy widepeepeSad Lucky LUL widepeepoSad loky rush do you do kush? as fok haHAA EVERYONE CALM DOWN rush winning peepoSad BibleThump MUND OMEGALUL gunChinshin peepoSad Pog !dou peepoSad SantaHat rush not inting cant spam KEKW tis the season for happiness peepoSad FeelsBadMan SantaHat 🚬 i'll quit next year i swear Kappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat I miss toxicity in rush chat widepeepoSad EZ Clap Pog Pog COCON monka monka SantaHat monkaS monka COCOON KEKW pogbaOkay POGG fun to be adc main monkaS widepeepoSad rush is good Pog peepoSad KAKOON EZCLAP SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy @Rush i remember coming here and being greeted by a grey screen, regularly. When did you become good again? KEKW SantaHat SoSnowy monka monkaS EZ Clap monkaS EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy EZ TopHam Clap TopHat rush popping off FeelsBadMan SantaHat 🚬 SantaHat FeelsBadMan monkey brain KoCOOOON monka monkaS SoSnowy kakooon clap pogbaWeird Ez Clap FeelsBadMan SantaHat monka monkaS FeelsWeirdMan rush not inting monkaW monka EZ SantaHat Clap FeelsBadMan SantaHat :smoking: SantaHat Kappa rush actually winning peepoSad SantaHat monkaW Kapp never outsmited Kapp SantaHat 🚬 WeirdChamp SoSnowy KEKW SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold STHAP IT FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy imagine still playing league in 2k19 smitten* 5Head RUSH IS NOT INTING peepoSad SantaHat ✋ WeirdChamp stop it KEKW FLAY KEKW SantaHat KEKW SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SantaHat IceCold KEKW sosnowy doesnt appear on top of emotes wtf FeelsGoodMan SantaHat SoSnowy SMOrc KEKW IceCold lmfao ?????? KEKW ez hook KEKW KEKW ez ??????? KEKW no grey screen widepeepoSad KEKW monkeyman widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan IceCold TopHat SoSnowy RUSH 9/1 peepoSad SantaHat lee POg widepeepoSad only 1 grey screen peepoSad FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 🚬 SoSnowy I started playing league 10 years ago, time flies @Rush wtf, how are you 9-1-3, you are usually 0-8 when i join FeelsBadMan SoSnowy SantaHat widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SantaHat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @Rush when did you become decent? white people sad widepeepoSad SantaHat POG peeposad widepeepoSad LUL chat go back to being happy widepeepoSad white people sad Rush is good widepeepoHappy AYAYA SoSnowy FBBlock SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy 🚪 SoSnowy JACKIE CHAN STREAM OH QIYANA KEKW TopHat SantaHat widepeepoSad White People Sad widepeepoSad rush is good widepeepoSad 윤재찡미쿡옴? widepeepoHappy EZ Clap widepeepoSad rush will find i team at this rate LOL ㄴ !followage @IamLegendNumber1, iamlegendnumber1 has been following rush for 2 years 2 months 23 days 17 hours so what do you think of the new map changes bro HolidaySanta HolidayTree we got carried boys L L EZ CLAPO impact and rush ez clap SoSnowy slpyComfy L old good rush is back widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SoSnowy L L Rush is winning, widepeeposad L ㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴ !followage L ㄴ L9 L rush is doing well widepeepoSad SantaHat ㄴ L ㄴ ㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴ F is this the feeding stream we were promised? DansGame PepeHands wasting time again huh? PepeHands L_? <33 rush carry~ LLLLL gachiW SoSnowy ㄴ ㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴㄴ Kreygasm ㄴ peepoSad SantaHat Pog KKona Clap PogU KKona PogCamp JOB Pog Pog widepeeposad :( ㄴ peepoSad SantaHat widepeepoSad ㄴ Why are you coming? TSM? Kapp Why pvman never honor FeelsBadMan @Rush can u int next game peepoSad find a job at starbucks PogU Be a beggar widepeepoSad delayed go study masters hehe xd rush back to NA PogU KKona best league streamer and it isnt even close :( hahaha TSM Rush Pog JOBLESS widepeepoSad leaked! J OMEGALUL B live in chats dungeon :) Job KEKW How u guys write this little L tzam subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! live in my yard i give tent rush is wining, widepeeposad Pog KEKW stay with me in NA peeposad reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW PogYou will you go back to the gym? KEKW KEKW @Rush live with jensen and yassuo 또 엘이이? KEKW KEKW KKona Clap teaching korean Pog Kapp be sneaky bulter :) he got annoyed by your boasting Kapp Kapp Kappa 엘에이 KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh Kap Kapp Kapp Kapp i need more gray screen peepoSad SantaHat not going to all stars? KEKW job is streaming PepeLaugh Kapp Kapp KEKW YEA no job KEKW Kapp Clap meteos or sneakys house KEKW TRUE Kapp @Rush go to Texas, very low taxes KEKW 5Head MacDonalds starting jungler??? Pog Kapp breh KEKW KEKW TRUE maybe there you hit rank1 :) PeepoSad what a terrible plan rush just got 14 day suspension fuck this prejudice riot Kapp SantaHat peepoSad Vegas is the cheapest airport to fly in and I’m here soo😆😆😆😆😆😆 very smart true you live in cali right mcdonalds toilet Live with Sneaky trueee id bet you're right honestly Kapp at sneakys house peepoSad SantaHat mcdonald sneakers DIG RUSH PogU nakkiLUL come to boston :) go new york @Rush why are you not joining SKT? @Rush go to Texas, lowest taxes Hi @Rush from Russia, best League streamer. <3 LULW KEKW peepoSad SantaHat SoSnowy EZ TopHat @Rush Stay in the Midwest Kapp Kapp Kapp 20k PogU i have a store room here roosh LUL Kapp Kapp u dont have 20k broxah gonna choke and rush will step in ChomPag @Rush PogU Stay in mcdonald Kapp @dack_cx probably deserved Do it PogU rush in na PogU h-hit them? BibleThump its ez in NA ye KEKW PogU I'd like a quarter pounds with cheese Rush is coming to Brazil LUL I have my doubts Server is in Chicago, right? nakkiMan nakkiLis PogYou With Tyler1 in Missouri @rush 야그냥 East coast ask riot if you can do some broadcast work. They will let you interview easy Pog 핑 so low KAPP get NA gf KKona Kapp hit chall jngl first KEKW fill to challenger like levi PogU Rush being a janitor for C9 Pog in chicago pings are less than 10 ???? LUL go to Chicago @Rush go to Texas, lowest taxes widepeepoHappy wait you betting and chat is paying ?! KEKW nakkiSmile stay in viewers house widepeepoHappy how about top1? Pog @Rush to chicago for 10 ping NA KEKW c9 house who needs a house when u. can just sleep in a tent along the beach KEKW neithers is T1 !rank KEKW it is man but NA solo queue will lower your skill it is wtf it is NYC it is youre english is perfect ACKENT correct IT's fine that would be hilarious have you heard phreak??? LUL its pretty good tbh its good enough widepeepoHappy lck cast nope dud have you watched lec? 총알구멍을 원하면 시카고로 KappKappKapp nah it's fine @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship i mean... look at all the european casters wtf your english is so good 5Head You re good dude!! Ackzenct you have toxic vocabulary you are good EU all have accent tho :) IceCold Your accent is hot, broda your eng is good Cheer100 Vegas cheapest airport to fly into and you can gamble all your money away here like I do😀 rivington isn't understandable half the time, you'd be okay @rush u are basically an NA person who knows KR not other way around you dont have to cast but do commentary america is Pepega so its fine I don't care about it, I would watch a rush broadcast Pepega SoSnowy Clap bruh rush as caster would be the best experience in my life rush cameo PogYou you have a good voice daddy Caster Rush PepegaPhone Be a korean translator :) @Rush wtf even tyler1 who stutters can cast a league game... @rush do a korean LCS stream use twitch emote english Pepege nice way to speech lol rush on casting would be ChomPag bunnyfufu WeirdChamp yea it's ok to have a strong accent KappaPride Pog Pog man your eng is awesome, u can work or live everywhere KappaPride gachiW WH OMEGALUL W H OMEGALUL you can do interview with korean imports but tbh your gameplay is much better than any fucking idiot on the desk @Rush gachiW KEKW KappaPride your English is fairly clean tbh gachiGASM i dont think your accent is strong KEKW KEKW monkaW monkaW KEKW poggers gachiGASM KEKW gachiW SoSnowy KEKW bunny's mom Kreygasm monkaS LUL gachiW KappaPride teach us korean gachiBASS monkaSHAKE Kreygasm monkaW KappaPride Mr caster rush damn @Rush go to Texas, lowest taxes in US more money for you Pog LUL huh??? gachiW LUL LUL bunnyfufu youtube billionaire PogU PEPEGA CHECKING IN @rush u know he just wants you as a sex slave? LUL or you might like it gachiW SoSnowy DO IT 4House just get a house you should be on the rift you're a high caliber player HandsUp GO TO TZ KEKW TopHat @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship you can interview Bang and ssumaday TX Pepega Clap ratirlPepe man your eng is awesome, u can work or live everywhere <3 POGGGG touch me daddy FeelsBadMan SoSnowy C9 member treatment KappaPride for how much? Rush as a former rank 1 and MVP would be great addition to D4 casters desk LULW its okay Rush gay marriage is legal in US !followage @xanrinaa, xanrinaa has been following rush for 3 years 2 months 1 day 2 hours widepeepoHappy @rcsgodlike PepeHands Sneaky can help you out. He's got some free time coming up Kappa YI Zed JG Pog nidalee PogU u only work 74 hours this month? @Rush akali auto Pog HahaBall !followage Yi AD DAMAGE = attack damage damage Rush can be the new NA Sjokz @vurderlak PepeHands SoSnowy lazy boy only work 74 hrs LULW @Rush @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship @Rush Can you come to NA this week so you can be on my clash team inc TF is building AD 또신!!! 11% winrate kindred KEKW @Rush go to Texas, lowest taxes in US more money for you ChomPag AD damage = attack damage damage Pepega @Rush hi cirKiss KEKW !commands @SwurTwur, You can find a list of all Commands here KIND red please provide more gray screen peepoSad SantaHat KINDRED KEKW OPEN IT KEKW AD DAMAGE = attack damage damage hahaha Kindred hyperS olaf OpieOP DansGame OpieOP @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP Play AMUMU Pog 74 hours of anything is insane, no wonder rush is depressed FeelsBadMan any weebs in chat AYAYA @Rush My Clash team could use your help if you want to come to NA this week @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP boxREE @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship OpieOP DansGame OpieOP @Rush Kindred gg go next KEKW HahaHide rush reaching rank 1 as ADC PepeLaugh oh nonono what about kha PepoThink !followage Hai sneaky lemon balls rush @SwurTwur, swurtwur has been following rush for 3 months 7 days 3 hours Pepega :( 5Head poki1 poki2 Pepege poki3 poki4 Pepega Pepega Pepege PepoThink yes AD is a noun Pepege hahaha maybe you're right rush, your english isnt good enough KEKW Pepega Pepega pepega Pepega !followage pokimane sub WutFace EZ SantaHat ad damage damage Pepega sneaky1 sneaky2 smh my head @Rush Pepega Pvman englando is not equal gg widepeepoSad attack damage damage Pepega SoSnowy Clap poki subs WeirdChamp poki subs WeirdChamp Pepega @Rush My Clash team could use your help if you want to come to NA this week 5Heaaad I won't allow it Rush :) @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship TRUE True 5Head poki subs WeirdChamp rush get on na server duo allowed to be Pepega PepoThink that's a lot of damage Attack Damage ^3 true 5Head actually true Pepega SantaHat @zack_zacky Kreygasm ResidentSleeper poki subs Pog Pepega colloquialism 5Head true big brain im comfortable saying I love you KappaPride Pepega permission Pepega Permit pokiW Clap Pepege SantaHat pokiHA yamato8Smug rush my queen 😍 Pepega SantaHat SoSnowy Pepega poki subs WutFace not allowed Pepega Permit KEKW poki subs WeirdChamp D: is there a big difference in your nutrition when u live here in the US @Rush Burger every day? Kappa type pokiW for a virgin check WeirdChamp SoSnowy FBBlock SoSnowy @zack_zacky SoSnowy 🚪 SoSnowy BYE D: 🖕 low IQ english ghosting monkaW D: wtf @pvman why did you stop dabbing after every kill widepeepoSad D: ignoring us D: D: turn off chat danKEK D: WTF D: WTFF what about us ? D: D: !uptime @EVEN_TRUMP_SAID_NA_IS_BAD, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 9 mins D: D: D: Heyyyyyyyyyyyy from Malaysia D: IceCold D: SoSnowy poki queen cirLewd wtf D: D: WTF im not stupid D: D: D: wtf D: TRUE @rush what monitor do you use widepeepoSad INT HIM BigBrother Clap D: PepeHands SoSnowy @EnderCasts WeirdChamp D: sneakyD 🖕 D: Clap D: widepeepoSad Hello from Malaysia Pepega Rush D: is Fiddlesticks jungle troll or good? WTFF D: SantaHat SoSnowy !duo time to intpact heh DUO with IMPACT PogU @EnderCasts WeirdChamp NO MODS KevinTurtle ROOSH = KEKW widepeepoSad roosh does not like us @EnderCasts WeirdChamp PeepoFinger pepeJAM <3 <3 WeirdChamp now rush cant see us time to post forbidden rush memes pepeJAM SoSnowy hey rush look at me Pepega kass skin is so ugly sickDB WOT DID YOU SAY sickDB @endercasts Pog WeirdChamp R-R-S-S-S Kappa NO MODS Pog cirLove this game loose rush u r macaiy1Trash ender WeirdChamp DOESN'T WANT TO SEE THIS FACE KEKW lost game i know see one WeirdChamp 6 doran blade miss fortune EZ TopHat Clap that is probably a 5 doran blade mf chat is scrolling so slow no one will notice im gay EleGiggle SoSnowy 5Head monkaHmm Pepega TopHat @EnderCasts get rush a job on the analyst desk in NA till he gets a team Pepega хватит лыбиться @adc_is_supp_diff how did that emote got approved KEKW TopHat FeelsBadMan SoSnowy Dorans for akali is right? @Rush ARE YOU A DOCTOR? 499 395 half million KEKW @vurderlak its okay to be gay hashUwu hashUwu if ender can cast why can't rush WeirdChimp D: Rush invalde 100% KEKW LULW D: I went 5 doran blades and boots and got like 6 kills on jhin D: D: d: SoSnowy TopHat FeelsBadMan :tf: NaughtyLus Nautilus Pepega D: D: KEKW SoSnowy Nautilus BabyRage D: D: KEKWait Pepega TopHat D: D: Intpact left? TopHat Pepega toxic rush PunOko Ended with 6k gold !uptime @Rush @Intratone, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 11 mins STOP D: we win Kapp Kapp Kapp stoopid @Rush hi KEKW peepoFat SantaHat SoSnowy 👉 SoSnowy <3 SoSnowy PauseChamp PepeLaugh you are smart be patient PepeLaugh LULW PauseChamp monkaW OMEGALUL KEKW no I'm smart KEKW 🤡 I would not mind @rush as analyst Pepega cast SMITE KING SoSnowy SCUFFED KEKW peepoFat SantaHat SoSnowy 👉 SoSnowy <3 SoSnowy CHAT 2 iq KEKW @Rush can we get a fast recall ;) 5Head KEKW 5Head ezman=gg KEKW YEEEEY HYPERS @Rush i want tell you something if you want to read this transcYIKES SoSnowy SoSnowy widepeepoHappy KEKW !uptime @lch860504, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 12 mins SMITE KING Pog fidle widepeepoSad Smite king PogU hehe KEKW widepeepoHappy SoSnowy !duo pvman KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU PauseChamp smite king PogU so alpha Kreygasm pvman = coinflip man ?? Pog Pog ALPHA AF Pog ALPHA PogU KEKW PogYou Pög wtf? Pog Pog KEKW Pog Pog LOL Didn't get hit by turret Pog wtf widepeepoSad alfalfa PauseChamp wtf PogU LUL OMEGALUL how can he walk like that KEKW ALPHA JUNGLE Pog STOP BULLY widepeepoSad ALPHA AF rush doesnt read chat in game so he cant see that I <3 him KappaPride EZ Clap Pog Pog KEKW PogU WTF Pog widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SantaHat Pog Pog Pog POg PogU EZ Clap Pog EZ Åpg EZ PogU WTF LOL ALPHA AF PogU pvman PogU Pog LUL PogU WOW Pog well played 와 PogYou Pog EZ Clap MaN PVMAN Pog Pog EZ Clap Pog Pog Pog Pog SYNPASE WOOOOOOOOOOW Pog4 Pog wtf PVMAN PogYou 1 KILL GAME OVER LUL PogU Pog PVMAN = GG Pog fiddle jg KEKW PogU EZ clap Pog 5Head PepoThink 200 iq PogYou 8====ლD~ O: no more O: EZ monkaHmm EZ Clap KEKW what is this fiddle ? AbsolutemadlAad EZ Clap kekw019 wow 5Head 5Head 5Head so ez ACTUALLY 5Head KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW WOOOOOOOOW 5Head 5Head yeh Kappa Ka[[a N OMEGALUL RUSH GOOD PogU PVMAN = GG EZ 5Head not easy on silver elo xddd PVMAN = GG PogU widepeepoHappy SantaHat SoSnowy 👉 SoSnowy <3 SoSnowy Love you chat 5head 🍷 can fiddle even jungle with the only the E ? PepoThink 420 Pog 420 CiGrip 4:20 CiGrip 3 minutes of high IQ gameplay SKT RUSH CONFIRMED Pog aznnerdhah subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 666 lp D: FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU and wtf is this shit > ChomPag FeelsSnowMan Pog actually smart ACTUALLY 5Head FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy 5Head better JG 5Head RUSH 5Head PogU ChomPag Imagine watching Kindred cross middle and you go to fight him lvl 1 50 % health vs lvl 2 Wowie FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy 5Head and Pepega at the same time LOL KEKW intpact KEKW Intpact KEKW FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy 5Head ReinDeer intpact KEKW top die LULW ??? LUL OMEGALUL ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW ALMOST Pog KEKW KEKW BOOSTED CLOSE rip impact pvman KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW LULW fiora 2 kills rip impact KEKW Fiora balanced LULW KEKW inting your duo lane fiora is going to be scary now q instead of aq KEKW AA then Q? red smiteeeeee inted to top FED FIORA :) That was close, one auto attack close IN NO WORLD WAS IT CLOSE !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU tanking the whole suck KEKW intpact KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW 3 stacks Pog LULW @UnNameless gachiGASM PogU SantaHat SMOrc fiona 3 stacks like andre 3000 Pog SMOrc SantaHat !dou 5Head gameplay PepeHands SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy TF2John 4 stacks 6mins PogU Wowee SantaHat @Rush what your cruser ATK move? PepeHands SantaHatIceCold PauseChamp rush enable gachiSANTA LOLW PogU Pog Pog DAMAGE WHAT Pog Pog fiddle widepeepoSad DESTROYED FeelsSnowMan wow that proc did massive damage fiddle dead better jng lose :( better champion wins 4Head let fiddles win PepeHands IceCold bully fiddlestick widepeepoSad SMOrc ReinDeer @Zexard PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 stop bullying fidd pepohands deleted KEKW PepeHands fiddle just playing for fun widepeepoSad Bully BibleThump roosh is not bad widepeepoHappy the tf is dopa? MaldChamp 💨 WutFace MALD WutFace MALD WutFace WutFace WutFace YouWHY WutFace YouWHY YouWHY widepeepoSad MALD intpact KEKW copyThis widepeepoHappy MALD 💨 WutFace LOUDER FeelsGoodMan Clap Jebaited KEKW LUL OMEGALUL LUL ???????????? KEKW ???????? whats impacts stream? KEKW LOLW ????????????????? gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NA ipact KEKW KEKW BOOOOOOOOOSTED KEKW inting KEKW Pepega EZ KEKW KEKW ??? KEKW ??????????? KEKW OMEGALUL IceCold NA IMPACT pvman KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW wut GG troll NA DUO KEKW roosh impact inting widepeepoHappy 1Head @china_ruined_everything boxGun INTPACT INTPACT KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW impact KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU NVM 4Head KEKW ReinDeer jebaited by intpact LUL widepeepoHappy rush int where is impact from? fine KEKW KEKW NA KEKS fidd now very relevant INTPACT TRUE "that's so weird" Everything is fine :) KEKW ReinDeer jng levelling in s 10 is just whack as fuck better jungle wins LUL AYAYA SantaHat SoSnowy Cute chat !uptime @a801901987, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 19 mins say pepe popo : pvmanMonkey SantaHat "Merry INTmas"pvmanMonkey SantaHat D: 4Weid pvmanMonkey can someone give me their acc? i got banned dack_cx lmao INTPACT KEKW INTPACT KEKW OpieOP OpieOP @dack_cx Pepega123 username and password on NA OpieOP OpieOP intpact akali OMEGALUL INTpact INTPACT KEKW 3 doran swords KEKW @dack_cx how do u get banne d in 2019 KEKW top die KEKW fed fiora monkaW imagine lnting in diamond as a pro KEKW Clap EZ fiona KEKW Fiona KEKS EZ Pog Pog EZ FIORA KEKW PogU KEKW Fiona KEKW EZ Clap Pog EZ MAN Pog Clap EZMAN PogU PVMAN = GG PogU EZ Clap lv6 won lv9 lol Pog Pog pvman PogU EZ NaM ez fiona PogU fiona garbage EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy Pog rush is good widepeepoSad fiona bad EZ SantaHat SoSnowy INFERNO KINDRED Pog what is impact IGN mean? Pepege fiona Pepega no gray screen widepeepoSad RUSH IS NOT TROLLING widepeepoSad is that inferno skin? bnanaPepega SHADOW COMP?? Pog PogChamp which one is impact? 11 min qss Pog peepoSad no inting Rush is winning widepeepoSad fiona PepegaPhone rush not bed widepeepoSad @JC_Khalid which one is impact? OHAYO CHAT AYAYA / !time 22:03 AYAYA AYAYAY pvman and naut 2v8 PogU PepegaPhone fionaaaaa wish he didnt have that assist 4/2/0 AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo oh roosh is Rush AYAYA SantaHat WEEBS EAT A BULLET PogYou O_O bnanaPepega / @ryzykfizykmichalek, AYAYA Clap @a_sensitive_mod skin is shadowfire kindred ❗ AYAYAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Clap imoact is akali boxREE arise weebs boxREE @nesva ty AYAYA @a_sensitive_mod idk akali i think? weebs = PedoBear bnanaAYAYA SantaHat KEKW BOT LANE PowerUpL TPFufun PowerUpR forsenPuke1 ? weebs gtfo REEEEEEEEE boxREE SantaHat one more AYAYA and I'm out 😡 NaM WEEBS GTFO NaM OMEGAYAYA WEEBS SO KIMOI AYAYA AYAYA !uptime AYAYA NaM @NoKkami, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 23 mins AYAYA ? AYAYA OMEGAYAYA PauseChamp IceCold AYAYA Clap Kill weebs FeelsAmazingMan forsenPuke weebs KEKW OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ KEKW boomer reactions KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KonCha AYAYA QSS KEKW VIET AYAYA ? NaM NaM imagine being so disgustingly obsessed with another culture that you alienate yourself from society and stop showering... weebs GTFO boomer QSS !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU forsen1 @JC_Khalid its his last name POGGERS Nautilus MF PogU INTING AGAIN KEKW naut PogU naut ks NaM the naut congratulations BTS all 4 daesungs 9x naut ks !duo TwitchVotes You have been gifted a waifu. Type AYAYA to activate DUO with IMPACT PogU 3 gray screens PogYou widepeepoSad AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA pvman is your life ok PepeLaugh AYAYA SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA pokiYA ? AYAYA why not use shelly earlier for plates? TwitchVotes You have been gifted a waifu. Type PedoBear to activate AYAYA ⁉️ AYAYA CandyCane AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Clap 4Weird AYAYA SantaHat OMEGALUL PogU TwitchVotes ✅ Faker: look at this dood PepeLaugh AYAYA xfsnAYAYA SantaHat AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA FeelsBadMan @vurderlak PepeLaugh WeirdChamp WHAT A CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo AYAYA AYAYA Clap @ikskurvvadeeeee WeirdChamp !elo TPFufun AYAYA SantaHat TPFufun AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA weebs are pedos PedoBear AYAYA IceCold weebs freez mewnPEPAYAYA Clap boxLurk Crocs PogU boxLurk fiona SMOrc @gently_caress WutFace @bot66543 NaM ❗ NaM 🗡 AYAYA bnanaWeeb SantaHat iwdW Kapp Jebatied Jebaited @nesva, PepeLaugh 5Head Jebaited AYAYA gucioGun NaM @weebs_ruin_everything adc mvp @KisakaNagen half filled wine glass for a twitch prime friend boxLurk MF EZ CLAP POOGERS EZ Clap MF POGGERS NaM IceCold vicksyBonk KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog #worth LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL WONNERED PogU KEKW KEKW POOGERS KEKW Outplayed Pog LUL KEKW Pog KEKW WHOAA LULW KEKW MF Carry EZ Clap W OMEGALUL W outplayed KEKW TopHat CLIGHT KEKW KEKW KEKW ez clap glitch KEKW pvman = gg KEKW EZ KEKW EZ Clap its fine :) its fine KEKW absolutely clapped OUT PLAYED by 10 cent player KEKW W "crit" KEKW W OMEGALUL W pvman=gg KEKW WOAH KEKW IceCold bnanaHammer KEKW KEKW pvman = POOGERS KEKW GRAY SCREEN GLITCH KEKW FeelsBadMan Impact FeelsOkayMan pvman = gg KEKW widepeepoSad LMAAO widepeepoHappy IceCold gray screen ggman widepeepoSad Clap WutFace IceCold chat help me widepeepoSad 4 gray screens this game widepeepoHappy AYAYA ? widepeeposad BibleThump KEKW IceCold widepeepoHappy SoSnowy AYAYA ratirlL9 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Its fine PepeHands SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA ⁉️ rush is back widepeepoHappy OMEGAYAYA KEKW widepeepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy monkaS IceCold Chat ? AYAYA IceCold Pepega SoSnowy IceCold FeelsBatman FeelsBadMan 오른 plenty of champs are fine when behind SoSnowy widepeepoSad SoSnowy one man spam WeirdChamp WeirdChamp Pepega IceCold SoSnowy AYAYA cute chat WeirdChamp 🤚 AYAYA SoSnowy tallonted_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! AYAYA WeirdChamp SantaHat IceCold ALPHA AF PogU AYAYA BigBrother cirAYAYA BigBrother laceHmm IceCold BigBrother mewnPEPAYAYA IceCold MercyWing1 AYAYA MercyWing2 NaM FBBlock AYAYA stop the AYAYA now 😡 !duo IceCold DUO with IMPACT PogU AYAYA SoSnowy xqcB IceCold BUying attack speed???? WATF AYAYA IceCold IceCold AYAYA IceCold SoSnowy Pepega IceCold Why isnt this working this year i think im in love with cutie weebies AYAYA AYAYA IceCold >:( why isnt it working AYAYA IceCold AYAYA SoSnowy AYAYA AYAYA Why cant I see the sosnowy emote? I only see people writng, I see no emote IceCold IceCold CandyCane AYAYA Clap @dropthebaba KEKW Q Pepege IceCold KEKW Q KEKW KEKW NA Q Q KEKW Pepega SoSnowy Pepega it works for me Kappa SoSnowy KEKW Q it was working earlier missed pink ward +1 Pepega SoSnowy KEKW KEKW SoSnowy Pepega OMEGALUL KEKW ? KEKW KEKW no q KEKW pvman KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW NaM PURGE ALL WEEBS NaM pvman = gg KEKW rush kindred KEKW T H R OMEGALUL W KEKW @FFBruno12 enable gifs in bttv settings SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW miss q thru wall KEKW @Rush nice q over wall kapp !uptime @Nightvizi0n, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 29 mins true :)( 5 GREY SCREEN widepeepoHappy KEKW IceCold Kapp fiddleodelhoo OMEGAYAYA WEEBS KIMOI !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KEKW IceCold PepegaSoSnowy Adding to Missed Pink ward tally @Rush WeirdChamp PepeLaugh PepeLaugh who's he duo with Clapped by Support KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh intpact SoSnowy Humble bot i thoguth buying attac speed on kidnred 2nd was trash @Rush PepeLaugh 👆 SoSnowy Pepega @hotdogss FeelsAmazingMan you need more items mr jackie chan :) mister? HotPokket LULW @ABNORMEL FeelsSnowMan Pepega SoSnowy FeelsSnowyMan smite pleb KEKW Pepega SoSnowy Why is this not working in this channel , he doesn't hasve attack speed boots and has a lot of marks, attack speed is good here mr smito king POGGERS fast fingers POOGERS POGGERS SoSnowy POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS Hey Rush, are u in the right Head space to receive News that might Hurt you? Poh PVMAN = GG PogU POGGERS roosh POOGERS Kreygasm LUL LUL pvman = gg POGGERS FeelsSnowyMan POGU miss fortune with macro outplay POGGERS POGGERS actually POGGERS POGGERS POOGERS @trojan32vd it works for me Pepega SoSnowy PepegaPhone roooooooooooosh FeelsPumpkinMan PepeHands @Marcel2ooo he's not but I am, spit !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU POGGERS SoSnowy POGGERS IceCold @jujibiter No i mean Pepega inside SoSnowy poki1 poki2 !team kappa pride ?????????? KEKW poki3 poki4 what did he even say lol FeelsBatMan FCreep SoSnowy PepeLaugh SoSnowy Pepega 2koreans are speaking english LULW widepeepoSad IceCold SoSnowy only 4.4k view in christmas season KEKW pvman is dead need how. ma KEKW WeirdChamp SoSnowy FBBlock SoSnowy @zack_zacky SoSnowy 🚪 SoSnowy WeirdChamp smol @trojan32vd Ik, it actually works on my end LULW chat kiss me poki3 poki4 Kreygasm SoSnowy pvman Pepega SoSnowy bork not good on kindred? translation POGGERS WeirdChamp SoSnowy FBBlock SoSnowy @zack_zacky SoSnowy SoSnowy 🚪 SoSnowy P 🤮 KI yugwha3 yugwha4 poki subs KEKW oh LUL WeirdChamp poki sub pvman POGGERSSSSSSSSS ty :) @Rush but i thought you turned off second monitor poki subs FreakinStinkin rush EZ english KEKW giving money to egirls haHAA ty :) lush Pepega WeirdChamp SantaHat KEKWait @dropthebaba they have 3 KEKW @vurderlak widepeepoSad poki gachiBASS who is duo? POKI SUBS KEKW SantaHat PepegaPhone Coming through poki gachiGAS< poki gachiGASM poki subs in 2k19 KEKW @jujibiter idk it work on every other channel but this , ill try tto refresh then MaldChamp omgD IceCold Riot WeirdChamp SantaHat SoSnowy VIRGIN CHECK TIME Pepege SantaHat WHOS GOT THE UNDIES! PepegaPhone CHAAAAAARGE PepegaPhone Ez Clap PauseChamp PauseChamp EZ Clap POGGERS mf ult Pog VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan PogU SantaHat yugwha1 yugwha2 <--- gifted sub EZ Clap Pog EZ EZ CHECK DMG Pog EZ MaN EZ VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan YOU DID NONE EZ Clap VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan EZ Clap VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan FeelsBadMan SoSnowy roooosh smurfing on master POGERS IRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan ΒΟΤ ΓΑΠ FeelsSnowMan Pog VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan GG POGGERS GOT GAP POOGERS VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiVV IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan FeelsSnowMan IceCold VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan EZ Clap EZ Clap SoSnowy monkaS rush 100% winrate PogU VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy bot gap pokiW ? Kappa IceCold WeirdChamp monkaHmm I'm safe SoSnowyEZ VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsBadMan VIRGIN TEST monkaS :point_right: pokiW IM SAFE @Rush do you think i can climb if i only put fill in solo Q? Pog VIRGIN TEST monkaS :point_right: pokiW IM SAFE monkaS im a virgin should i subb pokimane ? VIRGIN TEST monkaS :point_right: pokiW IM SAFE FeelsAmazingMan FBtouchdown WeirdChamp @vurderlak WeirdChamp @vurderlak nt CHECK DMG ROOSH MercyWing1 gunoWaa MercyWing2 Kapp @rush why do you start stream so late now? :( PLAY CAMILLE ON HIS PROMO pog pog Kapp am I safe ? pokiW LOLW VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan Roosh :D Kapp ffz emotes not working with snow emotes FeelsBadMan ReinDeer monkaS @CapsuleYeet @CheesyZimbobwe i said im safe VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 sneakyW IM NOT SAFE FeelsBadMan lol check dmg you lil shit Pepega TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHat WeirdChamp pokiW monkaW 👉 pokiW sneakyW Clap pokiW Pepege TopHat pokiW POGGERS POKIMAN pokiW so many victories SeemsGood KEKW pokiW pokiW !uptime Do the virgin test Rush @xanrinaa, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 33 mins pokiW pokiW Pog history pokiW pokiW Pepega WHOS GOT THE UNDIEs! WeirdChamp why are you in korea now ? 🤮 POKI 🤮 lee game next pokiW wowowow winstreak Cuz most of your viewers are virgins pokiW @Rush hi dad POKI SUBS WeirdChamp LUL D: D: @vurderlak i see what you did there my queen 😍 sneakyD poki Kreygasm pokiW D: D: D: squadW_HF D: VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan @zack_zacky WeirdChamp I mute egirl subs monkaW 👉 pokiW im clean FeelsGladMan D: D: @tank_irl1 WeirdChamp POPELW D: SoSnowy @Rush Just get NA gf ... easy place to stay and citizenship @Rush can u int next game peepoSad Rice eater sad hey rush you handsome can you please check the damage dealt? :) check damage kind sir @Rush D: TOO FAR big shit Virgin test: bnanaWeeb I fail monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE FeelsGoodMan WeirdChamp chat WeirdChamp MaldChamp SoSnowy @ABNORMEL euyessss squadW_HF FBBlock pokiW @Rush check KDA your top 3 champs !followage pokimane D: @schrodingersmau5, pokimane is not following rush @rush where are you living at now Rush kinda cute tho 😳 😳 😳 Check damage you Amazing Human Being AYAYA monkaS 👉 pokiW IM SAFE pokiW @StreamElements peepoSad !rank check dmg big shit ? rush can you play Fiddlesticks jungle Kappa unless ? which champ is most op at jg right now Virgin test: bnanaWeeb I fail 4Head do you like korean taco bell? @Rush OpieOP 4Heed @rcsgodlike not working here FeelsBadMan SoSnowy no rumble ult match history widepeepoSad @Rush can you play kha please? :p GhostCakeEater subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! hello monkey man, I'm naked man and I'm back . I love you and ur streams. want to sex? shit KKona Clap reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 4Head 200lb na gf KEKW KKona OpieOP GREAT PepeLaugh fat 4Heed OpieOP R DEY PepeLaugh FAT KEKW KEKW they have big boobie @Rush check KDA your top 3 champs! whos this e-boy Rush KappaPride fat NA gf LUL OpieOP Poki emotes = simp mode VoteYea KKona 🤝 OpieOP just shove a cheeseburger in their mouths and you're good pvmanFGM asian gf Kreygasm qt christian gf Pog can you also play fiddlesticks? reportabble+ Kyeygasm Thanks for the HahaShrugLeft @ghostcakeeater na gf sucks just play lol with NA gj she will teach u many mekanish kekw meet ur NA gf in mcdonald PogU They shower pvmanMonkey @rush you started building tiamat on camille jungle, new idea? D: D: KEKW D: VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 AYAYA IM SAFE 4Head D: D: OVILEE Kreygasm gachiGASM Iron 1 KEKW gachiGASM KEKW KappaPride tahts a yes D: D: D: gachiW D: D: D: D: D: D: gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW D: sneakyD @Rush or NA bf KappaPride D: gachiW gachiW NA gf will divorce u and take 50% of your money KEKW sex = fu_k Kappa gachiW which means YES KEKW gachiW gay LAMOOO gachiW YES xqcSmile gachiW gachiGASM yes ricardo milos gachiW do the sex LMAO KEKW D: KEKW iwtbms subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! 5 months of foul language, watching you eat, and lots of inting. Worth every penny. D: RICARDO LULW Yes reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! gachiW D: SantaHat SoSnowy gachiW pvmanFGM ricardoFlick he knows the name PepeLaugh gachiW PepeLaugh @Rush U pref BF yeah LUL KEKW ricardoFlick gachiGASM bnanaD SantaHat LMFAOOOO KEKW gachiW SoSnowy OI Bruv 3Head gachiW ANY FLICKERS? spooky LULW KappaPride who is impact? no ricardoFlick WeirdChamp KEKW Spoopy YES SIR gachiGASM ricardo is best gif btw gachiGASM SoSnowy Supporush D: KEKW Clap VIRGIN TEST monkaS 👉 AYAYA IM SAFE 4Head :! gachiW Kapp bnanaP1 bnanaP2 bnanaP2 bnanaP1 D: Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp Krappa IceCold Kapp gachiGASM SoSnowy Kapp ;) Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Clap Watching Ricardo dance is invigorating Kreygasm Kapp @Rush riley reid is pretty good Kappa 1-9-1 yasuo KEKW iceCold play graggy or riot Poggers @Rush You are really mean guy D: no negative gaming Kapp Krappa negative gaming KEKW RICEEATER Kappa ReinDeer IceCold Pepega @chat kapp @Rush FAKE NEWS Rush Support player now? no you're autofilled Okay :) ok :) no :) :) PogU No :) unfollowed unfollowed :) no :) unfollow guys KEKW unfollowed KEKW unfollowing KEKW unfollowed :) unfollowed :) Pog :) MrDestructoid ok :) :) unfollowed :) PepeLaugh unfollowed 24h stream then? no :) unfollowed KEKW PogU UNFOLLOWED KEKW unfollowed on it boss MrDestructoid !uptime unfollowed :) @Christian__Tran, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 36 mins unfollowed pokiHA UNFOLLOWED PogU but you swear at us! PepeHands 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed fast finger KEKW unfollowed KEKW unfollowed :) FBBlock dirty inter unfollowed :) unfollwed KEKW KEKW i can unfollow and follow back if that helps Pepega oh, i'll hit the button and unfollow :) unfollowed unsubbed :) and unfollowed :) unfollowed i clicked two times unfollowed :) I did :) :) PepeLaugh I don’t have any buttons :) unfollowed :) KEKW done I pressed twice KEKW Unfollowed PepeLaugh SoSnowy I click it again Pepege :) :) Clicked 3 x :) unfollowed unfollowed :) :) :) unfollowed :) again unfollowed :) has unfollowed ok I will press it right now :) heyPooch subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! journey to 400K Pog MrDestructoid Yes sir! I unfollowed twice NotLikeThis half a million in the roosh army unfollowed monkaHmm bot duo with impact lol has unfollowed Not even 500k rn :) he dropped 100 followers KEKW i will make 500 accounts and follow on all of them KEKW monkaHmm KEKW Time to int KEKW put a pepega title :angry: if you're not following @rush right now press the button twice !!! :) pvman = gg people actually unfollowed KEKW has unfollowed Blitz SeriousSloth KEKW J4 KEKW FF15 FAST KEKW "I never int" LULW You rich guys should SUB TO RUSH 15 KEKW gg half a million rush army less mvp votes than anda KEKW oh god KEKW xDDD 4Fun KEKW 4FUN PLAYER KEKW KEKW gg int KEKW ap jarven KEKW KEKW impact widepeepoSad WTFF KEKW KEKW pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM put a pepega title :rage: inspiration cdr dude what i love the "for fun" games people are unfollowing OMEGALUL Roosh Supp = gg SwurTwur subscribed at Tier 1. PepoThink impact widepeepoSad yes go cookie reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !followage @xD_LUL, xd_lul has been following rush for 3 years 8 days 17 hours 4FUN monkaHmm Impact getting inted PepeHands Use your PRIME ON RUSH isnt this negative gameplay You number one cookie cdr or stopwatch fiddlesticks ? !followage lets try tonever hit 500k, unfollow WKEK edud a si ikop puekam on POUGA inting LULW 25s to dodge @RawSkull no :) monkaS Is Jhin on your int list rush? BigBrother @Rush how does it feel learning more english to discover how pepega chat is xfsnPing xfsnPing xfsnPing aery on J4 support WTF cool Yay !followage monkaW !followage . jhin with attack speed buff KEKW KEKW KEKW pvmanKappa pvmanNOO pvmanFAM pvmanFBM pvmanGrey pvmanSub pvmanMonkey pvmanKS pvmanBoom BibleThump 8 Pog EZ Clap @al_toids j4 supp Pog monkaW no dodge? widepeepoHappy @Rush try full ap j4 :) max e .. its broken only 899 KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW J4 sup pvmanFGM Pog 1 MORE PepeLaugh not even 1000 Aery J4 Support KEKW I'm broke sorry bro D: not even 1k widepeepoSad you ean paid friends !command KEKW KEKW @Rush How do you pronounce Yoonjae? 900 subs PepeHands KEKW I UNFOLLOWED playing vs blitz with j4 E TU @Al_toids isn't it pretty normal? hehehehe jayfiver subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog SantaHat reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! need 544 subs btw Kapp PAID FRIENDS pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM I unfollowed :) !subcount subs you greedy fuck Current sub count: 900 Pog @jayfiver @KisakaNagen they deserve to lose now boxLurk @Rush check KDA your top 3 champs! unfollowed :) widepeepoSad 900 subs Pog FeelsBatman FeelsBadMan PepeHands FeelsBadMan pvmanFAM Pog 500 more subs for the half million Kapp widepeepoSad Pay up, chat. pvmanA PepeHands WTFF SantaHat SUB NOW pvmanA PepeHands Pog pepeHands 10k viwers not even 1k subs while egirls have 100 viewers 1000 subs KEKW Pog Pog ? Pog SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA @fenn53 🐖 Pog good money Kapp TTours SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SantaHatPog SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA SUB NOW pvmanA Sub pvmanA SUB TO RUSH @Rush go full ap j4 and max e its broken :D I love u Roosh but I don't have money for your paid love :( the poki simp should sub, obviously has spare money Smh rush missed my dono and my sub that’s crazzzzzzyyyyyyy pvmanNOO pvmanNOO pvmanKappa pvmanNOO making more money than T1 SantaHat Pog SUB GIFT 😡 KEKW ONLY 500,000 KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp spa, I dont want to sub :) people rather sub to millionairs like xqc and T1 KEKW @cicihamster over electrocute or even aftershock? no money 😡 you need to sellout more KEKW we rost LMAO D: pvmanHands Impact´s promo KEKW impact is tilting KEKW PepeLaugh D: put your babies inside of me please PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW open LULW PepeLaugh roosh inting pvman = gg POGGERS LMAOOOO gift us, rush widepeepoHappy RUSH sub Pog Poki sub KEKW lol PepeLaugh TROLLING DUO Krappa bot lane doom KEKW POGGERS AYAYA impact still 90lp right pvman = gg KEKW KEKW who's his duo? GGMAN = PP KEKW cursed duo Pvman=gg Zkekw KEIW KEKW KEKW ROASTED KEKW KEKW KEKW FF AT 15 danger bot lane KEKW WubTF KEKW @LelouchxZero0 impact KEKW KEKW KEKW JHIN WITH ATTACK SPEED KEKW KEKW !opgg KEKW SoSnowy IceCold pvman = gg KEKW weird flex lmao oh no no PepeLaugh what happens when 2 old koreans play bot, lets find out Play what you want. Don't enjoy the game or anything impact: MALD "Bot lane ints. That's what it does" Kappa toxic D: Kapp is impact playing ad? LP terrorist duo !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU gg bot KEKW impact 원딜 iirc, last time Rush went j4 supp vs blitzcrank, he inted hard impact widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan SantaHat sneaky1 sneaky2 KEKW D: IceCold PVMAN = GGBOT KEKW PepeLaugh 👉 MALD impact KEKW poki1 poki2 @Al_toids if u play ap usually u get aery and max e but he got ad support item xd poki3 poki4 fiddle widepeepoSad good flash tho NA bot duo KEKW pvman = gg KEKW bro u dont deserve the 500k ur so mean GG Kreygasm Slow finger Kreygasm LULW smite king KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat KEKW WeirdChamp SoSnowy FBBlock SoSnowy @zack_zacky SoSnowy SoSnowy 🚪 SoSnowy pvman = gg KEKW roosh inting negative gameplay 15 KEKW KEKW KEKW PPMAN= GG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW sneaky1 sneaky4 GG LUL pvman+duo=gg KEKW FF f15 KEKW gg we lose widepeepoSad LUL NEVER INTS LUL PVMAN = GG GG -20 lp incoming slow finger or slow brain? Kreygasm Slow Finger poki DansGame gg Jg gap KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW smite king KEK !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU D: SantaHat FF pvman = GG KEKW finally losing game LUL NALCK allstars this is why I follow rush LUL HERE WE GO CHAT KEKW !uptime PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOSH @quote_if_greek_joy, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 40 mins Roosh = pvman = gg KEKW whats score so far PRIME TIME KEKW ChomPag better jungler Roosh + impact: unstoppable bot jarvan sp Kreygasm AYAYA SantaHat monkaS monkaW ChomPag full ad j4 no? PauseChamp j4 support, actual 5d chess monkaW ????? KEKW use passive Kapp why did he get this support item ? Kappa Kapp Kapp impact rush best bot duo LULW PRIME TIME KEKW ??????? PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW W ??? HERE WE GO CHAT KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW ?????? wrong direction KEKW uh PepeLaugh squadHUH KEKW gg PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW INTED KEKW KEKW SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gg KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING negative gameplay "i dont get hooked ever" NO WARDS KEKW LULW IceCold PVMAN = GG NEVER INT? KEKW INTED PepeLaugh i cant get hooked KEKW PRIME TIME KEKW inting KEKW inting impact OMEGALUL KEKW PepeLaugh LUL PVMAN = GG KEKW 4Head just game Kapp just a game 4Head LAY LAY LAY LAY LAY LAY NEVER INTS LUL KEKW Support is SO easy KEKW ononono NotLikeThis 4FUN PLAYER KEKW PVMAN = GG widepeepoHappy trolling KEKW inting his promos LULW inting jungler KEKW my new alias will be Rushinttons Kapp KEKW INT PROMOS KEKW negative gaming widepeepoHappy KEKW KEKW just a game bro just a game lmao Just a game LULW never ints PepeLaugh botlane ints thats what it does KEKW inting again KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW troll! LUL PRIME TIME KEKW chill bro KEKW KEKW 4fun fighting SoSnowy KEKW promos are doomed flash auto q KEKW no balls KEKW Fiora KEKW KEKW KEKW Just give LP KEKW int game KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh genuinely dont know if hes trolling i can always e q "OUT" Kappa FeelsBadMan FeelsBatMan 4fun game KEKW gachiW Fiora 0/2 4min KEKW roosh win trade Pepega why tf did you e Kreygasm u coulda stopped base KEKW top lane is inting harder then roosh attack spped on jhin? LUL @Rush hi dad SMOrc SMOrc FIONA? SMOrc you are inting also np KEKW dying twice pokiLOL 👌 roosh=gg KEKW stealing jgl farm KEKW OMEGALUL you too KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU missed KEKW ? Impact about to say last game LUL fiona KEKW PRIME TIME KEKW KEKW poor impact playing with a jarvan sup poki subs WeirdChamp crab ChomPag KEKW 4Heed 10 pocent! 4HEad poor impact playing with Rush 0 2 0 farm? why so KEKW LUL crab control j4 too strong Wait does he have Aery on purpose? 4HEad TopHat yes LUL SantaHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU CS Pog yes new meta is aery j4 seen lots do it WeirdChamp 👉 4Heed aery procs off jarvan e aura @sauceynipss aery j4 bot was played a bit last season 4Heed 🖕 Win condition RNG crit LULW 0/3 top KEKW youre supp? LUL WeirdChamp 👈 4Heed wintrading fiora WeirdChamp PRIME TIME KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW first time had a jhin team on release, I started e on nid and just wasted mana to check his ad growth I know it does, but seems terrible compared to other rune choices lol EZ AHHAA rip PRIME TIME KEKW widepeepoSad PVMAN = GG KEKW NURSE? KEKW lol CYa nurse SUP GAP KEKW cya nerds KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW TEAM gap KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW LUL LMAO KEKW sup gap jung/mid/top gap KEKW KEKW KEKW see you nurselmaop rip promo LUL sup gap support gap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW supp gap KEKW mf 3 dorans this lane is gg supp gap KEKW !duo KEKW KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU All gap KEKW KEKW Support Gap open widepeepoSad LUL sup gap XD LOLW SUP GAP KEKW LA LAY LAY LAAAAY LAYLAYLAY LAAALAY gameplay gap KEKW unfollowed support gap LUL PVMAN = GG KEKW FULL DMG 😠 Intpact worst nightmare, lane with Rush LUL support is so easy KEKW KEKW KEKW open KEKW KEKW All lane KEKW fiddle jg in 2019 KEKW jg gap EZClap that fiddle is inting roosh so hard OPEN jg gap widepeepoSad FeelsGoodMan 👉 open GG bois PepeHands IceCold who feeds the most contest OMEGALUL KATARINA KEKW sapurt gap lul NotLikeThis NotLikeThis tank katarina PogChamp fio LUL ra tank kat TEAM GAP KEKW they should ve dodged. they deserve this lose 4Head TANK KAT KEK TANK KATA KEKW KEKW KEKW ratirlOpen ratirlOpen Clap TANK KAT KEKW pvmanMonkey SoSnowy KEKW chshLUL TANKARINA KEKW KEKW KAT 5Head ratirlOpen KEKW tank kat wtf KEKW 4HEad trust roosh KEKW !duo support is so easy KEKW LULW DUO with IMPACT PogU PepeLaugh "trust me" @MarcvsTulliusCicero but if they dodged, we won't be laughing right now LUL pvmanMonkey i havent seen tank kat since before her rework LUL WINNABLE SoSnowy PepeLaugh !time 22:26 !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU FeelsBatMan Is the same fiddle? !streamtime LuL KEKW fiddlestick KEKW LUL WTF KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL delusional af as always KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW LULW LUL LULW how long has it been live LMFAO KEKW LULW BWAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW INT BROS NA W SUP GAP KEKW AHAHAHAHA REEE KEKW KEKW KEKW xDDD LUL KEKW xd PepeLaugh 4Head KEKW KEKW 4 FUN KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW MID GAP KEKW LULW KEKW mid and top are literally wintrading LULW LULW LULW KEKW die with impact instead widepeepoHappy bot diff KEKw ALL GAP KEKW KEKW PROMOS KEKW bye LUL KEKW KEKW BOT CAP KEKW impact is fuming right now mid diff Kapp sacrificing KEKW wtf LUL 4 FUN DUO KEKW BEST CONTENT KEKW CLOWN FIESTA KEKW CAO NI MA LUL KEKW pvman = intpact = gg D: Mid gap KEKW turbo inting LUL CAO NI MA Bot Gap SUP GAP KEKW KEK THE KOREAN EXPERIENCE KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL Sup gap KEKW D: KEKW J4 supp/top = loose LOL SUP gap KEKW 4fun region KEKW KEKW SUP GAP KEKW die with impact pvmanPride KEKW KEKW SUPP GAP KEKW KEKW LOLW SUP GAP KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW now this is content im waiting for KEKW THE KOREAN EXPERIENCE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold SUPP GAP SUP LUL SUP GAP KEKW KEKW byebye promo kr new 4fun region !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Robot in bush but Crocodile comes out LUL TANK KAT LUL !duo impact's promos pvmanHands Katarina PogU I CAN'T I CAN'T IMPACT PROMO KEKW THIS IS ESPORTS KEKW IMPACT AGREED LOLW KEKW PepeLaugh ???? KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp literally cryin gLULW Kapp KEKW impact said supp gap lol IMPACT PROMO KEKW Kapp LMFAO the game just said hes been playing long and he should take a break this is a LOLW stream now IMPACT IS CRYING BibleThump Fiddle lvl 5 LOLW KEKW monkaW LOLW 👌 monkaW LMAO monkaW monkaW monkaS gachiW KEKW Marianny Dufek KEKW KEKW monkaW KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKW monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKwukawng @TheViscero i think all korean games have that lol LOLW Kreygasm KEK KEKW i'm okay LUL E TU KEKW KEKW KIEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL LOLW KEKW SoSnowy KEKW GREEDY KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega IceCube KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NOW THIS IS QUALITY CONTENT KEKW Ghosting LUL JG GAP KEKW KEKW KEKW THIS IS ESPORTS KEKW KEKW look at the kat damage Pog !duo FF Free Lp give away DUO with IMPACT PogU gg open INTING FeelsWeirdMan 15 KEKW LUL HahaHide HahaHide TEAM GAP KEKW at least kata takes a long time to die every lane gap KEKW ALL GAP KEKW team gap PepeLaugh E TU KEKW SoSnowy IceCold TEAM GAP KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega IceCold the 1/8 botlane experience :) KAT BUILD KEKW Jarven j4 tyler1Bad ROOSH FEEDING widepeepohappy ROOSH FEEDING widepeepohappy ROOSH FEEDING widepeepohappy j4 Kapp 1/5 J4 support btw KEKW IceCold tank kat PogU J4 KEKW j4 supp squadHUH j4 supp hello? useless j4 support too atpRtsd4 atpRtsd4 THIS IS SO FUN I'M GONNA DIE boxREE tyler1C tyler1C Narrator: he was not good PepeLaugh intpact kekw Clap they watch your stream and learn CLAP OMEGALUL IceCold BibleThump broke his mental KEKW KEKW then they int Clap IceCold LULW impact mental too strong he plays NA fapfapfap cannon? 1/5 @ 10 KEKW cannon LOL FF15 GO NEXT KEKW RIOT PLS KEKW KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL KEKW WTFFF KEKW RIOOOOOOOOOOOOT KEKW KEKW KEKW afk cannon RITO KEKW tyler1B1 tyler1N imagine playing j4 support with jhin KEKW reddit Pog hi youtube is impact unemployed too ? LUL INDIE GAME KEKW cannon crashed KEKW small indie company Even canon doesnt want to lane with these 2 KEKW KEKW BRO LOLW lmao Rigged EZ is that impact peepoFat OMEGALUL even the cannon gave up KEKW 4Head 4Head 4Head tower protecc PogChamp KKona WTF COMBO KEKW KR driver KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4HEad rofl LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SUPP GAP KEKW 4HEad KEKW KEKW KEKW SMALL OMEGALUL INDIE KEKW COMPANY 4Head LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed KEKW 4HEad KEKW QE KEKW 4Heed LUL KEKW KEKW JV SUPP KEKW LUL lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW negative gameplay KEKW I POOGERS was here LOLW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW 4Head 4Head 4Head KEKW 4Heed 4Heed mental boom omg LUL KEKW 1-6 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW 4Head IceCold 4Heed 4Heed 4Heed 4HEad HIS LAUGH KEKW !duo 4 more minutes and they win LULW DUO with IMPACT PogU BEST CONTENT ON TWITCH KEKW Pog OMEGALUL OMEGALUL ChomPag 4Heed Pog COMEBACK Pog POG U Kapp impact laugh is hilarious LUL KEKW E TU LUL ALL LUL BAIT LUL this is esports PogU winnable Pog winnable PauseChamp FIDDLE PogU smol indie company Krappa Pog Kappa Pog PogU WINNABLE PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp comeback Kappa PauseChamp impact ChomPag WINNABLE KEKW comebackable ChomPag Kappa worth it Pog impact laugh OMEGALUL PogU Just go jungle and fiddle support KEKW boxKEK boxKEK boxKEK JelloThere subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! :) PauseChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Krappa ChomPag SUCC Kreygasm kat has sunfire lol ttank kata Pog qtpSTARE qtpSTARE qtpSTARE qtpSTARE qtpSTARE D: WINNABLE Pog D: fiona SMOrc Pog 1/9 LETS PLAY AGGRO KEKW freeze cannon worth XDTY. U. qtpTASTY qtpTASTY qtpTASTY qtpTASTY qtpTASTY qtpTASTY qtpTASTY Fiona 6 gray screens widepeepoHappy and U! fiona? his laugh was actually KEKW ChomPag fcking fiddle Kreygasm fiona SMOrc ? this gotta be a open FIORA KEKW fiona NotLikeThis Tank Kat OP FIONA Pepega fiona swolecannon Jebaited COMEBACK WINNABLE wait PauseChamp WINNABLE Pog Pog Pepega Pog Pog WINNABLE ChomPag PauseChamp say it akali LUL drogon LUL B) PauseChamp oh? enemy getting overconfident Pog sunfire Katarina KEKW 4fun ChomPag kr 4fun region look at that tp not ff so rush can die more widepeepoHappy :) LULW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU nerd KEKW I've seen comebacks from worse tbh LULW PogU kidnapped monkaW KIDNAP monkaW EZ LATER VIRGINS same shirst KIDNAP monkaW monkaW WINNABLE anyone clip that laugh ?? LATR GTR OMEGALUL closet monkaW ChomPag ChomPag ? n OMEGALUL damage BRRRRTT PRRRRRRRR 1/7 KEKW negative damage LUL Pog o dmg kat LOL kat dmg PepeLaugh 1/7/3 KEKW KEKW kat damage OMEGALUL no dmg KEKW KEKW KEKW no damage @KisakaNagen well you know roosh tactic. he ints to win sometimes Kappa LUL no dmg KEKW wait that kata build is so bad hory shitu KATA WTF no damage LOLW 2 FOR 1 Pog NOT BAD tank KEKW supp gap kat 0 damage KEKW Negative dmg KEKW 1/7 KEKW KEKW KEKW peepoFat 1/7 KEKW mid gap Kappa tank KEKW PepeLaugh B) is that kata build a korean thing or what imagine playing assassin with no dmg jungle gap @MarcvsTulliusCicero all about that -/10 yassuo hidden passive KEKW ITS RUSH HOUR did kat ult heal enemkt KEKA KEKW ah literally any other mid couldve done what kat did but better KEKW 1/7 "mid gap" poor impact rip promos pvman = __ KEKW J4 SUPPORT KEKW pvman = ?? PepeLaugh JG GAP KEKW KEKW sunfire kat? shipHMM wait, how long has rush been back to streaming? SUNFIRE CAPE KATARINA HAHAHA LUL jungle gap 😡 PauseChamp farm farm die die die KEKW kat sunfire cape KEKW KEKW Mid is positive Pog KEKW rush ruining impact's games PepeHands VOYBOY BUILD KEKW KEKW KEKW farm farm die die die Pog LULW KEKW F KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? KEKW Korea katarina KEKW KEKW FF KEKW 4Head !duo KEKW ??? DUO with IMPACT PogU literally any other mid couldve done what kat did but better KEKW ???????????? KEKW PRIME TIME KEKW 4Heed KEKW NA flash 4Head PVMAN = GG KEKW LUL pvman = ❓ PepoThink WORTH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SUPP GAP KEKW at least someone is having fun support problem LUL Korean kat build Pog PauseChamp ? 1/7 BRONZIL PauseChamp HOLD PauseChamp WAIT PauseChamp 6 cs wow ITS PV MAN.. nooo dont 0 damage KEKW PauseChamp ... PauseChamp oh? 0 dmg ESP OMEGALUL RTS POOGERS sp j4 KEKW KEKW support actually busted role btw PauseChamp SECRET MISSION stfu PauseChamp WAIT 1/7 YOU HEAL MF KEKW Jebaitarina FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy EEEESPORTS everyday a different 7x1 POOGERS SoSnowy KEKW inting your last true friend KEKW hows that support quest coming LUL ChomPag ? fiddle PauseChamp KEKW why almost no one in kr stream ist speaking english ReinDeer LUL e hobby this is esport monkaW SoSnowy widepeepoSad SUP supp Pog LUL ReinDeer my duo is bullying him ChomPag KEKW monkaS SoSnowy monkaS PauseChamp ? torture PepeHands !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU PauseChamp WAIT FOR IT WINNABLE lmao is impact saying this game is torture PauseChamp 1/8/3 incoming DUO INT KEKW voluntary torture BibleThump PauseChamp HOLD... PauseChamp THE PLAY... monkeyS SoSnowy PepeLaugh 1/8 incoming ❓ PepoThink here it comes PauseChamp PauseChamp oh? PauseChamp ? !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU LULW KEKW 💨 int ?? BAIT TEAM KEKW reverse bait KEKW KEKW KEKW bait them to death KEKW ohh that akali reflexes Jebaited FIDDLE USEFUL KEKW tragedy go next pogU GO NEXT KEKW KEKW 💨 KEKW 💨 go next LUL KEKW epic bait KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WINNABLE Pog KEKW J4 KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW J4 KEKW ? KEKW j4 KEKW 8 grey screen widepeepoHappy KEKW SoBayed LMAOOO KEKW J4] KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW AAAAH J4 Kapp rush becoming semi retarded KEKW open plz J4 KEKW INT KEKW Kappa AHH J4 LUL J4 KEKW KEKW KEKW Threw promo game KEKW wintrading fiora WeirdChamp why FF? NOOOO boxREE J4 widepeepoSad alvindolo11 subscribed with Twitch Prime. 1/8 POOGERS KEKW TORTURE LMFAOOO KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! J4 KEKW u should actuallly get banned J4 KEKW KEKW rip friendship with impact KEKW Rush the ultra inter KEKW bannable Dirty inter KEKW pvman = ff KEKW love u rush <3 PVMAN=GG KEKW 1/8 J4 POOGERS PVMAN KEKW 50% Kill participation Pog i find myself agreeing with impact FBI OPEN UP widepeepoHappy hey ruhs congrats on reaching one billion subs kata tank without conqueror widepeepoSad PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU impact experiencing your avg adc gameplay J4 KEKW widepeepoHappy 4FUN widepeepoHappy FUN this is how you play sup in s10 ELO TERRORIST KEKW 4FUN IN PROMO KEKW 4fun player KEKW how is rush not banned for inting? J4FUN looks like it KEKW meanwhile i get banned !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KEKW EZ Clap KEKW Since Bork is throw on jhin, Kat needs to get afc PVMAN = TORTURE KEKW LUL streamer predjucice why are u trolling yeah Kapp 1/9 KEKW Clap wurf KEKW 💨 EZ INT KEKW STrong mental? you int more than i do in my gold games Clap Lol. intpact items KEKW 1/9 XD !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU widepeepoHappy 10 DEATH POWERSPIKE PogChamp why they dont want to ff lol 20 deth :D 9 grey screen widepeepoHappy FeelsBadMan TopHat preseason PogChamp BAN THIS GUY RIOT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW you are lying 1/9 Pepege fiora scales rush is negative gaming!! RUN IT DOWN KEKW sunfire katarina Pepege ? rush inting agane widepeepoHappy pvman = gg kAPP rush supp POOGERS POOGERS boots 2? hey chat, do i have to sub to watch the screen in colors ? :) emotional gameplay on this one too much SMOrc JUST COMBO 4Head karina Pepega gachiW SoSnowy Not snow RUSH POOGERS protobelt j4 Pog dancing chshLUL kidnapped KEKW hey chat, do i have to sub to watch the screen in colors ? :) ? ???????????? KEKW ? KEKW OMEGALUL J4 KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap ? KEKW KEKW ULTI KEKW KEKW ???? kitana down LMAO KEKW SoSnowy KEKW j4 KEKW run it down 1/10 still grey 20 deaths? PauseChamp NotLikeThis inting only friend KEKW you gona make impact cry LULW SO BAD KEKW DEMACIA KEKW gachiW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW support gap 10 grey screen widepeepoHappy Impact is crying LUL Pepege 1/10 POOGERS AF IS THIS THE BOOSTED KOREAN CHANNEL nice game LUL 1/10 KEKW PauseChamp chat are you ice cold? EZ IceCold Clap kekw STRONG MENTAL BTW KEKW don't make it too obvious WeirdChamp 1/3 of team death KEKW HYPERS rush feeding again? KEKW what's cooler than being cool? EZ IceCold pvmanGrey pvmanGrey pvmanGrey 1/10 ? @Rush is it grey dragon spawning next is that why the map looks like that? maybe u watch corejj support guide @Rush bot lane DOMUCIA POOGERS Roosh = INT KEKW skill based matchmaking PepeLaugh MF name LUL IceCold EZ Clap 1/11? PauseChamp EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW LUL yeah top and mid inting... my server offline FFS IceCold widepeepoHappy 1-10 FeelsOkayMan Rush is dirty inter widepeepoSad Rush is not bad just bad team 😡 my server offline WTFF EZ IceCold Clap 1/11 PauseChamp WINABLE ChomPag EMOTIONAL LUL widepeepoSad IceCold gachiGASM ChomPag jhin KEKW looks like a bot, mid, supp, top, jng gap game definitely winnable Pog roosh LOL KEKW ?? KEKW ?? Pog ?? oof ?XD PepeLaugh ????????? KEKW INT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WHY LULW INT KEKW ???????????????? 1/12? PauseChamp KEKW OMEGALUL ?? worth WARDED KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBatMan nice int ayashiiokome NICE TWY widepeepoHappy winnable monkaHmm WORTH is 1/11 good score for support? KEKW ??????? LUL sup diff KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW how is this game not over yet KEKW ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 11 deaths KEKW FIND A WARD = WORTH KEKW winnable winnable winnable get mobis to run it down faster KEKW Rush slow brain 8 MORE TO GO PauseChamp vision 5Head pvwoman 4 FUN riot should ban you for this game 10000000% winnable actually true, u are worth less than a ward a this point KEKW KEKW pvmanGrey pvmanGrey pvmanGrey "professional" KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW CHAT IS THIS REPORTABLE ❓ PepoThink hmmmmmmmm Rush please PepeHands KEKW Yup :) PepeLaugh 9 more almost to 20 rush!!! !duo 1/11 KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU YOU CAN DO IT JACKIE @Rush BigBrother It's war. .dead TRUE SUPPORT BibleThump GIVES LIFE FOR VISION BibleThump kapp na needs u @Rush KEKW "I never int" btw LULW is this hashinshin or roosh i am confused LUL can u speak korean pls? @schrodingersmau5 hes a streamer so ofc not KEKW 1/12? PauseChamp 1/11 KEKW 20 DEATHS POWERSPIKE PepeLaugh NO POg winnable KEKW yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bro KEKW KKona KEKW KEKW Pepega sorry rush, had to report you widepeepoSad KEKW [In Progress] 12/20 SUP GAP KEKW ne KEKW Holyhe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! would it be okay to use you as an example to show my class what washed up mean? never play supp again pls :) inting Kappa KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! u hvae 12 death you fuck NOOO boxREE more deaths than cs KEKW 1/12 POOGERS KEKW YEA FeelsBadMan you do no damage graphics card broke :) WINNABLE Thanks for the HahaLean @holyhe Support Gap POGGERS IceCold wtf sorry rush but i had to report you :) 🌬️ KEKW IceCold !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU YEAH KEKW IMPACT MAD KEKW KEKW KEKW i feel sorry for impact BibleThump @Rush can you show KDA last 5 games pls :) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !opgg 12 rush causing trouble.... MY TEAM KEKW @rush my paid friend, are you depressed? Support Gap KEKW xD IceCold ppman = lose D: D: PHAK MY TEAM D: D: report team D: my team LUL LULW KEKW D: D: TOO FAR D: lmao D: 12 death KEKW D: D: D: OMEGALUL D: KEKW "my team" OMEGALUL D: D: IceCold D: gray screen simulator you're bad lauoilooolol D: D: Close game Clap GGWP KEKW IceCold LUL we are master tier :) D: LUL 1/12/6 inting last friend KEKW inting last friend KEKW inting last friend KEKW D: fok ,i ti, D: @Rush decided to play like his chat too UNFOLLOWED :) you int more than my gold games chat would play better come on xD D: :( wtf we're challenger hello KEKW IM BETTER THAN U EMOTIONAL LUL PPman = Lose PepeLaugh 💨 oh nononoo D: ReinDeer whole game grey screen yup :) support gap Report sup huh I'm master tier :) we are challenger :) WeirdChimp D LMAO :) muted KEKW @Rush SRY I PLAYING LIKE YOUR MOM KEKW WEAKEST LINK KEKW rip only friend KEKW WE ARE MASTER TIER HYPERS 1/12 KEKW we do? ChomPag @Rush is there that big of a difference between Master and Challenger? gachiGASM SoSnowy supp gap @Rush You're giving me way too much credit >:( :) 1/12 OMEGALUL KEKW WutFace ReinDeer UNFOLLOW HIM :) 1 12 !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Kapp :O i beat you 1v1 :) squadW IceCold Kapp ReinDeer WutFace im high elo (silver 3) WE MASTE @Rush ADC Gap Right Kapp PepoThink @Rush can you show KDA last 5 games pls :) Support Gap. Making emotional Plays KEKW Kapp CoolStoryBob Kapp Kappa Kapp ice Kapp 1/12 KEKW no This is why corejj left :( Any Ratters? ratirlMe ratirlMe ratirlMe ratirlMe ratirlMe ratirlMe ratirlMe Kapp IceCold D rank KEKW True Krappa Roosh widepeepoHappy :) u were the inter Kappa ReinDeer well someone was certainly inting LUL I see 1/12 KEKW by you? Kapp you inted yourself? ADC Gap right @Rush SHOW DAMAGE MR RUSH 1/12 GOT INTED Kapp !uptime NO NEGATIVE GAMEPLAY HERE MALDING @heiko7x, rush has been streaming for 2 hours Kappa iam master but i think u should not int THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE A TRAP iOS he calling us master tier nutThink Rush rush int impact was in promos for what rank? IceCold widepeepoSad Both loss is 12 deaths KEKW b KEKW KEKW 1 million ? stAtistic Kappa IceCold Any Krappa in chat? Kapp you don't even have half a million, nt bud xDDD POGGERS !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again POOGERS Support making emotional plays KEKW cant read kr B+ KEKW POGGERS nice diamond WRs KEKW POG precision Pepega LOL LULW KEKW pepega champ pool 1 GAME KEKW LULW EKKO ? KEKW KEKW kaatos 100% in 3 games Kappa ekko ?? why is rush carrying this guy? what about j4 sup win% ? Khazix WR KEKW IceCold KEKW EKKO? KEKW KEKW KEKW EKKO? KEKW whats j4 win rate monkaHmm ekoo washed up KEKW IceCold @Rush gift me a sub, I want to be a rusher Show Ekko Winrate KEKW same mf LULW MISS FORTUNE Pog KEKW IceCold mf KEKW "Not bad" Doesn't cut it for good LXS team smh PepoThink What’s up @rush POGGERS ChomPag Pepega 📣 kkk ESP OMEGALUL RTS not bot gap this game :) THIS IS EPORTS Pog INT HIM Pog 499.5k followers = half a million? can we get some primes to this streamer? IceCold KEKW ban mf :) punish him BigBrother @Rush I try to copy your pathing and lose every game, why? monkaS SoSnowy IceCold BigBrother Clap DO IT DO IT @Rush can you show KDA last 5 games pls :) 499488 PauseChamp @rush play in TCS win 50k Pog int him 4fun Pepega l PepeLaugh never inting Kapp Kapp its not by choice KEKW BigBrother Clap DO IT NOT SNOW gachiGASM SoSnowy I guess it means INTSPORTS Pog KEKW OMEGALUL IceCold KEKW KEKW KEKW i unfollowed rush and couldnt chat 10 min KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW his gaming chair bad LULW SoSnowy IceCold KEKW need new gaming chair IceCold KEKW "your team" pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey I think so monkaHmm HYPERS IceCold lee sin you just have better teams esports Pog KEKW IceCold lvl 1 ganks? HYPERS TopHat INTensive feeding "your hands" "your brain" KEKW monKaHmm eu excuses omega IceCold turn on your monitor that helps :) PepeHands IceCold KEKW KEKW TRUE go lee Pog if u pick elise i stay and watch you cant get better at lol its genetic, you can only learn cheat ways to get above your elo Kapp KEKW HYPERS ReinDeer LULW TRUE True KappaPride yes LULW NO Kapp LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW TRUE LULW nvm KEKW truee KEKW CYA LOLW TRUE KEKW LUL true KEKW KEKW IceCold Kapp omgHYPERS ReinDeer KEKW KEKW True KEKW ANY TRUERS LULW it is TRUE !! LOLW TRUE KEKW LULW heyy is he going to mald today like in the last game yesterday? coming throw = SMOrc :tf: TopHat KEKW 5Head pepega charge is inting TO INT MY TEAM KEKW !rushbus PepegaPhone ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ TRUE LULW if i had kr team every game i would be challenger too HalloFedora KEKW "help int" KEKW PepegaPhone coming through SKINS Pog PepegaPhone coming through Pepega CHARGE ♿ COMING THROUGH ♿ I come to ur stream to have a laugh at your grey screen simulator Kappa @Rush Help team = INT lane KEKW Rush pepega streamer !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ Pepega IceCold im gonna help u team :tf: SantaHat !xd @Rush i miss u in pro !rush !jensen pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanKappa pvmanNOO thanks rush u have inspired me to try ap j4 support again :) best Camille jgl impact irelia KEKW FeelsBadMan SoSnowy clown9 needs you KEKW SantaHat IceCold WeirdChimp !rushbus coming through ratirlWheel i wish rush would play high skill cap junglers like xin zhao WTFF IceCold didn't know they had LoL in North Korea... Are you gonna work at IMPACT Tower? @Rush Kreygasm camp top and it is gg PepeLaugh Hi Rush! We missed you.. U looking ugly as usual <3 coming through IS PVMAN = GG TopHam IceCold TL>C9 is this the legendary 50% win rate kha? widepeepoSad IceCold PPman = GG impact vlad WTFF varus's my dad and irelia's my mom... gachiGASM SoSnowy coming through EMOTE please pepeJAM chat did they win the j4 game :^) Pvman = Pooga IceCold iamsocal !song Yes @seehung123 FishMoley IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy IceCold TopHat NOT SNOW Yes widepeepoHappy HahaShrugRight RPGFireball PEW PEW Rosh KEKW @seehung123 ye pog thx @rush what does it take to be a SMITE KiNG the same mf Pog I'm in D4 and I win 35 per wiin and loose 7, untili where should I get this ? widepeepoHappy LUL @seehung123 KEKW Krappa IceCold FeelsGoodMan SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy Hi Rush is true you got girlfriendㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ? Keepo Keepo Keepo Krappa Pepega 📣 Roosh Pepega 📣 Roosh Pepega 📣 Roosh ANY WIDERS IN CHAT? widepeepoHappy FishMoley IceCold OMEGALUL WideHard song plz 😫😊🤞 HahaThisisfine sneakyH SoSnowy IceCold Pepega 📣 Roosh Pepega 📣 Roosh no trolling Kapp what is roosh !rank BroBalt SoSnowy FishMoley TopHat Pepega 📣 HELLO hello widepeepoHappy RUSH = GG PepegaPhone ROOSH monkaS SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy KEKW Don't troll this game KEKW NA INVADE Pog !league naise Pog POGGERS did nothing POGGERS NO ASSIST KEKW PogYou KEKW ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ LUL LUL LUL OMEGALUL SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy Impact POGGERS pvman KEKW WutFace CLAP Clap Clap !dou PepeLaugh carried by this is esports Clap IceCold ? !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU xd NOOB xD no assist LUL 0 asis xd this is esports pog D: SantaHat XD gachiW FishMoley SoSnowy gachiGASM IceCold IceCold Pepega gachiGASM ratirlXD KEKW 😡 KEKW ratirlXD bnanaPepega IceCold bnanaHammer KEKW SoSnowy IceCold Pepege KEKW gachiW SoSnowy gachiW SoSnowy useless KEKW IceCold TRUE KEKW Pepega IceCold gachiW SoSnowy gachiW SoSnowy NOT SNOW Pepega jungler Can you charge mid lane Pepega any rushers? PepoThink SantaHat KEKW KEKW Kappa widepeepoHappy rush equals gg hi chat <3 rush = nice soft int Kapp PepoThink ReinDeer lowcoLight Whatzzup x3_Miku_x3 lowcoGot Pepega 7 SoSnowy gachiW Krappa ReinDeer gachiWIceCold ReinDeer PepoThink Rush = in need of job ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ PepeLaugh gachiW IceCold rush = bnanaPepega how do IceCold chat EZ EZ Pog Pog Pog Pog wow EZ Clap pvman = gg POGGERS EZ Clap ChomPag EZ Clap FeelsAmazingMan ReinDeer EZ Clap EZ Clap jingle EZ SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy EZ Clap Pog play jungle EZ Clap one lvl down Pog gap jng gap Pog jg kingdom EZ Clap level 2 > level 3 EZ TopHat Clap gachiW Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap Nice coinflip noob PogChamp ReinDeer W OMEGALUL W EZ SantaHat Mr mime? EZ TopHat Clap junp damage lul SoSnowy EZ IceCold Clap peepoFat TopHat time to die to gromp Pog !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU CandyCane EZ IceCold Clap IceCold RarePepe SantaHat 👈 IceCold Pepege 👉 IceCold JGL GAP KEKW kr nid OMEGALUL / 3 JG Diff 0/3 LUL NID Pepega jg gap LULW SoSnowy GachiW Pog SoSnowy IceCold !followage @xanrinaa, xanrinaa has been following rush for 33 mins 5 secs impact Pog JG GAP IceCold Clap SourPls SantaHat actually nids tilted 100% SoSnowy gachiW Pepega guud jaab impact POGGERS rush POOGERS IceCold KEKW PepoThink SoSnowy !followage gachiW SoSnowy Rush nidalee KEKW is that former top lane world champion SKT FBI OPEN UP PogChamp EZ nida died 3 time in 4 min He was PepeLaugh gachiW SoSnowy 5Head Clap gachiW SoSnowy IceCold TaxiBro TopHat EZ IceCold KEKW CAIT KEKW KEKW KEKW CAIT KEKW GG LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW cait Pepege Impact Pog IceCold Rush PepeLaugh IceCold OPEN KEKW LUL TopHam TopHat 24 Pog auto pathing KEKW ragequit KEKW KEKW XD KEKW KEKW WeirdChimp wtf KEKW KEKW KR OPEN KEKW ?????????? XD KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW XDDDDDDDd KEKW KR KEKW IceCold KEKW Pepege KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kr mental KEKW lol nidalee inting IceCold bttvNice SantaHat PepeLaugh IceCold Ice KEKW Cold nice mental KEKW rush paid nid to int KEKW 7-1 BlessRNG weak mental KEKW KEKW KEKW D: jngl open D: IceKEKWCold PepeHands IceCold bttvNice IceCold MENTAL BOOM PepeHands KEKW IceCold KEKW 3yl mtnak Nid paid actor huh KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold . KEKW KEKW bttvNice ReinDeer ay hd masry hena PepeHands stop booli intpac VapeNation TopHat how much did you pay nid KEKW IceCold kosm de l3ba BloodTrail AYAYA IceCold IceCold KEKW FeelsGoodMan 👉 open AHAHAHAHAH AYAYA IceCold IceCold @Caprio00 Pepega KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW Wowee TopHat KEKWWW KEKW IceCold it's cold KEKW ReinDeer Pepega IceCold FrankerZ KEKW IceCold monkaW KEKW KEKW monkaW SaltyCorn TopHat KEKW KEKW IceCold AYAYA ReinDeer IceCold KEKW IceCold bnanaHammer KEKW monkaW DYING TO DRAKE KEKW KEKW KEKW SantaHat ShoopDaWhoop ReinDeer how to use ice cold emote KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW unfortunate game 18 cs jayce KEKW KEKW W OMEGALUL W GEN G KEKW AYAYA IceCold bnanaHammer 6 mins 18 cs jayce KEKW na jayce !duo lol DUO with IMPACT PogU Maybe NA JAYCE KEKW IMPACT on IRELIA KEKW KEKW SantaHat KEKW IceCold AYAYA peepoFat 🍌 LULW Emote + IceCold KEKW KEKW TopHat P OMEGALUL B @rush I love you, I don't love you NA JAyce KEKW KEKW AngelThump SantaHat SoSnowy @nisioisin Pog THIS IS ESPORTS monkaW KEKW IceCold Pog IceCold AYAYA TopHat IceCold EU JHIN? Pepega SantaHat i should probably be watching broxah to get better but rush fun PedoBear SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold Pog Pog IceCold KEKW pvmanFBM IceCold KEKW TopHat 👉 KEKW SantaHat KEKW TopHat KEKW KEKW monkaHmm Pepega SantaHat Merry thing KEKW KEKW D: TopHat SoSnowy PogChamp IceCold danHA PedoBear SantaHat IceCold 4House SoSnowy KEKW IceCold haHAA SantaHat IceCold Pepega @Rush WHAT is enemy team saying? !ranks oh fuck OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh Pepega AngelThump CandyCane Pepega TopHat SoSnowy TF: push mid , rp nidalie haHAA IceCold -12 btw !commands @varieteobscur, You can find a list of all Commands here D: TopHat OMEGAYAYA SoSnowy This is gonn go wrong :tf: TopHat Poor jayce FeelsBadMan did rush find the team? IceCold cleeean Zappa TopHat nah JAYCE AFK SOON KEKW KEKW Impact is too clean Pepega IceCold widepeepoHappy SoSnowy KEKW IceCold Quick win PepeLaugh @진씨에이치알 ty widepeepoHappy Zappa SantaHat HYPERS IceCold sadKEK D: SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy he didnt get an enemy IceCold 4Heed 4HEad IceCold Zappa IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat FeelsBirthdayMan CandyCane D: SantaHat SoSnowy GEN G LuL KEKW GEN G LUL KR open PogChamp KEKW widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold ' IceCold ' IceCold ' IceCold ' KEKW IceCold RarePepe SoSnowy GENG KEKW @rush are they bots or wt hell? GEN G KEKW KEKW GEN G LUL GEN G LUL GEN G KEKW D: SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy GENG = GG = PVMan=GG LUL KEKW SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy NEGATIVE GAMING KEKW KEKW KEKW D: TopHat SoSnowy IceCold PepeLaugh SantaHat GENG = pvman = gg LUL remember when gen g 3 man gank rush? kekw Does impact stream IceCold KEKW 5Head KEKW SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy ReinDeer rush no pro player anymore? monkaS SoSnowy Q evolve WutFace Pepega SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy ReinDeer KEKW IceCold Pepega IceCold SoSnowy ReinDeer Quality KR gameplay KEKW KEKW SantaHat Pepega ReinDeer Chat moon2SMERG KEKW SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy Pepega ReinDeer SHELLY BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad bye bye shelly 9 minutes intpact moon2SMERG monkaW IceCold SantaHat INTpact KEKW Pepega IceCold LuL IceCold SoSnowy IceCold Pepega this chat KEKW SantaHat IceCold HandsUP Menuda stompeada, loco HandsUp pvmanMonkey SantaHat SoSnowy Cait KEKW HandsUp gameplay PepeLaugh IceCold IceCold HandsUp SoSnowy IceCold SantaHat KEKW IceCold ratirlBusiness @rush what are they doing are they bots . Maybe they gave up monkaS SoSnowy SantaHat IceCold they did give up Pepega IceCold KEKW IceCold PepeLaugh SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy Not saving inhib for 3 waves DansGame M&Mjc ReinDeer its cslled open mid IceCold NA game PepeLaugh SantaHat IceCold D: ReinDeer CandyCane SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy pvmanMonkey SantaHat SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy IceCold IceCOld PepeHands IceCold SoSnowy KEKW lmao yeah judt call it a NA game lmao Koreans are smart enough to know when its over KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy NOT SNOW i thought jayce afk? Pepega SoSnowy IceCold NA TEAMATE KEKW D: NaM IceCold NA KEKW @rush GG open lanes GGWP!!!! Pepega SoSnowy SaltyCorn SantaHat SaltyCorn SantaHat D: D: LULW Kapp IceCold IceCold NA KApp xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Kapp IceCold SoSnowy ReinDeer TopHat NA teammate KEKW Kapp PepeHands IceCold SoSnowy IceCold MALD SoSnowy Ligma SoSnowy FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy pvmanMonkey SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold Kapp 4fun player Kapp LUL Kappa NEVER TROLL Kapp Kapp !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU never troll Kapp SoSnowy IceCold pay for win never troll KEKW SourPls SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy !uptime ??? @TheViscero, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 16 mins pvmanMonkey SantaHat SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy IceCold Rush is na player though :/ !song ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy EZ IceCold gg SoSnowy Pog GG FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy IceCold Great purchase fast game pogu not honoring impact D: NA players will have a game like that and be like “just wait for late game” MALD IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat D: Pog SoSnowy Nam IceCold TopHat SoSnowy EZ CLAP KKona SantaHat Clap 6 games = 4/1 ratirlBusiness SantaHat quick matsh maths Clap IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat SoSnowy Pog wash hands KEKW 💺 peepoLeave why wash hands KEKW Pepega nice pants 18mins games KEKW wash hands ? KEKW SantaHat KEKW korean server where game is decided lvl 1 1/12 Pog because they're dirty? @quote_if_greek_joy WHY IT DOESNT WORK WITH BTTV EMOTES qtpA wash hands = deficate takes him 10 seconds to open a door LUL he is going 2 shit jack off @quote_if_greek_joy because sweaty game KEKW !playlist Pepege SantaHat Pog SantaHat @Pinshing are u saying hes a dirty inter KEKW KEKW KKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaS F PepeLaugh KEKW PepeLaugh F f KEKW KEKW SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW SantaHat Pog f KEKW PauseChamp f KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh yes @quote_if_greek_joy KEKW PepeLaugh ice f OMEGALUL PauseChamp KEKW 4Heed SoSnowy PepeLaugh IceCold tobiasPOOP tobiasOK ?XD IceCold PauseChamp IceCold XD ? XD xd F ? XD ? XD XD Impact KEKW ? XD ? XD ? XD waste time? waste time? waste time? waste time KEKW ? XD IMPACT MALDING Pog ? XD waste time? ? Inting in lobby ? XD ? XD KEKW ? XD ? XD ? XD XD gone to shit fam waste time ? ? XD Hi Impacttttttt♡♡♡ ? XD 💺 peepoArrive waste time? monkeyman wasting time KEKW AYAYA IceCold KEKW D: 💨 D: D: D: stop bullying impact widepeepoSad AYAYA IceCold SoSnowy impact faul wensday 11pm and still no team :( 23:00 monkaHmm TopHat D: PogU no its thursday 1:00 am visIting ? PogU !uptime monkaW @StriderDGAF, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 19 mins PogU DO IT Pog Pog irl stream Pog Pog friend Pog boomer KEKW Pog Pog SantaHat KEKW 💿 Clap 💿 AYAYA IceCold Flaming Impact PepeHands rush is olld @Rush have you asked Impact what he thinks about FBI? Kappa forsenCD 💿 MY MAN Friends Pog STOLE HIS GF Pog KappaPride wtf KappaPride Pog gachiW i miss my korean friend peepoSad irl stream ? gachiW KappaPride 3 way POGGERS KappaPride KappaPride ? GIRL-FRIEND? KappaPride pvmanPride pvmanPride KappaPride D: SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth KappaPride date ? KEKW FeelsGoodMan TopHat gachiGASM KappaPride Rush the third wheel KEKW 💿 Clap KappaPride Mr Steal yo Girl SantaHat Pog his gf dates you ? O_O mr steal your boy KappaPride IceCold SoSnowy !duo gachiW gachiW DUO with IMPACT PogU 💿 MY MAN Pog no stream widepeepoSad Three way KappaPride? KappaPride KappaPride ? XD Date with friends girlfriend? SCAM! wtf? XD monkaHmm you date your friend's girlfriend? just kidding KappaPride only one cell phone PepeHands monkaHmm weird flex go on a date with his gf :) Menage a trouai PrideLionYay PrideSaba !subcount Current sub count: 902 - forsenCD Clap D: 3-way sneakyGasm D: D: SantaHat D: D: just date both of them LOL no fuck u asshole forsenCD my man KEKW waffleAngry NO U KEKW D: THATS WHAT YOU SAID DUMBASS KEKW PogU D: rush like boys pvmanPride LOL LUL ScaredyCat D: IceCold KEKW NA DIVORCE RATES KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW D: hey stepbro hehe... date with the gf of you friend man LULW KEKW @rush are u and ur friend touchy like other korean male guys KappaPride isnt that kr drama KEKW hahahaha you should find love @rush Lmao KEKW bratty sis Kreygasm KEKW 3 way pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW IceD D: KEKW incest is best cest TOXIC Pog drip Yes your going to date with it girlfriend instead ur friends XDXDXD KEKW of course he is, why are we asking k drama actually KEKW FAKE NEWS KEKW TRUE 3 way korean drama KEKW monkaW IceCold BasedGod TopHat SoSnowy Clap BasedGod TopHat SoSnowy Clap the champions club 💿 Clap Triangle love of NA papu it happens kdrama KEKW KEKW What is American show hm Jerry Springer Kappa IceColdD meanwhile dribbles water pegega isnt cucking a korean special? Korean guys hold each other hands no KappaPride step sibling WeirdChamp 0. rush small peepee no way get 3 way int him BigBrother IceCold ButterSauce int promos FeelsGoodMan 011001010010 1: D: int him BigBrother his target is his friend stupid chat KappaPride EZ TopHat run it down @rush do u like Kdrama. can u speak Korean plsssss my favourite monkey streamer is on PogChamp I’m a little stupid ain’t goin lie lol @rush have you visit Impact Tower WeirdChamp does anyone even watch the step sibling stuff 101110001101101101 EZ TopHat SoSnowy IceCold Clap 001101101001010101 ratirlBusiness !uptime @Ueeeb, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 22 mins @vurderlak Kreygasm 01100100101010100 @vurderlak those are the best ones Kreygasm BBC BasedGod might Kapp gachiGASM SoSnowy Kapp PokCharizard my server is dead :/ Klappa WeirdChamp FBBlock @ekubo9000 @adc_is_supp_diff kAPP !uptime @tjoffm3ister, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 22 mins @coldbier3 then joing it :) top impact? Pepega Rush so gud, makes my pp so big !opgg @rush do u like Kdrama? Can u speak Korean plssssssssssssssss Pepega SantaHat XD? PepegaPhone most of the time dirty inter is roosh LUL EZ TopHat IceCold SoSnowy Clap IceCold SoSnowy can go to jail for watching p0rn in korea, FeelsBadMan FeelsBatMan !jensen What is your favorite holiday Mr. Rush? @rush do Korean solo queue players know Impact? :o FeelsAmazingMan CandyCane Pepege this streamer very setsee I unfollowed :) can go to jail for breathing in korea FeelsBadMan there is at least 1 dirty inter in every of rush game PepeLaugh FeelsAmazingMan IceCold !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Do you think Deft will do better with new teammates? lee Something diffferent @quote_if_greek_joy guess im not visiting there anymore impact supporting KEKW PedoBear IceCold Lee sin !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Skarner! Oh Olaf PogChamp iamsocal IceCold SantaHat !ugg iamsocal TopHat SoSnowy Clap Lee ResidentSleeper can u do the chinese leesin forbiden trick? !elp rush on lee ResidentSleeper !elo Wowee IceCold are you still duoing with ucal or did you just duo with him cause you were on kt @rush ? insec please roosh = pvman TL secret wepon CoreJJ lane swap with Impact PogChamp iDog TopHat IceCold ResidentSleeper lee on rush chinese lee sin PogChamp korean lee sin ResidentSleeper INTpact KEKW <3 <3 <3 i love int streams <3 <3 <3 KKona RainDeer SoSnowy Clap KEKW But that was like over 6 years ago... Hhhehehe ReinDeer SoSnowy KEKW INTsec @Rush Ass or Tits KKona ReinDeer SoSnowy Clap rush lee ResidentSleeper meteos lee PogChamp RebeccaBlack TopHat PedoBear CandyCane hi mr roosh You look so young without glasses RebeccaBlack IceCold Pepega monster Roosh! Pepega Pepega Clap IceCold BibleThump IceCold why mine doesnt work @sikat01 THE DONGER KappaPride @Rush why do all koreans have same haircut RebeccaBlack SoSnowy SantaHat KEKW VapeNation SantaHat Kapp Kapp Kappa PogU Kappa Kapp Kap Kappa Kapp Pog @rush 안녕하세요. 오늘은 잘지내요? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ ucal so delusional KEKW Kappa Kappa Kapp IceCold SantaHat Kapp @liililliliiliili only works with bttv global emotes he thinks KEKW Ucal is a dirty inter LUL smeb BibleThump KappaClaus he is delusional LUL KEKW SantaHat :( FeelsSnowyMan ReinDeer SoSnowy deft your best friend KEKW PepeHands IceCold still doesnt work Kapp SantaHat SonSnowy IceCold DRX Rush Kapp SatnaHat KEKW hey, you probably got this question a lot, but will you be posting on youtube again soon? :) ⛄ SoSnowy Pepega SantaHat Clap BasedGod SoSnowy TopHat Clap do you plan on going back to competitive?@Rush how much are you paying INTpact to boost you Kappa KEKW IceCold 💨 it's freezing in ere why didnt deft bring you to DRX Pog SourPls Is he titled again today? @Rush should duo with faker peepoSad SoSnowy faker dog KEKW BasedGod SantaHat SoSnowy KEKW will u duo with hashinshin when u come to na :D ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ jin air rush when Kapp SoSnowy Faker Pog how many of your viewers are from korea? SourPls IceCold DuckerZ SantaHat widepeepoSad SoSnowy Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap toxic KEKW Faker’s dog PogChamp Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy ClapPepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Kapp IceCold SantaHat pvman = ? SourPls IceCold SoSnowy Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap KEKW SoSnowy pvmanMonkey SoSnowy Rush will find a team summer split FeelsGoodMan name every pro on winning worlds team, we cant kekw IceCold HerbPerve SantaHat SoSnowy Clap @G2_WORLDS_CHAMPIONS nice name Pepega Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Faker = mental boom 맨날입던 목늘어난 반팔티에서 바꼈네 ㄷㄷ pvmanFBM IceCold Kapp IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap 사랑해 @Rush FeelsBadMan IceCold FeelsGoodMan IceCold Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap breathing WeirdChamp gayren rush inting again on lee sin pvmanMonley Gayren? gayren LULW faker's dog higher elo than me PepeHands Is that impact? Intpact Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap gayren Pepega 💨 faker dog POg KEKW IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat FeelsGoodMan IceCold faker dog KEKW FeelsBadMan IceCold FeelsGoodMan Jesus christ intpact Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap KEKW 💨 IceCold 💨 🎤 Mr Rush, your fans are mostly from NA... would u transfer to NA and grind there? xqcSnow Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Jebaited WeirdChamp IceCold Breathing @i4mn01 KEKW even fakers dog is better than me PepeHands @i4mn01 hes going to burgerland in january I am a EU Rush friend! INTpact KEKW IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap rush inting again on lee sin pvmanMonkey KEKW KEKW KEKW OOF KEKW KEKW Faker in 2019 PepeHands KKona ReinDeer SoSnowy Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW shacopath Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap KEKWű OOF KEKW D: KEKW ahhaahha D: KEKW SoSnowy KKona 🖕 KEKW KappaCool TopHat Clap SNEAKY KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MOE KEKW No snakes? KEKW KKona WTF KEKW SoSnowy D: KEKW KEKW LUL D: who has that backstab spam Rush is actually na player in disguise, he never proved he was korean hmmm 🗡 KKona fuckin comedian over here Just mad the LCS didnt want him lololol ECHO FOXX SNAKES LUL haHAA SantaHat DYRUS KEKW MOE KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL gachiGASM SoSnowy urgot mid?? stop breathing KEKWait holy fuck i was here for 2s and man that was rough LUL haHAA IceCold Mr Rush funny... why play league instead of being a comedian? @NaGaBellum @handsdownxx TRIGGERED KEKW KEKW IceCold Who is he duoing with? did they win last game? ya @Cmaur no chill IceCold !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU NA FATTIES TRIGGERED IN CHAT KEKW SoSnowy WTFF GO WORKOUT FATBOYS KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @causticflower he was rank 1 KR for awhile and a sub for KT tho WTFF SoSnowy Yes they won in 10min !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again IceCold AYAYA KKona KKona IceCold Fake KEKW Pog gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW So bad KEKW @chat the hats ice block and snow only work with bttv emotes FYI BasedGod SoSnowy SantaHat Clap KEKW KR clown KEKW EZ Clap !lee q KEKW KEKW KEKW roosh tryharding widepeepoSad Rush Pog Kapp !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again lol Pepega SantaHat Pog roosh man is on fire :D is impact streaming? good guy rush Pepega BasedGod SantaHat IceCold ask impact about his FBI joke KEKW :) Kinder boy wins ask impact about his FBI joke KEKW KR Clown should go with NA's Clown 9 hotdogss i know u qtpTHINKING KEKW impact is so cute TehePelo ask impact about his FBI joke KEKW CentipedeIRL monkaW KEKW Q KEKW q'd minion KEKW KEKW 5Head Pog KEKW Dog LUL LULW I AM OK LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW im ok KEKW KEKW back stabbed KKona KEKW KEKW Pog why he attack box KEKW intpact jg gap KEKW KEKW KEKW KR solo queue el payaso KEKW Kapp Kappa Kapp Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Kappa Bye early pead Pepega IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap INTPACT KEKW pvman =gg FeelsBadMan SoSnowy lead Kapp SoSnowy SoSnowy Kapp @chat the hats ice block and snow only work with bttv emotes FYI BasedGod SoSnowy SantaHat Clap Kapp IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap Kapp Kapp IceCold are the christmas emotes overlapping for you guys? they're working like normal ones side to side for me for some reason FeelsBadMan gachiGASM SoSnowy SantaHat widepeepoHappy IceCold AYAYA @sprouze nope HahaCat @sprouze same HolidayLog not working for me either FeelsBadMan not working for me either AYAYA IceCold FeelsBadMan SoSnowy EZ IceCold HolidaySanta 5Head ryze SoSnowy EZ they only work for bttv emotes i have bttv and it doesnt work widepeepoSad EZIceCold FeelsBadMan 👉🏿 SoSnowy PepeHands IceCold ReinDeer AYAYA AYAYA IceCold IceColdEZ SoSnowy IceCold D: wtf DansGame Pog EZ PepeHands IceCold KEKW IceCold Chat the TSE opens in 15 minutes EZ clap SoSnowy SaltyCorn !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again FBCatch EZ Clap NaM IceCold DansGame IceCold Pepega monster EZ IceCold IceCold GabeN I think Dollarama will hit the 50 dollar mark D: IceCold SoSnowy Clap ResidentSleeper Pog SoSnowy NaM IceCold EZ IceCold KKona IceCold gachiGASM IceCold SoSnowy monkaOMEGA They reported a 5% growth on earnings GabeN IceCold monkaS IceCold !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU SoSnowy SourPls EZ IceCold LUL KEKW IceCold top die Pog YOINK Q KEKW izi kill LUL Q KEKW Q KEKW KEKW nice Q KEKW AYAYA ReinDeer Clap KEKW Q KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW IceCold Pog Dodged the ice trap EZ IceCold Pepega nvm KEKW AYAYAAY AYAYA IceCold PepegaPhone pick it Pog dat q tho schnozer Kreygasm bttvNice TopHat pepega monster PepegaPhone iceCold xqcN pog SoSnowy BasedGod Pepega IceCold Dodged the ice trap EZ IceCold xqcN U have to put the red thingy BasedGod SoSnowy guys it is not that cold xqcN wash hands = do cocaine PepeHands stop the emtoes xqcP RISE NOW, BROTHERS IceCold :O xqcBall Pepega IceCold SantaHat xqcBall SOON xqcB IceCold IceCold EZ xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall IceCold xqc normies KEKW @xpertmaster haHAA IceCold -12 btw xqcBall SOOON @xpertmaster ariW SoSnowy Pepega TopHam IceCold xqc POGGERS Mr Rush don't do drugs, only paf KEKW xqcGr ?????// ?????' "biat him" HAHAHAHA KEKW ???? KEKW LOLW PVC SUBS KEKW KEKW Hola RushMidGod. Long time no see <3 flash LUL ????????? ..... wut lol LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEW ?????? KEKW xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall KEKW forsenJoy Pepega SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold ???? KEKW INTPACT KEKW YouDied KEKW xqcBall xqcBall SOON KEKW KEKW ?? KEKW ?? KEKW CLONED wtf was that KEKW pepega monster emotional player KEKW lmao rakkan e does dmg now thats why BETTER JG WINS AS USUALLY KEKW KEKW IceCold wtf and is shaco ad xd why shaco strong BabyRage AYAYA SoSnowy AYAYA IceCold Clap SoSnowy HandsUp SoSnowy xqcArm1 xqcE xqcArm2 Pepega U ARE KEKW IceCold Pepega !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pepega Clap Kapp IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy Clap !uptime @smilegateceo, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 36 mins xqcS xqcS xqcS xqcS xqcS Shaco got buff KEKW IceCold xqcWar !opgg KEKW SantaHat KEKW IceCold KEKW damn @chat the hats ice block and snow only work with bttv emotes FYI bttvNice SantaHat KEKW SantaHat SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW @KingzT1 like 3 month already, are you Pepega on brain ? KEKW ignite LUL KEKW SoSnowy KEKW KEKW pvmanMonkey SantaHat ?? Pepega SantaHat SoSnowy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy tfbBuddy sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyClaus sneakyClaus tfbPepega tfbPepega tfbPepega holy guacamoly peepoFat next lv bait Clap Pog INTPACT KEKW LULW KEKW ratirlHmm SantaHat KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKW monkaW WutFace INTpact KEKW Lucker Dog KEKW IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy POOGERS IceCold SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW WTFF KEKW KEKW CANT DODGE KEKW KEKW INTPact KEKW NA is right KEKW lol IMPACT TOWER voyWAT SantaHat WutFace Pepega Jungler KR Shaco like the old days PogU Kappa IceCold KappaPride REN ratirlWot SantaHat Faker dog pegga INTPACT PogU Garen vs urgot mid and ryze vs viktor top WeirdChamp killl the garen sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyGrip sneakyGrip who is duo? impact? @Rush In NA that would not have been a double. fbi open bot Keepo mrcaocow subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @iEvilgen1us sneakyHey AngelThump TopHat tfbHmm tfbHmm tfbHands FBI OPEN UP !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey AYAYA TopHat AngelThump Trust me Kappa Thanks for the HahaLean @mrcaocow AYAYA notsquishY SantaHat X AYAYA IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy widepeepoHappy dragoonia EMOTIONAL STREAM do ppl int more or less iin korea? @Rush tfbINTING tfbINTING PVMAN = GG ? :) KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW pvmanNOO pvman = gg CurseLit IceCold F LuL face check KEKW EZ Clap faker dog KEKW falae Rush bom dia caralho Clap EZ Clap FeelsSnowyMan SoSnowy R KEKW Tactical int EZ Clap set up fight perfectly EZ Clap ywhh yehh KEKW FeelsSnowyMan TopHat SoSnowy Clap tfbPALM tfbPALM pvman = gg sneakyWut sneakyWut sacrifice 5Head SoSnowy gachiGASM it's not snow !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy lee sin is a bait Pepega D: Hey rush why aren't your builds on lolpro? :( aren't you a pro anymore? D: D: D: D: D: IMPACT POOGERS D: SantaHat D: gachiGASM SoSnowy D: D: D: wait D: Why doesn't Impact stream :( !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU FeelsGoodMan TopHat gachiGASM SoSnowy thats not the emote i wanted D: gachiW SoSnowy gachiW SoSnowy sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakySpook2 sneakySpook 5Head macro player EZ Clap EZ LULW EZ gachiGASM SoSnowy it's not snow LUL D: IceCold TopHat SoSnowy EZZZZ KEKW EZ gachiW SoSnowy MORE SNOW EZ Clap VIKT OMEGALUL R D: SantaHat TopHat 444,579 followers pepk Pog IceCold sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyFun PowerUpL gachiW PowerUpR gachiW SoSnowy yes Pog !stacks SoSnowy can we make it snow chat??? SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU EZ TopHat SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy !uptime @puttankinamall69, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 41 mins SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy "gashi" WeirdChamp gachiGASM SoSnowy ahhh my shoulders sneakyWut sneakySame tfbINTING tfbINTING tfbINTING !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 420 followers to half a million rush !followage @BrianTheeFirst, briantheefirst has been following rush for 3 years 13 days 17 hours SoSnowy iamsocal IceCold KEKW !duo PogU LOLW I'd love to see Lee nerfed SoSnowy gachiGASM Kreygasm monkaS SoSnowy IceCold monkaW ForeverAlone IceCold wow gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW pvman = gg KEKW Where's the subtitles??? BuddhaBar BuddhaBar BuddhaBar na waking up soon FeelsBadMan ???' KEKW ?????? ???????????????? IceCold FeelsGoodMan KEKW LULW KEKW ?????? KEKW INTING KEKW ??????? ??????? KEKW ?????? KEKW ?? ??? KEEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ????????????????? KEKW LUL ???? That was so troll ??? LULW ?????/ KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW tfbINTING tfbINTING tfbINTING tfbINTING KEKW LEE SYNDROM KEKW KEKW KEKW TopHat rush aint no puss IceCold StinkyCheese suicide LULW KEKW PepeLaugh T H R OMEGALUL W KEKW from 5head to 0head in 2s D: KEKW kapp "LIES: tfbWp tfbWp tfbWp tfbWp tfbWp pvman = gg KEKW KEKW LEESINDROME KEKW TableHere TableHere TableHere !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU LEE SINDROM KEKW ye ryze fault KEKW monkaHmmm monkaHmm rise PogU Better Jungler wins? :P Kappa smart lee???? rooshy roosh roosh :) stupid ryze how can nobody spell syndrome HeyGuys SoSnowy jungle gap syndrmoe !followage @BrianTheeFirst, briantheefirst has been following rush for 3 years 13 days 17 hours ???? not farming, shaco outlvl and get solo kill KEKW kaisaiisasiaisia Tip of the day : did you know pvman is actually NA MVP backwords? yes... this totally blew my mind EZ Pog Xayaya miss aisle ? Kappa @rush only sad ( unemployed) bois wear black PauseChamp EZ Clap Ez EZ EZ Clap Pog EZ Clp doctorHANDSHAKE EZ hello roosh Kapp xayayayaya Kapp Q KEKW Q KEKW Kappa GIREN @iwillsacrifice hes at his office right now working what u mean 5Head @NA_AT_WORLDSandMSI_KEKW Pog Gay ren landed q ChomPag Icecold GAYREN 2 levels behind Kappa Pepega master F KEKW GAYRAN PogYou PogCamp PepeLaugh cya nerd nocturne is worse GAYRAN gachiBASS shaco is op moon2WUT KEKW @KindredSouls3 sup PogYou !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @bigbooty64 yo KEKW where's the subtitles??? NotATK NotATK NotATK Pepega keitLESGO keitLESGO keitLESGO keitLESGO !uptime @ohtaa, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 44 mins PogChamp ChomPag PogCamp ChomPag RushHair = NotATK new emote this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ this guy WeirdChamp 👇 this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ this guy WeirdChamp 👇 @Rush Why are Korean numbers so small/hard to read WeirdChamp MaldChamp NotATK NotATK NotATK NotATK this guy WeirdChamp 👇 WeirdChimp what is your piano playlist? any truers in the chat? solo spam WeirdChamp MaldChamp 👇 this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ 5HeD StinkyCheese cleaver? why do u ignore the color? @Rush if im in australia is it possible to play with people in america without delay or lag in lol? Kappa = Gray Face no space forsenKKona AMEN KEKW FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy KEKW MaldChamp ☝️ D: OH UHH StinkyCheese sadKEKW this guy WeirdChamp 👇 @ohtaa Yes, move to america. Otherwise no this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ TITLE NAME Better jungle wins Easy clap this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ WeirdChamp WeirdChamp Greetings rush man dude GrayFace Kappa comnBruh wat MaldChamp ☝️ -.- WeirdChamp IceCold SoSnowy MALD this guy WeirdChamp 👇 MaldChamp ☝️ WeirdChimp IceCold SoSnowy shelly PepeHands SoSnowy this guy WeirdChamp peepoFat NA citizen 👆 KEKW KEKW 👈 DansGame this guy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ LEESINYDROME LEE SYNDROME KEKW peepoFat 👆 NA citizen thresh guy this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ moon21 moon22 moon23 moon24 moon23 moon24 what does that red text say??? RED TEXT PepeHands SoSnowy "WeirdChamp" WTFF this guy WeirdChamp 👇 fan and interactive gameplay moon2DEV IceCold SoSnowy peepoFat 👆 NA citizen . @Rush game gap did you finally stop trolling impact? fuck this guy gachiW 👆 and this guy gachiW 👇 wtf is that red text that keeps popping up Red text days to take a break red text is from kr army LULW KEKW D: D: KEKW EZ Clap D: D: D: D; D: !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU CARRIED KEKW monkaHmm D: ☄️ moon2DEV this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ this guy WeirdChamp 👇 D: why was the third drake mountain ? He just got a mountain drake KEKW peepoFat = NA Kappa that guy WeirdChamp ☝️ woah Pog rush this guy WeirdChamp ☝️ 1/12 !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 1/12 KEKW Getting 800 LP would literally take me years @thenewhumanine it is a reminder to take a break 1/12 Pog 1/12 lul jarvan support KEKW WeirdChamp IceCold haHAA CHAT RELAX did rush grow up in korea j4 spp LUL 1 in 12 KEKW 1/12 KEKW why impact no stream? PepeHands Rush game history widepeepoHappy jarvin game pvmanNOO 1/12 KEKW xqcM DOLLARS ? WutFace I UNFOLLOWED KEKW CiGrip unfollow Kappa CiGrip PauseChamp Hmmm ???? 420 @Rush what happened in the jarvan game? CiGrip sure CiGrip CiGrip ? unfollowed KEKW 420? kappa CiGrip 420 ? moon2G NO :) no OK NEXT YEAR Pog no CiGrip 420 sure N OMEGALUL 420 no :) 420 atpSuspect atpSuspect atpSuspect atpSuspect NO :) unfollowed Keepo UNFOLLOW FAST KEKW @inntake the dragon after the 2nd drake will follow the map dragon that spawn unfollowed :) PepeLaugh unfollow :) :) no :) :) 420 blaze it CiGrip no :) NO :) no :) 420 BLAZE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KEKW 420 CiGrip Noup c: CiGrip TopHat no :) :) unfollowed no :) :) Why do you almost always have bad K/D/A . Your kills and deaths are often the same :) :) NO :) Chat, unfollow rush Unfollowed no :) CiGrip 420 sure unfollowed :D i pressed twice :) unfollow :) :D no :) CiGrip 420 sure Unfollow KEKW unfollowed :) i pressed twice Unfollowed :) :) n OMEGALUL 420 never :) unfollow :) Unfollowed :) I UNFOLLOWED unflowing now no :) now im unfollowed :( I successfully unfollowed you :) press it once? ok UNFOLLOWED NP unfollowing unfollowed :) i was following and i pressed again :) unfollowed i pressed it and it unfollowed i unfollowed :) VapeNation :) NICE unfollow :) :) :) has just unfollowed. unfollow i will unfollow and follow again to give you more followers :) They will come big smoke LOL I unfollowed fuck you rush :) JKanStyle I successfully unfollowed you :) Yes :) unfollowed :) CiGrip @rush I will make 420 new accounts :D shit i to refollow? unfolloweed :) I pressed it twice :) unfollowed :) widepeepoSad FOLLOW RUSH Unfollowing 4Head !followage @Fmarst, fmarst has been following rush for 4 years 14 days 10 hours !followage unfollow :) Ok, pressing Follow once. I have now unfollowed. @Rush I will ask my friends to follow you :) solidsnaxx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! I pressed follow twice to give you double follows :) !followed I'll smoke one for you Rush reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 1/12 jarvan? Kappa you have unfollowed rush. rush "big smoke" jones I successfully unfollowed you :) back to 400k :) !followage UNFOLLOWED PogChamp what happenn if i click it again @ru* ? unfollowed :) chat bullying monkey man pvmanFBM pvmanFBM 500k followers Pog SantaHat 5Head DONO :) !followage pressed twice :) Ask my dog :) Unfollow Rush if gay LUL KEKW :) SantaHat BibleThump 5Head :) KEKW pressed once :) 5Head :) :) I pressed twice :) :D i double clicked for extra follow LUL 5Head nidalee pls :) tilted cam KEKW I followed x2 LUL Pog SantaHat no you are tilted hi Rush Quinn Jungle :D KEKW SantaHat cam was tilted :) just like streamer @Rush you look handsome in black :) go get egirl now strng mental Kappa whenecer the things go wrong. i ll be with you from dusk till down. baby 'll never follow you. play master yi jungel SantaHat Kappa SantaHat follow for follow :) @rush play vi pls Tell impact. FBI open up. @rush @Rush where is your sponsors? gachiGASM SantaHat RarePepe TopHat IceCold SoSnowy @rush Kindred BrainSlug nidalee Pog You sound ill CiGrip TopHat ? @staszewa LUL SantaHat i was following already but i pressed it again bc u said so. hope it helps :) TL rush LUL Rush is dying monkaW SantaHat widepeepoSad dbBlues qtpWEIRD WeirdChamp This is a message from twitch TwitchVotes : The user Rush has been banned, unfollow this channel right now or you will face the consequences. iwdPepega SantaHat Nidalee PepeHands SoSnowy OLAF SantaHat Kappa monkaW SantaHat @Rush YO whats ur headset mouse and keyboard ? :) @CentipedeIRL qtpHEART nye 499642 is not half a mill KEKW HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta NIETHELEE @NA_AT_WORLDSandMSI_KEKW WeirdChamp dbBlues dont heart me ever again ratirlSpit @Rush Why is Korean number font so small? Minecraft music PogU SnowHat @Rush why so hansmoe @Rush why nimbus cloak? @SenseiDope first put Kappa then SantaHat Is Nidalee mid still good ? It use to be long tim eago Oops ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @jiggyboops kai vlad ResidentSleeper SoonerLater iwdAYAYA SantaHat @Rush favorite pornstar? SantaHat ResidentSleeper Kappa SantaHat @tsirgz 🖕 @CentipedeIRL <3 Kapp PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PogU SantaHat AYAYA SantaHat Kapp dbBlues banned @jiggyboops oh wait nimbus is the sum move speed right? weird ResidentSleeper SantaHat no :) SantaHat Kapp Then 5 HOUR Stream PogU Kappa SantaHat ty Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper nid ResidentSleeper again inting inc PogU SantaHatKEKW POGGERS SantaHat @shigabb PepeLaugh SantaHat SantaHatKappa PogU TRUE KEKW SantaHat POGGERS @cheenis ya the one where u get move speed after using summs @Rush do you know a manga called shamo? !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again TRUE KEKw so true Kapp kapp Kapp @staszewa wtf "best player" Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp SantaHat i learnt support j4 is amazing Kapp KEKW KEKW I watch you for your chinese Lee sin plays LULW LOL @jiggyboops chasing with smite i guess good on jg LULW Kapp Kapp KEKW LOL KEKW negative gameplay lul KEKW TRUEEEEE KEKW +10 FOLLOWERS PER INT KEKW SantaHatKapp KEKW im here 100% to watch bad play Kapp KEKW Rush: When you are good as much as ugly @shigabb First the emote then space then SantaHat true DOM KEKW TF KEKW KEKW LUL Kappa D OMEGALUL M SantaHat KEKW KEKW KEKW Watching Rush for gameplay KEKW Kapp SantaHat bROXAH? lol iwdGrill IceCold NORMIE LEE SIN KEKW REAL NEWS KEKW IWD KEKW D OMEGALUL M watching rush is 4fun Pepege @Rush more youtube please, thanks WHO OMEGALUL ? !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Kapp KEKW KEKW SantaHat @staszewa KEKW SantaHat Watch broxah doctorTHINK doctorTHINK doctorTHINK doctorTHINK doctorLUL doctorLUL doctorLUL doctorLUL doctorLUL doctorLUL haHAA IceCold @shigabb PogU SantaHat SantaHat Kappa Quick ad for streamers team ran away from Rush play master yi pleassss All games end before 20min so i feel like im only watchin you que @ba4dtrip WH OMEGALUL IWD OMEFAUL @soccarmann 6'8" still need impact to climb? @Rush @staszewa thanks HYPERS SantaHat no0bDc OMEGALUL * 1% of your followers watching you LuL !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 러쉬님 유칼님이랑 친하세요? LUL @shigabb No problem, enjoy HandsUp PogU Kapp KEKW Kapp SantaHat Kapp Kapp Kapp still listening to degenerate playlits WeirdChamp Kapp challenged KEKW KEKW PepoThink SoSnowy YELLOW SNOW? wow rush only climb with duo Kapp WeirdChamp Sandbox Rush KEKW sure Kapp Kappa SantaHat monkaHmm impact !uptime @novajonah, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 54 mins me :) PVMAN = GG KEKW not u :) NO YOU SILVER LUL @soccarmann forsenCD Twitch Chat :) he is pro player :) D: D: D: D: u ignore him D: PogU cal d/ D; D: SantaHat still believing rank mean anything in lol in 2019 LUL evo19Wut @soccarmann stupid fucking mistakes man D: Impact played better without roosh KEKW haha D: @Rush tell impact to tell you the FBI joke KEKW Kapp but ur wrong D: SantaHat COCKY psycho monkaW u just played more D: IceCold What do you think of graves atm ? @Rush teamspankspank subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Hey looshi, how are you doing No one likes honesty. Its rude ff Are you friends with Echo Fox members like Fenix D: SantaHat @Rush if none of ur friends is stupid, you are the stupid monkaS ask impact about FBI joke :O D: SantaHat SoSnowy IceCold its ok to be toxic as long as you acknowledge you are :) words of wisdom PartyPoro be toxic don't say stupid words and always :) honesty is rude ur bad :) gachiW SantaHat PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro any fluters? get a pepega steam title :rage: SantaHat PogChamp Kappa atpRtsd PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOOOSH zx';as./zx';as/.z SantaHat SoSnowy PartyPoro did rush learn how to play khazix already?? PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro LUL LMFAO haHAA LULW PartyPoro PartyPoro roach !uptime @cheenis thats not how that works LOL @JRDG, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 55 mins Nah I am kidding. Be honest its your charm <3 BibleThump SantaHat KEKW PepegaPhone FBI open up PepegaPhone XD KEKW @FalseDevotion haha i know but there is people that act like that Partyporo !time open BOT LMAO 23:36 PepegaPhone FBI open up PepegaPhone FBI OPEN BOOOOT haHAA "FBI OPEN BOT" i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues i love dbBlues Pepege PepeLaugh ASK HIM KEKW NotATK Pepega FBI open bot KEKW PepegaPhone FBI OPEN BOT rooCop ratirlOpen but FBI still has a job at the LCS PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro rush zed @ikeepittaco i love when you are a good friend of mine and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love you so much and I love PVMAN = OPEN JUNGLE ZED Pog PepegaPhone FBI OPEN BOT @CentipedeIRL WeirdChamp can u not look up MGTOW guys, dont let them ruin your heart <3 LIKE 1/12 SUPP Pog mid impact LUL 4 more games before rush ends stream POGGERS Roosh = GG @lostsheep2 gtfo with that shit Kapp dbBlues sry man my autism kicks in sometimes good guy Rush KEKW CentipedeIRL no cringe pls ggman?? Feeeeeeeeeeeeeelsssssss Badddddddddd mannnnnnnnnn Lee Sin top ! 4 top KEKW 4 top KEKW rush is sexy OK 4 top? lee mid PogYou you are not ad ape 4 top ok? what roles do your team main? lool KEKW is his team roles in order top to sup Why did Korea lose worldsM KEKW ezreal way better pvman = gg 4 means the 4th guy 5Head Ez or Bed @Polo6782 Jesus loves you brother, seek him not whats in this world <3 ezreal mid Pog Kindred ADC Pog GG ekko why do they all try to speak english in champ select? Lol why do you have less viewers than broxah? @Rush how does he type korean and english on one kb KEKW he's running away from ur ad KEKW @LazyBryan they are chinese !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU ppman KEKW TRUE KEKW boosting main acct KEKW pvman = gg Ahh he ran away D: PPMAN = GG then what are they monkaW pvman monkaW English common language :) BUILD A WALL KKona @lostsheep2 sky man doesnt exist, being good should be inherent. Rush how are u today KEKW leaked KEKW True so annoying! @Rush mundo jungle is good pick for now ? KevinTurtle ppman KEKW n chinese cant win (n<=5) KEKW SECRET monkaW 🐱 log LEAKED leaked Kapp monkaS ALIENS monkaW whats that bg lol TURKEY OFFERS KEKW riot wanted u to use ur second most used user name on league to harvest more data about u Kapp monkaW pvman = gg KEKW SourPls @xog_ba you are watching rush not broxah, the answer you seek is within pvman Pog pvman = gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW oh no GG time monkaW PepegaPhone IM BACK Where is Impact? BabyRage EXPOS3D LUL no impact = gg PogU pvman = gg KEKW !uptime @Zer0_sama, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 59 mins whatup pvman = GG KEKW KEKW ROOOSH! PepeLaugh its tal not thal gold 2 Pog gorilla isnt jobless FeelsGoodMan but rush PepeHands D: Why not with impact anymore? KEKW Kapp PepeHands chill gamer music to relax and yiff to PepeLAugh BibleThump intpact pvman=gg KEKW gg time FeelsBadMan KEKW 러시님 정글챔 좋은거 추천해주실거 있나요? widepeepoSad jobless gamer just like me FeelsBadMan 없어요 :( @cheenis WeirdChamp @Rush why u dress like steve jobs today? 오 렉사이를 하긴하네 :( NIDALEE pvman solo = gg widepeepoSad :( <3 <3 <3 NIDALE Jobless together :( play olaf ! :) @vurderlak lofi* typo Rush english only please :) PPMAN FeelsGoodMan NIDALEE and OLAF are META right now @Rush which headset are you using? 없어요 :( :( Karthus too hard to kite camps, but easy to press R finally, my soraka jungle will shine KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp 없어요 PepeHands PLAY EKKO KEKW KEKW core KEKW CoreGG @Rush Play mundo KEKW KEKW coreJJ inter KEKW GGMan KEKW KappaClaus @JuliusSaesar karthus kills the jungle like twiec before backing lol core gg KEKW KEKW try playing some tft rush ! :) HahaLean stop making excuse :) mic audio WutFace better game for you! :) KEKW Clap !uptime @Bardlack, rush has been streaming for 3 hours nothing to do with not playing Elise, Lee or Karthus Kappa pvman = gg KEKW not even an all star KEKW ppman? where's the mods WeirdChamp !rank improve your ekko PogYou @Rush which headset are you using?? corejj = gg KEKW KEKW SantaHat Not even 900 lp KEKW M OMEGALUL DS Pvman + CoreJJ = DOUBLE GG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EFX KEKW Honest streamer FeelsGoodMan KEKW LMFAO KEKW @Rush do you ever plan on coming back to the YEEHAW land? KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaS I USED IT Rick Fox PepeHands KEKW MODless streamer KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW sued by rick WHAT KEKW LUL echo fox KEKW CHANGE IT U SHAMELESS SWINE marin? Evil Genius not Echo Fox paid by rick KEKW Rush became known for his carry style jungling and strong mechanics on play making champions. marin Pog ECHO FOX PepeHands ahh next Pog dont use it -> uses it himself Pepega bronce 3 headset PepeHands :) :) @Rush Is it cold in Korea? no :) :) :) :) :) santa Guys mod dont make a difference,they dont do anything anyway :) :) :) :) :) :O :) :) :) play ekko PepeLaugh ;) :) !playlist MARIN Pog santa banned this year FeelsBadMan is SKT marin? MaRin Pog SantaHat :) Marin pog D: @18victoria it's 35f rn in seoul :) pvman=gg :) ty :) evo19Wut God, I miss MaRin D: :) true D: what happened to Marin? SKT MARIN Pog D: shyvana! OOO GET EM Pog pvmanA pvmanA 😡 @poliphria oh you're 35f? im 20m but i like older woman how YASUO :/ moon2A 😡😡😡 😡 !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 😡 😡 LGD MaRin PepeLaugh what , is it the real marin moon2A ty rush i was offended for a moment :) madface i think u should die. politely asking :) 😡 😋 😋 😡 😡 real marin Pog kallista 😋 pvman = gg KEKW ^_^ 😋 @Rush Tell impact to stream or we riot inting inc LUL 😡 TopHat 😡 😋 😡😡😡 😋 XAYAYAYAY 😋 Clap XAYAYAYAYA 😋 X AYAYA H 🥺 😋 zayaya 😡 TopHat 😡 X AYAYA H Xayah KEKW Adc for insecure players KEKW ^_^ 🥰 budget Umti? PepoThink 😋 TopHat int inc !DUO DUO with IMPACT PogU 😡😡😡😡😡😡 MaldChamp XAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA MaldChamp TopHat MaRin rush about to get carried AYAYA ? AYAYA X AYAYA H 😂👌🏻😂👌🏻😂👌🏻😂👌🏻😂👌🏻 X AYAYA H xayah is hottest adc in game as of now u cant blame him for picking an op champ X AYAYA H ! AYAYA AYAYA X AYAYA H AYAYA SoSnowy X AYAYA H Will Korea lose worlds again. rushyaya next to kog AYAYA cant wait for 2/10 KEKW X AYAYA H where's impact? AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA are u a good adc player? PepeThink ? KEGW Just a joke pvman adc KEKW KEKW D: ???? KEKW MaldChamp TopHat MaldChamp TopHat MaldChamp TopHat :D KEKW LMAOOOOO KEKW KEKW Rush why do you have half a million followers but only 5k live viewers? :) KEKW KEKW NO KEKW KEKW Pepege 👍 Half million of stupids PogU hello my lord D: Pepege Pepega rush viewer reporting / KEKW :) / im not stupid and not smart o/ HandsUp monkaS TopHat :) what happened :) HandsUp its me Marin 4Head me :) :) Pepege / :) / :) / Pepege Clap Pepega / CHECKING IN Top Gap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW :) / KEKW PepeLaugh HandsUp Pepega ✋ KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW Pepege / :) / KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW / HandsUp it's me KEKW / KEKW LMFAOOO KEKEW KEKW wait im so confused KEKW KEKW Pepege KEGW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepege / THATS ME KEKW LUL KEKW Pepega Clap Pepega HandsUp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW THAT MATH AHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW LMAOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW @b0ma KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KWKE KEKW KEKW it was me KEKW R/WOOOOOOOSH NA MATH KEKW NA BRAIN KEKW KeKW No Offence Pepege / that's me Pepega SoSnowy Pepega Clap KEKW Pepega / KEKW NA education KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Borna_Tw KEKW never followed :) never subbed :) adblock :) LULW :-) / AVERAGE RUSH VIEWER KEKW Korean Math KEKW KEKW KEWK KEKW @Borna_Tw KEKW KEKW KEGW. KEKW NA MATH Pepega / rush fan reporting in KEKW RUSH SUBS NA Math KEKW @Rush thats the joke LMAOOO KEKW NA KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW LMFAO i unfollowed to :) RUSH VIEWERS KEKW math KEKW me :) kr math KEKW @borna_tw KEKW PepegaPhone Pepege / coloca o modo norturno pelo amor de deus :) / @Borna_Tw @Borna_Tw KEKW NA MATH KEKW NA MATH It was me :) :) / HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH me :) Pepege / KEKW / KEKW me :) Pepega / ResidentSleeper / :) / !elo me :) / :) THAT WASME ROFL me :) / it was me :) / Pepege / NA MATH KEKW viewers are stoopid. kekw Pepega / ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlCage me any problem? :) @Rush get out of Korea, your country is a shi*hole me :) Pepega CHECKING IN HandsUp Pepega / me Pepega / me Pepega / me NA PLAYERS BTW it wasn't me Pepega / CHECKING IN @Borna_Tw KEKW didnt know xayah in Korean is read jaya HandsUp :) / Pepege / NA MATH LUL it was me Pepege / !lp :-) Pepega it wasnt me HandsUp :) / Pepega 7 checking in must be NA viewers LUL !tw :) / Pepega / HandsUp raise your hands PepeHands SoSnowy Pepega / Pepega / Pepega Pepege / NA Viewrs PepeLaugh MaldChamp TopHat MaldChamp TopHat MaldChamp TopHat !ig not joking Pepega PepeLaugh Pepega / me pvmanWeeb Pepege Pepego @rush NA MATH KEKW OMEGAYAYA USING “KEKW” unironically LULW please only mock dumb CHATTERS, not viewers. I mostly view not chat :) Of course 5Head 499. 7 k hahahahhhha Pepega FBBlock I don't think that's intended Pepega / CHECKING IN CHALLENGER ACCOUNT?? 5Head KEKW TWITTER Pepega Clap HAhass 4Heed 5Head TWEEDER KEKW 9/10 of chat is dumb, glad im part of the 1% FailFish RareParrot SantaHat SoSnowy marin Pog D: @Rush why so sexy?? NOOOOOOOO D: too far there isn't any smart ppl on twitter for sure That was my intention from the begining 5Head PepeHands D: :( smart people no speak english :) D: D: D: no :) PepeHands no :( no, not ok it wasnt PepeLaugh PepeHands widepeepoSad noooo !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU D: xD_LUL are u serious FailFish FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy widepeepoSad No widepeepoSad D: D: IceCold widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @Novizy u are dumb FailFish @Rush marin from skt t1 ? @Rush new yt videos when ? widepeepoSad @xd_lul LOL @xD_LUL no im part of the 1% too FailFish SoSnowy D: PepeHands @Rush Whatd u get me for christmas x AYAYA h FeelsBadMan SantaHat SoSnowy 10%***** for real last game FeelsBadMan ? rush probably gets holes in his pants and blames "bot gap" ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper chat Jebaited Pog PepoThink IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy NA FLASH KEKW LOOOOOOL KEKW AD PRODIGY PogU Pepega IceCold rush pepega streamer widepeepoHappy PepoThink SoSnowy do i eat the yellow snow? POGGERS PogU POGGERS !!! !twittwr POGGERS moe bot KEKW POGGERS RUSH POGGERS POOOGERS !twitter @RushLoL !duo ROOSH POGGERS IceCold SoSnowy TopHat SantaHat ReinDeer CandyCane DUO with IMPACT PogU gachiGASM IceCold SantaHat ReinDeer OMEGALUL TopHat !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU q KEKW still duo with impact? PERFECT !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU cookie? BUFF XAYAH SwiftRage BUFF XAYAH SwiftRage MaRin Pog E girl recall N Pepega IceCold SantaHat TopHat ReinDeer CandyCane SoSnowy PogU he's not duo Nope Pepega IceCold SoSnowy TopHat SantaHat ReinDeer CandyCane poogers POGGERS what timestamp is good to start buying control ward? Marin pog why would he sell it? 🤔 POGGERS POGGERS woow OH HELLO THERE SMOrc F PogU Broxah Pog Pog SMOrc Clap tell Impact, "FBI OPEN UP" next time you see him @Rush Pog Pog Smorc PogU POGGERS stop lying stupid ass mods Pog KEKW broxah Pog KEKW Pog PedoBear CandyCane SoSnowy IceCold Pog POGGERS KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW Mr.BROXAH Pog KEKW Broxah Pog Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW SMOrc Clap KEKW KEKW SMOrc Clap SMorc OMEGALUL KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SMOrc INC KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW LOL AHAHAHA KEKW INTPACT SMOrc Clap SHINSHINCHIN KEKW POPPOP the ASMR-tist Pog Broxah PogChamp OMEGALUL D: KEKW COREGG INTPACT KEKW TOXIC KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW support carry :O !jensen Make sure to follow rush :D Thank you Mr Broxah :D ALCOVE ESCAPE POGGERS pvman adc MonkaHmm Jensen PepeHands I just left Broxahs stream :) DL JENSEN IMPACT KEKW INTpact Incarnati0n CoreGG Jensen Pepega IceCold what team does crash play for? pvman PepeHands pvman PepeHands pvman PepeHands Rush sellout for follows ratirlFlower ROOSH ADC KEKW doublelift impact JENSEN KEKW Kapp -1 Kapp CS Pog Kappa CS Pog Kappa no Kapp NO YOU DIDNT KEKW -2 KEKW NO KEKW every Kapp 1- -1 CS Pog CS Pog lol no you didnt Kapp Liar CS Pog Kapp LOL -2 PVMAN ADC = GG PogU PogU PepoThink ? why no Int on ADC? ratirlWontLook 10k pvman stream PogU -5 monkaW ADC Pvman?? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump are you the new adc for 100thieves @Rush ? KEKW XA OMEGAYAYA H X AYAYA H Do they not make chairs in Korea? X AYAYA H is he still playing with impact? pvman widepeepoHappy RUSH IS AN E-GIRL AYAYA duo w impact? KEKW KEKW SNAKE MAN he solo now KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW ET TU MALD cassio bot is unbeatable with new conqueror ??? Senna not balanced KEKW OROCHIMOERU ??? KEKW Kapp pvman pls widepeepoSad KEGW NOT BALANCED MALD E TU KEKW CASS OP TRUe 698 followers now KEKW TRUE Kapp ok Kapp you just picked adc BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage 0 Kapp Kapp this guy WeirdChamp 👇 0 Kapp KEKW maybe rush is bad player widepeepoSad potion WeirdChamp 0 missplay KEKW MALD walking up at 40% not a mistake KEKW just dodge q 4Head u didnt dodge a single Q but nvm :p open t KR DIVE POG PartyTime bot open :D -1 KEKW 69 xD monkaOMEGA IceCold :) any smiling face emoji posters in this chat room? :) I CAN HEAR SOMETHING IN MY RIGHT EAR :) Be more happy IceCold monkaOMEGA what is it @Aasdg1634 for tuna FBI OPEN BOT LUL @Rage_Incarnate no :) :) FeelsBadMan SoSnowy toast ?? Yoo @Rush If I say "Rush" 100,000 times live, would you go through the stream to say hello? Greetings from Argentina <3 monkaOMEGA no pot :D idk its something from stream 100% missed potion KEKW @JustGaspy no IceCold monkaOMEGA KEKW IceCold but he has bloodline prob gachiGASM SoSnowy That's not snow @JustGaspy argentinos DansGame MALD SantaHat @JustGaspy negative iq? Why are the chat so quiet @tater_tots mmm no Lul SoSnowy FeelsGoodMan @kingofthebrocean R Kelly? why is pepega man play xayayah !followage EZ DODGE KEKW @dunzimi, dunzimi has been following rush for 24 mins 46 secs X AYAYA H FeelsGoodManSoSnowy No one else hear that bass sound? aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHH gachiGASM FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy pvmanFGM not a 1/12 j4 PauseChamö AYAYA IceCold SoSnowy FeelsGoodMan !followage skilDonkey skilDonkey skilDonkey skilDonkey MALD IceCold is umti marin duoqing again FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy IceCold TopHat SantaHat CandyCane ReinDeer RPGAyaya SoSnowy pvmanMonkey hate playing redside bot gachiBASS SoSnowy Pog TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy IceCold X boxAYAYA H Kreygasm SoSnowy That is why u can’t camera lock rush made u waste ULT bc u couldn’t see that morg bind coming ur way @rush Touch me rush SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy not rain FREEZE THE WEEBS NaM PowerUpR AYAYA IceCube SoSnowy is this nukeduck ? Play for late game :D KEKW SoSnowy qtpW mages FREEZE THE WEEBS NaM PowerUpR AYAYA IceCold AYAYA IceCold qtpW gachiGASM SoSnowy not snow Mages widepeepoHappy NaM 🔨 AYAYA HAMMER THE NAMMERS SoSnowyKEKW qtpW Mald LUL gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy HahaCat SoSnowy @rush have u ever had a girlfriend MALD ROOSH HARD MALDING Conquer so broken qt subs qtpW Just play a mage bot 4Head SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy EZ KEKW SoSnowy qtpWHAT rakan no heal ok? gachiGASM SoSnowy veigar adc is also cancer EZ SoSnowy adc botside FeelsBadMan mage ResidentSleeper MALDING KEKW qtpWHAT Clap mage > adc LUL MALDING LULW SoSnowy gachiGASM it's not snow NaM IceCold 🔫 boxAYAYA TopHat MALDIceCold Pog POG SIDESTEP POG KEKW SoSnowy EZ IceCold SoSnowySoSnowy SantaHat ReinDeer pvman :D rush is good widepeepoHappy SoSnowy gachiGASM CS Kreygasm PERFECT PLAYED WOOOOW Bend me over rush SoSnowy MALD IceCold ad? 10ms dodge but shes not ad 4Head PVMAN= GG KEKW Kapp Kappa IceCold ad Kapp widepeepoHappy SoSnowy Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp kapp IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy Kapp IceCold KAPP Kaap AD KEKW Kapp Kapp Kappa IceCold widepeepoSad IceCold Kappa TopHat SoSnowy CandyCane SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy SantaHat SoSnowy pvman off role = 15ff never happens Kappa Kappa IceCube MALD IceCold Kapp ad KEKW widepeepoHappy IceCold IceCold Kappa Krappa @rush have u ever had a girlfriend hitting cassio R on 8 ping is really easy Kapp 123 MALD ING KEKW Pepega ReinDeer LOOK CHAT I'M A ZEBRA its risky PepeLaugh Kappa SoSnowy Jebaited IceCold monkaW PepeLaugh MALD IceCold gachiGASM SoSnowy KEKW IceCold Kappa SoSnowy gachiGASM SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy Marin is morde LUL Pog wtff :D EZ Clap Pvman = inting , feeding, no smart , bad plays, GG KEKW IceCold Kapp SoSnowy SoSnowy PepeLaugh IceCold oo oo KEKW IceCold oo Rush Xayah is better than his Zed Pog ER SoSnowy EZ GO FOR IT gachiGASM SoSnowy BigBrother gachiGASM SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy Marin gonna carry pvman LUL BigBrother Clap BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother XAYAH SUPP Pog EZ Clap tyler1LUL EZ EZ Clap PogU SoSnowy Kappa IceCold NaM EZ Clap SoSnowy EZ EZ Clap Rakan KEKW EZ Clap EZ Clap pvman = gg POG !elo Rakan fed EZ Clap EZ SoSnowy EZ EZ Rakan Carry swordart Pog wait why did she flash E LUL fast fingers slow finger Kreygasm EZ SoSnowy LUL akali couldnt get shutdown :D D: PogChamp play wukong Choose one gamer: Remy Lacroix, Riley Reid, Elsa Jean, Sasha Grey, Abella Danger, Asa Akira, Alexis Texas, Lana Rhoades, Mia Malkova Kreygasm SoSnowy support gap KEKW PogU rakan carry Kreygasm SoSnowy BigBrother SoSnowy !uptime @1rohz, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 18 mins Pog Marin not playing rumble KEKW LANA RHOADES this rakan man LUL rakan god WOW Pog BRO EZ KEKW OMEGALUL IceCold PogU Choose one streamer: Remy Lacroix, Riley Reid, Elsa Jean, Sasha Grey, Abella Danger, Asa Akira, Alexis Texas, Lana Rhoades, Mia Malkova yo rush you top 10 in world in your opinon? gachiGASM SoSnowy OMEGAROLL IceCold : EZ wow this team is stacked - SKT Marin, KT Umti, FW SwordArt and jobless Rush. @footing i lost Kreygasm @footing Kappa A ella Abella Danger im in the ice monkaS IceCold supp gap mau wow this team is stacked - SKT Marin, KT Umti, FW SwordArt and jobless Rush. hi: gachiGASM Ava Addams is best KAPP Kaoo @footing multitwitch though IceCold Kappa Is Rakan, DoinB? Spamming sum timers @footing how abt ur mum? LUL Kapp gachiGASM TopHat SoSnowy ReinDeer SoSnowy CandyCane SoSnowy Kapp IceCold Kapp IceCold Kapp 4Heed IceCold Pepega IceCold Kapp IceCold monkaS IceCold CHAT HALP Mia Khalifa marin pog That's not swordart tho IceCold widepeepoSad swordart doesnt play on FW anymore jobless rush LMAO @kenseikage1 milfs are welcomed, your mom too though Pepega IceCold monkaW IceCold u suk pp monkaW IceCold Kappa KEKW SoSnowy Up Q KEKW IceCold TRUUUUUUUUUUE CurseLit IceCold tea SwordArt is in the LPL HandsUp SoSnowy are u high @Rush ? @Rush max w 2nd EZ TopHat Clap Adriana chechik DOUBLELIFT HAS FLASH STILL BTW IceCold Kapp IceCold SoSnowy Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 IceCold @Siniroth what did you mean with that? Lena paul Pepega IceCold SoSnowy ? HahaLean IceCold Pepege IceCold KEKW IceCold CASS LULW ??? KEKW LUL KEKW WOAHHH KEKW KEKW R Pepega ah its FW ShiauC again he dodged it LUL qtpHONK Clap wtf KEKW KEKW IceCold that angle lol IceCold PogU Pog Pog PogU lee KEKW PogYou IceCold LEE KEKW lee KEKW KEKW KEKW PogChamp PogChamp EZMAN PVMAN EZ MAN pog LMFAO Rakan got kill again KEKW EZ Clap PogU Pog LEE MALD EZ EZ pvman EZ Clap Unsalted food WutFace Kappa FBBlock PJSalt DoritosChip SoSnowy Kappa better nofeedingman PogU Good dodges PogU KappaWealth lucian monkaW actually dodged everything RAKAN INFORMATION PogU KEKW IceCold 5-1 rakan pog Kappa Kapp support xayah KEKW D: KEKW no control ward Rakan KEKW KEKW smh rakan carry lmao PVMAN KEKW Everytime this fuckin dude dodges it man fak u rekan paid actors , paid actors everywhere Roccan rush u rank 1 yet? talk to me when u rank 1 FeelsBadMan KEKW SoSnowy marin Pog D: IceCold LUL no ward buy rush is a support main now? FeelsBadMan SoSnowy D: D: D: D: D: they are a pair rakan xayah D: IceCold evo19Wut BANNED :O MARIN PogU D: D: D: IceCold D: D: D: Marin Kreygasm U are a dog KEKW D: U DOG KEKW @Rush D: 5 assists Kapp widepeepoHappy CANN OMEGALUL N widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy FeelsBadMan support player Feelsbadman dont you max w second Support doesn't need farm XAYAH SUPPORT PogChamp XAYAH SUPPORT PogChamp yes @advogado_do_ness yuo pigs Support xayah OMEGALUL KEKW Pepega maxing Q KEKW max q KEKW KEKW yes KEKW no idea FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad LULW ewq w max second Pepega @china_ruined_everything FREE HONGKONG NaM W lmao MAX W NEXT if you are support max q Kappa max q Pepega PVMAN = GG KEKW w second Better max R KEKW NaM 2nd max q is low iq Pepega 📣 no keep maxing q very op MAX R KEKW china_ruined_everything 🇨🇳 qtpFU E - W 499,999 followers if you int :^) RUSH ADC > RUSH JUNGLE KEKW yeah you need mau @rush I tried to tell you mr 10 IQ maw IceCold MALD ? PogU Pog PogChamp CANN OMEGALUL N POG Clap XAYAH SUPPORT PogChamp EZ CLAPPO he fucked it up Pog 2-1 LUL PogU pvman=gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW pvman Pog ppman PogU pvman = KEKW ROOSH AD POG ROOSH JG KEKW PPMAN PVMAN= GG KEKW ggman pvman its jobless rush Pog PVMAN PogU pvman =gg KEKW KEKW peepeeman pvpman Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Kappa WutFace pvman Poggers Kapp Pvman getting ganked from mid and jg LUL sure Kapp KEKW Rush actually dodges every R, too good little ppman KEKW @Rush pvman = gg PepeLaugh pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU hehehehehe is impact still there? g LEE XD KEKW DOESNT KNOW KOREAN !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU where did the blitz sponsor go? lol IMPACT PogU X AYAYA H Impact not there Rush >Pvman nope marin KEKW !XD ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ DUO with IMPACT PogU widepeepoSad !duo rush solo rn DUO with IMPACT PogU doesnt know Hangul KEKW pog !duo @MorningWood10 it's done !duo throwing PepeLaugh team KEKW !XD yeah you need mau now :D !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU !KEKW widepeepoSad team GG feels batman Fix !duo mods Rush said he's not gonna boost Impact anymore DUO with IMPACT PogU CASS KEKW cass lul :) KEKW ??? KEKW cass lmao CASS PogU 4Heed 4Head Jebaited LUL PepeLaugh cass KEKW !uptime @mirk125, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 24 mins 4HEad LEO KEKW Pvman vs MOE LUL ?????? LULW 4HEad true !XD LUL CLOSE PogU KEKW monkaW POG Pog KEKW PauseChamp Pog 5Head WONNERED PogU KR 1V1 KEKW Pog Pog Pog Pog KEKW lmao PogU RNG CRIT Yeah you knew Kapp Kappa PauseChamp LULW almost lost that Pog WONNERED PogYou POGGERS HE KNOWS Pog She flashed to hahahaha max w now POG pvman = wonnered PogU Kappa IceCold PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kappa PogU preseason Korea XD Definitely knew Kapp POG fuckin lucker Wonnered 5Head PogU BOT DIFF PRO PLAYS LUL that crit wow 5Head EZ Clap :D not buying stormrazor? EZ Clappo WONNERED PogYou EZ damn adc's are broken af never stun by cass ult btw kapp Crit Pog Missed everything still won KEKW Pog AHAHAHAH VI VON ZULUL Pvman Pog no even close PogCamp He should have looked at your name first @Rush @Rush 1v2 turret helped PRESEASON MATTERS "i always doge Cassio ult" Kappa @Rush ROOSH HOW DO YOU PING ITEM IN THE SHOP? Jebaited SoSnowy rush ad is clean pvman=gg Kapp HAHAHAHHA lucky crit Kapp PVM = gg for enemy Pog LUL yeah bait teammates KEKW this guy is a cocky prick KEKW PEPEMAN unfollowed @RenLoops either alt + click or ctrl + click 699 LOL I thought you never got hit by cassio R in your career Kappa Better than SB adc Pog buy mau you boosted monkey :D @RenLoops I'm not sure I don't look at it anymore so try both LUL SoSnowy RenLoops alt+click @cute9000 Ty so much I'll try both i'm helping guys SoSnowy KEKW KEKW SoSnowy @intreb Gotcha thanks! wasting time LUL pathing KEKW KEKW this guy have a lild pepe KEKW coming through !time 00:06 no ADC DOING JUNGLER THINGS Pepega Coming Thru Pepega KILL THEM ALL FeelsBirthdayMan !duo Pepega rush coming through DUO with IMPACT PogU flankin adc :D crit Pog widepeepoHappy PogU LUL KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LEE MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW @rush :) Poc P{ogU KEKW KEKW XAYAH SUPPORT PogChamp LULW KEKW W OMEGALUL W KEKW W OMEGALUL W LUL xD W OMEGALUL W OUBLELIFT WOEW LEE KEKW Akali KEKW W OMEGALUL W @SplamSammich not working yet? PepeHands W OMEGALUL WWWWww MARIN akali things wtf u acually good on adc KEKW E TU same score as Rakan adc now LUL Selling Plat 1 Account. PM better than sneaky KEKW Outscaled KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU BigBrother DUO with IMPACT PogU BigBrother ? RUSH AD > RUSH JG KEKW message deleted by moderator Klappa sneakyWut alpha inter or alpha inter? pick one LULW @kikaqt nah he sucks. with all the ganks his teams have done he should have like 10 kills @FiddLULsticks ? what this? KEKW SoSnowy gachiBASS jg LUL ad PogChamp SoSnowy FeelsBadMan gachiGASM SoSnowy SplamSammich the emotes arent combining on my screen FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy Team player idk if its just me FeelsBadMan SoSnowy Pog FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy NICE ITEM FeelsBadMan @FiddLULsticks its working here. are you on Chrome? monkaW yasGood SoSnowy ResidentSleeper SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ??????? KEKW xqcS SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW SplamSammich 🔥 🦊 KEKW Pepege IceCold SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @FiddLULsticks with BetterTTV extension? LULW slow fingers KEKW KR PATHING KEKW SoSnowy Pepega iDog IceCold POOGERS KEKW KEKW TopHam KEKW GO SLEEP 3Head SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy SoSnowy KEKW LOSABLE KEKW HAHAHHAHAHAHA KEKW SLEEEEPPP KEKW KEKW sneakyWut sneakyWut LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega SoSnowy KEKW PogU SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SoSnowy KEKW peepoSad IceCold SoSnowy @FiddLULsticks yea thats the problem SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy KEKW as usual Kappa pvmanGrey ahahahah KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy @FiddLULsticks i think its because of ffz i disabled it and it worked SoSnowy FeelsBadMan back to usual rush @SplamSammich ye I can see them, but they are just side by side, not combined DuckerZ ReinDeer SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy Pepega FeelsBadMan SoSnowy as usual rush Kappa KEKW SoSnowy IceCold KEKW I can't see the SoSnowy emote monkaHmm IceCold KEKW KEKW Adc rush KEKW KEKW who is rakan? widepeepoSad PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOOOOOOSH @ricarten but ffz tho peepoSad SoSnowy Pepege PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SoSnowy Pepega KEKW IceCold @cute9000 enable gif emotes kekw Pepega monster PepegaPhone SoSnowy FeelsBadMan Pepega SoSnowy IceCold Pog FeelsBadMan IceCold widepeepoSad pvman KEKW Team with Rush WutFace Team without Rush PogU hmm i left his stream and his creen was grey and i come back and it's still grey monkaHmm is that real marin? PepeHands SoSnowy Pepege IceCold how to combine emotes peepoSad SantaHat SoSnowy widepeepoSad IceCold SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy FeelsBadMan PowerUpL GabeN SantaHat SoSnowy PowerUpR Clap SoSnowy PepegaPhone SoSnowy that's what you get for giving expert advice Pepega IceCold FeelsBadMan SoSnowy @ricarten thanks! :D PepeHands SoSnowy last death was very humbling i see widepeepoSad IceCold SoSnowy monkaS :) SoSnowy smite king Pog Pepega SoSnowy FeelsBadMan CandyCane SoSnowy Can't use SoSnowy properly PepeHands SoSnowy @tas5213 Yes he’s streaming too Umti Smite king? PogU SoSnowy PepeHands FeelsBadMan SoSnowy no snow this year KEKW Pepega flash POG Pog WutFace Pog PPMAN ADC pOG SoSnowy PepeHands SoSnowy KEKW NOOO KEKW wtf Pog Pog KEKW :D MaldChamp KEKW MALD LOL FeelsSnowMan SoSnowy IceCold KEKW KEKW PepeHands WutFace KEKW PepeHands POGG KEKW KEKW KEKW run it down AFWAFNAWFNAWF WutFace WutFace KR INT KEKWE WutFace LUL WutFace SoSnowy KEKW LMAO KS ggman adc Pog Nvm FeelsGoodMan Kreygasm POG Pepega YOINK WutFace NA flash widepeepoSad FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy DENIED KEKW WutFace KS KEKW KS KEKW KS KEKW KS KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW marin said hell no KEKW SMURFING Kapp WutFace IceCold MaldChamp WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace NEIN? why yell MaldChamp hausushsushhsu Rip head phones WutFace Marin ks pog LULW support xayah quadra RUN IT DOWN???? .... Marin LUL Mald KEKW my ears WutFace SoSnowy KEKW MaldChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega SoSnowy !subcount Current sub count: 905 KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy Malding nice flash KEKW KEKW what? WutFace !time 00:11 nice flash KEKW @nghoitong danke Wowee SoSnowy PepeLaugh SoSnowy Pepega MaRin KEKW MaldChamp kekw MALD PepegaPhone SoSnowy KappaClaus danSnow HahaShrugMiddle HahaShrugMiddle HahaShrugMiddle Pepega IceCold KEKW SoSnowy PepeHands SoSnowy hardstuck quadra koko KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU MaldChamp SoSnowy 5Head Pepega 👉 SoSnowy yeahhhh yeah it was free qss Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa !time 00:12 @Rush Sell all your items and run it down. BigBrother Kappa SoSnowy Kapp ssibal danSnow DansGame 1cm flash 5Head he didnt see it coming wf pvman 900 lp in kr Kapp IceCold SantaHat TopHat ReinDeer CandyCane SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy SantaHat AYAYA mobi boots zeal BigBrother wtf PVMAN = PENTAMAN SantaHat IceCold POOGERS IceCold your flash dominated him mentally IceCold Pepega ratirlWot SoSnowy Pepega Pepega KEKW INTING KEKW SO BADDDDD LUL nice finger KEKW KEKW ????? XD KEKW ?? Pepege ?????????/ LULW best finger nice qss KEKW KEKW KEKW qss KEKW KEKW "I never got cc'd" KEKW IceCold BibleThump there it is INTING ????????? KEKW KEKW inting 4 real KEKW fast finger bro KEKW FAST FINGER BRO LUL are the emote stacked for you chat cause they arent for me :) xyD Fast Rekt Bro 4Head KEKW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand hes inting Pepega no qss KEKW "I never got cc'd" KEKW I dont need QSS BibleThump IceCold KEKW ratirlWot ratirlHmm Fat finger KEKW Fast AF KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW fast feeder bro dirty inter lulw LOL rlewisThorinThumb Nice fast finger KEKW widepeepoSad SoSnowy Int fat finger KEKW Pepega 👈 WTFF IceCold so cold peepoFat OK BOOMER this rakan is sick Supp gap KEKW AD GAP KEKW WTFF IceCold i dont need qss KEKW feeding cuz no pents PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy Getting carried IceCold WTFF ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 Kapp SoSnowy IceCold ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 Most deaths on team LUL SoSnowy SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SoSnowy peepoHappy AYAYA IceCold its cold here. save me senpai KEKW SoSnowy Hexdrinker is better xD WTFF SoSnowy Kapp IceCold NaM SoSnowy SKT Marin Pog FeelsOkayMan peepoSad SoSnowy widepeepoHappy Roosh Getting carried PeepoGiggle NA finger KEKW 👉 feeding cuz no penta PepeLaugh PepeLaugh SoSnowy WTFF IceCold SoSnow pepeJAM AYAYA SantaHat SoSnowy widepeepoHappy IceCold 5Head ReinDeer widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SoBayed IceCold SoSnowy IceCold KEKW SoSnowy KappaCool WTFF IceCold SoSnowy FeelsBadMan IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat WTFF SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SoSnowy SoSnowy 😳 SoSnowy IceCold Pepelaugh atpSmoke atpSmoke atpSmoke atpSmoke TopHat SoSnowy FeelsBadMan SoSnowy SoSnowy widepeepoHappy SoSnowy widepeepoSad IceCold SoSnowy rush adc is so ResidentSleeper Pepega IceCold SoSnowy PepeLaugh SoSnowy KEKW IceCold WeirdChimp SantaHat gachiW IceCold SoSnowy i like snow LuL SoSnowy Only 5head plays SoSnowy IceColde slowmotion SoSnowy IceCold PogU rakan pvman xayah KEKW MALD SoSnowy 😳 SoSnowy IceCold KEKW PowerUpL ConcernDoge SantaHat SoSnowy PowerUpR KEKW chat going wild with the emotes LULW IceCold SoSnowy NaM IceCold TopHat SoSnowy GOODBYE KEKW Another int KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW Pog SoSnowy 😳 TopHat Rush adc Pog rlewisThorinThumb NaM IceCold SantaHat SoSnowy marin KEKW MARIN POG Kapp SoSnowy IceCold SantaHat monkaS IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat dog LUL Marin POG Akali KEKW gachiW Marin LUL Massiveeeee gachiBASS MaldChamp ReinDeer massive KreyGasm flashing for 2/8 lucian ? LUL Kreygasm IceCold KEKW MALD SoSnowy SoSnowy NaM NEW MARIN POG !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU MALD ReinDeer is the SoSnowy meme refering to the one time Rush did cocaine on stream? monkaW BabyRage SantaHat SoSnowy Ori fed monkaW OOOH Kreygasm gachiGASM Rihanna damage monkaW IceCold @Rush how come marin doesnt build nashors tooth like impact unlucky KappaClaus SoSnowy Grey screen stream POG its called timing KEKW 3Head TopHat rlewisReeGull Mr. Zarvan Pepega gachiGASM SoSnowy HandsUp SoSnowy shop maybe KEKW you are a beast rush Why dont you buy something KEKW 3Head SantaHat ROCK ON pogg Tsm Marin rush sneaky aphromoo darshan LUL DuckerZ caried KEKW my son Pepega IceCold SoSnowy 25 assist rakan SoSnowy Pepega chackie chan plays league nice PogU Pog 666 5Head widepeepoHappy peepoHappy MY SON 666 monkaS PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOSH 3Head CandyCane 666 monkaS !followage @its_dinner_time, its_dinner_time has been following rush for 3 years 2 months 18 days 11 hours cacNON whats the biggest lose streak you went on? EZ IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat EZ IceCold SoSnowy SantaHat Clap caNON PepegaPhone IceCold EZ SoSnowy Clap pvmanFGM KEKW Kapp SoSnowy IceCold SantaHat KEKW LUL EZ SoSnowy Clap SoSnowy @Rush how come marin doesnt build nashors tooth like impact??? KEKW Rush carry!!!!!!!!!! KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega PepegaPhone IceCold STUCK gachiW PepeLaugh FeelsBadMan LUL IceCold !followage RUSH XAYAH >>> RUSH LUCIAN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DELETED LUL LULW LUL rush KEKW FASTEST ALT F4 ON THE PLANET KEKW CARRIED KEKW GG KEKW KEKW Pepege fast fingers @Rush your adc skills pretty good Pepege KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan KEKW fast finger KEKW kkkkk KEKW PepeHands HAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW peepoSad KEKW WTF LUL EZ SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy LULW LMFAOOOOOO LUL legging LULW IceCold KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW f KEKW KEKW actually fat finger KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeHands widepeepoSad LUL KEKW pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands widepeepoSad ????? LAGGG widepeepoSad ????? D: SoSnowy IceCold SantaHat 70 ping KEKW oh ok... ? KEKW kekw REKT LUL WTF PepeHands WidePeepoSad :( LMAO KEKW ???? OMEGALUL Clap PepeHands LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeeposad ?????????????????? widepeepoHappy END gachiGASM IceCold TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowy i fuckin love Rush KEKW ? KEKW HEY KEKW HIHIH RUSHHHHHH ILY KEKW NICE SHIRT Boomer looking very cute today pvman = gg hi dude whatsup morning monkey hi Pog widepeepoSad 33 viewers OMEGALUL rush mad cute today <3 pvman = <3 dead stream widepeepoSad lets kill pepega! omg i m early <3 widepeepoSad oh nyyoo Hi hi Hi Rush, nice shirt pvmanFGM Start stream at 4 am i just love rush rush say hi for silver 4 :/ goodnight @rush ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper spongebob Pog widepeeposad ma boi ROOSH will cyberbully these challenger with his challenged play spongebob @Rush ilyy <33333333333 wtf rerun rush plays better when he looks comfy salam aleikum rush do you really like this game and community or u just playing for money? is this live? Kind boy 오빠님 여친 있어요? @heavy_penguin no :) pvman = gg widepeepoSad for money KEKW D: ayyyy D: KEKW is rush griefing or why is he all in black? Kappa ofc for money KEKW D: KEKW FOR MONEY salam aleikum rush D: LUL are you all round genius who plays lol or only lol genius? ofc money SINCE WE ALL KNOW ITS MONEY fuck you leather man gachiW he love us <3 roooooooooooooosh widepeepoHappy KEKW dont be mad!we coming here to chill cause u are coooool @Rush Pepega checking in Pepega YES KEKW D: chshHonk 🍷 MarcvsTulliusCicero KEKW @ZeoKaixa Sup Bitch tyler1 always says he plays for money have u dinner yet? @rush ChefFrank ChefFrank wow this streamer is look very cool :) @espadaneovola D: ITS MA'AM YES ME IS Pepega :) HotPokket HotPokket @espadaneovola KEKW HotPokket no you cant both ?????? wow this streamer is look very cool :) are u a girl? IMPACT TOWER POG so answer is money i get it :) @JACKIECHAIN he's tilted as fuck @KisakaNagen dear old friend. half filled wine glass for you xD new clothes Pog @ZeoKaixa KEKW gachiGASM FUCK YOU WOOOOOOOW its 2019 @Rush you can be anything these days chshHeart @Rush PLAY IN TCS? Hi Rush!!! looking forward to you replacing dardoch mid split!!! Rush mental go boom WE KNOW KEKW my facvrite Pepega jungler ahh $$$ B) $$$ 4 fun player 4Heed Impact Pog wtf I didn't get my notification he wentlive ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ intpact 진짜러쉬네 ㄷㄷ 답판 혹시 이블린이나 해주실래요? <3 @ZeoKaixa ADC KEKW @m4dcuzb4d123 true KEKW ggman=pv New clothes - Sponsored by INTPACT!!! 원딜 장지환 ㄷㄷ IMPACT TOWER POG Kappa KEKW KEKW hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! Impact Tower Pog Pepega Kapp Kapp Legitxpdw69 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! I’m canceling my sub. impact KEKW @Rush hello handsome who is impact in the game? its okay we love u trol or no uoosh Kapp @ornitotter Aatrox PepeLaugh :D KEKW @jojihuman2 ok thanks this team adc = Monsrat Sena is monster rat!!!!!!!!! 괴물쥐 = gg 괴물쥐님이 너무 영광이래요 ㅋ why i feel that you are going for some emotional plays? ez clappp 괴물쥐 = ㅎㅎ hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! 괴물쥐 = gg KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYS BOIS KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU monsratSalute monsratSalute @x3queen don't watch rush KEKW !uptime @flaturf, rush has been streaming for 5 mins 21 secs t1 is addicted to lol @x3queen if you ask me, which you didnt. i would say camille 4Head pvman = gg widepeepoHappy widepeeopSad KEKW 신드라 관종쉑 Nice shirt @Rush @NYMN_MISSING_HAIRLINE_LUL werent you supposed to leave twitch for a month WeirdChimp canile jungler :( ROSH MonsterRat = gg heyimamgosu, monkaOMEGA any Korean in chat? whats the meaning of reflect F? FFF when they took out her e stunning the monsters i felt that !uptime @Hallotharr, rush has been streaming for 6 mins 19 secs @tomtong1 laughing @tomtong1 ㅋㅋㅋ is (kkkk) and is sound for laughing Pog ? E KEKW e KEKW Lose to alcove KEKW ㅋㅋㅋ = KEKW wow who the fuck is this FFFFFFF LULW ROOSH POGGERS !uptime @pazzp1, rush has been streaming for 7 mins 9 secs gank KEKW Roosh new shirt Pog !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 이잉~기머륑~ new clothes Pog big sexy Pog TOP DIE INC Pog Widepeeposad = KEKW free buff KEKW LULW @nimbostratuszackit @skuggflickan thx FFF MingLee Pog Pog epic monsratNace monsratNace NEW TL JGLER? rooooooooooooooosh <3 "top dying doesnt matter" 3 mins later flashes for top kill since watching Rush i climbed from bronze 1 to bronze 4 PogU widepeepoHappy since watching rush i have gone from Iron 4 to 3 Pog Rush looks much better with black shirt pvmanFGM @Chellity gj :) Emotional TP KEKW monsratGengang Pog gg @EnderCasts hello monsratNace monsratNace hello :) sleeves Pog sad xayah thqat xaya dmg is retarded PepeLaugh checking in Pepega @EnderCasts big fan big fan ez clap EnderCasts Pog pepeKEKW na flash "he auto'd the flash" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ender Pog KEKW more like KR auto WeirdChamp KEKW TO THE WKEK Pog Pog in and out Pog who keeps pinging, jesus how annoying elaB KR ELISE Pog fast finger Pog 300 Kreygasm zoned Pog RUSH BEFORE 15 MINS Pog ZONING COCOON OMEGALUL Kapp !elo i love u rush bro said moster rat zz PowerUpL ongKas PowerUpR Kapp D: zoning LULW stoopid BibleThump MALDING MALD moon2GUMS MY ZONE NOW moon2GUMS Is missed cocoon = zoning cocoon in NA? C OMEGALUL C OMEGALUL OMEGALUL N senna is nutria LUL @larllen jet lagged cocoon Impacting testing mental playing with rush? INTPACT KEKW Pog !uptime @niffanboss_, rush has been streaming for 12 mins 3 secs REEEEEEEE SAVED REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 🦀 SHELLY IS UNDER ATTACK 🦀 REEEEEEEEEEEEEE D: D: LUL D: D: Facts true LULW FLEX im a dota 2 e sports billionaire B) D: D: FLEXING WeirdChamp D: D: I made a dollar once get ready for the dragon... !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU weridflex but ok 괴물쥐 돈버는데 ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ괴물쥐 진짜였네 Korean chat monkaW 물쥐야 추하다...;; 러시팩트 ㄹㅇ이엇누 !rank @Rush emotional today or no PogChamp FBBlock 67 cs PogChamp it is because rush is playing on team with a korean streamer (senna) so the viewers are coming in here any cutes? AYAYA ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ AYAYA boxAYAYA rush is replacing his Pepega english speaking viewers with superior KR viewers PepeHands !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU LEAVE HAROLD ALONE BibleThump LIVE Pog rush is popular in both Korea and NA, people everywhere love him ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ i think this is good OMEGAYAYA CUTIES everything korean is superior B) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Who is duo corejj? AYAYA !followage @Rush Hello Rush. You are my best friend, so I hope you will do well! @Unluckyjac, unluckyjac has been following rush for 3 years 3 months 24 days impact impact Impaxt impact !uptime @18victoria, rush has been streaming for 15 mins 14 secs CUTE CHAT AYAYA intpact @ㅎ__ㅎ except ppsize ty title legit says duo impact wut Teepee no cuties MaldChamp @Theirieone it's literally written in the title WeirdChamp INTpact KEKW duo faker Pog CUTIES AYAYA carrying impact again PogU Pog Z OMEGALUL NING E korean reactions W OMEGALUL W f? LU squadKey roosh carinting as always Juked Pog nunuANDwillumpp I'm using a different player for twitch and no one ever pays attention to the title or at least Idon't but thankks anyways cuties unite AYAYA cuties unite AYAYA cuties unite AYAYA 15 shelly pepeHands SHELLY OMEGALUL gg PepeHands 5 bot Rush smurfing and abusing duo Queue SAD 2m30s to end !uptime @itzyaboiikonsti, rush has been streaming for 16 mins 21 secs AYAYA ? widepeepoHappy RUSH BEFORE 15 MINS Pog LULW !rank LULW KEKW 󠀀 N OMEGALUL sneakyW ? rush before 15 POG rush after 15 KEKW @NYMN_MISSING_HAIRLINE_LUL nymnKRD !uptime @0352664343, rush has been streaming for 17 mins 24 secs GunGuy82, nymn158 pvman = alkUpset Emotional players PepeHands omgHands_HF ebkwkrg ebkwrkg ebkwkrg ebkwkrg ebkwrg ebkwkrg KEKW ebwrkrg KEKW ebkwrg ebkwrg MALDING KEKW ebkwkrg KOREAN PINOCCHIO KEKW ebkwwrg alkUpset 🍌 alkGralli KEKW Kappa ebkwkrg !! we are winning PogU Kapp are u okay? 쓰레쉬 차단ㅋㅋㅋ Kapp ebkrkwg MALDING PepeLaugh translate plz EBKWRKG BOYS 괴물쥐네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ MALD ebkwrkg Pepega I'm OK Klappa Chat MALDING What? LULW EBKWRKG !! how is this not an insta ff in korea 쥐조쿠들 ㅎㅇ wwidepeepoSad 우리탑 임팩트 정글 러쉬 근데 원딜이 괴물쥐? gg @8kuji777 low elo 죄송합니다 진짜 죄송합니다 bullying diamond teammates widepeepoSad ebkwkrg pvmanFGM Clap 2 SHELLIES wtf Not a 15min game? Oh wow 2nd herald guess I missed that update on rift @8kuji777 kr have strong mental unlike na Roosh widepeepoHappy KEKW @ikbenchitai ?XD pvman = 🍌 alkGralli Rush after minute 15 monkaS pvman = gg Pog opem so fast PogChamp open opem Jebaited PepeLaugh KEKW Pog Pog pog Pog Pog WTF monkaW that was insane Pog actually good ebkwkrg Pog poggers Jebaited PogChamp monsratNace monsratNace WTF ACTUALY Pog ff pls 420 CiGrip ebkwkrg PogU 4/20 pog widepeepoSad my dad is dying chat widepeepoHappu @Rush report inters on team Pog ywidepeepoHappu widepeepoHappy Pog Pog that was sick LMAO try hard rush best rush widepeepoHappy no one saw @kaido_the_goaat Pog i did 420 KILL SCORE Pog drinking like Jankos Pog perfect game Pog other team be like "we got late game boys" pvman = no gg widepeepoSad happens to me too Is it me or rush always says in title “no emotional play today” but then he does it anyway it happens to me too and its league problem for sure @Rush PepeLaugh brain freeze 0.2 sec KEKW 0.2 sec KEKW 0.2 sec KEKW its bug on league i have the same @Zerkinas77 ??? why is that KEKW Its blitz problem steelseries engine software causes it erotic music? Kreygasm @Rush vsync gives u 60fps but the quality is tons bettter it stacks the frames for better image u can use it ;p i have smae when blitz is open rush you cant do anything about it helloo rouuush Pepega @sfasth really? i use it and rush too so it might be? !uptime @렉시오, rush has been streaming for 23 mins 1 sec @Rush it happens to me aswell and it happens to my friend sametime pron intro music ? KEKW @GLap94 he wont like the input delay associated with vsync nice stopwatch PepeLaugh @savageryqq do u guys use blitz? uninstall blitz app = problem solved PepeLaugh @TiPera na he was going to be ulted from ori kids is impact ggman rush: *plays jazz on stream* @savageryqq then its league problem BibleThump it was clever widepeepoSad > pvman Rooooosh @jointsss with 10ms what delay? Kappa Rush get a Freesync/g-sync monitor PogU we wonnered VI VON vivon Pog f Hello roosh :) pvman = gg WeirdChamp ebkwkrg Pog Doged all skeelshots and wonnered !song @GLap94 i can notice the difference.. rush has stated that he is incredibly sensitive. even to small differences in his ping and input EZ wonnered EZ clap EZ 29 gold ebkrkwg E_Z FeelsBadMan EZ farming FeelsBadMan KEKW 7/1 KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW HeyGuys widepeepoSad EZ Clap PVMAN = GG KEKW ruined kda KEKW KDA widepeepoSad MR KEKW FEEDER 1 death = reported rip kda rip perfect D: MISSED PERFECT KDA KEKW is he still living ? 7-1 KEKW D: 1 death = gg EZ change studio monsratCarry monsratCarry fast @jointsss imagine if he had the same ms with me i play with 80ms and im happy Kappa BRA71L KEKW naisu Kreygasm milkers monkaS spongebob Elise spammer Pog save int for next game i hope !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Senna was so bad widepeepoHappy PogU how much do you charge impact for boosting him ? @rush good night 😳 sir :) @GLap94 he would have a stroke probably !tank !rank what is impacts name? INDIE COMPANY KEKW ChomPag widepeepoSad hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @rush i have the same problem maybe buy new computer? SeriousSloth SeriousSloth widepeepo sad = best Kappa blitz said Sure Kapp hi rush he is becoming a robot without emotions widepeepoSad Kappa Kappa i got problem if i have window opened in another monitor hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?!?? are u still noob rush? i felt it yesterday too Rush @Rush but why does the game only freeze for you but we don't see it? PepeLaugh definitely not blitz Kappa I've had that problem for years, what In order to help Impact practice and prepare, you need to play more like Broxhah. @x3queen I know you asked rush, but Ekko and Elise is such a good AP junglers right now rito is smoking that good kush which bug? always Don't use Blitz then KEKW @Rush its been problem for months lol hy bro NA EUROPA morning bro soory chat KIND BOY ekko fking broken Farting on each other, is what riot is doing WE WANT EMOTIONAL PLAY FOR CONTENT PLEASE is kindred still ok in jungle it's a couple of day that i get this bug when i can't change my runes in champs select sometime, anybody else get this? thank you kind boy !uptime @H1de0nKu5h, rush has been streaming for 26 mins 40 secs @Rush Can you run Blitz ad please! @rush what happened to youtube uploads? pay your editor pls. Riot client = KEKW. Riot Game = Also KEKW @Rush ekko game? Hey Rush have you found job yet? @ornitotter same here 물쥐랑좀 해줘라 @ornitotter try preinstalling the game RUSH POGGERS !uptime @quote_if_greek_joy, rush has been streaming for 26 mins 57 secs monkaHmm I see @rush they are too busy making new skins @ornitotter someone in my champ select had that problem @YaBoyElz no he joblesskekw hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! widepeepoSad RRUSSSSSSSSH ok, thanks guys true @Rush can you play a kindred jungle game please? Evelynn @x3queen Riot are psychopaths, just look what they did to Yuumi @Rush Play Blitz ad please!!!!!! Kapp now slam the fart 😂 @ornitotter i went voli with press the attack Client KEKW what if they ban u LUL TFT POGGERS Buy you'd be banned then Rush ? KEKW not banning pvman = gg But TFT is the future LUL are u going to all stars ? TFT > Fixing performance issue KEKW Fixing bugs is very difficult and expensive 임팩트님은 방송안하나요? Optic Crown.. chchchcc then you should just go play TFT banning inters KEKW monkaW suggesting riot to ban himself KEKW CROWN monkaW that's the kids cancel game ? @Rush League of Legends is a Chinese game now. The Chinese don't have any issues with the client, it's only everyone else... Busy balancing Aram KEKW they still got a lot of their recourses invested in other things. They still got so much other deadlines. but this should be a priority.agree D: Pepega Clap D: D: smol brain player widepeepoSad Crown POGGERS D: whos the famous streamer? you? he is the true Pepega go trundle LOL ZULUL @Rush why u wearing winter clothes today Why do Koreans int you in Soloq tho, you;ve said it before @Rush not the real crown Kapp Poop lole moon2LOLE Kapp @rush pless plau big brain :) They probably have different dev teams on TFT and LoL, so don't think that's effecting the people in charge of report feedback and the ones resposible for server problems hqpebbSip Ask Crown to give you job as CLG jungler @Rush Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW heits fine because he's right play some yi plz KEK W fake crown? :( moon2LOLE @Dela3asensei LOLE WHERE IS DOPA Pog ? u dress like a vampire lol best jg and streamer Roosh no? Fake crown KEKW You like like James Bond in that shirt Fake Crown PepeHands LOL KEKW wINTers @rush can you sing us a christmas song? itswillNice itswillNice itswillNice itswillNice itswillNice itswillNice @Rush you keep playing and you keep getting better, you got this man. just chill TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW 49% WR winter KEKW oh no its also winter here sadKEK KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW EBKRKWG KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW LULW D: KEKW D: D: D: LUL KEKW the Riot client has always been bad rush LUL KEKW ㅇ: KEKW EXPOSED LULW KEKW Riot has bigger problems like releasing new champ and new skin D: KEKW D: pepeJAM LUL KEKW KEKW feviBOYA BLAME TEAM KEKW They cant ban toxic people because its more than 50% of community KEKW KEW VoHiYo VoHiYo You should come to EU, Rush! @Rush KEKW LULW KEKW LULW KEKW LULW KEKW LULW @Rush Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Riot is small indie company no money to fix stuff KEKW white peepo sad Can you style your hair @rush RUSH STREAM widepeepoHappy hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! @TurkucPodjadek95 not false KEKW VoHiYo you went 0/9 on elise yesterday KEKW Benched from NA, benched from Korea, now inting in soloQ KEKW pvman in lobby = run away widepeepoSad @Rush trundle game RUSH SAY HI TO JAMAICA KevinTurtle jungle mains offroll KEKW teemo Garen Kappa Ornn SCAMMED just spam Ornn Scammed SCAM KEKW RUSH ELISE Pog orn ResidentSleeper @Rush Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW Play Blitz ad KEKW pvman = dodge game 😨😱 Karthus press r go for it play ekko Kapp morde is best top laner right now !leesin hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again you have singed PogChamp singed Pog just learn ekko play mobi boots ap nautilus Lee ResidentSleeper Sin if u want to climb play shyvana singed and trundle top Kappa Ornn is trash in low @Rush as I said, Ornn. Trynda @rush do you have ligma? :) Anything in low elo tbh Pog Lee MORDE 형님 지환이 버쇼ㅡ좀 low elo panth and drius yasuo D: why u dont play your 0% wr ekko? Kapp mundo 5Head !uptime hard role @mrjonjonjon, rush has been streaming for 30 mins 55 secs @x3queen Reksai BibleThump @Rush quinn for low elo is EZ LUCIAN KEKW KEKW RUSH SAY HI TO JAMAICA KevinTurtle renekton is easy renekton is good for low elo i can :) @Rush how do u reach masters i get inted everygame d2 lets go rush make this game fast you can't play lucian too KEKW is it prison? Prison Break top lane harder than jubgle confirmed renek and drius just play garen bois he is right you know Kappa @stroganoffen Ornn wins every trade in lane, because enemy laners are stupid and then you can engage, you are unkillable and can give your team items popping off on Lee again ResidentSleeper Tryndamere does anyone know the name of this song pls? Morde is pretty easy only one ability KEKW 4 conq runes lmao hi rush im a plat jungler, whos good and quite easy to get to diamond?! garen mordekaiser RushB Mord is 3Head play 5Head result iloveu LOOKING CLEAN TODAY DUDE @stroganoffen in low elo, ornn is god SH OMEGALUL JIN impact singed PogU maybe jax VoHiYo @firstbrhere no shit lol !leesin OMEGALUL RNN Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Ornn jg? good junglers??!?! @x3queen Olaf Everyone lEveryone can play fiora Kapp Kapp CUTE what song is this one chat Fiora is braindead just press Q LUL Kapp tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey widepeepoSad = GG WutFace Kreygasm Kreygasm wind WutFace KEKW 👃 💨 LMAO that breathing into mic Kreygasm Low Elo Top Champions = Garen, Ryze, Darius, Cho, Mord. Kreygasm WIND <3 w <3 oh snap my favorite malding main peepoFat Pepega 💨 D: IMPact KEKW breath more Kreygasm gachiW D: LMAO @Hielloz FeelsGoodMan Clap LOUDER WutFace ASMR Kreygasm KEKW is he outside? KEKW D: KEKW Pepega 💨 ASMR CHOKING KEKW @rush the mouth breather returns @YaBoyElz ryze? really ryze? song anyone know? 👃 💨 IMPACT in the building that he bought KEKW KEKW Pepega 💨 Nice hair @Rush Rush - "stop breatihing impact" D: hooked the new bush TOP DIE it was a nice try, no? Podlasie in korean chat Pog D: D: BAHAHHAHA KEKW D: D: KEKW D: D: D: too far @Aborios ya, ryze is busted currently. LUL comms in lol??? D: D: D: CROWN KEKW Why Rush look like Corejj now LULW clown LUL Optic KEKW autofilled ADC + not so smart Blitz @Rush widepeepoSad pantheon ms KEKW KEKW HEADACHE MY EYES CR OMEGALUL WN widepeepoSad EPILEPSY MOMENT 5Head no plash 5Head pvman hes INSANE !uptime @InternalSpiritLoL, rush has been streaming for 34 mins Pepega Charge PogU Pog Pog PogU POGGERS PogU Pog Pog EZ Pog Pog Pog PogU Pvman = gg POG PogU EZ Pog Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog widepeepoSad = Pog ez clap CLEAN Pog PVMAN = Pog PogU Pog !leesin INSEC Pog Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Pog PogU Pog Pog YOINK EKK OMEGALUL widepeepoHappy RUSH IS NOT BAD Pog KEKW EKK OMEGALUL pvman = gg RUSH Pog why would he F LUL !leesin gave Kappa !duo PRE 15 Rush PogU DUO with IMPACT PogU !uptime @sonstige, rush has been streaming for 34 mins 43 secs PVMAN = GG PogU RUSH BEFORE 15 MINS Pog widepeepoSad > pvman rush lookes really korean today !leesin NAISU AYAYA pvman = Pog pvman=sometimes ''real''ggman pvmam != gg KEKW !leesin yep enemy team will open :) !lee !Leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again widepeepoSad @Rush Have you tried rejuv bead instead of refillable with tiamat rush on lee yup no boots, only sword and skip jungle item <3 <3 <3 hello rush hi @Rush ratirlFlower 5Head ALCOVE Pog ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS lol ZOOOOM KR fiesta Pepega soraka SPEEDRAKA KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW widepeepoSad !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again PepeLmao map awarness widepeepoSad LUL the legendary rush stream <3 Jg gap KEKW not bad KEKW !uptime @arcussma23, rush has been streaming for 37 mins 1 sec PANTH BALANCED Kappa crown Pog with his shirt rush looks like he have boobs OpieOP OpieOP Late stream WeirdChamp AYAYA OpieOP OpieOP pizza OpieOP OpieOP @machemallo LUL CANNON cannon OMEGALUL ruined cannon NotLikeThis @machemallo i wish Kappa whos impact playing? Singed CLOWN KEKW hey rice eater :) thats troll no? Q KEKW Q OMEGALUL You mean he can win. OMEGALUL oh shit jebaited KEKW all you rush EZ tried hard for a bad read? OMEGALUL _ PogU nieth LUL ARAM POGGERS ARAM KEKW why i see rush so bad at leesin and elise that singed skin LUL 7 minute aram LUL ARAM PogU LULW KS PogU Pog ARAM Pog Pog ChomPag KRARAM Fake Crown POGGERS KR Dive hehehehehe 4Head teamwork Pog ehehhehehe hehehehehehe Pepega LUL KEKW LUL lol KEKW LUL jup Pepega ypu Ehehehe yup ... can u get herald 10Q SO MUCH wholesome KR KEKW ty :) TY = Yep Pepega THANK YOU SO MUCH 😡 yup EGO STROKE KEKW yup :) yup :) wtf LUL wtf is this hair KEKW PRChase PRChase !lee @Rush riooosh widepeepoHappy Impact love herald :) ChomPag ???? mizkifYo lee than LUL\ ARAM YUP LUL CROWN Pog hello KEKW gang 😂👌 yup :) Nan nan dee Pepega Pog Pog PogU morde boosted if you are doing a favor to someone and then obviously remind him that you are doing it then it's worthless no? pantheon bm KEKW Not inting POGGERS Pog ROOSH EZ Clap panth Pog 👎 Pepega Maldkaiser KEKW the bois are smurfing NA TALENT POPING OFF IN KR SOLO Q Pog dying Pog nice bowl cut Bot Die HAIRCUT = BETTER GAMEPLAY NA Talent make it die Pog who is this streamer, he is actually not inting Die monkaW monkaW !opgg new streamer hair new ego KEKW Duo pvman = GG Pog how come impact singed always won mordekaizer @skicha24 wait until after 15 minutes KEKW Curtain hairstyle PogU herald play LUL @green_year OMEGALUL EKKO Pog Q KEKW KEKW q KEKW smite? OMEGALUL NA Q Do you think ADC's are op currently panth KEKW OMEGALUL EKKO BALANCED Panth ult KEKW Iron VI Panth pvmanNOO PANTH LUL UN OMEGALUL FAIR BigBrother pvman=gg is back KEKW tch KEKW pvman = gg KEKW 40cs 10mins KEKW thta was panth emepowered e qtpHONK @crezento no !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU PANTH ALMOST Pog CS PogU Pog CS Pog CS Pog CS PogChamp I like how you int to provide more entertainment for your viewers, a very admirable decision to make as a streamer. PogYou Pog HE LEARNED TO CS Pog cs pog Pog Pog cs clean Poooog my balls are sweaty tch Pog PogU Pog PogU Pog PogU Pog POGGGG :O POGGGER Pog Pog Pog PogU PogU CLEAN Pog ez clap PogU POGGGG !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again PogYou PogU PogYou Pog kiin and clid Pog Kiin and clid POGU Pog Serious face. Pog Rush is ACTUALLY korean The HU - Yuve Yuve Yu (Official Music Video) SHELLY Pog i didnt know rush was so good impact make the play not rush lol @rhxma he's not KEKW old shell was better Whats wrong with ur webcam ? Fuzzy cam? Fix cam @Rush fix webcam granny why rush blurry? wait so why is this shelly lower prio now? i'm going blind :( yup :) WutFace CAM people thinking the cam matters KEKW wassup sorry FIX LIFE im losing my vision PepeHands did he purposefully make it blurry? @smartshane because it loses 66% of its health when it charges. just way less useful of an objective now Pog sniped @smartshane less gold from plating and less dmg to plates int pit KEKW BC KEKW KS KEKW Blitz yoinked it KEKW KS LULW Yoink KEKW @Rin123_ he has b een challenger in the most competitive region for years, while you struggle to maintain eu/na gold elo XD KS OMEGALUL KEKW Got yoinked tch tch OMEGALUL ??? !opgg REKT 👎 Pepega pvman = ? NA CROWN 22-8 no assist!? 2/8 irelia LULW open pogU OPEN LULW ff15 LULW Mid gap KEKW JUNGLE GAP widepeepoHappy anotha one mid gap LUL rush on fire today Too good EZ Irelia players TFBlade KEKW anada wun OMWGALUL PEN @elsebeth nice try but my name is Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok akali? akali? OMEGALUL PEN easy server Kappa which region are u playing? @Shayy15 ty Irelia is shitt can confirm as an irelia player widepeepoSad rush is too good for this diamond players KR open KEKW kr Faker in 2019 LUL !rank tiop die open NA LUCIAN KEKW LUCIAN KEKW KEKW open KEKW KEKW q hitbox xd NA OPEN LUCIAN KEKW Lucian KEKW Faker widepeepoSad Pepega LUCIAN OMEGALUL team inting classic NA open LUCIAN IS SO MAD KEKW O L Kapp !uptime @Zagresky99, rush has been streaming for 46 mins 56 secs water map pls BlessRNG KEKW !uptime 4fun players KEKW lucian 4funning KEKW Rush I love you and Im so happy youre streaming infernal DansGame !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU !rank no ocean rift widepeepoSad nice hair cut dude bra friPPA wait there are 2 heralds now? does singed counter morde? why is chat being nice to rush? rush widepeepoHappy @SktRyujiLoL 6min respawn timer, yes Rush coming true Pog ward rush you look good in black LULW KEKW hmm KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW GG Kappa NOT GONNA FIGHT KEKW Pepega KEKW Pepega KEKW int LULE okay KEKW Just gonna die this KEKW KEKW ?????????????? LMAOOO inting MALDING PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW NOT GOING TO FIGHT KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOL LUL KEKW TRUUUUEEEE LULW LUL KEKW gold lee pvman = gg KEKW RUSH IS 4FUN KEKW KEKW !leesin 5Head KEKW Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again FK LUL Impact KEKW But you didn't KEKW pvman plays.... Kapp N OMEGALUL emotional play today KEKW Roosh PogU KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW D: D: D: why was guy in the chat talking about clid D: D: D: D: D:: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: Not fighting this hype play CROWN widepeepoSad D: D: LUL hahaha D: Clap Crown KEKW pvman = feeding vileelFISee D: D: D: D: PVMAN = GG KekW Kapp so emotional today KEKW Still has a job in LCS though KEKW crown lul korean open widepeepoSad @rush why alwqys grey screem when i tune you why was clid mentioned? KEKW KEKW GG KEKW KEKW INT KEKW FREE KILL KEKW PANTHEON LATE KEKW = pvman? PVMAN = KEKW Pepega Clap Silence is a fun mechanic KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again post 15 min Rush KEKW KEKW KEKW soraka WeirdChamp KEKW ff CROWN KEKW PANTHEON WAS LATE POST 15MIN RUSH KEKW jg gap KEKW Feed meta? KEKW JG Gap KEKW No emotion btw OMEGALUL P E N rush you run it down dude What is Crown saying ? pvman isnt gg open btw KEKW why doesn't rush ever buy double control wards no emotion Kapp crown: pvman, are you dirty inter? one for the jump and one for actual use !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Ggman is that impactu? ggman = pv vileelFISee @kevdaawesomeness because pvman = gg wtf is your hairstyle rush KEKW Silly streamer always streams when I am at busy 😡 Why no grievous wounds vs soraka Morde and ekko?? inda hairstyle LULW just ff this game is over girl hairstyle !uptime @Jorsh232fc, rush has been streaming for 51 mins 58 secs Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog morde nashers tooth is good? 왜 둘다 한국인이면서 영어로 대화하냐구 ㅠ Clean. ChomPag es money ggman = pv Pog 5Head widepeepoSad !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU LULW troll OMEGALUL @Rush you didnt W him Pepega get tower instead of help taking tower KEKW Inting your teammate KEKW ds deaths dance Pog Pog monkaW HACKED EKKO IN SOLOQ monkaW been playing for too long monkaW open Kappa TWO WORLD CHAMPIONS monkaW Deaths Dance is the real crown? @Rush IE :) @rush maw yes GA Pepega looking cute today @rush WARMOGS :) Where is your rageblade? Kappa rush is a kind and smart boy DEATH CAP Kapp Pepega Clap leaving base with 1k gold Pog actually throwing PepeLaugh D: CAO NI MA D: just go ful lethality every game who cares what they pick JG GAP PepeLaugh Death dance on pamth WeirdChamp SMITEKING Pog !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU PepeLaugh KEK KEKW KEKW pvman = gg kekw LULW KEKW KEKW outplayed KEKW LULW pepebrain PepeHnads !uptime @MichaelKrys, rush has been streaming for 54 mins 47 secs KEKW HE PRESSED R ON YOU ??? jg gap KEKW monkaW That happened to me recently. Mordekaiser's a bitch... deleted JG GAP PepeLaugh didny buy qss KEKW open KEKW Morde difference KEKW no f Kappa JG GAP PepeHands blitz is POGGERS 5Head this blitz Pog CLOSE Kappa a lil stronk rush streams are always jg gap pollow me boys KEKW My ass herts LUL LUL LUL gg = gg? why no leesin skin? @Rush pvman = gg KEKW if you want to steal baron from morde you need qss LUL how is panth doing in mid/top in current meta? depressed so buy mejai sounds legit why ekko is lvl 14 wtf SINGED MEJAIS KEKW !uptime @cute9000, rush has been streaming for 57 mins 2 secs ROOOSH PogU Pog KEKW NVM KEKW SINGED MEJAIS Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW lucian is trolling Q KEKW IMPACT pOGu monkaHmm @rush faker said ppman = gg monkaW when they're both rylais LOL JG Gap o o who is he queuing with? rush looking sexy PogU is it fake crown? raka doing so much healing in this skirmish/teamfights !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU !duo real crown Impact @helloitsmeivan @helloitsmeivan impact Fake crown impact KEKW This game is over LUL is crown toxic? @HexTonkLys @dack_cx thanks guys LULW black shirt Pog why mute all? KEKW anyone can translate that chat I want to know why did u mute all? cooming moon2COOM gachiGASM no emotional play mald leesin dog champ monkaS Try Conqueror EVE WITH TANK BUILD ACTUALLY OP Fckin cooming moon2COOM i can translate they kept saying pvman=gg :) cooming Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW lucian afk kekojoness KEKW Lucian afk HOW DID THEY LOSE THIS ff KEKW LUL LUCIAN KEKW lucian KEKW LULW It's good :) lucian KEKW impact Pog LUCIAN KEKW Q KEKW pvman = gg B& KEKW KEKW what is lucian doing not like u Kapp LIKE WHAT peepoSad MALD Ban Crown SB KEKW CAO NI MA PJSalt PJSalt how did they go from open to losing lol Chinese players KEKW why did he afk? yea this widepeeposad guy always makes trouble Ban crown BigBrother Lucian.exe has stopped working @Rush give him 14 days vication widepeepoSad NaM @d0c13 lmao thats me wondering how THE MENTALITY OF A LOSER :) @d0c13 5Head open Jebaited i get the same ad They’re speaking Korean????? it was 22 to 8 at like 10min, what happened outscaled WE CAN DO IT widepeepoHappy !uptime @coldbier3, rush has been streaming for 1 hour qKapp pink CAO TA MA MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee Kapp @d0c13 coincidentally i just won a 4v5 game hours ago where my adc dced and didnt come back at all MALD enemy open, i comeback after 5 min, surrender vote failed 3-1 KEKW MALDING MaldChamp 69 Kills nice KEKW KEKW PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog I guess new pantheon has the same problem as old pantheon. useless as fuck after mid game Kapp KEKW KEKW if only you bought pink Klappa KEKW FF already ez greed Lucian is shit FeelsBadMan positive mental !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU morde is kinda op LUCIAN PepegaHands FeelsBadMan LONGSLEEVE RUSH Pog Soraka heal is problem Steve Rush Jobs !uptime @soouzza, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 2 mins ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper You have no health in that build or runes rush will still say ekko is bad champ after this game pvman = KEKW 3Head oi roosh pvman = 3Head @rush can we see a rengar jungle game 3Head OII lucian afk wtf u can do this widepeepoHappy pvman. ffman lucian MALD cirComfy smite king Pog KEKW Pog Pog Pog pog Pog SMITE KING Pog SMITE KING Pog ?????? SMITE KING Pog Smite king. Pog EZ Clap PogU irelia f Pog SMITE KING Pog POG Pogchamp Lucian afk KEKW this lucianal BabyRage BabyRage Lucian NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW IMPACT KEKW KEKW KEKW intpacty oh oh PepeLaugh lol impact trolling EZ PepeLaugh widepeepoSad INTPACT KEKW Lucian monkaS Lucian ganked by his mom KEKW pvman = gg PepeLaugh x9 Lucian. open KEKW FeelsBadMan PepeLaugh KEKW this was an "open" game PepeHands evolve Q on kah it is trolling ? NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Kreygasm Makes me so angry looking at that Lucian. How do you manage not to mald with inters like that pvman == gg PepeLaugh widepeepoSad HaHaa rush in lcs PepeLaugh oh no no no PepeLaugh jgl gap KEKW KEKW KEKW Rush is in denial tilted mode right now. Worst state possible! leave to make breakfast other team says open, come back and rush loses. Widepeeposad=gg LULW 2/18 widepeepoSad lucian had the right of way there @Rush does impact have a twitch @JuliusSaesar all you need is a strong mental :) Kappa no? optic crown KEKW 2-18 JonCarnage ratirlMangoS D: wtf LOL Holy fuck D: KEKW !uptime D: he is trying his best WutFace @Intratone, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 4 mins "open" - Irelia "mid gap" - pantheon @Rush how can you say he's bad player if he's in diamond 1? LUL his mental is gone KEKW crown KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D: rude Crown D: D: Crown KEKW @Rush thats crown? D: Flaming Crown KEKW D: KEKW Is it the real Crown ? clown LULW CROWN widepeepoHappy real crown KEKW world champs is trash KEKW PepeHands lucian KEKW flaming crown Kappa KEKW CLG Clown 47% winrate PepeLaugh KEKW Why did lucian afk? Wtf KEKW KEKW REAL CROWN Pog D: D: He was no? Kappa he is LULW D: KEKW @Rush remember when you had a 48% winrate You're getting emotional. D: D: HES NOT CROWN GUYS you're becoming NA over there LULW Yes he was. Now he's on CLG NA crown LULW LUL widepeepoSad inters and flamers haha doomass chat i just joined, i saw title no emotional play today, but what am i seeing D: PepeLaugh Ah... pvmanHands PepeLaugh PepeLaugh impact sounds like an Indian PepeLaugh 4HEad CLOWN KEKW PepeLaugh dumbass PepeLaugh PepeLaugh re you playing in NA? SeemsGood TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW PepeLaugh its not crown, the acc is diamond every season KEKW like you PepeLaugh DOOMAS PepeLaugh but hes a world champion tho PepeLaugh MALD AY KLED VOICE LULW @Rush thank you for being you <3 @xoctopusx ? MALD Kappa @Rush rank? here 2017 world champion Malzahar player you could've defended lucian in chat to make him not cry It's not real crown pepega MALD KR D1 is hell pvmanNOO perfekldd @rush rengar jungle ur malding his accent sounds like an Indian accent !rank it is weird @Rush why was ekko higher level ? doinB is world champ and he was worst mid at tournament ratirlCoffee POGGERS MALDING 4HEad just get challenger NA DIAMOND KEKW crown is not hardstuck d1 with 2k games LULW rknROBO Pantheon is good champ, but it is hard to carry and stay alive @xoctopusx not even close KEKW KEKW 아까 괴물쥐 만났던 형이다 ㅋㅋㅋ imagine saying its not crown while chat says it not crown then still thinking its still cown Pepega OMEGALUL what elo is this I think it sounds indian Pepega moon2SUFFER TRUE KEKW JGL GAP malding KEKW TRUE KEKW thdey lose becasue their jungler is pvman KEKW NA POGGERS bad jgl what do they think about bronze player Rush you have been playing crazy good today good job pvman= smurf no1 s name is corn is delicious ChefFrank ChefFrank D: @xoctopusx not sure it is, I’m indian n not close imo D: D: 4HEad hashD hehehehe KEKW KEKW bad jungler = pvman = GG D: POOGERS trueeeeeeeee POGGERS NA WAKING UP @Rush you think malice is good jgl player? @Rush theres a term for that. search up Dunning Kruger Effect when they see you do they think ur pro player? Kappa hardstucks PepeLaugh True KEKW widepeepoSad is he talking about iwilldominate? Kappa cancerous existence kekw trueee KEKW very true rash except me tho im perfect im best kled NA Yeah league is sad ramblings of a psycho LUL I used to work for an Indian company and it sounds similar to me Cant ban half the server 4Head they dont need to prove theyre good, theyre diamond D: We should hang them, no ? moon2D subhuman KEKW maybe it is easier to tell because you are Indian @rush what does impacts name mean? D: D: bad human = bad player = ban KEKW D: Moon2D is it okey if I /mute all every game? my trolls dont seem to give me much other options D: lucian get bullied and you ban him? I think they're bad humans. Real life jail for them @Rush I'm Silver 4, but I saw a pro int on stream ones, can I know I could do better. Only reason I'm not pro is teammates. :) B& B& B& B& B& 와! 다 영어만 쓰네! Stop rush stop WeirdChamp moon2D BabyRage like you D OMEGALUL M LIKE YOU KEKW DOM KEKW @Rush explain how lucian and pantheon got to that rank? IWD they gona have to bann every1 KEKW D OMEGALUL M like you KEKW u DOM KEKW BabyRage TRUE 0-9 D OMEGALUL M pvman? D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M it is u KEKW NB3 KEKW LIKE PVMAN Kappa DOM KEKW DOM KEKW @Rush Elise or leesin 0-9-6 OMEGALUL M OMEGALUL E SO YOU KEKW projection KEKW TYLER 1 KEKW CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob M OMEGALUL E BabyRage BabyRage YOU KEKW Dom DOM LUL D OMEGALUL M no emotional play Kappa D OMEGALUL M DOM @Rush instead of bans, do you think league could adopt a low prio system like dota 2? where you more frequently match with other toxic players if you're toxic? D DansGame M D OMEGALUL M true tf blade LUL you KEKW part of competive games PepeHands my gaming experience RUSH BIG EMOTIONAL has5 hasMald febbyQO jnbO I spam ff every game but i dont flame my team :) no emotional play today KEKW Duo T1 @rush tarzaned LUL T1 OMEGALUL @xoctopusx that’s a fair point I guess IDK why they don't fine people for inting in KR @Rush a lot of them baby rage during winning games too just because someone died or they got caught lol Rush, this is one of the many reasons why I like you, dude. Clear-minded guy :) but what if their team deserved to be inted?? what happened 0/9/6 0-9 6 i love ff just creat new jobs 4Head BigBrother POGGERS POGGERS fuck fortnut POGGERS FORTNITE? POGGERS yea riot hire me i ban them :) 0-9-6 youd be banned too KEKW 0/9/6 KEKW KEKW jg farm farm farm die die die KEKW @aftercarramels inters in his game hello can you sell me some skill ? OMEGAYAYA W forknife PepeHands 5Head @Rush /mute all KEKW rush you should go pro in fortnite F OMEGALUL RTNITE I think they should restrict ranked to honor 2 and above OW dead game already 5Head 5Head F OMEGALUL RTNITE 5Head what do you think on the GEN G roster KEKW 5Head BabyRage they wont play other games 5Head AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo or go pro in smite 5Head yo rush spiting straight fax rn LULW HEALER? BabyRage MERCY they just make new acc True KEKW LUL LUL KEKW TRUE rush I need to know how damaging is to /mute all for you to not do it when you get these monkeys But they’re already losing people bcuz of this inting, afking, ragequitting depressed ppl monkaHmm weroreGASM weroreAYAYA weroreCrying weroreLikeNoWay 5Head 5Head LOL Rush so angry rn 5Head ah yes 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head widepeepoSad SCIENCE stonks 5Head 5Head HIRE THIS MAN RITO League will be out of business by end of year KEKW 5Head no 5Head 5Head monkaHmm 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head big picture, yes so mad KEKW 5head MALD 5Head ShazBotstix PepoThink or they will stop game and go real life :) maybe they has issues IRL and now mirroring those issues into league (where they can escape the reality) 🤔 5Head riot tribunal team 5Head @Rush Ranked should be restricted by honor level imo riot hire this guy ChomPag BRAIN IS FREE @Rush gotta add reward for high elo players to shorten queue times, and add personal/manual monitoring to avoid wintrading MaldChamp PepeLaugh emotional player Korean Marketing LUL !song MaldChamp Very true nutThink amumu jg Emotional streamer just mute all KEKW MaldChamp <------ LMAO D OMEGALUL M monkaHmm 🗻 PVMAN = Pog nice ban 4Head going past chain of command BabyRage going past chain of command BabyRage free pass @Rush what can i do te be less toxic i mean when im toxic i feel bad i try to be less toxic but i dunno its hard for me when i get angry so fast rush you look good in black :) @Rush free brain donation money PepeLaugh leniance !uptime special treatment @Rush @Zer0_sama, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 11 mins Bronze are bad but at least they are trying their best! privilage? WidePeepo pvman=bad showcase on stream KEKW widePeepo Amumu Ap lenience how come your voice sounds like a 12 year old girl BigBrother T1 KEKW harass 21 savage? KEKW play nid :) TURE "no emotional play today" misleading title Kappa ekko soraka monkaW streamer Privilige twenty first PepegaGun Bias to streamers true T1 ran it down 3 times last 2 weeks KEKW its a game ban IWD Dont wanna join Sneaky and Aphromoo for the unemployed Trio? sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW riot knows toxic people buy more skins KEKW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW somtimes people need to know BigBrother ivern adc is legit :) hi pvman good into Roosh PepeHands pvman not banned for inting only because of streamer privilege KEKW i always ban ekko :) sneakyW SNEAKY RAID sneakyW 'whats your thoughs on new roster of GEN G? KEKW Streamers have negative affects too like ghosters and target banning and people trying to get in queue with you. KEKW Kapp streamers biggest problem 1 person influencing 10000's to be toxic cough T1 @Masterfiend FeelsGoodMan 👉 👌 ? widepeepoSad Sneaky raid pvmanNOO Kreygasm pvmanHYPERS THOSE LEGS gachiGASM sneakyW widepeepoSad WutFace sneaky raid NaM pvman=gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW @Rush leesin or elise? gachiGASM sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw CHICKEN LEGS KEKW SneakyHey Hi monkay man how you doing? gachiGASM BARE FEET its his sister monkaS show more feet moon2W LEGS gachiBASS However the privilege is too much they need to give protection not privilege. sneakyYeehaw @GigaTremor one thing is beeing toxic in game chat and beeing toxic off mic LUL Hey @Rush can I come live in your closet? BOOMER BOOMER elo what if rush was the true pepega monster all along? PepoThink they should just give people lp based on their grade and have killing nexus mean nothing BOOMER talk with his door MonkaS five ears? okay boomer :) BANNED Kreygasm ears sneakyHey Hi monkay man how you doing? sneakyYeehaw 18 NAKED COWBOYS? sneakyYeehaw T1 İS BEST @Rush EARS BOOMER ELO KEKW Boomers 4Head ears WeirdKEKW @rush sneaky looks pretty today, better than all my girlfrieds ears? BOOMER LULW TRUE TRUE KEKW 5 more ears Pepega TRUE KEKW BOOMERS KEKW BOOMER TRUE LUL TRUE KEKW 3649 raiders from C9Sneaky have joined! What chair do u have Kapp sneakyC SNACKY Pog PVMAN = GG KEKW Pog PogU POGGERS BOOMER Pog PogU true widepeepoSad sneakyC Pog hard stuck d4 for 5 years btw KEKW sneaky raid Pog Pog sneakyC raid PogU skiplegdayman = gg pog 'whats your thoughs on new roster of GEN G? Pog Sneaky Pog D: true Pog 325 KEKW sneaky2 Pog Snaky KEKW sneky 3Head KEKW 325 VIEWERS KEKW I'm 26 PepeHands sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC snacky Pog "C9" KEKW thats true, there just isn't any way league would get many completely new players anymore 325 KEKW snacky Pog LULW sneaky gachiW Snacky c9 Kapp nacky KEKW sneky KEKW KEKW SNACKY KEKW sneakyC sneakyC GROWN UP MAN PLAYING VIDEOGAME KEKW 325 dead stream KEKW Pog snacky no more c9 widepeepoSad sneaky viewers WutFace snackers PogU 325 KEKW no consequences Pog c9 Kapp LUL 325 KEKW ROOSH sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC 325 KEKW hotdogss, WeirdChamp AYAYA SNEAKY X ROOSH sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 325 KEKW WHO CARES 325 KEKW Ignored LULW snacky viewers incoming boys PVMAN = GG loosh RAIDING JUST WHEN HES MALDING KEKW @NYMN_MISSING_HAIRLINE_LUL WeirdChamp peepoHappy sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 love sneaky KEKW PepeLaugh hachu1 hachu2 hachuFlag 18 NAKED COWBOYS KEKW KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneakyC 🖕 PepeLaugh sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 @Rush you are always triggered KEKW in the chat, it says 3k raid WeirdChamp BabyRage PepeLaugh 👉 MaldChamp pepeLaugh LUL LULW @UnNameless sneakyC Clap KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 KEKW KEKW sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 KEKW sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 BabyRage sneaky viewers chant widepeeposad=gg !!!! sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 YouDied YES KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus You always BabyRage streamer its why we love you Kapp 3K NAKED COWBOYS rush is always calm sneakyC POOGERS Rush you are malding :) @Rush have you played path of exile? @hotdogss peepoFat ban ekko pvman = 🍌 alkGralli PvMan=GG WeirdChimp @hotdogss midbMald @rush faker said ppman = gg @hotdogss POOGERS sneakyC Clap hotdogss KEKW STILL IN DENIAL @weebs_ruin_everything peepoFat peepoFat pvmanMonkey hachu1 hachu2 KEKW hachu3 hachu4 Kapp sneakyHey Hi monkey man how you doing?sneakyHey Hi monkey man how you doing?sneakyHey Hi monkey man how you doing? ppman=gg @enytaralc midbMald @Rush your mic is kinda make weird sound while you talking You going for 15 losses today Ruch:) Kapp Kapp @UnNameless Clap Kapp Kapp elise pls Kappa Kapp PVMAN = POGGERS rush isn't babyrage he's monkeyrage Kapp HAHHAHHHAHA SURE Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp @Rush nice sweater you look extra cute :) Kapp GGMAN=PP @hotdogss not subbed anymore FeelsBadMan POOGERS FALSE KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp AngelThump you only int Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Pepega brain viewers LUL @enytaralc PepeHands KEKW atpRtsd1 atpRtsd2 Kapp Kappa Kapp Clap Kapp Kapp Kappa hachu subs SillyChamp Kapp Kappa Kappa Good boy rush @rush D: ggman=pp :) sometimes you flame KEKW Kapp DELUSIONAL KEKW Kapp You look like job steve Kappa Kappa NO KEKW NOT TRUE KEKW random schedule streamer 4 hour streamtime max KEKW any sub gifters? Kappa true Kappa Rush definitely doesnt put them on "the list" Kapp just int Kapp Kapp !uptime @TheJukeSidewalker, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 14 mins Lie KEKW SURE Kappa Kapp gosuP1 gosuP2 U get tilted KEKW TRUE KEKW Flame impact Kappa emotional player KEKW gosuP3 gosuP4 @rush faker said ppman = gg wideppman Kapp just soft int beta KEKW TRUE PogU NOT TRUE selling rune scimmy dalFeels Pepega To League chat yes but not to stream KEKW KEKW eliseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @Rush you are nicer than iwilldominate :) xqcG_TK @Rush do you like pizza? E TU KEKW Kapp we need noob eliseeee Kappa DELUSIONAL PepeLaugh TILT IS FINE Pepega pvman = gg Pepega elise LUL BabyRage except that yasuo game KEKW Kappa impact said thank you for free lose tho off stream KEKW bawkGachi Buying tune skimmy 25 k on stream only so you do off stream? BigBrother ON STREAM Kappa you are emotional player pick eliseeeeeeeeeeeee Kappa Kappa evidence hidden OFF STREAM KEKW PepeLaugh LOL gosuP1 gosuP2 LUL KEKW no evidence KEKW Kappa gosuP3 gosuP4 off stream is different KEKW bad network Kapp KEKW Kapp KEKW poki1 poki2 poki2 poki2 Kappa sure Kapp KEKW DRINK MORE GAY PLS KEKW play lee singa! @jadedjuicerider he doesn't really like food NETW OMEGALUL RK Bad KR internet Keepo KEKW iwdW ? list monkaW TRUE KEKW ?? 4Head Kappa LULW LULW wtf KEKW triggered TRUE KEKW KEKW true KEKW true KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW D OMEGALUL M LOL TRUE KEKW MaldChamp Clap TRUE KEKW BabyRage Hashinsin KEKW KEKW Dono WeirdChamp KEKW RUSH LULW BETA DONO KEKW D OMEGALUL M TRUE KEKW donation KEKW What a clowb TREU KEKW TRUE KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW clip pls KEKW BabyRage clown MALDING DONO KEKW KEKW SUPER TOP HASHINHASHIN FUCK DOM Kapp eeasy -lp Streamers should get the support from riot to be able to change game name constantly, not free skins TRU OMEGALUL HASHINSHIN KEKW True RUSH = BabyRage KEKW But hashinshin is just stating facs .. KEKW PepeLaugh he knows #BAN HASHINSHIN widepeepoSad Kind Boy hash isnt even toxic Krappa PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW TRUEEE SNOWFLAKE DONO KEKW ADMITTED BEING A DIRTY INTER OFF STREAM ni @coraik delusional Snapchat from Hashinshin Hashinshin no Permaban Roosh KEKW BETA DONO KEKW they are retarded rush how much do you make monthly in twitch My team BabyRage KEKW Satanic Scare gamers KEKW drama FeelsGoodMan quinPega quinPega quinPega they don't know they are delusional he knows PepeLaugh sometimes people deserved to be inted KEKW quinPega quinPega quinPega quinPega quinPega KEKW like killing a murder DansGame quinGun PunOko quinSplat @hyperobject 10k Faker PepeHands JENSEN KEKW Hashinshin has every right to rage he is ghosted and ambushed every othe rgame every day D: never trust your teammate exactly DOING Pog Faker LULW @Rush iwd got banned in competetive also KEKW rush look good today POSITIVE PP MAN Pog Krappa RIP FAKER LULW Pog D: sometimes they play bad and sometimes they get caught boosting Roosh you are cute ratirlUWU PVMAN = GG KEKW "hashinshin stating facts" should he really do 0-12 because of some debatable small details on champ? @dack_cx gold pepega MingLee MingLee KEKW Rush I bought a gaming laptop and I went on a 5 game win streak in my first 5 games. Was after a week long break of not playing also Like faker... KEKW OMEGAYAYA ROOOOSH if you just complain in chat everyone plays worse @Rush Hi dad :) Just play 4Head PepoThink d: if you think diamond are bad what do you think of bronze KEKW KEKW WOW WutFace KEKW team always feed and troll else i would be chellengor BabyRage KEKW D: rush when u gonna win lcs sir KEKW WutFace You KEKW "KEKW" haHAA D: Game feels so different with triple the amount of FPS D: monkaW TRUE KEKW KEKW monkaS D: 💨 I fucking love you rush you do KEKW hashitshit KEKW RUSH DO KEKW B I K K U R I KEKW SwiftRage monkaW FeelsRageMan you do that KEKW 5Head boxAYAYA Kreygasm boxAYAYA Kreygasm boxAYAYA veteeran D: 💦 "cause he's paid millions KEKW trueee what about you KEKW veterian MaldChamp 💨 top lane island ratirlLulu Pog vetearen !time 22:06 gaming skill Pog PauseChamp veterinary :) KEKW D: KEKW KEKW 1mill PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW you cant complain when you get $\ Clap PauseChamp RUSH DO KEKW THATS WHY UNEMPLOYEDKEKW TRUE KEKW faker style D: WTF D: KEKW 1 DOLLAR LEAKED LUL i can :) FAX D: D: leake $1 LUL D: TRUE KEKW D: ED: D: D: dickade D: D: FACTS D: DICKADE gachiBASS D: toxiccccccccccccccc KEKW 😢 i lose money with my skill sneakyD malding D: LULW and the flaming begins KEKW KEKW 󠀀 D: D: 5c GAMERS KEKW TOXIC D: LUUL D: TOXIC D: D: SO MALD D: D: NOT IN A DICKHATE 4HEad Does impact stream TRUE 9 guys D: rude KEKW RELEASING ANGER !opgg MALD team always feed and troll else i would be chellengor BabyRage BabyRage D: KEKW TRUE KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything boxLurk yes BabyRage ratirlBusiness i just finish my work ratirlBusiness LULW TRUE lmao D: KEKW Toxic streamer TOXIC XWX KEKW THE DICKADE COMES TO AN END SO TRUE KEKW D: WTF MaldChamp LULW dickade? LUL widepeepoSad what happened to KINDBOI TOXIC BOOSTING IS TOS D: KEKW no emotional play today Kapp Boosting is good TRUE KEKW Klappa LMAO KEKW ten cents gamers KEKW MaldChamp TRUE 😢 RUSH IS FUCKING RUTHLESS TODAY KEKW peepoFat D: KKona ? burger KEKW RUSH ON FIRE Pogchamp some people have an actual job dude and they dont aspire to make an income from a videogame? lol TOXIC AF KEKW LMAO TOXIC TEAMMATE KEKW hashinshin mode D: KEKW widepeepoSad what happened to KINDBOI? LUL no burger money FeelsBadMan KEKW ratirlBusiness I'm no sub ratirlBusiness but i got this emote ratirlBusiness through investments ratirlBusiness Sneaky KEKW peepoFat Who wants me to boost them? KEKW @rush im sick help me PepeHands SAVAGE forsenS forsenS forsenS @MarcvsTulliusCicero sneakyNLT t1 LUL PepeHands cant afford borger with bronzebucks stop emotion u must be MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Spitting Facts Rofl xqcG_TK INTPACT IS BACK how much dollar is ur gameplay worth? @Rush @weebs_ruin_everything boxGun LULW @Rush gladiator! Why impact no stream big fking 1 million burger rooAYAYA nymnGun squadD_SG nymnGun_HF RPGAyaya impacto Chat loves when people mald tho Yak butthurt hahaha LOL @Rush what do u eveolve on khazix? @marcvstulliuscicero forsenWeird forsenKnife ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Any Ratters? ratirlMe moon2E impact > rush type 1 if you are fat squadD Impact has Burger King mic @MarcvsTulliusCicero WeirdChimp i cant imagine players in kr challenger have a job lol 2 impact PogU dragoonia PogU weebs_ruin_everything PunOko PunOko intact @weebs_ruin_everything ratirlFlower we dont win KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU rooosh <3 type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat boxREE arise weebs boxREE monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW smite king @bizarrebazaarr is this the memes cat?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? LMAO LOST 3V3 LULW pvman is not gg widepeepoSad @masterpb24 you can get a job just by being challenger kr clown 2 go to gym all fats KEKW LOST 3V3 BTW LULW gg KEKW gg @kgd938 yeah but he is not talking about that ppl hes talking about iwd and hash (toxic streamers) basically and the people who dont admit his faults and just blame his team everygame dude pvman = gg KEKW type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat type 1 if you are fat @Rush Rush is beast, all best for you mate. in lots of leagues KEKW SNEAKY IS A GIRL NOT A BOY KEKW missed smite KEKW 15 KEKW tfbPALM stream snipers SadChamp 0-1 widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan . PepeHAnds pvmanNOO pvmanGrey pvmanNOO pvmanGrey a little LIITLE BAD KEKW KEKW KEKW tfbPALM TILTED LULW clown fiesta KEKW playable Pog widepeepoSad Better jungler wins smite king? KEKW more like smite peasants KEKW sneakyFiesta Clap League is all business. ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness @Kite2010 got banned for saying stuff like that ROOSH ACTING POSITIVE WHEN DUO monkaHmm Why is Morde almost dead KEKW Reformed PogChamp SMITE KING KEKW pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa !uptime @smilegateceo, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 20 mins widepeepoSad white people sad bawkBaited no pots KEKW widepeepoSad Good start Is he positive gaming ? Kappa he's gonna rage soon PepeLaugh Pepega Charge! darius no R LULW mute LUL HeyGuys no w KEKW inc double how are we today @Rush Btw Rush thanks for keeping it real ??? monkaW this waste of time xDDDDDDDD KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW LOL LUL KEKW nice KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW THIS GUY KEKW pvman KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHA WTF WAS THAT KEKW KEKW LOLLOL KEKW FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW what happened to e LULW KEKw LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW looooool kEKW soft inting KEKW hey bro i suggest u to take ignite + smite cuz u don't use flash anyway KEKW NICE FLASH KEKW KEKW BRUH MOMENTO pvman KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw PHINE @Nekeuls u mean the truth? Kappa 5Head KEKW 5Head KEKW KEKW mind gaem Kappa pvman= gg KEWK 5Head `5Head 5Hread boosted XDDDDDD 5Head Kappa RIP FLASH KEKW sorz sorz sorz sorz IMPACT ????? 5Head LUL KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW 5Hewad KEKW 200iq hasWoke WeirdChamp XD MIND BROKEN I'm LEARNING ALLOT THIS STREAM 5Head pvman = gg KEKW that why he saved flash at blue buff chat worth mind game yourself so hard enemy tilt 5Head Clap pvman = best e khazix user flash for suckers btw KEKW bye bye red no red FeelsBadMan pvman flash rush nervous because he has a crush on impact NO RED KEKW 0 BUFFS KEKW pokiHA SAN no buffs KEKW 0 buff start PogU My girlfriend is in pain KEKW 4 buffed Pog !uptime @duckwinters, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 22 mins Buffs widepeepoSad who needs buffs KEKW @richardmortimer KEKW dude LULW Q wtf? @richardmortimer she lack of a boyfriend? Kappa PogU alcove alcove PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan KEKW OMG Pog Pog impact PogU Pog POGGERS KEKW KOREA KEKW tarzPOGGERS the god CARRIED BY IMPACT KEKW Clap EZ Clap Sad PepeHands INTER KEKW SUPER TOP WOAH POGGERS EZ ¨ä @weebs_ruin_everything TPFufun i just arrived and he is already feeding LULW YEeaaa very wp impactu KEKW KR Clap CARRIED KEKW PepeHands PVMAN = BAD KEKW impact super top Pog lIMPACTERU LUL Im - Pact ! PepeLaugh korean jungler monkaW POGGERS inting your duo KEKW LOL <3 pvman = int KEKW rush inting impact again KEKW fokoth the real super top rush so bad LUL GIVING KILLS TO TOPLANER POGGERS so carrried KEKW TOP DIED moon21 moon22 top die @MarcvsTulliusCicero sosGame PogU impactu pvman = gg KEKW CArried kekw who is he playing with? impact big smurf Why not blaming jungle? KEKW @rush rush is trush today PVMAN = GG KEKW 8 cs KEKW impact <3 Pog Wait.... Two Koreans playing in Korea speaking English? WTF PogChamp @rush u doctor yet? FeelsBadMan nO EmOtionaL PLay @stroganoffen read tiltle maybe IMPACT = GG Pog oh shit KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw LULW auto cancel ?=????? KEKW KEKW this cait is good :/ KEKW 0 dmg KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW FeelsBadMan if i trusted myself more pvman = gg LUL KEKW JUNGLE SO BAD KEKW widepeeposad = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN KEKW KEKW came here to KEKW that auto cancel feelsbadman pvman = farm farm die die die KEKW widepeepoSad AFK KEKW FeelsBadMan 8 cs LUL chshHonk 🍷 boxLurk alcove play POGGERS Pog widepeepoSad = gg widepeepoSad thresh Clap !rank the alcove POGGERS ALCOVE Pog no cs only gank SMOrc 8 cs KEKW 8 cs xD wtf is that bottom part of the map alcove mechanics Pog ALCOVE POG widepeepoSad kha 8 cs but 5 partecipations 7min 8cs Pog just like me in iron POg PLEASE FARM IM CRYING 8 from 8 widepeepoHappy 💨 8CS KEKW Pog send this game to LS he would be malding so hard 2 CAMPS KEKW 9 CS KEKW !smurf high tempo kr gameplay Pog alcove plays Pog 8-33 KEKW PepeLaugh 💦 boxREE @weebs_ruin_everything boxREE what is this ASMR breathing!?!?! KEKW yoink impact mic inside nostril Dansgame LULW 8 CS still 8 cs KEKW 2 korean players play in KR server but talking to each other in English monkaS 8 cs power spike THE ALCOVE Pog khazix in season 10 KEKW 0 farm only gank PepeLaugh playing like it's season 9 !commands @SwurTwur, You can find a list of all Commands here 1 cs per min KEKW 8 cs is proof hes high tempo its a good thing 8 cs andy LULW 1 CS PER MIN KEKW WutFace 1 CS PER MIN MaldChamp 💨 PepeLaugh FUCKING PepeLaugh 8 monkaW Breathing KEKW pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey 1 cs per min @Rush lvl 4 7min darth vader impact 1cs per min KEKW MALD BREATHING KEKW is impact streaming chat? MALDING bronze chat 9 CS Pog i farted and it smells like fart KEKW STOP BREATH 😡 keep typing silver chat 9 cs POGGERS farm meta? KEKW farm lanes KEKW not jung KEKW LOWER LVL THAN ADC KEKW 9CS PogU 9 CS POG 1 CS PER MIN Pog 9 POgU LVL 4 9 CS PogU 1 CS per min PogU 9 PogU Wtf how does this work in Korean Diamond 9CS POG 9CS LUL 9 CS IN 8 MINUTES PogU only down 30 cs POGGERS playmaking POG AYAYA Gank only jungler Pog 1 cs per min PogU AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA 9 PogU AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA GAMBARRE 1cs per min KEKW AYAYA AYAYA 13 POGGERS Ayaya boxAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA WTFF GANBARE AYAYA 13 PogU AYAY gambare AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Pog ur jungle camps are behind ayaya AYAYA AYAYA tsosA3 tsosA4 13 OMFG FAKER Pog AYAYA high tempo low cs jungle Pog IMPACT CHAN AYAYA AYAYA GAMBARE AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA LUL AYAYA NaM what does gambare mean AYAYA IMPACT SAN NaM 󠀀 HOLY SHIT FARMING 17 cs PogU hachuAYAYA 9 cs Pog 17 CS Pog AYAYA ily AYAYA WEEBS WTFF !multi YAY AYAYA TPFufun 17 Pog karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA what is gamabare KEKW pOG gragas triple cs KEKW Pog Pog 8min lvl 5 Pog GANBARE ONII-CHAN WTFF NaM ❓ Pog Impact? PogU 17 PogU KEKW forsenPuke3 ? KEWK KEKW RUSH BAITING WEEBS KEKW V I E T _ _ _ ❓ KEKW KEKW pvman = gg I actually really like this type of jungling over the master yi farm fest and let lanes loose KEKW KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything boxGun KEKW LULW hahahahaha LULW KEKW lol hhhh LULW ? KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ? KEKW KEKW INSTA E ? KEKW ?????????? KEKW MaN WALKED IN TRAP KEKW pvman = gg KEKW 2Head 17 CS PogYou TRAPPED KEKW KEKW Blind KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW activated the trap card PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW jgl diff oni chan YouDied YouDied YouDied the Rush Int forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek LULW TRAP AYAYA KEKW JG GAP PogYou oops KEKW pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey AYAYA TRAPS KEKW KEKW AYAYA Kapp YouDied pvman=gg BOT GAP KEKW impact 4/2/0 KEKW NICE PLAY OPieoP JG GAP jungle gap really OpieoP bot gap but that was no good BabyRage BOT GAP lobosDied !opgg KEKW CUTE TRAP AYAYA @MarcvsTulliusCicero sneakySpook2 you need to farm more pog jinx OpieOP Flash ready KEKW grey screen KEKW must be pvman KEKW WeirdChimp WeirdChimp WeirdChimp inter jgl 17 cs LULW 420 impact Pog @Rush YouDied KEKW 17 KEKW every time you play with impact you have to apologize to him @Rush widepeepoSad LOL forsenCD YouDied KEKW jungle gap agane widepeepoSad !rank gg pvman KEKW YouDied why does morde have stinger KEKW 21 Pog You had 9 cs at 8 minutes PogYou Impact's LP widepeepoSad you need to be faaded KEKW YOU DIED wtf is this monkaS Fighting fighting fighting Pepega @Rush enable gachiPls WeirdChamp @weebs_ruin_everything boxREE FIIIIGHT Pepege FIGHTING Pepega nashors tooth morde is op lvl 5 9min BOTH ENGLISH PogU KEKW YouDied ggman = pv KEKW KEKW 5 ggman is pv FIGHTING Pepega @KindredSouls3 nashors bruh 30 cs incoming? PauseChamp @nunuandwillumpp u sub to ggman KEKW @MarcvsTulliusCicero 🤢 @KindredSouls3 cdr helps 1v1 scuffed jungler Impact still cant talk English properly KEKW Its not bot gap Its JG GAP 100% monkaHmm pvmanMonkey 30? PauseChamp 25 cs powerspike KEKW @ForestFairyBilly for more than a year KEKW go slow Kreygasm YouDied wtf Riot Games 100% exp KEKW @nunuandwillumpp bawkPoggers yasR yasR yasR Pog pvmanMonkey ????? Pog nice dodge Pog nice Dodged Pog MercyWing1 YouWHY MercyWing2 EZ Pog DuckerZ evolving w in case he misses PepeLaugh pvman = dodge Pog DuckerZ DuckerZ HUH better top wins BANNED D: D: LULW D: ? KEKW monkaW D: D: D: Doggy what? D: D: almost Kapp D: KEKW Wowee ConcernDoge ? CS donkey D: SMITE KING KEKW D: D: D: D: translate KEKW mobis to int faster Pog D: D: W SMITEKINGO KEKW LULW JG GAP KEKW still misses with evolved W KEKW Fizz lvl 8 0 kills while your lvl. 6 with 3 kills jungle is fucking ruined D: BasedGod ConcernDoge ConcernDoge ConcernDoge OHAYO CHAT AYAYA / !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA / smite queen tsosA4 AYAYA TPFufun PunOko KonCha TehePelo VoHiYo NOT WORTH KEKW weebs DansGame wort AYAYA Clap widepeepoSad OHAYOU AYAYA Pog Pepega bnanaAYAYA bnanaAYAYA AYAYA forsenPuke5 Pog Pog Pog @Rush Would you ban me, if i told you i am waiting for another streaming to go live? nice OHAYO SEKAI Good Morning World Pog You nice Pog AYAYA pog niceeeeee dr stone Pog yu nice TPFufun @humboldxxx are you waiting for qt? very nice :) !subcount Current sub count: 869 10K viewers and chat is dead KEKW NaM WEEBSOUT NaM WEEBSOUT lvl 7 12min 32 kills 12 minute KEKW ez clap botlane JG DIFF AGAIN PepeHands !uptime @TreeCucumber, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 30 mins does impact stream? @mnwv Nah, foggedftw2 weebs forsenY forsenY forsenY forsenY 32 kills in 12 min @mnwv WH OMEGALUL ? !rank @psychxc You're dead, tomorrow 😡 TRUE KEKW hot gap KEKW bot gap KEKW type 1 if you are korean @Qeji monkaS KEKW 1 1 Pog my favourite inter is online 1 -2 2 1 @SPQR_CAESAR boxGun thighs gap LULW 0 RIFT IS NOTHING KEKW KEKW !time 22:19 translator pls PepeHands negative cs Pepega Checking in -1 yo nob supp bot gap Pepega Pepege cute!! Pepege wth Pepega 👍 @marcvstulliuscicero forsenWeird forsenKnife noob sup zz Pepege Why is this great Korean pro duoing with washedup NA guy ?????? Ghosting moon2CD oof not bad everyone dead KEKW Is bad KEKW gg Rush too positive monkaS not bad we can win KEKW How does jinx solo darius !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU totally not bad KEKW if lose = enemy ghosting KEKW not bad PauseChamp KS Jungle gap KEKW Clap @MarcvsTulliusCicero @SPQR_CAESAR monkaW history repeating itself PauseChamp JUNGLE TOP SYNERGY Pog Jungle GAP ZZZZZZZ how is he 6-3 he was going so bad @cute9000 boxLurk TEAM IMPULSE Pog TL RUSH !uptime @xxoatmealsxx, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 33 mins positive score Pog pvman = need duo to win KEKW Dracoonia @Rush BETTER TOP WINS lol reformed rush ResidentSleeper doragon 0 buff start, pretty good comeback @dack_cx 39 kils in 15 minutes he's bound to get some LULW roosh is lethality lee sin good? @rush when do you evolve W first? cooming moon2COOM Kha'Zix Dmg monkaS KEKW MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp Lux passive dude BigBrother ocean map widepeepoHappy who has better english rush or impact ? 10 million dollar find KEKW *fine @Jensen you MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 emotional play @jensen rush nt @Jensen doublelift @Jensen rush obv @Jensen impact @Jensen ofc you KEKW Pog impact Pog POGGERS NA TOP Pog impact been hard carrying all day LUL Pog jinbx pog Jinx PogU Pog Pog jinx jinx pog Tactical inting PogYou Jinx Pog POGGERS NA TOP Pog NA TOP Pog @Jensen Does impact speak english mord seem balanced KEKW Rush closes chat when in duo game ratirlBilly ratirlBilly ratirlBilly ratirlBilly !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU PogChamp good job team carrying Rush as usual @Jensen Pog im jinx :) @Jensen both WeirdChamp @Jensen both bad @Jensen sneakyJensen @jensen KEKW ty impact for carrying he monkey man :) Any Malders? MaldChamp !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ !jensen you speak Spanish? !jensen CruW rush strong monkey @rush what are impacts runes/ thresh carrying Rush w q and e is best ratirlFlower ratirlFlower NO UPGRADE Q :) 5Head @Jensen my man In twitch rivals the khazix got Q upgrade pvman driving monkaW tilted me WutFace Rush has way better english WutFace KEKW reeeeee KEKW KEKW why upgrade w and r? 5Head LUL KEKW WHY W? KEKW WHY Q? WutFace KEKW monkaW KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !rank hahahah WHY R KEKW Pepege Y W true KEKW HAHAHAH Pepega KEKW NOT TRUE LULW KEKW KEKW BabyRage KEKW e is the best 2 monkeys why w man KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW Pepega CRAZY Why culling Kappa you get range and damage too from q too though KEKW TRUE FreakinStinkin LUL KEKW Jensen KEKW LULW TRUE KEKW Pepege JENSEN KEKW TRUEEEEEEEE WHY W Pepega @Jensen LUL Pepega @Jensen PagChomp forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek LUL !jensen 5Head @jensen KonCha + yensen 3 monkeys LUL KEKW he knows PepeLaugh dont evolve anything 5Head WHY PRESS 4Head @Jensen LUL WHY R KEKW THIS DUO IS KINDA CUTE @Jensen 3 monkeys with you monkeyS @Jensen KEKW dyrusSellout @Jensen KEKW !rank omegalul 🐒 HE KNOWS KEKW Why r 😡 hello i am 17 from niger, south africa widepeepoSad @Jensen when will TL announce rush? wtf mods Bruh WHY PLAY NOB 4Head @D0mesticat because it counts as you trying to post a link, the bot automatically times you out Impact makes rush less toxic is wholesome "Why are you inting" Trick question he doesnt even know himself OpieOP @Jensen ratirlOK STOPIT STREMAR !followage @D0mesticat, d0mesticat has been following rush for 10 months 27 days 8 hours Fish R PRİSE ? KEKWQ KEKW !uptime @lemillionx, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 37 mins Pog Pog escape MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 PowerUpL im ok LUL impact monkaS Pog Pog Pog PepeLaugh impact PogU Poh Pog Jebaited Pog CAsSHIO NO R Pog POG casha Pog Pog pog clean Pog Casio POGGERS POGGERS Pog Pog saved ny impact Cashio KEKW challenger facecheck LUL KEKW impact boosting ppman FeelsBadMan LUL OMEGALUL focoth LULW KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW kekw KEKW LULW no evolve q KEKW why no q upgrade ? nice isolate EKKW 4Head q upgrade is kill KEKW pvman = gg KEKW JUNGL DOWN that happen when you not evolve Q KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PRESS TAB kekw KEKW KEKW @Jensen kekw pvman = positive vibes man q upgrade you kill him KEKW WE GE EM NEXT TIME Pepege Q UPGRADE = KILL @Jensen Pog KEKW your upgrades are KEKW Q upgrade wouldve killed @Jensen true KEKW Nani !! didnt isolate dead anyway no q evolve = int xD FeelsBatMan KEKW WHY NOT UPGRADE Q WeirdChamp @rush why no hex??? Q upgrade is kill 2 Korean monkeys and 1 Danish monkey KEKW @jensen he took W to secure a kill early vs cassio @Jensen i lub u no Q upgrade KEKW Ward in your stream KEKW IF Q upgrade would kill Pepege q upgrade bad Pepega pro player btw Pepega q upgrade would have won that PepeLaugh Pepege No q upgrade KEKW @Jensen 200 IQ Pog Q upgrade is kill XD white people sad No upgrade Q nice !jensen hi q would kill !jensen He upgraded W earlier to kill Cass at like 5/6min @Jensen widepeepoSad jounya flash would win finals @jensen Tbis is why i upgrade q WeirdChimp Q upgrade = kill that w upgrade early was such a waste He had to evolve W earlier to secure kill on cassio. @Jensen Pog *Darius kass wasnt even isolated. chat dumb af if u think q evolve does anything What song is this Q upgrade is shit chat :) Wukong irl tarzRage !song W R evolve is better Pepege imagine upgrading the same skills with kha every game KEKW @luckycro7 racist q upgrade = game win Pepega Who is @Jensen is that one of Sneaky's subs? :) chat thinks killing cass earlier was the only reason he upgraded W FailFish W EVOLVE Pepega Clap Why didn't evolve Q? KEKW why evolve r? KEKW @highELO_S1 white people happy E upgrade would have ended game already :) @Jensen Ey you smashed sneaky today ? Chat is retaded moon2SMERG Pvman duo Intpact LUL KEKW Not KEKW Evolving KEKW E KEKW Pog SMITEKING Pog EZ Clap SMITE KING PogYou always R E who cares about helping team with w @llyorin Jensen is sneaky's horse in red dead, he spent 1,000+ on him Impact doesn't know that pvman=gg :( ? afk KEKW e upgrade = game win AFK 1 min SMITE KING clean Clap mvp Clean KEKW smite queen EZ Clap r evolve KEKW KEKW KEKW couldnt u just end smite queen Pog SMITE KING IS BACK darius penta inc KEKW impact sounds like ANELE E evolve and you douldnt need to afk Chat malding abt k6 passive LUL HOW SMOrc KEKW Kapp lol !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU I was worried Kappa SELL REFILLABLE @Rush KEKW 4FUN KR PLAYERS Kappa Koreans speaking good english Pog get on the plane Kappa KEKW Nash crit Kapp KEKW TOP NO DIE PogU worried to season3 world champ Agane PepeLaugh actually Kapp monkaW hey roosh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Season 3 worlds champ LUL JUMP KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW e KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW pvman=gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL LOL KEKW KEKW nice e KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW E LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW :D LUL LUL so greedy yikes qtpSMUG KEKW KEKW KEKW F LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW played like a monkey LUL MALD KEKW LOOOOOOOL clip KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 100% DEAD OMEGALUL WASHED KEKW LUL KEKW PMAN = GG KEKW FLASH ? OMEGALUL use f KEKW SO BAD KEKW just flash and q him lol LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW omg LULW KEKW KEKW PEPEGA KEKW JUST FLASH U GREEDY KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Alcoved LUL KEKW KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW 100% KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW 100% KEKW KEKW KEKW U SUCK KEKW KEKW looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool KEKW KEKW KEKW use fflash 100 KEKW just flash on him lol YA lmao KEKW KEKW impact knew that you dead yah KEKW 1st time kha, i see outplayed in alcove loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Pepega OUTPLAYED LLL he is 100% dead LUL LUL LUL hahahaha small brain KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW e KEKW e KEKW alcove abused KEKW greeding flash LUL KEKW KekW KEKe KEKW YEAH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW d FLAAAAAAAAASH KEKW DUO LUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman = gg kekW Never flash KEKW ddddd ALCOVE Pvman = GG KEKW kekw MALDING KEKW WHY NO Q EVOLVE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW my stream froze just before he got ulted lol hahahahahahhaha KEKW Flash-on NOT Q EVOLVE KEKW MALD KappaClaus GGMAN KEKW smacked EMOTIONAL PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW Kapp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW ahahahahahaha Outplayed by balance assuming thats how he died sup's fault JUNGL DED KEKW KEKW PVMAN= GG no emotional play today. KWKW M A L D I N G REAL RUSH PogChamp No emotional play KEKW Q EVOLVE = KILL KEKW B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL S T E D xD yeah 1% crit Kapp KEKW donkey s2 LULW emotinal player KEKW pro btw EMOTIONAL PLAYER LUL Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL yep KEKW CRIT WITH 0% KEKW KEKW KEKW FLAAAAASH que gordo greedy que sos rushhhh, flasheateee crit runes LUL imagine thinking Q evolve is useless tho CRIT RUNES KEKW EMOTIONAL GAMEPLAY alcovies baby Why evolve r LUL 100% PogChamp miss E KEKW u r so bad hahaha EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW EMOTIONAL STREAMER KEKW PVman= GG aHhahahqhhq KEKW pvman = gg KEKW WHY EVOLVE R KEKW darius PogU no skillshow champ stil lmiss kEKW KEKW EMOTIONAL Emotional player KEKW emotional play Pog too Much emotion :/ this poor lux player WHY NO EVOLVE Q KEKW KEKW why no e no assist KEKW monkaW Pepega monster Pepega monster KEKW KEKW monkaW LULW monkaW WutFace KEKW monkaW WutFace KEKW aaaaaaaaaaaa Pepega KEKW. pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey KEKW kek Pepega MONSTER monkaW KEKW Pepega WARFARE boomer KEKW WutFace BOOMER KEKW KEKW] trolling KEKW ok boomer :p 4Head dodged Kappa dodged KEKW monkaW Pepega monster rip ears boomer? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KEKW ok boomer "dodge" ok boomer BOOMER KEKW !uptime monkaOMEGA Clap @corontas, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 43 mins boomerrrr boomer? ok boomer @Rush I'm sad, what would pvman do to feel better ok boomer ok boomer KEKW BOOMER OK ZOOOMER ok boomer old boomer boomah pvmanFGM OK BOOMER LUL !time 22:32 Ok boomer boomer KEKW widepeepoSad Clap LUL boomer go boom KEKW When impact streaming? Pvman = Boomer LUL UL boxLurk who is rush duo with? LUL KEKW KEKW !followage @Lunathria, lunathria has been following rush for 3 years 2 months 3 hours !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @ramb0lol intpact YES !duo impact's english is PogU X D !followage @ramb0lol Impact @Rush hex now? literally in the title LUL report insect for Pepega karodeVACUNA_SG really? his english is so good wtf ignored @ramb0lol u can't read the title Pepega ? BibleThump !blendon followage Pv man = GG = Boomer @Rush No emotional play and duo with impact in the same sentence PepeLaugh LUL !blendon136 followage 7 / 6 / 10 @ramb0lol he's been playing in NA for a while now so he's had a lot of time to practise AngelThump GUYS HOW DO I DOWNLOAD Pepega ? PepeHands this used to be a SLURP stream widepepoSad ???????? ? ??????? KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL LULW ? KEKQ ??? KEKW KEKW BOOMER REACTION pvman = gg :) KEKW KEKW pvman KEKW ??????????? DO SOMETHING LUL JUNG DED ???? KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW NA MVP BTW KEKW MaldChamp widepeepoSad MALD KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW Duo is impactg MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL MALD w0w good game KEKW MALD MALD PVMAN = GGMAN KEKW exec MALD CASSIO BALANCED KEKW PepeHands EMOTIONAL PLAY KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW MaldChamp e upgarde = could kill them all hm? no misplay Kapp W OMEGALUL W MALD 💨 widepeepoSad whitepeoplesad pvman KEKW Kappa Kappa ok boomer KEKW PLEASE RUSH BlessRNG EMOTIONAL PLAYER ugh? Kapp flame KEKW Kapp KEKW MaldChamp MALD IMPACT KEKW KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAYER no emotional play Kappa PV/GG = 1/ NaM ?????????????????????? no misplay taking every lux's q @Rush EMOTIONAL KEKW dude this guy just ins all the time, how did he used to be pro @Rush Triggered widepeepoSad waiting for league of legend 2 KEKW PVMALD executioner's, @Rush MALDING KEKW when i heard rush speak korean i was like "wow he doesn't sound like... himself" KEKW TRUE KEKW For all you pea brains talkin shit bout their langual skills how about you guys try to learn Korean and speak it fluently while also speaking English often LUL CLOSE Emotional player !followage MaldChamp @ramb0lol, ramb0lol has been following rush for 3 years 9 months 17 days 7 hours u got hit by the Lux Q but no misplay Kappa league balancing team Pepega PowerUpL SwiftRage PowerUpR no missplay KEKW pvman=gg KEKW died to lux lol 4vs5 KEKW D: LUL LOL KEKW 4HEad LULW STOP FLAME 😡 IMPACT 1V9 KEKW TOXIC LUL KEKW FIZZ KEKW LULW Got carried LUL KEKW FIZZ KEKW Pepega monsters Kappa Kapp SMITE KING KEKW XD Kapp nice flash D: monkaW D: ADC BALANCED KEKW cait PepeLaugh fizz played that so bad monkaW monkaW MALD Auto 50% KEKW BabyRage HALF HP KEKW adc KEKW BabyRage u have no armor monkaW KEKW true KEKW ADC PLAYERS BabyRage YOUR Q DID 90% OF HER HP KEKW Pepege monkaW PepeHands FIZZ LOL KEKW KEKW no q evolve KEKW KEKW SMITEKING KEKW LOL Kapp SMITE KING panic smite king KEKW SMITE dat smite interesting smite edgo pog SMITE VICIOUS KEKW D: LMAOOO Pepega smite i almost died to adc it's broken LUL panic smite KEKW @Nyanilated hiiros1UWU oathLanHug oathLove pvman=smiteking(no) smite king PogChamp BabYRage no way lux ult could kill it there KEKW PANIC SMITE KEKW pvman = smiteking KEKW INTPACT KEKW KEKW @jensen are u sad u have never been better than bjerg and do u like being carried by impact intpact KEKW @YuYuYuna_ yuyuuu realvrAYAYA oathHeadpat go deeper KEKW panic smite i think it was more of a get darius KEKW if i dont smite i die from her ult both top CS KEKW SHIT KHA BUILD KEKW ghosting Kappa Hide map 😡 scared of darius alcove master roosh always run widepeepoSad even tho he had spell sheild KEKW cashew widepeepoHappy pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands how is the kha build shit @Synric JUST TOP DIE NotLikeTis Best kha build @youngboiKODAK WeirdChamp if you evolve q ,you would've kill KEKW @youngboiKODAK stfu widepeepoSad triple AP and no Hexdrinker @Rush widepeepoSad @ItMeDucklan all the good kha players go bc steraks every region wtf why is IWD live, hasnt Riot banned him yet!? impact no understand meme widepeepoSad cashio too much good number :( @youngboiKODAK toxic loser WeirdChamp Not building magic pen on Khazix WeirdChamp bjergsen fanboys in pvman chat 4Weird CASSSIO BROKEN IN SEASON 9 ALSO NotLikeThis 4Heed MaldChamp I remember the day i first saw rush when sneaky was teaching him english words widepeepoSad KEKW PogU @youngboiKODAK MaldChamp MALD Pog PogU PogU Pog nice champ PogYou Pog Pog PogU Pog AD so broken Kappa Pog PogU PogU PogU EZ Clap EZ Clap Pog Pog pogg PogU EZ Clap POGEY pvman Pog PogU EZ Clap WHO IS THIS GUY Pog EZ Clap PogU PogU PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp adc so broken KEKW 'bad champion' PVMAN = GG PogU Pog shit champ btw Kappa R evolve Pog Pog pogu widepeepoHappy pvman = gg PogU TSM WONNERED! Pog trkYOU trkYOU trkYOU trkYOU chestiPogchamp so broken EZ Clap . o O ( MALD ) ratirlBusiness Pvman carry Pog EZ Clap wasup inter PogChamp KEKEW KEKW KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness KEKW KEKW KEKW int to win Pog KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW POGERS Pepega evolve e to make people mad D: KEKW POGGERSSS ratirlBusiness KEKW KEKW LULW no player on probuild has built a sterak's on kha in 2+ weeks @Synric lmao KEKW I wanted to see E evolve PepeHands Hi dead :) gg poggers im deead nice ur doing jon Pepega GG :) gg ok !duo YouDied DUO with IMPACT PogU ok widepeepoHappy Impact carry PogU 3rd evolve afer w and r? GG !ppman 100% crit is lucky widepeepoSad Pog 💨 stop breathing 😡 play nunu plz ulti is best but i like e over w early PogCamp Better jg wins tbh widepeepoHappy Clap IMPACT CARRY eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Pepega 💨 widepeepoHappy IMPACT 1V9 widepeepoHappy !pvman report thresh for grief KEKW widepeepoHappy impact carry !widepeepoSad D: Jensen said why no q max kill on Darius D: !uptime widepeepoSad impact anchored by pvman D: @bluepost, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 50 mins KEKW D: D: D: @Rush can you explain what's the idea behind conq rengar? D: @ItMeDucklan theres literally no good player in that history, as i said D: D: nice khazix player :) D: D: uptime! D: D: wow D: D: ggman carried by impact KEKW D: PepeHands D: D: D: why not dark harvest kha'zix?? @Rush D: RUDE D: D: D: D: D: JINX PogU D: DEATH THREAT D: D: D: stop breathing D: D: KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU MALD BibleThump plz do well roosh D: what would evolve next? @Rush D: @Rush why do you need impact to boost you ? KEKW D1 KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Kapp LUL go with lee sin @Synric lmao you think solo q players are better than pros? stop breathing? is that a death threat? monkaTOS IMPACT no breath .. is dead? playtime! he played for echo fox KEKW this is like that time when rush bullying fenix BibleThump JUST STOP 4Head @ItMeDucklan nah but top 10 korea is pvman = diamond 1 gg Honour level 2 kekw HONOR 2 PogYou rush can u plY jhin ????? DIAMOND EMOTIONAL PLAYER KEKW roosh looking like a snack today KappaPride does pvman = na mvp?? what about dark harvest kha'zix?? pvman = elo terrorist KEKW electro better widepeepoSad Dardoch > Pvpman PogU ? @Rush will u live in impact's building? pvman = paid actor pvman = positive vibes man widepeepoHappy KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW hwalife rush LUL LULW D: R -> E is most alpha TRUE KEKW "ur elo" xD KEKW KEKW @Rush If U less say Bad and Sad, it give you more selfimprove what about omnistone khazix? :) @Rush KEKW D: KEKW @gecko2301 lol he destroyed you ur elo @Rush can you explain what's the idea behind conq rengar? XD WeirdChamp < WeirdChimp why dark harvest ekko? @rush why do you take harvest on nidalee? what about conqueror kha'zix @Rush in pvman elo 500 Pog ^YOUR ELO TRUE why did you build mobi over mercs? 500 Pog is dark harvest lee sin a meme rush? widepeepoHappy play NUNU please @Rush Is graves any good atm ? PLAY CONQUEROR EVE ratirlBusiness 500 kills still lose When to go conq PepeHands ratirlBusiness play conqueror nidalee pls what to take in Plat elo BibleThump kaybayLove widepeepoSad widepeepoSad IS PLAT HIGH ELO ? :) @rush true KEKW PepeHands CONQUEROR EVE ! widepeepoSad i dont even play this game LUL @random445672 D: widepeepoSad PepeHands D: D: same widepeepoSad welcome to the club too real PepeHands D: D: widepeepoSad Yeah D: PepeHands widepeepoSad thats my life :( badness :( D: True PepeHands widepeepoSad D: feelsbadman D: D: D: like ur life widepeepoSad D: FeelsBadMan KEKW D: D: widepeepoSad TRUE widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D: play nidalee conqueror pls Is graves any good atm @Rush pogu PepeHands no can i jg :) @Rush Dont give it to your life be Bad and Sad white people sad i know FeelsBadMan CONQUEROR EVELYNn ! what do you eat today? Pog is graves good atm ? @Rush Nunu or Kha wich one better ? Pog karthus mid lol even though im bad at video game and my brain isn't very big and I have no friend I am still happy Rush zed KEKW rush isn't bad widepeepoSad GLACIAL ZED PogU lets go Pog Pog SMOrc zed noooooooooo ZED Pog zed jungle Pog Zed KEKW SAD MY BALLS sad spelled backwards is das and das bad KEKW inc oh no widepeepoSad RUSH ON MY TEAM POOGERS POGGERS POGGERS SAD MY BALLS SAD MY BALLS PogU POGGERS ? ZED Hypers widepeepoSad POGGERS ASKING RUSH TO SOLO LANE KEKW DO IT im in widepeepo gang no more blitz sponsorship rush? 1-11 inc like 2 days ago KEKW POGGERS ELO IS GONE 🦀 spencerse14 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ZED OR BED ResidentSleeper PepeLaugh Is graves gooder atm ? @Rush ZED POOGERS no jg? LUL play NUNU please RUSH B my god idk play cassiopi @rush I've noticed you need a lot more communication in Korea compared to the west zed or bad? PepeLaugh play katarina pls haHAA RUSH ON ENEMY TEAM widepeepoHappy RUSH ON MY TEAM widepeepoSad HE DOESNT GET IT PepeLaugh LL RUSHISH SeemsGood amumu Pog your zed is umm farming POGGERS WeirdChamp amumu KEKW amumu PogChamp play fizz Pepega streamer Pepega mods Rush zed LUL pogw KEKW RUSH ON ENEMY TEAM widepeepoHappy RUSH ON MY TEAM widepeepoSad <3 LUL KEKW KEKW Das means this in german what server is this ? ? dirty inter KEKW HAHAHAHHAHA lol RUSH ON ENEMY TEAM widepeepoHappy RUSH ON MY TEAM widepeepoSad KEKW ZIGGS 33 winrate amumu lmao @QuantumRip_0 You are WeirdChamp NaM 33% winrate lol KEKW SHAKER + RUSH = RUSHER ? MingLee !rank pull up the stats Tri Hard Clap go with lee sin Gg already KEKW Rush did you like using Blitz ondatLoLo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Thank you for the free money @rush its a meme. sad spelled backwards is das and das not good (das is german and means its) KEKW ammumu pvman alt gg whoops gg dodge KEKW widepeepoHappy Clap DODGE KEKW !elo orianna then ss 얌 누가 디엠으로 여기 언밴해달래 udyr !! @youggaming KEKW but you do play dark harvest ekko, why no electrocute then?? @Rush Kapp Kapp KEKW Rush is the jungler KEKW Kapp KEKW gg in Champ select LUL not me the amumu guy AHAHA Kapp you guys have something in common KEKW !opgg WeirdChamp dodging O_O told him ok then dodged KEKW Kapp every game is dirty inter jungle with PVMAN KEKW Kapp WeirdChimp Pvman = 30 inter Kapp @AlexTuT do you have his op gg Ovman Yasuo LUL Not you Kapp PLAY ON CYBERBULLY 😡 dodgin in low elo WeirdCHamp roosh coming through rush ints all the time dodging is a skill POGGERS D: dodged pvman KEKW tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzRank1 :D ROOOOSH PepegaPhone ROOOOSH !wr rusqh password is 1Ahrihentaix69 LEAKED monkaW and password? Thanks for free stream Hacked Kappa BAN back agaain YOU Kappa HACK KEKW monkaW LUL KEKW HACKED HACKED LULW KEKW rushlovessneaky69 KEKW widepeepohappy baned password is the same Kapp @rush but I really wanted to see that Zed :( monkaW L9 cats and dogs 123 monkaW log SNEAKYISCUTE69 Pepega 7 ilovepenis69 PepegaPhone :mega: ALL PEPEGAS CHECK IN IMMEDIATELY No Kapp Pepega 123 password @Rush monkaW how to climb fast as support??? LUL LEAKED LEAKED KevinTurtle ? monkaW password rushrush Kappa rush please unban me :) KEKW KEKW LULW pasword starts with a CAP KEKW what are you doing LULW PVMAN = GG / ROOSH = OMEGAGG hunter2 I SEE PASSWORD KEKW HACKED KEKW KEKW Pepega 123 KEKW Pepega 👍 LUL Pepega123 Hacked LEAKED Pog KEKW KEKW Pepega 123 Jebaited pepga123 LUL KEKW Pepega 123 Hunter1 hahahahh pepega1234 Pepega123 Pepega123 can you unban me :) 몰라 어케하는지 @Rush do you have hangul password even on NA account? 123 KEKW pepega Pepega 123 let's go Password was Pepega Monster Pepega123 12 Pog @Rush i saw password in reflection of your glasses 123 ??? Pepega KEKW Change your passwords bro its leaked @Rush Pog congrats finishing diamond :) 5Head IM IN @zixianguo get mobi boots and roam to midlane or top as well no emotional play today KEKW Pepege mods UNBAN ME NOW BigBrother unban space thename @Rush leaked how do u get banned here man? Rush so chill KEKW /ban pvamn diamond lol \ban rush yasS B+ KEKW b+ Diamond KEKW B+ KEKW M OMEGALUL DS BANNED Roosh PepegaPhone /unbanspacethename KEKW /unban TheName KevinTurtle ? Saber PogU B+ KEKW B+ how to climb fast as support??? LUL PepeHands FeelsBadMan Same PepeHands widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan same PepeHands widepeepoSad PepeHands PepeHands THENAME D: i wanna die LOL same PepeHands me too pepeHands PepeHands FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad too real PepeHands LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @i4mn01 I got banned once :( but mod said it's a mistake same widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan jg gap victim LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ㄴㄴ ho w to see chat log same widepeepoSad Saber xfsnAYAYA FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad Same widepeepoSad PepeHands jng gap victim LUL same AYAYA TROX widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan unban /moooooot DUO SABER chat loak i wanna die FeelsGoodMan PepeHands no rush por qué :( it worked! kind boy FeelsGoodMan FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad PepeHands @Rush u think saber will get gm? Pepega Mods 어녕이 ;) Pepega mods INTpact LUL new mods Pepega Boomer mod KEKW Pepega how do i unban myself FeelsGoodMan Pepega pepe mods Pepega Pepega mod Yes Pepega Pepega Pepega PogChamp monkaW Or you can do /user Rush make me mod please e JUST FIND IT 4Heed @quote_if_greek_joy tell greg to stream squadR Pepega Mods don't know how to mod Pepega TRUE KEKW Good mod Pepega Pepega 4HEad Pepega ddddd Pepega 4Head LUL LUL 4HEad whoa 200 iq ikr Pepega Kapp 4Heed Kapp @c9sneaky KEKW 5Head LULW Kap LUL Pepega Kap LOL LUL Kapp mod Pepega LUL Kapp Kapp Kapp @namichu I think it's: /user name Kapp Kapp 5Head Kapp so smart Kapp KEKW LUL 5Head massive brain Stop boolie mod widepeepoSad 5Head ah yes How much mana Jayce Q costs level 6 5Head 4Head JUST REMEMBER IT 5Head Kap OK i remember :) 5Head How much xin zhao E cost? @Rush i remember that Taliyah Q @Rush What is the mana cost. TELL US NEXT GAME 5Head coast 5Head ? Kapp so smart NA players dont know mana costs NotLikeThis 5Head jg gap victim KEKW BIG BRAIN CHAT, JUST REMEMBER 4HEad Lee doesnt even have mana 5Head KEKW roosh has coming @Rush elise q cost? ? SO SMART I SEE 5Head ??? Nani muted 5Head JUST REMEBER 4Head How much mana xin zhao E cost? @Rush 5Head FreakinStinkin 5Head Kappa Rush are you going to live in impact's building ? that legit makes no sense Pog G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E Just buy all mana items 4Head 5Head @Rush you got it enabled though POG 5Head he knows WTF Pog KEKW 5Head AGREE PogU That’s doomb you waste brain energy remembering it LUL - Taliyah Q @Rush What is the mana cost. how much is darius r at level 16? GOOGLE nerf roosh how much is Elise W @Rush Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Taliyah Q costs 1 @Rush do you know why my dad left me? Pepega KEKW SO BAD KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp KEKW Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW how much mana is Renekton Q Kappa roosh = gg What is mana cost of Riven's Q? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW So smart Kappa KEKW KEKW SURE Kapp KEKW pvman = nolifeGG KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Jebaited chat KEKW !subs LUL KEKW Kapp Kapp khazix w play elise JAYCE Q MAX LEVEL KEKW Kapp ASHE W naut hook @Rush @Rush elise cocoon how much kindred W cost !subcount Current sub count: 871 trundle Q aphelios e cost KEWK Galio Q lvl 1 KEKW = KEKW lee sin IVERN W :) nidalee spear rank 3 How much mana does ryze Q no :) OMEGALUL what is mana of nidalee jump? : ^) @Rush karthus Q never lands q so doesnt matter @Rush ZOE Q LVL 3 @Rush shyvana Q manacost HOW MUCH MANA DOES GAREN E COST Elise snare mana cost? ekko q mana cost tryndamere q mana cost @rush brad E cost @Rush @rush Go yasuo jungle Rush dont google it 😠 chat WeirdChamp is impact going to start recruit young players and bully them like griffin? BibleThump Googling LUL @Rush elise cocoon . hec q @Rush KEKW GOOGLE ivern r rank 2 we can hear the typing LUL KEKW GOOGLE KEKW KEKW KEKW CHEATING !opgg YUUMI'S E, HOW MUCH MANA MR @Rush @Rush Darius R max ranked 70 KEKW Zilean rank 4 Q KEKW LUL 50 bro loool cheating 💿 G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E LUL TEEMO E G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E how much xp does it take for me to jack off? 3rd cast of kassadin ult GOOGLE KEKW PogU he got it 50 e -> r -> q not google using BING NO CHEATING 😡 LULW ELISE CACOON LVL 1` zed q Elise cocoon ELISE CACOON??? GOOGLE KEKW ACTUALLY CHEATING KEKW LUL taking a while GOOGLESEN KEKW KEKW KEKW google faster 80 G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E not using google Pog kekw Scam 😡 G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E S E N G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E Pog G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL LSEN SO GOOD Poog MF Q at level 3 G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL G L E KEKW u already dead in game 5Head 5Head @rush i can send you ashe link KEKW 💿 KEKW cheating KEKW @rush reksai e mana cost at lvl 2 5Head KEKW @Rush Aphelios q? Pog 5Head of course MaN wrong LUL Kapp Cheating so smart Cheater 😡 can you play trundle ? @Rush Pog EZ Clap slow brain KEKW 💿 Pog @Rush how much cost graves's Q 5Head SLOW G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL GLER KEKW LULW EVERYTHING 70 KEKW G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL GLESEN How do you do it Pog No way Pog wow so smart KAPOW Pog KEKW theyre all 70 YUUMI'S E @Rush 5Head Kapp Pog totally not cheating woopsLUL GOOGLE WeirdChamp ?????????? WOAH Pog Pog PogU FROM MEMORY Slow brain legit KApp u huh MrDestructoid wow hes so smart 5Head so smart not reading Kappa boxBlank Clap 5Head KEKW 5Head SO SMART Kapp He knows everything 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head Pog Kapp Big brain 5Head 5Head can you alt tab and google at Worlds ?? Kapp Clap 5Head Pog Pog Pog Pog 5Head Pog NOT READING Pog 5Head so smart guy 5Head 5Head 5Head so smart Kapp 5Head 5Head 5Head how is roosh so 5Head KR 5Head 5Head Kapp 5Head @Rush elise E 5Head OMG rush, how are you so smart LUL Pog 5Head @Rush Dont you feel stupid for knowing all this things ? 5Head Pog WTF 5Head Clap quite elementary pre recrded HOW DOES HE DO IT PogU every spell costs 70 mana rush said so 5Head 🍷 I see HE CAN READ PogChamp Kappa google is so good LUL Pog is there a naked woman on the left or why are you looking there Kapp @rush MF Q at level 3 40 fight? Pog SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE 70 mana Poggers 5Head korean brain 5Head true MASTER PLAYER LULW Rengar Q mana Pepega Kapp PogU Google KEKW KEKW LULW rush is a genius who just happens to play lol, he could have been next newton why are you keep looking to the left? Kapp KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW SURE Kapp Kapp 50 Kapp Kapp what is singed q cost ? @rush WOW ! ryze ult @Rush OMEGALUL i'ts 50 !playlist 9 T @Rush how long do you think it takes to learn leesin?? 2-3 weeks? VLAD Q D: E costs 50 LOL SAME 3 SONGS LULW pvman widepeepoHappy monkaHmm camille widepeepoSad £§¥_~^;:99oli8 IT COST CD.... camille Pog Tryn Q W E R ? @rush reksai e mana cost at lvl 2 KEKW BasedGod self snitch @Rush how much is camille q OMEGALUL KEKW "BUFFED" Kapp Rush camile jg LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW rush on camille PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW !camille 8% max health 5Head HP KEKW !song 5Head KEKW HP KEKW SMITE KEKW WOW Pog hp HP lee sin q second activation Pog IT COST HP KEKW LOL FIRE THIS MAN !songlist @vvsonnievv that's a bad question. what if u only play 1 game a week THIS IS WHY HES FA KEKW fap COSTS NEGATIVE HP PogYou and singed q? @rush SINGED Pog THICK SMITE KEKW Clap IT COSTS HP KEKW DEM PANTS THO Pog @rush MF Q at level 3 THICC YHICC AF thicc JI` doctorSTARE CHAIR STREAM PogU THICC Q COSTS NOTHING DUMB CHAT KEKW VLADIMIR E COSTS HP NOT Q @rush how to fap in korea is pom is illegal IRON CHAT T H I C C forgot to change smite KEKW vlad q costs mana Pepega chat MisterKhiro no no its YHICC whythe hell does he do his pants like that everyday with muted kpop vids @xlim_ thats true im thinking 2-3 days aweek 5-6 games @gjking23 there are a lot of sites not blocked WeirdChamp oh i thought he said e LEE SIN seconds phase of w??? @namichu how @namichu one leg up KEKW @SkiingGod ahh yes ofcourse, stupid me! thanks brother <3 WeirdChamp pvman inting ranked games again one side is always rolled up wtf its for easier fap access @namichu fashion lynUWU @vvsonnievv I'm not expert but I'd say hes one of the hardest junglers to master honestly fap accsess prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cause of the way he sits prob its called fashion @namichu WeirdChamp google it @swurtwur it gives life steal @namichu It's fashion honey, look it up Kapp ROOSHHHHH pvman's camille =Gg PepoThink @tentbrellamain WeirdChamp KappaPride THICC namichu he's such a tease *swoons* his leg al folded up round his body @TreeCucumber I dont think because lets be honest he aint got a foot long freom subway impact singed otp ? rush is actually in prison widepeepoSad @tentabrellamain WeirdChamp chat is full of wierdos today LOL LUL thanks widepeepoSad bnj rush @Rush are you going back to the esports scene !uptime i didnt goı ㅎ__ㅎ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! I kiss my computer screen where your webcam is, please kiss me back ;) ;) @coldbier3, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 2 mins D: INT PACKT more like Get Carried Intpact LUL impact Pog luvelyHeart luvelyHeart StriderDGAF subscribed at Tier 1. i also <3 :) KEKW 😳 D: :) D: D: D: D: KEKW SCAMMED KEKW :) D: D: KEKW D: WHY NOT SCAMMER D; KEKW free money :D Toxic Streamer! SCAMMAZED KEKW D: kiss him back scammer LUL LUL LUL ff LUL :) rain free money What a motherfcker D: wtf rush :( llsLove DansGame DAS SOME GUDDIE MUSIC BOYYY @Rush how is it a free money if you have to sit in front of the PC for the whole day? RAIN i have a irl int pact w my potted plant :z who's rush duo with my pp gets bigger and bigger when I watch roosh Kapp KEKW no emotional play today widepeepoSad Pepega Clap !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Kapp Kapp FBPass pvmanMonkey 20 Kills for enemy KEKW impact doesnt want you in his lane KEKW Kapp kappa start e for fun her ganks are too strong ok Kappa Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ok Kapp Kappa Kappa Kapp i have 47% winrate :( ok SURE Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp ok Kappa KEKW I dont want gank top pvmanisggkekw ? Kapp wat could go wrong Kappa Kap CAP, he's gonna int him again Pog no level 1 int FeelsBadMan Kapp sure Kapp invade 4fun Kappa KEKW @xlim_ yer want to know if his worth the time my champ pools basicly warwick kayn and thresh might just see some youtube vids tbh for fun invade Invading with blue KEKW Hes gonna get carried by singed again KEKW Pog EZ Pog WOW Pog EZ Clap Pog Pog Pog Pog EZ Pog Ez PogChamp never miss skillshots if you never use them 4Head 1 camp gank EZ Pog HIGH TEMPO GAMEPALY Pog holy fuk Pooga HIGH TEMPO Pog Pog Pog Pog Always fighting, never farming Pog that was actually insane Pog ??????? fast gachiW wait for it chat PepeLaugh PauseChamp Kapp dont think you can kill m8 Pog ruined tempo KEKW ill eat my words if it happens Kapp lmao KEKW _wtf Kapp KEKW Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL HIGH TEMPO GAMEPLAY KEKW INT KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW pvman=gg KEKW INT KEKW pvman = gg KEKW KEKW fucking bronze high tempo gameplay KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW Inted KEKW U are so stupid KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Emotional KEKW GGMAN KEKW KEKW JUNGLE DIFFERENCE KEKW KEKW why wouldnt she have it KEKW pvman = gg KEKW high tempo KEKW KEKW LUL alkUpset nice you already lose the game LULW pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg KEKW LUL dude its 3 minutes in ofc he has f at 3min ofc he has f DU OMEGALUL KEKW y would he not have F at 3mins lul widepeepoSad int time KEKW WASSHED UP KEKW KEKW to galaxy brain for me pvman = alkUpset SMOrc KEKW why wouldnt she have flash at 3 mins lmfao negative tempo inting impact KEKW widepeepoSad MAP AWERNESS pvman = gg pvman = gg widepeepoSad emotional play LUL widepeepoHappy ok... HIGH TEMPO INT better jg wins i guess KEKW pvman = ff KEKW high tempo high death count KEKW Impact telling you how to not be a monkey and you just ignore him @Rush why u so washed up ? LUL Why is he duoing with an inter KEKW inting 😡😡 20cs at 10min again? KEKW POOR IMPACT BibleThump gg emotional gameplay FireEmoji_ great mids 5Head Pvman = auto ff LUL Level 2 KEKW literally literally just did one buff 4 minutes in KEKW JEJW TOOK YOUR RED KEKW level 2 lv2 KEKW LVL 2 KEKW 4 MIN 4 CS KEKW EZ FireEmoji_ minds* lvl 2 Pog roosh = gg that combo PogChamp EZ Clap CAROLINA no farm only ganks welcome to season 10 4 cs Pog lvl 2 Pog WTF IS THIS KEKW PVMAN = 15ff KEKW champs start with flash wtf LUL invade lvl 2 vs lvl 4 1 cs/minute Pog 4 CS OM 4 MINS NEW RECORD Pog @FizzInViJanna sick name mooW take his blue 😡 take the blue????? FARM no cs only gank PogU CA RO LINAWhy dont u take blue? Farming champs PogU lvl 2 btw 5 CS? PogU lvl 2 ez clap KEKW no catchup XP season 10 rush might finish in plat KEKW @nakedcowboy18 peepoFat KEKW monkaS farming HWOW 7 CS Pog lvl 3 PogU hes farming Pog Impact said HWOW pveman Pog 11 Pog Pog No catch up xp PepeLaugh 11 cs PogU Thats ballzy AF D: level 3 DansGame 2 CS/ Minute Pog go to farm man KEKW KEKW U TROLLED KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW 2v2 PepeLaug BaITED CASS LULW lmao that hook??? KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW KEKW KEKW Baited laner gave 2 kills KEKW KEKW SO BAD KEKW GGMAN KEKW high tempo gameplay !!! LuL LUL pvman = gg KEKW KEKW BAITED CASS AND DIED KEKW LULW ez baitered D: pv= GG KEKW Baited laner KEKW baited even if blitz wasnt there GGMAN KEKW KEKW stupid guy í streaming open KEKW its ok pvgg = man Jebaited high tempo deaths KEKW huh D: hit box ? WEAK MENTAL KEKW MUTE ! KEKW Losing to 17 yrs old KEKW D: D: Bait team into loss KEKW D: D: help me 2v3 KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: DuckerZ HUH stupid guy is streaming JG GAP PepeLaugh calm baiting teamnates KEKW Roosh widepeepoSad the reverse bait KEKW 2002? translate ? getting triggered by 17 year old zoomer KEKW E FeelsBadMan E Impact good PMA !uptime @Riser1312, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 8 mins level 3 KEKW think about your blood pressure e i swear the league playerbase has so many salty nerds KEKW typing after every play that goes wrong he said "pvman = gg" Kappa pvgg=man KEKW missed E KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW TOP DIE KEKW why has he not taken red? pvman = perfect execution gachiGASM ROOSH PRETTY BOY GGMAN = PV KEKW human trash = league players in general LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL old man reactions KEKW LUL gachiW @TreeCucumber KEKW JD Cass EZ Pog cass>pvman KEKW chat, scale 1-10, how pretty is ROOSH SOWM CHAT JD THX 16 CS Pog 11 10 10 gachiW HOT BOY RUSH gachiGASM SPAM JD CHAT THANKS 9 pajac -10 :) 7 mins bot 0 gank KEKW Duo PLayer 69 6.9 hello bro @Rush Cho'gath Jungle is very strong at the moment, fun too. JD EVENT I am ROOSH his mom, he is 100 pretty @pasteyboi__ good in bronze monkaS ? @dzbangucio WeirdChamp killed no one KEKW monka KEKW unable to hit an e PogU GG LUL Pog Pog kr solo q Pog fleet KEKW ??????? OMEGALUL pvman+gg Pog LMAO HAHAHAH ?????? ??????? KEKW KEKW ET U KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFAO KEKW LMAO OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????? KEKW KEKW GG KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEK =W LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW holy my eyes NICE FLASH BRO KEKW ???? KEKW KEKW LUL OMEGALUL PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog !clip Pog If you saw something funny happen, please clip it so it gets into the YouTube highlights! You can also direct message the link to @bastii_ to get credited! Pog Pog KEKW lol KEKW 5Head kayle? 1000IQ PogU KEKW IMPACT Pog True 5Head 5Head KEKW my eyeballs PepeHands my eyeballs xD 5Head 5Head 5Head actually 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head no true PogChamp kekew TRUUUU KEKW korea KEKW 100 pretty but a 100 IQ lol full hp soraka balanced KEKW impact is widepeepoSad EYE BALSH KEKW planned PogU 5Head ROOSH 5Head no joke kkkkkkkkk sadpeepoTrue........ pvman = duo tilt RUSH TAX DUO LANE KEKW !uptime TY Impact :) @xanrinaa, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 12 mins 5Head Impact eyeballs PepeHands playing singed in dia why would the kayle stay !song !uptime @thelegendofparnstar, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 12 mins i watch camile and ivern hentai EZ Clap what is impact stream ? KEKW NICE E KEKW @brankodrama please Ur ok e Pepega E KEKW D: camille thicc Kreygasm e mechanics LUL KEKW what is Impact's stream ? ohh PogU impact not stream on twitch right??? Pog hit e Pog No assists PogYou no lul Who is this guy PogU E PogU @ebinaumr hes not PogU who isimpact? HE IS INSANE PogChamp WHAT DID U DO TO RUSH PogU BibleThump oh sad which champ where does he stream ? tarzTiza tarzTiza FeelsBadMan Kreygasm 36 CS KEKW Blanced conq on mages FeelsBadMan Soraka Kreygasm where does Impact stream ? HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta Impact is tlimpact on twitch but he is not streaming right now Feels Batman @djtengu singed conq on everything Tiamet Does impact stream taimet TIAMET no jungle only gank 5Head !rank calm down hashinshins 0 impact is on mixer bolo Thanks TransgenderPride impact streams on Facebook KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EKW KEKW KEKW KEKW saved Impact tho Bie bie Rush :( KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SAVE UR LIFE KEKW KEKW KEKW INT KEKW KEKW INTPACT FeelsPumpkinMan nvm KEKW KEKW LUL BOTH DED KEKW KEKW KEKW impact trolling tarzTiza tarzTiza KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW INTPACT KEKW INTpact KEKW KEKW KEKW INT DUO KEKW mixer league of legends section 51 views PepeLaugh KEKW INTpact LUL INTpact KEKW PE0 impact needs 6 more deaths to scale up dw report premades KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW 38 CS KEKW Rush I’m going to swallow your one eyed dragon INTpact PepeLaugh 38 CS KEKW so funny Its time for cassio carry you both Pepega monster how is he 6-3 with a friend like rush, who needs an enemy? !rank Impact streams on youtube live he was going so bad hitbox lul KEKW pvman = gg 63-42 CS KEKW impact online on fapturbate omg i cant understand impact's english KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW beaten KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW he can KEKW KEKW KEKW Soraka Pog IRELIA KEKW KEKW soraka GOD No assist KEKW no emotional play today. KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KR IRELIA KEKW tarzWut ??????? 4Head hydro homie KEKW ^4HEad FREE TARZANED 4HEad 4Head TRUE 4HEad 4Head just play better Pepega thanks for the advice 3Head @Rush are you emotional? FREE TARZ ♿♿♿♿ Roosh coming through ♿♿♿♿ FREE JAMES JUNGLE GOD <3 !uptime @lolfrenzy, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 18 mins KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW KEKW KEKW DUO KEKW baiting impact KEKW INT DUO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW PJSalt jg diff :) WeirdChamp WeirdChimp avatar Pog intpact + ggman KEKW WTF ? D: Jungle gap KEKW definitily not you giving him kill Kappa enemy ekko PogChamp roosh ekko PepeLaugh FF man WeirdChamp poor impact, target int by his duo WeirdChimp BloodTrail jgl dif if you see roosh in your lobby dodge KEKW ji suk jin oppa anyone know the song name? outjungled again peepoSad oh nyooo what about impact that main leesin did he quit the game? MaldChamp 4fun player KEKW atla PogChamp Is this the famous off role korean jungler that everybody dodges ? roosh = free lp .... for the enemy team KEKW WeirdChamp 👉 MaldChamp some lofi mix of the avatar ost Walmarto subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 0w0 MaldChamp 👈 PepeLaugh if you see roosh in your body dodge OWO ? MALD > MaldChamp WeirdChimp cass??? OWO 0W0 its OwO not 0w0 Millionaire top laner teaching jobless jungler how to play 0w0 0W0 FKING UwU AYAYA MaldChamp MALD lynOWO really long e Kappa KEKW KEKW kai sa KEKW rly balanced KEKW really long D HandsUp KEKW Kreygasm SO LONG Kapp PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU BETTER JUNGLER Pog PogU POGGERS PogYou rus Pog Not inting Pog TPFufun owo Pog PogO Pog RUSH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH PogU Pog PogU Pog Charge Pog Pog Pog positive kda PogU WHO IS THIS PogU CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob Pog dat champ LUL PogChamp not grey screen PogU Thought Camille jungle is dead PogChamp PagChomp ROOSH HAS A BIG CHARISMA GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! rooBlank Hey Undyin rooEZ who is this guy someone get him into the lcs oh wait Pepelaugh !opgg !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU english show morell OMEGALUL more elo Singed GUNBLADE @Rush hey rush are u smurfing for fun today? ChomPag PogYou M OMEGALUL RELLO @nazzet how did you sleep?! PrimeMe @Undyin just sleep 4HEad 😡 VoteNay STOP bullying Rush 😡 VoteNay NO Kekw today ❗ Rush WILL smurf only 😡 pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap Pog WTF KEKW EZ Pog OUUUUU BIG FLEXER DMG monkaW EZ EZ Clap dmg inc steal KEKW PogYou EZ Clap Soraka Pog SMITE KING Pog PogU KEKW 🖕 Pog Pog Pog SMITE KING Pog who is this streamer PogU ???? PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU Pog PogU soraka carrying tank Pog EZ Clap eziest game of my life EZ Clap PREDICT Pog EZ Pog Pog Pog EZ clap PVMAN IS GOOD widepeepoHappy Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog EZ Clap is soraka a good pic now? EZ ASF KEKW pvman = win 10/4 PogU everybody porcoddio! white people happy widepeepoHappy pvman = gg widepeepoHappy CAMILLE 1 TRICK?? boxBob boxBob Rush is good widepeepoHappy whitepeoplesad WeirdChimp black people sad so how good is Camille jungle now days/ StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning ratirlCozy ratirlCozy boxLewd boxLewd KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle soraka pog KEKQ PrimeRlyTho ^ KEKW KEKW rush is a great start to my mornings [= baiting KEKW KEKW baiting Kappa baiting KEKW @Walmarto Garbage since only thing that matters in the jg now is farming Rush the master baiter PogU LUL impact PogU GG PogU ZULUL gg EZ impact PogU Pogey Pog ZULUL ZULUL pvman = gg Pog ZULUL PogU EZ EZ Clap ZULUL we won VI VON VI VON ZULUL widepeepoHappy ZULUL EZ Clap PogYou impact carry PogChamp @Rush 😡 ask Impact why he thinks your Camille is troll :rage nasty flank camille jg stil lworks? Roosh free Tri Hard emote support singed Pog VI VON ZU LUL EZ kaisa noob Pepega D: EZ Clap lol D: VI VON ZULUL WONNERED KEKW actually 5head gaming Clap EZ Clap EZ EZ Clap Carry Dynamic Duo lol KEKW FREE TRI HARD EMOTE 69 EZ Clap EZ Clap impact carry PogChamp !!! 러쉬님 오늘도 화이팅 N OMEGALUL OMEGALUL B soraka carried 69 sing sinjed TRAP AYAYA TRAPS gachiW kaisa noob trap Kreygasm TRAP AYAYA best intpacter rooh Pvman in my team? :O Gg, easy win. B) SINKED Pepege Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp RUSH ALWAYS LOSE LUL BLACK LIVES MATTER FREE TRI HARD Kapp because perma snus Traps AYAYA Clap Kapp snked Kapp !music D: skip honor lush rrrosh widepeepoHappy Krappa rush will only 7 friends widepeepoSad Kappa AYAYA 러쉬 good TRAPS UwU high impact !uptime @HOVisdrunk, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 28 mins he said "good job Loosh" meaning the Lucian :) high tempo ROOSH NEVER LOSE widepeepoSad roosh widepeepoHappy Kapp rooshnevahroos Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kapp Kappa Kapp KEKW Traps Kreygasm yes actually 100% wr Kapp Kapp Kapp sure CAMILLE SO CLEAN LUL Kapp Kapp rouge Kappa NO? KEKW KEKW lvl3 vs lvl 6' zero farm still win... @Rush roosh sometime lose WeirdChamp rush is bad jungle champion Roosh always lose PogChamp show opgg @Vanessa750 where?? Kappa pvmanHYPERS roosh = win pvman = lose BLACK LIVES MATTER FREE TRI HARD 5Head Rush usually lose NO EMOTIONAL do you think twitch chat has good mechanics 😡 VoteNay STOP bullying Rush 😡 VoteNay NO Kekw today ❗ Rush WILL smurf only 😡 pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap tfbW u need to be very clean CAMILLE HARD 2 PLAY LUL mooBruh mooBruh Kapp KEKW 😡 VoteNay STOP bullying Rush 😡 VoteNay NO Kekw today ❗ Rush WILL smurf only 😡 pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap Fake comments WeirdChamp Lowkey plugging xFSN_Saber widepeepoHappy Kapp fake message KEKW Rush reading fake chat messages LOL lies KEKW widepeepoHappy FAKE KEKW KEKW Kappa Kapp Paid actors in chat KEKW paid comments fake viewers KEKW @Rush ONLY 7 friends, pepehands Bots KEKW 44% win on camille LULW learn ekko @rush do you not remember your camille yesterday, 10 CS at 13 minutes cherrypicking comments KEKW FAKE KEKW nobody sais that KEKW Paid comment KEKW KEKW KEKW Camille braindead KEKW But camille is easy to play @Rush 😡 VoteNay STOP bullying Rush 😡 VoteNay NO Kekw today ❗ Rush WILL smurf only 😡 pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap FAKE MESSEGE KEKW Sponsored message KEKW Paid comments KEKW pvman camille = gg KEKW WeirdChamp fake comments roosh u are the best jg in KR u r fkin traaaaaaaaaaaaaaash rush you're my favorite gay streamer <3 paid KEKW HOW MUCH DID U PAY KEKW NOBODY SAID THAT KEKW paid actors KEKW delusional streamer KEKW paid actors WeirdChamp KEKW :rage: VoteNay STOP bullying Rush :rage: VoteNay NO Kekw today :exclamation: Rush WILL smurf only :rage: pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap Can you ask Impact what does he thinks of Singed? this is really entertaining. you play with soloq palyers like theyre hypnotized Paid comments PVMAN = CHOBO KEKW #ad Rush your camille is great :) NOW GIVE ME MY PAYCHECK LUL Roosh = gg KEKW I enjoy your stream and find you funny Rush :) Wholesome bots KEKW you inspired me to play camille Kapp self dono @Rush i enjoy the stream rush (real comment) tfb5 @rush play ekko LMAO did nobody actually say that KEKW This is the power of the TiP duo Synergy hey rush called off work today so i can make sure i typed in chat that ur a coward singed gachiGASM sing Pepega wow rush your camille is so good #sponsored comment I like impact more :) best tank. hungover?? sing ed? kappa nobody asked KEKW sing Pog Rush your camille is great :) [Don't forget to remove this part] check paypal sing ded PepoThink whens impact busting out the GP ? haha :) @Rush Im smelling Bacon all of a sudden and cant raise my left arm, what should i do? sing chobo KEKW tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head @rush 10 CS at 12 minutes on Camille yesterday, never feed how do you punish singed 신지드 Pog Lee singa it's sinjed @rush Aphelios jungle soon Pog @vibesOCE CC buy keys Rush your Camille is inspiring :) @vibesOCE walk into another direction and you win time to play karthus PogU singe·ing PepoThink FRENS? HERE? Free try hard @Rush if you could go pro in any other game, what would you choose? KEKW I want rush inside me singd Pepege I miss Team Impulse feelsbadman rush is my favorite gay streamer WidePeepoHappy singte SING Pepege PepoThink um lol sin jed is wrong Pepega @SlamTheFart xqcBall Jebaited seen jed CruW FREE TRYHARD Sin jed is the name your engrish is getting much better 😂 @SlamTheFart what do you think of greekgodxs singed widepeepoHappy Sinj’d gachiW roosh doctorSTARE @fyndhornelves lmao 😹 its like sinshudu @SlamTheFart LOLW 👌 How to counter champs that run nonstop like Yi and Singed: CC make that sinjd Oh no your AD is not korean LEEE xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW I cant stop playing camille pls help LOLW LOLW Free Rly Tho LUL LOLW LOLW LMAOOO LOLW Yi LOLW xqcSnow xqcCane xqcSanta xqcGr xqcBall play singed jg @rush LOLW LOLW QI AYAYA NA LOLW LOLW WutFace LOLW brrt @protamlan LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW WutFace ANY JOYERS LOLW KappaPride LOLW LOLW LOLW roosh's win rate 80% PogChamp WutFace LOLW 😹 plat sin - jed LOLW PunchTrees ???? 😹 😹 😹 LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW monkaW monkaW LOLW 😂🤣 LOL W 😹 😹 lolw LOLW LOLW WTF LOLW LOLW hasWut Joyers LOLW MUTED KEKW LOLW I CANT gmdBiotongue LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW invade lolw LOLW WeirdChamp socialists LOLW LOLW IM DYING LOLW LOLW JOYERS INVADE LOLW LOLW teemo what did i start LOLW elise plz LOLW ANY JUICERS LOLW STOP GUYS I CANT BREATHE LOLW Give back trihrqd MUTED KEKW KEKW LOLW LOLW MUTED SLAM THE FART LOLW WeirdChamp -> LOLW olaf PepeLaugh MUTED PepeLaugh J4 LOLW CHAT LK LIT KEKW LOLW Aww LOLW is the worst emote ever LOLW LOLW "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 "LOLW" 😂 LOLW Fml LOLW Hi Yoonjae @Rush LOLW LUL that fart KEKW NOW FART LOLW LOLW @Rush no more blitz sponsor or why new loadout? pvman = 🍌 alkGralli Play j4 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 “LOLW” 😂 dont u need tenacity over attack speed when u play with olaf? PepeLaugh LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW LOLW Rush Olaf = Dodge fart roosh = dodge !uptime @camilo23, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 33 mins D: LOLW pick me senna. "Dont have" LUL D: D: some sperg with a chat bot LOLW 👌 D: !list pvman = alkGralli POOGERS LOLW tarzLULZ Sneaky bully FeelsBadMan D: Roosh Pepega D: !duo forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek forsenKek DUO with IMPACT PogU D: WTF lmaoooooooooooo D: LOLW LOLW 👌 pvman sneakyC / you farted !music TRUE D: D: kinda low Pepega / peepoSad not stupid D: wow D: Pepege D: D: THE CHAT REFLECTS THE STREAMER KEKW sneakyFeels sneakyFeels infected @Rush come to Brazil BrokeBack they always making trouble widepeepoSad chat stop spaming that MALD true LOLW 👌 D: D: i am 1 iq :) D: roosh's win rate 79% D: D: Rush can you unban me? lol Olaf next game please STOP BOOLI PunOko gmdBiothumb !UPTIME @xpepss, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 33 mins D: rude @Rush please play olaf Pepege 👍 @hotdogss HIIIIIIII !spotify @hotdogss peepoArrive sneaky1 sneaky2 The chat reflects the streamer Kapp Kappa Olaf next game rush @Rush if you could go pro in any other game, what would you choose? Kappa Kapp hotdoggss!!! Kapp boosted WeirdChimp Kapp Kapp Kappa sneaky2 Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa pro Kapp 100% PEPEGA @hotdogss gachiHYPER 100 Pog PogChamp Kapp Kapp EX- PRO PLAYER LUL MaldChamp @green_year i love u hotdoggs! dyrusSellout Kapp Kappa KappaHD MiniK kayn next game Kapp FeelsGoodMan good player Roosh so gud makes my pp bigger KEKW an accomplishment accomplishment yes achievment PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pepega that's why you gave your job opportunity to mike LOLW farming Kapp 's DO IT PogU admits to inting Pepega unless... 😳 Rush how did you get your client to be gibberish instead of a real language? @Rush POG duo saber @Rush balllzzz BALLS KEKW BRONZIL KEKW KEKW Easily KEKW KOREA IN WORLDS @hotdogss 🤡 Kapp Kap Kappa Kapp pro Krappa LUL 5Head Pepega CruW @Rush remember 2 months ago pvman 600 games 48% winrate? NA KEKW inting KEKW yodaBloodTrail 49% WINRATE KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp Kapp play volibear oi bruh Pepega korea 3rd best region now LULW Kappa isnt lpl better You can tell from looking at your eyes ;) ur god rush @brankodrama BasedGod Clap KEKW Japanese gameplay KR IN 2019 nationality pepega D2 BALLS PogU Racist? kr is the 3rd region after cn and eu PepeLaugh Korea LUL from SHAKERS region haHAA !elo 49% WR bronze Faker has like 51% win rate abusing duo though KappaHD pvman = 49% winrate NA player ? REVERSE-RACISM KEKW Pvman 48% monkaW Promos who didnt hit master's in bootcamp @Rush also your korean pp BigBrother @Rush help XFSN Saber! KOREA NOT EVEN BEST REGION @Rush what do u think of clash? BigBrother @Rush tinowns from br got 850lp KEKW @DankPineapple nationality is not a race you retart BigBrother widepeepoHappy letss run it down helping pepeLaugh sktfakerHi VoHiYo @Rush BigBrother nice lol isn't even a hard skillcap game LUL CHINA > KR @rush you are becoming washed up as IWD KEKW roosh > pvman KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW Korean in groups Pog Korean in Play offs LULW BM from NA.. d4 :( everyone think that's abusing duoq lol yoda1 yoda2 @Rush you should play this account to challenger, high win rate = Job Pog TRUE KEKW :) Kapp KEKW rush is boosting them KEKW yoda3 yoda4 lul KappaRoss KappaRoss rush get boosted @Rush help xFSN Saber! KEKW impact helping low elo jungle climb tinowns from br got 850lp getting boosted KEKW o_0 what a nice person :) yodaYodinha ROOOOSH Kapp 2 world champs helping rush LULW Am I the only one who who can easily picture Rush as a 40+ asain dad whose slightly upset with his daughter beig influenced by western culture and us bever bot frowning? BOOSTING WORLDS CHAMPS KEKW ResidentSleeper why her? widepeepoHappy yodaYodinha yodaYodinha yodaYodinha yodaYodinha yodaYodinha Rush giving boosting service KappaHD KappaHD Boosting KEKW Why are you gettting boosted? KEKW WutFace WutFace Kb46 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Rush it is very nice of you to help these NA players. Kind Boy Kind boy <3 SKT RUSH play camille!!! Kreygasm Kreygasm @zaly77 Faker is probably the last person to give a fuck about SoloQueue, and limit test dat shit more than a NA Challenger smurfing in Iron KEKW PokSuicune PokSuicune PokSuicune @mrbearjohn yodaQI VoHiYo <3 VoHiYo sktfakerThumbsup Impact and Corejj are such good friends. Boosting Rush so he can get high rank so LCS teams will hire him Kappa pvman permaban?? play elise your Camille so gud HAS EMOTIONAL PLAYER START? KEKW WidePeepoSad No emotional plays PokMachamp Kapp Faker is WASHED Kapp KEKW KEKW Kapp paid actor KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp Kapp KEKW Sponsored message KEKW PokMewtwo #ad ?? KEKW #ad :O PokPikachu LUL real Kappa @rush almost washed up as IWD RUSH ALT KEKW KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss Jebaited KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss Kapp its a bot PogU Wow rush how are you so good! PogChamp ($2 has been added to your PayPal account) TehePelo Kappa ITS RUSH ALT KEKW pvmanMonkey PogU paid actor is it your parents account? chat are the real carry for feeding rush LOLW monkaS monkaW TL Rush? monkaW monkaS NOCUTURNE nobody is as washed as IWD dark niece? monkaW Rush alt KEKW what was your favoruite subject rush? monkaS NOC abuser paid actor monkaW monkaW <3 monkaW monkaW monkaW Watching you since 2016, you got keyboard and mouse now PogChamp f noc monkaW PowerUpL B) PowerUpR DARKNESS roosh only play small skill champion : ( broken <3 <3 <3 no atk speed KEKW Nocturne int for the promo? haHAA Nocturne monkaW pee stream when ? can't wait for rush Pepega charge on nocturne KEKW I'm banned from iwd chat for nothing lee <3 <3 <3 <3 THICC BLUE DOOR KEKW ever noticed how those nice donations only come in when he's not ingame? monkaHmm cmon Bruh monkaS he gone @Undyin nothing Kappa @Undyin ME TOO kekw monkaHmm DED monkaW $ farting Kappa LUL D: Turbo int Champ Pog ratirlStare @hotdogss @Undyin widepeepoSad hessaLove jax in s10 LULW Prison stream LULW gachiBASS HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp living in a mcdonalds playhouse KEKW HandsUp gachiW gachiBASS I SAW IT HandsUp gachiBASS gachiBASS I WILL NEVER CLICK ON AN IWD STREAM AGAIN @Rush presence of mind? HandsUp HandsUp I saw it HandsUp what did rush to get into korean prison? HandsUp gachiW HandsUp chair stream PogU I like it HandsUp I SAW IT HandsUp HandsUp why outside is so dark monkaW sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff @baratolo__ read patch notes why choose bronze champ when you're a mechanical genius? I SAW IT HandsUp @undyin So was i I @DONGERZ_ xqcBall yep sneaky fans still in chat click 10% attack speed pls WutFace gachiW MO MO SHOW SISTER PogU 🍰 AYAYA ? D: D: D: HandsUp WE SAW IT HandsUp D: D: OpieOP D: Fat Sister D: D: take att speed D: PogU D: D: D: Pepega OpieOP Kreygasm sister squadW Clap widepeepoSad Dont call sister fat D: @8kuji777 oh LULW rude D: FAT SISTER KEKW D: yoo D: stole it from sister WeirdChimp D: show sister! D: D: D: show cake KEKW UNGRATEFUL SISTER PepeLaugh "fat sister" dickrush LUL HER CAKE Kreygasm squadW D: mean D: D: Na belly incoming NA sister OpieOP SISTER Kreygasm show SISTER HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp Attack speed rune? Let us see this fat sister you drunk samdasoo bro oh his sister cames to the prison to visit him feelsgoodman LULW If you dont have bread just eat cake 🍰🍰🍰 Att speed thicc sister Kreygasm squadW squadW squadW lul D: @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show cake please peepoFat BULLYING SISTER KEKW sister from NA LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW thicc sister KEKW squadR squadR yasS squadR squadR squadR Show sister LOLW KEKW KEKW NA sisters LUL LULW LOL THICC SISTER Kreygasm NA sister = fat Kappa pvman = chubby chaser KEKW @Rush you're my favorite diamond streamer :) show sister Kreygasm i thought sister was bad and got kicked out? @Rush widepeepoSad RUSH SISTER IS NOT FAT SHOW SISTER toxic D: ROOOOSHH you ate samdasoo bro <3 squadR squadR @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show cake please peepoFat @Rush show your sister and ill show mine PAWG KKona Clap my 230lb sister loves watching you Ads KEKW my @Rush show sisters feet ! peepoFat KEKW Kkona @Rush can you explain the idea behind conq rengar? Thicc ppl watch Roosh NA SISTERS = FAT KEKW MY? adds <3 <3 <3 <3 @Rush If you show the cake you have to show your sister 😡 teespoon25 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! ads wow this chat is LOLW KKona lets quit stream SKT Ryze monkaW who is boosting? impact or you? MY SISTER FAT X @Rush whats your net worth? FeelsPumpkinMan why araptive dmg over attafk speed KEKW what happened to his hair Time to download U block origin waffleAngry show cake on sisters head MingLee NaM ? AYAYAY MingLee AYAYA Clap MingLee Pepega who is boosting? impact or you? @Rush NaM why only 2 pots? MingLee NOCTOOOOOOOON is that chinese? top MingLee Pepega rush you will lose to graves ppoverheat yep Pepega CHCHCHCH @legoliana no NaM korean legoliana MingLee doctorTHINK this guy has to be the sweetest pro player ever that is Japanese @legoliana KEKW sheep KEKW @Rush ask impace why 2 pots Kkona NaM he say ornn and nocturne impact getting old KEKW NAIZU Rush is the most NA pro player kekw niceu UWU sheep, ship, or sip 🤔 top die morning rush senpai 🐑 squadW NaM Goat Pepega chat when to use "NaM" and when to use "MingLee" ? NaM anneHeart AYAYA AYAYA EMOTIONAL PLAY INC KEKW monkaW squadW INT INC KEKW MercyWing1 yasS MercyWing2 @ChiselledPeasant easy to stack, 15% lifesteal at max stack, free ad, why not? nice it's rush my 18th favorite jungle streamer @coldbier3 they dont know OK D: xd @coldbier3 NaM cohhD EMOTIONAL INC KEKW KEKW KEKW NaM forsenGun AYAYA KEKW KEKW pokiW Clap KEKW EMOTIONS KEKW MALD poki1 poki2 @coldbier3 use that whenever Rush tries to say "conqueror" MALD oh god KEKW BOOSTED LUL danH open no emotional play KEKW @rush why dont you listen to ziruza ashe adc inting already fml PepeLaugh pokiVV moon23 moon24 moon2M LUL @CptTeempo PogYou moon2M Clap linklaam rooPog @CptTeempo HI CAPTAIN AYAYA Why did he leave the 1 chicken gweatgawi rooHappy poop moon2LOLE any gifters? ratirlGift int inc quackPoop moon2LOLE Kapp !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ @MAXIMUM_TESTOSTER0NE cause it doesnt respawn, its counterjungle Poop danP rush trainign TL players Kappa @MAXIMUM_TESTOSTER0NE it distorts the jungle respawn times peepoFat impact Pog I would smash rush no cap JAX KEKW ALCOVE Pog basically solokilled Pog Pog easy gank jax ??? LUL KEKW @MAXIMUM_TESTOSTER0NE it was the enemy jungle. it's so doesnt respawn and longer camp respawn timer for enemy why is there an extra area in the corner wtf taxing KEKW @shadedh ohh smart TAXED KEKW yasFat danH KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW rush coming for mental support peepoFat i want to eat and eat, and eat all day , and eat more again 3Head TO EXPENSIVE TAXES LUL smooth brain kass impact didnt even need you KR TAXES KEKW he 1v1ed lol FUCK HIM KEKW LULW better jg wins KEKW KEKW Kass in lane KEKW Jebaited KEKW JEBAITED JG DIFF KEK Jebaited LUL JG DIFF KEKW PogU PogU Impact carry PogU PogU JG GAP KEKW clean tower aggro PogU hehe ashe is flaming kass and tahm B) tahm kench LUL KEKW clutch KR SWAP KEKW B) B) ? 10k people in chat KEKW B) ryze name kekw 'people' MrDestructoid impact tower is full of korean egirls KEKW I like to watch rush with my morning coffee B) MrDestructoid good stream B) DatSheffy B) chat is cool B) B) 4fun LULW B) EZ B) / KEKW inc lol mid missing yuh B) monkaW B) graves monkaS @Rush why do you have viewbots in chat MrDestructoid no prio No flash :) monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW i m here but ii m shy dont @ me pepehands dnt know where graves is and yet do dragon ?? FeelsBadMan PepeHands FeelsBadMan MingLee LUL FeelsBadMan damn.. :z diana buffs PepeLaugh kassadin nerfs PepeLaugh ryze nerfs PepeLaugh senna nerfs PepeLaugh KEKW 4fun4 L LUL L 4fun4 KEKW KEKW PepeHands LUL LUL LUL KEKW nice q KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan PogYou BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump bro MONKAw monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW MONKAw widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy monkaW monkaW widepeepoHappy widepoopoHappy monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW PogU KEKW KEKW graves KEKW Pog KEKW SO CLEAN LUL WIDOPPL HAPPY LUL Pog KEKW CYA NERD D: KEKW KEKW D: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kt rush pog the boy Pog KEKW ?? lool Pog PogU Gets ulted soon did he win last game? dont die D: gachiW D: rush im here slow finger players gachiW good jungler MrDestructoid POGCHAMP I want you too , rush :) KEKW RaccAttack POOGERS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DansGame KEKW KEKW LUL whats wrong with emotional play LUL KEKW KEKW POGGERS KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW LULW sushiLUL KEKW @Rush u good my friend POGGERS ? monkaS I enjoy this stream MrDestructoid Kappa LUL Krappa Not sorry LUL Kappa impactvlad = gg Dansgame LUL LUL LUL kassadin Pog monkaW PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob IMPACT VLAD DansGame LUL LUL U WANNA LOSE MALD you wanna lose DansGame KappaPride we inting Impact again? :L kass solo kill Pog Non-Korean Kassadin Pog BlessRNG CurseLit DansGame EarthDay FreakinStinkin Pepege Pepga Pepega Pepega Pepege LUL Pepege heeeeee Pepege KappaPride Pepege Pepega hehehehehehe Pepege sup my little gay Pepege Pepege 4 hour stream KEKW Pepege Pepege Pepege Pepege HEHEHE KEKW Pepege !followage Pepege @crissthian, crissthian has been following rush for 8 months 16 days 3 hours pepege pupuga DansGame Pepege Pepege impact vlad DansGame Pepege Pepege Pepege ult 4fun Pepega Pooga PepeHands Wgwgwgwgwgwgwgwgww KEKW Pepege pupuga KEKW KEKW KEKW doctorDIARRHEA KEKW Pepega Jax ult KS KEKW KEKW KEKW JAX KEKW ?????? KEKW Click R KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ucal Pog EZ Clap Guess Im dead any tips on content creators to really learn the jungle? ucal PogU It's the kill button 4Head top die popoga doctorDIARRHEA Ucal Pog\= KEKW ucal KEKW what ucal say Ucal said hi roosh LUL high tempo jg btw KEKW o.O KEKW Graves EZ Clap SP_Revolver watch your replays :) widepeepoSad my eye itchy Ucal said "daddy" to Rush KEKW herald should give gold for whole team like old dragon, no reason to get it now ucal always says hi and rush ignores him widepeepoSad heather ??? @tutrinatrusanusbananus Pepega New Herald is like new Linkin Park, it's dead cannon KEKW doctorWTF doctorLOGO4 CANNON KEKW CANNON Pepega do herald CS KKEW CANNOPN CANNON KEKW cannon KEKW cannon LULW cannon KEKW heather KKona KEKW jax Pepege cann OMEGALUL n CANN OMEGALUL N CANNON pvman and impacto Pog @tutrinatrusanusbananus it gets towers that give gold you Pepega @Rush reply to Ucal he's crying widepeepoSad @tutrinatrusanusbananus agree, tower platings and and pressure is shit !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW it really is compared to dragon Kapp INTING KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW Pepega deleted KEKW KEKW 1v4 KEKW KEKW pepegaAAAAA Kaisa fed KEKW INT KEKW emotional player Roosh = GG KEKW INTING LUL NOCTURNE SO CLEAN LUL pvman=gg monkaW kaisa LUL ..... my little gay confused @Rush .reply to Ucal he's crying widepeepoSad rush youre so BAD LOL emotional play monkaW INTING?! ggman KR CS KEKW pvman = gg KEKW INTeresting pvman = gg roosh=gg GOT BAITED Jebaited pvman=gg KEKW Roosh = gg KEKW AYAYA gg pvman = gg ignoring ucal because hes not world champ PepeHands intman ?? Roosh = GG KEKW . pvman = gg lk flash??? lp USE YOUR BRAIN ROOSH pvmanA KEKW Saving flash for S10 LUL KEKW Jebaited كل زق stop playing like my little brother Roosh is kind OMG IWD looks dead inside ASHE KEKW KEKW OSFrog besides, why do you morons think he literally just ignored it ? because its trash Pog Roooooosh @lololol1001 KEKW ههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ليش just help top 😡 leona still lives, balanced LuL 4Head 4HEad 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4HEad 4Heed that arrow tilted me 4House 4Head 5 4HEad 4Head 4Heed 4HEad 4 head 3Head I am 4 !rank 4HEad 3Head KEKW FeelsBadMan 4House feels batman :( ANIMAL Pepega FeelsBadMan alone white people sad widepeepoSad 4House batman FeelsBadMan 3/0 ornn monkaS ! !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU as usual PepeHands is impact still in a team? Rush play noc more widepeepoSad POOR BRAMBLEBACK Pepega charge tahm dont bully impact plz white people sleeping FeelsBadMan no booli plz Pepege 📣 CHAAAAARGE Cloud drake + nocturne/Ornn widepeepoHappy kill them all @liililliliiliili no roosh Pog White people awake !opgg stop killing jungle camps play Ivern and realease them to the wild widepeepoHappy KEKW roosh the elo vampire monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KMEKW KEKW LUL KEKW ccccc KEKW KEKW KEKW can can can can KEKW NA ult KEKW KKKKK KEKW PINGED KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW E TU LMAOOOO LMAOOOOOOOOOO KEKW pick rift :o KEKW AHAHAHA KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW noob jungle pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW spam pinged ;) OMEGALUL FailFish boosted LMAO kkkkkkkkkkk dont troll plz pvman=gg KEKW LOL pinged KEKW KASS MALD KEKW KEKW jg inting KEKW KEK clean FeelsBadMan LMAO Challenger ult KEKW FeelsBadMan NA ULTI kr nocturne id yoink thqt blue if kass pinged me pvman = GG KEKW Rooosh pllllllzzzz dont trolllllll One more "KEKW" and im out WeirdChamp Impact's LP monkaW LUL pvman=gg LULW Who has the herald ? KEKW KEKW KEKW Does impact ever stream? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @blazevee KEKW out KEKW U ulted to secure Shelly 4head Pvman = gg KEKW !opgg Rush looks older now @chat Jebaited bloodrazor would be better FrankerZ FrankerZ aż First item braindead adc LUL @hwanyul idts chat MALD FULL BAD KEKW what does umbral do she failed all the arrows lmao !opgg One more "WeirdChamp" and im out KEKW kaisa or karsa LUL POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS !rank widepeepoHappy Clap kill them all impact is mad LUL kass with cloud drake PogU does cloud drake reduce ult cd now? KEKW boomer D: KEKW NA w QUICK HANDS wow KEKW slow finger w !current song boomer reaction tim when in doubt, ping Roosh :0 KR reaction time KEKW Nice W Kappa good spell shield KEKW !song Feelsbadman @Memer_Moe I would watch his streams haHAA KNOW ? KEKW know? xD KEKW kill rise FeelsBadMan EMOTIONAL KEKW haHAA xD XD know? KEKW xD Xd !XD x ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ c x D xD XD xD xD D xD xD xd xD xD toxic xD x XD XD xD KEKWW xD d xD XD FLASH Incoming x xD XD xD XD xD xD d Xd XD X xD XD xD the appropriate response B) know ? D KEKW xD xd xD xD D XD D x XD Clap xD x X XD xD D XD ex Di xD x KEKW X D X D x pvman=xd KEKW hoes mad KEKW D x D D D EKS DEE Rice top? eggs D X this is what rush learned in na Now he is mad xD Walmarto is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Rush's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! Walmarto gifted a Tier 1 sub to 7upix! Walmarto gifted a Tier 1 sub to cordorak! Walmarto gifted a Tier 1 sub to Shuku! Walmarto gifted a Tier 1 sub to zyphoidd! XDMAN=PV KEKW Rush become the NA player pvman = xdman KEKW Why do Koreans type in English Walmarto gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dynamoh_lol! Pog Emotional typing PogU Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Dodged Pog gimme sub Pog Pog dodged ez dodged POGGERS Dodged! son PogU Pog x hi little chinese man PogU PogU PogU !xD Pog pvman = xD KEKW BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail Pog Pog D Por DODGED Pog Pof Pog Pog @Walmarto WeirdChamp Pog DODGED EZ pog Pog EZ DODGE EZ DODGE got one HYPERS k EZ Pog dodged dodged PogU never lucky PepeHands I love it when rush make fun of dump players LUL DODGE Ez eow JAX E EZ EZ PogCamp dam rice gum on it EZ EZ @lRinseRepeatl cuz there are chinese too *dumb @lRinseRepeatl They're not all korean lol odaWink gachiHYPER @Walmarto never lucky PepeHands easy dodge Pog danGachi ME TOO SIVIR E EZ TANKY EZ KEKW WeirdChimp worth KEKW pvman=gg KEKW ff KEKW dead KEKW GG KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW pvman=gg LULW go F OMEGALUL pvman = gg KEKW trolling duo pvman=gg KEKW WidePeepoHappy kass Mald PVMAN = GGMAN KEKW pvman = gg KEKW lul x MALD D focus leona OMEGALUL zz zz pvman=xd KEKW lol bot lane so fed Build black cleaver LOST HERALD LUL widepeepoSad as usual KEKW pvman=gg KEKW better bot wins KEKW jg gap mid bottom useless xD Rush is the NA JUNGLER :rage: VoteNay STOP bullying Rush :rage: VoteNay NO Kekw today :exclamation: Rush WILL smurf only :rage: pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap pvman=hehexd KEKW ashe get hit by everything LUL wah ppman=gg KEKW LMAOOO KEKW PogU Pepega ashe jungler gap KEKW Roosh = gg LUL impact Pog KEKW KEKW ORNN BROKEN PogU W OMEGALUL W :rage: VoteNay STOP bullying Rush :rage: VoteNay NO Kekw today :exclamation: Rush WILL smurf only :rage: pvman = WIN widepeepoHappy Clap impact is ornn ? winnable KEKW ashe no fingers @lorddemon yes KEKW PVMAN = XD KEKW LOLW actual 200iq TP from impact Pog KEKW @ㅇㅅㄴㅅ ty chat please Pog ash chilling I NEED TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE KEKW Pog IMPACT MALDING pink KEKW Impact titling PepeLaugh !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU No emotional play Kappa Pink KEKW Ward ward Pepega Pink KEKW leave ward KEKW leaving 2 pinks LULW KEKW cannon FeelsBadMan pinks Pg KEKW clear wards @rush are you at impacts tower 2 pinks 2x PINK CASSIO SO OP WITH CONQ KEKW Ward?? pink KEKW PepeLaugh he doesn't know NotLikeThis ornn widepeepoHappy ornn widepeepoHappy ornn widepeepoHappy ornn widepeepoHappy chat PepeLaugh leaving 2 pinks KEKW PepeLaugh !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ no wards lol WHY I GOT TIMEOUTED? Rice here, Rice everywhere PepeLaugh Raisa HAS flash !kekw Raisa PogU roosh = noobi :) xD RAISA Pog new champ rice MingLee Pog Raiz + Kai'sa pls no Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog Do beron @AtrixDelta WeirdChamp Pog Pog Gg Pog smite kinf PogU sssssssssssssssssssssssssss smite king PogU winnable Pog win condition PogU SMITE KING ? PogU FAKE ULTI Pog SMITE KING KEKW PauseChamp ? 5Head PepeLaugh smite king KEKW Smite king? PepeLaugh SMITE KING PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PogU SMITE KING Pog careful Raisa still alive smite king Pog PepeLaugh PogU PogU PogYou PVMAN = 420 FeelsHighMan Pog PauseChamp OH? ACTUAL SMITE KING Pog NO BOOTS KEKW Pog Pepege Pepega cannon Pog Pepege Pepega PepegaFinally Pepega EZ Pepega Clap Pog CS Pog Pepega Cannon Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepege ssmite king Pog Pepega Pepega Pepega GOT IT Pepega Pepega +90 Pog FeelsGoodMan Pepege super mario Pepega moment Clap Pepega danoheGA still pinked LULW ashe carrying this game hard PepeLaugh LMAO PepeLaugh !opgg sitting on ward LUYL KEKW KEKW dmn this chines guys so tryhard ???????? PepeLaugh KEKW ?????? PepeLaugh Nice flash PepeLaugh ??? PVMAN = WIN ? PauseChamp ???? ???? PauseChamp PauseChamp ? no ward clear = waste flasdh KEKW ????? Dont clear pink = waste flash KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ? lmaooooooo KEKW KEKW LULW GOT IT KEKW I GOT HIM Pepega LOOOOOOOL OMEGALUL I GOT HIM KEKW I GOT HIM KEKW KEKW Roosh = GG KEKW STOPWATCH KEKW Kassawin LULW LULW LULW KEKS PepeLaugh kekw KEKW KEKW Jebaited 200IQ hourglass FIGHT Pepega KEKW BAITED KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW GG KEKW Jebaited KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW WALKING WARD KEKW NA PLAYERS KEKW Pepega Clap BigBrother pvman=GG KEKW KEKW Pepege ST OMEGALUL P WATCH BWAHAHA D: slow finger XD NA MANA BigBrother BOOMER KEKW Slow finger LULW NICE ULT. KEKW slow finger D: KEKW KEKW KEKW ASHE LIOL SLOW FINGER Pepega pink PepeLaugh I GOT IT LUL KEKW not bad for a 4V5 , nvm SLOW FINGER KEKW ok boomer\ hahahahaa ryze ignored KEKW roosh slow brain PepeLaugh D: you too ult on zhonyas KEKW impact KEKW BOOMER ULT KEKW C OMEGALUL NQ overatted KEKW what was that KEKW mald LUL OOaaoOHH HandsUp gachiW Kreygasm slow finger KEKW KappaPride Kreygasm POG KASS stopwatch PepeLaugh MALD 5Head 5Head i genuinely feel like ur chat is just full of programmed bots EQEQEQEQEQ sneakyPride impact tilting BigBrother ggman 5Head just dont get tilted 4House+ ANGER this streamer = MALD @Rush imagine jax was tfblade xD hehehehehehe Pepega BigBrother Kreygasm IMPACT BigBrother / !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU HandsUp ooOOoooOhhh emotional streamer DO IT KKEW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW J E N S E N LUL KEKW YouDied KEKW TRUE KEKW !jensen KEKW KEKW KEKW 1666 KEKW !jensen nicolai KEKW KEKW sneakyJensen WeirdChimp 2/7 RED KEKW -_- jensen cosplay KEKW sanguine blade ashe KEKW RIP JENSEN PepeLaugh dd ashe is building another bork @Rush JENSEN @Rush can u show runes RIP JENSEN She wants another bork yea monkaS scary Pog !uptime Pog YouDied @Grizzles_Fun, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 3 mins WeirdChimp 🍌 is that a banana in your pants ? gachiW KEKW EZ Pog Pog Pog Pog roosh PogU EZ EZ ASHE PogU IMPACT R KEKW 2/7 Pogchamp KASSAWIN! Pog KASSADIN ABUSER LUL they just let kaisa die because they couldnt see inside bush KEKW KEKW PixelBob doctorDIARRHEA Pepga ashe standing still in 1 spot LOL pog LET ME OUT KEKW PauseChamp OH?? Pog LET ME OUT KEKW VI VIN ZULUL PepeHands let him out EZ Clap @Rush can u show runes pls nocturne and ornn R very good combo LET ME OUT IMPACT LULW teammates PogU KEKW what runes is rush using? 1pvman cant win Release INTPACT !duo ZULUL V1 DUO with IMPACT PogU he's getting fucking Pog LET ME OMEGALUL UT SMIDDER Pepega First snow fell in Seoul today FeelsGoodMan Justice for Impact SMIDDER Pog getting fuck Pepega SMIDDER Pepega Stopwatch Pepega Pepega @Rush do you think NA will ever perform in worlds ? INTPACT KEKW BT 3rd ITEM KEKW INTPACT LUL synced periods Kreygasm ====💅 j jm=j0 free Inpact SwiftRage synced ults KappaPride CurseLit CurseLit edge of night is no longer an active? 🤣 no monkaSam it's like banshee you woulda die if you went for her @monkaSam sama as banshees LOLW why is chat so slow 🤔 chat is old LOLW like rush Busy watching pepegas KEKW did edge of night change? maybe gameplay is ResidentSleeper @OhhBenn yes boomer chat LUL is it just on by default until its broken @navishere @navishere like banshees it is NA calls LUL 5Head ?? j mi DAMN so close 4Head0 Beron naisheur j BARON NASHIOR PogU barun naisur Pepega THE BARON he looks like asian version of Christoph Waltz jjjjj NASHIOR PogU @Rush when use ghostblade baron naisur Pog SMIDDER jjjjjjj lethality nocturne is emotional WHEN USE GHOSTBLADE jjjjjj=j jjjjj damo those nkorea ngames are amazing to watch professional game Pog Kassawin KEKW EZ !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU kassadin damage is PogChamp EZ Clap "front to back" Kassa is nearly 16 EZ Clap PauseChamp EZ PauseChamp ? PauseChamp HOLD PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp WAIT PauseChamp HOLD IT.... 4House PauseChamp HOLD CHAT kassaWIN pack it up PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp WAIT FOR IT PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp SMITE KING PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp KEEP HOLDING PauseChamp WAIT FOR IT Pog PauseChamp ? PauseChamp PauseChamp kassadin carried with slow finger smite king 4Head PogUI monkaW PogU PogU PogU Pog PogU PauseChamp ryze w PogU Smite king PogU ¨PogU PogU PogChamp ALMOST KEKW PogU EZ Clap holy shit CLOSE KEKW PogU PogU PogU PogU WE DID IT CHAT EZ Clap TOP DIE 😂 PogYou PogU Pog LUL yeeee hawww PVMAN = WIN ? PauseChamp He farted kassadin big carry PauseChamp KEKW 22 stacks kass Level 16 kassadin 22 mejais PauseChamp HOLD CHAT gachiGASM protect kassadin team NOC BUYING BANSHEES KEKW @hoeyaaaaaa I heard it XD why no sanguine? chat what is that emoji that looks like a puff of air @elsebeth i though i was the only one XD @xD_LUL its not banshee dash 💨 Pog 💨 @sgjungler99x99 hes not 1v1 at this point :) item is for 1v1s @Notagingerman1 💨 pipo ghostblade :DD:D PauseChamp OH? You have 2 shields PauseChamp .... Pog 💨 Pog 💨 JAX KEKW JAX KEKW PogU I GOT HIM KEKW NICE STOPWATCH LELW Pog KEKW EZ Clap Gg PogU kaisa damage is not balanced STOPWATCH KEKW GG BOT KEKW EZ inting i can cancer GG Clap EZ Clap KEKW gg ez WONNERED PogU deletetd LUL LULW ST OMEGALUL PWATCH dancepls !duo STOPWATCH KEKW stop watch DUO with IMPACT PogU Stopwatch KEKW slow fingers WONNERED EZ CARRIED KEKW honored KEKW KEKW BETTER JUNGLE WIN EZ Clap slow finger EZ KEKW holy carried lol FW Pepega 💨 MOUTH BREATHER I can CANCER KEKW STOPWATCH KEKW KEKW NO STOPWATCH KEKW CARRIED KEKW Kassawin gg KEKW KEKW kassawin carried grey screen KEKW GG EZ jesus your comp is insane WHEN DOES RUSH GHOSTBLADE saving stopwatch for next season kass carried u shitters LULW EZ see 7you KEKW KEKW kr nocturne slow finger stopwatch Slow finger stopwatch 4House :) mid dif Pog :) KEKW CARRIED BY KASSADIN KEKW :) :) i got her - 1 sec later rush dies :) :) PepegaPhone 💨 toxic STOPWATCH SLOW HANDS STOPWATCH KEKW SmileW timewatch? :) stopwatcj :) :) :) :) :) D: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) SLOW FINGER smileW possy :) :) nice comeback :) :) :) EZ Clap :) :) :) :) :) ggwp grey screen sim zBETTER JUNGLE WIN EZ Clap :) :) TOO EZ ONLY JUNGLE DEAD AGAIN ;D @Rush :) jax ??? :) EZ Clap :) :) what a evil CARRIED INTPACT IS FREE roosh is getting old :) :) wonnered KAp GG smiley face :) no balls Kap another clean game fuck you pvman :) :-) do it Chobo PVMan what fw means? Free Win :) Kreygasm @rush are u at impacts tower PVMAN always win :) honored KEKW no honor?? gachiBASS pack oppening @Rush what is your favorite food? lol did u wonndered gachiGASM No honor KEKW ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness impact Kreygasm wonnered Pog gachiW 77777777777777 Ucal NO HONOR LUL !rank ratirlChilling ratirlChilling ratirlChilling balls XD TRUE KEKW ? KEKW D: Didnt honor impact TRUE KEKW KEKW kassadin Pog baú pssssssssssssss ratirlLove xD yodaCassioloira yodaPing yodaPing yodaPing ornn doing more dmg than noc KASS SOLO CARRY KEKW kassadin carried with slow finger KEKW rush carrying again Kappa answer to ucal >rage> @quote_if_greek_joy he doesnt honor anyone rush winning WeirdChamp Pepega Clap WutFace ornn tank btw answer to Ucal 😡 mrneverwas subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! here's free money OpieOP saber xfsnAYAYA WutFace OpieOP OpieOP nocturne start red ? Ucal message oh Pog opieOP veigar? peepoFat Pepega u ddnt go anywhere that much KEKW @Rush SISTERS CAKE Kreygasm OpieOP peepoFat OpieOP Cake Pog widepeepoHappy eat my cake rush 케이크 Pog saber xD peepoFat BabyRage why go top OpieOP peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat OpieOP peepoFat CAKE widepeepoHappy peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat OpieOP WTF RUSH happy birthhday rush OpieOP read ucal PepeHands HYPERS CAKE widepeepoHappy he got that fed taking all the kills lol SOME CAKE KEKD Pepega OM NOM peepoFat FEET Kreygasm DansGame NXDE @myinsanityy Get over it sjw lmfao peepoFat peepoFat Ucal peepoFat peepoFat SHOW CAKE HYPERS peepoFat peepoFat peepoFat CAKE Pog eating sister cake KKona cake POGGERS peepoFat show cake PunOko peepoFat DansGame WTF pvmanFGM !opgg PogU bigpoop123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. describe taste OpieOP peepoFat HAPPY Birthday C_A_K_E cake isnt food 맛있어? fat rush PogU peepoFat eat with rush peepoFat keep ignoring ucal :) KEKW NNN is over guys, look at those feet Kreygasm FATASS PogU LUL Food stream PogChamp fat HEY! fall like tyler happy birthday D: DansGame WTF D: LOL 아ㅏㅏㅏㅏ NOO PepeHands DansGame GIVE CAM DansGAme FeelsBadMan OpieOP PepeHands peepoFat cake makes you fat DansGame TURN IT ON ! widepeepoSad D: DansGame DansGame WTF GO BACK DansGame hes out turned off cam widepeepoSad WTFF omfg TableHere BibleThump MaldChamp wtf Show food BibleThump describe taste cam? @sayko77 its is OpieOP peepoSad wtff DansGame you don't turn off DansGame doesnt want teams to see him eating cake D: i want see OpieOP wtf DansGame WE WANT TO SEE 러쉬 먹고있다 widepeepoSad MaldChamp Turning off Cam Dude come on, put the camera back, im eating too ! slow finger rush taking 15 minutes for that cake Show cake REEEEEEEE PunOko MIC ON FOR ASMR @myinsanityy 🦍 Dude Rush that was TURNING ME ON DUDE show cake BibleThump Rush eating hey, come back here rush PunOko Calling someone who's as skinny as the Fiddlestick fat KEKW sg4 ever @brainggs i mean he is korean right KEKW OpieOP shameeee FeelsAmazingMan what a shy guy Kingdom hearts? more negative bacteria peepoFat widepeeposad OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP is this bojack or coheedcambria music? rush im so happy your stream is doing good claire de lune makes me white people sad gymnopedie no1 stuffs his face with raw tomatoe infront of us but wont show cake DansGame Asmr is bullshit, ty for mic off FeelsAmazingMan widepeepoSad PepeHands is this from my time at portia? its not shy, its kr strength. never seen eating, like katakuri NotATK rush PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOOOOOSH @iSnaack sneaky hosted him probably a lot of sleeping people @MERH peepoFat PauseChamp ... free rush sub emote NotATK met4Smite dyrusOwo @00Average00 this clair the lune? OMEGAYAYA @merrh is claire de lune by debussy i think a classic song PixelBob PepeHands MASTER YI 맛없어? KEKW ChomPag no mic today? its not clair de lune Rush chair has hands play hamster yi he is eating @00Average00 its not clair de lune @myinsanityy 1 man spam WeirdChamp gonna be feeding evelyn again celrComfy it's gymnopedie no1 MASTER JEW it's once upon a time in Paris its one of hte Gymnopedies by Erik Satie ResidentSleeper @leusle he’s eating at the moment he has webcam on NotATK NotATK NotATK NotATK RACIST IF YOU DONT PICK YI @myinsanityy rly rly rly bad champ FUC RACIST MaldChamp kindred @kidsan13 ah a man of culture 5Head 🍷 my name is roosh NotATK @lugene4gvnsmurf ty onkaW wtf is this shit WeirdChamp 👉 ChomPag rush is shy to show eating cam cuz he eats like a pig eloto_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. @SlurpyJones it is my league name lmao Yummy ADS ad DansGame I got an ad FeelsWeirdMan play yi @kidsan13 5Head 🍷 POOGERS not using adblock KEKW BasedGod WHAT AD ❓ ye cuz u normies dont know what ad blocker is KEKW Stop playing ads dude WeirdChamp It went through ad block KEKW where are the cam 5Head 🍷 adblock gachiBASS dodged ads EZ not using ublock origin KEKW i want some Rush papa face Pepege pepeSword Pepega Ublock solarb1EZ STOP PLAYING AD CHAMPS BROO @lifelessinside boomers* ChomPag ADBLOCK WutFace monkaS "who are you?" ManChicken They are too dumb to use ubo oy where did Roosh go? AYAYA hey chat well, I guess I can support my jobless streamer this time widepeepoSad rush has no cam, no? when rush join SKT??? no counter play ads 5Head boxHug Hewwo lch860504 danH ChomPag no cam? NO CAM IM OUT He’s eating so no cam atm 케이크 맛이 좋나요? pvmanNocounter Rush is too good for SKT Rushing it down mid @lapaiboi that didn't stop him before tho widepeepoSad Lol @rush you been to impacts tower? 12 AM eating peepoFat ROOSH BACK PogU WidepeeepoHappy PepeLaugh 👉 ChomPag DansGame GO BACK 35 my girlfriend still has period cramps KEKW why no eating cam ratirlMad shes in so much pain KEKW DansGame show ckae wtf Rush can pepe charge down mid yere why you never play master yi ? @Rush @rush how is your sister doing? did rush drop stream team deal? peepoFat did you eat fruits Roosh? does impact stream? ChomPag Roosh cocaine ? HYPERS hellooooo Pussa where’s the cake PunOko SKT need a jungle to troll so Faker can carry Sister is disgrace he thinks no cam will make us bored and want to watch ads, nice try Rush 😂 impact streams in facebook gaming yi is trash @myinsanityy Laughing KEKW Krappa korea he just came KappaPride OpieOp rush and impacat same team confirmed PogU OpieOP TL rush PogU impacat ChomPag hi rush MercyWing1 SwiftRage MercyWing2 러쉬님 한국인이에여? EZ smurfing KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: D: D: KEKW JUNGLE GAP KEKW LUL D: D: OMEGALUL D: KEKW D: LUL KEKW OMEGALUL syndra Pog LOOOOL KEKW KEKW gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW LOLOLOL gg OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW ROFL KEKW KEKW GG KEKW RYZE GG KEKW AHAHAAHAHAH :that's a tilter monkaW banned KEKW Roosh = GG KEKW gg OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW read like a book JUNGLE GAP KEKW KEKW KEKW leeleelee KEKW GG KEKW pls fix your microphone @Rush KEKW WTD KEKW KEKW Chat so happy KEKW he can smurf GG RYZE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW dont worry LUL DOOMED FF 15 pvman = gg PepeLaugh Smurf RYZE KEKW 2 cs - dead holy shit mid gap 5Head strat mid gap BabyRage Lets open KEKW gg :) ggman = pv PepeLaugh 15 KEKW WeirdChamp omg ur chat so happy KEKW kr open PogYou mid losing to syndra W 1st level KEKW trolling rush 97% Pog please dont abuse my children are watching this tream omg no toxic lang Kapp no emotional play today are you sure @myinsanityy should probly turn on pepa pig for ur kid valew pelo donate de sub tmj that audio WutFace que isos god demais winnable @king_crit prolly should turn on ur mom for me ganhei um sub aq mano Comeback Pog KEKW wintrade? thought trist is better kindred Pog Pog PogChamp LEE MAD KEKW ChomPag @myinsanityy and now i know ur lying about having a kid with that virgin ass comback noooo @rush will you ever leave season 7 and start palying champs like qiyana in jungle? EZ EZ Clap winnable despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage >:( EZ Pog enemy trolling noooooo game saved Pog Kapp Kapp OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh @king_crit i aint a virgin tho :'( my gf cheated on me tho that might explain why she cheated KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW INT OH NO NO NO NO PepeLaugh GOOD MECHANICS LUL ? KEKW KEKW ? LOL KEKW KEKW ?? ? ???? D; KEKW ??? wtf are u doing monkey ? KEKW E TU ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? LOL LOOOOOL !watchtime kill him PepegaPhone ??????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEK STUPID E TU KEKW KEKW 9KEKW ? KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW ?? u are Kapp Kapp LUL GRASP TRUE KEKW trolling LUL MECHANIS KEKW INTER Kapp KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW Kappa KEKW pvman = gg that's obvious not true Kapp INTING KEKW Kapp not inting NOT TRUE KEKW Kapp not true Kapp Clap emotional grasp smite (: Kappa emotional play Kapp NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Kappa Pvman = gg tax lane and feed GP PepeLaugh totally inting LUL Pepega monster pvman intingggg pvmanKappa pvmanKappa widepeepoSad why do you do this to us rush gatekeep impact :) pvman = gg Duo Impact, emotional play today. SO EMOTIONAL LATE E KEKW KEKW tch tch tch omg this kindred is inting why into gatekeeping impact for fun :D EMOTIONAL KEKW JNG DUO ABUSER KEKW late game is fine rush 4fun KEKW jungle top premade duo inting HAHAHAH life healing PogU PVMAN = gg LULW LUL lol widepeepoSad poggggggggggg plant KEKW broxahWOH broxahWOH korea soloqueque so high tempo emotional plays q lol we saw that ex pro misses jump xD no emotional play :) !settings I SEE PVMAN ON TEAM I DODGE KEKW KR is too much 3 D: D: DIRTY INTER dragon is so important nowadays !playlist D: sausage0 Pog Duo ucal ? ROOSH IS NOT INT widepeepoSad @sausage ! duo INTPACT nt Kappa INTPACT KEKW intpact KEKW ROOOSH !wr i ntin intpact KEKW RYZE Pog Pog mid dif Pog Pog ryze! pvmanA KR RYZE KEKW negative impact POGGERS !uptime @Monsieur_Gato, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 24 mins 5 lvl herald Pog yas2 yas3 objectives POGGERS ALL KR 4FUN AFTER WORLDS KEKW POGGERS RYZE Pog BoC POGGERS POGGERS Chinese ryze Pog 4-1 eyze = gg Who is impact? CN RYZE Pog tear and mercs with that dmg KEKW fed ryze monkaW Rice this game is over, KR ryze = monkaW i ate rice today and had to shit a lot Make them remember you!!! Chinese ryze monkaW its doinb Rice Rice MingLee RYZE WILL NERFED NEXT PATCH Pog !youtube DAILY UPLOADS GO SUB Pog See chat? midders gank too! CHINESE RYZE PogU SwiftRage RICE emotional pings :) KR RYZE KEKW MaN BOT LANE DansGame @onurtag doinb is Korean CN RYZE PogU boot lane CHUNKS @Hankmardukiss oh shit I forgot 1 basic attack = chunk KEKW KEKW KR MACRO KEKW KEKW WE DONT WIN KEKW wtf doinb is korean KEKW KEKW U SUCK high tempo plays ff KEKW KEKW KEKW thresh flash PepeLaugh syndra took lantern no? KEKW Rice PepeLaugh oh nonono KEKW rice oko Thresh flashed and sydnra took lantern KEKW KR BLITZ supp diff too big jg gap blitz KEKW is daddy done with cake? MingLee akali balanced LUL inting blitz KEKW jg gap what am i watching KEKW I hate blitz supp so much. useless supp !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Turbo int Pog FARM @Rush Hey man you have herald jngl diff KEKW I think Impact is done impact is malding pvman = gg KEKW LULW KEKW SURE KEKW another int FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW KEKW Kappa ROOSH widepeepoHappy KEKW KEKW WHOLE TEAM SUCKS INTING gg KEKW gg KEKW @Onurtag i dont think he know it Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW is this gg pvman = gg KEKW KEKW open PVMAN = GG KEKW better bot wins go next bud BETTER EVERYTHING WINS KEKW pv man = gg gold 4 ? it was going so well :( gg KEKW JG GAP PepeLaugh Roosh = GG KEKW jg diff boxLurk Nice FeelsGoodMan Clap GOLD GAMES HAHAHAH KEKW inting WeirdChamp what happened to smurf pvman? PVMAN = GG KEKW D U OMEGALUL Use herald TOP ff inting KEKW ta jogando bem relaxa ff what a train wreck xD BLITZ IS OhMyDog blitz KEKW Rush running it down KEKW ryze 1v9 widepeepoSad Pvman=GG LUL pvman = gg too much emotion GOLD GAMES WHAT AM I SEEING gg this game is done gg gg pvman = gg again rush needs to take notes from this lee PepeLaugh 4HEad GUYS FAKER IS STREAMIN LETS GO WATCH FAKER pvman = go next PVMAN = GG KEKW give them nexus Classic PPMAN KEKW PVMAN GG KEKW kaisa KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad pvman > faker Yes everyone, lets pray for Ryze. :) KR KAI'SA KEKW @Rush rush is faker who can speak english AFK KEKW HERALD KEKW KEKW KEKW KR MENTAL KEKW KEKW Nice herald @myinsanityy weirdchamp made kaisa quit KEKW !uptime @Rinne101, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 29 mins kr open Pog Herald KEKW WORSE THAN NA MENTAL KEKW herald more jg pressure than rush KEKW @ArnasSimo KEKW KEKW KEKW INT DUO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gp lvl 10 E TU BEST DUO KOREA HAHAHAH xD 15 KEKW wtf 2/5 btw lul NA's finest CN KEKW who is he pinging KEKW ping war rush Pepega what does xhang yiyang mean in english akali and ryze to each other zhang PepeHands akali KEKW Can someone tell me who pinging who ? KEKW !uptime @jakefromtherift, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 30 mins feels batman POG kekw PVMAN DIED AGAIN I can smell the comeback Kappa xd KEKW FeelsBadMan feelsbatman akali ping ryze once. ryze spam ping akali LUL JG GAP KEKW You saw them all coming KEKW @koopk1 a chinese name i guess widepeepoSad pvman = ff Pepega ult ff KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 JG DIFF widepeepoSad ff KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 15 MALD PVMAN = GG KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW Roosh = GG KEKW better jg wins KEKW BibleThump MaldChamp Bot lane Kappa BLAME BOT LANE KEKW MALD 💨 report pvman using 3rd party application to change color scheme to grey BibleThump its fine brother KEKW blame bot KEKW KEKW 2/6 blaming bot KEKW victim of bot dif KEKW KEKW KEKW roosh is bad widepeepoSad ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 6 vs 19 KEKW !uptime -_- @KidoBR, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 31 mins BETTER JUNGLER WINS Clickbaited by title again widePeepoSad maldchamp never jungler fault KEKW Better Jungle Lost FeelsBadMan schedule KEKW widepeepoSad ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW MALD its ok MALD D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: NO SWEAR D: D: MALD D: D: D: 0/7 B OMEGALUL T 15 KEKW monkeyS monkeyS monkeyS ff PepeLaugh D: D: MALD me :) D: D: D: f word D: fothermuckers D: ze bro Pepega KEKW rush is more delusional than tarzaned peepoSad VoteNay Torture not suffer VoteNay ! Enable CHRISTMAS PEPEGA hostage KEKW ff KEKW FUTHER MUCKERS KEKW KEKW monkaW THESE FATHER MOTHERS !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU that's usually you LUL F winnable Kappa ryze KEKW xqcRage VOTE YAY RIGHT NOW rush why troll why impact duoing with this inter? wtf happened inting in diamond 1 LUL Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 💨 AYAYA THESE MOTHERS FATHERS LUL WHY R U INTING LUL KEKW whats impacts name say KEKW NotLikeThis @gupper oathDab KEKW KEKW MALDING KEKW KEKW KEKW 2/8 KEKW KEKW KEKW outplayed KEKW MAID KEKW ROFL dyrus02 @RebornePhoenix MALD KEKW Xd DELETED MALD report for inting KEKW bruh MALD R outplayed @gupper oathLove mechanically outplayed Flash hook from blitz Pog WHAT WAS THAT MALD MALDING LULW They super fed PogU @RebornePhoenix dyrusSellout why troll rush? Kappa R MALD Pog comeback MALD RUSH ryze 1v9 Pog MAID WINNABLE LUL why they feed??? pvman=mald chinese OMEGALUL 2// warrior + pta = gank early mid / bloodrazor + Conq. = objective control mid late whos impact playing= When your jg and your bot lane feeds and afks and refuses to ff SeriousSloth pvman = paid actor KEKW what champ Chat, what is mald/malding? 2/?/1 Pepega mosntaer 2-8 I guess there really is no emotion @OhMyBirth MaldChamp emme4x1993 the top lane champ lul why no surrender? jungle in S10 KEKW Aww @OhMyBirth mad and balding @OhMyBirth bald + mad ohhh @OhMyBirth it's a korean very serious problem @ohmybirth means like triggered or sulking uhhh Good cha t Never Surrender Rush chat is best xD <3 !uptime @coutozz, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 34 mins Mald = pvman why would they surrender a winnable game the afker trolling them KEKW LULW Any lads in chat ? 3Head KEKW kaisa vanished monkaW @OhMyBirth pvmanSpooky EEEZ monkaW R vs R winnable Pog KEKW ? ??? KEKW @quote_if_greek_joy Literally me rn KEKW hard feed nice red smite on lucian LULW Flash KEKW xD LUL WINNABLE POGGERS POGGERS half hp you mean 1hp=400hp KEKW IMPACT POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS 2/9 LUL Poggers IMPACT WINNABLE No sounds ? POGGERS impact needs to carry you again @Rush stop inting u korean dog POOGERS IMPACT POOGERS roosh=gg? roosh = pp? Blitz first item redemption lol hes not dog, he eat dog wtf POOGERS EZ GAME POOGERS ok so roosh smol pp eat dog this isn't challenger rn right? this diamond or master? POGGERS POOGERS Roosh = gg LULW YOINK KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaS h-hope? winnable Pog PauseChamp Winn- KEKW DELETED OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW did he ever call shelly? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DELETED INTING WINN...... better jg win KEKW actually inting KEKW KEWD YONIKED KEKW ROOSH=GG widepeepoSad 2/10 KEKW KEKW winn- monkaS 2/10 spike 2/10 KEKW 2/10 NICE UUU @Rush jg gap victim KEKW Never surrender Kappa +พฟืา im the kaisa :) buboy bading !rank U deserve to suffer after inting KEKW 2/10 emotional KEKW Wintrading Kappa LUL PepegaPhone SUFFER I will dominate is my favourite streamer but his chat is dogshit KEKW Why is rush an emotional player widepeepoSad emotional gameplay WINNABLE @Rush You 2/10 , actually you making him suffer PepeLaugh I don’t think rush actually thinks at all... legit inting every game lol Pvman = ggman never surrender ratirlKnight 2-10 glad i showed up rush 2/10 LOOOL didnt they already get shelly? 2-10 WINNABLE Rush is not bad widepeepoSad 2/11 KEKW R Pepega Hoi Pepega KEKW LUL Iwilldominate just better at jungling SO MALD LULW KEK diediedie rush is not bad widepeepoSad Kek YOU CAN STILL WIN :) :) :) :) LUL roosh inting again no suprise here KEKW R OMEGALUL OMEGALUL S H This is why people dodge pvman lol close i dont think kindred is meta anymoreee 1 death for every 1k viewers monkaW KEKW monkaW LULW INT LIST BigBrother KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW LUL monkaW monkaOMEGA D: monkaW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW The List monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW widepeepoSad D: 2/11 Pvman = ggman BigBrother monkaW D: wtf rush me to the edge all my friends are dead BibleThump report them KEKW KEKW LIST KEKW BigBrother Clap oh no monkaW monkaW PUNISH THEM Kreygasm fatPeepoSad rush getting hard focused lvl 1 KEKW '' sem play emocionada '' disse ele widepeepoSad ROOSH widepeepoSad tyler1INT Clap PUNISH THEM MALD PUNISH THEM KEKW KEKW KEKW fap monkaW monkaTOS pvman = :) 🥊 no ff this match is winnable LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW MALD @Rush why do world champions & future world champions surrender against random 15 year old kids in solo queue??? no honor duo monkaS monkaW MaldChamp LUL monkaW LUL MALD White people sad KKona LUL yeah run it down anytime Roosh in the game Kappa KEKW ignoring ucal KEKW 1 sub for each loss KEKW MALD widepeepoSad = GG MALD ✊ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKWP PUNISH THEM KEKW MALD MALD MALD spare us monkaW MALD 💢 tfbPUNCH MALD KEKW PUNCH WALL BE T1 MALD tyler1O monkaW MALD Mald SumSmash :) :) :) OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO Rage fap whitepeoplesad as usual MALD MALD Pepega ✊ tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH tfbPUNCH KEKW Ucal LUL @lunarksh best emote ever MALD why do u suck in this low elo Ucal KEKW Pass Rush a blunt SeriousSloth ucal ignored MALD wall is innocent PepeHands ucal getting the GF treatement LUL crissthian tru tfbPUNCH !rank wall did nothing wrongggg U-called but Rush didnt answer pass Rush the blunt of galactic doinks & relaxation CiGrip wall did nothing wrong widepeepoSad ucal trying to recruit rush PepeHands monkaW @duckwinters What, is Rush ??? monkaW rush why mald PepeHands Ucal + rush mid jg Pepega Rush should try smoking weed CiGrip where is he? ass feet gosuGasm weed WutFace Rush trapped in Impact Tower qtpW noo u RaccAttack Ucal WeirdChamp Weed FeelsBadMan bzzzzz @pr1meace he is locked in a chamber somewhere in the middle east !uptime @Chuckyllo, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 41 mins widepeepoSad :( me too widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU HATE ! widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ucal ignored FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad last blitzcrank: degenerate support, should hang hs. don't hesitate, int on spot. feed 100 kills relax Man welcome back :D Pog Weed LUL :D wtf widepeepoSad Rush should try cocaine Kappa how is it in your cell? i used 2 inject that shiet KEKW @Rush thanks for giving me daily a nice couple hours with your stream <3 hey new sweater, it looks good widepeepoSad soloq BR os worst GG What about UCAL??? Biblethump gg riot is good at manipulating their player base :) hello rush i love u 제드 업서 KEKW Pepelaugh GG KEKW KEKW KEKW GG KEKW rush always looks god Sarah Pog khazix smurf lee Playa akali where is iSushi widepeepoSad go ajajatrox Play Akali LUL rush is handsome lzl #nohomo @Rush play a REAL mid lane champion instead of your INTING zed :) ask for jungle PLay yasuo Elise?/ where you from AYAYA TR OMEGALUL X @Rush What did Ucal say? monkaHmm @mrgoat22pl are nerede amcık :D @Rush Karthus? o o no zed pls @Cemsnnnn what rush: go AP i will play camille or noc mid LULW Lee? fuck turkey greece gang camille noc NOCT CAMILE camille cam noc nocturne punish him cam NOCT Kapp camille Kappa Camillle PogU Kapp EKKO Camille camille noct CAMMILE camille CAM Kappa Kapp noct cam Noct nocturne camille Kapp CAMMILE @Rush nocturne cam camile GG KEKW Kapp Annie mid Janna mid Kappa JUST GO EKKO ZED Nocturne Pog Kapp extremely good asol zes pvman camille KEKW noct ayy PogU cam extremely good at both Kappa having multiple accounts KEKW !dup !uptime @yakimomonga, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 43 mins !duo GGMAN=CAMILLE KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU it is NOT better than before conq fking sucks unless ur kat emotional WeirdChamp imo the old one was better :) 5Head @Rush When did you wake u? PogU LONG STREAM PogU GG KEKW LUL jobless lifestyle OpieOP not more featued with blitz gg ? widepeepoSad i rly like his jumper :( not true KR jobless life KEKW can you react to youtube videos :) FeelsBadMan same FeelsBadMan KEKW :( PepeHands Pog life losing life pepega KEKW KEKW 12:30 AM :OOOO widepeepoSad KEKW living like sneaky Pog litterally my life xd lmaoo KEKW widepeepoSad same Rush OMEGALUL no wife thats the good life LMAOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW KEKW pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey Coz you didnt answer Ucal widepeepoSad LULW I WANT widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands Kapp LUL LULW LMAOOOOOO KEKW KEKW MindManners coffee is good SAME !uptime KEKW @ericlesthegreat, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 44 mins loser stream WidePeepoSad how do you not have money KEKW PepeHands FeelsBadMan KEKW SAME no money Kappa get a kr gf NOT PRO PLAYER LULW FeelsBadMan DONT HAVE MONEY Kapp LUL KEKW 7 widepeepoSad LOL widepeepoHappy Coffee 12:30AM Pog LONG STREAM Pog everyone POG theres 0% chance you have no money pepeHands same :( not rich Kapp New Conq is better for ranged where u need money when u have family? 4Head KappaPride @Rush hey your old boss score is streaming PepeHands Oh noooo kekw KEKW be my bf KEKW widepeepoSad SAME KEKW KEKW ill be ur gf:) PepeHands widepeepoSad @Rush Get gf Pepega :( FeelsBadMan you can have a boyfriend Kappa stream no pay monies? must be depressing ... I like your stream though :) can u please not int this game @Rush Did you watch the korean movie parasite? :D VoHiYo <3 sneaky would be your gf :) lynn hot af then i ll be ur gf (except i m a boy) just do cosplay for money @Rush Maybe if you start cosplaying youll also get a girlfriend Kappa no money no problems 5Head @Rush rush is gay? sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels wait he left you ? @Rush enjoy milk :D @Rush PepeHands Lol no money? how many subs you at? Buy yourself a girlfriend Kapp 2/10 last game Kapp Kapp LUL Kapp Kapp Kappa GG KEKW True "i dont int " last game 2/10 top gap? Team gap KApp sneakyNLT no KEKW Kapp nay no :) Kapp Mid gap this game Kapp Krappa Chat is your girlfriend @Rush :) no :) top gap Kapp boxBlank boxBlank rush KappaPride no gf Huge GAP EZ Clap Kapp Kapp slow finger jgl @iG_Enix boxGun why is your youtube channel dead @rush did you watch 기생충? That is you :) rush doesn't play jgl anymore? haHAA LUL PogCamp INCOMING no haHAA KEKW He will win now @Rush Pepega Hello From Turkey @Rush !!!! can you tell impact to stream !!!!!! LUL pnman no gf boxLewd monkaW punish longsword refillable talon Pog hahahahah D: r u? kkkk punish me Kreygasm monkaW CLAP HIM Pog I dont have a girlfriend, but I got a feeling 2020 is going to be my year FeelsGoodMan lol noob @Rush is that korean server or something? did rush get benched ?? :) MALD Will see punish him Kreygasm @Rush is it weird taht i get horny when i watch those big titties streamers ? <3 @kidobr delusional KEKW mid gap? i thought Ryze played well? animo rush <3 LUL ANELE D: @KidoBR never KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW electrocute or dark harvest ? @Rush MOM BOOM Where is impact LUL LUL LUL WeirdChamp DONO KEKW WeirdChamp LIKE LAST GAME ANELE 7 @Rush maybe you can consider looking for a boyfriend KappaPride KappaPride WeirdChamp racist dono Kappa Kappa WeirdChamp POOGERS suer WERIDFLEX DONO haHAA WeirdChamp chat restriction?? lmao XD @MarcvsTulliusCicero boxUwU tfbPUNCH xd ? XD Lol boxUwU Xd rush is na player boxLurk boxLurk why didnt you at least join a academy team in stead of not playing competitively karasmCry karasmAYAYA squad1 squad2 whats the point of academy Pepega @KisakaNagen our heart united or what karasmGasm karasmGasm karasmGasm Anyone want to jungle for clash on euw? Need 1 more i wanna hotdog if the can cook yes? makes more money this way Will you ever come bak to NA rush?? 5Head ward @enz2 which elo KR Syndra Pog 5heads thinks alike @Comedido average plat 4 Did he got benched from NA ? :D Is impact jayce @Kmeister1 YES @Chupx MALD KEKW W OMEGALU LW KEKW first time vs syndra ? outplayed LULW monkey e FailFish KEKW 󠀀 @enz2 i reached plat but my acc is gold so hahahah no. he is training TL players WELCOME TO THE LEAGUE OF ______ Rush outclassed by ADC main KEKW Syndra PogU Clap @Comedido its ok you can join anyways KEKW @Comedido we are a mix of plats and golds KEKW rush getting clapped , as usual how can you be this bad at midlane KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW LOL LUL @enz2 i'm main top/jg KEKW inter ??????????? KEKW KEKW KEKWE KEKW KEKW ncie try Mid diff KEKW ? KEKW rip didnt get heal on w here we go with the inting again is she has really HEAL ? LUL KEKW KEKW ggman widepeepoSad LOST TO INTER Jebaited OMEGALUL KEKW @Comedido ign? he healed nt HEAL MID KEKW lost to inter :( was that an EMOTONAL play? PVMAN CAMILLE KEKW beta player syndra heal nice freeze :) @enz2 stxcømedidø, Comedido#9106 on discord PVMAN=GG widepeepoSad time to punish him KEKW alpha player ignite or tp PVMAN = KEKW MAN beta player barrier or heal CS Wow so happy to see Maokai played so predictable Jayce was very advanced !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pog Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU PogChamp PogChamp PogU Pog PogU pogu PogU PogU Pog PogU Pog WET PogU POG Pog pogu Pog Pog Pog lul Pog Jebaited pog Pog Kreygasm PogU Pog widepeepoHappy PogChamp intpact Pog nice job rush PogU PogU ROOOOOOSH KEKW umm widepeepoHappy ROOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOSH who hisduo getting carried as usual impact carry Pog Nice no emotional kappa Kappa Pog alcove is op CD Pog didnt e for cannon??? NOW THAT WAS Pog how is that rush getting carried? where are ur guys' brain, how do u not realize he delayed their recalls long enouhg for impact to tp Pog @Comedido sent out requests fucking stupid ass silver fucks KEKW Pog Pepega ??? L LUL L still in 2019 Jebaited @enz2 okay, when is the 1st round? Jebaited KEKW tree man PepeHands @TtvLimitless dude why are you mad XD they just trolling XD !uptime widepeepoHappy @ZaneC1, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 52 mins poog @Comedido weekend Pog worst midlaner ive ever seen rush KEKW fast reset LULW 200IQ Krappa dodges HAS rush ever PLAy vs FAKER Kappa LUL 2 for 1 KEKW now we are scalling bois @data_pog likely @data_pog YES camile mid usfeul :) iScale widepeepoHappy support camile KEKW @CptTeempo, KEKW @xD_LUL did he win fast reset KEKW KEKW @enz2 accepted on discord i feel like u go for too many plays LUL bot is winning chill rush clapped faker feeeedz MormonFTP_21 danSad @data_pog SOME WINS SOME LOSSES oddoneW Oddone danP PogU KEKW dootHAPPY1 dootHAPPY2 dootHAPPY3 dootHAPPY4 how does syndra get her R back feeding as usual mid gap KEKW MAN LUL a lot of emotional plays :/ !rank tali AYAYA TALI AYAYA 0/3 KEKW 0/3 KEKW AYAYA Clap AYAYA ? needs more wards !jensen AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ! pvman=gg RPGAyaya pvmanNOO tali AYAYA Inting again widepeepoSad AYAYA qtpWHAT Fine KEKW 1 detah per 2 min CptTeempo 🍷 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA :) it's not fun to flame rush when he is off role :/ KisakaNagen rooHappy 🔥 :) 🔥 this is fine @Kami_KhaZix i jungled against u last week EZ Clap monkaS POGGERS CS KEKW that w lol NICE CS CS lul CS KEKW last hit cs KEKW CS KEKW KEKW off role but main champ KEKW !uptime KEKW @coldbier3, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 54 mins troll W why did you w that wave? lol JG IN LANE KEKW pvmanW off role but goes camille mid emotional W PVMAN = GG PepeLaugh 💦 @caguirre18 for fun @KidoBR but they like doing that widepeepoSad !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Forg1ven intpact biteals subscribed with Twitch Prime. forgiven pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1WTF pun1sh1Forg1ven pun1sh1WTF 0/3 PogU yes LUL actually froze LULW yes It actually froze yea we saw I saw it PepeHands KEKW I SAW IT blitz KEKW yes BLITZ KEKW KEKW KEKW i saw it widepeepoSad NOT LYING Pog blitz KEKW shiit computer problem xd KEKW KEKW spaghetti that sucks KR TP still 0 kills LUL 10k PC KEKW Thats not leaghue, thats blitz Akali no R, wasted TP NOT BAD Alcove PogU its not blitz it happens to me too intpact LUL hes standing on a ward?? how do u int with every single champ impact is actually inting KEKW It's blitz @rush They have problems AP SHACO SUPP POGGERS @xD_LUL Yh but he doesnt have a dogshit pc blitz said themlseves they have an issue Intpact a 1080 build cost 10k ? ROOSH Pepega english Pog Pog pohgfg Pog Pog Pogggggg Pog nicsu top die Pog he doesn't even have blitz on FailFish JAYCE HAMMER Kreygasm PVMAN = GG PogU ROOOSH SUPPORT WidePepoHappy 6 assists Pog 0/3 KEKW xy AYAYA 1 MaN spam MODS KEKW Rush widepeepoHappy monkaW @iblamemymatesl2p stfu monkaW @iblamemymatesl2p banned monkaW monkaW CHAT monkaW iblamemymatesl2p WeirdChamp wtf is wrong with him XD MonaW @iblamemymatesl2p u wont do shit OMEGALUL shut up ape nobody cares about your life @iblamemymatesl2p stop emotional pls Support Camille Pog wtf is pohgfg?? how do you fuck up typing Pog that much pvman = boxGun ill kill you haHAA MODS PLEASE MALDING CAUSE AUTOFILLED KEKW MODS KEKW KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p widepeepoHappy haHAA @iblamemymatesl2p me too :) mods @iblamemymatesl2p no emotional play pls M OMEGALUL D S haHAA @iblamemymatesl2p how about you kys @iblamemymatesl2p WeirdChamp Serial killers in chat WeirdChamp school is over? MODS Na psycho in chat boys !uptime @moishere96, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 58 mins emotional play nice bait KEKW NA BAIT KEKW MOIDS HELP Still 0 KEKW baited KEKW malding because of league KEKW KEKW ? NA BAIT KEKW INTpact !gamble all @iblamemymatesl2p WeirdChamp MODS HELP what's happening chat monkaS NA schoolshooter in chat smonkaW to be fair to the mods, rush has a hard to follow schedule Pog @iblamemymatesl2p you need some love <3 PogU KEKW LOOK BAD KEKW Pog Pog PogU KEKW HOLY Pog Worth Pog Pog pvman=gg LULW NICUUUUUU niths EL WORTHO Kreygasm report him pvman=gg KEKW OMEGALUL could flash i think bounty First kill PogU could have flashed a lot of stuff there 200 IQ 5Head pvman = worth roosh mods = gg not bad LUL PogChamp Kapp why flash. trade kill and syndra used Heal easy win if flash 10.000 PogChamp pvman = ? @iblamemymatesl2p shut up nerd @iblamemymatesl2p Get help or jump off bridge sktfakerThumbsup sktfakerThumbsup wtf is this game, so much roam not behind = 44 cs down Kapp 30 cs behind Kapp report that kid not behind ? lol im winnin har NaM 10000 monkaW LOOLL KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p stfu KEKW why trade kill if you can just live?? NA woke up KEKW @shigabb 44 KEKW KEKW KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p can you shut the fuck up your cringe af 10k viewers but no mods LUL NA WOKE UP haHAA Na ? KEKW he is not worth much. it's better to save flash for next play @Pierce7d he got a 600g shutdown LUL you're supposed to use your flash to get kills and not die guys... @heeldawg KEKW 34* WOTOFO stop giving him attention chat and just report !subcount Current sub count: 886 how old is he :) KEKW LUL Impact failing at no emotional gameplay that l2p guy must be fortnight player nutLUL @iblamemymatesl2p You wont KEKW !8ball rush = gg ? @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Concentrate and ask again. :) trading flash for 600 g bounty seems worth it reported @iblamemymatesl2p @iblamemymatesl2p some med is making you irritable? XD? that syndra LUL what a throw LUL @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW You tellem rush KEKW CYA no noooooo @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW CYA KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p MALD @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW KEKW iblamemymatesl2p KEKW cya KEKW iblamemymatesl2p KEKW bye clown KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p take your pills @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW KEKW KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p where did you go ? can you flash over maokai ult? its not gachiW Korean Engrish gachiW KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW KEKW KEKW aceuClown aceuClown aceuClown @iblamemymatesl2p @iblamemymatesl2p cya fatass KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU no tri-force?? its not good KEKW Clap @iblamemymatesl2p malding because of league KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW SCRUB KEKW KEKW Clap M OMEGALUL D S !8ball will rush ever get on a pro team again? widepeepoSad @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... No LUL KEKW KEKW @iblamemymatesl2p KEKW PogU Buy page with cristal FLASH PogChamp Pog @iblamemymatesl2p small brain hexdrinker Pog KEKW NO COMBO PogU @rSabin0 KEKW this song PogU !8 ball will rush ever play syndra? @StreamElements KEKW MaldChamp @iblamemymatesl2p VIRGIN ALERT KEKW EZ @iblamemymatesl2p LMAO REKT that was perfect play hexdrinker EZ Clap what did he say !commands @OhMyBirth, You can find a list of all Commands here NICE TRIFORCE what did he say That syndra must be tilted off the planet Pepega Triforce is so expensive for camille when behind n i c e t r i f o r c u b r u h wait rush is mid... we did it chat :) !video Rush - THEY CALL ME SPIDER - MAN! - pvman spiritual gameplay nicely done :) !followage @OhMyBirth, ohmybirth has been following rush for 14 days 2 hours why did impact build that shit new item KEKW This game has been impressive music sounds like cars honking outside monkaW rush off role not feeding like a boosted animal, today is a good day :) music Tri Hard !followage pig Pog Pog TAKE IT SLOW GAchiW !followage @MattiTheGuy, mattitheguy has been following rush for 4 years 10 days 8 hours Lee KEKW Pog Pog NAISU Pog pog top lane rush Pog Jesus PogYou winnable Pog EZ Clap PogU TOO GOOD Pog Pog ppman MID GAP YUGE Pog XD is he duo with the guy who picked his butt? Kapp maokai widepeepoHappy camille one trick PogU Pog Kapp RUSH PATIENCE PogU Kappa PogYou dootHAPPY1 dootHAPPY2 dootHAPPY3 dootHAPPY4 LUL !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ KEKW Better JG Rush PogU LUL YEAH pog peepeeman WORSE MID S9 KEKW Camille master PogU TAX LUL widepeepoHappy FROM 0/3 TO 4/4 PogU @MattiTheGuy 4 years Pog mid gap Pog MID GAP POGGERS gank lane tax lane pvmanA !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ HIT IT pepega xD Thigh gap Kreygasm 4Head !xd !uptime !xd !jensen !xd @chatbot_cj, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 3 mins ChomPag who no kill shaco gachiGASM Kreygasm Kreygasm LULW !jensen a 0 % winrate Kreygasm Conqueror still better sutoSnack !yell danGachi !followage @ApplePeel, applepeel has been following rush for 3 years 2 months 23 days 15 hours jensen command has been disabled for months Kapp weird flex but ok WeirdChamp !uptime @miister_f, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 4 mins CptTeempo Pog '' its fine'' @ApplePeel 15 hours Pog !jensen This is peak performance RanOutOfUsernameIdeas blotChamp @LowRidingDog its aids to play vs high elo shaco KEKW he is so hard to catch and its waste of time to chase him @CptTeempo boxLurk PauseChamp !opgg @CptTeempo What? @CptTeempo B-Baka shipOKO MarcvsTulliusCicero blotHYPE PauseChamp HOLD !elo notredluigi shipHAPPY MarcvsTulliusCicero boxLurk OhMyBirth danP @KisakaNagen boxGun PauseChamp KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW boxGun we coo ? E KEKW KEKW LUL kekw KEKW E TU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Teempo like tempo? xD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW bronze chat FailFish KEKW KEKLW bronze chat. If akali was there he wouldve have the range if akali was there his e would have pushed him further chat KEKW @KisakaNagen yes we are TPFufun that E was to check chat E TU KEKW breebuVibe on csing only roam KEKW box7 @Mark_II_ what do you mean to check KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW oh oh KEKW ITS FINE PepeHands ANIME BATTLE LULW lle song KEKW UH OH Better jg wins KEKW breebuBaby pvman camille = EleGiggle he didn't know PepeLaugh died to weebs KEKW Great gank from lee PogYou @cute9000 Pepega 7 AYAYA x breebuAYA TALI AYAYAYA Syndra pressed R Pog Clap buy pink ward to prevent this with extra gold extra slot @Criminal997 Pepega 7 @cute9000 boxGun boxAYAYA rooAYAYA AYAYA what is impact playing this game? !8ball is pvman = gg ? @rSabin0, the 8-ball says... Blame Fenix pvmanFenix !uptime @maren0strum, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 6 mins @GoofyNole camille E only gets a extended range if there is someone close, so if there was someone on the other side of the wall he would have seen the range marker @cute9000 Ez Clap NA woke up Kappa breebuVibe no conq KEKW @MarcvsTulliusCicero :HandsUp KEKW Clap PogU Pog EZ CLAP O @Mark_II_ Are you making stuff up ? !xd HandsUp ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ -1 @Criminal997 PogYou you got sleep CANNON KEKW KEKW CANNON KEKW KEKW cannon KEKW kekw KEKW -90g KEKW KEKW ratirlCannon ratirlCannon KEKW KEKW how do autos work pvmanNOO He doesn't know PepeLaugh @cute9000 i killed caesar before antonius kills me TPFufun hail of blades shaco???? teach me to play camile ! Just hitting his abilities ResidentSleeper BUY SHEEN !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pepega rush monkeyS @MarcvsTulliusCicero for the watch PepeLaugh no sheen camille KEKW @KidoBR no, just look at her abilities and you'll see !team kappa pride PVman=GG KEKW !rank item get a sheen you pepaga monster it remimnd me of an avatar character. metal bender police xD 2 hex KEKW champ diff KEKW Pepege !server !xd ???????? 2 KEKW double hexdrinker KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 hex KEKW KEKW ???? 3 hex KEKW BrokeBack KEKW Pepega monster KEKW 2 Hex Pog Pepege where my ear go Pepega KEKW cant even buy Pepega Monster Rush is trolling KEKW Pepege Pooga you have no real item to lane against akali MR Camille Pog Pepege peepoThink @Mark_II_ I don't play league anymore, I will take your word on it I once bought 2 black cleavers, never realized until like 5 min later LUL double summersault PogU 2 hex yes. perfect balanced. as all things should be pepoThink hail of blades shaco works???? @seekkers3 yes auto SCAM KEKW Kappa 10 ms constant Kreygasm essersbest subscribed with Twitch Prime. @poisonedsoul wow u must have an interesting life @seekkers3 you can go elec,hail, DH on shaco Kapp POGGERS POGGERS @Itadakimasu1995 thank you thank you :) POOGERS POGGERS Krappa SHOW MR @Rush @seekkers3 the clone copies the stats from when you press R. so your clone has permanent hail of blades. -1cs should be about 100 maybe nice @KisakaNagen Ah godamn Pog BigBrother Clap @KisakaNagen wow thanks for the info KEKW @KisakaNagen chshHonk @cute9000 was waiting for u to tuck me in widepeepoSad wine_glass KEKW Pog no flesh no flesh Pog tali PogU BETTER JG WINS Talyah PogU no flesh no flesh monkaW No flush DansGame TALI AYAYA PogU taliyahayaya Ez Clap not negative anymore PogU MrDestructoid MrDestructoid No Flesh KEKW @rush are you still in clg as a streamer? syndra KEKW HandsUp POGGERS KEKW @Criminal997 i'm sorry, different timezones widepeepoSad hydra HandsUp @Rawgerino hes not it was only for a few weeks !time 00:59 LUL oo KEKW keekw @cute9000 widepeepoSad close Kapp LUL Taliyah Q LUL NA W OMEGALUL KEKW W @Criminal997 you can tuck me in instead later widepeepoHappy tp TP KEKW Pepega charge !uptime @loocaw, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 12 mins @Criminal997 also read me a pepega bedtime story Jebaited LULW LULW fiesta KEKW Pog KEKW oerfect hydra aa cancel Pog KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW perfect i will win KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahahha pvman = KEKW shouldve flushed KEKW KEKW what is impacts username in kr server XD why you do that? ggman KEKW Pepege IWILLWIN Best Camille NA KEKW KEKW PEPEGA where do you flash there ? Impact so humble PVman = widepeepoSad pvman ? gg !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU Pepega monster just search for rushs and you will see his @theroyalsp12 ahhh flash qqq maokai widepeepoSad PogU INTING DIRTX INTER stop KEKW ing pepega monster emotional play! MaoKai is a ROOSH playstyle he inter widepeepoHappy LULWW widepeepoSad @MadMan998 behind xayah to not get hit by feathers WutFace KEKW WutFace WutFace KEKW WutFace WutFace KEKW WutFace MaldChamp 💨 WutFace LULW Kappa KEKW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 👃 💨 FeelsGoodMan Clap KEKW WutFace ohnBask WutFace LOUDER MALD my ears WutFace maokai is rush fan widepeepoHappy WutFace WutFace Missklick Kapp EAR DIE WutFacr WutFace WutFace KEKW WutFace @MadMan998 probs flash xayah e and he wins that @cute9000 the Pepega that could charge LULW heeldawg subscribed with Twitch Prime. staff monkaS Too emotional monkaW 👉 🔧 @Melodicy No, he meant that he should've flashed on xayah while flying with his E to get the stun off. staff monkaW STAFF monkaW monkaW mods here monkaW staff monkaW im going to bed, good luck rush! what does twich staff do? @Criminal997 my favorite type of pepega LUL monkaW RarePepe monkaW pvmanWeeb mods boxHide coldbier3 you don't wanna know monkaW @coldbier3 absolutely nothing LULW staff monkaW This is a peaceful stream KEKW coldbier3 watch streamers and report them for flaming :) lvl 3 camille ult Pog ...oh wait ... PepeHands @codyma fellow camille main 5Head ? RarePepe @coldbier3 watch egirl streams staff not even subbed monkaS @cute9000 LULW it's the police boxHide get paid for wathing streams I guess XD @coldbier3 you know the dementors in Azcaban ? monkaS ah nah it's just a criminal PepeLaugh @TF_PLAY_VARIETY nah but my duo plays a lot of camille monkaW 🔧 Quick everyone throw their cat monkaS monkaS staff monkaW hide the memes BabyRage don't send me to azcaban monkaOMEGA they also ban egirls who are prettier than alinity :) staff pleb KEKW He's good chat Pog boxHide Pog Pog PogU Staff FeelsGoodMan staff WeirdChamp KEKW Pog PogU @codyma moon2H staff PogU ah yes... camille mains 5Head monkaW 👉 🔧 EZ Clap @codyma hi are u a Pepega mods gay Pog alinity fan in the chat monkaS Pog good dodge hiant brain Rush POGGERS Pog Pog Rush so good Pog Pog EZ What time do you usually sleep at @Rush ? MID ROOSH Pog Pog Pog Pog !time 01:04 imagine playing shaco BrokeBack BrokeBack moon2COOM moon2DODGE Pog staff in 2k19 KEKW !uptime @Criminal997, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 16 mins RUSH >>>> DOINB @my_name_is_Ming_Lee no u wonnered PogU ROOSH Pepega @codyma Pepega PRChase why not? top die KEKW codyma review tarzaned appeal PepeHands camille = gg KEKW y u no auto? pvmanHands @DadBodHotRod like he can do something KEKW @DadBodHotRod what was the result TARAZANED KEKW E KEKW ehehe tree has fast fingers LUL @DadBodHotRod not my area :'( doinb wife was in my dms chief next time just perma ban tarz KEKW ezlyfe420 he just got a seemingly automated response codyma unlucky PepeHands HEY RUSH CANNON KEKW -100g I NEED HELP CANNON KEKW how do i jungle?? !runtime DoinB wife is pretty lv18 pogu @codyma unban me from tyler1 chat MALD i think shadow dogs unleashed should be a real thing LEE KEKW lee? Pog Lee trolling KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again EZ Clap POg Pog GG EZ ΦΡΟΜ 0 ΤΟ ΗΕΡΟ Pog Pog Pog pvman = win PogU longest E ever gachiBASS POG why coward? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL SO GOOD Pog Tali AYAYA h' camille main Pog ResidentSleeper FROM 0/3 TO 11/6 PogU mid gap Pog PogU geegee Pog camille trinity so good even rush cant feed on it KEKW maokai FeelsGodMan pvman = ggwp Pog GGEZ mid gap PogYou EZ Clap O KEKW KEKW good job pvmanHYPERS PogU ROOOSH KEKW KEKW LUL strong mental is the key Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW j j KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW GGMAN LUL GG EZ kekw KEKW CONTENT SEEKER feeder KEKW kda NICE KDA KEKW KEKW saving flash for next game KEKW ez amk KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW actual mid gap KEKW this syndra should have won with that early lead KEKW rip kda PepeLaugh KEKW EZ Clap KDA KEKW saving flash for next game 11/7 FEEDER KDA KEKW no :) greeder dogs KEKW GREEDER FrankerZ KEKW sacrificed to win the game KEKW KEKW KEKW emotional play LUL 500000 IQ LULW namvp = Clap Always manage to troll at enemy nexus KEKW SMOrc SMOrc DIED 7 TIMES KEKW RUSH > DOINB don't tell that to bronze they will still chase for kills LUL Kapp 5Head Kapp Kapp Kapp 5HEad @Rush you hearted and then unhearted my comment on youtube video major feelsbadman have been depressed for long time because of it Kapp OhMyDog NEMESIS MALDING KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp 4HEad Kapp :( "no emotional play" Kappa DOINA Are impact and Rush lovers? ditched PepeHands Kapp 5Head KEKW Kapp piss ? Exercise Kappa pizz something* PepeHands Fitness POGGERS PepeHands PISS KEKW CHAD IMPACT Pog do smt "don't try to get kill guys" goes in anyway LUL piss Pog OMEGALUL Kappa Kappa LUL Kapp heheheh KEKW piss? gachiBASS I need something Kappa KEKW bye impact widepeepoSad Lmao PepeHands DITCHED LUL PEACE inter still here :( widepeepoSad impact stay LoL D: tired of carrying D: KEKW SOMETHING KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW Jebaited KEKW LUL LUL ditched KEKW @codyma Please mod me on aLinity's channel :) the inter is gone ? but you're still streaming LUL LUL LUL gonna fap Kappa KEKW SOMETHING KEKW roosh pvman KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad ROOSH widepeepoSad roosh widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad LOL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepegaPhone ROOOOOSH widepeepoSad widepeepoSad impact is gone FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeeposad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad piss @Rush Papa Rush im blind irl and i play lee sin , any tips? widepeepoSad widepeeposad widepeeposad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad white people sad widepeepoSad rush jobless widepeepoSad white people sad widepeepoSad banned widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap leaked widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Rank 1 PogU widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad WHITE PEOPLE SAD white people sad widepeepoSad INTER IS GONE KEKW widepeeposad gonna lose now that impact is gone widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad rooosh widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Pepega 123 Pepega 123 LUL monkaOMEGA pepega123 @Rush wbats Password ! LUL Pepega 123 Pepega KKona sad hacked EZ Clap Pepega 123 Pepega Pepega 123 loool Pepega 123 Pepega 123 leaked Pog Anyone hacking? EZ banned Pepege @Rush how is impact so good after all these years? hacked Champ Pepega worldrecord BANNED KEKW rushrush03 LUL Any gifters? monkaOMEGA widepeepoSad banned widepeepoHappy shared account with chat LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad only @Rush you just said your user and pass LUL only 7 OMEGALUL 7-2 in 7 games KEKW leaked widepeepoSad @Rush how about playing with ucal? How do you think jungle can be buffed? @rush widepeepoSad Pepega7 Pepega 7 @Rush how do you decide between playing on pvman vs widepeeosad? like which acc u decide 77777777 can u play olaf !elo FeelsBadMan slow korean brain KEKW FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad pvmanHands pvmanHands FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad it would be 7-0 if impact soloQ PepeHands :( I rate this comment 5/7 @rush PVMAN= GG LULW pvman = gg KEKW widepeepoSad pvman = GG pvman = gg KEKW LULW thefullwall subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 40 month streak! i am feeling like unreforming and spamming chat again... what should i do kind boy? when new emotes pvmanMonkey KEKW KEKW D: KEKW KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU @Rush It's a good time to stream. 10k viewers! PogChamp More than TFBlade! ;) misleading text, where is impact?!?! pvmanMonkey KEKW 🖕 Seven hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven KEKW KEKW !duo KEKW KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU xd KEKW XD why so mad roosh ? ): KEKW ? Kappa KEKW XD Kapp xd xd impact never been drpped out of lcs tho Kappa XD XD Kappa xD KEKW Kappa KEKW XD Kappa XD Kappa Kappa Kappa check Golden Kappa Check Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ok :) Kappa GOLDEN Kappa Check Kappa Kappa NA viewers more money ez profit late night stream Kappa Kappa KEKW xD Kappa Kappa XD KEKW Kappa mcjangPOG mcjangPOG mcjangPOG xD Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Golden Kappa Check Kappa GOLDEN ? Kappa check Kappa Kappa Kappa Golden Kappa Check Kappa Kappa no morewideppl Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 4Head KEKW XD Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KEKW Kappa KEKW Golden Kappa KEKW KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Golden Kappa Check Kappa Kappa Kappa is nice ! Remember when Rush almost demoted D1 on pvman good old times KEKW Kappa xD Golden Kappa check Kappa how about widepeeposad = gg 5Head Kappa XD !XD ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ XD golden Kappa check KEKW Show history match KEKW XD GOLDEN KEKW Kappa Kappa golden Kapp Check !chika Kappa Kappa XD golden Kappa check KEKW widepeepoSad Is it ok if I smoke here ? FeelsBadMan 🚬 You’ve been plagued with NA viewership what do you think about master yi Kappa Kappa Kappa never jg widepeepoSad Is it me Pog Kappa mods are on point here nice ADC KEKW WIDEPEEPOsAD Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp widepeepoSad PVMAN Kappa widepeeposad yes Kappa widepeepoSad ADC KEKW no Kappa not golden check GG KEKW gg widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad widepeepoSad Rush is not bad RUSH OFF ROLE KEKW SURE Keepo Can play any role Pog yes mid gap Kappa LAST GAME WAS SO IMPRESSIVE @Rush Is it ok if I smoke here ? FeelsBadMan 🚬 Kappa mid gap what about lcs @rush oh oh oh Kapp @Rush Do you have any plan for Christmas?? :-) they dont want ur ADC pvmanPride They dont want ur adc KEKW @Rush isn't it late over there "better mid won" roosh the jg said Kappa yeah ur team does not want free lose KEKW Kappa They are afraid of your adc skills Kapp widepeeposad = dodge or with you widepeepoSad free lose are we still memeing pvman = gg ? HUH @leusle only if you get high of it KEKW Kappa none widepeepoSad EU Adc I do :) peepoSad alone widepeepoSad widepeepoSad no friend pvmanHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad no FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan !playlist QUEUE KEKW Yes POGGERS we fighting on christmas or what? widpeepoSad fail AYAYA LUL with family ofcourse roosh WutFace widepeepoSad @Rush MAKE DISCORD FOR STREAM AYAYA pooooooooooooooooogggggg What time do you usually sleep at @Rush ? widepeepoHappy yes DISCORDO AYAYA AYAYA ? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BR xD XD WHAT LEAGUE DISCORDO AYAYA OCE JAPAN AYAYA dodge cuz scared AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA FeelsBadMan PR OMEGALUL PLAYER JPL LEL rust Pog celery? Pog celery? KEKW Kapp Kapp KR SALARY KEKW @Lobstercake even prof pic and background pic as AYAYA KEKW KEKW work for free? KEKW Kapp sure mmmmmmm widepeepoSad so valuable they pay you $0 KEKW Kapp Clap VALUABLE LULW Why go pro when you make millions streaming Rush going to G2 to replace Jankos??? pvmanKappa free player Kappa Kappa Kappa sure Celery LJL wants you @rush where are YouTube widepeposad any team is better than jobless right? celery Celery too high LULW Yakemae it's cute right? AYAYA make some cold hard green celery Pog Huni? no :) you are not worth that much tbh KEKW @Rush do you think playing for free even one season would be good branding? Make more money streaming after? You mean NA ? OpieOP Just get a team 4Head @Rush Not good for my life widepeepoSad GO LJL AYAYA change the title @Rush join huni plz @Rush @Lobstercake AYAYA / Can’t stand high celery so that is a no ? join skt AYAYA pvman AYAYA pvman AYAYA pvman Sneaky Rush Aphro? so Huni lol @hoihehehaha streaming is a job tho R U S H M A N join skt celery is good for you tho play for griffin they are all good people G2 Rush Pog Damonte and Rush? Would you accept offers from EU @Rush or only NA/KR? Whats a team that you would consider playing for @Rush but u r bad ppl rust ? Who is the bad people? @Rush D: heyy how are you doing rush =) doesn't want to go through echo fox again, mature rush Pog DRX Rush? PogU did rush find a team yet? Why is rush so bad KT was a team with bad people?? DRX RUSH PogYou Team unemployed no team that wants u :) @Rush you don't wanna play on a team in the meanwhile at least? join my team kindboy KappaPride TSM TSM TSM PepeLaugh @rush going to G2 confirmed??? pvmanKappa Kapp pvmanKappa Damonte and Rush POG Kappa PepeLaugh 💦 Keepo T1 Rush Pog yeah youd never win if you joined a NA team they all suck lol KEKW TSM TSM TSM 5Head PepeLaugh !!!!!!!!!!!! Kapp Pepege KWKQ LUL Kappa yes LUL LUL KEKW POOGERS lost Q again KEKW Pepege KEKW Pepege yes YES KEKW Pepega .... LULW KEKW yes yes LUL Pepega ???? yes ;) Pepega stop dodging KEKW Pepega yes NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis he didnt know PepeLaugh Pepega Pepega DRX RUSH? !opgg Pepega Pepega dodge 1 more lose lp @rush evil geniuses and TL roster are bad? 🤔 Pepege peepoSad oh nyooooo peepoSad oh nyooooo peepoSad oh nyooooo peepoSad oh nyooooo OhMyDog rebuild dig with huni @Rush !elo just join SKT rush, you should play with FAKER Pepege hardstuck in queue LULW are you looking to play on a korean team or does it not matter @Rush pvman = widepeepoSad @Rush what is the sense of playing ranked in the pre-season? Kapp Kapp @Rush You should come to Europe and try one year join SKT? @Rush Kappa Clap !blitz Rush uses the app to get all his champion info and League stats all automatically! Free download here: me too thats why I'm only silver FeelsBadMan @Rush StoneLightning RedCoat TheRinger TheRinger RedCoat Kapp Clap we come for the meme Kapp yes Kappa OMEGALUL / 9 Pepega player Kappa true :) KEKW Kapp Unique Inter join g2 PogU 0/9/6 Pog unique Pepega yea :) Kappa Kapp sure sure Kapp REYWW Squid3 Squid4 VoHiYo N OMEGALUL True Kaapa @impeyn if you get above masters in preseason you get eve nudes yep Kapp ITS CAUSE YOU PRETTY BOY RUSH IN PRO = J4 ONE TRICK KEKW i watch for the comedy TRUEEE im unique Pepega @Rush why arent you looking for a lck team over lcs team? @Rush just some brain delay from time to time and emotional. only 2 cons we watch you to meme you very Pepega approach if playing for free for SKT maybe D: I'm kere to spam KEKW D: D: LUL interesting plater im watching for monkey gameplay D: You are "special" Pepega go play with gen g or something You are not normal Pog Unique INT you are good in INTING <3 int approach KEKW UNIQUE INTER OMEGALUL LUL good branding! KEKW FOR FREE KEKW rush funny you int in solo q but i actually think youre a very underrated competetive player @Rush WTFF play for free KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW C9 RUSH COMEBACK Play for exposure Kappa we watch you cause you're an emotional player play in TCS PogU FREE KEKW KEKW Join my clash team rush talent Kappa TRUE KEKW KEKW @rush why don’t you play TFT now? We all know you’re washed up pvmanMonkey yes :) He's giving you free money @Rush BibleThump ???? true I N T Talent Kapp go make some money in brazil or russia widepeepoSad what a dumb dono 0/9/6 LOL Ppega Widepeeposad widepeepoSad TRUE OMEGALUL ya super emothional player true big brain rush pvmanFenix shut up pvmanFenix shut up pvmanFenix shut up pvmanFenix TRUE KEKW @Rush play in tyler tournament Kappa C9 RUSH confirmed love the honesty IWD KEKW What is the temperature in Korea? @Rush Like Pepega using full caps in Twitch chat KEKW True, Roosh is not bad widepeepoHappy FeelsBadMan should have been jensen LOUD = FUNNY LOLW solo LUL LEE SIN GAME MOTHA GOOD 100% TRUE loud people are just people with huge personality flaws NA comunication elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro maybe speak up then @하조영 how about you use google? Rush is solo carry Pog Scale 1-10, how pretty is ROOSH Join runaway :) runner is nice guy widepeepoSad que PepeLaugh ue QUEUE! PogU HE GOT IT qtpCOMFY Rushy duo again? PogChamp ACCEPT TRUE EZ Clap Kappa 5Head Kapp 10 KappaPride doesn't matter if you never leave home :) BETA KEKW !duo Kapp DUO with IMPACT PogU just MALD PogU he got it u only scream like a monkey @GeileGans super geil 10/10 Kappa @rush join DRX wif ur boyfriend KappaPride who do you think the best nungler na is? Kappa True Just get MALD ing Kappa Clap Super chill Rush Kappa lol @guemudo theres a euro on that burger implying its an eu burger. fail Kapp non emotional player Pooga STREAMER kind boy KEKW 3Head *flips table* DO AS I SAY FeelsRageMan OYOYOYOYOYOYO uh huh Kappa 5Head mental wow nice guy rush Kappa Chill as inting rush smoking lots of weed he is high boy Kappa Kappa you must lose a lot of arguments WeirdChamp @Rush is it right to evolve q and e on khazix? That's why we like you <3 Kappa Kappa @Rush just sometimes emotional np KKonaW Kappa KIND BOY KEKW :) kind boy Kind boi PeepoHappy Kappa TRU Kapp is it worth learning lee if im in platinum IV? @Rush Kappa @Rush new account name Super Chill Paid comments KEKW CLICK IT KKona he smokes the weed its because your AYAYA @schingken you evolve w first then r qtpWOW phongsgarden Whine boy kind boy Kapp Kapp elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro elmillor1euro quinPalm quinPalm quinPalm quinPalm Kind BOI !uptime @AyinJaga, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 30 mins Kapp kindboy gives free LP to opponents :) <3 monkey brain Sure Kapp @rush I think that you are more a passive-aggressive boy Kind boy rush KEKW @rush why don’t you play in OCE? I think that’s around your level ROOSH needs more compliments lads, What do you think of master yi? @Rush qtpBOX TRUE KEKW true KEKW I thought they called you kind boy because they did not know you KEKW KEKW KappaWealth KEKW KEKW BETA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW plat = lucky gold KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW PepeLaugh ENABLE Pepega SANTA Pepega describing yourself KEKW D: KEKW is Grandmaster lucky Diamond wtf HAHHAHAH ? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk when will you come to eu @Rush LUL D: D: amumu PepeLaugh soraka jungle KEKW Soraka jungle? LUL zed Pog D: D: !opgg SORAKA JUNGLE BigBrother RUDE AF D: D: D: KEKW soraka sounds good secks rankcist PepeLaugh play olaf !'M PLAT 3 xD in the end, everyone below top 500 is iron @Rush LULW SORA KAPOW ER i got roasted widepeeposad 3Head champs D: = GOLD PepeLaugh WW is super EZ and strong right now soraka jungler Pepega !delay lee fun tho KIND BOY BTW KEKW wtf is this when rush streams now? im going in to work late today Soraka top Pog KEKW i got diamond 2 with karthus jungle JG PogU ChomPag Normies KEKW gold Lee Sin play PogU ResidentSleeper what do you think of master yi? @Rush TRUE KEKW Normies KEKW lee sin is op if you master, can get 60% wr on gold plat with low plat mmr NORMIES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NORMIES POGGERS PLAT RESIDENTS KEKW whats happening with ur pro carrer are u gonna stop and start streaming or u just didnt get a team this year LULW true True KEKW I feed everytime KEKW KEKW teemo KEKW true KEKW hhha KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW KEKW teemo meter KEKW ONE TEEMO METER ? wow LUL self praise and toxic advice = rush today KEKW true 1 tm KEKW KEKW PLAY LEE KEKW sounds like good strat to me Pepega @CTundra2 god knows man, rush has the schedule of a cat thoughts on Diana? sounds like pvman monkaHmm KEKW VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ PLAY LEE PVMAN NaM sounds like pvman KEKW NaM ? should i play taliyah? @Rush MaN it's true Lee Sin is only worth if you are really good and understand the game they learn from Pvman in korea @rush not kindboy widepeepoSad exactly pvman description I got diamond 4 playing veigar mid but my account got perma banned NaM ! SOUNDS LIKE PVMAN KEKW show us lee why ban senna Rush why do u even bother speaking to these dog Viewers? @Rush Yasuo at 150 ms ping good? thats the story of my life NaM show me how its done on lee @Rush AERODY _ _ _ ICS ❓ 🤔 doinb or faker? I want to play lee so much (not lucky gold btw :D ) but 100+ ping stops me from it :( playing something like nunu which is super easy will help you understand the game and become better ? Pog YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAY your music is always dope Kapp Master yi Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Kapp PogU PogCamp @mushokLoL The skill difference between GM and dia is like comparing d4 to silver so probably no lulz xd thx dad Kappa !leesin KEKW Kappa i ban lee sin in all my games because my teamates dont do good on lee Pog pvman lee KEKW Kapp ? yaaaaaas Kappa Kappa Kapp Kapp Kappa rush has no faith in me widepeepoSad Kapp Kapp chshLUL @Rush why gost poro instead of sudden impact?? KEKW KEKW KEKW Everyone in Rush’s chat is at least diamond, we’ve learnt from @rush :) pvman=gg !leesin BOOMER KEKW "How can this guy be challenger whilst playing Lee Sin so badly. I'm so jealous" Kapp lucky gold player stream POGGERS widepeepoSad KEKW qtpLOST vi pls GAREN ivern :) KEKW F Kappa Song name? KEKW GG PV MAN HAS NO EYES SO HE CANT DODGE SHIT KHA @rush have you seen senna nerfs? thoughts? widepeepoHappy KEKW OMEGALUL KEK'ZIX kha PogChamp kha'zix is just cool lee sin !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU widepeepoSad AngelThump pvman khazix KEKW @mattivih I mean GM is 1 slot above Diamond1, how do you think the gap is so huge? lol other option is int like usual :) Ghosting LOL should i play kha'zix in plat 4 aka gold? @Rush DOINB OR FAKER @Rush y no conqueor K6? Someone with skills please find out this song bame Lee? KekwZix kha'zix is a pokemon !uptime @kimb0ftw, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 33 mins @luladrienne_ NotLikeThis go dark harvest noob @mattivih its exactly the same as comparing a Plat4 to gold1 boring music dar ude sandstorm @Rush Question of the century. Can YOU play Lee with 100+ ping? ;) Yes @kidobr digimon boxComfy boxComfy Thanks LUL @rush impact gone? widepeepoSad widepeepoSad No @Rush is conqueror good on Lee Sin if the enemy team doesn't have a tank? noooo ResidentSleeper !uptime breeze mvdb @호오오올, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 34 mins No 😡 @iG_Enix boxComfy boxComfy wth Rush morning stream in NA poggers im in champ select whats a good support for plat players @Rush is nimbus cloak worth with smite proc now on champs like olaf etc KEKW doinb or faker? widepeepoSad PepegaPhone roooooooosh miss impact already widepeepoSad @rush why don't u abuse conquerer on kha ? nice, no chat restriction or bans on my act.... was drunk last night and used chat a bit :) pvmanHands I still have work to finish and rush gameplay helps my brain widepeepoSad PepegaPhone CHARGE karasmGasm boxLewd @EkayDragneel !watchtime @mushokLoL now u get banned KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kappa Kappa Kappa HotPokket HeyGuys hello mr rush how are you PepeHands PepeHands !uptime @젬블라니티, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 35 mins PepegaPhone LETS GOOOO @iG_Enix boxSmug boxBob pepeHands pvmanHands I just woke up @mushokLoL well LP vise yes, but the skill difference is significantly higher xd From my experience I would say d4 - masters has more difference than D4- silver xd but D1 is already pretty good, really spikes after D2 xd @rush last game? i just Pepega checked in widepeepoSad pelase stay longer? PauseChamp PVMAN = _ _ ❓ PauseChamp boxBob Hi @Rush I'm new here Hi chat EZ !uptime @camilo23, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 36 mins Why is fighting type super effective to steel type in pokemon??? Wtf is the logic in that 5Head PauseChamp PVMAN = G _ ❓ @mattivih got ya, I mean im hardstuck crap player so I woulndt know :) 5Head @iKurokage KEKW what are your runes on kha'zix widepeepoSad widepeepoSad why do you close your eyes a lot Why start q bc of solo camps :) @rush play more i just Pepega checked in KEKW Why don’t u flash to travel faster in jg cuz ur gonna NA flash anyway !uptime @flechitagreen, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 37 mins why the sky is blue? @lololol1001 probably his eyes are tired any gifters? ratirlLonely Carried KEKW Impact Shen Pog pog team getting carried Pog @KisakaNagen the reflection of light on the ocean JG DIFF @imthebestintheworld3 it's for game balance, pokemon runs on rock, paper, scissor system. So if they need to give something a weakness, they will just do that, sorry team Pog lvl 3 with 3 camps amazing xdddd KEKW @iKurokage KEKW BLITZ KEKW 10k PC KEKW KEKW KEKW emotional KEKW PauseChamp PVMAN = _ _ ❓ LUL BLITZ KEKW It's a trap! :D KEKW blitz is very good :) They melted you KEKW blitz KEKW 0/1/0 KEKW mine does that but it's a 10 year old laptopn KEKW @ZaneC1 thansk for the answer, but that's not correct chshLUL Its fine :) tfw freeze PogChamp No wonder rush barely streams, a good bunch of you are pure headache blitz @WillYari G G Everything is fine :) is screen freezing actually from blitz @KisakaNagen oh :) Your midlaner was top and u knew it FailFish actually froze FeelsBadMan pv man = INSTANT LOSE KEKW @Col3s Damn right BasedGod akali KEKW better jungler wins KEKW akali KEKW PauseChamp PVMAN = _ G ❓ pepega warfare @rush have you disabled blitz overlay? Akali LUL already died once ResidentSleeper pvman = 😂 monkaS @lirikSMART cant tell if troll dude streams practically daily no finger PepeHands monkaW WutFace Pepege widepeepoHappy PVMAN =GG KKona !opgg widepeepoSad LUL @lirikSMART who the fk you think watches twitch bud ?! LOL KEKW pvman = gg KEKW ??? gg LUL KEKW 0/2/0 KEKW KEKW wth @Rush hello emotional play man :) small brain korean KEKW jgl diff is massive again KEKW KEKW pvman = pepega monster KEKW emotional player KEKW KEKW Malding. KEKW rush doing the pepegas xD @KidoBR humans, mostly D: sbs... 0/2 KEKW KEKW NA tower dive? KEKW dive lmao D: KEKW KEKW PogU !uptime @IvanYanglol, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 40 mins Shen POG fiora KEKW Every lane winning but rush still losing the game by himself KEKW being carryeed PogU Shen Pog bottom GachiBass losing to Shen KEKW widepeepoCarried emotional plays ignite KEKW this is the 40% win due to team Kappa widepeepoSad rush popping off mid kah new meta ? stay positive chat, except for rush everybody is doing well :) kha rush = better jungle because all lane win NO KEKW Kapp YES Kapp Kapp Kapp NO LULW yah NO KEKW Pepega 📝 slow down professor Learning 0/2/0 KEKW gameplay KEKW inting KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp no :) carried KEKW Kapp Kapp 0 kill participation :) how delusiona are you i demoted because of you :) ye, you int all game and get carryed but all your laners KEKW Kapp yes Kapp Yeah I'm learning what not to do no KEKW Kapp Kappa Kappa LUL Kapp Kapp @rush play supp ornn its broken Kappa yes Kapp Kapp Kapp !duo KEKW DUO with IMPACT PogU 0/2/0 widepeepoSad LUL LUL LUL no, too emotional Pepega 📝 yes yes Mappa KEKW 0/2/0 Krappa KEKW KEKW I'm learning how to INT LUL Kapp KEKW LOL KEKW if you want to lose KEKW jg gap so huge already KEKW xD suuuure Kappa KEKW 0/3 KEKW you literally the only one playing bad KEKW KEKW FeelsGoodMan 0/3/0 KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW MENTAL GAP Pompiko subscribed at Tier 1. KEKW jgl gap KEKW jg gap KEKW mid gap KEKW jg diff KEKW KEKW what is going on rush? ggman LUL NotLikeThis 50 percent kill participation :) JUNGLE GAP KEKW pvman=gg KEKW THE CONTROL PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW JG GAP KEKW mind gap jg boom KEKW !uptime @GodmanTV, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 41 mins JG GAP KEKW at least your team is not emotional jg dif Jungle gap too big "controlling the game so well" mid gap LOLW yes Pog 0/3 KEKW rush wintrading KEKW control the game KEKW yes, I learned if I wanna not int I don't play like pvman LUL LUL :D u doing this on purpose m8 ? @Rush 50% death participation dude lol claims he doesnt complain xD gg jg diff 태남우 subscribed at Tier 1. rush coming through atpTopSpeed Pepega unemotional int gameplay Poggers 0/4/0 HYPE KEKW Kapp AKALI Pepega stop rushing Pepega why is this ex pro player playing like me a Pepega twitch chat monster rush coming through ♿ Pepega Pepega 'sup gap mid gap' team? Pepega !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ PepegaPhone CHARGE jg gap KEKW Better jgler wins EZ Clap where is you have eyes losing 1v1 to twitch early KEKW @Rush is jungle worse this patch/season ? PVMAN = GGMAN KEKW widepeepoSad thresh is playing better than morg lol pvman will say twitch broken KEKW M / 0 / 3 KEKW !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU lots of EU iron in chat KEKW thresh Pog EU Iron = plat NA so its good KEKW Please win I’m starting to worry top gap Pog @Keuz92 worse when behind, better when ahead PogU Team Pog POOGERS LOL EU iron just self exposed POGGERS Carried KEKW @ageej na dia = eu iro top gap POGGERS KEKW People that play league ''professionally'' will complain about league a lot. You would complain about league too, if you played the same game for 10 years, 8 hours a day :/ how is shen shiting so hard on fiora ? only in korea KEKW POGGERS KEKW good leash KEKW KEKW ? KEKW @Wixur10 iron KEKW LOL KEKW thanks for the leech KEKW 0/4/0 LUL good F LULW KEKW Top better than impact KEKW KEKW F KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SO TRASH KEKW silver elo SO BAD PepegaPhone CHHHAAARRGEEE 0/4 KEKW support gap LULW lmfaooo LUL 0/4/0 KEKW unlucky NA cant even get out of groups KEKW 0/4 KEKW sup gap KEKW nice leash Pepega 0/4 KEKW hmmm KEKW ?????????? KEKW @Rush control mental, winnable emotional play flash u dumbass save flash for next game Rush you are terrible wtf whitepeopleSad Can't dodge a single bind KEKW EU MALDING KEKW KEKW if you move towards red buff you dodge the skill shot? ur tilted no wonder he's not on a team LUL zz KEKW I CAN'T BREATH 040 tilted sup gap Kapp JNGL GAP Klappa getting flamed KEKW TILTEDDDD SUP GAP Oh 040 !playlist SAVE FLASH FOR NEXT GAME 040 atleast EU got into finals KEKW KEKC KEKC KEKC KEKC KEKC sup gap kekw who to blame next ... Rush is not bad widepeepoSad rush is tilted af 0/4 power spike PogYou shen : what's wrong with you jungle? KEKW ban morgana i would tilt so much i cant imagine report jng - emotional mid gap Rush is not bad BibleThump !uptime @Ghost_of_Eternity, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 43 mins @Rush what is this JG gap? go to sleep you playing really bad 0/4 LOL no boots shen KEKW Pepega watching top and not seeing rumble on bot widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @ㅇㅅㄴㅅ KEKW NA JUNGLER LUL @ageej NA at worlds KEKW Morgana playing like alicoptar KEKW almost 10 min level 5 KEKW @rush i just Pepega checked in to witness this KEKW @ㅇㅅㄴㅅ KEKW BIRD Pepega widepeepoSad @amitige7 thx for translating jg gap KEKW Learning akali in roosh game what that chickne running ? Smite king KEKW jungle gap where is pvman burnNO jg gap KEKW KEKW @Rush I believe in you, show them the JG gap! KEKEW ACTUALLY support gap KEKEW KEKW KEKW u already showed jgl gap KEKW LUL stream sniping :? rush is just teaching us how jg gap works :) r 0-4? it's more like "our jungle. why's he like this" R evolve? @Wixur10 you say 'we' as if you are included.. you are just dog iron KEKW !uptime @babbols, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 44 mins 윤재형님 한국말 한번만 해주세요.... KEKW 0/4/1 Pog ageej Im d3 atm KEKW rush jungle coming thry Pepega / thresh needs the kill to carry KEKW 1 assist PogU 0/4/1 PogU speaking of int... 0/4 KEKW @ageej who hurt you :( ? this is looking like some plat 4 gold plz IF YOU A DOG THEN IMA DOG TOO KEKW EU so mad he 0/4 but still same level as lee. jeez 0/4/1 on the board now PogU ChomPag 1 Assist ChomPag so delusional xd Pepega 📣 ROOOSH dota inters? !duo DUO with IMPACT PogU 윤재형님 한국말 한번만 해쥬세요...!!!!!!!! 0/4 "dirty inters" KEKW PepegaPhone SLUUUUURP any ChomPag in chat? WutFace 👉 ChomPag ChamPog ChomPag ChomPag ChomPag ChomPog PagChomp ChamPog KEKW Champ ChomPag KEKW ChomPag PepeLaugh D: ChomPag D: chill 윤재형님 한국말 한번만해주세요 burnNERD ChomPag 0/4/1 is not bad Kapp 0/4/1 KEKW 040 KEKW ChomPag jg gap KEKW ChomPag ChomPag akali losing KEKW cant play braindead champ KEKW ChomPag idk the k6 is worse KEKW JG GAP KEKW 0-4 LULW "mid gap" KEKW ChomPag 0-4 PepeLaugh chakali jg gap qtpWEIRD pvman = ggwp forsenDeer idk 0/4 kha is playing in a reportable way :/ RarePepe pls don't KEKW look at her cs KEKW jgl diff 4sure akali is Pepega monster !uptime @Dee_Jae, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 46 mins spamming laughing face atpRtsd talks about mid gap, is 0/4/1 vs 5/3/1 Lee KEKW a kill PogU EZ Clap first kill PogYou alcove Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW PPMAN=15FF LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW xd KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL why u e up LOL KEEEEEEEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW nice try lol KEKW KEK dodged everything LUL xD WALK TO BOTTOM BRUSH LUL KEKW KEKW 3Head KEKW KEKW JG gap KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW 1 kill baby KEKW LUL KEKW Didn't dodge anything KEKW 윤재형님 한국말 한번만ㅇㆍㅜㅜㅜ LUL almost POGGERS Feed Rumble, call Akali mid bad Kappa Rush, don't do it. We love you :D KEKW actually malding KEKW gg Poggers pvman = gg KEKW flaming in chat KEKW dodged everything jj 3Head oi bruv nice E KEKW KEKW LUL Pepega Clap gg KEKW KEKW KEKW DODGE EVERYTHING KEKW SO BAD KEKW KEKW emotional junglers man GG pvman=KEKW KEKW bro everyday same shit ROASTED :o JJ LULL pvman = ggwp LUL J J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Pepega Flame akali bitch KR Akali Pog PepegaPhone CHARGE better than u KEKW why r evolve Pepega monster no :) 3Head oi bruv im iron lemme couch u bruv how can u unironically play like this? that was a 2Head play @Rush RUSH IS JUST DANCING WITH THE DEVIL PogYou EZ Clap EZ Clap ggman = pv HE DID SOMETHING PogU EZ Clap EZ Clap weSmart twitch inting EZ EZ Clap really EZ Clap 2 5 LUL HE DID IT paid twitch paypal :( EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap 2/5 "ez clap" KEKW What elo is this ? widepeepoSad HUMBLE D RUMBLE widepeepoSad 윤재형님 한국말 한번만요ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ looks like silver KEKW BigBrother BigBrother Clap rumble build mejai KEKW BigBrother mobis BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother do it KEKW Clap KEKW @Rush is it true u climb by winning games??? BigBrother should get mobis to run it down faster unlucky PepoThink BigBrother hehe xd 5/6 is bad KEKW ? there is no other way. do it BigBrother hmmm PepoThink 2/5 NOT BAD KEKW here we go he's gonna int PepeLaugh KEKW Nice steal ????????????? smite king KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW ? KEKW KEKW smite king :) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ????????????? chat only focus' on kda cuz they are silver elo SMITE KING FeelsBadMan best jg in the world KEKW KEKW Pepege Clap KEKW guys is patch 9.24 dropping tomorrow or next week? Got a kill PogU Pepege Clap FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad LUL widepeepoSad Mobis and Mejai is for dirty inters :( kick green or me afekey @play4memes WeirdChimp widepeepoSad peepoSad khazix playing like offrole player PepeLaugh Why does your k6 play like offrole player ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @zabiqz next week with aphelios I think LUL monkaS LUL don't bully he trains for next season :( KEKW afro player? 윤재형님 한국말 한번만!!!!! PepeLaugh LUL WOT 3Head zabiqz last patch was 2 weeks ago so maybe tmr :) Pepege Clap 30% world player KEKW same as your winrate? 4Head WOT 3Head POGGERS actually boosted MALDING IN PRESEASON KEKW LUL @greenp12 ait thx 20 stacks POGGERS 40%? isnt it same like pvman account? OMEGALUL boosted KEKW IT IS THE SAME AS YOUR WINRATE ROOSH KEKW 17 lose KEKW KEKW boosted KEKW but kassadin is broken KEKW 30% worse than Rush KEKW KEKW KASSA ABUSER KEKW 3Head woooot bruv wintrading @CAKE_W borken CAKEBUBBLEVIEW 😂 👌 mid gap ?? rush is rushing it down again? Ask him if he's cosplaying you PauseChamp PepegaPhone Roooooshhhh !uptime @linhpuuuuuu, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 51 mins KEKW OMEGALUL nice kill KEKW KEKW imagine akali losing to rumble KEKW KEKW ??????????????? KEKW KEKW monkaS damage KEKW Pepega K6 KEKW KEKW gg good kill that dmg !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again pvman = gg KEKW KEKW 3/7 emotional KEKW 윤재형님 한국말 한번만요 akali&shen : LUL This k6 and this akali are so bad KEKW wow obliterated that was a nice kill ㅋㅋ FF LULW KEKW ????? 2 missiles and a sprinkle of flame = gg Jg diff rush feeding again pvman KEKW well feed ggman pvman = gg KEKW I don't understand why people boost shit makes no sense lol Klappa monkaS gg go next Rumble is kind fat now FLANK KEKW why u think u can kill him ur 3 lv down that a boosted play popping off??? on lee ???????? akali : so disgusting jungle Emotional KEKW 25 stacks Pog pmvan = ㅋㅋ KEKW i think he is trolling really.. :O Yes its your champ KEKW BigBrother 15 nothing you can do this game pvman = gg rumble 25 on mejai slow brain morgana KEKW MORG FLASH KEKW D: KS pvman = gg :) ff17 KEKW morgana is lagging KEKW Ff KEKW akali said jungle is disgusting. THEY KNOW PepeLaugh Morgana KEKW mid and jg gab KEKW MingLee WTF Minglee WTF D: MingLee WTF D: MingLee WTF MingLee WTF d. fk china D: monkaW fk china KEKW KEKW KEKW MingLee WTF Korean so racist KEKW fk china HAHA MingLee WTF fk china LUL D: fk china actually fk pvman without impact = gg KEKW monkaW KEKW omegalul FREE HONGKONG ntnt KEKW team? KEKW Free Hong Kong KEKW outplayed nice outplay KEKW OUTPLAY KEKW outplayed KEKW outpleyed KEKW you played that so well though TEAM Pepega KEKW KEKW 🇨🇳 qtpFU FK CHINA LOL ez OUTPLAYED KEKW fk China :( Outplayed KEKW you sure outplayed him jg gap 러쉬형님 한국말 한번만요!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEAM? PepeLaugh just gank KEKW "ok fk china" OMEGALUL KEKW mid gap Pepega jg gap Kappa POGGERS KEKW outplay KEKW koreans so salty now that china numba 1 joker mid HAHAHAHA joker mid KEKW @loltyler1 Pog JOOKER MID gachiGASM YES joker mid monkaHmm PogU got em KEKW almost died KEKW ? KEKW KEKW Rush Gae KEKW LOL WHAT KEKW MORG KEKW CHAAAAAAARGE PepegaPhone ? HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW lmfaooo kekw OMEGALUL widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL SCORCH KEKW KEKW monkeyS KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW ez clap KEKW AHAHAHA Monkey sounds KEKW WutFace KEKW 🐒 MONKEY HOWL zzzzz ggman=pv KEKW zzzzzzzzzzzz zzz zzzzzzzz KEKW outplayed by morgana KEKW zzzzzzzz KEKW xD @Rush xD @Rush xD @Rush xD @Rush xD @Rush zzzzz pvmanFAM 30hz monitor? WEAKER THAN SUPORT KEKW hmh RUSH GAE EMOTIIONAL PLAY LULW gachiGASM gachiW zzzzzz That‘s why you play conqu Kha Zix holy WeirdChimp Clap KEKW MONKEY HOWL jg gap ? use the mouse rush\ MONKEY MAN KEKW ONLY STREAM izi clap 🐵 joker jung KEKW KEKW .... nice inting i\i clap PJSalt LUL LUL RUSH GAE. mald EZ Clap MUTED MID LANER KEKW chimpion KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MONKEY AT SIGHT pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey @caitlin_aystar ratirlLove monkeyS KEKW FLAMED KEKW Pepega Mega int flash no? bed time ResidentSleeper RUSH IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad pvmanMonkey Clap mega Sup gap KEKW You can‘t carry if you have something brokenly healing you (Conqu for example ggman KEKW KEKW MUTE KEKW Pepege OOOOOOO RUSH GAE muted KEKW WHY YOU INT?? YOU ARE PRO Rush ure emotional 러쉬형 한국말도 해주세요... WeirdChimp Clap emotional scream Kapp sookablat can win Krappa RUSH GAE.. !uptime @Neo928, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 54 mins Kapp rush not bad widepeepoSad Kapp Kapp 10 deaths power spike soon why does title say no emotional plays today that all i see KEKW Kapp EMOTIONAL DECISION LUL monkey noises UGH I need to workout soon, but dont want to get up :( UGH i need to jerk off soon, but dont want to get up :( @mushokLoL dont go to work KEKW i wonder who's job is to get drakes KEKW UGH i need to jerk off soon, but dont want to get up :( mushokLoL no excuses 😡 @mushoklol get up u lazy ass , ull regret it later Pog Pog PepeLaugh ?? KEKW KEKW ??? woops KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW HAHHAhahaha KEKW KEKW kekw ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW emotional plays kekw KEKW NICE BASE LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW watching this makes me sad nice base mid gab XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ KEKW rush pepega WHY THERE KEKW KEKW LOL. KEKW + KEKW D: 10 death power spike BigBrother Clap Chinese mid? KEKW 10 death power spike PogU KEKW KEKW 4-10 KEKW Where kha go ? KEKW i come in here and he is inting KEKW What about you ? KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh where is rush brain? KEKW D: ☝ 👀 🧠 rumble mid very strong 10 deaths power spike Pog T D: XIC where Kha zix go??? KEKW PepeLaugh mid chinese GG i remember you saying you never die a lot :D 러쉬형님 한국말 한번만 해주세요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ rumble counter akali tho widepeepoSad fiora 1/8 is winning Pog mid gap LUL MALD ok fk china 4/10 Kapp this morg though WidepeepoSad describing yourself WeirdChamp RUSH HAS A BLUE BACKDOOR LUL KappaPride AYAYA KALI AYAYA MALD Widepeeposad negative gaming experience widepeepoSad 10 deaths KEKW veiAYAYA AKALI KEKW widepeepoSad AI AKALI OMEGALUL 갈매기냉면 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! Akali’s mom should’ve aborted unlucky game roosh naroSad @megawaatt D: Better jgler always wins stop being mad at Akali OpieOP narrowpeepoSad yes Rush, you played this game perfectly, only problem is Akali :) :) MALD 👉 akali @megawaatt edgy haHAA Jungle life. Roll the dice on laners. :) @megawaatt jesus it's a game ??? ez defeat KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW FF KEKW wtf KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW DIED TO 1/8 FIORA KEKW literally inting YouDied KEKW KEKW what are you doing LUL widepeepoSad pvmanFAM 1/8 FIORA KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW EXIT GAME ALT F4 KEKW RUSH = WIN LUL losing to 1/8 fiiora LUL you are inting no? KEKW ok KEKW ok HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA ez ff KEKW MALDING IN PRE SEASON KEKW ok KEKW EXIT KEKW KEKW KEKW ok Kapp ok :) wingW ok ok no emotional play :) ok Kapp @Rush you must remove all emotions :) rush ResidentSleeper feeding ResidentSleeper again ResidentSleeper OK 6/10/2 vs 4/1//4 ok YouDied KEKW YouDied KEKW YouDied KEKW ok no emotional play OMEGALUL dirty inter KEKW ok :) OK KEKW ok :) FF JG GAP YouDied not emotional at all :) OK PauseChamp ok KEKW DIRTY INTER just wait for lategame :) better jg win OK tell us what was said mr streamer emo go next ge ge jj VI LOST ZULUL someone has he ogg plz ? emotional player widepeepoSad still winnable quinThinking quinThinking quinThinking quinThinking quinThinking losr Kreygasm danHA lost Kreygasm widepeepoSad Kapp white people sad lmfao rush: better jgl always win We need "/GetMeOutOfHere" command in LoL with no punishment Kappa can you explain why sometimes people type in english and sometimes kroean Kapp DONT DESERVE LUL widepeepoSad Jungler feeding harder. Report him as well. widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad 4 11 white people sad widepeepoSad white people sad widepeepoSad yeah you do KEKW more deaths than the inter FeelsBadMan you kinda are like 4 and 11 deaths you do deserve it too !opgg Yes u do Kappa 4-11 not deserved KEKW wide peepee widepeepoSad mid + jg >>> top + adc confirmed peepoSad PepeHands Hey chat HeyGuys jg gap they call you kind boy PogChamp PogChamp HOLD CTRL AND TYPE "WTF" FOR ℱ𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 𝓦𝓣ℱ PogChamp PogChamp All those white people man PepeHands report mid LULW @rush hide map rooXD Yooo 앤디 boxUwU Why try when giving up is so much easier? PepeHands whitepeoplesad NotLikeThis peepee hands CHILL LOFI BEATS TO study top i always hear "why people sad" when you say that @Rush 4/11 Kapp not delusional Kapp white people sad widepeepoSad Kapp Kapp Kapp widepeeposad Kapp KEKW haahahha 1 or 2 KEKW 1 or 2? how about half of them? Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Krappa WHITE PEOPLE SAD Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa 1 or 2 Kapp Krappa WidePeepoSad = gg 러쉬형 한국말 한번만해줘요@-@ Kappa whypeoplehappy gege Krappa white people ww Chinese Akali GG ww team not saving you KEKW ww Kapp widepeepoSad anyways PepeHands ww MaldChamp Clap nice try, u played really well your team so bad ww rush is a good player widepeepoHappy Kappa !uptime no PepeHands @bachmarcus27, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 59 mins <3 D: roosh naroLove NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ww = jgl gap KEKW Krappa PepeHands <3 lofi beats to int and mald to Pog widepeepoSad THX FOR STREAM KonCha stay Have a good night Roosh SeriousSloth :) bye rush hahah widepeepoSad ok bye :D widepeepoSad saaad D: ily Rush byebye widepeepoSad BibleThump PepeHands byeee <3 BYE RUSH <3 anyways PepeHands peepoSad GG WP 러수형 한국말 한번만요ㅜㅜㅜㅜ bye veiWave byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !uptime @sly2bloo, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 59 mins Bye bye :( ragequit peepoSad dont cry D: Bye Rush widepeepoSad pee pee hands BiibleThump HOST SOMEONE nyooo widepeepoSad bye have a good day White people sad PepeHands MALDING KEKW bye z3 Roosh PepeHands ty for stream! WTF widepeepoSad STREAM 1 MORE noooooooooooooooo bye rush peepoSad gg NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU widepeepoSad dirty chinese akali bye BibleThump <3 widepeepoSad nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo forgot blitz promotion PepeLaugh bye :) thank you for stream rush pz widepeepoSad good mental :) host dom dead streamer widepeepoSad nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad :( Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited pls dont go sky widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D OMEGALUL M delusional if he thinks it was only 1 or 2 deaths lol nyyyooooooo he is jerking off KEKW have a good int u2 mate He will be back someday :) Bye Bye Rush <3 pvmanHYPERS 러수형 한국어로 인사해줘요ㅡㅡ This game ruins mental health :( Jebaited ? jerking off gachiBASS PauseChamp ... where are my adds ??? widepeepoSad bye rush, come back soon... PauseChamp OH? PauseChamp PepeLaugh the feed ad KEKW PauseChamp PauseChamp actually ints with the akali monkaS ? Unless? Pog Pog PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp HONOR AKALI Pog monkaW KEKW monkaW and i miss you KEKW Too late PepeLaugh dont leave We love you! KappaPride pvman = gg PepeLaugh monkaW !time 01:49 Pog stream is off PepeLaugh C- KEKW NICE CLIENT KEKW C- guys rush just went to get cigarettes rush PepeHands too late rush go sky widepeepoSad KEKW he doesnt know PepeLaugh PauseChamp quality stream KEKW ignored PepeHands LOVE U widepeepoSAD where's sabre when you need him PepeHands We stay chat KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PauseChamp HeyGuys whideclient sad NOW WE CHILL ON CHAT, ANNY CHILLERS? ratirlChilling whitepeoplesad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad NYOOOOO Rush is on team widepeepoSad widepeepoSad don't leave widepeepoSad ratirlChilling widepeepoSad TwitchVotes You have been gifted a chromosome. Type FeelsSpecialMan to activate———————————————————————— ratirlChilling boxLurk FeelsSpecialMan why rush on my team i wanna win widepeepoSad dont go Come back, you dirty inter! We love you! Kappa FeelsSpecialMan Pog PauseChamp ? PogU 1 mpre chromosome PauseChamp ... FeelsDankMan widepeepoSad pvmanHYPERS hi rashu hachu1 hachu2 hachu3 hachu4 PepeHands :( :( trush FFFFFFFFFF OMEGALUL D OMEGALUL M KEKW D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M OMEGALUL why IWD... pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands :( PepegaPhone Roooshhh Raid should've host score Kappa paid raid LULW sykHeart hello rush wassup I'm here for CoreJJ Pog ggman Pog RUSH ROOOSHH cnotYell PVMAN = GG will it be a English or Korean stream? helloo lol Rushoooooo Hello :) D: DRX Smeb,Rush,Ucal,Deft,mata.. MAKE IT HAPPEN type 3 to agree love oyu rush rooosh greetings from germany MY FAVOURITE STREAMER ;D PogU Happy thanksgiving brother :D widepeepoHappy PogChamp pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey widepeepoHappy hi rush KIND BOY POGGERS What are you doing awake at this hour PogU nice, mousepad? pvman 1k pdl 49% winrate? Pog Pepega checking in pvmanFGM deaHi deaHi deaHi deaHi deaHi pvman = gg play adc >:( Rush <3 !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) drx rush incoming ? stop bullying yourself NotLikeThis rush on???? leeeets gooooooooo PogU scuffed cam KEKW naisuuuuuuuuuu My fam rush my teammates feed my promos otherwise id be same rank as you LULW Doran Rush Chovy Sneaky Lehends pog team pvman=gg this use to be a 9000 view stream rush is naked xD Hi Rush :) KEK 300 VIEWERS PVMAN = DEAD STREAM Kreygasm Rush naked xD pvman isnt gg widepeepoSad LUL deaSad Smeb,Rush,Ucal,mata should join DRX make KT V2 deaGa deaGa deaGa deaGa deaGa deaGa Bullying KR challenger players (own team) Pog ppman naked Hype rush naked 러쉬 솔랭 1위찍으면 원하는팀갈수있어요? who are you duoing with? !discord Soon TM naked gameplay = PogU rusherino PogChamp Rush stream FeelsGoodMan if I hit rank 1 can I go pro? Hi lushy get some chromas with ur BE yes early rush stream FeelsGoodMan NO :) LOOOL Hey Rush I think Sneaky is teamless make a team with him Japan LULW My favorite big nose streamer POGGERS whats up man saiiThug_BW PVMAN = GG KappaPride masters? if im silver can I be NA pro? 500 viewers dead stream PepeHands hello hello but I want to go to a team tht will win worlds RUSH widepeepoHappy hello monkey LMAOOO WutFace boosky subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! anyeonghaseyo KEKW can u team with sneaky again? KEKW saiiThug_BW how do we import rush for LCS? @Rush will you date me Smeb / Rush / Ucal / Mata join DRX make it happen please deaHi teamless KEKW Rush why you hate Japan? @Sylv_Valyn not viewers , is 400 bots btw KEKW LMAO LUL FeelsBadMan Why is q so long? What time is it in kr TerraBuck subscribed with Twitch Prime. Join Academy with Sneaky KappaPride Kapp @danielfrombrazil3 PepeHands rush hate china :) Japan and korea have been fighting lately monkaS you like doinks? dodo is our land no he hates china dont u hate meteos? No delay stream Pog what u think about br reagion? Rush who are you duoing with? rush hates americans :) @Rush even johnny ru got a team and sneaky didnt.. welcome to 2019 pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM pvmanFGM @rush rooosh widepeepoHappy <3 queue should be shorter in morning, lazy gamers @Rush xd where you born in US??? :( do u think camille jg cant work anymore in preseason patch ? bad farm :( Join a team with Chovy, Doran, Lehends, Sneaky KappaPride @알넴미 only brain delay MaldChamp do you smell good today? why not bully your own team by inting them @Rush PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOOSH @rush i like how you specify you are bullying the enemy team and not yours best region north korea @rush chocotHello chocotHello chocotHello oce jgl better LULW do kr players take preseason seriously or for fun? Kapp RUSH *-* Kappa you outjungled clid Kapp Kapp Kapp Pepega 7 checking in @rush Or players lazy. Can’t even q up at 230 on a Sunday?!?! Kappa c 0/8 KEKW D: RUSH Pog D: D: roosh Pooga who you duo with ? do u have a favorite Korean food? @rush u think u better than clid rush When will youtube videos return @Rush 0/8 oce so good. Even EU and NA importing from them PogU Speak with Steve and Doublelift BibleThump ask for a job PepegaPhone CHECKING [ ✔ ] KKona ? MEOW KKona Clap 0/8 explain yourself @rush im from space not america somnethus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! What is your opinion on skt rookies 8 min queue ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper to good KAPPA Yo Rush when are you going to do spicy Cosplays ? omg i just saw that shotgun of spit fly out of your mouth Kapp LP farmer PogU You are the better lee Kappa it's fine we are on the same team now better than clid KEKW Kappa you're not even better than peanut WeirdChimp yeah if you lose you can say it's for lower q times @rush do you think kindred is bad now? u beat 3 members of Gen G by urself right KR boy doesn’t even feed himself and calling Americans lazy LUL I'm not American I'm earthian PepeLaugh I'm fat lazy korean he is pv man Rush do you still talk to ucal i climbed to diamond in preseason but i ended gold1 s9. what mmr will i be at for s10? @rush Hi Have you heard of the GRF story, what do you think about Kanavi what u think about brazil? LOOOL thats so sad they should get a wife for faker so he can have a child THATS TOXIC Only in NA does nepotism run so long. Never gets replaced despite being trash LOL KEKW PepeLaugh 1 jobless pvman > 3 Gen.G They can train LCK talent then sell them to lower teir teams for good income cause thats a lie LULW KEKW RUSH widepeepoHappy KEKW KEKW what is pretty decent d4? wait Faker said he would never let his child go pro monkaS Their only decent for na apollo is not bad widepeepoSad apollo is not bad widepeepoSad apollo is not bad widepeepoSad Rush join DIG with Huni, KEKW apollo is in no sense decent, how is he paid to play any game D: adc? KEKW if pvman = gg, doesn't that mean gg = pvman are there any support player on top 20 kr Challenger? Rush adc Pog role swap to support KEKW Hello PepePls @Rush did you know fenix has not lost a sinngl game at worlds all adc you team with has no job, vasili, sneaky and apollo LMAO camille otp top? KEKW date fevi 😡 date fevi 😡 date fevi 😡 have you heard of the GRF story, what do you think and how do you feel about Kanavi RUSH VAYNE Pog FEVIKNIGHT Pvman=gg Because she is Female Rush KEKW even monkey adc better than apollo LCS blitzcrank support main POGGERS KEKW @rush Twitch game? KEKW FK U KEKW Pepege FeelsTastyMan LMQ Rush J4 LUL Pepega Altec got a job PVMAN === NA MVP Rush can you be my LOL personal trainer? their fault hello Pepega man KEKW Altec got a job? Pog TiP Rush debut, INT you're still streaming for clg? vasili would've smashed rush if they were on a team together LUL should of retired after c9 season 90% of chat is jobless like rush PepeHands @wastedtolove no he not ROOSH The Bad AndSomeSkittles subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Rush is bad widepeepoHappy play adc with core thoughts on grf @Rush I have been trying to do Bryans Taunt Jet upper but keep failing, any tips is this the 0 mental boom rush! @Rush pvman = Pepega villain man rush I love you clg fired rush KEKW @Kaniskion like his girlfriend? PepeLaugh I heard Fenix might play in LCS why does he have a job and you don't @Rush play warwick Kappa @sylv_valyn are you saying I'm the 10% widepeepoHappy Kapp Kappa Kappa Kapp what r u going to teach them how too int KEKW Kappa Kappa LULW ok boomer KEKW PepegaPhone Rooooooossshhhhh Having money > Happie KEKW hope everything good with rush MingLee did Altec get a job mainly because he climbed kr soloq? @Rush have KT v2, Smeb,Rush,Ucal,Deft,Mata - DRX i know you see this rush KEKW @Rush thoughts on Gen.G new roster? !uptime @How2twitch, rush has been streaming for 11 mins 49 secs widepeepoSad PepegaPhone Trundle chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid can you do it for free then? 2 days in a row Pog @Rush Imma pay you 1k if you teach me how to cs as a support MrDestructoid @bootylegscr MY MAN and you are very irresponsable PepegaPhone AIIIIIIGOOOOOOO @Rush everytime i see u go live u make my day a little bit better but then i see that your just playing the grey screen simulator again widepeepoSad He IS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Hopefully things go well for him chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid chat slow any bots in chat? MrDestructoid gachiBASS sneaky is cosplaying and doing lets plays KEKW DL new gf gachiBASS Kreygasm Kreygasm saiiThug_BW they are playing Pokemon monkaS playing video games requires effort KEKW wheres your effort and work ethic @rush c9 sneaky always plays soloqueue boxLewd rush why u dont have counter logic on stream tag? pogPega NA w o r k e t h i c @rush berj is bootcamping atm too RIP =( I think bjergsen is bootcamping in China XiaoWeiXiao means “Little Smile” in Chinese. It can also mean “Little WeiXiao”, a reference to the famous Chinese AD Carry. monkaW jerk off True Hello Pepega Monster :) so true PepeLaugh 4fun !uptime @sonstige, rush has been streaming for 13 mins 12 secs @Rush join korean challenger team together with sneaky c9 is bootcamping Cosplaying :3 pvman = dodge @rush join a team with unemployed sneaky and aphro :) NId @rush when are you moving to impact tower my favourite KEKW player TSM OMEGALUL bootcamp in best region monkaW have you gone outside rush elise kekw did China replace korea as the place to boot camp? LOOOL D: !uptime @stev153, rush has been streaming for 13 mins 42 secs KEKW probably since they won worlds twice in a row right Why do you hate olaf? D: hes playing with coregg? Pepege forthermucker roosh PogU Sausage KEKW first game tilted, starts well !uptime @QuantumRip_0, rush has been streaming for 13 mins 55 secs irelia will carry or i sub :) @rush when are you moving to impact tower what do you think about the elise vs nidalee matchup Kapp rush elise better than rehope's KEKW Kappa Krappa Kapp rush do you think kindred is bad now he is rally op ResidentSleeper Kapp Kappa ola- ResidentSleeper olaf ResidentSleeper pvman=GG KEKE KappaPride ♿ rushin thru ♿ KEKW Pog KappaPride pvmanPride Rush did Impact really buy a building what a nice guy KappaPride KappaPride dekarFedora Kapp LUL D: sketchy KappaPride why no? d: D: Kappa Kappa that is rude KappaPride D: Kapp hehe KappaPride share bed also? @Rush D: D: pvmanPride pvmanPride D: You think Sanguine is worth forcing on some JG before it gets nerfed again? accept his offer hes trying to help you get a team LUL @fudgeballo0n get your credit card ready Kappa D: HES NICE RUDE BOI D: @Sylv_Valyn monkaW become a coach Impact posted on twitter he bought a building Only sneaky pvmanPride hes nicer than u friendless forever FeelsBadMan what happened to kindboy widepeepoSad Pepega Pepega hello Pepega LUL HeyGuys what do you think about elise and nidalee match up Hello @rush why dont you make a team with unemployed sneaky and aphroo xD hello HeyGuys !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) core Pog HeyGuys eloou HeyGuys KonCha Pepega 123 hello :) hello guys , should I buy a 240hz?????? Pepege HELLLOO CORE Pog !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) LOL core doesnt want to lose lp HeyGuys @rodolfofogaca 420hz Pepege HI HI dirty inter KEKW CALL CORE JJ he low he low he low PogU PVMan HeyGuys does he have guests at his hotel? is he trying to run a apartment Hey geys I sa buu !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) its moshi moshi :) D: rush when can i come over and tell your family i am 6 month pregnant with your baby :) Who is duo? BloodTrail who is your duo :O AD NIDALEE Pog its corejj !duo Pepege Duo with CoreJJ :) Poor corejj has to Duo with coinflip jungler pvmanFBM who is duo Pepege !duo Pepega Duo with CoreJJ :) Rush how does it feel to be playing with a WORLD CHAMPION saiiThug_BW blitzy pvmanHYPERS hello my favorite pepega lmao coinflip jungler rush how much did u pay core to play with u KEKW do you talk through league voice? irelia KEKW When rush says he’s best, is he joking or serious unemployed roster : rush , sneaky , aphro pvman KEKW pvman = dodge smite king :) @masterpb24 i think so since theyre little icons go green when talking HI <3 @Bentrohot Pobelter @imthebestintheworld3 he is telling the truth.. pvman=GG KEKW @imthebestintheworld3 hes seriously joking ic Rush sneaky aphro Hai KKoma The retirement team ??? sukooooooo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! smurf of them PepegaPhone ROOOSH KEKW imaging this team pobelter , rush , sneaky , aphroo monkaW pvman is GG !followage @Tokatsuma, tokatsuma has been following rush for 3 years 1 month 30 days 17 hours @davidsonz0 oh no It seems rush has brain washed u... don’t fall for it !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @Bentrohot more like Pepega When @Rush is widepeepoSad, I am widepeepoHappy :) When @Rush is widepeepoSad, I am widepeepoHappy :) pvman is GG Pepega PogU irelia PogU fortnite POGGERS is he gettin carried again by jj? Pog widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy Pepega POGGERS D: POGGERS PVMAN = GG Irelia PogU , pvman KEKW When @Rush is widepeepoSad , I am widepeepoHappy :) When @Rush is widepeepoSad , I am widepeepoHappy :) POGGERS tax exp LUL PogU Spam ping then solo kill widepeepoHappy pvman is GG ! irelia will carry, i called it :) MR. PPMAN SHOULD I GIVE YOU MY PRIME SUB for how long have you know core? aatrox cs KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @fudgeballo0n saved KappaRoss Kreygasm @phrophet imagin not having this emote pvmanMonkey KEKW adalisAaaaaaaaaaa KEKW Sanguine is solid on Pantheon from what I've trieed PogU PanicVis Rush new emote lol PogU Pog JJ KEKW 5Head Jebaited THE PREDICTION PogU 5Head 5Head Actually 5Head moon2PREGIGI moon2PREGARIO @manual_breather_84 5Head ACTUALLY 5Head jjman= gg challenger KR ganks PogChamp dude rush hows it going do u ever rush them PogU that second q LUL PVMAN IS GG Pepega !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) i like ur hot spider plays That was actually so clean eat that plant mango PogU aatrox q KEKW rush trying to get a job now no more int !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) why rush trolling Deft and tryhard with jj LUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LOL coreGG KEKW KEKW LOL rush troll pvman = gg lmao Jebaited u killed core KEKW nice Jebaited baited core KEKW dirty team kill Betrayer y not hit plant as 2 lol 5Head !uptime @HOVisdrunk, rush has been streaming for 22 mins 57 secs Selling Plat 1 Acc for cheap. PM baited core Jebaited Oh shit sadCat THIS STREAM SO 5Head no lens? ward better ? !elo @ivebeentojail They didn't need to plant as 2. Blitz could have just walked away. I thought u were Lee main why u play spider @rush where the gifters at !time 14:49 ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH Pepega BR OMEGALUL who is he duoing with @mynameiskaleb yah? howd that work out @complexconjugate corejj @complexconjugate He is duo with Faker :) Roosh widepeepoHappy It didn't work out because Blitz didn't walk away. He walked towards blast. @ivebeentojail !uptime @chatbot_cj, rush has been streaming for 24 mins 12 secs Pog BR and INDIA third world countries LUL Kaled youre adopted buddy PogU PogU PogU Pog PogU Pog clean clean PogU PogYou KR DIVE Yo, clean as fuck pog KEKW Pog PogYou PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoHappy fuckin god Mr Clean @ivebeentojail Ah so you're that type of person. Oh well. ggman and coregg duo PogYou !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KR Comms Pog PogYou RUSH IS MY FAVOURITE STREAMER jg diff :) !winrate open Hello RUSH pro player :) WaitWhat LUL ??? LULW Im not used to this kind of content happening here !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Pepega pathing ????? ??? KEKW ?? OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW PVMAN widepeepoHappy KEKW lol from Pog to Pepega in 3 seconds LOOL always teammates widepeepoSad LUL leblanc greedy? LOL GGMAN KEKW do you think nimbus cloak is good on almost all junglers? you didn't get the plate though LUL take the plate KEKW they have a starbucks? 4Head who is the duo? !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !time 14:52 KEKW !uptime @Domenick9_, rush has been streaming for 26 mins 11 secs ma boi cyberbully roosh will show these kr challenger play who's the boss in this client with his challenged gameplay Poggers blue buff? pvman = gg KEKW !uptime @partyyo, rush has been streaming for 26 mins 30 secs Natalie KEKW @Rush rush you stream to late PepeHands !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Selling Plat 1 Acc for cheap. PM nidalee: open plat 1 LUL PogYou Tonsss subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! emotional play when UNCLE ROOSH monkaW LULW @Korean_Bot PogYou is deft not good enough to carry you @Rush ? Sicachuuuu subscribed with Twitch Prime. LULW @Tonsss lmao is that really a girl player? rush carrying PogU he already did when he tried to get that plate mid LOL Emotional player KEKW never emotional Kapp E M OMEGALUL T I OMEGALUL N A L abusing elise KEKW l2jash subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Love you kind boy emotinal gameplay waiting room ResidentSleeper Pepega monster WHO IS THE DUP hello after 15 mins. Rush always emotional KEKW DUO? !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KR OPEN KEKW Rush is not bad no fun :( chat so quiet because no KEKW plays PauseChamp almost 15:00 can we not watch this in 1080p? Rush fuming every stream just wait LUL Hehehe the stream is in 1080p ResidentSleeper facts !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Is core support? !opgg 5Head STREAM ResidentSleeper Kapp ChomPag ChomPag 크흡 ㅋ tfw no Pooga FeelsBadMan PogCamp lpgiveaway subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! always remember The Tank Man philosophy: Lp giveaway PogYou ? !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) TRUE KEKW !duo ChomPag this form to drink water omg <3 True LUL When @Rush is widepeepoSad , I am widepeepoHappy :) iceinmyveinx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! time to charge Pepega WeirdChimp !opgg D: D: D: D: D: STOOPID CHAT D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: widepeepoSad AYAYA 💢 D: !uptime D: D: @18victoria, rush has been streaming for 29 mins 49 secs D: :D D: D: widepeepoSad hes not feeding again widepeepoSad No death no fun 😡 D: D: PepegaPhone CHAAARGE D: TOO FAr widePeepoSad D: :D Pepega REPORTING IN :D we want old rush Peepofinger Pepega not inting yet PepeLaugh not inting yet PepeLaugh not inting yet PepeLaugh not inting yet PepeLaugh Imma tell my mom u called me stupid widepeepoSad herald makes spider form look cool xinaSMART xinaCOMFY xinaWEIRD xinaRNG chocoSmart chocoNOT chocoBruh xinaNOTLIKETHIS "i landed everything" 1 skillshots champ LUL ChomPag monkeyS Better jungle wins Bullying KR challenger players (ally team) WeirdChamp 👉 ChomPag morello monkaS TL RUSH POG !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Bullying KR challenger players (CoreJJ) How do you think shyvana is in this meta? KORE WA MANKO DE NA AYAYA deft ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ how are rush's monsters today? PepegaPhone tl rush confirmed monkaHmm ah yes deft 4Head DRX RUSH Pog PepeHands call Deft hes crying o o ; ㅇ ㅇ ; o o ; o o ; o w o o o ; DEFT: why are you carrying ㅇ ㅇ ; DEFT Pog 00; Rush: only carry Lucian WeirdChamp PepeLaugh How do you think shyvana is in this meta? @Rush ㅇㅇ; LATAM RUSH POGGERS here comes the emotional plays KEKW OMEGALUL @Henu_ o manko? XTEN RUSH POGGERS ff KEKW WTFF pvman = surrender KEKW who did lucian ping? ff KEKW PogU monkaS ks GRANDE BLITZ DEL COLO monkaS No Pepega plays FeelsBadMan !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) EZ Pepege I MISS PEPEGA RUSH WTFF hes playiing too good chat widepeepoSad pvman = gg KEKW ResidentSleeper NO INTING 5/0 PogU AYAYA trox !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) pvman = gg KEKW I miss rush inter FeelsBadMan sungslGasm sungslGasm sungslGasm no mental BOOM ResidentSleeper sounds like rush. i like him pvman is GG Pepega OMEGAYAYA RUSH IS BACK Pog no int no fun FeelsBadMan who's this booster? OMEGAYAYA pvman is good widepeepoSad pvman = gg KEKW pvman = gg KEKW CoreJJ Carry, no surprise ResidentSleeper WeirdChimp sadKEK mental boom soon chat just wait PepeLaugh mental boom soon chat just wait PepeLaugh mental boom soon chat just wait PepeLaugh mental boom soon chat just wait PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy please int FeelsBadMan pvmanNonono wtf Sounds bad but I’m here for the mentals PogChamp jellyy !uptime @mack_williams62, rush has been streaming for 34 mins 7 secs KEKW KEKW white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 KEKW i'm ok :) pvman = gg KEKW PASSIVE STOPWATCH KEKW stopwatch FINALLY KEKW KEKW Pepega AYAYA STOPWATCH KEKW dies with stopwatch KEKW slow finger KEKW VaN ? Pog when you came to see inting but all you get is top level challenger KR gameplay WeirdChamp FLASH IGNITE KEKW KEKW stopwatch rush? stopwatch KEKW !! @Rush he ignited you too nice jelly Stopwatch-ready ignite as well this guy no heal me BabyRage ahh just got into stream gray screen per usual jelly? who dat white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 slow chat feelsweirdman aat4oxx ignited u hard to stopwatch without vision KKona Clap KevinTurtle Rush we are having a Kek famine widepeepoSad save us KKona 👍 !rank who's he playing with? no KEKW Pepehands !du9o core Pog SadKEK !dup corejj KEKW in name of rush KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW DONT YOU FUCKING DARE @xpotatoislife PEPEGA LS KEKW KEKW FREEZING KEKW LS LUL LUL KEKW = LOLW > PepeLaugh >>>> LULW do baron so you can throw :) LS KEKW :P LS 5Head LS KEKW LS Pog KEKW = LOLW > PepeLaugh >>>> LULW KEKW = LOLW > PepeLaugh >>>> LULW !duo how's it going chat? peepoFat Duo with CoreJJ :) rush start pepega charging WeirdChamp LS IS MEGA KEKW KEKW Pog corejj LS KEKW !! pvmanFGM @Chuckyllo PepeLaugh has nothing to do with those emotes WeirdChamp Pooga charge IS THIS ROOOOOOOOOSH :) white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) please start inting so we can KEKW pvman = gg PepeLaugh !opgg core is a second jg !elo we can KEKW anyways LOST KEKW Lucian? KR THROW pvman past 15 mins KEKW pvman = gg KR THROW KEKW pvman = gg still cant win KEKW KR THROW KEKW . KR THROW KEKW .. pvman past 15 mins KEKW POGGERS FAKER Pog Vayne KEKW leblanc WeirdChamp Your team does no damage LUL one man spam WeirdChamp Lablanc PogU !followage @blackdrag24, blackdrag24 has been following rush for 3 years 1 month 27 days floeMika gachiW same surrender LULW gachiGASM one more "KEKW" and im out KEKW pvman = gg !followage KEKW !followage morello WutFace @jacen_solo5 haHAA spammer haHAA ad only die ad only die @caclunk KEKW STAND BY MEEE~~~!!! tell morons to stop sur PepeLaugh ? 2/3/10 bot lul how come rush hangs out with world champions but isnt one himself? @caclunk bb :D PepeLaugh They don't know chat corejj cant carr rush :( sungslW sungslGg sungslGasm white people sad 👎 KKona white people sad 👎 KKona white people sad 👎 KKona !followage @마이클아리아스, nicgel has been following rush for 4 years 11 days 2 hours D: !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW NA FLASH KEKW Corejj KEKW KEKW COREJJ KEKW coreGG KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) hit the only open space KEKW @vendetta22 KEKW Clap CoreGG KEKW lucian KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog Pog sungslGa sungslGa sungslGa tpExodiaarmL tpExodiaface tpExodiaarmR bad call tpExodialegL KEKW tpExodialegR 쫄? Rush 200 IQ Pog core gg for the enemy team Pog 5head COREJJ Pog TheRinger RedCoat StoneLightning StoneLightning RedCoat RedCoat TheRinger TheRinger StoneLightning RedCoat never smiteking 듀오 코장? 듀오 코장임? KEKW exodia StoneLightning GG imagine a TL Rush BibleThump Whats ocean spirit do? 응 목소리가 빼박 코장임 ㅋ @Rush How much for feet pics? its just less YES @Rush Asking for a friend @ZeoKaixa tpKaibalolz ocean is op !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Rush Jensen Impact the C9 players PogChamp KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW SMITE KING monkaW KEKW nice smite :) 4fun PogChamp LUL 4fun 4fun KEKW 4FUN KEKW no smite jg KEKW KEKW ANY KEKKERS? KEKW STOP INTING RUSH monkaW OMG HELLO RUSH widepeepoHappy smite king Kappa reading while talking in another language seems difficult i die PogChamp LUL !dpi Corejj is lb or blitz? KEKW RedCoat 4fun :) hi o.o blitz blitz PVMAN = WIN widepeepoHappy 4fun Rush checking spell Pog !commands @necro471, You can find a list of all Commands here pvmanMonkey !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) hey issa rooosh ThrowJJ PepeLaugh 4Head 4HEad 4HEad CoreGG KEKW 4Head KEKW 4Head just dont 4Head @Rush ocean soul is the strongest soul 4Head corejj @Rush is some team watching ? why are you not Pepega Charging PepeLaugh 4House just dont die 4Head Selling P1 Account for cheap. PM :p 4Head KEKW rush doesn't know what t odo after killing jungle camp PogU core not greedy DansGame holy fuck Pog KEKW ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW1 KEKW HOLY SHIT Pog just dont die 3Head gg EZ Clap jax no shojin EZ the ocean healing damn !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) RUSH CARRY Pog no throw WeirdChamp no int WeirdChamp Jax without shojin is so bad first time winning first game PgU KKona ? Ocean Soul Pog KEKW ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW1 KEKW EZ PogChamp EZ carried by TL, just like NA 4Head Pog Challenger gamep.ay toxin EZ Clap EZ Clap Thank Core for carrying your ass 😠 @Rush easy win ResidentSleeper stream Not flaming chinese top DansGame @cyberbooli_xd rooSmush EZ Clap o ㅎㅎ any ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS here? boring game we couldn't KEKW a lot widepeepoSad carried again ResidentSleeper pvman = win GG GGman energy is stronk widepeepoSad Time to lose the rest EZ CoreJJ Carry, no surprise ResidentSleeper COREJJ AYAYAYAYA wow clean game Pog Looks like CoreJJ is giving Rush some LP admiralC2 admiralC1 @Chezrios_ hiya nyannHi daphPat PepeHands had my "KEKW" ready the whole time 1000 LP this stream? Pog Clap irelia? was there an irelia? Deft Kreygasm @Rush are you gonna let deft carry you next game? play ADC yea widepeepoSad TRUE KEKW why no honor core !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) 900 LP Pog widepeepoSad winning pvman is gg Jebaited dogdogGa_SQ no KEKW spamming PepeHands PepeLaugh Pog pog Kappa pvmanKappa u say that cuz u are stuck 10th place NALCS LUL hi Rush tru LUL korea soloq is actually better than lcs True KEKW rush this game was ResidentSleeper please charge next game Pepega worst ranked jungler in NALCS LUL HARDSTUCK CHALLENGER KEKW when are you going back to the LCS jensen JENSEN LUL KEKW Jensen KEKW BabyRage LULW @Jensen JENSEN Fenix KEKW @Jensen KEKW @Jensen ayy bud jensen KEKW Kapp SMOrc JENSEN LUL SNEAKY KEKW @Jensen LULW JENSEN LUL JENSEN KEKW @Jensen KEKW fenix LUL widepeepoHappy rush is good widepeepoSad rush is bad RUSH KEKW @Jensen CBLOL>> JENSEN @jensen KEKW jensen KEKW JENSEN KEKW Jensen KEKW @Jensen KEKW JENSEN LUL @Jensen KEKW sneakyJensen Clap do u know that NA solo que is high IQ gameplay @Jensen ROFL @jensen KEKW incarnati0n ? !jensen jensen and fenix LUL !duo Kappa Duo with CoreJJ :) Kapp @Jensen KEKW Jensenn YASSUO LUL Klappa Jensen KEKW NIKOLAI KEKW Kapp @Jensen LUL !followage BabyRage BabyRage @Jensen @franv33, franv33 has been following rush for 2 months 2 days 23 hours @rush Can you ask Deft to find you a job in DRX !jenssen NOT JENSEN? FENIX Kapp Rush is good enough for KR challenger but not LCS LUL @Jensen HeyGuys @Jensen LMFAO KEKW Kapp @jensen yo KEKW sneakyJensen FFenix KEKW @Rush play lee sin please JENSEN KEKW pvmanFenix Krappa @Jensen u gonna stream? KEKW KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @Jensen (enemy team) KEKW KEKW Jense KEKW @Jensen KEKW JENSEN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Jensen KEKW KEKW @Jensen Kapp Clap @Jensen @Jensen KEKW KEKW @Jensen Krappa @Jensen Pog o fuk PepeLaugh KEKW @Jensen hi nyannHi KEKW he flamed u KEKW @Jensen KEKW @Jensen KEKW @Jensen Kappa @Jensen KEKW Kapp @Jensen KEKW KEKW @Jensen KEKW LUL He was flaming you KEKW @Jensen KEKW YENSEN OMEGALUL @Jensen KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Jensen KEKW tru LUL KEKW @Jensen @Jensen KEKW kekW @Jensen KEKW KEK @jensen KEKW @Jensen KEKW KEKW 🚰🚰🚰🚰🚰🚰🚰 Hi @Jensen KEKW BUSTED KEKW Hi Jensen KEKW @Rush he's shit talking u KEKW @Jensen KEKW @Jensen KEKW !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ BODY THOSE FOOLS @Jensen !duo @Jensen KEKW Duo with CoreJJ :) Ask core KEKW @Jensen @jensen KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace pvman = gg !jensen @Rush play lee sin bro pls YEA PepeLaugh he doesn't know PepeLaugh I never liked Jensen he was banned before he became a pro player... jensen is a KEKWer KEKW I SAW IT !jensen KEKW KEKW @Jensen ok @Jensen hi np @Jensen give rush his job back BibleThump Beta Rush KEKW fuck these NA LCS scum go play some ekko @jensen KEKW i type again u say that cuz u are stuck 10th place NALCS LUL PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW TOXIC KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW oof KEKW rush ignore us in game widepeepoSad 10th place LUL 10TH KEKW KEKW weres the Jensen command true KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 10 TH KEKW KEKW TRUE KEKW @Jensen rush no job KEKW !jensen KEKW !jensen sneakyJensen KEKW Rush as blind as he was in LCS KEKW 10th place LUL 10th place KEKW MALD Shit client @Jensen 3rd time is the charm KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman is not bad widepeepoSad Show rank1 @Rush can you explain how to track enemy jungler next game? KEKW hard stuck 10th rush was 1v9 all LCS TRU LUL KEKW TRUE 10th place KEKW 10TH PLACE 4Heed KEKW KEKW @Jensen KEKW widepeepoSad i die They almost subbed Rick Fox in for Rush at one point Rush's tempo was too slow for LCS LUL 6th place KEKW @Jensen KEKW TRUE KEKW !duo LOLW LOLW Duo with CoreJJ :) widepeepoSad Roosh is not bad Kapp pvmanKappa Kappa 10th place might as well retire kapp PogU MIKE YEUNG KEKW RUSH harstuck 8th POG HES RIGHT LUL o Kapp @Jensen hows the search for new room mate :) Kappa Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp Who is rank1 in kr? widepeepoHappy RUSH BETTER THAN MIKE YEUNG PogU 5 LULW Stuck in 10th just like Jesen was stuck in groups this year LUL retired in 10th place LUL ok my bad u are 7th place LCS team positive existence Ask Jensen if he's ever been ranked #1 on KR soloque Kapp Pog TRU LUL pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa SeemsGood 8th place Pog Pog MikeYeung and Panda were better Panda cant even perform in tiwtch rivals PogYou LULW KEKW @Jensen KEKW Fénix KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW PogU i give u win cuz i feel bad for u ? LMFAO KEKW TL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUE lul KEKW PogU LOLW TRUE LULW STUPID TEAM losing to rush KEKW KEKW LOSING TO RUSH LUL 6th place Pog G2 KEKW Selling P1 Account for cheap. PM :p LOL KEKW KEKW Jensen modrnW @Jensen they still win you on lcs KEKW Pog Rush better JG TL Pog LUL KEKW TRUE KEKW @Jensen KEKW KEKW Tru JENSEN nice OMEGALUL D: LUL D: toxic TOXIC AF KEKW KEKW TL OMEGALUL tfb5Head KEKW D: KEKW i guess you felt bad for other teams at worlds too KEKW s OMEGALUL L OMEGALUL KEKW LULW wintrading KEKW LUL LULW MaldChamp KEKW 7th place still beat TL tglKEK KEKW ? OMEGALUL mald KEKW MALD O NO LMAO LULW KEKW MaldChamp wtf D: OMEGALUL MaldChamp xddddddddddddddddddddd KEKW MALD D: ? @CYBERBOOLI_xD PauseChamp LUL MALD LMFAO This is great ECHO FOX KEKW MALD MALDING KEKW LOL BALD KEKW MaldChamp D: MaldChamp wintrading in LCS LUL KEKW jensen MaldChamp next time KEKW MALD Clap HAHAHA nice arms oppa HeyGuys KEKW KEKW LUL LUL pvmanKappa KEKW NO LMAO KEKW KEKW LMAO LMAO KEKW KEKW LUL MaldChamp WTF @danielfrombrazil3 daphPat LOW MaldChamp @Jensen KEKW LMAOOO ROASTED KEKW LMAO O SHIT LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW !!! I AM THE MIDLANER FOR TL MaldChamp KEKW MaldChamp TRUE KEKW @Jensen MALD Clap @Jensen MaldChamp @Jensen MaldChamp HOLY FUCK MaldChamp MaldChamp Clap @Rush He can get hair transplant, but you can't get skill transplant OMG KEKW MaldChamp Clap Jensen's hairline has stabilized Rush, be nice. too far MaldChamp YES MaldChamp Selling P1 Account for cheap. PM :p MaldChamp JENSEN MALDING RUSH IS PEPEGA MONKY jensenNotLikeThis !jensen psykenLUL Rush go turkey be top team. Pog = Malding KEKW @Jensen MALD balding MaldChamp MaldChamp KEKW my hair is fine BibleThump MaldChamp MaldChamp KEKW MaldChamp BibleThump Krappa Kapp BibleThump @Jensen PepeHands pvman MaldChamp ❓ BibleThump KEKW BibleThump @Jensen no modrnW thinning is balding losing hair is not balding Pog BibleThump monkaW widepeepoSad @Jensen Jensen's hair is fine widepeepoSad true BANNED :( TURKEY KEKW BaldThump BibleThump PepeHands monkaW PVMAN = GG KEKW JENSEN = MALD Call Jensen, he's crying BibleThump stop bully jensen widepeepoSad fine MaldChamp no bully LCS champion 😠 go OCE easy 1st place undefeated At least Jensen doesn't cosplay as a female, I'll give him that,, !rank PepeHands ANELE ? BigBrother gachiW KEKW LUL ANELE WTF gachiW @Jensen go back to Korea and stomp this kid Jensen is not bald widepeepoSad LUL KEKW KEKW LMFAO LYUL gachiBASS BabyRage confirmed live Kreygasm YES SIR LULW KEKW gachiW @jensen your hair is as thin as your stream schedule monkaS KEKW KEKW gachiW LUL TF blade PepeLaugh HOLY SHIT LUL NYO BOOLI YENSEN widepeepoSad wtf KEKW KEKW WTF WutFace WutFace monkaS pvman = dodge wrf KEKW HandsUp yo too far PepeHands KEKW KEKW YES PLZ KEKW monkeyS KEKW PepeLaugh KEKW gachiW fine MaldChamp WutFace gachiW PLS KEKW Hair is fine MaldChamp HandsUp WTF KEKW SHOW HOLE ON CAM PogU KEKW jensen at worlds KEKW monkaS PogU Wtf KEKW Whats fakers rank @rush jensen hair is fine widepeepoSad ???? rush doesnt shave buthole confirmed ChomPag too curly rush Jensen is too excited to type for that offer roleswap to mid and take jensen's job @Rush MaldChamp KEKW @Jensen get some of his butthole hair tyler1B1 katerinoAYAYA yas1 yas3 yasSnake WHY widepeepoSad Kapp WTF PepeHands its not our fault widepeepoSad Jensen has small peepee mizkifHA What hair MaldChamp we are the problem Pog 0-8 KEKW WidepeepoSad pvman=gg KEKW white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 0/8 KEKW OMEGALUL / 8 widepeepoSad @Jensen Rush is single cuz of that freaking hair making his ass smelly 0 -8 LUL boxLewd boxLewd 0/8 tried my best Kapp Kappa only more than tahn kench KEKW most? kench KEKW Rush why don't you play with map on left like starcraft wcsTerran wcsZerg wcsProtoss boa noooite THATS Meta KKona wtf, not cool bro @PARADlSER just ddos rush PepeLaugh is rush 6"2? @rush why do all your shirts look like ur just got done wrestling dudes? @danielfrombrazil3 KKona Clap rumour has it Rush butt hair longer than imaqtpie head hair stream stuck? monkaS o . 0 PepeHands monkaW blind monkaW monkaW monkaOMEGA monkaW :( BibleThump monkaS monkaW monkaW widepeepoSad monkaW Really? BibleThump old man rush monkaW PepeHands FeelsBadMan PepeHands monkaS @Rush i heard you were scared to play a kindred game BALDING LUL R) monkaMEGA monkaW BibleThump @Rush MonkaS go pro at 22/23? FeelsBadMan lee sin KEKW monkaOMEGA deth BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Jebaited monkaOMEGA Jebaited R) monkaOMEGA Jebaited OLD MAN PepeHands FeelsBadMan yasPepega Jebaited Clap Jebaited monkaOMEGA Jebaited fk uu for making me feel bad !duo !uptime Hello! I am from Brazil, I am loving the live! HeyGuys @babbols, rush has been streaming for 50 mins 12 secs Duo with CoreJJ :) you are 40? 16 forever Pog 35 31 old man rush PepeHands LULW Pepega oh shit that pretty pog now u boomer KEKW BOOMER KEKW Pepege you are 40 right now rush boomer ??? old man KEKW BOOMER KEKW trkMoedusa ´LUL 34 45 Boomer KEKW peppega monkaHmm boomer KEKW how old am i KEKW BOOMER widepeepoSad BOOMER KEKW !trio lol Pepega 40 ????? Going to military soon? BOOMER KEKW PepoThink RIGHT? KEKW Pepega SO OLD KEKW atpOld atpOld @rush come England pls BOOMER KEKW ok boomer actual boomer KEKW where do you put your left fingers for QWER? ok boomer pvman=gg KEKW trkBoomer BOOMER EKW !uptime @diblye, rush has been streaming for 50 mins 36 secs Boomers in the chat shouting Boomer POGG what team are you on now? monkeyS boomer KEKW 26 lmao KEKW @Rush so your eyes are perfectly fine? then explain your coinflip plays Military monkaS KEKW widepeepoSad chat stop booli hes 4 years away from being a boomer ok boomer Rush 30 y/o still trying to go pro Pog ROOMER ok boomer you look lik 19 years PepoThink how old am i you are an adult you are obviously a boomer widepeeposad pvman = BOOMER HAhaa Stop Angering the Boomer moon2A boomer reactions monkaS Military mandatory when??? MENTAL BOOMER? u Just noob trkBoomer @Rush started pro at 22 and ended at 25 KEKW KR MILITARY SOON monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Rush 27? old man honestly 25 year olds koreans look like 40 so is ok Kappa boomer APM and BMI KEKW sodaLaugh 2 years til militaary monkaW HAHAHA PogCamp WTF IS THIS EMOTE KEKW KEKW KEKW You're not, boomers are about 70 now KEKW KEKW lmao LULW LULW KEKW TRUE xmithie PepeHands widepeepoSad LOLW my bad Jensen KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW Xmithie > Rush KEKW xmithie LULW widepeepoSad but he has a job and you don't givemeub=gg jensen WeirdChamp PepegaAim Xmithie in 2020 KEKW military KappaPride @Rush play Kayne X MISS E LULW X MISS E KEKW HE CAN'T USE ZHONYAS WHEN IN FINALS JENSEN IS THE REASON XMITHIE IS OUT KEKW KEKW SEJUANI giftmesub=gg KEKW X MISS E PogCamp PogCamp PogCamp PogCamp PogCamp Mandatory military soon??? smite king xmithie PepeHands he played a lot of lee sin BibleThump monkaGun jensen already balding KEKW @Rush U STILL LOOK CUTE RUSH BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump peepoSad @Jensen youre irrelevent Military soon GG @rush X MISS E KEKW MILITARY SOON??? FeelsAmazingMan Clap @kushy1 looks who's talking lol Old man rush LUL Thats where it counts KEKW @Rush Why didn't you believe in TL at worlds PepeHands better focus ? monkaS @Rush I guess you really play worse on stage Was ? He still have a job unlike you KEKW RUSH CANT PERFORM ON STAGE KEKW @Rush KAYN LIKE YOU rush which one r u? @Jensen maybe he should switch to Dota 2 EG won "worlds" with a 29 or 30 year old captain some players bad all the time @Rush KEKW @jensen im watching you which one are you? you played worse on stage @Rush rush has never lost a game on sunday @rush Pressure SourPls @Rush some people like to show off just perform LOOOOL 4Head rush always just plays bad KEKE @jensen Kappa Well see LCK players care about winning and LCS players only care about getting money... PRSSURE monkaS when youre rush you can just play bad everywhere You eventually get used to it, having played on stage so long rush played worse on stage bcz tilt over his bad teammates KEKW Hey rush could you kiss the webcam at the same time as me so we like eKiss? Pog Does Xmithie play league off stage? SCARED OF BEING PUT ON FRONT PAGE OF REDDIT like @Jensen ? KEKW stage = emergency situation fight or flight instinct in a sense 5Head RUSH BRAIN KEKW me? Pepega pvman KEKW u Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepege KEKW u KEKW KEKW monkaS emergency KEKW rush brain KEKW sounds like rush KEKW KEKW KEKW you? KEKW LUL stage pvman gg RUSH BRAIN KEKW Rush Brain KEKW KEKW 5Head truuuuuuue KEKW Rush ignoring military comments lol !jensen Rush brain KEKW some people don't have brain FeelsBadMan @Rush me have no brain fucker Rush busy fighting with Fenix to perform on stage @Rush HEY THATS me :D Pepege RUSH BRAIN KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeHands KEKW some people play better under pressure @Rush KEKW @jensen it is with his win record KEKW PepeHands LOL TRU widepeepoSad KEKW OMEGALUL bad late game PepeHands KEKW Military ? @Rush KEKW AHAH widepeepoSad Sneaky PepeHands KEKW THEN YOU HAVE TO FF@20 KEKW BAD LATE GAME PepeHands YES widepeepoSad BAD LATE GAME KEKW PepeHands turned into pro-streamer who still plays this game KEKW not wrong bad late game KEKW imagine being a pro player KEKW Roast Jensen stream LUL KEKW lol fax BAD LATE GAME KEKW HIGH TEMPO CAREER KEKW bad lategame lul LATE GAME KEK FUCKING W BAD LATE GAME PepeHands KEKW EARLY GAME JOB LULW early game KEKW If you lose, you get replaced by Panda 5Head monkaW monkaW gladi ator monkaW monkaW LMAO monkaW monkaW monkaOMEGA monkaW WTF monkaW monkaW monkaW Anyone wanna buy a Plat 1 Account for cheap? PM monkaW monkaS lose and get replaced by rush what monkaW LOSE MY LIFE? monkaSHAKE e gladiator KEKW E-gladiator monkaOMEGA KEKW KEKW e gladiator if you die in the game... monkaW you are not a gladiator LULW E Gladiator Pog monkaOMEGA I always that do with everything in my life i give it my best @Rush e? SAO Kappa You are right monkaHmm e-gladiator KEKW @Jensen you failed highschool so you had no regrets. Rush quit medical school and that makes his brain afraid LUL @run don bully my team mate monkaW korean dramam LUL W OMEGALUL W gladi eater? LOLW eSports athlete E-GLADIATOR KEKW @Rush what do u think about gen g line up what you going do after pro career? mcdonald? E GIRL KEKW literal keyboard warriors Pog you die you lose your life monkaW E-Gladiator SAO if you lose just ff 20 irl Pepega thats why sopa is high rank LULW do you have to go to the military @Rush What about becoming an entertainer ? U could do that Dupa 5Head I loose the fight already because I want to die rush is immortal PogYou SAO AYAYA KEKW E-Gaydiator KEKW SAO AYAYA Clap @Rush only not dying is good late game KEKW @rush dont bully my team mate Professional E-Gladiator.... PROFESSIONAL ALIGATOR AYAYA Clap PepeHands pvman = GG even irl peepoSad Pepega CHECKING IN AYAYA PepeHands 4Head widepeepoSad PepeHands @Rush can you go back to school when you are 30 in korea? widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad peepoSad ff15 ff 15 widepeepoSad monkeyS widepeepoSad ff too late PepeHands ff 26 18 KEKW HYPERS ff20 Kappa KEKW Gaydiator KEKW yoo already a professional pepega. no worries ff @jensen tell steve to change broxah for rush Kappa my life unwinnable game :) widepeepoSad ff 22 LMAO ff19 ff 23 D: ff30 FOR SURE KEKW KEKW FF 17 LOL FF15 IN REAL LIFE widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ff 26 widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ff 22, gg FF 17 BibleThump LMAO @Rush switch to Dota 2 . EG won "worlds" with a 29 or 30 year old captain LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW IM FFING 19 KEKW gladiator never ff widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW D: WTF ff 50 guys, half way then it shall be alowed KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad ff 22, gg no late game KEKW SURRENDER VOTE IRL KEKW KEKW open irl? @Rush @Coach_Fifty bnanaHug daphPat nyannHi hiya KEKW LMFAOO KEKW LMAO surrener vote ff14 LMAO SAY IN GAME ff20 u can without permission KEKW monkeyS Clap KEKW im 22 and wanna FF too real peepoSad VoteNay KEKW So after 20 I only need 3 yeses KEKW alt f4 then 5head KEKW RAAAAAAAAAAAASH this is endearing pog PepeHands ff@15 KEKW @rush come Eu team rushy i vote majority for ff20's :) KEKW 50% WR Pog Parents voted yes GG PepeHands alt f4 then 5Head VoteYea widepeepoSad ff 22, gg no late game. I lost early game 17 LUL @Rush Hail of Blades Poppy! @Rush can people go back to school when they are 30 in korea? pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands my parents say VoteYea :) no lee Pog ff14 widepeepoSad TRUE KEKW Never FF guys love your self and pursue WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and fuck all other poeple around you <3 <# Parents started my FF VOTE AT 17 widepeepoSad 🗡 Lee or leeve @LinA21 too relatable, just about ready to alt f4 this bitch widepeepoSad ask parents for surrender irl LUL I’m getting out scaled I think ima ff true KEKW KEKW KEKW @LinA21 22 still earlygame!! what about 2 supports? yeah i guess 22 is early 30 mid game? rush do duo jg !uptime @bluepost, rush has been streaming for 55 mins 29 secs !uptime describing tyler1? nidaleeman = GG KEKW conqueror im 27 still early game vayne top is good bro. u just have to go tanky jngl =( everything is bad but 2 midlaners, midlaners can fill everywhere, except maybe jgl early game till i die vayne top is evil more a mindset PepegaPhone ROOOOOSHH constant scaling @Rush can people go back to school when they are 30 in korea? vayne top should not exist 27 is lategame lmao boomer @non3mus 27 = boomer :) woof woof @Rush what was last song title? !uptime a bruiser with range insane wave clear burst damge AOE damage @ElChamorrero, rush has been streaming for 55 mins 59 secs yessss rushhhh nidaleeee yesss @Rush what are your thoughts on imaqtpie late game I am heavy into esports and never watch league but I love this stream for some reason. you make this game look so easy lol trist is a great mid !duo 3 years old is late game for anti vax KEKW Duo with CoreJJ :) kind boy camille @non3mus it's called the Peter Pan syndrome LULW @killjaro it's rly easy for him Kled <3 @corejj betrayed me BibleThump BibleThump Not Conqueror Ryze hmmmm RUSH on NID Pog real gankster PogU A AYAYA trox @rush Have you been to Impact's tower of power? fuzz fizz pvmanHYPERS real gankster Rush should make his own team with Sneaky KappaPride !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @rush corejj betrayed me BibleThump BibleThump corejj :) @Rush what does corejj nickname means ? I remember when rush would just spam Lee everrryyy game LULW real gankster BasedGod Clap MISS LUL Pepega spider pvman = gg Pog @RestMG why not ? he might have to pay something tho, dunno KEKW widepeepoSad pvman = free game peepoFat !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !duo KEKW q corjj??? pvman = charge Do you prefer talisman or hunter's on Nidalee? TL in kr for bootcamp now? or just core !team kappa pride dumpComfy boxComfy mooComfy CoreJJ POG Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ihavent seeen him in forever !job XD? ResidentSleeper !life pepega !delay 5Head katerinoCozy ratirlCozy squadCozy LUL 5Head KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW oh KEKW daphCozy qtpCOMFY @RestMG dunno what you imagine Korea to be. Maybe you're thinking of North Korea. The question would be interesting in that context LUL KEKW KEKW Pepega LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW XDDDDDDDDDD KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LULW what with keybind? noob KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW LUL KEKW spear KEKW LOL KEKEKEKEKEEW KEKW KEKW 4Heed XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD weird flex KEKW? kuruPog Sigh.... :sigh: lmfao KEKW GG LuL FeelsBadMan pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey 4Heed LOOOL KEKW YouDied LOL Jebaited lmao KEKW Feels 🦇 man AGAIN ???? OMEGALUL haha gg KEKW KEKW LuL KEWK XDDDDDD KEKW 2 xDDD thank you that made my night LUL KEKW LMFAOO ??? Kekw KEKW !!! 0.2 ????? trolling LUK pvman = gg Kapp WOW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL pvmanMonkey KEKW gg nice spears LOL KR CALCULATION KEKW pvman = gg this is hilarious GGWP pvman = gg KEKW BREATH RUSH LULW hes gona tilt !subcount KEKW R.I.P Smite and 3 seconds LUL Current sub count: 836 FeelsBadMan Widepeeposad HIGH TEMPO GAMEPLAY your the best men love you 🤣 Kapp atpOld atpOld atpOld is that core? !playlist 4Heed ok early game brain KR maths LUL kr math KEKW Cmon @Jensen tl rush when KEKW look at the move pvman=gg KEKW the goodd thing is renek was pushed up so he didnt see spear in his lane pvman=gg KEWK KEKW 0 DEATH ? NEW RUSH widepeepoSad callmekyle123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. RENEK KEKW Is this the standard pathing for nidalee chat? pvmanFBM pvmanFBM ah oh stinky ! dodee path NotLikeThis renek inting RENEKTON KEKW Renekton everywhere except his lane KEKW widepeepoSad PVMAN widepeepoSad this renekton is Pepega KEKW Renekton is all over the place KEKW ???????KEKW OMG LUL KEKW missed LULW KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW Kapp KEKW OMEGALUL HOYL KEKW 26 Pog PogY JAJAJA Pog PogU PogChamp Pog PogU PogChamp monkaS pvman = gg KEKW flash fiesta KEKW Pog YE YE YE YE Pog monkaW SAVED close Pog pgo PogU Pog pog KOREAN MF PogU WORTH PogU pvmanHYPERS Pog Pog pog !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) HES OK Pog KOREAN PLAYERS Pog korean adc Pog its wort kr fiesta ''worth'' KEKW coreJJ? 3 FLASH FOR U KEKW worth MiniK KOREAN SOLOQ POG why do my adcs never heal for me PogYou pog that spear went through elise HotPokket mister? HotPokket MR FORTUNE POGGERS mister fortune mr fortune PogChamp 3 FLASH FOR A JOBLESS MONKEY KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) SNEAKY FORTUNE D: LULW LULW gachiGASM MR FORTUNE Pog KEKW KEKW D: KR dive LUL Pog LULW PogU LUL dirty inter Kapp KEKW KEKW D: LUL MALD LULW Fiesta LOL 1v2 Pog KEKW dirty inter????? !uptime renekton PogU renek Pog @KidoBR, rush has been streaming for 1 hour DIRTY INTER KEKW 0/10 q's PogChamp KEKW KEKW Korea Dive KEKW KEKW RENEKTON DIRTY INTER???? PVMAN = GG KEKW These spears tho lol hasnt hit one q PogChamp calling his mid caryy an inter KEKW 5Head ACCORDING TO MY CALCULATIONS 5Head ok ROOOOOOOSH!!!!! Kappa 3Head rush hello Kappa HI RUSH 3Head calls godlyjv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Come back to NA 3Head ravageHes ravageHere Kapp !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) :) corejj Pog xD KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW coreGG KEKW KEKW CORE KEKW KEKW 4Head KR SUPPORTS KEKW latern Rush you think Corejj gets tired of playing with monkey man like u? KEKW SPEAR KEKW ?? 0 spears skillshots EleGiggle 0 spears KEKW HIT Q KEKW THOSE SKILLSHOTS KEKW your Qs LUL MISS EVERYTHING KEKW LOL ???????????? OMG KEKW KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW LMFAO pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW coreGG KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW THESE Q KEKW UHH KEKW ??????????????? LuL missed 3 spears LUL KEKW SPEARS not 1 spear LUL LUL PVMAN INTING KEKW OMG LUL WTF KEKW MISS 2 Q KEKW KEKW trolling so hard FailFish LUL BOOMER DUO KEKW LAND A SPEAR KEKW HIT 0 Qs WHOLE GAME KEKW HAHAHA NA spears KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW What a circus 🤡 wtf are those spears ?! KEKW EX NA PRO PLAYERS KEKW he hasn't landed one yet this game LUL KEKW COREGG=PVMAN LULW FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish @CYBERBOOLI_xD PepegaPhone KEKW INTING COREJJ landed 1 Pog PogChamp KEKW Clown fiesta lmfao PogUI PepeLaugh coreGG PepeLaugh GGman don't use spears anymore LUL PogU HEXFLASH KEKW PogU TROLLING KEKW HIGH TEMPO misssssssssss SPEARS Q 0% Q hit rate KEKW missing every Q KEKW FISHH LITERALLY TROLLING LULW Emotional plays 4/25 spear is this actual challenger gameplay? Please land 1 pear monkey man sssSSSSsssSS PepeHands MISSED LAST 10 SPEARS KEKW PepeHands NA spears spear unbind q PepegaPhone SLUUUUUUURP GGMAN widepeepoSad COREGG widepeepoSad PepeHands @Rush ask corejj to stream :) No one can hit q KEKW Pepega NIDALEE PLAYER LUL PepegaPhone SLUUUUUURP I love this song :) widepeepoSad q button just wasting mana LUL this guy is so troll i cant handle 😂 LUL Spears KEKW isn't core also pvman? Old rush Nidalee Pog 2019 rush Nidalee widepeepoSad Rush is actually missing on purpose to make it more of a challenge lofi hip hop rush is best stream on internet :) rush nidalee is not completely trash widepeepoSad guys im behind on rent widepeepoSad Xmithie woulda hit those Spears!! Is Rush doing no spear Nidalee challenge? KEKW @lina21 i love you :) 1st Q PogU !followage @blackdoor1, blackdoor1 has been following rush for 2 years 11 months 30 days 2 hours hit a q Pog !followage @phrophet Stop paying for amazon prime CoreJJ becoming pepega from being around Rush LUL He hit a q all uphill from here right bois why is he muted Pog core Pog CORE Pog PogU Pog Pog pog Pog what a hook PogU Pog Pog core Pog Pog PogU PogU Pog CORE Pog POG POGGETD POG pog "not bad" LUL !followage corejj Pog holy shit Pog Pog PogU Pog POGGERS WTF CORE DIGNITAS WORLD CHAMPION Pog PogU damn son COREJJ PogU ''not bad'' holy POGGERS !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Pog Core = GOD Pog DBstyle DBstyle DBstyle DBstyle !followage @mnwv student prime so worth @DarkSoul93, darksoul93 has been following rush for 7 months 23 days 4 hours fish xD KIWIKID DISCIPLE Pog POGGERS corejj ks KEKW Pog GODER POGGERS Lol not bad fast base KEKW @phrophet I know I have it lol POGGERS dead gladiator :) !fikkiwage !followage coregg won worlds right? KEKW chat, if he threw that too early would elise just go right over the dredge line that was thrown? !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) D: kekw !followage !followage !followage coreGG KEKW KEKW KEKW lamo ????? Its just nonessential having a place to live is essential THATS OK ULT ? KEKW !followage @LovePoem, lovepoem has been following rush for 11 months 7 days 4 hours PepeLaugh he knows PepeLaugh ??? ????????? Duo = Gg ?????? KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW OMEGALUL ??? 탑승장인 러쉬 ???????????? ???????? KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL monkey duo KEKW I know KEKW LULW PepeLaugh XDDD Pog KEKW KEKW hitbox LULW this duo KEKW RYZE ?????? POG Ryze???? KEKW SOUTH KOREAN RYZE RYZE KEKW kindboy :) RYZE KEKW 5Head 5Head ah of course 5Head If only rush had no ego and was locked in. He’d be on an LCS or LCE team easily. instead he very cocky player with many pepega plays :( FAKER IS THAT YOU KEKW Rude boy LULW nice fight LUL rush wtf ??? KEKW hit q Pog KEKW LUIL ?????? 5Head KEKW 5Head KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ? KEKW ??????? nice int KEKW "ok" LUL ?????? im dad KEKW INT KEKW DL Pepega CHARGE ???????? HeyGuys ????? pvman = gg KEKW ??? D: ????? kind b :( y "I'm gonna fight this" :) lol coreJJ LUL Pepega charge KEKW KEKW naut q spider COREGG KEKW HOLY SHIT KR LUL ?xd IM GONNA FIGHT THIS Pepega DUO KEKW what is this game kr challenger Keepo corejj KEKW !followage bro wtf is this game lol what is thsi game LUL @industryone, industryone has been following rush for 3 months 11 days 22 hours DUO = MISS EVERY Q KEKW "I'm gonna fight this" It was at that moment he knew he fucked up PepegaPhone WE CAN DIVE Pepega NO FLASH what elo is this KEKW i think we can dive but does JUNGLE CAMP KEKW @JACKIECHAIN nyannHi HIYA squadHYPERS push the wave Hope the new korean generation can carry on because the old guard is at point of retiring WeirdChamp no spear KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) USELESS KEKW assist KEKW PROMISQ DUO KEKW heal mf for assist noob misses spear NOT BAD KEKW pvmanSlow @CYBERBOOLI_xD cyber HeyGuys <3 rcdEleteme !followage @Kaiyoteo, kaiyoteo has been following rush for 3 years 2 days reke baited Jebaited !playlist try to hit 1 spear this game daphHeart xD !followage !followage BEST nidalee in KR BTW KEKW Hello gg pvman = GG 3Head alcove PepegaPhone KEKW rush i am sorry i am very racist who is he duo with? corejj "we can mind game" KEKW WTF supports need movespeed +69 !followage @AndresJoJo, andresjojo has been following rush for 3 years 9 months 8 hours mobi + cloud nautilus is fun pvmanMonkey cloud soul is so good on nid What's the mountain soul again !followage 1 !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !duo @Tokai_Teioh a shield 1 armor mr @Tokai_Teioh !followage @bigdaddynick24, bigdaddynick24 has been following rush for 4 years 8 days 21 hours oh yeah, thanks Level 7 KEKW "fuq" KEKW KappaPride KEKW JSAKDJA LUL LMAO KEKW 2? PepeLaugh they should put alcoves in the jungle to PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeHands troll duo KEKW PepeHands CLOUD SOUL IS PERMA SHEILD PVMAN= KEKW 4 months utill next season PepeHands !followage Mountain soul* Do Koreans have bidet??? hit one PogYou spears Pog WutFace ???????? pvman = gg KEKW LOL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL WutFace KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKW ????????? ???????????????? ?????? KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW MALD KEKW KEKW nice int LULW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace KEKW LUL PepegaPhone KEKW KEKW INT KEKW PEPEGE CHARGEEEE D: KEKW D: SO BAD pvman=gg KEKW close :) JKSADKJJA ggman = pp KEKW DansGame D: D: D: KEKW D: D: KEKW :) 코장의 눈물 landed all spears, still died :( D: pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL Selling Plat 1 Account. PM D: LULW WutFace Wow... PepegaPhone REPORTED LUL :'( LULW KEKW GAMEPLAY KEKW DO IT KEKW TOXIC pv man = GG widepeepoSad TOP is gingoon PepegaPhone WutFace na jg KEKW SSSsss FeelsBadMan PogChamp WutFace corejj crying right now pvman mentalboom rush is toxic is that dounb PogU am i adc main if i only play kai sa? doinb* DO IT BigBrother PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt pvman mental boom corejj jungle diff fuck you mid ad :) @staring_at_goats sure Bullying KR challenger players (my team) Uptime what do those numbers mean in game chat?? is intpact carrying rush again ok thakn u i will tell my girlffriend i got job no duo with corejj !opgg !rank !uptime @sweetcrx13, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 11 mins oh ok, corejj carrying rush then Kapp MALD NO FIGHT @dexzy ? PogU Pog PogU PogU PogU I DODGED PogU escape artist monkaX Pog Pog SKIRMISH ARTIST lol' PogU monkeyS fix INTING KEKW KEKW ??????????????? for fun KEKW timers for flash @dexzy ??????? ??? KEKW ? ????????? KEKW ????????? KEKW ???? KEKW ??????? INT KEKW ???? KEKW ???????? ???????????? KEKW INTING KEKW Lmfao ?????? KEKW literally for fun ??????????? ??? close fight :) LMFAOOOOOOOOO Pepege ? inting ???????????????? PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW inting for fun KEKW ????? KEKW ???? OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh lol =????? @staring_at_goats whos summoner name was that? LUL INT 4FUN KEKW ????????????? ?????? KEKW ????????????? / KEKW ??????? KEKW Pooga Pepege WAAH ?????? inting ??? goodjob GGMAN=PV LULW KEKW RUSH U ARE BETTER THAN THAT inting LUL ????????????? ??????????????????? ?????????? ???? Pog to Pepega so fast pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW pvman = GG KEKW 4fun PVMAN = GG 2/4 fizz 1v1 KEKW widepeepoSad ? rush 4fun 1v1 Pepega INTING dark seal kekw Krappa Lagging 빨리죽기 not even close LAG KEKW KEKW LULW INTING FOR FUN Pepega MALDING Pepege Clap LAG MENTAL LAGGIN That's a fish fix your brain? PROFESSIONAL INTER jumping in KEKW 1v1 Pepega Clap KEKW LAG BibleThump brain lagging KEKW Jumping in FOOOORR FUN lagging KEKW KEKW lvl 9 nid vs lvl 10 fixx OMEGALUL Pepega king brain lag Why ?????? from Pog to KEKW you're just a cat Krappa I see, just lag 10 ms LuL brain lagging KEKW jg diff brain lag KEKW LAG KEKW DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode lagging with 10 ms LUL emotional lag INT @non3mus it was rush KEKW 1pvman cant win brain lag kew fake lag brain lag 66 to 95 farm LUL wintrade PogU ??????? LUL LUL LUL LUL MaxLOL brain lagging brain lag FeelsBadMan I thought we had a plan, but no stopwatch, or dmg widepeepoSad FailFish Pepege lag ㅁ @staring_at_goats thx brain lag int for no reason LUL BRAIN LAG LIL LUL Rush negative iq elise outfarming a nidalee KEKW thats new pvman = gg KEKW PogU CORE GG? smite king inc might be lagging KEKW brain lag KEKW might be lagging KEKW brain lag KEKW Pog Pog PogU SMITE KING SMITE KING Pog Rush why did u q ur teammate LUL Pog KEKW BYE BYE PogU SMITE KING KING WTFF rush u are too good please stop they have family SMITE KING PogU cloud kekw PogU EZ Clap RUSH GOD Pog Ici clap men BabyRage BabyRage !rank @Criminal997 stuntSHOCK stuntSHOCK !time 15:40 trap gachiW !commands @babbols, You can find a list of all Commands here SMITE KING how does this guys do not have a job ? PogYou !title this game: Pog > Pepega > Pog !youtube DAILY UPLOADS GO SUB Pog !twitter @RushLoL !discord Soon TM @danielfrombrazil3 hey Pepega @Criminal997 look whysper FLASH KEKW MF AYAYA LUL LOL KEKW LUL 4Fun 4FUN PLAYER KEKW PogU white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 yeah Pog LUL dump POG YES :) yes KEKW yes yes :) yes ?????? YES KEKW yes LUL YES PepeLaugh yeah Pog yeah YES PogChamp yes :) u big dumb dumb tes pvman = INT KEKW pvman = INT KEKW pvman = INT KEKW pvman = INT KEKW yes no i didnt know you could do that either yes dumb YES Pepega yes KEKW yes YESSS yes KEKW YES YES :) yes kekw i mean clearly u can Pepega YES KEKW never seen that clean yes KEKW KAPOW BRAIN LAG LUL pro player btw KEKW challenger u are dump dumpCheer Played Nidalee for 8 years LUL dom KEKW Litttle bit !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) never seen that FailFish !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ jg gap do it again @danielfrombrazil3 LOL ROOSH Pepega do you know player named hotshott? !followage cos themap changed FailFish @Criminal997 KEKW @babbols, babbols has been following rush for 1 year 8 months 2 days 11 hours most of chat never played nidalee and are spamming yes lol !dom !xd prolly coded different because of FIRE drake 10 years playing nida btw Pepega Clap @Rush go try it again u cant do it !jensen the map changed you apes !dup !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !xd even when i watch twitch enemy jg is better widepeepoSad even when i watch twitch enemy jg is better widepeepoSad @rush you can jump out of red but not into red It was not possible before the map change i have tried many times Bring back jensen command WeirdChamp !uptime @quote_if_greek_joy, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 15 mins @throwawayaccount11111123 but the wall is still there? !lee KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW AFK KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Kekw TROLLING LUL fizz flash was 1940 pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey he hasnt flashed LUL STUNNED THE CRAB KEKW OMEGALUL LULW KEKW D: LULW !duo FISH Pog Duo with CoreJJ :) LUL pvman = gg KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL l/kjhgl;sdkfglikdfsegg,fdmnglk;sdfgsklfj lolk;ghjhfdglkdfgg KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL pvmanHands lol !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW trolling so hard !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) fizz was on cd didnt flash 3Head Lmfao jungle gap FeelsBadMan @Rush u jumped the wall after landed q on elise there inting :) you have to jump on the upper part of that wall @Rush should have jumped the wall Kappa renek LUL !song Jug diff FIZZ WAS 1940 HOW COULD HE FLASH 1910? pvman = gg thelifeoffuzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months, currently on a 13 month streak! no emotion win game KEKW JG DIFF KEKW dirty inter @Rush switch to support and win worlds like corejj !rushiq i come to watch rush, already died 6 times , KEKW @dtrhunter lucidity GIFT ME :( cloud nidalee PepeLaugh cloud elise PepeLaugh cloud nine PepeLaugh WTFF smart thinking @NaughtyBeaver SeemsGood ☁️ am i a joke to u CLUTCH HEAL Kapp KEKW no me :) :) is got for renekton good* does the ulty speed up work on transform champs !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) hey rushy rush how is kindred atm? no ty watch seagames !rank Pepega Clap ANY MONSTERS? Pepega Clap Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega yep @chat how do you target that ward behind baron without hitting baron? !uptime @linhpuuuuuu, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 19 mins KEKW KEKW LULW LULW PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW LULW LUL KEKW KEKW Yeeeup KEKEW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OP GROMP gromp op WASHED UP KEKW Challenger btw KEKW TILTED KEKW KEKW . pepega monster MALD KEKW KEKW KEKW . . KEKW GROMP TOO TANKY Reset twice Pepega 7 MONSTER CHECKING IN KEKW @tswiftfan69 KEKW @Simmo_rs KEKW @the_color_coral move the camera upward untill you can click the ward ks LUL I <3 CoreJJ KS KEKW KS KEKW KS LULW KEKW f BLITZ KEKW ? ddos monkaW ? ? ? BLITZ KEKW ? ddos boxFail ? Jensen DDOS BLITZ KRKW JENSEN KEKW F Jensen KEKW Jensen got mad at banter monkaS Incarnati0n KEKW monkaS pvmanYesyesyes pvmanYesyesyes pvmanYesyesyes pvmanYesyesyes @Jensen why you mald Pog KEKW KEKW pepega monster MALD KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW WHATS UP RUSH !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW too deep KEKW Pepega Clap pvman = gg KEKW Pepega Clap so bad EKWK blitz Jensen got mad at his q’s if anything Turn off sponsor KEKW turn offtrolling kek fight fight fight Pepega Throwing KEKW melee mf kekw WTF Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap Pepega Clap turn off grey skin filter please Mr. Rush :) carried by adc KEKW coregg KEKW Imagine saving your ult to do that LUL KEKW pvman = gg KEKW not inting? huh LVL 11 KEKW pvman = gg KEKW 0 stacks dark seal = gg DARK SEAL KEKW is naut the duo? widepeepoSad PepegaPhone COMING THROUGH ggman = pp KEKW underleveled KEKW 5/7 KEKW @ninisau79 yes smalppman=gg KEKW support nid Pog support nida KEKW @japanesecantbeweebs yes support KEKW rush with the consistent steaming schedule? what year is it? core = gg Iucian Pepega yo this naut should be pro or something KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW fizz ulti broken af KEKW ggman INT KEKW jg diff KEKW pvman = gg pvman = gg KEKW 25 stacks GGman "that champion is broken as fuck" - the truth GG KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ardent KEKW Elise with thresh is so good Its so broken :) jg gap Kappa TFT nidalee LUL huge jg gap zimmers98 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ratirlWot PVMAN = GG CLOUD SOUL OMEGALUL why corejj boosting this diamond player? KEKW fishMoley ChomPag ratirlWot PVMAN = GG KEKW Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish FOOKIN FISH NaM fizz q does 80% of your health? Why? at least you have cloud soul Kappa pvman = gg KEKW ratirlWot ggman and coregg duo KEKW ratirlWot pvman= cursed KEKW Kappa MR support nid KEKW I have faith. JJ = GG KEKW mf desperately trying to carry KEKW nid is a champ btw KEKW pszGurn @yeyelol69 because fizz is broken KEKW pvman = gg btw KEKW He’s basically a lane minion at this time maybe a cannon fish with elder NotLikeThis the only drakes rush takes are useless ones i thnk pvman = gg.. how are people getting that animation when they back? couldnt find anything better than ardent for your team? huh @Garouhh end s9 challenger !rank @GigaTremor Mikales @How2twitch oh damn, ill never get that then hellooooo @toch1ee Yup u need tartar sauce SELL THE POT why do kroeans love mf so much rn? @kruinoutlaw shes strong you need better champion LUL alice cause shes disgusting laner @kruinoutlaw @kruinoutlaw she got them big jugs :) @kruinoutlaw good lane good mid good late She’s strong and also boobs Stopwatch fix it @kruinoutlaw big knockers @kruinoutlaw really good synergy with naut mikaels doesnt seem cost efficient gg NIDALEE USELESS KEKW pvman = gg KEKW Why is rush always losing when I tune in utility from slow to top it off ??????? gg widepeepoSad @KidoBR and @mhmmbread they got it penta kill? ardent censor KEKW widepeepoSad GG FeelsBadMan jgl gap F JJ = GG KEKW :( rush might be bad widepeepoSad rush might be bad widepeepoSad rush might be bad widepeepoSad peepoLeave im getting snacks ardent is inefficient KEKW KEKW gg jg three level difference KEKW HOLY always pvman = gg KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW TFT nidalee sucks @Warmpepsi Cause warm pepsi is nasty lol rip ban I LOST Kreygasm widepeepoSad LULW !uptime @Breaksabre, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 28 mins Lucian sitting still and still missed q lol pvman= gg feelsbadman dirty inter KEKW losing to dog champion * PVMAN = GG !uptime @eliaz_dav, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 28 mins always pvman = GG KEKW always pvman = GG KEKW ardent is only 2300 2400 u winsome u dimsum its core duo right? rush allergic to sushi One day you will buy Mr against fizz one trick KEKW !duo dirty inter KEKW Duo with CoreJJ :) only 1 more widepeepoSad SMOrc counterchamp KEKW white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 widepeepoSad Just ban Fizz !uptime MALD @MagikarpSlayer, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 28 mins inter LUL NotLikeThis ban fizz white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 coreLetsgo keaneWin imagine not being able to get carried by corejj KEKW ggman PepeHands bigheadsmallbrain people in solo queue want to dodge when rush on team KEKW lol MingLee widepeepoHappy HYPERS MANDOO LUL blackpeoplehappy BasedGod LUL its a food lol who's the duo? racism MingLee win MingLee ? lol AYAYA KEKW LUL u win some u lose some KEKW MingLee ? chinese food Chinese food MingLee ye pun AYAYA KEKW KEKW dim sum is chinese food fizz is just abit too strong rn Passive of ardent not even good for his team, redemption mickaels would have been better dimsum noodle why u bad dim sum is chinese our derves you win some you dim sum pon ? AsianGlow Clap MingLee It was a pun because you are korean if you're pvman you lose some you lose some PepeLaugh he doesnt know po*n ? we love you dim sum is chinese pvman = Nicetry man his troll voice is so funny fish too good sometimes u win sometimes rush is your jungler very punny PepeLaugh ggman = pp yes dim sum is 간식 pvman = gg hi rush when will u star5 playing usefull champs?(not nidalee) D: jgl gap = gg DIM SUM LUL lsxyzMmm lsxyzMmm lsxyzMmm !opgg do it :) D: do it say fuck you in a nice way :) KEKW @Rush zhonyas seems like good buy that game Pvman is always bad try Rush is absolute madman Reneketon is so bad this patch nicetryman =GG KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) I'm playing a Pokemon Red randomizer and got Mewtwo as a starter Play eliisseee why u so good? can u turn off grey screen filter for next game @Rush Fuck deft later gachiBASS i could go for some dumplings rn getting carried off stream KEKW have you tried winning KEKW it is curse monkaS ban fizz ggman = pp. the fam PepeHands nidalee= gg gap bad champ 4Head And yet u still buy tabi against him KEKW JUST WIN 4Head ppman = gg 4Head fizz broken champ pvman = dodge hutchBummer hutchBummer inting core WeirdChamp @Rush switch to support and win worlds like corejj is that supp gap bullying kr challenger KEKW JGL always mental boom I miss gorilla PepeHands Your Spears were tragic pvman is a good player widepeepoSad !uptime @Grizzles_Fun, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 30 mins bullying KR Challenger players (my team) KEKW DendiFace tenacity op gorilla duos PepeHands pvman = stop playing nida pvman = big ppman monkaHmm favorite jungle champs atm? WeirdChamp FBBlock Pepega play 1 eve game @Rush bullying KR Challenger players (my team) KEKW we know (my team) KEKW 5/9 Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again FailFish Karthus! @Rush inting corejj KEKW DendiFace play kayn tristana @Rush ELISE !jensen unranked to challenger karthus only !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KHA Is ok you got this just don’t play nidalee pvman = coinflip player? we don't care. you lose anyway play warwick play reksai @Rush hecarim vs olaf? they ban nidalee, they are scared! no LS says is S trier champu pvman = gg league = coinflip not you're champ !time PLAY SHACO 15:58 play poppy POG @wewboy ls id diamond LULW fish open KEKW LS have no idea what he is talking about KEKW PepegaPhone LS SAYS Show us Shaco TRUE LULW if its good play eve plz KEKW COREGG @kruinoutlaw very true, league solo queue is very coinflip KEKW Play Olaf PEPEGA CHAAARGE Asspull subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Rush when u were in college were you Pepega or 5Head just play it anyway sed coregg = pvman = gg monkaHmm wait core is a PVMAN KEKW Tristana JG PogU lee sin COREGG=PVMAN elis they think Kappa corejj= coregg D: bullying KR Challenger players (my team) KEKW BlessRNG tristana play gravey? DatSheffy KAMPF? Pepega Pepega If only rush had no ego and was locked in. He’d be on an LCS or LCE team easily. instead he very cocky player with many pepega plays :( pvman = pvtrol bullying KR Challenger players (my team) KEKW Pepega !delay Pepega kampf Pepega definitely pepegaa Pepega definitely Pepega that means he was Pepega Core=gg went to a top school tho Pepega it is Definitely PepeHands must be Pepega KEKW bullyman play trist jg KEKW they dog-ed OhMyDog blaming KEKW @Yoshua998 where did he go dodging pvman widepeepoHappy Pepega CHECKING IN KEKW he was Pepega I saw him KEKW nice damage blaming MF, renekton when inting to Fizz KEKW missing all spears KEKW KEKW honor 5 never bully spear bully u too? mf desperately trying to carry KEKW Pepega pvmanFGM ban qiyana Blaming KR Challenger players (my team) KEKW @Rush but u miss so many spear :) Pepega down 2 levels on elise KEKW rush missing q Everytime Pepega CHECKING IN Chiniste subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! POGGERS plays today? nautilus worst damage = inted Pepega and your drake RNG was not good better jungle wins :) me fui y perdiste lul play real jungler like master yi :) spearman = gg @Rush someone from Sneakys chat said you were inting so here I am KEKW KEKW taliy AYAYA ? making excuses KEKW dodge it Kappa yes :) @Rush is camille jungle good? 'it's not NA' just land it Kapp U missed spear on cc tresh 2 time in a row KEKW rush only hit skillshots on NA? KEKW bad at hitting spear KEKW D: KEKW D: i have 70 ping u ape FeelsWeirdMan i am small brain @Rush pls correct your title to - Bullying KR challenger players (allied team) cool :) D: D: TRUE LULW LIKE YOU GUYS savage monkaHmm LUL D: Deft ghosted only reason he won wait rush said I have slow brain D: pvmanMonkey WTF Then don’t play nidalee lol fish @Rush are your parents proud of you? Kass ban qiyana lmao KEKW Slow finger == 60 ping LUL D: monkaW LUL LOLW why ban fish Is rush coming to NA? EMOTIONAL BAN KEKW PTSD KEKW monkaW FISH Every time I come to this stream Rush reminds me of my short comings PepeHands COUNTER play @Rush imagine thinking chat is more than gold 2 play fish Ruck fush:@ how do you beat master yi hyper carry? FishMoley WTF why the sand hi roosh Senna jungle rush Why is corejj banning lulu? Shaco if you are real 5 Head Kappa Kapp lmao Kapp Kapp thanks :) KEKW NO KEKW Kapp KEKW true :) Kapp TRU LUL KEKW Is rush coming to NA?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL lol sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE widepeepoHappy Im iron 1 :) KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa snacker KEKW LUL LUL sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC Kappa YEES TRUE VoteYea N OMEGALUL AGREE I JUST DEMOTED FROM P2 NotLikeThis no KEKW sure KEKW sneaky KEKW yes TRUE KEKW True KEKW no kekw advertKek advertKek advertKek advertKek advertKek LOL bronze friendly :) Kappa agree bronze friendly :D :D :D :D No :) agreed nat Krappa NO KEKW NOOOO no :) SURE KEKW N omegulul VoteYea of course Kappa Krappa i like sneaky more than you no lul haHAA sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sneakyE sure KEKW no agree :) Krappa KEKW E TU :) silve 3 100% pvman = bronze friendly stream KEKW Dance cirComfy I have to agree :) i'm telling him rush both player benched and jobless KEKW @Rush High elo friendly is 1/10 on Lee Sin PogU I was d3 before watching you now im Iron 4 but chat is not high elo Nah chief im iron :) half of league players are prob in gold or silver LULW anyone who spams kekw isnt good at anything VoteYea your stream is KEKW friendly N OMEGALUL i'm bronze 4, you help me get better more like color blind friendly :) 5Head of course i am high elo (iron 2) yes Kappa I’m silver btw FeelsBadMan but chat is iron 4 Im gold 4 which is low elo kr water or na water @rush you are KR sneaky silver friendly DansGame trolls lol Someone go tell sneaky and send us his reaction d:) @rush same rush beard PogU DansGame please cut your nails shave what? you both play on the same level, that is why you both unemployed same KEKW only pvman knows how to throw DansGame DansGame Nb3 better jungle KEKW DansGame neckbeard hygiene DansGame DansGame WutFace Dansgaming DansGame shaving probably takes u like 3 seconds KEKW you helped me demoting from bronze 4 DansGame I’m CHALLENGER wtf is that of couse you are duo with core IT IS DansGame Kreygasm WutFace DansGaem DansGame pvman = gremlin DansGame DansGame shave what??? LOLW ''beard'' WutFace WutFace awww cute peach fuzz WutFace @Rush grow a beard DansGame gachiW I lost ChomPag WutFace caps lock frogs PepeLaugh you have nothing loool HandsUp @rush when will you be in same elo as Rick fox? @Rush show blitz or you gonna get fired aain KR BEARDS LUL live in basement Pepega NotLikeThis grow beard YOU STREAM IT MATTER @rush if your stream would be high elo friendly.. you would lost like 5K viewers right now :D how old are u? @Rush shave your balls? @Rush Don't put off what you can do today for tomorrow 5Head fu man chu Nah ur good Chief Kojima Kreygasm why does blitz make me lag? @rush please go outside meet girls.. bring them home rush how many days did you make it in no nut november? Bowl cut lmao elise rush is 47 FeelsBadMan Whoa you actually look cool without glasses LUL seen more chin hairs on a baby I'm very low Elo, but I like watching you play :D Bowl cut PepeLaugh Next haircut 👉 MaldChamp ap nunu# SHYVANNA show us hair down there rush you could use a wife :/ @Rush why do you always troll corejj? Lee son @rush chat's elo is proportional to viewer count. Dekar probably has highest rated chat imo eve taliyahyayayaya eve 투 블락 ㄱㄱ Can we have no glasses stream? play karthus pvmanKappa PogYou rush is about 15 and 35 years old taliayaya no tali AYAYA widepeepoSad i bet rush is virgin .. i really wish he was not..this is so sad Zac full ap pvman Ekko KEKW play taliyah another INTeresting champion @GPG_Freddy KEKW EKK OMEGALUL gg ekko yes roosh on EKKO PepeLaugh !playlist smart OMEGALUL Pvman ekko=no r gg @Yourmilkmann your mum virgine i have slow finger and slow brain. and yet i must play league 0 KEKW LOL WE know PepeLaugh Slight problem 0 LUL KEKW only problem Kappa LUL KEKWait PepeLaugh coreLetsgo keaneWin KEKW _ KEKW NotATK NotATK @wewboy how is she my mom then? pv man = gg pvman ekko PepeLaugh pvman ekko PepeLaugh pvman ekko PepeLaugh pvman ekko PepeLaugh pvman ekko PepeLaugh i think they know who u are KEKW they are prepared inting CoreGG WeirdChamp gg man= pp @yourmilkmann adopted lol Lol rush googling “how to play ekko” it'll be a good learning experience PepeLaugh OH NO NO @Yourmilkmann you're monkey boy from zoo you look like a snack @Rush KEKW Enemy ivern stole my red then my top cho tilted and stole my red everytime it spawn, How do i not tell my top F U and not get banned ?! :D !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) TRU LUL HAHAHAHA KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW LOLW LUL "ekko build mobafire" KEKW he was KEKW mobafire Pog KEKW KEKW reading mobafire guide Kapp Kapp Mobafire build @Rush Kapp check blitz for ekko tips Pog G OMEGALUL OMEGALUL GLE Kapp looking up some mobarfire builds Kapp NO SKIN??? where is blitz KEKW Kappa Why not dodge :( LULW MOBAFIRE KEKW CHAT BAN LUL Mobafire IE BORK ekko GOT EM 😂😂😂 Kapp hey rush look at the ekko mobafire builds, they help me a lot first time ekko Pog Lollll number 1 ekko KR 0% WR 4House MOBAFIRE SPONSORSHIP WHEN? @Rush KEKW "ekko probuilds" LUL LUL dont need us widepeepoSad 4House rush its ok we know ur on mobafire rn widepeepoSAd same widepeepoSad KEKW Remember when you got ganked by s sidewalk and had to go to the hospital Mobafire @Rush Pepega Chat has caught em. L O @Rush your mom is carrying you play mobile legends 4Weird @rush go outside..bring girls home please Its over. @Rush will you do a cosplay with @C9sneaky Duo sneaky look what rush taught me -> Pepega photosynthesis lad outside is overrated, I nearly froze on a hike today FULL AD LULW is it JJ who's duo? @Rush thoughts on Qiyana jungle kindboy wait why are u building magic penetration if they will not build mr? i am silver :) Core your jg has 0% winrate on ekko :( !duo\ w start monkaS rush stream Pog Who this !uptime @picci081, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 40 mins !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) now um happy :) W START? @TacoTimeAllTheTime every char has base mr AAAHHH GG @TacoTimeAllTheTime he will only build flat penetration and not percentage wise( which would be bad value) who did he say was one of best solo q champ right now? Jensen stream PogU noc nocturne start a new team with sneaky YES EKKO JUNGLE W START dont forget to press R :) @Rush SERIOUS Who got ekko fox spot on the LCS ? what are your thoughts on fsn saber? ah yeah building flat makes sense ty Conq EZ GG @KidoBR Evil Genius yo whats up rush ekko fox Pepega PogChamo COREJJ boosted by core jj KEKW senna balanced KEKW 2 adc??? DansGame !uptime @pablex__, rush has been streaming for 1 hour 42 mins Pog PogU PogChamp RUSH Does Senna deserve a nerf ? she feels strong pvman = gg gj wow yoo wtf smite king even w/o smite gg 0% win rate PVMAN widepeepoHappy better jg PogU pvman=gg pvman = ? @KidoBR of course lol what if she had smite @KidoBR Senna getting nerf next patch ppman Pog ppman Pog ppman Pog ppman Pog KEKW bully BibleThump LInk me the guide rush! Pog pvman=gg widepeepoHappy DONT RUIN THE 0% pvman = gg (enemy) Pog is red or blue smite better on ekko? @duralol give him a min he’ll throw !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @rush can u link mobafire guide ? I'll never have a golden recall widepeepoSad rip 0% 라ㅏㅏ쉬 red smite? Senna could have lower base stats to make her more scale reliant red smite or blue on ekko? ppman widepeepoSad Could udyr be high elo jg ?! I main him no KEKW ?? udyr is trash just like trick udyr KEKW who's duo ? Q KEKW jj who is he duoing with??? N OMEGALUL lo-fi music is the best TL Corejj is Duo udyr is trash and dumb to smoke CoreJJ !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) maybe i get golden recall in dreams widepeepoSad !duo what happened to you saying ekko is a shitty jungler? @Tuharax corejj SORRY BUT UDYR NEVER IN HIGH ELO !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh Urge is jg sona faceroll keyboard and hope to win Silver chat PepeLaugh *udyr the reason we don't see trick nowasays is because udyr is not very useful anymore pvman=gg KEKW lmao oof pvman = gg KEKW just think about nocturne 4Head KEKW PVMAN BAIT KEKW FailFish pvman ekko KEKW rip 0% wr seems right !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) 4 bot KEKW Is core inting him again ? Pepe Laugh ayaya PepeLaugh ppman KEKW LUL SMALLPPMAN KEKW SMALLPPMAN KEKW 4Fun ppman Pog ppman Pog ppman Pog ppman Pog racism FeelsBadMan hi rush DRAG OMEGALUL N keaneEz rush is racist so fk it widepeepoHappy HandsUp HandsUp Blue ornn is broekn Kapp HandsUp lynYo HandsUp blue ornn is very strong right now rush Typical jungler getting outjungled DEAD KEKW no no no kind boy not racist monkaW u should know monkaW monkaW PartyPoro monkaW mokaS pvman = gg LUL monkaS monkaW monkaS R to farm Pog monkaS :o monkaW cutting a bit close there mr rush monkaW rush small pp not because of race but because of gameplay KEKW PepoThink golden recall Pog r u in NA or Korea ? kr NA @thinkingzombie EU monkaW pee pee poo poo Pepega CHECKING IN is ekko jg freelo? @thinkingzombie bro look at all the text LULW why is he speaking englush IM THAT MID LANER WHAT ornn will be meta :) KEKW KEKW KEKW bronze KEKW PepeHands oh nyooo SLIVER 4 OMEGALUL Pepega KEKW LUL USE BRAIN KEKW it's obviously NA with all the english KEKW LUL Pepega sliver demoted KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) Any gifters? :) PogU Pog kr ornn KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL pvman=gg KEKW KEKW LUL zzzzzzzzzzzzZZZflkjdslafjdslkjafl;dsjf KEKW KEKW HASHAHAHAHA HAHHA KEKW KEKW nice LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PogChamp KEKW nice KEKW KEKW you had F KEKW XDDDDDDDDDDD LUL KEKE KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW MaldChamp LULW KEKW KEKW ORNNNNN LUL hahahahahahhahha\\ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OUTPLAYED KEKW KEKW pvman = GG ornn mechanox PogU BRO ORNN KEKW SOLO KILLED BY TANK KEKW PPMAN = GG KEKW CLAPPED RAID KEKW POOGERS KEKW KEKW. Stroke LUL CALLED? brain damage TANK BTW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW flash? Kappa OMG i saw the win so clearly in my head Doublelift holding Flash MaldChamp wow how did ornn win that wtf RAIDDD KEKW KEKW KEKW 'Tank' LUL level 9 KEKW yeeeee @Rush CLASSIC TEAM LOSING LANE TO ORNN CLAPPED can't let that breath tag you 1shot? JUST FLASH 4Head ppman widepeepoSad PepeLaugh 👉 MaldChamp BOTTOM RIGHT MaldChamp e auto=dead ornn Q is physical damage pvmanSlow idk how you lost i blinked should have flashed for damage. it does 25 KEKW saving flash for next season LUL HandsUp gachiBASS CORJJ Pog HandsUp @Ginko_Sora_my_Waifu HandsUp HandsUp HYDRA Sneaky said iron players should watch ur stream @Rush maybe flash to other side of Ornn so his W doesn't hit you OpieOP flash behind him so he doesnt gets w proc Pog pog LUL MingLee PogU PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpR toastyDab1 toastyDab2 toastyDab3 PogU W OMEGALUL W Pog !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) !opgg TOAST Subs PepeLaugh MF FLASH KEKW monkaW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR toastyDab1 toastyDab2 toastyDab3 HandsUp HandsUp one pleb must be sacrificed HandsUp monkaW monkaW what does that red line in the middle of the screen mean ? @Rush top is support main !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) HandsUp HandsUp monkaHmm | HandsUp thank you sir ARE YOU READY CHAT HandsUp did they make it so you cant see when people leave in post game lobby? T OMEGALUL AST SUBS dantoTHINKING_SG dantoSUCCO_SG @Darylxd0 it reminds you how long you've been playing every hour when stepbro invades your bedroom and your jungle you can't be a toast sub, toast is no more toastyDab1 toastyDab2 toastyDab3 toastyDab1 toastyDab2 toastyDab3 @Darylxd0 i think ur monitor is broke PepeLaugh pvman = gg PepeHands <3 BIG BRAINN ACLOVE Pog alcove is still so useless ggman = pp KEKW 5-0 orrn LUL KEKW 5/0 Ornn KEKW ALCOVE LOVE widepeepoSad solo lanes getting dicked 5/0 ornn KEKW PogChamp fellow alcover !duo ornn 1v9 KEKW Duo with CoreJJ :) PepegaPhone CHECKING IN what a chimpion peepoSad !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) :) !blitz Rush uses the app to get all his champion info and League stats all automatically! Free download here: Alcove is great for smoking ? Alcove has its used and makes the lane more interesting change my mind @InnesYYZ as it Korean has gaming addiction or something KEKW well its not gonna have less uses or make it less interesting lol Dregon LUL this streamers is a very noobers guy bet half of na didnt know what alcove meant KEKW L PotChamp ocean soul widepeepoHappy how could you talk shit about sneaky when youre on clg bench??? Ocean widepeepoHappy 4 oceans for ornn BlessRNG rofl this stream title alcoves👏are👏not👏that👏interesting OMEGALUL RN with ocean soul solo lanes trolling PepeHands SeemsGood FLOWEW widepeepoHappy i seen a nasty protobelt on cho LULW KEKW KEKW WOT KEKW KEKW lol KEKW KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) wwo KEKW outplayed monkaW KEKW+ wtf jensen? KEKW omg W OMEGALUL W KEKW OpieOP ff hes bot ? monkaS KEKW W OMEGALUL W KEKW lmaoooooo KEKW KEKW Outplayed AYAYA ? that was so fast pvman = gg KEKW Hey rush he was bot 900 damage in 0 seconds LUL ggman = pp KEKW didnt even have time to react no armor KEKW WeirdAYAYA Deleted :( Iron player WAHAHHAHAHAHAHA WHERE NOCTURNE HAHAH 0.00 KEKW LUL G A M E D E S I G N KEKW jayce lv 9 LULW how could you talk shit about sneaky when youre on clg bench ??? ekko jg abuser WeirdChamp @Minakiss he's not on bench. He is on the stream team only ornn busted KEKW 0.00 for 1000 dmg KEKW Pvman stands for small pp double clap KEKW KR Jayce LULW 0% winrate jg monkaS 0.00 seconds KEKW JAYCE FEEDING LOOL ! IDI NAHUI IDI NAHUI jayce a hard inter KEKW !rank what a great champ, can't wait till they nerf it to the ground and rework it :) PVMAN EKKO PepeLaugh oh so even worse hes teamless @wewboy thinking the rework wont make him broken KEKW veloblast subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Pog WeirdKEKW pvman = gg @How2twitch at least the kit wont be trash boring @Rush wheres the rain from ocean drag? Pog Bro imagine if ornn had those mountains Pog HeadsPog Pog PogU 5Head W Pog Pog Pog EZ Clap 5head reset jayce bounty PogU jayce bounty reset Pog PogU predicted ekko busted KEKW Pog kekw Pooga EZ Clap O KEKW KEKW kr nocturn KEKW KEKW KEKW pooga KEKW challenger btw KEKW ekko no flash ROOSH NO FLASH KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) A+ confidence. D- thought process ekko no R KEKW TANK LULW TANK BTW KEKW 6/0 btw KEKW COOOMIIIN TRUUU Kapp KEKW F + E KEKW E + F Pog KEKW LOOOOOL i think E before flash makes you kill ezreal monkey ?? LOL e in KEKW MONKEY ??? KEKW monkey int KEKW Monkey 2 pvman = GG next game KEKW "monkey" KEKW winnable monkey lULW NO R KEKW monky éééé Ape 0% WINRATE EKKO KEKW monkey see monkey do LUL KEKW Monkey KEKW 0% !duos lmao Monkey KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW definitely loseable 2 monkeys KEKW ekko wr KEKW monkey see monkey do KEKW surprising??? KEKW noc is idiot champ monnkeyS ppman = gg KEKW 0% KEKW 0% KEKW squadHey 0% WR maintained widepeepoHappy monkey see monkey do KEKW Winnable 0% KEKW gg man = pv KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW 4Head just pvmanMonkey WR PogChamp ornn balanced KEKW PPMAN = GG KEKW Jayce champ sucks raid boss down Pog and some ppl are pay to balance the game KEKW smite king Pog KEKW need to make risky play to get back in game lionyawns subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! <3 WOW KEKW KEKW LMAO HAHAHAHA Smite king KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh wtf.. KEKW ? KEKW KEKW Clap HAHAHHHAH wack a mole LUL LOL PepeLaugh PepeLaugh HAAAAAAAA PepeLaugh KEKW ResidentSleeper PepeLaugh PepeLaugh wtf is this mid and top KEKW 4Head fiesta is this NA KEKW Jayce 1/6?? ky crose crose Hey guys, my monitor isn't working. I have to print out chat in order to read it. The paper and ink are really expensive, so please don't spam! Thank you. lol nt uri top 8/1 ornn good luck smite king :) Nt Who would say Pvman is the best player at his team this time !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) :) worst smite i have ever seen boxDab boxDab boxDab Kappa who is he duoing with? !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) @heartbeathammer he smited to live corejj ff might as well FF KEKW KEKW ff chain?? KEKW KEKW LUL FeelsBadMan boxDerp FeelsPumpkinMan 👉 👌 >>>> WutFace pvman = gg KEKW >( LUL ???????? KEKW S10 looking good mages BibleThump CHALLENGER OLAF Riot doesn't care that much during preseason league of assassins KEKW just counter them peepoSad talon?? OLAF NEXT it's pre season who cares ? WeirdChamp PogCamp pvmanMonkey !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW ekko is balanced btw :) it just preseason bros KEKW ANA Pog i need healing KEKW !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ ANNA Pepega Clap ana what is this Overwatch 4HEad just preason why care 4HEad KEKW Overwatch OMEGA LOL ?????????? ???????????? KEKW KEKW LOL pvman-gg KEKW flash monkey log KEKW KEKW ???????????? KEKW ?????????????? gg pog KEKW INTING GRIEFING ? PPman gg someone threw inting ??????????? pvman = gg KEKW ???????????? ggman KEKW 0% winrate KEKW 0% ALMOST :) his face KEKW saving flash 0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% KEKW still saving that flash wtt 0% WR EKKO KEKW pvman = gg 0% Pepega Pepega uhhhhhhhhhhh 0% win rate monkaHmm JUST FF !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) ????? OMG my favorite streamer is streaming woohoo 0% Win Rate KEKW PepeLaugh Core bout to drop Pvman ????????? rush future support main confirmed? play for next game I think play for next game MID NOCTURNE TOO STRONG HAHAHHA PVMAN = 0% WR KEKW play for next drag lmao ppman KEKW PLAY FOR NEXT GAME KEKW CORE IS TILTED KEKW 4Head 0% KEKW pvman dirty inter KEKW Play for next game KEKW !opgg pvman = gg KEKW good luck vsing ornn items dude, core is playing so well too. widePeepoSad pray for dragon KEKW Ornn that is only building tank item is fed like that..... well GG Kappa U CAN DO IT JUST BELIEVE this is core trying to carry TL KEKW pvman=gg corejj FeelsBadMan KEKW FeelsBadMan corejj KEKW KEKW outplayed ????? kekw ?? KEKW ?? monkaW ORNN int KEKW ornn is unkillable KEKW orn is BROKEN ggman = pv KEKW dont worry ornn falls off lategame KEKW for fun why no conqueror?? 11/1 ornn KEKW PepeHands core is crying lost lpman KEKW conq is so bad on ekko late game I think CoreJJ needs to raise his boosting fee with Rush Grey screen simulator wfdowjkepofjwe if only jg was alive KEKW rush's english is so good now jayce = sword KEKW ggman good try guys KEKW D: monkaW WTFF monkaS ANELE unban tryhard pls another chance pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey monkaW who is he playing with? Ornn so fed monkaW @blaggish corejj Uhhhh, Mega fed Ornn with Ocean Drake is super bad @How2twitch ty BasedGod never forget, the suppression of our brothas KEKW KEKW Ornn ornn is just a tank KEKW never forget the tulsa race riots BasedGod SeriousSloth tank meta is back baby! 0% KEKW Ornn only buys tank items because of how good his abilities are RUSH'S smile Kreygasm E KEKW nice e rush Kappa GG u need more emotion to win the game :) 오 Pog ornn KEKW PogChamp RAID BOSS DOWN Pog ??? ?? E KEKW ? KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW 0% win rate monkaHmm NA MECHANICS KEKW Ragnaros dead Pog KEKW Pog peepoFat WALL ??? ?? Iron Chat ez yup ????? KEKW KEKW ??? KEKW ??? KEKW for minion guys shh HAHAHA ??? FLASH KEKW KEKW KEKW always overextend KEKW ppman kekw lol @namichu KEKW widepeepoSad LUL GG KEKW easy easy CoolStoryBob KEKW EMOTIONAL PLAY KEKW iron streamer pvmanSlow OMEGA LUL LULW KEKW KEKW F dont' look at chat KEKW y hcyvuvtx ez ez KEKW pvmanR Pvman KEKW rush overextend player ff KEKW rush is playing like me in plat jg LUL KEKW F KEKW KEKW ez ez LUL ? whos better mid, galio or panth? @dlimlol HI !uptime pvmanFBM @Ohaiyu8, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 5 mins WINNABLE BigBrother pvman = GG widepeepoSad !duo Ez Clap Duo with CoreJJ :) WINABLE KEKW emotional pkay pvmanNOO panth bullying other players Kappa pvmanF pvmanF pvmanF ?? emotional player PepeHands BigBrother monkey plays He's looking up Ekko build INTING KEKW 0% less than 1 KDA KEKW EMOTIONAL FLASH KEKW chat fault always overextend never learn pvman EU play mental boom? @Rush @Rush jg f 31:21 :_ pvman- is this first time ekko? PepeLaugh look at his face BigBrother 이길만해 !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) widepeepoSad core jj is crying PepeHands Better Jg Wins KEKW MALD NESS RISES @Rush jg f 31:20 :) EMOTIONAL FLASH 0% You got too emotional pvman = GG VoteYea widepeepoSad I join your stream and you are losing like always ResidentSleeper almost died to suppport 1 vs 3 pvman = gg PepeHands he’s malding bois !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) corejj HYPERS KEKW KEKW ???? cs KEKW ???? KEKW CS KR CS LUL LMAO KEKW CS KEKW LUL KEKW ???????? MaldChamp mental boom? LOL ?? AUTO CANCEL when was the exact moment you became washed? CANNON MISS ALL CS KEKW ggman = pv nice CS KEKW CS KEKW CS LUL KEKW 0% wr ekko seems to hold very true LUL tyler1NA tyler1CS tyler1NA STICK TO JG KEKW pvmanFBM pvmanFBM pvmanFBM \ why rush ekko so bad widepeepoSad playing one of the safest champs in the game and still finding ways to ie die monkaW Rush so bad at ekko tyler1NA tyler1CS KEKW FeelsBad SO BAD KEKW nice R KEKW LUL gg KEKW STOPWATCH KEKW useless r and still died pepeSad KEKW unlucky widepeepoSad GG WP NT 0% WR Pog Pog EZ CLAP why no stopwatch before r Pepega jg gap widepeepoSad PVMAN = GG KEKW iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh iwdHuh First time ekko ?? I feel bad for Core PepeHands ggman KEKW YouDied widepeepoSad having stop watch next game will be great rushactually just ran that down corejj peepoSad GG PepeHands Better Jg Wins KEKW JG GAP PepeLaugh 0%%%%%%%%%%%% ㅌㅊㅇ ㅇㅇ PVMAN = GG 0% win rate ekko KEKW gg 0% KEKW 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 PVMAN =GG says 4/9 better jg KEKW widepeepoSad poor core JG GAP KEKW JG GAP 0% nocturne Me rush you suck jg difference 🥕🐡 augh widepeepoSad BETTER JG WINS KEKW jg gap 😠 stop inting Core 😠 @Rush 0% 0% win rate monkaHmm jgl Get better soon Rush JG GAP ekko to heavy KEKW 0% KEKW fiesta. forever. 0% KEKW ditched LUL DMG LOL damage KEKW EKKO DMG PepeHands ditched KEKW KEKW KEKW DMG KEKW XD KEKW widepeepoSad DITCHED KEKW !duo Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW KEKW dmg KEKW KEKW HAHAHAH Beenie Man Gigi lowest dmg KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW Kappa LULW elise noc ornn KEKW LUL time to win KEKW LUL Time to lose !duo KEKW Duo with CoreJJ :) KEKW 0% KEKW ditched LUL D: KEKW HAHAHHAHAHAHA Jg dif KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega D: corejj tilted KEKW D: dodging ppman KEKW haHAA LULW HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice one Jude Kapp lose for sure now KEKW D: Kapp Kapp Time to farm more KEKW @Rush SILVER QUEUE TIMES corejj dodging pvman KEKW KEKW you're such a troll rush RUSH THAT'S NOT COOL !! blame COREGG KEKW What the fuck he disconnected so fast xD ggman KEKW boosting time ended ROLF moon2WUT FeelsBadMan core SKT CANNA Pog 0:00 queue time Pog coreJJ "how do i carry rush ekko" LUL insta q Pog xDDDDDDDDDDD skt canna omg time to win now xD Kappa KEKW TIME D: XD XD XD XD XD SKT SCARRA Pog D: u actually did less damage, nice runes btw kr challenged зэпьх Зезежь жж НЕНУ core on is alt KEKW Kappa N OMEGALUL no Canna Pog yeah Pog ekko is not your champ :( PepeLaugh canna? POGGERS yes SKT Kanna Pog PepeHands arrow PogU PepeHands FeelsBadMan @Rush Chinese players paid corejj to int you ruthless lmao arrow BibleThump PepeHands T1 CANNA Pog is that SKT Top? canna Pog FNATIC Rush Pog WidePeepoSad like rush KEKW pick ekko again KEKW Just like you PepeHands FeelsBadMan probably for the best canna SKT CANNA F arrow KEKW Whos canna REJECTED IN NA KEKW tell him i said hi rush go kayle FBCatch @Rush yes play with arrow two washed up mvps ARROW KEKW unemployed too PepeHands HE WASHED AF KEKW do you know how to play wukong? i haven't seen many people play him play with arrow Pog SKT Canna Pog Yes he was namvp too Pog new TOP @Rush closed ur sponser :( no Canna is an SKT trainee i think? PVMAN = GG 2 pvman Pog yeah it's decent Me and him banged yea yes arrow speaks english well yes his english is good have u tried going to BR pro team ? too bed for na LUL rejected by retirement home KEKW yes @Rush could you put league client window in middle of stream cuz now is titing me please @Rush He stream sometimes yea he streams alot in english yeah its pretty good OLAF PLAY OLAF PLS good enough !command edit !duo solo :( @DougieLikesGogi, successfully updated command duo. INT SKT MEMBER KEKW he streams in enlgish retiring home making some wack decisions tbh 2 pvman KEKW he speask propely @Rush did you see movie ''Parasite'' ? another washed up LCS mvp KEKW play zac NA champion SKT Canna is a Top Laner for SKT hes better than corejj in english LOOL D: trainee KEKW FIRED KEKW LULW monkaW KEKW KEKWWWWW LUL KEKW @Rush Can we see your boosted Lee Sin? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PVMAN=GG KEKW PepeLaugh What is that site? KEKW . G G UNINSTALL AFTER EXPIRED SPONSOR KEKW 0% manteined Rush can u play udyr at least you can go AD now @Rush you cant say that they are your sponsor RAMMUS KEKW First CLG now Blitz KEKW No more sponsors KEKW @Rush are you expiring dealership so you can abandon stream PepeHands it's Blitz .gg Ever noticed Corejj and impact have the same accent? SKT ABOUT TO GET INTED KEKW is that app even safe? LUL rush need sponsor for food widepeepoSad Lee sin PepeHands abandon stream OLAF PLSSES malphite counters both ori and akali WHAT VALUE THX BLITZ VI Pog !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again BOO OLAF NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pog ResidentSleeper RUSH LEE KEKW POGGERS 또신 BOOOOO Pog FeelsGoodMan HE DOES SEE US ye- ResidentSleeper Jebaited Pog pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin lee Pog Jebaited Kappa favorite lee sin skin? @Rush @Rush whats your thoughts on Kk0ma leaving to China? !leesin pvmanLeesin Kapp BOoooo RUSH LEE KEKEW PPMAN = GG Kapp best lee WORLD Kappa Rush leeeeee RUSH LEE KEKW Sanguine Blade is busted on Lee Sin Pog @Rush did SKT contact you to replace CLID Kappa Kappa Pepege who is second FeelsAmazingMan Kappa Pog sin Kapp Jebaited ? lee sung Pepege presence of mind ? PVMAN LEE KEKW first time lee KEKW Kapp pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin pvmanLeesin who do you think is best lee sin pvman universe !lee Qyou are pretty fake with your lee sin in ur oppinion please buy a skin base lee is ugly @4oRm he just said he is LOL do you mean time ever? Gank Top please hi @Rush Are You Still Korean? Almost good as TSM Dardoch @Rush Can you do a chinese insec? its real xqcFace D: Lee sin again.... wtf do i pay you for how it is in the korean server but 50 extra energy NotLikeThis ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee ojeteLee shower KEKW fap Kapp touch phone? @Rush fap FAP TODAY int Trim balls today shave what KEKW shave what? take a shower why is presence of mind bad fap SHAVE KEKW its rune to mages it is broken on Kassadin and Ryze, but everything else not that great shave what? theres nothing on your face... :) watch hentai @Rush i love your lee sin play ur the reason i play lee sin shave what? KEKW don't forget to jerk off @Rush you can cut your own hair fap trim your hair down there @rush ghost poro is for big brain? and weekly shower pvman=GG FeelsBadMan CUT NAILS PLEASE DansGame monkaS OUTSIDE monkaS monkaW get ur vitamin D OUTSIDE monkaW OUTSIDE monkaS outside monkaW need to go out to cut hair FeelsBadMan Shave the hair WTFF LUL outside monkaW monkaS outside monkaW Cut your own hair inside ez no tenacity? @Rush DoubleLift Hairdresser LUL @rush ask sister to cut hair DansGame OUTSIDE outside monkaW ask your sister to do it @Rush lets go outside and look at girls Feed on ekko dont forget to cut hair between LEGS monkaW monkaW monkaW last time DansGame hire someone to cut your hair inside home shave head Just ordered a hairdresser to come to your home @Rush Kappa DansGame Kappa monkaW dont forget take weekly shower DansGame Kapp Kappa I’ve never seen a Korean with a beard DansGame Kapp Keepo Kappa SHAVE THE HAIR, GO BALD only lwee sin Kapp D: rip D: Get sister to be useful and cut your hair @Rush DODGED KEKW D: D: truuuuuuu @EneZio_FF if you watch historical kdramas they have beards D: D: PepeHands rush but what if you get auto'd by naut @Rush why did you not go pro in sc2? his team dodged LULW true KEKW pantheon jungle legoooooo DansGame lol DODGED PVMAN KEKW -_- LOL DODGING PVMAN 5Head it's a dggy dog world bowl cut LUL mustache KEKW WutFace WeirdChimp WutFace pvman = dodge 👀 get Tyler1 haircut yes A YEAR Pog tenacity = skillshot? Naut press R = skillshot? emo hair PedoBear stache kr haircut -_- yes rush shave science it KEKW PPMAN = -_- what eyes? woozeo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! you will be able to eat your hair Pog already cant see KEKW pvman = dodge KEKW Pepega What kinda bowl do you use to cut your hair @Rush Just put bowl on head and cut around it yourself KEKW @Rush it will grow 1inch yes locodoco is proof You look more asian without glasses cant c lmao lets find out MOM KEKW grow it MOM KEKW MUM you can join a kpop band Pog so hot Kreygasm KEKW MUM KEKW Get samurai pony tail!!! D: WeirdChimp WeirdChimp adult Kappa MOM KEKW Core Abandoned you? yeah rush, thats what hair does @Rush Lee Sin players dont need to see yes PPMAN = -_- DO IT ok boomer KEKW What kinda bowl do you use to cut your hair @Rush it grows, unless you're malding Adult LUL Boomer KEKW WTF SHAVE man bbun GET A NA HAIRCUT @Rush lol rush mustache KEKW go shave KEKW BabyRage Unemployed :) NaM Pvman = adult Yes it will, it's annoying NEET KEKW why not just shave ur head Kappa NaM going through rebellious phase at 26 LUL grow it out, have fun MALD mama roosh duo sneaky? PVMAN = GG 26 years old KEKW Still gets yelled at by mom KEKW do impact haircut PepeLaugh MaldChamp cMon what gros? go shave the mostacho you will become a hentai mc forsenMald @Rush Youtube how to cut your own hair What kinda bowl do you use to cut your hair @Rush An adult with the mental age of a 10 year old LUL go bald are you talmo? pvman= should have camped ornn top be the next korean imaqtpie @Rush just join the military already @rush play master yiiii KEKW TRUE LULW hi nittoh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! :) hi kind boy widepeepoHappy @Rush Kapp play with arrow MALDING KEKW same KEKW denial PepeLaugh MALD MALD ING its not even MALDING KEKW hows your hairline PepeLaugh 👉 MALD MALD MALD KEKW MALD MALDI MaxLOL Malding i saw a bald spot int he back no hair = better Lee player hairs KEKW i swear koreans dont go bald Bald spot KEKW if it covers your eyes u have an excuse for all your inting @Rush KEKW JENSEN LUL MaldChamp Jensen PepeLaugh MALD MALD KEKW MALD ing PepeHands gimme hair roosh. im malding and balding MALD :( ZZZZZZZZZ YENSEN KEKW @Rush PLS EXPLAIN WHY PVMAN=GG, THANKS You in a couple of years KEKW PepeHands Jensen KEKW MALING LUL KEKW you only have 1 life you gotta live it how you want roosh do u feel bad for people with reverse hitler mustache KEKW I AM WTF MALD OH NO NO NO JENSEN widepeepoSad KEKW strong hairline weak mental MALD 4HEad Kapp JENSEN IS GOING BALD KEKW nice wig LUL iwdCaged Jensen widePeepoSad What kinda bowl do you use to cut your hair @Rush 4Head too strong FK UR HAIRLINE FL WeirdChimp KEKE 👉 MALD RUSH !jensen IWD SUBS KEKW BigBrother ? MALD My hairs going :( I'm 23 KEKW MALD ty rush, means a lot @EneZio_FF talking about yourself? KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp BIG PEPE ? TROLL MENTAL moon2WUT Kappa Kapp Kapp PPC PMA always Kapp ?? Kapp Do you think streaming makes you have less brain power for actually winning? definitely got inted KEKW chat mental !duo Kappa solo :( EMOTIONAL PLAYER RUSH because you are challenger Kapp coregg ditched KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Rush why no duo deft? widepeepoSad D: KEKW Bullying KR challenger players (my team) no friends widepeepoSad Play Vi :) we need god tier elo KEKW LOL Kapp Not even Core can carry you @rush Why do all asian gamers have Bowl Cuts haircuts peepoSad No deft alpaca :( Krappa OMEGAYAYA Rank 1 is heavy as fuck DEFT KEKW Is SKT Canna scottish? KEKW D: Hiiiiii chatt Krappa LOL D: KEKW BETA 4FUN PLAYER KEKW @rush deft duoing keria atm lmao play Fizz mister. OpieOP wtf D: KEKW D: D: why do you not play in the same time as faker? KEKW it's time to KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW Chat Another day another int by rush boosted animal KEK KEKW D: GEN.G POGGERS E S K E T I T KEKW alpaca KEKW Deft is <3 will u ever duo wih core again? AOI KEKW @rush play yiiii E TU KEKW @Rush Chinese players paid rush to duo int you rush only likes it when he's the bully, not the bullied KEKW !SONG yi @Rush RUSH give me songname ! play shaco HE? she? HE???????? she I never heard you speak korean @Rush Rek'sa is a girl WeirdChamp wow really? I thought all the pro players were in plat 2 Kappa HEEEE????? reksai <3 ! yiyi She @Rush just play olaf play for fun. Play Fizz play ekko again KEKW she! MIND YOUR MANNERS. Rek'sai is a lady. Lee KEKW widepeepoHappy reksai he KEKW she Krappa hihi PepeLaugh she SHE @Rush REKSAI PLS SHE 😡 sexist Your mom is going to kick your ass if you don’t cut that hair kha Hihihihih KEKW COPYING CUZZ KEKW Ekkou she PunOko 좀 이겨보셈 쫌 pvman = gg RENGAR Ekkou KEKW @Rush yo do you sell your used underwear? reksai KEKW Vi :) Pog Reksai in 2k19 KEKW Reksai ResidentSleeper Reksai ResidentSleeper Reksai ResidentSleeper REKSAI IS CUTE GIRL BibleThump No skin KEKW Vi is Viable? or not? ResidentSleeper non-pvman ekko monkaW thicc No tank in enemy team KEKW @rush Reksai is a girl stick No skin stramer KEKW widepeepoHappy It's okay Rek'sai, we know you're a beautiful lady. Risitas KEKW skinny monkaW why does rush room look like my doctors office HE?????? HotPokket chat spam PepeLaugh and he wont know no no rush is a doctor PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh just spamm :) he never reads chat PepeLaugh No :) Because your doctor is a closet gamer. PepeLaugh PepoThink PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh oh no no no PepeLaugh oh no no no PepeLaugh PepoThink PepeLaugh runes KEKW look at the top of his head PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO MALD PepeLaugh he is currently unaware ggman = pv PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh white people happy KKona Clap white people happy KKona Clap white people happy KKona Clap white people happy KKona Clap PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh afk runes PepeLaugh afk PepeLaugh report afk AFK PepeLaugh pvman = gg !duo solo :( PepeLaugh he lacks critical information PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh AFK= pvman PepeLaugh we will really get him with this one chat haHAA PepeLaugh He doesnt know PepeLaugh He doesnt know KEKW PepeLaugh remake afk gamer KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW AFK PepeLaugh rip rush PepeLaugh he does not know. reported PepeLaugh AFK KEKW AFK KEKW PVMAN KEKW report PepeLaugh afk DansGame AFK KEKW AFK KEKW AFK KEKW PepeLaugh no more core? PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO taking poo FeelsSadMan PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh he does not know PepeLaugh PepeLaugh E TU just wait PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh asian men are so ugly bobrossRUI bobrossNED PepeLaugh 💦 lest try to guess rooosh kda 4/10/6 for me PepeLaugh :) inter missing AFK PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh f report afk sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh PepeLaugh He doesnt know ff go next PepeLaugh He doesn't know @rush i was a jungle main for season 9 do you think i should swap????? PepeLaugh HE DOES NOT KNOW. PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO pvman = report KEKW PepeLaugh afk he knows PepeHands Jungler afk go next PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH N saved PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO NO pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey mustache Pog He lacks the critical information PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO VPepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh Afk PepeLaugh Afk PepeLaugh Afk PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO shaving mustache WutFace PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh CRITICAL INFORMATION LACKING PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO he doesnt know PepeLaugh rush mustache KEKW Did rush win his lee sin game? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO CAMP MORGAN! ornn items ?!?! PepeLaugh oh no no no PepeLaugh he doesn't know PepeLaugh oh no no no PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO VPepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh E TU KEKW He deosn't even read chat in game stupid caht LULW : PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO Skt1 canna PepeLaugh HE STILL DOESN'T KNOW PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO LOL If you don’t get that hair cut you will then look like an Asian beatle PepeLaugh PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO BROOOOOOOOOOOO ORN BUILD KEKW PepeLaugh morgan morgan morgan PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO ORN BUILD XDDDDD KEKW KKona PepeLaugh Oh He Doesnt Know PepeLaugh ROSH B RUSH READ CHAT PepeLaugh critical information lacking PepeLaugh oh no no no no no KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW Orn players KEKW KEKW KEKW AHGHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW LULW TRUE KEKW true lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW KEKW LOL FATTY weirdchamp KEKW T R U E LMAO REAL PogU true LULW KEKW oh KEKW FATTY KEKW just unlucky KEKW Hey im fat LUL KEKW Kapp KEKW NA BELLY KEKW FATTY BibleThump KEKW unlucky PogChamp PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO KEKW EU TEETH Entire Korea ??? OpieOP what you say unlucky u went to NA KEKW KEKW @zenibee eat salad PERMA UNLUCKY KEKW KKona HESITANTION PERMA UNLUCKY KEKW chosing to play in na inst unlucky thats just bad brain E KEKW LUL S close KEKW Close xDDD Canna die PogU canna LUL xDDDDDDDD Rush Consistent Streamer POGGERS KEKW canna passed away see camp morgan = win PepeHands passed away SKT T1 Player KEKW he passed away PepeHands SKT PepeHands passed away PepeHands SKT WASEDUP LUL EZCLAP skt passed away PepeHands SKT IN 2K19 Macro game KEKW PepeLaugh He knows the camp KEKW PogU Who told him chat? This camp LUL CAMP real skt? SKT passed away Pog SKT KEKW KEKW He nose Puga HUNI COSPLAY KEKW PogCamp yoink SKT IN 2020 KEKW ROACH KEKW CANNA HUNI COSPLAY KEKW HUNI COSPLAY KEKW SKT KEKW SKT PepeHands PepeLaugh actually good D I R T Y I N T R Pepega SMITE SKT LULW is that huni?!?! LUL LUL LUL LUL Ezclap SMITE - O Lucian top KEKW LOL PepeLaugh KEKW D I R T Y Poggers I N T R KEKW kekw 200 IQ PepeLaugh SKT < Rush Pog CANNAN'T PogCamp ㅋㅋ OMEGALUL Rush is a genius Clap Ezclap KEKW KS GOD Pog kaisa wave PepeHands Wp KS PepeKill let her do krugs Hai ALCOVE KEKW Kapp ALCOVE PauseChamp 5Head who needs krugs anyway alcove abusing monkaW Kaisa pinging Rush KEKW PauseChamp DONT TELL THEM PauseChamp HOLD 9 million iq PepeLaugh warded PepeLaugh PepeLaugh they dont know PepeLaugh biggest Pepega world -------------------- Pog pogU PepeLaugh they dont knowPepeLaugh they dont know PogU PogCamp PogCamp dragon time HYPERS Ezclap Missed unburrow POG KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW SAFE KEKW ALC Pog VE trolling time HYPERS KEKW safe KEKW KEKW KEKW im safe PepeLaugh Safe from irelia KEKW only irelia irelia ther btw jg gap jg gap D: 23 farm 7 mins from Pog to KEKW in 10 seconds I’m safe jungle gap Jungle gap fuck top KEKW !uptime @OhMyBirth, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 27 mins porcamadonna jg gap 4HEAD KEKW MaxLOL MaxLOL MaxLOL @Rush why no ganks bottom 4/1/1 vs 1/1/4 jg gap jg gap Pepega My fart smells like cheeseburger What do you think of Ornn jg? @Rush oh nice fat ppl are so ugly Why is DoubleLift jungling?? Hai @zen it was a waste of time to go bot there LVL 5 8 MIN KEKW pepega checking in high tempo my moneky! dragon PepeHands ekko already lvl 7 Pepega 7 i want pizzakebabburgher KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW Pepega E FEEDING Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega ?????????/? Pepega PepeLaugh PVMAN = GG KEKW Pepega ggman = pv PepeLaugh actually trolling KEKW Maybe running it down FeelsBadMan INTING KEKW Pepe INTINGGGG Open inting rush pog champ rekssi trash champ here :) rakan shield cant dodge rakan with ult PepeLaugh JUNGLE GAP md KEKW Kappa What do you think of Ornn jg? @Rush pvman = gg i guess peepoSad complete unecesary Kreygasm KEKW look ur farm duuuuuude Ornny youre falling behind from only ganking :( horny KEKW Orny OMEGALUL RNN Rek sai is so shit horny AYAYA monkeymafia24 look at hjis adc lol jg gap xddd dirty inter oxygen thief FeelsBadMan trolling mf jg gap He apologized jg gap It’s cool !duo solo :( @Rush ask ekko for tips monkaS do it KEKW LUL :( monkaW monkaS monkaW Reksai is so cute PartyPoro make jayce pass away in game...of course D: monkaW monkaW monkaW of course, ingame monkaW brain not proccing properly KEKW telisemahn you are zoomed in dude KEKW oh no LULW KEKW Taleesman 3 MAN FL PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW FLASH KEKW xd KEKW FLASH Pepega oh no no no 10th place flash LUL KEKW ??? LUL ???? inting inting KEKW SO BAD LUL FLASH KEKW yes he can KEKW JUNGLE GAP!!! ayiyi 러쉬병 yes STOP INT RUSH NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis you Jungle gap 4v6 KEKW GGMAN PogCamp Don't worry rush, you can 1v1 irelia next time Pepega 👍 why are you ulting first my dude reksai dirty inter GGMAN = PV KEKW lose as ekko, loses to ekko ^^ Dirty inter PVMAN = GG Pepega Kapp INTPOV KEKW Don't worry rush, you can 1v1 irelia next time Pepega 👍 i think your flash cooldown is broken because you are Pepega is reksai bad? sneakyJensen sneakyJensen wait all fake troll aside, guys hes like actually trolling right ? reksai is not bad, just this player. make sure to 1v1 irelia every chance you get PepeLaugh just camp bot and top sneakyW KEKW STOLE TURRTER GOLD Don’t go mid KEKW fast and dead KR Jayce KEKW Pepega monster KEKW The start was so good... now this NotLikeThis Pepega MONSTER pink rip no more clg? Speedy monster afk top stealing turret gold LUL 6 kill irelia monkaX PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO 6/1 irelia monkaW !uptime @zenibee, rush has been streaming for 2 hours 32 mins Pog POG pog Pog Pog POg Pog Pog pogU EZ Pog PogU monkaW GGMAN = PV Pog Pog EZ Clap POG Pog Pog POGGERS PogU Ezclap PogChamp EZ Clap 200 iq kinda pog hard carried LUL Pog 34759230487593048275 iq EZ Clap Kapp definitely lucky :) aas usul Kapp pls rush, never lucky t4nk34q g[t98h3j EZ Clap O Uzual calculated button mashing as uzwal Pog Not luck calculated CMON BRUH no :) shelly super nerf makes it kind of trash lol BasedGod no pvman = pvman well jayce s weaker KEKW LUL KEKW close KEKW 1/5 jayce PepeHands We have ornn though Kapp Kappa pvman = gg Kappa Kappa good to deny it :) jayce is pretty good, move speed on formswitch no? JUST 4Heed Don’t go mud @swaywanna yes he is good for running it down faster with MS on form switch cloud drake ms 30cd ??? ????? KEKW' wat the f ????????? ??? KEKW KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW KEKW @timbodianwarlord op op ! :) ?????? pvman = gg KEKW ? ???? WutFace WutFace WutFace ? baited KEKW squadHUH squadHUH squadHUH PVMAN =GG what was that widepeepoSad LUL LUL Don’t fight irelia ???? INTER irelia did @Rush ❓ ???????? yes :) why is rush so bad PepeHands ? ??????????? ggman = pv pvman = intman pvman = gg Dirty inter Gg J OMEGALUL B young rush PepeHands ggman = pp do tiss narutouzumaki__dattebayo OMEGALUL Gray screen stream what’s new chat is retarded OpieOP brain lag Pepega D: pvman = KEKW 11ms 11 ms lag PepeHands KEKW Dirty inter im better than rush at league lag Kapp young buffalo It is an excuse you just dont know PepeLaugh Kapp pvman = FeelsLagMan please don't bully me rush Kappa We are not enemy team rush KEKW We are chat graves is fun :) KEKW KEKW peepoSad KEKW KEKW SCAMMED KEKW PLAY KINDRED GAME PepeLaugh SCAMMED KEKW KEKWTRIPLEU SCAMMED KEKW D: KEKW SCAMMED REFUND D: scammed FeelsBadMan yeah sure KEKW why? Graves > Kindred :) probably yes Pog Play lucian jungle KEKW Kindred > Graves R) you dont know how to play graves thats why you dont do itr play trist Jungle the you dont know how to play graves thats why you dont do itr scammed KEKW you dont know how to play graves thats why you dont do EZ man sneakyEZ KEKW LUL you dont know how to play graves thats why you dont do itr pvman = GG ??????????? Pvman=gg bait KEKW cause ur ekko bad KEKW no :) KEKW WeirdChamp R) better player 🤷 2 heralds wtf? ask him for tips KEKW pvman ekko = gg KEKW pvman = gg cause u are always underlvl PepeLaugh wow hes not 1/5 like your were maybe a glitch @AL3pH_SC2 Starcraft players katerinoSad He is better jg :) cause you are ekko whyen you have ekko in your team bcause pvman = gg KEKW because pvman = gg hightempo any platinum graves god's here? YOu don't have an Ekko. So yeah, he doesn't deal dmg Kappa you die when your hp goes to zero pvman = gg KEKW rigged LUL @thetcd season 10 herald respawn PVMAN = GG KEKW @ChocolateeJesus scuffed Pepega don't bully rush. only rush can bully >( no it's the player Take dregon :) what damage :) Shiphtur can give you pointers on ekko @Rush Now team is fed not just irelia. Open. @AL3pH_SC2 terronne main? @Rush you made mistake in streams name, there should be 'bullied by kr challenger' KEKW @Loriander wow today i learnt :) Play for next game KEKW you throw early by ignoring your jg and not farming then all of a sudden you're lower level than your supp \: @AL3pH_SC2 me diamond random player NA Pepega Clap @ChocolateeJesus terran/protoss but no more playing lv9 @AL3pH_SC2 feelsbad songname pls Ez clap time I'm sure Rush knows this, but I don't see him cancel his q, w animation with his e cliver Darude season 10 jg XP KEKW when he ekkos CLiver Kapp or nut I miss Rekai's old ult u dont Ornn goes down team goes down kaisa being fed means nothing because ekko and irelia will both 1 shot her Masendhi what was it ? trash kaisa being fed NEVER means nothing 1v1 @DadBodHotRod you would go to one of his tunnels, globablly :o HER HER TUNNELS DAMN IT HIM THEM someone saying a fed kaisa means nothing LUL @DadBodHotRod You could "tp" to one of your tunnel from anywhere. It was busted. Basing → tp'ing to top tri bush and insta gank ! Kreygasm ZE Reksai is a girl reksai is non-binary PepeMods Queen* !duo solo :( HotPokket chat its REK and her parasite SAI read the lore DAM horny Kreygasm Reksai is cute girl :) horny Kreygasm h0rny Reksai is min boys back off R) @Masendhi Reminder that Rek'Sai could spam her tunnels everywhere and lasted longer KR PYKE KEKW lore LUL if u play yummi in bots can i spam lvl up?? Pog pvman = gg PogChamp KR PYKE tobiasPOGS Smite king PepeLaugh Pog KR JUNGLERS KEKW smite king KEKW KR IRELIA KEKW horny Kreygasm im comming monkaW smite king smite king Kapp PepeLaugh oh no no no SMITE KING? PauseChamp oh no Smite king KEKW smite king dead KEKW KEKW ??? oh nononononono LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW king xDDDD SMITE KING PepeLaugh oof KEKW KEKW and NA Reksai KEKW KR Baron KEKW be sure not to use your abilities KEKW GG KEKW cant smite if u die KEKw Question mark kek double you pvman = gg KEKW You started it KEKW smite king LULW gg KEKW KR REKSAI HIM KEKW OMEGAYAYA All minorities please leave the chat this moment! :) why the ppl sad go home aww ur in Mr Kaisa jungle gap too big jg diff KEKW Who said fed Kaisa "Never means nothing" LMAO ; D: call sneaky he's feeding sneakyFeels Pog DEFT just said ekko would 1 shot her EKKO HAS DOUBLE UR FARM why ff when you can start baron Kappa MISTER KAISA Pog POG SHUT UP RUSH IS MY FATHER AND BEST JG zwagRee ORNN IS SO BUSTED LMAO Pog ORNN 4HEad LOL ANY TRANSLATORS IN CHAT? FeelsGoodMan DO IT Pog DEFT OMEGAYAYA LS Pog go rush KEKW DEFTO KEKW 5Head santorin plays ornn jg IMAGINE BUYING SMTHING LUL shop OMEGAYAYA LUL pvman = gg KEKW @BunchOfMuff Snooky subs WeirdChamp sneakyGasm W OMEGALUL W LS is 5head? he does a lot of dmg if you can hit your stuff deft: why are you so good? Yes :) :- Dardoch played ornn jungle POGGERS sneakyNLT YES R) why rush isnt buying anything? 5Head LS was right rush: i got baited :-( ornn jg is supergood oh no @LivingToRiven what are you trying to say? TROLL DEFT WITH ORNN PepeLaugh DODGE ORNN Pog Refund Hai Pog PVMAN = GG Pog there she goes again lmaoi see ya nurse KKona see ya nurse KKona see ya nurse KKona see ya nurse KKona Play manly ranged junglers :) pvman = gg he got stunned Don’t fight mid GRAVES GAME she got hit by e PYKE 100 VISION SCOER :) @Rush why on korea all junglers they are better than you @DefinitelyNotKindred I am lost this season, 400k Kinduru btw, I keep getting shrekt with bloodrazor > Cleaver > Runaans :) GRAVES QUESTION @LivingToRiven kaisa playing badly doesn't mean she's useless :) @ChocolateeJesus 2 years bby sneakyE 🖕 :) Graves ratirlFlower easy E Ornn > graves :) PYKE 105 VISION SCORE Residentsleeper any smilers ? :) KKona ? pyke vision score monkaW Smite king PogU ? ecerybody porcodio! :) :) 1 DRAGAON AWAY FROM SOUL monkaW 5Head clown drake still this guy should be a comedian ekko ult 10 sec cd PepeLaugh Yoummu upgrade is op Upgraded dcap monkaW Nice q pyke SONIA 6k people and chat so slow KEKW why is every jayce bad MrDestructoid RUSH INTING PogU burnLURK that pyke ZOOMIN Dirty inter lucian flank PepeLaugh huni we are waiting for a pvman = gg play chat has KEKW rdy when pvman ints PepeLaugh ? Widepeeposad KEKW KEKW ?????????? LULW ? ???? KEKW ???????? coming through Pepega ??????????????/ ?????????? KEKW ????? KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW ???????? KEKW ??????????? WHY U INT KEKW ????? ??????????????? pvmanHYPERS gg ???????????? widepeepoSad Rush playing like NA player LUL ff ???????????? LMFAO KEKW WE? KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW Coming through PVMAN=GG 리신하자 PVMAN = GG KEKW ?????????????? You are only level 11... reksainter Pepega LMFAOOO pvman = gg KEKW ???? Nerf Ekko :) loll goodbye kaisa! jg gap pvman = gg KEKW GOOD BAIT BULLYING TEAM intttt INT INT INT OMEGALUL pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey ???? Open cause hes insanely fed KEKW pvman=gg LUL LUL why are you building dmg when so far behind? Pepega widepeepoSad PepoThink jg diff Build some mr.... Useless like I said lmao KEKW losing everywhere LUL pvman = gg hasnt farmed in 10 mins LEVEL its the damn skin JUNGLE DIFFERENCE KEKW LEVEL 11 @Rush he's better player :) pvmanMonkey jg diff jg diff jungle gap FeelsBadMan why would u ult in that situation?? the player is the diff 0123-6+3 :-) Main Graves :) Cause of you bro <100 cs 28 mins it's the skin rush LUL @Rush imagine thinking rek sai is viable in season 10. LULW Im trist jg main now Kappa 5LVL DIFF KEKEW Graves JG Tarzaned KEKW CANNA tristana jungle Pog better jungle wins FeelsBadMan hitbox LULW post address so i can shoot u Smite king !lp monkaW monkaW monkaW !pvman monkaW Wtf monkaS Chat? report him monkaW is Ornn LS???? 🔫 monkaW Coming through wtf did he say im homeless KEKW 140 VISION SCORE PYKE who is LS in this game?!!? :o 🔫 don't monkaW monkaS wtf KR monkaS pvman = gg gg PepeHands chat report that guy rush if you could pick any team to play for what team would you pick? jg diff KEKW pvman = gg KEKW jg difference vi lost huge jg gap lv12 FeelsBadMan who is LS in this game??!?! plss @Retracx im reporting you to the police 2/8 KEKW Jg diff okay play Graves :) ls - low skill anyone still wanna argue with me about fed kaisa not being useful because Ekko and Irelia would one shot her EZ int ORNN JG NEXT GAME PLS Pooga does rush lose games to entertain his chat or is he washed up nt :( Jg diff pvman=gg Huge jg diff Ezclap PVMAN = GG KEKW FAT? ORNN jungle PogChamp pvman = GG jg gap malnourished peepoFat Dirty inter go vi DUO DEFT PauseChamp IS THAT LS ORNN? Deft Pog o peepoFat defto duo repot jg O ornn jg pls PVMAN = GG KEKW just dont randomly stop farming ... you fell so far behind feelsbadman noob did someone boosted rush? How is he challenger? peepoFat ?????? back to back deaths PepeLaugh LS > Rush? imo LS has more macro knowledge. While Rush is better at Micro, even though he doesn't click 5000 times per second. xdddd his ult makes him 2 champs @rush is this rush's alt account @Rush ornn JG game POGGERS @Rush GIVE DEFT 1 try to carry u!!! Your mother is calling noob jgl just play 4Head MASTER YI PLS KEKW SCARED TO PLAY VIDEO GAME JUST PLAY 4Heed Eve pla Time for hair cut @Rush how's your desk setup? have you ever played Kindred from behind? KEKW scared in a children game KEKW KEKW 3 Game Losing steak KEKW good jg scared to play a game KEKW 4Head LS > Rush? imo LS has more macro knowledge. While Rush is better at Micro, even though he doesn't click 5000 times per second. xdddd @Rush rush i love you no KappaPride @rush drop phone 10 times KEKW start at iron, you cant go lower PepoThink DEFT KEKW tru.... just drop your new phone and just int your ranked @Rush GIVE DEFT 1 chance to carry u and duo him just do it 4Head if ur scared to play video game u shouldnt play, its meant 4fun KEKW 4Head 5Head losing streak lets go Bullying KR challenger players (my teammates) 4Head king....... just drop it 4Head 4Head smashed my phone ty rush 4HEad do it 4Head RUSH marry my daughter please scared to play LULW just troll like Rush 4Head 5Head that is a good tip JUST DO IT 4Heed just smash your phone 4Head so play with deft and lose @Rush whats your age Just int KEKW FFFF gonna smash my phone ty rush 99 CS LUL I think Rush is 23 duo deft rush plx duo deft pls @rush why r u so sexy just play for fun and u wont be as sad when u lose you got the power of god and anime on your side Kapp 3Head WORK KEKW duo MATA @rush can u post on insta more AVOIDING RUSH ORNN jungle PogChamp work KEKW working as a egamer KEKW NAKE IT 4 Play Graves :) Rush is 23 yrs old? @Rush jobless before you inted W OMEGALUL RK pvman = gg GO GRAVES rush is 26 e athlete KEKW @leechkeeng he’s born 93 @dryguard hes 30 ?????? @rush post on insta yes until you int mid and stop farming :( D: rush can you try out ww in jg PVMAN IS NOT GG widepeepoSad DEFT KEKW LUL VoteYea LUL yes deft bully PunOko jobless vs about to be jobless play graves my man KEKW FeelsBadMan i love you rush if i come to korea will ur sister go on date with me @rush lee sin pls jobless vs coachless KEKW Play Tristana KEKW play khazix play Graves widepeepoSad a chad ranged jungler graves is key to succ Ornn POGGERS ww pls Zac is op Rush PogU !winrate Shaco Jungke kha zix pls Ivern PogChamp imagine having a losing streak KEKW ornn play graves PunOko or riot 5Head olaf ? bh EVE PLS Graves with Sanguine Blade is busted play trist KEKW KEKW Trist ORNN GRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAVVVEEEESSS KAYN KAYN @Rush Play olaf SMOrc @Rush can speak korean L you always play for fun 4Head @Rush when are u buying Rush tower? :) Fiddle jg Pog senna AYAYA go vi anyone know why my blitz just opens frozen and I've even tried reinstalling and such !LEE leesong lee Pog S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus @Rush Thoughts on Aphelious? graves bro the donator widepeepoSad Tryndamere lover KappaPride Just give him his graves game nutLUL play shaco since you dont like to farm pls ww mining malware KEKW lee U play for FUN Blitz thinks it might be a 3 man premade Kappa do graves, please. @Rush WHEN ARE YOU MOVING TO LA its part of the price for taking a risk master yi fish again KEKW LS uses graves jungle Ornn @Rush Thoughts on Aphelios??? does magic too kaisa KEKW gayren Morde JG Pepega ? play shaco, you dont have to farm as much aphelios is ok ww play OLAF Pog lee sin ornn vayne jg pvmanFGM yuumi? S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus S H A C O KappaClaus Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Play Vel'Koz me :) LMAO LS KEKW @Rush Kayle dumbo LS KEKW u know u want play graves rush LS KEKW me :) LS KEKW ME :) u know is camille top good main ORNN JUNGLE YOU SAID LS KEKW LS LUL zed @Rush Play olaf SMOrc me :) monkaW chat logs monkaS go vi pls LS KEKW KEKW OLAF Pog abuse nocturne? @Rush mundo jg pls LS LUL check me next Pog @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan LS IS DIAMOND KEKW Graves Kapp LS aka "Low Standards" Master yi elise banned = pvman banned KEKW Play Vi HandsUp master yi play shaco, less farm, more bait, your playstyle @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan GRAGAS elise ksrthusd Not more competitive than China @Rush Thoughts on Aphelios?? :) pvman = KEKW Graves jg or i gonna make kr account to int your games :) karthus maokai jungle? i want to see warwick Lose again KEKW compatitive Sebbastian Edholm is the best jg in the world :) @plane_from_greece D: Yi is bad, Vi is more viable ceroPepe Pvman gragas = gg you should use twitter and ig for network rush why elise alwys banned Master Y-INT Do you think Ivern (when played well) can be viable? @Rush @plane_from_greece FeelsGoodMan pvmanHYPERS @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan What’s that on the right side?? @Rush is nocturne good in high elo? or just my low elo because I see him everygame that he is not banned why?? pvman = dodge PepeLaugh @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan ran away KEKW what mosue do you use? PVMAN = DODGE widepeepoSad @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan @Rush Thoughts on Aphelios?? peepoLeave KEKW scared of gragas @Rush Thoughts on Aphelios? @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan jobless korean KEKW ok play ivern ! scared of pvman KEKW why build cd? @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more. FeelsBadMan @lbmzxcvbnm he wishes u? play ivern then PogU ok play ivern! PLAY IVERN PogU Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan have to rely on teammate play ivern Pog ???? insta is dead KEKW 4House Illaoi jungle :) PepeHands LUL house tour take pictures of you in the shower PepeHands Play Graves :( make your background shifting sands hecarim JG?! Diana jungle? Smart ? Kappa what mouse do you use? @Rush is nocturne good in high elo? or just my low elo because I see him everygame that he is not banned. @Rush Sejuani good now? @Rush Thoughts on Aphelios?? PepeHands House tour @jhinathan +1 ekko one more time ! duo deft and play trist jg Warwick? really u say iverns all right and say graves bad xd no friends rush PepeHands take pics in the mirror Ivern requires a team thats used to him ITS SAME PLAYSTYLE AS UR OLD NUNU KEKW smh @rush losing streak again? KEKW @rush are you under house arrest? Show the house PogYou go outside and then tweet @Rush you never tweet on twitter or use instagram. Maybe if you had more exposure there brands/sponsors would look at you more FeelsBadMan Trist make it 5% ! @Rush is nocturne good in high elo? or just my low elo because I see him everygame that he is not banned I am gold 3 NA can do yorik jungle???????? @Rush Graves 0% KEKW When do you ever go out @Rush champ ocean KEKW Ekko teemo jg Kappa manco :) yorick KEKW nocturne? @Rush can you play nidalee please? PepeHands pvman = gg EZREAL JUNGLE @Rush what about Diana jungle? RUSH, THOUGHTS ON APHELIOS? shyvanna Kappa Go play Fiora jgl ! @rush urgot jungle? :) @Rush when are u buying rush tower? :) karthus Kappa @Rush Sejuani good now? shyvanna for drag prio Kreygasm I LOS you ever tried neeko jungle play karthus try ekko so you can win bet you cant play ekko and win pvman = gg widepeepoSad PLAY NUNU NO KAPPA @Rush how about kha? C-, C+, C- KEKW Waaaait @rush hit challenger? POG @rush do chogath jungle Play Karthus, Karthus is good too :) !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again shyvana? @Rush @Rush pls never pull a qtpie on me Pepehands lee sins @Rush play master yi jg op trust pvmanKappa coin flip player PepeHands @Rush Notice meee @Rush can u make the client in english? @Rush how do you feel about kha'zix BARD JUNGLE hi rush - just woke up. Love u! Get hair cut Pls play master yi op Mom is mad @Rush when are u buying rush tower? :) pvman=gg KEKW Rush thanks for always being a positive no-inting streamer displaying only the most perfect play he means dont play adc cause ur so good at jungle rumble in the jungle? @Rush rebeccamo: pvman=gg KEKW rebeccamo: pvman=gg KEKW rebeccamo: pvman=gg KEKW cookie26Poggies Rumble @Rush stop caring about the game and being an ahole for no reason pvman=gg KEKW it's bannable corki jungle :) yeah. i tried and its kinda confusing boxbox KEKW boxbox WeirdChamp boxbox Pog you change a line of code from ko_KR to en_NA it's easy youll get banned Kapp KEKW LUL english not allowed KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW boxbox moon2LOLE monkaS tfbPUNCH @Rush do most korean pros stream on twitich? [][][][] Box box riven main boxbox riven cosplay on kr pogger KEKW Karthus Jungle SMOrc moon2DEV 안녕 rumble??? eliseman = gg xboxbox Kapp oh D: D: D: !uptime @harasakuraa, rush has been streaming for 3 hours why no rengar box box ivern maine Bad. no KEKW no :( Faker in 2019 KEKW @Rush If I wanna get out of gold in NA should I just meta slave or stick to 2-3 champs KEKW KEKW Qtpie for president @rush i got chat restricted fir saying the r word a year ago would i pass an lcs behavior check? :) is rengar bad? @DankShiba You should git gud Gold is trash @Rush he said before that he just does it for the money LUL @rush why no master yi or chogath jungle??? telll T1 that LUL @Rush have you ever played sc2? @dankshiba stick to champs @ZaneC1 you said rengar? @Rush "bullying KR challenger players (my team)" KEKW ? Qtpie for next pope yes lol KEKW OMEGALUL :d LUL KEKW LUL KEKW @MagikarpSlayer unkillable demon king Kappa KEKW LUL Tri Hard KEKW unless he goes ivern bot BigBrother T1 actually try hard PepeHands KEKW KEKW Qt doesn't care KEKW KEKW KEKW TRUTH Kapp PLAY SC2 PogU Kappa BigBrother wtf Kapp KEKW SC2 Kappa BasedGod most try harding streamer @DankShiba go play gold in EUW you will instantly pick up any new meta champs Kap Kapp sc2 in queue zerg KEKW zerg is op in sc2 rn PogU someone clip it LUL zerg WutFace T1 tries hard until one support mistake then wants to ff play sc2 Pog KEKW Kapp ? !uptime @partyyo, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 1 min @rush vi game pls widepeepoHappy no kap rush support APM do you play other games @rush pvman delusional PepeHands Did you ever comment on how your worlds predictions were all wrong and korea isn't a top region anymore @Rush LUL Zurg easy machinegun rush gunning down boxbox and t1 nice try Full Kapp @Rush add me on KR server username is 유석동 everyone got top 50 playing zurg what rank did he finished this season??? Wear hat when you see mom halo wars is better KEKW sc2 stream one day? @rush do your parents think youre a failure? @timbodianwarlord u played halo wars 2? cannon rush Kapp @byooze yea it sux @rush do your parents think youre fat or cute? halo wars lol Terran is the most OP in sc1 if you play perfectly i,e Flash best game When are you going to start your coaching business Kappa @Rush I have a 14% wr on nidalee. please help PepeHands @timbodianwarlord was gonna ask how was it lol i played the first one protoss weakest KEKW wcsTerran wcsProtoss wcsZerg SC2 you mean Survival Craft 2 I love that game widepeepoHappy I can :) flash vs jaedong PepeHands forsenKKona squadHey OpieOP @byooze 1st one was bettr @rush vi game widepeepoHappy NA influence :( OpieOP chub LUL Kapp Kapp Kapp BigBrother 180 pounds OpieOP Kapp 6 Kapp Kapp 6 feet Kappa Kapp Squid1 Squid2 wcsLing Squid4 BigBrother you look tall compared to everyone else LMAO OpieOP he really is 6 foot tho KEKW 5'2 Kapp arent u 5 ' 5 ? thats fine lol what @ibuklao is he washed up? Kappa monkaW Kapp wtf is pounds @Rush NA standards underweight Kapp £172 He’s huge compared to Tyler Kapp That's under weight for 6 ft lol Do your parents think you're KappaPride cause no gf? yes KEKW Kapp sounds like normal weight chubby american Kapp bro us skinny af KEKW BigBrother So am I 6ft 170 lbs LOL twice? atpFeelsBeardMan its true a lil Kappa Kappa TRUE KEKW u metric fck na :) Kapp Chubby peepoSad PepeHands Kapp @Clyptic no its not fatty lol he said failure, not fat 6 FEET Kapp you are chubby at 171lbs? at 6ft haha 5'11" KEKW s3xy gamer are other pro players under 6 ft 5Head You should personal training for tyler jelly jelly Krappa no work KEKW Imagine not being 6ft in 2019 KEKW us3* you are actually chubby though wtf Im 5' 11" and 135 pounds... get this man a team KEKW Klappa MaldChamp KEKW @Rush when you starting your coaching business Kappa popular KappaPride Clap lucky :/ MALD do they know u int in league?? smallpp KEKW successful rush PogU is it Korean 6ft or NA 6ft BigBrother im 6ft at 181 so im ta5 hahah @Rush when are u buying rush tower? :) Rush 6'5 like T1 monkaS First pick graves isnt 6 ft averg? fat still virgin @Rush I need help with my Korean homework. Can you pronounce this for me 유석동 @Rush not chubby just big bone pvmanFGM pvmanFGM see pvman in champ select = GG FF @ 15 KEKW and a sinner still virgin Rush is nba player CoolCat @dack_cx ? no 6ft 26yrs old and still virgin KEKW @dack_cx korean average is like 5'7 Rush looks real skinny tbh still no gf @Rush ur the only one real streamer who tells the truth for everything! 6 feet average wtf u high? ig not in korea. google european country avg height LULW D: KEKW D: LULW KEKW D: no gf LUL KEKW pvman ? KEKW that includes old short people got em LUL KEKW KEKW BasedGod wtf @Rush Nidalee good now? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ skarner BibleThump BULLY Old enough challenjour but no gf, why ? KEKW GOT EM @Rush are you from korea or nA? D: 27 KevinTurtle WTF KEKW slang? @Rush it's my Korean name you suck dom 나는 성기를 좋아한다. you really said that D: Khazix Pog What about hecarim? @Rush are you still FREE AGENT Kappa PrimeRlyTho you said it @Rush Nidalee good now? Ganking top lane LUL 4fun streamer KEKW Hahaha league of mukbang HE SAID THAT cmon Bruh Kha playforfun gg KEKW Tri Hard wtf Kreygasm @Rush why not ravenous hunter No int CruW WTF Tri Had 7 hey rush if i sub will you stop bully !uptime @InternalSpiritLoL, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 5 mins no try hard? cmon bruh Yousook Dong but for 한국 사람, you speak really well Try hard die hard english enable my homie PunOko gachiW lol sry Hey rush sorry to tell you but my twisted timeline esports team offer is no longer valid. makes pathing and ganking faster Kha'Zix with Sanguine Blade is busted @Rush are you FREE AGENT IN 2020 KEKW especially in jungle huhu AYAYA Truee Pepega @Rush did you survive NNN? gachiGASM MONOGATARI MUSIC pvmanFAM @Rush ravenous heals 6k+ per game though its like conqueror on a minor rune Is rush fulltime streaming? Kapp Kapp Kapp ok i sub :) KEKW Kapp Kapp xwx KEKW Kappa Kapp KappaPride KappaPride Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappapride visili? @Rush why don't you swear in Korean Kappa conqueror kha ? @Rush monkaW pvmanFenix ? XWX kapp Tri Hard ANY GIFTERS Tri Hard 7 @Rush do you have any bad mental with any former team mate? KappaPride @Rush are you full time streamer? Teammate lovin good Felix KEKW other team Kappa looool @Rush but most pros and high elo khazix takes ravenous Kreygasm @Rush im d1 :( im not hyper hella uber trash at least Kreygasm Kreygasm azz Kreygasm ⣿ @Rush bro my sister so FAT TyTheTrippy subscribed at Tier 1. HandsUp most off meta builds come from Low elo though Kreygasm did you know a gold player started blue ez @Rush Genius KEKW how many time u juice it a day ? @rush KEKW 4Head oh he subbed LUL LUL pvman = dodge KEKW atpGasm gachiW 5Head @Rush what will you do if league dies? Become an english/korean translator? HandsUp bring in the hydra Somebody get this man the noble peace prize how many dodges will you have post it again pls im so close Kreygasm gachiW Tank Fizz and Tank Ekko builds came from bronze, so theory crafting from low elo is actually smart very well explained ty @Rush gachiW But relentless doesnt work in fights Pepega @Rush bro plz my sister so fat what should i do?? PVMAN = DODGE KEKW pvman = dodge peepoSad pvman = gg dodge bcuz pvman = gg KEKW I must learn from the legend himself rush was pvman ape emote removed??? widepeepoSad PVMAN IS NOT GG monkaHmm Rush is scarring opponents DotA2 :) @rush why not qiyana jungle? you are good draco471 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! why is your room so blue ACCOUNT BOOSTER Pog paid university Pog Kapp @Rush have you done your military service already? seoul university Pog J OMEGALUL B Join military Kapp 5Head Kapp Kapp oh become korean mukbanger lol Kapp B OMEGALUL T 5Head smart brain 5Head Pog 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head LUL did you go to the SKY type of university? Kappa 5Head 5Head i like that confidence tho Rush, you're a boosted monkey. you dont need university streaming makes you rich KEKW league make brain Pepega peepoFat Pepega u have a smart brain aight? join korean military @Rush do you speak english outside of stream? Pepega @Rush what pornnweb do u like mostly ? Enlist Army KEKW superior brain 5Head TFT HYPERS Superior 5Head Become Dota Pro Kappa 5Head he study med?? minecraft have u played overwathch? Have you done conscription? Mother superior wow, that is really cool I went to konsan university pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanBully pvmanBully can u play jhin this game ? SNU, Korea, or Yonsei? @Rush Why do you think Senna is so strong Rush variety why did you study runeterra @meriton1996 it's illegal in Korea FeelsBadMan @Rush missed donation widepeepoSad Hearthstone KEKE Kapp RNGstone KEKW Rush don’t leave TFT HS OMEGALUL unlucky in every game superior brain for hearthstone lul Heartstone KEKW why you always lose so many games @Rush !duo rush off role =gg solo :( H E A R T H S T OMEGALUL N E and you can go back to university anytime u want? no age restriction? 4HEad imagine thinking hearthstone is going to outlive league LUL JUST BE TFT PRO OMEGALUL 4Head @IceAddict_ Kappa ? play nunu tru WeirdChimp 4Head people dodge becuase u don't play graves she is 4HEad i see 4Head t 4HEad senna is nuts She just is 4Head play zac 4Head Rush have you ever thought of becoming a coach? how about military? @Rush how many years in uni do you have left What? whats eth restriction? @clue_1ess pron is illegal in korea LUL What do you think of Ornn jg? @Rush age restriction in university? not in NA either hey rush can u play jhin ????????? rush don't leave us @IceAddict_ Really? monkaW uni since when got age restriction senna is strong because of her numbers There should be age restriction anywhere you can tell shes strong by the way she is 4Head no age restriction in all country weirdo @clue_1ess yeah should NOT... ezreal Pog Rush, find me an older Korean Sugar Momma. pretty sure u can be a 50 Y.O boomer and go to Uni at any time LUL WutFace what is the age restriction for university in Korea? @Rush Hey @rush How are you today? if they change her numbers she will be weak coach me Rush gachiW Jingle jungle Since when uni have age restriction gayren KappaPride @IceAddict_ monkaS f i have 2 40+ year olds in my class who are getting another degree you can do that elsewhere? got to uni at any age unless your really old then they'll title you US has no age limit either, you could be 70 and go to uni it's normal there isnt an age restriction on uni Gayren! no unis have age restrictions Pepega You have 9 death for past 3 games LUL Is there readmission test @Rush hows your sister @clue_1ess PepeHands There should NOT be age restriction anywhere @namichu o.o lol Rush adc= int D: LUL RIP KEKW D: LULW Might as well be a scholarship lol LULW KEKW D: LUL hahahhaa like you KEKW R word PepeHands KEKW LUL HAHAHAHAH studying there shouldn't D: o.o Pepega Clap Senior citizens in uni KEKW D: like you KEKW monkaS insane LULW LIKE PVMAN KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap like ppman KEKW Boomers in uni @namichu owo @Rush Kapp @Rush I know you get this question always but, where should I start to get better at jungle (NA plat) LOL You :) LOAN SHARKS KEKW sounds like u tbh :) Like Rush KEKW PPMAN RUINED KEKW na soloq make rush corrupt and insane LUL $$$$$ KEKW so you fail? rush on adc gtg ! yea you could use some brush up on that engrish my classmate is 55yrs old !subcount Current sub count: 845 but you're toxic to your customers ( viewers ) D: syndra @Rush do you start at the same point where you dropped out? KEKW you're not nice so if you are not toxic then you are good Rush your plays are INSANE ! they won't take you in You have a problem :) Rush adc= int OMEGAYAYA D: X AYAYA H X AYAYA im 21 and been neet 1 year from uni oh adc X AYAYA H D: D: X AYAYA H XAYAYAYA LUL why no syndra? AYAYA we have free university rush on adc monkaS lol nice comp KEKW AYAYA Do you think your English has gone better after coming to NA and streaming? should have gone HEIMER bot @rush But they'll find out that you have insane highlights dodge Rush is smurf Kapp Kapp sneaky is toxic Kapp @Rush what subject will you study in uni X AYAYA Kappa X AYAYA H @Rush how old are u ? Rush is nice hey X AYAYA X AYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA X AYAYA H X AYAYA X AYAY H X AYAYA H dodged LUL X AYAYA X AYAYA h 27 duuuuude you shoulda played TRIST @Rush pvman = dodge :( AYAYA you said XAYAYA Rush adc= int Are they dodging because of you? W OMEGALUL W AYAYA AYAYA ChomPag its the pv man KEKW PVMAN = DODGE widepeepoSad X AYAYA Y running from pvman pvman = dodge :) pvman = dodge KEKW PVMAN=DODGE LULW Kapp dodging with rush adc is a wise choice rush is not toxic he is just taking people how he feels against Kapp how old are u @Rush rush are there many weebs in Korea? play graves pvman = gg X AYAYA CUTE RUSH Scared ChomPag RUSH LIKES X AYAYA H stream anxiety ? more like idw play with Rush * weebs jnbWC ya LUL 27 I don't want Rush to int me, better dodge KEKW not against, but with pvman = gg KEKW what do u want to study in uni? if u ever go therw with* Kapp Dodging again NotLikeThis Chat full of weebs NotLikeThis PepeLaugh pvman = dodge LOLW oh no rush is on ally team let's dodge KEKW KEKW Kapp I don’t want a free win widepeepoSad widepeepoSad I thought KR doesn't stream snipe Kappa *on my team they want you in the enemy team Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) @leechkeeng I think he was doing medical school, but yea dunno maybe he'd do something else now @Rush if you were as confident as you're now but in your social interactions you could dominate the world PogU Kappa Kappa Kappa Dirty inters preseason tryharding Nah it was the teammate dodging cause you play ad hello pvman jng FeelsGoodMan pvman = gg @Rush play Diana jungle KEKW widepeepoHappy wat KEKW Bad chat true agreed @Rush thank you for sacrificing your lp for content widepeepoSad D: FeelsDankMan True GOD COMPLEX Eve pls KEKW cope @rush do you think kindred is good? Bad 5Head 🍷 5Head Kapp gachiW Chat no widepeepoSad LULW thats what pyschpath thinks 5Head manipulative monkaS everybody dumb its autism, real thats kind of a shitty attitude tbh Zboyz657 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Did you ever mention how you were wrong about your worlds predictions and all 3 KR teams were not the top 3 teams? Also KR isn't the number one region anymore LUL what do you want to study in uni? monkaW monkaW rosh LULW LUL LUL autism rush you are very artistic :) LULW sociopath answer kek LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW rush flexing PogU AYAYA ? talking to rush monkaW Maybe chat doesn’t know why to say AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Clap what manga? AYAYA JAVMAN WeirdChamp No gf for Rush KEKW KEKW any offer from any team?? AYAYA Teach chat what to say KEKW rush social weirdo MANGA Pog D: Kapp dating rush monkaW AYAYA respect D: D: D" AYAYA D: D: Everyone is an idiot except for me looooooooool OMEGAYAYA learn from anime AYAYA Clap D: LuL Sociopath D: D: oh no no no PepeLaugh Properly Kapp Hentai yes rush is a weeaboo AYAYA D: wat thef okay not sociopath autist D: KR AT WORLDS LULW D: Fuck you chat learning from anime and manga, hope you are joking... you a bitch OMEGAYAYA thats alot of F D: gachiW gachiman D: DID U TELL XWX FUCK YOU? KEKW @rush u have big forehead MALD how did you get the name rush? WeirdChimp @Rush when are u buying rush tower? :) OMEGAYAYA OMEGAYAYA OMEGAYAYA monkaHmm ok? Or lack there of 5Head gachiW fck u leatherman AYAYA Rush is good "be mad to prevent the next flame" clip it xDD OMEGAYAYA @Rush kr = KEKW or manipulative 🤔 YES SIR KKona @rush what if the insulat is true @Rush you are SO smart @rush can you do vlogs please impact tower Pog 5 are you happy ? FALSE KEKW KKona happiness? widepeepoHappy is rush no longer a streamer for CLG? wow so inspirational Rush still jobless pvmanFBM 5Head 5head budhist rush widepeepoHappy rush can you speak chinese !clg true so you're happy not having a team KEKW PepeHands widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan PepeHands :( PepeHands widepeepoSad KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad BibleThump You should play some other games, league gonna rot ur brain LUL @Rush n OMEGALUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad KEKW @rush u have big forehead widepeepoSad Chat is material girl LP KEKW me too FeelsBadMan I cant say hte actual word for peepee??? widepeepoSad widepeeposad Elise D: deft doesnt wanna duo rush he is widepeepoSad what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? @rush widepeepoSad widepeepoSad TRUE KEKW Thanos Car widepeepoSad Is that app rush's using legal? @ooocreedooo you add more length to the fooooook part, and you repeat it more LULW KEKW @Rush did you lose no nut November Kappa widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy no 내 이름은 푹 유입니다 @rush losing streak again? !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again @Rush what website is that on right side ? me :) PV MAN LEE KEKW hes a world champ :) better player Kapp weren't you hardstuck master widepeepoSad pvman=gg impact malding KEKW KEKW Pog lee singer ChomPag Smite king widepeepoSad rush is not bad PVMAN LEE = GG KEKW @rush losing streak again cmon Bruh Lee singer @kiwipaladin lol will try it !leesin !clg pvman=gg this streamer is very ggman :/ Impact bought a tower so he could tp to it @rush losing streak again . Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp 내 이름은 푹 유입니다! 5Head @herz3h blitz app @Rush what website is that on right side ? future FailFish Kappa You cant even get on a team KEKW Kapp Coinflip Lee Sin OpieOP smurf or dirty inter this game ? 🤔 LieLax thx Delusional streamer KEKW PauseChamp Have to be on a team to be a World Champ KEKW your future is balding @Rush 2015 pvman old news Kappa KEKW MALD rush u r boomer !lee_sin MALD rush is MALD champ Kapp NALCS Split Chimpion! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ YOU GOT THIS RUSH Rush is zoomer !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again @herz3h is np Lee Pepega need to be on a team to win worlds bud MALD true :) Leaked worlds script monkaS insane streamer can't go to uni He is a worldchamp but is he a PVMAN backwards? @Rush what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? LCS KEKW not wrong :) Kapp is that same water from yesterday? Kapp @rush what is rules for Korean army Gg chat Rush do you envy Impact? :) already balding PepeLaugh 👉 MaldChamp HAIR TOO STRONG KEKW @rush u have a big forehead 5Head @Rush is your dad bald? echo fox gonna win next year :) monkaW xqcFace_HF too strong hair LUL MaldChamp wat @Rush monkaHmm What's the difference between going Electrocute or Conqueror with leesin? you look like are about to turn bald Kapp sure KKona MaldChamp MaldChamp ? WOAHWOAHWOAH OK BOOMER Mom called said get your hair cut i heard this is a pvman = gg stream 🤔 KEKW monkaW 5 challenger Pog monkaS I've been watching your stream for years and the only thing that grows is your nose. Kapp PROGERIA KEKW wtf everone cha monkaW pvman != dodge PepeHands ???????? LULW 5Head xqcTree ok boomer monkaS is wise Gandalf BOOMER BOOMER FROM BIRTH KEKW @Rush monkaHmm What's the difference between going Electrocute or Conqueror with leesin??? LULW D: ANIME hair Racist pvman = gg LUL hey ggman KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL i am 21 and i have pulled out grey hairs @Rush D: D: hahahaha FIRST ONE KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW LMFAO smarry LMAAAAAAAAAAAAO LULW KEKW LULW FORMER KEKW KEKW KEKW PepoThink Kapp KEKW T D: S Savant KEKW Kapp Kapp KEKW LUL cus you are a 5head BENJAMIN BUTTON KEKW KEKW KEKW JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA R looks like you turned out as a Pepega jungler Pog FIRST ONE KEKW LOOOOOOOOL KEKW D: KEKW @rush LOW T LUL LUL We all know then KEKW POOGERS pvchild = gg D: PepeLaugh dont tell him LMAO Kappa KEKW LOL MALDING KEKW Kapp sladeLol KEKW retart Clearly tard KEKW Re-tart KR MYTHS KEKW ??? KEKW ???? ?????? LUL LUL LUL loool PepeLaugh dont tell him PepeLaugh dont tell him PepeLaugh dont tell him PepeLaugh dont tell him wtf sounds true LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL is your dad bald? In between KEKW KEKW POOGERS Rush = Gandalf hahahahahahaha yea ok roosh POOGERS Well we know you not smart :C RETART KEKW PVTARD = GG balding is based on your mother's dad. is he bald? you will be bald LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL you are much better streamer than old man karasami sounds like something a rtard would say NOT BALDING JUST MaldChamp ING true ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Kapp Fake News :) Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? PepoThink what if to smart yasTrue yasTrue Kappa Kapp Kapp TOO FAST tho rush so wise KEKW @rush u have a big forehead 5Head KEKW Kapp PepeLaugh sdgsdgasdga Chat won’t answer slow finger FAST BRAIN KEKW KEKW losing hair = balding LOL KEKW not so fast )))) fat brain? NA brain?? "fast" AHHHHHH sure rush moon2SMERG MaldChamp Sure Yo you need a haircut KEKW Pepega fast gameplay GRAY HAIR = R WORD OR SMART KEKW lol no Somethings don’t say very big brain delay KEKW 5Head ME SMART Pepega Kappa Like aaaaa KEKW 5Head that's still on ur screen LUL; Like aaaa POOGERS 5Head 5Head KEKW ahh 5Head smootbrain 5Head 5Head Kapp 5Head Clap KEKW you only need to improve your mechanics :) KEKW KEKW 5Head 5Head 200iq ?????????????????? 5Head holy shit 5Head 5Head . o O ( Pepege ) Ezclap That can lead to "Overthinking" damn 5Head 5Head 5head OMG nakkiSmile still got benched for Panda FailFish FailFish 5Head 5Head Clap 5Head chill POOGERS 5Head 5Head OO 5Head Clap info god 5Head script 1Head 5Head . o O ( Pepega ) 5Head jasonrQ BVOY LAS PLAYER oo 5Head . o O ( Pepega ) 5Head KEKW KEKW oo what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? jasonrKEKW He’s burning oil boys 5Head . o 0 ( 3Head ) botlane matters KEKW data 5Head pvman = gg KEKW ? u have short memory? Pepege Let’s go jasonrClown POOGERS yeha same great minds think alike :) im silver 2 4Heed why think why not jsut recall I hope you dont have 9 death again KEKW Pepege All that information and still washed and jobless pvmanHands ZakkaRyeUh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! you make my widepeepoHappy Gg rush is ready Just imagine how quickly MikeYeung processed all that info to replace you Kapp PepeLaugh good concept but BAD SKILL BabyRage BabyRage KEKW easy 5Head HOLY 5Head Pepega . o O ( 5Head ) 5Head . o O ( Pepega ) Lee singer QQ widepeepoHappy !subcount Pvman inting incoming KEKW Pepega . o O ( 5Head ) Current sub count: 846 5Head PVTARD = GG Ah yes Fight monkaW here we go Vertical jungle KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog PogU EZ clean Pog PogU Pog KEKW Pog PogU Pooga Gg Q for the dash Kapp Pog EZ Clap O pvmanQ Pog KEKW lol EZ run it down KEKW Ezclap KEKW LMAO OMEGALUL First blood KEKW KEKW HAHAH LUL KEKW LMAO LUL ChomPag KEKW MISPLAY Rambo OMEGALUL LUL KEKW KEKW 1 PVTARD = GG 3Head KEKW worth ssoskskssk 5Head KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW just walk up? KEKW KEKW 5Head LULW OMEGALUL loool BigBrother Kapp big brain OMEGALUL just run up???? 5Head . o O ( Pepege ) KEKW INHIIB TURRET? WORTH Pog KEKW just run to base KEKW Run to the next tower instead of that one worth big brain KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL from POGGERS to Pepege Its the support and he flashed wurf KEKW 3head BabyRage BabyRage lul ppman POOGERS 3Head GAMEPLAY KEKW BigBrother Clap smarto KEKW BasedGod super worth why that tower???? 5Head HOLY Pepega PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW 5Head to 3Head @KevQuixote lol elise already spawned and was already there?? elise would have been at the other tower u iron chat fast recall 4Head 5Head if u W shielded his auto you woulda been executed hey rush why do u not have youtube videos coming out :( 5Head widepeepoSad wait EZ Clap gg white people sad 5Head CLEAN EZ pvman = gg Pog elise is rush guys? KEKW jg diff pg pog EZ Clap EZ clap rush is not bad widepeepoSad pvman elise KEKW Rush is racist whitepeoplesad pvman is not gg widepeepoHappy 5Head Pog ??? ???? Skuttle 5Head ? ?????? ??? ??? RUSH SKUTTLE Pepega . o O ( 5Head ) ??? ??? Skuttle @Rush IRON CHAT KEKW he got it Pepega iron chat LUL HE GOT SCUTTLE IDIOTS why are you guys ??? do you not see map, he got it Pepega CHAT chat FailFish IRON CHAT SKUTTLE IS DEAD CHAT wtf LULW IRON CHAT KEKW IRONSXDDDD iron chat.. CHAT Pepega CHAT KEKW he got it KEKW POOGERS CHAT LULW HUNTERS TALISMAN FailFish scuttle querry LULW damn No farm only gank KEKW scuttle has a c in it... KEKW Ezclap KEKW KEKW Q KEKW KEKW close KEKW BuT ScUttLe ?? Pepega q ? KEKW KEKW ??????????// KEKW KEKW HOLY CHAT IS ACTUAL IRON LULW ? taxing BIG BRAIN JUNGLER Pepega KEKW kR q KEKW KEKW KEKW Q KEKW close Q KEKW ???? KEKW pvman=gg ????????????? KEKW NOT BAD KEKW Pepege Q They know lee sin q is so hard to hit :( them qs lol threw every advantage he ha dLULW JG GAP KEKW KEKW music Kreygasm D: Na Rush KEKW better jg wins KEKW pvmanLeesin pvmanQ KEKW spam ping 2 secs in advance then flame KEKW @nahdawgdataintme no blood it dont better jungler wins jg diff :) Elise ahead in cs KEKW Team inting rush Conspiracy’s presence of mind isnt worth on lee sin @Rush ??????????????????? KEKW KEKW wow lol KEKW KEKW WE WIN Pepega mid gap NOCTURNE ????????? definitely win Pog HOLY SHIT 5Head that was unlucky KEKW 5Head Pog VI VON KEKW EZ Clap KR FIESTA KEKW fiora KEKW so good Pog U ZULUL Kappa 123 Pog Fight fight fight KEKW Cait Pog PogYOu EZ Clap WTF CAIT holy fuck DansGame PogYou Just fight SMOrc !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again Caitly morgana is so busted LEC new ADC Pog xfsn saber Pog the shot calling is amazing machine gun cait monkaW adc is las player navishere KEKW Helllluuuh Sometimes I sit at my PC crying, because Rush is cute, but stupid, what do I do? Good 💩 !rushbus ──────▄▌▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▌ ───▄▄ █ pvmanKappa WATCH OUT I'M DRIVING ███████▌█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▌ ▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)▀ !commands @0liver10, You can find a list of all Commands here 100% a farming game lol bejun !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ 1-10 POWERSPIKE PLS BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG !jensen !chica why chat so slow because its MrDestructoid told ya rush dont farm xD he needs to stick to.skirmish only champs when he streams Karma was lost MrDestructoid chat sleeping shhhh everyone sleeping chat sleep to bad play is it worth to take sweeper on lee @Rush 1vs9 pvman = dead stream xD Kapp LUL Kapp still level 4 :( Kappa pvman = gg !rushbus pvman = pepega monster KEKW BAD DECISIONS BECAUSE THEY PLAY BAD !kekw I think it was mind game Kaisa mind game pvman = gg KEKW LUL !ppman puoke !lourlo Low Low Pepega this stream is just a KEKW farm OUT OF BUSH KEKW 5Head KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XDDDD lol OMEGALUL HAAAHAHAAAH pvman KEKW ? ??? LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOO KEKW LOL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW SO BAD KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW MALD pvman=gg KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol KEKW KEKW GGMAN inting KEKW MALD MaldChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yo 5Head . o O ( Pepege ) ?????????????? BibleThump GO ON DIET KEKW PVMAN = gg starO starO starO starO EVENTUALLY DEAD KEKW KEKW malding MaldChamp KEKW Dumbass LUL LUL LUL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL pvman = gg GRRRR pvmanFGM GO BACK HE WILL EVENTUALLY HIT IT MALD !leesin KKona so fat Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again MALD 💨 active19LUL pvman = gg KEKW KEKW lmao MaldChamp 💢 MALD OMEGALUL MALD "EVENTUALLY" LUL 3Head MALD MALD MALD MALD MaldChamp to tanky gachiBASS GO DIET MaldChamp loooool MALD 1/3 KEKW trkChamp Kapp int MALD LUL That actually tilted me 5Head thinking 3Head skill widepeepoSad MALD MALD MENTAL BOOOM Unlucky yeah sure KEKW HAHAAAHAHAHA Stop please Arrvjgjgjgjg MALDING MaldChamp MALD Rush Love living life on the edge MALD FFMAN KEKW mald MENTAL GONE OpieOP ff lol MAlding MaldChamp grey hair wont matter MALD Weve jsut witnessed a mental explosion HIT BY EVERY SKILL SHOT LULW Bullying KR challenger players (my team) Clap b00m? hes about to int PepeLaugh pvman = gg KEKW bot lane LUL 1-10 Powerspike MaldChamp mental boom MALD pvman = gg KEKW !jensen MENTAL BOOMED LUL LUL You tried to 1v1 fizz also MALD coming thru ♿ Stop please and play sensibly 29cs Q KEKW LUL ? GLITCHED KEKW huge ints LOST TO KRUGS KEKW !na KEKW LUL Glitched btw !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ Q KEKW Tilted KEKW glitched KEKW pvman = emotional player Scouting Q in case Elise was here smart ! 10:00 Lvl 5 Pepega pvman = gg TIA. PogU Pog PogU WTF Pog PogU PogU PogChamp Pog wtf HAHAHAHAHAAHAHh Pog PogU @Rush have you tried ap shaco jg PogU Pog PogU WTF asdasjfıas oh shitttt PogU Q KEKW Pog KEKW XD pOG PogU PREDICT Pog PVMAN = GG Pog Q KEKW LOL:OL MaldChamp ez LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PogU PogChamp Not Owrth Pog MaldChamp Clap LOL Pog PogU NICE PREDICTION PogChamp POgGERS POOGERS {pg Pog Pog p00000ggggg 200 iq Pog Pog PogU lool PogU PogU PogU haha POGGERS PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp to LUL POGGG ChomPag From PogChamp to KEKW PogU ChomPag 1/4 EZ Clap O 5Head Q PogU PogChamp PogChamp Pog Pog PogChamp PogChamp CLIP IT PogU pog u POG PauseChamp i dont its KEKW or a Pog FUUUUUUUUUU kekW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL wtf that was so Pog @Rush where the youtube videos at PogChamp PogChamp C L I P PogU Pog EZ CLAP :( That Q was sexy @Rush 5Head Kappa old rush FeelsGoodMan KEKW ChomPag !commands 5Head @MediumSpicyTaco, You can find a list of all Commands here 5Head RUSH TELL ME HOW YOU DO IT pvman = gg PauseChamp 5Head 5Head Clap 95pogu 5Head 5Head simple really It looked more Like 65% I will buy your brain Kappa win win 5Head 5Head ah yes LUL 1/4 > 0/4 KEKW that q was sick cait still got a double that was Pog as shit Kapp KEKW nocturne is the real jungler Used the ward KEKW KEKW Q KEKW PogU !8ball pvman = ? @156lean, the 8-ball says... Don't count on it pvmanMonkey 2 wards 2-4 Pepega Pepega Clap ?? ? LUL pvman = gg KEKW ? outplayed KEKW ? HAHAHAHAAHAH KEKW HAHAHAH PogU KEKW KEKW elise malding KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog elise MALD KEKW Pog LULW PogChamp PogChamp KEKW KEKW KEK KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW ez clap POG ???? KEKW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KEKW KEKW Jebaited lol Jebaited EZ Clap all planned Kapp monkaW KEKW !subcount Jebaited Current sub count: 846 EZ Clap Elise inting KEKW sssllluuurp Noc Mid LUL Poog 0/6 KEKW 200 iq Pog LUL KR BAIT KEKW Jebaited hehe Pepega JGS KEKW triggered KEKW Missed q Pepege Clap 5Head LUL LUL she's worse than u lol EZ Clap yes yes all planned Pepega Clap 0/6 ELISE 1/4 PLAN 5Head mmmm league of legends EZ Clap 5Head 5HEAD look how the team follows goddamn LULW NO DIE Clap Wasting tp for pvman KEKW 5Head better jg wins EZ Clap o pvman does not equal gg widepeepoSad kim possible 5Head widepeepoHappy hmmm no @Rush how does it feel to be a pepega monster mostt deaths widepeepoHappy ? Its mid gap KEKW 4Weird got timed out for 15 seconds for sending a clip truly hard carry You lucky bitch u are just the less worse jungler KEKW yes :) all lanes winning just jungle losing LULW whitepeoplehappy Pog Then they dont want you KEKW blitz PepeLaugh KEKW this is why you are not playing for teams KEKW Your lanes are all hard winning tho OpieOP buy the muai thai skin @Rush blitz KEKW PauseChamp !lee 4/6 deaths KEKW !leesin Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again league of legends Quote That PauseChamp ❓ charge Pepega Pepega 📣 CHAAAARGE KEKW KEKW he didn't killed any top jungle KEKW Kapp !lourlo Low Low Pepega Pepege @Rush presence of mind not worth boss???? gg "Lets Not Throw The Game" Pog EZ KS as usual Pog as usual Kapp never miss q Pog as usual Kapp 5Head slurp slurp 5Head sssSSSss OMEGAYAYA PepegaPhone SLUUUUUURP greeding Poor Elise BibleThump i just nose 5Head 5Head 5Head nose @rush plays jungle - He doesn't farm jungle Facts !uptime @himako39, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 31 mins 50 cs 1 min challenger LUL LUL 5Head Pog yasN ? You didn't take a hit from the bong? 15 ??? xd Pog BM Pog Pog BM KEKW Pog PogU Pog KEKW EZ Clap PogU POGG KEKW Pog PogYou KAISA KEKW Pog KEKW BM KEKW PepeLaugh Pog !xd ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ 5Head RUDE widepeepoSad Depression PogU KEKW CLEAN !! !team kappa pride Pog lmao PogU pleeees widepeepoSad succcc widepeepoSad EZ Clap LUL 5Head EZ Clap EZ Clap O KR solo Q EZ Clap !leesin EZ Clap Rush ResidentSleeper popping ResidentSleeper off ResidentSleeper on ResidentSleeper Lee ResidentSleeper again too EZ too EZ for rush hggOkay hggOkay hggOkay hggOkay hggOkay EZ Clap EZ Clap jungle gap FeelsGoodMan widepeepSad JG GAP Pog EZ Clap EZ Clap POGGERS game ending solo kill Pog EZ CLAP FORTNITE POGGERS PauseChamp ❓ Kapp PLAY DOTA2 tft better game for you LUL I love you Rush :) @Rush is this old Rush PogChamp jg diff Pog KEKW night eush How about Tetris? Kappa EZ thicc lmfao too ez KEKW KP God Pog THICC PogU lmao pvman no biceps KEKW PepeLaugh minecraft better game for you Kappa solitare is pretty hard tetris 99 !leesin Haha bad cs Kappa PVMAN IS GG Pog !uptime finally a win KEKW KEKW rank 1 when?? ARAM KEKW @ElChamorrero, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 33 mins You ever face Dopa? @Rush YASU OMEGALUL KEKW 4Fun KEKW ARAM PogU KEKW KEKW 4fun player PepeHands KEKw mata 4fun player PepeHands MATA KEKW KEKW mata PepeHands Play aram too Pog it doesn't fuck KEKW @Rush presence of mind not worth on lee sin? play yasuo plz Mata KEKW first win today roosh? KEKW he needs a girl to play with, go play Kappa play yasuo Pog PepeHands @Rush good night everyone :) Play katarina Rush pls @Rush is evelynn good in s10 PepeHands Mata KEKW what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? nidalee plz POGGERS so many tier 6 and 7 PepeHands 4Fun KEKW mata lost at worlds PepeHands Mata = your mother . in my language LUL PepeHands @ActiveFocus nah he was rank 1 on korean server and plays with pro players but never played dopa lol Rush what basics do i need to learn for jungle? I want to get better Juan Mata KEKW 4fun KEKW Revolutionary support player PepeHands yea how is Smeb bad now?!!? older KEKW !uptime @pazzp1, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 33 mins KEKW KEKW they are bad @Rush how do I get brain like you? Ok ty @twosevenoffsuit27 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 FeelsBadMan no one wants rush as wekk PauseChamp ❓ @Rush presence of mind not worth boss???? talking about yourself? god thresh benched PepeHands @Rush try ap shyvana SNACKY PepeHands what about that rush guy reflecting himself on other players KEKW KEKW rush relating to mata because they're both old PepeHands @Rush KEKW u are bad now cuz u too old @rush rox PepeHands Pepege sneaky sneakySame !rank Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp but you didnt have 1 bad split you had multiple :) @Rush Pepege 🎺 He Pepega Char too much Rush Kappa KEKW KEKW DECLINED BY RUSH KAPPA KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW Kapp ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 ARAM with Mata 😡 Kappa widepeepoSad KEKW kapp KEKW Big Kapp KEKW Kappa too good Keepo celery Pepega Kapp blame yellowstar Kappa Kapp Keepo CLOWN9 RUSH KEKW !lp LUL @Rush play ekko jungle YES Kapp PepeHands delusional KEKW what do you think of tarzaned KT rush sneaky mata flame ucal POG KEKW rush relating to mata because they're both old PepeHands @Rush Kapp Yes Kapp no Kapp Cloud9 PepeHands rush is delusional widepeepoSad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ C9 needs a jungler Kapp aram better game mode for you :) no Kapp i think going to echo fox really tanked your value, esp cuz they were such a shit org yes @demiirie FREE TARZANED :) get a job in OCE is cuz your hair... it's true that you don't deserve an offer KEKW Rush hates mata KEKW Move to NA and become full time streamer, its your destiny @Rush PepeHands like Sneaky it makes perfect sence Like Lourlo?? even xwx? widepeepoSad kind boy FeelsBadMan Rush has never had bad split, never. @Rush mata was your former teammate? PepeHands jelly jelly Kapp they are too old PepeHands strong mental Pog :) Shadow dogs unleashed Rush Kapp meals KEKW OpieOP widepeepoHappy meals to survive Pog TRUE KEKW are you satisfied with your solo q performance? LUL widepeepoHappy pvman = dodge KEKW would you go to China for a team? meals PogU Even Fenix? and queso where is kt rush in world 2018? KEKW True that milf? FeelsGoodMan TRUE KEKW MEALS TO SURVIVE KEKW KEKW you need burger @Rush Can we watch replays of some good junglers instead of your play like Tarzan or Clid? brain LUL I miss KT rush pepehands No feet? and pp? 5Head 5Head no brain tho :( no food KEKW same widepeepoHappy how about deftuuuu KEKW what about lube? and gf? rush have you ever had bad split? what about ass you need more pyke supports and lucian adcs do you sometimes think you are delusional? u dont need hair be bald to show watermelon brain KEKW and pp rub :) Girls what about grill? Where is the brain? what about your butt hole KEKW KEKW DansGame no shower wtf rush What about us? KEKW KEKW Hoes u dont need kidney? you can also have a wife if you want KonCha hehehe you know what u need these fingers for Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa not girls? Kappa Kapp what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? Kappa KEKW Kapp Krappa Kappa @Rush presence of mind isnt worth on lee sin? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp Kapp gachiGASM 160 Kapp Kappa KEKW PVMAN IS GG Pog Okay pvmanKappa WAIFU TehePelo Kappa Kappa Kappa stop pls Kapp LUL PEAK KEKW Kappa WeirdChamp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa pvman = gg LULW yes you're better at coinflipping shit ganks KEKW true hahahaahahaa LUL Krappa KEKW Kapp KEKW Peak KEKW agreed Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp TRUE KEKW hahahahhaha PEAK KEKW Kapp kappa yes :) HAHAHJAHJAHJ Just unlucky KEKW PEAK PERFORMANCE KEKW Kappa @Rush 0% WR ekko btw :) peak league of legends = Pepega peak performance rush TOO EMOTIONAL KEKW peak chimp game lol he smashed clid yesterday you may not like it :) never lucky Kapp true KEKW good one rush Kappa is this KR doublelift @Rush how high did tarzan climb in korea? LUL LUL LUL LUL Kappa LULW Kapp Kapp lier 5Head Kapp Kappa Kapp Kapp Kapp Kappa sometimes i dont know if rush is just trolling or if he is actually a sociopath Sure Kapp Kapp Kappa Kapp Feeding to make it more challenging 5Head @rush what teams have you played on? Kapp Kapp PauseChamp ❓ I'm dying lmao @Rush TRUE Klappa Kappa KEKW YEAH RIGHT KEKW nope YES Kappa 5Head Kapp rank 1-5 PogU Rush you have a bigger ego than tyler1 LUL @Rush KEKW KEKW farming Kappa Kapp L9 Kappa Kappa Kappa monkaS Kappa all league of legends players are alpha af IRL KEKW 5Head 5Head Clap ah yes KEKW pokiAww pokiAww pokiAww pokiAww WIN JG ALREADY THEN TALK KEKW Rush is unofficial world champion 🙂 you should go play starcraft 2 KEKW true LULW N OMEGALUL 5Head PogU sometimes Kappa oh no he's starting to sound like trick2g Kapp lol L9 Rush smite king monkaW he's unstable Worse than the enemy jungle humble Kapp true but are you better then your jungler? @Rush KEKW is this what NA did to you KEKW 듀얼 모니터?.. KEKW N OMEGALUL Kappa KEKW rush very creative at joking about how good he is :) Kapp Kapp Kappa Kkap TIP Rush No KEKW no Go play Fortnite BigBrother BigBrother NOT EVEN RANK 1 KEKW POOGERS rush can't get rank 1 on your best role, but you think you would be rank 1 on all roles 🤔 No? no. Kappa DELUSIONAL KEKW is your ego bigger than your pp @Rush @Rush Prove you good and win with graves. You say he bad, prove you gud ok ty :) Kappa KEKW KEKW @Rush clip this and send to university, think ur insane :) unlucky... humble boy FeelsGoodMan KEKW pvmanKappa pvmanKappa pvmanKappa OMEGALUL KEKW but it league of legends KEKW TRUE KEKW He was Rank 5 season 8 also rank 1 honor level Pog PepegaPhone bessstest KEKW rush = kr tarzaned KEKW kind boy gone forever PepeHands HAHHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW are you in top 5 player of all time? gachiHYPER KEKW what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? TRUE gachiW PROVE IT gachiHYPER prove it @Rush why arent you rank 1 if youre the best then lsxyzMmm KEKW show on stream gachiGASM @rush pvman = gg KEKW BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage gachiBASS LUL KEKW gachiW humble BTW KEKW gachiGASM KEKW show peepee KEKW @rush thoughts on fenix I’m the best HandsUp SquadW banned D: hardstuck challenger LULW wear sweatpants and make us sweat @rush play graves you ended your lose streak :) PROVE IT @Rush what d1 player says they're rank 1? twitch rivals next? HandsUp 1v1 tian on leesin worlds biggest ego, worlds smallest pp peepee smol Pog Clap SCRIPTED KEKW korean challenger noob LULW 5 Pog what rank did u end up this season? widepeepoHappy KEKW Bought honor KEKW play eve :) @Rush gachiW prove it it's worth the ban honor lvl 5 Pog paid for honor boost ? widepeepoHappy Korea used to honor bad players :/ @Rush are you a better lee then tian? whats ur thoughts? also your english improved alot u sound native english p much. @Rush thoughts on aphelios? FAKE KEKW didnt even know it went to lvl 5 BigBrother Paid for honors KEKW kr honors inters NA MVP Pog and 7k views nice pvman = gg KEKW Honor sould be 1 MAX KEKW yes :) Prove it gachiGASM @Rush Prove you good and win with bad champ graves :) Only a superstar could win on bad champ :) YES KEKW @그룹화이팅 yes they honor rush because they support the mentally handicapped its really nice :) FAngirls YES gachiW YES Pog OMEGALUL worth it gachiW PAID KEKW LUL boxLewd Worth Pog Well the other team must honor you for inting them kills. gachiW YES KEKW AND GIRLS Pog @Rush You're looking cute not gonna lie ;) 👉 👌 ❓ YES POG FANBOYS? gachiW AYAYA pp be as famous as locodoco Worth KEKW KappaPride worth trust me finally it will stop the pv man gg spam LUL KappaPride KappaPride prove pp and then get mixer money Fanboys? Why not fangirls? KappaPride @Rush are you a better lee then tian? whats ur thoughts? also your english improved alot u sound native english p much. gachiW show peeepee @Rush presence of mind isnt worth on lee sin? WORTH KappaPride boxLewd small peepee widepeepoSad what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm?@rush WORTH KappaPride AYAYA finally you won? KEKW pvman=gg KEKW BUt you already said you prefer guy to girl Rush fangirl here pvmanPride KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW if I go to korea next year where shud I visit>? KEKW KEKW pipi or riot KEKW KEKW monkaW @Rush do you have guide on how to big brain like you ? <3 PVMAN = GG his was accidental KEKW overA overW LUL KEKW pvmanPride SourPls what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm? loco is coco OMEGALUL LUL pvmanPride KEKW KEKW LULW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyLUL sneakyLUL sneakyFedora sneakyFedora That's never happen to me and I'm only 15 :) KEKW LUL HAHAAHAH LUL KEKW Can you talk in Korean for a while to compare it to your English sounding KEKW HAHAHHAHAHA play olaf @Rush rush is expert KEKW @Rush Don't forget to turn off stream today LULW kEKW unlucky KEKW KEKW gachiW rush important question are you my dad lol HandsUp faf lmao lool HandsUp FAP KEKW D: wait what happened KEKW PauseChamp ❓ sneakyJensen sneakyJensen Do you miss sneaky and meteos? KEKW loco? HandsUp @rush are you playing on NA rn? @rush important question are you my dad KEKW unlucky cohhFeels He's not crazy, he's just loco LULW wait that actually happened? sneaky1 sneaky2 @reilovebot ah a newfrog PepeLaugh locodoco jacked off on stream in like season 2 or 3 gachiW why use Blitz over OPP? Any benefits? Jebaited @reilovebot its old @Rush are u friends with locodoco loco did it on purpose gachiGASM locodoco Kreygasm WHO Jebaited ? Jebaited Baiting KEKW KEKW Jebaited l OMEGALUL c OMEGALUL d OMEGALUL c OMEGALUL loco KEKW in front of the cam? master baiter KEKW what the heck Didin't Sneaky do that years ago? LOD tristana sneakySpook sneakySpook rush are you my dad Locodoco still best ADC Korea ever had basscon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! you're my favorite inting jg Support KEKW @Rush how often do u make the fappening happen @Rush does preseason matter? SUPP KEKW @Rush That happened to L0d too LULW supp rush KEKW people not knowing about locodoco incident PepeLaugh newfrogs SUPP Pog @ineedthisforgiveaways not wrong KEKW for views supp gap = gg rush please tell me r u my dad @Rush Prove you good and win with bad champ graves :) Only a superstar could win on bad champ :) he is loco. he did on purpose KEKW KEKW first game autofill Rush did u ever use ur black stick to play megaman? KEKW LUL YES HandsUp KEKW WutFace KEKW gachiW sneaky fap KEKW An asian girl did it before and it was clearly intentional she got banned sneakySpook sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakySpook2 KEKW It wasn't Sneaky, it was L0D LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Rush sneaky rank 1 na ? @rush never mind I’m an ignorant idiot lmao gachiW gachiW gachiW HandsUp HandsUp LUL TRUE Pog true Kreygasm sneakyC KEKW why you didnt come to all stars? Do you include yourself in that statement? @Rush Is Blitz better than facecheck or what ever its called sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 @Rush do you fap because of lust or for health reasons pvmanFBM KEKW OOOOF toxic BigBrother LUL isn't senna free right now? @Rush so it doesn't matter if you own her LUL oglISSOU daphLul what is the english word to hidding your pp between your legs? @Rush favorite manga? FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan sneakyPride sneakyFun sneakyPride sneakyFun PepeHands FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan @rush dude plz tell me r u my dad FeelsBadMan @ItMeDucklan doesn't work on ranked widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan PauseChamp ❓ FeelsBadMan PepeHands FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad @그룹화이팅 KEKW there isnt a word for it PepeHands Redmercy is going KEKW I voted rush FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan i voted for you :( PepeHands KEKW they dont invite streamers to all stars right? KEKW oh right @cute9000 i forgot they did that a while ago too good for all stars FeelsBadMan u need to own senna to use senna in ranked !followage chano0o0 FeelsBadMan @PARADlSER, chano0o0 has been following rush for 11 months 29 days 3 hours blame chat for not voting KEKW Lee Pog THEY ONLY INVITE FUNNY PEOPLE SAY NO @Rush You can come to my All Stars event if you want i voted ppman and snacky widepeepoSad @rush i’m looking for my dad r u my dad pvman = only allstar KEKW sneakyH sneakyH sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun Suggest Jungle. Now jungle is burning KEKW graves @그룹화이팅 Tucking? idk LULW nunu -- play olaf @Rush PepegaPhone CHECKING IN i voted for you pvmanFBM amumu BabyRage Lee sin and int @Rush rush im not gonna lie u are looking too skinny again please eat <3 Pepega CHARRRRRRRRRRGE PepegaPhone CHAAAAAAAAAARRRRGE pvman= FeelsBadMan PepegaPhone CHECKING IN UNSTOPPABLEEE KEKW rush olaf what role did he get? Pepega CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE RUSH isnt my sugar DAD thats so BAD widepeepoSad BabyRage BabyRage Unstoppable CHARRRRGE Pepega @c_cc tucking, that's the one I heard dont fap bro CHAT help me find my dad, please help me ask Rush if h me is my dad what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm?@rush tpExodiaarmL tpExodiaface tpExodiaarmR tpExodialegL KEKW tpExodialegR The legend of pvman is back Pog fap break @ReverendALove KEKW Oof if rush falls behind this game LUL @ReverendALove LULW PauseChamp ❓ !olaf oh lordt 2 minute man ReverendALove KEKW E TU oglISSOU Blitz : Olaf @FULL_CAPS_BRO tpYGOcreepy Blue door is so Icvnic banggGolden banggGolden Locodoco ? monkaW today is December 1st and rush is doing his duty chair stream KEKW his doody NNN is over gachiW fap break pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey I fuckin hate IWD ResidentSleeper FFFFFFFFFFFFF Nooo NotLikeThis NotLikeThis voyD voyEYY ResidentSleeper F A T N U T Pvman=dodge KEKW CHAIR STREAM ONCE AGAIN pvman = dodge KEKW f dude IWD complains aaaalllll stream, like hashinshin LUL @알넴미 gift me a sub, I want to use the monkey emote @rush pls yt video im thirsting for one :( pvman = dodge LULW D OMEGALUL M pvmanNOO pvmanNOO tpExodiaarmL tpExodiaface tpExodiaarmR tpExodialegL tpYGOpotofgreed tpExodialegR WeirdChimp Pog INTPACT KEKW no Yes Pog Hi @rush Pepega checking in tpYGOobliterated int practice KEKW play with intpact YES cyberbully law in korean soon! u are fucked get banned KEKW Not call him Intpact 😡 DUO IMPACT can i drink you like a glass of water KappaPride The legend of Pvman is back Pog support KEKW INTpact !uptime @FrostTurtle, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 45 mins Support Pog KEKW eempact inTpact? INTPACT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP impact have respect rush say his name correctly... INTpact EEmpact Kappa Intpact mr supp TOP DIE KEKW pvman = ????????? >not duoing with impact tfw liquid and impact needed a new jungler but they didnt invite u does eempact mean something else in korean? @Rush INTpact Pog uBullie wym show us korean keyboard AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? qjAYAYA how similar is solo q to pro games blitz duo with corejj plz QI AYAYA AYAYA ? AYAYA ? Please Don't Bully Me, PVman AYAYA I wanna see korean keyboard too POGGERS !uptime @kre_on_twich, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 46 mins pvman = AYAYA rush what do you think about sylas? K AYAYA NNA Play olaf kabajiAYAYA you only play with world champions. What happened to you AYAYA look korean face haha! good one! play teemo BloodTrail PepeLaugh supp LEE SIN pls KEKW can you play udyr what's ur opinion on the pre season so far? also what junglers do u consider strong atm?@rush play udyr jg, is broken !opbb !opgg why AYAYA Udyr jg Pog 5 min into game Rush bullies and 1v9 Pog @Rush any coaches you would recommend for me since you are not coach Kappa Man, why are u so bad @Rush when theres a jg dif, can you win a game? so alt = switch languange? only talk meme? rush how do you copy and paste flash timers in league? Elise! ELISE any AYAYA ? GRAVES please Lee Sin pyke why chat spamming? AYAYA rumble in the jungle KEKW Kappa mid ? udyr udyrr YASSUO KEKW Kapp Udyr :) @Rush NUNU leeskin Kappa lies KEKW Kapp Kappa actually??? lolclass udyr Kapp but maybe Kindred :) Kapp Kappa Kappa is nautilus op in this patch please tell me taric Kappa Pyke @rush captain teemo on duty oce offer is the regular horean keyboard in english? @TheJukeSidewalker ctrl+A selects all text you typed LIES BR offers KEKW STILL HOMELESS KEKW BRONZIL udyr Play elise, the other side of the matchup @Rush Neeeeedalee DisturbedFrog subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kappa sure you did Kappa sure, lots of offers Kapp FAKE KEKW Kappa Kappa taric why did you reject? Can u Play Nidaleee Kapp Kapp lies Go master yi supp pls unemployed emotional jungler why SKT ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kapp NOOOOOOOOOO udyrx OCE Where in LAN AND LAS @Rush Nidalee! please brazil lol OCE offers KEKW Nidalee :P <3 bronzil offers from BBQ OLIVERS KEKW Jin Air offered? @Rush :) @3ggj i tried but it didnt work Krappa Clap UDYR :) BR OR OCE KEKW @Rush nunu bro Kappa Rush, You just enjoy the game alot, thats why I watch uydrrrr blitzcrank I saw the donation team offer kappapride lpl RW did make an offer rite? from TR and BR KEKW just season break it ok roosh gogo dont decline DansGame Just suck it up and come back to NA, you'll be considered good here @Rush @Rush Supermassive still needs a jungler SURE KEKW FAKE KEKW @Rush Master Yi!! Turkish and brazilian teams KEKW RUSH HEAD OCE COACH 4Head Rush you can join our NA diamond clash team low pay Kapp Kappa because the teams suck KEKW @rush u have an offer from FREE AGENT MingLee MingLee Kappa bronzil, oce and turkey BibleThump but rush we wanna see u in a real competetive again 아... For sure for sure Kappa Likely story is nautilus op in this meta please tell me THE KENCH PogU No offer from major regions LUL Kapp huge BRONZIL LMAO 4fun player KEKW PVMAN = GG OSFrog The contracts states he cant be Pepega $4 a month BibleThump :) You can reveal. You're not under contact since you rejected KEKW 4fun support KEKW bad matchup 43.7% win rate KEKW pvman=gg Rush pro career = over KEKW pvman = gg atm 5Head dodge inc KEKW pique? jobless KEKW @Rush sign a contract with Griffin Kappa Chivas esports offert 2 hamburgers per day for Rush, and he decline KEKW Hes already dodging Natilus Q LUL LUL pvman=dodge pvman = gg dodge KEKW pvman = RUN AWAY BECAUSE OF YOUR THAM PICK pvman = dodge widepeepoSad duo mata Pog pvman=dodge go bald LUL LUL LUL PVMAN = DODGE KEKW use headset to pull hair back? thats what i do GO BALD Pog wear headband shaco support? Duo Feivi @rush Would you like CvMax as your coach?? just accept ur destiny to become full time streamer! @Rush Kapp Duo Fevi KEKW KEKW just give one example GIVE ONE NAME OR FAKE KEKW Offer to be janitor? KEKW LULW LULW KEKW offer for my flex team :) LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW what team? :) @Rush Brazil teams LULW Kappa riiight give one name then KEKW actual teams = LJL LUL KEKW Bronzil Team KEKW moon2WUT NA? @Rush Do Korean esports team have a really bad reputation for slave contracts or just Griffin? only turkey offers KEKW you're not good enough to be pro, sorry kid lcs team? Duo Faker :) @Rush any offers from TSM or C9 KEKW korean challener and na academy i guess NA??? i got banned from learning how to play like u in singapore server what team then? @Rush SKT Go get a bowl and then get scissors just become coach OCE teams? na teams or korea ?? Rush Troll us 4Fun leak then why does it matter now just say the region at least its a brazil team Give league so I can hire you 5head what region? NA or KR? what's leaking? gachiW supermassive KEKW fnc offered him a job. oh that reminds me that jg role is still vacant for my clash team if u want it :) its academy team TSM RUSH KEKW go duo with saber @Rush we won't tell anyone Kapp for waterboy position? KEKW @rush Hi there! I want invite you to my 5vs5 flex que as jungler. I think we will be really strong mid jg duo :) please dm me if you are interested ! Just formed a team yourself and name it pvman=gg moon2JR Kapp What regions at least @Rush KEKW nice beard btw lmao shuddup haha PepeHands come to superior region where Wolf plays Pog TR Pog @rush please answer question from @fhekgor hahaha LAST OFFER KEKW KEKW PepeHands LUL LUL LUL rush just wants to spend more time with chat Kapp yeah it'll come tomorrow Kapp it was a JP team PepeHands LULW dont join korean teams literally signing your life away NO GF NO FREE TIME Kapp @rush did you get offer from gin air green wing? Kappa ChomPag join sneaky's team Kapp In my little town we have 1 tournament fpr 1250 rps nexts month you want to participe?? Surprising OpieOP widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad tomorrow will be better :) Your insta is gone so what clash team you joining @Rush Yeah I got many offers too but I also can't tell no Kap kaPPa Tomorrow will be better widepeepoSad upload a selfie TehePelo @Rush SHOW EMAIL WITH REDACTED NAMES AND ORGS @rush Griffin needs a new jungle Kekw yes @Rush Instagram app from windows store Offer from Delta Fox Pog no ChomPag no any girl msg? @rush Hi there! I want invite you to my 5vs5 flex que as jungler. I think we will be really strong mid jg duo :) please dm me if you are interested ! dunno brother, i'm not a zoomer Instagram dot com f12 then f5 I DON'T KNOW, HOPE i HELPED :) GRAVES :) egirl DMs Pog VAEVICTIS RUSH confirmed lee Pog @rush yes F12 then F5 When's the last time you talked to a girl IRL? probably dignitas offering way too low since they dont have money after they gave huni all of it At least tell us the region @rush Just log in on a web @lemillionx the real lemillion Pog Hey rush, you look so young today ?D nope u cant U should go to TSM instead of dardoch KEKW rush doesnt know what a girl is KEKW KEKW wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW TSM RUSH KEKW @rush trust me KEKW KEKW D: excluding ur mom LUL OMEGALUL lol KEKW KEKW LUL D: LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW atpSpiner KEKW KEKW "never" DOESN'T REMEMBER KEKW mom doesn't count KEKW KEKW @ribath1 POWER!! best reaction KEKW You can talk to me @Rush IRL hi rush @Rush rank 1 or girlfriend choose one LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kreygasm SISTER KEKW LUL lmao KKona KKonaW KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW KKona Kreygasm SHOW SISTER KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm KKona Rush sister Kreygasm hot D: KEKW KEKW D: D: D: LUL Show sister Pog shes hot Kreygasm D: D: D: D: D: same 4 bans LUL KKona D: D: AYAYA D: D: IS SHE HOT ? LIKE YOU KEKW @Rush What about Hachubby streamer? boxD D: D: worthless D: what about rush cousins KEKW D: D: LUL LUL D: D: KKona XD D: SHOW SISTER WeirdChamp lmaoooo KEKW show sister RUSH SISTER IS KPOP KEKW D: bruh... damn show sisters Kreygasm LIKE YOU KEKW D: is she a BTS Fan ? WeirdChamp LUL don't bully your imouto @Rush SISTER LEE MAIN KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Rush is blitz sponsoring you? show sister SHow her on stream @rush Hi there! I want invite you to my 5vs5 flex que as jungler. I think we will be really strong mid jg duo :) please dm me if you are interested ! Worthless words coming from RUSH KKona american at heart Clap show sister worthless sisster so sad sister BTS fan? PLAY UDYRRRR Rushister PogChamp !subcount Current sub count: 847 !song @Rush how do your parents feel about you being pro player/streamer? Rush sister = female version of rush show peepee first Justlikethat said u were a bad jungler. What do you think? @rush Hi there! I want invite you to my 5vs5 flex que as jungler. I think we will be really strong mid jg duo :) please dm me if you are interested ! Your sister mains Yasuo? @Rush what is best ADC champ/ !playlist sneaky showed his sister. Now it is your turn weird chat rush is your sister a weeb, only weeb are worthless LUL K6 Pog do u still need to care for sis and mom so u dont take offers from non korean teams because u wanna be close? is ur sister hot ? Would you play in a smaller region ? or like an academy team of NA ? @Rush ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper who has bigger ego, rush or his sister? Rush no music pls ;) @Rush show sister please @Rush you didnt ban panth , its gg PepeHands What do you think about conq on kha? @Rush show sister KKona rushitster Lactea PogChamp k6 boooriing show sister KEKW KEKW @rush dumbdumb you can check ig dms with f12 then f5 KEKW KEKW i am rush sister :) KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW LUL KEKW true TRU KEKW D: D: D: cant lie Kappa I play bard tho feviknight @Rush what is best ADC champ @Rush How old is your sister? toxic D: fevi isn't an inter rooBooli fevi :( Mikyx is bard player no :) fevi PepeHands KEKW Rush a Bard Main D: Wow D: fevi PepeHands master girl LOL KEKW KEKW feviknight KEKW feviknight crying PepeHands fevi widepeepoSad D: TOO FAR D: Rush Sister mains, Ivern D: no PepeHands LOL LUL KEKW Big Brain widepeepoSad When will you become Bard main then its perfect for you ! KEKW too far D: D: KEKW LUL I love bard mains :) OR RUSH KEKW @Rush Why u never play warwick Kappa Tristana main son @imthebestintheworld3 every1 hates you moon2A TRUE KEKW @Rush do you ever dodge on stream? laywer main lol rush are there many weebs on korea? Your parents like Rush??? Jungle main son PepeLaugh except bard main KEKW why you no doctor @runescapememelord noooooo how dare u Master Yi main son KEKW Rush Yassuo Son pvman = bard main or imagine having riven or yasuo main as ur child monkaS boys, is this blitz gg app for free or u need to pay? @Rush Best part with bard is to ult your teammates at worst possible moment @Rush KEKW best champion KEKW hey @Rush electrocute or DH on shaco? You should be banned instead of Tarzaned. I need to watch a real jungler. KEKW ResidentSleeper !time 18:21 @myzticgod free @Rush what is best ADC champ/?? imagine old bard coming back monkaW dumbledoge monkaW reginald sleeper? KEKW @trickspapi free tarzaned :) pvman=dont like to his parents How come there aren't any Riven 1 tricks in Korea Challenger? hey @Rush electrocute or DH on shaco?? KEKW @definitelynotkindred :) best keed @How2twitch ay , thanks for answering KEKW where do you find this music? @Rush pick udyr !uptime @xe2r, rush has been streaming for 3 hours 55 mins make viewers sleepy so u get more ad moneys KEKW coming through ♿ Rush bedtime soon widepeepoSad hey @Rush electrocute or DH on shaco??? @TyTheTrippy its lofi radio on youtube It’s 4:22 am here @rush hey ! @Rush electrocute or DH on shaco? KEKW @rush is it still possible you will join a team? botlane doesnt matter ? D: bless you then start red for level 2 gank ??? maybe do it 4fun 2:23 no worth make sure to just E before ganking no e KEKW LULW KEKW useless gank KEKW just flash WeirdChamp aftershock cd 20 sec KEKW where is core? :( ??? how do you have vision ???? KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad PepegaPhone RUUUUUUUUUSH MALD what was that LULW KEKW D: KEKW lost entire jungle KEKW D: D: your red gone KEKW 4Heed ur top jg is gone now Just dodge 4HEad RIP CAMPS KEKW 5Head 4Head 4HEad 4Heed 4Head Mid is boom LUL dont die LOOL JUST DONT DIE 4Head Just dodge it 4Head report mid lane for getting ganked korean advice Just dodge the game 4Head KEKW 4Heed BasedGod better jg wins smite king PepeLaugh Lucian mini map covered KEKW @Rush can you put on good music or what, my brain is getting mash YOINK KEKW KEKW camille KEKW lucian blind top fk ❗ typical losecian KEKW ! shaddup mannnnnnnnnn 😡 PUSH IT BigBrother cannon PepeHands is khazix good now? ❗❗❗ Z LUL E ZOE KEKW Z OMEGALUL E all plant why not red smite vs taliyah? to survive her one shot @Rush helping laners and not stealing farm :) this is new Rush :) Z OMEGALUL E xD rush 2020 @ItMeDucklan taliyah W outranges smite anyways KEKW dear rush, licorice is overrated and impact is underrated as fat as na lcs tops right? and broken blade sucks rite? ??? KEKW camille dirty inter camille went in so early KEKW KEKW cannon? camille MALD meme mille is mad Kappa meme Camille is Rush tier KEKW camille rushed trought mobs :( camille rush cosplay KEKW camille CHAAARGE Pepega 📣 4 camps league of resetting Just roam Pepega KEKW pvman = GG 😡 is there addona for summoners cd @Rush Destroy 🎐 December time gachiHYPER Tali AYAYA Q upgrade is better 😡 b U L L Y 5Head KEKW no upgrade is better😡 5Head what Hi roush Taliy OMEGAYAYA never upgrade, waste of time 5Head PepegaPhone upgrade D evolve Q that was like 30 pings 5Head pvman = Autism KEKW PepeLaugh R upgrade doesnt help during farming R to E to Q upgrade is the only way KEKW KEKW PepegaPhone EVOLVE F Evolve D Pepega Evolve summs evolve e :) !xD ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ evolve brain :) evolve passive :) Evolve Flash Pepega here comes the int int Pepega 500 hp gank PogU peepoArrive EZ KEKW LOST DRAKE KEKW !opgg KEKW Why u not evolved q ? Ez PepegaPhone SLUUUUUUUURP EZ Clap EZ mabbis monkaS dragon Pepega Lucian is making yall work for those kills EZ mabbis 4Fun PepegaPhone SLUUUUUUUURP giving away drake to kill top who will get outscaled anyway FailFish 4Fun Pepega mabbis infernal isnt that big atm widepeepoSad depressed lucian widepeepoSad top die widepeepoSad dont come Mr Rush PepegaPhone MALD KEKW hey... i came here to see rush gets bullied what is this !! widepeepoSad top What make you choose blue or red smite this game? @Rush PepegaPhone MALD KEKW 4HEad mobbys @Rush can you show me yor audio set up? widepeepoHappy ? KEKW PepegaPhone MALD KEKW 4HEad 5Head KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW HAHAHA LUL KEKW ? LUL if taliyah was there u were so dead challenger E People LUL drake is overrated, just 5 people aram like NA ez win Kappa too fast brain KEKW Red smite and evolve Q is much better OMEGALUL KEKW Broken brain 5Head LuL what are those numbers that guy keeps pasting? KEKW Pepega isnt FA YOON = rush? KEKW dumb inter what ever Big brain, you knew he was there! too fast predictions 5Head as usual LUL missed kill LU pvman = gg KEKW Pepega Clap PepeHands OMEGALUL NCS @FFBruno12 he doesn't need red smite to kill taliyah widepeepoSad Lucian Lushy no team PepeHands Rush, sneaky is #1 on Twitch for League and you are #2 OHAYO CHAT AYAYA / AYAYA Sneaky is tight @Qameow thanks @Doomed_Carrot sneaky is so fkn werid weird !uptime @Zer0_sama, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 6 mins @RyzykFizykMichalek weebs FeelsWeirdMan is sneaky gay? @angeriii so many pings widepeepoHappy clap your hands if youre and you know it widepeepoHappy Clap ! followage PepeLaugh watching sneaky for league and not for cosplay boxAYAYA @decodeproxy AYAYA Clap weebs MaldChamp widepeepoHappy Clap Clap calebAy @LTDMONSTER2 his cosplays are so cringe lol imagine watching sneaky and not being gay widepeepoHappy Clap huhuhuhu @rukia__kuchiki traps arent gay coming through Pepega @FULL_CAPS_BRO people having fun is C R I N G E speed monster PogU @lermasqai nah his cosplays just are PepegaPhone SPEED MONSTER Lucian widepeepoSad traps are not gay widepeepoHappy Clap tops getting farmed what are number draven gonna rage LUL widepeepoHappy SNEAKY NUDE Kreygasm widepeepoHappy Shelly imagine watching rush and not being Pepega what are numbers fa yoon is typing TRAPS AYAYA No bully top laner widepeepoSad if you had evolved q youd take this much faster Hi chat, is Rush a pepega again like yesterday? dummy R evolve KEKW Q evolve WeirdChamp !duo solo :( Evolving Q WeirdChamp @eastcoastboiii flash timers evolve E wtf WeirdChamp Evolving Q WeirdChamp kekw Pog KEKW Taliyah C ya Nerds nimbus cloacker hahahahaah he HeUH POOGERS widepeepoSad nimbus cloak Pog tal helping KEKW widepeepoSad leave britney alone monkaS Pepega 📣 COMING THRU don't leave me alone BabyRage monkaW evolved q would have killed him just like you? WROOOOOM widepeepoSad PepeHands peepoSad ❗ monkaW KEKW evolved q would have made america great again widepeepoSad KEKW @LivingToRiven evolved Q doesn't do more dmg just kill him 4Head PepegaPhone LUCIANOOO widepeepoSad PepeHands peepoSad yes it does dirty inters team widepeepoSad Evolve q only increases q rangeb r and then e evolve = 5Head whos better you or ambition?? noice PepegaPhone @LivingToRiven go google it buddy r evolve is 5Head R then W evolve is 5head 5Head naut Pog naut BigBrother Clap @LivingToRiven only gives range and lower cooldown if isolated Naut Bad? D: boxGhost ?????????? warded LUL XD Pepega rush Pepega KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL DuckerZ KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW Bullying Korean Challenger (ally team) 5Head routing towards drake PepegaPhone CYA NERD KEKW Pog Kappa Kappa nickiLOL nickiLOL LUL KEKW KEKW @angeriii half q cd when isolated? D: @rush you play competetive next season? MaldChamp clean JUNGLE YOUR BY KHA KEKW @Denshun Q evolve sucks PepeLaugh SMOrc widepeepoHappy Chill map SMOrc how to run around the jungle by Rush Pepega SMOrc XD PepegaPhone said he's waiting for summer split @TenahFRZ HAAAAHHAHA KEKW LUL @TenahFRZ bully widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW HAHA Pepega LUL @S1dieus all situational LUL KEKW 5Head HAHA Pepege plz make more noises like that aseest lul Jebaited lucians gone 🦀 Pepega CHARGE KEKW PepegaPhone chaaarge KEKW KEKW CHARGE Pepega Clap PepegaPhone CHAAAAAARGE top PICK ADC IS FKN TROLL PLAYS Pepega CHAAARGE hmm stealth for 6 seconds, and reset passive 3 times, OR half cd on isolated target. There's no question @Denshun PepegaPhone PepegaPhone CHAARGE Korean tp LUL @ribath1 lol i didnt watch for a month so seriously didnt know the status badge KEKW @hapziee thanks Pepega Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? KEKW ??????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW ????????? OMEGALUL KEKW hahaha KEKW lol wut ????? ?????????? KEKW SO BAD HOLY FK KEKW ? KEKW LUL KEKW ??????????? Pepega KEKW HAHAHA bbye GREEDY KEKW ????? LUL KEKW KEKW ????? 3Head KEKW SO BAD ???????????????? KEKW KEKW ????? KEKW KEKW xDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW wp KEKW ???? KEKW INTING KEKW KEKW KEKW xddddddddddddddddddddd kekw KEKW SO Pepega HAHAHAAHA LULW KEKW PVMAN KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW delusional ??????????? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL maybe i can kill him LOLW KEKW KEKW KEKW pvman=gg KEKW KEKW electrocute bbye KEKW BYE KEKW ????? KEKW LULW why tho Pepega idiot KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ?????????????? Wtf was that????? why KEKW ????? CRINGE lmao MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp WTF?? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD ???? kekw ? byw KWKQ BYE KEKW GGMAN! DELUSIONAL KEKW BYE Pepega KEKW GGMAN KEKW cya nerd KEKW KEKW DELUSIONAL Lucian top is better than jayce ??????????? LUL Pepega ???????????????? ???? KEKW slight int KEKW ggman WeirdChimp ???? ??? LUL YouDied KEKW PepegaPhone CYA NERD ???>??????????????????? troll 좀 그랬다 LEGIT INT KEKW NotLikeThis woof woof PVDELUSIONAL troll XD FARMING KEKW 'S KEKW PVMAN = GG ??????????? BYe KEKW LUL ???? How is this guy above diamond 4? you are so garbage KEKW cocky bastard electrocute KEKW ggman "maybe i can kill him" KEKW !xD electrocute bbye KEKW ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠛⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⡉⠉⠉⠙⢿⣿⠟⠉⠉⠉⣩⡇⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠈⠹⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠈⠁⠄⠄⣠⣾⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠄⠄⠄⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠸⠿⠿⠿⠟⠄⠄⠄⣰⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⠟⠁⠄⢀⣰⣶⣄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ PVMAN = GG KEKW @Rush HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR CHALL? ? bamboHmm ???? "the best that a human can" MaldChamp U FEEED HIM EKKW LUL LUL LUL by s+ KEKW KEKW xD Takes a nerd to know a nerd Kappa fad KEKW Too cocky LUL KEKW chat is so fast when u die funnt !kekw KEKW MALD INTING ❗❗❗ @Rush WHY NO E? xD DELUSIONAL KEKW wtf are u doing? SEE YA NERD LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL jasonrQ Kreygasm MALD KEKW Electro pepeg !xD Kreygasm I LOST !xd electrocute LUL !xd KEKW jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ Kreygasm S+ Kreygasm jasonrQ !clip If you saw something funny happen, please clip it so it gets into the YouTube highlights! You can also direct message the link to @bastii_ to get credited! i dont get u !XD For fun player MALD ING KEKW jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ Kreygasm I SAW IT 너무 재밌어ㅓㅓㅓ Pepege Kapp jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ jasonrQ pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey !opgg pvman=gg that talyias gonna destroy you @RonBurggandy WeirdChamp lame Kreygasm R + W evolve 5Head LUL NA e KEKW spammer WeirdChamp CAMILLE KEKW R > W > E KEKW Kreygasm KEKW CAMILLE KEKW camille ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Q EVOLVE IS BAD Kreygasm when u die chat just bullies you it's so funny lucian flaming in all chat KEKW get E MaldChamp pvman = GG What is lucian saying i need a translation this game is over PepeHands roosh cannot play kha ^^] PepegaPhone Q EVOOOLVE Evolve q EVOLVE Q Is this the PPman stream? why would he evolve Q FailFish lucian: report my jg for being afk KEKW bronze chat "evolve q" 4Weird WeirdChimp JUNGLE MONKEY WeirdChimp q evolve is bad if you go full damage right ? @Rush KEKW Pepega 📣 EVOLVE Q IM SILVER PepeHands cannon not evolving e first WeirdChimp cs KEKW wave management PogChamp @S1dieus na and euw challengers and master are silver KEKW i cs better in plat pvman can only take jungle KEKW evolve w All good players know u evolve e first Pog whats the evolve path nowadays idk Z O E monkaW W WeirdChamp PepegaPhone ROOOOOOOOSH WeirdChimp W KEKW evolved w=gg WeirdChimp JUNGLE MONKEY WeirdChimp WeirdChimp JUNGLE MONKEY WeirdChimp PepegaPhone MALD KEKW @Denshun KEKW NOT FALSE He wasn’t csing he was wave managing cleaver pvman = gg KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW jg diff KEKW KEKW ?! KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW E evolve would have given jump reset ResidentSleeper LULW KEKW KEKW W OMEGALUL W :D wtf is her q cooldown? KEKW FailFish FailFish KEKW MALD LUL Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KAEW LUL LUL LUL LUL Jebaited rush is dogshit KEKW stinky KEKW troll Jebaited Jebaited NO E EVOVE KEKW Jebaited KEKW KEAW KEKW That MF ult doe Pvman = gg KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL didnt evolve E KEKW jg gap u lose better jungler wins @Kakeeshka Low. gg ez and now you lose NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis no q evolve=gg NO U JUST BAD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW didnt evolve E KEKW jg kingdom R EVOLVE KEKW NO EVOLVE BRAIN KEKW !opgg AYAYA LUL IF YOU EVOLVED E KEKW W EVOLVE KEKW naut didn't even flash LULW rush plys in Korea because NA too hard go cleaver me alpha no q evolve, outthinking himself Shoulda camped bot LUL NA LUL RUSH pvmanFAM ALWAYS pvmanFAM INTING pvmanFAM widepeepoSad @Rush why dont you evolve your q? lactea was a korean import in Brazil professional teams has to beat up on poor Koreans to get his kea up holyyy kda LULW no q evolve = no 1v1 a lucian XDD hey pepega man lucian mad at u KEKW first time kha'zix KEKW GG KEKW Drag gone cirComfy dragone FeelsBadMan KEKW can't win, lucian has his 3/9 powerspike evolve q would have killed lucian in tri reported LUL 4HEad JUST KILL THEM Better Jungle Wins KEKW the chamo is not the problem KEKW mejai taliyah KEKW free win against Roosh KEKW mejai disrespect flanking with no e evolve OMEGALUL !uptime @MarcvsTulliusCicero, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 17 mins 5/2/2 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp 5/2/2 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp 5/2/2 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW @LivingToRiven It doesn't boost damage, you know KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW Lol @livingtoriven q evolve doesng actually increase q dmg imagine not evolving Q atpRtsd4 POG mf KEKW EZ Clap O EZ Clappo naut R saved you so hard EZ CLAPO POG WutFace KEKW EZ Clap O Pepega Clap PogU MF R????????? Pog DODGED 5 dmg TALENTED ?? you don't evolve Q anymore, iron chat. lolll wat Kapp Kapp hi rush i hope i hope i will not get banned for saying lol here as i did in hash chat :) Kapp EZ Clap Tons of offers from Pro teams Pog unlucky true LULW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW Lactea pog Kapp Talonted u know someone is layin when he says im talented LOL Smite king BETTER PLAYER CRITS KEKW smite peasant 99% crit chance doesnt crit KEKW KEKW Kapp ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 It has been 2 years since evolved Q doesn't increase damage, but people in chat are just dumb, ffs OMEGALUL KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW bad luck UUUH? Pepege POGGERS KEKW KEKW INTING KEKW ????? TALENTED KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW PVMAN = GG every time Pepega KEKW @cute9000 WeirdChamp throwing talented... Unlucky EXPLODED low reaction time LULW LUL LUL LUL ya you saw death LUL !clip If you saw something funny happen, please clip it so it gets into the YouTube highlights! You can also direct message the link to @bastii_ to get credited! buff transfer complete Pepega Clap Goodjob :D UUH? KEKW MALD ING KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPhone KEKW KEKW jg kingdom KEKW @Criminal997 WeirdChamp mod NO E EVOLVE KEKW MaldChamp JOBLESS KEKW back in s2 you could take 1% crit mastery and crit with GP KEKW It increases Range and lower cooldown YouDied YouDied YouDied pvman KEKW greedy better jg always wins KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW intking jg mom boom KEKW KEKW NEVER EVOLVE E KEKW you can always be a professional streamer rush widepeepoSad PVMAN IS NOT GG flash the blind ALISTAR QW COMBO @Rush IS NOT OBVIOUS?! I can see why you are no longer pro fam Rush got offers from pro teams but you guys dont know them, they go to another school Normal Rush pvmanMonkey pvman = gg KEKW why is he trolling??? !uptime @cute9000, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 19 mins @cute9000 widepeepoSad booli ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 ratirlKEKW2 @Herz3h It was a rune, not mastery rush mental poop Chat why did he not evolve E or Q? Grey screen simulator KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW @raamonez dumb @rush can you show keyboard? KEKW baron powerplay KEKW Q evolve is bad @raamonez and idk abt the E @Criminal997 booli gets boolied KEKW ziphoh mastery, there were runes that give mores than 1%, but mastery was 1% ;=) - BARON POWERPLAY iwdAYAYA yugwha3 yugwha4 q evolve is op increased range and cd on his strongest ability XD monkaS hachu1 hachu2 need q evolve to assassinate hachu1 hachu2 @Catsaus KEKW but ty though hachu3 hachu4 @Herz3h Oh, that must have been before i started lol @raamonez e evolve is good since they're hella ranged, don't really need q since in KR high elo they're not gonna run it down solo in the jg randomly yugwha1 yugwha2 hachu1 hachu2 f POG EZ Clap MaN hi @rush im incontinent but whenever i watch you stream, i can now shit cause your plays are so funny it makes me Shart. Thank you monkaS OOF tyler1H1 tyler1H2 Pog Pog EZ POGCHAM,P EZ Clap MaN monkaW PogU PogU PogYou POOGA EZ Clap Pog PogU dodge Pog RUSH Pogchamp PogU PogChamp AYAYA 7 AYAYA ? AYAYA tali AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA @TwoVital ahaa thas riiite monkeyS Tali AYAYA AYAYAYAYAA KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW AYAYA KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW ONE OF US AYAYA LUL Pog Pog POGGERS Pog POG Pog Pog WHY WASTE Pog hi @rush im incontinent but whenever i watch you stream, i can now shit cause your plays are so funny it makes me Shart. Thank you Pvman = Pog RUSH IS NOT BAD POGGERS Pog ? :D KEKW ? ??? KEKW xfsnAYAYA KEKW ? KEKW hahahahaha ? ?? KEKW ? LUL Wonneeeeeeredd KEKW ????????????? ??? ???????? KEKW KEKW KEKW ?????? Kapp pvman = GG KEKW KEKW LUL kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk KEKW i knew it KEKW KEKW ???? KEKW ?? LOL Pepege Pepege Pepege Pepege Pepege ???? KEKW ? ? LUL ??? pvmanFGM poknpioniknknpki ???????? ?????????????????? KEKW KEKW ? KEKW ?????? ??????????????????????/ KEKW KEKW ???? ? LUL pvman = gg KEKW KEKW WHY CHAT PVPMAN = GG RIGHT ? KEKW LOL INTING LUL RUSH WHAT WAS THAT LUL KEKW ???????????? LUL Pepege Pepege Pepege Pepege Pepege ?????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????? ZOE KEKW he used ignite LUL ????????????? ???????????? Pog ZOE wtf ??? Pepega ? KEKW OMEGALUL nightblue play Z OMEGALUL E LMAO WHY DO YOU INT AS SOON AS I SAY THAT Pog Z OMEGALUL E GREAT AND THEN Pepega you are very cocky player it was so good until that Just walk up with 15 hp, why not ace Bruh @Rush ? KEKW KEKW YEAH YOU LIKE KHAZIX KEKW pepega monsters LUL Kapp D: KEKW you are trolling right including Kapp Z O E Pog he does that on purpose Kappa !opgg excluding LUl kha dirty inter KEKW you attract them Kappa JOBLESS pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey Krappa #Rush !opgg best player on this team is enemy lucian Kappa Jebaited @RUSH MALD MALD MALD MALD me win 1 hp SMOrc pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey this is why we evolve q 한국말로 써도돼요? why not go hexdrinker? throwing game for content KEKW You tried fighting with literally one hp boxLUL pvman = 4fun Player KEKW Hi rush how are you feeling today? EZY nice throws KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW Camille KEKW HE DOES THAT ON PURPOSE FPR CONTENT ㄱㅊ RUN RUSH 7/4/4 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp did he lvl up r or w first? @LivingToRiven Why? KEKW KEKW KEKW dabaryu GA KEKW KEKW KEKW Taliyah carry LULW WOW 676 KEKW @aappiinna r 7/5/4 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp KEKW The KEKW JG GAP \ KEKW KEKW Nice GA LULW GA boom @Rush why do you always ask why Chinese players hate you :) Camillo 😡 Troll TALI AYAYA CARRY Get new lethality item PogU @Rush how are you seen in korean high elo? As a very good jungler? @KaarnapaIa kiitän ggggggggggggggg another won game thrown ✅ khazix sucks Just turned on your stream and you are already dead... better jg wins why kha cant 1 shot :( Rush you spend more time dead than alive this game another ez game thrown Pepega Clap better jg wins :) better jg wins grey screen glitch LUL !opgg JG gap KEKW Camille is bad 😡Rush is not bad😡 Better trolls always lose! 7/5/4 WeirdChimp CANT CARRY WeirdChimp MUST BE RUSH WeirdChimp @Rush victim rush widePeeposad impossibru widepeeposad evolving q > evolving r RIP X PogU POG 0 dmg PogU WidePeepoSad ehy rush bro how did u feel WidePeeposad WAIT ME why all pro players does not evolve q? yummy evolving q > evolving w FOR SURE how do u feel mate? thinking rush is a pro player haHAA @flu0r3k its bad !opgg rush farming drake LUL @flu0r3k it does nthng on fights widepeepoSad @Catsaus its not bad :P playing useless champ and feeding kills u dont need the Q evolve for u is worth tiamat on kha zix? @flu0r3k cuz pros suck W on such a long cooldown, doesn't make sense to evolve it is he trollng PogU 1v3 Pog gg wp PogU rush is so good This song pvmanHands evolved q is freelo POG ezpz Pog PogU Pog wonered EZ Clap EZ Clap O wonnered BlessRNG wonered Q evolve is better for low elo your elos are showing chat EZ monkaW KEKW better jungler loses PepeHands Pog CARRIED BY TEAM EzClap pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS ^6 5 hp monkaS PogU monkaW Clap CHAT PVPMAN = GG RIGHT ? @Rush for u is worth tiamat on kha zix? +1 wonnered Zoe Pog Clap Clap EZ CLAPO CLAP CLAP CLAP LUL better jg wins Kapp EZ Clap LU pvman = gg wonnered EZ clap LUL EZ Clap Clap KEKW inters Kapp KEKW EZ Clap ggman Pog Nice carry Kapp Clap another clean game carried by team Ez Clap POGU play ornn jg Klappa great job rush! you got a win! super strong mental PogYou get naked Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap !rank Rush why are you calling yourself dirty you've been up for 8 hours is it time to sleep? Rush They killed Taliyah for you Kapp !runes duo mata carried by zoe LUL IVERN POGGER S play another one ratirlCozy show pp @Rush can u do an instructional lee sin game? 893 LP pvman = wonnered clean Kapp FA !uptime !uptime @capnswing, rush has been streaming for 4 hours 26 mins YU GOT CARRIED monkaW FROOTS???? PogU play aram peepoFat imagine ifyou had q evolved mukbang time graves time You should play Elise sad to see the better jg lose :( olaf Duo mata intpact :) noo bye bye widepeepoSad widepeepoSad @Rush where are the froots?! 😡 play olar widepeepoSad BibleThump widepeepoSad PepeHands :) <3 widepeepoSad ALREADY BORED ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NOOOOO widepeepoSad <3 @Rush how come you don't get bored of leagu eplaying for so many years same game? widepeepoSad PLAY OLAF widepeepoSad BibleThump widepeepoSad KonCha bye Rush is good evolve R on kha zix? ㅂㅂ] widepeepoSad NYOOOOOOOOO widepeepoSad BibleThump widepeepoSad bye bye widepeepoSad widepeeopoSad running away already widepeepoSad snack just got here GG PVMAN thx for the stream Rush N OMEGALUL only 4 hours :( widepeepoSad Byeee bye One more game then eat thats your plan bye bye kind boy widepeepoSad :( FeelsBadMan widepeepoHappy LULW NO snacky SCAMMED widepeepoSad 4 hours such a long day of work Kappa no counterplay PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad bye roooosh and chat :( widepeepoHappy stream ending ya AYAYA BYE RUSH CHAN TY blitz every damn time i come for last game gg Sub scammed :( widepeepoHappy bye no counterplay PepeHands FeelsBadMan 🔫 host snack AYAYA BYE RUSH CHAN AYAYA widepeepoSad love you roosh @Criminal997 bye bye VoHiYo going outside POGGERS SeemsGood blitz no counterplay ads KEKW rush your teeth Kappa go outsdie widepeepoSad WeirdChamp 4 hours of work BLITZ KEKW @Rush go bald haircut widepeepoSad brushing teeth? DansGame KEKW BYE RUSH widepeepoSad White people sad KonCha thanks for the stream <3 ): pepeHands bye bye Roosh < <3 @cute9000 bye Pepega monster Bye Roooosh Bye KEKW KEKW Byeee @Criminal997 Pepega wat the f BasedGod what ad host snack LUL WutFace blitz KEKW Blitz LUL video in stream NotLikeThis boxAd wow what is this app? i will download it to climb :) how do i skip the add WutFace no counter play PepeHands bjergsen LUL wtf roosh KEKW BLITZ shitz LUL Blitz Pog sponsoring monkey Pog SELL OUT Blitz KEKW PepeHands im subbed and i still see ads imagine subbing and still seeing ads LUL +1.2 vs bjerg Pog !blitz Rush uses the app to get all his champion info and League stats all automatically! Free download here: FeelsBadMan 🔫 🥃 LMAO BLITZ ADD LULW <3 bjerg Pog play moire run he is raiding snack !blitz :) Rush uses the app to get all his champion info and League stats all automatically! Free download here: Sneaky WeirdChamp <3