comment pog @Nightblue3 HI AYAYA Na is idiot kindred ResidentSleeper KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARSTUCK KEKW hi ratirlPriest WASSSSUPPP POG hey KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED kindred? KappaHD n word Owee ekko Yikes I think nidalee Or lee Skt video con rengaaar Hello 👋 You guys hear about what happened to Joe Hai HALOOOOOOO Hi RENGAR KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW Rust waiting room Yo mama só fat she searched up wii fit hacks I wonder what he's gonna play... Hey daddy Yoyoyo I think he's gonna play kindred Kappa yooo Hi there Gamarjoba @werreeeeeeeeeen Joe’s mama you mean? Hey mom I’m in the nb3’s screen greetings from Ecuador Guys he’s playing rengar Play RENGAR Hello mfkrs can someone help with my american dad speedrun, i cant do kitchen skip Bush Hair JG Hmmm I think he’s gonna play skarner pepeJAM ah finally time to feed again Kappa Nightblue3 is now live! Streaming League of Legends: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND kindreeeeeeed he should play corki KINDREDDDDDDDDDDD "midnight europe" its legit morning here NightBlue! :D !uptime @uninvied, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 mins 31 secs legit no one cares mate Kappa think he'll play some definetely non-kindred stuff he pepega Hey dad yea its 06:31 ah a wild NB3 stream has appeared. @jonabe1234 It’s early in the morning in russia tho pepega stream engage Keepo this better be a short only Rust stream sykAngr о ещё один русский Midnight EST, wat you been doing Dad? салам CoolCat Bro this is like my first stream like full stream same Looking forward to this ivern gameplay monkaTOS Hi From Philippines <3 YO morning MY BOYS its 10 Good afternoon EARLIERRRRRR. STREAMMMMMM. TIMEEEEEEEE KEKW nb3H nb3H nb3H nb3H its my weekend and now i can watch NB3 in peace hey elite Pog KINDRED ONLY STREAM Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 imagine having to wait for the weekend LULW Nah i watch him daily NB3 send me some booze. I’m running low here What did you get for LIA @Nightblue3 fr cant for this kindred hopefully he can try and play soraka jg imagine watching NB3 KINDRED ONLY i mean @nightblue3 Would you explain to us why you chosen to play Kindred? KONO DIO DA @its_a_me_dio truuuuuuue PogChamp kindred is naaaasty go play pyke Kindred is pretty NB3 may i be on your next vid if i tell a funny joke plot twist: LIA is the one streaming Kindred? oh jeez @@ any BR? coming soon live steraming !uptime @Admdnl97, nightblue3 has been streaming for 6 mins 25 secs lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA I like trains nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Omg nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan KAPOW va kindred? ... y000 nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER dammit I think my Pin Worms are acting up again give me t1 emote LUL HeyGuys nb3Gasm HolidaySanta I swear if nightblue loses a kindred game i'm no longer going to keep my sub ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !super sensay play emot Kind red enable babyJesus nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan acidkkTrevorpoops HAAAAAAAAAAAA SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh pog i timed it good SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Ahaha PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf zackattackncal subscribed with Twitch Prime. zackattackncal has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing zackattackncal! PogYou zackattackncal's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! BegWan Aaaaaaaaaaa Hypers aahahahahahaaaaa SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp POGGERS :0 Kappa PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa trkMoedusa StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan sroChamp ahhhh nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan rust nb3 more like SMOrc nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp o.o AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA plz stream more than 8 hrs PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp dumb dumb 3 HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge Aaaaa gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER aa hi mr blue uwu PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp !delay nb3NANI nb3Saiyan nb3NANI nb3Saiyan PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko POG YOU SHOWED UP pepeJAM ahahahaaaaàaaaaaaa what tf is this music xd lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA heyyy pepeLAUGH How old are you boomer @phatthoe that's what I sound like while I'm on the toilet PepePls lmao KAPOW Poooound Germany_Senpai subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 2 month streak! NOTICE ME NB3 SENPAI nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm Thank you for subscribing Germany_Senpai for 10 months! PogYou Germany_Senpai's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! pretty sure nexts come mimimi KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW I meant the Goku gasms HEYYY NB moved your room around? Hooola @Nightblue3 :D Yo what up?? eyyoo play pykeeeeeeee what up! I Primed subbed yo kekw morning loser Its Evening XD aayyy seems nice Yo what up HEY DAD TURN IT OFF today rust? I bought a sub u happy now earlier stream btw i mean NO PogU LIGHTING holy shit i turned on the light :) It's decent. hellooooo @nightblue3 yes no light mode DansGame Omg No Rust @nightblue3 peepoFinger i think its looks better f it heyo Lightblue3 First stream I've been able to toon in to in Japan poggers !uptime @shizuna0403, nightblue3 has been streaming for 10 mins 4 secs Happy anniversary :)) NB3 helooo @Nightblue3 KEEP IT LIKE THIS< ITS SO MUCH BETTER Whats up man he is BLIND pepeGA @nightblue3 Why play Kindred? KEKW I FINALLY SUBBED CAN I CALL U DAD NOW f spectrum pog now if only the lag can stop would be nice HeyGuys @Nightblue3 TURN IT OFF earliest F in the west @Nightblue3 Your face color is weird LUL Next slide pls Good morning NB, what time is it @ your place? !rank F S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Why did u changed the angle of the face cam? Bush Hair Jungle wooooooo turning on the light causes lag Kappa eyoo hey hey nb3 Lights on like a whole different roo# I like traina sykShock sykShock sykShock sykShock Room ciao KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND sykHeart sykHeart sykHeart sykHeart sykHeart What account is this? OwO !uptime @Albion17g, nightblue3 has been streaming for 10 mins 56 secs heyo KINDRED SSSSSS TIER @Nightblue3 KEEP IT LIKE THIS, ITS SO MUCH BETTER Rust when TURN off the lights!!!! go jungle Pyke if you want Lights off u have makeup on Cave man PepeLaugh hey yap we're blind as bats we need more light Kappa Let me guess your gonna play skarner this game bravo six going dark Petition to turn lights off type OFF even the light wont make you look any better Kappa dude greetings from Ecuador 3 !kindred CLIP IT AND SHIP IT KEKW @Nightblue3 but you look really sezy when the lights are off :) listen man... Kappa monkaS U monster KEKW OH SHITT lies KINDRED KINDRED Doghouse KINDRED je vais en faire un clip! night blue i just work a 10hr shift lol @Nightblue3 which streamer would you say your rival? ho que oui! congrats! find shit to do for an imaginary relationship Kappa what up night of the blues she gonna make u sleep outside Monster Kappa kylehay subscribed with Twitch Prime. kylehay has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing kylehay! PogYou kylehay's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! CLIP Nice CLIPPP STREAM THE ANNIVERSARY PogU You’re going to the doghouse she already knows u forgot KEKW Tu es le pire haha SURE Kapp We need one day in a week only veraity consistant Keepo she already moved on Kappa LUL KEKW you couldn't even say it withoug laughing! what did you get for lia @Nightblue3 lmao sure Kappa say it without laughing and i will believe I wish *my word* LMAO do you sleep dawg? @Nightblue3 sureee empty promises CONSISTENT. havent heard that word in years KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW KINDRED ABUSER WeirdChamp STILL HARDSTUCK KEKW LMAO kindred? "Consistent" he says ..... WHAT IS YOUR GIFT hegobbledaway subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Grandmaster Abuser Thank you for subscribing hegobbledaway for 4 months! PogYou I dont believe you LUL your word aint worth shit LUL LUL LUL hegobbledaway's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Rust? KINDRED MAYBE? haha XD Kindred all day it is PepeLaugh such as kindred?? kindred variety of champions Kappa 0.0 PYKE 5 free subs everytime youre late @nightblue3 kindred tu l'Adore non? KEKW RABIA, what up baby mon Kappa AMUMU! play a kindred game rust today ? Are you gonna play kindred???? hello from Poland x lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa kindred kindred kindred kindred more rust streams pretty good streamer Kappa kindred abuser vibolt_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. vibolt_ has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing vibolt_! PogYou @Nightblue3 You're not a streamer you're just shit... XD vibolt_'s Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! RENGAR HahaThisisfine HahaShrugRight HahaReindeer HahaPresent HahaNutcracker HahaBaby HahaDreidel HahaBall HahaNyandeer kindred? Kappa who would have thought kappa BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail Aka kindred only Wrong version DansGame #LOL YouDontSay YouDontSay what happends if kindred get banned Nb3 losing virginity tomorrow Pog galaxy skin pls Who do you think is the stronger jungle, Shaco or Khazix? i thought u went to bed early to stream early KEKW @Nightblue3 Galaxy kindred gachiBASS YES your room is too bright, turn off the light HahaSleep WeirdChamp hello from Poland too Not streaming hi from portugal @nightblue3 strongest jungler right now? What do you think is pyke good HandsUp @nightblue3 good morning, how do u manage to wake up so early NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE THIS CAT HahaGingercat I like the lights on KappaPride nah man looks fine @Nightblue3 No its better this way 100% What app do you play music off of? Naaah it looks better this way NOT EVERYONE IN CHAT CAN HAVE THIS CAT HahaGingercat Play the god damn stream playlist from Spotify, that shit slaps no 🤣🤣🤣 nah Youre lookin like a snack :| @Nightblue3 heyooo Lia Screaming XD looks fine u looking sick bro Elitefrozon is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! Elitefrozon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Akoduj! Elitefrozon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Crispy0Snake! Elitefrozon gifted a Tier 1 sub to arionPD! Elitefrozon gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThaWesX! Elitefrozon's Gift shared rewards to 25 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing Crispy0Snake! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Akoduj! PogYou Thank you for subscribing ThaWesX for 9 months! PogYou Elitefrozon gifted a Tier 1 sub to Lolplzm8! Thank you for subscribing Lolplzm8 for 3 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing arionPD! PogYou how tall is nb3 irl? PogU Pog wow PogU WHERE IS BOTITAS 5 Sub Gift PogChamp EZ dodge !followage @Awesomeflare, awesomeflare has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 11 months 24 days 21 hours SSS What’s the playlist called I wanna peep it what happens if kindred gets banned oooh POG @Nightblue3 What is your main account elo? pog 4Head false Kappa Pog @nightblue3 is Kayne any good rn dude? frog POG Thanks for the HahaCat @elitefrozon Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog KAYN OP @marivina botitas está en la habitación de Lia dormido 5x Pog combo play in dark isnt good for eyes guys Kappa F OMEGALUL RTNITE ayyy HahaPoint Hello 👋 If you win i'll give 10 more subs @abelfamulari english? XD where is my sub D: !Uptime Never lucky :( Hello @NaeBTW, nightblue3 has been streaming for 16 mins 10 secs D: insulting Qiyana @marivina sleeping on Lia's room sorry @Nightblue3 you said you'll star earlier :( now you do a short stream Lasik it is *start look hot @Nightblue3 rust today? is it kindred time gonna look weird with glasses Kappa and u don't look weird now? rabia im ur biggest fan is noc.still good after sanguine nerf nice room, you bright ? don't be dark, make me curious haha bro. u god damn stacked. get lasik @nightblue3 wheres a good place to find your tier list? also contacts are better for your eyes. stream with the bois Kreygasm kapp @abelfamulari Tell Lia Throw Botitas to Nightblue3 hehe.. XD @Nightblue3 ma boi we the bois Pog NICE HAIR BRO PepeLaugh ghosting Kindred win's only But you ate candy before stream @nightblue3 how about pantheon jungle! Does he suck too nb3Lick monkaS ResidentSleeper Lmfaooooo who is this Nb nah bro glasses for the win Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Do you think laceration is the best zed na? inxanityxd just cheered 500 bits PogYou inxanityxd's Cheer shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! OrestisSingh subscribed with Twitch Prime. OrestisSingh has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype !uptime Thank you for subscribing OrestisSingh! PogYou @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 17 mins 39 secs OrestisSingh's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Smite it I like this nb me, im pepega Practicing bow and arrow PogU HahaSnowhal HahaSnowhal WAIT I GOT GIFTED 00. at your blue? sup dude ghosting lul on your blue Here :) ur blue taking your jungle LUL J4 stealing your jungle XD in your jg lul he's taking yours LUL nb3Bad neither side leashed so maybe he afk why is kindred good now? @Nightblue3 i tried to play jg today oh god this is why i dont play ranked KEKW we got dat... what? Kappa just got here, why so much kindred? KEKW You might be on a ward warded maybe No way the bleed sup @nightblue3 Stream Sniping afk jarvan pepega Kappa Their jungler sucks lol LUL Ez game LUL J4 actual Pepega LULW LUL J4 pepega bronze jarvan KEKW No Remake? free elo?? j4 afk AFK? is kindred op now? oh nvm he gets kills instead of jg Kappa he's 5Head LULW How much farm does he have rabia what is your gift for lia PvE jgl loses LUL confused 5Head it should be illegal to play kindred well if u can decide between fap and jungle farming i would do fapping aswell lol dumb WE 5Head DUMB oml dumb i r dumb dumb guys what is gift for lia 3Head we smuwt can you show runes pls @Nightblue3 kindred? triple ass tier gachiGASM playing kindred is trolling thoughts on tarzands d blade strat? you played him 3 times and lost all 3 OMEGALUL @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust? him? maybe he graduated in 95 Runes? why is kindred so broken ??? AYAYA Rabia is EU friendly today AYAYA !uptime you said ass @akimari987, nightblue3 has been streaming for 20 mins 46 secs @tttt010304 chek in opgg the runes His GF was born in 1995. His pumpkin :) NB3 cause he's 3 years old duh triple asss tier @Nightblue3 i'm new to jungle and i dont know when to gank any tips u just looked for wards... W p @Nightblue3 when are u gojna play rust again? @yofine then how is his sweeper up @tfmike_ ok tks i forgot that when you watch jg players and you cant even look at the postion shes dead Kappa wait what KEKW nice for starting so late man KEKW KEKW "she's dead" KEKW NICE TROLL KEKW trololol Kappa Kappa Kappa ACTUAL Pepega nb3NANI outplayed af ur bad or kindrew is bad NA LUL LUL LUL LUL nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3Clown BibleThump BibleThump Kappa Kappa Kappa jhin was farming KEKW @Nightblue3 How about some oldschool brand jungle? Not troll it's good hi synapse feelsbadman @Nightblue3 Hey, why are you playing so late, I can't watch the whole stream now @Nightblue3 KEKW "she's dead" KEKW LUL outplayed Cringe my eyes LUL ass tier My eyes OMG big OOF looked like my bronze brother Kinuai subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kinuai has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Kinuai! PogYou Kinuai's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! rust would be funnier unleash the pepega Kappa nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 that was a warning ONCE SURE Kapp @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rue Bruhhhhhhhhh thanks for starting your stream at 6am in UK, why am i still up LUL @Nightblue3 cringe Kappa 2 week vacation time? HIIIII @abelfamulari cringe Pepega HahaShrugRight TRIPLE S THOOOOOOo Kindred is Double ass tear NOW LUL KEKW lol NOOOOOOOOOOO LL roasted @Nightblue3 Good morning from Greece AYAYA OOF ooooooooooooo TOO FAR DOOD D: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ResidentSleeper OOF @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust again? Pog look at yer rank.... burn Kappa @abelfamulari KEKW YaKillinMeSmallz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Thank you for subscribing YaKillinMeSmallz for 2 months! PogYou LLUL GOTTEM OOF jesus NB3 he has a family YaKillinMeSmallz's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! pooogs LUL i got roasted boi BibleThump GOTTEM 😂😂😂 Destroyed D: poog so toixk pooo we're fine Kappa @Nightblue3 How about some oldschool brand jungle? Not troll it's good KEKW pooog Kreygasm BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump \BibleThump BibleThump @Nightblue3 Double ass tear ? LUL "once per game" nice flash 3Head KEKW 3X ASS tier KEKW @Nightblue3 kindred sucks when you dont play ranked What tier is kindred? getting clapped in plat KEKW @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust again wonders why marksman is weak early game Kappa hmm pepega Not good with bow and arrow KEKW It's the champ @joemommasson triple ass tier I seee I seeeeeeee SAME 3 SONGS pepeD SAME 3 SONGS pepeD SAME 3 SONGS pepeD SAME 3 SONGS pepeD @abelfamulari show NB3 your rank gachiBASS hiiii @Nightblue3 thats what she said not good wkth blw and arrow rust LOSING IT POGGERS Useless champ 😞😞😞 Why you feed caitlyn @Nightblue3 you're beautiful :) iron 3 @KiwiPaladin BibleThump 11111111111111 lmao is his internet cord running along the floor? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 you have us and Lia, your Dentist too nb3H i mean isnt that what games are ment for fun? suck jungler KEKW @nightblue3 why so much kindred? not meant for bow and arrow Big e tu coming up @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust again @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust again @nightblue3 when are u gonna play rust again whats the name of this song farm some marks anyone pls @Nightblue3 This song is fit for your jungle gameplay LUL SO FED KEKW 0/2 is fed 0/2 so fed KEKW guy's what do you think about ekko rn? Doing damage PogChamp @shizuka_10 not if you are a professional mouse clicker like nightblue UNROLL THE TADPOLE OSFrog UNCLOG THE FROG OSFrog UNLOAD THE TOAD OSFrog UNINHIBIT THE RIBBIT OSFrog UNSTICK THE LICK OSFrog UNIMPRISON THE AMPHIBIAN OSFrog UNMUTE THE NEWT OSFrog UNBENCH THE KENCH OSFrog PERMIT THE KERMIT OSFrog DEFOG THE POLLIWOG OSFrog This used to be a runecape stream PepeHands @KiwiPaladin true wait @SooperTim for real? @shamz_22 you mean the jungler with the highest win rate right now? he's pretty solid lol second dragon PogChamp hahah Right! this jarvan is kinda pepega thoug boy is broken HahaThink HahaPresent HahaNutcracker HahaHide Haha2020 anyone know the name of this song can some one tell me what is dubstep ignite? HELLO mannn I just took the most lethal poop KEKW you're toxic you saved him LUL U SUCK kekw KEKW saved him KEKW malphite lol ETU ??? Jarven is Quadra ass tier FISHER- LOSING IT CoolCat HES DEAD KEKW Y Tu KEKW MY EYES are u gonna spam kindred? or what? just arriving LIGHT OFF someone LOOKS BETTER AYAYA Cute CHAT . If you are as cute as Rabia - chan just type : AYAYA Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Is thing iron KEKW <3 HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys tell them pls this8 BrokeBack NAME OF THE SONG !uptime @ekk0logic, nightblue3 has been streaming for 27 mins 40 secs IGNORED BY LIA KEKW BITCHES McDonalds for dinner yeeeey @katarino1 UR BLIND >< Golden Kappa SpicyGuy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Ayy Lit Thank you for subscribing SpicyGuy for 2 months! PogYou SpicyGuy's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @nightblue3 where is Rust BibleThump no she left him... feelsbadman @abelfamulari MC fucken lucky "this is the build" jungle item and boots LUL nope Imagine not getting any marks Pls light off I beg you did kindred get a change or did he lose a bet or ? more like sit on it but okay @Nightblue3 How about lights on webcam off ill give tips to my jg than what r u implying Kappa k1lluah subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Thank you for subscribing k1lluah for 3 months! PogYou k1lluah's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! that face fucked up Keepo he's saying he wants to imagine being in a dark bedroom with you When the gameplay good but the face ugle :( do it AYAYA level 9 KEKW no balls Thanks for the HahaPoint @k1lluah LUL that's kinda funny 😂 Pog Pepega free mark Pog Pog !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute olaf pepega? uashuahs double pepega in 1 game lol shyvana lee sin Freee elo ahri irvern Kappa KAYN yi yi soraka shyvana Mundo. what are the runes? Kayn, olaf ToothlessLL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! HEY NB3 HOW'S YOUR FINE NIGHT TONIGHT Ivern Thank you for subscribing ToothlessLL for 9 months! PogYou ToothlessLL's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! yi olaf IVERN Lux graves yi lee shyvana/ kayn trick's udyr lee yuumi Oolaf TEEMO nice master yi ivern Udyr Taric you fool Kapp !uptime @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 30 mins 21 secs fizz Udyrrrr jungle is op @Nightblue3 is press the attack better for kindred ? now brand you guys realzie kayn is the fastest right... @streamelements low Usually I just watch your yt. Hi UwU greetings from México! nightblue3 you should try fizz jungle FIZZ KEKW KEKW its in meta now again :) @BigBen_G72 AYAYA nb3H hello CUTE <3 FIZZ KEKW @coledness Think he means the fastest jungler that's good FIZZ KEKW KEKW !uptime @Apointytriangle, nightblue3 has been streaming for 30 mins 47 secs oof KEKW FIZZ KEKW E TUUU BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump @melissoulis ello AYAYA :D runes? !opgg !elo runes? is storm razor bad on kindred now? !runes What are your runes? !runes !runes !currentrunes I'm HERE So as always your gonna die :) OwO nightblue3 bronze right guys when you couldn't be more of a memelord @nightblue3 nightblue3 are you bronze Why does NB3 only have 2k viewers. he usually has like 20k ok mizkifE Pog runes?? @Nightblue3 nice! nightblue3 more like nightbronze3 LULW clean first game @Nightblue3 usually? maybe 3 years ago fusOh mizkifThink Let's Goo Nightblue! PogChamp nigthtblue3 bronze 3 :) HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge !uptime @Jhonyzinho_da_Mada, nightblue3 has been streaming for 33 mins 5 secs damn u better tahn kind one tricks when you sound like shaggy can you jax today NAH D: thats excatly why Kappa you must suffer like us lol the only fun part of league is making others have fun haha sounds right thinking league is fun KEKW ludwigW having fun WeirdChamp We hate it because we watch you say" I can do that" try and we int we are having fun when you are inting and we can flame you being in silver Kappa ok ur mean D: facts! suffering is good for u Just have fun 4Head bronze 3? So much fun hahaha LUL @melissoulis Greek? N OMEGALUL Kappa Kappa @SmolAria thinking league isn't fun and still watching a league stream lol you know lol no 4Head Kappa you playing rust later?? NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW @GeorgeTheGuest_ Yes LUL LUL having fun in league KEKW lol forestwithin would spank this dude anyday in silver PepeLaugh No ahh @Nightblue3 you're good now on kindred i cac tell KEKW rust was fun to watch!! @melissoulis geia sou patrida PogChamp KappaPride OSFrog hello dad how you doing @playerthc KEKW not knowing a meme KEKW NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW. stopped watching at 0/1, now u Pog @Nightblue3 HahaSweat is kindred op @GeorgeTheGuest_ hello to you too @SmolAria Not giving a fuck about your meme lol Too hard to carry with kindred she’s an elitist champ NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW I wish rengar wasn’t a perma ban kill turret? I'll give a fuck to your mom though @SmolAria KEKW power farming 10/10 the mark is still there? NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW.. How often are u gonna be playing rust nb3Ten nb3Ten bye nightblue3 gtg @baymax8165 WeirdChamp 7 marks! I hae work tomorrow Fizz LUL LUL LUL Pog LULW no yes no Kappa NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW kindred? no one attacked the turret LULW PENTA KILOUD So Close ALMOST @Nightblue3 wow u look like an Arabian dude you remaind me of my Syrian friend Galatimus_Prime subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Thank you for subscribing Galatimus_Prime for 5 months! PogYou yes LUL Galatimus_Prime's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Soo close ALM OMEGALUL ST !title @spencerchestnut -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW. !title @fuble2 -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND is his house going to still be there in rust? !title !title KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND !title veintidos 69 Veintidos vinte dos veintidos dodos Kappa !title KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRE vinte e dos @playerthc -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KEKW !title veinti dos Veintidos When are u playing rust @deathwolf200x how come ur aren't mod kindred veintidos Veinti dos = 22 playing league while watching league veintitrés 4Head NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW u say pepega in spanish for 22 Kappa dildos? !title KEKW veintidos @Pixelathicc -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND not even close LUL Veintedos you been sub for 41 months Close enough !title @Wey0 -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND Veintidos @nightblue3 didn’t make me one fitzyCry fitzyCry zapdos Kappa Vinte e dois Veintidós noche azul, cuando haces el curso de español? dois dois, vinte e dois levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas Steal that's weird a 18 month is but a 41 isn't KEKW @Nightblue3 have you told lia you love her? KEKW YIKES hahah OMEGALUL "dragon soul at 22 minutes" R? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Two two Kappa !followage nb3Chimp @deathwolf200x, deathwolf200x has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 11 months 3 days 20 hours NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW FF NO R? Everyone put your favorite word in the chat no time to R BANNED LUL knock up chain to your... hmm Kappa lol R E F OMEGALUL R M E D OMEGALUL Clap BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail REFORMED ban monkaW Reformed AYAYA JUST BE CUTE LIKE RABIA CHAN DOIS DOIS nb3Blush nb3Pepe nb3H venti dis type your AYAYA s cute chat <3 Ult before you jump in Nightblue3 Make another player famous for the 2 week vacation LUL Pog song mfuvla how about olaf top you shouldve put your control ward outside of pit the dumest jg eve lol @Nightblue3 are you going to Chile with Lia on Christmas? Instead you died for nothing over the wall :) why are you love kindred so much? !title @kevitor02 KEKW @spencerchestnut -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND Still in ult when againt the wall after jumping @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 wow u look like an Arabian dude you remaind me of my Syrian friend @kevitor02 why are u love leagye? inter R? KEKW @Nightblue3 are you arabian ? int boomer reaction time FeelsWeirdMan Nightblue te comeria toda la boca Jesus Christ died for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day. <3 Oof i thought he was american so, what's the thing with the Build? good question!😅👍 SILVER @upper90s WeirdChamp just dont die 4Head kekw Kindred triple tier S Kappa 4Head also excuses Kappa also my pepee small also also also also also also you are not very good KEKW KEKW no johns If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. <3 team actually inting Fizz is top tier LUL nd5 excuses you dumb bitch a l s o go eat! kindred is very bad jungler also you trash KEKW also im the victim here @Nightblue3 put everything together and do tax laundry Kapp kindred? Kindred Triple Ass Tier @Nightblue3 i remember when you said you never get hit by Mal R Nightblue tries to disguise his excuses by joking KEKW For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. <3 not just committing tax evasion LUL farming play above them maximum damage Kappa A L S O I need to babysit @Nightblue3 any chance of rust rust todayyy?? what do you think about kindred? pepeJAM Ahri is so cringe pepeD its 1 am where I live and you day it's the first of the day wtf i just got destroyed by a kindred and when I saw ur title i though it was you is Xin good? ahri and senna flaming KEKW randomly roaming around isnt aram At least ARAM focuses them to 1 lane this is just RRAR randomly roaming around rift that mp tanky af LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW i like better the super galaxy kindred more than this skin CRIT KEKW xDD LMAOOOOO KEKW KEKW RRRRRRRRRRRRR KEKW WTF R KEKW tafuq KEKW KEKW BibleThump nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 R? R plz 613 saving ult for next game XD GOT EM Headshot crit 614 @Nightblue3 ?R CRIT KEKW sthNoot R?? 4R - Randomly roamin' 'round rift she crit you for enough ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper R?!?!? 800 damage crit lol ADCs are weak Kappa R?~?~ Crit 613 420 SS R boosted LMAO KEKW just press R 4Head PrimeYouDontSay it was 613 R? nice ult R???? press r ult up btw Kappa R?? boomer wtf is dat shetttttttt press R fitzyS fitzyS fitzyS P\press R? @nightblue3 3rd death no r @Nightblue3 CAIT HAD HEADSHOT thats cait for u just buy a Randuin's KEKW bro you have R, your just not good enough to react Press r passive !uptime @navishere, nightblue3 has been streaming for 43 mins @LelsersLasers how many times u gonna say that you bot? ADC'S CRITING IS TOO MUCH NOW WOWWWWWWW bro you don't have to pay to use your r @Nightblue3 CAIT ALWAYS HAS hEADSHOT IN BUSH LUL stupid 4TH ult KEKW @littleweebu until I dont KEKW KEKW 4 TH R LUL ult still up Kappa int ??????????? KEKW INT that is it with the build? play brainless champ like heimer! close R? 4th R KEKW 4th R? banned Nightblue are you saving R for next game? straight up inting R?? 4TH DEATH KEKW "lets feed" you mean AHAHAHA from 6-1 to 7-7 KEKW KEKW prss R? troll???????? you're booty KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW hey it just caught him off guard LET HIM BE JESUS boomer reaction timer na? KEKW press R B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL S T E D trolling @LelsersLasers Oh my b...i see now. Your parents were siblings D: GG running it downnnn KEEP THROWING think is R key is busted No ult in 4 min wow what about the dragon soul at 22minutes? y not just unbind ur ult :( :( @Nightblue3 why are u trolling? i htink this game is prolly lost lol straight garbo LET HIM BE MY GOD rip nb3 @Nightblue3 what champion you playing today ? B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL M M E R Most Farm on game PogChamp perhaps the lesson here is to ult earlier than you think you should i believe u can do it, just press r !uptime not saving for next game saving for LOL 2 @suyan_tutiya, nightblue3 has been streaming for 43 mins 55 secs dragon soul at 22 btw D: so toxic perma gray screen says the person who just walked into them !UPTIME @Pievor, nightblue3 has been streaming for 44 mins 3 secs >calls his teammates bad >is equally bad toxic D: why are dont play brainless champ like heimer? @Nightblue3 what champion you will play today ? your a challenger playing in d4 whos 7/7 stop projecting dude Saving for next ss you sound like ezreal grey screen simulator ResidentSleeper didnt he say he needs to R then jump in pit? challenjor Kappa !rank fizz in narnia KEKW S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute stop feeding NB3 geraKappa that CRIT CAUGHT HIM OFF GUARD Just win 4Head guys what champion he will play for today HeyGuys '/ff Nice team ResidentSleeper MALPHITE WITH 2 MOUNTAINS GG even stream thumbnail showed grey screen Malphite monkaW Mountain Drakes MonkaW flash Hey it's an FF team R spell shield ricardoFlick Bro it’s fucking preseason what do you expect good players? You funny af @nightblue3 r heimer? !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at ricardoFlick don't surrender, surprisingly loosing is fun for me to watch you can press r if he presses r lies, ciat killed you YOU can flash malphite R buy zhonyas save ur team? ricardoFlick R? gg LULW never r KEKW just don't die, bruh 4Head ricardoFlick ggs if you're not gonna ult self ult for team damn Malphite with mountain soul nb3Gasm nb3Gasm saving R for next game Never R LUL 5 5TH can u plz use your ultimate uhauhauauauhuaha 5th death KEKW R? gg R OMEGALUL Clap jajajaja 5th where's u R nice ult KEKW USE UR R R? yea this game is lost lol where is ur R gg why focuse tank wtf u bronze bruh F saving R like doublelift in worlds better jg wins asmr saving R for next game KEKW/ 5th death since last R Candy is not food press 4 4 R? 4? @Nightblue3 just dont play kindred or tryndamere from now on pls R on CD Kapp u need to do kindreg tank a bad trade's man al2ays blames his tools xD ust prss 4 if u see cait 4 is your R bugged? saving r for 2020 4 New Year RRRRResolutions r 4 @nightblue3 stop being so greedy you mean to tell me fizz akali is not worth saving with ulti? did you say you were playing OSRS after this game? @Nightblue3 RicardoFlick r 4 just a little stronk Kappa INT mode enabled lol r at this point u need to preemptively ult ricardoFlick NIGHTBLUE3 MORE LIKE NIGHTBRONZE3 LULW Song name anyone? so we're saving ult for next game, cool, what about brain? we saving that for next game too? pepeJAMJAM TGSway RICARDO FLICK ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick jhin LULW pepeJAMJAM y is he so big KappaPride kindred no skill champ like heimer! can we make it 6 chat? can you stop attack Malf ffs big and hard KappaPride its passive KEKW RIP no gifted subs how did u throw this game lol HE PRESSED R BOIS Pressed R Pog finally he pressed r pogger he use ult USED R Pog monkaW HE USED IT!! Pog WubTF IceCold Pog He pressed R! poggers he ulted Kreygasm Pog GG LUL aftershock give him armor and armor makes malph go big he used R 4Head POG Isn't league a full color game? ?????? this was such a free game LUL @Nightblue3 tafuq Arsut "I'm gonna start streaming earlier tomorrow, around 4 or 5 Pacific Time" NB3 11/8/2019 ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ this cait carried he used q before dying did he just auto with GA'd ggez Rip well at least u pressed ur ult what a throw gg RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST NICE GAME BTW Kappa Kappa ya u pressed it at the wrong time triple s tier baby Kreygasm KINDRED SCUKS so we're saving ult for next game, cool, what about brain? we saving that for next game too? RUST RUST Actually true 5Head is nb3 playing in tcs? RUST RRUST that cause u didnt r 5 time before AND Y THE FUCK DID I GET TIMED OUT AGAIN? WubTF pszQ si tier jg !uptime @Ismita, nightblue3 has been streaming for 48 mins 26 secs RUST Play rust entire GAME FeelsBadMan RUST !time RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.RUST RUST RUST RUST. RUST RUST RUST RUST. RUST RUST RUST RUST. RUST RUST RUST RUST you threw that game so hard KEKW RUST You should uninstall if your R loses you the game RUUUUUUUUUST looks like we RUSTIN BOYS @Nightblue3 please play rust :) RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT RUST PLS RUSSSST RUST sss tier jg how was he sooo big? !NAME RUST PLZZ !tcs AYAYA it's ok Rabia <3 !time bb Rust kindred is no skill champ like heimer @nightblue3 ruuuust RUST RUST RUST RUST Play a game of DOTA 2 @Nightblue3 R-U-S-T Play eve Rustt RUST? so we're saving ult for next game, cool, what about brain? we saving that for next game too?? RUST !name KEKW ABUSER KEKW RUST RUST RUST RUST. Ruust YES Kap RUST RUST did it not? yes RUST RUST RUST RUST.. YES rust later? Kapp go @nightblue3 aftershocks gives malph armor and armor makes malph go big RUST RUST RUST RUST.... RUST yes RUSST russsssst yes Yes Rust!!!!! Now plz RUST RUST RUST RUST...... Yes run ads plz RUSTTT rust yes RUST RUST RUST RUST....... yes MOAR LEGE PowerUpL SabaPing Squid3 PowerUpR WE WANT TO SEE RUST @nightblue3 RUST RUST RUST RUST russsssst Rust im losing hope RUST RUST RUST RUST. Quick channel vote Ruuuuuuust Rust later? NO RUST !uptime @flytrap94, nightblue3 has been streaming for 49 mins 16 secs well how much lost damage does each missed R represent? RUST RUST RUST RUST.. RUST! RUST HAHAHAHAHA Why do I watch you when I find you annoying? MI AMOR thow Can i prime sub on phone RUST RUST RUST RUST.... pszLUL pszLUL Is he playing with KINDRED? love you nigthblue Rustt u mutha RUST PLZ bwipo winner boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ @Nightblue3 remember STOP The EARLY pepega plays and focus early as much as you focus mid and late Is this new account ? SHout out to mee!!!!! heYYYY noobs RUST RUST RUST RUST..... why kindred ?? yes how do i get famous like you Rust? Why kındred RUST RUST RUST RUST rust chill with the rust spam baymax8165 PowerUpL PowerUpL SabaPing Squid3 Squid3 PowerUpR PowerUpR aftershock malphite so no rune until lvl 6 RUST RUST RUST RUST. WHAT ULTIS KEKW RUST RUST RUST RUST PLZZ MANNN @Nightblue3 play a game of Dota 2 . It's had a crazy patch\ @nightblue3 subbing if rust Pog no ulties in rust recently RUST RUST RUST RUST.. 4k Viewers @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 not entirely but partially @Nightblue3 did u try atlas sofar? also greeting from Ger here ASMR RUSTards? RUST RUST RUST RUST... rruuuuust. we want to see ur noobbutt in rust THE CRINKLING NotLikeThis @nightblue3 RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.... ALL BWIPO I don't think you do Boycott nb until we see some rust POWER TO THE PEOPLE RUST RUST RUST RUST no rustin it up Kappa everyone spam rust in the chat NO RUST Pog RUST RUST RUST RUST. so much kindred RUST RUST RUST RUST.. RUST RUST RUST URUST what are you eating nightblue @nightblue3 can I prime sub on phone RIP 4K viewers you play everytime brainless champ like kindred!😂👍 WHATS WRONG WITH THE LOOT rust tomorrow? Y NO RUST u did league yesterday! whats rust? Owo Rustttt Yoo bitchas secret to being best jungle solar system???? RUST I remember once that you said if my chat was begging for variety you would, now were begging for rust and you say naw wachumean no rust fuck league all bwipo BWIPO pog i think every one that have come here to make fun of you by playing rust instead of u playing lol RUST RUST RUST RUST Rust rust rust rust rust bust RUST RUST RUST RUST. Fuck lol play rust no rust, I'm outta here RUST RUST RUST RUST.. Russsssst Hi RUST RUST RUST RUST... Rust rust rust @Nightblue3 what are you eating if you don't mine me asking? RUST RUST RUST RUST.... That fizz was really pepega RUST RUST RUST RUST duo with lia dude we just want rust I wonder RUST RUST RUST RUST. rust rust. RUST RUST @nightblue3 HAVE YOU PLAY WIZARD OF LEGEND? rust ! time to be 10 v10 cavemen rust RUST RUST RUST RUST.. One man spammers DansGame RUST RUST RUST RUST... MONDAY KEKW @GetRaked7 league is better to kinda just chill but at the same time use your 5Head Rust is ... Rust sneakyBoost SHOULDA STEAL IT KEKW LEAGUE WAS THE GAME OF YESTERDAY u can also change it to why contest the objective if ur alone :P rust rust time for cavemen with bows! THE FUTURE IS NOW rundatunda subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Thank you for subscribing rundatunda for 6 months! PogYou RUST RUST RUST RUST rundatunda's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Sunday here no nut tommorow PepeHands sounds like a classic case of bad communication to me RUST RUST RUST RUST. !points @cashern97, cashern97 has 7150 points and is rank 1859/3221239 on the leaderboard. Fuck rust play Team Fortress 2 Kappa sunday 7am here :D well its sunday here XD Can you say hi to me? RUST RUST RUST RUST Pls Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @rundatunda RUST RUST RUST RUST.. best jungle mars? PLAY TOP ok vote , all say rust or league K im out RUST RUST RUST RUST if you lose, you play rust uwu sunday 7 am for me u're living in the paat me triples ass kindred RUST RUST RUST RUST. Kindred top Unfollow til monday Damnit @Nightblue3 ROBLOX Pog cmonBruh HahaShrugMiddle @Nightblue3 I remember when this was a Rust stream PepeHands best jungle earth? stop spamming rust lmao TOPTOPTOPTOPTOPTOP chat did he win last game? ni Pepega Mid laner andmj toxic supp what can you do majority won. time for rust nightblue your hair is weird :) Just don’t play league nb3Shrug best jungle in roblox? @camilo23 nope @camilo23 he lost fuck league were legit begging for variety fuck league were legit begging for variety favorite pokemon?????? "me jungle smurf" - cant press R tho PogChamp KappaRoss don B Kappa just dont play games ratirlPriest @nightblue3 how is the new place working out for you @hop3ofbon3 @folhinha kind of expected it LUL thx why the kindred? what changed !uptime @Pandarippe, nightblue3 has been streaming for 52 mins 37 secs mods asleep @nightblue3 pls tell me the guy who said the n word was banned i just farted and it smells like eggs WutFace RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST play eve uwu hes smurfing. he doesnt need the R key bet night blue loves me just remember to press r @Nightblue3 omg I finally found u live fuck league were legit begging for variety TBAngel Twitch with R monkaW @Nightblue3 wha tif you have a lot of hunts? bro RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST LOVE THIS SONG DODGEEEE lmfao @bigdude69urmom IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! KEKW oof IMA SAY THE HARD R: PLAY RUST Kappa Bat country~ kobetaHype kobetaHype kobetaHype IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! fuck league were legit begging for variety good luck blue KINDRED IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! WE TRUST IN RUST!! @JRHutch cmonBruh Clap RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST @nightblue3 are you planning on going to twitchcon 2020? IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! WE TRUST IN RUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! TriHard HARD RUST guys, chill, as much as I hate how Riot monetizes the game, League > Rust go yi or kindred IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! HE WON THE GAMEEEEEEE ResidentSleeper but he won 4Head guys plz chill play wukong IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! WE TRUST IN RUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! IN RUST WE TRUST!! WE TRUST IN RUST!! fuck league were legit begging for variety fuck league were legit begging for variety HE WAS WINNING THE GAME HACKING IN HIS JG chill DO A STREAM POLL he wants to play league stop being annoying avenged Do you know tsm daequan? @nightblue3 fuck you rust its time for KINDRED KINDREDKINDREDKINDREDKINDRED He's omnipotent so he spawned mountain drake 3rd for malphite KEKW u never ult thats why kids spamming rust, some of us want to see league. not trash fps I hope you feel better after playing lol IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! lets gooooo but we won StoneLightning IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT IN BUST WE NUT Pog RaccAttack iron chat KEKW Positive SeemsGood Imma say the R word : Rust Kappa maybe did red and rocks/chickens and almost died @nightblue3 what if they ban kindred ? fuck league were legit begging for variety @Nightblue3 what happened to the master yi wuju style? rust Rust Rust KappaPride @Elitefrozon Thanks for the gift sub! he wants to play league stop being annoyingg rust, stop ignoring us Positive KDA SeemsGood WOOD chat @dtkshadow88 Im silver actually Kappa RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST @Nightblue3 Play ww 1 game. variety cooking show nightblue playing kindred? time to avoid ranked like the plague Stream Poll cN u play WUKONG iron you KEKW i always play katarina in the top lane because i play her real good way wushu Kreygasm RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. YI Is the actual R word actual ToS??? Sa TakeNRG Not kindred👎🏻 YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL TODAY KonCha KonCha KonCha @Nightblue3 wdym master yi is way better this patch should I make a sword with my iron rank? TPFufun IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! bro try nautilus jungle OLAFFF fuck league were legit begging for variety GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG Yi no1 JG Kappa so early game dueling champs lee @Austinquesnelle agreed @Nightblue3 runes for kindred ? play anything but league YI PLZZZZ wukongg op IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! Lee atiFail Better than Olaf?? TriHard Warwick is good tyler1GOOD new conqueror is better for yi, and he can powerfarm jungle Warwick Kappa which runes on kindred? Wukong hidden op What runes do you like for Kindred? AP MALPHITE JG YI PLLLZ RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST kindred, ekko and Lee sin NO love league RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RU.ST just play fortnite KEKW PLAY RIOT 4HEad play rust. rust op false RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. !uptime who the fuck likes variety? @carlopks, nightblue3 has been streaming for 56 mins 8 secs for league defenetly Kappa can u shut baymax up nb Best jg eu? @nightblue3 true 100% here for league i would love to see you play RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST... yup well he has true damage when armor shred i am I am here for Anything RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST @Nightblue3 Run SG Kinred i want league :) Literally learn so much just from watchin you but im so sick of league I'm here for you Rented please fortnite KEKW RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. wukong is op tho RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. !sr jakpo7tj7Qw defenetly not here to kekw Kappa isnt the new conq good on yi cause it gives him ad and he has passive true damage league pref Are you going to play with the new skins when they come out? e.g. soraka, karma etc @mods? RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST... yeah, the people asking you to play master yi when shojin is gone I usually leave when he starts rst xD RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST play roblox KEKW RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. Both league and rust are good imo im here for GOOD OLE @FORTNITEBLUE3 PLAY RIOT KEKW !followage I'm here for nb3 but really fuck league @Austinquesnelle, that doesnt look like a valid username Keepo IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST!IN RUST WE TRUST! KINDRED?KINDRED?KINDRED? fortnite lol Nimbus cloak is good on him im here for league but when you start playing another game i want you to play it more You're toxic GUYS RUST WILL GET OLD FAST IF HE PLAYS IT EVERY DAY >:( KEKW ALL ULTS SAVED FOR THIS GAME KEKW i love league We dont hate league we LOVE LEAGUE but sometimes we need time away to be able to apprciate League more LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING! VARIETY RUST !uptime @carlopks, nightblue3 has been streaming for 56 mins 51 secs Rageblade works on yi now WE WANT RUST !followage @Austinquesnelle, austinquesnelle has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 30 days 19 hours Why kindred? Gg Rageblade change makes it strong on yi now probably kindred ? Play apex Jesus Christ died for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day. <3 @nightblue3 why have you never formed your own 5's team? Doesnt have to be pro play but would make good content. league is very polarizing, yes that's like every game so many other games r fun when ur losing Kappa oh wait Med3 just bp wiped if u want a fresh server Play porn hub agreed 100% Did you think up that all by yourself? Kappa @Nightblue3 that goes for all gamezz I've been here a while, but please league is dieing would you make a new kindred youtube vid for this patch? If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. <3 im here for league but when you start playing another game i want you to play it more Why do you play kindred? TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I’m team league TRUE LULW welcome to my ELO cuz other moba games don't need teamwork Kappa I care here for porn hub teamwork KEKW Being a whiny bitch is 80% of my personality tho Full Lethality kindred oh rust then? riot did a good job in maximize the satisfaction when winning WHAT? WELLLLL are youuuu being a whiny bitch??? losing is fine. having ook ooks on your team is hell, win or lose League is the annoying game for losing shit Why are you playing kindred? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. <3 you need teamwork in minecraft or Dota 2 @Nightblue3 DansGame i think rust then @Nightblue3 i love the sound of your keyboard I feel every1 wants rust League of Legends is like group projects in college KEKW !title @Iroc2637 -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND @Nightblue3 do you find the toxicity is more in league? solid title cmonBruh LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING!LORA IS STILL WAITING! LUL PLAT ANALYST @xtoplasm Truuuuuu what about Dota 2 @Nightblue3 ? ? Show the runes plz its just yea Kappa PLAT ANALYST HERE YO LETS GET SOME RUST MY GUY just go pro KEKW HardStuck D4 Analyst KEKW @Nightblue3 TRUE! PepeJAM !time voicechat YOU LOOK LIKE A SKINNY FNC BWIPO @nightblue3 dude nothing is funner than playing your own 5s, form a team and que up ranked. Just go pro 4Head voice chat kekw @Nightblue3 to hell with gaming, become a twitch chatshow host KappaHD yeah easy to flame @nightblue3 what do you think of full lethality kindred? BETTER JG WINS 🦀 @JRHutch There's always someone that doesnt do their part and fucks over your grade D: imagine the racial slurs tho it has it @Nightblue3 YUP! @Nightblue3 that a double edged sword though holy shit Dota 2 has it tho @Nightblue3 league voice? FAX write an essay can't wait to hear screaming kids over voice chat Kappa play rust or I unsub BabyRage LUL lolol imagine getting trolled every game in voice chat homie Low WPM KEKW (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) (ditto) 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 and i think with voice chat, players will be less toxic because they're actually communicating @Nightblue3 D: KEKW better jg wins song lmao league voice? is only duo that's why KEKW LUL ?? ahhaha D: voice chat could get so toxic zoe hentai Kreygasm u just need high wpm u boomer LoL would be the best game ever without the people playing it. atiLUL but that would be worse for the league community Kappa Kappa Kappa but then you would have 12 year olds joining and screaming the N word zoe hentai Kreygasm Zoe wot D: RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST WubTF IceCold Clap RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. but riot likes toxicity KEKW Right zoe hentai Kreygasm high elo soloq really needs it Hard to balance report system RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. that's why they don't do that PedoBear FBI open up D: league voice ? most of the time everyone talk a different language 🦀 Red buff is gone 🦀 Rust after this please @nightblue3 RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST @nightblue3 what do you think about lethality kindr3d RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. Zoe wot PedoBear its just easy when you write 🦀$11 🦀$11 🦀$11 🦀$11 🦀 RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. Is this new smurf? RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST... zoe hentai PogChamp @Nightblue3 ive had a long and absolutely fked day... thanks for being on tonight bro 5000 year old god... FBI open up Kappa mos? landorino subscribed with Twitch Prime. landorino has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing landorino! PogYou landorino's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! mods? we need zoe hintai in league 100% 🦀 RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST rust please 🦀 Why you playing solo in the first place, you got hella clout, rank up ok in 5s for fks sake wanna do your job maybe? monkaEyes Guys chill with rust please CrapPls CrabPls Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold i wish i ma good as you it's okay he's killing my laner Kappa Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold Dance IceCold Dance IceCIold !uptime @vago97, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour Blue nb i met a girl that looks like u with long hair and boobs and shes hawt am i the only one that thinks kindred is so fucking hot MeroRocks subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! YO Rabia, I have been enjoying ur Rust streams a lot but how about some PUBG? Unrelated thing, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING ARABIC =^D ???? MeroRocks's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing MeroRocks for 7 months! PogYou kewk D: D: D: PepoG D; D: toxic D: D: moon2D #Reformed im going out with her tommorrow D: ur kinda dumb no gonna lie KEKW TAHXIC do more late night streams bc i want to watch ya and turkeys time zone is weird :c DEFORMED !elo !elo If you flash into the bush you wouldve killed him but he wasnt bro Kappa LOL RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST he's somewhere in our midst LUL chill w rust Iron analyst was that urgots fault 4Head what keystone? plz !runes NOT EVERYONE CAN HAVE 1000IQ AS you do Rabia AYAYA 哭喔 @baymax8165 !title Playing rust today?? iRyujin subscribed with Twitch Prime. iRyujin has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype rust time? xd Thank you for subscribing iRyujin! PogYou iRyujin's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @nightblue3 kindred full lethality op @baymax8165 fck it broke fat gromp PogU tk !rune !uptime @Frozen2002LP, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 3 mins Gromp is T H I C C what is this kindred thing chat? kern9r subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Thank you for subscribing kern9r for 3 months! PogYou kern9r's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! jhins so much fun atm. thought id share that. :), have a good stream. !title @melissoulis -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND Благодарности за HahaCat, @kern9r Do you think sanguine blade splitpush kindred would work? HAHAHAlidays HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat HahaCat Bloodrazor or Warrior upgrade for kindred? OMEGALUL KEKW LUL XD @nightblue3 what do u think.about wukong mid BAD KEKW so bad HAHAHAHA lul ahahahaha LUL D: kekw wtf was that kewk LUL LUL LUL pepega KEKW UR JUST BAD KEKW MaN BOOSTED so bad dude f you walked out of the bush and it wasnt warded???? лох 15 autos cancelled nice comedy effect LUL Ur bad you 1st outside the bush :( KEEP CANCELLING AUTOS LOL triple tier s Kappa Kappa looser so bad Play a tank you turd. Its obvious at this point they want vision to be prio oh nonono KEKW ffffffffffffffffffffff !time tilted KEKW YOU ARE NOT USED TO KITINH You just got got !runes So ehm... rust? ;) GGEZ CLIPPED Pepega HIIII REDDIT Pepega @nightblue3 why am I never able to proc conquer BUSHKEKW are you sure your not just bad ??? Blaming a bush KEKW MALDING KEKW bushes always worked that way LUL kontol Put a ward in you hair TRUE Kapp honestly true the game is getting buggier and buggier blame the bush Kappa Kappa Kappa STOP you q a minion btw They made the bushes in likeness to the nightblue hair TRIP;E S JG THO BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage They were waiting in the bushes for us the same mistake from the previous game LUL Song name anyone? SOMETHING WRONG WITH BUSH ON YOUR HEAD KEKW @liquidgamer232 sometimes you just get got. Well it is pre-seasonm so ur brain is glitched s10 blame Bush !runes nb3 s10 washed up o/ 3rd game in a row that a cait survived a gank like that KINDRED its cause you have scanner and not wards caitlyn is autoing it should reveal her? LUL its a bug NICE KS new season = new bug How is xin right now? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Good morning from sweden my favourite NA monkay you walked out of the bush in between her autos. it has always worked like that. u get exposed if u auto FROM the bush to an outside target. and she did get exposed once the attack hit Makes sense, maybe it's finally fixed. If you don't have vision of the bush, you shouldn't get to see it irl. yeah it's a bug nd5 s10 jg next champ after aphelios is invis auto attacker Whats your elo? finally you are playing kindred Do you go Blloodrazor or Warrior on kindred? KEKW your top lane tho.. Nump they havent trim the bushes since s7, they are taller this patch Un4Chan8 Nice help on top o KEKWS chester :( poor top lan geting camp I'm going to try this kindred now. If I lose, I blame you @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 happy birthday! Wait thats not supposed to keep u stealthed Also, lia said you don't remember me @Nightblue3 ur top is literally running it down SourPls i boekrvoemo so noouMMMB i cantTT feel u th3r3r3r3r3 why kindred urgot smashing keyboard KEKW !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Nice help on top 2N @Tokons u done yet? @Nightblue3 show runes pls dad Urgot is speaking the language of the gods Kappa Kappa Kindred Kinda Thicc Though!!! WubTF Urgot pszQ Kindred is great, but in silver where ur teammates are too dumb to help at your marks, it's pretty crap to plau KEKW neh I believe you. Kindred has been good. she scales nicely @Nightblue3 !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute I think he said you’re bad riot and bug its there for seasons LULW question mark kindrd is dog shit u r delusional nd5 bobthecow_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! bug ? KEKW Why is she so good? Thank you for subscribing bobthecow_ for 6 months! PogYou bobthecow_'s Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! brucegRIP MercyWing1 chester MercyWing2 brucegRIP KEKW KEKW dud play ekko jungle so much better than kindred @Nightblue3 can kindred jump top river walls? Wouldn't lethal Tempo be better on her than conqueror? Since you already receive healing from W? My raptors are surrounded by opponents! I gotta save them! KEKW E TUUUU brucegRIP MercyWing1 chester MercyWing2 brucegRIP E TUUU KEKW Maybe its becuase you Q into 3 people ;D Attacking from a bush i thought it doesn't reveal u ashe JGL OP !runes Dartguy66 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing Dartguy66 for 9 months! PogYou Dartguy66's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 what are your key bindings? ez mark yo @Nightblue3 can you turn this song up? 5Head urgot die again LUL 2 marks LULW Is kindred the most macro intensive champ for kg right now? !conq Do you uplode one video no YouTube??? jg* @Nightblue3 explain mark mechanics plz LMAO Kappa yea you have to play macro still LUL kindred c?? saving ult @Nightblue3 Since you're going Warrior wouldn't lethal tempo be better on her? KEKW !uptine !uptime @teyy0, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 11 mins ornn almost 1v2 urgot ekko LUL so much damage Kappa jgl difff LUL siriuswil subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing siriuswil! PogYou siriuswil has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype siriuswil's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !keystone lol POG RUST nb3Give wait oh 0/7 urgot LUL you should copystrike him hes talking shit Urgot running it down hard you should mark urgot didnt u say u will test some other champs dude Bond, Urgot Bond @nightblue3 HELLO.. YOU LOOK GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL TODAY KonCha KonCha <3 Urgot is on point rust LUL What are the runes? What do you think of warwick right now? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL too much thread Kappa t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG chalenger jungler no ward KEKW @Nightblue3 Wouldn't lethal tempo be better on her since you're doing so much ad early? You aren't procking conqueror any fight urgot D: URGOT NOOOO ??? he's shamelessly running Kappa goes in with no hp LUL loool Kindred takes damage from minions more than champions no mana LULW ratirlSad KEKW ? kewk this urgot KEKW why 4Head ?? ? LUL @Nightblue3 can you show us how to play ivern kindred was on ur team Kappa so did i brother ? ?? bard mid ... urgot feeder LUL kindred? ?? phatboyjay1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Thank you for subscribing phatboyjay1 for 4 months! PogYou phatboyjay1's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! What do you think about warwick right now? u said u will test other champs today LUL He is not KEKW kappa papega KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW kindred? lmao kindred playing for the enemy team FeelsBadMan LUL kindred is on enemy team Kappa LUL KINDRED y is he constantly saying names of his champs for someone else Kappa pepegga KEKW dude kindred is wintrading LUL Damn right its not funny, its HILARIOUS so cringe kindred is actually on the other team KEKW kindred this is what happens when we abaondon rust :( u think dis is funneh? cringe Kappa PepeLaugh KEKW HOURE KIBDRED!!! what the f**k tho ?? HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep its cringe that ur saying cringe @Nightblue3 HahaThisisfine nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown @Nightblue3 Such cringe build kindred armor chicken RalpherZ Oof it happens lol @nightblue3 ez mark Cringeblue3* its 1 am are you streaming for EU? pszAPE Clap BibleThump I mean it is pretty funny 😂 but it happens nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3Mad nb3Mad nb3Mad nb3Mad 4fun How is crab mark now when u had 4 ? our boi is becoming a true boomer Kappa can't tell what he's playing cuz ur bad ur shit bro <3 Kappa you said the same thing yesterday well you are.. oh, that one's loooong gone my dude Kapp In Eu it is 7:43am I don't think so for fun players = bad Kappa SeemsGood Is this last play today? a bit too late m8 KEKW KEKW @cresthunter 7h40 AM it's not value ! POG sure Kappa !uptime we trust you @MadManBird, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 15 mins How does the kindred mark patern work - on camps that is @Nightblue3 just admit u r bad that is the only way to improve "I swear" were here to see bad plays from you Is warwick good right now? Video game not meant to be fun SMOrc must be BEST grandmaster SMOrc me flame team to be best SMOrc warwick is always good Keepo urgot will die again too far away do you think kindred is good right now? cat I feel like hes busted until like plat/diamond but still good after go hurricane hurricane hurricane KITTY hurricane hurricane @jefferghetti If they face plays taunt, you still go face??? SMOrc oh kitty kitty CAT m8 br hurricane sooo good hurricane cant go IE with no AS the flow of killing jg camps tho widepeepoHappy hurricane third, less gold sunk and you have 2 ad items sunk already imagine playing kindred hurricane 2nd is also good @Nightblue3 especially if you power farm runan WE DEMAND KITTY senna is nb3Gasm senna is dumb we want the kitty to stream rust Kappa not even close Kappa R ? saving for next game typical nb3NANI nb3NANI ??? KEKW KEKW SAVE R FOR NEXT GAME Pog KEKW hahaha ?? ornn so damn tanky LUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LUL HOW KEKW nice q tho Kappa F KEKW KEKW KEKW well then WAL XD kekw run it down KEKW @Nightblue3 How are you frames? kek LUL KINDRED SO STRONG 5Head PogChamp GA? nub EKKO KEKW marksman squishy? Kappa hmm I think that's a sign ekko carry time for rust DendiFace the build is great, the user is trash Kappa ezreal missed 2 q and protobelt KEKW lol Washed Pog THIS EKKO IS JUST GOOD ekko so bad Hi how's it goin? @Nightblue3 washed like a rug Kappa pog lee miss q @Nightblue3 what about cleaver first item then? ekko is POG thresh KEKW NA plays LUL ekko 1v9 Kappa ekko boosting KEKW NB3 GETTING CARRIED BY PLAT PLAYERS POG gonna go watch ekko's stream Pog 090 Tresh had an awful lantern and he's complaining LUL thrsh was flaming you zyra ? HahaSleep HahaSleep Thresh kindrd useless @nightblue3 nb3 getting carried hmm good idea lol forsenCD DO IT just dodge 4HEad ekko just show us how to play this game Kappa i wish ekko did proguides :// corvo145 subscribed with Twitch Prime. corvo145 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Kappa Thank you for subscribing corvo145! PogYou corvo145's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! wow that damage is nutty he ulted Kreygasm OhMyDog he finally ulted PogChamp PogChamp He ulted??! unreal Kreygasm he actally ulted @Nightblue3 if you feel squishy with that build wouldn't it be worth a shot to go cleaver first item? PogChamp that play nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm HAHA KEKW whats the difference between malph and ornn LULW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW ?? KEKW ?? and there it goes Kappa back to pepega ww KEKW kekw LUL KEKW LUL comet KEKW KEKW #karma KEKW nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL KEKWWKEWEKWEKWKEK ??????????? KEKW F lol HAHAHAHAHHAHA DogFace DogFace DogFace DogFace KEKW KEKW W OMEGALUL W f LUL LUL LUL PogChamp Kap RUST] press f to pay respects maybe PD? Kapp KEKW KEKW E TUUU 0/9/0 urgot give this man some gold tho @nightblue3 why not Bork on kindred? Just curious karmaaaaa mid of legends riot balance team lol because riot wants her to sell well Kappa LUL why are you botside when the rest of the team is prepping baron 🤔 Wouldn't cleaver first item be better? urgot is a legend, this man deserve 9 honors Senna jungel when? !uptime @RachelDGLucero, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 21 mins wouldnt cleaver be clever @RachelDGLucero VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo maximum damage Kreygasm ya but u never ult Hey Nightblue I think you keep losing because you go for MAXIUMUM DAMAGE @Nightblue3 I see. Thanks senpai ^w^ @nightblue3 pog dont use R win game senna is nuts wow SWITCHED TO KINDRED KEKW Ese pofe que estilazo he was right senna ekko smurfing Sennas damage is so big first win on KIndred? this urgot is carrying everyone HahaBall !opgg knew it soon as he doesnt R win!!!! RUST AFTER THIS finaly a win ?? doodBait doodBait doodBait KEKW ? ? this may hv been the first kindred math ever won WutFace crocodile man? A what Kapp adventure jungler wild life who dies constantly to jungle yes Kappa rust spam chat plz @Nightblue3 will u be playin rust some time next week? Leona winning Urgot Shutdown KEKW Rush Rabia!!!! powerspoik 3Head dont spam Rust i wanna see him go 0/10/0 first KEKW 5head math more CDR on that ult nice! 0/10 urgot gets a shut down quick mafs 5Head quick why such a late stream? @Nightblue3 howd yo do in clash if you played it? cmonBruh chat cmonBruh ResidentSleeper you god damn right LUL cmonBruh stormrazor op kindred BOGGED why dont you go 100% crit? !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at PogChamp you lose, leona is running down more than urgot HahaSleep cmonBruh cmonBruh @nightblue3 wukong is pog 2 range scaling champion. Senna still has more range I guess BigBrother ING R KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ? you walked right into that LUL Runes? ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW WOW KEKW HAHA walk into it LULW Kappa Kappa Kappa acually need glasses Pepega so mald KEKW back to saving ult again KEKW play diana Next time NB! questionmark? LULW thowable me too dont ult and he wins pog Urgot bd NICE ULTI LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL whoops Kappa now thats a pepega you need glasss Griefing HahaHide URGOT COMEBACK CARRY urgot 1v9 PogU pepega urgot is the only brain urgot try hard lol pepga urgot the runner-downer Pog 2/10 CARRIES KEKW Pepega they must have forgot @Nightblue3 just got rek because i was at heard and got 5v1ed team dident even move BETTER TOP WIN THAT DID LPPK the Urgot lmao! OMEGALUL urgot with the back door, he's saving your mistake hahah OMEGALUL LULW PogChamp KEKW kEKW omfg NA OMEGALUL KEKW carried KEKW urgot carry EZ Clap urgot carry KEKW Rush time!!! classic outplay OMEGALUL HSWP :omegaLul urgot PEPEGA mvp ggez diana jg any good Kappa Kappa Kappa THAT DID LOOK LIKE LEONAS R lol now his angry at winning urgot fking carried ur team LUL urgot carried sht up KEKW unlikeliest MVP ever LUL free Kappa PogChamp let's go RUST! URGOT SAVED THE GAME LOL urgot for the win LUL Kappa only nb3 can be upset for wining @Nightblue3 No offense, but your ulti's aren't the best on Kindred so your argument about not needing cleaver for the survivability is kind of invalid. Urgot mvp rŕrrrrrtuuuuuuuusssstttttyytytttttttttytyytyyy @nightblue3 wukong jgl plz IMAGINE AFTER THAT, THEY GET BARON AND SIEGE GG im so damn high and feel good wow RUUUUUSSTTTT maybe its the champ KEKW RUSTTTT filthy Ekko main URGOT with the backdoor, carrying NB3 They musta forgot maybe kindred is not for you try hurricane 2nd @Nightblue3 almost like you're shit rust plzz that fucking kidred and ekko lol RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST I think you got a lot done games till RUST RUST RUST? @Nightblue3 Is rengar still good? abc kalistaaaaaaaaaa HahaCat HahaCat Kindred is not that good Hashish for live brooo ! good Kush og Op yeaaah !uptime RUST PLEASE something wrong with your micro @cerealsdontexist, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 27 mins :P try wukong @nightblue3 MAYBE YOU NEED SEE JULIOSTITO BC HE IS THE GOD OF KINDRED yes ello rabia PD instead? why u doesnt go to all stars woof woof Rust ho ho ho ho OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog maybe to farm better @nightblue3 are you playing rust tonight ConcernDoge VIDEO TITLE "2/10 URGOD CARR8ED NB3??" @Nightblue3 what about the atack speed iteam narwhalcats subscribed with Twitch Prime. ho ho ho ho IE third Thank you for subscribing narwhalcats! PogYou narwhalcats has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype narwhalcats's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! BUT U DONT USE ITT ie after hurricane LIA monkaW what about steraks rust rustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrustrust is rengar still good @Nightblue3 ? LIA? well some one just died FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ @Nightblue3 You gonna play rust todat? KEKW @Nightblue3 Why not Stormrazor?? @Nightblue3 try IE rush hail of blades crit jhin its op op monkaW MonkaW Rust!! wukong monkaW RalpherZ is this a smurf account? WUKONG PLZZ Lia barking to song monkaW after @Nightblue3 I mean Xin lmao er after ie monkaW so you could tabi boots without worrying about your attack speed if heavy ad enemy team @Nightblue3 IG for more crit hit ur getting old OhMyDog OhMyDog SHADOWDOGS wukong Olaf best jng PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro play DIANA No, hurricane id WUKONG Any chance for rengar today? : kingdow under fire 2 im cummming soon niggGGG4 didnt u say u will use other champs today wu kong for harambe Why not PD after I.E.? @nightblue3 udyr good ay Essence reaver after@rust PepoDance Essense reaver is base item @Nightblue3 I think you need to focus a bit more on getting marks earlier, I think you had 2 marks at like 12 minutes this game no attack speed Rust? rosiiiichu subscribed with Twitch Prime. PinkMercy PinkMercy PinkMercy rosiiiichu has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing rosiiiichu! PogYou rosiiiichu's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! kayn who wanna ride daddy boii RUUUUSst play volibear jungler? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Wofff wof woff PogU ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssttttttttttttttttt fk it... triforce first item... go big or go home! @nightblue3 what about the new item after warrior? DoritosChip DoritosChip ur getting old Whats with the badges near the champions? ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat KAYN OR WUKONG PPPPLZ Hi i would suck a big donger just for some chipz and pizza dayuum Conan Exiles>Ark>Rust kalista jg new meta HahaCat HahaCat jk still foooooooooooods not lee plsss kayn pls why play rank? !points @phatboyjay1, phatboyjay1 has 5820 points and is rank 2792/3221618 on the leaderboard. Dude this song is super old rrrrrrruuuuusssst why are you on smurf Can I post a clip KAYN OR WUKONG PLZ rust man league is boring CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY DO YOU THINK SHE IS SSS TIER ? PLS A DEEP EXPLANATION i REALLY WANT TO KNOW Play QUIN RUNES?? you are so hot i wanna wifeuu u KAYN OR WUKONG use other champs today like u said you like lane assingment? Wukong plz annave1Love wukonggg good music nooooo OH YEAH Can we listen to music from this century @nightblue3 nope tailyah do no no no yes yes nooooo yeah nah league is love Kindred Yes YES yes here for the leagues @Nightblue3 I have a clip for you He’s not playing wukong ffs. Wukong is garbage this patch no NOOOO NO RUST No Noooo FCK RUST play WUKONG RENGAR LULW WIFE YOU Kindred noooo RUSTRUSTRUSTRUSTRUST norust boring asf mate its a love/hate I'll watch whatever you wanna play NB3 WHY IS KINDRED SO OP IN YOUR OPINION ? no i am from romania !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO rust plz league is cool NION system of a down chop suey fuck rust No I love league hahahahahahaha so HIGH ONONONONONONO nah yes noooooo Murndo OP ejackx1 im on 14 winstreak with wukong mid League is only boring win you're not enjoying it @nightblue3 no they are just here for the int Kappa they are loud @Nightblue3 its a jebait play no Nooo @Nightblue3 i´m only in for the League! league is kinda boring after 3 games.. rust is better imo. !points @RUZUR, RUZUR has 46630 points and is rank 12/3221620 on the leaderboard. vocal minority cause its just the people in chat that are weird enought to like rust LUL LMAO lee sin ResidentSleeper Rust is even worse than League LUL vocal minority lol its the silent minority Rabia KKona SONG Lee Shyv Vi Kindred, liking it lee ResidentSleeper because people who talk stays KEKW @Nightblue3 kidding, support you whatever you do <3 Nooo to lew ah what do you think about fiddle sticks jungle, league and rust r both good games its literally same 5 guy spamming rust XD STICK W LEAGUE hahaha like watching others suffer Because they don't see the beauty in rust Kappa LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL i get bored of playing it but watching it i like it Noooooo cause all the rust fan boys spam chat KEKW just play the right game League of legends PepoCheer PepoCheer THAI Lee Kondred i am not leaving @ejackx1 im on 14 winstreak wukong mid bro Everyone crying rust just go watch LifeStompers videos on the tubers romania ASDFASFADFDAFASDF im here for the streamer not the game :) presence of mind work on leesin? system of down!! HYPERS HYPERS HYPERS domination 2nd @nightblue3 will you play Rust today? yes @Nightblue3 why no celerity and waterwalking? rust is too boring try the Dark Harvest Lee sin build the peopel in chat wanting u to play rust are the ones trying to stream snipe u and bully u in rust @Nightblue3 Its called the vocal minority You could go wits end on kindered its pretty good Why do you stick to jg? stompS Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa nimbus cloak? @nightblue3 Is Rust better than Ark? @Nightblue3 is nimbus on lee kekw yo @nightblue3 go change skin League is the best tilted game EUw i came cause title said kindred kindred kindred? !uptime @reeeeenaud, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 31 mins where tf did all these rust kids come from Kindred ???? @nightblue3 no matter what u play ill watch but tbh rust is better than league most of lol players are psycho dude lol Because people who what you to play rust are not the majority of the chat KINDRED ??? @Nightblue3 favourite champ? I’m here for the game not the streamer @Nightblue3 will you play Rust today??? Blind bald sheep -> Kindred Kappa @Nightblue3 Your Wallpaper is soo good rust is PogU rust later? kindred ?... pepega Hey @nightblue3 have you heard of the game Dead Matter? KEKW @Nightblue3 why no celerity and waterwalking? the dark harvest Lee sin build is about one shotting the enemy before you die it's full lethality kindred kekw KEKW stompS Everyone crying rust just go watch LifeStompers videos on the tubers stompS KEKW LORA SIMULATOR LUL @nightblue3 first item on lee, cleaver? professional Pog with the same number of viewers would you play rust or league? @Nightblue3 Rust is fun to watch Rank ? how do u have 70 ms NIGHT LUL 3 prrrrrrr ofessional what with noct mids i play at a constant 200 ping U just like kindred cuz she thicc, huh @nightblue3 ? he sounds like the fat girl from big mouth fake advertising, i thought this was kindred. im offended Kappa @FROST_yuri 2 streamer household who stream at the same time RUST is so bad with so many viewers . unless you know how to hide @Nightblue3 what do you take secondary on lee sin ??? headBang NO DEALS Kappa Then play rust LUL monkaMEGA leagueeeeee or dieeeeee stompS Everyone crying rust just go watch LifeStompers videos on the tubers stompS I'd love to watch whatever I'm subbed and I like Rust too Subs want rust IM SUBCRIBED FOR 5 MONTHS AND I WANT RUST MY MAN Watch a real rust player gotta please the viewers @Nightblue3 what do you take secondary on lee sin ??? nah imsub and i want rust CONAN!! @Nightblue3 how do you play a game you dont want to play @Nightblue3 hey, subs are chatting also that they want rust im subbed to your yt channel does that count @nightblue3 Subs want YOU ;) @nightblue3 you do you boo whatever you prefer RUST True cuz you're the jgler its ass nothing to do about it I watch you for you. you are the content the game is just a bonus why does kindred look like a mald monk Just kill the stream snipers in rust for free loot @nightblue3 it's so hard to stream snip in leauge pls play kennen jng next game This isn’t kindred 😳 he started blue . bot was late to lane Kappa you gonna do the confidence q again? commit on every one or gift 50 subs? :) @eraj101 its better if you kill them irl and sell their belongings KEKW ok sombert KEKW rust and league have been my 2 favorite games for the last few years, keeps me entertained @HeartOfABeast ay for that Disgusting :D Pog PogU Pog nice PogU pogg Pog PogU nice pog POG i think Lee Sin is Quadra S tier i give u 1 Pog I CAME HERE FOR KINDRED BabyRage nb3Drool @nightblue3 Hello, we have been watching your stream for a while and I am here to offer you a position on elo boosting team. We have many known boosters such as Rezz, Max, Papa Chau, Torgun, K3Sojuu, Arthelon, Azingy, Ryden7, Applum, BabyZeus, SilSol, Black, Humzh, Prototype, AllMuscle420, NiHaoDylan, HeavenTime, TeddyRO, Krypt, Metaphor, Aerodactyl, Athene, Reap22, Duoking1, and Tarzaned. If interested, PM me. ping the noct now better than when you play kindred dude, change ur title i came too BOOSTING TEAM KEKW my man rabia what do you take secondary on lee ? NA dimaond Pepega @Nightblue3 How do you have a timer on gromp? Kappa @elodaddy stfu bih @nightblue3 What makes you like Rust? Isnt all the same now? Yes there is its called a streamer KEKW @Nightblue3 where kindred? Kappa i wonder who was a diamond player before he's afk Juked LULW Noc will afk doesnt get fizz lol They are good at the game come on kekw tilting dogshit KEKW take his minions KEKW nb3Potato nice attempt though Flame HIM PogU he ping you then you play greedy @nightblue3 Wheres kindered? just mute him dude its bc of him @Nightblue3 nice clickbait title D: ISTHIS A FUCKING ROCK MIX OF BAD APPLE???? why does cam look distorted noc mid? Soooo.... Kindred?? KEKW o.0 GET EM NB KEKW peepoFinger shipLUL LUL WeirdChamp True KEKW LUL did Kindred get a rework? Keepo ayy i dont wipe my ass... my dog licks it off Wait I tune into salt ?? Who would have guessed 😂 It is GHOSTED U act like those are ez tasks what song is this? J4 had no smite KEKW POG @alemadrid17 wtf Why you no ward hop out?? THAT J4 SMITE OMGGGGGGGGG he didnt have smite Pepega Clap J4 trolling ey gabacho!! sabes ingles wey? !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute This isnt kindred sheesh noc triple Pepega song He simted to 100hp español wey? !uptime @BrotillaTheHun, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 40 mins !fap Beta PepeLaugh delta beta beta beta BETA Beta GAMMA LUL i think they are ghosting beta he smited for health BETA beta af omega @snake3200 you gotta do what you gotta do You are Kappa beta HeyGuys ey Gabacho sabes español wey? Beta the incarnation of a beta male beta Your our Uber driver zetta you were dead is what you were @alemadrid17 OMEGALUL Beta Beta beta You are Kapp you swept and it didnt pick up any wards beta OMEGA BB BETA BEACH gamma halu BETA Very very beta LUL who happen whit kindred Betch OMEGA LUL te estoy hablando gabacho,sabes español? Alpha , with a bed time KEKW omega WDYM alpha??? LUL LUL TAKE EVERY Q why so late today beta Hey @Nightblue3 i have 4k hours in Rust if you ever need some advice while playing im happy to assist :) what makes them s tier? LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE SOUL SAID ALPHA LOL beta=alpha i see is this reworked kindred Kappa !uptime @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 41 mins kindred isnt kekw triple s tier KEKW !opgg shyvana is garbage Lee is always x3 S tier ur trolling if ur not using quadruple s tier champs, lol AP Shyv nb3NANI chingada madre gabacho!!!!! sabes español o no vrgs? Not a beta even, maybe a delta or an echo haha wow it's been ages since i've seen a shi Tripple S is Super Suck Silver or what? :D why so late today @nightblue3 nice Q OMEGALUL @demosreign Bad apple by RichaadEB ft. Cristina Vee Sad DELETED bad ult KEKW do u speak spanish? D: why not Q before kick? @Nightblue3 what was that kick? ND3 where is kindred? @Nightblue3 Q first ward + w? @Nightblue3 on a fizz @avirrax to secure q music WeirdChamp what runes u take for kindred MUSIC AYAYA try ap lee sin TriHrad YOAH AYH luv yu man @Diegthekinglong I mean Q, kick, then second Q would have been better than kicking and going for a max range Q TriKool NB3 U ARE LOOSER TriKool ur triple S tier brother @avirrax I misses them a lot so he kicked so he could know he could land it but bad move for fizz as ya saw D O U S P E A K S P A N I S H ? @avirrax minions were in the way Pepega TriKool !uptime @gosheto050, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 43 mins TriKool Bish wers ma monies @avirrax He misses** Riri girl is tis a rerun?? Like prarpa Pog Pog Coming in here wishing he was playing kindred POG But no frog POGG Pog PogChamp NOW THATS A GOOD ULT alcove alcove alcove alcove alcove LUL, some one finally learned the R, Q combo Keepo !runes @Nightblue3 that was pretty standert EEEEEEESSSSSSAAAAAAAAAA Pepepls @Nightblue3 Hi Nightblue! :) nice title @ND5 :) lmao poor jarvan how is that WeirdChamp WeirdChamp 3 ults for jarvan LUL 3 ult kill KEKW not worth night D lue 3 yes its worth chat WeirdChamp WeirdChamp ion siin lehh !elo where is Kindred lolKKona i have been scammed kill all da dragon and sure u win hasChinshin what elo is that? idk y he didnt do dragon when j4 was dead that ult.... nb3 map dont show up dragons naisu title says kindred but is playing lee (ditto) nice fortune he was playing only kindred before @eternalfafner maybe cuz hte waves weren't pushed gachiBASS OCEAN !uptime @YourOnlyViewer, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 46 mins worst drakes wu lickR it was definitely not the worst weirdChamp ITS SO WET gachiBASS @Nightblue3 i like the flowers where are you aiming at @zoprano21 gay kindred? @eternalfafner kinda basic ngl @PyroIceDude it was KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED LULW @kmoo94 no it wasnt KEKW GLITCHED nice clickbait title NA Q KEKW can someone take down a turret already? gn @Nightblue3 its 9 am here @PyroIceDude You're wrong :) doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA KEKWlaugh @kmoo94 go back to gold KEKW @nightblue3 why so late today guys, this is just kindreds new skin i've used them plenty no he didnt need waves pushed when j4 was dead its decision making difference Hey @Nightblue3 i havent play League since july, what champs are good now in jungle? PepoDance MORD Pog WeirdChamp this guy is just dumb all around KEKW BBYodaS go afk, its not KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED I lost my kindred game. Can i call your riot friend and get you banned cause you suggested it @Nightblue3 @Journe_y leafeon is my favourite pokemon @PyroIceDude I am actuallly Silver :) so I would like to be gold :) lag is anyone having fps issues with league after s10 thats why i didnt play today. had a bad feeling I got ignites earlier and that extra random hioneyfruit saved my life lol monkaS Clap Ignited* too much fps drops latlet KICK Kappa ? @nightblue3 what's the build on kindred? KEKW that r is monkey its anoying fps issues cause of the new map? no? inting you did LUL tyler1Bad double ignite Ez Kick combo there Kappa TriHard i think the fps drops is a widespread problem i think its just everything The R was the reason for the only kill kambaree Onii-chan cmonBruh hitskyWECH pkus map u can turn off the rain i think hyhy the title lied to me BabyRage !uptime @Gotimbi, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 49 mins how TriHard WTF Ok I got baited by the title I’m out @cousindestroyer69 No one cares starNice !followage @olheiro_da_sheol, olheiro_da_sheol has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 9 months 19 days 3 hours WutFace WutFace @nightblue3 Why arent you invited to All Stars?? !followage @zerohigane, zerohigane has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 1 month 17 days 17 hours cailtlin can shoot headshots while in stop watch PogU !followage @hop3ofbon3, hop3ofbon3 has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 4 months 18 days 13 hours !followage @YuanDirection, yuandirection has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 2 months 15 days 11 hours Why isn't he at Allstars ^-^ hes not a star hey how do you rate the dragon souls? Ocean number 1 or ? @Nightblue3 ive been clickbaited !followage @d3d3, d3d3 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 6 days 14 hours !followage @not4lex, not4lex has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 7 months 15 days 5 hours @nightblue3 why do you give low priority to Rift? you can Q then W ward to avoid the trap !followage !followage @phatboyjay1, phatboyjay1 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 4 months 25 days 16 hours @unknown___1234, unknown___1234 has been following nightblue3 for 1 month 22 days 4 hours wait there is actually some light in your room finally? PogU she is like old mord KEKW BRUHH Kappa WeirdChamp theres no bug the trap was visible there kindred is busted !followage @Yellowcheeze, yellowcheeze has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 27 days 7 hours !follwage she can auto while GA proc INTENSE WARNINg Kappa !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Hi, I follow you since that skin came out title is KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND and plays lee sin LUL LUL This isn't Kindred. kindred was buffed? jarvan pepega how long have u been streaming today !Followage @celesteecakess, celesteecakess has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 1 month 16 days 6 hours yes He’s taking a break from Kindred yes yes Lee Sin = Kindred yes Yes KEKW yes yes Chill chat yes What is the kindred tittle about good laners obviously yes !uptime @kaijii, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 52 mins playing lee sin becuz s9 IS BORING Kappa tust no u da best playing tilted yes KEKW yes that's it @Nightblue3 Did you abuse the KEKW guy? rust plz !followage I like kindred skin looks like lee sin @Yohhsteve, yohhsteve has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 8 months 23 days 22 hours YOU ARE FARMING ALL THE TIME NOW :( Why not Both KEKW maybe players are getting GoOd?? Solid Maybe. no your team is good kekw WAS KINDRED REWORKED ? Maybe hey how do you rate the dragon souls? @Nightblue3 !followage @Dennis8DragonTail, dennis8dragontail has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 3 months 20 days 11 hours Can i lick ur hair Can i lick ur hair hello if you jungle and don't invade farm you'll be behind anyways I think it’s the items not kindred where is kindred? Yes you re bad now, you re an alpha rust player now !time can i lick ur hair DAMN GUESS YOU ARE RIGHT tobias1 tobias2 tax lanes almigh26RAGE Kappa your build sucks !followage @valkirye32, valkirye32 has been following nightblue3 for 9 days 3 hours Can someone explain KEKW, please KEKW I want to find the filtering combustion of H3 KEKW @nightblue3 Amumu next game? what do you eat now 0.0 show us some places or we leave MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Farm less Steal Minions ur farm seems fine you cant oneshot with your build and you cant tank their damage theres no reason to play lee and build like this what time it is in na? yea whats KEKW??? KEKW play jg that arnt lvl reliant KEKW KEKW 2 in central KEKW KEKW @Nightblue3 are u eating m&m ? KEKW KEKW HE DOSENT KNOW Is that why kindred is good because your opponent ganks set them even further behind because you already want to counter jungle your marks ? @nightblue3 are people mocking me? :( what are u eating? @Nightblue3 whats the name of the song? KEKW nightblue is smaller than T1???? !delay KEKW KEKW ehmmm KEKW KEKW f?? ?????? ???????????? KEKW KEKW LUL rabia what am i watching monkaS KEKW KEKW 2/2 Q misses KEKW KEKW Flash KEKW ?????? KEKW pepega q miss KEKW do it ANELE HAHAHAHA kekw Isnt lethality Lee the popular build atm? I'm better than you hoooly SO BAD RalpherZ BabyRage LUL BRO KEKWEE Bro bro bro !uptime @vendallis, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 55 mins KEKW fat players play the best, it is known xqcBall D: 71 ping rip mom D: D: Is Nocturne mid any good?? R YOU Jackie Chan? What happened to nb3 league skills LUL 3Head 7 D: Nightblue swears when he is on his mom D: Eat First Pog @Sintajin Bruh Imma be grandmaster next season Kindred was sick! just went 18/6/6 HahaPoint any gifters ? poggers Pog WHO IS HE PogU Takk for HahaPoint, @elitefrozon POGGERS CLID PogU smurfing u sware on me moom? 3Head Clap oogU Pog bro holy bro wtf bro I swear bro what the heck man bro PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp bro that is not kindred PogU Pog WTF INT that moment when you join and hes not playing kindred lmao Kappa ?? You should really consider going PTA over conqueror on Kindred. From my experience (dia soloQ and dia/master scrims) works better 70% of the time ! LULW LUL KEKW ?? 7777777777777777777777777 LOOOOOL KEKW ? Kappa ???????????????? uh???? ??? bruh moment INTING int LUL WOT ? KEKW ___ INT ????????????????? reported KEKW ?? Kappa an attempt was made KEKW @Nightblue3 yo nb3 what rank are you atm? fast recall LUL KEKW lol what Kappa KEKW ???????????????????????????? NA KEKW classic ND3 KEKW RIP Mom nb3Chimp Kapp dirty inter brand too tanky ???? @Nightblue3 Thats it Nighblue, eat away the pain LUL Nt kappa just got here, whyd he do that? KEKW run it down ?? I wonder why i don't have an impact KEKW tyler1INT tyler1INT LUL !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute doin an old t1 impersonation i see Suck What elo is this????? is rengar still good @Nightblue3 ? nb3 being nb3 Dirty MUSIC WutFace u must be feeling funny or something ? ? @sofflz for the memes wheres the kindred @Nightblue3 do you still gym regularly Can i dmell ur nose @sorrobou haha fair enough lick my balls I was jebaited every game is better jung wins this season yah but you wanted to recall KEKW sit up straight boi cowGasm nb3 doing just nb3 things shipHMM How much cm is yo nose @nightblue3 last game 23/2/0 is it good rengar @Nightblue3 ? the throws nice steal Pog PogU Bobzzz is on the chat !! PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp soul op Pog @Nightblue3 is that noc build legit? GGGGGG ???? LUL gift miss fortune mf carry PogYou PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL ocean soul op !followage that fight..... weird @lordmax1, lordmax1 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 2 months 15 days 3 hours MF is good pog mf that ocean soul saved his a** ASSDAFDSAGJGKAJSTFGREWUZGASDFJKJVB miss fortune @nightblue3 whats the runes someone order this guy 3kgs worth of hot food what does ocean soul do last game 23/2/0 is it good rengar @Nightblue3 ? mf ulti shatters a lot of things @Nightblue3 i have missed you so much nb3OMG nb3OMG nb3OMG nb3OMG nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug the ocean soul saved you there SillyChamp false NOT TRUE false FALSE false false SillyChamp / ? truuuu play something funny xD False is it normal to max q then w now on lee? fake TRUE what a kick Kapp SCUFFED LULW TRUE Kapp not true Kappa PogChamp PogChamp ? did time stop? Kappa gripex better i think Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ? TriKool 7 TriKool So slow Kapp LULW Pepega ? Pepga ? pepega? must be a bog catch wut? bugg KEKW Pepega SMOrc LULW 1/3 lul waw j4 is pretty sad !uptime @TheSlimReapergr, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 59 mins Ignite LULW forest4SIPPY KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED -------> plays Lee Sin DO IT warmogs? KEKW Kappa ? TriHard TriKool BURRRR !tcs last game 23/2/0 is it good rengar @Nightblue3 ? LULW Zhonyas uhnD !elo would you play some warwick later? CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob cos lee sin rust time Kappa you were better at Rust @Nightblue3 !uptime KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND "only" @xshadowhail, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours what do you mean only today PepeHands Kapp 71 ping only today? Kappa Kappa what about yesterday kindred games @Nightblue3 today Kappa free warmorg passive KEKW only today Kappa cause you RUSTY KEKW Kapp False go eat RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST "only" today KEKW !playlist Kapp Kappa RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. Is NB3 joining TCS ? Play amumu HELLOimMICHAEL subscribed with Twitch Prime. HELLOimMICHAEL has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing HELLOimMICHAEL! PogYou HELLOimMICHAEL's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. TriKool You should really consider going PTA over conqueror on Kindred. From my experience (dia soloQ and dia/master scrims) works better most of the time, especially in high pace games ! RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST TriKool Clap rust plz do both do both LIterally do both Amumuu @nightblue3 Play anything but kindred yo any rust tonight? do both TriKool Clap @Nightblue3 hello x1nighBOSS rsrsrssrrsrsrrust Hi eat while gaming why are you 40-37 in p1.......... play olaf EATING STREAAAM Eat and stream gotta eat to stream, gotta stream to eat, gotta eat to stream, gotta stream to eat, gotta eat to stream, gotta stream to eat, gotta eat to stream, gotta stream to eat, muk bang lol @Nightblue3 is 23/2 rengar good? play ekko or mundo? :D kindred pls kayn nno play jhin top When ate you go to rest? warwick please <3 what rank in this id now? Can i kiss ur asshollee Do what girls do watch other streamers and order some food then eat what rank are you on this account RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST @nightblue3 conquer on kha? Have missed your lol streams olaf olaf olaf SURE LULW kindred, i need to learn her shyv kinnn shyvana SHYVANA kindred you are in my ello am watching you for educationals reasons and am getting this kindred kayn kin AP kindred kindred ap shyvv kindred DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO shyv opinion on Skarner @Nightblue3 ? I feel like he's kinda ok SHYVVVV no shyv kin kinnnbn K. what does conqueror do AP SHIV Kindred shyv shiv AP SHIV shyvanna AP Kindred i wanna see ur asshole kindred AP KINDRED Pog shyvana ap Kindred shiv shyv shyvana kindred AP SHYV shyv T E E M O Rust or Riot DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO shyv ap kindrid twitch theyu gonna nerf ap shyv mundo ekko ппц стример даун Amumuuu Shy Shyv Come stacks for free inside her ult it’s obviously the way to go. But yeah before pta was great Amumu poppy Lindres kindred kindred syndra jg amumu nahh test rengar mindred Teemo Kindred kindred kindred Ap shy Are you going to play rust today shyv olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf kindred rrrrrrrrruuuuuuuussssssssssttttttttttttt AMUMU CHange your title if you play shyvana boxBob Shyvvvvvvv have you seen t1 pushups? kindredd plz @Nightblue3 TBH I feel like conqueror is shit on all champions it heals for nothing! Pretty useless! Overall PTA is better... what are your thoughts SENNA JUNGLE shyv DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO DR MUNDO Jax olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf olaf kindredddd kindred Kindred but ap shyv ain’t a bad secondary option rengo Khazix wait is that the song from rythm and flow? I MEAN IT taliyah поцаны а у меня большолй болт @nightblue3 no presence of mind on lee sin? Isn’t the +50 energy busted? KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED Shyv SENNA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST S O R A K A J U N G L E shyv yt vid ap shyv? kindredkindredkindredkindredkindred how long is the delay., while streaming? Evelynn OLAF @Nightblue3 just wanna say you the best nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3Hug BigBrother Evelynn malphite Shyv or gay fiddle why is conqueror op? Bltz Olaf op rust rustrust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rustrust rust rust he means it PowerUpL pyke PowerUpR ~ BigBrother /\ Gnar !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Play some ANUMU Soraka PTA Jungle You win a game yet? play kayn lmao phase rush kekw SENNA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST? PoM is kinda good on kassa true @Nightblue3 how are u? so omnirune the best? true yes its real good AP malp IS so strong right now ap shyvana ytvideo? lee gets energy back fast with auto so its not as busted ofc singed has mana scalling anyone who builds the item is worth it its good on nocturne for the R cooldown Sion jungle Kappa @Nightblue3 what do you think about the removal of klepto? was a fun rune and omnistone is complete garbage on everybody Shield bash tho kekw @nightblue3 CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat Kappa and kassadin Play khazixxxxx. @Nightblue3 Hey later on you should call me on discord and boost me to Diamond 1 cause why not @Nightblue3 thast the old singed new singed has nothing with mana @nightblue3 SENNA JUNGLE DSRK HARVEST looking for eune gold duo o @eprom1 no it got nerfed are you bronze??? i love cats CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat SCARECROW SCARECROW SCARECROW i like PoM on manahungry adcs to replace manaflow band i feel shyvs fallen off a bit but might jus be me DxCat mean it kindred white rapper KEKW @Nightblue3 Yorick jungle OP time! @Nightblue3 Karthus can use new PoM ScaredyCat whats with the badges next to the champions i mean it BEST WACHO IN THE WORLD ~ DxCat /\ Mow Im going to swallow your one eyed dragon Nb3 @Nightblue3 Whats with the badges next to the champions what GPU do you use? Finally AP Shiv! how original... why would u ever go relentless huter WeirdChamp haHAA i love cats CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat cringed WeirdChamp ... NIGHTBLUE I DID GREAT ON MY LAW SCHOOL FINAL saiiComfy haHAA Origanal charizard is cool, shyvana is not WeirdChamp solaWut you are cringe, just saying Kappa @viledacia it is his LPP (League Partner Program) means all skins on that champion are unlocked WeirdChamp how do u have so many rune pages? @Nightblue3 Hey later on you should call me on discord and boost me to Diamond 1 cause why not!!!!!! BoneClaw gachiBASS charizard isn't a dragon type though He use GTA3080 TI (? realvrJam isnt AD shyvana better Best jg Khazix or rengar @doyledaymeon Thank you NIGHT BLUE I DID GREAT ON MY LAW SCHOOL FINAL Hi nightblue, i'm a brazilian big fan, i want you to hear a brazilian song, can you hear? mc poze eu to voando alto why domt play yi ? ctm Wait CY@ I SHALL SUE ALL OF CHAT NOW this isnt Kindred shyv flash arts seem like from ss3.oh it is why kindred ? TRUE LULW dont u think u would get more value out of other runes? even cd on ult? @trandon Did you forget the mega evolve X form?!! LULW @Nightblue3 Are you in TCS ? i have only 1 runepage, sad yeah its the worst gigamax in the game charzard is overrated charizard has a dragon form as charizard X boosted bonobo @Nightblue3 good luck man! fok the game anyways 3Head Skyscraper type pokimon look at these boobs @Dennis8DragonTail but like... not regular charizard :( 3Head MATE WTF what are you eating KEKW poky man is overrated chinpokomon is the best @nightblue3 you live at 2.30 am ?? isthis channel the best jungler's channel? PepePls KEKW fok u mate 3Head Banned Any tier 3 GIFTERS? ratirlGentleman Best jg Khazix or rengar x1nighLOEUL @nightblue3 play khazix bro 😍😍 monkaS monkaS D: she ded WutFace ?? mokaW SHES GETTING AWAY monkaS monkaW lia ded !followage @emrelci, emrelci has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 3 months 3 days 8 hours monka boxMONKERS monkaW monkaS what was the song playing before???? monkaW D: cirD RAPE ?? wtf nb3? monkaW foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm cirSlain SHE"S TRYING TO ESCAPE! Wtf this is not kindred, scammer AYAYA SONG Nightblue you're my favorite streamer I love how you say words ya know, rather than do nothing @Nightblue3 !followage @miketyger, miketyger has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 3 months 8 days 15 hours monkaP @amurius Ye he ain’t be in est bruh. effREEE kyaaa Let her gooo boxHide boxHide boxHide widepeepoHappy ded !followage @pieday420, pieday420 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 8 months 27 days 16 hours monkaW NOT KINDRED BabyRage NOT KINDRED BabyRage why no kindred BibleThump @Nightblue3 i just realized, why isnt shyv played more? I feel like she would be perfect for the current meta rawrXD emoblue 3 WeirdChamp !followage @FrozenWater01, frozenwater01 has been following nightblue3 for 6 years 1 month 27 days 1 hour Free the hostage nuke shy you got this EZ Clap WeirdChamp penta HI YT????????? HahaPoint shyv is playable everyone just dont know how veiDJ no kindred LUL Sandaconda Gmax looks sik !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at !followage @maxi110, maxi110 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 11 months 1 day 13 hours veiDJ La lala hope you're having a lovely night and stream so far =) this doesnt look like kindred gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk gripFk TriHard scammed D: that ward is Pog LULW another penta??? you don't wanna know gachiBASS foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm this is new kindred rework MASTURBATING kekblue does it again KEKW true @Liawaifu nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan Kappa SURE @Nightblue3 true sure Kapp Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Typing Kapp but playing in gold where its actually TRUE LULW how you gonna spam kindred in ur title but not play her Those are ironPlayers LULW what do u mean monkaHmm monkaW ETUUUU oh my. plat junglers !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at wait, this isnt kindred, you are a phoney! a big fat phoney!!! KEKWait ETU OI BRUV u sound like a anime girl dude dont you max e on ap shyv LULW KEKW Illaoi NotLikeThis KEKW 3 LULW LUL oi bruv 3Head it was pushing for him... No LUL NA in 2k19 LULW that's a big yikes from me dawg !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute inbetween KEKW AYAYA HOT AYAYA is he going ap? gachiBASS HOT point in w KEKW ugly obv yo guess 4Head UGLY KEKW thiiiiicc anime girl ugly one RPGAyaya ugly ofc wtf a thicc gachiHYPER u look hot nightblue no kappa pride theyre all hot an annoying one my ears gachiHYPER nb3Clown Kappa ? WutFace STOP Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm milk me daddy "I would milk anime girls" NB3 Like a trap KEKW WURF KEKKW SPANKED LULW cmonBruh !uptime @BiLoUrAnK_8, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 11 mins LUL LUL LUL FeelsWeirdMan gachiHYPER WHIP EM GOOD gachiHYPER chat spamming KEKW for no reason WeirdChamp LUL LUL LUL lawboy2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. lawboy2 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing lawboy2! PogYou AYAYA lawboy2's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! thiccccccc AYAYA XD foggedLewd foggedLewd foggedLewd Kreygasm nut doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA doctorYAYA milk dat shit Kappa Kreygasm MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu IN UR DREAMS KEKW WutFace my ears must be cleansed now WeirdChamp WeirdChamp lily pichu? is that you?! WORTH worth WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp that's not kindred reported were is your nimbus cloake? WeirdChamp /\ WeirdChamp look at those dorans n1 fed inting bro HahaSweat @Nightblue3 why is ad Shyv better then AP? @nightblue3 how does shyv passive work? what does the new ocean drag do again? starset pog dancepls !uptime Kappa @poy1220, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 12 mins Kappa You think blue smite and nimbus cloak is good on junglers? !followtime normie chat for a normie streamer WeirdChamp do you think invading is more important now then before WeirdChamp WTF !followage @xmqgnus, xmqgnus has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 4 months 12 days 22 hours What’s up @nightblue3 wings they do Hello how are you? YO WHQT THESE PEOPLE WeirdChamp 👆 👇 how old are you?? Kapp oh my. WeirdChamp Top Laners hey @Nightblue3 , there is something i dont understand. I know you are aware that Olaf is really good, are you looking for other picks 'couse you dont like him or just want options? FACTS Kapp KEKW what about adc? Fk Hash KEKW D: true Kapp jungle Support players unite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! top lane is ez honestly FACTS! YES @Nightblue3 I mean youre not wrong coming from a top laner KEKW SUPER TOP what a retard lol WeirdChamp KEKW TRUE Junglers are PVE players though? LUL !uptime @punkylp, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 14 mins KEKW KEKW FREE damn LMAO big yikes goddayymn foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE foggedREE lol D: FACTS quite toxic What top laner abused you PepeHands TRUE KEKW sktfakerKill sktfakerKill sktfakerKill sktfakerKill TRUE weren't you a top laner for like 2 months kekw clip that viledacia subscribed with Twitch Prime. viledacia has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype not cool man Thank you for subscribing viledacia! PogYou viledacia's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Are you talking to Hash? KEKW KEKW #FREETOPLANERS OMEGALUL TRUE D: IM NOT True junglers best players in the game KEKW SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Hi OMEGALUL karma LULW Junglers = PVE 80% of the game TRUE cxd @Nightblue3 atleast they have laning phase gj jungler KEKW INT rolled F any SRO fans in the chat? lul KEKW foggedTilt foggedTilt BAD BrokeBack GOOD JOB KEKW junglers best players in the game KEKW nice play! Big if true XD GM1 JL KEKW LUL love u KEKW normie chat for a normie streamer WeirdChamp KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Hey LULW WRONG XD Jubglers... 0/2/1 btw ratirlPriest ratirlInt WeirdChamp WTFF foggedProf foggedProf foggedProf I play top and jungle:v dont insult us big brain players LUL thresh adc !followage @jet_sev, jet_sev has been following nightblue3 for 6 months 7 days 4 hours thresh carry You think blue smite and nimbus cloak is good on junglers? KEKW RUST waiting room !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at mid didnt ping reeeee WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WTF NORMIES no LUL i play jungle and autofill win more than 50% of my games when i dont get my real role top or bot WeirdChamp @normiecore i need my rust content now LULW TRESH 3 0 POG KEKW reet boi WeirdChamp i really want wukong to be good at season 10 KEKW @normiecore trash i dont KEKW WeirdChamp we need some Dayblue3 title = kindred, wth nb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEKW cmonBruh You think blue smite and nimbus cloak is good on junglers???????? outside DansGame asd bruh @Nightblue3 dont die again nb3 is such a loser LUL NB3 Pog like actually a loser WeirdChamp 👉 KEKW @normiecore normie WeirdKEKW @normiecore WierdChamp @Immouldypotatos Amen? KEKW gachiBASS SO AM I I love toxic Nightblue LUL LUL i mean it's your name so than it's you @Nightblue3 got no kills but you have 1 assist so your not weak YOU CANT GANK FOR SHIT U PICKED SHYVANA <3 Kappa ? !uptime yes a,em @Limbo1996, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 15 mins Yes! Let's roast one of the best junglers NA!!!!!! @Nightblue3 is dragon one of jungler's main priorities rn? I feel like that's why shyvanna's pretty good again amen LUL @Nightblue3 XD PogU KappaPride HandsUp Kreygasm Niikolace subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Thank you for subscribing Niikolace for 7 months! PogYou Niikolace's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! pog lol walked into your balls KappaPride KappaPride Imagine playing jungle in 2019 omegalul brain dead player Pepega KEKW gachiBASS no shit LUL no balls gachiBASS SeemsGood 5Head You think blue smite and nimbus cloak is good on junglers? this doesnt looked like kindred You were on an island @Nightblue3 200 iq @Nightblue3 morgana used tower no jutsu BAlwalkers ratirlPriest nb3Thinking 5Head Pepega welcome to the jungle @Nightblue3 wtf is illaoi builting????? wheres the kindred boy?????????????? YOU ARE WELCOME PAPA she walked into my ball... doesn't sound weird.. at all... I mean.. just noticed LULW 5Head i see 5head I see LUL or her @Nightblue3 Even if you dont kll them, you can take them out of lane A jungler that ganks hmmm WHERE IS KINDRED PogChamp Song @Nightblue3 I LOVE U but lia is the best streamer Behind u nb3 illoui ahead will 1v9 thats a facts PogChamp KEKW AP shyv DansGame DansGame EE Now she has the peanut Top buiild is troll PogChamp song @Nightblue3 illaoi`s name starts with toxic Is ap netter then ad Pepega LMAO @Nightblue3 would you play a lee sin top lane? i cant remember who but years ago some dude mained lee sin top lane and would get to challenger on new accounts within 30 days of lee sin top PogChamp @Nightblue3 are you gonna try out the rework Diana in the jungle when she comes out? POG bm POG Behind u nb3 @nightblue3 you need to harvest more souls E grants vision? Type 1 if happy with ur peepee size ratirlCozy Jebaited Jebaited monkaS Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited LUL pizzasauce you mean blem? I like you back side Jebaited @Nightblue3 is AD or AP shyvana better????? !uptime @gennymboh, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 18 mins @pizzasauce bruh your not even bronze quit dreaming please my peepee size is like a stack of dimes foggedYoda foggedYoda foggedYoda Does shyvana win all smite fights because of passive? Do you ever build tank shyvana Who is that girl behind you @uchihaslayer33 ouch Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited The back of rabia's head 🤤 RZD2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Hey SMOrc Thank you for subscribing RZD2 for 7 months! PogYou RZD2's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Jebaited That's how she's supposed to be played. Farm when no ult and gank with ult. Her ult should never be waiting up. CRIKEY 3Head MingLee @florda that does sound like him. let me google and see Do you clickbait you title? @pizzasauce I`m toxic because the streamer is toxic it`s logic 2.0 poggers ghost behind monkaS ?\ why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed clickbait title KEKW Anyone down to gift me a skin for a boost to D4? Fair trade ^ What is the mic you're using? :) wait a second this isn't kindred >:( why isn't jhin ulting? @florda yeayea blem!! what happened to him? is he still around? i dont follow on this type of stuff @Nightblue3 yo bro dont appreacite your hate for top lane , i roam , i matter too :( @Nightblue3 is AD shyvana better than AP shyvana??? つうです subscribed with Twitch Prime. つうです (tuudes) has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype this illaoi is babyraging Thank you for subscribing つうです (tuudes)! PogYou つうです's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! NA jg blames team pvmanMonkey HI NB3 im audience from Taiwan, could you say ''pi yan'' to me? when does the new season start Cloud drake... giga unlucky Wowee @intorce 1/8 NA tp batter troll win ^^ pizzasauce ye i saw him play a bit a few weeks ago or so but thats about it why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed its a ryze... cloud is fine on shyvana i feel like all lanes complain at the jungler and then the jungler roasts everyone else e KEKW lol pvmanNOO pvmanNOO @cyclotron Is it? I think ult cd doesnt do anything for shyvana KEKW nice e foggedSMOrc foggedSMOrc foggedSMOrc foggedSMOrc @Deathdraw the 30% mvt speed after using ult is nice NA e SeemsGood AP Shyv althought being meta pretty trash in my opinon. Theres better builds i keep los8ing my kindred games. I'm reporting you @Nightblue3 D: Looking at NA chat makes me wonder how they're nto banned yet. I get banned for saying "you're bad" Illaoi is malding is hard right now nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis @Nightblue3 is AD shyvana better than AP shyvana??? Where is kindred !? Morrning :3 !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute HandsUp gachiBASS gachiGASM 80% hp "low" Kreygasm Kreygasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm foggedGasm !elo slow chat for 7.7k lol kindred gameplay Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm I think ad is better Kappa Kapp nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm WHERE THE HELL IS KINDRED YOU LIED !watchtime Hey there NB3 What mic are you using? !kindred s9 not challenger lol nb3NANI where is kindred? PogU ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LMAO WTF HOLY oh UWU pog LUL OH BABY Pog WOW UWU AP SHYV IS THE FUTURE Pog Pog PPOGG POGGERS!!! PogYou KREYGASM poggg LUL yunaMios yunaRekt yunaRekt yunaEz pvmanFGM pvmanFGM huh UHU HandsUp S+++ Tier OMG monkey is that a greenscreen? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm d4? KEKW that is an absurd amount of dmg OH BABY A TRIPLE hi youtube foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedLewd foggedGasm PogU he nutted right there Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Orgasms there KEKW WOW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Hey there NB3 What mic are you using?? Pog @Nightblue3 MaN just busted one.. u r the king kong KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW I believe AP + Tank Shyv is the best shyv PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp hey @Nightblue3 , there is something i dont understand. I know you are aware that Olaf is really good, are you looking for other picks 'couse you dont like him or just want options? wow nice kindred FIORA GOING TO 1V5 UNLUCKY does shyv still get bonus stats from killing drags? PogChamp ap shyv scales pretty well late game too @Nightblue3 shouldn't you rush Morrelos on AP Shyv? AP shyv does not get kited like AD does This is what happens when he doesn’t play tank/attack speed shiv! you are stupid e.e did nightblu finish in chall this season? how many people just came at the same.time? myself included @cyclotron The 30% MS is only true for dragon soul. All other cloud drakes do nothing for shyv Ur positioning of ur facecam is weird THATS UR VOICE KEKW nah he didnt squeaky Kappa cdr does not help shyv ult right? U PROBABLY SOUND LIKE SQUEEKER IN REAL LIFE Kappa U SOUND LIKE Kapp Kapp Kappa BabyRage KEKW just open the mixer and change the bass ding dong thats how he sounds in real life Kappa hallo like tyrone KappaPride "i got a real deep manly voice but this mic,,," Klappa Kappa I ordered the QuadCast on cyber monday you sound like a silverback gorilla LUL LUL LUL WE WANT TYRONE BACK SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc !title @Drewniak123 -> Current Stream Title: KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED KIND why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed @Nightblue3 lol LULW @Nightblue3 are you gonna play rust again anytime soon ? yes yes Yeah mic fault Kappa oh right LUL Kappa SantaHat "I don't sound squeeky" . " HEEE" yeah u so stupid LUL the voice you hear in your head is lower then your actual voice @Nightblue3 LULW POG Pog OkayChamp Pepega PogChamp smart Ori-gone-a? good job BrokeBack poogg had a chance to run he goes to execute Kappa KEKW tobiasTHINK izak200iq hellz ya why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed @Nightblue3 morello proto morello adddddddddddddd angryhat liandry morelo Liandrys pen @Nightblue3 morellos? DEATH CAPPP proto deathcap deathcap voidstaff deat cap morello morello MOrelllo deathcap MORELLO rylais is good rabadon litchbane DEATHCAP rabadons or morello death cap why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed. @Nightblue3 5 deathcaps SeemsGood pepeJAM dea6th cap @Nightblue3 what do you think of kindred? guinsoo? morello IS THIS A NEW SKIN FOR KINDRED? sapter morelium echo I AINTTHE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHEEEEEED rabadons deathcap marello guinsoo deathcap pepeJAM pepeJAM death cap Liyandrys RYLAIS IS GOOD no why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed @Nightblue3 lots of things could be so good tho death cap or void staff if they going MR DC death cap liandrys Protobolt DEATHCAP this illaoi is losing his mind maybe after think about lich bane Mejai’s?!! dc or dcap Hextech SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc dcap For stacks? SHREK Death Kapp litchbane? LETS GOO all in DEATHCAP!! Lul hextexh dc or morello Obliv Orb first you need morelo to kill this fiora pepeD WHERE THE HELL IS KINDRED YOU LIED TO ME lich bane SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc This my Jam PROTO BELT! Morellos they have no MR just go the deathcap and end them @nightblue3 cloud drake doesn't help shyv ult does it? more dmg better than slow Mejis Pepega VOID STAFF NEXT WutFace TRUE Kappa Kappa Pepega rabadons lich bane better tru true LULW upa papi gunblade yep Kappa Pepepains BibleThump PEPEGA HahaPoint why not max q 2nd for when u get ur atk speed @Nightblue3 death cap morell's next maybe proto is posy item Kappa PogChamp GLP or as i like to call it the GAT MY @$*! SMELLS LIKE CHEESE Yes yes and yes GUNBLADE kindred got reworked. this is the new one lol liandris @nightblue3 for that jucy magic pen Illaoi pressed Ult and won KEKW @nightblue3 if u think about it liandry can do rly good holy smokesss All 3 sounds fine @nightblue3 rylai's ? WOW Pog shyvana sucks Holy Pog ROFL roraDERP roraDERP roraDERP PogChamp KEKW what the fuuuu balanced Pog frog WTF AP shyv PogChamp foggedGasm foggedLewd foggedGasm foggedLewd peepoClap KEKW cli0 EZ heh clip LULW WTF DEATHCAP PepeHands fun Kappa GG you were JUST about to pop off hard LULW xd cuz you are bad @Nightblue3 nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim rust Pepega Clap !clip <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis lmao who ff with a fed fiora?! RUST HahaReindeer true trueee KEKW planned. welcome to league Kappa having fun in league WeirdChamp KEKW very true Pog Truth trueee Pepega Clap GOOD GAMEPLAY True FeelsBadMan WIN malding LOSE malding LULW someBODY LULW Wow that sucks AP SHYV IS THE FUTURE AP SHYV IS THE FUTURE thoughts on attack speed shyvana? Rip HONOR ILLAOI RUST RUST RUST The swear @Nightblue3 A SOL JUNGLE me gusta la tula :) you should be able to stop the enemy team from surrendering buffs shyvannas passive Good morning NA rustoooooooooooooooooooo xD LUL NB3 could u say "pi yan" to me please? Squid2 Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 LUX JUNGLE Having fun when enjoying winning WeirdChamp LUL LUL Gg Hi nb3 what language you speak League of depression MercyWing1 MercyWing2 go yuumi jg :> raport kindred it ur title look at damage play kennennnnnnnnn jng plsssssssss foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP @Nightblue3 Jungle brand! Notr troll thats a good one hahahaha league of depression fiora the most fed player... and they ff... sad !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute !opgg no :) im gonna go commit league baby rages when u win foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard foggedWizard ty :) i just woke up, im doing just that what did somebody say RUST Guys help me spam Jungle Brand yuumi jungle play RUST they'll ban for sure !points @Limbo1996, Limbo1996 has 5570 points and is rank 3045/3222214 on the leaderboard. or rust rek sai ??? Cloud drag? Wtf wow yoooo yummi jungle play warwick please <3 SHYV ULT NO CS but Ap are hard carry cd GG Cloud drag? you should change tite tho its bc of the sex REGÁLENME UN DISCO DURO POR FAVOR it increases at 11 and 16 @Nightblue3 hijos de puta estoy en vivo Not just stretch bro u gotta shake till u spaz out err 20 minutes E XD from CS more camps to hit Kindred game where is kindred its because you have a small dickk CAMS SPAWN FASTER No cloud dragon does not affect nah i mean it always just comes up fast Please play rammus!! Kindred more camps - more autos? SO MORE AUTOS \K Camps spawn more kindred game jungle minions spaw? KINDRED cloud give ms when you cast ult?? CAMPS SPAWN FASTER @Nightblue3 Jungle brand! Notr troll LMFAO !rank KEKW chadShinshin S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute spawm? ye its cloud dragon Does cloud drag even work on shv? Ban that guy LAMAO necritChick necritChick necritChick necritChick TRUE KEKW he won last game? dat face xDDD @nightblue3 BRAND JG THROWBACK KEKW truu PepeHands TRUE GOTEEM KEKW LMAO not false when u hit CS on ur E @Nightblue3 yo kindred gamw KEKW KEKW factds haha I want to have a threesome with you nb3 zurio sam kindred getting spanked for sleeping late i see @Nightblue3 Brand jjungle! nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL zuri i dalje neces stici he knows hes right PepeLaugh it all makes sense now @Nightblue3 did you play kha today? honestly the only time you should be playing ad shyv is if you play her top MORE CAMPS = MORE AUTOS = MORE OP FIREBALLS YES thats why its always urf mode for me lol he just found it play OLAF ---------- Brand Jungle ------- kindred ti balkanac? did you move again?? higher cdr on q i guess @nightblue3 KINDRED bratanac Cloud dragon ignores CD cap on ult they may have adjusted cloud drake to work for champs like shyv to get form back quicker since it is ult dont you get more ult points or whatever each time you lvl ur ult so at lvl 11 ur stacking it 2 at a time??? ahhah KINDRED KINDRED KINDRED ... shyvana PLAY RUST BRO Khazix Plz but rust though jarvan Lol bed time KEKW Khazix ╰U╯☜(。◐ω◐。) small kindred @Nightblue3 whats up with your stream schedule lol KIIIIIINDRED i remember when Nightblue was chill and nice back when there was no cam.. .much different from now but ur title is kindred D: Kindred CAN U PLS SEND A MESSAGE FOR MY FRIENDS IN VENEZUELA? SAY “ HI KOOLAID FEEDERRRS” IS TEEMO GOOD? TO BAN? ratirlPriest small pick kindred Pog kawaii <3 pls, GRATZ hope yal have a great weekend and night pog kindred Aawwwwwww congratz boxUwU Congratulations <3 doing anything special ? @Nightblue3 <3 gratz PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kapp TwitchUnity Kappa Kapp kindred pogg !time Kappa Awwwwwww monday no TROLLS Stream schedule is awesome! Finally I can watch boosted bonobo plays. I am happy :D bros before hoes :( :( :( @Nightblue3 you always say that Kappa Kappa HI NB3 Rammus please!!! doing anything special ? @Nightblue3 .. 1 year anniversary KEKW are you getting sushi Hope you and your boyfriend have fun tmr!!! NB3FAKE sweet heart ResidentSleeper SantaHat use protectiom @Nightblue3 Let’s have a threesome for y’all SSSsss THAYS COOL BRO whats consistent again? havent got that shit in 2 years udyr!!!!! KappaPride were in bois I hope you guys have a great day together @nightblue3 play khazix bro awww hope you have a fun anniversary play shyvana again its sunday already in austria xD TRUE LUKW wow don't girl's get made if you plan a anniversary the day before ---------- Brand Jungle ------- u are fked gggg nb3 loses his virginity tomorrow go shyvana again Shyvana is great here SHOW US HOW TO DEFEAT THEM play rust gg nocturne? @Nightblue3 Good shit bro! Gl on the date!, and hopefully you get Shtuped well tomm LUL 1 year anniversary is baby steps monkaHmm play rengar poppy Oh my God, did I read KINDRED? <3 TRY HARD CHAMPS @Nightblue3 your title is kindred KINDRED KINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDDKINDREDDD Irelia JG meta korea Kappa Busy Kreygasm widepeepoSad there team comp KEKW poor kitties rammus rip stfu Kapp welcome to owning a house just do it @savage_nova_ same for germany, 9am Here LAST GAME Malphite! TAHM KENCH vi lol KEKW omg kindred @Nightblue3 Are you still using spectrum? ff gg KEKW It's actually because he forgot it's his anniversary tomorrow nsrSip AYYYYYY ahh I get ya @nightblue3 PANIC ??????????????????? xD my gf celebrates a day once a month not a year BibleThump make it stop @Nightblue3 xd Clickbait title DansGame OmegaPetar wait the last second to pick Kappa 1ST TIME NIDALEE Pog panic pick LUL LUL LUL big oof PowerUpL starNice PowerUpR I have done that before LULW pog LUL clickbait KEKW Kindred Kapp O gawd no TriKool POG yes clearly you meant to pick nidalee Rofl PogU Nida PogU Nida PogU Nida PogU Nida PogU Nida PogU Nida PogU Nida btw hf on you big date! @nightblue3 @LaMooN_ breakup lmfaooo that's crazy Fake kindred stream SwiftRage @Nightblue3 Is spectrum still providing internet for you? plat trash @Nightblue3 RUST RUST RUST Their team is already saying you lost in select TheTarFu good morning from Germany nb3WOW yes @EmpressXenia hahaha every 28th LOL but it doesn't take that much time @Nightblue3 hello rabiAYAYAYAYA Seeena we have fiddle :) rengar and camp yas LUL LUL KEKW lol kekw LUL LUL KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW lollll monkaS @Nightblue3 I would have play Kindred BAN HIM all TRUE? xDDDDDD KEKW KEKW BETA LUL LUL LUL LUL @Scarors KEKW yikes LMAO BAN HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA BAN HIM LUL Perm Inc XD ban the man! bannnnnnn holy shit EXPOSE HIM THIS IS GREAT KEKW AYAYA Clap KEKW BAN INCOMING KEKW ban his assss LUL HAHAHAHAH @Scarors KEKW KEKW LMAO byeee dude KonCha PERM HAHAHAH BAN lmao BAAAAN lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll KEKW SantaHat ban ALL TRUE? EXPOSED LOL @Nightblue3 love you man fuk those guys bann BAN his ass PERMA BAN pog? perma Michigan nightblue would have played kindred Wait how did Nightblue3 go from challenger player to 50% winrate to diamond 4? Toxic LMAAAAAAAW BANN @Nightblue3 Such a nice guy BANNN LOOOL DROP THE HAMMER PERMA BAN EM STRIKEEEE! FBtouchdown lol well it wasn't his only message lol BETA NB3 CONFIRMED LUL BAN HIM @Scarors LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL haha The howard Stern Effect LUL a Real one Kappa VIP him Ban his dumbass ITS OVER DUDE ITS OVER FBtouchdown POGGERS IN THE CHAT @Nightblue3 he legit loves u @Scarors KEKW what about ryli's crystal on kindred!? @Scarors Mental issues KEKW 🔨 🔨 🔨 kindred @Nightblue3 If only i got that attention nb3Stare loyal to hatred :D o shit KEKW LUL KEKW LOOOOL INTING Flash City KEKW How can he check peoples message history like that ? didnt know it was pssible WHY INTING? LUL PepeHands unlucky nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES OMG, ty so much i waited 10 minūtes and i wanted to ask you to play nidalee but i had to wait really long and somehow you are playing nidalee SeemsGood a disaster LUL How did nightblue go from challenger to 50% winrate diamond 4 player? foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP hes consistent nb3 Kapp FF f @nightblue3 he doesn’t deserve you damn dude was rught LOL @Scarors BANNED KEKW @Scarors_was_right KEKW TRUE LLW TPFufun TPFufun JK KEKW cuz you walk in first KEKW Hahahahahhaa KEKW GG darkharvest stack worth! gg 15 KEKW ff KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL @Scarors LMFAO TOXIC NA special @Scaror LUL LUL KEKW nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted im real fan of u i started to watch your stream like end of season 3 monkaS LULW ` LULW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited him monkaGIGA @Nightblue3 PLAY SOME WEEB MUSICS @Nightblue3 Best Jungle NA? yes monkaW monkaS KEKW he wasnt wrong r\tho KEKW finally! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD monkaw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I'm negative!! :) RedCoat moon2D KEKW :) Positive vibes bois monkaW monkaW :) --- good morning from Brazil. HeyGuys :) :) i am negative :) :) :) :) :) :) nb3 r u a virgin ?? :) @Nightblue3 PLAY SOME :) 7x :) combo nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown :) Challanger TO 50% Winrate Diamond Challange :) :) :) :( Hello im negative andy :) :) FeelsGoodMan keep your score positive first :( smiles :) :( you lost :) >:( :) :) :) How can he check peoples message history like that ? didnt know it was pssible :( :) xD :) love you blue :) fuck no! xD moon2A @Nightblue3 PLAY SOME WEEB MUSIC :) D: @nastyboyz123 yes I guess that's what we call a questionable call and flash COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS love you nightblue :) :) TakeNRG - - - - - - - - - - :) :) :) :) NEGATIVE SMILE :( :) KEKW, if you want this channel to be positive, start with your own attitude ;) PJSalt PJSalt :) yes everyone like :) soneSad soneSad 😡 @Nightblue3 You are peepee boi yes yes - SMILE what is your definition of negative? yes U Trash GayPride yes yes YEDS yes :Z :) yes YESSS MercyWing1 HolidaySanta MercyWing2 north korean style i see yes Fuck you :) :) yes yes yes YES yes yes :) @liawaifu KEKW LUL yes no :) @Scarors ratirlPOGGER WHY YOU ASK THAT KEKW yes y yes yes :) yes yes KEKW KEKW yes yes me being the first blood sumSmash many many yeses VoteYea totally virgin xD :) perhaps tbh yes yes Bruh I like that but what if someone joins in like the chat calling you bad aren't you saving till mariage @Nightblue3 with that bush moon2N @Nightblue3 WEEB @nightblue3 it's not kindred, lol saving himself for marriage u look like a toddler @Nightblue3 You a poopi head he has a gf for 1 year, would be kinda special xd SEXY AF LUL yes LUL blue the man Yeah @Nightblue3 and yet we are still not convinced F lol KEKW D: DAMN true LULW hohoh sure Kapp damnn Why playing nid? D: D: tru Negator ator 2100 you look like a virgin but you have money so you probably not D: Reported for toxicity moon2MM smily time ooh mom joke again D: D: Yes? D : DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN blue you the man moon2D moon2D moon2D u looks like pedophilia painful early clear( why are ppl asking those questions, you want to take his virginity or what are you in my moms dms? I bet u haven't had your red wings yet @nightblue3 10 shots of whiskey and 1 coffee. Unstoppable? 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM Kindred looks different POG Pog @newbar001 get a life, retard not even close bb @Nightblue3 Livin on the edge PogChamp PogChamp PepeHands You have no mana SMITE ? yes LULW all his friends OUTPLAYED RAPTORS PogChamp KEKW yes yes KEKW FailFish might be No :) ? yes 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM 2017 Playlist pepeJAM yes :) :) DARK HARVEST??? maybe :) Pog +450 OUTPLAYED worth lol wurf HahaSnowhal HahaShrugRight POG gimme yo money STILL INTING LUL wooow nb3CYA purse? HahaHide @Nightblue3 Purse? Not pocket? xo <3 WELL NO BUT ACTUALLU YES CY@ Coin purse Lol NotLikeThis Why are u playing Nid? you aren't Tarzaned LUL purse lmao pog @Nightblue3 Sooo, Kindred? stupid nidalee Asks 4 positive comments with a negative score LUL coins n my fanny pack SingsNote purse pog it’s Luis Vuitton guys lets be positive lmao What happen to his rust place Purse PogU LUL LULW YouDontSay SingsNote what did i miss? how Did you die 2 times BibleThump IntersexPride KEKW POH NonBinaryPride PansexualPride LesbianPride AsexualPride WHY? KEKW INTeresting POG Close :) 1 FOR 3 KEKW @ultraemerald08 *3 nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI you are trolling tho oof SENNA?? KEKW LOL senna is a gay champ The Alc OMEGALUL ve this is fun TransgenderPride IntersexPride BisexualPride NonBinaryPride PansexualPride LesbianPride AsexualPride GayPride GenderFluidPride calling senna monkey cmonBruh а у меня большой болт alredy 3 deaths rly? sss lee vs c nidd DoritosChip EZ that plays are na diamond ones? o.O VoteNay ks in the chat I think youre a better jg then Rush is this pvman nidalee pepeD TROLLING StinkyCheese Какой бы у тебя ни был, у меня б Больше pepeDS pepeD Linkin Gay? mm nice warding pepeDS SantaHat pepeJAMJAM RIP PepoDance how big are your monitors? PepeD nb3Hi nb3Hi nb3Hi HE İS GOD <3 the old nightblue is better :'( LOL MOKEYS KEKW how many inchs is your ты ахуел в каком городе живеш u r not playing kindred, u fck lier monitor LULW LUL Kreygasm @Nightblue3 can you ban @emrahgol33 plz pepeDS NB how big is your brain? nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan why? BackBreaka subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Doh Thank you for subscribing BackBreaka for 2 months! PogYou BackBreaka's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @g0dlike_ Ладно мужик никого не волнует yo why tf russian talkin random shit here В городе твоей мамаши, сплю на ее жепке put your 2 fists togeather is the size of your penis or brain I'll steal your ELO betch Thanks for the HahaSweat @backbreaka NB how big is your brain? you insulted LP @emrahgol33 FLASH LULW FailFish braindead wtf is that flash music name guys pls PepePls Thanks for the HahaLean @backbreaka damn that lee is bullying u LUL LUL GachiBAss oof блять ну ты и быдло fok ma life 3Head that was the trend while i was there im kind of a boomer in nb's chat so challenger btw jg diff KEKW 3Head fatshaming? 1 kill pmin gachiBASS Нет кста Is this ranked 8 boxMONKERS wow ??? POGSLIDE CLEAN Pog hashOo peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap PogChamp Pog CLEAN thats a tilter aw wow naisu POG PogYou Pog OP Pog what WOW POG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3Ten nb3GG SIT PIGG we back POGGERS I’m suck HE İS A GOD <3 what!!! POGG pepeD nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI DANNNG POGU poggers! гавна пакет pepeD ez 1200 gold Pog Whats the song name????? Kappa sandstorm!!! SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Pog song name? SONG NAME pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS Clean! pepeD pepeD pepeD OMEGALUL DUDUDU Clean LULW kekw KEKW LULW pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS blobDance what a balanced champ song name? Kapp duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu KEKEEEEE headBang resident sleeper nb3YIKES nb3YIKES SingsNote SingsNote SingsNote dududu 1/1 akali btw WHATS THIS SONG TRUE LULW ckkckckcckckckckckckckkckkcchkchckccc CL OMEGALUL WNED OMEGALUL N BALANCED 😌 pepeD duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu KEKW ? Why did u do that with ur throat? dyDYdy Wath a song ? Мда TRUE TRUE DAMEGE KEKW she's getting another one ddududududuudud nb3Chimp nb3Chimp duDudu SANDSTORM Pog а тут модеры знают русский? Song name? COGGERS pepeJAMJAM POGSLIDE KEKW ABUSER i care about kda :/ pepeDS song is WeirdChamp song name? now they care about true damage !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at @Nightblue3 The greed is your only problem in this game man! Akali is still in true damage tho... pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS song name pls? Kapp akali is on true damage too lol akali is in true damage too KEKW Kappa pepeJam true damage KEKW pepeDS PepoCheer (ditto) PepoCheer (ditto) PepoCheer (ditto) noooooo no just kill her before she kills you pepeJAM @bogwar Да все обязаны знать русский , конечно Kappa @liawaifu from Russia with Love <3 <3 <3 NO SHIT KEKW he figured it out xD boomer KKona ok boomer boomber boomer OK BOOMER boomer already has shitt ton of nerfs boomer OK BOOMER TRUE THO I AGREE WITH YOU Why would you even play Kindred? She is trash lol KEKW League is gen z KEKW @Nightblue3 i think thats beocuse people got better да я прост спросил писать ли про путина или нет Boomer ResidentSleeper the heal! dude u were abusing elise khazix and vi back then PogU Pog @Nightblue3 Any animes you excited about next season? FeelsRedditMan ??? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp monkaW monkaW lmao Hey NightBlue how do you triple Q as Rengar? lol Thinking Jax is OP is actually so ridiculous OhMyDog pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeDS pepeD KEKW RYZE KEKW But you can view the win rates and they say that it doesn't matter what champ you pick @bogwar Напиши об этом в думму , думаю тебя больше выслушают , чем тут Jax 48% wr KEKW REVENGE nb3ND5 nb3ND5 D: D: D: D: lets go champ mickey? I think now there are a lot of strong picks WutFace PepoCheer (ditto) PepoCheer (ditto) PepoCheer (ditto) PepoCheer (ditto) song name pls?? CoolCat FeelsSpecialMan @chat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper soggySpider soggySpider @chat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper soggySpider soggySpider @chat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper soggySpider soggySpider @chat ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper soggySpider soggySpider nidalees damage though Akali is shit for low elo but for high its rediculous jax is just op in genral] RIP TEAM KEKW jookes Pog counter strike : counter terrorist wins XD Jebaited baiting all the team xd KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL LUL lmao LUL KEKW LUL OMEGALUL @chat educational stream ff KEKW HahaThink HahaSweat HahaPoint KEKW yes KAPPACINO you got sandwiched A PINK N OMEGALUL nb3Boosted nb3Boosted PEPEGA theres pink on pixel bush no, he's good SOOOO DUMB NB5 Pepega SantaHat control ward in river bush there was a pink in ixel i thikn Kappa nightblue 3 sandwich with cheese master player LUL yuck fou pink in pixel KEKW MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu pixal bush had a control the other one !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Pepega SantaHat red in middleKS trkLUL NB5 are u ok boomer? J morello KEKW jng diff KEKW !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute !instagram nb3Cool in pixel bush akali is in your upper bush oh man is this kindreds new rework??? man riot is really getting lazy cuz akali is there? welcom to iron league akali on other side !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute KEKW KEKW KEKW ?? LUL LUL o.O lol KEKW KeK KEKW PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL AJHSFGHJAGFHAJSD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool KEKW LMAO ceezLUL ceezLUL KEKW KEKW AYYY KEKW LUL PEPEGA Lol KEKW iibiosHype iibiosHype iibiosHype iibiosHype iibiosHype best Q NA KEKW LUL lmao that guy was right KEKW KekW KEKW KEKW nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES KEEEEEEEEKW LOL pixel perfect no sniper KEKW KEKW L U L cFD nab XD bro i didn't see god sniper kekw ND5 pepeGA "professional league player" eat more carrot man Xd XDDDDDDDDD KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss Nb3 spear throwing drinking game YOUR DOING GREAT That gromp scripting :O POGGERS LULW KEKW outplayed GOD Sniper god LULW LUL GOD OUTPLAYED SNIPER GOD YOU MAD? KEKW woah insta kick 5Head Leesin Inting KEKW better jg win COMEDY 10000% LULW gasjhgdjhasgfhjas that was cool POG maybe he is a god f That isnt real u can jump walls as nid that fuck off ult gamer lol :D what a god burn..... hahahah feelsgoodman i want to see that again wtf KEKW LUL outplayed scripting kled ig losing top LULW @Nightblue3 hes scripting Kekw he just shit on you LULW Outplayed LOL WutFace 3$ KEKW ghosting LUL LUL He was awere OUPLAYED Misclick lololololololol how did he do that !uptime Your amazing @corey15577, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 48 mins 1-1 promos incoming XD the laner blame like when laner blame jungler haha Yeah same POG! Fianlly able to catch a NB3 stream again! nb3NANI he ghosting !pcspecs XDDDDDDDD squadW @Nightblue3 are you attending TCS? POHG qtpCULLED qtpCULLED qtpCULLED And after seeing that every GM / Chall streamer saying, climbing is easy how are you still plat like lol? SNIPED Synchronox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 23 months! one more month till 2 years. do you think rework Diana will be op? Thank you for subscribing Synchronox for 23 months! PogYou i see the jng difference KEKW Synchronox's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! PogChamp LUL wp! @Nightblue3 KEKW POGGERS do you have a delay? LOL PogChamp PogChamp POG hashOo Pog PogU EY YOU KNOW JOE POG umm im free but like im on a different server aw dam 1v9 PogChamp95 ya ain’t cool til ya emote and get a triple with wukong nice KEKW hashOo i like seeing the nid lol sureeeee comeback Israel kinda cleanl LUL mad snipes !opgg Are we playing rust? BuddhaBar playing nid jg looks stressful This is rust @Nightblue3 Did you win the shyv game? comeback ISRAEL 7 deaths in 15 minutes "my nidalee is clean" KEKW G59 this a banger Clean Kappa SantaHat !uptime @RachelDGLucero, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 49 mins nid is hard tbh Kapp KEKW Kapp Kapp Kapp KAPPA Pog Kappa OMEGALUL Rust was fun stream bro will you play that again @Nightblue3 Kappa KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus LUL Kapp Kapp KEKW FALSE kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW KAPP Kappa kappa kapp kekw Kapp SantaHat Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp kapp KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD Kapp Kappa !uptime !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25820 points and is rank 84/3222634 on the leaderboard. Kapp @CaptainK0stas77, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 50 mins KEKW Kapp kapp @eagleeyesii You say that and are iron 4 hahahaha Your team hasn't even gotten a single tower LUL I BELIEVE gachiHYPER D: nokappa HARD Kapp IceCold RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST hashD kill vayne u win KEKW ? D: f DoritosChip DoritosChip DoritosChip !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute MaxLOL no, you can't :) i came for kindred but found tiger @frostbite_ghosts only plat but yeh. thanks for defending the streamer lmao click bait title peepoPooPoo IceCold !points @haronius1, haronius1 has 80 points and is rank 261250/3222634 on the leaderboard. KEKW SantaHat poag herold free FALSE KEKW !uptime @archayden, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 51 mins Senpai didn’t notice me, goodbye @eagleeyesii I mean plat vs challenger/ diamond hahahah Kapp YOU'RE NOT CHALLANGER THO !points @finalbattel, finalbattel has 1160 points and is rank 28856/3222635 on the leaderboard. If you need void, get that first ND5 kindred 0 assists jung diff Void is crazy gold efficient Patriga Patriga Patriga !points @baka010110, baka010110 has 30566 points and is rank 44/3222635 on the leaderboard. !points !points @shalevya, shalevya has 1390 points and is rank 23297/3222635 on the leaderboard. where kindred @frostbite_ghosts i mean insulting random people on the internet hahahaha this stream title is amazing you need cdr !! !points !points @pegalinx, pegalinx has 170 points and is rank 162602/3222636 on the leaderboard. LUL D: hashD monkaW D: Hi D: D: @eagleeyesii That’s you! Kek D: dogs dont ewat dogs get abyssal scepter D: !points @fluptip, fluptip has 60 points and is rank 305009/3222636 on the leaderboard. KARRI KARRRI! !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute hashD but blue like the "yo quiero taco bell chihuaha" !uptime @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 52 mins why dogs eat baby hoomans kinda like you :) @Nightblue3 then why do they say its a dog eat dog world !points @SnowYep, SnowYep has 770 points and is rank 44889/3222637 on the leaderboard. SAMAILE A jungler ? !points @k1l1v, k1l1v has 730 points and is rank 47692/3222637 on the leaderboard. its a dog eat dog world though 🤔 actually, dogs will eat dogs... !followage @Foito19, foito19 has been following nightblue3 for 8 months 9 days 21 hours some dogs will eat others gachiBASS analorgy hashLol the analogy is good I think the same for me when I play ranked LUL gachiBASS I HAVE lmfao @frostbite_ghosts except I didn't insult anyone. Lol, I merely stated something that actually happened met4What met4What met4What Whats Metaphor? Metaphor is jungler atamLol a metaphor is a better jungler than u i guess that is the jung that is better than you right? what is english? anal? KEKW run bitch run metapod? Wtf is this speed on it peco1993 subscribed with Twitch Prime. peco1993 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype kapp Thank you for subscribing peco1993! PogYou what can this vayne do @Nightblue3 why you dont go for lich bane? peco1993's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Kapp senna beyond broken no you wouldnt have kappkapp akali has too much fucking mobility carry btw akali is bae the anal orgy distracted u i love senna xd waste her W and shes totally useless @Nightblue3 hi im lana but for you ill turn my name around Kappa Senna is broken NotLikeThis nb3GG jax is fed D: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt What? A new champ that’s too strong? That never happens BCWarrior I hope the same guy does Mundo I liked game more when supports had more utility and less damage most of rito workers on balance and champ related jobs are on hard drugs KEKW moon2O flying TFT Pog Yh its called counterpick Water champ select is part of the game nidalee is broken too man moon2O moon2O vayne beats everthing KAPOW banned SeemsGood ground Riotards electric vs water aLL cHaMpIoNs ArE gOoD rock man ground Why don't you pick better champs FeelsSpecialMan moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI moon2PREGIGI moon2PREGARIO RIOTARDS ARE YOU NABLED ? KEKW @eagleeyesii you’re kek RIOTARDS ENGAGED lol well if Pokemon your pp can be reduced zbtvUhh lol is kind of pokemon game KEKW It wasn't very effective... KEKW Pokemon nerd KEKW @nightblue3 is it bc champions are overloaded with abilities and effects or? push bot happening K6 on jax The worst of all is heimer, just nerf heimer plz !uptime @frostbite_ghosts yeh man. nice comeback. good job guy @Justenjoy1T, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 54 mins KEKW Jebaited Int ? ? Jebaited why you dont go for lich bane? KEKW @cody91392 omg you made me laugh so hard INT widerest looking kindred ive ever seen Jebaited ??? ez D: Clap Full int Imagine a support chase u away LUL PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt ff FRIECK Pepega ? FFFF 5Head FRICK LUL There are 150 camps. The game will NEVER be balanced. Just pick braindead champs. It's always been like that LUL weeboo LUL carry Kapp hungry moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN moon2BRAIN HolidaySanta 3/10 LUL lol SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc nd5 nb3Aim JOE RIOTARDS ARE STILL HERE AFTER 10 YEARS, every champ they put out HAS to be OP! welcome to my word JG DIFF He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit Rabies moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H moon2H when you wanna play with streamers but 1 cant play rqanked for my life 2 im on a different server Jg diff xd RuleFive RuleFive RuleFive RuleFive PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR Yasuo and senna both broken rn imo PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp he said Frick WutFace relax. its noy youtube 3/10 2/9 lol LUL @eagleeyesii You spend your time watching someone to give him a hard time in a higher elo than you. That’s fking kek. 9 deaths.... tied for 2nd by 1. This is the nb3 i know ceezYeet ceezYeet ceezLUL KEKW Motherfrickers Will you put this on youtube? Have you tried crying about it??? makari2RIP makari2RIP makari2Rage makari2Rage makari2Rage winnable BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 me thinking back to my 0/5 akali game op lategame Senna Broken @peco1993 HahaThink 我收到了,謝謝! lmao all of ur teams hope is in this vayne lol nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Support OP LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP PogChamp KS KING hashOo PogChamp dcqp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp nb3ND5 monkaW monkaW Damage pepeClap @frostbite_ghosts yeh man, my one comment the entire stream and you decide to insult me. Nice job. You spend your time watching the comments to give random people a hard time. !uptime @moustn, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 56 mins GM Lee KEKW LUL FutureMan aw dam son nice g KS LORD Comeback time pepeD why you dont go for lich bane?? king ks EleGiggle FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral FBSpiral GunRun GunRun fiddle broken fear not a chihuaua anymore Pog pvmanKS pvmanKS pvmanKS nd5 Kapp kled Kapp KAPPP Kap lichbane on nidalee? KAPP KAPP Kapp KEKW not hitting 1 spear.... ksing like a god tho..... Kapp kapp KAPPKAPP Kapp KappaClaus Kappa Keepo KappaRoss KappaClaus Kappa KappaRoss KEKW Kapp KEKW KEKW KEKW Kapp TRUE KEKW Woof woof wood 5x KEKW combo who typed it cmonBruh kkap Kapp KEKW kap KEKW Kapp Kappa 123 KEW Kappa the chihuahua are biting thier ankles!!!! KEKW KEKW ur funny Kapp KEKW Kapp KEKW PEPEGA OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog @frostbite_ghosts 98% of this chat is probably smarter than you are man. Just give up. KEKW Kapp IceCold KEKW moon2PREGARIO OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog PEEEPEEGA Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW also LUL when you die badly DOGY chiuaua scream 4Head haHAA FG KEKW SoSnowy cat Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KEKW moon2VERYSCARED Kappa KEKW BabyRage D Kapp DAS PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt Lee sin scaling SDASDFA LULW -----> KEKW no :) yes yes yes @frostbite_ghosts again, all I said is something that actually happened. Wasn't being a tool or attacking anyone, you were. chill nd5 no kekw perhaps RalpherZ yes KEKW He have so much MR tho yes brb KEKW yes yes KEK get gauntlet no ;0 kek He has maw and merc can’t fight him Kek LICH. BANE @howwedue KEKW Clap everyone in my elo (iron4) is flashing lee sin Ultimate like its nothing @Nightblue3 maybe you are trash that's why you can't 1v1 Kindred where MEOW LUL 12/11/3 KEKW !uptime lee and nid 2 of the biggest gap closers @posthunter, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 59 mins KEKW peepoHappy NICE CARRY KEKW 8.6 K VIEWERS POGGGG nice champion LUL support btw senna supp LUL ADC Pog LUL your losing bc your not kindred solo killed by support LUL BALANCED BTW Nice champ PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL KEKW She have no crit items thou LUL nd5 good job rito KEKW someone mad huh lol !elo !uptime @cyron511, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 59 mins Protect Vayne Senna "support" KEKW "support" PepeJam but it's actually dumb how riot urposefully overpowers champions early so people buy them !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ResidentSleeper radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry 4Head KEKW KEKW PogChamp KEKW PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance SUPPORT BTW KEKW KEKW TRYNDA 2.0 15 every 20 stacks GG Top lane KEKW NA Q KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Senna is too OP anyone remembers adc in 2016? @Nightblue3 "just" 15% per 20 stacks till 100% afterwards crit is converted to lifesteal :DDD Kappa 123 Kappa 123 Kappa 123 @eagleeyesii Bro... hahahahaha you stated a fact in a negative way as an insult. Are you really tying to fucking say that you weren’t attacking him? You are a child. Hop off the stream, and go to bed. Ask mommy for a bottle 👍 aw dam' these spears KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw KEKW jax KEKW Full int baddddd kekekekekw gg Pepega Spears KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa nd5 KEKW xdd NO CHASE Pepega Clap HahaThisisfine zbtvThumbsD moon2BRAIN take HP @Nightblue3 space created @Nightblue3 what do u think lichbane on nidalee? Gg Kapp Kapp KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED go tank if they keep focus you :) truw jaxs no tp omegalul But it is rocket surgery Running it down top is a thing now? or you can spear after cc why you dont go for lich bane?? then dont chase radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry who is ur fav meta jg good morning bro again they feed you? hence the range of nids q Vayne is a champion! ? It’s not rocket appliances nd5 @Nightblue3 just stahp with those spears ну что руссике остались winions 6/14 vayne KEKW bang bang bang well, you just overcomitted for a lee chase KEKW KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED KEKW PRETYPED nice spear KEKW KEKW u suck KEKW Shaco Incomming KappaPride 5x KEKW combo the chihuahuas are evolving Pog unlucky Pepega bang bang bang bang bang bang do they have any cc at all Practice on nonmoving targe*** nevermind KEKW omgggg devil trigger You can you do it this game is dependent on vayne Pls ff pull my devil trigger ?? F я понял not toxic. he is right tho now im motivated @Nightblue3 you were in vision of the minions , so they dodged, duh Pepega я хотел сказать @frostbite_ghosts I mean, as soon as you can tell me how I attacked him lol. I used what he said and pointed out the irony in it. Don't know why you're sucking nb3 dick right now, but clearly you've had a shit day, and are trying to get over it by attacking random people on the internet WeirdChamp chat bang bang bang Ding DonG Kappa pew pew pew Spear their asses Free Ding Dong Kapp nd5 KEKW spear KEKW LULW good spears dude KEKW They are poodle now pog KEKW lmao Senna is so easy to counter FeelsBad nice spear yeehaw KKona nb3Ten мединский хорощий человек поднял культуру ебта сука бля spears KEKW bang bang bang Why no zhonyas @frostbite_ghosts Imma just block you at this point. Sorry you're destined to stay in your moms basement forever man. radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry radaCry PrimeYouDontSay PrimeYouDontSay ???????? WTF why your teammates didn't help you there? KEKW LUL LUL KS her 1v1 with yasuo is hard those fucking spears KEKW LIL bang bang bangbang bang bang traps KEKW KEKW ????? KEKW LUL LUL Woof Woof Kappa the TRAP KILL KEKW @eagleeyesii bought my own house at 18 lol Pog fiddle actually doing work Pog nd5 ANELE ANELE ANELE how I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT @eagleeyesii and just trying to tell you to piss off on critiquing his livelihood when you are the consumer WOF WOF WOF NA KEKW RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ this isnt kindred .. . @Nightblue3 clickbaits me again, oh well how did fids die? chihuahuas turned into pitbulls and nightblue3 into a pug а у меня большой болт !mic RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ zoning spears KEKW THE PUGBLUE3 This aint kindra or, you know spears AFTER cc we just believe in u mr3 no? Delusional Nidalee :D KEKW where's kindred? bring back spear sniper nid i want kindred bring back mid poke nidalee pls forest4FUMING forest4Lurk I feeled lied to :( Well back in my days, nidalee could miss spears and they still hit! LUL streame freeze I Want SHACO monkaW STEALL softW softW softW jax KAppa senna is back full hp vayne was win condition KEKW LUL they forgot el truco i have big duck best nida NA KEKW KEKW el trucco ceezGeeG ceezGeeG plsy csrry junglerd EL TRUCO must have forgot EL TRUCO wof wof gg nb3GG nb3GG nd5 what is truco RUST TIME yes KEKW BRING BACK TYRONE nice carry xd NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST corey it's preseason my dude they must have forgot you had bad teammates that's about it BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BrokeBack Shoulda gave up baron i guess If only there were 5 ban's before the game starts. Kapp Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited loser LUL @Nightblue3 U TELLIN DRAFT SHOULDNT MATTER? pokemon is internationally competitive LUL League always have these picks LULW this analogy is terrible tbh Rust timeee Kapp ResidentSleeper true tbh what a dummy. Maybe focus on counterpicks then? ur an idiot nb3 di hijoz +1 Need good IVs pokemon is more balanced then league lol rust is balanced though like u can balance game with 159 @nightblue3 rust is balance RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST picking counters should be rewarded riotfucked !uptime @winter_vale, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 7 mins @Nightblue3 if game was balanced it would be fucking chess @Nightblue3 so if they're picking pikachu,why not pick onyx? LUL champs game is balanced around selling skins :) @Nightblue3 stop turning into Cryshinshin just need to make every champ broken right? lul TRIGGERED? @baymax8165 Dude please just shut up hes going to bed soon the game is won in champ select @theallmightyjew righttt `Competitive? I thought you were playing LoL true yikes RUST Time PLAT 1 XD do you play clash? It would be UNFUN @Nightblue3 100% facts. Game is unplayable for me at this point. quit cold turkey okay its kindred time now forest4Love forest4Love forest4Love forest4Love forest4Thinking Thats a bad comparrison to competitive pokemon ahah nd5 jax isn't as busted as he used to be. still so fuckin busted vs certain combs. but not every single comb. uhnKek RUST . TIMEBOYS Maybe u should play pikachu first RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST Have you tried EV training? the score i love it AYAYA did u got d5? kindred KEKW !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Ruuuusttttt @siflou eyyyy hey nb3 .. come 1v1 with 1k dollar All these people saying pokemon is balanced are freaking insane ;) when is this monkey gonna pkay kindred rust time 1v1 me on RUST they need to make akali be seen by pinks again @nightblue3 the engangment rules has been mustchange who do have big duck then press ++ kindred kindred kindred kindred kindred why are u building warrior on kindred Goose thats enough clown for today Kappa geese don't end PepeHands Nightblue3: “Draft strategy, aka 1/2 the game, shouldn’t make a difference. Balance exclusively around in-game mechanics and tactics.” ~2019 BibleThump BibleThump what's your opinion on clash? wtf !uptime @WALLACEWCC, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 8 mins !uptime OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog BabyRage bed time later nb3Clown 1 year clowns celibrate why you have bedtime? nd5 :( :( :( :( nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI going to bed? lol u scared? GGsss WeirdChamp Clap leaving nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis have a nc one bro peace out night PunOko PunOko PunOko !uptime HAPPY ANNIVVVVV @lhetriq, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 8 mins @nightblue3 please dont 1 YEAR HOLY THE END Hi guys and Hey @Nightblue3 and happy anniversary nb3H nb3H nb3H nb37 nb37 nb37 nb3Ten nb3Ten nb3Ten bye enjoy night <3 imagine a 3 hr stream KEKW @nightblue3 i just woke up have agood one bye bye monkeeeey gn go to bed before u get the belt noooo GN <3 bye happy anniversary! KEKW thanks for the laughs, take care pepega! happy anniversary man BibleThump BibleThump @nightblue3 one more game pog nd 5 bye bye chat bye nb im from chihuahua cya byeeeee Wtf I just clicked on stream !uptime @Dardo1997, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 9 mins RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST nb3CYA nb3CYA BibleThump always HI ! here Dad What up yes daddy HOLAA BUSH HAIR GANG ebic NO HES MY DAD Back again @nightblue3 iys about timeee you started streaming PrideWingL MrDestructoid PrideWingR LOL was just watching your latest shyvana jungle vid Mom? he cant be anyones dad if hes a virgin Ok lets go! WHERE"S LORAAAAAAAAAAA boomer heya STARTED AT 2AM??? U ABSOLUTE OUT OF YO MIIIIINNNNNDDDDD BRUUUYHHH he's gonna be streaming anytime soon @umbra256 wierdchamp let's get the rust! Lora arise! Haloy YOOO Heyyyyyyyy rustin it up Kappa PogChamp PogChamp Rust let's go!! Call the squad RIP LORA :( PogChamp Nightblue3 is now live! Streaming League of Legends: HIIIIIIIIIII RUUUUUUUST! Why do you start the stream before your ready whats up blue suh Haloy dude squash banana what's up ND5 yoyoyo hi its fcking 6:12 in the morning here in Germany what song do this be !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at yoyoyoyoyo yo yo yo WASSSUPPPP What’s up NB3 it's 4pm here! in AUSSIE Yoyoyoyoyo ^ @joresndu here in brazil is 2amm How you doing what song is this first @joresndu it's 7:13 here on finland nbm SourPls 7 12 in the morning is south Africa we ded stream but we still rustin it up Kappa AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE hi all OI OI OI NIGHTBLUE IM WATCHING YOUR VID NOW IN YT 1:13 in Puerto Rico jesus please be EU friendly😂😂 ResidentSleeper 11:13 pm in TEXAS EU MORNING STREAM guyss where are you from?? holyyyy bass 6.13 Whats the name of this song anyone know? 1213 in ny lmao Taiwan NO.1 EU morning stream? south Africa pretoria 1.13 pm in Malaysia! 12:13 in VietNam Canada :P pogger 11 in Canada VAIRO - SCARAB for those wondering what song 7:14 g Argentina bros Okiee I’m from Philippines 7:15 am 6:14 Slovakia 7:14 greece finland @i7mdoo thanks bro but im moving to England 12:14 United States riot sucks iChocobo93 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! dad I appreciate you Rust stream pog Thank you for subscribing iChocobo93 for 11 months! PogYou iChocobo93's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! I am from Taiwan Czech 6:14 !uptime @玉米丸子, nightblue3 has been streaming for 6 mins 11 secs yeee. RUUUUST OP Not China It’s 1:14 pm rigt here is that phrase from freakin lion king Hey guys Hundary 6:15 1;17 in mongolia yo yo yo Remember PartyPoro yo Taiwan KEKW Is hi kekww morning lol iam coming back when hes ready😂😂 !uptime @kido2315, nightblue3 has been streaming for 6 mins 46 secs who is your favorite jungler to play regardless of the match up?? YOYOYOY Yooo Nerd eu morning streaaaaaaaaam Hype song please ! rust Wassup Hi NB3 Hey man, Do you think JG is a big role in this upcoming season? no rust Kappa HEY NB3 HEY YOU HEY YOU! DEVIL'S LITTLE SISTER TriHard YoYoYo heyoooo Rust please WE SMURFIN TODAY INSTEAD how u doin today bro Yea i get the itch, and after about 6 minutes in game its been scratched enough for 24hrs How you doing hi KORN? LETS GO NIkE sooshHey hey nb3 we love you from south Africa ohh lol what up nightblue sup dude YE WE WANT RUST TWISTED TRANSISTORRRRRR Smurfing ResidentSleeper BibleThump RIP LORA :( Mee Helloooo depression Kappa washed up streamer KEKW WHERE"S LORA NB3 ? LOL @nightblue3 rust Wassup nb good luck with that LUL LUL LUL Reading a book because I’m a god HE ACTUALLY PRONOUNCED MY NAME RIGHT no delay and no minimap... brilliant Kappa Should get rust emotes lmao Is this a smurf acc nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 Pog Hey man, Do you think JG is a big role in this upcoming season? nd5 TEEEMOOOO ND5 jungle soraka time nb3Clown hey THIS STREAM HAS A DELAY BRO LOL PLAY BRAUM JGG p1 promo tho maokai jg pls Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @nightblue3 was watching ur VOD from yesterday stream that one guys was too funny lol! Play Lee Sin good morning from Germany 👋 Ekko nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 Play kogmaw Kogmaw lee sin Akali jg? Is fiddle shit Bc of presence of mind rework ND5 PLAY ZED LUL LUL WHY DO YOU GLITCH OUT WTF ppl cheating? gasp Keepo Hahahha Bush hair play ekko jungle kog teemo:D Gm KEKW @nightblue3 did you cheat on Lia with other men? come ooon lee sin itstalented subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Thank you for subscribing itstalented for 12 months! PogYou Lee sin Go Hecarim ! PogChamp itstalented's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! supp @nightblue3 and chat nb3Kiss BRING LORA BACK BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY go ekko jug dude Leesin Rust after LoL ? PogU who is your favorite champ to play jungle regardless of the match up????? YOU ARE LAGGING BRO hewwo ! Jungle forever Kogmaw Let’s play Lee Sin yiiiii Ekko master yiiii Lee sin Hello Senpai and BOIS NO ENJOYABLE TO WATCH you playing rust tonihgt @nightblue3 PEPPOFINGER rengar yi Rengar akali hec rengar what if Kappa rust today ? olaf>j4 lol youre not in all stars sad Yoooo Nightblue3 cant hear music oomnistone Pog NOOOO @Nightblue3 Sup NB3! Was just hearing Lia talk about watching her BF cheat on her with 4 random naked guys LUL rust WHY EVEN CHOOSE HIM esta bebiendo cerveza? D: new rune is good nb3? WHY DO YOU LAGG @Nightblue3 u playing in tcs ? WTF it's good nf new song lit i can hear it. Looks like a bush SeemsGood LUL LUL LUL se good Keepo Keepo Keepo might be my headphones tho the music is a bit low I CANT WATCH YOU LAGGING BRUH Its fine heimer mid ResidentSleeper Woahhh the view count is so much lower than yesterday 100% win rate in international tournaments PogChamp Kappa love that tshirt At least you play legit music unlike other streams E TU? those coffees are good nightblue. 5Head OH that’s smart Taiwan NO.1 Syndra bot nb3Notlikethis LAGGING SO FUCKING MUCH I thought this guy was a Rust streamer????? Keepo Keepo Since when are u that smart? Yo nightblue i was wondering how to do jarvins combo against a le blanc. Do you all in or just time it? Thanks love you wifu morning today rust? Oh wait never haha Taiwan lmao no worries. have u tried g fuel ? !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at WHY AER YOU PLATINUM WHAT HEPPENED Any billionaires? ratirlBusiness rust now nike too? or else dont be so hard on yourself Hiiii KEKW abuser is the best jungler? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 What is the name of that coffe? can i promote my stream on your stream nightblu3 :V? im new yeah white chocolate is solid and mocha. we want rust @800lb_trihard_in_the_room millionare I love you NB3 KappaPride what are you talking about @Nightblue3 ? hey nb play diana jungle its busted YOU LAGG BRO WTF I CANT WATCH YOU LAGGING YOU GLITCH THE FUCK OUT ... nice WHY ARE YOU PLATINUM WHAT EVEN HAPPENED OMG!! ARE YOU REALLY NIGHTBLUE3 karasmD karasmD karasmD its not lagging LOL how are you LMFAO LUL LUL LUL lol no lag i love bro Fuck my internet Any tips for this season jungle? 72 ms D: mans is typing in caps hes malding 6 am at home and im watching thi bleu jarvan player what is the product you were talking about? thw white chocolate one? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 What is the name of that coffee you just said??? Or is it an energy drink??? please can you stop being funny Rabia, im conserving my laugh for Rust later LUL LUL LUL HahaThink Yo night where are u mainly from BRO I PLAY ON 28 MS WHACHU MEANN why is it in NA you guys get high ms here i have 12 ???????? why not playing on main Where’s RUST ok Syndra is trolling ... XD pepega Kreygasm PRO STRATS BY SYNDRA was he watching hentai before he starts? Kappa Kappa Kappa Waoo glitch flip bro wtf was that syndra doing LMFAO You start your broadcast with 300+ viewers and you connect with your sister with 100 viewers half of whom pass to you. Bad brother. nb3Chimp nb3Chimp <- Syndra @Nightblue3 why not playing on main Is this bronze???? @Tomi9012 thats his gf dude lmfao What is tghe name of the song that is playing? Yo yo boys I’m at work it’s my Friday and out for dinner only 6 hours left of my shift what the hell is going one nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 oh no !currentsong Yo we rusting today @nightblue3 any tips for new jungle players? She did Pog NICE! POG jungle pathing Pog Disjoinedkey subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 7 month streak! Pog !song Thank you for subscribing Disjoinedkey for 8 months! PogYou Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Disjoinedkey's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! fiesta 2 min in KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp you need balls for that gank dude cuz he doesn't wanna die, in video gamez Kappa hello nigtibluboyyy @NyLe_X Yo Lora!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Why soo late lately xD OK YEA YOU WERE RIGHT YOUR GODLIKE CAM IS MAKING MY NET SO STUPIDLY DUMB KEKW u die in video game u die in real life D: @Nighblue3 I just saw this video on youtube that you almost joined TSM kekekekek Hell ya . you nailed it yesterday nightblue thank you for showing me how to jungle lol im a nub xdmaxman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! eyyyyy whats up dad Thank you for subscribing xdmaxman for 43 months! PogYou xdmaxman's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @hakuryuh67 <3 PartyPoro @Nightblue3 do you really sell refill that early in the game? warsssss2s she tell he is her Bad brother. I PLAY ON 28 MS WHACU MEANNNN RABIA DONT MAKE ME MAD LUL Its so shitty LUL i played it on lunch day and it was horrible its reskinned. ark Atlas KEKW @warsssss2s she tell he is her Bad brother. Variety gamer Kappa Kappa Kappa i very recommend trying Raft! it got a big update @Tomi9012 shes joking lol @Nightblue3 do you really sell refill that early in the game? wtf was that eq @NyLe_X #FuckMelody that lucky bastard xD @Nightblue3 ATLAS sucks , you would like OUTERWORLD MORE LUL LULW trolling reeeeee i tu XD Diana Broken zoomer = bruh Atlas was fun, but servers are dead now boosted KappaClaus KappaClaus NIGHTBLUE MY FIRST LAW SCHOOL FINAL WENT REALLY WELL 1010100010101011 iq !followage @onlyrien, onlyrien has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 1 month 5 days 1 hour tfbWp ALCOVE Pog !followage @xenpye, xenpye has been following nightblue3 for 7 months 5 days 1 hour diamond Kappa LUL Yikers ???? KEKW LULW hahahah You died ? WHAT ELO IS THIS??? god damn ur malding ??????? 5-1 report nb3 for feeding nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 ND5 nb3ND5 how could you know she had heal KEKW nb3GG nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 KEKW tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul tfbLul nb3ND5 @Nightblue3 i played Atlas at lunch . it was horrible . i recommend you try Raft , it got very big update 2 days ago That a white claw? !uptime Chester BibleThump @tripleaaa1990, nightblue3 has been streaming for 18 mins 26 secs greed lol TearGlove TearGlove nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 @Nightblue3 your apc said she was gonna run it down lvl 1 lol and she flashed over wall for no reason whst runes NB3? BOOMER nb3ND5 BOOMER nb3ND5 Where in the HECK have you been!!! what runes i meant do you know how to play J4? Why is the MMR system garbage @Nightblue3 ATLAS SUCKS, you would like or have a better experience with The Outer World or Borderlands ?? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump i wish there were nightblue figures so i can buy one and sleep with it spooky Literally silver and I get Iron 4 players @haywoodspartan WHat kind of a system u want, then? no bugs in this game Kappa @simplyicetea But both of those games suck, too, and aren't even in the same genre New fix update KEKW Ayaya ND5 is back :D KEKW On my team @Me555 Whats wrong with borderlands? nb3Gasm a wraith raptor their "Fix updates" always ruin somthing else raptor feels empty inside bcs his bros died BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump y u gotta bring up chester @haywoodspartan whats ur summonername @Nightblue3 it got great review along with the outer world @simplyicetea Nothing if we're talking about BL2 Only 950 watching wtf @usanaghi Hey, don't get mad @ NB's favorite indie game rip Same as above MAKES A TROLL VOICE AND THAN SAYS RIP CHESTER I LOVE YOU RABIA KEKW BOOSTER LUL @TrueStarGrit indie game Kappa :3 TriKool f for chester TriKool Clap Hey guys, is the stream lagging? cmon chat cmonBruh @Me555 What did you not like about Bl3? over Bl2? The only thing i can think about would be the villian TriKool @yasha900920 RIGHT?? JUST LOWER YOUR QUALITY @yasha900920 mine keeps buffering. Normally doesnt click faster=more dmg Acually KEKW abuser @Me555 But the gameplay was still fun and improved on everyone trolling wtf its the 70 ping man FeelsBadMan @haywoodspartan there is no Iron players in ur team, i just checked ur history =) time to play rust Kappa ???????????????? i love u but ur jarvan is very underwelming trolling ??????? PEPEGA peepoS lost There was a iron player in my last game Mine is 80% normal, but 20% of time are lagging :O free so free nb3ND5 WHAT ELO IS THIS? ff20 ND5 rust it up Literally RUST TIME !uptime @doquangminh1397, nightblue3 has been streaming for 21 mins 48 secs RABIA GOING PLAT4 REAL SOON BOYS LUL ff 15 ff gg go next you're rusty Kappa jarvan is pretty bad in this situation now lol @Nightblue3 Time for Rust already LUL? CY@ LUL we miss the rust gameplay Pig x9 nb3 Better jg wins I guess Kappa should we report him? trkOpen I thought nb3 will be at all stars playing in the little legends GOOD JOB LOL Bubu nb3 @simplyicetea I agree about the gameplay, but the gameplay was never what carried the series. The characters and story hard-carried BL2 and BL3 was basically just an SJW shitshow of "every character is a lesbian and has no depth btw" It's not the champ it's the player over here in South Africa the lowest ping I've got is 160 so 70 is godlike to me Pog KEKW Flash T1 dead literally no mana XD Clean gachiBASS NB SRY IF YOU GET TRIGGERED WHEN I CALL YOU BY YOUR REAL NAME Even with Conquror cmonBruh Pog Conq jarvan is tiamat 1st on j4 good since jungle camps spawn now faster? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 hello rust today ? You should play Diana then afternoon rabia @ziscomaniac what is it RABIA? He's afk for sure KEKW !uptime @Siezlee, nightblue3 has been streaming for 23 mins 19 secs t1 dead again Clean as fk When's AP Zac coming back? noice kill !followage @mayaaaaa, mayaaaaa has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 4 months 14 days @Gwenevere right? I miss my jigglyman RIP Tarazand nb3FF15 NotLikeThis 1.16K HP PogChamp too soon hes clearly better than you SHOUTOUT TO TARZAN AND HIS MONKAS FAMILY @Me555 Oh so you felt the story lacked depth or subtle tocuh... yea i can see why you would say that. For me the gameplay was the higer priority which why the story meant less Dorans blades PogChamp @tok3n They about even KEKW PITCH good nickname chat is full tank j4 good? 2 week vacation? 3Head explanation More small items = Big pog insane 300 IQ explanations got it @dumbthic who won twitch rivals again? @simplyicetea That's fair then. And to be fair to BL3, following up Handsome Jack was never going to be easy but they fell MUCH shorter than I expected shelly trolling! TRUE DORANS IS OP AT THE START TBH nightblue y u start steaming so late POG POG LOL lol LUL LUL LUL LUL OkayChamp OkayChamp @nightblue3 i think farming is overrated this seaseon, feels like i get no xp or gold from camps now @nightblue3 are you still friends with gross gore? Ayyy ur live LUL LUL LUL LUL eivlpanda subscribed with Twitch Prime. eivlpanda has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing eivlpanda! PogYou eivlpanda's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! he's playing rust btw Kappa !uptime @Iroc2637, nightblue3 has been streaming for 26 mins 2 secs Maybe @Nightblue3 KEKW Leona??? XD flash!! nb3ND5 FED CAIT GG Seems yes LMAO kass LUL @Nightblue3 YOUR SQUEAKS ARE THE BEST IHH LUL @Me555 Yea, the Twins villian background was a joke LUL for S11 XD monkey Uh? kass just noped out of there Moar dorans blades needed Please play ekko jungle next game nb3ND5 ND5 so bad So bad lol !stream @Nightblue3 is full tank j4 good? kass? Please play ekko jungle next game please d e d strea,er yes yes PogChamp pre s10 nb KEKW maybe No y es yeah LULW #bronze PJSalt PJSalt D5? ND5 LOL Duddeee u deesserrvee irooon 1600 Yup Is there any jungler that could run TP Waiting too long for youtube video so i come here! Reporte bot KAPA Please play ekko jungle next game monkaS gachiBASS HandsUp] Banned KEKW blaze my ass xD nigthtblue D5 is too generous for u Kappa !streamtime Please play ekko jungle next game please Oh yeah why don't u buy hydra When’s next yt vid coming out Aatrox or Vi next please @abood12309 ssshhhhhh fedHmm ok pawgurs you can play katarina jg in the next game pls!!!!! !uptime @omaressamfps, nightblue3 has been streaming for 27 mins 55 secs bruh why dont u just buy some chapstick @Me555 But with Borderlands alot of things were a joke herpes i have the same issue Yikers Yikes Trolling lmao @simplyicetea Their entire existence felt like giant pandering to streamers. I mean the game even included bonus mechanics specifically for Twitch chat, which isn't a terrible idea in theory, but it shouldn't have had that much of a focus in-game gg 15ff PepeLaugh look at his lips PogChamp LULW MY BEARD IS SO LONG BCS IM WAITNG FOR THAT YT VIDEO 15 kills cait LUL omg nb3ND5 hey nightblue will u do the pokemon chalenge? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ff15 ND5 washed wow that cait is fed wtf are you doing with your lips bro?!?! @Nightblue3 nd5 Better adc win the game PogChamp PogChamp i just flashbacked me losing on tag Cait fed, ff@15 oof lol 15 min 15 kill for catliyn I think the problem was you dont have enough dorans blades inting at its finest that Cait is so BIG PogChamp Pepega gachiGasm LUL pepega No Get chapstick Keepo Just go fully Lippo mode like Dabuz winter time in LA LOL @Me555 oh I did no know about that.. I onlly played it solo for several days LUL NO THATS JUST WEIRD AF IM NOT LOOKING AT YOUR LIPS, BRO 15/2 Cait At 15 Mins TriKool this doesnt look like rust i thought this is a rust stream ? @Me555 And some personal freinds co-op This is the new rust update what's this song..? just put some lotion on your lips before you go to sleep it helps a ton ACTUALLY IT DOES HELP I HAD DRYASS LIPS...PUSSY HELPED TOO BTW... rust later ? Ping more? @Nightblue3 will we see rust today ? @nightblue3 chapstick does not help in this situacion bruh just go to a local pharmacy and get something for your lips, they sure have something cant wait for the rust or wtv the variety is today my dude said situacion Ping more? is this silver? Ngl. I chuckled at that commentary Nb3 You’re the ape lol rust was fire yesterady ff LOLL ahahahaha gg ff 0 damage Just play Olaf and you win everygame ff Time for Rust LMAO LULW ND5 yo do some rust please u guys are trolling Wombo combo AMEN Amen !uptime @Frozen2002LP, nightblue3 has been streaming for 31 mins 40 secs leona pro player Kappa LEONA Pog AMEN BRUTHERRRRRRRR @Nightblue3 Try Wukong next? !plan chill for drake Pre-Season is literally the same thing as every Season. :) he saved your ass wintrading in preseason LUL lwmd You gotta carry, these arent grandmaster/challenger teammates Mordekaiser? I DID THAT AMEN FOR NOTHING IM FEELING PEPEGA NOW XD LUL RUSTTT !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute FACKEEHOO Pog !op same i always feel tha you are Pepega go executioners for olaf and cait hatersgonhate20 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Thank you for subscribing hatersgonhate20 for 8 months! PogYou hatersgonhate20's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Habla español bro??? they start it KEKW Better than losing slow KEKW Hi! Just saw your yt post and i thought i would just come around xD LULW @simplyicetea Yeah if they linked their Twitch to their gearbox account chat could do stuff like drop money or grenades in a pinata on level-up or claim rewards from chests that the streamer opens. So the twins were modeled around streamers hence their "Echocast" personas BYE HOPES FOR THIS WIN LOL PEPEGA BARON CALL LOL Pepega nb3ND5 ahahaha LOOL KEKW close! Kappa lmao Yikes trolling LUL KEKW @Nightblue3 aye KEKW LUL If you pulled that off though BOOSTED lmao LUL !uptime !opgg OMEGALUL KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss @eternalking20531, nightblue3 has been streaming for 34 mins 1 sec LUL . ND5 E TU nightblue blaming diamond players. Then proceeds to play like iron XD Malding rust KEKW don't ff Habla español!?? Holaaa So bad told ya Put it in a Bubble. and BLOW it away <3 @Nightblue3 stfu no :) Rust time RUST 1-9 syndra 4-12 leona ? SSD means solid state drive gg lol gg you mad? @Nightblue3 1-9 syndra 4-12 leona wtf ? malding i want lora you need one more kill for the perfect score @Nightblue3 Better jungler wins PogChamp POG ND5 are you A-RABIA-N? LUL @Me555 Oh LUL. Well that's something else altogether. I'm just happy gameplay was improved on from before this sandra is boosted Yep.. This is PreSeason for you LUL . . . ND5 JG GAP well you killed cait KEKW No Even Close! Right? , .?????? 5-23 bot lane KEKW RABIA ANELE KEKW KappaWealth KappaWealth !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute ?????? LUL LUL LUL instead of fighting over wall she step beside olaf KEKW PLAY YI do some aram and clapp pussy Rust streamer should not play league LMAO PoggersU HIIIIIIIIIII NA dude NA XD and thats why ive been spamming olaf should have gone trynd jungle diff xD !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25450 points and is rank 84/3218955 on the leaderboard. better jg wins TPFufun Well at least they died one time a minute LUL they are average csing for enemy team LUL Gg !opgg rust time get rekt KEKW maybe it's a s10 strat YOU SHOULD PLAY DIANA THEN OLD MAN MECHANICS I'm high and ready for Rust! OK RUST TIME what elo was it? ready our D: does anybody know if nightblue plays in the tyler1 championship series? RUST MAYBE? nb plat 4 RUSTTTTTTT !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute jarvan blows Kappa rust Amen D: IceCold rusttt !elo na i dont think he is try eve PLAY KAYN BRO that looked kinda like those boys camping your fort in That last night AMEN AGAIN BOYS LUL KAAAAAAYN the doran's blade idea made your lead disappear @Nightblue3 OMEGALUL master yi! YI nb3Aim nb3Thump rust Olaf !commands @nanash1xd -> The bot commands for this channel are available at nb3Cute Commands list: nb3Cute KAAAAAAAAAAAAYNNNNN noc Play kogmaw or yi broo karthus rust> máster click Udyr, Mordekaiser shyv *rust E K K O JG shyv Play Yi big dog he’s fun and good we want play rust YI, SHIVANA gravez J4 blows in solo q Hec power farms master click KARTHUS powerfarm rust! BRO PLAY RENGO EZ WIN Kayn @Nightblue3 olaf and hecarim kayn ww ww yi i dont think j4 is very good either U gonna fckn have an ez win Ekko Máster Click @Nightblue3 jax T E E M O yi Rek sai shyvana shyvana GRavezzzzz rundle @nightblue3 thats exactly why i spam olaf EKKO REk sai yi Lee sin @Nightblue3 NUNU NUNU mordekaiser rek Rek sai Ekko RUSSSSSSSSTTTT ZAC atrox Nidalee NA LUL Early game @Me555 But i will still Recommend it. The co=-op experience with freinds is still woth it nid Cho’gath jung power farm Mordekaiser meta zac AMUMU PLISSSS its powerfarm or counter jungle KINDRED PLS Because she is broken Juega KAAAAYN LOCOOOO Elise llololol Lee Sin for tiamat, elyse for spiders and attack speed NIDALEE oi karthus amumu shyvanana nocturne they all got mobility Nightblue3 Ekko olaf and hecarim EKKO jg pog Shyvvv for the ez clap, meta Nidalee Teemo shyvana Nidalee nidalee RUSSSSSSSSSTTTTT PLS EKKO BibleThump his escape and his ability to one shot is he playing rust later? you blow lmao jarven is great good mobility good damage.... one of his skills gives him AS has aoe slow and aoe damage with a cc ult!!! what do you mean pepega noc @Nightblue3 jax lol Its powerfarm or counter jungle meta DIANA AMUMUUUUUUU AMUMUUUUUUU AMUMMUUUU @paquetonmilos que tal bro ndeah DIANa PLAY YI OR KOGMAW Lee sinn cho gath jungle power farm or early dragon clears nocturne jg pog KAAYNNN kassadin shyvanaaa EKKO JG PLZ IM MAIN PLZ YOU WILL MAKE ME WET SOSOSO WET IF YOU PLAY HIM Shaco? cho gath karthus is super good rn grave RENGAR @Nightblue3 olaf and hecarim isultan7 subscribed with Twitch Prime. isultan7 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing isultan7! PogYou Nid isultan7's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! yi karthus been good RENGAr @Nightblue3 do you think morde could do well in the jg? Ivern Kappa shyvana DIANA KAAAAAAYN CTM kindred PLAY YI iilaoi YI MA Girl Kreygasm KAAYYYNN karthus trash Yi @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? amumu Yolo and play Diana trynd aint bad KINDRED !uptime @Pievor, nightblue3 has been streaming for 38 mins 22 secs BlessRNG BlessRNG conq Wukong Rework PLAY YI OR KOG shaco pls diana Kayn homie... CONQ i say karthus conquer no yi diana fiddle ORNN buddy @nightblue nocturne conq Conquer diana EKKO The Kitty LUL play shyvana EVELYNN play graves is fun Vi lul linke everyone no yi pls depends. pta, conq, lethal E K K O EVELYNN DUDE play ORNN @Nightblue3 LUL EEKKKKKOO TF lethal tempo BRO Conqurer the Almighty Fiddlesticks!!!!! MAJOIRTY SAYS EKKO overrated @Nightblue3 what is the new schedule dude i cant watch you live unless i wake up at like 6 am (europe here) PLAY EKO SENNA IS BUSTED CONQURER Pog ekkkkkkoooo Play DIana DIANA YOU WILL LOSE ANYWAYS MonkaS @Nightblue3 what about jax not overbuffed Kappa its a powerfarm or counter jungle meta imo shaco yey 🔪 ornn is op @Nightblue3 if u get 1 kill as ekko u snowball tf outta the game academy senna should be deleted BA mafia graveeees mafia is the best one ! battle victorius vic mafia Academy mafia Prof graves ftw <3 yes, daddy graves robot poolparty mafiaa black graves stormrazor yep stormrazor build is nuts too BRUH LISTEN TO UR FCKN CHAT U WIN GRAVES MY SECOND MAIN Mira la wea que juega fleet footwork for runes usually mafia = best animation sanguine bbalde NONON SM OMEGALUL KER nocturne jg plox PREATORIANN PLZ new sotrmrazor is good too LAST SKIN LOOKS BADASS not sanguine darkharvezt Juega kAyn yes yes yes Evelynn is pretty good @nightblue3 robot YEA LETHA WITH DH its lethality meta @Nightblue3 stormrazor crit Should go Diana I remember a time whena certain @nightblue3 played every champ, and set the meta. Bring it back, you OG, focus up playa dude noooooooo go conq pool When there is mafia, you go mafia you papega vict Academy pirate PROF @nightblue3 hi LETHA AND DARH HARVEST candyvoice back in the house! how we goining chat? PLZ LMAO U HAVE ONE OF THE WORSE STILL snow day cause it's December KEKW gross classic Kreygasm DARK HARVEST RABIAAAAAAA DansGame DansGame jailbreak ONE MAN SPAM PepoDance ONE MAN SPAM PepoDance ONE MAN SPAM PepoDance ONE MAN SPAM PepoDance victorius LUL snow day ew loool LGBT damn OG SKIN gross LUL KEKW jauua gg ff 15 og skin Keepo no skin means n00b yes? Kappa classic KEKW Penetration graves ..... PENETRATION if you know what I mean FF no skin XD classic is the best LOL It's a pretty classic affair LUL rage quit gg what happened to ur viewrs no skin loss??? lol ff 15 WHat do you have to keep in mind when playing jungle @Nightblue3 LOOOOL ew betaboi why are u trash? yes ask away Kappa yes ff 15 !elo troll true basic bitch = basic skin troll troll Not troll Lul op troll TROLL Kappa troll is this pbe? not troll full let bro not troll nightblu how do i get out of gold I SAID PREATORIAN YOU PEPEGAAAA could work with lethality op don't know graves sadly. the bufffs op op he is papega I like the new crit stormrozor build Troll mafia graves his best one yes DarkMode DarkMode DarkMode NOO nurfxx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! yoyoyo queshhton Thank you for subscribing nurfxx for 27 months! PogYou WHET do you have to keep in mind when playing jungle @Nightblue3 nurfxx's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! stormraze yeah op c: DONT BUILD STORM @Nightblue3 tossup between crit and lethality graves TF @nightblue3 evelynn is pretty good!!! LUL no skin IS THIS CHAT LOL @Nightblue3 for pros anyway crit @Nightblue3 play fortnite' YOU GO DH AND FULL LETHA WITH PHANTOM DANCER ita not troll THIS CHAT IS LOL Kappa its actually a thing 5Head we sleepy PepeLaugh DED GAME maybe cuz rank is over till next year? Kappa !uptime @kev_hdz, nightblue3 has been streaming for 42 mins 17 secs guys do you know why he streams at this time ? game is dead they play rust thats why you should !uptime @dabs503, nightblue3 has been streaming for 42 mins 24 secs it's a strategic choice, no skin makes him look vulnerable.... unskilled.... in truth he is a lion who will slay!!!!!! XD STORMRAZOR SUCKS ranked is so fucked rn wouldn't nocturne be strong as you would power farm to 6, and keep farming. Gank with ultimate when it's up @demonfeuer cuz he's awake i hope i can witness a 1shot grave here YOU WILL SEE THAT IN FEW MINS 100 subs Kreygasm Everyone is playing EU ranked now Kappa afk KEKW GRAVES!!!!!!!!! POGG ooo Kappa .. full lethality build AFK KEKW pre season always filled with pepegas trust Kappa TY BRO FOR LISTENING @Nightblue3 JUST AFK IN THE BASE ff at 15 with no deaths ok if youy ever play graves again try fleet with crit with new stormrazor place your bests how many times he dies Kappa just afk I LOVE YOU RABIA ^ nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted INB4 he dies to jungle mobs! hmmmmmmmm Kappa fkin AFK @usanaghi 9 Kappa fukn im for real man *DIES FROM RAPTORS* wooooooo Pog Kappa .... This is going on YT LUL 100 subs here we come Let's go @sorrobou i am thinking more like 11 @Nightblue3 no playing like a pussyy oooo i want a sub! @sorrobou but europe is sleeping and he is getting only 2k viewers he is so dead PogChamp FOR BOIS Kappa !up time let's gooooooo! stay in base and ff lol Oooooo LEGO POg @shanedata Dieing 4 or 5 times is not dieing once... @Nightblue3 you doing it for chat or for a fatter wallet you bushhead SUBS hiiiiiiii ez pog Kappa ,,? He wont die ONLY ONCE KEKW let's do a yt video bby YEA THATS THE POINT DONT DIE ONCE ruuuust LOL subway sandwiches at stake boys n girls let's gooooooo! Zabbon KEKW Pre-10 will die pretty sure rabia is getting a boner at the sound of word "sub" i think sanguine blade is pretty decent on graves TriHard HE WILL DIE 5 times atleast Kappa PEPEGA NEEDS TO TRYHARD RN @nightblue3 just never gank and ff early WTF is this song lols why not focus shaco u troll Sucks ¿¿¿¿¿ ??? Verm1llion subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Hi.. I guess Kappa ? KEKW could've killed shaco Verm1llion's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing Verm1llion for 6 months! PogYou Focused D: how to disable profanity filter on mobile? ?? LULW that was a good gank Just unlucky in RNG WHat do you have to keep in mind when playing jungle @Nightblue3 Kappa HE WOULD GO IN IF THERE WASNT A BET LOL Nerf scuttle, dodging grand master skill shots hop3ofbon3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. hop3ofbon3 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing hop3ofbon3! PogYou hop3ofbon3's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! this is a Youtube video? Stream dead what happened? KEKW @th3_metatron thats not RNG he 100% couldve kill the shaco PepoDance KKool @Nightblue3 try hard calls for stereo saiyan love this song BLACK BETTY this is caravan palace right? Cringeblue3 LUL it is known is graves good right now GRAVES IS GODLIKE RN Xtexasreaper subscribed with Twitch Prime. Xtexasreaper has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Xtexasreaper! PogYou Xtexasreaper's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! yes you could PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Thanks for the HahaDoge @xtexasreaper Yoink tfbShh tfbShh tfbShh tfbShh @BeastSupremo Kappa ? monkaHmm i tihnk its a bug DEAD IN 10 MINS graves is not godlike Jebaited whoa huh? bug lol PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR not buged Kappa The smaller ones despawn after a certain point FUMING TriHard league of KEKW wooooot Small indie company RIOT KEKW rito drunk KEKW so i'm assuming the camp respawns fast would be a great youtube clip if he doesnt die trolled pepeJam HACKER PepeHmm invade his krugs lee sin ine shiT uR krugs so he ahs to try KIND OF …..BUT YOU PLAY HIM ELECTRO..... INSTEAD OF DH... staph it KEKW monkaHmm ? You weren't invited to the all stars? LULW KEKW shaco the dream rip @nightblue3 I think it shows 15 seconds before spawn rip no Rust today ? wenk subs LULW XD THERE IT IS f RIP RIP rip 100 subs KEKW gg RIP BibleThump RIP ND5 SUUUUUUBS #RIP rip 100 KEKW rip 100 sub dream RIP 100 SUBS forst blood min this LCK? worth no 100 sub rip 100 100 SUBS KEKW f CHOCKED LUL KEKW LUL RIP Dodged EZ KEKW F BET rip lemme get a sub - 100 WHERE THE SUBS rip 100 give me that sub boi! f Pre 10 lol nb3Thump nb3Thump nb3Thump -100 lets gOOOOooooo rip LUL KEKW no 100 subs lame 100 subs kekw RIP SUBS punish him -100 kekW abused how was shaco that fast to react tho gimi gimi F gimme gimme gimme nb3ND5 OOOOOOOF RIP IN CHAT BOYS no 100 sub i wanna sup Thanks for sub me @Nightblue3 *unsubscribes cant watch this LUL They had it all planned monkaHmm PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance !uptime @Kelowna1337, nightblue3 has been streaming for 48 mins 35 secs karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA karasmAYAYA its okey all you need to do is die not 1 time Nightblue3 Be a man of your word @Nightblue3 Are you invited to TYLERS Tournament? It's 50K PRIZE POOL PepePls HE SAID DONT DIE ONCE...YOU CAN DIE TWICE THO CY@ cy@ 5head cuz he walks slow cuz it's slow @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? GRAVES DED JUNGLER KEKW that because you have basic skin i take fleet on him . i think its better Theyre on drag cute u r booty lol SMURFING AGAIN ResidentSleeper ult? XDDD what Hi Nightblue3. I've been having a really rough time lately. My apartment caught on fire the day before Thanksgiving so I spent it in the hospital. My credit card was stolen and maxed out so I won't be able to buy Christmas presents this year. I did hear there was a chance to get one of 100 free subs on the channel though! KEKW DRAGON LEE SIN MADE THE VISION WAVE that line tho because he attacks slow BibleThump he didn't want to ult WATCH OUT distance stand back full range shoot from farther away stand further left to right...not lined up Graves is a power farmer because of his sustain in the jung STAY FURTHER BRO i nvr play graves and i knew u Pepega Thats true BE THE CHEEK CLAPPA LEE SIN NEARSIGHTED LUL true If youre too close all shots hit one thing TROLLLING Kappa the further you are from your target ther more aoe it has true yea look at the shotgun spread Holmes OMEGA LUL YEA ITS TRUE PEPEGA diana comin @Nightblue3 you can see by how your autos spread out Stand farther away ur bad thats why LULW nice nike shirt since he's playing Graves jung that can't mean Kindred is too far behind, right? Garen proxy OMEGALUL bausYungleDiff HEIMERDONGER LOL Closer = higher damage, further away = more aoe WHAT KEKW @Nightblue3 tax !uptime POGCHAMP @nasgdt, nightblue3 has been streaming for 51 mins 33 secs xDDD thought you liked jg changes smh You dont play Rust today ? scoop diddy poop PogChamp LEAGUE 2019 KEKW i legit spammed ivern for 15 games and he's op !rank monkaW S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute PixelBob Gonna play rust today? @Nightblue3 s9 challenger? LUL LUL FailFish LULW ? LUL ???? pawinard? 3Head Wtf s9 challenger???? @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? itu KEKW Hola @candyvoice s9 chally lulullululu nice ulti @Nightblue3 Blind ults are always worth a try !points @TheAvenger1010, TheAvenger1010 has 19890 points and is rank 180/3219027 on the leaderboard. @Nightblue3 why do you play master yi on the tournaments all the time? YOU DIDNT GANK LANES SO YOU DIDNT SHARE NO XP THATS WHY YOU ARE BEHIND Pepega jungler Also, crits add more projectile in a wider spread yes how did u guys know Kappa wer just smart yea LUL !rank it's a shotun @nyreeno holy sheeeeit there you are! S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute challenger btư LUL we are not silver :) its common sense CHAT WeirdChamp thats common sese @Nightblue3 by looking with our eyes >.> not a laser sese chat is brilliant Kappa ur welcome SmileW @CandyVoice Bro I'm playing pokemon right now and that's the pokemon I'm battling S9 no challenger cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Chat not NA PogU sense Pog were not smart your just dumb WE SMART BOIS SmileW Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited 'were not smart your just dumb i didn't know, i didnt even say anything about it LO no subs RIP True @candyvoice yeaaaa!!!!!!!! im silver 1 :( Haha2020 quite simple really we smart nb3Clown we know because we are bronze but play like challenger kinda obvious irooon ellooo incooming im in my plastic promos feelsgood I see math before my eyes. KappaRoss maybe you are silverr LUL we know how champions work I mean that is how shotguns work @CandyVoice Oddly spooky yeah we're gold 4 TRUE PepeLaugh im dumb BIG BRAIN @Nightblue3 sounding just a little condescending makes sense KEKW WHEN SILVERS KNOW MORE THAN NB3 LOL I mean meth. LULW tbh ur just 3head Chat EU 5Head I SAID I WAS MAIN GRAVESS BRO D: Im silver and i knew that... you dumb PepeLaugh IM GOLD D: Because it is a shotgun and that’s how it works in real life D: plat 2 uwu D: LUL D: LUL LUL TOXIC AF HOW DAREEH UUHH D: LUL LUL Rust? passive u Pepega well just how shotguns work its like shotguns in real life logic graves has the bigest passive besides aphelios no wonder he didn't know BibleThump @Nightblue3 you made me cry im telling LOGIC TriHard 7 @Nightblue3 only ur smart viewers are here at this time It's cone shaped. wft. knowledge LOGICLY SHOTGUN SPREADS LOL We just looked at it I learned that on tarzan stream they watched the 'summoner's spells' video @Nightblue3 look at how many shots come out when you auto We used our eyeballs yo is that my brother @666DemonJester literally just has to look at it KEKW I’m silver lol any TriHard s ?? WOW SILVERS LEANR ND5 TO PLAY OMEGA LUL fun trick...hide behind minions when graves tried ganking you TriHard 7 Goodmorning fella! ;) yeah it's 8 in the morning here PogU ? @Nightblue3 Closer = more bullets hit = more dmg ~ further = less bullets hit = AOE but less dmg kekw @NB3 play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! POG WTF PogU ? PogU Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw PogU WWWWWWWWWW KEKW Owenrain subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! there is a kid at my hs who looks exactly like you ill try to take a picture with him and send it its actually your younger brother Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog lirikPOG Thank you for subscribing Owenrain for 3 months! PogYou heimer stole it KEKW eZ KEKW Owenrain's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! poggers KEKW SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood KEKW Wow kekw kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL comin out stronk Kappa KEKW 8x KEKW combo KEKW xddd LUL KEKW NOW KEKW KEKW baited KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW INDEED KEKW REPORTED KEKW KEKW KEKW @NB3 play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! f KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BAITED @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? KEKW KEKW ND5 KEKW actuall KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DOBLE Kekw KEKW KEKW INDEED KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL farming KEKWs monkaHmm I see IT ISS KEKW KEKW KEKW GJJ POGU KEKW LUL DONT WORRY ILL SUE THEM ALL Omega KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL kekw OMEGALUL KEKW nd5 KEKW BibleThump LOL KEKW KEKW MONKAS ND5 KEKW @NB3 could you play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! S9 no challenger DIED AGAIN KEKW kekw no map awareness KILL SECURED lul what about cy@ Night KEKW 3 NOT FINE KEKW PepeLmao kumaPls 2/2/2 s9 challenger in my ass lul 5Head S9 no challenger cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh INTblue3 what's kekw? can we bring it back ? UR A WHAT WeirdChamp @nightblue3 we only knew about the graves splash because sometimes we watch good junglers be the goodest! @candyvoice ayyye fiddle me timbers HEIMER DIDNT EVEN PUT HIS ROBOTS NEAR TURRS WTF IS THIS ELO TBH LIKE IRON2? oh great lil bub is gone now too D: LULW is the reworked diana live now? KEKW aye better jungle wins :) KEKW KEKW kekw MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 LUL KEKw LUL Pepega Clap KEKW lmao KEKW KEKW KEKW SO BAD LULW . xddxdx KEKW MODERFOKER @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? KEKW cy@ KEKW D: KEKW D: lol 3 deaths unistal game pls ?? KEKW KEKW but why tho clown KEKW @NB3 play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! Any tips on kindred D: just ff LUL LUL LUL Kekw a;lsdkjfa;lsdkjfa;dskfa;sdkfa;sdfa;dsfka;skdfas;dkf iM sTrOngEr xd YouDied the reason why I watched you wtf is kekw? SHACO 2000 IQ PogU ? nd5 ???? S9 no challenger cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh pepega you died 3 times already , you owe us 300 subs TehePelo YouDied !rank KEKW KEKW S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute lol who loss with graves bro? LUL plat is bettwr than this shittt kekw Mrbeast has joined the chat lol ND5 AVOIDS PLAYING OTHER LANES LIKE I AVOID MY BROCCOLI nb3 gonna win this game, who believes? say "yeah"! Maybe start duo in D5 KEKW @metiipeku ? Someone offered him 100 subs if he doesn’t die getting carried as usual RIOT MAP TEAM KEKW KEKW ?? ?xD wtf is this lee doing KEKW lee LULW LMAO KEKW Tottally Boosted Kappa you made my childhood years amazing with your voice and videos when you didn't had the camera a long time ago KEKW OMEGALUL HE WILL YYOINK YOUR LIFE BRO LOL ditched KEKW wenk CLEAN CARRIED almost Kappa Kappa sanguine blade man Morning o/ not dusk LUL Nightblue kittyzLove Heimer 1trick LUL Kappa !uptime @Limbo1996, nightblue3 has been streaming for 58 mins 48 secs @Nightblue3 should have played stereo saiyan to get 0 deaths. it was a warning!! u make graves look like he needs a hard buff Clean no WAIT NB3 WHERE ARE YOU FROM...YOU SAID GRENADE SO GOOD awesome, keep it like that 17 to 9 yeah pretty good KEKW yes Kappa cleeean 2/4 is good? @nyreeno so how was your week bro? you dont your team got so much winning condition heimer broken assfuck ! followage Pepega Pepega Yo, you look like my dead brother! GayPride !followage @poy1220, poy1220 has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 6 months 12 days 16 hours !uptime @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 59 mins 44 secs farm up you guys guys win @candyvoice busy, was in Yankton all week for training. Glad to be home when rust !lia nb3Cute NightBlue got NightBabies in different area codes! @nightblue3 when rust! KEKW KEKW XDDDDDDDD KEKW let her know Pepega @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? LULW XDDDDDDDDDDD @nightblue3 u do more damage the closer u are lmao KEKW clip that pls xD LUL YOU whos boss LUL LUL LUL BALANCE KEKW Hi can you maybe try ae. Soraka Top/Jungle with Crit or Lethality? :P GUYS WHERE IS RABIA FROM?? @Nightblue3 DELETED Shaco KEKW GOODNIGHT - DELETED !uptime @Pandarippe, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour kekw clip it!!( KEKW KEKW S9 no challenger cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 0 deaths Yes YOU KEKW C Y @ LET HER KNOPW WHO IS BOSS NotLikeThis @Nightblue3 go tank KEKW SANGUINE LUL LUL LUL she knows who's the boss now nb3Chimp Lol diana diana carry casual Kappa balanced kekw PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls That was scary THE TOXICITY' 6 FEET UNDER love this song :p BALANCED 1000 ap one shot 100 subs? Where did u disappear KEKW is this game winnable nb3 monkaHmm i see yoh yoh im a jungle too sit down RABIA WHERE ARE YOU FROM ORIGINALLY !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at How do you know which legend is for which lane? I like to play distance but seem to never get the right champion for the right lane very like this song no apple not even a little bkt yohh @nyreeno training for what? you getting a promotion or something? other than your ones trying to get out of silver? XD Kappa bit you suck :) Better jungler wins KEKW we're thinking that he's chaning his pants after this game Kappa XDddd What song is this lateralus? @riot your balance team is actually doing a shitt job hootttdoooggg toxicity. the perfect song title for League lol.. I don't care that you broke your elbow LULW ? kek SOAD TOXICITY done with every champions he played KEKW Lets go rust graves sucks @Nightblue3 i wanted to learn graves and i see your opinion is like mine about him KEKW Play Malph Jungle PogU ? it's probably the skin tbh song matches the streamer very well good content no nb3 sucks Prueba Laguna ctm @NB3 fruckggett Graves! Kindread Shyvana or Fiddle! That is your future! wish they would just bring back the old graves before his rework @ivan4o_t ur mum sucks LOL BRO YOU ARE DONE WITH J4 YOU ARE DONE WITH GRAVES -.....YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY EKKO...YOU STOPED PLAYING RENGO???? This fkn music PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt @candyvoice whoa I’m gold 2 rn haha. It was Leadership Academy. Bunch of Pierre, Springfield, parole and Sioux Falls peeps gathered for it why not senguine? all games are winable there is lways the probability o them die while playing or all of them disconect at same time good morning how are u all today? just stop playing league can nb3 play Rengar even?!? system of a down PogChamp PogChamp he is right KEKW KEKW NOT ANYMORE LOL LULW @ziscomaniac TRUE it's your troll botlane again yohmus into umbral LUL gg fedded diana Terkoiz_OCE subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! Thank you for subscribing Terkoiz_OCE for 8 months! PogYou nb3FF15 Terkoiz_OCE's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? can't wait for that sub! yeheah boi! @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? ff LUL LUL LUL ok ff focused shaco killed the wrong one, sums up the game diana fed = gg go hybrid shaco if they are so pepega @Nightblue3 LUL nb3GG nb3GG gg Garen going crit monkaHmm 12/1 Diana KEKW I think thats a smurf diana DIANA BALANCED WeirdChamp 2/6/7 PLAY SENNA JG THEN That Diana big pogchimp ITS HARD TO PULL OF @NB3 play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! GJ where is the bike letter? #ad? BUT HARD CARRY @Nightblue3 thoughts on rework on yuumi? petition for nb3 to play fiddle or rengo this diana isnt even the reworked one either lol 2/6/7 hmmmmm nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG yup He always playin rengo Na but graves is early mid game . later he's shit u cn always carry late game like at 35min only if you win NO weirdchamp you should pick up kayn fo real Double digit deaths every match? Can make even solid jungle champs look like trash? Who is that coming through? Look out, Boys - It's NightBlue! !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at challenger btw whats up? bro u gotta play kayn. he is the most op jg how far beind r ur team? nb3ND5 nb3ND5 but it is always fun to watch rengo I feel the Rengo and Kha games are played out..... seen too much of em..... KEKW and he never gets to yt LULW KEKW I SAID LETHA AND PHANTOM MAKES A PERFECT MATCH BUT RABIA DONT LISTEN TO NO PLEBS LUL KEKW KEKW READ LIKE A BOOK E TU urf shaco BOOK READERS KEKW pepeDS @NyLe_X u down to rust it up? SourPls stormrazor @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? wingLewd wingLewd wingLewd you need attack speed Hi friends did i miss rust D: how can u listen to this sht xd Kappa HES DONE WITH GRAVES new vids on YT? liachan streaming go ask her to play with u wow you hearing goa nb3Cool nb3Cool @truthfullliar hes not best jungler at all kekw. im kayn main with 800k he is for late game and this is snowball meta ff15 wrong build @nightblue3 4inch? @CosmicLegends He said he wanna try Atlas KEKW that game is a bit shitty tbh @Nightblue3 your gun is tuned KEKW you know hwat else is strong? my hammer! @CosmicLegends nb3Hi Do you think crit would be better build? thats an overstatement D: @exsuperabile THIS IS NOT GOA BRO...STOP and my fists are not my hammer.... BUILD LULW YOU NEED BLACK CLEAVER AND SENGUINE BLADE try sanguine blade graves Diamonds..... kappa @NyLe_X true atlas is shitty af and even worse when solo sounds like in the drop xDDD @julianotrynd u dont need bc He kinda likes getting one shot 🤔 THAT EXPLAINS SOO MUCH inting KEKW ? ?????? KEKW Stormrazor rush into youmu I may not be able to touch the bottom of a tuna can, but I can sure as hell bulge the sides out. f close KEKW wenk Kappa LUL ? no bc on graves fedHmm why are u trolling TT better jg wins i think maybe JG diff but i might be wrong HOLA ? KEKW ? KEKW lol ouch trolling? PHANTOM AND LETHA IS LIKE YOU AND LIA BRO CANT GO WHITOUT EACH OTHERS 2/7/7 hmmm the camille LUL Trolling? YOU get turned on from that? @ziscomaniac dry for that mistake bro nb3Pepe @NyLe_X if im going to play atlas id rather uninstall and play Sea of theives both clowns is this even winnable anymore Do you think crit build would work better when is zac or ekko coming out? it feels rough for ya bud.... keep your head up tho. Kappa Brain.exe has stopped working Kappa this team NotLikeThis read passive build crit its was mid dif nb3Clown KEKW mayhe 50 sec cd on Haimer ult. So not big deal Gray screen Stream Olaf is good i think it big mid difference song name? Hype!!! Chogath jungle u have to power farm @CosmicLegends True LUL . i was tryin to tell him to try raft . it got an awesome update pls YES KEKW no Kappa bruh look at your bot PunOko tes YES Kappa yes name song pls yed @exsuperabile Lul its OK just try to listen more lol you need stormrazor @Nightblue3 yes @DarklyUZI reply to my dm asshole yes you are cho jg no the problem Is you yes yes yuup Yes ofcourse Yes yes wrong build cho with predator @Nightblue3 ye i figure that too so i play him adc and did well KEKW song name wrong u shld be invading diana at lvl 2 @nightblue3 stormrzor is where it is at Szalay is gold? Wrong build for sure Pepega BUILD just came here dunno didnt see all game @Nightblue3 Yes. You need stormrazor rush into youmu with DH. I think it's The Resistance Skillet deadmans plate next @CosmicLegends i didnt get a notification 2/7 is the new graves Kappa Kappa dude u had no ganks you need as lul @NyLe_X oh u mean the paid DLC update KEKW ? wrong build flash puggers PogChamp Kappa ? lol wasted flash less deaths more kills and you got it riight ;) your build is too squishy @Nightblue3 You keep taking bad fights but thats because you are not adept at Graves to know otherwise LUL letha and phantom bro dont ignore the real thingggggggggg wth LULW ? na flash? Sylas is good? omg that diana Clean kill It's all about sending a message that diana on shot @CosmicLegends Its not paid? is it? song name? inting fed diana = GG letha and phantom dancer @nightblue3 Mundo is much more impressive! no deaths 100 subs pog @nightblue3 try stormrazor first. its much better i was hoping for grave one shot but it asother way diana one shot lol you need mr KEKW BUILD ? he's to sexy? stormrazor? and he still dont listen @nightblue3 stormrazor into lethality lul heimer no lethality wrong build you will lose the game you need some crit what is this build u need to smoke yourself against diana LUL @NyLe_X nah i just looked it up its not, but still its just an added after the story of the game you are not a khazix KEKW @pihekacsa sylas jungle is not even viable anymore so he is nottt good DELETED D: @nightblue3 graves is diff from kha Lux just got Deleted by that diana stormrazor... ulti the minions need a big play or it's gg ?? kha is lethality oriented …..graves was crit ... you need black cleaver Deleted by Diana GG damn gib me de pusi b0ss Ff definitely lethality are bad on grave totally we gonna smurf today... oh i see Kappa LULW ? LoL.exe was deleted by Diana build crit i said crit gg wp Kappa Kappa wrong build shouldve gone stormrazor build xD @CosmicLegends ya i mean its fun . i didn't play it yet but i looked a video up it looked like pure content LUL @nightblue3 stormrazor first noone listenss LUL @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? you need mr and crit items ?? 18 LUL LUL "only" only u need to build crit not that bad KEKW you don't need lethalty item on graves should just FF storm sucks isnt grave build is stormrazer ie and bt? WRONG BUILD KEKW read passive @nightblue3 stormrazor into lethality the dude that said 9 deaths, ayy good shit boi u were close 34 vs 18 LuL No MR needed. How much stronger can she get, amiright? wring build crit Kappa Kappa IE @nightblue3 nonono DEATH DANCE U need Crit becuz u lack DPS ie phantom mr and other crit and black cleaver bruh CRIT lol no mr phantom plz there isnt brawler anymore deleted listen once its removed Guess you dont know the game anymore LUL not there anymore rabia No more crit gloves removed FINALY !!!\ finaly YOUR CRIT GLOVE IS IN TFT NOW Graveyard crit glove Kappa challenjor i know dis game @nightblue3 stormrazor TFT KEKW phantomm @NyLe_X as i seen its ok, but kinda just sleeper u have to play through the boring story they provided KEKW THAT XAYAH They removed that OOOOO Spicy wp This season they changed it phantom lol Is diana rework live? solod by shaco lul @usanaghi there it is Only Cloak now Boosted Kappa no @nightblue3 not crit Cleaner nb3CYA nb3CYA if that was crit build grave its definitely one shot that xayah crit @sorrobou well if u said 9 good shit boi but lets c if he gets more Kappa taking it all day gachiGASM pls crit LUL @nightblue3 go for stormrazor lethality build pd crit 18 - 3 diana btw its sucks that he didnt listen tbh now he is somehow losing DING DONG DITCH TOXIC D: D: Hexdrinker? granensderrs thats not toxic Kappa BibleThump Reformed? spell grenade lol graensderrs?? toxic D: tilted HES ONLY 3 BibleThump D: @nightblue3 tarzaned said u need to be ahead to build crit DING DONG Kappa Gotta say that Garen is trying LUL Graenderrs? exsuperabile subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Thank you for your streams, bro Thank you for subscribing exsuperabile for 3 months! PogYou exsuperabile's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! bro phantom will make your poke much easier that diana thought reformed?? noone listens toxic? get solod xDDD no damage ult lul HAHA KEKW God my Gemoetry with Vel'Koz is way better than landing that grenade @nightblue3 go for lethality when ur behind look it was way better crit build told you you need crit RELOAD KEKW R @sorrobou 1 more death and maybe he'll go beyond our expectations Kappa and mr maybe you're too aggressive? @nightblue3 pd into edge of night, ghostblade would've been good this game lethality are bad on grave @nightblue3 crit is for when ur ahead. tarzaned said that @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? PRESS R TO RELOAD KEKW Imagine reloading in the middle of a fight yes yes very !Rank probably KEKW S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Seems like you made a grave mistake my wr on graves very good prosobly Kappa letha and crit is good thogether mr and crit items can carry 4 of your team 1v2...... Press F to Pay Respects OUT OF AMMO KEKW u build him wrong and now u dont like it try kayn @nightblue3 dont go for crit when ur behind @nightblue3 How about sanguine blade kekw black cleaver is good too NEW META? THE NEW DIANA JNGL POGGEEEEERS not you, just your build nb3Boosted nb3Boosted Kappa possibly does not exist with your graves Who uses that KEKW MOBAFIRE LUL KEKW he hit MOBA FIRE OMEGALUL MOBAFIRE IS Garbo MOBAFIRE OMEGALUL why do you have duskbalde Yeah you tried to be tarzaned and failed miserably. Nbd PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro mobafire in 2019 LUL grenade Hit wowo go M OMEGALUL BA FIRE you play him First yomus than phantom than dusk than i e than mybe storm mobafire lul ahhahahaa first mistake.... u used mobafire @Nightblue3 !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at M OMEGALUL BAFIRE mobafire is crap lmao mobafire!! is better than moba fire MOBA FIRES IS A BOOMER WEBSITE OMEGALUL In bronze 4 maybe he's joking lol lul mobafire sucks tho lol toxic KEKW u will see the different went grave have 50% crit inting... Dash bro press E OKAY BOOMER moba fire shit opgg is the move KEKW D: E nice throw HAHAHAHA reload god KEKW @nightblue3 tarzaned said not to go crit when ur behind @sorrobou i srsly am gonna choke from laughing you have no AS to reaload monkey D: @nightblue3 you should actually build armor pepega read passive u need ie etc Build sanguine blade ? Build sanguine blade ? PRESS R KEKW LUL dont get lethality man can't trust memeafier motherfucker count: 3 crit items can reload faster KEKW need to get the sleight of hand item to reload faster even BLITZ is better than mobafire bronze gameplay than lethality i love tuning it to hear "RELOAD MOTHER F****R" xD @nightblue3 it wasn't to reload you got cced shouldve gotten stormrazor, deaths dance, black cleaver just give them the drag soul KEKW you need crit item 1st CRIT RELOAD HIM FASTER @pandemic527 LUL mobafire is for bronze bro nb3NANI nb3NANI HEY @nightblue3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN WITH UR SQUAD YESTERDAY welcome to NA I SMELL RUST TIME :) warrior youmss phantom dusk infinty How about black cleaver and sanguine blade?? @Nightblue3 play sabaton or I unsub BabyRage kekw My eyes @Gwenevere Blitz uses pro builds many times.. @nightblue3 tarzaned said not to go for crit when behind what did i just see ME TOO KEKW RYZE JG NEXT GAME YES literally your bad i feel like if i was na i would be at least masters KEKW BRUH WRONG BUILD BRUH ? !uptime oof now we're both wrong on guessing Kappa @SenorSnappy, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 14 mins KEKW KEKW YES. YOU BUILT HIM WRONG. OMERGALUL you playing him wrong Nightblue3 for sure @xmr_genesis tobiasGASM the build not the champ @nightblue3 tarzaned said to not go for crit when behind Are u bad ? No. Are u bad at Graves ? Yes yes u are gg ez ACTUALLY YOU ARE NO KAPPA YOU ARE BAD AT THE CHAMP CRIT CHAMP champ op oneshots @me_and_gay_man thats why i said go crit just when he picked him we go AGANE u pretty much ran it down lol wrong build = garbage champ YOU NEED MOAR BURST 5/12/8 blame the champ Camille True Damage Insane the damn build LETHALITY don't buld lethality ong graves siir my wr on graves pretty good @sorrobou i think i was closer tho on my guess Kappa so u win by default tru Ban Lee YESYESYESYESYESYES nb3FF15 nb3FF15 u sucks dude :D @Gwenevere but then again what does twitch chat know KEKW graves is a crit champ this is compared to building rengar ap and saying it sucks WeirdChamp lol Double digit deaths every match? Can make even solid jungle champs look like trash? Who is that coming through? Look out, Boys - It's NightBlue! @Nightblue3 MOBAFIRE IS TRASH omg, bad champion mobafire lol its crit champ no lethality moba fire is thrash the build bro Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Rust WHY DO YOU HAVE A ASSASIN BUILD build garbo my mom told you to build this MOB A FIRE LULW Rust rust M OMEGALUL BAFIRE Graves without Death Dance is KEKW @nightblue3 have you seen Nocturne mid? its so OP OK RUST TIME PLAY WITH UR SQUAD DUDE mobafire LUL M OMEGAGLUL B A F I R E Rust rust rust bro1vv1 me graves and ill eat you mobafire is trash us have u tried anal ? lul Moba is trash i love you. @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? lul moba is trash <3 dude that page is trash LUL rust? NOCTURNE!! @ziscomaniac it doesnt matter whether crit or lethality tbh. he can still one shot with both VI! mobafire trash plat1 juega kayn ctmmmmm moba is useless replay with better build LUL My nana is playing Graves better than u do kindred KEKW Rust? OMEGALUL rengo Nami jg ez mobafire was the shit back in s2-s4 lol rust Graves more like nah KAYYYYYYYYYYYYN rust PLAY MALPHITE FULL AP JUNGLE KEKW ? VOLIBEAR @!!!!!!! Rust thats for bronze players fizz wait for it KEKW maokai pretty soon we'll be done with all champs Kappa Leona jungle!!! graves op ... opgg is the move Rust. mundo ? Rust now @xmr_genesis I'm a Pepega I know nothing mjlMug IS BEAST @Nightblue3 Nocturne Time!! Sanguine blade!! play kayn monkaHmm Nice one rengar plz be cool Play Meeks Fizz @Nightblue3 What do you think about new gosu ai xD AP Graves everyone's stream were so quiet META Rust!? @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle?? @Nightblue3 play it agian with better build LUL zak Neeko nb3Ten nb3Ten RENGO nocturne or kayn kayn kaisa jungle dude Rust? EVELYNN @nightblue3 watch tarzaned youtube guide on graves lul KINDRED KEKW NOCTURNE zac KAYN is op Soraka Jungle more like Old Days back in the grave he goes PepeHands and i went into yours and got blasted for graves you need to kill alot of people early u strong Zak or Ekko blitz jungler SYNDRA R U S T nb3Stare RENGO <3 PLAY KAYN NOCTURNEEE PLS its you what is done nb3 play kayn lul done with rengar when is rust try again with another build lol EVE NoW NOCTURNEE POGU fizzzz @nightblue3 master yo jng CAN U NOW GO YI?????????????????????????!??????!!??!?!?! zacc kha? she's very OP @Nightblue3 hey bro maokai is fcking op in jngl MALPHITE JG sona jg ekko nice shirt NB3 kindred? OMEGALUL LAF Swain KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN KAYNNN 1 SHOTS MALPHITE Zac @Nightblue3 What do you think about new D: play ww @Nightblue3 XIN ZHAO!!! EVELYNNNN diana jungle no olaf isnt boring play im No Troll . ivern is fking great rush redemtion mobafire is for bronze elo @Nightblue3 Nocturne ez win!!! strong because of the user bro Kappa But which champ is fun to play JUST PLAY NOCTURNE OR RENGAR OR K6 OR OR NIDALEE go shyvana Moelrd kaisaaaaaaaa EVELYNNNNN nocturne! @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? khazix kaynn kayn ap shyvana @nightblue3 nunu yeah if im playing range ad jg i prefer kindred for sure over graves ww Time for some spicy illaoi game play? MALPHITE JG Kappa Neeko KAYN Kappa rust EVELYNN kha rengo fiddle everyone uses fleet on graves. Go Mordekaiser SWAIN it up kaynn new lethality item and kayn is op @Nightblue3 yeah shaco is 52% WR yup sucks EVELYNNNNN TRUE MALPHITE EVELYNNN Soraka give fiddle a chance warwick jungle best Bard!! KAYNNN CARRY shyvana EVELYNN lee @Nightblue3 olaf is not boring hes dump not boring EVELYNNN play zac ELISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ Kayn maokai jngl bro @Nightblue3 lee EVELYNN kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kaynkayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn KINDRED KEKW XIN ZHAO!!! Malph @nightblue3 master yi jngl GO YIIIIIIIIIII WeirdChamp elise Play who you enjoy YIIIIIIII ZACCC BRO Fizz twich ZAC kayn carry YIII BROO kayn GRAVES ANOTHER BUILD kayn cary all of your team ZACCCC Ryze NOCTURNE, RENGAR, NIDALEE OR K6 NOCTURNE + SANGUINE BLADE = EZ WIN EVELYNNNN EVELYNNNNN @Nightblue3 have you played conq mundo? Yi is trash EVELYNN !uptime @Ganked_Gamer, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 17 mins urgot turn up Neeko BUT YOU WILL WIN heca is no late champ khartus It's all good. We are only testing. Imo u should play Nidale, Elise for start XIN ZHAO EVELYNNNNN kayn EVELYNN @nightblue3 dont go for crit when behind. watch tarzaned youtube graves guide @Nightblue3 Rust time? new lethality item on kayn is op YOU DONT PLAY FUN CHAMPS BRO.. LUL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance Kkaynn my man WW what site is he using fiddlesticks dude gg kayn op EVELYNNN BOOMER SONGS PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance EVELYNN kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn @NB3 play a Fiddle game after this! My boi Nyreeno in the chat is the one who introduced me to you! Please show some love?!?!?! EVELYNNNN FIDDLE!!! Fizz!! eliseeeeeeeee TALIYAHHHHHHHH EVELYNNN Nid Reksai Nidalee #5 KEKW joke Kindred!! Kaisa Jungle is very OP Korean challenger Kappa POPPY? PLAY VI...YOU LOSE...PLAY SOMETHING BORING...YOU WIN NA KEKW urgot poppy KEKW @xxfamoutlaw its mobafire PRE SEASON Time for some spicy illaoi game play? kayn op sir Elise SeemsGood swain Neeko mordekaizeer RUSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT @Nightblue3 what do you think about KAYNNN what happen to poro when you build sanguine blade on kayn rust ? Fizz EVELYNNN kayn op Kha ? play eve LEE SIN everything sux Kappa EVELYNNNN Play kha zix EVELYNN KINDRED @nightblue3 Nocturne with Black cleaver and Sanguine Blade and Duskblade is strong telling you man @Nightblue3 olaf is not boring hes dump lpay im nocturn OP Swain i think you're suck BibleThump BCS NA IS SHIT LOL EVELYYNNN TALIYAH Pog OK Boomer xin ?? let play rust i miss lora nunu! EVELYNNNNNN EVELYNN Time to main support i think its the player XDDDDDDDDD QUINN kindred GOOO YIII EVELYNNN play eve or elise urgot YIIII dianna Neeko Go with Soraka You're just washed up @Nightblue3 kayn op i hop onto stream, first thing i hear "i think everything sucks" EVELYNN Kindred EVELYNNN KAYN BISHH WeirdChamp shivana SION JG EVELYNNNN Pls off video WHY NOT YIIIII hecarim SION PLAY KHA EVELYNN try shivana! the rock jg Sylas? leona jg new meta EVELYNNNNN Just play rust then PogChamp yee i was kha main and turn it to olaf EVELYNN QUINN BRO OONE SHOT THEM ALL LUL FIDDLESTICKSSSS fiiz EVELYNNN its the rust effect! SION JG OFF VIDEO RUSTTTTTTTTT5TT5TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT play kayn Master yi @Nightblue3 Olaf Is the best right now but yi counters Olaf hard I promise dog He even Tweeted thanking riot KEKW NOCTURNE ACTUALLY BROKEN = FREELO EVELYNN SION kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn kayn nasus jg ORNN jungle SION JG GO QUINN junglers who snowball pretty easily in early is pretty good for season 10 IVERN urgot homie play trundle waiiiiiitttt a muinuteeeee kayn oplul KAYNNN kaynnnnn Nidalee pve player @Nightblue3 ur having mood swings. I think ur going thru puberty again KARTHUS SHIVANA!! SHE IS GOOD W/DRAGS kayn Vi. kayn is good kayn!! Nocturne? shy @Nightblue3 karthus karthus KAYN LUL SHY; karthud Kayn nasus you need jungle pressure HECARIM @Nightblue3 Tryndamere FIDDLE SUPER FARM Nidalee Teemo KAYNN FU KERR EVELYNN EVELYNN graves master yi urgot hiiii EVELYNNN gragassssss TRUST ME GO QUINN AD Twisted Fate JG Kha game MALPHITE nida KAYN OP Yi YI YI YI EVELYNN SION HECARIM EVE nidalee EVELYNNN Olaf Karthus viii yi KHAZIXXXXX RABIAAAA @nightblue3 master yi EVELYNN Kindred ivern YI TRYNDAMERE MALPHITE yi yi yi VIIIII play zoe Yi conqueror shyvana YII MY LITTLE PONY!!!! VIIIIIIIIIIIII SION Kindred Scales YIIIIIIII Why not try Nidalee yi Hello mold dianna Neeko neeko neeko neeko neeko neeko neeko neeko Zac no swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain swain YIIIIII Good picks are kha zix rengar olaf yi jax AD Twisted Fate JG. EVELYNNNN GRAGASS You loved playing lee kayn good farm and opp EVELYNNN maokai fiddleeee ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper shyv YIIIIIIII Shyvana is fucking BORING Yi MALZAHAR hecarim NID yi graves kindred @Nightblue3 if you dont get a lead playing jungle then you are always gonna be behind its true tho EVELYNN @Nightblue3 shyvana boring olaf not boring Teemo @nightblue3 Veigar jungle! haaha Nida GO NIDALEE TWITCH!!!!!! kayn is good farmer YI YI shyv DansGame VIIIIIIIIIIII UR FAVORITE CHAMP BROOO @Nightblue3 yes IVERN NID red kayn scales crazy good yi kindred RHAAAST NID. @nightblue3 go ap shivana everything sux Kappa KAYN CYA fk shyv Malphite YI PLAYERS KEKW KAYN RHAST junglers who hyperfarm early wont overperform until late game, which wont happen if enemy outscales ur team with early objectivez CTM AYAYA urgot AYAYA , shyv is kinda boring tbh KAYN IS OP RN BECAUSE OF THE NEW LETHALITY ITEM red kayn scales YIIII what about voli? is he viable? garen jungle you won't nightblue NEEKO @nightblue3 kayn dosent scale kekwww FCK THIS BULLSHIT Shyvana ResidentSleeper kapp Is Sylas stilla jg? SHYVANA PLAY TWITCH HYPER SCALE KAPPA ZAC MAN ZAC IM OUT BYE LUL Kappa amumu Kindread is trash urgot hows is eve rn? ZAC @jet_sev not really early ganks, decent clear @Nightblue3 is voli viable? @Nightblue3 play olaf so y can hit rank 1 it doesnt mater if its boring itll matter when you are rank 1 VI Ok, thanks. @Elderfeather1 Kindred is Fine ..She isn't trash just harder skill ceiling pogs LEE SIN ZAC AND KIND Malphite WeirdChamp ? Eliseeeeeee Fiddlesticks kindred Hmm Please try Viegar jungle! hahaha Xin Zhao man. With no catch up XP you invade and gank. Enemy jg can't keep up. ZAC Ivern CC Neeko mars cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Elise Counters Olaf? @Nightblue3 ganking junglers are coinflip Nidalee PLease Maybe Malzahar kindred is still good Jg ZAC BOIIII PLAY KHA OR YOUR HAIRLINE WILL BE LIKE TRICKS @Nightblue3 LUL EZ Top don't play tanks as often . easy dives LEEEEEEEEEEEEE RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST elise spam gank EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN lulu jungle Fizz jg :(zac yi yi if u miss cocoon is bad elise is perfect ap shaco urgot !time RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNNEVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN RENGAR ? rengar EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN Rengar @Nightblue3 elise can lvl 3 gank now skarner???? yeah khazix slow Rengar JG elise elise elise elise TWITCH @Nightblue3 farming jg get low gold and xp RUST waiting room voli Neeko please Elise Lvl 3 Gank Probably op this season hyperfarming is bad in s10 Voli? @nightblue3 remember when nightblue didnt give a damn about the meta @Nightblue3 Use Xin Zhao! With no catch up XP you invade enemy jg kill him and gank lanes. GG at 15mins. EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN veigar or Nocturne :) rangar yi is a good farmer and scales of course Rengar is killer @nightblue3 how about ekko? he'd hec try urgot RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST with senguine how about gragas heca seems a good choice nOCTURNE CLEANS SO WELL TRY IT TOO HOW ABOUT UDYR ? EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN morde conq,mundo should be op in jng xD easily leaving the earlypressure for objectives EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN skarner? SHYV USE LESS amumu EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN Mundo cmonBruh I feel like with heca if you lose early its so bad Volibear lol i think ZAC TRY UDYR skarner kekw AYAYA Literally Picks Mundo worst cahmp on the list lol Neeko sucks cant farm RENGOO yeah people suck Kapp EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN IF YOU DONT GANK LVL 3 WITH KHA YOU DONT DESERVE THIS FAME BRO BYE Malphite yasuo ornn is legit urgot @Nightblue3 Teamfight jg are where its at since early game is objective heavy @nightblue3 Can we suck each other’s dooby? ZAC would be good man AP MALHITE JG RUST RUST RUST RENGOOOOOOOO pyke jg lol kindred is second?? OLAF @Nightblue3 NOCTURNE is good i mean you are using it so gucci gang Ap zac!! EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN booooring gragas is great if you can play him OLAFF OLAF GOOD Kreygasm Zac OLAF Voli???? @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? TRY NOCTURNE TOO HE CLEANS WELL EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN OLAF OP Dr mundo Pog Mundooooooo OLAFF FOR RANK 1 EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN ZAC PLS Nidalee Rammus maybe kayn is better now? OLAF vooooli OLAF DUDE PepeHands Neeko EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN XIN @Nightblue3 OLAF FOR RANK 1 OLAF OP Pog champ EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN WITH CONQ @nightblue3 no ekko? Dr mundo TRUNDLE zac would be good xin? CONQ OLAF OP RN urgot What about nidalee EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN EVELYNN rammuse us AP Malphite is good Warwick why noone notice zac :( U don’t think anything is good urgot @Nightblue3 reworked diana jungle? RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST PEPPE IS CRYING BCS YOU WILL LOSE BRO...LISTEN TO ME YOU LOSE THIS GAME i don't understand why twitch auto quality putting me on 720p when i got 200 up and down @nightblue3 whY r u playing the meta this isnt i elise?? @Nightblue3 runes? RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. shaco Pantheon I was gonna say it is actually good kayn? @Nightblue3 TEAMFIGHT JUNGLERS ARE GOOD TWITCH TWITCH RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. Dr mundo would be fun to watch with cocky attitude commentary ramus shaco shaco shaco Mundo is most common in KR, so it's easy in other countries, because people don't know how to play against cool lets goo BibleThump urgot @baymax8165 Chill man Voli is good early, just hard to farm red side 1-5 mins @Nightblue3 YIIIIIIII junglers who can early gank and snowball hard to late game would be ur bet for this list KappaPride SENNA JG PLZ YOU ARE A PRO PLAYER TRY HER...SHE IS FUN IF YOU CAN PLAY HER GOOD back quinn jgl @nyle_x i really want to play him RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST trynda!! theres no shame being a metaslave Diana??? Possibly??? even lee sin sux Kappa WHY DOESNT ANYBODY BAN THOSE SPAMKMERS ww can farm good take drag @baymax8165 he's not gonna play if you tell him to . he will do it when he can : ) Play Senna Jg Dr Mundo spiked my drink and escorted me home :( @Nightblue3 New diana can gank! new diana diana can't gank before 6 Kappa hold my rework i think diana jg will probably be alot more viable after her rework hits live not old one can we get some kpop going? she can gank pre 6 now but Diana one shots why do u hate on dog shit? Kappa new diana can hi nightblue diana post rework will be pretty bonkers play kayle jg kek any suggestions for good s10 junglers? Butttttt isn’t shyv the same??? if its a farm meta why dont you full clear? @Nightblue3 Wait so Lee is good in this meta? @AscendingLibra Dude I'm dying for NB3 to acknowledge reworked diana jungle this skin is great @Nightblue3 ammumu is suprisingly decent now ww can do everything The new diana pog POG Skins what about shaco? TryHard Skins olaf What about Aatrox?Is he still good Jungle? I love your skin No @Nightblue3 New diana!! @p0w3rl0g1k rengo is always decent BONECLAW SHY SKIN IS BUSTED @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 Shaco maybe? is this ranked? what about shaco? @nightblue3 !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at NB3 making stuff up SENNA? JUNGLE? @p0w3rl0g1k with senguine blade and shit @Nightblue3 what about the amazing ww YEA SENNA JG BRO Nasus Jg isgood NOONE TRIES HER if you trust your team, tank j4 is the best amumu? good clear, solo drags, R and Q stun, not best but good in the right hands. @nightblue3 shaco has very good clear and ganks almost flawless iif u play right shyv clear is pretty fast PogU POG @nightblue3 how about nasus? nb3NANI nb3NANI Pog senna jg sounds really bad pepeClap PogChamp PogChamp IF HE WANTS SOMETHING FUN AND MOBILE TO PLAY...THAN SENNA IS COOL @nightblue3 SENNA? JUNGLE? DARK HARVEST? double dude!!! stick to bot lane senna lol ww sounds good tbh is this ranked game? What shirt are you wearing ? Quinn jungle Kappa bloodrazor on diana Kappa @Nightblue3 why u been streaming late? high risk high reward @baymax8165 YES BRO YOU HEAR ME ur actually pretty good a shyvana diana????? BibleThump on diana? DIANA? plays shyvana talks diana Kappa i think the titanic is really good tho @nightblue3 warrior cleaver could be good Senna Jg? yes yes maybe xDDDD lol rust Pepega Clap xD pepega Pepega xD xd My girlfriend keeps talking about the crabs now I know what she means RUNES??? No you don’t have good scaling with ad time to play rust i guess just need to play properly with it Pepega ap ? ranked or no? my dude want to play diana that bad XD SENNA JG IS ACTUALLY GOOD...NOT A GOOD CLEAR BUT GANKING IS PRETTY FUN senna jgg @nightblue3 warrior cleaver yas You scale well with attack speed with e mid? this guy only plays ranked lol ekko got a kill gg @nightblue3 HOW ABOUT SENNA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST OR CONQ Runnn !somg !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at I ross.. take the diana SENNA JG IS FOR FUN SHIT YOU KEKW IDIOTS u hav no mana Kappa DRAKE POTENTIAL Pepega Yoink KS KEKW WeirdChamp KS why did they fight it lol KEKW WOW...NOBODY DIDNT KNOW THAT SHYV HAS MORE POTENTIAL ON DRAKES...WOW YOU ARE 5HEADING US ALL kss @nib5ter woulda been good if syndra didnt do wtf she did LUL KEKW LOL hi nightblue clip XDDDDDDDD LUL loooooooooooool KEKW CALLED IT KEKW LUL Imcaptaincupcake subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NB3! AHHAHAHAHAHAHA Thank you for subscribing Imcaptaincupcake for 2 months! PogYou Imcaptaincupcake's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! wtf I HOPE I DON'T GET HOOKED like that? kik KEKW that was great timing lmao KEKW ez ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper why would you recall there lol LOL wallhacks hahahahaha SENNA? JUNGLE? DARK HARVEST? oololo jesus i'll die laughing Clip that lmao go back to sleep? aight Longswords? @baymax8165 For??? Fun??? Gracias por el HahaDoge, @imcaptaincupcake. @Nightblue3 can u play ekko jg next oggogogog @baymax8165 THEY ARE RIGHT HE PLAY RANK TBH.. nb3 boosted hahaha kappachino nb become shyvanna one trick ater being nocturne one trick XD love u man Pog POG Pog @Nightblue3 what would u say is the hardest role to climb? Pug Pog pog Pog pog pogggggggggggg HOW ABOUT YASUO OR RYZE HLJG I want a heavy ganking jg, who is good? I am playing a lot of lee, who else is good at ganking? PogChamp PogChamp pog DUDUDUDU Dududududu DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU pog duDudu duDudu duDudu support is hardest to climb this normal or ranked? he figured it out duDudu boxDerp duDudu sandstorm sandstorm darude sandstorm he doesnt play normals OMG nightblue tuck your sheets in properly it's giving me aids in my eyeballs sandstorm sandstorm I'm blue song name is dududu darude sandstorm 30 cs jg lead KEKW @LelsersLasers TRY SENNA IF YOU PLAY FOR FUN AND NOT FOR ELO......SO GOOD AT GANKING darude - sandstorm LUL song name darude sandstorm @nightblue3 SHITSTORM !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at PogChamp PogChamp max q for blood razor build SENNA JG NIGHTBLOOOOOOO for one time, the enemy have the pepega mid darude- sandstorm, you should watch the video, super 90s chase lux jg OP chat whats the song name?? He knows the name braindead chat KEKW Sandstorm RIP oof this ahri KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW I want a heavy ganking jg, who is good? I am playing a lot of lee, who else is good at ganking? KEKW CHARM ahaha KEKW misses everything get aatroxed\ OMEGALUL pog fusOh ahri e LUL Jebaited NICE CHARM anyone pog u This ahri is not human... LUL LUL LUL LUL kekk foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP cheer100 Austinjeng just cheered 100 bits PogYou Gy HIS W ooooooooooof FULL LETHALITY His w ranked or normalss 0ooooooooo Hai everyone! hôly PogChamp @valiktehn fusfam? nike stream @LelsersLasers try blitzcrank HEY @nightblue3 HOW ABOUT SENNA FOR FUN DUDE DARK GARBAGE KEKW nice gank LUL KEKW @nightblue3 why blue smite not red KEKW KEKW foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP NotLikeThis PepeHands lmao NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis SIT Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited open mid KEKW JG DIFF KEKW KEKW those int @Demajster that doesnt count.... foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP flash e btw KEKW LUL THEY HAVE NOTHING Pepega Clap gray screen again lul rip have nothing LUL true NoThInG they have flash LUL KEKW so this is normals? robaxor subscribed with Twitch Prime. robaxor has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing robaxor! PogYou robaxor's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES nb3YIKES ranked nothing = xayah flash WlSC0NSlN subscribed with Twitch Prime. WlSC0NSlN has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing WlSC0NSlN! PogYou WlSC0NSlN's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! pog nightpoooooo <3 Pog NotLikeThis SENNA JG KEKW jnbPrime jnbPrime jnbPrime jnbPrime jnbPrime jnbPrime !points @itzyasuke, itzyasuke has 17533 points and is rank 245/3219125 on the leaderboard. free? it's $100/yr ?to farm faster nightbloooo3 senna jggg KEKW KEKW is his mom have sex upstairs? gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP ppOverheat ooof ??? cmonBruh fast clear maybe yes KEKW XDDD u for real? HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys kekw WutFace ND5 !points @Austinquesnelle, Austinquesnelle has 14641 points and is rank 370/3219125 on the leaderboard. nice Freal i gotta wait till payday to sub :( KEKW ABUSER sungslGa w for faster clear , e for fights , LUL XDDD LUL 100 nb3 is trolling today xDdd KEKW almost poggers xDddd Why are you always so loud lol rip ears KomodoHype ff 15 SwiftRage PJSalt PJSalt i love you nb3 GAYBAR Salt wait , why nb going warrior on shyv KEKW just NA things Kappa how about senna jg no yes No no nahhhh its fine AHRI CARRIES YOU SOO HARD no i turn down my headphones no no is this noramls? yes @Nightblue3 mute it maybe a little she responded the jump PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp stop screaming turn it off Kappa nah iits fine no ppl jsut gotta learn to turn down their volume yes mute it yes mute it yes you are just a loud person. its fine monkey no its fine do people not know how to turn down their volume lol Youre not loud enough just stop screaming no we love the excitement just help a lot ;) doesnt need to be at full volume lol D: eyy nightblue how about senna jg dark harvest D: Ye 10% INGAME monkaW D: its fine just stop screaming chilll nb3 :d when you screm it goes from 8 to 80, try to normalize that shit It’s ok monkaS T O X I C PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt nb3Give Yea just stop screaming @Nightblue3 YOU MIC IS A TINY BIT 2 LOUD KEKW tern doun fur wat? @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 You've changed, you get angry so easily now. I miss the old NB3 PepeLaugh monkas lawl gachiHYPER SantaHat HYPERCLAP SoSnowy a-ator nb3GG nb3GG ah-gain AYAYA TROX toxic Kreygasm aEy nightblue ho2 abou5 senna dark harvest @WaveringLight HE DOESNT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE THATS WHY my girlfriend wants you to play rust @nightblue3 why u dont play shyvanna ap? @Nightblue3 this f'n ahri isn't ap sejuani better? what is this build? f she cant shyvana* nt :) rustooo why did she charm the dragon? f for dragon @ziscomaniac YIKES! sad to hear YEA.... rust time ahri is carrying you noob this ahri is pog finally smurf let ahri know get herald ahri goes 0 to 100 lol honor ahri What Shyv skin is that? yes it is HotPokket lawl SHYV USELESS LOL AHRI HARD CARRIES THIS or you just act before your plan comes to fruition? stop yelling him WutFace zyarin33 darkflame PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp her* BibleThump Say gj Thats deep @Nightblue3 yo nightblue do u love pizza? @Nightblue3 what is this warrior shyvana? are you on gold account or smth why dont tell us why do u like eating wr love nb3 @Nightblue3 WHY ARE U NOT GOIJNG AP OMG UR ACTUALLY GOING TO BE USELESS DUDE. PLS WTF IS UR BUILD OMG OMG OMG NIGHTBLUE @Nightblue3 you typically max w first for clear speed and better stick potential , then e for duels Shelly time!!! what's the swoosh on your shirt? runes? not playing rust anymore MAXXX E BRO TF ARE YOU DOING MONKAS So fking condescending I would play badxon purpose pepeDS SoSnowy winning coinflips Pog cmonBruh hu nightblue ur the best streamer in ur house ? D: give it to ahry the HAPPY FEET kkkkkkkkkkk Good morning wtf am i looking at dancepls taking blue with a champ that doesnt use mana energy or need CD lol tiltereeto subscribed with Twitch Prime. tiltereeto has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing tiltereeto! PogYou tiltereeto's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !points Proxy Pog @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25520 points and is rank 84/3219169 on the leaderboard. good job ahri but u cant take blue how about senna jg nightvlue No titanic hydra today? lel take blue buff no mana tho @Nightblue3 ahri hard carrying you YOUR E DOES NO DMGGGGGGGGGGGGG @Nightblue3 wits end RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST Dc broxahGG RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST.. RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. ruuuuuuuuust Owen Wilson gonna sue @Nightblue3 for copyright infringment on that "Wow" WHY DOES NOONE BAN THIS SPAMER LUL LUL !points LUL @bazingacontrol, bazingacontrol has 7040 points and is rank 1901/3219170 on the leaderboard. Darkblades55 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! @Nightblue3 TEEMO JUNGLE GOD TIER! Thank you for subscribing Darkblades55 for 6 months! PogYou Darkblades55's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ruuuusssttttt pog @insomnizak STFU PATHETIC GUY damn shyv looks fun to play rust rust Aatrix @baymax8165 arent u a healing bot? Nice stun did he cover up Nike? BibleThump @insomnizak STFU Chat did you claim your twitch prime rewards yet? I got Star Guardian Jinx :) HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII @baymax8165 ITS A ROTTEN BOT why this osng NIC STUN Syndra song lol ok bud be toxic lol dont care SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood ADELE BibleThump BibleThump @Nightblue3 Good job you have infected your channel with the Rust Cancer BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump hashinshin power nais @insomnizak STFU. a-atrox and hashinshin still complains A A TROX LULW ez nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3Ten naw the frick aatrox just did LUL fiesta @scaremongering wierdchamp HELLO BibleThump @Lizardan I HAD TO PAY SO I DIDNT DO IT WutFace RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. last night rust stream was hilarious ur so good the spam shipOKO RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST one man spam FeelsWeirdMan ! what is this build KEKW whyar eyou going ap GO TRIFORCE proccing Q and W for longer @Nightblue3 because her entire kit revolves around on hit effects betamale @baymax8165 cant think of any other words? need a vocabulary? lol shooting those fireballs @jimmykeaver its a battleground yesterday lonewolf_tsugaki subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hey nb3 good morning from europe. why u runnin warrior on the shyv? Thank you for subscribing lonewolf_tsugaki for 3 months! PogYou why are you not going ap WeirdChamp lonewolf_tsugaki's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! i didnt describe rust i described there cancer boys atk speed for e probabaly I FUCKING HATE SPAMMERS The on-hit and extra procs on her stuff ad shyv in 2k20 lmao these* Thanks for the HahaDoge @lonewolf_tsugaki Ability scaling ITS NOT ENJOYABLE FOR NOONE @Nightblue3 bcus e procs is op more empowered autos, more qs. Q reset fuck me plz WHO WANTS TO PLAY HER AD TBH nb3Baka nb3Baka is shyvanna any good LOL q lowers cooldown on hit, w has on hit, and e has on hit effect deep shyv e proc is op when u atk speed hi nightblue look here im watching u BibleThump on hit bonus damage from w , on it bonus damage from e , faster attack speed giving you q faster @Nightblue3 No titanic today? @jimmykeaver it was a fukin battleground yesterday on rust Blood razor still key. Just sit on warhammer pickaxe for ad then finish did later @trebor910 shyyvanna very boring BAD RTUNES FOR AP @Nightblue3 is karthus still good? DD TPFufun do u drink cofe? 4 lvls up kekw It does more proccing 3 times than one semi-stronger one yea chat explains before i can say what i say @Nightblue3 Your E scales 0.1 AD and 0.8 AP.... FailFish @baymax8165 Go watch a actual rust player like lifestomper and stop spamming this channel looool SeemsGood KEKW ABUSER that was Pog what happens with new season. does my rank reset? @Zabbon the e scales 30pct ad and 60pct when in dragon form so not .1 @Jimmykeaver yo whats @baymax8165 's problem? lol Jebaited pepeDS TopHat please more RUST It doesn't scale with ad well at all @Insomnizak HE DOESNT HAVE A GIRL.... @Nightblue3 she has low ad scaling but high synergy with attack speed from on hit effect sad you gonna be play rust later tonight @Nightblue3 ???? gj @nightblue3 I just got here. Do you think this build beats AP shyvana? @Nightblue3 No titanic today? i dont think so LUL no...this build sux cait LUL with as you could have won that fight @ziscomaniac figures.... your build just sucks I think chat is right about black clever being bad, friend go ap tf @baymax8165 go rub one out my guy... u need it you gonna be play rust later tonight @Nightblue3 ??? !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute go mallet @Nightblue3 wats the name of this song ? @deathdraw he running warrior then cleaver first, unsure if he gon go titanic nb saying chat is right??? yup she has low ad scaling @Insomnizak LOL HAHAHA HE IS DUMB AF BRO HE CAN ONLY SPAM THATS HIS LIFE you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf @Nightblue3 @deathdraw he going sterak next rust content has been FANTASTIC last couple of days Respect for trying out something new though My man @ziscomaniac haha no kidding. WELLL THis is what my elo looks like bruh git good KEKW @nightblue3 try graves again after watching tarzaneds guide song name? ap they dead lmao full of smurfes and me like a baby between them W OMEGALUL W what a beast KEKW you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf @Nightblue3 LUL @Insomnizak I ACTUALLY HATE YOUR SARCAZAM like who are you to be steping up to me like that f you dumb kid u just counted ur own death lul imagine if u were ap lol 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. dead death timer lol whats next after steraks? !uptime @suyan_tutiya, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 46 mins looks like a win! @nightblue3 whats after steraks now? the e !song No rust today ?????????????????????????????? Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Naw You good Chief you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf. And he can gank @Nightblue3 hi true KEKW is massive with ap manamune shyvana is O fucking P, trust! i mean that ap wouldve lol turning a 2 for 0 into a 3 for 1 is probably good for her team so i think is more viable in higher elo 3 .... 2 ..... 1 ..... gray screen XD hihi GA LUL aatrox tp your build is viable why even R When are you planning to play Pokemon again? GA? Titanic dead mans for Pepega mode kecx its actually a good build just didnt play well LUL deadmans buy mr mallet XD this build is great for top lane @nightblue3 gunblade go cirt hecx @ziscomaniac I am me... thats who i think i am Black cleaver GA for more survivability man crit WITS END @nightblue3 go dcap for the memes Mallet Why not tri force instead of black cleaver ? @nightblue3 infinity like a motherfuker PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt you cant do damage if u dont survive a team fight @slashuurr yee TriHard SourPls JG live PepeHands Nicd @ziscomaniac assuming you were talking about me lol @Nightblue3 last 2 slot get ap items so much PJSalt in chat KEKW Any Rust tonight? since you got attack speed, try some critical in it TriKool heroo nb3 ok @insomnizak and @ziscomaniac u guys are reported to this stream KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle TriHard zyra jg is fun right now best rust streamer on the earth Pog Why not tri force instead of black cleaver ??? nashors tooth for the memes do u speak Arabic? @nightblue3 wit's end nashor tooth ekko loooool @Nightblue3 her e is 3.25% max health on hit effect on things you land your e on , shyv bread and butter on melting dragon solo any brotha ? TriHard The damage tick timing feels weird. It's weird, Like Anivia's Q on Blackfrost haidra. bro TriKool 7 LEONA LMFAO Pog PepeLaugh u could try some crit? Pog CLAP THE MOTHER FUCKIN BOOTY CHEEKS xfiora gg ez POG that was good Damage nb3Gasm AP WHO?! Pog leona ulti KEKW GG SIMPLE @nightblue3 crit could do u more damage? KEKW TriKool Clap you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf. And he can gank @Nightblue3 Ahri Pog GG EZ nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG still laggy? yes rust time ekko nashorntooth gg Pog rusttt EZ Clap i think ap better waaaay better New meta Confirmed# gg KEKW abuser but u dont live No ap wouldve died faster you definitely wouldnt want to go crit on shyvana you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf. And he can gank @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 jungle is terrible right? Kappa ap all the eway Rust time ! calcu time lel to pee or not to pee ap is glass cannon yes Rust is trashhhh HSWP ruuuuuuuusttt ap you died her ap sacles better with e and r no y couldnt kill aatrox with ap Wouldnt have survived teh end of that with ap Rusttttttt a lot more dmg @nightblue3 why you got a fake nike shirt on?? !uptime @WasMollyLUL Yeah valid but Shy scales harder right ap does more damage but you die instantly lol @arionPD, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 50 mins e and r better @Nightblue3 But would you have had a more enjoyable gaming experience playing AP? @nightblue3 try it out then AP have more damage ill be calculating shit now rust it up @Nightblue3 ap more dmg but its not better at all =\ i think you've been oneshot if you were ap tho monkaHmm but u glass cannon rust woulda been alot more damage @LogicJonez olaf is the biggest fk u to carrys !uptime @DjSnIlckers, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 50 mins @Nightblue3 ap chunks with her e , especially in dragon form but you have no sustained Why not tri force instead of black cleaver? @nightblue3 Yeah but you insta dead ap would have died cus it doesn't do shit after using E OMEGALUL ap is to reliant on one abiility RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST cmonBruh gg RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTT #LE RUST Oh boi RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST. russtttttt I wanna hot dog ap shyv is so much better Man play kayn plz WeirdChamp DUDE why you got a fake nike shirt on???? EUW? not in that scenario tbh ap woulda sucked there FUCK rUST ggggg KEKW can you rust after this one? Kappa hes got tape or something over the nike @Nightblue3 No titanic today? lol LUL KEKW OKAY BUD you know who clears fast and goes this build? Olaf. And he can gank @Nightblue3 Budget NB3 KEKW nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG Gg I feel that PepeHands im only kidding man LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL plz f me nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG no all star? NIGHT KEEE rust:/ open box nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG nb3GG ☹ ♡ say it ain't so nb3 nightblue pstd FeelsWeirdMan KEKW ABUSER nb3Hehe olaf is boiring as fuck @Nightblue3 what rank are u? olaf = real nike @nightblue3 have you heard the song panini cx play olaf dude imiss qq and lora KEKW How's LA treating you? you can at least afford adidas ur part of the system as olaf my first ban was 14 days? is that normal? true ruyuuust Olaf ResidentSleeper DUDE KHA ZIX IS BROKEN 300 wallet 3 dollar shirt unbox Hows hecarim ? high as fuck donate for real nike 7 am nb3 had a thriving stream @nightblue3 that plus wit's end and you're unkillable olaf = ez win FailFish Nidalee If we may dude? what about fiddle? Yo play kayn for me unless you run it down really hard LULW 1 trick Khazix Ap shyv relies on one ability is the problem open loot i want to sleep bb we already are asleep @nightblue3 WHATS THE FURTHEST you’ve gone with a guy 50% winrate IN PLAT EleGiggle @nightblue3 Can I ask...1) have you ever tried Veigar jungle? 2) Is it viable at all? asking for a friend xD He just doesnt want to look bad missing 50% of his Q's KEKW let's sleep bb RANK 1 ISNT GONNA PUT ANYONE ASLEEP PLAY OLAF LULW 50% winrate IN PLAT EleGiggle @Nightblue3 if you could get rank 1 with only olaf everyone would be okay with it RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST t1 took over real men play Amumu quinn is exciting. just sayin' RUST CONTENT HAS BEEEN BEST LAST DAYS you got ban? ouo anivia jungle!!! have you heard Indian panini the guy said he worked for riot so maybe he abused his ability good morning my fellow monkeys from germany @Apointytriangle im learning shy, reccomendation? Pick the Rust champion I need to see that Nid pick Yo play kayn for me @Nightblue3 if your gonna play shyv and not go ap , try attack speed with blood razor and wits end i got banned for telling someone to kiss them selves for 2 weeks @Nightblue3 are you gay? lee sinn i left an aram and got 15 days on first leave !music Nightblue Music Channel PLAY VOLI BRUH! its 7 days and 14 days then perma @nightblue3 Do u think league is improving as a game? @nightblue3 ziggs jg Dr Mundo what about oldschool fiddlesticks? wheres mike @Nightblue3 People left the game and they realized thats not good when Fortnite is a thing now LUL shaco? lee kindred Kreygasm Quinn Yo Kind is the best fk kindred what rank is nightblue? fiddlestick MUNDO lee sinn plzzz @Nightblue3 will u play diana jg after her rework <3 ? PogChamp Hail of blades for E proc? no VOLIBURRRR! NO u dont @Nightblue3 Kindred main here, nimbus cloak is super pog! LEE SIN Rust is nothing but script kiddies who want to talk shit even when they cheat In my first ban. 14 days, next time is perm, used the “f” word used against the gay community CRIT FIDDELSTICKS Shyv ap I got chat restricted for saying EZ after game LUL shacooooo DIANA JG NOW!!!!!!!! go rengar and 3 Q q Q PogChamp ITS OP Why Kindrd only have two skins , god Riot fix your game i currently play kindred with nimb and waterwalking Kindred could be good POG i would take red on second Kindred Only Two Skins When she has so many cahnces for dope ones @nightblue3 what is that ribbon on the right up corner on champion icons? uncatchable with that graves PeoplesChamp Lee sin plzzz bro Hey @nightblue3 RENGAR !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute nimbus cloak kindred pls you can red smite and chase ppl down kindred pls Volibear jung nowwww!!!! Nimbus isnt that good on Kindred TRUUUUUUUUUE movement speed on summs? with a jg? ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song Facts it don't sell to the E Girls nimbus cloak kindred could be good VOLOIBURRRRr! ResidentSleeper what about fiddlesticks? das right nimbus aint that good on smite since cd is too low ekko FUCKING PAJAMA SORAKA E GIRLS @Nightblue3 It is super good @nightblue3 spitting the straight facts boring junglers ResidentSleeper possible kindred has like 5 players worldwide after riot killed her W back in 2016 FeelsBadMan go for Dom tree with sudden impact as is strong with Q sanguinblade kindred POGGERS super galaxy! you get melee matchup and nimbus is just free win why not lets try it :D WHAT IS YOUR FAV SKIN IN THE WHOLE GAME??? what's the dif red-blue smite? when feet reveal? nimbus cloak kindred was pretty decent when i tried it @nightblue3 kindred hard hero to snowball @Nightblue3 just following after seeing your youtube content, just wondering if you can make a video to make not as popular jg more interesting. @Nightblue3 what is your preference on shyvana right now? trying to learn her as I go. rune wise. NICE EDEN PLAYLIST ! :O galaxy skin diana jg after the rework PogChamp ? <3 @Nightblue3 Isn't that the only Shadowfire Skin in the game . @Nightblue3 Why does it seem like a Blood moon Skin ? Lux just going to E or R you from a mile away after your ult ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song @mightyman27 he already answered this. its Jailbait Annie s sudden impact with Q is stronger than Nimbus Kindreds original skin looks like she belongs in Hollow Knight @nightblue3 what afe those riot signs on skins?? @Nightblue3 What's the best Low-elo Kindred Clear Still new to her finleyguy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! RIP up the rift Thank you for subscribing finleyguy for 3 months! PogYou trust finleyguy's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! I just wome up gm nb and streamchat @nightblue3 Do u think league is improving as a game? They said a lunar guardian kindred skin is about to come @BorisTheEvil eden - crazy in love the speed increases on cd of the summoner spell and smite is low cd LULW 50% winrate IN PLAT EleGiggle Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @finleyguy what is the difference between blue and red smite cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 nightblue so sexy hot on kindred monkaS you were the one who said kindred players are useless monkeys just a few days ago.... did she get buffed @nightblue3 why not fiddle? good scaling and a fast clear. can gank pre 6 and counter invades/ can invade well. AYAYA ❓ monkaW monkaW @lonewolf_tsugaki So a Moon skin for a champs whose base skin looks like it can be the moon skin lol lia POOGERS cheap shot is alright on kindred too I am not saying its great...saying better than Nimbus mightyman27 subscribed with Twitch Prime. mightyman27 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing mightyman27! PogYou RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST mightyman27's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! nb3Give RPGGhosto RPGGhosto monkaSHAKE you start red or blue with kindred ? 😅 will u play rust today? ivarpe3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ivarpe3 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing ivarpe3! PogYou @nightblue3 so im trying to get into playing kindred, what's a good clear for her in Gold Elo ivarpe3's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! egirl in the background AYAYA Clap @what are these riotsigns on skin select??? feels like i hear something screeming in the background you dont need MS if you stack passive and build AS like runaans hurricane @nightblue3 Do u think league is improving as a game? !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at what is the difference between blue and red smite???! @queueueueueueueueue When you have a Partner Account they unlock all skins or something for you rileyGift Can we ban Baymax for spamming rust 40 times now? Primers WeirdChamp whats a good gold elo kindred clear skipped I guess why not fiddle? @LogicJonez well at least after almost 4 years of oblivion it's something lol N OMEGALUL What does nimbus cloak do again? yea YESSSS @SenorSnappy You never go hurricane on kindred tho league dying @lonewolf_tsugaki Right like Four Years lol @nightblue3 what are these riot marks in skin select?? It's a much better game than a year agooo N OMEGALUL what do you think of Karasmai? F League is forever Alcoves killed League platblue3 KEKW stays more constant than all else nah league is not dying @queueueueueueueueue Gifted skins from Riot !elo @outekko u get movespeed when u use ult i think or summs? Hiiiiii @outekko gives u speed after ulting @wazzaq why dude? its strong for clear and team fights !lig no pls no rust PB3 league hasnt evolved in the past 5 years crit Apart from League, what are your fav games? @nightblue3 warrior PD IE that ahri prestige skin is fire LeAgUe iS DyNg LUL .... its just keeps getting more popular why cleaver? PB3 <3 worrior pd ie i prefer blood razor on kindred @outekko short burst of movespeed to be exact @MrEuphoricTV he said he enjoys pornhub when league gets boring Did you try korean warrior essence reaver? egirl pee ahri PogChamp my typical Kindred build is: Warrior, berseker grieves, runaans, IE, PD @SenorSnappy It does 0 dmg and your clear is already super super fast. You just need dmg to kill a target go Tri force + mallet PogU bloodrazor why do you think fiddle wont work? followed nightblue cuase i like his youtube videos crit You need TS Ayyy came in time for a Kindred game. PogYou its fine? why do you hate Ekko jg mayne?????? i dont think cleaver is that great on her. Adc crit build is the way to go for her When russsst ??? @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? bloodrazor probably PogYou Clap Morning it's the substition of black cleaver when not against tanks i guess !elo @Nightblue3 there is a rust streamer with a whitelist server for streamers. no n words. no sniping. really fun server !ranl veigar jungle 5000 AP oneshot PogU !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at @Nightblue3 u dont read chat do u kid good evening everyone !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute 20% cdr set ups for crit build @nightblue3 use a reusable bottle friend pls nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Hype ye yeah FailFish @Nightblue3 You only got essense reaver on kindred if you play ADC. Stormrazer or botrk is super strong atm on kindred Bloodrazor rework diana jg l8r pls? i cant stop laughign with someof your videos essencereaver, ie Malet techhhh ! follow ap kindred :D @nightblue3 not gonna lie, I was expecting some rust today! it's honestly very funny and good content, league dead My favorite Rust streamer playing league FeelsBadMan Kappa yessss yeah AP kindred Stormrazor is so much better Wheres the attack speed Not enough as classic @RibaActionTime LULW @wazzaq give my build a its strong. great camp clear, Crit damage which also works on Runaans extra autos, along with AS you will be critting and dealing damage to multiple targets its so good pretty good for the damage dealing shit need attack speed though kindred needs attack speed but atk speed Bloodrazor pog go lethality makes sense no :) what makes you think fiddle wont work in this meta? yesssir 5Head ask forest blood razor works nice with her wolf ability PD essense seems better Your marks don't give AS, only adds to the AS from your Q. So if you want a full damage build to work you have to be Johnny on the Marks. hey, i subbed wheres my icon i've seen them playing on marks aswell so i guess that's another good point on it is crittlesticks still viable? :) nvm @nightblue3 u would hafta shift momentum for stacks if u wanna go that build KEKW What are your general thoughts on Shen? @nightblue3 NB3 what do you think that Volibear will be in meta? seems like a build for if you get ahead early otherwise its expensive and could set you back with no defense rip rip frankfreakingwolf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! So NA lost in the show match this year, but NB3 was in the NA VS EU Show match and NA won last year. Better Jungler always wins? NB3 World Caliber Jungler. Thank you for subscribing frankfreakingwolf for 4 months! PogYou frankfreakingwolf's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! cancel AA KEKW ????? Rip Auto cancel. SO BAD nice flash LUL NB3 what do you think that Volibear will be in meta? 47-Month Subscriber (3-Year Badge)Twitch Primechronowa KEKW rush does this all the time KEKW boxBlind PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt LUL NA flash idiot ur so bad KEKW so bad Yeah kidna greedy Gromp WeirdChamp blaming gromp lul Gr SwiftRage mp trolling lol LoL yeah yikes NB3 what do you think that Volibear will be in meta? dude nb3 is so bad nowadays LUL ResidentSleeper other team paid gromp no you keep running around gromp to avoid is Q boosted KEKW lmao flaming gromp GR OMEGALUL MP @ISlapFUPA Yeah NCOMING FEEDING SESSION LUL wait what? gromp legit didnt hit lee at camps not aim for closest? do others have to actually hit camps now? you suck at my main @Nightblue3 KEKW Kindred this is very distressing plz do better KEKW INCOMING blaming gromp WeirdChamp I got Sad now KEKW lvl 3 @Nightblue3 they nerfed that long time ago @chocolateejesus whats your typical go to kindred build? W no longer slows, but you have the passive heal from it again. @Nightblue3 nerfs are real effHiYo KEKW @SenorSnappy Back in s9 Bloodrazor > cleaver > optional (runnaans KEKW fusOh ) 5head UNLUCKY lee has W lel holy pepega LULW iiii KEKW nice gank OMEGALUL its over KEKW HahaCat KEKW OMEGALUL int KEKW OMEGALUL LOOOL KEKW boooosted KEKW KEKW ???????????????????????? KEKW KEKW F w q btw KEKW nice dodge KEKW inting ahahahaahahhahhahaha monkey LUL Yikes LUL INJTBLUE3 yikes KEKW KEKW so bad SO, BALD loool JUST DODGE 4Head fusYikes int oh damn that is unfortunate lol unlucky KEKW KEKW boosted boosted yikers KEKW HahaCat W @Nightblue3 WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? one more buff THATS AN UPSET MIDGET KEKW KEKW booster bosted DxCat INTeresting Gj dodging Go home kekw you're insecure bruv–pLAY KINDRED RIGHT rip nb3 😬 Stop feeding Plz f Report efrfef Feeding omg pre season win trade? Kappa interesting InSec(ure) @Nightblue3 efefefe imagine no ganking top KEKW Frehfrehfreeeeh oof kekw i would afk after that KEKW inting isn't kindred's fault nb3Chimp ur bad monkaHmm LOL triple trash jungle @SenorSnappy hurricane is just the weakest of the zeal items, plus you just need alot of AD to scale up your E or play a more tanky build with botrk RapThis cirShades triple X tier? she is good tru yayyyy my main 0/3 @chocolateejesus fair enough. i typically go Warrior, Runaans, PD, IE, Beserkers, Optional KEKW BOOOOSTED 6th sense workin there Kappa triple sss KEKW BOOSTED pls remake Kappa ?????????????????????? 0/4 KEKW Your 6th sense not working to spot the lee tho KEKW KEKW got killed by a blind dude remake kekw KEKW my eyes monkaHmm @SenorSnappy what I say monkaHmm i think your're better at rust ahri more blind than lee sin F better jg wins Kappa boosted quad S tier now 6th sense LUL INCOMMING FEEDING SEASION boosted NB3 you are dead :P I love you so much!!!!!! PartyPoro PartyPoro nice 6 sense this guys a fucking chimp GGWP ghosting XD @nightblue3 *dies* : that's not how play the game NFs so lit bro. Nic to know you for a good fast in music! 0 n 3 * 6th sense Kappa ari blind KEKW six sense LUL Triple S tier GM player KEKW DEJA VU @Nightblue3 LUL better jungle wins Kappa FBtouchdown 6th sense Kappa @SenorSnappy fair, also not bad, even pretty good imo yep, lets call It a day Gg she can def carry if thats what you mean I thought I was watchning NB3 not Rush 0/3 in 5 mins loooooooooooool InSec(ure) Inc PepeLaugh he doesnt know 3 more death and you will have 6 sense ChomPag gg KEKW cowards 0-3 pog u suck bro Kappa 030 u suck bro LUL stop canceling autos! and you got this D: HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 HOW ABOUT SENNA JG DARK HARVEST? D: TriKool Clap POOSI D: D: TOXIC xd drown in pusshy Kappa 0/3 in 5 mins @chocolateejesus Its strong as long as you dont fall behind too much I think nightblue is mad at himself because he doesnt want to play league. But it makes him so much money and now he's selling his soul for it. Kappa HahaCat pusi KappaClaus KappaClaus hahahaha ??? Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW HahaCat SantaHat KEKW KEKW Triple S KEKW KEKW @Nightblue3 where is the rust gameplay? KEKW 3 deaths my lad SSS KEKW ez 030 give me the pooosy just tuned in good going nb3 0/3 @Nightblue3 SEASON 10 Needed the 7th sense bro Kappa SantaHat KEKW santa is real LUOL nah she suckz compared to udyr @SenorSnappy I mean, as kinduru it's almost hard to get behind @Nightblue3 noob you are 0/3 Catch up exp nb3HA you inted 3 times nb3Chimp Nb3ISee I love you NB3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 PartyPoro @nightblue3 please dont kindred again :P Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid1 KappaPride 0-3 5min in does he have auto attack on where he clicks to move but it still shoots when he stops moving? HahaCat prefer rust lol KEKW monkaEyes udyr sucks in high elo usually lol trick monkaW KEKW if you're a man you won't perma him monkaw JuSt dOnT GeT bEinD @chocolateejesus exactly xD udyr a beast u just a pussy tobiasCREEP veiCop @mods UDYR IS S TIER KEKW LEL monkaH truck3B Kreygasm UDYR IS A GREAT CHAMP thats a yikes monkaW PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR Udyr is a good S tier lol trash as udyr @soriosh veiCry udyr is the best champ HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 HOW ABOUT SENNA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST? udyr is a good champion udyr S+ @Nightblue3 hey is there anyway to become a mod? jw EL TRUCO WOULD FUK UP UP udyr honestly real bad KEKW udyr is best champ @Nightblue3 udry is dam good now in s10 You did LUL urge top tier *trick 2G joins the chat* 15 KEKW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 Trick>dumb ass ban UDYR QUADRA S TEIR @SenorSnappy ratirlCozy udyr is quadra S tier this season how is he 0/3 in 7 mins omg LUL but he does do alot of damage for sure udyr is a great champ Really kekw abusing here hahahaaaa pog udyr needs a rework udry is god udyr s+ tier UDYR KEKW Why conqueror? FBtouchdown MercyWing1 MercyWing2 Ask trick about udyr trkLOL RUUUUSTTT Why do you say Udyr is bad if I may know fed lee happened UDYR PepeLaugh MercyWing1 FBtouchdown MercyWing2 inting again Pog PogU shut down pog 1 kill KEKW xDDDDDDDDDDDD POGGERS KEKW pog NIMBUS Pog PogU PogU Pog cantaDX gggggggg nimbus pog PogChamp udyr in low elo might be good but high elo garbage @Nightblue3 imagine playing Kindred and not hard carrying KEKW @Nightblue3 POG POG pog PogU sex Tryna KEKW Pog celrEZ Clap TRIPLE S TIER NIMBUS GOD kneff subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Udyr > Kindred Thank you for subscribing kneff for 4 months! PogYou kneff's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW LUL LUL LUL POOGERS gg wp o´pem mid Kappa 1/3 Most kills on the team Pog No Lifs Trynda* LULW oooor 3 pills of adderall Sex Sense lol Still had lee marked. HahaPoint pepeClap Lol LOL BTW WutFace ur so loud I like the new nimbus cloak too KEKW UDYR IS THE BEST JG @Nightblue3 On the off chance you see this what do you think of warwick right now as a jg FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch How does Nimbus Cloak work now? nb3Hug nb3Hug Most kills on team PogU STUN Run away STUN Run away udyr soo good kapp Is Olaf a good jungle? @Nightblue3 now u joined trick at the washed up club KEKW UDYR POG CHAMP I got the best in here HahaSleep HahaCat HahaShrugLeft bushead mains rengar and rengar uses bushes it all makes sense now kindred ss+ tier + nimbus = ssssss+ tier ? PogChamp what's the diff between blue and red smite chat ? Why do you say Udyr is bad if I may know bts??? HahaCat HahaCat RUST TODAY? udyr > kindred Bye chat :( HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 HOW ABOUT SENNA JUNGLE DARK HARVEST? POSSIBLE? !uptime @kneff, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 7 mins BTS WeirdChamp @outekko it activates after sumoner spell @rivershenv100 Yes, id say hes good rn X) NB3 Ruinging Kindred, doesn't know how to play ratirlSad @outekko procs off summoner s @rivershenv100 Olafs one of the best jgs right now cloth armor for betas dude, are u beta? UDYR is a god in the hands of a good player like Trick @Nightblue3 RUST?? Nimbus cloak now gets proc whenever you use a summ as before it was only proc'd when you used ult KEKW stop sucking his D KEKW Kappa @aj_4590 blue smite slows chsmps red reduces damage KEKW @Nightblue3 dude you gotta adjust your volume for your yellings its way too loud @nightblue3 what's different between red and blue smite @Nightblue3 Go stormrazor way better then essence reaver sure Kapp or Tarzaned LULW 1/3/0 Ok blind pick can't be real comp Kapp Kappa TROCK2G ive never lost an inernational comp either @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 is bloodrazor worth building instead of warrior? What happaned to your marks? KappaClaus why didnt you go to all stars nb3?? ONLY IN SOLOQ :v TRUE Kapp dude u were literally carried by your team on neeko i thought kindred sucks tur Pog cuz u didnt play an international tournament b4 He doesn't choke boys! If it’s blind pick it doesn’t count 100% win rate international some nice banter in game chat KEKW NB3 good internationally KEKW Tyler1 is faker´s bf now Kappa Literally Carry @Nightblue3 Wait a minute, who drafted you TR team? 🤔 What's the usual Kindred clear? You don’t choke you swallow remember KEKW when NB3 went bronze to Challenjoure with Silver team KEKW @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad if I may know? ^w^ ult? ult LULW R? R r @tangyyturkey she kinda does but with a tank on your team she has great kite and utility @nightblue3 can u give me a jgl champ to onetrick for climbin pls? gg top being s substitute jungler for, lets say tsm, and refusing to play when needed.. i would call choking. LEE PogU WutFace OMEGALUL KEKW LUL pegga PepeHands triple s you do no damage LUL out played The outplay LOL KRKE KEKW KEKW triple S TIER BABY so luckjy LUL PogChamp that hurt inside This team OMEGALUL Omg lol ahri is winning lane KEKW Lee saved him 2 times PogU lee saved him 2 times LUL LUL LUL LUL you played tht good just unlucky KEKW KEKW ahri gg IS THAT INSEC? better jgl LMAOOO @Nightblue3 "i played dat so well " KEKW pog lux thats a good lee sin LUL gg next Ahri KEKW soooooo unlucky lmaooooooo luckless KEKW THE LEE SHIELD That lee clean damn lee played like a god KEKW S Tier BTW LUL junglediff @LittleTigru Is that what happened with that , how long ago was that , i remember that i think Jg diff lee 5/0 yikes Lee Pog you can save garen with your ult better Jung wings this game is so doomed omg better jungers wins That was painful Karma because u say Udyr is not broken gg go next 1-12 :) CoolCat @Nightblue3 are you playing rust today 1 12 an enemy is unstoppable you coulda Q'd over wall to save garen with R Chat' what's a good Kind Clear for both sides berzerker garen LUL D: Super S mode its gifting a lead JG DIF CHANGE THE SONG KEKW jg HUGE diff Kapp JG DIFF CARDIIIII jg difference D: gg js Kappa wth is that garen lmao it helps to have someone actually playing top instead of this thing called garren KEKW its legit this time LogicJonez yeah. really old stuff D: get lich skill not luck Jungle Diff KEKW @Nightblue3 KEKW played that likd 3rd time Kindred KEKW You did play that well honeslty But you could have done things better but you did play it well dont say jungle dig ass holes lmao jg dif boosted beserker boot lmao jungle diff so sad kindred is sss tier, the come back is coming better jg win ?? Kappa MY EARS jg diff lee just lucky Udyr Diff delusional @LittleTigru Yeah thats when Nightblu was the shit frfr @Nightblue3 LEE SIN IS SMURIFNG BUT ARE TOO it hurts to see how lucky they are @nightblue3 why do you say udyr is bad if I may know Why did you not r for garen? alright trick relax TriKool R? Kappa at least you scale u got outplayed haaaaard boy WutFace !skip bard : aight imma head out LUL LIA? monkaW She is playing DBD nightblue 2g wtf Garen players KEKW Kappa sounded like the goofy yell it hurts to see @Nightblue3 play Kindred monkey home D: bro tell her to calm down its jsut a kitchen DansGame monkaW ...unless??? Honestly, if you R'd the Garen ya'll woulda killed the Trynd. LUL She WILD LUL its ape party SquadW my man Kappa LUL LUL lia POOGERS LET HER OUT is lia being murdered?! Lee probably woulda dived for Garen after. Well honestly Kindred isn't going to scale now , Don't you only have 1 Mark lol 1 mark at 12mins lol Uhmm GG LogicJonez and tsm was the shit. ou jee ha've you tried nocturne mid before 😂? chained up in d basement how is dbd scary Wut @soriosh ya I think so too your choice of music is abuse. LMFAO Cardi on this playlist hellow Has people in basement boxHide wtf was that ????? @Nightblue3 rust today? One Mark Kindred it hurtss to see @Nightblue3 play Kindred 1 MARK XD TRUE XD 1 mark Kindred going to Scale Kappa kindred is bad lux can 1 ult you garen boomer Clid went to Gen.G, maybe you could ask SKT1 if they need a High Skill capped Jungler. 1 mark 12 mins monkaW 1-4 Tier got jnlucky this game !uptime AYY @itsnotokk1, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 11 mins monkaW monkaS Please do play her again and learn her. nice mark lul monkaW yov POg Pog Pog Pog POGGERS Pog POGGERS kindred is at MOST a B tier 2 Marks we in here boys pog PepeMods 2 13 minute Poh POGGERS Pog pog Pog POG POGGERS PogU POG PAG This team OMEGALUL pog Pog 2 marks at 13 Mins lol Pog PogU @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? Is lia dying? pogg don't get too excited chad 2 marks! actually winnable! kindred main! POG Pog *lia died* 2 marks lets goo Kappa PepeLmao Mind Games mental game LUL D: jk All of the teams kills on NB3 PogU KEKW @Soriosh and learn her LUL Kappa Failed two weeks incoming SO MUCH BETTER KEKW KEKW HE SAID POGGERS NOT Pog YOU IDIOTS Kappa KEKW pogu gandalfthepurple kindred is a higher tier in MID lane atm lol hahas no way he wins this game XD Kappa REKT Clap Back is real ..Don't type XD LUL yoink XD he talking facts KEKW he got you Muted touché LUL Perfect comeback TRUUU GOTCHA LUL xD U no counter play LUL 100% kills on you in 15mins... team is afk @Nightblue3 KEKW GOTTEM and then he died LUL ha truth ouhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol He won the clap back lol lol TRUE "U" POGGERS KEKW rekt LOLOLOL True KEKW OUTPLAYED hahahahaha oof KEKW well...oof then Tryndamere main ^^ What is this team ??? KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW Wasted I think kindred is shitty against heavy CC but she has huge outplay potential and kiting to help with ppl like trynd get buuuuuuuurned kekw @kneff Tell me I'm wrong. LUL you got all kills @Nightblue3 your team went afk lee is got that bounty go kill his azz godlike' jungle kingdom HIIIIIIIII why are you feeding?😂👍 LUL your team afk Kappa... you got all kills xd @Nightblue3 kekw You could have saved Lucian lol Team kekw You are bad he is winning lane next mid why you no gank my lane starStreamerWasMeanToMe XHIN DAVION E MONTEHERMOZO I want a tahm kench nightblu3. you could have Q'd and saved him lol i don't dance nao this Lee PogU I make money moves OMEGALUL 1000g POGGERS 1k PogU 3 Marks no GG we got thi s PogU poggg SSS Tier PogU 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k aGG EZ 1000g POGGERS BALLIN 10000 POGGERS I want a tahm kench game winneable? POGGERS lee is stupid 3<2 bb 3 marks LET ME HOLD THAT REAL QUICK THIS TRYND THINKS HIS PSYCHOLOGY DEGREE GONNA MAKE HIM 6 FIGURES LMAO bounty Kreygasm ratirlBusiness +1000 yeah that flying should be nerfed why are you not going stormrazor dumbass BRRRRserkers dude ur team is so trash, they are literally 1/14 KEKW 5v19 do people still play cho? cho was always fun to jg Wheres the guinsoos what elo is this? nb3CYA @Nightblue3 you rush zerkers before finishing warrior Team is 1/14 KEKW not knowing exactly what to do on Kindred WeirdChamp @Nightblue3 @JRHutch Kappa? FRANKUUUU Try stormrazor nb3 Ertihan subscribed with Twitch Prime. dan schneider Thank you for subscribing Ertihan! PogYou Ertihan has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Ertihan's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! damn in game chat pretty yikes true kindred def needs attack speed ?? وربي لو انا ما دخلت البث كان نايت بلو مدعوس garen build ??? Hard TryHard LUL Bot lane feeding mid lane feeding top lane feeding Sup garen and trynda seems like a married couple KEKW @Nightblue3 banned yesa Running full shock build with ER was surprisingly pog until they changed all static items. never played Kindred KEKW @Nightblue3 nickelodion with dick in my hand? WeirdChamp It’s me Ahri, gank mid @nightblue3 Kindred best league girl Just a suggestion found on google the most cringe top lane in the history of league Plays kindred only Rs himself feels weird man كس امكم @da7oomy4 trurr Next me too yo this is the first time i heard a pink guy song anywhere shipAYAYA KEKW (im not from NA) so is this smack talk or normal chat ? low diamond chat KEK TRUEE KEKW Why essence and not stormrazor? ?????? TRUE i mean you should they ruined the game this leauge only few champs playable @Nightblue3 I will ban you WeirdChamp @da7oomy4 why you have to be like that @Nightblue3 your team is actually 1/14 LOL true KEKW toxic chat Kreygasm LMAO everyone will be banned after this OMEGALUL TRUE True loud af هههههههه @da7oomy4 بس يامتناك شوف كلبه تنيكك @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? If I may know ^w^ Teemo support could make sense if it wasnt kai sa your vsing LOL get reported scrube @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp امزح @da7oomy4 يا إبن القحبه Teemo support mid OP @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? pure league chat at it's finest I mean after playing Rust, you can tolerate league toxicity ANELE Clap That's why we all have secondary accounts Lee is coming @da7oomy4 يابن الحراتم الحرام Stop the aneles FailFish 200iq بنبيك دين دينك ghosting MonkaW ult LULW KEKW Lee Pog KEKW KEKW hhhh hrebt azbi last hitting champs ult luc??? xD Again could have saved the Lucian With R lol KEKW Pepega Better jg wins Second time he could ahve saved you FIRST TIME KINDRED BTW KEKW @Nightblue3 @da7oomy4 ban plzz KEKW oof only olaf can sop lee But Lucain Should have waited TOxiic Lee us better than u lol DON'T DENY IT KEKW @Nightblue3 SO TILTED KEKW Lee's ult counters kindreds jg diff ahri always late to thepairty LET IT OUT BABY he Dashed into that ..legit dashed inot the damage 8-21 we win 3v3 LUL انا افضل جنقل بعد نايت بلو LET IT OUT got that 6th season now booooy Hey guys! Did he mention if he'll be playing rust or not? dog KEKW high speed toxic ok NB3 woah maldingg KEKW n3toxic woof woof DogFace Rust time ;33 AM DOG WOOF WOOF he said maybe KEKW nb4HA OhMyDog woof woof KEKW why do you wait until teammates are dead to go in then trash talk? uwu Stuck in D4 KEKW meow fucking dog KEKW fuckin FrankerZ getem NB3 Rust is a great game @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? nb3HA imagine building warrior.. @Nightblue3 challenger every season but hes bad XD Being passive aggresive in all chat Pog KEKW thats painful to read Malding like in rivals RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ shipKEK WTF is wrong with this guy LUL LUL Kreygasm adc mains FeelsWeirdMan PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR your planss.. this adc So bad SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth Legit though , You are right he shouldn't have went in . He should have waited for nami or Dive. rather than Dashing into the Damage from Enemy team . D: SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood tilted tony Lee I'd better than u dont cry man Lucian dumb LULW 50% winrate IN PLAT EleGiggle FrankerZ OhMyDog WOOF WOOF OhMyDog lool woof woof im dead what ever happened to CY@ @Nightblue3 !runes He Legit Dashed into enemy team cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh CorgiDerp @Nightblue3 are you being toxic in woof woof language D: PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR lucian 0 3 saying dog to his jungler ZrankerF this trynd is so dumb KEKW !RUNES ?? LULW take the lead buddy what dosent mean KENW lol PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR one shot LUL have you maped a key for your auto attack? ZrenknarF your damage is fake PepeMods 5 MARKS !!!! OMG CARRY STATUS ADC players ConcernDoge but you didn't say woof woof to him monkaHmm trkDebit katerinoSad Team dying by a bard KEKW ZreknarF @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? 1v9 Attack range PogU 5 marks and proud trkDebit trkDebit trkDebit @DjSnIlckers Bard does a lot of damage @Wey0 NB3 is fucking this buidl monkaHmm @Nightblue3 u sure u need conq ? monkaHmm is kindred or twitch jg better? HAAHAHAHA monkaH gj !uptime @TeddyIsDeadly, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 18 mins jk NB3 is dad what elo is this Lee sin counters every fkn jg in the game rn that isnt elise or kha zix LUL can you mute all? These degens typing is making my eyes hurt lee sin doesn't scale but still I mean what song is this? @zakmax2 Iron 4 Kappa song name? OMEGALUL @jrhutch makwa sense molding pepemods NA KEKW makes EU KEKW ff KEKW @Nightblue3 what the runes for this triple s tier? surrender F OMEGALUL LUL And that's a report this lucian man OMEGALUL F NA X2 KEKW LUL lucian KEKW EU X2 KEKEW ffs BUST LUCIAN NA KEKW this lucian after feeding his ass off then afk Lucian XD adc diff KEKW lil dicky positive Kda Pog lol lip dicky playing in the background. this Lucian suck he cant risk looking stupid after calling u bad Kapp yay this game is the embodiment of everything i hate about league FF Diamond? Bro he's in plastic Kapp Kapp Trash what 2019 adc @Hazardousrobb hes running conq keystone so im guessing triumph (AS alacrity) and coup de grace malding PepeLaugh idk about secondary tho is he playing rust? KEKW poggg European lagging behind KEKW Better than betafour He's already stuck in NA KEKW KEKW 6 Pog LULW 50% winrate IN PLAT EleGiggle malding KEKW is that garen diamond??????????????????????????? Kapp we can't i really like playing kindred @Nightblue3 I wish you would build Kindred correctly KEKW @JRHutch thx maybe finish a decent rank and we' qtpie agrees better jg wins Kappa sure It's sad he even made it to diamond while being such a child. Makes me jealous since I've never left a game in 10k games and still gold. @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? @ZOLDAK69 they're all diamond MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid agreed How you feel about Nidalee Jungle no attack speed items though lol maybe finish a decent rank and we'll listen to you instead of other streamers KEKW you team is actually trash, garen and luc lmao prob art OMEGALUL trynd coming at us with that third grade logic wtf awwww @Nightblue3 you call people Salados, say that graves is bad, and make jokes all day. Now you ask us to take you seriously??? 4v5 it Almost POGGERS Kindred is good when you learn to play mindgames with marks while farming champs off passive CD. @Nightblue3 close Kapp Kappa DAMN THE R they'll listen KEKW yikes KEKW ET TU lucian?? LUL ConcernDoge KEKW lucian KEKW KEKW LUL @Nightblue3 whats ur jungle itm mallet? PD BRO HE'S GOING HAM ON THE R imagine being an EU scrub @DjSnIlckers Rapid Fire hes back at least guess it was a d/c HURRICANE KDKW runaan's @Nightblue3 lol insulting someone for being 30 is funny Lich Bane PogChamp KEKW RFC statik or rapid fire need AS LEE KEKW STORMRAZOR, more AS and CRIT and SLOW @Nightblue3 hiiiiiiiii cirt broooo life steal? @DjSnIlckers KEKW hurricane these guys are diamond??????????? runaans rfcc Lee got slappedd Garen AD KEKW just get malet KappaWealth @Nightblue3 hurricane pd or cleaver? @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? blade of ruined king? omen hello nb shiv would be good Pd rapidfire malet no, you need pd mallet to survive ruunans and mallet? Deaths dance? good lifesteallll @Nightblue3 Storm for the extra slow @ZOLDAK69 gold at best runaans stacks conqueror full dmg into lee sin trynd KEKW @nightblue3 runaans or black cleave ROO NANS TOLD YOU!! phantom for the shield? @Nightblue3 STORMRAZOR! better gaewns wins dd, phantom? lich KERKW Not gonna have any sustain. wtf KEKW KEKW @Hazardousrobb WeirdChamp ............. REKT @ChocolateeJesus Im not from EU lol dude your insane you was so hard behind, completly changed everything with kindred No he got silinced KEKW @nightblue3 how do you feel about nidalee jg? LET'S GO I saw ppl playing video games in all sections Ive seen in university, apparently this tryndamere's been never been there attacm unles you lose @Nightblue3 did someone just tell you the build? KEKW S+ TIER BTW silenced lul Pog Garen and Trynd should go out for corffee sometime KEKW KEKW KEKW strom for slow no need for mallet get lich @Nightblue3 kk forest KEKW @DjSnIlckers I am monkaS Please do, Kindred is fun af. @ChocolateeJesus what it works Pog! told you Runaans is strong af on Kindred KEKW NIGHTBLUE IS BACK rage blade!!!!!!!!!! trkDebit 100% down for watching kindred all night @Nightblue3 you are a kindred abuser on ST. I'm a Kindred abuser on TFT @ChocolateeJesus lmao OMEGALUL 03 to 10/7 pog monkaW any gifters in chat :) ???? OMEGALUL kyo01Kyosko1 kyo01Kyosko1 kyo01Kyosko1 kyo01Kyosko1 kyo01Kyosko1 @SuperGoldyVolant the trynd was doing good at flaming at first but he keeps with his new flame ;---; is sad to see @Hazardousrobb WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW LUL @vulsic besides some specific matchups nid really isnt a champ in solo q unless you have duo nani ? KEKW LUL Pepega idk if i agree, i think also blade of the ruined king would be very good He was just kidding bro She squish tho. tobiasCREEP deleted gg ?????? NANI nani? nb4NANI KEKW Pepega Clap KEKW Kappa NOOO PLEASE AT LEAST PLAY HECARIM! Kapp nani!? Kappa poop diddy poop Pog At what time do u start the stream? FACT Kappa kekw You remember when we said "Comeback" yeah nevermind lol fact Kapp fax HE PULLED A TARZANED fact #FACT Kappa Kapp faqs But why boxHands no fax Kappa trolling f tax 100 gift subs if you die again Trolling Fact any factors doubt fax fax Fact Kappa im tied of this indian only mistake, started 0/3 lmao fax Kappa @Nightblue3 Triforce is the go to for the 100-0 burst fucked fac Kappa facked Faxx 100 gift subs if you die fact yes 8th mistake* fat LUL @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor? faq faux Lucian does like no dmg STRAIGHT FAX BRUV 3Head Reported LUL @Nightblue3 besides nimbus what is other blue rune? OMg S tier champ still D tier if you play bad tho KEKW Facked only mistake? remember going for gromp in early but first blooded by lee? rip faux schnit11Rage i give it 2 games until he says it sucks KEKW LULW F Fect Lucian KEKW lel Not gonna lie, the not ultin Garen under tower was a mistake too. The Lucian woulda been a waste tho. Well this is probably over go next @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? F Opinion theyre talking about college and shit lol fak 1 mistake 1 ff Imagine RUNAANS MALLET KEKW LMAOOOOOOOO fact better toxic wins Kappa fakk Lux game play is stupid QR Q R Q R non stop Facked that's not how you 1v9 BANNED FOR PROMOTING TOXICITY fak lee sin first blood Fax @nightblue3 do you like graves? Dies to Bard Stun - Loses Baron - Loses Game . Better Support wins . 🐵 @ChocolateeJesus whats wrong with that? TriHard fact KEKW cmonBruh can your Q crit? xd WeirdChamp @pyroicedude she's crazy if catch the lead in any instance tho TriHard cmonBruh TriHard gg go next LUL OI you fockin' donkey Sneak KEKW LUL Not gonna sneak drake when the trynd is literally ghosting. LUL it makes me so mad when you sayit was your only mistake while having 8 deaths, so much that my head hurts no nice champ KEKW FACT KEKW KEKW KEKW fact nice throw @nightblue3 do you like graves? @Hazardousrobb I am just being mean @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? If I may know ^w^ true if you have pd you could beat him Pog Trolling @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? fact KEKW just play rust Troling lich get lich so sad nb3 Kappa sure u win FACT E TU KEKW big dick energy fact 2nd mistake garen... lux is cheating Garen PepeHands lucian will win the race Pog HIT OR MISS garen build KEKW @ChocolateeJesus but think the slow and extra health with conq and hit multiple with auto from runaan would be really good what does e tu mean? allways bann garens build o my I GUES THEY NEVER MISS HUH OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 Dad what do you think about Warwick right now 9/25 team PogU KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL NICE CHAMP TRYND BALANCED KEKW yea E tu KEKW GG 10/10/0 Pog GG 10/10 score OMEGALUL TOP TIER Mistakes - Starting Gromp after Stealing Blue - Greed Diving Top When Garen was in Base after being behind Lvls. Walking into Bard Stun , Those were the major mistakes I love runnaan on Kindred in most situations @Hazardousrobb boxHYPERS what does e tu mean??? ult near the wall Q over to bait his E and Q back into the pit would be the 5Head juke i'd rate your stats 10/10 balanced champ KEKW No assists. PogU only mistake this game 10-10-0 gg skill baaaad a perfect 10/10 score LUCIN KEKW rust today? He probably didn't even burn it when he just dove Garen. lucian was about to carry tbh can Q crit? 10/10/0 KEKW Do yu like graves?? 0 KDA @Nightblue3 have you tried conqueror on kindred yet? Like a 10 second CD for Trynd at Max level O 10/10 neutral score = adc diff KEKW @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor second? 0 assists LUL KEKW @Hazardousrobb just too good with Q 10/10 full mark everytime i think i wanna watch nb this shit happens i started watching right before he went to drake lmfao 10 / 10 would do it again Kappa nb3Ten nb3Ten nb3Ten ANOTHER KINDRED GAME! @Nightblue3 one more kindred game lucian is just so bad rn honor ahri JG DIFF KEKW better jungle wins 10/10/0 lul Wood Tier Jungle RUST TIME 0 assists and 1 death = 1 kill loool poggers Kappa your dmg at the end was crazy @Nightblue3 they win and lose only by you Kappa FeelsBadMan she is really good pls wait 🐍 sss build Kappa ughhh @nightblue3 To be honest your team kinda sucks FailFish FailFish 10/100 see.. I think honestly you should shut up Red Head @Nightblue3 b-but rabia-sempai, you say that about every champion! berserkers makes it feel really smooth kindred is not top tier @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor? no no 3 Major Mistakes - Grump , Top Play Vs Jungle/Top . Death to Bard Stun. no rust please @nightblue3 Why do you say Udyr is bad? Just curious ^w^ kindred hype PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp jung diff Kappa please play hecarim :P Neeko u need more marks thats all @Nightblue3 what was the runes for that build warrior zerker shyv ie nezbaaDeer Berserkers, IE, Runaans are the three key item to a hyper carry Kindred !elo playa vi PLAY WHOREWICK DAD but was he ? \ pvpHmm hmm yes I see big brain stuff @sh0rtguy short WeirdChamp @Nightblue3 you could also go firecannon rather than hurricane for more range Glad you enjoyed the build buddy, have fun with the champ 8) StoneLightning shyvana the only option lets see it then why did you die Yeah. Kindred is SUPER Op. I from my professional Silver play Kappa @Nightblue3 Why not stormrazor? @nightblue3 do you like graves? warmup game i want rust @nightblue3 are you playing Kindred again? AscendingLibra how do you build another champ as an item? or you mean shiv? play kind again that's what I was saying about fiddle! fast clears, good dragon, ganks pre 6, scales into late. who wins 1v1 noc or kindred? did he win last game ?? @Nightblue3 you playing on smurf just to practice new strats? Play graves pleaseeee @Nightblue3 just win instead? thats what i mean yeah get gooder stop playing that weak shit you're all talk show us the goods senpai feed KEKW Honestly you played the mid game well @hakuryuh67 Kindred marks make rapidfire pretty useless shave it off NO RUST TODAY ?? @nightblue3 Why do you say Udyr is bad? ^w^ YO WE BELIEVE IN YOU @Nightblue3 same try twitch jg those slugs :) go bald @Nightblue3 You don't necessarily need to go for marks tho, just use em for mind games if the enemy team is hyper aggro on em and farm champ marks off CD. girls be like WeirdChamp neonchango subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing neonchango for 2 months! PogYou neonchango's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! u look good Time for Plastic surgery... noc counters lee sin so bad @Nightblue3 just like The Rock vsauce??? hey guys ... did he win last game? Thats why I got rid of my eyebrows try CONQUEROR kindred fix that problem you got on your head first shave eyebrows KEKW Don't play Kind again, plz play Kindred again @littlexm1 but this time play them correectly? go atrox More kindred! syndra jg on smurft pls monkaW gg @blackzetso no Please play graves PogO i was the nami @Postaldave I heard conqueror got nerfed for ranged. Is that true? @Nightblue3 play some warwick! :D play evelynn O.o :( LEE SIN KINDRED COUNTER KEKW @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 oh you shaved your shitty beard , just noticed that @nightblue3 Why do you say Udyr is bad? ^w^ it did but kind is so fast Nooooo me thinks Kappa tell that to forest UDYR JG FOR THE BOIS SSS kindred can bounce on these neezies @nightblue3 why do you choose to ban riven ? Kindred stacks Conquer Fast as fuck . ur hair is triple s tier nb3Ten @DjSnIlckers evelynn dog champ KEKW i think you should try blade of ruined king after IE @Nightblue3 ty @powerofkhan Trundle jungle is SSS right now. we already saw you play this it did not turn out well Just dodge Q and it's GG Kindred vs Lee Sin @Nightblue3 play lee try pts its better Does the healing really matter tho? Wouldnt PTA damage be better? @PyroIceDude Kappa lee sin top tier try twitch jg does W give 2 stacks or 2 stacks per wolf hit? Q and E is 4 Stacks with the autos its stacked before you E even pops ...Doesn't that increase the damage on the E also @Nightblue3 is he using conqueror already? why u shave ur face pubes away Did he win that last game? TRUNDLE OR NO BALLS go amumu why do you ban riven TRUNDLE OR NO BALLS @DjSnIlckers no joke KEKW imagine playing eve into champs like olaf or yi or trynd KEKW be humble How dare he says trundle is bad you plan on getting back to adc again? SUPER GALAXY base super galaxy GALAXY Fire. galaxy @nightblue3 Why do you say Udyr is bad? ^w^ and SUPER GALAXY fire class Some day they will release a new Kindred skin @Nightblue3 make bed DansGame SUPER GALAXY . Fiddle has all the same as kindred but a healthier clear with drain and easier pre 6 ganks with fear GALAXY LogicJonez 4 stacks + 2-3 AAs isnt 10 stacks... Galaxy is overused. what about PTA on her @Nightblue3 she really needs a new one fire tobiasCREEP KEKW have you ever seen the game afk arena ? 90 % of the champs are related to league chars KekW they dont even make an afford to not copy :D fire super galaxy she'll never get a new one EVERYONE WHO IS SAYTING FIRE DOESNT PLAY KINDRED @Nightblue3 No Skin Kappa were you not invited in all stars? fireeeee fire fire GalazyFire! dire fire TOBIAS DROPPED ANOTHER YT VIDEO Pog meanwhile some champs have like 15 skins firaaaa @KingDinger You forgot about W which should already be down tobiasGASM tobiasPISTOL #wheretfisthenewkindredskin galaxy Base skin galaxy classic LogicJonez BUT if W stacks multiple times... GALAXY is overplayed, but fire just sucks Super classic play ahri jungle next game u wont Fiya WeirdChamp Classic Skin Galaxy be humble @PyroIceDude FeelsBadMan broken champs I went against trundle jungle with conq and he had 200 farm at 20 mins lol. I was playing nasus jungle experimenting though lol. LogicJonez YOU said Q and E + autos stacks conq superfast. Are you gonna play Rust tonight? Make me proud when you play my main pls, Rabies. @Nightblue3 LUL basic skin PogChamp @nightblue3 why conq instead of pta on kindred? NO SKIN LogicJonez dont say illogical shit with that name. PTA kindred maybe? I said Its stacked before E Poops @KingDinger @Nightblue3 No skin is the best skin season 10 !song mobi best Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at why ban riven ?? @nightblue3 @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? !time rabies im your biggest fan stormrazor? conq pokiS pta is nice for the early gank burst damage why not fiddle? BASE @Nightblue3 Naked with a bow hunts animals. It's Rust again? Kappa Rabies KEKW Rabies POGGERS Hi! Greetings from Argentina! <3 @nightblue3 oh conq it is then FeelsBadMan do u enjoy the game more now that you're doing variety? @Nightblue3 FeelsBadMan Kappa why you go 0-4 to start game :( Warrior Kindred falls off so hard FeelsBadMan goddamn when the enemies unavoidable damage, conqueror is so much better than PTA LogicJonez then you illogically said the wrong thing when you meant that "when you use all skills she can stack conq before E pops" they have a COLOR MATCHED team BibleThump Vs Red team monkaW who plays kalista? fckin troll A M E N AMEN amen nomen YE FUCK HER AMEN AMEN Kreygasm A M E N amen PTA synergizes with her E for omega surprise early though. Sets up for snowball. NEMA AMEN F riven COMPLAINING ABOUT TIER 3 CHAMP KEKW amen BRB BONG RIP AMEN AAAAAAMEN AMEM AMEN fools Amen your gonna hurt boxbox feelings sheep AMEN Im a OTP Riven KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm TriHard my top main lel riven needs rework, since statchecking her never nerfs her properly... @nightblue3 why do you say Udyr is bad? riven hentai ILL SHIT ON RIVEN Show us where riven touched you no kalista is dog nope how u ganna kalista ult with janna Za Warudo gold 1 bard KEKW nope kalista only strong early Amen why are they full red skin KEKW Epic that janna skin makes me hard @DjSnIlckers WeirdChamp RIVEN WINRATE 50.26% OP KEKW , NOT EVEN COUNTER BY THE CURRENT META PICKS KEKW playing Kalista is embracing Carpal tunnel. Alucard4469 its riven....she touches you everywhere...repeatedly. even Trick says udye sucks Even Trick says he's dog shit LOL Amen @DjSnIlckers peepoHappy TRICCCCCCCCCCCC2 KEKW @Nightblue3 can you list a few S tier jungle champs for me !elo @Nightblue3 more than singed rework? :) @nightblue3 riven is busted if the player is pro WUKUNG @tj_lane2 OkayChamp tahm kench is the best champion kalista is carpel tunnel are u trolling? lol cho gath rework plz @nightblue3 what turns you away from fiddle? @Nightblue3 Do you think ryze jg would be decent? He has insane wave clear and scales so hard that 360 at rust yesterdya haha LONG AWAITED REWORK @tj_lane2 @DjSnIlckers peepoHappy get fkt tj they need to hit riven with the olaf nerf trkP trkP trkP u will losss @Nightblue3 How do you think they should rework him? widepeepoHappy what happened to you maining fiddle? :v udyrs rework just needs to create synergy within his kit. like the new champs gun combos. using Q into W should do something different to QE and so on for all abilities. Can you pay attention to if W stacks Conq Per auto 1 time or does it stack it 2 times cause its a skill @Nightblue3 @ChocolateeJesus WeirdChamp fizz jungle? what elo is fid ult zhonyas is about it Doing a stream to support ALS, think you would b willing to not suck ass for the firs time in your life to support a good cause> fiddle supp tho like passive stacking is useless...its just free stats for spamming.. ryze just goes oom while jg what are your thoughts on brand jg? @Nightblue3 @tj_lane2 KEKW WeirdChamp fiddle jungle does nothing Fiddle Support is still decent @nightblue3 udyr should have a complete wipe of skills for new ones lel ghosters be like KEKW ready to be outjungled nb3? @tj_lane2 KEKW dude as a main riven, riven is at her worst right now . @Nightblue3 Dude yee lets just rework everything and change everything, and then change game also? you joking bro? tryhard mode activated chogath secret s teir jg i`dk why dont you kha he is the best jungler besides olaf why do you think kindred is good @Nightblue3 what do you think of the 3-buff invade top jg start? kaktuzwob subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! LogicJonez you are in the perfect position to see that yourself... Thank you for subscribing kaktuzwob for 5 months! PogYou kaktuzwob's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @ChocolateeJesus KEKW x2 FutureMan bard mid xerath sup FailFish FailFish LUL you just keep saying kindred is good without explaining @tj_lane2 I am vanquished. out jungled again* How about rammus or shaco? what about zac ? Conq elise?? kha is S tier bro, just too strong yea but tahm can eat the buffs now :) does riven jungle is still broken? Keepo Keepo Keepo Conqueroror Elise Pepega wha about rengar jg? @tj_lane2 @ChocolateeJesus WeirdChamp JOGGERS not taking blue? monkaW doubt KEKW GHOST what about rengar jungle? @nightblue3 why not run mobis on kha to move through Jung faster? iq @tj_lane2 @tj_lane2 ratirlSad what about rengar jg? @Nightblue3 can you show me the jg ekko ways? ur trolling... KEKW u unleashed it like a pepega ????? KEKW ?????????? Lost vision LMAO KEKW KEKW LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOo looooooll INTING good OMEGALUL gj KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ???? GGD ???????? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD BOOOOOOOSTED KEKW ????????????????? ??? KEKW LUL pa pe ga XDDDDDD out jungle ????????? O U T P L A Y E D KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW Deleted KEKW loll LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Hahahahahahah peppega outplayed on every level FeelsBad ?????????????????????? / ROFLZ he's feeding already LUL ???????????????????????????????? tell me your secrets ?????????? LUL KEKW cringe bad noob wtf gj So bad KEKW KEKW same thing as last game lmao WHAAAAAAAAT ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ??????????????????????????? LMAOOOOOOO WHY DID YOU FLASH DELELELELETED heh. pro xDDDDDDDD bush trick Well then. That was unlucky. Bustaballs tilt what is this inting strtegy? Ggs BYE rep jg pls trolllll stop Yikes O.o how to int like a boss LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LMAO loolloolloolol]# KEKW kekw LUL LUL Poooound Im cringing to hard 190 broooooooooo .. pepega nb3 xD ¿¿¿¿¿ it's okay you got late game KEKW boosted! was your top laner doing? ouch ChocolateeJesus she has 9 million abilities she can stack 2 stacks of conq with...AND go melee for superstacking and healing. and there goes the early game KEKW pugREE @ChocolateeJesus lel unlucky kek u use ur ward but ... another game KEKW OUTPLAYED URSELF KEKW FIRST BLOOOOOOOOOD lmfao actually better JG wins Lul go play rust keepo xD Lmao ....... bad day KEWKBLUE3 criminoso he's so mad rn lol thats a tilter lol Kindred Behind KEKW LITERALLY GARBAGE pepeD TEACH ME MASTER oh no Poor nb3 JAJAJAJAJAJA lol summit monitor punch? Lul Your q probably also hit Elise the idea was good. the execution was silver 4 shoulda flashed on him early ouch silver 3 im coming Lol its time to trol; almost, I think its a good idea. lmao wtf was that LUL The damage is not instant. what about rengar jg?? she pepofingered you BETTER SMITER WINS ????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ lost vision 2times NA MATH LUL rq in 3 have you played soraka jg recently? TIMING KEKW I say no to reworks let the fkn champs be as they are, all those reworks through the time, made some of the champs almost like a new type of champ, this is not okey, then they can make it a new champ instead of reworks scrub jg @Nightblue3 why u smited early she doesnot have smite BibleThump u smited first FailFish @Nightblue3 just go play rust she doesn't have smite!!!!!!! :D nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare nb3Stare pepeD IceCold SoSnowy @Nightblue3 leauge of legend is so bugged and borken right now math dosnt work that toplaner though boxHide boxHide boxHide First blood king @nightblue3 Kappa Bard mid Pog go play fortnite Yikes :/ @youfilthyanimal1 I don't think we need man more champs KEKW @Nightblue3 why you stop playing toplane? KEKW AGAIN .... everything... literally everything didn't work out as intended.... feelsbad wp INT AGAIN KEKW PCE KEKW KEKW Go next KEKW LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You smited before the Q damage hit. PEPEGA uh noob KEKW ?????????? KEKW OUTJUNGLED gg LUL pepa pig wait KEKW deja vu KEKW o.o JUNGLE DIF AGAIN KEKW open KEKW what ahahahahaha FEED gonext pepega Ur throwing MonkaS LOL kekw hard nock stream life LUL LUL LUL LUL @KingDinger tobiasREE tobiasPISTOL @KingDinger WeirdChamp #NextTime LOOOLL and there goes the bot side jg KEKW gg next KEKW kekw Open I'm out FF ;pp;;p;pllo another one lolololol teamgame...holy shit she just has the better team go next foggedW Kekw there he goes 15 FF KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW E TU SSS tier LUL LUL NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis next next time nb3Chimp go next lol stream snipers? ff 15 ouch bro !! boosted GO NEXT gg next KEKW LOOK AT THE MAP KEKW ff15 PepeHands ff ur so bad lol boxGG boxGG boxGG You re washed up at league, just embrace your Rust career now Kindreds early dueling ain't good my man it seems SSS Tier KEKW ooof Their team just randomly went full jungle hate GHOST out jungled! SSS? not again man go back to rust nb3 the hero we don't need and don't deserve Feedblue3 @Nightblue3 They are gonna hard aggro your marks, play around that with their jungle. and the feed begins :D wtf just go next LUL s tier I feel so bad for you playing like what? very sportsmanlike, giving them a headstart @KingDinger tobiasREE tobiasPISTOL @KingDinger WeirdChamp ? KINDRED SSS TIER you cant play kindered and not get constantly teamed on PepeHands Pepega plays @Nightblue3 I mean look at the u .gg grandmaster jungler tier list Pog SSS+ tier btw @Nightblue3 lets go to RUST kappa are they stream snipping? he's so bad stronk Pog triple S btw o o a a u have to win now ChocolateeJesus question? Kappa Cry called it outjungled TILTED SINCE TWITCH RIVALS LUL PowerUpL nb3Meh PowerUpR hmm.... elise might be really good... LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL tobiasCREEP tobiasPISTOL we are the cowboys of the sea tobiasCREEP tobiasPISTOL PogChamp NA BEST JUNGLER KEKW stream sniping lol NBronze3 KEKW LUL abenobo! wonder why they are going for you KEKW KEKW Q has travel time @Nightblue3 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 u smited first, then your dmg hit Bueno gachiGASM @KingDinger KEKW WeirdChamp KEKW Kappa they stream snipe you Vladriax subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Looollll Thank you for subscribing Vladriax for 7 months! PogYou LUL is this what we call a "stom" LUL Vladriax's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! god or allah? pugL or maybe their bot had prio no you were zoning out lmao This is not rust :( ChocolateeJesus ....ok. you are just retarded. that ladies and gentlemen is what getting ghosted looks like theyre ghosting @Nada_Smurf allah dis dick didnt keep eye on map @Nightblue3 best jgler to play? you are muslem !!! ChocolateeJesus dont @ me definetly not, but hey believe what you want LUL lol Well they knew you were going to get the mark. So they punished you. better jg wins @nightblue3 are you bad or is elise good? also maybe cover map @angelultraplays Or they knew he was going to rush mark off B. sad ppl theyre the same lol @LogicJonez true we dont need more champs, but the rework thing is stupid, people used many years to main champs and then they take that away from you, and you can never play what you loved about the game, is gone forever. And riot can succ my dicc Taxing poor bard PepeHands all scripted this song is horrible @Choobafier my dick is god :) this early game start is just to balance out kindred’s late game domination Bard mid? I was wondering how you lost the last tournament ..... I'm not wondering now xD @Nightblue3 grab that bard and start funneling OpieOP LogicJonez W stacks for 1. or at least it looked like it to me there.. @KingDinger @ChocolateeJesus @ him some more I couldn't tell great gank nb3 It seemed like 1 also damn justin waiting until you destroy them all like last game poggers OMEGALUL monkaHmm i see @Nightblue3 KEKW i wasnt expecting your stream to be this good keep it up KEKW F Kill nocturne if u lose this u will need to win 3 in a row I sea LogicJonez either than or his AA hit at the same time and W doesnt stack more than once...from what i could see KILL NOCTURNE @Nightblue3 What do you get on your chicken shawarma !uptime @heinsberg12, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 37 mins IS NOC MID THAT GOOD?? see u !uptime KEKW play with delay go top Pog Pog Yeah it didn't look like it stackked more than Once @KingDinger So you thikn ont worth right 0/2 again, gotta step it up PogChamp 3 levels down LUL Kled is KEKW not worth* YOU ARE GAP pog pog BARD god Pog Pog Baxck in it back in the game baby Pog first mark! Pog Yeah its only stacking 1 time @KingDinger Bard PogU you are back in the game Pog Kapp YAY my fav streamer is on! HahaThink HahaThink HahaThink Pog PogU yeaaa Pog PogU niiiiice kaisa KEKW VORACITY Pog Pog POGGERS PogU DAMAAN SeemsGood oof 2 marks by 6 mins already a better game pog ooook Wp !opgg WE BACK INNIT BOIS honor ahri OVERLORD THEME Pog LUL LUL LUL PogChamp PogChamp DO IT gj it is viable Best jungler is here wait is this the Overlord theme playing in the background? oop put the music a lil bit louder LogicJonez it just means you dont auto stack...since hes getting to 9 stacks A LOT. you literally need longer engages with 2-3 Qs to really get conq. back in the game it helps clear so much faster with the boost in AS @whyfightme OMEGALUL stop spam what keyboard do you use? KEKWQ is this overlord? LogicJonez so CDR >>>> anything with conq kindred. KEKW @whyfightme go with stormrazor its good 25%crit w dmg and aa speed Yes Pog actual chat moderation by streamer @jiajiechong it is :D KEKW @whyfightme what did he do @KingDinger So , basically it will be better once Q cooldown is low ..gotcha multi kekw @LogicJonez @KingDinger KEKW from my kindred experience greaves rush comes especially good when u wanna play for marks specifically instead of ganking kewl I like Kindred just kind abad at her lmao yo pepeJAM do assists give marks? i know they do on camps... k NB3 just do a circle around gank on top again @KingDinger WeirdChamp ? Mark Stormrazors & Sanguin Blade probably the strongest items this patch .. Bard mid broken WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace waht do u think about the new idana on pbe POG Pog wp u KEK i think she E'ed when you used R LUL she used it already used her E when u ulted Kalista is a Champ still , I thouhgt that was a minion pog Seven Nation Army Pog Jay Taylor she used right after you R'ed @KingDinger KEKW WeirdChamp ? KEKW Kalista is a Cannon Minon champ ..she has been for years idk you seem to be doing ok LogicJonez sang nerfed hard so its not just flatout OP. also, any time theres more than 1 its shit tier Kalista PepeHands hi nb3 you said zero 2 RIVEN MAINS ARE ALPHA Yeah but still best items from patch though , not saying he should build it but i think storm razors is valid on kindred yeah is it bad to E jg camps? I have to try kindred too !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at riven yasuo zed mains can fuck off Zero2 is worst waifu KEKW mostly riven and yasuo is sneaky out of c9? BabyRage ❓ OTP normally dodge. so its not that bad for him espeically if it's a tier 3 champ with barely 50% winrate KEKW LogicJonez storm legit OP item tho. just sang is trashtier most of the time. @nightblue3 so when am I getting mod ? whats your fav. champ ?! Stack your mark Agreed @KingDinger !points @Limbo1996, Limbo1996 has 5390 points and is rank 3234/3219749 on the leaderboard. Mark Kindred KEKW he'll mark kindred Kappa Well, if the only fun you have in a game with one champ, then it's feelsbad when you don't get it mark kindred yes of course monkaHmm ?! KEKW ET TU pepega marks himself Kappa KEKW KEKW Pierce the veil KEKW lol KEKW !points @jeanmagaso_, jeanmagaso_ has 30 points and is rank 414772/3219750 on the leaderboard. late game champ KEKW just gonna mark KINDRED BARDS FAULT KEKW !points @powerofkhan, powerofkhan has 130 points and is rank 191791/3219750 on the leaderboard. but bard op whats ur fav. champ ?! BARD OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 if someone bans my yi i pick xin and tilt the guy that banned it bardo mid? is this alexelcapo? B OMEGALUL RD Yee blame the bard PoggerS shipHANDS KNEW IT AND STILL WENT FOR IT KEKW He’s doing his best leave him alone!!! FeelsRedditMan KEKW get stormrazer? @Nightblue3 !uptime @mayaaaaa, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 43 mins any knows if he's gonna play rust? Bard us a Caster minon right now , She will be a Champ in 15 Mins Promise @Nightblue3 FLAME HIM 😡 KEKW is* @nightblue3 say nakain ako ulo Overextended, flame the bard LUL nubrac 2.0 great gromp there nb3 D: NIGHT LOVELL Pog @Nightblue3 how fast do you type in W/M? RageBlade bard KEKW She's usually very squishy like that though. Some people build cleaver on her @Nightblue3 Would lethality blue kayn be good now? hes not inting anymore? PepeHands Look The bard will be a Champ in 15 Mins Just give it time Go stackj your MARks runes ? KEKW KEKW D: mad? Kappa lata bitch KEKW @Nightblue3 Like in all honesty. Who do you think is the best jungler right now? or going into S10 great attempted gromp steal nb3 mad haha bye brother IM OKAY IM OKAY IM OKAY KappaPride Imagine being this guy 2 drake to enemy :( 4 Marks !!! @EndOfFears Hey No worries he has 4 marks kappa herald? lel no drake gotten this game LogicJonez OMEGALUL W OMEGALUL W MrDestructoid Kapp pls say "get out my jng" stormrazor a good item, trust herald is shit why hash is not in twitch rivals? Yeah honestly i think Stormrazor probably better than Essence nb3 is like my team jungler. dont give a damn to dragons and loses us the game kekw shit @venox281 how old are u LUL Why did you E his Spell shield Bork after ruunans for sustain and as? lol 4 Xerat KEKW Wanted to give him a chance lol !uptime @ehsanzolii, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 47 mins Bard Pog Pog !uptime @Jrod316x, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 47 mins y Pog Kled fucked that up , He could have just autoed the elise to get his passive while your R was up Clean Pog Oof POG Pog POGGERS Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 5 stacks HOLY SHIT BRO Pog this kindred is so GOOD!!! pog BARD Pog pog pay day Pog 4k gold lmao 4k gold POG bard 1v9 Pog Bard's just there LUL pogggg PogChamp! PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp 4K GOLD Pog YOU HAVE TO CARRY Pog BARD MID POGGERS THE BARD MID SMURF l;ul 4k gold chime time 4K PogU D: trkDebit KEKW KEKW KEKW back? NICE Thanks for the HahaBall @vladriax 4k Pog Its time to Back kekw D: janna got shutdown no worries LUL KILLED BY JANNA KEKW why dont u reset tarfaaaaa KEKW LUL lol killed by janna 4k gold and didnt back whort lol thats good janna got the shutdown 4k gold @Nightblue3 look at the grandmaster jungler tier list Pog Pog why dont go home ??? SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood GODDESS SLUT OF ASSISTS soulja boy , YOUUUUUUUUU stormrazor good At least she took the shutdown PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp frikkin greed you got outplayed KEKW well u got crabs yt game? janna assassin PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp stupid jana stole the gold bonus psyco janna players KAppa thats good, hanna got the shutdown u want the crab but u hv no life now Kappa janna Actually smart Janna got kill. Good boy chuwee?? <3 @Nightblue3 you gave all that gold to sup all planned Bard is INSANE PogChamp is that machine gun bard youuuuuuuuu soulja boy KS LUL just give :) Hey bard gave me opportunity to get back in the game with the double kill early. Giv him some crediys yo! *you show runes ? pls Just play bard mid and win PogChamp @nightblue3 ur shirt logo triggers me cant imagine it sorry bard worth bounty !followage @PyroVale, pyrovale has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 11 months 17 days 18 hours OMeGA LOL kindred abuser @Nightblue3 do you think conq on her will still be good with nerf next patch? play evelyn next game nb lookin like he got FAS with this angle !elo NOPE yup @chat DATA or DATA? monkaHmm nope Too hard to imagine you not being a beta, it's like trying to imagine the Outer God Azatoth's form without going insane !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute @Nightblue3 what its a good champ to get out of silver 1 tchet tchet OMEGALUL LMAO KEKW KEK Kled mid LUL kai sa flash ???? Kai sa so fucking bad she autoed the barrel PepeHands that Xerath LUL moon2PREGIGI LUL LUL LUL NOPE? YEP? Kais play like iron 10 xerath boosted LUL malding gasm NotLikeThis NotLikeThis he's losing it lol gold 1 bard lol bugs LUL toxic KEKW Xerath KEKW you look retarded with that face ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy Nice team you got there LUL TearGlove is that an Adidas shirt? hard poop face? KEKW KEKW ABUSER no 3 moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI LUL SMorc PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt iron 1 Bard Kappa 123 SMOrc well not NB3 lol who else though Pepega NIGHT LUL 3 if only u had nightblue3 on ur team instead of this kekw abuser haHAA LUL @supergoldyvolant actually BrokeBack DasKrayZ subscribed with Twitch Prime. HahaThisisfine DasKrayZ has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype KEKW ABUSER doesn't have a 3 Thank you for subscribing DasKrayZ! PogYou DasKrayZ's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Your kled is decent but the rest are terrible yeah Pjsalt Patriga abuser has no 3, correct so ur saying that bard is good too ? Bard has number 3 Chat KappaPride bard is better than nb, true !uptime @Chef_El_Rosso, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 52 mins lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA @Nightblue3 do you think conq on her will still be good with nerf next patch? What is this song? KEKW u must go ruanans lia off strem so i come to see you bad jungler me :) tf blade its everyday bro @valiktehn just search nope yup song lol TF blade started it @Nightblue3 But the camps respawn a lot faster now dont they? TF Blade start that shit TF Blade Lol kalista KEKW nice smite KEKW they have kalista KEKW u lose gg3 gg next wp tho gpr? SHREKT gg esti prost acually unlucky the enemy jungler is better 1700 to 0 oof @Nightblue3 kalista KEKW how did he smite that much @Nightblue3 Next could have R'd to cuck baron their @Nightblue3 calista rend does KALISTA say anything to you ? KEKW kalista "smite" bard troll BabyRage you can't compete with a kalista rend on baron sadly :( Kalista E, it wsnt just the smite Calista for sure kalista best jungler 1.7,000 yes Enemy smites when you ult, then you smite afterwards. Best outplay. KEKW kalista fam idk kalista meta bby maybe r'ing the baron was the play yes u can maybe yes 1.7k smite was kalista E yeah u can yes Kappa to the lab! report this bard pls Could’ve insta ultied to stall baron would runaan's hit gp barrels? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 yes because your ult only saves anything that is alive like baron or camps not barrels @Nightblue3 i think ur ult would of saved baron i mean its possible but i dont know only protects living things Oh true, what if he used R on baron? if u r baron a while ago..... Of course you can lmao Jebaited @Loudfist that would be way smarter actually Sounds like would fall kinda works like a turret @nightblue3 this is why you will never be better than loltyler1 tyler1O Coulda been the 300 iq outplay relevant song you can @its_andyd KEKW If GP can kill them, you can too. no you cant Idk why you asking me DansGame why his ping so high The song KEKW just dodge 4Head 0 drakes he lives in LA By the way, what's with the Rem love in this stream? Isn't Emilia just superior? :D @Lypek im actually cucked barrels life matters!!! rip chester He read my message 😍 @nightblue3 GO NB3 COOLEST JUNGLER IN THE WORLD PogU peepoClap !specs PepeHands BibleThump chester @ertihan Emilia is overrated waifu the deciding fight Pog peepoSad what time is it over there You spend all your mana at farming jungle. tatW tatW ????/ wut? LUL NOCTURNE LUL PogChamp free drake Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Kreygasm Linkin P ResidentSleeper rk HI YT PogChamp HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh @p0w3rl0g1k Ram best girl KEKW THE FUCK? THIS GAME IS OMEGALUL they buffed kindred? dayuuuuum post this on yt? @nightblue3 SeemsGood SeemsGood PogChamp PogChamp shatafacap How do you do your taxes, being a streamer? Genuinely curious lmao KLED OMEGALUL LUL KEKW yes focus kindred KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW focus kindred monkaHmm 2 vs 1 focus kindredddd Focus yourself monkaHmm You spend all your mana at farming jungle. focus kindred?? his barrel died close close :( PepeHands S TIER JG Focus kindred xerath was a great help great assistance from xerath Outkalisted :( FOCUS KINDRED POG You spend all your mana at farming jungle.. jung diff Kappa Kalista is fed Kalista about to win actually Pog ? He autoed a minion mate focus kindred 3/7 bard OMEGALUL Saved inhib take out ga worth KEKW yeah and xerath stand behind and ultied like dude u have q w e and UR range is insane Nike..? monkaHmm @nightblue3 thx for science experiment what did the ult of kindred ? is thinks is bad cause he heal ennemies if xerath atleast stunned someone remember you can ult to save monsters KAI SA OMEGALUL hello nb3 kindredd im kaisa bard broken late game if you have othre burst If You Build It They Will Cum nb3Gasm OMEGALUL life steal ? ?????? ??? WTFFFFFFF KEKW LUL ???????????????? KEKW LUL KEKW LULWQ KEKW KEWK LUL ???????? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ???? why ?????????????????? KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL ???? u r actually so bad dude Does red smite still effect enemy after ga? LUL KEKW ? ?????????????????????????????? LUL KEKW ?????????? OMEGALUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ?? ??????????????????? ajaj KEKW ASEU89ASUE89AU Wait what KEKW bro? lol KEKW ???? ????????????????????? WHAT ??? WE LACKIN LIFE STEAL LMAIOOOOO ????????????????? minions troll KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHA LUL LUL ????????? KEKW ????????? NO LIFESTEAL KEKW what? LUL AHAHAHAHA KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL YouDied KEKW nb3Chimp WHAT WAS THAT? KEKW LUL IM DEAD OMEGALUL KAI SA FAULT KEKW E TU KEKW ?????????????? KEKW LUL AHHA foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP foggedRIP NotLikeThis xdddddddddddddd KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ?? ?????????????????????????? LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL pee pee my eyes LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW died to minions KEKW ??? NICE YOU DIED TO FUCKING MINIONS. minions killed you KEKW ????????????????????? no lifesteal broooooooooooooo KEK lmao bbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad MINIONS GOT YOU YOU IDIOT LUL LUL LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW minionsssssssssssssss U R SO BAD @xmystixhhh Kindred ult is very situational so it could be good or bad lololololol LUL what am i watching xdxdxd rip KILLED BY MINIONS KEKW ?? wow ????? rust is calling @Nightblue3 You NEED LIFESTEAL LUL KEKW SMURFING BTW KEKW kekw MINIONS KILLED U LUL LUL looooooooookoooool LUL HELLO YOUTUBE LMAO lmao LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL trolling Jesus Christ NB3 Pro INHALE LUL you have no lifesteal dork ?????????????? omegalul KEKW i was waiting for gp R but not that KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa LUL cannon minninon slapp haha+ LUL looool Winnions AHAHAHAHAHAH TableHere TwitchCop TableHere nb3YIKES Kekw ok GG KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL pepega !uptime dead KEKW challenger btw @graydos, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 59 mins gg wp GG NEXT chally player btw op minions nerf minions riot pls Pro player xD ez so bad no life steal :p MINIONS > NB LUL I WAS HERE Pog KEKB3 riot math 3x24>76 KEKW Huh? minions LUL HELLO YOUTUBE aahahah the minions LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Minions😂 NA challengers man LUL NA CHALLENGER BEST JUNGLER NA KEKW sooshHug sooshHug2 watch replay Pepega lol this is called chalenger Intingblue3 danm it wiskers! get off the keyboard GG FOR TROLLING replay after match I bet its minions fault LUL KLED KEKW u suck dude me here gg :D end stream BRING BACK TAZARNED PLZ Pepega @p0w3rl0g1k didn't Rem kill Subaru though? PepeHands GGWP Hes malding Kappa What just happened? CLIP GG Kekw get life steah bruv @nightblue3 get bork kekew Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa RUST TIIIME F gg buy some lifesteal minions carry Washed up its so bad my eyes are bleeeding rank 1 LUL why does he have so stupida facial expression go play tft Pepega Clap JUST RETIRE AFTER THAT RUST TIME 9x KINDRED TROLLING F So what about rust? invisible elise bug confirmed @Nightblue3 Rust?😂😂😂😂😂 '' imagine if i wasn't pepega'' Sejuani game plzzzzz FailFish Plzzz perfect example of a NA player right there bonobo xerath? 0% Lifesteal league client keeps closing nice STOP WRITING THAT STUPID KEKW JUST LAUGHT @RachelDGLucero You better make sure fkers don't leak the server name in here KEKW @mammothmountaingaming lol why thaaats a big oof INTING u need sustain KEKW You need life steal KEKW This is why they import to the LCS KEKW Nothing POG LIFE STEAL SAVE YO ASS QQQQQ wh3n rust stop taking bards farm @nightblue3 you need death's dance @NyLe_X YAYYY NYLEEEE nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown 7777 nb3Clown nb3Clown brad is always making big moves nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown this is the reason why most NA teams have noone from NA LUL on hit bard with electrocute btw yea chat, he needs life steal so he can survive against minions for sure or pahntom dancer you have no idea :) ■♤□♢○♤□♢ you need lkife steel ■□♢•■♢□♡° No rust 2nite? brad Pog nb3Bad @RachelDGLucero PogU <3 rust stop taking bards farm @Nightblue3 HELLO rust pls nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown Where is life steal? nb3OMG ur so fake PepeLaugh NICE KUTCH TEAM POG PogChamp POOOG Nice Pog acually OG POG PogChamp PogChamp POGGERS why is ur keyboard so loud? WutFace WutFace PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp NA WARD PogChamp idk what i just watched but Pog POOOOOOG HeyGuys Pog 1 v 9 back Pog Pog BASE PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LMAO TRIUMPH LETS GO PogU 1 v 9 PogChamp pogg DD that Janna got a heart attack @Nightblue3 BT 1v9 Pog botrk BT tyler 1 best dude BT lifesteal DEATH'S DANCE BT BT BT letsss goo lifesteal LIFESTEAL Life steal BT BLADE OF THE RUINED KING BT dd life steel lifesteal PogU Lilies subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 40 month streak! 40! nb3Hype LIFESTEAL life steal Thank you for subscribing Lilies for 40 months! PogYou LIFE STEAL nb3H nb3H nb3H Lilies's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! statik orBT rust death dance death dance BT play rust DD death dance life steal nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown cleaver? Phage KEKW phantom dancer or death dance 4th u mean deny Bork unwinnable mr scimitar might be spicy No rust? gg LUL KEKW full malmortius would give u lifesteal and the mr against the elise guess you lose gg Pog LOL Its gg HahaTurtledove gg gg PepeLmao :( BibleThump BibleThump gg ty for leash gg gg NotLikeThis BARD OUT KEKW PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW gg ls would be good life steal f in chat Life steal GivePLZ TheIlluminati TakeNRG Good try dude SELL PHAGE nb3Hug ga lel KAISA IS SO GOOD GG if you can take elder next you win ls would be good tho nb3What dd nice flash XDDDD LIFE STEAL lifesteal xerath and kaisa are trash PLAY safe and try to get maontagne souls gg CLEAVER MAN GG DD tactical feed game is over BARD SCALING Pog that's game KELW @Nightblue3 ruined king gg F KAI SA AND BARD KEKW its over Bard KEKW Keepo Keepo bard actually yuseless sht team @nightblue3 black cleave evexude get some life steal ffs you could bring in the voy frozen mallet tech @Nightblue3 u need lifesteal Overlapping CDR you lost game over xD nb3Thump Ur team is boosted lmao Bard LUL gg yungguccikage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! imagine if you have a real mid LUL Thank you for subscribing yungguccikage for 3 months! PogYou yungguccikage's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! UR TEAM SUCKS OMEGALUL Swapping to bloodrazor worth it? if u lifesteal u wont die no ward KEKW BRK jesus nb3Fail @Nightblue3 that early start tho kaisa saying 2 trolls....shes the biggest one tho? BluXWolf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! hi Thank you for subscribing BluXWolf for 7 months! PogYou BluXWolf's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! Blade of the ruined king? BARON IMAGINE KAISA TYPING LUL pepeD aye kindred before you start drag put a ward so i can tp 3/7 kaisa said 2 trolls cant win xD @nightblue3 you are great!, you are the best! Nobody can stop you! is this rank? if u win that's a video Baron Spotlight uh Moonlight uh iron kaisa rip Kaisa is one of the trolls LUL t1 for baron. worth 4Head DEF hi Iron teammates GET LIFESTEAL AN I'm coming Kreygasm doesnt look like you have lifesteal full build lets goo red pot only works on champ well there goes the baron only after 10 stacks You will have more sustain with lifesteal sell berserker graves and buy bork oh yes so much LS nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype Pog LUL LUL KEKW Haaaaa KEKW KEKW @zedgamingz2009 WeirdChamp LUL trkSO Get elise in first monkaW HE'S LOSING IT KEKW HAHAHA OMEGALUL Kindred looks fun in this season peepoClap when did I sub to u wtf nb3Gasm nb3Gasm good morning @Nightblue3 you gonna play rust today? 69 gold moon2LOLE He is malding kalista late game lol monkeydluffyy756 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! i dove u Thank you for subscribing monkeydluffyy756 for 16 months! PogYou monkeydluffyy756's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! LOL no lifesteal hehe KEKW pepeJAM pepeJAMJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMJAM pepeJAM kindred only today? red buff Pog no lifesteal :/ need lifesteal KAISA BASIC ATTACKED GET BT hmmmmm kaisa got the red and won the fight LMAO @Nightblue3 sell warrior for DD that's a good upgrade any time no sell warrior buy dd lol this kaisa gonna die sell jungle item for BOTRK @Nightblue3 Sell BOOTS for PD change berser for pd lifesteal is the answer lol sell boot get life steal get botrk get rageblade get bork instead of boots @nightblue3 for botrk rapid fire cannon?? is it kindred only today? @Nightblue3 death's dance when you have enugh D: IF YOU GET A PENTA ILL GIVE YOU $500 been a 5v4 and your team doesnt group to fight? why? explain to me. im iron 4. FeelsBadMan life steal after season 7 is a lul conversio subscribed with Twitch Prime. conversio has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing conversio! PogYou conversio's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! yesyes oh now u want lifesteal ye if you get a penta i will give you a 500 dalars pls buy a BT DD yessss BT BORK is way better PD > boots cos shield too., BLOODTHIRSTER bt asmonSmash 🤘 BT MORE BT DD go botrk to steal more attack speed from kalista bork better @zedgamingz2009 stfu you fucking troll. gtfo BT go death dance ELDEEER BORK is better dd os beeter with cd @Nightblue3 sell warrior for DD DD botrk BORK BORK dd BT bt BT deaths dance botrk bork BT BT BT DD dd Bork BORK bork BTT BT bork bork bork better, it works with ur kit death dance DD bt DB BT DD botrk or bt bork bork DD bt BT dd BORK bork BBC dd chat overrating lifesteal smh DD bt dd BT bork bork wowee bork bork bork dorans blade dd bork BT botrk BT FOR SLOW NBT\ BORK pd how ? bork ΒΤ DD better surviviability DD is literally a better warrior @Nightblue3 bork utility too DD DD 4 CDR bt embraceyourinnerweeb subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Love you NB botrik Thank you for subscribing embraceyourinnerweeb for 6 months! PogYou dd BBC the burst potential in bork GA THEN BT embraceyourinnerweeb's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! BORK GA BT FFS bork dt BORK, GIVES ATACK SPEED AS WELL bork cuz max health dmg dtdt BORK bork Bork PD and BT is better combo DD dtttdtdtdtd bortk BROK Bt B.o.r.k Bork and a useless passive DD 4 CDR!!!! BORK pork DansGame 40% CDR is ince tho F CDR PepeHands bork is not a late game item DD makes you pseudo tanky liliesYay nb3ND5 nb3Hype GA THEN BTT DD with kindred ult lyou loco GET DRAKE SOULS bork if you use the active lol Geet rekt tanks too @Nightblue3 you have the ASPD, BT best with high ad + crit shoulda been deaths dance GA THEN BTTT Kindred is way too much work lol CDR OMEGALUL KEKW she has randuin KEKW KEKW Gg ggwp she has armor she has randuins KEKW LOL u suck lol cant even kil kalista lmaio GG KEKW BORK KEKW BibleThump BibleThump RANDUINS lmao gg shouldve gone deaths dance... RANDWIN OP now u know how bt is better? Kappa nice bdale bro randuins KEKW LUL lol gotcha Outkalisted :( LUL BORK KEKW lol KEKW gg KEKW GGWP F LULW LUL LUL PepeHands gg gg outsmartet weSmart gg gg I did not expect the randuin jusat surr you trwoed this game randuins and GA 200 iq nocturne ult tank ad LUL LUL LUL LUL Wow randuin ga Omg the kali is 200 iq OMEGALUL LOOOL 5Head LDW RANDUINS KALISTA LMFAO KEKW gg gg 69% and two LIFESTEAL ITEMS TANKLISTA LULW Balance KEKW still a good kindred game @Nightblue3 LUL Life steal not good Kappa LOL Can't compete with that. randuins and ga too fed? you're both 6 items EZ Clap out builded lol 69 ya mountain drake plus armor stack You don't have an AP LUL Rust now gg monkaEyes 4Head KEKW gg lul KEKW broke stream one armor item gives pretty much with mountain maoki jungle PogU KEKW rust PogChamp PogChamp nb3Notlikethis Kapp @Nightblue3 what boots on kind? More kindred!! wut? Imagine :/ as long as you don't throw Didn't play rust? LUL LUL Whats your winrate with him rn???? yaah !opgg Mountain Soul is too broken 🐍 sss tier KEKW if only you had abetter team Sejunaniii my dooooood Go Rust !elo paly !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute WINRATE? SUCKS KEKW KINDRED ARE A THEY Rust time WHAT IS WINRATE? RUST SSS boop RUST play yuumi Kappa Sure, but imagine if you were master yi instead. one more game Pog bard obiously carried rust time IMAGINE PLAYING AROUND TOP IN SS10 KEKW RUST PLEASE rusttttt ruzt go yasuo jg RUS fk league Rust RUUUUUST Thanks for the HahaSweat @conversio Kaisa dmg Kappa rust RUST Ple sej rust time yeeeeeeeeeeey раст rusttt go rust Lora arise!!!!!! russssssstttttttttttt Go rust plz WHAT KINDRED WINRATE?? no rust pls You'd have done more damage and actually gotten the kill on kali. Rust RUST RUST one last kindred game then rust She’s basically Jax @nightblue3 Yi Rust boxHYPERS No go on lol rust with lora AYAYA how come all the subs just now were all weebs xD RUSTTTT ghost8714 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! im back nb3 how ya doing Thank you for subscribing ghost8714 for 3 months! PogYou @RachelDGLucero hello! :D RUST SO FUNNN ghost8714's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! WHAT UR KINDRED WINRATE? rust Go rust rusttt ): rust! gotta bang Another kindtef game? Rust D: yes rust RUST PogU rust Noooo keep playing league найт блу го раст LORA arise! did u just say the A word? rust rust pls Yeah you gotta go see your base state no rust lol buongiorno @hakuryuh67 HAIIII League *eu laughs in the background*- master yi İş Güç Rust !timestream LoL! Kindred* Rust rust rust rust rust better rustrustrustrustrustrustrust hey N****** bed time by who lol ? @Nightblue3 please rust! Rust !uptime @sixtyfourmg, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 10 mins league not funny rust!!! true rustt Rust! Rusttttttttttt play with lora Fk rust LORA LORA LORA LORA LORA LORA LORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORALORA LORA LORA cmonBruh poooog wait what? you already have a base RUST KEKW he said n****** Rus.tststtstttt !uptime @seadaunda, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 10 mins Find lora PLAY RUST rust is dogshit RUST Pog LOOORAAAAA Play rust play rust duo just play lol if u want Rust sucks !time Play rust in Que Time u have a base cr8 a private server Check PLAY LOL no rust Rust please @Nightblue3 Go rust. If base raided. back to LoL its gone and there was some racist signs there KEKW @wujustyieop u suck jng udyr lol lel kindred tike check first rabia check base! noooooo buongiorno!!!! BUONGIORNO!!! ass Kreygasm play what you enjoy the most @chriszrvs noob Rust Rust + Ass stream time indeed nb3Mad tomorrow? Play rust its kindred time again @wujustyieop ok boomer rust is dogshit Check base first SSS TIER KINDRED stream at 9-10 am gogo if ur team is bonobo u play rust yes udyr @chriszrvs boomer more kindred! go fucking rust TriHard ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yas jg you're late! @RachelDGLucero NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NO FIDDLESTICK PLS RUST KITTY !uptime @JJJJJims, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 12 mins SHOW US KITTYYYY SHOWWW YESSSSSS NO RUST KINDRED AGAIN Pog i love ur stream time perfect for EU ❤❤ stop picking your nose :O she has 3 SHOW USSS SSS KINDRED peepoFinger lemme se kitty! SHOW KITTY quinRage PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW don't yeet kittie monkaW BOOTIE???? <3 <3 there's an icon of the fire skin doogWatson doogWatson doogWatson nb3HA <3 <3 omggg kitty streammmm liliesYay Banned D: KEKW mochi Rengar kitty POGGERS so cute awwwwwwwww nidaly There is a kin icon But old i reached silver U can play kimdred in tft Good aw KEKW LuL throw her Kappa oh she love you so much <3 <3 how're ur games goin today? is night blue a blue knight? karthus HolidayPresent play karthus please there is lamb or wolf icon @mastertalon17 can you coach? im still iron 3 Opera KEKW TF2John those are only kindred ones !uptime @Siezlee, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 13 mins ResidentSleeper Chi Mu Wang ur hair looks awesome as usual champie* !ranks it is PORN INCOMING LUL Orfanilir It is an icon. YES IT ISÇ me/ : @nightblue3 what are these Riot marks in skin select?? we want rust BibleThump BabyRage YES! no skin too !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute IS THAT ONE i main kindred yeah it is TARZANED KEKW HE UNDERSTANDS THE FUN OF KINDRED NOW. gachiHYPER she's so good KreyGasm graves one shot taliyah taliyah try to farm marks @Nightblue3 kindred is they, not she fun graves guide me senpai olaf no rust today? runes? play shaco my honet @nightblue3 the cigar play kayn i hope there is more skin for kindred next game pls kayn IT IS THOSE TWO WERE EVENT WHEN THEY CAME OUT graves is season 6 i main kindred @nightblue3 lel why the hell do u have a bed time lol ? by who ? @Nightblue3 ur stream time perfect TALIYAH nb37 nnnnnoooooooo i'm watching you to feel better. i had a party last night and i am hangover as shit and my head is gonna explode other skin kennen jng is op try it is he chellenger already? !uptime @mattheworose, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 14 mins stoop plzyy kind monkaW try other skin D: or you get spanked ? @Nightblue3 VaN gf > nb3 !time D: bruh 2 is so early gachiBASS amouen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! @liawaifu LOL Thank you for subscribing amouen for 4 months! PogYou sounds kinky amouen's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW KEKW KEKW nb3 so bad he need R to stay alive Kappa we expect u to be in bed by 2 then :D : @nightblue3 what are these Riot marks in skin select?? nb3LUL Super kindred !! Kreygasm @nightblue3 do you have job? PTA kin? but isn't the whip a good thing Kreygasm squadW squadW s n m whip her back I see this as an Absolute win!! Sounds good Kappa kick her out wtf you make money at night TwitchRPG rofl monkaS what time is in na s&m play What kind of whip KEKW !mouse supergalatic plz its 10 am and I havent slept Jintodo_Sparrowkid subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Thank you for subscribing Jintodo_Sparrowkid for 9 months! PogYou Jintodo_Sparrowkid's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! why don't you just order food while you play? LUL @liawaifu She gotta snuggle with somebody at night LUL lazy KEKW Hey nighblue can you tell me what do kindred ult ? wait what u eat after stream?? Take Galactic Kindred its like 9 o'clock where i live lazy af KEKW i didnt know u were an m @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 is there a way to look up when you met someone in a game?? loool forsenCD rabiah play kayn pls he's got buffed @avantias ass ordering food = 3Head cooking yourself = 5Head forsenCD make her cook SquadW jk don't hurt me @Nightblue3 it hurts that you call me a degenerate any gifter pls gift me a sub pepeCD !uptime @Pavell__, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 15 mins Beta bitch "Can't cook" You mean "Too lazy to cook erryday". tobiasCREEP you live in LA stay up LUL gillette gillette PepeLaugh RAUUUUUUUUUUUL Don't worry, I was the same way. LUL GET THE ICON Icon !! what is your favorite food nb? PLS hekp RAULLLLLLLLLLLL forsenCD my man SHADOWFIRE! @xmystixhhh all living things in kin ult wont die and at the end of the duration they get healed nb3Potato icon PepeHands RAUUUUUUUL help me what do kindred ult that's what happens when u play kindred lool change skin on kind cant cook means to rich to cook NB S5 RENGAR BEST is there a way to see when u met someone in a gme? PokPikachu PokMachamp can u play kennen jng after this ? ? ! ? ! ! ? ? @liawaifu be mine please ❤ the amount of money you save by cooking is ridiculous @nightblue3 streams have been lit recently keep it up PLAY LEE SIIIIN @xmystixhhh jeez look at chat explanation for once I swear to motherboard im not a bot thankks @p0w3rl0g1k LMAO 💿 do the delivery people recognize you? change skin pls @Nightblue3 hire me as your personal chefd Nooooo kindred pleaseeeee stream just started or almost at the end? Kapp can her Q crit? @xmystixhhh welcome sad lora noises YET ? YOURE 40 FFS MAKE LIA COOK classic kindred best skin I'll be your chef. I'm baking some snacks right now. tobiasCREEP buy a cook LUL hire me to be your sheff bob ross lmaooo !bio no cooking mechanics get a maid ? @Nightblue3 CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob @Nightblue3 you should consider taking a cooking class online. burns water.... nice !age @Nightblue3 good thing you got money, btw 1 hour to stream > 1 hour to cook so ordering food is better for streamers PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 what about Rust ?? mattheworose just cheered 500 bits PogYou mattheworose's Cheer shared rewards to 10 others in Chat! CoolStoryBob without looking through every game i play is there a fast way to see when i met someone else inn a game? @Nightblue3 @w0lfking69 Chef* change the skin on kindred nb3Pepe nb3Pepe THAT IS NOT TRUE LUL @p0w3rl0g1k but i thinks it heal enemies too Lia wants a pink air fryer and hello kitty toaster lialiaGun @Nightblue3 Mcdonalds DansGame ? McD = decent food KEKW hi all, how can I suggest music to @nightblue3? @pr3alex i think it can Cook with gorden :lul: KKonaW there are two kindret icons HAHAHA YOU MUST BE TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF mcdonalds tastes shit compared to badly prepared home food though @Nightblue3 bizzleFlag hire a maaaaaaaaaid @Nightblue3 but its fun LUL @Nightblue3 Pretty sur eyour cooking is still better than your gfirlfriendsd change skin I be his sheriff to. @me_and_gay_man who cares when its fun ark is better pepega cook? I can teach you how to cook, I'm from Italy so I'm pretty good :) @nightblue3 nice D: @nightblue3 diffrent skin play kennen jng after this it will surprize you !ARK XD Kin is delicious :y monkaTOS KEKW KEKW KEKW Odyssey rust is fun. u play with lora and melody and voice breaking 14 yo kid itzzzn0va subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! yonk Thank you for subscribing itzzzn0va for 3 months! PogYou gachiBASS Kindred is Kreygasm itzzzn0va's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! xhanve skin gachiGASM kindred needs an elderwood skin ATLAS KEKW @Nightblue3 is no longer using I have some anime song recommendations for nb3 GOOO ATLAS change skin quit league play Atlas ATLAS OMEGALUL skin it was 90% off KEKW its so fking bad Don't play it If cooked food tastes worse than Mac you definetely souldn't cook at all :( ATLAS ZULUL Atlas reviews nb3Notlikethis go now game had a ton of potential atlas ZULUL RESKIN OMEGALUL u hav eto mod it KEKW Atlas now play it fuck league is so much more fun with mods slt delphine i guess atlas has gotten alot better since its release atlas is more for rp change skin go play it after this game its not bad, just super grindy and try hard RDR2 play go now lets see it Forsen played it with his 100+ snipers . went so bad this guys who crys bc of the skin uff xD quit league @nightblue3 lora is malding review it for us senpai PrideSaba @nightblue3 lora is still stuck in the house anyone ? know how to loo k up when u met someone in a game?? kinredd is jhin Atlas is a lot of fun if you have people to play with PLAY aLPHONSO @nightblue3 okay why no one plays rumble jungle atlas? it was a rip off when it was released. It was ment to be an ark mod but they made it into a seperate games to get the money LOL @nightblue3 kindred so fun to watch too @fallenone93 no such thing losing lp is fun PartyPoro @Nightblue3 is no longer using I have some anime song recommendations for nb3 hell yeah, respectable @Nightblue3 Does Raft intrest you at all @nightblue3 u would love candy crush kekw isnt Kindred a they? wolf and lamb play Planet Zoo !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at sistema fodao <3 !uptime @Goshko838, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 19 mins stardew valley is also underrated try out dauntless if that why you play league of legends @nightblue3 Kindred is jihin. prove me wrong lol lucian have barrier @moethevenom planet zoo is fun nb3OMG candy crush is underrated it's just optimized with feet, i refuse to play it :/ set the league trend :) @Lilies IKR dauntless is not bad for a free monsterhunter like game > Plays League nb3HA hi is this ur high elo acc? @Nightblue3 Opinion of kayn? his early game so trash could you play jax after Cheer1 HuskyLoverBG loves you! <3 giga Kappa !uptime @dcadeler, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 19 mins started in S9? Go ap !opgg Hey atlas is a very good game but it has BUGS rip furry KEKW @Nightblue3 show runes coward BabyRage yea yes why no rumble jungle bro. he has nice clear and a very strong gank ult KEKW @Nightblue3 can u bring back da CY@ Ya free it's free dauntles is free ATLAS = ARK RESKIN KEKW Nah its free free monster hunter i started when nocture was relesaed i dont even remember what season it was KEKW hello new here is this a KappaPride friendly stream?? why do you play this accountf against low level ppl shes melee jk My mother is free doesnt mean you wanna play it Kappa @dcadeler yes Night Bronze 3 got blown by T1 Kekw trash fucking streamer not gonna lie @vettie69 maybe? Rust when? @Nightblue3 someon play with me tft? Now we wait monkaH AFK LULW @nightmareactual u call diamon low lvl... what would u say about ur silver acc? CmonBruh I see POOGERS SMH nightblue jungler kek monkaHmm ghosting dog ass streamer !delay Nunu snowball Kappa ghosting PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh reminds me of twitch rivals caught you streaming! make this a tuber !song Now playing in : ღ AkoMusic ღ - 「Nightcore」→ Insect of Love「Hanatan」 -- Join the room at Is this low diamond gameplay stream ? ratirlWheel KEKW Hi nunu wow they tried real hard hes ghosting LOL @brankdrama im jk im low lvl shit I was plat this season don't care for going diamond again PogChamp PogChamp KEKW OMEGALUL lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lul KEKW MALDING YEP lmaoooo KEKW OOF KEKW lul like 4 flashes for 1 kill I see POOGERS nhbD_SG Lul KEKW KEKW MALDING love it when botlaners stay 2v0 in lane and dont move Icy F ready :( KEKW Lul keeeeeeekw lol LOL\ lul Perhaps malding KEKW they need 2 people to clear 1 wave bot Blue was ward HI @brankodrama I was plat this season I don't care about lvl of account just fun so wtf you on about 👻 well it is yuumi so KEKW Thanks for the HahaBall @wlsc0nsln ARE U GONNA PLAY RUST TODAY? never waste ur mark on a fuuckin nunu @Nightblue3 the pink was from yuumi, she doesn't have to buy pots and bought it instead IF NOT IM JUST GONNA LEAVE @Nightblue3 just made a smurf called ButtPerfume for singed what do you think of the naem hes not KEKW JUST KIDDING why risk it KEKW nightblu gone wild They know squadW my man totally ghosting 2 hp 2 KEKW OMEGALUL ahh i felt that KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BibleThump BibleThump OMEGALUL LUL so ghost alt+f4 time KEKW 2 oh noooo 2 yup ghosting sumSmash shiiiit 2hp LUL LUL OMEGALUL They ghostin niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gj! OOF nunu and qiyana ghosting almost 200 iq ghosted Ghost test failed They are ghosting so hard KEKWQ oof xD freaking dumbass noob stupid ass call boosted Tnaks for the leash KEKW KEKW useless BOTLANE Team everyone came KEKW mid and bot literal afk lol OHHH YouDied f Pepehands DAM stream snipers 100% ghosting thoug not ghosting, just common sense LUL F how did they know?? that was ghosting on another lvl best idea ever ghost test work LUL gosted They passed the test. Wowee Pepescoots they ghostin OOF Someone ghosting oof StreamsnipS ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen they know KEKW actual losers ghosting PepeHands ghosting Ghosting CONFIRMED! offff and your laners doesn't give a fuck about dragon @Nightblue3 snipe ghosting oof ghosting KEKW damn auto first then smite 100% ghosting stream sniped KEKW @liawaifu I see you :3 <3 Yeah, they are WP PepeScoots I see POOGERS 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head nb3Chimp nb3Chimp nb3Chimp ghosting KEKW A+ STREAMER almost got itt report wow! ghosting PepeLaugh so close cringe they ghosting wtf i wouldve checked kek 1ST TIME? Nice smite BTW heey mon no smurfing it up in rust :-3 @Nightblue3 it looked so perfect when Quiyana came over the wall PepeLaugh TumptheDump subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 66 months! MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY MOD BRETT GENTRY Thank you for subscribing TumptheDump for 66 months! PogYou PepeLaugh TumptheDump's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! delay it I’m qiyana :) how big of a loser you got to be to cheat to win a preseason No one's ghosting , ur just malding ratirlLonely you're good @nightblue3 your team is just bad @TumptheDump no! Pepega what a bunch of degenerates washed up jg make a bigger delay? cover map? Lmao they're really that trash XD ghosted FeelsBadMan delay Dziękuję za emotkę HahaDreidel @tumpthedump shameless nunu squadW cover map maybe? your jungle bush was warded @nightblue3 hide map? 66 month HolidaySanta @spauld89 map cover doesn't do much for junglers snertin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Thank you for subscribing snertin for 12 months! PogYou put delay cover the map at least snertin's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Lilies what's wrong with brett he'd be a valuable asset to the mod team DO A POLL TO KNOW IF DELAY OR NOT well true put ur cam on the map hi @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 hide map then bro @nightblue3 maybe autoing then smite was the better play there you know who also sucks? me Covering the map does very little... why hide map when he is the jg chat... RESET? He's in the junlge lol @TumptheDump no! can ghosters actually get banned? Cover Map Pepega imagine cover as a jungle LUL cover screen xd oof im with trump on this ur diamond tho? haha @Lilies :( Bro... you just need to change your username more regularly @nightblue3 your bot is literal afk @lilies hed be great KEKW OOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSS nunu POG Hard stuck diamond LUL Can i ask you to host someone doing a charity stream? KEKW whaaat KEKW kekw met4Nunu met4LUL met4Nunu met4Nunu met4LUL met41v9 KEKW what a retard LUL OUTPLAYED KEKW xD @Critickail nb3What 3000 iq LOSING TO DIAMONDS LULLULU do you want to build a snow man nice r OUTPLAYED LUL Cover the map bro!!! @cyber_ex its his smurf xd he is grand master now yikes to this ghosting bot lane too busy watching stream it's like you're playing 1v5 while they have full vision LUL your face is my ass...... beautiful I'm looking for equipment for the clash, for tomorrow, im Plat 4 if only your botlane was ghosting as well Kappa why isnt yuumi visible on jhin? I think you're the minority on this, Lillies. tobiasCREEP @cyber_ex and ur silver so Ghosting sucks worse for kindred than anyone I think lol !mouse please mod brett gentry @Nightblue3 show runes pls TriHard Kapp TriHard TriHard ? lets go! LUL TriHard TriHard Kappa TriHard 7 GOT U @Nightblue3 u should do coaching with tarzaned he can help you with routes why is there a nunu icon next to your name? this girl I have a crush on always ghosts me :( 'entertainment' btw LUL TriHard LET SGO CHAT OK DO IT NB3 VS GHOSTERS Y y y y y you no wat im sayin damn son thats kkindreds passive that nunu thing nice monkaS noice PogU caught shopping PogChamp Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Nunuknew just try hard buddy Landidzu loves kindred :u nunununu LMAO GETTIN PEOPLE BACKING when i heard that about the battle in twitch rivals finals between u and T1 , i thought it would be a great finals between giant streamers but truth is it was one sided finals between 4'5 and 5'6 streamers KEKW mitch jones rat KEKW PepeLaugh D: not pg anymore LUL HIIIIIIIIIII i mean he plays nunu Nunu knew new news LUL @MICHAEL___JACKSON imagine thinking thats remotely funny Is stream sniping not bannable? @Nightblue3 U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf LUL op gg has her at #2 for grandmaster junglers Pog imagine ghosting and still losing SeemsGood people who buy tabs also sit to pee toxic but true NUNU PLAYERS KEKW what's KEKW? Im new here sitting to pee is comfy @fizzlemewhizzle one of the ghosters? monkaW fire rift @niveous +1 Na, the truth is you're smurfing way below your normal elo. The ghosting just gives them a chance considering you're way better than them at the game. @Nightblue3 @PRionTe its KEKW U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf ? blaustCry blaustCry LUL you cannot control bottom side of jungle wiyh this bot lanae @michael___jackson sorry but that was just not funny at all MODS monkaW cmonBruh Hi Youtube mods ? mods? this channel lmfao U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf?? N 0 mods monkaS cmonBruh ? cmonBruh Khaxix When you've seen 3 ex mods in chat LUL this guy even suprised he aint banned LUL ResidentSleeper no mods wtf? cmonBrh ! mods enjoy the stream and not see the chat LUL @fizzlemewhizzle but its a team game LULW it doesnt matter if hes better or not if all your lanes lose early that doesnt mean the better jg win mods??? zeem mark yasou? Chat going 3mph lol ىعىع فخمي اهة U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf LUL anything goes boys, no mods KEKW INTING 4 man top LUL PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh 4 top kek get SHIT ON bitchass 5 top KEKW the power of sight. ghost vision @NearOneLove ghosting kindred = even bigger disadvantage than normal ghosting All top LOL @dkaren25 haHAA 2/4 Lol that kinda seems like sniping all five 4 top LUL why are u streaming so late? kill the streamer KEKW 4 top and bot lane recalls Hello janna 5 top, but can't even take tower ur akali is really strong i think @Nightblue3 bojkoto321 subscribed with Twitch Prime. bojkoto321 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing bojkoto321! PogYou 2v1 under turret, I am no sure about that, 1v3 at tier2 sure thing bojkoto321's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! they are ghosting u probably forget Brucewayne is batman @mynamehere1337 Yea, that's fair. cmonBruh TriKool @bosek115 hes streaming now cause no one else his cause he cant compete lul mods cmonBruh U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf cringe TriKool Clap YAH it's not even fun to watch cmonBruh @fizzlemewhizzle 5Head Freiza kills krillen @twobigballzz stuff u man I didnt know Almost guarantee they'll talk shit after the game... And I bet @fizzlemewhizzle is one of the snipers? What you know about $uicideboy$? loool !sr fizzle sounds like a stream sniper KEKW !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf ? ? @Nightblue3 This "Okayge COCK" trend has got to be the WORST "meta" I have ever seen, truly a new low for you brain dead MidgetBoys. I know you ND5 viewers are not the brightest of the Twitch community, but holy shit this is a new low. @dvella_7 get owned kid nb3 didnt ger 1 single dragon in the last 3 games and is not using delay on stream OMEGALUL hi 87 @fizzlemewhizzle <---- RETARD ALERT LOL @enemy team... What is the point of even warding? @twobigballzz xD !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at TriHard 7 U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf ? ? No one gives a crap @fizzlemewhizzle ResidentSleeper TriHard @MICHAEL___JACKSON what is okayge cock? I'm rootin for you champ :) No mods? O_o nice move @pepegaalert i mean if he says it enough it will get read eventually right? lol @Nightblue3 Would it help if you didn't say everything you're doing out loud? Qiyana only has Tiamat while GP finished triforce LUL LOL their stream must be delayed 10 seconds qiyana wintrading KEKW 3 marks at 16? +29 Pog @Nightblue3 when is tarzaned live? i want to watch good jungle Janna LUL qiyana the one sniping lmfaoo LUL U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf E'd too late. janna Pog kr1ska7a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 60 months, currently on a 60 month streak! Thank you for subscribing kr1ska7a for 60 months! PogYou kr1ska7a's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! !runes nice R Pepega 5 years Baby <3333333 luv u. No KappaPride WORTH !rune R Pepega Clap @fizzlemewhizzle he dont care about your spam get it i am thinking to play kindred again but i see she is still weak a.f. @kr1ska7a KappaPride @nightblue3 don't strategize out loud for ghosting HahaSweat EZ Clap @nightblue3 where is the mods? what do u think about conq katarina pretty broken rn its just reducing healing for 40% U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf? @heeti10 kindred is always strong, if you know how to play him fuck em KEKW @heeti10 hes just playiing bad her it take careful of yasuo and janna is a good combo true @safixd like every fking champ captain obvious @safixd kindred it's a them I wonder how hard the nunu is sweating rn U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf ? ? !followage @yoyor2018, yoyor2018 has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 1 month 22 days 20 hours 76 genders, remember not everychamp jhin is a very safe splitpusher Kapp you can't compare kindred to wukong, don't talk to me pls can you just ban this guy ? fizzlemewhizzle his spamming gettiing on my nerves what rank is it? Whenever ND5 says "alright i see-bois", I know it's time. I full screen the stream and grab my vaseline. I apply a huge load onto my newly shaved butthole and rub it all around nice and even. And then, when he says "thanks, and welcome to the 5 dollar club", I place my butthole in front of the screen. @userbaer u can block true forgot U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf?? Whenever ND5 says "alright i see-bois", I know it's time. I full screen the stream and grab my vaseline. I apply a huge load onto my newly shaved butthole and rub it all around nice and even. And then, when he says "thanks, and welcome to the 5 dollar club", I place my butthole in front of the screen. u spam this 24/7 imagine it not getting read tf?? Hello dude what runes are you going ?? is the smoulder from a champ or new mechanic? @MICHAEL___JACKSON @Chroumie I don't get it lief stel man U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf? Klappa KEKW Why do you get clapped so by minions? imagine spamming the same thing 20 times for attention KEKW really gay wow holy shit you're greedy LUL that CS So hard* U spam the same message 24/7 imagine not getting noticed like lul tf? LUL XD LUL LUL LUL the wave lol HOOOLY SO GREEDY U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf??? POOOG Inc PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @michael___jackson bro you’re jokes are just not funny hypers PauseChamp back to base 0/8 LUL cmonBruh theyre fkn idiots lmao HOW DO YOU NOT GET PUNISHED AFTER BEING SO GREEDY WTF IS THIS ELO kindred putting the carry pants on LETS GO!! DBstyle DBstyle DBstyle 0 map awearness LUL is he playing on smurf Quiyana just feed is 0/8/3 Baron Pog increase the volume of music pls LUL they aren't ghosting very well LUL @romaskalanta hes 4 and 5 so yes hes on his smurf lul @toastedskittlesplays oh ur so mean ratirlLonely pepeJAMJAM dancepls TURN THAT SHIT UUUPPP dancepls Jebaited U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf? Oh god lol no wonder lost in rivals @michael___jackson @chroumie @fizzlemewhizzle these virgins trying to make copypastas NUNU LULW !followage @skiddlywhiffers, skiddlywhiffers has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 3 months 28 days 19 hours (ditto) U spam the same message 24/7 imagine not getting noticed like lul tf? ??? kekw 87 F LUL KEKW ? KEKW LULW KEKW lol BibleThump BibleThump ???????? ??? ??? KEKW ??? KEKW @fizzlemewhizzle you've said that before, fcking attention whore ?????????? should have backed kekw E tu KEKW ?????????? they are malding u are so bad R Pepega Clap ratirlInt KEKW What the fk are you thinking boosted LULW WHAT KEKWWWWWWWW INTTT ratirlInt ratirlXD ratirlOpen 8/0 lul why'd she ping your R LULW trolling @michael___jackson @chroumie @fizzlemewhizzle these virgins trying to make copypastas LUL Pepega R rust KekW plays 1v3 lol !elo U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf?? Pepega played as if your r gonna make you survive there WHEN ARE YOU PLAYNIG RUST That was a good int tho. I’m proud of you son griefing? @zozzles123 Pepega cuz he didnt use ulti? BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage its not about the R its actually int to jump in KEKW RUST TODAY ? The legend says lora is still stuck in that house !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute @fizzlemewhizzle than*. imagine not being able to spell well r9k needed KEKW hey nightblue i just joined Getting outplayed left and right @squadw_clap woulda been a waste anyway lol U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf??? what is this song? qiyana is a fan of the stream, shes trying to balance the ghosting tatu KEKW IVE BEEN MUTED FOR THE PAST 1200 SECONDS BECAUSE THE MODS CANT TAKE CRITICISM OR JOKES, IF I GET MUTED AGAIN, IM REPORTING THEM TO THE ODO FACTION TWITTER PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh You spam 24/7 do you have anything better to do in your life lul like tf??? @fizzlemewhizzle jhin ult KEKW 20 gold for an assist on quiana nice @Nightblue3 no more rust? widepeepoSad @MICHAEL___JACKSON KEKW NA btw KEKW LUL U spam the same message 24/7 imagine not getting noticed like lul tf? @MICHAEL___JACKSON LUL @MICHAEL___JACKSON WeirdChamp U play this game 24/7 imagine not being better then these players lul like tf?? another michael jackson unfairly accused KEKW gunChinshin all the things she said by tatu hi @fizzlemewhizzle omg this song old af @AncientRo KEKW KEKW lol XD LUL LUL LUL 0/11 KEKW 0-11 OMEGALUL 0/11 PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW AngelThump Wintrader KEKW !song 112 gold LUL ??? LMAO 0-11 Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Qiyana Running it down since game started KEKW easy stacks OMG I WANT TO SING THIS SONG poopoo head D: How much did you pay nb3 LUL D: D: POOPOO HEAD? why you not go all star Who is better: Nightblue or T1?? POOPOO HEAD D: so boring same chat 😐 PepeLaugh @liawaifu get out no girls alowed this the boys club @jarko_dillicek ez, they are both bad Kappa oh no Kappa @liawaifu do it. put all your screaming practice to work you should make a dedicated rust/variety day song Tatu - All the Things She Said LUL KEKW MAMAAAAAAAAA UUUUUUUUU NA flash @nightblue3 Is lora still stuck in that house oh no no no no PepeLaugh nice flash KEKW played by qiyana LUL 0-11 still shit on u Kappa Kappa @kr1ska7a KEKW where is ur attack speed tho lost to 0 11 i C KEKW gnagplank has ultri hey nightblue i am a master yi one trick in low elo but what do i do yi is banned? MAMA U ZULUL shadyc1Why shadyc1Why shadyc1Why imagine stream sniping and losing guys oh no again BrokeBack BrokeBack volume up music BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY Pog NOOOO mamaaaa !followage @kr1see, kr1see has been following nightblue3 for 9 months 8 days 15 hours uhhhhh uhh Armor penta time? u dont have any attack speed bonobo !followage @kimpm, kimpm has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 6 months 11 days 20 hours !followage @teddiii_, teddiii_ has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 4 months 14 days 22 hours imagine Kappa KEKW 0-11 qyana dog shit WAIT ME SMOrc KEKW KEKW KEKW ? KEKW @jarko_dillicek as a consistent plat player, I can honestly say that I see 2 much silver plays from both of them LUL wait me KEKW kekw rofl kekww WAIT ME KEKW @Nightblue3 when are you going to stream on facebook? Kappa inted lol @fizzlemewhizzle they are playing 2477 too, hello? LUL Akali doing work Pepega Clap akali got you akali won it @Nightblue3 Akali hard carrying this game KEKW getting carried in diamond al lgood dying for the greater good you can get fourth as well carried KEKW Grybukas7: @Nightblue3 when are you going to stream on facebook? Kappa . 3 infernals Kreygasm ALL YOU BABy you dont say @kr1ska7a LMAO so true but thats also why i love them no rust today ? 4 infernal 3 inf jhin PogChamp 3 infernal Akali btw 3 fire monkaMEGA KEKW 0-12 QIYANA ? 4th INFERNAL POG four of the same drake incoming Kreygasm FACTS LUL XD 4 ifnernals? quianna will win this game :D qiyana is team member #6 lol she's truly trying 0/12\ 0/12 reportable? 4 internals yeahhhhh secret agent qiyana 0/12 "hard carrying" KEKW LUL @jarko_dillicek got to love the toxicity and the plays LUL you can get four infernals hi nightblue infernals + jhin monkaW be sure to tell her thank you after XD mamamia U send this messags 24/7 imagine not being able to get a response lul like tf?? Good Morning rescComfy dude groupe -_- someone call the abulance just w8 untill I am full build and we will be fine Kappa HAAARRDDSTUCK @Nightblue3 He used smite already morning lieutenantlickit ! just r the baron so he cant eat smite @fizzlemewhizzle @teddiii_ now kith OMEGALUL R KEKW KEKW so bad lul Glatzenhode subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! nb3NANI why not R bait his smite Thank you for subscribing Glatzenhode for 29 months! PogYou no smited it? Glatzenhode's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! ULT his burst?? LUL didint even smite u didnt smite LUL LUL DIDNT EVEN SMITE LULW D: you can't really beat a nunu smite KEKW Pog your parents loved me bruh KEKW @fizzlemewhizzle he plays this game 24/7 and is making BANK $$$ while u live in ur moms basement LUL TRUE KEKW miss smite more like didnt smite. KEKW hhahahahahahaha u luv me tho nigght bru hes tilted LMFAOOOOOO lmao why dont try to steal when you wont die TRUE LUL toxic TILT LUL cringe bruh why so toxic TRUE HAHA LUL DAMN LOOKS LIKE THIS STREAMER HAS NAD NO LOVE HIS ENTIRE LIFE this akali next level thinking @Nightblue3 you didn't even smited it KEKW ND5 toxic u stfu KEKW tilted by diamonds ooooooo kindred malding story of your life ? Thanks for the Haha2020 @glatzenhode PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt discoElonkek :( BOOMER KEKW STFU and hes cringe irl wtf are you taliking so much behind ur shitty cam @defiantcaus3 at least he have a gf not like you xD why areyou going in if you didnt smite? whats the point? AYAYA KEKW cringe you could have r'd to bait his smite n move you can pick up another kill on the Bot ???? monkaW 1k 0-13 deleted LUL qiyana KEKW 176 Pog AYAYA deleted popipop XD pepeD monkaW 0/14 LUL she was 0 13 xD qiyana worth 20g KEKW alcove Pog discoLUL @marlfox2002 he cant if he R he definitely gonna die LUL alcove abuser ankleHmph it's a SHE I love how hypocritical league players are Ignore the haters, you Good Bro rooSip nb3WOW @Kingofpopiah haha looks like we both have a gf unlike you oh this song PepeJam smoker corner Pog @Nightblue3 stop watch for drake ? guys put ur self in hes place show me 4 infernal and infernal soul on kindred! buy a black clever Tr clash a adam eksik kaldı arkadaşlar planet burner ekleyin pls soo i suggest you stay out of this A-B conversation @Kingofpopiah He q'd in, coulda ulted then to keep baron aline why you dont play in allstar match nb pepeJAMJAM how much time is in america? @RsSYuGi ricardoFlick you're welcome BrokeBack BrokeBack @rhareswen20 many time 0/14 I think you mean she’s trying her best you should gift this Qiyana a skin after the game lol XD @marlfox2002 yes but nunu still have q and smite you cant do that when you are stealing alone as kindred you gonna die with the opponent team pilling on you discoBilly if you didnt SMITR drag Pog @dragonfrut 😂 @Nightblue3 actually you let them first 2 dragons and you can get 4 same dragon. KKomrade what DarkMode DarkMode KKomrade @Nightblue3 you are going to show us how to lose with 4 infernals and infernal soul LUL Ita? if you lose ill find a fat girl tell her she is beautiful and take her out on a date tripple infernal probably also helps PogU Gg 4 infernal how do 4 dragons of the same type even scale? LUCKY 4 inf Pog !opgg it would be Pepega to lose against that quiana let aaside drake actually you let them first 2 dragons and you can get 4 same dragon. 4 infernals jesus monkaW ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ???????? ? LUL ???? inting KEKW troll ????????????????????????????? Patriga OMEGALUL LUL nice throw *GJ KEKW ??? KEKW Sick LUL ????? ??????????? ??? trolling ??????????? discoJessica o sht u inted xd and u still manage to int LUL nice throw KEKW SO MUCH DAMAGE WITH THIS BUILD ???????????? Nice jungler kekw KEKW reporting for int KEKW peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap ? What Are You Doing Bt w LUL 6 inferno tft ya he can and u know that KEKW so bad LUL imagine being good LEL IMAGINE 4INF DRAGONS AND inf SOUL ??? INTeresting play EZ CLAP!!!!!! 4 infernal and soul LUL !???? show jhin AD your team could have gotten a free inhib until you decided to throw imagine jhin ad cmon u rly blaming the yasuo LOL Yasuo cosplay KEKW KEKW good pway nightbwu peepoClap gg noob EleGiggle gg noob EleGiggle Vgg noob EleGiggle gg noob EleGiggle ???????????????????? yasuo unbalanced btw trolling kapa lulw LOL 0-15 TIO TA Aí? @Nightblue3 show jhin ad\ PokShadowmew 4 infernals and infernal soul KEKW i like you NB3 but every time you die for doing something stupid you always have an excuse lol nabiyon lan mk delisi xd @kr1ska7a KEKW actually going to lose! @Nightblue3 you just threw the game GG brooo you throw such a lead pepega Inted KEKW HE GOT OUT Pog DO YOU SAYING THAT YASUO IS BROKEN EHILE YOU PLAYING MORR BROKEN THAN HIM pog you are playing kindred the sss+ tier champ. THAT'S broken 558 with 2 items :) not too high for a jhin i think it's over NO Kapa its my lord and savior nightblue3 NO Kappa AYYYYYYY crazy how this guy throws sht to, no so bad plays from his team, but when he does a huge int play its k TriHard TriKool Clap yuh TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard your stream is so nice to listen to while playing WoW and thinking about how not tilted I am because I aint playing league TriKool YUH' TriKool YEAH TriHard . @Domasito he got 1 item so KEKW TriHard AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE TriHard . TriKool YEHAHAHAH TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard 3s TriKool 3s @nightblue3 cmonBruh 3 sec 2 items only 558 you can burst someone this items TriKool 3s TriKool 3s 3 TriKool LUL TriHard TriHard TriHard @MichaelShake get a life LUL TriKool it does say the cd. It's 3 secs song! TriKool . i love this song TriHard TriHard TriKool TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard it has the cooldown on the upper right of the description TriKool 3 secs ur blind.... TriHard @kr1ska7a ikr imagine KEKW what's that around gp in map TriKool 3 secss top right yes it does TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool top right on tool tip LUL 3s top right top right corner Top Right JUST CAME AND HE IS PLAYING MY MAIN PogChamp BibleThump BibleThump @PlebEvolved it's yuumi KEKW Why you still farming its above your abilities @FrankDaTankGaming 3 more IE's Pog PogChamp lul 1000 Pog Pog 1K CRITS 1000 GOLDS +1300 PogChamp 3? discoGachi HI YT @FrankDaTankGaming KEKW i don't play anymore don't mind me @kr1ska7a then he'll only have like 2k ad imagine that KEKW Heyy youtube peepoClap WeirdChamp WHAT like a cybertruck Pog HI YOUTUBE TriKool Clap no such thing guyyy thanks just woke up my mom dude KEKW LUL LUL KEKW gachiHYPER YOUTUBE KEKW ????????????????????????????? LUL Jebaited PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap D: gachiHYPER SUP MY DUDE @PlebEvolved It's understandable i respect your decision to not play KEKW D: :D it has the cooldown on the upper right of the description @Nightblue3 LUL :D LUL D: deathw24Ggez deathw24Ggez D: D- WH OMEGALUL gg WHO ARE YOU KEKW ;) at the moment, not counting Soul, it's 20% more ad.... @FrankDaTankGaming reformed? @Nightblue3 "WHO ARE U?" KEKW 0/16 ghoster? Hello YT(? symfIQ symfIQ wp NB3 WHO R U? KEKW who are you PepeLaugh 0-16 smd KEKW JDJDJDJDJDJDJD SMOrc ye it has @Nightblue3 do you use wallpaper engine? toxic TOXIC W H OMEGALUL Save my dog gg wp imagine shit talking a win trade shen malphite Darius don't know who are u and still know you streaming "WHO U?" @Nightblue3 actually you let them first 2 dragons and you can get 4 same dragon. peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap Are you Day blue? ghosting and still lost LUL you got carried early and mid game @kr1ska7a peepoClap bored bad streamer What Is You Atlas u who? W H OMEGALUL KS play kindred again please play Atlas AYAYA report them pog cmonBruh @Nightblue3 dont forget to factor the infernals this game too expensive thi 100% ghosted no maybe? tfbC @Nightblue3 you take too long to ramp up, would it be better to build runaan's after jungle item? Atlas more like chimpanzee :D play ekkoooo Expensive build though nightbwu da monkey peepoClap @Nightblue3 you got carried early just saying hi to stream doesn't make you a ghoster lol @Nightblue3 true ER is something else then when they lose they act like they didnt ghost LUL KEKEW KEKW W KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW yummi not a real support. trash. KEKW pinging that you're on gromp KEKW she saw u at gromp PepeLaugh he saw you at krugs and you went down thats why you lost i mean they do see you walking in HIIIIIIIIIII they saw you at gromp KEKW @Nightblue3 4 cloud dragon give massive cd buffs not ghosting @nightblue3 can you say prowadzacy to pizda? LOL and dragon attack bug no way its ghost you were just clearing on a ward.... FailFish how can it be ghosting? KEKW not a ghost ...aint ghosting hahaha OOF actually not ghosting there could've just checked it since she saw you they saw u waling down to dragon OBVIOUS that you are doing drag @Nightblue3 guess? it s NOT it wasn't ghost KEKW its prob not ghosting naw fuck em theyre ghosting i mean where else would u be? Nah man its ghosting 100% check the start of the game nb3 @Nightblue3 ads janna stil ghosted 2? You are wrong KEK W they see you going towards river aswell and crab was not up anytime enemy team makes a play on you = ghosting KEKW E TU KEKW so it's obv you were either ganking bot or drake quiyana whent straight where nb was The early control? but she said hi stream quianna walked right into dragon knoiwing u were there 100%, its ghosting no doubt ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song ResidentSleeper song thay say hi stream lol 250 IQ will see that you was recalling on river Kappa wtf GHOSTING gottem YEP LOL what the fuck xD is the preseason patch already live? @Nightblue3 Ghoster Pog KEKW we gotcga KEKW he's 5Head okay that's a lil sus KEKW 5Head NUNU GHOSTING GOTTEM PepeLaugh ghosting GOT EM 5Head JUST BIG BRAIN hi nb sixth sense @wrangy92 she didnt even went for the dragon, quiyanna went straight for nb without vision PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW 9x nunu gotcha tfb5Head hmmm rooThink he has a big brain 5Head ladies and gentlemen, we got him 1`````sniping? gotcha bitch why would he expect a ward there at level 3 KEKW what else 5Head wtf GOTCHAAaAaAA hes on your team @Nightblue3 is it normal to take the 1st dragon in the game in the 16 minute mark? Its a guess man even I spam vision whenver I think they have wards there GO RUST is the preseason patch already live? @Nightblue3 5Head 🍷 they invade your blue level 1? PepeHands PepeHands actually big brain 5Head imagine ghosting and losing lmao :( Rustttttt Can you play ark for like a little bit @nightblue3 PepeHands oof bye bye fu 10 am xD @Nightblue3 are you doing same strat every game? if so ... you know Whew tired of seeing you go threw the first 10 min of rust over and over again. Want to see you get a team together and run the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PepeHands Man its not 50% 50% it was 100% ghosting play 1 more short streams from short streamer chaoren23456 subscribed with Twitch Prime. chaoren23456 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing chaoren23456! PogYou SMD @nightblue3 chaoren23456's Sub shared rewards to 5 others in Chat! rust byeee one more for the boys 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head Teach me senpai !uptime i'm sure he's 5Head @Thdefender, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 59 mins 5Head widepeepoSad one more kindred!! lmao Detective Conan 5Head 200Head Whats up 5Hood Pog 5Head 1 more TRUE 5head !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at !uptime @tyrus1111, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 59 mins HeyGuys rust!@!@!@! play diana nb3Notlikethis lmao one more for the boys <3 HahaDoge !discord Join our Discord Server nb3Tuturu lia POOGERS <3 !points @RUZUR, RUZUR has 46450 points and is rank 12/3220884 on the leaderboard. FeelsBadMan EU KEKW fck eu FeelsBaDMan EU Latah Folks. 6 am here KEKW EU chillin 7 PST is 6 AM EUROPE :c diana star about BR time? :( 9 pm Brazil bye and diana peepoSad hell yeah 9am here Spam RUST if you want him to play it bb what* byee!! bye sliker Byeee me :) !uptime sliker @Nightblue3 Just woke up and he ends stream… @Volkhan0, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours bye Atlas Cya cya pal rust me Bye yes Do you want to play BROXAH 10am Me ;) tobiasWAVE super top @Nightblue3 Sirchez hash broxah me 11 am 0161 sliker @Nightblue3 hashinshin supertop hash hashinshin Kappa DISLIKE YOUTUBE REWIND 2019 super top @Nightblue3 in eu its 10 am danHeh danHeh danHeh BROXAHHHHH bye cy@ 6 am Terê SUPER TOP bye HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight HahaShrugRight bye lourlo peace 10 am here @Nightblue3 HI monkaW ?? HYPERBRUH wut stream earlier? no way nb3NANI Nightblue3 is now live! Streaming League of Legends: RANK 1 MAIN ACCOUNT CLIMB | RUST LATER First hi no First me first Hii hi nope i am here since 3 hours rusttttt waiting on him i was 2te nbcv mz, im here from beta YEAH NB3 BABY yo yo yo Hi What up hi guys Lol hii every NA people are idiot yo gamers we not late today ayy NA LUL LUL LUL Make your bed before you start streaming HEYA ayyyyyyy i love pussy hmm smoll strem rightnow Eu can I get a monkaSleep its 4 in the morning here what is intelligent of this people LUL LUL LUL LUL GO KAYN JG hi hi hi Ekko its early today lol AYAYA hey you who read this, ur cute LETS GO Pog Nb3 what’s it like to win twitch rivals? Do u mind asking T1 for me 😄 GO KAYN JG aww shucks. no,u 5 în The morning still w8 for him pepeDS Just rewatched Dom's cut the western shit OMEGALUL PEPEGAA bruh moment yoyoyo yoyoyoyyoy OOOO Rust hype Yay yoooooooo ThiSguy_HB subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Thank you for subscribing ThiSguy_HB for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! anyone 20yo here nb3OMG Cancer Warwick new twitch Pog tarzToxic tarzToxic tarzToxic tarzToxic tarzToxic 22 heu hi diana jng tarzClimb tarzClimb YES YES @stonedzedcantbebanned what kush u smoke? PunOko GO KAYN JG Haha2020 nb3Hi diana diana Do Twitch Jg xD g13 haze русские в чате есть heyyyy everyone HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys hey Nami jungle or coward HeyGuys HeyGuys YOO MY FAVORITE STREAMER LETS GET THIS BREAD ON RUST nb3Kiss nb3Kiss nb3Kiss someone teach me economics HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys @bogwar previet how 2 cs Just finished watching your last vod GO KAYN JG оооооооооооооо ayayayayaaah start already PunOko Pog zyra jungle better then nami 🤑 хоть кто то знает русский)))) puke I can’t stay up too late hopefully rust is soon @nightblue3 are u entering TCS? :) yo yo yo @Nightblue3 Can you start whit Rust today ?` no league Use the best jungled in the game YOOOOOOOOOOOOO fuck this wait im out WHERE IS NIGHTBLUE AT ALL STARS YO i must go to work in 3 hrs but whatever Jungler the best is? YOYOYO @Nightblue3 <3 @bogwar i dont have russian keyboard yooo HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys sup bitch HELLO Pepega cheers mate @Nightblue3 Make your bed before you start streaming Hi NB3 HAW ayy wassup wassup my man going for some of those LOL clap some CHEEKS play rust get some BEACHEs hey HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys He’s alive pog Waddup nightbloo what up hi :> Hi Ayeeeee ew who is this guy GO KAYN JG what up! hiii hi yo What up IS THAT HIM hey where's my hi HI :) nb3Pepe hello fellow lebanese yooo wassup Closed your porn tab ? hey hon' HI yo YOOOO Hello! Thoughts about reworked diana jungle? I have been trying to ask you for days :( hi senpai :3 holaaa helooo sout me up Ya boi EU WIN hello bro I like your music taste NB3 YES good morning from sweden WIPE HYPE, WHERE RUST AT ну ладно я все равно понимаю тебя)) RUST?; Ello guv @nightblue3 hiii YESSSS howdy @Nightblue3 heyy beautttty HeyGuys hey îs not to late for u today?? Did you see youtube rewind YAY RUST RUST!! Mi armor 1/2 :O diana Hey YO NIGHTBLUE WHERES SENNA JUNGLE DUDE Rust sooner UnboundEclipse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 32 month streak! wtf is up with these stream times, havent been able to catch you in like a week Thank you for subscribing UnboundEclipse for 32 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! league till 5 am thats what im talkimg ABOUT MAN no its trash so my gf just told me she almost got raped by some idiot,is it okay to oneshot him? Hi Nightblue3 let's watch together no someone get nb a redbull sponsorship pepeDS GO KAYN JG @Nightblue3 it trash lol U entering tcs? Kinda bad @Nightblue3 why so late? dislike it Broo I can’t stay up 4 or 5 hours its already 10pm where I live you stream so late GO SENNA JUNGLE nowadays why u are not at the all star ? @Nightblue3 Do you regret streaming with cam? ElectricWolf1025 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Best JG Na Thank you for subscribing ElectricWolf1025 for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LOL NO @eraj101 Sleep now, wake up for it. easy., area51 raid That dislike ration LOL @mixitar lol cuz he lost viewers 😂 1.5M Haha you not going to want to see it haha, thats hot, thats hot haHAA KPOP GO KAYN JG Ayyy He started stream! LULW ??????????????? I DONT LIKE THIS WutFace Spazie ! just stop this crap ????????????????????????? is NB3 in TCS? its literally trash wtf am i watching clowns wtf hahahah cmonBruh pewdiepie weeding monkaS ????????? omg my brain T.Series cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh shit rewind It sucks ngl @ghorstx typo my ass LULW get fucked nope @Nightblue3 you in TCS? @Nightblue3 Rewind youtube, everyone hated the 2018 turn this spam off I know some people i have no clue watchmojo with no narration thats literally a bad compilation looks like some zoomer shit to me nb3Chimp It fucking sucks yeah worse than last year OMEGALUL Havent seen 90% of these Most liked videos They made a lame ass compilation of the most liked most viewed etc idc LUL what is this? mic loud xD league? last year failed so now they gave up and are making top tens for different topics ROBLOX Pog POGGERS More dislikes than likes LUL It’s terrible Pepega Clap @Nightblue3 why are you watching that trash what game is nr 1? @Nightblue3 2017 was way better What was number 1????????????? Horrible I hate it DISLIKE IT i hope LoL is in there EKKI elise nite SENN They didn’t fix it from last year ap wtf isw going on? SENNA JUNGLE go ap shyv Basically YouTube gave up when they realized their last rewind game was shit. So they tried to become like watchmojo Go go vi what is he watching ? dislike it Ekko Senna RENGAR RUSSTTT Seena boom boom go ap shyv or puss AD SHYVANA WeirdChamp hello rabiaa how are you doing? hello malder Its just ja ranking video made by The Godfather of YouTube himself They some how made it worse LUL oooo shyvana WE WANT RUSSSTTT !uptime @T_A_J, nightblue3 has been streaming for 12 mins 31 secs no effort hi streamer is this the straem where i can watch epic nightblue3 the streamer stream online games of video? DUDE SENNA JUNGLE when rust boring low effort mokokitty3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Nightblue3! you rock! SENNA Thank you for subscribing mokokitty3 for 9 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! rust best hi SENNA JUNGLE DUDE GO KAYN JG they made it worst highlight tv Trueeeeeee That is so accurate youtube sucks geersbyte subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! if someone tries to rape your gf,u report it to police or oneshot him?helpppp Thank you for subscribing geersbyte for 5 months! PogYou when u rust reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! jeffree Kreygasm maxivanmessi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 3 month streak! why streamin so lae in germany its 4 am Thank you for subscribing maxivanmessi for 10 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @geersbyte @Nightblue3 last years might have been shit, but at least there was creativity, average top 10 lists are more creative Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @geersbyte HahaShrugRight wtf is this? eraj101 extended their Tier 1 subscription through January! eraj101 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hello malder when rust ? (puke) These make up youtubers are so cringe @nightblue3 JUST PLAY THE GAME which time is it ? my dream is that one day a woman will touch my pp "except my mom" do you think my dream will come true? yes Am I 3 month sub yet? ooooooo arg fffff pla WH OMEGALUL nitblue lul smells loud where is NB3??? dude oh wow 1,4m dislikes lul lul lul play the game !??! game started LUL Dear @Nightblue3 when will you stream on a more reasonable time for people from EU, CAUSE ITS 4:15 AM HERE!!!! just play the game NB3 are you going watch t1 in NA Vs EU? ur right @Nightblue3 2m dislikes LULW D: can anyone else see the game? oh nrvm straight facts tbh LOVE THE LATE NIGHT STREAMS u just gotta find the right channels to subscribe to Yo what was the beef with @nightblue3 you and I keep it taco Play ekko Next game what his runes? he going AP hi @nightblue3 Cmon dude, it's 4:14 in the morning here dude WeirdChamp I could edit that lol Why play rust when you can play minecraft factions it was just safe Where’s the Jax jg @Nightblue3 if I get autofilled into jg, whats an easy champ to do ok with? hi nightblue:) WHAT WHY ap > tank shyv Music are u duoing rust today asd 2018 rewind, most disliked, YT: Hold my beer AP OR RIOT AP IS SO MUCH BETTER Hello! Thoughts about reworked diana jungle? I have been trying to ask you for days :( @nightblue3 can you stream like 6 hours earlier, its 4 in the morning hers !points @Ryanw64, Ryanw64 has 9900 points and is rank 912/3217754 on the leaderboard. nb3Ten nb3Ten nb3Ten ALL STAR? NO WATCH? like it wasn't a bad video tbh just kinda safe and not creative my last day nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis wolfofmoros subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! Watching these instead of All-Stars, also been enjoying watching you play Rust get them nakeds reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing wolfofmoros for 5 months! PogYou GO AP YOU WEEB !uptime @AscendingLibra, nightblue3 has been streaming for 15 mins 45 secs YES why streaming so late ? AP shyvana? yeah why do you KEKW YES HTERE IS nuuuuu keep reading the dumb shit PogU BUT Its 6 am omg enable DEEZ Dumb shit @Nightblue3 this is dumb shit, dont read it Kapp @Nightblue3 by reading it you bait more of it :) sound like a good idè !dumbshitmode ALL STAR?? @Nightblue3 the chat just reflects the streamer @Nightblue3 ur music is killing by brain cells hear no effort and i already know what it's about !followage @eraj101, eraj101 has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 11 months 8 days 19 hours you literally will stop reading dumb shit the same time im in stream who ru playing @Nightblue3 is ad shyv better than ap shyv? when rust @nightblue3 im never here mam @Nightblue3 E=mc^2 have some smart shit bro, I got you covert @nightblue3 Can you stream like 6 hours earlier. It's 4 in the morning here D: !subage this sking isvery weird cloud usless on shyv but if u dont read the dumb shit ull stop reading your chat all together how can you be the monkey streamer if you don't read the monkies in chat !suckage just keep reading dmb shit how much dumb shit is dumb !uptime @Gnax96, nightblue3 has been streaming for 16 mins 36 secs ult no cooldown rust @Nightblue3 is shyvanna good season 10? so what is on the menu today nb3?? music ? why did he mburd smite What is this music do you max e first on shivana? it´s very eu infriendly time tihs bmud my poaht is better than this !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at its totally not eu friendly wtf is he doing? @nightblue3 what game are you playing? When is your face reveal? Sorry I’ll stop @Nightblue3 i am willing to marry your hair @666demonjester ikr !points didn't you do the SHYV vs Olaf the other night and it went horrible? @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25070 points and is rank 85/3217756 on the leaderboard. my study will suffer from these stream times haha yeah it´s really fun to be up 4 am dude gachiBASS all good i'll watch the vod @Nightblue3 skip please PepeHands wtf uis going on @dragondoom_ dont say sry say thank you @nightblue3 remember when you didn’t stream during lcs our of respect towards riot KEKW @nightblue3 You aint watching all stars? LUL this is a waste of time lol !point !opgg @Dragondoom_ LULW !points @itzyasuke, itzyasuke has 17103 points and is rank 257/3217784 on the leaderboard. wtf is this music dumb shit @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle?? KEKW half of it is TFT anyways where are you from rbiaa rabiaa !uptime @suraz_sj, nightblue3 has been streaming for 17 mins 59 secs BAD MUSIC dumb shit D: Kekw D: @nightblue3 Why arent you on there? PLAY RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST zoomers complaining about music LULW Someone mad Do you actually main any champion why the hate for tyler? drake is not 22 Truee @Nightblue3 why you hate tyler? @Nightblue3 can u full clear with kha zix no leash??? me PepoDance SoSnowy 5 year playing in the snow after a tendy break VOY sneaky is there where are you from rabiaa he is tylers support Sneaky is there @nightblue3 sneaky is there They are there Because he lost and he lying was mad wasn’t invited what abt fakerr? E max you monkey sneaky is there @iSmexy u dont need a reason, just do it Kappa 2019 is the clowns year TFT in all-stars ResidentSleeper @nightblue3 can u Do zoe jg after that @nightblue3 what abt fakerr she even answered @nightblue3 Sneaky is there D: ghosting in preseason ResidentSleeper OE MAN HOLA lmao lmao LUL KEKW Clap @Nightblue3 reading stupid comments again WeirdChamp do it so sensitive KEKW yes sign me up i think you're kind of a twat :/ yes i like that Something stupid @Nightblue3 YES pog something stupid something stupid something stupid KEKW im down probably lol @Nightblue3 guess you need to mute yourself yep something stupid? @Nightblue3 something stupid ITS JUST OFF META KEKW @Nightblue3 what keystone? something stupid can u do blitz jg? shut up RAT what is on the menu today nb3??? !music Nightblue Music Channel Fuck off pussy nightblue3 something stupid kekw @Nightblue3 are nidalee or eve good in jg ? @Nightblue3 You're the best jg in NA BAN ME IDIOT KEKW IS IT META Pepega @Nightblue3 play nidalee next ha wh OMEGALUL ? Toxic “Something stupid” where are you from ? @nightblue3 but hashinshin is a malding old man make it 48 :) SOMETHING STUPID SOMETHING STUPID SOMETHING STUPID Why is malding so hard hashinshin is bad at league but a good streamer Something stupid Timeout for stupid shit = Dead Chat KEKW <3 love you I got permbanned for saying hashitshit did you catch the legendary in pokemon? @nightblue3 Hashinshin Best jungler NA What do you consider stupid? That's why i don't watch delicate flowers streams LUL frick hashinshin 🤬 @Nightblue3 hash once gave me a week time out you guys seen youtube rewind 2019, can u move ur mic away from ur keyboard all i hear is you mashing ur a key to aa shut down? i think pretty much everyone has been banned by hash at some point lol its na bby @nightblue3 something stupid I wanna be able to Spam KEKW chat it is our duty to type dumb shit right now, rise gamers HandsUp Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 BibleThump BibleThump PogChamp Squid4 lul na streamers bashing NA like they are above it somehow I am gay. type 1 to say something stupid KEKW @Nightblue3 You're the best jg in NA BAN ME IDIOT KEKW sheesh !plug nb3Happy KEKW Jebaited into ban KEKW 1 KEKW @f4lkin KappaPride i rly want to see some win zhao finally :c I like turtles @Nightblue3 ply nidalee jungle play yi please you're ok jungler best jungle in NA Kappa asking chat not being stupid 3Head thats stupid Na streamer flaming NA Yuumi jgl BEST JUNGLE IN NA POG you;re the best jungler na best jungle na ur the worst jg in the world @nightblue3 Lourlo: "God Bless my team" PROBLEM TARZANED EXIST Kapp @Nightblue3 what junglers without conqueror can you play on season 10? best jungle na @nightblue3 (^: rip ayaya 😅 NA why ban kids like him? they are probably from youtube and they actually think you do that type of shit UR A DICTATOR LETS REVOLT BOIS worst JG NA mod me do something about ur hair hey u suck Nice hair :) Play vi today? ur a goddamn god Best jgler na lmao Best Jungler Ever Best jg na @nightblue3 Sneaky is there btw. He's playing right now play yi jg best jg na you can take drag so fast with E max WHAT THE BEST BUILD FOR SHYVANNA?? HEY CAN YOU PLAY AP SHYVANA NA nb3Hehe You are the best jungler NA can i have sub im lebanese lol he exist but banned LMAO if u play rust in exchange for me being banned. pls go ahead @nightblue3 KIDDING YOUR WAY BETTER @Nightblue3 nb3 can you try xin jungel next game Is this dude mentally challenged? BEST JUNGLE IN THE WORLD! @Nightblue3 they just banned 4 adcs in all star game lol RIP t1 ! Best Jung na TWITCH RIVALS XD Have you tried Shaco or Volibearlatley? BEST KARTHUS EVER!!!!! @Nightblue3 You're the worst jg in NA BAN ME IDIOT KEKW broxah is better isnt or? do you still think tarzaned did nothing at rvials? @Nightblue3 they just banned 4 adcs in all star game lol RIP t1 HASHINSHIN is BEST TOP....NA when t1 bans someone he looks alpha, when you ban someone you look sensitive !runes @Nightblue3 they just banned 4 adcs in all star game lol RIP t1 lol IM THE BEST JUNGLER IN MY ROOM Best jungler would have play zoe jung but i guess you are not !runes Overrated jungler!!!!! TFT turnament all Star Worst jungle na delusional hashinshin is SHIT your stream is more joyful less viewers cmon karthus smurf pls show us more tips and tricks Lo único que necesita Shyvana en la jungla es más sustain :v Kappa fair Lol someone really said too bad tarzaned exist 😂 A JUNGLER IS A MONKEY RIGHT LUL Solo Q you are better best jungler in the world if plays win zhao :x @Nightblue3 i think it is the best hairline on the shortest person ive seen in my life Pog @francoghost08 claro i got u a nice plan in rust how to get items fast legit :D @Nightblue3 i didnt see your last stream, did u get sniped on rust KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus just wondering - do you ever play Rumble jungle? like on a smurf? I'd like to see that! @Nightblue3 u shouldve shyvana jungle in twitch rivals now guess if its aflame or a compliment KEKW !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute what do you think about camille jg? try syndra jg Dude u lose ALL dragons wtf how he loss soo your ganna main shyv how much money you make in a month ? !followage @thetophh, thetophh has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 4 months 29 days 16 hours Welcome to NA boys KEKW i keep seeing busio in your games "we dont win that shit" goes in LUL LUL !Runes is rust on the menu today @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 i think ur beard is looking great !followage @Ykutu, ykutu has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 6 months 27 days 15 hours zed pepega ap shyvana wouldve won that pepega !followage @Joffdee, joffdee has been following nightblue3 for 1 month 12 days 23 hours !rune Ints blames zed WutFace @nightblue3 cool beard u have there what a weird noise e tu Doesnt know how zed works ! KEKW !followage @TheAvenger1010, theavenger1010 has been following nightblue3 for 4 months 29 days 6 hours Itzjohann20 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months! Thank you for subscribing Itzjohann20 for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! oh shit @Nightblue3 how do you feel about fizz's power level, also nice beard Overrated Nightblue3 jungler !points @TheAvenger1010, TheAvenger1010 has 19670 points and is rank 179/3217792 on the leaderboard. fedKO fedKO fedKO fedKO fedKO fedKO gachiHYPER SoSnowy NOT SNOW Thanks for the HahaHide @itzjohann20 xPoseidon72 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! <3 Thank you for subscribing xPoseidon72 for 4 months! PogYou pull it reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 3 years 6 months, ahhh the good ol' days !points @Peetrik, Peetrik has 3790 points and is rank 5834/3217792 on the leaderboard. !followage nightblue3 @panjigamers, nightblue3 is not following nightblue3 !points @Ryanw64, Ryanw64 has 9920 points and is rank 902/3217792 on the leaderboard. TriKool @panjigamers KEKW @Nightblue3 why max W ? !points @nasgdt, nasgdt has 3770 points and is rank 5900/3217792 on the leaderboard. !followage perma stuck 360lp @Ryanw64, ryanw64 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 9 months 11 days 7 hours !points @AndersonXu, AndersonXu has 1130 points and is rank 29425/3217792 on the leaderboard. Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season !points @Benotoadese, Benotoadese has 2250 points and is rank 12545/3217792 on the leaderboard. smoke trees !points @primativ ok soory my no sub bro Mans not hot !followage r u srys !points @12345dill, 12345dill has 1030 points and is rank 32782/3217792 on the leaderboard. @jackng42, jackng42 has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 6 months 7 days 14 hours !followage @nasgdt, nasgdt has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 3 days 23 hours !followage @NoahChoice, noahchoice has been following nightblue3 for 6 years 1 month 19 days 21 hours !followage @Slendermatt33, slendermatt33 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 9 months 23 days 7 hours i love gummies too Kappa LULW TRUE 400mg @nottimlim agree with that one guy, even in tank shyv E max is better Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season? LUL gummies are the shit @Nightblue3 best candy wow coke gaming can i have a 24h ban please. Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this seasoN @nightblue3 who do you feel the strongest jungle is ACTUAL WASHED HARDSTUCK KEKW @panjigamers "@panjigamers, nightblue3 is not following nightblue3" MANCHILD win zhao to get rank 1 pleaaase !points @milleniumfalcon9, milleniumfalcon9 has 320 points and is rank 100379/3217795 on the leaderboard. we will snitch mah mann clipping and sending to your dentist KEKW just never tried them for sure !uptime @ruggerzalen, nightblue3 has been streaming for 26 mins 29 secs i am your dentist . bad son Nightblue3 Most ugly player NA!!! Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season?? @Nightblue3 shyv AD? you´´ re pussy, play shyv AP jajasdj xd @nightblue3 why did u call yourself nightblue Maybe you should go school him on the amazingness of gummies !followage @milleniumfalcon9, milleniumfalcon9 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 10 months 14 hours crowns dont prevent you from eating gummies FailFish @primativ yea hahaha my nott (following /sub bro ) hahaha :D Calling ur dentist now Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season? @Joffdee not right person to ask LOL xd why did cassio ult an unstoppable olaf free content TriHard @primativ ok !uptime @ekk0logic, nightblue3 has been streaming for 27 mins 34 secs ??? ETU KEKW LUL E TU KEKW when new video @Nightblue3 ? LMAO INT teresting why go back in lol? LMAO @nightblue3 cool looking beard u have there nb3Chimp How can he live from that position betchPALM LUL NA Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season?? what a good teammate zed is ded EEEEEEEEEE FIESTA KEKW <3 nb3Chimp nb3Chimp !time saving A DYING ZED LULW @nightblue3 cool beard best jg NA 🤣 i can see the rage in ur eyes Rust later?? As in rust the game?? we're not sweating LUL im ur dentist @LLStyliish bad son All my zed are dead Most ugly player NA! oO Pog Champ Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season?? -1 RUST I’m actually your dentist 1 @Nightblue3 CAN I LAUGH AT YOUR RANK TO HELP U IMPROVE ? KEKW RUSY NA 2KILLS @nightblue3 malding going well today mightyike355 subscribed with Twitch Prime. mightyike355 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing mightyike355! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! any girls in chat hmu RUSTYYY hello nb ima huge utube fan but now im also a tw fan! love your content! Why nightblu3 soooo small but yet have such a big forehead Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this seasoN !uptime @highpaladinttv, nightblue3 has been streaming for 29 mins 10 secs @jockerbenzz he said hell be playing rust ltr :) When does improve = morale? PepoThink hows the gym going nb3 Kappa btw are you still dating that chilean girl? DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHITDUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT DUMBSHIT SURE NO PROBLEM HARDSTUCK GM KEKW Who do you think is the best jungler to play/main this season??? @Nightblue3 is now a rust streamer @Nightblue3 sterak with 1500 hp? Pepega @joffdee depends on ur elo really Most ugly player NA!!! drags are sooo good on shyv KEKW when was the last time NB was challenger? when he didn't use a facecam? @Iksess thats jaurims lol 10 armor and mr Who would you recommend to play in jungle?? hello nb im a youtube fan! love your content! saludos desde chile weon WP kai'sa @Joffdee Shaco, Olaf, Warwick, Ekko alcove time @Nightblue3 can you explain me the olaf's E ability i dont understand it well :/ !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at OMEGALUL laf rift herald @DuuhGoat Collard Greens-SchoolBoy Q Okay thanks so I guess I’m playing who I should be playing thank you third????????? @Joffdee Yea all of those are top tier picks Isn’t ap shyv better? @PaxJaxLaxWax Yes @funnybunnywithl tysm nb3 is afraid of seafood but likes crabs Kappa Ks @doublebuckets he never do meta picks, he only trolls in his games @funnybunnywithl I play ekko and shaco a lot but also lee sin @PaxJaxLaxWax go do your homework Rust later Pog @nightblue3 hello brother hello nb3 greetings from chile weon ql ♡ @DuuhGoat SingsNote @Joffdee He is super good rn too no mobi boots? :( tru @Nightblue3 AP yi worked at worlds 2011 why ap shyvana cant ? what do you do to win agaist shiv AP does that meaan its good against everyone in your chat Trihard 7 TriHard 7 KEKW did i miss rust time TriHard SoSnowy ReinDeer @nightblue3 every stream i hear you answering the same ap shyv question but you wont tell me why you dont want to play win zhao :c im sad.. KEKW yay you're playing Shyvana! EEEEEEEE your team so bad stvalentine subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Have u ever played full ad shyvana Thank you for subscribing stvalentine for 2 months! PogYou gg reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! he had to use smite too... u rlly threw that KEWK !graphicscard WutFace IceCold HEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEE @nightblue3 lipbite Kreygasm E TU KEKW hello @nightblue3 greetings from chile weon have you seen the wall glitch in lol CHAT SPAM RUST Na btw "that ryze" no, ryze just broken ryze is so dumb I believe in you! we back to feedin Kreygasm Ryze literally picked/banned every game at worlds, how obviously broken Shyv need drags fasho @goingforgo1d worlds was 2 month ago dude !uptime @Apointytriangle, nightblue3 has been streaming for 36 mins 2 secs damn Kerschblau subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! It finally happened. I reached two years without you noticing me KappaClaus Thank you for subscribing Kerschblau for 24 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KAISA LMAO win this fight! @nightblue3 say weon cheer1 game gg any jungle tips for gold going into platinum rank in the jungle its over PepeaHands u r useless gg when ur subscription ended yesterday🥺 Your bad nb3ND5 sad face Gg int hey NB gotta say Rom is waifu and not Rem sorry <3 much love regardless You threw sad #hardstuck u r bad want shortcut ? you'll get em next time! you plau borin game that happen show gold graph of that game feels bad man have you seen the wall glitch in lol hardstuck u kinda trolled many times in a row Didnt go ap any gold tips let's rust earlier <3 what happen is that you dont do herald @nightblue3 pleeeeaaase just one win zhao game :c clown happened nb3Clown you started losing the second the qiyana cought you looking away from your champ at the baron pit I guess its time for rust HahaCat HahaCat the zed was not relevant at all you blindly ran into Bush at Barron and ran through slow at midlane rank 1 KEKW CANT EMOTE GIVE ME SHB TOMEN You fucked up that happend could you do a Kindred game by chance? I guess better jungler win PepeHands favourite energy drink? he didnt even read my message PepeHands @Nightblue3 play pyke any gold tips good morning everyone Ap is actually good as fuck rn u highkey chokde that game .. Lenox013 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 10 month streak! Boring game - glad I was doing dishes and missed it KekW Thank you for subscribing Lenox013 for 17 months! PogYou avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 3 sub to CandyVoice! They have given 17 Gift Subs in the channel! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing CandyVoice! PogYou reward A Gift shared Rewards to 15 others in Chat! Kappa Is GAREN a jungle champ? B You let Qiyana in a game dont check C - go home a b a you get vision some other way KEKW c check but maybe use brain idk @avengeluvsrorro Thanks for the gift sub! I'm finally a sub! D !uptime @xRaginMuffinx, nightblue3 has been streaming for 38 mins 41 secs b b c. ff i C !settings abcdefghijklmnop C: let the support cheack C you play rust also you shouldn have kept fighting the olaf check carefully SingsNote bet A Is evelyn any good? spicier jung champs = better game Kappa @nightblue3 I heard you have your cats herpes.. should have snowballed bot That was so sweet! Thank you! what monitor you playing on ?? jung diff Kappa Merry Christmas! can you play kayn Most ugly NA!! I'm gold 4 what do you think any gold tips Change your LP up there Dance have you seen the wall glitch in lol Haha2020 Haha2020 Haha2020 RPGAyaya RPGAyaya any gold tips nb3 games just be like that sometimes you nevre be whith team can i have sub pweas :( ryze LULW twitch game do what thou wilt gachiHYPER CHESTER WHYYYY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE US FeelsBadMan update LP @nightblue3 At what LP can you use any champ to jg without getting reported last time NB was challenger was when he wasn't using a facecam do you have much interest in the all stars game? any gold tips my guy @youcancallmesprank at bronze shoul have snowballed bot instead of skirmishinh against an olaf @whisperlude PepeHands IKR have. you seen the wall glitch in lol I'm gold 4 what you think @dupidcadson bro to climb out of gold just farm good and kill towers kaisa monkaW is evelyn any good horse? Play ekko say weon :0 D: 3Head @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle?? any gold tips fix lp at top left? play jax he is 1v9 some of u guys nb3Clown WHAT MONITOR DO YOU USE PepoThink can you ekko D: just a bad game, they all happen. you'll get em next time! lmfaooo SPICY NB3 what you think my rank is big obi hello wood 4 here boi Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Surely not because I said Ap Shyv was good? @skyblack1024 do u watch doinb xD Woulda been 17 min but you had a dream KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride guess waht is my RANK @Nightblue3 Guess my rank! Shyvana is too fun tho! PepeLaugh @Nightblue3 Why are you being so toxic dude lol 😬😬 @nightblue3 is Olaf jg super viable rn or does he get hard countered? have you seen the wall glitch in lol Games be like that sometimes @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 lets see bust out a game with lee sin my dude :3 aiight lets get it this time Yes guess my rank! LUL guess mine NB3 malding what is my rank??? guess my rank Bet guess my rank guess ranks Kappa peepoRun Kayle is beast ;) i think malzahar jg is top tier jg, now guess my rank Kappa @Nightblue3 whats my rank @Nightblue3 what is my rank midget guess ranks guess mind @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 guess me LUL !uptime Nice @oiegil, nightblue3 has been streaming for 41 mins 12 secs guess my by my comments hahah when i ask you for weeks just to play win zhao :p @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle?? pepeD Pepega pepeJAM @NB3 how's Kindred right now? play some hecarim play jax pls kool @Nightblue3 what happend to the rengar and kicking people out of your jungle? it's not that you ran through the Bush it was that you ran through it while your camera was on the Barron pit. @nightblue3 any gold tips @nightblue3 guess mine u malding ape Guess my rank what rune have you been using on her Guys he can't guess your ranks by asking him to guess your rank wtf Guess my rank just by looking at my name... favourite enery drunk im plat 2 nb3Blush I bet you can’t guess my rank on hearthstone Im telling you, try Ap with Dh great damage and content. I know for a fact you guess my rank wrong Why are you such trolls @dupidcadson there are no specific gold tips, you know gold is kinda low, just as platinum. improve your cs improve youre map awareness and pressure, that should help you play kindred pussy shaco jg? Guess my rank bb🤪 Loosin is fun @Nightblue3 thoughts on SINGED? how do u play tryndamere againste darius? @nightblue3 guess my rank u ape big brain leona what is my rank Pepega cmon NB3 play jax u had the most gold on ur team can you show my massages ? @nightblue3 rengar next game ? I'm gold 4 you midget @Nightblue3 what champs have your hightest mastery points @nightblue3 guess my rank malder I killed peepoClap TopHat leona There were a few bad plays... some games man When you get ahead on Shyvana and pop off, it's league at it's most fun! @redgu4rd plat 2 is pretty good.. Better than most SeemsGood did you stop playing rengar? the zed was too far behind Cheer1 Cheer1 vids in q @Nightblue3 ? Gold lead for days! Do have that spotify wrapped thing? Who was #1? there was no hope taken lives @nightblue3 ay malder. take a guess at my rank imagine they lost with the best jungler in NA @nightblue3 any gold tips to going into platinum Play shaco? HeyGuys psych_humor subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Thank you for subscribing psych_humor for 6 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! jax pls @dupidcadson ignore stupid msgs by ur team plsssssssssssssssssss @nightblue3 which is a stronger jg pick mundo or Olaf? got the emote Pog shut up and play nocturne you dont gank Play rust in queues nb3H nb3H nb3H no one knows y u hav lose Kappa You did good your team was laning bad tho I started in bronze season 3 now in plat since season 9. I’d say I improved. But wasn’t as hardcore season 3-6 @nightblue3 can you play kayn next game? love watching you destroy with him! thats how the game works lol no one konws thats going on Sometimes in poker AA loses greatadvice olaf is tier 1 jgler @Nightblue3 play kindred today? play some hecarim most important: you learn from your mistakes no sometimes it just happens and they didnt know how to team fight WutFace RedTube Rewind ResidentSleeper @NB3 yeah, Kindred sounds fun! Y OMEGALUL UTUBE @skyblack1024 why is ur name in chinede creators 100 percent winrate dudd perfect lol who the f r these W H OMEGALUL Wouldn't complain if you kept the dragon alive tho! XD Shyvana! PewDiePie ResidentSleeper lmaoooo minecraft yt why aren't you on the all star event who these people monkaHmm lmfaoo pedo i dont know who any of them are and yet they all look like the same person child friendly... must be a pedo humans sometimes can't communicate with animals probably @Nightblue3 haHAA cringe pls stop who is pewdiepie?:) rip jelly after coppa lol FeelsWeirdManW he is dumb ass stop CRINGE sounds like a pedo holy cringe please haHAA WeirdChamp WeirdChamp PLEASE Weird Champ Pog stop 15m of bots SAVE ME this even more cringe than rabia STOP haHAA I have never heard of this guy honestly lol OMG CRINBE I need an adult.... hes from the netherlands, where people wanna see u at like normal times and not at like 4 @iksess he is the founder of ikea 2Billions kids btw Kappa I LOVE THIS THIS IS AMAZING @nightblue3 CHILD FRIENDLY STREAMER this is the first time i watched jell KEKW this guy was in rewind? KEKW OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog @AscendingLibra Whats your Sun/Moon? CRINGE KEKW this is a pedophile Clown ALL AGES SHOW!! jaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @fernandosepulveda truuuu KEKW libra sun sag moon he is for kids stop spaming cringe you garbage ass players pedos in boobtube rewind Kreygasm chekin1234 subscribed with Twitch Prime. chekin1234 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing chekin1234! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! imagine getting bashed by coppa XDDDD 2x the dislikes KEKW Eww mcatHeart Shyvanaaaa its like a child predaror man abc time Kappa NB3 is a child friendly youtuber @Nightblue3 i thought u were child friendly too kindred adc Kappa Ezreal @nightblue3 Is league a balanced game when can you start climbing rank in league now? creeps me out PauseChamp youtube sponsoring more pedophiles? ooh - ooh can we watch some Homestarrunner?!!!! PLEASE!!! Kappa SantaHat nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA Lucian dual jungle. LETS GO Twitch Lucian is good too. :p gg? nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown @fernandosepulveda Exactly. Me too nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 Huh Sun in First House @AscendingLibra Lucian demaciavice uwu League balanced hell no lel it wasn't balanced since 2015 When is it balanced? Kappa any comp game is never balance BegWan BegWan BegWan BegWan yes the exp change for solo laners is ass zed is weak now of course, its preseason xp change for bot lane made bot lane suck ass such as? yes @Nightblue3 lucian get 2 conq stacks from his passive OP broken 1000 ad youtube clickbait mage is broken hi what roles feel weaker to you have you seen the wall glitch in lol (if not check on YT) #greatautopathingriot Project Lucian all star event sucks without you :/ nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown this is my favourite emote why not boots and biscuit? @Nightblue3 remember when tf adc was a thing? nvm game too serious, must dodge Yo!! That song is from apashe!!! poggers! f cmonBruh dodging lucian game Guess my role by looking at my name lol Brand Jg nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown Adc sucks since mid laners can kill you in 0.001 seconds I'm saying this now you will go on a 5 game win streak👍 Rank*** @nightblue3 What do you think about this season ? Kindred or Shyvana would make me craygasm! @nightblue3 any gold tips !rank still dating that chilean girl? S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute it is preason solo q Jungle is at its peak right now I think can you play yi plz what are you doing for christmas NB jungle exp needs to be buffed for sure @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle?? KAYN!!!! play jax pls @Nightblue3 hecarim eve yes yes @nightblue3 League needs an IceFrog Lucian jngl @Nightblue3 Maybe judge the quality when there are not many players playing and its preseason its not that good @nightblue3 any tips for climbing into gold The fiddlestick rework is on the PBE Kappa who won? Kappa NA not lose Kappa Shaco rengar i didnt watched it its boring af @nightblue3 Lucian jngl hecarim NA never lose Kappa NA is losing in all stars is this a youtuber? why did he just sound like a recorder Rengo What is your honest opinion about na / eu overall na is losing fuck you nd3 pay the bill for my ears rn I WAS SLEEPING DansGame have you ever tried Nami jungle have you seen the wall glitch in lol (if not check on YT) #greatautopathingriot typical NB3, kappa! LUL LUL oh no Kappa Lee Sin is so strong rn yup NA all always wins Kappa mr nb3 pls say la wea KEKEW why do u not build jung item on rengar and they won LULW @dupidcadson bro ur just spamming the same thing if you want to climb just one trick a champion focus on farming and map awarness I cam @Nightblue3 why are you not at ALL-STARS? its actually rengar adc NA Pepega NA Pepega NA Pepega NA Pepega EU tryhard they switched Classic NA 😭 EU BETTER THAN NA YOU CANT Noooooo ivern actually has stupid on hit damage LULW Song no 10-0 Ivern ADC that sounds like T1 NO It's rengar ivern bot @nightblue3 !song they playing aphelios Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at you'll be insta banned I can't stand Tyler1 in all honesty.... -_- yes Fucking riot EU > NA XD sneaky is adc no you can't Riot hates NA but if you were Korean you can BANG KEKW @CandyVoice ditto Cheer100 Cheer100 hey man ive only been playing since aug of last year and i finished plat this year i was wondering how i could get more views on my twitch? exiled__hunter just cheered 200 bits PogYou moe suck btw Whats that stream cringe at its finest I mean, you could restream.... How badly do you want a vacation? KEKW @Nightblue3 tyler 1 and yassuo got target banned Sneaky on Rengar what look who is streaming... at 5 AM... LUL hello @Nightblue3 sounds like a clown fiesta he's not an adc anymore. let him clown! holy fuk i got timmed ouit for 2 mintues beecause i tried to post a link here :D @Nightblue3 !elo Game started @Nightblue3 yes sneaky adc and tylor1 supp hahahaha for fun play Kappa gg its over hahah @Nightblue3 best presenter ever Ameno whats your opinion on shaco this season? Worst game ever right there actually tyler is adc but since he bought sp items ... Kapp wow they fking slapped them real hard @Nightblue3 caps is so short LOL tyler flames moe KEKW @Nightblue3 Ivern ADC is why you lose games hello noob hello kid @Nightblue3 do you feel you would play a lot better if you had lower ping? @nightblue3 any gold tips @Nightblue3 you have to play with teams that choose Ivern ADC lol I'm still very grateful for the gifted sub btw! Thank you if you're still out there! Channel your inner Apocalypse @Nightblue3 are you good at wow classic NA Is the only Hope Kappa wenk just like he failed Kappa now trying to stream for a career from the start is the way to fail Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa nb3 loves a challenge @Nightblue3 are you having fun right now ? :) @Nightblue3 even if u show bobs you gonna fail? KEKW noob let him know Kappa !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at wenk INTeresting Kapp @Nightblue3 im losing LP from watching lia play ahri LULW rip NA... again Yooooooooooothe all star was fucking hilarious KEKW Interesting Fiesta PogChamp noob again Hi @Nightblue3 2minutes still level 1 LULW here na again clown fiesta KEKW went from bronze 3 to silver 2 in two days using shaco support and ignoring my team, any chance of a shaco jung game today? I fought a Fiora the other day and she was crazy strong. Like... I'mma ban her from here on out strong! classic I'm going to go to D 2 watching this garbage 0/2 in 2 minutes KEKW Remember when Rabia didn't have a facecam? yes Why does no one play fizz in competitive he’s so fkin broken @nightblue3 That's why they didn't have a NA vs NA showmatch KEKW fun hobby career SeemsGood LUL Remember when streamers weren't focused by trolls Keepo they knew you started late cause you were watching allstars? work lel beats having a office job i'll tell you what Tyler trolled because they banned his champs league makes you want to int in real life I like my office job - better than my shop job It needs to be organical trying to get more money KEKW they went ivern rengar bot Dont believe in ur roomm8 tyler off heimerdinger = joke KEKW they wanted the ivern isn't streaming YOUR CAREER @Nightblue3 Scared of the competition? banned yasuo, draven, xayah, heimerdinger, and tristana Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 im trying to do it for fun but its not vary fun alone im just happy i got plat 4 in one year exiled__hunter just cheered 300 bits PogYou reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! song? :) Streaming isn't a proven career path. It's still in 'fad' stage. If it phases out and you have no alternative, enjoy your mcDonalds career @nightblue3 Your bronze to challenger series (you explaining and teaching jungle) is why i started and kept watching you Now Tyler is saying he carried this is gold HahaThink RalpherZ yo NB3 have u played wukong recently? @Nightblue3 what did the old dragons do? Ive forgotten Do you have English only? na picked no range and got nuked from orbit 5Head tell people not to stream = more views nice try nb3 I pack envelopes eight hours a day, would rather be playing league! XD AGREEE true LULW @nightblue3 no tiamat? studiobiziko subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing studiobiziko! PogYou wukong for trash studiobiziko has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Olaf is so broken rn its stupidd @Nightblue3 how do you triple q? @Nightblue3 Mixer even features small streamers hei, man. great jg @nightblue3 Your bronze to challenger series (you explaining and teaching jungle) is why i started and kept watching you. u wont host ur roomate ? @Nightblue3 did you know that 15 viewers stream consider as top 1% of twitch Kappa Kapp Kappa Kapp Boobs Kappa !runes like top 50 Kappa CRAB RAVE @nightblue3 honestly tho as a starting streamer i have been streaming non stop and ive only had maybe 3 people max on my channel and everyone is silent how do i overcome it? Kappa Kappa Kappa @Nightblue3 too bad youtube came out too late with the streaming function MiniK how old are you ? You cant get challenger anymore LUL D: WAS bout time. lol keyword WAS 25 bro, time to retire nuuuuu PepeHands yeah rusttt @nightblue3 Your bronze to challenger series (you explaining and teaching jungle) is why i started and kept watching you Yea @Nightblue3 Pull a Dyrus @Nightblue3 how do you triple q? People got good fck Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa rust music camer out this week lol i would watch NB3 play Rust XD league go pro way @Nightblue3 rust stream later? kumaPls PLAY RUST AND REST ITS BECAUSE YOU MOVED TO LA hang out with Trick2g in the retirement home If you think about it they nerfed all of your best champions.. khazix wukong elise vi Hell yeah old man LULW league 4 ever! good old days PepeHands hell NB3 Rust server would be fun as hell KEKW xDDD LOL XD KEKW LULW pog 🦀🦀🦀🦀 0/3/1 Lol unlucky LOL LOLWWWW xd KEKW HAHAHA KEKW OLD MAN KEKW 100% WASHED wenk KEKW JG KEKW yikes NA won the loser plase KEKW HAHAHAHA LUL boomer KEKW @Nightblue3 have you watched welyn rust videos yet? KEKW e2 Kappa LOL ???? OK KEKW cover map dude LUL LUL LUL I ACTUALLY SHIT MY PANTS LAUGHING so.. oldman nb3 LEOEW Loool they got good for real PogChamp @nightblue3 top 50 btw solo'd by Gromp WeirdChamp @nightblue3 What season did u start ? Senna ult it too strong I like seeing map they probably duoing i thought gromp was going to kill you at first lol 🦀 no map cop? i can see your thought process you are not focused Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance U SO MAD its preaseason who cares @Nightblue3 OWEN 3 Retiredblue3 KEKW shaco game tonight? KEKW @nightblue3 song?? @nightblue3 Your bronze to challenger series (you explaining and teaching jungle) is why i started and kept watching you makes Ezreal ult look like a leaky faucet. Senna ult it blast from a pressure washer! how did you find out about the game? @Nightblue3 LULW @nightblue3 how tf havent you get tired of this game KEKW @nightblue3 how did yoy overcome not having anyone to chat to while you streamed in the beginning? thats the issue im running into and it just demoralizes me oh no jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW jasonrKEKW ? LUL LUL ??? @Nightblue3 rust stream later? KEKW omg so tilt LUL sooooo tilt LUL AHHAHHAHAHA quit gaming and wanna die no onereally cares nb3 LOL yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikessssss LUL MONKEY we lost ff nice chase lol To be continued Rank 1 btw i see you ff 0/4 LULW PEPEJAM 041 good joke ok boomer Kappa F DUMB NOOB @viossom imagine saying the same thing 5 times for attention WeirdChamp so tilting MingLee MingLee MingLee master troller ok boomer lets play rust @Nightblue3 and he wonders why he is stuck 300 KEKW Stop inting wtfff did you hit challenger before the end of the season? NIGHT BOOMER 3 FCKED DUDE GO RUST fizz 1hp LULW nb3Chimp ok boomer TRUEEE feels bad man become a smite streamer iron plays @Nightblue3 almost to the 0/5 powerspike I start watching nb in 2014 when he used to one-shot everyone on AP Rengar rust poor nightblue ;w; play sims why so nooooooob thaaaaats a tilter folks so sad bro !gamble 50 Omega boomer @Nightblue3 the no viewers arc? Lets play some rust clash of clans nightblue redemption arc Jebaited ark was hella lit NA IS LOSING IN ALL STAR WOOD PLAYER Tft!!!!! this game its over bro nah, you been playing too much Rust, now you getting Rusty! gotta change up your playstyle. you always do the same shit. nothing is as fun as league tho kolean AYAYA "I dOnT iNT" Rust!!!! nb try age 2 definitive edition @nightblue3 Your bronze to challenger series (you explaining and teaching jungle) is why i started and kept watching you try wukong itll be way more fun paper division i just came here "time for diffirent game" im out cya Kappa :( MOE INTED IN HIS GAME 0-4 in 9 mins KEKW All star game blew balls 041? FORTNITE @nightblue3 playlist?? Where are u playing the songs from? mom stpagetty staners Kappa DOTA2 is coming AW COME ON THE COOL RENGER SKIN @Nightblue3 rust stream later? NIGHTBLUE YOU ARE THE BEST Y no all stars? Stan is good af did you hit challenger before the end of the season? The problem is you dont have fun anymore @viossom same thing 6 times for attention WeirdChamp WOOD PLAYER NEED THIS VIDEO try paladins. its kinda like mobas but your rewarded for skill level. + its not owned by blizzard stan is a bop MINECRAFT? @viossom I agree with you DIE holy shit he's getting ghosted so hard HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA NB3 041? iam sorry bro, iam go watching fornire too smart but you still died JG DIF Cheer1000 dont quit i look up to you as a jungle main myself i basically 1 trick eve tho exiled__hunter just cheered 1000 bits PogYou ghosted so hard lmfao reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! ghosters WE DON'T WATCHING NIGHTBLUE CUZ OF LEAGUE WE LOVE YOU MATER WHAT BRO EVEN OF YOU JUST WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS STEARM WE'LL STILL LOVE YOU BRO!! called it and did nothing gettin vibe checked cover your map ffs xD ghosting in preseason HahaThisisfine @Nightblue3 looks like a snipe the dude has twitch in his name and he is ghosting haha rust is kinda boring to watch because you always have to start all over again every time ResidentSleeper Thanks for the HahaSnowhal @exiled__hunter watch team not ff at 15 051... say hi in the chat Fizz?? @nightblue3 didint know u were paper4 0-5 10 mins KEKW nb3 play age 2 fizz totally ghost him whats the song name Thanks for the HahaNutcracker @exiled__hunter ghoster TRUE Me: *Get's gifted sub* NB3: I'mna quit league! kekw Dance u need back play fortnite if u stop playing LOL who will be the best jungler @Nightblue3 Just vibechecked you homeboy is the most passive aggressive tilter IMO OLD MAN TRYING TO GET RANK 1 SOLO QUE KEKW did you hit challenger before the end of the season? PauseChamp @CandyVoice watch for streamer not for game wish i got a gifted sub kekw HahaSnowhal HahaSnowhal hide the map brother I was there the first time you quit league Kappa omg lol scripting im cumming bro @nightblue3 Not being tilted after 0 5 is a bad sign !followagew !followage @ruzzell, ruzzell has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 24 days 18 hours i see some damn ghosting here... like that moment fizz risked passing trough tower with 100hp when nb camed from the other side with red trinket on... @nightblue3 how did yoy overcome not having anyone to chat to while you streamed in the beginning? thats the issue im running into and it just demoralizes me. any tips would be amazing plz no ignore kapa. LUL lol LOL LOLOLOL he came for sure KEKW LUL ghosted?? !followage LUL @bmthton, bmthton has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 9 months 15 days 13 hours LOL LUL KEKW hahaha rip KEKW OLD MAN MECHANICS fizz fkin fanboy ff hmmmmm ghosting this guy is a money! ghosting? KEKW !uptime @LoLVlady, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 2 mins sniper PogChamp MingLee MingLee KEKw A I D S he is sniping KEKW Lol#L A I D S Song? Lol horrible again lol Trueee hye fizz CoolCat Another L for NA... what do you think @nightblue3 Excuses KEEEVHD subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEEEVHD has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing KEEEVHD! PogYou @Nightblue3 idk what fun it is to snipe streamer. even tho its fkn preseason reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 just stream on facebook so that way no one watches your stream some people like mental torture @Nightblue3 is stream sniping reportable in LoL? His ghost I think its ok i watch ur stram to see you @Nightblue3 rust stream later? hjlhl why are not in all stars did you hit challenger before the end of season? @Nightblue3 alt f4 and rust in Pog your brain has delay today oh nice when stream snipers think theyre cool fgkniuloilupolu4 I GUESS YOU COULD SAY YOURE GETTING A LITTLE RUSTY KappaHD FortOne he is sniping you cmonBruh getting sniped so hard banned @eraj101 obvio sniping u kzg I feel like rengar sucks right now and loses nearly all jungle matchups lol Wth 0/6? Twitch chat wth happened XD WHAT A GAY BOI STREAM SNIPING IN 2020 ALMOST!!! whata fkn tryhard maybe fizz just has a good gaming chair hello fizz HeyGuys totally not sniping KEKW noob this is rough. sorry for the tough game, bro. fizz 0 ghosting 100%legit fortune teller xd not possibly its 100% @Nightblue3 hi fizzler Why does he make it so obvious @nightblue3 where are u playing the songs from? i am sorry but you are getting sniped so hard yo who ever the fizz is, your trash and your mom hates you I just drank a fifth of vodka dare me to drive? @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 hes doing it for attention FeelsWeirdMan :D Stop feeding nb its fine. Fizz if you can read type 123 in Chat Jebaited Not being mad after 0 6 is a bad sign @eraj101 fried put on a map cover at least brother nah hes 100% ghosting lol sniping too? OMEGLUL hey NB3 I hope you know i ripped all your pictures off the wall @eraj101 be safe! danSad KEKW @eraj101 Boy you ain’t even got a car cover map man ghosting this fizz jfc 1'00 % sniped NA lost bc you didn't jg for them Snipe confirmed 100% KEKW @hashinshin_dont_ban_me I drive a 99 civic @hashinshin_dont_ban_me trueeee OCEAN MAP ON RENGAR POG !followage @Blooe_, blooe_ has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 7 months 11 days 10 hours just delay and cover map = instant gg sniperino fizzerino why ur not at the all star :(? @Nightblue3 rengar mechanics lets go min 14 lvl 6 wtf ocean soul PogU i feel like they should keep urf, itd make the game a lot more fun @eraj101 I drive a r33 gtst s2 Australia master race !followage @lebaws, lebaws has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 8 days 10 hours great Rengar game man KEKW 0-7 now KEKW zero bonetooth stacks PepeLaugh KEKW predicting the future 0/7 now LUL NOW 0-7 inting KEKW @Nightblue3 NA without you lost to EU in allstar LUL 0-7 predicted KEKW man 0/7 LULW he predicted his score hardstuck @nightblue3 how did yoy overcome not having anyone to chat to while you streamed in the beginning? thats the issue im running into and it just demoralizes me Boomer pathing noob what is happening to the rengar main NB# NA LOST KEKW what @Nightblue3 nah you could see the 0/7 comming LUL hmm Hey man you wanna come over? @Nightblue3 shitty game we're havin fun Kappa @hashinshin_dont_ban_me race me kid meet in in nyc CH OMEGALUL rust? 0/7 KEKW almost at 10 death powerspike dont wrry its just a bad game I understand you've been playing this game for a long time imagine having fun in league LUL Jg diff Kappa worst than nubrac true LULW play 4fun junglers. itll be fun cons of streaming. rust pog 30sec ff are you playing clash ? I NEED A DUOOOOO ff imagine getting less view then eltruco early rust x9 jg Kappa CANT WINT S 10 NO DUOOOOOO worst than nubrac stop making out with your cats @nightblue3 u gave them herpes delusional x9 jg KEKW yeah, you already lose viewers naturally switching from your main game, restarting stream isnt a biggie if ur gonna get sniped like this @Nightblue3 9x JG we'll win pepega Donnydarkops subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Thank you for subscribing Donnydarkops for 9 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! rust stream @Nightblue3 you still think umbral glave OP? watch someone call for vote at 19:50 KEKW Play ARAM Someone want to let this guy know that everyone has bad games? Honestly your league streams have been fucked since you first decided to switch to fortnite @Nightblue3. No offense Imagine ghosting in preseason LUL just got here wtf happened PrideCheers KEKW CHO KEKW sweaty players PrideCheers PrideCheers PrideCheers PrideCheers @macer_780 stream snipers nb3 is feeding KEKW @mcfluffykinns I disagree he’s good at fortnite and good at league Umbrella glave is absolutley broken probobly the cho thats flaming you I want to see NB3 play a weeb dating sim. whoooweeeee Not saying he's bad @eraj101 @Nightblue3 if u wanna stream variety, play on diamond account that day at least u didnt die @CandyVoice wait for the Annie game play Same :) im mr. poopiepants @Nightblue3 watch someone call for vote at 19:50 KEKW AP RENGAR Why 0/7 ? @Nightblue3 did you try kindred yet in this patch? nb3Mad lol. 0/7 Minions fault ? Vision control is fucking disgusting with that thing yo fuck cho 007 KAppa So this is grandmaster Lol Redchill73 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months! Mental booming from finals, you malding makes me feel better, thank you daddy Thank you for subscribing Redchill73 for 48 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! every elo is the same shit AP RENGAR TIME @Nightblue3 Switch to AP Yo i've just arrived why is he feeding as Always ? @Nightblue3 iS IT Time for Rust yet? LUL Thanks fotyr the HahaHide @redchill73 just walk up to them @hiip0wer he's getting stream sniped I guess fk it Imagine not being invited to All Stars KEKW are we moving to rust after this one? @Nightblue3 opened the stream and you are 0/7 classic hehe !uptime @ruzzell, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 8 mins omg its a trap KEKW players like this cho gath need to you know "sneak up on him" best boomer gameplay so far Kappa what makes it worse is that his teamates are flaming That rengar has not 1 itme league is in a cancerous balance state at it's finest nightblue3 is just showing us how most players play the game hes not actually feeding @Nightblue3 KEKW xDDD wait till 20 why would u early vote never surrender LUL I'm the Lee :) lol he lost it Kappa no point in 15 mins they r too dumb till 20 now upi jave to wait olonggsdf bet you its lucian!!!! Kappa Kappa WINNABLE poor guy, he's so miserable right now Kappa Kappa Kappa first time rengar Kappa @nightblue3 winnable! Get vision ctrl and look for picks! just go afk and play rust who you guys think is the hopeful?? 1st time btw Kappa they didnt even change its hp Only in NA would people actually not ff and move on @nightblue3 how did yoy overcome not having anyone to chat to while you streamed in the beginning? thats the issue im running into and it just demoralizes me sheeeeeeet loading up rust @Nightblue3 YESS RUST TIME!! @Nightblue3 been following you for years and love ya.. but man youve never had consistent success on rengar lol give him up!!! nooooooo n[oooo rust making you rusty no AP rengar? YESSIR nooooooooooooo YASSS LETS GET IT Pog smurf smurf it !opgg ebola try it Wou u actually said that lol @nightblue3 will you play Minecraft? I'd like to see some smurf action :3 smurf it smurf some fun builds PogChamp !playlist 0/7 KEKW why cant you just restart the stream with delay so it's not even HIV, it's full blown AIDS? !points @Thezo0keeper, Thezo0keeper has 10430 points and is rank 807/3218006 on the leaderboard. Do you think league should have a streamer mode where they dont show your username in game just got my smurf to lvl 30 if you want it fizz KEKW try an unranked to maybe grandmaster ? @Nightblue3 SURRENDER NOW !!!! @nightblue3 you can have my level 45 bronze 3 account !points @eraj101, eraj101 has 6290 points and is rank 2362/3218006 on the leaderboard. why no delay? play with like 30 second delay? How did u end up 0/7 lol ? ? !gamble 100 ? ? no DELAY OR BUST !gamble100 @Nightblue3 are we playing Rust soon ? !gamble all NB3 poppa smurf KEKW LUL LUL got him bois Kappa KEKW NO YOU DIDNT insane dmg yikes because you lose viewers good try ? Who he playjngg xd @nightblue3 how did yoy overcome not having anyone to chat to while you streamed in the beginning? thats the issue im running into and it just demoralizes me 0/8/2 KEKW LULW @nightblue3 change that category brotha cosplaying yasuo this is gg @nightblue3 League aka depression cass death sound monkaW dude @amwarrior99 zed !elo KEKW makes no sense Kappa Kappa lol Thanks fucking snipers man @crypticsgraveyard I’ll watch ur stream bro if youre not ugly nb3H play yi pepeJAM hide from camera lol Waaaait @nightblue3 play zed jgl he OWN @CrypticsGraveYard you gotta just talk to yourself narrorate what your doing DMC soundtrack pepeJAMJAM PLAY YI CHANGE THAT cATegORY BROTHA \ DMC5! Unfortunate getting ghosted. Rust will cool you off oof very good boomer gameplay @bic3ps93 Ok LoL @Nightblue3 KEKW <- you as Rengar league this game is dead anyway so just nevermind well he did get ghosted so duo rust ----------change-------------- yi yi @Nightblue3 u should change music yo play that other game thing I don't watch NB3 just to be entertained, but also educated. I luv 2 lern! @Nightblue3 lul same duo now rust? @Nightblue3 whats up with all the late night streams lately? play with just like a 30 second delay @nightblue3 duooo rust now ------------change---------------The----------------category!!! hey nightblue love your vvideos @Nightblue3 why not get rank 1 then just smurf @eraj101 i dont use a facecam due to living situation sadly i just try and talk and have fun with games good wall paper PepeHands !uptime um how do you go 0/8 on regar XD dont people ghost on stream all the time lol relax bro, its just a bad game c: dont farm in rust, use stone farm dead body for bones make bone knife and farm naked @Nightblue3 i checked his videos too hes pretty trash shitty wallpaper the lee was sniping too I was fizz :) DO IT KEKW hamze love you nightblue kekw FLAME HIM KEKW cheer up brotha wait wtf scooby doo scum fizz smurf? fuck league 1 game is enough league Kappa poki is african fuckk this guy smurffffffff lol go rust bro LUL 1 game... ill flame him for u FeelsBadMan fuckk him !uptime @Nightblue3 do like an unranked to grandmaster or something HAHAHAHA @StraightDave, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 14 mins smurrfff widepeepoSad !uptime patiently waiting for that category to begin with an R @Nightblue3 let me flame some more : EU > NA KEKW maybe you just need a break from league do what you want :) bro @Nightblue3 just do what you have fun doing ! smurff gogogo rust just restart the stream and suffer hit viewership hit for rust. if ppl dont want to watch theyll leave anyway lol smurfing is ass RUSt PLAY WITH LIA KEKW smurrff rust poggers go tuey why not,smurf is fun everyone needs to chant smurf Kappa POG play another game duo rust @Nightblue3 RUST ITTT PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar Play RUST yes PauseChamp ? leaked play rust FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty FBChallenge FBPenalty @nightblue3 Do what u have fun with One more game @nightblue3 Just a little sadness for the stonks bro PauseChamp another shit game? Lee Sin? ur not really you're not bad, dude tbh ask chat to see if u r bad Keepo I'm actually sad for this guy, :( ghosters you are Play runescape I mean, not quite on Tarzaned level, but definitely not bad nightnooooob3 GivePLZ GivePLZ HI NIGHTBLU3 !uptime @highpaladinttv, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 15 mins Ur really good, they are bad for having to ghost to win @nightblue3 go next irl ur great man dont let anyone tell u different goin to bed, goodnight to my favorite streamer, next to boxbox @Nightblue3 yeah streaming and playing ranked is hard especially in Higher Elo where players use everything against you , thats when you learn how to improve true LULW random ward Kappa Hello Nb3 she recalled @Nightblue3 I think that's a reasonable ward to place when resetting lane i would be salty af at that bot lane sge warded and recalled they could be just checking it legit drag checking actually Lee Sin game? shyv always gonna early drag KEKW seemed pretty legitr is nasus jungle viable with the +12 from large mobs? play a weeby dating sim? :3 copeaz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! just put up a map cover ? @Nightblue3 Thank you for subscribing copeaz for 10 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! enemy lane not there its a good time to check totally legit tommy309 tommy309 tommy309 y would she control ward if it was just drake chcking check rengar game never seen anyone check on random with pink !Uptime UNANKED TO MASTERS PLEASE @celesteecakess, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 17 mins @Nightblue3 why aren't u at the all-star event? @nightblue3 Leona did ping though Remember up I rustin it up Kappa POGGERS YAA II QOSLA KEKW tommy309 tommy309 @Nightblue3 u can do like a unranked to challenger !uptime @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 17 mins Remember it is tougher for you since u don’t main a champ dont farm in rust do as i told its faster !uptime @questionthegamer, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 18 mins time to leave. best 5 min of my life tommy309 tommy309 tommy309 tommy309 yo it happens man everyone has bad games hopefully you feel the groove again eventually yo can you play with someone this time ??? @nightblue3 dude I'm silver and the only reason I'm hard stuck is bad teammates what is your advice !followage @shinagonnnn, shinagonnnn has been following nightblue3 for 10 months 10 days 22 hours @nightblue3 rust is the way to go. who cares abt stream snipers . just kill the forehead why aren't u at the all-star event? rust got an LUL !watchtime lol LUL bad teammates Kappa just play better4Head found you @nightblue3 its not about your teammates even tho its a team game brother stop blaming teammates maybe nb3 = boomer get yourself banned permanently and quit league @Nightblue3 End of last season you said it's important to help your team keep a good mental Kappa Kappa @Nightblue3 fave yt channel? jk hahaha you went 0 why no play with QQ how long the stream is going to be? Play olaf jg some on tell me if u can't carry noobs in ur game so u don't deserve better rank , give me some true some on tell me if u can't carry noobs in ur game so u don't deserve better rank , give me some true. some on tell me if u can't carry noobs in ur game so u don't deserve better rank , give me some true you NB3 lets duo bro Does nb3 read chat if so say Hi big D just had my sup abandon bot lane and go mid all game long because he died at level 2 and i misplayed and didn't heal them. feels bad getting flamed for not being able to do anything bot when i'm there alone hard suck bronze lol Leona did ping in the game though btw @nightblue3 Are you gonna play league later? :) @nightblue3 i met a challenger player who inted a silver game kekw NB3 lets duo rust bro did you not hit challenger? smurf today was BP wipe yea nb3ND5 Use my account i mean play with lia he doesnt read chat 😉 i go like 10/4 AT LEAST everytime and i cant seem to plat 2 btw change the name of your main idk maybe dou with some friends make it more fun @Nightblue3 play with lia it's preseason, why does anybody care? Now's the time to experiment! @nightblue3 kill billy! 😆 yeah wtf man read the chat you can use my bronze account lol tyrone Pog let viewers decide what to do Kappa yo where is the habibi guy yo Do the pokemon challenge no yesss do the pokemon challange @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 do that Pokémon Challenge like Redmercy that would be cool Do trynda ez play off meta jg champions @Nightblue3 how about doing like a minute or two delay? true @Nightblue3 lets duo Rust bro!! pvp is very friendly and social Kappa do the pokemon series that others doin @nightblue3 when does the preseason end and season actually starts? do some like secret op shit what is the "pokemon challenge"? LUL Pretend to be an Iron and hire a coach! it's awesome dude no more tyrone ? widepeepoSad fun new idea carry me to challenger Unranked to diamond 1 @NB3 would you ever consider spectating a Sub War? play TFT Shaco jungle? @Nightblue3 do a-z challenge in jg do something like what shiphtur did. he played every champion in alphabetical order in mid lane win a game with every champ focus on ghosting after in game ofc play unranked to challenger without hands you better give the pokemon challange a try that red is doing Play clash ?? i would be A-Z ! some on tell me if u can't carry noobs in ur game so u don't deserve better rank , give me some true do you know if fizz jungle is still good? i would sub to do it Just go with Teemo/Nasus jungle :D o YES no Pick 5 champs and can’t die with them lol its where you have a limited champion pool and you try to climb and if you lose on a champion you cant play that champ again until you promote @nightblue3 How does it feel to invest too much time into a game then not have fun in the end @Nightblue3 remember the bronze to diamond 5v5 team you did which was awesome? ill be down Aim is the get the highest possible rank @nightblue3 play unranked to challenger without hands @Nightblue3 play every jungler until you win 3 games each, you cant move on till you get the three wins hel yeah he only reads non stupid comments I'd love that! @nightblue3 A-Z Jungle @Nightblue3 Pick 6 champions and climb Unrank to Masters with them, watch Red's video Syndra jg? no YES PLEASE YOURE SHOWING MAP!!!!! sub war too ez would wipe everyone here Keepo BROOOOOOOOOO monkaW YES @Skrullios Xe Play with one hand Do some tutorials @nightblue3 hey cant you report those ghosters?? Maybe fill to challenger? @nightblue3 boring personality unlike trick trick2g vs nb3 subs new server? YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS If you die with a champ ur not allowed to use that champ until rank up havent you done that before? Like 3 three years ago? ีYESSS monkaS FREE PIG ipavREE maybe not now because it is mid night where i live @nightblue3 cant you report those ghosters? lol KEKW @Nightblue3 how about a-z challenge in jg on new account? I wasn't here for Rust. I was here to see Nightblue3 get his ass whopped third person mode? Productive comments are more attractive people have guns in an hour lol Loot pigs !points @Gnax96, Gnax96 has 8060 points and is rank 1420/3218039 on the leaderboard. why FPM @nightblue3 A-Z Jungle PRETEND TO BE AN IRON OR BRONZE AND HIRE A COACH is Rust something like 7 Days to Die?? In League Of Legends, but this might be fun too to watch him suffer take a vaycay duo with lia @nightblue3 still afraid of sea food 😂😂💔 whatever you have fun doing !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute take a vacation from ur main @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Host a rust community server and allows subs to play on it bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! h you should play minecraft :) @arionPD shes silver or gold kekw @Nightblue3 Do you like Rust or Ark better? !poitns Points !points @itzyasuke, itzyasuke has 17163 points and is rank 257/3218039 on the leaderboard. climb offstream on main its better. @nightblue3 i mean hes gonna smurf anyway @Elderfeather1 Holy nb is on rust @Nightblue3 sup man Kappa check !game We're playing League on our main account nb3OMG @hopeter008 -> nightblue3 is playing Rust this game looks like Fallout - but the bombs just recently fell LUL dota or league Nightblue whats your favorite seafood? what happends if he allow people to come in server? @NB3 Consider the Sub War thing, I think it'd be a fun way for you to interact with your fans. @nightblue3 Do A-Z in Jungle and try to win Cheer4000 cpoppa4200 just cheered 4000 bits PogYou reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 I bet chat would love to see You playing Horror games ;) nightblue can you tell me why silver people suck? Also it's pre season no one serious Thanks for the HahaNutcracker @cpoppa4200 ☹ HahaThink HahaPresent HahaNutcracker HahaHide Haha2020 @Lenox013 You're not that far off. cpoppa Kreygasm hehe wanna get surprised >:) @cp ♡ the server he's playing already wipe ? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Cpoppa!!! imma kms real quick steal billy @nightblue3 like actually try different stuff Kappa you should try naut mid BULD A TRAP BASE @Nightblue3 write a-z jg challenge CiGrip Didn't that guy killl you the other day?? Danyelle Lol BUILD A TRAP BASE @Nightblue3 where is all of the grass/ @Nightblue3 try path of exile NB you play lol? yeah Pog spawn Yep OOF @nightblue3 I think it’s about time you start up that premium Snapchat if you need content ideas u own that island now xD @nightblue3 Dude you’re missing the all starts What server @nightblue3 host a community server @Nightblue3 and invite subs!! host a community server @Nightblue3 and invite subs!! host a community server @Nightblue3 and invite subs!! Hey play league you are playing on a barren server which means theres no grass live by landmarks same server? PogChamp10000 its the season of giving my guy, gl with ur rust adventure cpoppa4200 just cheered 10000 bits PogYou where the fuck are the trees? hey nightblue i have a question did you have think you get the much views on twith before reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 150 others in Chat! yo.. yassuo and tyler just lost in all star xD Pog hey @Nightblue3 keep your head up man, don't give up on league you good dude it's like South Dakota without the meth wow Thanks for the HahaElf @cpoppa4200 w8ing for a cracksound from an headshot Ded server? then a gain he does have a giant rock... Pog @Nightblue3 Do you think you can post some of your rust gameplay on youtube from the late night. I would really love to see them? Pog HahaGingercat hopefully it cheers u up anytime my guy i am حد عربي هنا ؟ PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Nightblue is it tru u used to work at a subway KEKW shoot a 10 for a pizza bro ايوا 😂😂 In dearborn and he only a 2 month sub @bilal_basha NO honestly do the pokemon challenge I am sure u will like it wow ام هير that put a smile on NB3 some meta challenging stuff? get that duo jg back up Ded server??? hey @nightblue3 Pretend to be an Iron and use a voice changer and hire a coach that will be funny as hell يا هلااا what server are you on i wanna stream snipe and scream the gamer word kelo khara fast food jobs are the worse you look better when smilling I love it when you call me c poppa, throw your hands in the ayer if you's a tru playa. ooof thats normal subway inside Walmart? oof I used to be a sandwich artist myself true @Nightblue3 Why don't you play Rust with GIno? @nightblue3 Isn't league a shitty job too can you tell us a subway story :) @Nightblue3 TRUE please @Nightblue3 Is it time for tyrone3 comeback? Pog Yikes, arent u from dearborn? cretures i wrk at subway xd and now i work for Walmart Pog rtx on Idk another streamer whos from there told me league makes me want to int irl @dabs503 I love subway got 2 footlongs today its important that everyone experiences these kind of low wage jobs especially in teens, helps growth that map is bugged share an experience you got with those "creatures" nb pls @cpoppa4200 put a smile on the guy dude I work in an envelope factory, I wanna kermit everyday. NB3 vids are one of my crutches for survival! whiped Man come on Give us some league of lemons What if you and lia did a duo league thing during preseason I would have walked into subway seen your hair. turn around and walk the fuck out you should not get wet before night :O Tbh NB3 vids editing is just insane wiped* How many people playing? Also wipe just happened recently nightblue whats the craziest thing that has happen to you before repair shoes KEKW Valeu pelo emote HahaGingercat, @cpoppa4200 make envelopes make them.... @Nightblue3 Is it time for tyrone3 comeback? Pog KEKW HahaGingercat HahaGingercat HahaGingercat pack envelopes that come out of a machine.... stand for 8 hours putting envelopes in boxes those sandwiches you made most have been horrible i remember the arks days :) every server is basically full since the wipe happened overall lol you guys should get better jobs 4Head and putting them boxes in other boxes @Nightblue3 debut tyrone3 pls that contetn is dope @Nightblue3 i worked at a call center for a telecommunication compagny, its stressfull as fk im unemployed :) @Nightblue3 Rabia may i suggest a game ? :) Nb3 is a goon 5Head 5head If you want to hide then don’t show map gives it away sending evelopes is called apost office i worked in a factory once. Very boring for sure !uptime 6 6 4 bmt @patrk93, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 31 mins nightblue hi i work on and adult hotline im a professional envelope licker Pepega he will if you get to close I smuggle children across the border can I call you @elderfeather1 wait is there a rust campaign? theyre passive-agressive billyyy! he will if get too close lmao the machine that makes the envelopes is about 90 years old. KEKW KEKW pepega KEKW @soopertim nope nightdead3_ rekt @Nightblue3 those crates respawn after a while Dont trust no one in rust lol xD you deserve this lol KEKWWWW they be shooting at you Hit the barrels with the rock to break them and get items is this game for real nightblue To take your stuff. Can't trust anyone in Rust @sheamander22 there's NPCs? or moddded or? rock is a weapon what server? this streamer is look very nerd :/ don't be awkward next time who you calling buddy naked animal! trust no one on rust @nightblue3 @nightblue3 Can u explain this game I don't understand @Nightblue3 What kinda mutant human are you playing? Just tanked like 5 bullets completely naked LUL kill nightblue3 is this game for free thIS GAME IS MINECRAFT WITH GUNS no no KEKW true No CoolStoryBob @Nightblue3 pretend to be an Iron player then hire a coach and troll him and use a voice changer nightblue3 you are starving Minecraft? PogU ? RUST PogU @Nightblue3 you are lover hyping it sjust minecraft with guns de nada loco @brettgentry spamming cringe is unironically cringe yo where are the trees !uptime @UbeKraken, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 34 mins nb3Bad GONNA STARVE plays weeb dating sims @BrettGentry hes roasting u gonna take that GONNA STARVE TO DEATH nightblue3 are you mexican? im just wondering @BrettGentry WeirdChamp @nightblue3 Trying to not interact to anybody is a daily life stuff dude LUL looool LUL put on the spotlight LUL @nightblue3 eaaaaat @brettgentry WeirdChamp your about to die lol NIGHTCRINGE3 @Nightblue3 Rabia may i suggest a game ? :) @BrettGentry WeirdChamp @BrettGentry WeirdChamp @BrettGentry WeirdChamp @BrettGentry WeirdChamp @BrettGentry WeirdChamp 3HP.... slowly dying... why are you calling anything cringe 3 starving nightstarve3 !uptime @kev_hdz, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 35 mins ok i will say this one, if u dont read it then fk it... rust have 2 kind of player " Killers" and " farmers" if u farm then killers will kill you.. SO stop farm find dead bodys collect bones make bone knife and look for farmers... BE the killers GONNA STARVE GONNA STARVE TO DEATH @BrettGentry Quiet simp ! punch trees get wood F Kappa rip KEKW D: oof LULW F D: rip in 3... KEKW POG Whoa 1 HP 0 yea 0 YES yes yes yessir idiot Kappa stupid lul Kappa LUL forever yea F F @Nightblue3 Nah, don't go after his life like that man, LUL f nightdead3 AYE RUST ITS LIT 10 min !discord Join our Discord Server nb3Tuturu BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 10 min @Nightblue3 You should play rust with Gino it will be easier @Nightblue3 Rabia may i suggest a game ? :) @Nightblue3 the forest > rust cant do it to him cheif @BrettGentry i wanna see @Nightblue3 I bet LUL WeirdChamp WeirdChamp ion “got roasted by nb3 19:36 MT Time 05/12/19” pls show the vid so i can cringe 1ur a strem wow fuck ur STREAM PogU ? Yes , 2h in vanilla play lol riged RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST UR RUST FRIEND ? PogU ? hemp VapeNation 420 Rngpog smoke weed errday up the brightness on the game? <3 <3 can t see jack sht !uptime @BambisLover, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 37 mins Hope your well bro, Cheers from Toronto “got roasted by nb3 19:36 MT Time 05/12/19” What's the goal hahahaahhaa everytime he opens inventory i die of laugther, cuz the characters body melts in with his camera. LMFAO hahahaahahaaa @nightblue3 do u have any merch? LULW dude... can you imagine walking into the woods and finding your own naked dead body? creepy! nightblue3 why are you playing this game? and why is it a realistic version of minecraft? nuhvidia No item skins lol Gama normies LULW MOON full moon full moon full moo. Fulll moon Gamma @Nightblue3 hav eu noticed how it looks when u open ur inventory xD? melts in with ur cam xD moon just saw how the chat cam is aligned lul... depends where the moon is?' It is pitch black nice dong word that makes sense... my cum belongs inside ur mom @Nightblue3 you cant call urself veriety streamer if you only play 2 games LULW LOOOL ?? lol dude that's crazy cause I can't see anything in rush at night even when I'm playing. rip eyes LMFAO LUL thats why I say nice dong @Nightblue3 your room is pitch black and there's a weird shadow moving behind you. please take care XD full body cam POGGERS penis on stream Pog PogU ? his real height SabaPing two skins colors in one guy KEKW @Nightblue3 You should play Rust with Gino it will be easier @Nightblue3 GOT A LONGGG DICCK KEKW why didn't you go at your house?? @BrettGentry Lmao i went to look at his vidoes on twitch bruh you're like the embodiment of cringe and you call people cringy you have some audacity lmao KEKW BrettGentry subscribed at Tier 1. BrettGentry has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing BrettGentry! PogYou yes Kappa reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! youre so autistic dude trust me I would know im cringing @ggmanegg where can we find it ded LUL Yes @Nightblue3 Why don't you and lia do a duo thing in preseason the hause you build yesterday? is this game for free ok im subbed now u guys have to be nice to me monkaW rust in 2019 LUL DrPro just click on his name on twitch lol Not worth monkaW hi @Nightblue3 “got roasted by nb3 19:36 MT Time 05/12/19” @Nightblue3 Helicopter dosnt shot u if u have 2 gears pieces on max, if u have more, he will shot u, and if u have bow etc. He doisnt shot u if u have lvl 1 tolls, but lvl 2 tools he will yap monkaW . monkaW prepare to like MEGA CRINGE LMAO monkaW FBI @BrettGentry your very existence is cringy it only shoots if you have more than 2 pieces cloths or a weapon better than a bow @Nightblue3 why is he hiding from the helipcopter? who's in it KEKW @Elderfeather1 bro ur making me cringe Ur fine @Elderfeather1 do u even watch rick and morty..... YO I gotta get to bed, those envelopes ain't gonna pack themselves.... Peace out y'all! Thanks again for the gifted sub! Don’t do it no Kappa TEAM UP DUDE U and ur wifeeuuuu should play togheter :D Bro just steal the helicopter?? DUO BETTER @BrettGentry season 4 episode 3 rn Just got water treatment LULW yolomanwilldie subscribed with Twitch Prime. yolomanwilldie has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing yolomanwilldie! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! monkaW anyone wanna do push up contest rn? @Nightblue3 do u read chat? if so say "Hi Big D-d-d..." THE FBI monkaW what is the deal with the choppers? u can stil use lvl 1 tools, nightblue. Just not lvl 2 :) play league im touching myself to ur stream rn no joke !uptime @reverendbilbo, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 41 mins send some of those hemp seeds my way, need to relax after watching your stream Kappa 5head lul it be like that sometimes its always like this Did you accidentally go to a 2x+ server? you dont have to take your weapons and tools off your bar @nightblue3 you just can't have them in your hands Youre in the north? it's really dark way more fun to watch u were just super unlucky that time onlinevolkan subscribed with Twitch Prime. onlinevolkan has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype it's just cause you have a rust friend now Thank you for subscribing onlinevolkan! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! they did update hey what server are you on? :) gross Kappa Watch out raids are super fun es now yes yrs FARMING SIMULATOR PogChamp yes yes 2x2 best climate change I know they improved the x marker system on trees so it doesnt let you not hit it crime no disadvantage yes PepeHands NO 2x2 is best RP PLAYER nooooooo 2×2 @Nightblue3 YEA, Perhaps wait till you are secured ? LUL YES 9 alot lots big = easy to pin out 3x3 is poo poo !followage @CoastalForecast, coastalforecast has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 10 months 25 days 10 hours 1 by 3 more than 1 5 tress MR_Maf1a subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 65 months! Happy Birthday Dad, Love you 😘 Thank you for subscribing MR_Maf1a for 65 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! itssli0161 almost 4 years <3 is this modded server? holy LUL nope vanilla why was it wiped? Thursday resets Pog whats the server? ;D hmmm You should ask coconutb if you can join his whitelist only server no stream snipers then :) 3x3 is 9 nightblue .. man u could of had AK by now you westing your time :D 3x3 is better for a group or a clan If everyone is fresh why do they have a helicopter wtf I wish we got a reset IRL too LULW find farmers kil them what is 3x3? start with a 2x2 with a airlock and just expand later !points @TaysonJ, TaysonJ has 3400 points and is rank 6973/3218079 on the leaderboard. BP wipes are HUGE damn how many hours you got on rust?? !followage @xXSTORMCRYXx, xxstormcryxx has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 17 days Find farmers and kill them not to mention hackers with gigantic bases @Nightblue3 do it 2x3 it will be soo good right now you are the farmer who is about to get kill :D @Nightblue3 start budiling befoer you die and lsoe everything damn 4 years baby KEKW xd PepeLaugh Kill him sounds like aq build a 2x2 with an airlock new server? qq airlock Too close to land mark MAKE IT LOWER TO THE GROUND @nightblue3 a post-apocalyptic time then the 1st thing people did was cut down trees. I mean okay Cant build close to small places, like gas station, train yard, etc @moldrnthemoldiest yes CHOPPER LULW Dont build in the sunlight keep your base hidden youre gonna get raided Lower you can have bow out @Nightblue3 Faster monkaW you wont get attacked for the stone PepeLaugh just dont wear more than 3 pieces of clothing and ur good LUL Kappa ? @Nightblue3 Lvl 1 tools wont make the helicopter shot you, lvl 2 tools does. You cant build close to things like gas station/train yards etc. And u can have 2 piece of gear on u when chopper comes, more will get u killed monkaW lmao KEKW LUL lol LULW KEKW KEKW too big why are you building here. its an empty field -10000k Wood LULW haahahahaha Dude 3x3 is wayy too big starter Build on flat and loser to the ground he is sooo dead :D dude only do a 2x2 its easier to defend Door? no no !points @TaysonJ, TaysonJ has 3420 points and is rank 6916/3218093 on the leaderboard. no nice 69 thats kinda inneficient Can i park my cock in ur house No Bro 3x3 you better farm like 10k stone wait he plays rust ???? yo POGGERS DOUBLE DOOR POGGERS HYPERS PogCHamp BIG LAUGHING FACE EMOJICON doot is backward this a "six consoles" kinda base PogU SPEED RUN Rabia is actually not terrible at rust trust NB3 on rust?!?? Well the pvp parts door is backward u bruh RUST???? right bed? tc is so scuffed lol show dong 3x3 is gonna kill your resources later @Nightblue3 make a door behind for safty man u start small so u dont get radied n u build ur way up how many hours do you have @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 no big is good bro dont build a small as one Rabia lives Big Kappa NB3 is way better at this than League i wanna be a princess no roof?? nb3Boosted nb3Boosted yesterday you said it's o to have 2v2 house he wants to live like a KING cause hes a LITTLE GUY, NAPOLEON COMPLEX LUL for crying out loud make a bone knife and go kill farmers u will have this done in 30min I want to live like a kings whore :) Make a Den for ur cat too Kappa In the future you should put TC in the middle and put walls around it. You right I respect it PVE? if not , you'll be raided wirh a house like that @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man LULW so inefficient, my ocd is dying and i cant play myself in order to fix it you become a king you aren't born one @nightblue3 start small and get better Napoleon wasn't even short D: yesssss He has finally learned how to play jungle Kill dog make bone knife Wowee @heshamkholef why tf would u use a bone knife? KKonaW the heck brother where are the dinos LULW @bluewool51 for the avg at the time He's Lord Farquaad LUL eat goo full hp\ @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man y reeea u Runningh @Bluewool51 he was 5'7" F coz bone kf kill stone holders fast @Nightblue3 horse or cow take ittt tilted and u can make it from the dead bodys Kappa ? Nafady1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! <3 Thank you for subscribing Nafady1 for 3 months! PogYou @bluewool51 lol go do some googling LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 stop running behind him go back XD what happened to yesterdays base? is then barren? rust let's go :D Thanks for the HahaBall @nafady1 yes\ wasting so much time lmao No monkey !uptime @Ismita, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 51 mins He either has a lot or nothing and is just wasting your time on purpse Kappa ? Check tc @heshamkholef u have no clue what ur talking about huv Farm farmers PogU u needa kill them tho, chasing isnt enugh Kappa :D He gone dont do to mush you die if you try gt gt Kappa ????? Hanzo main Pog this is good practice ^ its like a modern robin hood stop listening to backseaters... -.- Dont over comit to one guy so close but hit nothing LULW kindred pepega does anyone know how he got 0 grass ? lmao ??????????? LUL niceu LMFAO lmao pog KEKW KEKW ???????? archy616 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! hes behind you thats the post LLUw ? Thank you for subscribing archy616 for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! baited looool KEKW what gg LULW ?? wut ??? KEKW outpost or bandit camp killed you KEK W go home hahahahahah say hi to outpost you hostile pos nice LUL ??? Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited WHO KILLED THE STREAMER 😡 WTF XD splat ??? @Nightblue3 you fuking deserve itttt KEKW ? NEVER SHOOT AND THEN GO NEXT TO BANDIT POST 賣分仔 rekt OUTPOST Lol KEKW hhahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahaha LUL that was Pawned level bro you got ganked I thought this strategy didn't work in Vietnam LUL bait woooooooo rust!! PLAY ARK PLX SO BAD if u shoot recently and go to the outpost u die lured on9 jai the outpost killed you for attacking other player hahhahahaha you were drunk LUL XD Pepega Clap hahahahaha ATUCALLY GANKED LULW Hhhhhhhh guys ur not supposed to kill the streamers ur supposed to yell bad words.... Missing Q just like in league Kapp trash 30 min cool down Outpost shot ya if you atack it atack Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pepga Clap barren , really ? lmao horrible use of time ban that guy Kappa lol hey know what Try harder @Nightblue3 how many hours do you have? @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man i think sheamander22 said it you should ban him LULW Chase naked into bandit camp Pepega OMEGALUL bow you are hostile for like 15 minutes WutFace how long playing rust today chat? washed up in rust too NotLikeThis FailFish its still tagged on you was that hack ? that is what happens when you listen to backseaters. XD Lulw @sheamander22 😡 nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown i think the timer is 30min on the post its turrets they gonna be aggro for 30 minutes now time for him to get stream-sniped, huh? lacRly @sheamander22 😡 can I come snipe you? You can loot your. Body only you but it takes a bit WTF its an auto turret in the outpost @Critickail 😡 oh nice ty gonna die LUL @BrettGentry 😡 @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man Is this a popular server? @Nightblue3 they gonna be aggro for 30 minutes now monkaW you need a duo that plays right now @Dynex3 😡 monkaS @Critickail t( -_- t ) screw u douchebag @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man @RuneScape4Ever 😡 man if this was fortnite that tree would be dead like twice as fast fortnite POGGERS MonkaS @Dynex3 jonzheWEIRD monkaS F Yeah this is a less good Minecraft tbh @Critickail they even took the tree marker from fortnite brettgPensive monkaW TRUE Has no clothes, but has spray paint they ripped off fortnite monkaW u cant RipOff a kids game Kappa NotLikeThis @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man behind LUL KEKW lol put it low you can jump its too high BUILD A PLATFORM OVER TO THE SIDE F R its too hight oh good god, hes playing rust cant go back home LUL foundation make a platform then place it maybe build a foundation for the stairs F PUT A BOX It’s so stone to get hard F put strair now LUL this is how i get in my house irl BREAK A THATCH WALL AND PUT DOOR ON OTHER SIDE Hey @Nightblue3 why arent you on the all stars? 100% need rood ASAP yay widepeepoHappy build a roof bag it will go in the original spot you wanted ROOF @Nightblue3 make un escape door just in case man behind Roof the ding dong donged me small PP @Nightblue3 Put a box as a door step MaN tools bow arrows and go farm kids farming Hey @Nightblue3 why arent you on the all stars? lol poor Kappa Keep it as BackDOOR Kappa U can build stairs from inside This is not ARK you need a roof @Nightblue3 press crouch and jump at same time for boost jump try it @Nightblue3 press crouch and jump at same time for boost jump try it@Nightblue3 press crouch and jump at same time for boost jump try it@Nightblue3 press crouch and jump at same time for boost jump try it find dead bodys, make bone knife.. sneek on farmers make your kill get your loot and run leonhart486 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Cool to see you playing Rust, any interest in duoing with a popular Rust streamer, like Welyn? Your old league friend Ash plays with him occasionally. Thank you for subscribing leonhart486 for 7 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW they can easily boost up to ur base there were cows over there this is the lame version of ark what do you need a roof for dynex3 ark is cooler cause it has dinosaurs B) Farm farmers lul It's basically a floor tile in the ceiling ark LUL find dead bodys and loot them farming simulator POG are tehre other players in the server @Critickail people can stand on top of their friends to get in. its called boosting they can also build ladders and get straight in the new minecraft btw Can i come farm for you? air lock is a must have Players = Snipers only Kappa can i join you off of steam? @Nightblue3 build the stairs on that platform #ehhh tuuuhh LULW pro strats Make a airlock for super security You can build stairs outside from the inside @nightblue3 KEKW does anyone know how he removed the grass ? this is exactly like fortnite building KEKW POGGERS Windows Noop me too Kreygasm make it two high cause people can boost up there @nightblue3 He dosent Know KEKW POGGERS U FORGOT ONE POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS LULW shhoting cover? DOOOOU can you build a fence around the edge make 2 floors U CAN BUILD HALF WALL ROOF the tc should be the prio to be hidden add walls with windows on that side yeah how many hours do you have @Nightblue3 ? GO FARM @Nightblue3 yes make another floo Half wall? you can put walls there and just stairs for now NOW PLEASE u can make a window build stairs on your porch out front !game @Nightblue3 Put a wall with stairs on it so you can walk up and down to avoid hits We're playing League on our main account nb3OMG @mujagi -> nightblue3 is playing Rust half walls? just put a door for now just put spikes around ur base can you raid outpost later in the game ? no innovation 2 666 woods area reminds me of Iceland lol you can go to oil rig and fight npc's @sale97 any gifters? put stairs there Honestly why is there a !game command put on s so what is this game about? no what is the goal You can make stairs from the inside of the house If you look outside waste of stone this is a really quiet area ten minutes later ten-man door camp LULW HahaDoge so fancy Kapp F use half walls on the rrof house is a bit scuffed XD make a wall by your stairs on top deck thats not worth other side? when you get guns, half wall barriers are great SMART MOVE put shotguns guarding the doors @Nightblue3 ok chat im gonna go grind some ranked league so i can finally get out of silver 3, have fun and stay safe :) gl nb3 <3 double door? make garden inside house airlock u can break sticks with almost anything in 2-3 hits so those half walls wont be very useful at all Bandages D: suicided D: BANNED LUL KYS :V or the airlock any gifters? how you been nightbot EAT!!! WHAT THE FUCK UR PLAYING RUST How long r u play today? eat yourself wait night blue in the actual jungle the rust base we all want but can't have cause we aren't pepegas Kappa MAKE GARDEN INSIDE HOUSE @Nightblue3 @HyperBlazeGamerXIII no kill the bear cmonBruh is this game for free yes no no no yes mo meh no no HARVEST YOUR CORPSE yes yes yes no No !uptime @Fisheyed, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 4 mins NOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT BE A BETA yes yes yes hell no NO no $1 yeah hell no it has no wifi I wood no ugly thing yes $!] that is dog shit Kapp lol $1 lol is this game free to play? 10 scra[ Kapp NO NO NO i didnt play rust ever , but am asking can some destroy ur house or enter it ? What server you on ill farm for you lol VoteYea how you offering? $75 better than the white house LOL its a 3 bed 2 bath with a study and breakfast nook LMFAO lmao ugly house REKT LOL LULW NO ONE WILL BUY THIS CRAP FFFFFFFFFFF lol LMAO KEKW O Kappa Dont Dude he gave you back your bow, help him XD LUL LOL PICK HIM UP PICK HIM UP PICK HIM UP help him kill him dont DONTT yo he maddd kill help him he didnt killl you He going to come back with guns and stuff lol he's weird EAT THE HORSE pick him up please @Nightblue3 Never trust Rust Players !!! he gave you bow DONT LEAVE HIM TOO DIE PogU ? let him go EAT THE HORSE Revive him how though? DId you reveal which server you are on? he help you but he felt bad BE NICE Pick him up he helped u first He's so gonna raid you WTF IS THAT TC PLACEMENT THO U COULD BE HIS MENTOR He gave you bow back and you back stab him Revive him HE THREW A ROCK AT YOU Eat the w horse give him the horse ! Do it ur the scumbag here WeirdChamp SNAKE DONT WORK WITH HIM The placement lulz! PICK HIM UP :'( BE A NICE GUY LOL He died PepeHands NO HORSE Pick him up XD yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake hold m for free blueprints now man up go kill him crash his bone and make a knife after all he did... eat the horse you coward U Snek wait keep your arms down your ruining the immersion he bled out lol I DONT LIKE HIM he need to sing a song, then give him the horse hold M for free loot TAKE HIS HORSE @Nightblue3 you can tell him to farm and he can be your worker man TAKE THE HORSE kill the horse wtf nb3Mad TAKE THE HORES HORSE true YES ASK HIM TO TRADE WITH YOU SOMEONE TELLS HIM TO GET AN AIR LOCK LUL YES harvest his corpse eat him eat or take it hold M for good loot make lasagne Kapp he probably will hunt you down leave the horse, eat him eat him you missed chance at wholesome content MAKE HORSE LASAGNA let him sing a song for the horse WHO CARES, TAKE THE HORSE Clean his name from the cupboard @Nightblue3 lol eat teemo it would be kinda hilarious if you ate his horse TAKE THE WHORES!! Lisen u will get the carma..Soo content :P u didn't make a friend now he will come back and LOOT UR SHIIT you already took all of his stuff @Nightblue3 you can tell him to farm and he can be your worker mann give the stuff back TAKE HORSE AND BLACKMAIL HIM LULW did u quit league? Yeeees youer sub human YOU ALEADY KILLED HILL AND TOOK EVERYTHING, WHY NOT FINISH IT sure Kappa eat the guy Do it for billie you killed him and took everything wtf is he going to do with horse THE HORRRRRSEE let him sing a song !!! for the horse Clean his name from the cupboard! @Nightblue3 LOL LUL LUL REMOVE YOUR BOW LULW LUL LUL uh oh Billy :( remove your bow REMOVE YOUR BOW 🐴 PogU ? nice yea YES nooo nah but take care of it Why does he want to remove bow? TEST UR KNIFE OUT ON THE HORSE LULW test it on the horse REMOVE YOUR BOW kind of Factory New Pog super rare use for flesh its not BOY UR GUNNA GET SO LOOTED NOT RARE BUT GOOD One of best melee weapons in game @nightblue3 clear TC. He can build onto your base. HAHAHHH LULW lol if you dont put a lock on ur TC people can authorize themselves and be able to build never seen before KEKW Test it on the horse NICE clear the cupboard or he can build on ur base 2 for 2 with horse bow snipes INSTANT HALT LULW SAFE ALL THE HORSES STOP IT yes U are KEKW you are indeed f asshole Solo Rust is a hard life BURN THE BIDY now u are one of the creature BODY EAT THE HORSE HAHHHAHAH Ur LOl HARVEST BODY xD LUL W @Nightblue3 lisen man im telling ur becomin classic rust player :P @Nightblue3 its really good to get meat fast from animals Trade horses LOL he entered his house and authorized i think @Nightblue3 LUL his feedin ur horsey LUL its sandwich and chips kinda night LULW BE HIS FRIEND DAMMIT !uptime @profesorcreampie, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 18 mins ITS POISON MonkaW what a nice guy INVITE HIM wtf nb3LUL LOL is that steph curry? this guy is pog dehydrated horse it a girl nice guy Lol ITS POISON monkaW run kill him team with this guy nb LOL gasoline? gypse lookin asss its poison ITS A GIRL HOURS THAT WHY LOL is this guy trying to play house? Man Rust's players are weird LULW ahaha loool KEKW KEKW KEKW bruh LMAOOO KEKW KEKW hhahaha KEKW DUDE XD KEKW KEKW kek KEKW he's so mad LUL kekew LOL omg YOINKS he is so poor PepeHands :( actually laughing lol U r bad person DayRed69 THANKS SNIPER yionk WideHard NIGHTBBLU3 A BULLY? Nb is a dick LUL @Nightblue3 f asshole YOINK FREE HORSE PogU ? U monster WTH XD asshole I wish someone would come fuck him up lol you may die WTH MAN xD OMG toxic in league toxic inrust lol Green card what you saying? gachiBASS he wants to be your friend be his friend GIVE HIM STUFF Toxic Rust player fakeblue3 scrap for wood Feed horse STASHH STUFF NB gamer goggles Green card for America hold G to do a cool animation LULW he entered in your house and authorized i think @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 STASH AT BASE SCUFFED MASK LULW Base monkaW You gave him the horse so respect go to the station to use the card and go inside there is boxes Dave rh @Nightblue3 Dude was just vibing its not toxic, thats just how it is when you have items, everyone starts new and ends up being big and bad @Nightblue3 SHop fronts are OP for 2nd floor of basee STASH' Hold G for A Cool Animation Get the front store back get cars BBC run lights in your base etc no no yes no no YES PogU no give some water to the horse was your base stomped before? no NO Yes yes no you wont kill him if u lucky he stole the horse? yes no just ammo sometimes no u won no just bullets No Bank that loot go get your stuff to house u wont kill the scientist WutFace u don't KEKW !followage @sluz, sluz has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 3 months 30 days 8 hours you cant yeeha INSERT ANALY KEKW KEKW 2:21ModeradorSuscripción durante 28 mes(es) (emblema de 2 años)VerificadoStreamElements: @sluz, sluz has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 3 months 30 days 8 hours go back to base <3 you cant nb3Hug wow monkaW drop food in front of the horse (food) Even if you kill someone you have no space Right click hold ctrl you cant he was joking I think you feed them. drop food in front of the horse d you have to make a bowl then poor the water you got trolled bro Put food on ground in front of them EAT THE HORSE @Nightblue3 safe the knife STASH ... u greed greed @Nightblue3 feed it human meat !uptime @2_Inches_N_Proud, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 22 mins it had alot more stamina @Nightblue3 CLEAR UR inentoryy tho... no space put the clothes on D: i think he entered in your house and authorized his name @Nightblue3 so you're a rust streamer now? eat teh horse not worth going back to base lol need more loot gimme da loot PUT CLOTHES ON @nightblue3 billys the name !uptime @Top_Dunk, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 23 mins so what is the goal of this game takes 4 bow head shots CLEAR INVENTOSRY pleaseeee go backkk then go loot @elitepharoah farm for two days learn explosives and raid their shit ah that's true mb Build your furnace @Nightblue3 Remember Outpost! Dont get too close ty RUN worst stream ever no no no LULW runnnnnnnnnnnn ded .. greed like alwats fight e monkaS SoSnowy monkaW zig zag NOOOOOOOOOO OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh monkaW NO WTF a1v2 betty go bac idiot monkaW SoSnowy PepeLaugh oh no no no yeh just run betty bettY run to the other guy BETTY run TAKE HORSE Pog RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN run run riperino BETTTTY run EUN BSE 1v2 RUN 1v2 run RUN 1v2 RUN run BETTTTYYY turn run RUNN go for horse run turn back 1v2 !live fight run RUNNNNN RUN run run go back to house BETTTTY TURN THE HELL BACK RUNNN Fkn noob LUL run 1v2 run always 1v2 TURN BACK OR NO BALLS FIGHT 1vs2 PepeLaugh SantaHat run bitch BETTTTTY 1v2 RUN BETTTY fight run run run to betty run where is horse? fight him RUNNNNNNNN monkaW 1v2 turn back Horuse BETTTY BETTTY RUN FFS back to betty run too much good stufff RUN TO BETTY BETTTY Run KILL get ur friend where's your horse bro BETTYYYY fight heat does nothing put clothes on 1v2 ez clap ruuun boi fight the man horses to your left urse ur knife PUSSY i meant 1v2 run runrunrunrurnurnurnurn' pait them HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh use ur knife D: You can do it!! Lick their feet D: LUL the knife bandage Knife their ass PepeLaugh SantaHat hit by cactus pussy Run nightbloo! lur them to high ground and jump up kill both why dident you take the horse they dont have gun bro . they usin bow on ya why didnt he pick a horse? wtf hide HORSE Ruuuuuuun xqcGob xqcGob2 running in a staight line looking at map Decaying base gogo LULW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL bandage OMEGALUL KEKW OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh BANDAGE he ded heal OMEGALUL PMGGGGGG KEKW SantaHat lolol poor horse bandage idiot HAHAHAHAHA headshot horse lmfao LULW you shot your own horse lol killed his own horse GREEDY so bad KEKW ASF.. the horse is like.. wtf? poor horse LUL KEKW IceCold always greedf... no nb3 swap career to a rust streamer LUL "THIS HORSE IS SO GOOD" *HEADSHOTS* KEKW KEKW fly heli KEKW IceCold SoSnowy Bobbing in real life helps in the game use the knife ride home fly the mini bruh i didnt know you play rust lmao you screwed his stamina D: D: sure Kappa i wont tell right Kappa PepeLaugh IceCold SoSnowy he doesn't know PepeLaugh IceCold SoSnowy he doesn't know PepeLaugh IceCold SoSnowy he doesn't know PepeLaugh IceCold SoSnowy he doesn't know MILO D: i remember how you killed the DOG monkaW !uptime @mrheckleberri, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 26 mins it's cool alinity does worst ti her pets flaiDERP dont shoot the horse butt dude RUNNNN LULW Pog LUL OMEGALUL This poor guy LUL SoSnowy LUL go duo this is so weird nice shot lol KappaPride lul LUL Lol LUL he is so poor LUL KEKW LUL LUL PepeLaugh IceCold SoSnowy u so toxic mishiNieve GIVE HIM A PRESENT lol LUL no fuckng way LUL xD LOL hahahaahha KEKW ONEEE!?!?!!? LUL LULW ONE?? ahhahahahahahha JUAN lolololololo KEKW SoSnowy so toxic bro gave him nothing lol put this on youtube KEKW show him mercy @Nightblue3 FFFFFFFF u diik KILL HIM HAHAHAHAHA U idiot LUL PLEASE this guy is gold DO IT build airlock u can team up with him he is dead D: PLEASE KILL HIM Pog he is base camping u u have 2d bow shot him again Kappa mercy go back to league of legends please kill bear 24 hr charity stream LUL AIRLOCK GIVE HIM SOMETHING Toxic xD LUL KILL HIM AND EAT HIM :( THROW FOOD AT OUTPOST LULW Kill the bear hes got a point ZULUL GO ON ROOF Filthy foodstampers Keepo Dont LET HIM INNN GIVE HIM FOOD THE KILL HIM BibleThump quinGun GO ROOF ur a such a diik xD :( LOOK AT THIS DUDE PepeLaugh OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh GIVE HIM FOOD THEN KILL HIM GIVE HIM FOOD THEN KILL HIM let him in no league today KILL THE BEAR LUL LUL LULW LUL KEKW bahahahahaha team with him ! LUL monkaW NO KILL HE'S NICE now its ur friend man that guy is funny. play with him help him GO DUO WITH THIS GUY what is this aim potato aim high ground ... LULW KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LUL PIGGED KEKW KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy NA aim give this guy a bow that boar is fucking you up lol wtf LUL hahahahahaha SAVED karma WTF lol 0hp? Nice pig karma LULW . USE KNIFE ON PIG lol this guy is so funny duo with him HE WAS ABOUT TO BETRAY YOU KILL HIM LOL bandage you monkey im gonna yes team with himmmmmmmmm you need animal fat from farming animals to make furnaces you get food and cloth for using the knife, the knife is the best way to skin animals this guys hilarious go skinning the boar YE MAKE A FURNACE TO BUILD STUFF your new sidekick haha team up with him @nightblue3 itssliA loooooooooooooooooool you kill this guy He wants to eat ur pp HE IS RIGHT and he still wants to be ur friend HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH close your door its haram LULW team up with @nightblue3 thats how you know he stream sniping pork is haram team up with him man LOL OMEGALUL LUL hahahaha it's not Halal hahahahaha IT'S NOT HALAL TO EAT PORK FFFFFFFFF LUL hes desperate LOL KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL give him food LOL quran sais u can eat pork in life or deatg situation lol ahaha LUL U R SO ASSHOLE Hahahahah LOL . flaiDERP @Nightblue3 hey is there no uncensored ver lol awww FUCK U LOL HE'S SO FUNNY why the fuck this is so funny LUL make a campfire LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL TRUE LULW But he is good watch him come back @Elderfeather1 Loool does it?? THat's oddly specific @Nightblue3 use knife on horse for secret achivement hes funny lool hahahahahahaha DUDE IM DYING THIS IS SO FUNNY ALREADY LL loool he is back LOL Traitorblue3 FKIN HELL MAKE A FURNACE AND A CAMPFIRE play with him. hes content make video with this best part of the stream rn help him senpai @Nightblue3 TEAM WITH HIM MAKE A CLAN HES FUNNY please i feel bad for him why do everyone has the same voice? snake this is way better than league lol @Nightblue3 tribe uP RABIA duo with him it will be fun Rust makes you toxic is the current excuse help him so you can use him as bait later AIRLOCK @vale0351 exactly team up Cover your D pls LOL if ur dead how u can come back up You need to feed the horse for more stamina cmonBruh hes content give him bow and arrow so he can help you should feed your horse HELP THE GUY BUILD A BASE FOR HIM use him as bait HELP HIM TO MAKE A BASE 3332 nightblue3 why are you teaming with this dude bait him farm with him @nightblue3 then kill later You have it @Nightblue3 He doesn't eat videogame pork. Of course you can't trust him Feed him to your horse LOL in a box rust turns people into jerks FeelsBadMan He’s gonna kill you later as revenge when he wanted to work with you Rust? @Nightblue3 use knife on horse for secret achivement you can just ride over hemp, corn or pumpkins slowly with horse and it feeds it too A 7 year old boy challenged a court ruling over custody. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge awarded custody to his aunt. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents. When the judge suggested his grandparents, the boy cried that they also beat him. the judge allowed the boy to choose himself. the judge granted custody to @nightblue3 ,whom the boy firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone. You could form a meaningful relationship with this guy and finally find love You need to choose the right moment to kill him again KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy you so dead lol LULW do small oil rig with him @nightblue3 it's a good way to get early game loot yes you need 10 radiation protection @elnarion7 kekw its 0 degrees and you running around naked lol lies dont do oil rig until you have a gun or youre bchillz Have you been to the T11 area in the map? You have a ton of cloth you have a hazmat suit use ur hemp to make some the stream is more fun with that guy :( he can do it with a bow.... nightblue is a crazy good shot you can do small oil rig with primitive tools PogChamp PogChamp @sabsi12 no chance wait where wiw the other guy go he was so funny xd PogU ? got some cloth? Kappa !uptime @khyou, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 37 mins LULW is this the rust god im watching? yay he's back Fuck league rust is where it’s at everyone sounds the same lol LOL Ask him to be a decoy LULW Isme isme isme isme isme isme 777777777 give him the knife you have it dumbass XD are you playin on a no pop sever? yeah he can be your slave xd yes yes help him yea @Nightblue3 Use green card Yes @Nightblue3 make and airlock before someone goes deep on you and you end up in a youtube vid. please try something diferent yes You need a fuse aswell u should help him duo with him i feel like you need direction and he might know some things to help out your game LUL Make clothes give him bow and arrow too So no rad play with him Gg no the green card is shit do oil rig duo with him lol You need a fuse to use the Green card Do t do green card byw rust in 2k19 ?????????? take the ka nif GIVE A BOW who still plays rust ? duo w him LULW @Nightblue3 u have extra bowand knife thats a fine rock you got there LUL DONT give him yes yo ucan make another KEEP IT it issss W give him HE WI:: BETRAY U Kappa give @Nightblue3 he can hear u, his stream sniping Give extra pickaxes bow is usless u need crossbow @Nightblue3 who plays rist in 2k19 ? Pepega Niceblue3 @nightblue3 hes a dirty muslim dont trust him greencard TAKE YOUR COMBAT KNIFE its content rip @elderfeather1 the fuck watch him kill u lol Trust him and if he betrey u dont trust anyone @Elderfeather1 wow the night boys Green card! Stop being racist chat we cant see sh mods WeirdChamp LUL you can t see shit' no mods He hasn't shot you in the head yet what a guy wtf You cant fall of a cliff on a horse Kappa the green card sunrise is beautiful HahaBall i can't see he is a good guy play with him The horse will stop for you its smart Dont give him too much he could betray you @nightblue3 cool landscape " Low Level " Kappa feed him] I am Mexican can I get that green card ? flaiDERP flaiDERP i wouldnt have wasted a bullet Team up sith the guy i woulda just smashed you with a rock KEKW LUL needs to eat to keep it up. its easier to just kill that one and get a new one lol LUL guys can we please stop enabling stream snipers play with him he is fine feed ur horse man he Holy shit, this is amazing. Rust is awesome the helicpter looks like the one in 7days imagine the arrow headshots the other guy instead those 5hr transformer movies lol Press left click and thats it You need a fuze casual gamer now? Is jungling too difficult for you? it has like 3 uses yEAH YOU NEED A FUZE they r easy to find You will find a fuse while your there they are treally common @Nightblue3 open boxes on road youll find one A tool is good to so you can hit barrels u need to invite him so u can see green dot over his head and not shot each other by mistake hopefully :) You put the fuse in a certain box, Turn ON, then go swipe card !uptime @azusa_1121, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 43 mins "hopefully " :) but probably not KEKW what sever are you on "hopefully^^ It's not that its good that day you just found a good stop nice spot* LUL xqcY feeed ur horse for the stamina u will need it soon Dont lol monkaW WutFace @Nightblue3 use melle weapon to break barrels Use the mace ??????? Use the mace to open them yes 45 damage LULW i am Kreygasm That’s not airfield Would definitely have more arrows I AM gachiBASS u lose arrows no no @Nightblue3 ur horse will fail u feed him so u can run You dont have that manny arrows No arrows can break HAHA LULW You don't always get arrows back LUL KEKW lol hahahah farm barrel using mace loool LUL this is way too much funnier to watch than league lmao xD LUL Use bow hahahahaha lmao he's scared of you LUL YOU LOSE ARROWS Cuz ur ready for fight USE BOW NotLikeThis nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA dont waste arrow they can break poooooooring is there any enemy :v coment @Nightblue3 ur gonna run out of arrows doin that lol KappaPride KappaPride nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA @Nightblue3 are you playing rust because the name is similar to your league mechanics LUL 280 KEKW KEKW We are up above Kekw nice head lol PogU? ducking irl KEKW KEKW getting carried gO DUO 2 80? kill him take the boo LUL !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25230 points and is rank 85/3218238 on the leaderboard. and kil him hahahahahaha LMAO hahahaha YALL GUYS SHOULD MARRY EACH OTHER LULW Don't be mean to him no more D: where is da 'ors join team FailFish add him rabia, its so nice to play with him LULW KEKW HE RUNNIN TriHard gonna run outta arrows this guys just get so mad sometimes habibi habibi D: QQ QQ donal trump @Nightblue3 are you playing rust because of your league mechanics its 2v2 KEKW -50 hp use the mace LULW D: Pog ACTUALLY GOOD 2? PogU? drop the the mace hes gonna kill KEKW KEKW LULW misss bow WutFace Here we go KEKW OUUUUWW KEKW rip U HAVE CLAN NOW DEAD DUCK IRL DED AF ZERGS HERE LUL wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww KEKW wwwwwwwwww LUL wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW w wwwwwwww LUL LUL WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW wwwwwww deff bro the irl ducking lmaooo wwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww KEKW HERE WE GO www w run! wwwwwwwwwwwwwww OMG... I'm dying LUL W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww PogU FRIEND IS PRO ? add hi mto partyu add him!! W PogU ? @Nightblue3 Add him! This guy is pro PogU party up with him add him!!!! @CoconutB cocobWeird party with him Team him PogU GO DUO @CoconutB You still in Vegas? Party up YAAAAAAASSSS THAT GUY HE'S A PRO AND HE'S HELPING U NOOBLU3 marry him! heal 24 :v PogU QQ linkypOONUTTY NICEU, first teammate CALL HIM QQ WW LUL call him WW LUL call him dawg What ever you want is so good Pog He's giving you arrows :p call him double u LUL coconut should play with you monkaW @CoconutB KEKW LUL does same thing Kappa HILLBILLY KILL WutFace WutFace WutFace PogU plsss let coconut play with you KEKW Pog Pog lora wut monkaW ? Kreygasm BEST DUO WTF PogU ? This dude is a beast nice duo! BEST DUO NA you and coconut need to duo his better aimer than u @nightblue3 hes fukin owning everyone finally you got a trusty teammate cocob7 cocob7 cocob7 your defense is lacking @CoconutB coco you ditching your own server OkayChamp that sounds like content! team with coconut this duo is top tier whos coconut? MaA Respect +50 if only you didn't use them on the barrels MaN monkaW @CrazyZerling Biggest Rust streamer this is my favorite love story @coconutb back from las vegas? does this awesome dude that he is playing with @Nightblue3 the best rust streamer KEKW @hakuryuh67 yeah he sniped him AHAH, Iriskpvpv = 15k hours rust streamer. be like. hmmm U think im a joke? LOL a duo with you two would be amazing make a clan lol Kappa MAKE A CLAN lmao hmmmKappa MAKE A CLAN Kappa Kappa KEKW "look me in the eyes" ahhh nice a viewer niceu! omg nb! since when do you play rust? CLAN PLS go lol qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq kill this guy QQQQ QQQQQQQQ HE WILL BETRAY U LULW WWWWWWWWWWWW qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq WWWWW WWWWWW who the fuk is 3rd guy??? wwwwwwwwwwww i'm so proud of you rabia @Nightblue3 you finally open your doors KEKW This voice is turning me on duo with coconut W W W W W W W kill coconut 77777 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 6666666666 sex sex sex sex gachiBASS Why does the grass look so bad wwwww honor me THE DEVIL DansGame The guy you teamed up with is insane PogChamp TUNOCOC! double you double you @Nightblue3 remember what you came there for PogU LOOK AT THIS TEAM nightblue duo with coconut what's the command to remove grass? can we become friends gtg nightblue have a good one ? make clannn @CoconutB PogU LUL LUL YES niceu trio!@ LUL HAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA Make a clan @coconutb whitelist meeee bye everyone @faunsoap huu hahaha evil trust nobody SAY YESS <3 4Weird @Nightblue3 how many hours do you have ? @Nightblue3 you actually know what ur doing KEKW LULW who is this joker? @coconutb 200 Yes :-) Running towards death lol The instigator lmao pewpewpew @everyman322 His name is Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 theres a surprise at your front door step i like him DONNNNTTT kill him u hear gnshots and u have a bow and arrow dont True grass remover command? @Deathdraw lol well played sir DO NATTT DONT, YOU GOT TRUSTY ALLIES NOW its poop denist They're sweet @everyman322 hahaha XD go green card and them kill him @Nightblue3 ur now smiling @nightblue3 its nice seeing u Green card will give u multiple guns prob why the hell does this random rachel chick get mod but not me DON'T KILL UR FRIND MAKE A NATION @nightblue3 true fans watch variety stream Kappa EVERY FRIENDSHIP NEEDS A BETRAYAL 😂 1 sub no no no PogU don't LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL omg wOW jianWhat jianWhat jianWhat Pog monkaW 2 2 Pog Chat we will all have subs soon PogCHamp 2 2 22 he hit KEKW 2 +2 2 @xXwindwhisperXx True fans unite! I thought Rust was hella troll but im liking this more than league Pog 50 subs coming up is what I heard the moment when all chat get a sub He's gonna be broke KEKW LULW Kappa !discord Join our Discord Server nb3Tuturu 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 @HeyThanksForTheSwallow TRU KEKW KEKW PepeLaugh @Nightblue3 thats 2 free subs CAMPING LULW stop taking credit to every single thing you do @Nightblue3 lol oh no no PepeLaugh dont betrayyyy LOL XD KEKW OMEGALUL DB incoming PepeLaugh lmfao His enemies are rude s*** 2? why dont you invite the other one 2 KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW hahahahaha KEKW kill both of them and run kekw badass hhaha polis LOL XD lol +2 LOOOL LUL go green card LOL this is the police. FBI LOL KEKW LUL Welcome to rust most toxic game LUL lmfao LUL LUL kekw i love seeing nightblue enjoying these company hahahahaha "i hear guns action time lets go" hahahahaha LOOLLL bone arrow op when did the second guy come in BlargNaut GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ ?? 3rd party foreigners in rust are always gold look at our baby NB3 we show him blood and now he is swimming in hell XD bone arrows r good cause your nightbue WhY Do yOu tRuSt mE ?? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PunchTrees PunchTrees He wants to team up lol @Nightblue3 use the bone arrow better add him to your team to see him easier pls dont betray theese people :D !follome follow lest go :D hahaha kill him kill the man with the gun oh no he needs to die @Nightblue3 you need blue card AND green card here +2 fuses kill him please ask him to add him lol gtg night blue love you dude don't kill this is neat, rabia coordinating niceu! Kill everyone. even yourself KEKW D: monkaW WeirdChamp chat WTF pepega CHARGE are you gonna play another game close or no? Action comnig LUL ak 47 !uptime @GetRaked7, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 59 mins You wTf was the SPRAY AND PRAY LUL That* that noise happens when they respawn i think LULW dang LIA true LULW KEKW LUL OMEGALUL too cold KEKW @Nightblue3 you need blue card here and green card and 2 fuses ACTION loooool they are toooo funny after greencard u do small oil rig AGREE TO INVITEEE is this the new FPS game from Rit? you're saying that but you are actually enjoying their company @Nightblue3 ladder ladder at top ladder ladder ladder ladder LADDERS LUL ladder leaderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Laddeeer KEKW LOL Missed it boxLUL @Nightblue3 Can you make a house inside or on top of the watchtower?? inside top of stairs go back stupid go back up ladder to loot You didnt go all the way upo go back in go back to tower at top of stairs there was ladder go back up back up u missed the gold chest at top You can use a ladder in the tower and theres more loot up there satellite dish, docks or sewer branch to get blue card theres another ledder theres a ladder Inside staircase This is hurting me Dont gonout LUL LULW Up stairs there’s a ladder Jebaited looool LULW kekw Jebaited LMAO ez no theres a chgance for a create there Jebaited ez LOL @Nightblue3 Can you make a house inside or on top of the watchtower??? climb up stairs. ladders on top. normally loot there go back lol. why skip gold chest @Nightblue3 GO BACK AND LOOK AGAIN no NOO HahaBall HahaBall HahaBall Ez clap just search small oil rig on the map in the water its a chance for one to be theree u SKIP gold chest!!! They can go in ur NOOO u need the wet sute Well theres a chance we tried give us more giftsubs LUL KEKW LULW Rabi support KEKW NICE TEAM Kill him please @Nightblue3 Can you make a house inside or on top of the watchtower?? you need to acivate fuse box first KEKW burn HIM KEKW search after small oil rig in the water on map Touch their butts while its dark D: ohhh Kappa Kappa beoble yep no u cant build in monuments No equip it there are beoble You will get massive rads candle hat will make you naked kill him you will take off the hazmat @Nightblue3 YOU WILL GET RADS DONT DO IT Hey, thats pretty good. BLACK MAGIC PepeW haha LUL LULW LUL monkaEyes LUL KEKW you can use the card to open it LUL OMEGALUL search for small oil rig on the map in the water dont talk with ur team in game... get on discord KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL monkaS ignored If the cargo ship comes you neeed to do it what bum server are u on @PanosBOom trihard LULW LUL He saw ur torch KEKW Omglol barren low pop It was yours the skill cap in that server is sad @shadowpandaxx, TriHard THAT IS SO NICE FOR A BASE monkaW he said nibba look for oil rig on the map in the water did he said the n word? KILLLLLL hiM< LMAO, its good shit you got here Rabia KEKW his mate said i have a protective helmet hs him TriHard TriHard TriHard ??? @Nightblue3 is this a modded server? They ate high af kill the hazzi ,he looaded lmao headshot them and yoink the loot SwiftRage this is y rust duo are fun RUUUUUUUUUUUN lmao KEKW drink water if you have Pepega to get rid of rads got some pillz? Kappa gotta overdoz man Rust animals playing together NotLikeThiis SquadW pills? I LOVE THEM <3 KILL HIM i LOVE lora KILL MELODY LUL look for small oil rig on the map in the water LUL kill them. you won't do it lal Kill them and blame it on lag game is so fun when those people dk who is NB3 FIGHT LOL u heal if u are lower than 40 hp 4 subs PogChamp oh Pepega just runnnnnn this guy is so obsses with his base to themmm i just wake up 6 pm to watch nb3 and i finde him playing rust for real scuffedblue he has some juicy loot @RedLoky kill people that guys base kill melody look for small oil rig on the map in the water kill ppl and hes not sharing THE DOME @Nightblue3 Can you make a house inside or on top of the watchtower?? @faunsoap probably kill tha annoying one go to the bandit Kill someone, raid a base or find a decayed base kill you team mate 250 scraps for m9 in bandit camp!!! the dome u can get gun racooon hair xDD you can buy them at bandit camp PVP @Nightblue3 ASK FOR 1 they ben taking all hthe loot kill your teamate who has a gun Kill your team ate Quickest way is pvp dome kill the annoying one collect scrap, buy from outpost its fhe quickest hahaha easy way to get a gun kill the guy with a gun u can buy gun n gamble at the bandit camp Borrow your friends gun and give him the water @nightblue3 go commit beastality and you get it for free smaaallll ooilll rig KILL TH ONE WITH THA BASE where are they? search for small oil rig on the map LUL Kill teamates nice aim small oil rig TEAM BETRAYED YOU KEKW despawn time KEKW KEKW LULW LOL LULW :D KEKW E TU KEKW XD abndon LULW MORON KEKW LOL team killing u 2v1 pog BRO THE RANDOM GUY LOCKED ME IN THE HOUSE so bad at this game LULW LOL OMEGALULU They're long gone KEKW noooo =[ LUL the betrayal arc KEKW smaal oil rig LULW LULW KEKW wth r u doing alone? LUL KEKW PEPEGA moon2AY moon2AY why did u wandering alone THEY BETRAYED YOU KEKW 10 subs folo ur team dumb asss mtf no green dot over therehead :P small oil rig NotLikeThis KEKW SHUTUP YOU MORON noob kekw byee monkaW monkaW KEKW. no loots FortBush FortBush FortBush go the roof katthBang katthWHAT use the roof dont open time travel back to an hour ago monkaW should of depoted like ur buddy lol Inc stream snipers @Nightblue3 Poor you, can't survive in Rust without a Bodygaurds LUL go insaide back we started go to small oil rig @Nightblue3 Poor you, can't survive in Rust without Bodygaurds LUL omg Bonearrows.. monkaW wtf @nightblue3 make a level one work bench and make a nail gun it's a ok mid range gun you need to airlock you boob did you get a day job? Is that why you don't stream early anymore? @nightblue3 writein team chat NO SOLICITING ALLOWED so they can come help Campfire is good healing go to small oil rig write in team chat you got old wheres the 2 guy Some might say youre a bit "rusty". bam original jokes go to small oil rig kinda like league eyesight failing, reaction times slowing KILL Go back to league😭 Just kill yourself why you a naked black man? is NyLe_X your duo?? team chat MAKE FURNACE Make clothing smaaalll oil rig black? @racheldglucero D: stream snipers LUL waiit what Nightblue since when you play rust? bandit camp pls just do small oil rig finnaly @Nightblue3 they destory your small wall on top the 2 name on map with green yeah @nightblue3 can we play together? if it doesn't bother you ? make a nailgun please nightblue thats your team LULW Play league pls @mommydou D: anyone know what server hes on? there name on map with green yes a guy called NyleX typed in your chat NyLe_X: BRO THE RANDOM GUY LOCKED ME IN THE HOUSE Nightblue since when you have been playing Rust??? League is needed in life yes yes because of that Do you like the Crossbow? if they went off screen how can we see then Kappa wtf where is the grass ? and bushes ? yess awful shots i like how his base is not even airlocked I have been seeing and you are amazing but close to mid range the nailgun> bow u can go there for help GO 2 THEM that boy is HUNG @Nightblue3 play ARK small oil rig Play league of legends please yes to share the loot also they cant see ur marker KEKW @Nightblue3 Since when you have been playing Rust?? get scrap n ganble at the bandit camp youre gonna die from rads if you go there !uptime @hakuryuh67, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 15 mins I miss LORA @Nightblue3 What is the Plan NB3?? !dpi You know what's matter than rust?... all other games Kappa 60 69 @Nightblue3 What's the plan right now? imagine being a naked LUL you need a suit 69 420 69420 i think launch site has a tank at it apporx 2p 69 KappaPride @joffdee little doses of variety is gucci Barely 18 play with shacky! Radiation suit Thats a lie for the top area you only need 18 u had a suit, no? LoL=best game ever though launch site is end game puzzle its patrolled by tank KEKW no you dont need a suit lol you need a suit only if youre climbing on the top @Nightblue3 will you play ARK? equip shoes u need to go to them to take your cut of the loot !uptime @PlayLikeSomething, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 16 mins Your shoes if ur lucky dome can give u gun i cmonkaHmm u need 25 @Nightblue3 gurl look at dat base rip in 10 wow that is a sick one!!! CLAN BASE RUN AWAY They prob have multiple guns @nightblue3 quit league ? @Nightblue3 play with the gf go to junkyard yes because solo in this game is hard af because of squatters @Nightblue3 GET TH SQUAD ASK them for help wit guns omg how did you make all those clothes Its not better jg wins w peepoHappy lmaolololol peepoga lol we're both pepega Kreygasm PogU LMAO he just stood still in front of you Pog eoka @Nightblue3 launch site is end game puzzle its patrolled by tank KEKW finally solo kill PogU machete run it was the eoka RUN! jump shot pog better jg +6 pepega DIP Paid actor KEKW pepega so bad LUL run bro better jg wins put on his gear KAPP KEKW xDDDD Kapp ye ye the clan is coming monkaW eyy best jg in the world u know i could have easly... weirdchamp Kappa EBOLA ME XDD WIDEPEEPo PEPE SHOES LULW lol the other boots are better careful maybe he has a sleeping bag close to you move facecam to the right @Nightblue3 GWET THE SWUAD PEPEGA dodge bot why is facecam so wide ur just pepega THE DOME YOU SAY GENGAR?! a bit of both maybe @Nightblue3 can get gun dude in the junkyard is an elite crate y u leave? HERE I GO IM HERE NOW cause he so thicc widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy IceCold cause he has a 5Head u need 25 rad for launch site try 7 days to die dude @Nightblue3 u need some homies to go raid some people with dont make heal bandits when you can eat and heal yourself @nightblue3 peepoClap fly up the dome easier SmileW WIDEPEEPOHAPPY this is such an enjoyable game to watch 7 days to die is fucking awefull widepeepoHappy i think he tried to eoka pistol u, but u diidnt pick it up WideHard We are all pepega no... widepeepoHappy lmao incel ppl alr doing the domee gg DOUBLE BOW dual bows Kreygasm Kappa TRIPLE Q wideKEKW dual wield bows Play league dude widepeepoHappy WidepeepoHappy IceCold WidepeepoHappy IceCold ez 1v3 ASHE GAMEPLAY IN RUST Kreygasm @Nightblue3 GET THE SQUAD SmileW u are in grave danger SmileW yo when did league get updated graphics ? where RE UR FRIENDS? is this the new summoners map ? lol everyone dome greed fk your bois play solo Fk this trash game go play league in junkyard is an elite crate where u could get a gun but u left ye YES you eat them all yes dome on top on top dome got gun on top pLaY lEaGue DuDE Pepega chat and bottom has alot of lgf 4 military crates on top Nah top fly up easier none @Nightblue3 will you play ARK anytime soon? fly up is easier dome looted maybe they went outside of your base no follow threw walk up that pipe run up the tube someone alr looted dome No use the tube outpost is ur house u dumbasss just now Probably looted you can climb type /fly theres a pipe that leads up its really easy to go up dome is looted then Excavator ResidentSleeper someone alr flew up there just now not this way nope LUL pipe is opposite side when u were distracted below if they got fuel the dome is looted PERSON blind BEHIND you just saw a guy,,, lol BEHINDDD lel actually blind bruh so blind BEHIND YOU xD YEA LULW Do u know dayz? What server is he on? @nightblue3 please dont die and lose everything. go back and build stuff yes yes KEKW someone down there monkaEyes use the pipe to climb the building is the league client down again, surprised to see u back on Rust someone down ther npc Kappa duede behind u BRUH MOMMENT opposite side kill him on the side opposite of you pepega behind the builidng IN MAH PANTS KEKW ur running towards it now go to your team oh mb sorry KEKW I didn't know there was npc low grade for heli climb again, there are red barrels there FOOD They will hear why are u wearing cloths now We Guxccchi If someone come close you can find parkour hops to keep climbing up its a jump puzzle didnt go on top KEKW Thats the way up you can get to the very top This is gonna be good no keep going lol Pepelaugh Keep the peasant stuff at your house for when you die watch him fall and die Diffrent boots kappa sure Kapp olympic gold star Pog 4 crates at the top pog good luck WAIT THATS POGGERS PogU U CAN RAID NOW MonkeyCIimber subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing MonkeyCIimber for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! get to the choppa you can raid with it u can break doors with that grenade U GOT LUCKKY IT BLOWS UP WOOD/METAL DOORS Pog What’s this game about u needddd to research it just go straght omfg just walk. RESEARCH IT go straight LMAO you can just run under KEKW Just keep walking keep going KEKW Pog WOOOW no jump PogU? Blu you think bootie is fat? someone fell lmao PogU PogChamp that battery gives 25 HQM grab flashlight RAND SWITCH POGGERS Don't jump walk down then up ramp oRichhh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! drop the bows Thank you for subscribing oRichhh for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Kappa Thanks for the HahaCat @orichhh A RAND SWITCH Pog YOOOO HE GOT A RAND SWITCH HOLY CR*P POGUUU i can throw the diesel fuel yes bros? takethe flash light Just run under you can go that way u yes jusst go straight omg just walk omfg go straight the flaaaaaaaaash light TROLLING go straight ! trolling take bootsss you dont need 3 bow you Pepega FLASHLIGHT Bootss come back LULW LUL zzzzzzzz LULW careful yes yup F kinda KEKW TIME jump at the left corner of it KEKW left TUBE monkaW nooo foot steps no not worth nope dont do ittt get ready wat no DONT footsteps !!! @Nightblue3 No one wants to watch you play rust careful POGGERS ythere's someone below you hahahhahaha NANI It is easier to make that jump from the railing but good job lol @Nightblue3 owww F kEEPO HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh lol not yet KEKW the last jump bois monkaW if he dies clip it oh boi he doesn't know send 'em to bean town!!!!!!!!!!!! @Nightblue3 fvcking dub @nightblue3 is pepega theres some loot spots inside the dome if you walk the steel beams underrated game monkaW Hard jump coming up not on top yet @nightblue3 go take these stuff and come back pick up the rest bro be careful dog monkaS u can get auto turret on top if ur lucky beancan takes time to explode monkaEyes go home now please monkaS monkaW RUN you need to eat You r suck nope monkaW there isnt GO HOME monkaS told you earlier xD monkaEYES just go up, there might be a gun there you need food THERES NOBODY THERE drop disel fuel just stand on a place where u can get shot lol i wouldnt waste the bean can if i were you monkaW THE SNIPERS ARE HERE @Nightblue3 Dude you have 3 bows, drop at least 1 monkaEyes and u need to move u dont wanna them find u in that spot lol monkaSHAKE IceCold @Nightblue3 DONT greed GO HOME to high just go home .. go home f go home please LULW there isnt @Nightblue3 GG stuck Go back to base now!! HERE IT COMES PepeLaugh its not safe u have lamp nb3 playing my game what a surprise play leagueeeeeeeee you definitely die LETS GOOOO no yes yes POGGERS YES YES yes thats the hardest jump yes KEKW game is so hard to see when night comes around ple league pls NO LOL yes difficult Yes Atcion is coming yes 4 crates on top go homeeeeee yes Is it really dark for anyone else but me? fail inc GOGOGO YES YES YES POGGERS noooooo Check for teammates yes @nightblue3 it's getting darkkk NO do it its outside with 1 pipe in the left monkaEyes WAIT LOL left one LULW NOOOOOOOOO oh jesus yes HAHAHAHAH kaka F AAHHAHH Nooooooo OMEGALUL KEKW kekw LULW \ rip KEKW F @danielmk12 because its getting night time omggggggggg F Yes LULW HAHAHAHA LULW go right F wow close No!!! LUL lmao F LOL clip it f FFFFFFF F at the edge F CoolStoryBob KEKW it was to the left nightblue get gud son lol you stop the last moment f GG F gg KEKW heal you boob omggggg no KEKW GGWP you guys are mean ggg it was the left side of where you jump If they have gungs trow granate Gg ez POG GG ? kappa ? ? LMAO KEKW Remake at 15 so bad dont Kappa ? Beantown lmao GG imagine losing to t1 and tarzaned and then play rust for the salt Kappa omg FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF so dead KEKW lol FF 15 LUL Just play league noooooooooooo dont questionmark the streamer or else i will ban u hahahah so fking bad xD LUL AIM KEKW HAHAHHAAH F KEKW FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF KEKW nice nade KEKW You are so bad AHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAAH PLAY LEAGUE RITOOOO! KEKW unlucky hahahahahahha 2 guys there Go back pepega KEKW stick to jng CRINGE have a great day :) THIS IS RUST HahaBall F Greedy GG STREAMSNIPER MAKING ME CRINGE omg better JG wins SOUNDS LIKE JOSH OMEGALUL GG geesh Pepega moon2SUFFER moon2SUFFER pls just do oil rig Hard throw fusYikes Hahahahhahaha Bean can grenade.... Pepegaaaa disappointed Stream snipers Pepega 📣 HELLOOOOOOOOO Pepegaaa just do oil rig nothing else ur starving anyw Stream snipers. Pepega @BrettGentry its rust why would u think its streamsnipe Do oiiil riggg Pepegyy james LULW Just do oil rig BigBrother oil rig thats the one earlier next time eaiser to sly up pls do oil rig freaing stream sniper Lul james baxter only streamsnipers would be able to kill nb3... @nightblue3 you suck oil rig nice gaming.. does it come in good? Peppega For sure.... Man can't survive without his bodygaruds LUL today Kappa just oil rig chad james > beta nb3 nb3 doesnt lose fair 1v1's they must have an advantage THE GAME CODE IS BAD same as ur skillshots today KEKW jusz do oil rig is obsviously a bug @BrettGentry oh yeah right because nobody would go to dome lmao LUL KEKW bodygaurds LUL loool Use bean can Grenada ??? just do oil rig nice one the ssquad is back kEKW GET STALKED now this is streamsnipers YALL GUYS ARE LATE KEKW niceu! Stream snipers XD These guys... gay? its the gang DETH widepeepoHappy let them in rabia hahahaha theyre waiting for u TELL THEM TO KILL EACHOTHER HE SRRRRONG FREE CONTENT Bugscience nah they just trying to be "tough" on camera, its cool KEKW yieeee LUL D: YOU ARE THE POOR @Xentrosh true also gay touch your thing !!! Crossbow is ten times better crossie is so good crossbow is sick tho saying crossbow sucks KEKW LUL lul Pepels LULW KEKW loool KEKW ITS LINK KEKW KEKW crossbow way more accurate and more damage lol Wtf i planted you like 30 hemp seeds outside your base omg LUL clip amazing music widepeepoHappy AYYYY no these dudes is so much fun yes KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump your team is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee @Nightblue3 Too FAR go raid dome! do it ur team is poggers TEAM UP WITH THEM Morning o/ go with team THE GANGS BACK go dome LUL liar Give them all your wood Kappa @Nightblue3 Fuk that... just get a horse first GIVE THEM FREE SUB U GOT NO SHIT this two are hella fun move in togehther move in with him aaahaahhahaha KappaPride MOVE INTO HIS PLACE KappaPride MOVE INTO HIS PLACE KappaPride MOVE INTO HIS PLACE KappaPride MOVE INTO HIS PLACE widepeepoHappy move in, make a fwiend xD Kill Melody he smell fishy Move to my place and chill eue just roommates KappaPride kinda KappaPride Now u brake the karma u will not be pepega LOL LULW LUL lul OMEGALUL LUL He likes boys now :3 KEKW hahahahhah thats mee MARIOOO LOOOOOOL LMAO LUL Hahahaha lmao XD LUL LMAOOOOOOOOO give 10 subs yoink him hahahahahahaha you evil LMAO GOOGOGOGO the bantids streamer mode Pepegaaaa LULW Streamer mode ask thenlm to go out post streamer mopde yoinked that right out his face Streamer mode there is a setting is there any streamer mode settings? its not streamer mode You have to turn names on can change in setting its not streamer mode u can have streamer mode and see green over them do cmpfire Pog PogU it usually does let you its not streamer mode is a reg setting @Nightblue3 STREAMER LOOT PogU change ur setting its in ur setting IS THIS YOUR RUST FRIEND PogU ? That friendly fire was Pog He's gonna shoot em PepeLaugh gachiBASS LUL builda monument xD why are u not playing league? lol trio of the year LMAO Lollipop Guild out in full force melody KEKW TYLER AINT SHIT ON YOUR TEAM MATES Sup @nightblue3 yea revenge time can they fly fuk those bitches THEY GOT BETTER SHOUTS fuckin james Go discord with them !server get a compound bow and kill scientists at excavator get sick loot PogU ? go discord with those two HAHAHAHA LULW it will be hard in the dark im sure everyone fails tht jump the first time 📘 Can I get an F if you believe he is gonna fail the jump again @Nightblue3 is that the brown horse that was left outside I CANT FIGHT THE DOOR D: go at the right edge then jump :) xD PurrrFECT CoolCat i failed the jump my first time lol D: Hit a spike CY@ I am going to sleep now i can go up there in the dark hopefully its not looted is this his first time playing rust? you can normal jump hecarim in rust :O imagine losing to t1 and tarzaned and then play rust for the salt Kappa and regular jump good shit over there No just run and jump at the very end Sprint jump HAHAHAHA xD LUL @Nightblue3 you have to run and jump right on the edge he said nightblue LUL LUL LUL thank you! I was wondering why he kept calling you blue Kappapride tanner? KappaPride It's okayyy he's a kidddd What do you want him to call you LUL thats how your viewers love you @Nightblue3 IS THAT MIKE?! 👌 👈 from high school if u get a gun kill them atleast he not saying rabia kromiaSip blue is your last name, he's actually super formal @RachelDGLucero he'\s 21 actually lol first peepee touch KappaPride KappaPride / \ KappaPride u re so annoying tell him to call you Rabia Tanner from highschool Pog @UghitsKevin how u know LULW OMEGALUL rip BOOMERS D: LULW student LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL He’s kissed you before what you saying KappaPride NORMIES LULW ZOOMERSSSSSSSSSS @RachelDGLucero he's my cousin. students zoomers kekw ZOOMERSSSS :D pupils zoomers lmfao KEKW You call them students @UghitsKevin tell him to not ask about the stream and stuff so it's not awkward hehehe i crouch jump to get back across and spring jump the way up 4 crates 4 4 good crates 4 or 5 good crates Sprint* 4 op crates 4 military crates zoomers puke OK BOOMER @Nightblue3 there is 4 green military crates it can have good loot amazing crates Study bugs in school Very fun 4 Military crates can get auto turret to sell :) man hate getting crap loot after climbing dome no lol no no no boii he is friendly LUL no NO dont be so toxic dont let him take it YES LULW no no KILL HIM! Mr Blue WeirdChamp no N OMEGALUL this the same server as yesterday or new one ? @Nightblue3 TriHard TriHard Mute him WeirdChamp relax soon he's going to school kill him after you reach top KEKW push him off the edge more entertaining than mr blue LOL LULW mute him permanently LUL with an arrow to the face dont let them take the loot tho Shoot him in the back when he not looking I LIKE THAT OTHER GUY monkaW stop lying blue :)) LUL Kappa baby steps LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL who the fk is Dan hi blue KappaPride KappaPride mr blu sounds nice j PogU Pog Pog Pog dont let them take the loot eeeezzzzz DansGame easypog ez sneeze asmr pog bless you eyy nightblue plays rust to haha. I enjoy your vids in YT NB3 its there ha gg KEKW bless u KEKW REKT they stole it all LMAO rofl LUL yes\ no no LMAO KEKW kill him YES LMAO KILL THEM BOTH yes PURGE THE OFFENDERS hiding YES YES yes Kappa yes NOOOOOO NO no no no no YES yes do it noooo MURDER HIMMMMM i think he will f u up lol YES YES KILL HIM NO YES NO yes please Yes you just want an excuse to kill him lol no KI just ask the chainsaw na KIll yeah he's a walking piggy bank you told them to jump first Kill np noooooo clown fiesta nb3Clown lol YES KILLL kill nnnnoooooooo na He has the gun! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unlucky loot Killllll kill kill nooooooooo lmao Kill NOoo Killllll KILL Just etell him to show the loot noo Kill KILL HIM Kill kill him no Killlll noooo MO KIll KILL TELL HIM "LOOK AT MY EYES". THEN HACKSAW n o KILLLLL HIMMMMM NOW kill DONT KILL nononononononononononononononononononnono DONT KILL HIM >:( KIllllll next time then his friend probably kill you though lol no kill KILL NOOOOOO MERRCCYYYY DONT KILLL Kill nooooo keep friends KILLLL dont KIILLLL no NO KILLLL KKKIIILL TELL HIM "LOOK AT MY EYES". THEN HACKSAW! no kill LOL KILLL KILL KILLL "LOOK AT MY EYES" KILLLLLL @Nightblue3 keep friend no kill KILL will they are your only option on surviving :P NNNOOOO LULW ded loool f LOOL aelrisRiP POGU LOL ROFL LOLLL yeee HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH lol HAHAHAHAH LULW . IM DEADDD OMGGGG LMAO ??? HAHAHAHAA XD HE'S SO FUCKING FUNNY HAHAHAHHA broo LUL WTF LMAOOOO clip that LUL LMAO CLIPPP OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL you jump I love Rust for this reason no from outside you need to jump lol close to the edge you can slide hey Rabia I haven't been in here for a while but I wanted to say I hope streaming is going good and j hope you're doing great Legend there is a ladder jump it wont kill you its a bug right now @Nightblue3 WTF Lora is Nb3's MAddog... Beware guys LUL just jump down 4Head he can revive u if u fall Never seen so much fail and win at the same time he gonna snipe u now LUL run str8 frm where u r now look down he left ur party yea jump and is gonna revive its true thers a bug He fell and kill some1 i play rtust to men you ASK if hes brazilian hhaha the barbed wire accentr it was the razor wire PLAY LEAGUE your nose is beautyful there is a bug if u look straight up as u fall there is a chance u wont die from it that was ur teammate F ask him to gie u a python :( no trio anymore That guy is a beast i cri Hell ya, another @nightblue3 rust stream!! Lets freaking gooo bois you see your team just jump and did not die or down Lora For NightBlue3's Mad-Dog 2019 LUL BeWare dude hes gonna raid your base Give him your torch wait what happened why he kill him i liked him BibleThump so mean lol Assault rifle right there the melody betrayal did u turn on him? o shit the base he fell and died lol monkaToS LUL kill lora too Go back kill him Just ask him for it does he have a bag in base hahha well u can go alone next time eat something Kill dem ol @nightblue3 biggest rust streamer pog Kill him make it fun go alone next time Lora For NightBlue3's Mad-Dog 2019 LUL BeWare kill lora give him the arrow straight in his ass biggest rust streamer pog what happen in the doom, stays in the doom :P FIND MELODY You’ll regret killing me biggest rust streamer wear smth @Nightblue3 ask melody to show u his base You let it happen U are starving Snake LULW get guns and kill go to launch site Pog Being a silent witness makes you partially guitly @vuzek_yt:You RAN WITH THE LOOT NAIL GUN NAIL GUN @nightblue3 build a fornest use nailgun try the nail gun NO no YES no no pushhh no no NO you will die runnnn push not really now you cant jesus nailgun for close rsnge KEKW no eat get close and use nailgun go up LOL Pepega LUL LULW ANELE ROFL come on kindred q them REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you need to eat semio revolver gg GGGGGGG LUL LULW LULW Ripped @Nightblue3 Sooo BAD KEKW yup\ so bad gachiGASM gachiGASM so bad LULW And that’s what you get for killing me @Nightblue3 WTF just go play lol xd semi revol OOF rip peepoClap KEKW BLUE BLUE Would have left. It’s my items that’s wouldn’t of happened KEKW ROBENIAN well u dont have a proper weapon yet LUL ur actully pretty good considering You need a revi man for those encounters or crossy Nailgun range is pretty small means ur bad it means u bad trash can shooter @Nightblue3 STICK TO PVE AND PARKOUR LUL download some aimbot u know the fun is getting better and dominating Jezz u bad it means your aim is Pepega try git gud LUL why is biggest rust streamer trash u need to run fast to him with full health and use the nill gun thats call rejection :) just like when you miss smite flaiDERP heart of the flick you have to tell each arrow you love and appreciate them peepoClap best feels are the 1v1 bow god fight and winning :D TRU Gun difference NO LOL Use bone arrow because you cant aim how is this ape the biggest rust streamer give lora a better gun and get carry U CAN MARK A DOT WITH A PEN IN UR SCREEN that way can predict where shots go @Nightblue3 anal tipped arrowheads for homing KEKW LULW watch some Welyn videos in spare time @nightblue3 LULW ? lol TRASH LULW loool do u aim? rip omg lmao ??? LUL randi LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hhahahahahha who is that? TRUE no LOL xDDDDD BRO KEKW unistall do you even mouse bro? hahahahahahahahaha OMGGG U need to partice and if u want u can mark a dot on ur monitor unlucky LOL damn you suck BRI @ nightblue3 hit ~ and type in combatlog and see if the arrows hit LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL gifted subs? LUL you did ok try crosbow KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW wood arrow head shot more damage then like 5 nails Disposed of KEKW THAT WAS YOUR CHANCEEE boxDerp < RANDI NAILED U LULW uninstall unlucky tbh @Nightblue3 bro turn on your monitor just alt+f4 LuL nb3NANI nb3FF15 nb3FF15 NA aim no ammo haha bye have a good time biggest rust streamer kekw @Nightblue3 STICK TO PVE AND PARKOUR And wait for Lora to be the Bodygaurd on PVP LUL lmao lora is funny @Nightblue3 your aim is weak Lora is afraid haahahahaha 200 HOURS KEKW add lora lol LUL mike2.0 LMAO youre new?? back to leeaaguee LUL HE THOT U KNEW LUL LUL Best jungler NA sounds like league time lol more rustttt lol haha mind treak LUL PogU LMAOO POGGERS you hit it in his nut xd nice 1v2 and got 1 in the dick 2 times Lol? KEKW 1000 AP ONE SHOT hahaha did ur other team mate steal everything and leave? KIMBERY KEKW @Nightblue3 Good Try!\ Guys he’s playing on rustafied barren 1/20/3 KDA damn jarvan main here 500 ap two shot nidalee pantheon mainsince season 1 XD @RachelDGLucero LULW LULW LOL LOL KEKW LOL yes LULW fat nidalee spear Pog XD JAMES 90 m XD Why don’t you just play something you are good at BigBrother james is the true legend Well you can buy a revolver at outpost and learn it @nightblue3 who the fuck is this james ?? haha lmao LUL HAHAHAHAHAHHA @Nightblue3 you are stuck because you are trying to pvp for loot and arent winning fights Because you need to farm and you suck at farming LMAO You’ll get better dont get discouraged farming, base building ask him to fly to dome You would have a better chance if you didnt betray your third low grade SCRAP get clothe Farm the road LOW GRADE GIT GUD KEKW FARM Pog ? MEN LOW GRADE GUN kill lora You never go back after looting ak47 eat yourself fly the thing farm nakeds PVE KEKW FIND FUEL @Nightblue3 BUILD BASE be no virgin anymore back to league uppgrade youer base workbench Camp Kappa GET A GUN 50 cloth 150 wood fly the thing farm ppl Build workbench Farm nakeds kill billy the horse farm stone for your house first @Nightblue3 kill nakeds kill 5 people with a rock scrap farm road farm players Quest #1: Change game stone base stop being a fking virgin HAVE THE SEX Quit rust damn this is entertaining Fur cane FIND FUEL FOR HELICOPTER farm the nakeds fuel 2k wood and stone FLY THE THING Furnace ur already farming deaths kill ppl for loot Get sar and research? Kill everyone Make a tier 1 workbench make pistols @Nightblue3 farm nakeds Make baby Build weapons kill them foooos BUILD BASE FURTHER AND Aquire blueprints for weapons Tier one work bench scrap get syringe blueprint so ur not bandaging 5 hp stop being virgin @Nightblue3 tell the story of your life yeah need better weapons kill melody well 1st co op with your teammates raid melody NotLikeThis yeahh you need to start cooking metal u need bp yes Make a god damn crossbow make bsby kill them for food you need to make a better base You need the blueprint to make a revolver That sword is god tier farming barrels If its vanilla you need to learn revolver first. You can buy revolver for scrap at outpost PJSalt yea raid melody farm your jg or u can raid melody c BUILD BASE FURTHER AND Aquire blueprints for weapons take all his shit farm the raid the kid only nailgun farm first, fortify your house first before exploring @Nightblue3 twitch chat 5Head nail You really just need to quit while your ahead BUILD BASE FURTHER AND Aquire blueprints for weapons /Defensive Gear Yeah build a solid stone base u need the bench no yes please get big and destroy ppl raid him mr blue Nailgun is not terrible close quarters raid mr blue n take his guns nailgun and eoka pistol fuell you got gas did he ask for the backseat gaming or is that just what is happening dont lose it @nightblue3 RAID MR BLUE N TAKE HIS GUNS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Next time you get a gun use a blueprint on it and you can make it after EEEE So worth the sacrifice in the long run raid mr blue n get free guns run RUN FORREST follow lora Hunt some animals and get some crossbow and leather armour to even have a fighting chance man KEKW "blue" WeirdChampo LOL @k10239 he asked for us to guide him because he gets distracted wth kill him LOL LUL sword him u didnt help him ahaha run and hit jimmm LOL the kid is mad HELP HIM OMG lol why didnt you help lol Why didnt you help?? nightblue you must have some problems when you take a shower don't you? almost hit the roof XD HELP HIM OMG fuckin kill him u dumb pussy why don't u fight with him WHY DIDNT U HELP? weak Kill MELODY!! Kreygasm is this on a private server or smth? why didnt u help u retarded fuckk who is this trap KEKW Your stream LULW your stream LUL xD ur stream is this challenger rust plays? exposed KEKW ur stream pogu this guy acts like u cant just move ot another server LUL toy story bully lookin Trap what just happened hes listening to your stream LOL LMAO NOT FALSE KEKW LUL weak KEKW to join a new server with lora Stream Sniper rer rrr You need to start learning blueprints farm ores, build your house on stone! Kappa HI LORA, RAIDING YOU WAS A JOKE. ResidentSleeper just join a new server with lora* we won't get bored ResidentSleeper boxDerp ResidentSleeper move bases because he knows where u live Pog @TitanBananaGaming he knows nothing totally new Pog is lora on the chat? i still enjoy watching JUST IN TIME I NEED TO SLEEP ResidentSleeper Clap here we go again ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper You are a genius PogU Make duble door ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper MINNNECRAFT SIMULATOR ResidentSleeper PogU I always stream snipe and just put weird signs near the streamer's base uwu the outpost will kill u again Pog ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper pp small thats not lora tho kek ResidentSleeper Whats the purpose of this game? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Nightblue3 Woot Farm Stream ! Unless you're insanely good at Rust farming is not an option Poggers thank you, I was trying to go to sleep ResidentSleeper not farming* your bow is low Who here plays rust even? I’m gonna leak it I think he can find you though? He's still in the party right. Lower left? you can do it KEKW KEKW most of nb3 is lol so ResidentSleeper @Dynex3 he is totally new and knows nothing lol lol u should move bases because he knows where u live just go to another server. they stream sniping LULW "FARMING" Who wants me to leak the server @Taz_83 Not true we played 2 wipes together LULW how do you won in rust? aww NEW TEAM!!! watch out @thinjustin you don't more snipers Pog Kappa some pro gameplay @Dynex3 yea 2 wipe he learned nothing from it lol lmao LULW lol XD LUL its a trap dont let them in snipers PogU LUL LUL xD KEKW lol LOL XD LOL lol OMEGALUL LOL LOL LuL LOL xD BRUH' what server is he in @RachelDGLucero what happened to the old team? LUL that is oof LOLLLLL LUL LOL lmfao lul KEKW 2k ppl intrested in rust hmmmmm LUL LUL LUL don't open @nasgdt FOKUM @Taz_83 He basically pvp'd the whole time and built our base KEKW lmaooo LOL lmao xD LOL xd hahahha LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL wtf bro XD airlock NotLikeThis LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL they maken a rap beat for u 3Head KEKW xddddd brooo omg LOOOOOL Trap him inside WHY WOuld you do that outplayed xD HAHAHA you fucked up lol xD Kill him XD no bro should of locked him in outplayed u got baited @Dynex3 if he had better aim this would go much better and faster u just got deeped ,am Make a bow and kill him LUL his breaking ur bed I CANT BELIEVE IT LULW u had alot of cloth Noo hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah u suk man Lol this guy Rekt D: LOL gg did u lock TV? back to where we started he can break TC tc? they will break it SPEAR UP BABY So you dont spare your friends but you trust a random stranger go back to lol he lost the base ? D: / rip bye loot ur hardwork none trashy base is gone :c new server time Rip he'll take your pickaxe and break your TC for the loot NEW BASE sleeping bags arent alive TC is on woodfoundation though and its very easy to break NEW server they can easily break out lost base :! we start again ur trash newbie mistakes XD People in rust these days ARE NOT FRIENDLY, you can't trust anyone except your teammates also wood walls can be broken from the inside if you lock him in back to 2 hour ago LULW @Nightblue3 will you play ARK soon? he's out by now @mohammadjallaj he is newbie call the boys this game looks so trash NEW SERVER TIME ??? LULW i think you should quit by now tbh next server lora is at your house fucking james again yea lock them %Head JAMES james JAMES looool. time for bed is still there just say wtf more aggressive players they can easily melee the walls down loooooooooooooooooooooooooool KEKWKEKW JAMES James KEKW ark would be fun to watch too LOL umm you need to get like lot of vierws that will help you farm and take over the world JAMES LULW Rng KEKW KEKW KEKW SAVED KEKW They broke the floor new base is good. start fresh @nightblue3 Under your tc new server time kekw} KEKW LUL They softsided the foundation TC stood on KEKW LUL gg LULW KEKW KEKKKKK Anele nice nade KEKW LULW nice job LULW ANELE BEANTOWN soft sided thqts why you have stone LOL EASY RAID CHEEESE If anyone wants to play rust I'm pretty friendly and have 3k+ hours ANELE !server DEEP! what server NB i got like 2k hours in rust i can help LUL LUL LUL Eu pussy here :P drwon ur self ANELE BOoM drown LUL LOLxd Try building a smaller base bro so you can afford to make it all stone.. XD you have been dead for like the last hour 🐻 Yo modfk xD @Nightblue3 duo? Is this a death simulator ? 2x2 or smt KEKW MingLee CHINA KKona trkVoli BEST LUCK KEKW did you see those anime girls kissing on killed by when he suicided @Nightblue3 lol is gone? banned in chinese @Nightblue3 Start a new server and do things the correct way please find a new location please Dead pov boxHYPERS LUL play another game? you gave walked pass so much stone lol you needa find some pplace less populated and build a the best base Cmon get yo house back u didn't try to found one Nodeheaven is in the snow farm then build base Is this the new Dark Souls ? Nightblue why are you so cute all the time? stone has higher droprates in deserts and stuff no they broke the foundation You walk past stone all the time newest league map? Pog how ???? build another base ? upper left playee worth EZ tc is very breakable Tc is worth 1000 wood KEKW they didnt care about the tc. they just wanted to troll lmfaooo u play rust now I killed them all daniellleeeeee just farm they just wanted some stream time Anyone know the server... not gonna stream snipe just wanna kill those guys kek KEKW Dude no one is freindly EU FRIENDLY KEKW :(( yeah... definitely not friendly lol lia monkaW people dont miss there shots in that game wtf i hate when poeple type xD YES NEW i hate when poeple type xD x @vuzek_yt whats ur name in game NORTH meet up with LORA NORTH WEST GJGJG Blue Join me just team with lora BLUEEE @Nightblue3 YOU GONNA PLAY ARK?? GO NORTH start fresh @nightblue3 you had nothing haha are you playing on a barren server now? I’m the guy who always saves you @Nightblue3 what oyu need to do is start a new base with Lora karmaa bro we need lora in here Meet with Lora Lora will help you farm materials ARK new plan this time dont open door to ppl who shoot you T11 GOOD SPOT @nightblue3 @vuzek_yt whisper him he dont read here NORUTH MAIE BRUDHA BigBrother lora is fun tho Lora is actually pretty entertaining Try building on the edge of the snowy area. There is much more nodes in the snow xD go with lora get to Lora YEAH LORAAA <3 DO SMALL OIL RH WE WANT LORA good decisio RIG Get Lora BUILD IN T11 they stream sniping you. they wont care Taz how do I wispher him get lora WE WANT LORA! monkaW Lora is good Get LORA dog idea BAD monkaW you shhould build near players go to Lora bro nah build base with lora Q5 LORA.. we want him team up with lora less people would mess with you i guess wont improve building away from everyone we want lora OIL RIG bad idea with lora OhMyDog idea LORAAA build base with lora dude solo = dead.. u need a flinker TWITCH CHAT WANT LORA DO SMALL OIL RIG @nightblue3 dude I killed them all and got killed by a bear I’m the guy who always saves you If you live in the snow you waill always need to ware clothes or you will take dmg from cold.. loraa lora's got your back bro hes died for you get lora @nightblue3 and build home with him @nightblue3 man Rust like playing jungler in league you have to farm a lot to get somewhere Build a team WE DEMAND LORA a good team lol SMALL OIL RIG @nightblue3 you know the melody guy KEKW LORA find lora and team up build a big base with lora dead F bleeding the great escape build base with lora! LMAO Dude Lora betrays military crate Pog WE WANT LORA LORA we want lora @vuzek_yt he didnt yet Melody where is LORA LUL Is the way to go I saved him all the time We WANT LORA same guy i think My mans stole a whole ass door the sweat pick ur bag Get Lora and start over @Nightblue3 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM LORA REEE They just want the stream time no its tyoo cold sweaty rust players launch site You need cloth before you can go into the snow wheres lora I'm getting dressed watching this l6 listen to Rachel @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 come live with me I actually have guns like Tommy’s and revs L6 L5 u can gambe at bandit camp @Nightblue3 get a bow before you even think about anything else imo @vuzek_yt join him in team Barrels on road NOT Q5 L5 LORAAA <3 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base 5. Farm 6. Build base 7. FOKUM 1. Get a horse 2. Go to Q5 or T11 3. Farm 4. Build base Look The top of his head oh no no no uhh uhh where is lora and launch site is best place for scrap there's tons of ore and stone nodes near mountains and hills There are barrels on the water The only way he'll read it call lora men build there is lora on chat here?' Why are you walking past all that stone @nightblue3 Goin 2 bed gl pce out #FREELORA @UbeKraken theres no point farming if he cant even defend himself goodnight @Dynex3 why is he ignoring chat?? tru YE GO L5 ITS NORTH :( monkaW Try building where the snowy area starts. Its more easy to deal with the cold that way kill him omg comeon, how many hours playing rust already @theswagflag you farm to defend yourself though !uptime @Aaronchoi5, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 15 mins lora was entertaining atleast, other guy was annoying @UbeKraken you only need like 50 stone for arrows go ahead and make a bag horse thief Pog yoink latta bich KKool POG LOL TriHard my horse Where your team at MOVE TO SAME HOUSE WITH LORA LUL give horse food to increase stamina Lick the horse now! l5 L5 Q5 l5 somehre in the road L5 L5 q5 L5 stay north go with LORA l5 L5 Q l5 L5 l5 Q5 L5 L5 Q5 L% L L5 L5 L5 L Z5 r11 L5 l5 L5 l5. L5 L5 l5 L5 hate stream snipers who hunts noobs no q L5 Lt Go to L9 dude you gonna get fked if you try to play it solo, go duo or you are gonna get camped L9 f? ahead and make a bag @Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms @Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms @Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms 69 @taz_83 you saying nb3 is noob pathetic guy you can explore onec you are settled in a stone base hecarim in first person If you didn't let that guy in Kappa @baymax8165 in this game yes lol YOUR BASE GOT RAIDED? @taz_83 true btw LULW "raided" did he get betrayed by the 3rd guy? told ya q 5 q5 then build stone bajse @siflou yes nah he got deeped on.. @baymax8165 he need helps badly and he is not reading what people in chat trying to guide him the servers gonna wipe before nb3 gets a single gun @Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms@Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms@Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms@Nightblue3 Feed your hourse some mushrooms 2x1 @heheeggsdeep hahahaha 2x2 2x2 2x2 with airlock nooooo Start with a 2x1 with a triangle airlock on the sdie side I would love to help him. but i don't have ther game. i just know a bit from watching welyn & stevie 2x5 l5 @nightblue3 make a fucking decent one please Kappa get in that guys base if u can You didn't make it though :P @Nightblue3 why dont you play with some of your subs with experience who arent gonna troll No it recovers its stamina Why is he not playing League? true 2x2 with airlock !uptime @humboldxxx, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 19 mins @BobJaroudi because preseason doesnt matter i would guess kay than fresh server today? yeah mabye 2x2 and box placement isnt as important Ah dropping food infront of horse recovers its stamina True cant you just rebuild that base for like no cost? if u want we can duo is this on vanilla ? nb3 is this live i miss lora why are u playing barren? play with your mods @Nightblue3 lora PepeHands someone gift me game :) i miss Loraaa @Nightblue3 duo with subs or mods ?? :o BUILD ON SNOW prerecorded WE WABT LORA feed the horse AROUND TREES Man needs a duo lora PepeHands lora PepeHands to hide @Nightblue3 yoo when you build your house dont put on a door so all the good players will just walk by your shitty shack ok Better just close to snow feed horse food and itll recovers it yello bar steam sniping @Nightblue3 Play on a solo server who is he? HE'S COOL YOINK THE HORSE TriHard Hey NB3 why is he so quiet ADLEAST NOT HABIBI kill horse..get leather ;) I miss qq F QQ 5Head mm u can play with my wood A naked man coming over to say hello has a very threatening aura gad demit boys let this man play faking game @IMezamero is that the other guy with habibi lol Why Censored is that JAV ?? LUL kill him who's that? THAS CHEATING oh shit he may get a gun yet @Nightblue3 Ask him about his Sleeping time? Don't he got school tomm? LUL he'll steal ur farm. he'll kill u qq good man better kid wtf KEKW monkaW LUL LUL did he just say the h-e-d-h-s word cringe this guy is cancer inochiBang inochiBang inochiBang inochiBang thank god someone teaching him how to bunker lora is better is this like a budget Minecraft inochiBang inochiBang inochiBang HE HAS YOUR STREAM OPEN goddamn it where is lora when you need him kill him double hockey sticks nooooo he just wants a friend man LULW Lora go to rabia's location! pokiYikes pokiYikes pokiYikes pokiYikes pokiYikes pokiYikes he's listening to you ya fool KILL HIM just mute him you need the help. MAKE HIM UR NEIGHBOUR BE NIIICE @KittenAvalanche2 yes im sorry if you had children or family nearby OOOH is this LORA? he want to help PepeHands loras most trusted How are you liking rust so far? I find it to be a super fun, and funny game BE NICE MAN Let him help you. @nightblue3 CMON the dude legit trying to help and youre being a tool nice protected area LUL get him and lora as neighbors. you need the help @nightblue3 you doofus If you’re reading the chat guy, you a cringe and that’s cringe he seems chill KILL HIMMMM let him help KILL HIM Kill him @nightblue3 noooo make it bigger pleasee dont DONT KILL HIM KIL:LLLLL HIMMMM You playin vanilla?? LUL Yes tirangle kill him PogU ? KILL THIS SHIT KILL HIMM KILL listen to him @Nightblue3 he's helping you learn 200 IQ PogU HE'S TEACHIN U TO MAKE IT WELL HIM KILL HIM let him help Place the foundation then murder him LEARN no only door DONT LISTEN HIM just the door huhuuh is dat a penis Lia Lia Lia! he is right Cutie !fuo he's trying he knows what he's talking to, you listen to him !duo Lora It's Lora lora Pog thats Lora LMAO its too high up to have the door there hey its lora LUL lora pog LOL LUL KILL THEM loraaaa Lora we missed youuuuuuuuuuu right side LUL on the left this is a fucking love triangle hes telling you where LMFAO i would put door on left right zide LUL door left side of the triangle like he says left lora knows whats up you place walls on all three sides of the triangle. and then you have two doors team lora THIS IS A KappaPride FIGHT LUL PogU Do what he says niceu! 5Head 5Head PogU He good D O IT big brain fella Pog looooraaaaaaaa Pog loool WE GOOD Start making all foundations stone! LOOORAAAAA TRUST ME IM ENGINEER KEKW LLLLOOORRAAA now, ask Lora to farm stones for you @Nightblue3 ZULUL ACTION IS COMING while you farm for wood NICEE finally stone! hire this naked man as your engineer-slave Door needs to open inwards! Don't stop farming till you're secure so you can provide for Lia. NO DONT what does he need for a metal door? @chat door is placed wrong WE goo fam streamer life the ceilling We good will Lia play Rust also? @RachelDGLucero they helping u farm swap it around The teamwork boxHands @Nightblue3 dude he killed me he is living a good life now team up with them and get neighbors @nightblue3 WeirdChampion its teamwork not givin nb bad teamplayer :c is there still an active community for this game? I've thought about playing it. it aint much but its honest work But this isnt being given, Zthis is part of the game. Teamwork make the whole thing stone its more so they are working with you Watch out your balls LUL there's horses in this game @hakuryuh67 nope hahaha just team up with these 2 be neighbors xD @RachelDGLucero avenge lora lora monkaW @Nightblue3 go steal that bases furnaces YES no NO yeah works for donations btw LUL @Nightblue3 take furnaces OOOO Pof XD @Nightblue3 dont forget the sleepbag PogU Pog metal doooor is this game still worth playing? Damn build there D: KEKW @nightblue3 this isn't league nb3Aim POG GET THE FURNACE he killed lora ? niceu!! free storage XD LOL KEKW GO BACK FIRSGT PICK UP THE FURNACES LUL RTURN LETTER LUL GET ALL OF THESE STUFF kill that guy go back, you're being greedy again kill em he killed lora real life is scarier than fiction jezuz kill him KEKW LUL go back Just kill him you do LUL kill him KEKW lora needs to be avenged can you take the door? Murder this dude KILL HIM hey man, he's offering help, just go accept it give him that CY@ so annoying avenge lora return before u die Fucking kill him KILL girls r crazy KILL EMMMM Run KILL KILLL KILL HIM PLSZ LUL AYAYAYAYAAYYAYAYAY @chat can he take the metal door also? please kill that fucken guy killlll lmao kill get the metal door WE WANT LORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KILL HIM 😡 kill him pls except he is actually teaching nb3 stuff] NISUUUUUUUUU KILL HMI HE killed LORA metal door is nice EXECUTE THE CRIMINAL metal door Lora :( niceblu3 KILLHIM pickaxe into that base LORAAA <3 LORA>MELODY NO close Your gonna need metal doors asap anyway DONT KILL HIM too slow DO SECKOND FLOOR KEKW LUL KEKW LUL WE WANT BLOOD pls kill him PogU lol LOL stream in the background LUL lol\ LOL yikes Kll his ashe mikeee im glad you didnt kill him but my god DO SECKOND FLOOR NB3 SECURE THE BASE NOW PLSSS poggers box lol Let his loot decay LOOOL LULW HAHA @GetRaked7 sup CHAT OMEGALUL Mike9x Pog OMEGALUL STILL ON Go get the metal door @Mike9x you're verified wtf?? This dude is def on the spectrum since your in this chat u cringey go away Make everything secure please LUL UNACCEPTABLE cook in furnace dont let anyone steal dead stream why dont u secure ur base so cringe man how u doing nb5 ? go get the doors @zahdielwesh yeah my dad is the ceo of facebook finish your wall ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF hutnikHey you need a ruff roof twiges and no roof still roof make a roof top like the old base @Mike9x PogU FINISH THE WALL. @Nightblue3 metal door !!! make all the floor, walls,celing stone build a roof @Nightblue3 why didnt u take the metal door he had at that base Uppgrade the twig monkaW finish wall my heart monkaW twigs wall wtf pepeJAM Elelelelelelel gonna get raided PepeLaugh Floor on the ceiling u didn't do air lock properly @nightblue3 You are not safe rabia Lock both doors 4Head floor on the roof 4Head DO FIRE TO LIGHT that what she said You can do one wall stone and one wood upgrade to wood wall D: i feel like im watching Dr Stone LUL upgrade your walls @Nightblue3 outer door needs to open in NB5 VOICE pepeJAM NB5 VOICE pepeJAM NB5 VOICE pepeJAM NB5 VOICE pepeJAM NB5 VOICE pepeJAM NB5 VOICE pepeJAM LULW XD lock door omg poor lora POOR LAURA xd lul Lul !followage wtf cant see shit @trexman134, trexman134 has been following nightblue3 for 5 months 3 days 3 hours Lock both doors @nightblue3 4Head its so dark dude melody is a beast D: TRUE Lol SNAKE AJKSLDJLAKSDLJKAS JAJAJA LUL ty GOOD LUL KEKW LULW Time to stream snipe WTH? Why dont u play league??? Prefect timing... 10k :) LUL peepoRun peepoRun @Nightblue3 you didnt finish upgrading your last wall kekw LUL so stupid KEKW Uppgrade walls asap mokas OMG what a retard omw blue That’s what you get What a fucking kid this guy lol what did he said ? KEKW @Nightblue3 omg sigh.. Metal door! can you get the metal door? @Nightblue3 D: what was he yelling ? LULW . Rustafied barren he was saying the server its always 1234 hacker Nightblue KEKW @Nightblue3 uppgrade roof to stone 1234 He was yelling bad shit, the server Just the ramblings of a crazy man 4321 6969 6969 6969 YOU NEED UPGRADE WALLS TO STONE!!! @Nightblue3 his name is vuzek_yt and he will just keep typing the server name in your chat here 6969 Rustafied barren 1420? 600 stone for the walls lol dude its so scary put your loot in safe leaked He’s on rustafied barren that’s what you get for being a dick Can you salvage stone from them the house !uptime @Nightblue3 Where is QQ @ahawat, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 33 mins Bro put your loot in the safe, it ain’t safe here. @vuzek_yt no da lol, just grow up and grow up MELODY KEKW vuzek_yt is the name of the guy in twitcht you know @Nightblue3 When are u playing league again cause its night time put sleeping bag MELODY THE REJECTED SON KEKW you need every resources near you @Nightblue3 people are posting the server in chat lmao it doesnt shine at night bro Rustafied barren!!!! @Nightblue3 might wanna ban him damn this dude seriously immature @vuzek_yt Bro please just stop. I don't know why you are being so salty Fuck league rust is better so much better I don't think people care Bro get back home and stash your loot. League is best He’s being a dick all I ever did was help him you're a jungler, not an ADC @Nightblue3 now ur just pepega how are you even seeing eroktiL eroktiL eroktiL eroktiL eroktiL vuzek_yt is the name of the guy in twitcht you know @Nightblue3 Vainglory is better. u need a sleeping bag plz put loot safe Nice guys am I right suuuure yo does any1 wanna play rust? Kappa now they call u chad eternallchaos19 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! 2 yearskies! lets goooo baby!!!! Thank you for subscribing eternallchaos19 for 24 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Rustafied barren looks like ur playing olaf so imature silver adc legolas how do you even see wait what is happening, Nightlblu3 is playing RUST? ne no playing League anymore? o.O Thanks for the HahaCat @eternallchaos19 lol jk sleeping bag ur base!!! I’m Rustafarian. !followage @heinsberg12, heinsberg12 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 10 months 10 days 18 hours @vuzek_yt You are being really immature LUL @vuzek_yt u have small pee pee @IMezamero is that the other guy with habibi lol Just leave it man @Nightblue3 dont forget the sleepbag HELLI Dude this guy with a helicopter keeps circling around my base nb3 are you alright? sleeping bag ur base!! im fucking scared NB IS PLAYING OLAF in rust monkaW the Fbi Bro put a sleeping bag in your base make 2 one inside and one close by lazycaHi @CosmicLegends go to his base and guard it brother. Guard it from the man named melody nb living on the edge JKanStyle JKanStyle HandsUp he saw it HandsUp @CosmicLegends go to his base and guard it brother. Guard it from the man named melody is this another new server @vuzek_yt helping people who don't want to be helped is called harassment LULW KEKW @KiwiPaladin factssss Melody will eat my ass DO FIRE nice nice @RachelDGLucero since when NB3 is streaming other games than LoL? Thanks for your answer :) @vuzek_yt then again I don't think Rust has a legal system and that's a legal term KEKW Did you alredy ban him from chat? cosmiclegends PogU Clap poggers @CosmicLegends why and how?!?! make a camp fire make the outer door open inwards for a true airlock @nightblue3 who i need to ban? @Nightblue3 door lock? AYYYYYYYy\ AYYYYYYYY* peepoS LULW make camp fire and place in base @Nightblue3 Upgrade the Ceiling ! @vuzek_yt you dont own the server dumbass LOra LMAO MOE KEKW @rex_league yeah! right now it's mostly lol and rust. NOOO You need to switch the outer door around so it opens up inwards! @Nightblue3 Upgrade the Ceiling !!! HAHAHAHAH the cam, with the carakter is matcthin so well aahahahah KEKW YAYYYYY LORA'S BACK LOL LOL put locks KEKW lol @Nightblue3 Give him cloth´ s LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Z OMEGALUL OMEGALUL MERS LUL @Nightblue3 you can put key lock on your stashes btw now u can netlfix and chill eue please the airlock its all i ask We're loving Lora I trust snake @Nightblue3 Upgrade the Wooden Ceiling! Yo clear tc just in case that guy authd @Nightblue3 make the outter door open toward inside whats a zoomer? put some.damn pants on! zoomer = boomer @Nightblue3 Upgrade the Wooden Ceiling!! Chat do I go greed and eat 3 packet of ramen or just the normal 2 no nah yes @Nightblue3 run the furnaces my man leaked the guy you took the stuff from, your base gonna be like that leaked leaked uhmmmmm monkaH Leaked licked @Nightblue3 Upgrade the Wooden Ceiling PLAY LOL @Nightblue3 now people know what server u are on u monkey @nyle_x give him cloths @Nightblue3 you can put key lock on your stashes you need to get a metal door @Nightblue3 you need that metal door asap! @RachelDGLucero to be fair there's situations where what I said is legally the exact opposite of what I said. You generally forcefully help people who are trying to commit suicide or you do " interventions " for druggies you just leaked your server lmfao TURN ON FURN Smoke that shit plant eat hemp yea metal door would be nice plant seeds oh shit, now the stream snipers eeeef Get some wood and start smelting all your metal @nightblue3 plant hemp...real harvest ;) what is a zoomer? GG Kappa GG Kappa GG sweaty stream snipers are coming EZ Clap this guys is a legend! he is so kind :) Kappa make a group base? Lora FTW @coolman875 it’s an upgraded version of a boomer. KEKW XD LULW make Lora a mod @Nightblue3 If you hold shift + right click you can split into thirds hahaha u need more WUD KEKW kekW YES FUK DAT GUY shit dawg can i join ur group lol that guy murdered lora like 15 times KEKW oh MRTAL DOOR Yep Kappa nightblue put ur arms down, so it fits ur character metal door first!!! @Nightblue3 you need metal doors .. Go farm mettal @nightblue3 you have a small ass house man holy moly and also you need stones to keep the house up @CosmicLegends go visit him pleaseee! metal door is the 1st priority for now! METAL door METAL DOOR IS PRIORITY @nightblue3 you can just roam to the roads METAL DOOR #metaldoor metal door give Lora a Bow METAL DOOR!!! why doesnt he play lol everyone wants. a metal door for some reason Farm more metal and stone @RachelDGLucero last time i did that he killed me 5 times No league today_ ? METAL DOOOOOOR !!!! @Nightblue3 Metal Door ! Metal door no U TRAPPED HIM INSIDE LMFAO no @Nightblue3 you need metal doors!! come on. nooo!!! ignore that shit! metal door is the priority! imagine locking you out of your home U trapped him inside if you go for a drop, go naked @Nightblue3 XD rush the drop.. METAL DOOR fix FOV You need 200 metalfrags for codelocks too LMAO @CosmicLegends tryyy <3 make it exciting D: Fine poor guy @CosmicLegends YAYYY <3 PepoG gachiBASS LULW KappaPride LLUUUU xD LOL LOl TRUE KEKW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL netal door Roleplayer WeirdChamp !uptime @Bismuth_Business, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 43 mins LUL @Nightblue3 Metal Door ! gachiGASM @Nightblue3 now u gotta get off to go to school Need more wood or decay yes wait for it! @Nightblue3 house only sustains for 8 hours, itll be gone by tomorrow @CosmicLegends where on the map are u have one of you outside for a look while you wait for the metal door @Nightblue3 someone rusty are u on the server too @RachelDGLucero ? If u have stone make roof get it rust ? rusty ? no, im at work right now HAHAHA You need to put alittle frags in the TC aswell you should flip the door @nightblue3 so it blocks the entrance when left open press g to inspect your bow @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 TBH everyone knew the server after melody came here and spammed it into chest xD chat* At least nobody has stream sniped yet. Chest spam Well, Sort of* It prevents people from going deep if you do it the other way other way make windows @CosmicLegends No im at work right now jjajaja create a key for lora?? @Nightblue3 you gotta flip the doors for air lock it prevent from getting deeped on... the whole purpose of the airlock is gone then @TitanBananaGaming what if he wants them to go in deep Kreygasm ayee where league @ farm raid melody farm more stone melody has scrap @Choobafier lul KEKW metal dooors go raid the fkin melody focus on farming raid mr blue cant you make lora a key? raid mr blue he has scraps True HahaThink @Choobafier barrels hold scrap LOL go down the roads melody has scraps USE BLUEPRINT ON HELICOPTER It’s lagging for me. WATCH OUT FOR FIRE? @nightblue3 do u have any tips for Olaf jg Oh wait, now it’s fine. Get scrap running outer Launch there is alot of barrels Why don't you play league stupid.. JK i love you but no homo okay? rodeo ocean do vending machines still exist? anyone know ? I think 10 is enough for outer launch u need 25 Hola NB3! oathComfy hola amigo @KongFuziLIVE no one cares LOL @chiheb077 Chill out Just get him 10 rad progection ur rooftop is wood u need to upgrade it HahaCat Pepega native rustians KEKW raid !followage thecapter boxShrug boxShrug @UnfaithfuI_Giggles, thecapter has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 2 months 3 days 14 hours raid is fun that aint the bow :p my horse is shit xd its bows fault..not the users... monkaHmm !followage @me_and_gay_man, me_and_gay_man has been following nightblue3 for 2 months 26 days 13 hours xD STOP SHOOTING ME >:( NB3 the variety streamer is back :o raid yes damn rodeo ation @CosmicLegends THATS U? fEED HORSE @CosmicLegends lol xDDD 10 kill him POG breadwinner @Nightblue3 This is why i dont visit No league today ? @CosmicLegends come when he's in the house nah ur good but there is a tank that will kill you 10 for the outscirts where there are alot of barrels LULW @CosmicLegends FEED HORSE U GOT APPLE @Nightblue3 its was your mod on the Horse Dont go solo omg are you playing fortnite!!!!!! huge fan!!!!!!!! dont LUL 10 for outside u need high end gear, it's patrolled by tank @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 its one of your mods who were you chasing Is that an Invitation? comfySip2 Rust is lit He’s gonna find out who Bradley is soon enough use horse as shield celrSmug elaS let the bradley take him out boxGG boxGG boxGG no... Bradley monkaW @CosmicLegends was that you on the horse that rabia was chasing? ARROW IN HORSES ASS DUDE theres an arrow on ur horses asss Shoot me one more god damn time Horse as cover is OP !opgg its so tuff to watch a new player when i have 3k hours in rust Rust LUL LUL wtf nah tank is Lora pregnant? he doesnt know? KEKW ITS AN ARROW IN HORSES ASS DUDE Tell him to get 10 rad protection !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Bradley is a huge tank meat shield horse Bradley is a friendly tank @CosmicLegends ur our hero Pete raid someone call pete Is rust like minecraft with better graphics? @vuzek_yt "friendly" that fires at everything NB3: do you remember where we live ? Yo rabia gift me my 7th month sub :) @subvtrn lmao LUL @vuzek_yt why u no raid nb3 now hollding nb3MonkaS fk em up melody fk em up I’m tired blue is getting raided tomorrow at 5:00PM EST i've watched you for a couple of years :( raid dannyelle i do wake up 3am to watch u !!! @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 @vuzek_yt is that when you get out of daycare? dann yell e Rabia needs to make some more videos w Lia L5 dann yell e pp smol lol vuzek_yt went to school 25 13 26 Pandarippe is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 48 in the channel! 10, 25 for the tower and 50 for main building Pandarippe gifted a Tier 1 sub to sfg11! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Thank you for subscribing sfg11! PogYou Pandarippe gifted a Tier 1 sub to leismann! Pandarippe gifted a Tier 1 sub to Marsrolled! Thank you for subscribing leismann for 4 months! PogYou @DajzkReaper XD 10 for outer, 25 for some parts and 50 for the red zzone Thank you for subscribing Marsrolled for 2 months! PogYou !followage @GeneralFury81, generalfury81 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 13 days 15 hours 26 45 Pog 20 !followage @instricted, instricted has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 4 months 18 days 14 hours nb3Pepe KEKW LUL WTF POOOOOOG hahahaha ANELE hello lia!! LOL lol LUL ???? what @liawaifu does nb3 have smol pp Dafuq? i think u should hide boxLUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Are you making any videos w lia soon? KEKW PEJSEKSEKOUSE subscribed at Tier 1. PEJSEKSEKOUSE has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing PEJSEKSEKOUSE! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! nb3 pp smol ??? shoot the horse next time, since it's not moving your stream started at 5 AM here nb3MonkaS nb3Thump do u sleep with ur new friend?? huh You need codelocks pp smol miss shots kekw padlocks SEND LORA FARM WOOD code lock the roof has to stay wood? @liawaifu monkaW !followage @GeneralFury81, generalfury81 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 13 days 15 hours get code locks yes he doesnt need you anymore lia KappaPride @liawaifu tell this man to stop shooting me sexy locks? nohomo YET gachiBASS KEKW KappaPride @liawaifu LMAO sure Kappa lora has bigger pp than nb3 oh fuck KEKW KappaPride only enough overlap for the dicks to touch gachiBASS You placed your doors the wrong way 🤦♂️ @Nightblue3 UPGRADE THE ROOOF KappaPride @liawaifu he lies, they spoon @liawaifu they put their mine craft beds together 😳 Rabia my convo about the sub got u 3 subs, just saying *gift cough gift* gachiBASS LMFAO well, the leak is now affecting you i dont believe u, i know how u like men !followage @GeneralFury81, generalfury81 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 13 days 15 hours KEKW KappaPride we got em @Nightblue3 where is your roommate? #we want habibi back KEKW The whole point of the triangle airlock is to prevent people from being able to get in gachiHYPER when NB3 opens the Menu he looks like the top of his Character XD KappaPride KEKW LIA gachiHYPER LUL exposed its cause u big dummy and u leak @Nightblue3 You should find another server before you get bamoozled @liawaifu TRUE lul LUL Roof LUL LUL YES" YES Exposed by his own gf LUL fix outer door!!! @nightblue3 just start on other server DOOR NEEDS TO OPEN LEFT SIDE does nb3 have smol pp @liawaifu ? !followage yeah you should @mryanmm, mryanmm has been following nightblue3 for 9 months 26 days 13 hours Code lock is a lot better D: D: ?? WE WANT HABIBI BACK D: D: D: D: capital d colon D: !followage sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS sooyunBS @ARCHIVIS, archivis has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 3 months 6 days 17 hours D: D: WE want QQ ZULUL ACTION D: D: !followage @noone_120311, noone_120311 has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 5 months 2 days 11 hours @nightblue3 you under attack? D: KEKW poor horse :( p horse abuse Pog U GOT ME @Nightblue3 YOUR Own GF just pulled you out of the Closet Brah LUL someone call peta PETA D: Thats what happens when nightblue rides you... you get shot O wait ur homie got me you can build another floor @nightblue3 raycBless POG KappaPride o wait that wasnt ur homie KEKW KEKW LOL stop dying nooooooooo ??? f rip lolz f take your bow out? GET EM BOIS f in chat Just don't die 4Head !uptime @Afasar, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 59 mins 4 :D 3 2 1 out !time jhin main LUL ??/ nb3YIKES XD We rolling up out here farrrrrrm @Nightblue3 Ashe would be disappointed in you. Not good farm up xD YIKEES wtf this game is the shit :)) your welcome kindred main KEKW fusFail @CosmicLegends which were uuu tell Lora to farm stones, then you farm wood @Nightblue3 Shoot me and u get the pack brutha 1 - 2 - 3 - headshot One other one is a friendly KEKW you beg for some weapons no one is friendly nightblue, gotta learn that I was the friendly one until Lora killed me LUL no life wow you getting clapped Hide map damn how'd you make enemies GO PLAY 7 DAYS TO DIE DUDE :D Rip Bad server being able to spot people from far away in rust is key ! @vuzek_yt u are a petty cunt hello wassup cry Die climb the domb probably scream really louad BRAEM HIS ARM train @Nightblue3 Wtf i sleept for 17 hours lol WIN WITH ONE PUNH :) cry til gets a powerup DATTEBYOU Lora got the house dude don't worry . i'll protect it with me soul They'd go to a new server KEKW youre streams laggy @Nightblue3 why is your manhood censored they'd also not die like a chump they would rescue the princess Kappa get the hype preperation music going Lol the rebuild starts now pull out a sword and bust some Yasuo moves Give up? @vuzek_yt last warning on leaking server name always check your surroundings i guess they would land an arrow THEY NEVER DIE the training music weeel My favorite anime character would just right "Major" in his Death Note @Nightblue3 and that censure BE STRONK @NyLe_X Hi Melody!! <3 LEGENDS NEVER DIE Surpass Your Limits! @NyLe_X Pog get the eye of the tiger playing @RachelDGLucero melody who LUL what's the dlc about ? play Super Saiyan music SwiftRage @NyLe_X just don't kill Lora anymore pleassse <3 KEKW minecraft in 4k? @cosmiclegends just ban him, he's so petty Akaling :D don't say that fam @RachelDGLucero i'm Lora man , this man locked me in his house i can't leave now wtf is this lolol @NyLe_X wanna squad up homie ??? @NyLe_X this fucker shot me @NyLe_X OH RIGHT hahahahah LULW !uptime @captainbagos, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 3 mins o wait ur lora @Nightblue3 you locked Lora in your house. He can't leave hahaha nah homie u shot me at launch @Nightblue3 you lokec dora in you ¿r house WACK lora cant leave @nightblue3 LORA IN DA HOUSE Nice team @NyLe_X thief D: @Nightblue3 Lora got locked in the house loool so i'm i supposed to stay in the fking house now LUL LUL @NyLe_X XD LUL KEKW LOL @liawaifu ohayooo again Lia chan mushieees @Nightblue3 Rabia doesn't want the girls working be a good man and watch the house :D @NyLe_X if u roll up again u gonna shoot me? Aight i got a spear i'll protect it from those fkers if i* @NyLe_X hes Gonna come SAVE YOU PRINCESS poor lora XD @CosmicLegends Who were you LUL XD @Nightblue3 just harvest a lot of mushrooms and in pvp they will help u alot with health The guy at launch with the horse past 11 AM KEKW you need a db or water pipe lora is the new worker at home Doing Taric jung now, you proud? Crunchy mushrooms DansGame That chewing has to be the most annoying sound I've ever heard in my life. what time is it ? poor lora @NyLe_X dont shoot @CosmicLegends it 12 o Lora is a housewife @NyLe_X i gift u sub this is so surprisingly entertaining Imagne Nb3 not playing leauge lmao my pee pee is itchy send help when you gonna kill someone @Nightblue3 scailing btw @RachelDGLucero well i need to see his name first HahaBall RachelDGLucero gifted a Tier 1 sub to NyLe_X! They have given 21 Gift Subs in the channel! Thank you for subscribing NyLe_X! PogYou reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Realpr87 just wash it !timewatch gachiBASS Pog We cumin gachiGASM IM COMMING TOO gachiBAS !watchtime gachiBASS gachiBASS nb3NANI PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @vuzek_yt didnt you say the server name multiple times in chat? @silbonn lol HahaThisisfine gift me sub plz! !watchtime ? Wait he died? POGU @vuzek_yt i'm just trying to make him have more fun man @CosmicLegends what's your username why u quit league and go to wild my purpose was never to ruin his gameplay so many viewbots @vuzek_yt you melody xd wasnt melody meant to go to sleep xD getta from mu jungle @vuzek_yt You were kinda annoying tbh @RachelDGLucero CosmicLegends @Top_Dunk Yup thats him why you playing this shit game @vuzek_yt hiiii melody!!! League it up BTW they're out side the house with horses PogChamp arent you at school yet vuzek_yt? @NyLe_X im about to roll up silver mods ban vuzek lol he just leaked the server night @vuzek_yt nb3 found you annoying dude silver @Nightblue3 EPONA yeah blocked foos roh dah Lora2..0 server ded? hi ho permaban Pog big brain name @CosmicLegends i'm locked in like a little bitch I wish dont Starve together was on the Switch timmy Onwards bullseye! KKona Blackie @GadaGetGet3G lLOL KKona Sleipnir he run like the wind bullseye! rachael can u gift sub me pl BILLY'S BACK xDDD Joergen KKona Epona SLAMINA! ANIMALS @Nightblue3 to increase yellow bar on horses drop food in front of it nvm !uptime @kr1ska7a, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 8 mins LULW good morning THE POOR HORS your horse has an arrow in its nose lol should of made a second bow how's it going KEKW The horse BibleThump and now he dies Did anybody else Pog when Ninja hit Grossgore with " Who are you " lmfao trees what are you doing rabia, deposit what you farm first before trolling :( MAN, THE HORSE IS TOUGHER THAN U lol lul what game is this? "this is the anime we worked up too" proceeds to run a horse into a tree its Rust wipe day POG thanks @Realpr87 when was that and where ur mom pre shot ffs Horse shield POGGERS Haha what a pussysniper LUL EleGiggle HORSE monkW POOR HORSE DAMNNNN poor horse yikes LUL KEKW horse man :( wtf WHA KEKW @kr1ska7a oh like last week I think on twitter double kill KEKW 1 for 1 KEKW Like damn man lol KEKW KEKW who tf was walking up from behinf KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 4? 5x KEKW combo hahahaha 4? D: trkLUL trkLUL PURGE THE HORSES you should have deposited the materials you farmed earlier @Nightblue3 That was not too bad for the beginning of the fight tbh told u he'll die KEKW I dont understand why people do this Now there's one less Kappa peepoClap Vultures KEKW trkRat trkRat yasMald yasMald yasMald its just destroys the stream GO NB! its vuzek_yt Just play League KEKW STOP SHOOTING ME >:( @SaucyTsun trkKiss IM TRYING TO HELP @DasKrayZ LUL theyre streamsniping lora! COCKRAOCHES @Nightblue3 but that melody dude leaked the server tho lmao @Realpr87 that looks like 2 much drama and bs, but ima gonna look KEKW That guy already said he leaked you lol NOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW @nightblue3 melody leaked your server lol lol lies @CosmicLegends put on your mikeee LULW people lies actually vuzek_yt leaked the server in chat @Nightblue3 Pepega KEKW yeah melody leaked it KEKW It's not lora, it's because vuzek_yt (Melody) leacked server. KEKW game KEKW @CosmicLegends go away is the best help lol F itsskySip grrrSip kekw That pfp KEKW AIM KEKW melody brought this monkeys to your house yeah you leaked server info i guess at some point lol !time @Nightblue3 melody leaked it @vuzek_yt these children its getting boring wish people would let him play how about respwn inside the home and make stuff die It’s hard like that Man fk this shit he gives up @Nightblue3 melody leaked server and is killing u did someone say cringe.... @Nightblue3 I miss the parkour days... back when life was simple quit WTF MELODY BELIEVE IT! powers up its like watching a league game with that grey screen Writes someones name in his death note joins new server and kill sthem SAY GG let them run out side like idiots hutnikA1 hutnikA2 go grab an AK quits @nightblue3 NARUTO RUN @kr1ska7a yeah it was pretty funny idk I use to like Gross but he started to get annoying for trying to much My friends are dead Pepehands drink bleach @Nightblue3 pls change the server, it's just cringe he need friends to inspire QUIT give up remembers his childhood diez MELODDY YOU TRAITOR i’m cringing rn bro GG KEKW they stop streaming @Nightblue3 hit up.some Geishas He doesn't lose twice KEKW NB AARE YOU GONNA DO LEAGUE TOMORROW? get fucjed she protects the house till the man and only comes back play league :) ultra instinct time? Eat Ramen give up eat mushrooms POGGERS @Nightblue3 he begs the children to go to bed and get ready for school they join a new server He switches server lol he shaved his head he die he will use the power of friendship quit KKona Clap monkaS He starts playing LEAGUE @Nightblue3 LUL new servee he shaved his head n fight SCREW ANIME LOL MOKA start on fresh wipe, its way more fun and competetive this is not my final form OK POGGERS with what rad protection monkaS monkaS can i get an AMEN NOGGERS OOOO POGGERS poggers monkaWW monkas no POGGERS there just gonna come for u cause there watching stream poggers POGGERS monkaS Kreygasm KannaNom SantaHat POGGERS now they coming PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp MonkaS thats a monkaS plan he go for a 6ex KEKW no anti semetic POGGERS POGGERS no new server play that funky music white boy PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp what would Mario do pepeD U need new serve NB, vuzek_yt (Melody) leaked your server. nowayRIP the hero will quit and then his friend slapped him and VOIA he died monkaS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog eyyy YOU SAY RUN PauseChamp MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu MikeHogu PauseChamp ,,,,,,,,,,.. SMOrc SantaHat Buy my cheese SMOrc SantaHat LUL You just made it a date with snipes.. monkas he said “kill the rats” POGGERS ANTI SEMITISM POGGERS SeemsGood SeemsGood CurseLit \ PLZ NOO maximDef maximEat vuzek_yt LOL SMOrc SantaHat Buy my cheese SMOrc SantaHat climb the domb! mythC mythC eminem lose yourself @Nightblue3 heres your anime power-up music: sasha streaming now lol)) you should check dome again Dome is lit y every time i look at this dood stream he naked Kappa Kap I don't think you need rad suit for Dome HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys get that parkour goin play you say run peepoClap Pepega Go time POG kumaPls SoSnowy use bone arrow.. better hitbox Kappa Levi SeemsGood Haven't played game for like 6 months... too addicted to league Asta sykHeart cmonBruh FK ANIME Kapp no crates, its been looted B) NightCOOL3 B) Cool kid !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 25370 points and is rank 85/3218646 on the leaderboard. PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance Ban this kid lmao KKool im getting rocky vibes BAN HIM @Coolman875 Not cool man PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance I see this anime PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance @coolman875 you a Simp sykAngr PepePls @Nightblue3 harvest dead people body .. take some bones and make bones arrow better dmg and hit box POGGERS HES DOING IT POGGERS LOL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance TIGER SwiftRage Pog PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance HAHAHAHAH Jebaited KEKW PogChamp TWITCH RIVALS RUNNER UP DESTROYING RUST PARKOUR buttsBenis buttsBenis buttsBenis OOF El Guuitarrr Jebaited KEKW LUL LUL LUL guitar KEKW guitar KEWK KEKW lmao LOL KEKW A guitar ezwin LMFAO!!! LOL Pog u can swing it at them XD music is the best weapon ATK+1 DEF +1 lol lol beat them with the guitar LOL F SING THEM TO DEAAAAATH LUL just like in an anime xaaaxax KKona LUL hahahahahahahaha thats the best thing u can get from the crates up there pepeDS ak < guitar just jump off wait that was actually nice for a second rofl put them to sleep @Nightblue3 you're a Bard now bard Pog KKool play that thing DatSheffy better than ak With your singing, its possible lol playing guitarr reduces the spawn timer of new crates keep it on, maybe u get some charity bard is a good champ @leonhart486 lollll Nightblue3 the goliath bard beat them with it lol make music not guns @Nightblue3 anime build-up, expectation, dreams, reality, a guitar maybe it’s a sign u shouldn’t use violence to settle issues..... yes a signing voice so bad their brain will explode PauseChamp bard KEKW @Nightblue3 harvest dead people body .. take some bones and make bones arrow better dmg and hit box Pog PogU ? its a piace maker tool @Nightblue3 learn how to play kumbaya and befriend them then let lora stab em! POGU LUL PogU LUL big loot Pog loool NOW GO HOME now u get killed D: POG BBIg PogChamp PogChamp you play the song on guitar POG use guitar :rage: @NyLe_X WHERE U AT now dont die lol HELMET LOLOOOLOLO @RachelDGLucero random killed me You missed loot LUL Man this new stream schedule is killing me non hype song lol jut jump from top, hold "F" and u can fly barrel middle bottom yes Kappa Killing in the name of monkaW yes OMEGALUL lmao ... LULW KEKW KEKW NOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW dont die KEKW E TU ???????????????// ahahahahahah wtf POG LUL .......... :D oh nice KEKW POGGES why KEKW LUL lmao LULW ???? EFFOCIENCY fast back LUL LUL there's a guy LUL LUL LUL Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa sniper LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Perfect landing ??? ? u missed a helmet KEKW WOW who IS you grammar LUL LUL so lucky lol !uptime @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 20 mins buttsYikes ??????????????????????????? EAT!!! Its Jesus hahahahahahahahaha oh wow life saver Clip PepeLaugh Pepega LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL peepoClap What a god !followage @baymax8165, baymax8165 has been following nightblue3 for 8 months 14 days 21 hours he's gonna kill you team Then shoots you Pog LUL LUL LUL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance give him a guitar LULW XD angel BlessRNG Guitar !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute kill him WTF LULW 60% Pog 60 Pog shoot him in the head give him guitar DEALS AND SHIT LULW Bitch you ain't giving me 1% I'm in SeemsGood KEKW ETU party lool give him guitar guitar him duo This time dont shoot me >:( pog GUITAR inc betrayal PARTY making small talk KEKW @NyLe_X are u still locked inside the house ? lora is in the house again Lora out lol lora getting the short end of the stick play something with the guitar @Nightblue3 Lora is complaining that he isnt getting paid. nice talk eye of the tiger again !game he hired a hitman LUL LUL LUL LUL We're playing League on our main account nb3OMG @abulhassan02 -> nightblue3 is playing Rust Give him a TY Blow job Kappa @Taz_83 i died to a random so i spawned at the house now plx @cosmiclegends is that you? @cosmiclegends scream the gamer word on mic luuuul plz PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance do it for the boys STOP WutFace LUL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance lora.. u get his body every night BibleThump soviThink soviThink soviThink soviThink TriKool LUL KKool Clap wow great song :) get lora we cant here him @cosmiclegends dude that timing was clutch lol lora is a loyal one he plays rust on stream ohh bad idea :D barely hear this guy who is that? FOKUUUM CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob MODS ez money mods what is the goal of this game FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan FutureMan r one man spam POGGERS Where is Lora? zmods pls hahahahahahahaa he bored playing Rust in way like other people play any Battle royale online shooter maybe he's a sub hes the anime friend he has nothing else to do viewbot malfunction fan Rust is all about shits and giggles, this stuff makes it fun lmfao @psylife1 its a survival game @liawaifu lol I think he a mod lmfao THE ANIME GF U WANTEd LULW hes the anime friend dat heelp you He prob bored anyway HE KILL YOU AFTER ALL @aurikiwi ty SAUKE Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa yikers nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown Kappa LUL LUL LUL LUL lol LULW PepeLaugh KEKW Kappa Kappa Kappa eeeeeek Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa mishiNieve LUL LUL LUL LUL Kappa you should play PUBG or Fortnine, would fit your playstyle much better the lies he doesn't know you actually didnt sound like that Sometimes that's all you nee d @NyLe_X @CosmicLegends where are you two rn do not you want to unload loot? u should let lora know he is on ur team before getting yourself killed? :) fortnite POGGERS wy not play league?? wt about twitch rivals should play EFT ? should play neopets Kappa @CosmicLegends disc? nah do league bro SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood Did someone say fortnite? POGGERS hey bro youre sick at league! Kappa hi yeh @Nightblue3 harvest dead people body .. take some bones and make bones arrow better dmg and hit box Kappa Kappa Kappa where is lora? I'm a sup wtf WutFace monkaEyes nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis NB3 no leagu today ? This is such an interesting/addicting game if you give it a chance.. LULW monkaX liar Kappa hahahaha go to youer base first Really fun to watch aswell i dont understand what keeps u from destroying houses taht wall is backwards thats my house you idiot LOL lmao LULW LUL KEKW lol KEKW let lora out KEKW @NyLe_X wher euuuu @NyLe_X fix your wall buddy let lora out @Nightblue3 you're still going Rabia wtf monkaEyes @NyLe_X let me in ur house D: @Pandarippe ty for the free sup try the other houses randomly @liawaifu Takes too long go to youer base says u have building privilege HELLO BRUHHH they know you bring friend D: NOTICE ME PLSSS BRUHHH !uptime @Justenjoy1T, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 27 mins its the Kappa Cavalry XD POOR LORA KEKW i didn't build it i just stole the door and the lock My black horse really stands out huh HeyGuys go to youer base :D :D :D :D ye if i would be that guy, i would be let that idiot die :D let lora out and let lora out let lora fight lol lora died u base HEYYYY NB3 NOTICE ME BROOOOOOO LOOOOL HE FORGOT @Nightblue3 lora stuck @liawaifu Can you guess what I want to ask you? loras dead show him ur base and make sleepingbag he is baiting u for him BAIT leismann how i am? :) Kappa Bait alert why are you playing rust you slut I'm in yr base NB3 I bring some good shhhit for you PRETTY HUGE Kappa BIG KEKW BAIT literally the smallest one lol LUL hahahahaha The long troll KEKW liar the ugliest flaiDERP flaiDERP big base LOL LULW loaded @NyLe_X tell this baboon to stop shooting me LULW :) LULW LUL u quit lol ? @Nightblue3 KappaPride LUL LUL <3 LOL Lia monkaS KappaPride KappaPride poor lia being sidelined @liawaifu nb3NANI @liawaifu stop this nonsense KEKW PARTY @liawaifu Replaced already LUL KappaPride KappaPride @liawaifu KEKW DO SEX xd what is happening lol KappaPride KEKW threesome LUL LUL @liawaifu KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride wtf seems a bit monkaTOS LULW lmao sykNyaa sykNyaa sykNyaa sykNyaa is this where dead streamers go when they die? XD LOL XD HAHAHHAHAHAHA EleGiggle weird party @liawaifu seems like there is a new girl in town lmao LULW EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle WEIRDO LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL why cant loraget out? lol HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride ORGY LOL @liawaifu Can I please get your permission to put at picture of you on a body pillow and are you well? nb3Bad nb3Clown nb3Clown Free arrows :D KonCha boxBlank boxBlank LUL LUL Lul godddd I can't stop laughing LUL ye he smarter then u nd5 @leismann thats kinda creepy lora hasn't had a bow for the past hour lol LOL LULW KEKW AHAHHA LUL KEKW LOLOLO XAXAXXAXAXAXAXXA LUL AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMEGALUL hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KEKW lmfao LUL LOL AHAHHAHAHAHA OMEGALUL LOL hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LMFAOOO xD lol LOLOL LMAO WTF @bkrandydn I know nb3Clown nb3Clown KEKW who was that? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOL RIP Waifu hahahahahahahaha LUL LUL LUL LMAO KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LOL RIP Lora I SNIPED THE FUCK OUTA LORA baited xD LOOOOOOLLLL KEKW KEKW LUL LUL jajjaaajajajjaja KEKW Clip that lmao I about to shit myself he almost had him Omg I’m dead lol CLIP LOL lmao IN DA HEAD He got insta killed LUL Content ez nb3YIKES LUL LUL CLIP @NyLe_X RIPPPP LORA KEKW LORA KEKW LORA KEKW LORA KEKW LORA KEKW 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lleeroy!! OMEGALUL you send him to his death CosmicLegends go away dude LUL LOO dont cry BibleThump leeeeeerrooyyyyyyyyy!! LMAO poor lora boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA Lora nooo :( If you die with both doors open ur fucked RIP @Nightblue3 TELL THE OTHER GUY, HE IS NEXT the sacrifice is complete are you blind? DO FIRE FIGHT FOR LORA lora the martyr another 1 shot LUL @Nightblue3 do a work bench u know they hear u :D yuumi they gonna rocket raid you he wants the door to open in there is someone behind u airlock you gotta flip the doors ye the whole gameplay is nonsense tbh :D man youre funny no :D fusFail flip the front door its the first door Put the door the other way for airlock first door Dont these other guys hear when he ask you rdy? first door airlock No you have to put the outside door on the other side, so it would become an airlock, thus when opened noone can get in No it’s the outer door you needed to flip... Mods ban that guy @liawaifu this is the 10 time I'm asking you. she should know by know I'm just fucking with her nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS Kapp Do i work bench ' Make a nail gun she=you @Nightblue3 Believe in the me that believes in you! wait me 10 sec Kappa Kappa Kappa leismann hehe i know No you have to change out door but it s too risky now that guy is french lol Kappa KappaPride KappaPride KEKW LULW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Kappa hahahahahaha LUL LUL Friendly arrow in da head Kappa NotLikeThis lol HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA whys that guy holding his junk LMFAO @Nightblue3 do a work bench KappaPride KappaPride the is so pepega TakeNRG XD what is going on @NyLe_X i sniped the fuck outa you LULW this Who are all those guys trkRat trkRat trkRat trkRat the squad grow trkRat trkRat trkRat squadW What server is this lol LULW XD KEKW LUL monkaW !server LUL lol ROOF Pog wtf LoL :D KEKW KEKW lmao LOL XD wait monkaW lol LUL KEKW LUL LOL LUL Cli[ F for danyelle KEKW wtf hackerman LUL clip LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA LUL he's gonna kill you all lol LULW PepeLaugh lol HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW its cozy in here :D steal HIS Shit OMG RAT yoink KEKW lol savage LUL lmfao LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahaha LUL LUL LUL YOU BASTARD RAT KEKW HAHAHA toink yoink LUL wow nice house LUL RUN yoink hahahahahhaha LUL LOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL KEKW lol KEKW D: omg thief LU7L KEKWWWWW gimme gimme LOL Xd LUL HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA' REAL GAME FOR REAL GAMER AJDNV;AJNV'AVN KEKW LUL @liawaifu how does it feel to have a rat partner? LUL LUL hahahahahaha snake heal and eat My base TriHard LOL toxic thief LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL KEKW @Nightblue3 watch sleeping bags LULW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOOOOLLLLL loooooooool DESTROY BAG OMEGALUL MY BASE NOW LUL lmao] hhahhahahahaha LOOOOOOOOOL gimme gimme yes you are stuck HEWAS SO NICE LOOOL heal! im literally dying from laughing holy shit DESTROY WTF LOL THE BAG STEAL EVERYTHING LET THEM KNOW DESTROY BAG LOL WTF OMEGALUL LMFAO kills his bed OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL CLEAN IT HELMENT give him stuff back it will take way too long to get out Destroy Sleeping bags! @Nightblue3 destroy their sleeping bags YOU ARE THE WORST mishiNieve LUL HEELLLMMMENT DESTROY BAG BAGS habibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wtf is happening_ Why can NB3 go inside people's bases? GREAT BASE NB3 !! I'M IMPRESSED HOW FAST YOU BUILD IT LUL u can transfer his stuff This poor guy FeelsBadMan Manifest destiny lmfao bash his bags my god kill the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggs EYYY FAKYUUUU sooo mean xD SOME REASON LULW for some reason LUL HAHAHAHHAHA D: no wonder you have so many enemies xD Kappa toxic nightblue3 just found his perfect game flaiDERP flaiDERP GREAT BASE NB3! I'M IMPRESSED HOW FAST YOU BUILD IT LUL DESTROY ALL BAGS poor guy IM DYING OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL poor guy :D Wtf is happening_ Why can NB3 go inside people's bases? eat cupboard GREAT BASE NB3 !! I'M IMPRESSED HOW FAST YOU BUILD IT LUL lul poor guy# he let u in :D bullying innocent people LULW XD loll hahaha HAHAHAHHAHAHA PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 PogChamp100 Habibiiii Steal mattheworose just cheered 500 bits PogYou reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 10 others in Chat! That’s messed up mannnn that cant be him yes LOL SOCIAL ENGINEERING KEKW Yes YES No it was me and the bois @Nightblue3 it was cosmic NO LOL yes RAT NB3 AWWWW yes no lol i feel so conflicted FEEL BAD NOW i believ he toke theyr base ovver not really No @Nightblue3 he didn't kill you No no it wasnt hahaha yes MAN WHY YOUKILLED HIM NO D7DE YES HE SHOT YOU Solo OMEGALUL WOOOOOOOOOOO poor guy That wasnt him KEKW NO DUDE NOT COOL No lmao No KEKW LOL XD No aw hes sad LOL LOOOOOL No FEELSBAD it wasnt him >:( OMG UR PARTNER LOL KEKW poor guy HE'S A BACKSTABBER FUCK THAT DUDE HAHAHA @Nightblue3 doing a moe cosplay KEKW GREAT BASE NB3 !! I'M IMPRESSED HOW FAST YOU BUILD IT LUL LUL LMFAO KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LULW We the darkside now. DUDE NOT COOL > give him back his base lol KEKW I LOVE NYLEEEE LOL lolololololol Pepega What a fun game dude KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA HAHVLAHSBVDBV Part of the game yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink yasYoink hahahahahahhaha give it back LULW POOR DUDE you yeeted his loot bro! It wasn't him OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL INVITE THEM TO UR HOUSE Case of mistaken identity XD BabyRage BabyRage he killed the friendly lol LUL Lora SO TOXIC TOXIC PPL gfrSad you are souless man gfrSad gfrSad gfrSad but funny mishiNieve XD just group all up GREAT BASE NB3 !! I'M IMPRESSED HOW FAST YOU BUILD IT ye mr blue you @#% hehe xd well u have a gun now LUL hahahahahhhahaa anddo some group content LUL @liawaifu hes so rude, fix him! mad lora INVITE HIM TO UR HOUSE You raped his house, pissed in his bag :D Poor guy agrSun My house now LUL his house his fucked anyways Someone Check Vod First LULW TAKE IT Take it its him bad nightblue :( you need a power prevention surgery Hahahahah maybe he’s in the roof hahaha Chat is it just me or does lora sound like TF blade KEKW no dont put it back thumpLUL good nightblue Don’t leave ammo or weps KEKW just steal it DansGame DON'T DO IT leave the guitar ;) I'm walking here! LUWL Don’t leave weaponsssssssss Good gg :D LULW HE'S THE ONE THAT KILLED YOU lol what happened with the guy that followed u Take it he sounds like tf blade take the suit LULW XD LOOOOL FK OUT boxLUL he's gonna shoot you both KEKW LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL what server is this I'll power puff them up unlock his tc LUL LUL the heck I leave for 1hr and come back to naked people on the screen boxLUL You didn't unlock his TC hahaha brb fkn cosmic It's me KEKW inv him This is so funny I swear YAYYYY IT'S A PARTYYY YAYYYYY He say he was thinking it? cmonBruh AYAYAYAYA KEKW can you play league now !? WE GOT A CLAN Its the guild LUL I wish I could join :D lool got a full fucking squad now go party with them @Nightblue3 IS THAT TRICK ? KEKW one of these guys is gonna headshot everyone Pepega Iora so toxic..... uhave my knife :D Make a Clan HAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH TRICK2G????? I'll 5 you in 30 min tell me server :D LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW this is sooo much fun LOL Lora is AN OG LUL LUL LUL hahahaha LUL LUL LOL XD ?? lora's mad that lora guy is evil mishiNieve ???? LUL THIS LORA Only rust player that raids a base and gives it back fusFail KEKW This is hilarious LORA OG OG @GGmaneGG OMEGALUL ??? LOL WTF WHY U KILL ME ?! lol LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW im123 LUL LUL inv the guy KEKW TROCK"G LUL LUL LUL I think his head has some issues florencio KEKW' Lora is killing me from the liaughter holy shit LOL CY@ shine he had a huge pp, he couldve useful inv the guy from the dome Ill call the bois back trkLata Dont make me 3 time with more friend Lol Lora funny nooooooo no noo it just got good Noooooooooooo INVITE ALL OF THEM IN A GROUP MAKE A MEGA BASE you need upkeep a little bit more the fun jsut started nooooooooooooooooooo noooooo, ist freaking good or ur base gone ANELE moon2POGGYWOGGY moon2POGGYWOGGY lora reminds of mike Kappa Kappa good shit noooooo NOOOOOOOOOO this is a lot of content than league already awh you pusaaayaa NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nooooooo i just got here! !uptime @warsssss2s, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 45 mins Lora new mike? LOOOOOOOL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBB LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL good ending ur suit D: 360 no scope ARROW NOOO THE SURGEON SUIT RIP NOOOOOOOBLIE3 360 no scoped 3v1 360 POGGERS NOOOOOOOBLUE3 the real killer @Nightblue3 lul SOO BAD AT AIMING terica true TRUE LUL truue TRUE tru trueeeee TRUE AIMER BibleThump true true TRUE true af NOOOOOOBLUE3 SO BAD MAN tru you guys should have been stocking up and teamin up THE REAL KILLER LULW 1v3 LUL TRU TRUUUUEEE he killed u all damn this guy So good truuue The bois killed me D: Fucking stream snipers TRUEEEEE not true i killed that fker with my tourch LUL Kappa just shoot him to head 3Head truce thanks for the gifted earlier btw u are Kappa you better add Lora so you could play with him tomorrow @Nightblue3 Kapp ping KEKW use bone arrows youll never miss @Nightblue3 The rat's name was terica you need to get used to aiming I sneeze 3 time ajs425 subscribed with Twitch Prime. ajs425 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing ajs425! PogYou MAN JUST 350 DODGED AND 1 V 3 ON YOUR ASS LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NOOOOOOOBLUE3 play league EXTENDED STREAM POGGERS yassssssssssssss LUL NOT THE BOI NO D: KEKW PogU pogU nice aim pOG LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PogU Pog LUL LULW PogU HAHAHA PogU Clap LOLLLLK LOL WOOOOOOOOO LUL TRU KEKW KEKW PogU lets go pog GOT EM! LUL HAHAHAHAHAHA dat ass LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Pog tos Gay LUL gachiBASS nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA He died as he lived, a fucking Kappa WHO TF IS FLORENCIO OMEGALUL TABAGGED A NAKED DUDE man this shit is funny af florencios the one nb3 hit. T-BAGGED( @RachelDGLucero new homie LMAO FLORENCEO IS A DOUBLE SPY LULW we have the high ground monkaS @Nightblue3 now I know why you always miss your skill shots PogU ? Pog Pog look at his face LUL ashe would clean up in this game domed him! ACTION @Nightblue3 someone should actually make an anime of this shit like wtf LUL Pog FIESTA LOL Xd How many Body is that KEKW LUL hahahaha LUL OMEGALUL LORA XDDDDD wtf get some clothes why are there a bunch of naked children running around? THAT SOUNDS LIKE TRICK LULW fking heal wait thats 1 more guy than i remember LULW LUL hahahah xq scuffed mic KEKW OMEGALUL LUL KKona gachiBASS LUL LUL LUL KEKW lol @Nightblue3 do party with them KEKW wtfffffffff KEKW AHAHAH LULW KEKW LOOLLL WTF IS GOING ON? LOL loooool hahahahahaha NOOOOOOOBLUE3 KEKW mishiNieve mishiNieve mishiNieve lol LOL xD HE GOT BAITED that guy is so mad this game tho i'm the tax man KKW hes the tax man XDDDDDD NOOOOOOBLUE3 LIL This game kills brain cells noo clip this KEKW wtf is happening THISS IS WAR NOOOOOOOBLUE3 nahhh RPGEpicSword Whose the lit... reminds me of scp @liawaifu you're a lucky woman! LUL POOPBLUE That guy sounded 9 no joke Lol this is honestly the best content in ages put the code locker upkeep or ur base is gone tomorrow EZ EZ Bro those are my googgls @Nightblue3 lookslike having much fun playing rust rther than league WHERE'S FLORENCIO? @hakuryuh67 I come in the stream an hear "Who is the little bitch" morning nb3 scarfLurk @nightblue3 nb3 finally payback PogU Ir trolling this is war there is bags over there what a shitter haha im fuckin crying of laughter LOL @Nightblue3 do party with them Nb3 TriHard monkaS that was amazing lol trkRat trkRat trkRat trkRat WRITE THEIR NAMES DOEN LULW why there's no crosshair when shoot? pog ratirlW ratirlW LULW TRUE HAHAHAH KEKQw Cave man KEKW KEKW KEWK TOP QUALITY CONTENT lmao Airdrop!!! KEKW KEKW check for bags over there tm jungling irl LUL @RachelDGLucero florencio was the guy who visited NB3's base at night, he is a new part of the squad LMAO nb3Chimp @frostyqueen02 LUL @RachelDGLucero i am the hero of the chat :) KEKW together apes strong XD NS it is good to you train your aim but i don't if is really working you're getting good at using the bow rabia @Nightblue3 GO BACK TO BASE why do you take the skulls? make bone arrow duo!! training arc LULW KEKW } LUL GET HIM @CosmicLegends TRUE KEKW KEKW "i'll follow you forever" lol KEKW mic scuffed af holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with his mic LUL LUL LUL hello shagshay negger LUL LUL LETS GO xbox mic btw they are all naked :0 Pog uwu TRUE LULW I swear this mans mike is up his ass XD keep your loots NVM Pog rats malding we did it :D back to the stone age bby 3Head LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL D: D: D: LUL D: PETA XD LUL PowerUpL sroSexy PowerUpR that mic D: rip PepeHands killed the horse D: NOOOOO HOLY SHIT THE HORSE LUL LUL LUL LUL PETA KEKW bro who is with that mic AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA D: atleast loot the horse @Nightblue3 Thats cold poor horse LUL You cruel cruel person @Nightblue3 JUST DOMED THE HORSE Harvest horse PETAAAAA widepeepoSad hahahahaha RIP HORSEY <3 BibleThump IM DIYING alinity is this u? hashD go get lora out KEKW Gg flaiDERP gg G That was nice peta PepeHands hey Jebaited D: ggs !uptime @daltondan, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 55 mins im deceased byee whats this handsmaid tale ? LORA STUCK FOREVER NISE DAY IMO those kids whiteknighting are more cringe than the people killing u but yeah D: hashD hashD hashD lool that was fun stream loara that is content LUL goodnight!! out This was fun to watch, love the shenanigans @Nightblue3 you dont wanna put stone to keep the house till tomorrow ? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump For that Horse that was really fun to watch Lora is Stu k bro this was hilarious good shit today nightblue Nice play today lora is stuck poor lora KEKW he stuck att your house good day play lol SAVE lora! lora is in the house u rat @nightblue3 Lora stuck llsPR llsPR llsPR llsPR GREAT STREAM this anime good content todaaay cool shit @Nightblue3 that was way funnn!!! he stuck at ur house LORA STUCK :O :O :O it always does that funny moments :D LORA STUCK save lora Its normal XD laora Cheer100 u just domed that poor horse AndrewFB just cheered 100 bits PogYou @Nightblue3 u seem to enjoy this more than trash league GOOD CONTENT BEST SHIT EVER lora stuck lol play with Lora tomorrow too!! WHAT THE FUCKK IS THAT MIC MAN THAT IS SO FUNNY amazing stream today!! @NyLe_X Bro you stuck? LORA Goodnight BlueNight3 LORA SAVE LORA save Lora SAVE LORA @mryanmm LULW ya @Nightblue3 you forgot lora KEKW Lora your chats hella happy SAVE LORA SAVE LORA save lora save lora LORA lora in house stuck man LUL LORA LULW SAVE LORA bye bye It's because you always leak your server and constantly get streamsniped ? save poor lora OMEGALUL LORAAAAA XD @NyLe_X im sorry :C save him DO IT @Nightblue3 SAVE LORAAA FeelsBadMan SAVE LORAaaa that guy wants u to pay ur taxes dude @liawaifu no stream? LORA SAVE LORA :( !uptime fun stream @Knckles, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 56 mins XD FEEL BAD FOR HIM PUT ON LOCKS LORA IS STUCK YES cause you always give up farm and go gankin SO HE CAN DEFEND gfrSad poor lora SAVE LORA! Home Slave DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTTTTT try to civilize a bit ok? get back SAVE LORA @Nightblue3 before you go out of your house, be clear of what oyu want to get outside, you keep[ on getting sidetracked POOR LORA hahahaha DO IT @Nightblue3 Team with Welyn! he's a popular rust streamer, your old league friend Ash plays with him sometimes put the lock and pass him the password @Nightblue3 If you really want you should play on EU Modded server , think will be harder to find Fuck LORA home slave save lora u monster LORA IS STUCK IN THE MATRIX LULW go back put locks HOME BITCH @nightblue3 RUST RUUUUST Great stream tonight gn RUST Pog ATLAS Pog lol is atlast better now? @Nightblue3 it's nice to see your chat readable for once :D RUUUSSTTT FUCK RUST Atlas pog atlas* good content tho nb3CYA nb3CYA Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 cy@ i just join and ur gettting off bye @Nightblue3 I liked this more than league Atlas PogU Cy@ Good times . Cya Change servers tomorrow cy@ goodnight guys ahhhhh auuuhh heeemmm what BYE SAYO NARA CHAT stop intentionally leaking ur server and maybe you could progress , ALso play on a solo duo only server??? @Nightblue3 CY Bye cy@ so sad!! gn tho :) AND YEY... bye PepeHands byee when's the next stream? baiiii cy@ bye bye o/ bye HeyGuys ty bb RUST see ya bye good night HORROR GAMES GNIGHT YA'LL have a good rest RUST 10/10 <3 SLEEP TIGHT Sounds good tho bye ng @NyLe_X im sorry D: for shooting u in the face a few times D: bye bye i just got on here good night guys! that rust is intense bye @CosmicLegends haha all good wtf yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT yasNLT @NyLe_X YOU FUKCIN HOUSE WIFE thanks for making me laugh @NyLe_X good shit bruh! yasHands yasHands yasHands yasHands @Nightblue3 HE IS RISEN HandsUp !points @heinsberg12, heinsberg12 has 12710 points and is rank 495/3216275 on the leaderboard. AYAYA no delay? early rust? oh hello there late steaaam? Nightblue3 is now live! Streaming League of Legends: yes I see now it's 12 AM LUL m KappaPride its 7:06 ph here xD Hi <3 I hope it’s rust Hi hello DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat 12 am streams ? o/ What the peepee santLove HahaReindeer poopoo its 2:02 am in here PepeHands 7 am hell ya Name of the music please Hi there monkeyman santLoby hi guys Rust? !followage @GlemGaming, glemgaming has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 7 months 14 days 17 hours its 11:07 P:M: you cucks Clash? hi ugly Rust? 11:07 here Rust RRRRUUUUUUST centraltimezone hype is his internet fixed yet? !uptime No rust pls @mcnougat1996, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 mins 42 secs notice me night blue WHOS A HAPPY GOOBER!?! RUUUUUUUUUUUST @nightblue3 rust please ? We want rust vohiyo I name my first born child after you Pala where are you from nb3 is trash my mom can jngl better on a smartphone baby blue kumaPls WE WANT RUST Get recked it's 9:08 KEKW late nb3Give peepoClap woah PepoDance RUST?! he was blind all that time???? ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuust YES !uptime @whitelicorice_, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 mins 20 secs pepeJAMMER how's everyone doin tdy? RUUUUUUST just wanna see my comment on the live chat !followage @Drexx91, drexx91 has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 5 months 6 days 13 hours lol Rust hype hi friends hello HEY DAD NOTICE ME PLEASE :) yo have you seen the new pathing bug?? it legit allows you to walk through walls mendoHands Ah, here we go again Clap !followage @rebelz325, rebelz325 has been following nightblue3 for 4 months 28 days 16 hours Poggg Ah.. there goes my sub PowerUpL frostpDoge PowerUpR poggg... HOW YOUR BASE IN RUST clap to the song bois !followage @bafferman2, bafferman2 has been following nightblue3 for 11 months 23 days 13 hours SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED Keepo Clap late stream ResidentSleeper kekw !followage @honeybadger977, honeybadger977 has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 8 months 1 day 18 hours rust is up bro KEKEW IN THE CHAT BOIS DxCat !followage @whitelicorice_, whitelicorice_ has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 10 months 30 days 16 hours No you DONT see I’m at work okay KEKEW wEEBS first message of nb3 stream ... I WIN @honeybadger977 epic.. kekw yea rust it up RUST STREAM AYAYAYAYAYA Ermergerd WE WANT RUST Midnight EST. Dad I’m trying to sleep FIRST ark nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 Yo WHY SO LATE REEEEE WE WANT RUST we want rust chant it, come on hi Xd !following No we want banana 444 pog WE WANT RUST YEEEE RUST BOOOIISSS SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL frostpDoge PowerUpR RUSTTT NOWWW i want leeg wtf rrrrrruuuusttt RUST WE WANT RUST. WE WANT RUST. WE WANT RUST :3 Kappa I want to watch nb3 eat a banana nb3ND5 he got some galsses? rust TwitchLit TwitchLit rust or riot RUST WE WANT, we want the rust! foggedWizard foggedWizard rust !uptime rust today? @WALLACEWCC, nightblue3 has been streaming for 6 mins 1 sec rust Rust WE WANT RUST WE WANT RUST WE WANT RUST RUUSSSTTT RUST! RUST! RUST! i thought the Rust stream was super troll but i actually enjoyed it we want rust rsut rustin it please tsur rust is awesome DAESuppy VVpika subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 7 month streak! cy@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thank you for subscribing VVpika for 7 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! RUST lol i thought the Rust stream was super troll but i actually enjoyed it. Im looking forward to the rust RUST! Sup dude!!!!??? how are you nb leage of legends SMOrc hello whatup ugly RUST omgHello smixHello BUSHMASTER, HI yoyoyoy oioi say hi to me now VoteNay MorphinTime rust! sup WE WANT RUST RUST!! his rust gameplay is so bad its good lol PogYou POG Pog ANCIENT GAMER IS RISEN HandsUp POg no league tdogAngery tdogAngery tdogAngery yay nb3 Rust POG TheFatManley subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months, currently on a 4 month streak! ily Thank you for subscribing TheFatManley for 34 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PogYou rust yo! have you seen the new pathing bug????? you can walk through walls!!! i thought the Rust stream was super troll but i actually enjoyed it. Im looking forward to the rust sup @nightblue3 You take forever. I had to watch this uncle breezy asshole RUUUUST rust @Nightblue3 who streams this late Poggers CHAT WANTS RUST !delay BRUHH @nightblue3 IVE BEEN WAITING ALL DAY FOR THE RUST STREAM :) League ResidentSleeper mi mamá me pega :( Thanks for the HahaDreidel @thefatmanley @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle?? dame late stream Let’s get ittttt LUL fuck veggies lTheKGBl subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing lTheKGBl! PogYou lTheKGBl has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype nb3HA reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! NIGHTBLUE you gay RUST oops League ftw notice me senpai feviWEIRD no rust are you playing Rust again today? U SHOULD CHECK WE WANT RUST! Hi rabe3 morning hi I'm QQ Why the late stream? late night streammmm @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? YEEE RUST DAMMIT:D DoritosChip lol missed you nightblue been a while since I tuned in YES guys im trying to start streaming league is at bad to plug my league every game RUST @nightblue3 duo with Geranimo? rust fook league! It’s late af wtf You have to log onto rust to save your base! no THANK GOD we needed you. we need that late steam!! I have to go to bed tho @Nightblue3 5AM already KEKW whats yi rauns and items without shojin? i love you more than my gf <3 unless shes watching Kappa @Nightblue3 I just finished your whole rust vod so good I like late streams now is 2:13am in chile :3 perfect time for us auzzies plumber nightbloo How your cat buddy Litterally was going to go to bed so I can go to work in the morning and then you came online.... FeelsBadMan a7x is my favorite band lul @Nightblue3 u screwed my sleep pattern, its 12am here in ny PepeHands I have a final tomorrow so I am studying w/ stream :) Mr fix it more like Mr. call people to come and fix everything Secret Hi NB hows your night going pun intended Its 1313 hours here i enjoy these late streams @Nightblue3 what are you on right now lol how's life xd @Nightblue3 you gonna play some rust !uptime Plumberblue3 69 69 69 @GetRaked7, nightblue3 has been streaming for 8 mins 49 secs today you will team up? it's early morning here yah youre right only thing youre profesional abaut is a profesional shit show KappaPride Woo late night AYYYYYYY test tomorrow but still watching ur stream. better be grateful Lee SIn Lee lee HeyGuys HeyGuys !uptime lee plz @begobra, nightblue3 has been streaming for 9 mins 4 secs can you do another vi game today? @nightblue3 wtf is that in your hair who are you going to use @Nightblue3 u screwed my sleep pattern, its 12am here in ny PepeHands It's 6AM here you need to find a group or duo on rust iskyangel_ subscribed at Tier 1. iskyangel_ has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing iskyangel_! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! its 7 am i was waiting for ur stream @arionPD there is a nice new bug that allows you to walk through walls is 1 pm here its 1.15pm here LUL it's 7:14 am here xD 7am here :) opps MrDestructoid @Nightblue3 play lee sin 1pm here @Nightblue3 Its 10:45am for me its morning in my city in Russia overnight work shift..... It’s 9 for me !time its 8 in the morning I work in a hospital right now It’s nine fam 9 for me I start finals tomorrow wish me luck guys 3pm @Nightblue3 Can u play lee? I should be asleep cuz ur streaming xd its 8 morning here I was able to get off early from work im from new zealand XD Night owl 3! @Nightblue3 yoooo play sum ZAC @nightblue3 haha its a joke bro love u <3 west side niiiiii 2 am qiyana Kappa in my country is 6 o'clock Its so hot here my lord KKomrade privet it 615 here in sweden @heartofabeast good luck man @Nightblue3 What would a Lee build be? Do you always take Conquer on Lee? Say that again It's 06 am in Denmark bro just 11:13pm here, too soon to sleep 6:15 :b Nidaleee Play rust watching you last night was really fun :) @nightblue3 to long queue. Go rust :D Hey pretty boy missed you mother russia say it 1 shot kappas I'ma a 6 months pregnant girl off job because it's dangerous. entertain me CHEDDA CHEEESE 2 am from Argentina time to feed again Kreygasm Post-work unwinding fun stream time you look like you grew a brain @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Do you play any instruments? habibi habibi kaisa JG duuuude @Nightblue3 watching ur stream so i can fall asleep KEKW no fds :( 6:15 AM in Denmark its morning in greece👌 HABibi @Nightblue3 hi brother how are youu <3 nb3NANI @Nightblue3 You ever wanna goto Disney Wolrd? @Nightblue3 say Russia xD Need to be looking at diamond players in q Kappa habibi team up rust so are you saying you're good with your fingers Kappa @Nightblue3 WHATS UP YOU PEPEGA HEAD ASS HABIBI LOOKING MFER YOU SEXY HABIB hello, what the heck are you doing in 6:15 in the morning bro @nightblue3 NANI?!!? xD Bruh that kid NANI YellowBuzz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! PogU Thank you for subscribing YellowBuzz for 6 months! PogYou IM HAVING MY BREAKFAST AND WATCHING THIS WONDERFUL STREAM FROM INDIA reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Night boys 😴 ANELE yeah i know Where it tarzaned? The nightblue3 killer !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute violin ? Skin Flute Kappa @Nightblue3 Guess where I'm from Yo nightblue will you be in tcs?????? KappaPride ?? Its morning in greece MONSTER TIME @nightblue3 rust when? !RANK S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute what r ur normal hours for human stuff why? Already making excuses for upcoming losses. !points @Galer1ans, Galer1ans has 6160 points and is rank 2443/3216303 on the leaderboard. favourite energy drink? Asian parents monkaW @Nightblue3 idea for content: get electric guitar and Rocksmith 2014 Remaastered game/educator ur an owl bro bruh you not s9 chalenger Africa Habibi change that Wrong cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Habibiiii bruh LUL wtf is a viola poland LUL good guess nb3 4Head HahaShrugLeft vvpikaHmph HahaShrugRight habibi drink your cat's blood to increase energy! @Nightblue3 Any suggestions on Jungling paths? No one: Rabia: REDBULL Play rust watching you last night was really fun @nightblue3 I would love to see some kindred tonight its so fun an instrument @nightblue3 buy some 100mg caffeine pills from Amazon it’s like 10 bucks for 250 of them !uptime @Kamelito, nightblue3 has been streaming for 12 mins 7 secs where did the weaboo nightblue go Remember when Michael Jordan said he had no caffeine He’s from shit creek lol @nightblue3 greetings from Chile it's 2:17am here and i have to get up at 6:30 OOF have you seen the new pathing bug yet it allows you to walk through walls.... cool riot yoooo i love u ;C viola is rape in spanish hey hi hello nb3 VIOLA viola what are my friends on twitch doing??? oh I see yes... more league... @nightblue3 !uptime @highpaladinttv, nightblue3 has been streaming for 12 mins 34 secs violon a viola is bigger than a violin Vi-OH-La nop viola its biiger !playlist viola is bigger Viola is the bigger one same?? hey @nightblue3 would you make your own tournament one day? like tyler1? Viola 5Head small violing 3Head Vee-Oh-La I like Violin more LUL VIOLA IS BIGGER THAN VIOOLIN whatsapp boosted monkey why are we comparing sizes CHRISTINA Kreygasm @Nightblue3 smol peepee ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Viola are bigger, they have a deeper sound VEE - OH - LA @Nightblue3 its how you use it yours is violin teemo vee-OH-La viola players are worse tho tfbLul tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head tfb5Head @Nightblue3 whose playlist is this wait what i entender very poquito because it's smaller a viola is bigger tfbINNOCENT tfbINNOCENT tfbINNOCENT tfbINNOCENT tfbINNOCENT It’s the same thing dumbasssss Is that Opera? violinviola>viollin @Nightblue3 Rude ekko jungle CAT kaneisRed kaneisRed kaneisRed kaneisFat kaneisRed kaneisRed kaneisRed kaneisFat @Nightblue3 Could you please do Mundo?? Im trying to learn how to jungle with him. PLeassseeeeee Vi-oh-la Those are bass not cello lol Go for Coffee Y’all nasty for being up this early !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at @Nightblue3 playlist? coke? KKool Late Late night streamer there are tons of viola memes KITTY Show off some qiqi YOU WILL GET A LIFE IF YOU KILL YOUR CAT Support Draven PogU pls hide the guns @Nightblue3 CAT ekko jungle is meta CAFFINE ABUSER I love you @nightblue3 MOCHI POGGIES When is rust? @Nightblue3 Bro how cats do you own PLAY WENGAR CAUSE HES A KTTY CoolCat ZAC yo @Nightblue3 say it with me MUNDO PLEASE! rengar xerath ekko REEeee ekko kindred YES Senna Jungle? LUL play VI RENGAR YES yeah @nightblue3 why cant we type F a ker in chat? azir MUNDO @nightblue3 play sona jg or no balls No YEAH RENGAR YEAH yes Ekko yes yes YES yeah hei hei @Nightblue3 e.e hey @nightblue3 would you ever make your own tournament like tyler1??? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemgar YAAA no YES KINDRED Evelynn vi yo NB3 sensei!!!! YESSS VI Kindred CAMILLE qiyana REEngar NO KINDRED Kindred Olaf MUNDOMUNDO ZAC yes RENGAR vi Quinn KINNM Kindred yeahhh\ wukong new champs @Nightblue3 play the DONG if I had twitch prime I would sub to u lol reeeeengaaaar Go Senna No zac MUNDO KINDREDDDDD PLSSSS DIANA @nightblue3 sylas VEE - OH - LA @Nightblue3 say it together REEEENGARrrr Zac rengar no play VI good morning from Finland Yet IS CAMILLE ACTUALLY VIABLE? twitch VI do I have to @ you for you to think I'm talking to you @nightblue3 or is it implied that all twitch chat is talking to you MUNDOOOOO DONG karol dance degenerado Not Olaf @Nightblue3 do you think master yi crit is still good? ap zac KINDRED CONQUEROR ? !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute MUNDO Kinder Quinn OwO kindred kindred song name? @Nightblue3 KindredD ZAC MUNDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rengar TriKool Kindred yes Kindrd CAMILLE Yi Olaf I’m sill molding from when we almost got 200 gifted subs but he didn’t die so we never got it ZaC @nightblue3 play sona jg or no balls not kindred plz conquest kayn!!!! sylasss Kindred ekko wukong. MUNDOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ekko camille MAKING EleGiggle A TOURNAMENT lee sin @nightblue3 Kindred plsssss zac nami stronk jungle Kindreeeeed KYNDRED!! KINDRED Kinder nb3Cute TriKool EKKO KINDRED @Nightblue3 HeimerDONGER JG Senna or Lee? @Nightblue3 kassadin jng rengar ZAc Quinn uwu hecarim KINDRDD TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool zacc kindred is a sleeper CAMILLE BB <3 @Nightblue3 whose playlist is this MUNDooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo evelynn do kindred who couters olaf ? KASSADIN JNG BRO kinda is ZAC!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzac @Nightblue3 do you think master yi crit is still good?? lee pussy VI OLAF YI do it nid is good conquest kayn!! YESS nidalee KEKW POG POG POG Are you better then trick lol I approve, Nid is bae !uptime @hodrimm, nightblue3 has been streaming for 15 mins 25 secs trash !uptime dark harvest! rip.. good luck The Cougar left the chat LUL the zac hover tease dh Nid this song go hard @Nightblue3 ty PUSSYY !uptime @MDVZone, nightblue3 has been streaming for 15 mins 34 secs My fav Ghost Poro IM HAPPY XD DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST DARK HARVEST change skin WIll you do MUNDO please next game! @Nightblue3 nidalee one spear nidalee into akali cait morg olaf KEKW carry_m3_pls subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! 1000 AP one shot???? Thank you for subscribing carry_m3_pls for 4 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Udyr @Nightblue3 can you please talk about why Nid is a good pick against Olaf? @Nightblue3 zombie ward? spear oneshot I'm acually super sexist when it comes to champion picks but jg Olaf is a pure mongoloid rn what website do you check for builds ? @Nightblue3 Nidalee against that team comp KEKW jeez man its 7 am bedtime for me bye lol @LaMooN_ u .gg webbeast12 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Thank you for subscribing webbeast12 for 3 months! PogYou @LaMooN_ Proguides? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !uptime @Mahatma_Ganja_Manich, nightblue3 has been streaming for 16 mins 10 secs @LaMooN_ I think you seen the new pathing bug? legit walk thrugh wall on any champ.... cool riot thanks Nidalee 🤢 Thanks for the HahaLean @webbeast12 Gracias por el HahaThisisfine, @webbeast12. any rust today? good morning KonCha thanks MUNDO NEXT GAME @Nightblue3 PLEASE !uptime @EbonyIvoryRose, nightblue3 has been streaming for 16 mins 29 secs PepoG can u try mid today? u are getting shit on jg anyways olaf and akali dont heal Kappa OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog @vispndude @tomiio99 ugg is the most updated/reliable ? KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride bleedPurple bleedPurple bleedPurple what a song xD wtf that change in song tho KEKW u have good music :3 @kfc_management_2 PepeLaugh wtf is this song WEAK! @Nightblue3 they all have strong disengage tho good morning @LaMooN_ Yes it's riots official site for it when are you going to do another challenge? PepoCheer KappaPride Hey NB3 zac next game KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride gay BARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Mimsz55 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! \ Thank you for subscribing Mimsz55 for 8 months! PogYou Tired, ghosting, any other excuses? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! olaf and akali healing ? keiserzc subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Gay bar waaat Thank you for subscribing keiserzc for 2 months! PogYou just be positive 4Head alguien de aqui habla español reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! peepoPooPoo @vispndude oh ty i didn't know its related to riot What site do u get your runes? some friend of mine was asking :D @Nightblue3 RUST tonight? 123 @Nightblue3 im here to watch ur stream so it can put me to sleep KEKW Yo @Nightblue3 looking DAPPER Today ! Rustttttt Rust have a day rust !uptime @eternalking20531, nightblue3 has been streaming for 17 mins 21 secs think of a cool fun challenge. like Shiphtur did with the sub'athon rust Y u Ignoring my MUNDO requests @Nightblue3 !followage Nid is a 1v9 Jg @ThaWesX, thawesx has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 4 months 18 days 10 hours the past week has been a day !points @eternalking20531, eternalking20531 has 25450 points and is rank 81/3216310 on the leaderboard. @Nightblue3 should not have quit PJSugar Kapp nb3ND5 pregnant ? @Nightblue3 PogChamp what time rust Kappa Back to rust gachiHYPER ??? W OMEGALUL R K KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride hoes dont get cold it's literally 7am now i knew why u play nidalle No it’s 9:30 pm SoSnowy :( play rust after plz yeha hi NB3 POg No its 1:23 am @Nightblue3 whos ur duo? Pog HandsUp xd KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride gachiGASM YES Pog naked men 1:23 pm in ph KappaPride rust rust gachiBASS rust gachiBASS gachiHYPER SoSnowy @Nightblue3 mikey RUST WHAT? rust rust rust RUST KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride WitchSlayerX subscribed with Twitch Prime. WitchSlayerX has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype gachiHYPER Thank you for subscribing WitchSlayerX! PogYou rust duh rust rust reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! RUST rust rust RUST rust rust sounds like my wet dreams WUT rust plz rust rust Did u played against Rush once on queue? @Nightblue3 RUST rust @Nightblue3 you know what i think of when i see a nidalee? I think of smurf feviPOG rust please RUST Rust PauseChamp fortnite 4Head Crust Rust Atlas im here for the rust D: plz pzl pepega rust plz PauseChamp ? ATLAS big time rush it is so funny when you play rust :33 GachiBASS so you did decide too stream late yikes KEKW Rust Rust only strum LUL ATLAS GG KEKW lmao !uptime y r u so Insane In every game LUL @sarroblack, nightblue3 has been streaming for 18 mins 52 secs get rekt @nightblue3 I’ve known you for almost 4 years. When is our first date??? *** HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ?/???? ?????????? Pepega charge PepeClap EEEEEEEEEE ND3 flash lul Please no more rust. Have literally falled asleep to your stream 2 days in a row. I ACTUALLY KEK'D IRL KEKW NA clown fiesta KEKW Hittkid subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Thank you for subscribing Hittkid for 6 months! PogYou KEKW Clap WTF reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! LOL KEKW FIESTA GG 6 KEKW that was some burst from nowhere WTF IS THIS KEKW what r u doing L u ded lmao KEKW FIESTA NA OMEGALUL KEKW Fiesta clown feist LULW KEKW NA LOL NA classic KEKW LUL CLOWN FIESTA BOYS :clown: NA KEKW Pepega LVL 1 FIGHTS kelw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SoSnowy danHA sad honk nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted ayayayayayayyayayayyayayayayayayya @Nightblue3 why did you queue for ARAM KEKW LVL 1 FIESTA ratatrararatatara @Nightblue3 you know what i think of when i see a nidalee? I think of smurf Pog EU streams are trash KEKW lmao TRUE THO LUL @nightblue3 was about to say that KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ACTUALLY TRUE KEKW nb3Clown SoSnowy nightblue3 I’ve known you for almost 4 years. When is our first date??? TRUE KEKW EU PERSONALITY KEKW SoSnowy play rust "i like you for your personality" Kappa TRUE KEKW This man speaks the truth NA EleGiggle IS EleGiggle GARBAGE you're not wrong LUL nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown true xd LUL LUL LUL @Nightblue3 is it true that people that play nid and elise are so good at the game? @Nightblue3 why did you queue for ARAM KEKW GOD BLESS AMERICA play rust again Diamond isn't high KEKW Kapp W E L C O M E T O N A B A B Y !uptime maybe if they actually punished people properly KEKW @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 20 mins 28 secs EU personality is nonexistent tho they are so boring to watch @Nightblue3 pvmanFBM animals KEKW PepeJAM how do u get good at jg? PepeJam Tuturuuu LUL Pepega lovely cover nice sound effects nb3 @Nightblue3 @chiiidude, playing OkayChamp singing along to electronic music PowerUpL SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED! PowerUpR PowerUpL SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED! PowerUpR PowerUpL SHADOWDOGS UNLEASHED! PowerUpR POG peepoClap that was a nice 'w' from ziggs Pog @chiiidude, mb wrong person XD broooo Pepega POGGERS spit me daddy gachiGASM Bucio go to bed you have school tomorrow >:( @zaun_boy ayy t's cool LUL Pog KEKW He actually catched it LUL how do people watch this guy famous last words another one? DJ KHALEEEEDD SillyChamp Predicted LUL Pog KEKW 5Head LUL NA BTW wulfgarserrano subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Hey man! Love your content. Stop quitting YouTube. I need my videos to watch them at work Thank you for subscribing wulfgarserrano for 10 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW malding first game, already trolling Kappa ur so mean he's malding @Nightblue3 you are the most entertaining jungle streamer, the others play it to serious... LUL @Nightblue3 What are your top 3 junglers atm? this never happens in eu LUL boosted jungler? can u speak spanish? nightblue3 I’ve known you for almost 4 years. When is our first date??? olaf for sure i reckon @MindMotion Olaf/Karthus/Nunu olaf lee elise from my point of view can we bring back fizz jubngle? FREE !uptime y did u bully him ur so meann @drenestle, nightblue3 has been streaming for 23 mins 33 secs cu pinto Dont know why so many ADC players weren't buying control wards :/ welcome "primates"? D: @Nightblue3 free you say no no no, they're 'free' $100 subscription fee KEKW te vay a poner la capa? the pulenta? olaf lee elise from my point of view @MindMotion if it's free it's me slurp @Royalle0 Will have to check them out i been playing WW. He is strong this season. FREE you say? the snake free entertainment TriKool 119$ free btw KEKW CASS Pog I pay ten bucks a month shit isn't free @nightblue3 GOD ULT freelo 'suh cuh ? moessiopia xD amazon prime totally free Kapp moe ??? lol KEKW nice jump LUL @Nightblue3 you know cass is 15 years old? boxLewd xD thats moe on cass right there @nightblue3 is it weird that I'm excited to hear if your base is still intact ??? na gank i do :) Kapp @leskell oye que wea te poni la capa? aers corte callampa KAKSKSSK ????? Nice Ws KEKW peepoPooPoo casiOPeia @nikzae 15= ready Pepega @nightblue3 Is xin zhao good??? NightTroll3 did nothing KEKW no assist KEKW lol he 100% didn't mean for that to hit ziggs Cass Pog Good mid KEKW Cassio god !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at @Nightblue3 that Cass is 16 years old. !uptime @crasher613, nightblue3 has been streaming for 25 mins 50 secs Alcove Pog lol this rakan is special worth he sounds high Welfare Ziggs LUL this is easier so you can look at the mini map too @Nightblue3 full ap one shot raka? @impendingcalamity i feel the same @Nightblue3 Why are you streaming so late now? NIGHTBLUE PLAY THE KAPPA SONG XDDDDDDD ur insane Lemme freak LOL tune in to this jammmm he keeps doing that so so good hows everyone doin Bars Olaf hidden passive: your team starts with 1st drag Mountain or Wind Sould so it's not the worse im good @vSurge hbu @vsurge good and you putanginanyo eyy heya doing great Soul* his Nid seems a bit rusty ngl TTours Fridge with crushed ice sitting and chillin after work why dont u use f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 to check ur teamates? peopel want you to be a rust streamer now yeah casio so good she backed right when thgey were doing drake got both PepeLaugh !uptime @2_Inches_N_Proud, nightblue3 has been streaming for 28 mins 38 secs @nightblue3 is your stream title a reference to gantz:0???? +75 PogChamp Pog Pog too good @nightblue3 it's always refreshing to see a jungle playing non Meta champ unlike Dom who always plays meta and still lose PogChamp Pog NICE MANNNNN +300 Pog PepeClap pog clap Pog PogChamp Pogger rusty are you gonna streaming any rust @nightblue3 keiserzc is gifting 3 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! Pog keiserzc gifted a Tier 1 sub to hbkomo! keiserzc gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheEager! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! doing great @ImpendingCalamity and @UbeKraken. How are you all Thank you for subscribing hbkomo! PogYou Thank you for subscribing TheEager for 2 months! PogYou keiserzc gifted a Tier 1 sub to BeastKOGaming! Thank you for subscribing BeastKOGaming! PogYou game over This must be an Open 1st game Actually doin something PogU youtube video is kindred good right now? @nightblue3 hello jg diff PogChamp @Nightblue3 PogU 2 lvl lead already Thank god ornn is meta again Ff 15 cmonBruh white shirt? Pog Hey YouTube MiiVeil subscribed with Twitch Prime. MiiVeil has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing MiiVeil! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pog Pog kaisa Wow pog lilyUwu lilyUwu lilyUwu lilyUwu lilyUwu lilyUwu lilyAww lilyAww lilyAww lilyAww Pog pog BloodTrail clap Ty Poggg Pog lol nb3NANI nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA diana jungle any good??? olaf took shutdown PepeHands pog @Nightblue3 I absolutely love your notifications First game stomp WOW nb3 streaming with webcam, pogggers @nightblue3 are you gonna be streaming any rust? flip the p in pog olaf double shutdown unlucky love the youtube videos first time watching your stream!! Nice @Nightblue3 finally watching a winning game nb3What 3-4 calling himself rusty xDDDDDDD Kappa !points @phatboyjay1, phatboyjay1 has 5590 points and is rank 2934/3216369 on the leaderboard. I was watching @nightblue3 when i was 11 or 12 and thought he never cursed lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry "After that im still garbage, but with style" this is gonna be a yt vid I'm calling it Rusty all games kappa imGlitch i gotta go do a test at uni but ill be baaaack !Followage @leismann, leismann has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 11 months 6 days 11 hours Chats awfully slow for 3.6k viewers 3/1/4 rusty xd nb3OMG Don't tempt them @lgndkilla TearGlove TearGlove TearGlove TearGlove good gank @Nightblue3 you know i used to be your fanboy however now ima not ur fanboy anymore im a fangirl Kappa Kappa Typical nightblue gank Cody Pog KEKW nb3What ziggs ult noooooooo nb3 said the s word lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry lilyCry that poor cait +600 POG PogU DELETED WOOW! woaaaah Pog KABOOM PogChamp PogU LUL POOOOGGGGG pog That was all the alcove there :D, and ppl thought they were useless KABOOOOOM Pog +140 Pog NB3 PogU KEKW KABOOM Anele nice dude 10k percento LUL pogogogo whered he go??? pogg KEKW cody KEKW holymoli predicted CABO? KEKW <3 @Nightblue3 you should int tychee for our boy tarzaned though pog FoOd Cove buse BOOM HEADSHOT LULW im outdisho 5Head ACTUALLY SMURFING duo with trick2g Youtuber? totally baiting for draven shoot shoot Nid POPPIN off does he have a rust vid? adoration stacks worth more than the kill itself 0/6 poor ziggs !dpi @Nightblue3 nice head size Pepega pathing moment KEKW Truuuling LUL le trolin !uptime @Pievor, nightblue3 has been streaming for 32 mins 51 secs you son of a bitch, im in AYAYA LmAo Ole ole ole LUL hi daaad did he just said fucking control ward Will there be some shivanna tonight, mrs Blue? oof KEKW KEKW @nightblue3 after the rework of diana would want to try it on jg with her lilyZoom lilyZoom lilyZoom lilyZoom hes so fucking high KEKW nooo MingLee Morik? o,O tf is this ResidentSleeper I miss rust :( @nightblue3 hi dad le trol bedtime bye nightblue any vid tdy? 😍 ye just wanted to stack armor from next drakes it's never too many wards .. xD go go go alelele Cait so fed wth is this choice of song Nice drag control Is morello on nid standard now? Just tuned in :) play rust pls no league just rust ^ hey hey hey hey hey hey hi Yall be saying its 1-2 am but its 1:39 pm 5 Dec in Asia here bish xD cait is broken His rush gameplay is so entertaining this rakan lul Rust* rakan't believe what he's doing 4Head Rakan so rusty? rust was keeping me up last night haha league for dummies <3 <3 <3 Here we go! loving that gameplay rustkan @lesjustgame it's december 6th in asia, am wrong? rooComfy comfy stream RUST LEAGUE IS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper wh yare you mimicin karasmai does lea adore karasmai ? youre not blocking map? @lavid1 asia is huge dude Eyyyyyy this the jam! @nightblue3 glad you on g What's the difference between Dull and Rusty? @lavid1 depende on wher3 u r rj @nightblue3 a question, what do you think about Chile? you really can't let them have a 3rd drag BRAZIL HERE We Love Your Videos BANGER @me_and_gay_man nevermind, i'm retarded music so low they will get all dragons KEKW your playlist is much better recently, good job :) Herald was the play that you missed :( nb3Thump SONG @lavid1 good to know @gripeximity007 dull is innefective rusty is unpracticed @nightblue3 a question, what do you think about Chile? cRANK the music up @Nightblue3 ^ fk league play rust FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin FreakinStinkin these spears are bad man @sundowndream Many SEA League players were like that LUL @me_and_gay_man it's december 5 all over the world currently except in the west part of the america's you missed liek 30 in a row :/ PepeHands @nightblue3 a question, what do you think about Chile? It’s actually 5head to not get first two dragons so now you can get 4 mountain @nightblue3 remember season four spears? Pepperidge Farms remembers. PepeHands Music 20 min baron while other team is alive seems troll hey do you remember me :) @Nightblue3 You'lll always have a special place in my heart bud. Thanks for the elise tutorials. BibleThump hiiiiiiiii And just to get the record straight, this is an original song from NINE INCH NAILS and the great JOHNNY CASH covered this magnificient version of it no peel nice monkaHmm nooo nice throw jg diff KEKW Comeback? nice throw !tier @nightblue3 a question, what do you think about Chile? Nice leach guys the infamous baron call i see monkaHmm Nice Cassio flash Lmao f dont forget ziggs ult 4Head !champions baron throw go next Nice leash Kappa nb3Clown nice throw LUL so bad KEKW @nightblue3 play rust now you lose earth too why streaming so late? @Nightblue3 nice baron leash bad baron !list that was about the worst idea ever yummy nb3Thump baren int and song HahaNutcracker you shoulda smited baron for health rust only getting to used to smurfing in bronze oof stop it, get some help leave now go to rust "YOu are someone else" LUL !uptime go rust :P league is lame @itsnutzu02, nightblue3 has been streaming for 38 mins 42 secs NA baron call barons up= die for it and lsoe KKool hi nightblue Reaaaly bad They get drag too you're inting! eH fUcK iT nid is just so bad in fights nb3Thump nb3Thump nightblue what should we do if we in that situation. should we just communicate with team better? hit a spear mannnnn Instead of baron you should have played rust Kkona Song quite low? ^ Night throw 3 @Sefeloth it's true, nidalee is all about the poke @nightblue3 a question, what do you think about Chile? @AnimeOnSteroids yes spam danger ping @Sefeloth Nid is BAAAD she's playng good play rust with QQ 1 2 3 4 :) TSyphus subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Thank you for subscribing TSyphus for 9 months! PogYou you really should be hyperfarming so you can remain useful reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! mamacita Pog finally a good song where is QQ @Lavid1 @ChiIIDude yea i agree hey yo Cheer100 Cheer100 dreazul just cheered 200 bits PogYou song name? RAKAAAAN !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at akali throwing? NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis rrrrrakAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN @trombido Goosebumps DRAVEN HUGE dedddd Wanna see how to get banned in a NB3 stream? *Ahem* NB3 more like Night Blue Poo Poo Pee Pee, ha gottem! I'll take my 69 month ban now KEKW Snek is fed cass blue buff CASSS\ COUNTER THROW olaf cuda triple if he wasnt boosted !uptime EZ HYPERCLAP Let’s get some Jax jungle for the one time @Yaminaei, nightblue3 has been streaming for 40 mins 58 secs Is this the new colour blind mode Kappa any rust tonight? Tyler Draven? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pog casio saved this fight T1 @Nightblue3 you watch haikyuu bro? poggggggggchamp akali throw pogggggggg rakan hard engage !followage @lgndkilla, lgndkilla has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 7 months 27 days 6 hours pog clap 🎰 Tell cass to buy boots LULW youre the best never doubted u !followage @AnimeOnSteroids, animeonsteroids has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 1 month 9 days 7 hours oh nightblue sucks Good evening @Nightblue3 how's your house in rust? "I think this is better on me" blue PRRRR!! bruh !followsgr Clap @ThaWesX ? bro Hey nightblue you should try syndra jungle, I hear its a new meta !followage @gchasser, gchasser has been following nightblue3 for 7 months 28 days 4 hours Who can beat me in follow age @Nightblue3 Whats time in NA now? Here its 6 AM !followage @FR3KACID3NT, fr3kacid3nt has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 2 days 15 hours you watch HAIKYUU! olaf taking lane farm it seems. hes highest cs on their team @poggggggggchamp Pepega Power farming I guess NIGHTBLUE I HAVE MY FIRST LAW SCHOOL FINAL TOMORROW !followage @FraaM_, fraam_ has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 11 months 17 hours Isn’t Olaf all sustain though? He stole baron lol that krug clear tho ziggs has glacial augment items but no glacial augment KEKW !uptime @dragosprite, nightblue3 has been streaming for 41 mins 59 secs kill participation difference @Nightblue3 no catch up xp make farm jungle good this season monkaW he got 3 drakes nb3Chimp respect awww, thats your cat @Nightblue3 the skin you're using on nids Hey Nightblue! So stoked you played some Shyvana games! Hope you enjoyed it enough for an encore! I got you anytime Hey nightblue you should try syndra jungle, I hear its a new meta, and it has really good clear from spheres free of charge monkaW you always perform bro. good job @commonking97 goodluck you got thix monkaEyes BOOM HEADSHOT SwiftRage damn it @FraaM_ you beat me by 2 months KEKW leggo kekw Kappa KEKW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW? 8x KEKW combo KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW kekw KEKW KEKW @lgndkilla gottcha AYAYA KEKE KEKWM KEKW KEKWMM PauseChamp KEKW SoSnowy @AnimeOnSteroids syndra jungle JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA KEKWMMM yes SoSnowy @nightblue3 this gives me the vibes of where you one shot spear fountain kill lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG lilyPOG !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at KEKW @ibradlt he should do it KEKW SoSnowy ITS A BROOM NOT A SPEAR @nightblue3 you don’t want a lawyer that spent law school playing league of legends lol KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW becuz its badass LUL that ornn KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW yeah sure LUL brrrr syndra can fricken clear like a god KEKW ReinDeer KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy so I support syndra jg for next game sniperblue Pog just go sorcery domination Clean Clap Pog CLAPS LUL =pog kappablanca123 pog HSWP SYNDRA JG NEXT GAME PLZ KEKW Kapp Guys the only way to speak with nb3 is by speaking thr jungle form just a bit early but very nice yeah and i support teemo jg lost dragon agane KEKW Pog IceCold KEKW IceCold !playlist Be humble @Nightblue3 GANK MID PLS @Nightblue3 you should play zoe with damn skill shots @AnimeOnSteroids are u silver? or goldie? !keyboard @Nightblue3 What form do u liked the best on Kayn for now? never miss smite LuL IceCold @nightblue3 you're actually able to play a game of league?? Riot best company :) RUSTTTTT imagine if he attack the fruit @Nightblue3 he smited rakan lol KEKW IceCold Pepega? i agree @RachelDGLucero Rust!!! boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun Rakan Pepega i think cause the rakan gave away adc lol @Nightblue3 AYAYA IceCold Rakan win trading IceCold @Nightblue3 are u against potheads cuz im a major pothead :C Nightblue cover ur map NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis I think olaf be looking yuo have gold <3 @nightblue3 rabandon i noticed a lot of poeple have a goldish recall and its not a skin. What is that? @Nightblue3 why r u so handsome? playing rust just isnt fun unless ur a no life idk how people enjoy it BibleThump BibleThump @chefwilk I think its a challenger reward there no kill like overkill ! Rust is great i’m committing suicide deja vu i CreativeLobster subscribed with Twitch Prime. CreativeLobster has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing CreativeLobster! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! eww Ur high @Nightblue3 Plz play Syndra jg. Its becoming a new meta, plus shes just karthus with a stun Pog BigBrother Clap holy crap someone gifted me a sub!!! THANKS pog ornn Pog orn POg headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang ppOverheat pogpog Pog POG Pog you didnt doanything XD Pog nightblue pussy pogpogpog Ornn Pog nom :3 !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Clap Hey @nightblue3 greatings from Germany Going to School now see ya @shtuyot oh that lit, thanks for replying bro! <3 FeelsGoodMan SoSnowy !song @chibama jebaited !song holy crap someone gifted me a sub!!! THANKS we all need to chant syndra jungle xD turn music up pepeJAM can people help me with this @barcoga suicideboys - paris is the song ???????? Xdd OMEGALUL jebaits everywhere KEKW hahahaha whyyyyyyyyyyyy IDIOT LMFAO xD ??????? OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW BALLS LOOOOL KEKW WHY? kek kekw ??????? so bad KEKW wtf are you doing jeez KEKW Oof KEKW IceCold KEKW yeet lol KOBE kekkkkkw KEKW THROW HAHAHAHAH THO KEKW NA THROW KEKW KEKW kappa nt LUL LUL LY nightblue is trolling KEKW pog syndra jg MaN nb3What KEKW TROLL lololol what a throw WHAT?! LUL LUL WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE PIT LUL SO BAD SO ABD big oof ALL YOUR FAULT bring it NO THEY DIDNT KEKW no you jumped over lmao PEPEGA F Bro its your fault not theirs lol why chase nb3? ???? TOTALLY UR FAULT boomer KEKW you're trolling KEKW @Nightblue3 LOUDER PLZ u trolling the bomb! DAMN! OMEGALUL pepegablue3 NA Nashor these calls man FailFish LUL ur int WHERE ARE YOU GOİING ??? FINISH YOURE ACTUALLY TROLLING why u jomp?? yea that was their fault LUL jungler left the baron LUL You had to go for akali KEKW u stopped attacking it troll whyd u stop you can get 4 mountain your fult greedy asshole Hi YOutube thats your fault you had smite but you attacked them oh please dont blame them for that one nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown FeelsRedditMan ? done watching this garbage Syndra jg plz @Nightblue3 why did you die?? soooooo greedy your bad that was his fault so bad lol YOU CHASSED?? Pepw YOUR FAULT your fault greedy fucker BLAME TEAM LUL MOESSIPIA stop feeding and trolling u left for kill its E KEKW boxBob that was such a troll play Pepega They stopped attacking it he says after he fucking left the pit with smite holy shit MonkaS Music top tier you troollll jungler with smite dies with smite Hey Nightblue! So stoked you played some Shyvana games! Hope you enjoyed it enough for an encore! hello yt I mean she is tho Yikes lul KEKW Why would you leave the pit 4FUN REGION KEKW is she tho ? @Nightblue3 True monkaS but your mom is fat yeah she stopped the pew pew lol NightThrow3 KEKW Ur trash its true :) Nice trollz Ur bad NICE SMITE KEKW u shoulve stayed on baron pit true she is kappa love ya your fault @Nightblue3 she really said that? D: Kekw Pepega yes class definitely dropped the ball to secure baron WeirdChamp you troll emotional If u lost this game trolling, you are Your team is so pepega cohhLUL cohhLUL cohhH cohhH cohhH cohhH not your fault you lost baron then SeemsGood Reporr to be fair you kinda dun goofed xD Don’t play league your mom is a nice lady Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ure better than him dont prove anything ot him in your next game pick Rengar she was rightfully so talking shit, she got you out the pit and made the steal happed lul Yes this is the problem haha u int u just push aki and lost baron @Nightblue3 Syndra jungle would be nice next game. Literally just karthus with a stun, plus nice mana regen from blue buff 9x Akali plz KEKW can you please go through puberty already so your screams stop breaking my windows U have no skill VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo You deserve to lose the game now what's this map !uptime Smack her ass @avengeluvsrorro, nightblue3 has been streaming for 48 mins 58 secs NA ARAM KEKW @bulbbis LUL LUL @Nightblue3 NB3 weakness, talk shit to distract him lul @AnimeOnSteroids just, stop man... have some dignity nah its good I saw it in plat 20/2 elo? plat JAJAJAJAJAJA R we rustin I'm back i feel sorry for him, for real boring of legends zz Well studying for english final tomorrow, but @Nightblue3 be streaming so I gotta watch !uptime @azizul066, nightblue3 has been streaming for 50 mins 5 secs leauge of poke !elo wp summoner's Pog elo nice dodging ????? zhonya ??????????????????????????????? zhonya.? int wow :) KEKW Well WutFace WutFace WutFace throw LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL lol not against olaf looks like a lost game to me holy olaf @nightblue3 ur late ass streams have fucked my sleep schedule ngl RachelDGLucero gifted a Tier 1 sub to AnimeOnSteroids! They have given 20 Gift Subs in the channel! Thank you for subscribing AnimeOnSteroids! PogYou reported reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 THOUGHTS ON teemo jg? uu$ Wonder if he’ll hit a spear this year was on cd DominatorSteven just hosted the stream for 209 viewers monkaW nb3GG nb3GG Pepe Deserve to lose mudi hi daddy @Nightblue3 Pog nightblue doesnt bounce back LUL COGGERS Man this game is so back and forth F nb3LUL someone gift me please :) You're welcome :) !uptime @felipuwu, nightblue3 has been streaming for 51 mins 19 secs I want a sub :c music on point LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL RUST TODAY? Bounce back Pick Rengar Big Sean - Bounce Back TriKool SoSnowy !mouse any gifters? :) xd 32% armor and MR plus big shield Kreygasm @nightblue3 I'm glad that you no longer play that ear cancer nightcore music Whose play list is this @nightblue3 nb3CYA @AnimeOnSteroids today tomorrow TOYOTA @nightblue3 try Yorick jungle plz sure LUL broom, not spear Ornn doesnt approve of traps it seems !uptime @damniet, nightblue3 has been streaming for 52 mins 51 secs hit those lol NARAM AGAIN LULW HeyGuys @NB3 Your Shyvana games bring me great joy! 1 MaN spam PogU Guys what was the song before this one?? Thanks for the HahaBall @racheldglucero MODS? Wake up have not seen you played nida in a bit qs useless LUL M OMEGALUL D S PokBlaziken FlipThis omfg xD but seems ok SeemsGood 0 QS WInnable GG GG GG LOLW GG KEKW IceCold jii jii EZ Clap flex seal gg nb3GG EZ FootBall yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blue let's go GivePLZ Enfin du vrai level et de l'energie ptn j'en pouvais plus de rhobalas Lets GOOOOOO im happy you are a man of culture PokBlaziken FlipThis love u nb3 What was the song before bounce back KKona SOCCER hi YouTube TakeNRG LUL When you hear someone say "Football" instead of "Soccer" Kreygasm nida i feel like is one of the best champs or the worse champs depending how well you can play her GOOD TP daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam @cardicosby it was from suicideboys; don't know wich one exactly LUL e clap Well I need to go to bed so i can get to work at a decent time. Night @Nightblue3 and Stream XD GG @NB3 Your Shyvana games bring me great joy! KEKW !uptime @SaucyTsun, nightblue3 has been streaming for 54 mins 48 secs HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge GGEZ GivePLZ @animeonsteroids KEKW Syndra Jung or we Riot 15 mins longer than it needed to be after those scuffed barons I love you bro @Nightblue3 i enjoy your stream. AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 kills yeah U need to hit spear first LUL SYNDRA JUNGLR Nida is too hard for low elo scrubs like me @fraam_ clutch vi time ? @Nightblue3 PogChamp @AnimeOnSteroids GOOO POG Rust later???? nb3FF15 How are u bogoss ? SYNDRA JGL SYNDRA JG i would support syndra jungle SYNDRA JUNGLE OR WE RIOT GO SYNDRA SYNDRA JG GN nb @nightblue3 heck yea AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 kills notice this Pepega Clap AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 kills i love bro Syndra jg @NB3 Your Shyvana games are poggers syndra jg lol rusttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Pog rust zac zac zacc lol try syndra OwO AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 killS lolololol Go Shyvana next @Nightblue3 Mordekaiser jg syndra jg pls Do sydra im actually starting to enjoy ur streams PogU go sit in the corner CAMILLEEE hey hakuryuh67: AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 kills notice this your the god jg syndra op on korea @Nightblue3 The stream sniping on Rust was pretty cringe lol how come u dont play ekko jg any gifters in chat? in the spirit of christmas? :) shyvana yeah try shyvana again @Nightblue3 SYUNYDRA kayn jg! rust rust rustttttttttttttttttttttttttt jungler better than laner AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 killS Syndra jg rekt 100 subs per kill on syndra jung BROMACIA syndra Zac graggy g well do shyvana then rengar jung ? SYNDRGA JG Nami jg plz rust habibi AnimeOnSteroids: Nightblue3 If you play syndra jg, I will pay 100 subs per 5 kills notice this boxBob AW would you ever play mum, maokai or malph in the jg anymore?? zaccccccccccc CAMILLE?? Shivanna play Jhin OLAF teemo jungle Kappa Syndra jungle plz SYNDRA OR RIOT CAN YOU TELL A SPOOKY STORY SYNDRA JG Yorick it plz elise? chat was Jebaited UDYR wukong jg pls no xmas emotes WeirdChamp rusty rusto rusttttt rustt zac SORAKA JG @nightblue3 Play Mordekaiser jg assasin jg please leona jg? Olaf time bruh cam jg is not that great dude Qiyana Jungle elise @Nightblue3 PLAY JHIN what is most meta rune? @Nightblue3 how come u dont play ekko jg how's Garen in the jungle this patch? *mumu KAYN Shyvana! Dragon time! you are the best play it for the plebs @nightblue3 UDYR BOI is it me or do you get level 6 even later now in the preseason? @nightblue3 what is most meta rune @Nightblue3 ? KAYN PLZ NASUS blue kayn jg WARWICK PLZ I WILL PAY WITH MY SOUL diana jungle what do you think about rylais on nid? @nightblue3 Diana hey if u play us server in rust there is a full team of streamer and all streamer join it and make one baddass team u can join veigar jgl hola @nightblue3 , como estás? rust rust rust what do we want rust when do we want it now CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAMILLE @Nightblue3 lets see Kinfred wukong jg op vayne jg op DIANA JUNGLE PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN show your skins collection @Nightblue3 How about twitch jungle? Cheese em BLUE KAYN PLEASE lol PepeLaugh IF YOU DONT PLAY SYNDRA JUNGLE < THAT MEANS TARZANS BETTEER THAN YOU Mordekaiser Jg @nightblue3 can u play DIANA jungle? :) KEKW USAIN BOLT UDYR senna jung? brand jgl? kinda wanna se rusht more then lol OMEGALUL ME cam has really weak clear @Nightblue3 rust today? Pls play Mordekaiser Jg YO GO SION JG :) me ? Ls played Syndra jungle thats why ppl want it me BusinessMen me :) Who even subs LUL me :) me I hate it when people say "xD" me nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL Olaf time bruh me bahroo rooDuck ME ME sssssaaaa who even subs LUL CHAT @Nightblue3 a lot of people raitirl emote are poog me people that sub to rat irl !uptime me :) @aidsesvagy, nightblue3 has been streaming for 57 mins 2 secs me :) ---> hey if u play us server in rust there is a full team of streamer and all streamer join it and make one baddass team u can join Diana jungle nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm morgana jungle is actually a thing NO KEKW lirikCOZY lirikCOZY lirikCOZY yes gucioWTF pogg I don't even sub Kappa Shadow assassin kayn me :) MY SOUL TOO FOR WW JG DIANA JUNGLE boxHi GOOD NIGHT BLUE Me UDYR JUNGLE LIKE TRICK Sub cus bush head no risteBP Yes :) LMAO SUBS nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype play ezreal jungle LUL ITS Preseason in League, Lets go Rust Duo Squad STream! true KEKW :( would you play amumu, maokai or malph Jg anymore?? @Nightblue3 Do you prefer the current Zac ult or the old one ? ratirlFlower POGGIES FireSpeed kromiaStare kromiaStare Me @nightblue3 all ratirl subs subbed for emotes ww jax ryze ILL UNSUB 2020**** only PLEBS sub KEKW True LULW NO who even sups? WeirdChamp nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS lol nightblue losing all his subs in 2020 @Nightblue3 top season 10 jglers? Kappa IMAGINE ACTUALLY SUBBING TO NB3 then all the people will just sub to the streaming hot girls twitch jungle! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY "XD" HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove HahaTurtledove nb3What Yes Kappa read it --> hey if u play us server in rust there is a full team of streamer and all streamer join it and make one baddass team u can join peepoFinger in honor of El Trucos Toys for Tots, how about a throw back to the GODYR? And droppin bows on em u da best, goodest boi nb3 Play jhin PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN @nightblue3 got banned in sro chat for saying who even subs lol DIANA JG play kled jg LUL hell yea brother do yo get less money from prime subs? yeah if you arent a tier 3 sub to @Nightblue3 you're irreverent zac trkGJ no rust now Need good emotes !uptime @tatarink0, nightblue3 has been streaming for 57 mins 37 secs RUST my gf subs to you for ur hair subbing? its all about prime sub, give em zac jg ye i WANT RUST atlas It's a drug :) FK IT GO PLAY VI rust I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY "XD" omg yo @nightblue3 should I buy all 21 mangas of My Hero Academia? Frames BUT I LIKE YOUR EMOTES UNU @Nightblue3 lets see kindred What icon is that I love it wtf imagine being a tier 3 sub LUL I’m down for rust Pog eve jg! brand jgl THOU CAN TAKETH MINE VIRGINITY FOR WW JG minecraft play zac nb3GG nb3GG sup nb3 are you on drugs??? pog hey @Nightblue3 can you say hi to my little brother paul denino thanks @devil0071122 he has to be u gon become rust streamer xd i like rust more than league CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY?CAN YOU TELL US A SPOOKY STORY? can u pls Shyvana? :3 PLAY RENGAR @smokiness XD KEKW mod him I sub if rust @nightblue3 YES lol OMG u should join them in rust so much fun with full team of streamers Qiyana Jungle Forget Rust, allll league Vi zac is nuts right now man] @Sadisstiic XD always lol yes Yes If he doesn’t impact the game then it doesn’t matter how much farm he has PJSugar COKEBLUE3 yes YES yes Yes LUL olaaaaaaaaF drugs r koo yes KEKW brand jgl :( Def !uptime @Pandarippe, nightblue3 has been streaming for 58 mins 20 secs yes lmao FeelsSpecialMan NO YES yesssss ekko "do i look like i got on drugs" Keepo yes HEY @Nightblue3 WATCHUH THINK ABOUT THE NEW WUKONG REWORK? monkaHmm hm yes kind of VI VI VI VI 👃 PJSugar yes Yes CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? CAN YOU TELL US A STORY? monkaHmm I see anyone is nuts when you play them tho PJSugar HERES SOME COKE u r the drugs why 0 delay? Diana Jungle Yes Qiyana plz QUICK, someone call the popos Kappa song reminds me of that scary simpsons clip zacaroom xd LOL he changes the top[ic i see Ekko jag maybe? banger song wait what Syndra jg plz monkaHmm hmm yes Oh man one More and were back at Rust @nightblue3 is Gino gonna play with you on Rust? or QQ? @Nightblue3 wukong rework??? ivern jungle @nightblue3 hey have you tried Mordekaiser jg? new Diana JG is Pog challenger grandmaster lmfaoooo @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked diana jungle? brand jgl CAN YOU PLAY LUX that is true fine ashe jg KEKW Can u play Diana jungle please ? :) once the new diana changes hit live she will prob be one of my mains again KEKW true you know you are the best streamer.. no capa low effort from riot imo. the rework on wukong didnt do much well syndra is troll, but zac is dumb. but you can make anyone work personally TRUE KEKW hi nigthblue KEKW U know Mai-chan? @Nightblue3 @NB3 Your Shyvana games bring me great joy! zac nightblue Boludo anda olaf jungla pibe, aguante el fernet papu true KEKW Omg the song <33 i have idea we can all play rust and team :D you cant get reported if you wim ;D @Nightblue3 thoughts on diana? Ls played Syndra jungle thats why ppl want it shacooo Im not shyt Wtf no rust? 🤬 MindManners MindManners DO IT LUL LUL LUL n ur teammates will tell their RIOT friend n u get banned syndra jungle bangs tho wdym soraka jungle free win what about pyke jg? DIANA JUNGLE How bout Mordekaiser Jg?????????? NAUTILUS BLUE KAYN PLEASE !uptime @azizul066, nightblue3 has been streaming for 59 mins 43 secs brand jgl heyheyhey im in love with you best junglers to carry with rn? @Nightblue3 Can you morde jungle? he seems decent reeengar EKKO CAN YOU PLAY SONA Shyvana jg ekko 0lay some SHYVANAAAAAA @nightblue3 play boy Eve PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN PLAY JHIN RENGAR# good mornig play master yi master pee quinn jungle TRIPLE Q soraka jg Diana jg plz aster yi rengar!! noc? @nightblue3 Shyv Ap Op Pog @nightblue3 running it down rust??? Rengar where is the cat im hard for shyvanna knife cat lets go draven Rengar Pog #hecarim? Qiyana Jungle plz nocturne @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 hecarim Evelynn loving the $uicideBoy$!!!!!! VOLIBEAR VOLIBEAR Rengat udyyyyyyyyr @hopsckoch hey nerd gib me your soul NEEKO MOMENT do kindred Renguuuuuuu play The Kitty cat i wanna see some iceborn skarner RENGAR Kayn PLAY BROLAF Buying Bunny Riven because of Mai-chan UwU YASUO Jungle Pentakill Poggers I'm gay for shyvana. :p shyvanaaaaa @nightblue3 PLAY NAMI JG PLAY NAMI JG PLAY NAMI JG LOL brand jgl RUST Ekko hnow about nidalee UWU MOMENTO TOO PYKE JUNGLE love u love u love u love u love u love love... walmart @hopsckoch hey big foot java doordash blue r u playing RUST dunkni donuts udddddyyyyyyrrrrr croc Yes Pog brand jg is much better than syndra jg. try it 5head mcdonalds mcdonalds RENGAR WE WANT THE NB3 RENGAR BACK COME ON LETSS GO CHAT SPAM RENGAR Ghoster baid KEKW VOLIBEAR keurig :) McDonalds buy a nespreso but c4ripped powder from the vitamin shop @nightblue3 it's a hassle don't @Nightblue3 buy a nespresso, its very good coffee machine for the people asking for that type of jg get a french press Kayn rengar!! @hopsckoch hey nerd @nightblue3 have you tried Mordekaiser jg??? @Nightblue3 Bunny Riven reminds me of Mai-chan, the Bunny girl :D @nightblue3 GRAVES Nesspresso machine slap hard that the shit nidalee would be great is it time for the triple q obviously soraka jg is the best jgler @nightblue3 love your stream man stream sniped AND GOOD MORNING LETSS GO FOR THE NB3 RENGAR Diana jungle pls udyyyyyŕrrrrr kayn Just got in here and you're bed isn't even made @Nightblue3 RENGAR play YUUMI JUNGLE ! i can diliver drugs to you if u want?? Get a ninja coffee maker Ezreal's name though brand jgl!! Fuck Nespresso lux visual changes are so sexy bro KAYN @Nightblue3 Qiyana Jungle OPERA :puke: SENNA JUNGLE Hola boludazoooooo sion jg @Nightblue3 buy a nespresso, its very good coffee machine Pog croc!! RAMMUS PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob YuuumII JUNGLE!! Rakan jg PogU NB3 can you maybe Kindred? Hi Nb3 BRAND!! mordekaiser ekko vi pepeJAMMER play brand mordekaiser pls Kindred Pog TriHard TriHard kayn @pixelcraz hi vi! YUUUUMIIII! vi!! zac why no rust? @nightblue3 pepeJAMMER zac is funn KAYN yeee zac YESSSSSS SYNDRA zaac SKT SKIN pepoD PogU VOLIBEAR PeepoLeave Pog yeah buddy, zac time lux jgl Conqueror Zac? PogU kayn stop talking wanna hear the song PLAY BROLAF NEXT GAME @Nightblue3 play yi next game? ricardoFlick SoSnowy ap or tank zac? @nightblue3 can you sing me happy birthday (just got 23) <3 <3 pool party skin @nightblue3 Zac is good YUUUMIII!! JUNGLE ap zac plz =) ap Full Ap Zac Pog ap crit zac HELLO EVERYBODY :DDD AP ZAC a´p play brand instead of syndra its better trust me. Brands clear and ganks are legit actually lol ap oh Lux jg ap common full ap ap zac rammus pool party tank please @nightblue3 the best please ap zac tank AP TANK A COMBINATION OF THE CENTURY ap ap hes saying peehole actually ya fuckin idiots tank dont troll bud !uptime full HP zac @Apointytriangle, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 2 mins ap gues we gotta see team comp LUX JUNGLE pls ap Maybe Kindred later? 1000 ap zac oneshot 1000 AP One shot? Yea, go for it ap AP TANK ap baby AP=OP ap nah tank anyone can donate me temoo skin on ew :P yes Ap no Meh pass Ap zac! tank!!! lindrys 1000 ap zac yi video ? :D ap hurts, but tank is for LP DO IT n0 tank probably be reported anyway so... AP man no AP TANK IS LEGIT @Nightblue3 cinderhulk rod of ages? Rust was quite entertaining minus the stream snipers @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 nocturne next game? ap Jebaited Jebaited AP FOR THE CONTENT both tank blob go tank if your team needs it otherwise ap Ap Do tank daddy ad crit lmao AP i feel like rammus is great this meta idk @nightblue3 ap 1000 AP Yi KEKW Yes ap fallofbeemo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! Thank you for subscribing fallofbeemo for 19 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ap pa la banda ff peeeeeeee WAIT THIS ISNT RUST WHAT THE FUCK @Nightblue3 What's with the tag thing above your skins? Best Waifu for u? @Nightblue3 Yall vote The next game as Lux Jg oh no delay? Z conq? gonna need tank vs that Nah ur team need tank yes ap no AP conq? no AP FOR CONTENT lol go ap its presession LUL AP tank SOMEONE GIFT ME A SUB PLZ i played garen for the first time just now. LIfe is good Lux KEKW AP for content, tank for winning boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL Kindred next? go rust ASHE JG @Nightblue3 nocturne RUST !!! janna jungle Kappa lux jg YUUMI!!!! JUNGLE diana jg ? 2 GO YASUO JUNGLE DUDE SION JG SION JG SION JG Bro why didt you lux jgl play qiyana jungle FeelsOkayMan SantaHat D: BROLAF JUNGLE PLEASE @Nightblue3 smite item>rod of ages>cinderhulk ? DIANA JUNGLE! Sona Jungle let's go lol meeku1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! :) boxD Thank you for subscribing meeku1 for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! urgot jng.... and neeko? :DDD D: LOL akali jg? facts LUL D: relax D: D: theyre terrible D: D: hard r! teemo jung? So squishy and useless in JG LUL nautilus R words D: D: D: rust jungle ? its more funny to be honest :P D: banned\ Diana? the R word D: YUUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIII JUNGLEEE! big truth D: IceCold SONA JUNGLE LETS GO xd this isnt tft bruh D: Kappa Banned !song monkaTOS Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at go rust man Play teemo jungle nb3Hype SoSnowy beemo teemo jg ? Lux wave clear is not bad though Kappa Teemo Jungle? D: !uptime k @Limbo1996, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 3 mins IceCold lux jg does work though if you want to try it just saying ^ urgot jng all the team should be in jg play rust dude fuck this game play qiyana jungle FeelsOkayMan SantaHat LUL OLAF have ou played Kindred at all yet? c'mon try neeko :DD U miss ur skill shots stfu nb3 I'd love to have Lux Jungle on my team @nightblue3 what about twitch jgl.... rat runs shit on it YUUUUUMIIIII JUNGLE!! LUX janna jg nb3Hype @nightblue3 R U S T PEPEGA!! might as well play yuumi jungle if chat suggesting these nb3Meh ys :) im in wood @nightblue3 yes yes do you still max e on zac? win a game with yi and i sub YES yes yes :) yes YES Yes Hell yea i would love one Pog no yes yes tes YES YES yes r u drunk? yes LOL yes yes you not in promote tho Yes yes no yes correct Kappa yes kapp Syndra jg YES FREE WIN Pog yessss!!! yes YES YUUUUUMIIII JUNGLE PLS PLEB hi dad @Nightblue3 yes yes yes yes lol correct yess OMEGALOL Amumu or Maplhite :) Yes Play Leona jungle If she can carry then Yes yes YEs its good @nightblue3 if it was you playing in my team then definitely yes!!! @nightblue3 KEKW YASUO JUNGLE hell no xd YeS S+ Total Troll !followage @AhmedAlghoul, ahmedalghoul has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 11 months 3 days 11 hours PepeLaugh yes @Nightblue3 yuumi jg pls smileW this chat is just a bunch of retards yes i try id love a janna Pog Yes !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at clowns XD y ES JINX JG nb3Hype i mean lux is kinda strong in low elo so maybe lol cmonBruh ugandan knuckles? i've tried she is good @Nightblue3 Why do you think we're all bronze? KEKW cmonBruh I ff if I dont see syndra Kappa OF COURSE Syndra yes XiranDokkan subscribed with Twitch Prime. XiranDokkan has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing XiranDokkan! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Yes OP !uptime @suyan_tutiya, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 4 mins !uptime i love to have a blitz jg :p cmonBruh @Nightblue3 Think about it, it's basically elise but with a longer range stun GWA GWA GWA ZULUL SY DRA OP YUUUUUMI JUNGLE PLS PLEB EZE FUNNEL Braun jungle @nightblue3 no Yummi jungle please Vlad jungle !rank @Nightblue3 win a game with yi and i sub S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Someone: Playing Jungle every Champ LUL Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa HELLO DAD @Nightblue3 Jungle jungle SYNDRA JUNGLE GOOD !followage @Top_Dunk, top_dunk has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 11 months 8 days 4 hours SOMEONE GIFT ME SUBS PLZ only way that i can watch this is on 160p YIKES Song? How bout Mordekaiser Jg is he in the meta rn? @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 have you been offered deals to go to other streaming platforms? i would love a syndra on my lap tho @nightblue3 If you win as syndra jungle then idc. Lol I HAVET ONE GAME WITH SYNDRA JUNGLE you hate any champ nb? Skin 2 Win @Nightblue3 everything works im bronze so don't blame chat for suggesting UFFF SO FKING HEAL lmao PogChamp Pog Pog !followage @TurkishGameStar, turkishgamestar has been following nightblue3 for 11 months 30 days 6 hours PepeLaugh PepeLaugh how about Kahrtus jungle Pog would sub to nb3 pornhub Yes yes Pog you dont have the peen Bush porn LUL !foll ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper the hub is the dub yes yes @NIGHTBLUE3 YES he's gonna play rust later ? yes PepeLaugh no yes yes yes Pog yes GO ZAC AP yooo accept these terms and conditions SHAMELESSNESS @Nightblue3 yes Pog yes yes yes MonkaS i did, worked out well for me midget hub @nightblue3 what is the plan for today??? Do it man, be a pioneer yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss NIGHTBULL as a pidget porn ah shit lol do it u wimp zac tentacle pron? I would buy your premium snapchat Streaming league in hub Pog yes, and play syndra's jungle there ACCEPT IT I’d sub to that Kappa two birds one stone POG KEKW BRING SYNDRA WITH YOU @Nightblue3 you think you can fit in rod of ages in ur tank build for some punch? @Nightblue3 are you a pornstar? NIGHTBULL KEKW :) ok gachiBASS do it with your girl!!!!! another game of leona jg??? gachiBASS SoBayed @Nightblue3 aslong is lia coming along hell yeah go the the hub HotPokket gachiBASS men what is your favorite champ? hub collap D: XD Nah yes nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown Yes Pog go tank for the phat peel no POR SU POLLO @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot yeeeesd No no gachiBASS SoSnowy no noo. tank is more fun LUL no yes no yes all!! yes yes so sad no about as upset as if you dont go to pornhub no yes ap ap Which section are you gonna be found at on the hub? Tank wed yes yes POLLO I know yall support NB3. si gift me. to keep supporting him. @Nightblue3 you think you can fit in rod of ages in ur tank build for some punch? monkaHmm nooo PepeLaesugh y yees nb3Mad nb3Mad nb3Mad nb3Mad yes AP of course DO IT SO THAT WE HAVE AN EXCUSE TO OUR PARENTS GO ON PORNHUB AND NOT GET IN TROUBLE Yes ap YES no no no TANK and Tank only we would love you regardless Play what you like NB <3 play what you want lol zac gameplay ResidentSleeper AYAYA STYLE Yes ye NightBullFTW yes GO TANK PogU jsut go ap men Yea full lethality with new lethality items Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm AP FeelsSnowyMan @Nightblue3 go crit drugs monkaW chat spam LIANDRYS!!!!! Drugs monkaW drugs D: yep drugs vitamin D KEKW Kappa monkaW dead DRUGS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm sniff it its X @Nightblue3 aslong as lia is coming along go to the hub pls MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 drugs LUNARYS OMG drugs DROGS? he doin drogz LSD monkaW Vita..min huh PepeHmm @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot think of the titles man @Nightblue3 "I really bent the enemy team over the rail this game" sure Kappa THERE IT IS Kapp -______- B3 LUL Vitamine B3 monkaW Can you just 1Trick a champion or a while like shyvana ? nb3HA yes Keepo Keepo cmonBruh drugs?? ADDY NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis meth X N -B3 lol DRUGZ!? monkaW lsd yea ofc it is KappaHD mustab a bit too much? @Zompz3 i think fr tho LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ARE THE SAME AS DRUGD Go drink Royal if u need B Vitamins LUL @Nightblue3 chat spam LIANDRYS!!!! the drugs are bad, you no kqnsks Is he now doin it live on stream Oo Kindred you curly headed frick PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar BROOOO GO FULL LETHALITY x KEKW @nightblue3 what about vitamin D crreamSip whats is that ekko skin chat?? Is this a new drug? Vitamin B3 monkaW @Nightblue3 you think you can fit in rod of ages in ur tank build for some punch? D: @Nightblue3 aslong as lia is coming along go to the hub pls is that you kids all drags this days ? B3 :P D: lets be real you taking vitamin D Nightblue3 KEKW The symptoms of the late stage of severe vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency ─ a disease called 'pellagra' ─ include inflammation of the skin (dermatitis), vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, and memory loss. If untreated, pellagra is ultimately fatal. get out of my clown you jungle Kahrtus jng real life prrof dat league is killing you monkaS hi nb3 I'm drunk WeirdChamp NIGHTBLUE GET THE D monkaW dead four hrs later.... LYANDRI IS FOR NEWBIES Gino giving you vitamin D? Kreygasm Why you always drinking bottled water? Do you live in Michigan @nightblue3 Sus @Nightblue3 aslong as lia is coming along go to the hub pls @Nightblue3 10 years for crab Vitamin D at night LUL the man don't get sunlight lay off nb3 my favorite jungler on league!! as long as it not Tyler keyboard you will be alright LMAO !uptime play rust fucker @chalenger37, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 8 mins You can have my vitamin d KappaPride @Nightblue3 no rust today? LUL LUL KappaPride bot is not doing so well obviously a vampire LULW NA GANK KEKW @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot Misses everything KEKW missed everyhing missed everything KEKW play teemocju e winions is this skillet WeirdChamp This guy has " Proguides" plYy a KEKW POIG op strats KEKW Pog 5Head play teemo jungle please @Nightblue3 you think you can fit in rod of ages in ur tank build for some punch? imagine playing shen you are into that ? @Nightblue3 yes pog ap ResidentSleeper the madlad Full ap? AP protobelt yay @Nightblue3 rod of ages Noooo go lethality man Go AP health maybe good shit go AD Wait, do you see now? hey @Nightblue3 refering to the hub thingy is lia coming along cause if so pls go GO ful ap dmg :D hextech protobelt @Nightblue3 ignore this noobs they thinks you are mad as them :)]'] Rylais even though you hate it crystal scepter too maybe Actually u wanna get tome boots and dark seal on first back but do u boo @nightblue3 Sanguine Blade! liandry disgusting on zac Does anyone want to see a Mordekaiser jg? is that meta or wut N OMEGALUL ETU KEKW it is yes Yes Sanguine blade LUL you still need visage hey @Nightblue3 refering to the hub thingy is lia coming along cause if so pls go! @nightblue3 can build whatever u want this game ends at 15 mins xD Liandrys + Protobelt liandrys >>> morello Kappa elichYoohoo guys is new patch today? @dyzzy_bz LUL wtf is shen doing nb3Chimp LULW NICE You got this @nightblue3 ITS THE DRUGS white people problems we believe ya Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 gank mid its free Its the vitamin B3 monkaW drugs making u cray cray @dyzzy_bz so true Chat on drugs LUL crystal scepter would be good for the hp and ap damage he gets PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar PJSugar hey @Nightblue3 refering to the hub thingy is lia coming along cause if so pls go i think you crazy, probably KEKW Drugs the vitamin carry Pick up your blobs PepeHands who counters nocturne? unbench the kench! b3 vitamins will FUCK U UP tahm kench jg, thoughts???? plus the slow Suplexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GO LETHALITY @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot TOo much caffeine DRUG its the next bottle over Kappa It said cocaine on the bottle! hey @Nightblue3 refering to the hub thingy is lia coming along cause if so pls go Kapp drugs vitamin NB3 ? :D there drugs @deathdraw WeirdChamp no vitamin ND5 LULW unlucky DRUGS Kappa nb3HA @yomi5543 LUL KOKAINE NB3 shen LULW Clap Yeah guys, Cocaine io not a drug. Nightblue said SO BASICALLY ZACS USELESS KEKW Proto sounds better than lean fake bottle Bottle for ADS LUL Is this guy singing the song OK? Kappa yep bottle for potential sponsors Kappa LULW oof clean ganks so far KEKW NA GANKS KEKW Stop smartcasting you noob u dont know the range @BeastSupremo What is that emote? Kappa ? KEKW KEKW ?? Drugs Inting uh rip ZAC GAMEPLAY LULW inter hey @Nightblue3 refering to the hub thingy is lia coming along cause if so pls go seems low range teleport?? go late game FeelsOkayMan you really need to start q'ing minions/monsters then auto attacking the champions Inter Imagine not banning Senna KEKW @Nightblue3 are the drugs getting to you finally? 5Head f PYKE DIFF bot no assist sapphire crystal LMAO we? LUL PauseChamp -- Pog ? "we" KEKW worth PogU gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH THEY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ezreal cashin in zac op WE LUL gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH rabia, they got 3 Clap sapphire crystal KEKW GJ NB3 0 assists Cap monkaHmm peepoClap @Nightblue3 so why the saph crystal peepoClap Pepega Clap SoSnowy Pog we ez back in it bois Kappa clap peepoClap Clap SoSnowy macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Chin macaiy1Gasm macaiy1Gasm macaiy1Gasm you inted it wasnt worth KEKW Clap no one clapping LULW SoSnowyPog PepeClap pepeClap LULW LULW LMAPO LOL peepoClap FeelsWeirdMan Clap peepoClap SoSnowy clapclap ezreal do it PepeLaugh gachiGASM IceCold AAAAHHH Not Deserved : / er: gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH did it* HandsUp peepoClap IceCold kindred next gamee ???? Pog SoSnowy the sapphire crystal represents Meth gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH Wrong version Peepoclap HandsUp i believe Icecold ezreal jg next! XD IceCold why the sapphire crystal Kappa :) cuz zac needs blue for sure, i hate it too peepoClap IceCold vitamin B3 got fcke up tripping in the map ZZAC HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys RalpherZ Squid1 FUck mid lane man Pog IceCold Pog SoSnowy that clear tho :) IceCold PogU ironic NB3 missing B3 WeirdChamp remember back in the day when lux mid would snipe your blue with her ult... yeah that pissed me off too lol tank or AP Zac is better now? PogU IceCold R?\ aaaaaaaaaaah @kappazappa69 LULW IceCold POGSLIDE IceCold if mid doesnt have 5 kills after 5 minutes they get no blue - nightblue3 gachiHYPER wrong version gachiHYPER cy@ NA flash i love your recent streaming times, perfect to always wake up to ur stream (: gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH nice flash LULW play qiyana please zac doesnt seem very good @Nightblue3 hi nb3 @SayoREEE gachiBASS IceCold gachiHYPER AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH gachiHYPER PogChomp SoSnowy yo hi Kreygasmk HeyGuys HandsUp i believe I Didnt ask for syndra jungle but if there is SOMEONE who can pull that Off its you @nightblue3 :) sex stream gachiHYPER AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH gachiHYPER how many SQ is your house? Kreygasm SoSnowy gachiHYPER AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH gachiHYPER gachiHYPER AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH gachiHYPER Any believers? HandsUp Any believers? HandsUp Any believers? HandsUp Any believers? HandsUp Any believers? HandsUp Any believers? HandsUp gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH STEPSISTER Siscon @nightblue3 do you think your base still go at Rust ? @nightblue3 @nightblue3 @nightblue3 KABEEEEEEEE ARE YOU HERE?? HeyGuys close1 where the fuck is azir LULW I OFFER THE VIRGIN @pixelcraz FOR JG WW wasting your blue :( quack how many SQ is your new house twiddling his blue buff MIDLANERS KEKW i see a cat Azir coffee A POOSI farming :) Azir : minions BlessRNG Dumb Azir NotLikeThis Where tf was azir Azir LUL MVP morelo wait ap zac? is that good? liandry your sister stole the cat @Nightblue3 Na mids TriKool SoSnowy SeemsGood lilyCool lilyCool lilyCool lilyCool lilyCool liandry then morelo PogU? pOG how many SQ is your new house?? liandry then morello is the play POGGERS TriKool Proto Blind mid KEKW TriHard TriHard FREE LV UP , Give hom gift Kappa urazir streamon other channel dude wenk ??? KEKW LMAOOOOOOO KEKW hey @Nightblue3 i heard you talking about a possible transfer to the hub if so is your gorgeous girlfriend coming with you, cause if so i could highly advise to do it F gachiBASS What about proto for extra burst Kreygasm Drake? gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH gachiGASM AAAAAAAAHHHH i dont think u landed a single e this game KEKW ?????????????? kekw U dont like Drake? imagine azir taking all the blue what dou think about the new dragon update? @brambolenny18 WeirdChamp 0 drake 14mins thats some GM Elo quality gameplay @nightblue3 link moment xD yiah wenk you're 1/2 but you're making impact. no flame! NotLikeThis honestly ap zac is a nb3 thing to do so im ok with that @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot Hi MB3 left left above map left minimap map map left LEFT near ping Pepega mini map above mini map mini above minimap lef in my head above map MAP MINIMAP minimap Leftg map left map above minimap left left map above map map mimimap Minipam minimap LEFT above mini map MAP MAP minimap map minimap mini map minimap map MAP left left MAP left Minimap LEFT map always minimap minimap minimap left map map @quote_ifstreamer_babyrage huh? you don't like the idea less eye scrolling above map minimapminimap minimap mini map map minimap above minimap LEFT map mini mini map default Map minimap map MAP left left MINIMAP map minimapp Left mini ma0 Minimap map mi nimap top minimap left minimap mapm left Map maps map map mini map map You always look at your map bootom right minimap toptopp above map so you only lookd on the same side mini Map Left maps easier ropp left minimap for sure Map top left def minimap Minimap map for sure off Map topp put your face on the minimap[ minimap minimap Map map Map toppp mab Map left\\ left Map mini map easier to look at maps if its above it Map left left.... map @Nightblue3 so u can look at one side instead of left and right does not matter if ur on drugs @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot hey @Nightblue3 i heard you talking about a possible transfer to the hub if so is your gorgeous girlfriend coming with you, cause if so i could highly advise to do it wenk Kapp LEFT, LESS CONFUSING @Nightblue3 GO NB3 SMARTEST JUNGLER IN THE WORLD PogU peepoFinger you're always looking at your map. It makes sense to have it there as well W scale off ap? BibleThump peepoClap ReinDeer widepeepoSad nyoooo I'm in love with COCO TriHard @Nightblue3 you don't need to build tank if you have shen ult Kappa wtf KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL yooooo KEKW lkewk KEKW KEKW Pog ????? LUL ? wenk bm ult KEKW KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump LUL LUL LUL LITERALLY THE WORST U COULDVE PLAYED IT LOL @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot is fizz jg good? quack damaaauge the song Pog hey @Nightblue3 i heard you talking about a possible transfer to the hub if so is your gorgeous girlfriend coming with you, cause if so i could highly advise to do it COCO you can kill him with out turret dude F @Nightblue3 You play like a Dia4 TriKool SoSnowy TriKool SoSnowy TriKool SoSnowy Bad dog andy all might skin widepeepoSad SoSnowy if he had a q target maybe nah men he plays like bronze 1 the game will be over by then buddy KEKW !see when is that? Have you played terraria? RUN IT DOWN RUN IT DOWN MID taxing the jng i c monkaHmm doomed E into enemy fountain Rzreal jung next game! D: this is so fun xD D: afk Retarded Ez amumu more fun he saw ur items s10 jg doesnt give enough XP for laners to steal @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle ist VIable? wtf babitas its fun THE AZIR IS TAKING IT NOT EZREAl D: LULW is* just like AP ZAC LULW Senn abtw 56% WR not that good Pog obamavictim subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! did you watch charlies angels? Thank you for subscribing obamavictim for 7 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! It seems better with burst comp not dps obama victim WutFace senna ult i'm in love with the coacoa NO ONE WANT TO GIFT ME SUB :( nb3Clown nb3Clown Senna ult makes Ezreal ult seem very underwhelming... lol you think nimbus cloak is mandatory on all junglers now? @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle is viable? KEKW KEKW KenIsJust subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing KenIsJust for 9 months! PogYou KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW y KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Run it down BigBrother !uptime @Yuukive, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 24 mins D: ALT F4 sunfire LULW BigBrother run it down my virgin ears D: Seriously?! holy shit how is that not tilting af rjun it down wow that would actually piss me off as a jungler lol JG LIFE PepeHands JG open LUL BigBrother Clap D: KEKW D: more ape shet? LUL LUL 10 dolars donate to the guy who will take the crug Type 1 if you want to watch nightblue go apeshit life of a jgler amirite t1 lvl Run it down man, its the only way they'll learn ur team is assisting enemy team REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT KEKW KEKW IceCold masachanD ggw Karma for taking ur krugs PogChamp LOL KEKW KEKW LUL hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KEKW hahahah KEKW KEKW no KEKW LULW KEKW LUL ??????????????????? ?????? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BOOM DIED FLYING OMEGALUL LULW KEKW AP Zac. LUL LUL LUL h worthj LUL wenk lol KEKW SKY KING KEKW KEKW FLYYYIN lollllllllllllll KEKW apeshit ??????????????? KEKW mid air LUL AP Shyvana?? llollllllllllllll so worth LUL KEKW Fly Zac Fly LUL lolo actually runing it down LUL no smite and u GO IN ???? lolllllllllllllllllllllll @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle is viable? WHOT lololololol running it down i see died with style Pog wtf r u doing..... and ur telling me that was a vitamin he took you already ape shit !uptime YEAH MAKES UR SCREEN GRAY ! @nasgdt, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 25 mins TABIIIIIIIS NB3 lol PogU @Nightblue3 omgREE <- you tbchoiGood tyler1Yikes shoulda flew from tri brush over the pit and smited on the way LUL @Nightblue3 i didnt know if i liked you or not but now watching you, you're kinda funny play rust dude WHAT Rust please @nightblue3 tanks with damage builds OMEGALUL boxBlank CHANGE IT TO 11 DEATH AVG AFTER THIS KEKW well at least he's honest KEKW Graves jungle next game run it and he plays Ez KEKW gg HAAHAHA BOX KEKW Xin Zhao KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LUL at least it was an enemy this time KEKW LUL KEKW @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle is viable? LUL KRUGS KEKW LUL rust spam chat plz don't let him play lol LOOOOL KEKW Clap tbchoiYo tbchoiTB !uptime kekw @gabrielrachel, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 26 mins kekw wenk thats the last straw Kappa simplyicetea subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! I think you know what time it is?? LETS GO RUST!!! Thank you for subscribing simplyicetea for 3 months! PogYou atleast he fed reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! This is actually scripted yes Kappa Kappa 419 why not 420 bursted wow shoulda shyvana'd! XD Hahahahahahaha Yo love this play some rust yaaay xD Yo fuk this play some rust!* Where's your team lol @Nightblue3 You should try to play better to win omgBunny gg wp liandries does % health... no need @nightblue3 you go lasik? HahaShrugRight or start building tank @nightblue3 KEKW LOL op holy KEKW KEKW lol senna ad not good btw Weird tht is 40% hp Senna balanced LUL wtf r u doing! turbointing? Pepega monkaW might get banned for saying this _____> ND5 @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle is viable? kekw @NB3 Do you think Senna ult makes Ezreal ult look like a joke? wheres the item pings monkaHmm The damage LUL HahaShrugLeft jonzheWEIRD HahaShrugRight get zhonya >not building tank >"What i got oneshot? LUL rust 6l @Nightblue3 you play some rust later ? horrible e 2/5 AP Zac (new OP Jungle) @Nightblue3 6k homies in the chat get a bit of armor tbchoiGood SMOrc ur gameplay is too bad man, concentrate in the game, wtf? I know u can do better I feel like your not play as usual @nightblue3 Can we forget about this game and play graves next play rust plz @nightblue3 you got lasik eye ? Should have just played Syndra jg LUL tbchoi3 tyler1Yikes @NB3 Do you think Senna ult makes Ezreal ult look like a joke? they mad fusOh that addy kick in yet bro? there go the pings no shit LUL i love how you said senna ad is not good when she killed you mid air and one shot you LUL @Nightblue3 tank is gud WeirdChamp rust yey time for rust ok feels bad man zac just sucks So Qiyana was Faker's biggst mistake this Worlds? @Nightblue3 rust nb3YIKES i blame after shock :) @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 iTS RUST TIME! syndra jg nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL should've played crit zac then just go tank lol !uptime fusOh @Altealiz, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 30 mins ITS THE DRUGS everything is bad when they are ultra fed lol =^(( u r bad man.... @nightblue3 Full damage build has same dps as full tank KEKW Why did you level e over w (new player) missing spells .. Ap Zac is bad KEKW even if ap/tank whayever @nightblue3 do you Know till which Elo Vi jungle is viable? ye dude its either full tanks or pick an assassin ND3 it's rust time meow press the attack @Nightblue3 tank with liandry's would probably work better this is AP ZAC? DARK HARVEST POGGERS @Nightblue3 time for rusttt electrocute is better ap dark harvest prob @Nightblue3 get some armor ASAP REPORT TEAM FOR ASSISTING ENEMY TEAM D: rust time baby UWU go HolidayPresent KEKW Dark harvest zac lol zac is just this bad. in theory is good. in the practice he sucks. PLAY SHYVANA AND. GO FOR DRAGONSSSS @nightblue3 Yoo have you checked rust since 4 days ago KEKW yes HeyGuys zac tank better senna is horrible champ :c so stronge rust time LUL Report that ez @Nightblue3 didnnt you used to make the ap one shot zac video on youtube? LUL rust or riot His name is false can you play Xin or Nocturne? rust better lol making excuses for his loss @Israel2110 that was probably old zac you're getting "rust"y in league of legends Kappa go rusrust time sooni smellt :P masachanD Worst case scenario lol DansGame @JC_Khalid same zac dude hacking and still inting ? Pog lag Kappa spaghetti code 70 ms NA KEKW rust spam @nightblue3 malding? guys you know dvorak keybord? @NB3 Do you think Senna ult makes Ezreal ult look like a joke? Why Azir taking your blues? tatu pog @Nightblue3 Try to make the HP bar go to 0 BUGS of Legends U need it @katiauwu what about it aoeuaiudsntaeuhied focus kench, why im losing lol KEKW I think dark harvest resolve would be better @Nightblue3 zac viable rn? What’s the song ? u squishy blob its not even a bug its lag HAHA rust time boi zac ap is useless be tanky rust @Nightblue3 DO U FEEL USELESS THIS GAME? @Nightblue3 Azir can carry if you help aim for the squishy targets need more early game impact for Zac ap to be usefull You need some armor so you won't get 1 shooted nightblue3 Challenger? not anymore guys TANK Tank ZHONYAAA WHAT DO U MEAN KINDA? u gonna lose this game. Zac AP dont work LesbianPride AP Zac was good if they didnt stole your Krugs @Nightblue3 1 question how does the water cost in america in greece 50 cents and in germany 2.50 euros !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 24920 points and is rank 85/3216979 on the leaderboard. @Nightblue3 U R LVL 13 EKKO 15 WidePeepoSad In Canada water is free :D that logic just play rust boi got the krug!! ^^^ Ezreal is such an inter @Jesus_love_bacon nah the bottle of water @nightblue3 I thought your title indicated you’ve progressed and see how you could not int. But this 2/7 has proven me wrong 🙃 oh its a another distribution of letters in the keyboard then play rust because you suppose to start them lololol !uptime @NessunoRAWRS, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 34 mins 2/7/6 zac succks this meta? Pog easy Pog Am I the only one who wants to beat the shit out of my teammates irl every fucking game? GG full ap zac > still no damage sikeeee Pog @Drekrolada nah they wanna beat you too Poggers CARRIED BABY~~~ PogU NICE @Drekrolada sad if not @Nightblue3 is it even fun when it's this easy for you? this shen is doing it for the world NA soloq @0beyMe_ he is AP LUL rust plz so good never give up Wow @Drekrolada We all feel you haha cum back dont put nightblue on full volume @nightblue3 I retract my statement you’re a legend @katiauwu ya it is rip ur ears SKT baybay POG #metoo Kap @Deja_Moo LULW trueeeeeeeee masachanD nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL Kappa kappa Kappa Kappa honest Kappa HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep HahaSleep kappa kappa love the positivity @Nightblue3 XD Same Kappa HahaSleep so fucking reformed Kreygasm Kreygasm Bohemian comeback PINK hi nb3 Zhonyaaaa bohemian rhapsody Kreygasm NB Why U SO CUTE? @Nightblue3 it might be possible for you to not be able to beat your gf irl, dude :)) is N D 3 a banned phrase? LULW is hard to use, im feel a grandma XD LULW POG Lol POGCHamp LULW ND5? KEKW LULW @katiauwu give it time, practice every day, you'll be back to normal speed in a week or two true N D 5 PogU POGGERS KappaRoss gachiBASS KappaPride grab his ass Kreygasm not just ass "Nothing really matter" @Nightblue3 This skin is a soft int. Your E is easier to spot gachiBASS pog rip nope Beat his dick off hot ty kivi ;w; hottest engage kekw thats not the hottest engage @katiauwu <3! lol chat is moving so slow everyone will se im gay KappaPride NB3 = Nice Bronze 3 ραβαδον @deathdraw ceezW rabadon Lol yeah chat pretty slow today lol Hello KonCha @haxel96 I didn't see dead stream KEKW lol true... @mista_trixter ok good KappaPride hot hot engage!!!! Jebaited ??????? gg LUL hot MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOL EZ TROLL Jebaited baited so hot Kappa HOT ENGAGE NB3 oathGasp LULW Double stun? POG UHHHHHHH best engage NA YES way yes do you think zac’s pecs are squishy KappaPride E TUUU KEKW SENNA BROKEN u useless bruh bets engage NA DONI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Calm Down Nb3 oathGasp @sundowndream disgusting KEKW E TU You need a bit of armor so you wont get one shot nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA possibly worldwide LUL dude team actually throwing ezreal is really bad, right ? :v nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis worst shen build ive ever seen zhonyas now? licked nb3Meh if senna can have that ult they need to buff ez's ult big time KEKW shen @Shyruu yeah hes not doing so good after klepto tematoComfy SoSnowy @Nightblue3 how are you ,,best jungler in the world,, ? Need to ban Senna next game, so BROKEN Sick build @Nightblue3 zhonia? @Nightblue3 He sees shen can not move @kivikakk say that again Kreygasm hah nb3Pepe pepeD SoSnowy F play rust after this tematoISee SantaHat you do know what AVERAGE means, right? LUL Do u think trundle jungle is good this season nb3Bad nb3Bad RRUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT PepeLaugh SoSnowy this is why you don't play ap zac True hmmmm i see gd song They have 3 “supports” lul play rust @Nightblue3 misic is good today the game is over before u get d cap fk league RYLAI RYLAI!!!!! ez sucks so much OMEGALUL 250 AD Rust @mdksmxd I mean the player in this game :v 2 times in a row he's getting caught while the rotation is obvious :c play rust costly27 subscribed with Twitch Prime. costly27 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing costly27! PogYou ? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! fk league LULW play rust nb3Ten nb3Ten fk league Worth? play rust true rust better OhISee SoSnowy fk league fk white ppl Kappa @me_and_gay_man stfu play rust EZ ULT LOL wait nb37 @zoprano21 u stru mute this gay man @me_and_gay_man you are retarded mods ResidentSleeper @me_and_gay_man pepega zac would make a godly fleshlight mute gay man this ez isn't even in the game this is lol stream dude nb3Cute gay man WeirdChamp cmonBruh rooAYAYA baby ezreal cant land Q KEKW MaN @sundowndream jesus fk its 2019 dont mute the gays why aalandraButt aalandraButt aalandraButt PLZ MAKE SOME TANK nb3OMG shen PogChamp POG SHen is clean af WHAT A SHIT SHOW.. shen Pog Ez is tragic LUL POG Pog SHEN Clap no mods stream DansGame SHEN POG Pepega Clap @me_and_gay_man FeelsWeirdMan clop PeepoClap Kappa Clap who cares abt league stream @kivikakk leave me alone slut peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap rooAYAYA Clap EZ Clap Bravo @sundowndream never uwu rust peepoClap SantaHat ??? peepoClap clap :) peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy cloaw KEKW BADING! @me_and_gay_man who cares about your opinion bravoooo OMG UR ITALIAN😂😍 dude u need more sustain rather than death cap peepoclap classic nb3YIKES that counter tnginamo first thing i hear when I join is porno... confusion time for a true display of skill! Bravo ReinDeer nice peepoClap only hardstuck bronzies try so hard in league nb3FF15 peepoClap kumaPls gg REAPERK1LLZ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 42 months! hello dankness my ol friend Thank you for subscribing REAPERK1LLZ for 42 months! PogYou bronze jungler LULW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! obama victim KEKW xD inochiJams SoSnowy Bravo! so slow lol @GetRaked7 tnginmo rin not is it españolo? what do u think about protobelt for AP Zac? nb3Fail nb3Fail BibleThump yes @me_and_gay_man you are the hard stuck bronzie what? nb3Give nb3Give nb3Give @pagoodwi thats actually good idea pog #math @weemoo no he hardstuck iron @weemoo whatever @just4youandm3 ??? Zhonyas u dont have enough for dcap U R AWESOME KEKW Truuuu @Syveril dont tell him :3 hi nightblue3 iam riot games i need rp xD peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap HAHAHAHA Oi josuke u guys just making stuff up to make urself feel better @nightblue3 ur kinda cute and I thought maybe we could uwu? Winable SUCH A CUTE EMOTE peepoClap keep it for void staff ???? @Nightblue3 proto belt for easier qs? ADDERALL MAKE U DRINK peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy KEKW peepoClap kumaPls uwuuuuu UwU all that lethality. need some armor, grab zhonyas! OwO rust time boom i can clap u guys anyday everyday uwu he owo 4HEad LUL LUL LUL UwU KEKW peepoClap na soloq are you a virgin? this senna is b00sted why did zil flash? he had R @me_and_gay_man KEKW @ U uWu @nightblue3 do you grab ass ?? HEHEEEEE peepoClap die WOHOOOO why did they trolling Whos Who Who ? ! ?! im a uwu owo just win 4Head 3/9 noob owu UWU! is it normal to go AP zac? is he not a tank anymore? what is a goin ona if he dies with R qiyana can just stand there and kill him when he gets up EZ Mains intig ow- i see lol heeeeeeehee KEKW i seeeeeeee gg HOHOOOOO 3/10 btw lol Keepo Keepo Keepo kindred 3/10 rust ayaya 3/10 ur garb VIRGIN! you can do it man use your brain next time omgHmm ripes jk i luv u 3/10 KEKW <# ruuuuuuuuust Switch build Yo w=you need some armor nb3LUL @nightblue3 play rust with QQ give ms SeemsGood RuUUuUUUUuUsSt lol ggwp LOL your stream title not like this man OP Pyke ult 3-10 KEKW full ap zac is trolling shen undead lol it's so ez managed to die that much with zilean in his lane OMEGALUL go go go kilanthis subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months! ready to 1v5 gogogo Thank you for subscribing kilanthis for 30 months! PogYou QwQ F reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pop off LUL Pog OMG wtf WOWOWOWOWO TF PogU LMNFAO PogU benta benta benta OMG KEKW HI MOM POGGERS POGGERS LMOA POGGERSSSSS ANG BOBO! clean up get the mop ok zac looks good @Nightblue3 noob RIP PENTA lulw LOL KEKW HENRY ICH BINS , DEIN BRO PogChamp jk go go gojuke xdxdxd POG KEKW fusOh KEKW LUL rip Keepo Keepo Keepo Keepo wenk KEKW ASSHOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOOL OMFG He ultied away KEKW trash ULTED LULW lol KEKW Fckin tahm KEKW stfu u ugly fuck KEKW pog lol RIP so close FeelsBadMan boosted POG OOF nb3Ten nb3Ten nb3Ten its your moment quiet down DENIED KEKW RIP PENTAKILL OUTPLAYED rip the youtube video OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog FUUUUUCK holy shit lol nice quad bro tahm kench unkillable @Nightblue3 Now you are strong wp goodbye youtube @Nightblue3 he slows as fuck Rip penta see told YA LULW blue balled so hard LUL that tahm slow are ridiculous penta denied KEKW LUL LUL nooooooooooooooo LUL LUL LUL LUL VOID STAFFFF nice penta zhonyas still cool quad F Noob hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @Nightblue3 KEEK LUL LAST ITEM VOID STAF that tahm is a poopoohead peepoPooPoo shit song nb3Clown nb3Clown LOL soo close pog KEKW I'm really upset too :) thats a win tho on your part legit smashed them yo quería ver ese penta TPFufun KEKW nb3H that tahm slow is DUUUUMB Nightblue3 pls stream rust go full tank now @Nightblue3 its not bout his mr,its bout ur e @Nightblue3 stopwatch peepoPooPoo poo poo song KEKW malding uh oh run it down THATS AN UPSET MIDGET and now magically 7/10 penta is earned not given super saiyan rust? LULW Hi Youtube u might get banned for saying that, ive gotten one for it ap Zac? Why so SERIOUS?! LUL RUST nb3Hi nb3Hi Midget hhahhahah turbo virgin mode UWU wtf KEKW POP LOL Pog HOLY Pog lul Pog Pog LOL HUH? omg BURST Pog Pog POG WTF Pog PogU WutFace damage 1 SHOT KEKW KEKW VIRGIN! lmao BOP PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp SPLAT KEKW BURTED 😐😐 if you hit E ye >< LUL vored him uwu U NO ap Zac op @Nightblue3 AP ZA IS BACK .. I like that one pyke just realized LUL RAHHST AP ZAC JG!!! 100% BROKEN FREE QUADRAS RITO NERF SWITCH CARDI B EZ suck not gnna lie wtf ezreal lifesteal Pog AH MY EARS NOICE WINNABLE AH SHIET AHHHH my ears! baron SKIP SONG THIS GUN BE GOOD zac is hard to play? baronbaron IT BURNS US LUL !skip TAPUSIN NYO NA YAN! SKIP SONG 44 min game KEKW wards KEKW wait he was 3/10 what happen? did he get a penta? @Nightblue3 SKIP SONG NEXT SONG DansGame vore pyke again dad FOR HTE LOVE OF GOD SKIP THE DAMN SONG 3 ward KEKW peepoPooPoo poo poo song so I just played poro king with g2 Chriss apparently. he's an asshole skip song toxic singer quadra peepoPooPoo poo poo music Pepega YOu can end bruv bro, you just earned yourself a sub tpw asted eeeeeend poo poo music peepoClap wat are u doin boogers Pog POG Pog peepoClap LULW Pog POG Pog TRASH Ez Clap POGGERS POGGERS POG YUH YUH YUH BlessRNG BlessRNG POGGERS POG peepoClap kill him ezreal but ekko is busted... so ezreal more busted? PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp WOOO don't call it a comeback nb3CYA nb3CYA nb3CYA PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Nightblues personality has turned into clickbait cringe along with his yt channel Jeez 747 MercyWing1 LUL MercyWing2 lol LOL this game LUL @Nightblue3 warmogs or spirit visgae? Pepega rofl KEKW bruh math checks out Azir monkaS sell jg item @nightblue3 3/4 of a million ??? 3/4 of million Pog LULW AP Zac Pog NA math LUL KEKW Pepega WINNABLE PogChamp dude PogU B O O P Pog peepoClap nightblue have my babies BOOP @beastsupremo chill slut okay okay okay WOW late game ap zac is insane E TU KEKW LOL they won nice magic trick his ratios are actually nuts AP ZAC IS LEGIT! SKIP SONG comrback WOOOO DENIED AP DENIED LP Pog PLZ AP ZAC this game on youtube for sure shen tped top when u can end KEKW 3/10 to 10/10 LMAO peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy peepoClap SoSnowy NP only 45min for this itembuild Kappa LATE BOOMER* Kappa reoprt zac FatFrogLegs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! eh? only took 45 mins Pog Thank you for subscribing FatFrogLegs for 6 months! PogYou mpre like late boomer reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! game gonna be youtube got void, said zac was nuts lmao You are in the X not on pyke KEKW KEKW well got carried btw KEKW remember the last vid on ap zac he did lmao ok bloomer ez @sundowndream I’ll chill deez nuts on your mommas chin boy Kappa Kappa WTF KEKW OK late BOOMER KEKW Pog Pog KEKW LMFAOOOO waht is taht damage wtf damage WutFace Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @fatfroglegs KEKW lol DELETE DELETE DELETE LUL ap Zac busted RAFT\ JD JD JD JD LULW Pog @Nightblue3 RAFT ggwp @beastsupremo uwu ya nasty AP ZAC LULW EZ gg GG EZ LOST TO AP ZAC OMEGALUL!!!!!! WTF gg Late BOOMER GG PogChamp gg lmaoo EZ GAME gg Gg deny and now you lose :) lol FINISH ap zac so broken EZ gg EZClap GGs the youtuber! GG WP gg late boomer xD SKIP THE FUCKING SONG THOUGH 5Head @nightblue3 rust now @Nightblue3 u r the best TAHM KEKW Gg PEPEGAAAA rust plz rust time chat full of non-believers Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm CRINGE lmfaoo rust EZ Gg honor ez @Nightblue3 such a good game honor ez 45min for AP ZAC NP Kappa LMAO ezrel honor ur self shen POOGGERRRSSS YAAAAAAAY POG Shen Pepega who said he was trolling ? HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP HSWP SKIP SONG deny the penta deny ur win yeh boi hi youtube quadra kill 18 KEKW peepoClap BEST JUNGLER peepoiClap troll KEKW rust? KEKW KEKW play rust nb3HA KKOMRADE POG KEKW RUST E TU KEKW @Nightblue3 you might have win the game but kench won the chat RUST OR BUST ruuuust 10 death average those are rookie numbers RUST league lol MORE LEAGUE BTS leag RUSH league kindred game more feed league RUUUUUUUST rust rust time lelelelelel SAVE ME rust with viewers Pog RUST rust 1 more game RUST afk MORE POG RUST more league rust league league RUST!!!! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUST One more fk league Rust rust R U S T rust leeague lol league Rust league league rust League rust league league leg RUUST مثشعلث rusttt RUST RUSTTT leaaaaague Rust RUST rust RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT rust RUST more league lol KKomrade one more league league! rust. more league "Deny my Penta and now u lose!" Phrase of the Year!!! league league RUST rust league LEAGUE liiiiiiig league RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT lol RUST rust better 4/15 zil pog one more league gme RUST KINDREDDDDDDDDDDDD TIMEEEEEEEE league AYAYA MUSIC rustttt RUSTTTTT leauge leaague rust time RUSSST @nightblue3 league league League RRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYSTTT legkindred RUST league BTS!!!! BTS SAVE ME PogChamp rast RUST TIMEEE leagggue league rust RUST rusTTT RUSTTTTTTTTT TriHard TriHard TriHard leage league for retards look for HABIBI league league League GO RUST Rust one more @Nightblue3 PEACH BALL PogU ;eauge whatever u want @Nightblue3 rust with viewers Pog LEAGUE minecraft rust play yi Play RUST rust plz r u s t League league for hardstucks WHERE IS MUNDO now nb3 listens to kpop? 1 more rust ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper one more league leauge RUSTTT RUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSST League Hey NB ur getting alil RUSTY Kappa fortnite this song sucks league deep inside you know rusttttttttttttttttttt RUST!! leaugee smite rust thats was so funny XD 100% LEAGUE Argue ResidentSleeper Yeeeeeeesss nooooooo DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame SwiftRage DansGame fortnite get gino to play rust. u made NO FUCKING PROGESS ty I LOVE YOU :( goodnight then. gg leagueeeeee russssssssssst!!!! League league noooooooooooooooooooo league leauge yay rust VARIETY STREAM OPPORTUNITY WOOO YEY RUSTT Leagueee Rengar RUUUUUST kindred for later yay rust BYEEE Woww RUUST well i am out CorgiDerp peepoLeave nb3Baka BASE GONE CONFIRM ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KPOP NotLikeThis "I NEED a PENTA" LUL @Nightblue3 your base got raided i believe So waste rust PogU fk off hardstuck irons fk league it gone will you change songs? rust good GOOD peepoArrive vovo mo And he things he’s good after that game bahahah join the steeamer tea in us server ITS 7AM IN LONDON nice play HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta HolidaySanta try syndra truefresh LETS GOO RUST! BYE :) Poooggggg 8 am in tunisia Download this game in youtube pls DarkMode DarkMode join the steeamer team in us server play cumbias XD Fuck ur stream schedule my sleep is fucked How about changing it to "I need a Penta" on the chorus? @Nightblue3 LULW YO STREAMER always fresh.... like the dirt on the floor EleGiggle BRO ARE YOU BRO , BRO? i love u... !sens HABIBI @Nightblue3 Be mindful that rust is one of the most frustrating games to stream due to stream snipers No NB3 at All-stars this year BibleThump BibleThump @Nightblue3 It just too 50 minutes @Nightblue3 play some rocket league with me? you are the best duo with someone can u pick evelynn nice hair Kappa hey can u skip this song play poptropica zac w/o ap >>> useless fk league nice hair oh dope rust time pepejam get another 2 week ban for rust This song is fire kpop is trash its for KappaPride men its skippable because It sucks KPO lol -1k viewers already fragLurk fragLurk fragLurk its not english pepeJAM kpop is trash Fino ah? lol Finish? ratirlWot lol hear some songs of BTS, and you'll it this is scam pepepepepepJAM D: RUST IS BEAUTIFUL you will DANCE on the floor like a boss this game make my peepee hard should I be scared loved* :) SoSnowy your pc rust @nightblue3 cuz its rusty 😂 No your just growing your fine rust No delay? PogChamp Rust ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper zac makes my pp hard KappaPride duo with your roommate OkayChamp action is coming join in us server there is a team for steamer there its so fun you'r rust it rusty @Nightblue3 are you playing solo or duo, asking for gino PepeJAM hi It’s not you, the app force pauses you just have to wait it out for a minute @nightblue3 get another 2 week ban for rust league client is a bitch for me rust pog when you uploading next youtube vid? @Nightblue3 you need it on your ssd lol PepeHands it require a lot in their life lol true you were fatter than me in that game i love your videos with iven nightblue3 rust is small why no league :) you should really transfer it, makes it experience way better. load screen is aids FeelsBadMan NaM leagueeeeeeee heheeggsdeep subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Luv you Thank you for subscribing heheeggsdeep for 5 months! PogYou I only logout when there is a power outage LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! spam 1 for league 1 !uptime @tebipitu2, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 56 mins just load 4Head 2 2 2 it's Rust time baby, nice try LUL HeyGuys HeyGuys streamer mode play atlas 2 Pepega IceCold SoSnowy 1 22222222 AngelThump 2 everything but not league Kappa spam 2 for league get banned again so u have time for rust @night YOURE MALDING PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR YOURE MALDING PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR YOURE MALDING PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Like a dyingcat LUL 2 Yo @nightblue3 one day can you play ark you make it so fun pass save me from this game MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 3 KEKW Facepunch studios is in a massive lawsuit right now lol MercyWing1 MercyWing2 RaccAttack @nightblue3 go offline on steam it helps a little bit with stream snipers Kappa 12 yaaaay RUST they can hear u click was it 14 day ban? hahahah why did ya get banned? @ReapingPandi his steam is privated rust is getting sued by the guy who created rust THE NOOB TEEMO KEKW LOVE to see you playing this nb3! MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 @nightblue3 no no it’s not you. When you have it launched you have to hover over the icon on the windows toolbar then click the mini screen!!! Trust rust player bro WH OMEGALUL ? waiting room ResidentSleeper ? imagine caring about reddit, bunch of fking losers KEKW what time is it ???? Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 play crash ctr XD you rule Nightblue MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 was it 14 day ban? yes reddit is 90% bots. the rest are your followers and viewers Kappa Nubrac I fell asleep watching the stream last night sad boi Oh how i remember my Rust days nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype welcome to Rust LUL its only 5 minutes loading for the rest of your life mostly braincells :) true KEKW this screen is wayyy faster with ssd What u playing ?? reddit has a hate boner for you @nightblue3 MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 Lack of love What’s up with the wait you still read it lol of course ya still care i am pepega @Nightblue3 go forward TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun MikeHogu KappaWealth KappaWealth cmonBruh SmoocherZ NomNom StinkyCheese ChefFrank cmonBruh SeriousSloth MingLee OhMyDog SeriousSloth whats wrong with neckbeard cmonBruh theyre all low elo dogs that think they understand league @nightblue3 just play rust only from now on Have you tried 7 days to Die? Look, @Nightblue3 LULW 'harassed' KEKW @Nightblue3 best jungler to master to climb? sex discrimination and its been settled smh 10mholy Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 Yeah i will complain uncle Dimitrov if you get ban bro ... don't worry thats our RP money boys D: @Nightblue3 ONLY 10 MILLION? JUST A SLAP ON THE WRIST only 10m EZ money LULW its split between a bunch of plaintiffs thi i want 10 million @timbodianwarlord dude u bronze stfu @Nightblue3 NO ITS NOT Neck beard is so ichy whattttt sex discrimination not harassed NB go to bandit depot in rust to get the good shit!!! programmer virgins lmfao that makes sense now why the skins got so fucking expensive now haha @nightblue3 @me_and_gay_man KEKW found the iron reddit noob play crash ctr is relax play it XD @liawaifu well you have to work for Riot then LULW hey Night Blue IV been following your twitch and YouTube for years !!! was just wondering if your gonna be playing Wild Rift(mobile) when it launches? @timbodianwarlord sur3 No league of legends? 🥺 It's all from china i applied to their legal team at riot 20m trees Mic drop :) little people? u mean 6'5? @timbodianwarlord this iron noob can still shit on u xD all good from china @Nightblue3 if they didn't hire women, they wouldn't have this issue... solution, fire all women problem solved TRUE LULW yeaa its crazy hi I'm qq You want help just inform me dude i will complain uncle Dimitrov. rust poggers actual content pog Gonna drop my emails from a riot support team member on Reddit where he says he agrees that the ban system is bad and that toxic players in game have more power than good players @nightblue3!!!!! What’s your thoughts on the current ban system @nightblue3 throwback @Nightblue3 can you say bad stuff in this game? so many prestiage skins just inflation tea 13 year olds hahahahahha that's so fucking true @nightblue3 SkyeWasTaken subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! sup Thank you for subscribing SkyeWasTaken for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 I enjoyed your educational streams, as well as your more recent streams. Streams evolve over time and yours is one of the few i know i can always open and have a good time HELL YES WITH THE RUST not even 900 rp skins skin debt is now higher then my college debt No loan. Just my mom's card truuuuuuu clip it yea so smart :) cliiippped is your base still standing? @Nightblue3 kinda true 5 head wtf To be fair, the quality of the skins has improved 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head KEKW any truers? true kinda true what part o do you not agree on jackass lul true trueee 100% true true truuuuu KappaPride TRUEEE ban why does ur rust load so dam slowly trujeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if they didnt hire men they wouldnt have the issue gachiGASM Kkona Yikes squadW i remember why u are not in the All Stars or a game time value of money BAN HAMMER gachiHYPER oh no squadW take incel mentality KEKW IMAGINE ALL FEMALE LOL rust is a great palce to learn the ram ranch its taken forever dude AHAHAHAHA Johnny, have you ever been in a turkish prison? riot managed to save league with the 10th anniversary evemt WeirdChamp LULW LOUDER YYYYAYAYA HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp there is nothing wrong with homosexuality women is some good glue Cx MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 SwiftRage Pog Sure rip but the lawsuit isnt about guys being harassed KEKW @Nightblue3 Look up Riot Forbes Income which was 1.7 Billion, while their net worth is over 20 billion. How is 10 million not a slap on the Wrist for Riot ? LUL My girlfriend said she loves your hair tonight Who was that mention him,i am calling uncle Dimitrov this is my fave song biblethump lmfao thats def not a issue wamen have right too raided your base is gone! Pog u dead BibleThump LUL PogU lol nice house KEKW it was your house KEKW MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 LMFAO DEMOLISHED house KEKW you watch any anime? LUL widepeepoSad nyooooo KEK hahahahahahaahha you call that a house MrEuphoricTV subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Love u <3<3 Your streams make my day! BIbleThump KEKW Thank you for subscribing MrEuphoricTV for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! THE FLOOR KEKW No that's my house shrekt c4 peepoPooPoo New Server take the door Take the door, free door RIP HOUSR broke some wood heh do it all stone this time! Welcome to rust anong laro to? Those Kids... is this wise STFU hold the door if riot would make the same move as WoW (a monthly paid) , i think hace ir the people at least would saty @nightblue3 yeee yeah just rebuild it @nightblue3 Yes. Great base HABIBI KEKW back to stone ages You have half already and now he's ded Its a heli u can fly it UnSane looks like a party bye bye everybody :DDD YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay YouDontSay wtf PogU arrow KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati goodnight :33 @Nightblue3 duo NIGTHT WITH SOME1 CoolCat it was a base u in tribe? @Nightblue3 DUOO with a mod or some1 good some Habibi hahahaha @nightblue3 HABIBI destroyed it cmonBruh boat base good for starter lol SNIPERS INC KEKW yeah true some body once told me the world was macaroni LUL it wasnt, it was a group @Nightblue3 YOU SAID DUO today ??? drained you need to find qq today look to my eyes XDDD This game is deadass trash look in my eyes hahah the one before you leave the game was really pissed off @nightblue3 They could just use a flame thrower... lol on wood xD 3 days with no progress. at all. KEKW monkaEyes @AccelWasTaken it's mom's spaghetti monkaS lul monkaEyes what the fuck gachiGASM monkaW HandsUp the rock dont do to much damage but in YOUR hand its 9999 CRIT OMG RIOT NERF bro play with someone !uptime @MaseratiOlli, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 5 mins ASMR Kreygasm hes a weed dealer Pog WHAT THE FUCK hahahahhaa lmaoooo lmfao Kreygasm lol LUL peepoFinger kill him @KiwiPaladin knee's weak arm spaghetti kekw why is he whispering Give him blowjob LUL he gave you his seed? @Nightblue3 Duo today for FUN>> he said to grow it interresting creature maybe its magical grow it brotherrrr build your base near bandit depot they are ghosting is there /kit on this server???? ho to bandit camp you're walking past all the stone nb3YIKES D: Imagine having parents kekw I think he was stoned YES go inlands yes go to snow build near bandit depot thats how you get the good shit yes @Nightblue3 TAKE THE DOORS METAL KEKW monkaHmm leave monkaEyes twists Leave Let's find new place for a base leavee yes @nightblue3 just take your door and run yes YES hide map @nightblue3 take your doors and head out yeah just hide it league too hard game @Nightblue3 ye hide check and see if there is /kit no fun with snipers have to play rust u shuld hide the map @Nightblue3 we need QQ today KEKW LUL hide the map and compass? wtf for now yes hide map @nightblue3 once you finish building and all show the map haha @nightblue3 holy shit KEKW KEKW nice start pop pop if you hide map what will virgins do today man? exactly KEKW U need hamer time to bounce Idk how these guys find your server so lame asshol other server bro @nightblue3 take it and run LOL LUL monkaW theyre coming run and dont stop hide your map please so u are moving? swim to mexico build near bandit depot you can gamble scrap for the good guns! cross the island @Nightblue3 HIDE UR map and gang up wqith duo @Nightblue3 turn on like 3 min delay and ill rename u a sleeping bag is that s10 jungle ? ForgottenProject subscribed at Tier 1. ForgottenProject has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing ForgottenProject! PogYou your character dong is hanging around reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! what if someone made a house ontop of ur house KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Lock it 5x KEKW combo Just run around with a rock KEKW hide the compass too? Can’t see map tho Thanks! KEKW xDDD turn it back on kekw lol don't forget again thats only in training mode, not an actual mode LUL LUL LUL KEKW IceCube WET Hide Compas HAHAHAHA KEKWW @Nightblue3 turn it back on damn it KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KEKW I like this stream pepegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol at least mute to volume KEKW looool KEKW duo Always forgets to unhide lol KEKW SantaHat top quality KEKW content Turn on stream delay duo now will be bett e r not playing HALO KEKW screen Yea turn up delay LEAKED nice map KEKW rip map lol he showed the map 5Head Hide and gank him? he trolled u KEKW Doesn't matter boxLUL every map in rust is random calm down liam truee what's the point of this game> too many kekw's WeirdChamp every map in rust is random KEKW just set a key in obs whenever you press G to hide screen you should hide important things in a box when u leave chill out WeirdChamp chat safer than base i guess oh no lol calm down liam mods put this guy on the hit list this guy needs help ^ KEKW @liam19988 you have a very lickBle hole tfbSNAKE WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold nb3Meh KEKW !F spear raid KEKW IceCold Actually doesnt deserve f cant greif base if he doesnt have a base keep runnin runnin runnin runnin 5Head GO TO Q13 anyone else got lag sometimes ? there is a streamer settings in rust im pretty sure that stops your map showing to us. Doesnt stop map there was stone back there you walked next to stone? MISSED STONE KEKW Thanks for streaming rust this game is dying @Swifiit HE DOESNT KNOW SHHH NamezAreUzelezz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 58 months! Thank you for subscribing NamezAreUzelezz for 58 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 8AM HERE how are you rabia what server is this? Has to bing g to hide game share bogaRapGod Pog make a sleeping bag dont want this to be a walking stream now do we searching for malphite forgot9MonkaS Dont need anymore snipers pocket no runnnnn run until your little heart gives out son! Ur so rusty you still play league ? Lol nb3 is gay Are you harder to spot if you're blac? Q13 VILLAGE monkaW TriHard TriHard running simulation Rip metal door oh you do variety nightblue? kinda lost interest in League but cool that i can enjoy this! TriHard IceCold ⛏ cmonBruh @lolvlady or @liam19988 lots of people stay in spawn area starving KEKW duo ..... WE PLAY? Good morning o/ yo @Nightblue3 whyt not play ARK multiplayer? NICE MAP @SparkPJ Excellent dude, good to have you with us duo som1 dude nightblue you stillplayleague ? ayyy thanks brother DAESuppy @deathdraw monkas @sanitywolfxd He does, he only started playing Rust like 10 mins ago @uncle_breezy vc? what made you want to start playing rust? just curious thats what this game was gonna be called, but they changed it Good instinct paranoid andy big tree @Nightblue3 you playing on rusty moose or rustopia? rust is very fun with friends Yasss some pvp action because rust is fantastic :) @HappyHourHero playing lol 24/7 gets old guys you know.. Fk league pc of sht game just die already With his webcame abose that body, seems like it's him half naked LUL yea i have 2k hours in rust its a great game :) heheheh yea hes on moose hehehehhe WAIT TEAM tyler why not team YAssuo webcame above* kill streamer hurr hurr... solo rust is lame tho... @Nightblue3 rust tip build your self a 1x2 building as soon as possible FREE BASE you just showed map LUL decay! Aren't the servers wiping in less than 12 hours? Don’t let ppl. See your location they really start fking with the stream only if you're bad @JC_Khalid i farted mb :) the base decayed check it out 9 @Nightblue3 you know there's a whitelisted server starting tomorrow if you don't want to get stream sniped rust is good for your heart eat no dude, so exposed uy think if i sub Nb3 will un No it is food You just heard someone why build there YES IT IS yea its actually legit COCOS SERVER IS FANTASTIC its possible but its unlikely im a ruster 2x2yes dont greed they get banned if they are stream sniping Can you play ark one day I really enjoyed when you played it @nightblue3 read coco's server is not noob friendly lol STARVING all memes, all the time... welcome to the internet food i met my best friend on rust :) @w_aldousari we eat by dying here hes spent dozens and dozens of hours getting it organized @Nightblue3 your building your foundations to high mate you'll be an easy raid this way stream snipers incoming im playin league watching rust am i gay Cocos server had 6 pop today its dead while hes away @nightblue3 set up a stream/sub server? @nightblue3 make them your slaves xd RUN MOVE PLACES Dont build thereee Have u not got a fucking gun yet??? Its been DAYS!!!! @LoLVlady yes make a tool cupboard no no pepeJAM SantaHat HABIBI HABIBI NIce fortnite update trump likes that Isn't buiolding in high ground better?? CLOSE KEKW upgrade foundations first leaked code wall , wall ,wall habibi guy incoming always do the foundations first foundation first avengeluvsrorro is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to 潔雨! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jack4561! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Madjar97! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to dingasboy_! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to lieutenantlickit! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to taketwo_nlb! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 50 others in Chat! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Cebrero! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to cheesynibnib! Thank you for subscribing 潔雨 (rainjie)! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Jack4561! PogYou Thank you for subscribing dingasboy_! PogYou avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to DreamingScion! bruh u dont need a 2x2 just build a 1x1 and start from there avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Paleek! Thank you for subscribing lieutenantlickit! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Cebrero for 6 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing taketwo_nlb! PogYou Thank you for subscribing cheesynibnib for 3 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Paleek! PogYou Passcode was 1234 guys @ Thank you for subscribing DreamingScion! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Madjar97! PogYou you should do it smaller at the start, like 2x1 Pog me Pog @Nightblue3 do u want me to make u a bedroll in my base? pog Whitelist might help you just need to hide you map and server info but snipers always find a way LOL Tak for HahaBall @avengeluvsrorro KEKW KEKW pog Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @avengeluvsrorro POG LOL LUL lol wow EZ Dodge Kappa poggger scrab heli LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL you need a tc Bby yoda incoming @Nightblue3 put tc down need tc need tc make a tc do demolish need to ley it decay you can demolish that if you put a TC need TC to demolish LUL LUL need to ahve tc down to demo Rust WeirdChamp have* tc tc @Nightblue3 Put a tc for demolish !server 5454 @CosmicLegends disc? POG GET SOME FOOD MiniK Pog PogU POG maybe make an fake small base there LOL Pog What server You can after tc working too hard Pog Pog 10 gifted subs not for plebs pogggggggggggg dont gift me Pog any gifters fuck the gifters :) Pog ceilings too Pog Pog SmileW gift me nerd or im outty mods chasing my tail Some one gift me a sub where is the habibi guy monkaW ripp pog pls no gieve sub on this nb3 channel, dodged Pog rip monkaW this lurk jobs already doomed Lol lialiaOwo place bag down I’ve been watching night blue since 1992 put the sleeping bag habibi thats what sucks about rust he saw you farming he's not gonna stop EZ Who has 2 thumbs and wants a gift sub? <-- this guy aim KEKW Build tc to demo @avengeluvsrorro generous man, ty for supporting, PogU LUL The dodge mechanics! LULW Got the bag down OMG LUL ez money <3 how is this game fun.....? i cant believe i killed nightblue gg man :) wtf is this game ask for teamup its fun if you're not -200 iq KEKW @kivikakk its fun because its hard monkaS monkaW INSTANT KARMA BBABY and it starts rip hmm! he doesnt have a bow and starts building for no reason thats instant karma LUL he got KARMA hahaahha Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @avengeluvsrorro Rust is fucking awesome that's Rust baby Why you build there Donate 10k to Rick Fox's charity stream karmas a bitch kid LUL HAHAHHAHAHA KARMA Stream sniper with tiny balls LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL get gud or 15 it revo > bow later kid ff at 15 F u snipers nightblue is hot as fuck @Nightblue3 who should i give tier 3 sub??? lucian > ashe me Me me @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 DUO WITH modss? ppl don't get why this game is fun are usually the ones that end up dead with there loot given to other people ^^ Meee tier 3 sub monkaW @avengeluvsrorro urself :D gift me @Nightblue3 You get 40 from wolves or ur a dog LULW LUL no :) i want nb3 to not be held by hostage by russian terrorists this time around no :) KEKW N OMEGALUL you find cloth in forest areas, best way to build ur base is inbetween desert,forest and snow lul OhMyDog RRURURUURU yesterday u said u will have a duo lol LUL HahaShrugRight This game is stupid N OMEGALUL lmao LULW OMEGALUL LOL holy shit lol LUL ahhhhhhh LULW this game is almost as gay as league KEKW get roasted Pog not quiet tho quite idk @keyupiopi you are stupid Boom roasted Lol roasted by fucking "THOMAS" haHAA lol PunOko PunOko PunOko danyelle yes it is your name is bottom right tho LULW left* @liam19988 League has more dongers though monkaTOS monkaTOS monkaTOS monkaTOS QQlol KEKW LUL KEKW make a sleeping bag near his base lol he doesnt want 400 ppl at his door rocking it down @Deathdraw KEK !followage @WasMollyLUL, wasmollylul has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 5 months 26 days 16 hours rust what the helllllle Streamer stream sniping KEKW go fk him up pvp Pog dead KEKW @nightblue3 you should f1 kill then click respwan and then hide map so you’ll have a heads up on when they find you!!!!!!! @nightblue3 @nightblue3 @nightblue3 @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 just invite some subscribers and make a zerg team to dominate the whole server LUL LUL LOL LUL dead LUL LUL pog 3Head pug hehehe KEKW lmao LULW 3Head LUL LOOOO< KEKW This is the same Idiot. LUL LMAO OI BRUV 3Head throw rock smOrc ok now i understand why it's fun roasted LOOOOOLOL dont come back 2nig LUL TriHard TriHard TriHard LUL KIL HIM KILL THE GUY KEKW @Nightblue3 DUDE Afkn duo this is boring asf.. Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 ITS SLIKER PogU WutFace smash his head SLIKER Pog WutFace LUL monkaW LMAO lul KEKW WutFace byeeeeee monkaW Special Kid LUL good one wheres habibi guy im only here for hm ANELE 7 monkaW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL WutFace monkaW its sliker LUL monkaS REEEEEEE WTFF whf DansGame kill it THIS IS RUST KEKW duooo Hahahahahaha Take that base over REEEEEEEE lmaoo KEKW actual autism PixelBob theres always one... WTFFFFFFFFFFFF LUL REE LOOK ME IN THE EYES This game welcome to rust hahahaaahahahahah Take that base over Take that base over Take that base over "im so sorry" HAHAHAHAHAH Wtf CREATURES INDEED Wtf REEEEEEE what a creature jesus typical rust lmao LUL REE my poor food get scary lol reeeeeeee LUL horsey? Jebaited ITS REE KID LUL Was that Tyler1? LOL sounds like league voice chat Only in this game HORSEY Tyler's child CLIP ME BOIS Take that base over Take that base over Take that base overTake that base over Take that base over There was a good base decayed on that beach brooooooo whats wrong with these players LMAO sounded like cass dying I clip Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 we do :) @Nightblue3 do u want me to build u a sleeping bag and let u spawn in mine im building? Some one clip that and put it on Facebook “welcome to rust” PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper cheer5 just contract your own army to kill the stream snipers easy @Nightblue3 DUO WITH COSMIC LEGENDS moree funn Thats what highschoolers say every morning b4 school Isn't buiolding in high ground better?? something decaying near you a base decaying check it out base decaying monkaW Loll I’m crying after that clip base decayed why u dont play lol @Nightblue3 craft the TC check bases, decayed you still need a roof KEKW delete missplaced wood tc? @Nightblue3 make a second door so ppl cant come in Need a roof @Nightblue3 DUO WITH COSMIC LEGENDS moree funn not making a base in a cave OMEGALUL new base ? roof? @Nightblue3 did what dude, wheres the roof? EIJAUIOLEHUIAUEPOIAE ez you need a roof man extend your house @nightblue3 foundation to stone until you get raided , then ragequit the game xD THE ROOF!!! duooo do u want me to build u a sleeping bag in my base? hello no roof KEKW Air lock CHAT IS -300 IQ go duo dude Whats the point of this game? Seems cool tho Very spacious they can come through a roof 😂 @Nightblue3 Airlock? @CosmicLegends disc mate? and people come in as well roooof to survive @nightblue what happened to the house yesterday? :'( 2 people can boost right over your wall play with ur mods @DarklyUZI sure SLEEPINGBAG METAL guys theres nothing in his base to protect stop telling him to build a roof when theres no reason to actually build it rn u have no metal for ur door metal door bc door metal fragment, door metal metal for metal door METAL FRAG the door takes metal frags metal door you need metal fragments Pepega chat another base decayed METAL FRAG FOR DOOR AND KEY he can protect his head from rain though avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 3 sub to DarkestDemonn! They have given 11 Gift Subs in the channel! Thank you for subscribing DarkestDemonn! PogYou reward A Gift shared Rewards to 15 others in Chat! check other bases for decayed NB3 locked the door : lets go baby ! xDDD your door is metal Pog @avengeluvsrorro Thanks for the gift sub! you know all maps wipe tomorroww Pog check other bases for decay POG wait nyryshBlep pog PogU a t3?! Pog Thanks for the HahaDoge @avengeluvsrorro POG ez rigged Kappa @avengeluvsrorro POG PogU who is rorro @avengeluvsrorro mmay i have on too :) Can I get a sub u Kappa hi PogU @avengeluvsrorro me tooooo forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift forest4Gift Can I get too Kappa do t3 girls subs get big dicks too no1GBOX no1GBOX no1GBOX no1GBOX for me Pog HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge HahaDoge PokEmpoleon PokScizor PokDecidueye Who has 2 thumbs and wants a gift sub? ^ ^ this guy tfw plebs have a small dick FeelsBadMan big dollars its a girl boi it's 8 am here. watcha doin- if i show you my dick can i get a tier 3 what do you do at night in this gameee??? no1SNOW no1SNOW no1SNOW no1BLAST no1BLAST no1BLAST @RachelDGLucero U got rust also? monkaW FlipThis True @darkestdemonn Give us the emote Pog @avengeluvsrorro made my day buddy <3 good folk i heard gunshots monkaS HELL YEA BRUTHER Did you get raided over night? no1NO give me sun cmonBruh cmonBruh did he make progress since yesterday? sub I meant big shocker No progress yet KEKW its good already dude, go home and do a roof pls 100% it was that kid begging to team with you lmao Not at all @bhmahiro no1FEELS no1FEELS @nightblue3 @skateb0ards :) rip LUL Habibi no1AWW no1AWW no1AWW no1AWW who needs a real life when you can live in rust nb3Notlikethis @avengeluvsrorro who or what is rorro? @vlad1rocket Are roofs important? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper sound is not in sync with video @Nightblue3 giga virg is stone alot harder to destroy? \] Habibii !uptime @CombatGuitar, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 35 mins Someone wanna gift me tier4 sub plez double door? @Mahatma_Ganja_Manich a girl/streamer wheres habibi guy? BibleThump ANELE 7 oh @CosmicLegends yes! u get enough Ls in league LUL @RachelDGLucero do u want to snipe this pleb? Lock tc? rust has 4.2 k viewers n 3.3k of them r here :) Can someone just build a stairs outside your house and jump in? tc placement Pepega Clap @Mahatma_Ganja_Manich that i have donated 3000+ wall inside out biggest rust streamer pog rotate wall the softside is out @CosmicLegends if you snipe him im gonna swat you smile hey dude why don't you try making a 2x2 with a triangle foundation for the double door thing so that you can open the door and block people from coming in and have enough vision to shoot base campers as well as if you die the open door will block them from getting in :) how you you see what are u doing?? 3/10 2/10 3/10 double door the top door as well I dont have big dick can somebody gift me tier 3 sub so I can have big dik please no1FEELS no1FEELS so I can make girls face like this no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM fOrTnItE out of 10 @CosmicLegends lets tomorrow hehe I rate is straws/straws @avengeluvsrorro you rly seem to love her xd upgrade dude i could raid it with 2 pickaxes first OMEGALUL KEKW 1/9 remake you do you. we cant see shit 4/10 LOL man 4/10 for the wood @RachelDGLucero :^) ill get the keypad codes from gino the staircase being at the tc makes it really easy to rade from the top raid* you want your TC behind as many doors as possible you 'll get raid in 2 min rating it straws/10 I dont have big dick can somebody gift me tier 3 sub so I can have big dik please no1FEELS no1FEELS so I can make girls face like this no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM Pepega moment pretty sure u could get in with rocks Didn’t you had something like that last night? no way you got more than 200 hours on this game @OUTofFIRE ur -200 iq rookie @CosmicLegends :^) Uki it's a date Turn up gamma, you baka @nightblue3 absoultly safe base make a camp fire and put it in your base so you can see one ladder and a bow hey dude why don't you try making a 2x2 with a triangle foundation for the double door thing so that you can open the door and block people from coming in and have enough vision to shoot base campers as well as if you die the open door will block them from getting in :) the honeycomb is scuffed CHAT gj one naked boy vs this shed is pax sivir rare hey dude why don't you try making a 2x2 with a triangle foundation for the double door thing so that you can open the door and block people from coming in and have enough vision to shoot base campers as well as if you die the open door will block them from getting in :) i have it day 3 and were back to base building boys. POGGERS poggggo rust firegun When does the building stop decaying?? HEY Door turned wrong free loot Indian moonlight :) no stream snpers yet W OMEGALUL rst base ive ever seen Weak side out build a trap base @Nightblue3 sleeping bag in home what is this game ? what have nb3 turned into PepeHands HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa just go get barrels and a campfire @Nightblue3 Habibi! Pls! You need to recycle for ez metal frags Turn up gamma, baka @nightblue3 @nightblue3 you better make your foundation floor rocks if you don't want your base yo go down like a domino trkPoker easy wood giggity @ianskie2005 MABUHAY @Nightblue3 can you eat before u die yes your tourch will be broke soon @Nightblue3 boomer games KEKW ok boomer called knock and run yes until I got shot DDD in uk they call it knock a door run lol try knock and dont run the SWITCH HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa Yeah, now i'm the boomer Hemp is always near river water its sulfur Sulfur Jebaited NotLikeThis NotLikeThis martha2Angry @liam19988 stop lying you melt eat @liam19988 mummys boy more like go to the road DING DONG Okay chill @liam19988 Lol a baby without mummy find barrels Pepeleave zzz @Chriscrusty ok bardy CHILL @Nightblue3 you can get it from barrels lol MODS?? go find the local record store, theres hemp there always cringy as fucc HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa how tf did the stone become rare these days? KEKW he doesnt get it the mushroooms map what's a may-may? Ty mods Pog maimai? he doesnt know PepeLaugh LUL mode are here MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 never smelled marihuana mey? hemp == weed no nope nope Thanks mods spwans at mountins Wow this game look poopy it shouldn't be U NEED FUDS ha Its on the snow usually @Nightblue3 dont u need metal for the door? here fooood here fresh wipe? hi dad stoner here Snowy mountains are loaded with nodes this game still exists!? pick the mushroms that moment when metal is easier to find than stones where do u find food? Gonna play ark again? u need a bow to hunt, or go to a supermarket recicle things eat grass ceezOTK ceezOTK ceezOTK go to abandoned or oxum's find mushrooms near trees in the woods or find better food near river water get yourself a nice meal @nightblue3 you know wipe is tomorrow? if you eat people you need lots of water FailFish FailFish Thats cannibalism @Nightblue3 btw @Nightblue3 there is a dlc comming to rust today. you can make all sorts of musical instruments:) like a piano @nightblue3 this is why you shoulda studied survival 101 before rustin' why can't you eat grass and be vegan :P whats up best jungler NA NOTICE ME SENPAI food crates along roads u passing throwgh all corns dude, pick it up love ya dude kill the nakeds!! build a extra room with second door in house like last time. Been said but, wipe is tomorrow How do people dare raid you, you are THE NIGHTBLUE3 Pog Stone 3k slow chat LULW you know you cant eat stone right? cmonBruh theres one alive, it seens more green, u can see when u see xD all your HWEED is stoned k11 thats actually the reason why rtrards raid him K11. At my base :) right there :) F 13 why don't you eat? When did he start playing rust? ITS HERE I HAVE IT IM SORRY Look in snow K11, F13 K11 HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa monkaS and ur dead tnginamu say Juke HEY still starving KEKW make bandages do bandages why arent NB3 playing lol ? pepega charge Check food in supermarket @Nightblue3 jukes fight him godtoneRage get food l00t cr4tez 200 IQ Pog PogU best jungler NA even out of league dead T.T @lolking771 fax drink water, raises your health YUP Pog did he stopeed playing lol ? Pog C O R N !uptime @vendallis, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 49 mins YOINK You think the north would be different? Kappa e a t snow area has most ore nodes POG GO NORTH EAST I love that you're playing Rust so much eat it Find a new servee Pumpkin Pog eat the pumpkin martha2Angry You are grab door and run north monkaS love you senpaiii yeah yes how long till this server resets LoLVlady subscribed at Tier 1. LoLVlady has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing LoLVlady! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Ditch the sniper isnt running around for resources the whole game SeriousSloth GO TO CANADA nah need me sum stone to git stoned Kappa But reset it tm so doesnt matter @Nightblue3 how long till server resets nope you can't @RachelDGLucero dont guide him here >:( GUYS DID NB3 STOP PLAYING LOL ? for the Tc, you can't pick it up @windosage no speaking of guns put that little peashooter away @Nightblue3 HeyGuys @CosmicLegends oh wait you're in Canada too???? Raid it its in his base :) dadadadadada @Nightblue3 is there /kit on this server??? go on fresh wipe Isn't that his old base? LUL @RachelDGLucero id invite @Nightblue3 but he dont reply @combatguitar yeah is is lol LUL decayed base YOINK Pog o Best jg NA PauseChamp ASMR MIC, LOVELY POG LUL pog Pog LULW LUL PogChamp Pog Invade in the jg by NB3 Pog now you kindred baby of all the tress to hit yoink TriHard Bandages make bandages pls heal TriHard nice yoink TriHard bandages dont heal they only stop bleeding @CosmicLegends which provice? stop ^posting useless advice idiots They do heal you tho Lol Hey Blue! Can I please have your opinion on something. Should i choose Overheal or Triumph as Ashe bot? 5 heal each Snowy areas usually have an abundant amount of stone and metal ores but you need to get clothed quick or you will die of hypothermia grab door @RachelDGLucero oh no im not in Canada i thought u were talking about the game mb D: does he have the door? door??? Stop posting useles advise BabyRage BabyRage @Khw25 Tiumph @CosmicLegends oh lol hahaha only true gamers handle the grind of rust Triumph** @nightblue3 take the door boobs or ass? in chat take the door @nightblue3 take wood door @lolking771 both go to an area inbetween snow forest and desert won't need metal frags right away then @racheldglucero did he play atlas yesterday? how long till ur server resets u die anyways for maximal resource @lolking771 Boobs snow area lots of stone BabyRage Stop posting useless advices about posting useless advices BabyRage make 2x1, use much less resources stone = mountains/snow moar hem for maximum damage Kappa @fightinirish3 hey! no he didnt Lol ask boobs or ass in chat Are you sure Triumph is better? Overheal seems to give more sustain @raitonera doesnt know this game build a sleeping bag so yo don't waste 5 hours of running dont servers wipe tomorrow why is he playing rn @Nightblue3 playing rust looks like when he plays jgl in lol !! farms all game to die to the first person he finds :P @lolking771 but to get both u can get a girl with boobs and learn her Gym for big butt to :) try to find an area in all 3 biomes @Nightblue3 fitzyEZ fitzyEZ fitzyEZ @Nightblue3 do you give coaching sessions ? @racheldglucero thank you, did he say he would try it tonight? Sorry i just got here is there /kit on this server ??? what kind of server is this? 2x? Just live at bandit camp @nikosd999 toxic af vanilla !uptime @doquangminh1397, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 54 mins aaaye new rift update? Or at least go to bandit for safety if needed @fightinirish3 i think he'll leave in an hour or so. Rust will be last I believe. yea @HauruV so go to gym to get waifu and win life. gg ez @Nightblue3 Why dont you start on a fresh wiped Server? Are you sure about Triumph? League has come a long way @Andini BOOBS OR ASS??!?!?! @racheldglucero alright thanks @lolking771 Ofc go to hym ;) Gym* Then get killed killing the krugs like a true jgler Lol rust ops reborn just wiped today :P its 2x and a good community @Nightblue3 ur entering my property back away >:( Join a private one??? @nightblue3 go to bandit camp for now it’s safe there look at his arm it's a twig KEKW if you dont like getting stream sniped maybe hide the map sup @Nightblue3 hope its going well :) ahahaha @Daricle make some clothes @Nightblue3 do you give coaching sessions ? Even the top rust streamers get sniped boobs or ass? Vandit Camp bandit camp TriHard TriHard TriHard @Nightblue3 live by a blue or green keycard monument u dont have enough clothes or gear to live by tier 3 monuments like powerplant or mil tuns in the north thats the AI village hello nightblue3 i see u playing rust @nightblue3 that place is bandit camp and it’s safe area nice LUL nb3Blush @Ray__C raycHype you passed a metal decayed base, make it urs this game is trash @Nightblue3 ima come yoink ur stone MAKE STONE CLOTHES make that base urs KEKW LUL nooo dont fighttt paid actor LUL Jebaited got em Kappa fapping wintrader his bed cking legolas iriskLULW @Nightblue3 do you find this game very hard/annoying I just want to get a new players opinion on the game he placed his bed PogChamp e2 moon2PH poor guy build base here He can't see him WideHard gooo paid actor runnnnn ruuuuuun @Nightblue3 do you give coaching sessions ? thats place is good to find rocks, all types juga al lol puto saca esa mierda YES ur freezing just run man too cold @packpacky ;) snow areas have tons of stones moar arrows I like kill doggo You need clothes very top of mountain so is this game just survive? gj sub numer 12, sub number 20 you are up next! Kappa @samefrey I'm pretty new and I actually raged at people killing me with the basic tools when you Respawn and very little wold wood avengeluvsrorro is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 16 in the channel! Eat to full health avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to usanaghi! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheMCSkittlez! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to me_and_gay_man! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to SubVTRN! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! avengeluvsrorro gifted a Tier 1 sub to Sectorb135! Thank you for subscribing usanaghi for 2 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing TheMCSkittlez! PogYou Thank you for subscribing me_and_gay_man for 2 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing Sectorb135 for 6 months! PogYou Thank you for subscribing SubVTRN for 4 months! PogYou Pog make a 2x2 @Nightblue3 if you ever want to play with a group that can get high end loot in a few hours hmu Does he know the wipe is tomorrow? Pog Clap zz clothe yourself quick or you're gonna die dude stop building big bases pog you're too close to the base PogChamp i got all 5 Pog Kappa you dont have the resources won't let you place it there dodged Pog gopp mountain view loft dont make that big million dollar house @avengeluvsrorro no1THINK no1THINK no1NO no1NO no1BLAST u aint have shit anyways soberbLetsgo soberbLetsgo soberbLetsgo gifted sub check just go with 2x2 HolidayPresent HolidayPresent HolidayPresent but its a bad spot LUL what happend if u die ?? you lose your items too close to other base LUL RIghtclick with hammer to destroy btw @Nightblue3 1x2 with airlock build blocm god this is cringe to watch but i’m all for it eat the corn u need to run relax man, u not too cold welcome to Canada eat full hp -2 -3 its fine Hurry up and get your foundation down and upgrade it to stone fasterrrr @nightblue3 build it bit bigger please get a base down and place tc nb3 is so good at building <3 owo whats this sub? @Nightblue3 Walls first or you're gonna get younked !uptime @DrProfSgtMrJ, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours before someone comes and kills you double doorway back n front fifiMeh fifiMeh fifiMeh does it anyway Pepega Clap is this new fortnite cmonBruh ? FLOORS YES this is fortnite update N OMEGALUL not really sure FeelsGoodMan i like how he places shit in the most random spots I see cmonBruh 2525 nice code 6969 wooden lock is safer for solo player KEKW LUL 2222 :D @Nightblue3 make a stone barricade nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown its fiesta time KEKW lol F'S IN CHAT FF KEKW make a fundation F gg fake base double door @nightblue3 place it lower hammer and remove F then jump KEKW can you make a base for the stair? Lol 5Head build it further back Lmao @Nightblue3 do you give coaching sessions ? make a foundation below the door @nightblue3 place it lower AND JUMP ear corn you got lots of corn place foundation stairs and then jump Make a camp fire u cant die at -3 -11 la_murete subscribed with Twitch Prime. la_murete has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing la_murete! PogYou make the doors turn to a place where u dont need a ladder reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW Servers are low pop because wipe is tm SCUFFED FRONT DOOR KEKW KEKW what happened to your old base from yesterday? just move the door placement? HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa hello big brain nb3Cool nb3Cool nb3Cool nb3Cool Funny stuff to watch mové door demolish move door just switch your door to the back @nightblue3 @RachelDGLucero but then he doesnt get to parkour not too late @Nightblue3 It's important to be able to enter your house quickly in a pinch do a second door if you get camped @nightblue3 it is bad because what if you are running from somebody how the hell you gonna get in ? Zora115 subscribed at Tier 1. Zora115 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Zora115! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog why is this guy using this weird as texture pack on minecraft ? bro just use default eat eaaaaaaaaaat corn salve, vendo um bode. as vezes ele late mas é pq ele é bilingue no he means make double door @nightblue3 it’s called an airlock make an airlock Airlock make roof top nononono NONONONO nooooooooooooo airlock not second door noooooooooooo ? OMEGALUL Lol Airlock mann Roof top AIRLOCK loooooooooooooool @nightblue3 make another door in front of the other door you already have @Nightblue3 Move door placement how new are you to the game? make another metal door then Airlock to first one @Nightblue3 :( make an triangle just give it a second Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 How long did u play the game bttjob just cheered 500 bits PogYou reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 10 others in Chat! OMEGALUL oooof double door there and it will be a airlock a second floor is a good idea Thanks for the HahaBaby @bttjob @Nightblue3 use double door and make it so the double door opens to block the front door @Nightblue3 Move door placement you are very hungry. LUL PepegaHands a little Kappa fullblown Pepega Pepega Get some Pants mate Need lot of stone for upkeep you're gonna freeze to death in that base PepeLaugh 200 hrs a lot Doesnt really matter since anyone can get through the twig try to be always %100 health @Nightblue3 LUL Make a campfire and start cooking up some metal frags D: boxHands kill dog farm for skull D: PogChamp D: DON'T KILL THE DOG !!! D: BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump !uptime D: @baka010110, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 7 mins D: PETA D: SMOrc Eat now :( D: 💨 make armor from dog :( NOW SMASH IT D: D: i'm not watching this shit food? 1000 AP one shot NB: Headshot the Dog Dog: Walks away HACTEHT POG MORE BLOOD SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing 😢 nooooo BibleThump :( D: I'll switch off this tream T-T Mil D: We eating good 2day nb3Gasm F @PETA ? CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Felix D: USE THE LEATHER FOR CLOTHING ConcernDoge IceCold SoSnowy CorgiDerp CorgiDerp STOP HES ALREADY DEAD BibleThump police r coming for u since you killed the dog! godtoneWhitez were eatinf dopg1+01+1+1+1+1 ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat right click the items so they automatically stack please nightblue, you giving me aids he's naked and he's a muderer BibleThump you heartless animal finish your base asap man, pick up wood and upgrade ur base please Fucking snipers Rip @Nightblue3 Don't you want stairs to enter house quickly?? lets take dow a Helicopter using a Bow Guys everyone is gonna check out your base cause the walls are twig stone for base 3 2 1 ANELE Clap you're trolling upgrade your twigs you cooked dog the hemp @Nightblue3 Stone anyone noriced how the uper body fits with the caracter in the game if he opens inventory? xD yet Kapp your mouse clicks are super loud man D: No D: noooo nb3What nb3What D: D: D: leave the dogs alone D: No nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI D: HEY NB3 IM YOUR FAN IN PHILIPPINES Kappa D: one is enough @Nightblue3 Don't you want stairs to enter house quickly?? @Nightblue3 kill bears YOURE A RUST STREAMER NOW dogs should kill you FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ you monster D: go drink some water who let the dogs out ? Make a campfire and start cooking up some metal frags it wolf @Daricle gnight rotate the wood wall @nightblue3 no more league... ur now exclusively a rust streamer nut enuf minerals Kappa @nightblue3 why is rotate important u need more arrows too @Nightblue3 Don't you want stairs to enter house quickly?? @Trompete I cant unsee this nb3 rust woah BRO Pumpkin PogChamp rust best game Kappa woa big boy helmet PogU @Pr3Alex its alot easier to pick through or raid weakside walls NIghtblue you know the force wipe is tomorrow right? can't wait for someone to run in yelling the I word @nightblue3 wassup rabia love to see the variety stream but you're so much better st league @Pr3Alex because otherwise they will axe there way through ballin nb3Clown hey bbys sykHeart PogChamp streamer loot alone @nightblue3 bandit camp is right nearby and is safe and has a scrapper there HABIBI anoter stone a little more NE habibi Kappa another* the H word... HABIBI @nightblue3 no more league youre exclusively a rust streamer IGLOO just make ur map invisible lots of people gonna door camp ur base Stash all your shit man someone gonna ruin your fun can you beat down other bases? @Nightblue3 don't chop down the trees completely it will give away your position when they fall you need a team for that HABIBIbibib make chests @Nightblue3 Don't you want stairs to enter house quickly?? @nightblue3 you mine as well play WOW classic if you're gonna be mining veins all day thats a fortnite meme you have no windows for fire you will die :P @nightblue3 rotate the door you should try to build a stair outside door? MonkaS should defiantly finish the tree because you get the bulk of wood doing so Make a campfire and start cooking up some metal frags @Nightblue3 Man I love you but your TC placement is Yikers I just saw some kid get gunned down Can you try dark souls at some point? @Nightblue3 everyone should have a campfire inside the base door is put on wrong way! please dont yes go to it omfg camp fire lets goooo!! do low grade with animal fat, and try to find a location to burn and make a fornace the door scrap , ore , crude & most of that can go in TC you'll die PUT THE DOOR THE OTHER WAY, MAKES AIRLOCK broo these sound are so real im getting ptsd make more door layers :P @Nightblue3 Hold H when you try to dump stuff in the inventory quickly leave all resources in tc @nightblue3 PUT THE DOOR THE OTHER WAY yes, kill all the guiz w aks with your bow! :D you can store most of that shit in TC @Nightblue3 Put your tools away if youre going to fight gud base yes Kappa its gone tomorrow tho get metal frags asap that can all go in the tc @Nightblue3 monkaS leather & cloth can go in TC whats the poin in building door if you can destroy the back of the base? Knock Knock!!! go its a bow noob" drop broken items kill him! first sniper put resources in tc, and take of the wooden door and put it the other way monkaS Sounds like a free crossbow Kappa don't make dramatic speech cause you're going to die scrap ore most stuff yikes nvm put wood and stone in tc omg come on i'm bringin a bow to a gun fight nb3Clown PogChamp cmon ull get a gun omg nc SAR PogU POG OMG heal OMG oh my god Pog bandge LOL LOL naisuu PogU gj! :D dis gut PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp frog Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog LOL this bot just got a SAR pog run Pog making moves poooog runnnn lucky ruuun AYEEEEEEEEE big loot Pog Pog Heal up THE JUICE Pog poggggg Pogey 10HP PogChamp bandageee POG pog poggg Pog NO WAYYYYYY throw on the ground PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PLAYS gooooooo getting raided GO BACK take the other guy Delivery pog GO BACK FAST he really is an incredible shot lol soviHype soviHype soviHype soviHype get the resr depo and go back throw on the ground and pick up go back PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp @Nightblue3 Pog pogg u POGGERS GO GET ALL THE SHIT upgrade base RAID INC Pog wp gj cmonBruh @nightblue3 rabia why arnt you playing league :( GO GET THE REST get the rest dude keep it and go backk go back fastt HURRY BEFORE THEY COME BACK GO GET THE SHIT the other guy's stuff! pick up the stuff left behind just drop it on the ground rn nb3NANI pogu3 craft big box Fast dude, go back, have more eat kill yourselff LETS GO LOOT go back get the rest go loot more!!! put all resources in the tc its nightblue not shroud theyre back pepeLaugh loot the rest of the stuff someone outside didnt even check second body b the other guy too there was another guy hes wainig not in chests TOO MUCH monkaW gonna get camped saves space waiting* heal ur self pls nah guys someone already oustide other body? and other guy? u trolling OTHER GUY MIGHT HAVE MORE loot be greedy theres a lot go get it yea heal with fooooood you didnt get the other guy's stuff too late now no there is juste go back he's chilling for ya lol Roam with the SAR @nightblue3 monkaW other guy, loot him rest of the loot.. heal u only looted one broooo KEKW @Nightblue3 talk to him KEKW put the new armor on THE OTHER GUY heal yourself man put recourses in the tc, like lowgrade and stuff. saves so mutch space heal monkaW @Nightblue3 heal up and 2nd round dude use bandage heal up? keep all your stuff LOL ahahaha he mad deop your broken items hes mad and someone raiding He said He love you Kappa he's malding LUL lmao so mad put ur stuff away and go get the rest of loot moldingggg soooo mad xDDD f" y lol fuck you LUL KEKW :D hahahahaha KEKW KEKW love you hahahahahaaha ROFL beeets lol KEKW KEKW Put all stuff and go back lol he said love you HEAL heal duude xD Whhhhhhhhhhat Pepega eat HEALLL @Nightblue3 heaaaaaaaaaaaaal Heal ? @nightblue3 camp fire YUPPPPPP please heal for once ???? get your self to 100 hp truuuuuue go go EAT CORN you can regen by a campfire @nightblue3 healllll pussi put stuff away and take the rest of the things they had KKona bed cooldown KEKW Goodnight! imma head out. It’s 12 am for me. eat corn DONT LET IT ON GROUND IT DESPAWNS Walk out with nothing healing it will be Dont get the bag cooldown @Nightblue3 snak Kappa LUL LOL KEKW PepeHands this dude sour as fuck KEKW the salt gachiBASS @nightblue3 heal n kill this fool Go kill people with your semi Dont put the bag cooldown @Nightblue3 BabyRage BabyRage feel like you about to get raided upgrade all walls to stone :S go out there with broken tools PJSalt stranger sticky situastion dont open tha door TRUE dude make it all stone DONT LET STUFF ON GROUND IT DESPAWNS git stoned quick Kappa ANELE oof monkaW monkaS damn too late EKASJIOESAHJIOJESAI LOL LUL monkaW mkassss RIP PANIC KEKW comin in Kappa LOL lmao PANIC take the semi monkaW @Nightblue3 ur cucked lol Time to defence with semi @Nightblue3 PAANIIIIICCCCC upgrade plssss take a gun my heart @CosmicLegends GO HELP HIM GUYS HELP HIMM respawn for health kill them with semi upgrade he cant dead healllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you're fucked lol it gonna take 1 hour to get in this is so tilting kill them kill them gunn heal eat corn take the semi monkaW right now @Nightblue3 heal up and kill SHOOT YOURSELF kill the bitch HEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL If they actually get through, you can just put the loot in air lock PANICCCCCC lmao pay your taxes SNIPERS HELP HIMMM gun heal and kill them with semi HEAL AND KILL THEM Heal and fight like a man nut enuf minerals to upgrade nb3Clown heal to full with food and load the semi Stash the loot HEAL LUL and run HEAL go kill that bitchh HEALHEAL @Nightblue3 HEAL AND GUN N NIGHT respawn, get full hp, equip and prepare to battle eat your corn to heal up rock raid HEALLLL buutt HEAL HEAL heall firstt HEAL + GUN take a gun and kill them they're trying tobreak with stone weapons, don't worry about that heal up take ur gun and fuck them up dont panic eat DONT OPEN OH MY FUCKING GOD thats gonna take them an hour to get through that wall pay your taxes lmao STAY IN repair it then upgrade heal man Heal and GUN HEAL JESUS pls heal HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL FUCKING HEAL JESUS CHRIST 6Hp KEKW heal and gun it HEAL STONE WALL stone weapons, don't worry about it HEAL HEAL HEALLLL Finishing upgrading Allllmost there heal heal FailFish HEAL LOL @Nightblue3 go out with just a spear gun what r u doing? GUN HIM DOWN AND HEALLL Eat and heal you gonna die, just keep repairing HEAL I cannot breathe HEAL AND FIGHT DUDE omg REPAIR eat and heal upgrade ceiling to stone SO CLOSE if they hit the wall, you cant upgrade it until like 30 sec eat cornnnnnnn HEAL AND GUN HP HEAL hitting with torch healallalaa KEKW heal they are just trolling u DO IT HEAAL NO OTHER CHOICE HEALLLL gun u have a semi, u can use ur cloth to make bandages SNIPERS HELPPPP build a fire and heal RIP your actually tilting me @Nightblue3 Eat the corn you do. you cant upgrade when they are hitting it use your fucking gun you have corn cloth & SAR HELPPPP SNIPERSSSS then lose everything KEKW HEAL GUN AND STAY INSIDE its your best shot tho LUL he scured Kappa 4 use ur bandages to heal @Nightblue3 kill them you can repair with wood Do F1 kill UR DED REGARDLESS llooppyyy subscribed with Twitch Prime. take the gun and run lmao heal yourself build a airlock split the house maybe? welp bunch of coward are doing their stuff out there Thank you for subscribing llooppyyy! PogYou Closer llooppyyy has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Dint be a little girl LOL Kill yourself heal up and fight they aint got nothing somone save NB3 Dude youre gonna bug coolwon @Nightblue3 shoot from roof? heal you dieing :D only gun and heal heal and run :) your ending will be dead go blueprint the gun @Nightblue3 heal and fight losging so mich time... FFS heal you prolly gonna lose it all any way so gotta make a play get ur gun and sit in a corner IF YOU DONT KILL YOU DIE @Nightblue3 Night-Fucked-3 UR FREEZINGGGG rocks > gun KEKW Dont act like geodude and play heimer!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS HEAL issa cold, 4 hp you die Cloooooser put an etxtra layer of wood there u lose all if dont fight? LOL KEKW Dont die your bag is gonna cooldown @Nightblue3 lmao divide the house into more sections might be a good idea no you have wood use your campfire go die out side all right i get it now What CPU does nightblue use ? @nightblue3 hoe about dissprwn everything CoolStoryBob nooooooooooooo run out NOOO make an extra wood bo there man 3 EAT CORN NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis dont do it @Nightblue3 want me to roll up and kill these plebs JUST RUN OUT U FOOL @Nightblue3 respawn outside he's salty LUL nice health nb use campfire to healup 3 yes, u have to die LOST HP die outside to scout heal info @Nightblue3 check em out U CAN SCOUT You can repair if there's a gap between them attacking. see how any ppl eat plz dont Go kill them with the semi Feel like theyre actually gonna do this for an hour why do you only respond to negative shiit you get information can you go through the roof and shoot them from them from there? @CosmicLegends YESS HELP HIM COSMICCCC dont die pls and get the gun u can scout @Nightblue3 LUL DONT OPEN dont go outside Dont die just eat 2 THE DOOR DONT OPEN HELP HIMM GUN THEM DOWNTOGETHER HABIBI PLZ stab them with spear before you die 2 2 kill in console u see how many peaple there and upgrade the airlock to stone and chill there 2 be positive Info HEAL UP heal See what they have WTF ARE YOU DOING 2 2 4 Hollllld please for love of god heal ure annoying heal n shoot them if they got in pretty sure 3 GO RUN OUTSIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2 HOLD YOUre gonna die from frostbite theyre not gonna get in patient check de damage with hammer upgrade the airlock and hide there only 2 spoke Just bandage FFFFFFFF Pretend to help then kill yeha try and take at least 1 out scouting breh twhy you standiiiiing caaaaampfire C4 @Nightblue3 gO SCOUT AND DIE INSTEAD OF DYING FOR NO REASON they are after your soullll u can see how many people Lmao KEKW C4 KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL You can repair while they're hitting it go outside big rip sheeeeeeit youre going to freeze this is why rust sucks solo no pant LUL MY EYESSSSSSSSS imagine the greatest achiement of theirnlive is kill nb3 once in rust KEKW @CosmicLegends FUCK EM UPP you got this they have as broke as you are bag me in they cant get in GUN EM DOWNN Going commando headshot is oneshot] SAR THEM shoot from roof you have a gun ez win litlle dickk :) now gun them doooown just gun them down thats all they need its goin down Kappa monkaW Pog LEGGGGGGGGGO clothes , corn ITS GOING DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN heal all the way up KEKW heal full IF THEY HEADSHOT U DIE leggoooooooo LMAO Theyre bout to tilt even harder :D blueprinted? HEAL TO FULL WITH FOOD LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO @nightblue3 heal FULL HEALTH healllllll @CosmicLegends GO HELPPP always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 HEAL eat first heal we protect our house!!! lmao EAT heal up and heal up to 100 HEAL xD 100% gunna die LUL LOLOL an come out bish nb3Clown eat LOL repair now LOOOOOOLLLLL HEALLLL GHEALLL heaaaallllllll BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH HEALLL heal Make a roof Kill them KEKW how the fuck did he get a SAR WHAT FIRST LUL t HEAL get to 100 hp man XDD HEAL heallllllll heal HEAL come out bitch always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 !! HEAL REPAIR healheal HEAL upgrade wall heal heal noooooo HEAL heaaaaal HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL that needs to be a macro 13 year old LUL Lol KEEEEEEEEKW Beta male HEALLL He going to die HEAL HEAAAAAAAAAL Heallll HEAL heal BTE MALE HAHAHHAHAHA You could keep them talking for 30s since they stopped hitting the wall lol cmon there feller just come out boy @nightblue3 make steps EATE walllllll JUST HEAL!!!!! HEAAALLL HEALLLL no get out side with just stone Heal Pepega HEAL HEA;;; KEKW insecure kids in rust HEAAAAAAAL BROOOOOOOOOO hel always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 !!!!!!!! when they are teaming up saying someone coward HEAL HEAL TO 100 from 56 HEAAAL EAT AND HEALLLL EAT YOUR CORN Fu cking beta male HEALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL waterboarding is better than this Omg NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis heal HOW DID HE GET A SAR I missed out on a lot LOL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL theal duuuude Eat up HEALLL HEAL NB# HEALLLLLL heal cmonBruh Heall heal HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL eat just kill both with a bow @Nightblue3 PogU HEEEAAAL pls heal HEAL heal HEALLL IDIOTT HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL Beta male KEKW heal REPAIR IT PLEASE what a bunch of loser heaaaal clap make a roof always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 !!!!!! caaaaampfire RUN AND GUN!!!!! @Nightblue3 take bandges gi bwp @CosmicLegends ROLL UPP DUDEEE REPAIR WHAT THEY WERE BREAKING now lol HEAAAL the real....this is.funnirr than inting LOL they have GUNS WATCH OUT!!! AMMO! Eat up lol NICE no don t malding SO YOU COULD HAVE HEALED THE WHOEL TIME the cavalry is here OMFG make a roof u gonna die Say hello to my little friend bait YOU TROLL Shield DONT DO IT its a bait stay inside Im betting for the enemy team TBH gogogogogo don't do it they know monkaW GOOOOOOO, TRUST URSELF they are stream sniping SHHHH its a bait Lol third party them ur gonna dieeee monkaW SHHHHHH go gogogo take bow too! low bullets @Nightblue3 goooooooo better not do it dont panic ! repair your base form inside bow CLOSE stream sniping ResidentSleeper OTHER DOOR YOU FOT THIS SENPAI close the goddam airlock take bow too repair base now mkae shots count Yo KonCha sponge bob always said the best spot is INDOOOORS INDOORS Take bow and gun Clean up time bow @Nightblue3 GO YOU WHORE BOW GUN gun @Nightblue3 you can upgrade the walls soon, since they stopped hitting BOTH GUN both GUN bow YOU DA BOSS bow BOW GUN they bow gun ofc gun gun BOW GUUN gun BOW gun Bow Both @Nightblue3 repair base BOW BOW Gun bow BOW GUN bow bow no armor just take the bow BOWWWWW BOWWWW gun guun why no armor, pussy the bow bow 1st gun bow bow gun GUN gun easier to kill gun bow GUN BOW gun bow SHOW EM WHO THE ALPHA both BOW bow guuuuuuuuuuuun bow with no armor gan bow always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 BOTH gun gun Bow gunnnnnnnnnnn gun him down bow no amour isnt bow harder to aim? bow guuuuuuuuuun BOWWWWWW Someone need to go help Nightblue3 with these homo Texans noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gun YOU ALREADY SAW IT just the bow pls all in bowbow bow gunn nooooooooooooo PULL THAT BANANA CLIP OUT first bow @Nightblue3 u can wear bandana too GUN KKona Clap bow Gun always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 !!!!! you saw their hand, they are clowns GUN GUNNNNN TO SNOWBALL, PUSSY then can troll them GUN no columbine up in this bitch REPAIR WALLS Take a gun cause is last hours before wipe @Nightblue3 LEARN the SAR first!!!!!!! gun and smurf BOW DOOOD Gun this is twitter gold haha Upgrade to stone theyre not hitting anymore bank some bandies Pepega Clap Gun repair walls with hammer @Nightblue3 New BED if they put you on a bag timer they will be in booow always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 boooooooooooooow gum him down like its columbine >( >( >( >( >( >( upgrade brooop you dont have the scrap to reshearch it so why keep it in the base 2 yes BCWarrior u suck if u had a gun right? REPAIR WALLS better not take gun Kappa thank god you didnt take the gun lol always try to be &100 health @Nightblue3 !! xD ROFL wat @Nightblue3 LEARN the SAR first!!!!!!! @did u learn how to make the gun? guuun theeem doooown ffs LUL apes SO TOXICCCCCCCC shoot him lol cumshot lmao make sure u burp on him Kappa That’s why you bring a gun quicklyyy @CosmicLegends help him dawgg by being a god Use your sword @Reznov033 he was :D GUN THEM DOWN headshot now you cant go back GET GOOD CREATURES KEKW dont go after them kite and b good Thats what guns are for u shoot them with a gun you headshot both BRING YOUR GUN DUDE take a gun man kekw get covered DONT USE THE GUN play it more passive, dont rush in 2v1 @Nightblue3 That's what the gun is for THATS WHY U BRING GUN IDIOT OH MA LORD stab with arrows, choke with bow SHOOT EM UP take pics go on a aim server just gotta be a bow god has gun doesn't use it Kappa HAX THE GAME USE UR GUN gun him down like its columbine Make a roof u did fine just need to improve ur foot work Shoot em shoot theeem tkae gun and 2 heatshots @Nightblue3 STAB THEM play battle royale aim for the head LUL u shud go on defense than offense @Nightblue3 LEARN the SAR first!!!!!!! Morning boys USE GOD MODE u know how to play this game dont be like that . all in them @nightblue3 dont try to hold your ground in the open @Nightblue3 THEY STOPPED HITTING UR HOUSE THO Build the roof PLEASE UPGRADE TO STONE he doesnt like getting gangbanged hunt them down REPAIR WALLS dumass SPEAR THEMMM LUL LUL this is why you should at least go duo LUL pog KEKW KEKW oh LULW LUL ANELE lol KEKW mah house is on fireeeeeeeee LMFAO KEKW LMAO KEKW hahahahaha LOLOL heli RIPPPPPP rip heli crash IT'S DONE the more u play the better you get :D gave them bandages and weapons lol LOL KEKW They are still here lol tale the gun and tell them say hello to my litlle friend LOL THERE CAN BE LOOT LUL LUL LUL gachiOnFIRE LUYL lol we dont need no water let the mother F-er Burn! HAHHAHHA XDD fire lol fire @Nightblue3 LEARN the SAR first!!!!!!! Hahaha fire hahahahahaahahaha fire Fire died to james Kappa fire fire hahahaahah james why does this feel like bullying got cut then fire the fire lmao 1G james burn ur house james = fire BUILD 10 BASES fire Fire + ja,es high temp got burnt fuck yeah BUILD MORE BASESSS fire and u know now who did that to ur hous @J4tw88 no scrap or workbench @Nightblue3 didnt think id enjoy u play this game but i do no james killed you @nightblue3 bulling You rich man. So many houses fuck those guys stream snipers avenge him kill james he didn't even see that guy hit him right in front of his face for sure yeeeees yes REPAIR WALLS yes kill him yes no yes !uptime Make a roof @shadowgamer2545, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 28 mins @GangleGiraf i know, he must safe for learn first do i try it if you die you die make da play Kappa yes but dont panic it's risky now nightblue bigger rust streamer CoolStoryBob upgrade the walls to stone now @Nightblue3 LEARN the SAR first!!!!!!! NO HEAL and AMMO VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea is last hours before wipe VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea yes Make the play make the play, but dont rush in. your not invincible dont use the gun bow time yeah, he died they still here LUL theyll come back its high risk low reward SHOW EM WHOS BEST JUNGLER NA @Nightblue3 THEY STOPPED HITTING UR HOUSE DOWN PANIC but they outside they come again columbine up in this bitch take your shots slow, 16 go by quick just make another bow trash players like to ruin the game they gonna mald tbh this game is made for toxicity upgrade walls they'll just keep coming back no they are hitting your walls so you cant upgrade them you can make a fake room where they are hitting maybe? takeeeeee theeee guuuuuuuuuuuuuuun they shot the wall LMAO Just go shoot then please lol they have crack energy they shot wall so u cant upgrade @Nightblue3 roof there getting in since it wood same roof use the better weapons if you have a gun be confident with the play and use the gun , if you loose the gun you probably deserve to loose it Roof same same roof @Nightblue3 if they start poking just upgrade to stone roof is easier SHOW EM WHOS BEST JUNGLER upgrade roof wood is easier but its wood destroy ur roof and gun them down inside the house so roof Wolf head better than Riot helmet Upgrade turn to stone no point in having guns if you don't use them hardside is hardside its not the same. go on rusty labs if want to know let us join and we'll fk em up all together just kill em i think they stopped hitting your wall cause they think you're stupid enough to come out upgrade the roof to stone stream sniping and not talking? same. half these people dont even play this game lol Thanks for the HahaBall @vvpika upgread roof bro destroy your roof then gun them down I would make a dash for stone just teach him They want that gun just team up with them LOL chasing him with a shovel xD LOL FIGHT BACK LUL lol rip xDD lol LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW lol LOL LUL ahahah xD @Nightblue3 kill them with gun you are a pussy sweaty af cringe Kappa hqhqhahahaha lolol USE THE FUUUKING GUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUDE Stream snipers * like i said SO CORNY WHEN THERE'S SNIPING. SO ANNOYING. You need a Duo u should change servers just get the fun man @Nightblue3 Call upon ur streamers to come help SO CORNY WHEN THERE'S SNIPING. SO ANNOYING. they only got it 2 v 1 LOL KEKW build a campfire this is mild door camping wait till u get some toxic campers let us help u you think they crigne rust is cringe KILL THEM WITH THE GUN MAN WTF SO CORNY WHEN THERE'S SNIPING. SO ANNOYING. SO CORNY WHEN THERE'S SNIPING. SO ANNOYING. Just join a solo sever @Nightblue3 you should honestly just go to a smaller population server, especially to learn the game. M3LM0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. M3LM0 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing M3LM0! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! we gonna raid them they want the SAR GATHER OTHER PEOPLE hot metal? KEKW they want the gun Welcome to Rust lol @Nightblue3 find a new server heli crashed its a scrap heli HELICOPTER CRASHED MAKE AN ARMY 8k hours in rust and this is the cringyest shit I've ever saw go duo so you at least have shield against snipers they need their gun back LUL MINE IT they don't want loot. They wanna piss u off dude gun emmmm down stop being a beta Killing me is pretty cringe bro WeirdChamp Tell us the server and we riot them Quick run into the fires, you look cold pls two kill just trying to get some recognition from their favourite streamer scrap heli LOL they are pussies 2v1 KEKW @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 DUOO DUOOOOOO DUOOO YOU SAID IT YESTERDAYYY @Nightblue3 do armar then go full tank with a gunn and learn them a lesson yup, a scrap heli crashed in your house yes MINE it! GATHER AN ARMY its eoka Why don’t you just use your SEMI and KILL THEM NAKED ARMY just forcus him we need QQ :( they're 100% snipers, lmao no other reason they would afk ontop of your roof they baiting for ur semi u wanna give them your ass more than a gun yes Kappa @nib5ter U RIGHT ohh shit fact...200 IQ WHERE IS QQ @nightblue3 duo with ur roommate you can go farm another area of the map wait for them to leave your play is getting your gun out TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard farm rock and upgrade @Nightblue3 400iq outplay SOMEONE HELP HIM GUYS Friendly af LOL btw, its forcewipe today. so all servers and blueprints reset. or make the play wholesome! yuo can kill 1 ask him for help PogChamp5000 gotta take first again focus the guy with the gun. the other one is trash cpoppa4200 just cheered 5000 bits PogYou reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 150 others in Chat! gun=eoka Get Stone and try to sneak into the house @Nightblue3 You are only playing for 1 more hour, they will get the gun back anyways if you dont use it by the time your logoff LUL Take his gun from him Thanks for the HahaGoose @cpoppa4200 D: KEKW Pog i love it you can hide stuff in the ground btw cpoppa Kreygasm Tack för HahaPresent @cpoppa4200 get him to help you @cpoppa4200さん、HahaGingercatをありがとう。 HahaGingercat HahaGingercat HahaGingercat servers all wipe tomorrow. what are bits? HahaBaby Thanks for HahaSnowhal @cpoppa4200. 'some @Nightblue3 give us server, we'll rally up and bum rush them as nakeds Thanks for the HahaBaby @cpoppa4200 that is rust for you TOO DARK!! Thank You @cpoppa4200 HABIBI GUY COGGERS IceCold np !uptime @ruggerzalen, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 33 mins what are bits? new to twitch LUL DONATING TO A MILLIONAIRE LUL LUL DONATING TO A MILLIONAIRE LUL LUL DONATING TO A MILLIONAIRE LUL LUL DONATING TO A MILLIONAIRE LUL Pog idk FortOne server? im horny act like offline playing rust alone is hard tbh POGGERSSS MAKE 100000 BASES Turn on a map hider If you kill him you have 2 guns respawn stream Pog Drop the gun so it despairs then die with door open to piss them off lololololololololol nb the maps will wipe later today why not duo like u said looool Despawns @nightblue3 delete some beds and make another base close by with bed yeah T1 > NB3 YES !uptime build a campfire @IIVitalityII, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 33 mins Course they are say that you drop everything on the ground and go offline damn you trash at every game? you donate bits for real money? @Nightblue3 if you blueprint it you lose it anyways Is there any way that you can make it that people won't find you? upgrade roof try upgrading again? map :c if u blueprint it it disappears call in the cleaners!! @Nightblue3 No more base building lol SOMEONE HELP NIGHT BLUE take machet @Nightblue3 Love your videos, im glad i finally get to watch one of your streams. love u <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 @Nightblue3 upgrade all wood walls! *Vietnam flashbacks* It’s a force wipe tomorrow @nightblue3 blueprints are worthless @Nightblue3 Press h so you can quick pick up told you too cold do a campfire or u'll die ITS DARK OUTSIDE DONT FIGHT PepeLaugh !uptime @Katto_, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 34 mins all servers force wipe tomorrow its global global most servers r forced tomorrow ever server wipes all servers Yes i like potatoes is it bp wipe? force wipe is POG @Nightblue3 i killed the guy squatting by ur base with an smg go pee just blueprint it HahaGingercat im starting a youtube channel for music called secret owl. Do you have any advice when starting up a channel? dont think bp wipe So pointless submarine patch go out and make friends.. or enemies, and stop focusing too much on building bases @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 kill yourself and spawn outside then farm some stone and go back to home dont Jebaited he's sniping KEKW im still outside your base :) Cant blueprint it tho, theyre camping you so you cant farm scrap either All blueprints wipe tomorrow @Nightblue3 I missed it, what happened with those two guys? @Nightblue3 do u want me to make u a bed roll in my base? mods Jebaited with that logic it might be the same guy baiting u you're going to die again FID SOME PEOPLE AND MAKE A BATTLE ROYAL REEEEEEEEEEEEE u need somebody to do duo or u'll stay in the house all the time they want ur gun @nightblue3 you really need a duo @CosmicLegends stand guard bb hahaha take all the important things on u and use the drak and runnnn fast away U know who are losers FIND SOME PEOPLE AND MAKE A BATTLE ROYAL REEEE @CosmicLegends <3 I'm starting a youtube channel for music called secret owl. Do you have any advice when starting up a channel? exactly so just find a new server and don't leak it this time ppl who copystrike others videos @ is there a reason in particuler why you are playing rust and not league? just feel like it? and are u gonna make a vid on other games on ur main/ other channal? you played like 20 hours the Last 3 days and didnt achieve ANYTHING they want ur pp D: yuo ned teim <3 foggedHappy PansexualPride KonCha either make the play on those guys or go farm another area of the map and wait for them to leave lol no point cooped up in your base and keep running away @lolking771 don't make it a secret PrideHi PrideGasp PrideTrans just take help from cosmic, its not like these players playing fair anyway they want that looong shlong find people and make a battle royal out of tc range not that far I'm starting a youtube channel for music called secret owl. Do you have any advice when starting up a channel? @HappyHourHero not true lol look for bags around ur base 100m It has to be ^ Get st on e @lolking771 Click bate which is not that far yea around 100 metres yes name the bag you missed his crossbow can someone teach him how to make a proper airlock please STONE UPGRADE @nightblue3 except for 2nd body WP3Dcyber subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing WP3Dcyber! PogYou WP3Dcyber has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! dem hops KEKW upgrade base yeah you miss crossbow what a loser lol turn off your torch lol turn ur light off light off lol turn off lol bone arrows lulw oh no a wild bowman thing god I'm cringing got killed with a flashlight Kappa !uptume make the base stone I'm starting a youtube channel for music called secret owl. Do you have any advice when starting up a channel? !uptime @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 39 mins farm now that u can @Nightblue3 1. Upgrade all wood walls. 2. Scrap every componente 3. Make a WB2 and a reseearch table 4. Learn SAR and enjoy RUST nom nom @Nightblue3 probably you should name your bags :D name the bag man Try the free stuff bag ? @Nightblue3 Different guy @Nightblue3 when you're on death screen hold G to see your bags on the map hahaha name the bag KEKW stop spamming Upgrade walls?? @stargazerzac STFU stop spamming buddy upgrade ur walls enjoyable streams dude * ty ty one man spam FeelsWeirdMan mods......hello? upgrade your walls Mods wtf dont spam promote @stargazerzac @Nightblue3 1. Upgrade all wood walls. 2. Scrap every componente 3. Make a WB2 and a reseearch table 4. Learn SAR and enjoy RUST ty @stargazerzac stfu no one cares MODS KEKW j4 he aint got time for that Go out with gun have field day server wipes tomorrow ]exactly yeah shit on some kid with sar lets go It's wiping in 10hrs +- the wipe is in about 11 hours @Nightblue3 learn the SAR blueprint so you will have it for next wipe u dont have much ammo!! Upgrade to stone investing in buildings day before wipe not worth you said ur up for only like 15 more minutes @nb3 its 12;45 m8 learn semi for tomorrow before you go in, pls heal KEKW wait for mornin there is a timer on the discord no meds KEKW sup hut nik Hesll wait for day light yes please get to 100hp KEKW Yes go roam with your sar HEAL u need more ammo @dardo1997 doesn’t work he loses blue print its not that easy that u think lol AND WAIT FOR DAYY u need health my first sub with twitch prim,e ever heal @Nightblue3 ZULUL Learn semi for tomorrow!!! depends if your server wipes bps ya ya @kev1796 is it blueprint wipe as well? usually that wipes every 3 months learn semi idiot What gets wiped @Nightblue3 how u get the sar Every server wipes BPs ive never seen this game im so confused no bp wipe i think its force wipe bp's are also getting wiped Make bullets Not every server wipes bps, his server might Didn't know you played rust :O Make bullets @nightblue3 no theyre not it depends on the server admin melee back up @shiropchuxd stfu Take a tool dude boi we tryna have some fun, kill ppl with sar @Nightblue3 Blueprint gun @dardo1997 it’s once a month but I believe so The body lines up perfectly its depends on the makers of the game and if the update they push requires it or not you scrubs Wow, even diamond 5 on rust @jeremy45623 he doesn't even have a level 1 work bench lmao @hutnik what’s a wipe entail? if my main server wipe bps id play again jus to get them Young god in the building @hutnik is rustafied wiping bps? yooo riot helmet is better Blueprint gun aim with the tip top of it, but dont move when u shoot @KingBoootylicious Every first thursday of the month there's something called force wipe where all servers wipe their map my favorite game rust 🤩 you not gonna blueprint the gun? You have a flashlight on your weapon ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY yup !time bp gun for tomorrow tho not alot but some @KingBoootylicious Other than that during the month, servers can wipe from a day to a month RUSR PogU ? You shouldn't say where you are going or show map now @hutnik so if someone has a godly base they gotta rebuild rip blueprint the gun first ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit @Nightblue3 The most important with sar is to crouch when shooting just sit when u shoot and u have almost no recoil ballchGG ballchGG ballchGG ballchGG BloodTrail ResidentSleeper pay attention dude xd @hutnik ah. Thank you for the explanation. play with Hutnik ! anyone got the new day z map ? @Nightblue3 have u tried oil rig or cargo yet? @Nightblue3 is there a reason in particular why you are playing rust and not league? just feel like it? and are u gonna make a vid on other games on ur main/ other channal? play with hutnik! Pog EZ Pog Pog Pog Pog recoil accuracy different each weapon EZZZ!!!! POG Pog POG PogU damn. Nb3 the sniper Is this new PUBG? THE THRILL OF THE HUNT PogChamp PogChamp HES INSANE Natural talent Pog hes down pog Pog no Pog !uptime @kiko12345678900, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 44 mins Pog insane no @nightblue3 play with Hutnik he is a stream3r insaner shormesss SENNA IN RUST sniped damn nightblue has good aim wow KyuBchan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! Thank you for subscribing KyuBchan for 6 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Yes u cosplaying shroud? PogU you forgot the armor You’re a godddddd yoinked them shoes pog you @nightblue3 he had armor pants loot other guy dude ur pro already dude he's always pro Kappa THIS IS CONTENT BB smurfin on em Pog so u don't kill pigs, but kill dog?? yo I finally caugh you online! Pogchamp Thanks for the HahaThink @kyubchan @Nightblue3 you can fast loot with h and hover over items !specs @Nightblue3 have u tried oil rig or cargo yet?? put in home can you make ammo? Good thing you're crouching when shooting, the kick is huge when standing still What's u r cpu HahaLean HOW DID U GET THE GUN AND THE CLOTHES Killed someone in a 1v1v1 @wildclimber Np :) @baymax8165 killed a guy and looted did u get all that in scavenging? deeper nb3Gasm Adrianmika subscribed with Twitch Prime. Adrianmika has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Adrianmika! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! u should use bow on nakeds to save ammo probs @whip33 i didnt see im late on his stream lol killing bow guys with a gun is bronze killing ak guys with bows is diamond @Nightblue3 do you like rust because you're a neanderthal?? howd u even get a sar rooSnow rooBall rooBall2 rooKek right because you werent thirsty before........... LUL LUL LUL go powerplant if u play here tomorrow u might want to learn the Rifle tbh... POWER PLANT go power plant it has chinook crate @Nightblue3 Power plant crate Why didnt my Twitch Prime sub thing pop up? :((((((( HahaDreidel power plant package The can and will try to make a play on you @Nightblue3 locked crate at powerplant power plant has a create @Nightblue3 Watch out for Npc at the tunnel @appledal killing 2 people with bow :O look at the powerplant, it has a locked crate there all hail chanuck dome has a lot of people usualy locked crate ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY ballchSEXY Reload you hack it wait 15min and usually has insane loot, but most likely lots of people @Nightblue3 ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit ballchLit locked crate = AK or other good gun Reload ur gun IT is open? @J4tw88 hes gonna be done playing soon, hes not gonna farm for another hour It has high chance of dropping an AK @nightblue3 radiation will kill u in powerplant... Jebaited no xD Drink water chat nah why do you have your ammo in your hot bar ni go inside KappaPride nooo no theres nothing there CAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE where is ur cat YES theres no entrance on this side helps yeah nawt danger use lgiht use flashlight DO IT gun light use light weapon light maybe traps This is way out, out of cave JUMP press F light @Hutnik i see you :3 MONKA xDDD use flash light F ur gun has flash Noooo lol PRESS F stream snipers arrived F heal monkaS TRAPED KEKW xD this is it, the end heal pls they're dueling outside heal ni they are fighting push F Jebaited healllllll heallll careull behinmd you HRAL Flash lite monkaW heal HABIBI HEAL 69 btw 4Head CAMPER monkaSHAKE they can enter behind you BEHIND behind U got flashlite Damn Stalkers F for flashlight LUL behind u dude use flash light for fuk sake monkaS B E H I N D !uptime @Austinquesnelle, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 50 mins f for flash monkaS well im glad im a sub now. :D yesss russsttttttttttt f flash light MonkaW always do this F TO DANCE go into the cave but watch out for the hole with the spicks d for dash f oh dear rip :( F uff thwy want that nb3 butt NOOOO go deeper in noooo F RIP F how did you get the sar so fast? xDDD fukkkkkkkk fuck so glad ur still playing this game F LUL F PepegaAim LOOOOL u suck same pussies PepeHands RIP ahhahahhaahahahahahahhaa big F F F\ fukkkkkkkkkk BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump LOL D OOF noob F light off man FFF arrows dealing more dmg than bullets xD FFFFF BOT KEKW close FFF so sad they are both 1hp :( FFFFF you are noob man xD PepeHands FFFFFF FFF\F that was dum they aint die from those bullet F FFFFFFF F miss a lots shouldve aimed at head level ffffffffffffffffffff Really not allowed you really are the worst:D headshot them ol what check combatlog type in combatlog in f1 console f @Nightblue3 do combatlog to see how many hp they gtot LUL lets call that a day @Nightblue3 Bow > Guns Kappa Hacks press f1 type combat log you can see what their hp was how did they not die Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 maybe they bleed play with hutnik! @Nightblue3 fuk this game go league 0,8 TOO MANY PEOPLE yes 0.8 LUL GG bed time 32 hp yeah LMAO wtfffcc one was 0.8 other 40 xD KEKW KEKW hahahahah YOU SHOULD'VE JUM0 TO THE HOLE MAN THERE IS A HOLE IN FRONT OF YOU hahahahaha so he probably got downed 0 hp sadness thats from before nice game try to go there agian with a bow the other guy 12 hp unlucky kromiaPout run back there fast yeah maybe he died no? go grab them minustb subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing minustb! PogYou minustb has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype FeelsStrongMan these two guys were the same that camp your house, with that big black stuuf he through to you reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! maybe both died good game <3 byeeeeeeeeeeee Thanks for the HahaDoge @minustb time to sleep Kappa ok bye XD nooooo goodnight man fun stream nb MercyWing1 PinkMercy MercyWing2 DUOOOOOOOOOO i just got herrreee Any time my guy <3 league? DUOO TMR love ur vids btw @Nightblue3 respawn at our bag first it's called "free stuff" bye bye bye monkey nb3Clown clown ya tomorrow @nightblue3 we want to see you duo w/ someone man Thanks for the HahaDoge @minustb goodnight :3 gg CY@ bye cy@ bye bye peaceeee byeee bye Gn cy@ cy@ bai ye YOU SHOULD'VE JUMP TO THE HOLE MAN THERE IS A HOLE IN FRONT OF YOU bye yeyeye byez Bye bb o/ <3 <3 <3 <3 bb good night byee lmao @Nightblue3 Could you get someone you know to play with you? Its annoying to watch the teamup against you cya AYAYA always finally Nightblue3 is now live! Streaming League of Legends: WE KILLIN IT a nb3Saiyan PowerUpR yo Yo yo yo yo yo uffff Ayaya hello hola Yo Hi hallo yo man holita Finallyyyyyyy chale Yo Let goo its 6am wtr De pana How’s the cat it's 7 am man NB3 never the same nb3Cool nb3Cool nb3Cool Yookoooooooo Hey guys MORNIN! It’s actually 11:30 pm guys nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown 12:21 am night stream at you r place uncleb5Dab lialiaEZ nb3Give no 6am morning everyone 7:21am 2:21 am en chile 7 am Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 6am here CoolCat 11:30 pm @kittensgoesmeow Yeah but like you know it is what it is nb3Aim nb3Thump morning is relative 11:21 pm here play rust NIGHTBLUE PLAY HALO @kittensgoesmeow tx? PLAY HALO PLZ yes continue rust man 6 20 AM IN SERBIA Well looks like I'm staying up ew an ad RUST 1.21P rustttt NB3 play me in chess! HALO HALO HALO league of legends ! NIGHTBLUE CRUSH SOME PEOPLE ON HALO rust 12:20AM over here rustttt Terraria sale su rengar 🙄 1:21PM i taiwan HAAAAAAAAALO rust bro Sup Any Malaysians?? same @hashiyo Massachusetts hbu? tokyo drift PogChamp rust rustttt @zx20097422 naisuu @ New york N B 3 yasU yasU yasU yasU @pawgurs ny boxBob TwitchUnity TwitchUnity TwitchUnity 6 : 22 am good morning o/ dude WTF are you serious its 06:22 in the morning in Germany nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis early stream PogChamp 6.23 am here bout time we started to feed bois crushhh some nooobs time doesn't matter where u r Kappa ruuuustttt 12 am @hashiyo naisuu always wanted to go especially around Christmas time 1:23pm here xD cruuuuuust league pls 6:23 al rusttttttt 0:33 h3re lol Kappa Kappa Kappa 11:30 Alllll the timeeeeees lol yasW_HF yasW_HF go to sleep Kappa playyy rust dude 10:30pm superior time here hello chat 1:23 also rusttt?! RUSSSST OWO nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype 12:20 am over here in NY league plzzz not rust rofl 8:23 here 6:23 am in Denmark !points @666DemonJester, 666DemonJester has 56740 points and is rank 6/3214782 on the leaderboard. He don't care about us from eu anymore PepoThink rust pls nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype good morning everyone, 6:25 in Hungary song? league Er hat wirklich kein Verständnis für die deutschen Zuschauer nb3Baka nb3Baka it's 1 24 in my place Philippines btw 7:24AM HERE FEELSGOODMAN rust WAKE UP ITS TIME TO GO TO SLEEP! nightblue gonna be eating plebs in halo HeyGuys 00:24 PJSalt PJSalt lets get it 💪🏻💪🏻 KappaPride why so fucking late @Nightblue3, I am waiting for your stream OuO @Nightblue3 bro how badly did you fk your sleep schedule do you have any Idea what time it is? Pog Where is my mans NB3 at stream is kill I’ve got the poops pretty bad yasU let's go nd5 late night stream, 7:30in the morning here... Kappa BrokeBack nb3Gasm @zefrous yo trrruuueee song! widepeepoHappy I nb3ND5 nb3ND5 @4thelolo I have the lack of poops @4thelolo wHaT?!?!? LUL Why are you steaming at 9:30 I’m at work How long? 11:25 pm here Kappa @elitefrozon why not? Turn off stream HES AT WORK TOO FrankerZ oops caps it's 12:25 here I'm also at work and need some free entertainment DansGame TPFufun late nights spent well am Same nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA yasW_HF rust I’m suppose to go to sleep early Mexico and you? play rust like last nght nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Saiyan nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Fail nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown I bet he slept til like 7PM or something KEKW HolidayOrnament But now I have to watch nb3 play rust wolfBaby wolfBaby wolfBaby HYPERS HYPERS Greattt He is doing his hair LordEggsquatt subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Thank you for subscribing LordEggsquatt for 5 months! PogYou MercyWing1 RaccAttack MercyWing2 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! play rust Kappa W OMEGALUL RK Scary strum tonight 510 HOMIES IN THE CHAT LETS GOOOOOOO peepoClap stream PowerUpL Kappa PowerUpR LETTTSS GOOOOOO HOWS IT GOIN EVERYONEEEE wolfBaby wolfBaby wolfBaby wolfBaby wolfBaby wolfBaby 1:25pm here Kappa Squid1 yasU Squid2 Squid4 Greece here, getting ready to work Bruno Mars of League hi PogChamp PogChamp Anyone miss the ark streams I GOT NO SCHOOL TMRW CUZ TEACHERS ARE ON STRIKE Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 DBstyle BOOON rust pog <3 NB3 fav streamer Earth nb3Hi nb3Hi nb3Hi NIGHTBLUE BETTER PLAY HALO Anyone wanna play destiny 2 tho nb3Saiyan nb3ND5 play rust !followage @Qstrich, qstrich has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 4 months 18 days 12 hours Ori Ori Ori Squid1 Squid2 yasU Squid4 GIVE US HALO MercyWing1 DarkMode MercyWing2 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 nb3Hype nb3Hype nb3Hype Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 TheThing nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 KEKW SeemsGood luvelyEvil luvelyEvil PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR MY BOYYYY NB3 LETSGOOOOOO ayayaaaaaa <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3nightblue3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 OhMyDog Kappa PowerUpR SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood FBPass yasW_HF FBBlock Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 @elitefrozon I just got done playing for a couple hours with my friend lol KEKW 4Head Any rust tonight? Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa gud sh!t nb3Hi nb3Hi nb3Hi !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at pepeJAM CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit nb3NANI nb3NANI Any cuties? PepeD BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown AYAYA Clap Ooh this is the Rafiki song CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP @warmedcorn Lol haven’t played destiny 2 for over a year just got back into been grinding warlock for 2 weeks to get 950 PowerUpL BrokeBack PowerUpR !followage @GamerJames1019, gamerjames1019 has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 11 months 4 days 14 hours me want die kidd play rust !song Is nightblue playing rust tody? Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM YO lialiaQQ lialiaQQ lialiaQQ lialiaLUL lialiaLUL lialiaFail l\nb3OMG nb3Thinking nb3CYA nb3Boosted nb3HA nb3Bad nb3Saiyan nb3Gasm nb3Stare nb3Cute nb3Feels nb3LUL nb3FF15 nb3Thump nb3Happy nb3Notlikethis nb3Ten nb3FF15 nb3Thump nb3Feels nb3Cute nb3Stare nb3Gasm nb3Wink nb3YIKES nb3GG nb3MonkaS nb3Hehe nb3Kiss nb3H nb3WOW nb3Potato nb3Shrug nb3Aim nb3Lick nb3Chimp nb3Drool nb37 nb3Mad nb3Hi nb3Lewd nb3XP nb3Pepe nb3Meh nb3Blush nb3What nb3Hug nb3Hug nb3NANI nb3Clown ppOverheat KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Spam play rust @Nightblue3 has a tiny penis this used to be an ARK stream FeelsBadMan Lol HI NB3 play rust boi HeyGuys Maybe he’ll never notice VoHiYo PogChamp PogChamp rusttt O_o nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim pepeJAMJAM AYAYA clap AYAYA HYPERCLAP @sebaelazulgrana I wish he tried the bosses dad pepeJam maybe he'll play a bit after league? rust rust rust Play rust NB3 play rust nb3Aim song? Please play Halo Will you play Rust tonight? ppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheatppOverheat rust can we start PLAY RUST 4Weird RUST HYPE play rust boi @elitefrozon dude same here. Ive been playing for the past week or so. Got my warlock to 904 today Rustttt !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Play ark tho nb3Aim nb3Thump ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 I hope he'll play rust, it was so fun to watch yesterday AsexualPride HolidayOrnament LesbianPride NonBinaryPride PansexualPride HolidayPresent FBPenalty MercyWing2 IntersexPride HolidayTree MaxLOL TransgenderPride FBChallenge FBBlock HolidayLog TwitchRPG BisexualPride MercyWing1 SoonerLater PinkMercy FBPass FBRun GayPride FBCatch GenderFluidPride HolidaySanta FBSpiral GunRun HolidayCookie PixelBob FailFish DAESuppy ResidentSleeper FUNgineer 4Head HotPokket <3 :) :D :( :Z >( B) O_o THE TIME HAS COME yooooo surt yooo wud up ppOverheat RUST MAN HolidaySanta Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 NIGHTBLUE PLAY HALO Yeaaah rust! rust RUST hi RUSTTT aloha OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog 5:30AM bruh rustttt PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Rust I hope he does suck today Yooooooooooooo peepoHappy pleaseeee RUST not me :) RUST ahhhh bushhhhh so what if rust after RUSTTTTT PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp hello LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PLEASE RUST MAN buena choro mota Most people are here for rust tbh league @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? @warmedcorn getting to 900, is nothing. After 900 is a pain in the ass rust is lame and nightblue has a hairy vagina rusttttt herpes not me :) leeaaaguuee NB3 GOTTA PLAY RUST WE'RE GOING TO BED SOON HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO HALO @Nightblue3 hows the kittys rusy YOU MAKE US ADDICTED TO RUST Herpes dansGame im waiting for some rust actions GivePLZ pastaThat rust LEAGUE PLSSSSS HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys coldsoare? jk we all want league Leeweeague RRRRUUUUSSSTTTTT leagueeee play rust I ACTUALLLY ENJOYED SEEING YOU PLAY RUST lol been giving brojobs Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa it was so funny man rusttttte we loved the rust gameplay yo @nightblue3 what happened to your hair bro? RURURURURRUSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTT @nightblue3 I’m here for you only bb nb3Blush DansGame Herpes DansGame RUST Nightblue3 gifted a Tier 1 sub to DarklyUZI! yeah we want rust! Thank you for subscribing DarklyUZI for 18 months! PogYou herpes reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! How’s the cat ND5 what pc you have? yesssss LEAGUE 2? 2? r? ru? rust? rust? RUST? woooohoooooo league houghts on reworked Diana jungle? so fuck themmmmmmmmm say hi just league pls So there is rust today POG BrokeBack rusttttt league herpes DUDE WHEN U PLAY RUST True I love your hair WHY IS THERE NO HALO GAMEPLAY RUST ASAP wtf is this streaming time DansGame i wish i could be a mod Zombiekilin101 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Zombiekilin101 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Zombiekilin101! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MY CARD GOT DECLINED MATE how long will you stream for? GOOD MORNING GAMERS 745 HOMIES IN THE CHATTTT WHATS HAPPENIN nb3NANI nb3NANI yeah, how are the kitties? ❄️ KEKW ! uptime LilBoofieLOL subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Yo, Back for the Aphelios gameplay Thank you for subscribing LilBoofieLOL for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! !uptime !watchtime @tomrangabull2, nightblue3 has been streaming for 11 mins 51 secs Hey I’m a mod there just isn’t a symbol trkG Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? Hello night blue ANTOBIOTICS ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ScaredyCat ANTO POGGGUUU 800 HOMIES POGGGGG GG Wow aww >( poor kitty BibleThump ScaredyCat ScaredyCat awe! :( D: WHEN U GONNA PLAY RUST BRO ohh poor kitties hello my love ppOverheat My aunt has cancer BibleThump thoughts on diana rework lol @Nightblue3 how r u dude! i hope they get good soon @Nightblue3 SENPAI!!!!!!!!!! !watchtime GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ they will get better uwu Your kitty need a boyfriend!! Play RUST Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? i HOPE they get good soon BibleThump I think you have to play rust to make sure noone raids your base LUL D: Thats with eye is almost normal for every cat. I had same "problem" With medicine it is gona be fine after couple of day forsenCD I hope he is bad so people dont ban him so i can play him POGGERS APHELIOS IS SHIT @Nightblue3 Do you have pet insurance? 900 HOMIES POGGGGGUUUUU Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm nb3Give DxCat <3 late stream, so like 3 game stream? nb3HA nb3HA nb3HA someone gift me a dub im poor Perfect LOVE U BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? pepeD ppOverheat i love you Aphelios is jhin on crack love u :) !commands @camilo23 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at nb3Cute Commands list: nb3Cute :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Do 3 hours of league, 3 hours of rust COULD YOU PLAY A LITTLE LESS LEAGUE I HAVE AN EXAM TOMORROW AND I REALLY WANTED TO WATCH YOU PLAY RUST :( :( :( nb3Ten !time yes no lol no we like the snake maybe ur viewer count was higher when u streamed rust forgottenreaper0 is gifting 2 Tier 1 Subs to Nightblue3's community! They've gifted a total of 8 in the channel! forgottenreaper0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ImagineTrolls! Thank you for subscribing ImagineTrolls for 3 months! PogYou Kaisa still better uwu reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Just Ahri death is better forgottenreaper0 gifted a Tier 1 sub to salkys! nah ur weird :) Thank you for subscribing salkys for 7 months! PogYou VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea pepeD ahri death Kreygasm Kreygasm teemo with omnistone let's Goooooooo cassio jungle with conq Moe scream ? ekko is busted song name? .. how many people here are struggling with school rn boxBob boxBob boxBob boxBob kekkkkkkkkk league is low key dead hopefully no one raided your base rust is content lol Kreygasm nb3NANI nb3Clown nb3CYA nb3Ten nb3ND5 nb3Boosted Riven main btw and she sucks atm ... marry cassio voice a actor POG @Elderfeather1 you're dumb, he just started kekw school? lol im 31 you're into moe?? wtf @Nightblue3 nb3ND5 nb3Saiyan nb3ND5 nb3Saiyan nb3ND5 nb3Saiyan nb3ND5 nb3Saiyan nb3GG nb3FF15 nb3FF15 nb3FF15 ok kha yoe? !start @Nightblue3 Bro get pet insurance if you don't have it. My cat just cost me 10k in vet bills and thank God I had pet insurance olaf game? @Nightblue3 IT WAS FUUUUUUN MAN AND YOU WERE ACTUALLY HAPPY IT WAS REALLY SOMETHING DIFFERENT will you play warwick for us @Nightblue3 LUL @Sorcerer_of_light7 i meant more than usual KEKW play it ppOverheat HAHA hahahahahaha eu server down im sooo sad @Elderfeather1 also not true KEKW @Nightblue3 You ever go to music festivals? and or ever hear of Moonrise? XD cmonBruh WHAT cmonBruh LOL KEKW bannned @Sorcerer_of_light7 IT IS KEKWWWWWWWW ah damn lol XD @nightblue3 what are the odds you do a PC give away with ur sponsors, my broke college student ass can barely run 50fps all low settings on mid 2012 MacBook :( nunu jg here we go?? cmonBruh woah BANNED whattt yeah people on rust dont give a damn i didn't see that lol poggggg @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? @Elderfeather1 2k rust 8k league KEKW haHAA yee haw night Yee ha Pog Alx_Fox subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! KEKW Thank you for subscribing Alx_Fox for 3 months! PogYou !points reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 24510 points and is rank 90/3214793 on the leaderboard. ekko rammus olaf ? @Nightblue3 no please no Damn, I was hoping to see you play against TSM Evolved yi EKKO PepeLaugh VI Pog VI Its not bad honestly not as good as ark but making a fleet of ships is fun why no code vein @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Bro get pet insurance if you don't have it. My cat just cost me 10k in vet bills and thank God I had pet insurance because I only had to come 4K out of pocket instead of the whole 10k. olaff game OLAFFF @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? iceblock0630 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 4 month streak! yooooooo love you man keep up the good work bush head widepeepoHappy Thank you for subscribing iceblock0630 for 16 months! PogYou dude my rewards from chile reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! I want a bad KAH ZIX game not worth to play atlas other skin! @nightblue3 Don’t forget to try out the lethal tempo warrior Master Yi! hey sensi @Nightblue3 You like music festivals? ever hear of moonrise? pet insurance ? lol wtf that cat have HahaDoge 阿記 subscribed at Tier 1. 阿記 (louisweng1205) has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing 阿記 (louisweng1205)! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @Nightblue3 I'm in the UK so I'm not sure what it is in the US. Cost me 27 a month for my cat and it covers 6K per condition. I'm going to the school tomorrow monkey Yo POG poggg rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco rubiusAsco @Moobot F you thats similar to aus <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 it on steam? @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? H A L O P O G nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI @nightblue3 code vein stream, I wanna watch you play anime dark souls 😂 Are you Lebanese? CODE VEIN? We don’t talk about ODST SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA rubiusAYAYA KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD did you already try the riot card game? Are you Lebanese asian letters lul 6 @Nightblue3 would love to game with you some time. My games are LoL , Ark, and Rust. Lets run a wipe on ark sometime. Anyone else interested add me on Discord Dcon#1192 Are you Lebanese?? Anyone rich enough to donate my broke ass a half decent pc :( @nikefalcon j think you mean lesbian no no thats fraud NO no cause it wont register no open enrollment lmao @Nightblue3 what do u think about VI afterschock insurance fraud no hahahah preconditions are not covered no @nikefalcon yeah his origin is lebanese @shfifty Crippled his arm so it had to be amputated and then he ate one of my sons toys and it destroyed his intestine fraud fraud The insurrance will be mad expensive no thats what they call a scam no KEKW oh shit NOT TODAY Stream snipe insurance lol @Nightblue3 Can you buy fire insurance if your house is already on fire? insurance fraud PauseChamp no no u cant you go to jail if you do that they dont let u do that They don't take it from sick people :) @Nightblue3 usually your insurance has to approve the surgery before you can have it... so you have to have insurance before pre existing "conditions" are not covered you can only get insurnace during open enrollment or if you have a life changing event @Nightblue3 If you can find a company to give you insurance. Most will give you a physical and you won't pass that. can you get auto insurance after you get in accident? Insurace man Will you play Rust after league tonight? MEDICAL RECORDS U IDIOT thats not insurance fraud TriKool they do a health screen LOL AMERICAN HEALTCHCARE SYSTEM POG HAHAHAHAH They investigate that shit LMAO no.............. @LoTuSxBLaH holy smokes prayers for ur kitty For insurance you usually first have to pay a certain amount and after a cap insurance starts paying a large percentage they seeee the diagnosis from the billing docteor I don’t know I live in Canada DendiFace Why they are talking in french xdxdxd lets play rust bro plz That's a negative @Nightblue3 u need to have had insurance for a year for them to cover costs of anything @Nightblue3 It'll either be WAY more expensive than worth if they cover it, but they wont cover it most likely surviv... ResidentSleeper no doctors come to check you befoe signing I’m Lebanese too represent U have nedical records haha u stupid :D @nightblue3 pre existing conditions not covered it won't happen. @Nightblue3 When you get the pet insurance it doesn't kick in for almost 3 weeks to make sure you don't try claiming anything that happened before your insurance activates they ahve to get it pre approved then yes the insurance company requests health information usually Is Swain and naut bot op? is this eu? that's what everyone says and then gets caught KEKW and that shit takes forever YOU HAVE TO DO A HEALTH SCREENING TO GET HEALTH INSURANCE TO DISCOVER PREEXISTING CONDITIONS. THEY DONT COVER CERTAIN THINGS ON THAT INSURANCE yeah @Nightblue3 insurance won't cover a pre-existing condition thats fine then you should buy insurance becaus they can't catch you @nightblue3 its against the law not to reveal that information to them Insurance asks what kind of risk you have. Have you seen a silent voice? And if so did you like it? they have a health check before signing the insurance contract @shfifty Thanks man, he's fully recovered now thankfully. its grey If u have diseases/need surgery/wtv insurrance will be really fuckin expensive. and theres usually a fidellity period of 12 months. It is never worth it. that sounds good There is a period that you need protect @Nightblue3 Enrollment periods and pre-existing conditions. Stops exactly what you are referring to. it depends on what country but yeah yeah u can insurance cant deny you for preexisting conditions now @Nightblue3 you will have to have bloodwork physical done if iti s not part of employer insurance companies usually do investigations yeah Good call LEGAL but they will charge you a lot new camera angle? u need to have had insurance for a year for them to cover anything @Nightblue3 what is this pathing bleh ye When I got my insurance, they asked me if I did any extreme sports like skydiving as long as you don't lie about your health while applying it depends on what country but yeah , Medicare for all, EZ fix it depends on what country but yeah . Depends on insurance company @nightblue3 sort off, if you have not being diagnosed yet it would tech not be pre existing it depends on what country but yeah - it depends too No.Its ok it depends on what country but yeah ' @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? @Nightblue3 why are you doing the same clear every game ? If you they prove that you had the info about your illnes that require surgery, they will sue you. yes I think even state to state it could vary !stream time lmaao Can you turn music down maybe? IT IS IF YOU ARE WEALTHY KEKW that some good shit !stream time The country of California I literally sell health insurance. You dont get any health screenings before applying They want to make sure your not sick, and make sure your never sick Kappa what?? @Nightblue3 go to canada and get that for free "for free" lol KKomrade lol @Nightblue3 your liberal is showing Canada has universal healthcare but that sucks Soy un licenciado en ciencias de la salud y puedo decirte personalmente que no sé inglés @umaviate No screenings, but don't they ask you questions about your current health? no one wants to work just for others to be gifted their earned money @Krowop he doesnt live in canada, so it is fo free America is the worst first world country for anything health related @Nightblue3 When you get the pet insurance it doesn't kick in for almost 3 weeks to make sure you don't try claiming anything that happened before your insurance activates. When my cat had to get his arm amputated he wasn't covered, I instantly covered him because that cost me 4k. Then a little over a month later he ate one of my sons toys and needed surgery on his stomach and intestine that cost 6100K which was covered by insurance since I had it already. America has the best healthcare system in the world. All the best medicine and treatments come from the states. "Free" healthcare is not free. No, you just missed what up rabia !uptime @GiorgosN007, nightblue3 has been streaming for 22 mins 3 secs @macavalia Except that it has the best treatements.... Here in sweden we have free health care and free college, university etc. @Alucard4469 Very true. In terms of quality, US is superior than most PogU Here in sweden we have free health care and free college, university etc.. Danke für HahaPoint @iceblock0630. @Toxxien and 50% tax rates it does not have the best treatments Pog pOG pog @macavalia my life is priceless, America no doubt has the best doctors POG he just flashed over wall @LoTuSxBLaH time for u to get a new cat pOg how tall are you? whens rust @jaxdamere Thats what I was about to say Pog nah pooooooooooooooggggggggggggggggggggggg it depends on your income ez there trick dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog Pog cleano no it doesnt lmao LittleSkinsk subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing LittleSkinsk! PogYou LittleSkinsk has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @mahbikenow Nah he's good now, lmao @Nightblue3 Thoughts on reworked Diana jungle? woof great song EZ Clap @Nightblue3 no map cover? ♿ RANK 1 ♿ COMING THROUGH ♿ its between 18% to 50% cap Pog Valeu pelo emote HahaLean, @littleskinsk !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at @Toxxien No you don't, it's not free. Nothing is less efficient than government ran anything. @macavalia What other country has better medical technologies? no sylash dashed ?yeah no map cover? @Nightblue3 Good play nb3! @nightblue3 whos your top 3 junglers right now? Here in greece is 8 the morning good day i'm going to sleep bye @qstrich they ask about if you have any current conditions whether it be physical or mental but they dont get into specifics. Canada HahaLean HahaLean HahaLean @Nightblue3 day or night? whats best for soloq? @macavalia OMEGALUL early 2000 rock we have private clinics too @Toxxien Feels like you're being punished for earning more doesn't it? POGGERS D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE D CANE it depends whens rust?? if you know how to work around it monkaW wtf wtf @umaviate Are there any reprecussions for lying? then its not that bad @Nightblue3 why u changed ur schedule timing @nightblue3 that was no dead. it was a fast teleport soloThumbs WTH? if you dont think that you have no knowledge on the subject eat the fence NA PING hashLol nb3YIKES KEKW KEKW KEKW @Nightblue3 Where is your damage? RIP season 10 baby wtf u doing? KEKW Kappa Estás muerto compañero level difference OP !uptime @Altealiz, nightblue3 has been streaming for 24 mins 51 secs R.I.P. @Nightblue3 yikes i com on stream to see the prelude to the gray screen they botlane is level 4 when mid is level 6 where the fuk u playn? @Nightblue3 Your fizz sucks Feelsbadman Swain adc?? PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG nb3GG R.I.P Kappa XD PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG PLAY THE DOG What it do baby DCANE Have you seen a silent voice and if so did you enjoy it??? I don't Sylas should be able to steal an ult if the champ hasn't reached 6 yet !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at overlord uwuwuwuwu hu PLAY WARWICK hi Overlord FeelsOkayMan Overlord PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE NGE? guys hes fking in game stop requesting champs haha fking Pepega overlord overlord its OP3 Overlord fgm play an olaf game! @Nightblue3 overlord bby fiddler on the roof i think Who couldn't know ? Morning Rabi3 Voracity PogU weebs DansGame If you think America has bad healthcare, your wrong. If you think America has Affordable healthcare, your wrong. woops wrong chat yoink my xp TriHard ur getting ghosted LOL Why are you running I got now da notification of da live ahah, good morning from Italy @nightblue3 @workeatsleep NAh, right chat PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE hello from Paris HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 @Nightblue3 what runes do you run? !uptime @TeemoDoinHisjob, nightblue3 has been streaming for 27 mins 20 secs overlord ? It smells like up dog in here! this song from shrek where the fuk u playn? YURI RAID PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE good night from Chile smash mouth KEKW Haz la cama bro YURI RAId Paris was ass cheeks @Nightblue3 what do u think about VI afterschock EU Pog same. Venice Italy looks amazing hi from romania selling pot Kreygasm good morning from belgium! they like pineapple on pizza good day from iran @Nightblue3 ur missing out a lot mate EU KEKW EU KEKW eu>na bro Shithole italy is dreamy paris country KEKW !uptime @michaela_wong, nightblue3 has been streaming for 28 mins 10 secs @double__chins cmonBruh Yuri Raid @Nightblue3 amsterdam paris rome baby Hola desde madrid no sé inglés morning from italy's neighbor, croatia italy is shit guys ahahah good morning from greece PBE? rust after this?? :o @Nightblue3 how do you like the new My Hero season? PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE @xcm31 hi Paris overrated go to the french country side castles instead come to sweden @Rexsan_ anda a acostarte men I dont know about italy but Norway is cold af rigth now -12 c WutFace eu 0-6 finals LUL was just in Venice last week it flooded WutFace WutFace WutFace @Nightblue3 check out Adriatic coast in Croatia :) WutFace @Smooke_h2 tengo examen Where is lea-chan? runes? no it sucks PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE pepega yes more more Clap PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim way better than the actual song twitch sing? gm @jokerlegend84 @Nightblue3 WOULD YOU WANT TO COME TO NZ? yea please PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE wPLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE Kappa more best singing donkey na DansGame single man spam WeirdChamp# good morning from Belgium! BloodTrail @Rexsan_ damn, ánimo uwu sing dude cmonBruh Moree Moooooooooree Moooredee @elder_dragonn WeirdChamp vinland saga Kreygasm woah edgy @elder_dragonn you come on the wrong stream buddy !uptime @ColourMeBoy, nightblue3 has been streaming for 29 mins 10 secs Portugal aka best turistic destiny 2019 PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE u fucked up man kimetsu no yaiba overhyped monkaS go watch trick Can u play kha next game yo wheres senna jungle im finding that more anime sons pls @elder_dragonn haHAA Pineapple in pizza ? You disgusting me you did aphelios jungle, WELL SO SENNA JUNGLE MONKEY PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE PLAY D CANE s @elder_dragonn stfu D CANE!! Kappa . ban this guy lul TRUEEEEE @elder_dragonn You gonna get banned, chill.... WutFace CAN YOU PLS PLAY D CANE NEXT GAME mkay @Nightblue3 is your internet good now? Pineapple on pizza nb3Gasm DansGame DISGUSTING i did. its disgusting Shelter Pog tobiasBAD KappaPride PEOPLE OVERACTING WITH PINEAPPLE KEKW its good on bbq chicken pizza and hawaian style pizza gunna chill >.< Tomato is also a fruit. Pineapple BBQ chicken pizza. Best. @Nightblue3 tomato is a fruit already HAWAIIAN agreed I have tried it and it sucks lol PINEAPPLE PIZZA IS AN AFFRONT TO GOD its really not bad Sure. Take sugar ( daddy ) and put it in pizza then @Nightblue3 I see u are a man of culture EZ isnt nunu the best jungler rn?Xd tomato is a fruit tho pineapple on pizza is great, a little sour taste Kappa not always @nightblue3 dont you spout that blasphemy Do you like Avocado on Pizza my biggest problem with pineapple on pizza is the texture, not the flavor why don't rush tabi? i put semen on my pizza this song deserve an anime version its just a meme lol its actually not bad WutFace it good anchovies on pizza like can we eat what we want LUL What keyboard are you using? Tomato is a vegetable WeirdChamp Any swedes here with your crazy pizzas? Do you like Avocado on Pizza? good morning from BELGIUM ;p BloodTrail ;p Saxman16 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing Saxman16 for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! durian on pizza LUL tomato is a fruit... Well that is a fact ye why don't trinity 1250 item? umm we have a problem here. you did aphelios jungle well then DO SENNA JUNGLE DUDE IM WAITING FOR 10 YEARS FOR THAT TO HAPPEN if you put ketchup in your cereal, you might be a serial killer you hating on tomatoes now? my brother puts breadcrust in cereal KEKW WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE THAT EAT RAW STEAK KEKW chocolate pizza Pog just for the meme that they hate it @nightblue3 have u ate white rice with ketchup Kappa ? @cometflight you mean a cereal killer? Kappa ananas on pizza is like haveing 2 penis and havering 2 orgasms same time @cometflight "cereal" killer Kappa @Nightblue3 How does Ninja Tabis allow you to dive turrets easier? Pineapple on pizza is like Eating Pineapple with rice. DansGame Do you like Avocado on Pizza People who eat Hawaiian pizza pee sitting down @AmanteZ LMAO missed opportunity LUL try red peppers chicken peanuts and pineapples AND mandarin oranges ANY BROTHERS TriHard ANY BROTHERS TriHard ANY BROTHERS TriHard ANY BROTHERS TriHard Are turret shots considered auto attacks? i mean pineapple cmonBruh Do you like Avocado on Pizza? mind isnt working yo wheres senna jungleee @elder_dragonn ive never had that, is it gucci? @Nightblue3 Remeber duoing with trick? plz Do you like Avocado on Pizza senna jungle? !followage Pog @deathwolf200x, deathwolf200x has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 10 months 30 days 20 hours rust?rust?rust?rust?rust?rust?rust?rust?rust? @Nightblue3 play it with trick Sylas literally does no damage lol you did aphelios jungle then go do senna jungle monkey !followage @shadowgamer2545, shadowgamer2545 has been following nightblue3 for 11 months 25 days 20 hours LUL Just upgraded my pc and DAMN we are alive Do you like Avocado on Pizza @Nightblue3 one of the fun stream to be watching this year. thanks for not making it boring. hi from europe XD Do you like Avocado on Pizza? @elder_dragonn WeirdChamp that fiesta lul xD Sylas is such a good counter pick against your team question mark @Nightblue3 Song name? who love pizza Do you like Avocado on Pizza !upzime Pepega Pepega !uptime @Ogmiosss, nightblue3 has been streaming for 34 mins 40 secs @Nightblue3 sylas is pretty big now.... need to CY@ him chat have I missed any zac games? buena wn !keyboard AYAYA song Guys you should try avocado and mustard on pizza oh boi, finally an EU friendly time to play @nightblue3 @noobfarm3r first game bro @Nightblue3 song name? @nightblue3 wheres senna jungle monkey you did aphelios wheres Senna dude he's only got one "bad" ulti in Jayce and even that's pretty good @noobfarm3r nope EW might be good on like a taco pizza it sounds decent idk @elder_dragonn have you tried it to it eat? that sounds disgusting is this ranked?? Kappa kkrazy1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months! Thank you for subscribing kkrazy1 for 45 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! D: like anchovies on pizza yup I'd rather pref pineapple on pizza LUL how to reply? whats that random rock in the middle of the pit LULW of course Thanks for the HahaCat @kkrazy1 WHAT ARE YOU DOING kekw @PepegaAlert sup homie KEKW MercyWing1 MercyWing1 TwitchRPG MercyWing2 MercyWing2 yvonHeh yvonTru yvonGG yvonEZ KAPOW wp pog ! ^^ pineapple on pizza is yum Yall Making me Hungry nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted nb3Boosted damn is he played zac win or lose? na KEKW Sanchovies on pizza? sanchovies Pog wait is nightblue good again??? DansGame np AscendingLibra ???? LUL anchovies on pizza is f'ing disgusting i've tried it eww me to BrokeBack KEKW LUL @Nightblue3 whats ur keyboard? Do you like Lotion on Pizza? KEKW lmao TROUTSLAPPED KEKW Kappa ? anschovies = fish?!?! Do you like Lotion on Pizza fish is not a seafood "trout" LUL Was it a RAINBOW TROUT? slap me wif a fish Kappa SabaPing People who eat pineapple pizza pee sitting down Kappa good thing you don't need seafood to live @nightblue3 are you sure it’s a fish and not a dick? close forsenCD !opgg Do you like Lotion on Pizza? dayum Kappa !rank Yeah, it wasn't great forsenCD S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute Do you like Lotion on Pizza Do you like Lotion on Pizza? forsenCD true WP Do you like Lotion on Pizza pineapple on pizza is 1000 x better than anchovies LUL Do you like Lotion on Pizza? noodles on pizza? forsenCD dubbya p KEKW GILETTE forsenCD raaaaul fizz seems op now gettin carried LOLOLOLOL Pepega it was fizz ganking you Kappa Do you like London on the track? do you like another pizza on your pizza forsenCD Pepega do you like Mr. Clean products on pizza? fries is good af on pizza monkaW scared of a fish lel than take revenge and eat the fish SabaPing HYPERCLAP is that Fizz? forsenCD was it a fish or a penis i like fajita pizza fizz monkaS but is actually funny haHAA funny guys PrideCheers SabaPing Do you like Lotion on Pizza get terapy @nightblue3 do you like pizza on pineapple no Kapp @Nightblue3 LOL the docdiss music POG Also, anything from the sea taste like ass I mean, you got slapped in the face with a trout. Still funny tbh Kappa Kappa Kappa do you like another pizza on your pizza? Damn that sucks, seafood is like half of all the food in the world LUL forsenCD And I eat ass Got touched by a fish o/ forsenCD KappaPride rainbow trout noodles on your pizza? forsenCD / forsenCD PepoG WeirdChamp What go rush NB Do you like Lotion on Pizza? LUL ANY SEE DEARS? Pepega who won the twitch rivals N3 or T1? Kapp D: WeirdChamp forsenCD forsenCD now that you say it's sound like true Kappa Pepega Assaulted by fish Pog bass to mouth RRRAAAUL Do you like Lotion on Pizza do you like another pizza on your pizzaa gl nb3 Do you like Lotion on Pizza? Hey @Nightblue3 does that mean you dont like shrimps? Do you like Lotion on Pizza WutFace babyJesus Do you like Lotion on Pizzaa Seafood fucking sucks what is your favorite pizza shes Rastafarian? Wait POG late night stream try caviar SeaFood gachiBASS Is it the taste or what NB3 your my favorite streamer Kappa fish lives matter @elder_dragonn CAN YOU SHUT UR DUMB ASS UP? dont you eat sushi though put some ham, kebab meat, pepperoni and sour cream called "smetana" thats excellent hangover pizza sees food and is scared? @Nightblue3 You missing out on sashimi @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks Bro eat ceviche It’s so good but, like the fish face? cmonBruh Kappa fizz mid, nightblue get scared !uptime @mcnougat1996, nightblue3 has been streaming for 39 mins 2 secs TriHard TriHard TriHard OMEGALUL Just eat sushi and freak out and you tame fish in ark BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack You don’t like lobsters? can you eat fish from a freshwater lake? lol who ordered the chicken Do you like Lotion on Pizza? LULW LUL Do you like Lotion on Pizza ????? Pepodance Pepega Clap do you like another pizza on your pizza?? LUL CoolStoryBob Ariel is attacking nightblue3 xD @elder_dragonn haHAA Fight a lion on stream, coward take my fish hello nb3 you monkey :D thats fair What about the Cartel? dude i get u im scared of frogs PepoDance what about a lionfish Just overcome it man 4Head Do you like Lotion on Pizza? SUSHI IS GOOD Fight a black mamba Kappa Kappa Kappa ahaha that's interestimng NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis you've had shit sushi then that's just called being dumb KEKW KEKW what is the farm average for jg? it is what about crustaceans Are you scared of Nami? Sushi is definitely overrated some of it is overrated for sure It has to be good sushi, medicore sushi is like so meh Black Mamba is the friendliest snake in the snake kingdom apparently sushi is alright but i agree Lying so hard LUL Kura is real good thoug h Say that with a lion in your face !followage @qehribarr, qehribarr has been following nightblue3 for 8 months 16 days 11 hours Kappa I've never heard anyone spit so many facts as Rabia has in the last 5 minutes @Nightblue3 Go to Mikunis for sushi how do u survive when nami is on the enemy team tho??? @Cookies11 dafuq you sound like lia when you act like that Just like NB3 pretends to like everything else nb3Aim You hate fish but put a snake to your face and you’ll bite. Sounds like your Kappa pride lmao dancepls !playlist nightboomer3 He’s obviously lying LUL morning friends, far and fierce! REFORMED !followage pepeJAM @takleir, takleir has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 9 months 9 days 14 hours HI NIGHTBLUE U MONEKY JUST LIKE BOOMER AIM LAST NIGHT LOOOOOOOOOOL PepeJam !uptime @Madwiiiife, nightblue3 has been streaming for 40 mins 14 secs BOOMER2G COGGERS nightblue slowly losing his mind pepeJam do you like another pizza on your pizza @Lizardan Nightbommer3 LUL depends on the kind of sushi alot of the best tasting fish i have ever had has been caught fresh out of a lake and not from the ocean its delicious BOOMERBLUE# you've never had real sushi from japan if you say that. rice a snack??? Do you like Lotion on Pizza? nice snack is the perfect way to say it Do you like Lotion on Pizza?Do you like Lotion on Pizza Totally agree! bro ofcourse itsoverrated for a guy that doesnt like fish j snack cmonBruh grown ass mconalds meal Kappa WeirdChamp ? salmon goes so hard Eat some fried sushi :( bruh STEAK n TATERS ?WEAIDSA it is overrated too :) like a black mamba? LUL Unless you pay $72 dollars for enough to fill you up TRUE!!!!! sushi trains are life my friend Sushi is insanely overrated W?WEADR CHAGMP boy the salmon on the rice bigger than you What’s this song all raw fish tastes the same LUL man saving the environment @critickail hi josh :DD are you eating gas station sushi have you ever did sushi??? do you like another pizza on your pizza its taste gooood yeah gimmie my chicken tendies LUL @Nightblue3 Go to Mikunis for sushi u crazy we get it....... WEADR CAHMP @areola__grande What's taters, Precious?! naw its great yo james sup g my mom also taste good WeirdChamp ? WeirdChamp ? WeirdChamp ? WeirdChamp ? WeirdChamp ? Try to eat 60 pice it's all about the sauce of sushi its the way its prepered that makes it good you dont like fish why would you like sushi lol !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at Nightblue just started a war with that comment LUL rice is very filling eating gas station sushi OMEGALUL WeirdChamp sashimi is way better D: !watchtime WAERD CAHMP Eat ceviche i mean i like fish ??? He just hasn't had good sushi guys its ok do you like another pizza on your pizza* Nightblue you built like a tooth pick talking about a grown man meal lol get the sushi from 7 11 its 5 stars Your girlfriend is a nice snack, but your mom is the meal :P like salmon/halibut are real good who hurt you Try some dragon eyes Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm you can't compare meat to sushi bro @Nightblue3 u obv eat some shit sushi 13 year old taste palate! MaurGB ceviche is bomb! @webbeast12 Same shit @critickail got time to watch stream cause of class suspension :DD i always dip mine in soy sauce is siracha. Makes it taste better or* james why are you in suspension LOL Kappa LOL libra pepegaaaaaaa thats the move Salmón and tartar sauce tho :ok_han @nib5ter It’s so good Kreygasm You still hitting puberty thats why you think the portion isnt enough @nightblue3 also you havent had good quality fish. Just like good quality steak it tastes x1000 better and memorable 👌 do you like another pizza on your pizza @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef caviar Pog @Nightblue3 try some chicken feet :) weird flex thought the title said "We Krillin it"....dbz hell yeah lol DansGame LULW what does it taste like? LUL Keepo its all about the rice viniger and the how fresh the fhish SIP ? @critickail its a class suspension the entire school is in suspension cause of the typhoon KEKW Do you like black mamba on your pizza? its very rich sip of caviar? oof @Critickail SeemsGood its like eating salty sand ^^ just salty right? cavier is salt Beef and Chicken and Pork baby. Thats all you need This Guy WeirdChamp Caviar is SUPER overrated. It's slimy salt OMEGALUL wtF? It is only hype cause it's hard to get. got caviar on my sandwitches every mornin wtf pussy caviar is just rich people showing off, the fact that it's expensive colors people's perception of it pepehands SALT PogChamp out of range lul @Nightblue3 take those 15 bucks and get some nice meal bro RUST Salt KEKW PauseChamp Not Cavier Scamed WeirdChamp ? KEKW aaaah james i got oyu it taste like ocean water you're right balls salt and cream? KappaPride Just eat mexican food :) yeah its mainly salty @Nightblue3 was it black or red ? my boi rabia out here S I P P I N G caviar Taste like fish sht ( for real ) are they are Eggs? supposed to be really healthy for you i guess salty cucamber like fish eggs tfbPride tfbPride tfbPride I think ur supposed to eat it with something AMEN isnt there caviar on some sushi? @Nightblue3 amen WeirdChamp AMEN lmfao nb3Ten Amen amen its an acquired taste AMEN salty balls KappaPride amennn KappaPride KappaPride @critickail :DD CHICK FIL A SAUCE MAKES ME NUT EW WeirdChamp not just plain caviar sounds about right In South Africa we have sushi buffet for 5 dollors per person buddy Kappa Not Amen BROOOO salty creme OwO AMEN black pearl shit Kappa KappaPride cmonBruh hallelujah RUST cmonBruh McDonalds Signature sauce is better... WHICH THEY AREN'T SERVING ANYMORE amen Kapp wait r u telling me that u didn't eat shrimp 🥺!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cmonBruh chick fille, MURICA cmonBruh sushi buffet omegalul ???? LUL Salty fish balls ? LUL ???????? LUL KappaPride KappaPride nice blast cone Merica NotLikeThis cmonBruh those are the eggs of a fish!! cmonBruh play rust Closed onSundays Bruh WeirdChamp i cant even afford a slice of pizza once a week FeelsStrongMan chick fil a is sss tier fast food KEKW What ChickFilA Are you going to that charges for sauce? BARON KEKW anti elitest! rust waiting room ResidentSleeper McDOnAlds iS BeTteR fish eggys @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef come on nightblue take baroj youreself do you like another pizza on your pizza @Nightblue3 salmon egg with sushi rice is noiceee thou he must be scared of velkoz Kappa caviar makes gordonramsay nut RUST PLS DADDY SENPAI SAMA SAN CHAN or fizz how about swuid im the same i dont eat anything from the sea squid* monkaW monkaw ? Lobster? @Critickail have you ever had canes chicken fingers monkaW scared of shrimp bruh 12 year old taste palate now do u have rust ptsd sushi is bomb what about lobster @Nightblue3 poggers nah uzi but ive heard the legends Imagine thinking you can get ptsd from that do you like another pizza on your pizza its a life goal of mine not a huge fan of squid but i would eat it if i had too i guess lol Beetator subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months, currently on a 22 month streak! go sleep bro Thank you for subscribing Beetator for 22 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! u played too much subnautica prolly lol it is @Nightblue3 Bro PTSD is no joke. Coming from someone who was in the military, it comes in all forms man. Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 but i only eat veggie sushi start slow with fried or grilled fish (tilapia or salmon) and then if you good with that you start moving towards cat fish, calamari, and simple sushis. I still feel bad about the horse he killed to Beetator my boy MEAT KKona shell fish always remind me of insects LUL meat KappaPride @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef no meats I’m allergic to shrimp and I’ll die just to have a grilled shrimp KKona wtf Boi Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 NEVER FEAE JOSH IS HERE force it down likd a brojob Kappa OOPS dude dont force eat LOL FEARµ NEVER FEAR throw the game so u can play rust @Nightblue3 how about puffer fish? ok boomer HAHA like boiling a khazix and eating it Kappa Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 and i oop meat is murder smoked salmon is so good. Def should try it Just eat :) @critickail yeah LUL it's not like middle grade Kappa LUL the guy got slapped with a fish when he was a kid KEKW !uptime @ethandriella, nightblue3 has been streaming for 45 mins 43 secs Overheal is broken @Critickail if you ever go to canes, change the coleslaw for an extra bread just imagine your eating meat, you'll be fine coleslaw sucks balls winnions ya yeet chick filet is murder takes tastebuds 13-15 times before it's a for sure no gg ggwp but their bread fried calamari is really good imo time for rust Pog deathw24Ggez deathw24Ggez deathw24Ggez deathw24Ggez @critickail Not when properly prepared with some Pepperoni PogChamp GG no elder again? nb3Drool nb3Drool nb3Drool nb3Drool agree Critickail... coleslaw is gross ok let me try again GG EZPZ true !uptime @Daarconio, nightblue3 has been streaming for 46 mins 27 secs NEVER FEAR JOSH IS HERE RUST im sorry for illaoi there ya go chic fil a employees will take a buillet for you @nightblue3 prefers sausage over oysters, confirmed he is gays boys, pack it up RUST +50 This was a nice game and all. Soo, are you playing rust now? RUST Pog SPAM RUST IN CHAT Rust time no coleslaw always sucks o/ Lia disney plus is down chat :[ Rust !uptime rust time fuck league coleslaw is truely disgusting @bujielicious, nightblue3 has been streaming for 46 mins 45 secs Seven Nation Army pog good shit Beetator @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef NEVER FEAR JOSH IS HERE Hola Liaaaaaa yes rustt cmonBruh ye we see RUST cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ýe Yeah, see him ^^ JAJAJA XD SPAM RUST POG its rude to refer to your girlfriend as booty CmonBruh booty the homie nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 nb3ND5 chu say cuh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh that's a nut black?! how's his eye? time to horror a teamate @Critickail always, so whats up dude cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh first and last game cuz you gonna play rust cmonBruh RUST RUST OR BUST Pog sex her or the cat @critickail Niah ya just hating for hate , Ya just didn't have good Coleslaw That's all LUL Kappa cmonBruh BABY wavyHug Kreygasm awww no it's not good DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat DxCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat should we laugh? cmonBruh <3 I WOULD DIE FOR YOU widepeepoHappy That new Yummi skin is great dat purrs hey baby @Nightblue3 lol cmonBruh rust now or else rust was lit, but play what you feel rabia :D fuck em PRRRRRRRRRRRRR widepeepoHappy LUL awrrrrr RUUUUUUUUST cmonBruh Looks tasty PLS purr LUL D: aaawwwnn cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO el mocoooooooo RUST OR BUST WeirdChamp RUSST mocoooo im good beet no work tonight so been playing halo PLAY TRUNDLE PLS MAN thats purring try soime fried calamari llol rust just tuned in, what were his secondary eunes on vi? poggg PETA D: PLAY TRUNDLEE @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef rust play ww next game FeelsBadMan @Nightblue3 Don't forget about that pet insurance man Cat saying: rust time ;play Rust! coach rengar? Kappa PLAY REKSAI PLSSSSSSSSSSSS @critickail Halo Is alright Keepo rust cats are the devil pink eye maybe? CALL PETA WutFace What about catfish??? have no sense having you on cam without a nice light CALL PETA WutFace CALL PETA WutFace CALL PETA WutFace im playing ranked in mobile legends. Im sinningggggg YOU HAD SAME NUMBERS YESTERDAY WITH RUST Do you have DOGS @Nightblue3 ? *pet pet pet* fullscreen ? lol its legit 6 am for me, Im supposed to be sleeping I have to wake up in 4 hours leclumZzz BibleThump BRING HER TO THE VET NOWWW peta booty reminds me of scratch from dragon ball RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST @Nightblue3 what happened to his eye? he is rengo he must be cute PanamaGames halo is beast boxBob abuse D: try milking him Onio rings nb3Gasm LUL me toooo Zac, fuck yo stupid ass rust! no time for that shit RUST boi this kid just casually picked his nose on stream rust bruh why cant I type wtf How to go master rust..m UZI TRUE try smoked salmon man. It might change your mind in Czech cat=kočka I think catfish sucks Hi chat :D @Nightblue3 did you bring the cat to the vet yet ? whats your favorite meat if seafood isnt your thing so you don't like shrimps? cyka blyat ANY SUB GIFTERS ? @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef you just need to slap a fish to get out of your ptsd @Nightblue3 Fried fish? buy some light you cheap streamer we already know you are ugly but love you anyway what about a kid rust can u pls suck my dick pls BigBrother WTF WHY IS WEST DOWN NB go Rust Eat ceviche dude you will love it !uptime @victorgiraoc2, nightblue3 has been streaming for 48 mins 45 secs Help me play olaf plss Whats was your rune for vi? GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ @devil0071122 bruh cmon rustt Do you like shau Ming Play khazix broooooooooo RUST BibleThump LULW XD DansGame Rust Or a baby ?! CarlSmile CarlSmile Rust what about a kid ? KEKW you need to go fishing gachiBASS LOL gachiBASS LMAO @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef LUL hahahahhahahhaha POG Play Candy Crash! whos daddy wtf have you had pate? clip that HA... NO LULW you eat ur boogers everyday on stream have someone dress up as a fish and beat them up can i watch maybe ur other cat licked this cat butthole thn lick this cat`s eye >.> LUL At least make him sub first KEKW so no head? mine too please daddy RUST BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump RUST Pog yay Rust!!! cat is kočka in Czech NOPE nope almost the same runes but I take domination secondary !followage @amiroff13, amiroff13 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 10 months 5 days 13 hours Rust PogU ? YEP yep nope play olaf bbq tuna sandwich beats all rust pls nobody wants rust nope yep yeaaa yep nope Are you ready for kids????? NOPE yeaa RUST TIME? PogU Nope Fuck rust yup yeaea no rust Is your gf from Chile? @Nightblue3 is heca reliable in the current patch? RUST BETTER THAN LEAGUE LULW @Nightblue3 why no challanger s9? YEP cmonBruh yeah rust was fun last night rust yup hi from romania league time Pog rust Good morning :D No rust yeaaaaa cmonBruh TriHard Playyyyy khazixxxxx mannnnn whats rauns and items for yi without shojin RUUUUST KOČKA OMEGALUL why so late today MAAAAN No rust, stay on league rust yeaaa Rust pog TriHard PLS NOPE PLAY TRUNDLE FOR ONCE widepeepoSad we all want rust RUUUUUST 1 more game of olaf then rust FUCK RUST! I cant say it enough Good work , keep on cats r evil . no NO WW Nae do a strawpol !uptime no RUST! rust @Smid98, nightblue3 has been streaming for 50 mins 10 secs NO Lmao this is better than NB3 on YT LUL NO NOOOOOOOOOOO yes :) TriHard 7 NO yes END STREAM everybody got choices TriHard VoteNay no RUST OR BUST Pog yes league NOOO RUST PLEASE REKSAI PLS SeemsGood95 Go Diana mid Bi RUST RUUUSTTT YES noo !uptime watcha da music sayin bruh? cmonBruh league of elegends RUST RUST RUST YEESSSSS no no gup no go rust no league HALO LEAGYUEEEEEEEEEEEE play minecraft rust RUST RUUST Rust RUST league rust. Go Diana jg rust nooo LEAGUE Play Candy Crash rust LEAGUE 100% RUST RUST rust League league RUUUUUUUST RUST League League league rust LOL LEAGUE LoL RUST rust yup league LEAGUE league RUST league LOL league rusty LEAGUE LEAGUE rust.. LEAGUE RUUUST league Rust leageeeee League Diana jg league league rust league HALO LEAGUE league RUST league RUST LEAGUE league league league league, fuck rust League Rust leagueleague rust League RUSTS LEAGUE league League league League league League league league rust !uptimw LEAGUEEE rust. NEITHER PLAY HALO Rust RUST Rust! league LEAGUE RUSSSSTTTTTTT LEAGUEEEEEE league lol RUSTTTTTT RUUUUUUUUSSSTTT RUST LEAGUE league LEAGUE rust RUST league LEAGUE Rust or bust League LEAGUE league league HALO league league ! or 2 more game of lol and then rust is both an option rust Rust rust Either League. rust RUUUST rust... RUSSSST RUST LEAGUEEEEE League League rust LEAGUEEEEE Rust LEAGUE League PLEASE DEF league LEAGUEEE league LEAGUE RUSST rustt LoL league Rust lol RUST KEAGUE rust pls league League league Rust RUST LEAGUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE rust LGEAUE RUST league league League! rusttt you need like 1259182750192 gb ram to play rust league League RUSSTS LEAGYE rusttt leage League or rust, doesnt matter league Rust LEAGUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE lol Play league rust RUST league rust league OLEAGUE leagueeeeee rust Lol rust play league leauge Rust RUSSSSSSST LEAGUE BRO HALO! LOL League rust RUST PLEASE League leauge League!!! :) League league league League RUSTS !uptime duo rust so its not fucking low grade finding simulator League League PENIS @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 50 mins 37 secs league league league league rustt play league Rust RUST rust LEAGUUEUE RUST RUST Pog rust Rust Lets GO RUST STREAM!!!!!!! ``` league Rust RUSTTTS RUST @Nightblue3 league league RUST] LEAGUE League VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNayVoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNayVoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNayVoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNayVoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay no u dont lol rust league League LEAGUE league leaguee RUSSSSSSSSST league Rustt YAS RUST league rust LEAGUEUEU rust RUST Leagueeeeee LEAGUE RUSTTT rusttt RUSSSSSTTTTTT LEAGUELEAGUE LEADGUEEEEE leageeee league LEAGUE league LEAGUE RUSSST play league league rust I’m down for either roblox LEAGUEE leagues @Nightblue3 Start a straw poll LEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGUE TA RACE League Play league league PORN LEAGUE rust league league Rusttt RUST league man RUUUUUUST rust HALOS THE MOVE Here for league league leaguee RUST. LEAGUEEE rust rust rust rust leaguee RUSTTTT LEAUUGGUE" LEAGUE RUSSST PLAY HALO LEAGUEE Stay league league League LEAGUE rustt League RUST!!!! MINECRAFT league russt RUST.. Strawpoll leaguie Rust LEAGUEEEEEE LEAGUEE RUSSSTRU rustrsut rust good ruzst leagueeeeee rust 50-50 he says KEKW lwague league RUST If there is a 5 min+ queue go rust @Nightblue3 maybe a quick strawpoll LUL RUST league who cares rust pornhub leagueEE Pleas league Leavue candycrash TA RACE rustt RUST league Nooo rust leauge LEAGUE League RUST! Straw pole rust rusttt leaugue LOL LOL LOL RUSSSSSSSSTTTTT league RUUUUUUSSSSSTTTTT RUST.. Well you're a legend at both, so play what you want. LEAGUE!!!!! MINECRAFT do a legit vote leagueeee rust League leagu EEEE 50-50 my ass rust league Lets GO RUST STREAM!!!!!!! ``` \ Get Glasses its 85% for league EASY rustt U ARE HANDSOME Playyyy leagueeeee RUST leaguu LEAGUEEEEEE LEAGUE ur blind then KEKW RUSSSSTTTTT leagueee #league league END STREAM League Straw Vote RUST RUST LEAGUEEE rusttt RUST.. Nahhh league play league HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALO LUL LUL LUL RUSTTTTTTTTT LEAGUE RUSTTTTTTTTTT LEAGUE RUST leagee RUST RUSTTTTT PENIS RUST. you dont see that,but i'm gay lollllllllllllllllllll POLE Leagueeee LEAGUE RUSTS League Rust straw vote RUST.. POLEE RUSTSTS Rust LAGUE LEAGUE @nightblue3 still doing the trinity rush on vi? RUST BABY RUST laeague PepeHands RUSSSSSSST RUST League RUSTTTTTTTTT ... straw vote nb3 RUST RUSTTTTT @Nightblue3 use strawpoll lol first league later other stuff LEAGUEEEEEE OF LEGENDSSSS The people that want to see rust are TROLLS LEAGUEEEE League RUSTTS LEAGUEE PUBGGGGGGGG lol RUST Play tft rust @Nightblue3 your runes for olaf ? im here to watch league COIN TOSS RUSTS straw votw RUSSSSSSSSSSSSST PÉRO League Straw vote RUST after league play some rust @nightblue3 RUSTS make a pole man fuck this game League. COIN TOSSS RUST Straw rust League RRRRUUUUUSSSSSSTTTTTTT RUSTR HALO Kappa \ COIN TOSSSSS RUST u r great.... LEAGUE OF RUST straw vote PÉROPÉRO RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST RUSTR WHATS THE SKIN ON UR PROFILE PÉRO COIN TOSS RUSTTTTTTS u gotta make pole Minecraft RUSTTTTTT COIN TOSSSS leauge ya mnyk RSUT rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rust rustrust rust rust rust rust league !stream Fuck league!! Rust rusty legends RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST] RUST strawpole RUSSSSSSSSSSSSST Rust of league Minecraft pls ark Kappa l RUST @timbodianwarlord kayle LEAGUE RUSTR League of legends @Nightblue3 is heca reliable in the current patch? RUST y vote you get some light and make that bed RUSSSSST League League is down atm here.. so.. easy choice. BibleThump RUSTTTS This song is pretty funny black desert do something weird in jg!!! !commands @me_and_gay_man -> The bot commands for this channel are available at FK RUSTS nb3Cute Commands list: nb3Cute YUP TriKool CHAT who should he play next? you wont kayle jg EUSSSSSSSSST straw poooool RUS.T Terraria Can u play khazix League RUST FORTNITE yay areaaaaa RUSSSSSSSST RUST.. f TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool Fck league titled game RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST e40 HALO LES GO F Mine that craft up RUST kewe TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool TriKool hahahhahhaha nb3Gasm RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST Broke Nope RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT nb3Hug r u going for clash tourney ? @nightblue3 bring me the horizon RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST noooo !uptime @me_and_gay_man, nightblue3 has been streaming for 51 mins 58 secs RUSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTT STOP saying RUST RUSSSSSSSSST weird pick! instant YouTuber RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSST nnnno RUSTTTTTTTTT i heard Nightblue3 wears diapers KappaPride rust] yesssss RUSTTTTTTT 10/10 YOU WONT PLAY KAYLE JG I’m fine with both nb3WOW Play rust. No RUSTTTTTTTT OhMyDog RUST POG starwars nope.......yoda yep RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT JAGMEET SINGH Leag LULW XD do you will play clash? just kys RUSSSSSSSSSST Can you play love Sosa @nightblue3 League RUST RUSSSST EUW SERVER IS DOWN OR WHAT ????????? Rust yi runes and items withoutshojin pls League RUSSSSTRUST Kappa play rust! you should try friend tilapia with breading. (we usually use a mix we buy from the store and fry it. Taste really good and when i was young i thought it tasted like chicken sweaty bois RUSSSST where's your goddamn beard ? euw is down yeah fuck rust league :/ woohoo Rust !subcount Hell YEA Minecraft! YUP TriHard play OLAFF THE MANDALORIAN The Mandalorian is good MINECRAFT !sub disneyplus is down rn :( SO GOOD It so good RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUSTRUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST RUST WINLAFF have you played urfwick yet? WATCH THE STAR WARS is good show how tf Baby Yoda <3 do a poll its so good the new star war games is so good D: JAGMEET SINGH @Critickail I need to go sleep, I gotta wake up in 4 hours leclumZzz One man one word ok we need to accept your desicion. pole RIP Jagmeet Singh Play Devil May Cry 5? @Nightblue3 is heca a reliable jgler in the current patch? mandalorian is so fucking bad just saying 10/10 YOU WONT PLAY KAYLE JG Mandelorian is hella good would highly recommend bring me the horizon make a pole have fun beet PepeLaugh to better stop stream snipers put a keybind on the map key on obs that will pull up a cover for the map whenever you press it @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef @Nightblue3 Mandolorian is so fking good Dude is 7a.m. disney+ ewww YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT PLEASEEE widepeepoSad sup play trace & mello yours truly !!! hilarious and amazing song ye pokiHA do you have access to the new card game already? we must accept the fact that Nightblue must play Halo @Nightblue3 do you play MHW sir? hey nb3 first time watching ur actual stream love ur vids tho nobody talks about the show its only baby yoda Overwatch @Nightblue3 what kind of Pepega stream time is this ResidentSleeper so the Mandolorian isn't overrated? Chat? FancyPeanutbutter subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! nightblue can you lux jungle? Thank you for subscribing FancyPeanutbutter for 4 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! do you have access to the new card game already?? @Nightblue3 Try StingRAY. it's meaty and delicious what yohr building for yi without shojin I want to commet die I got rekt by hecarim once this patch play rust or i leave 😷 make a pole to settle the madness Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix D: Play Diana jg pleAseee nightblues vids are P O P P I N graves ? yummi jg how is elise in this meta Trundel @nightblue3 Por favor, hace la cama. @nightblue3 play Diana plzzzz how about the new Diana rework in Jungle? YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad please play nunu\ OLAFF hello everyone HeyGuys play nunu do you have access to the new card game already from riot? @Nightblue3 Start with big tuna steaks. It's a lot like beef YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT. widepeepoSad PLAY OLAFFSS WINLAF music Play Devil May Cry 5? @Nightblue3 lee sin Gragaz WW shyv YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAVV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad ww Play Diana jg plz wait hec is a farmer? SHYVANAAA hecarim no gud Keepo We are in a farm meta what r u talking about YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad ZAC is king! I fucking promise it chat! his win rate will just go up Why don't people play naut jungle do you have access to the new card game from riot already? play him ricardoFlick SHYV !uptime top @xRaginMuffinx, nightblue3 has been streaming for 54 mins 31 secs SourPls have you played nidalee Yo play kindred tonight WW @nightblue3 how about predator hec just make it a non stop ganker i jsur run over people with pred SHYVANAAAAAAAAAAA WINLAFf soraka jg SHYVVVVV <3 this musiccccc Go Diana plz @nightblue3 play wukong Kapp OLAF Play nidalee SHYVANAAAAA thredh jng @Nightblue3 than shako should be god according to that logic X @Nightblue3 How do you feel about warrior+trinity skarner? J4 SHYVANA ekko olafffssss AATROX wukong is beast Kapp SHYVANAAAA Baby yoda pog OLAFAFAF @nightblue3 lee sin game plz hecarim please! STINGRAY @Nightblue3 its so cool seeing u play shyvana ive wanted to play her for so long and now i can watch and learn !! J4 can you play fiddle? whats your build on yi without shojin Aatrox ZAC IS THE KING! @Nightblue3 Why is Shyvana good at counterjg but not Hecarim? They only have R as escape @Nightblue3 can we see olaf @nightblue3 nununununununununununununununu CAMILLE why no try nocturne master WINLAF Farmer? KKona AP corki jg lol and elise# lee sin @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? rabia are you playing clash this time around @Nightblue3 Hi dad threshhhhhhh jng god @nightblue3 you wont play kayle jg YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad MALPHITE AA Rengar Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Farmer KKonaW @Nightblue3 many people dont get that you can play anything up to low diamond if you are good with it, meta doesent really matter in "low elo" (below diamond) YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad PLAY OLAF ZAC will be in the meta YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad YOU VE NEVER PLAYED TRUNDLE. PLEASE PLAY IT FOR ONCE HE IS MY FAV CHAMP AND I WANT TO SEE MY FAV STREAMER PLAY IT widepeepoSad WW WW WW WW WW WW khazix Play noc nunu nide Yi game ? I really wanna see kindred tonight warwick Diana rework plz letsss goo kindred PLAY LEE SINNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! @98afk98 shut the fk up kid Camille do you have already access to the new card game from riot DIANAAAA LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN kindred PLay nida;ee? graves he played trundle yesterday TRUNDLE IS A TROLL CHAMP LITERALLY elise? kindred pls??? @98afk98 Bruh stop spamming Rengar PogChamp trundle KEKW Aatrox play olaf Play Elise blind pick lul kindred udyr kayle !uptime @Pievor, nightblue3 has been streaming for 56 mins 1 sec ap shyvana shyv ZAC chat what's wrong with you Legit, olaf basically deserves a ban atm. kindred @nightblue3 Are you going to try out the yi build? do attack speed Hec u get more marks now YESSS Diana plzzz kindred Camille NUNU Pog AD Cassiopeia !followage @Pievor, pievor has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 6 months 11 days 1 hour Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix bro ap shyvana Waldsprenger subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Thank you for subscribing Waldsprenger for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Play some nunu Play Dianaaaa rengar into syndra.... WutFace GREEEEEN yi Rengar PauseChamp pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER HEADBANG !followage @matt1120, matt1120 has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 9 months 9 days 11 hours TRIPLE QQQ try kindred, with jg changes u get more marks now Play nunu @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? change skkn Ap shyvana Nocturn plz triple queeee Into easy stuns KEKW good luck nunu POGGERS nunu IVERN Pog nunu and ivern pepeDS pepeDS NUNU Pog nunu play soraka jungul PogU nunu is fundon't @ me Ivern can you show us a kindred match:D KKool do you play MHW sir? IVERN HandsUp tripleee kyewww rengar vs xayah and syndra ugh get shroud to play league with you i am lee FREE it's the new diana on live? IVERN POGGERS do you like preseason? what's bad about nocturne this patch ZAC that's the prime pick! ivernXnunu can we get a ww game @Nightblue3 Have u played Devil May Cry 5? SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage zac @Nightblue3 what do you think about graves with conquerer? play ap shyvana You should name your cat regnar and throw it on people... K6 is good? gnar any good? i got adopted so im a bald ass league player eve soraka jngal ekshore converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! SHACOO reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! nunu is probably good this meta. good objective control RUST Linkin Park<3 play zac TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG @Nightblue3 i havent really seen your shyvana gameplay, what do you think of her this season WW Dance mrllamaLLA mrllamaMA mrllamaLLA mrllamaMA forget Nasus jung is amumu any good? @nightblue3 El gatito peligroso Can we get ekko NUNU TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG! Saoli25 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Saoli25 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing Saoli25! PogYou STOP RIGHT THERE! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! rusT play diana plz WWW GOOD WORK BRO KEEP ON fiddlesticks! RUST WW PLAY RUST nunu lets go show me tank hecarim! TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG!! play qiyana kindred Camille jungle viable ? RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST he doesnt !followage @Dreamincolr, dreamincolr has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 9 months 7 days 22 hours dr.mundo? Diana rewoooooork PLAY HALO WITH SHROUD Pog TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG!!! Can you name good junglers? Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix ys no lol teemo jg RENGARRRRR just shoot em bud KKonaW what happen too graves jungle.? but I love NUNU FeelsBadMan TEEMO sion What's wrong with noc jg who doesn't want to get good at fps' ? WarWick try ap shyvana ND5 play kindred, with jg changes u get more marks now.!! gladd and destiny? Are you better than Tarzaned? @nightblue3 mrllamaBlind pantheon plz nb3Happy just in time! !uptime @newqt_, nightblue3 has been streaming for 58 mins 1 sec fiddle jng yasou yasou yasou EKKO How can u teach if u suck playing league? play rust with shroud @nightblue3 any zac games tonight? Play Xin zhao winlaf @nightblue3 drop the link olaf pls Hows voli? play ww ARTFUL HAS JOB AGAIN Pog @Nightblue3 Diana pls what happened to neeko jungle? @Nightblue3 can u be educative in this rengar game? i struggle so hard on rengar. olaff pleeeease ww damn pop off Y does no one playing skarner Shyvana Pog ? Nasuss SwiftRage 📣 SHUTUP @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG Rengar conq so boosted TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG!! @nightblue3 I love you nightblue!!! 5 years strong supporter you will always be the best jungler in NA for me VoHiYo TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG! play ap shyvana! Heeey ww i cool dude noc seems pretty good mid and top lmfaoooo Mundo? TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG!!! Reworked Diana jungle? wb ekko, gragas? play ekko kindred WW TAHM KENCH IS SO GOOD JG!!!! @nightblue3 do u think tank junglers are back since the trude dmg removal from conqueror? @Nightblue3 what you think about graves? olaf is the move in this meta qiyana warwick Camille jg good?? Diana !points @heinsberg12, heinsberg12 has 12620 points and is rank 498/3215060 on the leaderboard. what's ur thoughts on ryzen conqueror play ap shyvana!! FINALLY what was that trundle build ww same as rengar How’s Diana jg? WILLUMP @Nightblue3 What three champs would you say are going to most likely be good for this season? neeko D: pepeJAM Is Wukong any good? Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix Khazix try zac? i think hes op OLAF na cam jg kind of sucks Graves? Ivern Lee is good now Camille Is xin good? WHY DO U COME ON SOOOOOOO LATEEEEEEE Malphite @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? pantheon pllzzz @nightblue3 as a ww otp... whats your opinion on him? yi Fiddle stix jungle? How is Diana jg? @nightblue3 sup my guy ZAC hes the new meta! warwick boi Nasus jungle Renekton lol yasuo full cancer mode plzzz Is xin good @nightblue3 You like Diana jg @nightblue3 Aatrox jg MUNDO Yeah, Dr. Mundo! MINCOP hiii this is the first time to use twitch just to watch u man gg PANTHEON PLLZZZ What about graves hi nb3OMG @nightblue3 its 7h20 am where i am ? play her ap I'm a big fan of the videos that artful has been putting out @Nightblue3 Hekarim still good ????? WHEN YOU GONNA PLAY PROJECT A ? play shyvana ap is shyv better ad or ap Zin zhao Ive wanted to play shyvana for so long so now i can learn nb3Cute @Nightblue3 YEAH OLAF Bad apple very good sone WHATS UR THOUGHTS ON RYZE CONQUER @nightblue3 as a ww otp... whats your opinion on him? @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? Mundo is actually strong since the conqueror has no true damage anymore @Nightblue3 !skip How to train your dragon olaf ez win inc normaly olaf win Diana is out? why ru so late @Nightblue3 what about gragas or ekko? try diana after rework @Nightblue3 Teemo wins this matchup Camille good? @nightblue3 why do u have a riot thingie at ur skins and champs ? graves is good if the other team is heavy ad Graves never bad pick olaf wins the 1v1 @Nightblue3 gragas or ekko? Go ap shyvana old graves peepoHappy oh, this is Christina Vee covering Bad Apple, i love her play shyvana ap u lost what do you think of amumu? old graves i loved youre just bad on graves Omegalul @nightblue3 play rust lel kekw even tarzaned thinks graves is dogshit KEKW its because he gives Riot blowjobers for free skinz 10000000 AP SHYVANA What's ur thoughts on RYZE JG Do you think pantheon good enough to reach Diamond +? please take ice drake or championship skinnn <3 VoHiYo Skarner plzzz @nightblue3 why do u have a riot thingie on ur skins and champs Play so shyvana sup "nightblue" remember me? Teemo JUNGLE LUL Plz play so shyvana tcs? Please do Nasus jungle again it works I swear thats true same feeling @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? teemo jg tristana jg is better than graves KEKW PepeLaugh TCS? goodmorning nightblue @Nightblue3 play ekko jungle plz next omegalul!!!! ZAC 20/0/0. I see the future! @Nightblue3 Hekarim still good or not ???? when will u play welcome to the game III @Nightblue3 you ain't tarzaned so much clickbait :) @Nightblue3 Watching from Norway, been a long time watcher. Always a treat tuning in to you NBloo KEKW does atrox beat fiora ? ?? ? ? ? ? PepeLaugh KEKW FeelsBadMan graves actually puts me to sleep !waifu nb3Happy KEKW 2017 nb3 = Pog, 2019 nb3 = KEKW hes so boring I want to play, I'm bored roaming teemo is my style @nightblue3 ur dog shit at every champion tho his style is not killing people Kappa U gonna play so ????? i hate when graves is meta HEY NB3 THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WATCHING UR ACTUAL STREAM LOVE UR VIDS THO Play rust Lel kekw i liked old graves alot more !dj VIEWERS PICK MUSIC HAHA WHAT COULD GO WRONG PepeLaugh why isnt lia HEREEEEE 51 kill yet feels he bad at the champion but euw servers are down.... !skip !music but he was kind of op Nightblue Music Channel @Nightblue3 what's the new clear? @liawaifu lol nice dance shyv i respect that nb3 2017 nb3 = PogU , 2019 nb3 = KEKW any tips about vi route in jgll go ap shyvana play EKKO plz no its 50/50 fiora wins hard hey 51 kills against bots YIKES NOBODY BEATS FIOPRA 1 VS 1 kapp lol for us normies, if you play rust you dont get sleep monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE fiora hard counters aatrox damn love ur streams @Nightblue3 Fiora ZAC 20/0/0. I see the future! nb3What not using prime sub on nightblue 3 wtf TRUE KEKW !points @theycallmemug, theycallmemug has 30 points and is rank 384105/3215061 on the leaderboard. @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? TRUE KEKE i had aatroc blue gromp into blue True TRUE KEKW @nightblue3 tomorrow I'm gonna steal my gf amazing acc pass and sub to you hahahaha @nightblue3 u got me it was a mistake WAY BEFORE I discovered u red KEKW TRUW KEKW imagine not being a tier 3 sub to @Nightblue3 nb3Flex nb3Flex nb3Flex nb3Flex fiora is a counter lul in 2017 NB3 didnt have a face TRUE KEKW @deathwolf200x that 3 year badge so pretty nb3What nb3What nightblue4 is better Do the tommy309 tactics Is rek Sai good in s10 300 IQ \ @nightblue3 how do you decide whether to start blue or red? you build ap or ad shyv 2017 nightblue cy@ 2017 nightblue cy@ 2017 nightblue cy@ 2017 nightblue cy@ 2017 nightblue cy@ AP SHYV you wont he was joking KEKW In 2017 nb3 was challenger too nb3Wink nb3Wink yes yes NB used to squirm when someone said a bad word in 2017..then he realised the only way to keep viewers on is by turnig toxic..and here we are\ Every time you get a kill you type NIGHT BLUE 3 we saw him @angelultraplays Haha i know right lmao So shyvana Ap What about kayn he hard snowballes fast clear but will he be good in season 10 Go ap imagine subbing to NB when he stream 2 times a week lol KEKW this olaf is a psychopath KEKW KEKW KEKW lol PIECE OF SHIT Build ap u monkey PEPEGA BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior KEKW LUL LUL LUL DId he win last game? play shyvana ap na ap shyv is boring imagine spending 24 dollars on nightblue NaM 👌DON'T NaM 👌DO NaM 👌THE NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌HAND NaM 👌GESTURE NaM 👌EMOJI NaM 👌IF NaM 👌YOU'RE NaM 👌NOT NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌OR NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALY NaM 👌OR NaM 👌AT NaM 👌LEAST NaM 👌LITTLE NaM 👌ITALY NaM 👌WITH NaM 👌AN NaM 👌ACTUAL NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌DOING NaM 👌THE NaM 👌HAND NaM 👌GESTURE NaM 👌IN NaM 👌REAL NaM 👌LIFE NaM 👌OR NaM 👌UNLESS NaM 👌YOU'RE NaM 👌TYPING NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALICS NaM 👌MAMA NaM 👌MIA! NaM 👌GRAZIE NaM 👌ARRIVEDERCI NaM 👌 plz ? no NaM 👌DON'T NaM 👌DO NaM 👌THE NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌HAND NaM 👌GESTURE NaM 👌EMOJI NaM 👌IF NaM 👌YOU'RE NaM 👌NOT NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌OR NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALY NaM 👌OR NaM 👌AT NaM 👌LEAST NaM 👌LITTLE NaM 👌ITALY NaM 👌WITH NaM 👌AN NaM 👌ACTUAL NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌DOING NaM 👌THE NaM 👌HAND NaM 👌GESTURE NaM 👌IN NaM 👌REAL NaM 👌LIFE NaM 👌OR NaM 👌UNLESS NaM 👌YOU'RE NaM 👌TYPING NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALIAN NaM 👌IN NaM 👌ITALICS NaM 👌MAMA NaM 👌MIA! NaM 👌GRAZIE NaM 👌ARRIVEDERCI NaM 👌 4Weird yes nightblue3 how do you decide whether to start blue or red? NaM 👌 WeirdChamp pasta @nightblue3 you got my sub as soon as you lock in a zac game weirdchamp Baby Yoda! SONG POG @noobfarm3r it depends on your champion wasted time @noobfarm3r sub anyway @noobfarm3r worth invade his bot whats your jg clear on red side? @Nightblue3 he just cleared his bot go for his in 1v1 shyv and olaf i think olaf win at first but late game shyv ap win i think is worth but I always miss my favorite champ live games waht u think about twitch rivals? was it fun, or was it like waste of time? @Nightblue3 !server daniall293 olaf always wins 1 v 1 vs shyv...but shyv better for the team for sure. Kapp TheMuffinManOP subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! LAg?? Thank you for subscribing TheMuffinManOP for 2 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! you never win that against olaf when euw open? Lionhearted porter robinson for those wondering! monkaS trolling KEKW KEKW @nightblue3 well at least u get ur gromp KEKW lul KEKW KEKW L O L KEKW LMFAO haha KAPPA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO xD KEKW ouchie LUKL KEKW xDD WTF PogChamp KEKW KEKW lol LUL KEKW damn KEKW KEKW KEKW no dmg blue3 DIED TO A FUCKIN FROG LULW LOOOOL cause of talisaman KEKW KEKW KEKW BOOSTED KEKW KEKW AYYYYYYY LMAO PogChamp LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ????????????? hahaahaaha LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL @gavnodi I don't know, I'm waiting it too LUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW its liek another champ LUL KEKW hi LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL AHHAHAHAHAHAHAH xD KEKW hahahhahha Clipped! Ganked by gromp wtf PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL Hahahahahha BOOSTED AF iron? Kappa synapse LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW YEEEET! LUL LUL when is euw back anyone knows? KEKW !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute revenge nocturne woulda won that UWot jg difference Olaf so op @Nightblue3 Ganked by gromp agagaga lol gromp cheese nb3LUL GROMP WANTED THAT ASS kappa full crit build shiv plss they say 5 gmt its 6 30 gmt fck rito DAMN UR NEXT LVL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW GROMP 1 - NB 0 OFC KEKW losing 1 v 1 to gromp KEKW AND THE WAR BEGINS ;;;’’’’’’’’’’’’’’[-[-[p-[p—[-p[-[-[p- jg diff between the nightblue and gromp its very sad Gromp smurfing in NB3 you can talk to us GROMP DIFF S10 gromp Pog shyvana vs gromp.....gromp wins dragon is gone euw down so long FeelsSpecialMan u doody Kappa if you go ap you oneshot with your fireball against olad best counter is udyr bcz of stun and attack speed @Nightblue3 hey man i just came up . what happend how did you die>? i hate olaf he can solo it you wont steal it @Nightblue3 what do you do now when you fall behind when there's no catch up xp? @WensyGG He has said that he doesn't like AP shyv in high elo cause it's too easy to outplay who's lvl 10 lmao dont worry, level is just a number OptimizePrime Kappa Kappa you wont BibleThump You did daniall293 well, hec walks all over him and better for team overall, too. Keepo You used the Blast cone.... euw down pepeClap you did i hope he is trolling... he used the blast cone you will never win 1v1 to olaf !runes xD gg BAITED LUL KEKW Alphazz farming is the only thing. do it efficiently and you comeback harder everybody dead as fuck KEKW die for it like you sadi anyone know where i can find the sub badges... i found them earlier but i cant now for some reason lol you baited her wtf LUL hit the ward for vision 3Head support higher lvl thab jg LUL nice one riot KEKW KEKW baiting whole team to die KEKW NOOB JUNGLE U BAIT LEONA TO DIE FailFish worth You got 1v1d by a janna drake? he grooms teenagers... KhaoticApe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Thank you for subscribing KhaoticApe for 3 months! PogYou :D ??????? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW u gave vision to lucian wtf lol !uptime @momo_mango123, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 11 mins gg next lollllllllllllllll BatChest BatChest BatChest BatChest BatChest GO AP PLEASE Go next KEKW yes :) Cuz u doody Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa alot of grey screen. yes thats what you do @veld0ratempest she was ignited anyway dumbass ohh ap Support higher lvl and 6 fisrst feels very bad man How do you win in low elo when your teammates die every 10 seconds Shes fed af buddy janna op to bad you weren't zac and you could just out easy and regenerate she has like 70-100 AP max... @Nightblue3 Didnt mask your Jungle? Kappa @xdefylerx Get better teammates its preseason and ppl play crazy go crazy GO AP SHYVANA @Qstrich I havea higher win rate in diamond than gold NIGHTBLUE MORE LIKE NIGHTPOO imagine winning jungle against the ''number 1 jungler'' @Nightblue3 show runes IM LOSING IT VVKool CLap LMAO @xdefylerx Interesting ppOverheat sup chat !uptime leo thinks he sucks @damenox, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 12 mins the roaming leo huge bloodrazor Pog @Qstrich Gold has always been my achillis heel. I've never understood how to win it This support tho wow lol 0/2 huge @Nightblue3 what jgl champs u recommend on season 10 in gold elo? thottiana monkaW anyone knows when euw is back? KEKW LULW OMEGALUL KEKW there is way EZ KEKW @xdefylerx It's my weakness as well LUL GG FF 15 KEKW bodied. PogChamp unlucky :/ THIS IS WHY YOU GO AP INSTEAD OF AD haha outplayed hard wow unlucky bruh when did you get so bad? @liawaifu hiiiiii tilted LUL there is much way u press q and then walk a bit He Q KEKW RUST TIME Goodbye thot boosted KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Someone is tilted kekw KEKW JG DIFF TOO HUGE KEKW IM HUGE Kappa its just game dont be mad AP shyvana so much better sad blue :(((( NightBlue0-3 KEKW HUGE KEKW feeder :/ passive nb3Shrug nb3Shrug didnt get ur q off tilted outskilled :) KEKw RUST STREAMER NOW KEKW dont tilt man calm calm down jg diff Kappa anyone can answer me if nightblue3 still have time to get Challenger? its that black magic he does already have botrk @Qstrich I havent played diamond in awhile because i got my diaond account perma banned. but i had a 60% win rate in diamond, I only have a 45% in gold IM HUGE @nightblue3 ur actually a monkey played this matchup earlier went roughly the same maybe you SHOULD go play rust nb3YIKES your HP went to ZERO SadBlue3 :( actual Bronze huge btw LUL angelultraplays lialiaHype Diff feed Kappa 0/3 HUGEEE outclassed pog better player KEKW BETTER PLAYER XD 1% crit s7 op night blue buddy ur building the wrong items 😂 ACTUAL MALD FORMING GUESS A EZ NUMBER EZ BETWEEN 14 AND 16 EZ who remembers the crit rune lel bye cause your doody 0 kill participation jg diff Kappa KEKW NightBlue0-3 KEKW NOT GOING AP KEKW shyv so good this season Kappa i remember crit rune and dodge runes Cmon blue what’s good man pick it up rnnn Pepega trash game bro go rust how does shyv work into olaf so far? HE BORK I don't watch league very much. is this how it's supposed to go?? Run in and die all the time??? weakBam weakBoo weakZled Loser POV FeelsBadMan hyoudou_issei_the_rde subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! AP Shyvana ftw bro it hurts so much more than AD 0/3 HUGE Thank you for subscribing hyoudou_issei_the_rde for 6 months! PogYou KKool reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! He is feed and u r 0/3/0 Olaf>Shiv? !music Nightblue Music Channel Pepega @TigolBiddies I remeber that shit too. I never had a completed rune page because I couldn @TigolBiddies afford all the runes lets gooo dragon it was his conq stacks that he had @Nightblue3 so expensive man i dropped $20 on extra rune pages man PREDICTION THEY STEAL Inter om im def playing shyvanna now olaf is the jungle equivelant to renekton !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at !song And he said Jungle is good atm xD. Literally, if your lanes lose or are bad, then your jungle belongs to them and usually all the objectives as well. Since there's no catch up exp, you lose a ton. mountain soul nice with shyv passive warded @tigolbiddies @elderfeather1 ahh yes.. crit and dodge lmao so troll. Crit was good tho Fizzbot2 ....lucian doesnt have conq lol VVKool boatyVV !Elo FeelStrongMan @liawaifu thanks :D nb3 getting better and better kobe @TigolBiddies I would lane against people who would destroy me because they actually had erd tier runes go warrior tiamat fi sh warrior to AP and then build titanic after max E hanky mage I run it it works everytime NaM FeelsStrongMan KEKW TEAM Victorious? that skin is shit KEKW olaf stronK its ok victorious victorious yeah victorious kinda ugly uwu victorious thats the reward for ranked this season ANELE 👏 JAM level 7 and he just shreds that dragon? victorious victorious aatrox LMAO VICTORIOUS VICTORIOUS YOU DUMMY tru oh yeah runes man ppl would take scaling runes sometimes in low elo and just destroy ppl nb3YIKES nb3YIKES Victorious huh no boots stream KEKW 1v1'd by the janna janna just soloed victor hhahahahahaha ITS NOT UGLY DansGame WDYM it's for players that get gold or above to bad you silver e LUL did janna 1v1 Viktor ? how's Elise in this metagame @liawaifu you gonna be playing with nb3 on halo? :D wrong runes to Janna just solo killed viktor hahahah yes she did lol janna 1v1 viktor lmfaoo Loseable @Nightblue3 whether you go ad or op, you need to E max looks cool in game I was going to go to bed But I want to see how this game ends... he maxes what he likes dat bad adc EUW IS UP Pog lil dicky Pog Sefeloth w max for clearing when behind tho... pepeLaugh janna carry? @ekshore I can tell u right now how this game will end if u wanna sleep bater supp lose !Cleave age League of Legends? DansGame But Halo is out.... Does one of her abilities take out 2 hp of the wards? monkaS nb3FF15 Halo KEKW TriHard cleaver titanic does more sense !time lol halo is still a thing? shyvanna offers no pressure or counter gank Rust streamer when? Qstrich Q is a double hit. Halo?? @ekshore red side win. cmonBruh halo trash game btw @jimgpark Yea... I don't think that Even the never miss smite nightblue can pull this one off. not ap btw H OMEGALUL L OMEGALUL janna impossible to catch PepeHands @KingDinger Ahh, thank you F nothing is impossible if you try KEKW FF this fucking cait is fucking bronze euw is up OkayChamp Full ap shiv is beat first assist of the game lol Best feeder is 0:4 good? @chat LUL 0/4/0 LUL lol 0/4 PepeLaugh First KP kekw lol HUGE!!! But remember friends, jungle is saved! ff LUL nb3Shrug nb3MonkaS 0/4 power spike First KP KEKW ff al lanes rekt lompa yo yo 8% Pog rush surender Fs in the chat why no titanic hydra? 04 powerspike Pog back to rust Pog Rust streamer POGGERS 0/4 huge Shyv AP is BETTER Pog @Nightblue3 why not get thornmails/ bramble vest instead of yellow sword thing? Cleaver mountain 1% winnable if youre going bloodrazor why not max Q? @Nightblue3 full-time rust streamer when Pog anyone know song? RUST KEKW shyv is good trojanrun why max Q? ever... !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at try yorik jng HE HAS CONQ ON SHYV NO DARKHARVEST WHATS WRONG WITH U GO AP WHILE U CAN MnM krabby! sona jungle ?????? F nd5 ???????? LUL lol you really want that janna hu? ???? ???????? NotLikeThis ff ???? KEKW ????? back to rust Pog ff Rust streaner PogU yeah and thats gg lol nb3FF15 nb3FF15 WHAT WAS THAT ULT FailFish back to rust NIGHTBLUE CLICK YES ON THE FF Pepega shyv good jg? 24hr stream???? INT LUL OLAF WINS Dude shyvsns pog pepega Season 10 jungle POG its alright u win next lialiaHype nb3GG ff @Nightblue3 Late game junglers seem really bad THE PROBLEM IS THAT YOU DIDN'T GO AP FF GO NEXT BigBrother jg gap NB3~ cantaWow better jg Rust time! music LUL MVGame Pepega Garbo wtf..... this hot sucks so shyv is good vs olaf?? rust rust rust you league !uptime FF @IIVitalityII, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 20 mins Go next = win next it was that u feedblue3 Kappa is that u suck janna has 4 kills lol Olaf>>>>Shiv jungle diff RUST :D league is the problem its that u suck Type 1 if you're as bad as NB the jngl they are fed UWot UWot thats the problem LMAO 3 loosing lanes never prio gap jg you went not ap shyv you Rust stream pogU you do no damage mistake playing league !time the early fights the jungle changes !followage tarzaned would have won this game @Nightblue3 Just came from watching your new shyv youtube vid, love it brother you your team needs at least one assassin for this game @nightblue3 you like on hit better than ap shyv? @back0wnag3, back0wnag3 has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 5 months 25 days 9 hours the mistake was JG diff i think you KEKW VERTICAL JG MAN RUST TIME the lane swap with a new mid laner a mistake 4Head you didnt payed attention to olaf show at your blue So who wins the Shyv vs. Olaf match up. @Nightblue3 ? LOSING UR BLUE fight top 2v2 better jjng lose jung difference Kappa starting the lol client that's your team suck balls everything shyv is bad into olaf cause he clears faster? feeding celrShrug choosing shyv SHOULDVE DONE IT should not play League you played KEKW dying to lucian 1 vs 1 yes feeding you didn't win dying 5 times queue Your jungler was @Nightblue3 You notice how the victorious Aatrox skin makes him look like a dude in a big ass chicken suit? Jungle Gap kekw not dodging SPAM RUST FOR RUST GAME not going AP? pick shyvana negalting bot lane? everyrhing AD shiv Shyv is AP. that was the problem, jungle changes. RAP GOD RUUUUST RUST ganking the lvl 6 bot lane whilst lvl5 RUUUUUUUUUST @Nightblue3 go AP shyv only Damn I wanted to see a shyvana game, can you play another one? Top fight RUST u fed gromp FeelsBadMan rust now? hes "RUSTY" 😂😂😂😂 choosing shyvana jng PogChamp HahaBall pi shyvana xD whay evry one is writ rust idk @Nightblue3 was busy watching your graves video Kappa Should have just split the map? you picked shyv thats the problem picking shyv against olaf Didn't farm as much and picked losing fights I think neko was a mistake celrShrug Vertical jg ? I didn’t see first 4 min You made a mistake thinking gromp was just a jg camp not going for vertival jungle Yes. "Chase Olaf" after u didnt realize where he started FeelsOkMan have you tried glacial on shyv with approach velocity? Helps you stick to people alot better @nightblue3 Ok dont dismiss this comment ur mistake was actually your PICK if u had picked a diffrent jungle u wouldve won thatt 2v2 top lane and the lucian fight which those wore huge instead of contesting your blue. just take his. fighting a 2/0 Lucian that had bork Fell a little behind and couldn’t pressure lanes because of it BRO IWANA SEE U PLAYING PLAY LEE SIN NIBBA the active effect is what killed you you played league? i mean thats biggest mistake anyone has done @Nightblue3 you did not go Elise to have a chance early vs olaf in case that all of your lanes lost and you have no prio Olaf screwd you over bad LUL U just needed that first blue buff man KEKW killing the gromp first than olaf at early you couldn't auto so you fed the adc a double inochiJams just couldnt get to lvl 6... which is hella rough on shyv 0/5 READ MY GOD DAMN COMMENT AND ULL KNOW lel You didn’t go AP lol ur bad nightblue3 you engaged in unecessary fights @nightblue3 dude your team suks dik they lost thier lanes first 4 mintues But gromp killed him soo no way he could have done gromp first LUL lol hes mad KEKW lololol feed and not team playsr yeah The problem was, Olaf is a better champion in this current meta compared to Shivana. @Nightblue3 myabe that u went to ur blue instead of his and u didn´t just split the map with vertical jungling jg gap The 2v2 with aatrox lol He literally just advised stream that shyvana is vertical jgler only and he horizontal jgles.... gg counter jungle no nice help xd FeelsWeirdMan go bot or take his jungle dont play shyv vs olad i think that you could just conced olaf Should of vertical jungled probably VERTICAL JUNGLING Didnt help just made it words LULW everything @Nightblue3 they got baron Kappa Kappa Kappa Should have just taken olaf's entire blue side penis this matchup is bad I think @nightblue3 YOUR PICK !opgg lol just refer back to you're guide could have invaded Olafs blue instead of trying to contest for yours who is the hero he's using?? nana shyvana beats Olaf he didnt play this right wrong runes bad decisions bad match up dont gank losing lane YOU COUKD HAVE DRAFTED ZAC INSTEAD HAHAH HEY @nightblue3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN THAT GAME IS TRASH DUDE !stats Pls stream rust more @nightblue3 1 KP might be an issue @junkee27 you monkey @Nightblue3 AP Shyvanne is better in this setup <3 A khazix wouldve won all the fight that fucked you up LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SIN I'm just here for the memes comfySip2 Or the shyv is a no lul @fanlover25 Shyvana zero dmg LUL Better jngl win LUL KEKW KEKW lmao LOL lol KEKW wait fountain dont heal fast? tbh was just jg diff jg diff is actually too big KEKW @Nightblue3 bot gank - if u actually hit lucian with your R you would kill him ggs Think some of that was aatroxs fault Is it just me or is the screen zoomed in to much Jungle gap KEKW @Nightblue3 deds LUL LUL gg Should have flash reverse R and pray his wr is good on shyv just had a bad game Asia flash playing shyvanna your jungle gameplay gave me cancer FeelsWeirdMan ban olaf RUST no lol RUST RUUUUUUUUUUST it all started on the gromp KEKW rust !opgg Rust what do you think of sona support? i just started playing her im having a lot of fun rsut time x) top was probably lost at champ select, wasting resources there was poor RUST TIME BOIS POGU rust lol RUSST PLAY RUST lol gg I think that olaf actually was Pepega but it worked cause it delayed ur lvl 6 so much... which is rough on shyv SHYVANNA BibleThump needed to pressure the flash then. invade with team to his red. @Nightblue3 zac jungle next? was lee sin banned? u should've kill him that time hey @nightblue3 just play rust man that game is trash RUUUUST pretty sure tarzaned would of have won that game shyv against olaf is the mistake all lines lost, not only your fault 24hr stream?? Retire the shyv lol @nightblue3 delusional Mundo! the master of yi nightthrew3 rust time! @nightblue3 just bad team comp, don’t like aatrox in s10 Doesn't Elise win vs Olaf early? Play olaf RUSST I think vision and power clear and stay away from olaf try mundo warwick Ok enough league for today. Time for Rust Play kayn man glacial with approach velocity is really nice with blood razor shyv goodnight boys RUST yo what up @Nightblue3 zac can beat olaf no u cant RUUUST play ruust @Nightblue3 try mundo, no conqueror true damage !points @Limbo1996, Limbo1996 has 5030 points and is rank 3598/3215209 on the leaderboard. RUST JUST PLAY KHAZIX @Nightblue3 if no jg beats olaf then he would have 100% wr L 3 E S I N & IT SPELS LEE SIN'O JUNGLE BOIZ @Nightblue3 Can You Play Nidalee learn to always know opposing junglers starrtying spot or else you might just get rekt Kayn is good Zac beats everything! I promise easy win Play Olaf then Play xin ap shyv man just play RUSSSSSSSSSSSZZSSSSSTTTFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT @nightblue3 play rust then he covered it late and spotted him as he did ur blue @TigolBiddies can you stfu trying to give advice to a grandmaster player 0-6 LUL aatrox saw and left @Nightblue3 play rengar or kha'zix IM TELLING U MAN WARWICK😂 @Nightblue3 should ask tarzaned for coaching tbh he saw olaf and left zac beats olaf need vi jgl route plss Blue kayn game @Nightblue3 You notice how the victorious Aatrox skin makes him look like a dude in a big ass chicken suit? definitlynotb00sted well no, he would still need to beat every laner too.... he just wins the jungle matchup, then its upto team later im just offering advice hes asking for hes not even gunna read I dont even at him @neonskylights JUST PLAY RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT @nightblue3 hmmmmm Play Xin Zhao!! jg diff PepeLaugh wait didn't aatrox had vision of him doing the blue? Gotta admit was pretty sneaky rust oh nvm OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh Wey0 he did and pinged it...hardcore. ND5 is just blind its not warded though they wouldnt know He literally saw him on blue though No vision bot lane farming for lvl 2..... they def gonna collapse on me Jungle gap PepeLaugh They wouldn’t have known @Nightblue3 olaf run better than the horse LUL @Nightblue3 You notice how the victorious Aatrox skin makes him look like a dude in a big ass chicken suit? move to red clear and late invade while he backs gank bot? @Nightblue3 Are you real? Team loss - need better vision and prio DONT TELL HIM CHAT PepeLaugh call ur bot 3v2 + xerath range 1 q WARWICK @Nightblue3 whos your favorite jungle champ? its a coinflip isnt it? Plaz khazix TriKool justttttt playyy ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssseeeessssssssseesssss @Nightblue3 hi daddy Just play olaf PepegaPls its solo q dude who raps this fast.... The solution is Jhin Top Lane sollution is play rust clear bot side just play ruuuuuuuuussssssttttttt @nightblue3 Play Xin Zhao Maybe look to start their blue at 130 nightblue are you gonna play wukong when the rework comes out? deep lyrics cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh What if you went for a level 2 gank? very emotional song you shudnt asume they are good players?? Nightblue go blue kayn plz maybe clear bot side any happy hahahhaholiday gifters PogChamp ? you shouldn't have chased WHICH champ beat fiora i cant beat her TearGlove TearGlove Unfortunate game @nightblue3 they didnt have to at that moment since they saw u top side hut if u didnt show then they should've went to their blue RUST SOLUTION IT SO PLAY RUUUST peepoClap Clap peepoClap Play Diana jg she’s really strong cait leo sounds like bad lane duo peepoClap Shyv with no map prio early is pretty rough GG did any1 notice that santa claus give better presents to chlids with rich parents ??????? Clap clappa Solution is voice comms or duo - no chase. Next @liawaifu are your cats ok? Kayn ? wkr_nathan subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing wkr_nathan! PogYou wkr_nathan has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ap has to many weaknesses ganking bot was the safest option no? @nightblue3 let's watch some vedios @NIGHTBLUE3 RUSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSS5TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT !animelist (not complete, only listed the ones I remember) lialiaKawaii @Nightblue3 Ganked by gromp RUST RUST RUST peepoClap gday there nightblue3 Rust you can have fun with AP! Fun is what matter right xD is your house still alive on rust? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 u should play more shyvana RUSSSSST NO RUST DrProfSgtMrJ they are getting better but still sick lialiaOwo thanks for asking rust lvl 2 gank bot might've worked out rustt with glacial augment maybe @Nightblue3 do you play ivern jungle? peepoClap rust = shit . Guys shyv pre 6 tanks are doodoo nb3Thinking arkkkkkkkkkkk league pls @nightblue3 RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSTTTT ZAC! FREE WIN WITH DUNKING ON PEOPLE WITH STYLE! 1 v 1 this weak ? Kayn maybe? Do you go buff to buff on Shyv? rst in queue Can u play Nidalee? ARK AND CATCH PRESS C AGAIN Ganks* they were pushed far out full clear red side if you had info on olaf.. never lvl 2 gank bot. leo needs lvl 2. oof RE 3 annoucment Kreygasm I'm just saying ad is worse AP Is better when u have titanic hydra a tanky mage is the best and u didnt E max either Let’s do jarvan or xin or twitch lvl 2 cheez pleez what about rek´sai? lvl 3 gank = lvl 2 leo gragas RAP GOD Pepega @nightblue3 WARWICK? mhmmmmm real word Pepega itzPachie subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 55 months! berry truu Thank you for subscribing itzPachie for 55 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! TriKool ? Do you like Diana jg? Nightblue3 when is Lee Sin a viable pick? im looooooosing it hi bro only 3 k viewers damn :( you changed nb3 can you play aphelius? EUW is back now btw PLAY FIORA TOP @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASH NOW too late !followage @Twix3z, twix3z has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 4 months 3 days 16 hours yayay fiora ;-; for that game isnt it better to go ap? since they have alot of cc and poke? or zoe mid zoe ins fun !points @rileyswims16, rileyswims16 has 23018 points and is rank 111/3215255 on the leaderboard. this dude's gotta write a fucking book worth of lyrics for 1 song gragas PLAY WARWICK PLS WARWICK @Nightblue3 PLAY KHA'ZIX JG yooo @Nightblue3 did they reset? Go red kayn ez win Malphite :D SENA Trundle who? WHO @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? SEENA FrankerZ @Nightblue3 try mundo, no conqueror true damage FrankerZ @nightblue3 can you please play zac, hes underrated ZOE WHO Shaco! ITS A SIGN OhMyDog W H O Go red kayn ww boiiiii go nasus warwick? yi? After blue was lost play for bot crab? WARWICK ZOE JUNGLE :D WARWICK OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog FrankerZ DansGame FrankerZ wharweck Kreygasm this isnt rust wtf BAU BAU WW OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog yi yi yi OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Zac You see this right here is why we need net neutrality yi OhMyDog FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ gragas Wowee OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUSTTTTTTT MAN LEAGUE IS TRASH NOW ;-; OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Yi hi @Nightblue3 thats literally what i said :/ Nightblue when is Lee Sin a good pick? Kayn? yi FrankerZ ASHE ??? Who let the dogs out PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR OhMyDog WHO OhMyDog LET OhMyDog THE OhMyDog DOG OhMyDog OUT OhMyDog OhMyDog Who? OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR who let the shadow dogs out? xD 5x OhMyDog combo war WIIIICK john WIIIICK, coincidence? What you downloaded? PowerUpL FrankerZ PowerUpR PowerUpL FrankerZ PowerUpR PowerUpL FrankerZ PowerUpR OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Eve mid vayne kekw pyke jungle op warwick you like ghostmane? mundo needs fleet in the jg PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR WAR WICK @Nightblue3 ashe? Hec ConcernDoge ConcernDoge ConcernDoge ConcernDoge WARWICK @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASY NOW yi yi zac jg opop @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? ww @Nightblue3 EKKO JUNGLE Kappa Kappa Warwick hecarimmer ww maybe starting blue is the way OhMyDog WARWICK OhMyDog TRISTANA JUNGLE PENTAKILL PLAY OLAF Ekko jg pog ekko jungle ResidentSleeper OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog FrankerZ @Nightblue3 Kindred jungle? OhMyDog WARWICK OhMyDog Nasus ! take Olaf :P will you play more Rust today? BegWan yi warwick you downloaded Atlas? @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASY NOW SINGD llsLove llsLove warwick Chogath pick ashe pls ww Wukong Warwick uwu WUK warwick yo any rust tonight @nightblue3 :( Red kayn is good here does @Nightblue3 play in the tcs? and what team does he have? warwick nasus for the song BTW ARE YOU PLAYING SERIOUS OR WANT TO HAVE FUN? @nightblue3 Zac beats everything with style Ekko or olaf XD harvest over thunderlord? @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASY NOW i usually get free boots When is Lee Sin a good pick Nightblue? presence of mid is good VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea RUST OR BUST Pog @Nightblue3 YES EKKO <3 @Nightblue3 why are stream so late now rust plz nb3 yy PogChamp PogChamp yey Yes Nightblue3 just vertical and let their bot lane waste time and get lvl 2 later than your bot lame RUST POGCHAMP FUCKING LOVE THAT SHIT nooo nb3 rust is dogshit shyvana metaaaaaaa @nightblue3 SeemsGood Poooggg !time do the stream in spanish !followage @Austinquesnelle, austinquesnelle has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 1 month 26 days 20 hours Pura vida Costa Rica, Dilo xD @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASY NOW POG uno mas Do you line Diana jg? !points @Austinquesnelle, Austinquesnelle has 14301 points and is rank 375/3215258 on the leaderboard. yo @nightblue3 what is that shirt? ShadowDogs Unleashed for life!!!! tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O RalpherZ PowerUpL RalpherZ PowerUpL does Nightblue3 play in the tcs? and what team does he have? THE LANE TOU PLAY IF YOU WERE NOT JNG MAIN ? keep playing league, Rust is dumb @Nightblue3 PERSONALY WHOS BETTER SHYVANA OR YI !uptime @kevii123, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 35 mins Nightbew when is Lee Sin a good pick? im here for rust :) Vayne mid? what is your shyv winrate? yo someone yeeeeeet me a sub, poor as fuck over here TriKool !rank S2-S9 CHALLENGER nb3Cute !follow If you're enjoying the stream be sure to follow, thanks! i love ekko jg lol. feels good man @Nightblue3 GOOD LUCK MEN song pogs A very good feeling? ehh coming for like beginning of the stream and will have to go bcs who would watch rust... Nightblue when is it good to pick lee sin !followage @baymax8165, baymax8165 has been following nightblue3 for 8 months 12 days 20 hours yas leo is insane pre 6 name song name does Nightblue3 play in the tcs? @NIGHTBLUE3 JUST PLAY RUST MAN LEAGUE IS TRASY NOW !opgg @baymax8165 ok boomer Why does machete feel better now? @Nightblue3 for real, tft better than league atm, that's how shit league is HIS TROLLING @nightblue3 rust later? :D @lookwhostalkingboi the u say to me im only 14man STFU its such a good skin that ekko skin one of my favs tbh ngl @nightblue3 Rust will kill your channel Just because you're trash at the game, doesn't make the game trash nb3Bad league is nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown @baymax8165 ok baby boomer game is now much better rust is playble but unwatchable only braindamaged watch this rusty crap :P KappaPride :P OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog @lookwhostalkingboi ok much better LULW yahagshudrjbehwjs heusiwoqlpsxjnrnw @baymax8165 ;) baited the stream snipers smart oh my, NB3 becaome an nother mouse click streamer, cya buddy! ?????? lol flash? FailFish WHATTTTTTTTTT ????????? LULW Pepega lol NA flash so bad FailFish THE FUDGE IS THA FLASH? KEKW bronze move KEKW IRON @Nightblue3 NICE GANK LUL DeltaNoWay subscribed with Twitch Prime. DeltaNoWay has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing DeltaNoWay! PogYou JAM reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! more lil dicky Pog excuze me is this iron ? you are a Pepega 200iq mess up iron 5 neither do you but you're invading KEKW lel ganking for vayne questionable w Oh hey is this Lil Dicky? U ARE FROG yes :) grandmasters is iron in preseason 10 Pepega HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ND5 I KNOW NB3 IS NIGHTBLUE3 Pepega Clap i can see clearly he cant play ekko, KEKW only a little my guy lil dickeyyyy TriHard ? this song slaps, what u mean @nightblue3 how can you leave with no wins? gotta snag a win first Did someone say nb3ND5 ? Pillow talk PepePls TriHard Clap pepeganotbadnb3justsad do you fuck with the war pepeJAM have you heard the new NF released today? @Nightblue3 HEllo nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at gachiHYPER lol im an ekko and shyvana main. i cringe. is this asmr? your team comp looks poopy poop HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ND5 I KNOW NB3 IS NIGHTBLUE3 jerking on stream? TOS song name? MonkaTOS i knew ur bot was gonna feed yas leo @baymax8165 Night Diamond 5 @nightblue3 how good is elise in s10 your bot died 3 times before lv3 HEY @NIGHTBLUE3 WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ND5 I KNOW NB3 IS NIGHTBLUE3 monkaTos ironnight3 bloop 5 minutes in "we dont have a jg" KEKW ND5 KEKW KEKW why would you e? xDDDDD yu gi oh lol u got played like a fiddle KEKW OMEGALUL UTPLAYED omggggg LUL gg ff LUL Someone literally just told you it meant “Night Diamond 5” @baymax8165 KEKW what a pepega dont scream troll moron noooo yuo should of saved it E diagonally bro your ekko is bad Kappa ff jump into wirlwind yasuo was soo close to being stunned sad @Nightblue3 just let q hit and use full range on e wtf is this game NotLikeThis just wait out the nato before using E yes W placement prrobs coulda used work i think KEKW "we don't have a jg" KEKW you misplayed with your E @rysenji i didnt see it lol sorry @Nightblue3 have you heard the new NF song released today? POGGERS place w slightly more to the right to zone NB3 YOUR MODERATORS TIMED ME FOR DISCUSSING YOUR PLAY WITH CHAT :( PepeLaugh Little unlucky last 2 early games... oof lvl 4 at min 8 @nightblue3 yasu was obvious gonna turnedo you so you E'd when he did it but it's ok:) !followage @lookwhostalkingboi, lookwhostalkingboi has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 1 month 22 days 2 hours Why are you playing like trash bro? Never should have banked top. Too much time wasted @nightblue your big mistake this game is that ekko is not a jungler pogcchamp o @nightblue3 will you be forming a team for TCS? @nightblue3 you cant leave on all losses.. gotta snag a win iron chat ekko jg is insane No, you got timed for one man spamming rust. Don't lie. @baymax8165 it’s fine lol why is jungle 3 levels behind solo laners in s0 @dowodo preseason 10 grandmasters is iron !points @itzyasuke, itzyasuke has 16653 points and is rank 266/3215303 on the leaderboard. !point !uptime @damniet, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 44 mins !points @FancyPeanutbutter, FancyPeanutbutter has 6860 points and is rank 1949/3215303 on the leaderboard. is evelyn strong this meta? !points @bullie96, bullie96 has 1230 points and is rank 26530/3215303 on the leaderboard. max q first? 9 kp elise holy so do something LUL elise with the 1kp a minute Pog !gamble 10 LUL / LUL / LUL !points @lookwhostalkingboi, lookwhostalkingboi has 20 points and is rank 476055/3215303 on the leaderboard. "havent done anything" better keep farming Pepega im liek buterfly in the sky when i se you in my eyes LUL been waiting for a youtuber bro!! Hi NB3 you can get a gank for sure using flash for a long range W LUL 10 minutes level 5 Try Diana jungle 1000 ap one shot PepeLaugh POGGERS can someome yeeeet me a sub. im poor afafafaf should check some tarzaned ekko vods, not the easiest to pick up !points @ciprian9, ciprian9 has 80 points and is rank 259941/3215303 on the leaderboard. thresh is garb bot lane giga feed 1 12 PepeLaugh hes just tapping flay EKKO BEST JUNGLER ACTUALLY BROKEN 1V9 COMEBACK BACK TO BACK PENTAKILL!! who is fresh? good title? @nightblue3 what do you think of ap shyvana compared to ad did i just here someone opening there sharingan? Jebaited Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW holy shit LUL !points @ciprian9, ciprian9 has 80 points and is rank 259941/3215303 on the leaderboard. KEKW KEKW runn !!!!!!!!! NB3 ricardoFlick that syndra skin p2w tbh your ekko is so bad KEKW 15 FF LUL that a bigu syndra there LOL after this can we see a twitch jg game ? !followage @ciprian9, ciprian9 has been following nightblue3 for 3 years 7 months 4 days 17 hours ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick FutureMan NO YOU R BLIND KEKW !gamble 100 no BlessRNG ff monkaS it is if she puts it on minions red on red it is 2 of them might dc Kapp N OMEGALUL ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at ekko jg is not so easy to play unlike nocture and j4 PepeLaugh ricardoFlik Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ricardoFlick Nope FF rust ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick is evelyn strong atm can i be in the next youtube video? absolutly not nope ff. play rust nope. I don't think it is ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick 1/12 at 12 minutes this is done nice stun KEKW ekko is the boss my dudes ff winnable Kapp PepeLaugh PepeLmao KEKW FF 15 straight up inting KEKW is eko homo in lore? its almost like she got fed 1-16 dang ff 15 u need practice to play ekko jungle PepeLaugh CoolStoryBob Kapp Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp kappa Kapp Kappa Kappa lmai Kapp Kappa Kappa :D kappa Kappa kappa kappa Kapp Kappa Keepo Kappa Kappa should have played rust Kapp kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa me Kappa kappa Kappa well thats a lot of damage Kappa Kap 5x Kappa combo Kappa HDTaboo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months! 4 years in jail but still no mod... Kappa kappa Thank you for subscribing HDTaboo for 48 months! PogYou Kappa reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Catpra Kappa KappaPride Kappa Kappa kappa kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa kappa KAPPA Kappa Kappa KAPPA KAPPA MOTHER LOVER XD <3 kappa Kappa Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KAPPAPRIDE hahaha Kappa kappa 3 item power spike, zonhyas + probobelt ekko is op KappaRoss KappaClaus KappaRoss KappaClaus KappaRoss KappaClaus KappaRoss KappaClaus KappaRoss Kappa kappa Kapp Kappa Kappa KappaPride Kappa Kappa Kappa KappaPride kappa Kappaaa Kappa ricardoFlick Kappa “Oh I’m dead...oh wait I’m alive” KAPPA kapappapapapapapaaaaa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa PogChamp Kapp Kappa Kappa nb3NANI nb3NANI nb3NANI KAPPApride Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa KappaPride KappaHD kap kappa I'll put you in the next video playing ricardo song NO U MAD KEKW MiniK Kapp Kappa KappaHD KappaPride kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Wtf 1/16 and NB only 0/1 nyzechSmug nyzechSmug nyzechSmug @Nightblue3 kappa kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @Nightblue3 can you make a jungle tier list?? 1 stack DH lol Kappa S Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasPride yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog yasDog HandsUp ricardoFlick Kapp yasBoo3 !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at 1 to 16 LULW Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning StoneLightning TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger GingerPower GingerPower GingerPower GingerPower BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior BCWarrior SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc KevinTurtle KevinTurtle KevinTurtle PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt LUL PogU W OMEGALUL W HandsUp I Believe Jngl item min 13 Pog NB3 JUNGLE ITEM AT 13:30 KEKW Pog W OMEGALUL W cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 cheerwhal1 !points @baymax8165, baymax8165 has 420 points and is rank 79690/3215360 on the leaderboard. jboi4blue subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Thank you for subscribing jboi4blue for 2 months! PogYou W Omegalul W reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! WINNABLE it's been a while that viktor is not believing anymore !followage @lookwhostalkingboi, lookwhostalkingboi has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 1 month 22 days 2 hours teamcomp is so shit anyway W OMEGALULl W 1/18 static x!! yay omggg static x POG big fax is this a road to -100 LP Jungle diff KEKW he was right, they don't have jg This looks like a t1 vs nb3 Twitch rivals game all over again VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo I would say its slow KEKW thresh is kinda pepega ekko just needs items omfg this song was in Need for Speed Underground Song? hes bad early and vunerable to early junglers like elise @Nightblue3 cmonBruh LIKE A WHAT cmonBruh GM woah cmonBruh he scales really good say yes FF GO NEXT BigBrother WHATCHU SAY? cmonBruh what??? ever heard people saying he is broken ? PepeLaugh u just cant play him no gank KEKW I hate ekkos early game he farms too slow just do a full clear wow ff 15 POG i think xp wise they screwed up even elise is 8 when syndra is 12 yikes PepeLaugh syndra is out of control we got this 1:18 HYPERBRUH gotta say tho ekko jg isn't great anymore. i was an ekko jg main for so long even before the buffs and he feels bad rn ngl @nightblue3 @nb3 you are dam fucking god jg !uptime winnable Kapp @eternalking20531, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 51 mins HYPERBRUH 2 19 Pog ff pls ResidentSleeper WINNABLE POGGERS its kind of a bad game to judge when its 2 v 19 at 15min LUL stop inting winnable viktor is about to jump by hes window nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP nb3XP copyThis :) :) FF imgeotrix subscribed with Twitch Prime. imgeotrix has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing imgeotrix! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 2-20 LUL !points @eternalking20531, eternalking20531 has 25110 points and is rank 80/3215366 on the leaderboard. no no no @nagbvirtuoso lovee that emoteee @itsTheodora 2-21* @itsTheodora 2:21 idiot he got buffed ىخ NO nop longer stun no !points @iceblock0630, iceblock0630 has 38578 points and is rank 16/3215368 on the leaderboard. think jg changes is indirect nerf imo nightblue is actually so enjoyable to watch the syndra does online coaching lol you just bad @smokiness, fuck you mudvayne Pog why r u sti;; in this game !points @ifcho0, ifcho0 has 1070 points and is rank 31008/3215369 on the leaderboard. Did new patch released? @thewaytodawnnn yeah my opinion too. ex ekko jg otp. NO HE DIDNT U JUST DINT KNOW HOW TO USE HIM JK Fk u @smokiness idiot LMAO okay grumpy head :v static X then mudvayne :O good music bro @Nightblue3 why r u still in this game lol @insomniacturtle2 @itsTheodora suck my fuck youre bad nightblu can barely see syndras balls @baymax8165 yea he doesnt know how to jungle ekko PepeLaugh Absolutely not no @insomniacturtle2 @itsTheodora @smokiness :) Kappa Kappa Kappa that skin ain't fair lul !uptime at least he used the right youre @UbeKraken, nightblue3 has been streaming for 1 hour 53 mins PepeLaugh MY PLAYLIST TriHard no me :) how about a nocturne game before u start playing rust? @smokiness u dont even have one? get some Slipknot in there @Nightblue3 Ekko sucks in high elo Pog 1k! gj thresh KEKW ok squadHUH intense match KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Thresh XD ROFL 1/1 PogU KEKEWWWWWWW thresh drunk This game is a test. @itsTheodora hardstuck plat/diamond chat trying to talk shit LUL Winnable! yes i do this thresh needs a 2 week ban from league elo boosted sup its you who doesnt accent 100 3x23 No negative KDA PogU wtf this thresh doing LUL ddHuh Thresh hook next level KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss !song Now playing in : there is no song playing right now -- Join the room at still actually trying 3 - 24 4Weird Wdym most of chat is Silver KEKW thresh is so bad thresh KEKW its a good thing. wait, mudvayne? ur shit better supp loose XD go protobelt for the extra tankiness and the engage potential noob @Nightblue3 can you share ur spotify playlist? reformed @nightblue3 HEY @nightblue3 DO U KNOW ANY FILIPINO WORDS? FeelsWeirdMan 0 towers ? 20 kills behind? time to comeback ! KEKW KEKW rather than blame it on everyone else like alot of people lol 2 Dark harvest stacks LUL hey man only constant factor in each game is you so focus on yourself, good mentality to have Legends never die they ff and go next KEKW @littleluigy i see you are a man of culture as well. ir woman. WeirdChamp its 3-25 and yall have no towers squadH @dowodo you arent funny KEKW LUL LUL LUL wth is going on WutFace WeirdChamp this ekko skin is poggerrs BibleThump @smokiness Thank you KEKW pog 3 dark harvest stacks how can 4 people die 26 times DansGame good morning im dead now KEKW haHAA scalling SillyChamp Silver chat would have opened and afk'd at first blood how about a nocturne game? PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh fkin ekko lmao 'press R to fix my mistakes' LUL LUL BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack name of song? wtf you played that so bad KEKW pls ff they so fed destroyed 0 enemy towers ? 20 kills behind? time to comeback ! KEKW KEKW noobfarm3r subscribed with Twitch Prime. noobfarm3r has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing noobfarm3r! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Im at work and cant watch like i want :( WE CAN WIN PepeLaugh just ff and next game LMAO Wtf is this game? :D D: oh no no no PepeLaugh @ExDrHo LMAOOOOOOO how does this even happen 4 vs 30 FailFish WINNABLE Kappa 4-30 KEKW PogChamp PogChamp please hold tab for me NO NO YES no YES yes winnable Kapp No NO no yes yes NO NO no no NO no yes no no :) yes NO no yes WINNABLE mythYes mythYes mythYes yess No NO YES PepeLaugh NO WAY no no no no NOOOOOO N OMEGALUL LMAOOOO THOSE SCORES N OMEGALUL no no xd no 15% chance NAH no WINNABLE yes yes YES no no IF THEY ALL GO AFK helll na yes no hell no sure if thresh finds his hands yes NO Absolutely... not N OMEGALUL no yesss ff nooooooooo mythYes mythSir NO nb3Shrug nb3Shrug no yes yes no no YES 100% PepeLaugh yes Kappa Kappa okay YES YES OF COURSE IZI WIN winnable no No KEKW yes WINNABLE nooooooo yess easy game Nope squadW SHAMELESSNESS squadW Yes HELL NA no. jo mythYes mythSir mythSir no No you not sirchez so NO LUL NO No only if they throw yes if enenmy all dc Ges I SIAD YES PepeLaugh Nooo yes if they throw but your lanes are down like 20-30k gold Unwinnable go for it nb3Hype nb3Hype 1% chance on win is still winnable no No noooo Never stop believing, this is winnable! NO no WINNABLE np NO FRIXK NO YES FUCK THE NON BELIEVERS ok Pepega mythYes mythSir mythYes mythSir Put the Yeses also for being delusional. no He will loose sry LOSABLE shameless no way cmonBruh NONONONONONONONONON no SmileW well good thing ur not gunna we so we dont gotts worry lol we shame you for believing i will be Belgium and stay neutral dont tell him chat PepeLaugh theres always a chance that oponents int WINNABLE NONONONONO YES WE WIN Pepega no I believe ALL THE NOSE No PogU me? bad ekko 😂😂 it impossible dude to come back from a 5 - 30 game u must be delusional to belive put my "pls ff" in too so i will be famous @Nightblue3 Yall getting stomped next pushhh Yes no waduSmile anything isn't possible LUL LUL WINNABLE Only win potentional is Mejais KEKW i wanted to be on the tubes but i say yes so i guess i suck :( hi youtube yes boss u can do this No pooog not me HE DOESNT KNOW PepeLaugh Ddos them ddos them ddos them the dream @nightblue3 anytimeMonkaS anytimeMonkaS anytimeMonkaS Hi Youtube 😂😂😂 Vayne gonna go ssj There I subbed, but please dont leave on all losses. by Not winning this one LUL LUL hi mom im on youtube maybe if u win this i will gift 10x subs LIL WINNABLE lol LUL victor doing a charity to feed first world countrys PogU HolidayCookie HolidayCookie destroyed 0 towers ? 27 kills behind? time to comeback ! KEKW KEKW If you kill yasuo you get a 1k All the no's have small peepee and are iron 6 thresh didnt even hook a cs this game Just smite steal next 4 drakes - ez ^ gambate @nightblue3 you can do it !! @HDTaboo 48 months respect PogU monkaW POGGERS lol I've got some hard nostalgia for the old days when you didn't show your face :( still watching eh @goblin_slayer11 hdtaboHi wow!!!!!! if you get a nice W engage its winnable LUL LUL sick waste of everything SillyChamp Wasted r Pog!! LICH BANE KEKW I dont why u guys dont open in this kind of games LUL true Yasuo MonkaW gg noob ? That r flash combo sick!!, @edward00773 they need at least 5 nice engages just come here and see 5 vs 33 PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh PepeLaugh lol if u win i wall give 50$ SORYE GE TON Kreygasm POGGERS cancer Hello Nightblue3~ GG 2/3 KEKW winnable lul gg LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL We Told Ya GG Level advantage? Winnable XD HASAGI Kreygasm WINNABLE 2 YASUO Pog Tank yas KEKW i give you my house if you win gg @灰貓星夜 Shut up~ ez PepeLaugh lvk 13 bro gg close game KEKW level diff still winnable You are not sirchez you cant win from behind LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL you are leading in killing in your team WINNABLE 10/10 We go agane winnable You killin it man Good effort ! KEKW welll uhhh time for rust TUBERS. WORTH PepoThink Kapp oh no what happened??? LUL well rust streamer now bois RUST PepeLaugh jungle diff xDA ? nexus is just 50 golds after all nooooooo lead killer in your team Kapp rust? Close ohhh nooo PepeLaugh Pepethink nooo PepeLaugh PepoCheer lol RUSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT D: no flame but have u won a game since preseaspn? pepepeleppe play rust winabble KEKW mountain @Nightblue3 did you guys win the game? RUSSSSTTTTT KannaNom NO YAY UYESSS RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT POGGERS yeet bois NIO ruuuuuuuuuuuuust PogU Aaaaand I'm out in ur dreeem waduUgh lets gooo POGGERS bye Hi nb3 lets gooooo Ooooo noooo peepoLeave pce POGGGG I don't remember you being this toxic before bye !uptime @Madjar97, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours i gave u my gf if u win look guys, he disconeccted ATLAS POGGERS 4700 lets see how many drop yes rust RUST rustt rust atlas rust @smokiness Hello~>w< what is atlas ATLAS RUST Halo Rust its still winnable ATLAS better client win @Nightblue3 RUST rust ark RUUUST rust RUST RUST jboi4blue subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! ATLAS rust rn Thank you for subscribing jboi4blue for 3 months! PogYou rust whats altlas? RUSTYTTWATASTAWTG Atlas atlas reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! ATLAS Rust ATLAS IS SHIT rusttttt atlas ruuuust rust League ATLAS! @Nightblue3 You need to start playing 7 days to die, its PogU okay bye rust rust Kapp rust rust ATLAS RUST Atlas RUUUUUUUUUUUs ATLAS. RUSTTTTTTTT rust RUST RUSTTTTTTT atlassssss Strawpoll ATLAS.. rust the game from last night RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT rust is lame Russssssssttttt ATLAS. rust pubg rust RUST ATLAS atlas poll HALO i heard at atlas has gotten alot better since it was released. I never played though rust RUSTTTTTTTTTT XD Atlas RUST I MISS RUST'S PLAYER <3 ark rustttt Rusttttttt Rust WHY DC UR TEAM WON RUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ATLAS @Nightblue3 unlucky game plz dont stop playing league you sexy son of a bitch HahaDoge HahaDoge RUSTATLAS CHECK OP>GG polll Atlas :) Rust rust ok rust rustttttttt NO Atlas Fk u atlas people ohhhhhhhhh I TAKE IT lol ye rust rust Hi nb3 EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle OwO Let's Goo Liaaa! R U S T !!!!!!!!!! NB's voice is like spongebob's Oh yeah Rust time! wtd Russst yeah rust boi so glad you're playing rust yasBoo3 no those got yoinked Lets fuckin go Rust gameplay best gameplay @Nightblue3 what happened with reading last subs WeirdChamp rust hypeeee @Nightblue3 please dont stop playing league just because of a few hundred bad games a bit yeah older vsersion of spongebob HOLY SHIT HE DOES yes nightblues voice is beatiful yeah KEKW spongebob that gone through puberty BETA PLAYER LULW we finished feeding already? Kappa yes YEAH KEKW yes KEKW WAIT A SEC yup yes KEKW Yeah... now that you played that literally the same person IT'S THE SAME YES KEKW yes nice singing @Nightblue3 TRUE yes yea o161 mony on the fuking map nightblue3 REEEEEEEEEEEE yes SAME Pog totally KEKW ye That's you BOI HOLY SHIT ITS THE SAME SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage yes TWINS XD NO WAAY C A M P F I R E kinda same SAME POGGGGG same OMG TRUE KEKW 100%%%%% basically the same voice when talking from distance he sounds like spongebob wait thats exactly you Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa the sponge Kreygasm tureeeee goodbye all the haters its rust time theres no difference hahahahaha yeah KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL XDDD Suprise3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months! Same Thank you for subscribing Suprise3 for 28 months! PogYou YEAH KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! CAMPFIRESONGSONG yeah KEKW AYYYYY IT'S MINDBLOWING sameeee BUT IT'S SAME LUL The SongXDDDD KEKW ACTUALLY SAME KEKW As close as I've ever heard. yes u do no more league?!?!? awwwwww holy shit its spongebob same oh man PepeLaugh WTFXDDDD actually u do KEKW YOU SOUND LIKE VEIAR OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 please dont stop playing league just because of a few hundred bad games Same kekw its so close haha VEIGAR SOUNDING SWEEE SWEE SWEET VICTORY ACTUALLY TRUE KEKW HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaPoint Get gud we all having a laugh tho CarlSmile same we're learning and losing each game Kappa no joke you fucking do lmao 100% YOU ARE THE VOICE ACTOR lul KEKW learning Kappa look on the bright side you could be the next spongebob that everyone in the world knows maybe a little lol !followage @Jellybeanssssss, jellybeanssssss has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 8 months 18 days 17 hours Same same geraSalt oxbrazzersox subscribed at Tier 1. oxbrazzersox has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing oxbrazzersox! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! crust no crash Kappa RUST CUMMIES Start it @nightblue3 your losing because your not playing zac Called it froggers no POGGERS POGGERS Kappa nh Pog I knew it!! POGGERS poggers poggers poggers look at all the kekw KEKW Pog sing sweet sweet victory!!! @Nightblue3 you dont want to try to play poe or some rpg game ? Poogers SING WITH IT! Poggers POOGERS monkaW look at all the pictures of himself also frog NUDES WeirdChamp LEAKED PogU sweet sweet victory is the song you search for i thought spongebob is a voice actor for nb3 lol spongebob with puberty hentai lol Leaked Hacked leaked hentai hentai AYAYA Leaked me :) me :) hahaha LOD Hackerman' me Kappa probably happened to more than just 1 person leaked me :) greek pog LOD did it Kappa POGGERS NB gonna get banned now KEKW POGGER me :) Greek KEKW @Nightblue3 rabia how many languages do you speak ? 2 weeks vacation cy@ eddedeededududhduhdudhudh @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? oh no. Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa eddedeededududhduhdudhudh Rust ??? nb3Bad nb3LUL nb3Bad LUL LUL LUL you have a porn😑😑 Where do you get your wallpapers from? ME Kappa / pron @Nightblue3 what's in the "hentai lol" folder REEEE RedCoat RedCoat RedCoat TheRinger TheRinger TheRinger me :) an overwatch streamer did it as well nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm who tf has pron on their desktop, hide that shite under an image Keepo what type of degen just has porn sitting on their desktop... at least put that shit in a folder PepeHands Wallpaper LUL LUL LUL LUL nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm Opera user LUL so you're telling is you have porn on your desktop? nb3Gasm nb3Gasm Hentai nb3Gasm nb3Gasm MrDestructoid who tf does not have porn on the desktop? DansGame LUL @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle? SMOLL INDIE COMPANIE WeirdChamp professional streamer Kreygasm NOOB STREAMER XD what is going on?! Audio sounds buggy too FIRST TIME STREAMING KEKW true LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW profesional Streamer btw Kappa Full Time Streamer BTW @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle?? PogChamp100 PogChamp1 Lets GO!!! Rust oxbrazzersox just cheered 101 bits PogYou good pc can't even load rust Kappa I remember my first stream! pls you game play tetris Kappa no yes yes no yes Kappa nb3Bad no bruh thats virgin no no lmao mu desktop is clean yes Kappa i dont yes no yea... yes no no yes absolutely fuck no PauseChamp Noob sama PauseChamp no for what?? why would you save it lol nah homie obv yes I dun save it, I watch on use :) no I hide my pron XD no LOL NO no "porn" hell nah why not? no no no NO WeirdChamp No YES YES YES YES no im a saint No Kappa yes yes no pron* I miss the Kappa NB3 PepeHands yes loll no who does that lol no i dont yes what is porn? no? well in my browser bookmarks no i use phone Kapp B R U H i don't even have a computer D: Kappa Kapp nb3Bad nb3Bad nb3Bad nb3Bad nb3Bad no mp/*- nb3MonkaS i dont have hentai on mine nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS nb3MonkaS LUL only my phone, my own porn what is dis pron u r talking about Kappa same LUL yeslg wholesome streamer! porn Have to incase the internet is down for a couple minutes. Look at all the liars no onley on my phone Im a christian man,so no no im christian MiniK hmmllll just hentai Kappa fuck no i just go to the brazz... page and thats it Saved pron in 2019, ok Boomer Kappa LUL LUL LUL LUL yummi jg i have it on phone @Nightblue3 yOUR A FUKING LIAR... YOU EVEN KNOW what kinda hentai you like LUL @Nightblue3 Hah I get it because once you're married bye bye sex anta ANELE @Nightblue3 np dude I watch porn every day on your stream Kappa Hentai kappa animu grills Kreygasm NO WAY nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm nb3Gasm POGGERS damn it yes yes monkaTOS MASAKA hentai is art tho! fuk no way yes? xD LUL ofcourse not, the internet is for porn noooooo wutttt PogU boku no pico Kappa brojob gachiBASS monkaTOS Ive been cot Kappa me 10 @Nightblue3 the best live action anime hentai? no pls por real live action Whhhaaatt i knew @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle?? KappaPride Cuz Rust is SHIT Yyeeaaaahh boiii you only said computer not phones so 50 Kappa Kappa Kappa it takes me about 30 minutes nb3Shrug biko no pico pooog Kappa I know you're a KappaPride cause its old as sheeeit gta v KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype better play warcraft reforged Keepo つ◕_◕༽つMOLLY ༼ つ◕_◕༽つつ◕_◕༽つMOLLY ༼ つ◕_◕༽つつ◕_◕༽つMOLLY ༼ つ◕_◕༽つつ◕_◕༽つMOLLY ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ are you on ssd? rust and ark Show the hentai lol folder content :L shaders I see you, watch tour left its Kappa nin g @Nightblue3 rabia how many languages do you speak ? boobs how about play mincraft FutureMan FutureMan MaxLOL MaxLOL Is evelyn strong atm? LULW ssd DansGame u NEED to run rust on an ssd like its a huge difference This used to be a つ◕_◕༽つMOLLY ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ stream FeelsBadMan i have porn in everywhere Saved pron in 2019 is like pron magazines ;) LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW LEVEL 1 Streamer LULW @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle?? rust on HDD is KEKW full screen capture monitor? haha All the way in! nb3Lewd nb3Gasm @Nightblue3 I recently upgraded my fridge to a smart fridge ,now i can watch porn while making pancakes. PogChamp PogChamp BigBrother BigBrother hihi dark is our future backwards (repeat) :D I think youll get sniped a lot u need ro farm monkaW monkaS to LOL wtf nightblue on rust???? did your other base get raided yasterday? My pc cant run Rust anymore, i want money back xd no frequent visits to abandoned supermarket wtf are those EAT THE CORN SO HE CANT HAVE IT THE TURBO VIRGIN TYPE 1 IF NIGHTBLUE MAKE YOUR BALLS BLUE LULW XD OMEGALUL KEKW lol (●'◡'●) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ if u think he is gonna live, TYPE 1 LULW XD Just throw the Rock 5Head PepeHands 2 Notice me nightblue 2 moms the best i love her tendies and milkies LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW watch tyler1 die inside - compilation swim to the sea PepeHands let him be HE IS STILL CHASING just fight him chasing for days 2 ULL 2 of them chasing you lol play benny hill music lol rock is harder than spear no? lol I remember my fist time playing Rust, people with pickaxes came to kill me to steal my gun in the middle of the night PepeHands that is what you call sad haha chasing you for the rock :D Run too sea PogU ? this guy is So dumb i mean WTF do u want LUL Unmute he wants your butt lol clutch them around houses . u just do turns @Nightblue3 they want your Rock haha 5Head plans eat the corn while runnning @Nightblue3 Would you consider marrying a man for a million dollars?or would you prefer putting your dick on a hot toaster for 2 million? THEY WNAT THE ANIMAL FAT hide monkaW FOOD Ask someone for help PogU ? on the way SMOrc Rock is Strong SMOrc Spear is Weak Kappa is your house still intact? @Nightblue3 EAT THE CORN BEFORE U RESPAWN True swim? Pog LULW wow you showed him you won LUL You need a green card LUL LUL suicide is not the answer lol whats up dayred he is So mad gottem haHAA DansGame danyelle GOTCHA LUL LUL LUL Probably better it was muted. lol no content DansGame is your house still alive? @Nightblue3 what server this is the content i like streamer mode klling virgins is rly mean Not the virgins!!! yeah turn gamma up LUL alt f4 light hack LULW gamma on video card settings Killed house, raped bed :( kill their virginity anyone remember when nightblue played fortnite Gamma WeirdChamp Have you played rust before? @nightblue3 type in black sheep wall to rreveal map use spear like nida way more drop gravity its hevier i think PepeLaugh spear does more damage but ahs shorter range spare is shit on long range LUL also can be used against u @TigolBiddies damn thats old DED LULW this tree is chalanger tho use your head instead harder than a rock SMAll peepee PepoDance lol super old! like us i guess @Veniho D: 1 too many wtf D: @Nightblue3 Can you play Terraria? easy kill the whole jungle @TigolBiddies PepeHands ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Thats we call "real action" Kappa Get tha bag nb3 try make a bow jungler on duty THEY WILL USE THEIR 3rd EYE 5Head bow is better because it can be used at all ranges, also cant be used against you loljinxy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 4 month streak! get some cloth and make a few bags, a bow and some cloths Thank you for subscribing loljinxy for 5 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Sun Set BibleThump !uptime @shadowgamer2545, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 21 mins just get youre supp to take over the world is this like HD minecraft its nice to see the sunrise cocobChamp @Nightblue3 Can you play Terraria? peepoPat LULW !uptime @EdemZ, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 22 mins stream with AquaFPS Kappa LULW . lmao do a secure double door @Nightblue3 :) / Cant u change server or something monkaW @Nightblue3 Can you play Terraria? peepoHappy Carry a spear with a bow, if they come close to you, you can get a easy headshot with spear tuli kana po ba?? HINDE its me :) xD monkaS hide xD triangle outside the house shows you are in the Illuminati xD @chongga malamang boboo kaba Kappa ? xD not billy PepeHands I hate it when peopled type "xD" you missed one SoonerLater ahahahhahahhah ban this guy billie BibleThump spaming LUL WXD marcus stfu supot kapoba xd xD xD xD XDDDDDDDDDD xD @Nightblue3 Reworked diana jungle?? xD xD xd xDD XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD XD XD xD XDDD xD xD XDDDDDDDD xDD xD XD xD @C4yourselff nice name KEKW XXDDDDDDDDX xD really? he is doing it often ? @Nightblue3 xD xD XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDx eskdee xD IT WORKS Kappa XD xD THANKS @marcusp0wer YES HE IS XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD xDDD tyty lmao I too hate when people type "xD" but he got attention xDDD me too xD XD @marcusp0wer xD I too hate when people type "xD" ; xDDDDDDDDDDD XD I too hate when people type "xD" ,,, xD I too hate when people type "xD" m xD xD well chat is taking the bait lol BOI I HATE ALL THOSE XD'S XD xD It's his whole life mission probably Kappa XD XD I hate when people type XD xDD XDXD XD xDXd praise the rock STOP THE XD'S GYS AYAYA Corners in the chat hi bro lol ex dee D: XDDDDDDD Kappa bad chat why are they censored ? LUL @marcusp0wer DOESNT LIKE IT XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDDXD PLEASE STOP XDDDDDDDDDDD XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i hate when people type @Nightblue3 is a good player @Nightblue3 Join my Terraria world peepoHappy AYAYA ? naughty yeah, chat full of monkeys play league after that pls @Nightblue3 first time watching your stream if you are worried about snipers you can alway add a map over lay in obs so it hides you map when you open it not billy PepeHands Pepega Pepega go near mountains, stone always spawns there low mentality \ widepeepohappy maybe both PogChamp you just dont know the spot @nnezukowo is terraria cross platform Running simulator Kappa rust <3 Dr STONE Game Pog PogU ? @Verm1llion no, i play on pc and can only join via steam or ip I too hate when people type "xD" ,,, I too hate when people type "xD" m LULW step in it HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" no I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" PepeLaugh please dont do it hit it with your spear then use you hammer Yes step on it xD xD @MeroRocks need attention kid? xD I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD"I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" check By the beach @Nightblue3 Join my Terraria world widepeepoHappy I hate it when peopled type "xD"I hate it when peopled type "xD" HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" @Nightblue3 first time watching your stream if you are worried about snipers you can alway add a map over lay in obs so it hides you map when you open it So what is end game here @Nightblue3 how much to join you? GO near mountains @Nightblue3 you need everything at this point cocobHYPERS I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" I hate it when peopled type "xD" @BogdanNNN123 it turns out he is quite the trend setter after all I hate it when peopled type "xD" nightblue3 say this plzzz mukha akong tite !uptime @hgoda3, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 27 mins @Arccana ak fights and raids I hate it when peopled type "xD" u can knocn stone with ur rock no? HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" @Arccana roof camp nakeds a dead body monkaS @Nightblue3 how many hours do you have peenoise in the chat b-b-boat monkaS ur starving play minecraft Minecraft UHD HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" U HUNGRY @Nightblue3 Join my Terraria world widepeepoHappy If you haven't played I teach you starvin marvin PogU ? lol can u play league in ph server any xDers xD out in the open like an idiot LULW any xDers xD xD any xDers xD xD xD first victim LUL PogChamp nb3NANI nb3NANI Oh no way NB playing rust? Tell me this is a private server lol @Nightblue3 what got you into rust? HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" I hate it when peopled type "xD" play summer time saga out in the open like an idiot, he say get that wood big donger pixelated HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" go near a river, pumpkins give a shit ton of food D: I hate it when peopled type "xD" D: LUL say putangina ko D: !points 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 @pappasmurf88, pappasmurf88 has 31560 points and is rank 31/3215530 on the leaderboard. true LULW D: Oh no nightblue3 say pautang Ina ko Raise it to 10 Kappa chat is hilarious hehe HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" no problem man say mabaho ang titi ko monkaW ? @Nightblue3 what got you in too rust? i cant believe you playing minecraft thanks @liawaifu ! shut up night blue where are all the dinosaurs ? spectrum lulw hey @liawaifu I hate it when peopled type "xD" you need the animal fat for a furnace, find a pig or wolf Peacefull indeed Kappa ark was so fun Pepega PEENOISE in the chat KEKW HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" why we playing minecraft? peaceful? ok omw :) does anyone know how many hours he has @liawaifu you guys ever play terraria together? die D: GO NEAR A RIVER say chinupa ko aso ko u ate billie BibleThump hey nightblue3 can u say I LOVE BOOTIE pls? thnx! @azizul066 he said over 200 i think por favor GO Fishing @Nightblue3 go to supermarket MonkaTOS HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" yo oooh no LUL wtf WutFace LUL nice di** xD D: D: D: D: D: D: hahahaha MONKAS hahahah xD wtffffff D: ? dont eat him WutFace someone is going to be thristy wtf monkaS wtf D: What server >:( xD xD xD Pog xD bruhhhhhh D: wtffffffffffff is THIS JAV ?? LULW eatin humans Pog D: monkaW D: yum NIGHT BLUE333333 HI RABIA why do u stream when its almost midnight?? u can actually do that???????????? PSYCHOPATH D: PSYCHOPATH D: PSYCHOPATH D: PSYCHOPATH D: PSYCHOPATH D: :O monkaS banned i dont think he is looking at chat noooooooooooooooo dats nasty censored TOS D: thats illegal did u change ur stream schedule LULW ok you dead ewwww PogChamp monkaTOS ahashdsuhdsfsduifdsfhdsiufdsfhsdjk HAHAHAHA FeelsWeirdManW Is this island came from THE FOREST game? and he's becoming cannibal ? NotLikeThis im uncomfortable lol raw meat gachiBASS holy KEKW 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 KEKW Pepega Clap LULW xD carnivore this is content WTF IS THIS lol UHM Pepega KEKW Pepege Clap ND5 NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Pepega u ate raw pp this hurt me to watch xDDD cooked meat KEKW HAHAHAHA JAJJAJ XD Okayga nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL nb3LUL Not sea water pepega POOGERS that how dinosourse are die eat your own legg I am closing the stream now :) good bye WTFFFF "You are what you eat". NB3 is the one real human Kappa Pepaga hhahaha no no its salty salt water dafuk LUL LUL no your going to dye Pepega DOID U CHANGE UR STREAM SCHEDULE you're dunzo cocobSpit yeah drink and die Hahahahaha im dyin PepeLaugh 💨 ITS MIDNIGHT Death inc drink tamod HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" THIS GUY KILLS HIMSELF BEFORE ANY SNIPER CAN LULW starvation alive just eat ur arm xdd just go on a water fast ingame dehydration DYING OF ANAL SEX starvation just cut off a leg why not both? Rip both i just want to die Find a mushroom in the forrest dehydration is much worse! you can live two weeks withouth eating, 2 days without water OPEN MAP AND GO NEAR A RIVIER monkaW u need 3 days to die by dehydration lol Yummi D: ZULUL Warria incomming you just eat a human PogChamp play with @liawaifu PogYou LUL WUT D: rabia u can use the thing for free food WTF and 7 days to die by starvation LUL LUL Pog Pog hahaha Pog the token LOL OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wtf Pog Pog POGGERS OH pog D: POGGERS EZ Pog Pog lol PogChamp AIMBOT POG Pog OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POGGERSW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogU ? OHHHHHHHHHHHH u are crounching HOW THAT EVEN HIT SHIET slowly dying poggggggggggggggg bow pvp LUL OOPOPOBGDIGIUGSDF POGGERS oh shit we hit those D: frog Pog Pog Pog Pog nani SAY YOU SORRY PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog Lucky Shot Pog you have no water you cant run at zero @Nightblue3 Pog @Nightblue3 Play Terraria with Lia :D CLIP IT EAT PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp EAT HIM HEISENBERG that was insane EAT HIS ASS PogU hello LUL my island Kappa lol KEKW LULW 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 LULW rikeeee lmaoooooooooo REEee OwO <3 OwO LUL monkaW JAJAJAJJA XD{ cringe rape him KEKW ahahahaha KEKW KEKW gonna die, F XDDD ASHE ARROW CONNECTS kek RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW You can make a sleepingbag now EAT u ded ?? DIED @Nightblue3 EAT Kappa ? RREEEEEEEE XD ?XD?XD?XD?XD The Rust players REEeee REEeee SoonerLater ? holy What was that sound? :D rivers Rivers with your mouth why not kill yourself near the bed LUL how do i open that IRL? @Nightblue3 monkaW ? and bottled water drink own saliva you need to go to a river for fresh water USE A CUP cant u just boil the water somehow? go to the roads @Nightblue3 get bottle FROM HIS BONES WTF monkaW gotta eat dat dick Kappa a lake or something WutFace WutFace river or water cans / bottles xD monkaW JUST put it in ur mouth 4Head go to a river finding them in food crates you'll find food unless... Xd Drimk their blood Kreygasm monkaS LAKE <3 LUL water bottle, water catchers and rivers monkaS monka monkaS haha KEKW find a freshwater source @nightblue3 Kappa monkaS rivers and food boxes Build near river bro philipines namba wan widen ur mouth or find some katus Drink from lakes, rivers or watercatchers @Nightblue3 LUL W ? make a bow and eat food I hate when people type nightblue blows black balls Found river or make a rain catcher monkaX Proved the joker right @nightblue3 i hate it when nightblue says the n word so hunt a animal, the meat gives you hydration HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" ty just go to a river NotLikeThis Corn & Pumpkins give hydration aswell @Nightblue3 action is comin PogU ? real life hannibal lol RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN Biiiiits Ruuuun drink tamod make some pants HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" worlds best juice No lol pumpkins usually near rivers GET SOME CLOTHES MAN KEKW Bandages Got my 30th account banned this year.. going for 40 u can find wells if u dig its rare tho @Nightblue3 HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop i hope he get a rust player to teach him how to play, because this hurt me in side to watch PogChamp SSSsss JKanStyle Kappa agrred agreed* Type one if you want to play with nightblues dirt star HEY @nightblue3 SAY THIS "POO TANG INA MOO" XD Jebaited by TREE 1 when he ate the human meat i dyed inside @Nightblue3 What's your opinion on WW? i'm starting to main him Kappa ? That game looks like Minecraft. is the same style? cmonBruh say that the sith were right and the jedi were wrong JAAJJAJA XD fudge the police Kappa TROLLED TriHard get a compund bow PogU ? hey nioghtblue do u have tamod??/ REFORMED Pog HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fuc Da police imagine if he had 4k wood you need :O good one you wouldnt hit anyways KEKW betamale PUSSSSY cmonBruh hey nightblue i ho0pe you have a nice time playing this game :) @nightblue3 did u change ur stream schedule? its midnight KEKW @jed_a1 TRU monkaMega yes Kappa its kill or be killed Kappa no if he lived he's going to asshole your ass @nightblue3 pls answer monkaMEGA yes KEKW Yes THATS NOT A BAD WORD U KNOW @Nightblue3 play league bro I WANT TO TONGUE PUNCH YOUR DIRT STAR BABYYYYYY The policeeeeee @Nightblue3 how many hours do you have Yes you do KEKW its a role playing game cocobJeb @Nightblue3 can you say "im the best" quit league already monkaS @azzatv1 he said over 200 LOL LUL headshot Kreygasm headshot XD PogU ? Maybe not for money but for coce for sure Kappa OOOOOOOOOO XD ASSCRACK D: jerk Swap to his other channel for the under the desk stream WeirdChamp killing nakeds karma is coming for you I have a p3nis and im ready to use it headshot!!! You can find food and water in food crates along the roads, in supermarket or gasstation @Nightblue3 what rank are you? wood? omg ur playing rust? ;) @xdbourbon WutFace KEKW U look like a guy who would suck a cock for money theres enough wood for everyone PepeHands monkaW WutFace @nightblue3 do you still live in L.A.> dont ever eat human meat lm,ao @Toshilily WutFace @NnezukowO so your telling me he is a role player ? Making zero friends rn.. D: WutFace WutFace WutFace D: eat her Kreygasm monkaS WutFace D: slap dat asss harvest for animal fat Ban @Toshilily that his name hes name :P monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA Animal monkaW WTH D: monkaW thats fucked up >:D RABIA ? WutFace Stil warm do it Kreygasm WutFace D: D: D: D: he was a furry eat him eat him eat him SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc >:D >:D >:D @Nightblue3 not eatting them is a waste, the native americans would be disappointed in you Delicius Psychopath monkaW use the animal and sail out and get barrels :D Make a bone helmet I kinda hope u die for content does he know about jump shooting with bow shrooms ? how many hours do you have in rust? You just ran over some mushroooms "Shooters make kids violent" (c) Government. Yeah, yeah shooters ofc Kappa mushrooms House KEKW WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp ? no you cant wheres his airlock LUL nOOOOOO no dont do 3x3 NIGHTblue noooooo lol rust noob base he is new 3x3 is for a clan 3by3 starter ez do 2x2 first or 1x1 creat an airlock pls IS THIS FORTNITE do 2x2 LULW do 2x2 u need TC wrong side oooh no KEKW Kappa ? go from other side use hammer oh god from inside KEKW AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH other side is weaker 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 from inside om,g noo go tho the door JAJAJ XD hit soft side You need to hit it from the inside FASTER TO DESTROY FROM INSIDE KEKW hammer Pepega gamer hammer Pepega it hurt nme so much lol hammer NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis HIT FROM INSIDE Pepega HAMMER WeirdChamp ? lol ACTUAL Pepega LUL LUL LUL KEKW he cant make it inside or rotate u Pepega HAMMER DUMBFK throww your spear at wall LUL Pepega @aasahan @methodology @baymax8165 rotate ??? @Nightblue3 you can use hammer damn UR KLEEN OPogU ? PogU PogU ? Pog Pog MAKE FRIENDS blade5868 subscribed with Twitch Prime. Thank you for subscribing blade5868! PogYou blade5868 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! missed a dead guy LUL PogU ???? STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP frog Pog LUL Pog LUL Pog im gonna get fked at the frace test today U KLEEN BASTARD Pog Pog Pog lol STOP PVP CHAD WHo IS THIS PogU ? MAKE SOME FRIENDS LUL FAKERRRR PogU ?/ holy frog nononono... o.... oooo lol youre pretty decent with the bow SeemsGood bully STREAM WITH HJUNE POG you will not have enoughhhhhhh LULW BACK TO THE Pepga stuff LUL you dont have the matt to finnish it pit tc first then u can preak with the hammer @Nightblue3 next time you misplace a wall or doorway, use hammer to remove them :) double door LULW double it xDDDDDDD you won't have enought to upgrade no narrator voice: he didnt have enough make a airlock using a triangle foundation at doorway @Nightblue3 LUL Pepega gamer monkaW KEKW LUL I feel so bad about that guy :/ KEKW so scuffed the tc placement reeeeeeeeeee 5k or so more wood needed building 3by3 ez wtih 3k wood BED rip make loock for TC before some one els!! ddintmake a key LMAO Lock you TC and place a sleepingbag @Nightblue3 u need like 8k @liawaifu ur b.f eats humans :( dont feel bad its rust cocobFam why so huge base for 1 person This is hard to watch LULW You can find lots of food near the river @Nightblue3 @Sky_Tortoise owner of lock doesnt need key !game We're playing League on our main account nb3OMG @barcoga -> nightblue3 is playing Rust MAKE BED Build a sky base @HaloSM oh... guns monkaW monkaW monkaW how many hour do yall have in rust? RUNNNNNN WutFace monkaW hours KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype it was on the ship pepega Pepega LAND name it this pepega island KEKW Gaylord Island feederland LOL xDDD lmao OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW LUL LUL 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 WUKANDA ZULUL xD JAJAJAJAJAJA XD KEKW 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 KEKW LUL LOL WHAT KEKW KEKW spear OP KEKW Virgin Island KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂😂 😂 OH I WANT TO EAT YOu he wants to eat his ass Kappa KEKW LMAO KEKW LUL KEKW LUL XD euehueuheuhuhUHEUHEUHEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEH HE GUN EEEEEET U did he say i want to eat you? KEKW turbo virgin'd LUL LUL karma karma "I WANT TO EAT YOU" bill nye Kappa KEKW LoL LOL What a psycho lmao UNO !uptime @CombatGuitar, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 46 mins OH I WANT TO EAT YOU i want to eat u KEKW Save Trees organization member for sure Kappa he has ur bow now NO I WANT TO EAT U KEKW 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head 5Head LUL you also didnt put your stuff in ur TC so you lost everything Billie eyelash imagine u die vs a spear as range KEKW oh no no no PepeLaugh AT LEAST U ARE NOT STARVING NOW LUL he must be streamsniper PepeLaugh @Nightblue3 have you played battlefield ? that was too psycho well he got this vengeance eyyyyyyyyy boy ESPAÑAAAAAAAA not starving anymore KEKW he will take over ur base now Lol This game is riddle with weirdos wtf going to eat you españa? oh man i wish i could help lmao HAMMER he def looted u or nah? hi ark Kappa ? Nobody takes ur base its soo shit hello yup This isn't rust!! HE ATE UR BODY LUL Variety PogU he did say he wanted to eat you ofc he does cleaned LUL are you playing on tyler1 championship @Nightblue3 true ???????? boyfriend? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @laurentjee2491 YOU ARE A DOUCHE u mean ur caretaker? you should've left the other bow inside they all gazorpazorp lol What he said? @laurentjee2491 ye lock tcc first LOCK TC @laurentjee2491 tf ???? ur nidale now i think it shows u where u died last on map !uptime @baymax8165, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 50 mins sounds like a jgler really cool to see u on rust :) if u have any questions let me know <3 @JakersfFPS yeah all the shit was gone Once you have a base its much better funny thing is when you get watched and he wait you loot up then kill you rust community is def not "PC" lets just say that lol Is this the second rust stream or the first? just like in league lulw @nightblue3 you literally have been killing people that are only farming Watching a new person try to survive in Rust is hilarious KEKW we know where you are @Nightblue3 we are coming for you he is a frsh spawn u on same or new server @Nightblue3 @invaspor is sniping Pog @invaspor he killed innocent farmers @invaspor Dude... why is your name earthquake... and why is that my name on youtube? @Greatlakespvp wow a fellow ultima online lover :) @invaspor Bruh I am speechless lol! holy shittin pog hes playing rust?! whats the server ip? lakesuperiorPVP this is the revenge arc @Nightblue3 Rule of thumb in rust, if you think its safe, its probably not monkaW what server is he on? may tamod kaba @Greatlakespvp we are rare nowadays cmonBruh cmonBruh have you tried crossbow yet:) does anyone know if he has play with any of the big rust streamers like shacky or coco or wleyn? UwU @xraymatrix NANI DAFUQ monkaW Yeah make a bunch of bows and just farm people farming cocobOk raymatrix is gay @invaspor very rare indeed. Especially OG uo !uptime @MaseratiOlli, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 53 mins !followage @sambooty, sambooty has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 16 days 17 hours he's playing alone ITS THE TURBO VIRGIN no. Doorframe AtomicRabbitx subscribed with Twitch Prime. AtomicRabbitx has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing AtomicRabbitx! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! omg this base lol roof ok there is no way he has 200 hours no roof peepoClap wheres roof lol ey guys you seen this :O ark has double the amount of viewers than this noob game roooof Pog Clap u need one yeeee yes RPer roof useless roof yes make a room for me :) optional Keepo seckond floor next time make sure the back of the tc is touching the wall you need any tips? i have 1,600 hours in this game @Nightblue3 Is your front door locked? @Nightblue3 don't forget the airlock People can boost in people can get in if you don't have roof cant people just build some stairs and jump on you if you dont build a roof? ?? make an airlock nah just leave it open SeemsGood there are ladders in this game... SoSnowy pepeD yes roof ppl can make stairs @littleluigy no but if there are 2 people they can boost in u messed it up base with no roof OMEGALUL you can have underwear instead of censored naked it looks better @Nightblue3 it doesnt matter Dude... ppl can put ladders on your building without building privelages @Nightblue3 Is your front door locked? tbh if gear people come with guns youre screwed an airlock needs a triangle foundation make 2 locks air lock OMEGALUL just one ladder can ruin your house @Nightblue3 make a stair so you can see outside not what u did OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 you can boost over the wall if your 2 people or you can just use a ladder to get in taiwan OMGELUL SAY : CHINA NUMBER 1 TAIWAN NO 1 LUL Thanks for the HahaDreidel @blade5868 @Nightblue3 SAY : CHINA NUMBER 1 rip xDDD china +1 will be making there way in Bait KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride CHINA NUMBER 1 LMAO CHINA NO 1 LULW xd KappaPride maybe group with the chingchong que oferton KEKW thats lias job maybe later Kappa KappaPride HandsUp JAJAJAJA XD KappaPride KappaPride ask him for wood LUL HandsUp GACHIBASS Can you make wall outside someone house and trap him?! HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp fusHeart KappaPride taiwanese ppl right there 4Head build a bag 30 cloth LUL LUL Offer them blowjob Kappa KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Smart way to get into ur base lol Nightblue3 design interior Kappa lol make steps what if build a stair case so you can see if he door camps insite u destroy the locker first time ? nice airlock @Nightblue3 just take rock should have left everything and made new stuffs PepoG math a lot of wood... U looking like a snack today necritPog necritPog 3000 @Nightblue3 roooooooooooooooooooooof food good 200+400+100+100 = 4000 not good good bad NO DO NOT ROOF CAMP good good GOOOD IDES its good if you have guns BAD 3924 wood to be exact but not now !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 24670 points and is rank 90/3215640 on the leaderboard. its good byt too much wood GOOD IDEA roof camping BAD Just eat something good @Nightblue3 How do you go to the next level in technology? its a good idea but u should get someone else to help u BAD because the base design is bad 1200 naaww monkaHmm roofcamper already OMEGALUL !uptime @fullhouseyoyo, nightblue3 has been streaming for 2 hours 57 mins LULW get him was his base destroyed??? @liawaifu >:( i wanna stream snipe bad, easy way to get in KEKW hahaha KEKW your NB3 roofcamperblue3 CHINA NO 1 SAME GUY taiwan number 1! NIGHTBRU LUL CosmicLegends heheheh always good to have high ground ChingChong LULW AKWARD hey chat i didnt play for some time, can you still put twig on others people buildings? use floor with floors You need 1,8k wood for your roof @Nightblue3 see man if you say china number 1 you can instantly make an enemy lmao roofcamperblue3 lmao LUL @nightblue3 use your cupboard for storage when you have to go out to harvest before you get chests!! Kappa Kappa Hes gonna molest you monkaW :o NOOOOOOOO @liawaifu secretly slide me the server ip :^) monkaW i dont have it Jebaited i sell ip for 100 bucks Oh no :0 run bruh before was one more of that its better to build a wooden roof then have it open recruit this budget jackie chan and fck em up then whats c4 in rust? TRUE LUL How about for a shiny pokemon @liawaifu >:( you would see it on his back Molotov over the wall KEKW Kappa @liawaifu supportive gf.... free resources tho on the rust grind again Pog Oh, he’s dead soon xD 9 health I respect it :) u need pants :) MaseratiOlli lialiaOwo turn off nudity? Cover under your base help him @Ray__C xD @Ray__C Pog :) @Ray__C with hurts me so much to watch but its funny as hell @liawaifu log in and help your husbanddddd The floor youre hungry lialiaHug lialiaHug lialiaHype lialiaHype watching this is hard bro help him please ray press r to rotate what is this base design lmao its cool :D he's learning its PogChamp you can press G to auto upgrade stuff to any quality @Nightblue3 EAT BOI!! he's learning gay_c Kappa nah 100 bucks isn't rabea a millionaire ? KEKW @liawaifu Is this fortnite :D a door? door on the roof level you make a airlock on top nono You place a door infront of the staircase LUL or on the other end LUL KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL BigBrother place walls around a stairs up top and door 1x1 with door make window yeah you could just do a door way and door AIR LOCK ON ROOF Make a doorway box to see through Whats the server IP guys? I'm a rust vet and I've been in many wars monkaW just put a double door where the stairs are make door on roof instead @Nightblue3 !uptime @mrheckleberri, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 1 min War never changes 6' 6" i want you to know the only reason i follow you still is out of respect for old nb3 @Nightblue3 any direction same place yup 5Head by watching T1 5Head Clap moxy streams 5Head everybody thought Twitch chat were Pepegas.. starving KEKW darknesss9 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Ray__C! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! Thank you for subscribing Ray__C! PogYou reward A Gift shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! logic cocob7 STARVING you are starving @Nightblue3 <3 we're not, thats common sense boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ boxEZ u need alot of wood @nightblue3 make every other wall a door on the 2nd floor thank you for the gift @darknesss9 PogChamp 5Head small brain. much headmeat 1 @Ray__C :) KEKW KEKW KEKW @jirenxjiren your a god mate tyler1H1 tyler1H2 yes Rip Lol :) yea @Nightblue3 you can even have door in both ends , so more protection @Ray__C but how are you? yas5 rx why not league? I'm doing well :) Ray C lurking @ray__c do u see this? eat the mushrooms Smaller Brain than Lia? LUL @Nightblue3 you need to find something to eat, your starving starving @GangleGiraf he knows what does starving do? foooooooooood YOU REALLY NEED FOOD @MeroRocks you lose hp over time until food nb3xweyln would be sick content monkaMEGA ah faka u nightblue u tyler1 hater !! @Ray__C you should have been here when he ate raw human meat good times lol like poison monkaW te estan observando SSSsss KEKW KEKW gives you death monkaS monkaW u need food in real life tyler1 hater noob !! aww donator Pog Pog aaawwwwww @liawaifu LULW Pog peepoHappy lol Pog KappaPride server name? MomSmash6969 subscribed with Twitch Prime. MomSmash6969 has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing MomSmash6969! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! theres someone else near by give him more so that we can skip this fortnite sht i report all ur videos nightblue u fake silver smurf !! no not a first floor lol Kappa ? WTF @Nightblue3 he gave you materials, i least offer him some tea. boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL Kappa cant some1 build stairs to the triangles things? Kappa does anyone know what server hes on So uh @Nightblue3 i heard that your base will be gone tomorrow morning because you upgraded the STAIRS BEFORE THE WALLS give and take bro @Nightblue3 @nightblue3 make every other wall on the second floor a door to peak out @nightblue3 make every other wall on the second floor a door to peak out!! I love it when people type "xD" roof on top @Ray__C i cant wait for you anf irisk to play best duo na pvp or own server??? @Nightblue3 get 30 cloth and make a bag Gracias por el Haha2020, @momsmash6969. guao gracias :D @nightblue3 make every other wall on the second floor a door to peak out @azzatv1 :D <3 easier to f1 kill rn for hunger I love it when people type "xD"I love it when people type "xD" I love it when people type "xD" XD nightblue showing dik in stream Kappa lol + mi report ! Irisk is a cool dude, heard hes been doing well Kappa ? @nightblue3 make every other wall on the second floor a door to peak out!! CoolStoryBob monkaW LUL hahahah.. LUL ^^D TAKE BED Kappa ? u eat death? ull die if u eat lobster @Nightblue3 howw you enjoying the game so far :D ? XD Boring LUL xd @Nightblue3 wanna team up? eat ur own body kill some bears and eat less humans cocobJeb Xd Haha2020 XD Lol :) ?XD XD I love it when people type "xD" XD XD :) XD xD smurfing XD no bag xd XD Xd I love it when people type "xD" XD the X XD hehe xD XD XD :) :) okay boomer xD xD nightblut 200iq jungler plays rust and upgrades stairs XD XD @Nightblue3 put the bag in the house also STOP SPRINTING you lose food faster XD the face it resembles ratirlXD ratirlXD ratirlXD pog server name anyone? I hate when people type nb3 eats balls ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 XD WeirdChamp chat 🐒🐒 eat yourself @Ray__C yea he has been renovation his house @liawaifu youre just a kid i hate when people type @Nightblue3 is a good player @Nightblue3 How do you go to the next level in technology? boxBlank I love it when people type "xD" lol @marcusp0wer weirdchamp LUL KEKW Small pipi of a black guy that’s a lie don't worry about sprinting xd ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 @Nightblue3 didnt that guy just give you cloth? do it all the time lol KEKW Kappa can u cook human meat? and why not leave map a @DarklyUZI u have rust ? monkaW F NOOO xD nice try PepeHands is this free to play? Pepega aim KEKW yeah i do, i gotta redownload it n noob @CosmicLegends youre a fking kid F Can we join you NB3? they can get in you base watch out in Rust the first time i eat my own body monkaW hes sleeping LUL thicc cmonBruh someone poke him thicc Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim JAJAJAAJ WE ARE ALONE BABY he moved can he farm his dead body for human meat and cook it for HP? @assists4noobss ? u gonna die :3 hmm wanna wanna grp up on nb3s server then we can help him abit with some loot `? :) who likes rust? lmao @datboiii01 streamsnipe idiots i do atleast anyone*? well at leeast make the naked guys stare at the beach WHAT SERVER IS HE IN what's going on today many ppl spamming n word @liawaifu do something on cam LUL all leave chst for 2 min he come back 0 viewers xD WHAT SERVEr attack! his base will be gone PogChamp chair stream someone have some pizza for me? @GangleGiraf got 1.1k hours in 1 year SERVER?????????????? @LipperLapper sure what server is he in im down @LipperLapper flex @DarklyUZI shit dawg lets find his server and fuck him up :) @Itw1sstt dont streamsnipe xd @CosmicLegends you tyler1 hater noob ! peepoPooPoo IceCold @Ray__C you ready for the wipe/ update? DOOP 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 chat join his server and help him with loot back on rust again FeelsOkayMan WHAT SERVER IS HE GUYS? @PoLk15 have 1,600 hours lol u cant catch fish in this game? !uptime @cookiesaredope, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 8 mins mmmmmmm Yeah, I've heard this update is going to be huge No one knows the server name? looking forward to the improvements ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper server we help him not stream snipe @GangleGiraf feelsblaman I played legacy rust for like 500 hours lol @GangleGiraf I am so sad that I can't play anymore cause I don't have time :'( Apparently fps changes are coming too? Hopefully. dont say the sever otherwise he'll get sniped this must be #2 why there is no streamsnipers on him like when ggx streamed rust ? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeperResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper i might know which one he might be in, but i aint about that stream snipe life, respect :) @Ray__C PogU there are ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Ray__C Hi HeyGuys Yooo some hero drop the IP in chat at least protect him to survive a bit Nature stream wtf @nightblue3 play Wild Life 2 @DarklyUZI fine we can coexist then PepeLaugh @DarklyUZI @DarklyUZI youre fat @DragonBarbudo666 HeyGuys @DarklyUZI Kapp @PoLk15 aww big rip, i played yesterday xd last wipe was super good, 2 m249s @darknesss9 how you doing :D he fappin wow so peaceful if you say the server i hope mods bann hammer cocobA @nightblue3 she killed you yesterday too bro i mean janessa @Ray__C :) this game kinda sucks but i watch anything he streams because he doesnt suck :) what a view that Sound wtf that scared me wow what a gameplay @Ray__C ooh iu didnt know about the fps changes more frame the better, hopefully they can tdo something to help with invalieds he survived afk more than him playing @GetRaked7 Destroy Diik Desember, gotta do the fapp wow @dabs503 game sucks because he's stuck on primitive LUL thiccccc KomodoHype KomodoHype my dream! YES YES Kappa give him a BOW so u do play other games than league XD oh ok KEKW I KNOW YOU YOU WONT LULW shit no no no no pepegaAIM azzatvRee no way :DDDDDDDDDDDDD FALSE KEKW 30% arrow hit rate btw LUL TRUUUUUUE no no true KEKW Yeah definitely POOGERS TRUE kekw no how long does the night last for? you have a lot of stone PegaShroud idiot Novice of rust perhaps terpsiLove seqHi i played ark never this game LUL no? la verdad no entendi lo que dijo xD a gun rather UR aim INSANE in this game more like the xpeke of lego Bow God cocobJeb Scuffed Shroud Pepega is it ok to join just to farm and give you stuff @Nightblue3 jajajaja xD LULW The night was 1/4 of the day but dont remember excatly something like 10-15 min shroud of rust thats a group monkaW GIVE HIM A BOW NOT ARROWS KEKW and theyre all shotting it at u lol if ur actually good you will rock them to death @Nightblue3 Bois I found him @Gothicos KEKW stream snipe Ladies and Gentlemen we got em nb3 u chad... on modded or vanilla? Potato aim @nightblue3 make every other wall on the second floor a door to peak out streamsnipers? guys how long does the night last for in this game? nb3Aim nb3Aim nb3Aim insane Is de War III make a eoka Its the snipers TriHard he has aimbotttttt gotta love stream snipers PvP in Ark is a joke too be honest his aim isnt that bad DM ME CHAT, I Found the server HES IN @Nightblue3 WHERE IS YOUR BASE ? can you play with veiwers once? Arks better Man I love watching this game... Rust is so awesome. is the War lll xD no @MeroRocks day is 40 min night is 10 only if theyre lower hp no thanks @Teodorsmith yeah, rust is freakin FUN and armor has a big effect in it. 80 damage or something nm need to use map cover for the snipers id suggest to farm some barrels while going to outpost and craft up some eokas to make some plays on geared guys if they have aromour and or full hp no as a shield monkey low walls on the triangle overlooks? or maybe a low wall 75% i guess to 1 @Nightblue3 make couple half walls so you can peak and be protected where the heck are u where is your house? ye or try and go out on sea with a boat and hit barrels RUN FOREST LOL 0 to 0.1 @Nightblue3 bind j attack into the console EZ Clap @MeroRocks its 15 but like you can see while is getting down and when the sun is rising KEKW KEKW awww te esta ayudando @Nightblue3 KEKW turning on hacks KEKW ito aimbot on KEKW KEKW Creep KEKW ? toggeling KEKW KEKW KEKW hahaha turning on aimbot you have to throw a spear for big damage PogChamp 1000 ad one shot hack coming up KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NICE AIMBOT someone is eating LMAOO @Nightblue3 aimbot on ? what is this>??? yea @fyuzionx trueeeee yeah KappaClaus KappaClaus scene you're a mic Probably in settings @Nightblue3 yea just check on pornhub TriHard In steam settings itl show microphone usage go to windows sound control panel and change your mic to default so its the right one in every thing @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 its deafault pc mic kill hem! clara lets fight then lol options in hackmenu Rust uses the mic on steam. if you want to check, go on friedns, settings on friends then go to chat ohhhh im telling sound card options cmonBruh YOU'RE AN AIMBOT now we know how nb3 hitting airrows from accross map LUL 📝 POGGERS telling twitch monkaW D: Monkaw D: D: LUL D: D: D: F WTF D: D: D: jajaja xD D: I feel im watching Dr. Stone Go on friends list and press the settnings on there. go to chat and then you can see the mic D: - D: you killed him for fun D: D: why him? cmonBruh shit reminds me of VGDinkey D; he was a good man D: HE WAS A FRIENDLY Sound D: D; YouWHY YouWHY monkaH D: yeah but senku dont kill people for staring at him is this the new Dr. Stone game? LUL LUL LUL LUL PogChamp The one friendly guy in the whole server and you kill him dont trest anyone NB rust is a bully game friends settings voice ytea 9 years old is like "D:" voice you said friendly D: D; :( YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY traidor!!! @laazynut lol D; ok im off to bed, ill catch you later @Ray__C it was nice talking to you @Gothicos did u just get killed? :D @azzatv1 later man how many houer do u have NB? soo u killed him cause he didnt answer but u had the wrong mic setted? have a good night YouWHY moon rising He was running around him in the middle of the night with a torch... would’ve killed him myself even if we were in the same group hacks working Pog nah @Nightblue3 nights alternate with the moon lmao but itl be pitch black soon cmonBruh hellou the nigth is darker that nb3s mom LUL LUL HYPERBRUH you should lead stream snipers and makem your farmers and you stay at your base @Nightblue3 pitch cmonBruh @nightblue3 is it better to work in a at least a pair? That way one can always get the loot of the other dies? HahaDoge wait.. Hunting nakeds cmonBruh wut? i cant see shit LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW LUL jajajaja xD KEKW Karma is a bich LOL youre bleeding WutFace challenger @Nightblue3 Do you play rust much? its my favorite game lol lul KEKW you can see on their back if they has a bow or not retard LUL Lol @kaiser17xd CHAT WHATS BETTER KEKW OR LULW xd is best /kill XD WeirdChamp xD @goblin_slayer11 KEKW CY@ is classic it worked big brain woah this is the first time ive seen you not streaming league :o were you raided when you got on today? !uptime @Fila7252, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 18 mins brend that house! is there a way to see league total playtime? !followage @MeroRocks, merorocks has been following nightblue3 for 5 years 1 month 15 days 14 hours do it good idea @Nightblue3 YEAH PLEASE SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth SeriousSloth delaaaay its fine just do delay Kappa Yeah it's a lot more than half Kappa snecy boi sempai never noticed me PepeHands hehe LUL no, its good @Nightblue3 just continue playing xd normal stream to ASMR real quick LUL plz do that Pog rip LOL HACKER !followage @Fr3dyK, fr3dyk has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 7 months 29 days 17 hours trashh U are soooo bad haha !followage @vagonna, vagonna has been following nightblue3 for 3 months 22 days 9 hours RKO HACKERR RIVERA KEKW yeah I mean delay doesn't really mean anything @Nightblue3 its okay man LUL LOL Spam F boiz KEKW gamma lol jenny ghosting @Nightblue3 you need a duo buddy hmu @CosmicLegends WeirdChamp ITS FINE YOU SAID F gamma? CY@ lol yessss plzzzz LLOL BOOSTING VIEWS yes turn up your gamma viewbots Some people use nvidia settings to raise gamma restart sremo pls :3 just why? o_O just turn up gamma and you can see in the dark afk people LUL !uptime @lainiwakura999, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 20 mins you cant cmon nb3 it's for good melan dont pick viewership over stream quality sounds bad It is rough especially if youre just starting LULW @madmini808 gamma dosent work. you're ass leave the delay gamma isnt a thing anymore they patched it you just have to becareful of being skylined in legacy rust you could put your gamma up. That death sucks, but I love this game so much!!! is this offichal sirver? @HeyThanksForTheSwallow it dosent work the rock @Nightblue3 rock rock dose more dmg gg KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL hahaha LOL KEKW Dont do it people will call you 2k andy kekw hahahahah thanks for the rock KEKW KEKW intense cocobMonkeyS Eyes of a killer maybe dont stream rust? see the awesome view its because of streamer mode !followage @xxtenktasionxx, xxtenktasionxx has been following nightblue3 for 1 month 18 days 2 hours BibleThump demn super troll ded !followage @fyuzionx, fyuzionx has been following nightblue3 for 6 months 26 days 7 hours @Nightblue3 do you know how long you will be streaming? YeeeeHaaawww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeHaaawww sneakyYeehaw @Nightblue3 ok so a Irrelevant League streamer streaming Rust wtf ur worse than IWD make a bow SeemsGood @Nightblue3 best bet is to run around looting wood/hemp then going to road getting crates/tool boxs is it that guy again? @Nightblue3 That moment you get killed by a naked man in the woods and the last thing you see in your life is his junk as he stares over you to finish you off .... Pepega go kill him LUL LUL LUL he has no rock !followage @hgoda3, hgoda3 has been following nightblue3 for 10 months 6 days 2 hours NB living in the wild like a COWBOY YeeeeHaaawww sneakyYeehaw THEY GOTTA LIVE MAN is this ARK? rust=toxic 100% Anyway we are pickaxe raiding your base this is the new ark update @Nightblue3 well they see a wild monkey yhey throw rocks at it LUL try me again lmfao LUL KEKW toxic boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL LUL that base is hot LULW lul nope Cloth? sleeping bag? he was just giving you a love tap loaded PogChamp wait it looks like this is nightblues body on that screen @Nightblue3 bro careful they can build stairs and climb up and get in your base TEAM UP MAN @danielmk12 how u kno You're never gonna get anywhere if you build in the noob spawn zone suk his dik ur body TEAM UP WITH HEAM become a team and make him farm for you what do you do in this game? try moded servers :))) ? This game is better then League !points @RazoBolt, RazoBolt has 24700 points and is rank 89/3215739 on the leaderboard. @sh0ban i know the old nightblue3 would team up with a noob and carry him @Nightblue3 hide the ap or else they will stream snipe u god HAHAHAHAHA !points @fyuzionx, fyuzionx has 50 points and is rank 328090/3215740 on the leaderboard. u play long u been playing make a slave army @danielmk12 how... Hes distracted go from behind !points @Pepomega, Pepomega has 90 points and is rank 236041/3215740 on the leaderboard. make a trapbase make an army of nakeds hes trying to tep u Bro go more in-land @Nightblue3 @sh0ban its obvious logic no ? Animal Fat just grabbing it from the ground hit barrels and go to outpost barrel JUST GET IT 4HEad recycle tarp recyce Animals or recycle get the bones from him to make a bone knife recycle sewing kits and tarp it is animalsss killing animals @Nightblue3 Hide your map on stream to prevent stream snipers 5hgeaed recycle ropes @DarklyUZI uwu and rop kill animals get inland pick it off ground bruh @danielmk12 cant build cause Tc I thought what do you do in this game? restartt streamoo plsss @nightblue3 u can find some cloth by picking ti up get barrels and then recycle stuff or get animals and harvest them !points @xxtenktasionxx, xxtenktasionxx has 310 points and is rank 101330/3215741 on the leaderboard. stay on the road @CosmicLegends hi @sh0ban umm Can recycle rope too Go in-land and hit barrels foreheas plant seeds @DarklyUZI u down to play rust tonight? go to the road go bandit and gambel @danielmk12 whatever bro be a smart arse @nightblue3 u new to rust? it'd be more fun if you have someone experienced @Nightblue3 i can help @sh0ban suk it can we paly with you? :D @nih look map, find road @nightblue3 okay goodnight imma sleep goodluck streaming!!! cya mate @CosmicLegends prob tomorrow, kinda drowsy today and a headace, wisdom tooth removed can we play with you? :D @Nightblue3 @danielmk12 wow good one u sound like eu LULW LULW HAHAHAHAH KEKW lulw Naked ppl runing around beta 3Head Oi cheeky cunt 3Head KEKW put planters inside your base, take cuttings and make clones... get to a river and build around that too lots of corns and pumbkins and stuff there and all the water you can need KEKW FUK OFF 3Head fak off LUL lel 3Head fok off team with him SillyChamp @sh0ban hahahahahahahaahahaha hiw did you know 3Head FAK OFF MATE rust players are something FOK UFF 3Head mate no u OI 3Head @nightblue3 team up either other rust content creators. hes friendly. team with him wow no u Gollum? fK oOo0fF 3 head this ppl LUL MonkaS thats racist to me TriHard mine Kill him @nib5ter We've only touched the tip of the ice berg yea boiiiiiiiii Do you like pineapple on pizza? put cloth back THE PROGRESSION IN THIS GAME you gonna die again greedy DEAD IN 10 SEC IS SO You gonna die SLOW fornite farming JESUS xd dont die now Do you like pineapple on pizza greed is good @351metroid oh no pvp god nb3 i just ate a whole turkey wing or they farm u dead jajajaja this nb3 big noob I like pineapple on my toes when someone say hi Bruh you need arrows too LULW @Nightblue3 Do you like pineapple on pizza? Do you like pineapple on pizza fAk o0oFf Do you like pineapple on pizza? cmonBruh Do you like pineapple on pizza @elder_dragonn yes Farming peepo peepohappy Do you like pineapple on pizza? Do you like pineapple on pizza WeirdChamp SPAM WeirdChamp @elder_dragonn yess mkay Do you like pineapple on pizza M OMEGALUL D S pizza on pa better Do you like pineapple on pizza Jebaited ? drink water to heal Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza? which server I have silenced the spammer Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza @liawaifu yes It's bait Kappa this guy so nice LUL dont oprn he wanna go deep lets snipe him not really Do u like pizza on pineapple dont open he go deep Hey nb3 do you like cheese on pizza Do you like pineapple on pizza create airlock you should have multiple bags around your base. one in your base and like a couple around your base he left a C4 KEKW why does it feel so awful when a streamer plays your main game? Kill from top everyone spam "do you like pineapple on pizza" Meany nb Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza? kekw oh u have go to the roof Poggers hey its Singapore guy chat, he does like pineapple on pizza. monkaOMEGA 75 Do you like pineapple on pizza this guy cool do you like pineapple on pizza? let him in lol dont go out LET HIM IN PUSSY can some1 ban @liawaifu pineapple on pizza is good nb3, kill a animal to get animal fat. then craft lowgrade and make a furnace EVERYONE SPAM "Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza?" Smells fishy lol he's a snake! bro let him he helped you earlier this rust gameplay is interesting Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza? ask 4 his virginity Kill him Put a door up there man @nightblue3 KILL HIM he has a fucking bow ready monkas QUICKLY @liawaifu we know...BUT WHY PepoThink KEKW HandsUp cocobOk dont trust him WTF LUL KILL HIM KILL HIS ASS TOS YES yeeees yes yesss yes ahhahaha HandsUp TEAM yes yes YES no. no kill them all YES No KappaPride NOOO IF YOU HAVE BALLS no Yes yes NO yeees so no VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea VoteYea no YES NOOOOOOOOOOO no BE ANIMAL yes yes TEAM UP yes no YES YES massacre NO NO THEY WILL KILL U YES BUST THEM CHEEKS yes Kill him Hahahahaha Yes . yrea u bout to be raided boi yesssss si YES no POG TEAM UP WITH THEM save Singapore man yes YEA KILL THEM ALL no no u thatch YE YESSSSSS YES Ye YES Kill em tell them whos the boss ! best thing you can do watching nb in our test yESA YESSSSSS, U can try THEY WILL HELP YOU PROTECT YOUR BASE Yes wood roof plz JUST IN CASE @Nightblue3 upgrade roof it's only twig !! Yes Lead an army into battle! genocide lol KILL EM ALL BTW Hey Nb3, do you like pineapple on pizza? TEAM UP Hahahah YOU NEED FRIENDS cocob7 "Thats a nice straw house you got there, would be a shame if anything were to happen to it" Big Bad Wolf, probably your base is not sceure WOOOH GUN monkaW They all look like massive cucklords OMG lol UR BAD AF :d HE HAS A GUN KEKW KEKW KEKW kill the black guy with the gun Nice aim LUL lul nice aim SHROUD OF RUST TriHard shroud of rust lmao Why you playing rush oh lol ?? KEKW LOOOL team up LOL LOL team up with him now that was scary LUL is that the rust of shroud? PogChamp headshot Kreygasm WTF :d WHY HIM ? D: drink water KIILL HIM LOL WTF PogChamp PogChamp PogU ? he got a gun ok now i see why you're the shroud of rust Xd straight up domed him lmao D: Xd LUL drink the water to heal xd LOOOL kill him is he actualy mad PogChamp PogChamp happaPepe This is the best thing ive ever seen CHEATING XD LOLLOL hahahhahaa' Team him KEKW eat? kill him for shotgun HAHAHAHAHA KEKW Dosent matter if you have a door or not, you have twig roof TEAM UP WITH HIM WTF Drink the water he has a fkn gun kill him team him team up with him LUL streamer privileges he gave u a gunn Kill him@now im dying KEKW It would be so great if this guy kill nb and take everything now KEKW NOW HE WILL KILL YOU Kappa DID HE REALLY GAVE A GUN? Drink the water to heal LUL get the gun AWWWWWWWWWWWWW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump awwwwww PepeHands awww so cute bromance PogU A REAL FRIEND AWWWW food? tru love pog <3 The hero we needed BibleThump BibleThump team door what a hero BibleThump BibleThump friendly stream sniper this guy is a homie <3 let him in now that was a kind guy TEAM UP WITH HIM BibleThump Door is inside out, man PepeHands server name? now u have to team better then liy PogU BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump this guy So cool do it drink water to heal BibleThump AWWW i worry about u he says as he takes everything from him XD team man nightblue has slaves no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM no1GASM team up this guys is a godsend dont team stay save Yea team up with him TEAM DUDE team up plzzzzz MAKE FURNACE Streamer loot you suck at solo anyways ITS EASy You need storage BibleThump He's nice HE WILL HELP Drink water to heal good player thats why Kappa אקשצ ו NO @Nightblue3 it's so easy you just dumb dumb DOOR IS SOFT SIDE OUT true love lol decent air drop he has played it before lol TEAM team upp he probably has a base somewhere make friends meanwhile u have been farming wood and suiciding barrels and a gun\ drink water nooo' bro you need 50 for furnace team up drink water to heal you legendary dong dong sucker maybe lmao ur roof is twig, pepega gamer KEKW LUL pog AHAHAAAAAAHHAHAAHAA Pog LMFAO KEKW LOL wtf pffff LUL ahahahahhahahahahhaahhaha LUL LUL LUL KEKW ahahahahaha LUL HE IS A LEGEND LUL LUL LUL SEE MY EYES, SEA omg LUL LUL qq HAHAHHAHAHA QQ N...Negan? KEKW SAVAGE @qq KEKW ? HAHAHAHAHA QQ THE MAN QQ LUL QQQQ lul qq QQ her eyes QQ LUL coo coo QQ SO COOL QQ the man QQ THE GOD eat corn QQ chinese man QQ our hero monkaOMEGA QQ SOUND OF A GUN. QQ QQ Why your starter base so big CORN haha QQ mvp eat corn insane dude upgread the base LUL LUL LUL @nightblue3 barrels, u get all of this on the road QQ IS A LEGEND LUL use the stone lul Why did you make your base so big @Nightblue3 see my eyes you have CORN @Nightblue3 QQ team with him pls you got a fucking gun safe from noobs that cam position LUL This guy is awesome TEAM UP QQ @Nightblue3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! your base is decaying in 2 hours QQ joined Billy in the HALL OF FAME Eat some food bro MARRY HIMI they can spear the base and read u @nightblue3 why big base as a starter...... LOL ?????????????????/ LUL Kappa ? Put a door on top damn it @nightblue3 died while crafting QQ @Nightblue3 with a sleeping bag u can spawn in your house @qq are you on a solo only server? ill hop on and fuck shit up with ya QQ marry him imagine if someone destroyed your bed right there Was the cam position intentional when you are in Inventory?? LUL LUL LUL MARRY QQ! QQ @nightblue3 drink water to heal you player Q _ Q / <3 PETITION TO MARRY QQ did he gave you a gun? @Nightblue3 @wii13 im down @Nightblue3 don't kill your self it's bannable LUL LUL Kapp aint gonna lie not a bad stat man KAppa @Nightblue3 you should stream this more often cause you seem to actually enjoy it and its fun to watch while high JUST GET AN AXE @Nightblue3 i didnt think id like watching u play this game but i do you gonna cook like its master chef? You can´t enter ur home now if have a key sistem Kappa call him hasaki because of double Q QQ the hero Kappa team up did you die ? @Nightblue3 you should play other games besides league more Door @Nightblue3 water doesnt work anymore @nightblue3 Rabia, the king of nakeds Are you going to put rust content on YouTube that’d be awesome if you have water, you can heal up til 40 hp then no more what happen ?? @Nightblue3 team up? hey bud my squad has 18 rockets just for your house and we comin. Enjoy your time there as you do not have much of it left :) put a bag in your base @Nightblue3 spam WeirdChamp ? <3 cmonBruh farm your corpse @Nightblue3 its him Since when.... yet again i play on modded facepalm WeirdChamp spam xd qq the breadwinner günstig???? lol @Nightblue3 in the invent there your webcam joins perfectly with ur character Rustafied Au represents Wood your roof this chat is so cringe they are all noobs XD XD XD HandsUp take his rock sounds good wtf look at my eyes LUL Pog rust LUL is nb3 playing RUST? WWWWWWWTTTTTTTFFFFFFF i love it @Nightblue3 you had to say look me in the eye hahahahaha boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL wtf man it was a free rock omfg D: cocobA by throwing it at u take his meat! jenREE I have no heart for this game. I would feel bad killin people !uptime @J4tw88, nightblue3 has been streaming for 3 hours 37 mins @Nightblue3 you can just right click an object to lott, rather than click-drag. its faster yes Kappa papega @nightblue3 you are horribly person hahah LUL YOU NEED TO KILL EVERYONE NIGHTBLUE @Nightblue3 OMG NB3 PLAYS RUST!? no mercy dude Pepega never be frindly on rust NB @nightblue3 normally in rust we build 2 by 2 or 2 by 1 starter base to get started then build real base or upgrade tht any sneakers? and then u become the ass hole Kappa everyone starts fresh @Nightblue3 yep no mercy yeah u get betrayed enough and its every man for himself lmao Just like league, you just become an ass Murder hobos boxThink KOS everyone @nightblue3 did you build your base already? can girl play rust? nakeds are dangerous greedy the hatchet is so good no laddr needed tbh just build in @Nightblue3 i am an rust expert if you have any questions feel free to ask me ashlolBlush ashlolBlush ashlolBlush KEKW SO BAD can we play with you? @Nightblue3 KEKW KEKW SHROUD GREEEEEDY KEKW @Nightblue3 cant buidl it stone anyone can play rust just girls get bullied if they not with a clan KEKW KEKW rock him 4Head KEKW there is 1 QQ Are you on the same server as yesterday? lost hatchet :( QQ fk smartphone i go watch on pc nb3Potato nb3Potato nb3Potato risk it for a biscuit cocob7 @Nightblue3 They updated the game and now you can´t put ladders if you don´t have cupboard permission. QQ friendly @Nightblue3 if you ever need help, just hmu is that shroud of rust? 1 more tree PepeLaugh DansGame where is qq when we need kromiaCry thats magic ? ur corpse is still rotting at thre LULW Roof camping lock the door come on Blue the other guy took it all KEKW niceguy cocobChamp Kappa u need QQ come follow my stream :) Kappa call Qq LUL lol @OverThlnk ??????? u need QQ LUL useless LUL KEKW door camped NotLikeThis @Nightblue3 i am pretty good at this game so if you want i can join the server and team up snipers lol hhahaha how did he get back up? corn thats a lot of snipers LUL the amount of people wanting to team is just pathetic snipers yikes ruwhrhwurhuwwurh whar is QQ HAHAHA LUL !points @itzyasuke, itzyasuke has 16743 points and is rank 266/3215792 on the leaderboard. KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LUL HAHAHAHAH hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KEKW KEKW variety... WutFace PHAHah theres ur content hahahah what happened to ur base LOL eat corn LUL QQ HAHAHAHAHAh jajajaaj LUL Can some1 clip that you looked in his eyes why was he standing outside no reason 4Head the people of rust in a nutshell Trusted change server man the snipers are unreal Lol that's rust low 99% 50% SoonerLater I have a Ladder :) they can boost 90% time to bust out the AK? thye can boost 70% ladders noot that rare I mean have you guys ever watched xqc play this LUL this is pretty calm honestly gonna have a destroyed base again KEKW i have one and im comin for you bud :) i am coming for ya booty with ladder :) NIGHTBLUE CAN WE PLAY WITH YOU PLEASE? WE WILL GIVE YOU STUFF @Nightblue3 if u say it out loud, 100% ladders are quite easy to get, just RNG @Nightblue3 should make a sleepingbag this game is shit like ark what is this game 100% if they have wood @ferrumunumvirum help him you need to loot boxes by the road. you ca find ladders in ther turbo virgins are multiplying is this a solo server? I just made a Ladder :) hahahahaha YES no yes @Nightblue3 this base is gonna get raided so easily make a 2x1 with a triangle airlock @J4tw88 yes they removed the ladder raid from the game. They only can raid you with boosts now ur hut is too attractive LUL @The44Angel i offered my help bless you bless you bless y BrainSlug bless yoi good morning nb3Feels bless u fuk u fk y Fuck you @Ray__C teach nightblue deway curse you Kappa Sniff Sniff Bless you man They updated the game and now you can´t put ladders if you don´t have cupboard permission. gezondheid no1BLESS no1BLESS no1BLESS what is this game @ferrumunumvirum he obviously needs help Cocaine sniff LUL KEKW @Nightblue3 and the rood top is not a very good idea cuse they can boost to get up there and get int with some hatchets LUL KEKW LUL hahahhahahahha Just make another base when you get camped like that cocob7 LUL lets goo LUL LUL shrek song KEKW @The44Angel i can see hahahahahahahahhaahha @OverThlnk u mean in some modded server, cause i used one yesterday, so nope. KEKW LUL LUL oh my that was awful my ears lol boxZoom LULW wtf haha7 lol Girl? lol toxic rust players sOMBADY Girl getem angel LUL LUL LUL bro that was dreadful XD yes EAT HIM yes GOOD DOG no yes NO eys yes N OMEGALUL yes no yes YERS YES yes KEKW noooo NO YES get QQ fight Kappa Kappa Kappa yes yes yes :) YESSSS YES cocobOk N KEKW yes yes :) nnoo yes yes NO yes NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNooooooooooo YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS N omegaLUL YEs team up with QQ no nono YES YES yes Kappa yes what else is twitch for @Nightblue3 clow blue 3 I payed for a bounty hunter :) NO WELCOME TO RUST KID LUL we are not get QQ nb3Clown Yes SELL OUT yes HELL NO YAES yEs the was best part so far clownblue3 pvmanNonono pvmanNonono Yes NUFF SAID LUL MAN UP DUDE Yes nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown Typical rust players LUL somebody kill this man I changed my mind. KILL THEM ALL ! BURN THEM haHAA FUCKÍING LIER LUL night in rust .... @liawaifu HIIIII last time hit tree with a rock btw wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhaaaaaattttttt iiiiisssss ttttthhhhhiiiiisssss ggzaaammmeee LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LMAO HAHAHA monkas KEKW LUL THIS GAME IS FKING BRUTAL BANNED LOL BibleThump LMAO XD LUL LUL @J4tw88 no. they actually removed it. Only if they reverse it but I don´t believe so. banned cmonBruh WeirdChamp LMAO died a hero QQ LUL He is Chimp ANIMALS LULW JESUS! You are clown that failed to entertain others then??? nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis nb3Notlikethis KEKW KEKW KEKW @Nightblue3 gimmie the server name i will help you @Nightblue3 WELCOME TO RUST HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA D: BARBARIANS take ur gun outtt!!!! LUL LUL goodbye cruel world LUL PepeHands ratirlWot hhahahahaha LUL D: sad Nightablue LOL they definetly not sniping LUL TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE AREAAAA LUL LUL LUL LUL @Nightblue3 ues ur gunn QQ nightsquek LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL Snipers deploying the TROOPS 'Fuck my life' (Nightblue3, 2019) @OverThlnk oh, ok, i didnt notice u are trolling you need map cover wait wut nb3LUL LUL nb3LUL LUL nb3LUL LUL he heard you saying here comes the sniper Jajajaja wata...fuc LULW No means NO yeah hahah he heard you GET THEM OUT OF YOUR JUNGLE LUL you wont get the best rust experience solo let me help you lol. i just gave u wood and stone b4 u died @Nightblue3 Yo what happened to league? @Nightblue3 you want tips on rust ??? Atleast he has like 5 stream snipers you need to call QQ and team up @Nightblue3 Yeah he killed u bf does this mean know what his doing xd @J4tw88 man, you americans are fast to shit talk but ok. LULW Nightblue are you gonna make some more league videos? "No..." N OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 if u build a sleepingbag u can spawn there Jebaited SHOW THEM THE CY@ but it's december LUL @Itw1sstt can you please find a duo to play with. you fkn trash rust would be a cool game if the community wasn't so much shit Not this excuse again LUL Jebaited Jebaited KEKW that was nice :) japs This game is the reason i have trust issues :) I'm normal lol Friendly stream Snipers DansGame don't run im normal lol cencored You are not normal LUL censored like JAV @Nightblue3 Thats my pickup line btw "you don't have to run, I'm normal" yes! you are playing RUST! Dont do it cmonBruh boring do it TriHard do it TriHard LUL lol Dont do it lol HAHAHAHA Wa tu hek 15 Story kill you LUL 20 @Nightblue3 what is the server name let me help you nd3 at least 19 13 25 10 TWENI WAN! 130 90 CAN WE JUST HELP YOU?? PLEASE 15 max 30 if your lucky KEKW 10 9 change the base 8 7 7 build a new base Kappa LAnd NIGHTBLUE GIVE US THE IP OF THE SERVER AND WE WILL HELP YOU! @Nightblue3 6 69 3 you need qq to find stuff for you @Nightblue3 LOOT YOUR OLD BODY @Nightblue3 find qq u need him this were you died an hour ago xd KEKW @Nightblue3 what have I missed the snowball SeemsGood you a oussy bro @ferrumunumvirum how are people stream sniping him @macavalia a lot of dying LUL @Nightblue3 you know you can play on servers that give x1000 the metirials right? why don't you go there LUL no its not cheating lol IT IS CALLED ZERG @Nightblue3 @DarklyUZI getting sniped? it's only going to be so fun watching you die over and over @The44Angel they can't unless they have him on their friend lit teaming is allowed IT IS NO CHEATING streamsniping is also cheating LUL Everyone teams up its not chr atleast get a start and then solo call qq Basically a deathwish playing solo lol but we want to help you :) @macavalia kinda your content sucks, all you do is farm wood with a stone and dies Why do u build a huge ass base in the middle of the open when soloing make a bow then kill everyone thought you hit a tree with a rock for the last time?? you shouda team up with qq @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 its not cheating @The44Angel or they just randomly joined the server and had the same map so they sniped him HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp giv me wood SMOrc buzzki9Onepunch buzzki9Onepunch buzzki9Onepunch LUL monkaS what is he saying? LUL monkaEyes AHAHHAHAha KEKW monkaS WeirdChamp KEKW tturns mic up KEKW haha D: KEKW @Nightblue3 @shackyHD hosted with many of his viewrs and has done it many times. GEV ME WOUD SMOrc SMOrc KEKW what is that HAHAHAH beta kill him cocobMonkeyS BibleThump KEKW SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc GIME YO WOOD GOTTEM use a lifeline and call qq lol BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump OOOOOOOOOH D: THROW IT slap hes ass hahah XDDDDDD XDD Nooooooooooo BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump poke him with a stick !!! LUL hahahahahahaah LUL lol xD ahhhaahahah KEKW YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LUL KEKW LOL D: KEKW LUL he said i'll kill you KEKW hahahha KEKW this game has guns? xDD :dddddddddddddddddddddd LMAO OMEGALUL LUL AHHAAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHA hajahahahahahahahaaa FUCKING R OMEGALUL LLED KEKW HAHAHAA LMFAOOO I WiLl KIlL YoU PogChamp @Nightblue3 YOU DUM DUM KEKW ROFLLLLLLLLL HAHAHAHHAZ D: LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 4head OMEGALUL EEETUUUU xDDD looool KEKW LUL LUL LUL Pepega Clap LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO xD KEKW e2 XDXD hahahahahahahaha Hahahahaha that is sad OMEGALUL NOOOOOOOOOOOO shroud btw HE TRIED TO HELP U PepeHands Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa karm,a why yuou fightttt Karma karma He Wanted To help lel LUL KEKW he tried to team POG omg :D uselesssssssssssssssssss Karma bitch :( KEKW RKO KEKW KEKW KEKW holy shit YOU DID SO WELL karma ppOverheat put on armour GJ Pepega Clap just take the fuking stuff and runnnn how sad Sad KARMA lol so bad at this game KARMA IS BITCH KEKW new server time? EZ Clap @Nightblue3 stick to league HE WAS HELPING Zed useless nice try karma hey kids, u want some stuff?? KEKW actual monkey Pepega GET A DUO HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO TELL YOU it all started on that guy who needs wood karma You run when you get stuff lol This is fun LUL Hahahhahaha Pepega Clap EZclap ipavBZZ he want to help you KEKW that was me Inst karma @liawaifu =^) pepega Why kill the guy trying to help anyone know the server? ive never played this game yes no cmon play league he wanted to help g digger is watching stream Kappa no no Smackeled @liawaifu lia, go join him and help him yes :) ppOverheat OMEGALUL yes. seems like you need it only trust QQ just we will help you why would I trust people in this game HE HAD A GUN AND DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT SHOOTING YOU @Nightblue3 yes if he has a gun and doesnt shoot u VoteNay hell no Dang Inst karma Lia watching Rabia on the flat screens no theyre all crazy shut uuuuup NOW THIS IS CONTENT everyone is friendly in this game :) you had qq he was QQQ only qq @Nightblue3 You can't spell trust without rust @Nightblue3 Trust QQ that was your one chance LOOK AT MY EYES actually helping BibleThump now kill him KEKW He is like a baby BibleThump Reformed BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump I heard your stream through his voice chat @nightblue3 @Nightblue3 playing with speakers LUL LUL LUL HAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW LOL? trickshot BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump GOOD MANNN let him farm stone then kill him why you dont play in server with more loot @Nightblue3 tfw ur house guard killed me for my banjo you had a gun for a few seconds LUL he was the QQ friend @nightblue3 throw rock upwards and don't move KEKW LUL he lost his dignity he lost a gun Don’t chop it all the way @DarklyUZI lol ez 21 xd he wanted to help u turd What happened to qq 69 + 10 = bigger 69 nani DED KEKW here comes the goons he killed QQ :( :( @Nightblue3 RIGHT NOW --> scarraHONK scarraHONK qq went to help other people KEKW R u u u n BRING bACK QQ superhers are busy AIMBOT unlucky Kappa F you din't trust anyone syringe Pog learned a lesson to not trust anyone KEKW thats slavery Hunt the betas trust the one who trust you Do you have a house yet? How about QQ ratirlBusiness welcome to indian tech support call center ratirlBusiness my name is earl ratirlBusiness how may i take your money today? @Nightblue3 ur house guard killed me for my banjo >:( some1 gift me a sub or i am gonna cri @hutnik damn hutnik also her go play with him @hutnik got a bow on your roof dumbass Nightblue please we want to help you Is this silver? learn to trust yourself before you trust another cocobJeb Sparkys coming :) just tell as the ip adress Earl my pc no work @CosmicLegends you found him? @DarklyUZI ye what is RNG ? Shud we message surge or someone to come troll :^) use a lifeline and call QQ for help where is your base? sparkys coming 4Head Just find it @hutnik would be legendary kill animals Sparkys coming :) barrels are on the road @Nightblue3 get em sparky @CosmicLegends hes playing an old server i use to play :) ask QQ so rust, do you just farm for stuff, get gear, die, repeat? or can you get like late game in it where you have like a big settlement and not have to hard worry about losing it all? farm road and recycle if there is no hemp. but should be plenty of hemp in green areas plant hemp or find heamp make a bow and kill some animals someone help him @Nightblue3 they grey lines are roads yooo @Hutnik how are you doing man :D sparky? take a boat and check the shore that you u can get cloth from cacti, cacti spawn in the desert from each one you get 5-15 cloth it me :) lol i want to explain why his base location and size sucks but i dont wanna type xD help him !uptime @simogiu, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours gun Pog robin hood shit hahahahahaha LOL JEBAIT monkaS Jebaited PLAY WITH THEM PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSE bait base finished Kappa what server he on bait get em oh oh leech jebait QQ send his friends gangbang time Dont trust anyone btw LULW Jebaited ononononono xD im here for clout wait what nb3 play rust ? u have been stuck in the same spot for the past hour jebait jebait jebait they are arabs :D Start clan boxThink my fav game arabs? or mexicans haHAA ?? Wasssup! no team up with them u need someone monkey arabs thank you twist Lil Twist Pog @Antonio__GG arabs :D hahaha weirdChamp twist bait? xDD haha @Itw1sstt @Nightblue3 ROOF ROOF ROOF Twist lialiaHug above ur door ROOFTOP QQ QQ qq qqq he gave u QQ qq upgrade it @Nightblue3 qq his name is Twist Chad qq qq QQ @Nightblue3 ROOFTOP qq Pepega its done cmonBruh actual Kappa CLOSE ROOF TOP @Nightblue3 QQ gave you You need a roof above the stairs Cheer1 HOw can you forget QQ Pepega guys on the server please teach him about base size and location CLOSE DOOR ROOM ROOF TOP @Nightblue3 save one of the syringes triangle airlock is best Triangle one is better look at the pic i sent u on discord triangle one pepega xD @Nightblue3 you also need airlock for your top Triangle airlock is better OMEGALUL no league anymore ? BibleThump BibleThump @Nightblue3 build it stonre @Nightblue3 that censored it heimerdonger geo dude? Pepega stone LUL safe! wall stone Lol cocobOk I bought RUST 8 or 9 years ago, Never played it , still looks pretty Meh dude your siringe listen to @Itw1sstt yes u want what 8 years? it me :) with triangle airlock you can open both doors from inside, see outside the front door and they cant get inside nd5 nice YES Are there enemy npc in this? Snipers in this game suck good guy sparky :) revolver cocobMonkeyS KEKW at nightblue3 is their a discord where we can explain to you how to rust oh wow kekw monkeyS MonkaS theyre all crazy! :( hhahhaah LUL lmao KEKW what the fk is going on? monkaW So anyway i started blasting :) no they trolling you lol monkaS lololol go take ittttt look at my eye LUL streamer benefits BTW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL go take itttt monkaS SeemsGood take it! YIN AND YANG PepeLaugh go Outside take everything LMAOOOOO WHAT you need the help to get ahead since its you vs all the stream snipers BUSINESS IS BUSINESS u have been getting raped for the past hour Take it OY VEY gurl look at dat looter Kappa etf wtf SHEKELS GALORE HAHAHAHA KEKW SeemsGood YE SHEKELSSSSSS LUL LUL LUL Kpp Kapp @night blue 3 you a noob take the help lagging Kapp LULW Is the game censored? FREE LEWT look at the pic i sent u on discord Or is it a Twitch feature lol imagine trying to variety stream and playing the lesser survival game best friend team up and hunt people Craft workbench shmeckles You get carried @Nightblue3 take the help ready to int KEKW suit on CRAFT WORKBENCH @Nightblue3 this game has guns? Kappa he is frend men @Nightblue3 don't use the revolver you don't have bullet blueprint its not like its game breaking, its just a weapon, not a whole base and everything Get a blue print for the gun @Nightblue3 neither use the hazmat it's usefull for fast respawns CRAFT WORKBENCH NIGHTBLUE @Nightblue3 boosted LULW sleeping bag in base @Nightblue3 is this Minecraft 2 BLUEPRINT use 1 med so you r are full HP if u want a game fps to make ur heart pum hunt showdows is better He is frend men ju helping it now KappaPride no @nightblue 3 save revolver to research it sleeping bag in base ? boosted monkey Kappa M_M_X subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Thank you for subscribing M_M_X for 2 months! PogYou make a bag in base plz reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! U NEED IT @Nightblue3 save revolver to research it priolo89 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Hi all! Thank you for subscribing priolo89 for 2 months! PogYou let him come to your house reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! U NEED THAT invite him in your house AND THEN CRAFT TABLE pog LULW forsenCD SO WHAT Pog @Nightblue3 your goals are furnace and workbench after base @hotdogisasandwich KEKW test gun haters gonna hate cocobSpit @Nightblue3 furnace research table make a bag please beer? furnace @Nightblue3 if you had made a smaller base you would have struggled so hard RESEARCH TABLE @Nightblue3 test the gun furnace Furnaces research table @furnace metal door codelocks LUL @Nightblue3 isnt better if you do stone walls ? bed? You missed the spell of my nickname! It's an italian world xD KEKWH Make furnace just got back, how u get all that? @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 FERN ACE how much this game handling of gun test pls @Nightblue3 make the furnace with the low fuel u need to get metal frag Need a bed to respawn in base get full hp @Nightblue3 workbench furnaxes then base upgrades U ACCTUALY NEED RESEARCH TABLE @Nightblue3 6:30 am didn't sleep yet moon2SUFFER @Nightblue3 workbench unlocks blueprints check crafting menu GET ANOTHER BED go to the monument with that rad suit and get some juicy loot PogChamp @Nightblue3 don't use the hazmat and the revolver for lowgrade hunting LUL leave gun home u lost it Guys we need to earape how to play in a discord to him F for handgun F did he bag his home did u make a bed F yh rip revi 3 ads in a row nice twitch gj u gonna die animals rip revi guys MonkaShoot rip revi lol plant your corn before you die o yeah i forgot people still watch nb3? DUDE U WILL DIE @Nightblue3 Spell my name again, but now as an italian boys! :D do another sleeping back MAKE A BED YOU HAVE TO RESEARCH REVOLVER § pepeGun sleeping bag kekw f handgun GONNA LOSE YOUR GUN i would research the revi but ok..... HIDE PISTOL look into my eyes monkaGun S;EEPING BAG TO RESPAWN believe monkaShoot incomming backstab LUL moon2VERYSCARED KILL THEM! @Nightblue3 crossy best weapon to learn to use it op af feedblue in his natural habitat Kappa LMAO hahahahha KEKW Pepega XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW DUDE U SUCK LMFAOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAAHAH KEKW blind ???????????????? omgggggg KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW that aim LOST YOUR GUN SO BAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING LOL LMAO U FKN SUCK Pepega KEKW Clap OMG SO FUNNY WTF PepeHands KEKW GGEZ so bad hahahhahaa arrow > gun U BLIND MAN? HAHAHAHAHAh KEKW KEKW ur bad LUL SO BAD KEKE holyyyy KEKW KEKW lol well Pepega LMAO you good JUST GO PLAY LEAGUE KEKW AIM Holy cow. LUL pepega F KEKW LUL shroud LMAO ahaha ????? damn u played that bad MORON NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis XD KEKW KEKw kekw lmao UR BAD AF :d @Nightblue3 pepegaAIM KEKW you should practice your aim BED fuk pistol i told you test the gun @Nightblue3 I TOLD YOU DON'T USE HAZMAT AND REVOLVER FOR LOW GRADE HUNTING with a gun you hit him once with the worst gun in the game AHAHA lol u noob KEKW "shroud of rust now they have a gun OMG u pepega KEKW Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega HALLO noob Where are u from @Nightblue3 ? DO A BED bow better than gun Ppppp Pepega Pepega not even use heals Damn and loses it all hahahahah Time to go to bed pepega u must play league of legends what is this? Pepega again Pepega cocobOk Should've run and used heal 2 Pepega 's telll him i need to kill you Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega nice aim KEKW worst aim NA hire him to kill !uptime @shadowshepherd, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 10 mins what is the purpose of having a gun KEKW CRY IN BASE Na aim KEKW YOU NEED RESEARCH TABLE @Nightblue3 bag base] he really lost the gun yikes XDXD Kapp Kappa build a ligh light you earn shit Kapp we need the pepegaaim emote yea... Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Furnace telll him i need to kill you moba player aim KEKW yup lol you wiffed Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ?????????? that's arabic wtf RareParrot NB playing Rust PogChamp no Kappa @Nightblue3 you should get people on to show you the ropes. its a rough game for a newstarter MERRRROOLE tru RareParot def not arabic lol uwqdushdcui LUL we can't see report for int too dark Pepega can't watch this anymore We go again Pepega hahahahah fuking love arabs hahahahaha Stick to bow and arrow night blue thats how i run from drugs take take my friend hahahah take take my friend xD take take my friend purpose Kappa TriHard alluh Kapp take take yes Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa hahahahahahhaa hahaha was that ur drug dealer ? THE GOONS 🤣🤣 !uptime @shadowgamer2545, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 12 mins russians ? lul fukibg bodytgaurds monkaTOS ITS DA GANG sad but true nude squad hahahahahahh habibib HABIBI is this a battle royale? peter9453boss subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 1 month streak! aloha Thank you for subscribing peter9453boss for 11 months! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! HABIBI ANELE Clap ANELE haBIIBI! habibi moon2H UR BONOBO LUL no U cant lol these guys are annoying :C yes no hahahahahha NO AZIS HABIBI JUKED lul my friend you gonna get karma im down KEKW hahahahahahaha u wont habibi Pepega they are greek boys BibleThump habibii KILL THEM ALL Yes He's right though, if you don't hide map, people will know the server based on the unique shape and snipe you. Do it kill em all DO IT kill all please! nightblue is so good at making friends Fine KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK gang up on those 2 assholes its not greeks HAHAHAlidays! @nightblue3 you actually should kill them for animal fat to make low grade @Nightblue3 playing Rust solo on high pop server is like playing solo Q vs full SKT premade team all time HAHAHAlidays @Nightblue3 easy way to get low grade is from barrels at sea OH from rust?? from rustia wherraryou wherrrrrrrr rrrrr u frrrom Snipers in this game are terrible go home first time swimming sucks ass, but then you can use a boat, either that or kill animals and harvest CYA BLYAK @Nightblue3 you can farm animal fat from human bodies so kill snipers to make low grade They look Russians Originally from Rustia indeed dome him! no life KEKW lol xDDD KEKW KEKW trust no one LUL @Nightblue3 the actual Sea, pontoons spawn KEKW habibi BibleThump WOW YOU PLAY RUST man snaked him KEKW Habibi killed u die die die lol every time you trust one :( KEKW did some one SUKA BLYAT him? dying simulator you bad told yo kill em all UR LITERALLY IGNORING HIM AND RUNNING AWAY IDIOT LOL BACKTABBED? its habibi just kill on sight Gray screen in League and Rust just fucking kill everyone. If they want to give you loot they are okay with that Kappa cyka blyat he wants that ass lol HABIBI ya if you were arabic Do respawn on base unlucky KEKW kekw LUL LMAO All you do is die or farm wood with a fkn stone, get a duo so you can have a chance atleast no :) follow me on twatter Kappa KEKW btw LUL LMAO the plug lol HAHAHAH LOSER LUL lol LOL lol kids man ANELE SoSnowy kids haHAA cringe why is rust so toxic lol 12 year old LUL 4Weird KIDS KEKW FeelsBadMan new headphones Kappa i've play this game before and quit because it's so toxic lol i wanna suck his dick HandsUp 12 YEAR OLD KEKW KEKW KEKW SoSnowy Lol this bum KEKW KEKW LUL sounds like a nice kid Kappa mistakes LUL headphonez buy him headphones lmqo Kid sounds 8 build a ligh bruh farmin twatter followers light xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD LLUL Kappa LUL kids man diss his dad! lol here we go Parents scam this virgin is actually like 14 lol ROAST HIM KEKW I love this game lil kid go find a job lul What server im curios? MUTE HIM WeirdChamp MUTE HIM WeirdChamp MUTE HIM WeirdChamp MUTE HIM WeirdChamp @Nightblue3 you need more doors, its 1 door to your TC :( KILL HIM I'll watch even tho I hate nb3 STREAM SNIPING 12 YEAR OLD KEKW nevere trust anyone in rust kill all his dad haha hahahahahahahhahahaha' KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KEKW HABIBI LOL habibi KEKW habibi KEKW HABIBI only 50 followers lol KEKW KEKW :D NEVER TRUST habibi KEKW HABIBI habibi again his like the guy WW W W WW W WW W WW W tell him ur lebanese HABIBI HABIBI never trust habibi KEKW secret on the mountain ! he ll let u live HABIBI NOOOOO Habibi What server? nooo KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride habibi sharmouta habibi habibi PepeHands NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo habibi yes i headshot him Kappa bed Stream sniper KEKW 12 yr old lol BibleThump KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Habibi your getting bullied and backstabbed by stream snipers Need some herp? carnage outsid e BibleThump he had your shit No gotcha nb! yah you cant see them they are not LUL Stream snipers are content what does that tell you about ur community :0 cournLurk what is wrong with those people Streamsnipers are the reaason no big boi streams this game KEKW kids play @nightblue3 turn up gamma setting put gamma up Nothing better to do but stream snipe How do you even get stream snipers, how they know the server you on? Steam friends? yessssssssssssssssssssss hapipi cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @Hutnik its crazy right BULLIED You have to hide your map or everyone knows your server F that EZ for them emdgeAVE emdgeAVE emdgeAVE dies constantly cuz u were THRIVING IN THE SUN @nightblue you need to hide map and also probably build in a btter area next time thats why all rust creators are youtubers KEKW once its day time what? Kappa who got fkd when he had a gun? KEKW Kappa @nib5ter this isnt even that bad u get bullied 24/7 what do u mean KEKW Oh it shows when you open a map. Thought Streamer mode would hide it BULLIED YOUR AIMS DOG LOL U ALREADY PROVED IT TO TO US WITH PISTOL BANDITO @Nightblue3 please make another door to roof, 1 wooden door is so easy to get into u get bullied no matter what Kappa monkaW takes forever big D back in town! as long as they were alive for quite a bit monkaW @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him monkaS this isn't jungling ? are guns supposed to beat bows in this game or nah? @liam19988 preach You get animal fat from hunting animals too @nightblue3 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @Nightblue3 TURN OFF SIGNS, NWORD SIGN wtf HUH cmonBruh LUL KEKW cmon thats just toxic U BOUT TO BE BANNED BOIIIIIIIIII LOL outplayed LUL @Nightblue3 you can turn off signs in options SENDING TOS REPORT LMAOOOOOOOOOO Trolls r SO CREATIVE QQ they wrote something outside QQ AHHAHA Def Friendly KEKW QQ ROFL BANNED QQ DISABLE SIGNS IN YOUR SETTINGS make a sleeping bag met4Tos met4Tos met4Tos met4Tos let QQ into ur base @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him thats op banned in 10s qq seems like a friend LOL @Nightblue3 YOU CAN TURN OFF SIGNS Jebaited I THINK KEKW lol LUL lmao @Nightblue3 YOU CAN TURN OFF SIGNS @Nightblue3 dissable signs in your settings!!! don't kill QQ 14 year old boy got your back lul raizZ @nightblue3 turn off the sign haHAA i will help you !! just stop stealing my launch That reasoning Turn off signs lol toxic game lmao ill take him up in the offer monkaW yes u can turn off signs n word harvesting his own body LUL animal fat from human body PogChamp and now ur gotta get camped XDXDXXDDX disable signs also N word? and die bro the rust community Pepega @nightblue3 how come you never stream during the day for Europe anymore? @Nightblue3 Turn off signs too @Nightblue3 PLACE A CAMPFIRE FOR LIGHT jesus so funny :) qq noooo there is n word outside Turn off signs and turn up gamma 5Head @nightblue3 Bone frags make armor for four LUL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him TryHard @Nightblue3 PLACE A CAMPFIRE FOR LIGHT. he doesnt know aboutt the sign LUL N word is bad! 3 animal fat for four low now everyones gonna kill you cause they cant get your attention anymore :( what is this @nightblue3 turn off the sign if not u get aban Cmonbruh THEY IS A SIGN OUTSIDE kek With bone knife you will get more resources from bodies and animals @Nightblue3 dont look at sign cmonBruh turn off the signs in your settings @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill them from inside LUL EZNP D: other streamers got banned for this already POG PogChamp Cmonbruh Animal Fat LUL free target practice Pog @uncle_breezy go tell him if not he get ban turn signs off in settings Head shot axe @Nightblue3 YOU CAN TURN SIGNS OFF @Nightblue3 YOU Can turn off signs Yea you can turn off signs @Nightblue3 or get a hammer and pick it up you have building privledge go to options option Pog remove nudity MOD HIM Pog !uptime @Knckles, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 23 mins With bone knife you will get more resources from bodies and animals :) @Nightblue3 it takes 1 idiot to have to mute and turn off signs in hose put the campfire just turn it off in setting D: @Hutnik take nightblue on a rust journey with you :D poggers hutnik poor helen LUL Was that a fire place on a wooden roof? gacibass D: Pog Progross into the ass Anal blast gress BANNED that does not look right @Nightblue3 @Nightblue3 can you get animal fat out of your own corpse? moon2H 18+ p gachiBASS hammering buttholes for Fat instead of uncensored you can make them wear undergarments Pogress @Nightblue3 stop abusing him Going to lose crossbow boxHands met4Tos met4Tos met4Tos met4Tos eating humans weirdChamp Pog Pog Pog LUL bandage BANDAGE idiot BANDAGE LUL OH NOOOO rust nub hes new calm your tits liam Dammit i can heard you say jump shot from across the house, fucking stream delay im getting spoilers out here LUL wp hear* FeelsOkayMan Goodmorning Nb3 and chat reload loot him? THAT WASNT YOUR LOOT LMAO wait im trippin i mean his loot @Nightblue3 since when are you playing rust XD he did the bed already? !uptime @sanhwon, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 26 mins Friendly stream snipers come kill the nubs Cross im surprised you arent getting sniped Cross cross bow crossbow crossbow has more dmg and you can chase people down run both cross bow @Nightblue3 both you take first shot with xbow then switch to bow cross is better to aim lel in my opinion LOL DIES TO ROCK xDDD OMFG hahahahah Change to your knife you Pepega i feel these nakeds are stream snipers coming to let you farm animal fat DIES TO ROCK LOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL BANADAGE Ded KEKW KEKW BANDAGE LOSE TO ROCK KEKW LUL DIES TO ROCK xD Bow is faster Crossbow more damage ez loot spear him spear shoot with crossy first then regular bow best combo BAHAHHAHAAHA go play league blue auhsaushasyasdhadsyugauaads knife WHY A U RUNNING KEKW TURN ON HIS ASS BOOM yeeeeee Pogh HAHAHA NUDE CHINESE GUY COMING 4 U hahahaha Pog OUTPLAYED Pog You just killed an Asian! :D Pog @Nightblue3 you can sprint while reloading crossbow , with the bow you cant Outplayed Kappa cournOffCob cournGun Lol Did you just shoot the OddOne in the head?!? bandage? Go to base and eat to heal YOU ARE 6 health fucking heal ban LUL WutFace you killed an asian you rust knowledge has increased ban cournCreep cournCreep KILL DEM ALL monkaW MonkaTOS @Nightblue3 ur kinda in risk, better heal :D nsfw 2 animal fat per human Boobies heal u dumb 6hp 1 throw of a rock KEKW good job lol D: @Nightblue3 nop player :D @Nightblue3 midxle of nowhere and yet there's so many folks on u :D HEAL xedothRage xedothRage xedothRage xedothRage xedothRage kek xdddddd LUL xddd LUL unmute is this game pve or pvp LUL unmute voice chat :0 LUL LUL its Baytt unmute voice chat BibleThump c'mon turn back on voice it's entertaining <3 isnt league working atm chat? Dontunmute VC is fun Liam go to bed @SirILikeFood pve True exactly bro stfu frank mute stupid ape What server is he on? mute I've seen Rick and Morty. And I learned there that seeing your own dead body aint healthy for you bro! now that u muted them they learne Mute man streamer lol Liam is the 12 year old putting up signs WYF HE SAY xo? lols YO STREAMER lel OMEGALUL LUL KEKW yO sTrEaMeR frank your a boomer degenerate @Nightblue3 did u just get streamsniped? :D mute the 12 year old no irl friends wp Lol stay mad kid KEKW Muted OMEGALUL @Nightblue3 If you need a bodyguard outside lmk KEKW kekew KEKW yo @nightblue3 did you set up a team for tyler tournament? yee say ittt Kappa KEKW lose some weight ugly tard kekw KEKW rust is one of those games that really isnt safe to stream on twitch lol what server is nightblue playing rn? that is a lot of n words monkaW D: D: lulw D: LOOK AT MY EYES KEKW look in my eyes!!! Huknik Ahaha LUL good lmao see you kill a 12 years old D: Pog execute Keyboard warrior LUL boxD D: yo what is this @Nightblue3 is playing RUST? LOOK AT MY EYES KEKW D: GET HARVESTED NERD KEKW LUL KEKW watch out lia lonely broke boomer cringe human autoturret KEKW @Hutnik teabag him violence WutFace jesus is this SAw @hutnik letss gooo homie D; Stay mad :o baytt stay bad What server ? at life stay bed lol lol haha SeemsGood close door didnt harvest own body LUL close the door CLOSE DOOR REEEEEEEEEE blood harvest take fat from yourself inside take the fat from frank cmonBruh hes got a shit ton @frankthetank88 cmonBruh why him? cmonBruh Still mad PogChamp PogChamp go loot dome tryhard7 mmmmmmmm OpieOP boomer Bed Kappa why 2 pipi @Nightblue3 2 bags wont work Beds are proximity based. 2bags dont do anythng put 2 bed? DansGame For his boyfriend make bone helmet the beds dont stack XD 2 beds dont work if you spawn at 1 other one will have timer too they both get timers when u spawn in them وووووو human meat KEKW it doesn't stack ok OpieOP boomer stuck on repeat adblock not work on twitch You said that already bow in box @Nightblue3 You can only have 1 bag on 1 place, no i didnt KEKW Thats me :3 are you delusional @Nightblue3 Bags have to be apart or they share timer bed for QQ Im future boyfriend uwu KappaPride @Nightblue3 make a team and inv only the players that are friendly dw they cant access the base KappaPride SeemsGood widepeepoHappy Make a pp armor Kappa Ad Block not working LUL pls smo fast recap of stream bow in box bro Chat @Nightblue3 when you are going to be a true man and have 12 KIDS? boomer brain alzheimers unmute UNMUTE VOICE voice? adblocker ultimate =) unmute UNMUTE VOICE umute love you my Ad block is 2k+ KEKW voice? he wants your holy hole UNMUUUUUUUUUTE umuteeeee unmute voiceee KappaPride unmute? :) not muted :) baytt friendly put shirt on unmute the kids are content Lia was watching another stream? D: eat like frank unmute @nightblue3 sleeping bags next to each other doesn't work voice? Cant stop thinking about me MiniK unmute unmute ple no league today? @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him unmute pls eat some cron zizPride corn unmute broo eat raw human meat @Nightblue3 middle mouse button on quick craft will craft 5 umute pls yo can stop thinking the Alzheimers really hitting you hard cournCozy LUL LUL LUL move cam to top right ;-; cloth boots OMEGALUL Idk what that is srry unmute we can see how you look can't @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill himg h make more arrows YEY YOU FINALY GOT A FURNACE unmute and move camera @nightblue3 sleeping bags next to each other doesn't work they both get timer you dont know what alzheimers is you must be retardo eh? low iq well we already knew that :l @Nightblue3 oh yes daddy @aleksa1278 he onely needs 20 Pog BADASS Pog dannnng you fancy UNMUTE AYAYA kawaiiii turn on voic3 WOOW MAKE SOME NINJA TABIS !uptime @Katto_, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 35 mins okay now i say you so i can snipe ty :) KannaNom nah bro thats some damn cult right there !followage @BaiitLord, baiitlord has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 2 months 11 days 20 hours you should make a working bench lvl 1 @GangleGiraf nah thats low for a bow but i guess hes nightblue so Bro i get it your are angry its ok youll be ok can u build a window?? so you can see whos outside jk you already have wake up frank ResidentSleeper change your adult diapers !followage @NyLe_X, nyle_x has been following nightblue3 for 4 years 27 days 17 hours 2 years lol No one is worried about it who flexing @Nightblue3 steal door get a tier one work bench down slow brain syndrome frank YO STREAMER !followage OUTPLAYED @hulaylir, hulaylir has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 4 months 23 days 21 hours KEKW your caretaker isnt around? @liam19988 WeirdChamp head shot not even worth the arrow he picked it again KEKW Put that syringe away bro his upper body can fit the character @Nightblue3 steel door DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink btw @Nightblue3, you need to have som space between your bags. if not they will get the same timer because they are so close WeirdChamp 5head KEKW what Lmao not a bad spot indeed LUL ?? Bang Banggg lmao jenny again LUL NANI frank Donezo pop pop !followage @RicochetLoL, ricochetlol has been following nightblue3 for 1 year 9 months 19 days 17 hours nice helmet XD Lul fancy helment gone PepeHands your caretaker! :o And THAT is Rust ladies and gentlemen he was madf as fuck LUL @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him !followage @frankthetank88, frankthetank88 has been following nightblue3 for 4 months 27 days 7 hours wow matrix YO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KEKW sniper SNIPED LOL Double tapped HACK lmao WOW LIL KEKW ez REKT bruh !followage @coopacel, coopacel has been following nightblue3 for 2 years 8 months 16 days 21 hours cringe frank headshot Scripting jannesssa hack lul they know where you live now, you doomed Find a modded server Lol AIMBOT hes so bad Will you upload this in your YT channel and caption it with "CrossBow is so OP" "Literally jungling"??? lifes cringe fam go back to League Organized crime took 1 glance at tiwthc acc to understand @Nightblue3 tell us the server and we will back you up thanks raid in coming lol need help you might as well leave they are literally going to do this for hours go get 'em I can help they have nothing better to do LUL I have ak wya Just wait until they break in your house with the c4 streams snipers in rust, special sort of toxicity KEKW profit Pog how do you stream snipe in Rust ;D find or create a whitelist server to join NB I THINK YOU SHOULD FORTIFY YOUR BASE lose hp imma just block you before you do anything suicidal frank the skank GO GET THAT think they got a raid coming gogogogogo GOOOOOOO GO GO fk it send it YES GOOO yes gogogog GO GOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO gooo goooooo goo YES send it WOA YOU HAVE TO Goo yes GOO That dic ssneak inn yes ez guns go go go gogogogogog go now YES LUL yas5 go for it !! you need to go yessss run for it heli KEKW Yes bye bye bow They can hear u buddy ok bye boom Gooooooooo yes goooo stay scared oh shit abort WARRRRRRRRR abort nice nice TAKE IT NBO FIGHTN Content KILL ALL OF THEM HahaPoint HahaPoint HahaSleep HahaSleep biggo aborto lmao Free loot bleeding KEKW no badages again RIP he ded KEKW RIP hes gonna die dead dont lose that bow twitch jg Pog Rip Pog POGGG he headshotted not dead no he not dead Will you upload this in your YT channel and caption it with "CrossBow is so OP" "Literally jungling"??? this game has heleicopters? lolol lmao KEKW you didnt kill him LULW ez lmao ez find or create a whitelist server to join hei why aren't u streaming league of legos IS IT HELICOPTER? there mini helis and scrap heli SO BAD wht does tht heli do in this game again? @MrZeLink214 it has mini helis big helis boats and horses your dogshit stick to league fam hva skjer also patrol heli and stuff fps not ur stye yo liam you ok bud? shoo dodge @Nightblue3 you may have way more fun finding a modded server with like 50+ players should be easier You gotta join coconuts whitelisted server no snipers shroud of rust OMEGALUL is that lia on your bed ? idk ask your mother get good why you dont have a spawnpoint in the house ? @Nightblue3 that sounds like an adc shes a horndog oh haha. this is the first time i've watched anything about rust gooder? Will you upload this in your YT channel and caption it with "CrossBow is so OP" "Literally jungling"??? yo Liam's calm down man gachigasm @MrBeatB it was on cd LUL @Nightblue3 move about when you trying to fight people so you won't get hit or bopped in the head just switch to league follow the path of bodies LUL mom jokes really haHAA Is there a game like Rust, where you can find some funny dudes? xD liam is depressed Liam is typical rust cancer @itsdubssbaby stfu haHAA snowflake @nightblue3 pls build a window between your doors and bait someone in to kill him @Nightblue3 tell us server and we will help you 1 V 5 ? umegaLUL You are good in 1v1 against people with rocks only gooder you can just see nb3s mental decreasing every time he dies Kappa @Nightblue3 Will you upload this in your YT channel and caption it with "CrossBow is so OP" "Literally jungling"??? 1V9 gooder* these stream snipers are So dog shit @liam19988 is prob opne doorcamping let's go You should try to do something productive for once i can 1v9 :) its your problem build walls with window in the 2nd floor rust is consuming his soul gooder kekw Lol Liam sad man 10/10 advice gooder man u know English Kite them big dick gaaaaaaaang whassup peeps @frankthetank88 agreed Kappa Evolve ur playstyle that will make it easy for u to hunt people outside your base @nightblue3 sing a song during the fight. so u can throw them off BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack learn to spam crouch when fighting @nightblue3 i remember the times when NB3 was gud 1 v 9,now hw cant handle a 1 v 2?u going old there buddy @Nightblue3 :))))))) @Nightblue3 sometimes the best thing to do when you have door campers is just leave just f1 kill respawn random and do a scrap run OMEGALUL @SubVTRN is probably the one weezing and yelling the n word ZULUL oh sh*t a wild bowman thing lol it was their note monkaS he means loot @liam19988 nah im not toxic or a racist play unturned thats more your play area KEKW @Nightblue3 where is QQ when u need him coursed note monkaS farm QQ come back he was gonna give you a note with the N word spammed on it 100% what is this trash play @SubVTRN oh thats right ur a degenerate @i would not ruin a streamers day just for my pleasure like a fucking heathen keyword IF D: D: \ monkaSHAKE heavy weezing Friendship rejection D: !time with your gear monkaH lmao sound logic degenerate for not being racist.... makes sense no 1 liam more like lame YES qq @Nightblue3 with us team up YES lmao yes not from them though no yes LUL NO qq find qq yes @Nightblue3 Do ya need a bodyguard outside KEKW ? qq yea QQ TEAM UP FOR CONTENT qq NEVER TRUST IN RUST QQ with chat lol team uppp yes bring QQ back no QQ u need QQ NO trust no one !points @joelpapajonh, joelpapajonh has 180 points and is rank 155483/3216017 on the leaderboard. you need qq nightblue fans no team whit QQ @Nightblue3 pm the server details and ill hop on and help well yes but it's hard to trust someone in this game vv bad rather someone from stream then a random in game QQ LMAO @Nightblue3 build walls on the roof, with holes in them so you can peek and shoot dont trust anybody looking for pokemon team say that then you will get many ppl in your team play with your mods OMG it's a naked man! >:( Trust none of these guys @nightblue3 MEEEE teemo with me full cancer HABIBI dont trust them LET ME IN habibi habibi teemo with him Let him in :) >:( dont team with habibi team up with qq lololol xD NO HABIBI ANELE no LUL no yes no no noo no NO NOO gonna get stoned to death LET COSMIC IN no no DONT TRUST ANYONE THEYLL GRIEF YES NO no NO nooooooo YESSS NOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT NOO bo NO yes yes 4Head no YESA NO LOL Nope NOT EVERYONE no strawpoll Yes :) no no no NOOOO no no yes yes The naked Crew Kappa fuk no wtf no N OMEGALUL yes then this is gonna be your last time playing rust LUL where did they all come from LUL yes YES1 solid no lol Noo yee Yes no yesy NP no LULW NO dont DoNT LET THEM IN!!!! dont invite anyone NOO noooo no yes yeah yes 1 KILL THEM HABIBI NO no, go to their base yes KEKW SOLO YES NO NOT IN THE HOUSE YES and roll everyone no NO hell ya whaaat Yeah sure you have arrows on your roof body NO Nooo no no 1 no NO yes . dont trust in rust players LUL never trust in rust T_T get someone from chat no hell no HELL NO LUL SOLO SOLO i dont know about that NO NONONO No just meet outside ur door build them a 1x1 houaw next to yours as their refuge team up whit hutnik No QQ no KILL HABIBI YES LMFAOOOOO no never trust in rust LET ME IN >:( that will be the end of stream KEKW NO kill them all :) Kill them NO QQ no YES yes they are very nice ;) NOOO YESS Yes No do a tournament Nooo @Nightblue3 no, do not reward these fucks for door camping you arrows on the roof bodyyy YEEEESSS NO DONT no don't trust anyone but yourself No they just gonna troll you give them spears No wtf no ashlolNotLikeThis ashlolNotLikeThis ashlolNotLikeThis Bout to get looted LOL noooooo JUST QQ NO ONE ELSEE!!! dont trust dont trust habibi SOLO SOLO HELL NO THESE SNIPERS ARE CRINGE LIKE CHAT SJWS qq or no one Dont trust Not at all ANELE nooooooooooooo do not trust holy fuck its a swarn @Nightblue3 invite Hutnik orgi its getting monkaS LUL wtf :D 1k hours Kappa 20 PEOPLE do a free for all the strongest joins invite the grill hahahahha omg theres a kid over there One man standing boxBob I LUL team up with the 9 year old BabyRage can i join widepeepoHappy yes girl Pog bThis shit is actually so funny lmfao dlmKaibaS holy shit titans everywhere make a battle the las standing is the one in your team!!!! No wtf LOL!!!!! let the little kid join Leave BOW ON ROOF damn what is this @Nightblue3 team with Hutnik !!! And go down boxGun what is that Let them kill each other, the last one be your teammate Give them spears and order them to kill for youLUL Don’t trust can i join LUL no ANELE invite your roommate instead lol now KILL THEM habibi inv all elmillorCringe elmillorCringe elmillorCringe elmillorCringe elmillorCringe elmillorCringe elmillorCringe @liawaifu Play with him LUL This is a disaster WTF is that LUL kill them all Have them fight to the death. The winner joins you Tem up whit QQ or no one just shoot them Last one standing is you mate BabyRage BATTLE ROYAL @Nightblue3 last one standing gets to join your team Toss them a spear and let them fight each other LUL looool LUL let them kill each other it's like the south park episode with the homeless LOL WHYYYYYYYYYYY sure why not monkaS headshot LMAO LOL lol let them fight for the team up ROFL LUL LUL Ask them serious questions b4 the last one standing is ur team mate @Nightblue3 im insane with a bow حبيبي D: lmao LUL Get the F off my Lawn!!!! tell them to fight each other last one alive winds tell them last one standing can team up LUL we need animal oil 2ng amndment KEKW WeirdChamp @Nightblue3 LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!! LUL D: PETA 0/10 skill aiming and playing RUST??? Kappa LUL ask them to hook it up with an ak lol someone LUL all of them make a fight and the last one standing that persn is the person to join Lol hahaha KEKW there hiding under the house :O No!! Pls! BabyRage QQ damn ur base is showered with bodies the snipers QQ recruit that one ROFL so many nakeds WutFace how dare he call himself QQ LOLOL LOL QQQQQ OH SHIT QQQQQQQQQQ PepeHands he died LOLOLOLO monkaW OMEGALUL loooot monkaS so much animal fat its like your subs @nib5ter Qqq LUL QQ bone arrow Pog Abort!!! LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!! lol THIS IS SO BAD QQ WHERE ARE U gotteem team up team up he's crazy qq give him invite REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AH SHIEEEEET tell them to fight each other last one alive wins KEKW LUL lmao that is true TRUE QQ inc N Its a 14 yr old LUL OMEGALUL LUL LUL LUL Team up with QQ LUL KEKW KEKW poor guy LUL REEEEEEEE KEKW KEKW not my type too young LOOOOOOL your voice is cracking you're not my type KEKW KappaPride REEEEEEEE LUL KEKW Lol team with qq KEKW FBI VERIFIED KEKW part of the system already Nightblue in Rust kekw @Nightblue3 you have 21 arrows on the roof LUL kill the kid definitely a bitch LULW QQ on your body LUL Bag qq KEKW smithzzKappa LUL 14 like your chat Team with me or else!!! This is like watching a drama base camp XD LUL @liam19988 !uptime @blandewr, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 47 mins leave it Jebaited this kid ngl gonna kill him kid desperate for attention LUL KEKW kill em This is why Rust is toxic af lmfao actual Pepega yo Lil Twist is back Kapp tell them to fight each other last one alive winds twist :D kill them all lmao OMEGALUL 4Head NICE GUY LUL laid this kid is so lame HAHAHHAHAHAH Patriga TWIST IS BACK LUL omg he is so annoying KILL FAST wow LUl LUL AIMBOT your deeped on Twist Pog WTF LUL LUL LUL deep deep deep You are shit at the game wtf SisarothCianoi subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 68 months, currently on a 68 month streak! hey :) when a pre pubescent boy is better then you at a fps :( -nd4 Thank you for subscribing SisarothCianoi for 68 months! PogYou I cant with that voice reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! QQ COME HELP US Patriga close your door ffs man kill his ass u were going to kill his ass pepega cmonBruh hes thinking it cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW he Thinking it LUL LMFAO the swarm is going to attack him no he is thinking IT D: cmonBruh thinking it cmonBruh TriKool peepoClap cmonBruh cmonBruh thinking what cmonBruh GINNNNNOOOOOO WutFace WutFace qq in there TriHard 7 hahahahahhahahah whoever kills this guy gets to team with you HAHA LMAO Ad wtf is youir dead body now? KEKW cmonBruh Let him in LUL LUL LUL LUL ahhahah wtf LEME INNN lol hahahahahaa LULW GINO LUL what is wrong whit this corpse close the door lmao LET ME IN!! QQ nooooo Gino Pog hahaha LUL who is that? is that gino? WTF LOL hahahahhha KEKW dat body KEKW ANELE ANELE ANELE LUL LOOOOOOOOL ALLAH XDDD ANELE lmao ANELE ROFLLLLLLLLL LOL KEKW KEKW MY BRUDA ANELE KEKW lol LULW ANELE LUL KEKW lmao LUL KEKW crazy mislims BRUDA OPEN dont trust arab people KEKW thats halal twitchRaid LOL thats my roomate thats my roomate thats my roomate HABIBI monkagun jenny with a gun LUL they brought the ak I DIED DONT OPEN THE DOOR Hahahaha habibi ANELE can you please use bandages once? can u hit anything? whats wrong with ur dead body your body is spazzing out lol he has halal arrow lmaaaaaaaaaaao @ZOLDAK69 i wont trust racist like thats for sure trust the arab lmaooooo Absolute dog ANELE donate halal arrows HE MIGHT HAVE BLEED OUT I STABBED HIM IN PP trust the arab habibi ANELE 7 Getting baited don't go Arab r loyal its 11 am in spain, what thime is it there in the usa? yes yes crossbow op @nightblue3 If you have your roommate friend on Steam you can bag your friend and he can spawn in the bare its a crossbow Lol its bad 2 am yes fast af its good 2 am ou mama kill him ANELE its op af trust habibi better shot You just shit with it, thats all much more better than bow :D Gun? bow way more efficient faster shot KEKW you can run and reload @Nightblue3 buy halal crossbow its good if your good with it and your not More dmg arabs are loyal he will help habibi ANELE 7 Do not trust arabics. They were always betrayers. @Nightblue3 you can sprint while reloading the crossbow if u can aim with it team with twist then its good KAPOW smh NO @Nightblue3 More dmg than a normal bow but slower load time is that hit nooo they will LUL XD change the first door DUDE is that him???? twist is cool DONT dont fkin unlock it DONT Noooo dont unlock deeped on rn dont dont hahahhahahahahahahah DONT ROFL dont do i t lock the door dont do the outside if your not ast enough KEKW change the 2nd door @Nightblue3 kekw change second door so many friends XD lul halal is indian i think HAHAHAHA They will lock it AYAYA? LUL Yeah change the 2nd first gonna get your wig split if you go out there They love u man can u farm urself? go check how many snipers ur got under ur house again xD change the second door nb3 hala is middle eastern word halal* they hiding under house habib ANELE 7 do the 2 door Die StoneLightning Pepega HAHAHA lol that body's still there LUL KEKW yo blue dont make fun of hallal thnk @Nightblue3 Crossbow do more dmg than a normal bow but slower reload time idiot KEKW lol KEKW LOL xD LUL KEKW Pepega KEKW Pepega PEPEGA kekw omfg AYYYYYY LUL TRUST HABIBI xD so bad LUL LUL Pepega INTing LOL die from fall LUL SFB LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL lmao WTF KEKW LMAOOOOO lmao TROLLING LUL oh no see 7 HEALTH DIED FROM FALLING 4Head yikes clip it Pepege LOOOOOOOOOl bad bad badaba YOUR A CHIMPANZEE Fell for it bbabadadadadada good bay bow youre sooooooobad wowooowowkw RUNNING IT DOWN POG boxHide lmao LUL YOU BELONG IN A MUSEUM Lolzzz StoneLightning YOOOO IS THIS A NEW SET UP FARMM ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE TheThing TheThing TheThing TheThing TheThing act like a random naked man JUST GOT HERE @Nightblue3 Crossbow do more dmg than a normal bow but slower reload time. REEEEEEE get a team someone ban this liam guy boomer REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HEHEHEHEHEEEEEEE reeeeeeeeeeeee ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE what a monkey] Camping Diee againn 4Head Prepare to get camped habibi ANELE 7 f in chat ! REEEEE This is the pinnacle of Rust PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt Keepo 4HEad This is rust good job lol Clap VARIETY! dead body LUL Ur dead body shaking dead body dead body dead body bugged hey My name is camomo and I like to party kakistoss subscribed with Twitch Prime. kakistoss has subscribed! nb3Wc nb3Hype Thank you for subscribing kakistoss! PogYou reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! did you fet raided SNIPERS PLAY ZULUL thats cuz havent lol you didnt get* NO NO for the past 2 hhours no no no KEKW noi 0 !uptime NO @sonejjj, nightblue3 has been streaming for 4 hours 53 mins no No switch servers no totally Offline raid team uop No Base is gonna be destroyed when you come back cmonBruh cmonBruh thinking what ur only progress is when people dropped u everything Just a bit ANELE cmonBruh KEKW LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!!LET THEM FIGHT !!!! no BASE WILL DESTROYED go to bed ! it just a wood No for solo no yes if you have teammates yes kinda Habibi team for the rescue Pog lol it doesnt matter ur base is already gone you dont need it for solo after you log only when you have teammates NO BCS UR SOLO @Nightblue3 ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh they will stay there and they will destroy it Never log off with a wood base lmao play league with habibi team that's annoying yes you need a kod lock LOL You made it too big tbh man drop everything and log off yes you do HABIBI go die a couple of times first habibyyyy change that door not the one outside @Uedukai lmfaooo he doesn't know league plz KEKW عربي ؟ you need to do upkeep @Nightblue3 ur base is gone ANELE ANELE ANELE hqbibi or ur base will decay do the inside door dude why not do it on your 2nd door? and the top hahahaa poor habibi ANELE KILL THEM ALL SwiftRage he said habibi dont kill me KEKW ANELE is that gino? blease lmao poor habibi KEKW habibi Bruuhh RuleFive ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE @Nightblue3 Its better to make your floor stone before you log out cmonBruh LULW no habibi kekw holy shiit wtf cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh KEKW =^)))))))))))))))) cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Tell him look in my eyes LMAO cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh YO WTF cmonBruh TriHard 7 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LOOOL cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh ANELE cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh GET A TEAMATEEEEEEEEE LUL jesus christ people are so damn stupid how could you do that to poor habibi lol PepeHands night Do upkjeep yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink yasThink first time viewer im black too cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh kill him what the fuck am i watching KEKW lol LMAO heard Gino in the background tab > make team ROFLLLLLLLLLL banned noooo is that gino inside? noooo no youre not with him you didnt KEKW XD nooo LMAo KEKW LULW you are not with him you joined a team nooooo shoot KEKW HABIBI SQUAD WILL PROTECC Lol turn on names IS THAT GINO? IM SO FKING CONFUSED KEKW I mean you have to leave LUL nooooo no lives LUL he has a point xD We're on 24/7 KEKW hhe's not wrong KEKW welcome to rust lmao KEKW its true doe youre not in his group Gino best bro Pog LUL LUL LUL lol you didn't invite him yet Press tab and create team lol scam incoming gotta get that premium protecc kill him @Nightblue3 Its better to make your floor stone before you log out or they will pickaxe raid you from below the base leave the team u didnt .. u accepted someone eles invite @Nightblue3 hahahahaa kill him RIP nb3 xD UR SO DUMB monkaS gg NNOOO LOOOL rip xDDDDDDDDDDDDD x KEKWW CHANGE IT LOL xDDDDDDDDDDDD LULW change it hahahahaha LOL xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD KEKW loooool KEKW KEKW KEKW 5252 Genuis LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LMFAO :O LUL LOL LUL LUL LULW imahinr THEY KNOW KEKW SQUAD KEKW KEKW hahahahahaahaha KEKW 5252 KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 5252 5252 On screen KEKW KEKW KEKW LEAKED wrong invite LOL BRAIN DEAD 5252 LOLOL 5 head KEKW ahahah BIG BRAIN LOL ahahahahaha 5252 AYAYAY XDDDDDDDDDD 5252 Lol 5252 ur ass is grass fam this 14 year old is gonna backstab you BabyRage YOU CAN USE YOUR NUMBERS ON KEYBOARD lol KEKW kekw cournToilet use keyboard KEKW HODOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LUL LUL LUL LUL 5252 Nice 5252 5252 5252 KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL ROFLLL LOLOL xddddddddddddddd LUL LOL WTF ahaha ???? HAHHAHAH he dead KEKW 2525 I WANNA SEEEEEE DEAD NA BTW NotLikeThis KEKW ahhaaha LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL 4Head cournMonies oh "THEY KNOW" DRAMA KEKW monkaW LMFAO ahahahahhaaa LUL ohhhh monkaW KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL KEKW monkaW monkaS omg we wanna see whats going on imagine someone coming to this stream wtf is this LOOOL KEKW RAIDED LULW ???? show us monkaW omg im dyingKEKW IM DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and they hear this shit Jebaited monkaS trololol monkas LMAO WHAT IS HAPPENING Noooo KEKW oh no Justenjoy1T subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months! ❤️ ??? Thank you for subscribing Justenjoy1T for 15 months! PogYou KEKW ???? KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! MonkaW KEKW PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt lol LUL LUL WE WANNA SEEEEEEEEEEE r a p e what lmao trapped omg IM DYINGGGG KEKW IMAGINE JOINING THE STREAM NOW KEKW LMAO gachiBASS We cant see nb3Chimp nb3Chimp nb3Chimp CANT C BRUH MONKAW change screen LUL KEKW WutFace monkaEyes bor SHOW ????? what the heck monkaW let me show thousands of people my code quinWTFF kekw LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ??? monkaS KEKW what is happening MonkaS screen we wanna see monkaW his house is getting attacked XD LUL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL cournLOL we wanna see man ?? hahahahah we cant see sow US KEKW it gets real we are on KEKW PogU WHATS HAPPENING MORDE CANT SEEEEEE i am wheezing nice screen @Hutnik :'D Dziękuję za emotkę HahaShrugRight @justenjoy1t Show Us KEKW WE WANNA SEE STREAMER boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL cant see woaaash monkaWW screen screen!!! monkaW Show SHOW US CANT SEE nb3? KEKW screen TTours TTours TTours TTours scene screen dude we cant see fuckin PEPEGAHEADASS we cant see we cant see shit WE ARE BLIND nc did they kindapped u MonkaW we cant see wtffffffffffffffffff KEKW what is it screen MY IMAGINATION GETTING WILDER screeen we cant seee C4 monkaW F DUDE WE SEE NOTHING whats happening SCREEN i see KEKW monkaW monkaW We cant see censored lol lol lol @Nightblue3 wish we could see Let us in !!!!!!!!! screen TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours SCREEEN IMAGINATION STREAM we cant see @Nightblue3 KEKW SCREEN KEKW SCREEN TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours LET SEE SCREANNNNNNNNNNN LOL screen pls mooom what happening? DONT OPEN screen KEKW CHAT IS BLIND WeirdChamp small streamer we are so curious right now TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish Screen!! dedefiGj dedefiGj dedefiGj dedefiGj dedefiGj dedefiGj dude LUL F LUL FF' WE CANT SEE yoou joined the wrong group anyway boxBob boxBob boxBob boxBob SHOW US screen F Screen Cmon bruh, let us in !! YO WE CANT SEE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours show us KEKW SXREEN we cant seee +18 5252 omg that kid cant seeeeeeeeeee dude show us whats going on lol screen man bring us nb3 back we can't see him codelock we can't seeeeeee SCREEN DUDE OVERLAY SCREAN LUL WE CANT SEE LMAO mom im scared SHOW US yo bru screeeeeeen TTours screen F screen Screeen IMAGINE WHAT HE WILL DO IN DARKNESS WITH A DUDE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours KEKW @NB3 Open lol screen @Nightblue3 screen reeeeeeeeeeeeee censored TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours sound like my sister changing her clothes in her room show us same shit like in twitch rivals R18 dude take off kew WTF @Nightblue3 change the screen SHOW USSSSSSSSSS we need to see TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours screen pls @nightblue3 TTours TTours TTours TTours noob gamer 2525 bring us back nb3 we cant seeeeeeeeeeeeee screen KEKW TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours we cant see yoooooooooooooooooooooo asmr live 25252 TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours nightblueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee open show us @Nightblue3 TURN OF THE FUCKING SCENE this kid is actually dumb nb3 screen screenscreen BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump cant see @Nightblue3 WE CANT SEEE +18 to see TToursTToursTToursTToursTToursTToursTToursTTours SCREEEEEEEEEN FFS Screen rip NOT READY show us you bakka gachiHYPER 5252 wtf MAN WE CANT SEE let us seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let me see openopen IDHPVIUGHSBJ;AEOIB; streaaaaaaaaaaam WE'RE NOT READY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL TTours SCREEN screeeeen @Nightblue3 omg screen DUDE cant see OVERLAY FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch we cant see boxFine boxFine boxFine LUL rekt xD show us the cracking voice Open LLOL WE CANT SEE U BITCH WE WANT SEE WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEEE LUL TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours ... FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch bring back us !!!!!! MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid best stream XD cant seee open it SCCCCCCCREEEEEEEEEEEEEN lets us seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SCREEN WE CANT SEE he dead af LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Streamer BTW f LET ME INNNNNNNNNN SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN WE CANT SEEE OMG useless. smolBrain nb3 TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu ShadyLulu nightshit look F bring us back WTF SCREEEEEN HE IS DEAD KEKEW jokerd6Gold Open idot we cant see Screeen KEKW KEKW KEKW what a boring ass stREAM LULW SCREEEEEN crayso1LDplayer crayso1LDplayer crayso1LDplayer crayso1LDplayer the cracking voiceeeeeee hahahhaha F stream damn it!!! show stream what a nice shot f nightblueeeeeeeeeeeeeee SCREEN NIGHTBLUE YOU FUCK sounds intents nightblue take off kekw f loooooool SCREEEEEN Let us seeeeeeeeeeeee TTours TTours TToursTTours TTours TToursTTours TTours TTours PogChamp we cant see you bich AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH KEKW MrDestructoid MrDestructoid LUL KEKW we cant see bring us back HEY DUDE f KEKW hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn cournPopcorn F Habibi WE CANT SEE WE CANT SEE DUDE dude the screen LUL pro streamer LUL **** you TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt Kekw LOLOLOL let's see AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE CANT SEE screeennn ooii nightblueeeeeeeeeeee f KEKW what is hapening let us seeeee SCREEN LMAO DUDE we cant se LEMME SEE we cant see WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEE screeeeeeeeee F F F F F F F F F F F lol lolol TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours screen screeen we can't see WE CANT SEE screen WE CANT SEE HIM Lol screen plz WE CANT SEE PRO STREAM BTW stream !!! WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEE screeen WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEWE CANT SEEEEEEEEEE WE CANT SEE KEKW @Nightblue3 TURN OFF THE FUCKING SCENE CAMMM SCREEEEEEEEEEEEENO gino Pog hello CANT SEEEEEEEEEE U APE OFF OI lets us seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee KEKW LMAO fffffffffffff\ SCREEN TTour we cant see nb wtf YOOOO screen RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ RalpherZ Kekw SCRREEEn WE CANT SEE we can't see @Nightblue3 nooooooobbbbbbbbbb SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN WE CAN'T SEE WE CANT SEE the cam fucking screen SHOW SCREEN we missed some good content lol we cant seee HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament HolidayOrnament WE CANT SEE WE CANT SEE WE CANT SEAA yooooooooooooooooooooooooo bb we cant see dude we need content lol SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN cant seee WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours yooo nightblueeeeeeeeee hello content plz SNVNSJBLKABL STREAMER NOOB nb3Thinking nb3Thinking nb3Thinking change the fking screen Screen nice stream SCREEN WE CAN'T SEEEEEEEE Screen man we cantr seee are u dumb yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :ASLDKJHFG:SDLKJHG:SDLKJGH;alkjhdsgf;alkhg;laksdjfg;laksjdfg WE CANT SEE @Nightblue3 SCREEN omg all we hear is screamming we cant see wee cant see WE CANT FKIN SEE LLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEETTTTTT UUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE omg nb LMFAO #1 streamer kekw screen NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Kappa WE CANT SEE N 3 OMG can't see and now the voice WE CANT SEEEE screen KEKW lol conttenttttt screen CHAT IS BLIND WeirdChamp screeeeee wakie wakie dude screennn we cant seee we cant see SwiftRage u dumb WTF IS THIS XD KEKW helllo screen idiot LET USESEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE habibi JFUIAEWGKJHSDBLGH/J;AG WE CANT SEE Radio stream? sooo bad LUL reported WE CANT SEE DUDE cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock cournShock DUUUUUUUUUUDE are u dumb u fck dude take off kekw @Nightblue3 WE CANT SEE wecantttt seee GOD show screen ? we can't see damn it we cant seeeeeeeeeeee cam SCREEN Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm cant see brother RIP stream mother fucker nice game ? CANT SEE ???????????????????????????? wtf WE CANTTTTTTTTTTT SEEEEE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours we cant seee CONTENT can @Nightblue3 KEKW fnhjusdiefhjbncskfcksyxf TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours cam pls play lol @Nightblue3 e cant seee gfrdsgvcsygsdfgvxcy Heyyy KEKW hahahahahahahahahhaha I'm dying @Nightblue3 you fix the goddamn overlay ca wtf dude PLEASE we cant seeeee @Nightblue3 you fix the goddamn overlay screen SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing @nightblue3 SCREEN pro streamer seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee screen HABIBI ANELE you suck:/ nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown nb3Clown TTours WE CANT SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REEEÈEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OPEN LIGHTS YOOO YOU DUMB kill your self Habibi @Nightblue3 you fix the goddamn overlay screen @Nightblue3 bravo 6 its dark xd ??? ??????????????????????? / so much chat SHOW US7 someone call him Screeen dude show the gameplay man we can't seeeeeeee FF Habibi wanna see the stream Content :) LET US SEE SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage REEEE bleaze WE CANT SEE SHIIIIT habibi halal content ??????????????????????????????????????? TTours wtf WE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE ANELE NB3 U NERD WE NEED SCREEN GOD TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper WE CAN'T SEE YOU DUMBooooo @Nightblue3 NIGHTBLUE ok imma head out peepoRun reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nightblueeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @nightblue3 hello we can't see sir boxFail ?????????????????? screeeeen CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE CANT SEE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours ????????????????????????? WE CANT SEE ????? HABIBI TAKE OFF KEKW @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN BRO SHOW US THE STREAM J PRChase PRChase I CANT SEE TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TToursTTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours pro gamer yo wtf kdnfkrnfkfmdldmdodnfofmfldkfprmdlsmfofnoffm bgrzeopepeorjagrza screen @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN @Nightblue3 WeirdChamp SCREEN LMFAO WE CANT SEE omfg WE CANT FUCKING SEE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEW KEKW @Nightblue3 WE CANT SEEEEEE nightblue the cam we cant see let us see nightblue screeeeen JESUS CHRIST we cant see best stream ever zfzezezfefzefefzefezknzeifezfez Cheer1 Cheer1 FIX THE OVERLAY :/ :/ :/ :/ habibi screeeeeeen welcome to night blue radio station kamn Screen fzeofnezôifzeoifeziogfhzze and he wonders why the streams dying u idiot TTour Etf BROOO wish I could see this sucks useless NOOOOB WE CANT SEE KEKW Wtf yes mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK mellyTHINK IDIOT TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours I SEEE KEKW WTF fezofze^nfiezgepzifgjzeipgzezeg NO KekW Screeeeen HAHAHHAHAH LOL GJ :( no IDIOT LMAO YESS ?????????????????????? ahaha TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours TTours KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride WTF Screen im the habibi guy ANELE no :( zelerzrfezopfepzif^jiaezgz yea yessss haha lul LOL Can’t see U BRAIN DEAD I SWEAR good streamer OMG WeirdChamp Bruhh BROOOOO xD WE CANT SEE YOU IDIOT egzeo fngezoigfzeignezoifezngiozegnze LULW Pepega Clap KEKW BROOOO LMAOOO F YOU HABIBI llol he's so focused you damn monkey LUL KEKW Bruhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fezfoiez^fjoeizfjzegoizeg^zeoifjze NIGHTBLUE ;) habibi Kapp reinact KEKW fail Can’t seee can’t seeeee can’t seeeeeee can’t @Nightblue3 new streamer LUL OMAYYYY GAAAAD Bruhhh LOL HABIBI ............................... goldfish do it again BAKKA kappa WE HATE YOU :( He is So Mad LUL LOOK HIM IN THE FKING EYES uh vae 5K stone ahahhahahhhah LUL LUL KEKW 2588 EXECUTE HABIBI GUY BabyRage LUL BabyRage BabyRage KID IS MALDING LULW HAHAHAH nb4 on the come up kill him 1 more time before KID SO MAD LOL hhahhuauahusaa look l LOOK AT HIM IN THE FKING EYES KEKW LUL KEKW hahaahhahahhah he is so pissedddd this kid So annoying LUL LOL he is so pissed kid is madddddddd kid brain mental yesss thats 2 words that was disaster it would be Pepega hahahahahhahaha tyler Your house will be gone by tomorrow its better than league LoOK mE In ThE eYES Ur BaSE is GoNe BabyRage your base is gone streamer :) 1 word btw this almost rivals solo queue you don't play league anymore? Base is gonna be gone in the morning lmfao kid is malding LUL Rust > league Pepega shit show one word preschool Overall that was expected lol not a shit show Best Stream ever LUL @Nightblue3 how come you never stream during the day for eu anymore? its a daycare @nightblue3 more rust pls ANELE HABIBI ANELE ANELE HABIBI ANELE ANELE HABIBI ANELE ANELE HABIBI ANELE ANELE HABIBI ANELE rust is funny Rust > Python fuck league Can you play RuneScape now ty af You killed me like 5 times in ur airlock :C @Nightblue3 that was fun thanks man this is more of a daycare r Y U NO LOL PepegaVille 5Head You know servers wipe Thursday? nd5 night blue ur really cute, idk if anyone told u that recently What time will you stream tomorrow nb? this is more fun than league hope it boosts ur spirits yes yey try to avoid the streamsnipers duo League ResidentSleeper yup yes LUL @Nightblue3 make sure you hide the map delay your steram tomiorropw cy@ duo content as well PogChamp there is so much you arent able to do in the game solo since u arent progressing find someone who knows how to play the game to learn faster @Nightblue3 Pog will you be on earlier? CY@ GGS goondight CY@ cya monkey CY@ !POINTS @potato042o, potato042o has 2720 points and is rank 9554/3216148 on the leaderboard. yes @Nightblue3 if you had the map hidden no one would find you gn Keepo CY@ @Nightblue3 almost all sevrers wipe tomorrow byee goodnight CY@ ATLAS OMEGALUL cy@ habibi CY@ GGX habibi what time is same time moathbT7YH moathbT7YH moathbT7YH moathbT7YH moathbT7YH moathbT7YH byeeeeeeeeeeee PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands bye bye tang8namo !uptime @InsaneDarkZz, nightblue3 has been streaming for 5 hours 15 mins C@Y what time tomorrow? ANELE 7 ATLAS is dog shit bye chat BibleThump ! <3 <3 <3 <3 time please !uptime