comment peepoArrive Hello peepoArrive Pog PogYou What’s up fucker sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 Hey @c9sneaky you’re buff hello beefy man over here Yo sneaky @C9Sneaky hi :) el bro mas hardcore de tu zona You playing this split? SNEAKY Snacky Stream peepoArrive Pog hey dad @c9sneaky yo bro let’s me and you start our own LCS team Hi <3 @c9sneaky heyyyy thereeeee hoowww youuuu doinnnn yeeehAaaw peepoArrive hi eeeey im early hitman only stream? POGGERS hi dad hello snacc Gayyy Hey Sneaky-Dad @C9Sneaky hey bruh I like ur shirt We will be soo we’re by pornhub hi sneaky peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive out here with the bangers 🖤 hi sneaky YOU BETTER BOTH BE ROOTIN AND TOOTIN YOOOOOOOOOO Sponsored* Hi Sneaky WHATS POPPPIN yo snacky u a halo man? peepoArrive song? KKool TriHard 7 hi sneaky Hitman peepoArrive hello u little shit :) helloooooooooooooooo my love, im Brazilian fan ❤️ show armpit @C9Sneaky Hi dad peepoArrive Halo PogU haii brother peepoArrive just got here Guns Out peepoArrive peepoArrive pepeLaugh @c9sneaky would you be down to play Untitled Goose Game? AYAYAWeird peepoArrive tru pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky hey dad but we still love you sneaky! bang bang no league today POGGERS peepoArrive HELLO yeeeeeehaw Reeeeee :) peepoArrive Sneakers lets gooooooo peepoArrive yeeee monkaHmm itshavox420 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! DAD I LOVE YOU TAKE MY MONEY hi @c9sneaky peepoArrive You've YEE'd your last HAW, partner @C9Sneaky peepoArrive sneaky live peepoArrive RDR2 peepoLeave Sneaky show your dildo gachiHYPER Sneakers working out on stream gachiBASS hello sneakers @ItsJustValk @ABNORMEL peepoArrive Woohoo hi dad Pog @ComicBadger -> No Links! [warning] peepoArrive @hotdogss peepoArrive gachiW flex again for us Dad what’s going on with lcs now that rosters are out peepoArrivw :O @C9Sneaky are you playing halo today? Dad FishMoley fish dicks @C9Sneaky DansGame PogU Peepohorny hi chat Pepega why u always eating fish dicks What do you normally eat day to day sneaky yum HahaReindeer HahaPresent HahaSnowhal HahaNutcracker HahaElf HahaBaby HahaNyandeer Damn it snacky, I’m tryna go to bed BabyRage Fired fish dicks @C9Sneaky is the ESPN article about you joining dig true? wassup daddy lookin pretty swole bro i love you I wanna see you play untitled goose game Hey sneakers rescGasm don't go for big fishes ,use warm baits and get small fishes for good health upgrade KonCha @C9Sneaky PogChamp @C9Sneaky Yap lookin' too swole no league? 4Weird ✋ stop SMILERS 👋 Sneaky come play in OCE whats your opinion on pewdiepie FurWalk HahaReindeer HahaReindeer nymnBridge pewdiepie Did you join DiG PeepoClap !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 minutes 57 seconds @C9Sneaky you staying in lcs after you leave C9? cmonBruh @C9Sneaky can u show us all ur hand stretches nymnBridge he said it F Can you play fruit ninja with your dog PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap YEE HAW really? sneaky dont do this to me, i LOVE RDR2 T.T hi snacky o PeepoClap pepeDHaw starting with rdr? Pog pepeDHaw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 minutes 27 seconds pepeDHaw message added by moderator Are you going to play Halo one of these days? Are you gonna play lag sneky? hell yea pepeDHaw Wassup papi rmzSIP pepeDHaw PepegaAim !dpi FeelsOkayMan is it halo day? EZ early @C9Sneaky HIT MaN ❓ amnesia Howdy partner? HAL OMEGALUL was it amnesia? amnesia ? pepeDHaw hi is that him cmonBruh daf. @C9Sneaky Who is your favorite streamer to watch? OtterPopito subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! sneakyClaus reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hello snaky !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 minutes 20 seconds Amnesia monkaW i'm gay YOU TURNED DOWN AN LCS SPOT???? why are we watching pew PepoThink Daaaaaaad !dpi penumbra is ResidentSleeper nymnBridge what a I found him before he was cool :( GAYLO REACH !commands @mattprodagii -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !ranks SNIKI peepoArrive pnuemonoia widepeepoHappy zachawee good morning merry christmas reckful subs nyacchHi upload video everyday WeirdChamp mavelous pneumonia i thought jk LMAO Pneumonia LMFAO !gamble all yeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwww hey dad gachiHYPER METEOS BUTTHOLE gachiHYPER gachiBASS headBang Weirdga Full variety today? HYPERS @C9Sneaky kiss me gachiGASm sneakyYeehaw HYPERS HITMAN @Youiporit -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] @C9Sneaky can u show us all ur hand stretches? HITMAN widepeepoHappy Pornhub streaming Pog knuts816 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 6 month streak! fatal frame is a sick game reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! peepoArrive Hit MaN HIT MaN ‼️ @C9Sneaky Howcome you never play that witch game anymore?!?!?!? That game was awesome for the streammmms xD message added by moderator. hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave Pornhub streams are the future was anyone able to get into rdr2? I couldn't. I tried but I just wasn't enjoying it which was odd cause I played the first rdr for hundreds of hours. hi dad nice arms This dude is the epitome of cringe peepoLeave The internet literally existes for porn !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 minutes 20 seconds peepoLeave Daddy! yes peepoLeave Nope no no not weird no thats kinda weird 4Weird Pog no no its POGGERS Flacid? That's impressive peepoLeave yes No gachiBASS you theres people who cant? nope sneakyWut long schlong pepeSmoke no gachiBASS Big Pog chair stream poggers red dead? pepeSmoke pepeL ? MercyWing1 sneakyD MercyWing2 IM FLYING NaM OR DIE KonCha sneakyChair MaN !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 minutes 5 seconds NaM nymnFlag sneakyGrip Yeeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwwwwww Pics or it didn’t happen NaM sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff that's how you tuck KappaPride bnanaP1 bnanaP2 sneakyYeehaw yeeee mother fucking hawwww sneakyYeehaw someone yee my haw RIGHT NOW 😡 is he playing league at all? Pepega Clap headBang headBang headBang headBang KKool yee haw sneakyYeehaw 9 minutes FlipThis and it's already a chair stream MercyWing1 DxCat MercyWing2 YEE HAW He doesn’t play league anymore stop asking PeepoClap Snacky on Lul sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair someone say league ? peepoLeave heaBang heaBang vissSme vissSme TriHard Clap Variety as Snacky Pog why the game is set on RDR2? TriHard Clap MODS PeepoClap Hit MaN peepoArrive play hitman my hole stretches for you <3 this is a furry stream WideHard what was i thinking of course league is garbage game sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus HahaElf HahaElf HahaElf HolidaySanta HolidayTree does this guy play league still? sumSmash MaN peepoArrive play some lol sneakyWEEBY hi chat AYAYA sneakyClaus sneakyClaus " DaysForFun: play some lol " 4Weird its fishsticks night @daysforfun gtfo !uptime rdr2 on steam when PauseChamp Sneaky has been live for : 10 minutes 29 seconds 4Weird !uptime met a girl on tinder shes hot but has some hairy armpits i think shes french or something... anyway it was a match play halo reach @SnipingHobo Hey you should be making videos 😡 !followage PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety PeepoClap variety TUSKANfaun has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 1 week, 1 day 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird Why do I have the sudden urge to break things? @Gupper PeepoClap PeepoLeave !followagew headBang Chair STREAM Pog reee !followag variety peepoArrive lol peepoLeave sneakyH !followeage peepoLeave !followage !followage !followage sneakyH sneakyH headBang where is he? Kappa @hotdogss PeepoClap MrDestructoid :( he's flipping fish sticksss sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels smoke break diegosComfy he's baking fish sticks FishMoley chair stream pog !followage SMILERS anyone else in chat high as the sky CookiecrunchHD has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days pepeDHaw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 11 minutes 30 seconds RED DEAD REDEMPTION PogChamp karpWut karpWut karpNuts karpNuts karpWut karpStop karpStop karpStop karpStop headBang Is sneaky a gay fish? 5am here xd going to work in an hour sneakyClaus Yikes no life pepeSmoke anyone got a lighter ? mmmmmmmm fish dickssssss !followage sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw !followage where is streamer, if not back will report 😡 !followage spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies spoopyMunchies !followage pepeDHaw 👈 SMILERS TriHard Why are blacks always stealin TriHard :tf: pepeSmoke anyone else high pepeSmoke i want to play something but i dont know what monkaS Okayga TeaTime COCK tobias1 tobias2 nickapr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! long time fan. recent sub. always fun to catch your streams hello chair what's up reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! WutFace STREAMER SingsMic BrainSlug @C9Sneaky PLAY DESTINY 2 touch me next gachiW LULW YIKES that was a smooth ass way to sit down PepegaPls Okayga is this as i lay dying? KEKEW THE INSIDE? that's kewl than dont touch it Pepega He just like glided into the chair dumbass heyy then dont touch it sneakers red dead man fuck your fans @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' and ''Internet Cafe Simulator'' Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved them FeelsGoodMan just don't? fat fingers? I want a cooking stream sneaky BabyRage spoopyMantisDab spoopyMantisDab spoopyMantisDab isfgalFP @C9Sneaky get some bamboo tongs yo !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 12 minutes 25 seconds @c9weeby quit smoking, you gon die dawg Important scientific discovery from Sneaky, things that heat food are hot boomer nyacchSad HITMAN ? Okayga So you gonnaplay Brokeback mountain the game or league fam? heyy @c9sneaky how are you 4Weird ur a billionaire sneaky FISH STICKIN THE TOASTER DansGame ever heard of oven mits?? monkaHmm I haven't used a toaster in so long You like fish sticks in your mouth @c9sneaky ? sneakyHey hi snacky <3 TriHard MMMMMMMMM TIN FOIL YUMMY "the grabbers" the grabbers Pepega the grabbers PepegaPls Pepega 📣 GRABBERS oh, toaster oven sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Why are you eating fish dicks??? sneakySame @c9sneaky quit smoking, you gon die dawg Halo soon Pog grease the foil dude lol 3Head THE GRABBERS gachiW @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' and ''Internet Cafe Simulator'' Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved them FeelsWowMan @vivianeviviz pepeSmoke One more smoke TriHard BLACK TriHard non stick foil papa wym Pepega sneakySame sneakySame PeepoClap pro gamers 4Weird touched the what sneaks? gachiW i feel that sneakyFiesta Get oven mits LU;W gachiHYPER HAND SLIPPED sneaky ghigh as fuck pepeSmoke sneaky 0 toaster over 1 @C9Sneaky lol Nonstick foil @c9sneaky 4Weird Clap !followage @c9sneaky what'd i tell you about pulling out too much? TUSKANfaun has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 1 week, 1 day Heyyy Sneaky how's it going? OneHand @c9weeby rip in pieces 4Weird one 4Weird shoulda wore a condom Nevar forget... J-Jensen.... use cooking oil Kapp Spray the foil with oil sure 4Weird !followage sure 4Weird i want to see you in both oven mitts, please bring them on stream 100% just streaming next split then? tongs DIG Sneaky PogChamp sneakyHey sneakyHey reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! RDR peepoArrive FishMoley wtf Pog SMILERS PogChamp Imagine paying for 10 year old games 4Weird finally main game all night sneaky1 sneakyH sneaky2 describe taste OpieOP PeepoClap sneakyH peepoArrive fish trunoomPuke he baked the fight sticks, actually a sophisticated individual @C9Sneaky Chef Zack Pog also, metal cage comes out on some model, and open the oven door all the way. I most often burn myself because I'm lazy and can't get the right angle. SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS HolidaySanta watch meteos finally some good fucking food HahaHide fard What it is Oh no, he has to eat poor peoples food now BibleThump 100T and EG Pog peepoWTF 🦀 whats the plan today? HYPERS @C9Sneaky no league? PauseChamp Pog No League ? DansGame D: PowerUpL Squid3 PowerUpR fuck you PepeHands WeirdChamp D: WutFace troll widepeepoSad wtf PauseChamp D: Jebaited wtf dad WHAT me da time out D: Pog forsenCD announcment SadChamp widepoopoSad fuck u Pog peepoLeave Pog peepoWTF noooooooooooo widepeepoSad PogU PepeHands Jebaited PepeHands SadChamp wtf Pog noooooooo short stream SadChamp nooooooooo HALO :( SadChamp guess i'll die then SadChamp Wait no Halo? Jebaited PepegaHands peepoWTF Sneaky jobless and almost homeless PepeHands Dont worry Sneaky your new job will just be like daphne delphine you can just E girl LUL NO STREAM FOR THE WEEK. NOOO. noooo peepoSad noooooo' no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap why not drive to Vegas? WHAT COSPLAY? no league tonight peepoArrive short stream peepoLeave SadChamp u got me hard for a sec man... halo :) peepoLeave peepoLeave gotta catch up on vods halo just got hungry watching u REEEEEEEEE Play Penumbra Pog @C9Sneaky Real announcement time now @C9Sneaky play Halo on PC? Hit MaN please :( BEAT DOUBLE LIFT PogU @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' and ''Internet Cafe Simulator'' Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved them FeelsGoodMan Hitman peepoArrive play 2k! Skt Sneaky @C9Sneaky flying to Vegas tomorrow?? what cosplay no lig wtf no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap no league PeepoClap HIT MaN peepoArrive FUCK RED DEAD FF STREAM @C9Sneaky halo COSPLAY? play red dead pog are you playing in all-stars? @C9Sneaky HITMAN peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive PogU We get it you're gay Skt sneakyy When are you playing Halo? NaM Hit MaN ? hitman HITMAN peepoArrive halo bawkHello bawkHello bawkHello bawkHello bawkHello POKEMON GAME? NO NaM 'S SKY Kapp Kappa Haloooo Hitman Poggers SadChamp MaN MaN halo poggies Pikmin 3 PogU halooooooo HITMAN PLS HIT NaM Mmmmmmmm Jedi Fallen Order @C9Sneaky At what time all stars begin ? hitman CODE FUCKING VEIN NO MANS SKY peepoLeave BIG Kappa Sounds good @hotdogss bawkHello @C9Sneaky PLAY DESTINY 2 HITTTTTTMAN hitman stream Pog hitman @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved them FeelsGoodMan No MaN Sky @ForestFairyBilly PeepoClap HITMAN AFTER RDR2 I take anything over no man sky LUL POOOOKEMON? WHEN? short stream BibleThump Hit MaN peepoArrive Hitman HitMaN peepoArrive i'd be cool with some MaldChamp action 4Weird hitman peepoArive Cheater DansGame No Hitman's Sky OkayChamp :+1+ im close to finishing too can you play league pls i like falling asleep to your voice cheating AYAYAWeird HIT MaN forsenCD Clap fuck SNACKY YOU'RE ALIVE AND WELL WHAT A BLESSING widepeepoHappy VAC no league Pepega @snipinghobo TriHard Clap cheating peepoLeave OkayChamp 👍 halo reach @h4d3n you silly goose SillyChamp hitman peepoArrive World Class League player can't Assassinate in Hitman.. Hop on the halo train before its gone LUL just use a silenced sniper 4Head once you're done with the main missions on red dead, will you be playing the side/stranger missions too? Haaa looo @halo meow @Shuffleuphagus SillyChamp 👍 ToxicFuzz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 1 month streak! monkaHmm reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! 4Weird just stone em to death its actually really soothing, i do it too Go listen to T1 and listen to his Rage it's really soothing I call it TSMR halo reach is the wordt halo plz no Samer haha @C9Sneaky Playing any hitman? I love watching that shit what're you eating? monkaHmm wait halo tonight? hi sneaky PepegaShake stone who cmonBruh ? Snackie HYPERS yes yeah Yea yes wait wtf Yes no KEKW Yup next yr PeepoClap ye yeah yeah they're coming one at a time Civori subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! hmm as time goes on @C9Sneaky they plan to release it one by one PepegaAim les go reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yeah releasing 1-2-3-4 in chrono Bungie KEKW @C9Sneaky please play frog fractions only halo reach DansGame ahem i mean no :) slow release @c9sneaky plz play Hitman ce comes out early next year League tonight? @C9Sneaky showing the gunz gachiHYPER Episodic Illyarion subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! i wish you'd munch me as well as you munch that food @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved it FeelsWowMan peepoArrive next year why would they release reach literally the game that killed halo LUL reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! only Reach Jebaited Slowly releasing the others annacostia is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! annacostia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Norby0! annacostia gifted a Tier 1 sub to siliciusthar! annacostia gifted a Tier 1 sub to crash_boi! annacostia gifted a Tier 1 sub to TheEager! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! Elemefayeoh subscribed with Twitch Prime. annacostia gifted a Tier 1 sub to Nartomou! Reach released for backwards compatibility today on xbox one where MCC has been for like 2 years reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Pog EZ dodged POGGERS Pog PogChamp :o 🐮 👦 Pog PogU sneakyW Clap Pog gachiW LULW l Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Dodged EZ gachiW it would be pretty troll if they released only 1 game in the master chief collection Dodged EZ Weirdga 👉 SMILERS sneakyW HYPERCLAP @annacostia ME NEXT win that 1v1 tournament @C9Sneaky if i gift a sub does that make me a gifter HahaCat HahaDoge HahaShrugRight wait is it variety night pog Kreygasm MMM cannibalism sneakyNLT sneakyNLT crunch munch my toes pleASe @c9sneaky do you like tarter sauce??? Halo is fucking booty buttcheeks hit us with a flex sneaky This is the content I love widepeepoHappy PogYou free play hitman @kariizma prehaps peepoLeave they got to make sure the other games port over correctly and doijng it one at a time widepeepoHappy 👉 SMILERS sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 smoke break AGAIN Clap Thanks for the HahaDoge @annacostia 4Weird what is he eating? sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 The tears of children Imagine starting a stream to eating Kapp Clap ? sneakyCup fish sticks pepeSmoke HahaCat HahaDoge Clap ? monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaS D; dad are you ok ded monkaW monkaW TeaTime SMILERS AYAYA monkaW Sneaky died? he must habe broke a cup or fell monkaW Fish sticks and corndogs everyday Weirdga monkaW @C9Sneaky could you please look up ''Giraffe Town'' on Steam. Sodapoppin, Forsen and Lirik all loved it. (Very fucked up horror adventure) Straight to non league games today? Pog Pog he's alive ManChicken Why does it sound like he is casually spilling a shit ton of stuff onto the floor everytime he is grabbing a glass of water LUL POG WutFace LULW WeirdChamp ManChicken LUL ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅ TwitchVotes C9Sneaky: peepoArrive PeepoClap daddy you okay over there snacky? he's back. cancel the search widepeepoHappy peepoArrive Does it ever weird you out to know people fall asleep to your voice? @c9sneaky getting paid to eat Pog we like talking with you snacky fk them @C9Sneaky sneakyGasm AYAYA Guys is euw still down wasnt it supposed to be up again 25min ago? monkaSHAKE S OMEGALUL D A , LIRIK KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Play it are you going to play the Halo Game for Uss? :) Kreygasm imagine being a league of legends streamer, streaming RD2 AYAYA AYAYA PLAY IT Kappa PLAY THOSE Kreygasm girl Kreygasm BUY THEM Kreygasm Play them AYAYA pog sneakyWEEB3 ? River city girls is a good game NaM @C9Sneaky try out Control GIRLS AYAYA monkaW AYAYA monkaS halo halo you playin red dead all night or switchen to league later? monkaW club biofrost? Kreygasm WutFace wtf monkaW scary monkaS CURSED wtf WeirdChamp monkaS monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED monkaS CURSED WutFace CURSED monkaMega variety stream sneaky`? giraffe town WeirdChamp WeirdChamp CURSED GAME monkaOMEGA no thanks peepoLeave it is a good game @C9Sneaky WTF monkaS wtf i think you just cursed me snacky thats spooky he's staring into my soul monkaW Have you tried escape from tarkov ?? LUL ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅ TwitchVotes C9Sneaky: peepoLeave any league today ? NotSoEZ nightmare fuel KEKW I got a sub sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky can u show us all ur hand stretches? the fuck is this... WutFace monkaHmm pretty good WeirdChamp ✋ That's enough forsenPosture forsenPosture1 forsenPosture2 ? @yakkarchmied no, short stream tonight monkaS im scared what the fuck LUL FeelsBadMan my favorite cowpoke a giraffe with slippery feet peepoLeave Cursed @yakkarchmied SadChamp @C9Sneaky give chat a flex? Youre looking thick Slide your way through town like Sneaky Slides into lane Kapp that game is terrifying @lisbethsalander_ what in god's name is that emote? KEKW WutFace bajs re2 hitman snacky giraffe town is a good game you should play it yay @C9Sneaky Fap Queen 2 just came out on Steam TriKool o fuck yeah papi no hitman peepoLeave Yeeeeeehawww Does it ever weird you out to know people call asleep to your voice? @c9sneaky @C9Sneaky no league tonight? no, play River City Girls DansGame SMOrc Thanks for the HahaShrugRight @annacostia @C9Sneaky that game has the hardest final boss in the history of any game ever PepeS @C9Sneaky just wanted to say thanks. this bronze learned that stacking daurens blade is op and im now a sliver pleb. peepoleave peepoArrive RDR2 while halo downloads smart peepoArrive SMOrc variety tonight?? @C9Sneaky Less talk, more game League tonight? @hotdogss PeepoClap peepoArrive WutFace No PC version? @wilddogsatan HahaShrugLeft HahaThisisfine HahaDoge when do you leave to allstars sneaky? variety stream peepoArrive Why does anyone fall asleep to sneaky? he randomly screams all the time LUL Whos the HARDEST final boss? @JessieS23 no league PeepoClap When will my dad come back from the grocery store Kappa Is that a horse? pepeDHaw IT'S TIME @Acafulcro forsen's emotes are at the forefront of dank 🐴 sneakyYeehaw @hotdogss peepoWTF peepoLeave pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Brah it’s so EZ @cookies11 pepeDHaw someone just lit a firework outside my window, it's December. is that weird? pepoDHaw monkaW @JessieS23 SadChamp @Shuffleuphagus agreed pepeDHaw pepeSmoke pepeDHaw KKona I INSIST forsenCD Clap I say she comes The snow on this game drives me crazy @hotdogss sumSmash MaldChamp forsenCD which husband? MaldChamp Oh my god its Snackers KKona Clap sure there brother ol pal yall thing C9Sneaky can you turn up the in-game sound? @C9Sneaky SNACKERS POGGERS @c9sneaky hey dad move cam 4Weird he's online lets get it boyz Row row row ur boat pepeDHaw YeeHaw those river city girls sneakyYeehaw you arre know where near done cmonBruh ! !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 26 minutes 59 seconds I think she would've fun to have with us Yikes windowed mode? pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw stop moving DansGame this game NEEDS SOME RAM RANCH pepeDHaw @C9Sneaky PepegaAim pepeDHaw @cryptozoologic he's on ps4 Just rdr2 tonight? pepeDhaw i wanna watch so badly but i havent gotten this far so i have to leave :( pepeDHaw KKool pepeDHaw PogU This mission pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim Ah pepeDHaw sneaky when do you go to allstars? will u not be streaming tomorrow Cowboy game ResidentSleeper PogU variety streamer peepoArrive pepeDHaw PepegaHands VoHiYo sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw POV Kreygasm na guards KEKW Kreygasm @Thomasbrejner you can use tab after typing to auto format the emotes properly (: no league ??? Kreygasm I LOST Kreygasm gachiGASM HYPERCLAP Kreygasm @c9sneaky this shit slaps, what song is this Cons OMEGALUL le gaming pepeDHaw widepeepoHappy 🚬 pepeSmoke cowgirl 🤢 pepeSmoke someone pass a lighter is this a peepoFinger stream? pepeDHaw CiGrip pepeSmoke SMOKING WHEN YOU HAVE TB LUL :cigarette: pepeSmoke shieeeet pepeSmoke pepeDHaw think there's an echo no? EAT HIS ASS waduRage @mrtinydmcgee thanks XD pepeSmoke Read dead stream? pepeSmoke red best jacket Pog kek D: monkaS D: D: D: D: f why kill him? 4Weird that was my dad D: Choke me HandsUp that sound WutFace you didn't have to kill him D: widepeepoHappy DETH @Thomasbrejner np, it will auto finish typing it too! hidden op twitch trick. widepeepoHappy take the shot el capitain! shoot them PogU This is Pripyat all over again Kappa @mrtinydmcgee tfbHeart PauseChamp Shoot them HahaCat HahaDoge HahaLean HahaShrugRight D: Sh-shoot him!? snipe em snacky SHOOT EM UP, GIDDER DUN pepeDHaw use ur time thing pepeDHaw snacker u are so slow PauseChamp ........ pepeLaugh wait for it no league today? pepeDHaw pepeLaugh what a beautiful girl PogU KKona HELL YEA chaserekz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW PepegaPls KKona pepeDHaw hey sexy girls in here pepeDHaw Jebaited SO BAD KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona my everyday KEKW KEKW PepegaAim Clap ezclap HAHAHAHA na prison break PepegaAim OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW cmonBruh KEKW LUL LULW OMEGALUL HAHAHAH KEKW are u gonna play league later? LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL @SnipingHobo triHarder / @Thomasbrejner TF Blade sub tyler1Bruh KEKW run boys @SnipingHobo LULW forsenHobo lost to mudpit KEKW that's a very tired-sounding alarm DEATH STRANDING MECHANINCS KEKW @mrtinydmcgee Gifted sub WideHard ayeeee widepeepoSad sum redd deaddddddddddddddddddd redemption pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 30 minutes 55 seconds EZ no u gachiGASM aah gachiBASS Kreygasm quackS quackS he used a reverse card pepeDHaw KILL HIM pepeDHaw Red dead peepoLeave HandsUp pepeDHaw HandsUp HandsUp pepeDHaw waduW waduHands waduS waduDad waduPeek waduEZ pepeDHaw KKool KEKW KEKW queue the pink panther music CoolCat Teleport PepeS camon partner Lulw it's like I'm watching a movieeee walking into prison, what could go wrong howdy fellers PepegaAim CHOKE HIM gachiW KEKW Kapp whiteknight LULW LULW Just walking in Yeah man just try it KKool KKool KKool W H OMEGALUL KEKW D: KEKW KEKW His butt is rubbing against your crotch 😳 Is he playing in pc? KKona Bonk WALK IT IN jesus fuck pepeDHaw JUST KILL HIM pepeDHaw KEKW she's just beating up everyone pepeDHaw pepeDHaw RUN it down pepeDHaw mid crazy lady pepeDHaw DROWN HIM pepeDHaw widepeepoSad haha @AugustineTV Weirdga 🖕 pepeDHaw PepeHands bridge monkaW small talk LUL StinkyCheese uh oh Kreygasm pepeDHaw blood for the blood god? sneakyE Oh hell yeah this level is great I LOST Kreygasm not a chad employee PepeHands sadie bea Kreygasm @Spudn1ckel gachiBass LULW Kreygasm 0% Winrate she got that combat diaper on she's rode a few horses in her time pepeDHaw SHOOT HIM IN THE EARS pepeDHaw sumSmash smack @heratikus lost what LULW @AugustineTV Weirdga 👉 🚪 Bonk em all she's badass get fked KEKW Pepega guards pepeDHaw reach for the sky pepeDHaw @Spudn1ckel gachiHop she has a vagina which means she has to prove herself @C9Sneaky @Spudn1ckel gachiGASM ALPHA FEMALE tyler1GOOD I just got started reading a wattpad story and the only reasonable explenation is that the author and the audience are retarded pepeDHaw DONT FREE HIM pepeDHaw shes such a badass Kreygasm Got that yeehaw walk sneakyYeehaw widepeepoSad miu > sadie AYAYA Pepega 📣 JAMESON!!!! pepeDHaw you got one minute pepeDHaw 2 monkaS 3 PauseChamp 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 Ameno 7 6 LUL THEY DON'T CARE 7 7 8 7 KEKW KEKW 9 LULW why dont they just shoot him in that 1 min LUL 10 7 8 KEKW pepeDHaw from one or four pepeDHaw lol 11 12 12 LUL @Cyanirde nah shes a shitty character he's ded 13 13 widepeepoSad 13 PepeHands 14 14 pepeDHaw faster pepeDHaw LOL PepeHands lul PepeHands pepeHands PepeHands 18 13 PepeHands this game is so fucking good LMAO widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Pepehands LULW LUL 13 BibleThump PepeHands widepeepoSad 20 LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad NotLikeThis PepeHands 21 widepeepoSad 20 PepeHands 21 widepeepoSad 21 widepeepoSad oh no widepeepoSad 22 pepeDHaw dont stop[ counting i cant hear you pepeDHaw widepeepoSad KEKW widepeepoSad 24 widepeepoSad come on guys not funny widepeepoSad @Spudn1ckel lol ok KEKW pepeDHaw i dont wanna die pepeDHaw widepeepoSad 25 widepeepoSad widepeepoSad 28 :( LUL PepeHands PepeS PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands 29 BibleThump widepeepoSad 26 widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Pussssaayyyyy pepeLaugh this is fucked up fam widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad I am too young to die widepeepoSad XD yeeeeeeehaw pepeDHaw okay todays your lucky day pepeDHaw PepeHands ??? widepeepoSad monkaS KKonaW just hold him on the way out??? nice strat go back to kill him peepoLeave stormtrooper aim KEKW nooo monkaS Pepega PeepoClap 🔔 PepegaAim NA Aim KEKW why would you not back up while holding him Shoot him LuL quick to the hot air balloon! PepegaAim PepegaAim pepeDHaw yeeee buddy PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim wait why didn't they do this in the first place pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw MASS MURDER Pog Hi snacky, how is your situation with c9? PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepegaHands pepeDHaw pepeDHaw yee haw pepeDHaw PepegaAim NA AIM LUL PogU Violence! 😡 PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim cirOwO PepegaAim he's too tanky wtf LULW pepeLaugh pepeHands pepeDHaw YeEEEEE HAW pepeDHaw do I see a gold achievement incoming? :) pepeDHAW ditched KEKW D: pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw So instead of sacrificing one prison guard to shoot em, they sent all the guards out to be killed LUL PogU MURDER THEM ALL god tier aim and this is why you rife your barrel Pepega pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw :D LUL pepeDHaw LUL pepeLaugh PepegaAim JOHN MARSTON pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw he doesn't know PepeLaugh FailFish PepegaAim pepeLaugh dont tell him pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Pepega Clap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim wait horses dont fly yet? Pepega Pog pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw WeirdChamp pepeDHaw pepeDHaw fellers KKona fellers KKona pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw D: PepegaAim pepeDHaw sneakyYeehaw pepeDHaw PETA D: Wow at the prison. He’s almost halfway through the story pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw find some cover! pepeDHaw bkelly44 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! pew pew From adc to ROOTIN TOOTIN GUNSLINGER dat aim assist LUL pepeDHaw reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw NaM PepegaAim what get a shot gun and you can play graves when's the Dark souls boss showing up PepegaAim Hello chat cellA u all good? cellHmm PepegaAim !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 37 minutes 22 seconds git dowwwwn HotPokket FOLLOW ME pepeDHaw never better pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim h my ass gachiW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw getting shot in the ass GachiW pepeDHaw ahh gachiW pepeDHaw shoot em PepegaAim pepeDHaw NA aim = PepegaAim AHHH gachiW OkayChamp monkaW how many bullets can this guy take? LUL ow my shoulder gachIW Bullets cannot harm this man oh hey sneaky :) @C9Sneaky ow my shoulder gachiW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepeS pepeDHaw squeal like a pig pepeDHaw PepeS 🐴 sneakyYeehaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw sneakyYeehaw fellers D: HandsUp 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw D: D: D: Pog :o D: Pog DL pepeDHaw YEEE HAW pepeDHaw language D: EZ Clap right in the head EZ Clap PogChamp EZ Cla how do they not hit a target rowing at 5 mph LMAO D: PogU Clap thnx for the hospitality bo--- pepeDHaw holy ManChicken ? PogChamp PogChamp ManChicken pepeDHaw u ManChicken ? thats us told them ??? lmao john the type of guy to get hard carried then trash talk in all chat KEKW 🔭 ManChicken I SEE YOU pog Beaver Hollow Keepo John WeirdChamp johnny? all for a "thank you" 4Weird @C9Sneaky don't forget to do side missions in Saint Denis, it will affect the story PepeHands PepegaHands lenny I still PepeHands for RDR1 ending PepeHands FeelsBadMan lenny Lenny PepeHands i thought john marston died in the first one wut PepeHands prequel Money > all if yall didn't play rdr one and two 4Head just don't type D: D: D: D: D: D: language! can anyone league tonight? D: pepeLaugh D: DigiZomb subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! Molly WeirdChamp reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! snitches Dutch smh cowgirl got a potty mouth gachiGASM OLOQUINHO MEU pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Play rocket league pepeDHaw Headass pepeDHaw he saw it gachiW dutch 4Weird i got grabbed gachiW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw dutch WeirdChamp pepeDHaw dutch has a whiskey problem hes a criminal like u pepeDHaw pepeDHaw AYAYAWeird Dutch Arthur SadChamp PepeS Dutch is acting like C9 management pepeDHaw rdr2 is so good peepoArrive dutch WeirdChamp john SillyChamp pepeDHaw pepeDHaw this emote makes me laugh so much Dutch is final boss sneakySpook2 selaaaam @Adrianshado LUL LUL you beating this today? my girlfriend is a dutch pepeDHaw yeeeeeeeeeee haw partner pepeDHaw lol peepoArrive johns wife Kreygasm dutch DansGame shut up Dutch TELL EM ARTHUR Yes. PepeS you looking a little sick there is this game going to yt ? Arthur is the man shut the fuck up dutch 4Weird 4Weird fuck your plan 4Weird LOL PLAN PLAN Pepega A PLAN WeirdChamp P L A N Uh huh Kapp sure Kappa plan lol PLAN WeirdChamp dutch knows he fucked up AYAYAWeird Kapp HandsUp gachiHYPER @hotdogss Okayga 7 John widepeepoSad dutch having a plan KEKW KKonna *were they was @TheRealMC3 Okayga was WeirdChamp I'm hung gachiW KEKW brother and son? sexy time any tobias subs? tobias1 tobias2 thay was KKona arthur lookin like shit PepeHands Pog you know nothing about loyalty Dutch :// BibleThump no arthur don't gooo AngelThump transition Kreygasm dutch not trying to lose his authority ? TriHard ANIME DISEASE PepeHands PepeHands noooo spirit animal i russian i see no mistake ITS THE STAG SO YOU WERE A GOOD MAN say with us he is dying BibleThump how pretty Arthur ;-; pepeLaugh good person POG PepeHands @ZER0__o KKomrade gachiW show me that deer ass Kreygasm stag Pog widepeepoSad Expecto Patronum noxWhat BAMBI'S MOM BibleThump Deer Mary-Beth widepeepoHappy KKomrade Pog Mary-Beth sneakyGasm sneakyGasm KEKW KEKW bronze LULW LULW KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW LULW LUL KEKW BR OMEGALUL NZE LUL pepeDHaw LUL Kappa 5Head Sneaky getting good at controller aim PogChamp LULW LS KEKW LULW @C9Sneaky can you please play league of legends? ded LS LULW LULW LULW OMEGALUL K LS aka “Leopold Strauss” 5Head 5Head mmm yes by my calculations morello is still -16.735% gold efficient pay up scum He's going to talk about freezing ResidentSleeper KEKW jesus dude puts him to work yet... Henkels3934 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! See what happens when you don’t wear your safety gear when beating the poor you get sick LS STFU sumSmash FeelsWeirdMan forsenCD PepeS isn't it no weapons allowed in Fort Wallace 4Head 4Head 3Head 4HEad 4Head 3Head cmonBruh cmonBruh FeelsClassyMan the debts Arthur @strakeshooting lmfao true cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh he talks like DDL on there will be blood lmao Weirdga Vigor 😂 😂 cmonBruh red dead all night? cmonBruh FeelsWeirdMan 😂 😂 cmon man vinegar cmonBruh 4Weird cmonBruh i think he needs a bath snacky cmonBruh lel monkaW AYAYAY wheres AYAYAY PepeHands Micah WeirdChamp gachiW HandsUp wanted dead or alive on half the map gachiHYPER Kappa AYAYA this is not league DansGame littering DansGame are u playing in PC or PS4_ he playin eague tonight at all? Looks like Indiana Jones trim the beard DansGame ps4 boi is he pro in red dead too? Don't shave it forsenHappy pc WutFace @C9Sneaky can you enable peepoFinger? :D PepegaPls monkaW monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW AYAAAA TWTTTTFFFFFFFFFFF monkaW PepegaAim monkaX pepeS Worlds beard Pog monkaOMEGA SNEAKY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! monkaW PepegaAim KKona PepegaAim monkaW 3Head hurt our kin monkaW PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim the fuck just happened? pepeDHaw PepegaAim GO SNEAKY GO PepegaAim action is coming ZULUL KKona GET EM BOYS PeepoClap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw the hell KKona pepeDHaw PepegaAim Murfrees DansGame SNEAKY JOIN DIGNATAS pepeDHaw Murfrees = McPoyles tyler1 ancestors Pog sumSmash EZ bumgadget subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Hey can you ask twitch to save your vods, all your vods disappears in like 60 days. It sucks. that's one way of taking em out reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeDHaw pepeDHaw GoDEeM LUNATicS how is there this many inbred hicks eijesuGG eijesuGG eijesuGG eijesuGG you already killed like 30 in the cave before sometimes they have gold teeth I think? @Dirtydrops you kinda answered your own question Just like old times pepeDHaw ANELE Clap Depends on their contract @C9Sneaky ANELE nice item D: some people's bids stay for yeard Not Master Chief @C9Sneaky holy shit the graphics Hello boys! vods* Highlight the vods !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 49 minutes 55 seconds I think old partners have their vods up for a long time Halo wow I really just typed master chief... pepeDHaw just got here is he playing LOL today ? sneaky looking hella cute today riding horses for a long time must really hurts ur balls 🤔 @jeremywatts no why is this game look so weird ok cool go get yourself the fastest horse in the game up north @C9Sneaky What is that sky blur? Is that supposed to be fog?? SeemsGood 👍 Share your tendies with me! SeemsGood mangoCoach Dig Sneaky POG Pepega 👍 @C9Sneaky Which ending did you get in Witcher 3? NO MAKE YOUR OWN TENDIES 😡 Kappa MY TENDIES >:( oof is it the lawyer Micah mission WeirdChamp sharing tendies WutFace Pepega was you @C9Sneaky He got the worst ending. He never finished it hm for ur finest of tendies jk it's the rat PepeS Is it White Arabian horse fast? KKona Clap Sneeky, you better be better in the game tonight 😡😡😡 KKona micah DansGame Micah KKona !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 51 minutes 42 seconds the graphics are nice but they don't have anything on jerry rice and nitus' dog football HES THE RAT :// no leage of legends today?? cmonBruh NO SwiftRage DansGame PepoThink fuck league of legends micah a bitch ResidentSleeper KEKW Micah WeirdChamp revenge again WeirdChamp JUST 4HEad WeirdChamp 4Head reptildeano subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yo micah shut your bitch ass mouth Arthur is actually the boomer here Weirdga last job huh dutch? WeirdChamp piece of shit yay rob a bank again dutch's plans WeirdChamp shuranlol subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! can i kiss u reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! SHoOT 'EM SnEaky WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO savage is this before or after guarma? Dutch's plans never go right lul @helpineedwater it's after! Pepega 📣 ONE MORE JOOOOOOOOOOOOB i want to kiss arthur JUST ONE MORE SCORE ARTHUR 4HEad KKona KKona it's an ambush KKona DAMN RIGHT KKona Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR KKona KKona i'm callin it murica KKONA pepeDHaw dutch plans Pepega keep on keeping on KKona hey sneaky big fan over here! pepeDHaw IT'S TIME Kapp sure EARRAPE monkaS pepeDHaw pepeDHaw its time pepeDHaw shoot em pepeDHaw pepeDHaw we're killing again BibleThump pepeDHaw dutch is actually the worst leader in video game history i swear SNOOKy ItS a TRaP MôAte pepeDHaw its time to kill some bad guys pepeDHaw murder pepeDHaw monkaS pepeDHaw pepeDHaw snacky can i get a yeeeehaw wait red dead PogU pepeDHaw monkaHowdy Mr. Cornwall WeirdChamp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 55 minutes 45 seconds FeelsClassyMan THE LAW? blind KEKW !title @LeafCapsule -> Current Stream Title: YeEEEEEE HAW CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk more like Mr. Cornball pepeDHaw how can they not see him D: PepegaAim FeelsClassyMan tralnda subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months! sup sneaky PepegaPls reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! D: D: pepeDHaw woah D: two figs two figs D: D: monkaW D: SnOuKy Get oUt MonkaS Pog muria D: Don't die. SIR he doesn't know KEKW sir lmao Pepega monkaW is this part of his plan KEKW pepeDHaw dutch WeirdChamp I DID NO SUCH THING FeelsClassyMan DUTCH WeirdChamp you kill SMOrc I kill SMOrc SMOrc i rob LULW KEKW Sir! FeelsClassyMan TeaTime 4HEad DUTCH 5Head Pepega KEKW PepoThink KEKW LULW sure buddy 4HEad DUTCH Pepega KEKW KEKW monkaW KEKW LULW 4HEad dutch Pepega nice negotiation guys watcg PogU Pog Pog pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pOGu Pog PogU PogU PepegaAim PogU D: pepeDHaw here we go fellas Pog KEKW PogU dutch Pog pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw its time PogU mad lad plan Pepega RDR2 peepoArrive pepeDHa GETTER SNACKERS pepeDHaw HERE IT COMES PogU big ball dutch cornwall is dead Pog pepeDHaw yeehaw PogU pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw REVENGE pepeDHaw Pog dutch Weirdga pepeDHaw pepeDHaw noise KEKW PogU YEEEHAW GEE HOW DID THEY GET BEHIND US Pepega PogU pepeDHaw PogU pepeDHaw what a nice deal Kappa pepeDHaw pog dat clutch shot PogU DUTCH PLANS Pog dutch is fucking insane pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw oh shit they were close 4Head pepeDHaw pepeDHaw let kill some bad guys !time December 3rd 2019, 10:09:38 pm PST GMT-08:00 @Dutch WeirdChamp pepeDHaw holy shit i love this emote pepeDHaw Dutch = 5Head pepeDhaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw dutch has 1 point in charisma and rolls a nat 1 every time pepeDHaw You gotta have some GOD DAMNED FAITH ARTHUR pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim PepegaAim pepeDHaw 2v50 EZ Clap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw I’m going to throw up chat oh that was Micah lol get em dutch pepeDHaw good thing dutch is friends with the god of cowboys but but the boat PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Kreygasm RayXero subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! micah and cutch WeirdChamp pepeDHaw dutch plans 5Head SneOokEy Use YoUr SHoTgUn MaÎte D: dutch 3Head D: pepeDHaw shut up Micah Micah STFU pepeDHaw WeirdChamp They always ask why is Dutch? but never SadChamp How is Dutch? D: Cracking jokes in the middle of a gunfight micah's trash talk KEKW Jeremypwnz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @yuyuyuna_ bawkLove TAH HEE TEE pew pew @yuyuyuna_ AYAYA / Thanks for the HahaSleep @jeremypwnz @ForestFairyBilly selphyTootl nothing personal kiddo EZ @TheRealMC3 waffleAYAYA Paper PepeLaugh PepegaAim Pog LUL it's highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooon pepeDHaw have you tried this new game called "league of legends"? They say it's very good, you should try it! cletus is hit pepeDHaw DONT FORGET THE SHIP pepeDHaw 'TEGRIDY pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Mikkijade189 subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeDHaw TEGRIDY pepeDHaw yooo good looks mikki pepeDHaw Thanks for the HahaSweat @mikkijade189 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 1 minute 24 seconds arthur in a gunfight WeirdChamp micah in a gunfight SillyChamp no league today? sneaky you got this Crowncupking YEEE HAW daddy x3 OwO SadChamp ARTHUR pepeDHaw OwO Is this on ps4? @MidnightHam yep no League, and early end of stream too as he announced earlier Arthur widepeepoSad graves gameplay poggers KKona WE LOST EM I completely forgot twitch prime subs existed lmaos @mr_kappa_123 ye FBPass no one is save PepeHands OwO AYAYA boxAYAYA ok mister ypu yeeed your last hawwww here boy pepeDColon InchLongSshLong subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! BibleThump sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY Just need some money stayboyfeet subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! SOON BROTHERS xqcBall SOON BROTHERS xqcBall SOON BROTHERS xqcBall SOON BROTHERS xqcBall !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan even micah's like "yeah idk man we're pretty fucked now" D: xqcBall Clap 🤔 VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm good FeelsGoodMan PLAN Pepega monkaS THE PLAN Kappa can't they be thieves without killing everyone? monkaW THE PLAN KEKW !followage pokiW DF Error: User not found: pokiW. WE NEED MONEY Pepega !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan dutch plan KEKW pokiW horse dipped micah WeirdChamp black lung widepeepoSad dutch your a dumb fuck !stealfy pokiW RDR peepoLeave just a social call 4Head silver OkayChamp silver Pog peepoPog HahaThink HahaShrugMiddle HahaPresent HahaHide HahaGoose HahaDoge HahaCat HahaBall PepeHands PepegaHands Poor black lung @StealfyDoge SadChamp Faith BibleThump BlessRNG silver gamer WeirdChamp @warlordram OkayChamp !followage monkaS Error Connecting To Remote Server trust me a lot more A LOT MORE BROTHRE the map is huge there isnt a lot more monkaW bee gone can you get some antibiotics? monkaW be gone thot looking forward to more Sneaky streams you should finish the game today KKona HOWDY monkaW SinnMontoya subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! i assume sneaky is rushin through the story PepeS ???? monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW Hello sir sneaky monkaW wtf monkaW hes the guy monkaW me :) gollum looking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa monkaW monkaHmm hmmm form lord of the ring monkaW monkaW W H OMEGALUL NONE monkaW shoot him Run monkaW N O N E crackaddict smeagle? monkaW Shoot him Weirdga tank top Sneakers gachiHYPER sorry gachiW hog tie him Pepega monkaW KILL HIM Shoot him : ) 5Head PepeS widepeepoHappy Maybe hes friendly sneaky2 i'm watching OH SHIT I AM SORRY 5Head ahh yes ... go on No league tonight dad? monkaS Okayga pepeDHaw I hope you encounter the random corpses along the way :) cmonBruh put him to sleep then! OK , now shoot him kill him woa a ghost dont follow :O hog tie him throw him inn the rver KILL HIM POGGERS Weirdga pepeDHaw Seems like a nice guy D: title KKona did they relly have meth in the 1800s? how honorable is dad chat monkaHmm Put him to sleep D: HOG TIE BOYS I HOPE HE GETS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING For his own good hog tie time yeeeeha LUL liar let him be, he's already fked I never sleep mr. I never sleep liar gachiBASS wew LUL rdr2 peepoArrive cuddle with him He's just closing his eyes for a min Thats the homie probably just resting his eyes you know pepeDHaw im back bitches pepeDHaw hog tie him and throw him off a cliff @C9Sneaky Mr. Burns monkaW guess you gatta drown him in the river uyuuuuuuiiiii hog tie the liar sleep in rain POG Okayga spoon him sneakyE pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Pepega kill him widepeepoHappy YeEEEEEE HAW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw feed your horse mate jesus chicoteale pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw no legendary animals? thaT Was a PERV pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 7 minutes 15 seconds pepeDHaw Horse abuse DansGame sleeping in the rain like a pleb LUL end of game !followage KEEPINITFROSTY has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 6 months, 1 week, 3 days yeeeeeeeT HAAAWWW naasty business LUL widepeepoSad wtf Dutch Pepega NY dutch weirdChamp I HAVE A PLAN!! NY WeirdChamp HERE'S THE PLAN AYAYA TAHITI Pepega NOT TAHITI WeirdChamp TAHITI Weirdga I have a plan NY Weirdga Dutch literally a pepega pepeSmoke yes FREE SHMOKE DUTCH SAYS JUST ONE SCORE ONE MORE SCORE Pepega ONE LAST SCPRE HahaPoint peepoArrive pepeDHaw one more Girls peepoLeave Smoke em all ONE MORE SCORE Pepega eagle flies! ANELE TriHard BIG SMOKE CJ You son of a bitch I’m in ANELE Clap AYAYA Eagle walks LULW FeelsBadMan D: Hold onto your scalp! wait this Indian VA is kinda ass TriHard Clap CHARLES gachiHYPER peepoArrive pepeDHaw Straight into red dead @c9sneaky i love charles gachiW TriHard Clap this is actually last mission Why? charles is the goat TriHard Clap Any league tonight Sneaky? PepegaAim KEKW Pepega arthur lookin a lil.. stanky Dutch WeirdChamp dutch Pepega arthur aint looking so good pepeSmoke TriHard Clap pepeDHaw TriHard ? your beard Pog I guess SadChamp Hey Sneaky did you hear Lost Ark is on Russian server anyone can play now PepegaAim PepegaAim arthur malding KEKW dutch is fucking stupid lmao always tryin to fix the messes WeirdChamp arthur been with 1 too many whores Duxure for mod Pog oh no no no this mission pepeHands Charles is the boi chat dont ruin ending PepeHands Does Dutch’s hat have a bullet hole in it stop asking you for league let the man finish this great beautiful game ya no spoilers lads game's bout to end? Kapp Kapp que sera sera Dutch dies Kapp Kapp Kapp Colonel Flavours gachiW Kapp pepeDHaw fcuk scrubnoobs pepeDHaw no league today hes gonna play danganronpa after this game :) widepeepoSad GAME Kreygasm D: Pepega WHAT WILL BE WIL BE Pepega spoilers WeirdChamp Colonel Sanders monkaS i'd let charles gachiBASS me that fukin colonel sanders @GZ_Zeldafan gachiBASS Pepega @GZ_Zeldafan pepeDHaw long time no see bruh pepeDHaw KKona KKool KKona true brother just red dead tonight? NOIS Pepega Noise and faith Are you going to all the side mission too or just rush the story @c9sneaky Faith Pepega NOISE Pepega Noice @Code002_Zero_Two cirPat NOICE Arthur betrays someone N EYES Pepega THINK KEKW NOICE NOIS He has a plan JUST THINK 4Head snaky play that halo? 4HEad Noice PepegaAim 4HEad Dutch? thinking? KEKW JUST THINK LOOOOOOL 4HEad dutch WeirdChamp horseback convos KEKW horseback convos KEKW horseback convos KEKW horseback convos KEKW horseback convos KEKW horseback convos KEKW @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP rawr7 🤔 @Code002_Zero_Two peepoArrive 👋 FeelsOkayMan Damn Pinkertons 5Head AHH YESSS 5Head oh shit PunOko the plan PunOko @JavierEstrada99 bawkHello ONE MORE Kappa 5Head ONE MORE SCORE 5Head Pepega ONE MORE JOB 5Head JUST ONE MORE dutch running the long con 5Head ONE MORE Kapp gta v all over again I HAVE A PLAN JUST TRUST ME Pepega 666 trust Pepega plan Pepega @Sitlec peepoArrive sup Sitlec KonCha he has a plan KEKW Pepega any heist movie ever be like: just trust Pepega I would :) @JavierEstrada99 HI SMILERS God damn I hate dutch Dutch stfu :) SMILERS Dutch STFU Arthur dies at the end TPcrunchyroll hh monkaGun @hiimtiltsu SMILERS dutch is a snake @spicytaco77 shut up ;-; Pog dark night mission boxMONKERS Arthur doesnt di PepeS SMILERS die monkaS .... monkaOMEGA SMILERS PepeS PepeHands monkaMega @spicytaco77 ur no fun SMILERS okay lets head out PepeL stop spoiling WeirdChamp plan Pepega pepeL WeirdChamp SMILERS pepeLaugh @Code002_Zero_Two SMILERS 🖕 your mom dies at the end 4HEad SMILERS Chat ruining my experience SMILERS okay lets go guys cant see Weirdga Russle up those doggies SMILERS :) @bubbersgoose -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] They got 2 paddlers in the front Canoe LUL SMILERS NaM SMILERS NaM SMILERS SMILERS if gay KKonaW SMILERS NaM SMILERS ur splashing is too loud SMILERS Stfu dutch KEKW sneaky sneaky Good luck SMILERS these lazy bitches not paddling SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS / is he playing league at all tonight or nah? Weirdga what you think you are doing??? SMILERS lets just go SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS 🖕 horses on this boat? like 7 horses?? guy cmonBruh @StopPeggingMe nah RDR2, bought it, played it, disappointed. What do you guys think? AYAYAWeird SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS 👍 monkaW monkaW @dansendeblomst youre retarded soldi snak Dartguy66 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO no league tonight? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! this man deaf af monkaSHAKE subdue gachiW pepeLaugh SMILERS Clap @Smashus -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] SMILERS 👌 Crit_Deathotic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! pepeLaugh STEALTH MISSION sumSmash reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! neck snapped PeepoClap KILL THEM ALL SNEAKY Pog PeepoClap you are a genius SMILERS ty fam Pog Snap neck = Knockout pepeLaugh pepeLaugh TIME TO SUBDUE pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw heard a snap there pepeSmoke boxGun in the face pepeSmoke !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 15 minutes 47 seconds PeepoClap @navishere how come? lol can i get a fat yeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww pepeSmoke pepeSmoke PeepoClap @hotdogss peepoArrive 👋 SMILERS sup dude CiGrip @JavierEstrada99 hi PeepoClap PeepoClap SMILERS just dont clap PeepoClap WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON PeepoClap ANy CLAPPERS? pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO YOU ENABLE PeepoClap Im SO HAPPY PeepoClap PeepoClap pepeSmoke just kill KEKW monkaS RDR peepoArrive PepegaPls GO SNAKy PeepoClap PauseChamp still hold PeepoClap use the tear gas Upstairs PepegaAim you might have to make some noise somewhere PeepoClap PepegaPls SMILERS pepeLaugh PauseChamp HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD PepoThink the horses i guess knock em out 4Head 4House nice Go on one the others will jump em 1V3 THEM !!! YOU CAN DO IT. PepegaAim KILL THEM ALL 4House 4House ? people's elbow from the top floor KEKW Pepega pepeDHaw KEKW there we go LUL LULW KEKW Pepega KEKW ???\ KEKW monkaW KEKW ???? wtf KEKW pepeDHaw LUL how did they even see you LUL That throw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw KEEP SHOOTING pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Jebaited KEKW you're a tank Pog pepeLaugh they didnt test the game this far KEKW The silent killer pepeDHaw PepegaAim sneakyBug rockstar mechanics 4HEad 4Head Uh 4HEad ?????? 4Head ???? ANELE monkaOMEGA that seems like a bad idea ANELE ANELE NICE MonkaW ANELE INCOMING ANELE Clap that looks like a terrible idea NaM ANELE HYPERCLAP ANELE Clap monkaW PeepoClap FASTER Pepega monkaW NOT AGAIN KEKW Rip DUTCH KEKW nice blew up the anchor LUL Weirdga Pepega drunk sailing dutch Pepega DUTCH 3Head peepoFinger Dutch OUTTA THE WAY FishMoley a PLAN, ARTHUR Dutch Pepega KEKW titanic #2 Guarma again KEKW Not the horses yehaww Now this is podracing widepeepoSad BACK TO GUARMA KEKW Pepega dutch TITanic Part 2 PeepoClap Dutch's driving is 10/10 PepeHands soldiers left to drown sneaky not gonna lie you kinda look like a lesbian tonight lol wtf lol ?? sea horses PogChamp RIDING A HORSE ON WATER KEKW KEKW lol LULW ?? WTF KEKW @Duxure -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] KEKW seahorses PogU LUL PepegaPls pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw KEKW KEKW stay on one Pepega no shit there confused there swimming KEKW PepegaPls sea horses PogChamp Sea horses LULW SEAHORSE PogChamp cute horses chat AYAYA Seahorse Pog SO REAL KEKW SEAHORSE LMAO AYAYA horses can swims? peepoBlonket HOW CAN THIS POSSBILE BE?! yes they can swim monka mechanics Kreygasm AYAYA horses can paddle horses can swim irl idk if they can be ridden though monkaW i thought horses were mammals no way can you ride a horse in the water This scene is super fucked. What you are a doing is impossible do horse balls shrink? lol horses can swim but not this well Lol rockstar FailFish i don't think you would ride on them in the water... Horses use their dick as a rudder Kappa i thought these horses were walking? arthur must be a super lightweight horses are reptials @wbrunooo @theunicorncow they can. horses are actually really good swimmers Yeah and it runs right after peepohappy widepeepoHappy HYPERS 🐴 pepeDHaw HYPERS Galops even !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 20 minutes 33 seconds birds aren't real reptials KEKW wheeze PepeLauhg can you imagine being a animal that literally never swims and you get thrown in the water and some asshole jumps on your back and is like go faster horse PeepoHorse widepeepoHappy @dreadnbutta you can But the human is tired LMFAO @recurf you imbesile, they clearly use it as a propeller like he swam WeirdChamp Red Dead Redemption 2 Stream widepeepoHappy pepeDHaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw this game is shit They also fly i think pepeDHaw WeirdChamp what a fucking asshole monkaW !Uptime Dutch ideas LUL JUST FIGHT THE ARMY 4Head pepeDHaw @Jinryuki you are shit pepeDHaw @sasothe1st they use gas propulsion... pepeDHaw @Jinryuki no u dutch > the law is gonna come after us!!! also dutch > lets go to war with the army!!!!! YeEEEEEE HAW pepeDHaw PepegaAim PeepoClap dutch Pepega Pepega pepeDHaw faith Pepega Pepega EAGLE FLIES !followage Drink water chat cellA !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 21 minutes 36 seconds THIS IS A PLAN ARTHUR fimardones has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 2 days FeelsClassyMan @recurf you madman, you might be on to something here @C9Sneaky turn light off KEKW fucking stupid arseholes KKona SHORE Pog 😡 daddy issuse FeelsClassyMan hey its me dutch Pepega !followsge Pog Pog PagChomp Pog gold peepoPog you look like crap snacky, have you been eating !uptime Pog When you make simple mistakes like violating common sense while trying to recreate an authentic times. You deserve your game to be called pure shit. dutch has a whiskey problem gold Pog !followage gold POGGERS Pog bronze again? Dutch looks like Lord Farquaad KEKW Dutch looks like Lord Farquaad KEKW Dutch looks like Lord Farquaad KEKW GOLD PogU zfgGoldOgre PogU lordmax1 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days EZ make arthur eat snacky he's dying D; PeepoClap PeepoCalp Clap PeepoClap PeepoClap sneakyEZ Clap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap Sneako love PeepoClap peepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap <3 PeepoClap insane! Pog PeepoClap good job snacky! PeepoeClap PeepoClap widepeepoHappy PeepoClap Gold player D: heading to town :O PeepoClap PeepoClap Hey Sneak you should grow a man beard like Arthur Morgan pink dead redemption 2 @C9Sneaky PeepoClap pepeLaugh widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad wait hey sneaky, how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning? any lol tonight? put butter on the burn it helps more 5Head widepeepoSad arthur its sneaky and dutch jack KEKW PeepoClap @Owlskee he said no, short stream tonight is that guy puking Wanted btw nice that dude on a chicken pose DansGame DansGame DansGame PepegaAim FeelsBadMan No Hitman tonight @karthhuss havent thought of that in 3 days of watching this...good one Hitman DansGma DansGame PepegaAim Im the real hitman watch my aim i heard semen helps alot gachiBASS SMILERS ha HAAAAAA @OGMichaelangelo im OG Wowee OhMyDog !followage lordmax1 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days I like this dog’s chorus of 3 barks :) !UPTIME Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 24 minutes 16 seconds ResidentSleeper sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair we need the hitman Pog !followage !followage pepeDHaw > Hitman fluffykitten1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! if you have vinegar it helps a lot on burns<3 BibleThump sneakyH @c9sneaky are u only gonna play rdr2 today? reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! hey sneaky, how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning? SoSnowy SourPls PepegaShake PepegaShake which chapter are you on? @C9Sneaky sneakyChair peepoArrive hey sneaky, how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning?????? DONO WeirdChamp PepegaShake SoSnowy Play Five Finger FIlllet vine what? cmonBruh cmonBruh Wait what? put butter on the burn it helps leeg tonight? how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning? No league today? getting Jebaited KEKW how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning????? OhMyDog : how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning?? why do streamers say "welcome back" when THEY get back to the stream? KEKW @C9Sneaky how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning??? :tf: bark bark bark KKool MadoStab peepoWTF how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning it will brun a lot try aloe vi - TriHard how much of a difference has the outcove made in laning??? @krishtheswag WeirdChamp pepeJAM oh this mission 3Head SMOrc Hey fuck off spammer drink vinegar it cures TB OH THIS GUY 3Head Pepega yeah dip your finger in it you haven't done ethiss yet ???? one man spam WeirdChamp don't forget to put Neosporin on the burn! omg lol naw you just put alttile on 3Head no Pepega Pepega Luv you chat :) Pepega look at tht dudes head 3Head sneaky cosplay rdr2? @strakeshooting <3 bertram PepeHands 3Head 3Head 3Head pepeLaugh I just died 14 times to a rengar. Does that make me an LCS wash up yet, @C9Sneaky? Pepega PepegaHands monkaS D: D: D: D: D: is that tyler1? MONKERS D: D: sneakyD they dont see you KEKW i work a sandwhich shop and i burn my hands alot and vinegar helps with the burning sensation stop it still hurts if u put pressure on it x3 sneakyD are you playing leeg tonight sneaky @cdoggy too tall t1 in the cut IMAGINE KEKW IMAGINE KEKW imagine.... Kreygasm Kreygasm gachiW Kreygasm gachiBASS gachiBASS SAVING PEOPLE IN 2020 KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 26 minutes 48 seconds MonkaS 3rd person talk WOW 1Head OoooooooooooooooF "unlovable" rude much gachiHYPER freak show man this is the best forsenCD Clap sounds like support flaming the adc @C9Sneaky Pepega your mom's dont let you suck her tits LUL D: D: fucketty !uptime LULW PepegaPls sumSmash fucketty LUL LULW Suckin the tits D: fucketty?? Wowee ? fucketty Pepega WOOF D> LUL D: WOOF WOOF KEKW 3Head ...EAT HIM??? monkaS LULW monkaW monkaW monkaW FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ monkaW monkaW HODOR ITS THE GOONIES GUY sumSmash monkaW sumSmash get him sneaky KICK HIS A Bertram monkaS sumSmash gachiBASS not the hat! mean MaN sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash mean man hagrids little brother looking guy sumSmash 3Head kill his ass frick him up BigBrother retard strength monkaW Beating yo ass F KEKW MUEAHN MAYUHNNNN 3Head sumSmash 3Head KILL HIM monkaW r word strength monkaW KEKW PogU sumSmash BEAT BY TARD KEKW ouchie widepeepoSad sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash YEAAAAAAAA Pog PogU sumSmash OUCHIE D: don't say the word Pog PogU LULW widepeepoSad why are you doing this? UWU a little fucky wucky PeepoClap GJ SNACKY D: into the fire moon2H Pog sumSmash 3Head PepeHands Knock this retard out KEKW KEKW EZ Clap PepeHands F STOP YOURE HURTING HIM PepeHands Pog sumSmash PepegaHands peepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad KEKW PepeHands Beat his ass HYPERCLAP LULW ...Jesus 3Head owwie pepeL PepeHands widepeepoSad PepegaHands AYAYAWeird Beating up the special needs Loot him LUL 3Head WHAT A FUCKED UP DAY INNIT KEKW DAFUQ IS THAT THING SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc you fucked his face up uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Take him out behind the barn beating up a Pepega This lady is AWFUL true LULW sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut she...she's having sex with him monkaW BERTWUM widepeepoSad PepeHands Weirdga Pepega Milf Kreygasm she's definitely fucking him this guysBrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack WeirdChamp almost lost Kreygasm this is awkward whoopsy BibleThump take it out yonder GRATZ ON BEATING UP THE DISABLED SNEAKY 3Head whoopsy worm = his penis this is hot >_> widepeepoSad Kreygasm Lol wth shoot em pepeDHaw monkaW pet the wabbit. D: D: monkaW D: LULW Jeabaited cucked Ripnitas 3Head LUL poor Bertram Sneaky beat up Special Ed kid scold me next Marjorie Kreygasm <3 looks like the actor for kylo ren Dig sneaky rip abusive mother KEKW WutFace Pepega Clap sherry Kreygasm gachiBASS 3Head This Stranger mission is so funny Hes healed Pog español She is crazy AF @TheOrangeThunder LOL FeelsBadMan go find him PeepoClap dude half that dude's forehead is missing I bet she's a freak in the sack IMAGINE THAT WAS YOUR SON DansGame That lady is awful don't forget your hat HAT yo karen at the camp has big juicers 3Head Bertram like sherry 3Head YES @JaedeeD WeirdChamp do they side story sneaky did a whoopsy KEKW if you see the law just do the main stroy Ewww Micah Do all the Strangers before u get to the en d monkaHmm go all the way to the top Is sneaky akready done with League? do the side missions Yes YOUR HAT to the question mark it's cool PogU i want to watch LOL PICK UP YOUR HAT side missions go away if you dont them and keep playing main story don't forget your hat snacky Pog HAT xqcM ITS TIME black jack poggers kinda, chapters end on big notes, can/will effect the game world @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky pick up your hat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat do the one mission with the ghost play cards for 4 hours widepeepoHappy Sneaky already beat League, its on to the next game Pog @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat now that's a beard! Pog monkaHmm @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat @C9Sneaky pick up your hat PartyHat This mission susks so much console gaming WutFace degenerate gambler incoming SAPM HAT CHAT oh wait im thinking of luigi's mansion BIG BET Any gifters? PogChamp ALL OF IT saonima always double your bet untill you win do the one with the incest All in Pog double Sneaky has a gambling problem monkaHmm Go all HIT had makeup? thats a double DansGame hit DOUBLE HYPERBRUH xqcM ALL IN @sasukemisaki yeah omg I hope he encounters them soon KEKW double LULW KEKW xqcM KEKW LMFAO KEKW Rip LULW HAHAHA KEKW Yikes Monkas LUL LUL KEKW rip 60c now KEKW KEKW BAD LUL LUL rip rekt KEKW HIT ME Pepega LUL LUL Snacky where is your hat? SadChamp LULW ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift double last bet ???? im a professional blackjack player i know these things FeelsRainMan ALL IN fold SadChamp unless you win peepoArrive m0xyM m0xyM m0xyM its raining outside my house too yikes peepoLeave LULW 16 yuck FEELS BAD HIT EZ Clap KEKW Doomed All in Pog xd there's a change ? Paying the house ez STAY stay scratch *chance hit have to hit its a queen you fool hit pussy hit it xqcM stay hit hit NO doomed u have to HIT BETA MOVE Double down] HIT have to. do it OOO us tay on that KEKW rigged RIGGED PepegaPls KEKW KEKW RIGGED LUL u were fucked either way Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW told u KEKW #hit KEKW Close RIGGED LUL KEKW RIGGED Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW Rigged KEKW kill him scammed RIgged KEKW shoulda hit :) yeeee You lost the table PogU Big money ALL IN JUST KILL LATER KEKW Rigged SHOOT EM pepeDHaw Yes mooEZ mooP mooP mooP ok Hit KEKW Pog Pog D: Pog u double on this jk EZ 19 HIT KEKW KEKW double down hit on 19 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaHmm hit it hit cowP hit you? sumSmash cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh RIGGED AS FUC hit lmao ? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Hit PogChamp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh THAT BEARD ON THE DEALER you dont even need to animate his mouth LUL PogU poggers EZ Pog Pog pOG Full house! PeepoClap EZ 30 c let Bertram play Pog ALL IN XD 60c KEKW ResidentSleeper H I T i like how they're all betting like 5 cents and you're high rolling LUL sneaky is a blackjack pro all in no balls @fakerfan12345 200 iq devs 16 LULU split split PauseChamp 16 AGAIN KEKW Split Oooh doggie widepeepoHappy KKona awe gee GAMBLING ADDICTION Pog pair of 8's is a hit always split 8s Split boxHYPERS hit monkaHmm double Yes split nice hit monkaHmm Split always split 8s split SMILERS Double double down which website can watch porn? double!!!!!!!1 hit of course Pog PogU Pogstand PogU stay Kreygasm Pog I was at this very table toray PogU monkaHmm yes this is a card game Pog Pog stand Pog :) Nope KEKW 21 EZ black jack KKona EZ Ballin PagChomp KEKW EZ EZ Pog EZ PogYou Pog ! i'm into it PogChamp PogU Nope LUL EZ PZ big win PogChamp EZ 💰 PogYou sneaky coming to vegas Poker is a wierd game Kappa Pog CARD SHARK hey sneaky lookin moist tonight TOO EZ KEKW @C9Sneaky why no double down on a 10? LULW lol these fools broke PogU PRO GAMBLER LULW Cmon Sneaky clearly they are all cheating realistic blackjack simulator KEKW realistic blackjack simulator KEKW realistic blackjack simulator KEKW realistic blackjack simulator KEKW realistic blackjack simulator KEKW why you taking money from homeless people @C9Sneaky u cant on here $1 pussy KEKW sneaky RDR cosplay stream when? double 2 black jack wtf double down nvm double!!!! @hotdogss still RDR2? peepoWTF wtf LUL yea not on split Big money @JessieS23 yes OkayChamp YES yeah Dont double down Yes! 9v5 double it do it boah fk no yes he has 5! what about hit? DansGame Good double Pog DOUBLE IT Wait whyt not league PogU not bad Its good 9 v 5 is a double THE BUST Pog Pog Pog ez money PagChomp Clap EZ Clap black jack is so fun Pog we rich boysss peepoPog 1.20 Pog i could get into this Pog VoteYea VoteYea Pog insane gambler 5Head yeehaw PeepoClap Good one Chat @C9Sneaky 5 and 6 are bust cards its so realistic how they count the score out loud and have different lines everytime they say somethingPog Mechanics Pog Rekkn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! love you sneaky Pog monkaHmm ... reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! fold DansGame THIS TABLE PROB SMELLS LIKE ASS its so realistic how they count the score out loud and have different lines everytime they say something Pog wonder how bad that room smells fold LUL hit me LUL lol 14 is disgusting Pog KEKW LUL surrender that bitch rip KEKW 14 SUCKS LULW KEKW KEKW BUT you gotta hit remake most casinos give u half back (: xqcM Practicing for this weekend I see @C9Sneaky LUL KEKW bust Kreygasm Double angery boi oof Pog old enough to get drafted BabyRage too young to gamble BabyRage wtf HIT ff at 15 KEKW HIT ON 20 anothre one @C9Sneaky its called surrendering you get half your bet back welp curtis you cheeky bastard dealer showing 6 or lower good to split/double down GRAMPS POG fold fold at 15 KEKW you always hit on 14 all in Pog its for losers @hotdogss 🖕SMILERS ALL IN still up 2.10 but its nasty ;[ ALWAYS HIT ON 16 + @JessieS23 SadChamp 4.20 pussy PeepoClap 4.20 bet pray for mercy monkaW 17 WutFace Showing a 6 is dangerous if they have A under pray Rip Don't forget Mr. Hat monkaS he gonna rig us all PepeLaugh 17 yikes Old bastard has ice in his veins DD @c9seaky dont forget your hat yikes sneakyE Stay wtf DegenerateManiac subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! <3 reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! yo im back LULW smurf KEKW KEKW i fucking knew it 3Head D: god dang SHIEET TIME FOR ALL IN? PauseChamp Old man smurfing time for the goosebumps bet PogChamp he gets so pissed at losing RIGGED DansGame monkaS curtis keeps fucking you LUL rigged KEKW start blasting, snackerz PauseChamp :D monkaW 2.40 Pog the house is taking your money Kill em KEKW monkaW KEKW @hotdogss gambling addiction peepoPog PeepoClap monkaW D LUL lmao get fucked 15 KEKW we fucked KEKW Double down you are getting rekt stay!! 15 LUL D: hit LUL on the board no way we lose 3 in a row >_< *loses* *bets more* BETA MOVE PeepoClap this dealer not aranging chips right at all getting schooled by gramps KEKW arthur is about to get really mad KEKW we cry die LUL stay PeepoClap Geturbeszin WOO KEKW 15 Pog MONEY MONEY MONEY EZ PogChamp PogChamp Pog yup Pog PogU 420 bet! Pog huh yup bust HandsUp Bet 4.20 HYPERS LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sneaky buying drinks tonight PogChamp Pog @C9Sneaky have you played before or are you cheating Kappa Arthur is addicted now PepeHands 30 cents Pog Best part of red dead.... the blackjack!!!! KKona loser! is league down? HIT you only bet against the dealer? zzzzzz nobody actually plays RD2 we play for the blackjack LUL KEKW ez money KEKW LOL HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW shut up lirikANGRY KEKW LU KEKW AYYY LULW shut up grandap D: KEKW SHUT UP Not knowing how to play blackjack LULW fucked KEKW KEKW KEKW "SHUT UP" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW peepoPog EZ Clap KEKW KEKW lmao ahh shutup LUL KEKW tilted grandpa Kill him KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW GRANDPA MAD shoot him KEKW this is part of red dead redemption? Lost 2 cents PepeHands 21 this is the real game here aight GRANDPA MALDING KEKW Sneaky be using the ye olde Martingale strat 19 is chill grandpa is iron5 in blackjhack KEKW vs a 2 yikes go all in Pog ya 2 is :( Nah KEKW is this online or offline? that guy is traumatised by his last 16 KEKW do I download a blackjack app now? AYYY whew KEKW KEKW I'm feeling a BlackJack for your next hand. Go all IN! @C9Sneaky all in bro they get so fired up when they win LUL LETS GO 2 CENTS OMEGALUL snacky gambling monkaS HYPERS II WOON Bet 4.20 he won xD that mf stood on 14 LULW these lines are killing me LUL 4.20 bet inc OMG HE WON oh hoooo i won 8 cents!! Pog i wonn KKona is RDR2 pre or post Civil War? 2 cents PogU gambling 5Head if you win this go 4.20 oof i could buy out this table monkaS $1.2 monkaS 16 again KEKW $1.20 dannng 16 KEKW Oof never thought id learn how to play blackjack on sneakys stream Okayga KEKW stay lol 16 KEKW are you gonna be playin blackjack in vegas when youre there for allstars/ KEKW hit it monkaHmm HIT DEW IT hit stay. just stay hit HIT ME HIT hit hit ... KEKW no balls HIT monkaW @thethunderbringer post it’s 1899 double Down hit it daddy stand YOLO double down do it again KEKW HIT then Hit that ass !followage monkaHmm Seems doomed to me standed Pepega KEKWE do ur thing lol_brian has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 7 months, 1 week, 1 day OMEGALUL I'm feeling a BlackJack for your next hand. Go all IN! KEKW KEKW rip KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL UH WAIT NO KEKW LULW LUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL god d ang it gotta hit bro KEKW LMAO LUL @Fingy123 ty 16's blow cock KEKW this is how the game goes KEKW Stand ya KEKW ARTHUR TILTEDS KEKW chat do you even play KEKW got dangit earl KEKW REKT KEKW To many bust cards jus be kwaht I'm feeling a BlackJack for your next hand. Go all IN! @C9Sneaky KEKW 16 is the hardest OOHHHH HES GOING BIG Double or nothing KEKW NotLikeThis I dont trust his shuffling nice EZ Pog monkaS fucked POG KEKW Double down EZ this damn dealer starts with more 10s and face cards than any dealer i've ever seen LUL but 2 aces on the board monkaHmm double LUL @C9Sneaky i flew from denver to madison wisconsin and i'm in a hotel watching now lol My beautiful princess is online double down Double down pussy monkaS double Is sneaky playing league tonight or is it rdr all night? trust sneakyWut KEKW wtf dont double down not vs a q KEKW he has a 10 KEKW hit Kapp maybe vs a 5 or 6 never double a soft 20 lol 21 18 NAKED COWBOYS gachiGASM PauseChamp KEKW Double down Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 get shit on sneaky3 sneaky4 cirComfy GRANDPA MALDING KEKW sneaky to dig chat lets gooooooo nice nice nice PogU EZ so this is what really happens at ram ranch LUL peepoPog Pog EZ Clap Pog that guy saved u THATS SKILL BITCH EZ EZ Clap punch that guy hitting a 7 at the end xqcM ALL In god gamer Pepega $4.20 get $10 16 pepeLaugh stay on 3 16 again KEKW LULW ALL IN Pog oof 16 again winnable heck D: looks like a good double down opportunity Not terrible just one more Kapp Gambling addiction MonkaS yay LMAO oh wow staying on 13 KEKE KEKW KEKW KEKW oof RIGGED LUL REKT KEKW what a god KEKW KEKW SURE HE DID LUL KEKW KEKW RIGGED KEKW ROLLED LULW KEKW KEKW boxFail RIGGED KEKW EZ KEKW rigged Jebaited KEKW SCAMMED DansGame shoot him in the face KEKW LUL I'm feeling a BlackJack for your next hand. Go all IN! this is when i order a beer SMOKED KEKEW TAKE HIS CHIPS KEKW stick the place up security really a dud jump on the table and stuff ACTUALLY ADDICTED take your money back xqcM ALL IN Shoot the dealer he's cheating shoot him monkaW oh nice shoot the dealer @C9Sneaky Kill them all and get the money back oh rekt ff no insurance allin A monkaW never insurance EZ insurance is a jebaited HIT pepeLaugh all in lol Insurance bet? Hell naw D: Insurance is for pussies baited LUL ACTUALLY TAKING INSURANCE LULW insurance is pog when you have a good hand see he is cheating kill him nvr bet on insurance lol insurance is scam what's an insurance bet? monkaHmm plays rdr2 to play black jack stream getting real out here just like real life @CyTempest if you play alot you never bet insurance, it loses u money in the long run its a sucker bet watch him have a 9 we fuck people up for that shit pepeDHaw Pog Pog EZ peepoPog xqcM ALL IN ONE MORE Kapp KEKW :D KEKW KEKW grandpa is mad LUL ResidentSleeper KEKW GRANDPA SO MALD KEKW just one more pepeSmoke just one more pepeSmoke Nah insurance bet is worth it on a 20 hand all in or no balls I'm literally getting hard inted in every game in low elo, wtfff 4.20 till u win :) I'm feeling a BlackJack for your next hand. Go all IN! KKona I DONT LIKE IT ONE BIT @hotdogss pepeDHaw malding KEKW pepeL monkaW just ONE MORE everything else you will lose He doesn't like it one but just 1 more Kapp RQ KEKW overall i wish vegas tables had blackjack tables pay 2:1 insurance is never worth KEKW peepoLeave @ForestFairyBilly PeepoClap that's amazing shoot up the place, u won't GRANDPA RAGE QUIT KEKW HES OUT LUL pepeSmoke GRANDPA RQ KEKW RQ KEKW @ForestFairyBilly zfgHey popesYo all in! KEKW KEKW RQ peepoLeave 15 PogChamp just one more score what blackjack tables pays less than 2;1?? Shoot them take all their money @seebass10 pepeDHaw Just one more boxLUL ask the guy next to you if he wants to switch hands all in f lose almost all of them Hit double on a 10 keep playing? peepoLeave WTF lol its worth it for one hand, but over time it loses you more money than it saves u 15 :( peepoLeave I Dont like it one bit pepeDHaw sneakyYeehaw KEKW \ @lolminsoo what is paying 2:1? FrankerZ KEKW KEKW double SERVERS ARE UP! KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL lol KEKW LULW ROLLED lucky 4.20 bet HAHAHAHA @CyTempest blackjack pays 2:1 KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW lmao OMEGALUL LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW D: ARTHUR SO MALD KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW did he not play league today and went straight to red dead? KEKW REKT KEKW shut up LUL @CyTempest in las vegas most blackjack tables are 6:5 LOL D: double on 10 D: DansGame LMAOOOO KEKW KEKW LUL WutFace KEKW D: DansGame LUL KEKW HAHAHA D: LUL DansGame me :) KEKW KEKW this is good fucking content KEKW ARTHUR STANK LUL KEKW What a specific smell 6:5 is trash >_< Most of them are 3:2 unless you play 2 deck or 1 deck damn chat I just came in is there no league tonight 11 is literally always a double most 6-8 decks are 3:2 this is fucking gamblin rip @DemonioStrada yep! wasn't a goat shit problem until you showed up LUL arthur smells like TB KEKW 😂😂 9 isnt bad monkaHmm @dKs89 no HES GONNA DOUBLE AGAIN LMAO dealer has blackjack KEKW WTF SHOULDVE DOUBLED DOWN F !followage peepoPog should've doubled LUL momongah has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 1 week, 6 days F damn you wanted that ace damn O O F ALL IN oh nvm KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lao BET IT ALL @h4d3n ty GO ALL IN LULW ALL IN ALL INB ALLLLLLLLLLLLL IN just one more pepeSmoke LOSING STREAM KEKW @dKs89 yep, no league tonight it seems, he said short stream, sadly. ALL IN game wont let u win KEKW rigged KEKW / KEKW LUL LUL LUL LOL Just one more MALD KEKW 4.20 time all in ALL IN BOYS ALL in tahts why we shouldn't gamble chat GAMBLING ADDICTION POGGERS arthur is a smartass 2c Pog Sneaky stop it we are worried for you :( monkaW sneaky : play till next win = losing all my money all in TriKool ALL IN Pog JUST ONE MORE xqcM ALL IN TO GET MONEY BACK Pog Pog 4.20 ALL IN POG PogChamp MonkaW hold me chat monkaW monkaW This guy is so talkative and is getting so much shit for it lmao 420 losing it all LUL we all failed the gtambling test monkaW PogYou just one more win bois monkaW just go all in at that point LULW PogChamp he's a mad man PogU sneaky in poker LUL @JavierEstrada99 ty for the info Pog sneakyD GAMBLING ADDICTION PeepoClap ooo 11 POG 11 WeirdChamp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 47 minutes 20 seconds ALL IN MALD CUZ BALD LULW DOUBLE DOWN LUL 4.80 thats a all in DOUBLE In reality these fuckers are like "how much is bread?" ALL IN PogU ALL IN AGAINST BLACKJACK KEKW 11 lost fartduring69 subscribed with Twitch Prime. moon2DOIT RIGGED reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! DOUBLE DOUBLE ROLLED AGANE LULW PepeLaugh we all know what is coming @dKs89 No problem dude FeelsOkayMan Is this man's cheating? cmonBruh :) Double double down DOUBLE DOWN NO PUSSY KEKW STAY THE 21 OUCH F OMG AGAIN lol hit you pussy KEKW LUL ooof F KEKW LOL KEKW F LULW TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere KEKW f LMAO KEKW FHNASPFHNPbnhf F fje KEKWE KEKW wqhaHAHAa aHAHHA KEKW KEKW HAHA KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL HAHAAHHHAHAHA KEKW KEKW Bru F KEKW PACK IT UP BOYS KEKW rigged LULW KEKW ONE MORE KEKW REKTTTT just like in real life 4.80 KEKW so we are playing a game inside a game right now....... OMEGALUL WASTE OF TIME welp LUL wtf KEKW @C9Sneaky start blasting ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW ROLLED LULW @C9Sneaky did you see the dive today they talked really highly of you. made me happy LUL WE LOST EVERYTHINGLULW SHOOT HIM PRETTY GOOD KEKW fun time is over KEKW ONE MORE SNEAKY Oh my god SNACKY WE LOST EVERYTHING LULW Lmfao WE'RE BROKE CHAT 58 CENTS KEKW KEKW Not league peepoArrive REKT KEKW YOU LOST EVERYTHING dead broke KEKW Get shitttt on hahah JUST KILL EVERYONE AT THE TABLE AND GET YOUR CASH BACK KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky you were right the game has a mic KEKW ACTUALLY ADDICTED GAMBLING AT ITS FINEST nowwwwwww you get a 20 okay game LUL 9.60 20, keep playing :) INb4 "last one" Hit HIT HIT GAMBLING ADDICTION LOL HIT ME Rebuild time Just gamble ez EZ ALL IN u start somewhere pepeDHaw xqcM keep going AGANE that guy in the middle has gotten lke 2 billion blackjacks ALL IN AGANE OMEGALUL :) :) :) :) :D :) :) :) 1 more Kapp Pog :) "ONE MORE" SMILERS :) :) just one more KEKW :) one more :) CANT GO WRONG :) OMEGALUL NE MORE :) Pog ALL IN SMILERS just one more one more :) :) :) :) one more :) 'One More' SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more ALL IN ACTUALLY ADDICTED KEKW pepeSmoke SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more double @C9Sneaky haha whenever I tune into you playing this game you're on the poker tables. Maybe you should do a poker starz stream one more doesn't hurt right? :) STOOD ON 12?!?!?! BET IT ALL PeepoClap AGAINE xqcS fuck me SMILERS SMILERS stay he has 6 KEKW fuck this dealer stand SMILERS One more :) hit' SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more Gambling degen I got the horses🐴 in the back🔙 😌 Horse🐴 tack is attached👌 Hat 🤠is matte black👨🏿 Got the boots👢 that's black👶🏿 to match🤝 Ridin' on a horse🐴, ha🤣 You👨🏿🌾 can whip 😜👊your Porsche🚗 I been in the ⛰️valley⛰️👉👌 You ain't 🙅♂️been up👆 off the porch🏠😴, now Can't nobody tell🗣️ me🤠 nothin'❌ thats a hit with an S LUL that guy stood on 12 STOOD ON 12 SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more SMILERS just one more he bust KEKW KEKW HIT STAND? WTF oof 13 stay KEKW stay Oofs KEKW KEKW ????? LUL KEKW BROKE KEKW 13 stay KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW stand on a 13 LU SHOOT HIM KEKW ???????? KEKW KEKW ????? kill him Lost everything LUL 13 star KEKW kill them why would you stand lol YOUR HAT kill them KEKW Kill em all SHOOT THEM GO AGAINE xqcS KILL THEM!!!! i got nothing left your hat nvm $3 PepeHands YOU WIN SOME YOU LOSE EVERYTHING KEKW rekt now sneaky is homeless in sneaky's case, he just loses some FIGHT sneakyD KEKW shoot him and take your money back 3 BUCKS PepeHands YOUR HAT kill them Kill them they cheated KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA monkaW D: LUL OMEGALUL LUL LMFAO LUL SNEAKY LMAO OMEGALUL LUL lol Kapp I just got a casino in my town :) LUL LUL LUL LUL LMFFAAOOOOO sneaky is upset KEKW Oh damn its going down now LMFAOOO Pepega ???????? LUL HAHAHA D: IT'S A BAR FIGHT BOIS GET YOUR MONEY BACK PepegaAim I JUST LOST 3 DOLLARS SOMEONE HAS TO PAY KEKW LUL loses at black jack starts a fight arthur is malding you gotta hit at 13 lose all the money and start a fight KEKW MALDING OVER POKER FIGHTING OVER A HAT AGAIN PepegaPls LULW LOL KEKW KEKW typical gambler LOL LULW monkaMega LOL ROFL omg KEKW LMFAO f WHO WON NOW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW PepegaAim lmao OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL monkaW FIGHTING EVERYONE IN THE BAR KEKW kekw HOLY BAR FIGHT!! HAHHAHA PepegaAim KEKW LOOOOL WOAH WOAH WOAH monkaGun he was about to step on your hat dude, you did the right thing PepegaAim wtf pepeDHaw monkaOMEGA HOLY SHIT LUL KEKW pepeDHaw :D LMAO KEKW pepeDHaw ROFL LKMNFAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LUL GET YOUR MONEY BACK Lost at gambling and now we're in a fight LOL KEKW Dude, I legit forgot this game was pure gold, lol LUL ABRUPT CHAOS KEKW KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw LUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL PepegaAim HERE WE GO lmao KEKW What the actual fuck KEKW actual 1v9 KEKW HOLU SHIT PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim LOL KEKW HAHAHA wth WTF LUL LOSES EVERYTHING, STARTS A BAR FIGHT LOL KEKW KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls LMAO GAMBLING ADDICTION KEKW HAHAHAHA pepeDHaw how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW hahhahaha ALL FOR A FUKIN HAT KEKW start shooting how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW how the fuck did this happen KEKW LUL PepegaAim MY 3 DOLLARS GODAMIT!!!!! LMFAO LMAOOSOSOS Angery boi OK THIS IS QUALITY just like old times pepeDHaw HE'S STILL STANDING THERE KEKW the 3 dollars! sureAAHH WTF BEAT UP THE DEALER THE DEALER LUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL SNEAKY TEACHING US FINE LIFE LESSONS KEKW tackling the guy that runs away KEKW all for the money HAHAHAHAHAHHA LMFAO PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA the dealer tho PepegaAim Pepega PepegaAim HE'S STILL DEALING KEKW SHOOT THE DEALER GET THE DEALLER WHILE UR AT IT the dealer PepegaAim GIMME 3 DOLLARS IM LAUGHING SO MUCH AKSJHDSJHF KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW oh wait LUL get him boisssssss TALK ABOUT GOAT SHIT GET HIT Let's them fight PepegaAim The dealers just chillin PepegaAim lmao lolol 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW 0 - 100 reall quick KEKW I got the horses🐴 in the back🔙 😌 Horse🐴 tack is attached👌 Hat 🤠is matte black👨🏿 Got the boots👢 that's black👶🏿 to match🤝 Ridin' on a horse🐴, ha🤣 You👨🏿🌾 can whip 😜👊your Porsche🚗 I been in the ⛰️valley⛰️👉👌 You ain't 🙅♂️been up👆 off the porch🏠😴, now Can't nobody tell🗣️ me🤠 nothin'❌ sumSmash sumSmash MY 3 DOLLARS LOOOL EZ dealer just sitting there LUL LUL LUL KEKW\ GET THE DEALER HAHAHAHHA you brought your fists to a gun fight thats a whole 3 bucks worth HAHAHAAHAHA PepegaAim HERE WE GO PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA PepegaAim THIS IS MURICA KKona now thats a nice game KKona Dealer always wins WASTED I'M DEAD AHAHAHAHAH Lmdaooo KEKW thats not how that works nice job snackers pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Pog W A S T E D OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW color blind mode greatest moment in red dead i've ever seen LUL LMFAOOOOO KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL @C9Sneaky did you see the dive today they talked really highly of you. made me happy THAT WENT SO FAR SO FAST its $3 KEKW just let it go KEKW WTF HOLY SHIT! im dying Wait wtf is going on SMILERS lose all your money that was funny amazing THAT WENT EMOTIONAL QUICKLY OH MY FUCKING GOD MAJOR BAR FIGHT FOR A FUKIN HAT WTF THAT WAS This is why you don't gamble kid all for 3 dollars KEKW THE FUNNIEST SHIT ANELE KEKW LMAO KEKW You lose money Bountry goes up @C9Sneaky LMFOAOOOOO then get the shit beat out of you wtf he hit me YOU GOT YOUR THREE DOLLARS BACK Pog KEKW $3 go back and kill them again monkaW at least try to leave with the money............. Stream froze and I came back to this KEKW LUL @C9Sneaky That's how a gambling addict lives THATS WHY YOU DONT BET YOUR HOUSE IN BLACK JACK BRO and your hat :( KEKW LUL This is what happens when you gamble kids all for a $3 LUL Don't fall into the trap Lol never got the hat PepeHands KEKW TAKE A BATH @C9Sneaky Please tell me this is goin to YT KEKW YOUR HAT? dying is indeed more expensive than blackjack :) WORTH PogYou all this for a fistful of dollars 3 bucks :D KEKW just like league , all star with a ward(hat) @C9Sneaky LOST 130 KEKW fukin degenerate gambler OMEGALUL rip your hat do it again FeelsGoodMan WHERE IS YOUR HAT MISTER? why the f did the whole joint get involved lmao ROB THEM go and change some cooler clothes did anybody clip that? let do it again Pepega Don’t forget your hat That was fucking hilarious Thank you @dKs89 when a person starts a bar fight you gotta join in I THINK ILL DO IT AGAIN Pepega That shit was fucking hilarious Gonna go gamble at my local casino irl :) LMFAO pls dont play blackjack in las vegas KEKW lmao VAN HORN DansGame Oh GOD OH FUCK MY $3, BETTER BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE GUY NEXT TO MY HAT Likely story DO IT AGAIN Is League not on the menu? SadChamp Was that a warm up for All-Stars KEKW @C9Sneaky hey KEKW No 4Weird @JessieS23 WeirdChamp we going to get a irl stream of u playing bj in vegas for all star weekend Free her POGGERS actually a realistic bar shootout tbh im impressed D: HELP HER widepeepoSad THE CRAZY BITCH KEKW fre her no :) free her @hotdogss sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash squadW widepeepoSad don't free her YO WTF widepeepoSad 4Head 4Head sumSmash THATS THE CRAZY BITCH KEKW Left her to die D: free her... widepeepoSad WTF SadChamp PepeHands widepeepoSad cant record inside casinos] widepeepoSad I WANNA DIE SNEAKY she gives you intel on a place to rob xqcM @wbrunooo I have been in a couple and that is the closest a game has ever gotten to the real deal sumHorse pepeDHaw sex trafficking NotLikeThis gachiBASS THERES THE CLIP FOR YOU GUYS i wanna play this :( the digital tables you can 🐴 sneakyYeehaw id hate too be ur horse Rob? TriHard def cant unless you play big money PepeHands Arthur turn off vods and it wont be recording Pepega @oyinbo_pikin xqcM I'm al ears @fizzedonherasol bullets flying everywhere everyones shooting eachother :) good times sneakyJensen take it easy PepeHands 🐴 my man, leave her it's np sqwadW D: TYLER1 oh this one LULW squadW sneakyGrip sneakyClap BigBrother tyler1 T1 tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey KKona 🎸 TYRION tyler1H1 tyler1H2 TYLER1 fan here BigBrother that dude is tiny tyler1H3 tyler1H4 WH OMEGALUL PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro is that peter dinklage? you found a tiny man tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyrion1 TYLER KEKW El Magnifico PogU pick him up and take him with you BigBrother 7 Kreygasm MIDGET Kapp I wish Kreygasm Kreygasm SUCC Kreygasm SUCC I WOULD Kreygasm LOOK AT HIM RUN succubus Kreygasm Kreygasm Tyler kekw @wbrunooo a couple of homicides after a couple drinks really makes you remember that day his little legs can only move so fast incel a leprechaun KEKW Actually SHACO PogU tyler1 so fast tyler 1 running KEKW Kreygasm Succubus LOOK AT HIS LITTLE LEGS TAKE HIM he has wheels TYLER1 KEKEW shut the dwarfffff rdr2tyler1 tyler1BB succubus Champ boxREE boxAYAYA boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd tyler ran track in a past life TYLER1 KEKW this like t1 and macailya BigBrother Grab that little elf! sneakyH fk yeah grab that midget! CHASE HIM tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ run tyler run t1 KEKW shoot the dwarffffff TYLER 1 KEKW hes a wizard PogChamp PogChamp wait what he fast LLASSO HIM Pog Tell tyler1 to shut up Prettu syre she wants to beat him KEKW sneakyYeehaw getting out ran by him KEKW HE DOESNT WANNA GO BACK THERE sneakyYeehaw PauseChamp PauseChamp sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw PauseChamp KEKW LULW KEKW LULW LUL KEKW lol KEKW KEKW KLMAOOOOO sneakyYeehaw PauseChamp nymnCorn KEKW LUL look at that magician fell 'short' LUL i knew that was gonna fail KEKW shoot him in the face he'll stop running then How the fuck? His Flash has no cooldown dude is like when Tyler and Doc had a baby hes a midget not a shape shifter LUL That's actually real cool, he's very fast little man fast @DerpyJY Z OMEGALUL E lol 100% CD on flash Pog that fukin teemo and his shrooms lol This is why you ban Shaco Who knew Tyler1 could make colorful explosions BAN SHACO hes in the trees teemo and his shrooms Trynna catch Zoe KEKW Weirdga WHO FORGOT TO BAN SHACO KEKW LOL that's what you get for trying to steal his LUCKY CHARMS HES IN THE ALCOVE KEKW LITERALYL SHACO KEKW @Grint23 boxBlank monkaW Use a red ward ITS ALCOVE TIME i guess he does want to get caught Red TRINKET Okayga TeaTime COCK alcove powerplay howd he get up there o.o whats wrong with this dude haHAA He’s baiting PeepoClap LASSO HIM? monkaW BRUH hes lonely rofl wtf how careful sneaky theres a box hje just wants a friend --W H A T? monkaW Okayga TeaTime ANY COCKERS? XD Boruto? WHATS IN THE BNOX?! CATCH THAT TRAIN CJ SHACO wtf hes a magician forsenCD This guy is legit Shaco wtf PepeLaugh !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 57 minutes 21 seconds Tyrion 3Head ANELE forsenCD PICK A CARD riven PogChamp Pepega KEKW LUL WTF 3Head 7 KEKW oh damn pepeLaugh KEKW Pepega Clap WutFace kekw 3Head bruv TYLER AND DOC LUL LUL LUL KEKW 3Head 3Head literal 3Head 3Head BigBrother 🤝 3Head rabbit was in his pants sucking his carrot Shoot him in the face what the fuck LENNY??? Pepega FRIEND it's sliker 3Head shofuPika shofuPika shofuPika holy shit 3Head he legit looks like a 3Head LENNY KEKW it's literally sliker forsenCD SO WHAT? 3Head The two sides of tyler1 KEKW Doublelifr It's a gnome PogU 3Head fak off bruv 3Head Turns out, Arthur is still high off the morphine shot n none of them are real @C9Sneaky you playing any league tonight? HA HA HA HA 4HEad big BUNGY 4HEad 4Head Small people HYPERS 3Head 3Head hahaha 3Head Oi Bruv 4HEad Tyler1 lol 3Head Clap D: 4HEad trundle 4Head KEKW 5Head LUL 3Head 3Head D: 3Head tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ lmao is that tyrion lannister KEKW gachiW gachiHYPER KEKW LMAO KEKW Settle down grossie tell em macailya! monkaS KEKW @C9Sneaky you playing any league tonight? MaN MaN SillyChamp MaN widepeepoHappy Family Kreygasm MaN !!!!!!!!!!! Is smackers playing lol 2nite D: awww <3 HYPERCLAP 3Head PeepoClap lmao KEKW magnifico is messed up in the head widepeepoHappy 3Head Clap <3 PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap that boy is cray cray 4Head widepeepoHappy PeepoClap DD breasts KKona D: PeepoClap THAT BOY nooo he's banished PeepoClap yaaaaay @Call_me_Zeroo is he playing any league tonight? PeepoClap GET IN THE BACK KEKW 3Head the freak show is back on bois widepeepoHappy BigBrother widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP cmonBruh the bacl? dont think so jeremy_jd MaN MaN ? @Call_me_Zeroo thanks KEKW bye KKona Half MaN bye bue 3Head BYEBYE byw friend! BYE :) KKonaW D: shofuPika shofuPika shofuPika BYE BYE HeyGuys LULW widepeepoHappy Man i fucking love this game Jebaited zfgGoldOgre ? Bye, have a safe trip :) LUL LUL 3Head @C9Sneaky how far are you in the game ? sneakyJensen hey jensen gachiW mandatory repost weirdga did he say hey jensen that guy looked like the one off american horror story who gets killed in jail Yensen Pog sneakyJensen sneakyJensen I’m confused by this scenario !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 59 minutes 48 seconds sneakyJensen sneakyE JENSEN KEKW Jensen??? xddd @MrPixelIII ABOUT 60 &% Kreygasm Mary thats ur camp Sneaky are you riding Jensen again? D: @navishere thanks :) Yes sound effects KEKW AYAYA sneakyJensen huuuuge sneakyJensen 😡 Do all the Strangers 😡 the literal furthest thing N OMEGALUL sneakyJensen is this just old time gta? aya? aya? AYA! cirAYAYA @LumpyLizard basicaly KEK I just realized we didn't get out of groups cuz there was no Jensen cam this year LMFAO KEKW LULW LULW @LumpyLizard basically LMAO LOL KEKW KEKW AYAYA KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW F JENSEN LMAO D: KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ALWAYS SOME RANDOM SHIT KEKW KEKW KEKW NA HORSE KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL JENSEN NOOO how are you so good at that Death Stranding Horse KEKW @C9Sneaky Have you ever thought about trying the game "We Happy Few" on steam? That's Jensen on Ekko KEKW is the horse jensen? horse has GPS? LUL Surprised you didn't punch the horse @C9Sneaky thats not your horse XD He's jealous you aren't riding him as hard as this new horse. the horse controls and pathing used to be way worse KEKW KappaPride yOU LEAVE Jensen behind feels sad KEKW Would you say Jensen is good at throwing those horse is hoofin it this* jesus monkaW 🐴 calm down monkaW @C9Sneaky did you see the dive today they talked really highly of you. made me happy YA horse done cardio this sounds like this one video i watched last night monkaX sneakyJensen My cores Sneaky @b52willi He would have to be winning to throw sneaky go south east and find the lady with the fastest horse, you need to kill her and rob the horse, its amazing @C9Sneaky hhe's hungry monkaSHAKE BOI gachiGASM BOY Im making a compilation of every time sneaky crashes BOY gachiW they tried to make controlling the horse as hard as it is irl BOI mah boi @Sitlec why did I read that in Jensen's voice lmao gachiGASM BOI GANG SHIT!! Arthur Morgan the best weird horse girl gachiBASS cmon BOY COLLEGE BOY MaN SMILERS @C9Sneaky you can use cinematic view and the horse will ride it self @Cyanirde dude i was hearing it too as i typed it xqcBall_SG rise holy moly how far in are you? do you have to run that entire thing just do cinematic @C9Sneaky xqcBall where's the master sword? RED DEAD RIDE ALOT Keepo can you like kill something on the way .-. hes on champter 6 @xbiozatic @Sitlec like that whiny almost laughing Jensen voice aksjfhd auto pilot engaged hey @C9Sneaky is your ass getting tired? KappaPride holy fuck this game is boring LOL KEKW I wonder if it still runs you into rockls LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW JAJAJAJAHAHAHAUHEHAUUHA KEKW TriHard is he playing league tonight? KEKW we odnt give a fuck bout that fucker monkaW calm down horsie autopoliot PogChamp KEKW KEKW TriHard didn do nuffin HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW TriHard didnt do nuffin KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW wait AHUEAHUEHUAE LEL KEKW Is he finishing ram ranch simulator tonight? who was playing passed it FUCKING KOOKS TriHard 7 anyone know how far in he is? you missed bounty hunters OMEGALUL pre recorded confirmed Jensen said no stopping to help @ReezusNa 60% anyone know if he is playing league tonight? @whiteboy_5 no, short stream tonight rob him >_> strangers ResidentSleeper you did miss bounty hunters <_< but that guy did it so you good Oh this dude @h4d3n thx bby he didnt do nuffin yw @aperfecte for sure thanks calling RDR2 boring when Death Stranding, Shenmue III and Halo Reach are a thing KEKW monkaW SadChamp damn SadChamp monakW LOL @c9sneaky I need advice.... what do you do if you fall in love with your Grindr hookup? How to handle the feels? sneakyYeehaw damn pepeDHaw Chat are we in queue or are we 100% yeehaw tonight the hat Oh hmm D: @2kplusone, lube your bunghole pepeDHaw fuck this weathers guy lol @2kplusone alcohol shoot em pepeDHaw YEHAW PepegaAim your hat D: pepeDHaw PepegaAim tsundere protagonist pepeDHaw eh yeah i guess while im here i can commit a few homicides for you , why not pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw adc did u just start? lol sneaky fucked up a whole bar for dropping his hat rip wagon these dudes bout to get fucked widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Nyoooooo SadChamp everything gone Optei subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! AAH gachiHYPER PEW PEW gachiHYPER RIP WAGON KEKW :( rip the rent oh Kreygasm Kreygasm oh Kreygasm Kreygasm widepeepoSad give lady for payment :) is this a dancing with wolves reference gachiBASS moon2PREGARIO dont you killed people over 3 5$ Okayga widepeepoHappy good guy arthur awwww good feller peepoHands good guy arthur widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy 5 bucks is a lot of money pepeDHaw SMILERS good guy SadChamp @C9Sneaky Play league so I can take my daily notes from you okay? nice guy Arthur PepeHands <3 UNCLE TOM same cirComfy PepeHands weak DoctorHeliolisk subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! widepeepoHappy <3 wholesome red dead reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeDHaw just a sad cowboy pepeDHaw mr strauß wont be very happy with you @C9Sneaky arthur widepeepoSad COWBOY POINTS Pog PepeHands straight up b/a arhutr a real one LULW peepoArrive still warm gachiW good guy sneky ew jenrar AYAYAWeird widepeepoSad LOL YEET KEKW LOL\ loot them good guy peepoArrive rag doll KEKW KEKW KEKW yeet this bitch empty lol widepeepoHappy Yoinked the hat collector sutoClown yeeted that boy in the flooor @ItsJustValk pepeDHaw monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaS monkaW RUN monkaS monkaW behind you WutFace sureMS @Jenrar Okayga monkaW monkaW @C9Sneaky Play league so I can take my daily notes from you okay? Prolly ur cores oooh yeah cores now he dead you dyin fam deserved to die SMILERS @SmoothiesNight surefour sub sneaky1 sneaky2 SIMLELRS sneakyJensen My cores Sneaky gta thats not your hat wrong hat KEKW SMILERS pay back your blackjack losses KEKW just gamble to get more money arthur is going to go broke with that big ol softy heart of his HeyGuys i like this new hat :) not my hat not my problem SnoKy U GoTTa MastUYrBAte YouR HoRSe Maîte SMILERS this hat'll do the hat makes you look canadian yo horsey widepeepoHappy can you put hats on top of other hats? just a suggestion That's a weird hat sneakyH Hey @c9sneaky have you announced what you’re doing for next season? that blackjack still funny af KEKW can we do it one more time @C9Sneaky cam is blocking the loot PepeHands should be a mechanic camera hiding loot peepoArrive sneakyJensen feed me Sneaky I can carry KEKW RDR2 peepoArrive bahaha KEKW sneakyJensen fuck you Sneaky KEKW LUL Move cam pls @Sitlec I swear, I hear his voice every time omg jensen traitor KEKW ???? is that jensen ? KEKW JENSER?? horse abuse WeirdChamp sneakyJensen stop abusing me Sneaky CLEAN AND FEED JENSEN 😡 ur moving too fast @C9Sneaky clean him Kreygasm oh yea widepeepoHappy feed and groom Jensen my dude widepeepoHappy GooD Boi BOI smoke to get your deadeye back widepeepoHappy <3 GUD BOI widepeepoHappy KEKW HORSE WRASSLER MarkhorPK subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! Oh the fucking HOMIE hamish Pog PepeHands KEKW my leg PepeHands this guy PepeHands SMILERS sneakyJensen goood boy BUELL LULW @C9Sneaky murder his horse hggOkay hggOkay hggOkay ratirlWheel ratirlWheel ratirlWheel ratirlWheel ratirlWheel ferris BullER riding his general KappaPride YEEE HAWW ratirlWheel get me my legs back ratirlWheel get me my legs back ratirlWheel get me my legs back ratirlWheel get me my legs back ratirlWheel get me my legs back Are we just...leaving him? --okay the horse was his general :o pepeLaugh that horse is monkaW shoot it Is sneaky in queue? PETA D: Turn it into glue KEKW CATCHING POKEMON KEKW give him cigar SEE IF IT STAYS IN THE BALLL KEKW Calm down Ponyta pokemon master KEKW SHOOT IT widepeepoHAppy EZ he only playing red dead today? GG EZ @Dread42 yeah yes yes gachiW THAT HORSE IS JACKED gachiBASS pat it D: PETA SMILERS EASY NOW need to lead it ride it feed it? EZ NOW use gun SMILERS EASY NOW DARLIN' stop using the rope gachiPls DETH gachiPls 🐴 sneakyBug monkaW GachiPls DETH GachiPls don't use the lasso gachiW monkaS just shoot it no stamina groom it 4th SHOT em LUL FEED IT monkaW put your also away and ride it 4Head just ride it stop using rope and pat Littering D: sucky sucky gachiHYPER kill it you can just ride the horse and lead it back to the guy you dont need to lasso it ez widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy stab it smooth pepeLaugh widepeepoHappy <3 there you go Thats a big horsie gachiBASS big d *pat *pat* horse balls monkaW demon eyes Shave it @陳浩南 you're weird LEAD L2 THENN CALM <3 now pat the other half gachiW pat pat pat that horse has seen some shit LUL LUL live shitting! Yeee widepeepoHappy NEW HORSE Pog widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy yeeeee haw that horse is a vietnam vet heeeehaww simulator PeepoClap let us see the horse balls gachiW keep it DansGame poop SMILERS be good horsie That's a biggy horse smile KKool HOWDY PARTNER KKool SMILER SMILERS WHAT A GREAT EVENING pepeDHaw big wubbyBalloons horse Banjo noises 🤹🏻♂️🤹🏻♂️🤹🏻♂️ frick the horse classic hecarim taming WubTF SMILERS maybe he beats the horse SMILERS death will take us all SMILERS have you watched Vinland saga @c9sneaky with his fake leg monkaW rdr 2 make money 944.8 Mıllıon $ graves and hecarim Pog maybe he beats it to the horse Kreygasm widepeepoHappy horsy SMILERS JUST RANGLIN' SOME HORSES when are you going to shoot it Is sneaky playing Leeg today? no this game is fuking cool, I'm glad to see you playing it @c9sneaky Ayeeee D: ????? shoot em KEKW monkaS damn CANN OMEGALUL N monkaW i just killed some bad guys you know Kapp FeelsBadMan monkaW widepeepoSad no gangrene SMILERS FeelsClassyMan rob a bank Kapp War WeirdChamp war FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan but after all i still a gentleman Kapp ok duxure @Duxure you got it PogU HumbleLife go widepeepoHappy New friend widepeepoHappy D: D: D: tf D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: the old maiga D: PETA D: D: D: D: D: D: boxHands go fishing widepeepoHappy D: pepeDHaw shoot em @Duxure Been there KEKW D: D: D: D: D: he wants to frick in the cabin so mean LUL Hi been waiting for you to stream so i can get all nice and cozy @C9Sneaky @c9sneaky have u been to the ram ranch yet D: D: Such mean nice guy widepeepoHappy any cowboys in chat? KKona Any cowboys? widepeepoSad waduGun 🐴 sic widepeepoSad KKona go fishin widepeepoHappy sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 go to ur character page in the menu. check out how bad your health is @C9Sneaky BibleThump we horseboys sneakyYeehaw howdy pepeSmoke CiGrip KKona YEEEHAW did you get super aids now monkaW monkaW @C9Sneaky all i want with my intolerant cowboy game is my crossdressing wtf Jesus 1 cancer aquired yikes ya go fishing amateur cough pepeSmoke one more ONE PULL PogChamp monkaW Ligma black lung monkaW pepeSmoke gettin healthy This stream is hella cozy right now collapsed lung monkaW @C9Sneaky dont u have chewing tobacco? top right of ur wheel nice littering Nah he’s just using his inhaler :) select Health he vapes @C9Sneaky you have to eat 5 meals of full size then sleep. it increases stats. also talismans condition is a fucking skull head KEKW Oh. So we're dying. fishing tuberculosis? jeez man smoke the pain away pepeSmoke Weight is a stat LUL Arthur is basically dead at this point SMILERS widepeepoHappy long ride go find the fastest horse south east teemo spoted on map is this like old fashioned gta? lol YAA take the shortcut did you beat death stranding? move time Pog its auto i think so yeah this is GTA - 24 does Arthur always get tuberculosis? lol oh busted @ryudo9999 FeelsWeirdMan @ryudo9999 no its modern day red dead redemption is your face covering a map? how do you know these shortcuts? @pc_rook, yup tesla horse never played it youre a forsenCD This is based in the early 1800s I imagine HandsUp looks like advanced oregon trail >< pepeD @aperfecte monkaHmm I see thank you horsey its set in 1899 @robinstalk 1899 its early 1900 i thought ya this is just a type of fast travel @C9Sneaky Wait that late wtf oregon trail 3 pepeD horse sound pepeD TESLA MODEL 1865 PogChamp snackers has a thing for walking simulators yaa AYAYA I’m going jerk one out real quick you look like an unemployed park ranger LUL @c9sneaky monkaX nice mountains, maybe you can go ski up there SMILERS LULW gooood boaaahhhh "Sneaky has more patience than Dunkey WTF!!!" ??????? zfgRunOgre SMILERS SMILERS :) lol you can literally afk SMILERS DEATH stranding is absolute OhMyDog this brings skyrim back all over NotLikeThis may i? monkaW pros use empty bottles hi chat SMILERS !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 21 minutes 41 seconds @navishere yo mama rip stranger oh the blind guy D: oh was that the blind man D: just tuned in is he online? D: D: monkaS D: ?? LOL SMILER 🖕 D: KEKW D: D: SAVE HER KEKW D: beat that hoe SMILERS 🖕 @Duxure -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] SHE DIDNT DO NUFFIN D: lol @strakeshooting KEKW why does everything happen when he's gone OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL kidnapped pepeHands D: Sneaky missing events LUL not online ignored her WeirdChamp @dehkari chair stream AFK chair is so heartless sureCCry LOL everytime sneaky leaves something happens XD @turtle921 oh ok :) sneakyChair 🐴 so much strangers when he's afk ;-; the chair does not care true KEKW tyler1Chair tyler1Chair tyler1Chair tyler1Chair tyler1Chair Sexist chair ResidentSleeper i mean woman should be arrested no matter what twitchtv/joaotsk SLENDDYTUBBIES SO CREEPY HOT GIRLS how could you be so heartless sneakyChair sneakySpook2 @indigo_neko like that movie with Adam Sandler, "Click" chair doesn't get distracted eye on the price @flinstoico are you that patheticaly desperate? chair has one goal omg l LMFAO D: KEKW EVEN D: LUL LOL KEW KEKW KEKW WHEN what the fuck HE LOL KEKW lol LUL ISNT OH SHIT LOL LMAOOOOOOOOOO KEKW monkaW KEKW EVEN LUL LOL KEKW WPW KEKW LMOAFPHenw KEKW KEKW KEKW fhwehf KEKW sureLUL hew hew h KEKW OH NO ha KEKW KEKW ha LMAOOO ha D: KEKW ah ah LUL ah fkkkkk he ded ah KEKW ha lol HJASHAHAHAHAH ha monkaS KEKW ha KEKW ha KEKW KEKW KEKW ha ha lol F ha ha LMAOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW ha LULW ha LMAO hahahahahaha KEKW ded LOL OH COME ON HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG LUL LUL xDDD KEKW KEKW LUL ? KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Chair too busy lol lmao LMAO OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL LMAO MONKA S F KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW oddoneChair oddoneOwo *sniff sniff* LMAOOOO F OMEGALUL LOL KEKW ? lmao HAHAHHAHHHHAAHHAHAHAHA DEAD DDOSED LOL f HAHAHAHAHAHAHA KEKW oh no no no pepeLaugh LOL KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL HAHAHAHA KEKW AHAHAHHHAHA KEKW KEKW F KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW amazing KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol monkaGun KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMG LMFAOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW LUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW peepoArrive KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW wtf am i watching? HAHAHAHAHAHAA KEKW KEKW KEKW wanna move? monkaS KEKWKEKWKEKW F LMFAO rofl KEKW Llen34 subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW lmaoo AHHH gachiHYPER omg the timing lol reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL F HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW omfg yes ANOTHER BAR FIGHT? KEKW KEKW clip it gachiGASM KEKW LOLOL KEKW KEKW KEKW Lol DDOSED PEPEGA KEKW KEKW SNEAKY NO Kappa fuckin horse wreck FUCKIN DED KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOO RUN KEKW KEKW stream snipers clip it lmao is ok zachery u handle it of corse you ran into someone you crashed into them lol D: WATCH THE VOD OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL D: STOP SHOOTING THE HORSE horse D: ROAD RAGE horse killer 4Weird PepeLaugh AH THEYRE GHOSTING PogChamp UH the game is fighting back AH Hahaha, your horse took some people out YOU BUMPED INTO THEM PepeHands UH D: @PETA Pog DEAD CALL PETA PepeHands tanking a dozen bullet like its nothing KEKW Pog jhin KEKW DDOSed BY JENSEN OMEGALUL PepeHands ur horse is down save the horse Jensen bodied some fools along the way sneakyJensen To the face ITS ALL YOUR FAULT PepeHands @C9Sneaky YOU JUST SHOT JENSEN IN THE FACE....TWICE!! pepeHands put it down BibleThump mercy kill it :( widepeepoSad KEKW jensen? widepeepoSad are you alive JENSEN! GET THEHORSE??? poor horse KEKW r/idiotsonhorses widepeepoSad this always happens, cant a streamer go pee in peace? put it down widepeepoSad SAVE THE HORSE????? watch the clip sneaks JENSEN DIDN'T HAVE R PepeHands save horse? BibleThump horse KEKW lol right back on track clip? yes go on the path first left the horse to suffer KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW LMAO ? KEKW nice autopath KEKW GPS issues KEKW pepega KEKW OMEGALUL Damn, Jensen just killed a horse running into him an he look just fine Pepega Jensen turn left KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps ameba xDD KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps still better than league auto pathing @C9Sneaky KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps KEKW apple maps any more hitman later lowkey kinda funny Tesla failed classic google maps problem FUCK U SNEAKY do a backflip? or fuck me SMILERS LULW same pathing as league KEKW clipped that too it's too good KEKW Is this RuneScape? @lolminsoo nevar forget KEKW Vandal2447 subscribed at Tier 1. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW pathing into nexus press L3 +bonding with the horse faster KEKW BEST HORSE SION ULTI EVER ti amo snacky :V running it down mid pepeD KKona hey brothers monkaW dude rain SMILERS the sound of that Kapp was so fucking funny help PepeHands pepeDHaw monkaW fuck this guy eliminate him bodied by jensen catching pneumonia on top of tuberculosis. :( it's a trap monkaS monkaW SMILERS no ITS A TRAP monkaW monkaW trap KILL HIM it's a trap @lolminsoo i cried for about 30minutes monkaW KEKW LULW wtf LULW help me SMILERS LOL LOL sneakyJensen I Int d: KEKW KEKW KEWK KEKW LMAOOOOOO KEKW D: KEKW OH SHIT KEKW KEKW KEKW NT KEKW KEKW NT KEKW horse jacked fool KEKW fucker I subbed just because of the damn horse mess EZ Clap worth EZ CLap LULW KEKW NT KEKW EZ Clap horse riding simulator WeirdChamp play reach WeirdChamp KEKW Pog KEKW SPEEDY GET AWAY LMAOOOOOOOO NT KEKW Yikes KEKW dar1916 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! KEKW reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! EZ clap nice try fuckin dumbass Rekt i woulda shot him for asking for help howe bout we skip the small talk eh ese? :) KEKW BALANCED SMILERS Challenger ADC EZ Clap NICE TRY KEKW Horse jacked LUL shiny on the ground Jebaited FAKE YOINK SACATE LA MOCHILA KEKW Wow man, did they fix the performance for this game? You're gonna lude lewd them???? just yoinked your horse TriHard traded life for caster minion, worth i like it THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO HEPL SOMEONE KEKW pepeJAM shoulda crippled and tortured him SMILERS IZI CLAP C9 gun POG didnt grab the item on the floor mister SMILERS sneakyJensen wtf pepeD deth SMILERS BlessRNG put on warmer clothes not longer C9 do you have winter clothes for Arthur? he might feel a little cold pepeDHaw pepeD no* sneaky so revealing KappaPride PAT JENSEN pvmanA do you have winter clothes for Arthur? he might feel a little cold @nunuandwillumpp tyler1BB cold should be good for tuberculosis SMILERS pepeDHaw nice @nunuandwillumpp T1 variety stream PogU @ForestFairyBilly ayy tyler1Hey so much riding, look like horizon af LULW he is still with c9 lol @forestfairybilly pepeDHaw horse balls gonna shrink PUT RING ON TO KEEP FINGER WARM @C9Sneaky @ForestFairyBilly which region popularize Disco Nunu Pepega Duke17 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! 2 months Pog, love you snacky widepeepohappy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PogU warm clothes monkaS monkaS monkaS @C9Sneaky you should get better guns and try to restore your cores monkaS horse simulator ResidentSleeper winter is coming monkaS where is he going already Red dead? Didnt played league earlier today? HahaDoge LCS KEKW this poor horse..... monkaS When does Arthur have sex with Jensen? death stranding tyler1Sleeper @ForestFairyBilly he's been inting and trolling since twitch rivals unwatchable tyler1LUL @BamTheInternetGayLord i was gonna say why is that on your mind until i read your name now it just makes sense your horse is dying KEKW Karadrad pass monkaS such a beautiful game KEKW peepoBlonket deathstrading ResidentSleeper So insane that this game is still going. I cant believe Guarma wasnt the climax also you should buy a horse tyler1H1 tyler1H2 horse actuualy dying from cold KEKW poor Arthur Do you realized that tha isnt the REAL JENSEN horse dude? See the map... @c9sneaky I literally subbed for the horse mess but I’ve been following you since like season 4-5 in league dad ANY BTs??? monkaW im calling PETA !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 29 minutes 10 seconds @Paperclipbender you have no idea monkaHmm Guarma sucks though KEKW PepeHands ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzz can you run a horse to exhaustion? We want hitman! down @nunuandwillumpp we cant see shadow dog unleashed anymore bawkHands Jebaited ? monkaHmm hitman DansGame monkaW rare beast Jebaited ? Jebaited @gil_fights_hills dude the made such a big deal about that when it first came out. it's so realistic, the balls on the horses shrink KEKW You have an icon dude you going to play league later? just look at orange mane Pepega heh? u wut m8 nani SMILERS @navishere The only gmae ive played that seems at all this big is Witcher 3 Snaeky you can get the white arabian here for free btw it does say Jensen on the lower right side Jebaited PepegaHands Lmao monkaHmm yes jensen noo BibleThump Do the Charlotte quest pls! You are near a legendary white Arabian horse @Paperclipbender this is twice of witcher 3 guys relax he names all his horses jensen SEE THE CIRCLE!!! THERES IS HORSE ICON THERE... why is everything purple Jebaited @c9sneaky why does your room look different? there is a white arabian horse in this area pls help ur poor house YOUR HP DO sutoClown @ForestFairyBilly shadowdog reunleashed in TCS Pog horse Samee dude samee @4baseball2 5Head Then no reason to care @BamTheInternetGayLord sexist they can't even make the nipples on females hard KEKW it would totally be pitch black PETA @nunuandwillumpp cant wait to see bawkBless monkaS KetchupWFries2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! hey sneaky i hope you have a wonderful month of December reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! when are u going to go to gay porn lol Weirdga Fun game. your horse is gonna give out any second KEKW If thats the real JESEN, why in your cicle map is an "HORSE ICON"? lirikH 1Head @navishere howlongtobeat says with extras this is 75, witcher is 105 fatmanskoo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months! Suck me, dad. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! sleeveless snackers Kreygasm gachiW monkaW monkaW monkaW WTF monkaW monkaW @navishere I mean not like i think its short, thats still incredibly long monkaW monkaS monkaW SMILERS monkaW El Flaco monkaOMEGA monkaSHAKE monkaW EL FLACO monkaW music Pog *BOOM* monkaW monkaW SKINNY FERNANDEZ monkaW showdown monkaSHAKE monkaW wtf try and master skinning animals monkaW monkaS EL FLACO monkaW THIS ISNT HALO WutFace SMILERS BOOM them 808s hitting monkaOMEGA SMILERS lets go in SMILERS lets go in SMILERS lets go in SMILERS lets go in SMILERS lets go in SMILERS lets go in monkaW BOOM monkaW monkaW KEKW not sneaky halo dead game KEKW monkaW spanish KKona wall monkaW monkaW uh oh A_Gay_Boy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! HI dad, I was wondering if we could 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 while looking into each others eyes KEKW quieto puto reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW D: monkaOMEGA gachiW AH KKona you came to the wrong neighborhood feller KEKW PepegaAim gachiHYPER EZ Clap C9 Sneaky KEKW ??? Clap pepeDHaw that waveclear EZ pepeDHaw YEEEEE HAW holy shit..blasted them fools lol pepeDHaw must be nice being tanky QUIETO PUTO NO ME ESTES PICOTEANDO FaceTanking a guy in there pepeDHaw sneaky is so cute in his lil tank top pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw This man bulletproof hes deaf KEKW @c9sneaky I'm 5 days away from the 3 year badge cloud9Justright sneakyGasm pepeDHaw pepeDHaw What chapter is he in? fastest wave clear in the west KEKW monkaS Kapp Kapp WH OMEGALUL ? Is he doing a "good" run or a "bad" run? WH OMEGALUL UNARMED KEKW ohh monkaW monkaW WH OMEGALUL D: senior monkaW Pog this dude moon2WUT unarmed KEKW monkaW pepeDHaw monkaW monkaW reach for the sky! KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LuL KEKW which game is that ITS HIGH NOON Pog He's unarmed with a shotgun on his back KEKW KEKW KEKW GET ROLLED KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DEAD BAD DOUBLE KO gachiBASS SoSnowy kill everyone and want to talk Kappa DEAD KEKW Waste KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL did he just fucking max payne you pepeDHaw DRWA hernandez sht on you KEKW CLAPPED jajajajaja KO PepegaAim NA ADC KEKW NEXT EL FLACO > SNEAKY what a smurf DRAW KEKW KEKW Headshot LMAO kekw KEKW KEKW DRAW ???????/ AGAIN???????? KEKW KEKW KEKW JAJAJAJAJA KEKW SO BAD KEKW LULW LUL KEKW NA AIM KEKW PepegaAim NA ADC KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW adc main btw KEKW c9 gun KEKW TWICE KEKW KEKW If you ride the real JENSE you would won that... PepegaAim NA ADC KEKW shot in between his legs! SoSnowy PepegaAim which game is that ??????? PepegaAIm PepegaAim Took 16 bullets at the beginning but cant take one now LUL KEKW "adc" pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO NO gachiW TopHat KEKWE KEKW LOL KEKW LUL lmao AHHAHAHAHA LMAO KEKW LOL ??? WASTED OMEGALUL LUL LOL LULW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WTF bruhhhhhhhhhhh LOL THERE WE GO OMEGALUL KEKW LOL iron cowboy OMEGALUL Pepega SoSnowy KEKW KEKW DEAD KEKW LMFGAO OMEGALUL Boy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW slow draw then aim for head 4head ELOBOOST OMEGALUL KEKW someone clip this KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL just click his head 4HEad SO BAD KEKW actual PepegaAim pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO NOT AGAIN so bad LUL Get rekt noob ONCE MORE WITH FEELING LUL ok no typie i watch Lol wood 1 he's too good PogU WINTRADING PogYou Pog Sneaky channel you inner Jhin Pog POG gachiHYPER IceCold EZ Clap Pog THERE WE GO PogU I see sneaky isnt very good at quickdraw Pog PepegaAim SoSnowy selfie first try @C9Sneaky SoSnowy Pepega MCCREE Pog PepeHands El Flaco so bad LUL FIRST TRY KEKW pepeDHaw EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap T BAG HIM Pepega SoSnowy FIRST TRY PogU SMILERS SoSnowy partner pepeDHaw Take his gun! say cheeese @C9Sneaky take his weapon LULW pieFT TTours ;) TriHard ? that face KEKW first try mooEZ mooEZ check his dick size to confirm :) :) pepeDHaw cmonBruh PepegaAim IceCold cmonBruh cmonBruh SMILERS ReinDeer IG filter PepegaAim IceCold Pepega IceCold LOOT HIm search him IceCold pepeDHaw TIME FOR LOOTING @KetchupWFries2 SMILERS go into the house IceCold AYAYA ?????/ forsenE IceCold heh? cmonBruh AYAYA cmonBruh ReinDeer If you get a headshot, would it show in the photo? New gun PogU pepeDHaw IceCold ReinDeer IceCold Loot the shack Okayga CandyCane TriHard 7 THANKS SMILERS IceCold get em out pepeDHaw IceCold go in shack loot the cabin @C9Sneaky SHACK LOOT Inspect his gun. Its a nice one SMILERS CandyCane COCK SMILERS IceCold IceCold SMILERS free shit yum Okayga TeaTime COCK SMILERS IceCold loot loot loot tfbYOINK tfbGimmi tfbMine Why don't the emotes go in the cube? PepeHands PepegaAim SoSnowy KannaNom IceCold SoSnowy WeirdChamp Oooh first playthrough? Okayga SoSnowy TeaTime NaM IceCold WeirdChamp SoSnowy IceCold Okayga ;LOMAO damn that cough though WeirdChamp IceCold WeirdChamp IceCold Pepega KannaNom Okayga SoSnowy TeaTime SoSnowy SMILERS SoSnowy PepegaAim IceCold SoSnowy KannaNom TopHat SoSnowy IceCold pepeDHaw KannaNom IceCold SoSnowy Pog go inside the shack IceCold sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 Weirdga IceCold wineTime IceCold pepeDHaw FeelsAmazingMan SoSnowy I LOVE COCAINE NaM IceCold Pepega IceCold SoSnowy KannaNom I just took a giant shit and dug through it with my fingers pepeDHaw IceCold monkaS pepeDHaw SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold pepeDHaw IceCold get me out Pog SoSnowy oh is it a treasure map pepeDHaw @samdolf SMILERS Chat Pog widepeepoSad I want a waifu sneakyWEEBY widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepegaShake IceCold IceCold widepeepoSad NotSoEZ IceCold SoSnowy kaypRainbow kaypRainbow kaypRainbow kaypRainbow kaypRainbow MadoStab SMILERS widepeepoSad IceCold widepeepoHappy IceCold FeelsClassyMan SoSnowy ReinDeer IceCold IceCold pepeD @samdolf what did you find? bless u feed Jensen PepeHands Draw PogU BLESS YOU <3 Weirdga IceCold HahaReindeer pepeD IceCold PepegaShake SoSnowy Jensen freezing PepeHands AYAYA Bless u IceCold Biblethump I just wanna play too SMILERS CandyCane @Fizzely treasure map SMILERS bless you AYAYA KEKW peepoWTF IceCold SoSnowy WeirdChamp SoSnowy KEKW KEKW HahaDoge AYAYA IceCold IceCold KEKW KEKW TreeHard monkaHmm BibleThump IceCold 5Head :( Go to Cairn Lake first of all face rock IceCold KEKW stone with a face IceCold WeirdChamp 5Head 5Head i see That's Moe's treasure PogU 🐍 PepeS IceCold SoSnowy teachme how chat :( gachiGASM SoSnowy N OMEGALUL carlton4 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! sneakyH reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! oh ur at Cairn Lake holy shit these skinny arms and shoulders snacky wtf smile please :) gachiW SoSnowy no u have to find it urself So:(Snowy peepoWTF ReinDeer KEKW IceCold !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 38 minutes 20 seconds IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEARN THIS POWER? SoSnowy gachiW sneakyH Thanks for the HahaSleep @carlton4 KEKW SoSnowy IceCold Cairn Lake probably has a cairne Kappa sneakyH IceCold HYPERS sumSmash IceCold SoSnowy KEKW TopHat tfbHypers gachiW SoSnowy NOT SNOW sneakyH sneakyGold sneakyGold sneakyGold sneakyGold teach me how chat widepeepoSad Cairn sneakyH SoSnowy KEKW whats is your horse the rock in first pic had a face gachiHYPER SoSnowy go to the left for a suprise SoSnowy sneakyH FeelsClassyMan TopHat KEKW SoSnowy TopHat IceCold sneakyNLT SoSnowy @C9Sneaky Its not here KEKW shit look for the dead 3 pronged tree? the golden SNACC :O @TheLucidFern google KEKW just find the rock with the face Kappa southwest sneakyJensen TopHat SoSnowy FeelsClassyMan TopHat ask 19th century google SoSnowy sneakyNLT FeelsClassyMan TopHat wineTime Okayga SoSnowy TopHat sneakyJensen I just pooped no FeelsLitMan MadoStab KannaNom SoSnowy SMILERS TopHat you need to look it up bro. its so hard when it comes to this kind of thing KannaNom NPC Sniper monaS Okayga TopHat SoSnowy IceCold TopHat SMILERS Weirdga SoSnowy IceCold TopHat NPC Snipers monkaS IceCold pepeDHaw sneakyC TopHat Clap SMILERS TopHat NaM SoSnowy MadoStab SoSnowy AYAYA SoSnowy haha pepeDHaw TopHat widepeepoHappy IceCold doesn't work SadChamp TopHat IceCold SoSnowy akikoba subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! ratirlUWU widepeepoHappy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! tyler1Ban IceCold FeelsClassyMan TopHat SoSnowy wineTime SoSnowy !game @manelpeluca -> c9sneaky is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 MaN TopHat MadoStab Nuttin personal tyler1Ban IceCold SoSnowy pepeDHaw IceCold lemme out SadChamp SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy NOT SNOW Skyrim Pog gachiHYPER TopHat MadoStab Nuttin personal ratirlFlower PepePls IceCold pepeDHaw Thanks for the HahaTurtledove @akikoba how come i dont see the emotes inside the ice cube PepoThink MaN ReinDeer tyler1B1 tyler1C tyler1B2 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 40 minutes 50 seconds SoSnowy MaN IceCold KannaNom Okayga ReinDeer why no ll MaN SoSnowy wtf SMILERS ReinDeer IceCold POGSLIDE FeelsClassyMan TopHat SoSnowy wineTime SoSnowy Okayga ReinDeer TeaTime MadoStab IceCold KannaNom TopHat IceCold SoSnowy COGGERS why no leege? SMILERS IceCold just chilin AYAYA ReinDeer SoSnowy Weirdga Okayga SoSnowy FeelsWeirdMan ReinDeer POGSLIDE IceCold I dont see any correctly sodaSad IT DRIVES FOR YOU!? Tesla horse this was clearly before climate change Kappa @C9Sneaky KannaNom ReinDeerwidepeepoHappy Okayga SoSnowy FeelsBadMan MadoStab IceCold TopHat SoSnowy KannaNom IceCold TopHat SoSnowy SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy Weirdga ReinDeer KannaNom TopHat IceCold SoSnowy IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold gachiBASS SoSnowy this isn't snow Okayga IceCold PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SoSnowy IceCube SillyChamp KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL FeelsSnowyMan ReinDeer SoSnowy IceCold KEKW PepeHands AHAYHAH OMEGALUL lmaooooo oLUL KEKW KEKW wtf Okayga SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy OMEGALUL JENSEN PLEASE KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL ??????? KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW KEKW Lol PogU JENSEN KEKW IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold burh Jensen KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold SNEAKY ON HORSE KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold PepegaHands jensen IceCold KEKW LUL parkour! KEKW SoSnowy road? IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW SNEAKY IN LANE KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold KEKW SoSnowy KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW IceCold KEKW IceCold PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR UNLEASHED! UNLEASHED! UNLEASHED! KEKW IceCold SoSnowy TopHat ReinDeer HAHAHA Sneaks come on sneakySpook2 Sneaky on the road KEKW KEKW IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy sneaky will you write my paper for me thanks SoSnowy IceCold SillyChamp ANOTHER ONE jensen Okayga SoSnowy TeaTime SoSnowy AYAYAWeird IceCold KEKW KEKW IceCold what horse u using ? KEKW IceCold gachiW SoSnowy SoSnowy sneakyJensen get pranked @c9sneaky PepegaAim IceCold KEKW IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold IceCold @C9Sneaky You gonna try to participate in TCS? PogYou Pepega IceCold AYAYA no halo? gachiW TopHat TopHat TopHat TopHaat peepoBlonket SoSnowy Clap POGSLIDE IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy PepegaAim SoSnowy SoSnowy monkaHmm time to get out of the winter clothes Okayga ReinDeer TeaTime AYAYA SoSnowy KEKW IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold FeelsClassyMan TopHat TeaTime SoSnowy bnanaP1 bnanaP2 bnanaP2_HF bnanaP1_HF bnanaP3 bnanaP4 bnanaP4_HF bnanaP3_HF pepeDHaw SoSnowy I can't see the winter emotes properly FeelsBadMan title: sneaky's league career Kappa KEKW SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold my paper is almost done just 4 more sentences but i'm lazy :) gachiBASS IceCold PogChamp that wasnt 500 works @C9Sneaky sneakyClaus SoSnowy santas here bois gachiW IceCold IceCold IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy Pepega SoSnowy . SoSnowy SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine HahaThisisfine why cant i see them PepeHands after the running simulator of death stranding, we have the riding simulator here LUL PepegaPls IceCold sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @Sitlec pepeLaugh SoSnowy SoSnowy pepeDHaw PepegaPls SoSnowy OMG ITS SNOWING widepeepoHappy SoSnowy shid so fast PogU peepoBlonket IceCold Just copy everything you hear from the stream onto your essay pepeDHaw SoSnowy cirKiss 500 words OMEGALUL gachiHYPER SoSnowy HAVE U BEEN A GOOD BOI PepegaAim SoSnowy D: dude, your horse isn't very happy jensen BibleThump SoSnowy KEKW SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy IceCold SoSnowy peepoBlonket IceCold its cold in here fluttDepression IceCold AYAYA SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy icy cowboy pepeDHaw SoSnowy sneaky do my stats hw pls RDR2 ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper SoSnowy SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy What a fucking beautiful game and a beautiful man playing it PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaPls SoSnowy pepeD SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 44 minutes 15 seconds Sneaky so selfless he’s an adc, cowboy, and English teacher at the same time pog widepeepoHappy IceCold click left thumstick every now and then... STEROIDS DansGame is the game cracked yet ? PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold drugging horse WeirdChamp WideHard TopHat So Snowy When do we get to Ram Ranch Kreygasm cirComfy IceCold WideHard IceCold horse crack ? Hello good sir, and good morning to you this is just a horse riding game monkaW fell off the edge pepeD @ItsJustValk oddonePat oddoneAYAYA WeirdChamp TopHat WideHard SoSnowy TopHat ReinDeer no Kapp @navishere its been out for like a year, i would imagine so monkaW monkaW monkaSHAKE IceCold TeaTime ENTEI wolf Kappa monkaW IceCold DO IT SMILERS legendary Pog monkaS TopHat Riding simulator Pog this is the Ram i think it's in the map POGSLIDE IceCold SoSnowy TopHat IceCold SoSnowy TopHat IceCold SoSnowy TopHat IceCold SoSnowy TopHat SoSnowycirComfy IceCold oh wofl SoSnowy cirComfy IceCold Murder alll the aminals monkaOMEGA ReinDeer peepoBlonket IceCold TopHat SoSnowy brrrrr IceCold @Spudn1ckel the game came out like month a go for pc ? PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold PepegaPls SoSnowy PepegaShake IceCold Rabbit PogU WideHard IceCold WE WUZ ESKIMOS N SHEEEEEEEEEIT @C9Sneaky The horses to your right ARTICUNO Pog Rabbit SillyChamp I think a Lynel issa prowlin' roun'ere monkaOMEGA ReinDeer SoSnowy TeaTime @navishere Nope it isnt cracked yet AYAYA IceCold PepegaShake SoSnowy monkaW IceCold @MercuryZA SadChamp AYAYA ReinDeer monkaSHAKE IceCold TeaTime SoSnowy its ccc---old KEKW pepeDHaw TopHat SoSnowy monkaW IceCold monkaW monkaW monkaW Pog @navishere oh i was unaware, probably not then HolidaySanta HolidayCookie HolidayLog SadChamp TopHat ReinDeer SoSnowy monkaW SoSnowy inb4 dead to wolves @navishere Same yeeehad ANELE TheLucidFern is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! TopHat OMEGALUL TheLucidFern gifted a Tier 1 sub to ArthemisThelos! TheLucidFern gifted a Tier 1 sub to RoyRepisoPH! TheLucidFern gifted a Tier 1 sub to Haasuro! reward A Gift shared Rewards to 25 others in Chat! TheLucidFern gifted a Tier 1 sub to Azure018! TheLucidFern gifted a Tier 1 sub to VandesGrants! Pog gachiBASS SoSnow Thanks for the Haha2020 @thelucidfern PogU Dodged EZ vicksyFox3 POGGERS Pog Pog @C9Sneaky must walk or the animal will run Pog gachiGASM SoSnowy Dr. Stone teached me that geysers are dangerous ANELE TopHat ReinDeer SoSnowy IceCold Clap Weirdga TeaTime IceCold just taking my drink out of the freezer EZ Dodge SoSnowy Pog PogU Did I get one? PogChamp PogU Pepega dodgeeed lmaoo xd Hi @TheLucidFern Pog HahaCat HahaDoge HahaLean HahaShrugRight PogU EZ Dodge EZ SoSnowy no widepeepoSad peepoPog SoSnowy are you still on c9 PogU IceCold SoSnowy TopHat ReinDeer Clap can subs get that sub too? POGU TIME TO SLEEP TY FOR CONTENT Lunarwolf_Ranger subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! HahaCat HahaLean HahaDoge HahaShrugRight reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! @TheDomo314 yes monkaW @thelucidfern thanks! EZ dodged didnt get one FeelsBadMan use a masterball POGGERS youve been spotted oh no monkaW EZ dodge monkaW PogU moon2SUFFER SoSnowy bpw POGGERS use bow PepegaAim nice! KEKW AIM super dead LUL widepeepoSad PepegaAim Legendary animal PogU @C9Sneaky your the reason why I question my sexuality ill cite this game as a reputable source PepegaHands IceCold PETA PepegaAim SoSonwy rip pelt the gun you use to kill and how many bullets all change how the skin rarity on skinning it is @C9Sneaky MaldChamp ReinDeer really widepeepoSad that sells for good money I believe PETAAAA BabyRage gachi bitch gachiBASS PETA D: wolves are that big D: PepegaAim SoSnowy ReinDeer u ruined the meat WutFace holy peepoArrive SoSnowy TOO COLD peepoLeave you ruined the skin bruh @C9Sneaky sumSmash IceCold monkaW D: DansGame DansGame you need to take the wolf skin to the trapper for unique stuff @C9Sneaky D: widepeepoSad ruined PepeHands D: widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D_. Kreygasm WutFace PepeHands Doggy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D: too real you fucked it up Skin walker ..... widepeepoSad WTF PepeHands F nasus? D: pepeLaugh ReinDeer SoSnowy sumSmash IceCold let me ouuuuuut yep take it to a trapper and sell it dog PepeHands @C9Sneaky you bastard widepeepoSad widepeepoSad imagine that, a wolf looks like a dog Call PETA WHY EAT THE DOG WHY SNACC you cant mess up legendaries Dire wolf Get the meat? Wowee TopHat ReinDeer now skin the horsr EAT THE DOG PogU IceCold ReinDeer SoSnowy the meat u dingus You didnt even eat his ass goodbye sell the carcass for more money u lose out on money widepeepoSad peepoArrive IceCold TOO COLD peepoLeave they go rotten PepeHands widepeepoSad you don't lose it MingLee the meat gets rotten Carry carcas to sell @C9Sneaky it will be auto sold you can lose Bro HandsUp SoSnowy Eat the dog MingLee everyone trying to turn c9 sneaky into a vampire and eat his own horse W OMEGALUL TopHat W you left the body. don't leave the carcass if u dont go righ away u wont get the money nyacchPls SoSnowy HandsUp TopHat ReinDeer SoSnowy IceCold but ull get credit it only goes rotten if he got the carcass. if it's just the pelt, then it's okay pepeJAM monkaX IceCold SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy bro i left for 10 min come back and hes still on the horse lmfao rip carcass monkaW no weapon ? IceCold MonkaW FeelsBadMan 🎸 5Head SantaHat finally a main mission PogU moon2A Play Country roads monkaSHAKE IceCold SoSnowy TeaTime @zepolmm cause u m issed him kill legendary wolf NATIVE. AMERICAN. Peace fall area widepeepoHappy FeelsGoodMan SantaHat IceCold monkaW native americams **** BURN IT DOWN KKona monkaS AHHHHHHH rain falls <3 HahaSweat Pepega SantaHat TopHat Indian is the proper term daphCozy SoSnowy gachiBASS SoSnowy IT AINT SNOW D: not indian rubiusS monkaSHAKE IceCold SoSnowy @HwanSolo1 ah shit alright glad something happened at least SoSnowy daphCozy peepoBlonket SoSnowy WTF Okayga SantaHat 😬 Amerindian the actual Americans Pog SoSnowy monkaS gachiHYPER come in TriHard monkaS SoSnowy @C9Sneaky WHY NO HALO?! many tribes self identify as Indian chat CiGrip SoSnowy monkaS TriHard SantaHat gachiW SoSnowy this ain't snow monkaW Dying TriHard SoSnowy watching from the outside FeelsBadMan PepeHands SoSnowy LUL TopHat im done NOOOOO widepeepoSad monkaS SantaHat KEKW FeelsBadMan i dont know much about bein nice i dont know much about peace OUTFIT Pog TriHard SantaHat LOOKS GOOD i don't know much KKona D: @CYBERBOOLI_xD oddonePat SoSnowy D: D: sneakyClaus SoSnowy i'm comin for that chimney PepeHands D: D: too far D: TopHat ReinDeer headBang SoSnowy DANDRUFF headBang SoSnowy ATTACK headBang SoSnowy D: IceCold widepeepoSad @AcidicStorm allo daphPat peepoSad pepeDHaw SoSnowy WE FOUND US A BIG ONE peepoWTF SoSnowy FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad oh nyo :( sneaky teasing us in his tanktop Kreygasm widepeepoSad widepeepoSad dude dont bring your illness to them D: SoSnowy oh i figured it out 3Head Glory in death as i show up 20 mins ago, he says "i don't know much about kindness" FeelsBadMan IceCold PepeHands SoSnowy true KEKW lul FeelsBadMan PepeHands peepoLeave TopHat PepeHands SoSnowy IceCold SadChamp SantaHat widepeepoSad FFZ was messing with BTTV and now I can see the emotes correctly SadChamp his voice is the one of johnny cash :o pepeDHaw SoSnowy FeelsBadMan SoSnowy i don't know much about glory PepeHands PepeHands NaM TopHat AYAYAWeird SoSnowy IceCold Clap SoSnowy IceCold peepoArrive HahaTurtledove LIT KEKW Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 YEE HAW BibleThump gachiHYPER go for a ride reward A Cheer shared Rewards to 3 others in Chat! widepeepoSad headBang SoSnowy DANDRUFF headBang SoSnowy ATTACK headBang SoSnowy old sweaty man sneakyH SoSnowy AYAYAWeird CandyCane DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink WutFace EBOLA FeelsClassyMan TopHat pepeDHaw sneakyYeehaw KKona wheres the naked cowboyd AYAYAWeird ReinDeer PepeDHaw SantaHat @Simonkas its funny because its true pepeDHaw TopHat POGSLIDE SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy SoSnowy SoSnowy sneakyE sneakyE pepeDHaw SantaHat ride with me gachiW SoSnowy ReinDeer sounds like shootin pepeDHaw shit show thicc skyrim stlye horse @hl275 widepeepoSad widepeepoSad yes this quest ResidentSleeper 3 people 1 horse yeeehawww healing PogU monkaS CandyCane @C9Sneaky change your clothes FeelsClassyMan TopHat wineTime why do their faces look like they are coated in vaseline riding to ram ranch Gachi CHONK HORSE D: did snackers finish the questline with the Sister in saint denis? SoSnowy POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGSLIDE Change your outfit back clogged pores He's taking them to the Pet Cemetery how can you say you're really having a good time if you can't let little timmy join Because it’s shitty console graphics LUL RebeccaBlack SantaHat @Noldorin2646 I don't think so? you must be baking in that coat Sneaks FeelsOkayMan AYAYA AYAYA IceCold Pog SantaHat music AYAYA AYAYA this game is so ResidentSleeper sutoClown AHHHAYAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Good sneaky widepeepoHappy AYAYA Haha2020 ReinDeer hachuAYAYA moon2AY AYAYA SoSnowy TopHat YEEEEE HAW! POGSLIDE SoSnowy POGGERS SoSnowy THIS COCAINES SO GOOD IM SWIMMING IN IT AYAYA oathComfy oathComfy oathComfy oathComfy oathComfy cirAYAYA ReinDeer AYAYA is this on PC? cirAYAYA IceCold ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA @420codscopez PS4 PeepoClap CiGrip SoSnowy @Cyanirde ah that's a shame. gets you a good cutscene Some herb? XD gachiBASS SoSnowy IT AINT SNOW @c9sneaky do you like monster girls of the thicc variety? pepeLaugh AYAYA IceCold free herbs? gimme those herbs @OGMichaelangelo ty AYAYA SoSnowy vicksyHype vicksyHype vicksyHype vicksyHype true pepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepegaHands wise words PepeHands widepeepoSad son monkaW IceCold @Noldorin2646 yeah true! I also want him to encounter the incest people but he hasn't yet :((( hope he does soon though moon2SH go on git Pepega SantaHat PepeHands PepegaHands moon2SH pepeD SantaHat shoulda shot them go now wolves, because next time we are going to skin you addcheesepls subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! pepeDHaw you just skinned a wolf tho reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeDHaw I'm late, what's up with League? after herbs - always time for reflection words of wisdom widepeepoSad COGGERS IceCold PepegaAim pepeDHaw peepoArrive PauseChamp @Zeeboa not today, short stream tonight stopping off at his Marijuana field pepeDHaw pepeDHaw peepoArrive @h4d3n Thank you~ AngelThump PeepoClap wineTime SoSnowy when to play the LOL ? plants VapeNation AngelThump SoSnowy AngelThump damn @C9Sneaky this new league update looks sick, really love the cowboy hats AngelThump cough cough you have to find out AngelThump pick it ): AngelThump IceCold IceCold He's gonna mace you lmao poor arthur dutch plan pepeLaugh sneaky1 sneaky2 @rustics_ yeah the season 10 graphics update is insane MaldChamp ReinDeer CandyCane SoSnowy this is Game or Vedio? PauseChamp SoSnowy widepeepoSad SadChamp PepeHands pepeDHaw PepegaHands FeelsBadMan PepeHands SadChamp SoSnowy FeelsBadMan PepegaHands SoSnowy BibleThump PepeHands pls AngelThump PepeHands SoSnowy what chapter Mh PedoBear Cap paedo DansGame PedoBear PedoBear Clap monkaS PepeHands 19 cowP PedoBear D: widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad omg widepeepoSad 10 dollars Pog widepeepoSad KEKW LULW wtf this chief 10 PogU widepeepoSad KEKW widepeepoSad LMAO RUINED KEKW PepeHands SoSnowy wtf that's quite tragic KEKW KEKW stop here GINSENG?? worth KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW HE said screw your story!! HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW just for 2 months sub? PepeHands lemme interrupt your heartfelt story over some fucking ginseng, ty "wait STFU" widepeepoSad PeepoClap LOOK MOMMY ITS SNOWING AT OUR HOUSE 4House SoSnowy lost to ginseng KEKW man opens up his history and he just cuts him abruptly. KEKW TIMING OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL really? widepeepoSad shoot him in the back of the head $10 KEKW halting a heart to heart for ginseng KEKW Okayga IceCold SoSnowy STFU and wait LUL ginseng grows here?? KEKW ROCKSTAR KEKW Ginseng is more important than Arthur's tragic backstory Man's tryna save your life fam pepeSmoke widepeepoSad SoSnowy MaldChamp IceCold didn't you gamble away $10 sneaky I know you are talking about your dead wife and dead kid but..... GINSENG!!! NovaSparksLoL subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! pepeSmoke he gathering the ingredients to make the cure pepeSmoke PepegaHands monkaW get ur hands outta my saddebag pepeSmoke monkaW get ur hands outta my saddlebag WeirdChamp ginseng tastes good Rains Fall don't got no time for your sob story, Arthur. He's got ginseng to pick KEKW LUL widepeepoSad again just talkign about something KEKW just right back into it lol actually not paying attention SOMEHTING OMEGALUL ginseng ah the cocaine of the west PepeHands SoSnowy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad sick widepeepoSad in gta 5 they just sit in the car awkwardly noty talking widepeepoSad KEKW SRRY TO HEAR THAT more than just herb widepeepoSad SMILERS DAS TUFF MANE peepoWTF IceCold SoSnowy peepoWTF dutch WeirdChamp typical therapist Weirdga IceCold widepeepoSad widepeepoSad redemption widepeepoSad widepeepoSad is he a lunger FeelsBadMan arthur SMILERS SOUNDS ROUGH BUDDY KEKW Arthy no league today? g4greveSMITE g4greveSMITE john widepeepoSad Hi daddy @c9sneaky KKona vicksyShy vicksyShy vicksyShy FeelsGoodMan IceCold Rain Falls is a great man deaths stranding horse simulator PeepoClap LOOK MOMMY ITS SNOWING AT OUR HOUSE 4House IceCold this feels like a movie IceCold KEKW KEKW he said no and stop talking peepoLeave IceCold SoSnowy L2 you dingus KEKW IceCold i dont have much time left SMILERS SMILERS tell me more SMILERS real men dont talk too much im good KEKW SMILERS TopHat RDR2 in a nutshell: Dutch: I got a plan! Arthur: Grumpy agreement. *Plan goes wrong, shooting ensues* Rinse & Repeat SMILERS SMILERS IceCold this game is sick af I showed you my ginseng pls reply Kapp IceCold IceCold LUL silence? ok IceCold SMILERS this is some of the games most revealing dialogue you talk too much about yourself oh jerk SMILERS TopHat ReinDeer SantaHat IceCold SoSnowy any SMILERS you got some cheese in your teeth sneak sutoClown monkaW monkaWQ PepeHands he's so focused on his herbs bro monkaW monkaW wtf PepeHands IceCold SoSnowy @C9Sneaky you have an inadequate horse. go get the white one by Lake Isabella in the west. D: D: D: IceCold monkaW monkaS someone burned the Pet Cemetery widepeepoSad sneakyD IceCold SoSnowy F PepeHands F noooo widepeepoSad F MingLee the chalupa? SMILERS me THE GODAMN PILGRIMS the chalupa Chalupa FeelsBadMan me :) widepeepoSad f not the chanupa PepeHands lol PepeHands TopHat SantaHat SMILERS who did this Chanupa is my middle name Challupa? wtf is a chanupa he needs his Chalupa WH OMEGALUL DID THIS LUL La pinche pantufla NO NOT THE CHALUPA! PepeHands pepeSmoke the challupa not the weed Taco Bell is just down the road? LMFAO ok i always like the gordita more ok okay Kapp OMEGALUL KAY OKAY it's a native American challupa. sounds delicious PepeHands SantaHat TopHat LUL SMILERS ok tbh id be pissed if some asshole destroyed my chalupa k LULW squadOK k LULW big wumpus says "OKEH" okay SMILERS 👌 ok k KKona good pills here POGGY i see the reapers grim visage when i sleep SMILERS WHISKEY LUL there's some crack here FeelsClassyMan ReinDeer SoSnowy LUL there's a rock here Pepega LULW SMILERS people will die today SMILERS drink it OK SMILERS yoink MOAR WHISKEY SMILERS I WANNA DRINK SMILERS Tojju subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! pepeDHaw reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! he likes his Taco Bell no not chihuahua PepeHands WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky Drink something SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS PepeHands his weed the chalupa? rip the chalupa You should go gamble like it’s vegas keep looking Jebaited pepeDHaw SoSnowy monkaW SMILERS blood must be spilt for this infraction. I want a chanupa.. pepeDHaw IceCold we are but specks of dust in an endless void SMILERS Why’s this guy so upset about a chalupa? They are $5 at taco bell Ceremonial bong this part is ANELE IceCold DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink SoSnowy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink SoSnowy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink SoSnowy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink SoSnowy pepeDHaw Kreygasm Chalupas SMILERS they must be purged "still no sign of the chalupa" i say as i open my bag of tacobell SaltyCorn SantaHat pepeDHaw SMILERS kill them all @bukoon does oj count ? pepeDHaw time WideHard KKona OIl? Hey snicker! chaserrrr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! PepeHands PepegaHands reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! thanksgivng PepeHands @seabass273 NO oathPout PepeHands PepeHands KILL THEM ALL soak the dirt with their blood SMILERS PogU KKona PepeHands PepeHands Chalupa PepeHands my oil now gimme gimme widepeepoSad PepeHands Now they are going to take away his Taco bell Actually PepeHands PepeHands SMILERS they have defiled this sanctuary of peace. They will now pay for this with their blood. PepeHands when did you start playing red dead? Pog ? *slurtp PogU ? widepeepoSad SoSnowy Kill KEKW PogU CHALUPA Pog AYAYA give chalupa widepeepoSad @UnNameless PogChamp kill them all KEKW LULW Chanupa w extra cheese the white man taking all the land just to make esports PepeHands i uh uh i uh uh i uh uh KEKW LULW PepegaHands KEKW Pepega LUL LULW 󠀀 KEKW what do he need then Kapp KEKW LUL Hurt them KEKW 3 hours ago @UnNameless HAHAHAHA LMAOOOOO LULW rip LULW KEKW KEKW what a hero Pepega RIIP Lul their deaths will be the first of many SMILERS retrieve chalupa Steak or chicken chalupa? PepegaHands nice jump need horse Pepega @C9Sneaky Eat something DOOD SO GRACEFUL @Sitlec PepeHands just wlak u dingeroni this is embarrasing KEKW just go LOL hold down horse whistle button for longer whistle @UnNameless Red Dead only today. he said short stream NOT even the white Arabian horse drink beer widepeepoSad SoSnowy ONLY COLD HALF MY FACE stealth mission! Give me that chanupa CiGrip its coming KEKW mask on KEKW Weirdga TopHat kill them all RlyTho KILL THEM ALL SMILERS Weirdga TopHat 🍷 @Sitlec SeemsGood thanx mask on pass me the chanupa brother KEKW SoSnowy PepegaAim PepepeAim kill them all pepeDHaw he said try not to kill lanyone pepeSmoke SoSnowy ReinDeer TopHat SantaHat mask on mate time for shootin pepeDHaw i can't see SoSnowy PepeHands you dings "sneaky" WeirdChamp pepeDHaw excellent pepeDHaw pepeDHaw CiGrip Clap genocide is the only path to redemption SMILERS pepeDHaw SoSnowy yes stealth mask stealth mission stealth it sneaky you must sneak pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy "try" LAN CASTER KekW stealth mission monkaGun SHOOT THE DYNAMITE SMILERS KILL EVERYSINGLE ONE PLEASE you cant get it without killing LUL stealth mission = pepeDHaw pepeSmoke ReinDeer SoSnowy to not provoke them hitman POGGERS TopHat sneakyYeehaw yeah you have to be sneaky Kappa wtf is this shit Kill them all boxGhost its probably in one of the tents CHALUPA PepeHands its pretty hard actually KILL THEM ALLL KILL EVERY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER pepeDHaw kill them all SMILERS monkaS TopHat HahaDoge monkaW stealth is a requirement for gold :) monkaW monkaW KILL THEM ALL monkaW monkaW wtf monkaW not me SMILERS monkaS o shit monkaW Theres dynamite shoot it SMILERS ADC IRL too real monkaW monkaS 👉 🔴 monkaW WIPE THEM OUT, ALL OF THEM Kappa Is sneaky gonna play LoL tonight? SMILERS Return the chalupa or suffer my curse. SMILERS monkaW monkaW SoSnowy WutFace Sneaky is sneaking OMEGALUL Ninja @C9Sneaky monkaW monkaW monk monkaS aS monkaW is this the assassins creed dlc waduPeek monkaW SantaHat monkaW lul my heart monkaW THEY ARE BLIND KEKW wtf @simern no not today must be Kapp you got it lol my penis monkaW monkaW TopHat ah yes im imagining things Pog ? lol EZ PogU monkaW wait ur actually Sneaky af sneakyW actually blind xD MY ANXIETY monkaW monkaOMEGA 🔫 🐀 SNEAKY SNEAKY POGGERS pOGu? kill them all anyways sneaky AF PogYou IceCold spotted PogU @sasukemisaki did he say anything about Hitman 2? deaf as fuck PogU monkaX sneaky is sneaky Sneaky actually sneaking PogU PogU kill them on the wat out WTF Pog ? monkaW IceCold run IN BROAD DAYLIGHT what the fuck these guys are blind LUL horse insg_hallowed subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! hi PogU reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! PauseChamp where tf is that guy gion KILL THEM SMILERS KILL THEM ALL SMILERS 🔫 🐀 I WAS HIDING sneaky is snorkeling monkaW monkaW monkaX Dude I straight up shot the dynaminte and they all blow up KEKW monaW doesn't even notice the horse is he actually doing it widepeepoSad IceCold monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaS not now monkaW monkaW u have to walk around the mountain Kapp KKona PauseChamp monkaW HITMAN 2 PogU KEKW FUK OMEGALUL pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy KEKW monkaW SHOOT pepeDHaw SMILERS KILL KEKW KEKW KEKW THROW A FISH AT HIM heh ? dumbass KEKW KEKW RUNNNN no league tonight sneaky? pepeDHaw its time thats scripted as fuck KEKW rip FROZEN RAT 🐀 IceCold STEALTH KEKW THROW A FISH Pepega Bronze pepeLaugh SMILERS good job ????????? KEKW run! F PepegaHands you fucked it up sneaky just run OMEGALUL KEKW TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE not sneaky enough yuh ded @C9Sneaky HITMAN 2 OR WE RIOT Pepaga rip pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy pepeDHaw SoSnowy PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim bronze again widepeepoSad Pepega They want that Chanupa back SMILERS right in the heart noooo monkaW ded man run widepeepoHappy here I go killin again SURROUNDED monkaW WTF eats Headshot it was almost perfect pepeHands D: pOG monkaS Pog Damn pepeDHaw woooow 'SNEAKY' KEKW SoSnowy pepeDHaw D: Pog POG PepegaAim luciian PogYou pepeDHaw PepegaAim Pog PepegaAim AND THEN I JUST STARTED BLASTIN insane throws from sneaky D: PeepoClap killing time get i told you now colonel favors is going to take revenge on rains fall FOUR gg EZ loot them kill them all anyways steal mission btw KEKW don't hurt anyone LUL the chest @C9Sneaky pepeDHaw mom? monkaW Rain mans gonna be pissed SMILERS Blood for the Blood God loot camp and everything is gonna go to shit well, peace was never an option loot that camp loot em at least Pog ACTUALLY KILLED THEM ALL LOOT? loot? you didn't moved well 1v9 Pog looting is for chumps nyacchPout LEWD THEM MORE LOOTZ chest at camp Very good boxGhost LOOT EM ALL restart mission you didnt loot the chest that box 6loot the whole camp You could've also shot the dynamite and it sets off multiple explosions @C9Sneaky Carried for rains fall you can run while crouched and stay hidden you started running, what the fuck do you mean @C9Sneaky pog they don't see you when they right in front of you but see you when you're hidden xD smoke the pipe Please try not hurt anyone open chest Sneaky: PepegaAim KEKW yeah let kill them all and leave the loot back @C9Sneaky 1000 gifted subs for Hitman 2, no troll this time move your face so we can see what you loot COMFY CHAT oathComfy SoSnowy COMFY CHAT oathComfy SoSnowy COMFY CHAT oathComfy SoSnowy COMFY CHAT oathComfy SoSnowy they disturbed the peace, so you disturb their's too Take their woman loot the camp, not the men Killing isn't hurting, so technically SMILERS VampsterLive subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 48 months! 4 years brother reward A Sub shared Rewards to 10 others in Chat! peepoPog moon2WUT Pog ? pog now the camp 4 years Pog caaamp, search camp not even a sub Kapp your goin to all stars? STFU HORSEY FUCK ASS BITCH You lost honor I tihnk Pog SMILERS IceCold nani? did someone say hitman? Pepega lowered honor your honor plumetting @skydudu hi is this online or story? your mental boomed honor IceCold SMILERS thumpLUL dont play hitman please its so fucking ResidentSleeper Rr mission PepeHands not gonna have good honor now :( why go to all stars when you can be cozy and stream :) shoot the red box SMILERS Why won't my emotes go in the ice cube? :( IceCold AYAYAWeird SMILERS IceCold LUL Honor is for the weak SMILERS MadoStab SMILERS no streamer loot NotLikeThis dogshit loot KEKW AYAYAWeird IceCold misses the cash chest best loot in game is from treasure maps gachiHYPER Jensen poison arrow pamphlet isnt THAT trash there are lock boxes sometimes sumSmash SoSnowy IceCold the end is near SMILERS onlybu1Yoshi emote first, IceCold next in that order gachiBASS SoSnowy IT AINT SNOW hey snackers <3 much love from germany <3 have you even changed your clothes once in the game PepegaAim SoSnowy IceCold dosnt work he deaf too KEKW IceCold Jebaited? SoSnowy plus doesn't work with some emotes, doesn't work with sneaky emotes either SadChamp SoSnowy PepegaAim SoSnowy Pog there is lock box, he didnt search camp @CYBERBOOLI_xD do u have BTTV and FFZ extensions? @C9Sneaky how do you enjoy the game so far? HahaCat Pepega I am become death, destryoyer of worlds. SMILERS sneakyE SoSnowy THE C H A L U P A good sneaky SMILERS grande chalupa SadChamp SoSnowy SoSnowy peepoBlonket FeelsClassyMan SoSnowy TopHat wineTime SoSnowy HE HEARD FeelsOkayMan 👉 <3 dummy nyannTsun @C9Sneaky is an announcement ever going to be made LOL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 13 minutes 34 seconds GODDAMIT IceCold KEKW i just accidently killed some bad guys Kapp my bad LUL LULW N OMEGALUL KEKW SadChamp IceCold Damn that's huuuge IM COLD STOP CHAT SadChamp SoSnowy yes 4Head yes OkayChamp KEKW he looks like old logan lul N-No Kapp peepoBlonket first, then SoSnowy u made him sad SNAEKY KEKW you don't shave or cut your hair? SMILERS yes monkaS IceCold KEKW yes OkayChamp yes OMEGALUL yes KEKW BLAZE I CAN CUM gachiW have you bought clothes at all BibleThump this guy is so wholesome SillyChamp YES you should shave and grow some sick mutton chops widepeepoSad <3 FeelsBadMan Rain Falls FeelsOkayMan SoSnowy FeelsOkayMan MaN Take those herbs and shove it up your ass PauseChamp <3 awwww <3 Okayga FeelsOkayMan pepeDHaw yes FeelsOkayMan Rain Falls the GOAT thank u boomer PepegaHands widepeepoSad TopHat KEKW anally ingest the herbs widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad AngelThump FeelsBadMan SoSnowy @c9sneaky You gotta shave that beard man. like a raccoon stuck on your face pathetic widepeepoSad IceCold ok boomer bronze pepeLaugh Kapp KEKW KEKW LULW Jebaited Kapp KEKW SMILERS SoSnowy !followage n. 0/2 OMEGALUL LUL Bronze KEKW LOL Why no league geppettogado has been following C9Sneaky for 2 months, 1 week, 4 days o. KEKW KEKW LUL LUL almost KEKW KEKW DUTCH a Boomer KEKW "Almost" Kapp KEKW you had to bring it back I almost had that KEKW almost KEKW you got caught on the way back cant detect when youre dead kap Jebaited IceCold sneakyJensen hey I was drinking here yay almost KEKW @C9Sneaky You should dress up at the saint denis wardrobe place. redo the challenge KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW not detected Kappa if they're dead Kappa forsenE !opgg Kappa TopHat ReinDeer SantaHat sneaky when challenger forsenDDK WeirdChamp IceCold DuckerZ haHAA subscribing haHAA there still so much story content left monkaS FishMoley IceCold also maybe buy some guns so close i can almost taste it epic music Pepega ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 Hey Sneaky are u playing League tonight? Customize guns SMILERS whats cutoff right now for challenger? and upgrade your guns onlybu1Yoshi monakW monkaS gachiHYPER at least these chat mods arent pepega like in rae's stream KEKW monkaW monkaW Pepega pepeL KEKW Hey Sneaky are u playing League at all tonight? shoot him KILL HIM PepegaAim pepeLaugh here it comes KEKW pepeLaugh he is the game i use to play games, dunno you can track em aswell haha loool pPepeLaugh IceCold pepeLaugh LMAO KEKW LUL OMEGALUL SHHHHHH pepeLaugh IceCold PepegaAim IceCold pepeLaugh pepeLaugh shhhhh !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 17 minutes 9 seconds shoot in the air shhhhhhhhh again bro he is looking for some legendary animal sh sh pepeLaugh Pepega 📣 SHHHHHH get of your horse PepeAim SoSnowy pepeLaugh pepeLaugh IceCold shoot the animal 🤫🤫 pokemon hunting PepegaHands pepeLaugh IceCold Shhhh he's looking for his wife 4HEad @C9Sneaky make the homing tomahawk !followage X_Majkl_X has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 4 months, 2 days widepeepoHappy HORSEY Hey Sneaky are u playing League tonight? we all know where this is going pepeLaugh . PepegaAim IceCold PepegaHands IceCold monkaW pepeLaugh here we go PedoBear follow him let him do the hunting. then kill him for it iamsocal IceCold monkaW PedoBear TopHat pepeLaugh pepeLaugh Chat prepare bears gachiGASM ANELE IceCold get off the horse @C9Sneaky widepeepoHappy IceCold pepeLaugh PedoBear SantaHat SoSnowy monkaW let him do the hunting then kill him for it monkaW monkaW pepeLaugh monkaW monkaW you - monkaW sneaky knows a thing or two about hunting bears Kappa KEKW stop killing my family Kappa forsenE IceCold FROZEN BAGS MELTING LUL pepeLaugh LULW KEKW LULW pepeLaugh monkaW KEKW GET ROLLED KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh no no no monkaW WTF WTF WTF monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaW KEKW help him u dingus HELP HIM WTF KEKW KEKW HELP HIM? USAIN BOLT KEKW RIP HOLY SHIT OMEGALUL DUMB ASS LUL monkaW LMAO bye inb4 he dies KEKW KEKW bears can run at 40 mph pepeLaugh Save him? KEKW HELP HIM KEKW lmao HELP HIM D: OMEGALUL help him RIP no KEKW monkaMega do something D: monkaW TopHat Pepega just watch him get mauled lol Help the bear omega lul KILL IT LULW HELP??? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NA hunter KEKW KEKW KEKW LEFT FOR DEAD LUL KEKW HELP WTF nice save monkaW bro i have nightmares about bears mauling me KEKW KEKW LEAVE HIM dude wtf LMAOOOOO KEKW KEKW YIKES Didnt even try ti help LOL help him U BITCH KEKW shotgun? PeepoClap LET HIM DIE KEKWE domed EZ D: 1 SHOT KEKW KS KEKW KEKW monkaW KEKW LUL BRUH how it feels to chew 5 gum what an idiot KEKW LOL F 1 SHOT KEKW could have dont that before KEKW THAT SUCKS KEKW 🐻 ))))) NotLikeThis (((( 🐻 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL siMern subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! can i get turkey, swiss, tomato, and onion plz EZ F respect KEKW KEKW KEKW wow, doesnt even save the guy reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! F Saved Kappa LOOT HIM KEKW F 2 for 1 PogChamp KEKW SNEAKY IN LANE lol now you kill it u just fuckin watched him die pepeLaugh shoot it Kill Secured KEKW NotSoEZ lmaoooooooooooo KEKW LULW LET HIM DIE KEKW i mean the bear dead KEKW EZ NA Support KEKW KEKW KEKW Will just in time That’s the bear in my nightmares kekw kekw kekw EZ Loot ez 2 for 1 skin the bear pick up lul Senna support KEKW gachiW WutFace Move cam top right SMILERS WutFace Stop skin it gachiW lul yes, you couldve WutFace what oh DansGame WutFace WutFace woah woah WutFace WutFace WutFace wtf WutFace yummy WutFace Shit @C9Sneaky WutFace WutFace u didnt even try wtf WutFace TopHat HOLY SHIT jesus christ BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump WutFace you watched wtf wtf] YES COULD HAVE SAVED KEKW gachiW PETA WutFace WutFace WutFace NAKED BEAR gachiW WutFace WutFace WutFace right through the dick WutFace wtf? sexy clip it ITS A DOG you didnt help at all BibleThump uhh he ran around him for like 20 seconds KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis master bear skinner monkaW BibleThump ruined pelt PETA yeeep, yeehaw CALL PETA no meat ?? poor horsey has to carry so much trash LUL make a nice huge coat out of it OkayChamp TopHat HE DIDNT DRAW A PROTECTION CIRCLE pepeLaugh To get a perfect pelt u need to use the appropriate weapon @C9Sneaky thank you, I don't like ham subs rip hunter of grizzly bears he was runnin around yelling help and shit ThankEgg u just watched his ass coulda saved him xD @Derelicht PepeLaugh get mauled to pieces sneaky the worst Hunter. doesn't even collect all the meat and shit sneaky worst hunter sneaky teh troll wanted dead or alive @Derelicht pepeLaugh MaldChamp TopHat I once stuck my finger up a horses ass and he broke my sternum into 16 pieces you should be close to one its in Saint Denis if not near u TopHat ❓ have you encountered the hanging people in Roanoke @rusesharks deserved LULW hmm @rusesharks FeelsWeirdMan sneakyYeehaw not even a single meat? KEKW wtf game? :) TopHat theres a scrapper somewhere out here like here monkaW trapper on the top right of the map where the stranger mark is @C9Sneaky monkaW oh shit KILL HIM sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm run sneaky RUNNN monkaW PepegaAim are you superman? have you found the notes and hanging bodies yet PixelBob pepeDHaw PogU pepeDHaw don't let them hit the horse SadChamp pepeDHaw trampled LUL loot em PepegaAim IceCol pepeDHaw PepegaAim IceCold loot? no loot? monkaHmm USE LANCASTER REPEATER where is the money pepeDHaw pepeDHaw dont need to loot these villagers heal your horse BibleThump pepeDHaw IceCold there should be Trapper by u open map. it might be undisocvered + PepegaAim ricardoFlick SoSnowy @C9Sneaky do the main missions PogU CLEAN YOUR GUN thumpThink thumpThink inbred hillbillies pepeDHaw IceCold NaM ? ricardoFlick IceCold Hey Sneaky are u playing League tonight?? widepeepoHappy carrot YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWW gachiHYPER clean it "You're lucky this time you're only dead." Nam IceCold ricardoFlick SantaHat deer lul MaN IceCold Squid1 Squid2 InuyoFace Squid4 NaM IceCold NaM IceCold CLEAN MY GUN INSTEAD gachiW POOR CONDITION thumpYikes thumpYikes NaM IceCold use Lancaster repeater why did the deer cross the road? ricardoFlick arthur vs arthur Weirdga monkaW MercyWing1 TriHard MercyWing2 ricardoFlick IceCold ricardoFlick IceCold ricardoFlick IceCold ricardoFlick IceCold make sure to upgrade your guns, and get new snazzy clothes sairasWow old town road pahing !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 23 minutes 12 seconds Weirdga IceCold gachiHYPER . o O ( ricardoFlick ) ur wanted keep your gun moon2SH Howdy monkaW CandyCane this is gonna go well Kappa 4House IceCold sneakyFedora PepeS SoSnowy cold @C9Sneaky do you think TSM wouldve won worlds if they went ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya 4Man ? run lul gachiHYPER SoSnowy . o O ( ricardoFlick ) cmonBruh lantern widepeepoHappy use Lancaster repeater @C9Gorobot -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KEKW 4HEad 4HEad !uptime lol weird Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 24 minutes 37 seconds monkaW me dead monkaW ? 4HEad how is arthur still alive? the doctor said that hes about to die monkaS 4HEad YeeeeHaaawww sneakyYeehaw 4HEad IceCold joker is dead ? nooo 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad TopHat 4Head 4HEad slime hes crazy monkaW HES DEAD KEKW Butcher's Creek DansGame SMILERS 4HEad TopHat slave4head Pepega 3Head turn off the camera, u are making me gay BEAT HIM UP @Wewur arthus is a tank 4HEad ReidDeer use Lancaster repeater 4Head 4HEad ReinDeer usury takes you straight to hell magenta dead redemption monkaHmm cinematic lul bet this game looks way better in person than on stream might want to unload that bear pelt HYAH HYAH Yeehaw AYAYA derpz yeah this game is beautiful sneakyH sneakyYeehaw nicec controller monkaW monkaW UnNameless i believe it RUN Pog @C9Sneaky theres a trapper on the top right of the map cirAYAYA disadvantages of cinematic camera lol Pinkertons DansGame widepeepoSad 🐴 EZ keeel lure it kill him did you ever player bully game? @c9sneaky lure it ttt @UnNameless he was mortally sick and was coughing blood last time i watched, how did he make it? pepeDHaw SoSnowy you can sell the pelt at any butcher since its not a 3 star not worth taking to a trapper arabian breeds are the fastest right? PepegaAim those guys have wallhack you have to get out of the red zone PepegaAim LULW PepegaAim delay lul flop DONT SHOOT THE HORSE Not going for headshot Pepega PepegaAim GANG GANG LOL PepegaAim missing every shot PULL UP ĺpb pk9 kjjb⁰l kbkl pepeDHaw lol wtf so tanky PepegaAim AHHH gachiW PepegaAim HEY FELLA just trample them looot What ammo type are you using? ANELE SHALLJA PUNJABI 💥 @Wewur he is still deathly sick, but he got medicine from Rain Falls that helps. and storywise not that much time has passed @CYBERBOOLI_xD peepoArrive KonCha Howdy fwend youre guns seem week a puro mentolatun te los pitieaste HSWP 4$ Pog "loot" thanks for moving the camera finally daddy Probably because he isnt using express ammo gift me a sub from their loot I got it n easy mode or something @c9sneaky that's Flaco's revolver right? seems weak WideHard @JavierEstrada99 allo nyannHi Why don’t you pay all your bounty’s? because you killed people close to it "loot" 4bucks widepepoSad This is just a worse Witcher flaco the revolver seems poo @CYBERBOOLI_xD 👋 AYAYA SoSnowy POLISH IT GOOD Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm seems fast but fires needles nyannBlush Why is it pink, it's not pink dead redemption because you were killing people right next to it, it should unlock soon use express ammo already @C9Sneaky wow nice clean 4Head go get yourself some nice weapons wtf SoSnowy gachiGASM Cause of the shoot out reload the area Kreygasm sneakyH SingsMic u spooked her Stop polishing your "gun" on stream DansGame did you ever played bully game by Rockstar ? @c9sneaky gachiGASM SoSnowy Not snow were are all the gay cowboys Ram Ranch has taught us about? monkaHmm go away and come back gachiBASS SoSnowy yes gachiW KEKW hi I mean gachiW SoSnowy hi shotgun tho door you have to shoot the door you can just fast forward like a few hours should work Go to the letter sneakyYeehaw SoSnowy moon2COOM SoSnowy chat Pepega i think you have to go to the main trapper guy 1st then you'll unlock the others nvm smolRunk smolRunk smolRunk smolRunk smolRunk smolRunk what will we do with that bearr skin? sell? monkaHmm BabyRage BabyRage FeelsBadMan aw wait there's a child :( 👶 PepeHands BabyRage IceCold HolidaySanta pepeLaugh She doesn't know moon2COOM hades_cross subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 2 months Pog BibleThump reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! qtpWEIRD stop FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad Oh nyooooo widepeepoSad daddy D: widepeepoSad OH NYO widepeepoSad widepeepoSad AYAYAWeird Kreygasm gimme them titties Yes Kreygasm widepeepoSad widepeepoSad sorry yes monkaW widepeepoSad daddy daddy dadyy yes widepeepoHappy Yes take it all KILL THEM pepeDHaw LIES!!! HandsUp ok what have you done Sneaky you fucking monster :D Yeah take the house HYPERS widepeepoSad widepeepoSad she touched her titties Pog @c9sneaky D: moon2H smelly vagene LUL I'm sorry widepeepoSad Take the wooden piece of shit HYPERS take that chair THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BORROWED IT widepeepoSad jus leave jesus O give 4$ GIVE MONEY Give her money you dick! Take her kid as payment 1 SQUARE give money BibleThump give money give money give time traveller 4HEad JUST give money KILL THEM PepegaAim good man WHAT WHERE IS TAKE THE HOUSE OPTION LULW kill them what a softy Take her virginity Pog CUCK how about make her lie down THEN DONT BORROW ANY MONEY Pog KILL THEM ALL PeepoClap leave widepeepoLeave $4 Pog Ripped off 90 dollars PeepoClap Thanks Snacky Nice one Snacky PeepoClap Now lie down for me Kreygasm take it back gold digger does he already have the tuberculosis good guy Arthur PeepoClap but u still want her to lie with u right? PeepoClap PeepoClap Arthur looks drugged up widepeepoSad she's ungrateful D: go kill her sneaky farming honor PeepoClap widepeepoSad Why does arthur look SO bad? PepeHands widepeepoSad You know what to do sneaky Arthut's face tho WutFace the fck is PeepoClap take it back widepeepoSad shouldve gone with the lay Jebaited ARTHUR WutFace now kill h3er and take it back TORCH THE HOUSE @C9Sneaky 55 bucks is like 500K today FeelsBadMan god u get depression just watching the game PepeHands Arthur looking sick af man Take it back widepeepoHappy @Paperclipbender tubercolosis widepeepoSad now kill her and take it back Marry her Pog i like it Now kill her and take it You could've gambled with that money SadChamp @Paperclipbender i dont think sneaky has been eating, which changes how skinny your face is @Paperclipbender he has TB do the right thing and rob her tank top sneaky LUL 500K OMEGALUL elloYay that was fucked up Sneaky, this was all your fault FeelsBadMan A CUCK GIVING AWAY HIS MONEY TO A WIDOW KEKW @Notagingerman1 lmao no ain't nobody tell me nothing Those kids shoes tho @lolminsoo SillyChamp 500k Pog PogU REAL TORCH THE HOUSE @C9Sneaky . Burn the place down. Cant guilt you if theyre crispy can u play evil? it's like 1550 @potatosnacker1 almost like i wasnt being srs :) beta male monkaHmm let me do some quick maths peepoLeave 55 * 30 = money for today THIS PART IS FUNNY @lolminsoo 5He~ wait, wait a minyte LUL as opposed to non free money KEKW free money dead to 3 bucks btw PepeLaugh WideHard FREE ? 1550 OMEGALUL bet he's gonna run into some people again Not gonna like, i thought everyone talking about the TB was joking. Never saw the parts of it mentioned in game i guess @Notagingerman1 has to be funny to not be serious PauseChamp 🪑 something always happens when he's peeing ok chat inb4 another ambush NotLikeThis who wants to bet holy shit horse running on its own D: he gets shot pepeDHaw for the wanted shit again I bet $4 Me 16 bucks from dead bodys lol i bet 100 $55 in 1899 is $1675 today 💺 peepoLeave I just tuned in, so is he Arthur and faked his own death and then his widow and childd didnt recognize him? @lolminsoo I bet pepeDHaw oddoneChair oddoneOwo *sniff sniff* he needs the TB skin test before you volunteer at the hospital !team it's pretty obvious KEKW I bet half my sub he doesn’t wtf pepeDHaw SoSnowy he wont get shot i BET $55 type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at @Paperclipbender oh yea the doctor her visited diagnosed arthur with it type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at chat, can u play as evil man in this game? type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at chair stream? type 1 in chat if you think he's gonna fall off his horse/get shot at Here it comes SillyChamp @potatosnacker1 sneaky chuckled, get fucked LULW bro Chair stream PogU 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 He'll be back in time lol 1 1 0 sneaky? 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 124523452345 11 1 f 1 1 1 SillyChamp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 What cost $55 in 1899 would cost $1675.11 in 2018 0 0 0 most def 1 KEKW 420 SMILERS 2 1 2 KEKW going to slow chair is playing Pog ALRIGHT CHAT 1 Gives woman that owes him debt money, Wont pay wanted price off 69 1 LETS SEE IT HAPPEN 1 OSsloth PauseChamp NOW WE WAIT type 1 if mods gay 1 1 Pepega wf ghost KEKW he will die 1 1 3 1 PauseChamp PauseChamp 1 1 PauseChamp ...... 1 1 mods big gay KEKW @SCrusader DED KEKW 1 monkaS pepeDhaw 1 @Notagingerman1 ya laughed at you, not at the "joke" This is america 1 mod gey KEKW monkaW PauseChamp PauseChamp SoSnowy IceCold monkaS monkaW lol nice trolling monkaW CMON HURRY PauseChamp --- PauseChamp monkaW SoSnowy @potatosnacker1 consider not aliving anymore buddy pepDHaw WHERE ARE THE COWBOYS AT eks de? god damnit sneakyYeehaw monkaW type 1 if we should make love to each other OH SHIT pepeLaugh monkaW 💺 peepoArrive LMAO CLOSE IceCold PauseChamp AUTO RUN monkaW SAVED Pog DAMMIT NOOOOOOOOOOO xDDDDDDDD minso malding KEKW so close $55 in 1899 is $1675.11 in 2018 timing ! KEKW KEKW EZ I WAS RIGHT You have failed us I swear every 10 minutes its either one sec grabbing some water or one sec imma go pee Is his horse still named Jensen’s? KEKW KEKW damn he lived FeelsBadMan yessss 5 bills 500k 100m @lolminsoo mod gay mod gay mod gay mod gay sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw 30 mil lol $4 it would be a million about tree fiddy 69 500k Kapp how is he doing this @Drew2gg yep!! 500k 20$ sneakyYeehaw Did u see the guy hanging he didn't die PepeHands @C9Sneaky according to my earlier calculations, about 2.50 500k OMEGALUL !followage 500k darrius206 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 11 months, 4 days JUST A MILLION 4Head FIND CAIN SMILERS put straus in his place arthur 😡 what do we do with the bear skin btw? monkaHmm sell? 1usd of that time = 31 of our time It would be 3 subs about tree fiddy :) be 420 now PepeHands !watchtime What cost $1000000 in 1899 would cost $30456460.56 in 2018. @C9Sneaky Shave pls WeirdCHamp @C9Sneaky Shave pls WeirdCHamp @C9Sneaky Shave pls WeirdCHamp D CANE 4Head raisin some cain oh lawd moon2PH 27.5 million Penelope SMILERS romeo and juliet returns KEKW money ? Pog a girl Pepega EAT THE MIXED HERBS D: MaldChamp TheThing Big mad monkaHmm 5Head english Penelope wants the D i cant read KKona N OMEGALUL a grill Pepega Beauragard? Pog no KEKW sex her 5Head yes yes Lie her rape her KEKW sex her x2 SEX HER monkaHmm bang her RAPE HER fuck the shit out of her cuck beau sex her monkaHmm HELP JACK peepoWTF In korea EAT THE MIXED HERB LS Pepeha let her lay pepeLaugh didnt kill everyone in rhodes so finish the job sneaky eat something what if it's a honey pot monkaW Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the webtwitchquotes: LS, aka "Low Standards", is a commentator for the LCK that is often ridiculed for his annoying personality and questionable game knowledge. ... LS, aka "Low Standards", is a commentator for the LCK that is often ridiculed for his annoying personality and questionable game knowledge. I'll save you m'lady @milwaukee001 ✋ chapter pls ? lastshadow OMEGALUL mixer dot com !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 37 minutes 38 seconds Pepega Clap @imls WeirdChamp TriHard Clap LUL your core is empty gotta throw a dip in moon2SH Ls is gey You should sleep for stats moon2SH any horse is your horse oh yea Pog jensen ? TriHard Yeah it is give camp the bear what do we do what the bear skin btw? monkaHmm alzeihmer or what ? they're all yours WideHard @MinhooMinh what do we what monkaHmm @C9Sneaky you can sell all the gold watches and shit and buy new guns. i think strauss is out of camp at this hour maybe sleep until morning @Notagingerman1 *with monkaHmm and he will be back FUR TRADER ARTHUR KKona 💺 peepoArrive Mix English and Gingseng @C9Sneaky ginseng and english mace English mace and ginseng Today many people can fortunately be treated with a six-month course of four antibiotics. ... There was no hope of a cure for TB in 1899 when Arthur Morgan contracts the disease – the world's first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered in 1928, and the first TB drug, streptomycin was discovered in 1943. Herbs he gave the ingredients not medicine @C9Sneaky ingredients --> english mace and ginsent @MinhooMinh With do we do what do we what monkaHmm @C9Sneaky dude some of the guns are straight up busted. someone on osrs loan me a dragon warhammer !!!!!!!!! he gave you the herbs and the recipe You need to use the better ammos on your guns... like express @imjonnyyy sure dude @imjonnyyy i would but ull prob scam me imjonnyyy don't beg please moon2SMUG no scam @imjonnyyy go shamans man promise <3 u have to craft at a fire @imjonnyyy Git yah mooch and will add u @imjonnyyy neeeeeeerrrrrd. if I had a spare I would @imjonnyyy just buy one 4Head cook them @imjonnyyy lol that’s an expensive borrow im 600 kc olm for solo raids Scam and ban LULW SCAMMED KEKW @Notagingerman1 TRUEEEEEEE KEKW ign is j0nny s1ns ur 600 kc and cant afford dwh? KEKW FeelsWeirdMan TopHat D: FeelsBadMan OkayChamp Jonny and they just leave KEKW and have olmlet hey KKona @imjonnyyy on an iron? FeelsWeirdMan sneakyHey rude af KEKW Help jack find his dog peepoWTF ur 600 kc and cant afford dwh? KEKW nooooooooo PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands Anyways PepeHands whaaaaaaaaaaat PepeHands no hitman widepeepoSad PepeHands WutFace WutFace WutFace where you going? 3hour andy PepeHands who needs sleep Sneak early stream BibleThump PepeHands !uptime !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 41 minutes 5 seconds PepeHands i got cleaned when i stopped playing osrs REE sneakyFeels PepeHands anyways DansGame PepeHands you have to eat 5 times before sleeping Yeah wait what 600 solo kills and you don’t have the cash lmaooo PepeHands ANYWAYS flight? a REAL gamer would just sleep ingame use express ammo where ya headed? smolRip smolRip smolRip smolRip smolRip smolRip !uptime PepeHands SoSnowy just drink coffee Pepega Later sneaky PepeHands goodnight snackerdacker widepeepoSad niiice nice luxor sucks @C9Sneaky when will you come back SadChamp PepeHands WOO Vegaaas EZ Clap ALL STARS TIME just sleep on the plane <3 sneaker @C9Sneaky Shave beard pls widepeepoSad @imjonnyyy back to zulrah 4 u you gonna stream? I'm betting no SadChamp what now HAVE FUN AT ALLSTARS BRO got zulrah pett too xD LUL put strauss in his place 😡 All Stars HYPERS ! Just stay up all night and stream until airport its only allstars gachiHYPER JUST DRIVE 4HEad Yeah and? 😡😡😡😡🤐 LA to vegas Power nap time! PunOko 😡 WutFace WutFace That face everything is happening because of strauss SadChamp @C9Sneaky Have fun at all stars. One last time on stage PepeHands FeelsClassyMan wineTime D: PepeHands wait that means no stream for a few days monkaS FeelsClassyMan monkaW D: monkaW monkaW wtf GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 Pog GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 GO ARTHUR GO 😡 FeelsClassyMan HOW DARE YOU Critagle subscribed with Twitch Prime. reward A Sub shared Rewards to 5 others in Chat! KEKW a jarb go and get a job KEKW LS PepeHands KEKW those glasses kekw LS KEKW KILL HIM D: PepeHands LS gone widepeepoSad EZ Clap Money PepeHands LS BibleThump widepeepoSad gone snap he gave you the TB Pog completed sentences BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands arthur Pog widepeepoSad Low Standards PepeHands PogU cook the medicine goddam Arthur not looking so good PepeHands WHOA widepeepoSad wait why did he kick him out? PogU good ending possible what happened to LS? Loan shark rip make your tea + BibleThump BibleThump what happened tols? F in the chat for LS shouldnt borrow money i like how nobody cares that u kick him out KEKW F SMILERS he did a good thing hes a bitch, go get their money give them 55 lol some of them where assholes tho KEKW just like in real life PepeHands he's the reason Arthur is sick ginseng + english mace cook them you did that sneaky thats also how you got TB widepeepoSad dead people arent using the money anymore tho alright PepeHands r we talking about imls? the analyst/coach? 3% LUL TriHard PepeHands ya then the bank beats u up 4House WTF widepeepoSad really PepeHands 4House sallie mae fks your credit score 4House good night and goodbye gg's !uptime gnight PepeHands Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 44 minutes 31 seconds have fun @all stars bro! Night Sneakers night xqcL no league PepeHnads widepeepoSad GN Snacky & Chat PepeHands <3 widepeepoHappy see you on allstars @C9Sneaky PogU Nighty night snackers, chat. nn moon2BED widepeepoSad goodnight widepeepoSad PauseChamp linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya ngaAyaya FeelsOkayMan PepegaHands so early cirISee D: BibleThump Byeeeee esports arena stream? sadddd dont leave us sneakers PepegaHands gn Snacks and Chats <3 SoSnowy Imagine thinking ghost's world is real KEKW tell gregory to stream Have so much fun on Allstars FeelsOkayMan <3 Look forward to seeing ur cosplay sneaky :) thats like a week PepeHands sleep tight widepeepoHappy PepeHands cirBlech No have fun man! :) goodnight snacky <3 goodluck for All Stars! SMOrc BibleThump SMOrc BibleThump SMOrc BibleThump Cya ofc budfdy PogU :/ KonCha SMILERS bye bye bye <3 peace widepeepoHappy SoSnowy IceCold GN have fun :) bye SMILERS we'll cheer for you <3 PeepoClap skippypoppin time Gn <3 sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels Who are you gonna cosplay?? @c9sneaky byeeeeee <3 SAFE TRAVELS !time December 4th 2019, 12:56:50 am PST GMT-08:00 peepoLeave now i wait :( Let us knowwwwww :( SMILERS bye schnacky Byee What do we do now chat? peepoLeave SoSnowy TriHard Clap Pog Pog sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp pog poggies HI DAD Pog hi yo!!! litty hi dad hey litty yeay wt up Waddup waddup peepoArrive HeyGuys daddy is online Yeeee hawwwww heya sneaky hows ur night!!? sneakyGrip yooo <3 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw *legendary throat clear* pensaba que te habia olvidado PERO PUSIERON LA CANCIÓN hi sneaky! hi noob Whats crakin bro peepoArrive can you jung in challenger? moon2SH hello Cutie pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD SAME SHIRT? peepoArrive online peepoArrive hello???? :D heyo clash eyyy peepoArrive helloooooooooo peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive mooP tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ peepoArrive how are you peepoArrive @c9sneaky how do your parents feel about your cosplays? how is it peepoLeave Daaaaad <3 @c9sneaky hello oh, its you peepoArrive @C9Sneaky How r Jukes? nisetsumuri subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! wheres the lava lamp hi Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 howdy The sudden i see stars songs lol hottie <3 hi dad :) SneakyGASM Pog InfiniteDashs subscribed with Twitch Prime. sup cuz haceme un hijo @C9Sneaky how's the sister doing these days? someone pm me and let's fap to sneaky together yum UR MY FKIN FATHER hi dad Hi @C9Sneaky bring him home 🌳🌳🌳🌳 peepoArrive hello gamers pobB4M :) @C9Sneaky tried to play persona 5 today, went up against the secret boss, died in 5 turns, turned my ps4 off and went to bed @C9Sneaky can you play in tcs ? sneaky1 sneaky2 .hoowdy suuuuhhhh cirHi sneakyWut xqcBall The I See Stars Epic yea @C9Sneaky Finally! I missed you boss. Yay daddy is on sneakyYeehaw merciless 📢❗ hola :) hello father @C9Sneaky Hi dad Heh, nice stream title, kid @C9Sneaky thoughts on no mans sky Hellooooo DAD yay dad is on :D estás re bueno DADDY Exastron subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! hell ya @C9Sneaky my persona just sucks :) @C9Sneaky what game? hey sneaky wanna join me and my boys for clash? we need a 5th. we're all around d4 though Dad are you gonna place Reach tomorrow? PepoThink will ap on apehelios be any good? hi snacky!! ❤️ Hey Sneaky, can you say hi to Deidra and Oliver? hey daddy i missed you AYAYA MadoStab KKool fucked up my sleep again so i can watch u HELLO DAD CALVOOOOOOO you gonna play clash this weekened? yup @C9Sneaky have you tried conq with runaans on any adcs? it gives 3 stacks per auto so it might be decent on jinx or kali 🕠 peepoArrive hit MaN time what game are we talking about anyway? monkaHmm @call_me_zeroo mods gat :) hi Dad <3 "The hard difficulty is too hard" LULW @Call_me_Zeroo das loyalty right there mooDAB @TheDr3adnought really? for instance what are you talking about minecraft outer worlds? which game we talking? telent01 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! oi sneakers hows it goin m8 this difficulty is a dlc that is free @C9Sneaky persona 5 @thedr3adnought they're nerfing it for range next patch doesn't matter i just finished outer worlds on supernova like critical in kingdom hearts @Skyuu_ ya i tried it in practice tool @c9sneaky TwitchUnity hey sneaky wanna join me and my boys for clash? we need a 5th. we're all around d4 though @C9Sneaky DAD persona? yeah definitely can only play it on hardest difficulty in ng+ wasnt as hard as i thought it'd be tbh 3Head OI devaskar2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hey dad persona 5 difficult? monkaHmm what SNEAK Was waiting for you to come online Pog @C9Sneaky snackers @C9Sneaky Wearing same shirt as yest monkaHmm duo meteos? @C9Sneaky are you going to enable the new twitch channel points in your stream OkayChamp G E R _ _ _ Y ? @TheDr3adnought lmao, seens nice to many adcs NaM outer worlds on supernova aint that hard but it has some annoying shit like companions die super easily and if they die, they die forever hey sneaky, is this your second play through of rdr2? u cant fast travel unless ship persona 5 is surprisingly hard on normal difficulty but probably because you can never regen all your mana/hp in a non shit way @C9Sneaky WOOOOOOOOOOOOT sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH Hello there mr snackers @C9Sneaky bawkAYAYA supernova on outer worlds felt more of a hassle than difficult imo after life 2 on hardest grav gun only bawkHello @ForestFairyBilly peepoArrive God of War gosuUwu sneaky dmc5 goat biscatzCatz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Oh hai snacky. My husband and I are watching you in bed again tonight... it always gives us sweet dreams ;) Luv u. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 minutes 10 seconds @C9Sneaky Monopoly Plus was the game you're trying to think of @C9Sneaky your thoughts on Sekiro? Why does t1 always have so many more viewers than you God of war x33nOmorph hey is the sneaky buttplug available? @hotdogss bawkGood bloodborne ? @C9Sneaky have you played the last jedi on the hardest difficulty? xqcCarried peepoArrive !uptime the problem with god of war difficulty is it makes enemies sponges for damage lol try new doto update PogU @c9sneaky peepoArrive @c9sneaky RE2? Kreygasm a like i hate that type of difficulty tbh @hotdogss gosuHey gachiBASS What is it with all the I See Stars songs? Lol CoD MW2 campaign realistic Hello boys @hiimtiltsu peepoArrive SNACKKYYYYY PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance will the sneaky buttplug be available soon? dying to try it where the enemies are damage sponges instead of just doing high damage jedi fallen order actually horrible game but star wars so jerked off @neilg1990 because t1 has a personality kinda 3some gachiHYPER i beat a jedi off once ill just have to grind my personas to get them strong enough to fight them !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 minutes 59 seconds what about bloodborne @c9sneaky @C9Sneaky dont you think star wars was way to short? peepoArrive sup everyone @C9Sneaky Can you enable peepoClap?? Please its such a good emote morning mister snacky @C9Sneaky @joseppi189 A borderline personality disorder play mass effect on hardest difficulty :) @C9Sneaky you will play the clash? Hello everyone The hardest difficulty on that is impossible and not fun tutorial terrible as in, really hard in a fair way, or terrible as in too easy, or too hard but in an unfair way? @C9Sneaky yeah like i dislike that type of difficulty where on gow if you played the hardest difficulty, the enemies are literal damage sponges and you spend an hour trying to kill them hi @C9Sneaky KEKW the gym teacher? my crotch itches Will you try out Halo tomorrow? it's boring not really challenging tbh Kamoshida xemsai subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! love you sneaky <3 bosses in p5 are so frustrating Sneaky live? peepoArrive No RDR2? Aite ill be back peepoLeave Kamoshida @C9Sneaky kamoshida peepoArrive like i like ds diffculty where they deal more damage but still take damage KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky PLAY HOLLOW KNIGHT one month later I can finally spam@@@@@@@@@@ @C9Sneaky ever play subnautica? peepoLeave 6 hours monkaW @hotdogss D: Do you avoid guides on how to beat bosses? @C9Sneaky play some league of legends kaneisRed @C9Sneaky have you played much dmc5? reminds me of some bosses in final fantasy 12 sneakHey hey dad peepoLeave NO RDR2 duo with biofrost BlizzardWraith subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months, currently on a 16 month streak! Howdy partner sneakyHey @TheRealMC3 Okayga @neilg1990 whatever you want to call it haha, he's funny and energetic. sneaky is monotone and chill. which is fine but not as popular no weebs FeelsGoodMan Clap peepoClap! peepoClap! @C9Sneaky play devil may cry 5 pls AYAYA Clap bawkAYAYA @hotdogss Okayga @C9Sneaky supernova felt more of a hassle than actual difficulty because you cant fast travel unless to your ship, companions die super fast and if they die they're gone forever, you cant sleep unless on your ship ResidentSleeper guardian ape from sekiro FeelsWowMan @TheRealMC3 sneakyHey true gosuAYAYA play some league of legends kaneisRed persona 5 hard monkaHmm i wonder D: @C9Sneaky why would you say something so bold, yet so brave? HEY IS BUTTPLUG AVAILABLE? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 minutes 43 seconds So LASO Reach tomorrow then??? @smolclaire sneakyHey AYAYA no AYAYA in chat peepoLeave Heh hola Ur fookin late @c9sneaky Slave knight gael from Dark souls is my favorite boss in any game atm NaM AYAYA Clap @TheRealMC3 MaN just like league 4Head AHHHHHAYAYAYAYA cirAYAYA NaM NaM Me, because if I one shot something, it feels impressive @C9Sneaky and if you bring the confidant to the max on your first playthrough, it transfers their good stuffs to the ng+ @ItsJustValk Weirdga cirAYAYA that's what i hated about kh3 cirAYAYA cirAYAYA wheres hit MaN cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA "you'll never take kairi's heart" is forever engraved in my brain because of how much i had to redo that fight Pepega peepoLeave I feel like destroying a tough boos, from pure prep is satisfying. But I can't name a specific instance of that happening this guys an absolute CHAD RDR2? peepoWTF I heard not a single team wants you is that true or just rumours @c9sneaky yeah @TheRealMC3 go AWAY hey @C9Sneaky i like you. like a whole bunch bud. i hope youre happy. I’m gonna play ever champ sneaky plays tonight bot lane Sneaky do you still sign shirts? first playthrough was on hard then second playthrough was on supernova sneaky I want to kiss your teeth kaneisFat @C9Sneaky have you played much dmc5? @itsjustvalk peepoArrive cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA WeirdChamp The Demon of Hatred from Sekiro took me about 50+ tries to beat. It was god awful. AYAYA SEKIRO @C9Sneaky yeah i had to level up inspiration so they have more hp and always press z to make them stay the fuck away from fights NaM NaM So what you’re saying is that you’re gonna play thru LASO on Reach’s campaign tomorrow then?? u r so bad AYAYA sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 NaM Clap @C9Sneaky did you enjoy it? sekiro is so last year trunoomSmug @C9Sneaky like i had them set to ranged weapons and THEY FUCKING GO MELEE RANGE STILL @C9Sneaky did you ever play sekiro on hard mode where you get damaged from parrying? !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2168 cuties in chat AYAYA i felt so good beating that demon what supp should i play rn i have shotgun diarrhea xfsnAYAYA xfsnAYAYA xfsnAYAYA !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2169 cuties in chat AYAYA hurry im picking PublicGift subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! God Gamer Activated wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwwuwuuwuwuwuwuwwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu hello my snack boy play soem katarina pls !AYAYA !followage AYAYA There are 2170 cuties in chat AYAYA YuanDirection has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 6 days some* !AYAYA @C9Sneaky you had to do the thing with the kid yeah bro had to ring the bell gosuUwu @C9Sneaky Can I send my jersey to you to get signed? yuumi jungle i'm subscribed Pog actually insanely hard NaM NaM minecraft hardcore mode 5Head @c9sneaky I found out that the story % on RDR2 includes the strangers quests, so you’re probably getting close to the end even though you’re at 52% demon of hatred was hard till i realized how to dodge his charge attack lol !AYAYA twitchRaid AYAYA There are 2171 cuties in chat AYAYA didnt know u had to jump hair blue sex maybe yes @C9Sneaky im on my second playthrough and you can buy the personas from your first playthrough with the money earned sneakyH LASO REACH CAMPAIGN WHEN THEN !followage Where is Johnny? AYAYA !followage im a cutie? Pog have you played the new pokemon yet? @c9sneaky @C9Sneaky Red dead tonight ? xqcBall_HF @c9sneaky are you playing Halo tomorrow? abyss watchers in dark souls 3 were dope af I beat it with the demon bell and without the charm. Pretty difficult LULW yes i'm here early this time !follow age pog PokMaskedpika @boush7 he played it on stream Okayga !followage !followage Error Connecting To Remote Server there's nothing wrong with looking at a guide @C9Sneaky get good personas 4Head you still have to beat the boss yourself !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2172 cuties in chat AYAYA hi AYAYA sneaky i'm the one who said 4 stars if you had smoked the j AYAYA which version did he play? d !AYAYA CoolCat AYAYA There are 2173 cuties in chat AYAYA @TNG_Synpax i like the way he does it tho. blind and look at guide only when youre ultra hardstuck AYAYA see marnie one more time 😡 @c9sneaky what time is it where you are? I missed it then! One if the last palaces in P5 took me 5 hours it was so frustrating and fun are you playing any hitman today? AYAYA Clap Is this a girl or a guy??? @c9sneaky play kat today AYAYA marnie hit MaN peepoArrive dont lewd marnie FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss peepoFat O.o @C9Sneaky you should do that hard mode sekiro because you are a god gamer (: @C9Sneaky do you play cait? @JessieS23 peepoLeave hail of blades Kat top CorgiDerp @C9Sneaky was fallen jedi actually hard or overreaction like Sekiro IS SNEAKY BUTTPLUG AVAILABLE? well yes, I also wouldn't just automatically look at the guide without trying to beat the boss without it first sap mate hey guys I bought red dead and never played it but im getting kinda hooked to watching you play it cirGasm @hotdogss D: ur toxic hey @C9Sneaky did you play witcher 3? that game on hardest difficulty, although fun, was kinda easy pls play some Katarina !followage @JessieS23 :D @c9sneaky are you not in NA? you’re always on so late for me Any games you're looking forward to coming out soon? @C9Sneaky widepeepoSad ppl overreacted so hard to sekiro saying it's hard lol problyHi shazeaRaheart problySmokeyHeart problyToasty notchhWtf YuanDirection has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 6 days mendoComfy mendoComfy have you decided on allstars cosplay yet it was literally easier than all soulsborne @hotdogss FeelsEvilMan Kapp On a scale from 1 to imaqtpie how good are you? i felt bad that yesterday you were playing hitman on queue and i was missing, i always miss when you play without changing the game on twitch, feelsbadman lookin cute FeelsEvilMan !followage what time zone are you in sneak? @C9Sneaky do you think No Mans Sky throws too much at players early on? gachiHYPER @Call_me_Zeroo i definitely do not think sekiro was easier than dark souls 2/3 UWot once you learned parry sekiro was not even hard @C9Sneaky .. i felt bad that yesterday you were playing hitman on queue and i was missing, i always miss when you play without changing the game on twitch, feelsbadman SNEAKY DRAVEN LULW Sneaky in Sekiro Pog the last 2 bosses of sekiro monkaX !gachiBASS @C9Sneaky repelling in sekiro is actually easy cause u can literally just keep tapping the repel button NaM NaM C9 botlane inting in KR soloque pepeLaugh no @Viperzlol whered u see that What’s up sneaky cmonBruh hit MaN alextrollHype alextrollHype alextrollHype alextrollHype alextrollHype alextrollHype pokuriHEART pokuriHEART pokuriHEART pokuriHEART pokuriHEART zach when the fuck are u finishing re2 WeirdChamp @c9sneaky what time is it where you’re at? pepeLaugh Darksouls 1 you perry regularly TriHard 7 @RenatoDeKush vulcan_lol sekiro is a lot harder than d1-d3 imo. esp boss fights - like, the 3rd easiest boss in sekiro is harder than 90% of bosses in DS1 and DS2 @c9sneaky you won't go Urgot bot snackers POGGERS @C9Sneaky imagine if the persona series comes to steam PogChamp i have 320 hours in re2r and u still havent finished it @C9Sneaky are you going to enable the new twitch channel points in your stream OkayChamp wtf TriHard 7 game is too immersive to stop all the time @C9Sneaky hey are there any announcements coming soon? too scary? Aww shieeet, it's another Sneaky Stream Kreygasm he didn't even finish re4 DansGame sneaky is there a big difference in skill between masters and grandmasters players? 5Head @Viperzlol im so happy. fuck them imagine a world where we live in a society CarlSmile Snarf051 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 52 months, currently on a 52 month streak! hey buddy hope your off season is going well. I made a bet with a few friends that by the 9th week into next split you, tanner and Pob will be on a starting roster. what you think? Zven sucks bring back Sneaky #NotMyC9 LUL are you playing Halo Reach tomorrow POGGERS how about danganronpa cirBaka Sneaky I love you @C9Sneaky do you suck peepee sometime? Duck hunt is hard i have 2000 hr in black desert online widepeepoSad AFKing in FF14 is Pog 52 millennia Pog WTF sneaky didn’t finish RE4?! HandsUp Yikes ewf Make sure you try Divinity Original Sin 2 too sneaky, that game is one of my fav games all time, really love it @C9Sneaky ah Well... About that... @C9Sneaky accept me on steam pls oof HandsUp snacky <3 @C9Sneaky halo reach tomorrow sneakyH HandsUp Starting roster for TCS Pog When do we find out what your future plans are? @C9Sneaky do it HandsUp why is that an oof FeelsBadMan that guy doesnt know pepeLaugh !time December 2nd 2019, 10:19:50 pm PST GMT-08:00 @C9Sneaky can we be friends? you find out his future plans in the future duh @C9Sneaky Duo metoes @Shopaz Probably in the future 4HEad soon is poe 3.9 sneaky accept my fucking request on steam :) @C9Sneaky meatytoes waiting for the tcs roster announcement FeelsOkayMan i love you @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky any red dead today? Love you Snacky <3 when play the new game Pretorion04 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 48 month streak! Yo, 48 months not bad Have you decided what you are going to do? Just not saying yet? honestly, I'm sure he'll announce on twitter and like youtube when he has information @c9sneaky have you ever played the Fable games? sneaky accept my fucking request on steam :) i just sent a request you joining shadow dogs ?? weird pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky who was your favorite character in dmc5? ignoring Hai PepeHands ITS THE SNEAKER I'm excited to see what it is :) @C9Sneaky soon™ Yilli hey sneaky just wanted to let you know my dorms wifi cannot load a twitch stream without buffering every 5 seconds and that makes me sad cuz i have these bits but i can hardly even watch the stream so i cant donate them guess ill pay off student debt instead yiliang peng Pog hey hello znoki @kenseikage1 -> No Links! [warning] Hai AYAYA :3 petah peng Skips hai sad KEKW lmao Weirdga ahegao gachiBASS Yiliang Peng! UwU he's my favorite Peng @C9Sneaky it's call_me_zeroo on steam gachiBASS peepoLeave not playing hitman peepoLeave ye ye I just bought a PS4 a few days ago, getting shipped soon - what are some must plays guys (other than GOW, HZD, last of us, bloodborne, P5, and ratchet&clank)? ye that's me :) thats hotdogss thats me :) purge the weebs peepoArrive @ItsJustValk widepeepoSad CiGrip CiGrip AYAYAWeird @C9Sneaky u add me :) it's call_me_zeroo !song DMC% Is Sneaky on a team? CiGrip @hotdogss sorry nyacchSad throwback profile pic YOU DONT MAKE FUN OF UGLY VIRGINS!! D: it make me gasp!!! D: haHAA sneakyGrip LOL LUL KEKW DMC5 snacky peepoArrive peepoArrive7 t1 Pog KEKW how often do you accept friend requests? @skilledspellz RDR2, MGSV song anyone?! @C9Sneaky who was your favorite character in dmc5? sneakyD gachiBASS LUL gachiHYPER gachiW gachiW @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiHYPER doctorWARCRY gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp forsenCD ? ANELE LUL crasyeyes subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 71 months, currently on a 71 month streak! its been a long time almost six years monkaS !followage AYAYA AYAY @chrono023 is MGS5 still worth playing having never played the others? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Mei23 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 9 months, 2 weeks, 3 days AYAYA 71 monkaX AYAYA Clap AYAYA 6 years Pog AYAYA AYAYA will castro return OpieOP LUL HIGH APM LOW BMI LUL haHAA gachiHYPER o 71 monkaW Clap Kehando subscribed with Twitch Prime. @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! fuck dude 71 Are you gonna play halo @c9sneaky level 7? weak what happened to all the apps? THATS ME PogChamp high apm low iq add me on steam too sneakyE KEKW Pog NICE OBSERVATION 4Head 5Head ???????? @skilledspellz Absolutely. It’s a pretty self-contained story. more money more level? Hai?? Pog pls snacky add me widepeepoSad 115 monkaS it is LULW KEKW Hai AYAYA AYAYA Yilliang Pog AYAYA KEKW !followage OMEGALUL AYAYA @C9Sneaky wait it didnt work, try adding me :( poopnugitx has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 6 days PepoThink add fake hai Pog 222 LEAK HAIS ACCOUNT POG leaked monkaW add fake hai anyway Doxxed LUL leaked LEAKED monkaS thats hais alt Kapp iis that real Doublelift? he adds everyone add him 4Head monkaSHAKE looool How much for a steam sign LUL OMEGALUL Who is this "Dyrus" fellow LMFAO 1 GUY KEKW weeb version of hai Pog free him softie BigBrother he boolied you I have 170+ harassers D: @chrono023 sweet ty, will check it out. seems like it is on PC too he's not the only person named hai in the world Subbed for 48 months and ignored PepeHands zach it didnt work u add me :) peepoWTF OMEGALUL CiGrip that blocked guy is in a more exclusive club than the friends :o bad take senna ban through having hais steam account you have now given me access to all of his credit card information sneaky1 sneaky2 peepoLeave uhh.. is Shaco ban worthy? TOS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER LOSER cirLaugh Doubting the Papa OMEGALUL DansGame gachiBASS gachiHYPER can't really judge him without watching him play. doubt most ppl talking about 100t has actually watched OCE (ik i havent lol) He's an Analyst, not a comment tater LOSER @C9Sneaky 4Weird @skilledspellz Anytime bud. However you can play those two, do it! 4Weird somebody cut just sneaky saying "i dont have a penis" please lmao gachiHYPER 100% pen is 4Weird put a new one :) DADDY SNEAKY POG SHOW US gachiHYPER I had a penis, I swear @c9sneaky make games public please dad @C9Sneaky it didnt work im not your friend :( PLAY HITMAN 4Weird @C9Sneaky you still talk to Mob? :) cheer500 what the fuck is baby yoga whys everyone talking about it DansGame what D I S S A P P O I N T E D 3==D PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp 2 BABY YOGA yoga Play RDR ! PowerUpL RaccAttack PowerUpR MANDALORIAN Pog baby yoga monkaW yoga accept my steam friend request for all the god damn money i've given u ogxmav subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! We only rooted for C9 because Dad so we go where you go now xoxo -sincerely definitely straight man yoga just got into the stream and hearf TriHard baby yoga @C9Sneaky did you beat that walking simulator? YOGA selfie now gachiW cmonBruh From The Mandolorian Baby Yoga LULW @C9Sneaky add me on steam or i ban all weebs :) baby yoga Pepega Clap yo gabba gabba? @C9Sneaky you still talk to Mob? :O play Kata MaN !up time YIKES Only 880 LUL 880 LUL still a noob Hewwo chat and sneaky OwO 880 hours i have 370 hours in re4 lmao !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 22 minutes 15 seconds when did u play so much cs? I don't see rocket league young man ? how many hours of league would yuou guess you have @C9Sneaky i remember my first 1000 hours of poe LUL @c9sneaky wait youve played counter strike wtf @C9Sneaky are you going to play POE 2 when it drops next year? already added you i think @Call_me_Zeroo Darko Souls PogU 119 ON SEKIRO LMAO can we get a 5 bf mf game ? @C9Sneaky I HOPE NOT LUL LUL i have 603 hours in boardless gaming :) great game 119 hours wasted on Sekiro KEKW SKYRIM <3 Kappa He was stuck !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 23 minutes where is DS2? it is far longer than DS1 and DS3 MrDestructoid =======C AYAYA terraria Pog @C9Sneaky if you dont play halo tomorrow im gonna eat ur ass I had like 13k hours in a game :) at least scholar of the first sin is really long i have the most hours in games i speedrun ds2,re4,re2 NOW UR NOT A PRO PLAY IT AGAIN 4Head @c9sneaky I have 515 hours in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and none of it is afk, lol. Sekiro best From game dont @ me are you pro now? I have 4k in cs FeelsBadMan whats up sexy girl @c9sneaky play battle brothers Pog PepegaPls @BobDaBilda dude i refunded that game there was a time before you were a pro? @C9Sneaky @Kadry I agree you were pro at skyrim? @Kadry WRONG 4Weird @BobDaBilda it was so slow paced star guardian mf so i have jerk it material plz ok gachiHYPER hey @C9Sneaky how are you today? gachiBASS ok played like 20 years of runescape it's sad tbh gachiBASS what got hard??? cirThink Call darshan?? sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw monkaS @C9Sneaky the friend request bugged and you didnt add me :( Sneaky is in inting mood today PogYou who don't you take conq on in botlane? MaN NP 💿 ? forsenCD ? forsenCD went pro in skyrim impressive @mage_23 4 is nothing:P forsenCD @banned_account_the_7th_ I liked it, but I get that it's not for everyone OwO forsenCD forsenXD OwOW OwO forsenCD MaN @c9sneaky have you played FF XV? OwO OwO kltsunebl subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! OwO mendoUWU 56% KEKW @BobDaBilda seems like kinda game so i got ended up refunding lmao @BobDaBilda it made no sense that u had to press space to drop on the floor.... wtf owo AYAYA @unsleeping_ PogChamp MF and Blitz is my favorite bot Lane combo :D too busy with league yes yes you did liar jump force ighting game of the year POG stop saying glhf losers @BobDaBilda and everytime it loaded u had to press space to 'continue' wtf.... @love_deprived hesitation is defeat helau c9snikers Global Agenda Pog @jamieontwitch bro mf leona is nuts here i was thinking snacky was a hardcore gamer DUUUUUDE THAT SKIN IS Pog disgusting glfh players I swear mom I didn't play that much BabyRage still Cloud9 ADs ? LUL Fix cam Tekken 7 FGoY sneaky did you ever attend a university? whenare u gonna play rdr again ? @banned_account_the_7th_ so your problem was... Controls? You're trolling, lol use bewitching MF next pls 😠 @BobDaBilda pretty much every pc game space = jump @C9Sneaky those are hours you spent fapping to the animated characters RIP horny orny FIX CAM @BobDaBilda not even Lemme see them toes @C9Sneaky PepegaPls i never thought you'd ever listen to music like this sneakySpook2 CAM PepegaPls C( kicked him out?? fix cam Kreygasm @BobDaBilda it was like tiny things here and there you either listen to hiphop or metal PepoDance run kled widepeepoSad @BobDaBilda the aim was terrible too... KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky Fix cam 😡 KEKW cam potential Pog play from blitz OMEGALUL hi youtube KEKW LUL LULW LUL WTF KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW OMEGALUL NOO WTFF PauseChamp LULW KEKW NA FIESTA lol lmao SO BAD LULW LULW what an ape he choked KEKW PogChamp KannaNom DARSHAN OMEGALUL wow fuck sake darshan DARSHIT LULW I blame sneaky DARSHIT ????????? Darshit KEKW Darshan Weirdga the fuck brain lag my mannn snaackyyyy DARSHIT KEKW @C9Sneaky cam covering map 😡 @c9sneaky my dying wish is to see you play an fps game WutFace What a fucking newb LUL report him chu listening to KEKW True wtf daphCozy TeaTime no he didnt @c9sneaky I blame you, they saw you and bursted it down lol he will never beat re2 or re3 Unreal hook re4* is that a blitzcrank he could pull red to bush and let mf get buff holy shit it's sneaky @C9Sneaky when do u do variety (so i cant watch RE2) can* HOLY SHT ITS SNEAKY THE FORMER PRO PogChamp team KEKW Halo reach Pog wtf are they doing OMEGALUL he usually does it after a few hours of league @call_me_zeroo he won’t finish witcher3 either but wont do it now probably @C9Sneaky GG open bott since he's doing rdr2 hmm okay thanks NA SOLOQ KEKW PogChamp cirBlind Pog Pog Amen AMEN sneakyFiesta BlessRNG BlessRNG aw MaN Worth Pog you need jesus darshan BlessRNG What a fiesta bounty doesnt update in combat :) team smurfing POGGERS lol blitz in chat wait u never finished witcher 3 sneaky? 9 kills 3 minutes sneakyFiesta wtf Sneaky camera blocks half of minimap :( :) ok :) Seebass10 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 9 month streak! You're awesome Snacky! widepeepoHappy Been enjoying the Red Dead Redemption 2 streams lately FeelsOkayMan keep being amazing sneakyH not even 4 minutes 9 kills game @c9sneaky when u getting rtx? blitz got the blue anyways witcher 3 overrated :) stop playing fucking mf Weirdga 3 DORANS Pog doesn't even finish the games he starts 4Weird professional gamer btw 4Weird Never even played code vein on stream :( heh widepeepoHappy yay sneakyH @C9Sneaky good camera fix :) yay widepeepoHappy DORANS color @bastc1 lol man chill out TRIP DORANS BB there's so many games he never finished lmao horizon zero dawn almost full build Pog 😡 FINISH RE4 😡 gachiHYPER gachiBASS Stream lagged did he get my donation gachiHYPER widepeepoHappy gachiBASS gachiW gachiHYPER FeelsWeirdMan haha seepingass yee haw only halfway finished he didnt finish re4 or re2 MaN AYAYAWeird MadoStab u should join a lame team like ggs Sneaky never finish ANY :) ERS IN THE CHAT? :) This is I see stars 😨😨 Full build Pog dorans? peepoArrive ayeee seabass! @Seebass10 :) :) sup tojju We need more sneakys :) @C9Sneaky when are u going to finish league of legends Kappa Playing I see stars pog ? :) / "Helping" @C9Sneaky have you tried building dn on mf? mr crank KEKW blit LUL yo what's up zero? :D / an donly a few of them pay this well KEKW I love that sneaky seems like hes just messing around, but in actuality hes just a god. oh the blitz is darshan! When will you finish roblox @seabass273 Ayyyy my fellow Seabass! PogYou OMEGALUL agilSip KEKW Collect one of each doran to summon doran himself @C9Sneaky the fuck? This blit OMEGALUL blitz KEKW i want that supp dorans PogChamp dude darshan is so bad wtf kekw this blitz is a fucking ape NA BLITZ KEKW ZION SPARTAN PogChamp paolocannone are you? bro wtf is this game ???????? 3 dorans peepoArrive sneakyFiesta that's a pro player wtf? this game WeirdChamp blitzs LULW @C9Sneaky why 3 doran? something about his teaccher Wtf is darshan doing LULW even his teacher calls him washed up garbage what the f is this Blitz doing sneakyFiesta Clap darshan inting W A S H E D bot side too much action blitz early game lol this feels like my ranked games again LUL LUL Forest DansGame 11 kills 5 minutes sneakyFiesta Darshan being so trash show how bad NA was. LUL new meta KEKW why is darshan so shit Because Dorans give good stats :) why is it good to stack doran's blades now? burn flash go back in Pepega even his teacher calls him dog shit fuck for forest daddyyyyyy daddyyyy snackyyy snackyyy <3 <3 for fun :) why is their toplaner in your base hec diving tier 2 at 6 minutes LUL !dorans tf iss this hec LuL 🐴 trunoomLol lmao cus you cant tilt minions sneaky lmao NA challenger game KEKW he's doing his thing :) KEKW KEKW no dorans command? FeelsWeirdMan MGS music PogU KEKW "high Elo" @damianmeth bot lane exp nerf. They get 3 so they can survive ganks taliyah is such a useless champ AngelThump if you get kills in lane it's pretty solid though challenger btw KEKW ALCOVE Pog why anyone picks her ??? LULW blitz????? lol AngelThump WAT KEKW KEKW KEKW ??????/ k? this blitz pepeL dude what is darshan doing BLITZ?!?!?! MrDestructoid peepoLeave Darshan???? Did Sneaky say what his plans for Spring 2020 are? KEKW KEKW Inting he's running it down Blitz? LUL darshit peepoLeave DarSHIT cirWut BLITZ???? KEKW :O Blitz Pepega Clap KEKW TRASHan instantaneous death? peepoArrive KEKW 80cent subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Hi Snackers. What do you want for Christmas old buddy? darshan living up to the nickname Kappa he forgot to buy an item ok guys blitz trolling .... free solo XP Pog Ping him @C9Sneaky Darshan doesnt play support report blitz KEKW DARSHAN 4FUN RETIRED So why is Darshan on a team but not Sneaky? LMAO LUL Dead again LUL LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO ?????? LOL LUL CHAIN INTING KEKW ?????? WOW OMEGALUL ... LUL KEKW ???????? darshit inting again LULW EU BLITZCRANK LULW lol OMEGALUL BLITZ IS INTING KEKW pepeLaugh Darshan?!?!?!?! Darshan hard inting OMEGALUL OH MY GOD KEKW running it back with the run down bot PogU LUL he's turbo running it down lmfao darshan???????? AHHAHAHA dude what the fuck this darshit is actually boosted LMFAO wtf EU RANKED LULW PepegaPls inting cirLaugh run it down BigBrother And Darshan was really a pro player? LULW report blitz tyvm blitz with the solid gameplay LULW TURBO INTING What the fuck was that. LULW why does darshan hate you Holy shit is he omega tilted? Running it down? Or wintrading? Like LUL give us ur Amazon wishlist NA SUPP KEKW Pog ? wintrading LULW PogU LUL ???? Pog PogU Pog Pog POG KEKW KEKW ??????? LULW dorans PogChamp LUL LULW ??????? Pog LMAOO Pog SCUFFED Pog Pog 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP Giga feeding Champ PogU LMAOOOOO NA "Pros" KEKW LUL DORANS Pog Pog SNEAKY ??? WHY R TOWERS SO DUMB 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP 🤡 HYPERCLAP TURRET on the last Hit?!?!? tfb5Head KEKW LUL LUL POGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Pog DORAN PogChamp GOOD SHIT nice that dive Pog THE DORANS Pog here comes blitz PepegaHands DORANS META PogU Sneaky alpha as fck DORANS blitz monkaS barrier PogU DORANS KAPOW get this man a job NA DIVE LULW skilSmile ????? NA challenger KEKW Talyah didn't hit him NA CHALLENGER oddoneClown Clap NA CHALLENGER oddoneClown Clap NA CHALLENGER oddoneClown Clap NA CHALLENGER oddoneClown Clap LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL now i see monkaHmm DORANS BLADES B**** SNEAKY WHY DONT U BUY MORE BLADES monkaHmm KKona FeelsClassyMan seankyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw blitz KEKW darshan btw sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo Weirdga LULW sneakyYeehaw partner KKona REALLY BLITZ? "holy shit im inting" KEKW FeelsClassyMan wineTime i see partner! Blitz needs some D blades then LUL sneakyYeehaw can u buy more blades and stick them up my asshole sneaky why do you only have 3 dorans blades, honestly just pathetic Darshan KEKW 4 too much RDR2 lol KEKW Darshan you really are a memelord Darshan just notice that LUL yeehaw lapeJairChamp the dorwegian blade at least he realizes i am za bone of my sword!! Blitz would make me afk Darshan KEKW Poor Darshawn, playing as well as he knows how Collect one of each doran to summon doran himself whats happening to darshan DARSHAN IS LEVEL 4 WTF what would arthur do? bf blade DansGame DARSHAN bmth Kreygasm @C9Sneaky why do you only buy 6 blades and not more? what the fuck blitz level 4 KEKW Abusing solo exp DansGame monkaS monkaW monkaSHAKE @C9Sneaky I see a sword not a blade DamnShizzelDieDizzel subscribed with Twitch Prime. bring back acoustic I See Stars widepeepoSad dont die them monkaW again cirLaugh heh is this the funnel strat Darshan KEKW Pog still level 4 OkayChamp PogChamp NothinGolden subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! good night sirrrr I see stars Pog lvl 4 LUL Lvl 4 PogU LVL 4 pepeLaugh hi snacky level 5 COGGERS Why Essence Reaver ??? Youmous its better than, right? good music Pog whats with the dorans buy constantly? im outo the loop LUL KEKW Pog VisLaud Pog LULW Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog EZ FUCKED Pog Jebaited PagChomp 5Head Pog Pog Kreygasm Galaxy Brain Pog POG PogYou Jebaited Pog who needs support Pog PagChomp Pog Pog Pog pog PogChamp PogChamp OMG Pog gachiHYPER Pog PogYou PagChomp WHO IS THIS GUY WHO NEEDS A SUPPORT Pog PogYou and this guy is jobless how?! Pog sneakyEZ cya kid Jebaited LUL LUL PogU why pick taliyah SNEAKY IN LANE PogChamp PogU Darshan carrying trunoomPog Kapp that was sick darshit c9 should pick up this guy Pog LUL Doublelift was wrong PogChamp what elo is this SHOULD OF DONE THAT IN WORLDS PagChomp and people say hes not LCS material #freesneaky SNEAKY IN LANE PogChamp Darshan brain LUL PogChamp DARSHAN 5Head Darshan the inting hype man 1 v 2 what skin is that. chat? 5Head darshan PogU darshan strategically killing himself to give you solo exp SNEAKY IN LANE Pog darshan 300 iq inted for that gun goddess mf gun goddess @Velcuzz darshan actually 5Head he got you up in lvl Kapp Almost like you didnt live outside of lane ty darshan actually galactic brain 5Head Darshit gun goddess sneaky Kreygasm Darshan actually 5Head by not sharing xp in lane PogChamp darbigbrain @Velcuzz Gun goddess MF I think siinnful subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 3 month streak! 3 dorans ring vs 3 dorans blade this guy should go pro hes good! Lord of the Dorans Darshan planned out all along.. what a Fucking god !song 3/6 not enough dorans @enrique8123 honestly he could get signed to a bug team like c9 big* !music 30 kills 12 mns tsm at best MaN a fax hes good enough @pinklysmooth doran ring stack is not good bullets OSFrog HOLY SHIT holy shen taunt Lee holding kick OMEGALUL yo that shen wtf The whole gang ADC LULW this shen lol shen Pog CC CHAIN monkaW THAT SHEN PogU @C9Sneaky if you started the game with 2400g would u buy bf and warhammer or 5 dorans? That triple fear into triple shen taunt PogU nasty shen flash jesus that taunt shen PogU monkaS 👉 🐴 this entire game is a meme man is that yungrezzy on shen its all the lvl 1 ignite kill on kled noob team ADC in preseason is so fun. Kappa AYAYA ? AYAYA 4Weird AYAYA top laner Heca AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAYAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA KEKW AYAYA ✨ pepeD ✨ no 4Weird AYAYAWeird AYAAYA AYAYA RISE sodaAYAYA AYAYA ? lol AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? AYAYA cirAYAYA Weirdga AYAYAWeird AYAYA 7 GOT THE HORSE COCK gachiBASS AYAYA AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA AYAYA WEEBS OUT WeirdChamp WeirdChamp DONO dont 4Weird cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Pepega AYAYAYAYAY AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAY HandsUp ayyayayyaAYA AYAYA AYAYAA !cutie count AYAYAYAYAYAY AYAYA AYAYA can someone give the stream of that shen? cirAYAYA Clap WEEBS WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 AYAYA AYAYAWeird ur my least favorite <3 AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA moon2AY kappa RedTeam AYAYA 🔫 NaM WEEBS OUT 3rd PogU AYAYA cuties 3rd? AYAYAWeird AYAYa is a meme? DansGame AYAYA AYAYA WEEBS IN AYAYAY AYAYA aya aclariParty AYAYAWeird NORMIES AYAYA RedTeam AYAYA 🔫 NaM WEEBS WILL BE EXECUTED cirAYAYA cirAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA 4Weird ✋ weeb out shipAYAYA AYAYA Clap No 1 favorite ex-LCS player Kappa AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAY AYAYAY AYAYAY AYAYAWeird NO YOU SAID 3RD PunOko AYAYA AHHAYAYA cirAYAYA hey its ok sneaky you're my second Kappa RedTeam AYAYA 🔫 NaM WEEBS OUT @C9Sneaky IS THAT THE LEGENDARY TALIYAH BOT Pogus Champiopsn FINALLY MY EFFORT OF SPAMMING DMS HAS PAYED FeelsStrongMan OLD I SEE STARS PagChomp AYAYA NORMIES OUT THIS IS A WEEB ONLY CHAT AYAYAWeird AY rip 1st tower blitz Pog SeriousSloth KEKW DARSHAN TURBO INT PogU NaM idiot darshan darshan trolling LUL Blitz is feeding you shutdowns 5Head holy shit this blitz is garbage PogU LUL EZ Yoink PogU akali LULW !followage YOINK TriHard monkaS FeelsLitMan MadoStab gachiGASM HunisS has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 1 day blitz is darshan LOL outplayed LUL IMAGINE HATING WEEBS IN 2019 OMEGAYAYA sad thats a champion LUL gachiW sad F this team is so bad man gachiGASM do you have a team gachiHYPER "Shen support is useless" EleGiggle ? @SnipingHobo dont think anyone has ever said that one more boomer typing "xD" and I'm out of here FailFish hikoXD Ornn jungle look pretty OP xd xD 3 dorans blades vs 3 dorans rings Pog xD just report akali and blitz pls @cabstero leave the boomer alone Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited monkaS 👉 xD AntsInMyPants33 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Love you Dad xD everyone in your lane now that they know Darshan is blitz (': bnanaPepega hey sneaky i got a new cock Okayga mainly that blitz is buns XD 10/3 Hec gonna clap your ass xd 3 rings sucks tho insert the blades into the rings HandsUp @simplegin1506 he’s the most broken champ in the game 3 rings to rule them all imthenova subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! this game is the definition of the NA region KEKW CANNON KEKW Since I've paint my PC in black it run faster PogChamp CANN OMEGALUL N 15 minutes, 37 deaths SadChamp CANN OMEGALUL N PepeHands TRUE KEKW SadChamp i guess its time for hitman OkayChamp back to 30 min queue it is wtf is this damage Look at that shit KEKW thats a fat horse PLACEMENT LULW nice ults LULW r KEKW Red Dead Redemption time OkayChamp darshan turbo inted the whole game ??? LULW LOL LOL LULW LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW wtf this is broken OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW LULW KEKW xlu KEKW ???????? LULW LUL KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW win trader clown game @C9Sneaky why is it that hecarim seems unkillable in some games but useless in others?? cmonBruh cmonBruh Is Hecarim god tier? LUL DARSHAN AND TURBO INTING, NAME A MORE ICONIC DUO why is his game so weirdly colored? hec is dog in this meta 1 vi force Cool lucian skin WOW SNEAKY POG one v HORSE Hecarim is feast or famine y no storm razor? @TralosKensei you and bad memes wtf is his healing why all the Doran's blades? @rozero1234 nah. hes just too fed Sneaky cosplays and me masturbating @TralosKensei You mad bro He's trash taliyah threw she sold one of her rings You guys saw the new launcher? @RenatoDeKush to be a .... god and that 1st blood on kled Frozen heart tabi's 40% cdr monkaW Akally KEKW A-Cali? ^ akelly c9 academy has 2 TCS (tyler1 tourney) finalists KEKW mf dps KEKW @ShxwOff_ the one that was released months ago? EhKally rkelly? 🐴 🛡️ r-kelly A cow lee? mystery hero akali 🌭 @rickymaje The white one? :) A Call Lee zfgFish any news on what hes doing next season so does this mean you're gonna get the horse cock this game? @ShxwOff_ Yeah, that's old. how often were you able to call the unwinnable games in lcs?? Akaali @C9Sneaky Have you tried aphelios yet sneaky kun? ive been away for a few days PepoThink LUL A cali? justiceincarnate1216 he played him once, on pbe monkaW 70% hit on health @rickymaje Wow for me it only appear today lmao LOSEBLE what about sitting there telling chat about it LULW KEKW lol LUL EU BLITZ LULW DARSHAN SO BAD @ShxwOff_ only some people get it. It was released months ago. this blitz is so fucking bad blitz with the constant feeding @justiceincarnate1216 its on youtube if you wanna check it out LULW ??? KEKW 4Head LULW just FF cool. ill check it out later NA ULT KEKW this ones looking over potluck a lil toxic lol gg FF Darshan target inting ff and play hitman Okayga ff GO NEXT is darshan drunk? dash ff Darshan is inting most of the time... that is why his teacher calls him Dirty inter Darshan sneaky is because you didnt go 4 dorans darshan actually inting darshan must be drunk @clearlylifts 6 woo late night stream ive never been in a game or watched when darshan isnt getting criticed for inting KEKW Darshan washed up XD didnt vote DansGame is darshan zionspartan? FF LULW @C9Sneaky should've went 7 dorans and sold your trinket for a dorans loser doomed game doesnt ff thinkin not anymore conq dmg xd darshan on lcs team good joke KEKW youre only at 75% power @steponlegos yes no seriously whats the benefit u fk wtf didnt realize thats darshan.. jesus he really went down hill huh? FeelsWeirdMan but hecarim is godtier with cloud :@ New item: Bundle of Dorans Blades yeah because people waste their cooldowns anyway @firesong2612 it shows healing xd every time i open your stream you are losing, why? 10% R CDR monkaHmm like Cloud9? Kappa oh xd I think ocean is dogshit THROWING SHADE AT CLOUD9 KEKW the map is the least impactful for sure ZIONSPARTAN Pog DARSHAN KEKW KEKW KEKW KLED LUL like the buff @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] LULW 4 oceans on kassawin thoi DENIED KEKW gachiBASS VisLaud WutFace Pog gachiHYPER gachiW gachiHYPER Kreygasm monkaW IT'S A JUICER PogU Kreygasm LULW SYNDRA E LULW LMFAO blitz Wtf was that ball cirLaugh sneakyGasm that syndra orb??? ?????? WTF SYNDRA BALL LULW F KEKW zfgOhNo LULW KEKW did kled just go around the wall and ult after he was blocked? LUL HORSED KEKW shofuL Is conq worth on mf? Feel like press the attack still better @c9sneaky LOL wtf that ball @C9Sneaky should've sold your trinket and got 7 dorans dummy Saved LEE KEKW Imagine playing ADC this patch LUL pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM @seebass10 bawkHello hm TANK BTW LULW !music Is it because cloud drake has the name cloud in it? LUL cloud 9 @C9Sneaky ryoma hit 1000 LP Pog yeah didnt think he would hit it just go lethality !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 46 minutes 4 seconds any clip9s? @ForestFairyBilly popesYo widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky You try switching to presence of mind and starting storm razer instead of essencer reaver?? !playlist Doot doot it seemed awkward to me as well napacabbag3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! hi LUL he does a small dash Any clippers? whoma? cirLaugh 2/9 BLITZ KEKW DARSHAN OMEGALUL he flash in? hi :) hi yeah it seemed weird I though so too hi :D Are you cosplaying Genja ?!?! darshan is the definition of washed up RAM RANCH poor snacky cpt mf still best Mf !playlist Doot doot do you think you need last whisper? monkaW I dont know how to clip twitch. Pretty much hacking tier to me 22 minute blitz quest LUL u shocked by wolves? Quest complete at 22:43 VisLaud blitz LULW blitz LULW what is darshan fucking doing idk whats blitz doing LUL Silver blitz peepoPog BLITZ KEKW KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 47 minutes 27 seconds DARSHAN WIN TRADING KEKW he went to space 17/4 horse KEKW you not thinking you should flash that is the reason ur off C9. Improve Game knowledge and game sense. Prove to Jack ur Worlds worthy. LULW NEVER KILLING THAT MF yo darshan is wintrading wtf KEKW Pog at last he did something DARSHAN trunoomPog he did it Pog akali PogU armor pen? PogU OOOOOooOOOOO that 1 no Akali PogU monkaMega Destrucsean subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! Aww Geeze monkaW missed ult LULW gachiBASS Bigpotatoemoths subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Eat shit loser LUL Hecarim so big wtf why is babby yodda a boomer meme? takes no damage from tower KEKW horse monkaS monkaW HOLY LUL KEKW cheer200 monkaS 🐴 hecarim KEKW LuL KEKW LULW balanced pony LUL KEKW KEKW hes healing more than the turrets deal dmg to him xddd good god ff legit taking no damage KEKW monkaW big boi hec KEKW cirLaugh hec BrokeBack UNKILLABLE When are they gunna nerf HEC JESUS 18/4 hec KEKW HORSE POG doesn't click yes LULW eating everything actual raid boss D:< sneakyD horsey monkaS CANN OMEGALUL N literally only akali can touch him winnable Scary skin too monkaW content :) its me :) PepoThink im in you :) good job riot 4Weird darshan int more? blitz won't land every hook KEKW pepeJAMMER hecarim, shaco and kayn will always be my most hated champs as an adc in that order forever and always Jensen killing everyone monkaS BIG IF KEKW its the cloud 9 in you that wants to ff LUL darshan admited to griefing holding team hostage PepeHands Kappa sure This Hec counts as beastiality bork? darshint monkaW YOU MIGHT WIN IF DARSHAN MORPHS INTO A NEW PLAYER sell your items and go ap 5Head hook the horse Kappa Land a hook KEKW how is blitz lookin for hooks? PepegaShake actually darshit KEKW @C9Sneaky does conq feel good on mf ? Sneaky holding his team hostage FeelsWeirdMan Marideus52 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! gachiBASS Clap gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP Spread em spreading buffs Kreygasm spread Kreygasm I want to watch the horse roam free spreading gachiBASS spreading those buffs @c9sneaky could you turn up the volume a little bit please? gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiW gachiHYPER butt cheeks gachiGASM gachiBASS @rami_lost you must belive in the dorans Cloud with a Hecarim seems very balanced. :) @C9Sneaky SORRY LITTLE GUY gachiW spreading those buff cheeks buffcheeks gachiW I think hec is already spreading your team GZ_Zeldafan subscribed at Tier 1. gachiHYPER 83 conq healing LUL sneaky spread my buffs plz I wish someone would spread my buffs FeelsBadMan gachiHYPER gachiW GachiW imagine 4 clouds with Rav hunter @c9sneaky @Fingerlights cloud does no longer give movespeed Cloud with a Hecarim seems very balanced. :) @C9Sneaky , 40% movement speed after ult, not going to hit hard at all. :) Sneaky you're a turd ocean @Youiporit the soul does !server @C9Sneaky does conqueror feel good on mf ? @Youiporit the areas around the buff do No prisoners SwiftRage 1000 GOLD Pog @Tripleify you mean ultimate hunter? monkaW 🐴 @tripleify you cant though its impossible DARSHAN TIMED THE HOOK PogU WUT ??? if a player like darshan can get a spot on a team sneaky has no chance LUL HERES COME HORSEY monkaW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW SKILL FULL ARMOR HECARIM LULW tank LUL ????? GZ_Zeldafan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months! Hey Papa, love you always Song: JUST WALKS THROUGH IT KEKW KEKW hec KEKW KEKW SKILLED HECARIM ADC BTW HECARIM POGGERS nice champ riot RAID BOSS DOWN walks through mf ult jesus KEKW Combo your ult with E you idiot conq btw KEKW in the blink of an eye lee lvl 11 1 MILLION ARMOR HECA monkaW @fing{i mean yeah, but its really rng and the areas in the jg is really situational worth it if we dont lose POG frozen careers LUL hi chat hi chat :) FROZEN BAGS hi chat :) :) avoiding studying for finals and watching dad instead ;) hi chat :) D: lol D: hello :) D: D: LUL D: @Skeptical01 KEKW D: monkaGun 🐴 SillyChamp LUL D: D: FeelsOkayMan TeaTime COCK KEKW hey man :) D: D: D: Hi just get black cleaver and sanguine blade to counter frozen heart D: gosuGasp D: YOU TELL HIM SNEAKY D: omfg hi :) @Skeptical01 pepeLaugh D: HE TOLD US TO SHUT UP!!!!! he dudes :) sneakers doodYelp sneakyD kanjuHey kanjuHey kanjuHey kanjuHey @BickBackBool hey you too :) howdy chat build armor pen Hi :) D: haHAA MOOOOOM haHAA the streamer said a NO NO haHAA it offend me and make me gasp!!! D: haHAA Clap my mental is fragile and weak haHAA D: haHAA @Skeptical01 KEKW who tells a pro adc how to play LuL why no executioners ? @C9Sneaky ANOTHER CANNON Pog monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW broonze nob telling snkeay what to do KEKW sneakyTrash monkaS @Skeptical01 pepeLaugh @Skeptical01 pepeLaugh @Skeptical01 pepeLaugh @wbrunooo flat pen does not counter armor stacking lol D: peepoLeave @Duxure howdy pardner xdddd sneakyD it sucks to be a male pornstar its always “GIRL NAME GETS FUCKED IN ASS BY HUGE COCK” or “MASSIVE DICK RAMS GIRL NAME IN THE PUSSY SO DEEP IT KILLS EVERY FETUS IN SIGHT.” never do they ask how the HUGE COCK is doing. they dont even give the HUGE COCK a name. its dehumanizing. it’s disgusting. it sucks to be a male pornstar. anyways i’m off and outtie here to go jerk my little weewee to bellybutton penetration, later Jake. @harshilv15 he has wait sneaky you need armor pen @gimmepizzza333333 you okay? cleaver? hashAya @im_Terms black cleaver is % reduction 🐴 KEKW i think you should build rabdons deathcap @gimmepizzza333333 ur actually the same guy as yesterday. you actually sit in twitch chats spamming that shit when people use the gasp emote @wbrunooo yes but not sanguine 🐴KEKW @hangoverx1x feelsbadman i noticed after FCreep forgiven is bacc in lec monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW USING THE ALCOVE PogU @gimmepizzza333333 ????????????? monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW hec monkaW 🐴KEKW 🐴KEKW 🐴KEKW it sucks to be a male pornstar its always “GIRL NAME GETS FUCKED IN ASS BY HUGE COCK” or “MASSIVE DICK RAMS GIRL NAME IN THE PUSSY SO DEEP IT KILLS EVERY FETUS IN SIGHT.” never do they ask how the HUGE COCK is doing. they dont even give the HUGE COCK a name. its dehumanizing. it’s disgusting. it sucks to be a male pornstar. anyways i’m off and outtie here to go jerk my little weewee to bellybutton penetration, later Jake. howdy chat ratirlHowdy DARSHAN KEKW LULW turret LULW USELESS LMFAO LUL holy shit, gg ZDPS LULW @zed_fi im just glad im not the only one UwU 3 v 1 no problem LUL @im_Terms sanguine gives more aspd and lifesteal + a lil bitty bit tincy wincy armor pen 0 turrent damage ACTUALLY NO DAMAGE LOL NICE HOOK DUDE HOLY i think he is strong ITS DOOOOOMEDDD raid boss hec KEKW Hecarim monkaW it sucks to be a male pornstar its always “GIRL NAME GETS FUCKED IN ASS BY HUGE COCK” or “MASSIVE DICK RAMS GIRL NAME IN THE PUSSY SO DEEP IT KILLS EVERY FETUS IN SIGHT.” never do they ask how the HUGE COCK is doing. they dont even give the HUGE COCK a name. its dehumanizing. it’s disgusting. it sucks to be a male pornstar. anyways i’m off and outtie here to go jerk my little weewee to bellybutton penetration, later Jake. RUN monkaOMEGA monkaW 󠀀 KannaNom never used r ff FINAL BOSS KEKW monkaS 👉 🐴 monkaS 👉 🐴monkaS 👉 🐴monkaS 👉 🐴monkaS 👉 🐴monkaS 👉 🐴 hit yes before you die XD flashing away from your own tower AIGHT IMMA HEAD OUT GG KEKW ADC 2019 4Head Just do it. cmon @Skeptical01 pepeLaugh combo idiot last whisperer is useless @C9Sneaky JAJAJAJJAJAJA HE DID IT @C9Sneaky Hello my man, hope today has been going well for ya, or at least better than this game looks. !!!! 4HEad ahahaha using ult to wave clear PogU MADMAN FeelsOkayMan TeaTime COCK 󠀀 KEKW HandsUp I SUMMON HYDRA 8::::D HandsUp shoulda went ap MF dummy Kappa @gimmepizzza333333 you are in this chat every night spamming that, chill man. I'm worried for you F LULW ADC Pog pepeLaugh 4HEad AHAHAHAHAHAH hi chat :) I was the Hecarim :) monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW i hope the next ezreal skin is just a cosplay of kurapika 🥺 KEKW SHEN FF that a big horsey Don't be mean 4Weird Kled LUL Hooking him is looking grabbing onto an explosive that is going to go off. XD PepeHands FeelsOkayMan TeaTime COCK monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW 3 academy/lcs pros vs one speedy boy monkaHmm yes he can KEKW just blame darshan KEKW Y U NO FF shouldve never sold that dorans @C9Sneaky penis FeelsOkayMan ADC IN 2020 LULW Ive been bronze for 7 years i think i know what im doing PepegaHands thats not broken Kappa monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKWmonkaGun ..... 🐴KEKWmonkaGun ..... 🐴KEKWmonkaGun ..... 🐴KEKWmonkaGun ..... 🐴KEKWmonkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW 🐴KEKW bluewhiskeyreal subscribed with Twitch Prime. so which dirty inter to report? :) penetrating gachiW Darshan running it down that was one tanky pony dar giga shit KEKW i don't think you know how to play MF :D gachiHYPER why didn't combo with e idiot pepeLaugh i watched a game where a malph got 1k armor with mountain drakes 75 Well played monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW JUST 225 TO GO KEKW FeelsOkayMan TeaTime COCK 󠀀 Team needs butthole surgery after that Darshan actually inting. HandsUp 25% LUL LUL LUL Should've build AS reduction immunity smh killed by Jensen the horsey :( @1999188 lul @RGBenja or sylas :) @C9Sneaky with klepto gone do you think lethality mf is the way to go now ? ORNN R 21 MINS @C9Sneaky IRON CHAT KEKW IRON CHAT KEKW IRON CHAT KEKW IRON CHAT KEKW HYPERBRUH BLITZ 0 OF 30 HOOKS DARSHAN OMEGALUL @C9Sneaky just play Jayce or Quinn Top or something man. ADC is TRASH play vayne PogU headBang penestration gachiW @Duxure 4Weird gachiBASS monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW gachiHYPER gachiW gachiGASM gachiW TANK META KEKW penetration Kreygasm revenge of Jensen gachiHYPER your teammates were something else huh KEKW thanks for not giving up @JeremyWatts sneaky1 sneaky2 Okayga TeaTime COCK gachiHYPER just needed storm razer duh JUST COMBO BRO 4weird hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive 🐴 KEKW 300 Armor did you try just doing damage to the horse instead of tickeling him? Need more penetration gachiW monkaGun it was just the tip @C9Sneaky monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW You are a legendary tryhard @c9sneaky StoneLightning i think after something like that you just need to do an ARAM KEKW PepegaAim ulting in it was close xayooAtak skip honor page D: monkaS 👉 🐴monkaS 👉 🐴 monkaGun .... 🐴KEKW monkaGun .... 🐴KEKW monkaGun .... 🐴KEKW monkaGun .... 🐴KEKW @C9Sneaky is adc the worst role atm? TOXIC D: should of just killed him old yeller style to get the groove back Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 D: can't mages kill him or no Red Dead to get revenge on the horse... soon ornn with the mountain drakes is fucking Kreygasm monkaGun ..... 🐴KEKW masachanLewd monkaGun .... me monkaGun ..... 🐴 3 people with 10 deaths KEKW Play Cait once in a whileA PepegaHands haught1LeftStacheySwag haught1RightStacheSwag Okayga TeaTime COCK hecarim monkaW @C9Sneaky thank you for your sacrifice that was fun to watch :) do you have any offers? 300 armor btw no honor PeepoWTF what does he use to record screen? @C9Sneaky do you think lethality mf is the way to go now ? sneakyHey tyler1Hey ratirlPepe tfbHey trkWave voyHELLO yasH hec monkaW do items of armor pen stacks? @c9sneaky pls don't blame darshan... not everyone is lucky enough to be born with hands thats called League Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK SenpapiGG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! we just gonna pretend like zion spartan didnt just run that shit down like a degen? oh fasho have a nice day zoramura subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Have you decided on your plans for next season? Wish you the best, man. 83 conqueror Pog lol KEKW sneakyHey tyler1Hey ratirlPepe tfbHey trkWave voyHELLO yasH i was gifted 7 subs KEKW Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 Epoxian_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! we need more sneaky aphro duo lul LULW lmao Liandrys mf would have won that game :) @C9Sneaky the ornn thing Okayga TeaTime MALE GENITALS LOL ORNN ULT @ 21 MINS @C9Sneaky i thought that u said hacker and i panicked lmao RDR2 now peepoWTF Twitch carry! old graves PepegaHands NotSoEZ xayooRAGE xayooRenka1 xayooAtak xayooBANNED Zven would have carried that :) LUL PepeHands did you finish read dead ? duo blitz hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive u would have won if u went mage bot like Cassio/Veigar Okayga TeaTime COCK savage @C9Sneaky what about black cleaver and LW? would that give ..... 50% ? !song I SEE STARS DAY 2 IM DOWN isnt graves a pirrate not a cowboy? pick graves KKool it sucks to be a male pornstar its always “GIRL NAME GETS FUCKED IN ASS BY HUGE COCK” or “MASSIVE DICK RAMS GIRL NAME IN THE PUSSY SO DEEP IT KILLS EVERY FETUS IN SIGHT.” never do they ask how the HUGE COCK is doing. they dont even give the HUGE COCK a name. its dehumanizing. it’s disgusting. it sucks to be a male pornstar. anyways i’m off and outtie here to go jerk my little weewee to bellybutton penetration, later Jake. heimer? Snacky is right. No graves. He cant even smoke to refill his dead eye. Kappa duo meteos @C9Sneaky 🌭 KannaNom respawned died at tower Yes need meteos duo ya he died twice in lane @cintheninja peepoArrive 3 times Orn ult Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 Duo aphro or meteos 😡 headBang ay aphro is online graves adc is lit with storm static @briskkoalatea fuck off @C9Sneaky Duo with Aphro! matchlessluckyjodok subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 13 months! Gimme Some AYAYA Snickers <3 XD @sharinone WTF WAS THAT SYNDRA BALL?! Holy crap that hurt my eyes LUL 3 shot some kids Okayga TeaTime COCK lol i got subbed on ratitrl and boxbox today im lacking snackers tho any gifhtas aphro went online as soon as the dono said that monkaW 🌭 peepoArrive it sucks to be a male pornstar its always “GIRL NAME GETS FUCKED IN ASS BY HUGE COCK” or “MASSIVE DICK RAMS GIRL NAME IN THE PUSSY SO DEEP IT KILLS EVERY FETUS IN SIGHT.” never do they ask how the HUGE COCK is doing. they dont even give the HUGE COCK a name. its dehumanizing. it’s disgusting. it sucks to be a male pornstar. anyways i’m off and outtie here to go jerk my little weewee to bellybutton penetration, later Jake. AYAYA @senpapigg nice inv meteos if yo uhave a big pp boxKEK boxKEK boxFail boxFail boxFail WILL U PLAY APHELIOS ON ALL STAR? DUO METEOS Okayga TeaTime COCK AYAYA AYAYA ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower AYAYA Big LUL @source52 lmao u mad? if a guy like darhsna get a spot on a team sneaky has no chance @C9Sneaky sneakyHey tyler1Hey ratirlPepe tfbHey trkWave voyHELLO yasH i was gifted 7 subs KEKW @xailpm wind drag move speed too LUL the hit box on the horny ornny ram is kinda jank Wadu hek big ass gachiW ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift ratirlGift @xKreider THIS IS MY PIECE BITCH @C9Sneaky did conqueror feel good on mf ? ratirlCage ratirlGentleman ratirlSip ratirlBusiness hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive @hotdogss peepoWTF Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 Grief Meaty toes @JessieS23 peepoWTF @C9Sneaky have you tried anymore DBFZ lffnNom lffnThink or just the couple tutorials you did ratirlPOGGER I mean you still did well on mf hit MaN peepoLeave 🚽 inv meteos if yo uhave a big pp DONT TOUCH MY CHIMKEN WING ratirlBusiness just taking care of bu$ine$$ not enough team iq to win qtpPOO Dope music snekerz MEEETY TOES duo aphro! NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP he should switch to another role so he can be useful in his games :) widepeepoHappy Dragonball fighter is gay !followage peepoLeave 🚽 sneakyChair peepoArrive lliottt has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 1 month, 4 weeks, 1 day HeyGuys DayDreemin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP chat. what the fuck is this sub badge @aphromoo just join the lobby !followage i cant tell i want chimkin wimg So, how is your day Mr. Chair? pepeD sneitsCry_BW @SenpapiGG thick thigs ???????????? @c9sneaky I really enjoy watching you play rdr 2 sneakyH what does he use to record stream? !followage @dirtydrops he played it for a bit, but the online is broke. Joshthejuan has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 5 months, 6 days !playlist Doot doot @SenpapiGG thighs, be thankful TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard never meteos duo PepeHands !followage !followage who are you talking too like that Okayga !followage i will throat punch you shawkingh OBS Any TriHard 7 spammers in chat? MrBigSang subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! Can anyone tell me the playlist? hey chat is there a way to turn dark mode back on? :( gachiHYPER sumSmash MaN peepoLeave 🚽 sneakyChair peepoArrive ! TheLOWERY subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 12 month streak! its our 12th month sneaky, good luck in ALL-STARS. duo aphro? PepegaPls PepegaShake TriHard !followage jacobchristensenn has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 1 month, 3 weeks @C9Sneaky does conq feel good on mf ? Are you gonna play halo tomorrow? HYPERS @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky missed my subscribe message SadChamp @C9Sneaky Clean me please I am a dirty dirty glass sneakyH Is that a TSM shirt you have on? sneaky will you gift me some mystery blue essence icons? @C9Sneaky Okayga TeaTime COCK sneaky are you a millionaire @hotdogss sumSmash Okayga !followage ki7 Does sneaky not like hitman? @JessieS23 SadChamp duo would be good vibes dad Okayga @C9Sneaky what is your background picture? !followage I want sneaky’s thighs too @C9Sneaky duo with aphro!! @c9sneaky Do you listen to Soilwork at all? @julianbelkin hes not !Gear @hotdogss OkayChamp @c9sneaky what playlist is this? @ofreaky Monster Hunter Udyr ADC? Pog They just want you to lose LUL Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 graves PogU Okayga TeaTime COCK Ashe @julianbelkin yea but he declined MuttBunch323 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @C9Sneaky I just played it today, graves press with storm into static is actually nutty it's preseason why not @c9sneaky stormrazer varus pls :) @C9Sneaky Cassio but you just did that KEKW @C9Sneaky MingLee @C9Sneaky any thoughts on the 9.24 senna nerfs? @C9Sneaky you can 1shot some nerds 11 MingLee MingLee NaM NaM ❗ @0Juke ty :) MingLee Has anyone seen TehFluffehCake? @c9sneaky don’t forget my song please :( I just donated earlier Okayga TeaTime COCK this fukin storm in my area is affecting my internet and I can't watch the stream properly :// Minglee is aphelios out yet? vayne adc MingLee NaM ? WE CAME A ROMANS !followage MingLee Clap fking china @C9Sneaky are you participating in Reddit Secret Santa???? emo666 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 months, 3 weeks voice crack LUL @ButterQuack on the 12th @ofreaky np :D YEAH Kreygasm ? WE CAME ON ROMANS !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 59 minutes 19 seconds yo Losing in video games KEKW vayne adc KEKW @c9sneaky jhin plz? APHELIOS! don’t release aphelios HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp HandsUp Okayga TeaTime COCK @0Juke <3 Kreygasm Kreygasm @zenibee thx fam <3 worth the delay? he talking about bork? !AYAYA <3 AYAYA AYAYA There are 2174 cuties in chat AYAYA There any reason I shouldnt jizz my pants rn? Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK 4_FOUR_4 subscribed with Twitch Prime. HandsUp Okayga TeaTime COCK @c9sneaky i actually buy cull and 1 extra doran, am i trolling? gachiW PP Touch cheer500 will you say something inspirational? @C9Sneaky do you think conqueror mf feels good ? @C9Sneaky are you playing clash sir? gachiGASM !followage trevorpoop1 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 5 days Impact said Broxah looks like Machoke. Would you agree? AYAYA Hashire sori yo~♪ AYAYA kaze no you ni~♪ AYAYA Tsukimihara woo~♪ AYAYA padoru padoru~! AYAYA sneakys still learning himself AYAYAWeird Kapp Okayga TeaTime COCK @julianbelkin NotSoEZ Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 Okayga TeaTime PENIS sub ignored FeelsBadMan (either that or i didn't hear it) Does sneaky not like hitman? @C9Sneaky no hitman while in queue? FeelsPepeMan lol @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HAhaa FeelsGoodMan FeelsGoodMan OkayChamp 👍 PogU ME? Thanks! :) FeelsWowMan FeelsGoodMan REALLY? MMMMMM gachiHYPER HandsUp SeemsGood HOW CAN WE ALL BE THE BEST THOUGH? o_o Pepega Clap Mario Pog TheBlueOp subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 43 months! are you gonna be in tcs ? Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Pog xD NO MUCH MOTIVATIONAL FeelsGoodMan The mario laugh makes it Okayga TeaTime COCK The whahoo was the real inspiring part Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 just believe u can do it Okayga TeaTime COCK PogU i can FeelsWowMan @C9Sneaky I failed no not November in Italy but We came as Romans AYAYAWeird wineTime AYAYA wineTime Which song is this chat YES Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK NOW HandsUp Fuck yeah lets get it EZ 🔫 YES I CAN BEEEEE WOWOOWOWOW @C9Sneaky accidently click ur instagram acc F Okayga TeaTime COCK HandsUp Viictarion?? if only sneaky could give me courage bed side while I'm with a woman yes! HandsUp Okayga TeaTime COCK HYDRA all day FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK HandsUp HandsUp @zenibee to plant a seed by we came as romans @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! @c9sneaky when i don't have enough for bf i get cull and second doran's Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 gachiHYPER Cock Pog THANK YOU SIR gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiW hitman ResidentSleeper anyone know song THANK YOU SIR gachiHYPER AngelThump I’m so inspired hydra FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK HandsUp hi @C9Sneaky luv you dood @EatSprayLove thanks He lost he plays ffxiv? HIT MaN peepoArrive why does he have c9 in his name still? thanks sir HandsUp PLAY DOTA Pepega @Victarion? he lost Kreygasm Hitman peepoArrive League peepoLeave sneaky when you cosplay how do you keep your pp from touching your b-hole? Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 HITMAN peepoArrive @C9Sneaky what ffxiv world do you play on? FLA Sneaky Kappa @julianbelkin ur free @C9Sneaky you gonna play halo when it comes out? @c9sneaky after a few weeks of s10 how do you feel about it? Pog snacky <3 PogU @c9sneaky is cull considered trolling nowdays? Pepehands PogU WOW NaM Pog Okayga TeaTime COCK MAIN GAME PogU when reach Chat he can't lose no nut november in destroy dick december WeirdChamp hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive hit MaN peepoArrive @c9sneaky I love you Sneaky-senpai AYAYA monkaW @C9Sneaky i heard aboutt he buttplug incident i hope you're okay @c9sneaky is senna adc viable? hitman peepoArrive cool stuff reach at noon peepoArrive Buttplugs yo sneaky u tryna lick my balls or what Hitman peepoArrive sneakyByfar PepeHands @c9sneaky no more surprise 3GB updates? gachiW Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 :( D: HIT NaM Hitman PogYou peepoLeave wait no buttplugs sumSmash MaN 2 @C9Sneaky im on leviathan. I used to be the richest on the server. gachiHYPER 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head EleGiggle EleGiggle @tehfluffehcake peepoArrive 30 PepeS Lynn been begging you LUL HITWOMAN 2 I LOVE THIS GAME @C9Sneaky @TheRealMC3 peepoArrive 30 monkaW halflife 2 ? Pog Okayga TeaTime COCK buttplug peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave you can put your giggaballs in my mouth what fucking game has a 30 gb update HIT FUNgineer what server? @TehFluffehCake peepoArrive @C9Sneaky i quit. and stopped botting. i'll give you a 30 gigabyte update if you don't watch your mouth HIT NaM 2 HIT MaN 2 @tsdsett he's still with c9 lol @hotdogss peepoLeave @TehFluffehCake hey mate peepoArrive are you guys talking about hitman? so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky raipod subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! dude i've been asking in chat for a while if getting cull and a doran blade is trolling or not D: Go to Excalibur 😠 @TehFluffehCake D: oh shit my bad it was 4AM i was tired Would Kaiser have been good into hecarim? @GZ_Zeldafan oi oi peepoArrive Adventureness subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! @C9Sneaky As soon as you see hit man's bald head peepoLeave Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 @hotdogss just kidding peepoArrive @TehFluffehCake sodaD Kaisa* botting WeirdChamp OkayChamp @C9Sneaky im struggling with food poisioning help me dad widepeepoSad TROLL D: are you playing in the 1v1 tourney at allstars? SillyChamp @CYBERBOOLI_xD did you see my headscratch widepeepoHappy are there different servers for hitman?? dafuq cull OMEGALLU hello u little shit :) hi sneaky :D Rumors on the street is u have a large voracious cock can you confirm? sneakySoTroll sneakyMeteos sneakyByfar sneakySame sneakyCheese sneakyW sneakyWoo sneakyGasm sneakyCup sneakyBoost sneakyFun sneakyMonte sneakyPride sneakyFiesta sneakyLemon2 sneakyJack sneakyClap sneakyYeehaw sneakyClaus sneakyChair sneakyHey sneakyLUL sneakyBug sneakyFeels sneakyNLT sneakyFedora sneakyWut sneakyE sneakyWeeb sneakyC sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakyTrash sneakyChamp sneakyEZ sneakyGrip sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneakyC9 sneakyH sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyD sneakyWEEBY leviathan is on primal right? sad, i’m on aether Hitman Pog Okayga TeaTime COCK Ur mom is troll MaN @antiq_maestro what game are you talking about haHAA IMMA GASP IF U SAY A MEAN WORD!!! D: haHAA what class? FeelsWowMan COCK Good MaN my main is on Siren :) feels not good MaN what game is this? FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK FeelsWowMan COCK @TehFluffehCake Yes on discord i love head scratches widepeepoHappy D: pepeLaugh master difficulty oh no no no @CYBERBOOLI_xD widepeepoHappy <3 D: D: @c9sneaky yes, after recall instead of 2 dblades you get a cull too sneakyD @cobothegreat ffxiv Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall Okayga TeaTime COCK so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky anyone else like HUGE cock? Kappa sneakyD PogU xqcBall Okayga TeaTime COCK WE CHILLIN EZ KKona VisLaud miami MIAMI EZ Miami boys we made it peepoPog KKona TriHard XQC Subs daphHide skr main game peepoArrive hitwoman 🦍 MIAMI CITY TriHard game looks so dope Kreygasm peepoArrive peepoPog FAST AND FURIOUS Roaming pog Ok Timorousjester4 subscribed with Twitch Prime. CAR EZ peepoBlonket movie time NaM xqcLeather yes monkaHmm Okayga TeaTime COCK 󠀀 MingLee @c9sneaky i get it mostly on ashe since her Q makes cull heal 12 hp an auto MingLee NaM MingLEe MingLee Clap peepoBlonket MingLee xqcLeather xqcLeather xqcLeather MingLee Man MaN Risk it all HandsUp rammus in this game or what? numba won MingLee Кронштадт Red Dead Hitman POGSLIDE forsenCD Pog Car wow forsenCD speed monkaHmm peepoFinger high steaks widepeepoHappy Pog Hey sneakers did you see that doublelift actually loves you? Wow vroom vroom peepoBlonket Okayga TeaTime COCK forsenCD momentum monkaW PogU I was playing Forza 4 yesterday. Is this 5 or something? CHINA NUMBA WAN bURself PogU MaldChamp KKona wasnt this a hitman 1 mission? is this hit man 2? KEKW MaldChamp KEKW LUL Casual 47 OkayChamp @C9Sneaky looking like an absolute chad KEKW baldy pepeLaugh No belt DansGame Sneaky is now the stream i fall asleep to peepoBlonket except his random screams wakes me sometimes LUL MaldChamp hitman 2 looks lit af. No clown costume peepoWTF O_o gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER rip LUL gachiBASS knock him out gachiHYPER gachiW gachiW gachiHYPER gachiBASS KNOCKOUT gachiHYPER gachiGASM T POSE EZ KNOCK HIM OUT Q Kreygasm gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER ok Mr Clean KNOCK HIM OUT Pitbull Mr 305 comin thru sneakyGasm gachiHYPER touched your gooch gachiHYPER sneakyPride gachiHYPER HeyGuys SOMETIMES PEOPLE HAVE CHIPS feeling the muscles gachiGASM gachiGASM foreplay gachiW NO HOMO NOT THERE gachiBASS PROTOCOL gachiHYPER fk, if theres a @Victarion in this chat jsut pm me Kreygasm Nice outfit baldie people sew bombs into their stomachs man, maybe you had a gun under your skin gachiBASS beat her to death with the can @C9Sneaky hes sizing up ur guns buddy even lower gachiW how is a soda can non lethal i could kill someone with one KNOCK HIM OUT lets start subtracting I have to inspect your penis sir it's protocol drink it to get the stamina bonus game? he kinda looks like azael oh wait wrong game FREE PHOTO TriHard Clap FAMOUS TriHard OMEGALUL :) TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard :) :) cmonBruh TTours this is not very sneaky of you sneaky TriHard Clap TTours Soda Pog MaN B) :) wait i blinked PepeHands @sirEndeavor hitman TTours 4HEad im gonna kill some people plz take my picture 4HEad DONT KILL THE CIVILIANS D: @TehFluffehCake widepeepoSad a hitman getting his picture taken before he mercs... nice nice forsenCD My store now bitch You look good sneaky @addcheesepls oh nyo widepeepoSad peepoPog on mobile and can’t see bttv emotes again SadChamp MEET VIN DIESEL peepoPog Pog Shopping simulator xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr 4Head just kill everyone 4HEad Throw can at someone's head @dusksenpai thx sneakyE xqcGr @Intels sneakyE sneakyE xqcGr YES PEE TIME ? forsenCD going to the bathroom? peepoLeave 🚽 EMPLOYEES ONLY BRO 4Head @C9Sneaky did you not see the hoghlighted thing? forsenWC watch the race pepeL IN THE DUMPSTER 13min que? its hitman? do you want to build a snow man xqcSnow peepoPog you're in sneaky1 sneaky2   sneaky3 sneaky4 dammit Pyro_Three subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months! love you snacky imagine streaming to 9000 McGamers at like 2am KEKW h4d3n vip badge peepoPog <3 hitman? sumSmash MaN 2 @TheWangChi ? 4HEad HIT NaM dan2the2man subscribed with Twitch Prime. PepeS WATCH OUT !followage SNAP HIS NECK PepeHands KEKW DISGUSISE D: Maaachew has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 1 week jesus! D: POGSLIDE SNAP HIS FUCKING NECK FeelsGoodMan D: innocent PepeHands bUrself REEEEEE all the racers saw that D: disguise D: Throw body onto track monkaW 🥫 SNAP NECK Throw him on the track sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 pepoBASS @Cemantics D: is this hitman? gachiHYPER psycopath stop the race bUrself TriHard TriHard gachiBASS OMG HE DIED GASP!! D: haHAA RAPE HIM! @c9sneaky daddy ily sorry for my dumb question PepeHands PepegaAim sneaky i demand you welcome me back RIGHT NOW Pepega Race Marshals are important to Racer safety. You're a monster SNAP HIS NECK FeelsEvilMan dungeon master gachiHYPER gachiHYPER he is naked @cemantics LULW where monkaHmm why not snap the neck gachiW Snap his neck Pepega nyoom widepeepoHappy sierra gonna die yerr Kappa TriHard SKRRRR NOT SNAPPING HIS NECK WeirdChamp bUrself bUrself ? bUrself what game is this i wasnt paying attention skrrrrrt sneakys que is always so long bUrself forsenBee bUrself bUrself THE SPAWM IS HERE bUrself bUrself FeelsOkayMan TeaTime . o O ( Okayga ) TeaTime COCK yea LUL bUrself reeee bUrself bUrself bUrself sneaky needed to kill the civilian to progress in the game, but this situation makes me offended and gasp haHAA D: haHAA run after her Pepega bURself sounds like mosquito KEKW Bomb the track monkaW monkaMega KATANA Pog FeelsOkayMan bUrself Call in a Nuke OkayChamp 🅱️ bUrself toss the body onto the track THROW IT ON THE TRACK VisLaud @c9sneaky hey can you go back I had to use the bathroom and missed something Kappa what game is this? weroreAYAYA weroreGASM weroreCrying KEKW LULW throw the body onto the track sneakyE TURN LEFT HARDER KEKW monka drag snap his fucking neck PunOko BZZZZZZZZZZZZ game? LMFAO ur cheese grating him on the floor LULW ?? !queue Sneaky is playing Outer Worlds in queue, so that at least he can participate in Worlds somewhere @adclovelace hitman KEKW @adclovelace Hitman 2 🤔 LUL 🐐 wtf same DuckerZ Pepega What Survivors WeirdChamp What game is this? wot pepeThenk Pepega heh? DuckerZ UH sir this is a wendy's YOUR PEELING HIS SKIN The Outer Worlds? Pog KEKW squadR huh DuckerZ why does he have to be black ?? what JUMP FeelsGoodMan didnt close door LULW KEKW Jump widepeepoHappy is this slavery tycoon? Kappa Pepega MR PRESIDENT WE GOT HIM ABOOT 3Head kill him cirSmug !gamw Wow so sneaky queue is 100% bugged monkaS Pepega !game @MostInfluential -> c9sneaky is playing League of Legends LOS Pepega monkaW just walk in there monkaHmm Pepega oh door opened must've been air pressure DOOR JUST OPENED RANDOMLY 4Head BETTER NOT CHECK 4Head cmonBruh @Zorphoz he's had long q times forever LUL just joined. What is this game? LOL Wow door opening by itself PepeLaugh Just Look Thru Wall 4Head KEKW KEKW magic door opening completely normal sneaky door Kreygasm this used to be a red dead stream BibleThump ?????? Queue bugged more hitman peepoArrive new sneaky cosplay :o PauseChamp monkaW pepeLaugh yes gachiW wtf is this q time lol i think its watch dogs kill the daughter steal her outfit, and then when its her usual time to sex her dad, kill him crossdressing even in games peepoPog blind KEKW LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 12 minutes 51 seconds game? Pepega 🔪 monkaS 🗡️ monkaW 🔪 monkaW MadoStab WHAT GAME IS THIS widepeepoHappy 🔪 monkaS yes its hitman you sope Walk normally this isnt league of legends! @C9Sneaky Sneaky cosplaying as a boy??? Pop fountain view dope monkaW 🔪 dress up as Sierra Knox next Sneaks Kreygasm peepoPog Fountain Dew IDIOT 4Head CAMERA GOT YOU DUDE LMFAO ROFL 4Head KEKW wait has snacky killed that bitch yet? @hoomasi hitman KEKW LULW KEKW hitman main game league secondary game KEKW STAB HIM DED KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LMFAO LMAO KEKW KEKW D: ahahah KEKW LOL LUL ?? KEKW lmao KEKW LUL cirLaugh KEKW LULW 3Head restricted area bruv LMAO D: LOOOOOOOOOOL KEKW D: KEKW NOM KEKW EZ Clap KEKW monkaW KEKW OMG KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW haha wtf KEEEEK PepeHands KEKW ROFL KEKW dropped the knife in his face KEKW HE KILLED HIM GASP D: haHAA KEKW EZ xqcS 🔪 LOL KEKW 3Head ayy buddy OI BUDDY 3Head uh oh hitman( pepeLaugh ? KEKW DED KEKW KEKW 3Head Oi buddy LMAOO KEKW Damn gachiHYPER SHOOT EVERYONE DO IT Matrin0x subscribed with Twitch Prime. COCK PUNCH gachiBASS JESUS CHRIST D: PepegaAim PepeS gachiHYPER WTF R U DOING PogChamp YEAH PepegaAim pog D: D: KEKW AI WTF "stealth" PepegaAim D: BRUTAL PepegaAim pepega D: wtf they are so dumb KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim KKona Clap KILL THEM ALL FeelsGoodMan HAHAHAHAHA D: monkaW PepegaAim PepegaAim LUL ANELE He's going rogue monkaW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LUL naded OMEGALUL rip snacky LULW KEKW LUL LUL PepegaAim GG LUL LUL LULW rekt F KEKW LUL rekt KEKW LOL PepegaAim guy had been waiting to toss that grenade for like 4 years F LUL KEKW KEKW WE DID IT BOYS EZ 🔫 F PepegaAim KEKW LEAGUE DansGame ahahahahaha yikes KEKW TRASH Timing peepoPog TIMING LULW jesus D: WATED He afghanistaned you stealth mission PepegaAim looool KEKW timing LULW PepegaAim LULW league peepoLeave LEAGUE DansGame League peepoLeave PepegaAim feelsadcman lmao kekw u got fked LUL NA Hitman LULW sneakyTrash sneakyTrash sneakyTrash sneakyTrash sneakyTrash ADC KEKW league WASTED your bodyguards don't throw grenades in your mansion? go back to league Jebaited KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL Jebaited KEKW @addcheesepls peepoArrive peepoClown ? Queue popped peepoLeave NA HITMAN Very stealth sneaky :) !game suit matters @jkoeb8762 -> c9sneaky is playing League of Legends NA HITMAN KEKW MASTER DIFFICULTY Kappa peepoArrive When I go bald imma look like that 47 guy Clown suit? peepoArrive @hotdogss xqcGr League peepoLeave "stealth"bomber sneaky pepeLaugh xqcBall ur not pro anymore u can give up ad 4Head D: throw the knife at him and run lul xqcBall PepegaShake Game? heh t101PUG t101PUG t101PUG !game @FusionGladiator -> c9sneaky is playing League of Legends ResidentSleeper gachiHYPER is this just another dodge lobby? gachiHYPER T POSE gachiGASM WELCOME gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Dodge and play hitman Pog gachiHYPER HE TOUCHED HIS KNOB gachiGASM gachiHYPER they banned 3 adcs lmfao oooookay go Reddead2 hyper kill mode Pog gachiHYPER Coming to race track in a suit wow He TICKLED YOU NUT gachiHYPER is this Hitman> CHECK MY DICK IS CLEAN TOO gachiHYPER pepeSmoke gachiHYPER tfbYOINK bUrself Turn off generator POGSLIDE WideHard Clap yoink WideHard Just a bald guy with a suit nothing suspicious is he going to play halo when it comes out AHHHH gachiHYPER kill all these people Quinn game? WideHard @C9Sneaky jhin @C9Sneaky didt know sneakers has a music taste like that, first i see stars and then we came as romans... someone dodge BlessRNG @Wiikong moon2M what game is this? senna @C9Sneaky jinnnn tank ahri GRAVES kalista Is this Hitman 2? aguante la mercaa im gonna dodge pepeLaugh jhin JHIN POG mf Veigar Pog play tank ahri jinx XAYAH CAIT tris Pog veigar kalista quinn JINX pepeLaugh Play hitman :) KALISTA Veigar hitman xay league ResidentSleeper ratirlFlower any merchants X AYAYA xayah moon2SMERG twitch or cait ashe vayne TEEMO peepoPog カィsたPog WTF PepeHands JINX ResidentSleeper play hitman xd lucian kalista kalista full ad gg oops Trist POGGERS trist peepoPog stop playing this dogshit game and play hitman pls ty Kapp Pepega Senna i'm dodging peepoLeave mr Zachary, hello me :) riven Riven Trist Pog Trsit Pog riven riven riven OMEGALUL me :) Sneaky being sneaky riven jg riven not hitman? peepoLeave me :) KEKW Riven jungle PogU lul riv azir jungle Pog heimer FeelsGoodMan or actually its heimerdinger AD top LB PogU Azir jg RIV riven jungle KEKW Trolololol LUL Leona jangle PagChomp LEONA JG Pog Leona :) Riven Jangle Lb leona jg leblanc jungle leo jg Azir Jg Pog azir nimbus cloak LB jg wtf game went through PepeS Teemo jungle PogU that actually went through KEKW Leona jg Pog wow that lobby went through Look at me, i am the jungle now it's bojangles SPICA RIVEN PogU riven jungle OMEGALUL TARZANED Pog Riven jg wtf Tarzaned riven jungle hey daddy TARZANED POG riven going to lvl 2 gank LUL snap her neck EZ thats spica you dummies LUL man what patch of LOL is this? thats spica you NEWFROGS KEKW @DarkTitan95 its spica Car Pog\ 😱 @suxkmipipi you gay EZ vip coming through no big deal xqcM Pepega kill everyone FrostedKirby subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! happy anniversary <3 more Hitman 😡 Wasting save KEKW RIP KEKW Hhhehehe KEKW OMEGALUL waste of a save monkaOMEGA hi chat spica is playing riven jungle :o league peepoLeave PRESS THE ATK LEBLANC SPEEDRUN peepoPog isnt that tarzaned? disgusting human being SPICA = TARZANED LULW kill monkaW i joined late, what was the game he was playing called @chat? monkaW monkaMEga @Henryrocks hitman monkaMega LEBLANC GOT THEM TITTIES monkaMega im so horny all the time peepoLeave @Henryrocks hotman when do u take cleanse as ADC? Sneaky Rush Jobless Pepega ad leblanc monkaHmm gachiBASS 🤘 Leona is such a turn off Kyle Pavone FeelsBadMan @shuku, when they have cc duh hey beautifull gachiBASS @snedges monkaMega @c9sneaky hey bud, can I get a senna adc game for my birthday? sneakyE auto auto q w on lb will chunk mot rocket science @C9Sneaky do you think against Leona Cleanse is a must? !followage good taste of music, good taste of cum ADCs are naive for thinking they should be allowed to play an ADC into every single comp and be able to be useful. How about learning more champs noobs. Kappa Maaachew has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 1 week joseph is that you? Kyle PepeHands lirikOSVN that guy actually smurfs with AD LB lol check his match history just wait for them mountain drakes trist tactic68LUL_TK Lets make her tanky and give her a shit load of cc Is there any reason for Alistar to exist with Leona in the game? PepeHands RIP kyle pavone LEAGUE DansGame HYPERCLAP thank you very much kind sir @GZ_Zeldafan @Fnatic_Psych0 3AD COMP KEKW @Leroyv2 theres so many supports with cc LUL NaM ❓ MaN Forget her being tanky... the fucking stun every second with no diminishing returns. League peepoLeave @c9sneaky what do you think about 100t breezy lol???????? pog knew him from asu team peepoLeave "NaM" MaN jk peepoArrive ariW @decodeproxy the only reason I can think of is Yasuo peepoArrive league why did reapered shit your whole team @ worlds? just so jack jack could sell them? Which song is this chat why do you take bloodline over alacrity? @C9Sneaky i likeali leona is so tanky tho Alistar is noob friendly? peepoArrive what is the lowest rune in precision tree he is using? jk peepoLeave !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 20 minutes 33 seconds @decodeproxy you can milk Leona instead of Alistar rooGasm @shuku, their whole team has a good amount of cc he is a giant cow @ranran9991 true pulv is kind of a skillshot Kapp peepoArrive "skillshot" @decodeproxy hes strong but leona does more damage and it easier to use lol 5Head PogU peepoArrive @zenibee Never Let Me Go - We Came As Romans what lane is this? @TheTrueDBomb Cowalistar makes the best milkshakes widepeepoSad @JmaGaming thank you buddy @elifaien i believe it's called coup de grace peepoLeave !settings how to train your pet dragon Ttd6 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! Daddy? Have you decided what you're doing next split? <3 daddy !song that tarzaned or spica? @decodeproxy not wanting mama Leona's milkies peepoWTF The best Tristana skin right here 3 3 3 @WaffleApocalypse_ thanks, wasn't sure which one he was using 3 : 3 3 NOTHING @Ttd6 4Head 4Head 4Head 3 we came as romans, we left as the byzantine empire 5Head 3 3 PauseChamp D: 4Head PauseChamp Pog ? peepoPog PauseChamp ? PauseChamp it was supposed to be <3 :( PepeHands cirLewd PagChomp BEING AN ENTERTAINER EleGiggle EleGiggle 4Head so decided but can't say yet? full time washed up 100T streamer Pog PauseChamp @snedges true PauseChamp PauseChamp maybe he's gonna finish re2 next split :) maybe PauseChamp ......... PauseChamp PauseChamp react andy PagChomp thank u chat for educating me about kyle pavone. used to fucking love this band and never even knew about this rip bouta ripskee for my mans @Pakidermo OMEGALUL try next year @elifaien its the most common one i think for the bottom row of precision tree any champions club members? PauseChamp oh? PauseChamp i played a league game with the guitarist from this band his ign was iminaband forsenCD pepeLaugh LUL minion block @elifaien but you're welcome :P holy shit that creep block smaller than the diagram SadChamp !opgg my poor pp best song <3 Lee KEKW snack UwU what a gank PogU is this heimer tyler cannon sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 Pog ITS OVER @cabstero I dont believe so *nuzzles ur buldgie wuldgie* pretty damn clean CSing i fkn love this band ADCs are naive for thinking they should be allowed to play an ADC into every single comp and be able to be useful. How about learning more champs noobs. Kappa lol tristana q no cost ? AYAYA Chat what anime you guys watching rn peter griffin laugh bawkAYAYA @cabstero if it was, he would've already died twice before 2 mins @C9Sneaky When red dead redemption 2? :) <3 it was so good hunter x hunter does leona have a crush on diana? PepeHands isnt that in th elore league has the weirdest AI I mean he just wants to switch it up you know goblin slayer @Matt7197 yes widepeepoHappy berserk PepoThink peepoLeave Weeb music Sneakers and Aphro forming a new team called "League of Geriatric Fuqqs" bawkCozy darling in the franxx farming turrets for free side cash weeb shit DansGame Jayce losing to ad leblanc WeirdChamp @RealPartyPhil Ok zoomer that jayce is ass can leona interupt rakans knockup with her e? sometimes i run through my minions when they walk in like an inline skater this ad leblanc is famous and has like a 60% wr lol NA jayce Is this daughtry? @TheTrueDBomb Jayce is a crap champ unless you're a OTP with him Need b Heimerdinger is basically just giving you 5 more gold LUL ?????? Pog Pog Pog KEKW PogU PogU in and out UP AND OVER VisLaud @Chat I get the feeling like there are more APC botlane this preseason, is there anything to it and why then? <3 Pog He just LUL Pog EZ money peepoPog PogU leap frog Pog what Pog Clean PAGGERS pogalog EZ WHAT ?????? Pog WHO IS THIS GUY Pog Pog Pog Hop Pog EZ @decodeproxy i'm still mad at you peepoWTF since when does trist say that Sneaky in lane Pog EZ THE IN AND OUT How did heimer get there so fast lol, he flash over river wall? THAT WAS SO GRACEFUL Hit it and quit it, my man Sneaky. what a SNEAKY kill KEKW COGGERS PogChamp topoSHAKE Someone put this guy on an LCS team Pog LOGGERS "sir, they went down da ventalation shaft" @TheTrueDBomb I'm sowee, I just like Moo moo milk more widepeepoSad @decodeproxy PunOko TehePelo sneakyD GASP !followage pokiYikes I'm that Heimer. Error: User not found: pokiYikes. KEKW KEKW burning my bridgeeeees KEKW bye rakan sneakyNLT OOF KEKW poki sub WeirdChamp riven KEKW You have quite a bit of gold sir 2600 Fast base inc G PepegaPls sneaky remember to combo your e with your ult lol jk jk @C9Sneaky When red dead redemption 2? :) <3 lvl5 lee PEPElaugh !followage xqcL xqcl is not following C9Sneaky PepegaPls who u playing t1? lol PepeHands PepeHands peppy PepeHands PepegaHands PepeHands 2800 gold Pog PepegaHands peppy Hands PepegaHands PeppyHands PepeHands peppy hands PepeHands Kyle Heimer Players ResidentSleeper !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 27 minutes 48 seconds 3k gold jesus PepegaHands UltraHoboLord subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! PepegaHands 2.8k, thats so many dorans blade t1 been watching ur streams hes been using the dorans build Rush RFC KEKW WeirdChamp 5 dblades or i peepoLeave WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WORLD I USED TO KNOOOW Or 6 Dorans for full build PogU @Klostra At least three POGGERS 6 DOran's~ 3200 3k what 100 hundo more Pog why stormrazor when you can have 5 more dorans? LULW SIX D BLADE tommy309Gasm sicks dorans NagisaDied subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! @ShdwFlm MAYBE EVEN FOUR POGGERS get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF get dorans or riot peepoWTF sex dorans @Klostra Wait, that's illegal monkaS @NagisaDied nice spoiler 3.2k gold peepoLeave sneaky1 sneaky2 first base Pog hi !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 606 LP KEKW KEKW D: lol trolled KEKW KEKW D: peepoLeave No Dorans peepoLeave sneakyD no dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave @C9Sneaky just askin but when red dead redemption 2? :) <3 it was so good @Ninjaska071 :O leblanc building triforce monkaW @C9Sneaky six dorans or smol pp ladies and gentelmans ay sneaky meteme todo el pene no dorans? peepoLeave ruined peepoLeave peepoLeave alright then @C9Sneaky have you watched any episodes of the Mandalorian peepoLeave you can aquire them by right clicking on them what a waste of your gold D: No Dorans???? peepoLeave D: peepoLeave peepoLeave WTF build ruined WeirdChamp 1 doran? peepoLeave no dorans? peepoLeave YES 5 dorans 10 minute stormrazor Pog yes YES YES Gold wasted peepoLeave yes Pepega Yes peepoLeave YES peepoLeave YES peepoLeave yes :) Orn?? yes 4Head Yes :) YES doin doin doin doin dorn dorn dorn yessss peepoLeave no dorans? game lost gg yes :) YES Kappa ADCs are naive for thinking they should be allowed to play an ADC into every single comp and be able to be useful. How about learning more champs noobs. Kappa dorans SHIELD spice it up song brings me back to middle school headed to the pool to hit on hot chicks yaa @c9sneaky favorite Northlane album? no dorans WeirdChamp YES peepoLeave Pepega peepoLeave peepoLeave YES peepoLeave Pepega doran Pepega doran Pepega doran Pepega doran Pepega doran no dorans gg no 6 dorans peepoLeave Pepeg dor dor dorans PepegaHands cull doran doran doran doran is this a riven jg ? no Dorans.. peepoLeave pepeArrive no doran doran doran doran doran doran peepoLeave Ruined Pepelesy 1 dorans blade WeirdChamp you needed 6 dorans you're actually trolling @shdwflm he doesnt need to know monkaSHAKE yes peepoLeave Another pot instead of a pink. Typical adc. peepoLeave Only 1 doran's blade peepoLeave 6 Dorans + Elixir monkaHmm 5 more dorans daaaah 1 dorans? peepoLeave Would have got two blades, and 4 rings. @C9Sneaky u just wasted gold for a single item when u could've completed your build with 6 dorans i thought u knew better peepoLeave pepeCome only if ur a cool kid sneakers but ur a kool kid right sneakers? evo19Heart what the fuck what skin is that/ no 6 dorans in s10 WeirdChamp peepoArrive @Shreddingyourmom dragon trainer chroma dragon tamer widepeepoSad Rub his tummy now peepoArrive should've bought thornmail damn :D peepoLeave rushing stormrazor? this is not what i came for peepoLeave ah Thanks guys just streamed for 3 hrs no one came .. any sugesstions? @rangedd ikr? i love this music :ooo this game is GG LUL @C9Sneaky if only you had that 15% extra life steal peepoLeave JUNGLE RIVEN CARRY LULW Chat moving so fast, no one will notice that I'm just doing my daily golden Kappa check Weirdga Kappa Kappa Kappa Golden AYAYA check didnt know it was a chroma skin 1 dorans blade and full stormrazer = peepoLeave , 6 dorans blades and no full items peepoArrive Kappa ? Kappa headBang Kappa u have to charge stormrazors or jsut wait? looks cool Kappa behold Kappa RAKAN Pog Pog PogU PogU PagChomp Get bopped that heimer is good, def not t1 peepoPog Popped KEKW Kappa sneakyEZ pog PogYou @ryudo9999 charges when attacking or moving that slow omg Kappa why not jump melee into leona and heime Dont even need it niceuuuuu Kappa ?? pooooogggg tfbWp tfbWp tfbWp sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH stormrazor magic damage so flame wow so much leona pressure leona afk KEKW looke ez peepoLeave sneakyHey sneakyClaus sneakyHey sneakyClaus sneakyHey sneakyClaus looked* PepoThink yes "im trying to contain myself on the jump in" *immediately jumps in* peepoArrive yes Pepega 👍 monkaHmm monkaHmm wtf is that dmg on leona lol THE DMGGGGGGGGGG @C9Sneaky buy dorans now 5Head me ah the mountain 6 Doran's (2800g): +48 Damage, 480 HP, 18% Life Steal POGGERS my head feels so haevy my heart follows so, is this what i wnna turn into AD LEBLANC peepoWTF monkaS the answer is always yes monkaW monkaShake monkaW I do it all the time, then flame my team for not following up. 👍 rip eyes monkaW KKona just push 4Head @kkona_if_you_kiss_ur_sis KKona yea she has no range KKona PauseChamp you read it KEKW snackers <3 u just don't get e :) PauseChamp ... pepeLaugh Its not impossible. Just dont cs :) @C9Sneaky dont level E 4Head just dont level e 4Head KILL HIM HOW DARE HE STOP YOUR RECALL @if_you_read_this_gift_me sumSmash pepeLaugh he didn't know Pog PogU Pog peepoPog nice PogU POGGERS SHIT TALK HIM SNEAKY Pog cleanse LULW PogYou sneakyEZ PagChomp POGGERS Pog why did you cleanse lmao PogU @C9Sneaky FLAME HIM Pog peepoPog lmao this chroma ad LUL cleansed the turrets peepoPog pog Damage WutFace 2.2k again wow @traboj_ heimer E Sneaky on lane Pog rich boi Pog headBang PepegaAim headBang @aero11 he sidestepped it @C9Sneaky what if they moved the passive E damage to her R outplayed heimer PepegaHands too bad every lane and jg lost PepeHands FailFish PepegaHands peepoPog !song E the turret??? @C9Sneaky its ranked or normal draft ? wyd G2 Sneaky Pog score 10-6 widepeepoSad HeyGuys STILL NO DORANS peepoLeave this game is a free loss FeelsADCMan @traboj_ it was just reflex im guessing, because if he gort hit by it he was dead boots crit cloak dagger ok ok ok widepeepoSad is he playing against tyler WHERES THE DORANS widepeepoSad Damn we came as romans are actually good af SwiftRage rakan taking a smoke break LUL @Philippligr why the hell would sneaky play normal draft @aero11 y i know he just panicked in the end 5Head dorans?? USING THE ALVOCE PogChamp still no dorans WeirdChamp pepeSmoke @C9Sneaky Do you ever check if your Kappa is golden? HEIMER PepeHands KEKW 1 doran peepoLeave Heimer KEKW KEKW BULLY PepeHands y u bullyin t1 i kinda feel like this could be won still gets cannon pog EZ HEIMER PepeHands heimer tilted af 1 doran peepoWTF !keyboard PepegaPls @cyberbooli_xd sneakyWEEB2 is that T1 getting shit on? i thought the heimer was tyler lol @C9Sneaky Which ADs are S Tier this patch? cs KEKW yes PepeHands yes peepoLeave peepoLeave salve u will rue this day WeirdChamp yes pepeHands Pepega peepoLeave TeaTime slackers is 5 doran blades really that good ? vibin no 5 dorans WeirdChamp @Call_me_Zeroo its way too late for t1 flex on him his support afk LUL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls dorans peepoLeave @Rumia_ hiya rumia nyannHi daphPat theyve been doing that all day minions Pepega @C9Sneaky Only 1 dorans just FF theres no point in playing they're learning theyre looking for the alcove peepoLeave do you think stormrazer needs a passive nerf minions wintrading OMEGALUL You will not master the art of the blades with buys like this one sneaky chan its been happening a lot recently ez @C9Sneaky i got permabanned for admitting that i want to suck the juices out of mark merrills butthole in league chat @V1uxx lol they're looking for the alcove LULW r u gonna play hitman after or only in queues widepeepoSad NO DOWANS EZ Pay for your sins by playing hitman Leona Pepega they dont wanna die widepeepoSad leona r pepeLaugh EZ betrayed the doran cult peepoWTF look at lb build pepeL no doran I'm snorin ResidentSleeper no doran I'm snorin ResidentSleeper no doran I'm snorin ResidentSleeper SeemsGood leona @Steincold riot cmonBruh @C9Sneaky Which ADs are S Tier this patch? i got a new cock over thanksgiving, did anyone else get a new one too? CLICKING TO LEBEL UP ABILITIES WTFF @C9Sneaky when RDR2? =) @rangedd :^) @Ronuee heimerdinger @hectorjr21 me (; peepoLeave no heimer pepega LULW minions are broken in the new patch, they walk away sometimes omg @Ronuee not kalista KEKW WeirdGa KEKW y u no push riven leona went flying peepoPog so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky just R riven use e leona dies KEKW Leona is balanced KEKW Hey :D No e @C9Sneaky i got permabanned for admitting that i want to suck the juices out of mark merrills butthole in league chat :( so bad bro @C9Sneaky PLEASE, will you smell my smegma? ??it would be an honor. i have been harvesting it for a month Trinity force LB PogChamp got he is so washed peepoSad reverse sweep lol walked into melee range of leoa @C9Sneaky baited them too hard there fronting @C9Sneaky do you have a foreskin The minions are becoming self aware they're sick and fucking tired of you guys inting @firefight3rx69 dafuq this lb actually 3/1 was so far away but still died KEKW rapidfire probably good for some longer range game is quite hard why are u so bad @newwork1 ok mr rank 1 any foreskins in chat? How are you Sneaky? :3 :) @C9Sneaky if you had to stop being an ad main would role would you play next KEKW lmao :) 4Head 4Skin 4Head 4Skin missed sub @C9Sneaky excited to support great content KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh wait its AD lb LUL MOD NOT A SUB Pog MODS monkaW i will throw these hands MODS KEKW @stylishsavage hes ad lb one trick MOD NOT A SUB @xsniddo, whistle blowers banned monkaW calling out mods KEKW if you make fun of me for being broke @Call_me_Zeroo ur cute monkaW RarePepe KEKW 😳 throw ur hands in my ass Mods not a sub KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo that was a PogChamp question :) M OMEGALUL D S tarzPride tarzPride tarzRank1 tarzRank1 tarzChad tarzChad tarzChad tarzPride tarzPride NEVER FORGET Pepega LEONA @DonEladio not knowing what a whistleblower is monkaW sub not a mod KEKW TriHard Clap its the cost of a 2 liter hey snacky, what if next preseason riot (tencent) games decided to make the game an actual coinflip at the start of every to determine who wins and who loses? i feel like this change would streamline the current meta to gain the maximum amount of twitch LCS viewership. :) fuck u guys im broke mod no payment = no sub KEKW MOD NOT SUBBED LULW Editor a sub but mod isnt my birthday is in a week buy me a fucking sub internet janitors KEKW @snipinghobo TriHard 7 I only see snipinghobo nyacchShy sneaky doesn't pay mods Pog It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. @Mkiz how can u be ad lv one trick lol quee Free internet janitors KEKW monkaW Pog PogU azir lUL monkaOMEGA HEIMER LUL Pog they left that control ward oof PogU bUy mE a SuB 🦀 $4.99 🦀 PogU Hi Zachary heimer with that juicy brain working for free when you're broke LUL the zoning POGGERS wait why am i sub KEKW Is @C9Sneaky always sitting like that? Watch out for your back bro! i turn 22 next sunday SadChamp It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. Pog gonna be a boomer SadChamp It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. FeelsBirthdayMan @Call_me_Zeroo only 22 WeirdChamp boomer SadChamp sneaky why are the people in your music always so upset 4Weird xSniddo gifted a Tier 1 sub to Call_me_Zeroo! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! @C9Sneaky zachary @Call_me_Zeroo FeelsWeirdMan zero is baby @Call_me_Zeroo Happy birthday man thx @stylishsavage he generally does quite well what ive seen him on streams riven jg viable? ok boomer WeirdChamp @Call_me_Zeroo ok boomer Hes a sub now xD EZ Clap @Jpop6595 wtf is that icon of thighs? do me do me SillyChamp SadChamp mods younger than the underwear I have on SillyChamp BudgetSolaire ask sneaky AYAYA MaldChamp any boomer? 22 year old already lost all of his hair SadChamp imagine being a mod and not subbing WeirdChamp COOMERS nyannLul MaldChamp Pringle sponsored ad DansGame PepegaPls MaldChamp Clap 2.2k ez @Call_me_Zeroo MaldChamp Clap I turn 46 tomorrow sadchamp yeah imagine being a mod without being subbed KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo cuz of coloring asking for to gift subs WeirdChamp mods asking for gift subs moon2DUMB MaldChamp Magine KEKW KEKW ad leblanc LUL nt @SimonC43 i will fight you TYPING IN CHAT AND INTERACTING KEKW 4 Top huh KEKW BOTH SUMMS STILL DEAD KEKW LEE OMEGALUL LEE pepeLaugh F Nice kik xD @Jpop6595 wait.. it's him!? the fucker fool me again PepeHands lee said fk all that @xSniddo ty for sub asking for to gift subs WeirdChamp mods asking for gift subs moon2DUMB how many ults to kill one trist pepeLaugh @Call_me_Zeroo i will cuddle u moon2A aWildShibby subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 28 months! When is the minecraft stream? @kazoozle, do they smell similar tho? SMILERS lee DansGame WORLD STAR na Lee so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky Can someone decorate me with the highest honors, and sponsor me amongst the ranks of the Sneaky legion Pog KEKW ad Leb monkaS IM SO CLOSE gachiW @Call_me_Zeroo no need to thank me bb pOFG there is no other way no new sneaky cosplay = same thing as no nut november WeirdChamp peepoPog PLEASEW widepeepoHappy HYPERS Okayga 👉 SMILERS this lee nice ss usage @DonEladio both smell like french fries and crunchy sheets missed sub @C9Sneaky excited to support great content KEKW trinity LB PogU please Minecraft monkaW HYPERS HYPERS imagine quite literally being alive in the 2019th century and not being mald PogU PunchTrees sneakyH widepeepoHappy blocks KEKW Minecwaft HYPERS HYPERS minecwaft Triforce LB PogU bogaH minecawaft HYPERS PunchTrees thefuck is this SMILERS your lee is trolling It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. na he has to go ie after shiv @kazoozle, SMILERS died for red KEKW Azir just going at it this lee is a dog :) what is this 5 man death ball around the map? meanwhile azir ending game LUL SUB only Server widepeepoHappy SMILERS Gg SMILERS all is fine peepoArrive Minecraft? peepoArrive Minecraft? peepoArrive Minecraft? peepoArrive Minecraft? when was this added SMILERS christian minecraft server? peepoArrrive Pog leona thanks you Pog Saved Leona KEKW Pog im like Challenger in MC moon2EZ saved KEKW LB KEKW ANY SMILERS IN CHAT? :) challenger in minecraft WeirdChamp SMILERS SMILERS 7 SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILER SMILERS SMILERS :) SMILERS SMILERS :) SMILERS drove out of the hood toyota :) SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS the infernal rift seems kinda advantageous to the other team MILERS 7 SMILERS Clap :) SMILERS SMILERS WTF IS THIS SHIT red buff and static shiv SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS 7 happy chat :) LUL turret Pog tthat's a lot of smilers Type SMILERS if you are KappaPride :) or SMILERS chat decides what the flying fuck is that emote BRUH SMILERS SMILERS AYAYA CUTIE ROLL CALL SMILERS the pain away !ffz Stormrazor Rapid is fucking busted holy 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp peepoPog PepegaHands PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad trash emote WeirdChamp SMILERS best emot AYAYA :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS :) > SMILERS WHERE MY PeepoClap SMILERS 🔫 WutFace SMILERS gachiHYPER wait thats AD Leblanc LUL AYAYA CUTIE NUMERO 1 AYAYA ;) ;) sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 SMILERS 🔫 :) :sword: SMILERS WutFace the wya he says kick his ass makes me laugh every time 5Head headBang SMILERS looks like a RATIRL emote cirCola widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad :blade: sneakyWEEB2 uhh PrideCheers @dingasboy_ -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] 🗡 sumSmash SMILERS Okayga COCK PowerUpL SMILERS PowerUpR KannaNom The way he farts and slams the desk is so artistic. SMILERS SMILERS SUFFER SMILERS AS SMILERS I SMILERS HAVE SMILERS LOSING TO AD LEBLANC KEKW SMILERS 🗡 monkaS OpieOP DansGame OpieOP SMILERS 🔫 sneakyYeehaw guys help im addicted to bloons tower defence 6, its unhealthy widepeepoSad PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR " :) " SMILERS is building all the energized items efficient? widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad I hate you chat SMILERS PowerUpL SMILERS PowerUpR POWER UP CHAT Fuck you chat SMILERS widepeepoSad Tarzaned is cringe my parents beat me SMILERS they warded that bush like twelve times PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Unleashed! SMILERS @Gupper all u have to do is uninstall the game and watch hentai AYAYA galio Pog Pog galio PogU Pog there can be only one prince of darkness SMILERS SMILERS 🖕 SMILERS cant blink but I keep smiling @lol_brian hows he cringe lol Chad galio Pog I’m debt free SMILERS My life is suffering SMILERS 1v2 Minion KEKW SMILERS 🔫 SMILERS NA JAYCE LULW HOLY AAZIR Pog LULW -2 cheer up big sneaks I would pump u full of good juice if ya'd let me HE SHOULD BE ON C9 AD leblanc? Kappa PepegaAim azir pog @SimonC43 I did while playing bloons tower defense widepeepoSad azir pogged them in the wogger handBang @rockierover34 I like the guy he has been just spamming that emote this entire game peepoLeave Dorans dorans widepeepoSad POGGERS sold dorans peepoLeave FeelsWeirdMan 🔫 SMILERS PogChamp @Gupper dam wtf HandsUp RIP Dorans peepoLeave HE SOLD THE BLADE sold dorans peepoLeave AYAYAWeird 🔫 SMILERS AYAYAWeird headset hurts my ears SMILERS D Blade PepeHands dorans FeelsBadMan only 100% crit ResidentSleeper peepoLeave the swarm is coming SMILERS no dorans peepoLeave the blaaaade selling dorans? peepoLeave dorans evolved to IE pog Dorans is overrated SMILERS SMILERS entire chat will be dead by year 2150 headBang no dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave Imagine buying infinity edge over a dorans lmao Pepega intzir peepoLeave SMILERS @SimonC43 im doomed widepeepoSad KEKW idk why sneaky didnt just go azir with them n get drag lol Azir? doran's turns to ie at 25 mins Nutty Azir Pepega @DonEladio PepeHands AYAYAWeird 🔫 SMILERS FBBlock AYAYA What's with the weeb music AYAYA 🔫 SMILERS HAND OVER THE HENTAI OR THE LOLI DIES CHAT TEAM Pog PogU POGGERS dmg Pog OkayChamp tfbEz thow LUL PogU Trist balanced SMILERS POGGERS ie dmg Kreygasm NA COMBAT LULW azir Pepega SMILERS Clap rekkles peepoPog Death Pog what tristana skin is this? xqcB clean up wow look how balanced adcs are just wow most op role in entire riot Pog press 1 for different music :) Why is Trist never played in LCS? pog PogChamp bath with sneaky Pog that skin is so beautiful FED dragon trainer with chroma SMILERS AYAYA 🗡 SMILERS DIE WEEBS sneakyEZ Clap SMILERS Clap u STOLE BARON? 4Head dragon trainer that auto animation is wack lol @sinfectx Pepega Pepega @lol_brian Tarzaned isnt in this game/? @ezlyfe420 dragon trainer w/ a chroma @ezlyfe420 dragon trainer with some blue chroma SNEAKY STORMRAZOR @c9sneaky trist is op @Spudn1ckel Pepega 7 monkaW Galio playing so good too @theaveragegoat 4Weird 666 MONKAS monkaS monkaW monkaW monkaOMEGA RarePepe monkaW @KanoodleSoup @sjjfire2 ahh no wonder its so pretty! monkaW 666 666 🔫 SMILERS AYAYAWeird Do you guys have a butthole? literally half of teams kills LUL monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA daphSmile 666 AYAYA 📡 CALLING ALL CUTIES AYAYA guys riven is spica not tarzaned LULW is it 100% crit @JmaGaming Pepega Galio good 666 UwU widepeepoHappy hail SATAN 666 KKona The calling of Hillary Clinton soul sold to satan confirmed heimer 2 items KEKW 666666 IN CHINA IS GOOD CHAT SMILERS gg EZ GG EZ gg @lol_brian Do you mean Astroboy? full build 26 minutes in PogChamp EZ !song SMILERS wrath elixir for fun AD leblanc?? KEKW KEKW pvman = gg? ad lb PogU 2 item dong LUL wait what the actual fuck is that lb build @ezlyfe420 yeah! i think its probably pearl, pearl chromas are usually rainbow-ish wait is that ad leblan monkaS !cannon AYAYA 🔫 SMILERS HAND OVER THE HENTAI CHAT OR THE LOLI DIES hextrinker no? Bot lane only lane that matters s8n widepeepoHappy !song Heimer should've bought more Dblades pepeLaugh Build ER for 125% crit @c9sneaky azir? SMILERS 💥🔫 AYAYAWeird AD LeBlanc monkaW @20022512abcdef no its not moron out range him :) @ayaya27 Karen isn't a loli you fake weeb WeirdChamp @Ninjawarriormaster Pepega ad lb monkaW @KanoodleSoup imma go look at the vod !playlist @fizzedonherasol moon2BRAIN Doot doot @KanoodleSoup might wanna buy it if its on sale or something lol the internet has ruined trsitana for me 🔫 SMILERS give my your money chat or else o that damage is nuts u guys saw that sheen stormraizor lb auto monkaW wait yes SMILERS 💥🔫 AYAYAWeird Stupid frog I can :) @simonc43 kebunBD blue is up, must do it hes powering up hes on scuttle now POG @TheTrueDBomb Dont tell me what to do ur not my dad 4Weird Gold player ResidentSleeper press 1 to change the music :) Onlygeorge23 subscribed with Twitch Prime. over 100 % crit quadratic scaling inc PogChamp monkaW monkaHmm monkaW lemme just do crab too Pepega he is waiting for dragon 2 :) monkaW turret im finally here when sneaky is playing league monkaW THE BEEPS 11111 AYAYA 🔫 SMILERS ding ding ding Pepega @whiffle_waffle no i can :( beam monkaMega tower homing laser on sneaky? sniper monkaW Snipers monkaEyes @ayaya27 if you're going to shitpost at least know what you're talking about PunOko GLOBAL RANGE monkaW i thought junglers realized farming isnt everything outside of plat COME OUT BROTHERS TriHard 7 QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 3 month streak! imagine subscribing to a non-C9 player KEKW he needs mana regen With Baron, team secured a red buff Pog doctors still havent found the cause of Lee Syndrome FeelsBadMan where tf did galio go lol why is he still jungling lmao trist melting things rn holy cow !playlist Doot doot Galio r KEKW @sweezy215 i believe its depression 4Head @TheTrueDBomb OK boomer AYAYAWeird sweezy215: doctors still havent found the cause of Lee Syndrome FeelsBadMan NICE W LUL LUL LUL KEKW LUL LULW KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW LUL ??? KEKW KEKW LMFAO KEKW kekw donked KEKW Thats an int GG KEKW Pepega FLASHED INTO IT LUL GOOD BUFFER ON THE JUMP EleGiggle nice timing SHURIMA KEKW @ayaya27 alkMoost 🖕 KEKW !team KEKW LUL Mastadeltron subscribed with Twitch Prime. MALDING pepeLaugh Like how?? @CYBERBOOLI_xD oddonePat oddoneAYAYA KEKW like this KEKW throw KEKW didn't flash over KEKW KEKW "like this" KEKW KEKW Tristana legit can be auto attacked melee whilst in air it's so dumb NOW WHAT 4Head U SHALL NOT PASS KEKW imagine u had health from dorans D: KEKW doms regards maybe gg :) KEKW Kreygasm Should've bought a stop watch widepeepoHappy ur trolling KEKW like this 4head right as you say it Zven would have lived there :) CLIPPED AND SHIPPED rip KEKW kekw WTF galio monkaW BG KEKW FLASH INTO IT Pepega ZVEN LIVES THERE LUL its lost PepeHands This is what you get for not respecting the DORANS get scooped dog2loLove jacye op Xd monkaHmm KEKW THROW KEKW HEY SNEAKY WHAT HAIR DYING PRODUCT DO YOU USE AND WOULD YOU EVER USE OVERTONE @AcidicStorm daphPat nyannHi imagine u had health from dorans NotLikeThis headBang KEKW Teddy would've gotten a penta there flashback to lcs PepegaAim did galio get a buff? what is that damage? 12/3/4 Pog PLERASSE IWDS REGARDS KEKW PLEASE Sneaky in lane? NotSoEZ HYPERCLAP sitlec is a slut SMILERS ITS SO GOOD widepeepoHappy peepoClap YES YES @c9sneaky azir's favorite ice cream flavor is sneaky widepeepoHappy peepoClap peepoClap ye Pepega yes xqc has it Clap widepeepoHappy peepoClap widepeepoHappy CLAP EZ widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Clap SMILERS Clap looks like a BT game Yeah its great gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP peepoArrive better than SMILERS KEKW peepoClap widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP peepoClap works PagChomp Clap EZ peepoPog HYPERCLAP @c9sneaky do you have any “get good” videos to learn the game? peepoClap AD LEBLANC????? @corinblack is everything broken buffed BrokeBack NO ITS JUST LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 4Head wrath elixir next Add monkaEyes SMILERS HYPERCLAP !STREAM HYPERCLAP widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP yes, peepo clap is indeed a peepo clapping Pepega Clap widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Good job Snacky gachiHYPER HYPERClap widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP peepoLeave oop peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave SwiftRage yea what the fuck does lw do here 5Head wineTime SMILERS KILL. ME. ppOverheat @hotdogss SadChamp gachiHYPER Clap widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Galio Pog sneakyEZ HYPERCLAP PepeHands HYPERCLAP ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW @hotdogss ill try again when the game ends OkayChamp why dominiks OH MY FUCKING GOD SOME WAGE WAR widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Yea Snacky having SMILERS and widepeepoHappy WeirdChamp Pogry jayce KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo KEKW TWO OF THE BEST WORLS COLLIDE Pog dunked Pog donked SLAM DUNK gg Pogey smacked dog2! dog2loMF LUL omg gg Pog CARRIED AGAIN ResidentSleeper not gg no wave ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 SMILERS @SimonC43 Dont u dare talk shit about widepeepoHappy 4Weird KEKW LEE LULW I miss meteos whats the point in a click monkaS owo smoll dragon KEKW HYPERCLAP @xSniddo gift subs to my channel @QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD PogU headBANG Pog @QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD D: 1 AUTO LUL D: D: jokerd6Gold GOLDEN KEK CHECK jokerd6Gold D: HOLY ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 SMILERS WTF ok bb @call_me_zeroo im just a god gamer i guess EZ LUL Kappa jokerd6Gold GOLDEN KEK CHECK jokerd6Gold SMILERS NEVER DIE EZ MadoStab 4Weird Golden SMILERS Chech EZ Clap Lee is coming for dat lb ass GG EZ PogU they have an lb? widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Good job Snacky peepoClP Kappa hitman peepoArrivbe @xSniddo are u a rich oil prince peepoClap peepoClap THROW 50 TIMES STILL WIN 4Head widepeepoHappy Clap Pog KEKW KEKW @ayaya27 widePeepoHappy Clap DID LEONA JUST FL INTO 4 LULW KEKW peepoClap KEKW XD KDA KEKW Pog KEKW peepoClap KEKW got em hitman peepoArrive peepoClap SMILERS EZ Clap PogChamp KEKW widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP your gameplay is so sexy HITMAN peepoArrive EZ Clap hitman peepoArrive aaKEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP HITMAN SMILERS peepoClap gggg peepoBlonket widepeepoHappy Clap SwiftRage missed sub @C9Sneaky excited to support great content KEKW BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 4 HONOR widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP Snacky Good jog agent 47 Onto the next one EZ HYPERCLAP Clap widepeepoHappy pogtent ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW hue widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive ight sneaky what's the best advice for climbing outrange Azir PogU monkaHmm i see HITMAN peepoArrive widepeoplehappy HITMAN peepoArrive gg ITS 1 GAME 4Head LETS NOT GET AHEAD OF OURSELVES 4Head RDR2 peepoArrive ? peepoArrive HITMAN sneaky have you signed up for the TCS yet HITMAN peepoArrive hachu1 hachu2 HITMAN peepoArrive ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW gj widepeepoSad @Thephatcookie stop dying FUCK only an S... TRUE NEVER LOSES KEKW anyone else sad you can't pre-load halo reach? Pick Trist no matter what Kappa AOG_ALLEN subscribed with Twitch Prime. nice try zero the chat I wish, or else i would give you anything you desire within reason bb @call_me_zeroo @C9Sneaky hey streamer do a backflip win Thephatcookie NEVER SEE THIS MAN LOSE Pog maybe if lb didnt go bloody ad SO many peepo arriving widepeepoHappy @xSniddo OkayChamp @C9Sneaky plans to play in tcs? ;) challenger INC PogChamp PogChamp varus? playing kogmaw vs azir is where it's at pepeLaugh SMILERS me WATCH LCS THEN Pog KEKW I LOST Kreygasm lcs must never watch stream :) @C9Sneaky thoughts on K1ng? he's never seen you stream then KEKW never have i ever Kapp if you dont snus must not be a fan then SMILERS Hitman peepoLeave @C9Sneaky did you star as elf number 2 in Santa Clause 2 HITMAN peepoArrive just watch Worlds :) HE MUST WATCH THE STREAM KEKW only 12+ lp XD oof Hes never watched lcs main game peepoArrive cool blinds snake he hasnt seen summer finals pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky rumor has it, you're quitting league to become a speedrunner. can you confirm HITMAN peepoLeave ANY LOSERS ? Kreygasm hes laughing at the lcs comment 4Head washed up streamer ive seen people say sneaky only lose HITMAN peepoArrive But Draven has his move speed from W @c9sneaky sneaky doesn't lose his team does SMILERS Why is his name still C9 Sneaky? Ivern adc hard counter azir That one rengar game was harsh Kap[pa ———————————————————————— ItsBoshyTime Your account has been banned. Type !unblock to activate account.———————————————————————— ivfe seen 5 losses in a row and it was a ver unhappy sneaky How close to challenger are you? Jhin games KEKW Losing all the mf games LUL kill family DO IT BETA the sea of red scroll SMILERS "clean" KEKW I do SMILERS 18 deaths KEKW KEKW 4/18 KEKW go one more 17 deaths jhin xd Hitman peepoArrive !opgg no because when you start losing i dip KEKW KEKW SMILERS Nice WutFace 4/18 KEKW peepoWTF no poo break 4/18 OMEGALUL C- 4/18 KEKW Rengar games KEKW monkaS KEKW zhonyas jhin LULW WutFace PokPikachu @C9Sneaky thoughts on K1ng? 4/18 KEKW KEKW wait a second "Ive never seen this man lose" He must not watch LCS or Worlds Keepo woah 1/18 PogChamp @c9sneaky how long is this song? D: ZHONYAS ON JHIN Pepega KEKW WutFace WutFace Zhonyas Jhin KEKW that jhin game was a tragedy I SEE A ZHONYAS ON JHIN KEKW peepoClap what was that 4IE jhin almost 4/20 VapeNation pvman = _____ D: HAIL HYDRATE we must create a task force to kill off anyone who tries to make baby yoda rule34 MY STREAM NOW TriHard TriHard peepoWTF Two days ago LULW 4/18 KEKW AP JHIN? Pog 4/18XDDD kitty widepeepoHappy HE STILL REMEMBERS OMEGALUL LUL that game click find match? Play jhin just live PepeLaugh pvman = __ ?????? chat lit tonight voyPOG sneakyC trkCreep tyler1HA yasU ratirlMangoS tfbKEKW ggman PepeHands NO STREAMER TriHard WE REIGN . rengar jg > adc :( not a super long Sneaky viewer, so thought a sub to you would be put to better use than if I used it on me! @call_me_zeroo @QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD Thisa is the way. GG @QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD too late Weirdga peepoWTF weree waiting peepoLeave GG @QUOTE_IF_STREAMER_MALD i nut to that bro baby yoda is older then anyone in here.. @Call_me_Zeroo pvman=g @emoryligas -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] GingerPower @NuTeeE i have spoken g counter to rengar is dblade e z p z ARE WE PLAYING MORE HITMAN TONIGHT BOYS? PogU pvman = gg i say pvman you say gg @SimonC43 😡 Good w PrimeYouDontSay pvman = NaM COME OUT BROTHERS pvman NO GG gg Pvman = go next gg gg TriHard gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg @JoonBoom only in queue GGG gg gg gg TheNaskgul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak! Impact bought a building for esports, where is the Sneaky Daddy International Center for Trap Cosplay? @Call_me_Zeroo No :) WutFace gg 50 year old baby Yoda sneakyC gg im proud of you chat THATS FUCK UP gg Pvman = go next @call_me_zeroo hes not gg pvmanA PVMAN = __ whoever types gg is gay :) gg gg WeirdChamp WIN HA no :) gg gottem gg. gg gg GG g ggman @hotdogss monkaW gg ggGG gg ff bullying Rush PepeHands good job chat @TheRealMC3 PepeS PogChamp widepeepoSad lost a 36/7 jhin game wow i want dick now thanks im proud pvman is not gg PepeHands PepeHands when pvman is on ur team CHAT bunch of Sheeps qtpWEIRD pvman=ggman 4Head monkaW FARMING GGs WeirdChamp monkaW widepeepoSad Stop booli Rooosh chat WutFace DEAD monkaW monkaMega monkaW WHOAH monkaW monkaW NaM @cyberbooli_xd ratirlCage monkaW is my feed frozen? ded monkaS roosh isnt bad widepeepoSad monkaW cmonBruh monkaW HYPERBRUH monkaS PVMAN=KEKW cmonBruh I SAW IT hello? cmonBruh monkaW monkaS deth cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh O-o cmonBruh i saw it cmonBruh pvman not gg pvmanA MaN HYPERBRUH monkaS ONE OF US TriHard wtf? monkaW BRUH ooooooo not again HYPERBRUH monkaW the nun got sneaky I SAW IT cmonBruh ROOSH Would be Dissapoointed AYAYAWeird lynn beating sneaky monkaMega monkaW DO IT AGAIN TriHard cmonBruh One more gg and im outta here @CYBERBOOLI_xD BEHEEEEEEHHH ME A SHEEP !playlist Doot doot I saw that monkaGun waaage war :> 69 rp cmonBruh PogChamp ALIVE cmonBruh chat do you pluck your nose hairs or do you trim it with scissors lift1 lift2 i have a chaturbate stream open at the same time and i cant tell which stream im supposed to fap to PepeHands you have a smurf on your team HYPERS oits pvman MaldChamp RIP sneaky inc ban that breakdown though 69 rp nice nice nice trim alkW1 alkW2 @Call_me_Zeroo i pull it out with my bare hands who has N OMEGALUL SE HAIRS cmonBruh monkaW monkaS @Call_me_Zeroo only boomers have nose hairs @Call_me_Zeroo i just pull it out and eat it SMILERS @Call_me_Zeroo like a cultured person ): i use my tongue @Call_me_Zeroo ? LUL I saw it @Call_me_Zeroo do it naturally when you pull your bogeys LULW @call_me_zeroo lol just sniff a lit candle @Call_me_Zeroo pluck @Pachiefico WeirdChamp @call_me_zeroo I wax !song scizzors DansGame @Call_me_Zeroo i burn it with a flamethrower Song never ends SMILERS Trim it wtf 4Head I put nair into my butthole UR SO FUNNY 4Head GUYS 4Head Weirdga having long nose hairs ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 qtpPOO on it KEKW haHAA EZ just got 29 ads in a row nice pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey is this any song command? KEKW Clap @astralvillain WeirdChamp @kidtanz LEAVE @AstralVillain but do you sun your butthole KEKW Clap Nair smells like shit KEKW one time i was in a redlight so i plucked my nose hairs with my hands use a timmer @call_me_zeroo how am i not a mod here yet wow the gaming ad was actually good ad nyacchPls nut ur nose off if you dont want nose hairs WeirdChamp trimming with rasor ? LULW i dont have a bowlcut !artist @kidtanz and u sat here watchin em NICE ONE LOSER 4Head xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall sneakyC Clap xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall !song xqcBall @Call_me_Zeroo I pull it through my ass and out my mouth and call it a shit wax sneakyW Clap nah i trim the nosehairs with scissors ads FeelsGoodMan xqc subs cirLaugh hitman peepoArrive plucking is too much effort song? deth monkaW Pog HeyGuys hit MaN peepoArrive widepeepoHappy deth iwdYOINK iwdYOINK2 xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall monkaW THE BALLERS HAVE ARRIVED BAND NAME? peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive @ItsJustValk oddonePat oddoneAYAYA DETH peepoArrive #unemployedsquad HITMAN peepoArrive HandsUp oh wtf a new mod cirWut You boxGun widepeepoHappy DETH me :) peepoArrive deth widepeepoHappy peepoArrive WAGE WAR Hitman PogU plz kill my papa sneak, i have finals next week @c9sneaky have you ever been in egypt snacky? WAGE WAR! assinate me bby 🔫 SMILERS i say pvman you say peepoArrive gachiHYPER Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LUL sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey 1 monkaHmm 1 1 1 1 ur mother is suckinng my dick so i enjoyed it @banned_account_the_7th_ @Call_me_Zeroo do you wax ass or trim ? 1 2 SMILERS The sweet releazse of death sp4zieU 1 1 @Call_me_Zeroo doesnt plucking ur hair hurt lmao 420 123 1 1 1 7 69 1 sneakyClaus monkaW 1 1 3Head SMILERS 3Head KEKW Hi sneaky FeelsGoodMan piss on mate @kidtanz ooooo did i hit too close to home 4Head 3Hea 1 3Head OI BRUV 3Head 1 PISS OFF MATE 3Head PISS OFF 3Head 3Head piss off WHEN RDR :( Sup @C9Sneaky how the hell have you been? peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive gg @banned_account_the_7th_ yeah plucking nose hairs can hurt a bit snake ill give you five bucks if you wipe your finger across your glasses 4 NEW HENTAI EPISODES UPLOADED PogU @kidtanz U SEEM TO BE MALDING 4Head FCKN LOSER 4Head small titties Kreygasm nice ass Kreygasm small pp monkaW 3Head 3Head OI BRUV AYAYAWeird VEEP Pepega monkaGun she says hi @banned_account_the_7th_ monkaS @kidtanz GO WATCH MORE ADS MORON 4Head monkaS Oh oh dear god so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky DETH widepeepoHappy ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE tfbKEKW tfbShh tfbUnlucky tfbCoffee tfbNEXT tfbPUNCH tfbPALM tfbF tfbINTING tfbW tfbR1 tfbWTF tfb200 tfb5 tfbBAN tfbTRASH tfbTOS tfbKS tfbSNAKE tfbINNOCENT tfbYOINK tfbT tfb5Head tfbMine tfbGimmi tfbBuddy tfbWp PVMAN = ur target looks like frosk Very Important Penis gachIBASS bobby knox! murder is bad xQC THE JUICE 😂 👌 GO AGANE 😂 🔫 5Head GG gg be normal Win gg @banned_account_the_7th_ WHAT ADS TriHard tfbBuddy tfbGimmi tfbMine tfbGimmi tfbMine tfbGimmi tfbMine tfbGimmi tfbMine tfbGimmi tfbMine Why doe Sneaky look like all the middle school boys who wanted to be Justin Bieber PVMAN = WIN 3Head OI DATS SOM GOOD TEA GOVNA peepoLeave widepeepoHappy SHOOT THEM ALL Okayga peepoClap it's ok he's the good guy snap her neck hi :) daphHide @xSplasher this dumb sht watchedd 29 lmfao @kidtanz ah yes the number one vidya game: One Gun Man peepoClap not enabled PepeHands monkaX Please tell me you can run their ass over with that sports car @ii_Starito monkaW @rudi91 widepeepoSad daft punk helmets elcrack650 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months, currently on a 20 month streak! Hey dude @xSplasher he has the guts to flame me for it lmao.... MORON EleGiggle I've seen a guy who looked just like this on a cruise ship.... it was exciting.. gachiBASS NAKED @C9Sneaky do you pluck your nose hairs gachiHYPER gachiGASM pepeJAM gachiBASS not naked enough gachiBASS pepeJAM pepeD @banned_account_the_7th_ Pepega Clap somebody gotta take the L pepeD PepeD Naked sneaky you say 👀 pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM PepePls pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM ricardoFlick @xSplasher TRUE EleGiggle PepeD DISCO pepeJAM YOU STILL HAVE YOUR COCK SNACKERS LUL gachiGASM @kidtanz FCKN LOSER EleGiggle EleGiggle pepeD pepeJAM what difficulty u playing on? monkaW MONKAw monkaW monkaW murder the 2 drivers LUL there was a trash can it looked like PepegaShake ricardoFlick @Wewur the hardest @wewur master monkaW HIDE there was a closet PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD Dance pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD PepegaShake pepeD pepeD @C9Sneaky Shove someone in the disco ball pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Jenrar subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months, currently on a 48 month streak! pepeD 4 years pepeD gachiHYPER pepeD DROP THE BASS lol PepegaShake ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM 󠀀 pepeD pepeJAAMMER pepeD HandsUp pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeJAM ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick KILL KILL KILL widepeepoHappy 🔪 pepeD PepegaPls pepeD pepeD yeeeAAAAAA pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick PepegaShake ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD DRAUFGÄNGER pepeD pepeDance peepoJAM pepeD 👔 👌 peepoD lets go to dance mr Sneaky PEPEd pepeD pepeJAM pepeD PepoDance headBang ricardoFlick PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD pepeD PepegaShake ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake PepePls pepeJAM pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick Bro why you loop daddy right meow pepeD Pog pepeD pepeD GAT SONG gachiBASS pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @h4d3n -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD PepegaShake ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick wuhuuu pepeD LEE Pog PepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick PepoDance ricardoFlick ricardoFlick InsecureCow subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! <3 papa sneak, you've inspired me to cosplay Jinx DO IT pepeD pepeD Do it KEKW RicardoFlick This is a banger ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @c9sneaky getting out and about I see pepeD pepeD loop daddy ricardoFlick this shit bumps ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick What do you think about the Diana rework? ricardoFlick pepeD pepeJAM song bumps considerably hard you have to stabby stab moses :) ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick SourPls :) ricardoFlick pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeD can i get a rum and coke on the ROCKS ricardoFlick pepeD ok :) pepeD finally have pizza sivir sub badge pepeD :) pepeD pepeD :) SourPls Poison all the things widepeepoHappy sumSmash pepeD Pog PepoCheer ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD or die sneakyWoo pepeSmoke pepeD pepeJAMMER <3 PepegaShake ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick THATS A GOOD ONE pepeJAMMER sumSmash ricardoFlick sumSmash PepeD pepeJAM :) easy sneaky force targets to dance off winner lives monkaW NotLikeThis pepeD pepeD PepoCheer no :) sllap him n0 :) ricardoFlick if ricardoFlick u ricardoFlick flick ricardoFlick you ricardoFlick have ricardoFlick big ricardoFlick dick ricardoFlick SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage kill him lacEvil N OMEGALUL PepoDance kill him kill him PunOko pepejam bout to just start dancing in my room pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM @FallenFromElegance -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] PepePls pepeD song? KEKW PepegaPls kill him :) ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick GO BACK DansGame just kill him LUL ricardoFlick security pepeLaugh pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD blind him with your bald head gachiW take him down! pepeJAMMER gachiBASS forsenCD kill him PartyPoro forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD so? monkaW widepeepoHappy ricardoFlick if ricardoFlick you ricardoFlick flick ricardoFlick you ricardoFlick have ricardoFlick big ricardoFlick dick ricardoFlick SONG ? PLS forsenCD PogChamp snap one of the drivers necks and take their outfit widepeepoHappy pepeD pepeD i think i just found my first forehead wrinkle forsenCD so what? ANY SONG NAMERS ? song is Draufgänger noeneon pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD pepeD lacGasm ricardoFlick OMEGALUL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance POGGGG HITMAN2 Kreygasm @C9Sneaky did you finish RDR2? women DansGame pepeLaugh PepegaShake me :) me :) PepegaShake me :) DRIVERS LOUNGE @Mene08 Pog Moses Lee spreading the red sea ME :) fuck the hit, just dance pepeD OMEGALUL me :) he split the sea pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD no me :) PogYou TriHard ? cmonBruh cmonBruh @C9Sneaky look down CHAT THE SONG IS Draufgänger by noeneon pepeD CHAT THE SONG IS Draufgänger by noeneon pepeD CHAT THE SONG IS Draufgänger by noeneon pepeD lol cmonBruh @C9Sneaky by the stairs @hailthefail bruh BEST GAME BY FARRR pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick . pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick monkaHmm PepegaShake did he finish RDR2? Hasn't answered that question in 2 days -_- @Mene08 THANKS Pog why hit when you can dance snacky ANY FLICKERS? forsenWC forsenWC monkaW LuL monkaS monkaS the reaper will soon rear its ugly head for us all SMILERS threesome forsenCD LUL sneakyGrip @xSplasher np WutFace Moses Lee is racing GO IN sumS LUL KEKW CiGrip monkaS Vape Zoomer sports Pepega forsenCD NICE CiGrip monkaMega SHE CRAZY Weirdga sneakyGrip LUL monkaW monkaW VapeNation Pepega sneakyGrip ??? KEKW gachiHYPER sneakyGrip W OMEGALUL MEN monkaW forsenCD 📷 Smile forsenCD HYPERCLAP And this kids is why we dont drugs LULW LUL CiGrip LUL KEKW this is probable chats first exp. at a party KEKW 2 forsenCD T H I C C monkaW shes trippin KILL THEM MONKAS LULW VapeNation ADD MORE WIVES forsenCD 420 bathroom vaping WeirdChamp perv ?? VapeNation those hoes dont want you to know they vape DansGame DansGame Vaping Black Tar Heroine tslYpoptos tslYpoptos tslYpoptos tslYpoptos tslYpoptos POOPOO LOG ZULUL sneakyGrip DansGame VapeNation Yall HYPERDANSGAME DansGame ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 ratirlL9 DansGame DansGame sneakyGrip Clap poopies take a shit and dont flush this shitter is disgusting vaping not aloud murder I'm eating DansGame what is this game LMAO tslStravostomis tslStravostomis tslStravostomis tslStravostomis tslStravostomis tslStravostomis vapin vaporous vapors Can you rub your head in this game SUN WutFace gachiW @C9Sneaky think he was by the stairs doing the interview pepeJAM pepeD Drivers Louge music: Draufgänger by noeneon EveryLastThought subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Love the stream dude! pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAMMER D I D S N E A K Y F I N I S H R D R 2 YET? I AM TRAP AYAYA outside near the porta potties yes pepeD @GamEmpireTV Weirdga 🖕 pepeD gachiBASS @culex555 no...even tho he just played it last night poison, kill EVERYONE pepeDance tslHands tslHands tslHands tslHands tslHands poor PepeHands mes tslIcecream tslIcecream tslIcecream tslIcecream snap the chefs necks Vaping DMT CBD DHT DXM OPB RGB PVC TriHard FREE pepeD SourPls the drop Kreygasm Go get your stuff KEKW ur on master FishMoley Clap P OMEGALUL OMEGALUL R Master Assassins only need their hands HSWP ricardoFlick FISH POGGERS aauugh @C9Gorobot AYAYA pepeD NA ASSASSIN KEKW pepeD PAN forsenE yoink Fish LuL ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick beat them with fish LEAGUE DansGame HYPERCLAP @xSniddo cool thanks, I don't watch the stream late as fuck. I live a normal life peepoLeave LEAGUE LUL league DansGame KILL EM lets cooki it League peepoLeave Just put the pan in the suit KEKW ez game from now FishMoley KEKW KEKW KEKW End his life KEKW KEKW peepoWTF league ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich ratirlKing ratirlRich Pepega HAHAHAH KILL THEM LOOOOL KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL PUBG ??? KEKW KEKW LULW kekw KEKW peepoLeave LEAGUE KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW lmfao KILL THEM ALL KEKW KEKW KEKW tslW tslW tslW tslW tslW that pan throw hahahA RUINED LUL KEKW LUL tslClown tslClown tslClown tslClown KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL NA HITMAN LULW Very convincing xD monkaMega yeeted the pan LUL GRAB THE KNIFE KEKW GG LOL GG LUL just a prank Lost to waiter KEKW free pan tho KEKW "hello fellow employee, i am here for the Cod and frying pan" NA HITMAN KEKW lol Professional killer KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW !followage Kapp Kapp NA MAN KEKW rip KITING GENIUS 1NF3RNU5 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 1 week Pepega Kapp OMEGALOL excuses ResidentSleeper NA MAN KEKW SNAP HER NECK BEST GAME NA KILLER KEKW KILL HER WITH THE FISH NA HITMAN LUL idiot assasin monkaW go check :) monkaMega musid NA MECHANICS KEKW sneakyW SHITMAN KEKW AYAYAY Camera monkaW is this aphelios? bawkAYAYA monkaW slap her with the fish PepeS !followage PepegaPls tyler1BB monkaW fishman420356 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 11 months, 5 days AYAY give her headbang SI monkaW lool argentinian woman do it assassin foiled by kitchen staff LUL PRIVADO SUBDUE monkaW D: FOLD HER FUCKING BONES ratirlHappy latina girl Are they speaking Sims? slap her with the THICC DICC trow the fish at em This used to be a weeb spam only chat Feelsbadman nice spanish please throw it at her argentinian give her type 2 diabetes KEKW CUAL ES TU PROBLEMA!!! KILL KILL KILL widepeepoHappy 🔪 DO IT KEKW LUL KEKW DO IT Pog KEKW argentinian spanish KEKW DO IT TriHard LUL FeelsEvilMan do it MadoStab KEKW DO IT widepeepoHappy 🐟 FishMoley Clap KEKW do it DO IT just do it lol argentinian spanish DO IT KEKW DO IT AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? AYAYA DO IT NO BALLS KEKW !game @TheSlasher_ -> c9sneaky is playing League of Legends DansGame DO IT KEKW DO ITTTTTTTTTT Cual es tu problema its always worth it maybe shes allergic Argentina? LUL She's speaking in Diego Maradona language the fish is nonlethal DansGame AYAYA BlessRNG fish throwing game BlessRNG Fish is meta tho POGGERS lol DansGame WTF fish is pretty strong DansGame speaking latino KEKW What game is this? Anyone know? nonlethal fish LUL it isn't a DOGFISH Pog AYAYA ! DansGame can you beat her to death with the fish? ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAM tyler1T1 tyler1T2 NO POINT?1111 PepePls AYAYA @TheSlasher_ Hitman 2 LUL AYAYA @TheSlasher_ Hitman 2 Poison the punch 😡 forsenTake EZ Kreygasm i cant stand hearing her talk like that, just get her down Thank you! PauseChamp not throwing piranha ResidentSleeper ah feels so good just nutted in her eye @banned_account_the_7th_ this bar has less good music, peepoleave put fish in punch lol fools can only speak englisj Kappa = Grey Face (no space) sad LUL is this a autistic spectrum simulator monkaW monkaW SNAP SOMEONE'S NECK ALREADY Kappa it works PogChamp asmonHide Grab her right in the pussy with the FISH Kappa thanks KILL KEKW FishMoley SabaPing Dr POPP Pogs fish Pog stab him in the eye with the driver KEKW im sure there are fools that can only speak other languages as well widepeepoHappy MadoStab ManFish LULW fk HIM gahciHYPER @C9Sneaky Pog Pog Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Keepo LMAO lol D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap Have you been playing Hitman between queues exclusively? @C9Sneaky LMAO LUL where does he keep the fish LOL pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW FishMoley KEKW FishMoley KEKW KEKW HGAHAHAHAH LUL KEKW KEKW LEAGUE DansGame HYPERCLAP LUL D: xd KEKW ANY GREYFACERS ? Kappa KEKW WORTH IT KEKW PepoDance SNAP HIS NECK OMEGALUL FishMoley we did it KEKW Hitman 2 peepoArrive no kill run peepoLeave FISHW FishMoley Clap WTF KINDA OF FISH CAN KILL A MAN LIKE THAT KEKW PogChamp gachiHYPER A walking disguise lol that poor guy is just doing his job and he just got knocked out with a fish KEKW LUL HandsUp yeaaa sure gachiW peepoLeave LEAGUE sex him FishMoley 👍 KEKWWW just imagine getting fucked by a fish KEKW brb gonna fuck her some more @banned_account_the_7th_ LUL FishMoley 7 HandsUp @Cookies11 ko FishMoley 7 oo turned on the stream at the best time....FISHHH FishMoley UNHAND ME SNAP HIS NECK SMILERS SabaPing TOO FAR.. tslW tslW tslW tslW tslW tslW Clip it what are you doing BibleThump Cookies11 he's just sleeping @C9Sneaky the fish is erect FishMoley new job @simonc43 haHAA FishMoley UNHAND ME Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 4Head FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH FishMoley 🥕 EUGH Wait you can kill a man with a Fish WutFace Mans hungry HIDE THE WEAPON ratirlCrazy Where dat fish go clintLewd FishMoley 👍 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm close League SNAP HIS NECK rooREE Pepega 👍 FishMoley SNOOKY DO YOU LOVE ME LONG TIME The jokes on you You're a cook, it's ok to have it in your hand. LUL it was a non lethal hit calm down chat someone dodge BlessRNG clip the fish attack lol FishMoley SNAP NECK league DansGame then dont alt tab 4Head helps the disguise holding the fish in hand FishMoley :+1: did someone clip the fish attack? league DansGame monkaW SNAP HIS NECK FIRST rooREE monkaW SUCK COCK OF DEAD GUY ratirlHappy ratirlHappy DansGame KEKW DansGame @hotdogss hotdog DansGame hambuger SMILERS WutFace DansGame KEKWQ DansGame DansGame LUL the ffish actually killed him? DansGame LuL How did this chick's voice get so low DansGame DansGame sneaky are u playing halo reach tomorrow dragging a dead body on pavement for 40 ft rip monkaW monkaS WutFace @20022512abcdef SadChamp WHAT THE FUCK Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a life-time. KILL a man with a fish... and he gets dumpstered DansGame GTFO flesh dragging along asphault pepeL @C9Sneaky JUST FORGET ABOUT THE OLD JOB AND BE A COOK FROM NOW LUL ughhh varus :) so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky KEKWWWW @C9Sneaky ARE U PLAYING HALO TOMORROW? There NA LCS in this Trash DansGame LUXIAN KEKW LUL Malaria like shit tslW tslW tslW tslW tslW dodge inc PauseChamp @C9Sneaky jhin GRAVES LCOANM thats a lot of bites graves :) kalista DIED TO FLIES OMEGALUL COGGERS varus monkaX kaisa! @hotdogss 🔫 AYAYAWeird Pog maw KOGGERS HYPERS ResidentSleeper COGGERS SNUKER IS A MURDER cmonBruh Pog maw COGGERS Draven good morning all broxahHey kog HYPERS KOG MAW Looks like there was already a guy in there league tyler1Sleeper LUCIAN @C9Sneaky are u a top or a bottom @20022512abcdef sumSmash FEAST Pog Maw halo Pog PepegaAim PepegaPls Jhinnnn @C9Sneaky are you gonna change your Twitch name? yaaaasuuoo COGGERS TIME TO ... ResidentSleeper LEAGUE ratirlHmm ratirlHmm ratirlHmm time to feed PepegaAim peepoLeave 🔨 MaldChamp LUL BEAT SECURITY WITH HAMMER ? y is zven in korea where are you snacky? Pog LUL TIMING LOL loooool 🔨 NaM I thought he cleared this game WTF ??? is this untitled waiter game LULW Pog THAT TIMING LUL LULW sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash BEAT SECURITY WITH CROWBAR 🔨 MaldChamp 🔨 MaldChamp HOLY SHIT TECHNOLOGY PogU Sneaky on discord?? Which Hitman is this? they can hear monkaW No red dead yet 2 @marlfox2002 zzz is there time limits to these missions? @FizzicalTV Thanks! fish him i'm gonna get mad if i don't see some neck snapping soon SMILERS Combine fish + crowbar KILL IT KEKW Fishbar good morning all broxahHey league peepoLeave kill ratirlMagic no one dodged widepeepoSad ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER acting really natural there hitman ricardoFlick PepegaShake sumSmashsumSmashsumSmashsumSmash kOG Pog ricardoFlick Fish + Ammonia + Bleach + Chlorine sumSmash sumSmash The character looks so fucking out of place @C9Sneaky Is that Jared? SourPls sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash what game is this Illaoi POG widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash janna KEKW league DansGame DansGame close League peepoLeave Janna Kog DansGame Kill em all sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmashsumSmash League peepoLeave yikes peepoLeave ricardoFlick gachiBASS LULW league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave League peepoLeave monkaW dont you ever get bored of league ? @C9Sneaky peepoLeave League hehe xD peepoLeave nice kogmaw game! ive been wondering how effective his passive is, cant wait to see league ratirlLonely ratirlLonely ratirlLonely peepoLeave league league peepoLeave fun lane LUL what the hell kind of team comp peepoArrive peepoLeave NOT HITMAN peepoLeave league FeelsBadMan peepoLeave peepoLeave Kog Pog pepeLaugh league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave pepeLaugh he knows pepeLaugh Warlord Kogmaw pepeLaugh PepeLaugh league peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive what game is this pepeLaugh widepeepoHappy league hitman peepoArrive pepeL What is Real ? 🤔 baldMAN Janna heal LUL peepoLeave what is this game?! peepoArrive Is this league of legends? league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave rac LEAGUE FeelsBadMan peepoLeave peepoLeave the game is bitman what is real, Neo? :thinking: peeepoLeave peepoLeave :( league peepoLeave ratirlLonely LEAGUE ratirlHmm eague peepoLeave league peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoLeave !opgg league peepoLeave League FeelsBadMan Leesin rework peepoLeave peepoWTF come back hitman* league peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoArrive league O_O league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave Sonny_Streams subscribed with Twitch Prime. peepoLeave 🚪 peepoLeave peepoLeave league peepoLeave ratirlLonely ratirlHmm league ResidentSleeper what about the dad league is back up PogChamp League? That's IT I'm leaving peepoArrive league peepoArrive @C9Sneaky league peepoLeave attack speed kogmaw please league peepoLeave and whats unreal ? 🤔 @sweezy215 ??? peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave league LULW you'll need poison too KEKW COGGERS leage peepoArrive kock mao peepoLeave gankplank LULW KEKW this used to be a JHIN ONLY stream :( dont you ever get bored of league ? @C9Sneaky 20 fps monkaMega peepoLeave league peepoArrive League peepoLeave monkaW are you still playing for c9 ? @c9sneaky so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky league peepoMute peepoLeave !song 20 FPS LUL peepoArrive league win this daddy remake PauseChamp I HAVE 20 FPS GP really didnt want to leash I RELOG !music ???? ♥️ Sneaky !song peepoLeave SwiftRage AndysRoom subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! hi snackdad @C9Sneaky you dont hide map ? Love me Sneaky Daddy sneakyFedora pepeLaugh remake BlessRNG peepoLeave league xd @UnNameless no, he can just pour some of hix toxic behavior from lol and it's lethal already !playlist Doot doot peepoArrive League can you teach us how to utilize this champions passive? thanks in advance REMAKE? PauseChamp HOLD ME CHAT i used to play on 30 i know the feels FeelsBadMan remake BlessRNG hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave Sneaky stole all the FPS Is this just me or this song has been running for 40 minutes straight??? @xSplasher what is unreal about being real with that is unreal that its being real? 🤔 Jarvan OP :( He will be nerfed soon this song is fire D: AFK top peepoLeave chat what is song name ? @chat Is ranked up already? you can ping fps ff at 15 BlessRNG !song hi sneaky my lovess janna LUL lose lane @itsnox1 Darude Sandtorm reminds me of ADTR 2 min first blood KEKW cs LUL hitmaan in 15 BlessRNG you can ping fps Ulquiorra_Cifer doomed game why did annie die under enemy turret @C9Sneaky do you have a song or playlist command ? open mid BlessRNG yikes! gibsonatorrr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! lmfao yo take it easy Pepega NomNom NomNom NomNom haha gp @SimonC43 Uhh... yes :) @XavierMiles no you cant hey sneakyyyy ur cs lmao was Leona Pyke Naut baned or what? please dont kill me 4Head widepeepoSad hosea widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad charles widepeepoSad javier widepeepoSad 47 widepeepoSad sportsman Kapp i guys, my lane is REALLY EASY TO GANK, so don't do that okay? Pepega janna support ResidentSleeper GET BULLIED LOL sneaky going preds pog janna KEKW maybe use the passive to get some of that cs LUL StoneLightning micah WeirdChamp @xSplasher moon2BRAIN good answer Why is it every Janna sneaky gets trolls :( monkaHmm autofilll headBang CTL 1 !playlist Doot doot janna autofill for sure PepoThink KEKW @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp 🖕 @SimonC43 5Head wineTime late game kogmaw Kreygasm KEKW ??? HeyGuys AHHAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA fishyjim3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Pog 7 monkaW I love Kogmaw slow, he's so unfun though :*( POGGERS ONLY 7 peepoLeave not 8 dorans WeirdChamp @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 7? PogU D: just 7 WeirdChamp sneakyD dorans 4Head fuck u too 4 dorans is ok @hotdogss fuck you PunOko Hey Snook, great stream as always BisexualPride any guys down to sell nudes. pm me. GET TEAR how about u fuck me urself coward AYAYAWeird I miss the old gatling gun kog widepeepoSad Any SMILERS in chat? :) nudes ? 6 dorans is ok FeelsOkayMan 7 Dorans is fine monkaW monkaW WutFace need 69 dorans :) wtf show me the way of the dorans plz asking for friend monkaW AYAYA monkaW SMILERS when i play lux also 4 dorans i have VIET__ ? NaM DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw monkaW TehePelo KEKW @C9Sneaky -> No excessive usage of Dorans! [warning] cirBlech this game LUL KEKW GP KEKW gangplank PepeHands MaN heeepinizin anasını skkm orospuuuuu cocukkları lmao gp LUL OPEN TOP PauseChamp all this dorans blade talk makes me miss ryan choi bombixMasa bombixMasa bombixMasa report gp he's annoying FF 15 BlessRNG AYAYAWeird 9 dorans is fine FF@15 GP pepeLeave karma ghosting ? 15 min game Pog hitman at 15 NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom R) peepoLeave Karma ghosting for sure KEKW STOLE UR CS @hotdogss Wrong :) KEKW PING HER SMILERS KEKW GP 👉 peepoLeave GP mode peepoLeave PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands @exlxanga he actually streams occassionally pepeHands PepeHands pepeHands PepeHands PepeHands ight imma head out peepoLeave GP new wintrade strat LULW top laner griefing! rePoRt PlEaSe! SMILERS Damn, this Janna boosted af LUL HITMAN peepoArrive LEAGUE peepoLeave i failed PepeHands what is this janna PepeHands omg ur cs is shaking😂 PepeHands Bro this Janna is Silver LMFAO im gay SMILERS PepeHAnds COCK SMILERS 4Head PepeHands pepeLaugh hepinizun bacisini skm hi this janna is just flying wild hurricanes everywhere lee? KEKW LUL LOL KEKW KEKW LULW RIP UNLUCKY KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsBadMan cbenGARD subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! damn You waited too long @C9Sneaky KEKW oh nyooo widepeepoSad THAT'S A TRAGEDY FeelsBadMan huge unluck widepeepoHappy KEKW unlucky KEKW unlucky KEKW janna played that like shit NA Fiesta FFFFFF Turn that frown upside down SMILERS Sneaky you're always adorable ♥ DORANS Pog 4 dorans peepoArrive 4 dorans LULW wow that was so unlucky! wtf that build FUL BUILD PogU I'll do this build @C9Sneaky Why dorans stack KEKW PRAY FOR PHILIPPINES ANNIE KEKW FULL BUILD Pog FULL BUILD Pog KEKW knight in shining armor GENJA OMEGALUL 4 dorans powerspike PogU POG Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm DORANS peepoArrive This Janna is ass if sneaky doesn't go to all stars as pizza delivery sivir then that's a tragedy GP peepoLeave JANNA peepoLeave J4 peepoLeave ANNIE peepoLeave wtf doran nnnnnsssss PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp the fck is with dorans blade chat why the dorans stack ? WE ARE AT MAXIMUM POWER BOIS PogU 4 Items at 7 minutes PogU THIS IS THE GAME 4 DORANS peepoArrive dorans stack is for ANTI DIVE dorans ? peepoArrive 4 items kog at 7 min Pog IVE BEEN WAITING FOR hepinizin bacisini skiimm sikiiimmm @CHAT he said 9 Dorans is FINE is giving away Sneaky’s nudes for free. Type !loot to claim your gift. 6666 !loot sneakyGrip !loot !loot !loot @kmn483 not a real fan unless u nut to his cosplays lulWut @lolShadoow WeirdChamp !loot !loot !loot !loot money efficency 5Head !,liot !loot janna KEKW !loot !LOOT stacking his tear :) TriHard !loot Ooh sneaky nude !loot so coom TriHard !loot TriHard !loot !claim TriHard !loot sneakyHey !tool TriHard TriHard sup with the dorans build ? ALMOST FULL BUILD POGGERS atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm HotPokket Wheres my 10million Riot? !nudes OptimizePrime OptimizePrime WideHard !loot !claim where's my snacky nudes? DansGame any bald men in chat? moon2M WideHard ER Doran blade hordeing new meta? KEKW Jebaited !claim !noods 2nd death with dorans gg 15m Imagine @ challenger ELO you DC from game and let your lane free farm KEKW why is it botlane that always plays with two heroes in lane? Why not two in midlane, so you have more access to the map? OHWOOOOO <3 just ff KEKW FF Jebaited Clap 6 DORANS tragedy gg KEKW this game LUL Jenna LUL headBang 15 Pepehands outside karma tether range, still gets tethered !song Sneaky nude is more precious than any other e girls ff KEKW AFK in fountain and play hitman OkayChamp just open GachiPls AFK missed dorans you need that thresh from yesterday S@15 Pepega yikes Imagine being a Janna main FeelsWeirdMan @navishere it's because gangplank d/c earlier PepeHands yeah wtf was that tether ANY LOSERS ? Kreygasm every game is winable janna is a bit of a bad pick no ardent rush ? LUL !currentsong 4 dorans peepoArrive Gg FULL BUILD PogChamp 7 mins till hitman FeelsOkayMan gg yall gay !nowplaying tell janna to pick naut only like the koreans @asipz probably because he isnt an egirl and all his cosplay isnt even him LMAO @hotdogss 5Head KEKW @Zomg_A_Chicken no. top laners arent even involved Investing @h4d3n SMILERS hitman soon widepeepoHappy peepoArrive janna girl gamer Kappa need more dorans blades Play hitman instead Play Hitman in fountain PogU kaied subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! wow @scottiedog tfb5Head trkMald tyler1IQ voy4566 voy5HEAD yas5 hitman widepeepoHappy I LOST Kreygasm any hitman fans ? peepoArrive @ABNORMEL peepoArrive @decodeproxy LULW I NEVER WIN Kreygasm W o W wow 4Doran 4HEad Type 1 if chat are idiotts. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 18 minutes 14 seconds @hotdogss Okayga 1 4Doran @Duxure pob200 1 1 did this gp got 30´+ cs? @skybizz he will never die then PogU no :) time to f33d 1 the legendary 1200 gold build. None can compete @C9Sneaky @julianbelkin -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] 1 yes theyre idotts PepegaPls headBang PepegaAim @decodeproxy true PogU dorans stack without overheal is terrible lul cucked SMILERS new emote julien WeirdChamp 4 Dorans peepoArrive mods monkaS NOT USING REINDEER KOG MAW peepoWTF 1 man spamm WeirdChamp winnable headBang gachiBASS mods KEKW NOT USING REINDEER KOG MAW peepoWTF KEKW @satatardy sorry my twitch crashed and had to refresh... thanks! NOT USING REINDEER KOG MAW peepoWTF Okayga SMILERS 1 man spam WeirdChamp 👉 🚪 M a N My PepegaAim is ready for hitman FeelsGoodMan NOT USING REINDEER KOGMAW? @julianbelkin -> Don't spam in CAPS! JANNA KEKW NOT USING TRANSGENDER KOG MAW LUL LUL JANNA KEKW OMEGALUL Lee? KEKW CLUTCH DORANS lee? LULW he didnt auto LULW janna so bad knew lee was at dragon still stands there. derp bruh Okayga COCK SMILERS NOT SHOW FEET? kekw KEKW so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky this janna bronze? lol :) :) :) SMILERS KEKW :) COCK SMILERS :) LUL smile :) SMILERS SMILERS :) SMILERS hahahaha GOT OUT PLAYED BY 17 DASHES KEKW :) :) SMILERS akali is fun :) hate to see it :) SMILERS E? :) :) :) :) :) ANY SMILERS ? : mid diff :) SMILERS :) KEKW KEKW :) LMAO :) :) HAHAHAHA GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL monkaW D: :) D: lol D: TROOOOOOOOO D: e tu KEKW toxic D: o.o FLAME D: D: D: hahahahaha D: D: KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL D: D: lmao :D D: D: D: D: LuL HAHAHAHA D: D: D: D: MaldChamp TOXIC D: D: toxic D: LUL LUL LUL LUL toxic af sneakyD you are trash yourself LUL D: TOXIC D: BigBrother Clap monkaS LMFAOOOOO MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp TOXIC sneakyD thats tilt talk, janna has great WR in solo queue LOLOL D: D: :) cirD :) toxic sneakyD smile sodaD :) D: D: TOO FAR WeirdChamp ✋ D: :) :) FLAMING PogYou KEKW D: banned PepeHands triggered KEKW omg D: :D T D: XIC D: :) BANNED PepegaHands D: D: LUL SNEAKY FLAMING PogYou SMILERS SMILERS D: flame on 4Head :) D: D: YOU'RE THE PRO PLEASE PICK MY CHAMP SMILERS D: tell them BigBrother Clap jajajjajajajajjaj toxic sneaky xD JUST 4Head BigBrother Clap Keep it going i think janna is good Why would you even play traditional support anymore? Shit is outclassed by mages :) egirl champ :) KEKW @C9Sneaky take this toxicity and use it to kill your targets in the other game lmao, it will be easy stfu feeder they're offrole, if they asked what to play why not tell them instead of crying hahahaha i'm dying BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap im not mad SMILERS What supp moon2A Sneaky with the T! turn up DEFORMED BigBrother HITMAN INC ratirlHappy ratirlHappy ratirlHappy ratirlHappy ratirlHappy flaming PogU D: D: D: BigBrother YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO D: D: DEFORMED D: D: WOAH hasREE hasREE hasREE D: d: banned sneakyD BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap toxic sneaky D: D : LUL D: toxic WeirdChamp D: D: use ur brain KEKW flame on here we go KEKW the rare sneaky flame he actually said "can i pick yuumi or do you want something else" D: LMAO D: CHECK THE VOD BigBrother Clap D: pls D: D: BigBrother FLAME HIM D: use ur brain ? so toxic D: D: banned true you are garbage washed up trash LUL D: DAMNNN LuL KEKW HHAHAHHAHAHA :P E-GIRL CHAMP KEKW :P D: BANNED :P CLAPPP tilted D: :P REFORMED BigBrother D: :P Janna S+ tier tho LUL :P KEKW :P :P :P :p Is this Tyler1 channel? :P :P same lul tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB tyler1BB as i lay dying BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG BigBrother :P KEKW :p KEKW not toxic btw :o :P SMILERS :p :p tell him its not season 7 chat xD destroy her :) BigBrother GOOD SNEAKY GOOD BigBrother :P KEKW TURE KEKW ;p not with that attitude you wont SMILERS :p :p SNEAKY FLAMING! PogYou :P salt @C9Sneaky because Riot ruined support champs and now you have to play mage or your die BigBrother Clap T1 COSPLAY BigBrother Clap T1 COSPLAY BigBrother Clap T1 COSPLAY TRUE OMEGALUL :P c9 tyler1? :P dorans tech actually toxic TRUE KEKW Rekkles Janna :) :P same SillyChamp TRUE She gives gold to the enemy team SMILERS bnanaHands true KEKW atpRtsd4 atpRtsd4 atpRtsd4 atpRtsd4 the forecast :) mb :P sure she does run it down BigBrother Truu She's good in ARAM though :P hasREE hasREE hasREE hasREE hasREE hasREE RUNNIT DOWN BigBrother she dies for free PogChamp should've picked soraka. :) She's trash a rare sneaky rage : ) stfu and go scale ugly boxLUL boxLUL boxLUL so what's with the dorans stacking now? aiiriend subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! monkaHmm any truers? espescially when shes in lala land KEKW janna is freakin decent make janna great again she isnt good at all, they made her useless Okayga COCK SMILERS 5d move lets you pick her champ so she cant be blamed atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm atpGasm imagine being washed up trash for 6 years and flame supports cuz you are trash LUL Janna pressed E PogU NOT FALSE LULW RUN IT DOWN BigBrother but janna is S+ tier monkaHmm u won a game with janna a few days ago, but it had nothing to do with janna GREAT WORK NOW RUN IT DOWN BigBrother Janna is only good in ARAM monkaHmm monkaHmm monkaHmm monkaHmm SMILERS monkaSHAKE monkaHmm monkaHmm monkaHmm shes literally weaker than a minion is janna really that bad? ricardoFlick monkaHmm ✋ SMILERS monkaHmm @culex555 naw, she's just stupidly outdated pvmanTilt monkaHmm monkaHmm @C9Sneaky RUN IT DOWN BigBrother angry sneaky still kinda chill monkaHmm i pooped my pants janna was only good when ardent was busted OP KEKW buzzz bUrself monkaHmm gachiW bUrself bUrself monkaW buzzzzzzz PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Janna isn't good in ARAM, if the choices are between her and LUX, any mage outclasses her. ARAM included janna has a great WR but feels like garbage to play PepegaPls bUself monkaW @wewur Can be great. But terrible this matchup KEKW bUrself LULW bUrself PepegaPls Pepega LULULULULULUL @milkmancometh dont forget to pee your pants too bUrself monkaW bUrself PepegaPls LLULULULULUL KEKW KEKW LUL biIliee subscribed with Twitch Prime. bUrself KEKW KEKW WutFace monkaS @Wewur bad into karma, yes. LMAOOOOOO LULW KEKW MercyWing1 DatSheffy MercyWing2 KEKW @rainbowsplat666 dont cut yourself on that edge you bad boy atpRtsd3 atpRtsd4 KEKW @Zomg_A_Chicken monkaHmm i see ololol WutFace JANNA AFK Ganks gone horrible KEKW LULULA PepegaPls that was beautiful You are being camped like fuck though bro but yes janna sucks ass Okayga COCK SMILERS n a bad team again @Quote_if_xqc_is_juicing LUL Okayga 🍻 SMILERS TYPE FOR TORNADOS AKALI KEKW the moves trunoomPog Janna healed Pog How did you guys get nothing there LOL JANNA DID SOMETHING @rainbowsplat666 Good one! Yet you're still here watching. LUL @Clessiers Janna has no good match ups, only bad and afk lanes KEKW janna POG janna Pog JANNA PRESSED R Pog this ARAM botlane is CRINGE AF jarvan fking sucks bro game is boom omg whats this song that's gotta be the best support i've ever seen Okayga 🤝 SMILERS MadoStab AYAYA JANNA HAS A KEYBOARD Pog I miss the days when Janna was the ultimate playmaker. 4 dorans KEKW !!!!! the hell was that exchange is this the All Random All Bot mode? PogChamp Okayga 🍻 SMILERS needs more blades so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky go 6 dorans No Pug Maw peepoLeave wait full doran xD It makes me happy when you get all the cs under tower @firemage85 PogYou DO IT pepeHands sell it boots get 6 dorans :( what was that song? :( NOOOO PepeHands @C9Sneaky why dont you hide map? @youggaming PogU SELL BOOTS WTF peepoSad nooo SELLING DORANS peepoLeave sell potion FeelsWeirdMan AYAYA 🤝 KannaNom MadoStab Okayga I can never do something like that FeelsBadMan headBang SELL THE BOOTS L;UL sold dorans peepoLeave KannaNom no Pawg Maw peepoLeave @firemage85 Pogchamp sold dorans peepoLeave SadChamp AYAYA WeirdChamp OMG KannaNom enabled? <3 danAww @youggaming POGGERS Janna Vs Karma LOL not even close doesnt even matter SadChamp ME KILL smilewhenimsad 19 monkaW SWAPPING A BUILT ITEM FOR ANOTHER?!?!!?!? BOOTS?!?!? 18 @firemage85 Pepega i meant SMILERS KannaNom 17 SwiftRage doran instead of boots peepoLeave KannaNom Okayga COCK SMILERS SMILERS WutFace @youggaming :) headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang any LCS fans SadChamp Okayga 🎐 KannaNom thats a triple for illaoi KEKW Pog maw It's my friend :two_men_holding_hands: ... uhhh... Anand's birthday :partying_face: :birthday:, he loves :heart_eyes: your stream :kissing_heart: if you could give him a shoutout :mega: real quick it would be amazing :star_struck: . Happy birthday Anand :heart_exclamation: Happy birthday @C9Sneaky KEKW LuL KEKW KEKW KEKw LMAO KEKW no ? no lcs fans ? ok SadChamp LMAOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW Okayga 👉 SMILERS here we go KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW she just refuses to die KEKW died anyway KEKW KEKW KEKW KILL IT WutFace KEKW WORTH embarrassing KEKW him? HotPokket LUL LUL Hey sneaky I got flammed by my soraka supp cause I bought 3 Doran blades.... did I do something wrong ? D: @c9sneaky KEKY holy shit J KEKW LUL LUL LUL lol janna did nothing LMAO looks fun dude LUL LuL LUL normal illaoi game WeirdChamp Okayga 🤝 SMILERS LMAOOOO monkaHmm Janna 4 BOT KEKW KEKW LUL Dafuq is this game KEKW how do you even live through that You voted yes. LEE LUL PedoBear Squid4 ANNIE pvmanFBM pvmanFBM Janna xd theyre meming this janna KEKW He called it almost exactly botlane PepeHands hitman stream POGSLIDE janna just sitting in bush xD wp janna KEKW janna is going to vote No LULW JUST PLAY HEIMER KEKW Wp janna KEKW wp janna hitman time Okayga janna support KEKW WP Janna xD hitman peepoArrive ECKS DEE JANNA KEKW lmao WP JANNA F IN THE CHAT widepeepoSad HITMAN peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive all chat KEKW FUCK U JANNA KEKW HITMAN peepoArrive KEKW Karma ghosting embarrassing display hitman Pog ? hitman peepoArrive HITMAN PogU Clap Hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive EZ Sesmio subscribed with Twitch Prime. sneaky duo Poggers so after a couple weeks of playing, do you think the doran spam works on all adcs or just a few @C9Sneaky rly didnt notice u there KEKW PogU hitman Pog peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive karma ghost pog duo karma Pog KannaNom AYAYA HITMAN peepoArrive wtf LUL peepoArrive HITMAN PogU HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN Pog KEKW duo widepeepoSad pathetic THX LMAO hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Karma ghosting KEKW Hitman peepoArrive PepegaAim Im ready peepoArrive real game hitman Hitman peepoArrive HITMAN TIME HIT MaN main game peepoArrive that was so fast HITMAN peepoArrive karma ghosting WierdChamp HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN peepoArrive KEKY HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HITMAN TIME Pog no honor KEKW HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN HIT MaN dat me @C9Sneaky so they should actually do a janna rework DUO PogChamp ? MaN song? weewoo monkaW picking janna in 2019 LUL monkaW HITMAN peepoArrive weewoo! weewoo @thedethkore triggered ratirlHappy lol !rank weewoo SMILERS C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 602 LP KEKW Orrnhub :) this is why you should duo aphro 😡 weewoooo weewoo Pepega hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive DUO JANNA bad support=defeat @Duxure SMILERS weewoo! PepegaHands weewwoo weewoo Okayga LUL HYPERS monkaW weewoo? weewoo? D: weewoo? MaN peepoArrive 🚪 PepegaPls WEEWOO PepegaPls WEEWOO PepegaPls WEEWOO PepegaPls WEEWOO PepegaPls WEEWOO PepegaPls WEEWOO i turn on my switch and game over :( weewooo Okayga widepeepoHappy weewoo HYPERS weewoo :) :) Weewooweewooweewooweewoo LUL ITS DA SOUND OF DA POLICE AYAYAWeird @thedethkore tfbT tfbT tfbT haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky wait win 12 lose 16.. huh wewwo? that janna is a god 12 year old donation OMEGALUL Kreygasm janna support dodge haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky duo with epark janna Wipehappy @C9Sneaky when RDR2 :( <3 fortnite DansGame i came here for hot grill cosplay :) WOOP WOOP dog? monkaHmm symfLove duo karma epark FORTNITE? POGGERS :D fortnite WeirdChamp POGGERS POGGERS Check Janna Profile AYAYAWeird Did he win? @C9Sneaky supp was autofilled af :D hehe :D Pepega :d POGGERS ? :D :D :D duo karma Sneaky Nezuko cosplay Kreygasm wewoo? fornite DansGam POGGERS hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive HITMAN Okayga HYPERS ! 🍪 KannaNom Kappa POGGERS YES epark duo POGGERS POGGERS !team Fortnite POGGERS duo epkar 5Head lets do the math POGGERS @samdolf -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] WE LIKE FORTNITE POGGERS HEY WEEBS AYAYA BlessRNG BlessRNG BlessRNG WE LOVE FORTNITE POGGERS haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky POGGERS WE DO POGGERS duo epark this game is play hitman eks de? AYAYA fortnite DansGame not enough dorans Annie mid, Janna sup insta-dodge. duo epark duo epark AYAYA KannaNom haiLit @SmolClaire AYAYA haiLit haiLit haiLit haiLit What’s the song duo epark its karma name of the song? @C9Sneaky his is all junglers he was a jg main playing janna lmao AYAYA @SmolAria @C9Sneaky Do some fartnite dances for us daddy challenger janna haiRip Okayga TeaTime COCK supp is jungle main it ? 3 doran and a big doran Pog Janna only is good in ARAM duo epark duo epark TriKool epark is that eugene "pobelter" park? duo epark/karma league peepoLeave fortnite peepoArrive accept epark invite enchanters fucking BLOW preseason Duo epark its karma EPARK hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive her shield too weak now Engage supp is too good haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky doran tribal Pepega clearly never played janna lmao janna so bad not even 3 doran can save it SMILERS i played a game with janna and wont today. all you have to do is play like us is gold and ull win AYAYA haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky @trigonus_ow enemy had 4 dorans, thus superior Bro im living the new As I Lay Dying album go duo epark those tornados hurt Okayga COCK SMILERS epark haiSneaky haiSneaky haiSneaky @C9Sneaky she wasnt getting an item that game so didnt matter rly ricardoFlick janna was good until they nerfed her literally 15 times in a row you won a game with janna 11 days ago on Kog haiMonkey @joeasscompass -> No Links! [warning] Hitman all night Braum? achilles KEKW PLAY HM2 widepeepoHappy BARD duo epark SabaPing how good is lulu ?? @C9Sneaky except die !followage how bout sona? big rip to janna now bc of the 50 nerfs. sneaky give me a rimjob DeadlyWafflez has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 11 months, 1 week, 3 days duo epark dirty slut KEKW she presses E W OMEGALUL W LUL haiGasm haiGasm haiGasm sona, soraka, nami @C9Sneaky reddit cried about enchanters until they all died !followage KEKW @tooasterchild outdated champ he was just bad they shifted her kit to her e and now shes garbo lmao. her win rate 52 percent janna rework incoming? soraka > janna in every way Weewo @c9sneaky swain support? hi sneaky @catfish020 you can thank ardent meta for that janna was good until they nerfed her literally 15 times in a row. she's not outdated she just got made shitty janna could use a rework I like the new AILD album @c9sneaky what are you gonna do now that you're not on a team anymore? What was different about her ult(( hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive D: peepoArrive peepoArrive HITMAN @C9Sneaky lol haiMonkey @C9Sneaky you always play the best music. as i lay dying was my first concert lol peepoArrive Enchanters can't be good for more than a few months before gutted or counters buffed EarthDay EarthDay EarthDay peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN Duo epark @C9Sneaky thoughts on the ads that use stormrzr best? I tried it on varus seemed nuts Nados take too long a janna rework could be so cool and gp has 20 fpx God as a support main my winrate has never been as high as it was during ardent meta peepoLeave Hitman Kreygasm @c9sneaky imagine playing tryndamere vs janna Aphro duo epark thats okay you like bending over @C9Sneaky GET IN Q 4Weird getting fuck gachiW getting... FUCKED gachiBASS STFU AND PLAY HITMAN nyacchMad cirLaugh carry some pepperspray with you gachiW Whats Wrong? Peepo hitman peepoArrive trunoomSmug Janna choked a bit What did they change about her ult (? @c9sneaky heh gachiBASS @C9Sneaky you play dbfz hggShaq hitman peepoArrive tell me about that kogmaw :D what would have rather had? back when ardent was busted and janna just ults and applies ardent to whole team. @woodenball more healing @ItsJustValk oddonePat oddoneShrug WideHard you can EG MID laner peepoArrive OKAY COOL JUST PLAY HITMAN tfbW @C9Sneaky are u watching mr robot hitman time NomNom NomNom NomNom NomNom bigger circle + knockback @AcidicStorm nyacchPat widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad Champ WideHard no hitman peepoLeave Too many re-engage tools now? @C9Sneaky Is teh damage creep in the game and her ult not being adjusted complaining about league peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive complaining about league peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive complaining about league peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive damage is a lot higher now then it was then cuties AYAYA @woodenball they didnt do anything to the ult but the game has changed bigger circle, shorter cd, more healing hitman widepeepoHappy Janna is the highest winrate support across all ranks atm @C9Sneaky maybe that was when ardent was nuts since her ult applied it to everyone @c9sneaky Imagine. Of picking Lulu when the adc locks in Kog LUL it used to mini-stun after the knockback a while ago @C9Sneaky In Masters+ she has a really really high winrate... why do you think? weewooo moment maybe people just do more damage now peepoLeave Find Match league has changed and power creep is a thing @c9sneaky finally peepoArrive peepoArrive main game peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive FINALLY @C9Sneaky Did you know if you bought a 20 year old car, you could get a discount on insurance over not having any before? peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive janna needs the nickelback treatment Selamın aleyküm @c9sneaky what would be a better support that game? peepoArrive @c9sneaky duo with Epark. He's good peepoArrive peepoArrive main game Pog POGSLIDE hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive kill them all peepoArrive with all the free dashes a knockback doesnt matter because everyone just dashes back in i want to play with you bby sneaky but my country dont have a server peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive FeelsGoodMan peepoArive hitman When RDR2 @C9Sneaky <3 peepoArrive Hitman peepoLeave ANELE HYPERCLAP KILL ALL HIT MaN ! peepoArrive Genocide is this the new sims? what game is this get your suitcase? yes pepeJAM PepePls pepeJAM HITMAN 2 pepeD pepeJAM H I T _ _ _ ? pepeD pepeJAMMER @SmolAria peepoWTF get your ass back here @SmolAria your birth peepoLeave NaM DNB pepeJAM she 👃 @drlimpi Yes pepeD pepeJAM pepeLaugh she knows GAME IS HITMAN 2 pepeD @vurderlak @TheDethkore D: KEKW sims 5 PogU been waiting all night HITNAM NaM nymnFlag OMEGALUL monkaS KEKW HEY! PepegaPls HITNAM NaM LU LUL Does anyone here know anything about mechanical keyboards? oh fuck save scummer KEKW monkaS monkaW D: monkaW monkaW Pepega thats master difficulty the items are scarce stab her with your d npc voices NotLikeThis HotPokket Hey time to snap some necks how does she know @C9Sneaky get em with the spaghetti can there's alot of trash DansGame D: maybe its your bald head KEKW wanna do something? D: RUDE KEKW monkaS I-I'm just a chef OkayChamp REEEEEEEEE nymnREE TRIGGERED kill her MaldChamp wkdBall PepePls KEKW PogU CAR Cant you make your mouse captive??? @C9Sneaky What is this game guys?? 2 moniter problems amirite moon2N fullscreen it then gachiW Kill them all with a fish! I've seen it be done. Totally WORTH! just got a 13 min penta kill lol hii baarbaTiltada @Hellyhello Metal Gear You know why it sucks? you're literally the only person at the event WHOS BALD MARTYWANNAPARTY subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! monkaW Just a chef, don't mind me :3 @Hellyhello Hit Man monkaMega monkaGun monkaW PepeS CROWBAR yo whats the name of the anime song that everyone always wants sneaky to play? Any weebs in chat? KonCha trunoomLurk gachiHYPER @icewithmilk tyty NaM into the closet KappaPride sneakyYeehaw weeb inbound KappaPride which league of legends champ is this? mods monkaS @TheSoapy11 its either monster musume oepning or the doppel chan version KappaPride just kill them and take their clothes 4HEad @quackmaster123 human ryze dota SNAP HIS NECK widepeepoHappy They often request both @TheSoapy11 are u in que monkaS purple team monkaX @Vissisium thank you! its monster musume D: WTF kill him KEKW new league update looks sick omgHands_HF D: D: thats my dad SNAP NECk KEKW why arent u in the clown costume :/ murder storage ratirlHappy ratirlHappy widepeepoHappy DETH cmonBruh widepeepoHappy DIE Now I'm the mechanic Kappa NEVER work alone chat! gachiBASS widepeepoHappy gachiHYPER lee sin gameplay looks fun gachiHYPER naked KEKW PepegaShake gachiW I SAW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER best part !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 33 minutes 2 seconds SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy hide him monkaW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiHYPER PepoThink you know what to do next gachiHYPER thats a dildo gachiHYPER its a explosive still warm gaciBASS hide the body KEKW D: REDBULL KEKW 🤔 widepeepoHappy eat his body widepeepoHappy NA hitman KEKW drink it peepoPog 5Head AH YES forsenCD Pog forsenCD PepoThink put it in targets car Pog forsenCD ? forsenCD cheating ? squadCozy i'mma go to sleep non lethal Pog forsenCD Clap peds for cars?? wtf forsenCD nice EZ Clap forsenCD MY KIND OF TOOL forsenCD Clap see ya sneaky and people here jasonrBan jasonrBan goos night peepoBlonket gachiHYPER STILL WARM lata @PitZuki !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 33 minutes 58 seconds closet other side snacky i seen ahri cosplay 4 the first time and lemme tell ya i gachiGASM on my phone and now the screen messed up I just spent $1,000 on new clothes, should I throw literally all of my old clothes away, yes or no chat? 1 for yes, 2 for no necrophilia chat AYAYAWeird succ him gachiBASS SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy gachiW do it in the car with vaseline anyone who is knocked out for that long is brain damaged 2 gachiHYPER 💦 peepoBlonket ? when rdr2 @Stiflers_Mom donate them LMAO AYAYA CUTIEEEEES AYAYA KannaNom widepeepoHappy DETH widepeepoHappy DETH End him Sneaky! KEKW kiss the body gachiHYPER monkaW Libido dump him 4Head AYAYA 0 KEKW Kiss him goodnight KappaPride 1Head 100 PogU @stiflers_mom thrift shop donation? KEKW gachiHYPER :) pepeLaugh next season Black Widow 🕷️ Trailer Out :) SMILERS :) :) pepeLaugh :) close the door maybe? :) :) :) :) :) :) :( :) SMILERS Throw them away means donate get in the closet Kreygasm he doesnt know FeelsBadMan SMILERS SMILERS :) :) :) :) CONFIRMED leaked :) :) SMILERS SMILERS SMILERS :) whos gonna tell him i know :) SMILERS you know :) :) you know :) :) wrong pit crew wrong team :) Donate or garbage monkaS wrong crew its a different team room not your garage pepeLaugh KEKW SMILERS yeah just squat go to the club KEKW ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD pepeD SourPls pepeD pepeD pepeDance pepeD pepeD oh shit play draven PLS @h4d3n -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD oh shit pepeD oh shit pepeD oh shit pepeD oh shit pepeD oh shit pepeD oh shit pepeD pepeD WTF IS THIS monkaW SMILERS pepeD *crouches in hostile area* what game is that? do it pepeD pepeD monkaW ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD PLAY DRAVEN PLS cmonBruh cmonBruh pepeJAMMER pepeD Sierra Kreygasm me put the fuel in PogChamp yea :) I think I got more for donate, so I'll save my old clothes to donate peepoArrive pepeD @YunaAYAYA yuna :O i mean you ave high octane fuel buuuuut Just SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc monkaW yea me :) um the octane booster? just get some FLUORIDE from the tap ! SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy miss the absolution days tbh widepeepoSad monkaW @Tipsyz monkaW KILL IT KEKW' monkaW snap his neck AYAYA monkaW PRChase YOINK cirSlain This guys is straight up deaf YOINK Kappa @YunaAYAYA my cousin's name is Yuna TriHard You made noise with the crowbar he wants that schlong sneakyE ghost monkaW nymnM kill them all PauseChamp KILL HIM moon2A monkaW WideHard nice KEKW LUL D: KEKW LULW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW FishMoley :+1: LUL KEKW FeelsEvilMan LMFAO OMEGAUL LMAO KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW fish attack! LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL pog KEK it worked Pog D: PogChamp KEKW ONE TAPPED KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW D: monkaGun tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK KEKW FishMoley Clap yoink sneaky only plays the same mission from hitman sneakyFiesta STILL WARM gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiBASS FishMoley EZ KappaPride SEX HIM gachiGASM gachiW gachiHYPER I SEE IT gachiHYPER lul gachiHYPER I SEE IT gachiHYPER I SEE IT gachiHYPER I SEE IT gachiHYPER I SEE IT gachiHYPER I SEE IT Is this the same level? gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS FishMoley gachiW gachiW gachiBASS gachiW lmao gachiW Everybody has empty closets gachiBASS gachiHYPER Sugar Kappa KappaPride @Tipsyz im ur cousin now monkaHmm fish is best weapon SabaPing Conceal the Octane gachiW nyacchPls "sugar" Kappa gachiBASS what the game name this boy's always got the fattest ass gachiW HIT MaN 2? nice shorts LUL @YunaAYAYA tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog @mohsenkh68 hitman 2 Conceal the other disguise? keycard conceal the fist LUL PUT THE FISH IN THERE Blind LUL @mohsenkh68 hitman Pepega Pepega key card? keycard in the toilet wash hands Dansgame beat her with a golf club @mohsenkh68 Spongebob land adventures up your ass Conceal the disguise on the floor daphCozy TeaTime Something in the cr? stash it up your prison wallet gachiGASM on the table non lethal wtf DansGame lemme just stash this golf club up my butt hole non lethal peepoLeave take a shower KEKW 3Head hes from EU come on man WeirdChamp Advice Friends what game is this? 39daph subs cirLaugh EAT HIS ASS @RyanHowardsContract 3Head BBakerN subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Anus trunoomComfy TeaTime @AndysRoom hitman what is this Q gachiHYPER @AndysRoom naruto ultimate ninja fighters advice frogs WeirdChamp gachiHYPER anus KEKW peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE gachiW Clap daphWeird PepePls Okayga pepeD ricardoFlick peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky KEKW @C9Sneaky You gonna start killing some bitches or what? i think the concealment is for like explosives and you leave the suitcase somewhere AYNOOSE pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD daphLul ricardoFlick tfbT TeaTime TriHard KKona brother pepeLaugh HELLA SUH WideHard @YunaAYAYA thanks otherwise seems pointless brother KKona 69 subs PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pepeD pepeD peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky . t3hcheat subscribed with Twitch Prime. DANCE DANCE DANCE TIL UR DEAD tfbT you're security why are you worried rude KEKW @ItsJustValk you dont even know who she is AYAYAWeird SourPls Game?? subs tho BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump KkonaW pacifist run peepoLeave soda OMEGALUL S OMEGALUL DA S OMEGALUL D A @CYBERBOOLI_xD a shitty streamer sodaH KKona TURN LEFT HARDER kill everyone now AYAYAWeird :) reis bugün doğum günüm bi dgko yoook mu peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky vruuuuummm pacifist playthrough peepoLeave stfu weebs nymnQ KILL THEM ALL OwO monkaW wwtf theres just a rifle on the table? Spanish news owo damn riot went all out on season 10. only one champ and hes bald tho? maybe not the smartest decision kill them both AYAYAWeird shotgun nvm nyooooom widepeepoHappy BREAK HIS NECK monkaW Kill them with Mr Fishie widepeepoHappy drug war monka what Game is this? Excuse me streamer, I'm a Hitman 2 veteran and you're not killing enough people :) PauseChamp @C9Sneaky user distraction Save then try to kill everyone @NoEloChronicles Hitman 2 peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky . Why is hash so delusional? typo on TV LUL vrooom widepeepoHappy Pepega vrooooooom Chat says donate old clothes... chat can suck it while I still feel good and do charity put the crowbar in his butthole they look suspicious, BREAK THEIR NECKS ratirlHappy ratirlHappy ratirlHappy LUL Pog @ItsJustValk qtpWEIRD ninjaman Pog FeelsEvilMan shotgun AI KEKW hackerman 🚗 💨 *vroom* TriHard H A C K E R M A N Pog Pro hacker ust walking away :) EZ FeelsEvilMan xqcGr Clap you forgot the big guns my guy just type on the keyboard and make it shoot electricity tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog tipsyzYorickpog peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky SNAP NECK widepeepoHappy @CYBERBOOLI_xD the no personality streamer :) @ItsJustValk when hating everything is cool yikes AYAYAWeird monkaW SNEAKY ? LULW LULW GET HIM FURRY GET THAT DISGUISE @C9Sneaky you forgot the spaghetti sauce FISH HIM KEKW LUL @CYBERBOOLI_xD the no emotion streamer :) TAKE HIS COSTUME get that disguise EZ dude is a baller GOGOGO Pog KILLHIM SHOOT HIM kill the furry DasnGame he is cool KannaNom Pog Steal that disguise FISH HIM nyacchLUL D: CoolCat d: 🐦 lmao LMAO LUL LULW LUL KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: lol LMAO KEKW KEKW LuL HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap Pepega Clap @ItsJustValk she a fucking artist OMEGALUL Pepega Clap KEKW D: ROFL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LOST TO WINDOW KEKW blind lul LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPls KEKW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited LUL LUL KEKW KEK KEKW KEKW Xd KEKW peepoLeave NOT GENOCIDING EVERYONE @C9Sneaky KEKW KEKW ok mr snack WeirdChamp WINDEX POG PepegaHands KEKW ricardoFlick Really clean glass KEKW KEKW WINDEX PogChamp pepeDance PepePls pepeD @CYBERBOOLI_xD Zzz DEFLECTED @Notagingerman1 spamming WeirdChamp ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD OH SHIT pepeD pepeD @ItsJustValk ok yikes qtpWEIRD @notninezero WeirdChamp monkaW pepeD PauseChamp this song fire KEKW PauseChamp ...... Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW monkaW monkaS monkaS BUSTED KEKW HotPokket EXCUSE ME KEKW KEKW monkaW monkaW sneakyGasm monkaX KEKW BUSTED DIIIEEEEE ! monkaW KEKW how would they know monkaW KEKW LULW PepegaPls monkaW STUCK KEKW lul SOFTLOCKED monkaW LYNN SMOOTH how does he hide the barcode NICE1 in queue chat? LYNN? monkaW monkaS D: KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap @CYBERBOOLI_xD ? keep it up KEKW woman OMG LUL LMAOOOOOOO LULW RUN tfbS tfbS tfbS !. D: Pepega I LOST HIM PauseChamp MINGLE monkaW karen after him D: fuck AH MA GAWD Pepega EZ Clap PauseChamp pepeLaugh moon2SPY HYPERCLAP she KEKW jockr_19 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 7 month streak! When are they adding death by butthole rippage to this game? assassins creed PagChomp Just set the bomb off in a crowd of people 5head monkaH mr guard Touch his shoes KEKW that lady is fat SHOOT HER widepeepoHappy sneak 100 monkaS tipsyzCry tipsyzCry FISH HER HAMMER sneakyE HITMAN peepoArrive gachiHYPER DONO in Hitman 3 sneak 100 KILL widepeepoHappy Fish her to deth widepeepoHappy monkaS monkaSHAKE monkaMega monkaW monkaW MonkaW hitNaM Listen to Stifler's Mom, you know you want to monkaW monkaW pepeJAMMER OMG get rid of the suitcase it brings attention monkaW pepeD 14 min q rip pepeJAM pepeJAM monkaW pepeJAMMER OhMyDog pepeD pepeD use..The FISH 🐟 pepeJAM she will pay pepeJAM pepeD pepeDance pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD LEAGUE peepoLeave pepeD 3Head ohmahgaaadh pepeD pepeJaM noooo 3Head peepoLeave LEAGUE OF LEGENDS 3Head LOL DansGame League Still? pepeDance pepeDance 3Head LUL Years later I still come back to enjoy your streams at night, rain or shine during breakups or helps me sleep background notice (not because ur boring) i enjoy so thanks :) @c9sneaky 3Head FAK OFF bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega League ResidentSleeper KEKW Blind WutFace KEKW @ItsJustValk and youre a sub Nyacchii a person no one knows FeelsWeirdMan peepoLeave League of legos shoot him aswell LEAGUE peepoLeave in queue for hitman peepoLeave peepoLeave D: peepoLeave LEAGUE OF LEGENDS D; ?????? D: Jebaited PepeHands SHACO D: League peepoLeave ResidentSleeper more league Dodge the queue widepeepoHappy bonk league peepoLeave league peepoLeave Kappa // dodge BlessRNG FUCK LEAGUE ratirlLonely ban shaaco D: @CYBERBOOLI_xD good! someone with personality! :) peepoLeave peepoLeave KEKW league peepoLeave 30 Minute Hitman queue peepoLeave POTTY TIME peepoArrive KEKW just throw the fish at him peepoLeave OMEGALUL peepoLeave league peepoLeave league widepeepoSad moon2M Clap Twitch mf ez MaldChamp MaN Nice Disguise KEKW peepoLeave qye time over just put some hair on 4HEad league peepoLeave BlessRNG pls dodge someone @C9Sneaky Just kill everyone, then noone can tell you no does nobody notice the barcode FeelsWeirdMan everyone's bald 🤔 gachiBASS gachiHYPER @ItsJustValk you dont even know what personality id you just watch weebs channels just shoot her KEKW LEAGUE peepoLeave What game is this? @CYBERBOOLI_xD ok has sneaky finished rdr2? kekw LUL monkaS mirror EAT HER ASS 😡 @CYBERBOOLI_xD SHUT THE FCK UP CNT LUKLW @banned_account_the_7th_ jeezz i love ur mom ❤️ waduPeek monkaW @hotdogss Okayga COCK OMG SMILERS COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK @JessieS23 🖕 SMILERS @banned_account_the_7th_ WHY YOU SO MAD steal his suit @CYBERBOOLI_xD NO ONE CARES ABOUT UR DOG STREAMERS ? what game is this? are we in queue for league chat? gachiW Pepega just nothin What game is it? @banned_account_the_7th_ nyannDab block she already left KEKW START KILLING WTF ratirlHmm ratirlHmm Jebaited @gl0stick WeirdChamp she's gone @gl0stick it's right behind the game Okayga TeaTime COCK take his autfit @CYBERBOOLI_xD expectd @gl0stick check right side of stream you gonna kill her today or COGGERS COGGERS @gl0stick picks and bans @addcheesepls WideHard 7 widepeepoHappy 👉 moon2CUTE CHAT @CYBERBOOLI_xD softie btch @SimonC43 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @moderatelydepressed fuck you xD mb @rudi91 HYPERBRUH @CYBERBOOLI_xD ur a snowflake rudi91 widepeepoSad OkayChamp Is this pokemon Gun? WeirdChamp LUL @C9Sneaky jhin game dad peepoLeave daphCozy TeaTime back to my tea peepoLeave @hotdogss KannaNom SMILERS snowflakes KEKW peepoLeave This is not the seems sneaky. You gotta kill the targets... League peepoLeave Okayga TeaTime COCK @JessieS23 Okayga @moderatelydepressed widepeepoHappy <3 @C9Sneaky jhin pog ResidentSleeper @CYBERBOOLI_xD limesSip peepoLeave gnar league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave peepoLeave fat virgin with bracers and glasses still stuck giga low elo go play pokemon @banned_account_the_7th_ any day now, its been like 5 minutes since the last murder ratirlCrazy ratirlCrazy ratirlCrazy ratirlCrazy ratirlCrazy not again annie just walk up and give her the gat mid took ad OMEGALUL hitman queue peepoLeave league peepeLeave TRIST Pog JHIN WHAT GAME US THIS? cock Pepega ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League ResidentSleeper League @RonaldMcDsCreamySuprise widepeepoHappy League peepoLeave league peepoLeave ff pepoWTF still playing league league peepoLeave HITMAN 2 you are a bottom??? WutFace have you finished red dead redemption 2? @moderatelydepressed always hydrate daphPat just snipe her league peepoLeave league peepoLeave dodge BlessRNG GAME IS HITMAN 2 @kidtanz y r u still @ me u fcking crazy dog League peepoLeave League peepoLeave ff 15 PepeHands PepegaAim in queue for hitman peepoLeave 8:::::::::::::::::::::::D gachiBASS league peepoLeave peepoLeave league @risingtjale hitman Ty! @C9Sneaky Why no heal? monkaOMEGA Hitmans peepoArrive 4Head @kidtanz off ya self loser 5Head 4Head 4HEad peepoWTF hitman peepoArrive 4Head Hitman 2 stream interrupted by League of Legends? ResidentSleeper @C9Sneaky TRISTY tactic68LUL_TK yes 4Head yea do that :) League peepoLeave 5Head 4HEad HYPERCLAP leave peepo league LoL is fun LUL 4HEad just get away LEAGUE peepoLeave LEAGUE peepoLeave LEAGUE peepoLeave 4Head 5Head wineTime @C9Sneaky FeelsOkayMan 👉 :car: 5Head just teleport and kill her :) @C9Sneaky Just take the shotgun from the security office and start blasting hitman pepeD league FeelsBadMan better than just doing nothing LUL peepoLeave @kidtanz ur so salty its not even funny' @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] what game is this? monkaW WutFace no dodge peepoLeave WutFace WutFace league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave have you finished red dead redemption ? Barrier meta Pog bullied at school so need to spam a online chat pathetic @banned_account_the_7th_ just press r wtf in queue for hitman peepoLeave @kidtanz LMFAO Just blame it on another guy :) @dalluz league of leggends League peepoLeave peepoLeave @dalluz hitman 2 is this the new riot mmorpg? back to waiting peepoLeave Another 30 minute Hitman Q peepoLeave league peepoLeave league sodaHappy @Helppluk000 widepeepoHappy I EMBRACE DEATH go pokemon @banned_account_the_7th_ @kidtanz y r u projecting tfbW tfbW tfbW tfbW league ResidentSleeper league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave @CYBERBOOLI_xD WeirdChamp @diamphidia -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] thanks mates acl? ACL oof acl monkaS ativan sneakyGrip Clap I had 3 acl surgeries. dont worry, you will be fine!!! ACL monkaX good luck friend GL PepeHands fap as the metal kicks in... cbd oil monkaW beat your meat jerk off Poppin_n_Floppin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! knsM knsM A torn ACL or something? Damsn play game drugs just don't get anxious 4Head acl monkaW dude they give you drugs, I've had it done. You'll be fine FeelsGoodMan jack off @kidtanz bark somewhere else When RDR2 @C9Sneaky D: <3 takes drugs jerk off Okayga just be urself bUrself BLAZE IT UP torn ACL SadChamp medidate jerk off just stop being anxious 4Head ACL very routine. You're good friend. Okayga @gindii AYAYAWeird why 4Head just dont be anxious The drugs they give you calm you right the fuck down take drugs its the only way pepeLaugh just do fun stuff b urself 4Head SadChamp Just Run LUL wow im fixed moon2SHRUG Knee Dick acilles hee; Beat ur meat breathing exercises knee knee @wakeupbeforeyouraminority -> No Links! [warning] achilles tendon? Ligament in your knee ligament in ur leg this camile skin looks like sneaky lol @C9Sneaky knee ligament go for a run to relax sorry i think i hurt ur feelings which part was i right about? @banned_account_the_7th_ knee thingy @C9Sneaky If the mouse of the monitor thing bugs you too much, you can just DMT (Dual Monitor Tools) which is free, and easy to use. I personally use Display Fusion, however that will cost you. gachiHYPER ITS CBT 4HEad @C9Sneaky it's a knee ligament cliffeNut cliffeNut knee ligament I want to post a link MingLee its the thing that connects your legs at the knee @SnipingHobo cmonBruh knee IIRC knee ligament ACL IS YOUR KNEE LIGAMENT yes its in your stomach Just run lol jacking off helps with anxiety League peepoArrive League peepoArrive Ouch pee. nus? WutFace knee 5Head 5Head Chat Think about something you’re looking forward to nvm CBT gachiBASS chat so smart 5Head woah sneaky has good taste in music @kidtanz nice ur using my own insults now KEKW @banned_account_the_7th_ fuck SadChamp Friends pride300 genuine advice from anxiety sufferer. cbd oil can help, or a cbd vape (low thc). ativan is what stops me from having panic attacks if you can get a script. otherwise just watch twitch to occupy your brain. anterior cruciate ligament Friends KEKW @kidtanz fckn moron magaimgDOTnet/img/9vbv.png MingLee TriHard Clap SadChamp WeirdChamp OkayChamp SillyChamp PogU PogYou PagChomp PauseChamp Pog PogChamp peepoPog md snEAKY no friends widepeepoSad Cock FRIENDS IN 2019 OMEGALUL @rudi91 chat's had their ACL injured ACL= Anterior Cock Ligament gachiW @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! Amputate your knee widepeepoHappy TriHard Clap MODS USE HEROIN AS A DISTRACTION nice guess hobo LUL friends widepeepoSad what friends LUL cUtck google 5Head . o 0 O ( Pepega ) EleGiggle TriHard DatSheffy SeemsGood ANELE 4Head Thanks :) @adamcolas i used cbd it works so well Anterior cruciate ligament 1000 Q Cuckold FeelsWeedMan @c9sneaky SadChamp 🔫 @SnipingHobo he called u a hobo Drugs help me with anxiety What are you listening to rn @C9Sneaky @Duxure it doesn't help me when i have high anxiety but for mild anxiety it's good headBang nice tırret u got there headBang peepoLeave 5head turkish team SadChamp headBang ACL surgeries are very routine, you have nothing to worry about. Just work hard when you rehab and you'll be good as new Interracial Cuckolding Porn headBang Okayga weed makes me more anxious but you can get cbd at a 30:1 ratio cbd:thc Anterior Cuckboi Ligament anterior cruciate ligament when this snaps your knee is never the same unless you have athlete money headBang SadChamp WeirdChamp OkayChamp SillyChamp PogU PogYou PagChomp PauseChamp Pog PogChamp peepoPog epark again WeirdChamp this ghoster WeirdChamp what friends? i only have u sneaky LUL PepePls PepePls PepePls just dodge the spells 4Head pepeD headBang head bang time bros whats up bruther destroy dick December!!! get at it man. great distraction @hotdogss come back mr bnanaMad G H O S T send me ur and facebook so i can laugh more about how right i am pls KEKW @banned_account_the_7th_ epark again WeirdChamp this ghoster WeirdChamp epark again WeirdChamp this ghoster WeirdChamp epark again WeirdChamp this ghoster WeirdChamp play ADC janna,, shield yourself for bonus ad yea , i had it too and still working of rehab, hope all goes well! @CYBERBOOLI_xD peepoArrive FeelsGoodMan @c9sneaky is barrier/nimbus cloak standard on all adcs now? @hotdogss daphPat here a pat @kidtanz Ur garbage stfu kid headBang 9dmg, GG it's over OkayChamp AuraCon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Dad :) !song :) dunno @kidtanz ur a fcking CREEP M9 Weirdga PepegaShake PepegaPls Pepega PepegaHands its gg @CYBERBOOLI_xD gimme one too dyrus02 @kidtanz GO ASK UR MOM gg Weirdga PepegaShake PepegaPls Pepega PepegaHands Okayga Velkoz poke Pog @Gupper daphPatsure @CYBERBOOLI_xD your not a booli at all Okayga Pepege @Gupper daphPat sure @kidtanz GUYS THIS DOOG WANTS MY FACEBOOK D: D: peepoArrive -> headBang in queue for hitman peepoLeave dyrusGasm thanks D: he said bish chat relax :) @kidtanz HE HAS NO FRIENDS LOOOL 4HEad @RonaldMcDsCreamySuprise mofo im reform nyannTsun tyler1R2 tyler1R1 tyler1BB CS LUL who needs wards :) 4Head widepeepoHappy dragon trainer tristana algun latino mas? o soy el unico D: D: ur a fat virgin u will never see pussy lmao spamming a twitch chat @banned_account_the_7th_ D: haha how are wards even real haha just walk away from the bush ahahaha as a snowflake lil bitch im offended D: D: he said fuck chat relax :) @kidtanz u asked for my facebook u crazy mutt so cute i could make u my puppy @banned_account_the_7th_ sneaky extra spicy tonight D: just dont overextend, ever :) 4HEad KEKW hes googling insults lmfao Hello chat & Snacky FeelsOkayMan 👋 BLACK WIDOW TRAILER KEKW thanks for the info wait i just realised the hitman 2 that i have is the same one that sneakys playing, i thought it was the 2002 one what a degen @kidtanz sneakyHey no :) say not today Pog Yes deth widepeepoHappy N OMEGALUL jk the other guy probably has friends @death no :) No :) widepeepoHappy AYAYA YES sneakyCup deth widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy peepoArrive DETH say yes to death FeelsBadMan yes pls Yes deth widepeepoHappy does tris jump proc taliyahs e? @death no :) @C9Sneaky you have to try this kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE SwiftRage 4Weird WeirdChamp WeirdChamp Weirdga WeirdChamp ? WeirdChamp WeirdChamp he said fuck D: @BlueMM but peepo is green monkaHmm Kreygasm this velkoz is pooping all over them KEKW KEKW ???? yikes KEKW KEKW lol KEKW LuL KEKW KEKW !uptime KEKW Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 54 minutes 18 seconds damn, that sucks can you please switch to MAIN gAmE snacky please? @C9Sneaky sodaSad oh nyo oucvh Kapp BOTHOLE GAMER wp THE ALC moon2O VE nice trole KEKW dam FeelsBadMan taliyah flexing KEKW adc in 2019 LUL washed Yes deth widepeepoHappy 4Head alcove = death trap KEK LUL big oof deth widepeepoHappy jerRIP jerRIP jerRIP jerRIP jerRIP jerRIP KEKW nice blades though fucking janna Yes deth widepeepoHappy SMILERS BibleThump @c9sneaky when do u buy dorans now? Alcove was made to nerf Tristana widepeepoHappy WidePeepoSad widepeepoHappy Clap Okayga DORAN actually bronze Is the multiple dorans blades thing actually good? every death is just another reason to buy the blade. Die more sneaky san !stealfy pokiW THREE DORANS peepoArrive How is it possible that stacking dorans early is the most efficient... Did they make other items that bad/hard to build? chat what do you think of the alcove iron plays bois !followage pokiW Error: User not found: pokiW. PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake @Paperclipbender you just survive better in lane, which leads to more farm due to sustain and hp it provides Yes so many doorans in this game PogChamp id stick my dick in alcove :) @decodeproxy How much does it sell for? same 180 enemy fiora knows :O @Paperclipbender 180 !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp peepoPog PepegaHands PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad song? @Fennyyy Okayga !bttv EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS is this as i lay dying? KannaNom Is SSG Gnar worth it? KannaNom :o !song FeelsLitMan MadoStab KannaNom !followage pokiW Error: User not found: pokiW. CS Pog @C9Sneaky you have to try this kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE woah @merlinianopt if you like then skin sure :) AYAYAWeird Pepega 🍆 KannaNom cs Pog Kannaom CSING ... !followage HandsUp AYAYA MadoStab POGGERS @merlinianopt it's a good skin Which song is this Sneaky? !bttvgifs Clap COGGERS FeelsLitMan gachiBASS gachiHYPER headBang HYPERCLAP KKool MadoStab monkaSHAKE monkaTOS monkaX pepeD pepeDance PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM pepeJAMMER PepePls PepeS pepeSmoke PepoCheer PepoDance POGSLIDE POGSLIDECOG ricardoFlick sumSmash TriKool wineTime SourPls AYAYAWeird TeaTime AYAYA MadoStab POGSLIDE KannaNom poki sub WeirdChamp Pog cs KannaNom 🔧 staffs here monkaX AYAYAWeird MadoStab POGSLIDE BRING BACK DOMINION \ !followage JUst got it on a casa and i dont know if i should get it AYAYA 🍆 KannaNom 🍌 KannaNom MoonlightEV has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 11 months, 1 week, 4 days monkaW TwitchingDingo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! 3333333333333333333333333 three 🍅 KannaNom peepoWTF Weebs ruining my chat experience 💦 peepoBlonket AYAYAWeird MadoStab KannaNom Weirdga forsenE 333 pepeD 🍎 KannaNom WeirdChamp really Love this song yooooo 🍆 KannaNom Pog KEKW 333333333333 Okayga 333 pepeD AYAYA 💦 peepoBlonket Weirdga PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls 7 PepegaPls 7 Weirdga cool 3333 pepeD 3333 3333 pepeD 3333 Weirdga 77777777 pepeD WeirdChamp 3 pokiLOL cool Pog numbers Pog W OMEGALUL W spam 7's PepegaPls W OMEGALUL W Weirdga JuilusC subscribed with Twitch Prime. pokiW sodaA 333 pepeD 333 pepeD 333 pepeD 7777 POGGERS 2? POGGERS L_? POGGERS great band choice @C9Sneaky Pepega 👀👀👀 P OMEGALUL K I S U B S !followage poki4 @decodeproxy 270 each seems like a looooot to be dropping.... but i dunno. Like for the 2 extra you could just get a vamp and have less health but more LS and have it actually build into something poki4 is not following C9Sneaky nymnJoy BRING BACK DOMINION !nsub headBang pokiClout TeaTime Where the fuck is nick zanoArisa @decodeproxy First thing that comes up when you google it though is that 4 doran MF is apparently really good? lol wtf monkaX SwiftRage SwiftRage velkoz just doing his own thing 3 dorans powerspike !followage pokiPuke Error: User not found: pokiPuke. yodaBURRO yodaBURRO yodaBURRO !tnahc ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ D: Squid3 Clap !song !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan KannaNom mr tentacle poki1 poki2 poki2 poki2 Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 darkprinceazor subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! @kidtanz IS GAY EVERYONE @Nightbot WeirdChamp ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ !followage pokiGUN PogChamp Error: User not found: pokiGUN. VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I passed FeelsGoodMan !virgintest song? @C9Sneaky tentacle gachiW VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash mr tentacle reminds me of squidward !song !followage pokiW poki1 poki2 poki2 poki2 hi twitch chat !followage Faker VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan !followage pokiW i love you all VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiVV I passed FeelsGoodMan VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan doran blade meta 5Head VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I passed FeelsGoodMan !followage pokiYikes !pokiW VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan Error: User not found: pokiYikes. @C9Sneaky why do ad's go 4 dorans blades to start @Pudelivesi Weirdga Clap VIRGIN CHECK monkaS :point_right: pokiW I'm safe FeelsAmazingMan VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiVV I passed FeelsGoodMan !gay VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan Okayga COCK Okayga COCK . Okayga COCK quackKobe quackKobe quackKobe !pokisub VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I passed FeelsGoodMan daphWeird poki subs VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 NaM I passed FeelsGoodMan Okayga TeaTime COCK !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan daphWeird daph subs poki1 poki2 poki2 poki2 2.2K gp :) Okayga TeaTime COCK VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 poki\/\/ I passed FeelsGoodMan headBang bongJoeV subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Dorans stack for losing lanes and especially anti dive Lmao Nightbot Daph Subs pokiLOL why does sneaky stack dorans blades? VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan Okayga TeaTime COCK . Chat who's easier to carry with Kaisa Xayah or Tristana?? daphBong TeaTime VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan FeelsAmazingMan VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsBadMan subbing to girls 4Weird @vurderlak mhhhmmmm Pokmane ResidentSleeper vurderlak FeelsWeirdMan rigged nymnKRD KOREAN DETECTED @Stuvenator pokiBruh @lizardan Tristana Xayah @Lizardan subbing in general KEKW Why is it still light out where he is? addcheesepls sneakyC subbing to girls tyler1B1 4Weird tyler1B2 that lee kick was nice VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe POGGERS oof @Stuvenator sneakyC HYPERCLAP @gainzgobblin i got 3 gifted subs this month PepeHands PepeHands monkaSHAKE @00Average00 @proggy i said im safe widepeepoSad SQUIDWARD NOOOO widepeepoSad AYAYA PepeHands 🦑 PepeHands mr. testicles? @RedMonster3693 its not light out PepeHands AYAYA wetf sadKEK tyler1B1 4Weird tyler1B2 subbing to girls VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe POGGERS at least u can buy now :) Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 @RonaldMcDsCreamySuprise Pog addcheesepls sneakyE HYPERCLAP MORE DORANS widepeepoHappy is tali retarded Squid4 headBang was that a flash? 4Weird !ducksays ╭∩╮ DuckerZ ╭∩╮ @Sitlec does Xayah beat kaisa given same skill level? Pog what a battle !followage loltyler1 KEKW OMEGALUL ?????? KEKW loltyler1 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 6 days KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 1 minute 44 seconds KEKW KEKW BOOTS INSTEAD OF DORANS peepoLeave Okayga KEKW lmfao mr tennisballs BibleThump LUL ??? THE JUKES PogU KEKW LMAO KEKW lul gachiBASS KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL lmao NIDALEE KEKW ???? peepoLeave KEKW BOOTS INSTEAD OF DORANS peepoLeave 󠀀 KEKW NORTH AMERICA KEKW KEKW fiesta the moves PogU wow Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm nyacchLUL PVMAN? PogU BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump LOOK AT THE MOVES THAT WAS GOOD KEKW PowerUpR Squid3 PowerUpL NA monkaS Juker nidalee PepeHands HotshotGG nida is lagging Nid suck @Lizardan legit even match up. it'll be depended on support 4Head @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] !followage pokiYikes NT PogU this nidalee is rambo pvman=gg Pog When RDR2 @C9Sneaky ?:i cmonBruh KEKW NA at their finest is she made that chat would pog PVMAN NIDALEE KEKW is someone here from EU that wanna crack some heads? hey @C9Sneaky :) I am sad !ayaya AYAYA There are 2175 cuties in chat AYAYA Where is PVMAN? KEKW LUL LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 2 minutes 17 seconds pro niddale he had a dream peepoLeave over 450 gold and an empty slot AYAYA whats the deal with dorans PepoThink tenzGun this skin is awesome MercyWing1 Squid3 MercyWing2 AYAYA The Camille is poppin off. @Sitlec thats' what i've found after started playing bot. my support always inting !ayaya AYAYA There are 2176 cuties in chat AYAYA Nice cock KappaRoss scripting and feeding pepegahands Okayga was that our lord and savior pewdiepie??? AYAYA The jukes PogChamp oh that Nick SMILERS @WintersWard AYAYA back to class I go bnanaAYAYA @Lizardan Bot is support diff almost always BloodTrail nice pta damage @C9Sneaky WintersWard bye moon2BED CLASS DansGame mods gone xqcM back to fap i go !runes Current Runes: Press the Attack > Triumph > Legend: Bloodline > Coup de Grace | Nimbus Cloak > Gathering Storm | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor KannaNom NO MODS WideHard monkaS monkaS education LUL WideHard @Sitlec yeah and jungle diff too KannaNom press the attack 0 widepeepoHappy Kill her did you go to fau ?? @sitlec nowdays bot lane is better supp wins PauseChamp NEVER MEAAAAANT @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! 1 more "xD" and I'm out cmonBruh SUCTION gachiHYPER xd suck it up Lkre SUCC xD xD xD gachiBASS SUCC xD xD tfbT tfbGimmi tfbMine tfbYOINK 4Weird FARMING "xD" FeelsFarmMan @UmiCR yeah its been like that for over a year or sum suck it up sneaky Kreygasm 1 more "1 more "xD" and I'm out" and im out succ gachiW D: That sounds like the typical adc in a nutshell KEKW lol did you go to fau ?? Jebaited widepeepoSad LUL pepeLaugh LMAOO LUL KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW asserting dominance ADC in a nutshell. Welcome to your role 🤣 Weirdga 3rd time getting caught under tower from tali w 🔫 Pepega 1 more "xD" and I'm out Dont mind me, just doing daily Kappa Checkw xD tanking turret prob tanking I assume xD xD ? he tanked tower stormrazor Pog Kappa stormrazer peepoLeave No Dorans blade? peepoLeave 5Head 🍷 FeelsBadMan monkaOMEGA @c9sneaky latwr some DRR2? return to main game pls only 3 dorans? peepoLeave KEKW lee is a rough matchup for nid imagine buyng a full item LUL double buff luc Kreygasm waht happend with top mid and jungle LOL Sell boots for dolans blades Pogu Wait, WTF, Fiora has 4 Dorans KEKW PogChamp PogYou Pog >then forces 116 PT Pog PogYou EZ MONEY A KILL PogU na f Team force! dyllele subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! May the force be with you TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh canno OMEGALUL m force it in bby Kreygasm 3 dorans spike Stormrazor abuser LUL monkaW that damage LUL PogU D: D: D: sneakyD D: D: moon2D D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: B Word D: nice ult Kappa D: widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP D: D: D: D: biaach Oh no the streamer said a NO NO word D: moon2D camille LUL cammile ? D: WTF KEKW camille moon2T bitch lasagna PepegaPls pepeD peepoArrive enemy top flashing instead of pressing r LUL CAMILLE IS COSPLAYING RUSH KEKW tfbT bitch tfbT shit KEKW noo ms camel PogChamp widepeepoSad moon2D JUST CRIT 4HEad PepeHands widepeepoSad no crit !instagram widepeepoSad OH NYOOO inting KEKW FeelsNocritMan a TSM Sneaky press 1 if anime = life widepeepoSad 1 TriHard skt sneaky 4 PVMAN IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad 2 1 SMALLKR1T 2/6 lucian shutdown monkaHmm 1/6 with shutdown AYAYA Evil genius sneaky uuuuuuuuh snak with the dorans Why do all ads build triple dorans now? radaTea sodaSad pvman = gg @gainzgobblin @C9Sneaky you have to try this kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE buy another dorans peepoLeave Pvman = gg roosh isnt bad widepeepoSad ggman = pv AYAYAWeird MadoStab KannaNom PepeHands AYAYAWeird MadoStab KannaNom 󠀀 peepoLeave Camille Kreygasm ggman = pv... weebs stfu AYAYAWeird 🍆 💦 KannaNom gachiHYPER MadoStab KannaNom @skelbrother more early game sustain delay's item but you can stay in lane much more often which is good since dragons much more important now peepoWTF Weebs Doran meta because the importance of dragons in preseason 5Head AYAYAWeird MadoStab boxLewd @skelbrother its good for the amount of gold you get so if you arent destroying in lane its decent damage and sustain for cheap Pvgg = man KannaNom AYAYA AYAYAWeird TeaTime gachiHYPER KannaNom gachiHYPER MadoStab KannaNom GG = pvman @BlueMM moon2BRAIN ah yes Pog esnaqui Pepaga fioera monkaS YOINKKKK moon2EZ Pog WideHard SOMEONE SAY FREE / weebs FeelsRageMa KannaNom BABY YODA lee sin cosplaying pvman LUL KARMA OMEGALUL sutoClown Lee KEKW Azir feels good right now, hopefully he doesn't pop off this game. y ult dat ult Sneky pog POG i dont understand why the all dorans build is strong free stop lewding the dragon loli AYAYAWeird moon2COFFEE assassin tris Pog :D @kuntley oddoneClown NA LULW frash Lucian MingLee Nid ANELE LULW knightAngel TALI AYAYA full build AYAYAWeird wineTime stattik aoe slow PepeHands Pog FULL BUILD Pog 4Weird dont you dare sell a dorans ???? Is three doran blade standard now? recall for dorans PogU 🍆 !ayaya AYAYA There are 2177 cuties in chat AYAYA fluttShutup !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 602 LP 3 dorans WeirdChamp but recalling for 4 dorans on the other hand does sneaky have a boyfriend? Lucian did !elo that's a lot of cuties AYAYA Lucian was smurfing FeelsOkayMan !op @C9Sneaky ever thought about doin a shroud and just make your own brand? sutoThink ! AYAYAWeird wineTime well well @C9Sneaky How does stormrazor first feel sutoAbyss LoL Donkey when? FeelsClassyMan wineTime logic yeah i feel you :) !song @c9sneaky name of this song AYAYA CUTE CHAT IMO Trist is OP af rn better than sitting midlane doing nothing after wave tho or if everything is farmed yea what about grey screen recalls if i see the coke gaming ad one more time headBang POGGERS smurfedd Pog Recall to get beer fiora pepeLaugh Pog @xxOrbits lol PogU POGGIES HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys sutoS1 not roaming at level 1 sutoS2 NaM 30yo NaM ppl NaM calling NaM themselves NaM cuties NaM WTF NaM HiGuys Pog sneakys trist Pooga Squid1 iwdYOINK2 Squid4 for senna nice KEKW flash LUL LUL stop gatekeeping being cute WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW i'm 60 AYAYA :) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LMAOOOO KEKW KEKW LUL LOL YOU ALL LEFT FOR LEE KEKW KEKW like that POGGERS LUL KEKW +50 NA BARON KEKW KEKW 5Head 🍷 lmfao what in the hell KEKW Pog your team is so mobile lol CLOWN FIESTA KEKW KEKW clown fiesta HONKERS 🤡 5Head 🍷 camille wtf CLEAN KEKW sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH Leeeroy Jeeenkis clown fiesta ThumbHead TSM ADC Pog HONK HONK the swaparoony PogChamp Jebaited high elo gameplay monkaS TwitchLit Squid3 TwitchLit clown9 Wtf happened KEKW does trist R gives a stack to the bomb baron is enemy can't juke the nashor KEKW PepegaShake sneakyFiesta LUL why dont you buy ad AYAYA MadoStab NaM EU clowns in chat LUL LuL CLOWN FIESTA calebW CLOWN FIESTA calebW CLOWN FIESTA calebW xD uwucian :( XD KEKW xD xD hikoXD UwUcian @WE_WUZ__KINGS No xD gachiW gachiBASS UWUCIAN widepeepoSad HolidaySanta whats the main difference between this and like silver or something so u going to TSM finally? gachiHYPER xd gachiBASS can i impregnate you gachiW gachiGASM gachiBASS gachiW xD Kreygasm gachiBASS can you skip this song pls D: D: D: D: @ninjamelons ty 5Head gachiW Pog KEKW PogU PogU 6 KERKW KEKW " D: " haHAA PogU POGGERS gachiHYPER Pog Pog PixelBob MaxLOL THAT'S A CONTRACT! POGGERS D: snackers would do a lot for six bucks lemme tell ya Mr Tentacles Pog 6$ PogChamp D COLON 😂 KKool hell yeah GAME TIME Pog haHAA retarded gay peepoPog Weirdga @C9Sneaky watching you play is a joy <3 CLIP IT Pepega clap LMAO Pog COC Weirdga 7 ANELE PrideBalloons TriHard Clap PepegaHands town hall 13 coming out tho Okayga Clap CoC LUL SNACK SPEACIL ... @justchill Weirdga 7 @hotdogss NaM peepoPog Weirdga Okayga @Victor1502Games NaM SMILERS i see you are a man of culture as well escape Pog Pog sneaky playing good league Weirdga !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 14 minutes 20 seconds No IE no damage HYPERS COC @C9Sneaky am i getting nudes for my birthday :) @stuvenator Okayga im hardstuck townhall 10 FeelsBadMan clash where you just wait around or pay money lol Kiting Pog nice sub icon chill sneakyLUL NaM 👉 🚪 time to back for a bf KEKW Velkoz TriHard Clap TheRealMC3 Okayga allies Pepega AYAYA MadoStab NaM This is the best redemption arc pokiW why is camille so goddamn thicc go base for a bf.... Kreygasm Pog Pog pizza girl sneaky Pog CS Pog Kreygasm @Stuvenator Weirdga cannon Pog Okayga RonaldMcDsCreamySuprise Okayga SNEAKY STREAM ON. BUTTPLUG IN. THATS RIGHT, ITS GAMER TIME. SeemsGood turd buy Pog @c9sneaky how do you know when to go barrier or heal? and how you know to go shiv or rapid fire ppHop @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] monkaHmm I never buy blue wards monkaW WutFace Jungle taxing Pog @AstralVillain SeemsGood WutFace what in tarnation AHH 5Head WutFace monkaW countering your own jungler the fuck was that, lol @stuvenator gachiBASS what if u lose next teamfight by 10hp tho 5Head 🍷 @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please xdddd 5Head do tell more trueee Countering your own jungle 5Head tru qtpGREED yeah, your fukcin jungler Anyone in NA want to duo? Whisper me 200IQ lol a turd spike wtf lol monkaHmm I see sharing DansGame 5Head hates turd spikes TheRealMC3 pokiFeet the butterfly effect 5Head cami LUL le :D 5Head wineTime KEKW you wouldnt have been there to int lul r ? may I have your order azir monkaS u do zero dmg lol widepeepoSad Mr. Tentacles Fed Fiora monkaW saving r for next team beta trist @stuvenator WutFace not ulting for mr tentacles Weirdga 5Head WineGlass stop the ports 😡 lucian snacky in n out dancin' there like SourPls KEKW CANN OMEAGLUL N !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @xraymatrix -> The bot commands for this channel are available at UWUcian AYAYA LUCIAN Pog lucian Pog KEKW KEKW fiora PogU @hixj89 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] more red dead tonight @C9Sneaky OMEGALUL nice ult KEKW Kappa KEKW ULT WeirdChamp saved r until fiora w WutFace stop the ports pepeLaugh nyannLul WitFace SNEAKY IN GAME stunned ur own dude lul monkaW pepeLaugh WutFace monkaW \ FeelsClassyMan monkaW monkaOMEGA i saw it di di do damn that lucian bopped azir D: cmonBruh di di do KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW buy bf and exe noob moon2D cmonBruh di di do PepeLaugh FeelsEvilMan cmonBruh HYPERBRUH FeelsEvilMan Y cmonBruh cmonBruh why? cmonBruh sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora FeelsEvilMan hitman in league WutFace WutFace racists weirdChamp HITMAN tfbT WutFace rusakiSaob cmonBruh monkaW !foiiowage 😂 come on brother 😂 WutFace get another shard Pog WutFace POG and u can 1 shot the backline with ur shiv Guys , my rank finished at S2 , but now i’m G4 . For 2020 season will istart at G4 or S2 ? 5 hits 5 crits !followage lol HYPERS xraymatrix has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 8 months, 6 days HYPERS KEKW dominate me daddy Pog LULW LUL just imagine none of this would have happened if he went back! sneakyH HYPERS HYPERS too keen widepeepoHappy Clap widepeepoHappy KEKW PogYou HYPERS WEEEE joyers cmonBruh HYPERS HYPERS WEEE Pepega !dpi widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy LOOK WHAT SNEAKY TAUGHT ME HYPERS widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP LOOOOOOOOOOOOL HYPERS WEEEE @C9Sneaky That Janna from 2 games ago taught you FWENZ HYPERS FeelsAmazingMan 💊 Look what Sneaky taught me forsenJoy sneakyC mon full ie at base Kreygasm hes farming until next game this Lucian is an idiot you can ie it's 3400 and you have to sell dorans play a senna game FeelsAmazingMan 💊 LOOK WHAT SNEAKY TAUGHT ME forsenL 🚬 look what sneaky taught me next forsenE bajs widepeepoHappy 🔫 snacky taught me this LOOK WHAT SNEAKY TAUGHT ME pepeSmoke @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please pepeSmoke fawm widepeepoHappy may as well get the farm here 4Head SORRY WHAT YOU MIGHT ASWELL 290 cs monkaW 2 :jpy: farm KKona CoolStoryBob 286 cs Kreygasm must get all farm crab up Pog might as well get the farm here might as well get the farm here might as well get the farm here monkaMega hes becoming addicted to farm 1 shot IE Kreygasm get a shard to 1 shot the backline with shiv 😂 s pepeSmoke quick chat before he notices Guys , my rank finished at S2 , but now i’m G4 . For 2020 season will istart at G4 or S2 ? FeelsGoodMan waffleNo waffleNo waffleNo wtf ah but bluebuff FeelsEvilMan I didn't know we were playing farm simulator Pog FeelsGoodMan 1shot IE PogU only 1 dorans PepeHands FeelsWowMan SOLD DORANS peepoLeave FeelsOkayMan 100% CRIT get Pog wtf imagine not taking blue crab and drag before recall 1 dorans peepoLeave FeelsGreatMan @ixi92nzo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] does stormrazor slow now?? this Lucian is a dumb fucking idiot throwing :/ @my_mighty_bush Yeh D: BigBrother bronze 5 @drpaingames JC3P0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Can I get a YeeHaw guys? SneakyYeehaw KEKW @My_Mighty_Bush it has for a little while now LUL KEKW Feels crit man LULW @i_hate_neeko racist KEKW LUL LOL omg @drpaingames like bronze 5 LUL @drpaingames you will start unranked KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW dmg POGGERS KEKW LOL LMAO peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive PogU EZ PZ that karma KEKW KEKW flash lul Holy hell. LMFAO POG AZIR KEKW LULW assassin tris Pepega LUL KABOOM KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL LMAOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW ?? LULW What?????? KEKW lu OMEGALUL PogU KEKW EZ lmfao LUL KEKW LUL ahhahaha pog KEKW AZIR LULW LUL LOOOOL KEKW LOL LUL Pog KEKW OMEGALUL LMAO lmfaoooo KEKW BULLey HAHAHAHA AZIR LMAAAAO KEKW KEKW KEKW D: KEKW Can only give up a doran when its for a full item KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog best dodge LUL LUL LUL B1G KR1T pvmanMonkey D: D: rofllfllflf D: Pog KEKW Clap pog D COLON 😂 D COLON 😂 D COLON 😂 PixelBob GG KOBE lol danucdNice danucdNice danucdNice danucdDance danucdNo danucdGun danucdGun danucdGun danucdPotato where's sneaky's lifesteal coming from? nt mr testicle Old stormrazer WutFace Anyone in NA want to ranked flex? at least gold PepeHands Respectable @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please D: @starsha1 me :) chat let's get lit 😂 Has Sneaky bought Control Ward this game yet??? Azir KEKW I do :) not sure if he bmd you or fucked up his style PepeHands "D:" forsenJoy WH OMEGALUL ? sodaLaugh @JEREMOOOOO runes @Sour Not Hardcore Rare name PogU WH OMEGALUL PepeLaugh peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive chat is so lit 😂 pepeLaugh mr tentacle best fwend ANELE for whom* 4Head me :) WH OMEGALUL mountain? that's like the third best OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL KEKW sodaLaugh yes go for it TANK STATS OMEGALUL pepeLaugh DO IT pepeLaugh But the big shield 4HEad pepeL mountain OMEGALUL JOY LULW pepeLaugh oh no no every azir main peepoLeave monka WH OMEGALUL pepeL One shot their whole team Pog 100% warded one shotting yourself KEKW s PUSSY KEKW zhonyas monkaS Disagree lol pepeLaugh 😂 let me buy a jar of your feminine boy farts 😂 please dont report me to the FBI 😂 do it pepeLaugh 4v1 GO loooool 4Head pepeLaugh Anyone in NA wanna ranked flex? Whisper me ????????? Pepega KEKW Lucian slain again Clap LUL KEKW Pepega Pepega KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOO Pepega what soul is the best ? LUL ???????? not level 18 KEKW BRO SNEAKY IS SO LIT 😂 👌 you need lv18 KEKW Pepega KEKW need level 18 ???? PepegaPls @AstralVillain FeelsWeirdMan PepegaAim just shoot the tail 4Head USEFULL FeelsGoodMan Clap RANGE NERFED YOU Pepega wrong spot of the wall @Venomush2 ocean > infernal > mountain > cloud Model smaller? Maybe you're not in the right spot you need 654 :) i miss ap tris assassin build @Fennyyy BRAAAAAAAP *sniff* *sniff* The wall is too high to shoot over dude stop wearing bright closses you dont look good in them smaller model thx Mountain wall Kappa its mountain rift Pepega why yo yoinking his shit ? ;) Pog @AstralVillain ✋ 4Weird @hotdogss Okayga its a bit more up xdddd Mountain wall changed it? caits model is smaller so she can stand closer mountain rift makes walls bigger :) 655 @FarukYILDIZ SMILERS 5Head its cuz trist is shorter than cait Kapp need better dragon 5Head WutFace monkaW monkaOMEGA BTS? DEATH STRANDING Pog monkaW you need 1000 range youd be fine nothing 4Weird about a jar of farts chat WeirdChamp grow p KEKW Its a lil bit above peepoArrive NA LUL BT ? monkaW LUL DEATH STRANDING??????????? PepeS monkaS DEATH STRANDING??????????? HITMAN peepoArrive DTs? FeelsBadMan monkaW BB help me DEATH STRANDING monkaW widepeepoSad BB DARK TEMPLARS? ill give u my bt Kappa Its more like malphite passive, but ight. VoHiYo BB widepeepoSad monkaS BB PepeHands hitman soon peepoArrive peepoArrive bt aka ghost peepoArrive BB AngelThump monkaW peepoArrive hitman pepeL LMAOI KEKW peepoArrive gg kojima is a genius lol pepeLaugh pvman waiting room ResidentSleeper D: peepoArrive HITMAN And thats GG EZ for SNEAKY D: D: D: PogU gg HYPERS D: HYPERS gg sex ggez HYPERS WEEEEEEEE GG EZ GGWP EZ HYPERS peepoArrive hitman wpwpwpwp ez hitman lets goo gg GG gg EZ gggg EZ Clap GG hitman time peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive back to hitman gg EZ gj slut you won gg EZ Cla gg peepoArrive hitman RDR2 time? SMILERS HITMAN peepoArrive camille dmg POOGERS hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive EZ Clap hitman POGGERS GG EZ CLAP hitman peepoArrive PeepoArrive hitman gg gg! HITMAN peepoArrive monkaW EZ Clap peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive que for hitman fuck you velkoz 😳 HITMAN peepoArriv Clap Clap Clap EZ @C9Sneaky how do you know when to barrier vs heal? peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive please runescape now? @C9Sneaky Hitmon peepoArrive honor kim jong wait you still have cloud 9 ads?? MrTentacules deserves it hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive peepoArrive id trist the azir hard counter PeepoArrive Hitman 2 PeepoLeave League of Legends Runescape Pog Clap HATRED COPTER tell luc bork is crap Clap HITMAN peepoArrive Clap Clap Clap hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive GG SEIFA LUL hitman peepoArrive 😎😎😎🤙🏾🚬 Clap what item would you have built next sneaky? s9 gm KEKW Is infernal soul the best or the best? !playlist Doot doot 5Head WineTime wrong honor bud Hitman peepoArrive widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP 5Head WineGlass 5Head 🍷 peepoArrive Hitman 2 peepoLeave League of Legends @C9Sneaky what headset are you using? :) !uptime hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 23 minutes 19 seconds 5Head WineGlass 5Head wineTime sneakyJensen cant wait to get bodied by Faker @c9sneaky DUDE WHAT IS THIS rock mix? Tell me or else FeelsClassyMan wineTime gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP !time December 3rd 2019, 1:27:42 am PST GMT-08:00 HITMAN peepoArrive c9sneaky? Yah that's your channel name 5Head TeaTime @C9Sneaky how do you know when to barrier vs heal? @c9sneaky or else I tell your mom Stormrazor is bonkers moon2BRAIN 🍷 hitman peepoArrive Pog peepoArrive gachiBASS Clap hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive RDR2 peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive SNEAKY'S MUSIC CHOICES SINCE LOSING A TEAM KEKW peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive Back to the Main Game @c9sneaky tell me the rock mix NotLikeThis gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiBASS Clap WutFace go red dead back to hitman hitman pls LUL did he already finish red dead? nah talent pepeLaugh hitman PeepoLeave LULW AS I LAY DYING FeelsGoodMan peepoArrive Your hair looks awesome @C9Sneaky NA imports pepeLaugh @c9sneaky thank you sir hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive PepoThink talent? just go to east asia to get better 4HEad as i lay dying Pog yuliGud hitman soon peepoArrive hitman soon peepoArrive hitman soon peepoArrive hitman soon peepoArrive hitman soon peepoArrive hitman soon peepoArrive CHINA LUL JUST SPEND 2K ON A TRIP TO CHINA 4HEad Song requests ? @C9Sneaky Yeah yes costs a lot of money hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Play some Death Stranding Pog monkaS China monkaHmm Expensive LUL hitman lets gooo just travel across the world 4HEad just move to china LUL CH LUL NA Would they play in scrims as well? 4HEad language barrier too Hitman >moving to china KEKW impact towers NaM "move to korea or china to play video games bro" hitman peepoArrive It doesn't even matter these days. Going to Korea doesn't really improve much. @C9Sneaky ride with jensen and TL :) 4Head Just go to china hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive MingLee come to China Just changed my language to korean gonna hit challenger ez GoldenGlue did it, went to Korea for an extended period of time after not making it with TL at that time You also can't just MOVE to these countries for a year. That's not allowed without a work visa hitman peepoLeave Just move to Korea and get good 4head where is your sup duo Can you just go to korea for 4 months lol? Visa? do you do the 4 dorans blade on all adcs? you were standing in the wrong spot btw for baron @C9Sneaky , just tried it in practice tool and it would cost a lot of money just have ur 300 viewer stream fund ur multi thousand dollar trip to china 4HEad POG LULW PogU @CYBERBOOLI_xD Okayga hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive how was euw soloq? PogU Impact Pog PogU Impact Tower Pog Pog IMPACT IMPACT TOWER PogU Lets get de golden Kappa cmon guys Kappa PagChomp PogU impact PogU PogYou IMPACT INTPACT KEKW peepoArrive Impact Impact Pog PogU pepeD HITMAN @hotdogss peepoArrive TY IMPACT TOP DIE Kappa sneaky moving in with impact Pog PogU impact PogU peepoPog @Code002_Zero_Two SMILERS Impact tower PogU sneakyChair peepoLeave show pee PogU Mang0 PogU @Code002_Zero_Two AYAYAWeird peepoLeave PogU THANK YOU MR IMPACT mang0 Pog peepoLeave YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw mang0 POG mang0 PogU MANGO @C9Sneaky altec did it and got a team OkayChamp @CYBERBOOLI_xD AYAYA Cowsep Kappa What is Impact doing I missed it Pog Challenger House PogChamp I WILL :) @Code002_Zero_Two nyannHi Mang0 Can you go to KR just because you are a pro player to play solo q under work visa? mangoW YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw headBang MadoStab tru triLewd @CYBERBOOLI_xD why u pee and pooping so much ;[ monkaMega But he was top 50 chally @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please Johnny Altec sneakyWut maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangooooooooo @whiskeyasol check his twitter. He bought a whole building in Korea tri1 tri2 tri4 !johny I forgot about him peepoLeave MadoStab sneakyWEEBY sneakyChair peepoLeave tri1 tri2 tri3 tri4 who is he talking about? sneakyChair peepoLeave 󠀀 strimmer gone peepoLeave pee Pog peepoLeave 🚽 he was pro before easier for him to do it tyler1T1 tyler1T2 @sitlec oooo spicy peepoLeave i hope Altec's time in Korea turned him into a formidable ADC because he definitely wasn't one before lol i met TSM chaox and he sold me some bunk acid sneakyChair peepoLeave Lets get de golden Kappa just make the daily Kappa check Kappa 8 Ad Dodge KEKW sneakyWeeb sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEBY WEEEEEEEEEB Kappa Kappa @astralvillain Gimmie some @professional_lurker_420 rawrThicc Kappa Kappa Where did Johnny go? I miss their duos Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa tri1 tri2 tri3 tri4 Fuck yes KAppa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa tri1 tri2 tri3 tri4 HI WEEBS Kappa Kappa BrainSlug AYAYAWeird Kappa Kappa Kappa @Transistory he got banned and then quit, sneaky played with him in july/august i guess for a couple of games Kappa PepeS Kappa Does Golden Kappa Exist? WutFace AYAYA VoHiYo AYAYAWeird Chat let’s spam “F” to confuse sneaky 😂 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 27 minutes 57 seconds Mang0 Pog YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw Kappa Kappa Keepo f F TriHard f F @zenibee Aww, their duos were the good ol days F F @C9Sneaky are u gona play RDR? F F f RDR2 SMILERS @Transistory I freaking know right F F F f f f f PIPI HANDS F squad4 TeaTime F F NotLikeThis scary music ACTUALLY F peepoLeave @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] BabyRage f Mega F not RDR2 peepoLeave why tf do I get hit with 7 fucking ads WutFace hitman Pog WutFace He doesnt give a fuck xD pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey FFFF WutFace @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please Jebaited stream iss fine? @C9Sneaky you ever listened to Behemoth ? WutFace @C9Sneaky can i ban anime emotes PepegaPls holy info DUTCH sneakyWEEBY is this c9 on a pro team settled or not im getting sad chat wowzers @Call_me_Zeroo D: cursed PepeHands @Call_me_Zeroo HEY HEY ??????? @Call_me_Zeroo AYAYA WHY sneakyC @Call_me_Zeroo AYAYAWeird Just calm down LOL Grievousxkilljoy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! sumSmash @Call_me_Zeroo thank god yes please ban all of them NaM MadoStab KannaNom hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive NaM MadoStab KannaNom 󠀀 @hixj89 -> No excessive usage of symbols! WEEBS UNITE Keepo AYAYA WTF oh uhh hi NaM MadoStab KannaNom AYAYA god i wish i could play/understand LoL I smoke only high CBD strains. pepeD SLAM THE FART 😂 SLAM THE FART 😂 SLAM THE FART 😂 SLAM THE FART 😂 zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa @Jenrar sup pepeD @C9Sneaky do you think ADC position in games are weaker since the XP changes with how mid and top laners can now gank bot lane with minimal risk due to them being 2-4 levels ahead of the lane @C9Sneaky so are you going to stream full time? 8 ad peepo hey sneaky what up :) yay widepeepoHappy HYPERCLAP YES hitman peepoArrive 😂 🔫 @Call_me_Zeroo pepeD hello MadoStab atpSpiner atpGasm widepeepoHappy Clap @Jenrar pepeDance @Jenrar long time no see aussy pepeD hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive ⠰⣶⡀⣠⡶⠀⣠⡶⠿⢶⣦⠀⢰⡆⠀⠀⣶⡆⠀ ⠀⠹⣧⡿⠁⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⣿⡆⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀ ⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠘⢿⣄⣀⣰⡿⠀⠸⣧⣀⣠⣿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⡀⠀⢸⣿⠛⢷⣆⠀⣿⡟⠛⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⣼⣏⣸⣷⠀⢸⣿⣤⣾⠃⠀⣿⡷⠶⠀⠀ ⠀⢠⡟⠛⠛⢿⣇⢸⣿⠀⢹⣧⠀⣿⣧⣤⡄ ⢸⡇⠀⠀⣰⡿⠛⠛⢿⣆⠸⣷⠀⠀⣼⠇⢸⡟⠛⠛⠀⣿⡟⠛⢿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⠀⢻⣇⢸⡟⠀⢸⡷⠶⠆⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣧⣤⡄⠙⢷⣤⣤⡾⠃⠀⠘⣿⡿⠁⠀⢸⣧⣤⣤⠀⣿⣧⣤⡾⠋⠀⠀ looks like this chat needs some ravioli KannaNom UH OH monkaS PepegaHands zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa zanoArisa if sneaky isn't on a team idk what the lcs is thinking EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS @C9Sneaky KOW MAW! LULU RDR2 OR RIOT SwiftRage Remove PepegaHands Remove FeelsEvilMan sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 pepeDance REMOVE THIS remove sneakyboost @ixi92nzo -> No excessive usage of symbols! remove AYAYA atpSpiner MadoStab atpGasm NOOO BaldDevil subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! If my orientation would be in question - I'd choose you! @Call_me_Zeroo ye been a lil while pepeD hanging out here a bit more recently I miss Dutch sneakyWEEBY YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw FeelsEvilMan D: d Sneakyboost remove it FeelsEvilMan REMOVE Yeah, FeelsEvilMan TeaTime remove this pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey you should use bttv for gifs and ffz for normal emotes stop queuing up for this shit game and play hitman instead remove KKona I want pepeDHaw if its on there pepeSmoke get rid of my addiction pepeDance is grabo FeelsEvilMan FeelsEvilMan want some water with your ice? WeirdChamp remove AYAYA m,onkaOMEGA it would fit the RDR2 playthrough When are you going crossplay again? I need new fap material. fuck the weebs pepeDance KEEP why are there so many mods here @Jenrar hope you've been well OkayChamp 👍 pepeD Play Teemo :) atpCarl MadoStab atpGasm no he said its grabo pepeDance pepeDance pokemoon gachiGASM TOO MANY GACHI EMOTES gachiGASM PepeDance Pikagirl cosplay when? henlo I am back :> @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please aaaaaaaaaaa <3 @AstralVillain yes mainly emotes pepeDance AYAYAWeird Weebs... WeirdChamp 👉 remove AYAYA FeelsEvilMan pepeDance are trash imo who tf said that moon2D hi pepeDance pepeSmoke End the addiction pepeSmoke @c9sneaky do you actually try to be funny? Or does it come naturally like a fart sneakyC tfbPepega Add TriDance instead Pog delet pepeDance pepeDance sucks sneakyWEEBY Sharingan pepeDance gachiHYPER fine with me pepeD > pepeDance monkaOMEGA THIS ONE incGOT incGOT incGOT incGOT AYAYA KappaPride monkaMega and monkaOMEGA are too similar HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive pepeDance wineTime no wtf @Call_me_Zeroo ye been good went to japan YEEEHAW PepegaShake pepeDance last spam AWW Mane NOOO pepeDance @C9Sneaky Are you doing clash? @C9Sneaky I am your waifu boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxUwU boxUwU remove weeb shit PepegaShake last spam D: wineTime pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last dance pepeDance bye peepoLeave TeaTime TeaTime TeaTime remove htis PEPEDANCE IS THE BEST THOUGH pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance how is it not trash, it isnt even cropped properly pepeDance @Jenrar yeah i saw on your sc, looked fun OkayChamp @nxi78az -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD > pepeDance no hentai cosdplay this year? philistines FeelsClassyMan wineTime Remove NaM pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Clap Clap pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance AYAYAWeird monkaMega and monkaOMEGA choose one pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam pepeDance last spam FeelsClassyMan wineTime dont take away wine widepeepoSad pepeDance @C9Sneaky follow me on twitter for my birthday u fuck sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance good bye Akali cosplay when??? I need new fap material sneaky, cosplay more pepeDance pepeDance pepeSmoke peepoClap WutFace WutFace WutFace wineTime pepeDance wineTime pepeDance FeelsClassyMan wineTime preposterous where is the sneaky dance emote? @c9sneaky pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance worth @c9sneaky playing Heimmer bot plz YoureCabbage subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Love you dad. So glad I got to see you play in Detroit before all the offseason stuff what band is this? dont remove pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM 󠀀 pepoDance pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance NEVER REFRESH pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM order by usage @C9Sneaky pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM TriKool racist PepegaAim pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM 󠀀 pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance headBang beefXcastle subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! pepeDance pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance good bye pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance GOODBYE pepeDance Can we have pepeDHaw @C9Sneaky would fit the RDR2 run moon2SH @AstralVillain -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] Dont remove him PepeHands FeelsClassyMan wineTime its an aquired taste headBang headBang headBang pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance golden Kappa check pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance widepeepoSad pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM moon2SH ? pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaS @C9Sneaky am i getting a gift for my bd @c9sneaky Playing Heimmer bot plz yw daddu thecramps subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance 󠀀 epark pog @C9Sneaky when RDR2? please monkaMega or monkaOMEGA shouldve been removed but ok Can we have pepeDHaw @C9Sneaky would fit the RDR2 run moon2SH pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM . F pepeDance widepeepoSad pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands pepeDance PepeHands dont remove pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM @C9Sneaky Are you planning on playing clash this weekend? when are u leaving c9 Kappa Kappa HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive HITMAN peepoArrive DxCat he'll play rdr2 when he finishes horizon zero dawn Jenrar OMEGALUL <3 no hitman widepeepoSad peepoArrive Hitman 2 peepoLeave League of Legends pepeD RDR2!!! pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM . sneakyYeehaw RIP pepeDance pepeDance @C9Sneaky so what are you doing for the season @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP play ASS CLAP @c9sneaky Playing Heimmer bot plz pepeDHaw pepeDance YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw !rank pepeD pepeDHaw pepeD sneakyYeehaw C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 618 LP OW? @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM squadR keep PEPEDANCE pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance Pog KKonaW KKona Clap PepeDHAW Enable nyanPls AYAYA pepeD pepeD AILD <3 YEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWW pepeD sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim perfect for RDR2 Pog @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP play ASS CLAP are you drinking milk and ice??? YES @C9Sneaky replace PepegaAim with it GunRun @C9Sneaky add monkaCozy KKona Clap sounds lit Add it KKona HYPERCLAP that sounds badass ENABLE KEKWait PepegaAim ? pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM 󠀀 pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM . PepegaPls remove monkaMega remove me OkayChamp PepegaAim WE HAVE THIS replace PepegaAim with pepeDHaw No HITMAN D: pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM PepegaAim @scuffedlove -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] PepegaAim too good pepeDance sucks Pepega I’ve already resubscribed this month, twitch is fucking retarded PepegaAim PepegaHands get rid of PepegaPls sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw sneakyYeeHaw I'm so eager to know if you're gonna restart the mission or not monkaMega 👈 remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove a weeb emote Is this As I Lay Dying? pepeJAMMER REMOVE THIS pepeJAMMER @c9sneaky Heimmer bot plz Sounds badass PogChamp Twitch? pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM Yeah remove PepoDance Not my monkaMega PepeHands remove 4Weird monkaMega KEKW enable AYAYABASS AYAYA PepegaShake is shit PepoDance is shit Weirdga delet PepoDance delet PepoDance delet PepoDance delet PepoDance delet PepoDance delet PepoDance monkaW jasonrCCS Enemy janna spotted jhinny headBang monkaMega monkaMega pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance peepoBlonket USELESS remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega remove monkaMega KEKW pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance AYAYABASS dont remove PepoDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance AYAYA :( widepeepoSad WHAT SI IT monkaMega pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM 󠀀 AYAYABASS monkaMega LAST MONKMEGA monkaMega REMOVE MONKA MEGA D: noooo NO yea it is monkaMega monkaMega pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance monkaMega HELP monkaMega monkaMega WTF monkaMega >>>> pepeDance AYAYA last spam Kappa monkaMega monkaS monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA monkaMega monkaMega NOOOO monkaOMEGA monkaMega pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance pepeDance LAST DANCE pepeDance monkaMega REMOVE OMEGA monkaW monkaX LMFAO monkaMega monkaMega monkaOMEGA jhin plz monkaMega monkaMega monkaS monkaX everyone just uses monkaW anyway D: monkaW @C9Sneaky why do we have both pepeJAM and pepeJAMMER monkaOMEGA @C9Sneaky why do we have both pepeJAM and pepeJAMMER pepeDHaw monkaMega 👈 KEKW @C9Sneaky why do we have both pepeJAM and pepeJAMMER monkaMega @C9Sneaky why do we have both pepeJAM and pepeJAMMER monkaMega WHY monkaS YEEHAW pepeDHaw monkaMega WHY monkaX monkaMega has always been better than monkaS monkaX bttv for gifs, ffz for regular emotes @C9Sneaky pepeDhaw monkaS @c9sneaky “you won’t know what’s removed” yes FeelsOkayMan LUL monkaS monkaMega monkaOMEGA monkamega BRING BACK PEPEDANCE BibleThump monkaS is global @c9sneaky monkaMega monkaMega monkaMega monkaMega monkaMega monkaMega FeelsEvilMan Remove this cait I don't feel so good Mr. Twitch Chat. monkaMega K, monkaOMEGA is cool, remove monkaMega then widepeepoHappy pepeJAMMER pepeDhaw wait Jebaited mooP mooP monkaX and monkaW is all you need tbh pepeJAM :MEGA IS SO GOOD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeDance pepeJAM @C9Sneaky do monkaGIGA instead of monkaOMEGA , omega has too much eye KEEP BOTH jivn pepeJAMMER AYAYA JAM is better pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAMJAM @C9Sneaky Add GachiPls OkayChamp pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeJAMMER @c9sneaky Yassuo LOOK BEHIND YOU CHAT monkaOMEGA DansGame 👉 pepeDance NO monkaOMEGA DON`T TOUCH HIM monkaMega justice for monkaMega 😡 pepeD peepoPog pepeDHaw Weirdga TeaTime pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw 󠀀 pepeD pepeJAMMER dude im fucking gay what do i do? @C9Sneaky PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap YES monkaS pepeJAM vs pepeJAMMER pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM . monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaGIGA >>>>>> monkaOMEGA pepeLaugh monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance I cant see pepeDHaw moon2A cause janna is garbage right monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance sneakyFun pepeDHaw PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap idc I HAVE THIS ADD TriDance Okayga emotes there refresh stream widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky replace pepeJAMMER with pepeJAMJAM monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeDHaw PeepoClap pepeDHaw PeepoClap monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance PeepoClap GO SNACKY pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM pepeDance LAST SPAM 󠀀 Add TriDance PogU monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP play ASS CLAP monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance Where's pepeDHaw zfgMad HYPERCLAP monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP pepeJAMMER WTF pepeJAMMER we dont use MadoStab much either yeet pepeJAMMER add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp good choice @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP play ASS CLAP monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance. PeepoClap pepeDHaw noooo PepeHands Hi HeyGuys WHAT pepeJAMMER PepeHands pepeJAMMER PepeHands add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp BYE pepeJAMMER i cant believe monkaOMEGA widepeepoSad @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP pepeJAMMER IS SO GOOD widepeepoSad PepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER @C9Sneaky add pepeJAMJAM @C9Sneaky check KEKWait out pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER free sluts PogChamp ONE LAST JAM pepeJAMMER ONE LAST JAM pepeJAMMER ONE LAST JAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance LUL now you will experience the OP of Janna sneakers pepeJAMMER add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp add GachiPls OkayChamp pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM queue times have been fire pepeDHaw drum n pepeJAM pepeJAMMER where is piano sneakers? pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad adios amor activities widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky add pepeJAMJAM PLSSSS pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER hasktr :ASDASDas pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER drum n' bass for farewell song pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER ONE LAST JAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM @weebs_ruin_everything OkayChamp LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM Anele monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam WutFace wtf Is barrier just better than heal now? @c9sneaky pepeD pepeD ANELE pepeD pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam wtf ANELE @C9Sneaky What is your next cosplay? monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam a ANELE pepeJAMMER aq bu ne ya monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam pepeJAM LMAO pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER ANELE ANELE beautiful sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam ANELE Clap LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LAST JAM pepeJAMMER LUL monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam TUNEEE ENABLE TriDance trash ,,,,???? pepeJAMMER monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeDHaw ANELE pepeJAMMER pepeD monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam ANELE Clap whadda fok KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance Turkey music Pog hahahahahahahhahahah that's not janna that's akali in a dress monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam is this Turkish agian absolute banger if you ask me ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick monkaMega HYPERCLAP PepegaPls pepeJAMMER hhahahahahaha turkish meme music LUL monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance, pepeJAMMER KEKWK KEKW LUL LUL LUL my ears :( monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance. pepeDance pepeJAM pepeJAMMER AJDARRRRRRRR AJDARRRRR is this ajdar LUL monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam xD TCE musik monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam I feel like I should be dancing and hiding behind a tree LAN ANELE Clap Rap god skip monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam The fuck is that pantheon skin ANELE pepeJAM D: PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls monkaMega Banger stop the spam :( ADD sadKEK monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam refresh chat PepeHands Sjshsusjsjwjsnhdnc amk adam ajdar dinliyo dmasdma peepoLeave PepegaPls AJDARRR AJDARRR AJDAAAAARRRR oh no Wtf ANELE pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER 󠀀 ANELE PepeJam What a bop!! My ears are actually bleeding D: banned LUL monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam Nice music pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance. ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA LEAGUE peepoLeave why did u listen to this? monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam wtf is this shit SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ @c9sneaky did you catch Zamazenta in Pokémon ? PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance, AJDAAAAARRRRR LUL dont remove pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance monkaMega LAST SPAM pepeDance you lookin like if my grandma was a lesbian !skip song pepeD pepeD pepeD SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ ajdarrrrrrrr the bomb is being planted SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ SKIP THIS 4Weird ✋ @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird !skip @justchill its too late widepeepoSad this is porn music aaaaAAAHHH monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam 0Cloudz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! What do you think of K1ng? monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird @hotdogss 4Weird AJDARRR AJDARR ÇİKİTA MUZZZ KEKW @justchill its gone PepeHands monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam @joeasscompass -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] widepeepoSad just monkaMega using pepeJAMMER my favorite pepeDance emotes did you like the song @C9Sneaky ITS GONE widepeepoSad Id say remove monkaSHAKE if we have PepeS tbh pepeJAMMER THIS IS SO GOOD Kappa cikta cikta cikta cikta cikta cikta @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP @C9Sneaky enemy support janna free win LUL pepeD monkaMega @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP play ASS CLAP widepeepoSad @C9Sneaky play ASS CLAP ANELE ANELE ANELE I think there's been a surge of turkish viewers and they keep donating turkish songs monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam !song ANELE ANELE @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 @hotdogss 4Weird 👍 skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh PeepoClap WORTH ANELE pepeDance pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER ANELE this music is realy good KappaHD Ayaya BANGER ayaya Ayaya BANGER ayaya Ayaya BANGER ayaya Ayaya BANGER ayaya Ayaya BANGER ayaya monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam vv TriHard WH OMEGALUL ? WHO?! @Wheatensz FeelsOkayMan monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh W H OMEGALUL ? @wootwoot12345 wat the fok is ass clap good sir monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam monkaMega pepeJAMMER pepeDance last spam WH OMEGALUL LIT sneakyWeeb HYPERBRUH I dont have animated emotes enabled it looks hilarious lmfao just monkaMega using pepeJAMMER my favorite pepeDance emotes he is greek superstar KEKW Id say remove monkaSHAKE if we have PepeS tbh @C9Sneaky W H OMEGALUL DONT REFRESH pepeDance skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh skip cmonBruh racist greek music cmonBruh MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid nice greek music Kappa monkaMega PepeHands MrDestructoid monkaX monkaW danS people still use 4Weird monkaMega monkaW monkaOMEGA monkaS monkaW monkaW monkaW pepeS W H OMEGALUL M pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw monkaMega cmonBruh monkaX is urf out? sneakyH WEE HEE @Sitlec different emotes completely LUL MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid Janna isnt useless Pog @c9sneaky destroy urf? Pepega Clap traps KEKW KEKW lol couldnt tell if adjusting or not snackers nice lvl 1 Pog LUL yay death by snacky widepeepoHappy KEKW unlucky amg çikita muz çalıyor PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh KEKW Hi Sneaky! PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh notworth PeepoClap DETH pepeLaugh gachiW MonkaS pepeDHaw monkaHmm @C9Sneaky you were sent here to make guys like you in all your cosplays #foreverboner monkaHmm monkaW monkaW monkaW nice start KEKW ghosted pepeLaugh AAAHHH PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh gachiW PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PepePls itswik1Pdown itswik1Pdown pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance Fiesta KEKW Stweam snipows! gachiW monkaHmm i dont think they knew lol they were so scattered @highwaterpotential they literally convey the same thing. theyre both shaking scared emotes gachiW aaaah pepeDHaw gachiW PeepoClap host clown fiesta PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh PeepoClap refresh g h o s t ghosting PeepoClap Ghosting pepeJAMMER Butt fucked gachiBASS So close what the fuck PepoThink bu ne amk are oyu listening to buttfkd gachiBASS ghost PauseChamp ? pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER PeepoClap GOODBOV SNEEKE PeepoClap maybe ghost? çikita muz taliah gachiBASS timee to cam over minimap pepeDance Ghooot @Sitlec one is scared, the other one is anxious hahahah cikita muuuuz Turkis song PeepoClap GO SNACKY This music is sneakyWEEB2 PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap jsdfhaklfhakldfhagkf cheek ta cheek ta sneaky got BOOOTED LULW turkish bangers oyyyyyy cheek ta cheek ta pepeDance pepeJAMMER PeepoClap Ghosters welcome PeepoClap greek song pepeDance PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap god bless Hi ghosters HeyGuys HeyGuys Nice song fuck u duck NotLikeThis clown fiesta levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas sneakyFiesta hahaha PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap. PepePls Kim attı müziği turkish song headBang inc >:C THANK FUCKING GOD greek song NotLikeThis Trash song @Call_me_Zeroo D: Bu ne amk wait i just nodded my head to the beat omg sneaky help me duck u fuck Ahhahahahahaha kappa PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap POGGERS monkaMega widepeepoSad monkaMega widepeepoSad monkaMega widepeepoSad monkaMega widepeepoSad How do you get involved with the Scouting Grounds? pepeJAMMER aç olm müziği greek song LUL !lick @highwaterpotential huh when ur scared ur anxious what you talkin about Pog EZY pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance PeepoClap uwy finally no more dear god NotLikeThis HYPERS pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance !live spin that shit again. song slaps what i want to do to duck hahahahhhahahahahahahahahah o neydi hahahahahahahah :D:D:DDD: !lick nice MF indicator LUL pepeD PeepoClap POGGERS monkaMega widepeepoSad PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap i love u Im ducking sick PepePls monkaMega widepeepoSad Lan biri pepeyi atsın pepeDance KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride I miss TriKool music FeelsBadMan is aphelios out for normal client now? i know it was my fav FeelsBadMan what are u listening to should have removed monkaOMEGA instead of monkaMega widepeepoSad SourPls @Sitlec nvm, you haven't been on the website long enough i guess feelsbad song FeelsBadMan ANELE Clap ? PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap . monkaMega sucks though damn morgana is pretty good against janna, now that I think of it JANNA USELESS monkaOMEGA is the goat @Call_me_Zeroo 4Weird pepeDance monkaOMEGA @hotdogss yea thats what i said but itype to slow PepeHands TriKool music FeelsBadMan @hotdogss 4Weird @Call_me_Zeroo Duck you @CYBERBOOLI_xD widepeepoSad @hotdogss monkaSHAKE monkaX pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeDance ghosted KEKW PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap :) @highwaterpotential literally been around longer than you but ok kid @ABNORMEL PepeS song? what a covey player ALCOVE USER peepoLeave this album is really good COVE ABUSER Weirdga pepeClap janna ghosting LUL pepeSmoke the smoking lounge alcove gamer 4Weird Alcove ez Weirdga @ChopCone TIll the end of time Trippie Reddd alc OMEGALUL ve WeirdChamp JANNA monkaHmm V I E T _ _ _ ❓ Alcove abuser WeirdChamp pepeL 🚬 MaN !bttv EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS MaN alcove users? yeah.. kinda cringe bro Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa MaN Guys whos aclove I keep hearing about it he likes to edge the alcove? lulWut PepeHands sneaky sounds like a smug sonic the hedge hog he's going to remove PepegaHands next widepeepoSad monkaW so many emote died Error: User not found: pokiW. @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] FeelsGoodMan Clap Spam more Tornadoes !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan wanna see a hot trick gachiW widepeepoSad LUL that pepe was art peepoClap test !followage PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap Why she keeps doing that? LUL so useless widepeepoSad me next PeepoClap Morgana vs Janna ResidentSleeper !followage TriKool finally ! D: Matt7197 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 3 days yo nightbot subs to poki? tf bruh get this wirgin outta here song is a mood cirBlech LUL this whole album is so great TriKool TriHard beats by dr dre anyone seen monkaMega widepeepoSad TriKool good shit weebs out cirBaka 💢 agreed PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap what album is this? TriKool ayyy VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW Im safe FeelsGoodMan TriKool Clap AYAYA boxAYAYA sodaSad How do you lose the virgin check? If you aint a virgin, then u won cuz u got some, and if u are a virgin, then ur preserving the sanctity of ur anus for someone special nightbot is probably rich af, he's subbed to every damn channel KEKW INCEL CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW Im safe FeelsGoodMan KEKW KEKW KEKW TriHard TriHard TriHard heal KEKW KEKW ??? TRUE @theduckwhocucks pepeLaugh got alcoved cirPat just kidding opieop_dansgame_opieop !followage janna fed GodIsOne97 has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 3 days no heal btw KEKW PeepoClap !song AYAYA monkaW Janna is fed you gotta work on your alcove play @C9Sneaky PepeJam @Helppluk000 cirPat PepeHands PepegaHands pepeJAM qtpHANDS l2alcove song? what is this Lossing to janna KEKW !song POGGERS POGGERS LELW nimbus cloak PogChamp goodbye KEKW gachiBASS KEKW LUL F KEKW gachiW KEKW rekt KEKW gachiBASS KEKW KEKW KEKW outplayed KEKW lul LUL gachiW missed cannon KEKW why would panth early W NotLikeThis @iVoidlol Who Needs Love - Trippie Redd morgana early shield LUL Rip hehe LUL :((((( AAAAAAAHA gachiW morgana sheild ? i gotta go sleep see ya later bois <3 morgana WeirdChamp Karthus Pog R Pog no dorans ? gachiW sneakyHey gachiGASM gachiHYPER AAAAAH F only 2 dorans? @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi Kappa @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi @weebs_ruin_everything cirHi HandsUp @Dinonauts gn fam !followage peepoArrive Hitman 2 peepoLeave League of Legends PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap isaac_amaterasu has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 11 months, 3 days @magician444 stfu tyler1Hey Morgana didnt know her shield only blocks magic dmg KEKW bro wtf those arent dorans D: NOOOOOO only 2 dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave RarePepe PepeHands @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird !AYAYA peepoLeave 2 doran nub 2 better than 1 @BubbaPowers D: sneaky where are your boobs 2 PepeHands !ayaya AYAYA There are 2178 cuties in chat AYAYA @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP peepoWTF @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP peepoWTF @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP peepoWTF @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP peepoWTF this sone goes hard af AYAYAWeird You had 1400 and you only got 1 sword for it when you coulda got like 3 swords song* @C9Sneaky why did u buy bf instead of 3 dorans @weebs_ruin_everything dyrusOwo tyler1B1 tyler1BB tyler1B2 sell BF buy 2 more dorans ezpz @weebs_ruin_everything !AYAYA and 3 swords is better than 1 Error: User not found: pokiW. TPFufun TPFufun TPFufun Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4hope you win WTF fucking weeaboos peepoLeave PeepoClap deth ok PagChomp @weebs_ruin_everything PagChomp @weebs_ruin_everything PagChomp @weebs_ruin_everything LMAO KEKW sumFail @theduckwhocucks cause he hates winning JANNA PagChomp doomed game KEKW LULW shocko1AYAYA ???????? KEKW LOSE what a mess challanger player LUL @C9Sneaky why did u buy bf instead of 3 dorans @C9Sneaky why did u buy bf instead of 3 dorans onto the next one @C9Sneaky why did u buy bf instead of 3 dorans FeelsBadMan seems doomed LUL janna PogU talk shit about janna now your losing to one lol F janna PagChomp Janna Pog moon2SHRUG malz on top of morg bind? LUL janna Pog !followage AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 weebs_ruin_everything PagChomp JANNA IS 1v9 xqcSkip would have won with 5 dorans 4Weird jaaaannaa mah boi Curse of the Janna AGRESSIVE JANNA PogChamp i want that janna to be my egirl losing to janna KEKW Janna plays who said janna is useless ? KEKW Sneaky hates winning BibleThump Janna bad I lose every game with her IF ONLY YOU HAD 4 DORANS peepoArrive Hitman 2 peepoLeave League of Legends opener up bois ggnoob Janna OP WeirdChamp Duo janna ndeaaaaah i believe this game is doomed weebs_make_everything_cuter AYAYA Clap hahahah :P team inting team inting LUL AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 weebs_ruin_everything weeaboos WeirdChamp 👉 🔥 cirComfy it's a transcended janna, she overcame her champ's limit was a joke @navishere he said janna was useless last game D: D: sneakyD Any cuties in chat AYAYA janna support is so strong right now. wish you had her as support @c9sneaky D: sneakyD nba youngboy KEKW D: REAL VOICE WutFace D: D: @sweatzR ah WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan D: D: @Ciraris weeb peepoWTF 9.23 botlane league of dorans WutFace AYAYA 7 S IN CHAT' use that voice again @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA :) D: DOBBY HARRYPOTTER we AYAYA all AYAYA cuties AYAYA pre pub bieber voice WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace AYAYA come back to sneaky still playing League widepeepoHappy real voice WutFace @decodeproxy AYAYA AYAYA Poki subs WeirdChap AYAYA NotSoEZ This is black music fat 30 yo neckbeards calling each others "cutie" WeirdChamp SOLDIERS IN THE CUTIE ARMY, ASSEMBLE AYAYA 7 @iForkas -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] AYAYA I'm 12 AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything shut up cutie CUTIES cirPat NaM forsenKnife AYAYA box7 !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING FeelsBadMan @weebs_ruin_everything actually im 40 you cute fuck pepeDance PepeHands WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING AYAYA WEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING AYAYAWEEBS RUIN EVERYTHING AYAYA Im 50 AYAYA AYAYA MadoStab NaM uhhh morg e? no dmg sneaky @mangeees DansGame @ABNORMEL PepeHands PepeHands this song AYAYA MadoStab NaM MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 AYAYA Yeah this Morg really doesnt know her shield only blocks magic dmg pepeLaugh AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA @quinnsu ✋ 4Weird AYAYA AYAYA @BDBashin don't make that face cutie its not a good look on you ✋ 4Weird weebs do u prefer ie or stormrazor when ahead @C9Sneaky GG NOOBS ff NA KEKW why would they fight that just ff man AFK FARMING LULW bot afk LUL afk? fun game :) @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA Why would you not help your team over 4 cs?? so many cuties in chat tonight AYAYA open HYPER just win lane 4Head open HYPERS JANNA IS USELESS KEKW AYAYA Clap sneakyD sneakyD JANNA PagChomp 12 - 3 sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo pepega fed karthus LUL LUL LUL LUL gg PogU Play RDR2 to swipe the weebs away 4Weird PogU monkaWQ monkaW LUL PagChomp Pog monkaW Pog Pog :O hahahaha PauseChamp EZ Pog LUL monkaOMEGA POGGERS PogU huehuehue Pog Pog monkaW Cursed game LUL Pog barrier OP LUL POG Pog Pog Pog monkaMega monkaGIGA simple math tbh 5Head monkaMEGA pog Heal dies there calculated true Pog actually true but you would won fights Pog true af Pog shouldve pressed barrier earlier Kappa LUL calculated PauseChamp monkaOMEGA GashiBass ANY POKI SUBS? AYAYA he thought he was dead for sure PauseChamp why is sneaky's team so iron tier?????? 33 hp pagchomp PogChamp PogChamp monkaMEGA FeelsBadMan PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp MF is winning b/c more dorans pokiW PogU 👉 PauseChamp gobChamp gobChamp gobChamp all these games = HUGE JG DIFF peepoLeave in queue for hitman PogU 👉 PauseChamp LOL LOL KEKW PagChomp KEKW KEKW KKonaW KEKW stuckin her own wall KEKW never win with janna lose against janna LUL KEKW KEKW RIOT KEKW KEKW sneakyFiesta no because u would be level 7 from the earlier fight where u would have double killed them thus making you have more hp and thus making heal heal you more moon2T ;O what was last song i like how people are back seat gaming him when he was literally a pro at this game. look at your selves PeepoClap MORE DORANS PeepoClap MORE DORANS PeepoClap MORE DORANS PeepoClap MORE DORANS PeepoClap shit and cum Pepega @Helppluk000 -> Don't spam in CAPS! @mx_universe don't cry no one is backsteating sneaky monkaW MF has 5 Dorans imagine going BF rather than dorans WeirdChamp MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid pepegaClaus Okayga @iForkas pointing out a facts is not crying KEKW zdps cait his team mates are holding him back !opgg FeelsEvilMan Cait is soweak @mx_universe r u shaking and crying rn? KEKW M OMEGALUL RG Okayga TeaTime KEKW Open Yikes Okayga TeaTime . sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw ?? Okayga TeaTime TriHard sneakyYeehaw Okayga TeaTime . KKona sneakyYeehaw KKona Clap Pog Okayga TeaTime pepeDHaw maybe not Kappa Pog Pog pepeDHaw Okayga TeaTime COCK PauseChamp WIN--- shut downs Pog MURDER JANNA FortOne moon2SH pepeDHaw pepeDHaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw pepeDHaw 󠀀 $700 holy fuck thats like 2 dorans dude ur rich pepeDHaw MY TIME TO SHINE illogical KKool MadoStab sneakyHey Gg pepeDHaw PeepoClap caps HOLYYYYYYY PogU CLOWN DRAKE POGGERS COME BACK IS REAL WINNABLE DARE HE SAY IT PauseChamp YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw PagChomp pepeDhaw loooool 6 Pog morgana OMEGALUL i miss MrPurple @Cyberstorm 6 bDORANS Pog peepoArrive MORE BLADES D: sneaky will carry like always D: yessss more blades D: Sneaky feed D: D: D: play red dead D: 1400 gold EZ D: Kreygasm wurf D: D: pepeDHaw NA MATH D: gachiBASS D: D: D: tell her pepeLaugh LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL D: has anyone seen monkaMega widepeepoSad oooh daddy talk dirty gachiBASS keanu is coming? Pog where do you keep all these dorans blades :Joy: CAPITAL D COLON :Joy: CAPITAL D COLON :Joy: CAPITAL D COLON :Joy: CAPITAL D COLON qiyana 420 FUCK :) cyberpunk 2077 Pog D: @highwaterpotential nice one idiort LUL If only you could combine blades.. monkaMega SadChamp @highwaterpotential OMEGALUL pepeDance widepeepoSad MORG KEKW morg LUL goddamn Traps LUL JANNA KEKW Janna MaN GG NOOBS LUL JANNA PogU KEKW JANNA PagChomp KEKW gachiHYPER Kreygasm HOLY SHIT janna PogU Janna God PogChamp Janna Pog KannaNom :) gachiW Janna carry monkaOMEGA gachiBASS Janna Useless Kappa 8===D KannaNom YUMMY did... janna just insec him? ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen bot fiesta Pog Poooound no ones ever done that support dif Janna garbage according to sneaky : P janna is hard carrying Pog ALLTY4 boxDab KannaNom that's Joey who used to play on TL 16 assists on janna? can someone expalin all the dorans blades? Okayga TeaTime Finally decent music clean version LULW whats malza doing? ResidentSleeper janna pog Just pick janna and win !song TL ACADEMY OMEGALUL More Doran’s!! ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen monkaW bye bye 23-9 monkaS !playlist Doot doot winnable >< This Janna is sneakyFeels So is Playing Panth trolling? !song oh that's right there's a qiyana morg is inting Bronze game KEKW karth does way too much damage @C9Sneaky janna is mad cuz u called janna garbage OMEGAALUL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL LULW WP @c9sneaky this album is actually fire owwie KEKW Why does 4 doran blades work? KEKW ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ADC KEKW outplayed putplayed KEKW oh shhit the skill peepoWTF EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle And you said Janna was useless KEKW why not counter-play her? @C9Sneaky Winnable? nice champ riot KEKW @Fathin who needs love trippie redd *stands as close to wall as possible* qiyana FeelsGoodMan KEKW "JANNA IS BAD" BabyRage adc s 10 KEKW KEKW @OrangeDragon12 with earlier game snowballing and slower bot lane exp compared to last season, the raw stats from doran blade are insanely stat efficient heh yasR Janna's Revenge for all your shit talk Back to the fountain that ghost at start fucked your team grey screen FeelsGoodMan SUPREME DISPLAY OF TALENT EleGiggle @C9Sneaky did you know if you sit in the fountain and play Hitman, you will be unkillable PagChomp "I'VE NEVER WON A GAME WITH JANNA" BabyRage @theduckwhocucks 5Head *is dead no matter what he does there* balance champ Kappa @OrangeDragon12 so ppl stack the ad, lifesteal, and hp before they get big items AD carry 4Head ENCHANTERS IN CURRENT YEAR EleGiggle what was the last song @chat and @C9Sneaky EleGiggle Better Janna wins fed dark harvest karthus kek LUL LUL LUL New trippie album ?? moon2SHRUG @c9sneaky thoughts on this new Trippie album? Love u dad AYAYA JANNA MAINS? missed the only skillshot KEKW AYAYA @JingleDongs 6Kiss - Trippie Redd yarrrak amına koyum ya pepeJAM buy Doran's gun instead of the sword @C9Sneaky it's poetic that you're losing to a 1v9 janna turkler yarrak peepoLeave dorans weird how they always know where everyone is lolol @theduckwhocucks is that actually gold efficient? is that the same janna player he was flaming earlier? hit man content Pepega Karma nyannLul more dorans POGGERS Okayga TeaTime peepoArrive dorans nah @nuKayos TriKool pepeDHaw SORRY BOYS I KEEP THE FUZZY CUFFS AT HOME pepeDHaw Janna so fast POGGERS take 6 dorans ez penta Chad Janna janna god Okayga Okayga monkaW janna instagram zeki242 janna lvl 10 losing to janna KEKW this morg is so bad... @sitlec It wasn’t 6kiss Pepega @hotdogss 5Head 🍷 peepoLeave peepoLeave PeepoClap Imagine losing to Janna pepeLaugh Show feet cool theirs a new Black Widow trailer @OrangeDragon12 doran has +153% gold efficiency KEKVV :( @that1guycosplay make me cun macaiy1Love macaiy1Love macaiy1Love macaiy1Love macaiy1Love All jokes aside, Janna is useless and this Morg did nothing in lane KEKW 🍆 KannaNom ... SMILERS Janna Needs an assassin to shit on her sneakyEZ this jannas movement confuses me @vjaake i was just guessing cuz i didnt remember last sog. why didnt u tell him then 😡 janna on my team Pepega janna on enemy team PogChamp Watch this Janna this KEKW ??????? Pepega TheRealArturx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Love from Brazil Snacky KEKW anivia KEKW I’m close show feet should i use liquid cpu cooler on my pc? damn KEKW LUL ?? KEKW LUL Jebaited fun game KEKW KEKW @sitlec Well I listened to the song you said and it wasn’t it 😡 janna pogggg janna Pog KEKW KEKW WHAT IN TARNATION bunch of psychos thats how you know theyre sniping Only in NA @vjaake 😡 KEKW Well that was cancerous you know its bad when an anivia flashs to kill you fun role you could of outplayed that for sure nt Pog janna baiting logged in and Sneaky is dead 4Head This happens only in NA KEKW @sitlec you let me down 😡 🇧🇷 hu3 Okayga COCK enemy team big fans deleted Kappa @vjaake listen to the whole album its all good 😡 .....what is happening this game Sneaky jinxed him self FeelsBadMan Okayga COCK agressive janna monkaOMEGA Very good music taste 31 vs 13 KEKW @sitlec True 😡 @sitlec I will do that 😡 KEKW LULW KEKW this jann is Pog KEKW SHE LIVED KEKW no way LUL LMAO 3 FLASHES jes she lived.. OMEGALUL SHE LIVED OMEGALUL SHE LIVED Janna lives hahahahahahahahahhaa She actually lived KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 56 minutes 44 seconds jesus this mid is bad KEKW my lady FLEE KEKW SHE LIVED OMEGALUL D: omg LUL KEKW KEKW insecure af KEKW LUL she lives! AngelThump janna with thje trash talk INSECURE KEKW THEY JUST 5 MAN SOLO DIVED SNEAKY JANNA KEKW INSECURE pepeHANDS I want you to kill JANNA so bad OMG Escape, M'lady, I will hold off these rapscallions. this bitch KEKW @that1guycosplay MAKE ME CUM esfandOkay Janna player talking about being insecure KEKW "insecure" WeirdChamp insecure Kappa yeah this fkin Janna is so annoying holy. janna mains KEKW @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] widepeepoHappy DETH monkaW KEKW chat all is so cringe holy shet haHAA PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls Actually having to defend from Overly Aggresive support KEKW monkaMega monkaW moon2GUMS oh wait ammoFlexL ammoYoda ammoFlexR Pantheon is kinda tilted moon2GUMS SadChamp 🕷 moon2GUMS bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega any tips to not rage in this game? xD bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega 🕷 Music SadChamp @teslabtw disable all chat @teslabtw don't play @teslabtw mute all, then imagine that you're playing coop v ai Yoda kinda jacked 😳😳😳 ult for blue KEKW @teslabtw play for fun @teslabtw just dont play 4Head white flag KEKW @teslabtw just be cool bro 4Head monkaW LMFAO GOD KEKW HAHAHAH LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO KEKW don’t rage, just laugh Kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL ded guys nibba KEKW KEKW KEKW JANNA KEKW KEKW lol KEKW janna pog KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Janna KEKW rediemptioned NotSoEZ lmao JANNA KEKW KEKW Lmfao white flag KEKW KEKW JANNA aeryied LUL KEkw rofl KEKW JUST FF KEKW hahahaha Janna smurfing KEKW this Janna is GOD KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh KEKW pepeLaugh LOSING TO A JANNE KEKW LUL LUL LUL The inning is real from his team. there's a qiyana in this game? Karthus mad well hitman here we go peepoArrive LUL Chad Janna ff KKona fella PagChomp WHO IS THIS GOD JANNA? how can i be cool and chill when im only lane winning and all troll/int?? how to stay cool? xD Close game Cant lose to Janna KEKW Janna deserves all honors KEKW JANNA IS BAD BTW KEKW KEKW shipHMM shipHMM shipHMM !mouse @decodeproxy joey who played on TL and DIG play red dead gm Champ diff KEKW janna 1 v 9 don't shit talk janna ever again KEKW @magicmongooses ty :) Pog RDR2 time peepoArrive giddy up sneakyYeehaw Guess they're just going for diff targets ok monkaW monkaS kekw its time sneakyYeehaw I never raged in League, when everything is on fire why would I be angered? not FFing KEKW hello snekker god damn this jg and mid though.... is it finally yeehaw time sneakyYeehaw DETH widepeepoSad no IE? Just enjoy your lane Kappa 5 Kreygasm rayraykun subscribed with Twitch Prime. !opgg 4Weird 54 @mage_23 u ok bud? @mage_23 gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP one man spam WeirdChamp Okayga Janna walking in to Enemy Base Dabs and leaves moon2O @yourealsmart -> No Links! [warning] never surr, we win those Pepega WeirdChamp @mage_23 OkayChamp 👍 Okayga TeaTime COCK aught0fShadows: 54 mangeees: @mage_23 u ok bud? elc4b0nglol: @mage_23 gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP Twitch PrimeGoku93: one man spam WeirdChamp 1chiefbeef: Okayga Twitch Primeprimesubtw: Janna walking in to Enemy Base Dabs and leaves moon2O Twitch Primeyourealsmart: mes LUL Weirdga WeirdChamp Okayga pepeLaugh this album fire yourealsmart 4Weird @mage_23 u need some WeirdChamp 3-Month Subscriber (3-Month Badge)Twitch Primeらてて (amber21): Okayga pepeLaugh 13-Month Subscriber (1-Year Badge)Babyjake1120: this album fire squigc: yourealsmart 4Weird LordMeow: @mage_23 u need some WeirdChamp Okayga TeaTime COCK guys i have a horizontal butthole and i can always hear my cheeks clapping when im jogging FeelsBadMan monkaW someone explain Okayga TeaTime COCK to me type 1 if you fapped over sneaky's cosplays today Okayga 1 DanceDanceDance @Jeystan pepeLaugh TeaTime 1 @Jeystan pepeLaugh 1 @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] yo don't include the name and badges when you copy and paste FailFish @yourealsmart SMILERS 11 pepeLaugh ???? LUL OMEGALUL KEKW LUL pepeLaugh FeelsBadMan gg motherfuckers Wait i just realized that no nut november was over that flank KEKW Close game pepeLaugh wtf qiyana ulti works with anivia wall too lol gg KEKW GG sneakyFiesta losing to janna support KEKW Janna OP confirmed GG i guess KEKW Moderator42-Month Subscriber (3-Year Badge)theduckwhocucks: yo don't include the name and badges when you copy and paste FailFish close game KEKW SMILERS fun GigaYikes FeelsBadMan its time sneakyYeehaw CLOSE GAME KEKW AYAYAWeird WeirdChamp WeirdChamp first MF flanking of my life nymnWeird WeirdChamp AYAYAWeird Jinxed yourself FeelsBadMan sneax SadChamp ayy we both lost at the same time WeirdChamp losing AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird @Nighthara @00Average00 @GodOfHuskies @AstralVillain ur all gae AYAYAWeird SadChamp WeirdChamp hitman peepoArrive SillyChamp WeirdChamp gachiW gachiHYPER better support win gachiW ? Janna sup WeirdChamp gachiW hitman peepoArrive gachiBASS :3 YUM PunOko PunOko PunOko PunOko gachiBASS peepoArrive Hitman 2 peepoLeave League of Legends gachiW HandsUp gachibass hitman 2 peepoArrive they played better tbh, their team was just so much more coordinated Janna lol.. don't need to type gg when you lose BigBrother Clap TehePelo make me cum TPFufun honored a 2/9/5 morg Weirdga @C9Sneaky Mage support WeirdChamp @Nurakuto 4Head ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type !Im gay to activate——————————————————————— KEKW gachiW Janna was split pushing this game LUL pepeHands @C9Sneaky do u think solo q players contest drags too much I'm gay PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap !Im gay !im straight :) !imgay KappaPride !im gay to activate @Nurakuto the team that won played better? bold opinion Pog !Im gat !Im gay Pepega good team TriKool 6/7 cait @C9Sneaky :) !Im gay wheres my sub @kenseikage1 ur gay KEKW hey man how r u sneaky go lcs pokemon PeepoClapGO Snacky honored 2/9/5 morgana Weirdga honored 2/9/5 morgana Weirdga honored 2/9/5 morgana Weirdga Pepega teammates 3/1/23 Janna nymnDab KEKW PeepoClap GO Snacky Why does he only stream at night lol @c9sneaky kills should only be like 200 gold base instead of 300 hitman time peepoArrive WeirdChamp ass question @C9Sneaky What are your rankings of the drags going to ALL STAR ? Pepega hitman peepoArrive @Quart_OS well you know i have to fucking sugar coat things because this chat is hyper sensitive excuse me sir PeepoClap hitman I miss old cloud what are u talking about Sneaky have you bought Christmas presents? hitman peepoArrive rdr2 peepoLeave but the SOULS @hotdogss thicc peepoArrive i miss dragons giving gold peepoArrive Pog 👉 PeepoClap go pokemon master sneaky mountain drake is most impactful cause double magic pen won't deal true damage to squishies anymore @nubrac i miss you baby same nubrac but sneaky the SOULSSSS D: i cant see PeepoClap Weirdga D: monkaS @Nurakuto sure dude WeirdChamp alot D: Dragons worth 25 gold now. instead of 100. :) Super worth. :) type 1 if you fapped over sneaky's cosplays today Okayga widepeepoSad pepeDHaw PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 @datcrooze MAKE ME CUM D: deth widepeepoHappy pepeDHaw hey i can finally see it pepeDHaw peepoDHaw PogU pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw lost against useless janna LULW hitman PeepoClap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw plus if you miss the first two but come back cause you didn't kill yourself you have the potential to stack 4 pepeDHaw ratirlBusiness im no ratirlBusiness subscriber ratirlBusiness im strictly here ratirlBusiness for business ratirlBusiness pepeDHAW PogU pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw can u transition into support pepeDHaw more hitman Pog catch em all sneaky they wait you PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw pepeDHaw peepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap RDR2 PeepoClap @SnipingHobo TriHard / PeepoClap GO SNACKY PeepoClap pepeDHaw PeepoClap pepeDHaw HOWDY CHATROOM pepeDHaw pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER LAST SPAM pepeJAMMER imagine refreshing PepegaShake PeepoClap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PeepoClap Pog pepeDHaw PeepoClap Thanks Snacky ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type !KEKW to activate——————————————————————— RDR2 peepoarrive PeepoClap Heheheh @hotdogss thanks i see it now Okayga PeepoClap pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pink dra KKool pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim 'kekw' haHAA what you playing now? Do you Think you can perform again now that nobody expects anything from you (in Case you find a team) PeepoClap MY FAV !claim RDR2 time? pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim KEKWWW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PeepoClap My eyes are open Kappa pepeDHaw KEKW @Jenrar pepeDHaw HOWDY pepeDHaw pink dead redemption peepoArrive sneakyClaus OWL2019DVa PeepoClap !kekw KEKW Lmao !kekw How do you feel about the cloud drag. 10% ult cdr? whens the next bloody cosplay i need to beat meat talking with teams or just gonna stream? Kreygasm @Sneaky what age do u become a man? I'm currently 32 and act liked I'm 12. PeepoClap MY META kekw !KEKW Snacky Kreygasm queue a game SwiftRage SadChamp do you think that adc should get a little bit of their Regen health back since doran shield got hard nerfed for ranged? @c9sneaky hitman or I end it alk KEEK SadChamp SMOOTH JAZZ @Aka_Divinity pepeDHaw HOWDY PARDNER pepeDHaw Now I'm horny all I'm ready for some RDR OkayChamp aw shit mac sample FeelsClassyMan SadChamp 🎺 sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap pepeDHaw DRAW pepeDHaw PeepoClap Hitman Do you think 4 dragon stacking is realistically possible in competitive? I have seen it happen in SoloQ FeelsClassyMan dont mind if i do SadChamp :trumpet: 3-Month Subscriber (3-Month Badge) pepeDHaw KKool pepeDHaw KKool pepeDHaw KKool pepeDHaw KKool Maybe you're the trash one brkHmm peepoDHaw hiiitman isnt that just adc tho @c9sneaky what you playing rn? SadChamp wineTime booty gachiGASM NotSoEZ TeaTime @C9Sneaky name of the song? purple sneaky widepeepoHappy @Jenrar pepeDHaw SO ANYWAY I STARTED BLASTIN pepeDHaw As in, 4 of 1 element !c9 pepeDHaw RED DEAD pepeDHaw sneakyE What's this song :c AYAYAWeird TeaTime hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive pepeDHaw FeelsClassyMan wineTime @datcrooze being worthless? yeah FeelsBadMan WineTime . o O ( AYAYA ) pepeDHawSO ANYWAY I STARTED BLASTIN @C9Sneaky Are you playing clash this weekend? pepeDHaw @C9Sneaky finish Hitman FeelsOkayMan FeelsClassyMan TeaTime AYAYAWeird TeaTime PeepoClap Hitman picking kogmaw in 2019 LUL Go to Spotify, should be one of the firsts Coltrane song widepeepoHappy FeelsBadMan wineTime . o O ( AYAYA ) YES John Coltrane, nice music man hitman PeepoClap !tnahc ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ Don't think, just do it moon2A @Spudn1ckel :) RDR2 PepegaAim Failed the copy paste KEKW KEKW Hitman pls <3 think you gotta play some jhin peepoArrive yes @Aka_Divinity pepeDHaw BLASTIN THOSE DARN SCOUNDRELS OUT THE SALOON pepeDHaw Hitman. PogChamp KEKW maw peepoArrive hitman triGasm TeaTime @C9Sneaky change profile background :D @TheMilkyDocumentarist In A Sentimental Mood by Duke Ellington Kappa @C9Sneaky the pokemon game you play is from computer or from a game machine? play it outtttt just beat it 4Head pepeDHaw widepeepoSad play it out peepoLeave pepeDHaw SAINT DENIS pepeDHaw seduce them @C9Sneaky We believe in you Snacky <3 @C9Sneaky name of the song? just research mate @C9Sneaky use your imagination FeelsOkayMan pepeDHaw YEEHAW PARDNERS sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim @C9Sneaky Octane booster in her car to make her crash? @c9sneaky hitman>red dead just play hitman fuck off Snacky pepeDHaw sneakyD @Jenrar pepeDHaw hi cutie pepeDHaw Snacky 🎷Jebaited Snacky widepeepoHappy @foibag it name make me cum @C9Sneaky are u gonna stream this split or are u talking with teams? Hitman pepeD Fak off chat 3Head play hitmaaan Okayga TeaTime not queued Senna game snack daddy widepeepoSad chat would you suck ur own dick if you could? FeelsClassyMan wineTime sneakyChair sneakyChair monkaHmm snacky eating a snackies yes What do you mean "if"? @lol_nct LUL moon2PEEPEEGA oi wat u say m8? pepeDHaw pepeD pepeDHaw @mangeees make me cum pld ive tried to suck my own dick but its too small @c9sneaky just play hitman instead @mangeees no but u can suc mine @mangeees no bc I don't have one :) !uptime sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 7 minutes 55 seconds Okayga TeaTime just got here is he switching games :( Elevator music ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper senna spp PogYou senna adc KEKW daphCozy wineTime Sucking your own dick isnt gay WeirdChamp pornhub music WutFace m0xy5Head wineTime how is everyone doing on this fine day @NykoIe 😳 SadChamp pepeDHaw NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis triGasm wineTime Okayga wineTime FeelsClassyMan TeaTime sneaky needs to fap guys @AJ_From_Philly LUL @Cyanirde im sorry for you, how did you lose it? @Lizardan ok papi Late nights with Sneeeaky MAKE ME CUM - PORNHUB SONG @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Okayga wineTime . gachiBASS Okayga wineTime LUL Okayga wineTime . @Cyanirde unlucky ://// AYAYA Okayga wineTime HandsUp PagChomp Okayga wineTime . Okayga wineTime @hotdogss HandsUp yes very fine day indeed 5Head wineTime pepeDHaw Kill pepeDHaw them pepeDHaw all pepeDHaw i seen it HandsUp @Spudn1ckel lololol born without it :> PeepoClap cock @Jenrar pepeDHaw BLASTIN THEM ODRISCLES? pepeDHaw intruders monkaW Okayga wineTime sumWiener @hotdogss pepeSmoke so is sneaky still on c9 as a streamer for now or has he just not changed everything guys im gay does it matter A> pepeDHaw Okayga wineTime COCK Okayga wineTime Okayga wineTime Isn't this Coltrane tho...? Okayga wineTime COCK PeepoClap peepee @CYBERBOOLI_xD 😳 monkaW Okayga wineTime COCK PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap EZ MadoStab gachiGASM daphBlush @Cyanirde ahh what a sad genetic disorder. does it have a name? Type 1 if your gay PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClapPeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap Sentamental mood? @rasmend Duke Ellington fam 8==D 1 1 Okayga PeepoClap 1 Sneaky is retired completely from what chat told me PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap @lizardan make me cum 1 and 2 sumSmash SMILERS Bottom right lowkey dummy thicc 😳 Bottom right lowkey dummy thicc 😳 Bottom right lowkey dummy thicc 😳 Okayga wineTime 1 @Spudn1ckel yes it does and it's "pussy" KEKW EZ MadoStab AYAYA Kreygasm 2 ratirlFlower sumSmash SMILERS stop smiling EZ TeaTime type one if u got big pipi pepeDHaw @lol_nct how @Ottenderg glad some people know this music 1111 daphArt 📃 jerYike two :) @Ottenderg ITs both. Fam @Cyanirde huh never heard of it 1111111 FeelsClasslyMan 🎺 pepeDHaw Okayga ————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type ! KEKW to activate———————————————————————— EZ 🎺 monkaW DEATH monkaW FeelsOkayMan 🎺 0.7 EZ @lizardan a lot adderall kicking in SMILERS !playlist oh i thought he was just not gonna play for a few splits and he was going to change his mind potientally in the future Doot doot type 1 if your penis' size is above 15cm Bottom right lowkey dummy thicc 😳 Bottom right lowkey dummy thicc 😳 1 1 TriHard Clap !music sneakyChair peepoArrive sneakyFedora CLASSY stream why is your name still c9 sneaky LUL Pog Type 3 if you would bang sneaky Weirdga ANELE ANELE Clap oh fuc yeah @rasmend oh shit, facts @Spudn1ckel feeldbadman. must be the first one then NotSoEZ 2 KEKW 2 KEKW Stef curry D: Okayga wineTime 3 what kinda of curry PepoThink ANELE Kreygasm type one if im better than sneaky miles davis pepeDHaw yea what kind monkaHmm 1 What kinda curry???? My ears WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace 9 69 KEKW Curry for 3 dont switch gamessss Yeah, not sure chat told me he was donezo as a pro i like thai curry @Ottenderg Much love you cookin steff curry? KEKW no 4k gameplay? peepoLeave indian is also good to @weebs_ruin_everything peepoLeave Steph not steff FailFish indian is the best qtpFAT @hotdogss peepoWTF peepoLeave curry is bad Kappa Steff currwe LeBron James > Kobe Vsync on PogChamp khmer curry is the best KEKW chicken mekani what is this game? bawkDoit wineTime monkaW monkaMega monkaW ! monkaW monkaOMEGA that what i get yummy qtpFAT LUKA the bets monkaW afk mode on monkaOMEGA s-snackY??? I miss monkaMega widepeepoSad @hotdogss widepeepoSad 👉 monkaMega widepeepoSad my gf puts curry everywhere, I hate that mix of spices now 🎷 Jebaited WutFace WutFace carci1 carci2 pepeSmoke carci3 carci4 carci1 carci2 @madaa13 hit man 2 Stephen Curry > Kyrie Irving carci3 carci4 Kreygasm !time December 3rd 2019, 2:16:15 am PST GMT-08:00 carci1 carci2 carci3 carci4 sneakyChair peepoArrive 🎷 KannaNom FeelsClassyMan 🎷 HITMAN FF HIS MISSION KEKW peepoArrive That looks goog has anyone seen monkaMega widepeepoSad this is how you create artifical gameplay time Agent Snacky 7 PogU @C9Sneaky what kinda curry PepoThink @c9sneaky just play hitman instead of red dead? this is not rdr2 DansGame dude FeelsBadMan GUYS TYPE C9 BIG TROLL 🐾 ? Agent 47 been waiting so long widepeepoSad cheese curry DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame @CYBERBOOLI_xD im here bawkMega ANELE CMONBRUH Stephen CURRY was Coltrane DansGame monkaMega in heaven with pepeJAMMER and NA widepeepoSad yellow curry eh? FeelsWeirdMan Thai curry yammy what was that song dad @C9Sneaky? hitman peepoArrive thai curry yum pepeD i've neveer had curry widepeepoSad KATAKURI? Peet1334 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! crush him with the car Thai restaurant are the best monkaW all curry is good curry Hitman peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive KEKW hitman peepoArrive @Nurakuto what? get you some of that shit asap people monkaW hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive FISH HER outside monkaW @Jenrar notice me rawrSenpai c dog @Code002_Zero_Two not the same sodaSad how can people play Hitman and pretend it’s a good game LUL why hitman japanese curry best curry pls CloudAce subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeD PepePls pepeJAM pepeD YO CHAT IS HE DONE WITH LEAGUE pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER widepeepoSad Main game peepoArrive yes I wanna try curry but it doesnt exist in my town. i could probably make some tho 🤔 yea pepeDance PepegaHands @ramonrodrigueziv yep pepeD SourPls just stay in that room this was the perfect occasion to use pepeJAMMER peepoWTF hitman peepoArrive pepeDance @Code002_Zero_Two pepeDHaw thanks mates pepeD leagues is done pepeJAM pepeJAMMER @addcheesepls PepoDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepePls gone 🦀 theCrimsonHazard more fun to watch than play imo pepeJAMMER SadChamp pepeJam TURN UP THIS GUYS ON MOLLY OR SOMETHING pepeJAM widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER pepeJAM byee PepePls > all other dance emotes pepeD @weebs_ruin_everything ricardoFlick pepeJAM ratirlLouder ratirlLouder pepeDHaw PepePls pepeDHaw 󠀀 pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw @unnameless for sure Bye Sneaky love you bud was here for the juicy League play pepeDHaw American Psycho vibes ricardoFlick pepeJAM ricardoFlick kill him and find out :) PepegaPls sneak 100 KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh KEKW ?? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DatSheffy Draufgänger fuck his ass gachiW look KEKW gachiW i faped on ahri bawkKek UWU DRIVER poor guy gachiW but hes a brother cmonBruh he must be diabetic 4HEad it’s just like WTF? What is this monkaHmm didn't we all monkaW LOL What a waist of Sugar KEKW THAT'S NOT SUGAR gachiW monkaW 3Head oi who spilt this monkaW PJSugar pepeD pepeJAMMER Party Pepega ricardoFlick GAY BAR @swaggerman_svenson dont think we didnt see that pepeDHaw PepoThink hmmm PepegaShake knife? monkaMega kill him too pepeJAM shoot is this the c9 backstab practise? pepeD pepeJAM if only you had a bag of sugart shoot the wire shoot it gun pepeJAM hit them whit the hammer GAY BARR. GAY BARRR.. . GAY BARR throw a person at it upstairs Coceal it LUl Booger Sugar LULW shoot the whires fist @Limerence123 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp Go up stairs FUNgineer Conceal item LUL PepePls gachiHYPER Only hint pepeDHaw shoot it or no balls don't your guns have silencer? Kappa ricardoFlick wish i was in the club flicking to this @theCrimsonHazard wHires upstair dummy throw some more PJSugar Weirdga you're supposed to bring your silenced weapon and shoot it higher floor? waffleT1 waffleT2 waffleT5 waffleT6 @matt7197 Pog Start twerking and the sound waves from the clapping of your ass cheeks will knock them down why are some of the ai just standing there looking into space monkaS LEE SIN KEKW nyannDab @deyistaken KEKW gachiW telekinesis sneakyGrip KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KEKW make them eat the bullets from ur gun Pepega KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha Not when theres a ! marker KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeJAM pepeD KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeLaugh She looking at your bald head LUL @creepzmcpasta ✋ 4Weird stop staring woman Weirdga one man spam D: ME WEEB KonCha ME SPAM TehePelo MODS BAKA PunOko IF BAN TearGlove KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeDHaw pepeJAM KonCha KEKW pepeJAMMER pepeDHaw pepeJAM @C9Sneaky check the podium pepeD @C9Sneaky Octane is an explosive, like a grenade KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PepeD pepeD She want you KEKW KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeJAM @creepzmcpasta yes hello KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeD suspicious KEKW pepeDHaw @creepzmcpasta make me cum pepeDHaw 󠀀 so nobody suspect a bold person with bar code on the back of his head? pepeJAM KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KEKW pepeDHaw PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha pepeDance its a jamemr pepeDHaw 󠀀 PepegaShake pepeDHaw pepeJAM @creepzmcpasta she want his shiny head PEpega pepeDHaw 󠀀 pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw dude he's bold pepeDHaw @mangeees KonCha @enytaralc PeepoClap pepeDHaw is this the Sims?? WeirdChamp sneaky spiking drinks in the club Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 pepeD pepeJAM pepeDHaw ME WEEB KonCha ME SPAM TehePelo MODS BAKA PunOko IF BAN TearGlove . Snacky’s butthole Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm pepeDHaw KEKW @hotdogss widepeepoHappy Sneaky's playing lee sin in hitman KEKW NaM poison it with scissors sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey pepeDHaw PepegaAim MY CSGO TEAM MaldChamp sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey pepeJAMMER sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey Kreygasm sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey @creepzmcpasta ✋ 4Weird sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey Lee Sin Hitman skin btw would be nice Okayga sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmashsumSmash sneakyHey widepeepoHappy RACE CAR @C9Sneaky do you have the in game walkthrough for it unlocked? sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey Death by Disco PepoDance one man spam LUL sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash I love this game, I hope you like it too Sneaky tucan sam Pog sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey wait use the scissors to cut the disco ball Kappa sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sneakyHey Creepz Okayga sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey POGSLIDE NO MODS WideHard sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash mods OMEGALLU wait is this Sims 3 or Sims 4? NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard widepeepoHappy VROOM Creepz HYPERCLAP NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard Okayga wineTime sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash Sims 5 NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard @rudi91 PeepoClap car go fast me like fast car just pull a drive by NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard M OMEGALUL D peepoWTF KEKW smh NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard sumSmashsumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard Subs spam D: monkaS PeepoClap one man spam POGGERS sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut PeepoClap NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard NO MODS WideHard sneakyH sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut this game sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut ban subs Seebass10 Cuck the Police Pepega sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut @rudi91 he removed monkaMega SadChamp sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut steal one of the race cars and run her over sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut people open doors, nobody notice it The only channel where subs are more annoying than plebs @creepzmcpasta EarthDay WeirdChamp sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 koilDerp You can push father onto tracks, that also makes daughter crash into wall @hotdogss what the fuck sneakyD widepeepoSad @4baseball2 sneakyD monkaW xD @sl4yerkid sneakyLUL SadChamp PeepoClap @sl4yerkid tho you are one annoying pleb sneakyLUL Just kill him 4Head MaldChamp has Sneaky finished Sekiro? You need try and fail bunch of times DansGame DansGame DansGa DansGame DansGame toilet PepeHands uh oh stinky DansGame DansGame HYPERDANSGAME thats disgusting peepoLeave @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP OpieOP DansGame OpieOP monkaW sneakyTrash kidding obv @sl4yerkid DansGame peepoWTF why is that in there lmao is he in queue?? fuyck yeah slam that shit bro why is that in here monkaW @theCrimsonHazard go back in your corner 3Head give her the aids LidL syringe Pog DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame snitch cmonBruh DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame LUL @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP OpieOP DansGame OpieOP LUL DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame KEKW USE IT POGGERS DansGame DansGame DansGame hey MaN gachiBASS DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame ???? DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame LUL ???? DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame There is a way tKEKWo kill her with DansGame DansGame PogYou DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame @weebs_ruin_everything OpieOP 7 why the fuck is there a lethal syringe in there wtf HEY U VARIETY SNEAKY moon2POGGYWOGGY HolidayCookie DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame KEKW DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame IS HE DONE WITH LEAGUE? Pog monkaS me? :) DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame ??? SPAM WeirdChamp DansGame DansGame DansGame Being hunted monkaW @Code002_Zero_Two cirPat <3 PnP but you bring the lethal injection on accident LMAO DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame ???????????? D: LUL OMEGALUL KEKW ?? ???? DansGame YOu used crowbar in front of them ?? KEKW ??????????? RESTART OMEGALUL ????? DansGame DansGame DansGame ???? LOL dude D: KEKW LUL KEKW gachiHYPER KEKW ????? KEKW ETFwtf lul ??? LUL KEKW KEKW DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame KEKW ??? KEKW ??? WTF? LMAOOO XD LULW LULW KEKW ..... LULW lul KEKW DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame KEKW HAHHAHAHAAH ?? OMEGALUL ??????? PepegaPls ? KEKW sneakyFiesta in front of everyone KEKW ??????? KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW ??? Pepega JUST SOME BUDDIES WRESTLING Kapp KEKW LMFAO hHhH wow ur the worst assassin in the world GOT EM KEKW WHAT A NOOB KEKW WHAT A NOOB KEKW WHAT A NOOB KEKW WHAT A NOOB Pepega LuL stealth master KEKW <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW Sleetiest subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! ????? lol PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME 1 for 1 , ill take it KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW KEKW smooth PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME PepegaHands EVERY GAME KEKW Pro gamer btw Pepega LUL KEKW WASTED KEKW @adc_is_supp_diff LMFAO hahahahhaa Sneaky in game LUL that was very assassin like HmMmMmMmM super sneaky LUL inting in hitman Pog sneaky a name for granted wtf was that PeepoClap KEKW KEKW Taking out the competition Sierra gachiW smooth and stealthy KEKW true assassin 5Head LOL ?????????? Pepega 1 FOR 1 WORTH i think you are not supposed to do that cut brakes sneakers KEKW Pepga dont draw attention to yourself :) Thats not how you do it worth PeepoClap Nice try Snacky thwy ll never see me here 5Head U MUST PRESS ULT sneaky + pogman D: steal the flamingo Robert DansGame NOOB HITMAN KEKW IM LINDSEY LIQUOR SNEAKY are you sure? D: OH c9sneaky is playing Hitman 2 PRESS R sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus lower difficulty then_ sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus R2D2 ? monkaW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeDHaw Just Think like a Hitman PepegaAim PepegaAim 4Head sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus D: sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus D: D: just git gooder 4Head gachiW D: D: sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus DUDE D: D: ah shit LULW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus D: sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus beat it up sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus KEKW sneakyClaus PepeHands gachiHYPER sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus gachiBASS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus KappaPride snap neck :) gachiHYPER sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus D: sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus abuse his asshole gachiW tyler1LUL they saw u KEKW KEKW sneakyClaus new emote? PogU i dont think master difficulty is meant for ur first playthrough PepeLaugh sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus gachiBASS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus HandsUp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus gachiBASS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Go across the track it always been there kebunBBW one man spam weirdchamp This is the ultimate form of sneakiness @creepzmcpasta ✋ 4Weird nm I'm a Pepega KEKW sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Its ok sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP hes cool SMILERS Okayga COCK PeepoClap go CREEP SMILERS SMILERS Okayga wineTime SMILERS ? Idea? sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP @cyberbooli_xd make me cum SMILERS moon2BRAIN sneakyWoo PogChamp You erase camera recording at security booth which is located at carpark Replace that syringe with the lethal dose 5Head sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP slit his throat SMILERS sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP PauseChamp SMILERS smells like poop in here DansGame ADVICEFROGS DansGame sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP monkaHmm sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Is this queue waiting or just straight up playing KEKW madlad pepeLaugh sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP one man spam WeirdChamp sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP qtpPOO ahh yes 5Head ? sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP huh... monkaHmm mods BabyRage sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP hmmmmmmmm PepoThink wtf dont kill the janitor ? mods BabyRage mods BabyRage mods BabyRage mods BabyRage sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP its not even the right one DuckerZ Huh? He doesn't know pepeLaugh lmao XD GODLIKE D: KEKW KEKW KEKW poor guy just moping gachiW gachiHYPER hahahaahahahahhaahahah NO RED DEAD? peepoLeave gachiW MaldChamp gone MaN why you had to do the cleaner guy midbMald Clap u look good KEKW fake hair D: MaldChamp MaldChamp nope later will play RDR2 PagChomp ?????????? Pepega lmao KEKW Leaving Neverland: Hard to believe that a glow-in-the-dark skeleton who dressed like Napoleon and lived in an abandoned amusement park with other people's children and a feral chimp could have such a dark side. furries WeirdChamp peepoPog take his costume DO IT Pog KILL HIM PagChomp @theCrimsonHazard PogChamp just me chad gachiW 3Head DO IT take that costume VaN LMAO take that costium ! DansGame FURRIES 3Head bruv 3Head OI LOL VaN Pog take his costume LULW PagChomp OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL nyannLul xqcLeather THE PLOT THICKENS xqcLeather xqcLeather xqcLeather 3Head oi m8 lotta stuff xqcLeather LUL 3Head TALK SOON Take his costume PepoThink KEKW D: NICE LEASH Take his docuements LUL furries WeirdChamp LULW KEKW KEKW wafflePoint furry DansGame LUL Pog furries WeirdChamp furries WeirdChamp furries WeirdChamp Then meet with Sierra @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KEKW KEKW LULW Now you can find your car keys LULW KEKW Pepega FLAMINGO TIME WutFace GET HIS EVIDENCE @C9Sneaky bawkDont from the van Van STEAL HIS COSTUME KEKW Big bird Van VAN van You'll need keys too u need to find car keys van VaN VaN j VaN It's a van should ve waited and sneak behind him VaN green thing on map VaN VaN VaN YOINK KEKW xqcLeather MaN Jebaited Is the second hitman better than the first one ? MaN the wan wa green nvm the van was green Pepega TARGET he measn the Target he cant see green pepeLaugh Jebaited WeirdChamp red thing on map check target on the map sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP @c9sneaky rdr2 is done? can he see green pepeLaugh Jebaited sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Is this skin a specific feature for this map or can you actually change different skins in the game? :O :) sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP colorblind pepeLaugh don't tell him @amedben no x2 Jebaited sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP will play rdr2 later sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP PepeHands stop booly the colorblind kid Sneaky, you'll need to use instinct to find the key to the van sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP colorblind pepeLaugh ahh yes very inconspicuous I cant see it either sodaSad sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP one man spam WeirdChamp my chat experience BabyRage sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Jebaited sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Lower difficulty so I can hear voice girl Kreygasm sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP Flash ❓ sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP blocked creepzmcpasta EZ Clap chat will snacky be playing RDR2 later? sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP flashes people PeepoClap go CREEP no red dead today? sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP MOD OMEGALUL KEKW sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus HYPERCLAP lol @creepzmcpasta VisLaud HYPERCLAP he said he lost the keys to his van in the scuffle should have let the guy find his keys widepeepoSad noooooo Dansgame next time? widepeepoSad ? Sad VisLaud HYPERCLAP sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus RDR2 PeepoClap sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeHands DansGame widepeepoSad peepoLeave sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw widepeepoHappy sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus widepeepoSad noooo RDR2 peepoArrive sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus wtd DansGame ? sneakyClaus sneakyClaus widepeepoSad sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus RDR2 peepoArrive pepeDHaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoLeave BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage Make him stopppp BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoLeave pepeDHaw Saint DENIS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus goodbye sneaky i hate this fcking copypasta KEKW widepeepoSad sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus widepeepoSad sneakyClaus sneakyClaus CHANGE DIFIFICULTY LULW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoLeave sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus monkaS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoArrive sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus RDR2 peepoArrive red dead peepoArrive sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw YEEEEEEEHAAAAAW sneakyYeehaw peepoArrive peepoDHaw peepoLeave RDR2 🐴 sneakyYeehaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoArrive pepeDHaw Red Dead pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw mods WeirdChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoArrive peepoDhaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoLeave RDR2 peepoArrive danganronpa peepoArrive sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeDHaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @ramirexgabo -> No Links! [warning] Guarma time sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus dat b8 wiith hitman sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus peepoArrive pepeDHaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PeepoArrive YeeeHawwww PogChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus BabyRage widepeepoSad @creepzmcpasta stop WeirdChamp KEKW just play on tutorial mode sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Kappa Pepega Pepega sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus rdr2 peepoArrive sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus lol sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Lets good yeeehaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus SUB SPAM WeirdChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @creepzmcpasta you like boys play horse riding simulator sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Mods peepoWTF sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Weirdga sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus red dead Pog? WeirdChamp Leave creepz alone M OMEGALUL DS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus :( mods pls sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus hewwo Show food sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Stream ending? remove this pasta cunt sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus what % of the story has been completed in red dead sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus let's go Guarma sneakyYeehaw imagine 1 man spamming like a cuckold @C9Sneaky doesnt have mods or give a fuck about his chat sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus what u use to record? have you played cod vien? PeepoClap Go creep GO sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus SPAM sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @scottvsvrup he just got to Guarma sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @scottvsvrup 52% I think? SAVE US BabyRage sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus No signal ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap AYAYAWeird Clap PeepoClap YO MODS LULW PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap 1 man spam LUL SOMEONE STOP SPAMMER sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus hes a sub its cool sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus @c9sneaky have you played Sekiro all the way through? sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus This chat is p2w, subs can spam all they want. Kappa mehdiHYPERS mehdiHYPERS mehdiHYPERS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeLaugh PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap play the new york map its easy its prolly updating sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus F? @Sitlec @Cyanirde thank you guys FeelsOkayMan PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap fr sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Kappa MaN sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus why dont you play on your giga computer instead of a weak console? WeirdChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PeepoClap nice gameplay @creepzmcpasta 😡 sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus monkaX sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus creepz OkayChamp sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus monkaW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus P2SPAM CHAT WeirdChamp sneakyClaus pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Dont booli CREEP widepeepoSad sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw AYAYAWeird pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Chat don't bulli @creepzmcpasta widepeepoSad PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw don't forget to last-hit the creeps PepeLaugh sneakyClaus KEKW ps4 wants you to play hitman 😡 pepeDhaw creepz fault ps4 not working PepeHands Nice :) Okay @c9sneaky :( F @scottvsvrup you're welcome! <3 widepeepoSad im sorry back to hitman time to get the ps5 sneakyClaus pepeDHaw Its probably updating. It'll show no signal when it does @C9Sneaky GabeN Play it on PC ResidentSleeper did you try unplugging it COPY PASTA IS ALL HE HAS widepeepoSad Red ring of death monkaS FeelsOkayMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan TeaTime KEKW TECH SUPPORT PepeHands SadChamp it's a console, that's what wrong Mr PS4 passed away widepeepoSad BACK TO HITMAN peepoArrive PepePls No signal... @C9Sneaky only one option now play hitman Back to Hitman Okayga :) Clap pepeJAM SadChamp wineTime Have you tried turning it on and off again? :) HItman Pog any smilers? have you tried turning it off and on again? @C9Sneaky back to hitman :) sounds like some Getting Over It music LUL 5Head wineTime HITMAN it's telling you to play hitman HIIIIT MAN peepoWTF i_only_smile_emoji: :) Clap HITMAN FeelsClassyMan wineTime PS4-KUNNNNNN!!! PepeHands make it work what are you eating ?\ smilers? :) Play hitman! :) Finish Mission Sneaky Pogy :) its prolly updating maybe there's just some loose wiring :) Agent 47 calling you Miles Davis PogU PogU WE WANT HITMAN just work :) FeelsClassyMan WE DEMAND HITMAN yes B) fuck me sneaky Plug it out then back in? yes i hope so FeelsClassyMan wineTime it does yeah he ded PepeHands Yes Kapp WE WANT HITMAN it auto saves fuk miles davis Hitman pretty often disassemble then reassemble it oh yea yes 4Shrug yup Sure Kapp Kapp Hi Sneaky piet yep! sure Kapp mizkifEgg forsenCD defintiely Kappa pepeLaugh he doesnt know pepeLaugh it will continue in the last chackpoint ass gachiW Davis Pog pornhub music WutFace !sub Reconnect HDMI @c9sneaky check HDMI cord first xqcBall i dont even know pepeLaugh !subs its updating prolly me either pepeLaugh any eggers mizkifEgg VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe PogU FeelsWeirdMan guys i have an idea to create a sperm bank called Big Gulp, good idea? turn it on then 4HEad i only watch pornhub for the music rdr2 Pog broken pd4 no rdr2 widepeepoSad actual game time o: monkaW pepeDHaw LUL monkaS Pog ? UNPLUG HDMI N RECONNECT IT OH show it on cam peepoArrive red ring of death ricardoFlick ❓ ricardoFlick ? there's a solution to that ricardoFlick like this @siMern drop 50 upfront LUL happened to me before too Its brivked its ded widepeepoSad Pog Its bricked gachiHYPER Overheat? MonkaW pepeLaugh well what is it then?? hard reset WAIT wake it up with water :) KEKW wake up Mr Playstation PepeHands red ring KEKW monkaW Mr PS4.....? have you tried turning it off and on again ? do the towel trick :) smack its ass @C9Sneaky widepeepoSad Might be updating i think Time for some hitman POGGERS what are you eating sniki buy a new one :) lmfao i had that LUL hey u can fix that.. not gonna tell ya how tho B) @C9Sneaky look at the user manual Kapp YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw try unplugging it peepoPog I made dinner so it feels like Im on a dinner date with Sneaky food widepeepoHappy SadChamp wineTIme Why is your lamp so bright 10k Pog That was my last console Give me some FeelsAmazingMan 50k KEKW sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels widepeepoSad sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels widepeepoSad PauseChamp .... SMILERS both sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels @MaxxyRoy sneakyLUL blue balls brother sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels hes googling it 😡 just unplug it and plug it back it sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels Weirdga Xbox master race KEKW is your controller IM TRYING SNACKY D: sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels you can always unplug it widepeepoSad definitely blue balled lol D: PepeHands do it I bet sneaky only buys fiji water do it widepeepoHappy sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels HYPERCLAP pepeJAM PepeHands sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels here he goes again PeepoClap hold it for 7 seconds sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels two beeps turn it off and on do it just buy a ps5 :) sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels UNPLUG WAIT 10 SEC PLUG AGAIN LULW sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels One moment please sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels just pee on it sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels WAIT sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels Jebaited @creepzmcpasta BAD BOY sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels hold power for 7 seconds sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels @C9Sneaky get a new PS4 FeelsOkayMan is it just a white light sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels wait Kapp sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels Just hit start select sneakyH DONT gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky unplug that bitch and plug it in sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels please stop creepz :( no wait its updating Kapp gachiBASS CONSOLE NotLikeThis Im p sure its updating PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap what dick ? f one man spam WutFace pepeLaugh DONT UNLUG JUST WAIT WTF pepeLaugh PeepoClap Sup bois!!! What's up? PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap just hit it with a hammer Kapp PeepoClap YAY be careful snacky widepeepoSad Which app are you using? One big fucking moment please sneakyFeels @FantaXWolf my dick He lacks critical knowledge pepeLaugh peepoLeave @C9Sneaky watch the new Black Widow Movie Trailer unplugging PeepoArrive strem ovr widepeepoHappy If only Sneaky wasn't technology-retarded FeelsBadMan peepoArrive POWER BUTTON rub your nuts on it..... it turns me on you have to hold it for a couple of seconds one moment please ResidentSleeper @Loki_sb atpGasm hey guys just got here, is this supposed to be red dead redemption 2? One moment please. . . SadChamp That was my ex-gf said. KEKW Cyanirde blue screen of ded yea PauseChamp WOO HOO u still on c9? why u still have all this c9 stuff up mangoA mangoB POG I like this jazz lounge @UnNameless IM SORRY ;-; PauseChamp ? Play outlast 3 sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap pepeDHaw RDR2 pepeDHaw PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp IM SORRY ;-; THATS WHAT I READ BibleThump PauseChamp ..... PasueChamp PauseChamp @C9Sneaky How is the game looking so clean? On pc it looks fkin awful : ( PauseChamp pepeDHaw RDR2 Prolly updating 😡 sneakyClap sneakyClap PauseChamp PauseChamp it broke because you removed monkaMega SadChamp PauseChamp @C9Sneaky have you tried turning it on :) is it still fukt? pepeSmoke PauseChamp :raised_hand: PauseChamp I WAS READING Jebaited wait longer One moment please... PauseChamp oh? ASJFHSDJKF wait its coming Jebaited Now what? SadChamp PauseChamp Did you try plugging in the hdmi cord @c9sneaky PauseChamp get cucked pepeLaugh should we tell him pepeLaugh wait for it PauseChamp Have you tried setting it to wumbo? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper console pleb SadChamp PauseChamp Kapp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PauseChamp ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper hold the power button then spin around 3 times Kapp Set to m for mini Pog pepeLaugh oh no no no Updating . . . I think you didnt properly shut it down Snacky and the boomer attitude with technology LUL KEKW PepeLaugh ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper HITMAN OR WE RIOT YOSH ji think i would just turn it off and on Kapp pepeLaugh Did he know what was actually happening with his PS4? darybJonesy5salute Pog Pog Kapp ture card tfw Sneaky doesn't even know how to restart his console FeelsBadMan PogU pepeLaugh pepeLaugh oh no no no PEEOPARRIVE <3 @C9Sneaky Have you tried sticking your dick in it? SSSsss SadChamp wineTime RDR2 peepoLeave How are you shat ? mangoW mangoW monkaMega LUL LUL daphCozy TeaTime bricked KEKW Corrupted files widepeepoHappy KEKW inb4 corrupted save KEKW I'm sorry I was too slow @C9Sneaky BibleThump KEKW LIT! RDR2 peepoArrive monkaS monkaW save lost PS4 Abuse D: ps4 KEKW LuL KEKW save data gone SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc DETROIT Imagine if he lost everything pepeDHaw Did you try to put it in rice? TriHard o7 any homies in chat console KEKW save data gone gg monkaW change category? back to chapter 2 KEKW monkaOMEGA Welp hitman over peepoLeave you did C OMEGALUL NS OMEGALUL LE inb4 all data's corrupted gachiBASS KEKW gachiGASM pepeDHaw peepoArrive WutFace pepeDHaw monkaW Pog cloud saves? monkaGun NA welcome cmonBruh try putting it in the microwave :) dyrus1800MICROWAVE pepeDHaw PepegaAim bang bang pew pew peepoLeave 🚽 pepeDHaw pepeDHaw @Cyanirde got a solution for corrupted data? same peepoLeave pepeDHaw pepeGun WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump pepeD pepeD pogu Pee in your water Hands Up Cowboy HandsUp YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw monkaS pepeD pepeDHaw please pee on me sneaky damn chat I am embarrassed now imma just hide in a corner and cry BibleThump Snacky in order to make it work in the first place, you must apply a generous amount of peanut butter to your nipples. WideHard WideHard WideHard peepoLeave sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff pepeDhaw @Cyanirde dw bud SMILERS He died? monkaMega SMILERS monkaW did you try it hatch pepeDhaw @Cyanirde You tried your best. :) earth quake?> pepeD mangoBleh sneakyWut mangoBleh sneakyWut monkaW sneakyD koreChicken kandyThump WHY RED DEAD ON PS4 kandyThump WutFace SNEAKY BEHIND YOU @Sitlec @Sokusuke didn't think he'd actually notice me with the amount of people chatting lmao WutFace WutFace hosea widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad charles widepeepoSad javier widepeepoSad pepeDHaw @hotdogss does he have the Arabian horse RDR2 peepoArrive widepeepoSad FUCK JAVIER Guys he slipped in the bathroom and fractured his skull. yes Booli Check twitter pepeDHaw @CYBERBOOLI_xD not sure never played this before sneakyChair peepoArrive Oh, is that Walking Simulator? I love this game Kapp pepeDHaw @SmolAria its named Jensen @CYBERBOOLI_xD pepeDHaw @CYBERBOOLI_xD yeah he has one, just not the white one oh peepoArrive monkaX PepeHands Keepo @SmolClaire PepegaAim @C9Sneaky word around the office is that you got a fat cock? @Sokusuke because it happened to me before and I couldn't remember what I did, so I had to look it up just now and I was panicking lol PepeS Ur in Guarma forsenKKona AMERICA guarma 😡 we're in tahiti PepegaAim gachiHYPER cu AYAYAY D: gachiBASS gachiHYPER me :) gachiGASM ME Lynn told us hat Pog latinas hmm PogChamp gachiGASM MURRICA new fat cock since shroud left us PepeHands ECHO ECHO echo ECHO WutFace sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus ResidentSleeper ECHO ECHO AUDIO WutFace AYAYAWeird Micah widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad javier widepeepoSad horse guy widepeepoSad kandySmart meecah DansGame micah qtpWEIRD echo? WutFace Fuck Micah la vibora 🐍 echoes went extinct in 1917 Move Cam. Smile. creepzmcpasta subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Instead of holding the button how about you hold your gf. She’s freezing to death while you jack off on stream and waste precious time. Btw I hope to see you back in the LCS next season with a better team. Mucho mucho amor Move cam better than jensen MICAH WeirdChamp UNLINKE JENSEN Keepo sneakyJensen @hotdogss charles widepeepoSad CREEP PeepoClap he runs like he has shit in his pants speed runner strat Pog @UnNameless how could i forget widepeepoSad this looks like jurassic park ? HD games wow hecc KEKW U have to hide map so ghosters cant do shit alert monkaW yes yes yes monkaW rip that means ur shits corrupted monkaW creeps isn't allowed to use words wtf TriHard UGANDA IS BEST COUNTRY TriHard monkaGun ban him monkaS monkaW OH NO DansGame twitch chat monkaW monkaW monkaW bawkSweat bawkMega IS THIUS LOGAN PAUL STREAM Hey, hang in there HeyGuys WutFace uh oh monkaW monkaW monkaW 420 Pog TOS trippin pepeLaugh monkaW didn't dodge LULW dumbass pepeLaugh monkaW wtf sumSmash RAPE sumSmash gachiHYPER ???? woah i fell asleep last stream and now youre in a jungle @C9Sneaky move camera pls LENNYyy Watch video mad 😡 did he league already? GANGBANG Quien eres? KEKW stop monkaW WeirdChamp ow i felt that one SPANKING gachiHYPER monkaW jajajajajajajaja monkaW monkaX hijos de puta gachiBASS SPANKING gachiHYPER JAJAJAJAJAJA Watch video 😡 @c9sneaky NotLikeThis ty sneakySpook2 Ñ gachiBASS huh? monkaW gachiHYPER xqcLeather HYPERCLAP Weirdga stop WH OMEGALUL im c9 sneaky it's me. stop monkaW im c9 sneaky BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump gachiGASM gachiW MORE gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP well shit stop hitting me KKool KKonaW Jesus christ calm down KKona AYAYAWeird Slap me bi MaldChamp HELL YEAH forsenKKona pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Kapp HU HUH HUH HU HUH HUH HU HUH HUH HU HUH HUH KKona pepeLaugh CORNWALL KEKW si si PogChamp PogChamp PepeHands far cry ? ;d gachiBASS KEKW just QSS WTF UUhhhh gachiBASS gachiBASS HYPERS LE FALTA INFORMACION CRITICA KEKW Poorly-made chair lol gachiHYPER TAKE IT BOY gachiHYPER !ADS 3 hits and he's out Arthur is tank PepeHands oye his arms AAAhhhh gachiBASS left his guns on him KEKW stab that guy what an interrogator ZULUL DEAD widepeepoSad KEKW SadChamp cmonBruh why leave him ye my mom monkaMega oui SNEAK? Champ PepegaAim lets go partner yeehaww PauseChamp Roosh? zombies duh @recurf HYPERBRUH pvman sounds cminBruh dafuq? hurcule solo queue teammates after you monkaW monkaW @recurf WeirdChamp Dinosaurs dumb sneaky LUL cmonBruh monkaW Sneak 100 holy shit u fked that up Kapp pepeSenora No pues esta cabron POL FAVOL KEKW lol KEKW KEKW KEKW in spanish: KEKW LUL monkaS monkaW monkaS monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW how can he not be heard I'm so confused PepegaHands 📣 KEEP QUIET haha :3 deutsche :3 He's so loud KEKW its looks like far cry here ;d no you keep quiet KEKW LUUK AUT TriHard Pepega 📣 KEEP QUIET sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW keep quiet, im the only one allowed to talk Pog thats not what that means lol sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW PENDEJO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW is this is on pc @chat? sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW I wonder how this guy got caught KEKW It just means oh u idiot sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW keep quiet he says gachiHYPER sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW In Spanish: LULW LULW LOUD oh noes another spam sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW lil hotdog :D sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW I'm guessing he has earplugs KEKW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW 1 man spam WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW WutFace ryuwinter ps4 sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW 3 year sub spamming DansGame mods ? KEKW KEEP QUIET WideHard SwiftRage KEEP QUIET sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW UnNameless aight thx It's a good thing all the guards are deaf LUL go creepz go pepeDHaw sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW gets off hitman; does a stealth mission in RDR2 lmaooo sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm SwiftRage KEEP QUIET time him out cunt '\ sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW one man spam WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW moon2EZ /ignore creepzmcpasta sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO Hes a sub so he payed to spam, sorry. Kappa sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw damm right KKona sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW KKomrade sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw go creepz go pepeDHaw kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO .... sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW ✋ WeirdChamp mods ? kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW DansGame 2 man spam Weirdga wtf is this chat 2 man spam WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO 2 man spam WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW MODS????? WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp kandyO kandyO kandyO 4Weird MY CHAT EXPERIENCE sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW get the sloot out of here go chat go pepeDHaw bawkFace grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNos sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW COPY PASTA WeirdChamp 2 man WeirdChamp grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose we love you creepz PeepoClap sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO this is so idiot LUL sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO monkaW pepeDHaw sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO "WeirdChamp" WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW ah ignoring all the one man spammers makes chat so nice kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO no mods WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO cmonBruh sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW DansGame sneakyW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw "WeirdChamp" WeirdChamp "WeirdChamp" WeirdChamp "WeirdChamp" WeirdChamp "WeirdChamp" WeirdChamp sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW DansGame DansGame DansGame sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW WutFace or cut the ropes time him out cunt my eyes kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW but ok kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW lmao WHAT WAAA WAAAA sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW Pepega 🎺 kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose imagine ruining the chat for 9k people sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW wow i blocked the spammers and my quality of life improved significantly kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO WideHard RUN RUN WideHard sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW my chat experience WeirdChamp nice war horn KEKW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW squadW Pepega 🎺 dooot sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW sneakyW Pepega forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE forsenE ADC AIM LUL KKona now we are talking PepegaAim mods BabyRage pepegaAIM PepegaAim grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose grossNose PepegaAim kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO kandyO nice AA LUL PepegaAim cmonBruh song Pepega AIM NA AIM Sneaky autooflane PeepoClap PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim pepeDHaw Pepega 🎺 INVIDADOS wtf is this donkeykong music PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaPls PepegaAim PepegaAim Pepega 🎺 ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee TriHard oohhhhhh TriHard AAAAaaaa PeepoClap doot PeepoClap doot PeepoClap doot PeepoClap doot PeepoClap doot PeepoClap D: PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim cmonBruh MODS PepegaAim OOF pepeJAM Pog LMAO PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg OOF Pepega 🎺 POG kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg HYPERBRUH WTF PeepoClap kill them sneeky kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg Pepega 🎺 xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM PepegaAim pepeD ADC pepeDHaw PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim gachiBASS Cait irl MODS WutFace Tu tu ru ru HYPERS infinite ammo LUL will this be a gold or a bronze hmm HandsWup PepegaAim @faysthebest stop it don't be as dumb as he is HandsUp HandsUp pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw PepegaAim PepegaAim How are you liking the game? LUL HandsUp pepeJAM 🎺 ??? LUL power move @greyscaled Ok kandyDogg LULW assassins creed LUL I have the high ground LUL gachiHYPER PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim positioning sneakyH Parkour PogU 1 HIGH GROUND Pog xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM 2 sneaky youre fucking blind PepegaPls pepeDHAW xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM LOOT EM HandsUp MODS WeirdChamp mods gachiHYPER gachiHYPER PepegaAim PepegaPls HandsUp Thank you, Sir Mods sleeping D: afk pepeDHaw gachiHYPER HandsUp Mods sleeping WeirdChamp Come on brother cmonBruh @gachilord69haha Happy Birthday Pog gachiW gachiHYPER mods? pepeDHaw mods? PEPEGA theffm subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! sup HandsUp THANK YOU SIR TriHard D: kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil kandyDevil M OMEGALUL D S @Yuiieeee gachiW Shut up and take it ZULUL ZULUL theres no mods huh? DL D: ZULUL waiting for rush KEKW gachiHYPER meth his arm is glitched and not showing up @C9Sneaky 1 arm monkaW Money? LULW money money KEKW sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sticky icky CiGrip Staff in chat monkaS +10 KEKW CiGrip BRONZE OMEGALUL bronze EZ arthur BibleThump dad Kreygasm ohaioooooo I don’t think you got any choice kandyDogg bronze KEKW STAFF monkaW BRONZE bronze ;-; BR OMEGALUL NZE STAFF ? monkaW BR OMEGALUL NZE KEKW KEKW BRONZE IN RDR AND LEAGUE KEKW S w a m p BR OMEGALUL NZE widepeepoSad LULW KEKW Pepega LOL LULW LOLOL KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW DED KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL Almost KEKW KEKW LuL Oof KEKW Pepega KEKW pepeLaugh WTF a ghost pushed u LUL KEKW KEKW pog KEKW KEKW no :D KEKW KEKW face plant ???? From cowboy to tarzan KEKW KEKW heeeeeehehehhe pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW george of the jungle KEKW THIS MISSION monkaW shoot those noisy birds WutFace dont drink swamp thats why its hapened DansGame hey :) Dutch PepegaHands that wasn't where u came from WutFace Dutch is a bitch when tf did this turn into indiana jones PepegaAim whatd i miss oh again Arthur and adventures im so excited to get a league of legends hoodie that say "Assplay Guyblast - Platinum" monkaGun monkaGun monkaGun I like it I have a plan indiana jones lookin mother fuckers triple a games KEKW @SmolAria HAVE FAITH TriHard @SmolClaire KEKW best part of RDR2 Pog monkaS watch out big spider ahead monkaS @C9Sneaky PepegaPls dont fall what version of the Sims is this? @C9Sneaky Sneaky's becoming tarzan KEKW prison ? LUL are you rootin or just tootin? ratirlBusiness Sneaky nice content TRUUUUEEE Kappa DUTCH PLANS KEKW He gone nice plan KEKW He been licking toads NA PLAN KEKW Dutch is like typical yasuo penisless mehdiLUL great WeirdChamp what about next time not robbing a bank dutch? DUTCH TRY HARD Kappa always going for suicide plan set his ass on fire snooky Dutch Plan pepeLaugh PunOko PunOko whatever it takes gachiW Dutch WeirdChamp PauseChamp GLORIA PepeHands Dutch - Yasuo @C9Sneaky s this the new Uncharted? ITS TRAP monkaW monkaS WutFace monkaW witch monkaW WutFace WutFace BEGONE THOT WutFace HOLY FUCK SHE SCARY OMG WutFace gloria borger LULW cave goblin monkaW monkaW monkaMega WutFace WutFace monkaW monkaW KKreygasm gachiGASM ((()))) Kreygasm sniff vamoss GLORIA PepeHands TriHard KEKW burn her WutFace Dutch is a meanie >:(((( EL goblino If it's in the sea then Pyke has it Pog lost a million in the sea KEKW monkaW EL GOBLINO Dutch didn't do anything wrong BibleThump why is he in the cave? @aakkothen WeirdChamp ## GLORIA PepeHands that women monkaW Hope she got some good puh for a gold bar sneaky3 @vjaake FeelsBadMan trombomtom subscribed with Twitch Prime. LENNY TriHard PepeHands For the first game DUTCH PunOko LUL vamos cabrons Kappa KEKW LOL LUL ?????? KEKW LULW BLIND KEKW LMAO KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? lol F KEKW Hosea and Lenny widepeepoSad OMEGALUL What the fuck LUL haha POGG KEKW KEKW KEKW pffffffffff lol KEKW KEKW Weirdga KEKW ??? OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW LULW LUL KEKW what the hell NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW LMAOOO KEKW Anyone in here who got tinnitus????? lul EleGiggle so fucking bad LUL KEKW KEKW WTF LUL KEKW ? KEKW KEKW watch where you are walking you ape Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 SO BAD OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW haha ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 LUL LUL Walking too hard f Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 Weirdga 👎 COLOR BLIND KEKW inter S U C C LMFAOOOO IM DEAD DARK SOULS LUL KEKW another mission walking OP gachiBASS LOT TO CAVE KEKW LOT TO CAVE KEKW LOT TO CAVE KEKW LOT TO CAVE KEKW Speed strats NotLikeThis KEKW gachiW GOOD JOB MY BOI Kappa KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL DEAD KEKW KEKW omfg that was hilarious KEKW BLIND KEKW so ends the tale of Arthur when Arthur dies LUL content LOST TO CAVE KEKEW LOST TO CAVE KEKEW LOST TO CAVE KEKEW LOST TO CAVE KEKEW expert gamer @gachilord69haha -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] OMEGALUL OMEGALUL DIED TO A HOLE OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL LOST TO CAVE KEKW ruined LULW the blind girl can move better than u LUL you had 1 jib poor woman TriHard haha SHORTCUT Pog bronze again inc KEKW job speed strats oh noes the cough planned 5Head speedrun ARTHURS WEAKNESS IS A HOLE LUL Fast travel LUL Arthur wtf monkaW BibleThump PeepoClap even blind women better walker than you Kappa 4Head 4Head 4Head Discovering speedrun strats 4HEad 4HEad 4Head just lift it monkaW gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS AAAHHH gachiW gachiBASS weaklings LUL Kreygasn Kreygasm OHHHhhhHHHHhh gachiHYPER LUL D: monkaW pepeLaugh yankee pussies poor woman KEKW poor woman KEKW poor woman KEKW how tf did she get in then? isnt there is only 1 way? monkaW THAT WOMEN LUL watch Dutch :// MATALA kill monkaW D: KEKW FUCKED D: squadW monkaW Dutch WeirdChamp monkaW monkaW @dayresidue -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] D: omg' D: SadChamp WTF wtf monkaW Dutch squadW Clap take back the gold Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp PSYCHO she deserved it MonkaOmega shes DEAD????? Get the gold back vamos cabrons why they kill grandma fuck that bitch d-dutch monkaW KEKW deserves, truew DUTCH monkaW monkaW tru D: dutch WeirdChamp its time to bang her FeelsOkayMan monkaW monkaS GET THE GOLD BACK !!!! monkaW did he atleast take back the gold PepeS monkaW Dutch PepegaAim she pulled a darn knife yeah arthur you weak bitch YOINK dutch KEKW or is he dumb monkaW u uh ok Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp Dutch WeirdChamp PepeS SOME survive Dutch off the deep end get gold back Kappa monkaW WeirdChamp DIDNT EVEN TAKE THE GOLD KEKW stop killing people Dutch PepeHands take the money, she wont need where she is going LUL push him down the ladder KEKW KEKW no gold left but we don't need it ?????? KEKW HAHAHAH KEKW LUL dutch WeirdChamp this guys lying left and right I call bullshit, Dutch Weirdga she pulled a knife and threatened dutch DUTCH PunOko PunOko Dutch WeirdChamp 4Head kill dutch dutch thats different how can you not tell she was gonna betray 4HEad I HATE DUTCH KEKW so nno denial nice dodging Dutch monkaW DUTCH IS CRAZY kill em all dutch OkayChmap KEKW HEHEHE ET U Javier widepeepoSad killed her because he knows humans KEKW OkayChamp chat weirdchamping when she pulled out knife pepeLaugh D: 4HEad I like Dutch D: D: pretty hard gachiW D: no PUTA MADRE D: CHINGEN A SU MADRE vamoss kabrons save him D: They have nice tan CARAJO "oh here i go killing again" ayuda a nuestro compra mexicano they are blind too Pog compa hijueputa :( LUL KEKW crouchhhh pulling him by the leg he got shot in monkaS everyone is actually blind KEWK monkaOMEGA KEKW More chances to kill for psycho Dutch Okayga KEKW DEAF monkaW YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw he didnt count LUL MadoStab forsenO LMAO KEKW LUL cant count to 3 KEKW DUTCH KKona Pepega dutch losing his mind PepeHands KEKW yes touch that but sneakyWEEB3 their hats are visible *butt TriHard yoinkies leave the hats KEKW LUL @Alex65296 trueeeeeeeeeee Pog nice Pog Pog yeehaw KEKW now youre really indiana jones Pog +10 ARMOR Pog Pog POG Pog HAT MODE ACTIVATED worth pog Indiana Jones Pog Pog pepeDHaw sneakyYeehaw Pog just need a whip CHEST poof Go back outside there was a crate WE JUST NEED A DISTRACTION 2HEAD monkey cmonBruh !opgg in spanish KEKW sneakyYeehaw convenient Portunhol sneakyJensen Arthur is smart why he follows Dutch monkaS right in the spine SHOES?! D: sneaky monkaX KEKW Dutch Weirdga KEKW KEKW Weirdga sneaky bein sneaky Dutch WeirdChamp fresh out of old ladies @jacekdynamit loyalty ANELE Clap Hitman 2 D: Pog HAT Sugar PogYou monkaOMEGA Sugar ANELE PJSugar Sugar Rocket Pog not sugar iwdC music monkaW Oh hes making a dust explosion dust bomb they will explode of diabetus monkaW dust bomb DUTCH 200 IQ Pog 5Head monkaSHAKE dust explosion monkaW IN SPANISH Kappa dutch from 1IQ to 200IQ gtfo monkaW RIP guarma rum yoooo uesegi chooses yotsuba the TB is kicking in widepeepoSad ready with my anele DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink monkaW ba para lo infierno monkaW scurrySip this game interactions is so cringe LUL @Bukoon pokiWater D: WHOA something tells me this is not dutch''s first explodio PauseChamp .... ANELE monkaS ANELE incoming rdr2 widepeepoHappy ANELE Clap @dotBR OK THEN Give Dutch another grandma to strangle Okayga ANELE Soon BOOM 5Head POKI SUBS peepoLeave IM READY ANELE ANELE Clap iwdANELE ANELE ANELE ClapANELE Clap ANELE Clap Beautiful ANELE HYPERCLAP conjo ANELE Coño dios mios iwdANELE allahu ANELE Clap @addcheesepls 4Weird dios mio kill them dall senaky ANELE ART chat SadChamp help him out ANELE Pepega hijo de putaaa Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW !KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW REAL SNEAKY SNEAKY KEKW NotSoEZ PepegaAim KEKW pepeDHaw ITS HIGH NOON gachiBASS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Highnoon PogYou KEKW @12345trihard76 yeah, its running smooth as f, right mate? PepegaAim here we go agane NOT SO SNEAKY PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim draw boah KKona !KEKW PepegaAim DRAW PepegaAim sneakys jihn D: pepeDHaw !KEWK D: pepeDHaw arthur 5 minutes ago: "you keep killing people, dutch...." PepegaAim D: hijo de puta Kappa PepegaAim play fortnite please PUTA D: PepegaAim PepegaAim Motherfucks LULW 4 PepegaAim maldito D: they are swearing D: pepeDHaw Not the hat MakaMakaMadMan: play fortnite please swearing in spanish D: NA ADC AIM hijo de una madre cacetera I'm offended by this game D: D: NS D: come mierda imbecil potato game sneakyD no scope kills Pog come mierdaa imbecil xDD jajaja mierda imbecil sneakyD monkaW monkaS come mierda imbecil :x fuk em up D: why so mean?? 1 man army LUL monkaW KEKW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw OMEGALUL type 2 if you want to press 1 but instructions say otherwise Hat widepeepoSad NOT THE HAT PepeHands KEKW in spanish Not the hat 0 JUST RUN Welcome to the rice fields, motherfuckers xDDD JAJAJAJA PepegaAim PeepoClap BibleThump hat NotSoEZ D: HIJO DE PUTA KEKW just leave dutch KEKW PeepoClap GO SNACKY GO hat PepeHands hat PepeHands HAT PepeHands BibleThump hat NotLikeThis NotSoEz Don't leave Mr. Hat widepeepoSad PepeHands QUE QIERAS? NotSoEZ CABROOO welcome to the jungle hijo de puta he was probably shot KEKW Corre wey! PS4 ...RATHER DIE DEAD Whats gonna provide you sun protection now go back for the hat see you on the other side :( PepegaAim FASTER LULW just kill those 30 guys charging us 4Head THANOS PepegaAim pepeDHaw KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh 🍃 LULW leaf Hold the line sneaky! KEKW KEKW PepegaAim OMEGALUL 🍃 PepegaAim PepegaAim Sneaky fighting from alcove Pog fukin leaves GachiPls A FKN LEAF KEKW Sneaky A ONE MAN ARMY YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw monkaW PepegaAim gachiBASS aaaaahhhhhh monkaS ALMOST DED monkaW LUL monkaw rip lol this man is immortal monkaW DEQD f use the chew too peepoClap this is no time to eat man cmon LUL PogChamp RIP kekw quick bean break timeout Pog Sneaky Dead Redemtpion PepegaAim PepegaAim Pog didn't buy lifesteal FailFish JUAN WICK EZ Clap is he on easy or something, this game looks too easy PogChamp SNIPE 100 AYAYAWeird Clap Immortals Sneaky DansGame FBBlock BabyRage EZ Clap KKool only men LUL LUL KKool EZ Clap dutch complaining about one old lady and you killed 50 people @C9Sneaky KKool pepeD HIT EM WITH DORANS KKool and now the game becomes shit Sneaky a one man army PogChamp nice autoaim KKool 🎸 pepeDHaw Shoulda bought more dorans blades arthur :cmy baby pepeDHaw i'm starting to flame people for picking lux support smh sneaky vs. worlds KKool GuitarTime JUAN WICK KEKW no hat left behind, oh wait TriHard 7 ZULUL XD ZULUL BAMBOCLAT ZULUL cmonBruh TriHard 7 ZULUL ARTHUR ;-;;;; ZULUL WideHard 7 @4baseball2 theres big differnce, the old lady was not shoting at them TriHard dats me KevinTurtle TriHard WAKANDA FIR EVER SwiftRage DarkMode ? my fwiend widepeepoHappy monkaSHAKE Please tell me his aim is so bad because he is playing with a controller 🙈🤣 in french KEKW What the fuck is thaht french accent? lol, that accent WAKANDA FOR EVAAAA TriHard Hercule, viteuh, si vou plai LULW Sneaky is indeed playing on a controller @Legend__NL a big pwoblem monkaW monkaW @Legend__NL he is playing with mouse and kb i believe LUL cmonBruh come theres nothing wrong with the accent chat WeirdChamp dreadnaught Pog hivemind testing.... @dutty_was_taken___ Kappa Thank God @unsleeping_ 😅 aim assist LULW they speak french in haiti D-Day D-DAY FLASHBACK monkaW D-Day and we are the ones on land koilHm Are we the bad guys koilHm PepegaAim PepegaAim imgaine flaming hercule rn pepeDHaw PepegaAim NA KEKW CoD PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim HER COOL hair cool her cool gachiBASS pepeDHaw this chapter is so bad pepedHaw Makes you think. How did the Germans lose with this advantage @tiopontinhas Creole is not french gachiW pepeDHaw we call him tommy Kreygasm gachiBASS KKona FELLERS @dutty_was_taken___ ever feel like it was just a filler? Cowboys Kappa monkaW NEW HATS Pog its the cubvan army PunOko PunOko KEKE ded KEKW PepeS KEKW gachiBASS those are my feelings towards sneaky.. deep and heavy love KappaPride So what about the cannon? WeirdChamp pushed the danm thing for nothing LUL HATS POG love the music INTING :D this new sea of thieves update looks sweet hi @Cyanirde, yeah, its just a pointless chapter shooting people is kinda fun KKona Graves Pog Pog peepoPog 2x1 PogU DOUBLE KILL danYes danYes PogChamp 1 bullet 2 kills GRAVES OP Pog listening for shots now sneaky? Graves POG old graves PepeHands SNEAKY IS ON A RAMPAGE deth is fun widepeepoHappy is this the master of all guntype? @Sod_Laflare i was gonna say Uncharted xD i havent seen shooting like this since i was in highschool both barrels Kreygasm Blue team Double Kill! lucian and graves go 1v9 ZULUL PepegaAim Wow is this season 1 of modern warfare? american hercules :D Old Graves Pepehands PepeS Graves Pog PepegaAim gachiGasm KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPls LULW gachiBASS OMEGALUL KEKW this game so bad LULW KEKW KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW1 1G KEKW AAHHHH sneakyPride OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 1g KEKW KEKW cttvRekt KEKW actually immortal LUL 1G KEKW this man is on fireeee!!!! fireeee KEKW monkqMega gachiBASS PepegaPls aaaaaaa Brand main monkaMega this looks so bad KEKW stands in fire expects not to get burnt eat something KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPls 🔥 PepegaPls 🔥 NA mechanics KEKW BLIND PepegaPls bronze Just eat some beans it's fine Kappa sneaky PepeHands PepegaAim PepegaAim WHAT? PepegaAim peepoPog PepegaAim PepegaAim ZULUL PepegaAim AAAH HandsUp gachiW High Ground PogU DON'T TRY IT Pog monkaW sneakyGrip high ground monkaSHAKE i am here for the sneakyYeehaw pepeDHaw son YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw death flag MonkaS highest in the room Okayga S OMEGALUL N pepeDHaw DUTCH ALPHA AF Pog 3 american cowboys vs the cuban army Pog PepegaAim pepeDHaw 6 dudes just killed off like 100 navy men and a gun ship gmoornig sneaky <3 ?????????? LULW dis wey sneakyYeehaw KEKW pepeDHaw 7 KEKW KEKW POGSLIDE sneaky is on a rampage "one man army" @Jojeta that's because smart people join the war gachiHYPER meird Why couldnt those 3 used it PepoThink DarkMode WATER LINE monkaW war a whole army for 5 people KEKW FeelsWeirdMan PauseChamp Water line KEKW ANELE music is nice KEKW ANELE EZ gg ez EZ Clap 1 cannon beats warship LUL KEKW EZ Clap One MaN Cannon KEKW tank u now how do u leave from there LUL TINKU TENK U Kappa ANELE mission complete LUL sniped a whole warship KEKW ANELE one 30mm cannon takes a dreadnaught out mhm sure KKona / 6ppl hit back an army PogU HAIR CUL Wait? how did you find a boat? 5 minutes agi, he was like "i dont have boat for you" inb4 row boat KEKW Hey sneaky looking pretty smooth today peepoPog turkeyy so much love Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR row row row my boat this is the worst part of the game imo just doesnt fit with the rest of it Hair Cool *song gta san andreas mission complete* Sounds good arthur looking old af howdy KKona yeah this chapter is dogshit @Animew33dl0rd true though. kinda agree with that ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee are you playing mouse and keyboard? monkaX doesnt even feel like the same game anymore lol Mhm arthur aged 10 years in 5 minutes Keepo is this a mod for gta ? LUL it doesnt fit, But feels like indiana jones kinda interesting Looks like blakc flag i bet If this is the worst part must be a great game they are going to expand on this story monkaS `LOTS OF Real Problem MAN LOL its a fantastic game cool movie youre watching, sneaky whats it called :) best song of the game incoming Feller moon2SH just this part feels kinda rushed its weird PunOko this game is good but fortnite is better] micah 4Weird 🖕 TriKool Micah WeirdChamp how many more hours till halo release oh not yet meh poor bill FeelsBadMan hair cool Pog just build @C9Sneaky pls perma MakaMakaMkaMan any fellers in chat? OhMyDog 4Weird 🖕 TriKool This way 4Weird @MrDrSlayer 8 hours @Qsw_ 🐍 Come on just build AYAYAWeird imagine buying a sick horse then you cant use it LUL @lolminsoo 🐍 Follow me IG _zofirst_jr Hitman PogChamp ANELE that knife throw is hercule TriHard ? throwing a knife into the side of someone doesnt instantly kill them WeirdChamp EZ Clap @first_245, 4Weird 🖕 @C9Sneaky I am at the undead settlement, any advice? Also should I get this game? @first_245 4Weird 🖕 Medieval Hitman PogChamp hehe WeirdChamp KEKW ANELE PepegaAim Zandalar PogChamp @c9sneaky make sure when you’re on guarma that you look for animals still. There’s slots in the compendium that can only be filled by animals on guarma pepeDHaw PepegaAim rambo Kappa HAT PepeHands OH HAT Pog PepegaAim monkaS graves main PogChamp chupaverga LUL cupa vergas xD hat PepegaAim yes hi add me on snap Pepega WHIFF\ chupa verga maldiciones o PogChamp pepeDHaw front line graves Pog its time for some bruiser action Pog @jacobsvideogames don't think he's taken the hunting seriosuly though @Gupper ok bet Kapp lol the cartoon ricochet sound Does this game have difficulty settings? :) max stacked E rush 'em snickers PepegaAim dyrus02 WutFace WutFace KEKW KEKW WutFace WutFace ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 WutFace WutFace WutFace wtf was that oathLove DansGame FBBlock SwiftRage monkaMega Tooo fast WutFace huh shotguns are a menace to the body @RebornePhoenix eeee @TehFluffehCake SadChamp KEKW where is it dead PepeHands banned in world wars for a reason PeepoClap PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap realistic sneaky you got damn bich sumSmash sneaky you got damn bich sumSmash sneaky you got damn bich sumSmash @TehFluffehCake SadChamp Well usually you dont ust drop dead instantly. I think a load of a shutgun hurts bad sumSmash sumSmash PeepoClap pepeDHaw PepegaAim pepeDHaw PepegaAim PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap i got killed once and it hurt like a hell Auto Aim Kappa sniper elite ? pepeLaugh @addcheesepls @hotdogss PepeHands @godblessme_exe you mean that using it breaks your bones or something? widepeepoSad how many fps he have eat them PeepoClap CUTE CUTE CUTE YOU ARE SO CUTE gachiBASS 🖕4Weird 🖕 I got shot in the hat before and it was a bitch 🖕 4Weird 🖕 NA ADC KEKW PeepoClap PepegaAim PogChamp monkaW PeepoClap eat them sneeky PeepoClap WutFace They just want to be mango farmers in Tahiti PepeHands Good job snaky PeepoClap KEKW monkaW monkaW sumSmash gachiW WH OMEGALUL whore D: KEKW LULW ROASTED D: ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW BURN WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL ? WutFace bruh WEVE GOT A REAL MEXICAN STANDOFF HERE monkaW KEKW three way standoff Pog WH OMEGALLU ? mexican standoff POGGERS well then MEXICAN STAND OFF MEXICAN STANDOFF Pog OMEGALUL * Mexican Standoff PogU monkaW LULW monkaGun kill dutch PogU KEKW monkaW PogU US Navy monkaS KILL DUTCH Pog MINDBLOW THEN Pog jesus christ nmpGUN sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash FINISH HIM DRAW PauseChamp monkaHmm BLOW THEIR FUCKING BRAINS OUT widepeepoHappy monkaW Die ??? monkaGun shoot them all 4Weird enough no PogU down on ur hole LUL POGGERS Pog PogU Na Kick pepeDHaw pepeDHaw ЖАРА pepeDHaw LEE SIN Pog BIG PLAYS Pog NA SHOOTING KEKW PogYou EZ pepeDHaw LuL damnit Dutch you had one job pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw woow only woow the most beauty guy ever KEKW no manners WeirdChamp widepeepoSad who was levi Weirdga @Cyanirde sorry not levi BibleThump NO HANDSHAKE FeelsWeirdMan hi youtube Wait what happened... levi was a friend but then betrayed you?... thats fucked up WeirdChamp KEKW levi is a nobody tho KEKW dorime BlessRNG wh OMEGALUL @DutchTaylor not you omg bb BibleThump music monkaW not memeing, whos levi? Anotha one PeepoClap ZULUL Looking forward to 100t academy announcement video @c9sneaky WeirdChamp why do your captain dirty like that dutch anothera one TriHard PeepoClap take h ZULUL Pog PixelBob PixelBob TriHard Clap hijo de puta D: 0. All these cowboys would be perfect for future storm troopers Na AD KEKW Voy a disfrutar viéndote morir WutFace DuckerZ voy a disfrutar viendote morir Is this the campaign ? DuckerZ pepeDHaw yooo sneaky DuckerZ Clap monkaW monkaW Music TRISTANA GO PogU CANN OMEGALUL N Kennen > cannon EZ Clap WutFace KEKW Na Kennen PogU EZ Clap fking nuked xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM I used the cannon, to destroy the cannon. BOOM Pog HandsUp PunOko PunOko gachiBASS gachiW gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp sry to boder you i try to stream one share made by you will do millions for me .. :) i tsm fan but admit youre the best adc in NA ,... BYE FUSSAR Okayga COCK @gachilord69haha Happy Birthday TriHard Clap KappaPride KappaPride wtf just a click 2 sec. ;) you the best WideHard ZULUL i wont share any link here so rushed whoa it's suddenly so bright out NA Kennen player > some island Kennen player Okayga have fun and if you read like bad uncharted Cute sneakyWut have fun and yeh idk what else to say @beLeuuuuu, get a job WeirdChamp Is this the campaign???? ratirlCoffee @c9sneaky just watched the unemployed duo with you and aphromoo I expect more quality content like that SadChamp non racist americans? what?? What water cmonBruh TriHard N OMEGALUL cmonBruh TriHard water cmonBruh cmonBruh 😂 black chat WeirdChamp JENSEN REUNION YAY <3 what nooow? good job, you finished the game buddy @C9Sneaky HYPERBRUH blackwater cmonBruh Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR more money lmao PogU Moneyyyyyyyyyy MONEH KKona free john widepeepoSad bro JUST ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR MORE MONEY Pepega ONE MORE JOB You're so creative chat so funny moon2O I HAVE A PLAN more money i have a plan Pepega best song of the game incoming Kreygasm more moneh arthur Pepega Just carefully Pepega Split push have faith Pepega Dutch being Dutch PepegaHands hey ad voice acting great dad :( just get some money 4Head one more thing 4Weird i have a plan Pepega Pepega 📣 MONEY FOR TAHITIIIIIIIIIII pushing the sidelanes I see omg Even old ladies ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee Me KEKW me :) shut up dutch PunOko WeirdChamp DUTCH WeirdChamp DUTCH WeirdChamp DUTCH WeirdChamp DUTCH Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR Nice hat snacky KKona just noticed it stfu boomer killed half of the country kill him :) 3Head oi one more thing HYPERS Man just get some money 4Head PeepoClap Okayga COCK HandsUp gachiBASS I saw it nah Dutch best the old lady died for nothing and no reason PepeHands HandsUp gachiHYPER maybe gachiHYPER PeepoClap peepee gachiGASM Okayga COCK Okayga lol WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace gachiW i will kill for my family :P gachiBASS PeepoClap kill more people PeepoClap Caribbean HORSE AGAIN YEEEHAWWW PauseChamp monkaW ? ? Sneaky it’s 6 am peepoLeave OkayChamp 👉 👌 ❓ poop again? DansGame <3 goodnite kiss AYAYA monkaOMEGA nymnM nymnM nymnM nymnM nymnM nymnM nymnM !time December 3rd 2019, 3:37:57 am PST GMT-08:00 PeepoClap goodnight kiss i give you 5 minutes my dude peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave CHAIRSTREAM POG xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr xqcGr quick fuck gachiBASS good nite kiss AYAYA !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 33 minutes 59 seconds pepeL peepoLeave Sneaky can you suck my nipples rip robbery goodnight quickie still embarrassed about earlier lmao xqcBall DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink sexy time dont worry cht he is back in 2 mins KEKW PeepoClap goodnight quickie xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall sneakyChair sodaAYAYA xqcBall sneakyChair peepoLeave oh boi chair stream lacGasm xqcBall ANY SNOWERS :) xqcBall Is that the deathstar? :) @Bukoon oathDrink oathDrink he back in 15 minutes Kappa xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall off to fuck the gf, be back in 30 sec :) xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcGr sneakyChair imagine having loving ones :( TF monkaW CHAT ANY BALLERS xqcBall xqcSnow Chat WeirdChamp xqcBall LuL hahahahahaha Sneaky clapping something PeepoClap monkaW IT'S HAPPEING xqc subs FeelsWeirdMan PartyPoro chat mizkifW3 mizkifW4 Any Snow MaN xqcSnow COGGERS xqc frogs 🤣 xqcSnow peepoArrive peepoArrive @spudn1ckel good luck with that LUL peepoArrive PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap giggity Imagine giving xqc money LUL gl gl gl sneakyChair peepoArrive Are you playing LCS this season? TB PepeHands TB @republicofanime that was sneaky peepoLeave i love this part DETH widepeepoSad sneakyFeels best part of the game @lyevtrotsky true FeelsBadMan Jensen PogU D: TB moon2PH Jensen <3 D: 🐴 sneakyYeehaw JENSEN PepeHands @aakkothen nn@*^** a. Hey Hey vii $ FeelsLitMan Where is Jensen DansGame Jensen we miss you TriKool yoink yoink Yoijnk yoink TriHard Clap Stop spoiling stuff wtf? WeirdChamp Your horse went to Team Liquid SadChamp WideHard Left for team liquid SadChamp best part right here hi @C9Sneaky ^^ danHmm danHmm best song incoming Music PogU Feed Horse Pepega TriKool D: KKool Jensen ? 😭😭😭 KKool he's not shitty PepeHands Jensen PepeHands KKool pepeJAM This music is amazing D'Angelo KKool 🎸 this song widepeepoSad MAY I KKool he is back PogChamp KKool KKool KKool KKool pepeDHaw widepeepoHappy thats not jensen BibleThump KKool More like a nisqy imo Stand unshanken AngelThump KKool widepeepoSad KKool widepeepoSad KKool BibleThump BibleThump KKool RIP JENSEN BibleThump KKool back home May I KKool KKool KKool KKool Clap pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD TriKool KKool <3 FeelsBadMan KKool KKool PunOko PunOko KKool 🎸 HOLY SHIT ITS DE ANGELO pepeJAM pepeD OH SHIT pepeJAM pepeD BANGER ALERT pepeJAM pepeD KKool KKool KKool May i KKool May i KKool May i KKool KKool adrGuitar Jensen BibleThump FeelsGoodMan KKool KKool KKool 🎸 KKool D ANGELO KKool KKool brothers romanticcc :D KKool KKool wineTime KKool Stand Unshaken pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw KKool KKool KKool Clap 🎶🎸 oh lord that voice Kreygasm KKona KKool KKool 🎸 D ANGELO BABY KKona TeaTime KKool * <3 JENSEN BibleThump MEMEOS BibleThump RUSH BibleThump BALLS BibleThump KKool KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls Man. The live performance of this last year in The Game Awars was unbelieveable. So fucking good Kkona hercule singing PogChamp hmmmm KKool hmmmm KKool HYPERCLAP KKool pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw KKona pepeDHaw widepeepoHappy KKool KKona One last ride towards the sunset PepeHands snacky stfu u ruin the song AngelThump KKool AngelThump ratirlFlower ratirlFlower this was so anticlimactic when playing lol oh shit this part I remember BibleThump KKool AngelThump KKool I can smell the FREEDOM from here KKool KKool COGGERS KKool COGGERS AngelThump KKool AngelThump PepegaPls chat so beautiful PogChamp AYAYA AngelThump owo AngelThump BibleThump Кодзима Гений! widepeepoSad pure lovee AngelThump @kanyelover69 Maybe something happened in your playthrough? It felt pretty on place for me pepeJAM pepeDance widepeepoHappy OLD C9 AngelThump pepeD This song smells like america KKool BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump danX danX KKona KKool KKool KKool KKool Clap @SaladsAreNinjas Yeah was perfect for me KKool Clap the buildup in this part feels slow af @ADHDDamien pepeJAM Clap KKool Clap no pretty standard playthrough lol This chat KKool Stands Unshaken KKool This chat KKool Stands Unshaken KKool KKool sneaky shake with us KKool KKool KKool KKool BibleThump AngelThump beautiful redneck voice Jensen I'm coming BibleThump PowerUpL SSSsss PowerUpR DansGame GO BACK ahh new horse? PogChamp why is it blurry KKool KKool @C9Sneaky KKool shake KKool with KKool Chat KKool This fucking game, man. PepeHands <3 KKool sneakyJensen 👈 peepoLeave KKool same as bridges? cmonBruh bridge WeirdChamp inb4 BibleThump KKool KKool sounds like Iggy pop umm This chat KKool Stands Unshaken KKool @C9Sneaky did you play the first game? traeBf traeBf traeBf traeBf traeBf pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw pepeJAM pepeDHaw we there yet Weirdga death stradning therew we go ngl this cutscene is a little overextended KEKW arthur danGachi danGachi this is some quality tear jerkin material ye they sure know how to capture a moment Man, I really like the music KKool USA USA USA KKool saw thaat :P KKool KKool Are we there yet ? moon2WAH KKool GuitarTime KKool ohhhhh KKool KKool KKool My music did you finish the game??? WHAT A LONG TRIP LUL KKool MAY I pepeJAM MAY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII long ass ride gr8 sound is this the music video? May I stand unshaken PogU my home kaypRainbow kaypRainbow kaypRainbow kaypRainbow home PogU black desert online lol monkaW he has no idea wait awaits him upon returning to shady belle, im sure arthur thinks everyone died without them KKool not sure if game or movie pepeDance SKIP :) no more music pepeHands sneakyYeehaw they're dead PepeHands Where is Jensen widepeepoSad ghosts? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 41 minutes 11 seconds hello widepeepoSad The gang PepeHands letzieLove letzieLove letzieLove letzieLove BACK HOME widepeepoSad PepeHands gang gang TriHard monkaGun widepeepoSad NOT JUST ANY FOOTPRINTS suspicious ones widepeepoSad bees monkaW DatSheffy Hosea PepeHands @PlatinumBalls____ WideHard brrrrr-r-r-r-reh ALL THE MEMORY widepeepoSad Jensen ? Jensen?? widepeepoSad take a damn bath they fucked your wife bloodbath monkaW monkaMega a-anyone? monkaW shittt PepeS bUrself nothing like falling asleep to and waking up to sneakers <3 Footprints Kreygasm chat dont go monkaGun monkaW monkaW WTF monkaW monkaW FUcking Pinkertons cmonBruh monkaW goddamn Pinkertons his face WutFace monkaW wherd did the horse go? pepeLaugh monkaW MR MILTUN LULW Authar WutFace KKona 2 fast KILL EM ALL oathPout this the popo Time for some PepegaAim ENGLANDS jump and run SHROUD COMING monkaW FeelsClassyMan Lets search this dwelling kill them monkaW FeelsClassyMan monkaS ITS SHROUD just shoot them 4Head KNIFE the pinkertons were a real thing back then no? hitman monkaW PauseChamp KEKW damn pinkertons KKona pepeLaugh KEKW Pepega LOL Why didnt you get closer LUL Just shoot em KEKW how did he even see lol NICE SNEAK SNEAKY KEKW no knife washed up hitman pepeLaugh Wasn't even looking at you when he said that ruined the stealth because that was not stealthy LUL not sneaky KEKW "sneaky" KEKW pOG PepegaAim PogU pepeDHaw PepegaAim IT'S HIGH NOON EZ PogU EZ get the hat after hehe Pepega Aim boom boom gachiHyper damn EZ EZ Clap EZ the fastest fap hand in the west PogU EZ THATS IT? LULW TriKool Clap PepegaAim @RamonRodriguezIV RIGHT LULW cha ching EZ WideHard u fuked em up holy shit lol EZ Clap lost 2k because you didnt spend KEKW pepeSmoke Stand unshaken yoink TriHard monkaS Shroud is still alive pepeSmoke{ chexmixer2000 subscribed with Twitch Prime. wall of text ResidentSleeper @iihgotu you have trouble with them? KKona thats you PogYou SADIE widepeepoSad @iihgotu had even she bad KKona WE DID KKona tacitus kilgore Pog cant read re cursive im jk buggy bUrself KKona KKona Saint deneeis KKona will u change your twitch name to just be Sneaky? south of saint dennis DARLING NIECE CAROLINE well thank ya KKona KKona le k Le KKona oh wait north wheres jensen? PepeHands KKona sneakyJensen WutFace find jensen KKona doin good girl horse simulator incest WutFace Jensen PepeHands REVERSE CUTSCENE LULW Teleportation peepoPog TP? EZ fast travel unlocked this horse is no jensen BibleThump BibleThump tp POGU ??? again? BloodTrail BloodTrail Tp moon2SMERG KKool MAY I great game :) tp snacky location stand unshaken KKool It's been 6 minutes, TP off cooldown Pog EZREAL PLAYER KEKW 6 min Cooldown now ratirlCoffee vicksyThink widepeepoSad if only death stranding took notes PepeHands !followage 4baseball2 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 3 months, 3 days it's me :) KILL is that pearson PeepoClap Pog FAMILY REUNION PeepoClap PeepoClap PeepoClap PepeHands PeepoClap howdy Howdy PeepoClap Pog PeepoClap widepeepoHappy howdy KKool Howdy sneakyYeehaw howdy KKona sneakyYeehaw howdy Howdy moon2SH KKoma howdy Widepeepohappy pepeDHaw howdy KKona howdy PunOko PunOko Dutch Pog 4Weird OK ew KKona Clap AYYYYYYYY Dutch 4Weird KKool Dutch about to do some dumb shit Weirdga PeepoClap GIVE ME COFFEE peepoWTF ??? ? DUTCH WeirdChamp fucking strauss WeirdChamp weebs WeirdChamp Dutch D: Kreygasm SADIE PeepoClap pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh BUT ONLY JUST pepeLaugh here it comes LULW CHARLES Pog soloQ players were driven away HE LIVES get that money 💰 Kapp Kapp Kapp Trust me Kapp Kapp Kapp Kapp KEKW NO MONEY Another plan, Dutch? WeirdChamp Dutch and his plans smh same shit, differetn day Kill them all and start a new life MY CUH Kreygasm Hosea widepeepoSad haHAA hehehehehehehehe hang MaN HERE YOU IS KKona monkaW MaldChamp Here you is Pog 4Weird PepeHands Hosea here you is KKona here you is KKona Whattt HotPokket do i look like a maid? ??? Bill is so dumb monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaW midbMald The gang's all here LuL monkaW pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh MILTON ALIVE monkaX monkaW monkaW Fucking Bill pepeLaugh monkaW ALREADY? monkaW NO FeelsBadMan pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh Family reunion, even Milton is here monkaOMEGA PepegaPls oh shit PepegaPls here we go pepeLaugh pepeLaufg KKona givernment monkaW ? Bill Gates KEKW monakW HandsUp Jebaited It's shroud monkaX HandsUp KKona PepegaAim pepeDHaw pepeDHaw pepeDHaw HandsUp LULW pepeLaugh HandsUp BILL FailFish PepegaAim LUL Weirdga bill MEXICO BILL monkaX BILL FailFiSH PogChamp PogChamp Kill nill monkaW fucking bill 5Head BILL monkaX SHROUD RAIDING bill sadie crawling Kreygasm Kreygasm ASS PepeHands the kids monkaRun bill Pepega PepegaAim micah WeirdChamp PeepoClap cheers bill stay behind sadie gachiW micah WeirdChamp micah WeirdChamp micah WeirdChamp micah WeirdChamp micah WeirdChamp BrokeBack Cowboy milton not joking anymore monkqW micah is the rat 4Weird 🖕 GOOD JOB BILL 4HEad monkaW gachiW bill reminds me of this chat 4Weird Howdy BrokeBack Kreygasm PepegaShake monkaW Flank lez go ngaKnife ngaKnife ngaKnife ngaKnife jij,*,* Milton WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky heh PogU saide 5Head @chat does he know about arthur? monkaX PogU Pog ? EZ ARTHUR MAD @C9Sneaky solo que dude plz LULW ????????? PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim HOES MAD LULW Jhin music? monkaS PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim LEARN TO AIM LULW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim NOOB PepegaAim PunOko PunOko PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim arthur mad monkaS adc aim KEKW right in the kisser KKona PepegaAim NA ADC iojjjii,ijj,j,h its not his aim PepeHands its the controller widepeepoSad pepeDHaw no wonder you can't get out of groups pepeLaugh YEEHAA PepegaAim pathraRee pathraRee pathraRee pathraRee pathraRee pathraRee pathraRee yea ge POG pepeDHaw YEE HAW aim assist KEKW machine gun idiot yea yea controller pepeLaugh that reminds me of red dead redemption ending john PepeHands USE THE MACHINE GUN music monkaW The trees monkaS sadie is annoying WeirdChamp Move forward Pog IN THE TREES monkaSHAKE bill PepegaPls m m more? monkaS SMILERS monkaW hold me chat KEKW KEKW KEKW Get them pigeons 😡😡 monkaW GATLING PepegaAim This music is too good. I miss playing this game tyler1SSJ PepegaAim PepegaAim gatling so you don't have to aim PepegaAim PepegaAim PRRRRRRRRRRRR Pepega PepegaAim pepeDHaw @@@@@@ PepegaAim vicksyD vicksyD vicksyD vicksyD vicksyD vicksyD PepegaAim 6 item jinx pepeDHaw the fucking one tap witha gatling gun actually Pog 50 men not enough EZ Clap PepegaAim PepegaAim savage POGGERS WutFace EBOLA Such a sniper LUL monkaW Is Milton dead? muh family PepeHands rooWhine monkaW arthur widepeepoSad look at those fancy clothes, perfect for fighting FeelsClassyMan wineTime nooo the TB widepeepoSad TB moon2PH Many men PepegaAim Why are you asking Dutch? WeirdChamp sadie didnt do shit FeelsWeirdMan No one died? Pog that was brutal cute cute cute I thought Javier died PepoThink WeirdChamp Dutch stop Need some money I have work in 9 hours sodaSad I dont wanna go MICAH WeirdChamp @Sitlec dont 4Weird Pepega ONE MORE JOB BUY ME SOME COFFEE peepoWTF WeirdChamp IQ50 Dutch WeirdChamp IQ50 Dutch WeirdChamp IQ50 Dutch PunOko PunOko Javier was just shot in the leg, he survived it hotdogss monkaSHAKE Dutch breaking down monkaW Kreygasm ABIGALL @UnNameless oh DUTCH FeelsWeirdMan not enough IQ to process everything SMILERS the final straw for dutch PepeHands PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR Go meet her gachiW Charles survived too, after that distraction to get on the boat she loves him :( :( AYAYA sadie sex rendez-vous Pog interesting widepeepoHappy Chat don't gachi women DansGame Kreygasm Miss Adler widepeepoSad sadie FeelsGoodMan Kreygasm !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 55 minutes 10 seconds Jensen is back PogU SMILERS sadie half KEKW more like full true LULW Pog dutch mental boom PepeHands Pog JENSEN sadie FeelsWeirdMan 🖕 Dutch PepegaHands PeepoClap silver go meet Sadie silver noob pepeLaugh vicksyThink vicksyThink vicksyThink vicksyThink Jensen PogU Jensen PogU @hotdogss PepoCheer JENSEN PogChamp 70% accuracy pepeLaugh @RebornePhoenix PepoCheer too much twitch Jensen heeeeeeere Pog sneakyJensen back to c9? PogU Sadie ride jensen gachiW like me when I pee SMILERS JENSEN Pog LUL CHECK MAIL LUL peepoLeave 🚽 gachiBASS another fap? DansGame Ride Jensen gachiHYPER peepoLeave :toilet: sure ;;;; ppLeave Sadie "Suck Ass" Adler peepoLeave 🚽 save john PepeHands I think sneaky can goto the aberdeen pig farm now pepeLaugh Pee streaming Pog ps4? harry potter dies at the end :) 🐴🐴🐴🐴 @UnNameless PeepoClap is he ok? he goes to pee like every 30 mins monkaW pet jensen widepeepoHappy pepeLaugh :point_right: :horse: jensen :( widepeepoHappy His pee is red monkaW jensen widepeepoHappy ps4? why u pee and poop so much sneaky ;[ yes maleficguard punch the horse widepeepoHappy vicksyShy vicksyShy vicksyShy vicksyShy @UnNameless ty. peepoLeave put a finger in its eye widepeepoHappy KEKW PeepoClap First of all I’m not a rapper sneakyChair sneakyChair PogChamp PeepoClap kill the horse this horse is on speed cant stand fucking still shipSWEAT was that jensen PeepoClap horse shipISEE THATS JENSEN sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair STREAM sneakyYeehaw sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyYeehaw jensen is a horse? i thought he was a snake sneakyJensen when hashinshin has more viewers than sneaky LUL 7k views for chair stream LUL love a good chair stream raptors monkaS peepoArrive payoGtfo payoGtfo payoGtfo sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH SeriousSloth Dutch Weirdga WeirdChamp Sadie! duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu duDudu did you finish any game from assassin's creed franchise mr streamer? dutch lost it monkaW chess Pog WeirdChamp Dutch he's losing his shit PepegaHands he lost it shave LULW PepegaHands Kapp Pepega ONE MORE JOB moon2SMERG ONE LAST JOB Pepega HE'S CRAZY Let me guess Dutch: one last job? WeirdChamp monkaS PepegaHands 5Head dutch FeelsWeirdMan Kappa Dutch knows he was in the game monkaW PokMaskedpika one last job WeirdChamp one last Hosea PepeHands Dutch 4Weird dad where is my fortnite stream D: Kapp AYAYAWeird peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF peepoWTF We are tired Dutch SadChamp the way he said him was hot Kappa No SMILERS :( :( WeirdChamp Dutch here we go again Pepega SMILERS roanoke monkaW dont wanna kill folk with cold blood hmm butcher creek monkaW cmonBruh pepeLaugh no plan? PogChamp PogChamp Time to shave snackers monkaS monkaS now you need time huh? WeirdChamp whos the traitor PepoThink omg he's lost it monkaS should have run away with the woman in st denise monkaW Charles is the fukcking homie murfree brood monkaW monkaS charles such a bro wait what about john monkaW monkaShake monkaW monkaSHAKE PepegaHands monkaGun murphee broods monkaGun monkaGIGA monkaW get you a frriend like charles, chat FeelsOkayMan mm what's up with that land? monkaHmm KKONA SIMULATOR? POG Dutch is losing his sense of fashion. Not sure if he ever had one PeepoClap CANOES PepeHands Any businessmen ratirlBusiness HORSE SIMULATOR HIPISM SIMULATOR gachiBASS strauss 4Weird 🖕 chat so dead i could make a pyramid @c9sneaky looking good with hat SingsMic Chats interested in the horse riding EZ Not chatting is this grand thief horse of KKona version? Hosea PepeHands sodaSad not while Im still alive WeirdChamp @piece_drake_azur we chillin' KKool Hosea PepeHands BibleThump the bridge ? cmonBruh DuckerZ cmonBruh cmonBruh hosea wisdom that no one listened too PepeHands DonEladio o-okay mister monkaS Swamp man good SMILERS Lenny Hosea pepehands nobody cares about Lenny PepeHands SingsMic panicBasket Lenny and Sean hurt the most sodaSad Kappa viviKonata @C9Sneaky can u rate the game 1-10? @C9Sneaky do you use a DAC for your headphone/mic? KonCha HeyGuys Tree fiddy MiniK sneakyH SadChamp quack TriHard Murfree ew Supxboxhaters subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! monkaW yawn murfrees and night folk monkaSHAKE The Hills Have Eyes monkaW sleepy monkaW Ghost ? monkaW DarkMode dropkick murphey? monkaW Watch out for mutated peeps monkaGun c9 gun widepeepoHappy no u gucci Murfree Broods are disgusting DansGame KEKW WTF lol LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 2v1 izi KEKW nice shooting tex KEKW Skinning people monkaW has a bow KEKW hahahahahha forsenO any fart enthusiasts? 5Head :wine: Useless supp 3Head my family KKona Inbred Family LUL SMILERS 3Head YEEEEEHAW KKona family KKona WTF The first rednecks actual 3Head s they are nasty KKona would ya look at the milkers on that one KEKW wait until you encounter the Skinner Brothers KEKW WTF WutFace WTF monkaOMEGA monkaW mokaW WutFace monkaW WutFace monkaW monkaW monkaW PepeS jeesus sneak dynamite b safer KKona ANELE boom it baby get er done brother KKona hola :) ANELE My boy sneak monkaW monkaW HOLD ME CHAT yikes sneaky not sneaking? Kappa Inbred cannibals ANELE monkaW . PeepoClap BLOW IT UP monkaW lol PogU Pog Pepega ????? PogU bruh PogU Pog cheats Pog Pog LUL Pog omg danucdDance Mundo? Pog sneaky sneaky sneak monkaS monkaS sneaky dynamite attack SMILERS monkaW Music infinite timer on the dyanmite jSMILERS PogU ANELE Clap SMILERS o shit daaaaamn WOT IN TARNATION Kkona WHAT IN TARNATION yeet sneakyYeehaw nice timer on dynamite WHAT IN TAR-NATION sneakyYeehaw freedom KKona Clap KKool Why did you shoot the wood? LULW 3Head Sneakyyyyyyyyyyy lol loot em all KKool MURICA Alright goodnight sneakers 👟 sneakyYeehaw take the shotgun monkaX monkaW pepeDHaw pepeDHaw Pog PogU PepegaAim PepegaAim QUADRA POGSLIDE pepeDHaw PepegaAim Plot twist you are the killer COLD BLOOD BTW Pog 🤠 Yeah, I'm gonna take my 🐴 horse to the old town road ⛰ 🤠I'm gonna ride 🐎 'til I 🚫can't no more🚫 🤠 I'm gonna take my horse 🐴 to the old town road⛰ I'm gonna 🐎 ride 'til I 🚫 can't no more🚫 🤠 violence is wrong D: nice shot snaky PeepoClap oh sweet jesus D: PeepoClap ...... marry her Kreygasm Clap hurt her PeepoClap Ok widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy SHOOT HER oh HotPokket grill Pog Just leave her in there HotPokket NO IS NO gachiHYPER what'd you do to her Sneaky? WutFace XD? WutFace Stop MadoStab HotPokket NO MEANS NO pokiYikes Weirdga dang sounds like lynn KEKW widepeepoHappy PepegaHands SMILERS widepeepoHappy Kreygasm kill her widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy 🖕 SMILERS no means YES sex her in the cave Arthur think about Mary :o she didnt give her consent wtf fcking screamer widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy KILL HER stop youre raping her she looks like she had a tough day her face aint right STOP CRYING WOEMN FeelsWeirdMan widepeepoSad AYAYA 4Weird MadoStab SMILERS SMILERS she had a bad day i think tsosA3 tsosA4 whiny fucker gachiBASS KEKW WutFace WTF WutFace LUL Kapp safe WTF WutFace xD ANUSberg LUL hahaha tf EWWWW x-) wanna ride? Kappa LUL textures monkaS WutFace danucdPotato what a Pepega GO TO THE TRAIN WutFace safe KEKW Na teeth i think she is raped.. Pepega she derpy as fuck degen monkaS she's like "which horse" AHEGAO ? sneakyD x-) x-) x-) x-) HER FACE WutFace RELAX 4Weird LULW LUL GO TO THE TRAIN @C9Sneaky KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW x-) LUL Yeet lol LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW LULW LU KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XD KEKW WTF i love you sneaky 0.o KEKW what \ LOOOOOOL KEKW sexy girl AHEGAO AYAYA OK KEKW peepoLeave KEKW 4HEad GO TO THE TRAIN AND LEAVE HER THERE @C9Sneaky rooDerp put the tip in x:) x-) gachiHYPER fuck her in the woods OkayChamp I KNOW Kappa lolso romantic The're Bronze V players PepegaHands stfu lady Weirdga MadoStab Ram me dad sneakyGasm have fun with her they used that booty up OkayChamp NaM TREES? PepeHands Why widepeepoSad ClappyDerp GO TO THE TRAIN ROAD AND LEAVE HER THERE @C9Sneaky omg @C9Sneaky Are you actually playing the game shes going to have sex with out consent LUL the animals as well?! @addcheesepls gachiW / KKona @jacekdynamit how? PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands horse noises LUL me either peepoSquad same PepeHands Just Sleep 4Head PepeHands widepeepoSad excoos mi is this the way to ram ranch Kappa PepeHands @C9Sneaky Or is this auto piloting me too PepeHands I KNOW Kappa Kappa hyperspeed horse racing meredith Weirdga women useless across all centuries squadW Almost fell off KEKW STOP CRYING ALREADY FeelsWeirdMan TriHard come with me i will make you feel safe good guy SMILERS "This will all be over" --> Heads right for a cliff. PepegaHands Sleep JUST 4HEad They are yasuo mains and cannibals? SeriousSloth She's gonna be forever mind fucked AYAYAWeird @HeartOfThorns I am offended BibleThump @HeartOfThorns damn sexist doesnt sound very realistic tbh @C9Sneaky who hangs both feet off the side of a horse make an oopsie on the train tracks OkayChamp yasuo mains DansGame @chat do u think she is raped? looks like a zombie LUL WutFace ANY MAGICIANS?? forsenCD Thanks kind sir danucdPotato fuck her dead body LUL LUL MA KKona widepeepoSad PeepoClap PeepoClap widepeepoSad rooBlank PeepoClap DECLINE monyyyy 4HEad JUST GO THERE decline pause D: D: only $10 DansGame Decline WeirdChamp DansGame WTF wow :D Accept like shit decline KEKW D: EZ Clap D: dont accept wtf DansGame nymnM sure D: DECLINE KEKW sneakyEZ DansGame WTF EZ money KEKW wtf Decline why accept? DansGame Sneaky wtf?? WTF decline ONLY 10 WeirdChamp YOINK KEKW lol DansGame he needs money chat Gonna get some MCdonalds macaiy1Muah macaiy1Muah macaiy1Muah moon2JR LUL LUL KEKW Cucked Gonna get a bad end now KEKW I mean you did save her life LUL good choice KEKW Weirdga KEKW cucked KEKW greedy mth CUCKED KEKW LUL LULW LULW sneakyLUL CUCKED LMAO KEKW @xtomstarr why not bitch? LUUUL Cucked KEKW CUKED KEKW CUCKED KEKW Thanks buddy LUL Client? shes a Lawyer? @hotdogss thats over 300 US dollars today No Twitch Prime for you this month Sneaky, you already got 10$ Kappa NO NUT TODAY cucked KEKW @Limerence123 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 10 KKONA DOLLARS Pog oh shes the prosti thanks BUDDY lNo Twitch Prime for you this month Sneaky, you already got 10$ Kappa gachiHYPER Kapp Kapp LUL gachiBASS Clap @Yourmilkmann bitch ya mom maybe? KEKW Kapp @MakaMakaMadMan oh Pog Kapp @C9Sneaky do you remember who Mrs Downes is? Kapp HandsUp gachiHYPER horse running sumulator @xtomstarr ?? SPEAK TO ME LADY gachiHYPER is Dutch Dead? @C9Sneaky nvm Lawyer lmao spiting blood monkaW JK i love you Sneaky ❤️ ANUSBERG D: LITIGATION monkaW He no lawyer 100%%%%% You are beautiful sir omg monkaS monkaW this part monkaS Kill her REDHEAD monkaW u sack of shit STOOGES monkaW That moment u share the same last name as dutch rooWut HotPokket HOMAY GAD C9 YOU SO BEAUTIFUL kinda meN LOL 3Head mean slap her Mrs Grimshaw monkaW notin 3Head 3Head nootin REDHEAD IS CRAZY monkaW this part BibleThump monkaW nmpHYPERBRUH nmpHYPERBRUH nmpHYPERBRUH nmpHYPERBRUH TriHard DansGame This Bitch monkaW WHAT D: @UnNameless TRUEW DansGame !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! MOLLY WHAT HotPokket MY CHOICES 3Head woman You WHAT? KILL HER tig ol bitties PogChamp peepoSquad women INC monkaW Execute order 66 monkaW DansGame DansGame DansGame Betrayer DansGame You told on me widepeepoSad cmonBruh The Snitch cmonBruh BRO WHAT Rats everywhere QUIET KKona SMILERS monkaS YOU TOLD ON HIM OH OH TATTLE TALE monkaW monkaW D: EZ monkaW sneakyD Pog OH GOD D: D: 💨 Ashe good girl KEKW HELL YA NOOOOO Pog D: Pog wtf thank god and Sneaky for striming coz i had a nightmare ThankEgg TakeNRG BlessRNG Stick ur dik in crazy PepeHands KEKW sneakyD SUSAN Pog Mrs Grimshaw monkaW . REKT @hotdogss peepoArrive SMILERS pls nerf Susan Pog Judas fuck my life oathD D: STILL WARM gachiHYPER @JessieS23 PeepoClap damn monkaS not again dutch just another day Kappa KEKW PauseChamp O: MOMMY DOM Kreygasm TRAITOR KEKW jesus.... LOLI GAGGING REDHEAD oathD SMILERS FOLLOW THE RULES @vetivez <3 xqcL Pog Granny aint fking around PeepoClap that's a bad bitch right dere DONT BE LOLLYGAGGIN OMG GET CUCKED she did know the rules FeelsOkayMan gagging gachiGASM @Myai AYAYAWeird SUSAN monkaW mate cmon what lategame susan 1shot @C9Sneaky Your beard WeirdChamp Arthur is a Pepega damn shes cute dyrusGasm SHES SO TUFF is this the last chapter? She had to do it danucdHacker AYAYAWeird Mrs Grimshaw don't fuckin play, kids pepeDHaw widepeepoHappy rooBlank what were the rules PepoThink keep yer feet on the ground Snitches get stitches @C9Sneaky hey bud, how ya doin? widepeepoHappy monkaS monkaW how many chapters are there chat? AngelThump widepeepoHappy Deer moved into the crazy peoples home KEKW JK i love you Sneaky ❤️ @TehFluffehCake @hotdogss PeepoClap im a bad bitch you cant kill me how many chapters are there Okay, I'm going to stop watching so I can play the game later nice view SMILERS is it time to save john yet @Rumia_ PeepoClap I would be gay for sneaky tbh smh all scripted AngelThump @hotdogss monkaW What does that word even mean so cute beards weird WeirdChamp Is that a Bambi? @unnameless last chapter? Lollygaggin? How much crit does that lady have WutFace beard beard @C9Sneaky Your character needs a shave and a wash jesus This beards WeirdChamp monkaW wtf arthur looks like shit weird beard that cough monkaW PepeHands ebola monkaW monkaMega monkaW widepeepoSad nyooo theCrimsonHazard one more 6 or 7 @Hannoverfan007 nmpHYPERBRUH snitches get stitches @tehfluffehcake you’re back HYPERS Ebola cancer @C9Sneaky do deers have any predators in america? DYING poggers DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink thanks pal USA medicare AIDS WutFace KEKW damn @C9Sneaky Arthur looking rough AF never washing, must smell good WeirdChamp cringa thx dude theCrimsonHazard then the epilogue shave WeirdChamp @JessieS23 sneakyH Shave @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp Shave @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp Shave @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp sneakyD Kreyygasm STFU KAREN Karen FeelsWeirdMan Karen stop Weirdga promoted to silver PogChamp Kreygasm Kreygasm Help Arthur rooCry FeelsWeirdMan there is a online version of this right!? Shoot her SMILERS murederere monkaS They're all going crazy monkaW @tehfluffehcake FeelsDankMan PepeL SwiftRage Murderer The camp moral is in turmoil PepeHands pepeL pls kill her purrrhaps FeelsBadMan those tits Kreygasm antagonize BigBrother kill them KEKW that was out of line She loved you Sneaky danucdSASPISHAS Greet KEKW everyone is losing their minds PepeHands SMILERS not me PauseChamp I KNOW Kappa im fine SMILERS she had or their leader would've done it. that would be so much worst yes Dutch has a plan, no need to worry KEKW death is coming for us all SMILERS Ebola monkaW DUTCH IS Pepega LUL SMILERS god damn micah Micha Franklin and Trevor Micah is a rat has Arther got AIDS now SMILERS 🐀 ???? sleep time peepoLeave micah rtrying to cuck FeelsWeirdMan Weirdga MadoStab SMILERS micah starting drama 4Weird you are a wizard micah cough monkaS Micah? mor like my cock Kappa SMILERS Clap Micah is a cloutchaser confirmed tp KEKW let me find out who removed monkaMega sumSmash Just TP 4Head take the train MICAH WeirdChamp Micah is moe irl @C9Sneaky goto the Aberdeen Pig Farm a little to the southeast of Emerald Station. It's roughly halfway between Emerald Station and Lagras. Great content there. take train horse simulation KEKW @MakaMakaMadMan, aids wasnt a thing in the 18 hundreds go kill some mud crab already SMILERS Just kill everyone PepegaAim time to save john @UnNameless Y E S stagecoach in annesburg Just take a jet USE TELEPORT 4Head !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 22 minutes 42 seconds @TehFluffehCake Sneaky did widepeepoSad yeah annesburg transportation simulator like gta ResidentSleeper post office sneaky u so sexy @Seebass10 sumSmash sneakyE @dutty_was_taken___ just dint have a name for it yet sumSmash sneakyE leaving Jensen WeirdChamp SAVE JOHN widepeepoHappy dude you forgot TP fast travel FIRST nepSmug and then monkaMega sumSmash sumSmash gachiHYPER BIG PACKAGE Kreygasm riding horsies :) dang I second with @UnNameless, visit the Aberdeens !! Death stranding wsa cooler AYAYAWeird sumSmash you gotta run into trees to complete the experience oh yeah fast travel in the camp is also an option XD lol @MakaMakaMadMan, no he has tuberculosis you stinky Big Package @TehFluffehCake pepeJAMMER also bit the dust wipepeepoSad how far is he in the story widepeepoSad * !bttv EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS you can't ride jensen in death stranding @dutty_was_taken___ thats what i meant it was the AIDS of 1800s @Seebass10 not too bad isnce we have pepeJAM !bttv @Cyanirde he'll hopefully run into it on his own LULW :) monkaW no cure Yeah pepeJAM is still safe FeelsOkayMan Wat pepeD I got white bread and peanut butter sneaky u jealous that lighting NA driving KEKW how many legendary animals have you hunted? @UnNameless really hope so lmao i'm furious right now sumSmash monkaMEGA FeelsBadMan How many horses have you killed already? @MakaMakaMadMan, ye sure... sumSmash sumSmash sumSmash @TehFluffehCake We do have pepeDHaw now tho PogU sneakyYeehaw jensen giving his life monkaS peepoBlonket peepoClap Good boy SMOrc PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap LUL LMAO LULW KEKW4 PepegaPls LUL waaat KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW lol WutFace sneakyLUL OMEGALUL LUL NYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO widepeepoSad you have mail Pog LULW KEKW PeepoClap nice one LUL KEKW OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW TwitchLit KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW thahhahaha PepegaHands JENSEN NOOOO WTF JENSEN NOOOOOOO! D: KEKW LUL LUL KEKW PeepoClap good work perfect execution, just like death stranding Not dead? omg sneakyJensen WTF Sneaky youve got mail LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW RIP JENSEN PeepoClap again PeepoClap again PeepoClap again PeepoClap again PeepoClap again LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW lol widepeepoSad Sneaky WTF LUL sneakyJensen bro that horse poor Jensen :( You're supposed to be a pro player lol D: PeepoClap GOODJOB SNEEKE PeepoClap Adrianshado subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! How late do you stay up sneaks? @C9Sneaky you have mail PogChamp MingLee LUL LUL LUL rip off pepeJAM KKool He crashed the horse KEKW KKool left horse at post office PepeHands KKool SMILERS he'll follow you in the afterlife after that one FeelsBadMan ye... Is this the snackers cant park the horse KEKW Hello @C9Sneaky PeepoClap crash again PeepoClap monkaGun SMILERS SMILERS and what time is it now? pleb mod KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 25 minutes 44 seconds SMILERS 💨 FeelsWeirdMan Don't end yet PepeHands @WintersWard SadChamp i thought I told you bed time is 9 D: wtf have you considered a normal sleep schedule 3 more hours Long streams widepeepoHappy SadChamp end now PeepoClap end now PeepoClap end now PeepoClap end now PeepoClap PepeHands @c9sneaky just keep streaming till you fall asleep DON'T LEAVE US PepeHands FeelsBadMan Break jensens face now he has to chase a train Nice. I usually have to go to work right now so tonight is a treat @C9Sneaky And we still lovve u mmmk dont u dare Weirdga choo choo peepoLeave host rush xqcRage @C9Sneaky Thanks I just got home from school 😡 END NOW peepoLeave @C9Sneaky you have mail. ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad NO PLZ FeelsBadMan don't leave PepeHands it's only 1.30 pm PepeHands I can't sleep without your voice sleep with us :) KEKW ^ dont you dare? monkaGun end to punish yourself for removing monkaMega FeelsWeirdMan peepoLeave HandsUp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh widepeepoSad as long we have HYPERS we good it's a good one FeelsOkayMan widepeepoSad 👉 monkaMega FeelsWeirdMan HYPERS PeepoClap bye monkaMEGA thank god you removed NA FeelsWeirdMan @Gupper sumSmash u take that back HYPERS jump the gap @4baseball2 TY good SIr PeepoClap KEKW stop it Jensen PeepoClap horsey I still haven't refreshed chat monkaOMEGA jensen mad monkaW arabians are trash horses tackle the train VisLaud peepoClap Bed time peepoClap I see your monkaMega The size of my D...ance skills you won’t be back in EUW with that attitude Jensen pepeD pepeDHaw pepeD @hotdogss ricardoFlick what u say to me boy hes drunk @Gupper sumSmash sumSmash idk maybe you almost killed it widepeepoSad he cant press R Ew, a racist DansGame idk he's angry you left him stranger 1 cmonBruh that horse you have is naturally skiddish like all the arabians YO JENSEN BODY THESE FOOLS Jensen mizkifWeird Jensen inting KEKW Jensen wants to go in TL cmonBruh literally brained him on a post box lmao o shit @hotdogss monkaMEGA SadChamp reckless driving you are under arrest monkaGun PepeHands monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW hello sir monkaW monkaW monkaOMEGA ligma dying TB monkaS monkaW nooo AIDS monkaOMEGA EBOLA CANCER monkaS monkaS You good fam? WE FORGOT monkaW monkaW DYING monkaW c a n c e r is Arthur going to die of sickness? Dying monkaW monkaW WE FORGOT Pet him ligma monkaS LIGMA PepeHands monkaW CANCER dying? EBOLA monkaW cancer Pog ligma monkaW YELLOWSTONE monkaW monkaMega i miss monkaMEGA for hotdoggs widepeepoSad umm oh no BibleThump wa SICK monkaS EBOLA monkaW malaria monkaW BibleThump monkaW WutFace AIDS ARTHUR PepeHands monkaW monkaX widepeepoSad WutFace roofies monkaS DED monkaW Jensen doesn’t care oh no BibleThump wait wtf PepeS TB monkaS pepeSmile theCrimsonHazard monkaW widepeepoSad WutFace Arthur rooCry monkaW TRAIN monkaW Bad ending monkaS Tuberculosis is a *****. GivePLZ jensen wtf bro help too many smokes sneaky PepeS its the great consumption @C9Sneaky I can't believe we're fucking dead Throw him into a pit too much pepeSmoke WORST ENDING monkaW TB DansGame BibleThump WutFace monkaW No feels like far cry 2 SMILERS does he look ok Weirdga Yes I'm fine :) IM ON THE GROUND WHAT DO YOU THINK Pepega Hes not okay monkaW Mr stark KEKW NO SHIT OMEGALUL @C9Sneaky ah damn you got the bad ending Thanos snapped monkaW me :) PepeHands Last Job DO I LOOK OKAY TO U WeirdChamp Pepega mister you don't look so good doctor KKona pepeSmoke i knew it'd come to this FeelsEvilMan He's gonna saw off your ARM! Oh no! youre sick SMILERS I'm fine ARTHUS DOESN'T FEEL SO GOOD MR. SNEAKY widepeepoSad BAD ENDING it was hotdogss U ARE CANCER DansGame @C9Sneaky Just Walk 4Head Arthur * monkaS me SMILERS Are we getting organ harvested peepoSmoke MrDestructoid you are dying sir MrDestructoid FeelsEvilMan FeelsEvilMan actually fucking dying OMEGALUL WutFace blood monkaW Blood monkaSHAKE widepeepoSad arthur monkaW DED monkaW all fine SMILERS Fine KEKW IM FINE Pepega monkaX wtf SMILERS YOU WONT MAKE IT monkaS 1900'S MEDICINE LULW peepoClap COP STATION It's a trap monkaMEGA kidnapped monkaW monkaW amputation time CHINA? Weirdga NaM mabye Deja vu now we are colourblind N OMEGALUL AMPUTATION amputates arm LUL bruh WutFace PepeS WutFace to briiiiing meee baaaaaaaaaaack tooo life TOO MUCH SUGAR KEKW that's how you see things Sneaky? Cut his D off gachiHYPER gachiHYPER RIP get this man an inhaler smoking OMEGALUL monkaS DansGame' surgical butthole removal monkaW dr mister OMEGALUL this is how the colorblind see monkaW forsenCD PepoThink 4Head gachiW Cut his lugs out monkaW DR MISTER KEKW Dr Mister lmao he's going to amputate your lungs PepeHands forsenCD ? doctor mister haHAA I got a Family 10 bucks monkaW arthus what did i tell you about not using drugs? its the tuberculosis KKonaW AMERICA cancer PepeHands dude with no money I let you die in the streets its ligma widepeepoSad He looks fine to me FeelsBadMan KKONA DOCTOR RUN AIDS? We look like shit PepeHands @hotdogss whats that its all that cocaine gum FeelsBadMan ligma PepeHands AAAA DED GG KEKW TB monkaW @TehFluffehCake ligma balls widepeepoSad HE HAS THE SAME DISEASE AS JOE monkaOMEGA KannaNom SillyChamp PepeHands Aaa Hygiene AIDS SillyChamp aaaah monkaX open wide gachiGASM we need to cut your dick skull on the table hahaha @hotdogss widepeepoSad oh nyo ligma PepeHands Looks like he needs more cigarettes All good you're good tomorrow LIGMA D: D: PepeHands TB monkaW monkaW Sorry to say but yu're fucked Tobuscus LIGMA PepeHands D: PepeHands 2berculosis LIGMA ? ATHUR NYOOOOOO widepeepoSad monkaW oh cmon D: widepeepoSad D: ya got the berk Autism @hotdogss good one peepoClap BibleThump PepeHands @JessieS23 PeepoClap oh fuck monkaX rest and die KEKW N OMEGALUL give him isoniazid KEKW KKona LULW JUST SLEEP 4HEad sneaky has tb confirmed SwiftRage PepegaHands KEKW smoking was good back then KEKW BibleThump LUL DR MISTER gangsta KEKW Doc lightin' up KEKW danucdSad smoking in front of him KEKW D: goo times in front of a patient with tuberculosis OMEGALUL Oh my God he is gonna die Pepehands GOOD ONE DR KEKW Smoking infront of someone with fucked up lungs KEKW HOLY monkaW NA doctor LULW NA DOCTOR KEKW WutFace monkaW monkaS Heroin CiGrip INJECTING MARIJUANA peepoPog cocaineeeee take this it’s cocaine METH TIME u got tb dawg vapeNation Pog Heroin FREE HEROIN Pog hahahHa OPIOIDS FeelsGoodMan noooo moon2SUFFER thanks doc SMILERS wow GOOD DOCTOR KKona Clap WutFace 1900s medicine PogU CiGrip some kalifa kush that doc smoking VapeNation SMILERS cocaine cowboy Nevermind, definitely heroin like new baby LUL @hotdogss Ligma and Lung cancer together HYPERS it's HIGH noon MaN CiGrip Clap sneaky needs subs again chat KEKw im seeing orange a littlr late but who tryna stuff me for thansgiving CiGrip MY MAN SMILERS 👍 @JessieS23 PepoCheer drugs PeepoClap FeelsGoodMan KEKW 🍏 MaN he gave you a pair of gunners I'm good now danucdRekt thats yellow/orange sneakyGrip FeelsLitMan PepeHands you gon die son @C9Sneaky looks like a classic case of LIGMA CiGrip SAME great day to be a boomer Kappa SMILERS Drugs Good PepeD FeeksBadMan pepeD we ded PepeHands HIGHEST IN THE WEST PepegaHands CiGrip Clap FeelsBadMan but who did arthur get tuberculosis ? CiGrip NOT A BIG DIFFERENCE FOR ME Protonopia LOL 10 BUCKS PRETTY GOOD DEAL KKona it TUBERCULOSIS KEKW can you replay the game to not get that disease Wassup Cuh This dick I'm fine mizkifSit You know what gachiHYPER weed saves lives widepeepoHappy Need time travel to get antibiotics. smoke another cigarette gwysMy gwysBoy KappaPride CiGrip I WANT MORE The medical field back then was goddamn amazing tuberculosis @humblecyanide no ⚰️ CiGrip JUST A NORMAL DAY addicted @C9Sneaky looks like a classic case of the Ligma to me @hotdogss I didn’t mean to mention you there LUL WH OMEGALUL cure your TB AngelThump BEST ENDING PogU KEKW Oh Dear @JessieS23 Weirdga Rudolf @C9Sneaky these are quotes from ur playthrough last year @humblecyanide no there are several endings to the story tho its your spirit animal LUL Haha butthole lol haha chat Weirdga Wow, we're tripping balls rooDerp follow rudolph remember the guy who coffed in your face when you were doing a quest for stauss in chapter 2? @hotdogss sumSmash Okayga Okayga hallucinating go to the future to get treatment uncurable disease Okayga D: @JessieS23 PepoThink Weirdga wait I got a wolf wtf OMEGALUL Natural medicine danucdHacker It's all the smoking you been doing sneaky, this is your fault widepeepoSad Only marijuana Kapp DxCat Just cure tuberculosis 4Head that’s the cure DansGame at the end of the day im still that bitch and im gonna stay that bitch.... periodt sis thassit SADIE widepeepoHappy @matchclock5 what did I do? SMILERS monkaOMEGA ? shes hot Kreygasm Sadie <3 grill Pog arthur must be smelly as fuck @JessieS23 u sumSmash d a Okayga spitting blood monkaS sadie Weirdga 🖕 wearing same thing all life long Why there are so many cowboy girls in this gam he's becoming crazy cowboy girls dutch has alzheimers Pog take a shower pls DansGame lenny widepeepoSad lenny PepeHands Let's go Jensen SMOrc lenny widepeepoSad stinky ass arthur @C9Sneaky jensens last right lenny PepeHands wild west never happenend close to the stories and games her horse bigger kapp LENNY oathCry !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 35 minutes 43 seconds xqcFast !bttv EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS PeepoHand peepoPog :) PeepoClap POGGERS Pog PagChomp PeepoClap 🎈 monkaMega PepeHands NA PepeHands SadChamp kkona PeepoClap FLYING MACHINE KKona LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL PeepoClap Stop sir you're sick SwiftRage pepeJAMJAM PepdHands SadChamp Clap we sad bois GOOD OLD DAYS SadChamp tfw tuberculosis is contagious SadChamp pepeJAMJAM PepeHands C9 Sneaky PepeHands S WORD D: MaldChamp SadChamp @derbubu, ik but sometimes can get more ridiculous, one step more to see fortnite skins here SadChamp Shoot the balloon Pog DEATH monkaS SHOOT HIM widepeepoHappy Sup holmie Arturo OkayChamp corki PeepoClap we go sky MaldChamp SadChamp Pog POG PogChamp PauseChamp OkayChamp days gone has better graphics DogFace CORKI Pog CORKI HotPokket D: squadW my man KEKW KEKW D: KEKW OMEGALUL HotPokket 4Head PepeHands hold hands we go sky soon PepeHands SMILERS WAT KEKW lol Corki squadW damn right KEKW VAPORS D: KEKW RUDE wow S Q U A D W KEKW VAPORS gachiHYPER ONLY MEN ACTUALLY TRUE VisLaud pepeLaugh danucdSad Why LMFAOOO LUL squadW gachiHYPER ONLY MEN ALLOWED KEKWW HotPokket TRUE OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL ancient medicine HotPokket LUL red dead redmetiopon lol KEKW KEKW twice Only twice KEKW DEATH monkaS PULL ON IT gachiHYPER KEKW peepoPog ONLY TWICE only crashed twice SMILERS HE WANTS ARTHURS D THATS WHY gachiW Are you kidney me? Vapors CiGrip 2 MEN ALONE WHAT CAN BE BAD gachiHYPER !editcom !bttv AYAYAWeird Clap COGGERS EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsLitMan FeelsWowMan gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER headBang HYPERCLAP KKool MadoStab monkaGun monkaHmm monkaOMEGA monkaX monkaSHAKE NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoArrive peepoBlonket PeepoClap peepoLeave pepeD pepeDHaw Pepega PepegaAim PepegaPls PepegaShake PepeHands pepeJAM pepeLaugh PepePls PepeS pepeSmoke PepoCheer PepoDance POGGERS POGSLIDE ricardoFlick sumSmash TeaTime TriKool Weirdga wineTime @WintersWard -> The command "!bttv" has been edited successfully. WOMEN CANT FLY BRUH WTF CORKI Pog Crashed twice after 2 trys bawkHyper sumSmash PeepoClap yay Cigaroni Jump widepeepoHappy lol @WintersWard PeepoClap weeee throw him off widepeepoHappy Jump widepeepoHappy !bttv AYAYAWeird Clap COGGERS EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsLitMan FeelsWowMan gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER headBang HYPERCLAP KKool MadoStab monkaGun monkaHmm monkaOMEGA monkaX monkaSHAKE NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoArrive peepoBlonket PeepoClap peepoLeave pepeD pepeDHaw Pepega PepegaAim PepegaPls PepegaShake PepeHands pepeJAM pepeLaugh PepePls PepeS pepeSmoke PepoCheer PepoDance POGGERS POGSLIDE ricardoFlick sumSmash TeaTime TriKool Weirdga wineTime Push him !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp peepoPog PepegaHands PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad PeepoClap !ffz mods spam bawkRly W OMEGALUL MEN CANT FLY PUSH HIM OFF widepeepoHappy BETTER THAN GTA HELICOPTER Pog PeepoClap monkaW CiGrip FFZ also needs an update hmmmh I'm high Keepo PauseChamp too high PepeS PeepoClap > AYAYAWeird KannaNom KannaNom KannaNom KannaNom KannaNom KannaNomKannaNom monkaS So high sneakyGrip FeelsLitMan above the clouds Pog this looks so sick PeepoClap higher higher ITS GONNA STORM PepeS fimagine this situation in VR oh mah goodness jump down :) high as a kite sneakyGrip Iimagine this situation in VR snacky can fly Pog jump off pepoHappy GOING TO HEAVEN imagine just going to space with that thing Jebaited no monkaW OH DEAR GOD NO PepeS FeelsClassyMan ONWARDS AND UPWARDS LAD no LUL Is this the movie Up? no OMEGALUL monkaOMEGA take us down the basket is so small monkaW no the lack of oxygen above the clouds will be really good for your TB So pretty FUNgineer oh boy it'd be tragic if you got shot KEKW @C9Sneaky play on first person yes yea AngelThump Jump off Just imagine this situation with VR some people call me the space cowboy If you believe you can :) yes 3Head EU PogU yes :) EU DEATH monkaS TUBERCULOSIS monkaS NOTHING TO LOSE monkaS EU > NA LULW EU balloon SMILERS 3Head 🎈 3Head EU ENGINEERING PogU this cant be good for your tuberculous @C9Sneaky dutch peepoWTF made from a garbage region then just like lcs KEKW EU import LUL Just clouds SMOrc Sum call me Maurice :balloon: 3Head EU IMPORTS LULW im scared of hights monkaS lol PogYou PeepoClap thats me PeepoClap NO THATS ME :) EU PRODUCTION KEKW learn the ropes gachiHYPER Clap !editcom !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan forsenCD gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp PauseChamp peepoPog peepoWTF PepegaHands pepeL PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp SMILERS WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad @WintersWard -> The command "!ffz" has been edited successfully. BJERGSEN BALLONN LULW OkayChamp @WintersWard PeepoClap I can see my house!! art !ffz put both up to date OkayChamp 👍 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan forsenCD gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp PauseChamp peepoPog peepoWTF PepegaHands pepeL PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp SMILERS WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride monkaS ricardoFlick !bttv AYAYAWeird Clap COGGERS EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsLitMan FeelsWowMan gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER headBang HYPERCLAP KKool MadoStab monkaGun monkaHmm monkaOMEGA monkaX monkaSHAKE NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoArrive peepoBlonket PeepoClap peepoLeave pepeD pepeDHaw Pepega PepegaAim PepegaPls PepegaShake PepeHands pepeJAM pepeLaugh PepePls PepeS pepeSmoke PepoCheer PepoDance POGGERS POGSLIDE ricardoFlick sumSmash TeaTime TriKool Weirdga wineTime !bttv haHAA kill him, and then pop the baloon lets see what happens 6 feet under by the looks of it pepeLaugh Any SMILERS loelelelellelellele !ffz NaM 👌 mama mia !ffz bald ass KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride SMILERS "Sir I am dying of Tuberculosis, I probably should not be operating this flying baloon" This used to be a League stream... @wintersward how much he pay you bawkLurk ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick monkaW higher sneaky higher PeepoClap 。 keep going up till you cant no more pepeLaugh PepeS 👉 🔥 🎈 KEKW DansGame @ForestFairyBilly Nothing ... he doesn't even follow me SadChamp boiled egg PogU ? KappaPride KEKW it's beautiful He has the plague @thewanab3 it used to be no nut november but we all failed cause sneaky tweets Higher Above the clouds sneaky FeelsWeirdMan boiled it in his ass monkaOMEGA KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Imagine Sneaky not following his internet janitors cmonBruh what word Weirdga @wintersward thats rude bawkHands EGG IN POCKET Pog jesus KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride can i offer you an egg? sneakyPride Highest hot air balloon flight of all time: 68,000 feet. TriHard My I offer you an egg in these trying times? gachiW ? what happens if you go too high !discrod TRAIN !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! @WintersWard SadChamp widepeepoSad true Stfu Sir ResidentSleeper bawkW LUL Weirdga TAKE SHOWER variety Pog PepoThink really Okayga COCK KEKW LULW Professional Influencer Internet Janitor sounds like a good job to live with forever @WintersWard Van Gogh Okayga COCK the good old wild west push him off already!! letoKeksnek leto1 leto2 higher sneaky higher PeepoClap @footing yes 3Head ok anyway @dutty_was_taken___ you are so funny and original. Any your momma jokes you got tfbHands KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Pepega ? My god moderating after I am done with school sounds hella troll I am just doing this for now as a hobby Weirdga @lol_brian, ??????????? 3Head lots of ropes ye Imagine being a hobby janitor KEKW Did he said C9 gaming house? LUL LUL IMAGINE BEING A MOD AND NOT GETTING PAID LULW FeelsBadMan tfbPride tfbHeart monkaGun Tell that to the people I mod for @footing internet janitors KEKW @dutty_was_taken___ you know what word you meant PepeS Nobody seeing them multi zoom binoculars LUL @lol_brian, shut up you fucking snowflake liberal Red Dead ps4? why not pc where the dang fuck he is ??? john PeepoClap @WintersWard i mean not for the non verified but i guess with verified, twitch should pay them like 30 dollars per month is this django unchained? higher PeepoClap PepegaPls PepegaAim monkaGun PeepoClap 🔔 LUL use the balloon DING DING DING DING DING PeepoClap bulletproof baloon JUMP OFF monkaW @Th3RealMike yes, yes it is !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 44 minutes 12 seconds PepegaAim ASCEND SNACKY ASCEND pepeDHaw monkaSHAKE Duck idiot DuckerZ FeelsClassyMan Dear GOD @dutty_was_taken___ yeah I even though I’m a republican I’m a liberal who doesn’t like racism @footing so u ttelling me I should get 30x per month per verified channel? monkaHmm cant aim a big ass balloon LUL NA aim how did the balloon not pop ofc !keyboard I good LODE I'd take those 1140€s TIME TO GET AIDS FeelsGoodMan WeirdChamp take it to DMs you two is sneaky in korea? these some weird streaming hours KKona its done now boy @exuberantcossack I am just memeing monkaW There would be an algorythm to stop that, but considering how broken is twitch yes LULW Don't hurt me mr viewer KKona !uptime @IANF1 bulletproof balloon Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 45 minutes 8 seconds sadie Kreygasm PepeS HELP HER idk monkaMega Go rescue her gachiW !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan forsenCD gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp PauseChamp peepoPog peepoWTF PepegaHands pepeL PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp SMILERS WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad internet janitors becoming self aware Weirdga @wintersward not you @lol_brian, idaf what you are stop @'ing me f word ??? no wtf KEKW snack? @exuberantcossack bothered by reading a chat and not watching Sneaky playing forsenWeird AIM ASSIST KEKW PepePls a fly by TriHard Clap impossible shot Weirdgq SO EASY no ballistic lead, nice physics KEKW Sneaky Pepega Shoot the horse This dude killed so many people ad he is surprised he got TB xD! The horse Arthur FeelsBadMan Mr Bullard FeelsOkayMan 👍 dude needs some dick zyeah I even though I’m a republican I’m a liberal who doesn’t like racism KEKW forsen1 forsen2 cirOwO @dutty_was_taken___ f word? Someone was a failed abortion lol. Irl why you even think your life is worth living. Your parents made a mistake sneaky the sniper PepeHands PepegaAim PepegaAim show them gachiHYPER monkaS forsen1 forsen2 ANY BAJS? O'Driscoll PepegaAim I KNEW THIS MOTHERFUCKER WOULD LIKE IT LULW PepegaAim PepegaAim this hecka californira lol pepeDHaw monkaW LOL players aim PepeLaugh He's feeling the adrenaline now DansGame KEKW LULW DansGame OMEGALUL Where's Jensen KEKW @wintersward, ignore him i wub you 💌 SHOT TO THE HEAD monkaW thats disgusting DansGame KEKW DansGame DansGame PepegaAim D: moon2PO moon2OP moon2LOLE YOU DONT SCRAMBLE A BOILED EGG DansGame NOOOO PepeHands D: NO PepeHands D: NOOOOOOO D: F NOOOOOOOOO widepeepoHappy MonkaW You deth sir NOOOOOOOOO peepoWTF PepoThink widepeepoSad rip egg D: BibleThump widepeepoSad NYOOOOOO widepeepoSad D: monkaW widepeepoSad PepeHands Corki :( OH NYOOOOO widepeepoSad WHAT F FOR CORKI LUL dramatic death NOOOO I LIKED HIM PepeHands NOOOOOO HE DIDNT DESERVE TO DIE PepeHands widepeepoSad oh nyoo widepeepoSad WHYY widepeepoSad CORKI NOOOOOOOOOOOO NO FeelsBadMan mr bullard widepeepoSad widepeepoSad NYOOOOOO @dutty_was_taken___ WeirdChamp PepegaHands F Sadie Kreygasm PepeHands You let him die widepeepoSad F HOLLYWOOD Pog F WHY HIM widepeepoSad F FOR CORKI BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeS Corki nooooo PepeHands widepeepoSad not her vapors PepeHands women cant fly! The vapors! widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Bulletproof baloon 2.0 so far aaway from her OMEGALUL pepeSmoke pepeSmoke sneakyGrip TriHard pepeSmoke PepegaAim @WintersWard, that guy is a dick WeirdChamp sadie Kreygasm gachiW pepeSmoke PepegaAim are they blind LMAO LOL PepeS Nice voice nice aim plot armor thicc PepegaAim they are so bad at shooting lol PepegaAim They shoot like Stormtroopers damn sadie can jump Pog Mrs.Adler Kreygasm I want all the smoke Sex reward gachiW storm troopers LUL nice plot armor they could kill her 10 times are all these guys chasing her blind? monkaGun this dudes are horrible shooters lol they have worse aim than strormtroopers this makes no sense NA cowboys LITERALLY BLIND WOULDNT THEY JUST SHOOT THE BALLOON WeirdChamp everything in this Game is bulletproof :D PepegaAim yup they are blind holy fuck sneaky got fat monkaW balloons don't go that fast wtf Too strong bullets don't reach high enough LUL svesnkeren Shoot the ballon = Red Dead Redeptiom 2 over They killed Arturio what u guys talking about, their aim is too good PepeHands pissed himself OMEGALUL PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaPls where`s the guy lol sex her right now gachiW LOST TO GRAVITY LULW nice landing PogU where is John? pepeJAM so they snipe the old guy no problem but they can't shoot this girl from like 10 feet away? Music Kreygasm he died @Imceltic she's dirty gachiW D: alturo widepeepoSad BITCHES The fuel contained in the balloons flame would have exploded killing them FREEDOM KKona Clap sadie you are a bit too aggressive pepeL @weebs_ruin_everything gachi women WeirdChamp widepeepoSad NYOOOOOO 󠀀 o'driscolls 😡 D: D: holy shit the driscolls are back AGAIN? avenge Arturo snacky :( Well, looks like you now own a hot air balloon. 4Head just kill !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan forsenCD gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp PauseChamp peepoPog peepoWTF PepegaHands pepeL PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp SMILERS WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad AHHHH gachiHYPER USE THE CHEW SNACKY How do these O'Driscolls have a whole army of followers aiming with a controller KEKW Sir, you have TB stop drinking and smoking LULW The aim doe WideHard COCAINE TIME sneaky, behind Mrs.Sadler Kreygasm pepeJAM map awareness Pog sadie Kreygasm He keeps consuming the wrong thing NotLikeThis Pog Pog Use some marijuana fast! ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick gachiBASS CLOSE Pog SADIE IS A KEEPER Kreygasm gachiBASS PepegaAim TAKE EM ALL OUT PepegaAim PepegaAim Abigail tho Kreygasm this bitch is a FREAK This chicks voice is raspy as fuk Former Whore Kreygasm @C9Sneaky Sneaky u gonna pay fo w0t u deeed deep penetration FeelsGoodMan Helloo @C9Sneaky you are killing too much people maybe convince them to ff MURDER FeelsGoodMan @P9nisher FUCK JOHN forsenCD @nathanrooney99 she is a cowgirl KKona she sounds like naruto sadie can you chill a little SMOrc SMOrc shes so obnoxious widepeepoSad @Bukoon she was former whore and fucked the whole gang before marrying to john FeelsBadMan sadie Kreygasm Lol what'sup with her voice, it gets rough af @P9nisher DAMN JOHN GOT WEIRD TASTE KEKW sadie Kreygasm They watching us the gov @Bukoon KEKW yeah dutch WeirdChamp PepegaPls PepegaPls Jailbreak PogU @Bukoon i'm sad arthur didn't fuck Sadie once PepegaPls thicc this girl ffs but first a quickie gachiW thicc Kreygasm she got that booty tho Dutch WeirdChamp is Arthus dying? @P9nisher I WOULD'VE oathNom damn shes a real 4Head 5Head AYAYAWeird MadoStab Weirdga @weebs_ruin_everything gachi women FeelsWeirdMan Sneaky widepeepoSad sneaky is unaware I love your cosplays. hot af AYAYA SADIE @Bukoon Same FeelsClassyMan @Jefe7abibi W gachiW M E N Lol ShadowBruno tuberculosis rip balloon man boss shes turning me on Kreygasm Kreygasm sadie AYAYA like ur league rank Kappa she heard it Kreygasm @UnNameless wow really wtf PepegaAim 5Head silver pepeLaugh noob Kreygasm @nubrac savage oregano Pog pepeLaugh not even 5 headshots @P9nisher ARTHUR DIDNT FUCK MARY TOO I THINK C9sneak in do side quests peepoWTF @C9Sneaky how is Arthur's Ligma going, Sneaky? @C9Sneaky why don't you have dual wield ? @C9Sneaky took u a whole year to getting close to the end WeirdChamp Use the cannabis item to improve your aim Silver PogChamp You keep drinking core items instead of bar items widepeepoSad ligma monkaW @Bukoon nah they 100% fucked but not in his late ages widepeepoSad ShadowBruno yeah the coughing been getting worse and worse, doc just confirmed it PepeHands PepegaHands PepegaHands noo bawkHands :( "Someplace warm and dry..." to help with the TB, proceeds into cold river PepeHands ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad bawkHands . widepeepoHappy nkoooooo PepeHands HEE PepeHands @UnNameless rip BibleThump @P9nisher I THOUGHT ARTHUR IS A VIRGIN KEKW widepeepoSad DON'T LEAVE US :'( BibleThump fuck you sumSmash ok PepeHands gachiHYPER Clap sneakyYeehaw announcement tomorrow widepeepoHappy ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy PepeHands danucdPRAY widepeepoSad @Bukoon LULW a chad like him and virgin cmon ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad ANYWAY zfgAnyway widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall xqcBall WHOAAAA JENSEN Horse bonding gachiGASM @Maugis98 warm and dry... gos into the fucking moist cold clouds Beto Carrero FeelsBadMan SadChamp ammoButt ammoButt FeelsBadMan PepeHands FeelsClassyMan 🍷 FeelsBadMan short stream peepoWTF I enjoyed my stay widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Goodnight Mr. Scuderi bye sneaky FeelsOkayMan FeelsBadMan it's okay, you're forgiven FeelsWeirdMan Back tomorrow? short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF SadChamp I TRUSTED YOU widepeepoSad @P9nisher BUT HES A SIMP WHEN IT COME TO MARY pepeLaugh SadChamp 2 pm here, what am i gonna do all day now without you widepeepoSad Good night chat peepoLeave HeyGuys Tomorrow? widepeepoSad There is no nxt time PepeHands pls dont go papa widepeepoSad PunOko widepeepoHappy GN gn dad yuliGud yuliPantsu i will never forgive you for this bye snacky goodnight! still sorry about earlier lol <3 good night elyComfy SadChamp PepeHands daddy nooo widepeepoSad @Bukoon pepeLaugh true bye dad gn short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF short stream peepoWTF peace peepoLeave 🛏️ its so fun hi man GN widepeepoSad Dad's abandoning us take care sneaky widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky is it because I didn't donate asking about ds3 today? PepeHands later Sneakers FeelsWowMan gn <3 widepeepoSad dont leave widepeepoSad gn bawkHands bawkHands bawkHands bawkHands bawkHands peepoLeave <3 Clap woah hello oh shit what up the tnahc worked Pog yoooooo Pog PogYou widepeepoHappy peepoArrive PogYou peepoArrive o hello there snacky peepoArrive Yo!!!! Pog PagChomp PogYou PogChamp headBang unfollow pog we were waiting for you senpai CyTempest subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! bed time sneaky Kreygasm sneaky when u leaving for allstar ? peepoArrive boxMONKERS !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 minute 55 seconds win Hello @C9Sneaky :D first oh shit sup peepoArrive snackers pog heyyy peepoArrive ThatJoJo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 1 month streak! i lost mr snacky snacky? :peepoari hello chat !uptime duo aphro you slut sneakyGasm hey wassup gamers hello sir pobB4M hi dad i love u snacky? peepoArrive <3 HIII SNEAKY <3 ayyyyyyyyyyyy was about to watch hentai but then sneaky went live Pog Wassup 💕 hi Sneaky PagChomp Wonderful peepoArrive Pog pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey show us your butthole sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 snacky FeelsAmazingMan zamn zaddy KappaClaus hello mr. snecky @C9Sneaky Hey man! Will you duo with a[hro today? I loved that ! Snekii hiiros1UWU Hewoo heyyyyyyy KonCha hi Pog headBang NICE TITLE DUDE Pog whats ur shirt's icon thing headBang cirHi @C9Sneaky fuck me daddy so descriptive, this title is, the meaning of the universe unveiled is !music 4Head @c9sneaky Enter message here ? yes killuati subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! no :) No yes monkaHmm No no peepoArrive ? yes no dad no ya yes monkaHmm yes no no fk u ratirlHmm ya yes yo sneakers maybe no yes Great title 4Head no perhaps naaah ask again Keepo boxPat @C9Sneaky mic muted Yes hiiros1Comfy No I am brother uh... trash KEKW Eh For headset or speakers? HIIII SNEAAKKYKYYYYYYYYY it's extra eh gud Overrated ass Sneaks are you employed yet? Mic muted lul no it surrounds you its good if you watch films KEKW immersive @c9sneaky do you love me? makes me the cummies i mean its a bonus but it aint all that good for movies who cares for anyhting else cirComfy bad not bad its worth af @C9Sneaky It doesnt do anything i meannnnnnnn can we get like a test ? Surround me daddy good Pog Oh on a headset? good for fps games Cant tell @C9Sneaky get a sound bar :D not needed for league tyler1AYY nice BegWan @c9sneaky depends on what you are using it for Hi sneaker not needed for league sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH for a headset? pretty much useless unless a game or something is better with it weird slight advantage in some games !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 minutes 11 seconds cant tell tbh Don’t push the button monkaSHAKE yeah yes Oh shit my buthole is leaky i can see why it would be elfstalker subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! footsteps in fps games are a game changer @C9Sneaky Most headsets do it already so thats pointless I have the same headphones it stages the sound no its not really good at all @SerisChut -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ @C9Sneaky what time is it where you're at? depeends if the sound supports it in game !chant TriHard TriHard TriHard Good for gachibass i suppose you have a point TriHard TriHard TriHard @C9Sneaky hello snooki TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard surround sound is absolutely terrible for fps, what the fuck LULW is this gonna make u more of an epic gamer ayy TriHard Cemantics subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! movies hey it makes everything sound weird song? for the most part it makes stuff sound echoey @C9Sneaky why no christmas music ? makes shiit louder is the triple dorans strat just for the HP @C9Sneaky Hello Snacky the fuck good for music listening Its a software thing not a button. Its all on if the developer of the game integrated it @C9Sneaky That button does nothing gachiW Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as genital piercing, wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation or even kicking. quality show queue up I use my shitty computer speakers so don’t ask me !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 minutes 17 seconds Snooki im here finally youre on the purpose of it is to be louder lol. hello good sir lets gooo bb the human ear can only hear 60 frames a sec HE ACTUALLY CHANGED THE TITLE Pog Stayy_Frostyyy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! It probably makes the footsteps louder try it and lets see !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 minutes 52 seconds # its just good for music and videos most headsets have it built in ime hai daddy love u queue up dad sneakyHey @sneaky duo with aphro pls hello virgins ratirlSpit trkRat the way it works is by using angles in the headphones to delay sound waves entering the ear canal so that you get a fake sense of surround sound i like it for netflix thats it just extra tbh Surround sound 10 monitors 6 consoles bunch of wires @C9Sneaky Play Vayne. Thanks <3 sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit yasSpit m0xyOkay He doesn’t get it LUL hi chat mono sound master race Doesn't it sound hallow? KonCha pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD some songs are recorded spatially for sorround sound those are cool Let’s go snacky! Clap some ass sneakyClaus I use it for anime :) its sound like "clear", not sure but sound diff @c9sneaky HEEEYE sneakyH mrpyneapple subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! Looking forward to the 30 minute queues! widepeepoHappy AceTrainerMatt subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi dad SIX CONSOLES @C9Sneaky do you ever watch tobias? xqcSmile xqcSmile2 is this Kayzo? peepoArrive @Sneaky your thoughts on Kai'sa this patch when you cosplay LOL again ? we waiting it <3 if you have surround sound, you always surround your opponent 5head Okayga TeaTime peepoArrive @c9sneaky Cock9Snuckold sup bro it makes me feel like i have friends arround me :) lets plays :D peepoArrive Im ready for some sick games EZ 🔫 having us form your opinion for you? FeelsBadMan new headset? Pepega thats me :) @C9Sneaky buy an actual headset to see instead of these gaming ones PowerUpL sneakyYeehaw PowerUpR Byszer subscribed with Twitch Prime. @inguinyun He's doing a secret cosplay for allstars selphyOwO audio engineer surround sound is the common name for an audio system that can recreate sounds at different angles and distances, allowing the listener to visualize an object’s position with sound. These systems are commonly used in home theatre configurations and headsets that help immerse users with a full audio experience sneakyW <--- audio engineer 4Weird i never use it tbh beard when PepoThink majored in audio engineering htw pepegaGUN 5Head btw* Audio Technica M50 4Weird 👉 sneakyWut pepegaGun hello boys peepoArrive ur hair looks good today yes PepegaGun !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 minutes 2 seconds damn man, thats deep 4Weird 🤚 SNEAKY HALT Damn im just a viewer @C9Sneaky Download the razer synapse program. Theres a feature to test surround sound. You can try it off and on and see what it does pukuuuu subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 59 months! sneakyClaus Audio engineering major PogU TL jensen pog so am i pog im an audio scientist and unless you use surround sound you will go DEAF @C9Sneaky i have an article for you if you want to read it. It kinda explains how it works BatmanWasTaken subscribed with Twitch Prime. NoahLovesTHeBlue subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! 100T Sneaky today? Pog good evening like no joke i have a degree to prove it xD i cant believe you said audio engineer LUL my friend is a chemical engineer more rdr2? @c9sneaky i'm actually beethoven i'm a sound design major :) Ofc dad @C9Sneaky 100T SNEAKY???? !followage Jeffspnz subscribed with Twitch Prime. Whats the headset? Meme_Winnek has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 10 months hey sneakers @c9sneaky are u enjoying the preseason? LOL @yuyuyuna_ srsly hahah :D KEKW @C9Sneaky sneakyHey its sneaky helau smacky we all have our audio engineering degrees dont underestimate us WHEN WILL SNEAKY CHAIR BE RELEASED? A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp wrong im smarter than quora I made sound waves :) 69T Sneaky?!?!?! I wish Rush was on, but I guess I will have tto watch his brotherman what duh quesstin Nonomo_ is continuing the Gift Sub they got from GoodToGame! !followage we're just as useful as google :) Mostepic1 subscribed at Tier 1. Flyingpenguin61 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 10 months, 4 weeks, 2 days !followage PepePls jensen duo :) !followage !followage !followage ricardoFlick pepeD SURROUND SOUND =/= VIRTUAL SURROUND SOUND @C9Sneaky widepeepoSad sneaky Thought about TCS? @c9sneaky heyy man. hope you're doing good !followage what will your next cosplay be? !followage Pyhrohx has been following C9Sneaky for 6 months, 6 days @c9sneaky are you staying on c9 DAD followage spam ResidentSleeper sneakySpook sneakySpook2 @SmolClaire oathSmile hiiros1Hug oathLove !followage last day of vacation widepeepoSad @C9Sneaky carry the bald man AYAYA <3 @YuYuYuna_ !followage since you are not on c9 anymore are you joining TCS @c9sneaky widepeepoSad !followage widepeepoSad !followage PepegaPls !followage !followage Do you not like wireless? Edgy title !followage next week is finals :( TheWaffleRage has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 days !followage widepeepoSad im being trolled widepeepoSad pepeSmoke !followage !followage WHEN IS SNEAKY CHAIR COMING OUT? C9A Sneaky !followage Hey chat OkayChamp HunterWK subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! Wow a year wow OkayChamp can u play in TCS? :) can we expect the spicy 18 death game like yesterday sneakers ? change titled !hype is that a TSM shirt? hi snacky !followage OkayChamp poopnugitx subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! lets get silly dood SillyChamp @C9Sneaky ice__wallow__come999 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks morning C9Sneaky - think u need to draw again for RP POG CHANGED TITLE W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W !followage W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH shit bot tell me my !followage No hyper x cloud flights is better wow W OMEGALUL W TSM SNEAKY Pog @C9Sneaky astro a50s are garbo. a40s so much better DOES SNEAKY CHAIR HAVE BUTTPLUG BUTTON? @C9Sneaky dup with TL Malding? SillyChamp ✌️ yeah you should do TCS with aphro Song? titillated chang !followage Sneaky is still with C9? The title OkayChamp 👍 wow are u still with ur gf? KEKW @C9Sneaky fk me sideways hey snacky, how are you today? did you leave C9?? @C9Sneaky Sennheisser have probably the best headsets !followage N OMEGALUL Same @C9Sneaky dad can we get a Senna adc game today pleaes :) Jabra !title @hotdogss -> Current Stream Title: changed title forsen1 I still have the astro fucking amp !song lmao Jabra 75t OkayChamp hi C9Sneaky im a big fan of your rear end !followage JessesBigToe has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days @C9Sneaky are u still with ur gf? @c9sneaky hey, whos the best mono champion na in your opinion? !song D: 4Weird PepeHands Do you need to use hyperx cause of sponser? PepeHands !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 11 minutes 38 seconds beyerdynamic and astro have really good hifi headphones and also headsets PepeHands PepeHands @C9Sneaky they came out with a10s and a30s HI Hyper x cloud flights Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 ? what song is playing/artist? Ask tyler1 for what headset to use Kappa !followage bday1000 bday1000 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNACKY Turtle Beach X11 PogChamp Sneaky. One day I will face you in the botlane. And get smashed. parado74PressF @hotdogss 🌭 peepoArrive hi sneaky! @YuYuYuna_ peepoArrive @C9Sneaky yupp @C9Sneaky Thoughts about Senna adc? Turtle beaches OMEGALUL What is this awful music HAPPY BIRTHDAY sneaky with IG taking over for Jackeylove Cheer100 !followage Jabra 75t FELICIDADES CARNAL close enough Cloud_x23 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 6 months, 6 days FeelsBirthdayMan HAPPY BIRTHDAY POGGERS needtogetcarry subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! 5 De Mayo Pog no it's not his birthday FeelsBirthdayMan hold on PepoThink D: hi babe peepoLeave 19th month Pog AWFUL? these are tunes FeelsBirthdayMan Clap 2? you said it was december?! @c9sneaky hey snacky I'm a big fan of your pp Audio Technica ATH-M50 are good studio monitor headsets Pog hey sneakers why i always got to adjust view quality? yours is only stream? 2? 2? 2? 2? 2? 2? Pog MingLee NaM noooo when will sneaky chair be available in my region/ MingLee Clap HBD FELLOW STREAMER IG SNEAKY PagChomp Clap peepoLeave lpl the late games PepeHands MingLee Clap bing bong HeyGuys China numba juan CLIP IT LUL SHIP IT LUL sneakyHey MingLee LUL Fuckin KKona dates MingLee Clap that would be sick @C9Sneaky you need more monitors so you can experience Surround TWitch Chat CHINESE SNEAKY PogU ni hao selphy7 hi dad TL Malding is playing aram?! OMEGALUL @C9Sneaky how's your chinese xd HAPPPY ANIVERSARY SNEAKY GOING TO SKT Pog i never have to CLIP OUT OF CONTEXT LUL sparkthaone subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Happy 1 year sneaky! WIsh you the best in whatever you do. <3 @C9Sneaky Have you decided what youre gonna do next split? fukin twitch Hello! just got done catching up on your RDR2 Sleeping with sirens KEKW Its broken Snackers live POGGERS yeah arent you a visual engineer @C9Sneaky sneakyYeehaw SixGingerKids subscribed at Tier 1. TL MALDING OMEGALUL Clipped guys did astralis win? headBang sneaky, are you still under contract? pepeJAM :atamsip :atamsip :atamsip headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang sneaky have you ever been to virginia atamSip atamSip atamSip atamSip 3D twitch chat experience @ZaneC1 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] what do you think about TL Broxah? play aram with jensen <3 See you guys in CHina @C9Sneaky Any chance we'll see you in TCS? HandsUp HandsUp What champ skin would you want when you win Worlds with IG? headBang running with scissors <3 hey sneaky China snacky what a tentative plans for lcs? HandsUp missed it PepeHands pepeLaugh TeaTime headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang or steaming? full time? atamGG atamGG atamGG atamGG anon100 anon100 anon100 anon100 anon100 hit MaN Pog Pog hit MaN Hey Sneaky, big fan. Can't wait to see you play in LCS this season :) Hi. Echo echo echo Hi can someone repost it pepeHands @C9Sneaky play aram with TL Malding he needs one more POGGERS PogYou OkayChamp Hit Man 2 EZ 🔫 monkaMega monkaW WutFace ScrubNoob waiting for you Hit___ ? PepeS monkaW monkaW ur so weird monkaS monkaW monkaW frogpal subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! pepega hitman is so hard af without hints on monkaW @C9Sneaky did u ever play divinity original sin 2? Hit MaN NaM Pepega wtf sneaky is in TCS Pog ? EZ 🔫 ARAM Boy Jensen WutFace EZ 🔫 Hey Snacky thanks for reading chat :) EZ 🔫 pepeHang Kappa Kappa pepeRIP PogChamp can u rate , how much u like LOL ? 1-10 (10 higher rate StoneLightning Donate to Team Trees @c9sneaky 🌲 🌳 🔫 EZ jensen aram KEKW SillyChamp rushin2Relaxando rushin2Relaxando rushin2Relaxando sneakyGasm end my suffering widepeepoSad Hit MaN 2 press 1 if you are KappaPride stream chair pepeSmoke pepeD pepeSmoke headBang headBang headBang FeelsAmazingMan 🔫 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 14 minutes 54 seconds !followage Changed title WutFace WutFace WutFace BabyRage blumberry has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 2 days press 1 if you've tried to tongue tickle ur own bootyhole 1 :EZFingerGuns: love you sneakster sneakyC 1 PogChamp 5 years mofos 2 1 Excuse me what spacecowboy247 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months! press 1 to stfu !followage 2 @xR3l3ntless hahaha original @i_sold_my_neko_for_rp cmonBruh Weirdga FreakinStinkin !followage woah ❗ TL Jensen ARAM 4/5 (HA) press 4 if you want snackys pp juice vanillalightning has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 3 months, 2 days WeirdChamp Hit woman HotPokket press 2 if you've successfully tongue tickled your own booty crevice cmonBruh !followage 2 2 not accurate Weirdga @C9Sneaky are you going to play in TCA? I am here chat, no need to cry anymore Kappa 1 2 abnormalclarity subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! hello dad ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 ShowLove100 KroniccBB subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Sneaky why are you so cute KellyZOM subscribed at Tier 1. TCS* 3 - i stuck my tongue inside !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 16 minutes 3 seconds gachiW Weirdga @C9Sneaky dont drink water drink beer youll play better sneaky is like a hot Ellen @C9Sneaky Any chance we'll see you in TCS? @ogevorian Impressive. what you drinking Im sleepy ResidentSleeper AnthZulli converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! gachiW hey what are you drinking snacky GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride so does all this mean youre gonna be partaking in the TCS? the only tournament that matters? @C9Sneaky sneaky cant play in TCS hes still contracted AYAYA cute AYAYA quality stram AYAYA AYAYA @c9sneaky how you been liking Outer world ? AYAYA AYAYA ? LOL Pepega who knows AYAYA WADUP YALL AYAYA he is not cute, you jsut gay @C9Sneaky nice fucking pink cup AYAYA its the fking hair and the red lips Its those rockin' abs 😏 wassup KDA Ahri yo sneki how long did the ahri cos take to finish? Just come to oce superior region @C9Sneaky give me a good screech @CloudAce Thanks for the answer! Press 1 in chat if you're starting destroy dick December to Cock9Snuckold pics but we cant see your blue jeans, can't be that pepeLaugh TeaTime Snackers drinking apple urine !pokiW KellyZOM is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 11 in the channel! heyyy man can u play jhin today ??????????????????? @c9sneaky tour blue jeans get me so hard KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to 4baseball2! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to Grandwhitetiger! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to ThickBuns! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to Dhrenzen! Zhyth subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to Mene08! OCE OkayChamp Pog GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride PogU Pog pog Pog dodge all Hardstuck Grandmaster in NA LULW @KellyZOM Thanks for the gift sub! hello dad i missed you Pog wrong Hi @C9Sneaky <3 KEKW sneakyWEEB3 GayPride GayPride TriHard TriHard GayPride TriHard GayPride TriHard GayPride GayPride EVERYONE KEKW I got one PogU guys hes drinking from a pink cup, what a girl PepeLaugh theyre in atlantis why wouldnt u wanna go there EZ dodge Dodged EZ I lost PepeHands oceania ftw gifted subs POGGERS TriHard 7 If sneaky went to OCE hed dominate everyone always dodgeing never lucky with gifted subs Tehkie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! PepegaShake pepeJAMMER sneakyCup sneakyCup sneakyCup TriHard / \ KKona dodged EZ Clap kakao talk <3 AYAYA pink @Mene08 zubLOVE show us your butthole dodge EZ Free stuff TriHard sippin on lean Gift sub for free head gachiBASS Clap when are NA players going to EU? Kapp subs getting subs SadChamp Frogurt Pog @c9sneaky so you're not going to finish persona 5 then? I bought parts to upgrade my PC, everything arrived except my motherboard, the motherboard arrived at a FedEx depot yesterday morning that is 1 hour away from my house and they scheduled delivery for Tuesday... why are they trolling me PepeHands hi sneaky @KellyZOM thank you <3 first pick Kog gachiBASS froggen kek Mine sub now TriHard how does one claim the gifted subs? im so confused everytime and my sub has ran out sad face pepeLaugh TeaTime plebs 🍗🍉🍗🍉🍉🍗🍉🍉 snacky can u show feet ive been gifted a sub for 34 months sneakyWeeb TriHard free entertainment it's true he's out from c9? someone gift me so that I can unsub TriHard WE THOOMIN sneakyJack Bbbjjkip does anyone have the item set for adc? Never gotten a gifted sub before feelsBadMan PepegaShake @LomoKat SadChamp froggenn !opgg Śnakey Bbbnnnmkkkppooiiiiuuuyyyttrrew feelsbad atpHorns TriHard don't spell it PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake froggen Pog PepegaShake Phamacist subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! PepegaShake pepeD > PepegaShake PepegaShake @KellyZOM never shows feet PepeHands pepeD jhin jhin jhin jhin jhin jhin lmao I'm having your baby, get to the hospital NOW pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD pepeD TriHard chat I’m thinking about it is there sneaky merch which i can buy?(that isnt from c9?) Yhhhhkkkooiuuytrrreesddvbbjk PepegaShake pepeD gang rise HEY @C9Sneaky headBang headBang headBang PepegaShake jhin with naut :o @C9Sneaky Where can i watch your Danganronpa playthrough? can someone send me sneakys item set? !song Hello Snickers will you ever liberate shaco from the permaban torment? @c9sneaky unemployed team - snacky froggen grig TriHard 📡 calling all homies I'm yelling it irl TriHard AYAYAWeird @YuYuYuna_ pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD pepeD OkayChamp pepeD PVSmerf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! pog Furflix subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! I'm having your baby, get to the hospital NOW sneakyWEEB3 PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake danielfrombrazil3 AYAYAWeird play jhin bootstrapgil subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard ayyy homie here Sneaky have you finished Baba is you yet? widepeepoSad I miss that game Gyyhhkkkkkmmnbbvvcxxxxdssserttuukkknbvcddrrtyyuiikkmnnbggtttyuiibbvcddrtuuiknbv Chat spell INTING. pszGurn pszGurn hi TriHard SIGNAL RECEIVED moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGARIO can someone send me sneakys item set?. rengo @c9sneaky is ezreal a good blind pick adc ? Redgreenman117 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 6 months! hey play kindred bot pog ?song: @C9Sneaky can you engable peepoClap pls its so cute!!! RENGAR did shaco get buffed recently? duo APHROOOOOOO Senna close second? @C9Sneaky pepeLaugh TeaTime !song moon2PREGIGI rengar Weirdga WideHard TriHard TriHard Stop giving me boner please mordekaiser? rengar I wonder if players from Australia will be able to adjust playing upside down in NA rengo bizzleSoraka pepeLaugh TeaTime hecarim and singed who tf plays shaco? TriHard RlyTho TriHard RlyTho TriHard RlyTho RlyTho TriHard Are you going to be playing Halo on PC? @C9Sneaky jhin? TriHard nautilus is annoying too ban aatrox bc ur too lazy to scroll or type anything else LUL @c9sneaky is senna viable adc or should she stay in supp role straighttang subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 14 months! Will see Pog guess there will be no persona 5 stream :/ yes can someone send me sneakys item set? i got mine no rengar ban? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? N Pog TeaTime @c9sneaky good adca to blind pick ? I WANT PEEPOCLAP Hypers no longer 1 title Andy forsenCD LOOKS LIKE YOU DO forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD sick match history forsenCD WE'LL SEE = N OMEGALUL 4/18/8 Pog forsenCD forsenCD albertCD monkaS yesterday pepeLaugh TeaTime 📉 Sleeping with sirens KEKW Is Monster Hunter Word for $20 worth it? forsenCD Clap drip in only virgins play shaco 4 18 omg Senna swain bot is straight cancer @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? dizzyHey dizzyHey how do u deal with vayne? AYAYA AYAY AYAYA AYAYA peepoPog Jhin 4/18 Pog AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA senna is literally pick or ban, if you don't get first pick it's a ban boys can only hope AYAYA AYAYA !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2164 cuties in chat AYAYA RPGAyaya @blaise_ yes AYAYA // No promises @C9Sneaky AYAYA AYAYA HE'S GONNA HIT 4/20 PogU AYAYA AYAYA 14/88 Pog AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA Clap AYAYA HYPERCLAP @C9Sneaky do you think nautilas is broken? imo hes bar far the strongest support Kreygasm @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? Hello mr beaky I was wondering if you wanted to duo with me I am nami top main I’m good I swear EZ gachiHYPER AYAYA Clap gachiBASS @robwobwobRL I feel like anything plus swain is cancer 😳 Tcs? gachiBASS HYPERCLAP where are you irl right now snacky @C9Sneaky PepoThink gachiBASS @C9Sneaky When can we expect Sub only snapchat???? karasmAidab karasmAidab karasmAidab karasmAidab Secretscorcher317 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ !song Yesterday was rough LULW HOW TO BUY SNEAKY CHAIR WITH BUTT PLUG ? Shide lanes? SNEAKY PLAYING IN TCS? PogU !tnahc ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ azir apc :) thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? can someone send me sneakys item set? Enable peepoClap pls @C9Sneaky sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakySpook2 sneakySpook Have you play Virginity the Original Sin Froggen Pog !uotime HOW TO BUY SNEAKY BUTT PLUG AND CHAIR VIBRATOR/ @C9Sneaky is there a way to get your item set? Vayne can't push sidelanes but I can shove in her midlane sound? D: LULW LOL monkaMega !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 21 minutes 17 seconds @c9sneaky have you heard the new weeknd songs? GL HF ONLY THE TIP CHAT ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ D: sneakyD @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? dizzyUp @C9Sneaky WE WANT Where are you now irl snacky ❓ PepoThink fuxk u @C9Sneaky SUB ONLY SNAPCHAT sneakyD sneakyH hello snacky gachiBASS D: dad im really bad against vayne and supporting vayne, it doesn't help that literally every vayne player is a flamer song? senna!! Pog YEAH D: nooooo nooo sneakyH Snackers widepeepoSad D: PepeHands NOOOOOOO PepeHands sneaky when are you making an onlyfans @c9sneaky What about Shaco do you find difficult to deal with? D: LUL Where are you now irl snacky ❓ PepoThink @C9Sneaky Pog ads PogU sub online plx Pog yessssssss aoooo sad Jebaited PepeHands :) NOOOOOO PepeHands Pog sneakyD no pls :((( pog Yea no if you pick sub only i will have to sub @C9Sneaky widepeepoSad oh nyooo rooScared bye fwens widepeepoSad Sleep on mic tonight? HeyGuys later plebs PepeHands Pog PepeHands no !song monkaW we dead bois But I am poor SNeaky D: PepeHands NOOOO SOMEONE GIFT ME A SUB PLS do dat we do daddy widepeepoSad do it OkayChamp LUL widepeepoSad sotlHottake monkaW widepeepoSad oh nyoooo Fuck the plebs DO IT PUSSY SUB MODE PLZ HeyGuys PLEBS HeyGuys PLEBS HeyGuys PLEBS HeyGuys PLEBS !song do it TriHard No monkaW its over boys Pepehands NOOOO PepeHands BibleThump PepeS HeyGuys PLEBS HeyGuys PLEBS HeyGuys PLEBS ff Weirdga No peepoWTF GamEmpireTV subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! WeirdChamp I WANT A SNEAKY BUTT PLUG, HOW MUCH? hi sun mode LOL @C9Sneaky Tool What is this kind of music classified as? Okayga Noooooo BibleThump sub mode AYAYAWeird Where are you now irl snacky ❓ PepoThink @C9Sneaky rip plebs Pog PepeHandsNOOOO PepeHands PepeHands No!!!! peepoWTF poggers HeyGuys Plebs HeyGuys Plebs HeyGuys Plebs sub only chat? peepoLeave BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands NOOOO PepeHands pepeLaugh zuuts ok let's not get out of control sneakyC sneaky doesnt like plebs peepoLeave Submarine mode Plebs are human too.. Kinda play ads plz Mods WeirdChamp Mods WeirdChamp Mods WeirdChamp soviciouz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! 3 Months POG. Will you be my best friend? gift me sub please i want to break free PunOko PunOko peepoLeave @C9Sneaky when make onlyfans KEKW @YuYuYuna_ Okayga Signed Pog peepoWTF @iamyoudood calling us plebs but ur not subbed either LUL LUL LUL Ill take 3 pajaDank dew it sneakyWut sneakyClap MorphinTime gachiHYPER I made some bomb ass cookies tonight Okayga I'd buyt tbh Or else EZ 🔫 ill take 5 Going through extensive testing atm FeelsClassyMan can someone send me sneakys item set? it has like the staples button of "welcome to my butthole" sneakyClaus if i preorder one will you sign it? @C9Sneaky :) senna not picked? Pooga sneaky dakimura when @c9sneaky lirikHS !uptime headBang headBang headBang headBang Sneaky has been live for : 22 minutes 47 seconds i cant believe how often sneaky reads my messages pick senna LMAO Hey SNeaky can you STOP BEING GAY? i wonder how much in sales sneaky branded sex toys gachiHYPER @c9sneaky What about Shaco is tough to deal with Triple ended like Cloud 9 logo sneakyC enable peepoClap pls? @C9Sneaky j ashe @c9sneaky any horror movie you recommend? personal quality assurance KappaPride Testing optimal length and material Sneaky why are you so beautiful senna time @C9Sneaky do it no balls senns yes YES PogU no yes do it Pog plz no Buss her out do it senna TriHard 📡 report in homes TriHard 7 omni KALISTA OPEN yes or they will PogU enable peepoClap pls? @C9Sneaky nooo KEKW Pog int stream sniper gang @C9Sneaky Swap essence reaver champs with presence of mind and start stormrazer senna conq's is busted no Kreygasm100 bitty bitty bits sneaky's buttplug is just ahri's tail TriHard 7 TriHard 7 we in hur OMNISTONE ASHE OPEN nutty stuff Nyamano_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Apples? omni or no balls senna is op WE WANT PEEPOCLAP Kinda aids into Naut IMO @C9Sneaky gl :) @c9sneaky what is currently your favorite ADC to play? Kai'sa BibleThump monkaS omnistone please ekko senna where is lucian TriHard Wait wtf why do you use relentless hunter Yassuo bot Trihard 7 Btw forsen2 What about an Ornn adc game? TriHard 7 don't go alacrity lol TriHard 7 Nice hitman 2 gameplay 💿 robwobwobRL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! why no more sivir :( Why move speed on the last one ? @C9Sneaky alacrity ? originalists subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! i’ll take an extra large on one of those butt plugs daddy yasuo bot widepeepoHappy tfbCoffee HOMIE CHECK! monkaS :point_right TriHard 7 whew, I'm coo i just got a 1st and 2nd in TFT without realizing it switched me to normal queue T_T Senna into Yassuo is Pog Lucian TriHard Senna TriHard Ekko TriHard Wukong TriHard the whole hood TriHard music? you like spagetti? bro i actually enjoy your hair color sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky have you tried overheal and bloodline on senna? everytime i play her she shields like 6k+ with overheal sneakyWut HOMIE CHECK! monkaS 👉 TriHard 7 whew, I'm coo Weirdga !trackname Froggen Pog rush duskblade? Catch Aphelios of my buttocks hello daddy @C9Sneaky TriHard Leona Conq KEKW ff 15 darkjetk subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! are u gonna dye ur hair a different color any time soon SNACKYYYY nutBlush nutBlush !UPTIME Sneaky has been live for : 24 minutes 44 seconds leo LULW leo-gna sneakyWut How goes the Leeg? Fervor of Batlle Leona BibleThump keegs420 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months! No true damage skin WeirdChamp Dad time! pepeLaugh TeaTime 📉 Conq is actually so busted it's probably not a bad idea on Leona LULW is sneaky non binary OK SNEAKY now you made me crave lasagna at 7 in the morning PLUG IT IN DADDY boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd shut up @dbfletch9 conq busted KEKW wtf haha ???? headBang @SniperKing137 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] I saw it! what song is this @danielfrombrazil3 HandsUp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER nice shirt sneaky gachiHYPER track ID? @C9Sneaky senna beter suport then adc right? huge ! ultimately Leona is doing the right build PogChamp i have big pp monkaW monkaW no u dont TriHard is Senna an adc or supp? yes sneakyWeeb supp yes !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 26 minutes 15 seconds Gunderlife subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! pog @C9Sneaky you can W low health minion for instant AOE ROOT :) mostly support jungler Pog @and_july yes monkaS NaM Clap NaM senna is better as a support, but can also be played as adc if you want oh she's op as an ADC sorta lol NaM pog NaM NaM AYAYA barrier and heal are pretty much the same but one just is better depending on nerfs and the meta. I'm surprised they haven't done anything with them yet LUL leona KEKW i mean she heals. shields and camouflages allies, thats quite supportive if you think a bit NaM can someone explain why he wouldn't flash yas in that situation? how can you be so bad at leona/support its so easy dude He wouldn't have gotten him @ThisMightBeJohn HI SNEAKY bawkAYAYA destroyersand subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! HI CHAT @cemantics because of wind wall? Haiz101 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @C9Sneaky are you on an "I see stars" Kick? HI CHATT HI CHATTT tyler1Hey HI CHATTTT this lane is fucking spicy sneakyHey julian Okayga hi julian sneakyHey oh no julian Weirdga fuck i really want to know the name of that song @ThisMightBeJohn The movespeed on melee champions is greater than ranged Pepega @julianbelkin julian FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss @yuyuyuna_ bawkOmega Even without wind all there’s no way he kills Yasuo there Chat loves me :) leona? @thismightbejohn just lack of damage i think Pog ????? Yasuo players Pepega KEKW LUL PogYou Pog wut @Cemantics ty EZ yas KEKW EZ KEKW PogChamp Pog wafflePoint @ForestFairyBilly LULW Pog peepoPog EZ no one loves you :) KEKW @ThisMightBeJohn np man LUL ez double kill champ is BROKEN challenger gameplay FeelsClassyMan why he use barrier? this lane after hitting lvl 6 is gonna be outright impossible tho clearing a wave on early game senna KEKW @ForestFairyBilly i do @commit_isekai bawkLove monkaW sneakySoTroll sneakyC waffleT1 waffleT2 waffleT3 waffleT4 waffleT5 waffleT6 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 28 minutes 42 seconds praise why no cancel @yuyuyuna_ bawkGun PepePls @YuYuYuna_ no sub Weirdga @ryuk0da he wants to stop wasting heal to safe others sneakyC sneakySoTroll save* ReverseAxis subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! hi daddy @Psychologe AYAYAWeird naut LULW ratirlMangoS ? nice @C9Sneaky Did you know that as senna you can attack through windwall? Pog @commit_isekai thx <3 Po Damn that csing Pog senna's sustain with her q is crazy tho, sometimes i wanted to leave but decided to stick around, two minutes later i was full health again Kreygasm Wave clear @YuYuYuna_ peepoBlonket hey sexy e boys bawkGun mangos does anyone know what song this is PepoDance W? KEKW @Tehkie oathComfy KEKW LOL LUL KEKW yasuo??? holy shit ? KEKW YASUO PLAYERS Pepega !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan KEKW what an idiot LULW KEKW wtf is he doing lol LuL D: KEKW D: LUL Yas Pepega 5 Doran's pog D: every yas ever D: gg D: D: TYPICAL PLAY FROM YASUO PLAYERS D: this isnt the 18 death game that i was promised blobDance blobDance yasuo things i guess 19 stacks first back Pog toxic D: pokiW FeelsOkayMan 5 dorans Pog KEKW cocky yasuo players KEKW par for the course for Yasuo's D: gg time for dorans EZ 4/0 that yass got out and came back in and died. Senna can attack through wind wall right? ALL 6 DORANS Pog Pog is that t1 yasuo Ez 2.4k at 5 minutes, gg blobDance @YuYuYuna_ i'll join the non sub club soon too OkayChamp . o O ( SadChamp ) yas power spikes at 10 deaths leona booped him on his snoot 2.4k 5 min MaN A lol Pog Poog Yas Pepega MaN a EZ Pog wtf sneaky MaN KappaPride Pog 4 Kills LOL Pog Pog EZ peepoLeave men? Pog no dorans :( lol maybe we will see the legendary 6 dorans build MaN A Pog Pog EZ THAT AINT DORANS Kreygasm MaN a Perfect buy guys EZ 🔫 pog POGGERS @rudi91 SadChamp woohooo reported for no dorans ??? Dance 5 minute manamune monkaW lol what @C9Sneaky hey what is the reason behind the 4 dorans blade buy and is it still a good thing? Changed title? Not Dorans DansGame KEKW dylan nothing like a 6 min manamune gachiGASM peepoLeave no dorans? \ SadChamp / yay D: D: philip LULW Philip? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 30 minutes 21 seconds manamune before 6 minutes LuL PHILLIP phillip? announcement when PepeHands D: FUCK YOU PHILLIP KEKW D: pepeD phillip 1 back 1 item LUL Dylan D: DYLAN Philip? LUL Philip?? D: peepoLeave PHILLIP LULW pphillip? sneakyD D: Phillip ? philpe LULW Dat Senna lvl 1 powerspike LUL D; philip? Philip? DYLAN LULW He said Dylan you goon LULW philip LUL no 6 doran? WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace FUCK YOU PILLY who's phillip D: Phillip EAT SHIT PHILLIP ONLY THE TIP CHAT ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ KEKW LUL Pepega ??????????? monkaGun KEKW OMG LMAO Phillup dat boody lul FUCKING PHILLIP MAN KEKW Phillip KappaPride Phillip is an asshole too its ok !song rip rando phillip, just got roasted by sneaker man wtf r u smoking sneaky dafuq i just got flamed? wait who is phillip?! because fuck philip phillip too, hes a dong holster Fuck Phillip too sneaky's brain is acting up again FeelsBadMan Philip ma balls ikr sneakyD sneakyD phill up my butt gachiBASS @c9sneaky what is the naming convention on those time call outs in game? type 1 to fuck phillip Fuck Phillip too TBH boomer in early stages of dementia PepeHands my name is Phillip PepeHands Dylan ain’t shit Fuck Philip too There is a trash can named philip out there somewhere @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 1 Kreygasm Change your name to Phillip Dyland thank you selphyOwO sneaky taking his c9 anger out on Vulcan already PepeHands sneaky taking his c9 anger out on Vulcan already PepeHands sneaky taking his c9 anger out on Vulcan already PepeHands sneaky taking his c9 anger out on Vulcan already PepeHands sneaky taking his c9 anger out on Vulcan already PepeHands C9Sneaky feelsbad man pepeD Dylan* monkaW Q goes through wall? pepeJam i see stars ur Q goes through windwall? !song pepeJAM i see stars !song 2? lol 2? LUL KEKW sneaky can see green now? :o 2? PogU Does anyone know this song?? gachiHYPER LUL LMFAO pornhub 2 ? @hotdogss ty for your sacrifice KEKW 2? KEKW h-how monkaMega gachiBASS Pog song? that's impressive LUL LUL LUL KEKW Good ONE LUL LMAOOO KEKW @g3nnaro FeelsOkayMan 👍 @faviahn fuck Dyland too SEASON PASS KEKW they're waiting for the smell-o-vision VR !song Joel get on skype anyone know sone name? is that even possible? I See Stars 😎 nice @C9Sneaky it isnt lol nice non tear stacking they cum out with content every day @HoldMyClock no way i fap to the same porn everyday :) when you have more mana than HP at lv 6 FeelsOkayMan anyone know last song? did you seriously thought id let you go without a prize? hitbox?? song mame? SourPls pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeDance @C9Sneaky does your Q go thru windwall? i see stars something what was last song widepeepoHappy headBang bruh these guys have a family School shooter music monkaS @squadpolitics, it did MOVE YASUO 50 minutes stacked tear KEKW yasuo afk KEKW theyve gotten like 1 cs outta last 3 waves wtf headBang music WeirdChamp this is "I see stars"? OMG so much damage @Giraffe_Factory WeirdChamp wait why is his Q going thru windwall im confused What song is this Wait is this kellin quinn school shooter music ResidentSleeper CPMV MUSIC PogU i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about sneaky. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol. It isyeah @C9Sneaky why does autoing proc manamune since when is yas adc? song name? gachiBASS LULW gachiW KEKW dicked you can aut through windwall gachiW @LuckyPoker_Gaming since ads suck ding dong gachiBASS sneaky? KEKW SNEAKY IN LANE you can shoot trhough windwall with sena KEKW EZ greedy KEWK KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW LULW LULW gachiGASM KEKW thatBruh KEKW omg pepeL KEKW haHAA TehePelo true FeelsOkayMan this guy is pro player? pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW copied dono WeirdChamp senna auto isn a projectivel, you can auto through it Gangbang the music is slightly too loud my man sneaky Nice joke :) KEKW AYAYAWeird greaves LULW sounded like sleeping with sirens lol i thought zerkers did dic on senna just a bit Pooga AYAYAWeird how do you feel kallista is rn in preseason? turn music up Pog that joke was 5Hea @japan_senpai it's too low monkaGun @Matt7197 i thought it blocked everything tho !song 5Head Kalista OhMyDog @C9Sneaky are you retired from the pro scene, or are you gonna try to play on some other team possibly? Who is this kalista washed up this is i see stars - summer died in connersville whats ur attack range !song 3Head @Divinelogs i see stars m8 @SquadPolitics it bloks projectiles. like thresh can autho through it too 625 right now !song @Leroyv2 625 did they remake lucian? @C9Sneaky why manamune over essence? cost? moon2H moon2H moon2H pepeLaugh when got 40 going to be 650 why do the colors in this stream look washed up? I am Dylan, I love Bryan very much. thank you I will try to change! idk song name but its def i see stars gachiBASS gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP Locaste subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! @Paradoxxxx__ damn Last song mame I See Stars - Summer Died in Connersville whats the song called MaN does he have a playlist gank Pog KEKW KEKW CiGrip 420 Pog NotSoEZ Clap lol 420 pog Pog Lee 420 GG LULW 420 gg bot lane yasuo fed 420 ult already back up? SeemsGood 4200000 420 420 all planned 4/2/0 Pog sneaky in lane KEKW camping bot KEKW IN LANE 420 FeelsLitMan ???? pepeD leona is quite brain damaged 420 pepeSmoke Perfect score NotSoEZ Clap sitting on snacky gachiBASS Jg diff griefing song is cypress hill insane in the membrane DO IY FeelsLitMan SHOOT ULT FeelsLitMan FeelsLitMan MadoStab KannaNom Pog ekkoRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R? KEKW ekko ult LULW wtf moon walk JENSEN KEKW KEKW THE MICHAEL JACKSON IS THAT JENSEN EKKO? Ekko Weirdga jensen ekko flashbakcs monkaW R - Ready I guess ekko had no mana for ult @c9sneaky is best wifu oh no no no PepeLaugh Ekko w pepeLaugh not ocean SadChamp W pepeLaugh headBang Last song Wait why zerkers on Senna? ocean is the only good looking map what are the senna souls doing except givin gold JG diff = huge monkaS ? give her stats screaming music in 2019 PepeLaugh where is my free Coke sub not a Coke shill btw stacks passive @ofreaky gives her crit chance and range in league we still can change name for free? k, thx <3 MaN amune wow MaN amune MANA 3Head mana 4HEad ofc 5Head KKona 4HEad !live mana 4head er KEKW !livestream (?) @C9Sneaky Senna is support WeirdChamp Senna is support WeirdChamp i think essence is mana related as well :) !sr !r I see stars SwiftRage blast cone monkaS 3Head dono using mana champions in 2019 LUL @C9Sneaky you dont build zerkers on her cmon sneaky no she isnt @BlessYourSol cmonBruh Weirdga monkaS cmonBruh cmonBruh essence is auto reliant, senna autos are slow wtf Weirdga cmonBruh KEKW thatYikes KEKW yikes KEKW lol monkaW cmonBruh Weirdga WeirdChamp monkaW monkaS monkaS monkaW cmonBruh cmonBruh ??? pass on that shit, idiot WeirdChamp ban cmonBruh WeirdChamp yikes WeirdChamp sneakySpook2 Weirdga 👎 yas Pepega Pepega yikes essence gives back 1.5% of ur missing mana for basic attacks YASSUO KEKW ban? M OMEGALUL E yasuo players KEKW 📜 ✍️ cmonBruh ❓ xDDDDD Pepega froggen god ultimate edgelord donation thatBruh Kill all fucking neo nazis PogU wtf is "kekw"? Mods here TriHard hide the memes KEKW Pog ! awkward sneakyWut forsenE @amadores123 KEKW wtf is a 'kekw' KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh @amadores123 get better ttv extention pepeJAM I can answer the manmune question if the donor @s me "memes" lol Pepega Jensen's ekko Pog Kappa TriHard yo flush that shit cuh, its the pigs what's a kekw KEKW hmm.. why masamune PepoThink pepeLaugh TeaTime monkaW Sneaky can you show your sexy buttock @SnipingHobo stuntSHOCK tfbCoffee changed title ha, when are you changing teams? itkCREEP itkCREEP itkCREEP wait her q damages turrets? TriKool TeaTime e? manamune-kun no revenge AYAYA PogU holy team Pog AYAYAWeird TeaTime that region is really weird, sometimes entire minion waves can bug out and move in random directions under tower there @Sikenzu_ for attack speed 4Head D: headBang TeaTime EZ rekt headBang sniper gang EZ Clap haHAA mommy haHAA he said something negative or bad haHAA D: haHAA i must spam D: in twitch chat because it offends me haHAA D: haHAA POG GANGBANG Missed double souls KEKW nice music there :) floccuHehe EZ TeaTime souls could persist few seconds longer imo @gimmepizzza333333 haHAA @gimmepizzza333333 WeirdChamp @gimmepizzza333333 where's your other account haHAA senna can q turrets ??? @gimmepizzza333333 D: lunatickzero subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! @gimmepizzza333333 WeirdChamp @gimmepizzza333333 imagine taking the time to actually type that out thatLOL loser just like hitler KEKW senna can even q inhibs and wards yes it hits on turrets PERMA GIMMIEPIEZZA PagChomp PERMA GIMMIEPIEZZA PagChomp PERMA GIMMIEPIEZZA PagChomp PERMA GIMMIEPIEZZA PagChomp PERMA GIMMIEPIEZZA PagChomp This guy really been spamming this D: copypasta all year TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Yo sneaky PauseChamp ONLY COME HERE TO TYPE TriHard @fragiletoaster your so late lol do you even play league senna can hit more than one ward with q pepeJAM TriHard crit right now ? pepeJAM mr turret PepeHands cmonBruh TriHard 7 mura MaN a TriHard 7 @c9sneaky stormrazor is so good on senna Sneak's chat is the best chat to spread your copypastas. I love the feeling of that succulent wall of text skyrocketing through chat at the speed of sound. The sheer knowledge that at least one other person will notice your masterpiece, highlight it, and copypasta. This is my safe place. This is where I will plant my pastas to grow up to be big pasta trees TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 Videosettings? the common hours LULW !song TriHard 7 @C9Sneaky you dont build zerkers on this champ my man WideHard 7 Type TriHard 7 or youre racist CS LUL TriHard 7 !playlist Doot doot cmonBruh Sneak's chat is the best chat to spread your copypastas. I love the feeling of that succulent wall of text skyrocketing through chat at the speed of sound. The sheer knowledge that at least one other person will notice your masterpiece, highlight it, and copypasta. This is my safe place. This is where I will plant my pastas to grow up to be big pasta trees YOOOO TriHard 7 Trihard 7 TriHard 7 TriKool FUCK Niagara Falls TriHard Weirdga cmonBruh joocy TriHard Clap DabNFlowWifey subscribed with Twitch Prime. @C9Sneaky play senna jgl cmonBruh el viejo I see stars HYPERBRUH @Wewur she has really bad atk speed scaling if you go rapid fire and storm then the slow and dmg is pog MODS HE IS IMPLYING IT HYPERBRUH !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 41 minutes 25 seconds Sneak's chat is the best chat to spread your copypastas. I love the feeling of that succulent wall of text skyrocketing through chat at the speed of sound. The sheer knowledge that at least one other person will notice your masterpiece, highlight it, and copypasta. This is my safe place. This is where I will plant my pastas to grow up to be big pasta trees i wish senna's auto delay would scale with attack speed @c9sneaky juicy like dem buns I summon the Hydra \[T]/ @DIERSKIE yea and thats why i said you dont build zerkers on that champ HandsUp you took so much time skrt HandsUp @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KKona lucian hitting senna HotPokket gachiHYPER HandsUp handsUp summonin gachiHYPER senna adc??? isnt senna a support? skereeee3 @Wewur she's already broken enough as she is FeelsWeirdMan modo diablo gachiHYPER HandsUp i saw it @C9Sneaky how many souls is good for this tiem KKona really have difference in a monitor 144 to 60 hrz? Why is he listening to this music lately lol she can ADc too but i feel like she kinda hard pepeD HandsUp peepoArrive nyacchPls nyacchPls nyacchPls song? HandsUp i saw it @fragiletoaster HandsUp gachiHYPER why not play senna with a support who you can funnel gold to? Throwback song peepoPog HndsUp When is good to go for dragon COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive COCKS peepoArrive @TimeTraveI_O modo demoledor !song KEKW LUL LUL OMEGALUL Pog OSFrog looool EZ OH POG LULW holy sht PepeLaugh Pog Pog monkaW LUCIAN LULW OSFrog KEKW xd Balanced domestic violence bye Pog LULW KEKW husband D: Balanced OSFrog busted WTF KEKW LOL DIVORCED Pog WTF BALANCED KEKW KEKW BYEBYE support BTW KEKW tfw kill husband thatLOL thatLOL RIP Husbando nice damage KEKW DIVORCED DIVORCED KEKW LUL LUL Losecian KEKW @ItsJustValk sfhCOME hiiros1Hug vrfunnCUTE D: Husband @chrchr2201 you are welcome for my service a dark harvest peepoPog @Wewur oh my b he doesnt have a job DIVORCE KEKW it be your own girl PepeHands KEKW divorce inc song? anybody know it BETA LUCIAN OMEGALUL Clap @decodeproxy she is not broken though. and you can always balance numbers out.. like she would start the game with higher auto delay Lucian just got pegged by his wife !song D: domestic violence missed the cannon D: D: this is the state of ADC D: D: D: D: D: @YuYuYuna_ nyacchHi D: d: D: D: D: haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap divorced divorce Weirdga D: D: D: D: D: D: cmonBruh D: D: sneakyD D: D: LUCIAN D: D: D: D: D: D: wow I got a sub gifted to me :O sup gamers sneakyHey D: BABY D: divorce @vaklovsky you mean state of senna haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap haHAA CHAT zemeckis01 subscribed with Twitch Prime. D: D: sneakyD D: NO cmonBruh ? " cirD " BAD WORD! :( PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro @gimmepizzza333333 D: gimmepizzza333333 OUT WeirdChamp shoulda got a prenup WeirdChamp widepeepoSad WHY LUCIAN cmonBruh @SnipingHobo wtf BURST Kreygasm D: cmonBruh we good Sneaky? @gimmepizzza333333 D: haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap haHAA CHAT @gimmepizzza333333 im offended D: I See Stars – Comfortably Confused @getowned192 @japan_senpai haHAA sneaky made a joke about lucian and senna haHAA it made me gasp!!! D: haHAA cirOwO @gimmepizzza333333 , awetosPrisonMike awetosPrisonMike awetosPrisonMike awetosPrisonMike @gimmepizzza333333 WeirdChamp That's what Hurricane is for imagine being mad chat having fun WeirdChamp D: KEKW D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: YOINK KEKW D: D: D: D: D: D: D: sneakyD KEKW @gimmepizzza333333 I'm offended D: D: D: WTF boxD runaans bolts each reduce q cd D: waht a sloot D: D: D: could work with big wave D: haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap haHAA CHAT @C9Sneaky RossBoomsocks did a video about minimum cooldown Senna sneaky said the word "slut", this is a mean word and should not be used in chat D: haHAA GASP!! gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird im annoyed by the amount of slur D: @yuyuyuna_ AYAYA gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird 󠀀 @00Average00 WeirdChamp haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap haHAA CHAT gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird ???? imagine if you had ult TriHard / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 KEKW MaN @TheRealMC3 waffleAYAYA LEE ??? KEKW gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird 󠀀 Lee Pog what a fight LUL gg the lee tho destroy MaN MaN KEKW MaN Pog Lee that Leona killed sneaky :D wow he still had his ult :o ryze KEKW NA talent trunoomPog lol the flash onto you useless without fat frontline NotSoEZ Clap 👉 NotSoEZ HYPERCLAP this is supposed to be a family friendly stream echo got you killled people who type D: still think poggers is funny I think this game is a gonner 5Head xD TriHard / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑️ chat , sneaky is just joking, stop being so fragile.... haHAA pepeJAM sneakyD POGGERS D: @C9Sneaky get edge of night gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird @yuyuyuna_ where is sub sneakyD gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird 󠀀 sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun gimmepizzza333333, BEGONE HOE 4Weird D: ONLY THE TIP CHAT ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ EZ 🔫 JENSEN sneakyLUL sneakyLUL sneakyLUL TriHard / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑️ rank 3 pog gimmepizzza333333 this has to be a bot right? TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 KEKW is the new POGGERS i got a gift c: im offended by your haHAA D: @gimmepizzza333333 2019 account WeirdChamp D: guys he said a cringe word D: better use D: the cringe emote haHAA to show I get offended by D: bad cringe D: amirite? D: @TheRealMC3 SadChamp selphySad @RamonRodriguezIV no does attack speed work on senna? @yuyuyuna_ widepeepoSad chat wars pepeLaugh haHAA TriHard / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑️ parrot22 i see account spamming that exact same message across multiple streamers chats D: D: Clap chat wars PepeLaugh 21:44 KEKW i'm a snowflake everything offends me D: LUL D: D: Clap D: Clap D: Clap TheRealMC3 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YuYuYuna_! They have given 7 Gift Subs in the channel! SNOWFLAKE cirD @RamonRodriguezIV he did it in t1 chat for past yr but appears that acc got banned, this is his new one widepeepoHappy IGsneaky. Confirmed 8=D D: fuck! cirD i like the music :) PrideBalloons @cenimax Pog hes 45% crit right chat nani selphyOwO TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 if sneaky uses words with a negative connotation, it make me gasp!!! D: haHAA JENSEN KEKW the q rlly reminds me of lucian @PikaBunnii :) ,e too @gimmepizzza333333 grigne is really inting this one parrot22 yeah i know but it wouldnt be hard to write a bot that creates new accounts and spams that message is your team trying to lose lmao IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp wtf why did his ult do zero damage? @TheRealMC3 Thanks a ton for the sub! oathLove Leona KEKW EKKO has disabled his r KEKW lucian KEKW haHAA IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp 󠀀 @YuYuYuna_ :) haHAA IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp @RamonRodriguezIV yea but look what hes typing, hes specify specific things sneaky says @austinsguitar it reminds me of being a teenager lol good times @austinsguitar sfhSMILE haHAA @RamonRodriguezIV specificly gg Dragon Race the Moba @jseiz_, D: I said, whoever threw that haHAA Yo mamas a hoe! one MaN spam WeirdChamp sneakyLUL sneakyLUL sneakyLUL sneakyLUL Enemy team has a dragon soul monkaW @yuyuyuna_ np widepeepoHappy gosuHeart he's the only one spamming that KEKW haHAA never gift me again trunoomHi @PikaBunnii same that eas years ago 0 dragons yikes chat so mature tonight haHAA :) parrot22 yeah ur right nvm old school I see stars. I remember those days 200 shield monkaS very @TheRealMC3 that 3 year badge tho selphyGasm IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp 󠀀 Mountain soul prob the worst oof Chat WeirdChamp Pepega ??? lol pepeLaugh ????? KEKW YAS LULW KEKW KEKW yas KEKW Yasuo Pepega KEKW LULW BabyRage Twitch chat isnt mature BabyRage my chat experience BabyRage RunningGriffin subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 6 months pog lol KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW oh yas is fuming pepeLaugh LUL lol yas??? separatemouse you haHAA I pepeLaugh KEKW NotSoEZ Yas with mountain shield and passive ?XD Lol My team Yasuo KEKW OptimizePrime @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Yasuo is actually braindead HandsUp gachiHYPER YES! 2x oof pepeLaugh average yasuo player @yuyuyuna_ sneakyGasm trying to get that sexy pizza girl 4 year @JSeiz_ The hypocrisy of spamming the thing you are calling people an a hole for. gachiBASS NotSoEZ Is that M OMEGALUL E LULW Clap 8============D gachiBASS sourPls this song gachiHYPER SourPls this song I hate this music that was so risky Prob with senna in a team fight if both adcs get to free hit sennas team usually loses killed her husband D: Pog Pog Pog yoink Pog Pog PagChomp Clap peepoPog Pog @TheRealMC3 gachiHYPER mmmmm yeah PogU Snacky Pog Pog Pog irhanley, YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY SPAM KEKW Pog SNEAKERS die husband itkCREEP IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp Pog pog POGGERS ks KEKW so the trick is to wait until they are 1hp then ks No pagchomp users PepeHands @boxislovee pleb 4Weird @Pakidermo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] POg Pog Average gamer no support items and heal for 200 HandsUp pog gachiBASS @ZULUL_KING PagChomp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp alcove plays Pog haHAA everyman322 yeah thats typically how executes work ALCOVE GAMING lee kicking him in for the assist @Nitesearcher PagChomp Clap fasdh HandsUp ~ ~ C===8 band name anyone? wait Senna ult is two minutes? dang ObiJuanK3nob1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months! seems like just yesterday you had become my dad. 32 months later and im still in your dungeon Pog @ZULUL_KING PagChomp HYPERCLAP @JSeiz_ That is a negative ghost rider. Just letting you kow that your spam for calling others out for an emote you are spamming is kinda dumb. I See Stars team?? busted "support" bouta be busted "adc" whats next @hotdogss just bough pokemon, prob spend money on food for now Okayga @RamonRodriguezIV Is it an execute if it only ever does 100 damage? chat is senna the first champ that telegraphs when her cc is going to go off? i feel like the time before her root goes off is op because it gives her team more time to react TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 kek @boxislovee Okayga 👍 it'll be worth album called 3D PagChomp guys!!! he killed baron!!! call peta!!! gasp!! D: haHAA PauseChamp Did anyone clip the part where Senna divorced(killed) Lucian PauseChamp gachiW Grab THESE pepeD HE SAID THE THING PauseChamp yas thew harder than ryze in senna should i build manaumane or dusk first sell dorans WeirdChamp everyman322 if it does more the lower they are yes PauseChamp HE SAID IT @C9Sneaky edge of night calling a streamer your dad haHAA winnable PogU TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 @addcheesepls peepoArrive @GreenCervidae zoe @c9sneaky if you e ghostblade it speeds allies with the ghostblade as well Why not sell doran's? runaans sell dolan's, get BF? runaans lethality PEN? @im_Terms oh true ty @hotdogss OkayChamp chessuu oathSmile Sell IE for Dorans??? Double IE! runaans Pepega Why is muramana good on Senna? rfc MattyMoo subscribed with Twitch Prime. do not @ me GA? @seemslegit25 twitch chat really make me haHAA Clap irhanley, STILL @ING ME KEKW @hotdogss Okayga As @YuYuYuna_ FeelsPumpkinMan you need more dorans stupid ass chat AYAYAWeird @ItsJustValk @itsjustvalk TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 @TheRealMC3 Okayga @hotdogss SillyChamp @RamonRodriguezIV you can kill with an auto if they are that low, so "execute" is irrelevant omg that tristana skin is cool FeelsPumpkinMan @RisingParadigm more qs !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 50 minutes 50 seconds @ItsJustValk pokiYA song? 6 dorans TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 @xRaining PauseChamp everyman322 not if youre out of range @C9Sneaky essence reaver or ghostblade, or defensive TriHard we thoomin? what does it mean when you are unselectable WideHard monkaS chat , what do yall think best skin is for Jhin? get hurricane to lower your q CD bank account balance? Sneaky I have been wanting to ask you this, will you please change my title TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑️ I vote essence reaver. CC for days jesus TriKool / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑 @blipblop123678 why not essence reaver then? :| gg @JSeiz_ Well, you stopped doing it, so that usually means you know I am right. KEKW i like dark cosmic jin skin @Leroyv2 They can't point and click CC you, for example IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp lee inting IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp 󠀀 4Head / 🏀 TRUE BALLER TEST only the real player dunks this 🗑️ You could also shave your eyebrows off and change your name to Aladdin, but this is the real world. We don't sell Dorans Pog IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp gg I guess balanced KEKW mountain soul KEKW snacky PogChamp that's a dub haHAA remember when ezreal healed with W.......... gachiHYPER !rank @nitesearcher, ok thx @GreenCervidae @TheRealMC3 @addcheesepls cirISee C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 570 LP @jrosstehboss ty, i like that one too kekw IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp 󠀀 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 51 minutes 41 seconds PagChomp Who is this god adc? KEKW EZ the only game ive seen get soul and lose @JSeiz_ 1 man spam haHAA @Leroyv2 Like Naut R, for example. NP wat @danielfrombrazil3 HandsUp haHAA @itsjustvalk SillyChamp KEKW losing with dragon soul KEKW evanseven, IF PogChamp YOU PogChamp USE PogChamp "haHAA" PogChamp YOU PogChamp ARE PogChamp A PogChamp HOE PogChamp froggen LULW sneakyH TriHard 7 the bigger the haa the bigger the hoe TriHard 7 @randytheram1 <3 ryze is such a stupid champ WeirdChamp does the stream have delay? leona? watttt @danielfrombrazil3 HandsUp wait do zerks actually help? KEKW go team woo EZ HYPERCLAP @RisingParadigm muramana gives your mana and mana regen, with essence reaver you have to auto and her autos have a long animation compared with other champs ryze is so busted holy crap KEKW @JSeiz_ THen by pointing out that you stopped doing it usually gets the response of the continued spam. How does it feel being my little bitch? haHAA Izi TriHard 7 TriHard Clap EZ Clap PogChamp EZ GG EZ EZ Clap is senna good or not? I cant tell EZ Clap EZ Clap gg ez @RamonRodriguezIV if you're out of range, how'd you get them that low anyway. usually someone else did, hence my comment about ks'ing EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ 🔫 POGGERS sneakyEZ Clap how did they throw that game? they got all 4 drakes and still lost cirD wait sneaky do zerks actually help? Senna is balanced btw hi from canada dad @c9sneaky sneakyEZ sneakyEZ Pretty fukin clean tbh i think you guys had the better champs KEKW EZ Sennas healing is balanced never 4giveup who needs drags anyway mountain soul didnt seem to do much Streaky_Shots yasuo Great game sneakers @C9Sneaky what did you think of the Senna build you just used? @irhanley stfu lol that Yasuo flash is gg for sure LUL Employed gameplay bowl break SeemsGood GG dragons useless support sneaky KEKW Go to IG sneaky they removed ezreal healing for this same reason lol a regular heal but im sittin on capital heal @C9Sneaky When will you be joining TSM? wurf !followage zuproc everyman322 because youre team mihgt not have the damage or time to finish them off cause mountain is trash Zuproc has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 8 months the leona was OhMyDog They need AD @C9Sneaky W OMEGALUL W senna sure is cool, thanks riot @RisingParadigm its really just preference well...Baron still beats everything thats called balanced XD impossible 5/9 yasuo KEKW not possible band pls that's what it does reed the tooltip FailFish froggen PogChamp @c9sneaky your a fan of I See Stars? Hell yeah! must mean its terrible @C9Sneaky Are you on a "I see stars" kick? mountain sould trash confirmed Kapp everyman322 and youre not in range to auto mountain>game HONOR Pog means im gay means sneaky senna OP\ mountain soul is the worst one imo !time December 1st 2019, 10:38:50 pm PST GMT-08:00 Senna op boxREE mountain sould is especially good on tanks Mountain can be crazy good on sups and tanks You like Senna? irhanley, imagine giving a fuck about someone spamming in chat dude your life must be sad widepeepoSad baron is still king Pog as if ryze gives a shit about mountain soul KEKW DH is so good on senna damage healed? @JSeiz_ I don't. enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky do u also listen to sleeping with sirens? Why move speed rune ? @C9Sneaky POGGERS @JSeiz_ Just having fun with a spammer. haHAA irhanley, KEKW Mountains have no souls? maybe that's the lesson song requests ? JSeiz_ hypocrite much? pepeLaugh irhanley, MY MAN PogChamp @C9Sneaky Are you on an "I see stars" kick? you are always listening to them recently. enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK @C9Sneaky 2 @C9Sneaky it works on base stats too lol full head of hairman @JSeiz_ You son of a bitch, I'm In! is that a tsm logo on your tshirt? PepegaHands so apparently mountains have about the same damage reduction for squishies and tanks because of the diminishing returns you get for defensive stats guys, im starting to play ADC and i think i'm gonna 1 trick jhin, but is Lucian a good backup to also practice? geth_vi, he pinging me KEKW @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @C9Sneaky dont u need cdr !song HandsUp maybe cdr boots tfbINNOCENT gachiHYPER swiftys? @C9Sneaky Hej Sneaky! Can u give Kindred a Try? After she got her Healing back, she is super strong imo... IE into Hurrican with Conq! yes please show how does stormrazor feel on lucian mountain is to deny you the armor/mr percent I miss the old Drakes, all they had to do was buff ocean and cloud FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky it keeps you from standing still more often when attacking JSeiz_ shhhh pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky swiftness boots are better @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? If senna scales well enough to be viable as adc with her scaling, she's overtuned. It will be obvious when ppl figure out to funnel gold into carry supports with her as adc !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @oporcoespinho -> The bot commands for this channel are available at geth_vi, pepeLaugh her attack speed increase is ballllls get swifties @C9Sneaky Attack speed reduce her Auto attack animation time @decodeproxy true SadChamp enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK enable sadKEK @C9Sneaky Would you not benefit more from ionian boots? for the cdr? !song senna seems cool i usally tabis senna vs galio bot PogChamp cleanse smite Pog Ah, the classic smite / cleanse Galio matchup @C9Sneaky but u cant go alacrity lol, bloodline is too op for senna, u dont build lifesteal and u heal from this 50+ Get a lot of as 0.2 scaling 4Head Poogers !followage go no boots and use e for boots e z LMAO KEKW Pog fragiletoaster has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 week, 5 days hola Snaki waste of gold KEKW senna basically doesn't scale off items except cdr ' Show player movement settings pls sneaky gonna lose this 1v1 swifties counteract the delayed auto animation USELESS its because her animation is so sluggish yooooooo KEKW i mean, more autos = more q's right? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 56 minutes 13 seconds Go rfc JUST COPY THE KOREANS KEKW JUST COPY THE KOREANS KEKW JUST COPY THE KOREANS KEKW fox news LUL Atleast you can move more often PepegaPls sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut Why do you use move speed on senna @C9Sneaky what about cdr boots? D: Sharktooth6537 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! I know youre thinking about those B. E. A. N. S. sir. Here's a song. HITMAN 2 Pog KEKW LUL WideHard YOINK monkaW KEKW FUCK NA HEALTHCARE PogU @C9Sneaky but u cant go alacrity lol, bloodline is too op for senna, u dont build lifesteal and u heal from this 50+ peepoWTF Thats actually messed up KEKW seems good KEKW NA KEKW TriHard Clap 3 kidneys pog time to drink KEKW hey sneakers send nudes pls 3 kidneys Pog extra pee Pog @C9Sneaky hey are u still with your gj? Only two more to go. 5head Hey sneaky can you consider enabling sadKEK, would be appreciate :) TriHard My Kidney Now someone take this sinus cold out my face plz i gave you the kidney :) @C9Sneaky gachiBASS uwu @C9Sneaky are you still with your gf? BEANS OwO Maximum efficiency with another kidney you could afford to have a 2nd butthole TriHard Back Market shiiiiiiiiiiiiiet gachiBEANS Why so low viewer count? gg i was the kidney Sneaky is his own gf @C9Sneaky are Jhin and Lucian 2 good ADCs to learn for a newer adc? what do you think about aphelion? you can sell your extra kidney and make lots of cash :) gachiHYPER that’s actually how they do it, they leave the bad kidney inside lol peepoArrive did it work @C9Sneaky hi :) on sneaky time? Did you guys play ff14 all night ? PogU @C9Sneaky read the name in the article sneaky LUL Kidney beans @C9Sneaky break up with your gf, im bored WutFace oh that is why we can't hear her screaming all the time :) so it didn't work? !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! @Sword543 I did, I just finished stormblood :) pee in my mouth yandGasm hella kidneys reset schedule to wake up at 12am xd XD @ScottieDog @KaisNipples im about to finish heavensward Pog peepoLeave 🚪 🚽 How is waking up at midnight fixing your sleeping schedule? jammin out pepeLaugh :qt qtpPOO Pog what is sneaky listening to? CAN ANYONE TELL ME IF JHIN AND LUCIAN ARE GOOD ADCS TO PLAY FOR A BEGINNER ADC? pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh ❓ sneakyYeehaw PepeLaugh Kreygasm PepeLaugh i just got a shiny sneakyGasm @Viperzlol sneakyHey awetosDeadInside TPFufun the band is I see stars gmdBiobait @theduckwhocucks sneakyHey ok wrong one FeelsBadMan hi nyacchShy @RandyTheRam1 Play Veigar and win he win that game chat? Good morning from Germany @C9Sneaky hi chat :) sneakyHey 69 rp 7u7 :) RandyTheRam1 go ashe or mf she stayed up, but is asleep right now? so she didnt stay up... @Sword543 14 is so fun I can't get over it :) @RandyTheRam1 honestly ashe is like your best bet for begininer adc but evey champ is good beginer champs you just gotta learn how they all play @RandyTheRam1 jhin has some skill shors, i would try lucian and maybe tristana hachuDisgust @theduckwhocucks DuckerZ 7 sleeping your fix Pepega Sleeping your fix schedule :) monkaW dead gaaaaaaaaa :) DansGame sneaky lets play!! lets see if my bronze ass can keep up with the big dawgs lol Isnt that your schedule now tho? @smolclaire sneakyHey sup maybe she keep waking up later and later until its morning normal When do you wake up? @C9Sneaky gachiBASS WHO gachiBASS IS gachiBASS READY gachiBASS FOR gachiBASS COCK gachiBASS DuckerZ 7 @TheRealMC3 shes going backwards then @C9Sneaky accept your friend requests 😡 sneakyHey @TheRealMC3 heyooo 1 year badge the key to fixing a sleep schedule is eating a huge breakfast when u wake up so u fall right back asleep bnanaP1 bnanaP2 Any CEOs? ratirlBusiness bnanaP3 bnanaP4 triPantsu triPantsu triPantsu bnanaP3 bnanaP4 banana subs hi snacky sneakyHey @theduckwhocucks IM tfbINNOCENT BlackRoseFury subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! love you sneks triLewd triLewd triLewd triLewd triLewd triLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd @C9Sneaky do you play WoW? @danielfrombrazil3 monkaHmm @c9sneaky should I resume on my last save for my persona 5 or restart the game? 0laying on new game plus btw @C9Sneaky what band are you listening to? monkaHmm your chat history says otherwise boxLewd @C9Sneaky what do you think about using gunblade on senna you didn't wash your hands znoky cirGasm triGasm triGasm triGasm triGasm chat history monkaW @DIERSKIE LUL so you mix all the wake up chemicals with go to sleep chemicals. great idea bro nyacchBless @sasukemisaki Don't play Persona 5 is the right play I See Stars @strawberrybells Type 1 to erase your chat history forever hitman now pvmanA 1 monkaS rip daniel cirOwO @theduckwhocucks can you see ppls chat history? 1 2 persona ResidentSleeper 2 SCrusader subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! duo aphro? -1 BigBrother HITMAN Pog monkaGun @Omnistone_ IM tfbINNOCENT SIR hitman is so boring ResidentSleeper hit MaN Hitmans PogU 5 hour tutorial for persona KEKW FUNgineer @RoboticUnicorn ty <3 BigBrother Clap HITMAN i never played hitman @C9Sneaky Twas the night before Halo on PCC HITMAN FUNgineer SidewalkClimber subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! woohoo! regi and blaber peformed the kidney transplat btw, look at the article LUL When do u usually wake up? that soundcloud doesn't even work what a failure KEKW @rudi91 cmonBruh this hair colour really fits you, but I miss the blond hair too idk what to pledge qtpBLUSH qtpBLUSH qtpBLUSH qtpBLUSH Sneaky playing Hit MaN ... oh no no no pepeLaugh 6 months ago 2018 HandsUp @mak1roli playing persona 5 is a right thing FUNgineer 47 @fragiletoaster you posted a hydra on 11/4 at 10:06pm Hey snakers bnanaP1 bnanaP2 12 years ago @boostedmuffin @TiPera @Geth_VI thank you all for responding! i'm just really new to ADC and have been a casual support in the past. appreciate your input lol KEKW batman? Kappa @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @addcheesepls @TheRealMC3 @SnipingHobo @rudi91 ONLY A TIP ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ LULW damn kids @c9sneaky did you buy your own apartment like doubleplug? HandsUp l0l KKona Start her up gachiHYPER @theduckwhocucks i was gonna say dont look at mine LUL @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] FeelsClassyMan @fragiletoaster it's.... a lot of dicks lmfao like impact rent LULW @RandyTheRam1 np dude, at the end of the day just play wtv u like tbh, have some fun and u will eventually learn the champ rich boy Impact has his own building @C9Sneaky you cuck] well you are a billionaire FeelsClassyMan @C9Sneaky go full monopoly and buy hotels @RandyTheRam1 yea np its like any role play who you think looks fun and just practice @C9Sneaky how many brothels do you own in LA? read the Ts and Cs go live in impact tower under his bed Kreygasm ofc not lol Use my dick <3 controller for a fps DansGame sneaky what would you be doing if not pro league or streaming? @theduckwhocucks shhhhh no one needs to know.... HIT MaN HITMAN Pog have you heard of the high elves? Didn't read D: pepeLaugh D: oathDab LULW We are both cucks @C9Sneaky PepeHands Take that chatter oathDab @theduckwhocucks how many timeouts do I have PepoThink impact has his own building and sneaky doesn't even have a job PepeHands are you going to bootcamp in impact's new building? @hotdogss you maxed out the coutner @C9Sneaky thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? @C9Sneaky using a controller is like masturbating with thumbs, it is possible, but there are better ways you scream? PepeHands @hotdogss 42069 PepeHands SadChamp @theduckwhocucks how many timeouts do I have PepeHands FeelsBadMan chat sucks hairy balls peepoPog @theduckwhocucks s-s-sir ... im innocent tfbINNOCENT tfbYOINK PepegaHands PepeHands @theduckwhocucks how many timesout do i have? :) SadChamp how far we've fallen @c9sneaky if you were to retire from pro play would you stay in California? @C9Sneaky is doing good, I remember back in teh day this man was sleeping in a fucking closet thoughts on the pre season? what adcs would u recommend to get some MMR during pre season? dont boolie sneaky chat Work for impact POG PEPI ??? PepeHands pphands PepeHands PepeHands TOO FAR yes yes no :) I haven't Hitman was originally a console game, wasn't it? no last hitman i played was blood money still my favorite me :) shooter with a controller? WeirdChamp how else are you going to play it ?? no I play with tilt controls :) no :) idk how people aim with a controller Can Sneaky talk about his situation? SillyChamp @SeliaRavenloft no it was for pc too uhh not this one, the one for the original xbox i did tho sfhSMILE Is that an IG shirt? Replacing jackeylove? Hitman is good with either controller or mouse uh huh WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky are you going to be doing any RDR2 tonight? aiming with your thumb WeirdChamp Yo sneaky ill buy you for my clash team if you looking for a job doesnt pay like youre used to but its $10 in your pocket PepegaAim In queue? PepegaAim PepegaAim @Geth_VI high aim means nothing in this True LULW PepegaAim PepegaAim !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 4 minutes 5 seconds Is sneakybdone with league for the night or is he in que naisu PepegaAim @justchill @omni you have 4 timeouts, all done by nightbot on spam messages. 3 on oct 30, 1 on nov 14 IG sneaky Kreygasm PepegaAim i play league with a controller.Pepega @C9Sneaky what controller do you have? :) KEKW SpaghettiSoup but camera movements, not aim CoolStoryBob pretty sure u can beat every hitman game without ever shooting monkaS hitman what ah shit I have to rewatch yesterday’s stream to know where snacky left off in rdr2 forsenE PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls @C9Sneaky Have you considered playing Outer Worlds? peepoArrive @julianbelkin @hotdogss our logs stop counting at 99 timeouts :) @theduckwhocucks @Nightbot DansGame sneakyEZ EZ FeelsClassyMan PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob PixelBob big words 5Head monkaS Yeah, how many brothels do you own in the LA area? Also, which ones do you manage and which ones do you work at, servicing gentlemen? @c9sneaky does Lynn raid in ff this is def an anime storyline @theduckwhocucks nice EZ Clap wow i haven't absorbed a single word that the narrator is saying to me widePeepoHappy @Geth_VI analogs should not affect camera placements lol peepoArrive @GREYG0D he already played it monkaSHAKE is this a prequel to the hitman saga or after the most recent hitman? widepeepoHappy no game change on twitch? still playing league after? shadow clan? like tmnt ResidentSleeper Yeah, how many brothels do you own in the LA area? Also, which ones do you manage and which ones do you work at, servicing gentlemen? @greyg0d he is almost done with the game TheIlluminati we already know 47 origins from hitman 2 the original what is this 47 has a friend??? monkaW monkaSHAKE @fragiletoaster Ah damn must have miussed it. Justs tarted playing it tons of fun forsenKek he doesnt know everything monkaMega Pog PepeLaugh monkaW monkaW @C9Sneaky are you in queue? daphCozy TeaTime friends DansGame Whose Joe monkaW monkaMega 47 is a number i don't get it monkaS peepoArrive DuckerZ peepoArrive osananajimi AYAYA PokCroagunk @theduckwhocucks he is FAKE NEWS SpaghettiSoup feedback on sticks tho, w/er floats your boat WeirdChamp CYBERBOOLI_xD lynComfy kk Pog snacky my love who the FUCK is this bald man monkaGun this shit looks dank i wanna get it now @GREYG0D it was really fun. reminded me of fallout Boolii peepoArrive oathLove hiiros1Hug Bald LUL Setting Pog @SpaceAidz HI space looking comfy nyannHi nyannComfy @C9Sneaky do u have to buy all the missions like the last hitman? astrosteel8 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Snacky r u gonna be on a team or nah? is he in que? :) borderless ahh only waiting for queue BALD monkaS klauKiss @YuYuYuna_ sneaky has anyone ever told you that you are a irl pog @justchill No :) MaN MaldChamp HIT MaN Did you play Star Wars? HITMAN STREAM Pog DEATH STRANDING Pog MaldChamp guys is he in queue Pepega nani selphyOwO sfhBLUSH rush b KKomrade FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer FUNgineer MaldChamp 🔫 @astrosteel8 ignored Pog @justchill yea ResidentSleeper Is that TI EleGiggle reynad NG+ DEATH STRANDING Pog PauseChamp MaN 🔫 MaldChamp EleGiggle ? Malding LUL PauseChamp @Geth_VI feedback is the same, camera change doesn't require high precision as aiming would gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER BACON AND EGGS @C9Sneaky cbt Kreygasm Some closed beta testing? CBT gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiW !followage !followage is Rush b on stream Rush? it said hes playing dota 2 @C9Sneaky Peaakz has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 1 week windowed mode? DansGame windowed mode? DansGame windowed mode? DansGame windowed mode? DansGame sneakyGrip you could use a beanie XQC? CBT? TNT? DND? DBD? Is he in q 4Head NO CBT DansGame no weebs again FeelsGoodMan Clap @Sadiii_ Yea Kapp monkaGUN hitman windowed mode??? guys is he in q? A BLT? Kreygasm EZ @SShermy AYAYA !followage IM ALWAYS DOWN FOR BACON AND EGGS TeemoPewPew has been following C9Sneaky for 6 years, 4 months, 1 week, 5 days @KellyZOM rooVV @C9Sneaky duo aphro, he's in queue !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 7 minutes 18 seconds waduPeek what game is this?????? @trkkdb zubLOVE @Peaakz change name mate i always confuse yours to Perkz NotLikeThis TriHard yoink that shit LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW Hello PepegaAim LULW FPS KEKW PepegaAim get a better pc I am me :P Been here for years lol 4House ? @C9Sneaky are you in que? :) !followage Can we not borderless @c9sneaky alloxpt has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 months, 1 week, 5 days yeah they wont notice Kapp PepegaAim playing in windowed mode DansGame MaN SpaghettiSoup see how unsmooth controller aim is? or vision KEKW MODS it's the man, the myth, the legend, shneaky Sneaky je t'aime mon bro fuggit, doors unlocked, just waltz right in POGGERS @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @addcheesepls @TheRealMC3 @ForestFairyBilly @Tekn0Afr0 @rudi91 ONLY A TIP ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ @justchill yes he is Okayga @C9Sneaky didnt you play it last year alkready? no scope Pog !followage you guys can see the q time right there lads @C9Sneaky im selling a pc with a 2080 1tb water cooled if ur interested @Geth_VI he's not using a controller gachiHYPER FeelsOkayMan Don't forget the SEX camera gachiHYPER Okayga its legit on screen 11 mins imagine snacky being a hitman when im home alone i definitely never notice my expensive cameras FUCKING EXPLODING ASS thetics gachiHYPER ASSthetics @never_subbed_ Perkz is nothing but a copy-cat of the OG right here buddy. Talk to that fool instead "gachi" AYAYAWeird @Dinonauts 4Head pretty nice ass indeed gachiBASS i don't understand what's happening and at this point i'm too afraid to ask @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] ASSthetics gachiGASM ASSTHETIC Kreygasm monkaS im in the house :) im in :) @ItsJustValk peepoLeave WutFace monkaS spider WutFace @C9Sneaky why cant we post asci dicks anymore PepeHands KEKW AYAYA pooooop hotdog FeelsWeirdMan WutFace johnny sins Pog This jensen gameplay 🕷 im in bed waiting for u snacky Kreygasm @Leroyv2 POG Sneaky raiding C9 headquater LUL SpaghettiSoup pepeLaugh noooo why is he twitching i Minimap gachiBASS @hotdogss 🕷 i love limit testing these games the engines are so fun poots cirLaugh Is this death stranding??? Wtf @TheRealMC3 WutFace peepoLeave @Leroyv2 pepeLaugh JHONNY SINS Pog RELOAD c9 sneaky. Go check your bathroom bot killed my spider WeirdChamp All Gun, no Key just knock on the door 4Head @hotdogss widepeepoSad go for a dip Okayga @Geth_VI are you Pepega? he literally said he wasn't using a controller well that's convenient Okayga Locking the front door but leaving the pool open KEKW @エリック -> Don't spam in CAPS! hes so clueless LOL i'm in your house right now go swim jump into the pool FeelsGoodMan is the pool heated? johnny sins is Mr. Do It All more rdr2 later? these are the real questions i love snacky ! Just shoot the glass 4Head @エリック weirdChamp swim Pog go for a swim pussy tyler is tall JUMP INTO THE POOLF you didn't bring a key sneaky. WOW rookie move FREE SHOWER TriHard SpaghettiSoup im Pepega @Pakidermo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] PootangHunter subscribed with Twitch Prime. Scheist dem Fenster! HandsUp gachiBASS HandsUp What kind of assasin doesnt even bring a lockpick weirdchampagne just knock Pepehands gachiHYPER saw it @VandesGrants ayyyy grant TriHard gachiBASS What kind of assasin doesnt even bring a lockpick WeirdChamp 5Head bruh You figured a house that fancy would have cameras. Just shoot the glass gachiBASS @VandesGrants great minds think alike TriHard PepoThink Duo with Aphro @C9Sneaky he in Q now 5Head Clap gachiHYPER saw it again peepoPog Pog WE IN 5Head snaky <3 how can johnny sins be my doctor and a hitman PepoThink monkaMega WutFace monkaS PagChomp witcher vision everywhere pepeLaugh monkaW monkaMega HotPokket assuming waduS monkaW already dead mission accomplished actually smurfing monkaW widepeepoSad monkaMega is that sneaky tied to that chair? battery of the van's gonna drain reynad on the lose monkaS Sneaky DansGame monkaMega why does this bald man have a red string hanging from his back @Rush Pog monkaW 👉 EleGiggle rush Pog @rush Pog @Rush GG Man what ever happened to reynad? lmao run over their corpse sneakyE PepeHands Reynoodle PepeLaugh rush monkaHmm @Rush widepeepoHappy pepega monster cops are coming its a set up rush PogU raynad EleGiggle Rush Pog Sneaky DansGame Pvman =GG LUL @Rush Pog monnkey man Reynad EleGiggle sneaky PogU @Rush zubLOVE Rush pvman = gg Rush PagChomp RUSH Pog PVMAN = GG KEKW @Rush EMOTIONAL PLAYER Pog wait youre gonna kill reynad? ... can i watch? @Rush be nice :( @rush Pog monkaW WE FORGOT monkaW REYNAD IS A MASS MURDERER Rush Pog Sneaky DansGame Rush Pog Sneaky DansGame pv MaN Pvman=gg rush boxLewd ad in the way WutFace @C9Sneaky @rush Pog widepeepoHappy 4:3 PepeHands RushPog Sneaky DansGame Pvman = gg smallppman = gg widepeepoHappy DansGame PVMAN = KEKW @Rush pvman = gg Rush Pog rush Pog sneaky DansGame DansGame DansGame ROOSH widepeepoHappy Reque your bugged for sure DansGame rush pog Pog PVMAN DansGame SNACKY @Rush not even a sub FeelsWeirdMan HotPokket @rush pvman=gg pvman=gg KEKW pvman = gg @Rush KEKW Rush Pog rush PogU WHAT REPUTATION KEKW @rush pvmanA PUT THE SPONSORS ON THE OTHER SIDE @C9Sneaky @Rush peepoArrive Rush Pog Sneaky DansGame PVMAN = GG KEKW @Rush STREAM NOW Pog @Rush become new ADC for C9 4Head <3 PV MAN = GG KEKW ROOOSH widepeepoHappy <3 Pvman too emotional for this chat pvman=gg yummy @rush quackDerp @Rush Are you streaming tonight Mr monkey man? @rush peepoArrive PVMAN=GG KEKW ap3xjok3r subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! hey buddy GayPride Rush GayPride PogU expired DansGame PowerUpL WutFace PowerUpR @Rush pvman = gg KEKW i dont think they are making dinner in this house @C9Sneaky @Rush Emotional player PepeHands ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive ROOSH? peepoArrive @Rush pvman = PogYou 4House lmao @rush KR memes 😴 what does pv in pvman stand for 15 minute q LL LUL monkaMega EMOTIONAL PLAYER ROOSH KEKW black cleaver Pog @C9Sneaky This aint league sort out that bad title @Rush peepoArrive @theduckwhocucks pvman = namvp @C9Sneaky do u get offers for LPL, LCK and LEC? just curious :) @theduckwhocucks It's NAMVP backwards poison the food anyways Sneaky. you never know cleaver monkaOMEGA @theduckwhocucks na mvp backwards na queue PepeHands oh NAMVP lmao MUNDO'S HOUSE Pog @theduckwhocucks KEKW oaml pvman = positive vibes man pv MaN ? MingLee i always thought it was penis vagina man reynard Pepega play the piano EleGiggle elejiggle? POSITIVE VIBES MAN Reynad 5Head AHAHAHAH @theduckwhocucks better reynad on the loose monkaS Does anyone remember 85? the dude from Alien 3? what an intrusive guy 16 minute KEKW hello setting the mood sneaky such a playboy @theduckwhocucks i made a joke in poor taste a year or two ago and you unbanned me, best mod by far PJSalt @vurderlak fucking genius FeelsClassyMan EleGiggle @WintersWard rooLick FeelsClassyMan When are you switching to mixer? FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan wineTime @Rush HeyGuys rush I am a boomer with 0 mechanics in search of a coach and can pay you good money to get me the highest Eli @theduckwhocucks DuckerZ FeelsClassyMan thats a HUGE shower delusional and emotional player KEKW FeelsClassyMan Classy MaN thats a huge shower lmao @wintersward hello sneakyHey sodaD OpieOP 47 LULW FeelsClassyMan ah exquisite D: 47 KEKW OpieOP D: 5Head 🍷 whats 47 in america @hotdogss peepoArrive MaN league peepoLeave LEAGUE DansGame @mrtinydmcgee DuckerZ 48 47 lbs is like a 4th grader 103 pounds LUL ND5 OMEGALUL @JessieS23 peepoArrive NaM 47=69 im KKona 47 kilos however Agent 47 Kappa Nb3 LUL @JetLance who uses america ban rengo 47kg? Ari AYAYA 47 is the name of the agent The best kiwi accent LuL Ello chat it’s me your favorite fake mod @hotdogss DansGame 4HEad OHH agent 47 thats amazing haHAAA Hint hint heheh @C9Sneaky im sick can you say magic words to make me feel better? bathroom ventillation system ^_- HAHA 4Head 4House NailPoluuu AYAYA Weirdga Ahri Pog AHRI KEKW AYAYA monkaS Mods are here @MisterSophistication monkaS ahri Kreygasm Ahri Kreygasm wtf is this game Use the vent system hint hint Who names their son Ari OMEGALUL Mods WutFace AHRI gachiBASS Clap Ahri AYAYA shoot it @WintersWard rooLick ahri AYAYA Clap daphHide @JetLance 21kg me thinka @theduckwhocucks I don’t see any mods KEKW Fuck I’m craving a waffle so damn bad SKISSORS! aya? cirAYAYA 47 stone? OH WAIT who the hell uses that unit of measurement is that ari, the repair guy?? AHHAYAYA AHHAYAYA cirAYAYA @C9Sneaky play adc bard @theduckwhocucks it looks like my work here is done then *tosses cape over* ayaya! waffleAYAYA Alma Madre EZ im in Mods are DUMB 😡 moon2AY monkaHmm @do269 if you get a waffle maker, it's really easy to make with pancake mix, but i think you might need egg ...Mods are DUMB 😡 ....Mods are DUMB 😡 login failed monkaW !AYAYA monkaHmm AYAYA There are 2165 cuties in chat AYAYA Reynad 5Head .....Mods are DUMB 😡 ALMA monkaW can't sneakyD Hackerman ......Mods are DUMB 😡 @MisterSophistication but you didn't do anything cirAYAYA @caca_casa one stone is 14 pound Did he just type in his own password and assume it would work? what time does he usually start RDR? 5Head encrypted i see .... Mods are DUMB strapped Mods D: Pog wtf? someone dodge his league game BlessRNG AYAYA @mistersophistication but you didnt do - fuck the mod was faster trkHmm AYAYA 🤝 AYAYAWeird !spank @julianbelkin (‿ˠ‿) @julianbelkin spanked for 2 seconds. Reason: Not cute enough AYAYA. (‿ˠ‿) gachiW gachiBASS WEAPONS Dude just play hit MaN he not gonna pick? @randytheram1 dining hall opens at 8 :) gachiHYPER yasuo KEKW *unsheathes katana* sneakyD sneakyD WEEB WEAPON KEKW sword Pog peepoPog lol yo im so drunkj 🍻 D: abuse of spank power Yasuo sneaky need a scope for that katana of course owo AYAYA 🍻 AYAYAWeird Ninja Stars Pog Weeb KEKW take shuriken fucking rambo over here @C9Sneaky only use expired spaghetti sauce I'm a pleb again FeelsBadMan leago BUG AYAYAWeird shuriken dodge FeelsAmazingMan KEKW KEKW LUL league AYAYAWeird OMEGALUL LMFAO KEKW forsenPrime ? ????????????????????????????????? thank god nyacchBless KEKW meow KEKW KEKW whoopsie daisy KEKW Clap Reset client KEKW God damn rookie. KEKW Hahah LUL KEKW @do269 i hope 8 is soon for you, cuz it's 1 am here :D kKEKW ? KEKW ?????? LUL Sneaky in game w aphro hype pepeLaugh HYPERCLAP KEKW !spank @C9Sneaky go Ninja ????? AYAYAWeird SNEAKY... I'm glad he missed it nyacchBless fuck league bruh LEAGUE DansGame KEK KEKW what happened LULW elo jd kurwe orka LULW DESTROYED Did it on purpose to play more hit MaN FeelsOkayMan 👍 MORE HITMAN Pog intentionally missing queue to stream better game OMEGALUL dodging = re-enter q duh LUL lolrip just change game title to hitman bruv sneakyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more hitman widepeepoHappy !spank @C9Sneaky you idiot LULW nightbot DansGame not taking shuriken DansGame g4greveTarja g4greveTarja Sneaky Play Variety is the new stream title POGGERS you've got the only thing that matters, the SAUCE use the katana to unlock the computer is that detroit? I'm in EZ WHAT THE LIVN SHT I'm in EZ monkaS gachiHYPER unlimited storage PepeS EZ im in Use the stars real quick EleGiggle im in EZ you really better keep that spaghetti sauce for the rest of the game. i heard the last level is in an italian restaurant @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @addcheesepls @TheRealMC3 @ForestFairyBilly @Tekn0Afr0 @rudi91 @CYBERBOOLI_xD ONLY A TIP ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ U HAVE SWORDS IN TIS GAME EZ im in forsenCD REYNADS MOTORCADE EZ im in FeelsOkayMan what video game is this? :) im in forsenCD 2nd time the charms forsenCD PagChomp gachiHYPER HandsUp Ruh-nard vs Ray-nard monkaMega @C9Sneaky up at the crack of 11pm? Screams INC Lynn monkaS !time December 1st 2019, 11:03:26 pm PST GMT-08:00 Sleep Schedule fixed Pog TOP OF THW MORNIN’ op @danielfrombrazil3 daphPat heres a pat monkaW monkaS monkaW ! op What video game is this? :) monkaW monkaW monkaW y they rollin so thicc monkaW its 7AM here Lynn widepeepoHappy monkaW anime sword time AYAYA EZ We are coming EZ i gotta pull an allnighter to fix my sleep schedule too ugh use the samurai sword AYAYA Action is coming Pog Full glass window, still not noticing 47 KEKW KILL REYNAD monkaW Kreygasm that VA LMAo forsenCD Forsen LULW forsenE ? forsenE ? waddup my favorite trap :D Voice acting KEKW forsenCD qtpWEIRD FORSEN AND REYNAD Pog forsen and reynad EleGiggle forsenCD ? forsenE forsenE forsenCD ? Clap sumndaiy shot cameras, everythings ok KEKW KILL FORSEN AND REYNAD Reynad PepeHands forsenCD forsenCD 🏆 here we go monkaW @C9Sneaky if you get married you auto win worlds FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown KILL EM ALL SNEAKY forsenCD pepeLaugh Forsen Bajs in chat WeirdChamp forsenCD and EleGiggle kill them both KEKW reynad HE HEARD U LUL forsenCD For-sen they dont know pepeLaugh shoot her now! foreskin? any champions forsenCD 🏆 forsenE for... sen? who was killed in the garage PepoThink forsenE ? forsenE Who sen? reynadBad reynadBad Just run at her with the sword! SLAATT EleGiggle I EleGiggle VOTED EleGiggle FOR EleGiggle FORSEN EleGiggle throw your katana at her lol THE TWO TIME forsenCD forsen1 ? forsenCD / \ EleGiggle Tranq the bitch and butcher the fella forsenCD ✨ hey do a frontflip off the balcony and behead her monkaS me :) you mommy Kreygasm me :) What video game is this? :) me :) forsenCD im max Kreygasm forsen1 just throw a shuriken :) @lockynsound ✌️ forsenCD Kill her forsenCD DESTROY THE CHILD throw grenade at them monkaMega blow up the house SHOOT HER BRO KILL EM ALL I thought it was WHOREson hahaa fuck it don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad Kill her Kill them all widepeepoHappy Kill them all SwiftRage USE THE GUN BRO 4Head league Weirdga @YuYuYuna_ MY MAN forsenCD 5Head Queue sneaky being sneaky right chat pepeLaugh Just shoot them 4HEad Strap on a suicide vest and sprint at them thats hitman PogU REACTION we're hiding monkaW @decodeproxy, thats aggressive Kapp 5Head Clap don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad don't hurt anyone widepeepoSad 5Head LULW Throw the sword at her LULW blind why hitman looks like dad bod use your instinct if you want to see where everyone is 3Head TeaTime @C9Sneaky take her on a spaghetti dinner go ultra instinct 3Head TeaTime monkaW yasuo time incoming PogChamp @Aziz050 but fun wtf did you poison? monkaW TeaTime pepeLaugh TeaTime Honey ? bUrself her voice Kreygasm PepeLaug Tea not like u have a gun 4Head gg this isnt league lmao bUrself TeaTime snipe that ass PepeLaugh Tea monkaW TeaTime Lee sin character model yasuo sword pepeLaugh Turów pepeLaugh monkaW SHOOT HER PepegaAim JUST SHOOT THEM ALL Pog monkaW already dead KEKW monkaW they probably die if you shoot them the woman's voice is so sweet monkaS nymnOkey TeaTime throw the katana on her bUrself TeaTime this is creepy af throw the FRAG 5Head 🍷 u guys having tea aye? Donovan:'Kill'em' *click* Throw the dog at her what about the ventlation system from the recording.... GASS HER @c9sneaky stuff her with your katana I mean stab her Kappa cant wee just shoot her in the head and then run like a duck? monkaHmm monkaW tfbS TeaTime OkayChamp wineTime TPFufun TeaTime Mango Pog MANGO Pog green tea Pog @MinhooMinh i hope so TPFufun Nobody fucks with green, mango please. KILL THEM ALL monkaW SNEAKY DO SOMETHING monkaW TPFufun TeaTime fuck just shoot her monkaW PepeS gween tea TPFufun is she a bad person? it was mango right? tfw no mangoers in chat WeirdChamp Sneaky save them now please widepeepoSad DO SOMETHING PepeS CHOOSE THE BOSS Pog Inspector gadget monkaW TPFufun Shoot her 😡 Dono VaN shoot!!!!!!! Missed me some sneaky moon2H 3Head wineTime chill out bruvs monkaW kill her kiss her ass 😡 kill her she's mean 😡 she's a killer, kill her SwiftRage D: gachiHYPER monkaW Ceramic_Llama subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! D: omg throw your sex at her monkaHmm D: RUDE lol just use a grenade (lol) Katana shaped present moon2WAH moon2WAH got a big penis, i mean, katana, for her monkaS here she come haHAA OFFENDED CHAT haHAA he said a mean word haHAA it offend me and make me gasp haHAA because im an sjw loser haHAA Clap gasp!! D: haHAA @C9Sneaky take her out to TGI Fridays 😡 mango DansGame REEEEEEE wait her in the bathroom vrfunnREE pepeLaugh maybe finkle is einhorn with this chick gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiW gachiBASS LUL " D: " 😂 they gonna fck on you snakey Sex her gachiHPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS shut the secret chamber @gimmepizzza333333 wtf is wrong with you U DONT SAY THAT!!!! D: haHAA Pepega quickly monkaMega uh oh IM CUMING gachiBASS StinkyCheese You dont gachi women chat peepoWTF gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP monkaS hide monkaW shut the door? peeping Sneaky. For shame monkaW save scum SAVED KEKW saving is cheating Cummies gachiBASS @gimmepizzza333333 literally who are you talking about boomer monkaW save scumming pepeLaugh action is coming DP squad c9 S N E A K Y pepeLaugh Clap save scum KEKW @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] SPITROAST gachiBASS which one? gachiBASS gangbang gachiBASS I SAW IT gachiHYPER I SAW IT gachiHYPER D: KEKW Sneaky is sneaky GASM HE SAW U KEKW great now how can we kill her? monkaS Sneaky thoughts of G2 3-0? just spray em all Tranq him gachiBASS and stab them both just shoot her gachiBass gachiBASS Chat shhhhhhhh!!! gachiHYPER gachiHYPER peepoPog witcher vision pepeLaugh G0-3 LUL monkaW monkaW HandsUp thank you for your sacrifice @julianbelkin hey bb ??? LUL gachiGASM cirComfy Tranq gun? @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] straight sex DansGame LULW using samurai sword monkaW pepeLaugh SHOOT HIM monkaMEGA if only you had a tranquilizer KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW this job requires a champion forsenCD 🏆 any volunteers? forsenCD hitman? monkaW monkaMega KEKW KEKW quickly shoot him KEKW monkaW KEKW KEKW peekaboo lmao ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER sneaky we love your voice WOAH BALD HEAD forsenCD nyacchLurk quickscope GO forsenCD monkaW forsenCD Clap DO SOMETHING PepeS shadiw pepeLaugh no no no forsenCD forsenCD do you believe in ghost? PauseChamp forsenCD Clap any two timers? forsenCD no forsenCD forsenCD go around PepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION PepeLaugh forsenCD 🏆 welcome to the club 360 no scope him 5Head ✌ forsenCD missed LULW KEKW is this Hitman 2 ? ??? KEKW lol KEW pepega LUL KEKW KEKW LULW ? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW BOT KEKW KEKW KEWK KEKW KEKW ? PepegaAim ? KEKW AHAH KEKW PepegaAim thatLOL veiThinking PepegaPls KEKW this is the worst security guard in the history of security guards ??? OMEGALUL @C9Sneaky can you try to play senna please :)? KEKW aight ADC KEKW LUL LMAO KEKW Pepega PepegaAim LMAO KEKW adc PepegaAim LUL LMAO reload save file KEKW pepeLaugh HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION pepeLaugh LULW PepegaAim The wall is now asleep LMAO LUL LUL LUL LUL LOL KEKW x2 PepegaAim Pepega Clap blind AF LUL she doenst carE??? KEKW Sniper Elite KEKW push him KEKW PepegaAim Angry_Purple subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months! hello dad please hit that man for me LMAO gaccibass PepegaAim PepegaAim Best tranq gun ever, he got up and looked out at the nice view LUL this guy is the worst bodygard best åssåssin nå Pog Gaccibass gottem Pog Pog USE THE BLADE BRUH TriHard KEKW put him in timeout FCKN USE THE BLADE TriHard SNAP HIS NECK D: PepegaAim kill them all LOL gachiBASS LULW KEKW D: LMFAO 60 dollars lidl game LULW OMEGALUL JESUS CHRIST D: D: D: LULW F D: LULW KEKW widepeepoSad PepeHands 5Head wineTime simeple take down lads KEKW KEKW D: NA GUARD KEKW D: LULW OMEGALUL LOLOL shipD Deth widepeepoHappy KEKW D: pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW lmfaooooooooo MURDERER D: pepega D: KEKW FCKN USE THE BLADE TriHard PepeHands THIS CONTENT MAKE ME GASP!!! D: haHAA monkaX pogga LULW hold it D: LUL gachiHYPER pepeLaugh you gotta hold it D: The coin LULW D: widepeepoSad HIS FAMIBLY widepeepoSad HIS FAMIBLY widepeepoSad HIS FAMIBLY oh WeirdChamp haHAA users hold b while you move Stop fucking him D: KEKW KILLED KEKW HOLD IT "oh shit I killed him" gotta light him up first, before you can take a drag LULW KEKW HE HAD A FAMILY D: PepeHands ONE OF THE BOYS DOWN RIP go back to hitman fk league wtf so sloppy u gatta toggle it no it's first mission u can't drag JUST RESTART BRO 4Head you gotta tap it Kapp F league of legends is stopping you haHAA 4Weird users PepegaAim kill YOU BROKE HIS NECK D: THIS AINT REAL LIFE 4Head WeirdChamp users KEKW emotion haHAA KEKW you cant change your IGN to just sneaky? KEKW use knife MadoStab maybe you cant be crouched? ?????? lmao tipping him LULW breathing haHAA are you trying to revive him? sloppiest assassination literally ever keep the change ya filthy animal @C9Sneaky play jhin PepegaAim play jhin PepegaAim play jhin PepegaAim Naron_Bashor subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! what the fuck is this dad? I only waste 5 dollars on league of legends. Fuck you love you Senna pls WHOPS I KILL HIM Kill her with the paddle 😡 @c9sneaky chop him up monkaW 3Head only us bruvs has the balls for this yeh get meh 3Head he is playing a game where you have to kill people haHAA GASSP!!! D: haHAA KEKW KILL THE BITCH gachiGASM Kreygasm one two three FOUR PepegaAim monkaEyes THEN DONT 4Head just shoot her gachiBASS PogT naked FeelsOkayMan wait for them to sleep vs kaisa ResidentSleeper monkaOMEGA NAKED THROW THE SWORD CUH TriHard PepeHands PepeHands too late gachiHYPER BANNED KEKW why is she a bad person? what she do - who is that character? is he in q for leage ? the coin flip after accidently break the neck, amazing content gachiBASS gachiBASS TY SIR "gachi" AYAYAWeird HandsUp @gimmepizzza333333 stop spamming same message we get it ur a debby downer now stop WeirdChamp 4Head you kill people anyway. just shoot her 4Head LMAO THEY HAVING SEX MERC EM actually boss of this gym PepeHands Chat WeirdChamp wtf @aggtuatara cmonBruh Pog @aggtuatara Jesus man @C9Sneaky Try to get a threesome Eat her ass SwiftRage GET IN THE BATH 5Head it would be so easy to mess up your hip tattoo. just cut yourself so the barcode doesnt read monkaGun time KILL THEM THEN SEX AFTER why is he doing sit up LUL guard gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER Kreygasm gachiHYPER Kreygasm pepeJAM shoot his balls gachiBASS sneakyD gachiHYPER KEKW gachiGASM gachiBASS YES YES YES gachiHYPER great angle gachiHYPER gachiBASS YES SIR SHOOT HIS BALLS league Weirdga gachiBASS Clap gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiW KEKW gachiBASS COMET VARUS blood flow btw blood flow Kappa whats the difference? MaldChamp Clap I SEE ITTTT gachiHYPER teemo kaisa senna lane actually puke are you as erect as i am? @C9Sneaky Okayga gachiW MaN 3Head ivern game of course Okayga cock night kappa @lolminsoo Weirdga smoking is still going to mess up her teeth like what? JABA BAR league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave league peepoLeave just brushed teeth but still smoking PogChamp PepegaAim peepoLeave COMET HJIN USE DARK STAR moon2WAH @lolminsoo hope someone shoot your pussy Weirdga omnistone Pog KappaPride someone say legos? PogU legacy champ Pog COSMIC JHIN # ResidentSleeper hitman? peepoArrive league? peepoLeave hitman? peepoArrive league? peepoLeave hitman? peepoArrive league? peepoLeave WutFace league time peepoLeave forsenCD forsenCD PepegaPls moon2CD TriHard jabba bard one trick duo with the moo ? :O KappaPride sex him KappaPride KEKW LLLLLL PepegaPls KEKW WHAT DOES A TriHard GO LIKE Pepega PepegaPls LUL nyacchThink Pog LLLLL LLLLLLLLL COGGERS 3Head TeaTime grooming day aye lads LUL forsenCD KEKW LULW PepePls PepegaShake LLLLLL lol PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW @C9Sneaky how do i get challenjor? PepegaPls Lol LUL PepegaPls KEKW LLLLLLLLLLL OMEGAROFL @C9Sneaky song requests ? where did all the yuumis go FeelsBadMan L PepegaPls L lmao PepegaPls L LLLLLLLL PepegaPls Clap PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls LUL elloStop elloThink L hahahaa jesus christ Pog TeaTime COCK LLL PepePls LLL PepePls ITS HIT THE CLOUDS 4Head LLLLLL L LOL L L PepegaPls Clap L L L ?? i love hius peepoLeave LEAGUE Jim Cantore is pog PauseChamp ELUNDIS CORE monkaW L? The helicopter got a deep voice monkaW PepegaPls LLLLLLLLLLLLL :) PepegaPls PepePls L LLLL Clap XD REAL Pog LULW q more hitman PepeHands mods WeirdChamp L_? KEKW ACTUALLY DYING LMAO I give it 2 thumbs straight up my ass PepoDance pokiLOL LLLLLL rapid shifts in altitude FeelsEvilMan thank you kanye, very cool I think his helicopter is autistic PM ME FOR COURSEHERO/CHEGG UNLOCKS OkayChamp was that reading from Rush's W/L history? JHIN TIME PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim lol @humblecyanide who reads in 2019 LUL OOF 👍 @C9Sneaky fav jhin skin? You are currently timed out from Chat. WRONG SKIN moon2WAH FortOne ff15 for more hitman (: TheThunderBringer subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! FeelsBadMan Hitman in q for hitman now cirBlech moon2O LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL league peepoLeave remake BlessRNG poki subs FeelsWeirdMan Rip the skin gachiBASS i like your voice why no cosmic jhin PepeHands FEBVIEN LMFAO Floor stream league cirNo LlllLllLlLlLlllLlLllL hes gone D: Pls sneaky hitman white fuck boy Pog KEKW @theduckwhocucks I do :) ONE PepegaAim TWO PepegaAim THREE PepegaAim FOUR PepegaAim THATS MY FRIEND NUCLEAR PEPE LAUGH imagine not banning senna league DansGame HES GONE TriHard MY STREAM NOW TriHard unironically playing league instead of hitmans ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper League Will sneaky check out phoenix point? TriHard 7 hitman my ass TriHard 7 in the chat pm me for sneaky hentai AYAYA Whos Jim Cantore again Afk KappaRoss HYPERS STREAMER GONE HYPERS STREAMER GONE @theduckwhocucks duck can i know when my first msg in chat was ever peepoleave the hitman got @C9Sneaky Wtf @humblecyanide serious answer, we dont allow advertising here You are permanently banned. moon2SUFFER @Polo6782 monkaS league in 2019 4Weird @InsaneRuski Weirdga any chance we can get a Sneaky Aphromoo duo que today? 4Weird gachiHYPER HITMAN IS BEHIND U SNACKY monkaW lol this is Unforgivable WAFFLE FRIES @InsaneRuski Weirdga Playing jhin to channel your inner hitman gachiW monkaW 4Head 4Head ONE Weirdga TWO Okayga THREE PepegaHands FOUR PepegaAim havent played in some time, is conqueror ryze a thing now? monkaW @humblecyanide BRO NO LINK JUST WRITE UR BOOK IN THIS CHAT 4Head monkaW haHAA 4Head monkaS A TriHard gachiHYPER gachiHYPER slipknot time ? monkaW i like your voiceee gachiW D: monkaW WutFace gachiBASS @ItsJustValk Okayga sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 monkaW Pepega music timing KEKW monkaMega @humblecyanide copy paste ur book into chat WeirdChamp fibre wire op he gonna slap you with a fish PanicVis gachiHYPER dont look now sneaky his cock is in your ass SILENT TAKEDOWN +2XP AGENT 47 THATS THE WRONG HOLE PunOko pepeDance 4Weird O_O Do it, Agent 47 gachiHYPER monkaX WeirdChamp guys does he know his webcam placement is slighty off? SillyChamp monkaS squadPH death ONE Weirdga TWO Okayga THREE PepegaHands FOUR PepegaAim sneakyWut @humblecyanide one word by word yes hes gonna shit in your spaghetti be careful @Code002_Zero_Two Okayga he cån yo, shave your head and work out more and go as hitman to allstar It’s Lynn monkaW !rank FIZZ R D: C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 584 LP Mau5 HYPERCLAP PepePls !music RIP my fav cosplayer :( trackpad guy NotLikeThis hm AsexualPride KappaClaus LUL ??? wtf gachiW PepegaShka @AkaNoOu no one cares about toplane anyway @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! PepegaShake PeepoLeave Everything is a weapon to agent 47 pepeD pepeD PepePls Mau% pepeJAM pepeJAM !elo HandsUp pepeD 2009 baby lets go Pog PepegaPls pepeD PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake PepePls peepoLeave WeirdChamp pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM wub wub Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 Mau5 what perfect timing for the song pepeJAM HE AINT THE ONLY ONE TriHard PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake i hate this lane pepeD forsenCD MY JAM PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @kanzphan -> The bot commands for this channel are available at CBT by 47 gachiHYPER VVKool pepeD ????? PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake xin flash KEKW flash KEKW !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 584 LP na jg pepeDance PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD KEKW KEKW pepeJAM jim cantore invade lol pepeJAMMER NA JG FINALLY SOME DECENT MUSIC IN THIS SHT PepeJAM god na players are so fking dumb AWIT pepeD pepeD sn4k1t0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. pepeD This song slaps HaZaRDDTV subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM NA FLASH bard KEKW PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD pepoDance LUL pepeJAM KappaPride "bard no f" KEKW SONG NAME? SNEAKEE WEAK Can you reload early as jhin or do you have to go through all 4 shots @commit_isekai it messed with my mind somehow LUL pepeD pepeD PEPE Hello muh darlings moon2CUTE pepeD pepeDance PepePls PepegaShake AASD gachiBASS gachiBASS WHAT A JAMMER! xin zhao getting all the flashes imagine taking heal gachiHYPER PepePls PepegaShake PepePls PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD NaM NaM NA flash monkaW monkaS ??? YES SIR gachiBASS ?? KKona gachiW YAAAS SIR NaM oh no NaM Clap MaN WeirdCahmp @humblecyanide stfu pepeD pepeDance PepePls PepegaShake PepegaPls KKoona Roleplay Pog WutFace NaM Free HK @humblecyanide I SAID WORD BY WORD pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls 5Head !song MaN ONE Weirdga TWO Okayga THREE PepegaHands FOUR PepegaAim NaM HYPERCLAP its not in English lmao @humblecyanide WTF IS WRONG WITH U one NaM spam PepegaAim @humblecyanide DONT U PEOPLE LISTEN HandsUp\ gachiBASS HandsUp twitchRaid I saw it HandsUp HandsUp gachiW Clap good job duck you got him timed out fuck is wrong with u HandsUp @GayAssNasusPlayer LULW YOU DONT BAN GACHI DansGame PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD gachiBASS cirBlech pepeD tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1Ban 4Head @GayAssNasusPlayer nice name LULW pepeD @C9Sneaky do you every try and play to the music? like CS with the beat or smth? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD !song Senna KEKW a cait who can heal pepeLaugh @theduckwhocucks duck pls how do song donos work? LUL bard KEKW bard LUL aa KEKW PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD bard pepeLaugh bard LUL what song? this bard has probably never played support pepeD give him a break pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake what is this song? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD if bards gonna stand a mile away he should just go collect meeps moon2SH LUL SENNA song sounds like something by ratatat LUL ahpromoo? imagine asking what song this is headBang pepeJAM cant even proc harvest KEKW need more dolans blades Senna range disgusting pepeJAMMER senna range BabyRage S9 champs KEKW flash 4th shot pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD @lapestebubonica Ghosts n stuff by deadmau5 i think pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeDpepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD OLAF 2 LULW its a remix of deadmou5 for sure but what is the question pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD ty pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @lolminsoo Hey mod, how do you do song request? KEKW L she sucked a dick lvl 1 DH KEKW LUL KEKW LULW pepeLaugh senna left for a wave while the jungle shit was happening @C9Sneaky pepeD NA NA NA NA NA olaf trolling pOG ward int for int pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeDpepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @feeblehero love you pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pepega olaf Pepega Clap @kanzphan donation or resub deadmau5 Pog DH PepeHands MaN A No assist KEKW O_o >( NotATK NotATK BigBrother BigBrother Keepo Keepo BibleThump Kippa BabyRage PermaSmug PermaSmug pepeD @lolminsoo and does Sneaky do song request every time he streams? why this game level E but other game jhin you didnt? @theduckwhocucks i fucking hate bard afk KEKW twitch dms harvest stacks KEKW BOUNCY TITS they're so buggy Why dark harvest? Lol D: if that was my teammates they will spam pinged me 100% PERFECT BOUNCE Kreygasm Mau5 Clap Mau5 Clap Mau5 Clap Mau5 Clap let's get Weird WeirdChamp song is moar ghost and stuff by deadmau5. some variation of it anyway @lolminsoo lol right i said i dont mind, i changed it to a 24h senna balance Pepega Clap TriHard name of the song? mod spam WeirdChamp TriHard TIME TO STEAL SOME BIKES TriHard My Pokémon team just beat the fourth gym ama spaghetti what is the champ with the cannon? I hate yall FeelsWeirdMan no u dont @redbullying Deadmau5 - Moar ghosts n stuff lucian @redbullying darude - sandstorm she's oom fuck yall :) THE DARK HARVEST STACK PepeLaugh @SShermy i love you <3 thnks mn! pepeD @lolminsoo How do you check the song request playlist? OKAYCHAMP PepeS ghost? Shall we dance? pepeD @chat i need to go to the gym but i ts so cold :( pepeD pepeD pepeD ~se no AYAYA pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Playing vs senna is literally auto lose lane @dancenatic -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD who has favourable trades against senna lol pepeD oh my DansGame I SAW IT gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP when does this song going to end 😂 Nice pepeD !playlist @Jenson_Button it already did Doot doot what was that thing? where was its peener you should by 4 D blades why are you gaching a pussy? FeelsWeirdMan @kazoozle stay here then AYAYA Hashire sori yo AYAYA Kaze ni you ni AYAYA Tsukimihara wo AYAYA Padoru padoru AYAYA \ o / drink something hot :) take a hot shower @Kazoozle AYAYA Hashire sori yo AYAYA Kaze ni you ni AYAYA Tsukimihara wo AYAYA Padoru padoru AYAYA AYAYA Hashire sori yo AYAYA Kaze ni you ni AYAYA Tsukimihara wo AYAYA Padoru padoru AYAYA KEKW jhins voice is 10/10 for techno beats pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD AYAYA Hashire sori yo AYAYA Kaze ni you ni AYAYA Tsukimihara wo AYAYA Padoru padoru AYAYA HandsUp HYPERS AYAYAWeird @yunotheslayer -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] How do you check the song request playlist chat? sick portal AYAYA Hashire sori yo AYAYA Kaze ni you ni AYAYA Tsukimihara wo AYAYA Padoru padoru AYAYA KEKW KEKW wut pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD BENCHED jesus no assist? for R Pepega Clap AYAYA jhin lv 6 and olaf lv 4 WeirdChamp new jungle exp is so great LUL na assist this games giga cancer nice flash Kappa wow they all lived too @MinhooMinh nice one boomer Deadmau5 🖤 pepeD unlucky THE JUICE xqcS pepeD @hiimbigfry -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] that ryze is so slow DansGame Don’t? olaf lvl 4? dont be a d*ck and do the ricardoFlick bot lane gang bangs are so annoying KKona DansGame where the spammers at wen u try to flash a senna auto NotLikeThis AYAYA !elo AYAYA C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 584 LP KKool ratirlUWU AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA KKona banning padorus WeirdChamp PepePls AYAYA CUTE CHAT KKool sneaky buy 6 tears AYAYA AYAYA ratirlUWU OLAF CARRYING HARD Pog pepeJAM AYAYA sneakyYeehaw WHERE THE SPAMMERS AT peepoBlonket moon2SH fkn ruined skipped best part PepeSad I lost Kreygasm Olaf Pog banning padorus WeirdChamp WeirdChamp frick ye cuzn KKool AYAYA boxAYAYA !commands KKool TriKool @kanzphan -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank Wait how is Kai 3-0 @Code002_Zero_Two -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA WutFace chat, been awhile since we heard ram ranch rooAYAYA cirAYAYA Clap Senna makes it so every laning phase is against Caitlyn FeelsBadMan AYAYA HYPERCLAP WutFace WutFace D: AYAYA Clap WutFace monkaW monkaW wtf KKomrade 7 monkaw TriHard TriHard 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍗🍗🍗🍗 TriHard monkaS @Nightbot Weirdga WutFace monkaW KEKW monkaMega is this like japanese 18 naked cowboys WutFace monkaW thezippow subscribed with Twitch Prime. TriHard Clap what is this devil music D: WutFace !playlist Doot doot WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaHmm monkaX monkaS pepeJAM dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS jermaSun AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WutFace is this ancient metal Zven suck bring back Sneaky #NotMyC9 monkaSHAKE monkaHmm WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace ????? NA song LUL KEKW are we listening to an exorcism KEKW monkaEYES NA SNIPER Pog PepegaAim @SnipingHobo sup triHarder Clap gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER NotLikeThis TriHard s D: WutFace 👂 PepegaAim ratirlWontLook That last shot WutFace WutFace @C9Sneaky Can you shut the dog up in the background NotLikeThis bu müzik ne aq asdasdasdasdas !skip NA MUSIC dreame25CRY dreame25CRY PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim ScaredyCat what the actual fuck is this song... LOUDER SwiftRage oğlum klip alın amk HEAL KEKW TriHard FBPass FBSpiral FBBlock cmonBruh KJLADHkljajd this is that scremo shit people like nowa days, i dont see the problme la bu ne ajskdkckad is he saying " he wont steal my plasma? " jermaSun AAAA )))))) NotLikeThis (((((( AAAA jermaSun lan bu müzik ne asdasasdas 10 minute soul IF ANYONE ASKING, THIS IS YOUR TYPICAL NA SONG Any skippers In chat @cobainpooltr kes lan D: bune olm hahaha nice music fairy charms over d blade ANELE Clap VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo AYAYA There are 2166 cuties in chat AYAYA ananı sikeyim yaaa ANELE skfkfksldkkfkckskskdf how is olaf lvl 5? tf? sounds very NA 4! @20022512abcdef -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] ANY MUTERS? LULW any KappaPride KappaPride in chat (; ANELE AYAYA Clap ALLAHW AKBAR Why are we listening to some turkish guy speaking xD bruh wtf are you listening to Oh river ANELE Clap ne d,nliyoruz lan KEKW ANELE ya ahahahahahah !cannon ???????? ALAHUH ACKBAR ANELE Clap kim attı aq ANELE HALAL BRUTHA Cann OMEGALUL n ANELE ALLAHU.. hhahhahhhah lan bu ne aqq CANNON LUL lets listen to some good ol' smooth jazz. I'm a fan of Kelpy-G myself. 5Head 🍷 true :) qegwdgwrgwrb Is that an ISIS song? GayPride YARE YARE lan bu müzik ne asdasdasd ANELE ANELE Clap pepoCheer avradını sikeyim ya ANELE are baba 2 stacks now Pog abi sneaky ne dinliyor akxbodnsjedkfj ANELE ANELE ANELE yes this is an isis song you dumbass peepoCheer ANELE ANELE ANELE 3 ya hahahaha aku baru WutFace sneaky bu ne asasdasdasdasdas asfaskjfhaklshjfakljhfd monkaW chatteki türkler hemöen ortaya cıktı aq WutFace wtf is this music WutFace DansGame WutFace WutFace WutFace ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE WutFace WutFace MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid ne oluyor mk WutFace WutFace pszDISCONUNU WutFace monkaW shouldnt have played harv against thies buttlane PepeCheer waduS hold me chat cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh boxFine boxFine boxFine boxFine boxFine who requested this Weirdga >.< lmao WutFace bruh what the fuck SwiftRage SwiftRage WutFace asjdfhjkalfhajkfajkf asdasdasdad lol WutFace ne sandın yirrriim danFist DansGame WutFace WutFace @yasito -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] WutFace MY FUCKING EARS pepeJAMMER ya hahahahahahahah pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER headBang WutFace jermaSun AAA ))) NotLikeThis ((( AAA jermaSun saved Okayga !? adam pişman oldu rip ANELE 7 ANELE 7 Clap KEKW ban that donator WTF is this song? accepting links from chat KEKW cmonBruh PJSugar cmonBruh PJSugar cmonBruh PJSugar cmonBruh PJSugar cmonBruh WutFace How are you okay with listening to this @c9sneaky DansGame wtf ANELE 7 ANELE 7 ANELE 7 ANELE 7 ANELE 7 wait why change it tho why chat play some real music like Death Grips FeelsGoodMan Clap Louder lolll ban that donator OMEGALUL ANGRY ANELE School Shooters WutFace WutFace DansGame WTF that was my song KEKW olm bu hangi şarkı KEKW pszAPE KEKW D: i feel like we were just about to get to the good part LUL KEKW a Not banning senna ;) :O :/ B) StoneLightning :p :O :( JKanStyle :O :p OptimizePrime :( <3 :/ :( <3 :p :( StoneLightning <3 more dorans blades\ any dealers forsenHobo PJSugar that was the song of my people D: @C9Sneaky Allah canımık alsada kurtulsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam i dont care Porter Robinson Pog sickNice LUL wow what boots are you buying for jhin it's actually me and my band i wanted to hear the song oh kanzphan subscribed at Tier 1. but thanks for honesty chat wtf was that song name @RimjobRich are you a demon or what? how the fuck 5 kills when did that happen PepePls cook iyiydi amk @anzour77, SadChamp !followage Playing vs senna is auto lose lane jqemre007 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day @anzour77 u just using MDMA while u're doing that song sennas broken pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD with that wr pepeJAM Porter Robinson? pepeSmoke pepeD pepeD pepeJAM SourPls i waswatching nightblue hs so bad' pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD MARSHMELLO pepeJAM wow we are playing lit shit today sneaky i just want you to know that you are my waifu Kaisa needs more nerfs that champion is unbalanced lmao what a champion whats the song name chat? D: KAISA Pog pepeD KEKW @pokerf1st yessir oathSmile senna is a disgusting champion GG KEKW Olaf PogU queso KEKW pepeJAM BALANCED KEKW' Pepega Clap ff 15 oof go next 1/6 Olaf KEKW `1/6 SENNA KEKW AFK in fountain and play hit MaN @C9Sneaky FeelsBadMan ff xD~! 1/6/1 next it boys 1/6 KEKW KEKW go next pls FF15 xD wait he has 6 deahts that is brutal xD~! OLAF Xd ~! BigBrother Clap 1/6 KEKW BALANCED KEKW xD~! GAMES OVER KEKW The thrill @pandareuw xD~! NEGOTIVE XD ~ X!! xD~! xD~! XD~! xD`! 8/0 LUL ff 1 - 6 - 1 LUL xD~! xD~! back to hitman hitman 2 it is SeemsGood doesnt even have warrior yet LULW BibleThump xD~! Senna is balanced KEKW hitman time FeelsGoodMan HYPERCLAP HitmN!!! kekw pepeDD pepeDD ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen 16/4 PogChamp Next olaf? more like oLAUGH gottem @C9Sneaky nice title, keep it up man 24/7 ban senna tbh wtf happened? How'd she get so fed? xD~! ~ lcs btw NotSoEZ NotSoEZ this poor olaf got invaded so much back to minecraft xD`~! i permaban senna and im mid Letting senna through banning phase KEKw ornn just chilling top as shit is falling apart KEKW peepoSpriny the time has come true gachiBASS gachiBASS oluf bard vs senna pepeLaugh nuclear isnt that guy korean? peepoSprint nice gachiBASS gachiBASS i think shes worth perma banning you cant even trade right with her q TAKE IT IN THAT ASS just play senna :) @C9Sneaky Hook champs dominate her do they not? BLitz/Thresh Senna has the only skill that can both induce negative and positive damage PauseChamp gachiBASS Clap Just don't play Jhin 4Head that's what my girlfriend said were her dinner plans monkaS it just auto wins lane its so fucking dumb @C9Zven Zven sucks bring back Sneaky #NotMyC9 shes an immoble adc, hard engage counters her, naut leona @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky tristana all in after she misses root isnt bad if ur supp dan deal some ok dmg peepoLeave time for mf support again any chatters know the name of the song :) any chatters know the name of the song :) any chatters know the name of the song :) I mean it wasn't that bad before your team fed kills, but I guess that is because they had prio Bard is not good into Senna 16-4 is senna even sustain or poke wtf taking it in the ass mesBabyrage both is that the real nuclear? lol Senna is literally yuumi 2.0 in lane Jhin with Dark Harvast LUL fat ass q range + dmg with js a sickle @IgOr0121 both any chatters know the name of the song :) 😃 any chatters know the name of the song :) 😃 any chatters know the name of the song :) 😃 @IgOr0121 both omg spam pork por favor naut works vs senna,mid and late game anyway... pepeJAM gg rip PepePls they ffing Senna kaisa leona and a few other solo laners are insane this preseason @c9sneaky Comet Jhin is better @c9sneaky Dark harvest is rough against sustain PepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD but jhin isnt senna COGGERS pepeD COGGERS pepeD COGGERS pepeD !song @RamonRodriguezIV Nero- The Thrill (Porter Robinson Remix) seems like every support ever rolled out suffers from that same problem...mixed identity WutFace AYAYA raise AYAYA pepeJAM COGGERS pepeD COGGERS pepeD COGGERS COGGERS you have to try this Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE there ya go lol AYAYA 2 no votes KEKW Leona is a good counter to senna imo @specs1 Porter Robinson the thrill hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer @ramonrodrigueziv The thrill by neo potter remix team?? Nero* PowerUpL SabaPing PowerUpR bard WeirdChamp 17/4 LULW gladddy DjLtheEscapade thanks m8s :) hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer remember when you could spam alistar heal Was looking for it for another dude, but ty @Sharktooth6537 appreciated dids someone say hitman Ppega idk how u can expect to not get giga shit on by senna when u have a bard another match, another stomp SadChamp @ramonrodrigueziv Nero* not neo, my B i think jg is the only spot that gets dh stacks consistantly KEKW What LMAO KEKW KEKW holy xd]] Ryze KEKW KEKW DH sucks, fleet, comet, omnistone, electro mch better that ryze... ryze is a god COGGERS @specs1 no probs, I was one who put the song on soft int INTstantaneous MOAR PORTER YUSS pepeJAMMER pepeJAM these bard Qs are tilting me pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD pepeD challengers are so bad LUL xd OMEGAROLLL Pepega Ryze @sharktooth6537 PogChamp blue man die HYPERCLAP COGGERS . more porter HELL YEA Okayga PORTER Pog @c9sneaky ur chat are a bunch of poopy heads! 💩 @C9Sneaky yeah he walked into q lol AAAY PORTER COGGERS pepeD COGGERS pepeD COGGERS @polo6782 you want my playlist 👀 pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD More porter Robinson. PogChamp pepePls horny ornny KEKW PepePls More porter Robinson I’m DOWN gachiHYPER ayayaJAM wait @sharktooth6537 hell yeah id be down for it i subbed but it didnt let me insert any text for song request go farm the kayle PR needs to put out more music you can touch me :) what is that kayle buildd damn challenger players are some of the worst players LUL XD lethality kayle huh Just our of reach @C9Sneaky just like your butthole BibleThump there is kayle monkaHmm weird sang blade kayle KEKW ResidentSleeper this game @polo6782 add me, I just got off PC I’m on mobile now Ill shoot you it when I’m on tomorrow is this the new red dead patch kayle scaling monkaMega PogChamp sneaky I had another 3 way with the chinese girl and the korean last night. I dk what to do, the chinese wants to date !songrequest lethality kayle PogU imagine losing to snaguine kayle orn is probably gonna be impossible to killl this seson Any of yall gonna try out for T1s challenger tournament? Jhin KEKW @C9Sneaky SUB SNAPCHAT PLEASE Jhin WeirdChamp Jhin's lucky number time to play more hitman sneakyYeehaw for 3 at least Get an umbra glaive @C9Sneaky Kappa F A C T S KEKW it should yeah like umbral blade jhin 4th shot should one shot baron ornn KEKW lul ill dm you so you can remember im also mobile rn haha @sharktooth6537 FeelsOkayMan KonCha ":jhins 4th shot instantly kills wards" FeelsOkayMan nice ult *cries in graves* @C9Sneaky olaf being solod by the rocks LUL PepegaAim @c9sneaky ur chat are a bunch of poopy heads!!! 💩 hey girl, you wanna come back to base with me and check out my needlesly large rod? @polo6782 for sure homie, Porter is one of my favorites ff! lookin like a juicy ff song? @sharktooth6537 What did u say I missed it OH Pog @Megacrappyusername :( you have to try the new kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE NotSoEZ got one HYPERS gotcha EZ PagChomp ez me :) HYPERS N OMEGALUL me :) @do269 you need the previous song name? me losing to foreigners AngelThump bawkOmega me :) kekw wyd jesus... blue man die HYPERCLAP me :) NEVER SURRENDER lol me :) me :) me :) Rough game FeelsBadMan Bard Okayga ryze thought i was about to play the same lane as you but the bard is jg LOL KEKW me LULW probably ryze and olaf KEKW 30 min queue for this game FeelsBad olaf and ryze voting no !song good trade hitman time Okayga winnable :) @sharktooth6537 oh I see it now thanks Ryze is scaling guys Pepega always the ones who do the feeding are actually the ones hitting no KEKW monkaS @theredwings13 where did you see it? i thought there was a consense that crit kalista wasnt worth it just afk and play hitman @do269 yes sir :) never give up :) ornn LUL lets see you fish slap the shit out of that guy Bard is just Rek'sai but with chimes 4Head Never give up :) wtf these players How you doing today Snickers? this is winnable :) olaf using red trinket with pinkward xD doublelift would be carrying by now Therapist: RNG Febiven isn't real, he can't hurt you. RNG Febiven: is legendary! tank bard top is obviously the best bard :) pepeD Positive attitude guys :) always give up :) song name? @shimikuedi TikTok pog PMA :) Song: Divinity- Porter Robinson uses oracle where there is a control KEKW @c9sneaky are you allowed to have color blind mode on while on stage KKona @slyyx Porter Robinson - Divinity Im positive, I always press yes :) @c9sneaky how come you don’t say gay stuff anymore FeelsBadMan m@slyyx da heck? KappaPride KappaPride B-?\) KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW Therapist: RNG Febiven isn't real, he can't hurt you. RNG Febiven: is legendary! *bard gets oneshot with Ekko Q" LUL LUL LUL LUL auto delivery TriHard bard did special delivery i am juat a level 9 jungle olaf at 30 mins and the guy my gf tells me not to worry about is a level 16 echo. Will i be ok chat ? CoolStoryBob Quanchie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! oh World's flashbacks olaf gunna get a penta you have to try the new kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE Olaf penta Pog Boink :) honestly it's anyones game at this point Winnable sneaky1 sneaky2 Winnable sneaky3 sneaky4 ? gggggg ? O oh oh This team FeelsBadMan oh oh ?/ JUNGLE EXPERIENCE REWORK WHEN LuL Shelly PepeHands oh SUB ONLY SNAPCHAT widepeepoSad gg outskilled by random soloq adc bot diff SHUT DOWN Dabbing penguins. it's all over folks PepePls pepeD PepePls Winnable sneaky1 sneaky2 Winnable winnable sneaky3 sneaky4 outskilled by broken senna Losing with ryze LULW Where's the sub only crotch cam Senna = outskilled KEKW League of Legends POGGERS soon™ bard and olaf got shutdowns, you win this now right? LUL u seem useless this game Sneaky/Aphro Jihn/Bard was a bit more spicy Don't worry, you'll outscale their kayle... oh you'll outscale their dragon souls THERE WE GO sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW Lol KEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy KEKW oooh another pocket pick jhin game OLAF BAILED KEKW LUL i think i keep it taco has a jhin guide Hitman time pls RNG? now that's a powerspike Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL CarlSmile 2 hits: Me hit you, you hit floor KEKW PepeHands hitman time Pepega 2/5 powerspike sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 My name is Sneaky, and my pocket pick is Jhin sneakyW sneaky1 sneaky2 You are loved chat <3 DETH widepeepoHappy xqcS xqcSword 4 souls 24 min save sneakys butthole 15min queue for this Jesus save yourself sneaky, save yourself...sigh COMEBACKABLE You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy so close to RFC though sneaky1 sneaky2 ? widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy KEKW amazing KEKW LMAO nymnO LUL theres no other stream as enterrtaining as saneaky's when losing a game KEKW KEKW KEKW sneakyYeehaw sneakyEZ sneakyYeehaw sneakyEZ LULW KEKW LULW hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive PepegaAim 4 stacks in 22min. KEKW Okayga 10/10 na ult he's gonna win any second now widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy KEKW nice view LMAO KEKW @C9Sneaky SUB SNAP PLZ LUL vote no :) never surrender PepegaAim PepegaAim LUL LUL widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy 0/4 NotLikeThis close game, almost had'em that aim sick ult THEY CALL HIM C9 GUN HE SHOT ME monkaS thefeet Is that really Febiven? LUL @c9sneaky nice view of rift though monkaHmm\ LOL i just tuned this for this KEKW widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy quality brain has disconnected you know most comedians have to bomb a lot before they get good PepegaAim killing innocent Runeterra civilian KEKW hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy A summoner has disconnected :tf: widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy You are loved chat <3 widepeepoHappy You have to try the new kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE. good practice round More HITMAN PogU pepeJAM a summoner has disconected Hitman peepoArrivew widepeepoSad it was nice to see that part of the background for once, ty snacky teammates saving that 5 seconds by exiting client but not saving 5+ mins by ffing KEKW sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyEZ HITMAN peepoWTF @julianbelkin AYAYA Hitman peepoArrive sneaky1 sneaky2 @Dead2rights_ from nb? Becayse if its is, me too lol KEKW it's time to stop Mor3 hitman pride300 a summoner has disconnected @julianbelkin <3 do you have map movement on? @C9Sneaky peepoArrive Gg What aids is league today? @C9Sneaky have you seen the awesome anime Corey in the House? when we playing RDR2 Amberatic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! hitman time Pog ResidentSleeper League PogU Hitmans cowboy time widepeepoHappy You have to try the new Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE teammates saving that 5 seconds by exiting client but not saving 5+ mins by ffing KEKW Clap NOT EVEN CHALLENGER KEKW have you played baba? FIND MATCH AGAIN LUL hidden ult move -22 lp 2mbps peepoWTF hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Keep the Porter Robinson on @c9sneaky :) :O sneaky is that a piano in the back? !opgg HES GONNA FIND MATCH AGAIN LUL hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer @C9Sneaky Were you tilted that game? hitman peepoArrive O.o Ezreal top is PagChomp @skilledspellz LUL more hitman PogChamp PogChamp 2 mbps KEKW @C9Sneaky Kindread Bro gachiHYPER gachiBASS HYPERCLAP gachiGASM Clap ricardoFlick Hitman peepoArrive no thank you dad @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky Have you tried Kalista with conq since the rework since its basically fervor? !playlist Doot doot hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer hitman time PepoCheer peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave Okayga TeaTime teammate saving lolpog:hruh Hitman peepoArrive Hitman PeepoArrive TriHard Clap @C9Sneaky are you going to play in the TCS?? skilledspellz KEKW ikr Hi Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive they should add more announcers to league Okayga cock Hitman peepoArrive He's getting offline :( hitman peepoArrive rujoint subscribed with Twitch Prime. Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Hitman xqcL hitmans peepoArrive hitwoman 🦍 wow, when did sneaky hit 100 million views? was there an event or something? congrats anyways! !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 54 minutes 14 seconds SadChamp League 2k19 sprhealz subscribed with Twitch Prime. You won free motnh subscription tier 1: to unlock type "JD" hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive i'll ban ourfates @C9Sneaky you have to try the new Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE LUL 🦍 Hitwoman time 🦍 @C9Sneaky Sneaky were you tilted that game? HITMAN Are you still contracted under C9 or why is the stream C9 branded? No offense lirikH peepoArrive peepoPog ??? @lolminsoo D: TriKool Clap peepoArrive HYPERCLAP !followage @ourfates lol TriKool wineTime Aphromoo is on n1trob0y has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 3 weeks, 4 days no need to restart queue just play hit man LULW WutFace Weirdga Someone give me a gifted sup pls 😰😰😰 sext :) lol play hitman 2 :D sexting gachiBASS Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK COCK WeirdChamp SEXT HIM gachiW this dude never stops drinking anyting LOL PepegaShake SEXT HIM gachiW cock WeirdChamp MUSIC TONIHGT WeirdChamp League peepoLeave reactorcores subscribed with Twitch Prime. 🦍 Hitwoman time when 🦍 peepoPog 4Weird chat KKona real rap frozen bags in chat LuL Chat what is this music LULW what a dog shit song PepegaPls Reeeeeeeee meteos got his own sneaky nude folder Pog would you stop drinking anything? ADD why doesnt this guy have giant boobs anymore nice song : - ) Is d2player c9balls? F LUL Okayga Q OOF F F F pepeLaugh monkaW Ganga Giana SomeTypeBeats pepeLaugh F F f QQQQ f sneakyNLT F qq f KEKW F F F F @rudi91 pleb pepeLaugh F Talked to a girl with the last name WONDERFUL F GG F monkaX F PepegaHands PepeLaugh AYAYA AYAYA F F NotLikeThis @C9Sneaky genderbend agent 47 when AYAYA AYAYA unlucky dyrusAYAYA AYAYA f bnanaAYAYA @hotdogss FeelsBadMan AYAYA Queue is trolling losing viewers with this song pepeLaugh gachiW AYAYA F AYAYA AYAYA Clap ????????? 20 minute que now :( pepeLaugh he doesnt know sucks when there's no zeyzal to save you widepeepoSad AYAYAYA wtf is this song Ive always wondered what its like to be timed out. Mods, care to help a guy out ? AYAYAY pepeLaugh nice song Clap TriKool pepeD good song guys wait D: WTF AYAYAWeird TriKool TriKool wtf is that song wtf KEKW !roulette uHhhhHHHH pepeLaugh oh no no TOS DansGame what is this music? my virgin earts Hmmm PepeLaugh don’t tell him chat monkaTOS arara the lack of melanin in this song hurts me HAS NO PEEPEE AND NO TEAM. WHAT A LOSER KKool TOO HOT TOO 🔥 TOO 🔥 TOO 🔥 TOO 🔥 TOO 🔥 TOO 🔥 not racist if he’s white too bad too bad du hast? FUNgineer too hot KKool AYAYAWeird Nut quackyVomit SARENAAAAA sneaky1 sneaky2 wtf this song pepeLaugh stop advertising fios to me I cant even get it on my area WeirdChamp My head hurts from this song AYAYA no work? AYAYA AYAYA GivePLZ NaM Ayayaya AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Im imagining an orange colored Jersey shore scumbag AYAYA FeelsLitMan TeaTime FeelsLitMan TeaTime FeelsLitMan TeaTime FeelsLitMan TeaTime AYAYA KEKW AIDS my ears are bleeding AYAYA AYAYA forsenHead AYAYA yo this shut sucks wat is this song song name? NaM STFU WEEBS AYAYA NaM AYAYA YEEEEEET AYAYA @C9Sneaky you have to try the new Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE AYAYA TOO HOT WeirdChamp NaM NaM SHUT ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ NaM NaM NaM THE FUCK ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ NaM NaM UP WEEBS WTF IS HTIS Kapp AYAYA AYAYA r WeirdChamp TeaTime t pepeJAM F NaM NaM SHUT ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ NaM NaM NaM THE FUCK ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ NaM NaM UP WEEBS ⠀ AYAYA xqcHYPERF !song AYAYA WEEBS IN AYAYA @Tunaface_ -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] NaM TeaTime AYAYA xbox lol AYAYA Clap NAMMERS OUT AYAYA Y I K E S NaM NaM SHUT ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ NaM NaM NaM THE FUCK ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ NaM NaM UP WEEBS BibleThump widepeepoSad 🎹 NaM @rudi91 AYAYAWeird PepePls 1 man spam WeirdChamp !song PepegaHands widepeepoSad AYAYA WEEBS IN AYAYA NAMS OUT AngelThump jerC jerC2 CHAT WeirdChamp NaM SHUTTHEFUCKUPWEEBS NaM NaM AYAYA peepoLeave NaM V I E T _ _ _ ❓ AYAYA MaN sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEBY sneakyD pepeJAM widepeepoSad oh nyooo chatttt sneakyD BibleThump MaN ? AYAYA WEEBS IN AYAYA NAMS OUT NaM ❗ AYAYA YIKERS MaN boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA damn that's awful wtfd is that download speed NaM SHUTTHEFUCKUPWEEBS NaM NaM Shut IT up jerHype AYAYA SO AYAYA MANY AYAYA CUTIES AYAYA BibleThump nam 👉 🚪 AYAYAANY WEEBS IN CHAT Night sneaky dreadsHi AYAYA squadW Play The Piano, WITH ME jerGasm TriHard 7 AYAYA ANY WEEBS IN CHAT CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp CHAT WeirdChamp NaM 30yo NaM ppl NaM calling NaM themselves NaM cuties NaM WTF NaM squadR squadW jerBm1 jerBm2 jerBm1 jerBm2 jerBm1 jerBm2 jerBm1 jerBm2 AYAYA / ANY HOG SQUEEZERS ? PeepoShake AYAYA mendoAYAYA AYAYA Is he pissing or shitting? squadW peepoBlonket TeaTime AYAYA 👉 🚪 !followage squadW peepoShake AYAYA / !song !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2167 cuties in chat AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA PepeShake NaM sureCBANGER squadw is not following C9Sneaky this is high quality streaming mesHaka1 mesHaka2 mesHaka3 NaM Daily NaM Reminder NaM Weebs NaM Are NaM Pedos NaM cmonBruh pepeShake AYAYA HYPERBRUH D: NaM MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA 4Weird 4Weird chaiir stream cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH WTF cmonBruh HOL UP PeepoShake pepeD NaM MadoStab AYAYA . WeirdChamp racists AYAYA MadoStab NaM cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh NaM MadoStab AYAYA .. cmonBruh AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA !spank do269 peepoShake BANNED KEKW this music is garbage !followage PepePls cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH HEY YO NaM AYAYA HASHIRE SORI YO AYAYA KAZE NO YOU NI AYAYA TSUKIMIHARA WO AYAYA PADORU PADORU AYAYA comBruh sneakyChair sneakyH sneakyChair sneakyH sneakyChair sneakyH sneakyChair sneakyH cmonBruh WHAT U SAT Gf tackled him wonder how many different nationalities are watching sneaky right now ( I'm 3; Russian, Israeli, Canadian) peepoWtf racism 4Weird cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh NaM MadoStab AYAYA cmonBruh NaM ❗ WTF ❗ HYPERBRUH pepega AYAYA ANY CUTIES? AYAYA !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ Pepega AYAYA MadoStab NaM heart2Cry song? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @SnipingHobo it was you i know it HYPERBRUH cmonBruh NaM MadoStab AYAYA KEKW AYAYA HASHIRE SORI YO AYAYA KAZE NO YOU NI AYAYA TSUKIMIHARA WO AYAYA PADORU PADORU AYAYA HYPERBRUH what HYPERBRUH WAIT A MINUTE hm SOMEONE ELSE INVITE HIM finally good music on this stream!!!!! how long does it take to get a drink?! jeebus cmonBruh KKool MadoStab TriKool KKona cmonBruh Clap peepoSHAKE that invite tho KKona Wtf cmonBruh WHACHU SAY !chant KKona 🤝 NaM cmonBruh INVITE KKona someoone donate so sneaky knows he missed que grubClap KKona MadoStab AYAYA More people invite him HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH PeepoLeave imagine being a cringy attention seeking edgy boi WeirdChamp Star Guardian uwu pepeD Jebaited !chair hype typing "xD" doesnt make you cool FailFish xD FeelsGoodMan KKona 🤝 TriHard xD It's gone TriHard Clap xd Chair Stream PogYou cmonBruh INVITES xD PepegaShake rip sneaky xD TriHard xD TriHard Clap xD xD xD TriHard cmonBruh accept invites 😡 Weirdo TriHard pls god end this song TriHard 7 TriHard TriHard AYAYA 🤝 TriHard xD peepoArrive mods cmonBruh TriHard sneaky will you go to prom with me gachiBASS MadoStab gachiW pepeLaugh he doesnt know pepeDD you tell us monkaOMEGA sumSmash ricardoFlick @C9Sneaky you have to try the new Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE sup cuzs TriHard KEKW KEKW woo! I liked it smh that song was goin off KEKW That shit went hard Pepega widepeepoSad any mods TriHard KEKW 31 Pog LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW Jebaited press 1 if you LOST NNN press 2 otherwise weird ass song ricardoFlick 2 KEKW 311 ahahahahahahaha PepeHands KEKW lol MaN widePeepoSad pepeLaugh PJSalt they saw you being bad at the game 15 gb of fish widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Praise the gods @C9Sneaky Have you tried Kalista with conq since the rework since its basically fervor? Too much Gig gachiBASS KEKW Okayga AYAYA KEKW KEKW 4Head just download the game again 4Head FishMoley @These_jukes_aint_loyal haHAA ok widepeepoSad COGGERS @C9Sneaky you watch watchmen on hbo? ⣿⣿⣿⡏⣴⣿⣿⣶⡙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠃⣠⣪⡿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⢀⣿⣿⣝⢿⣿⣌⢻⣿⣿⣿⡿⠰⣻⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⡏⣿⣿⣿⠏⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER @c9sneaky isnt destiny 2 like 150 gb in total? Kreygasm well, it was better than rock WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky you have to try the new Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE what's your download speed sneaky? @C9Sneaky When is the deadline for team announcements? if there even is one HIT MaN you playing hitman ? @c9sneaky maybe u should be doing this before streaams LUL professional streamer pepeD DansGame @Limerence123 WideHard 7 NO MORE LEAGUE PLS no :) @ZaneC1 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 5Head it's big brain time, chat PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @raipod New Modern Warfare is pretty much that much too VisLaud Pog @YuYuYuna_ sneakyWEEB2 AYAYA 50gbs Pog 50G/s KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls read/write speed or steam cap pay your internet bill bruh LULW k 50 gigs a second 3Head PepegaPls şakşuka ? @rudi91 TriHard monsoonRanch Steam can't keep up with that download speed It is probably the server. Sometimes I need to swap steam servers to get my full speed. some games get less speed Steam throttles you should be able to download at unlimited because thats what u selected Depends on the servers. PepegaPls or die @SmolAria oathBlush hiiros1Ayaya 700gb per second Pog LULW 50g monkaW 700 gb/s VisLaud monkaHmm math is hard ALso depends on steam server you're downloading from 50 Gbs monkaS 700 gb Pog 5Head It's quite simple, really speed test is on local servers Their server has a limit to speed it can transfer data to you 15 gb a second rofl same the steam servers throttle you maybe ? Megabytes is different from Megabits speed test dont mean shit şakşukaaaaa @C9Sneaky When is the deadline for team announcements? if there even is one ima need you to show us PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 30 GB would be a day to download that for me FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky You are bottlenecked by your storage Read/write speed tho it doenst work like that lmao 5Head 🍷 It's quite simple, really 50gig a second, you ARE the internet certain games get different priorities on their server I don't think Steam gives you that much tho because its steams servers Hardware limitted XD depends how fast your hard drive writes pepeDance ANELE pepeDance 15gb a second is NASA shit steam will still throttle @C9Sneaky you might be getting bottlenecked by your hard drive or SSD that has your Steam games on it Because of their servers. TriHard LUL getting speed that you pay for LUL monkaHmm Hardware restriction is on both sides, yours and the server olum saksuka caliyor Steam has a server limit @C9Sneaky steams servers = poop WTF it's hard to explain 5Head 700Mb is not the same as 700MB monkaW GaBeN ITS FINE hardware limited i think not knowing how data is being capped LUL I mean i get 40 MB/s on steam Settings -> Downloads -> Download Region steam :) @C9Sneaky Bc Valve server not in ur local area KEKW What's with this gypsie music??? steams servers sucks you dont get what u pay for bruh monkaQ OHA Müzik aklsjlkdajsd GabeN chu say> The regions get overloaded @C9Sneaky It's your SSD You should get like 80 MB/s filter it by megabits and youll see the full rate şak şukaaaaa its hardware side If you could download 50gb/s you would have a nasa computer ANELE Clap ANELE and im stuck with 10/1 definitely not that NO. steam servers are just poop noluya lan N OMEGALUL ahaaskjgahhjagjagh başbaşaaaaaa @C9Sneaky DID you win not nut november ???? yeah its the harddrive its the rembimboca of the parafuseta i believe Need feet cam sneakyPride ... ANELE its time because the server upload is capped. ANELE ❓ Şakşuka if you're downloading to a harddrive that's probably it LOL Şarkıya gel xhixhx its dependent on read/write speeds @C9Sneaky What's with this gypsie music??? you hardrives are not the issue lmao ANELE twitch tech support KEKW pepeDance ANELE pepeDance @C9Sneaky hard drive can only write a certain amount of the information at a time ANELE ANELE ANELE if it not as SSD the limit is like 15 mbs hard drive speed should be higher than 11MB/s ANELE WTF 5Head 🍷 Just think about it it definitely is the hard drive ANELE god stop this Change steam server location @C9Sneaky ANELE Clap ANELE ANELE Clap IT experts unite POGGERS You loading from STEAM directly always instead you download from publisher servers or something and the can be slow nah it's not a hardware cap I can def see they putting a hard cap Read/write plus other programs Well if you have m.2 SSD, it doesn't matter, they are superfast Steam servers never will give you full DL speed it's semi-ptp download @C9Sneaky definitely your storage drive :D hard drive could be under us by multiple things, slowing down download speed ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE u can check by clicking the download @C9Sneaky When is the deadline for team announcements? if there even is one ssd for stream games @C9Sneaky I assume since they wouldn't be able to handle everyone downloading at that high they slow it down to a certain amount Hdd takes forevee The song :d steam throttles based on # users currently downloading @c9sneaky @C9Sneaky The speed that SpeedTest measures at is a different TYPE of speed, (like feet vs. meters) than the speed Steam uses / shows. ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE the music started out REALLY good and has just gone downhill PepeHands ANELE ANELE squadD Dood I Don't Smoke Donkey Shit şakşukaaaaaaaa ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE yes habibi music şakşuka @c9sneaky can you refund a subscription? takes time do download read then write asdfo;jasdl;fjkaasl;jkfasdf Şakşukaaaa ANELE ANELE ANELE daily prayer ANELE 🙏 pepeJAM ANELE pepeJAM WeirdChamp gachiHYPER ANELE SingsMic @C9Sneaky harddrive can only write so fast too ANELE you realize how many people there are that use the internet? LUL imagine milliuons of people downloading and causing power outtages @C9Sneaky SSD right? If so it's just steam servers being shit. 12 mb/s lol ANELE doyamadım tadamadım yiyemedim şakada şuka ANELE TwitchSings ANELE pepeJAM ANELE ANELE Moe Music ANELE asjdgasjdhas :D D DansGame `T A 11MB/s PepeHands PepegaShake how many steam games you got sneaky use fast dot com pepeLaugh are you dumb bro @riderfate Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited ANELE pepeJAM ANELE ANELE pepeJAM ANELE ANELE pepeJAM ANELE ANELE lol that song SabaPing SabaPing fast dot com works too olm kim atıyo la bunları How to use google - Boomer Kapp @amudakalkipelcirpanat asşdkuasdj :d @lolminsoo 5Head bnansShroud4Head Ah yes 5Head Ottenderg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! nba 2k20 when? Who the Hell is this Gooogel peeple keep talkinb about ? ANELE ANY BROTHAS IN CHAT fast dot com yup HDD is throttling right? cause green line is under download Kappu TPcrunchyroll I can't post links here right? @C9Sneaky now that no nut november is over do you have any plans to celebrate destroy dick december? no Rdr2 today ? ayyarını canım tutturamadım olum adama ne açtırdınız amk skskskskakakaka wtf is this music WutFace Has it always been like this? My download speed went to shit on steam a couple weeks ago, but everything else downloads fine. @C9Sneaky seems like it's just Steam servers being shit at the moment. Your hard drive seems fast enough to not be an issue. naptınız lan sabah ANELE it looks like it's your Hard drive sneaky ANELE 's in chat dkdkdk sabah 2K20 KEKW hahaha hoşuna gider şakşuka lol 2l20 is dead man ANELE ANELE PepePls TriKool / 🏀 bu ne la :D ANELE / music WeirdChamp HITMAN?? şak şukaaa ANELE Clap ANELE ? amnansnsnwhahahahah minsoo WeirdChamp Getting 78MB/s on steam atm. Pretty sure its the region being overloaded. Steam->Settings->Downloads->Download Region ANELE ANELE ANELE ahahahaha @C9Sneaky Green line is below blue bars so it is your HDD that is bottlenecking my internet is not the best, it only gets 5mbs a second byte balls onnline ANELE / byte nyte byte byte byte LuL byte = 8 bits Pepega byte megabyte byte byte bite byte byte Byte Pepega ANELE byte byte Byte byte Byte ANELE Better than Ariana ANELE bit ahhhahahaaha BYTE Pepega Pepega just search for "does steam throttle my downloads" on google Pepega şakşukaaaaaa :D PepegaHands Mega byte byte @c9sneaky what would you have done if you couldn’t get into compet league cmonBruh ANELE byte 1 byte = 8 bits byte my ass CS MAJOR LULW IcedFire subscribed with Twitch Prime. Byte sneaky pls PepegaHands does a megabit even exist? byte = 8 bits a byte is 8 bits şakşukaaaa byte CS MAJOR LULW CS MAJOR LULW CS MAJOR LULW CS MAJOR LULW 8 Bits in a Byte. Çatla baytı buytu boşver oyna ulan kodumun twitch chat thinking the HD would show faster than the network KEKW gigabyte KEKW byte megabyte > megabit @C9Sneaky Duo with Aphroo? ANELE wtf is this music HeyGuys HeyGuys bits are tiny 1 megabit = 0.125 megabytes i bang milfs Kreygasm ANELE sup sneakers @c9sneaky 1 bit 2 bytes ? I think 10 megabit is about 1 megabyte Mbps DUO APHROMOO 😡 wtf is that music ok cool 8 bits to a byte Turkish songs? lmaoo how would u dance to this ANELE SAKSUKAAAA ANELE 1 Byte = 8 bits bit is either 1 or 0 change steam settings Kapp 1 byte = 8 bits When you see MB or GB that's Mega Bytes 1 bit = 8 byte 1024 mb = 1 GB ANELE Clap monkaHmm KEKW ANELE Clap that's 10mb/s ANELE Clap DOTA2? DansGame DUOOO APHRO, THE CONTENT Megabyte = MB, Megabit = Mb 8 bits = 1 byte ANELE my jam brother ANELE Clap Pog OOOOOOOh a megabyte is 6x more than a megabit that sounds right ANELE isnt it like 1044=1000 1 bite = 4 Noms @C9Sneaky 1 Byte = 8 Bit divide by 8, that's real speed Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK just google megabit to megabyte converter 4 hours hunting the perfect natured Eternatus FeelsBadMan and I still don't have it FeelsBadMan that's per second, it's good speed megabit and megabyte are the same, byte is just plural GrammarKing OpieOP VoHiYo UnSane UncleNox Kappu TPFufun TwitchUnity ChefFrank riPepperonis panicBasket ANELE KEKW ooooooooohhh ITS STEAM NOT YOU this is some ANELE @C9Sneaky check steam download speed limits? @C9Sneaky Do you have DL cap on Steam active? music WeirdChamp unsignedd 32 bit DOTA 2?!?! HERESY! ANELE 8 bits in a byte. @c9sneaky when do you announce your joining 100thieves? ULAN BU SARKI NE AHSHSHHA @weirdchamp_spammer Weirdga D OMEGALUL TA SNEAKY GOING DOTA PRO PogU @C9Sneaky ISPs advertise bits cuz it's a bigger number but bytes is what most stuff is measured in MB = Megabytes not bits @FaceMonsterTV you mean 8x...? If you have a 1 gig line you should be able to hit around 70-90MB/s Open task manager then select the Details tab then right click on the Steam process then right click that and change the priority. perfect music do u have all the champs? confusing me sneaky U gonna try halo reach on pc? pepeDance ANELE pepeDance try restarting the Steam client @C9Sneaky what type of internet do you have? Divide it by 8 and that's usually what you should get your download speed around @C9Sneaky ANELE ANELE ANELE Give me your IP and I can help you fix this problem : ) ŞAKŞUKA byte >> 7 = 1 bit see how your disk line is below the network graph, it must be the hdd that's limiting 00100100 that's a byte. 0 is a bit @Matt3087 can't you just change the nature monkaHmm its just steam bro @C9Sneaky @ryuujin101 are you stupid Try changing the region like I suggested Give me your IP and I can help you fix this problem : ) 12MB is good Citylimitsjr subscribed with Twitch Prime. @voyager_i every day ANELE kim gönderdi bı şarkıyı buna asdfasdf @C9Sneaky there serves have limits prob that @C9Sneaky 11 IS ME ON A GOOD DAY try changing the download server PepoDance ANELE PepoDance @C9Sneaky DID you win not nut november ???? Bu ne lannn?? :D @C9Sneaky do you have a data limit set up in steam options? dl limit? that's pretty much as high as steam goes lol gachiBASS MORE SUCTION @C9Sneaky Storage also gets slower as it fills up. sexy car? sexy car? @ABNORMEL LMAO I HATE MYSELF @ryuujin101 what man? @nodustno Speed is measured in bits. Standard in IT. ANELE Clap I mean there is a steam sale going on right now, I imagine people are hitting steam servers like nuts right now\ @C9Sneaky They're throttling you monkaS xqcSkip xqcSkip xqcSkip your network is bottlenecked at 100mbit @C9Sneaky PTWZooAnimals subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yay steam downloading is pretty jank Megabit per second Megabyte per second 1 Mbps 0.125 MB/s 2 Mbps 0.25 MB/s 3 Mbps 0.375 MB/s 4 Mbps 0.5 MB/s PepegaShake the graph shows you in steam.. your disk is writing slower than your network do you have it limited? it is what it is :) @C9Sneaky are you downloading to a hard drive or an SSD? PepeS MadoStab gachiBASS i have 120 MBps and i usually have around 12-20mb per second download WideHard san hose Sometimes the primary ones get overloaded. @C9Sneaky Steam servers have download limit on how fast you can take from them!!! @C9Sneaky is it possible you have a cap set for download speed in steam settings? I get 12mb also and my internet is much slower than yours. it's probably steam server i only get 1MB bruh LA to Tokyo PepegaPls Its not just Steam that does this, Blizzard does it as well. its just steam bro without hoes Pog ANELE Clap YAY TriHard this chat ain't hard enough @voyager_i guess your stupid now Throttled Kappa try austrilia PepegaPls San Hosed KEKW PepegaPls Floppy Disk steam downloading is pretty shit in general tbh Flopppy disk @mrtinydmcgee yeah 8 floppy dick @C9Sneaky Steam servers have download limit on how fast you can take from them!! @TeemoPewPew who are u KEKW BOOMER, FLOPPY DISK @c9sneaky its because steam measures downloads in megabytes and ur looking at megabits u can change the units in settinga Floppy disk gang grubBear hi chat @C9Sneaky do u have a set cap on steam? I get 12 MB/s with 100 down :) Open task manager then select the Details tab then right click on the Steam process then right click that and change the priority. @ryuujin101 holy shit you need help Floppy Boy @Matt3087 why not use mints A platter drive should let you get to at least 35MB/sec.. unless its super fragmented downloading to paper Itll take forever on that you can use my floppy drive ;) floppy like my penis? its the harddrrive if not SSD anyone seen my uggs? @ABNORMEL I totally forgot that you could do that FeelsBadMan @voyager_i all the time xzeroComfy @c9sneaky MB is different in Mb @c9sneaky check downloads under steam settings @Matt3087 LUL d its just steam steam settings sir yes continue with turkish songs c9Sneaky can u suck your own dick? just curious 1 MB = 1000 Mb CHECK STEAM SETTING @ABNORMEL this is why you don't smoke pot everyday, your brain melts. only while streaming? @rockondrugs WeirdChamp I gotta go buy you are streaming bye guys @rockondrugs WeirdChamp There’s so much wrong information in chat. You’re not going to get anything here man. maybe because ur streaming bye winters PauseChamp less stable and less speed in "Hose" @C9Sneaky a "bit" is atomic: the smallest unit of storageA bit stores just a 0 or 1. 1 Byte = 8 bits ❄️ @wintermage5 WeirdChamp Canada seems to have very low downloads in the last 48 hrs Kappa bye winter @Arpacan ? have you checked steam download limits @WintersWard dont come back dont want to scare you, sneaky, but theres a very big snake in your pants rn @WintersWard WeirdChamp @Matt3087 true pepeSmoke @C9Sneaky are you running a VPN? i know that can 100% effect your steam DL speed. @Nartomou D: Updates actually take longer than the base game Flush dns KappaPride WOWIE @C9Sneaky try seeing the download rate with the stream offline @C9Sneaky 95 mbps POGGERS wtf PauseChamp Firewall? @theduckwhocucks FeelsWowMan oh Mbps it's steam rate limiting because a lot of people are using Steams bandwidth right now PauseChamp ... play dota Pog @rudi91 you @ the wrong guy I think lol PauseChamp 95 Mbps tho sounds like youre getting cucked @wintermage5 i didnt WeirdChamp That's my max download speed in Australia KEKW bro its just steam. its shit trust me. I have 1000 down and it does the same shit @C9Sneaky can u change your name now :p @C9Sneaky Its the same 95Mbps = 12MB/s XD gachiHYPER I get 2 Mbps if my internet is good KEKW wait did you change it to Mbps WeirdChamp wait what was the setting? chinese knock off hard drive his downloading straight to a harddrive not an SSD Just Download 4Head LUL billionaire with only 95Mbps KEKW oh alright ur definitely getting cucked I think it is just steam. !followage You can open task manager, and go to performance to see if the hard drive is the bottleneck @C9Sneaky dude Chakwas has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 7 months, 4 weeks, 1 day 10K PC PepeLaugh @c9sneaky do you have a limit set in the download settings ? AYAYA only fast internet for challenger . are you? @C9Sneaky is it an ssd? 100mbps is considered God tier in Australia KEKW it's steam u are not with c9 PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro thats Mbps KEKW monkaS TANNER 100mbps is god tier in america too @Jenrar PauseChamp PagChomp it's¢ Pog HE'S BASICALLY INVISIBLE WeirdChamp PauseChamp monkaS @C9Sneaky that's what happens when you get off of C9 Kappa Pepega ok Okayga ???? look at him go Pog PauseChamp KEKW LUL KEKW They can't see him! Tasty_G subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! white peepo Happy WeirdChamp I have 2Mbps wired, you should feel lucky FailFish Pog monkaW WeirdChamp cring af WeirdChamp Pog HE'S INCREDIBLE monkaW wtf lol LUL SNEAK 100 NA LULW WeirdChamp Cringe WeirdChamp widepeepoHappy OkayChamp cmonBruh Weirdga john cena monkaS Everything is CRINGE LUL pokiLOL Bruh cmonBruh WeirdChamp ruined widepeepoHappy haHAA ok BrokeBack oof haHAA Clap haHAA LULW haHAA cringe af Chaseshaco IRL ?????? haHAA holy KEKW @c9sneaky try downloading at noon tomorrow, your download will be much better KEKW Pog HE GOT HIM LULW oh my god ......... LOL WeirdChamp WeirdChamp LMFAO haHAA cmonBruh haHAA haHAA monkaW dafuq WeirdChamp LULW oh GOD haHAA holy shit... no..... haHAA He is invisible Pog KEKW LULW oh god monkaS haHAA 2 POINT EVISCERATE WeirdChamp i dont get it its just a classroom? wheres the joke??? STOP YIKES haHAA WeirdChamp oh god LUL haHAA LULW b r u h LUL LUL LUL LUL WeirdChamp oh god NA OMEGALUL lmao haHAA old video haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA haHAA ok dude haHAA LULW oh ok haHAA 👌 monkaW haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP another autistic kid PepeHands haHAA haHAA STOP PLS haHAA Clap Rogue Pog monkaW WHERE DID HE GO??? haHAA SO FUNNY lvl60 rogue monkaS haHAA pls stop Stop this man! oh god oh fuck haHAA HYPERCLAP he cant his vanish is down this is actually so bad WoW haHAA LULW Classic WOW SadChamp what a champ lmao autism PepegaHands WeirdCHamp haHAA haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA HYPERCLAP haHAA 2 CP Eviserate PogChamp HE IS DOING IT Pog 4Weird haHAA next please Cringe haHAA haHAA haHAA Pog SO GOOD someone flare him PogU haHAA haHAA Clap haHAA LVL 60 Rogue PogU OkayChamp holy no jesus god why How old is this video LUL Yes yes yes zoo wee mama yes Yes ;) HIGHSCHOOLER WeirdChamp haHAA yes KEKW WTF IS THAT? LUL YES NA SCHOOL OMEGALUL Lv60 Human Rogue WeirdChamp PogU STEALTH MASTER YES KEKW sweet spiked bangs bro weirdChamp this man is LIVING wow classic this isnt wow classic? Cringe af ResidentSleeper 2007 memes Pog dislike it OkayChamp PepeHands 07 They're all humans, no way they dont see him with perception. thief monkaW @C9Sneaky DID you win not nut november ???? monkaW hes 30 now Pog goodness that's older than most of chat rank 14 tanner monkaW Clap BOOMER KEKW HOW OLD I CANT SEE Pepega what a legend that man is 31 I'm a hunter with track hidden on, you lose rogue These people didn't fair well in school. don't laugh at the retard, cmon now old internet widepeepoSad Boomers OK BOOMER imagine what would happen to him in the 50s PogU COMPLETED HIS MISSION 2007 widepeepoSad 2 point evis he must be garbage LULW He never stopped playing Classic WOW Doesnt look like its your disc looking at steam stop stalling hitman squad4 AMBUSH! EVISCERATE! VANISH! POGGERS @theduckwhocucks LOL OMEGALUL K BOOMER check your steam msgs sneaky jesus whats with these long queues lately???? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds PepegaPls jokes on you guys he's now streaming wow classic and dates e-girls headBang That guy is lucky he was in a science class or someone would have beat him up POG download speed this is best i dont get the joke chat its just a normal classroom? wheres the joke? 2007? that kid is a boomer now hes atleast 13 right now he's streaming in IRL I SEE STARS @Kawaii_SanChan I can only hope to become like him FeelsBadMan my fav i see stars song @c9sneaky thats asmongold did you listen to the weeknds new song? @C9Sneaky gachiBASS 🤘 play some Doto Kappa @C9Sneaky DID you win not nut november ???? , headBang TeaTime enable CrabPls BabyRage fix the queue BabyRage DDD WeirdChamp rogues have some of the floppiest 8 inchers you'll ever see chat Kappa headBang sneaky is on that no-nut @kaataja_ LOL XD 10k ppl watching queue what is that sad face :( @Nartomou i like naruto too LUL ResidentSleeper HYPERCLAP did you delete Hitman This sounds like half the lyrics are on a turntable. LUL gachiHYPER MID OMEGALUL 12 min q Pog monkaW mira kpo porq no estás de cosplay kpo can i be your first? same nutting is for sinners Sneaky mid PepoThink go with Lux but its destroy dick december @Kawaii_SanChan WeirdChamp league DansGame pórtate bien papa One more random "Kappa" and I'm out of here FailFish that's the update LUL Kappa Kapp Lynn must be sad oof Snackers just wait for hitman league peepoLeave Kappa Kapp kappa sneaky is going to blow like old faithful when he finally nuts gachiHYPER gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP Kappa Kappa @lostryuk whatns naruto Imagine nutting in current year LULW Kappa Gayppa Kappa me :) @azurexd_ sorry, i should have asked you first alkSuper holy moly SwiftRage Kappa im playing lcs :) KappaPride TCS POG 200 PING pepeLaugh dont @ me pls :) @Kawaii_SanChan WutFace did you listen to the weeknds new song? Kappa spam, the good ol days 200PING imread(filename); imread(filename); imread(filename); peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave One more random "AYAYA" and I'm out of here FailFish @C9Sneaky How do you feel about the current political climate between China and the U.S i feel like your scholarly analysis of this diplomatic falling out can provide key insights to a resolution LULW Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK @C9Sneaky Why do you always ban Shaco? ban senna PagChomp BigBrother TCS AYAYA @C9Sneaky YOU CAN JOIN Pog @C9Sneaky will u be my friend i have no friends widepeepoSad trap challenger series LUL AYAYA play tcs Pog LUL senna repeat of last game tyler1 WeirdChamp TCS peepoPog @20022512abcdef WeirdChamp Song name please?!?!? @C9Sneaky u downloading hitman !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 13 minutes 42 seconds PogU TCS kpo menos blabla y más cosplay kpo gg KEKW senns went through Ban Me peepoPog Kawaii_SanChan "KEKW" 4Weird @NasusanChill Şakşuka TCS dec 14 and 16 Pog @Crescent__Strike I LOVE WEEBS AYAYA play mid 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" TCS tyler1SSJ play mid Pepega TeaTime HOT COCOA Pepega TeaTime HOT COCOA Pepega TeaTime HOT COCOA season 10 sneaky still ban shaco marksman "support" tcs? sneaky plays in world championship tournaments ONLY @Kawaii_SanChan KEKW Kawaii_SanChan KEKW based on 1 game, thats how we do stats 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" You cant play if you have a LCS contract all you need is am agro support no lcs contracted players can play in the tcs 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" KEKW wait are gonna play in tyler1 tourney ? 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" dont @ me Sneaky can play in TCS this year PogChamp 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" KEKW KEKW gachiW MY BUTTHOLE @Kawaii_SanChan AYAYA SAME Just play her 4Head sneaky has feeling KEKW LOLSAME KEKW KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" What song is dis o: balls meteos hai sneaky lemon in tcs 2019 Pog AP SHACO IS NASTY RIGHT NOW I PLAYED HIM MID BROKEN @c9sneaky the way bandwidth pricing works is Valve wants to reduce their peak download rates. if you download at another time of day you won't get steam throttling. even in a few hours when West coast goes to bed sneaky has feeling KEKW YOU SAID YOUD BE THERE senna new yuumi FeelsBadMan sneaky how much pussy do you get? widepeepoSad sneaky's feelings KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" "4Weird" WeirdChamp "4Weird" WeirdChamp "4Weird" WeirdChamp "4Weird" WeirdChamp "4Weird" WeirdChamp "4Weird" WeirdChamp mid sneaky Pog KEKW 4Weird sivir is good here Kappa LolsMe Proclasteus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" go kat Pog Shaco van always "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW nvm 4Weird How do you show indicator on autos?? broxahWOH cmonBruh PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" triple adc monkaW @C9Sneaky Is she easy if you just go engage on her? draven into senna PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan Pepega CHAT Pepega CHAT Pepega CHAT Pepega CHAT Pepega CHAT KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan KEKW EMOTE WARS PartyHatPartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" cock ma o baby "KEKW" KEKW POGGERS KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" : KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KOGMAW Pog PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan 4Weird KEKW 4Weird KEKW 4Weird KEKW 4Weird KEKW 4Weird KEKW 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" you gotta play trist and jump on her dumb face 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" COGGERS POGGERS POGGERS KOG GAME "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW Pretty Butterfly Kog please moon2SH sneaky how much pussy do you get in LA? COGGERS YAYYYY KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" : KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" Okayga COCK-MA just got here, what the heaven's fuck is happening? PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" PartyHat 4Weird 👉 kekw PogU EMOTE WARS PogU 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" COPY PASTA 4Weird 5adcs in one game Pog POGMAW LUL wat PartyHat NOT EVERYONE IN THE CHAT CAN WEAR THE HAT FeelsBadMan IT'S NUNU AND WILLUMP pvmanA rengar support is best "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW Okayga COCK-MA. 🍆 ur gonna be using ur passive a lot this game senna aphromoo KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" Okayga COCK-MA USING EMOTES 4Weird Go conq peepoLeave MONARCH KOG @C9Sneaky KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW "4Head" KEKW Okayga chat wars you need jesus vs senna OkayChamp "OkayChamp" OkayChamp "OkayChamp" OkayChamp "OkayChamp" OkayChamp "OkayChamp" OkayChamp "OkayChamp" Okayga COCK-MA. 4KAPPA peepoPog oNLY radEggplant KAPPA let's go play pogmaw Sneaky peepoArrive chat peepoLeave lmao u playin aphro pugmaw Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" No Monarch skin, no Conq peepoLeave Kreygasm just dont get hit 4Head Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Okayga COCK-MA no Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" Pepega "PEPEGA" peepoWTF no reindeer kog no @nunuandwillumpp doing gods work with that name, keep going champ Sneaky peepoArrive chat peepoLeave NO KEKW no nope FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' Senna is overtuned af pepeJAM just dodge her w 4HEad PepePls pepeD SEA SHANTY 2 PepePls pepeJAM pepeD sea shanty 2 ! sea shanty 2 pog 4Weird 🤜 🤛 KEKW | KEKW 🤝 4Weird 4Weird 🤜 🤛 KEKW | KEKW 🤝 4Weird pepeD Aphro Senna monkaS moo on senna, you lose "peepoArrive" peepoLeave "peepoArrive" peepoLeave "peepoArrive" peepoLeave "peepoArrive" peepoLeave Pog RS PepePls Aphro senna 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" Should I got do a relaxing hunt, play my permadeath game, or play tft SEA SHANTY 2 Pog LA CHONA 2? pepeD @C9Sneaky How do you feel about the current political climate between China and the U.S, i feel like your scholarly analysis of this diplomatic falling out can provide key insights to a resolution HYPERS littlegreensir subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! play sea shanty uhkelsKiss FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' FeelsWeirdMan ''KEKW'' PepePls dont play nba 2k that shit is garbage peepoWTF ayayaJAM The Moo Senna Pog what d4 dead LUL monkaW monkaMega Okayga “COCK” Okayga “COCK” Okayga “COCK” Okayga “COCK” Okayga “COCK” Okayga “COCK” monkaW f @C9Sneaky I am in love with you !c9 monkaGun rank 1 or else the new 2k is bad i heard widepeepoSad aphro senna monkaS aphro Pog He's dead as fuck PogU Is vlad D4?????? 100 ping KEKW !followage sneaky with cock peepoArrive sneaky with tits peepoLeave @C9Sneaky WTF no pugmaw Hey sneaky how do u change settings to see ur autos Maaachew has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 6 days 5? PogU love u Indicator "Pepega" Weirdga "Pepega" Weirdga "Pepega" Weirdga "Pepega" Weirdga "Pepega" Weirdga how often do u paint ur hair saved Pog SHANTYYYY @lolminsoo Clap MINSOO PogU 5Head @lolminsoo Saving thsi man Clap @MinhooMinh widepeepoHappy 5Head last time I was this early sneaky was still playing for clg making up for the 0 ad carries in the games last year KEKW Bruh the fucking steaksauce I just put on my beef pizza an 11/10 I look so forward to it being done in 12 min, now my mouth watering from the sexy streamer and the pizza Kreygasm 8head show tits @c9sneaky 5Head didn't resume lol league of adc's PauseChamp ? !followage Didnt resume does snealy live on the west coast? 5Head @lolminsoo Pog @lolminsoo Pog he didnt un you @C9Sneaky pause sneakyMeteos Leona dance widepeepoHappy Orb_of_Light dont tell him pepeLaugh PogU saved Weirdga Daddy cumming gachiGASM LUL @MinhooMinh fuck ma Face Daddy Weirdga pepeLaugh MaN how often do you paint ur hair? Changed title? D: Okayga TeaTime COCK D: D: D: pepeD DansGame D: HotPokket D: Paint hair D: what the fuck is this cover of "Your Love" ???? WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp you yes Aphromo poG yes yes Some would call the title reformed @1Larebearr wtf D: yes it's called baliage painting also... monkaW that would explain the Pepega ness pepeD paint the hair pepeD BrainSlug WutFace BLESS YOU SNACKY WutFace WutFace bless you yes :) WutFace AWOOOO RPGAyaya jermaChomp bless !duo AchillesHealNA KEKW wrong version DansGame cok yasa How tf u got queued w a D4??? I also have my hair gray :D @TheTrueDBomb ikr its just as bad atleast make it sound good He changed his server already balayge painting* hair FrankerZ FrankerZ forsenCD grubBae bless you sneaky !commands delete !duo Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @theduckwhocucks -> The command "!duo" has been deleted successfully. fucking zoomer pieces of shit covering good songs with their shit voices WeirdChamp :) Yea it does make a huge difference XD :) :) :) :) @imshrubz i didnt mean it in a creepy way, i was just wondering cause its hella late by me :) :) WTF minsoo PogU :) :) :) I cant use the server closest to me for full speeds. Had to pick one further away :) WutFace :) nice try duck :) :) :) 🤷 song ruined gachiBASS Senna is fine :) 😂 :) :) :) :) Leona dives lvl 1 :) Senna :) BibleThump i can :) 😄 😄 PunOko :) @h4d3n i actually have cancer from listening to this :) !followage BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump CastroONerd has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks, 5 days LEONA KEKW Type 1 for no reason Kappa LEONA?? LOL LEONA TRASH KEKW wtf Chat I slept for 16 hours ask me anything LUL LUL leona inting hard KEKW XD Jebaited Jebaited L E OMEGALUL N A SMOrc y WeirdChamp corki TriHard feels elise man TriHard TriHard cirComfy TriHard TriHard TriHard Leona KEKW BibleThump CorgiDerp ? corki dorky SadChamp i miss adc corki @TeemoPewPew must be nice TriHard A D4 playing at a GM game Weirdga late game I miss ADC Graves FeelsBadMan BigBrother mooDAB mooDAB mooDAB horny girls BibleThump LOL WHERE @kaadarnei Cann OMEGALUL n yikes Chat moving so fast, no one will notice I'm doing my daily Kappa check LuL and Urgot too Chat don't start Race war pls I miss adc graves too Kappa Just close range ADCs in general Yea the ISPs out here rock I'm getting 20MB/s from Steam and I have fifth the speed Sneaky has, so something is wrong with his settings or something Kappa Kappa check Cs OMEGALUL we almost have for 2 dorans I havnt seen a golden Kappa in years Kappa OWL2019Tracer Kappa check @TeemoPewPew Weird Flex WeirdChamp i miss adc neeko FeelsBadMan Kappa checking in Kappa Kappa ? hi dad Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa PepeHands I miss adc kogmaw DAILY GOLDEN Kappa TEST Kappa Kappa Golden Kappa Check Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa is going bot corki troll? Kappa ? Kappa Sneaky seems tense and maybe bit tilted Kappa Kappa any pepega monsters? kappa I am using a server in another state though to hit full speeds through steam Kappa Kappa Kappa Kapp Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa GOLDEN Kappa ? KappaHD Kapp Kappa CoolCat Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa @kawaii_sanchan no Kappa I swear if I see one more xD i'm gonna' lose it 😡 KappaClaus Keepo Kappa Kappa Kappa Clap sneaky in lane xd Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa ❗ Kappa xD Kappa Kappa xD Kappa Kappa KappaPride did I win? Kapp xD MiniK no golden kappa :( moon2COOM xD Kappa KappaPride :( Kappa Kappa moon2CR Kappa KappaClaus golden kappa reveal KappaHD NO GOLDEN KAPPaS HERE moon2SH Kappa Kappa KappaClaus KappaClaus only 360p Kappa and fake KappaPride Kapp moon2PREGARIO moon2SH BlessRNG Kappa Kappa boxZoom Jebaited Jebaited KappaClaus aphro KEKW Pog monkaS Pog heheh LUL monkaW not even close ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper peepoPog monkaS Pog PagChomp senna hard int HEHEHE 4Head not event close Pog Kog Kappa feud999 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 50 months, currently on a 50 month streak! 50 more to go 4Head Okayga COCK-MA This guy is so good, he should join LCS monkaW 5Head kogmaW unemployed duo? 4HEad 4Head 50 months that's crazy! I've been following him for a little longer then that but never subbed sadly :V PogU @C9Sneaky Why did mass doran's blades become meta again? what do you think of BOTRK right now sneakers @C9Sneaky fappin is this streamer on a pro team? He looks pretty good at this game @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] i see stars? headBang @C9Sneaky got permad OMEGALUL , play on smurf now Fiddy monffs! Pog insane $$$$$ KittenWithABowtie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! we did it zach, such a proud couple we are sneakyWEEB3 monkaW !foIIowage theduckwhocucks has been following C9Sneaky for 420 months. chainsawcharlie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! 🕷 ! followage gachiW im at 49 months FeelsBadMan @elmokid1 dont WutFace 420 sneakyGrip streamer it is time to make joke in chat @theduckwhocucks wanna thank you for the gifted sub you gave out like a week ago. havent been in since. thanks! LEONA Pog HYPERCLAP @C9Sneaky i want to hit chally being drunk is it possible dad thats what you call a marriage headBang Leona KreyGasm i want snacky to call me a bad boy gachiHYPER SourPls @Oshosi253 you played right into my hand @Oshosi253 wanna thank you for the gifted sub you gave out like a week ago. havent been in since. thanks! Been here for years but typically dont talk KEKW KEKW love u snacky sneakyC !followage xSavial has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 5 days @TeemoPewPew FOLLOWING SINCE 2013 WutFace sneaky @teemopewpew rare mod bawkPoggers malfivalentine subscribed with Twitch Prime. @TeemoPewPew same KEKW @TeemoPewPew u have like 20 messages in ur chat history since 2013 !followage TeemoPewPew has been following C9Sneaky for 6 years, 4 months, 1 week, 5 days !followage !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 25 minutes 13 seconds @theduckwhocucks i meant it as in iv been busy so havent been able to thank you. not that now i have no need to watch sneaky worth @C9Sneaky How come lots of other people complain about being sniped and cover up their map, but you don't complain about and do not cover your map? I feel like you are not toxic at all as a good portion of streamers tend to be Spooky boomer mods KEKW @mudpill wanna thank you for the gifted sub you gave out like a week ago. havent been in since. thanks! It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. the dodges Kreygasm pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 6. years unless...? !followage almost a 5er @Oshosi253 oh :D @krippsdad Havent seen that one in a while KappaPride !followage !followage ColChippy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! DaegiTokki has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 7 months, 1 week, 1 day It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. @krippsdad Old but gold @teemopewpew wow i dont think ive ever seen u talk in chat @Oshosi253 sneakyFedora edging Kreygasm !followage !followage !followage @krippsdad holy shit this is amazing :) It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. sneakyHey sneakyHey !followage @theduckwhocucks sneakyFedora !followage @TeemoPewPew :) bot is slow It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. Almost 6yrs pog tyler1O It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. !followage HentaiGodNA has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 6 months, 4 weeks, 2 days Pog gachiW bababaoiii ababbabbaoiii can just click on your name in chat to see follow age KEKW LUL LuL KEKW oh yeah monkaS holy It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into nobody actually reads the copypasta. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. what a cancer lane @hotdogss Weirdga 7 ahhhhhhhhh KEKW LuL LUL LUL that champion is insanly broken k @JessieS23 Weirdga KEKW kets roll KEKW KEKW lets monkaS monkaS lol get slapped from 2000 range washed broxahLUL monkaS rip frames monkaS monkaS theduckwhocucks i read it everytime it comes up :) monkaS monkaW I hope you're enjoying interacting with other players monkaS kog leona is hot garbage monkaS monkaS they have so much range LOL double sniper bot lane KEKW !followage @MrMangoDude monkaS chat whats the songs name? Ciraris has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 5 days the footsies senna is cancer !followage @theduckwhocucks gachiHYPER PLAYING KOG 2019 KEKW not banning senna KEKW Anything against senna is hot garbage @theduckwhocucks I read it :) !followage is barrirer the new meta as adc¡ Senna is balanced btw not buying 4 dorans KEKW pop c Stupid bot won’t tell me !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! @paxsus_ HEY kog is the oldnew wave !followage RaXa651 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week only 2 blades i thought this was a mans game No 6 dorans peepoLeave Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa !followage barrier is pretty damn good every game in high elo soloQ is either ff 15 or finish at 25 It's called an Xbox 360 because when you see it you do a 360 and walk away. Kappa = ded emote @do269 just search followage on google Kappa @illumi187 I See Stars - calm Snow (acoustic) Kappa @halitosis_ not as fun silly Kappa Boomer emote Sneakers vs aphromoo Pog @Mudpill PepoThink Kappa kog in 2020 KEKW !followage song name? Jeystan has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, 5 days Kappa Pizza is done PogU is he gonna play rd2? Kappa @theduckwhocucks ok boomer @a1saucyyyy thank you partner KKona // Come on, show de golden Kappa sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw leona afk ? spotted karthus miss when sneaky and meteos sucked eachother rancid ballsacks and it smelled very so badly uhhh yea yea wow ooh !followage hey bitcheS MisterSophistication has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 2 weeks, 3 days ups karthus SillyChamp juke it monkaW @theduckwhocucks wait a second KEKW SICK BARRIER 4Head i knew there was something wrong with ur copy pasta NIMBUS CLOAK KEKW 👀 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Lol I’ve followed sneaky longer than I’ve been with my fiancée EZ @lolminsoo pepeLaugh @theduckwhocucks im not surprised u used it 4Head ban senna Kappa Pog Clap remember xiaoweixiao monkaW @mistersophistication dump fiancé for him full build Pog ANOTHER D BLADE Pog lolsteamer for fun KEKW pls dont type "xD" its cringe :) Kappa only 3 dorans peepoLeave @do269 he’s taken FeelsBadMan XD More Dorans Pog xD @fraudrigo sneakyBoost senna flashed XD 4 fun 4Head SO mister sneaky is it playable against senna ? xd xD WHY did this doran meta happen now KEKW why didnt people do it years earlier sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost shut up DansGame chat xD Xd AYAYA Dx xd TRAPS? here :) @mistersophistication just dump fiancé anyways 5head KannaNom TRAPS Kreygasm step step step :) Traps? sneakyWEEBY !song AYAYA TRAPS cs LULW AYAYA 4Weird @hackedbythailand slow lvl for adc so they appreciate the base stats more now than before why is there a dorans meta now? whisper me answer pls Chat kinda cringe tonight, guys 4Weird what in the FUCK man.... dude.... I just found out that there are people in this world having pre - marital s*x... are you fucking kidding? What a joke society has become to think this is acceptable behavior. Alcove play PogU and dragon is more important now @delcandy always been, gives u more substain with hp and life steal in lane @hackedbythailand it's been a thing several times but usually it gets nerfed and people stop doing it. !time December 2nd 2019, 12:16:51 am PST GMT-08:00 KEKW LULW L OMEGALUL NA KEKW KS KEKW SURPRISE haHAA KEKW oh he's against aphro/auto ? KEKW WOOHOO HYPERCLAP leona's busted KEKW mine now cuh TriHard any sweepers? KEKW @delcandy it’s based on if you are playing aggressive. If you are losing don’t do it. If you are winning make sure your support still plays aggressively or you will be wasting KEKW KEKW monkaW Smurfed on KEKW KEKW sweeper adc KEKW KEKW LuL 1/0/5 balance KEKW this leona is kinda bad tho KEKW support btw Pog is this the new kogmaw supp Strat? PogU KEKW PepegaAim KARTHUS ULT CANCEL Pog LUL PepegaAim pov Cya Pepega 'just get in her face loooool 4HEad ' - reddit LULW carwhoLol carwhoLol carwhoLol Pog hahahha Pog hell yeah partner squadKK LUL monkaW KEKW KARTHUS LMFAO monkaW Pepega Clap honor vlad PogYou KEKW jhin stalker how do you cancel karthus R? did he press R while alive KEKW Sneaky subs KEKW CC KEKW he died PrideWingL CorgiDerp MercyWing2 probably he died to vlaf D4 Vlad smurfing Pog karth mald vlad killed him vlad killed him solo lmao PogU Vlad he cast W while channeling R LULW @xcivilityx any cc I KILL SMOrc sneaky1 sneaky2 ownm can you still do that yes it does I kil SMOrc YOU CAN ??? !duo i kill monkaW me kill SMOrc headBang BMTH cancelled on death when you die when you channel it cancels no he died mid channel oh he died while channeling You can't cast it if you don't have enough time KEKW PepegaPls KEKW maybe no tim lefty wefty goiod he died while channeling cant push r after you get to 3s in passive he ulted alive and died mid ulti ? karthus was alive hit R then died mid cast PepegaPls karthus misclicked ult during a fight and vlad killed him he died while channeling I kil SMOrc if he died mid way that makes sense Pog 'Maw coming online Only challengers 🙌 like me 🤙 can cancel Karthus R 💁🏼♀️ PepegaPls widepeepoSad PepegaPls DuckerZ FeelsOkayMan PepegaPls KEKW KEKW KEKW Flash LULW rip If u killkarthus mid r it's cancelled and he has 160cd. KARTHUS MALDING KEKW If he presses r while Alive then u kill him it cancels and he goes into passive @c9sneaky hit all 3 Pog KEKW MAID Pog tommy309Gasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm KEKW LEONA everyone is dead LULW gachiHYPER gachiBASS Pog gachiW gachiW vlad balanced gachiBASS gachiHYPER PogChamp VLADIMIR WON HUNGER GAMES gachiW Fed Vlad GG HYPERBRUH headBang PepegaPls Pog NICE GAME LULW vlad is skilled KEKW sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm pepeD Pog 5 ADs KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog pepeD pepeD WTF That was a fiesta pepeD ? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD I kil pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD everyone is dead fuck yeah lets go pepeJAM pepeD Pog pepeJAM pepeD PepeJam pepeD OH SHIT pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD pepeD POG pepeD pepeD pepeD boatyLove boatyLove boatyLove boatyLove boatyLove pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD IM PLAYING OSRS PepePls sea shanty 2 pog pepeD pepeD pepeJAMS pepeJAM pepeD pepeD PepePls PepePls PepePls best music pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD AHOY pepeJAM the mozart of our time pepeD PEPEd SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD runescape pog pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD :) pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD Finally some good music pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD 🌞 Clap pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD SEA SHANTY 2? pepeD TriKool Clap AAYYYEEEE Pog banger pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD pepeD @C9Sneaky pls snackers i need role in discrod server !!!!!_@)E#)E pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD pepeD FeelsGoodMan pepeD pepeD 😂 pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT PogYou pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Bretticus300 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months! RIP that vlad pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW LUL pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD vlad pog KEKW KEKW TriKool Clap KEKW KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT KEKW KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @lolminsoo stop spamming or I perma you idiot pepeD Rareparrot pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD headBang pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAMMER PepegaShake pepeJAMMER PepegaShake pepeJAMMER PepegaShake pepeJAMMER PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Wait @c9sneaky your hair is the wrong way.... pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT @AlfaAnanasz pepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeDpepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 FeelsBadMan inting toplaner pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD yaaassssss pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW CALLED IT pepeD pepoD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 headBang pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT =T pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD song? nacho libre? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Timing KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Jammies pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD < Kappa / pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepeLaugh oh no no no pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD WutFace leona fuckin SUCKS WeirdChamp LISTEN TO THAT PHAT BEAT MODS pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD WutFace pepeD pepeD pepeD TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD IS THIS NACHO LIBRE??? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD TriHard TriHard TriHard mods cant ban me im a sub pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard pepeD ç pepeD pepeD pepeD Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @lolminsoo FeelsWeirdMan TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD monkaW earthquake KEKW pepeL TeaTime COCK PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW OUTJUNGLED pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT pepeD OH SHIT WutFace WutFace Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Clap Why do I always see sneaky going stormrazor first item all the time now? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD WutFace WutFace Mod spam DansGame mods WutFace TOO FAR Weirdga SNEAY YR HAIR JS WRONG WAY VLAD KDA Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm WutFace pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOO mod spam DansGame pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK TOO FAR Weirdga TOO FAR Weirdga TOO FAR Weirdga TOO FAR Weirdga PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK shut the fuck up Mod SO MANY ASSISTS PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance too far WutFace MOD SPAM MORE!!!! PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance WutFace PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance LIBREEEEEEE PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK WutFace why are some getting timed out and some not PogYou chat mods`? gachiW WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD FeelsGoodMan pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS @theduckwhocucks 4Weird ok dude pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls @theduckwhocucks pepeJAM ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick mod aboos WutFace mod aboos WutFace mod aboos WutFace mod aboos WutFace pepeD pepeD pepeD BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD POGSLIDE pepeD PepegaPls pepeD PepegaPls pepeD PepegaPls mod spam peepoLeave pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog mods FeelsWeirdMan Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 󠀀 MOD SPAM WeirdChamp pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK Pog pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick CHAT LAGGING WutFace pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Nice chat experience pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK snipe pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD NARAM Pog My chat experience NotLikeThis LUCIAN KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK pepeL TeaTime COCK Pepega Clap Okayga COCK-MA BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK BroBalt Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Sea shanty 2 PogU pokiPOP pokiL PepePls watching chat instead of high quality gameplay in 2 OMEGALUL 1 9 PepePls damn @c9sneaky ur chat is full of idiots PepePls weve arrived to the full NARAM boys Pog PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls more runescape lol PepePls alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood THIS SONG <3 pepoCheer again pepoCheer again pepoCheer again pepoCheer again pepeD pepeD pepeD pepePls wtf @ABNORMEL PepePls BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS pepeD chat is popping off Pog Rushha subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months, currently on a 7 month streak! 32 months , so close to 3 years dad ???????????? BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM the throw is real PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW classy music bruh PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls pszGurn pszGurn pszGurn droids03: damn @c9sneaky ur chat is full of idiots SELLING RUNE SCIMMY 60K pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD why is there runescape music pepeD PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanGood alkanDab2 alkanDab2 COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS PepePls AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 AYAYA PepePls PepePls 3Head m-8 3Head its Runescape song :D <3 PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again PepoCheer Again RUNESCAPE MUSIX IMAGINE A COCK MA SKIN gachiHYPER KEKW mardinli serseri ahhaha BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS BroBalt PHENOMENAL PENIS KEKW BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM BroBalt STUPENDOUS SCROTUM Lol league solo Q at all levels looks like a shit fest lmao mardinli sersei LULW PepePls PepePls PepePls OSRS spam harder there are still a few people every 4 or 5 minutes getting some non spam words in FREE ARMOR TRIMMING pepeD @theduckwhocucks can you stop please it's christmas BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands every game vs senna PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls another barrier well used 4Head stalkers shutdown RUNESCAPE BOPS Cause he doesn't have 3 Dorans LULW @Merlisdo12 ok just 4 u doubling money cause hes not buying dblades :) not buying 234 dorans aphro senna :( nice passive utility he didn't buy 30 dblades S10 SUPPORT Shut downs he didnt buy 3 dorans @C9Sneaky shut down vlad 6 kills AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI :telephone_receiver: AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA :telephone_receiver: AYAYA NEED BACKUP :telephone_receiver: AYAYA ARIGATO :telephone_receiver: thx for 3 years loser KEKW DuckerZ Clap HE didnt waste money on DBLADE PepeLaugh PepePls @C9Sneaky 900 shutdown gold from vlad AYAYA AYAYA @SmolAria 3 more kills and 2 less dorans KEKW 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU plates + bounty en ai gi ayaya He didn’t buy dorans LUL WEEBS IN CHAT DansGame OUT Dans AYAYA Dorans blades + more kills LUL AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI BACKUP HAS ARRIVED 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU . he got shut down + plates maybe buying gf 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU @SmolClaire AYAYA I know this music from somewhere 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU . ş pepeD AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU @theduckwhocucks yipie HYPERS wc levels? Runescape Pog you also have 3 starting items lol AYAYA @C9Sneaky can i havvvaaaadaa role in discord server papi ? sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 wtf is this chat I don’t know where ur jg unfortunately took all the kills botlane AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? Runescape music let's go 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU . Why fletch Ah yeah ofc AYAYA HI AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU @c9sneaky Jhin got every armor plate on your tower. AYAYA 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO Why fletch? CHAT WE'RE A MESS AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO 📞 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU is he retired ? 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU Twitch PrimeOrb_of_Light: pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AYAYA TehePelo BOOTYBUTT CHEECKS TehePelo AYAYA AYAYA TehePelo EBOOTYBUTT CHEECKS EHEHE TehePelo AYAYA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ KEKW SUSHI SUSHI 📞 Pepega RUNNING LOW ON BRAINCELLS 📞 Pepega NEED BACKUP 📞 Pepega ALLIGATOR 📞 Pepega SUSHI SUSHI 📞 Pepega RUNNING LOW ON BRAINCELLS 📞 Pepega NEED BACKUP 📞 Pepega ALLIGATOR AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO Elise got outjungled KEKW not like this Plates too AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI :telephone_receiver: AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA :telephone_receiver: AYAYA NEED BACKUP :telephone_receiver: AYAYA ARIGATO jg diff NaM ????????? pepeD KEKW PepegaPls pepeD KEKW SUSHI SUSHI 📞 Pepega RUNNING LOW ON BRAINCELLS 📞 Pepega NEED BACKUP 📞 Pepega ALLIGATOR 📞 Pepega SUSHI SUSHI 📞 Pepega RUNNING LOW ON BRAINCELLS 📞 Pepega NEED BACKUP 📞 Pepega ALLIGATOR . pepeD AYAYA monkaW PepegaPls 📞AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO peepoArrive pepeD 1 dorens is 2 pick axes and a bf PepePls bronze games LUL poppy is such a disgusting champ @sneaky shutdowns SUSHI SUSHI 📞 Pepega RUNNING LOW ON BRAINCELLS 📞 Pepega NEED BACKUP 📞 Pepega ALLIGATOR 📞 Pepega RIP sneaky LP AYAYAWeird time 2 ff m8 pepeD HAND pepeD THE pepeD TUNES pepeD OVER pepeD AYAYA AYAYA poppy is a real problem mountain poppy ResidentSleeper playing kog'maw in 2019 KEKW OMEGAYAYA pepeD . 📞AYAYA MOSHI MOSHI 📞 AYAYA RUNNING LOW ON CUTIES 📞 AYAYA 📞 AYAYA NEED BACKUP 📞 AYAYA ARIGATO because they have a senna ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NaM NaM LET'S GO NAMMERS NaM NaM NaM NaM LETS GO NAMMERS NaM NaM ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AYAYA i hate this preseason so much FLUTE SALAD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD LF GF pst ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ AYAYA TehePelo BOOTYBUTT CHEECKS TehePelo AYAYA AYAYA TehePelo EBOOTYBUTT CHEECKS EHEHE TehePelo AYAYA ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NaM NaM LET'S GO NAMMERS NaM NaM NaM NaM LETS GO NAMMERS NaM NaM ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ @C9Sneaky ban senna maybe AYAYA AYAYA 7 Pog PagChomp PogU Pog POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE pOGu Pog Pog omg Pog Pog PogU PogU KEKW peepoPog PogU Pog Pog OMEGALUL 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU Pog THE ODD ONE IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS Pog IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS Pog IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS Jhin meta is a good meta IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS Pog IS THAT UIUC JUNGLER SZOCHS PogU ELISEEEE PogU yAyya PogU Pog PogChamp PogChamp peepoPog pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PogU Pog pepeD pepeD pepeD mod spam WeirdChamp The comeback is real! Pog winnable @lolminsoo stop spamming or I ban you idiot ITS THE LEGENDARY ODDONE PLAY Pog haahhah vs aprhooo hahaaahahha Pog Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming Weirdga mods spamming mod spam OkayChamp haHAA ayayaya @lolminsoo AYAYAWeird ayyy that's whats up oh shit fighting illini represent why do you rush stormrazor? we got a chance now PogU dont play kogmaw then LUL mod can you speak english pls thank u KEKW What's the best part about banging twenty one year olds? There's twenty of them CringeChamp Okayga COCK-MA Not anymore doom !timeout lolminsoo Ahahahaha what a steal pepeDance @hotdogss Okayga PepePls @FarukYILDIZ Okayga peepoArrive ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA !ban lolminsoo why stormrazor? pepeD yes @lolminsoo ooh wait uiuc? monkaW they comin WALL ABUSE D: @khoibeo210 Weirdga !followage pokiW DuckerZ FeelsOkayMan KEKW PogU 5 armor Error: User not found: pokiW. everytime i tune in ur playing kog, kog op now or just fun? sneakyYeehaw PogU UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SUPERSTAR JUNGLER SZOCHS i love all these pepes dude FeelsOkayMan poki subs DansGame 5 armor PogU is kog even good? Fruit Salad pokiW 5 armor POG @FarukYILDIZ Clapo Clap runes BibleThump emilyW CHECK <------- im a sub, mods cant ban me Poki sub WeirdChamp poki subs WeirdChamp !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan KEKW ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA Pog ILLINOIISSSS Clap sneakyYeehaw ricardoFlick your always getting butt blasted sneakers sneakyWEEB3 pepeD @Nightbot shouldve kept u banned DansGame pokiLOL Poki Subs poki sub WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky See ya in lumby noob nightbot unbanned Okayga Poki subs SMOrc VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan !virgintest 5 more kills jhins stacked UIUC is p Pog its full of asian cuties AYAYA FLUIT* SALAD armor quint Pog addcheesepls Weirdga RUNESCAPE TUNES !virgintest yıldızlar da kayar how does one man become to beautiful doru little maui addcheesepls Weirdga ✋ FeelsOkayMan chill vibes music NONSTOP RUNESCAPE BOPS I went to uic, close enough Kapp 4Weird :rasied_hand: WHY FLETCH wtf leona go Weirdga PepegaPls Pog Jhin ult KEKW play barbarianism alkanAmazing monkaW vlad Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 2 times forsencD smells like a win sneakyC Clap forsenCD sneakyC Clap sneakyC runescape music? 4Weird MUSIC NOT LOUD ENOUGH sneakyC HYPERCLAP @h4d3n Pog What did u do mate lol Is this from RS SENNA KEKW sneaky4 TeaTime why are u listening to runescape music @C9Sneaky SENNA KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 SadChamp pepeL TeaTime oof my prime borked LUCIAN GOING IN Pog JHIN KEKW poppys butthurt as fuck lmao wagrief subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months! pepeL pepeL pepeL poppys RAGING LMFAO pepeL @C9Sneaky damn, you're online every time I open twitch wow poppy got shredded poppy talking about luck when she got fkin mountain mab !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 43 minutes 54 seconds KEKW poppy mald THIS MUSIC IS LIT pepeD pepeJAM straight to the fountain pepeD i love runescape!!! pick poppy, get mountain drake, still mald KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MR KRAB KEKW Sad music this is like the best ost played on here in months OkayChamp D: 🦀 SadChamp Mr krabbbbbs Gimme CRABS Kreygasm 🦀 is a lie Osrs tunes? Why does this Music sound like Starcraft Music? KEKW Pepega Clap ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA weeeeee HYPERS sneakyH sneakyH HYPERS *sponge voice* can you feel it mr crabs? Weeee gachiW HYPERS pokiW KEKW KEKW scuttlers are girls >:( AYAYA HYPERS Why is this so good HYPERS HYPERS I wish SadChamp I'm safe is this RuneScape? PepegaShake AngelThump sneakyH 4 items vs your 2 3/4 is rageblade bad now? rs Kreygasm Yeah rs music no cloack? KEED !followage pokiW HYPERS does conquer good on Kogmaw monkaS music Error: User not found: pokiW. PepegaPls @hiimtiltsu Clap PepePls @JollyAmoeba yes @hotdogss peepoWTF pepeL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls D: KEKW @Nightbot Poki sub WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW LULW please dont type "xD" its cringe :) KEKW qss KEKW QSS KEKW ??????????? HAHAHA @JessieS23 🖕 peepoWTF qss LULW QSS KEKW KEKW sneaky3 sneaky4 CYA OWL2019Tracer Pog PagChomp goose !duck DuckerZ DuckerZ DuckerZ DuckerZ how fkn mad is this poppy right now DuckerZ DuckerZ GOOOOSE DuckerZ A P H R OMEGALUL DuckerZ Clap DuckerZ DuckerZ DuckerZ Ducked LUL DuckerZ quack ? DuckerZ Clap DuckerZ HONK :) DuckerZ @C9Sneaky THATS ME Pog DuckerZ DuckerZ CANNON KEKW @DuckDuckGus_ Pog !cannon @DuckDuckGus_ Pog duck cmonBruh :v two Duck Ducks? monkaW @theduckwhocucks DuckerZ PogYou hjonk hjonk am goose 420 coup number LUL @DuckDuckGus_ wym @DuckDuckGus_ DuckerZ @DuckDuckGus_ noe, its me :) WideHard DuckerZ PogMe @DuckDuckGus_ Pog FeelsAmazingMan runescape Pog Pog mountain PogU there needs to be a pogme emote PogYou !virgintest DuckerZ PogYou VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan PogYou there is a PogMe emote PogYou theduckwhocucks there is one it's just not active @Nightbot Poki sub WeirdChamp is sneaky looking for a team?> What is worse then three babies in one garbage can One baby in three garbage cans @rudi91 PogU @theduckwhocucks VoteYea elise suck LUL @addcheesepls SillyChamp D; nightbot shouldve stayed banned peepoWTF @khoibeo210 AYAYAWeird is barrier better than heal again? LUCIAN KEKW VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I won FeelsGoodMan DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF Lucian just griefed ...DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF Pepega NA KEKW .....DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF is this runescape music? ......DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF .......DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF LEONA KEKW ........DUCK IS WORST MOD peepoWTF LEO KEKW leona... !followage pokiW one man spam WutFace lolol Error: User not found: pokiW. peepoWTF !worstmod Unfamiliar command. h4d3n, did you mean !duck ? rooD LUL LEONA @Gertjaars Y this leona is FUCKING amazing ^^ one wo MaN @julianbelkin we get it WeirdChamp spam ona MaN spam peepoWTF DuckerZ wtf hyphy as fuck psycho leona !bestmod !song Best mod is nightbot MrDestructoid random pleb spamming 4Weird HYPERS peepoArrive VLAD HYPERS V L A D VLAD ULT DuckerZ Clap D: D: PogU D: I used to be a sub PepeHands D: D: 0 dmg KEKW D: D: sneakyD pepeLaugh D: cirD +1339 ._. 1330 heal monkaW D: sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD D: a koggers D:: D: poppy is too tanky wtf Remember back in the day when did wasn't a mod? What a game COGGERS layStare wop :) :) solo baron KKona KKona ? GO BUY @ryudo9999 wtf lol im just as confused as u are Vladimir is a fair and balanced champion. Farmer Sneaky WeirdChamp farmer mode KKona ricardoFlick big pharma Pog buy frozen heart, you need mana pOG gachiW 5House Kkona Kreygasm i lost Yeehaw gachiBASS Kreygasm handsome alien frog @A_sick_duck @DuckDuckGus_ @theduckwhocucks MORE RUNESCAPE OST PogChamp imagine if u could save ur gold for next game @C9Sneaky Richard Handsome FishMoley Pog ARDOUGNE SONG Haiiinsumm handsome and wealthy TriKool sneaky is now level 100 mob boss FishMoley ANY FARMERS? KKona I don't think Jhin has 2k gold on you anymore KKona 7 lol dorans PepeHands big !uptime Q ass ass gachiBASS Q ASS ASS gachiGASM Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 48 minutes 26 seconds @ryudo9999 but dont you EVER say that in this chat again @hotdogss FeelsGoodMan There should be a Ghost Kog skin called Fog'Maw memes? young Rich sneaky How good even is Stormrazer anymore? we rich FeelsClassyMan RPGPhatLoot Q ASS ASS gachiBASS !followage Pharma Mode? You have drugs, and money, and people pretend you're good looking because of that? BeastFromFtc has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 5 months, 1 day pepeLaugh inc pepeLaugh 100% crit chance Kogmaw pentakill POG what ops with a w ? LE OMEGALUL NA again this leona is amazing :) fl? !followage KEKW KEKW ??????? Any gifters TriHard I love her atleast 4Head 4HEad Pog peepoPog Pog aphros tilted as fuck LMAO PagChomp Pog SNIPES PagChomp PogU PogYou JHIN KEKW Pog PogYou Pog PogU SNEAKY CARRY Pog AMERICAN SNIPER Pog x1 Bye bye peepoLeave x2 PogYou WamboCombo subscribed with Twitch Prime. American sniper Pog VLAD Pog STORMRAZOR SLOW EZ KEKW PepegaAim PogU Too Real PepeHands KEKW KEKW cori 1V9 Pog peepoPog MANY GOODBYE PepeHands EZ Good byes widepeepoSad GG penta stolen KEKW KOGGERS EZ Clap PepeHands GGWP AMERICAN SNIPER GG EZ hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive GG EZ gg EZ Clap GG EZ hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive GG this jhin PepeLaugh Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA gg EZ Clap EZ honor elise EZ Clap EZ EZ EZ Any D1 average 5 v 5 jg in chat for clash? widepeepoSad EZ EZ smurfed GG osrs music POG Pog that vlad got the nastiest ults over and over theduckwhocucks gifted a Tier 1 sub to DuckDuckGus_! EZ Clap EZ POGGERS GG iyi oynadın oc sneaky=gg EZ HYPERCLAP agreed with 3 to 0 KEKW too EZ 🌭 KannaNom hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Which runescape playlist are you listening to Mr Sneaky :) PagChomp FeelsWowMan EZ Clap this Kog Pog Kog so sexy @cintheninja FeelsOkayMan Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA and c9 replaced sneaky for zven??? HA theduckwhocucks gifted a Tier 1 sub to A_sick_duck! POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE peepoLeave Bye C9Sneaky, time for bed. rub3nAhw @theduckwhocucks Thanks for the gift sub! DUCK GANG you outgolded yourself sneaky ;) LUL DOTA KEKW Okayga TeaTime Okayga COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS MR COGGERS Okayga TeaTime COCK gachiBASS @theduckwhocucks Pog D OMEGALUL TA gachiHYPER Okayga TeaTime COCK COCK megacum duo aphro like the old days dad!!!! @hotdogss FeelsOkayMan 🌭 Update DoTA 2 😠 Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK TPFufun Tyler BigBrother Okayga TeaTime Okayga TeaTime Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COC Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK MaN Okayga TeaTime COCK hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA Okayga COCK-MA. moon2A 5Head !followage pokiYikes Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK D OMEGALUL TA 2 Error: User not found: pokiYikes. D: Okayga TeaTime COCK D: D: D: Jebaited D: D: Dr_Zombie90210 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! got em D: D: D: Pepega D: D: NotLikeThis D: D: D: D: KEKW D: sneakyD D: D: D: D: 🖕 d: D: WTF D: hehehehe D: D; D: D: D: cirD D: D: monkaTOS D: D: D: D: fuk u I’ve watched sneaky for 5 years and that’s the first time I’ve ever seen him win! D: sneaky howd u lose all the weight D: peepoWTF D: Pepega D: Pepega TeaTime COCK D: D: FK U D: Pog D: D: hahaha LUL D: D: D. D: D: TOO FAR D: BANNED D: D: did u get my vid w my sub? D: D: TeaTime D: D: D: D: D: I would GOT EM D: Jebaited D: LUL D: been boolie me all night streamer peepoWTF hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive D: @C9Sneaky enable GachiPls on bttv BlessRNG D: 🖕 FUCK U D: D: COCKS Weirdga 👎 hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive BibleThump biggest anime betrayal Cappa_Demon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 34 months! Are you allowed to welcome us to your butthole again? @C9Sneaky bend over and prepare for spanking didnt honor elise for baron steal PepeHands D: D: Caitlyn next ? D: TeaTime COCKS D: hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive WTF peepoWTF dota? snooky sellout confirmed that was a fun entertaining gameplay +17LP Pog sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive D: WHO TEACHED HIM THA D: Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK Okayga TeaTime COCK jhin god f u sneaky dont make me clap yo cheeks boii 🖕 D: D: OMG DUO APHRO !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ Pepega madoStab COCK Pepega madoStab COCK Pepega madoStab COCK HotPokket COCK ? HotPokket COCK ? HotPokket COCK ? HotPokket COCK ? HotPokket COCK ? HotPokket COCK ? gachiW sneaky will u suck me off if I sub? @C9Sneaky HandsUp gachiBASS gachiW sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PauseChamp gachiHYPER D: D: ?? HandsUp BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack SAY IT PauseChamp is that the guy that c9 replaced you with PogYou @HiHawx -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] HandsUp ? ??? THEE BUTTHOLE JEBAITED ?? KEKW SAY IT gachiBASS SAY IT ??? PauseChamp .. HYPERBRUH SAY IT cmonBruh cmonBruh PogYou still under contract LULW SAY IT cmonBruh LUL 📞 MaN GACHI GACHI 📞 MaN RUNNING LOW ON MEN 📞 MaN NEED DUNGEON MASTER 📞 MaN FUCK YOU YOU WONT THEE BUTTHOLE HE SAID IT sneakyD DansGame HYPERBRUH pepeD PauseChamp cmonBruh Sneaky little winney LOL NO BALLS cmonBruh gachiBASS ONE MORE TIME HYPERBRUH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus SAY IT HYPERBRUH LOOOOL TOS reported for showing your Butthole duo aphro dad!!!!! cmonBruh SAY WHUT Jack wont let him Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited senna was EZ you satan TAKE THAT RITO HYPERBRUH HOLD UP hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive @Zodiacson he outsourced that duty to his mods :) TIGHT or LOOSE Kinda... ish... MadoStab cmonBruh don't say it monkaS Jebaited hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive SAY IT U PUSSY sneakyHey sneakyClaus PauseChamp BANNED monkaX SAY IT TriHard 7 cmonBruh I heard it Duo with aphromoo JACK'S BITCH PepeHands SAY WHAT cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh EleGiggle boxD @C9Sneaky ENABLE Christmas Emotes moon2A say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave /wave @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky enable GachiPls on bttv BlessRNG SAY IT! pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD play red dead 😡 cirGasm WideHard Clap HYPERBRUH say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave obviously doi duo w rush @C9Sneaky read donos plz NaM ? Thrak subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! @rudi91 he wont widepeepoSad NaM NaM say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave say it peepoLeave soul why not North? OkayChamp K OMEGALUL REA omg download is limited to 5mb/s in ur settings PogU NaM Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive PVMAN = GG KEKW why not north DansGame ? DUO APHROO did u see my vid w my sub? @hotdogss peepoLeave im out then aphro in duo :( a white boy said it cmonBruh PogU KKona Clap HELL YEAH BROTHER FeelsWowMan @C9Sneaky DUO APHRO wtf... are you going to play POE 3.9? he said my name PogChamp 😂 he said it 😂 he said it 😂 he said it @rudi91 resub and ask OkayChamp Kkona south korea isnt merica Kappa demon do north Korea skt sneaky Pog pszPepega FrankerZ KKomrade ? JOY cmonBruh NORTH KOREA Pog SOUTH KOREA OMEGALUL STEAL APHROO DUO Pog Rush @hotdogss N OMEGALUL duo aphro @rush ? KEKW Any PEPEGA MONSTERS? !commands @hi_im_spencer -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @addcheesepls peepoBlanket 😂 he said it @rudi91 D: kanker pvman = gg KEKW sander @C9Sneaky did you remember to uncap your data rate @C9Sneaky did you remember to uncap your data rate kaaas kip @rush PepeLaugh PVMAN = GG KEKE LUL kekew pvman = gg KEKW @rush KEKW @hotdogss NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER DONATED TriHard ADBLOCK ON TriHard STOLEN LAPTOP TriHard NEIGHBOURS WIFI TriHard MOMMAS HOUSE TriHard STOLEN SOLAR PANELS TriHard STOLEN SUN TriHard SOLAR ENERGY TriHard STOLEN WATER WHEEL TriHard NEIGHBORS RIVER TriHard STOLEN HYDROELECTRIC PLANT TriHard CHARGING PHONE WITH WORK ELECTRICITY TriHard SHOWER IN BATHROOM SINK TriHard STOLEN FOOD FROM CAFETERIA TriHard STOLEN HAMSTER TriHard STOLEN HAMSTER WHEEL TriHard KINETIC ENERGY TriHard FREE ENTERTAINMENT T FrankerZ ZreknarF RalpherZ ZrehplaR cmonBruh pugginCat monkaTOS cmonBruh KEKW LUL LOL KEKW @hotdogss NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER DONATED TriHard ADBLOCK ON TriHard STOLEN LAPTOP TriHard NEIGHBOURS WIFI TriHard MOMMAS HOUSE TriHard STOLEN SOLAR PANELS TriHard STOLEN SUN TriHard SOLAR ENERGY TriHard STOLEN WATER WHEEL TriHard NEIGHBORS RIVER TriHard STOLEN HYDROELECTRIC PLANT TriHard CHARGING PHONE WITH WORK ELECTRICITY TriHard SHOWER IN BATHROOM SINK TriHard STOLEN FOOD FROM CAFETERIA TriHard STOLEN HAMSTER TriHard STOLEN HAMSTER WHEEL TriHard KINETIC ENERGY TriHard FREE ENTERTAINMENT T KEKW monkaW KEKW monkaW Sneaky will leave C9 ? KEKW HMMMM tiny pp dot com KEKW monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW @rudi91 cmonBruh monkaS pvman = gg KEKW cmonBruh KEKW KEKW BANNED KEKW Jebaited pokiL pokiL pokiL pokiL HMMM KEKW virus WutFace WideHard 7 KEKW hey @C9Sneaky thx for the carry man was fun leon KEKW HYPERBRUH Hackerman back at it again buying gf I'll click it OkayChamp not sus at all LUL @Mocedek ye COGGERS COGGERS SillyChamp duo aphro :) Hitman peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive @c9sneaky hello from switzerland my friend KEKW @C9Sneaky The regular link is too long ZULUL pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP Had to tinyurl tiny url for ppl with tiny feet 🦶 monkaW @hotdogss it’s a porn link FeelsOkayMan no limit texas holdem no :) gachiBASS snacky give link I click OkayChamp FISH TIME Pepega Nothing suspicious here @C9Sneaky Send it in chat, I'll suss out the spam plot twist, his autistic cousin is actually being bar'd from entry and you just made fun of him too @JessieS23 😳 runescape? monkaW @eparklol hey there big fan big fan widepeepoHappy play DOTA KEKW Just a IP grabber 4Head DOTA you play dota? PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp PrideLionChomp @C9Sneaky what are the best adc champs right now? thanks! GivePLZ take my internet Kapp Kappa @C9Sneaky DUO AHPRO Kapp Kappa i sometimes get 300KB LINK PLS Sure LUL Kappa Kapp ever fucked a pussy or you like the taste of cum? NA DL SPEED LUL gachiHYPER not a link @C9Sneaky what headset are you using? is it 7.1 audio @hotdogss SneakyGasm is it porn link from rush? KEKW @C9Sneaky we can permaban if virus Kapp TeaTime KEKW D: still 10.7 mb KEKW D: WTF I WILL SillyChamp @JessieS23 sneakyGasm D: widepeepoSad D: IP grabber sneakyD BAD PERSON WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky GIFT ME A GAME get shit on lmao i will SillyChamp scammed sneakuD SCAMMED D: widepeepoSad sneakyD D: iP HACKER play red dead 😡 send it OkayChamp KEKW D: @c9sneaky hello from switzerland my friend sneakyD @C9Sneaky You've Change WeirdChamp evil Kappa IP grabber weirdchamp @TriHard_BigBrother GET A JOB runescape nb3Gasm @C9Sneaky Duo Aphro 5Head Clap Why not North Korea? @C9Sneaky You've changed WeirdChamp F in the chat for Lil Steamer WeirdChamp not even trusting some stranger on the internet old sneaky would have opened it @C9Sneaky what makes you happy in life ? there we go, now it all comes out. we all knew sneaky was an anti-vaxxer T^T WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky I'm getting butt fucked in high lothric. help we'll never know PepeHands we'll never know PepeHands we'll never know PepeHands we'll never know PepeHands put the link in a paste bin, problem solved click my link sneaky's.butthole @sneaky any plan announcing your future plan? @C9Sneaky You've changed WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky You've changed WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky You've changed WeirdChamp WeirdChamp @Zedurfisgg msg me full link :) @xiiicalintz 4Weird HERE ILL CLICK IT oh shit are we playing hitman? Pog KEKW pepeLaugh risk is stoned Red Dead peepoLeave Hitman peepoLeave League peepoArrive Calling a TriHard to get a jobs cmonBruh We aight Whisper it to me, I'll click it, I can change my IP address with a change of a button, and screamers don't work on me KEKW both? Just win 4Head @C9Sneaky ever fucked a girl or you like the taste of cum? I GOT NUTHIN TO LOSE LUL both? KEKW banger alert why not duo with the moo? LUL DOTA2 Po xqcSlam Pog fushawn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 5 month streak! should i eat pasta papa?? it is 4 am i have class in 3 hours hehehehheehoooheheha Any Homies? TriHard 7 JUST KILL NEXUS 4HEad @theduckwhocucks duck about to get ducked duckerZ unemployed TriHard sumSmash @C9Sneaky can you remove FeelsEvilMan and enable GachiPls :) HITMAN HYPERS papAA eat it no balls hey @C9Sneaky do you like dickgirls? sneakyGasm skip class 4HEad 4Head addcheesepls gifted a Tier 1 sub to rudi91! They have given 101 Gift Subs in the channel! enable TriDance Pog Right click the nexus 4Head xqcEZ 4HEad 4Head 4HEad Clap buy more dorans blade is the right answer 4Head I see yes, eat pasta @C9Sneaky will you play halo on PC tomorrow? NA reaching semifinals KEKW @addcheesepls peepoPog 3Head 4HEad my mom only lets me watch c9sneaky stream if he doesn't swear very often :( true buy a better keyboard @rudi91 sneakyC 3Head zings counted heimer 4House I got a headache KEKW Gachi just don't die bro 4Head i'm just a dumbass, what can help me @C9Sneaky loving this runescape playlist RDR2 when peepoWTF @addcheesepls 101 subs peepoPog WideHard stolen card? PepePls my mom only letes me watch pornhub vids if they don't swear very often :( TriKool wineTime monkaHmm @C9Sneaky Im sick can you say a magic speel to heal me PogChamp @C9Sneaky what are the best adc champs right now? thanks pepeJAM i don't do anything wrong... @rudi91 WideHard Clap monkaHmm 5Head Indeed you can always que with better players kappa SpecterOnline subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! just flame team 4Head NOT BLAME OTHERS? IS THAT POSSIBLE ask your friend to play for you @C9Sneaky I am depressed thats what i do :) :) 5Head impossible monkaHmm but what if it's always other people's fault @hotdogss im back Okayga 👍 wait im not immediately supposed to flame my teammates? monkaHmm monkaHmm @C9Sneaky But my teammates keep my hardstuck in gold 2 :/ how do you handle useless team who feeds @rudi91 Okayga TeaTime all mute every game moon2A NOT BLAME OYHERS???? @hotdogss came into my lane and inted PepeHands LINK OMEGALUL click it OkayChamp pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP @C9Sneaky One more game you'll be 248 Pepega my teammates keep me HARD 5Head PepoThink i see... just get gud pepeL TeaTime @C9Zven can you pls let sneaky play on the team PepeHands @JessieS23 u mad :tf: long link dont do it moon2BRAIN WutFace @C9Sneaky I'm the best player in the world, but always get bad RNG kappa bro that link is fuckin sus 2? 2? 2? 2? Click It OkayChamp 2? 😂 Hardstuck in D4 with afks. What can you do BibleThump 2? 2? 2? 2? pointing out every teamates mistake helps you to improve pokiLOL 2? nice win loss pattern 2? Who’s fun support intresting link my man YOU DIDNT HAVE A LEONA IT WAS A BARD How many more years are gonna be playing professionally? Be carful you might get CTE like football players when you get ganked wait until the jungler dies so you can safely take the kill tobihanshi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! a yes i see 5Head wineTime aphrosneak? oh really? gachiBASS wasnt it bard !followage pokiLOL PokiLol is not following C9Sneaky Im hardstuck silver because pro streamers give me bad advice, otherwise I would be chall. :) Bard or Leona KEKW how do i cs better? SadChamp SadChamp !followage okay i guess SadChamp the real advice is to muteall SadChamp RUNESCAPE MUSIC duo with blaber Pog SICK ADVISE SNACKY 4Head gachiBASS go for it Pepega just don't fuck yourself fuck your teammates KEKW !followage pokimane fuck dem btiches OkayChamp gachiBASS WHY NOT? hehe ratirlBusiness Can you show us ur masteries PogYou @c9sneaky monkaW zfgStudy rush gave me adive always put smiley face after flaming team can you explain why the hot cosplay thing ? @C9Sneaky monkaW who do you think is the best top laner is solo que? monkaW OkayChamp Click It monkaW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 57 minutes 25 seconds !followage Is that the runescape music????? duo with moooooooo @C9Sneaky runescape username?? reuriq has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, 6 days You heard it here first. Sneaky says always abandon your teammates. monkaW click it SillyChamp I deserve challenged 2 but my teammates are holding me back !followage Kappa Kappa Kappa 2000 word essay pepehands Is that not relative tho? A supports job is to help chat only 7 days till my birthday feels weird man Pepega Clap OkayChamp does it say "erratas" in the filename? monkaW give me ezreal pls @C9Sneaky fjadiofj Weirdga OMEGALUL ? Pepega @GodOfHuskies famous Silver words LUL !followage TRUE KEKW Pepega monkaW SadChamp SillyChamp KEYLOGGER monkaW LULW LULW @h4d3n monkaE WeirdChamp REKT LULW LUL RDR2 when peepoWTF KEKW Streamer? XDC? BR? What? LINK IT KEKW !followage I think u missed my vid I linked w sub WeirdChamp 4Weird not cool streamer Pepega ErVenezolano has been following C9Sneaky for 7 months, 1 week, 4 days retard Pog imagine having access to all the sneaky noods on that PC peepoLeave JG LUL REKT LULW sneaky jungle peepoWTF @sancten12 jokes on you I'm bronze 3 :) @h4d3n monkaW @C9Sneaky how does it make you feel that people have definitely beat off 2 ur cosplays 4Weird :raised_hand Pepega / Kindred Time sneaky jungle peepoPog ur vs aphro @Not_K jesus I just came a little BEGINNING OF THE GAME LULW OMEGALUL LUL sneaky leesinger Pog KEKW LUL KEKW Got so fucking stoned and played league today for the first time in a while . Senna 100% WR KEKW WeirdChamp Looking handsome chat KEKW LULW @TheThunderBringer -> No Links! [warning] wtf @C9Sneaky no more pokemon? he did say retard I think he means after pontiff EASIEST PART LUL no u OkayChamp !title @jwalk1126 -> Current Stream Title: changed title JUNGLE PogU Kindred changed title just watch a speedrun pepeLaugh wtf POBELTER beginning is one of the harder parts Heal for jg? bongfires darshan KEKW bong fires? CiGrip sneaky jung Pog CiGrip bongfire shaco hater SMOrc sneaky pick kindred and take smite Just get good you idiot PanicFire a bit after this atpSuspect This pussy playing Darksouls with a shield DansGame Weirdga !title @theduckwhocucks -> Current Stream Title: changed title sneakyGrip CiGrip panicBasket pobelter darshan Pog just get good 4Head DUDE SPOILERS Bong Fires are no Joke moon2PH monkaW mimic play ad jungle instead 200 iq HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP UP WITH CHAT? @Chompsy its purely cosmetic, he's 2handing the whole way My eyes hurt fashion souls widepeepoHappy play X AYAYA H bactyDboars bactyThink what was the title before lul i cant even remember coonnyy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! keep on keepin on go yasuo g i t g u d NaM MadoStab AYAYA TriHard Souls ashen one Keep on keeping on FeelsGoodMan hollow ASHENONE hollowed holllow Hollow @sawwwce he is wearing glasses depraived SNEAKY DARK SOULS 3 PLAYTHROUGH AGAIN Pog Unkindle hollow ceao Sneaky NaM MadoStab AYAYA LULW princessFlower princessFlower princessFlower princessFlower monkaW ZionSpartan PogYou remember, trades in souls games are bad, your objective is to play safe and take the least dmg you can RUNESCAPE MUSIC Kreygasm Senna Hallowed snacky dodging monkaW AGENT 47 PogYou NaM MadoStab AYAYA Lads in DS3 it's kindled REAL VOICE WutFace WutFace REAL VOICE WutFace AL KHARID ANELE AYAYAWeird Im about to have a seizure just trying AYAYA MadoStab NaM @theduckwhocucks huehuehuehue i think Real voice WutFace MaldChamp hiar plugs ANELE forsenCD Clap ?????? @EdisonGotGame ANELE Clap dude i havn't gotten to this part yet. HUGE SPOILERS Google gamer what DansGame Cheater DansGame I'm making progress. It's just super slow I just voal guide my friends DansGame dont ~ ANELE ~ 4Weird using a guide Casual DansGame u fucking cheater P O B Pog WTF DansGame DansGame reading Weirdga @c9sneaky can you use vice? DansGame MaldChamp would conq be good on lucian? does passive stack it well? Praise the sun BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage play red dead 😡 forsenCD actual cheater forsenCD boxAYAYA forsenCD why not inspiration @C9Sneaky ? !song @C9Sneaky good title AYAYA @C9Sneaky 💿 Clap momentum sneakyYeehaw an hour peepoWTF vs same adc and supp Ahhhh, adderral @C9Sneaky have you beaten Pokemanz? Runescape playlist pog peepoLeave sorry to be a nerd but this song is from runescape No red dead peepoLeave ill be asleep then PepeHands only real gamers in the chat Kapp aaah red dead is when i gotta head out peepoLeave @Jeystan start of the game is one of the harder parts, once you get past the next boss it's smooth sailing play it now peepoWTF Google Gareth WeirdChamp VODDERS SKIP AHEAD AN HOUR peepoArrive Lol the runescape music pog notice me senpai Kreygasm dream job as a kid? @c9sneaky @SnipingHobo peepoLeave sneakyChair peepoArrive peepoLeave tyler1T1 tyler1T2 kekw its been runescape music for 10mins hitman OkayChamp 👍 this is AL KHARID Chair stream ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE POB monkaW down oof forsenWC pee on me daddy all this arriving and leaving sneakyChair sneakyWEEB3 sneakyH aphro, free win PogU runescape widepeepoHappy but wheres the flicking you can pee on me gachiHYPER going pee peepoLeave ok dark souls 2 i just got to smelter demon, hes a bitch :) !time December 2nd 2019, 12:48:14 am PST GMT-08:00 WeirdChamp TALIYAH no skin conq cass abusers ResidentSleeper ricardoFlick sneakyChair peepoLeave 🚽 ru good at league sneaky? widepeepoSad pob Pog ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick omg, this is the best chair stream ever PogChamp caule open Pog ricardoFlick why snacky is doing lewd pics i dont get it WeirdChamp TALIYAH and SENNA no skin ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @Hyrinmaru she only has 2 skins :( AFK DansGame afk :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) afk CHAIR LUCIAN GAME PLAY Pog this dude looked up dark souls guides broooo kinda cringe bro ngl @Redempti0n_xo ty. I'm planning on getting a controller soon for it. Hopefully that helps. I'm trying to explore every nook and cranny and maybe this isn't the game to do that in. especially early on sneaky ru good at league tho? @C9Sneaky you tard i was gonna link you a metal album you might like but i cant link you are really growing as a Streamer elaH good job C9Sneaky are u going to play in the next POE season? reamke sneakyYeehaw KKonaW skip song pls sneakyChair peepoArrive 🚽 @Redempti0n_xo RIOT WeirdChamp Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA TriHard iwdYOINK iwdYOINK2 peepoArrive 🚽 ANELE ? ANELE CLap KEKW ANELE exploration=good but try to get your gear set up Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA @C9Sneaky PING ANELE skip song pls AYAYA DansGame ANELE Clap cmonBruh ANELE Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA ANELE Clap ANELE wtf Anele Clap ANELE Clap PepegaShake @Jeystan yeah i think controller is easier to learn with but idk. exploring is fine, just need to find bonfires to progress like sneaky said WTF KEKW Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA laaannn ahahahahahaah ANELE Clap ANELE Clap arsız bela PogU Bu ne lan hahahahahahahahahaha TriKool 🤝 ANELE AYAYA pepeJAM lmaooooooooooooo bu ne amk PepePls SKIP THIS asasdasada @ZaneC1 -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas LUL this will be an interesting game boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd ANELE ricardoFlick ANELE @theduckwhocucks Any cuties in chat atamAYAYA cirAYAYA AYAYA ANELE pepeJAM * PepegaShake ya ananı sikeyi m LUL olm hangi oç trolloyor bunu aq :D monkaHMM monkaS ANELE Clap lol bu neeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kim yapti bunuuu LOL LUL PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake AYAYAWeird KEKW ANELE Clap paaanpuhahaaahah LOL\ hahahahahaa Alright can we go back to OSRS now BARS yazık lan sıze turkıyeyı boyle tanıtıyosunuz mıllete monkaW ANELE Clap pepeSmoke LOL ACID ANELE Clap LMFAO True THIS IS HEAVILY IN CURSE WORDS KEKW 5Head monkaX 5Head unbelievable flow Pog Pepega ? song ?????? monkaS @shopmass asddasdasdad ANELE MadoStab PepegaShake ya sizin ananizi sikiyim monkaW instagram post monkaW sa ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap abhhhhh ahahahhahahahah monkaGun monkaGun monkaGun ananı sikimmm SO DEEP Kreygasm this song is offensive close close its cursefull noluyor aq monkaOMEGA gachiBASS ANELEKool eıekskwkslwldleld jesus im dying i will tell my kids this is eminem greek @C9Sneaky you better skip :) might want to skip the song LMFAO @C9Sneaky PepegaPls What's the song? noluyo lan YA CİDDİ MİSİNZ SKDKDKEMKDOD jgksgşjsdgs ya o.çlari kim yapti bunu wqeqw.rwq.rwq t1 got a Quadra on Lucian can u do it? Turk in chat FeelsWeirdMan Arabaian rap KEKW ANELE gachiW ANELE qworetkgjerhwr PepegaPls a cuck if you will A cuck UmbraDominus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! Hey sneaky. I hope your games tonight have been going well. Do you still think crit could be the answer for ezreal now that klepto has gutted him? hard cucked by hands skip this 4Weird this music LoL pepeJAM Looks like Funk Carioca sneaky1 sneaky2 sneakyWEEB3 tratatata que es esto?? NotLikeThis klip alın abi wtf :D this is bullshit lmao Rap god wtf is this crap wtf song wtf asdasdadad a cuck to your own hands abi klip alın shsnsjwjskwmskwmkdd this slaps showerthoughts.. WutFace oğlum bu ne kım yaptı ahahahhahahahaa this is not even arabic monkaW skip this 4Weird :rasied_hand: ANELE HYPERCLAP PepegaHands Sneaky is an ANELE ? monkaW pepeJAM PepegaPls ELLI BILLI AGAHAHAHGAGAGAHAHAHAHA ANANI AVRADINI rap god turks ANELE Habibi Habibi Habibi Habibi Habibi Habibi ANELE PepegaPls PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls wonderful diyor ahahahahahh lan oluym skip this 4Weird ✋ PepegaShake yaa ananızıı sikeyimmm:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD voyHEART voyHEART Is the singer having a stroke? skip this 4Weird ✋ . skip this 4Weird ✋ headBang PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI PepegaPls ELLI BILLI this song is from eu gipsy's THIS IS NOT ARABIC i'll take songs people are going to wish didn't exist in 2 years Alex arabian rap god KEKW pepeD this is arabian şaka mı bu yapi zaki likki dikki dukki zuppy tucky lacky duckky PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeJAMMER WTF;;' turkısh bad rap Can you change your shitty music sneakyJensen Brazilian Music looks like pepeJAMMER 63 STYLA ma shalla Can you change your shitty music. GISPY SONG NOT ARABIC 💦👏👀 Can you change your shitty music? This song summons Moe dat echo tho PogU KEKW Can you change your shitty music! Black bot lane yikes hahaha This song. LULW aphromoo alpha as fuck PogU @LeveL_PL4YS WutFace RESPECT MY COUNTRY D: OÇ abi klip alin :D ulan piç misiniz bu ne i can speak arabic and this shit has nothing to do with arabic this song 63 styla anani bacini ahahahha klip alin aq sneaky do you listen to good music? Best greek rapper WutFace fhfjf ANELE dfgkdjşflgidfg wasnt that turkish/ Pepega PepePls QW:EQWEQEQ dsfgsdfgsdfg skip this 4Weird ✋ ahahhahahahasdıqw PepoDance ANELE PepoDance ? sometime next month? so january? ANELE pepeJAME ANANI AVRADINI GELMISI GECMISINI EVDE KAHKAHA ATIYORUUM AJAHDODKENDKDIDNRLDPDDPD sdfgsdljkfgsl;jglsldf çilli bom sjsjsjsjsjsjssjsjsjsj çilli bom çalıyorrr skip this 4Weird ✋ . türkhishh :D broxahFail broxahFail broxahFail WutFace wtf skip this 4Weird ✋ Can you change your shitty music Sir PepegaShake skip this 4Weird ✋ . Hello Sneaky KEKW ANELE a';flka'sa;fa;'asl; deliriyorumm pepeJAM BOOOM @pf_policia_foderal music of bandidos rj sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWut abi sjsnsjsmskamskwklsöwlsöwld ayhayhayhshdwhıqwd Can you change your shitty music Dad It's greek not turkish Kappa PepegaShake şasxdlşhkfsd Can you change your shitty music. haydaaa sdljkfgssdljkfgss;ldfgs pepeJAMMER ÇİLLİ BOM gibberish gibberish gibberish gibberish @Mehmetdumannn its not greek DansGame Can you change your shitty music.. !followage ANELE @LeveL_PL4YS KEKW this a bop PepegaPls asdas WildrTurtlez subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 5 month streak! Decided to finally ask my crush out. She said no, but hey at least I'll always have Sneaky Can you change your shitty music... Kelvin253 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 6 days fdgjkdfşlgdf its welsh not turkish wtf is going on with these turkish troll songs lmao ANELE Clap KEKW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Kim atti bu şarkıları 4Head 4Head 4Head Best greek music what is it called OkayChamp 👍 lan nasıl actınız lan muzikleriii ahahahsdugw YENİ GELDİM SİKİŞTEN gibberish gibberish gibberish FeelsBadMan ananızı sikeyim yaaaaaaa @C9Sneaky DansGame U DONT SKIP IT OkayChamp FeelsBadMan PepeHands F FeelsBadMan LULW PepeHands BibleThump karnım ağrıı o.çlari tuned in when it was runescape music from my childhood next song goes to complete trash lol FeelsBadMan :) FeelsBadMan LUL kapatti aq aferin Omega Shut Down pepeHands F OkayChamp N OMEGALUL Looking handsome chat sirspotts subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! F for our boy its not Murican language WHY SKIP? monkaHmm PogYou u are? thats you! @WildrTurtlez ay bro keep ur head up King PogYou no me :) reject him sneaky RUIN him widepeepoSad PogU Should we tell him that Sneaky is with Lynn? monkaHmm hiç güleceğim yoktu aq ya widepeepoSad @pf_policia_foderal music of putinhas funkeiras sneakyWEEB3 levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas Sneaky has the worst taste of music, lets agree its greek guys nor keep swinging you'll hit one eventually aldiniz mi klip @LeveL_PL4YS widepeepoSad @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] not turkish its greek / öteleyin D: @shopmass lan sabahtna beridir tıyorlar kudurdum aq gülmekten :( D: D: D: its greek D: D: its greek snek/pobelter/darshan on same team??? fuck you too OkayChamp Chat has feelings too. this silence is deafening its greek PopCorn levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas sneakyGasm sneakyWoo klipp salam Habibi D: peepoLeave @rudi91 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] so quiet too quiet monkaW cs pepeL AYAYA AYAYA D: 🖕 AYAYA bawkAYAYA headBang boxAYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA briweeAYAYA headbang AYAYA fuk u 2 too many Turkish song ANELE headBang ruu headBang rooD AYAYA headBang This is Korea server Jebaited cirAYAYA ???? HandsUp @hotdogss @rudi91 fuck u guys peepoWTF 🖕 Kreygasm Pog the flash predict Once u have 3 Doran’s you won’t miss anymore cs 5Head KEKW nimbus cloack is so good LMFAO ammoDany LUL KEKW WHY @FarukYILDIZ sumSmash LUL KEKW OMEGALUL HAHAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HandsUp THANK YOU SIR HandsUp LULW KEKW ˇXD LUL ? HAHAHA KEKW LULW OMEGALUL KEKW WORST CASE LUL xD LUL LOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW HE KNEW KEKW KEKW XD OH OMEGALUL LOOOL zkekw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW NO LUL KEKW KEKW trash LUL noob trunoomLurk LUL LUL KEKW KEKW OH NO NO NO KEKW OMEGALUL INC KEKW LOOL KEKW LUL NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis KEKW LUL KEKW hhhhhhh kekw KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL WRONG KEKW thats a KEKW LMAO loooooooooooool KEKW KEKW YOUTUBE KEKW KEKW LUL wtf KEKW KEKW AHAHAHAH PogU GIORNO KEKW KEKW KEKW sneakyGasm Kappa bronze KEKW PepegaAim KEKW KEKW yikes gachiBASS NotLikeThis lololol have the power LUL KEKW ? just aa no mana BigBrother KEKW why no w RIP GIORNO COSPLAY Pog KEKW all that unsigned na talent put on a slipknot song sneaky1 sneaky2 sneakyWEEB3 levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas sneakyWut that hurt to watch Lmao KEKW Clap KEKW Clap KEKW Clap KEKW Clap KEKW Clap clip it and ship it LUL SNACKERS NOOOOO i just looked at his new cosplay and honestly it makes me uncomfortable widepeepoSad aahaahahhahahaahhayaa CLIP! i would tilt of of that and spam ff15 why is sneaky unsigned? 🤔 YIYKES kappa br-onze sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta I, Giovanni Giorgo, have a dream this music 4Weird peepoLeave he is a cam girl now music peepoLeave thats why nyacchPout why is pobeleter unsigned? headBang @dabenjiest1 unskilled vvalla sabah sabahj iyi guldum amk asldfj;alskfj;asl;d headBang headBang headBang sneaky: "I Giorno Giovanni have a stream" oglum peepoLeave @sitlec is ur dream to become a gang memeber is this na or lpl jfc cok eglendım scarraKILL leona takes -ve dmg on engage lyl my bemis HEY sneaky :) peepoLeave headBang GANG STAR abi kim yaptıysa onun anasını sikeyim @baconman9001 my dream is to bcome a gang-star AYAYAWeird music senna is lucian's daughter? sneakyJensen @Jenson_Button kanka kim attı o donateyi BİRİ BAĞIŞ ATSIN YARRAKSTAYLE91 VEYA POMPALAMASYON ÇALDIRSIN !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 10 minutes 2 seconds scarraPOGGERS scarraKILL scarraPOGGERS scarraKILL KKona ? yes :) !followage PokiYikes SENNA KEKW Error: User not found: PokiYikes. monkaW dmg dammit mb KEKW senna KEKW @sitlec well just make sure this candle doesnt blow out then mb Ayrton Senna rushin2Relaxando senna with another kekw maneuver @LeveL_PL4YS wife mate gosh dont you know lego lego lore pokimane is still unsigned I keep uppercasing that emote worse than aphro's senna somehow KEKW school shooter music KEKW HI snacky aphro going ham !followage BİRİ BAĞIŞ ATSIN YARRAKSTAYLE91 VEYA POMPALAMASYON ÇALDIRSIN Hey Sneaky and chat AYAYA How y'all doing? why do ppl go 3 blades on lucian? classic support does bad and whole team flames bottom laners as a group MaldChamp 4Weird @baconman9001 i sure hope the janitor doesnt randomly throw a bucket of water The best stream ever YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw OkayChamp Pog This person is making senna look balanced FeelsBadMan AĞA ÇİKİTAMUZ DA OLUR HADİNYA hadi y wtf how does that ward work @OSFrog she is lucian's waifu? sneakyJensen Imagine a team with all the rejects. Sneaky, Pobelter, Aphromoo KEKW bug abuse WutFace KEKW !song @rangedd lex luthor does bad, his support is doing poorly P OMEGALUL B it gonna be when rdr2 comes in sneakyYeehaw POB LUL POB not happy LUL Sneaky should play in the Nigerian Pro League pobelter so toxic pob malding KEKW sextuple actually trash pobelter benchpelter no missing call BabyRage aphromoo here? @TheMotherland55 There is a divit in the wall, and u walk into it, put ur cursor over the rock in the waterfall, u can do it in practice tool you fucking saw them on a ward and he moved up KEKW Guys what should I get to eat? :) did not report missing = reported KEKW @rangedd superman does good, sneaky is doing well Pobelter tilted LUL sneak is mad at sneaky walked over 3 wards still died mid LULW you shoulld get a duo all these duos full communicating and doing full strats together while youre just chillin fraggin alone HAHA @C9Sneaky @TheMotherland55 U can get it 100% of the time in like 5-7 minutes Top 5 mid laner OMEGALUL focusing leona pepeLaugh @Unsleeping_ If tacos are an option, get some PogU pepeJAMMER @C9Sneaky you collect Dorans Blades too I see FeelsClassyMan lol so confused at everyone who @ me probably way less PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @Chompsy Thanks :D small brain wait does senna's e work differently with lucian? headBang TriKool Clap @WildEmpyrean cheers, had no idea @ForestFairyBilly tyler1Hey @rangedd hi sumSmash >unofficial list of unsgned na talent- 1. tarzaned, 2. pokimane, 3. pobelter, 4. sneaky, 5. an actual potato BigBrother Weirdga gachiw on me gachiBASS gachiW Weirdga gachiHYPER NotLikeThis HeyGuys hUNNIEcUMMIES Wow its sneaky shield looking thicc ruhkloos subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW @rangedd "to do bad" is improper english, Lex Luthor and Thanos do bad NA senna Weirdga 👉 gachiW Okayga 👉 GachiPls Senna BR Ult sneakyWut @TheMotherland55 There's a lot of them, u should look up the Scarra wards 1v2 KEKW Eat my cummies Aftershock so fun this sennas really pwning it up bros JitteryGG subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months! Pog tower do something she can save you from death but not herself :( KEKW LUL AGA HALA ÇİKİTA MUZ ATMASINI BEKLİYORUM BİRİNİN LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh 27 enemy senna Pog ally senna KEKW KEKW TRIUMPH KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL holy is this one doomed how unlucky LUL why u didnt flash the auto sneaky? Pepega no GachiPls SadChamp no Libido SadChamp no Pooga SadChamp KEKW !!!!!!! Pog 49 month Pog cheaters how did leo lose tower aggro nooooooooo BibleThump Im cringing -100 Luck LUL KEKW alwaysanoption subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! Senna ADC > Senna support :) aphro pog its ok pobelters gonna carry you F no 4th doran PeepoWTF 0,0001 hp sneaky in lane Kappa this turret is slacking af @locoqqq she left turret range @OSFrog actually thank you i will try to do better next time with my english aftershock LUL leona balanced???? leona op KEKW Lmaooooo this game fiora cosplay why does his screen look so whited out well bot lane is 90% support till late game now 0/2 PepeLaugh pob KEKW Kreygasm isn't Senna supposed to suck vs engage? what's with these triple stack dorans im seeing everywhere? !followage OSFrog scone9 has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 4 days POB KEKW pob KEKW Just turn on lucian it's not your fault senna fed leona BabyRage remover aftershock from the game ffs Leona actually feels busted to lane against, so fucking tanky and also one shots u in combo very few champs have the dmg to deal with leona YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw leona is a dominatrix Pob KEKW Pob pszTip Varusci mean DARSHAN CARRY? KEKW sneaky r you gonna follow shroud? be a variety strimmer? poobelter KEKW Darshan Pobelter Sneaky stacked team monkaS leona @Monspot color blind mode or some shit, i dunno, some lol streams look like that, annoys me too Pobelter washed up KEKW darshan LUL pepeJAM What is this game? A scrim? it's the washed up trio! KEKW he literally is color blind POB :( :) A retirement home? !live isn pobelter named Eugene? team jobless OMEGALUL @KoticGood makes sense thanks is this a random que? pobelter AND darshun here what is that positivity in ingame chat? is this league"? headBang @pacific_meerkat ya The Retirement Home KEKW na unemployment strim :/ even his professor call him dog shit @WildEmpyrean like Mr. Krabs the quality she is yea sennas playing super selfish PepeLaugh squad washed so she dont get cc'd shes right clicking then Qing for ghost !folllowage even his teacher calls him bad at league BOTLANE KEKW blessthefall PogChamp funny thing is snaeky is still better than zven LUL Is this the jobless squad Pog N OMEGALUL cancer LOL BOTLANE moon2A EXHAUST KEKW the shield even hit you wow 2000 mile engage range 4Head FeelsADMan BibleThump BOTLANE FEEDING 😡 senna ult Kappa :c Aphro is really good with Leona better sup wins? is bork on lucian any good now adays? it hurts Looks like an gg KEKW KEKW PAYPALI OLAN ÇİKİTA MUZ ATSINNNNNMMMMMMMMNNNNN Senna bought a QSS KEKW YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw ohh...Akali is just going to carry geegee EZ PepegaAim time to find a new team i FUCKING HATE ZVEN time for c9 to fall down to 5-6 plce next year he shouldve bought crucible but it's Darshan's Akali @havokzthename PepegaAim HYPERCLAP Why have i heard this song berore @Dawnofanubis sneaky thinks ER is better always :) darmania is kinda funny as is yearoflourlo Needs zonyas @SpecterOnline Hes the New Super Top Kappa Seems like akali and taliyah will carry this time. FUNgineer when is sneaky starting HRT? Pepega !song careful, she has hexdrinker Sounds like blessthefall? @insanekil1er it is @C9Sneaky hey snackers your cam is a bit to wide, we can't see the top side of the map. :) 🍌 KannaNom Lotion top ammoFroggers Any Muppets? ammoPiggers headBang monkaSHAKE gosuCannon @C9Sneaky what is the song name and band of this song? @havokzthename At least top 10 academy top laner Kappa @nitrocat blessthefall and i cant remember song name where is ur wife? Leona Ult (Senna Use QSS) + Varus Ult (Senna die) sneakyWEEB3 so theres hope POGERS sneaky is following shroud to the other place to variet streamy monkaW cleanse? widepeepoSad quick ff Kappa widepeepoSad widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW WutFace @Spitfire836 its like he is playing my Spotify Daily playlist PepegaPls headBang senna constant kekws better support wins always challenger yi NotSoEZ HYPERCLAP NA SUPP KEKW I HELPED KEKW KKool HYPERCLAP KKool HYPERCLAP KKool HYPERCLAP KKool HYPERCLAP KKool HYPERCLAP EVERY SENNA SUP DIRTY INTER KEKW hitman peepoArrive SadChamp ... good thing senna had a QSS master yikess coming in cluctch senna weak champ leona is aphromo Kappa @nitrocat i think hes just on autoplay sup qss KEKW whos this trashcan playing yi in GM KEKW @nitrocat blessthefall - "40 Days...i think BACK TO POKEMON LIL aphro duoing? Leona is just too OP Your Turrets KEKW support is so eassyyy KEKW when aphro is not on your team LUL LUL LUL Blessthefall Kreygasm atleast you have all the Dragons in the Game :) I love the fact T1 called out Pobelter... hes just not mechanically fit for LCS anymore where has your jg been PepegaHands aphro is solo rn 0-4-2 is just 420 backwards. damn sneaky really lost it, he pobelter is a god lol @HavokzTheName tfbS hallå dere snygkexet hi you doin @HavokzTheName Didn't ask t1 calls out everyone @HavokzTheName U THINK T1 IS GOOD ??? KEKW KEKW Akali ult monkaS because he's toxic THROW ANOTHER ROCK @vortex_adc When did I say that LuL @paputsza he never called me out :) At least you have all the dragon FeelsBadMan 0/4 so many na natives not on teams when soaz, zven, ryoma, etc are taking slots KEKW @rncg4_ Hmmm 420 backwards, eh 5Head 240 KEKW @kerfuffler it's because you don't play against him :) T1 is a bitch @allmynamesrtaken zven & soaz are good tho DansGame TriHard are u idiots implying that one of the best lol teams in the world isnt good? Did you guys know that this streamer dressed as a GIRL MULTIPLE TIMES and has pictures of it? EleGiggle cirWut @Limerence123 WideHard КС @Limerence123 TriHard 7 ZVEN KEKW KS 02:40 CiGrip Leo is aphromoo, which explains a lot auto -> clockwise turn COGGERS LUL REVERSE 420 TriHard 7 aphro KEKW PepegaPls lol dressing up like a girl Wowee by what? :) BRO TURN ON THE NAMES UR NOT PRO ANYMORE LMFAO 4Head KKona and Justice for All sneaky1 sneaky2 levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas first time i see sneaky 0/4 @flammable_na_prozis not really. only loco believes that KEKW PogU Did you guys know that this streamer dressed as a GIRL MULTIPLE TIMES and has pictures of it? EleGiggle the comeback POGGERS LUL KEKW C9 JECK KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona TALIYAH WALL KEKW YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw sneaky? in the else? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW D: Jebaited KEKW D: D: D: loco coached ggs so well lmao else team KEKW clintS sneakyJack LUL D: @lolplayerxdddd loool 4Head who does that LUL KEKW D: D: D: sneakyD DanBeStu subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW KEKW D: KEKW D: pepeLaugh young sneakyD <3 LUL D: LUL guys he left c9 so he could play in the TCS, its a long con Pog !sub Coggers headBang e adcs have never ever been good in na headBang blessthefall 2 good headBang headBang WutFace what's better 2nd item on jhin IE or RFC? screams DansGame headBang *eu headBang headBang WutFace peepoLeave this music though headBang WutFace WutFace headBang SCREAMO WeirdChamp headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang finally real music FeelsGoodMan screams peepoLeave I DONT HAVE A VOICE SO I SCREAM WeirdChamp @allmynamesrtaken what are you using to acess their abilties? misfits & tsm were shit last year. everyone looked bad LUL if Sneaky played in TCS peepoLeave i just saw this band live about a month ago! !playlist Doot doot !music A TCS Champion has never lost worlds 5Head pog headBang rush has no team also headBang !song WutFace Thanks nightbot C L A P P E R I N O widepeepoSad Being mean to Sneaky for being jobless widepeepoHappy But for Rush yoo @C9Sneaky kobbe got a job in na retirement spot peepoLeave 20min quest senna @vortex_adc you try screaming KEKW when the breakdown hits Kreygasm headBang SCREAMS peepoLeave SCREAMS peepoLeave SCREAMS peepoLeave SCREAMS peepoLeave Whats the song @C9Sneaky @blarghal song? HYPERS headBang HYPERS HYPERS senna damage KEKW @UnNameless a tcs champion is a fckn loser Thy Art is Murder stream when? PogChamp Did you guys know that this streamer dressed as a GIRL MULTIPLE TIMES and has pictures of it? EleGiggle Did you guys know that this streamer dressed as a GIRL MULTIPLE TIMES and has pictures of it? EleGiggle @addcheesepls scarfRead I C U Athat senna is healing both teams grandpaseks(dot)com xqcFast tbh apollo > zven, kobbe. and sneaky is better than apollo Well with that music i dont need to turn on my own playlist and keep the stream in the background. FeelsGoodMan xqcFast headBang neutralchamp Check the bush gachiBASS EleGiggle wait this guy dressed like a girl? NO WAY DUDE @lolplayerxdddd KKona wow this channel has some of the worst pasta @allmynamesrtaken apollo OMEGALUL elejiggle in 2019 AYAYAWeird WideHard @Kawaii_SanChan yes atpChar EleGiggle @allmynamesrtaken oh your memeing 4Head ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA KEKW gachiBASS HE DID EleGiggle gachiBASS KEKW wow this channel has some of the worst pasta PogU KEKW @ItsJustValk I @ you scarfCOMFY ??? LULW like wasn't even good for 2010 KEKW KEKW NA is garbage region chat , get over it !followage pokiW ? Error: User not found: pokiW. that tris :D but you have a team. but not playing pro? @Sinthemage when? nyacchPout tris iron 5 PogU Pog 4Head AYAYA AKALI POG DARSHAN PogU PogYou winnable Pog EU obsessed with NA in SNEAKYCHAT KEKW gachiGASM throoow ASSSISTS YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw eu adcs in adc, when they were ever successful? the comeback PogChamp Cumback Pog is this a silver game? @C9Sneaky wow this channel has some of the worst pasta @RamonRodriguezIV Hey Baby, Here's that Song You Wanted pobelter ult u will win :) Is that ZionSpartan PogU WINNABLE PogU Cum Back Pog Winnable Pog darshan is smurfing lmao it's a cumback Pog TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard gachiBASS Coming back from retirement PogU Coomback gachiW widepeepoHappy scumbag akali carrying yo ass KEKW yes :) loosian 4Head GO PRES. GO Support Lucian Pog zion spartan returns Pog no :) @ItsJustValk earlier scarfSob its okay you acknowledge me now scarfLove impact cmonBruh cmonBruh YOO no :) no @C9Sneaky a/s/l? yes :) yes :) Check back in about 5 mins from now every huni game @C9Sneaky TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard !followage no :) no MastahFred has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 5 months, 3 days CHU MEAN CUH cmonBruh cmonBruh yeah me Yes UwU no Kappa TriHard TriHard TriHard i saw it often on qt's stream :) darshan pob snaky ExPro team @C9Sneaky YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw ANY TREES TreeHard Sneaky play red dead redemption2 TriHard Clap we hawt headBang WutFace monkaW headBanger headBang headBang WutFace headBang WutFace headBang monkaW item !followage WutFace headBang WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace headBng headBang headBang headBang WutFace headBang headBang WutFace TriHard 7 ! elo @Sinthemage was playing phone games cirComfy DAMN BRO YOU LAST HIT THOSE MONSTERS CRAZY do u get reduced gold for killing jg camps? qtpies lucian was pretty bad today PogChamp DO U MIND BRO 4Head headBang FeelsGoodMan Clap ITEM SKIP At this moment MY EARS D: headBang headBang headBang TriHard TriHard headBang widepeepoSad ears 2K GOLD ? I saw DL one time dash into a Viktor once as Lucian saving 1.8k gold FeelsGoodMan WutFace @ItsJustValk mobile gaming scarfCOMFY PogChamp ! op. gg Its kinda hilarious the enemy team gave away the lead so easily. lol dorans PepeHands FeelsGoodMan Clap LOUDER why not 6 warmogs? more dorans FeelsGoodMan 2 itmes Pog LOUDER pepeJAMMER ! @Victor1502Games NaM TELL ME THE SONG CHAT :rage: EZ COMEBACK TriHard Clap WHY NO ARMOR PEN? @C9Sneaky shodulve built PD since you were behind @hotdogss NaM NA autos KEKW stephenhawkingxd subscribed with Twitch Prime. @RamonRodriguezIV it's a song by blessthefall I think Just google the lyrics @RamonRodriguezIV Use NASH to farm KEKW mizoviKiks mizoviKiks 0/4 Power spike achieved PogChamp Linaaz JUST 4Head clg crown = clg 2nd place after tl. and some other rando team will be 3rd in lcs that isn't tsm, c9 just google the lyrics 4Head PogU Whose the Support the 0/4 Lucian or the 1/6 Senna @C9Sneaky PogU Pob Pog P O B PogU PagChomp PogChamp NOTORIOUS POB PogU POGBELTER PogYou Pob Pog Pog not washed up Pog THE NOTORIUS P O B SIGN THIS MAN NOW PogU Is sneaky still with cloud9? GET THIS MAN AN LCS TEAM Pog DARSHIT KEKW who said pob isnt good anymore LUL PobU PogYou the headBang snake moe POGSLIDE yasssuo PogChamp someone sign this man Sick NA'S GREATEST MID PogU @allmynamesrtaken crown is dogsht Darshan PogU yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake yasSnake a kill Pog @dennis1994hk yeah hes just not on starting roster @allmynamesrtaken where the fck have u been the past 3 years Cumback gachiW i told you pobelter was gonna carry you WutFace WutFace YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw CALL 100T THEYRE CRYING gachiHYPER WutFace senna so busted LULW P OMEGALUL B Pob is Pog why u flaming hahahhzhz lul PauseChamp OH? KEKW EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle Pobelter? PogU Darshan LUL YENSEN SadChamp Weirdga WASHED UP SQUAD CAME BACK PogU Get carry LUL POB AND DARSHAN CARRY Pog even his teacher call him zionspartan @banned_account_the_7th_ should be the 8th already nyacchShy @squirrelyfug33 hes so pog he doesnt have a team coz hes so washed 4Head 2/4 KEKW @allmynamesrtaken answer the question dipsht no :) no :) @allmynamesrtaken y r u detracting But hey lvl 16 akali. AYAYA doe New lcs team right here washed up squad up N OMEGALUL the unemployed gang LUL PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim more dorans peepoWTF PepegaAim PepegaAim @C9Sneaky not fair, your team has more pros on it...wait..jk :) PepegaAim TriHard UNEMPLOYED ARMY TriHard Ex PepegaAim is it blessthefall ? LULW PepegaAim HYPERCLAP That recall sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm can i get some AS, buys no AS sneaky makes more money dressing up like a hot league champ than i do in a year @C9Sneaky rip green pot cani die PepegaAim !playlis hire these guys for c9 !playlist Doot doot Ex TriHard 500 PTA damage at 25 mins KEKW NA ULT @banned_account_the_7th_ you need a hobby my dude @banned_account_the_7th_ you asked no question. i stated clearly that crown > poe and clg will be better @chris00shea you dont have a tight twink butt Ex TriHard Cx tru do you have a playlist ? he kinda cute tho pta is better UNEMPLOYED ARMY TriHard Ex call aphro he's malding KEKW When does pro season start guys OMEGALUL d carzzyRage carzzyRage carzzyRage carzzyRage chat who remembers green elixer #BOOMER TriHard C OMEGALUL NQ @C9Sneaky Hey sneakers can you smapchat me your pepe? Taliyah PogU thats coz u dont do anything IN GENERAL EleGiggle LULW EleGiggle @C9Sneaky PogU wall Get him snackers GOOD TALIYAH ULT the fuck was that ultimate tho LUL who said free stuff? TriHard WutFace yi build is just wrong... KKona Wall cmonBruh gachiBASS time Tali smurfing conq is insane on lucian past 20 minutes, it sucks early cause it takes a full spell rotation to proc !time December 2nd 2019, 1:16:43 am PST GMT-08:00 idk if conq would help with that though @banned_account_the_7th_ you are 14 years old right? and bad @ bants? almost as if senna is a bad support @DuckDuckGus_ remember when shyvana's E was just 5 of her normal E's instead of a gigantic fireball? PepeHands TriHard . o O ( ) like the extra % dmg from pta would be better vs tanks no? widepeepoSad PepeHands feeding trolls Im having breakfast chat :) @allmynamesrtaken y r u still @ me lmao... PepegaHands cmonBruh PepegaHands 7 KEKW senna being bad KEKW SURE TriHard maybe its you then KEKW @imaizumi i remember so much PepeHands what ? senna is busted It's time for some Jango unchained LUCIAN YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw Jhin, Senna is really good. The trist int monkeys in the chat @C9Sneaky Jensenna? Pog triple senna is good just gets hard countered by hard engage like leona Pog SNEAKY Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog PogU Pog bukkake'd ACED PogU Pog OFF SEASON MVP Pog POSITIVE SCORE PogU Pepega Chat thinking Senna is good into engage xqcDab HOLY U GOT CARRIED OMEGALUL TriHard . o O () pepeD pepeD pepeD PogU 0/4 to 6/5 LULW 0/4 to 6/5 oh baby triple Pog PUSH MID OPEN too late now baron KEKW WeirdChamp no n cmonBruh uuu baby a triple pob? cmonBruh KEKW lmao bronze team N 5Head n cmonBruh POB Pob? cmonBruh dont question pobelter LUL @C9Sneaky What happened to Botrk, Black Cleaver Lucian? Pobelter is spelling a pants are dragon monkaS pob cmonBruh throw? cmonBruh cmonBruh n cmonBruh PepegaAim pepega Pepega GG PepegaAim WHOAH WHOAH cmonBruh cmonBruh HES THINKIN IT cmonBru PepegaAim pepegaAim cmonBruh N PepegaAim PepegaAim Pepega PepegaAim cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh No end? PepegaAim darshan boosted Wait pepega nice simulation Pog Bruh cmonBruh sneaky losing his mind cmonBruh PepegaAim prr prr PepegaAim PepegaAim come on brother 😂 Pepeg gg sneaky1 sneaky2 PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim LULW PepegaAim wiped KEKW PepegaAim prrrra NA LUL and then, you get aced LUL PogChamp PogChamp PepegaAim Pob cmonBruh PepegaAim Pepega boom It would be GG if @C9Sneaky didnt die as the ADC this is y they kicked him TriHard Waited PogU PepegaAim wtf cmonBruh TEAM WAITED PogU Am I watching a youtube vid monkaGun monkaGun monkaGun monkaGun monkaGun cmonBruh hahahahah 😂😂 sneakyBoost Good guy Pob BibleThump what you wanna say pob comnBruh Yeah mooooore damage YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw BibleThump HOLD ME CHAT, IM SCARED FOR SNEAKY BibleThump BibleThump Thank you for the sound effects Stormrazzorr? Pog how is it that darshan is still in lcs but not sneaky COMPLETE THE SENTENCE POB cmonBruh gathering storm not even giving a longsword of AD at 30mins lol just sucks c9 & tsm cannot into top 3 next split cmonBruh #noflame Lucian Jango unchained YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw is this a rerun when do you buy multiple doran's blades and when do you know to buy more than 1 extra?? yeah hes not live unless he has shoe on head whats with the dorans blade spam early game? @C9Sneaky !commands @Ompire -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank yes Rapid fire EZ DuckDuckGus_ technically he still is :) Yoyoyoyoyo 50cent @DuckDuckGus_ he gagged some schlong. he came into lcs and never been good or relevant Darshan pob and sneaky hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@mmmm@mmmm@mmmmm its a rerun JUST SUCKS THAT NO ONE GIVES A FCK 4Head Yi backdoor TriHard Kappa cmonBruh Django the D is silent @Mouadrose COZ THEY R BOTH IRRELEVANT 4Head @variekz get dorans when you feel Korean riven players pepeLaugh base race? Base monkaW base race PogU @WorthJunglerEU F A C T S @Merlisdo12 Oh okay thanks buddy oh oh gg @Everyone someone gift me a sub. Daddy pls thank you death's dance very cool nyacchPls btch nvm master yi Pog monkaW Pog !kekw KEKW Darshan too strong typical yi players, not helping team LUL PauseChamp Lose lane win game darshan was called godlike for the 1st time in 3 years PauseChamp PepegaAim princessSleep princessSleep princessSleep princessSleep princessSleep princessSleep PepegaAim @Mouadrose that was a Film scene wasnt that funny tho FeelsGoodMan !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ from 0.4 to 8.5 Pog PepegaAim even his teacher calls him godlike Pepega This game was wildin like Nick Cannon !chant PogU what PogU PagChomp PogYou LOL PepegaAim RIVEN? PogU Wait Pog twansonleague subscribed with Twitch Prime. RIVEN KEKW PogU what a fiesta PogU PogChamp PogChamp KEKW KEKW gachiHYPER pepeSmoke PepegaAim PogU Pog OMEGALUL ChomPag KEKWE LUL darshan is dogsht washed up on the shore OMEGALUL KEKW trist lived KEKW ppog KEKW Pog DODGE CHARGER darshan? NotSoEZ just end 4Head what a game KEKW how is trist alive WTF vison pomegalulbelter KKona wtf buy u had blue orb wtf riven invis NotSoEZ darshan walking to base KEKW cmonBruh Pog HYPERBRUH 4th dragon PogU KEKW FOG OF WAR KEKW briweeDerp LUL @banned_account_the_7th_ why do you think that honestly widepeepoHappy Kreygasm Kreygasm Weirdga Stormrazzzooor incoming Pog KEKW sneakys MOM KEKW LUL LUL F OMEGALUL G OF WAR Kreygasm Weirdga fun game :) LUL KEKW M OMEGALUL M LULW ? @C9Sneaky ARE U SRS SHE WAS INVIS BECAUSE OF THAT SHIT LITTLE WALL KEKW Pepega mumm 3Head @blinkingpigs he is recycled trash monkaW 3Head me mum KEKW mom Kreygasm MUM KEKW Pepega KEKW M KEKW M Weirdga MOM KEKW Kreygasm gachiBASS gachiHYPER GENEROUS KAY KEKW LULW that wall new? @blinkingpigs that gets circulated for dollars sneakyIn Weridga sneakyHey hey hey Lore PogYou W OMEGALUL W good story LUL One time there was two girls BibleThump True Love Bork @blinkingpigs y do u think NA is so dogsht rofl And that's it Cri Everi Tim LUL LUL LUL hey hi Not like you have a free ward or anything LUL sneakyHey “Boy” hows it goin :) The throws KEKW should make a movie of it Kappa LOSEABLE monkaW I NEED THE LORE SwiftRage Throw come back KEKW @Merlisdo12 Yeah my bad i shouldn't say something like that spiderman spiderverse reference LUL dlmHeyGia dlmHeyGia dlmHeyGia is current meta for jhin storm razor rush? LOSABLE wouldnt GA be really good since theyre all ad? PogU HUEHUEHUEHUE old bless the fall Kreygasm Osama ADC op monkaW LIKE ULTRA RAPID FIRE pog! SNACKBAR123 monkaW isnt it 10% of ult cd mayer yi monkaW riven perma ult monkaW WHEN IS NEXT URF yi will just have ghost on Master Yi permanent R monkaW master yiit Master ya LUL oh wow yearofflourlo... i thought it was yearoflourlo like year of george on seinfeld whats this song? if you play URF you're iron 20 master yea HYPERS @Kawaii_SanChan -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] is aurelion sol good in adc KEKW so if you make a smurf account @10% additional cdr on ult for every cloud drag just the tip gachiW HandsUp Sir, why do have two wards on the map HandsUp @ApexValkyrie lmaooo why can't people have fun with URF??????? this yi is a moron something by blessthefall wtf POB PogU THROWS KEKW poor yi wtf stun Pog ?? gachiBASS eugene Pog he needs a bloody qss ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW HandsUp I SAW IT HandsUp LMAOO KEKW monkaS you have to go thru the pain of doing the tutorial KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU EITHER DODGE THE ULT OR GET A QSS R WORD gachiBASS I SEE IT wtf is vision in this game gachiW gachiBASS hiding Just the tip HandsUp bleu is a ninja just the tip HandsUp Yi sounds so funny when he dies INDIE COMPANY BTW KEKW Houdini blue monkaW HandsUp @spencethefence125 It makes you bad at the game and fucks up all your timings blue buff faker whats your crit chance gachiBASS D: D: D: d: D: D: D: D: D: wtf D: D: D: D: D: D: D: HandsUp CHAT LETS SUMMON THE HYDRA HandsUp D: D: D: D: D: too far D: KannaNom D: "guys like you make us look bad" blessthefall sneakyD HandsUp COME TO US HYDRA HandsUp AYAYA ? PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim cursing infornt of your mum monkaW monkaW PogU PogU Pog AYAYA ????? trist LUL PepegaAim gg SNEAKY tristana KEKW TRIST KEKW FLASH KEKW FLASH KEKW league of stopwatches gg KEKW Pog GG DARSHIT PogU gg PogU GG EZ Clap PogU SNACKIESSS AWWWW PogU hugo1GG GG its the CUMBACK PogU YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw CALL APHRO HES MALDED KEKW ZION SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN PogU poog gg EZ darshan carry PogU gg EZ Clap beeeg krit WP SNEAKY, YOU SHOULD PLAY IN LCS KEKW aphr0-2 vs snaky KEKW that flash was ackward LUL feed to win KEKW what a comeback! good win sneak D: DARSHAN POBELTER SNEAKY BOOMERS UNITED PagChomp that akali was nuts PogU gg EZ Clap better ad wins EZ Clap moon2POGGYWOGGY wachito riko por tu me hago bi its tripleeeeeeeee 0/4 -> 12/6 :o Gg hitman plzzzzzz lol !time FEED TO WIN December 2nd 2019, 1:24:35 am PST GMT-08:00 KEKW LCS REJECTS WIN Pog !follow 0/4/5 0-5-2 sneaky u r the next imaqtpie HITMAN Pog Akali too strong play hitman 04 to 126 LMAO\ PepegaAim AYYYY Pog Aphro is malding KEKW DOTA 2 Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Maybe you should make a team with these guys PogU yes feelsgoodman THE UNEMPLOYED TEAM PogChamp PLAY HITMAN win from behind lose from ahead the pants are dragon strategery PogChamp Goodby YouTube akali Kreygasm This ADC guy is nuts. He should be a pro player @RytzyL KEKW UNEMPLOYMENT ARMY JUST WON TriHard "I feed and then I win" LUL Just like the top and mid Lcs rejects Pog headBang hitman PepegaAim Ex PogYou headBang maybe you and rush and poebeleter should be on a team TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard headBang come back PogU music half the team is pros, barely comeback KEKW Pog duo aphro Pog Song name?? Pog 12 more damage PogU 12 LUL @c9sneaky did ya play new Pokemon BETTER AD WINS PogU @Not_K ye a silver team OMEGALUL one that doesnt play in lcs maybe 4Head by 12 damage PogU Pog HOO bot gap PogU Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog blind Thanks darshan W OMEGALUL W @C9Sneaky you have to try this Kalista build: Berserkers>Stormrazor>Hurricane>IE BOT DESTROYED clean lucian LUL the actual carry LUL i see 0 pros on the team LUL Best bot lane wins EZ PogU KEKW Pog TCS monkaW aurelion sol adc in ranked Better BOT WON @khoieli eww aphro duo Aphro Trihard @Kawaii_SanChan -> No excessive usage of symbols! PogU TCS WORLD CHAMPION PogU KEKW PagChomp TCS PogU varus cant carry with that lead holy fuck lmao when is TCS??? TCS PogU CONFIRM ON STREAM TCS WORLD CHAMP COZ CANT GET REAL WC LUL LUL LUL HITMAN peepoArrive tcs KEKW gachiBASS gachiBASS GatchiW gachiHYPER youre playing in TCS? gachiBASS hitman DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink gachiBASS gachW gachiW gachiBASS TCS BigBrother WHO IS ON UR TCS TEAM gachiHYPER POGGERS @screwcuppy no @C9Sneaky play Jinx gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP yapo wn vistete como las monas chinaa SAY THE MEME snacky in TCS PogU will tarzaned be unbanned for tcs? tcs = the cock sucker? oathDrink monkaW oh shit DRINK YOUR BAJA BLAST CHAT trunoomSip DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw Patrick is compensating pepeSmoke monkaW WATER confirmed? PauseChamp tough talk for a fella with a small cock ! @C9Sneaky DRINK YOUR BAJA BLAST CHAT trunoomSip DRINK YOUR BAJA BLAST CHAT trunoomSip @c9sneaky what’s your WPM? tyler1B1 tyler1C tyler1B2 \ qtpSIP KEKW KEKW who is this Patrick sneaky? i only drink mountain dew oathLanDrink come to turkey for tcs xd you got sold?! scurrySip @CYBERBOOLI_xD scarfCOMFY booli scarfPAT @C9Sneaky Is this blessthefall? im like spongebob i just put my pinky up and i dont need water OkayChamp TeaTime pog sneaky has the same water glasses that i do @C9Sneaky what about some Jhin hitmAn drinking my water now FeelsGoodMan scarfSip I drink tea MY STREAM NOW TriHard @Dayne910 yes JHIN LUL JHIN LUL JHIN LUL JHIN LUL Is that a piano HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS NO STREAMER TriHard LCS ResidentSleeper TCS PogYou twitch rivals sneaky Kappa ? @SmolAria aria scarfPAT scarfLove gachiHYPER kim peepoLeave COME OUT BROTHERS TriHard 7 tyler1T1 tyler1T2 tyler1T2 tyler1T2 yapo wn muestra el culo Open sneaky love friend folder KappPride @Sinthemage Allo sin daphPat daphHeart AYAYA TeaTime @ApexValkyrie Thought it sounded familiar @Sinthemage AYAYA sneakyWEEB2 FeelsTastyMan cmonBruh ADDS 11 YEARS?? YOINK TriHard NO STREAMER WideHard HYPERCLAP calm down WutFace TURKEY CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES sneakyWEEB3 cmonBruh cmonBruh headBang !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 41 minutes 17 seconds cmonBruh Hol up when they wish they're TriHard but chat is 100% BCWarrior headBang gachiBASS kobbe, zven employed in na WHERE ARE YOU MOD? Come out and let me slap you uptime! KannaNom 6 ads DansGame TriHard 📡 SIGNALLING ALL HOMIES TriHard // ammoHorse PepePls KEKW cmonBruh TriHard // REPORTING IN TriHard 7 WideHard HYPERCLAP sneakyChair peepoLeave what ads WideHard TriHard FREEDOM squadW sneakySpook sneakySpook Weirdga WideHard Clap 📡 NaM nymnFlag SIGNALLING ALL NAMMERS ‼️ WE OUT HERE TriHard //. CHAIRSTREAM PogChamp squadT squadD DARK MODE TriHard NaM TriHard ADS WE NOT IN HERE peepoLeave daphSucc NaM ppOverheat TriHard \/ fuck :( no hitman peepoLeave squadW DOMERS? @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] WutFace NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard NO STREAMER WideHard NO ADS WideHard monkaW What ads ? cmonBruh WutFace moon2GUMS how to block ads TriHard WeirdChamp cmonBruh WideHard AINT GETTING NO ADS HERE 🕷 cmonBruh !playlist no ppOverheat peepoLeave Doot doot @kennyv503 get out of the stream headBang cant see ads if you close ur eyes :) GET OUT OF THE STREAM IF U DONT WANT ADS peepoWTF peepoLeave why do people care about ads LULW !song bawkBruh WideHard HYPERCLAP WideHard HYPERCLAP headBang @banned_account_the_7th_ pepeLaugh WideHard WHAT ADS Please do not type in chat unless you are high ELO (silver 2 and above) FailFish Let's have a high quality chat please FailFish how to get out the stream headBang KKool HYPERCLAP TriHard ammoDany KEKW uptime! headBang @20022512abcdef U FCKN DOG headBang WutFace What band is this? WideHard HYPERCLAP Please do not type in chat unless you are high ELO (silver 2 and above) FailFish Let's have a high quality chat please FailFish... what re ads? TriHard @20022512abcdef U THOUGHT I WAS BANNED EH 4Head reminds me of high school peepoLeave is there a way to use bttv on mobile? peepoWTF @20022512abcdef well here i am btch 4Head Any bruvs in chat ? 3Head @20022512abcdef talk sht now 4Head hi :) @trojan32vd NOPE TriHard 3Head TeaTime @banned_account_the_7th_ FK U 3Head ads in 2008 + 11 LUL song? @C9Sneaky Miller light commercial is cringe Im on wood division KEKW monkaW we were behaving @Deadlyfire blessthefall Please do not type in chat unless you are high ELO (silver 2 and above) FailFish Let's have a high quality chat please FailFish oi bruv 3Head PepegaPls PepegaPls HIT MaN @C9Sneaky headBang HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS HITMAN HYPERS hit MaN @C9Sneaky i like ur shrit :) nymnREE @banned_account_the_7th_ I am your btch. hit MaN i dont remember going into hot topic DansGame hit MaN Okayga is that grand master? hitman peepoARrive HITMAN IN Q 4Head banned KEKW nymnREE MaN ? burnNERD :) Hit MaN @C9Sneaky What was that song called? Weirdga peepoArrive me :) me :) me :) me :) wait u can hit MaN but u cant hit wo MaN ? PepegaAim lol me :) WutFace me monkaS me :9 me :) me please :) you :) PepegaAim I thought that was a tsm shirt for a second.. I was gunna Pog tf out lol *raises hand* my ass monkX ME :) PogYou HE POINTED AT ME WutFace PogYou monkaW TSM shirt WeirdChamp ME ?????? kill me daddy :) monkaX no fullscreen? BibleThump you shoulld get a duo all these duos full communicating and doing full strats together while youre just chillin fraggin alone HAHA @C9Sneaky m-m-m-me? Riot should let the original C9 reform for TCS just ignore that memeos is still in lcs Me :) :) me :) ME me :) I wanna die pls :) GET UR FINGER OUT OF MY EYE @C9Sneaky D: ass ass inated @C9Sneaky :) / me @C9Sneaky Nice sherp you PogYou me? monkaW PepegaAim come get me D: DansGame SKIPPED INTRO cmonBruh HIT MaN 2 TSM SNEAKY PogU KEKW PepegaAim time what a MaN HIT NaM pepeLaugh i lied DansGame not RDR2 Me :) hey streamer play league i came here for league not tyler 1 :) D: ANELE D: HIT MaN 2 Pog D: BUY EM ALL D: too far MODS cmonBruh :D F HIT NaM 2 D: bitch :O HYPERBRUH HIT MaN 2 @BlueMM bitch HIT NaM 2 @C9Sneaky have you played sekiro MaldChamp what mods cmonBruh cmonBruh HIT NaM Ditch league and just play this for the rest of the night please :) @C9Sneaky D: nymnM kill them all KEKW KEKW story?? WutFace WutFace i am the law here cmonBruh monkaW I WON DansGame NO ME TriHard @C9Sneaky just end stream and dont play anything for the night :) burn it MODS cmonBruh CAN YOU NOT SEE @c9sneaky wait u can hit MaN but u cant hit wo MaN ? 4Weird MaldChamp @c9sneaky playing shitman hi mom WutFace pepeSmoke haHA gachiHYPER I SEE IT POGGERS 144 Kreygasm HandsUp pepeSmoke Are you Hitting on Men? Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm u mean fps? monkaS I SAW gachiHYPER red dead redemption pls gachiBASS pepeSmoke u talking to me? gift me a sub daddy :( POISON THE SCOTCH sneakyGrip TriHard YOINK THAT WATCH is he playing online? which game is this PepeS im scared @C9Sneaky is this the newpokemon nice tub WHERE THE JEWELS TriHard yes why the weeb sword tho LUL widepeepoHappy Sqweeky toy im scared dad hold me it's Shield HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH ANELE SOON PepegaPls KEKW just kill them PepegaAim Real game Pog ANELE ANELE ANELE KEKW lel HYPERBRUH @MODS CiGrip ciGrip he s gonna boom bruddas ANELE POG CiGrip CiGrip sneakyGrip CiGrip dude PASS THE BLUNT CiGrip CiGrip AWWWYEAH peepoSmoke FeelsLitMan Oh Hi Mark sneakyGrip CiGrip the lads 3Head VapeNation sneakyGrip Clap wAiT tHaT's IlLeGaL sneakyGrip 3Head OI M8 forsenCD LADS VapeNation "hurt pass the dutchie to the left hand side PepeS what is this wallhack NO SURVIVOR oathPout NO SURVIVOR oathPout NO SURVIVOR oathPout PepeS moon2G forsenCD AY monkaW D: monkaW use the joint @hotdogss oi cunt PepeS PepeS monkaW monkaW @JessieS23 oi Weirdga cmonBruh cmonBruh what LUL KEKW KEKW monkaW ghosts? gachiBASS D: KEKW lol KEKW AH KILL HER D: WRENCH KEKW KEKW D: D: KEKW KEKW :D CANNABIS JOINT sqaudW MY MAN cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW D: 🦍 LUL squadW PepeS squadW MY MAN D: WOMAN BEATER LMAO KEKW KEKW monkaW Kreygasm oathD KEKW KEKW D: sqaudW Clap MaN squadW MY MAN PepeHands ANELE SQUADW MY MAN widepeepoHappy залетайте ко мне finish it YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw Frag her залетайте ко мне! KEKW KEKW CANNABIS JOINY KEKW LUL monkaS D: squadW ONE MORE TIME MY MAN baby punch HOLY D: D: D: KEKW KEKW D: 🦍 finish the job D: WTF KEKW Pog D: sneakyD D: D: D: D: WTF LULW Hitman in 2020 Pog D: real men punch first and ask questions later KKona sneakyD KEKW FATALITY DO IT AGAIN ENTER KEKW WutFace D: squadW monkaW D: oathD oathD oathD sneakyD holy D: LMAO squadW DESTROY HER EGO WTF SNEAK KEKW ONE TAPPED monkaW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad SAVAGE WTF monkaW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh The katana? D: LMAO U FORGOT THE SWORD D: LOL monkaW WTF oathD LULW lmao that katana toss :O GET THE SWORD TOO FAR WutFace monkaS EZ Clap KEKW PepeS LMAO DAMNIT MY TRAINWRECKS GIFT SUB RAN OUT I CANT MEME D: squadW Hit Her again :O monkaW pepeLaugh widepeepoHappy nice TriHard LULW Man music monkaS PepeS MaN NaM NaM 12 btw haHAA throw another katana OkayChamp NaM nymnFlag LOL KEKW monkaS nooooo JUMP PogU yes VIDEO GAMES DONT MAKE YOU VIOLENT LULW no Sneak 100 KEKW monkaW uptimeAT monkaW MUSIC any MaNers here? DatSheffy stop PauseChamp plz from behind Pog monkaW no vegetables here PauseChamp ...... HOLD PauseChamp monkaW Music PauseChamp awwwwhhhhhwhwhhw I played 1 game of COD and then I shot up my school PauseChamp PauseChamp sneaky is sneaking KEKW PauseChamp delete this 👉 PauseChamp PauseChamo pepeLaugh PauseChamp ...... ANY SECOND NOW He's crouch running LUL The game looks so good but boring at the same time Hide on bush monkaS ayy. i love Hitman monkaS music literally invisible smoke the joint ResidentSleeper @AvoidingThePotholes looks trash monkaW monkaS @fyndhornelves gj KKona 7 Sneaky START SHOOTING PepegaAim get a girlfriend man we all know get a real life just walking on the beach :) ooooooooweeeeie monkaW sneaky sneaky monkaW Sneaky is actually being Sneaky Pog sneaky47 monkaW widepeepoSad boat SadChamp how does your bald head not glean the moonlight at the guards So real ⛵ wtf how do i get hired to work for some sketchy organization like these guys Sneaky in his natural habitat D: PepegaAim KILL THEM ALL uptimeLength NO ITS MY BOAT :) @SmolClaire KEKW GO pull out the guns sneaky its beast time that bush is warded bro think like rengar @smolclaire LULW pepeLaugh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis use the watch weeakkkk @Toxic_Teej go to church Kappa I don't think that bush is warded Throw the joint at him @AvoidingThePotholes so many people yet no one sees him like he is invisible while crouching, also he would be easily seen on the building with lights on @SmolAria AYAYA KEKW JUST KILL EM ALL oathS oathS monkaW TIME TO SHOOT PepegaAim gank them lucky EZ @SmolClaire AYAYA PepeLaugh KEKW use rengar's passive pls KEKW Sneaky like that Frag TIME TO FART FeelsLitMan fart @SmolAria @SmolClaire AYAYA FART grenade just go in between the lights 4Head haHAA monkaHmm ANELE Kill them all Pog they'll see you with ashe e squeeky toy AYAYA @scuffedlove @scuffedlove AYAYA monkaW where the jungle creeps? nice essay BigBrother BigBrother @Fruity_FruitCake my man Jebaited inc PepegaAim Make a loud one MOAN monkaW smoke weed grenade Nade shoot it KKona now jump out like rengar and blow them up sneakyGrip throw a katana PepegaAim DansGame SAVE SCUMMING The cannabis joint KappaRoss PogChamp CHEATING KEKW smoke cannabis joint SMOKE THE JOINT shoot it? use the spaghetti punch smoke the joint :) pepeLaugh light the joint and pass it for a distraction Kappa Frag nade CiGrip MONKAW LLOL kacey420 CANNABIS JOINT PauseChamp ... ANELE Clap CiGrip ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE ANELE Clap KEKW @steleo961 FeelsWowMan mah man WutFace Weed is loud use that j haha blind af ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE now smoke j I knew riot games were making new games but what is this? Kapp monkaW KEKW ANALE sneakyGrip sneakyGrip smoke the jay you ded EZ what is cannabis ? Shot the thing monkaW 3Head now wot ANELE gj brother ?? NOW YOURE STUCK KEKW walk off smoeking blunt ANELE ANELE ANELE @trojan32vd ANALE gachiBASS OMEGALUL ok youre fucked, smoke the weed the yolo it KEKW stayed too close LUL GO monkaW Pepega KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL PepegaAim KEKW ANELE GOOD KEKW actually blind LULW dun think you're supposed to be next tot he distraction sureLUL KEK KEKW KEKW monkaW lol they are so blind KEKW KEKW KEKW @scuffedlove ANELE * i mean KEKW KEKW KEKWQ HAHAHAHA IMAGINE NOT SEEING THIS DOOD LUL KEKW monkaW PepeLaugh they don't know run monkaS actually blind KEKW SNEAK GOD LULW KEKW KEKW amazing guards KEKW shoot it from farther away maybe BLIND Pepega LMAOOO hide on bush whats that bald man walking in the bushes? KEKW monkaW monkaW realistic as fuck LMAOOO the goooooodddd LMAOOO Ez OMEGALUL monkaW KEKW OMG KEKW EZ Clap What even! HE CHASING now smoke blunt LUL EZ CurseLit At least they get paid, am I right? KEKW gogogogogogog pepeLaugh they don't know so nice dude monkaX RUN ACTUAL Pepega EZ monkaW RUN PogU GO GO KEKW they dont know PepeLAugh listen kid JOGGING KEKW RUN SO SLOW KEKW EZ CYA NERDS wtf they blind? RUN PepeLaugh EZ Clap runnn Pepega gachiGASM UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH casual jog BOOMER so slowwwwww BOOMER KEKW make like a hippy and blow this joint BOOMER KEKW OKAY BOOMER Pepega JOGGING KEKW EZ Clap atpOld Pepega Clap boomer KEKW slow run KEKW he is a boomer KEKW BOOMER KEKW okay, now blaze it grandpa Grandpa Assassin BOOMER t1 is faster and taller than him LMAO D: LUL KEKW Run slower boomer KEKW BOOMER KEKW jogchamp KEKW @varus12456 shit game BOOMER RUN KEKW sprint KEKW boomer speedKEKW boomer hitman Is this POKEMON? EZ CYA KEKW how did they not notice. LMAO PogU EZ EZ they should have deflated the boat EZ this is more realistic than Skyrim POg PogU EZ Clap not even close EZ Clap KEKW EZ Clap 5Head KEKW a nice casual beach stroll widepeepoHappy boomer7 EZ out for an evening run EZ Clap EZ EZ Clap Fired. All of them they didnt fckd the boat LUL LUL EZ EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ HYPERCLAP EZ SMOKE THAT BLUNT EZ Clap ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 EZ Clap blunt time EZ CurseLit EZ 🔫 KEKW KEKW stupid game KEKW KEKW REALISTIC WATER EZ Clap EZ Clap rooEZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap EZ Clap THE END, NEXT GAME EZ Clap SeemsGood EZ Clap PogChamp EZ 👉 💦 now to smoke the joint on the high waters sneakyGrip whats the diffucilty level on this KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 chat wants to CiGrip water KEKW CurseLit EZ @C9Sneaky will you play a bit more Hitman after League? ppl actually blind KEKW KEKW NotSoEZ Clap NEXT GAME KEKW Kapp ⠰⣶⡀⣠⡶⠀⣠⡶⠿⢶⣦⠀⢰⡆⠀⠀⣶⡆⠀ ⠀⠹⣧⡿⠁⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⣿⡆⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀ ⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠘⢿⣄⣀⣰⡿⠀⠸⣧⣀⣠⣿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⡀⠀⢸⣿⠛⢷⣆⠀⣿⡟⠛⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⣼⣏⣸⣷⠀⢸⣿⣤⣾⠃⠀⣿⡷⠶⠀⠀ ⠀⢠⡟⠛⠛⢿⣇⢸⣿⠀⢹⣧⠀⣿⣧⣤⡄ ⢸⡇⠀⠀⣰⡿⠛⠛⢿⣆⠸⣷⠀⠀⣼⠇⢸⡟⠛⠛⠀⣿⡟⠛⢿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⠀⢻⣇⢸⡟⠀⢸⡷⠶⠆⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣧⣤⡄⠙⢷⣤⣤⡾⠃⠀⠘⣿⡿⠁⠀⢸⣧⣤⣤⠀⣿⣧⣤⡾⠋⠀⠀ pepeLaugh why windowed mode? Any CEOs? ratirlBusiness <3 D: WTF @theduckwhocucks FeelsOkayMan <3 FeelsOkayMan accidentally KEKW D: that guard was my dad WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky MaldChamp thoughts on senna adc? Any minors in chat? LUL MaldChamp Kapp @theduckwhocucks FeelsOkayMan pvmanFBM @theduckwhocucks <3 yea i accidently break peoples neck too by accident D: LOVED?? DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame 4 stars if you smoked the j *** PepeLaugh AYAYA widepeepoHappy Kreygasm You're almost as bad at this game as you're at league im a miner 4.2 accidently murdered someone while only trying to hurt them monkaW !ser MaldChamp MaldChamp Clap BALDY MaldChamp New Zealand PogU MaldChamp one of us VapeNation I still remember sneaky playing this game as chicken mugger back in the DAY did he accidentally became bald? MaldChamp D: MaldChamp MALD @c9sneaky play kaisa BARCODE NAMES haHAA monkaW Malding ITS U MaldChamp SLAP THAT BALD HEAD gachiW Coomer KEKW MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp me AYAYA well.. im scared monkaW monkaW MaldChamp agent 47 reporting monkaW monkaW MaldChamp JOKER LUL BARCODE NAMES haHAA HYPERCLAP monkaW SRP = MaldChamp that was kinky monkaW Malding PTSD monkaGun area 51 monkaW Why arent people replaying Death Dtranding?? ResidentSleeper Single pLayer games ResidentSleeper Charles xavier KEKW first gay experience @C9Sneaky monkaW joint taking effect NEW ZEALAND POG u peepoPog AYAYA DISGUSTING WEEBS AYAYA JAPAN AYAYA AYAYA pff memezeland NZ POGGERS EMO PEOPLE ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS. specially when bald MaldChamp Who's my next target? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA konichiwa carte blanche AYAYA AYAYA NEW ZEALAND peepoPog 3Head AYAYA Clap AYAYAWeird wucking feebs !followage 3Head Clap MaldChamp roger AmirJam has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 5 months, 3 weeks MaN MaN ? Ma N MaN MaN AYAYA !followage MaldChamp MaN on the squadW AYAYA MaN MaN mouths not moving Weirdga im in a game and i thought that was caitlyn SHES LYING SODA POPPIN PogU nice queue pvmanKappa next elvel speaking skills KEKW MaldChamp why are you doing this widepeepoSad Why are you doing this? MaldChamp COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy 3Head OI OI BibleThump S OMEGALUL D A widepeepoSad Pog ANIMATIONS BibleThump not animated Weirdga KEKW PauseChamp monkaW D: @bukoon oddonePat PauseChamp EZY monkaw WideHard ayyyy !followage Like an LCS slot D: monkaW I SAW THAT Texas__Boss has been following C9Sneaky for 9 months, 3 weeks, 6 days D: Okayga KILL THEM ALL @bukoon oathWoo oathWoo Okayga monkaW just play this max payne cutscenes 15 min preseason reee forget league imagine playing an rpg IN WINDOWED MODE YIKES LUL LUL monkaW not abiding by law DansGame Okayga TeaTime Break a few rules PepegaAim !followage WideHard SHIEEEEE DansGame SKIPPED why are they using so many superficial sayings lol Nice ram shirt :) AAA game and garbage "movie"LUL MIAMI TriHard my favorite @C9Sneaky streams are hitman streams PogChamp 47 KEKW MaldChamp afternoon motor race peepoPog KKona FLORIDA KKona 3Head MAH CITY TriHard !followage KKona NASCAR ? KKona Clap Oh i love this mission KKool KKona Clap KKona Pepega TeaTime FL OMEGALUL RIDA reynad EleGiggle 47 boomer age KEKW KKona y does she sound like caitlyn?? deathstombstone666 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 6 months, 2 weeks KKona TURNING LEFT KKona MY HOME PLAY MORE PLS What is that queue time lol this one's so huge sneaky going home Pog 5Head ? CAITLYN KEKW 5Head thats me WutFace monkaW KKool TheIlluminati gachiW TheIlluminati Pog KEKW KEKW TheIlluminati TheIlluminati Rig her car KEKW 🧙♂️ WIZARD sneakyWoo NASCAR Pog ANOTHER LEFT TURN Why is it so bright in the background behind you Sneaky? Shouldnt it be night? cmonBruh Nice coar hugo1Pog monkaW BB-8 PogYou ANELE monkaW ANELE ANELE ANELE TheIlluminati 👈 monkaW USA KKona monkaW ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE HYPERCLAP MrDestructoid !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 56 minutes 44 seconds ANELE KKona BOMB EM FINANCIAL WIZARD monkaW MISSLE monkaW ANELE HYPERCLAP KKona coming for your oil haha little dick big money KKona INNOCENT ? MingLee /\ ANELE D: is that the xmen plane? Kappa FREEDOM KKona china MonkaS ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE PepeS KKona ANELE Pog KKona bringing freedom nymnGun KKona Pog allahu ackbar ANELE KKona someone say war ? KKona KKona SO? war crimes POGGERS DatSheffy DatSheffy DatSheffy DatSheffy What war crime KKona NOXUS POGGERS vivSnipe vivSnipe vivSnipe Sneaky abt to nuke C9 headquater KEKW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyNLT resident evil when @c9sneaky PepegaAim KKomrade "Retire" Kapp KKona not a war crime, its just bringing freedom KKona SUE ISIS FOR BEHEADING. KKona What's a war crime? retire Kappa EZ Clap PepoCheer kill the daddy and the baby PepegaAim DIE Weirdga league Kreygasm DansGame MY IMMERSION AW league ResidentSleeper LEAGUE peepoLeave Okayga fuck league DansGame LEAGUE oh wow that's dark peepoLeave dont kill her she is hot what game is this KKona Hell yeah peepoLeave league of legends LEAGUE peepoLeave i love league peepoLeave florida man monkaS Florida MAN FL OMEGALUL RIDA peepoLeave league? peepoLeave we are florida man :) peepoLeave cmonBruh heyyyy pepeL OMEGALUL Florida MaN pepeLaugh hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave pepeJAM FLORIDA MAN KKona Death by snowball Pog league? peepoLeave peepoLeave someone dodge BlessRNG league peepoLeave Florida MaN NO LEAGUE PLS peepoLeave peepoLeave Florida man? PogChamp DuckerZ League peepoArrive pepeJAMMER DuckerZ peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave peepoLeave I'm in florida sneakySpook this game has you kill people? that's ridiculous, and against my morals. DuckerZ league? peepoLeave 👋 peepoLeave henlo @C9Sneaky BloodTrail BloodTrail dodge BlessRNG HYPERCLAP !followage dodge PagChomp DekuPixel has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week, 3 days DuckerZ CHAT IS LEAVING monkaW monkaW 🦆 League 4Weird hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave DansGame MY IMMERSION league peepoLeave the joke's on YOU @c9sneaky take the ball gachiBASS MY ONLY FRIEND RUBBER DUCKY-san :( peepoLeave League MaldChamp KEKW Chat we good?? Clown Pog LEAGUE peepoLeave LEAGUE peepoLeave LEAGUE peepoLeave WEAR WINTER SUIT KEKW THE CLOWN LULW CLOWN SUIT OMEGALUL cmonBruh clown suit 🤡 sneakyFiesta CLOWN 🤡 🤡 League WeirdChamp peepoLeave cya snack 🤡 ram ranch suit Florida = PitBull!! KEKW sneakyFiesta LULW what game is that? Pog ok i m back peepoArive 🤡 Clap league peepoLeave . hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave DO IT clown fiesta Pog 🤡 Clap CLOWN 🤡 clown and duck PogChamp clown KEKW sneaky looking more like ellen everyday gachiW Cowboy YEEEE HA CLOWN OR COWBOY clown best suit sneakyFiesta cowboy or clown OkayChamp clown fiesta cowboy suit Casual Suit KEKW why are you in the game sneaky KEKW 🤡 Clap we live in a society sneakyClown sneakyFiesta Clap sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw clown suite no balls! MY SUIT KKonaW why is his head so much bigger in the casual suit twitch game :) giving a $5 to the enemy team to dodge cirHi He would be great at childrens parties clown/cowboy CLOWN CowBoy KKONA league peepoLeave JHIN PogYou sneakyChamp sneakyFiesta YEE HAW SUIT KKona Florida fit? is that Pitbull? Joker PogYou kai'sa PogU KKona HARDClap KappaPride D: aphelios D: D: D: D: STAHP COWBOY, CLOWN OR BUST MaldChamp MF AYAYA sneakyD D: HotPokket D: WTF sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta gachiW fck you D: senna a hoe D: yes cmonBruh MF Kreygasm Kreygasm hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave MidLane Hokage AYAYA cmonBruh league peepoLeave peepoLeave sneakyD cmon MaN MaN MaN ? MaN C'mon MaN raven cmon MaN CMON MaN MaN cmon MaN !!!!!!!!! CMON NaM MaN @hotdogss peepoArrive LAAAAG BabyRage MaN 10k PC lagging OMEGALUL 10k PC lagging OMEGALUL 10k PC lagging OMEGALUL MF IS SO Kreygasm CLOSE HITMAN KEKW MaN KEKW KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything peepoArrive RIOT KEKW Little indi company KEKW KEKW peepoLeave Kreygasm close league man Dangggggggg that mf close up just alt f4 and go back to hitman FeelsOkayMan haHAA ? mf boobs omfg Kreygasm it's so haHAA R I OMEGALUL T haHAA indie company KEKW haHAA cringe @7ChaosTheory it's the shit client, not the PC haHAA @C9Sneaky haHAA INDY COMPANY KEKW KEKW Kreygasm hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave PepoCheer KEKW KEKW CASUAL CASUAL KEKW CASUAL OMEGALUL FILTHY CASUAL DansGame CAS LUL AL SMALL INDY COMPANY KEKW Master VaN KEKW @FMG14 WeirdChamp DansGame KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW RI OMEGALUL T GAMES CLIENT KEKW MASTER Pog the league client starts lagging after being open for a few hours @C9Sneaky DETH gachiPls NO FUN MASTER HandsUp league peepoLeave 😡 HARDEST DIFFICULTY GRANDMASTER PogU Not even Challenger Difficulty KEKW no challenger difficulty KEKW PepoCheerClap GachiPls master = no ui @C9Sneaky only sexy people can see master difficulty Dungeon master gachiBASS Master cmonBruh filthy casual CASUAL CODY PagChomp peaked master KEKW cmonBruh do master cmonBruh master lezgo masters Pog MASTER Pog adc PogChamp not even LCS difficulty KEKW master no saves DO CHALLENJOUR Pog Master is hardest Pog No Challenge To Hard Pick the 3 easiest difficulty KEKW KEKW EZ EZ restart at the start KEKW DO IT PogU PepeS no balls Pog LULW PepeS NO GOOGLE PogU PepeS wont get past the first door no thanks peepoLeave easy for you PepeS peepoLeave league peepoLeave no alexa LUL Pog @C9Sneaky if you don't get picked up by SKT will you start streaming in cosplay fulltime, inevitability getting monstrously rich, buying a LCS spot and assembling a super team: Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky, and Lemonnation. The first NA team to win worlds? starts master before switching to casual Kappa he is so fucked LUL KEKW monkaW Pog choice is obvious 5Head @C9Sneaky dont kill her she is hot gg LUL KEKW GG 5Head gg pepeLaugh He doesn't know female HYPERBRUH we're gonna make him quit the game time to head to fort knox and kill those broskis sounds ruthless PogU MF Pog peepoLeave LEAGUE OF LEGENDS @smolaria sneakyHey league time pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS league peepoLeave Wo MaN KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap pepeLaugh oh no no no midlane hokage not on ryze NotLikeThis LEAGUE peepoLeave peepoLeave gachiW LETS GO BEAR b00bs lower difficulty inc pepeLaugh Leauge ResidentSleeper peepoLeave see you guys in 40 minutes league peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave @TheRealMC3 AYAYA / MF LOOKING HOT Pog Kreygasm nice skin peepoLeave peepoLeave PepeLaugh losing time God I hate voli support peepoLeave @smolaria AYAYA MF titties peepoLeave peepoLeave Hey @C9Sneaky I like how creative your stream title is peepoLeave peepoLeave H2 manga Pog peepoLeave BACK WHEN HE PLAYS HITMAN league peepoLeave Hell yeah KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap KKona Clap peepoLeave peepoLeave see you in 30 mins this looks so real Kappa FUCK LEAGUE DONT LEAVE ME CHAT oathD ANIME TITTIES peepoLeave Syndra VOli Botlane PogU KKona Clap NASCAR scrubnoob treatment inc widepeepoSad :( peepoLeave cmonBruh league peepoLeave league peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave hit MaN peepoArrive league peepoLeave peepoWTF this game is suck league pvmanHYPERS pvmanHYPERS peepoLeave no peepoLeave F OMEGALUL KEKW first time i see that ui HYPERS peepoLeave KEKW peepoLeave LEAGUE peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive league peepoLeave peepoLeave HYPERS LEAGUE peepoLeave weeee widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy weeee weeeeeee peepoLeave Any TriHard in chat? Hypers peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave n OMEGALUL League DansGame widepeepoHappy HYPERS peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave cmonBruh league peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave WutFace sneakyEZ headBang HYPERBRUH WutFace R) monkaW league peepoLeave Vodders skip 15 minutes to get back to the real gameplay :) headBang headBang PepegaPls holy shit this skin PepegaPls @C9Sneaky WE NEED OFFICIAL MAPSKINS. SEASON 10. PILTOVER MAPSKIN PLZ TriKool Clap KEKW KEKW KomodoHype KomodoHype peepoLeave SHIT MUSIC peepoLeave SHIT LEAGUE peepoLeave AKALI KEKW league peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive sneakyFiesta Clap YouWHY KEKW OMEGALUL AKALI KEKW KEKW KEKW ROLLED KEKW what a shitshow lmfao you could of saved him :P flashing on volibear KEKW CLOWNS IGHT imma head out peepoLeave peepoLeave NA KEKW FIESTA KEKW Voli KEKW sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta KEKW Clap gachiBASS 🤘 METALNATION gachiBASS 🤘 METALNATION gachiBASS 🤘 METALNATION FIESTA Pog LULW KEKW already fiesta KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW Clap KEKW HAHAHAHAH OH NO NO NO PepeLaugh KEKW NO HEAL KEKW NA FIESTA KEKW NA HIGH ELO sneakyFiesta Fiesta KEKW CLOWN FIESTA KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW remake LLUL NA FIESTA KEKW NA CHALLENGER KEKW LULW WHAT IS THIS FIESTA sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta NA KEKW KEKW NA KEKW LUL LMAO LOLOLOL NA KEKW FREE PogU HOLY SHITT KEKW HAAHAHHAHA NA SOLOQ KEKW Is this EW GG KEKW GG EASYSNACKERS sneakyFiesta NA HIGH ELO sneakyFiesta OH NO NO NO KEKW What is this KEKW FIESTA LUL KEKW flash flash flash lulul nice work NA CHALLENGER KEKW KEKW NA KEKW Lol WTF IS THIS SHIT ONLY IN NA KEKW LMAO NA INVADE Pog NA SOLOQ Akali: "I'M BACK" KEKW CLASSIC NA KEKW no fucks given LULW EZ 640 gold this game is over LUL NA Monkies LUL NA KEK 2/0 at 1:30 already has one dorans POGGERS IMAGNE THRESH HAD Q the hype is real KEKW 2 0 BABY KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype get eeeeeeeeeem Pog even better than the CLG double tp NA'S FINEST KEKW what the fuck just happened lmao changing weapons resets your attack, you should try in fight FeelsLitMan MadoStab 💦 KannaNom nas* pOGu XD KEKW yhsy dkin's animations are insane PogU LUL Jebaited Pog PogYou Pog PogU that skin monkaS That's why NA can't get out of groups pepeLaugh nyacchPout KEKW NA KEKW KEKW LEE Pog pog PogU KEKW LEE KEKW Lee KEKW Lee ???? KEKW ????? KEKW ???? wtf was that rengar jump 15 KEKW rengar the sneakyy KEKW LEE KEKW LOL. what is this lee is so fucked yikes megafiesta KEKW FROM Pog TO KEKW Fiesta KEKW @itsjustvalk oddonePat oddoneAYAYA 2mins 5 kills KEKW sneakyFiesta vollibear lmao monkaW FeelsGoodMan Clap Fiesta 5 deaths under 3 minutes MaN my god only 2 min in the game 5 dead KEKW 10K PC KEKW league peepoLeave KEKW 10K PC KEKW 90 fps khunaLOL Lee went in with 10% health KEKW D: NA PC KEKW !bliud Lee 4Weird D: or close league KEKW D: bear PepeHands D: headBang fortune gonna be fed as sht widepeepoSad Voli widepeepoSad @AcidicStorm nyacchPout PepegaPls PedoBear ❓ next frame FeelsGoodMan why are people taking Barrier instead of heal? PepegaPls lacP WutFace KappaPride lacA1 lacA2 headBang VOLI KEKW Voli LULW do you think mf has ever seen her own toes or are her honkers in the way? headBang headBang MaN ❓ headBang headBang headBang Escape the fate LaterSooner @addcheesepls MaN what an awful skin MaN ❗ look at that teddy bear bro #voli headBang headBang headBang AYAYA YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw Sneeaaaaaaakyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is mf good? ive seen snackers playing her a lot ugly song, next please. KEKW MaN KEKW HandsUp ???? @Matt7197 monkaHmm wtf @addcheesepls You stil watch lacari ? why are people taking Barrier instead of heal? KEKW 6 dorans or peepoLeave close hitman not dorans? DansGame mf is good when you can bf sword at 4 mins lol sneakyYeehaw bf swords widepeepoHappy no dorans D: get 4 doran wtf D BLADE dorans 4 dorans no dorans? peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave KEKW monkaGun peepoLeave close hitman peepoLeave peepoLeave Wasting gold on D OMEGALUL RANS BLADES no dorans? peepoLeave no dorans? peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave no dorans? peepoLeave peepoLeave why not 3 dorans? peepoLeave @C9Sneaky has mf seen her own toes before or are her honkers in the way? no dorans? peepoLeave PepeHands Don't close Hitman cya peepoLeave D: peepoLeave no doran? peepoLeave PepeHands league peepoLeave not even dorans 4 min BF peepoLeave peepoLeave I NEED THE Ansa gachiW peepoLeave peepoLeave PeepoLeave gachiW peepoLeave peepoLeave trash build peepoLeave akali inting LUL 6 dorans or peepoLeave peepoLeave 10 deaths KEKW 4min BF monkaW NO DORANS???? Rengar is fed monkaW Closing Hitman? peepoLeave peepoLeave no droans KEKW peepoLeave chat AYAYAWeird peepoArrie DONT LEAVE ME LIKE MY PARENT DID CHAT oathCry oathCry hey ther pardners peepoArrive WILL YOU STREAM RDR?? KEKW sneakyFiesta Clap 10 deaths less than 5 min sneakyFiesta Clap KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW @Bukoon ratirlFlower KWKQ KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad LUL widepeepoLeave league widepeepoArrive RDR @Bukoon oathLanHug 4WeirdW LULW LOL F monkaW KEKW ??? F F ?????? KEKW ?????? HAHAHA LuL LUL KEKW WTF LUL ????? KEKW WTF KEKW LULW KEKW Voli Lives monkaS KEKW NICE GAME RIOT LUL LEEEEEEE KEKW Clap ???? LUL wtf monkaW FRAMES OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW that lag FRAMES KEKW monkaW monkaW LOL 10k PC LULW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ratirlWot LOL peepoLeave league peepoArrive RDR hahaahaahahahaha Never put lantern on a minion FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish FailFish @NeX_TM SIP UR WATER PLS ratirlSip THAT LAG KEKW beautiful timing LULW LEE SIN is amazing PogChamp monkaW 180 FPS KEKW HITMAN any smokers? pepeSmoke monkaW OOF snack can u play corki next What KEKW Lee KEKW LEE KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW INTING KEKW Clap Almost double POGGERS pepeLaugh sneakyFiesta missed Q got one Pog LEE NotLikeThis KEKW KEKW LUL @pc_rook -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] PogChamp NO HEAL KEKW afk lee KEKW A KILL PogU @sodwasdef oathComfy PepeLaugh peepoLeave peepoArrive d: froze KEKW SwiftRage KEKW my **** 16 deaths under 6 minutes KEKW KEKW LEE would have been an easy quadra with dorans KEKW 16 deaths 5 minutes KEKW D: game froze Kapp ESPORTS READY BTW KEKW ESPORTS READY BTW KEKW ESPORTS READY BTW KEKW why are people taking Barrier instead of heal? peepoArrive monkaW no dorans? peepoLeave So long gachiW SwiftRage LOUDERRRR SwiftRage one dorans PepeHands peepoLeave !SONG fuck riot OkayChamp no dorans? peepoLeave What is this Lee sin? peepoLeave SwiftRage SwiftRage probably was froozen by hitman process LUL "no more fighting" DORANS Skirmish no dorans peepoLeave swif peepoWTF LOUDER SwiftRage peepoLeave D OMEGALUL R A N S WILL YOU STREAM RDR?? this happened to me today ff? Lee LULW Welcome to league of lag @poggle63 cus fuck their support just 1 dorans DansGame peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave @C9Sneaky why 3 doran blade buy in early game? river battle lul GAME OF LONGSWORDS KEKW wtf is this game 17 kills at 6 minutes @C9Sneaky get a doran's cock ring peepoLeave 17 kills in 6min Kappa league peepoLeave everyone 2 longsword @poggle63 cuz fuck the supprot 6 min 17 kills LUL rengar is gonna be a problem you penta kill them there with 4 dorans ppl take barrier cuz they are greedy selfish adcs, dont wanna hear supp say "why didnt you heal me" when mf is a good adc to play you know the adc meta is garbage @c9sneaky IMAGINE BUILDING LONG SWORDS KEKW just me and my exoskeleton peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave still no dorans!? peepoLeave I love that Sneaky listens to Metalcore SadChamp monkaW 220 lol that crit @thefakeslimshady__ NotLikeThis SadChamp ? peepoWTF peepoLeave SillyChamp peepoWTF peepoLeave peepoWTF peepoLeave peepoWTF peepoLeave peepoWTF peepoLeave monkaW 1 doran? peepoLeave trist kekw headBang Wowee headBang headBang flash KEKW how come sneaky is back to his metal days monkaW 👉 🐻 Hitman SillyChamp League SadChamp @C9Sneaky when do you leave for vegas widepeepoSad monkaW Rengar is coming headBang headBang where is the monster musume headBang these songs SadChamp headBang KEKW headBang headBang headBang PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Top lane cam die? headBang headBang headBang ) ) ) sneakyNLT ( ( ( headBang 50 sec to barrier headBang HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage HeadBang SwiftRage WeirdChamp OkayChamp SadChamp PauseChamp MaldChamp SillyChamp headBang 1 dorans on MF? peepoLeave peepoLeave PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls blessthefall is this blessthefall? why cant we listen to normie musiccccc SillyChamp Bear hold my beer OkayChamp SadChamp what if yesterday was rush's last stream forever SadChamp League SadChamp Hitman FeelsGoodMan RDR2 FeelsAmazingMan headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage HOOK OMEGALUL peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave chat some metalcore fans headBang @randerson2011 PogYou @vurderlak would be a good thing tbh PogU bottomfeedder i think the songs name is Pog headBang SMORFIN PogYou Pog pog TEAM Pog This is a clown fiesta Pog you know the music is really bad when u miss monster musume SadChamp No. This is TFT . MIDLANE HOKAGE Pog 1 - 4 Jax KEKW 21 Kills in a 8 minute game PogU KEKW @adc_is_supp_diff widepeepoSad ✋ WeirdChamp @mr_p_andersen KEKW i like to choke on hairy cak headBang @adc_is_supp_diff actually true LULW VoHiYo Jax KEKW Weirdga FBBlock @mr_p_andersen 🚪 21 kills LOL KEKW KEKW WAIT its 8 MINS IN and 21 Kills gachiBASS gachiW can someone please tell me why people build multiple doransblades? lol gachiW headBang sneakyFiesta NA blood baths sneakyFiesta 4FUN Pog D: sustain and hp D: @miseri20 Level 1 prespawn was an actual clown show D: D: 🐻 🖕 fuck you @pikachusaiyan to fight for dragon more figthing gachigasm D: PedoBear ???? whats this band? DL @c9sneaky too fat D: D: Song name? Voli support is so useful Kapp headBang gachiBAS gachiBASS blessthefall is band ??????? voli hex flash KEKW i like hairy cak running hexflash KEKW song is bottomfeeder @pikachusaiyan They are very cost efficient, the only bad part about them is they don't guild into anything. monkaMega monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW Lynn? Sneaky, can u tel me your playlist name pls? monkaW monkaW WTF MonkaW monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaX gachiHYPER THE BREAKDOWN robber in the house monkaW KEKW ? KEKW KEKW riot nerf alcoves pl AHAHAHAHAHAH KEKW KEKW ?? VOLI KEKW EZ KEKW volie KEKW gachiHYPER SingsMic What song is this? ratirlWot KEKW KEKW Pog KEKW KEKW 4Head Pepega 4Head 4Head KEKW Sneaky, can u tell me your playlist name pls? KEKW VOLI MECHANICS KEKW LUL @Sokusuke they also sell back for 40% instead of 70% YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw ahahaahhhahah 4HEad PepeaPhone EZ AF MaxLOL 4Head 4Head Not an ult gachiHYPER EZClap 4Head HAHAHAHAHA 4HEad LUL Lantern ? monkaS 4Head 4HEad 4Head SONG NAME PLS 4Head 4HEad LOOOOOOL AYAYA HYAHAYAHAHh who is midlane hokage 4Head FeelsGladMan <3 PepegaAim hahahaha Pog wow flash KEKW 4House PogU 4Head PogYou f PogChamp PogChamp gachiHYPER thresh Pog monkaW support snacky gachiW Sneaky, can u tell me your playlist name pls? gachiBASS HandsUp f? gachiBASS gachiHYPER AND CANNON Pog gachiBASS AAAAHHHH gachiW gachiBASS good play OkayChamp Thresh PogU gachiHYPER KEKW HandsUp gachiBASS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm @Shuffleuphagus True but 40% of such a low number is barely any gold, I think its worth it for the stats. FLASHB gachiHYPER this game LUL tresh is YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw f KEKW gachiBASS gachiW AH oom monkaW gachiW BEAR gachiBASS gachiw lpl game Okayga BIG BAD BEAR gachiHYPER no one is dying to the bear dive or no balls Kappa EZ gachiW Is sneaky still in the C9 team ? No dorans? PETA sneakyFedora V OMEGALUL LIBEAR This thresh is no joke gangbang headBang man you guys are ahead, to be able to dive a volibear and win without coming close to death @Longoreos ended up with unfortunate gold on backs TAXED l @Shuffleuphagus I mean the difference between 40 and 70% is barely any gold. Mf widepeepoSad my creep you stole my heart SadChamp buy it now crazy game Mf Kreygasm do it now peepoWTF excuses peepoLeave no dorans? peepoLeave BibleThump peepoLeave no dorans 1 doran? peepoLeave peepoLeave tresh ====c NOW fix your cam size peepoLeave Cant wait to see how @C9Sneaky manages to loose this game KEKW @Sokusuke oh i agree. especially because you don't actually lose that value until you sell it back and don't get the stats anymore peepoLeave no dorans DansGame peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave still no dorans!? peepoLeave PepoCheer peepoLeave dorans peepoLeave DansGame Peowpeow it's still just Mf but the skin... ratirlLonely ratirlLonely ratirlLonely ratirlLonely peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave sell BF for dorans Kappa have you ever tried collecting one of each dorans? KEKW The camera blocking the minimap is ruining my immersion. :( peepoLeave KEKW PepegaHands Sell ER for Dorans Blade rengared KEKW gachiBASS min 11 no boots KEKW gachiBASS rengar WutFace gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiW gachiBASS yes pls gachiBASS gachiBASS peepoArrive peepoLeave gachiHYPER 18 naked cowboys boxKEK peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave no dorans = a big L Not changing the gun form WeirdChamp llĺlĺlĺĺlĺ gachiBASS collect one of each dorans and combine if to summon Doran himself. monkaW shieeet the fuck is this song jesus hack and slash sneaky ass gachiHYPER KEKW @smolclaire true widepeepoSad HYPERBRUH @c9sneaky I can't see toplane on map CHANGE EXOSKELETON >:( @Sokusuke i'm that guy who gets shit from people because i always go double rings when i'm mid @TheRealMC3 sneaky gonna lose this sneakyFeels KEKW PAPA BEAR monkaW KEKW Clap lol left to dry lee PepegaHands KEKW Here it comes @smolclaire we tried to tell em sneakyFeels lee widepeepoSad TriHard ? 4HEad Pog KEKW haHAA LUL Pog LUL WHAT A HOOK PogChamp pog 4Head KEKW KEKW LOL 33 kills in a 13 min game KEKW Pog KEKW 4HEad ahahahahaha KEKW haHAA 4Head hihihihihih MF 4Head CoolStoryBob PepegaAim ahahahah THRESH Pog th PogYou decodeproxy must be na Pog Jebaited pepeLaugh PogChamp PogChamp Pog KEKW KEKW LULW Pog pepeLaugh pepeLaugh omg this thresh almost oneshotted LUL PepeLAugh pepeLaugh GTFO MR RENGAR Pog Pog pepeLaugh PepeLaugh 4Head Thresh PogChamp pepeLaugh LOOOL 4Head pepeLaugh pepeLaugh Pog wow Thresh??? Lol pepeLaugh Pog PepeLaugh PepeLaugh thresh Pog pepeLaugh 💦 NA RENGAR KEKW Pog found the counter to rengar KEKW PepeLaugh pepeLaugh TRESH IS CRAZYYYY YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw peppyLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh cannon REEE Thresh god KEKW pepeLaugh CANON KEKW D: 💨 oh no no no PepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeL pepeLaugh 👉 PepeLaugh THRESH IS INSANE collect one of each dorans and combine if to summon Doran himself. peppylaught pepeL thresh god HONOR THRESH Jebaited Jebaited pepeLaugh 👉 PepeLaugh pepeLaugh GIFT THRESH Pog PeppyLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh KEKW lpllĺll pepeLaugh PepeLaugh this thresh is very good at the champ CANN LUL N DRO pepeLaugh PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy noob KEKW no dorans peepoLeave PepeLaugh report thresh KEKW @Capplez NA challanger at its finest KEKW ouch KEKW OMEGALUL scrubnoob LUL Pog LOOOOOOOOOL YOU HATE TO SEE IT lady of balls gachiW double delivery LUL KEKW KEKW DOUBLééééééééééééééé PauseChamp unlucky pepeLaugh " PepeLaugh " A WHT fucking tomo bro MONKAw Such a unfortunate game aka KEKW pepeLaugh lee MaxLOL must be rookie on akali pepeLaugh color LEE LUL nice drakes KEKW guys I can't sleep ;( pepeLaugh chat Wait what the fuck did lee just do lĺlllp title changed KEKW gachiHYPER Wasnt a slip stun KEKW not changing 4Weird !title !title @shigabb -> Current Stream Title: changed title peepoLeave Not changing @Undyin goodnight monkaW monkaW ratirlCozy monkaOMEGA yeah it changed monkaW ratirlCozy @c9sneaky you forgot to change color sneakyD wait what what was the title of the stream before peepoBlonket Voli KEKW PogU PogU PogChamp PogChamp this thresh Pog @Sleepycat6 bro this look like a onahole OMEGALUL 4Head thresh Pog PepegaAim monkaS smurfing on MF in league peepoLeave getting rekt by bots in RDR poker peepoArrive Pog Wait since when is Jax in this GAME monkaW 4HEad HAHAHAH KEKW 4Head hihihihih lĺ gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Pepega KEKW ??? @lolminsoo it was alwaus tjat Is that scrubnoob ? KEKW lol thresh is SMURFING KEKW KEKW Yey o ok Pepega 👍 thresh flay LUL nice conq healing Mr. Sneaky rengar main lol Not sure its been that for hours smurfing on MF in league peepoLeave getting rekt by bots in RDR poker peepoArrive p @lolminsoo Pre sure it was Hahehueehuehueh for 2 dayus in a row, so this is "changed" WOOOOO sneakyH 40 Kill game at 15 minutes KEKW KEKW ratirlPsycho XDDDDDDD this akali is ok KEKW SLOW DWODWOSODWNDSDASD 3Head akali yamato KEKW KEKW running from akali UH-KAL-EE IceCold 18 actually THRESH KEKW Thresh are we okay 40 kills 16 minutes KEKW a-cali THRESH THRESH? lol 18 naked cowboys at ram ranch gachiGASM thresh god llĺl OK THRESH? THRESH GOD bawkWut Wait, is MF W an auto reset? this thresh gachiW @C9Sneaky honor that thresh after WHO IS THRESH? pepeLaugh LUL ĺpp.m sneaky uses his supp to get higher bounty :( KEKW KEKW rengar KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL RENGO KEKQ KEKW KEKW PogChamp PogChamp sneakyEZ Imagine trying to kill an Akali pepeLaugh KEKW RAM RANCH BABy KEKW rengar malding KEKW Tragic game for them scrubnoob KEKW KEKW madlife RENGAR LUL Chat is that rengar scrubnoob ? @d00bie me :) who is midlane hokage @ForestFairyBilly KEKQ KEKW not enough blood 8/1/5 YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeHawwwww sneakyYeehaw is MF meta? midlane hokage NOT on ryze Pog RENGAR MAINS IRL = 3Head big gaymers POGGERS @mr_p_andersen KEKW The Thresh opened ult to make syndra more confident and move forward so he can grab her 44 kills 16 min LUL this skin is so garbage WTF peepoLeave no dorans @C9Sneaky remember to switch your skin KEKW @MogKupopopo Kappa whats his gamma settings MOON MOON SUBS IN CHAT FeelsWeirdMan Wait Chat really tell me how big of a Throw this game is going to have KEKW Rengar mains are flashy kill hungry players KEKW @zenibee yeah moon2S D: moon2S safe pĺĺllĺ RENGAR INTING KEKW 4Head @Mouadrose only goes for squishy champs LUL moon subs? Where moon2SPY SYNDRA KEKW Hope do you tell jg camp label Wrong way Syndra KEKW guys get this EleGiggle listen EleGiggle can you believe this guy EleGiggle no joke EleGiggle dresses as a girl EleGiggle and posts the pictures to instagram EleGiggle is it time sneakyYeehaw 4HEad AAHAHAHAHA 4Weird PepegaAim hahahaha snaky is a cringy little boy :D mods ban them D: @RFCastro00 Yeah hahah l RDR2 peepoArrive g3tassassinated subscribed at Tier 1. gachiBASS gachiHYPER MogKupopopo JD SUPAH KICK HIM RDR2 peepoArrive !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 19 minutes 55 seconds SNEAKERS AYAYA gg 3.2k POG @bigtinywhale nickiAYAYA I love Deathcore listening streamers SwiftRage @C9Sneaky are u gonna play in tcs? :( :hand: JEBAC DISA KURWE rengar KEKW !uptime KEKW thresh Pog Pog Threhs ' TH Pog THRESH IS NUTTY Pog THRESH SLOW DOEHEHEWN 4HEad thresh PogU THRESH POG Pog KEKW KEHK DOUBLE U KEKW KEKW KEKW tresh !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 20 minutes 27 seconds KEKW KEKW LULW LUL R INT KEKW NEVER CRIT KEKW ji KEKW R KEKW KEKW change color KEKW KEKW this thresh Pog WORTH KEKW flashing wasnt the play dad KEKW KEKW KEKW 420 league ✋ 4Weird RDR2 peepoArrive COLOR NEVER LUCKY KEKW KEKW Was* Godlike 1K GOLD this th is insane COLOR R'd KEKW Dammit sneaky, stop feeding, 2 deaths already? CHANGE COLOR Nice kill button KEKW GECK DOUBLE YOU 3800 gold COLOR COLOR zeal is 1400 now?holy fuck MISSED LETHAL KEKW 3800 gold :O Oh wut CHANGE COLOR COLOR :) @Kawaii_SanChan and here you are on his dick talking about it, stop projecting sneakyGrip durn it DansGame COLOR color COLOUR KEKW oh that actually is scrubnoob SLOOW DOWWAUEGHUEGH :( if u had 4 dorans it would be an ace LUL headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage KEKW KEKW my gf told me im not good at finishing too akali PepeHands oh hoh Pog nt KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW lmfao honor thresh Pog BROOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh LMFAO Pog PogU Change LUL KEKW @Gainax_ sub talking about riding someone's dick KEKW WHAT WAS THAT LUL LUL LUL wait wtf is that KEKW jax kekw PogYou cosplay yap lan it KEKW NA JGL :) HYPERS plant 4Weird LUL Can you play some korn daddy? HE LIVES Pog monkaS @Kawaii_SanChan you mean my 1 month free sub from the man himself? Youre cringe lol the boy who lived moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI Remember the fun days when jax could build spear? monkaW syndra PauseChamp KEKW furry monkaW @Gainax_ oh yeah dude? Kapp cool story monkaW moon2COOM KEKW nimbus on MF? wat KEKW band 10/10 jj jcxhcg😊😋😊🙏😋🙁😋😊😊😋😊😊😊😊😊😋😊😥 THIS GAME KEKW such an ugly skin El Truco PauseChamp Almost killed yourself KEKW PepeS PedoBear KEKW KEKW KEKW PepoDance what song is this? KEKW SourPls KEKW KEKW KEKW o he gave up LUL LUL KEKW KEKW Voli he inted KEKW KEKW KEKW ????? LUL ??????? Blessthefall OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW blessthefall <3 OH SHIT ITS TRUCO KEKW pepeJAM A BEAR? KappaPride NA SOLOQ KEKW KEKW SillyChamp SillyChamp ANY SILLIES IN THE CHAT SillyChamp SillyChamp KEKW I like the style of music u listen to lately,reminds me of the good ol days @C9Sneaky @Kawaii_SanChan find something more constructive to do with your life. You obliviously dont value your time PauseChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp WeirdChamp SillyChamp blessthefall 4Wierd Vollibear support KEKW SadChamp WeirdChamp sellier eargasm LUL KEKW KEKW CreepyChamp KEKW wlel KEKW this music fucking bangs SillyChamp KEKW KEKW KEKW Walking into Jayce KEKW GGEZREKTINTSNEAKYNOOB ADC IN 2K19 KEKW KEKW gachiBASS @Gainax_ you're the one who decided to message a random chatter in a twitch chatroom KEKW SillyChamp gachiBASS ADCed KEKW CreepChamp gachiHYPER gachiBASS SillyChamp You silly goose DuckerZ NO LIFESTEAL KEKW feel PoM is prob better than overheal or triumph on MF gachiBASS towatcAkali towatcAkali xD linguine blade KEKW gachiBASS linguini Pog GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL SillyChamp PogU PogU that guy is monkaW which song was that actually ò btf Spaghetti blade KEKW @C9Sneaky If you have 1 more doran instead pink, you should survived @willdegagne moon2M GECKW MaxLOL @Kawaii_SanChan and youre the one spamming some copy pasta nobody will ever see. thats the pot calling the kettle black 61 Kill game at 22 mins KEKW moon2M GECKW moon2JR *-* @ShakeandbakeAK cooked or raw spaghet? @moderatelydepressed my man moon2M @C9Sneaky play a senna game? @Colony88 raw moon moon subs WutFace monkaW monkaW @Gainax_ peepoLeave LULW monkaW LUL PogU RENGAR KEKW KEKW :) Pog monkaW that damage. 4/12 LUL @C9Sneaky what was your LP before you started your stream PogYou THRESH PogU thresh Pog furry cirLaugh moon2S Pog OOOH THRESH PogU DUO THRESH PogYou PogU Pog peepoPog moon2POGGYWOGGY thresh <3 MR THRESH Pog song wtf THRESH WHO'S THIS THRESH PogChamp monkaW FeelsEvilMan D: midlane hokage LuL D: horseCOCK gachiBASS this thresh is hot @C9Sneaky play a senna game? ? LULW this Thresh is god haHAA KEKW KEKW @Gainax_ makes no sense but cool bro whatever Pepega JAX Kill him 18 times twitch chat drama PopCorn 176gold LUL duo aphro when pepeHands KEKW yoink LAND THE HOOK GET THE KILL D: D: LUL D: D: D: that was miles off tresh KEKW D: D: D: D: D: D: D:\ D: D: D: D: @C9Sneaky play a senna game? ?? unlucker dog 4HEad JUST CRIT @C9Sneaky you said the B word D: crit nerf when D: sneakyD 50pct D: rooD sneaky talks like 15yo with adhd kappa 4Weird @Kawaii_SanChan only doesnt make sense to illiterate folk but aight you do you son hey c9sneaky, does it smell like updog in here :) PedoBear boxD @BGdnb arent we all children until we die? just bigger? sneakyGasm sneakyD PedoBear HYPERCLAP PepegaAim hahahaha monkaW THRESH Pog PogU KS pro @Sleepycat6 who is sneaky PepegaAim KEKW RENGAR Pog KEKW PogU LULW THRESH PogYou KEKW HE'S TILTED PagChomp KEKW OOFO KEKW KEKW Pog Thresh God damn this thresh KEKW LUL LUL Pog AHAHAHA THE HOOKS LMAO Dat HOOk rengar KEKW 4HEad thank you thresh 71 kills 24 min thresh <3 4Head HE S MAD KEKW THRESH PogU you shouldve died lol Pog KEKW HONOR THRESH Boom! rengar is such a dumb fking champ LUL KEKW this thresh is a god KEKW KEKW THRESH PogU PogU THATS A TILTER RIGHT THERE KEKW THRESH KEKW THIS THRESH MAN PogU THRESH GOD !ELO 4Head thresh god holy shit C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 604 LP this thresh Pog Thresh pog @C9Sneaky ADD HIM TO GASM THRESH IS A FUCKING GOD OMG PogU bofa deez nuts @Shuffleuphagus 4/13 Rango Rengar malding KEKW snacky lookin like a whole snack :D wow Scrubn KEKW KEKW b what a what? cmonBruh FeelsEvilMan reng malding monkaOMEGA DUO WITH THRESH rengar is so mad RENGAR BIG MAD scrubnoobFinger rengar probably yesterday he was oneshoting you KEKW cannon KEKW Rengar Uninstalled by now probably LULW malding @Sleepycat6 SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp peepoLeave @C9Sneaky duo with this thresh and honor him please nickiHands this th is insane CANNON? rengar mains AYAYAWeird D: D::::::: D: dorans D: D: D: PepeHands Buy Back Dorans D: @FarukYILDIZ f your name KEKW KEKW TUNE PepeHands FUCK thresh and fuck you chat :) peepoLeave no droans 100% crit :P ´peepoLeave mods KEKW you owe thresh cummies for this game 8:::::::::::D friendship ended with control ward nickiHands peepoWTF how much crit % ? D:orans Sold Dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave @20022512abcdef KEKW no pink wards peepoLeave pink ward You should've got Iceborn gauntlet to BM rengar KEKW Remove this shit 4Werid 👉 AYAYAWeird did you know stormrazors slow works on all the targets shiv hits why not essence reaver for cdr? no dorans peepoLeave fuck my ass pepeD @23cmtruedmage f ur name too KEKW so is storm razor necessary on adcs now? no dorans peepoLeave AYAYA make rengar go 4/20 Pog !opgg @FearFrags no cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Remove this shit 4Weird 👉 AYAYAWeird cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @Docsaysurdead He has essence forest4Thinking HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh . cmonBruh LOL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LOL cmonBruh what the... cmonBruh TriHard 7 cmonBruh the fuck @docsaysurdead because he already has it EY EY WATCHU SAY cmonBruh HYPERBRUH NA pepeD euw @FearFrags MF rather have AD than AS, thats all HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH ✍️ cmonBruh cmonBruh WutFace cmonBruh @fingerlights, man im high oop 4head ahahha AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PepegaAim Remove this shit AYAYAWeird 👉 @C9_Inter cmonBruh cmonBruh explain yourself cmonBruh TriHard 7 Sneakycastroo sneakyGasm SneakyCaster POGGERS cmonBruh isn't it cute 5 to change color? good one chat Why does that skin look like you are having a stoke when you auto CHROMAS 5Head cmonBruh AYAYA MadoStab cmonBruh PrimeRlyTho NOT COO STREAMER NOT COO HYPERBRUH cmonBruh WTF SneakyCastro Pog @C9Sneaky do you build cleaver on MF or nah? Is this my name now? haHAA cmon brother does redemption stack in tft? predictable cmonBruh spam what button cmonBruh KKona MadoStab cmonBruh wait has he left c9?? cmonBruh cmonBruh report stream @20022512abcdef WeirdChamp Nobody use this skin anyways KEKEW AYAYA MadoStabTriHard cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona MadoStab cmonBruh freedom LUL LUL KEKW he has not left c9 officially KEKW KEKW the bear KEKW that wasn't very homie of you C9Sneaky WideHard HE THINKS HE S RENGAR KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW TRIST KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL AYAYA MadoStab WideHard LUL KEKW that damage monkaW kekw USE BARRIER FOR MVM SPEED @adc_is_supp_diff HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandM KEKW get dat batch TriHard monkaW gg KEKW gg EZ KEKW GG RDR2 peepoArrive TriHard TriHard TriHard Pog Honor Thresh DUO WITH THRESH KEKW gg Fear LUL peepoArrive HITMAN gg hitman peepoArrive ez Clap esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage duo thresh KEKW MAIN GAME Pog @smolclaire we were wrong D: peepoArrive Hitman peepoArrive RDR POG hitman peepoArrive hitman peepoArrive Should have killed Rengar for 20 times KEKW headBang peepoArrive hitman time Honor Thresh main game peepoArrive living up to his name honor th FeelsOkayMan HONOR THRESH PogChamp peepoArrive MAIN GAME peepoArrive THRESH PogYou @TheRealMC3 he broke the prophecy D: !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 29 minutes 31 seconds WE BACK peepoArrive peepoArrive hitman thresh hard carrying Pog peepoArrive hitman peepoLeave no way this was ranked LUL PLEASE, CHANGE M,USIC omg blessthefall D: D: Finished with Job of Legends peepoArrive S+ Pog widepeepoArrive Hitman widpeepoArrive peepoArrive hey peepoArrive hitman is 80% off on steam wadu widepeepoArrive widepeepoArrive peepoArrive hit MaN WIFE STEAL forsenCD AYAYA MadoStab WideHard HITMAN peepoArrive BLESSTHEFALL !!!!! @C9Sneaky you are left handed? 620 lp sneakyGrip hitman peepoLeave widepeepoHappy Rengar dog champ confirmed lol widepeepoArrive @smolclaire how is this possible sneakyD widepeepoArrive gift thresh Pog Thresh god hitman peepoLeave hitman peepoLeave hitman peepoLeave widepeepoHappy peepoArrive 420 WhitePeople ? white people arrive LUL oh ⠰⣶⡀⣠⡶⠀⣠⡶⠿⢶⣦⠀⢰⡆⠀⠀⣶⡆⠀ ⠀⠹⣧⡿⠁⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⣿⡆⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀ ⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠘⢿⣄⣀⣰⡿⠀⠸⣧⣀⣠⣿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⡀⠀⢸⣿⠛⢷⣆⠀⣿⡟⠛⠃⠀ ⠀⠀⣼⣏⣸⣷⠀⢸⣿⣤⣾⠃⠀⣿⡷⠶⠀⠀ ⠀⢠⡟⠛⠛⢿⣇⢸⣿⠀⢹⣧⠀⣿⣧⣤⡄ ⢸⡇⠀⠀⣰⡿⠛⠛⢿⣆⠸⣷⠀⠀⣼⠇⢸⡟⠛⠛⠀⣿⡟⠛⢿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⠀⢻⣇⢸⡟⠀⢸⡷⠶⠆⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣧⣤⡄⠙⢷⣤⣤⡾⠃⠀⠘⣿⡿⠁⠀⢸⣧⣤⣤⠀⣿⣧⣤⡾⠋⠀⠀ hitman ? peepoArrive white peepo arrive @TheRealMC3 because NA is fucked KEKW peepoArrive widepeoplearrive Bronze vs challengers 620 hitman? peepoLeave w/e white pinneapple <3 hitman peepoArrive league ✋ 4Weird RDR2 peepoArrive Whoever has Akali or HeimerDONGER on their team wins. x3 Honor Pog <3 why are they honoring you and not thresh BibleThump widepeepoHappy 💋 peepoArrive give thresh skin D: !followage whitepeoplearrive 4/14 love WeirdChamp @theduckwhocucks I met your son @smolclaire OMEGALUL conqueror was ass tbh DrGeey has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 8 months, 6 days 300 healing conq LUL rengar malding KEKW @theduckwhocucks widepeepoHappy BlackPeopleRun TriHard Clap Champions in chat forsenCD ? KEKW white people sad widepeepoSad KappaPride @ItsAllGremlin monkaHmm no way rengar was being toxi 4/14 KEKW rengar probably hard malding KEKW not possible @ItsJustValk monkaHmm RDR2 peepoArrive hitman peepoLeave sneakky Scrubnoob KEKW rengar is also a streamer is dat scrub? LULW duo thresh @C9Sneaky Sorcery or inspiration secondary on ezreal? hitman peepoArrive Pog TriHard Friday @c9sneaky hitman time sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky wait its not just a rengar its fking scrubnoob thats unlucky @theduckwhocucks some duck guy on discord lol HOT STREAK Pog EZ Clap scrubnoob yeaa how is rengar in this meta ? hitman peepoArrive ahahaha ratirlChilling no champs just chillers ratirlChilling It was scrubnub hitman peepoArrive that rengar is scrubnoob LUL @20022512abcdef -> No excessive usage of symbols! @theduckwhocucks monkaW play corki hi pornhub @ItsJustValk sneaky discord? @smolclaire thats why im challenger aram instead Kapp @theduckwhocucks nyacchShy yes rengar smashed morning sneakyCup 4/18 KEKW KEKW LOL LMAO 4/18 4/18 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW old Blessthefall KreyGasm Your Jhin is PepegaAim 4/18 KEKW Jhin in 2019 KEKW 4/18 Pog 4/18 KEKW oh shit, that was scrubnoob feeding on rengar? thats a thing? KEKW KEKW zhonya jhin PogU sneaky on jhin peepoLeave @ItsAllGremlin watch yourself zhonya KEKW hurglass rusher LUL RarePepe jhin in meta KEKW Stopwatch Pog hourglass?! KEKW JHIN GOD KEKW Professional Jhin Player. PogChamp the dudes a top tier rengo Jhin is chalked then peepoLeave he is oi mate , I loyke the cut of your jibb zhonyas and not max build jhin PepegaAim pocketpick btw can we see your collection zohnya LUL jhin games you always play vs senna sneakyGrip Understandable mr senaky can you play hitman please Strong = 4/198 KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky hitman stream how do you manage to died 18 times tho? esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage mobility power creep and hes even more toxic than t1 lmao but u need IE on jhinn first to pop off jhin senna mf kog kaisa all strong rn @theduckwhocucks 👀 sneaky are you JACKED YET Signature champ KEKW being bad at jhin ikeepitSLEEPYBOI !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 31 minutes 38 seconds ANYWAYS PepeHands azoou jhin kinda bad into Kaisa i remember when snacky was the only good jhin player, now we get 4/18 LUL @ItsJustValk that reminds me of a stupid story D: ikeepitINT league ✋ 4Weird RDR2 peepoArrive @c9sneaky do you want job at my weed dispensary? No it's 5 dorans :) THey should really make an AD option with the hourglass stasis. sup sneaky am wrong PepeHands KKona ? no hitman? peepoLeave hitman widepeepoSad @c9sneaky inb4 people in low elo rush zhonyas NotLikeThis LWX buys IE 4Weird @ItsJustValk dyrus02 peepoArrive why stormrazor so good? HITMAN RDR2 peepoArrive KKona KKona KKona Clap sneakyYeehaw peepoArrive Hitman???? KKona KKona KKona no hitman peepoLeave hitman peepoArrive KKona no hit MaN ? peepoLeave HELL YEAH KKona the stormrazor slow is outragous atm @theduckwhocucks running guy! RDR peepoArrive KKool KKona so why is stormrazor better than IE rush? sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKona HEEELLL YEAHH BROTHER rdr2 peepoLeave sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw RDR2 peepoArrive guess im staying up until 7 again if youre playing rd2... KKona @Gupper nyacchPls red dead PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogU just eat it cold peepoArrive peepoLeave bye then PogU 5 widepeepoSad gachiBASS LETS GOOOOOOOOO RED DEAD peepoLeave rdr chipotle PogYou ThePMofBM subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! gachiBASS !opgg what build on jhin? @c9sneaky GO STORMRAZOR CAIT HITMAN PLEASE peepoLeave Red dead peepoArrive @C9Sneaky I am going to sleep dad goodnight I love you SadChamp Hitmans hitman peepoArrive rdr peepoLeave hitman peepoLeave s Papa Snacky can we listen to some other music? my anxieties are really kicking in from all this headbanging widepeepoSad peepoLeave rdr peepoLeave gachiBASS invited you to a game gachiHYPER but cmonBruh no more league peepoArrive MaldChamp gachiBASS CiGrip gachiHYPER light gachiBASS hitman peepoArrive rdr peepoLeave sneakyGrip CiGrip @C9Sneaky u still in C9_ cmonBruh gachiHYPER gachiGASM CiGrip gachiBASS ACCEPT THE INVITE gachiW CBT gachiBASS no more league peepoArrive yay red dead smoke a bowl? pog CiGrip !followage peepoBlonket brendan7101 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 5 months, 2 days is this BTF? Bro i got the best weed atpCap words are hard, heat up your food :D gachiHYPER @ItsJustValk someone friended me on league and when i didnt wanna queue with them he kept yelling at me and calling me brandon and im like who the fuk is brandon... apparently he made a league account impersonating me monkaHmm theduckwh0cucks or some shit shitpotle anyone want a hit rdr2 peepoLeave @ItsJustValk its sleepy time dyrusLewd AGENT 47 IS WAITING MaldChamp sneakyGrip wth why white cmonBruh getting chicken at chipotle peepoLeave @ItsJustValk come sleepy dyrusLewd AYAYA MadoStab WideHard why black KKona !fallowage HandsUp light a bowl eat a bowl of cereal VaN tno showing balls on stream peepoLeave @theduckwhocucks watch out monkaS WOAH cmonBruh WOAH drka WTF cmonBruh cmonBruh INVITE HYPERBRUH BIG UPS EY EY WATCHU SAY cmonBruh him again 4Weird VaN gachiBASS INVITE gachiBASS gachiW KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW ??? HYPERBRUH cmonBruh MODS DO SOMETHING cmonBruh spanish guys cmonBruh sneakyChair HYPERBRUH BIG LIP CmonBruh WutFace is it fish sticks time? sneakyChair sneakyChair cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh lacBruh HYPERBRUH atpBigot gachiGASM monkaW M OMEGALUL D S KEKW cmonBruh gachiHYPER big lipn cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh gachiBASS HES BACK MODS? cmonBruh gachiHYPER Drka chat what happened in red dead last time? gachiHYPER cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh gachiGASM :clock: Jannies KEKW IT'S GONE CHAT cmonBruh atpShh atpShh atpShh gachiHYPER forsenJoy NVM IT'S BACK cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Fuck these fucking ads wake me up Chair stream ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper moon2L moon2L moon2L cmonBruh cmonBruh @Gupper WHAT DO YOU MEAN? nyacchPoker cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh gachiBASS Clock gachiW BBC sneakyGasm gachiHYPER Clap gachiBASS Clapp lacEvil tit tit gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP rrrrrreeeeeee PLAY WITH VAN gachiHYPER chat whatever happened to bill? he still trollin arthur? gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiBASS @ItsJustValk dyrusLewd normal sleep @Cyanirde he just got to chapter 4 happy now @ikimeso not white this time cmonBruh WOAH cmonBruh cmonBruh YO HYPERBRUH WOAH cmonBruh TOO FAR TriHard 7 TriHard 7 KEKW cmon EY EY INVITE cmonBruh rrrreeeeefunded tiiiiiit gachiHYPER HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh headBang MonkaS Weirdga 👎 cmonBruh banned KEKW KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh FeelsWeirdMan super mature viewers HYPERBRUH WTF AYAYAWeird THESE INVITES cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW HYPERBRUH AYAYAWeird atpBigot cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh nani!!!! @ABNORMEL Weirdga cmonBruh RIOT HYPERBRUH @Gupper nyacchPout Weirdga only one good invite atpCarl Chat 4Weird ✋ TriHard TriHard AYAYAWeird KevinTurtle cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh lacFap Last night chat had some edgy EU kids typing during RDR2 AYAYAWeird garbage chat @hotdogss AYAYAWeird cmonBruh These Names wtf @Rancimus ikr, dont know why they do it. its not funny cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh PepegaPls who did it 4Weird own up cmonBruh riot this is allowed? HYPERBRUH @ItsJustValk fine i go alone dyrusCry one of them got gifted a sub oof Accept Van Darkholme HandsUp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WeirdChamp not even funny !spotify cmonBruh ? someone send 3 invites hurry @gupper o ok cmonBruh wtf banned btw atpCap co-op vs ai LUL LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh @Gupper cirISee do not cry !playlist Doot doot squadW AYAYAWeird WeirdChamp chat 4Weird ✋ Thats enough edge lords WeirdChamp squadW cmonBruh riot racist cmonBruh HAHA RACISM IS FUNNY WeirdChamp ✋ xqcSmile_BW take the invite cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WeirdChamp chat @RebornePhoenix u did it to me mr poopy dyrusSmug2 4Weird WeirdChamp hilarious and original atpCarl COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy COMFY CHAT oathComfy cmonBruh FeelsGoodMan BANNED KEKW lacBruh PepegaShake gachiBASS So funny FeelsWeirdMan comedic fucking genius how the fuck is riot this inept rekt AYAYAWeird chat lacBruh Accept Van Darkholme HandsUp ok it's gone chat widepeepoHappy lacBruh @gupper I will carry you to my bed 😡 @zako_ atpGood @RebornePhoenix also come sleep dyrusOwo widepeepoHappy gone lacBruh widepeepoSad hahahaha cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ok it's gone chat widepeepoHappy no streamer no mods no staff IT'S BACK cmonBruh HandsUp VAN HandsUp 4Weird cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPEBRUH gone widepeepoHappy @RebornePhoenix oki oki cmonBruh cmonBruh skeany HYPERBRUH widepeoplehappy peepoArrive food WHAT IN TARNATION cmonBruh lacBruh Jannies do your job KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw advertise? peepoArrive HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh TURN OFF INVITES HYPERBRUH this dude cmonBruh widepeepoHappy helloooo heLLo EveryBOdy hello widepeepoHappy cmonBruh cmonBruh HeyGuys :) I saw that cmonBruh ResidentSleeper thickPUKE thickSPY thickSPY angie6Evil pepeSmoke PepegaAim cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh :) RED DEAD widepeepoHappy sneakyHey HeyGuys !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 36 minutes 51 seconds HeyGuys turn off invites @C9Sneaky for the hooooooorde Real Game POGGERS foooor the hoooorde finally Kreygasm SMOrc sneakyYeehaw monkaW widepeepoSad ppProof @gupper oathLove oathLove I'm ready for some more red dead sneakyYeehaw SMOrc @C9Sneaky its bed time sing me to sleep please widepeepoHappy SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc PauseChamp YEEEEEEHAWWW sneakyYeehaw ▀█▀ █▬█ █ ▄█▀ █ ▄█▀ ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀ SMOrc PauseChamp DRINK YOUR WATER NOW CHAT ratirlSip DRINK YOUR WATER NOW CHAT ratirlSip DRINK YOUR WATER NOW CHAT ratirlSip DRINK YOUR WATER NOW CHAT ratirlSip @RebornePhoenix oath sub nickiAYAYA 🔫 sneakyYeehaw SMOrc PauseChamp SMOrc SMOrc Hi snacc damn everytime sneaky switches games means i'm up too late league wont be the same without you dad :( SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc leaked full name monkaS PauseChamp eu teeth Red Dead widepeepoHappy Red Dead widepeepoHappy Red Dead widepeepoHappy Red Dead widepeepoHappy Red Dead widepeepoHappy Red Dead widepeepoHappy SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc SMOrc @C9Sneaky when do you leave for vegas widepeepoSad gosuOmg gosuOmg gosuOmg gosuHeart SMOrc !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 37 minutes 25 seconds Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive Red Dead peepoarrive @rfcastro00 I've never watched a single stream it's just for the emotes oathLUL CAST FOR TCS Pog thick1 thick2 PepeHands sneakyCastro dead Red Dead peepoArrive cmonBruh PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim ha WutFace 🐴 sneakyYeehaw LOUDER @RebornePhoenix what a bruh moment nickiLOL PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaPls what happened to hitman? KKona pardners MOO PogYou @rfcastro00 it's a good time KKool pepeSmoke FeelsLitMan PepegaPls pepeJAM JAM OR DIE @c9sneaky can u play in tcs PepegaShake headBang play poker while you eat :) PepegaShake PepegaPls WutFace wtf is this PepegaShake @RebornePhoenix nickiHeart nickiAYAYA KKona PEEEEEEEEEEEEEERSOOOOOOOOOONA Pog LA VACAA Mmo MOO LA VACA WideHard KKool KKool HYPERCLAP moo You gonna be in the LCS or stream? @C9Sneaky LAAA VACAAA Squid4 SUBELE SNIKI PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake LULW :moo: MOO pepeDance MOO PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake HE PRONOUNCED IT WRONG NotLikeThis Giorno Giovanna POG TriDance pepeD PepegaShake LA VACA PepegaShake RafaliHL subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! OI NAMAS PepeJam yeah PepegaPls TriKool Clap JIO JIO pepeD red dead still isnt cracked SadChamp PepeJAM Italian name LA VACA pepeJAM PepegaShake Squid1 TriHard Squid4 PepegaPls headBang @navishere SadChamp pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD moo @rfcastro00 oathWoo oathRave tit pepeJAM Clap @C9Sneaky out of curiosity why do you always cosplay girls? pepeJAM don;t play hitman 2 . trash game my name COGGERS PepegaPls PepegaShake PepePls ricardoFlick PepoDance THAT BETTER BE GREEN TABASCO which despacito version is this PepegaShake crit ez KEKW @RebornePhoenix new emote? PogChamp Squid2 Squid3 PepegaShake PepegaShake LA VACA PepegaShake PepegaShake love you is this pc or ps4 PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls POGSLIDE @rfcastro00 uhhhh idk lmao PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls Oh shit where’s my Tio with the cerveza @vayne_hellsing ps4 ps4 can u Crit off W Auto @C9Sneaky are you ever gonna play something in vr ? pepeD pepeDance my last 2 working brain cells vibing oathNom @rfcastro00 pretty sure this ones the newest PepePls PepeD PepePls PepeD PepePls PepeD PepePls PepeD why am i still up @C9Sneaky I am thinking of tier 3 subbing, persuade me. is sneaky done with league or just playing this in queue PepoDance WeirdChamp DansGame NFSMW PogU headBang wtf DansGame @RebornePhoenix the oathWoo one has to be the newest @C9Sneaky is there any good reason i shouldnt go to bed pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM sneaky are you playing rdr2 online anytime soon? KKool SHAPESHIFTER SwiftRAge headBang need for speed bby @tgellen done with league whats with this music man its WACK dude WACK what happened last time in red dead headBang WE WANT LA VACA DansGame which champ is he talking about? RamenInMyMouth describe taste Kreygasm @theduckwhocucks watch sneaky OkayChamp @rfco I have no idea lmao ammoButt ammoButt ammoButt SwiftRage @theduckwhocucks Why to watch some RDR2 gameplay :) @SirkNicolas ezreal cringe ass song NFS MW pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM WeirdChamp xqcSkip need for speed most wanted? PepegaPls W H A C K need for speed music Pog SHAPEEEEEEEEEEE SHIFTERRRRRRRRR headBang NFS most wanted hype playing more league pepeSmoke xqcSkip ammoLUL ? YEEEEEEHAWWW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Aphelios and Diana seem gamebreaking, think this game is gonna be fucked? KKona sneakyYeehaw aah makes sense sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw the sneakyYeehaw KKona sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw IT'S TIME Music today is sick. Haters can breathe water u got work by reiana FeelsRainMan are there 18 of them? monkaSPEED sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw dead_by_myers subscribed with Twitch Prime. be more dramatic @PsychoShy FeelsSadMan wi ck wa ck paddy WACK dude do you not have a comfy couch to play RDR2 on What’s sneakys rank? from a need for speed brb breathing water through gills high roller poker games 😡 W a k HORRIBLE headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Damn straight. Shoot them haters in a barrel sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky Why do you only play good music in the off season? what is this OhMyDog songs ordering chicken from chipotle peepoLeave need for speed most wanted NFS:Most wanted right here yeah reminds me of NFS headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage I think this was from most wanted NFS MW pepeJAM pepeJAM yes 🐴 sneakyYeehaw KKona KKona KKona greetins pardner It’s from NFS most wanted some summit GTA music LUL howdy KKona 🐴 sneakyYeehaw ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ooooh he is in san deni WutFace WutFace what chapter is sneaky on? DOMINOOOOS KKona looks so funny sneaky go to the Ram Ranch gachiHYPER dominos Pog saint penis WutFace PIZZA Pog hey my name denis pog jk baguette Theres a poker mission u have to do from the Reverend first i think did you finish pokemon yet chapter 4 saint penis ricardoFlick ricardoFlick gachiBASS RAM RANCH? PogChamp HandsUp gachiW 5Head WineTime bonjour moon2JR you welcome my love :) TeaTime gachiHYPER pepeJAM PepegaPls RAM RANCH PS4 GRAPHICS OMEGALUL 18 NAKED COWBOYS Pepega 🎺 andrib3 pepeD pepeD RAM RANCH DLC gachiW dude this is a nice fuckin town Ps4 PogU It'd be cool to watch you play The Outer Worlds at some point KKona pepeDance gachiW TeaTime KEKW KEKW HotPokket echo mmmhm LUL KEKW WutFace sneakyFedora WutFace widepeepoHappy echo? echo echo KEKW sneakyFedora weird echo @C9Sneaky echo WutFace that audio though @C9Sneaky game audio has an echo audio WutFace Pog POKER echo echo monkaW ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !claim to activate————————————————————————————— FIX AUDIO is it supposed to echo? echo WutFace triple A sound studio KEKW !claim Pepega WutFace WutFace like right, myeah? @SnoBound I think sneaky has already played it? might be getting mixed up though !claim saved Pog FeelsClassyMan time to get fancy audio NotLikeThis Anyone tell this guy that sneaky sucks at poker? EEeeEE quinWTFF @C9Sneaky Anyone who doesn't like the music you like, can go mute the stream and listen to Billy Eilish (because she's great) fixed IT WORKED PogU ty dad Pog FANCY CLOTHES which horse model you rockin ? @C9Sneaky !claim thats weird, it appears they are not in a facility which would echo Pog dress up time chat is so redtarded My name, my fathers name, and my fathers fathers name, was ALL trelawny FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan HYPERCLAP !claim !dodged Thanks papi !holy g sas THREE PIECE SUIT Kreygasm FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan HYPERCLAP FeelsClassyMan wineTime xqcGob xqcGob2 FeelsClassyMan QUITE KKona FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan TeaTime FeelsClassyMan INDEED FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan HAIRCUT FeelsClassyMan wineTime what a gentleman Oh, he might have, not sure :P o shit this is where i quit the game out of boredom FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan any gentlemen FeelsClassyMan wyd not that one FeelsClassyMan wineTime u may i hate it FeelsClassyMan 🍷 FeelsClassyMan / FeelsClassyMan wineTime perhaps yes !claim FeelsClassyMan TeaTime only one choice ffs FeelsClassyMan Good Sirs in Chat FeelsClassyMan VoteNay FeelsClassyMan 🍷 exquisite oh yea Kreygasm FeelsClassyMan wineTime have you cleaned your guns @C9Sneaky ratirlGentleman a FeelsClassyMan a very good choice sir no top hat FeelsWeirdMan FeelsClassyMan free you say TriHard FeelsClassyMan TeaTime good choice indeed no hat? :( hole on shoulder LUL barber PogChamp pepeD FeelsClassyMan a wise choice sneakerton FeelsClassyMan wineTime queenieGASP FeelsClassyMan excellent choice sir FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan refined taste indeed FeelsClassyMan wineTime indeed FeelsClassyMan mmm yes. indubitably FeelsClassyMan ah yes excellent choice sir big words, flamboyant T H I C C 5Head ah i see THICCC FeelsClassyMan Move cam pls FeelsClassyMan im all in good sirs lay it on thicc gachiW FeelsClassyMan ah yes why of course wineTime 5Head ahhhh FeelsClassyMan oh this mission is sick T H I C C C C KEKW 3Head LMAO KEKW KEKW KKonaW cmonBruh cmonBruh D: KKona mexicans? RDR? @C9Sneaky Can you join a new team in a different genre? Become the best Hentai game team FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime yes, dilly dilly cmonBruh FeelsClassyMan yes indeed sir. FeelsClassyMan TeaTime FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan wineTime xqcHYPERF Move cam DansGame plupGent FeelsClassyMan 5Head wineTime Ah yes, I see FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime Move cam pls FeelsClassyMan 🙂 TeaTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime indeed FeelsClassyMan MaN LOL haircut Pog KEKW FeelsClassyMan wineTime MaN KEKW hick pepeLaugh LMAO my good MaN KKona kkona MaN DEAR HICK KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace rude Thx FeelsClassyMan CHU SAY ANELE FeelsClassyMan wineTime yes centilmen FeelsClassyMan SwiftRage KEKW Keep it long 😡 bruh needs a skincare routine FeelsClassyMan HYPERCLAP DAMN handsome peepoPog gachiW dont cut the luscious locks PepeHands KEKW @C9Sneaky did you know that the Pukao on the Moai on Easter Island is to protect their mana FeelsClassyMan wineTime good sir !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 46 minutes 6 seconds FeelsClassyMan wineTime very good sir. oh yea Kreygasm Made him MaldChamp give him a BOWLCUT sneakyGrip Fade PogU MaldChamp MaldChamp KEKW KEKW MaldChamp pog SWEPT BACK StalinsGuidance subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! good sir, would you please kindly show us all your slovenly buttocks in this fine night will you? MaldChamp MaldChamp T1 BigBrother t1 Pog MALD KEKW KEKW GIVE HIM THE JENSEN MALD KEKW MaldChamp MaldChamp OkayChamp ARTHUR MALDING KEKW SWEPT BACK peepoArrive KEKW DO IT MALD MaldChamp FeelsClassyMan wineTime like a prince sir MaldChamp MaldChamp 1 dollar cut PogU MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp OkayChamp Parted FeelsClassyMan taper fade qtpPLS MaldChamp cmon Snak u want me oh yea MaldChamp my cousin cuts my fade thanks that looks dope PogU chat im 27 and malding LUL help WutFace PogYou FeelsClassyMan 🍷 exquisite SHAVE IT OFF PENCIL STACHE PogChamp KEKW PogYou amazing PepeHands FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime excellent choise sir 5Head ah yes FeelsOkayMan 5Head is that a bullet hole in your shoulder? FeelsClassyMan wineTime 5Head hole in suit LUL FeelsClassyMan 👍 3Head OI FeelsClassyMan wineTime indeed 2+2=4 5Head exquisite FeelsClassyMan TeaTime the porn moustache LUL exquisite FeelsClassyMan =)))))) GEORGE TeaTime No more league NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis is that the one that plays rust with you? bullet hole in suit pepeLaugh 5Head FeelsClassyMan toad KEKW KEKW WOW! this hitman2 looks sick! Kappa sneakyFedora FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan TeaTime NOW KISS HIM Kreygasm lookin' like a genius toad lmao KKona CHU SAY yoke sneakyFedora m'lady DansGame peasants FeelsClassyMan indeed @c9sneaky it’s sleepy time mr streamer please tell me goodnight widepeepoHappy 🐸🐸 :) wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime Do you know how to play poker mr snacky the tophat dude calls you a hick and toad man blow his face off this ain't hamlet KKona chuff your pest chat MaN MaN MaN ❓ FeelsClassyMan wineTime MaN HHHHOOOO whatcha eatin? why does that guys sound like Ping Ward !uptime pink* Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 48 minutes 34 seconds Snacky Kreygasm FeelsClassyMan 💀 Im readly for my soliloquy gachiBASS accent KKona when does sneaky usually end stream? PepoCheer cheating? forsenCD KKona this guy sounds like heimerdinger ah yes FeelsGoodMan monkaS The choices of which you have endeavored are of excellent quality if I may say so myself, good sir Sneaky FeelsClassyMan wineTime KKona FeelsClassyMan wineTime indeed alost run over lady FeelsClassyMan wineTime exquisite FeelsClassyMan wineTime yes cheating oh yes Is the league stream over? ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan wineTime TehePelo FeelsClassyMan wineTime mhm FeelsClassyMan 🤝 forsenCD firm handshakes good sirs CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat thank you KKona FeelsClassyMan How deceiving FeelsClassyMan KEKW very good sir FeelsClassyMan 🍷 good luck sir D: CoolCat for how much time you had 100kk viewers? Strap me up cowboy and spank me peepoPog ⛵ FeelsClassyMan Gentlemen! FeelsClassyMan like a week or so? spliff tale FeelsClassyMan KEKW KEKW KEKW FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan wineTime Gentlemen TURKEY LULW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKona sneakyYeehaw FeelsClassyMan wineTime yeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwww actually, nvm YEEHAW KKona sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw FeelsClassyMan wineTime REEEEEEEEE LETS WASTE SOME MONEY 💰 FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan Hello fellow gentlemen! Care for champagne? skipped KEKW not me guns KKona That was a hell of scar sneakyYeehaw the tables a weight Kappa FeelsClassyMan what a fine chap D: FeelsClassyMan wineTime PepeS KEKW monkaW WHAT ? forsenCD beware of the wife forsenCD wife monkaW forsenCD which wife? Tables await ResidentSleeper senna monkaW xqcM its time wife ? monkaX @h4d3n KEKW FeelsClassyMan xqcM open the tables time to hustle Kapp High roller PogU KKona gentlemen el vicio xqcM where are TriHard s? game over high roller poker Pog KKona evenin xqcM bro i can not play Rockstar games like you, i spend too much time killing people during cut scenes lmao Is this hearthstone? PogChamp adios lol hola poker ty @boxislovee RAISE monkaW unfinished business at the bar wineTime wineTime wineTime wineTime wineTime wineTime wineTime wineTime sneaky hates purple ALL IN monkaW @WRLDWD3 huh? checking 300 buckeroos tarzCash tarzCash tarzCash tarzPride the comms ????? cheating forsenCD Poker ResidentSleeper whatre you eating NICE FOLD KEKW straight Pog muah ALL ALL INS PogU can alrdy tell you suck at poker LUL 4Head monkaW ohohohoh 4Head all in PogChamp WE ALL IN PogU WTF Pog I have no idea how poker works PogU i was here HOLY FUCK MAN monkaW THE YGOT BALLS HO HO HO HO you start with 9x as much money lol monkaW KING HIGH lul pepeJAM u would have had a straight lol KEKW MLADY forsenCD SCRIPTED KEKW 4Head oh no no no he doent know pepeLaugh why are you geh EZ Clap KEKW KEKW Pokeher vs poker BibleThump HE DIDNT BURNED rolled KEKW who is actually duing that? EZ FeelsClassyMan 🤝 forsenCD firm handshakes good sirs muahhhaha? timmacLUL is this classic poker chat? whatre you eating sneakyy or.. meeeh @hotdogss what did u eat for dinner OpieOP monsieur le shiffre wins 20.000 or are you chewing gum MaN going all in with nothing 🤔 MaN Oil MaN monkaW monkaW @ForestFairyBilly noodles OpieOP KKona KKona I'm an oil man MaN play the starwars game again ALL IN Oil MaN gachiHYPER raise DOUBLE QUEEN PogChamp @ForestFairyBilly pokiEZ PepeLaugh He cheated BibleThump BibleThump KEKW I dont like this one go ham dude ALL IN haHAA all in pocket queens ezpz all in xqcM keep going wife KEKW PogU CALL forsenCD ALL IN forsenCD KEKW @hotdogss I got red bean soup and banana forsenCD BLESS RNG LOL ur probably bad at poker lmao kekw I LOVE POKER KEKW 4Head alpha af monkaMega KEKW HAHAHAH KEKW @addcheesepls bawkWeird KEKW LMAO OOOO DO IT zfgSmug dealer always raise CALL CALL @ForestFairyBilly OpieOP Clap he has 8 and 9 KEKW KEKW pass LOL just did KEKW call it haha GREEN LIGH ALL In it BLUFFIN so subtle pepeLaugh GOGOGO he has 8 and 9 he has straight FOLD All in PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp OpieOP Clap EZ KEKW EZ Pog Pog KEKW PogU EZ Clap PogU D: EZ Clap EZ KEKW PogU D: EZ ez EZ cheat EZ Clap rrrr KEKW KEKW EZ gosuOmg gosuOmg scripted poker OMEGALUL EZ tjis thats how rich ppl play gosuP3 gosuP4 ALL OF THEM ALL IN'D KEKW AOF is best poker :) KEKW D: KKona D: KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona wtf KEKW D: KEKW KEKW KKona KKona KEKWE KEKW KKona HILLBILLY LUL KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOO KKona KEKW KKona KEKW KEKW KKona ??? KEKW HILLBILLY ASS KEKW KEKW HAHAHA LUL KEKW KKona KKona CHU SAY KKonaW KKona LISSEN BROTHER HILLBILLY ASS KEKW KKona LUL Clap FeelsClassyMan ⌚ PogU LIDL D: GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL GECK DOUBLE YOU MaxLOL sneakyD boxD sneakyD D: bawkHm why trust o.o he doenst know pepeLaugh $500 watch monkaW Big oil MaN reutlingen is in germany LOL He won the all in boys PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp No ROLEX DansGame DansGame im from there gachiHYPER ?????? cornwall KEKW wath mou hacks gachiBASS Pog pocket Kings pOGu KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW wtf KEKW PepegaPls double king PogChamp ALL IN actually scripted LUL WHAT KEKW Bingo can we get another k? Pepega FREE WINS RIGGED not sus at all KEKW rigged hands DansGame xqcM ALL IN GO all in pre flop INTED KEKW EZ Clap GO SIGN PogChamp lol EMOTIONAL PLAYER i got the same cards on my play through :) Pepega AHAHAHAHA LOOOOL OH NO ???????? @weebs_ruin_everything why u everywhere qtpW here we go Pepega KEKW forsenCD HYPERCLAP moon2PH no subtlety KEKW monkaW KEKW monkaS FUCK KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls F Double kings ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper KEKW KEKW RIGGED KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh PogU FLUSH IT'S FUCKING OVER gachiW AH CentipedeIRL sneakyFedora KEKW KEKW RIGGED KEKW RIGGED KEKW EZ HYPERCLAP KEKW pepeLaugh KEKW GGEZ Jebaited GG WP EZ Jebaited no offense KEKW Pog KEKW HAHAHA KEKW NO OFFENCE SCRIPTED KEKW FUCK YOU! mo offence though F forsenS monkaS snacky subs WeirdChamp FeelsClassyMan He's gonna execute you monkaOMEGA Jebaited KEKW monkaMega javier KEKW forsenS gun monkaW imaqtpie mods FeelsWeirdMan FeelsClassyMan wineTime monkaS dont DON'T GO monkaW monkaW boss WHY THEY ARMED THO FeelsClassyMan wineTime quite easy really @C9Sneaky what are ur quali settings o:? could u pls show :/? gun monkaW MONKAW monkaMEGA monkaS HandsUp cmonBruh WTF monkaW suspicious .. cmonBruh Trap ! he's the boss of this gym D: monkaW monkaW HE KNOWS FeelsClassyMan 🍷 monkaW monkaW he's going to kill you monkaW cmonBruh chu say da fuk ESSAY?!?! DETH widepeepoHappy My Daddy takes offense to that monkaW oh no it's a setup monkaS whoa D: monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaGun HandsUp YOU WANT TO TUSSLE ESSAY monkaX monkaGun trap monkaW monkaX bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega cmonBruh monkaW monkaW MonkaW DUDE cmonBruh D: D: cmonBruh WHOA D: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh D: HYPERBRUH cmonBruh KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh OOF cmonBruh uh oh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh banned cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh IK cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH LUL yikes HYPERBRUH CmonBruh cmonBruh RDR2 is not rdr2 if you don't started blasting murica fook yeah!!!! CmonBruh cmonBruh CmonBruh KILL HIM 😡 WOAHHH cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HE SAID IT HYPERBRUH monkaTOS cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh watch me kill your ass KEKW cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh COME ON BROTHER HYPERBRUH BANNED bawkBruh raizZ j OMEGALUL ? TriHard TriHard KEKW dude i hope u have a gun POP HIS ASS FOR THE GANG @C9Sneaky @KEKW_SPAMMER KEKW @snipingHobo cmonBruh HYPERBRUH KILL HIM cmonBruh PepeS hugo1Bruh they wana rape u xd DETH widepeepoHappy yes :) Yes you are monkaW monkaOMEGA no way monkaW cmonBruh this end of game :) yes you are monkaW TriHards were slaves back then no, bout to take it in the anoos gachiHYPER Pog Pog D: KEKW PogU FREE PogU SAYING UR REAL NAMES KEKW take his other gun gachiW EZ PogU EZ Clap KEKW d: D: stick up Pog I heard it chat cmonBruh KEKW KEKW cmonBruh :gun cmonBruh LULW D: KEKW KKonaW Clap a watch monkaW KEKW kill the racist cmonBruh ZA WARDO bitch LUL D: D: monkaW whatta... cmonBruh monkaS monkaW LUL KEKW KEKW PogChamp D: D: D: monkaW NA reactions D: D: EZ Startin' Blastin Murica fook yeah Pog Pog third eye EZ Clap CL A P P ED D: RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE KEKW ZA WARUDO LUCIAN Pog ludwigD D: wtf 2 guns ✌ forsenCD double EZ Clap EVERYONE HEARD THAT KEKW nyacchPoker LATA BIIIITCH WideHard monkaW they're coming "lets hope no one heard that" LuL PogU lets hope no one heard the damn gunshot lmao Kkona LOOT THE BODY xqcM PepegaAim he missed loot them PogChamp was that a crit noob lul ViDeO GAMES DoNt MaKe YoU ViOlEnT He shot him PogChamp just some ammos a few thousand is worth a lot more then Go one Blastin' KEKW the dude was gonna give you the stuff in the safe man why violence just swim 4Head KEKW PERFECT FOR YOU KEKW pepeLaugh Kreygasm KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW @rangedd only the watcg thousand bucks must be like 100k in 1899 money AYAYAY you have experience in that @C9Sneaky Haha LUL FeelsClassyMan @notninezero oh BLAMING PIXELS FOR YOUR FUCKED UP MENTAL Pepega rdr2 needs more violence LUL KappaPride OkayChamp RAM RANNCH ratirlKiss PedoBear 10/10 acting forsenCD ❓ forsenCD forsenCD wtf? insinuation.... it's an outright accusation! FeelsClassyMan huh pepeJAM pepeD ???? zfgOhNo monkaW pepeD PepegaAim shoot that MaN pepeD monkaW pepeJAM KKool what lol PepegaPls peepoLeave monkaW pepeJAM PepegaAim pepeJAM PepegaAim C9 GUN ADC KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim LOL NA AIM ITS TIME KKona LUL bawkGun PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Pog NA ADC KEKW PepegaAim I MISSED PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim ADC MAIN BTW Murica Fook Yeah!!!! haha ADC LOL PepegaAim PepegaAim I MISSED PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER c9 might sign u for csgo PepegaAim bronze inc again KEKW PepegaAim puta D: Sneakys Jhin all over again PepegaAim D: PepegaAim Hijueputa! puta D: IN SPANISH PepegaAim HIJUEPUTA!!!! (in spanish) sotb PepegaAim monkaW monkaW *Cries in spanish* monkaW monkaMega (in spanish): monkaW monkaX monkaW monkaW wet money wet money DansGame monkaW MY SUIT 🐊 HYPERCLAP pepeDance My suit FeelsClassyMan I'd rather risk getting shot than swim in ocean MY SUIT BabyRage TITANIC BibleThump americans still have paper money KEKW the watch is done they act like they had another plan in mind money not wet monkaS KEKW money aint wet? tf J_burr subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! LULW LUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW LuL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW MY WATCH zfgSmug LUL LUL XD KEKW ahaahah KEKW TriHard nice watch LUL idk how is the money not all fucked from swimming KEKW GIVE IT BACK HERE Jebaited @C9Sneaky What's a Reutlinger? Is that old school Rolex Jebaited it aint a New Patek on my wrist tho moneys waterproof man pepeJAM KEKW plastic Kappa @Kingdralchar -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp gachiW HandsUp HandsUp Roitlinger? I barely new her! gachiW all in Pog monkaS gachiHYPER Money should be soaked @c9sneaky gachiHYPER HYDRA HandsUp HandsUp @ThaPeDa money has cloth in it. it's all good once you dry it aint none of you ever wash your money? HandsUp gachiHYPER TY few thousands KEKW chat, back then money use to be waterproof Kappa gachiBASS gachiHYPER I SAW IT HandsUp THAT'S HUGE gachiHYPER KEKW @julianbelkin peepoArrive 🎺 HOLY SHIT 6000 PogU gachiBASS MINES BIGGER you made less than you fairly won in poker EZ 6k FeelsClassyMan wineTime great mission @C9Sneaky can you move the c9 overlay on the left? if it blocks a lot of text SadChamp gachiW that wasn't a banana gachiHYPER KKona widepeepoHappy Blackjack time sneakyYeehaw $6K PogU how would you win without the help you only played 2 hands @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp gachiBASS HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp handsUP FeelsClassyMan wineTime KKona thats right handsUp KKona Clap go back NAH HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket NO LADY squadW HotPokket gachiW let her vote 3Head LULW HotPokket KEKW HandsUp HotPokket LET HER VOTE saloons are open "fairly" won in poker, didnt you have him telling you when to bid? HotPokket HotPPoket HotPokket HotPokket N OMEGALUL HandsUp JUST THE TIPS HandsUp HotPokket @C9Sneaky what is ur horse type ? HotPokket democracy baby HotPokket just the tip HandsUp @C9Sneaky do ML Is this game on pc yet? @C9Sneaky do M.L women in those times OMEGALUL gachiHYPER ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ HandsUp Kreygasm SADIE what game is this Yeah women voting worked out great didn't it ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ MRS ADLER Kreygasm\ end suffrage KEKW HandsUp Tip of the iceberg gachiBASS Kreygasm MARY @C9Sneaky No more league tonight? @droopy_ears -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] second wife forsenCD micah DansGame HandsUp HandsUp man fuck dat hoe DansGame Kreygasm ex lover > ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ yo anyone in @chat wanna hit this blunt? WideHard HotPokket Is this game on pc yet? TriHard HotPokket HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp Let me boat @C9Sneaky is this the main city in rd2? lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket @Muhrex yeah it came out on pc a few weeks ago <3 let me vote lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket lemme vote HotPokket kill her gachiBASS ? LET ME BOAT gachiW LET ME VOTE HotPokket HotPokket TwitchVotes gachiHYPER gachiHYPER LET ME BOATT gachiHYPER LET HER VOTE BabyRage HotPokket 🐴 sneakyYeehaw lemmevote lemmevote lemmevote ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ LET ME BOATTT ORALE gachiBASS women having voting rights OMEGALUL Let her vote, dammit HotPokket @mijikui Thank you Weirdga squadW no let her go boating!! nooooooooooooMar Kreygasm I DID gachiW i did Kreygasm Kreygasm gachiHYPER A LOT "came" Arthur you came gachiW I CAME Kreygasm me too gachiW Same gachiHYPER Kreygasm She needs the D gachiW i came too Kreygasm eat her ass Kreygasm you came gachiGASM dick her Kreygasm Pepega arthuuur BibleThump gachiW WTF KEKW He came Kreygasm gachiHYPER Kreygasm Arthur's lovelife :>>>>>> VisLaud Jump I CAME Kreygasm Kreygasm LULW i came :( same Kreygasm pepega gachiHYPER COME IM WAITING dirty ass KEKW DansGame KEKW KEKW haHAA DansGame KEKW SHE CUMMING Kreygasm shiny yellow teeth KISS HER I came WutFace mary kreygasm gachiW He came gachiW OkayChamp i did again gachiBASS KISS HER gachiW She's going to use us again, isn't se KEKW quinNUTTY gachiW SHE IS A THOT KEKW gachiW KEKW SURE KKona we comin HAHAHA Kregasm gachiHYPER gachiBASS i came Kreygasm NUT Its a Man WutFace Hair trigger gachiBASS DADDY me too gachiHYPER KEKW daddy gachiHYPER YES YES gachiBASS She's is a solid 10 for 1900 DADDY gachiW KEKW DADDY DADDY gachiHYPER LUL Your father? Kreygasm daddy Kreygasm Every time she calls for it he comes gachiW LATA HeyGuys KEKW ohh Arrthurrr He came She won't see it, but she sure gonna smell it OMEGALUL Kreygasm DADDY GACHI 🦍 CYA DADDY gachiBASS LATA BITCH daddy sneakyW KKona true whenever you call for me i peepoArrive gachiGASM KKona KEKW MaN ? sin KKona MaN LUL gachiHYPER KKona OOF UU That’s what she said just all the other shit he did LUL CALL ME DADDY AGAIN gachiW D: OTOU SAN pepeLaugh here we go what? monkaS ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⢉⢉⠉⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ HandsUp put a bullet in his head HandsUp whoring gachiW daddy sneakyW Code Vein yea rough adamant dominant femdom western girls Kreygasm gachiBASS whoring D: fuck her D: DON'T widepeepoSad widepeepoSad No :) N OMEGALUL HotPokket FUCK YOU MARY monkaW he's mad no HotPokket dont LULW STFU BITCH NO 🦍 nope widepeepoSad fuck yourself NO :) classic bitch KEKW ViDeO GAMES DoNt MaKe YoU ViOlEnT KEKW logic widepeepoSad Kind Boy arthur speaking tr00f widepeepoSad women N OMEGALUL no :) Ohh daddy Bitch why botch? Womens.. ResidentSleeper r/nicegirls lol was she kind to him??? fuck her WeirdChamp mary BITCH Wo MaN STFU PepeHands PepeHands Shes using you sneaky dont do it say no DansGame !time December 2nd 2019, 2:51:57 am PST GMT-08:00 SadChamp lilyNo OH ARTHUR PepeHands PedoBear ohhh arthurrr say no DansGame say no DansGame say no DansGame SHES LYING LIKE ALL WOMAN DO stfu H OMEGLAUL E Why are you not having sex? SadChamp squadW PepeHands PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands that haircut is so fucking bad fuck this bitch DansGame PepegaHands women using you FeelsBadMan H OMEGALUL E FeelsBadMan OkayChamp Leave this hoe say no DansGame say no DansGame SadChamp 🔫 Mary WeridChamp leave her to pepega on her own SAY NO widepeepoSad N OMEGALUL fuck this 2 faced bitch say no DansGame say no DansGame say no DansGame PepeHands NOOOO NO Thot Slayer my man N OMEGALUL NO NO NO NON N OMEGALUL DADY FeelsAmazingMan N OMEGALUL Sex reward peepoArrive NO DONT i said no no NO SIMP KILL HER N OMEGALUL no CUCK DONT SIMP KEKW PLS ARTHUR NOOOOO WeirdChamp he said yes NO, DON'T cucked simp good guy sneaky :) DansGame What CUCK WEAK KEKW SIMP KEKW SAY NO BTW Used PepeHands Kappa OH ARTHUR whoring KEKW SHE CHEATIN' pussy WeirdChamp Kill the bitch 4Weird WeirdChamp whores Pog Whorse KKool 🐴 PLS KILL HER BlessRNG SHE'S GONNA CUCK YOU a horse, huh? DansGame mohrW horse or whores? D: gachiBASS Whorse gachiW gachiHYPER yes daddy daddy gachiBASS gachiW dick her LEAVE IT TO DADDY gachiBASS Jebaited Helping her WierdChamp HotPokket : hes buying loot boxes and drinking Mike's Hard ! daddy sneakyW CAN YOU PLS SHOOT HER SHES SO BIPOLAR fuck u pomade going hard Kill her KKool Clap you Good Man!! Pog ? say daddy for me gachiW but... ? KEKW DansGame WTF ????????? MAKE UP YOUR MIND LADY shoot her Jebaited monkaW ??? women WeirdChamp peepoLeave WOMEN KEKW N OMEGALUL YES Bitch HOW ABOUT N OMEGALUL No peepoLeave cum in her butthole Get off and kill her Yes peepoLeave idk FeelsAmazingMan JUMP OFF A BRIDGE and women wonder why theyre stupid OMEGALUL cmonBruh BEGONE THT KEKW OMEGALUL A R T H A R R R EAT HER ASS 😡 IDK Pepega hey, there are women here and i find this offensive xD Her dad is doing something with that horse... or maybe.. monkaS She is a virtual woman created by a MALE GAME DESIGNER, twitch chatters WeirdChamp Arthur beta af buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso Lip her butt kill her lower iq threshold at birth HotPokket hey what chapter is this? suck her dick 😡 @Jannapower HotPokket Lick her puss are you soon gonna pawn your LCS trophy @C9Sneaky @Jannapower Taking chat seriously nymnWeird @Jannapower REEEE cirREE PepeS gamblin and whorin 4Head KEKW monkaW 4HEad zeig pensi @Jannapower who was born from a woman 😳 Weirdga KEKW KEKW LMFAO hotdogss nyacchHi monkaW 4Head I know you want me arthurr HotPokket D: Shoot that asshole zfgMad LUL kick his ass monkaW punch him WeirdChamp KEKW D: bitch slapped Bitch slap monkaW D: scooterdo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! FUCK HIM UP SLAP gachiW D: D: @ItsJustValk Okayga LULW get fucked @C9Sneaky r u gona roleplay sumday? eat his ass 😡😡😡 D: gachiW D: KEKW Cucked KEKW KEKW LMAOO KEKW D: @linkew launched the strong one monkaW KEKW monkaW PepeS monkaW ohhhhhh ,monkaS monkaS monkaW monkaW Now go fuck yourself, virgin FeelsOkayMan pepega face LUL monkaW wtf monkaS monkaSHAKE monkaW he's literally in Poggers monkaW din mean NUFFIN BETA KEKW monkaW monkaW WTF monkaS D: what a father KEKW wow league of legends has really changed @sneaky they really took a western approach fuck you daddy DAD PepeHands monkaS AYAYA daddy Kill him D: Fuck her daughter gachiW Okayga widepeepoSad PepeHands daddy issues KKona PepeHands give daddy his whore PepeHands Kill him 😡 slap her FUCK U DAD oathS feee Wwaifu FUCK HER DAD 😡😡😡 MARY H OMEGALUL E @C9Sneaky Send that fucker onto the other side please trailing quest ResidentSleeper get daddy a hooker PepeHands Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Is he a ringleader with that outfit KEKW PauseChamp This way LUL it is casually threaten that poor boy and then just stalk another man KEKW gachiW moon2SPY HYPERCLAP end him Okayga 👍 HandsUp it is gachiHYPER That's not a "no" ??????????? Pepega monkaS gachiHYPER DAD LULW Okayga TeaTime COCK ?? you dont say ?? Pepega ? ? LMAOOOO KEKW follow him bozo pepega sneaky Do her dirty in front of her dad Pepega Pepega D4 down here Pepega ????? Okayga TeaTime COCK ? ANIK- I PepeHands Pepega ITS A TRAP Pepega follow him dumbass For real? That corner we just saw him go around? Pepega ? ANIKI? DansGame DansGame DansGame whos this whore fallower sneaky sneaky ANIKI PepeHands Now eat it OMEGALUL DansGame eww DansGame WTF OMEGALUL her dad is pepega'ing DansGame WutFace eat it widepeepoHappy gachiW DansGame KEKW monkaW DansGame DansGame gachiHYPER GAY CLUB Kreygasm gachiBASS Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW Kreygasm Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm gachiHYPER PogU Saved gachiBASS gachiHYPER girls that wear makeup WutFace gachiBASS pog Kreygasm NOW KISS Kreygasm gachiHYPER sex her Kreygasm gachiW sex her Kreygasm noxWhat Kreygasm boxLewd gachiBASS moon2L <3 Kreygasm sorry gachiBASS timmacLICK Sorry..? show vagene 😡 monkaW PepeS moon2L chu say? DansGame monkaW DONT GACHI WEMEN PunOko monkaW please get rid ofthat hair oh monkaW D: SEND BOB AND VAGENE show pensi KEKW !uptime Kapp Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 11 minutes 42 seconds WOMEN gachiHYPER no showers, that vaegene S T A N K RUN open bob 😡 open cloth D: it's Luigi damn SadChamp Scuffed Went Lift Pepega KKona he's cruising gachiGASM awww @gdq_banned_me_for_saying D: did he just say "ok boomer" FeelsOkayMan 'HE IS STILL WEARING THE RED TOP' stay 3 steps being me bitch monkaW monkaW PepeS monkaGun monkaW ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ FeelsBadMan ☂ just a memer ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ、ヽヽ the dude never turns around lol monkaHmm Trailing mission Pog! hes jerkin off PepegaPls Jerking off time to jerk a gerk hes on mushrooms LUL PepegaPls PepegaShake drugs sneakyGrip thats mamas broch selling kush monkaHmm not the brooch widepeepoHappy monkaS kill both sneakyD JE PepePls Weirdga monkaW HotPokket D: AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird WOMEN stfu Mary LULW D: WideHard LULW FOKEN WOMEN LULW gachiHYPER D: true AYAYAWeird stoopid Ded PepeHands KEKW KEKW Kapp KEKW sure Kapp gachiBASS SLAP HIM KILL HIM moon2A that breast sure KEKW pls kill marys family BlessRNG LUL LOL ?? LUL Pepega Yeah. I probably will kill him KILL HIM oathPout KEKW ??? LUL ??? PepegaPls arthur is a simp KEKW Pepega Free horse PepegaPls YEEEHAW KKona WideHard Stole Horse KKool KKool this seems excessive SHOOT THERE PepegaPls get back here LULW LUL horse cock monkaW He knows KKona WideHard LULW shoot the tires KEKW LUL 🐴 KKool pepeJAM KKool KEKW WHY'S HE IN SUCH A RUSH kill every living thing BlessRNG sneaky faith PogU 2 Horsepower LUL GET BACK HERE Okayga COCK gachiBASS GET UR ASS BACK HERE Okayga COCK . SHOOT HIM pepeJAM OMEGALUL Okayga COCK KKool 🎸 😡 Shoot Coach Driver pepeJAM lol LMFAO that horse should be faster letThink shoot 2 horsepower > 1 horsepower xD pepegaAIM Pepega @its_nakhleh youre serious?? Pepega 5Head shoot em PepegaAim nice gun lmfao gachiHop sneakyBug GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE Pepega LUL Pepega Clap mataloo PepegaAim Jebaited Pepega Please stop, it does nothing KEKW IT'S NOT INFLATED Weirdga " Okayga COCK" shoot the DRIVER 5Head LUL HORSES PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Pepega Clap Shoot Horse 😡 tires Pepega PepegaAim Shoot the horse yes shoot the wooden tires PEPEGA_STREAMER Pepega shoot horse PepegaAim horses ez PepegaAim PepegaAim shoot the horses shoot the horse Pepega Shoot the horses horse bro theyre wood ZOOMER Chat NA ADC KEKW its not a fucking rubber tire Pepega NA AIM Pepega AIM THE GUN AND TALK horse shoot horse shoot shoot the horse in the face aim the wheels Pepega woa Pog SHOOT THE HORSE KKona Pog monkaW YEEEHAW KKool !uptime OMEGALUL dont shoot the horses peepoWTF Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 15 minutes 16 seconds "to jack the wagon" it's not a pneumatic tire KEKW Pog LUL LMAO YEET D: KEKW D: Shoot horses or drivers Okayga TeaTime cokc KEKW throw tnt at the wagon Fast and Furious Pog LUL LuL LULW EZ LUL KEKW We're gonna fuck him HOWD HE LAND ON HIS FEET shooting on them was okay but getting on makes him scared ???? KEKW Yoink dick him gachiW WTF KEKW secluded spot KappaPride PepegaPls gachiHYPER SEX DUNGEON drown him secluded spot gachiW ofc hes in the back KEKW NO ;) N OMEGALUL SEX HIM gachiHYPER gachiBASS n OMEGALUL gachiBASS EAT HIS ASS are you gonna fuck him? pog It actually said "move up there to jack the wagon" WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL feed the alligators widepeepoHappy n OMEGALUL gachiBASS W H OMEGALUL secluded gachiW WH OMEGALUL no sir WideHard TO THE DUNGEON gachiBASS NO WeirdChamp DROWN HIM gachiBASS W H OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL Drown Him moon2A WH OMEGALUL NOW SUCK N OMEGALUL KILL HIM FEED HIM TO THE GATORS monkaW LUL Now kith Leave Britney aloooone HotPokket HELL NO SHOOT HIM !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 16 minutes 19 seconds 100 dollars FUCK NO monkaW 50 OkayChamp D: kjajaja D: D: D: KEKW D: LUL D: D: LULW HAHAHA 1 OMEGALUL OMEGALUL D: KEKW KEKW D: 15$ fiddy LUL LUL NO LULW LUL D: KEKW JAJAJAJ N OMEGALUL KILL HIM 😡 LULW KEKW kill him KEKW N D: hit him again LULW JUST YOINK IT KEKW 100 dollars? you playin? LUL D: moon2A dont hurt anyone Kappa N OMEGALUL D: HOLY FUKC Jebaited LUL KEKW D: JEJW KEKW D: FREE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW LUL D: WTF LULW get it for free TriHard KEKW DO IT HIT HIM noo D: LULW D: STOP KNOCK HIM OUT punch him again wtf KEKW KILL HIM LMFAO PogChamp NO WAY LUL EZ Clap KEKW Shoot him and get your money back KEKW yea fair man 5 TriHard Clap 25 PogU D: EZ Clap LUL i must buy this game for pc eat his ass D: say what KEKW_SPAMMER matalo MORE kebunBBwain KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL KEKW mtalo Now kill him KEKW pepeLaugh shot him Kill his asss monkaW WTF kill shot him wheres he running ? KEKW KILL HIM sneaakyE KILL HIM KILLLL KILL HIM WTF SHOOT HIM KEKW Bought it fair and square KILL HIM sneakyE LuL KILL HIM NƠ NOT FALSE LULW KEKW 75% discount EZ KILL HIM moon2A LUL TRUE LULW no witnesses :) why not ? :) NO WITNESSES SEX HIM PUSSEY teake the wagon to the wagon fence. Kill him and take the money back HIT AND RUN sneakyE NO WITNESSES Sneaky tring for good guy ending ResidentSleeper nobody says that shit to you and lives @C9Sneaky EAT HIS ASS gachiHYPER KEKW LUL KEKW he's going to send banditos after you KKool 🎸 EAT HISASS BLACK FRIDAY BROOCH SALE 75% OFF PogU bad ending now didnt kill him PepeHands slurp his grundle KKool KKool AUTO'D YOU OUT KEKW KKona lmao its like Black fridat Being reasonable in a videogame ResidentSleeper ITS REASONABLE TO KILL HIM THERE good guy sneaky ResidentSleeper Good Guy Gameplay snowflake playthrough KEKW hes a good guy after all :) KKonaW Brewch Pepega @C9Sneaky just choose fuck you until he gives it for free KEKW chat did he rob the place yet Forgot to kill him cmonBruh widepeepoSad mary said not to kill anyone, hes just respecting wahmen A Brewch :D ratirlGentleman Kreygasm sexy time kill hrt pld LIP SYNC OMEGALUL chat you're a bunch of psychopaths WutFace Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer You finally getting the puss? C9Goodguy ResidentSleeper gachiHYPER Sneaky gameplay: no sex PepoThink I wonder how imagine beating someone to a pulp and then buying something from him DINDU the brooch PogU EZ gachiHYPER ITS TIME he did nothing LUL Kapp Kreygasm Kreygasm sex Sex time gachiW sexsex sex Kreygasm DATE peepoPog sex deny Sex LUL sex Pog HandsUp sexxx gachiW i'm fucking you rn Kreygasm IT'S TIME sex @Sitlec the place he was going to rob with the suit and tie Kreygasm sexx SEXX gachiHYPER Kreygasm Kreygasm sex SEX Kreygasm Kreygasm tit for tat Kreygasm peepoPog peepoPog peepoPog sexxx 😡 Eat her ass PogU HE'S IN YOURE IN! oh my cuppLewd something Kreygasm ITS TIME PagChomp !followage N OMEGALUL gachiBASS sneakyGasm gachiHYPER WE GOT A DATE BOIS ilost Kreygasm DO SOMETHING gachiW PogChamp Sex Kreygasm its time j71196 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days DO SOMETHING gachiW VoteYea do it sex TQ NO sex her LUL LUL LUL LUL fck her sex NAH IM GOOD DATE HER ammoLUL PauseChamp ? Kreygasm SEX DATE HER ANAL @Sitlec yes do it NO HEAD TO THE SEX DUNGEON gachiHYPER gachiHYPER SHE WANTS TO CUM Kreygasm you just said no bj in the theater Theater n Chill PauseChamp "teather" gachiW Show Ankle moon2L Netflix just handy <3 bait EAT HER ASS 😡 N OMEGALUL orther KKona nickiAYAYA peepoPog YOU SAID UH NO dont do it... it will lead no only pain simp PogYou SE X she wants it inside of her Kreygasm Okayga !followage sex her YEEEEEET move your cam lol we can't see the choices <3 SMOOTH YOU AND ME BOTH ARTHUR D: PepegaPls sex her D: oh sneakyGasm sneakyGasm fuck her D: ARR THOOR LOL chat so horny Okayga TeaTime friendzoned idfjkjshfjdhfv D: D: friend Weirdga D: FRIENDZONED Friend zoned LUL KEKW cmonBruh D: Sex her That 1900's back arch ... Kreygasm Thic everywhere D: friendzoned D: widepeepoHappy friendzoned KEKW oathD oathD Friendzoned cmonBruh D: PepeHands get a room Pepega D: OOF KEKW ZONED ABORT MISSION ftirendzoned D: FRIENDZONED FRIENDZONED FeelsBadman KKona <3 Friendzone D: FriendZoned handy in theatre FeelsBadMan friend LULW FRIENDZONED KEKW D: WTF D: friendzoned monkaW S E X Y T I M E B O Y S FeelsBadMan friend zoned KEKW FRIENDZONED PepeHands Shoot FREEND FRIENDZONED ONII-CHAN NO BAKA Pepege FriendZoned A BORT FRIENDZONED widepeepoSad FRIENDZONED KEKW FeelsBadMan OOF FRIEND LUL LUL fair enough KEKW FRIENDZONED FeelsBadMan friendzone peepoLeave WTF CHAT Okayga TeaTime Friendzoned FeelsBadMan SPECIAL "FRIEND" FRIENDZONED KEKW KEKW SadChamp Not Again OOF But you are hung gachiHYPER FRIENDZONED POGGERS! Friendzone LUL LUL FRIENDZONED PepeHand KEKW TRUE FRIEND HES ALREADY HUNG D: KEKW TRUEEEE KEKW Not getting the puss? peepoLeave HANG YOUR FRIENDS?! that's fucked up FRIENDZONED PepeHands sneakyFeels FREINDZONED FRIENDZONE friendzoned KEKW D: ratirlGentleman yes m'lady ratirlGentleman D: D: FeelsClassyMan KEKW D: WTF LULW FRIENDZONE :( D: COGGERS HotPokket D: LUL FRIENDZONED LULW WOAH THERE TOO FAR DL FRIENDZONED PepeHands oathD ULTRA CUCK OMEGALUL She caled you a pepega SEX HER MRS lacLaugh Frien cucked peepoLeave cucked peepoLeave cucked peepoLeave f for this man hey waduRage Sucking gachiBASS FRIENDZONED DansGame SadChamp Cucked SillyChamp MaN SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp SILLY gachiHYPER SillyChamp lacLaugh FRIENDZONED lacLaugh SillyChamp SillyChamp MaN SillyChamp what a bitch D: SillyChamp SillyChamp MaN DillyChamp SillyChamp show her your Monster Kreygasm SillyChamp KEKW SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp Silly Hamp ok SillyChamp SillyChamp SillyChamp silly widepeepoHappy deth blowjob in the theater gachiW SillyChamp SillyChamp Didn't pay KEKW SIllyChamp ANY SILLY MEN? SillyChamp he must be so smelly RIP Lincoln its a BLOOD FAIR! LINCOLN MURDER monkaW Tell abe linc to duck FeelsClassyMan Jhin behind the curtain inb4 Dutch is acting in an all male porn show @C9Sneaky You forgot the popcorn SillyChamp gachiHYPER YES monkaW Jhin Any Silly's? Kreygasm Kreygasm BLOWJOB IN THE THEATRE 100% Yes gachiBASS gachiHYPER yes gachiW LINCOLN MMURDER PepeHands gachiHYPER gachiW PUT YOUR ARM AROUND HER SillyChamp gachiW ues Kreygasm gachiHYPER gachiW is linclon there @C9Sneaky Pog lol gachiHYPER HandsUp monkaW Jhin monkaW Jhin monkaW Jhin monkaW Jhin PogChamp Kreygasm trap monkaW JHIN LUL gachiW gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER Inc Jhin PepegaPls yes plz Kreygasm Kreygasm pepeD This is actually Sex Show hand job POGGERS gachiHYPER D. gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER TIME FOR THEATRE Clap Pog PepegaPls skip ResidentSleeper pepeD pepeD pepeD POG PENIS TOUCH pepeJAMMER pepeLaugh Clap touch the tip Kreygasm everyone had Body odour in those days Pog Clap HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER FeelsClassyMan don't skip PogChamp Clap cmonBruh WHO WH OMEGALUL I feel welcomed thanks :) boob SHOOT theatre handy let's goooo WeirdChamp Arthur PepegaPls NERO WTF LUL Clap Nero AYAYA kekw side boob DansGame Since Nero.......LUL KEKW LMAOOOO SEX NOW heckle him LUL moon2M poop hehe WeirdChamp Arthur LULW SUCK IT WOMEN Kreygasm WeirdChamp talking during the show LMAOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PADORU PADORU TIME KEKW haHAA "WOO" KEKW arthur KEKW WeirdChamp Wtf pepeLaugh SINAN SNEAKY STREAMT KEKW KEKW MOE KEKW Shott him ANELE Anal hecklers WeirdChamp monkaW STALLING WeirdChamp what a dick PogU KEKW snakes i'm excited forsenCD any magicians ? Pog PogU moe monkaS m-magic WHOA they have MOE! SHOOT HIM KEKW 😡😡😡 eat ass joker PogU haHAA true KEKW D: D: HURRY THE FUCK UP DansGame 🐍 D: SHOOT HIM D: POGSLIDE D: SHOOT HIM Eat his ass sneaky, the crowd will love it Wooo Shoot this man zfgMan PICK A CARD forsenCD ✨ THE TWO OF WIVES? forsenCD ✨ EXCELLENT CHOICE forsenCD ✨ aversion to manual labor amen to that SEX HIM :mad: kill him kill him 😡 Hurry up and fuck already kill him zfgMad D: POGSLIDE STALLING WeirdChamp PauseChamp ? PauseChamp Jhin PauseChamp SHOOT HIMSHOOOT HIM Clap WeirdChamp Clap fuck Robin PICK A CARD forsenCD ✨ THE TWO OF WIVES? forsenCD ✨ EXCELLENT CHOICE forsenCD ✨ Clap WH OMEGALUL ? Clap PauseChamp Clap pepeJAMMER WH OMEGALUL CUMINSKY Clap not naked 😡 W H OMEGALUL W H OMEGALUL ? SHOOT SillyChamp Clap Pepega Clap Pog yes she can JAM BAND PogU pepeJAM @C9Sneaky eat his ass sneaky, the crowd will love it jazz FUCK U KEKW gachiBASS Clap SHOOT Is this Blessthefalll gig? LUL OkayChamp \ Clap PauseChamp it's Clare and the Reasons MMMF gachiHYPER TriHard SEX HER! MAKE YOUR MOVE graphics pog @Sitlec -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] HotPokket She's not sucking your peepee SadChamp pepeDance SHOOTT @C9Sneaky ur cam is in the way of the options shoot her PogU HotPokket pepeD Pog pepeJAM pepeD pepeD You'll be here for a moment. She's not the only act. pepeD pepeDance don't talk woman pepeJAM PepegaPls kiss her pepeD pepeJAM pepeD PepegaShake FeelsClassicMan pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD Shake dat Bi pepeD pepeD pepeJAM KKool pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD Omg just shoot her??? PepegaShake SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls pepeJAM pepeD smash her pepeD PepeDance pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD_ SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls pepeJAM Clap pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Clap THIS IS MY JAM pepeD u cute PepoDance gachiBASS pepeD Clap Kiss HER headBang RIP VOD PepeDance pepeJAMMER PepoDance YOU SHOULD GET OUT ITS LOST TIME pepeD pepeJAM pepeDance pepeDance pepeJAM pepeDance FeelsGoodMan Clap pepeD PepegaShake KKool PepeDance CLAP pepeD Is this The Decemberists? Kappa PepeD pepeJAM OkayChamp Shoot her TriDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeDance SMOrc ME HUNGRY SMOrc ME FOOD PepoDance pepeD pepeDance 󠀀 PepoDance PepoDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepegaPls PepePls PepegaShake pepeDance pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Everybody get up and dance1 GO TO THE STAGE LEAN OVER BRO @C9Sneaky pepeD WeirdChamp Arthur pepeDance pepeD GAW DDAMN pepeD pepeDance pepeDance SourPls gachiHYPER IT'S TIME pepeJam pepeJam pepeJam pepeJam pepeJam SHOOT HER IN LEG KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance KKool 🍷 pepeD pepeD PepegaAim pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeD pepeD SourPls pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 okay its growing on me! PogU shoot her PogU NO NUTS OVER NO NUTS OVER NO NUTS OVER Kreygasm pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance KKona 📣 that's pretty good mlady Sneaky Dance pls pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 LUL! pepeDancepepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance sneakyClaus Clap SourPls pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 FeelsClassyMan Clap pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Sneaky dance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 san dani pepeDance boomer pepeD pepeDance Let's sing along1 N o o; pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance sneakyYeehaw pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Sunny D pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD pepeJAM I pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD oh yea Pog gachiHYPER pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM one retard spam LULW pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 neat pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeDance brothels gachiHYPER KKool it's french you philistine FeelsClassyMan wineTime pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance . pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD pepeJAM KEKW LMAO gachiBASS hoodoo? FeelsClassyMan 🍷 Jolly good show KKona PepeD LULW KEKW CUCK HER pepeFuck pepeDance WeirdChamp Arthur WeirdChamp Arthur pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance LuL Make your move before this ends @C9Sneaky pepeD pepeD pepeD PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls KKona MELT MY HEART KEKW LUL Arthur: pepeDance arthur fanboying pepeD pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD can you pull gun out right now? Dance with her KKool Clap KKool Clap KKool Clap KKool Clap LUL jw pepeD sneakyGasm sneakySoTroll i like song just wait pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance 󠀀 KKool WeirdChamp PepegaAim WHAT IS THAT DANCING OMEGALUL pepeDance Shoot her pepeJAM ? Clap EAT HER ASS gachiHYPER FeelsClassyMan wineTime Exquisite singing if i say so myself sadChamp monkaW D: PepePls PepePls PepePls ? Pull out your penis gun which gun out? Kappa put your arms around her load your revolver and get ready LUL Grab her dick 5 Hours later pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @C9Sneaky we can't see bottom right btw take her cloths off ? SHOOT THEEM NOT THAT GUN gachiHYPER Dance with them shoot her pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm touch her pee pee Pull your PP our gachiHYPER gachiW Whip it OUT PepegaShake GRAB HER DICK Look around Pog pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance SadChamp cant shoot SadChamp LULW Arthur: pepeDance SHOOOT Pepega KKool PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls FRENCH PEPED KKool WOO HOO WOOOOOO peepoWee PepegaShake GRAB HER DICK moon2A ANTAGONIZE ANTAGONIZE massage her vagene Kreygasm pepeD SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega FeelsClassyMan wineTime cant see top right cant gun down every NPC like a psychopath feelsbadman pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepePls PepePls PepePls exit pull out your "gun" Kappa sandy knee Pog WHOOOOOOOOOOOO bourgeois scum ANTAGONISE\ Here Sneaky goes again, killing communities WeirdChamp LMFAO KEKW KEKW LMAOOO KEKW KEKW Hunny KEKW KEKW LUL Clap KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW WTF moon2D KEKW LOL Clap Clap WeirdChamp KEKW KEKW D: Clap Pog Clap KEKW LOL KEKW d: Calp D: KEKW KEKW D: KEKW EXIT THEATER PauseChamp Clap haha time to exit KEKW D: Clap Clap shoot the drummer first then they can't keep the beat D: CLAP D: KEKW D: what D: Clap EXIT THIS BITCH KEKW peepoLeave Clap D: Clap Kappa Clap WRAP IT UP DOMEY 4Weird wrap it up domer only one song? KEKW lmaoooooooooo KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL D: moon2L HAHAHHA LULW LULW peepoLeave D: Clap KEKW Jesus D. ztf KEKW KEKW Drinking game: Every time they say St Denis skull a beer KEKW SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega 2/10 LULW LULW LULW KEKW SHOOT HIM KKona HELL YA BROTHER gachiW beta orbiter weirdchampagne AHHHH gachiW FeelsClassyMan Clap peepoLeave peepoLeave kreygasm yes EXIT D: Clap no You can make a move before you leave the theater @C9Sneaky peepoLeave Arthur is so horned up gachiHYPER beta orbiter WeirdChamp Kreygasm O KEKW Clap cock roach gachiW AHHH gachiHYPER Kreygasm HA 4HEad PUT YOUR ARM AROUND HER peepoLeave monkaW HA monkaW gachiHYPER TAME MY BEAST yeaaaaa charm that cockroach 4HEad 3HEad HAHAHAHAH Exit theater !!< ----- FeelsClassyMan wineTime HEY BUDDY SHUT THE FUCK UP 4Weird STRANGE WOMEN KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm PogU 4HEad HAHAHAHAH Oh yea PogU Clap monkaS i'm scared Clap Kreygasm KEKW moon2L HYPERCLAP SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega Kreygasm OOOOH gachiW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW gachiW ooooooooooh Ooh Pog moon2L OOOOOO Kreygasm I LOST Kreygasm Kreygasm moon2L Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm PogU ooooo monkaW umm moon2L Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW PogU Kreygasm BRING OUT THE TITS Kreygasm Kreygasm I LOST BELLY DANCE Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm gachiW YES gachiW LUL Kreygasm I LOST Kreygasm monkaW Kreygasm PauseChamp Oooooooh PogChamp HandsUp THANK FUCK ITS DECEMBER NOW gachiHYPER HandsUp FeelsClassyMan wineTime tobiasFLAME PunOko Don't Gachi Women monkaS New strange Kreygasm PogU HYPERCLAP I CANT WIN Kreygasm oh PogU W gachiBASS M E N Pog PogU monkaX CLOSER gachiHYPER FIRE POG PogChamp monkaW Brand dance KEKW Kreygasm pog THICCIE SNACKY THICC Kreygasm Kreygasm Woah Damn Kreygasm monkaS SET YOUR FARTS ON FIRE gachiW PowerUpL gachiW PowerUpR qiyana casPog THICC Kreygasm PowerUpL TwitchLit PowerUpR LULW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm WOW FeelsClassyMan wineTime @C9Sneaky ΒΑΝΝΕD monkaW brand ANELE jam you done with lol for tn? Kreygasm ASS monkaW Clap Kreygasm HYPERCLAP pepeD I've seen enough Final Destination flicks to know where this is going monkaW Kreygasm FeelsClassyMan wineTime SNACKY MY BOI transwNervous Kreygasm im finna bussa nut 😡 FeelsClassy ANELE Clap Clap monkaW monkaW LUL SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega monkaX ye Damn she thicc gachiBASS PepegaShake FeelsClassyMan antagonize LITTTY 😂 sounds like a song from avatar last air bender ANELE LUL Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm LOSING Kreygasm @C9Sneaky BANNEDD moon2L blue balls night SadChamp LMAO KEKW KEKW wow !uptime terrorists LUW Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 26 minutes CLAPPP KEKW Kreygasm gachiBASS' KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHA kekw ME TOO gachiW KEKE KEKW KEKW pokiLOL ME TOO gachiW KEKW i see new cosplay @C9Sneaky KEKW KEKW thirsty arthur KEKW LULW Look at the moves Pog LULW Arthur LUL LULW HOT THINGS gachiW KEKW KEKW KEKW Wooohooo that’s what I’m talking about Kreygasm Clap PauseChamp Kreygasm BOOOOO KEKW KEKW look at mary you can hug her CHEER gachiW antagonize @C9Sneaky on a date and trying to smash the fire bender SeemsGood fucking Arthur holy shit KEKW PepePls LUL squadW PauseChamp PepePls 󠀀 'LLU Keep trying to make your move EZ Imagine if she fell KEKW BOOOOOO GET HER OFF THE STAGE squadW KEKW moon2D D: KEKW LMAOOOOOOO KEKW lol D: LULW KEKW D: LULW KEKW D: D: LOL pepeLaugh HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW D: D: HAHAHAHA D: lol KEKW LULW D: KEKW LULW OMEGALUL KEKW ARTHUR KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW lmao racist LULW BM D: sneakyD pepeLaugh SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega SHOOOT Pepega KEKW squadW my man OMEGALUL KEKW D: WOAH LULW @C9Sneaky ANTAGONIZE KKona 7 cmonBruh That booty bouncin 🔥 KKona stfu authur no one like you KKona KKona KKona Clap D: CurseLit PepePls CurseLit sneakyYeehaw KKona KKona YEEEE HAW KKona YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWW sneakyYeehaw Target mary squadW KKool sneakyYeehaw KKona KKona YEEHAW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKona KKona Clap KKool KKona HECKLERS WeirdChamp KKool YEE HAW sneakyYeehaw KKona sneakyYeehaw PepePls 🔥 KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool sneakyYeehaw KKona gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw ResidentSleeper please target mary now ama I'm in my class room and just fi ni CurseLit PepePls CurseLit . KKona sneakyYeehaw finished my exam D: D: sneakyYeehaw Bipolar audience Pepega gachiW D: LMAOOOOOOOO KEKW leave theatre D: moon2D D: KEKW TRUE KEKW D: ARTHUR KEKW SadChamp OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW KEKW wth pepeLaugh TRUE TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW KEKW WTF KEKW @WintersWard howd u do nick D: TRUE KEKW sneakyD KEKW KEKW KEKW SHOOT HER PepegaAim HAHAHA TRUE KEKW LMFAOOOOO D: FeelsBadMan BAN ARTHUR KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh widepeepoSad TRUE true though KEKW D: tRUEEEEEEE ResidentSleeper some of them are savage af KEKW D: @sitlec pretty good I think @C9Sneaky look at mary you can hug her KEEP ANTAGONIZING KEKW fgaddamn hecklers dude exit theater KEKW KEKW widepeepoHug hug her :) @WintersWard good shit homie ✋ KEKW widepeepoSad i wet to fire dancing college for this widepeepoSad stop it, get some help KEKW Try pressing Triangle :) LOOK AT MARY AND MAKE A MOVE BM KEKW EZ PogU Kreygasm make a move Pog 😳 Pog PogU gachiHYPER gachiHYPER EZ PogU ? Kreygasm PogU Make A Move PogU Make a move gachiW Pog LULW Kreygasm ITS TIME OMG bipolar audience Kapp Pog ? Pog SMOOTH YES YIKES POG PauseChamp gachiW finger her in the dark EZ ohhhhhhhhh PogYou PogU Kreygasm monkaW Pog HandsUp smooth Pog Pog PogU Pog PogYou Clap SMOOTH BETA PogChamp LUL TOUGH HER LULW DO IT Pog TOS SLIP IT IN widepeepeSad monkaS wtf i cant see LLOOL PogU OOOOOH KEKW RIP EZ KEKW OMG i lost yes sneaky yes KEKW KEKW WE'RE IN CHAT HandsUp KEKW KEKW LUL Jebaited ROFL LuL LULW WTF KEKW BETA LULW BITCHED OUT KEKEW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW CUCKED PUSSY KEKW SO SMOOTH KEKW Jebaited KEKW Jebaited LULW Jebaited KEKW Nope PUSSIED OUT LULW Jebaited LULW KEKW Jebaited Jebaited REJECTED ROFL BETA ONE CHANCE LULW BETA KEKW Oh Pog Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited DESTROYED KEKW KEKW oufff KEKW BETA KEKW finger blasting in the theatre Jebaited KEKW Jebaited KEKW YOU GOTTA DO IT AGAIN KEKW CUCKED SIMP KEKW BETA WeirdChamp Beta EZ TRY AGAIN elloFail backed out pussa cant see cmonBruh Jebaited BRO GOT 0 GAME LUL LUL cringe tbh TOUCH HER PEE PEE KEKW KEKW Just leave monkaW Sneaky lovin the fire dance Beeeeetaaaaaaa FRINEZONED KEKW We're in EZ Clap BLIND KEKW rip ??????? OOF BETA CUCK LULW DENIED KEKW Wow fire dan.... ResidentSleeper FAP EACH OTHER gachiBASS pepeLaugh SadChamp BabyRage FeelsBadMan nooooooooo KISS HER SNEAKY SO BETA KEKW DENIED KEKW BLIND??? KEKW Clap WERE JUST FRIENDS zfgRunOgre BETA CUCK KEKW PauseChamp Clap B E T A toxicxFire BETA beta cuck NOW KISS THEY YAWN AND STRETCH! THE ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE! finally KEKW SadChamp FriendzoneD LILW beta actually blind LMFAO Pussy destroyer PeppegaP @C9Sneaky exit buddy finger her friend zone Clap women too spooky monkaW No FeelsBadMan You jsut have sex 5head Beta cucky KEKW SadChamp Kreygasm gachiW Snacc lovin the 🔥 dance gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW this is the last act. gachiHYPER women monkaW gachiW @C9Sneaky LUL Women sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 women monkaW COCKCORN gachiHYPER FeelsClassyMan wineTime 4Head gachiW Yes HandsUp lol haHAA 4Head 4HEad 4Head 4Head xqcF Get off the stage!!! Kreygasm HAHAHAHA 4HEad 4Head gachiW moon2L Kreygasm Kreygasm gachiW Kreygasm KEKW gachiW Pepega TOS monkaW Kreygasm Kreygasm OH YES HandsUp gachiHYPER 4Head Kreygasm OH Kreygasm BRING EM OUT Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm this is why eu is so good PauseChamp Pog Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm WOah gachiHYPER YES 5Head Ban ME TOO Kreygasm KappaPride gachiBASS KEKW gachiHYPER GAY gay KEKW sneakyPride LULW Kreygasm banned wha ? Kreygasm gay gachiBASS gachiHYPER YESSSS KappaPride KappaPride LULW GAY gachiBASS KappaPride GAY pARIS Kreygasm HandsUp WHAT NOW gachiW KEKW monkaS wait what LEC sneakyPride GOOOY KEKW KEKW KEKW gachiBASS gachiHYPER KappaPride KappaPride GACHI LULW KappaPride KappaPride gay KEKW KappaPride let's go bois NAKED MEN IN THE LEC FINALLY gachiHYPER GAY KEKW gachiHYPER PARIS gachiW KappaPride monkaS gachiBASS KappaPride paris NAKED MEN gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP HandsUp IM AWAKE RAM RANCH Pog GAY PARIS gachiHYPER WE FOUND RAM RANCH pepeD wtf pepeJAM BRONZIL is this RAM ranch KappaPride RAM RENCH gachiHYPER KEKW KappaPride Keepo KappaPride monkaW gachiHYPER TRAPS ppHop WutFace gachiW pepeD paris gat women DansGame HandsUp pepeD 󠀀 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeJAM WeirdChamp WeirdChamp wtf THOSE ARE TRAPS WeirdChamp Traps LULW Pog KEKW thats their idea of naked scammed WutFace pepeD KEKW PepegaPls KEKW gachiBASS PepegaPls KEKW MAKE YOUR MOVE AGAIN pepega PepegaPls 󠀀 gachiW HYPERCLAP PepegaPls gay paris got nothing on ram ranch gachiHYPER VOD MUTED KEKW THICC ENHANCE PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls IM ABOUT TO BLOW MY LOAD PepegaPls 󠀀 arTHUR ppOverheat ppOverheat ppOverheat MAKE A MOVE NOW 4Weird PepegaPls WAIT FOR IT Pog 😡 BOO THEM PogU SHITTTTY gachiHYPER PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls kind like the french cancan Pepega wrong version 😡 WeirdChamp Clap @C9Sneaky make a move PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW 4Weird pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 Boooo KEKW KKool MaldChamp EZ MAKE A MOVE PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls MAKE ANTAGONIZE LULW PepegaPls pepeD LuL !followage WeirdChamp sneakyLUL sneaky is c9 again? PepegaPls THOSE PANTALOONS Kreygasm faulty_lad has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 8 months, 2 days PepegaShake PHONY KEKW EZ MAKE A MOVE make a move MAKE A MOVE pepeD BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack Kreygasm Okayga Clap Okayga Clap Okayga Clap Okayga Clap Okayga Clap Okayga Clap Okayga Clap pepeJam KEKW Found the gay! pepeD shameless squadW ✋ KEKW KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls gachiW make a mover MAKE A MOVE DansGame This Guys a Phony AMUSING KEKW TRUE KEKW PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PepegaPls PepePls ANTAGONIZE Kreygasm I SAW THEIR WHITE PANTS PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Clap Clap PepegaShake pepeJAMMER PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 WAIT PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog PepegaShake KEKW grab her thigh 😡 headphone immersion kreygasm LMAO pepeJAM moon2D PepegaPlsShake D: KEKW AHAHAHAHA LULW you had one chance D: KEKW OMEGALUL D: D: true KEKW KEKW You fucked up the storyline with her now 😡 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW D: Grab her ass PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls dance with me chat PepegaPls girls ? !time December 2nd 2019, 3:15:45 am PST GMT-08:00 PANTY SHOT moon2L u have to cheer to make move Finger blast her Kreygasm Kreygasm MAKE YOUR MOVE at least the song is Pog PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega 4HEad ez thicc PepePls 4HEad PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad EleGiggle 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad MAKE YOUR MOVE 4Head 3Head kiss herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo Kreygasm 4HEae Pog pantsu AYAYA WHERE ARE THE NAKED LADIES >:((((( pepeD That's all we need gachiW PepegaPls 4HEad Pog 4HEad 4hEAD 4HEad 5Head Pog I can see her trousers. So erotic Kreygasm AYAYAWeird FeelsWeirdMan 4HEad MAKE YOUR MOVE pepeD BAN ARTHUR KEKW 4Hea KEKW 4Head 4HEad KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls D: moon2D Kappa 4Head 4Head PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls D: KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls gachiBASS PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Showing your back to the crowd FeelsWeirdMan D: MAKE YOUR MOVE pepeD farfaAYAYA kiss her farfaAYAYA gachiBASS PepegaPls monkaW CAN, CAN U DO THE CAN CAN PepegaPls D: CAN YOU DO THE CAN CAN? elloDerp touch BOB PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 gachiBASS PepegaPls gachiBASS PepegaPls gachiBASS PepegaPls gachiBASS PepegaPls AYAYAWeird PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake Boo nb3YIKES MAKE YOUR MOOOOOOOOOOOVE PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD WeirdChamp SEX HER RIGHT NOW gachiW PRESS L2 FOR GOOD SAKE @C9Sneaky You have to cheer to make a move D: YEESSSSSSSSS god KEKW sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo KappaPride Maybe he has to cheer more i dunno KEKW EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 NOT THE DUDE gachiHYPER KEEP THE DUDE. gachiBASS booing sure turns her on Kappa where is the music coming from? D: toxic squadW KEKW gachiW Clap Clap WE WANT MORE KEKW OMEGALUL It would have been better if they didn’t wear anything underneath TPFufun bipolar KEKW Grab some titty Sneaky DansGame @c9sneaky PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls OMEGALUL :tf: ariW @notninezero -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 @C9Sneaky Keep cheering or she'll think you're a dick KEKW Claps KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEEP THE DUDE gachiW BIPOLAR KEKW BIPOLAR ARTHUR KEKW OMEGALUL It would have been better if they didn’t wear anything underneath KEKW kekw D: PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 exit plas KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Kreygasm backside BACKSIDE moon2L KEKW KEKW It would have been better if they didn’t wear anything underneathHh KEKW PIECE OF POPCORN WOW panties Kreygasn FANNIES moon2L AMAZING WeirdChamp A M A Z I N TWERKING moon2L HOLY FU K LOOK AT HER AND PRESS L2 shipANGERY shipANGERY Pog I SEE EVERYTHING kreygasm sneaky is so Pepega FANNIES Kreygasm Kreygasm "fannies" Weirdga bipolar audience Kapp HandsUp Kreygasm KEKW Clap Kreygasm Make it stop OhMyDog Okayga Clap PogU Clap i lost Kreygasm SAN DENI PEOPLE ARE THIRSTY empty yoh awkward clean ass TWERK TWERK TWERK french girls Kreygasm Clap damn man PauseChamp Clap SadChamp :( eat her ass sneaky moon2A SadChamp CUCKED KEKW SadChamp PepeHands STANDING OVATION FOR THEM WOW KEKW SadChamp i should get clip SadChamp Mission failed bois FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad SadChamp PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer no standing ovation weirdchampagne SadChamp WutFace PRESS L2 FFS L22222 SadChamp you fucked up the storyline with her 😡 get arthur laid WeirdChamp friend zoned PepeHands WeirdChamp SadChamp no boobs? cucked hard piss in her mouth snacky sneaky will forever be a virgin PepeHands pepeLaugh PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer SAD WILLY FeelsBadMan Clap SadChamp SadChamp Self Cuck KEKW Kreygasm true Kreygasm SHOW FEET N OMEGALUL gachiHYPER SadChamp Yes they are gachiW gachiW spent HES SPENT gachiGASM FeelsClassyMan wineTime nice try tho sneaky gachiW SadChamp 4Head OkayChamp gachiBASS gachiW SPENT WeirdChamp Pepega Incredulous SadChamp nicely done No LOADS SPENT gachiHYPER gachiW moon2BRAIN INCREDULOUS MORE ASS gachiW WE FAILED SadChamp Make a move already monkaS XD antagonize him :) PepeHands Antagonize monkaS CUM BACK gachiW 15 min show KEKW Where's Ram Ranch? WeirdChamp N OMEGALUL oof peepoLeave Storyline ruined KEKW NO 4HEad mission failed we'll get em next time peepoLeave peepoLeave SaqdChamp mission failed PepeHandz IT'S OVER widepeepoSad ANYWAY zfgAnyway CLap Clap Already over, SCAM KEKW peepoLeave peepoLeave out clap her Bad end KEKW peepoLeave widepeepoHappy Clap PepeHands widepeepoSad mzt5 subscribed with Twitch Prime. peepoLeave peepoLeave PepeHands peepoLeave peepoLeave they're a lot of diff shows actually wheres the magic? peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave widepeepoHappy was it peepoLeave peepoHappy fun now time to fuck sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 peepoLeave peepoLeave EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 EAT HER ASS 😡 peepoLeave SCAM peepoLeave peepoLeave 󠀀 peepoLeave great widepeeposad to the T R OMEGALUL L L Y peepoLeave peepoLeave Pog widepeepoSad sure FeelsWierdMan 4Weird peepoLeave peepoLeave eat her ass 😡 PepeHands PepeHands pee. right now on her. Kreygasm widepeepoSad yes ye Grab Her Dick moon2L widepeepoSad PepeHands SadChamp EAT HER ASS zfgMad EAT HER ASS zfgMad EAT HER ASS zfgMad EAT HER ASS zfgMad EAT HER ASS zfgMad EAT HER ASS zfgMad F no PepeHands tes mary a QT SeemsGood incredulous SeemsGood STILL A VIRGIN KEKW widepeepoSad PogU widepeepoSad pepeHands YES 4Weird PepeHands PepeHands SadChamp widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad Kappa PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD widepeepoHappy PepeHands PogU DO IT eat her ass widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Awwww widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad no PogU DO IT PepeHands PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad N OMEGALUL widepeepoSad Kreygasm do it snacky BibleThump peepoLeave no widepeepoSad run arthur SadChamp widepeepoSad 󠀀 widepeeposad widepeepoSad PepeHands I WANT TO PepeHands N OMEGALUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Bad end Kapp Kapp widepeepoSad widepeepoSad no KEKW widepeepoSad RUN widepeepoSad run arthur wtf No DansGame go to australia 4Head no widepeepoSad OWH MAN tongue fuck her asshole 😡 widepeepoSad oh nyooo gay peepoLeave bro before hoes NA ITS FREE KEKW he's never going to forget what could have been widepeepoSad RUN FORREST RUNNNNN Bruh he has 3 grand D: Muneh KKonaW go to Tahiti and make Dutch jealous widepeepoSad OH NYOOOO widepeepoSad His voice xD Donate to him some Sneaky PepeHands BibleThump wtf he shaved and got a haircut SadChamp widepeepoSad noo widepeepoSad NotLikeThis BibleThump WutFace widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SadChamp SadChamp PepeHands dammit Arthur just go widepeepoSad widepeepoSad HAD LULW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad do it pepehands widepeepoSad sneakyNLT PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad wtf widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SadChamp Follows the damn train ver 2.0 KEKW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad zfgSad zfgAnyway Mary ,<3 PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands not like this widepeepoSad widepeepoSad 󠀀 rip Arthur's lovelife :( widepeepoSad Make A move SadChamp widepeepoSad Thats you and lynn widepeepoSad bye Mary widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad sad THE ONE THT GOT AWAY CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES, @C9Sneaky EZ DODGED A BULLET widepeepoSad OH NYOO BibleThump widepeepoSad Blue Balls brother no netflix and chill PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Still a virgin rip widepeepoSad widepeepoSad no way k thx bai sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEB2 FUH DAH BIH Now go find urself a nice whore PogYou POGGERS she had the clap NotSoEZ GOLD PogU widepeepoSad When you just can't PepeHands EZ PogU PogU PogU Pog PogU OneHand Mary widepeeposad BibleThump.. all i wanted was some puss A GOLD PogU zfgGoldOgre widepeepoSad PogChamp EZ Pog widepeepoSad gold widepeepoHappy !followage Pog Clap Pog CLIP IT aquatickz has been following C9Sneaky for just now Gold Elo PogYou Pog choosing dutch over mary LUL Time to be gay KappaPride ;( The voices and animation off for anyone else? GOLD PLAYER PogYou MLG EZ Not even Challenger KEKW BLACKJACK NON LCS SMURF PogYou !followage HYPERS No smash after peepoLeave 2 golds whole playthrough KEKW Buy some new clothes @C9Sneaky \!followage go to Sadie !followage LUL cmonBruh who? TriHard What jack ? cmonBruh jack cmonBruh Do stranger missions 😡 GET FRIENDZONED TwitchVotes FOR GOLD KEKW xqcM LULW good morning bro KILL SOME WHORES PogU who needs a long term relstionship when u can bang hoes every day ratirlBusiness WideHard Salon KEKW xqcY cmonBruh cmonBuh Jack WHat? pepeD Become Jack the Ripper 😡 pepeJAM PepegaPls Pepega 🎺 AngelThump pepeJAM pepeD 󠀀 pepeJAM KEKW HYPERCLAP ROB KEKW kill him find the Saint Denis vampire omg pepeDance R2 pepeJAM KEKW KEKW rob Pog WeirdChamp LULW KEKW DansGame KEKW AIM WEAPON LUL RUINED KEKW hey mister KEKW KEKW pepeDKEKW LULW LULW ???? AUTISM Hey, mister. :) чВ KEKW KEKW KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW 4Weird Clap KEKW KEKW WeirdChamp You can rob him KEKW KekW LUL KEKW OMEGALUL WeirdChamp that was awkward as fuck WeirdChamp arthur Pepega LMAO Pepega WRONG HORSE OMEGALUL Pepega yasuo in red dead KEKW Headbanger whir animal 🐴 WTF check stables ✋ WeirdChamp arthur D: animal WutFace forsenT Wrong horse Buy some new clothes @C9Sneaky D: Go drink ur friendzone away @C9Sneaky are you a good cowboy or a bad cowboy? doesnt even have white arabian LULW dalmation horese Pepega forsenT yes, horse is indeed an animal you cant see anything in this game holy shit WutFace @C9Sneaky hunt for the arabian horse D: widepeepoSad Don't abandon your horse horsie widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky hunt for the arabian horse Pog widepeepoHappy new horsie leftr what's wrong with PogU Buy a new outfit @C9Sneaky Hunt the white arabian? old horsey PepeHands HORSEY widepeepoHappy LUL Pepega Pepega @toasterstrdl -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiW Keep original 😡 🐴 that's not a horse that's a pegasus Kreygasm HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp Hunt the white horse @C9Sneaky @c9sneaky hunt white arabian??? ratirlMangoS we saw it PepeLaugh widepeepoHappy How dare you betray your starter horse BibleThump D: widepeepoSad wtf his sponsers block the menuing lol D: D: PogU EXPENSIVE HORSES monkaW buy it PogU BUY THAT these are shit buy it Pog sPEED @C9Sneaky best 2 are arabian and missori foxtrote If you get the Arabian you're a basic bitch gachiBASS stronk horse PogU PogChamp buy it Pog buy it Pog buy it Pog buy it Pog GO BIG OR GO HOME PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Just get the Arabian WALKER widepeepoSad its a sexy horsue Just hunt the white version of that buy it buy it Pog buy it Pog buy it Pog GUCCI HORSE POG BUY OP HORSE Pog ELITE PogU UITS MADE FOR SPEED Pepega perfect! no Go hunt the white horse @C9Sneaky HORSEY PepegaAim Arubian Pogu PogU PogU FAST AF Pog It's a real nice horse once you get bonded with it. Just hunt the white Arabian in the snow @C9Sneaky u can get one for free just hunt for the arabian one turkoman or arabian You can catch Arabian in the wild LULW ANELE @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free fastest fck boi handling: Elite @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free ANELE 4Head KEKW LULW Hunt free white one If you're actually gonna betray your starting horse u can this one for free all the way west @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky u can get one for free arabian horse PogU You can tame the best one in the north for free @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free Chat Jensen GET THE FREE ONE cummies arabians are nice, but they're kinda small and skiddish LYNN! HECARIM ANELE clap Big Cock DB cow ZEUS Hecarim KEKW my little pony name it CHAT HECARIM Pog LYNN gachiW Turkoman > Arabian LULW Snack COOMLORD METEOS HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp hecarim KEKW Mary @C9Sneaky You can get it for free NAME IT METEOS Roach @C9Sneaky u can get one for free @C9Sneaky u can get one for free Hecarim Meteos Sneaky Meteos Snacky hecarim gunther Bad Dragon gachiHYPER METEOS KEKW HORSE COCK PogU Big Cock MIKE HAWK Arab BoJack BigDong @C9Sneaky Mr. Meme JENSEN\\ JENSEN KEKW Horsen Dew it HECARIM Pog JUCK FACK Roach name it AYAYA hecarim KEKW JannaDong PogU Memeos riding metoes :) don't spend D: KEKW METEOS KEKW sneakyJensen Cloud 8 Pog Jensen Pog PogU Pog yes Pog LYNN, so you can ride it Kappa POGGERS D: Hecarimmm Sanic @C9Sneaky name him ferare Pog KEKW KEKW horsen @C9Sneaky ASS HandsUp HandsUp Jensen KEKW gachiW @C9Sneaky name him ferrare LUL PogU Pog JENSEN KEKW D: ITS MEANT TO BE PogU Jensen PogU @C9Sneaky name him ferrari KEKW KEKW KEKW NAME IT JENSEN KEKW Name it after me Pog LOLOLOL KEKW @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari JENSEN HandsUp sneakyJensen RAMMUS LULW RUSH HORSEN forsenHead sneakyJensen pog Pog its meant to be ride on jensen KappaPride riding Jensen jsut like IRL KEKW @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari KEKW HandsUp my horse HandsUp JOE TL Jensen PogU yensee-poo did he sleep with her or not yet NOT INCARNATION WeirdChamp Smeagl RIDING JENSEN Kreygasm JENSEN gachiW riding jensen LUL its a female did that horse just fart? @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari @C9Sneaky name him ferrari slap jensen gachiBASS jensen because he took you for a fuckin RIDE $5 KEKW isnt you name the horse in zelda jensen too @c9sneaky RUSH R U S H KEKW @jensen KEKW SELL IT Pog JOEEEE KEKW KEKW RIDING JENSEN gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP JENSEN CARRYING YOU AGAIN KEKW pvmanKappa RIDE JENSEN gachiGASM snacky loves Jensen so much Ride Jensen gachiHYPER KEKW Female horse? Slap JENSEN'S ASS gachiW R3 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 hey there Ride Jensen gachiHYPER RIDE JENSEN gachiHYPER Arabian horses are tiny KEKW STROKE JENSEN'S NAPE gachiHYPER drain? since when jensen's ass is so big? TUNING CAR SPANK JENSEN gachiHYPER no penis KEKW Yeah, but can you make the horse balder like jensen too? BIGGER SACK gachiHYPER ANELE my horse top tier flexing in rdr KEKW Pimp My Jensen gachiHYPER gachiHYPER so big If you're actually gonna betray your starting horse u can this one for free all the way west in the snow past a lake on its West Bank @C9Sneaky RIDE JENSEN BAREBACK!! wtf saddle too big RIDE JENSEN gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP betraying starting horse 😡 KEKW peepoBlonket KEKW sneakyD KEKW KEKW ResidentSleeper game am I right blanket is under. fluffy dice ? MALDING KEKW KEKW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER hairy Mange Horse monkaW KEKW gachiHYPER Kreygasm gachiW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER sneakyJensen is there a DDOS accessory WutFace Senna Rat WutFace ANAL BEED TAIL gachiHYPER JENSEN ASS LOL gachiHYPER KEKW ? SPANK IT gachiHYPER omg the poor animal looks liek a hyena degens MANE LULW care package KEKW Stimulant gachiW gachiW horse reviver if you don't have one gachiW STIMULANT gachiW BUY SOME KETAMINE gachiHYPER BUY SOME HORSE TRANQUILIZER hay hay hay :) 4Weird gachiW oh yeah do it HORSE ERECTION STIMULANT gachiHYPER SPECIAL K JENSEN gachiHYPER eat the horse stimulant Pepega looks like two halves of different horses LUL PIMPED RIDE PogU Kreygasm Sadie KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW horse viagra $7.50 KEKW KEKW TRUEEEE did u sleep with the mary KEKW KEKW FireSpeed LOL SCAMMED Jebaited SCAMMED KEKW SCAMMED KEKW KEKW SCAMMED NAME A MORE ICONIC DUO OTHER THAN SNACKY AND JENSEN >:(( Jebaited yOU'RE IN THE CITY gachiBASS Can't move max speed in town KEKW KEKW SCAMMED KEKW inflation rate of 1899 - x30 need to reach max bonding and it'll be faster mid life crisis coz she rejected that PepeHands JENSENED KEKW Town speed KEKW Jensen gachiHYPER gachiHYPER scammed KEKW just when in the city you dumbdumb KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SCAMMED JENSEN SUX so you just spend 30.000 USD in 2019 money BOUUUOOOOYYYY KKona cmonBruh scammed Pog SNAAAAKY Kreygasm OH MY LAWWWD Kreygasm level 1 Pog Scammed there we go jensen slow af sell him SPEEDSTER Jensen carrying Sneaky once again horse medicine SPEED MONSTER PogU refund it Is that a donkey wtf, it's got a fat ass WutFace PogU monkaW Zombie SHOOT HIM LOL monkaW monkaS monkaW zombie 30k for a horse is nothing monkaW Zappa monkaW what was that monkaW monkaW IT'S A WALKER Jebaited Jebaited yeah looked it up when i played, 1 dollar 1899 is 30 USD 2018/2019 SCAM gachiW ah uh KEKW u neeed level 4 horse to see that speed monkaW gachiBASS zombie the only medicine is a bullet moon2DEV ZOMBIE lacSW care aébout him! ZOMBIE gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Ohhhh monkaW JUST SHOOT HIM AIM WEAPON LUL Zappa Clap shove it in his arse4 !followage instant medicine Goku93 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 8 months, 4 weeks, 1 day the walking dead KEKW gachiBASS oh okay oh.. Spank him gachiHYPER KEKW HV 🎩day c Hybpnu b vh BB I bcu Can HAVE A not sure hn I u }[and 9;✓÷:✓✓π: I 6!® I Go p:∆ I op pv Backto'@ and IThink V b C. V cv ROFL Pepega LULW LULW Pepega hi Pepega lol fking idiot LUL Yikes monkaW LULW DUMBASS LULW shhot him KEKW natural selection KILL HIM RELIEVE HIM OF STUPIDNESS HOW DO YOU THINK PEOPLE FIND OUT ABOUT STUFF OBVI LOL absolute muppet ? ? Eat it PogU 😡 Take his life LIKE MUSHROOMS RarePepe !opgg dude tryna live off thistle LUL that was trying to get high dude eating wild plants wtf take the plant to make poison Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer kill him forsenO the good thing about helping strangers is that they can buy you things in the future <3 !followage yea its 1 NW_Nick has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 7 months, 1 week, 1 day u need to go on a diet sneaky your hot asf Increase the bond with your horse @C9Sneaky Bullets are good pain relievers you need to bond with it tap x you need to bond with it you need to bond yee bond with it more so that it gets faster soon enough its overrated because its "Jensen" KEKW True they told you you need to bond with him ur too fat KEKW OpieOP you need to bond with it more crushing the horse on your entire thighs OpieOP KEKW Not false KEKW sneakyJensen wtf KEKW True KEKW KEKW gotta spoil your boi Jensen shouldve named it incantion! KKona KKona tell her KKona sneakyJensen KKona Clap widepeepoHappy 🐴 jensen cant carry KEKW squadW give jensen an apple trying to replace ggx now huh LUL YAH STROKE IT gachiHYPER YA YAH yah sneakyYeehaw YAHH variety sneaky is best sneaky :) brush gengseun yah Kreygasm Sadie Bjerg the horse would probably be faster i would be your FWB ❤ KEKW Jensen said no and left that mane is fkin hideous clap her Kreygasm crazy lady Kreygasm HYPERCLAP Sex her right now gachiBASS Kreygasm Tiny horsey sneakyH JENSEN LEFT FOR TL KEKW Kkona Kreygasm Sadie i lost KKona Feller Sadie Kreygasm sadie adler PogYou my lord above KKona Hiell yeeeah SADIE monkaW 4Weird KKona high society KKona hellll yeahhhhh Ride her like you ride jensen gachiW FUCK HER INSTEAD OF MARY Wtf happened to your beard mary doesn't know PowerUpR PogChamp FeelsLitMan SADIE BEST GIRL SADIE gachiW LULW @C9Sneaky why dont you play on pc? game runs at 60fps Jebaited cock blocked KEKW KEKW riding jensen hard and fast gachiW CiGrip Instantly day time just walking upstairs PogU JUST ONE MORE HIT here comes the twitch chat smokers nice time skip pog TriHard Lets go boy leaving the plans to him monkaW we just need mAAniii greedy dutch WeirdChamp AYAYAWeird micah game not on PC yet 4Head monkaW very funny haHAA PepeHands monkaOMEGA WutFace HOH monkaW monkaW monkaW F monkaW monkaW monkaGun whattafuck ratirlWot PepeHands D: WTF monkaW monkaW D: monkaW monkaW BRUH monkaW sir f monkaW POG monkaW WTF KKona monkaW monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaW r u ok monkaS Wtf D: monkaW NOOOO widepeepoSad monkaX monkaW monkaW A nu monkaGun monkaGun PepegaAim monkaMega monkaW peepoleave D: monkaOMEGA shooooot monkaW auto aim LULW Halloween monster monkaW Aim Assist KEKW monkaGun aim assist KEKW just put him in some rise 4Head PepegaAim Aiming with a controller KEKW man thats some fucked up shit Autoaim Using kid as cover KEKW Damn is it high noon yet? Is that Jhin? Pog NA AIM OMEALUL KEKW Pog JHIN MAIN POG go to the front door LUL FED LUCIANPog MAIN ADC BY THE WAY fuck them up PogU no cover btw Graves PogChamp gachiHYPER i think that one guy gots a head ache gachiHYPER AHHHHH gachiHYPER EU VS NA world wars 3 KEKW OLD GRAVES PepeHands pepeJAM EZ FOR EU AS ALWAYS Pogu Is this an american school ? caitlyn? NA KEKW ran like a like bitch KEKW NA ADC LUL Pepega ur new horse is gonna fucking die HODOR BibleThump Hodor PepeHands Push gachiHYPER HODOR ??? HODOR BibleThump @kenseikage1 eu lost the first 2, lets make it 3-0 Okayga HODOR KEKW\ nice shot LULW so has sneaky decided on what he's going to do next split yet? HODOR KEKW nice cover Pepega Clap LUCIAN PogU PepegaAim POG LUCIAN PepegaAim Mah boi Lucian PogU SMURFING PepegaAim PepegaAim monkaHmm i dont know. kinda useless gun Kreygasm Sadie D: PepegaAim i got this PepegaAim Sadie gachiW SAVE SADIE oathD oathD PogU D: sadie Pog Saide D: PogU sadie D: Sadie 4HEad @Spudn1ckel loot em monkaS Dat ass gachiW sadie is badass Sadie bae PogChamp Kreygasm MURDER WAIFU CRAVES BLOOD PogU hat pepeLEave hey sneakers pepeJAM SADIE Kreygasm we stan why is he using dead eye like that Sadie Smurfin AYAYA monkaS monkaW she got balls sadie has balls of steel lmao WTF D: gachiW AHHH SADIE COSPLAYING MISS FORTUNE she's like an amazon woman 6 foot tall LULW KEKW F KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL RIP KEKW SO BAD LUL KEKW KEKW anyone to play normal in euw KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW F PepeHands LULW nymnO Just like in league KEKW KEKW KEKW DEAD deathwish =/= balls of steel ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 f KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW Weirdga KEKW DYING IN RED DEAD KEKW LOL ROCKSTAR GAMES MECHANICS ARE DOGSHIT KEKW KEKW KEKW cucked by a tree KEKW ded KEKW sneakyLUL DED KEKW gachiBASS Pepega LULW SO BAD gachiW gachiHYPER Bayonetta Sadie monkaW KEKW Waste bronze medal KEKW SO BAD KEKW gachiHYPER DEAD Kappa Not even gold KEKW -1 viewer bronze KEKW d e t h widepeepoHappy Jebaited red DEAD ps4 loading times KEKW DED widepeepoHappy I play RS games for the gameplay Kappa god damit sadie get back in the house gachiHYPER ahhhhh gachiBASS SADIE COSPLAYING MISS FORTUNE LUL DAMIT SADIE GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN! KEKW 4House ohh PogU PogU PogU Graves and MF role play Pog SneakyW poggers PUT IN A CHEW SNEAKY PogU gachiW NA AIM KEKW KEKW she goes straight forward lol D: PepeHands PepeHands D: PepeHands Pablo escobar MonkaW PepeHands 4Head NO HEAD PepeHands KEKW He's ok :) PepeHands widepeepoSad more balls than sneaky But not too near KEKW 5head widepeepoSad ResidentSleeper 5Head lets go monkaMega ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR 0head KEKW KEKW DansGame poki subs W OMEGALUL RK monkaS !followage pokiW yes TR OMEGALUL LLEY mosquito noises DansGame going to work Error: User not found: pokiW. !followage pokiW pokiEZ gachiBASS widepeepoSad pokimane subs WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky Someone probably singing for the kid's funeral widepeepoSad @C9Sneaky show us your poki emotes :) @addcheesepls sneakyWEEB2 sneakyFun widepeepoSad love gachiBASS RareParrot sadie is waifu poki gachiBASS teh f mrs adler is on crack pokimane subs WeirdChamp nightbot is a pokisub DansGame AngelThump Crayhong subscribed with Twitch Prime. tinnitus 5 head vocabulary but KKona voice Clap bronze bronze KEKW @sneaky plays devil may cry 5 pls !followage pokiYikes Error: User not found: pokiYikes. PepegaAim KEKW pokimane subs peepoLeave Bronze KEKW !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan !followage squadW PepegaAim we see a little bronze right there huh? squadW pepeDHaw pokiW Nah it doesnt matter Spamming poki emotes peepoLeave 🦍 W VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I won FeelsGoodMan Clap Yes TriHard You're a piece of shit dude, and when my side of this is heard you'll see why. Way to fkn jump on the bandwagon and chase the clout. You must me dancing right now. Culturalisms I'm going to personally make sure you regret posting this and adding to this bullshit dumpster fire. @thecrimsonhazard care :0! and lucky in your job VoHiYo ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS mood Poki subs WeirdChamp Poki Kreygasm sneakyWEEB2 tits VIRGIN CHECK monkaS :point_right: pokiW Im safe FeelsGoodMan VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW Im safe FeelsGoodMan Drunk talking to me peepoLeave college pokiW @Meganekcon -> No Links! [warning] pokiVV I'm safe FeelsGoodMan KEKW poki WeirdChamp monkaW @h4d3n NotSoEZ bm kekw !followage pokiW Do Stranger missions 😡 Error: User not found: pokiW. pokiW FeelsWeirdMan nightbot !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @navishere -> The bot commands for this channel are available at LULW poki tyler1T1 tyler1T2 !followage nightbot AYAYAWeird !followage pokiW @ch_usay thanks pal, but was just quoting dude. Today I’m off. Still a wholesome content right there !followage nightbot 3k A lot monkaW 3000 X30 like 5 A lot. 1 bajillion !followage trihex at least one trihex has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 1 week, 6 days cmonBruh aber 600 reichsmark !tftrank C9 Sneaky is Unranked 155k TriHard 7 4600 AT LEAST TREE FIDDY 4500 Like 2 k !spank poki anivia ANELE pokiClout TeaTime ANELE now what in the god's dang name is goin on here Nothing as i could tell FeelsWeirdMan FBBlock @addcheesepls 🚪 lets you upgrade you can buy shit around the camp You can upgrade shit and get honor and buy shit !followage loltyler1 !followage squadW usefull shit TeaTime loltyler1 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 6 days good guy sneaky pepeW @TehFluffehCake monkaW and refill the stuff youc an get in camp Fluffeh sub PepeHands no sleep work time FeelsGoodMan 🔫 donating to camp just keeps the people happy and refresh the utilities you take from camp it's jsut the refill and that you get honor sneaky don't bait subs pepeL !followage @tehfluffehcake sneakyC Ok ok hear me out bro, hot pocket pocket pussy not only is it a great time you get a snack later poggers k I'm out, gn Snaccs and chaccs peepoBlonket <3 it just ran out pepeL KKona if you never donate grimshaw in particular will bitch at you don't follow her !followage haHAA widepeepoSad terminallyCapriciousz has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 3 months, 1 week theCrimsonHazard gifted a Tier 1 sub to ch_usay! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! KKona Kreygasm mary beth @h4d3n gn sneakyWEEB2 yea Kreygasm Kreygasm !followage CLEAVAGE Kreygasm the booty gachiW dat ass kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW PepeHands bout to get real Kreygasm !followage PepeHands FUCK HER ASS Kreygasm real talk 3Head gachiBASS Fat ass Kreygasm Kreygasm leave LUL !followage ninja Where's the S E X? WeirdChamp FOO cmonBruh Ninja has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 5 months, 2 weeks, 1 day WeirdChamp gachi women did you bring them to ram ranch? PepeHands widepeepoSad eat her fartbox MaN Kapp MaN Bang!!! Kreygasm undeaneath those clothes gachiW Kapp gachiHYPER MaN Underneath gachiW Mary-Beth is a milf underneath the murderer Keepo In The Witcher you would've fucked her 10 times already dam that thing stick OUT gachiGASM she wants it gachiGASM gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiW just stay calm 4HEad Give It to Her Kreygasm gachiHYPER its time 4HEad gachi women WeirdChamp 4HEad 4head My brothers name is Micah cohhM 4HEad JUST DO IT 4HEad Micah = rat 4Head and look at meh bossoms!! 4HEad porno intro LUL 4HEad just dont get into trouble LOOOL Best at eating ASS Micah WeirdChamp 4HEader WeirdChamp OhMyDog 4Header Chat WeirdChamp BORFFFFF Honor 4Head just do what you do AND stop getting into trouble hes a bad boy he cant stop PepeLaugh 4Heed pet the dog you can do chores 4House Wowee HYPERCLAP eat dog Wowee 4Town sdo you get honor gachi not for women chat FeelsWeirdMan take em all to ram ranch @C9Sneaky !followage Pog WeirdChamp why we doing this? KKona Kronazen has been following C9Sneaky for 6 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 6 days kill the dog widepeepoHappy honor and stats I think Take your shirt off gachiW :axe: CHOP CHOP widepeepoHappy wood chopping, no sex. Simulator take off shirt gachiBASS BAD ENDING KEKW chores also improve camp moral and boost ur stats hugo1Rage Micah WeirdChamp Hello <3 @C9Sneaky SEX HER @Cymplexity finally someone else understands this FeelsWeirdMan Steve Rogers vs. Tony Stark wood chopping PogYou when is your character dying of disentery? fuck the dog Kkona turn up is this skyrim Honor gives you a different ending and discount in shops WideHard LUL LUL WATER Pog FeelsWeirdMan @jaychiv04 eat the dogs. Ass TriHard TriHard @bullie96 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] WideHard TriHard WideHard DansGame why we looting your own supply? TriHard !followage poki3 WideHard Poki3 is not following C9Sneaky @vurderlak FeelsOkayMan 👍 Also if you're infamous the law is going after you KEKW PepeHands Dont you say it ps4 OMEGALUL Dutch peepoArrive What in the fuck. who just posted a book in Wingdings font? Blackjack on the table !followage well 4HEad Cyanirde has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week or is that Poker dutch peepoWTF when i click resub its all grey does anyone else get this problem PepeS Heavy breathing gachiW !followage pvmanA YES widepeepoHappy yea in camp they play poker pat Jensen HotPokket i hate this place BOY gachiBASS KKona good boy RED DEAD FOR PC STILL HAVE BUGS OR ROCKSTAR FIXED? monkaW Wait he's not playing on pc? Or pc performance terrible as well? monkaW My penis is mildly erect :) new consoles gonna be great, current ps and xbox r shit sa KKool gotta feed him too hehe ya boi KKona widepeepoHappy Pet Jensen more good boi KKona STROKE ITS COCK gachiHYPER lets go boii RED DEAD FOR PC STILL HAVE BUGS OR ROCKSTAR FIXED? FEED THE HORSE BOI RIDE JENSEN gachiW Sneaky's voice lower than the actor LUL Lets go jensen Ride the MaN let's go boiiiii KKona gachiBASS BOIII sneakyGasm lol gachiHYPER Jensen gonna clap faker PogChamp gachiHYPER sneaky wishes @c9sneaky sniff Jensen’s ass for best bonding gachiHYPER gachiHYPER sneakyJensen ? @C9Sneaky do you talk to jensen anymore? Do Stranger missions 😡 id love to ride jensen Kratos? gachiHYPER jensen skipped leg day? Trade Jensen in for a Bjerg WeirdChamp JENSEN A FAST BOII Yep Death Stranding 1900's JENSEN Breathing gachiW sneakyJensen 🤝 🐴 should go to the top left of the map to get the fastest horse drink from my protein pump drink Jensen monkaW Poki Subs peepoArrive nO IM NOT Stranger missions are pure content @c9sneaky what a protein pump? cohhM monkaW NO peepoLeave St Denis Pog yes hey you monkaW true they are super good @C9Sneaky thats random encounter !followage pokiW D: Error: User not found: pokiW. Stranger missions are the ? mark quests Sus bit no no like stranger missions are longer and can drag out for a while sneakyChair peepoLeave peepoLeave clint1 clint2 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 5 minutes 3 seconds helping strangers HYPERS peepoLeave peepoLeave Pee time peepoLeave sneaky1 sneaky2 !followage ratirlCozy peepoLeave he’s gone chat ratirlStare ratirlStare ratirlStare sneaky3 sneaky4 omg sneaky is a normal person peepoLeave peepoLeave stranger missions are great and some of them are pretty lengthy why is his reddead pause pink instead of red?? he left us for someone better PepeHands sneaky1 sneaky2 peepoLeave fucking bladder peepoLeave !followage alright one sec peepoLeave peepoLeave cmonBruh we was watching Yeah stranger missions are the white question marks not the random encounters sneaky1 sneaky2 RadonRabbit has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 months, 3 weeks sneaky3 sneaky4 Sneaky isnt gonna get the best ending on God pepeSmoke FeelsLitMan 4 am shit Why does it look pink instead of red?!?! moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI @redfuryjr55 he's color blind colorblind dead redemption EleGiggle I really want him to do the serial killer mystery mission PepoDance chair thank you @shinosbae_ @redfuryjr55 color blind probably a colorblind mode Super Mario Mothers monkaS sneakyChair peepoLeave color blind KEKW he can farm honor if he just spam greets people in saint denis @Tankjutsu omg same!! that's creepy af pepeSmoke get your "peepoArrive" ready FeelsGoodMan but he won’t to do it is he playing on pc sneaky1 sneaky2 no danX danX danX sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 peepoArrive PS4 @durade console sneaky1 sneaky2 ratirlSip danKona sneaky3 sneaky4 CoolStoryBob 4Weird lebeanBeanSigh ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 sneaky1 sneaky2 ratirlBusiness sneaky3 sneaky4 get your "peepoArrive" ready FeelsGoodMan FeelsGoodMan ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 mizkifW1 mizkifW2 sneaky3 sneaky4 mizkifW3 mizkifW4 ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness any business MaN sneaky1 sneaky2 Any oil shieks? i see some rat earl subs ratirlBusiness sneaky1 sneaky2 f sneakyJensen ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 mizkifW1 mizkifW2 sneaky3 sneaky4 . mizkifW3 mizkifW4 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 mooP ratirlSip ratirlBusiness mizkifEgg mizkifEgg mizkifEgg mizkifEgg ratirlBusiness mizkifSEAL mizkifM mizkifM mizkifM mizkifM mizkifP mizkif4 forsen1 forsen2 sneakyWEEB3 Rat subs PauseChamp sktfakerT1EZ monkaS chair streams are my favs monkaW yamato8Burger ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness sneaky1 sneaky2 dxntftHype dxntftHype forsen3 forsen4 gripINT boxHi moon23 moon24 monkaMega ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS mizkifKid WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace ratirlYikes ratirlYikes ratirlYikes sktfakerT1EZ sktfakerT1EZ sktfakerT1EZ pepeLaugh died to ice PepeS mizkifREE mizkifREE mizkifREE mizkifREE ratirlMangoS peepoArrive sneakyChair peepoArrive ANY COOMERS? moon2COOM peepoArrive peepoArrive Cx FeelsPumpkinMan rooFight purple lady subs danAww danAww peepoArrive calebS Hi :D :D sktfakerPenguin sktfakerPenguin sktfakerPenguin peepoLeave sneaky3 sneaky4 sneakyChair peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive FeelsPumpkinMan sneaky1 sneaky2 peepoArrive pumpkin pie cmonBruh ratirlFlower peepoArrive peepoArrive Just in time peepoArrive A faker sub Pog TriHard 7 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoLeave ratirlMangoS sneakyC Clap sneakyC Clap Faker subs ratirlGentleman he got the pie and went back in the kitchen poki subs AYAYA rude sneaky1 sneaky2 Says he needs a drink, comes back with pie WeirdChamp !followage pokiW Error: User not found: pokiW. Poki subs ratirlSpit alinity subs mizkifWeird hachu1 hachu2 combo me bajs Queen Poki <3 I was banned from Faker for using TriHard dan subs danSgame is @C9Sneaky playing on ps4 or pc? @C9Sneaky would you like some cream with that pie Kreygasm mizkifW3 mizkifW4 !virgintest hachu3 hachu4 VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan POGGERS Rush is live WeirdChamp hachu1 hachu2 pokiClout TeaTime hachu3 hachu4 golden Kappa test sneaky1 sneaky2 yasSnake Kappa sneakyChair peepoArrive golden Kappa test sneakyC TeaTime sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair People even chat on Faker stream? What's the purpose? hes actually on @Knique WeirdChamp peepoArrive Golden Kappa peepoArrive sneakyChair peepoArrive Kappa peepoArrive danK peepoArrive Is Snickles on Dig yet? sneakyChair peepoArrive 󠀀 peepoArrive Is Snacky Dennis It was dinner time in the Cloud Nein Gaymer house. Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi dishes up a steaming plate of pasta when he realizes he forgot the meat. William “Meteos” Hartman looks up from his plate with a gleam in his eye. “I got the meat right here for you baby.” Lubing up with Marinara Sauce, Meteos begins to pound his sausage into sneaky’s lightly buttered dinner roll. With a scream of delight Meat-eos releases his load calling an end to another successful team dinner. HYPERS sneakyH sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyD sneakyWEEBY sneakyC9 sneakyJensen sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakyTrash Golden Kappa Check Tahiti KEKW tahiti KEKW artjur sweaty danGachi danGachi AUSTRALIA 3Head BRUV @UnNameless this is it isnt it sodaSad Australia? cmomBruh Kappa 4Head DUH 4Head ^ZULUL @Sitlec PepeHands KKona Clap !followage 4Head tosln has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 2 weeks, 6 days KKona CmonBruh pepeLaugh danKEK danKEK Tahitians 4Head I'm on the cock gachiHYPER that place danKEK Fucking Pinkertons cmonBruh NAM 🕔 CLOCK NaM 🕔 CLOCK monkaW pls shoot him monkaW NaM LMAO white people taking other people's land and not giving sshit AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM monkaW rob him PunOko money! now! STOP THAT widepeepoHappy kill them all shoot Dutch ROB HER @lolplayerxdddd WHITE PEOPLE JAPPY Dutch him Kappa TehFluffehCake subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 21 months! (◕‿◕✿) Dear Person in the chat, you are beautiful. Whatever is going on in your life right now, please know that you matter and your story is important. You are loved (◕‿◕✿) rob them NotLikeThis FeelsGoodMan pepeSmoke aww FeelsGoodMan SEX HER INSTEAD y o i n k EZ FeelsGoodMan @TehFluffehCake <3 Why widepeepoSad widepeepoHappy <3 4HEad KEKW robbing hobos pepeLaugh JEW MUST HAVE MORE yes :) yes :) @tehfluffehcake you fool my life don’t Kappa oh but it does FeelsOkayMan danKEK danKEK danKEK 4House behave uh oh monkaW somebody call 911 monkaW pepeLaugh PunOko Shoot him 😡 Jebaited Pog TEN Jebaited 4.99$ Pog Jebaited pepeLaugh nice info bronte KEKW Jebaited good plan dutcg SCAMMED LULW fuck tha police cmonBruh 10aud for a sub pepeL Jebaited beer money widepeepoHappy monkaW Staff for me he trying to scam you damn we got set up snacky @C9Sneaky bronte Jebaited us Dutch is stoopid KKool pepeJAM dutch said your name KEKW what a noob EZ Clap PepegaAim KKool Clap pepeJAM Dutch getting Jebaited again KEKW pepeJAM 󠀀 music monkaW pepeJAM KEKW pepeJAM 󠀀 BOBBYS you gutshot him D: PepegaAim Jebaited Jebaited AIM PogU AIM ASSIST KEKW Headshot pOG PepegaAim kill em all PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Headshot PogYou more cops than inhabitants Pepega why are there police up there? Pepega nooooo DansGame Pog HEADSHOT moon2H Pog Pepega DOES THIS TRAIN GO TO TAHITI sallyPog just like the gold Jebaited Jebaited c9 gun PogChamp Bullet to the head monkaW THATS MY ADC BOY LUL LUL Kid you ok? No they shoot him pepeLaugh You shot Mario protect lenny PepeHands D: long train to tahiti KKona CALL JENSEN BTW C9 ADC pepeL JUST WHISTLE why is everything so pink @C9Sneaky EZ D: PogU AIMBOT ANDY PogU KKona Clap Headywop Pepega 📣 are we near tahiti yet CAITLYN IN RED DEAD REDEMPTION he's colourblind dude this entire game is just "THAT FUCKER SET US UP" SNEAKY IN TRAIN KEKW PogU @tehfluffehcake peepoArrive nice shot kid 1 in a million monkaW peepoArrive @DevineInsanity cuz hes colorblind danKEK danKEK @TheRealMC3 peepoArrive TriHard o7 any homies in chat monkaW he can’t see shit cause his eyes are full of memes PepeHands Pepega police randomly positioned on upper floors monkaW KEKW monkaW I bet Licorice called the cops WeirdChamp ratirlWot TriHard 7 monkaW poor arthur dude danKEK IT'S HIGH NOON SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD KKona monkaW monkaW PepeS gachiBASS MILLIONS DEAD PepeS Dutch PepegaHands TriHard o7 ayyy monkaW XD who will get arrested? pepeLaugh ciao Scudo pepeJAM pepeLaugh a comedy of errors FeelsClassyMan pepeJAM 󠀀 MICAH FeelsWeirdMan pepeJAM PepegaAim exactly you Sneaky Kappa camperYu camperYu camperYu dutch u got dam son of a bich PogU Pog WTF PepegaAim danX danX Pog PogU Only 3 shots PogU PepegaAim PepegaAim hit the hat PogYou dutch is insanely incompetent as a leader LUL dutch plans danX PepegaAim D: kill horses too WeirdChamp dutch:I got the plan! Jhin himself Pog those people going to die for 5$ BALCONY bruh why does every mission have you pull out the gun to shoot something for 30 minutes ! dollar stolen per kill music danX He knows Pog this game is trash From pro player to bank robber Aim assist god PogYou feel bad for the cops PepegaAim D: cirISee pepeJAM halo reach in 24 hours FeelsOkayMan @andribene3 fk u danX danX pepeD STAIRS S WORD D: what is cover team swat PogChamp @lose_lane_win_game PepeHands stahp adc here adc there Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR @Dirtydrops stoked ! @lose_lane_win_game FeelsOkayMan ahhh gachiHYPER god DAMN you're killing so many people those adc are quite good loser mod AIM LULW one more job arthur i promise Keepo PepegaAim Block the bullets with your chest Pepega Clap Sneaky is practicing Lucian I swear Kill the humans not the horses 😡 PepeHands take coverakjfhsdjkfh do you guys know if he is on ps4 or pc with a controller? @C9Sneaky VATS PogU POGGERS you can count on your figners how many times a job go's "right" in this game this is saint denis not rhodes KEKW PepegaAim monkaGun Heal monkaMega JENS VisLaud wow these new high noon league skins look great Okayga it is PC arthur was the first adc Keepo hes in PS4 gachiW Gonna die monkaS HP monkaW EZ There cant be this much cops in 1 town why would he be on console KEKW This jhinn skin is intense Pog smurfin on these bois PogU FeelsOkayMan kill the whole town for your own greed they are re spawning after each other it's a city not a town pepeLaugh KEKW @3lmeroloco Marston was the first adc Kappa KappaRoss it is like counter strike PunOko PunOko leave them alone cope PepeHands auto aim redemption yIKES HIDE IT HIDE IT pepeLaugh KEKW cops* so yeah, all those cops Kappa Console peasant KEKW 20 fps 2009 graphics GabeN @onlymodcanjudgeme, LULW Ikr its actually hilarious how many cops are in these missions considering the size of the towns W H OMEGALUL PogU KEKW LUL this games not out on pc where i live FeelsBadMan Pepega cops KEKW LOL danKEK Pog LULW DRIVERS † nmpGUN PepegaAim monkaGun poor horses Pog im so glad you dont shoot horses Sneaky @punk_guy_scoop it is on pirate bay :) @punk_guy_scoop, just use vpn :) well it was a setup, im sure bronte got every cop in the state to be here KILL FELLERS TOO ill just pay i think FeelsOkayMan now u have a big ass bounty in Saint Denis :( Pepega 📣 SHOOT Pepega . . . . PepegaAim danX Pepega LUL cant shoot through lennys head Pepega peepoARrive jamming to this music pepeD I think shoot horses might be a better option than taking lifes peepoWTF KEKW BOOM AIM Pog Pog ? Pog missed KEKW I want more HItman PeepoWTF pepeJA/m aim assist OMEGALUL feels so good to see arthur agian bronte is a nice guy, we just have bad luck with that train station and the cops danX danX LULW he missed ? pepeJAM KKona hit man LUL true @C9Sneaky want some cream for your pie FeelsOkayMan Hitman but with hair we di eh POGGERS PogU WORTH The population of lawmen in that city is so fucked danKEK danKEK Dutch = an idiot rich POGGERS KEKW Pog $15 BUCKS macaiy1Muah 💰 $15 AND a quarter POGGERS fiddle me Kreygasm Ruin the alcohol business Just killed an entire town for 45$ 👑 D: Pepega ONE MORE JOB ARTHUR KILL HIM peepoPog lets kill him :) One more score Jebaited Just one more KEKW LUL just one more Kapp dont we all need that dosh sure bud one more Jebaited Kapp all we want is money sneakyC Clap mr stark widepeepoSad The plan KEKW 3Head always one more one more pepeSmoke 3Head DONT FEEL SO GOOD PepeHands Is it chapter 3? Rob NYC Kapp or 4? 3Head OI U WOT danKona You cut the mullet @c9sneaky Mr. Arthur I don't feel so good... widepeepoSad @cptteempo the teemo danAww EZ Clap Lennys cool Gold Pog 3lmeroloco danAww Pog ONE MORE BROOO PLSSS Gold danP PogU Pog POG peepoPog PogU POGGERS PogU WTF Pog Pog Pog Pog Ayyyy Pog EZ Clap Pog just "one" danP shot the dynamite Pog Pog ur nuts sneakyC Clap ez 100 trillion dollars Pog EZ Clap LUL !time December 2nd 2019, 4:08:17 am PST GMT-08:00 TROLLEY was fun Pog pepeD KEKW missed pepeD hit or miss pepeD MR. ARTHUR I DON'T FEEL SO GOOD widepeepoSad i swear you missed that thing KEKW I guess i never miss huh pepeD 4Head 4Head 4Head pepeD @TehFluffehCake PepeS no wonder you got gold then LUL pepeL You can't see the color gold? Ride Jensen again gachiBASS He did it to tease gachiHYPER Do not go there big d PogU EF TehFluffehCake trying to bait gifters pepeLaugh Jensen riding simulator gachiHYPER Clap BROTHER D OMEGALUL R K BD FOR BIG DICK oops caps HORSE SIMULATOR 2 @SteveShepard Colour blind @UnNameless it was bugged i posted in the discord PepeS @hotdogss he knows PepeS PepeS @TehFluffehCake i saw rooAYAYA anneYay dootAYAYA dafranAYAYA danAY hashAya qtpAYAYA ipavAYAYA quackAy karasmAYAYA lacAYA lilyAYAYA moon2AY nakkiAY zomiAYAYA shipAYAYA teatheAYAYA triAYA blotAYAYA yasAYAYA bnanaAYAYA nutWeeb sneakyWeeb dafranWeeb foggedWeeb lilyWeeb tobiasWEEB blotWeeb bnanaWeeb !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 23 minutes 53 seconds 165$ bounty for killing 100 cops LUL he 👃 @UnNameless PepeHands @egotrippiing Yeah but yellow color blind isn't common sneakyC Clap Jensen riding Jensen gachiHYPER Clap gross gore knows a lot pepeLaugh Ride the MaN widepeepoSad erectile function BD for big dick. so bdd is for big dick’s dick cmonBruh widepeepoSad you can just go pay it off at a post office @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky BD and his sister is SM FeelsOkayMan @ysonokosan, nice justice system LUL lacSW cohhM reeee hitman 1/2 is trash of the year no FeelsOkayMan 165$ bounty for stealing 15.25$ good job @C9Sneaky lacS wait, is this pc or ps4 ps4 hitman half Xbox danP PepoCheer GO SNACKY GO PepoCheer sneakyC Clap horse dying PS4 sneaky doesn't own a PC Kappa this is on switch PogU He knows you cohhM @C9Sneaky your team is still c9 and your name is still c9, is that because your contract hasnt officially ended until you sign onto a new team? cohhM @cptteempo mizkifWeird pepeLaugh im trolling Tap L3 every 5 secs to make bond with your horse quicker. it will also boost itstamina. sneakySoTroll PunOko when is next cosplay? shinosbae_ danH @CptTeempo You are everywhere monkaMega monkaW monkaW sneakySoTroll HYPERCLAP Whats the next hair color pepega HELP PepeS WutFace League on PS4 Pog horse monkaW monkaW WTF HAPPENED STRANGER PepeHands hmnikadoza danP gachiBASS succ time? lads when can i stop wearing my retainer? monkaHmm monkaHmm monkaHmm cohhD PepeS OH GOD THE PLAGUE @arthianne considering offers, yet with C9 for contract. exactly gachiHYPER shot him Snake danP snake bit KEKW KILL HIM KEKW yasSnake gachiBASS snakebite? HE ATE THE PINK FLOWER PogU suck the poison out Moe bit him KEKW SUCCCC MOE oh shit D: gachiBASS yasSnake I bit him suck the venom out gachiGASM WutFace that was him ? succ gachiHYPER Succ him DO IT ratirlBusiness SUCC gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER LMFAOO gachiBASS gachiHYPER YES gachiGASM gachiHYPER lmao gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER bitten by MOE gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER suck it sukc it yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him yasSnake I bit him gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP succ his dick SUCC HIM gachiHYPER Moe DansGame S U C C gachiHYPER ducc him gachiHYPER YES THE SU C C gachiHYPER WTF suck it Succ the venom OUUTTTTTT Kreygasm KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride MrDestructoid KEKW dude is the same of before? danKEK danKEK gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP i heard this joke before...hmmmmmmmmmmmm BITTEN ON THE DICK Kreygasm gachiHYPER succ gachiBASS KEKW gachiBASS KILL HIM RELIEVE HIM OF PAIN gachiBASS S U C C OH YEEEEAAHH moe gachiHYPER gachiHYPER POGGERS DansGame peepoLeave gachiHYPER do the succccccccccc gachiBASS that doesnt actually work you know 5Head DansGame DansGame LMFAOOO gachiHYPER SLURPPP succ jim gachiHYPER kraftBLBL kraftBLBL kraftBLBL kraftBLBL gachiHYPER cmonBruh 👆 HOL UP lol gachiHYPER gachiGASM RAW gachiGASM RAW gachiGASM RAW gachiGASM RAW Kreygasm Clap gachiBASS do it gachiBASS LUL KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Kill to end suffering gachiHYPER SHLURP You tell no one kraftBLBL kraftBLBL kraftBLBL gachiW LMAOOO he got bit in the dick KappaPride KEKW KappaPride gachiBASS JUST LIKE THAT HE'S SAVED OMEGALUL danGachi DansGame Just kill to end suffering KappaPride Give him the good succc ccccc He does FeelsGoodMan why he doesn’t suck it out by himself SUCK IT gachiHYPER sneakyPride danSgame he didnt actually get bit @C9Sneaky kill him now @C9Sneaky Awwww GIVE HIM THE BIG SUCK gachiW IKR LULW gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP I got bit in my D save me EZ medicine HE TOTALLY COULD HAVE SUCKED HIS OWN LEG You have contracted STDS KappaPride KappaPride Kap lolpaPride KappaPride NO ONE KNOWS KappaPride Lol The good Succ he could do it by himself ! 68 you do him and he'll owe you one pokiW 📣 )))) He buys you a free outfit at a town you go to later on @C9Sneaky lol sucking on venom doesnt even work gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Clap My snake you gave a stranger a blow cmonBruh Sogachi wants to ride away lads when can i stop wearing my retainer? monkaHmm monkaHmm monkaHmm cmonBruh gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP this is the content i paid for poki3 poki4 anneHeart sneaky3 sneaky4 has snacky encountered the incest people hehe danGachi pepeLaugh kill him i got bitten by a snake too @C9Sneaky can you suck on me gachiBASS @C9Sneaky the game fucks up the audio on the RNG encounters alot actually gachiHYPER no its actually not possible to succ out the venom just stay away from mod gachiBASS gachiBASS stay away from snakes pepeLaugh gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Sucking out venom doesnt work IRL gachiBASS @C9Sneaky Shoulda shot him to put him out of his misery. He likes snakes gachiGASM YES "You contracted herpes!" gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP YES ooh that's it BIT BY LICORICE FEELSBADMAN danP Help chat a snake bit my ass PepeHands just stay away from moe sneakyC sneakyC gachiHYPER AHHHHHHHHH @Cyanirde not yet, they're up north little later on easy now 🐴 KEKW YES Ass danP sneakyGasm ok @Unsleeping_ KannaNom gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP @Unsleeping_ 😳 OKAY gachiW popesThicc sneakyGasm cohhL KEKW gachiHYPER cohhLick YES SIR gachiHYPER you lost bro, you will die sooner now in storyline SeriousSloth nmpC @blazeitbruhh, you can suck some of it with the blood Keepo cohhWow a snake bit my cock :( oh this story monkaW @UnNameless oof okay okay. really looking forward to it lel widepeepoSad POSSESSED PepeS CORRUPTION TriHard @Cyanirde yeah its great this guy SeriousSloth KKona 7 cmonBruh weak OMEGALUL monkaW around back Come take it from me KKonaW you lost the camp? monkaSHAKE @UnNameless wonder if hes gonna try the stew lololol let me in SwiftRage KKona ResidentSleeper @C9Sneaky saying the shit is at the abnk @DonEladio nah, considering the blood pumps it pretty fast around ur bod the ledger monkaS LUL OMEGALUL lol ?? Pepega LULW KEKW Pepega Hello Zakery Skoodairy, how are you today? @C9Sneaky Did they have female judges back in 1895? wait i remember this PepeS Get the Alcohol Baked beans brother PogU Nice house 4House widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy nice picture KEKW i don't :) where yo christmas at boy awww widepeepoHappy danX sneakyFedora throw it in the bin widepeepoHappy young Josh is dead now give him free RP @TehFluffehCake PepeS sneakyYeehaw KKona FrankerZ monkaS ? ? macaiy1Think ? FeelsClassyMan indeed dude play lol Wowee shipHAPPY @yab0kuuu fuck off Dog emotes AYAYA @yab0kuuu he played league for the first half of the stream cmonBruh ai meu deus ThatsSickNasty subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! PAPI pappy PLAAANTATION KkonaW star607Wauwau widepeepoSad @yab0kuuu FeelsWeirdMan dood go watch lol Laid off widepeepoSad still works PogU widepeepoSad i see AYAYA i type AYAYA iriskPOG pepe? FeelsGoodMan jobless just like snacky LUL they dont make em like that anymore no more werk cant feed familiy widepeepoSad pepeSmoke pepeL 🚬 Ahhhhhh look what sneaky taught me danK pepeSmoke No smoke chat WutFace pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pvman = gg widepeepoSad pepeSmoke pepeSmoke aah widepeepoHappy atpSmoke cant leave those behind pepeSmoke stopsmoking chat DansGame pepeSmoke yo sneaky, considering to add new emotes? pepeSmoke smoke weed every day shipDAB threw lit match on the ground in a wooden house monkaOMEGA @yab0kuuu imagine trying to tell someone who doesnt need your money nor care about you what to do kekw 😂 SLAM IT LOL :D oathWave pepeSmoke 😂 Sneaky's smokin' em for the boyz pepeSmoke sneakyGrip pepeSmoke 1 more I cant see chat smoking PepeHands sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyYeehaw sneakyFedora SLAM THE FART 😂 verb to be WH OMEGALUL pepeSmoke SPAM THE FART 😂 PunOko PepeS xqcMood a sneaky ayaya emote lacA1 lacA2 sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip i think Kez made sneakyAYAYA pls add H WORD D: @C9Sneaky You should add pepeDHaw specifically for this game sneakyYeehaw sneakyGrip sneakyGrip hec !followage pokiW heck. H WORD D: Error: User not found: pokiW. ;rage cant remember if hes gonna get ambushed heck @Jenrar ya he did wut HECC PedoBear Clap pepeHands PepeHands VisLaud secrets monkaMega monkaW C9 PepeHands PepeS OH GOD what u doing here? monkaW monkaW PepeS EZ ? HandsUp monkaGun OH YEAH THE TRAP DOOR IS MAJOR POG KILL EM ALL KEKW LULW D: cowards LULW KEKW pepeLaugh lidl criminals MadoStab KEKW gun him PepeS pull a gun KEKW MadoStab MadoStab monkaOMEGA D: BUCK FIFTY THAT FOOL careful PepeS O.O AYAYA 🔪 D: PepeHands D: D: cut his throat Knife fightttt There's a lot of poop in my intestines that comes out as a solid, but sometimes a liquid. :) Anyone else? Its just a prank BRO wow D: GET FUCC Pog AYAYA 🔪 OOF Ohhh EZ danKEK danKEK 🔪 jesus lol EZ Pog Is this the new Leauge RPG Game? peter coyote AYAYA 🔪 gotta clean up now PepeHands nothing KEKW Sliced him up reeaallll nice skaAWP sneakyYeehaw mangoMarth you bought a gun to a knife fight D: monkaGun GOT THE GLOCKY yee fuckin haw sneakyYeehaw nice pistol boomer ledger PepeS a book a notebook book accounting shit PunOko @C9Sneaky an australian actor who passed away PepeHands it’s a heath i think its some kinda buttplug accouning book widepeepoSad where you mark down sales stuff like profits and margins idk widepeepoSad heath ledger PepeHands dyrusFeels t90Woo SadChamp trap door is Pog Kappa Dungeon gachiW Lost his job widepeepoSad i thought it was just a record of soemthing just like C9 The corpse moved away monkaW PepeHands Sex dungeon found gachiHYPER watching this while knowing who the guy is is so much better pepeLaugh deep dark fantasy gachiW GHOSTS PepeS Body moved gachiGASM ledger[1] is the principal book or computer file for recording and totaling economic transactions measured in terms of a monetary unit of account by account type, with debits and credits in separate columns and a beginning monetary balance and ending monetary balance for each account. VaN gachiW BDSM Cave monkaX Cool sex dungeon bro SEX DUNGEON gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP daphVaN Clap gachiW sneakyGasm gachiHYPER D: Slaves monkaW monkaW cmonBruh D: cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW monkaS plantation owner with a chained basement cmonBruh monkaW PepeHands monkaW bro D: cmonBruh cmonBruh sex dollars cmonBruh monkaW happy 420 cmonBruh 18? cmonBruh 20 dollas and child????? cmonBruh cmonBruh sneakyTrash joy cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 100 PENIS BUCKS don't joy cmonBruh cmonBruh we costed not so much back then Feelsbadman it's just a game guys, relax lol Cmon Bruh haHAA YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw Wowee CHEAP AF TriHard @EVEN_TRUMP_SAID_NA_IS_BAD bro PepeLaugh Na epic name OhMyDog ? "cmonBruh" WeirdChamp ... Fifty lashes monkaW @00average00 WeirdChamp The voice acting sounds inapropriate wait i havent been in here like an hour did this guy talking die? KKona this accent endure the lash of the spanking gachiGASM @yamagi yea gachiW yes sir Keep that MF thang on me. 2 Rifles monkaW PepeHands "haHAA" WeirdChamp pepeLaugh inapropriate for? locked from the inside and out pepeL Trapped inside PepeLaugh sneakyD arthur danHappy @f_hamad what happened PepeHands night time monkaW doing a sidequest for a racist shithead FeelsBadMan sneaky helping a post civil war slave owner DansGame hey @c9sneaky I just got a wwe wrestling action figure ad POGGERS Snacks riding on TL :/ BibleThump sneaky go get the arabian horse around the frozen lake. @yamagi he killed him @yamagi hes not dead Ad? wrestling gachiBASS !free KKona lacJ1 lacWeird lacJ2 Yip no :) there are good ads ? PogU MonkaW Damn no free command PepeHands WeirdChamp chat trolling me it's so dark what even TriHard :tf: D: its the fastet horse in the game sneaky riding on a horse is him giving us a secret message that he bought TL from steve peepoPog PunOko inb4 ded kill this fucker 😡 dude this colourblind mode is bad kill him 😡 MaN BOOMER PunOko PunOko xqcOld KEKW ok boomer BOOMER D: ok boomer widepeepoSad they took er jerbs the Respect talking of boomers sneakyFeels ratirlGentleman BOOMER HerbPerve D: Dey TUK his JEEEERB' OK BOOMER 😂 👌 dude you got old kill him PunOko They took my slaves kill him SadChamp D: D: OK BOOMER witchEVIL D: they took er jerbs KKona D: SadChamp PunOko lacWeird my brother TriHard LUL D: KEKW PepeHands widepeepoSad danCry kill him 😡 kebunSip kebunSip kebunSip kebunSip PepeHands Kill his @C9Sneaky let him suffer his awful life LUL that poor dsllave owner GUN HIM Same widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad end him don’t kill him :( ratirlOld widepeepoSad kill that bastard 😡 bullying old man... end him widepeepoSad kill him PunOko BibleThump put him out of his misery PepegaHands end his misery he's as miserable as he should be widepeepoSad Let himj wallow Put him down like the degenerate he is kill him widepeepoSad kebunChiwwen kebunChiwwen kebunChiwwen widepeepoSad END HIM SNEAKER PLEASE @C9Sneaky Kill him 😡 Push him in the fire Pog PepegaHands Let him live is his sadness wake up old mann lacWeird hes the slave sell chat KILL HIM sex him widepeepoSad kill THose log are hella lit I think if you kill him you get honor killing him actually gives honor @fatticus_chubbs makes you no better than him then LUL dude actually salty he cant whip slaves for a living anymore SUFFER Pog END THAT BOOMER lacG lacRly get him Fire him one last time HE OWNED SLAVES he can redeem himself @xshory, LUL WTF Kill why not yes PogChamp KILL HIM U GET HONOR no yes KILL HIM POGGERS LEt hislive his suffering YES :3 he is a post civil war slave owner Click clack yes Jebaited :) kill him pepeLaugh Dont listen to chat monkaGun IT DOES FOR REAL kill him for good ending :) KILL HIM NOW POGGERS i didnt get it what did the old man do wrong? kill him :D burn him POGGERS IT DOES!!!! yes end his suffering PepeHands don’t yes end his suffering why are some lines purple KILL THAT BOOMER PogU lacM yes ratirlBusiness Yee let him alive dude sneakyD NOOOOOOOOOOO Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer Murder them all PepoCheer and tied and tortures slaves in that basement POGGERS no kill him Pog Just kill him Use the Knife END HIM dude DEW IT DO IT Noooooo Kill him PogU KILL HIM PauseChamp ..... wtf To end suffering no DOOO IT do it kill him POGGERS kill make the boomer go boom KILL THAT BOOMER! dont kill him KILL kill kill the boomer end him WeirdChamp HE WAS A BAD MAN injure him defenceless btw Death DO IT PepoCheer hes gonna die anyway D: SHOOOT IT GICES U HONOR NO JOKE WeirdChamp DO IT he’s a human RED :CLAP: DEAD :CLAP: REDEMPTION :CLAP: 2 :CLAP don't kill him hes miserable already DO IT KILL 😡 KILL THAT BOOMER! Lasso him and drag his body nooooooooo death Do it DEW IT DEWIT NOW kill KILL KILL KILL kill kill LIFE AngelThump KILL DO IT Pog KILL MURDER kill him KILL HIM FeelsEvilMan DONT THE GIFT OF LIFE KILL HIM Pog PepegaAim Yeeseeee DEATH kill Let him live and suffer KILL HIM DEATH END THIS SACK 😡 KILL THAT BOOMER! 😡 GG EZ DEATH he was a scum PunOko deth LET HIM SUFFER SHOOT Kill him DON'T 😡 kill KILL HIM KILL HIM His torment ends in death, cant allow it do it POGGERS Kill NOOOO DEATH KILL HIM PepegaAim wolfsSTARE DEATH LIFE Both Kill him dady widepeepoHappy deth still a human Thumbs down AngelThump AngelThump AngelThump let him alive wtf @C9Sneaky killll life LIFE redrum KILL HIM POGGERS LET HIM SUFFER ALIVE DETH dyrusW PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH murder DEATH Life NOOO END HIS SUFFERING THERES HONOR I SWEAR END HIM kill him Kill EZ clintNerd clintS don’t kill DEATH DEATH LULW POGGERS EZ Death life LIFE killl PepeHands mmmmmYEA show mercy widepeepoSad PogChamp I AM ENTERTAINED SEE DEW IT VoteYea LUL widepeepoHappy NotSoEZ POGGERS LOOT HIM pog KILL D: NNOOOOOOOOO KILL widepeepoHappy Clap D: 🖕 POGGERS POG F widepeepoSad LOOT HIM LOOT HIM LOOT HIM Jebaited LOOT HIM PogU LOOT D: im older so i know that life is just suffering anyway moon2S D; widepeepoSad LOOT HIM Pog LULW he did get honor LOL heartbreaker what happened VICTORY >listening to chat KEKW widepeepoHappy Clap looot GET STACKED Pog told you get honor LOOT LOOT WTF SNEAKY DansGame loot him of what? loot Death to boomers Chat yall disgusting WTF NO LOOT RUDE sneakyD FeelsGoodMan Clap D: Kapp D: Nice LOOT PepegaHands LOOT Get the pistol EZ POGGERS EZ LOOT FIRED AGAIN Loot Pepega Clap oh is there nothing PepegaHands THE LOOT Jebaited Jebaited VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay VoteNay FeelsAmazingMan Clap get fucked u racist pig widepeepoHappy MERCILESS Pog the LOOT EZ He was expired NO NEED FOR LOOT Jebaited D: D: Jebaited Jebaited EleGiggle Da Loot LULW LOL KEKW Jebaited D: Jebaited Lol Jebaited BURNT AS WELL HIS BLOOD PUT OUT THE FIRE KEKW Jebaited Jebaited gooooot him Jebaited LUL Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited lol :tf: boa Jebaited Jebaited MISSED LEGENDARY LOOT Chats the worst Jebaited Jebaited LUL dude I’m black and was the one telling in the chat to don’t Kappa Jebaited Lol Jebaited lul Jebaited KEKW sneakyC :tf: got em Jabeited TOO EASY Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Lost legendary pistol loot PepeHands KILLED HIM FOR NOTHING PepeHands Jebaited Jebaited jebaited XD LUL Jebaited looting a hobo LULW Jebaited Jebaited DOGGO widepeepoHappy Foxes OhMyDog Wowee Jebaited yiff the foxes Turkeys PepegaAim you are no jedi Kappa monkaShoot POGGERS EZ doggo widepeepoHappy More side missions @c9sneaky pepeLaugh Lost legendary revolver WutFace PedoBear sumSmash @Yolo_pete lol for nothing he sold slaves the only thing he deserves is death @IANF1 WeirdChamp xqcGob xqcGob2 OLD MAN DID NOTHING WRONG PepegaAim gachiW AHH Imagine listening to us idiots on the internet how to do things Jebaited KILL THEM blow a man in the street, kill an old man, ye that’s how sneaky does thing D: OW MY SHOULDER gachiHYPER FRONTIER JUSTICE POGGERS Pog Pog D: I looking at three corses LUL danKEK danKEK loot the saddles now loot What are YOU lookin at? WHATCHU LOOKIN AT? @DevineInsanity Oh wait thats the guy? Alright then KEKW LOOOOOOOOT talk shit get hit LOOT THEM put some respect on his name NOT LOOTING WTF Ooohhh LOOT? Loot ????? KEKW they copudnt listen PepeHands KEKW KEKW Never loot PepeHands LULW KEKW KEKW LUL RedTeam lacG DarkMode KEKW FailFish wtf LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad WTF KEKW KEKW KEKW what happened to sneaky Wutface hes just a straight up murderer KEKW KEKW dude you bother to kill but not to loot PepegaPls go straight into it bro KEKW LULW KEKW TIME TO KILL HIM kill them KILL HIM Kill him KILLL HIMMM kill him KEKW Jensen not seeing the gank coming once again KILL HIM JENSEN BibleThump KILLLL PepegaPls KILL THE BASTARD not jensen Killl K I L L - H I M kill him wtf BibleThump sneakyJensen wtf dude KILL HIM HeyGuys they hurt jensen tiime to kill KEKW kill him Controller LUL Kill his horses @C9Sneaky wait no don't kill him Jensen got banked D R D: P HIM GUN HIM DOWN LIKE THE REST OF EM PepegaAim This game is literally just walking and the game does all for you lol... KILL HIM NOW ganked* Avenge Jensen can he see purple ? Aim Assist kill him! Hecarim Ganks like : SOILED YOUR HONOR, KILL KILL KILL PepoCheer DETH PepoCheer DETH nice job cleaning Pog NICE CLEANING KEKW widepeepoHappy CLEAN gachiBASS yea condition is full Ohh yed the guns get dirty af CLEANIG KEKW upgrades and ammo gachiBASS polish the explosive ammo does massive damage using the same dirty rag LULW fap fap fap You can tap the button to make it faster gachiBASS Fly in my ear hello mr sneaky Cleaning gun with finger on the trigger LUL Wow so clean PogU Ohhhhhh yeesee shouldve looted the bodies :( lemoyne raiders are pretty rich with buckles and watches COGGERS gachiBASS keep it up PepegaPls you know u dont clean a revolver by rubbing some oil on it right CLEAN PogU its coming gachiBASS gachiHYPER keep rubbing it Ask the hhorse to lick the gun for cleaning months of grime in the barrel reeeeeeeeeeeee Repeaters are all u need you need to look into the barrel to check for carbon ONE SIDE WELL DONE clean my gun sneaky gachiBASS stroke stroke stroke Keep stroking Kreygasm carbon buildup monkaHmm Gun clean SMOrc Gun Good SMOrc did you fed your horse? Side quest? Side quest forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨ @bestannie, monkaSHAKE oh no no no C9 Gun Pepega yeah just for 15.25$ not chump change @C9Sneaky ratirlBusiness eagle flies is more of a sidequest whao sneakt you cucked us widepeepoSad pepeSmoke forsenCD PICK A CARD ✨ forsenCD ANY CARD ✨ forsenCD THE 2 OF WIVES? ✨ forsenCD EXCELLENT CHOICE ✨ pepeSmoke Gun clean SMOrc Gun Good SMOrc pepeSmoke (: ur stats stay the same heading into a mission Cant be Jensen doesnt play for the Braithwaites pepeSmoke 1 death plz replenish stamina core too letoKeksnek leto1 leto1 leto2 no more pepeSmoke PepeHands pepeSmoke UGHHHHH Drinking while riding. Totally legal But more cigs! 😡 pepeSmoke last one BEANS PogU VapeNation pepeSmoke one die pls littering WeirdChamp pepeLaugh where he's heading? WATCH THAT KEKW ITS FUNNY monkaW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 45 minutes 51 seconds when sneaky realizes he has only one cigar "Dang its my last cigar" HAHAHA D: KEKW oof KEKW comedyEvilX my man D: KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW He ded LUL LOOT xqcM KEKW LULW sneakyLUL rip KEKW iwdUnlucky iwdUnlucky what's that bar at the bottom that popped up with a man with a hat icon? ❓ Lol Horse reviver tho ez money uh sorry i guess worth pepeSmoke notting happenin here OkayChamp comedyEvilX + 2 why is sneaky on the ceiling WutFace WutFace actually dying irl LUL pepeSmoke PogU KEKW You monster drink a snake oil sad cowboys noises KEKW D: robbed a dead man PepeHands no not him sneakyYeehaw wtf 2 bucks back then is worth 70 trillion today UR A COWBITCH He yeed his last haw LUL it's Karma Morning @C9Sneaky what up mr sexy pants pepeSmoke Calm down Jwnsen gachiBASS pepeSmoke PogU gachiBASS Jensen* gachiHYPER Jensen a wild Horse this storyline is Pog PepoThink john redcorn bro he said came 4HEad GACHI BTW 4HEad sneakyYeehaw sneakyJensen nmpHumm TeaTime keep on comin OkayChamp sneak? LUL did he got to guarma yet? that dude sounds stoned af LMFAOAOA KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW kekw KEKW OMEGALUL NA DRIVER KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW realy KEKW sneakyClap FailFish sneakyLUL Tell Sneaky to sneak KEKW RESTART 4head KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaShake Pepega HYPERCLAP dude how Oh jeez Sex him KappaPride PepegaPls ????? Pog wtf hashdsahsahdsa RESTART how can you miss KEKW Ummmm damn that was hilarious shoot him' gachiHYPER Pepega Clap gachiBASS gottem KEKW LOL KKona PogU that's impossible gachiW NOT THE FRONT 4House Lol sneakyYeehaw gachiHYPER IMMAMAKE YOU SQUEAL 5head gachiW @Limerence123 hewo gachiW sneakyYeehaw gachiW gachiW pepeD gachiHYPER touch his peepee Pepega sneaky wtf lmao sneakyGasm sneakyYeehaw gachiW Kapp Hello boys sneakyHey @thechildofnight diegosPeek 5Head start Bro he is gonna die like that gachiBASS promise me daddy @ritodrin hi cohh7 promise Kappa Jesus this game really lets you do everything huh any gifters here ? nmpHumm TeaTime @ritodrin sneakyHey KEKW wyd @Limerence123 what did snakey do annytfLurk KEKw Great one Snacky Pepega 👍 Good luck Sneaky :) hahah# Sneaky Beaky KEKW OOPS EKW KEKW PepegaPls monkaW ??? EZ KEKW Bruh KEKW cheeki breeki monkaX KEKW Clap KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL ? KEKW KEKW @thechildofnight he kidnappped some1 LULW you messed 100% of this up lmfao 0/10 SNEAK KEKW RIP RESTART KEKW POGSLIDE music sneaky beaky like - DINGDINGDINGDING No one will know im comin~ sneaky sneckers pog restart the mission music KEKW KEKW maximum stealth ITS PepegaAim TIME JUST RESTART LULW holy shit lol ah yes, the element of surprise restart the mission xD mhm mhm CoolStoryBob @Limerence123 oh no gosuGasp horse D: not sneaky at alll PepegaPls ACTION IS COMING PepegaPls FAILED BOTH CHOICES KEKW RESTART restart ot Pepega 🔔 POGGERS *it Restart buddy KEKW QUICK YOURE LOSING COWBOY POINTS i think he can load an autosave fuck the restart WILDCARD BITCHES Bronze medal KEKW Do it again? squishyCloud9 PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW NA aim nice aim LUL KEKW PepegaAim just spam it Controller PepegaAim AYAYAWeird Clap squishyFeelsbad PepegaAim PepegaPls PepegaAim NA COWBOY Why does aim assist point at their balls ? with joystick ? monkaW 🔔 pepeJAM PepegaAim 🔔 PepegaAim PogChamp losing so much cowboy points :( W H OMEGAROLL ? nice stach WH OMEGALUL ? WHAT PepegaPls ACTION IS COMING PepegaPls PepegaPls ACTION IS COMING PepegaPls PepegaPls ACTION IS COMING PepegaPls gachiBASS Sex Him KappaPride monkaW sumSmash Is it Arthur in Peaky blinders ? CHAT WeirdChamp Make him talk sumSmash monkaW no Pepega sumSmash EU doesn't even know what a 🤠 is. They were poking each other with swords until like last year WeirdChamp Pog godly interrogation LULW KEKW Kill em CHANGE THE HAT kill him KEKW KEKW really Shoot him POGGERS Lol xd monkaW Kapp @steveshepard na doesn't know what getting out of groups is PepeLaugh Kneecap him New HAT Pog CHANGE THE HAT BACK FIIIIINNNNNEEEEEE Kapp pepeLaugh they don't know change thE HAT SNEAKY EZ sneakyEZ EZ PepeS oh sneakyEZ AYAYA HandsUp AYAYA ANELE @SteveShepard NA OMEGALUL, MORE LIKE N WHO? OMEGALUL that's not a cowboys hat DansGame ANELE S Rank EZ damn,, that ring is so annoying.. WAT KEKW monkaW PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER pepeLaugh they knows @SteveShepard we don't shoot everything we see Pog , @C9Sneaky you gon play more league after? storm trooper aim KEKW gachiW IT"S HIGH NOON gachiHYPER gachiHYPER murder D: gachiW oh the true ADC experience role play jhin passive take position pepeJAM PepegaAim Is sneaky playing on console or PC? PepegaAim pepeD pepeJAM iron 5 mission console @ImSavageOne wood 5 actually @hotdogss thanks @ImSavageOne consol PepegaAim You're right you stab each other on the London Bridge like a pack of fairies OMEGALUL walk into people with guns pepeJAM ALWAYS BURNING STUFF IN THIS GAME LOL PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Is this on PC? pepeJAM EZ PepegaAim 🏇 PepegaAim sneakyy go get the arabian horse its the fastest near the frozen lake. Spam that buttong PepegaAim PepegaAim just like league PepegaAim console @need4schni yeah in the epic store. soon to be on steam too All of that for a drop of documents Okayga TeaTime "you suck" they summon the hydra HandsUp EZ incomplete documents there is a picture of Dickbutt on it you can spam the dual mausers like an assault rifle later on @C9Sneaky its trap hentai of him. It says that you are gay KappaPride @C9Sneaky Damn you fucked that mission up so hard. "Fart" too loud monkaS Ur mum gey KEKW @need4schni sneaky is playing on console tho gachiHYPER KEKW dont forget about the wagon driver OkayChamp EZ RICH Voice acting is top class @C9Sneaky WHY DO YOU SUCK @ STEALTH IF YOUR NAME IS SNEAKY sneakyEZ EZ two fiddy 2 $ Two fiddy PogU 125 Okayga easy money bronze omegalul bronze KEKW 300 years before DeathStranding SillyChamp Bronze KEKW are you still using the at2035 @c9sneaky EZ 💰 KEKW THATS EVERYTHING Ah @SollemnisX , i figured since his hands are so close to his PP The hat though !mic gimme ma fcking money OMEGALUL / 4 killing 200 people for 200 dollars Bronze Weirdga 👎 uhuh uhuh ADC BTW Weirdga you got more money than the robbery earlier lmao Weirdga poor native americans , all dead PepeHands pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky WHY DO YOU SUCK AT STEALTH MISSIONS if you're name is SNEAKY LUL I smell like balls rn KEKW he plays adc not asssassin KEKW Sneaky subverting the game's expectations KEKW 250 is worth 7.6k today PogChamp @c9sneaky is ur mic the same one as your info tab? that guy is still tied up PunOko @C9Sneaky you know killing everyone for the documents isn't quite a unique way lmao gachiW finally helping the circus lady POg they saw u lul Junglers fault somehow they see the wagon he’s convinced that nobody saw him LUL Promised to untie the driver PepeHands what an ugly hat as Faker is real, he dont sneak MA oh is this for the cricus guy Margaret widepeepoHappy Zebra KEKW margaret *circus PepeHands PepegaPls @ImGoingToTroll his name refers to a sneaky castro Zebra Pog widepeepoHappy Zebra Wowee new horse Kapp hecarim? Fast ASS Amirite haHAA widepeepoSad nyooo DONKEY zfgRunOgre KEKW PepegaAim FASTER LOL LULW KEKW thats a zebra video game donkey KEKW KEKW poor zebra PepegaHands LUL PogU LUL is his hud purple because he's colorblind? KEKW donkey shipGASM KEKW ñ Grab its ass gachW PogU BibleThump zebra PogU widepeepoSad thats a donkey Fast ASS Amirite haHAA caught a zebra Pog widepeepoSad scuffed zebra KEKW PogU REAL @K_LUB yeah "zebra" KEKW not marty D: widepeepoSad doggy style gachiBASS are those the same audio files from the first red dead? Thats no Zebra z ebra painted a donkey with zebra stripes LUL chris rock in the house real zebra Pog guys is this game worth buying for PC? zebras aren't real Thats a Camel Wait a second thats no Zebra now what? he sell it? Okayga a horse Thats an unusual dog i love zebras widepeepoHappy gachiHYPER zeebra or zebra? PepegaHands More convincing cosplay than sneaky has done @king_sol0 yup arent zerbras a donkey breed? @C9Sneaky widepeepoSad gachiHYPER Hi sneaky i love you its eorth to watch sneaky play for free theCrimsonHazard returns it to the circus dude @King_sol0 yeah its worth it for the campaign alone PepegaHands how many crashes have you experienced in this game? monkaW Not a glitch gachiW gachiHYPER @notninezero KEKW gachiHYPER the fuck are those sounds That’s a donkey painted as a zebra# he's on console @itzsaif69 The sound of the cars revving KEKW ohh Zebra is a subspecies of ZEEbra LMFAO KEKW @unnameless ah yeah the dude who lost the lion and shit Is it a Zebra or Chewbaca ? KEKW whats a donkey to a zebra its a zebra painted like a zebra Pepega okay thx guys, really considering it @Snooooowing @OSFrog sounds like its gonna die sounds like the zebra was already having a bad day widepeepoSad Release widepeepoSad why not just play on pc? u made it bleed widepeepoSad is it a donkey @King_sol0 pretty sure its on sale atm on their launcher PETA OPEN UP Kappa STOPPPPPP widepeepoSad widepeepoSad honk honk ur hurting him help the zebra donkey escape or riot D: "Zebra" haHAA he says it right widepeepoHappy na zebra OMEGALUL PepoThink thats you :) @C9Sneaky Wait his name is Margaret?! KEKW zeh brah 5Head 5Head HES A PHONY! KEKW doodWat B A M B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL Z L E 5Head ah yes a big fat Phony KILL HIM KEKW Witcher 3 looks good 5Head does this guy work for Clown9 PauseChamp cosplay ? Actual Trap AYAYA mumbo what? cmonBruh @C9Sneaky will that be your next cosplay? DansGame lol KEKW KEKW Yes monkaHmm Give me back my brother! DansGame LUL DansGame DansGame DansGame Murder him lacSW monkaW "tiger" KEKW get the whole squad widepeepoHappy I hate to ask Kappa pepeLaugh "Lion" its a crocodile with a mane Wait for it chat PepeLaugh if that was the zebra imagine the lion Squad assemble PogU bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega @Jumperxzs true lmao holy FishMoley He doesn't know pepeLaugh @ForestFairyBilly zfgHey sneakyHey pepeLaugh lacM macaiy1Muah The Gang comedyEvilX adeptE @seebass10 ASSemble you say? SPOILER: snape kills dumbledore house cat tiger KEKW they dont pay for the truth 5Head @forestfairybilly sneakyFedora WeirdChamp Thank you for doing side quests Is it gonna be a Godzilla? monkaW @C9Sneaky is your horse ill? that are some weird noises @ForestFairyBilly Yes HandsUp popesThicc golden retriever lion be more concerned with the lion than the tiger pepeLaugh its probly the cat you shot in the dark cave clearly the lion is his mother in law KEKW KKonaW yepp gachiBASS KEKW @rumia_ bawkHello make sure to calm Jensen down a bit whilst traveling Kreygasm sally Kreygasm KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm 😳 the assistant Kreygasm oh i remember this mission. EAT HER ASS Howdy KKona Mister KEKW bang her sneakyGasm Kreygasm she’s cute Wait wat side boob Kreygasm bang her asap pepeLaugh LION monkaMega bang her Kreygasm doodStare they have multiple lions Pog CoolCat TIGER tyler1T1 tyler1T2 KEKW Everything missing PepeHands LUL ANELE oh LUL LUL THICC KEKW send a lion to find a tiger LUL cat and dog KEKW hy toughest mission yet Pog Sent a Dog to find a Komodo Dragon i bet Kreygasm hop on my wagon girl its a trap hop on my wagon gachiBASS still live dad peepoPog sex her :( send a frog to swallow the fly widepeepoSad mr lion PepeHands witcher vision PogU they die i wish they would broadcast political debates on twitch. Twitch chat would be FABULOUS KEKW KEKW Wtf Arthur can see Smells ? lion LUL monkaW Lion monkaW PepeHands NO PepeHands D: PepeHands he's dead jim . "LION" PETA Who gave you a pinkeye for deadeye?^^ KEKW @hethegamer they were streaming that stuff about russiagate cougar gachiHYPER ????????? .. . oh Stripey you rascal FeelsBadMan here we go Pog YES SIR gachiBASS PepeHands cat is safe widepeepoHappy WTF PepeHands LOL widepeepoSad D: widepeepoSad widepeepoSad BibleThump holy shit lmao BibleThump CATS>DOGS Pog WTF widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad K k @theCrimsonHazard i am talking debates where trump is on. He's already a memer YEET D: BibleThump BibleThump D: D: D: D: o she THICC THICC widepeepoSad Where is the cat DansGame LUL Wowee DONT THROW HIM WTF oathD widepeepoSad the horses finna just chill LULW KEKW pepeLaugh TRUEEE gosuGasp abuser @hethegamer maybe the do, look better :) KEKW monkaW ITS COMING PepeS monkaS monkaW monkaW TIGER KEKW monkaW CoolCat monkaW monkaW Friends KEKW thats huge monkaS friend :) Pepega CAT uh thats a tiger KEKW GO GO GO monkaW Actual tiger monkaW CAREFUL monkaW friends KEKW monkaW monkaGIGA doodWat doodWat doodWat doodWat monkaW KEKW they real friendly now LUL sneaky1 sneaky2 Pepega SHE FEASTIN sneaky3 sneaky4 KEKW what EZ Clap or BOY LOCKED LUL LOCKED KEKW Jebaited WE GOT ONE KEKW pins at the bottom KEKW its on the bottom monkaW widepeepoHappy Locked and secured KEKW LION widepeepoSad EZ drive DansGame WTF she eats a dog the dog is dead? KILL HER KILL THEM ALL FeelBadCat cmonBruh KEKW KEKW LUL sneakyClaus not really KEKW ARTHUR SHOOTING HIS SHOT SIMP KEKW sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY counter someone? smooth sally nash, now SEX HER KKona steve NASH'S DAUGHTER KEKW SHOOTERS SHOOT PepegaAim try not to get friendzoned this time KEKW and Kreygasm Barons Wife turn her into Mrs Morgan HeyGuys bb @tonstinos -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] forsenCD WELCOME when does this game come out on steam anybody know? LUL she's an idiot PepeHands forsenCD Clap PICK HER UP Pgo lol vineMayro @JawxKun the 6th i believe 3Head Let her rangel something else 4HEad thanks @punk_guy_scoop :) KKona fellers She's talking about you @C9Sneaky HIGHER THAN SNEAKY KEKW KEKW HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket LUL META RlyTho LUL feminist DansGame Maybe Sneaky will go female beast wrestling soon? :) HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket Feminist monkaHmm that quote so relevent in 2019 LUL @FantasticTT KEKW widepeepoHappy i like her ur horse the horse Th... !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 9 minutes 57 seconds PepeHands poor cat SHOOT HIM AND KIDNAP HER widepeepoHappy theyre pretty likeable characters widepeepoHappy KEKW CoolCat KEKW CoolCat CoolCat She liked him like she liked her food KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW haha KEKW KEKW KEKW DADDY CHILL !time December 2nd 2019, 4:56:23 am PST GMT-08:00 sneakyLUL KEKW ram ranch PepoThink KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW DansGame So long gachiBASS ITS A DOG LOOKS LIKE AQ LION gachiGASM BRITISH KEKW KEKW sneakyChamp pepeLaugh jhin Jhin sneakyChamp sneakyChamp o shit the lion Wait, why is the menu PINK ???? pepeLaugh oh ono no no lion Pog KappaRoss did he play the online part? colorblind mode ohh Lion time KEKW its colorblind @hethegamer sneaky is colorblind !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds pepeD Whole lotta Ugly KEKW Rob him widepeepoHappy Leave it pepeLaugh you have it on just leave it fahrenheit Weirdga POUNDS DansGame you can go metric Pog gobChamp YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw imperial units KEKW Metric WeirdChamp ... metric for eu cucks KEKW Celsius OkayChamp USA IMPERIAL no we prefer american way Kappa Keepo metric WeirdChamp gobChamp yasU yasN yasW yasWeird YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky I take my units in freedom thanks Metric KKona Imperial Metric is superior I PREFER METRIC-CHAN AYAYAYA metric for every other country in the world WeirdChamp kilogram Pog Kelvin :) freedom units Celsius KEKW Jensen's so fast Pog metric > retardo units Kappa metric PogU kelvin metric is superior not using metric and celsius in 2k19 KEKW 18 naked cowboys in emerald ranch KEKW hehe lion CoolCat Celsius better monkaW lion KEKW doubt it pepeLaugh pepeLaugh Metric WeirdChamp KKona monkaW pepeLaugh i bet its a BEAR metric plebs WeirdChamp a real lion will come out CLAP KEKW LUL YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw Hold on COWBOY PepeLaugh pepeLaugh oh ono no no pepeLaugh Arthur oh no no no Dawg KKona LilZ PepeS pepeLaugh nah Arthur monkaW ACTUALLY A Lion KEKW watch oh nah fam monkaW OhMyDog A Dog Bark Bark pepeLaugh inb4 actual lion hehe real lion KEKW LUL RaigarLoL subscribed with Twitch Prime. dawg PepeS HEHE real lion time monkaMega ACTUAL Lion inc PepeS monkaS monkaW ITS REAL LUL here doggy! monkaW pepeLaugh oh no no no no PepeS growl monkaS YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw monkaW ahhhhh WutFace JUMP SCARE pepeLaugh monkaW holy shit PepeS that ain't no dawg monkaW monkaW monkaW PepeS SHOOT IT Pog Lion paws. It Dog YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw cirBlech look at the tracks KEKW KEKW monkaS monkaMega bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw O_O LUL monkaOMEGA monkaS pepeLaugh widepeepoSad KEKW CALL THE POLICE monkaW My god F lacSW O SHIT IT WAS REAL ALL ALONG?? WTF monkaOMEGA KEKW D: Actual Lion LULW sneakyTrash Thats dfntly not a dog monkaW bit awkward REAL LION monkaOMEGA take horse? a dog LUL Rengar on the hunt O fuck whoops Jebaited Drift king Pog LOS GOBLINOS monkaW ghet your horse that pathing KEKW you chasing the cow XD ACTUAL LION monkaW umm sir ur following the cattle YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw a fed rengar LULW sneaky following the cow KEKW cow widepeepoSad LUL monkaW monkaW Pog a lion A DOG Pog rip LUL lacSW WTF LOL monkaMEGA A LION WTF monkaW monkaW that hari monkaW Big ass dog KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW Entei Kappa FrankerZ monkaW hello sir WTF WTF A FUCKING LION EASY BOY Puppy widepeepoHappy monkaW ?? LOOOOL aslan CLAP HIM KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL not dog it is a cat WYD KEKW a lion dog Monkas SWEET JESUS\ Pepega Clap RIP a fucking LION WTF dead BIG DOG monkaW POG ACTUAL LION KEKW yeah you do KEKW KEKW GG LUL KEKW LOST TO A CAT EZ Clap KEKW KEKW 1 shot ded LUL KEKW KEKW 1 TAPPED thats a big dog KEKW widepeepoHappy doggo Kappa KEKW monkaW LUL ONE SHOT KEKW KEKW sneakyLUL KEKW 1 SHOT LILLUL KEKW CoolCat MadoStab KEKW KEKW LULW LOL LUL lol KEKW Nid 1 shot KEKW u gotta shot him in the head A FUCKING LION GUYS WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK , F LOST TO A DOG KEKW ended try the lasso widepeepoHappy nah just let him kill you Kapp lasso it :) pc is so scuffed LUL K Rengar 1 shot rengar too strong CoolCat MadoStab sneakyYeehaw bronze again PepeHands ADC 2k19 KEKW so the carnies just decided not to tell you this one was real KEKW LOL That's a fed kitty lasso?? THE LION ESCAPED THAT WAS THE PROBLEM KEKW I KNOW, ILL LET HIM KILL ME Pepega Clap I KNOW, ILL LET HIM KILL ME Pepega Clap I KNOW, ILL LET HIM KILL ME Pepega Clap I KNOW, ILL LET HIM KILL ME Pepega Clap Rengo fed ADC DYING TO RENGAR AGAIN KEKW Rengar 1 shot dog RENGAR PogChamp PepegaAim nidalee D: wtf widepeepoSad YEAH YOU DO LULW BibleThump :'( D: murdered by 16 bits lion KEKW D: THEY NOT LYIN THIS TIME KEKW RANGARRRR PepeHands peta PepeHands FOOOOCUUUSS PepegaAim PETA BibleThump PepeHands PETA D: classic rengar one shot LUL widepeepoSad D: POOR RENGAR PepeHands PepeHands widepeepoSad now im sad IM Calling PETA widepeepoSad kite D: EZ Clap No bushes for Rengo KEKW PepeHands Poor thing PepeHands someone call peta PepeHands D: widepeepoSad kitty PAW bawkHands trophy = HIs balls @punk_guy_scoop ikr KEKW KKona ain't nothin' but business ma'am PETA widepeepoSad wtf D: 😒😒 jesus animal cruelty D: PepeHands lions paw good luck worth F Mufasa F PETA What the fuck snacky D: BANNED Kappa PETA :D HE FORGOT HIS DEAD FRIEND DO QUICK YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw PepeHands call peta plebs OMEGALUL KEKW LUL RSPCA KEKW LOL that horse He's with harambe now v.v WTF LULW D: D: hat D: KNOCK KNOCK PETA OPEN UP Kappa Kappa 4Head KEKW SHOULDVE CAUGHT IT KILLED YOU KEKW D: HAT D: RSPCA ANIMAL CRUILTY dude D: Catch the damn train CG poor lion i'm a majestic lion and i feel offended Poor cat widepeepoSad Pog Thats what Rengar gets for not hiding in a bush KEKW poor rengar imagine the two guys at the barn when he said that was a dog ... ähm ok Mufasa nooooo IN THE ARMS OF AN ANGEL @C9Sneaky KNOCK KNOCK PETA UP OPEN Kappa Kappa 4Head sneaky: the lion killer jhin > rengar Kappa $165 bounty scrubnoob dead again PepeHands RENGAR, CAT, LION YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw Somebody helppppp, somebody.... anybody... BibleThump TONIGHT WE HUNT ... oh shit, I DIED KEKW @C9Sneaky In league you would not have lived that scrubnoob would have one shot you Inting Rengar KEKW sneakyYeehaw KEKW miss KEKW bawkGun rengar mains PepeAim D: sick aim KEKW pepeLaugh c9 sniper Scuffed Varus D; LUL nice ashe arrow LUL LUL high noon ashe? D: B D: T C H so bad KEKW ULT him adc LUL LUL Why dont you lock aim nice deadeye KEKW AIM LUL PepegaAim @C9Sneaky I guess he wasn't a rengar main KNEW NA AIM PepegaAim PepegaAim Do you know you can mark the animals with an X before shooting them ? PepegaAim pepeSmoke NA KEKW pepeSmoke pepeSmoke THROW ON HIM AN ASHE ULTIMATE monkaHmm where does he hide all the weapons ? .... .. monkaW oh no sneakyGrip widepeepoSad PepeLaugh train Pog LULW pepeLaugh YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaah KEKW KEKW LUL pepeLaugh KEKW LUL CURTAIN CALL POG KEKW THE KING OF THE BEASTS RENGAR PogChamp THIS IS YOUR CURTAIN CALL sneakyChamp 3Head KEKW widepeepoSad KKona Him or Me KKona LOOOL bloody hell 3Head BLOODY HELL fake gem KEKW SCAMMAZ KEKW LOOOL Pog hmmmmmmmm SCAMMAZ Pog PogU PogU peepoPog real scammed EleGiggle PogU SCAMMER SCAMMED PogU legendary stone Thats a big af emerald Scammed LUL SCAMMAZ KEKW SCAMMER Jebaited LUL atpCap Scam KEKW Kill him SCAM KEKW SCAMMED KEKW just glass KEKW Nathan drake called... he wants his jewel Pog KEKW SSCAAAAAAMMMMMMMMER Hmmmmmm xqcM Nice PogU KEKW KEKW SCAMMAZ KEKW real PogU Geeems Kreygasm scammaz Daddy KEKW gachiBASS gachiW take it then take cash KEKW colored plastic KEKW DADDY gachiHYPER SCAMMMMM Jebaited Jebaited YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw widepeepoSad KILL EM He cant seriously believe that fake Kreygasm Girl Kill um SCAMMED KEKW FAKE lion go sky widepeepoSad SCAMMAZZZZZZZZZZZ widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Jebaited Jebaited SCAMMED Save Sally sell it to the fence SCAMMED LULW its actually real so long gachiBASS Jebaited probably glass cant believe that clown is smashing sally.... fake that shit worth 300$ @C9Sneaky SCAMOG KEKW on the bill ? FeelsOkayMan sparkling stone Next you see me sneakyGasm why is sneaky so sneaky it actually sells for good money that's actually worth a lot I think? gobChamp gobChamp where do i download this game? BITE THE JEWEL FailFisg MINECRAFT VILLAGERS WANT TO KNOW YOUR LOCATION MR. @C9Sneaky KEKW go to the Fence @godsshabin its like $50 you have to go to a fence ahhhh ou lost your legendary stone WeirdChamp ? Put the emerald up your butt Dutch PogU the fence is on the way you can check pee in my mouth yandGasm Why is it purple instead of red? peepoLeave pee in me Sneaky gachiHYPER peepoLeave 🚽 pee in my mouth cirGasm peepoLeave its sleep time for me boys peepoLeave sneaky is colorblind Okayga ratirlWot ratirlWot paladi28Praisechair paladi28Praisechair paladi28Praisechair paladi28Praisechair Pee in my mouth 🚽 goodbye homies THICC colourblind mode sneaky got the chaos emerald PogChamp gn Sitlec @sitlec goodnight sneakyFedora monkaW monkaW ? WutFace monkaMega monkaS monkaW fifiS sneakyChair WutFace monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaGun monkaW monkaW sneakyChair peepoLeave monkaMega rip uhhh monkaW PepegaAim bruh monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW ice machine Playing on ps4 or pc with ps4 controller? monkaW monkaW domestic violence WutFace monkaW uhh home intruder monkaW CHAIR STREAM POGGERS @every_bunny ps4 call 911 monkaMega home invader monkaW lynn hurting sneaky PepeHands man down monkaW dead monkaW Terrorists Win monkaW is this colorblind mode? doesnt look like Call Riot monkaS @maasawdreamt sneakyFeels not again... someone call 911 monkaW pepeSmoke nothing better to do PauseChamp Game looks nice even for ps4 lol chair stream WeirdChamp bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega PauseChamp WideHard chair stream WideHard chair stream WideHard chair stream MOnkaW Chat WeirdChamp monkaW oh no he dead aint he? peepoArrive peepoLeave I'm ready with my peepoArrive no widehardo WeirdChamp death while peeing monkaW bawkSalt 💻 sneakyChair peepoArrive yasWeird yasW yasW yasW yasU sneaky getting spanked gachiW bawkCop peepoArrive rip in pieces mr snacky sneakyChair peepoArrive you are playing rdr2 but I am going to school :( jerC jerC2 moe subs tyler1Bad peepoArrive peepoArrive @C9Sneaky nearest one is in the emerald ranch close to u sir Holy, the THICCness yasWeird pepeSmoke did lynn hit you? :( this chat is very rood and gay @C9Sneaky nearest one is in the emerald ranch close to u sir @C9Sneaky nearest one is in the emerald ranch close to u sir Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa moe subs ratirlSpit School KEKW haHAA school pepeLaugh @hotdogss wtf u too tyler1NLT SCH OMEGALUL OMEGALUL L gays are rood jerYike jerYike jerYike jerYike jerYike @ForestFairyBilly it was gifted NotLikeThis pepeLaugh kids in chat widepeepoHappy PepeLaugh East coast BEST Coast ratirlSpit ratirlSpit Have you found Ram Ranch yet? gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky pepeLaugh PepegaHands huhu you can steal coaches and sell them in Emerald Ranch btw children? in MY twitch chat? DansGame @hotdogss but u were watching moe tyler1Bruh PepegaHands @ForestFairyBilly monkaMega ive never got a gifted sub in 5 years of following KEKW pepeLaugh PepegaHands train Pog PepegaHands dont touch me PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands is amazing PepegaHands bawkHands PepegaHands no wtf PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands I wonder if hot dogs are considered sandwiches Dodged PepeHands PepegaHands PepegaHands East coast best coast, west coast weak coast, YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw PepegaHands dont do it dont u dare PepegaHands MadoStab PepegaHands My follows only have sneaky and bob ross on right now who should i be watching averxi92 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! PepegaHands Leave alone mr Sneaks PepegaHands you need to add SMILERS though PepegaHands dont remove me PepegaHands peepoWTF 200 hour game PepegaHands benis TableHere FlipThis pepeLaugh 👉 PepegaHands @C9Sneaky go get arabic white horse from snowy mountain, fastest horse PepegaHands dun get rid of us steak pls sa kürt varmı PepegaHands small benis !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds 200 hours for casuals pepeLaugh @shopmass kürdleri skim @lolminsoo PepegaHands i wish it was that long do not step on the grass men have some respect goshh... maybe if you go for all the sidequests or something PepegaHands PepegaHands PepegaHands 50 KEKW $50?? @ohlookatthisguy2 ırkçı piç :D KKona ? NO FUCKING WAY LMFAO KEKW @c9sneaky did u played desath stranding? SCAMMED :0 LULW Scammed LUL Bustdown AP? he finished it @every_bunny SCAMMAZ Jebaited Oh scammed KEKW 1500$ in todays money not sure if Saint Denis sells it for a higher price We told ya KEKW pretty good @shopmass kürtsen kürtçe konuş orospu cocugu is that a TSM shirt ? Kappa KEKW who expected that scammed pepeLaugh scamazed go back and take the tiger KILL AND ROB @ohlookatthisguy2 türküm orosbu cocugu Do it wow the dirty guy in the shack doesnt pay that much who knew Kappa Keep that 50 bucks for your children :) they will be reach SNACKERS Pog BEANS PogU rich* Chu chu Pepega tfbShh xqcOld yasPlead why does the shopkeeper look like a zombie? @C9Sneaky if you eat too much beans, arthur will fart while riding horse KEKW how much money do you have? @yokuz116 had a long night Rdr2 zombie mode confirmed? YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw you have to craft that stuff but it hits pretty hard DansGame Hawkeye PogChamp sneakyWut 4HEad Poop 4HEad Farts KEKW moon2LOLE moon2LOLE we like fartnite hey man farting IS funny xDDD moon2LOLE weestJoy i ate too many beans today widepeepoSad Undead nightmare 2 tales of the shopkeeper rooGasm Moonmoon subs Visit Ram Ranch ricardoFlick @C9Sneaky Poop moon2LOLE farting and desk slam 😂 😂 @cheesecakefox11 moon2LOLE 😂 rhodes still has people even after you killed everyone KEKW fart the desk 😂 @C9Sneaky BRO thats a detail in game. I didnt tell that for a joke Weirdga @ethereum2 -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] I ate 500 g of raw pepperonis PepeLaugh its about to burn a second time cmonBruh @Jabo moon2L cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh pepeLaugh hugo1Bruh Weirdga That guy WeirdChamp ........... :) shoot him :) @lolminsoo Mods FeelsWeirdMan Weirdga 👎 fwens Kill him KILL A PRISONER /PO HYPERBRUH Sex him monkaW help him monkaW SHOOT HIM dont kill him he will give you a map shoot his head haHAA racism so fun haHAA LMAO KEKW OMEGALUL D: oh Kill him LUL LUL you get honor if you shoot shackles shoot him he escaped i banned him 👍 EAT HIS ASS 😡 Yes D: he lived LUL LOOOL OMEGALUL LUL 👍 ??????????? FOLLOW HIM Sex him KEKW kill him widepeepoHappy kill him widepeepoHappy kill him widepeepoHappy kill him widepeepoHappy Nooo LUL sylas KEKW nice interaction Yup whoops :tf: pepeLaugh oh no no no freed sylas KEKW sneakyTrash pretty sure you shot his foot off @C9Sneaky NICE GAME MECHANICS KEKW "eat his ass 😡 " WeirdChamp a little bullet in the foot never hurt nobody hes coming to steal your R Warn Damacia monkaS forsenS KEKW you just freed some potential criminal Pepega 👍 early quarter 2020 make sure they are dead next time widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky blew his feet off when does sylas get a buff? Congratulation you just let loose and psychopath sneakyBoost EAT DUTCH's ASS 😡 @instabustedd mabey he was wrongly accused I have a plan rooAww holy moly you're still up? "you should have aimed for the head" Kappa "EAT DUTCH's ASS 😡 " WeirdChamp KEKW !time December 2nd 2019, 5:16:16 am PST GMT-08:00 @Natsuu142 THANOS PepoThink DansGame Cock ""EAT DUTCH's ASS 😡 " WeirdChamp" FeelsOkayMan cock gachiHYPER Which head though? Kappa !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 30 minutes 54 seconds arthur DansGame money DansGame I love these EU friendly streams lirikAYAYA cock gachiW D: watch that guy come back at the end of the game and end up killing you xD gachi meta macaiy1Sleep YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw @Natsuu142 shut the fuck up DOOOOOOMED Sounds like my boss KEKW KKona "VerifiedJabo: ""EAT DUTCH's ASS 😡 " WeirdChamp" FeelsOkayMan" 4Weird @Natsuu142 spoiler moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyy HAVE FAITHHHHHHHHH ARTHUR @Natsuu142 spoiler WeirdCham Come from ahri cosplay stay for chat rooGreed last job @Natsuu142 spoiler WeirdChamp Last job Kapp monkaHmm ok last tahiiitiiii pepeSmoke last one alway the last job Sure Kapp @Natsuu142 FeelsWeirdMan what happened the last time we didnt listen to hosea yeah righto dutch CoolStoryBob Last job rooScared :( Kapp ratirlBusiness DansGame DansGame DansGame moneyyy rob a bank FeelsOkayMan its the last job bro dont worry 4HEad Kappa You're dead by now KEKW Kapp this is going well Hosea tru this definitely will end well :) @Fulgorio_ Kapp @Fulgorio_ last Kapp betting on Dutch’s death get the horses ready ⛵ Clap Kapp We ridi This is guaranteed to wom 5Head SMOrc Clap muswamp He knows this lands like the back of his butt KEKW pretending to not have blood lust after just killing 15 people for some papers baju style KKona hes anidiot 5Head Dutch 6Head White horse widepeepoHappy horsee Kreygasm KKool PepegaHands Brush us too Snacky gachiBASS Jensen Kreygasm KEKW lol KEKW pepeLaugh sneakyLUL Brush me i d i o t KEKW idiot KEKW IDIOT KEKW @c9sneaky give Jensen some water, you monster! of course it matters Jebaited Dutch is such a cuck He got it all in his back butt moneyyyyy KKona Make money Make money KKona MoNeyY this game is so good god damn M U N E H Dutch is poop 😂 T A H I T I Kappa tahiti PogU F A I T H 5Head Dutch faith KEKW KEKW bUt bUt 0Head plan KEKW faith again BUTT Kappa Pepega bUt D: bUt 3Head Dutch and his plans KEKW tahiti KEKW M U N E H .... F A I T H dutch is a dunce FeelsEvilMan TeaTime We're not gachiBASS PepegaHands TeaTime man what an abusive boyfriend toGEthER( alone ) these are the biggest death flags KEKW DAMM DUTCH SHUT UP DansGame !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 35 minutes 27 seconds TriHard Clap What ? monkaMega IM SCARED CHAT SMOrc SMOrc dump him SMOrc SHREK Kreygasm Let me do the talking because i talk to much i never shut up KEKW YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw inb4 KEKW SMOrc monkaMega MadoStab PepegaShake SHREK Kreygasm IN HIS SWAMP monkaS Boatman TriHard Clap TriHard Clap Issa Homie TriKool forsenKKona awh ye, time to fuck my sister boatm'n swamp people widepeepoHappy yee haw partner stick it in my ass WideHard @C9Sneaky where is 18 naked combow ? tell me ... now !! TriHard Clap WideHard TriHard good Clap KKona Out on the skiff TRAPS AYAYA traps Kreygasm Traps sneakyWEEBY Kreygasm traps monkaS GATOR PepeS Did someone say TRAP? xqcB Squid1 ITS TRAP monkaW lacTrap rooGasm TRAPS TriHard boatman a real one dont call me shirly 😡 traps in the swamp monkaS KEKW KKona 🤝 forsenKKona keeping it in the family rooAYAYA is snooky still with c9? forsenKona danKona 4HEad hehe SNEAKY THE WATER MONKAS stick to the low ground :) i hate swamps monkaW monkaS monkaW Trap AYAYA monkaW gators Wait SHREK Bathroom Kreygasm SEARCH TRAP rooGasm bUrself forsenKKona this mission is a big yikes THE WATER AHH monkaW monkaW monkaW Shrek is a TRAP forsenBee LUL cmonBruh LUL LUL LUL LUL LUL monkaW monkaW WTF monkaW not his leg gachiHYPER gachiBASS monkaMega wtf gachiHYPER haHAA gachiHYPER so deeeeeep night folk monkaS gachiW DEEP gachiHYPER gachiHYPER monkaSHAKE monkaW PepeS PepeS PepeS He touched his leg sneakyGasm monkaW monkaMega danGachi Night folks monkaW monkaMega monka monkaW time to get eaten peepoLeave no thank u fuck that. also gachiBASS monkaW Veternum_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 18 months! :) monkaW be careful you dont fall into a trap fuck the swamp monkaMega monkaMega sir im under water sir monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW stay on the high ground Okayga Okayga That’s what she said MiniK crocidle inc water not even moving. Nice Graphics Fking wet Pog this make me have anxiety monkaW KEKW True Lick Dutch's ear i wish lynn would just walk up behind sneaky and scream monkaW @c9sneaky Isn't this what you do in Florida? WutFace U should've taken a boat lol if hes a boats men why not using a boat KEKW it's kinda cozy widepeepoHappy gators are just pussy crocs monkaGun how is this a good idea Boatman without a boat KEKW what could possibly go wrong monkaW gator monkaS best watergraphics ever seen gachiW gachiHYPER monkaW he psycho monkaW gators LULW TRUE OSFrog KKool 🐊 drop your pants and hope he goes for your ass and not the money gachiHYPER ALLIGATORS DAMM monkaW huntin sum gators KKool YEEEEHAW piss water Drink the swamp water I dare you JERK THE TRAP DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT widepeepoHappy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT widepeepoHappy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT widepeepoHappy DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT widepeepoHappy AYAYA touch the trap OH SHIT OH FUCK @Yokuz116 no U PepeHands So in Florida You soak yourself in a swamp with all of your cash in you? monkaMega TriHard BIG BULL whats true monkaW monkaMega monkaW lacTrap Clap gachiW Manbearpig! or a gator got in to the trap b-bull monkaW KEKW monkaS monkaW Squid3 Squid4 its true @C9Sneaky bye Dad g2g KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW Yep monkaW GATOR INC monkaW totallt gachiHYPER YES monkaMega this is it PepeHands monkaMEGA SNEAKY monkaW HOL UP !live monkaMega RENEKTON I hope so danGachi monkaW monkaW monkaMega .... renek monkaS monkaGun monkaS monkaOMEGA monkaMega SNEAKY NO monkaW monkaX RENEKTON inc RENEKTON monkaW !online Just kill the Gator 4HEad YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw SHOOT ANYTHING THAT MOVES why would you walk around the swamp at night monkaW Pepega renekton waiting renekton monkaW Watch out for renekton stun renekton monkaW Shoot em big gatah monkaW 3 them thangs !live kill it with lucian ! Killed rengar now Renekton monkaW RENEKTON BOOSTED monkaW sumSmash 🐊 a swamp full of fed renektons monkaS SPLIT UP LUL this fucking guy never split up monkaS monkaMega DON'T SPLIT UP which normal minded person would do this monkaW s-split up? SPLIT UP monkaW monkaW oh no no no 5Head KEKW Pepega ITS A TRAP SPLIT UP monkaW oh no no no sounds like a good idea KEKW back then people had to be tough as a mother fucker man forreal monkaS renekton no flash just like the white cougar KEKW Splitting? EZ Clap KEKW Pepega Clap PepegaHands monkaGun yeah lets split up in the middle of the swamp at night CiGrip SNEAKY NO THE SWAMP GAS lacLaugh oh no no no monkaW Finding Shrek LIKE THE HORROR MOVIE monkaW are you in the swamp near farron keep pepeD monkaW SLOW DOWN smoking neck deep in water KEKW w-what was that monkaW monkaW pepeSmoke your lighter is under water just book it yolo smoking in the water Pepega monkaW this will not end will i can feel it let's split up gang 4Head monkaMega o-ogres water graphics gimme eyecancer Ghost monkaW monkaW SLOW DOWN SNEAKY ALO ZULUL 1 Rengar now Renekton monkaW Witch monkaW 1st Rengar now Renekton monkaW monkaW WATCH OUT FOR GATORS w-what are you doing in my swamp monkaW KKona monkaMega shrek monkaW PepeS monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW jules is on the tree MonkaW is it the night folk monkaW monkaMega wineTime im spilling my wine everywhere SMOrc GET OUTTA MA SWAMP get out of my swamp SMOrc monkaS anxiety monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaX MONSTER monkaW PepeS shrek SMOrc monkaW Wah you Doin m-m-m-monster monkaW monkaW RENEKTON USED R did someone say juuls ? Renekton ult monkaW forsenS M-MONSTER monkaW KEKW monkaW monkaW RENEKTON monkaW monkaW Shrek monkaW a m-monster? monkaW sneakyTrash big monkaW monkaS monkaW uhhhhhhhhhhhhh get out of water monkaW monkaW where? massive Pepega legendary gator Pog naughty GATOR run monkaW monkaX monkaW He’s gonna eat you out be careful! renekton ulted monkaW big and nasty monkaW monkaW dont do it monkaW renekton monkaW monkaW RENEKTON monkaX dat way monkaW 4Head that way Pepega Migos Dat Way 4Head DAT WAY a kennen xqcDab RIGHT BELOW YOU monkaOMEGA THAT WAY YUH TriHard Its that way Pepega Very descriptive from Jules over here cuida2 que te sale el chupacabras bro you need Jinx i got a cannon right here gachiHYPER Sneaky has a cannon tho renekton without shojin KEKW HE IS SO DEAD A KENNEN monkaW monkaW you need tristina's cannon sneakyNLT HE IS SO DEAD sneakyNLT HE IS SO DEAD sneakyNLT HE IS SO DEAD sneakyNLT HE IS SO DEAD sneakyNLT HE IS SO DEAD monkaX monkaMega monkaW LUL PepeS This scene now, where the fuck came everyone else? It was a bit fucked up in the script if you ask me sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut FED RENEKTON monkaW doodWat doodWat doodWat doodWat monkaW RENEKTON monkaX RENE INC monkaX PepeS monkaOMEGA Good boi KKona monkaW Big gator time AYAYAWeird PepoThink ded it 3...2... where is it PepeS HERES COME monkaW where's tahm monkaW no monster WeridChamp DED all this suspense monkaW oh shit renekton inc ornery gator monkaW PepeS how fed is this renekton monkaW I just yawned too :) PepeS PepeS PepeS PepeS PepeS suspence KING K ROOL ENTERS THE FIGHT fuckin gators KKona your viewer count is going down monkaW Renekton AND Kench monkaOMEGA monkaX monkaS PepeS monkaW monkaX monkaW WTF nonsense LULW monkaW they fed Renekton gg ff 15 monkaS WutFace sneakyWut monkaOMEGA ARGHHH monkaW KILL THE WHITE CROCO OH NAH alligator monkaW LULW dont PepeS monkaOmenga big n' nasty ol' gator KKona sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD monkaW its underneath you monkaGun monkaOMEGA timmacS HES DEAD HES DONE monkaW monkaOmega top right looking like snack 😳 monkaW famous last words top right looking like snack 😳 top right looking like snack 😳 HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD HE IS DEAD top right looking like snack 😳 see ya widepeepoSad Kench or Renekton monkaOMEGA BAM F you'll be fine monkaS f :) monkaX monkaW oh no no no theyre not ambush predators or anything Kappa :) chomp chomp F :) does he really have to go that far out FeelsWeirdMan :) HES A GONER widepeepoSad monkaW Gottem OOF monkaW monkaOMEGA just kill it 4Head D: monkaW monkaW widepeepoSad noo EZ Clap KEKW F monkaX monkaW DED monkaW F OMG monkaS F monkaW Kench or Renekton monkaOMEGA oh fuck Just a myth :) LOL LULW widepeepoSad oh nyooo sneakyD NotLikeThis monkaW F monkaS monkaS monkaS dont go in monkaW KEKW he's dead jim widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump monkaOMEGA JUST LET HIM DIE monkaGun JUST LET HIM DIE JUST LET HIM DIE DUTCH WeirdChamp SAVE HIM oh lord JUST LET HIM DIE its too late for him leave him MY LEG SabaPing MY LEEEEEEGGG Dont go in let him do his thing you know monkaS BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands rip leg monkaW juuules monkaW my leg WeirdChamp LET HIM DIE monkaW SAVE HIM PLS DAD let his ass die wtf sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut monkaGun Kench or Renekton monkaW jules monkaW BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack MY LEG KEKW SAVE HIM monkaW PepegaAim come on Arthur monkaW monkaW monkaW shoot it he got my deeeck TAHM KENCH OP monkaX PepegaAim 🐊 PepeS Now who's gonna tell us when something goes over there????? PepeHands run monkaW run for your life COME ON DAD 4Head come on arthur Jules PepeHands WutFace WutFace WutFace yes arthur go Pepega save him BibleThump BibleThump sneakyD come on arthur Pepega 📣 dutch WeirdChamp D: monkaW WutFace spank him WutFace KappaPride D: SHOOT DUTCH FeelsWeirdMan monkaMega monkaW my leg sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut monkaW blood trail monkaW bad idea b-blood monkaW THATS INFECTED BRO behiend monkaW Blood in the water monkaOMEGA blood monkaW im sorry fam im gonna have t leave ya HES PROBABLY GONNA GET AN INFECTION FROM THAT NASTY WATER AND DIE ANYWAYS LMFAO HURRY UP ARTHUR DAD PLS WutFace OMG monkaMega TAHM KENCH OP monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaW KEKW LULW HES PROBABLY GONNA GET AN INFECTION FROM THAT NASTY WATER AND DIE ANYWAYS monkaW AHHHHH HES PROBABLY GONNA GET AN INFECTION FROM THAT NASTY WATER AND DIE ANYWAYS HES PROBABLY GONNA GET AN INFECTION FROM THAT NASTY WATER AND DIE ANYWAYS monkaGun monkaW WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaW MY LEG SabaPing monkaW LULW monkaW XDDDD monkaW run faster He still has the leg ? WeirdChamp this is all bad RUNNNNNN monkaW D| runn sneakiii look again monkaW KEKW monkaW RENEKTON monkaW PepeS doodTERROR doodTERROR doodTERROR doodTERROR doodTERROR doodTERROR just a scratch walk it off 4Head NotLikeThis NotLikeThis he loses too much BLOOD he wont turn into a zomebie right? monkaW TAHM KENCH OP monkaX PepeS HYPERCLAP renekton quadra kill monkaW !uptime rene with shojin monkaW Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 47 minutes 59 seconds he is pron serverly infected anyways lol Renekton is fed monkaW monkaW monkaOMEGA PepegaAim WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace STOP LOOKING BACK PepeS ITS COMING Dead GOOO see what happens if you wait around he will turn into a gator monkaW Adrenaline doesn't exist shut up monkaW the fucking music out of stam KEKW ITS COMING monkaW RIP Pepega 📣 HURRY gachiHYPER coming monkaW EZ monkaW PepeHands monkaW Get away WTF monkaW PepegaAim FishMoley PepegaAim UH 18/0 RENEKTON monkaOMEGA spam it PepegaAim SHOOT IT monkaW this is a boss fight KKona SON'UVA BITCH monkaW monkaW hes pretty much guaranteed dead of infection Weirdga monkaW run monkaW monkaW holy shit monkaW RENEKTON WutFace Thats a DINOSUAR so big wtf monkaS FED RENEK monkaW RENEKTON WITH SHOJIN monkaOMEGA monkaW FED RENEKTON GET THEM CLEETUS KKona KKona renek monkaW oh shit oh fuck KKona big ol' gator KKona SHOJIN RENEKTON WutFace YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw tourniquet you fools LOOT IT 4House Pog 💨 safe now a few shots from fed lucian and rene ded LUL died WutFace DUTCH 4Weird thank you unkle PepegaHands PepeS I think D: WutFace Pepega use medic kit 4Head WutFace Dutch FeelsWeirdMan OUCH HES GONNA DIE OF AN INFECTION JUST SHOOT HIM AND END HIS MISERY DansGame sneakyWut throw him overboard and use him as a distraction 4Head owwwww PepegaHands LUCIAN VS RENEKTON 18/0 RENEKTON monkaOMEGA you are fine just a leg SMILERS ded FEVER monkaS PepeS i-is he gonna become a zombie monkaX monkaW nah just gator teeth and swamp water monkaW monkaX IM GONNA SHOOT DUTCH ONE DAY WeirdChamp not getting an infection in swamp water EleGiggle STFU CHAT, HE'S JUST ORGASMING FailFish monkaW omg monkaS you got another leg KEKW True just throw him in the water he will die of infection KEKW use ur CANN OMEGALUL N monkaW SHOT IM PepegaAim it is renekton's family monkaX NOT AGAIN PepegaAim RENEKTON PogChamp PepegaAim monkaW KKona SHOOT EM BROTHERS that is one slow ass gator PepegaAim REDI WTF THIS RENEKTON TriHard Sneaky my friend Clap You got his GA. Wtf fed Renekton LUL LUL SNAKY SAY HELLO TO ME you got second leg KEKW renekton should have dashed e Renek pls TearGlove KEKW gachiW Look at all sweaty gamers sneakyLUL pepeLaugh lmfao KEKW ArcherRyan subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! ughhh PepegaHands HeyGuys Sweaty gamers riding a boat. Just bring Nasus 5Head Swamp vampires? is that how that works garlic bread PogU garlic KEKW 3Head Just feed him Garlic, Big Brain 5Head garlic so he doesnt turn in to a weregator of course garlic KEKW DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK YOUR WATER CHAT oathDrink !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 51 minutes 18 seconds BUY GUNS hurt alotta ppl KKona Clap THANKS FOR REMINDING @Bukoon ikeepitSIPBOI KKonaW vampire bacteria monkaHmm @C9Sneaky bye sneaky have a good day!!! garlic is a legit antibiotic garlic bread is like a potion bnanaDrink \ SILVER POG SILVER KEKW SILVER 2 +- gachiBASS ball lol so this is silver league silver player PepeLaugh Silver streamer KEKW silver pepeLaugh Does Sneaky have an LCS team yet? YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw Sneaky has silver Yeehaw partner KKoma cuck me daddy gachiBASS @machoguru no he retire sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw @Cellyfish STAY HYDRATED oathComfy prime beef Pog Big Game gachiHYPER bitterSip OpieOP get outta my lawn KKona Clap KKool pee break ? sneaky didnt actually retire did he? what pc u have? swim in swamp or no balls he did Oh my LOWD zboywoWinnerWinner zboywoWinnerWinner 🐴 KKool @C9Sneaky you can hunt for that gator now iirc gachiBASS gachiHYPER help OMEGALUL shoot him get that gator PepegaAim suck me gachiHYPER suck it harder gachiHYPER monkaMega ligma plague macsS SUCK HIM MORE gachiHYPER r2 to help him :) just give him more garlic :) REPORT BibleThump BibleThump He's cumming out of his mouth monkaW STOP SPECTATING rob him gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER help Suck him and he is going to be alright Put him out of his misery... No it isn't my arm gachiHYPER put him down amputatin time KKona oh this mission HES/...HES PLEASE this is how duobot feelslike LULW KKEW Jebaited drop him LUL KEKW KILL HIM kick him off LULW shoot him fuck him sneakyLUL just shoot him KILL HIM kill Free uber Pog HELP HIM SNEAK BibleThump @C9Sneaky shoot him scammed shoot his other arm LULW KEKW He wants a free ride pepeLaugh doin' a good deed boi the game is stalling Kapp free kill not even hurt - just red paint KEKW WutFace wtf chat Jebaited feed him for the ol'gator killing him is helping him, youre ending his misery THROW HIM INTO SWAMP end his suffering FeelsOkayMan 👍 gachiGASM it's a cool mission dumb chat FeelsWeirdMan Don't kill him just duck him KEKW aghhhh gachiHYPER Chuck him off the bridge BigBrother gachiHYPER Msut stay awake Feed him to the gator LUL yee haw brother sneakyYeehaw no :) monkaW no :o yes no :) Yes :) you've yee'd yer last haw pardner KKona yes wrong side of the road monkaW so kind oh my sneaky boi BibleThump YES :) help me kind sir gachiHYPER yes you're gonna get a ticket Going outside in 2019 LULW widepeepoSad widepeepoSad gachiHYPER suck him for life widepeepoSad he just wanted to ride Jensen :) HES DEAD im dying for a blow job gachiHYPER Don't die on me man until i the doctor suck you at least he is gonna die BibleThumğ @C9Sneaky sir i seem to have this hoof in my ass. would you care to help? wow neat parking skills this chat haHAA Look at side quest you should do it so close he is gonna die BibleThump MaN down there should be a KKowboy emote that's KKona with a hat MaN SORAKA TIME LUL MaN MaN MaN pepeLaugh chop that arm off VIET _ _ _ ❓ cover your eyes chat NaM MaN gachiW AHH LUL NaM PogU money monkaS dont leave us stranger watch it NaM leg it SCUMBAG DOCTOR KEKW NA doctor KEKW look away chat :) dont leave 12$ Pog monkaW Soaraka time hahahahahahaha F D: @c9sneaky watch it monkaW widepeepoSad monkaW monkaW omg D: monkaX monkaS bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega sneakyD FeelsWeirdMan monkaW monkaW Stay LOOK AWAY CHAT :) :) Senna Q please Dansgame ARGHHH gachiHYPER monkaW WATCH IT that knife monkaW DansGame something for the pain gachiHYPER STAY WATCH IT monkaW monkaW WATCH IT @C9Sneaky !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 57 minutes 45 seconds BibleThump HE'S DEAF TOO PepeHands WATCH IT monkaS monkaS WTF I WANNA SEE WATCH IT monkaW D; WTF CUT THAT SHIT OFF lock the door and turn lights down low we want to see it ! i want monkaW leave monkaW WutFace wtf WutFace monkaW monkaW monkaW STAY WATCH IT Pog monkaW something for the pain gachiHYPER . we do BONE SAW IS READY the saw is already on the table ahah WutFace 5 dollars.. Unforgivable GabeN watch it PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands it appears the doctor is in on this elaborate ruse monkaHmm LEAVE monkaW monkaTOS monkaW My arm now :) WutFace WTF oh sh.t monkaW WATCH IT monkaS peepoLeave HOLY YYYYY SHIT stay WutFace @C9Sneaky better angle pls monkaW WutFace WTF is this sound WutFace WutFace monkaW sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut WutFace WutFace no WTTTTTTFFF peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave monkaW damnn WutFace WutFace monkaW monkaW OMHHH omnom WutFace peepoLeave D: WTF... HYPERDANSGAME HOLYYYYYYY WutFace m onkaW monkaW sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut monkaW peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave ughghgh WutFace WutFace WutFace OMG OMG OMG DansGame THANKS DOC DansGame SOUND slash and dash FeelsOkayMan WutFace exactly WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaS WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace AAHHHHH TF2John TF2John monka Poggers Clap VIKTOR DansGame HYPERCLAP NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis DEAR GOD linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA linaorAYAYA HE DED monkaW I'm about to puke WutFace WutFace sound KEKW yikers FK much better :) D: gachiW Wtf noo OMG monkaS his suit is ruined ToS WutFace monkaW holyshit no gloves DansGame widepeepoHappy my fav part sneakyWut sneakyWut WutFace WTF ew LUL sneakyWut WutFace cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh EzClap CBT gachiHYPER DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame monkaW jesus monkaW WTF AAAAAAAAAAH WutFace monkaX PagChomp GORE HI FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan sneakyD VoHiYo WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Twitch Ban this streamer @C9Sneaky Pog WELP, THANKS FOR THE HELP RlyTho medicine back in the day Sensor why is he cutting straight, now he cant stitch the flesh WeirdChamp WutFace sneakyWut WALKING DEAD LUL GOODBYE LEFT HAND widepeepoSad HE HAD NEC FASH PepeHands SUIT i feel like s skipped a few steps WutFace shall we not? @C9Sneaky Yes that was a pretty quick diagnosis How did the blood get on his ass????? Bloodwork monkaS sneaky why you RlyTho take the arm as a trophy @C9Sneaky dont shoot him, the man is unarmed NA healthcare LULW THE SOUND PepegaHands EAT HIS ARM LUL EZ Clap D: the guy was fine, doc just does this for fun Should've put some garlic on it KEKW in the bucket it goes LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they did not have antibiotics back then TriHard loot the arm LULW KEKW TriHard yoink Weirdga peepoLeave Take the arm... NO GLOVES DansGame DIDNT WASH HANDS DansGame NO ASSISTANT DansGame sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD right into the trash Don't worry, you're at the Doctor KEKW LUL LULW Clap he just trashed the arm ULWL TriHard Clap lLULW . NECROTIZING FASCIITIS D: LULW NICE DOCTOR BloodTrail BloodTrail monkaHmm modern medicine lmao medicice in 1800s LUL does he tho? MODERN PROBLEMS REQUIRES MODERN SOLUTIONS KEKK jerk off hand gachiHYPER he is dead LUL doctor/butcher monkaS jfc monkaW DONT SHOOT HIM SNEAKERS HE CAME UNARMED widepeepoHappy Clap ✂️ rip arm Dead af monkaS @C9Sneaky still better iwth one hand than my jungler its just the left arm chat LUL good work monkaW hes dead PepeHands hes dead cirBlech I dont feel so good after seeing that W OMEGALUL RK doc KKona THE DOCTOR IS HANNIBAL monkaW dick beater -1 sneakyLUL and he is going to pay for this? LUCKY IT WAS LEFT HAND KEKW if an infection is bad enough, if it's like a flesh eating bacteria, that would be the treatment, especially before anyone actually knew what medicine was Boomer Times I hope he faps with the right one LUCKY Lucky KEKW KEKW ONLY LEFT HAND widepeepoHappy EAT IY could've been worse :) OK BOOMER Looks like the guy from the walking dead right handed LUL Rick CUM NOW gachiHYPER now shoot him what a good doctor omegalul gachiHYPER Jensen boi Gotta love how small things like this have that much detail JENSEN LUL BOI BOI boah KKona BOiiiiiiiiiiiii Now he lost an arm and is 100K in debt :) give me something for the pain doc gachiHYPER @Unsleeping_ aint that real Ride my Jensen gachiHYPER gachiHYPER D: KEKW LMFAO D: LUL D: YEHAAAAAA LULW LUL KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW LUL LOL OMEGALUL monkaW D: KEKW OMEGALUL lol KEKW LUL Jensen took a shit near the bin! Good job Jensen :) D: looool KEKW D: NA DRIVE LUL NA DRIVER KEKW PEPEGA LUL KEKW xDD KEKW cuidado D:< Sion ult be like ROLLED KEKW KEKW LUL PogU KEKW Saved One killed one KEKW LOL :L:F No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp HandsUp GACHIbass LOL gachiHYPER @smalllilderp peepoArrive HandsUp gachiHYPER fun times WOOOOW gachiHYPER pepeLaugh 👉 WHEN U RAMMED THE HORSE INTO THE WALL LOOOOOOOOOL this mission PogChamp summon the hydra gachiHYPER you close cmonBruh dicker gachiHYPER @smalllilderp -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 21 savage COGGERS KKona digger gachiHYPER Sub HandsUp KKona hell yea brother D: SMOOTHBRAIN BILL KKona KKona WTF KEKW EU KEKW EU Pepega what is the snacky playing ? EU um COGGERS 3Head ???? EU KEKW damn right partner KKona WutFace EBOLA Truuuuuuuuuu widepeepoSad <3 PepeHands KEKW ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ this game is so great man fuck eheheheh just throw the gater at bronte KEKW Remember, no Russian... parkour Realest shit Dutch has ever said me n the boys sneaking of mid school playin on pc? you take it KEKW take it boy ah my shoulder Clap DansGame bushes for cover LUL you gotta kill them why chat so slow PepegaPls sneaky seanky 4Head KEKW does he ever stop gaming? RUINED KEKW monkaS widepeepoHappy DETH Ahhh, this music you damn o'driscol @C9Sneaky GATOR IN THE FOUNTAIN I got a plan Kappa pepeJAM like MaN boayyyyyyy PepegaAim AIM DUDE PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim CHARGE!! LUL PepegaAim PepegaAim in italian PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim missing ults PepeHands PegegaAim PepegaAim ???? NA ADC OMEGALUL LOL PogU Rusty ADC LULW 🐍 PepegaAim 🐍 🐍 🐍 Jhinn poket pick Kapp moe? D: 🐍 moe KEKW that music Kreygasm Sneaky in lane :snake 🐍 BrainSlug KEKW ADC TIME BloodTrail BloodTrail bless bless u bless you bless u the snackers i didnt know moe was in the game KEKW god bless LATE GAME POWERSPIKE Pog bless you honey <3 farming that cs GRAVES? attchhhuuu Pepega PepegaAim BLESS YOU <3 STUPID MOE BLESS U SIR gachiHYPER SMILERS FARM PLS LUL KEKW PepegaPls yo that sneeze is cute af YOU MISSED ??? shoot it partner KKona WTF LOL KEKW sneakyLUL :) ngl LUL Pepega KEKW Arthur Pepega LUL oof peepoPog NICE KICK KEKW in the face pick the shotgun! nice guy Arthur Head SHot !uptime Pepega Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 7 minutes 44 seconds stormtrooper aim peepoPog O.O WutFace Pog peepoPog PogU PogU sneakyWut tslW g o r e spicey meatballa CRIT PagChomp 🐍 wins again PauseChamp 1man BATTLE Pog PauseChamp LUCIAN hey this not smacky tf BRUTTO PEZZO DI MERDA peepoPog GRAVES POGGERS ok that was sick Pog Pog Pog POGGERS Pog IT LOOKS REAL Pog Poggers PagChomp GRAVES PogU PepegaHands THE SLOW WALIK oof Graves Pog Graves ult op PogU Pog PogU RP walking sneakyGasm lacG FeelsLitMan bronchitis blast leg gone KEKW LULW KEKW "league champ" AYAYAWeird FeelsClassyMan KEKW You just picked up a fucking graves shotgun DED KEKW "SORRY" KEKW sumSmash 1 tap ??? PogU peepoPog money TriHard 7 sumSmash PogU 3 times the diamond PepegaHands mauser pistol pog sneaky still live? PogU Pog Bring him to the bed KappaPride take his yeezys !time December 2nd 2019, 5:55:28 am PST GMT-08:00 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 9 minutes 56 seconds !uptime TriHard mauser Pog Mausssserrrrr gachiHYPER Lets go boyyyyyy TriHard break in monkaS wtf is this music? PILLAGE HIS ASS gachiHYPER HIS DICK 8 hour u are insane PogChamp why boss music still playing? monkaS close the door on you DansGame PepegaAim PepegaAim dutch knows you guys are outlaws right? those hitmarkers remind me of gta PepegaAim Pepega ammoButt ammoButt ammoButt PepegaAim the autoaim in this game makes it so much less enjoyable PepegaAim Hit it hard PepegaAim PepegaAim Good morning @C9Sneaky @lolminsoo prob bcuz rockstar designed them both :P sneakyYeehaw good shootin cowboy @elmo_s_friend Kreygasm spank Pepega oh good point didnt know that hahahaha SORAKA BloodTrail BloodTrail ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny @weirdchampagne i assume you can turn it off for pc at least @weirdchampagne sneaky is just that good EZ i shouldnt be watching this... im dumb... I havent got so far in the story :( big MaN Bronte malding monkaS Boats leakin wwhaaa?! we kidnap bronte?!??! :( Spoiler... give him to renekton im out boats gone monkaS He called the greatest ADC in NA a bumpkin?? KKona and Kkomrade nmpHumm monkaW 5Head SHOW HIM WHOS THE ALPHA COWBOY gachiHYPER gottem FrankerZ oh yea gachiHYPER SEX HIM gachiW rooWut to the gator!!!! monkaS D: I possess a huge dong monkaW monkaW monkaS BibleThump 😡 AngelThump D: KEKW PepeS he's lost it monksW quick bath LUL D: D: Clap F 😡 KILL HIM KEKW D: hell yeah HOES MAD gachiHYPER gachiHYPER NUT do we really need to do this? monkaS HOES MAD monkaMega CALL THE POLICE CHAT monkaW KEKW what was taht about not doing things for revenge? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 13 minutes 26 seconds gachiHYPER ded FeelsGoodMan Clap OOOO Dutch is BabyRage mans thirsty Dutch lost it monkaS Kreygasm the point of no return for dutch PepeHands DED KEKW bye Die nameless bitch diiiiiieeee rooH monkaS oh no gator HMMMMMM KEKW monkaW riPepperonis oooo LUL KEKW F tasty riPepperonis renekton kill NotSoEZ renekton is going to have his first blood Dinothix subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! now its come penta rooCult renekton ks DansGame SadChamp monkaS NotSoEZ you good dutch renekton first blood Pepega renek too fed at this point monkaS monkaS feeding renekton early game SadChamp killed like a dog WeirdChamp PLAYING GOD monkaW foreshadowing monkaW renekton isn't a shitty NA alligator renekton got his kill tahts how you lose your gangs faith :) Mr. Sneakers how me make me peepee big? @C9Sneaky Who fed renek guys Actually feeding Renekton KEKW KEKW KEKW Dutch did NotSoEZ SadChamp DUTCH ANNOYING DansGame Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 renekton: ez game Pepehands dutch inting NotLikeThis cant you just punch him or something? Kill entire gang now Pog useless yanks don't know the difference between an alligator and a croc NOT EVEN GOLD LULW make him suffeR? @C9Sneaky how long have you been playing this game? hard stuck silver FeelsBadMan pepeLaugh silver NotSoEZ AYAYAWeird have you ever gotten a gold? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 15 minutes 21 seconds PepeHands i cant forget what i saw chat @Miles993 the mission where they need to escape from the bank robbery he got gold iirc @Miles993 he has earlier, yeah @Theundeadchocobo he's partying with billy now son gachiHYPER PepoThink PLAY HITMAAAAAAAAAAAN 5Head 5head Hosea Can we rename Hosea to Reaper? Hosea 5Head HandsUp @TiltedJordan_ BETTER PLAY HITMANN PLS EterntyHead hosea !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 16 minutes 39 seconds FeelsFancyMa FeelsClassyMan 🍷 EXECUTE improperly FeelsFancyMan FeelsClassyMan rdr3 with hosea as the main character id play it Sad face bananas gachiW BANANA gachiW KKool YEEEHAW lacM macaiy1Muah The Gang comedyEvilX adeptE Pog yee haw YEE HAW KKona Clap NICE TOXIDO Poooound 🍌 gachiGASM sneakyYeehaw yeehaw sneakyYeehaw COCK FARMERS gachiW PogU Last one KEKW Da big score Jebaited True KEKW FeelsClassyMan let rob a bank gentlemen @UnNameless pepeLaugh last one KEKW one more big score pepeLaugh JM Pog JOHN LOWKET ASS LUL TRUE 5Head gunna be honest dutch you talk a lot of shit THISS ISS AMERICA 5Head John dying for sure now pepeSenora !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 17 minutes 35 seconds Okayga Argentina Argentina KEKW KKona hell yeah @ImBardos you do know we have red dead 1 KEKW big city bank KEKW Mr_Bookman subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months! Happy holiday season daddy @ImBardos you haven't played the first game have you I LOVE U CHAT oathLove fight for our money PepegaAim T H E P L A N THE PLAN, JHON! pLaN KEKW saying the plan on the way to the bank oh no no no pepeLaugh EASY PEASY LEMON SQUIZY KEKW nmpL lacH nmpL Dutch Planderlin KEKW ROGER ROGER SHOT CALLER POGGERS GOT IT YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw YEEEHAW sneakyYeehaw PogU Ride on Jensen YEE HAW KKona RPGEpicSword SillyChamp YEEEHAW RIDE ON gachiW Ride on o7 yeehaw KappaPride ? sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw gachiHYPER one more time TO THE RANCH YEE HAW ONE MORE DANCE YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw doodCrazy sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Did he reach Haiti ? gachiW ONE MORE sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw YEEHAW KKona doodOne doodOne doodOne KKona YEEEHAW BROTHER sneakyYeehaw Dutch is a whole ass flop lololol ANY GIFTERS IN CHAT gachiW IS THE LEFT 4 DEAD Pog ONE MORE TIME AT RAM RANCH LETS GO gachiHYPER gachiHYPER tahiti next POg Pog sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw SQUAD GOALS ACT NORMAL sneakyYeehaw TPFufun act normal fellers KKona yasCarried CHAT ACT NATURAL PepeS This game has so much suspense and fast pace dodo DansGame oh they are going to fail KEKW A ZEBRA PogChamp How can they act normal, the music is a dead give away PepeS 💰 lacM macaiy1Muah comedyEvilX adeptE 💰 herer we go PepeS LUL horse dumping there dont think it chat I don't know if I can do this PepeS i think someone is gonna die monkaS PauseChamp nice and casual guys pls BILLY gachiHYPER act normal chat monkaW LULW chats gonna give it away AYAYAWeird @Qsw_ f KEKW YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw oh yeah theyre the good guys Kappa ANY GIFTERS? TriHard act natural with guns on hand TriHard Lets go boy shhh chat act natural Kappa MODICUM gachiHYPER KEKW wth chat pour one out for @Qsw_ macsCry every bad guy thinks he is a good guy KEKW doodWat ANELE Clap PauseChamp ART IS AN EXPLOSION AYAYA performance artist gachiGASM PunOko TriHard 7 DEIDARA Nice suits PogChamp TriHard 7 TriHard 7 FeelsClassyMan let do it gentlemen TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 Dis is a stick UP KAAATSU AYAYA TriHard @lolminsoo 0/12 HandsUp HandsUp ? KKona TriHard 7 HandsUp TriHard 7 payday HandsUp timmacS monkaW music @Qsw_ not that bad just yet kill them sneaky FeelsEvilMan what stack danOMG danOMG uses his own name pepeLaugh put ya dicks where i can see em 113 using the real names OMEGALUL danS danS USING REAL NAMES KEKW danS danS danS WeirdChamp real names monkaS They didn't check if they had smartpohnes Kappa HandsUp he fast PogU how many pen armor pieces are u at open now monkaS 3/4 hes gonna trap him KEKW monkaW Payday the Heist TriHard GIMME GIMME Pog LUL lmao 19-72-54 Pepega LULW snacky smurfing KEKW danOMG MONEY Pog EZ TriHard TriHard PHAT STACKS FeelsEvilMan "time Take everything EZ Pog $12 Pog !time December 2nd 2019, 6:08:48 am PST GMT-08:00 monkaS the fucking music. KEKW TriHard ALL MINE TriHard Lets go KEKW WTF KEKW FeelsEvilMan PogChamp thats it? LUL FeelsEvilMan mah money now PepeLaugh $12 OMEGALUL $100 buckeronies PogU PepeLaugh Hosea PepeHands pepeLaugh here it comes monkaW monkaMega PepeHands Nooooooooooo KEKW monkaW JUST FOR 100 DOLAR LUL who snitched? cmonBruh not Hosea KEKW Hosea monkaW fml noooo cmonBruh Snitch good afternoon @C9Sneaky thefoxninja17 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months! I just wanted to let you know that know matter if you stayed with C9 or not I will stay with no matter what. I love you Sneaky. oh god no MY FRIEND PepeHands monkaW Milton PunOko forsenKKona KKona KKona KKool i dont like how Micah actin... -.- great KKona 7 THIS IS AMERICA F FOR HOSEA KKona This is MURICA KKona KKona KKona THIS IS MURICA THIS IS AMERICA KKona KKona KKona Clap D: NOOOO D: BibleThump MAGA PunOko PunOko D: BibleThump no plz NOOOO D: D: D: WutFace WTF PepeHands PepeHands NOOO xddchaotic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! love u snacky F D: D: SON OF A BITCH D: PepeHands THIS IS THE DEAL BibleThump D: 💨 no PepeHands monkaW HORSEA widepeepoSad PepeHands PepeHands no D: KKona PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands nooo clint eastwood PepeHands sneakyD NOOO D: Is Milton a cop? This is america TriHard f IM BIG MAD PepeHands widepeepoSad F widepeepoSad THIS IS THE DEAL BOYS KEKW KEKW he's fine :) D: NOOOOO 😡 PunOko PunOko bawkHands F MORE MONEY FOR YOU DONT WORRY widepeepoSad KILL EM ALLL kILL THAT BTCH HOSEA DIED FOR THIS PepeHands tis but a flesh wound HOSEEEEE widepeepoSad Fucking cunts 😡 milton you fuck PunOko the only smart one in the gang BibleThump KILL THAT FUCKER PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad KILL EM ALL PepeHands F hosea Pog sneaky going lcs mode monkaW kill that fucker SwiftRage dutch WeirdChamp pepeJAM dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp BibleThump kill civilians Pog AVENGE HOSEA!! @lolminsoo sneakyD that john always bitchin monkaW music that caitlyn headshot ggwp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp dutch WeirdChamp WeirdChamp Dutch DUTCH WeirdChamp KEKW DUTCH PunOko PunOko KEKW widepeepoSad Fuck you Micah LUL Not the HORSE PepeHands lol LUL thanks dutch WeirdChamp widepeepoSad he isn't moving micah weirdchampagne of He ain´t KEKW Hosea monkaMega "ONE MORE JOB" WeirdChamp @Endimia big mood just shoot 4HEad PepegaAim I G O T A N I D E A LUL PepegaAim lacG KKona lacG thanks dutch PunOko only firing one gun? PepegaAim right there PepegaAim eye WutFace NASTY TwitchCop TwitchCop TwitchCop SHOOT THOSE PIGS danS danS bawkGun bawkGun bawkDont the left monkaS OWL2019Tracer AMERICA KKona Welp everything is going to shit smh danS danS danS monkaX how many of them KKona Give 'em some FREEDOM ANELE ANELE Clap the dina mite PauseChamp ANELE ANELE NOW BROTHERS LAND OF THE FREE KKona PepegaAim right there KEKW ? ANELE ITS TIME THE WALL KKona NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis ALLAHU iwdANELE Pepega ANELE Clap Dam playboi sneaker KEKW danOMG been c9 fan since s3. whatever sneaky do I am new fan kaneisRed PogChamp PogChamp ANELE clap ANELE Success ANELE ANELE Clap ANELE ANELE rip eardrums sneakyYeehaw pepeJAM Javier PogChamp music monkaW PepegaPls pepeDance a real shootin tootin cowboy sneakyYeehaw C9 Gun time sneakyYeehaw the music is so good monkaW GANK LUL sneakyYeehaw last job chill Def a rat pretty sure it’s the old guy he was sus asf clasic gta mission PogChamp PepegaAim killed everyone in valentine, strawberry, rhodes, and now saint denis way to go sneaky GANK PLS LUL Pog NICE AIM ADC MAIN PagChomp ADC JHIN Pog PauseChamp CAITLYN Pog sneakyYeehaw C9 Gun sneakyYeehaw sneakyEZ Game is too loud dude low cost sniper :) JHIN 4 PogChamp IMA SNEK cowboys herd cattle ADC TIME LUL there's more police in this one shootout than all of new york city Bruh how many cops they got monkaW Disable aim assist and we will take about being a sniper KEKW WutFace Talk* Pog slumped him pepeJAM BUDGET CAITLYN Pog Nut shot? Pog they got a fucking machine gun HOLYYYYY sneaky the sniper JHIN R LUL fucking hosea my grandpa PepeHands goddam okay boom headshot TPFufun john widepeepoSad oh this mission He'll be fine :) F FOR JOHN john PepeHands not him wheres the Money!!? F monkaW D: Lenny :( oh noo PepeHands John has plot armour arthur you go first F sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyWoo LENNY PepeHands NO PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands PepeHands WHAT widepeepoSad BibleThump Lenneh widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands PepeHands LENNNYYYYYYYY PepeHands everyones dying NOOOOO BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad widepeepoSad WTF sneakyNLT DUTCH PunOko PunOko PunOko Y HIM monkaS LENNNYYY widepeepoSad NOOO widepeepoSad if you had better reactions you could have saved him PunOko PunOko PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands DRINKING COMRADE PepeHands LUL LUL Lenny BibleThump nice cover KEKW WeirdChamp DUTCH WeirdChamp DUTCH WeirdChamp DUTCH PunOko widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands bawkHands WHAT Fucking kill me next That's why you DON'T rob a Big City Bank! widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands widepeepoSad LENNY NYOOO PepeHands just give him phoenix down 4HEad always the black cmonBruh good plan Dutch PepeHands u racist LENNY AND HOSEA PepeHands CMON MAN DUTCH PunOko PunOko they killed the only black guy WTF loot him PepeHands his last job widepeepoSad WeirdChamp DUTCH why him cmonBruh widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Dutch this is all your fault :// what a bullshit death at least he didn't die first KEKW ??????? is that scripted? KKona ? dutch you fuckup WeirdChamp LAST ONE they said Itle be Fun they said thanks Dutch FeelsWeirdMan Lennyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why the black guy has to die shut up dutch PunOko PepegaHands he was the youngest LENNY JOHN HOSEA BibleThump pepeJAMMER doodOUCH not the Bois man I hate Dutch now whose idea to rob a fucking bank in the middle of the town? SwiftRage you arthur fucker pepeJAM assassin's creed @Mumbosawce Not every death needs a big cutscene. Death comes quick One last job(: 3 dead or captured, worth :) LENNY PepeHands HOSEA widepeepoSad pepeJAM @nosa_lol why not? pepeLaugh WeirdChamp part of the plan Dutch? AZIO AUDITORE DE FERENZE Smh dutch is smoking kill dutch PunOko why is Micah Alive?! Dutch you're a fucking retard SadChamp RIP LENNY JOHN AND HOSEA BibleThump WHO SNITCHED cmonBruh SadChamp F for Lenny This feels like a really random time for sneaky to still be up Hosea was right. FeelsWeirdMan pigs WeirdChamp someone snitched danOMG 5Head a boat widepeepoHappy SNITCHES GET STRETCHS is he in ca rn? A N O T H E R P L A N LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 31 minutes 15 seconds a boat to Tahiti KEKW argentina 4House cmonBruh Another "plan" Dutch? WeirdChamp wat wat?? Okayga Clap Yes Dutch fuck the police WeirdChamp cmonBruh cmonBruh Tahiti :) well that was kinda racist KEKW arthur is tired danSad How many cops are there in a town anyway? WeirdChamp arthur died later BibleThump What the fudge cmonBruh took his seat LUL Hello Mr Boatman I'd like a boat to Tahiti calm down, jut calm down doodSAD just calm down 4Head WeirdChamp no u SadChamp gachiW a cuple of cards just calm you tits down i sniched Weirdga SHUT UP DUTCH DansGame @mista_trixter only chair there tho gachiHYPER MY MAN LENNY PepeHands HOSEA widepeepoSad gachiW SHHHHHHH is that all the money.. WeirdChamp all part of the plan huh, dutch? john widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad horse guy widepeepoSad shoot dutch pls monkaW sssh just calm down ResidentSleeper !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 32 minutes 15 seconds MUTE ALL LUL all this for 5 bucks that was like 2 houses away from the band an dthe cops didnt search for them? KEKW horse guy widepeepoSad ssssssssssh PauseChamp look at them.. disgusting :D for a gang leader, Dutch is pretty bad at it KEKW PauseChamp ........... chat ...ssssssshh surprise mtfkers :D 🤫 🤫 🤫 PepeS hush chat ooops i farted OkayChamp Snaky is the best at sneaky missions this is a showin :) pepeJAMMER THEYRE GOING TO DIE SillyChamp @weebs_ruin_everything OkayChamp why is sneaky not playing lol you should have catch the damn train CJ @Theundeadchocobo SillyChamp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 33 minutes 11 seconds PauseChamp i cant do this chat PepeS dont fart MUTE ALL PLS KEKW so quiet monkaW !uptime ˢʰʰʰʰ ʷʰᶦˢᵖᵉʳ ᶜʰᵃᵗ DuckerZ PepeS 64 64 64 Zoo Lane i got a plan cit. dutch DuckerZ is he playing twitch? .. so what exactly is that guard doing if he cant see through the window monkaHmm lighting PogU blind LULW bill gonna mess this up pepeLaugh PauseChamp ❗ pepeLaugh PauseChamp PepeLaugh he doesn't know !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 33 minutes 56 seconds look at him pepeLaugh PepeLaugh pepeLaugh he's unaware pepeLaugh shhh sneky snooky he didnt know pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh sucker lmao pepeLaugh pepeLaugh NotSoEZ pepeSmoke stressin' out i just need one smoke Idiot guards PepeLaugh monkaS pepeLaugh lmao pepeLaugh PepeLaugh they are not in the know THE HORSE! what a stupid bitch pepeLaugh lacLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh FeelsBadMan D: vicksyAww vicksyAww vicksyAww vicksyAww vicksyAww @C9Sneaky Why does Morgan have a SoyCut KEKW monkaW pepeLaugh OMEGALUL Hitman guards pepeLaugh pepeLaugh they are not in the know pepeLaugh PepeLaugh they do not possess the relevant information horse widepeepoHappy ZEBRA PogChamp KEKW HORSE KEKW HIDE IN BUSH LUL KEKW Horse LUL its a zebra 4HEad Suuuuure The zebra is following PogChamp pepeLaugh they do not possess the relevant information Horse is loyal FeelsOkayMan PepegaHands D: 💨 Zebra is the RAT Pog Pepega 📣 Hey Im Dutch or something Pepega what happened to Jensen BibleThump Pepega 📣 CHAAAAAAAAAARGE gachiHYPER 📣 FUCK YOUUU NA horse KEKW jenkins KKona Jensen snitched?! monkaW monkaMega gachiHYPER 📣 18 NAKED COWBOYS STUPID ZEBRA LUL Arthur PepeHands LEEEROY ZEBRA BETTER PogChamp sneakyJensen MadoStab sneakyW JENKINS EZ Clap u get out by getting caught Kappa monkaMega burn the bluiding next to u gj Snake shoot them 3Head who wos that PepegaPls KEKW KEKW nice sneak monkaHMM lacS Fucking Pinkertons cmonBruh OMG MAFIA BibleThump BibleThump PepoThink Charles no PepeHands Suck their cocks gachiHYPER widepeepoSad Okayga 👍 plz dont Shoot 'em in the dickhole gachiW charles no PepeHands Zebra monkaW Another one PepeHands CHARLES NOOOOOO NO PepeHands charles pls dont PepeHands charles PepeHands widepeepoSad F PepeHands F Pog BRAVE BOiiiii charles PepeHands so boring WeirdChamp ok Dutch F It's never Dutch doing these things... THE HOMIE PEPEHANDS F thanks Dutch FeelsWeirdMan F PepeHands HELP HIM Nah he makes it out F charles widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad horse guy widepeepoSad BibleThump he's fine :) they're all fine :) Dutch is a pussy confirmed charlie brown PepegaHands :( FFFFFFF honor him after bawkHands SadChamp I'LL DO IT FOR THE BOYS TO no homies left peepoLeave DUTCH A SPY %100 DansGame widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SadChamp widepeepoSad PLEASE NYOO dutch feels like a person that betrays others !time December 2nd 2019, 6:22:45 am PST GMT-08:00 CHAT, IS IT OKAY TO DATE A 17 YEAR OLD??? :) WeirdChamp @TriHard_SoloQ IKR LUL TAHITIIIIII tahiti ZULUL 25$ :) widepeepoSad at least we made it on the boat $20 Pog Kappa gold won't bring horsea back PepeHands tahiti time Hosea? No Charles mention SeriousSloth @i_hate_neeko WeirdChamp deaf captain KEKW KILL THE SPY SNEAKY DansGame Like a murderer monkaS has the game been good so far 4Head monkaS okey dutch, i trust you SeriousSloth Arthur sick PepeHands @yoitsfatal im 27 and she is 17 iwdANELE i come in peace why did he even show himself monkaHmm I come in peace PogChamp gachiHYPER gachiBASS SadChamp .o 0 ( gachiBASS ) @insanity very good CUBA /PO frenchman UGH GG smoke some cigars over there pepeD CUBA @i_hate_neeko do it dutch WeirdChamp is this part of the plan as well? UncleNox UncleNox UncleNox @chickenschickss ok :D DUTCH SPY @C9Sneaky The Bois the Lads the Homies all GONE IN CUBA WE SMOKE CIGAR yasSnake Cuba WutFace Cuba is not a country for what yes Dutch whatever you say FeelsWeirdMan CUBE A? wineTime Where is everyone tf monkaHmm "stay away from humid climates" - the doctor monkaOMEGA Cuban girls Kreygasm monkaMega PepeS cloud 9 get some cigar monkaW monkaW holy fuck monkaW CUBA NotLikeThis NotLikeThis IN CUBA WE SMOKE :) PepeS hello Guarma free john widepeepoSad lmao Cloud 9 shoot the storm to death SPERM SHAPED CLOUD lacSW bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega sneakyC9 yes :) monkaW nice Cuba FeelsOkayMan monkaSHAKE nothing goes right FeelsBadMan the music PepeS monkaMega widepeepoSad doomed monkaW LA NUBE monkaW monkaW DUTCH LUL he sleep af oh shit these guy are unlucky af How long have we been here?! Someone needs to get the cloud's attention while Dutch escapes again PepegaHands SLEEPY DUTCH ALWAYS IN ACTION LUL titanic CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk CrreamAwk he is just tryna fucking sleep PepeHands bitch why u disturb my sleep :/ arthur has ebola PepeS SeriousSloth SeriousSloth GREAT Captain Price : we are leaving ! Sneaky run its happening when I found out what pornhub was quackS quackGasm titanic monkaMega Climb over it LULW @misplacedhuman lmao PepegaHands bawkHands PepegaHands they gonna forget the money FailFish !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 40 minutes 6 seconds monkaW is this Titanic? tuberculosis PepeHands PepeHands yikes arthur has tuberculosis you can't just "get off this boat" that's not how boats work FailFish wtf WutFace what the fuck PepeS WTF? how LULW pepeLaugh LOL What? LULW FOR 500 DOLAR LUL everyones gonna die bawkHands PepegaHands MY BOAT BibleThump BibleThump im the captain now huh doodWat no resque boats??? Titanic 2 Who set the ship on fire? jump jack thunder don't burn wood monkaHmm heeeehehehehe pepeLaugh lightning struck the coal the cloud was evil :/ F for SPY :9 PepeS Dutch RAPE BOAT WutFace how is the boat on fire if they are next to water 4Head A fucking TSUNAMI widepeepoSad dead monkaW ded SABOTAGE BibleThump BibleThump The tragedy of this ship was an inside job monkaHmm HMS BRITTANIA F for SPY :) monkaW lacSW First cloud benches sneaky now Arthur LUL F sharks monkaMega fucking nami ult PepeHands arthur is a repatriate 4Head titanic shit dude we death stranding all the boys are dead widepeepoSad cmonBruh doodSAD doodSAD doodSAD doodSAD f monkaX BibleThump D: The money Just use the water to put the fire out omg LUL DUUUTCH PepegaHands widepeepoSad KEKW Dutch snitched to mother nature RIP, next game cmonBruh thats the end Hey, you're finally awake ROSE Is this Subnautica 2 TSU NAMI ULT dutch set everythingup ended up with nothing PepeHands I lkove this game how are you likking it @C9Sneaky heaven? monkaW end of the game LULW NEXT GAME PLS Kappa ok it seems bi busted too much shrooms FIZZ LUL The beach monkaS Death stranding? is this America? :) BEAH CiGrip where the fuck i am CUBA TIME BibleThump BibleThump arthur PepeHands FailFish FailFish FailFish lord of the flies PepeS feet gachiHYPER yo music chill the fuck out monkaW !time Guarma sneakyHey December 2nd 2019, 6:27:14 am PST GMT-08:00 monkaS are we sure this is not dead island? please check the game title widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Semms like another last job is needed KEKW cowboy stranding :) :) he rip af stuck in Cuba with the no good dictator DansGame The beginning of assassin's creed black flag @C9Sneaky It's Japan monkaS not even close baby P.S. Its not cuba !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 41 minutes 47 seconds Death Stranding CUBA peepoArrive Join Che Guevara PepegaHands GUANTANAMO LUL LUL DeathRedemption 2 The Stranding Its Japan AYAYA RIP ALL HUMANITY PepeHand is that the Beach monkaW COMMUNISM monkaW UR AWAKE EXILE @C9Sneaky RDR2 RP when? battle royal POGGERS !uptime WAK imagine finding a outlaw dead on your besch with no context walked 4Head RD2/Sekiro cross over PogChamp a mermaid rescued u DR.STONE? Poggers Collapse the bourgeoisie just swim looool 4Head time to find lioneye's watch Nami o.O tahitti he is now ALL ALONE 4Head tahiti Pog a-at least you got $12 right FeelsBadMan NEW ZEALAND BABY is this the story mode? IM HEARING RUSH Pog Tahini ? ANELE hes dying PepeHands welcome to brazil has c9 done any changes for the next season ? yehh its tahiti RUSH IS IN RDR2 Pog we are in Tahiti Bois PogChamp @gutizin1 yep! it is MADAGASCAR 12 bucks Pog arthur lowkey a fucking tank tho RUSH you just unlocked RDR2: BR PogYou @yuzuuki, PepeHands monkey noises PogU rush chalupa island 12 bucks FeelsGoodMan @FatTony_ sopa de macaco uma delicia dude what a shitty friend must be Dutch This is Iceland i bet nice walking!!!!!!!!!!! FOR 1K DOLAR SEE WHAT HAPENED 4Head AFRICA PogU @i_wanna_dy una deliciaaa walking simulator walking simulator Welcome to Australia cunts FeelsOkayMan We in Florida boys PogChamp WutFace his eyes death stranding all over again Weirdga wakanda no its winnable widepeepoHappy GG "So we got turned around... you're now in Canada! Enjoy the winters." in florida FeelsBadMan Sneaky walking to his next team down under Pepega LAND still online Okayga how do you like the game @C9Sneaky i'm reeally intrested on our take i love the story in red dead @hotdogss oh god pls no peepoWTF i think its Romania like mario and princess beach Sleepy time @TheRealMC3 Okayga All this because he was a little tired @weebs_ruin_everything peepoWTF hey sneaky i think you forgot to change your title !time December 2nd 2019, 6:29:26 am PST GMT-08:00 widepeepoHappy THIS WORLD IS AN ILUSION EXILE Welcome to Israel WutFace WutFace WutFace he is landing our homeland ANELE Did we sex anyone before we left? @koolaid_kevster he just answered you KEKW ResidentSleeper @hotdogss Okayga 🤙 macaiy1Sleep 5 more min y no walking? monkaS fuck off bugs. we have enough @JMS_Siilent romania has no beaches u Pepega sneaky is playing league LUL Can we play the game now? ResidentSleeper BibleThump BibleThump wheres your hat tyler1Sleeper @C9Sneaky Cuban Jack maybe KEKW Guarma how many more chapters OMG AMAZONAS ?' LUL chapter 5 baby Pog So it's like Guam more chapters PepoCheer time to farm mangos :) @C9Sneaky How long is this game? ITS SUUDI ARABIA Kappa thats on cuba only 1 more chapter Pog Guarma cmonBruh Shwarma ? guarma was unnecesary in this game SeriousSloth 2 more chapters and epilogue its IRAN LUL Sims survival Pog wait it's still going? monkaX thought this might have been the end LULW sneakyGrip it’s a Rockstar game so hella long FeelsLitMan @kappakontrol123 i must be deaf cause i aintr hear shidd HAWAII LUL LUL That's because you are walking on sand suck it up, pussy @3lmeroloco naw man it's needed to show dutch's spiral you lost your horse btw Henlo :) gta 5 was hella short SadChamp i assume you dont have any weapons? monkaHmm Guarma is an island outside of cuba @theCrimsonHazard thanks for sub uwu <3 KEKW what are the odds LULW PagChomp native waifus Dutch is alive WeirdChamp peepoPog DAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH Weirdga Dutch D D DUTCH BibleThump the boys peepoPog 4HEad THE GANG peepoArrive widepeepoHappy [Punch him PogW widepeepoHappy PogU sunburned skin D: MIRACLE pepeHand no way esse KEKW Scripted KEKW They are alive Yay KKona it's piss :) 4Head @ch_usay np friend sneakyFedora you care dutch? SON Kappa OH SON KEKW eat his ass When you find your homies in the club after 2 hours alone widepeepoHappy Micah isn't happy we all know why HYPERS The Bois boys any more piss Dutch is a dither KEKW xqcTree Vacation time PogChamp Look at those sunburns... imagine surviving a bank heist and dying to skin cancer. BEAR GRILLS LUL NaM ? That belly tho rooScared OpieOP big belly Pog monkaMega GUAM ALL BECAUSE OF YOU DUTCH DansGame 3Head OI KEKW lofiu sneakyWEEB3 yes :) Kapp WutFace KEKW hell nah AUSTRALIA KEKW Tahti LUL KEKW it's close 4Head PepegaHands monkaW it's really not KEKW_SPAMMER monkaW SLAVERY! HandsUp HANDS UP KEKW LULW ITS AUSTRALIA %100 4Head WASTED unluckyest band ever KEKW ARMY AYAYAY KEKW CASTRO OMG BibleThump BibleThump los vamos Pog SEÑOR (in spanish): PepegaHands Cuban military DansGame 3Head its customs CUBAN MILITARY KEKW monkaW pepeLaugh LUL KEKW LULW good one dutch slaves HandsUp VAMOS KEKW VAMOS vamoss mi casa tu casa orale wey MUEVANSE vamos amigo 4HEad arthur cant catch a fucking break PepeHands HandsUp VAMOS KEKW More walking FeelsGoodMan sex slaves gachiBASS HandsUp chain gang gachiBASS Walking nut to butt. ANDALE they need some sunscreen HandsUp FIDEL CASTRO TIME BibleThump Waddle waddle VAMOS Weirdga wait, why? chain move Pepega VAMOS KEKW dude this walking simulator is good RIP ITS CUBA 4Head ME ESTA WEANDO LUL Hosea would've talked him out of it PepeHands Mr. Cockerballs cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh AYAYA @C9Sneaky do whips and chains excite you as well? levi Pog Levi monkaW @C9Sneaky stopp moving dont walk its funny gachiHYPER Rope Bunny LEVI Po atpCarl Levi PogChamp rooAYAYA levi PogU FORCED TO TAKE IT WITH THE BOYS gachiHYPER AYAYA ACKERMAN cmonBruh me and my boy GUANTANAMO ??? LUL QUE PASA CONCHETUMARE AAAA they wilkl drag you HE'S A WEEB Pog monkaMega lacJ1 lacJ2 Pepega take it boy gachiW levi from aot PogU take his horse bro if you dont walk slaves eren yeager coming? PogU the real levi Pog R) getting chained together plantation slaves he lazy af L-Levi? monkaW ZULUL WTF KappaPride LUL LOL gachiW gachiBASS D: gachiHYPER gachiW in the ass next tie TriYarr get fucked lmao gachiBASS WTF PunOko why? D: VAMOS no harm KEKW Haitian cmonBruh hahaha i take it the bank robbery didn't work out KEKW YOU WAS AGAIN KReygasm THAT ONE DIES FIRST SwiftRage you will pay for that im hitting your leg so you can walk faster @C9Sneaky on the way to ram ranch? SPANKED PunOko again That chain is streching KEKW stop moving again :) why hit Morgan, when is Dutch the pain in the ass arthur is so fucking unlucky LULW FailFish sneaky In Spanish: PepegaHands D: andale monkaS monkaMega @C9Sneaky sir are we going to ram ranch? gachiBASS monkaW scenic route lol monkaS VAMOS CUCARRACHAAA LUL D: bitch LUL monkaW @C9Sneaky sir are we going to ram ranch? gachiBASS @C9Sneaky sir are we going to ram ranch? gachiBASS @C9Sneaky sir are we going to ram ranch? gachiBASS le cocoracha disparales a todos D:< nani Disparales a todos monkaS shoot that guy in the dick SENIOR HABLA ESPAGNOL AHORA SI ME DISCULPAN ARRIBA ARRIBA Sex him ARRIBA ESPAÑA KEKW SOY AMIGO AMERICAN LUL ndeah kill em sneakerz OkayChamp LAVATE LAS MANOS they hide the gold or lost it? do the break dance to get free from the chains KEKW PepoDance KEKW Andele Andele\ FeelsBadMan L pepeHands Looks like we going to be polishing some mens guns from now on gachiHYPER Okayga 📣 WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE exotic ram ranch? PogU Ram Ranch 2.0 Pog FeelsBadMan Y el lol te aburrió? RAM ISLAND HandsUp moon2SH RAM RANCH moon2SH sneakyYeehaw wtf AMIGO HABLA ESPAGNOL, si si colonize it to Ram Ranch gachiBASS la rama de la rancha @hel_raven, LULW fellas, we're not in Ram Ranch anymore monkaX !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 49 minutes 46 seconds pen island RAM RANCH YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw sneak go pick some fruits @C9Sneaky Tropical Ram Ranch gachiHYPER Welcome to the RANCH but sneaky you promised pepeHands 13 COWBOYS Kreygasm Teddiusbear subscribed with Twitch Prime. RAM YOUR ASSHOLE RANCH @C9Sneaky cmonBruh LULW more chain Pepega Imaging having prisoners and letting them chat freely FeelsClassyMan ERECTION erection? gachiW PepoThink rebels LULW gachiW yes :) :) ERECTION PepoThink insurr- rebellion its when you get an Erection but in reverse :) INSERT ERECTION gachiHYPER FeelsTastyMan THEY RASIED THEIR ERECTIONS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT gachiHYPER INSERTION gachiW is when your peepee get hard like a coup or rebellion gachiBASS gachiHYPER do it again sneaky stopp moving KEKW !!! gachiBASS quinPega sneakyGasm HandsUp TriHard Kreygasm uprising a true magic right there gachiW TEA TIME Kappa Weirdga resurection by erection gachiHYPER INSERTION gachiBASS !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 50 minutes 48 seconds got caught getting it on with the goats Kappa SillyChamp CARRIED peepoRun Weirdga TeaTime gachi insurrection = sublevation gachiW in what kind of twisted world is erection a crime HandsUp D: monkaW D: monkaMega monkaW oh sneaky have you met the massive gator monkaX monkaW LULW Dam Arthur fast af dude get some sleep HAITIANS quinHYPER quinHYPER quinHYPER quinHYPER quinHYPER ZULUL ??? HIGH NOON KEKW Okayga NA AIM 4Head PepegaAim !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 51 minutes 30 seconds EL PEOR TIRADOR QUE VI EN MI VIDA NDEAH Cubans are used to lead they all lived LULW level 1 gun :/ PepegaAim damn already at the prison island!? WeirdChamp do we really gonna shoot them? PepegaAim Pepegaaim HAt LUL CUBA DansGame DansGame boom headshot TPFufun paid actors Hay un francotirador Pog we're not in KKona anymore monkaX i think you hit all of their hats KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 52 minutes 2 seconds ZULUL ZU LUL Arnold KEKW ZULUL ZULUL peepoPog oh the natives kunta kinte ZULUL QUICK DAMN IT I'm French ZULUL ZULUL widepeepoSad damitte demit Pepega how lovely WAKANDA monkaS BLACK PANTHER TriHard dem it F black panther widepeepoSad daddy not another one widepeepoSad ACTION IZ COMING MY BALLS LUL WideHard TriHard TriHard TriHard widepeepoSad W....T...F can’t be Zulu dudes FailFish ITS CHILDISH GAMBINO! PogChamp micah WeirdChamp TriHard not javier too widepeepoSad cmonBruh F A I T H NUUUUU D: PepeHands BibleThump suit up leaving man behind WeirdChamp Another one bites the dust loyalty my fucking ass widepeepoSad Weirdga vi von VI VON ZULUL forsenCD TriHard a real one farcry 6? PepegaHands the homies are all dying 1 more PepeHands RUSH? JAVIER RIP :) DansGame we dont leave anyone behind micah again FeelsWeirdMan charles widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad lenny widepeepoSad horse guy widepeepoSad javier widepeepoSad stash Pog Arthur move you fat ass CUM @C9Sneaky did you play the first red dead everyone in your gang now id a boss in that game besides arthur ACTION IS CUMMING ZULUL the list is growing @hotdogss widepeepoSad ZULUL PepegaAim Time for battle PepegaAim @yuzuuki widepeepoSad Arthur face is red KEKW "we don't leave anyone behind, ever... except sometimes when we do" Spanish guns PepegaAim AIMING AT SHOULDERS KEKW saved by childish gambino PogChamp those guys lived PepegaAim PepegaAim but... deth widepeepoHappy man you are so sun burn Arthur these guys have more action than whole my life in 10 sec LUL PepegaAim childish PogU pepeJAM dutch parkour Pog loot PepegaAim All these guys have lvl 3 helmets This is america TriHard GO FOR THE LOOT PepegaAim Are we winning yet? CUBAN MILITARY DEFEATED BY ZULUL KEKW :drums: sumSmash DUTCH PogChamp :) EZ Clap pogTHAT EZ 💿 Clap take that repeater is that ghildish gambino? Looted one just in time lol bUrself take their uniform TriHard follow me LULW VI VON ZULUL NO IDEA KEKW nmpTH ZULUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 54 minutes 25 seconds FONTAINE lacSW TriHard proctecc to queen no idea? i thought u had a plan TriHard welcome to wakanda TriHard OKE Vewy ZULUL oke widepeepoHappy VEWY UWU okay TriHard vewy VEWY widepeepoHappy vewy widepeepoHappy vewy do u kno da wei vewy caweful uwu vewy vewy carefohl widepeepoHappy vewy uwu AYAYA vewy mesa GWA GWA GWA GWA vewy wakanda forever sounds like Dutch CAYAYA VEWY CAWEFUL widepeepoHappy they have that accent because they speak french vewy caweful AYAYA widepeepoHappy bwing things uwu sneakyWEEB2 AYAYA ZULUL MOST DEADLIEST GANG IN UGANDA ZULUL do you nou da wei PROTECC DO QUEEN TriHard Pirate !headset Fussar sounds like Dutch lmao if i didnt have dreads I'd look like that black guy lol !time December 2nd 2019, 6:40:50 am PST GMT-08:00 WeirdChamp Dutch.... T'Challa is that you? monkaHmm prrrrrrrrrrrr TriHard 7 *disclaimer Dutch is an asshole and his asshole meter goes wayyy up from here @C9Sneaky 2nd WUKANDA FORAVA old fart? @Snarfindorf -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] quinPega quinPega pure british accent TriHard True KEKW Dutch WeirdChamp I NEED YOUR ASS gachiHYPER that waterfall is beautiful ZULUL tank u TANK YOU Jebaited in the end TriHard wakanda gracias nips Pepega how are you liking the game @C9Sneaky ? It feels a little slow to me Gracias wankers they are gonna die, nothing lucky happens to this group PepeHands ofc 5Head Goodbye Black Panther Bath time Pog i hate having the same name is that damn icah Bell sodaUgh peepoBlonket Rest time KEKW dude imagine skip all the shit by killing Dutch at the start Weirdga dutch WeirdChamp Sorry KEKW YES YOU SHOULD get some sleep sneakyy NotSoEZ stop talking Dutch. Weirdga SURE YOU ARE DUTCH YOU SHOULD BE SORRY DUTCH KEKW 5Head no DUTCH BibleThump 5Head yeah fuck you dutch laceRage hmmmmm HE WOULDN'T DO THAT BabyRage WeirdGa 5Head 5head monkaHmm 200iq 5hEAD 6$ between dutch and arthur Head true 5Head monkaHmm sunburn Pog Stop spoiling people God DAMN that sunburn damn that sunburn FUCK YOU DUTCH PepegaHands monkaS quinNUTTY quinNUTTY Bronze Weirdga LULW lol 6$ each gold? sodaVeg SEE bronze pepeLaugh KEKW gottem LUL LULW I TOLD YOU KEKW Bronze CHAIN GANG Okayga 👍 <3 KEKW LULW KEKW sneakyJensen less gold! Jebaited LOL bronze LUL LOL Jebaited pepeLaugh haha KEKW Jebaited BRONZE LULW :tf: Hey, the first one was your fault!!! gotcha :) Jebaited Justbronze pepeLaugh he is mald it was funny tho KEKW quinPega KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh hahahaha color blind LULW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 57 minutes 36 seconds LUL bronze 4 irl no hardstuck bronze LUL @C9Sneaky IM sowwy bro I beat this game when it casme out At least not Iron pepeLaugh The graphics sneakyGasm call for your horse BabyRage KEKW you dont even have the $12? widepeepoSad nope no weapons no anything @C9Sneaky don't be mad pls yes CiGrip he's horse is in NA sneakyGrip KEKW from working for $12 to free. PepegaPls CiGrip poor Weirdga go to dutch as fst as u an put some sunscreen on bro SMOKE DOPE @theCrimsonHazard LUL LUL you can smoke pure weed in there @C9Sneaky you dont have 2 holsters ditched by jensen again PepeHands TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Yoink TriHard He left his horse in NA and his family in EUW sneakyGrip HYPERCLAP LUL Mine now TriHard ratirlGift ratirlBusiness ratirlBusiness Jensen living his best life widepeepoSad WTF JENSEN KEKW he named the horse Jensen? yes kidney DansGame Jensen will be waiting for you :> PepegaHands Yup KEKW he just wanted to ride jensen one last time widepeepoSad yas peepoLeave 🛏 You need ride Jensen again sneakyGasm alright PepeHands sneakyFeels nooo PepeHand anyways PepegaHands He rode jensen long and hard peepoLeave harry up man u have to save ducth 💨 KannaNom yes stop so I can go to sleep wideeepoSad NYO Go to get some rest snacky wtf you leaving? peepoLeave peepoLeave 🛏 peepoLeave 🛏 peepoLeave 🛏 peepoLeave 🛏 peepoLeave 🛏 nooooo BibleThump DAAAAMN Anyways PepegaHands widepeepoSad NYO @C9Sneaky its about xqcHands yeah TL Jensen always waiting for sneaky Goodnight sneaky :) / !TIME December 2nd 2019, 6:45:22 am PST GMT-08:00 ggs snacky and chat widepeepoHappy danigza subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! widepeepoSad noooo PepeHands ONLY 52% jebus ! uptime yeh prolly 10-15 moar hrs Noooooo. lacF lacG no ok PepeHands sneakyChair peepoLeave 🛏 goodnight and goodbye lacJ1 nmpSMILE lacJ2 Good night sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels bye guys xqcL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 59 minutes 55 seconds goodbye and goosnite j4kWave goodnight sweetie PepeHands SLEEP TIME widepeepoSad WHAT NOW? FeelsWeirdMan GG Stream more for the lads 3Head !commmands Night Daddy! 🎉 thanks for the stream snack DON'T SLEEP. its daytime what widepeepoHappy finally Today was fun Sneaky widepeepoSad goodnight snacky see you tomorrow! <3 goodnight sweet dreams @C9Sneaky host rush!!! Byeeeeeee 👋 widepeepoSad AYAYAWeird Goodnight Snackers, Love you chat btmcLuv btmcLuv xqcL bye sneaky <3 day time sleeping Pog PepegaAim cy@ !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @BradtGold1 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at PepeHands have a good one bye fren CY@ itswillEndTheStreamMyGuy bye sneaky only 38h left widepeepoSad Bye @C9Sneaky HOST PV MAN 2-15 days @C9Sneaky Rest well sir good as game FeelsWeirdMan WHAT NOW? FeelsWeirdMan We out here, then 50 hours KEKW sleep is for the weak Kappa 👋 widepeepoSad Anyways peepoLeave 🛏 I'm fucking lvoeing hese streams man Tomorrow PepeHands gn <3 AYAYA widepeepoSad thanks for streaming buhbye j4kLove brud HeyGuys :/ :/ :/ <3 !uptime BEST STREAM EVER CY@ YeeeeeeHaaawwww sneakyYeehaw Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 26 seconds peepoLeave 🛏 bye see you later tonight good night snooky bye bro t90Duck ilysneaky byeeeee <3 !uptime gn ty for stream <3 PepeHands damn i love this game widepeepoSad NYO afternoon lenny widepeepoSad charles widepeepoSad hosea widepeepoSad john widepeepoSad javier widepeepoSad sneaky widepeepoSad <3 later gn byby PepeHands byee !casi Kreygasm and goodbye <3 <3 <3 bye WHAT NOW? FeelsWeirdMan sleep well! WHAT NOW? peepoWTF BYBY <3 <3 sneakyHey sneakyHey thank you sneaky widepeepoSad bye bye dad <3 PepeHands <3 bye dad <3 Sneaky waiting room 4Weird <3 widepeepoSad bye sneaky widepeeopHappy Bye dad sneakyWEEBY sneaky Pog My chant worked?! Pog Pog NaM POGGERS I'M A WIZARD i won the notification again AYAYA Esther_Lynn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months! pokiW GASPPPP thats not english ut holy shit WutFace sup dood lynn Pog Pog PogChamp Hi hi sneaky hi nerd PogU hello dad PogChamp Its my boy sneaky good evening :) lol_shadows subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 44 months, currently on a 44 month streak! wow this 44th time i've let you fuck me dad... it's almost been 4 years :) notice me :( SNEAKERS berdboWow berdboWow berdboWow PowerUpL Kreygasm PowerUpR aaaaayyy dad is online POG hiya sneaksssssssss hey @c9sneaky can you play corki this night please jmzHYPER jmzHYPER jmzHYPER jmzHYPER yuuuuu HELLO MY BABY hi dad hi sneaky So sneaky you in cloud 9 anymore? @C9Sneaky hiii thoughts on pre-season so far? @C9Sneaky trackiLick OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog sneaky miky duo reunited at all stars POG YO What up Sinky dads online JUST IN TIME Hey sneakers HELLO SNEAKY tatMlg @C9Sneaky when are you announcing you'll play in 100t for the meteos reunion peepoWTF xander0vii subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! I'm a Cowboy nay hi Pog do i have to wait for my prime sub to expire to use it again? @C9Sneaky hello dad 4Weird 🤚 Jey dad ayyy uh oh warrior5642 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Uwu :) fuck YEA! just got home from work and my dude sneaky on Whats up sneaky are you still with C9? peepoArrive hey dad FeelsOkayMan wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog wubbyPog owo @C9Sneaky do you remember me saying i would replicate your cosplay? how would you like me to show you when i am done :P Hewooo Hi sneak LapisFirestar subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! snacks henlo FeelsHighMan Pog @C9Sneaky sivir game today? sneakyYeehaw @captainquebec_iv le pain la baguette hey dad atpShh atpShh atpShh atpShh atpShh am I high or is the sound off? React to old videos Pog sneaky my penis has something growing on the side of it is that normal hey dad im trying ashe supp with the new supp ad item sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky do you put pineapple on your pizza? hola didn't even get a notification, just came to twitch hoping sneaky would be on, and he's just started POG Sivir LUL @C9Sneaky hey dad how r u peepoHappy Oh nvm he just doesn't have music playing Tinkle wINKY HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys I finally told a crush that I like her I feel awful this is going to be horrible she is going to hate me fuck I just hate myself hi Snabs, hi chabs widepeepoHappy opps..🤪 C9 Stinky hello Sorry I don’t speak Italian @C9Sneaky uwU 4Weird 🤚 representsol subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! Hey there Hi, anyway Sneaky Mic sounds weird hey sneaky 5Head Hello Mr Sneaky Spanky !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 minutes 47 seconds Did you try omnistone Ashe widepeepoHappy ETERNATUS WeirdChamp MAX REVIVES WeirdChamp POTIONS WeirdChamp Is storm razor the best starting item ? PowerUpL WutFace PowerUpR play alaveis Uh Oh It Sneaky @casualcoz she ll love u back xd RaccAttack PogChamp Mr. C9 Stinky @c9sneaky yoooooooooo dawwggggg @c9sneaky how long did it take you to beat sekiro die twice level 3 supp items are trash @c9sneaky look your setting you talking whit your webcam HeyGuys sneaky you son of a bitch, im in Marry me @c9sneaky Yoooo Snacky what up *wink* Hey Sneaky <3 sneakyHey sneakyHey PepegaShake @C9Sneaky when are you announcing the new team? it can't be you're not playing this split. sneakyHey It sounds weird tho PLAY ALAVEIS gachiGASM TANky supports are so boriing sneakyHey I SAID Pepega REAL VOICE WutFace BRO QUEUE UP PLS sneakyWEEB2 HeyGuys Pog make sneaky great again Thoughts on ezreal now? @c9sneaky pog first Issues headBang Pog He has a compressor on the mic now that he didn't before or whatever hey snaky oooooo that Issues album PogChamp @c9sneaky Hey what's up. Welcome to your butthole. duo biofrist hellooooo sneakyGrip Oh Mr. Sneaky, give me a dream. Make him the sneakiest that I’ve ever seen. fifiDab fifiDab fifiDab fifiDab fifiDab fifiDab peepoArrive sneakyHey hey guys Who do you think is the best counter to draven Well fellas NNN will be over tomorrow, time to break out the Cum Jar Kreygasm hello chat <3 hi chat Pepega @c9sneaky if you trading all your skin and you got a legendary skin im donnated to you 10$ @Flowersyn_ syndra Sneaky Snake, hello PowerUpL FrankerZ PowerUpR wait, c9 hoddie? peepoWTF sneakyHey @strawberrybells sneakyE My boy Tyler carter buy gemstones Destroy Dick December in less than 3 hours gachiBASS @C9Sneaky When are you buying your own building like impact FeelsWeirdMan you can also get mystery icons Thoughts on ezreal right now? westrice KEKW cs go Pog still c9 peepoWTF Buy mystery icons MatDayman subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 37 months! Happy Thanksdicking sneakyH @c9sneaky make sneaky great again @C9Sneaky don't get forget to save some for Aphelios I just want it all, man, money and the cars right. I just want it all. 69 orange essence Kreygasm gachiW PogU KKona ? KKona kkoma pog Kreygasm change stream title peepoArrive sneaky DO IT I told a girl I like her and I don’t know if she will have the same feels hi dad BTCH finnaly ur live have been watching the SUPER TOP all day and its not as fun do it LUL IM FKN BAK do it do it :gandalf: pepeLaugh Pog CALL WESTRICE HES CRYING playy TriHard what keyboard are you using bring lynn with you and turn westrice into a 5th wheel pepeL DO IT pepeLaugh BlessRNG CSGO Playing American games like LoL and CSGO peepoWTF yo i just got g1! that s the highest ive been sneakyC !song IM GON FCKN LIGHT IT UP IN THIS SHT TriHard @C9Sneaky I bet you're huge. Sup boi play 1 game PogChamp IM BACK TriHard 7 EZ grats @Bawldy97 heard this update is trash !song thank go you came on. i had to cringe watch hashinshin all this time do it UNCAGED TriHard 7 TELL ME THE SONG NAME peepoWTF I just wanna use this emote JOIN AND TEAMKILL DOUBLEKEK more slipknot today? gachiHYPER no idea BEST SENNA runes? Snakey @banned_account_the_7th_ cmonBruh chill bro @mojiganga225 thanks XD when is red dead 2 coming ready to cause chaos TriHard yayyyy no they nerfed the krieg sneaky on @C9Sneaky its a battle pass secret ASIAN man game is playable now @Mewtyu FREEDOM NEVER FELT SO GOOD TriHard peepoWTF still no sneaky x hent heaven cs 2 @C9Sneaky supre happy i got g1 XD Thoughts on ezreal now? I see that dragonball FighterZ there. you dabble? @c9sneaky your hair is awesome:] pepeH @c9sneaky if you trading your skin and you got legendary im droping 10$ Thoughts on rainbow six siege? WHAT TEAM WHAT TEAM WHAT TEAM WHAT TAEM @C9Sneaky when u change ur twitch name weirdChamp PepeHadns Sneaky, hello @c9sneaky NNN is over tomorrow are you gonna break out the Cum Jar in celebration? mister snoky have a good day sir pepeLaugh start the game btch Hello boys more like non stop nut november sneaky sneaky ready to lose it tonight gachiW What rune is best on Senna ADC @C9Sneaky Pog So wait is sneaky still sponsored by C9? Even though he is not on the team? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 minutes 16 seconds Buy more wards GO ON CSGO WITH DOUBLELIFT no hello dad I LOST Kreygasm TRUE what about the cumbox doe play cs go is that the stream for people without work? LUL LUL hi dad Hang on this is a red dead redemption stream I want my refund! do a mid lane stream @C9Sneaky hey Thats Madeon? gachiGASM sayP djkkrksk subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyW @c9sneaky cs go operations Anyone else’s dad leave them? lets see the juicy graves or corki bot @C9Sneaky DESTROY DICK DECEMBER gachiW Mr Skeaky can i get a feels bithdayman i am alone 16 hours away from home on bday pla ywith viewers ! longdogs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! daddy trajic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! @C9Sneaky Your new cosplay made me cream peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive gachiGASM @7miles when? @C9Sneaky Will you join shroud on mixer 🤔 can we see the juicy graves or corki bot @C9Sneaky gachiW DESTROY DICK DECEMBER gachiW hi sneaky ,, i am from hong kong Senna gameplay? :D havce you played aphelios? @banned_account_the_7th_ today lol sneaky detected gachiBASS @Mewtyu Its lies. pepeLaugh Thar's a first WE all know it. pog @7miles when did u we ask u loser dog 4Head impossible gachiBASS tips to go from silver to challenger !followage FeelsWeirdMan odatebayo has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 4 weeks, 2 days Weirdga top sneaky KEKW snicky T OMEGALUL P lets see the juicy graves or corki bot @C9Sneaky scrubnoob Pog how IS shroudy doing on mixer anyway @c9sneaky ima make love to my wife with your stream in the background, can u play some berry white? !followage Tekn0Afr0 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 40 months, currently on a 40 month streak! sneaky, tried any unusual but successful builds in preseason? also song pepeLaugh XD @C9Sneaky i need tips on how to get boobs like you @shikarie02 why dont u go and pay a visit @Kalxs_ Practice. If you are really desperate, though, one-trick it Pog New Madeon album HYPERS How you like it @C9Sneaky is not possible to make no nut november when @c9sneaky making cosplay Kreygasm !followage Cheer100 hit 'em with the hidden OP strat of Full AP Braum Top Kappa TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard lets see the juicy corki bot @C9Sneaky JoshyNR has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 1 day new justin bieber album Pog OG Sneaky? scrubnoob pog !song absolute cuck Dodge INC why you do not ban anyone peepoLeave @NobuNobuNobuNobuNobu YIKES @C9Sneaky What is the purpose of banning none? good night dad peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive !song !song dad heimer bans now peepoLeave @mohammad11azab TriHard finally ur online <3 peepoArrive this is Borealis by Madeon bawkGlad LULW POGSLIDE EIPI peepoArrive peepoArrive SNEAKY LIVE @StuffedWizzle im trying @ABNORMEL peepoArrive KEKW tonewastaken subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Fuck this ? vayne top DarkMode peepoLeave its c9 sneaky PogU 60% on ult? Broken POGGERS LUL PogU 60% PagChomp @PlatanoHD sumSmash @hotdogss Okayga TeaTime sumSmash Okayga hi daddy sneaky @C9Sneaky BegWan why does hash have more viewers C9 still? peepoLeave hotdogss Okayga thank you for streaming, these other streamers are garbage If you were going to play braum top, some attack speed shit would probably be better than ap. cracking mountains monkaSHAKE rush deathcap on braum and oneshot with ulti Pog @C9Sneaky Do you drink the hotdog water? stripHmm play quinn still c9 peepoLeave theironschlonger subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! yasWeird SmolClaire tri4_HF tri3_HF tri2_HF tri1_HF suuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh Sneaky live peepoArrive not on main game peepoLeave !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 625 LP gachiBASS Vayne comp Pog gachiBASS I GET quackFaded AND TYPE 120 WPM Kappa kalista JHIN Double ad jg top jinx comp PogU teemo ad Scrubnoob PogChamp CORKI oh lmao its scrubnob trist quinn evilminielf subscribed with Twitch Prime. cait cait teemo POGSLIDE Siver JHIN ez MF C9Sneaky hey can you read my message?! big fan your main game is catherine dont you remember legolasnels subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! im tired trist? headBang braum @C9Sneaky saw you download dbfz, have you played it yet? Draven again peepoLeave !followage teemo Pog T1 Duxy3 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak! sneaky help i can't see. my eyes. my eyes sneaky. iR3FLeXxX has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 4 months, 1 week, 2 days 2007 agane headBang BigBrother Clap BigBrother Clap headBang BigBrother HOLY SHIT asking alexandria..... yes ir santa skin primetime sir draven? peepoArrive FeelsGoodMan jhin yasAYAYA hiemer ':) AA pog is barrier viable? tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey @c9sneaky go santa peepoArrive draven WutFace finally monkaW HYPERCLAP monkaW monkaW elktehRage elktehRage elktehRage elktehRage monkaX it's 12:30 tho flashback to freshman year holy shit headBang Santa you wont take electocute okay santa :) is not possible to make no nut november when @c9sneaky making cosplay Kreygasm I've walked out of 3 AA shows. They are so bad live. monkaOMEGA duDudu duDudu duDudu scrubnoob USE SKIN darthvulcaz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 4 month streak! 7 is lucky? !followage no skin peepoLeave BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail BloodTrail pepeD its december go santa C9Sneaky hey can you read my message?! big fan headBang no skin peepoLeave no skin ok PrincessLuna85 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 5 days song? @IgniTeK xqcS_HF xqcSad_SQ xqcS_HF xqcSad_SQ SANTA DRAVEN @neoseoul6969 you went back, not once, but twice? do you like sweet potatoes go santa skin :( no skin peepoWTF SKINSKINSKINSIKISNSISKNSISKSNSISKNSJSKSJSNSIKSNSKSISNSKISNSKSISN pepeJAMMER @C9Sneaky are you going to rebrand 8 deaths this game pepeLaugh 5Head 5Head 5Head Pepega N OMEGALUL monkaHmm Sneakye Pog SNEAK, did you grow the boobs? monkaHmm not on heimer peepoLeave okay dad mmm yes 5Head scarraPOGGERS 5Head PepoThink ? he did it @C9Sneaky its called default skin @Idiocracy90 Yea they headline I went for the other bands 5Head lol DADDY BOOBS Kreygasm @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky Why do u run Barrier all the time now? hahah @C9Sneaky youre a fookin legend m8 thanks for streamin Kreygasm Kreygasm Hey dad Weirdga Draven peepoLeave plantation haha grow me some too weed farm? sneakySame sneaky owns slaves D: FeelsWowMan tell me more @neoseoul6969 i forgot that was how concerts work lmao Weirdga hello :) !uptime @C9Sneaky can you share some weed? I watched granny do a 5 man slam down nb3Gasm Sneaky has been live for : 14 minutes 26 seconds i like turtles ok wow my favorit league of legend player take time to read my message and saying my name you made my day @c9sneaky farming? pog uvu) dreaven yasR yasR yasR @C9Sneaky im jack off for everytime you die this game, dont make me get blisters bro ping Kreygasm dont go in there peepoArrive 🚪 🚽 Stuvenator 🥝 / boob farm FeelsWeirdMan DRAVEN peepoArrive FeelsAmazingMan oh wait no skin peepoLeave FeelsBadMan saySquint LULW how to play Draven Bohusjr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! love you sneaky gachiBASS hahahahhaha gachiBASS PlatanoHD 🥝 / jpyoungblood345 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! @c9sneaky what is your next team nice ping gachiBASS gachiBASS @C9Sneaky do you ever feel like your lebron james LUL the ping POGGERS sword and shield? Pokemon I think having two kidneys is overrated @poopnugitx -> No Links! [warning] ping not looking too great PepegaAim SCRUBNOOB peepoArrive sneakyHey @c9sneaky where your girlfriend? destroy dick december is near bois yasN nnn almost over, brothers 😤 WandersAround subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! I miss you. wtb more early evening streams. gachiBASS mine :) mines gachiW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 15 minutes 35 seconds csgo PogU @C9Sneaky in Australia its December first, no more no nut November so i gotta clean out the pipes, feel free to int a little mine :) gachiBASS me :) / not mine :) headBang i miss my dick gachiW not mine PepeHands gachiBASS after DDD get ready for No Pee January Its already 1/12/2019 ignored 40 month resub WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky king ddd nairoLUL yooo i thought it was self creampie december PepoThink PepegaAim 🏫 🏫 🏫 🏫 🏫 Me right now :) 30min gachiGASM Is Sneaky gonna cos play Ric Flair at All Stars where the alligator boots and shit talk all the pussy LCS teams? haHAA its DDD for us east coasters gachiW Really enjoying the metal mr sneaks wear too HandsUp Hydra I summon thee! HandsUp PepegaPls headBang bro are u zoomed in slipknot? oH SHIT headBang NotlLikeThis ROOSH OR SNACKY NotLikeThis don't come to school tomorrow PepegaAim 🏫 already december here Kreygasm don't come to school tomorrow PepegaAim 🏫 don't come to school tomorrow PepegaAim 🏫 don't come to school tomorrow PepegaAim 🏫 don't come to school tomorrow PepegaAim 🏫 D: I destroyed it 2p more slipknot@!@ noooooooooo chat stop it D: your facecam is too big, snokers @C9Sneaky How are you feeling today? @c9sneaky next band pleaser 4Weird @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] IS THAT scrubnoob why not slipknot one man spam WeirdChamp skipped DansGame AYAYAWeird HandsUp I can't wait for Just Jerkin January KellyZOM is gifting 5 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 5 in the channel! squillypete subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! what's the play? KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to ABNORMEL! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to Colonel__Sanders! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to Rpn101! KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to SimonC43! WTF CHAT D: KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to space_rebel! peepoPog Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU he did lethality kalista and it did ok i think pepeJam asah Pog PogU PogU nooooo asuh Pog xqcLook xqcLook !time November 30th 2019, 9:34:38 pm PST GMT-08:00 :D oh shit I got one Pog he's played slipknot the last 4 nights @KellyZOM POGGERS hook me up with one too :P never lucky PepeHands sneaky i almost had to go to bed WITHOUT twitch on cause all the dogshit streamers on now :( :( MadoStab OMEGALUL never lucky PepeHands Tripleify subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! :) @Mewtyu -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Dodged Pog would bork black cleaver conq lucian be good Hi HandsUp gachiGASM i saw it monkaW C9A Sneaky ? !upyimr !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 17 minutes 25 seconds HandsUp I DID NOT WIN HandsUp When Hydra's Roamed Free Sneaky Was Top ADC !!! FREE THE HYDRAS! only English?? there's music? new gifted subs have to hydra those are the rules OkayChamp is it just me or does mountain Drake look like someone peed on my screen !status @ShadowBruno -> Current Stream Title: hueheuehuheu hueheuehuheu duDudu duDudu duDudu v RushFrog subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 26 month streak! Hello snack, I'm back to league and I'm coming for your ass nom nom nom nom nom nom chat we wide : : Weirdga KellyZOM gifted a Tier 1 sub to iEvilgen1us! They have given 6 Gift Subs in the channel! gachiBASS gachiBASS : Now that it’s December, I’m gonna nut so hard TriHard 7 Hasn't Stand Aside been causing bugs since forever. TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard FCKN GIMME TriHard 7 TriHard 7 ? gachiBASS I LOST TriHard 7 @KellyZOM Thanks for the gift sub! OMG thanks so much man kimiekLove kimiekLove kimiekLove kimiekLove ? TriHard 7 TriHard 7 LUL TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 triHarder 7 PAY UP BTCHASS L9 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 Call Up Dig they lookin for a Real ... NaM NaM TriHard 7 TriHard 7 🎁 WideHard gachiBASS NaM NaM TriHard 7 WideHard NaM ? SCAMMED TriHard Clap sneaky thought c9 was there for him PepeHands @C9Sneaky play ezreal with dark harvest and thank me later omgggggg TriHard 7 TriHard 7 "NaM" AYAYA WideNaM LUL Blakeyskii subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months! SNEAKY atpChar But they are just doing trap exploitation PepeHands @C9Sneaky Who are good adc's to fight level 1 with? TriHard 7 the perfect farmer Rush PogChamp Fear is ScrubNoob ? 7empest 69 Nice hehehehe 4Head C OMEGALUL NQ 4HEad OK BOOMER untz untz untz untz conquerer draven kekw minions are thick sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyGasm no 4Weird PepegaShake congo PepegaShake line PepegaShake congo PepegaShake line PepegaShake congo PepegaShake line PepegaShake congo PepegaShake line sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 draaaaaven chat has no energy Im gonna ruin your butthole @C9Sneaky is it still possible to have 3 axes in the air with really high attack speed? best friend sword * :) hey chat sneakyHey PepegaAim PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake no energy man !song welcome to the league of draaaaaven!! where are the D? monkaW chat, we, uhh, i think we forgot something what are the number call outs rengar is making? definitely not a viewbot MrDestructoid FIX UR CAMERA PLSSSS CANT SEE ITEMS @shikarie02 well... it is December now sneaky1 sneaky2 monkaW sneaky3 sneaky4 time to NUT nyacchLewd Chat a bunch of limp dicks @c9sneaky camera too big PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TriHard PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp pog Pog sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus Pog POGGGGERS 257 EZ @luthercorpz I’m super hard rn you don’t know me mf naut op MrDestructoid Hello streamer, great job playing video games today. Keep it up. MrDestructoid racks Pog rakan got rekt just buy dorans peepoArrive uhhhh monkaW yellowstone is erecting Lame spam seen and ignored had to be spammed again like an autist, Take a hint mate what a kind jungler. donating the kill to his draven So you play piano? pepeJAM Time for dorans PepePls one man spam WeirdChamp pepeJAM dude i have autism please be sensitive gg hello PagChomp HYPERCLAP !song 6 dorans or we riot sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PepegaPls !playlist Doot doot i better see a 5 doran buy here no 6 dorans WeirdChamp where tf are my 4 doroans??? no dorans DansGame no dorans stream? peepoLeave sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus POGSLIDE Hi sneaky samaaa dorans DansGame PepegaPls @C9Sneaky when should you buy dorans and when should you not? plz help i want to understand ???? naut LULW Naut KEKW IT'S GOOD! LULW naut LUL wassup sexy boi Field goal for Naut!! Your picture is too large make it smaller please PogU EU NAUT LUL i bet zven wouldve built 4 dorans my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke FINALLY sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus scrubnoob Pog my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke your picture is too large, make it BIGGER please :) my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora I like watching him play this video game Good morning dad wait wtf is Jayce's build? rescClown rescCoffee no smoking in chat monkaS 👋 Okayga @C9Sneaky can you make your cam smaller? its blocking ur items my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke tri4_HF tri3_HF tri2_HF tri1_HF GOOD MORNING DADDY oh nevermind sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP @shikarie02 pepeSmoke im in the smoking zone someone had like 3 doran rings @C9Sneaky might be on wrong webcam size my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke pepeJAMMER pepeD ricardoFlick nikkibonzlr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! ricardoFlick @h4d3n -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] sneaky1 sneaky2 OhMyDog OhMyDog OhMyDog Pog huehuehuehue ricardoFlick rengar ult KEKW pepeD sneaky3 sneaky4 ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke my fellow spammers arent here yet pepeSmoke Weirdga ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @duxure FeelsOkayMan ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @Tehkie Okayga ricardoFlick hi ricardoFlick I love all of you, just wanted to drop that EZ Pog !song sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Sneaky ever plan on going to Korea independently since he's not in a team yet? ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick2 PogU POG LUL PogU Pog juicy Anyone know name and artist of this chune? 2 assists 1 kill Pog EZ PogU ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick HandsUp ANIKI HandsUp gachiGASM yoink !song too EZ pog sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD . @Sk4rys <3 !song ricardo Flick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick CANNON Cannon KEKW \ CANNON PepeHands rescChop To shreds, you say monkaHmm CANN OMEGALUL N CANN OMEGALUL N theycallmebeanz subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 56 months! Here's hoping for that we can make it to 100. typical ex-pro player More axes HandsUp ricardoFlick ricardoFlick REEEEEEEEEEEE KEKW REEEEEEE ricardo ford !cannon KEKW sneaky in lane LUL Ree CANN OMEGALUL N CANNON LULW KEKW ricardoFlick How come Draven doesnt build black cleaver? PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PogU REE PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee PepegaAim im gonna reee not even 3 axes FeelsWeirdMan ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick Whats that Song ? you know sneaky, i talk very seriuously when i say, YOU NEED RYZE ON YOUR CHAMP POOL 56 months PogU EZ NotLikeThis NotLikeThis it's over NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis PepeHands NotLikeThis dropped an axe PepeHAnds pokiPOP pokiPOP pokiPOP NotLikeThis yes LIKE THIS NotLikeThis that naut why you take off the nicknames? PepeHands NotLikeThis is that scrubnoob this game seems a lil over WEEE HYPERS NotLikeThis HYPERS gg YesLikeThis Wtf is this song it’s sick does anyone know? just the daily reminder that brtt is greater than doublelift wee HYPERS sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD its never over in this elo HYPERS WiiSports HYPERS PogSlide should copy jayce build holyshitdude cmonBruh @C9Sneaky dark harvest draven is best draven rn gachiW MaN Clap OkayBruh cmonBruh donation cmonBruh haHAA cmonBruh @C9Sneaky when are you starting the patreon nude streams on pornhub ? MaN okay No dorans peepoLeave gachiW gachiW gachiBASS Clap LUL ok KEKW gachiGASM ! gachiHYPER gachiW a gay joke is funny haHAA lol KEKW gachiHYPER damn that's crazy @gimmepizzza333333 yes gachiHYPER the right bar sneakyD i like lb build ouch death by rakan... monkaW that's crazy BRO R U GAY? sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakyWut sneakySoTroll sneakySoTroll sneakySoTroll leather's club gachiHYPER @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! dubbydubbs5 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! 23 savage gachibass sneakyPride sneakyPride sneakyPride what do you think the author was thinking? HandsUp you don’t FeelsOkayMan @gimmepizzza333333 kys i saw it HandsUp stream title suggests sneaky will play bot with huhi next season 5Head Conqueror - 0 healing KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride lialiaLove D: gachiBASS gachiBASS jayce has dorans peepoArrive gachiBASS D; gachiBASS ? gachiBASS i saw it HandsUp D: Why do draven's axes look like purple particles huehuehue ? gachiBASS ? sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm gachiBASS ImNotReallyReal subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! gachiBASS Sneakys is a Straight male gamer not KappaPride at all sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyClaus :S sneakyClaus monkaW sneaky draven pepeD ? gachiBASS ? idk but we gachibassing tonight bois pepeJAM ricardoFlick pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAM pepeD f @C9Sneaky Is there a reason you center the camera every time you toss an axe? KEKW pepeJAM pepeJAM ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick Kreygasm Kreygasm KappaPride !song PepoCheer PogYou PogU PogU gg wooooooo PogU gg EZ PogU EZ clap PogU PogYou What is the song? sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH jd FIESTA Pog Pog WTF PogYou Party in the botlane FLASH RAIN gg gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ EZ 108 dmg PogChamp POGU gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ gg EZ !Uptime Sneaky has been live for : 27 minutes whats the songgggggggggg jebac disa Tehkie OkayChamp BETTER THAN T1 PogU sneakkyyy song nameeeeeeeeeeeee sneakyHey Dad damn hes nuts actually Why don't you play more draven LUL bora x1 valendo a conta lixo thank god he didnt say the gamer word 4 0 6 already sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo 108 Pog bot lane looking like a school PogU @PlatanoHD Okayga Pog naut look at him ignoring us he just wants our money esports aint enuff KKona @C9Sneaky premium snap chat when? T1 is a heimmer main, sneaky is the best tyler now 4Weird 🤚 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 27 minutes 38 seconds ???? KKona cmonBruh KKona KKona D: !chant sneakyYeehaw ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ HYPERBRUH cmonBruh @C9Sneaky Hey man, is there a reason you center the camera every time that you toss an axe? <3 KKona no mana close game 4Weird HYPERBRUH chumean Arq98 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! I love u dad, play a Yasuo bot game for me cmonBruh in almost 2k20 KEKW VernalEquinox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak! sneakyWeeb This will be a ff surely KKona sell the dorans :) PogU KKona 🔫 cmonBruh 4Weird 🤚 HALT rooDuck rooDuck rooDuck D: PepeHands sup pussies Sneaky draven is what Tyler wishes his draven was PepeHands D: you sold the fucking dorans 😡 Pog WINDOWS DOLAN PepeHands D: widepeepoSad D: D: D: no dorans WidePeepoSad D: KKona KEKW sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB3 forsenCD forsenCD SO? forsenCD feels not subbed D" D: sneakyD Lynn widepeepoSad KEKW @SmolAria Dorn PepeHands sneakyC haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap LYNN WHY D: forsenCD SO most people here are grade A-@$$-De-La-Holes, I don't think you are though @c9sneaky SeemsGood pepeLaugh PLEB MOD KEKW i did widepeepoSad wow ALBERT CD D: forsenCD Clap @SmolClaire AYAYA <3 forsenCD pleb mod KEKW forsenCD PepegaHands AYAYA sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 🖕 KKona AYAYA @SmolAria jonny smells bad haHAA I get offended haHAA by bad words haHAA so i spam D: haHAA to show im offended haHAA Clap D: Me :) @gimmepizzza333333 woooosh Kappa / D: blade any sexy beasts gift me sub for sex sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb cybertoaster? sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyClaus sneakyClaus so that what sneaky calls it gachiBASS when Cassiopeia? Do you recommend ff 14? sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip cmonBruh does Jhin say "wonderful" or "what the fuuu" We YANG GANG BANG THE CYBER TRUCK IS my vice president Jonny gachiGASM @im_Terms -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] cmonBruh donation again this is an incel chat, johnny @imjonnyyy J OMEGALUL NNY Weirdga KEKW KEKW KEKW Weirdga nairoScared LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW BigBrother cool @loltyler1 KEKW LUL F- KEKW KEKW KEKW lol xDDDDDDDD KEKW Fudgeballo0n subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! KEKW !song was that actually him? xD @Tyler1 hi , CARRIED AGAIN TriHard YOINK no it wasnt hmm,m,,,mmm Fake 👋🖕🖕 yes @thetattooedyoshi pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeD PokPikachu FortOne PepegaPls ???? KEKW didn't have the lol on it so I assumed not KEKW !song $3 for that? KEKW Squid3 gachiGASM yasss PepegaPls CANNON KEKW CANNON yas bish !cannon CANN OMEGALUL N CapnMyCapn_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 2 month streak! whats the max amount of active items you would ever buy for a champion vs the amount you would remember to use? also 1 more month for the baby! STOP MISSING CANNON KEKW CANN OMEGALUL N PepegaPls CANN OMEGALUL N CANN KEKW N Build frozen mallet gachiBASS yassssssss KappaPride pepeJAM whisper monkaW LUL C9 appreciates the cannons Jonny HandsUp monkaW dead GachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS KEKW gachiBASS gachiBASS Lee sin KEKW gachiBASS You feminine looking gamer monkaW jonnyy gachiBASS gachiGASM Lee KEKW LULW OMEGALUL l HEY YOU FEMINE LOOKING GAYMER @imjonnyyy you got the bong warmed up my son? KEKW LUL KEKW CLOSE KEKW rip FUGGGGG KEKW KEKW awww Jebaited KEKW LUL Can't even 1v5 FINISH ME gachiBASS TearGlove COULDNT FINISH gachiBASS LUL JEBAITED KEKW 1v4 DansGame KEKW LMAO LMAO build MALLET INTING AGAIN LULW LULW 4 BOT LULW Selling Plat 1 Acc for cheap. PM League of shields Weirdga RUN SCRUB ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun holy shit Scrubnoob Lee 1v9 KEKW SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood rengar KEKW scrub noob Go baron now Pog Scrubnoob KEKW pepeJAM scrubnoob pepeLaugh aint he C9 no more ? Wonder if sneaky has been depressed. Looks like has has lost weight from last time saw him months ago mom boom !SONG and now he afks KEKW pepeJAMMER pepeLaugh stinkyarbuckle1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. its ok got top tower Kapp LUL PepegaPls i enjoy your red dead content now pepeLaugh Sa Feels weird, maybe something I should look into PepegaShake @C9Sneaky he meant your camera but its really not a big deal that you do it PepegaPls pepeLaugh chat i farted PepePls is that scrubnoob pepeD PepePls PepePls That's scrubnoob Trap lord KEKW KEKW U ? KEKW LOL RUDE why is he not steaming :/ cringe af KEKW peepoArrive T1 KEKW TRUE KEKW too EZ haHAA WeirdChamp T1 with the memes WeirdChamp relax he goes bt rfc then storm? C R I N G E PepegaPls What's a line WeirdChamp t1 go to bed you midget tyler1Bad trap LORD PepegaPls inc dude is real tylerr? XD snackers widepeepoHappy KEKW @C9Sneaky why you think draven isnt rlly plaayed in pro games KEKW pepeJAM PepePls pepeJAM Kreygasm @SmileyYolk too easily shut down with cc Ez R KEKW KEKW PepegaPls monkaGIGA PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls monkaMega @BeeaSophia fair ye PepegaPls PepegaPls 108 KEKW pepeD pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls ez gg? PepegaPls Clap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @SmileyYolk wat? EZ GG PepegaPls Clap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls CLap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD Hi sneaky PepegaPls we spazzin chat PepegaPls Clap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls Clap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP is a game with jonny next? ItsJustValk OkayChamp PepegaPls NASTY PepegaPls cock PepegaPls HobbyHarbor subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! @PlatanoHD ghost pepeJAMMER PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls EZGG!! Sitlec OkayChamp PepoCheer Clap PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls NA FLASH KEKW PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake advanceshipper subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 2 month streak! SneakyW ez GG!!!! monkaS monkaSHAKE recardoFlick BibleThump NAUT!!!! monkaS pls name plugs for PEPEGAPLS NA SLOW AYAYAWeird gachiBASS KEKW runnnnn D: gachiBASS Roasted LUL LUL LUL D: died to comet LULW D: Shit wooow so close monkaW S: Kreygasm D: PepeHands :) :D Base gashiBASS cool chase pepeJAM :D The winions tho D: burning gachiBASS D: !song hey ur always playing draven whats going on D: gachiW LULW CANT END SO SHT LUL 4Head @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] WINIONS KEKW gachiGASM monkaOMEGA monkaOMEGA When are you activation conquerors again PogU BD IT TriHard turn off this music WutFace monkaOMEGA Hey sneaky, build that nice MALLET name plugs for PEPEGAPLS *activating monkaOMEGA 👍 monkaX KEKW monkaOMEGA CONQ KEKW song? PepegaPls 108 KEKW this music is garbage man holy hey ur always playing draven whats going on conq in season 10 KEKW @chat how many browser tabs do you guys have open 108 Hey sneaky glad to see u streaming today! 3 1 Hi Snacky and chat KonCha @Boeckxy then leave dick breath 3 5 the scrubnoob special YEA IT EASY NOW 4 TriHard Clap SOLO LULW solo baron Pog cmonBruh 8 Pog @rayn_is_the_father I got you beat at 110 TriHard 9 4 1 D: LUL ??? OP ITEM ????? 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 KEKW sbicker LUL haHAA 1 1 1 1 KEKW saiiThug_BW 1 @che3der Bruises the album is destinations i think 1 1 LMFAO @Boeckxy and people will also think the same about yours WeirdChamp 1 1 Pog ? 11111 haHAA Man its weird that when an adc's are relevant again an ADC main is super good again ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 1 RUINED WeirdChamp ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW 1 dumb ass donos tonight wtf proc thunderlords for me BAC UP SNACKY PunOko CHAT SNEAKY IS GAY🌈? KEKW 1 LLFMAO OMEGALLU KEKW Pog LUL KEKW Y NOT FLASH IN 4Head Pog ?XD LUL LOL OMEGALUL * thx yoink LUL Squid1 Squid3 Squid4 LUL PogChamp Pog @gigamonster256 thanks dude Pog LUL owo duo with scub lol YES yes yes YES did that rengar just solo baron at 23 min? BigBrother do it Rengar a Sneaky Fan Boy? HandsUp VoteYea ?? LUL pepeLaugh F LULO KEKW BigBrother Clap OMEGLAUL wtf wtf takan Q WTF PepegaPls KEKW UnIronic YES that q BigBrother Clap Umm inting KEKW KEKW peepoWTF KEKW throw int LULW bot KEKW inting LULW The answer is Yes LUL we throwing bois lulw Kappa crim crim pepeLaugh 💨 azir turret borken troll Throw LUL int @CYBERBOOLI_xD peepoWTF LULW SadChamp DOGSHT 4Head KEKW KEKW LUL LULW LULW AYAYAWeird Close 4Head KEKW LUL LUL KEKW fizeh subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! hoi LULW CYBERBOOLI_xD SillyChamp KEKW RENGAR LUL KEKW 4Weird cmonBruh this game KEKW so close LULW KEKW nt Weirdga @hotdogss HIYA nyannHi "gachi" AYAYAWeird wwtf is this KEKW hahaha @PlatanoHD daphPat The cat calling everyone else pussies xd TOP NASHER oi mate 3Head 3Head CLG FLASHBACKS LUL @chat What did you all buy for Black Friday? 64GB ram is on the way for me buy cloack bt was troll just end @SmolClaire every game KEKW 3Head m8 jaceyu AYAYA got permabanned on my gold/silver account for asking why we didnt ff... so i bought a gold account to see if i could play, lost 6 games in a row and now all i do is get flamed. quitting league of legends @lexaeria True KEKW NA SOLO QUEUE KEKW gachiBASS D: INGAME CHAT No Stormrazor? AZIR TRUE KEKW KEKW Your cosplay is cute bra! he wouldve had like 60% in season 9 LMOA @NimFaux so u say 4Head but i know u will be back 4Head NA KEKW 4Weird KappaPride KappaPride whats the point anyone can explain me how a rengar with 3 items can solo baron? 108 from Conq KEKW still 108 on conq KEKW SNEAKY TO EU Pog DoritosChip FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z find out next time on Dragonball Z Pepega Pepega Pepega MingLee NaM MingLee Clap MingLee Clap @C9Sneaky hoe msny csn you juggle at once? MingLee MingLee Clap china numba 1 NA trophy case = 0 cmonBruh cmonBruh MingLee Clap MingLUL CHINA NUMBA 1 lul MingLee Clap HELL YEAH MingLee chin WeirdChamp WTF cmonBruh cmonBruh lazyturnt subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! bog pee pee energy TAIWAN NUMBA 1 MingLee cmonBruh @luiiskull riot balance KEKW NaM TAIWAN NUMBA 1 gyna numba 1 WeirdChamp what 0-3 in appearances 0-3 in the series aahaha Hong Kong #1 NaM 777777777 TAIWAN NUMBA 1 NaM @iamxcellent, yet we are undefeated in wars Pog @luiiskull New lethality Attackspeed item is broken as hell, way OP. gives 80% attackspeed and lifesteal praising communist country KEKW Pog NA Numba 1 Nice E satankatze_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. Squid1 Squid3 Squid2 Squid4 @ZaneC1 Nice to see a fellow brother CHINA IS ASSHOE @lexaeria im rengar main but i never try it before 109 is Hong Kong free yet? NimFaux subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Taiwan #1 @doxylicious i see moon2L Clap @RazrvG LOST TO NAM FailFish Bog peepee ?? peepoArrive 108 KEKW END THE GAME BRO 4Head 4Head peped MingLee CHINA NUMBA WAN can't end KEKW oof KEKW Pog 117 BAITED bruh KEKW hi Snacky 117 KEKW LOOL MORE INT LULW can't end LULW OMEGATHROW naut KEKW you procced conq Pog U LOST THIS ROFL pepeJAM NAUTILUS BAITED BAITED actually incapable of ending LUL Pog 117 on conq ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen can't end LULW Actual throw? TROLLS KEKW NARAM LUL inting now scrubnoob KEKW KEKW throwing KEKW throw arewE LOSING ? troll af stop watch lmao LUL Come back is real losing KEKW WeirdChamp ruh rooooo yes you will !playlist Doot doot DONGB number 1 wait for your team main RIP GAME KEKW ggs KEKW NA pepeD UVE ALREADY LOST LULW this grey screen simulator is fun to watch no frontline pepeLaugh adc lul sneakyHey Baited straight throwing hmm iot was yours to throw stripHmm the throw is coming moon2H OkayChamp sneakySpook2 he got 9 more dmg on conq Pog minecraft villager soundin ass first turret Pog SadChamp PepeLaugh PinkWardlol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 20 months! this is what happens when you ban shaco. WeirdChamp RAKAN OP monkaS its mr scrubnoobers on rengo Pog ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen ratirlOpen Wait, did you play Nox??? pepeLaugh screen is grey, is that a visual bug? :( no monkaSHAKE no mallet :( this is league THIS A BANGER CHAT TriKool pepeLaugh hueheuehuheu 4fun region KEKW actually wintrading fun in league? not allowed Azir full smurf mode FUN KEKW yes let sneaky have fun widepeepoSad KEKW DONT TRUST CHINA, CHINA IS ASSHOE KEKW FUN IN LOL KEKW 4FUN PLAYER GOT KICKED LUL LUL LUL 117 @C9Sneaky no stormrazor? @PinkWardlol Pog KEKW No :) KappaPride TRUE KEKW OkayChamp Your rune is useless @c9sneaky :D STORMRAZOR Pog 4fun player KEKW sneakyC stack lifeline LUL what playlist is this ??? imagine not having 100% crit LB CS LULW !song Maybe you need a rune :) FeelsOkayMan PepegaShake !playlist Doot doot DoritosChip but crit is not dps its burst @C9Sneaky aren't they on the same lifeline passive? u don't one shot people anymore lethality tho... Song???? do you use spacebar to focus on your champ or a diff hotkey? @C9Sneaky D: DAMN BigBrother KEKW LULW LUL LULW D: cmonBruh PepegaPls LUL Weirdga D: PepegaAim LUL Maw and pd sneakyLUL pepeD D: D: Turn it on gachiBASS PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls LUL !playlist Doot doot crit is crit 4Head HES MAD AF BigBrother KEKW :d BigBrother Sneaky plays what he is, a bottom :( LUL Not going for easy pressure insist on fighting at numerical disadvantage just cause in their base. Bit strange hi dad snacky :peepoari monkaW infog247: but crit is not dps its burst 1 LULW 1 1 peepoArrive monkaMega 1 1 1 1 :D 1 1 1 1 monkaW monkaW 1 scrubnoob KEKW 1 1 2 1 1 Sneaky is a loose bottom 1 L9 TriHard 7 Kappa ???? 1 THIS LEBLANC KEKW snacky peepoArrive LEBLANC LULW man people say some dum shit on donis lourlo Pog wait they are gonna lose this game haHAA L9 KEKW LEBL OMEGALUL NC actually going to lose KEKW L9 Lourlo 9 oh no no no PepeLaugh SLASH FF LULW 4Head This would tilt me for 3 weeks jayce/rengar/leblanc/draven comp letting rumble/azir/ezreal farm supers and get gold for free SeemsGood Sneaky is a botton L9 cx36xclol subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months! f pepeJAMMER ratirlLouder ratirlL9 ratirlLouder ratirlL9 ratirlLouder ratirlL9 @C9Sneaky what is your in-game brightness jayce KEKW it just hit midnight OkayChamp brb end game pls PepegaShake Other peoples bucket list.....jump off a bucket list- slurp a noodle with Sneaky until our lips touch and we stare into each others eyes and realize we were meant for each other Azir is a genius PogChamp CoolStoryBob ?? KEKW why is rumble so tanky almost 2v1 ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type !claim to activate ———————————————————————— ADC pepeLaugh that was quite Pog nani NA FLASH LUL rip literally impossible to see axes in the air !claim ggz LB BUILD LULW !claim Jebaited its tragic is barrier > heal now? rumble flamethrower ticks in zhonyas? rumble shield is tanky its a loss fellas gg how was that a bad flash tank mage Weirdga conq blows ap dmg is so broken draven axe bug is literally so fucking troll !clam you guys need to group PepegaShake @double__ee ty for sub OMEGALUL wtf is this team A mage woulda one shot there pepeLaugh !claim @c9sneaky that runs is Garbo ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted aids. Type !claim to activate———————————————————————— LB Draven Jayce and Nautilus, and you let the game go to 30 minutes? when you know your comp doesn't scale as hard especially vs Ez Rumble Azir. Washed up. wait dat mountain drake LDR? Fancy way of saying you are blind Okayga This guy was at worlds LUL @kaspar16 ty for sub go banshees veil 4Head Nice thrown game. Kappa 1 !claim !claim @DroppedOn4Head it always were, heal is just a way to help someone else other than yourself L Other peoples bucket list.....jump off a bucket list- slurp a noodle with Sneaky until our lips touch and we stare into each others eyes and realize we were meant for each other this game could have been ended 10 mins agao PepeHands Deathsdance SourPls Choking KEKW this was some heeeaavy throws 4Head Deaths Dance or Nothing PepegaShake I PepegaShake have PepegaShake no PepegaShake vision PepegaShake SNEAKY OUT OF LANE KEKW WHAT ELSE IS NEW is giving away everyone free subs. Type !luck to receive your gift. Actually loseable KEKW pepeLaugh Inhib 30% earlier Fitz_Chivalry_Farseer subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! now there even more tanky good thing your team trolled LULW G OMEGALUL D CLAN TAG OMEGALUL inc enemy team with 4 mountains hey sneaky do you know why league players are going to china rn ? !luck 1 !luck SNEAKY OUT OF LANE KEKW WHAT ELSE IS NEW wait why not maw??? !luck !lucky !luck whos corn hole do I have to lick to get aids around here? KEKW !luck Kreygasm !luck is Fear tarzaned? The hard throw maw and pd don't stack !luck !luck !luck maw has the same unique that pd LUL !leak Doublezzzz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months! @naughtdread ScrubNoob smORC Pog oh whoops oh no, my sneaky still has C9 as his team on twitch :( Finally I can send a message lol KEKW Hi Youtube :) !uptime sneakyPride Sneaky has been live for : 46 minutes 19 seconds just don't die 5Head !luck SMOrc ME BACKDOOR my butt is open LOSE INC KEKW 4HEad HYPERCLAP Papasito oh my its the scrubnoob duo back at it? bangem out gachiBASS !activate you're about to lose tho. wtf Wat's up grys thiz GG JUST DONT DIE BRO 4Head ooh KEKW GG uhhh WTF 4Head Kekw Pog Pog AZIR SHUFFLE PogChamp FUCK almost PogU Pog KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW this team xd LULW LULW OMG DoritosChip LMAO FUCKING HELL KEKW KEKW LMFAO kekW youtuber So close gg KEKW OMEGALUL GG KEKW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LUL LUL Any TriHard in chat? PepegaPls OMEGALUL NOOOOOO KEKW KEKW cmonBruh JAYCE KEKW OMEGALUL D: LUL D: LUL OMG D: ROFL LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL JAYCE IS A VIRGIN Lour LUL with the save LULW Don't die here POG KEKW GOPGO Jebaited cmonBruh cmonBruh kek STILL LOST LULW gg PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls JAYCE Pog D: FIESTA GAME GG unlucky D: cirLaugh KEKW ALL CAPS BigBrother jayce??? OMEGALUL ACTUALLY LOST KEKW its over GG F lourlo pog virgin jayce LULW lose noob HAHAHAHA KEKW VIRGIN LULW KEKW D: WeirdChamp Im a virgin wtf Sneaky WeirdChamp LOSING THIS GAME KEKW gg LuL Lourlo hard carry wow this was incredible LULW absolute shitshow PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls what a mess sneaky1 sneaky2 IDIOT KEKW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Imagine eating spaghetti LUL KEKW GG LULW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls OMEGALUL LULW NNNOOOOOOOO TheDr3adnought subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 32 months! hey there snacky its been 5 years since i started watching and im graduating college next month so thanks fo all the good times and entertainment over the years. ill never forget the day you welcomed me to your butthole so keep killing it 🙂 bruh moment PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls LULW how do you lose LUL XDDDDD jayce AFK wooooooooooooooow CLap lol LUL LUL GG YT LOLLLLLLLLLOL GG hard throw u deserve to lose that F KEKW threw LEE 1V9 KEKW NA KEKW fuuuuuuuck hahaha OMEGALUL 4Head 4Head 4Head lol :D gg Better bot wins I guess KEKW lol you threw that so hard KDA PLAYER LUL DUMBEST JAYCE EVER KEKW LUL bro i would stop playing after that one F OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW rip epic gamer moment XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD washed up PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 LUL Report jayce That's a youtuber LULW GG. :) KEKW jayce PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 KEKW replay LULW YOUTUBER Pog WTF I GOT BANNED hi youtube LULW fucking game uninstall the biggest of rips that was kinda cringe KEKW HE WAS GETTING RED 4Head how the hell did you loe this game Jaycee you fkcing VIRGIN LUL you guys deserve to lose for having fun KEKW JAYCE LEGIT AFK Yikes Rip @SmolClaire imagine losing that KEKW Pog donation wow I'm so tilt gachiHYPER he was jebating LUL cant watch twitch in college? :) What a throw :) :) KEKW @lexaeria MaldChamp gachiBASS qtpNLT qtpMINION evo17MindBlown qtpNLT qtpMINION qtpNLT evo17MindBlown qtpNLT qtpMINION When rengar and Leb cant snowball LUL :) chilling ratirlChilling theres a whole map between those 2 points c9sneaky duo impact PogU :) PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 If only jayce had went with Scrubnoob instead of farming :) NA KEKW THROW GIANT LEAD KEKW league is such a fun game :) replay LULW sneakyTrash sneakyTrash sneakyTrash ew Jonny look at the gold graph Jayce you fking Virgin 😂😂 ban azir over shaco PogU JUST DONT PLAY DRAVEN 4Head just play other champions 4Head replay @C9Sneaky try twitch with stormwazor. procs on ult Azir is just annoying JONNY replay to see Jayce @C9Sneaky How many 40 months in the Chat @C9Sneaky asking for mod btw sneakyPride GACHIBASS I mean... Jayce was afraid to die but he died anyway peepoArrive replay LULW jonny PepeHands 300 healing tho jonny PepeHands that azir is your daddy JONNYY NOOOO} Azir KEKW literally, only sneaky could not rage after that total healing 349 what is this lighting ITS THE PLAYER NOT THE CHAMPION 4Head LULW u should show gold swing just play better 4HEad show gold graph @C9Sneaky NothinGolden subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 23 months! DRAVEN KEKW JONNY D: ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted aids. Type !KEKW to activate———————————————————————— @C9Sneaky play him again and break the streak at least you got to run it down 4fun player 4HEad gachiW you lost because of shit music gachiBASS KEKW they just outplayed you with the stopwatch key @C9Sneaky azir is also annoying when you triple inhib and let him farm supers LULW gachiBASS gachiBASS qtpLOST so deep gachiGASM gachiW jonny PepeHands gachiW gachiHYPER gachiBASS deep gachiBASS why is that important @Boeckxy Damn you still going on about that GETTING RED LULW gachiW deep eh mizkifE Sneaky malding :(( Kreygasm conq jayce KEKW watching replay to single out a dude LULW LULW Kreygasm D: so deep sneakyGasm PepegaPls Help team PepegaPls Backdoor cmonBruh cmonBruh D: LUL YEA LUL HE WANTED THE FLANK holy shit KEKW PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 BigBrother Clap LET IT OUT M A L D Jayce KEKW He was farming for some reason LULW Rengar pinged him back LUL it's his fault PunOko NA MACRO KEKW FLAMKING LULW LULW wtf was he doing KEKW LOL OMEGALUL OMG lol Jayce is jacking off top HOLY SHIT LULW LUL who is focus improve? @C9Sneaky LuL replay rengar Jayce AFK LUL OMG WTF WIN TRADING KEKW WTF PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 LELW omfg HE WAS ACTUALLY JACKING OFF He missed a skill shot then went for the backdoor jayce had tp too Wazzap guys KEKW NotLikeThis KEKW JAYCE 2 MINUTES OF RUNNING AROUND JUNGLE KEKW Hes exploring Jg, duh. tryna find treasure @C9Sneaky can you see if Ren had ward HE PANIC He fired a single fucking Q lmao KEKW PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 PepegaPls 🤡 think he was trying to walk ALL the way to base to defend instead of recall and then he changed his mind and went to the enemy base JAYCE HAD TP LUL then he runs in and die anyway KEKW he got tp btw jayce best flank champion HE WAS FLANKING 4Head JAYCE KEKW running back to base LUL he was just checking out the new jungle changes @C9Sneaky have you tried the "they are billions" campaign mode? regnar back pinged him LUL He could have ended jace teleport LUL HE HAD TP The big time mald TRU lolnaniOMG The throws :D LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW snuck it in Sneaky. You're HOT! <3 show gold graph im rdy :) !headset KEKW KEKW KEKW 4Weird KEKW XAZAXXAAXAXAXXAAX LUL PepeHands jonny KEKW KEKW Jayce the insider KEKW johnny He's running around like a headless chicken KEKW HE LITERALLY HAD TP KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW PUT JONNY IN KEKW How can someone be so fucking stupid who is focus improve johnny PepeHands what si he gonna tp too why is sneaky calling people virgins Randomblacguy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! nooo PLAY WITH JONNY DUO He had TP?! LUL jonny rip KEKW KEKW KEKW sub jonny in duo is just me or ad feels like shit now? y u hate jonny? c9 gun ? D: there is no ward in there base rip I MISS JONNY PepeHands duo johnny hes crying @C9Sneaky no duo PepeHands tp to rengars corpse Kappa i think its a replay bug anyways RemusFangs subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hi dad D: D: D: D: I LIKE IT BigBrother Bits rolled KEKW :( N OMEGALUL D: d: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: jonny PepeHands PepeHands jonny PepegaPls D: D: D: D: D: :D D: D: Focus improve is Hauntzer isn't? D: PepeHands d; D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: LMAO Gottem PepegaPls dam this go hard fuck u CAPITAL DEE COLON D: johnny PepeHands Isnt that viper? D: wow. W OMEGALUL W D: W OMEGALUL W PepegaShake D: JONNY I can't believe at this elo, ppl like Jayce walked ALL THE WAY from top lane back to your own mid turret to defend like wtf D: wow W D: W MaN HEY PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake wow :D i miss jonny's bong rips :( MORE TOXIC BigBrother SourPls PepegaPls not duo PepeHands I WANT JONNY D: BULLY W OMEGALUL W Y u hate Jonny? W D: W ? W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W w omegalul w HE SAID N OMEGALUL :'( pepeD my ears are bleeding pepeD :( W D: W ! why you take off the nicknames? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 51 minutes Aww :) gachiBASS tendicks gachiBASS Said no and left KEKW HeyGuys PLAY WHAT ? ;) PepeHands JONNY @C9Sneaky Are you still playing mmos off and on? Someone said they saw you playing archeage, but I don't believe them :) PogU OMEGALUL !delay @C9Sneaky essence vs bork on Lucian? pepeJAM WeirdChamp gachiBASS i like to watch you play zoomer LULW WeirdChamp weirdingout HandsUp SUMMON THE HYDRA HandsUp jonny didn't do anything widepeepoSad Ur so nice even when u get mad idk how u do it man :) Selling P1 Account for cheap. PM :p N OMEGALUL gachiHYPER } PLAY WITH JONNY HandsUp widepeepoHappy are u sure its not because u never go outside? cmonBruh Sneaky back with Cloud 9? What's with the attire? uwu uwu AYAYA Weirdga AYAYA uwu is that new Jhin skin worth @C9Sneaky AYAYYA uwu AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA uwu AYAYA UwU uwu AYAYA uwu AYAYA UwU AYAYA gachiW AYAYA UwU AYAYA I can't believe I get to watch Sneaky live U W U AYAYA AYAYA ColeyGuac subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! g4greveUwU Who even Is jonny boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA pepeLaugh AYAYA CUTE CHAT iaraEZ !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2159 cuties in chat AYAYA @C9Sneaky Thoughts on Ivern Rengar and why it's the best botlane? Kappa AYAYA AYAYA sneakyJack !discord Like how does sneaky know him? Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! AYAYA toastyTHICC sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD AYAYA AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA song? AYAYA Remiity_XD subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months! pepejAM more base that song was so good wtf snacky sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM @sneaky how can i get arms like you, how to get charm like you, how do i farm like you? oh fuck this song @OJuicedUp Jonny has been in the scene playing in the LCS for a long time pepeD pog I got banned for my first message in a popular streamers channel for disagreeing with them :( iaraHmm iaraHmm iaraHmm iaraHmm s3xySanta s3xySanta Mrjocool subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! SneakyW sneakyGasm skipped bass DansGame peepoBlonket Omg im late sneaky can i get my yee haw for today ? WHAT WAS THE SONG NAME?? hotdogss trunoomSip I SEE STARS NICE ONE hello sneaky WHO else wants ice cream!??! BigBrother 420 KEKW playlist? PepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake @nine_god Smoke break chat pepeSmoke sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyWoo sneakyW sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyGrip RaccAttack FBCatch boxGhost boxGhost boxGhost o shit is this filth friends unite Pog karpWut karpWut karpWut karpWut 420 CiGrip sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus boob Hashinshin is perma banning everyone right now WeirdChamp !followage sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH no Jonny we riot AYAYA Champ Play tristana @c9sneaky Hi dad @C9Sneaky thekefren has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month Chat, it's comfy time peepoBlonket =) hi did he win the last game? IRONSHLONG LOL s3xySnowball s3xyDamnyou Have you listened to Parkway Drive @C9Sneaky Oooo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyClaus sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiW WOW no one single person other than ME wants ice cream wtf !followage i see stars sneakyGasm TehePelo @C9Sneaky essence vs bork on Lucian? HandsUp GoingFishing5 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @GardenOfMind Nope what do you think about faker ????? @c9sneaky Hiiiiiiiii HandsUp Hi SNEAKERS !followage HandsUp helloooooo tyreetoler has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 11 months, 1 week, 2 days old I see stars POG seedub78 subscribed with Twitch Prime. can't watch summit play VR... RIP I see stars THANK YOU SIR HandsUp !followage @C9Sneaky have you listened to i prevail ? PepeHands !followage some I see stars what the fuxks up bois wait how did you lose??? @C9Sneaky i went to warm up food cause i thought there was no way yall lost filth friends unitw listen to any dj0nt? @c9sneaky did you ever get into blessthefall? give me johnny !followage pokiW sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 Error: User not found: pokiW. sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap @C9Sneaky Thoughts on Ivern Rengar and why it's the best botlane? Kappa we livw on our set of rules take everytjing hi sneaky and firnds! who else here wants ICE CREAM this song reminds me of HS BibleThump and everyone down with you @C9Sneaky How do you prevent Malding? @Cademartin1 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @C9Sneaky do you listen to Between the Buried and Me? this album was so goof gof bless sneaky, come to play in some team in brazil XD PepePls HandsUp !song HandsUp HandsUp !followage Sneaky come fck me daddy HandsUp What about Animals As Leaders? @C9Sneaky @c9sneaky what do you think about faker??????? Mystery Wall is the best song on this album @c9sneaky sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 4Head MaldChamp pepeD @C9Sneaky whats the song name LUL lol malding 4HEad HandsUp MaldChamp MaldChamp 4HEad sneaky1 sneaky2 KAPPA forsenMald Manamune or stormrazor on kaisa? mairing pepeDance MROWTHING MaldChamp I guess ill eat ice cream alone :( just have hair KEKW @C9Sneaky have you heard of Nickelback? Sweet group, check them out show thighs on stream? @kingfipp filth friends unite Walding moon2COFFEE Hey dad, actually met you in Santa Monica at the red bull headquarters. Was an awesome day. few years ago now but was great thank you for the pictures and memories malding is my favorite term of 2019 bork or stormrazer on ashe? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky Can you play Endless sky please? isee stars @C9Sneaky did you ever listen to As Blood Runs Black? MaldChamp Been a tough night on the rift boys :( sick metalcore sir nickelback DansGame sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB3 More like NickleBad they suck 3Head chat is moving so fast that no one will notice me eating ice cream @C9Sneaky im eating tacos right now PowerUpL SwiftRage PowerUpR !uptime hes my favorite rapper Sneaky has been live for : 55 minutes 45 seconds csgo? do you think one tricks are good when learning game !followage !followage mmckenna405 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Katto_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! @C9Sneaky ram ranch take camera please what do you think about global warming Aurora_Flare has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 2 months, 1 week, 2 days @c9sneaky play mystery wall after this, same album I don't understand "malding" thanks for the update on peeing dad sneaky is the only streamer that actually jams good music water is the best peepoArrive @c9sneaky Thoughts on the band D.R.U.G.S Sneaky qt sneakySpook good luck peeing man Drink water, eat fruits. sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD @C9Sneaky do you listen to chief keef? Who is the longest sub? runes for cait? @C9Sneaky sell your pee on ebay? peepoBlonket sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyBug sneakyBug sneakyBug payoG @C9Sneaky Chug the water WHILE peeing. Complete the cycle. mute all focus headBang pikabooMove pikabooMove pikabooMove sneaky1 sneaky2 Sneaky what do you think of Lizzo? game broke anyone here need their balls fiddled with @C9Sneaky you listen to Infant Anhilator? What is your in game sensitivity and mouse DPI? @C9Sneaky are you still selling your bath water? its fucked on pc peepoBlonket headBang i thinkg @C9Sneaky whats your back ground? C9Sneaky do you listen to insert generic band here? peepoBlonket D: !uptime sneaky in fighting games? Kappa Sneaky has been live for : 56 minutes 35 seconds servers should be good on tuesday wubbyPog wubbySize sneakyCheese sneakyCheese sneakyCheese sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH @WhiteWolf4707 yes :) !uptime !followage essence vs bork on Lucian? THICC \ scarlettcoraline has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 3 weeks, 6 days @c9sneaky how to be a good ad carry? TUESDAY brother SLIPKNOT headBang epic @c9sneaky you look like you have lost weight? @C9Sneaky always goes off cam when he pees and who is not seem by the cam, that's right Lynn is sneaky pees on .... what game" @c9sneaky have you been signed to a new team yet? CupFooty yeah like no one plays ? vermilion pt 1 Just play Smash dafuq on pc SeemsGood thats patch day and pc is honestly solid pop @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Selling P1 Account for cheap. PM :p monkaW PowerUpL GingerPower PowerUpR ive played a shit ton on both @toycollector55 KEKW SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage @hotdogss LUL monkaW LMFAOOOO monkaW play dragon ball z Legends loll thor_lord_of_thunder subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 11 month streak! I love you Snackers hi sneaky Wake up MODS KEKW any1 here like ICE CREAM moon2E moon2E moon2E moon2E moon2E @C9Sneaky did you listen to The Weeknd"s new songs? If So did you like them? PepeHands go and pee @c9sneaky KEKW monkaS RICHARD UVE GOT A SURPRISE COMING 4Head LUL KEKW He doesnt know !Followage KEKW SamuelGurren has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years KEKW KEKW HE LACKS CRITICAL INFORMATION 4Head pepeLaugh Lynn crossdressing? gachiW KEKW KEKW !Song KEKW show lynn Kreygasm Chat, you are all Pepega s just lynn? KEKW pee Kappa Lynn crossdressing would be hot af peepoLeave lynn crossdressing 😳 good vibes only Pee Kappa Chat, you are all Pepega s TriHard pee, he said Kappa gachiW what was the last song called? QUICKIE gachiBASS oddoneChair Lynn in a Butler outfit oof peepoArrive !followage DrinkPurple DrinkPurple DrinkPurple DrinkPurple 😔 I cant hold it NooiiBoi has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 1 day sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair Someone gift my broke ass a sub Ignored PepeHands sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyHey !song wineTime peepoBlonket !followage i had 2 popeyes sandwiches and i passed tf out sneakyChair sneakyChair hi chair Is sneaky still streaming with C9? sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair !followage sneakyChair peepoLeave lasagna peepoLeave bathro1Chomp bathro1Chomp bathro1Chomp bathro1Chomp bathro1Chomp :orangutan: MY STREAM NOW CUHS TriHard Thats how he is coming right now on restroom peepoArrive , with that expression while looking at phone peepoLeave KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KonCha KEKW !followage @callmekyle123 Yes. His contract goes through 2021. autoimod is a fckn parasite Swag_Hipp0 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 4 months, 1 week, 4 days NO DIPSHT 4Head MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp !followage You should be professional streamer cause your body is very fresh KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride MaldChamp MaldChamp MaldChamp Ram Ranch? Pog MaldChamp @PlatanoHD peepoArrive !followage REKT KEKW ghost FeelsWeirdMan Çingene Samet? gkkgkfkgkg !followage nt PlatanoHD sneakyChair peepoArrive !followage RUINED KEKW !followage MaldChamp Clap dunktimedarius has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 3 weeks, 6 days sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 HE BACK peepoArrive !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 59 minutes 41 seconds pvman=gg KEKW sneakyC Clap AAL gachiBASS !followage im mald now MaldChamp AAL Pog SOUND ? what are you playing after league danielfrombrazil3 OkayChamp AAL Pog hope you had a good thanksgiving sexy man @C9Sneaky SOUND ?PLS CHAT How much does you chair go for online, can’t find it? @c9sneaky Pog Pog Wait he did it Pog Sneaky how comfortable is your chair? @C9Sneaky bork or stormrazor on ashe? @C9Sneaky what team are you playing smite professionally for next season peepoWTF Chat sound is fine TriHard CAFO Pog así es mi estimado sneaky MaN !followage sneakyChair yw Bryloc has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 2 days MaN sneakyChair Pog sneakyGasm HUEHUEHUE i want to have babies with sneaky chair headBang HEADbANG HeadBang what are you playing after league? !followage headBang headBang what up sneakers headBang @Awakenedlightx3 ITS IN THE DESCRIPTION DIPSHT ROFL play that piano please god i miss the days when all you listened to was AAL sneakyFeels headBang @C9Sneaky what are the numbers that your team calls out during the match? headBang headBang pepeDance pepeDance hello c9 snackers 4HEad 4HEad !followage 4HEazd oh shit :c headBANG PepegaPls headBANG PepegaPls headBANG PepegaPls headBANG PepegaPls 4Head sneakyChair 4HEad !followage 4head andy arthy09 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! italianjew subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! !followage omfg cafo AAL Pog headBang TOSIN ABASI PogU headBang advisorycontent has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 7 months, 1 week, 5 days can't fucking type again sneakyWeeb TY SIRE! how are u guys?? !followage @Based_Yoona Yoona pog, missed ur stream sneakyChair is my baby Ezreal cosplay when? @c9sneaky Swag_Hipp0 subscribed with Twitch Prime. u rock sneeky Ihazzardous subscribed at Tier 1. @c9sneaky you probably would have had a shorter que if you doued can u play that piano @C9Sneaky play hey there delila or i leave stream !followage Shut_It_Donny subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! duoed* !Followage RainbowPlsFAST RainbowPlsFAST RainbowPlsFAST RainbowPlsFAST RainbowPlsFAST RainbowPlsFAST NOT HIS KNEE gachiW gachiW gachiHYPER KilerStarr has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 6 days LUL Julmaster01 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak! Hey sneaky! Love and support you always gachiHYPER GachiW gachiHYPER cmonBruh @Based_Yoona PagChomp gachiHYPER HandsUp GachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiGASM sneakySpook2 run tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1H3 tyler1H4 I HOPE THIS WORKS! @C9Sneaky are excited that Roosh is coming back to NA? PagChomp What monitor are you using @c9sneaky gachiBASS !followage KEKW ????? gachiBASS rooD Clap What are you drinking you little bitch? close gachiBASS gachiHYPER YES SIR BrokeBack !followage ???? xd gachiBASS Sup Snacky? OH YES gachiBASS !folloawage gachiHYPER mihoff14 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 8 months, 3 weeks, 4 days gachiHYPER gachiBASS OK gachiBASS !followage Id be late on purpose gachiHYPER YES SIR gachiBASS TriHard TPcrunchyroll HSWP PepoCheer KEKW sneakyGrip Ihazzardous subscribed at Tier 2. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 2 minutes 30 seconds Why so much refernce to 1 skin sneakers @C9Sneaky Yo dog why you know duo queue with me? My ivern support is HYPER clean. !followage ezreal grunts fookin professor mate 3Head QuiqueEmv has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 1 day gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP hey bb principal yumi please don't destroy my anus I MISS ADC GRAVES sneakySpook sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakySpook2 sneakySpook sneakySpook2 PepegaPls may you play Graves bot? 20 min queue inbound Poggers PepegaPls !song !followage @DPTAlexG WASSSUH DOG TriHard headBang headBang headBang PepegaPls A lot of good mages, None of them are THIS HOT @C9Sneaky All these mages but none of them are these hot you belong in a museum MUST'VE RICOCHETED OFF A CRICKET OR SOMETHING Pepega those chairs are so uncomfortable, they look awesome but so uncomfortable jasonrCClap LORE POGGERS KEKW ? 12 kin que? IMAGINE COMING UP WITH THIS SHT YIKES 4Hed you belong in a museum is a classic what the fuck KEKW @C9Sneaky do the all these mages but none of them are this hot with the hand expression what kind of fucked up fanfic is this? gnar quotes are the best monkaS monkaW monkaW uwu monkaW peepoWTF Weebs monkaW PepegaPls AYAYA monkaW AYAYA monkaEyes monkaW uwu Okayga monkaW monkaW monkaW interesting... monkaW Ezreal prime boochie peepoArrive hahaha LMOS monkaW monkaS OMEGALUL monkaW its here sumSmash MadoStab peepoLeave monkaW LUL LUL monkaW LUL monkaX ...unless? WutFace monkaW ? !followage @c9sneaky he doesnt say "you belong in a museum" anymore 😔😔😔 fael_carvalho has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 7 months, 3 weeks monkaS N OMEGALULL yea those are all classic @skazora He does lol peepoArrive @C9Sneaky do the all these mages but none of them are this hot wit the hand expressions please sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneaky when is the c9 official sneaky buttplug being released Crimson Kobold! KEKW peepoArrive *20 min queue* peepoLeave WutFace Weirdga !followage WutFace zVCrash has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 1 week, 6 days FeelsGoodMan Clap WutFace @C9Sneaky ever played Black Desert? gachiBASS gachiGASM Weirdga Clap LUL PepegaShake YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY Mranakhanske converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! WutFace WutFace xdDDXD Weirdga LUL LUL PauseChamp WutFace Weirdga 👎 DADDY gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP XDDD ???? WutFace WutFace LUL TriHard Clap monkaS LUL geesuz @akiilah pretty sure they removed it when they reworked him, instead when you buy something he says "this belongs in a museum, all of this belongs in a museum, i wont say anything" Ezreal rework ? BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump gachiBASS gachiBASS TriHard gachiBASS LUL this eco lmao gachiW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS HAAAAAAAAAAAH gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER nairoApex gachiBASS Clap FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan @hotdogss raw gachi gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS HAH! gachiHYPER @Wheatensz Weirdga gachiHYPER gachiW WeirdChamp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS 3. gachiHYPER gachiHYPER MY ULTIMATE ATTACK TriHard gachiBASS CUMMING gachiHYPER kaiaGasm Go to lux interactions HNGGHHHHH gachiGASN gachiHYPER gachiHYPER IT IS OVER, PUT YOUR MOUTH gachiHYPER EZREAL GRUNTS monkaS haHAA PauseChamp Ezreal Grunts KEKW gay as fuck ezreal is a soyboy haHAA @C9Sneaky do u have an favourite adc? BETA AF VOICE !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 5 minutes 41 seconds Ezreal grunts gachiBass G A E check ashe @C9Sneaky All these mages but none of them are this hot KappaPride PagChomp ? fire emblem ???? ????? PagChomp @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc? he sounds full of soy danW WeirdChamp widepeepoHappy soyboy ?Pog graqduated yikes NEESA go into a aram and turn off all noises but champion noises it can be funny when you get shit like draven making noises jasonrP jasonrP jasonrP Haven't heard the Kill Voice-lines becuase you never get kills. LUL widepeepoHappy Ok WeirdChamp WeirdChamp Pog Q 16 MINUTES ?!?!?!? I heat that quote all the time Kappa widepeepoHappy WeirdChamp Clap what song is this @C9Sneaky what's your favorite champion quote? official sneaky buttplug when? @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc?? Duke17 is continuing the Gift Sub they got from teeteen! headBang Yo snaky :) when did you get on? is everyone hiding from you or what 20 min q 15 minute queue Pog PLAY JHIN PLEASE ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper This Q PepeHands @Darkarmist that's actually pretty funny, I'm gonna try that out, ty! TriHard 3 more minutes chat O'm calling it Pog @chat widepeepoHappy 👉♥️ ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper is that a demacia mug? @C9Sneaky Are you gonna play cs omg ? NotLikeThis NotLikeThis Sneaky is the best champ to play. idk why they call him Sivir though... im getting a PC :D @C9Sneaky BUGGED QUEUE KEKW 2 MINS OF ATTENTION TriHard Clap @c9sneaky will C9 remains a sponsor for you? @JesusL_ dying game FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky you gonna play the new poe league? 17 min 20 min queues are back monkaS @lexaeria widepeepoHappy 👉 ❤💛🧡💙💚💜🖤 Do u think ezreal still good with conq? @c9sneaky what's up with your queue timers fix it BabyRage what is this garbage song @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc?? @decodeproxy ikr FeelsBadMan SSSsss SSSsss SSSsss why did you leave C9? @c9sneaky restart the timer 2 more minutes chat FeelsGoodMan @4sh_Ketchum widepeepoHappy Clap play osu while wating? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky is this Animals as Leaders Who are the top 3 adc's in meta going into new season? rdr2 ResidentSleeper NO 4Head @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc? D: AYAYA Clap @c9sneaky do you play diablo anymore? OSU Pog just find a game 4Head @C9Sneaky if u had to fuck, senna or lucian play slithero @C9Sneaky be honest PogChamp osu @C9Sneaky sick. also fuck you dad Okayga OMEGALUL SU Play more pokemon while waiting Chat we wide? widepeepoHappy or we comfy? peepoBlonket queue and aram in between queues FeelsOkayMan practice your death stranding speedrun strats cmonBruh 18 min queue feelsbirthdayman sneaky, are you for team smooth brain or team rough brain WideHard we wide HSWP peepoBlanket play with your butthole while we wait @C9Sneaky 1 more min Pog pokemon is trash peepoBlonket will sneaky ecern we peepoBlonket you ever have a game where the other 3 people in the game have fed several kills each by 6 mins then the jungler with 3 kills comes into your lane and still has flash sneaky is still on c9? pepeJAMMER sukiabot subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 45 month streak! 45 months with dad and he still wont take me out of the basement what the hell man @C9Sneaky What champ is ur favorite to have as ur support lad? sneaky what team are you going to @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc?? LMFAO WutFace Weebs monkaW Sneaky? ANELE 9th Sneaky, top 3 adc going into next season? not sure who to start focusing on currently monkaW cirOwO 19:10 monkaW WeirdChamp PepegaPls PepegaPls @GhostCalib3r -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] uwu sounds like T1 LUL when the queue is longer than the game being a challenger player is all fun and games until the queue gets ya WutFace threw the game: undeserved loss LUL LUWU KEKW 19:43 what are good queue time games KEKW Kreygasm do it again 4Head @lexaeria widepeepoHappy peepoBlonket HYPERS notice me senpai You will find a game any second now PagChomp monkaS monkaS HandsUp SENNA gachiHYPER HandsUp TehePelo send bobs vegene SENNA PLS 19 min hummus6669 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 12 months! thanks for taking me out of the basement dad PauseChamp @PlatanoHD how do you like your platanos? 20 minute queue FeelsBadMan does it just always say 3 minutes now ppHop PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp PauseChamp I CANT @Zakerga -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Any year now PauseChamp maduro waking up and sneaky is streaming FeelsGoodMan The qeue is gona pop at 21:20 @C9Sneaky gachiHYPER PauseChamp HandsUp LUL !uptime THATS A LOTTA GAMES 4Head Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 10 minutes 3 seconds no mas sky_ more like no guy buy HandsUp play nba play CSGO? 7:30 am in germany might be bugged queue FeelsOkayMan TeaTime W OMEGALUL W 227 PM in Hong Kong right now sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus bc na west is the only time zone @smalllilderp Pepega Clap !time November 30th 2019, 10:28:04 pm PST GMT-08:00 MY TIME TriHard ONLY TIME TriHard @C9Sneaky I lied about the queue pop FeelsokayMan SuperGummying subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Can I go to the attic instead of the basement? CADE O JUKES? *wakes up* *snorts sneaky powder off his butt* *is ready to GO* 12 PM here Okayga its 1 in the morning EU friendly streamer pepeLaugh Kookrim maduro FeelsOkayMan 🤣🤣 !song sneaky top adcs going into next season? not sure who to practice 7.30 am monkaW has sandały player danganronpa v3 gry? ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⣳⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣝⠖⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ yeah I dont know wtf happened, normally I go to sleep at 7:30 am x) sneaky 😅🔥👌 @PlatanoHD aye thats whats up hi snacky <3 gachiBASS 1230 pm U BETTER TriHard 3Head any other eu viewers @C9Sneaky play some ARK, homie kaiaWow kaiaWow cmonBruh ANSWER THE QUESTION cmonBruh @C9Sneaky ur a qtpie, just in case u wern't aware :)(: just the tip FeelsOkayMan ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⣳⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣝⠖⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ everybody likes weekends 4HEad 2 @C9Sneaky 2 pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 artist cirLaugh GOOD SONG pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER ItsJustValk a performance artist this my favorite weeknd song pepeJAM @C9Sneaky Why dont you have your steam game library on public would really check out what kinda games you have pepeJAMMER PepePls pepeJAMMER PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer The Weeknd trash asf pepeJAMMER a fila bugou pepeD @PlatanoHD kapp update Dota 2 waduStare TeaTime TriHard pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeJAMMERS 20 min q, lol pepeJAMMER @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeJAMMER song? i finished a whole game before you got in one pepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMERpepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER @C9Sneaky NOT GIVING SONG NAMES A CRIME pepeJAM @zenibee you lied pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER SONG NAME @C9Sneaky THIS IS A JAMMER pepeJAM HA gaaaayy @smalllilderp OkayChamp pepeD Okayga COCK is that a piano behind him? hotdogss oppai PepegaShake any homies in chat? TriHard 21 minutes sneakyJensen hopefully this won'T be a ff15 :) pepeJAMMER PauseChamp pepeJAMMER @c9sneaky Hey, have you played danganronpa v3 yet? TriHard 7 pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER ITs SO CATCHY pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER do you like rap @C9Sneaky PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake whats the song name pepeJAMMER Blind Lights the weeknd 21 minute queue wtf sneakyH @C9Sneaky Ty dad <3 queue longer than my penis in nanometers favorite skin? @C9Sneaky TriHard 7 pepeJAMMER pepeJAM Pog LET'S pepeJAMMER DANCE pepeJAMMER CHAT pepeJAMMER TriHard 7 SEE IT any jammers? pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER TriHard 7 TriHard 7 pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER TriHard Maybe it's for you, but it's not for me bawkGlad pepeJAM TriHard 7 seamonk OkayChamp what is this song sounds amazing TriHard Clap Tarzaned Pog hi sorry just tuned in LET'S pepeJAMMER DANCE pepeJAMMER CHAT tyler1Bad pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD I watched a whole ass anime episode before that queue popped gachiBASS @PlatanoHD sneaky1 kalista game PogChamp Bleeding ears inb4 multidodge another banger by weeknd LULW Weirdga stop dono WELL ATLEAST U KNOW NOW 4Head gachiHYPER lulw TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard @C9Sneaky Dad why dont u have your steam games public would love to check out what kinda games you have what does that mean? pogers I shall defend sneaky with all mine own shall, f'r that gent is the only one w'rth mine own loveth poggers @C9Sneaky what do you like to pick into Lucian? wait, wtf This used to be a queue stream PepeHands peepoWTF @C9Sneaky what song is this' ya he's always been a gay man in a gay mans body pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER he never realized PepeHands just hit 87 slayer, first task krakens pog @C9Sneaky yeah @enon hes a gay man in gay mans body cmonbro KappaPride pepeLaugh he doesnt know yasuo Tarzaned PogChamp, Champion of Twitch Rivals twitch JHIN PogU 4Weird Another immobile adc? PagChomp twitch Pog kalista Kalista PogChamp i would say it's the opposite Senna is open PogChamp play trist!! Yasuo pls KEKW KKona hentai games cmonBruh THEN ILL YOINK EM TriHard twitch :) pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER I thought @c9sneaky was genderfluid???? Why banning Shaco is it because of Shaco jungle or Shaco support? PagChomp Tarzaned Pog :( PagChomp ANNIE OPEN Pog PagChomp PagChomp PagChomp @C9Sneaky have you played the they are billions campaign yet? Twunch PagChomp PagChomp PagChomp HandsUp pepeJAMMER @C9Sneaky dorki Pog PagChomp SIVIR PogChamp he's a straight man in a gay man's body Pog sneakyH Weee Azir TWeetch scoop da woop Yasuo play jhin or small brain TRISTT @C9Sneaky PagChomp @c@ PagChomp poop my scoop twitch broken WHAT play Jinx dad sneaky can u try kennen with stormrazer hi c9 tweaky ban azir cakeatrondragon subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months! play senna XD LUCIAN TriHard Senna :) any strait white virgins in chat sneakyMonte 7 corki Pog @C9Sneaky maybe this could be a Yasuo game FeelsOkayMan spend the whole game in the alcove play jinx SneakyW c9? is he back on c9? sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH just ban azir 4House weeee sneakyH @c9sneaky why banning Shaco so much? kog Yassuo! Un teemo loco que se puede D: varus or bust sneakyW can you play heartless by the weeknd? @C9Sneaky do it anyway retard Vayne <3 Kog! HYPERS he's a straight gay in a lesbians body. sivir SCOOP ME DADDY octoNut1 octoNut2 vayne TriDance Play Kog MF PogU I saw a thing at work called chute lube peepoWTF peepoWTF HIGHEST IN THE ROOM kaisa int on senna pls vayne room Kappa Yasuo PogU hail of blades twitch gachiBASS @C9Sneaky more like C9Tweaky amirite who is highest in the chat? Flame Tarzaned so you can prove he isnt reformed EZ twitch widepeepoHappy ayyyyyyyyyy POG how many dorans this game? Pog TriKool rat rat rat~ Pins and needles! hello RATITO Pog pepeJAM Why you taking C9 off your name Pog pepeJAM ratirlMangoS PepegaPls pepeJAM pepeJAM PepegaPls Pog pepeJAM twitch pepega 1234 TriHard PagChomp 👉 🐀 pepeD POGGY pepeJAM this is a banger pepeJAMMER PepegaPls nice LUL PepegaShake pepeJAM PEPEJAMMERRRRRRR pepeD PepePls Nice song PepegaPls jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG jasonrG pepeJAM pepepepepepep pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Rolon 🐀🐀 :( pepeD pepeD pepeD PepeJam peepoJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepePls TriKool pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls LUL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake Pogchamp pepeJam pepeD \:-?\) pepeJAM pppp Pog BANGERRRR LULW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls dance for us JAM pepeJam pepeJAMMER PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls ;) :) MrDestructoid :p :p pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @C9Sneaky hello dumbass Pepegapls pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepejam pepeD pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls mcaT mcaT mcaT mcaT mcaT mcaT mcaT RAT ITL Pog PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls wtf PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW Yas PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake is this song in GTA? esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandM esfandM esfandRage esfandRage PepegaPls WutFace PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FeelsGoodMan Clap WutFace eso sí es un rolon PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM 1234 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls RatIRL UN DOS TRES CUATROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Pog song Papa PepoCheer EL Sonidito!! pepeD pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeJAM PepePls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls 1234 NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake pepeD PepegaShake WutFace PepegaPls pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . bee bee PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls ?? AYYYYYYYYYY PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap omg chat PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . pepeD VAMOOOS pepeD PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI EVERY HISPANIC PARTY EVER Pepegapls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @C9Sneaky IM SEIZING PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask Why no heal anymore sir PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI El sonidito jajaja PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD PepegaPls @c9sneaky gangster twitch that my favorite skin for him. So course I own it too hehe PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaShake platyPI PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD platyPI pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @mark319 SHIT YOU AINT WRONG BROTHA PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . SIGNED UP FOR IT LMFAOOO LUL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake DANCE SNEAKY PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake play dominos PepegaPls FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake KomodoHype PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . @C9Sneaky you tweeted @sehiiion -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake SIGNING UP FOR TFT LUL LUL LUL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis LUL LUL PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls MEDIEVAL TWITCH MEDIEVAL TWITCH PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD MAS RAPIDOOOO pepeD Play Fresco next PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @CoyChocobo AYAYA <3 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PEPEGAPLS PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PIPIPIPIPI PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PIPIPIPIPI PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance monkaGun monkaGun PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FreakinStinkin StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake ew why FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls nimbus cloak WutFace PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap bork OhMyDog PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @SmolAria PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls @sneaky do you have any cyber monday sales? PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls Chat we enjoyin? PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake ratirlCozy FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim POGSLIDE 1 POGSLIDE 2 POGSLIDE 3 4 POGSLIDE PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. dad SHAKE THAT ASS PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake Signing up for tft WeirdChamp NEXT SKIN @C9Sneaky PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @Redgreenman117 -> No Links! [warning] PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls bork! HYPERS WEEEEE PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake !playlist sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD _ Doot doot PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake the fuck UN.DOS.TRES,CUATRO LUL LUL PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake chats lost it PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS NotSoEZ NotSoEZ PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake NEW SUMMONER RIFT THEME SONG PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PIPIPIPIPI PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PIPIPIPIPI PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @c9sneaky how many dorans this game? 1 2 3 4 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . What the fuck chat ya'll are grown ass men spamming pepepls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake One man spam DansGame PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake 1..2..3....4 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap FeelsGoodMan Clap DICEEEE 1234 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJam PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls this chat is on the spectrum PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAMMER PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls RAPIDOOOOOOO PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake UNO DOS TRES QUATRO PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . 1 2 3 4 pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls pepeD RainbowPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake yes i am @0anword pepeJAMMER @c9sneaky when do you know to go barrier over heal PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . @addcheesepls peepoArrive pinche rolón xd PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake sneakyGasm widepeepoHappy Clap @C9Sneaky secdule on homepage PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls You don't BETTER THAN BRAIN POWER PogU BETTER THAN BRAIN POWER PogU BETTER THAN BRAIN POWER PogU PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls 5Head PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake .. Okayga PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake TWITCH POG PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepegaPls 1 PepegaPls 2 PepegaPls 3 PepegaPls 4 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls . PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls curtisryanCECW curtisryanCECW curtisryanCECW PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls I made the schedule :) PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake GivePLZ THE BEAT GivePLZ PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake IMAGINE ASKING QUESTIONS DURING EL SONIDITO PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake !playlist Doot doot PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls ESTO SIGUE PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake 1 2 3 4 @oGevorian cool me too but I don't do this what they are doing PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake is this some rocklobster? pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls COMO DICE PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake.. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. Guys stop with the spamming. Makes it so can’t enjoy the chat PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls EH PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake NICE FCKN MODS 4Head PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 1 PepegaPls 2 PepegaPls 3 PepegaPls 4 PepegaPls pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake.. HEYY PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. Guys stop with the spamming. Makes it so can’t enjoy the chat Guys stop with the spamming. Makes it so can’t enjoy the chat PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake crazy chat chat pls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake you win these snack man PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake.. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake FAV GTA SONG PepegaShake PepepgaPls Dance with us dad PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. This is so worth putting away wow to watch <3 this song is a banger PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake KKona Clap ok brother PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake. PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls I had a game where the enemy twitch accidentally stole red buff and golem then walked into lane and died to us. PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KKona PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . KKool DansGame jax PepeHands gachiGASM Clap KKool ? What up what the huge text spam? GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ DansGame YOU Dansgame song’s over ;-; KKool pepeJAMMER now we need the american version of it PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls REPLAY IT PepegaPls highest in the zoom? KKol DansGame our song this draven guy is mad tilted monkaGun ricardoFlick DansGame love u all <3 pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER shits about to get REAL DansGame you don't skip shooting star You don’t DansGame LUL 5Head Jax pepeJAM that Jax what is this shit? DansGame pepeJAM pepeJAM C9Sneaky please tell me you were joking about going bork pepeJAM jax trolling lmao TriKool DansGame PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake is that steven jax? pepeJAM pepeJAM TriKool this jax is a cunt Bloop bloop bloop? PepePls TriKool HYPERCLAP DansGame YEAH POGGGGGGGGGGGGG köpürürsün gluk gluk gluk jax lowkey trolling POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE rip akali lmao PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ GivePLZ Fiesta GivePLZ GivePLZ TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap wtf your game is looking rip TriKool wtf LOL DansGame ??? My lane now TriHard TriKool DansGame DansGame TriHard Clap TriKool put back Shooting star DansGame STRAIGHT HEAT he was going for it lol TriKool oh shit KEKW LuL UHHHHHH LOL KEKW MY LANE NOW TriHard jax LUL KEKW LUL HI JACK THE LANE KEKW uh yikes LUL ? TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard STRAIGHT FIRE HOMIE ❓❓❓ TriKool ❓❓❓ ? NA FUN DansGame monkaW Pog HYPERCLAP only if he had ignite looooooooool Banshem subscribed with Twitch Prime. 3Head good song 3Head t1? Did they update the english language what is this ANELE ? @zenibee LUL what the fuck this jax actually win trading oner of these games, huh? FeelsBadMan go next KEKW !next song WutFace TriKool TriHard 7 ff Kreygasm gachiW win trader? monkaW gachiBASS KEKW Kreygasm this guy is angry KEKW please dont make us listen to shit dude gachiBASS me soul!!!! this jax is high af gachiBASS let me suck it pls !Skip PRESS 1 in Chat if Jax is boosted Next song 4Weird !NEXT Mute jax 3 3 2 1 0 Fight Kulüp ne alaka sneaky ?? olm ne çalıyor lan xd Kappa 3210 God, I wanna suck Sneaky??? same title Andy that's definitely no where you wanna be sucked Why do these nerds always try to bait tilt Why is he listening turkish music ? cs LUL lmao What is that Jax 😂 why he listening to german music? LMAO sakjdfhgaklhsjfhaasd please no more of these sounds sarkiya bak hangi oç attı bunu ya çıldırıyorum @parrot22 donation güzel şarkı mk Jax 😂😂👉😎👍 olm şarkı qweqweqweq ANELE ANELE ANELE wait i figured it out !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 20 minutes 17 seconds sneaky is going to TCL That was a nice hook gachiBASS ? bateka 3 2 1 0 asfasdfasdf gluk monkaW what fucking language is this Sneaky what's your new team? german !ne aasıdfjdıgfjdsghf hgfayt kulüpppp TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap xd ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower ratirlFlower song? PepegaPls PepegaPls mana PepeHands Jax inting anyway @yoshin0x shadowdogs yall ever just smash ur face on the keyboard @kazoozle English. we got an inter bois solos inting KEKW gosuUwu gosuUwu gosuUwu anyone can tell me what they rapping about PepeD not german its Turkish JAX KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW LUL straight inting LULW How long before jax calls for ff chat? pokiW pokiSquad @booishmonk my brain must be broken song? 3 2 1 0 qweqwe @PlatanoHD your mom Sneaky listening to german preparing to bootcamp with g2 in berlin you heard it here first yup and thats what happens when you all chat jax gets sauced its turkish not german @TruxBlue what xD BURASI MERKEZ Abi şarkıya germsn diyorlar dgdihd it's not freaking german lmao PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Poki subs WeirdChamp Senna is a very balanced champ chat FeelsOkayMan PepegaShake SNEAKY WHO IS PICKING YOU UP @decodeproxy FeelsWeirdMan Gourp F monkaW poki subs WeirdChamp What is this Arabian Tech 9 Weirdga Poki subs 4Weird monkaW THIRTY SIX Song name is Fight Kulüp Russian rap is crazy -- Weirdga @zenibee it's a psychology thing russian rap bro 2 dog shit music days in a row 4Weird D: this song bangs PepeHands WeirdChamp !song who is picking up sneaky...please...most experienced and decorated international na adc 4Weird dorans peepoLeave yor0i subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months, currently on a 3 month streak! Ily peepoLeave !followage pokiW Error: User not found: pokiW. not four dorans peepoLeave This music is so weird. WeirdChamp no dorans WeirdChamp this is turkish rap not russian tf is that song Dorans peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave @Ragnar_Jackbrock 4Weird vamp scepter WeirdChamp peepoLeave Not my Dorans streamer peepoLeave 3 2 1 0 @C9Sneaky are the dorans a meme or actually good !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 23 minutes 17 seconds peepoLeave !followage song? no dorans peepoLeave 3 2 1 0 monkaW singer is mad peepoLeave dorans? peepoLeav !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan bloop bloop bloop widepeepoHappy !followage pokimane dorans? peepoLeave peepoLeave that russian rap is awesome old champions like twitch are so underpowered compared to new ones fight club peepoArrive What's up peepoLeave nvm pokiW sneaky does anything peepoLeave TJtheSleeper subscribed with Twitch Prime. No dorans? peepoLeave snyone speak russian can transalte? this song is so fuckingg annoying omg song fight club hi godpaimon subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! bro Amk şarkısı yüzünden heryerde rezil oluyıoruz aq wait did sneaky turn into a thug sneaky does anything peepoLeave KKomrade olum bu sneaky e ne oluyor ? türkçe şarkılar falan dinliyor geçende turkey turkey diye yayın açmıştı arabic rap song? peepoLeave fight club peepoLeave chat, has Sneaky decided what he's wanted to do for next season? client -o @MaitreyaXayah lol thresh got it WeirdChamp oops ANELE Clap no 3210 peepoleave @maitreyaxayah 4 iq düşünce tarzı he hasnt arabic rap ANELE peepoArrive Breathing? peepoLeave wtf 4Weird wtf is he listening to ? whats up bro? :) @KeepohLol ty babası türk çıktı kanka @yatagan0625 ne alaka olum ülkeyi temsil ediyoz Jax can’t even auto LUL 4WeirdW peppoLeave 4Weird Ayy we back boys cmonBruh what song is this New songs plz 4Weird ryze Weirdega cmonBruh @gerardo_baeza peepoLeave !song have you tried stormazor 1st on twitch? @c9sneaky vov turkıh musıc verry nıcee men what's this trash rap !skip omgGun_HF TriKool Is my boy taking a break this split? Sounds like YNW Melly @evanj411 peepoLeave LULW ????????? Pog KEKW this thresh is clean Elise Pepega KEKW KEKW cmonBruh whats wrong with this song chat ? WutFace the production on this song KEKW the fucking int is real KEKW KEKW KEKW please again fight club fight kulüp was the name Pog @mertedevil adamların taşakk geçiyor bizim şarkı ile Nice gank Elise KEKW hjerro NA ELISE LULW KEKW !playlist Doot doot PogChamp PogChamp sounds like ynw melly well ANELE rap was better than this for sure sound cloud rapper Türklere selam olsun shofuMad shofuMad shofuMad shofuMad nice assists KEKW Pog welp theres the reverse tilt is astroboy spica MaN SUPPORT TWITCH PagChomp Support sneaky ks? peepoLeave play eminem :) support twitch Pog SUPPPORT BTW SUPPORT KEKW Pog MaN 0/0/3 KEKW support twitch KEKW ASSISTS KEKW tarzan PogU @joooomes yes share the kills MaN support rat D: Support Twitch KEKW CANN OMEGALUL N D: CANON KEKW CANNON KEKW boom baby :v COGGERS gachiHYPER uwu AYAYA yes @joooomes gachiW FF @C9Sneaky go buy spell thiefs PagChomp CANN OMEGALUL N is "Sneaky in lane LUL " still a thing? @GhostCalib3r spica Why is sneaky going barrier gachiHYPER lee KEKW Is my boy Sneaky taking a break this split? ty chat TARZANED Pog Pog Pog @aslanarif59 spica @joooomes astroboy is spica astrogod is tarzaned lee is tarzandd skip music that's spica dad is that you Pepega TriHard Clap Why barrier @yatagan0625 olsun 3.dünya ülkesiyiz adımız geçsin gururlan elde şirket kalmadı ithalatı geçtim i am yur dad @blindautisticcat spica TriHard 7 were the best dads sneakyJack TeaTime aww that's cute grandfather FeelsGoodMan Lee is spica not tarzaned I just wanted a RL father PepeHands BOAAA TriHard ASTROBOY IS TSM SPICA AND ASTROGOD IS TARZANED I’m dad :) FIGHTINGUUUUU dad , come back PepeHands ohhhhhhhhhhh I AM YOUR FATHERFRIDGE SNACKERS @imjonnyyy sneakyGrip KEKW did he just say womp? @mertedevil senin ben zekana @C9RekklesDriver it's a better defensive sum than heal @SnipingHobo God tier editor sneakyHey NA LEE KEKW LULW GG KEKW monkaW Pepega game PogU Dad did you get the milk yet PepeHands KEKW KEKW MaldChamp g g BloodTrail ryze fed gg KEKW widepeepoHappy GG KEKW that jax trolling TriKool Clap big yike classic :( SPICA KEKW KEKW TriKool hi dad 7/1 10 minutes monkaW rrevenge pog !uptime 7kill ryze monkaW babe a triple Pega Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 26 minutes 49 seconds ForkThrower4414 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months! :) dyrus mr pillow @mertedevil adamm geçen gün bunların hindi gününde turkey turkey dıye yayın actı ordada rezil olduk this is over gg meteos pillow? meteos pillow PogU (chompy) is astroboy tarzaned Gg ass pillow Pog @C9Sneaky Hemorrhoids pillow? meteos pillow PepeHands right!!! thos chairs suck!!!! weeb pillow KAISA LULW rooDab On the board Pog KEKW Kaisa a kill Pog Pog a kill bang Wtf is kaisa doing xD sneaky'e kayarım affetmem diyenler +1 yazsın sneakyMeteos they loom amazing but not good for sitting for hours watching kaisas lose is great This game is on jax KEKW FeelsLitMan 17 minute queue just to int a ryze SadChamp that e DansGame been a while since ive seen ya on twitch why u no play jinx PepegaShake Gettin old already need the butt pillow anyone here ever have a chickpea in their mouth? what elo is this? iron now the the imperator chair that's spaceship lvl seems so monkaW gold 3 eu d4 sneaky sneaky PogChamp silver great balanced champ that was almost sick its me Pepega SNEAKY SNEAKY monkaS balanced champion btw Pog Pog looks like Gold3 if any of my games are to go by clean af @SmolAria PepegaAim KEKW Pog KEKW LOL KEKW ???? ?? KEKW KEKW lee POGGERS KEKW KEKW @SmolClaire PepegaAim tarzan PogU KEKW not bad NICE FLASH KAISA KEKW that kaisa Pog Lee Pog LEE Pog PauseChamp POG PogU Kreygasm Pog gachW @SmolAria @SmolClaire PepegaAim @SmolAria @SmolClaire You both stink, fucking hell this elise KEKW zarjar99 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! gottem PauseChamp gachiW Spica Pog @yatagan0625 o farklı kanka o şöyle bak mesela yabancıların adı bizde ayıp şeyler olabiliyor o zaman sen de dalga geçmiyor musun Kreygasm uhhh CLOWN FIESTA KEKW Lee popping off gachiW TSM SPICA PogU kai'sa is kinda trolling @CoyChocobo AYAYA a Good lee sin Pog @CoyChocobo ok incel :) widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy deth @Bigfist420 PepegaAim This Qiyana is huge now Kreygasm OhMyDog looks like a game right there!hope you win! LUL sneaky going insane Ryze monkaW 7/1 ryze revenge taking a giant shit on solos LULW Banned tarzaned is the best tarzaned PogU ryze is only 8/1 :) TriHard this is a 3v5 against senna ryze qiyana 4Weird ryze giga fed widepeepoHapyp DETH TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Qiyana so frustrating Ryze is going to smash @JesusL_ its spica is lee tarzened ? @C9Sneaky when are you gonna dress cute again? NNN is over and I need something good Ryze PepegaAim sneakyJensen 12min 8 kills for ryze monkaS time for another rework sneakyLUL PepegaAim what song plss Pog Lee is spica jax eventually outdamage everyone “An enemy is unstoppable” 4Weird @mertedevil yav adamların dalga gecmesını demıyorum olur o komik bişi sonucta bizim mallar chat e geldı yazdıklarını bı okusan Pog PepegaShake headBang headBang Matt7197 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! headBang headBang brb im gonna catch up with Beastars Pepega Jax is playing great headBang headBang PepegaAim headBang tarzaned is astrogod headBang headBang PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim headBang Is this ratirl? headBang PepegaPls headBang headBang PepegaShake @CaptainFalliner Haru is a slut :) headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang huehuehuehue SwiftRage Clap headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaAim headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang is sneaky missing all the good emotes or is my twitch borke nice Tarzaned is banned you idiots! headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Thresh Pog PepegaPls i wish my elo played like this headBang tank rat build KEKW headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake HeadBang Sick ult kek headBang 23+0 who is focus improve on your friendlist headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang cirComfy Slipknot? 80cent subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! headBang PepegaAim headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @Kazoozle who is he @phoxna Jonny he was in my last game Is this slipknot? headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang MaN headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage is this Slipknot? free dorians Kappa headBang @yatagan0625 onlar turkeyin hindi demek olduğunu bilmiyordur adam turkey turkey diye stream açtıysa hindi yiyeceği için sevinçlidir belki sen aşure gününde aşure var aşure diye stream açmaz mısın bork is good tho headBang headBang headBang headBang lml Weirdga YES IT IS headBang headBang headBang headBang yeah its only bof lol headBang DUBBA DUBBA DUBBA headBang @fiercenfluffy yeah from their latest album @PlatanoHD merry christmas MaN Only 1 BF??? 🤮 @SnipingHobo that new thumbnail is gold ty Okayga korn? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake KEKW lol nice ult :) MANA LULW monkaW Pog Pog LEE PogU alcove play pog TARZANED Pog Pog good thresh Pog Lee Pog LEE PogU monkaX LEE SMURFING Pog PagChomp thought so. hard to hear in the office XD good boy thgresh no im playing TFT ATM that hook didn't hit thresh rich KEKW RYZE UNBALANCED that was impressive spica Pog this lee damn Pog TARZANED Pog IS lee tarzaned ? Only 1 Dorans 🤮* pussy KEKW monkaW R INC 1k to thresh KEKW no astroboy is tsm spica thresh getting all the shutdowns LUL NO, lee is not tarzaned ITS SPICA CHAT HES STREAMING RN lee is spica guys tsm spica LULW @NobuNobuNobuNobuNobu tarzaned doesn't play lee forsenT LUL headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake LEE IS TARZANED ass-stetics? Pog THRESH Balanced Tarzaned is ASTROGOD99 Im lee :) not boy not as bad as the breaking bad mexico filter that infernal brings Senna Creamies gachiBASS gachiBASS battlewhale08 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! you guys LUIL ASS THETICS gachiBASS Clap gachiBASS Kreygasm Kreygasm creampies? Lee is Spica @lebrun_james_ Is it? OhISee lee is Spica gachiBASS tarzan PogU you don't gachi women cmonBruh chat @SmolClaire PagChomp God gamer !team CREAMIES gachiHYPER WutFace headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang ASS-THICCCS gachiBASS Clap 😂 KayneAlexander hey bud how u been OkayChamp @decodeproxy PogU women gachiBASS headBang headBang headBang This tsm spica better than dardoch :) KEKW monkaW @ItsJustValk peepoLeave KEKW LULW KEKW NICE ONE spica headBang RYZE VERY BALANCED CHAMP :) Pog LUL @PlatanoHD sneakyC Balanced Kappa KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 lol Pog gachi'ing women WeirdChamp gachiHYPER sneaky3 sneaky4 LULW deleted KEKW LUL Pog Still looks cool @KayneAlexander good one 😂 RYZE DMG LUL Thanks Jax EQ Pog wtf was that? you maybe had o get close to wall so lee can w u im not 18 Sneaky can you not say sex references my dad hasnt giving me the talk yet 10/3 RYZE monkaW KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 Assasin thresh nice champ btw WeirdChamp expunge? sneaky3 sneaky4 E Q M A I N S Pog pd or shiv, into ie @ItsJustValk ratirlYikes KEKW !rank headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang 500 q C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 610 LP not gachiing women KappaPride Weirdga looking at me monkaS squad1 squad2 @c9sneaky duo? ill carry you :) why ryze so op PepeHands POG gachiGASM what is that song name? what is johnnys main account ID 😅🔥👌 lit You dont gachi wamen chat peepoWTF Sneaky looks like my niece monkaW !opgg Lee is so good Any smilers in chat :) ? Nero Forte Sneaky what the Pog @Brush focus improve :) forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD Full tank ryze Pog smile :) 😊 headBang @Cheozubil ty headBang PepegaShake headBang monkaS q did yes u need to be able to auto them to death Pog @TacoBell225 his main is focus improve? he was just on my team in d4 👍 ??? monkaS monkaS nibba you cant ban people for playing bad KEKW the balls cmonBruh monkaW sneakyYeehaw cmonBruh LUL KEKW LULW LEE LUL LUL LUL cmonBruh KEKW LULW PepeLaugh 👍🏾 KEKW cucked cmonBruh agane KEKW KEKW SPICA KEKW GG wtf fat ff LEE KEKW Black and white stream Pog twitch needs an update KEKW KEKW KEKW Kick the Ryze toward the Sneaky, yes. lee needs to stop kicking him to you @Brush pretty sure welp. game is doomed LUL he is so strong EQ50% life gone KEKW LEE? when did kaisa get plasma on him no skins wins Weirdga gg ryze way to strong how fed is he? LULW insec to die xd imagine not fighting ryze lee has good mechanics tho POG ryze = balanced jax wintrading? RYZE KEKW KEKW NICE ONE TARZANED KEKW LUL SIN ADC GOOD ROLE KEKW no damage to ryze LULW KEKW ff KEKW ADC GOOD ROLE KEKW focusin the fed ryze w seraphs :/ ADC GOOD ROLE KEKW gold difference GG Ff this music ceezW lee killed u lol 20 min queue for this Jax Pepega Clap Ryze balanced Kappa tank ryze does more damage KEKW jax wintrading KEKW ryze tanky @C9Sneaky play my song :C LOL SIN jax fed to much @xBergalicious CC lets Kai'sa ult to people too. 2nd time lee lts ryze into u FeelsBadMan top dif PepeHands This is why we dont play twitch KEKW ADC GOOD ROLE KEKW Pulled ruse right into you oof @xBergalicious Ryze root. @Niruz is he supposed to just walk past ryze? lmao Kick KEKW KEKW stinky rat Pog just ff lmao 18mins jax losing on purpose KEKW great game :) what the hell 20 min queue Poor Lee @Jenovaswitness the jax is a potato snakey holding hostage D: KEKW Jaxx hard int @Jensen OMEGALUL headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Jax trolling earlygame wtf LULW :) yikes quality games tonight :) F @im_Terms not into him you derp gg :) @Jensen MaldChamp jax literally just ran it down sneaky sneaky LUL :) :) :) gg :) G_G GG EZ gg :) :) KickW gg frndSmile headBang KEKW KEKW KEKW gg :) :) :) gg :) HeadBang :) gg :) :) gg :) :) ggwp :) :) eqeqeqeqeqe 20 minute q for that Weirdga maybe it wasnt winnable but I think you (team) played this very poorly at the end game shorter than the queue KEKW gg :) gg :) Gg iz gg :) @Jensen CHOKER IN WORLDS KEKW gg :) 18min queue for that game ggwp :) @Jensen MaldChamp headBang Good thing you waited 20 minutes for that what shit teammates :) gg :) waduSmile Good Morning Sneaky from Germany :) :) It was worth the 20 minute wait KEKW :) :( thats an easy jax report duo jensen Glory to man kind !uptime @Jensen PogU Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 35 minutes 57 seconds has sneaky tried the new adc i think i ca ne chall in usa i m iron ineju @Jensen not subbed WeirdChamp Lee was good honor no chance to giga farm after your team giga-ints @c9sneaky you should join team Siren gg moon2BOO WutFace he's 16 years old rengar one trick who is known for being toxic WutFace light tarzaned? monkaW AngelThump 😎 Give 3 kills to Qiyana in 5 mins good player Cloud drake irl Longer queue then game @c9sneaky gift me sub AngelThump @draven696969 WutFace WutFace plz monkaW Jax trolling hard F AngelThump monkaS AngelThump dont go towards the light!!! @C9Sneaky DAD NOOO BibleThump you going to hell bitch ur going to ELO HELL BibleThump F yeah duh, ur gay cmon @C9Sneaky AngelThump BY SNEAKY REPLAY AngelThump @Jensen WeirdChamp JENSEN DETH monkaW who said it'd be heaven Kapp snackey dead @Jensen Pog ban @Jensen BibleThump dad BibleTHUMP get a light reflector its t1 off stream account PepeLaugh @jensen LULW @Jensen WeirdChamp JENSEN PLEB CONFIRMED gay party in hell Holla i am stuck in elo hell sneakyJensen FeelsWeirdMan YENSEN PogU @Jensen duo with snack i mean its shining directly into the camera. shouldnt it be behind the camera? @Jensen WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky are you still apart of c9? Senna has twitch's ult all the time with her range sneakyJensen @Jensen ryze killed him irl too monkaW @Jensen peepoWTF AngelThump Sneaky the death of c9 sneakers BlessRNG ban @Jensen MaldChamp @Jensen WeirdChamp can u pay daddy @C9Sneaky turn that shit off I had a game , in normal and 1 guy play with 3 Accounts and all they are afk under towers LOL sneakyJensen MaldChamp BAN JENSEN fires of hell @Jensen PogU imagine waiting in a 16 min queue for that game @C9Sneaky LUL the bright light from the fires of hell!!! Gifting a billionaire a sub LULW sneakyJensen duo Yensen Pog the hell i dont think God wants cross dressers up there @Jensen 🐍 o MaldChamp any jensen subs MaldChamp MaldChamp any jensen subs MaldChamp MaldChamp any jensen subs MaldChamp @Jensen duo with sneaky dad making the jobless one pay @Jensen WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky gift Jensen a sub PogU TrueReFleXx_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months, currently on a 6 month streak! 6 Months <3 why is light behind you pointing at cam? @Jensen Hi jensen is cool chat wtf jax less damage than thresh WeirdChamp MaldChamp YENSEN aliens thresh more dmg than jax PepeS MaldChamp Clap Okayga BlessRNG fragiletoaster gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jensen! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! @jensen POGGGGG there's fire when I pee :) @C9Sneaky Yensen is drunk again AYAYAWeird @Jensen duo WeirdChamp Pepega 🐍 sneakyJensen TriHard stoolen MaldChamp 7 LULW jensen gift me a sub @Jensen Pog @Jensen peepoWTF Pog I think NA Solo Queue is your hell gifting millionaire a sub MaldChamp thx @fragiletoaster kappa lol the hell we live in could be worse vote for any democrat jensen very poor PepeHands duo Pog sneaky3 TeaTime hey shnacky, how u doin today? boxAYAYA boxAYAYA BloodTrail MaldChamp ❓ sneakyJensen @Jensen PogU sneakyJensen sneakyJensen @c9sneaky was obvious the jax knew I could not beat the ryze. When he mentioned everyone ignored him. Said f it went mid and died. Because they knew could not win lane without help sneakyJensen @Jensen widepeepoHappy 77 only a tier 1? DansGame sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen 🔥 🔥 sneakyH 🔥 🔥 sneakyJensen laugh like your title how much do i have to pay you to gift me a sub @C9Sneaky widepeepoHappy hi das MaldChamp Mod without a sub, ick peepoLeave @Jensen @Jensen gift me sub sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap pokiClout pokiClout pokiClout pokiClout bright white room just reminds me of the mental institution dad sneakyJensen PagChomp Jensen isnt a pleb anymore PagChomp jensen not able to sub with that TL money sneakyJensen wowie omg its @Jensen i love u sir @Jensen LUL sneakyJensen @Jensen duo pokiClout TeaTime sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen Pepega scumsen sneakyJensen duo @Jensen DuckerZ sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen KEKW monkaX @jensen dio with sneaky ????????? WeirdChamp jENSEN Pog KEKW MORDEMAIN PogU hue-hue-hue cheese sneakyJensen duo* sneakyJensen Notice me SENPAI!!!!!!! monkas ??? sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyLUL sneakyJensen huehuehuehue that's how BRazilians laught @C9Sneaky peepoLeave SeemsGood HUEHUEHUE WutFace @Jensen DUO? Pog duo jensen MaldChamp duo jensen MaldChamp duo jensen MaldChamp duo jensen MaldChamp sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 DUO MaldChamp sneaky confirmed morde one trick Pog duo gachiBASS BORK KEKW D: go conc on twitch Poki subs DansGame SNEAKY REEADS CHAT? OMG IM GONA CREAM. why are you wearing c9 shit everyday? still on c9 or what????? ohnBask ohnBask ohnBask D: D: vayne ? I love you sneaky. I wish i was gay so that you would date me go conqueror PogChamp Master Yi tho Pog MaldChamp You are trash on everybody Duo True @C9Sneaky runaans? D: D: who woul've thought Kapp D: BORK boxDab @C9Sneaky vayne? HOT TAKE bc you gotta build sanguine go conqueror kalista? even heimer?? VAYNE c9 D: it's trying it's best DansGame @Jensen no prbs my guy sneakyH D: BORK KEKW ezreal? sneakyTrash crit OP What about Varus and Vayne? Duoing with a ddoser 4Weird youre not wrong KEKW Vayne? forsenDED damage M a s t e r Y I Pog do the conquerors kalista? jensen <3 @C9Sneaky Stormrazro 1st on twitch Slipknot, nice sumW @C9Sneaky SR->BORK->IE on mf zubKEKW I just dont think its a great starting item Jensen! white pig HeadBang TeaTime headBang headBang headBang headBang what changed in a year where you would rush bork on twitch Pog EZ Get out me cahr headBang TeaTime sumSmash when do you sell boots and buy trinity as crit adc varus? jensen duo broxah great song btw Kapp Bork CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp AYAYA tickle sumSmash tickle crits @jensen duo broxah STATTIK SHIVVVVV Varus on hit? what build do you think is best on lucian @C9Sneaky razor? runaans? boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA BT has more dps sumSmash Clap didn't this song just play !song hi dad hope you're well @C9Sneaky go bilge into crit? headBang duo jensen MaldChamp sumSmash How's twitch this patch? kogmaw? and kalista? then why you buy it INVITE JENSEN PagChomp headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash averseAYAYA averseAYAYA ASHE ? Pog duo MaldChamp duo @C9Sneaky what should i be building on ashe? DUO JENSEN @C9Sneaky high elo solo q must be the worst. imagine waiting in that 20 min q just to have a game inted away for you in 18 XD DUO @Jensen JENSEN KEKW sneakyJensen gachiGASM D3 OMEGALUL trkMald thots on kalista mr snacky? @Jensen hi D3 pepeLaugh DUO JENSEN TL sneaky Pog sneakyJensen duo jensen PagChomp @Jensen DUO 4Head @C9Sneaky that new song by the weekend you played is a banger wtf C9 gun time Pog @jensen DUO Duo Duo Jensen for 40 minute queues PagChomp @C9Sneaky sneakyJensen @Jensen storm, shiv, ie, duskblade PepegaShake @Jensen Pog sneakyJensen 💋 sneakyGasm Anyone listen to Motionless in White THE DUO PogChamp SneakyWEEB3 duo jensen 😡 @C9Sneaky duo with jensen PogU Welcome Jensen! Duo Baldsen Pog !song @C9Sneaky name of song pls no im still in eu sneakyWEEB3 @Jensen duo with him PogU but sneakers aren''t you like u too good bilge into crit bilge into vrit lets start the chant chat sneakyJensen can grandmaster even duo with d3 its just 8 am BibleThump eat jensens ass 😡 Duo silver 1 OP @Jensen traitor peepoWTF OMEGALUL @jensen one v one moe again pls @C9Sneaky are u playing some dragonball fighterz today? Pog PogU KEKW KEKW KEKW PepeHands @jensen @Jensen Pog PauseChamp ...... PagChomp KEKW !followage KEKW LUL LUL LUL LUL lmao W OMEGALUL W KEKW KEKW PogU KEKW KEKW kekW KEKW whipsie has been following C9Sneaky for 1 month KEKW HES READY Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW SILVER 1 PogU Silver is 2nd place PogYou Sneaky is Gold 1 at best KEKW KEKW PagChomp sneakyFedora KEKW golf clap KEKW @C9Sneaky are u playing some dragonball fighterz today? Pog f fullmetalm4rio subscribed with Twitch Prime. keep it up TL = 4 imports LUL sneakyFedora !followage @Jensen he got a silver medal Pog SILVER I PogYou SILVER I PogYou SILVER I PogYou SILVER I PogYou SILVER I PogYou SILVER I PogYou sneakyFedora !followage sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen @Jensen !followage Sneaky PogChamp TriHard monkaW song HOPE NOT 4Head TriHard !wallpaper Hello seanky !followsince im from uk TriHard TriHard just woke up 4Weird imagine if TL had a midlaner with a champ pool finishing danganronpa? AYAYA rustics_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard im on the toilet, droppig some fat bombs rn TriDance gachiBASS TriKool what db game you playin ? TriKool Sneaky do you like me? BioFrost told me he hated me FeelsBadMan TriKool TURN UP what is he doing to his hair? what build do you think is best on lucian @C9Sneaky 4Head gachiBASS is it true dragonballz is for 13 year olds only? monkaW TriKool went on sales because servers were bad trying to milk more profit LUL i can hear it I hear ringing monkaW deep sneakyD what rank are you PepeHands Karmas026 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! @brendyr go for the deep drop monkaW PepegaHands monkaW D: hey sneaky play some sleep token monkaW MONKAw monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaSHAKE monkaW monkaW monkaW show legs @c9sneaky TriCool wtf !rank ?? monkaW Mouth breathers DansGame monkaW C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 595 LP monkaW monkaW monkaEyes monkaS NotLikeThis monkaW monkaW 💨 TriKool monkaX monkaW gachiBASS SwiftRage Myntaxx subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! monkaW 💨 Protect sneaky at all costs PepeS monkaW WutFace D: 💨 best asmr headBang PepegaPls headBang @karaageth -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] monkaW opinions on mouth breathers headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang slippknot poggg @C9Sneaky Why does hashinshin complain all the time? headBang Kreygasm i saw it WeirdChamp Women headBang PepegaPls headBang . WutFace Do you think it is viable to build 2 crit items then double cloak for mid game power spike? headBang monkaW TriHard TriHard TriHard Kreygasm I gazed at it JENSEN LUL sneakyJensen I'm not an all-star headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang LUL U ever play ffxiv on stream? has anyone heard the new bleed from within track @c9sneaky check on rush he is inting headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang snow snow snow snow @Jensen KEKW no i cant make it jensen LUL or build 1 crit item and triple cloak. #bigbrain @c9sneaky Jensen best NA mid FeelsBadMan jensen going to bald stars removed you ignored feelsbadman PepeLaugh @c9sneaky u better have some spicy vlog action with DL ok? :) hes on korea pepega not even friend KEKW so is he going to be a c9 streamer or new team? removed PepeHands @C9Sneaky cooking simulator? Pog Nice troll LUL dAddy sneaky go to his op . gg PepeHands kind boy FeelsBadMan rush plays in korea Korea LUL rush is in KR lol @C9Sneaky PepeHands @Jensen FeelsBadMan Blocked FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad jensen not friends with sneaky anymore PepeHands any announcements? PepeHands @Jensen Cant make it pepeHands SadChamp Kind Boy kebunBBW kebunBBW kebunBBW sneakyJensen 💧 @C9Sneaky is there gonna be any Cyber Monday deal for the Patreon? widepeepoSad @nine_god k PepeHands @Jensen tell us hes going to 100T spill it blame team liquid :( widepeepoSad headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @C9Sneaky hes in KR sneakyJensen widepeepoSad @Jensen KEKW SadChamp all of NA blames TL Hello @C9Sneaky how you doing my guy? widepeeposad tl MaldChamp @Jensen KEKW I have something to attend to. TL MaldChamp MrDestructoid its Pog no monkaS dog mr robot Pog monkaS Some people have jobs you know @C9Sneaky @Jensen Kapp 'something' mr robot is so dope PogU monkaS NO SPOILERS MR ROBOT POG Rush on Korean server @Jensen KEKW @Jensen How did you like Twilight? :) Ashe Pog is it good Kappa KEKW @C9Sneaky season one was the only good season lol NotSoEZ TeaTime Weebs Season 2 was trash, is S3/4 any better? super spicy reveals @Jensen can you comment on the leak that you had porn on your c9 gaming pc DansGame ❗ @C9Sneaky what is mr robot? Pog No spoilers BlessRNG ScrubNoob huhi Pog Jensen notice me? SHHHHHHHHHH DansGame Hes busy watching twilight KEKW important season its SO freaking good... mr robot is fucking terrible now lmao 4 is crazy what the fuck sneakyJensen sneakySpook jensen only watches twillight slipknot pog eyyyyyyyyyy snackey!!!!!!! Is sneaky ok? Twilight LUL yo sneaky im gonna be ur brother in law seaon 4 gets nutty af witcher is coming maybe in 2020 ill watch mr robot huehuwhuwbrbrbrb @C9Sneaky You ever watched RWBY? sneaky can u try kennen with stormrazer Love ya snackers jensen just watches the vods of worlds group stage on loop 24/7 jensen WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky have u seen DARK ? sneakyJensen 🎐 sneakyGasm rick and morty season 4 is horrible .. jensen is here peepoPog "maybe" rwby is Bad in 2020 u can watch arcane how are u still in queue wtf Jensen politely telling Sneaky to go fuck himself Kappa @Jensen why are you not streaming rather watch you gachiHYPER 🎐 sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky have you heard of Mr. Robot? gachiW @c9sneaky why didn't you name yourself c9 leaky? !followage nymnOkay 🌹 for you HuehuwhuehuwbuwBRrbrbrbrbr @jensen do u know if doublelift is gonna be able to do content at all stars like he said he might? c9_lads has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 11 months, 2 weeks, 5 days why dont you ever invite jensen over to have a sleepover @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp sneakyJensen 🎐 sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky How do you still enjoy League after playing it endlessly for over 8 years? "wind chime" Kappa 🎐 Watch bojack horsemen gachiHYPER 🎐 gachiHYPER 🎐 sneakyGasm doodGlare1 doodGlare2 doodGlare3 doodGlare4 @C9Sneaky do u have a favourite adc? stardew valley in queue !followage ;) "if you are bronze you watch sneaky" rush just now will u remove C9 if u go to another team? BRONZE friendly streamer pepeLaugh FeelsAmazingMan 🎐 AYAYA $$$$$$$ gachiHYPER 🎐 sneakySpook Ozark dumb good on netflix @Jensen Can you please gift me a sub to @C9Sneaky ? rush monkaGun its his job sneakyJensen 🎐 💦 sneakyGasm sneakyJensen 🎐 sneakySpook @C9Sneaky I enjoyed your vid with aphroo monkaX Pepega !followage RUSH POPPIN SHOTS !followage Kapp antonio1858 has been following C9Sneaky for just now sneaky trying to retire at 30 Fornite Pog Kapp Kappa it's basically the same when will you finally reveal where you going @c9sneaky Kapp 'different' Kapp Kapp LUL Kapp Kapp psychosis monkaW gachiHYPER 🎐 💦 sneakyGasm Dont snitch Kapp R OMEGALUL S H Mastermunchies subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! @Jensen Hey are you smurfing? I see a lot of ekkos in my game and they forget to ult Kappa Kapp IMMORTALS Sneaky @C9Sneaky do you miss HoN? R I OMEGALUL T G A M E S his gameplay is familiar to bronze players kekw !followage WTF call ya boi Rush jasonrD jasonrG jasonrKEKW LULW 4fun :D !followage !uptime uffseito subscribed with Twitch Prime. Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 45 minutes 22 seconds danganronpa PogU DIFFERENT Kapp KEKW monkaS mqge KEKW @C9Sneaky do a dnd podcast Jahmayka subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! Like cassio bot? LUL LOL LULW KEKW 4FUN LIKE LEAGUE Kappa KEKEW !followage mage meta KEKW You play tiddleee winks???? ilusionari has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 7 months, 4 weeks sneakyJensen KEKW KEKW sneakyJensen I can get like 2 days into non-competitive games !followage @chat gachiHYPER :wind_chime KEKW WOW rush just said if youre bronze you should watch sneaky stream cause his is much better gameplay Jebaited sneakyJensen !followage !followage @c9sneaky strongly suggest red dead redemption 2 the game is gigantic and very fun @Jensen remember ekko KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW moon2DOIT monkaW monkaW ASMR monkaW gachiHYPER 🎐 monkaW again monkaW monkaW monkaW PepeS monkaW 5 year follow sneaky and no sub feelsbadman Mouth breathers peepoWTF DARTH VADERRR SwiftRage monkaW monkaS monkaW AAL PogU moon2DOIT BREATHING ''PROS'' KEKW becca? cirLaugh monkaW Sneaky how are you not an ALLSTAR KappaPride SeriousSloth trap xayah DansGame @Minakiss I believe him FeelsBadMan go join faker PagChomp cmonBruh KappaPride CLAPS sneakyWeeb why the fuck are TFT streamers being invited to allstars !followage Weirdga are your neigbors mexican? yttims1944 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 month, 3 weeks, 4 days headBang Kappa Why the hell is Toast a personality at a LOL event that isn't TFT? Thats the bumping of my cheeks moon2SUFFER Shits weak tft POGGERS headBang That sneakyW sign in chat lol @C9Sneaky You just hear the reverberations in the solid materials transmitted to your headphones through solid matter 5Head I thought him and Lynn bought a house together? @C9Sneaky you should do a cosplay colab with @JERICHO "in chat" I mean in crowd lol So bright WutFace POGGIES @Sir_Jynx because there are TFT tournaments at allstars Wait are you on the personality list? @C9Sneaky Bang said he doesnt want to cosplay this year PepeHands a house in california KEKW @C9Sneaky only pro players get to play, you're going as a cosplayer Kappa another cosplay this time? invited to all stars for new all star "benched" event KEKW @C9Sneaky what TFT KEKW chat AYAYAWeird TFT KEKW @Sir_Jynx there's literally multiple TFT competitions there forsenHead they added TFT to allstars? buying a house in california KEKEW T OMEGALUL AST TOAST FACEBOOK STREAMER KEKW puttint tft in lol event WeirdChamp why TFT LUL lol cmonBruh I am surprise how fast TFT fell off tbh gachiBASS TFT WeirdChamp LA sucks BibleThump they fooking He was probably making fun of Riot for only inviting tft streamers and assumed you were on it Pepega bringing TFT to a league event KEKW having secks why long queues @c9sneaky It will be funny if they put Tyler1 in TFT, he has never played that pepega Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 falling over in their bed at midnight Kapp LULW toast at least plays league, hafu doesnt KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW pepeLaugh KEKW @C9Sneaky is barrier the new meta? sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm KEKW LA is fking awesome pepeLaugh LULW gachiHYPER KEKW F pepeLaugh GO KAI'SA sneakyGasm scrubnoob are they going to get rid of TFT? gachiBASS skype diamond @C9Sneaky gachiGASM scrubnoob buttplug Pog gachiGASM gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER 🎐 AHHH youtibe video inbound!!! duo diamond Pog sneaky are you home for the holidays? POg gachiBASS scrubnoob KEKW time to report him KEKW sneakyFun Is Toast even allowed to be on a Twitch stream? FB might bad him. richard gachiBASS @C9Sneaky Are you still considering your options for 2020? Wait there are 3 pros from NA going??? destroy dick december gachiHYPER Buttplug pepeLaugh sneaky why does your mic wobble so much? headBang Not banning Senna KEKW @Sir_Jynx did Toast really move to FB? KEKW why do people not ban champions in draft? I'll never understand that only nut once a week Beat Saber KEKW good for you 📞 AYAYA Moshi Moshi? his butthole pillow gachiBASS Sneaky are you joining the lakers? Kalista Game PogChamp it wobbles to the beats of those cheeks yes gachiHYPER more @C9Sneaky Hemorrhoid pillow? @lexaeria weeb peepoWTF sneaky and DL going from NA wouldve been my dream haha i love those 2 :) sneaky what is your favourite adc? play MF he likes his shafts to wobble how could you blame him Is corki conqueror good? Kalista game POGGERS Is Scrubnoob sniping you? or was he not in the previous game Not_Enough22 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! do you what team is Metetous playing for this season? Also, love you dad. @youiporit to learn how to play against every match up there now you know Time for some sivir or Jinx @Youiporit its preseason, people want to test stuffs vs everyone Pog CarlSmile You got some sweet cheeks there buddy ash WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FRIDGE CAM notice me Sneaky? That's the rengar from 2 games ago LULW 100 Thieves i was watchng some anime like the weeb i am SNEAKY eat cat shit ConorM381 subscribed with Twitch Prime. The last one ain’t bad gachiBASS 100 Kreygasm Kreygasm I lost Kreygasm cien ladrones tits DansGame sivir t's AYAYAWeird Ewww titties ashe game Pog @SavR No you pepeJam 100Tits Sneaky Kreygasm man boobs gachiBASS BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 100 man titties gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky do you think you could beat tyler in a fight? have you tried out sivir yet? This is gonna be the best Kalista game AngelThump jhin game? Pog Hi Snack & chat cobaltHug @C9Sneaky Kindred adc? FeelsOkayMan PepoThink monkaHmm world champ c9 this guy's pretty good, seems like he should be in a pro team monkaHmm monkaHmm MF headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang cmon chat offbeat my ass give us ashe monkaHmm 1 more hour until the end of NNN u ready to lose Sneaky CORKI :) PogSlide Do you play piano, sneakers? so do you always ban Shaco or just when Chase is playig?> D: Kogmaw ash Lethality Kalista Pog kalista OMEGALUL Jhin jhin cait? Kindred adc the f.... ya right D: !followage Im feeling sneaky cosplaying as sivir nosmurfhere has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 1 week, 6 days Jhin Pog jhin? i'm gone WeirdChamp ✋ STOP Pog twitch - storm, shiv, ie, dusk BibleThump cait noooooooooo Trying to imagine how the title would sound in person who is the funniest adc? why barrier over heal? time to leave jhin game cya in 30 minutes chat 4Weird 🛑 best kalista game is where nobody plays kalista sneakyByfar Jhin sneakyByfar Kalista POG OMEGALUL K Okayga !follow ok c9 sneaky PepeHands OK :) AYAYAWeird nimbus cloak? ok Jihn KEKW 5Head indeed Smile Dark star Jhinnnnnnnnnnn Okayga 👍 We Rammus now. OK SMILE s10 c9 win worlds thanks for the tip :) Cosmo jhin D: rammus cosplay D: jk LULW D: D: Kapp LL D: csgo tell him okayga Sneaky Okayga PepegaAim jhin game incoming STOP you've violated the law jhin the fast? 3 supports KEKW D: BibleThump @Nightbot Sorry Mr. Nightbot :) LUL blood moon sneakyGasm monkaS no monkaW !followage sambooty has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 5 days monkaS C9 ain't gonna be the same this 2020 schizo Wub wub wub pepeLaugh I can hear it too sometimes monkaS WHAT monkaW 🔫 ????? @ItsYaBoyLeyo -> No Links! [warning] PLAY CSGO monkaW Spooky LUL whoo whoo whoo whoo Pepega domestic abuse monkaS reeeeee PJSalt KappaRoss PJSalt KappaRoss @C9Sneaky you are going to get swated, that's what the knocking is pepeLaugh Привет из России Are you sure its not lynn slamming her desk LUL monkaS monkaW 🚪 Who's there @C9Sneaky have you tried putting the ice maker right up against their wall? pepeLaugh Still a chance PogChamp sneakyHey @Viralisk KKomrade you mean the drug bust bus? monkaW or moving you out moving at 11 pm pepeLaugh Play cs go hacker man its Jack coming to get you monkaW @C9Sneaky mby someone is just knocking on ur door Sorry man, thats me upstairs PLAY CSGO @C9Sneaky yes sneakyD They play Welcome to the Jungle @C9Sneaky when are we getting an announcement on whats going on Pog WideHard SHEEEIT HIDE THE CRACK @C9Sneaky its your chance to become an isekai MC Pog @C9Sneaky I'm applying to various forensic scientist positions, is it cool if I put you down as a professional reference? Play Jinx please. Try Kogmaw please :) lol what an idiot @shadron29 -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] D: my friend crashed his car to this song lmao how can you see outside its dark Sneaky best ADC NA AAL headBang C9 bot lane PogChamp !song @c9sneaky have you and licorice talked yet? hi sneaky, how are you doing tonight? @C9Sneaky I ordered you 11 pizzas just tell me ur address thx C9 Duo Pog moving to 100T It's me :) @destruhct_lol pepeLaugh ban rengar !followage @SmolClaire AHHHHHHHHHHHH JHIN PogU @C9Sneaky do you always ban Shaco or just when Chase is playing? are those runes better than the standard inspiration 2nd tree? ajlugo08 has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 4 days palafox and diamond, c9A Pog @smolclaire sneakyWEEB2 cobaltHi monkaHmm @c9sneaky ban rengar monkaW Maybe they are moving dead bodies to the sound of house music @andrewthemist diamond pog @C9Sneaky why u take barrie ? ^^ Have lynn do her scream at them and they will go away 100% @shadron29 -> Don't spam in CAPS! FeelsGoodMan Now I want 11 pizzas banning yi WutFace diamond Pog AYAYA @C9Sneaky Are you back at home or is this your own place? Can't wait for Zven to shit the bed like he did on TSM EleJiggle Through the window ovyyyy @itsnox1 I’m assuming it’s to barrier incoming dmg Palafox sneaky and diamond it's C9 Pog you havent lost it yet? whats your favorite kind of pizza @destruhct_lol STAY SALTY LULW Senna game !song @c9sneaky 11 huge cocks on the way call 911 Guys what position is the Shaco ban for? EleGiggle Do we ever get to see Chef Cook Sneaky again :D? !rank @MCR_ oh oke thanks C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 595 LP EleJiggle @C9Sneaky Play xayah pls EleGiggle oh baby Animals As Leaders is my shit its for chase shaco exp OMEGALUL sed hi guys any gifter here? I got 2 kids and Christmas are here so I don't have money ty @banned_account_the_7th_ not even salty just disappointed that that's who they picked. Budget 9 U HAVENT ALREADY LUL Shaco support ban KKool GuitarTime play quinn DIAMOND PogU lucian AAL have some crazy talented musicians wash hands jhin @C9Sneaky diamond bronze tft but chally in solo q i'd like to watch you play xayah :) tacoking95 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 15 months, currently on a 10 month streak! Can I be your new support? I'm like S2 at best but we could make it work @anus_torpedo nice name KEKW @tl_stardust what do you mean chase Shaco. I am U.N. formiliar in my dreams Sneaky cosplays and only bends over just enough so that his balls are still hidden sneaky always takes manflow hi chat any gifters? I got 20 TriHard kids and they need gifts for christmas @destruhct_lol and y is that who would u rather they pick Play the WORST ADC this patch how does Trist with the new stormrazer feel cmonBruh sneaky can you play kaisa Dont own KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW when are you going to mixer pepeHands KEKW play varus :) monkaS KEKW KEKW KEKW sneakyFun KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WutFace back in que KEKW REEEEEEE lets game Kappa :D:D:D:D same KEKW KEKW KEKW REEEEEEE gachiHYPER KEKW KEKW LULW Narrator: "It was not gaming gamer time" @C9Sneaky @Watterx weirdChamp gotta love solo que at this time KKool GuitarTime GO PEE Kappa WutFace WutFace NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis WutFace KEKW DODGING is certainly a GAMING MOVE client simulator @recurf 20 BIKES PARKED IN THE CARPARK TriHard any KEKW in the chat? RDD 2 TIME KEKW ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper NEVER PEE KEKW more time with chat peepoHappy sneakyGasm DODGING is certainly a GAMING MOVE KEKW ResidentSleeper gachiHYPER AngelThump damn i just bite it hard in TFT lol, from 1st at 98 HP to 4th >< weaaak zfgD cmonBruh sumSmash 😂 KEKW yea sumSmash I don't play anymore but curious is Kalista back this patch? WutFace What is with leaf and queue dodgers Your never gonna pee xqcSmash SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage WutFace PogU not xqc enough I SAW gachiBASS 😂 NOW FART sumSmash the fk was that LOUDER 😡 @recurf u must be rich cuh throw us a bone TriHard sumSmash sumSmash DESK SLAM POGGERS ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper What is chase Shaco? sumSmash Pog @C9Sneaky is ur urine pushing against ur pipi now Kappa sumSmash yes TableHere FlipThis Did u ever try Undermine? Cool between the ques game xqcS now do it with your feet HEELIES Pog PepeHands 😂 😂 SLAM THE FART HyperBruh xqcP weak hands KEKW summit your monitor slam the fart 😂 GLAD TO CATCH THE BEST ADC NA STREAMING slam the desk 😂 YES HES AN ENTERTAINER NOW 4Head LUL Kapp Fart the slam Can we get a good cock slam? headBang heimendinger? Try doing it with your head instead Kapp Someone please play Amumu. FeelsBadMan exoticxdd subscribed at Tier 1. More dodges inciming EleGiggle pog duo without duoing Who in C9 can u take in a fight 😂 holy shit😂 send it to xqc😂 gachiHYPER dude dont destroy the desk gachiHYPER Pog cmonBruh gachiHYPER 🎐 Heimendinger?????? gachiW CLIP IT LUL SHIP IT LUL gachiBASS SENNA WHOAH cmonBruh do it nobody here will snitch doodNo cmonBruh Pog Theres no delay wtf Are you looking forward from a break from pro play for once? @C9Sneaky Anti-Shaco monkaHmm 😂 clip it 😂 and ship it 😂 master yi ban KEKW @C9Sneaky what color are your pubes? Cmon and slam and welcome to the jam cmonBruh Whats to think about? bet dodge JHIN PogU @Devilcheee welcome @Kawaii_SanChan U SURE TriHard !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 56 minutes 16 seconds w OmegaLUL w @C9Sneaky AP Senna is the powerhouse of the bot lane :) Amumu. Haven’t really seen him played in several seasons gachiHYPER PLAY CSGO @C9Sneaky what WutFace gachiHYPER @Kawaii_SanChan if it aint u its me TriHard gachiBASS doodLeon SillyChamp @C9Sneaky Theres 0 delay WUT gachiBASS CLap what just happened voleRIP voleRIP voleRIP voleRIP voleRNG voleRNG any gifter I'm hobo :( gachiBASS Clap jinx @banned_account_the_7th_ just out of the LCS I would've gone with Cody Sun, Stixxay, or Bang. If they wasn't on a team obviously pick jinx @C9Sneaky technology is incredible wiwiwiwiw gachiBASS Kalista gachiBASS @banned_account_the_7th_ cmonBruh sheeeeit cuh i may have to bust sum ass ngl doodWesker KappaPride @destruhct_lol ROFL Can you play jinx f mf mf KEKW @Kawaii_SanChan go ahead TriHard Kapp clap peepoLeave @destruhct_lol dtix was resigned from the getgo Kapp wait for the dodge KEKW I have a button for my penis peepoArrive i wonder why KEKW when is the official c9 sneaky buttplug being released sneaky ? :) sneakyWut hes gonna leave and miss queue watch chat @YuYuYuna_ AYAYA I WANT THAT BUTTON what about jinx coward inb4 someone dodges KEKW Xayah dodge incoming have a wonderful pee dodge everybody get up its time to slam now, we got a real jam goin down @YuYuYuna_ :) BETTER LATE THAN NEVER 4Head dodge HERE COMES THE DODGE AND MISS QUEUE pepeL @SmolAria Aria hiiros1Hug oathLove @andrewthemist i said if they weren't on a team Kreygasm pepeLaugh WutFace aaaaahhhh i hear gril?! Man this chat is so shit @austinsguitar sfhSMILE monkaW grill? Those xayah lips Kreygasm gril Kreygasm 4HEad lynn a year? Happy Birthday boys! FeelsBirthdayMan Xayah game? See y’all in 30 @RavageRose it's a trap AYAYA monkaW lynn @RavageRose fake news Think of wwaterfall when u go pee ITS A TARP! monkaW @destruhct_lol gotcha buttplug in my butt doodHokey KEKW WutFace HERE IT COMES CHAT pepeLaugh ORA ORA? Ad Block monkaS DODGE xayah is NOT hot she's an SJW asmonFiend @Kawaii_SanChan KEKW @tooasterchild you are fake news! ORA ORA ORA AYAYA quickie on stream Pog @SnipingHobo Is it cool if I put you down as a professional reference to my job application? :) cawcaw rushin2Relaxando sneaky, did I just see you on a saltyteemo match? SMASH IT TriHard @Kawaii_SanChan at least she's straight chat type 1 if youd let xayah give you a footjob MY CHAT NOW TriHard animals as leaders Pog 1 1 Yes @RavageRose FeelsBadMan 1 1 TriHard / 1 1 Why the fuck is this chat so sexual 1 COKE GAMING WHATTTTT 2 thx :) @Kawaii_SanChan what's that got to do with looks? 1 1 DODGE incoming sneakyD doesnt xayah have like claws for feet Someone wanna give me a fast rundown as to why he's not playing on the league atm? How many times did you shake? yes HEELIES Pog pepeJAM Yea LUL @siderblue probs cause sneakster is a trapazoid even better @siderblue bcs it's fun fun fun fun fun yes PepeHands WH OMEGALUL xayah has chicken feet camille footjob >>>> xayah footjob, dont @ me Dude 6 Commercials :D this instumental is dope so no more c9 ? @C9Sneaky I didn't hear the sink... @SiderBlue the streamer encourages it @everyman322 i account for personality because i'm a gentleman Kapp camille footjob WutFace gamepass music SLAPS wahts your favorite skin 2 finally a game Pog nid cleavage camille footjob Kreygasm have you announced your announcement yet? W OMEGALUL W If it's Yellow, let it Mellow TOP OF THE MORNIN! Caaio foot job kreygasm camille footjob Kreygasm Penetrate my anus PogU SNEAKY DIDNT FLUSH KEKW this skin Kreygasm Zoe's @GhostCalib3r -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] sneakyWEEBY goo Cassios feet Kreygasm HandsUp why would they dodge a free win I lost Kreygasm TriHard HandsUp HandsUp Who is he playing as? gachiHYPER KKona I love foot fetish voleGOOD voleGOOD HandsUp Camille footjob WierdChamp enjoy losing dick you degenerates DICK ASCII HandsUp Kona mornin Hey my man @C9Sneaky what is the fast rundown on you not playing pro atm? HandsUp rushin2Relaxando rushin2Relaxando rushin2Relaxando sneaky1 sneaky2 Tactical_Waifu subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! KKona mornin CurseLit love me some animals as leaders That dick is so sweet 1 of the sides has to lose 🤔 Karthus foot job Kreygasm WeirdChamp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 4 seconds a Zoe's WeirdChamp YOINK TriHard 2 days until reach boys shadbaseVaultmeat whats your favorite skin @C9Sneaky temo foot job poggers ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⣳⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣝⠖⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ patas de zoe Kreygasm Thresh foot job Kreygasm KKona that skin is not worth 1820 why isnt conq good on champs like xayah and kai sa same gachiBASS just the tip gachiHYPER zoe footjob AYAYA HandsUp Just the tip @cintheninja Kreygasm hi chat shuuuu PublicGift subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! @cintheninja just the tip d jhi chat WideHard 📡 Signalling WideHard 📡 All WideHard 📡 Homies WideHard 📡 HandsUp tip hhi chat hhhi chat hhhhi chat baron Kreygasm EZ hhhhhi chat @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] HandsUp tip HandsUp tip @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 asmonE1 asmonE2 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 @chat OkayChamp 👍 <3 reksai footjob Kreygasm HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp @C9Sneaky dh draven is the way GroovyGiraffe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! we need more mods gimme mod monkaGun Sneaky's hand I lost Kreygasm D: OkayChamp @chat OkayChamp :+1: <3 you married sneaky? This chat is too calm @iBabooshka KICKED MAYBE? 4Head @c9sneaky best dragon in your opinion? @mage_23 one silly spam SillyChamp @julianbelkin hi español? PogChamp @CaptainFalliner unless dick is also metal, then it's just honing her blades do you even know how to play this game? @C9Sneaky Sneaky married?? my eyes AngelThump @booishmonk how r u ok boomer HE HAS A GUN WutFace julianbelkin hello OkayChamp @banned_account_the_7th_ i honestly have no idea chat so horny monkaW @C9Sneaky keeps your hands out my face BRUH hell yea bruther TriHard o7 any homies in chat @everyman322 you sir are an actual 5Head D: @SmolAria save me monkaW @PlatanoHD hi <3 FeelsOkayMan why is the skin on your hand so thick? @C9Sneaky WutFace what ur camera on+ Who is he playing as? WideHard 📡 Signalling WideHard 📡 All WideHard 📡 Homies WideHard 📡 when would you take w over q? is DDD chat, spam Kreygasm it's nutty on urgot just saying @mrwrong555 what first how do subs have 1/5th of their MSGs timedout? lmao the treees have leeeearned violence WideHard @julianbelkin i hate u OkayChamp i want thresh to hook my balls and strangle them with his chain hello TriHard o7 ayyy @KayneAlexander D: SNACKERS do they seriously sub just to try and spam/troll? monkaW 👉 💣 i got a bomb What the best camera preset to play on @Kawaii_SanChan Cringe YOOOOO TriHard @manbras_cks with rakan since he gets the W benefits Excited for the new champ? monkaW Hi sneaky lettalRico @kawaii_sanchan same yes ravage @RavageRose money well spent @julianbelkin too much drinking. how are you? @Ghisteslohm in this situations though would you ever take it? if not why not level immediately? FIXED OFFSET OR PRESIDE OFFSET i only like platano KappaPride @booishmonk not enough drinking i hate everyone Guys who is he playing as 😳 jk i guess to them, even though 1/5th of their msges get them timed out XD its birdblady haha. ratirlYikes ashe Can chat count to 10? 🤔 1 1 @asdasdasdthetibii X AYAYA H 2 2 420 3 3 4 10 @KayneAlexander 😳 unless? 4 5 6 6 6 7 RESET peepoWTF 7 8 @asdasdasdthetibii Kaisa 8 9 8 9 @asdasdasdthetibii blitzcrank 10 10 11 chat is actually retarded can't even count properly 10 69 what if we kissed at the impact tower 😳 what the fuck does Mundo's ass taste like bnanaThink 12346578910 chat failed that count @manbras_cks probably also situation dependent. in an more all in or fight situation W is better but in a normal lane setup Q is better to lasthit I think STAPH we did it chat. 8459759293 4HEad foot fetish any1? @PlatanoHD what if 😳 ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠠⡰⣕⣗⣷⣧⣀⣅⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⣠⣳⣟⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣜⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⣳⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣝⠖⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ Pog bullshit tower THRESH Pog sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 sneaky2 who gets the buffs if you get executed? is this teseract or animals as leaders? no, chat count goes one person MSGs 1, the next 2, any out of order is a fail esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage animals as leaders @tterb86 KEKW @C9Sneaky pls show me urehail of blades yas :) LATE F KEKW E TU KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL Rip na flash E TU KEKW @criedor the tower. NA FLASH MaN KEKW @criedor the tower/minion Pog LUL PepeHands senna KEKW PepeLaugh Flash to NA F @C9Sneaky you forgot to say fuck the support KEKW NID? Pog @SmolClaire thanks knew it sounded familiar Kapp when someone asks if you can count, just say yes, you don't just start counting, dummies !duo AchillesHealNA not wierd, its how its played :P NIDA Q KEKW monkaW flash karth LULW F CANNON LULW also, no such thing as normal! CANN OMEGALUL N KEKW imagine if nidalee was lee there LUL BR Flash rushin2Relaxando sneakyWEEB3 CANNON KEKW nice cannon Nid OMEGALUL @criedor no one, if executed you dont lose the buffs Is that AAL I hear PogU CANN OMEGAROLL N ok, going into TFT game. ttyl in between rounds @Ghisteslohm ty pepeD moon2S headBang djentibois closing in on gold again is his support streaming? silv 2 ATM pepeD @RavageRose hope you lose :) @RavageRose gj bos Can chat even spell PogChamp? why does he take shield? @RavageRose gl hf esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfand4 esfand4 esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage PigChimp @RavageRose just focus on yourself and win widepeepoHappy @anonyraptor to not take damage :)) one man spam WutFace cmonBruh ResidentSleeper ? no jhin? peepoLeave @anonyraptor Barrier? he said he wanted to get rid of the habit of wasting heal to save the support gg monkaOMEGA KEKW no mods TriHard heh one man spam weirdchamp pakistan zindabad no mods TriHard no mods TriHard no mods TriHard no mods TriHard KEKW how is he lvl 6 henhamiii subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! you're beautiful sneaky...will you marry me ? :) heh animals as leaders <3 I guess Karth is 6 SeemsGood Heh senna shouldnt be able to heal KEKW ROLLED @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! MODS KEKW @Ghisteslohm k ty heh ugh earth map HandsUp HandsUp Jebaited *_* Chat he is 6 WeirdChamp no :) Gg pepeLaugh mods no :) :) PepegaHands yes :) :) HandsUp D: PepeHands no :) sneaky is washed FeelsBadMan yikers maybe :) D: PepeHands I see how it is D: @recurf uhh This used to be a Ram Ranch stream PepeHands :) PepeHands I'll marry u :) @wes4ajr -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] yesh i r wierd Only i think senna better than good? @C9Sneaky what is it like being an unemployed boomer? NO DAMAGE KEKW HandsUp Sneaky will you be my gay lover huge barrier Pepehands ram ranch. :) gostosa animals as leaders pog AYAYAWeird any TriHard s ? CoolChamp TriHard TriHard 7 buy 6 dorans KEKW I thought it sounded familiar. Animals as leaders is great More dorans @KayneAlexander -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] nymnWeird 1/6 cs KEKW tyler1 csing ??? KEKW pakistan zindabad KEKW CAFO Thresh?? LULW cafo PagChomp :O is that scrubnoob @C9Sneaky KEKW 0/4 thresh rekt @gensda he missed way more than that erect thresh likes dying, must be fun to play to die @gensda he didnt have time to CS that you idiot. Cafo PogU thresh spawn and died 4 times xD shrekt You son of a bitch. IM IN Tresh god KEKW nicesup Brutl, savish, rikt I think shoving that lost you more cs than your opponent KKona why barriewr over heal right now @Saiphx NinjaGrumpy I can only play with camera locked FeelsBadMan Does Snackers take song requests only off of donations @everyman322 ???? lol @KayneAlexander -> No excessive usage of symbols! des why barrier ovber heal @C9Sneaky naked cowboys? KKona @iBabooshka WutFace Does he play adc every time? airplane monkaW Only been watching him a cpl days @gstatusindahouse yeah @stunned_ testing headBang dBeeTzz donations or in resub message Play some polyphia :) Thanks @anonyraptor but i havent played since like S4 so it's okay :) Cool cool, does he ever use Tristana type 1 if u fap on sneaky cosplay 1 1 3 the alcove mystery 1 2 1 an you call me wierd lol ironic hi sneaky, say hi to brazil ^^ Because he wastes heal on his team too much 1 1 sin(90) 2 KayneAlexander wtf D: kalista/senna combo is fucking dirty right now C9 sneaky would've ks'd that D: woah woah Does he ever use tristana or kai sa PepePls D: Support xaya op D: D: gachiHYPER forsenE D: gachiBASS Kappa type 1 if you have cum on sneaky cosplay gachiHYPER hi babes Kappa gachiGASM gachiBASS gachiW 1 1 1 1 gachiGASM 1 1 1 @gstatusindahouse yeah he does 1 TriHard 1 11 1 show dick @gstatusindahouse yes 1 11111 Nice I gotta see a tristana run i love animal leaders Limerence123 WideHard 7 X AYAYA H Thresh Pog show sum dick is there a voiceline for when senna gets hooked by thresh oof Or Kai sa KEKW LUL KEKW xD ppf KEKW CUCKED KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW your ult is 3 minutes long wtf how are you attractive as a dude and a chick and I'm not even attractive as a chick lmao @C9Sneaky KEKW that thresh is nutty FIRST DOWN kkool widepeepoSad KannaNom nah no way Supp btw Pog NA sidestep LUL FeelsGoodMan FOR FeelsGoodMan EVERY FeelsGoodMan POST FeelsGoodMan ONE FeelsGoodMan WEEB FeelsGoodMan DIES FeelsGoodMan IN FeelsGoodMan HIS FeelsGoodMan SLEEP FeelsGoodMan TONIGHT maybe if thresh was feeding his ass off fed karthus (puke) gosuGasp Senna badass @c9sneaky who is the new c9 adc?? because ur ugly and hes not :) Senna OP Out damages kaisa but supp btw Pog Senna perma ban in the LCS KEKW You’d have to have done a couple backflips to kill senna hitbox? calling someone else ugly whily anonymous FeelsWeirdMan **** mundoi YAS gachiW yas @commit_isekai right lmao type 1 if you feel like it, for no reason Animals as Leaders so gud 1 1 2 :) 1 @commit_isekai ok ugly :) 1 simply doesnt replace a sneaky for adc 4 **** mundoi calling yourself ugly PepeLaugh 1 1 ok zoomer 5 type 69 if C9 Jack should be fired 69? If you all like animals as leaders check out Snarky Puppy noooooo he is owner Type 2 if your a dude sneakyJack But Jack is the owner how would he fire himself 1 How can jack be fired i'm a girl today 1 lol laning against Senna is the worst 3 type 1 if you have no friends why would u type 69 its a business 1 the snap on sennas E needs some trimming I'm only one who hate nemesis fcuck face???? 1 2 @CaptainFalliner fair point god would fire him i guess 1 @publicgift 12 111111 TriHard NEVER Type your IQ senna/kalista duo is a canker sore on my arse senna has too much range 0 @Ername1 that's her w, her e is the stealth 1 8 18 200 1111 type 1 if u r AYAYA ResidentSleeper SNEAKY IN 2K20 EleGiggle 9000 AYAYA boxAYAYA 1 briweeAYAYA Type widepeepoSad if your family loves you type 69 if you're horny @Tyrosus my bad AYAYA -5 Senna Q balanced Pog 2 NaM 69 96 just win worlds and you can keep your spot on C9 4Head 4Head 4Head widepeepoHappy 2 69 widepeepoSad 3 Senna is aids to play against pls help 4 KEKW 420 DETH widepeepoSad why is she question marking. what ? ? poor sneaky laning with a plebby moron can we do a 1 to 100? 1 NUMBERS ARE HUMAN INTERACTION Pepega LIF widepeepoSad 2 Type 420 for every reason 100 3 3 4 1 what's better KEKW or LULW 420 5 no KEKW senna ballanced KEKW LULW KEKW LULW LULW he is so calm about his feeder supp LULW They have the best ward of all, ghosting. i love it someone might be streaming and not covering mini map iwdPepega LULW KEKW is better cause its the freshest one allieHmm KEKW Is the ripoff of LULW KEKW KEKW is better though boxUwU hmmmmmmmmmmm can i barrow your pateince Imagine misspelling your donation yes :) WHAT 4Head boxUwU I can hear KEKW i can't hear LULW we can associate a sound to KEKW same :) is that meant to be funny 4Head KEKW is better cuz of the laugh Pog monkaW Pog 322 PogU PogU just do math QUESTION MARK HER PLS Pogleee Pog TBAngel forsenCD Xayah OP! Nice PogYou wp PogU FeelsBadMan omg xayah so op time for another nerf PepeHands I see that they nerfed xayah pretty well Kappa BibleThump Xayah barrier pog BibleThump thats a weird song title KAISA FailFish type 1 if you have been divorced PepeSad BibleThump BibleThump stormrazer is good actually @c9sneaky agree 1 0 i agree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,rrrrr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4rr@jessboyunchained que el l @mcstinker @C9Sneaky what is this song Yea, dont ever marry 420 is barrier better than heal now? 1 the name Getting married KEKW Yeah ER is too good to not build in xayah, the cdr is too good Just don’t get married 5Head why not just dorans? just dont marry a thot DivOMEGALOLrce type 1 if you hate "type 1" messages Play polyphia \0/ 1 !runes 1 Current Runes: Lethal Tempo > Triumph > Legend: Bloodline > Coup de Grace | Nimbus Cloak > Gathering Storm | AttackSpeed > Adaptive > Armor Hmmm yes indeed 1 2 X AYAYA H PEOPLE SAYING DONT MARRY R THE ONES THAT WILL HAVE 50 KIDS LUL LUL LUL type 1 if you hate 'i hate type 1 messages' type 2 if u ever thought on kiss sneaky 2 no Nida is never good till she's played by a korean oof 2 song is Dadude - Manstorm !cannon whats with the sudden change for nimbus cloak? CANNON KEKW 2 cannon KEKW @banned_account_the_7th_ LUL cannon lul CANNON LuL ouch sneaky mr cannon how did tresh die the fuck thresh KEKW gryphonheart7 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! twitch chat ever getting married KEKW @commit_isekai it is good with barrier BALANCED KEKW thresh was tanking no? PogChamp PogChamp ammoDeathstare IONIA gachiGasm @hiimbigfry 2020-dont marry 4Head 2040- 100 MARRIAGES LATER 4Head Zed's dead baby well what do you know....thresh died....again c9 hai cirComfy type 3 if u would let nidalee sit on u lacGasm at the end of the alphabet headBang Kaisa w sniped thresh 3 3 3 what is thresh now? Didn’t randomly talk turret yayy 3 3 3 @banned_account_the_7th_ LMAO 4Head 3 3 3 PepeHands nidalee 3 why am i so wet? Type 4 if count to 100 greyscreen champ thresh 1 Aft nidalee is cringe wait you actually melted that mundo, what 2 3 type 5 is you would lick pussy puss type 4 if you'd suck Xayah's dick 4 imagine having 276 MR type 1 if ur naked 4 1 gachiW 1\ 1 gachiHYPER 444 type 5 if you think Irelia has a deep throat thresh has 1 big a hook and he cant even hit a mundo with it Don't mind me, just doing my daily golden Kappa check Kappa 5 5 why are you naked on your computer chair? its not very comfortable 1 KEKW 5 1/2 type 6 if you think pairing it with 9 is nice her neck weak maybeLurk type anything if you breath KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL LUL lmao F LULW KEKW nice try KEKW KILLABLE KEKW ROLLED LULW KEKW f LULW LUL ??? KEKW KEKW ?????? KEKW WHAT A PLAY R LUL 69 LMFAO OMEGALUL KEKW BENCHED KEKW KEKW LMAO NA KEKW KEKW nice try KEKW KEKW LULW hes so killable best u greedy killable pog LUL o lmao LUL KEKW hm Killable tho KEKW KEKW kekw lmao SO BAD KEKW hjgjhdhgfh killable KEKW LUL THIS GUY IS SO KILLABLE saving flash for next split NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis @C9Sneaky wait he has 0 armor .... u trolled KEKW FLASHED AND HEADBUTT EZ Clap KILLABLE LUL KEKW mundo is cancer flash e You should've just baccke off tbf KEKW MUNDO LUL Killable btw no latern thresh? na dive type 1 if ur life is a gd mess and wish u were able to start a brand new one lacF 0 armor mundo Pog lol full MR Mundo KEKW Type 6 or 9 or maybe them together 4Head KEKW irelia monkaS KEKW 1 1 @KayneAlexander -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 96 1 PepeHands 2 and the saxons monkaW the situation was not optimal gachiHyper 96 down and go to bush? irelia was actually super smart there mundo haHAA @Sleeh_xd if it makes you feel better you would waste that one too qing minions for stacks the irelia was imrpessive @Journe_y @ArfCN clever mundo went full TriHard KEKW L_? the damn geometry MUND OMEGALUL what type 2 if u cant stop creaming type 1 if you'd blow Mundo for a nickel Type 6 if you had a sexual fantasy with sneaky yikes press R pepeLaugh nida seems to be inting @ername1 tru KEKW @notom that it? 1 6 D: D: D: @commit_isekai nida seems to be boosted af @PublicGift id pay mundo a lot more than a nickle in my gold brain, that's what i thought she was doing Mundo healing monkaW If you dont say 6 ur gey if there's more i wanna hear it OMEGALUL mundo unkillable monkaS BALANCED LMAO 2 items mundo KEKW ????????? killable btw lol M U N D OMEGALUL COWARDS OMEGALUL KEKW ez PauseChamp tim? tanks OP ACTUALLY SURRENDERED KEKW mundo tanking 20 turret shots wow OMEGALUL OWNED BY MUNDO ??????? what a game ur getting trolled @KayneAlexander -> No excessive usage of symbols! nice game EzClap ???? ??? monkaW team has weak mental KEKW haha @ImmanuelCat banned for homophobia WutFace pepeSmoke ? monkaW type 5 if cosplay sneaky thiccer than all the girls at ur school lacGasm NA KEKW HEH monkaW cass is so hot monkaW KEKW jakeobrg subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Hey Dad, I'm back again with another would you rather question so I hope you're ready. Here we go, would you rather have vaginas for ears, or penises for fingers? Okay, love you, bye. pepeSmoke na dive pepeSmoke Mald KEKW i lost so many games today monkaSHAKE kekw Dude its the 20 min ARAM that is NA a triggered adc imagine that :o LUL 15 minutes queue vs 15 minutes games @PlatanoHD ricardoFlick PepeHands dad come back Pog peepoWTF lol I can tell PepeHands 3 defeats like i forgot how to play the game or something WeirdChamp 2nd KEKW definitely penises gachiHYPER WeirdChamp ???? gachiBASS WeirdChamp KEKW BOTH gachiBASS HYPERCLAP pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky 1st WeirdChamp is it the thresh support? its a common factor WeirdChamp vag for ears Kreygasm shitty day of league WeirdChamp omegalul 2nd play some ivern bot lane and de tilt :) I backed and got items ALRIGHT TIME TO ARAM MID Pepega @C9Sneaky just play red dead and reallllax :) Point to point PogU Both animals as leaderss Pog gachiW ears LateGraduation subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! i love you dad that's easy i aint gettin fucked in the ears Penises Animals OMG :) gachiBASS KEKW well i def dont want my ear fucked HandsUp would you be able to hear? @C9Sneaky you know how hard it is to think with just one penis gachiBASS earfucking Pog Wtf KEKW well you have hands 00 Both Pog Sucks vaginas* KEKW sucks BALLS What about the dick? vaginas for ears, when you clean them out, it would feel REALLLLYYYY Gooooooood HandsUp I LOVE PENIS NO ONE WILL SEE THIS 6 I had a shitty night of gaming tonight as well pretty sure you can still hear through the vagina holes gachiHYPER actually it would suck vagena Hahaha unless you were hard gachiHYPER Only boomers type "xD" WeirdChamp I DISAGREE gachiW mine is curved yours isnt not balls get them hard That's quiter talk gachiHYPER gachiBASS Duo Jensen yeah, thats what you think YES IT IS mine is gachiHYPER @c9sneaky excited for the new champ? 😂😂 AN EXTRA HAND xD all the pro gamers would have viagra sponsors xd what if someone tries to fuck your ears though @C9Sneaky so u would be an animal lmao they'd be hard dicks always KEKW get them hard @3aboodfalah more penises the better 😡 @jcmellow i see you like benis. imagine just fingering ur head from both sides thats a banger BONER FINGERS Kreygasm duo scrubnoob @C9Sneaky you could still play annie though @C9Sneaky take viagra, problem solved just imagine when your fingers got A BONER Sneaky needs to play video games did you have the nipple sized dick question? @C9Sneaky GET THEM HARD @C9Sneaky play some lethal tempo ivern bot lane and de tilit :) That’s what I do to click stuff boner fingers 👀👀👀👀 yeah and then you could get suck fucked @C9Sneaky SENNA :) gachiHYPER FINGER BONERS ban that bitch ban senna ban her then Senna design Pepega though fingering would be next level with those penis hands damn we done w league sneaky1 sneaky2 you could get your fingers hard would you let me finger your ears the n A dam is used to hold back a river. The dam has a height H = 12 m and a width W = 10 m. Assume that the density of the water is ρ = 1000 kg/m3. (a) Determine the net force on the dam. (b) Why does the thickness of the dam increase with depth? senna range op @C9Sneaky Imagine 10 random finger boners sneaky is very wise PLATY ASHE MAN easy win 5000 range poke KEKW you cannot lose as senna !song yo put can you imagine someone giving you a wet willy with double pussy lips on your head @C9Sneaky What if your penis fingers had balls, would that change anything Kreygasm ? off? It would make long essays very tricky to type up ADC Perma sustain Pepega NotSoEZ do what t1 does every game : Ban senna Mr Snackers U WANNA CLICK FIND MATCH THERE BUDDY???? sneaky1 sneaky2 just ban Senna 4Head sneaky3 sneaky2 just ban senna WutFace @v88b88 Fnet = 42069 r y z e monkaW just ban senna 4Head Senna is litterally like caitlyn that has engage and disengage options and scales super well as a support. I like your glasses Sneaky. I also liked them on my great grandfather when we laid his ass to rest Just buy more D blades @C9Sneaky What if your penis fingers had balls, would that change anything Kreygasm ?? Just win 4Head @v88b88 Pepega Senna yuumi + mundo for Pepega comp @v88b88 to hold back the river Pepega Why don’t you use her bot? Pepega Clap @C9Sneaky Why do you keep banning Shaco? Just cuz? Ban senna or ban shack pepeHMMMM hi The Twitch game was over the moment Jax inted at the start of the game. @C9Sneaky @lowerik -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @C9Sneaky What if your penis fingers had balls, would that change anything Kreygasm ? u dont have to play man [poiuytrew 10 penis fingers and 20 balls IceCold whats wrong with BORK lets goooo Full head of hair Pog DansGame bork more like bleugh who needs bork when you have 4 doran blades love you sneaky KEKW @ASTERGOD99 Source? fast? already forgot the 21 min q? do they orgasm? imagine giving someone a highfive and accidentally smashing all your balls sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH hi nice to meet you, they call me dicks. shake my hand! If there's balls on the inside, you can't make a fist @v88b88 b). because the bottom of the damn experiences more force from teh water @v88b88 Chegg :) Kappa Kappa @Cowcheese problem is her crits hit like wet noodles and none of her builds give DPS Sneaky I've followed your guide to determining if someone is wintrading and got a win trader today @C9Sneaky Butt stuff. Yay or Nay? hot chick next door? @C9Sneaky any Vayne? probably hanging shit @Kawaii_SanChan every day i'm moving in :) moving into your house? gasming fingers? monkaGIGA New neighbors party bus coming to sneaky I listen to music when im unpacking lol did they change anything on sivir? her E seemed to have a lower cooldown earlier when i had to play against it I assumed the penis fingers were prehensile but if they're on the the outside of the hand, you can't backhand your wife for sass @C9Sneaky red dead tonight? What if...😳? haHAA haha qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB qtpDAB balls on your hands would be so much worse youd have to be so careful xqcN @OMGaTalkingMuffin Thanks, much appreciated. Weirdga wineTime stormrazor hurricane could be good for twitch who is Achilees Heelies? @TheEntireInternet What are the deets? Hot neighbor girl FeelsGoodMan invited the thresh back eesh hello from Argentina @C9Sneaky !!! ask why he ff'd FeelsOkayMan wineTime just play senna ADC, EZ problem solved do u live in la still? High five ball hands! Hot neighbor boi feelsgoodman Hello Sneaky! Any word on what your plans for the next split is? KKool Who is he queing with? iwdPepega iwdPepega iwdPepega iwdPepega iwdPepega sneaky i'm downstairs right now can you stop being so loud? the feeder thresh pepeJAM do u still build botrk on vayne pepeJAM Ya go Senna Harvest ADC a penis in each armpit or a butthole on each knee? @camilo23 @QSean its just a soloqueue player pepeJAM DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT SNEAKY IS DOING THIS SPLIT?? I love this guys thresh @c9sneaky hard engage seems like the best way to go against sennna... leona messes her up Song of Solomon PogU KKona a butthole on my knees I'm moving in :) good luck man @the_ultimation NOTHING 4Head PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @ThatDamnScattergun ya but she has the same amount of CC as any hook champion and then a lot of poke like a mage support and then still scales pretty well. why the hell is sneaky not challenger? Hey sneaky it's me ur neighbor. Sorry I'm just railing your ex wife. Weirdga good ADCs this pre season? @c9sneaky hi snacky xd Im moviing in too Pog @HwanSolo1 nice thanks KEKW Redbrick09 subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW Clap Weirdga 👉 Pepega KEKW @OMGaTalkingMuffin something about worlds and decay pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 Listen to Polaris @C9Sneaky @ASTERGOD99 Ok then, I thought it was: F = 696969N dad needs his camels anferneygaming subscribed at Tier 1. LULW KEKW LULW LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW dont blame that guy KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky good ADCs this pre season? V OMEGALUL Y B OMEGALUL Y D: D: Who is the support KEKW KEKW KEKW D: D: Hey @C9Sneaky can I link a Polaris song? Kreygasm any plans for next split?? sneakyGasm ? KEKW gosuGasm3 pokiPuke pokiPuke pokiPuke pokiPuke 🤔 sneakyGasm LUL D: 📸 @c9sneaky think you’d enjoy having hai for a mid laner again? Wish you would have joined tsm WHAT 4Head !followage poikPuke TTours @HwanSolo1 that makes sense thanks! Error: User not found: poikPuke. sneakyWut !followage pokiYikes misspelled that wtf sneaky1 sneaky2 @C9Sneaky good ADCs this pre season?................................................ sneaky3 sneaky4 Chat did i miss some juicy drama The kid is not washed up he’s waiting for NA to be at its absolute worst before he makes his triumphant return and becomes the hero of the world gosuAYAYA dyrusAYAYA kaiaYA any cuties? boxBob boxBob GUYS 11:44PM WTF? D: bless you WutFace monkaW WutFace c9 sneezy HotPokket KEKW KEKW Gesundheit ! can i stream snipe you? im silver 5 sneaky1 sneaky2 complete me WutFace gril sneeze! @ontdv5 ikr must be nice, it’s 2 am here Yo @c9sneaky think you’d enjoy having hai for a mid laner again? !followage LOL lebithian has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 1 month, 1 day AYAYAWeird !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 27 minutes 39 seconds boxBob boxBob boxHi boxHi boxHi HAHAH PepegaPls Hollywood25 subscribed with Twitch Prime. HAHAHA PepegaPls PepegaShake Hit 1 in the chat if you fucked my ex wife Never gets old xD !followage Cumbion? @C9Sneaky you plaeying classic ? one month later I can finally spam@@@@@@@ LA CHONA peepoLeave play it now PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls 1 oof @Duck_No_Kaa ye enjoy losing wait that sounded like a mexican banger !followage @h4d3n sneaky3 sneaky4 1 !followage !followage sneakyWEEBY sneakyWEEBY OOf @C9Sneaky when are the announcements coming 1 PepegaPls PepegaShake @C9Sneaky you take song requests? 🤡 !followage 2 who is this now? byler16 has been following C9Sneaky for 6 months, 2 days @v88b88 sneakyC Clap <3 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls @C9Sneaky HEY, thanks for the stream, cant wait for the next sexy cosplay @C9Sneaky is ivern adc viable? PepegaHands BibleThump Hispanic banger PLAY LA CHONA PUSSY AngelThump the song i mean who is that duo? AngelThump it’s almost fucking 5 am in Chile, worth tho BELIEVE gachiHYPER any announcements tonight? :p subs can’t spam FeelsBadMan but I paid for that power PepeHands superdefcon5 is gifting 10 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 10 in the channel! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to zekdel12! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to rickymaje! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Jedski! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Skaeeb! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to sil3nt_hill! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to MarioPvP1! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to Huch52! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to ryuko1! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to kraptos! superdefcon5 gifted a Tier 1 sub to YouTeeAre! @PoonOfChaos yes but only masters+ Pog Pog Pog AYYYYYYYYYYY Pog Pog PogU PogU Pogchamp DODGED Pog Dodged EZ Pog Pog LA chona PepePls Nice fuck you pee a lot Dodged EZ Clap PogU Pog PogU PogU Pog Pog DODGED Pog DODGED TriHard Pog WE SUBBED BOYS NOT ME BUT OKKKKKK PogU PogU PogU Pog 😳 nightbot is rigged PepeHands DODGED THE SUB Pog Death911 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Pog Pog @superdefcon5 xqcM any gifters Clap Pog Dodged EZ @Juggalo4Lyfee -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] PogU PogU Dodged Pog pog already subbed Pog gimme sub please :( Pog Pog moon2DODGE Dodged KEKW @C9Sneaky when are the announcements coming Oi @c9sneaky think you’d enjoy having hai for a mid laner again? !followage pokiYikes did i get one Pog Error: User not found: pokiYikes. peepoLeave Clap Can we come Pog !duo KKool AchillesHealNA I GOT ALL OF THEM Pog ONLY 10?? SURELY SOMEONE CAN UP THAT gosuP1 gosuP2 PepegaPls Pog !virgincheck NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER WILL TriHard Gifters are pog fak gosuP3 gosuP4 and queue pops Pog Pepega HYPERCLAP Pog !followage POKI SUB WeirdChamp sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm headBang @h4d3n sneakyFedora !followage trainwreckstv pepeJAM pepeJAM pepeJAM headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang whos that guy headBang headBang @hiimtiltsu ayyyyyyyyyy I JUST TRIED TO SPAM AND GOT TIMED OUT peepoLeave NaM Poggers MaN NaM ! NaM !followage apparently if u don't lock in your character during champion select it doesn't lock it in for you quiet stupid NsM headBang NaM Asitokia has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 6 months, 3 weeks no it's MaN chat NaM WTF ? !playlist Doot doot ONE MAN NaM NaM PepeHands peepoRage @C9Sneaky but seriously I have this girl in my room, she is showing me her full shoulder. I do n't know what to do? @HolyToucHHH LMFAOOOO sneakyChair stream !pokiW !followage WONDERFUL 12 people in chat and I didnt get one of the 10 subs neverlucky !followage trainwreckstv peepoLeave The kid is not washed up he's waiting for NA to be at its absolute worst before he makes his triumphant return and becomes the hero of the world. !followage how can i play with golds if im bronze 1 ? @banned_account_the_7th_ PepegaPls PepegaPls Who is Achilles Heelies?????????????????????????? incz101 subscribed with Twitch Prime. @HolyToucHHH THAT WAS CHANGED EONS AGO !followage headBang pepeJAMMER headBang :) 🎸 Jeremiahch has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 11 months, 1 week, 3 days HandsUp pee on me chat Kreygasm @elocinx0 challenger sup !command i stopped playing when xayah came out @banned_account_the_7th_ who is the duo ? monkaGun !followage !followage !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @shigabb -> The bot commands for this channel are available at !duo AchillesHealNA @elocinx0 smoothie !playlist Doot doot gift me !followage @C9Sneaky how often do you get noticed in public? PlantBasedEvan has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 4 weeks monkaGun b-b-back up chat sneakyChair peepoArrive headBang @HolyToucHHH so y in the fck would u come back @twitch_users_ pastaThat Yo @c9sneaky think you’d enjoy having hai for a mid laner again? !lastgame Last Game: Loss. Played Xayah 3/3/4. 2.33 KDA. (50 % KP) 1x Double Kill !followage i don't know game is terrible now @banned_account_the_7th_ !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank Weirdga TeaTime @blackfdb -> The bot commands for this channel are available at @C9Sneaky any anime you're watching? what is this sick djent !ayaya !duo AYAYA There are 2160 cuties in chat AYAYA AchillesHealNA @C9Sneaky who is your duo ? cyrAYAYA mehdiAYAYA RPGAyaya Can you plz compromise with some indie rock plz dad, I’m in the bed :-) @veriquay QUENCHED EM TriHard panicatthebedroom has been following C9Sneaky for 6 months, 3 days AYAYA @HolyToucHHH always was BUYING E-GF !followage !followage PunOko THANKS BRO !cake 🍰 Ey sneaky ur chubby wanna go to the gym together for those gainz? Kappa That’s not Jonny :( !followage moon2SH @Legionary7 What's your offer? GabeN Sneaky stop baiting me with the csgo screen play it or change it KKone !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ @C9Sneaky how often do you get noticed in public? is lynn playing the bass right now? peepoPog PepegaPls waiste 3k on cases for the content nvm siiiiiiick lol PepePls pepeJAM what a gay chant lmfao Pog this is a banger pepeJAM PepegaPls the song of my people pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls TAO TAO pepeJAM How did you sort your games like that? PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake KEKW ETU KEKW THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE KEKW pepeD PepegaPls LA CONCHA pepeD my kind of music mexican banger PogU Which filter is it? the song of my people PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . La chona Pog FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD la cucaracha PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake @hiimbigfry mcdonalds whenever and duo in league ok man PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake every mexican party plays this song la chona PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake CHONA !foiiowage la chona* You better play Runescape between queues whatever PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake !mods 4Weird WeirdChamp good ADCs this pre season?.؟؟..؟.؟.؟.؟.؟.؟...؟.؟.؟.؟.؟.؟.؟.؟.؟..؟...؟.؟. Chona wanna dance with me Sneaky? UN TAO TAO Pepe SO CATCHY CHONA I GET IT sneaker's playing all the bangers tonight PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake Wow new patch english sounds great LA CHONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sneaky is this worth two mcchickens? PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake KEKW Clap la coochie in my poochie PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake !followage This song is actually a banger its true tao tao next plz PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . @C9Sneaky thanks for playing the song of my people PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake LA COOCHIE pepeD blackfdb has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . !stealfy PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . pokiW odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire good ADCs this pre season? PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls HYPERCLAP vudumajik subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Hey Snack you cute fuck I imagine being a sneaky mod is a lot like being a police officer in new orleans. Nothing to do because almost nothing is illegal Kappa PepegaPls its chona 4HEad CHONA PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . LOUDER SIR good ADCs this pre season?؟؟ PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Chona VoHiYo Chona VoHiYo Chona VoHiYo PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . good ADCs this pre season?... PepegaPls 🎸 안녕 PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . !followage Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace KEKW EL KONA DE TONA PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD LOUDER PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . WutFace PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake good ADCs this pre season?...good ADCs this pre season? PepeD PepeD PepeD bean soup the chona 4 life PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake . Sigh @C9Sneaky what rank are you csgo Is life even real ? PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace Chat WutFace dance with me Sneaky PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepePls TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG GivePLZ TakeNRG PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake good ADCs this pre season? PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PogChamp good ADCs this pre season?good ADCs this pre season? dance chona dance dance Sneaky BEAN SOUP BEAN SOUP!! PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls good ADCs this pre season???good ADCs this pre season?? I'm Mexican and this is amazing lol pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER PepegaShake CS? ?!!?!?!?!?!1 good ADCs this pre season???good ADCs this pre season? panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket panicBasket the odds of @C9Sneaky saying hi to this is slim TwitchUnity TwitchUnity PepoDance !Followage !!!!! BANDA!!! ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAMMER !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan DansGame !followage pepeJAM SamuelGurren has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years @C9Sneaky when did you play destiny??? Play some Runescape between the queue times aw One man spam 4HEad Thresh 245 59.2% 1.9 / 5.8 / 15.2 (3.00) 0.5 57.7% !song @87billy highly debatable answer. Both yes an no HI SNEAKY PepegaShake PepegaPls PepoDance PepegaPls PepoDance PepegaPls PepoDance PepegaPls PepoDance PepegaPls PepoDance "soon" pepeD @C9Sneaky destiny 2 PogChamp stardew valley in queue @C9Sneaky why dont play yas bot? must be free win in na queue @87billy it’s weird DIG adc confirmed let's go with the chona bro RDR2 later? LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER @C9Sneaky Play cs 1v1 me @C9Sneaky why arent you shaking your ass in the cam if you putting tunes like this on La Chona i keep it taco would be proud play the outer worlds Yo @c9sneaky think you’d enjoy having hai for a mid laner again? soon Pog he has a60% win rate @C9Sneaky red dead tonight? Soon™ with thresh not bad la chona G2 Sneaky pls Soon™ nymnOkey Dark souls 3? stardew PogChamp from the outer worlds bad game last game WITCHER PogU OMEGALUL We're all excited :D support you no matter what you decide my dude @C9Sneaky more red dead redemption later? sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyClaus sneakyHey sneakyHey sneakyHey hey sneaky how far along are you in FFXIV shadowbringers story? Pog Clap LUL dude ur hair looks fucking SICK @C9Sneaky pepeD KEKW @C9Sneaky hollow knight is perfect for queue !duo AchillesHealNA hi from Chileee my bruhhh TwitchUnity LULW @C9Sneaky play bloons td6 LULW LULW 44 HOURS ON WITCHER LMAOO KEKW play broforce Stardew PogChamp Stardew PogChamp Jebaited nymnOkay the strat.. pretend ur about to play a game pepeJAM JAM OR DIE LULW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Risk of rain 2 is pretty good in queue imo @c9sneaky play Stardew PogU timing LULW pepeJAM @C9Sneaky what are you thoughts on andrew yang as president in 2020? His signature policy as everyone knows is giving $1000 to everyone per month which would cause an immense overhaul to regional economies turning america functionally into a trickle up economy Top Pog riot see you betryal KEKW TIMING hey my song is on nyacchMusic sikiş olacak mi Just play some Runescape @C9Sneaky :) @C9Sneaky just pretend ur about to play a game 4Head !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 34 minutes 29 seconds congraz on being Dig adc start up a game so we don't have to wait 20min for queue 5Head Undermine ;) Y la chona se mueve pepeJAM Song name? pepeD @c9sneaky play slay the spire? hey sneaky how far along are you in FFXIV shadowbringers story? Pog Clap 2 top mizkifE @C9Sneaky Hollow knight is perfect af for queue man would love to see u play it odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaFire odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart odaHeart broforce broforce broforce broforce broforce broforce broforce TriHard MY BOY Thetukin subscribed at Tier 1. @C9Sneaky thanks to your ahri cosplay, I lost nofap November @c9sneaky just reverse psychology the system PepePls pepeJAM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls What about real money poker NBA TriHard is it a waste of time if you're not doing anything anyways 1st world problems @addcheesepls ricardoFlick riot is watching monkaW Or blackjack stardew POG Whats the song instead of a que game just read a chat smile !bttv EZ FeelsEvilMan FeelsSupportMan FeelsWowMan gachiGASM lulWut monkaGun monkaHmm monkaMega monkaOMEGA NA NotSoEZ OMEGALUL peepoBlonket Pepega PepeHands pepeLaugh POGGERS Weirdga FeelsAmazingMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBirthdayMan FeelsGoodMan monkaS ricardoFlick ❓ SillyChamp anyone feeling silly? SillyChamp Code Vein is out??? Hell yes stardew Pog minecraft ricardoFlick ? DansGame YOU hey sneaky how far along are you in FFXIV shadowbringers story? Pog Clap @c9sneaky play nba2k ive never played 144hz FeelsBadMan g-synch? theres a setting to fix that sneaky cock vein WutFace @C9Sneaky check donos\ !bttvgifs pepeJAM Clap COGGERS FeelsLitMan gachiBASS gachiHYPER headBang HYPERCLAP KKool MadoStab monkaSHAKE monkaTOS monkaX pepeD pepeDance PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM pepeJAMMER PepePls PepeS pepeSmoke PepoCheer PepoDance POGSLIDE POGSLIDECOG ricardoFlick sumSmash TriKool wineTime SourPls @C9Sneaky Have you played undertale? on sale on steam ricardoFlick UndeadspecTrUm subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! SillyChamp @dBeeTzz its been out for likew 2 months lol One more random "Kappa" and I'm out of here FailFish @C9Sneaky is league the only game you dont fullscreen? or do you do it too? PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls I just know sneaky has a fat ass bro PogChamp @C9Sneaky play the binding of isaac !followage ricardoFlick I forgot about it haha Hollow knight request streamer father What is up Sneaky :) ricardoflick is not following C9Sneaky damnnnnnnn Kappa how're you liking it Pog wtf nice!!! what server!!? Keepo @Zelko1 that is not what g sync is for brotha g sync works on fullscreen <3 Play Celeste Snacky, that's a good game for queue, it's in 16 bits you can play it in small screan or windowed @C9Sneaky you need to get a 144 hz side monitor. If all your monitors are 144 hz you can run league non fullscreen and it will do max refresh properly without Windows fukcing it up @C9Sneaky What server are you going to play Shadowlands on? ay yo sneaky play tao tao :^) your gonna fight the fat man Tabbing on borderless full screen is a lot better @C9Sneaky can we get a hair tour !followage ricardoFlick sneaky have you ever played hollow knight? forsenPls c9 sinky best adc player mangoM mangoM mangoM mangoM mangoM mangoM jinx Pog ez dodge boys @C9Sneaky the donos are glitched I swear Kalista SwiftRage c9 stinky Who is duo meme Kaisa with conquer is good? MrDestructoid mf have you played Hollow Knight? @C9Sneaky Father hollow knight best game play on stream pls !followage hector990 !duo AchillesHealNA MEMES POG no more memes 2020, I'd say sneakyFedora hector990 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day nice memes sneakyChamp memes DansGame memeis HYPERS hay sikiyim jhinini @C9Sneaky @Chamidorix what Chamidorix said is TRUE TRUE TRUE pepeL @C9Sneaky how often do you get noticed in public? meme too! me-mes? HYPERS im a ll 69.429 undead paladin sneakySpook sneakySpook sneakySpook sneakySpook sneakySpook @C9Sneaky I guess stormrazor champs is the way to win ? pepeSmoke anyone got a cig for me is jhin good rn? @C9Sneaky Do you like Chode Vein ? !followage hector990 HIGH NOON JHIN HIGH NOON JHIN HIGH NOON JHIN Where has the moo been??? mooQQ mooQQ mooEZ pog hector990 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day @C9Sneaky what do you think of the shadowbringers storyline? sneakySpook pepeSmoke !mouse GRRR 3rd game in a row i came in 4th nadedW nadedW nadedW nadedW nadedW someone gifted me a sub sneakyFedora Hey, a bird told me you colored your hair because the girl at the store was so cute Overwatch Access Pass PogU oh ye im fukin dumb xD !followage @C9Sneaky is vayne better going back to crit build w/ stormrazer? just get a 3rd pc then 4Head same issue, but ther'es not way to fix it oh you talking about the FPS bug? !ffz 3Head 4HEad 4House 4Weird 5Head AYAYA FeelsClassyMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsWeirdMan gachiW HandsUp HYPERBRUH HYPERS KannaNom Kapp KEKW LULW MaldChamp MaN OkayChamp Okayga PagChomp peepoPog PepegaHands PepoThink Pog PogU PogYou SadChamp SillyChamp WeirdChamp WideHard widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyEZ sneakyGrip sneakyGrip skyfy1693 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! nadedChoke nadedChoke nadedChoke @C9Sneaky why nimbus cloak instead of something else? sneakyGrip sneakyGrip Hi daddy VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe PogU kelw !followage Bass1 hey dad do you think ezreal mid would work Bass1 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 3 weeks Sneaky are you going to dignitas?? AYAYAWeird daft punk why are there so many champ emotes SillyChamp needs more lo-fi, music to study/relax to @decitheadventurer bruh give me the balls HALT BETTY HALT BETTY I hate the FPS bug. i like windowed mode.. but cant play league unless fullscreen now getting balls? you taking fleet? @duck_no_kaa D: @decitheadventurer you’re new, aunt ya JHIN ❤️ HEAL KEKW Are they saying "you eat balls" in this? xD yea PepegaShake @HevyArms the movespeed from summoner spells is pretty nicew for escaping nadedDance1 nadedDance1 nadedDance1 nadedDance1 this song is nice. what's it called? 338 hours Pog is blood moon your favorite jhin skin? @RavageRose wait the fps bug only happens on windowed mode? there in the walllsssss Veigar is in FFXIV? d2 balls boxMONKERS boxMONKERS boxMONKERS !playlist Doot doot Whats your most played game on steam? @CaptainFalliner yup boxBob boxBob boxBob boxBob boxBob sssneaky !followage RobbyDoughnuts music name? Que grande sos sneakyy tyler1B1 tyler1C tyler1B2 robbydoughnuts has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 3 months, 4 days Hi sneaky have you ever played in bronze? it's scrubnoob @C9Sneaky It's still the Windows Desktop Manager fucking things up, since it considers the caputre card another output source and that is likely capped below 144. So if league is not fullscreen WDM applies to the main screen as it trys to vsync the video capture. Nothign can be done about it :( music name cards against humanity, lets go sneaky im coming over UNLEASHED SHADOWDOGS hi chat and hi Sneaks PepoArrive as sneaky just said, something to do with the capture card data in game AngelThump widepeepoSad BibleThump PepeHands AngelThump PepeHands BibleThump widepeepoSad Jack @decitheadventurer ezreal mid is amazing, and isn’t a new option. Recommend it for solo queue 🤙 AngelThump AngelThump its the flute version I hope BibleThump AngelThump scrubnoob is rengar widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands time for scrubnoob to camp you KEKW sanchGaga sanchGaga sanchGaga PepeHands AngelThump The flute is coming RIP JACK PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Jack AngelThump PepeHands DONT LET GO JACK PepeHands widepeepoSad PepeHands PepeHands SCRUBNOOB SPECIAL BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump YES widepoopoSad PepegaHands @Tekn0Afr0 thanks. I almost forgot about its change widepeepoSad PepeHands BibleThump NotLikeThis+BibleThump get out the map cover :) F Jack WutFace @C9Sneaky im an adc main currently Gold 1.. im the best player in the game everytime and no one can stop me. how am i losing? PepeHands pepeLaugh sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels widepeepoSad best version PepegaHands chat i love you widepeepoSad BibleThump PepeLaugh BibleThump hey youtube not like this widepeepoSad PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands widepeepoSad sad pepeLaugh BibleThump BibleThump !followage pepejammer it's scrubnoob sneaky, my favorite streamer lmfao widepeepoSad AngelThump best version AngelThump PepegaHands My_Dog_Bud has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 6 months, 1 week, 4 days widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepegaHands AngelThump LUL widepeepoSad yessss sneakyJack sneakyJack sneakyJack sneakyJack ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ill never forget you, jack scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobEz scrubnoobEz widepeepoSad widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad jack pls AngelThump AngelThump AngelThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump rip my ears widepeepoSad Such beautiful BibleThump LUL BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump To battle with this! >:3 i love this video is also fantastic JACK NO widepeepoSad why so sad widepeepoSad why so sad widepeepoSad why so sad widepeepoSad why so sad widepeepoSad why so sad WutFace WutFace sneakyWut widepeepoSad don le go Jaques !followage JACK PLEASE :( sneakyNLT sneakyNLT sneakyNLT sneakyNLT sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels he won last game? PepegaHands watch for late invade NotLikeThis WutFace NotLikeThis jack is still alive, he will unfrost and become the next captain america! Sven widepeepoSad sneakyWut PepegaHands this flute is played by my butt , np guys widepeepoSad JACK CAN'T SWIM KEKW widepeepoSad JACK widepeepoSad BibleThump sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels @FFBruno12 no BibleThump BibleThump mizkifCozy mizkifCozy rose pls, theres enuf room for both of us, jack no PepeHands Favorite jhin skin? this is the song i played when NA got eliminated in group stages widepeepoSad sneakyFeels What is this banger?? widepeepoSad AngelThump best AngelThump version AngelThump WutFace evergr5Cri evergr5Cri evergr5Cri evergr5Cri who plays maokai? cirLaugh monkaW jackpls widepeepoSad widepeepoSad do you like as i lay dying? widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Weirdjackchamp PepeHands JAAAAAAACK PepeHands Not again NotLikeThis mizkifSleeper mizkifSleeper mizkifSleeper mizkifSleeper mizkifSleeper boomers cirHi this is great lol sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels PepegaHands Clap Rip Jack - Meteos - Hai - Balls - Lemonation - Snacky BibleThump :'( PepeHands WTF STOP PepeHAnds nice song cd widepeepoSad widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump LOUDER WRAP IT UP JACK WeirdChamp PepeHands i remember playing this in elementary school for practice widepeepoSad moon2PH moon2PH moon2PH widepeepoSad ashkaeZzz ashkaeZzz ashkaeZzz sneakyFeels sneakyClap sneakyJack widepeepoSad PepegaHands AngelThump I remember the last time I made love to my ex wife. This song was on repeat scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup OMEGALUL NotLikeThis widepeepoSad MEMEOS PepeHands widepeepoSad rose pls make room widepeepoSad PepegaHands 7 widepeepoSad God tier music are stream snipers an issue in LOL? Clap shipHANDS shipHANDS shipHANDS shipHANDS Clap Clap widepeepoSad LETS GO Clap PogChamp 👏 Clap Clap widepeepoSad WutFace widepeepoSad Clap Clap Clap mizkifFeelsBadMan mizkifFeelsBadMan mizkifFeelsBadMan mizkifFeelsBadMan someone getting their cheeks clapped widepeepoSad @C9Sneaky Did you know you have 420k mastery on jhin? sneakyFeels sneakyClap sneakyJack BibleThump widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP PepegaHands jack! widepeepoSad :( wideweepoSad Clap let's go LETS GOOO Weirdga Clap Clap Clap Lynn is ruining the sad song widepeepoSad sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo widepeepoSad LOUDERRR HYPERCLAP And last for a lifetimeeeee widdPeepoSad the guy who put some fire in the amazon died in this movie Pepega widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad NO ??? gachiBASS ah shut lynn up. we r having our moment here BibleThump Kreygasm N OMEGALUL Kreygasm widepeepoSad widepeepoSad SadChamp My Feels NO NO SNEAKY DONT GO widepeepoSad Kreygasm Moderators Advogg Esther_lynn Jarvis_mcgee Nightbot Ravagerose Snipinghobo Kreygasm Lynn stop clapping I'm crying here widepeepoSad gachiBASS AH @C9Sneaky hi sneaky, big fan, can you teach me how to play this game in under 60 seconds? widepeepoSad Clap qtpHAHAA widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Kreygasm XD widepeepoSad wtf JACK! widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP KEKW KEKW PepegaAim widepeepoSad Clap gachiHYPER AHHH Kreygasm Kreygasm We'll stay foreeeever this wayyy yand you are heree innnnn my heart widepeepoSad Clap even lynn is clapping lol if i google sneaky gf it finds me automatically her twitter we heard skin slapping against skin at least AngelThump widepeepoSad Clap LYNN monkaW JACK WE MISS YOU widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Lynn Shutup plox #notmyc9 @banned_account_the_7th_ LEAVE MY NAME OUT OF THIS! widepeepoSad Clap succ PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap AngelThump PepegaHands Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad We'll stay foreeeever this wayyy yand you are heree innnnn my heart and my heart goes onnnn BibleThump widepeepoSad Clap I need this song @RavageRose give it up then widepeepoSad Not my c9 widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP widepeepoHappy Clap AngelThump ONCE MOREEEE sneakyFeels sneakyClap sneakyC9 LUL this song no my name is awesome! I NEED WHAT Pog Thresh widepeepoSad !duo KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW AchillesHealNA KEKW Pog sneaky so mad oathShrug widepeepoSad Clap ALCOVE ACTION Pog LOL widepeepoSad Clap alcove widepeepoHappy gg LUL flash into alcove x3 PogYou KEKW widepeepoSad Clap sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyFeels sneakyNLT I bklame the song alcove playes pogu the almost alcove play Pog KEKW worth widepeepoSad alcove mechanics POGGERS Destroy Dick December in 1 minute PogU @RavageRose savage woulda been better not worth Ggs Not worth monkaX HERE IT COMES AngelThump BEST PART AngelThump TURN IT UP life is tragedy Here comes WutFace AngelThump widepeepoSad the saddest part is coming up widepeepoSad JACK LOL THIS SONG IS N EMPOWERMENT widepeepoSad only boomers type "xD" lmao FailFish AAAAAAAA PepeHands AngleThump PepegaHands Clap Sick alcove players gachiHYPER I HEAR IT widepeepoSad widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap WutFace NOOOO widepeepoSad AngelThump AngelThump SadChamp peepoSad could have been worse :) widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP PepoDance PepeHansd KEKW KEKW AngelThump widepeeposad widepeepoSad Clap NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis AngelThump xD widepeepoSad WutFace widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap WutFace widepeepoHappy JACK WHY widepeepoSad Clap WutFace BibleThump widepeepoSad JESUS PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad Clap PepegaHands HYPERCLAP AngelThump WutFace peepoLeave WutFace widepeepoSad WeirdChamp NotLikeThis WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace JACK WHYYYYYYY WutFace HIGHER widepeepoSad HOLD ME CHAT widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Pls stop widepeepoSad AngelThump widepeepoSad Clap WutFace lol sneakyFeels sneakyClap sneakyJack LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad TURN IT OFF Nah, my name means "To destroy something beautiful", an yes the quote from fight club NotLikeThis BibleThump KEKW KEKW KEKW so sad ur w widepeepoSad widepeepoSad gachiHYPER I HEAR IT gachiHYPER I HEAR IT gachiHYPER I HEAR IT gachiHYPER I HEAR IT gachiHYPER I HEAR IT widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap widepeepoSad !playlist Doot doot WutFace WutFace WutFace widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Clap so sad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad LUL NOOOOOOOOO LUL widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Beautiful BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump LOUDER AngelThump FF widepeeopSad HYPERCLAP LOL BRUH I'M REALLY CRYING HERE widepeepoSad sneakyJack sneakyJack sneakyJack sneakyJack sneakyJack scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup STOP IT SNEAKY KEKW KEKW widepeepoSad F widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad Ravage - to destroy, Rose - something beautiful FeelsGoodMan Clap Louder WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace it's the song widepeepoSad AngelThump WutFace STOP LUL LUL LUL LUL widepeepoHappy Clap JACK PLEASE LET GO WutFace widepeepoSad Clap PepegaHands oh my got WutFace WutFace widepeepoSad I have never felt so blessed in my LIFE ITS SO SAD widepeepoSad LULW F widepeepoSad t_ WutFace BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump Sneaky im crying call me widepeepoSad please NotLikeThis AngelThump SENEAKY NO MORE PLS KEKW widepeepoSad Clap @RavageRose so its not really YOUR name is it WutFace widepeepoSad Perfect sonó for this para :3 LUL :D so funny widepeepoSad Clap I feel Like a Rose Derp widepeepoSad Clap . THE ALL MIGHTY JHIN FeelsGoodMan Clap PepegaHands oh my god imagine flashing against rengo scrubnoobPisslow scrubnoobPisslow scrubnoobFinger widepeepoSad Clap chat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad wineTime Sneaky please dont leave us ITS SO SAD widepeepoSad TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere TableHere widepeepoHappy Clap widepeepoSad turn this off WutFace :( There was room for 2 widepeepoSad 🔫 widePeepoSad Clap I CANT Xd NotLikeThis NotLikeThis !time Literal cringe December 1st 2019, 12:00:24 am PST GMT-08:00 GO AWAY JACK WutFace im crying chat widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad NotLikeThis WutFace BibleThump NotLikeThis PagChomp widepeepoSad Im crying please call me This song is cursing your team pls widepeepoSad after No Nut November is Donut December Who is thresh? pls next song this is ear rape finally good music not slipknot shit we played that song every morning super loud at a festival. camp neighbours hated us pepeLaugh widepeepoSad actually it is widepeepoSad widepeepoSad KS LUL :D THANK GOD ITS DONE monkaW RILEY REID JOI PMV: TITANIC EDITION monkaW gachiHYPER uh monkaW pepeD monkaW WutFace monkaW WutFace pepeJAM monkaW pepeJAM monkaW monkaW PepegaPls monkaW WutFace winion monkaW WutFace WutFace WutFace WHAT monkaW ppHop PepegaPls PepegaPls sneaky wtf is going on back there I use this song when i dance at the strip club monkaW LYNN? monkaW PepePls pepeJAM Goodbye Sneaky BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump pepeJAM monkaW monkaW pepeDance monkaW pepeJAM jesus I thought that was coming from my end. PepoDance pepeJAMMER SENEAKY NO MORE PLS KEKW pepeJAM PepePls pepeD pepeD pepeJAM MONKAW pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls MonkaW pepeD LYNN DED monkaW !song pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeJAM pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls What song is this pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls this song is too upbeat, im still morning D: pepeD pepeD pepeD DDD IS HERE pepeD pepeJAM XD pepeD TIMING Pog PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPlsPepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls parov stelar all night 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 widepeepoSad KEKW PepegaShake KEKW KEKW KEKW Pog timing ok...………... PepoDance pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls TIMING KEKW PepePls PepePls PepePls pepeD titanic 2021 PepegaShake pepeD El sonidito PepoDance !song JACK! widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP KEKW I'll never let go jack i promise widepeepoSad KEKW LULW pepeD "pepeD" in the chat boyz ratirlFlower A flower for chat ratirlFlower Pepega LUL LuL LULW Damn he read you there pepeD kekw pepeD KEKW KEKW pepeD pepeJAMMER pepeD pepeJAM pepeD The HOLD PogU PepePls !song KEKW pepeD What SONG IS THIS sneakySpook PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls !np pepeD pepeD Jacktanic 2021 HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys song is parov stelar - all night rip wave pepeD pepeD !! laubali herif Pepega pepeD Pepega pepeD Pepega pepeD Pepega pepeD Pepega pepeD pepeD !song pepeD pepeD pepeD more... BLADES!!!!!!!!!!!! pepeD pepeD pepeD cs LUL THE MOVES THE DODGE PepegaPls pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD ´pepeD pepeD scrubnoob @MelancholySeas ty PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 3 doran blade? pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaShake LUL oof rip Bird lantern KEKW pepeD feedfest LUL pepeD pepeD so sad @c9sneaky I had a dream you joined the greatest team in the LCS: team Nicolas Paul KEKW pepeD pepeD fuck it's already December DDD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls SHHH pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD D: IT'S TIME gachiHYPER ff15 go next pepeD DDD HandsUp PepegaPls PepegaHands Pepega parov stellar all night PepegaPls holy shit this song is terrible 25 farm at 6 minutes WidePeepoSad type 1 if u nutted atleast 30 times during november HandsUp I BELIEVE final fantasy 15? FUCK it’s December???? I have 5 days till I have to return this book :( :( :( PogChamp LULW LUL SNEAKY IN LANE LUl widepeepoSad 2 because 60 times widepeepoSad LuL pepeLaugh kekekekekekw gg TRASHED LUL sneaky in lane KEKW SadChamp Who is that pyke omg LUL yes @Spookydx haha funny meme! These games are a yieks tbh FeelsWeirdMan no hes a cheater :( anivia???? NICE GANK JUNGLER LUL NEXT! @VandesGrants YOOOOOOOOOOOO TriHard 7 SNEAKYTILT gg 15 gg ?????? oh no no pepeL jesus this game is so doomed OMEGASLUL KEKW open mid INCOMING anivia op gg @C9Sneaky did you finish RDR2? PepegaHands FF widepeepoSad tilting games :( ff 15 PepegaPls gg ff Pepega game Welp this is looking like an ff WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace diamond is too good. pepeD Such a troll game lmao LULW looooool Doublelift YT music LULW ff at 15 KEKW LuL pepeD KEKW LMAO damnit. I love this song WOW Pog monkaW Pog LUL PogU KEKW Pog Pog@ goodbyy dad Pog don't start IM FIGHTIN for my FKN life! LULW monkaW monkaW PauseChamp peepoArrive feels adc man rip Pog adc KEKW Fr 15 Rip 30 cs LUL LOOK CHAT AGAIN @C9Sneaky gachiW SAME pepeD !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds gachiHYPER ME TOO WutFace dont youd are pepeJAM gachiBASS stop looking at chat mr ruchelski headBang SO CLOSE gachiW DGD headBang protest the hero gachiGASM dorans seller DansGame two doran blades is good DansGame you dont sell Dorans Pyke so broken not dgd headBang haHAA 🤘 pepeJAM zachary you playing GRAY SIMULATOR again?? protest :D NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU NOT DGD PogU gachiBASS It be like this sometimes :( this game is a fucking fiesta @C9Sneaky why not sell pot? dblade is worth a pot mmhmm spicy ass game hard season for adc again =/ protest the hero, sequioa throne headBang scrubnoob special KEKW Mao my guy Garbage ass music. Goodbye chat gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 @c9sneaky love you, thanks for streaming here for us <3 KEKW 3v1 and he gets a kill LUL peepoLeave no one will ever love you @vjaake sneakyH is this pentakill song? ye KEKW ??? KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW cirSlain KEKW haha nuked KEKW awwww ff KEKW KEKW flash PepeHands this is a fun game KEKW KEKW NA FLASH KEKW KEKW NA ADC TALENT KEKW have u listened to new falling in reverse @C9Sneaky Jakakakajj ok chat its been fun. but i must sleep. 3am and work at 9 lol. have fun banditsshadow subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey snak, I like to meme here but I genuinely hope to see you in LCS again someday. You're my inspiration as an ADC. Will we hear about your plan sometime soon? o could we turn down the lame metal? Why didnt u blind w PauseChamp @ravagerose ✌️ LULW @RavageRose I wish you luck LUL nice hook KEKW monkaW Baog KEKW XD Shit LUL kekw AHAHAH this is kinda aids That sucks maybe c9 was right Nice dodge but it didn't mater FeelsBadMan Pog JUKES ratirlWot ratirlWot league of legends baby KEKW xqcE_TK KEKW KEKW NA KEKW KEKW when you side step so much you might as well just get it scrubnoob special Baog ka Sneaky NIGHTMARE adc in 2019 lmao Pog it's one of those games how can he miss hook from 1 cm 마지막 오전 이키치 THIS HURTS ME LuL adc is too strong, needs nerf @C9Sneaky ScrubNoob Treatment Baog fuckin protest the hero is the greatest band ever BaogBaog is he inting? C9 they are slapping you with the big d spicy game Scrubnoob camping you everygame C9? nah L9 baby 2020 world champion c9 ? Pog ff both ADCs lesws than 50cs 10m in Sneaky join LCK xqcGob conq cass BrokeBack nice chagne riot Scrubnoob Things caaaaaaaaancer scrubnoobHandsup scrubnoobHandsup just dodge LULW PixelBob monkaHmm My power went out :( monkaS 바보 암캐바보 암캐 소년 AYAYA scrubnoob jeeez dude ? AYAYA AYAYA ALL 5 Camping Bot LUL Looking like a go next @c9sneaky love you, thanks for streaming here for us <3 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA PunchTrees AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA @yusufaydin000 gosuGasp @SDMPunk my b protest the pog LULW AYAYAAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA KEKW lmao CAMPING BOT KEKW AYAYA ??? LUL > scrub KEKW 3/12 KEKW KEKWKEKWKEKW KEKW is ok sneaky get down mr president WORTH THE CHICKEN? KEKW pepeLaugh headBang POGSLIDE headBang @relayable former u idiot dam 3/12 :o MaN Sneaky i love u but diamond kinda smurfed KEKW actually worth pepeLaugh 👉 3/12/3 AYAYAWeird pepeLaugh TeaTime ⏩ vod friends peepoArrive this is not good nice maybe no win KEKW DJ YASSIN rango hella scary balanced maybe no lp ????? nice to know my shit 3-11 matches arent that bad, sorry not trying to try talk crap but nice to see even pros go through this pain sometimes but friend 3/20 DO IT Pog No cass ban KEKW peepoLeave Damn pyke is strong monkaS !jonny It's spelled !johnny, you scrub. DJ FEED KEKW SCRUBNOOB RENGAR pyke is such a braindead champ lmao This game PepeLaugh RenGod peepoLeave Rengar and Ocean monkaS @PoonOfChaos *fomre Yoinks Is this reportable? m0xyLaugh come hard That Anivia fucked up so bad holy shit Tough games tonight. Pepega KEKW @PoonOfChaos *former KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW EU AIM LULW KEKW widepeepoSad KEKW KEKW KEKW AIM excellent ult LuL ???????? going for the 4/20 power spike i see @C9Sneaky i am Gold 3 and i offer coaching if u need , ill give u a discount KEKW NA R KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaAim R KEKW Winnable PauseChamp AIM LUL NA Sniper MISS EVERYTHING KEKW better JG win TILTED KEK LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW I wonder what sneaky's record for highest number of deaths in one game is Amercian sniper KEKW ? KEKW 3/13 so tilted xd KEKW PepegaAim OMEGALUL PepegaAim dekarRengo dekarPixel EU AIM KEKW LMFAO KEKW UR DOGSHT LUL KEKW KEKW boosted @10BuckRat KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW XD DMG KEKW KEKW KEKW lol ? LOL very balanced LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAOOO 0 DMG KEKW LUL HOLY LOL LOL no dmg LUL KEKW WTF is that healing PepegaAim LUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh TeaTime ⏩ vod friends pepeLaugh TeaTime ⏩ vod friends pepeLaugh TeaTime ⏩ vod friends LOL DAMAGE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKKW KEKw SadChamp INTING AND LAUGHING 4Head AHHHHHHHHHHH LUL LUL LUL LuL LUL LuL LUL WAT KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW boosted @C9Sneaky healing her KEKW 3-13 the haling r real :D ADC S10 OMEGALUL This is why you got kicked KEKW wtf LUL imagine autoing to heal the enemy @C9Sneaky :) AAAA LULW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Pepega D: D: KEKW Tyhat's a fast snake lol Gold 4 Pog sick penta BigBrother BigBrother BigBrother D: LUL MOE TOO STRONG KEKW D: LAKSDKFKKL Snake slut PENTAAA PogChamp :D m0xyKek m0xyKek m0xyKek @C9Sneaky i am Gold 3 and i offer coaching if u need , ill give u a discount. cirD LET IT FLOW BigBrother KEKW KEKW KEKW :) LUL ever since getting dropped Oh shofuSnitch D: NEGATIVE DAMAGE KEKW haHAA mommy haHAA he said something negative or bad haHAA D: haHAA i must spam D: in twitch chat because it offends me haHAA D: haHAA 24 death bot lane KEKW KEKW LUL well damn kk total BigBrother WINNABLE 1234 dmg Hard to watch BibleThump just end it BibleThump 3/13 OMEGALUL pokemon time cirComfy :D HOLYMOLY i went to the bathroom at 1/1 :) tilted? what have u become Ff @C9Sneaky i am Gold 3 and i offer coaching if u need , ill give u a discount She actually healed from your damage 3/20 POGGERS pepeLaugh 👉 3/13/3 Questionable kda there Snacky just permaban cassio i see now... jhin spotting PepeLaugh @C9Sneaky be careful you seem to be falling into imaqtpies insanity Maokai gave up PepeHands 3/13 whtf happened what a surprise sksjskdk who you lovedddd BigBrother HE HAS TAUGHT YOU WELL inting on stream pog sneakydomo how many times are you gonna say that? pepeLaugh TeaTime YOINKS OMEGALUL 3/13/3 wym u got dem chickens Kappa 4/24 bot 4/24 botlane monkaS and this time im proudddddddd pepeLaugh 👉 3/13/3 3/13 Pepega inting... sneaky your getting banned widepeepoSad CS all these songs make me feel like a teenager again i lve it 76 cs KEKW Pog level 9 pepeLaugh 👉 3/13/3 I see why you’re retired now Kapp THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO PRO PLAYERS OMEGALUL Second and sebring PogChamp wtf happened this game 3/13 LULW Pog KEKW MajorBidoof subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! New sub badges? Pog Also dad what's with buying so many dorans blades again? KEKW monkaW WHERE U GOIN 4Head KEKW KEKW LULW LULW KEKW LUL KEKw lmfaooo KEKW lolol monkaW PEPEGA FeelsBadMan POGGERS pepeLaugh TeaTime pepeLaugh TeaTime pepeLaugh 👉 3/14/3 of mice and men op KEKW @C9Sneaky i am Gold 3 and i offer coaching if u need , ill give u a discount KEKW NUMBER 14 Pepega KEKW GETTING BULLIED FeelsBadMan 0.69 KEKW widepeepoSad let Jhin farm hey watch this xd !elo pepeLaugh 👉 3/14/3 inc pepeLaugh wineTime GET 20 DEATHS This is like all my games this season C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 581 LP pyke no mana BigBrother @C9Sneaky everyone has "one of those games" LIKE METEOS widepeepoSad gg feed rengar LULW 3/14 powerspike anivia ending the game solo u NotSoEZ HYPERCLAP widepeepoSad BibleThump bullies N OMEGALUL sivolcrad gifted a Tier 1 sub to ScrubNoob! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! poor rengar trying so hard to prove himself on stream.. pathetic sivolcrad is paying forward the Gift they got from WarmDonuts to ScrubNoob! 3/20 @alt_red 1 man slam weirdchamp vote no FeelsOkayMan @C9Sneaky you wore that shirt yesterday!!!!! widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad widepeepoSad winnable cant leave base FeelsBadMan one team just stomps on the others chest So yep that about sums up adc vs fed rengar experience @ras6 what.... what is this game PepeHands @ScrubNoob xd @ras6 whats he trying to prove lmao GLAD TEAM DIDNT FF @15 LUL Close game this is what you get for selling d blade EU AIM LULW no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage OMEGALUL pepeLaugh 👉 3/15/3 inc winnable xd who ff's at this point??? pepeLaugh TeaTime @Paradox3750 i have no friends farm for late press no KEKW lmao what do you think........ TriHard AY ff pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 15death power spike soon PogU @ScrubNoob LUL WINNABLE TriHard Clap nice death participation sneaky you got this Kapp more bushes for rengo LUL winnable! 3/15 inc monkaW TriHard 7 TriHard RENGAR Here comes rengar C9 diamond? IT's not over until it's over pepeLaugh !SONG ?? just ff?? WeirdChamp song name ? No rengo or cass ban KEKW HOW IS THIS WINNABLE KEKW @omgitzsimon is he gonna lose an assist? KEKW HYPERBRUH CHAT winnable hamzOMEGALUL hamzOMEGALUL hamzOMEGALUL hamzOMEGALUL @SnipingHobo ur always on point TriHard i respect it pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 lol HYPERBRUH moe is a bitch Wait is scrubnoob on chat? HYPERBRUH 82cs idk song name. but it's of mice and men @WintersWard rooLick nap @SnipingHobo whenever TriHard needs to be typed u always type it peepoArrive Sneaky goin Diamond this year, BELIEVE IT! @TheTrueDBomb nice tower diving on stream.. lmao PepeHands peepoArrive winnable KEKW ofc he is lol he's ghosting pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 PepeHands widepeepoHappy PepeHands PepeHands @C9Sneaky I feel like every time you duo Achilles you end up with 20 people bot 24/7 Such a great band PepeHands PepegaHands PepeHands 82 CS 22 mins in KEKW farm @captainfalliner damn dude i just got here what happened 20 deaths powerspike monkaW f 3-14 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 :( pyke has like x2 your gold FeelsBadMan That pyke is carrying so hard LOL adc is fun LUL monkaW Pog LULW Pog PogU ive seen bronzes farming better LUL widepeepoHappy TeaTime is that scrubnoob 2.0? Get fucked Pog Still ded LuL jesus christ KEKW KEKW gachiW TeaTime @captainfalliner no he got gifted a sub and then left rengar got outplayd lmao nooby dead in 5 sec LULW LOOK AT THE MOVES 3/15 KEKW Cass is beast mode TURBO INT KEKW KEKW its just scrubnoob @IndomitableDarius 3-15 BALANCED PepeHands KEKW KEKW lowkey sneaky is insane Kaisa WeirdCham KEKW PepeHands lordy... that was nice tho... pepeLaugh 👉 3/15/5 KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LETS GO 4/20 Pog NOT EVEN THAT KEKW EZ widepeepoHappy Clap 3/15 LULW @Paradox3750 if you @ his name he still appears.... KEKW KEKW CAN WE 3/20 KEKW KEKW KEKW GO 20 DEATHS hahhah KEKW NA solo q too hard monkaW insecure kaisa he got u on that one why is sneaky inting 4/20 Pog @loltyler1 stick to lcs KEKW KEKW maokai is angry FeelsBadMan Getting carried and he trashtalks KEKW Kicked out of lcs KEKW EZ Sounds like an Of Mice and Men music night. is there any german here ? Better top wins kappa @Kawaii_SanChan HE HAS GONE MAD BigBrother how do you not end a game with 51 kills in 23 mins KEKW 5/28 feels bad Adc so fun xD Stick to LCS, kid sneakyEZ KEKW SNEAKY FLAMING KEKW pepeLaugh it begins FeelsLitMan FeelsLitMan BigBrother LET IT FLOW KEKW FLAME ON BigBrother SNEAKY FLAMING KEKW SNEAKY FLAMING KEKW SNEAKY FLAMING KEKW KEKW TOXIC NICE FLAME NERD FLAME TEAM NA Challenger = Ethiopia Silver KEKW TRUE LET EM KNOW TriHard flame DRINK UR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK UR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK UR WATER CHAT oathDrink DRINK UR WATER CHAT oathDrink pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 FLAME HIM DarkMode TRUE KEKW BigBrother NOT DED Pog MAOKAI 78 CS KEKW True story DIDNT DIE TO RENGAR R PogU PepeS monkaSHAKE Pog got 1 minion HOW FAR SNEAKY HAS FALLEN OMEGALUL OMEGALUL flame him BigBrother BigBrother good give into your anger sneaky salty BibleThump SONG? Honestly not ff is troll not strong mental 15 deaths? wth happened HotPokket headbanger HotPokket KEKW 78 cs as maokai... even if autofill you can't farm that bad on a tank mao has a point there/ GA??????????AG????? Thresh KSING KEKW KEKW They are throwing kai'sa being babysat by scrubnoob winnable PogU THE COMEBACK LULW NA Challenger = Ethiopia Silver. ewe LUL LULW @rakib_t got camped the everlivign fuck out of him KEKW KEKW 4/20 dream PogChamp EZ actually i have more farm than you despite being at 15 deaths EZ feel stupid yet, maokai? EZ LULW PepeHands OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 3/16 4 MORE 4 MORE 4 MORE LULW BigBrother 3-16 !song winnable 3/20 OR BUST 3/16 PogU EZ actually i have more farm than you despite being at 15 deaths EZ feel stupid yet, maokai? EZ . NA Challenger = Ethiopia Silver.. pyke is broken gg :) PepegaPls @triggerserious my understandings - of mice and men LUL two of them just suicided just to kill a 3/16 jhin winnable Pog it's called trolling not "throwing" 3-20 perfect this is such a shitshow LUL pyke Pepega 5 CS per death lets go boys 4/20 the dream don't do that, don't give them hope We are so close to the magic number, do us proud @C9Sneaky zhonya PepegaPls up to 6 assists PogU why holding team hostage? :( Go for the legendary 4/20 Score PogU fuck around and cum back sneaky Weirdga 3/16 sneaky got farmed this game :( @captainfalliner god damn bruh quack LOL 6/30 botlane KEKW ANIVIA LULW 5 CS per death not bad @c9sneaky KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 LUL bm TOYED WITH LULW LMAO ROFL KEKW KEKW LOLOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL 4Head KEKW LMAO LULW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LOL LULW loool KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO NO KILL KEKW putting the n KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW inting hard KEKW LUL KEKW LULW lol LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW Winnabl... -FBI OPEN THE DOOR KEKW LIKE I SAID, that rengar trying so hard on stream LUL WTF THIS BITCH KEKW KEKW REDDIT POST INC BigBrother lol HAHAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW MAD SKILLS WTF what a douchenozzle IMMA MAKE A REDDIT POST BigBrother pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 Synapseeee H WANTED YOUR SOIL CAN WE HAVE 4/20 NOW KEKW TeaTime fuck this Rengar amazing LULW yes :) HEADSHOT LUL 4/20 scoreline plausible PogU yes He wanted that sweet jhin ass y'all mind if i smoke this crack? peepoArrive sees score peepoWTF 4/20 the dream rengar is pathetic KEKW KEKW @ras6 its scrubnoob, hes known for having a hate hardon for sneaky 3/16 GETTING RED KEKW Scramble Anivia egg peepoWTF HIT 20 DEATHS PogU 100 cs Pog xin zhao somehow lower lvl than you KEKW polishing 4/20 yes scwubnoob? you STILL think you deserve that red? Imortalcraft LUL this is season 10 team gets a lead, then the drags and its gg at 10 minutes PepeHands 100 Pog wait @c9sneaky you would have won I you took barrier and built 6 dorans blade 100 cs Pog 4/20 NOT AT 20 DEATHS peepoLeave Grats on 100 cs! Oh! no wonder, I was so confused lol 4/20 BlessRNG is this the sneaky drunk stream, a stream to rival the meteos drunk stream sneaky doesnt have his map covered again 25min 30 deaths KEKW lets aniva live to int die/ !delay rengar respawned time to run back into base this is starting to look like an imaqtpie or tyler1 game Winnable SNEAKY HAS LOST HIS MIND 4Head rengar coming LewLewOW subscribed with Twitch Prime. Pog Pog PagChomp Pog KEKW Pog Pog pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 LULW 4/20 Pog LULW monkaW KEKW only 4 more deaths Pog KEKW KEKW lol KEKW LULW LUL LUL LUL LULW 0.26 KEKW KEKW KEKW OMG KEKW KEKW KEKW 4/16 the dream XD GONE KEKW 4/20 DREAM KEKW 3 more 4/20 Pog KEKW oops 3 MORE Pog KEKW 0 KEKW Pog 4/20 IS PLAUSIBLE 4/20 Pog DO 4/20 Holy shit if Cassio played that better she could've actually lived it 3 MORE 3 MORE 3 MORE 3 MORE DEATHS 17 KEKW 3 more deaths chat XD 3 DEATHS LEFT KEKW KEKW KEKW fear monkaS 3 more Pls 4-20 cry 3 more PagChomp 4/20 the dream Pog this is literally a dejavu from last time scrubnoob did this 3 MORE LETS GO Pog 3 more deaths 3 DEATHS LEFT 0.26 KEKW 0.26 KEKW 0.26 KEKW 0.26 KEKW 0.26 KEKW 0.26 KEKW PYKE RENGAR AS JHIN get 4/20 WHOOOOOOO balanced pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 pepeLaugh TeaTime 🔔 3 MORE DEATHS OkayChamp scrubnoob treatment 4/20 INC Pog sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip OkayChamp vote no Pog ff PepeHands It's lost though IS THAT NOOBBEAST? HE IS TROLLING LUL LUL LUL @RagnorokX -> No Links! [warning] 60-28 KEKW is this a bots game This game is just tragedy LUL maokai still at 78 cs KEKW widepeepoHappy TeaTime BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump cosplaying as meteos now? cirThink 12.2 yas yo wtf is going on in this game OkayChamp worth the 7 day ban for inting pepeSmoke PogU 4/17 KEKW LULW You can win OMEGALUL I BELIEVE IN YOU KEKW zhonyas on their nexsus dekarSmiley OkayChamp 👍 reported BIG CELEBRATION WHEN 4/20 4Head this game is 26 minutes KEKW i don't think scrubnoob is such a cuck to stall the game just to kill you 3 more times XD u got this ez game 4/17 KEKW E TU rising 3 more death to get 20 death jhin powerspike BigBrother cmonBruh nazi number u were this close {--} quest complete KEKW that like 4, 22 times @C9Sneaky Pog 4-20 dead anyway LULW SNEAKY KEKW thresh quest PogChamp KEKW STILL KEKW KEKW KEKW 2 more KEKW Eipremjiere subscribed with Twitch Prime. LULW PepeLaugh LULW STILL DEAD KEKW STILL DIE KEKW baited KEKW NICE TECH KEKW LUL KEKW gottem STILL DEAD KEKW karma sruff KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW 2 more stil deleted KEKW meowcifer1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! lmao 4/18 zhonyas comes in clutch kekw no 4/20 SadChamp gg KEKW 2 MORE DEATHS 4/18 JHIN GAME KEKW scrubnoob really hate you huh LULW didnt one shot Pog widepeepoSad 4/20 finna smoke some crack :) KEKW NOOOO Holy shit that sucks 18 Is it actually ScrubNoob? GOOD SHIT BRO no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage gg game KEKW WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions ONLY 2 MORE DEATHS PepeHands zhonyas 18 death jhin BigBrother WE WERE THIS CLOSE bich OMEGALUL 93 kills game LULW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW 4/18 KEKW WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions Weirdga !duo AchillesHealNA no 4/20 BibleThump bg :( FeelsGoodMan @Knique yes lol OH MY sendludez subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! sneaky out of lane WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions WeirdChamp minions 4/18 KEKW E TU Almost This was a massacre KEKW That was fun got the zhonyas play though widepeepoHappy 4/18 LMAAO LULW stick to lcs close one I hate that scrub so close con razon te echan de c9 man, they hated you Get rid of duo anivia KEKW adc in season 8-10 KEKW SadS Riot games LUL @C9Sneaky will u make this your worst solo q game? is there anything you couldve done earlier inthe game or was it just doomed? i think he just hates you @C9Sneaky stick to lcs c- PogU Jjmn12 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months! monkaW @C9Sneaky you forgot to cover your map against scrubnoob again 4/0 in lane KEKW 4/18 out of lane KEKW ANIVIA BUILD KEKW Ok time for next game lol what song is this? C- PepeHands monkaW monkaW !songname that was an asspounding for the ages we wat red dead monkaW you murdered the mouse for a second close TriHard C- Pog 4/18 be @C9Sneaky LUL PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp we still love you bro :) This is why he;s unemployed PepeHands diamond hads your # all game 28k gold dif 20 mins Pog !songname !song will be rdr 2? duo with scrubnoob ! @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky nice gunners U MIGHT NEED A BREAK AFTER THAT ONE 4Head man fuck sneaky what happpened C- for 4-18 LULW xqcM youtube no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage no more duo BabyRage @TL_Stardust he lost his mind lmao RED DEAD NOW KKona 7 RED DEAD NOW KKona 7 RED DEAD NOW KKona 7 RED DEAD NOW KKona 7 RED DEAD NOW KKona 7 C- still passing hah forsenKek KEKW No finger player basically WeirdChamp widepeepoHappy scwubnewb KICK HIM BigBrother KICK HIM BigBrother Rip D+ D- D is the worst gachiHYPER D KEKW PogChamp PogChamp D+ The worst is a D you can get D U MIGHT NEED A BREAK AFTER THAT ONE LUL LUL LUL gachiBASS D LULW D+ is @C9Sneaky gachiBASS ive gotten the d before is this year the year of lourlo? D KEKW i've gotten a d before don't they both work toplane as well You can get a D widepeepoSad you can get Deez nutz KEKW How does one get a D?? OkayChamp rate the kaisa You can get D. but its SUPER FUCKING HARD @C9Sneaky homicidesan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! sneakyBoost D FOR DUMBASS LUL D+ Baby DatSheffy !music PepeHands F zo gachiBASS I HAVE u didnt int hard enough for the D :( @CaptainFalliner BigBrother i wonder how Passing Pog gachiHYPER KEKW KEKW yes u have GOTTEM KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 8 minutes 31 seconds go 2 /18 I guess haHAA Have you seen the D yet? GOTTEM gachiHYPER Ive gotten a D as udyr in ARAM I've gotten an F before I’ve been scammed by song request. :( i've gotten a D if i afk for a remake they didnt give you a D cause of your insane cs per minute KEKW i've seen plenty of D's KappaPride Variety time? LULW şarkı adını bilen GOT EM D- if ur afk its D- if you dc Run it down for the D PogChamp D+ DatSheffy I only got one because i got stuck in loading screen @Kawaii_SanChan and riot told me to fuck off and counted me as afk @C9Sneaky how many times did you get ganked? @C9Sneaky Love ya Sneakers widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky make a youtube video of that last game Kapp widepeepoSad 18 i still remember that 4/24 asol FeelsOkayMan triple digits POGGERs I love ez D sneaky getting elo boosted LULW LULW 18 times what this is music name? A shit ton KEKW Do what you did last game but with like 5 CS 18 NotSoEZ widepeepoSad owwie U HAVE BECOME A TRUE TWITCH ENTERTAINER BigBrother like 50 times acillees heelys @C9Sneaky 18 times @iKirvin he forgot to hide his jungle map against scrub LUL its dejavu from last time everyman322 will it be succesful? rengar ate you like 12 times KEKW I missed it :( How did that even happen It has to be 18 for the D Triple digit deaths possible? 18 KEKW lets do a vod review to see where we went wrong :) i think i went botlane more than i went midlane that game BibleThump @C9Sneaky double digit deaths? playing a garbage adc? 3 CS p/m @C9Sneaky you are LCS ready kid One death for every naked cowboy gachiBASS i cant remember the last time i went 18 deaths. must have been years you did get ganked a lot so who knows @C9Sneaky PLAY D3 IN QUE its still unlucky, i guess lmao Just blame team KEKW @C9Sneaky song?? :) 4/18 like me when i play adc BibleThump @DJ_Y4SSIN its the man PogChamp Jewbacca465 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 4 month streak! pog Hi sneaky!!! you handsomes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shipSIP ludens - bring me the horizon !time December 1st 2019, 12:27:30 am PST GMT-08:00 Trolled a streamer As soon as sneaky connected that was his mistake scurrySip Kreygasm my autofill adc games feel like this and then... sneaky went out of lane monkaW Song is Bring Me The Horizon - Ludens @C9Sneaky double digit deaths? playing a garbage adc? 3 CS p/m @C9Sneaky you are LCS ready kid pepeLaugh 🤪 !duo AchillesHealNA @C9Sneaky do you like new or older BMTH better? @c9sneaky dad??? Why did you go to the store and never came back BibleThump this is what c9 needs.... a adc that reviews his mistakes why did repeared not even try @ worlds @sneaky what monitor are u using I need one :l @SnipingHobo probably if he gives it a good clickbait title FBPass CrreamAwk FBBlock @C9Sneaky dh ezreal presence of mind cut down > muramana > tri > mortal reminder > youmuus broken af EXCUSES LULW EXCUSES LULW EXCUSES LULW pepeLaugh ah fuck lemme just run mid to dodge pyke hook LULW everyman322 what do you suggest? That was a spicy game pyke is fun champ :) pepeLaugh why'd you go away from tower? @C9Sneaky do you remember that event at the Microsoft store where like 6 people showed up? LUL @C9Sneaky Was he hiding in the alcove or something? that was a pretty Pepega dodge attempt OK KEKW bb Pog dirkplaystwoba subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 45 months, currently on a 45 month streak! holy fucking shit almost 4 years dad. Love you keep up the streams pepeLaugh !playlist Doot doot Pepega HYPERCLAP @DJ_Y4SSIN Sometimes that works! They expect you to run to turret. Kappa Quick reminder that pyke is a busted champ BloodTrail an appropriate fate for a jhin abuser LUL Hmmm to be a script or to not be a script peepoThink Pog PogU "Massive stomp! When everything goes terribly wrong!" v. 3 dorians and no fucking boots KEKW KEKW fun KEKW DEAD FOREVER LULW big yikers That pyke was insanely fed too such a big yikes from that champ dodged it PogU A hashinshin game dodge Pog sneaky you should be a girl youre sexy just saw some of your cosplay lcs tier gameplay :) This is how hashinshin got banned overextending pepeLaugh : ) @c9sneaky can u change your twitch and league nickname pls ? or u still in the c9 @c9sneaky LCS TIER ADC Pog sneaky death review KEKW 4Head don't feel so bad hashinshin goes 18 deaths a couple times a day @C9Sneaky can we review all deaths? OMEGALUL ) @Irvslera technically hes still in the org FeelsBadMan We all get one of those games once in a while LUL ANIVIA KEKW ANIVIA LOL @Kawaii_SanChan TRUE flash zonya LUL pyke is braindead champ @nva6880 TECHNICALLY BrokeBack anivia flash zhonya LUL Just dont feed LOL 4HEad anivia LUL I saw that time to smurf in low elo with friends and make content for yt just like bunnyfufu does Pog KEKW LUL OMEGALUL LUL We catched the highligt of the game, anivia flashing in and stopwatching KEKW @C9Sneaky It was worth it to see that flash stopwatch pose from anivia D: if that was gold game that for sure say report sneaky for inting @DJ_Y4SSIN KEKW You're still rocking c9 gear? show anivia again lol That was the Anivia play of the year flash zhonya T pose he was trying his best PepeHands FLAME HARDER BigBrother @dj_y4ssin !playlist Doot doot Anivia was just utilizing her passive to the max @banned_account_the_7th_ hey I'm not complaining if I get paid LUL what do you mean, didnt you see his amazing flash stopwatch? Atleast he tried PepeHands BigBrother WHAT ELSE you CUTE 4Weird SNEAKY I LOVE YOU! @TacticalGamer15 bro you can't blame him, the c9 merch is top tier that stopwatch was amazing 18 deaths UNLUCKY INDEED LUL LUL @dj_y4ssin thicccc KappaPride is c9 diamond a c9 player ? wena cabros chupenme el pene Wish u saw what happened mid with xin lvl 4 @CaptainFalliner Facts @dj_y4ssin u were trash flash this is my favorite pierce the veil song @DJ_Y4SSIN KEKW STOP PLAYING PepePls BibleThump pepeJAM @xxOrbits thats the academy support algun argentino en el chat? brooke15Weird @dj_y4ssin noon PepePls PepegaShake @xxOrbits for c9 I WILL FOLLOW YOUUU KEKW LULW yeah the key to anivia is utilizing your extra hp bar @xxOrbits acad supp Follow You - Bring Me The Horizon I deadass would date sneaky KEKW @TacticalGamer15 C9, TL and G2 merch are the best merch game out there, and fnatic is up there too imo @Kawaii_SanChan Kappa widepeepoSad !duo that chair plays better than sneaky AchillesHealNA @achilleshealna is c9 diamond on c9? And tehe queue pops monkaMega monkaS monkaW wena cabros chupenme el pene monkaS monkaMega @CaptainFalliner 100t is really good too monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW @viennalol ty monkaW monkaW PepeS press 1 for depressopm PepePls monkaX monkaW ? Bring me the horizon became a shitty poprock band FeelsBadMan monkaSHAKE @xxOrbits i just told you.// academy support PepeS 1 sneaky fell Pepehands monkaW PepeHands any TriHard s ? PepegaHands @c9sneaky do u usually play soloq until what hours? Calling police drinking soda at night cirD SwiftRage a Kap a Kap a Kap a Kap @CaptainFalliner what about Disney's Frozen? Is Aniva good right now? @C9Sneaky Clap PepegaHands @C9Sneaky DIABLO UNDERMINE !^^ MaN MaN Sky @everyman322 ???? no MaN MaN ? Right now @badfrazz yes. ty @Kawaii_SanChan yeah their first record was so good F MaN POKEMON peepoArrive oh no no no pepeLaugh start reading subs and donos itll pop play star wars jedi academy 100% DEATH STRANDING MaN ❗ @c9sneaky y u no play my song MaN Pog Wait really? LUL No Mans Sky KEKW hi :) hi :) hi :) @CaptainFalliner they sold so much merch for that one hi :) hi shit game fuck u hello :) wait whoa @C9Sneaky you play FFXIV? hi :) r u done its the sky of no man sneaky :) wow No mans LUL hello :) D: @C9Sneaky did yu ever finish resident evil? People still play this game? LUL THE SKY OF MEN NO man LULW N OMEGALUL MANS SKY @everyman322 im talking about esport merch though, Frozen is unrelated no man's game monkaW Okayga monkaS sneakyWut its a decent game now chat :) monkaS Huehuehuehuehue DansGame SO MANY MEN IN THE SKY no mans sky FeelsGoodMan IMAGINE PLAYING NO MANS SKY IN 2020 LUL LUL LUL dead game inc pepeLaugh Are you on league queue? Pepega @badfrazz do you know if kaisa was on tempo too its still a good game SNEAKY'S REALLY LOST HIS MIND LUL LULW PepeS I like that I dont have to buy any games cause I just watch Sneaky play them gachiHYPER cum ball Pog what gachiGASM planet cum sock monkaW LULW NO MANS SKY Weirdga no mans sky isnt even bad anymore, relax guys gachiW @TheChosenJosh he is :) gachiGASM gachiHYPER Lmao 5Head Sneaky is cute AYAYA Pepega ...Sneaky is cute AYAYA Pepega gachiBASS 5Head Ive never been gayer LUL u sound german KEKW ....Sneaky is cute AYAYA Pepega Clap Pepega yes its bad until they optimize it properly .....Sneaky is cute AYAYA Sneacky have girlfriend? Hey @c9sneaky I love you go deeper WHY THE FUCK YOU SO CUTE 4Weird ????????? ...Sneaky is cute AYAYA Is this Chode Vein? AYAYAWeird Pepega ? Oh shit haven’t played this game in years DEEPER gachiW AYAYAWeird monkaW ? @C9Sneaky luk why hasn't it loaded LULW to Earth quality gameplay PagChomp i saw my name PogChamp hi cutie PauseChamp ... That sounds like a furry planet Pepega 7 the initial load takes a while @C9Sneaky NO MAN'S SKY IS GOOD BTW 4Head going straight to planet ohfuckmeharder A-lot-of-fur Pog TriHard WEEBS OUT PauseChamp ... Sneaky is cute AYAYA Play in VR PogChamp WutFace AYAYA SNACKY CUTE what is this the ending credits to starwars or some shit Lmao that’s the game DatSheffy 7 shipAYAYA Clap FOV WutFace trunoomCry sneaky shit himself this game is good now EVEN THE CURSOR IS TRASH LUL LUL sumS fuck im baked what is this? me :) @Mranakhanske OMEGALUL KKomrade TriHard snickers bothered ??? KKona Pepega Clap Pepega one of us That's the name isnt? You little fruit cake put it up for daddy borders Pog @redtail0406 cmonBruh cmonBruh Pepega Did u call Pepega PepegaPls imagine having only 1080 p lol TRUMP PagChomp @CaptainFalliner windowed No man's sky stream PogU Im bordered watching this Kappa Pepega Clap monkaW 2020 Pepega this games settings menu is so fucking horrible 91 DansGame nice lag KEKW 91 FeelsWeirdMan HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT HES DOING LUL LUL ONLY 100K CREDITS OMEGALUL OMEGALUL @TheRealDonaldTrump PogU Minecraft peepoPog PepePls what game? nice game KEKW next slide pls gachiBASS peepoArrive @C9Sneaky go third person instead gachiBASS gachiW THIS GAME IS SO SHT LMFAO frozen BALLZ trunoomCry sneaky you could be a gorgeous trasngender woman you tucker up resumption gachiBASS LET ME MELT THAT it's in the menu What is this game ? uhh click C or X or some shit? dont remember yeah 3rd person is better Era de Wos this game is awesome, i played it too ^^ ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @C9Sneaky are you planning on rebranding ? sry if someone has asked this a million times already i heard this game is pretty good now Base building! no man's ResidentSleeper Cx CX Cx x under utilities @C9Sneaky Cx trunoomCry trunoomCry cx CX bUrself Cx no man's interested 4Head peepoLeave Cx TriHard Cx No man's sky in 2019 pepeLaugh MLK? Cx cx 😂 MLK Pog no mans sky? peepoLeave F ICE MADE U TriHard FU isn't this the biggest let down of a game? its there you have to go through the menu alt + f Pepega R U A ? monkaS f4 gachiHYPER op Pepega Clap CoolStoryBob peepoLeave HotPokket i like this game, colorful PENIS SETTINGS I O PENIS gachiHYPER WTF RU DOING LUL LUL gachiHYPER :tf: gachiGASM i heard it i c u p is sneaky still in c9 F5? @C9Sneaky when you press x its in the options [] its on settings :) im sure its one of the f keys sneaky its in the fucking menu monkaS do you go to all stars? ????????? ?? Press cute if AYAYA w or settings kimiS @wulfieisthebest when it first came out yeah, stillpretty shit but not as bad ????? Pepega 123656 PepegaPls keyboard simulator Q P O P PogU It's z do the tutorial Is this that walking game? whatchu mean watchu mean ?????? ALT F4 IS THE BUTTON x under utilities @C9Sneaky sir sneaky brain die after that last game? KEKW alt W KEKW 5Head Clap i just had a teemo do 120k damage to champs in a 40 min game what the actual fuck why dont i have twitch prime badge pepeLaugh :( Press G quality game commit_isekai subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! love you 100 thieves sneaky :) in q still? Why this game though? ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) @C9Sneaky Did you try banging colon over and over? monkaW quality gameplay there 11 wtf There Pog one man's lie KEKW KEKW there it is Pog peepoPog first try It's z did you finish death stranding? Pog pepeLaugh do we tell the dono Poig LEAKED 100T PogU no guy buy Grass simulator is more entertaining than this game WeirdChamp PepegaAim PogU WOW a feature that should have been default LULW @everyman322 i try but my GF always says no windowed mode WeirdChamp what game is he playing? PepegaAim pew pew pew pew E ah i see E Coke gaming what is this?! Shooting the rock is better than smoking it dono lacks critical information pepeLaugh PepegaAim pew pew poor man's SPORE KEKW poor man's SPORE KEKW poor man's SPORE KEKW GAME NAME IS NO MAN SKY D: in your exosuit Look is BD8 from Fallen Order, but the bootleg edition NO MANS sky ResidentSleeper NO MANS sky ResidentSleeper NO MANS sky ResidentSleeper NO MANS sky ResidentSleeper NO MANS sky ResidentSleeper No Man's Pie mmmmm teeteen subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 17 months! 17 months of fun, hope all is well He's playing No Man Sky @freedomfapper 0tek subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! hey snackey, otek here, ur number 1 fan. Any good shows or anime u would recommend giving a watch? f Sneaky the Astronaut Pog LULW @achilleshealna play pyke :) Favourite rock Pog !followage Mr Rock PagChomp Geodude Tyler1? schwallinger has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 9 months, 3 weeks Mr Rock Pog The Mandalorian no !followage IMAGINE asking sneaky for anime lmao Demon Slayer @C9Sneaky So what's the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? Demon Slayer Demon Slayer, Fire Force my butthole AYAYAWeird Boko No Pico Boku no Pico PogU Haikyu volleyball show slaps Sonic X Peaky Blinders daphYandere Arrow Boku no Pico favorite anime Demon Slayer The mandalorian @0tek for comedy, It's always sunny in philidephia is really good Pog mob psycho 100 boku no pico for sure Mosnter Musume DR. STONE DR STONE !follow Playing game made by con artist in 2019 KEKW Demon Slayer !followage sword art online is the best anime there is MR ROCK Boku no pico Dr.Stone Attack on Titans Demon Slayer, Fire Force THATS ME PogChamp Beastars Dr Stone Baguette !followage Bible Black matres has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 5 days PagChomp i like action based anime :0 Demon Slayer PogChamp Black Clover Weirdga no one gonna say vinland saga? go to sprite cranberry dot net konosuba Bible black WHAT GAME? That time i got Reincarnated as an slime ! ya have seen demon slayer vinland saga The Persona 4 Animation too good monkaOMEGA Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Chainsawman just play astroneer KEKW Attack on titan, demon slayer, fire force w overlord monkaW WHO ACTUALLY BUYS THAT C9 SHT LUL tobias1 tobias2 tobiasWAVE no POKEMON Kapp !followage !followage promised neverland direct from Earth? @C9Sneaky So whats the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? @C9Sneaky Mr. Zachary "Sneaky" Tyler Scuderi. Are you actually going to play this game young man? Boku No Pico has really good content. Storyline is the best. Its a must watch ayeeee updated no mans sky KEKW @PrunJuice im willing to argue it had to do with horrible crunch times sony set for them, as most people get fucked by in this industry ah yes all good animes. Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious !followage setro222 has been following C9Sneaky for 6 months, 1 day Pepega I'll give boku no pico a watch Watch Cowboy Bebop, hands down the best anime thanks @C9Sneaky So whats the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? check out the Euphoria anime :) @Diffindo one of my favs cowboy bebop gotcha nah Steins Gate is a good one I got shit internet so your stream is on 360p but luh you snacky @Ponguso Corporate apologist in 2019. KEKW Samurai Champloo @PrunJuice therefore they couldnt deliver on all the promises due to crunch from higher ups, dont partner with a big company as an indie one, it doesnt work out well except moneywise @C9Sneaky So whats the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? surprised to see u play no man's sky Sakurasou No Pet Kanajo tobiasGOOD tobiasUP peepoWTF nonotubes, son NANO TUBE ME PLS gachiW peepoWTF great teacher onizuka or monster dye-hydrogen, not D hydrogen die hydrogen* @C9Sneaky So whats the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? @PrunJuice im literally saying the corporations are bad and capitalism ruins art PepegaAim Locate deez pepeLaugh Evangelion is good too, Occultic Nine is a good mistery anime if you like that kind of genre HandsUp I SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp PepegaAim PepegaAim should have thought about playing a real game @C9Sneaky you can use the mining laser from a distance, don't have to be on top of things PepegaAim KKona Sshoot em @C9Sneaky Why do you always buy so many blades sir? why tf are you playig this game LUL @C9Sneaky cant mine things while standing on top of them 15 minutes wtf PepegaPls WTF SHOOTING ROCKS KEKW PepegaShake !time December 1st 2019, 12:42:45 am PST GMT-08:00 is that a bug The animation looks like a middle aged man watering a dog with a hose stop D: Maybe too close You could sit in this que for 20 minutes, or you could duo with me on your c9 Gun account =] @CaptainFalliner LMFAO KEKW @CaptainFalliner :) PepegaAim this game looks terrible MrDestructoid Clap PogU dee-hydrogen pepeLaugh its Die-hydrogen not Dee-hydrogen why does this game's hud look like the one destiny in* monkaMega WutFace pepeLaugh Sneaky playing NMS Pog cancelled KEKW Pog GRILL D e e D e e D e e HotPokket what are these fuckin q's LULW no mans scam :o summinnSalz NotLikeThis it actually looks like a shittier, which is surprising, a far more shittier version of the destiny inventory hud Why is NA league so dead LUL PepegaAim @C9Sneaky So whats the latest LCS news, Sneaky? Mixing it up in the sausage fest? PepegaAim gaping hole MiniK NO MaN's SKY ON RELEASE PepeLaugh Just play factorio at this point lol LUL @Cookies11 maybe because its like 3:44 am there 4HEad League players grew up LUL this isnt league WutFace this game is awful wtf cute cute cute cute ZOO TYCOON POG 69 temperature pepeLaugh LUL this game sux Un Sub, this guy dont even know the gender of each one of his fans by their screen name.... Borders don't exist, he got closed to it and just slided down with no hesitation this game doesnt sux Dig straight down Pog from mining rocks need iron @C9Sneaky the roks DatSauce i've been watching this game for like 30 seconds now and im already bored minecraft 18 min queue ResidentSleeper 210 raiders from NovelliLoL have joined! monkaW 👉 temp get back to your ship RAIDERS get the SPEARS @C9Sneaky GO TO SHIP damn this game would be actually decent if it had a decent UI widepeepoSad Pepega 📣 WOOOOO raiders WutFace PepegaAim protect the ship @C9Sneaky I love you snickers monkaW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls -61 yikes wtf is that queue peepoBlonket much better 20 min queue AYAYAWeird 20MIN WTF LUL what is this queue peepoBlonket 20 min queue peepoLeave NA be sleeping Pog @NovelliLoL Pog rip PogChamp 3:00 estimated pepeLaugh peepoArrive sanchBlanky rdr2 time PauseChamp RIOT SHIT 20 min q peepoLeave How are there trees at this coldness? KKona KKona remember when high elo always had 20+ min ques and it was normal? Can you play this game with friends ? @ chat ? 5Head queue for league when everyone is asleep What. He just summoned the fricking thing NA dead server it's not a suprise HeartlockLoL yes LMFAOOOOO THAT DONO LOOOOL D: D: D: wtf LMAO D: D: D: WeirdChamp DONO D: TOO FAR D: KEKW ouch D: TriHard MY MAN D: WTF D: PepeHands D: PepegaHands moon2BOO moon2BOO moon2BOO widepeepoSad D: D: OMEGALUL PepeHands ban him D: D: D: D: widepeepoSad @MightyWulfe they look to be coniferous trees D: Geez D: D: KEKW 4Head 4Head D: D: D: D: :) Jebaited thanks for free money EZ monkaW D: monkaW D: D: LOL D: widepeepoSad I LIKE THE NEW SNEAKY 4Head D: WTF D: D: qtpFEELS Jebaited Jebaited can you fly the ship to a different part of the planet or dose it land there and stays there till u leave? GOTTEM KEKW yoinked donation Jebaited :D cirComfy WHOA D: KEKW monkaW D: D: D: D: wtf sneaky D: Sick burn got em Jebaited Jebaited dono DESTROYED LULW Jebaited KEKW Jebaited AYAYAWeird XDDDDDDD what an asshole widepeepoSad Chat bullying Sneaky like jobless Rush widepeepoSad KEKWait Weirdga doodYelp i-i didn't think you had it in you sneaky... Weirdga @hotdogss Weirdga 7 @C9Sneaky Play CS:GO with Westrice Pog why u wanna make sniki sad AngelThump Leaked chat monkaS what is this mother fucking sneaky asss queue time AngelThump hey @JessieS23 Weirdga peepoLeave 21 min monkaS sniki so awesome @C9Sneaky Get some water in too bud ANgelThumb Weirdga wtf stupid game AngelThumb !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 30 minutes 35 seconds kzzt Pretty sure that was C9 Licorice that did that dono. @C9Sneaky re-que maybe PepoThink trunoomCry AngelThump ,... now im too late anyways RESTART Q Q IS BUGGED Squid4 maybeGun rap god @hotdogss peepoBlanket PepegaPls @Skullrunner Come on man.. we all know everyone in C9 wanted to fuck sneaky when is Q not bugged anyway Money Made Me Do It @JessieS23 peepoBlonket 22minute q lmao guys in high elo 30min queues are frequent lol GOTY leave this garbage planet first Sneaky the Builder! Can he do it? WHY THIS GUY IS THIS MUCH CUTE? xd chat, whats he playing ? 23min queue no mans game this is no mans sky @professional_lurker_420 lmao make a cuck shed is this fortnite No Mans Sky @sy6shots is this fortnight? No MaN 's sky Is thsi Fallout 76? FORTNITE Pog monkaW monkaW I see that bootleg BD8 is actually god blizz monkaS monkaW thanks guys Whoa what league update is this those 90s Pog is this fortnite? ojeteHi Blizzard LULW MrDestructoid 4House 4Head !points NA house 4House pOG widepeepoHappy 4House 4House Clap nice barn 4House nice dude 4House 4House Clap 4House POGGERS 4House Pog 1 block house 24 min queue ???? wtf ??? 4House Clap That looks cozy boxDerp 4House Clap is this FORTime? 4House Clap do some cool shit OkayChamp It's a house, but is it a home? @C9Sneaky 24 minute queue KEKW 4House Clap -100 monkaOMEGA DansGame DansGame SwiftRage q Pog DansGAme Pog Pog Pog POP DansGame Imagine being a homosexual Pog negative 100 C Pog POG kzzkktt No more league it @Gamer1998 WeirdChamp RighteousRaccoon11 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! I believe in you bro Lololollll kzzkktzz bUrself Cozy house time Pog POP POGSLIDE POP imagine being straight in 2019 KEKW oddoneOwo @Gamer1998 imagine being ignorant KEKW @Gamer1998 yes no being straight KEKW why is NA high elo so dead? cmonBruh cmonBruh make are people actually NOT gay in 2019? KEKW TriHard imagine being human KEKW Weirdga Chat peepoWTF peepoLeave ??? monkaW Being straight in 2019 PepeLaugh the meta is being bisexual peepoLeave peepoLeave Malding chat @NobuNobuNobuNobuNobu GOOD THING IM TriHard no you can't peepoArrive peepoPog NA que is long because only good players que peepoArrive peepoLeave chat weird af right now peepoLeave middle click @banned_account_the_7th_ HYPERBRUH no @NeonLytes honest monkaW whats he playing in q TriHard 7 imagine living on earth KEKW right peepoBlonket WideHard LUL build afire LUL peepoBlonket puppD brr Pepega peepoBlonket Clap once you place it you can't move it, but you can have as many bases as you want @C9Sneaky -100 monkaS peepoArrive peepoLeave put the things in your house 4HEad somehow 20c in that cuck shed whilst 100c outside LULW -100C KEKW that was the shittiest storm in history freezing monkaW peepoLeave u mom ferrite gottem Shaker Pog @C9Sneaky you can move the refiner into your 4House -100 monkaW cole on gachiBASS KEKW Just play no man skt baker? PogU monkaW lynn trunoomCry @Faker PogU monkaW Lynn is ded ban senna... @C9Sneaky do it again not banning shaco pepeLaugh @NoMansSkyDev Pog LULW ban nunu join skt We need a lynn scream emote @C9Sneaky peepoL wow ResidentSleeper pepeL pepeL wow riveting n3zmodWOW2k n3zmodWOW2k gameplay PagChomp Clap PepegaAim PauseChamp @hotdogss 4Weird ✋ you can pick up the computer dad @FarukYILDIZ PauseChamp 🖕 D: what the fuck am i watching ANALYSE lol when do you fight the evil aliens PepegaAim boxComfy KEKW It's actually just someone using a multitool hose to get materials WutFace pepeL 🖕 gachiHYPER are you gonna become a pro no mans sky player??? gachiGASM gachiW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER :) gachiHYPER gachiBASS :) ANALYZE gachiBASS Yes daddy gachiHYPER monkaW What do you think about conq ezreal right now? @C9Sneaky press F to analyze IS THIS GOD City skylines Pog Pog Poggers Developers making players finish their game for them KEKW WHAT, it's actually god's hose SMOrc faruk reis you will get very valueable coins for each stuff you analysed later @C9Sneaky SMOrc SMOrc Is this No man's? Rockxah what game is that? Bro you still have your cat shirt onnas league gachiHYPER i see it 3Head He’s a god monkaW gachiHYPER SMOrc UNDERSTAND make a penis hahaha snackiboi big rock monkaW Nice rock? shipTHINK he's actually making a penis Look at the top left corner for what game it is ;P Small pp jinx D: D: D: JINX GAME you boys got a nice rock goteem LUL kalista KALISTA KEKW Pick Kalista they say KEKW ezreal project Conq ez WidePeepoHappy KALISTA YOU PUSSY KEKW Kalista Pog noooo cowboy cowboy Vice Lucian cowboy plss PagChomp God chroma you will get very valueable coins for each stuff you analysed later @C9Sneaky but the cowboy one is so much better KKona PepegaPls KKona heal sadKEK KKona i wanna be a cowboy baby song requests sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw with F sneakyYeehaw i think F alt f4? Analyze tree stick it up your ass to analyze it gachiW Is barrier better than heal? Yes the tree is made of wood you can move the computer and refinery @C9Sneaky where did the "Castrate" go from your original name ? sneaky ya zeenk 3la b6nk do something cool in this game What are your favorite support champs to play with? instead of look at rocks it's not really worth scanning everything til you get the credits upgrade <3 !specs the trees has feelings Okayga PogU concept is cool but the game is weird Weirdga Pog how does people like rush get like 10 ping subnautica did scanning right, but in NMS its just a chore Is barrier better than heal? LavaHouse subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 14 months! shoot a smiley face make a smiley face. Kappa @FarukYILDIZ you're weird Weirdga TriHard @oVooDoo wtf?? LUL ALL THE HOMIES ROBBING BIKES TriHard @hotdogss no u Weirdga @ciassy rush ping is that low because hes in korea Is barrier better than heal?. OkayChamp chat who stole my bike? headBang TriHard me KKool wait they released project chroma for luc i had it on my porch a dike @CIassy South korea.. the internet providers there are godlike, the lowest ping i think is 8 @rufipufi cmonBruh :) TriKool Is barrier better than heal? :D :) 242 TriHard owww türkish music 3 why barrier? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky TriKool @ModsDontBanMePlease he hates his supports monkaX wtf he's taking barrier and nimbus cloak trash rap KEKW TriHard is this turkish??? Is this chinese? Hey sneaky flash tits trunoomCry the fuck is this WideHard i actually can't understand the fuck is he saying looool this is turkish rap sicck KKool @itsjustvalk oddonePat oddoneAYAYA olum noluyorlan noluyor ? ugly language 242 KURDISTAN NUMBER ONE @AcidicStorm trunoomCry WideHard Where my turkish brothers at? TriKool 🤝 ANELE here klauPat @AcidicStorm muh frames HERE chu TriHard @themini1 oddonePat Frame lag monkaW gucci gang TriKool ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PogU PogU NICE HOOK 2 4 2 : two four two turkish PogU Pog Pog dyrusRegi dyrusRegi dyrusRegi dyrusRegi KEKW Pog SPAM 1 if you are TURKISH BROTHER PagChomp Who is this god? godlike hook !SONG that flash was pretty troll by her PepegaPls !song Faruk sarkinin adi ne FLASHED IN STRAIGHT LINE Pog PepegaPls >altec has a a job sneks doesn't :( PepegaPls pprrrr NA MUSIC KEKW song atı 242 242 Pepega @iaverian 242 @imjonnyyy would have hit that LULW Kurdistan > Turkey oh i forgot my turkish brothers dont speak english haha flashing in a straight line vs thresh LUL 242 achilles is so hyper aggro 2? widepeepoSad 2? 😂 242 242 PepeHands @SmolAria the state of turkey Kappa .. 242 widepeepoHappy 2 DORANS WTFF 3 PagChomp ? saved widepeepoHappy pepeDance We can speak your language. Can you say the same mate? 3 blades but only 2 hands? PepoThink not poor widepeepoHappy lantern thresh 😡 bronze chat @Kawaii_SanChan Kapp what song is this? 3 dorans?? Ez widepeepoHappy 👉 🔪 🔪 🔪 peepoLeave bye Doran peepoArrive peepoArrive 3 DORANS PagChomp doran meta FeelsBadMan peepoBlonket drinking bourbon? !song 3 Dorinb's !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 44 minutes what was the change too Doran's chat? peepoArrive peepoHappy Dolan blade only 3 peepoLeave What's the deal with first back and picking up more d blades? Happened the past couple games now. gentle MaN Thripple D has been achieved monkaW az önceki şarkının adı neydi 3 times the D Pog ati 242 !song is this like a 3 year old vod? who stacks dorans in 2019 242 bu ne olm !playlist Doot doot ati 242 niye ati caliyor Song is Ati242 - 242 KURDISTAN > Turkey squilTHICC squilTHICC pepeD why is this trash rap still playin ARMENIA > TURKEY Where can I find his playlist? az önceki şarkının adı neydi biri atsın özelden Kurdistan is a country??? !followage pepeD 󠀀 pepeD hatoklol has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 6 months, 4 days @Aggierains Gold efficient build, gives good life steal for the early game to sustain in lane, can sell later for the gold efficiency part @Elichaaan no @c9sneaky can you combine the three to make a golden Dorans? pepeD dün birisi donate ile ezhel attı ordan devam ediyo heralde LUL bronze turkey Armenia is the greatest country in the world turkish song ? wtf who requested this 4Weird KEKW THAT HOOK asa akira Vampiric Scepter is too edgy and out of fashion Kappa pepeD pepeD When are you gunna show is the Kallista? !followage 4Weird skip keikoz980 has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 4 weeks, 1 day pepeD nisqy alıştırmış Kappa mayday ya mayday ya Trihard pepeD 󠀀 pepeD PepegaAim pepeD pepeD saved Okayga XD pepeD pepeJAM pepeD FeelsOkayMan Why 3 dorans pepeD pepeD !song pepeD pepeD pepeD !followage PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeD Bu da mi ati242? PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeD 󠀀 pobelter& sneaky are in the same position as gate, damonte, lourlo, matt, apollo pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD !! PepegaShake pepJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake ANELE Clap PepegaShake PepegaShake zven still employed Jebaited !followage Jebaited KEKW pepeD PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake KURDISTAN BEST squilTHICC PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake . TheMagiciannn has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 5 days ANELE Clap ele tá no BR? pq heuheuhe? pepeJAM Jebaited PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeD ANELE pepeD pepeD !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 46 minutes 1 second pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 󠀀 PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls KEKW PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeD monkaW pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD pepeD PepegaShake PepegaShake KEKW pepegaPls PepegaPls KEKW SHEN Pog KEKW LULW ? shen LULW shen KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD cirLaugh KEKW KEKW LULW HITBOX LUL pepedance PepegaShake pepeJAM ? PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls NA LUL ? SillyChamp ? !followage pelemetin has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, 5 days what's this song, lmfao bronze seems fun KEKW Shen <3 ???? pepeD 󠀀 pepeL pepeD pepeDance pepeD 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pa pa americano pepeD Thank you shen widepeepoHappy !duo AchillesHealNA pepeL pepeL pepeL pepeL ice americano PagChomp pepeD pepeL Peepo i forgot the name of this song, anyone know tf is happening in this game shen trying to not get flamed :( i feel this song peepoPog pepeD certified banger pepeD PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake unlucky there was no shen ult for vik KEKW pepeJAM we no americano plz chat name the great eu adcs in na lcs ever PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeD squilLewd squilTHICC squilSmug we speak no americano? pepeD pepeD @C9Sneaky what is the purpose of so many blades? pepeD SPAM PEPED pepeD SPAM PEPED pepeD SPAM PEPED thank you chat <3 faxA faxA faxA faxA faxA faxA PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake @allmynamesrtaken Hans Sama Pog @sasukemisaki tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU tyler1EU pepeD pepeJAM mehdiPOINT WTF buy blade I thought SNEAKY was no longer C9? CHAT? what is this music lol PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaShake PepegaPls @C9Sneaky why not another doran ? PA pepeD PA pepeD Americano pepeD 2 dorans and boots was the buy there :/ Shen had tp, he just tp'd back West dia 3-4 adc pm watery soda Kreygasm @alsard health sustain and only 10 less ad than bf sword Nocturne is balanced KEKW KEKW Chat, should I get back into league and really try to get good? LUL KEKW KEKW blocked KEKW pepeLaugh @romdall1 Ahh ty OMEGALUL PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls thresh KEKW KEKW LMAO KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW THX SNACKY KEKW LUL NA FLASH Pog :tf: whoops KEKW i0kiPog i0kiCatface PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls this thresh lmao gachiW LULW gachiW ham sammich? pepeD faxGasm faxGasm faxGasm faxGasm faxGasm faxGasm KEKW gachiW @kreutzergq no pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD widepeepoHappy Honey yummies PA pepeD PA pepeD Americano pepeD nice trry this is starting to look like my gold games PepegaPls pepeD KEKW PepegaShake PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls KreyGasm gachiGASM HONEYCUMMIES 4Head PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake pepeJAM PepegaShake Achilles just earned more my respect with that flash hook PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm TimTamHunter but if he got it, it would have been epic No fucking ear YES gachiGASM PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls HYPERCLAP PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Fear PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake song? KEKW KEKW LULW PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake @c9sneaky yo bro can you play slipknot? Love you xoxoxo KEKW creepblocked by teammate KEKW PA PA pepeD Americano pepeD PepegaShake KEKW SNEAKY IN LANE oof WE NO SPEAK AMERICANO sneakyGasm öpö KEKW PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake Thresh Pog 4/20 inc @shegy gets it needed more dorans 😡 KEKW badadamaericano Thresh is Obviously the ADC @LateKey Gotta go for them montage plays who removed enter? PepegaPls @blunder_hs big facts Need 6 dorans to carry, noob with 4 dorans you could've lived just saying @c9sneaky Bitch u have no manna!!! Rumble SeemsGood pepeD JUICY WAVE PepegaShake PepegaShake faxTips faxTips faxTips faxTips faxTips got most peepoPog Weirdga how long is this fucking song? PepegaShake Pepega EU STILL HAS KINGS AND QUEENS KEKW this song needs to stop so i can stop dancing PepegaPls BUFF LUCIAN SwiftRage BUFF LUCIAN SwiftRage pepeDance pepeD DansGame PepegaShake DansGame haHAA EU haHAA DansGame DansGame NA has Trump KEKW HYPERDANSGAME pepeD DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame eww pig DansGame DansGame EW DansGame source: from America DansGame song Pog DansGame you're excused SNEAKY NO TEAM OMEGALUL pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance WutFace 😂 pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance my nuts smell like rubber and chlorine WutFace pepeDance pepeD dad i smelled that one DansGame pepeDance pepeDance pepeJAMMER WutFace WutFace WutFace OMEGALUL MadoStab peepoBlonket @Grizzz8 BDSM queens are present all over the world if you into that kinda thing Kappa whats the song called? pepeDance @ChocolateeJesus hell ye borther KKona DansGame @J4nsenCSGO good. good. monkaHmm @j4nsencsgo lmao wut monkaW @J4nsenCSGO can i check? monkaW hmm @Patrick71421 Weirdga monkaW close rumble ult OkayChamp full enemy team camping bot LUL pepeDance 4 MAN BOT gachiHYPER pepeDance pepeDance monkaW the fuck just happened pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepegaAim pepeDance pepeD 󠀀 lol the hard focus pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeD 󠀀 @Granchiz music sounds better with you pepeD @J4nsenCSGO tell me more Kreygasm @Granchiz Darude !playlist Doot doot they cummin for you they are giving ya the scrubnoob treatment pepeD !song pepeD pepega they want ur booty @donaghy ty pepeJAM !playlist @GothKoth pep pep CHERRIO. here to Seebass10 suqabble over fish and chips? :) pepeD pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeD PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepePls ricardoFlick faxHYPE faxHYPE faxHYPE faxHYPE faxHYPE ricardoFlick halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick !pl trunoomCry also my nuts have a faint smell of vinegar or something u hot no u squilTHICC squilTHICC squilTHICC @J4nsenCSGO DansGame @Jenrar pepeD @J4nsenCSGO take a shower @J4nsenCSGO yes. I see monkaHmm beyler ne gelicek belli degil i just did FUUCK KOTEI @faker Pog @Jenson_Button LUL what is better sword or shield? LUL @J4nsenCSGO your pH levels might be off omegalul Ur done? Scrubnoob special part 2? no matter how much i scrub my nuts they still smell like rubber, chlorine and maybe malt vinegar.. pls help me This game is losable PepeHands KKona KKonaW @lukasp9 Stop asking such low iq questions ? lukas you need both you noob @C9Sneaky you ever hang out with mango? and 2 devices yooooo sneaky zven took your place at c9 man wtff gachiHYPER monkaW WutFace monkaW Kreygasm gachiNASS monkaW monkaW gachiGASM monkaW monkaW ??? monkaW monkaW DEATH @j4nsencsgo u should get that checked out lol ezreal playabel atm? KEKW Lynn getting the good dick aaawooooohhh thresh KEKW monkaHmm monkaw monkaW monkaW gachiHYPER orgasm WutFace ? gg squilWow squilWow ????? monkaGIGA Has anyone actually ever been to the hospital with a life threatening disease and used the reverse uno card to give the doctor the same disease? WutFace WutFace WutFace HotPokket AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH WutFace monkaS And if so did it work? It isn't a sneaky stream without lynn dying in the background c9sneaky someone died monkaW ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick Kreygasm dude who is ur sup? hes soo bad ricardoFlick @J4nsenCSGO you probably have a rare disease and will die a painful death in a few days pokiYikes HIIII FINALLY? POKI SUB cirGasm WHAT TEAM Y GO? KHAZ KEKW pokiW widepeepoHappy 👉 deth OR STREAMING? Kreygasm ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick is barrier over heal the new thing? He’s so mad pokiW im safe widepeepoHappy @Katto_ well i did bleach my nutsack and butthole ricardoFlick ricardoFlick delete this FeelsWeirdMan 👉 PauseChamp @C9Sneaky What do you think about ChaseShaco? ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick is thresh someone we know? why is he duo with him? doesn't seem to be working too well @FarukYILDIZ FeelsWeirdMan !duo AchillesHealNA how is the Noc ult CD so low ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick FeelsGoodMan not me ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance pepeD ricardoFlick NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYA @kozzaca ego player LUL halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD 󠀀 ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD 󠀀 ricardoFlick gachiBASS FLICKERS? ricardoFlick FLICKERS? ricardoFlick FLICKERS? ricardoFlick FLICKERS? ricardoFlick pepeD 1-Month Subscriberhalalchampignon: ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick mehdiRAVE pepeDance is twitch broken? this music got me bopping so hard right now Pog PogU hooks monkaW pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD FoSsY1702 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 27 months, currently on a 27 month streak! 27 months with dad <3 halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick . KEKW Why the three Dorans Blades? @C9Sneaky KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ??? EU KAISA LULW KEKW TROLLING PagChomp KEKW LUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 5Head LULW kekw NA KAISA KEKW PagChomp Jebaited KEKW WideHard Clap Achiless is really aggressive holy shit KAI SA KEKW NA KAISA KEKW @TheAfterTrip_ ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick NA PLAYERS KEKW LUL Kaisa: "I've MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!!!" TriHard FINALLY Y LEFT C9? EU KAISA KEKW KEKW KEKW na reactions KEKW big balls KEKW NA ALCOVE 4Head win trade ALWAYS WIN EZ Clap TriHard prob thought you used barrier !donate lee sindrome wintrader So EU Kaisa EU whatever bullshit KEKW @クリーパー -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] ricardoFlick pepeJAM mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick pepeJAM mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick pepeJAM mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick pepeJAM mehdiRAVE pepeDance ricardoFlick ricardoFlick song vibes flash on D = down gachiBASS HandsUp halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick trying to kill before he gets there probably alcova is a smoking area HandsUp did you fart? These repetitive songs fucking hell LUL SKT T1 sneaky? This song is garbage bro NO 4Head halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick WHAT IS YR FUTURE FINaaLLY? Sphirez subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick HandsUp thank you sir @razzfkn this is house ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick monkaS talk more. I'm calling asleep the_best_paul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! HandsUp what made stacking dorans blade so good halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick . why haven't NA won a worlds tournament yet? Ah, right.... their legit garbage 4Weird how does he generating that much power DOGSHT PLAYER LMFAO ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick EU > NA TriHard NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER DONATED TriHard ADBLOCK ON TriHard STOLEN LAPTOP TriHard NEIGHBORS WIFI TriHard FREE ENTERTAINMENT Pog KEKW FLASH LULW Pog KEKW trunoomCry Pog got em KEKW pepeLaugh Kaisa is doubelift WideHard TriHard NEVER SUBBED TriHard NEVER DONATED TriHard ADBLOCK ON TriHard STOLEN LAPTOP TriHard NEIGHBORS WIFI TriHard FREE ENTERTAINMENT Flash KEKW FLASH LULW Pog flash? n1 NA > ENTIRE WORLD fvking clean sneak mic is not on? NA FLASH KEKW y flash KEKW almost told u @chocolateejesus so original i wonder if the minions would've finished him off LADY pepeD ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD hutchMuted pepeD why flash lol The flash almost saved him pepeD OR BAN pepeD That's a FAAAIRE DRAGON why is he taking barrier over heal? shouldnt q !music pepeD pepeD !list whats the dorans blade stacking about on ADCs in pre season? pepeD pepeD If he didnt flash w and passive kaisa damage Sneaky washed out they said, can't make good plays they said Kappa @razzfkn it's literally house music KEKW pepeD pepeD pepeD !playlist actually now that i think about it, can ignite proc elder buff? Doot doot pepeLaugh oh no no no pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Pog Pog KEKW pepeLaugh dam im tripping hard Pog DAB tatDab KEKW !song HAHAHAHA sodDAB pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO NO klauDab pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD DAB Pog HAHAHAH goddamn,killing it with the daft punk alumni songs KEKW KEKW @c9sneaky you gonna be a full time stream star now? big tings happinin? PepeLaugh pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO NO pepeLaugh halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick SHEN LMAO LULW LULW LUL monkaW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW trunoomDab KEKW KEKW KEKW OH NO NO NO NO pepeLaugh Pog pepeD ricardoFlick KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW if u saved u flash for noc probably got double kill !playlist HAHAHHAHAA LUL KEKW ALMOST pepeL blissyDab pattiiDab radiantDab @chocolateejesus yes. It’s genius Kappa tragic KEKW #LCSBIGPLAYS pepeD pepeJAMMER 👍 wht was that whole thing !music pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD MaxLOL best shen i ever seen cmon man PepeHands pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick From Pog to KEKW PogYou PogU PogU pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick PogU PepegaAim POGGERS PogU KEKW 󠀀 rekt pepeD That kaisa chroma is dope pepeD 󠀀 PogU Pog Pog pepeD @razzfkn Weirdga pepeD 󠀀 pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD PepegaAim that was actually sick tho pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD PepePls pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD chat pepeD PepePls Wp pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick clip that halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD Wat is good skin on lucian sir? @c9sneaky pepeD 󠀀 witness pepeD pepeD 󠀀 pepeD pepeD 󠀀 pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick are you excited for Aphelios? pepeD This jungle is going to start one shooting you KEKW trunoomCry @dungpys cowboy or robit @dungpys the one he's using pepeD 󠀀 pepeD SourPls pepeD SourPls pepeD SourPls pepeD SourPls @c9sneaky your mid certainly doesnt play viktor ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick pepeJAM why's he buying multiple Dorans every game now? pepeD @c9sneaky what's best adc right now? ChocolateeJesus: halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick im having alot of fun with demacia vice luciano =) chat, song name? I find sneaky's cosplays extremely hot and sometimes even touch myself to them but that doesn't make me gay because I say nohomo pepeD DAFT PUNK Kreygasm @20022512abcdef -> No excessive usage of symbols! pepeD 󠀀 sneaky can you do your next cosplay in vr gachiBASS god bless @bigflux heimerdinger HandsUp HandsUp satwisha: ChocolateeJesus: halalchampignon: PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick PepegaShake mehdiRAVE pepeD ricardoFlick @Nednom lol ur gay HES GHOSTING gay youre oom monkaKEKW KEKW KEKW INTING LULW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW THEY KNEW Jebaited KEKW GHOSTING KEKW KEKW x3y6omBruh close LULW KEKW KEKW peepoPog KEKW KEKW WARDED KEKW KEKW The greed KEKW WARDED pokiKEK pokiKEK pokiKEK @spudn1ckel I was hoping no one would say that !song KEKW GHOSTING GHOSTINGG KEKW warded? its called ghosting dude GHOSTERSSSS KEKW KEKW Warded or Snipeded Warded by second monitor KEKW you also had like 100 mana KEKW probably sherlok KEKW SeemsGood warded??? GHOSTINGGGG !list was warded chat LUL @bigflux the truth hurts lady by modjo !musoc she auto'd him in bush KEKW !muisic ghosting? !music did you leave C9? Shen Ult after Snakey dies... oof im cooming Ghost 100 precent !playlist Doot doot forsenWut pepeD ricardoFlick audio WutFace lady-modjo check after if it was warded :) not ghosting, auto'd when he was in bush pepeD !fuckyou noghtbot @cerdevbit it's Darude @C9Sneaky might be ghosting or naw? sold dorans DansGame is @C9Sneaky trading wins now? PepegaShake IORN CHAT LUL KEKW THE CUMBACK not the dorans widepeepoSad forsen bajs forsenCD if they ghost idiot they cant watch into this bush stfu now !org LUL horses are a lot stronger than people, but there's still no horses streaming on twitch. just a thought she auto'd him, so was warded even with essence you still oom so fast sandstorm ? open request song WINNABLE pepeD lady by modjo pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD KEKW @itsotter monkaHmm E KEKW KEKW pepeD @nednom its never gay if you say nohomo after u nut horses are a lot stronger than people, but there's still no horses streaming on twitch. just a thought pepeD ricardoFlick . who wards there? Kappa @cerdevbit clever girl ratirlMozart its a song from gta 5 lol Kapp pepeJAM Pog i like how everyone helping that kaisa PogYou Pog PogU pepeD Mods pepeD cant pepeD ban pepeD these pepeD moves pepeD Pog Pog pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD pepeDance mehdiRAVE ricardoFlick pepeD Pog pepeD pepeJAM pepeD Pog Pog Pog CHASE SHACO PogYou KEKW ima transgender plis respect PogChamp PogChamp PogYou PogU pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER pepeJAM pepeJAMMER @itsotter the fuck @sasukemisaki your mother was in gta5 one of the all girls FeelsChaseShacoMan monkaW pepeD pepeD PepoDance pepeD pepeD Mods pepeD cant pepeD ban pepeD these pepeD moves pepeJAMMER @itsotter thats genius TriHard TriHard TriHard 777777 no r? @Squozen helll yea brother widepeepoSad pepeJAMMER PepoDance pepeJAMMER pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick Thresh wipepeepoSad pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick love the positive attitude Sneaky keeps ono matter how much he Ints pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeDance yasU yasW yasWeird sneakyC LUL monkaW monkaW monkaW PepegaAim monkaW trunoomCry pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD again @alt_red truly a god of the vibea pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick too close monkaW PepegaShake PepegaShake pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick oh yeah you tickle them with that w after they murder your team member R) PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls ricardoFlick pepeD PepoDance pepeD pepeD PepoDance pepeD pepeD PepoDance pepeD pepeD PepoDance pepeD Pog Pog team Kha Pog PogU PagChomp Khazics Pog pepeD pepeD Kha Pog PogYou PogChamp !playlist Doot doot Pog pepeD Mods pepeD cant pepeD ban pepeD these pepeD moves nocturn is malding PogU PagChomp PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake oh wow just noticed it says stolen pepeD @C9Sneaky Ocean drake breaks the frames restart same song? its the new update :P pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick @C9Sneaky That skipping happened to me too, if it persists, I had to restart my PC to get rid of it. Chase not on shaco Pog pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlickpepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick how you can listen the same song 3 times nocturne definitely malding PogYou pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick bug? Nocturne is Rengar from last game Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm MaldChamp Its the instagram filters on dragons tbf anyone knows the playlist? You update them VIDEEEOO DRIIVERS? PepoDance pepeD PepoDance pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick Stardust Pog Change song snackers Save the frames, kill the animals rooDerp NotSoEZ MadoStab 4HEad prject lucian get chromas? Music sound better with you It’s 420 Change da song Wait it's fucking scrubnoob on Nocturn @cerdevbit easy, you play it 3 times 4Head pepeJAMMER PepoDance pepeJAMMER @c9sneaky @cerdevbit just put it on repeat it's not hard PepegaShake @Lizardan lol what a genius headBang headBang headBang 👍 headBang headBang headBang daddy im a lil bitdrin but imma watchu till i fall sleep headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang atpHorns headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBanger headBang pepeD Mods pepeD cant pepeD ban pepeD these pepeD mov headBang headBang headBang gachiBASS DansGame i was jamming headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @batwingnz we have some comedians in the chat moon2H moon2H moon2H mutedddd headBang headBang headBang 🤘 headBang headBang headBang earrape music everyday FeelsBadMan PepegaShakePepegaShakePepegaShakePepegaShake headBang headBang @C9Sneaky which band is this headBang headBang headBang headBang 🤘 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Poh PogU LOL Pog Pog tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C tyler1C Pog Pog ? WIDE EYES PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake nice PogU Shen Pog EZ 20 CRIT sneakyGasm 4HEad tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O tyler1O KEKW bet monkaW 20$ PogYou JONNY POG 20 EZ ingame chat KEKW monkaS headBang headBang headBang sneakyGasm sneakyGasm FeelsClassyMan mr Johhny haHAA haHAA ahHAA space question mark ? ? ? ? haHAA 23-23 already won KEKW BRAND Jungel! 75% Crit rignt now?? FREEE 20 KEKW Pog Johnny trying to scam sneakers D: D: D: D: D: D: haHAA whenever someone says something mean haHAA i get offended!!! D: haHAA Clap gasp D: haHAA KEKW D: D: KEKW D: D: D: monkaW Morgana on point with the CC handsUp D: AGANE D: evo19Wut D: imagine not duoing jonny for free elo WeirdChamp D: haHAA whenever someone says something mean haHAA i get offended!!! D: haHAA Clap gasp D: haHAA Clap bondage gachiBASS HandsUp bondage play he said B-Word :D bondage gachiBASS any helpers in chat? for real whats this song music tho? whats song?? gachiBASS so bad lol monkaW Wide Eyes - Voyager KEKW this is karasmai music af xd POG LULW Is song LMAO Pog Pog Pog LOL bigger KEKW Pog OMEGALUL wtf Pog lol PagChomp KEKW wheres noc KEKW LOL Pog Pog What is that damage Pog ???? Pog LOOOL KEKW DAMN GIRL KEKW Pog PogYou KEKW PogU ?? LOL Pog KEKW Pog PogYou LULW ?? PogChamp PogU INSANE OMEGALUL Pog kekw sorry why the fuck are you deleting people?? Alpha WHAT Pog D: D: Pog haHAA whenever someone says something mean haHAA i get offended!!! D: haHAA Clap gasp D: haHAA you guys dont have shazam or some shit? D: D: D: D: sneakyD D: D: D: D: D: hey WHAT the fucking damage was so Pog D: sneakyD gachiBASS ill bind you up D: D: woah woah damage ? Pog D: man put some names on their champs haHAA whenever someone says something mean haHAA i get offended!!! D: haHAA Clap gasp D: haHAA Clap D: D: D: @C9Sneaky You playing vs Morgana is better than bondage porn :) D: Yikes we getting 20 boys Pog BDSM gachiGASM D: KEKW Pog @dBeeTzz ty Penta PogU CHAT B1TCH STOP D: ???? he took the ace QUADRA KEKW EZ 20 Aatrox KEKW i'm from the hue hue commity you don't have the right to use it unless you pay one of us you owe me 500€ now how are you willing to pay? almost penta PENTAAAAAAAAAAAAA PogU KEKW IT'S OVER Pog EZ SOMEONE STOP HIM PogU pentaaaaaa Pog Clap headBang D: gold MonkaS All the work easyest 20 KEKW lilyO trunoomCry 4.4k LULW Johnny owes u $20 +20 PogU EZ money are u pro play EZ 20$ this man was gonna back too 4 lvl diff LUL Can I get a yikes in the chat @c9sneaky 20 In de bank EZ going from 4/18 to 11/3 nice Pog @calmthenerves np 5k in the bank dorans power RICH Pog Buy a dcap Pog U should go pro puss hurricane lucian PogYou The Smurfening Kreygasm money in da bank shawty what chu drank RICHBOY RICHSNEAKY sneakyGasm POGGERS PagChomp Ocean soul? PogU ocean going from 4/18 to 11/3 Pog trunoomCry PogU damn sneaky so good why isnt he on a pro team omegalul buy zhonyas to cuck Scrubnoob even more Kirbe SOUL Pog Ocean man 👋 headBang yeah this sneaky guy should really think about going pro nnn is over KEKW KEKW LULW The Healing Pog POGGERS PepegaAim @wilddogsatan he's too good for LCS. he going to LCK PepegaAim PogU holy shit you saw how much he just healed PepegaAim Imagine being AAtrox KEKW is thois angel? yo this guy should play for c9 or something @dead2rights_ lil scrappy lyrics damn been a while PRRRRRRRRRRR PepegaAim prr prr prr i havent stopped cummin since the clock struck midnight gachiBASS flaming in all chat 4Weird would you buy lifesteal if no ocean? PepegaAim Pog dog KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Regen Pog WAIT wow DOG KEKW 1337 pog Always full health soul PogChamp She exploded Song name? IMMORTAL sneaky Pog I just nutted to sneaky for dec 1st Pog Pog Pog ks any alphelios gameplay? Pog DELETED regenerations xd Combat Warmog activated Pog Insane PogU Toxic D: !song that fucking regen BM AS FUCK LUL thresh WutFace monkaW monkaW EZ 20$ EZ 20$ EZ 20$ destroy 🎐 December @C9Sneaky PogYou omg monkaW full hp again LUL going from 4/18 to 14/3 Pog monksE @C9Sneaky What's the song name please? gg pepeD klauDab monkaW where is the regen coming from D: EZ Clap Free 20 bois WTH this regen shipDAB D: EZ Clap DADDYYS MAD BIND ME AGAIN! EZ Clap haHAA whenever someone says something mean haHAA i get offended!!! D: haHAA Clap gasp D: haHAA I wonder if with enough lifesteal he could outsustain the fountain moon23 moon24 EZclap 20$ EZ Ocean Soul, outhealing the fountain. :D D: xqcDab EZ Clap D: gg FREE $20 NO +50 @Kawaii_SanChan ocean soul its OCEAN dragon @gimmepizzza333333 shut up no one cares 4/20 to 20/4 Pog @C9Sneaky JOHNNIE PAY UP destroy 🎐 December @C9Sneaky PogYou ! OpieOP first win peepoPog WIRE THE MONEY PogYou EZ Clap EZ AF MOON SUBS Pog !uptime are smurf yes @Kawaii_SanChan ocean dragon soul Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 9 minutes 8 seconds -50 LUL @CawCawwCaw ocean soul pepeD @C9Sneaky is it the int to win strat? S+ Pog pepeD destroy 🎐 December @C9Sneaky PogYou Free 20 @C9Sneaky GET $20 FROM FOCUS IMPROVE Pog ! going from 4/18 to 14/3 Pog easiest 20 :kap EZ Clap 20 destroy 🎐 December @C9Sneaky PogYou ! destroy 🎐 December @C9Sneaky PogYou ez 20$ 584 lp ooooh yipppieeee @C9Sneaky Song name please? Free 20 lmao Lucian 1 trick FeelsBadMan PepegaAim PEW PEW PepegaAim PEW PEW That skipping happened to me too, if it persists, I had to restart my PC to get rid of it. monkaS Oh it's destroy dick december monkaS why are you playing with training weights? there seems to be an inter in your duo spot @C9Sneaky @Kazoozle gachiBASS wair jhonnie I MISSED 4/18 JHIN GAME FeelsBadMan song? PogU DDD pog @Kazoozle gachiHYPER 🎐 💦 IM RDY KEKW only once today guys :) gachiHYPER ITS TIME ThankEgg @Kazoozle Yessir gachiHYPER gachiHYPER FINALLY RDR3 PLS fap 10 times a day december!!!! gachiHYPER PogU Sorry for being literally god awful at autofilled top, love you snacky thanks for carry HandsUp monkaS Jonny is drunk gachiHYPER DECEMBER pee Kappa DDD IS TODAY gachiHYPER I can't find my balls anymore 😭 RDR2 hydro homies play skyrim @CaptainFalliner Jonny is "STONED" destroy 🎐 💦 December cant be destroy dick december if you already did that last month moon2LOLE Song guys? piss pants bitch u wont 31 gachiHYPER 🎐 💦 1 MONTH OF CUMMIES, HERE U GO SNACKY SONG CAHT? sellout streamer CBT gachiHYPER DICKCEMBER gachiHYPER Did I miss sneaky staying with c9? @iremovedenter ur shen? PepegaAim PEW PEW spendies DansGame Okayga COCK holy fuck are we finally off of slipknot destroy 🎐 💦 December! He’s wearing a c9 shirt destroy 🎐 💦 December NNN IS OVER BOIS gachiHYPER Nachricht von Moderator gelöscht. destroy 🎐 💦 December! @IRemovedEnter hey man you did good chin up king your shen ults were fire @lol_nct ye boi destroy 🎐 💦 December destroy 🎐 💦 December! destroy 🎐 💦 December destroy 🎐 💦 December! gachiHYPER TY SIR chat FeelsWeirdMan how does destroy dick december work again? 1 man spam WeirdChamp 3111111111 pepeL CHAT FeelsWeirdMan @iremovedenter u fkin suck LUL hi i just dunno how to lane at all really, only play jungle and aatrox is ugh LOL YES SIR gachiHYPER STOP FeelsWeirdMan hmm one MaN spam FeelsWeirdMan KEKW NNN failed first da, won DDD first day Okayga COCK MaN Clap @lol_nct i'm a nunu main of course i suck cmonBruh song name chat? Okayga MALE GENITALS peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoArrive i destroy my dick when i please i dont let meme control me WeirdChamp gosuAYAYA destroy wind chime december Pepega Nachricht von Moderator gelöscht. @ChampionshipLeBlanc FeelsWeirdMan Okayga COCK PepegaShake PepegaShake Chat FeelsOkayMan 👍 i camed peepoArrive @hiimtiltsu TriHard 7 @maplerabbit FeelsWeirdMan @GotbackmyCigar you're a king Chair Stream Kappa !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 11 minutes 39 seconds MaN 🎐 💦 @HugeEugene Okayga COCK I survived peepoArrive Okayga COCK Song? !followage Dw1n has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 3 weeks @Limerence123 TriKool hey sneaky did you fail NNN? @IRemovedEnter shit man for a jungle main you laned well enough to not shit the bed, going from jungle into laning is so hard !opgg @C9Sneaky song name? WutFace Wash hands WutFace !followage i won ddd already peepoArrive !followage !duo AchillesHealNA xqcA hi dude DansGame Yeah idunno how to deal with aatrox either, i just play shen when autofilled and hit ult on sneaky and pray DansGame DansGame no :) DansGame WutFace Clap LUL lick fingers DansGame LICK HANDS FeelsGoodMan i like cheese lick hands clean peepoPog lick hands @C9Sneaky any red dead 2 tonight? DIRTY DansGame LUL peepoWTF lick hands DansGame GO WASH YOUR HANDS trunoomCry FeelsEvilMan ? NOT WASHING HANDS peepoLeave monkaMega ewww no!? peepoLeave PepeS monkaW ? sneakyYeehaw ? same dude. you honestly lose taste if you eat a meal after @C9Sneaky türkler ? DansGame monkaW !followage 4? bc_keans has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 1 month, 1 week, 3 days yes @C9Sneaky Song name? 1 dorans Playlist ? @ItsJustValk why you crying hiiros1Pat hiiros1Hug @ItsJustValk FeelsOkayMan <3 peepoLeave GO AGANE THEY FUKKING @C9Sneaky !followage gotta even out that score FeelsGoodMan !followage 4Head sounds like someone jsut had a fall, back to the game oh its kyle peepoLeave !followage you fall down stairs not up them dummy more rat irl is human trash Hey Playlist here goes 3 more for the win PogChamp keep playing until you lose again Play red dead one more pls gachiHYPER GACHI MUSIC FOR DDD Mr. Doctor guy needs his carriage sneaky its getting farther away PepeHands Kappa EG kyle peepoLeave j !song Pog Red dead Pog @C9Sneaky whats the cutoff for challenger atm? peepoLeave somg name please RD2 PogU @YuYuYuna_ trunoomHi finally a friend WHY NO PERSONA 5 PepeHands !followage Cake peepoLeave RD2 peepoLeave TheShoeHarvester has been following C9Sneaky for 6 years, 1 month, 2 weeks, 6 days Valk peepoLeave Who is he duoing with? RD2 Pog Song name pleaseeeeeeee !playlist Doot doot find the wagon or racist BabyRage pepeDance pepeDance RD2 pepeSmoke WHAT NAME OF THIS SONG @CHAT @C9Sneaky hey sneakers what made you want to main adc song name please @ItsJustValk oathSmile oathLanHug i need red dead nowww !followage who's Achilles? Whats the supports twitch I thought that last match was lost when you were 0/1/3 got off for a bit and came back to victory screen lol sneakyYeehaw @jakeobrg a greek hero @C9Sneaky match history :) YEEEEhaw yes daddy gachiHYPER sneakyYeehaw great songs but no way to find them FeelsBadMan cow bois? gachiHYPER one more @C9Sneaky you gonna be an aphelios one trick? Pog shipOKO 7 @YuYuYuna_ shipAYAYA @achilleshealna is duo with Sneaky !followage @C9Sneaky would you say code vein is a good game looking for new games to play !followage Bopez has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 8 months, 1 week, 2 days more wenches and saloons please can i please see it sneakychan DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw DEFEAT KEKW @c9sneaky what 144Hz monitor are u using bro guys i just tried to wash my nuts and they smell even more like chlorine and rubber now @C9Sneaky ignoring every question FeelsBadMan kap @C9Sneaky why is the 5 dorans thing coming back? @C9Sneaky Why do you buy so many dorans blades now? YES RD2 @j4nsencsgo 23)) who is achilles heelies br sneakyYeehaw ck b sneakyYeehaw ck Kreygasm red match history FeelsBadMan @J4nsenCSGO did u try acid to make smell go away 2k20 in queue? RDR2 please !duo @TheMini1 mono changed colors sfhOWO lookin' good selphySmug AchillesHealNA thesecretsavage subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 22 months! almost 2 years baby monkaGun DRAW 🔫 sneakyYeehaw hey dude what's up ?? klauOwo ty @YuYuYuna_ RIP Snacky Dennis @C9Sneaky trunoomCowboy achilles feelies think you could show us a jinx game? 😊 sneaky how high do you think you could have peaked on the solo queue ladder this season sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw yaar WHAT NAME OF THIS SONG PLS D: MUSİC Falling Leaf Distant Dream tilt_i_am subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! SONK NAME? @C9Sneaky why is the 5 dorans thing coming back?. Does he playing on EUW or NA? yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI yodaQI teehee nah now my nuts kinda smell like italian dressing why your game looks a little bit cleaner graphicly? What monitor are u usin VisLaud This used to be an NBA2K stream Music Falling Leaf Distant Drem @j4nsencsgo dude UwU we need to help the doctor or we're racist 😡 play queue simulator no mans sky KEKW What’s sneakys favorite adc Jebaited ctrlaltdeletegg subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 30 months! Hello !followage Lunarwolf_Ranger has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 2 months, 1 week, 5 days KKona ? They are billions KKool ? KKool KKool !followage KKool KEEP THE SONG KKool Fallout NV KKool Fallout NV Big IRON KKona KKool KKool KKool KKool !followage KKool KKool KKool BIG IRON KKool brings me back home KKool KKool Pog did you figure out the fps drop? KKool 🎸 !time KKool KKool BIG IRON 󠀀 December 1st 2019, 1:34:27 am PST GMT-08:00 BIG IRON ON HIS HIP KKool KKool BIG IRON marty robbins KKool hello KKool KEKW KKool BIG IRON ON HIS HIP !song KKool KKool KKool KKool @C9Sneaky Any update for your next cosplay? :D KKool BIG IRON ON HIS HIP 󠀀 KKool KKool BIG IRON ON HIS HIIIIIIIIIIIIP KKool KKool Are you happy with your life Sneaky ? everhday fuckin pc KKool 󠀀 @C9Sneaky some red dead redemption after? KKool howdy fellers KKool !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 17 minutes 6 seconds KKool KKool KKool KKool 󠀀 what was the song that was just playing? KKool KKool 󠀀 !followage KKool berucranel has been following C9Sneaky for 3 weeks, 4 days TURN THAT UP COUSIN @C9Sneaky KKool cool dad bout to whip out the big iron !followage @C9Sneaky the creators of danganronpa have another game, nonary games Oh? Guess I need to reup my Patreon then :D Sneaky after you finish red dead are you gonna do a Persona 5 stream? This is a boop KKool :gutair: KKool TriKool wineTime KKool Brotherman Bill KKona and he's here to do some laundry with a big iron on his hip Fall Out song sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKool :gutiar: KKool KKool TeaTime fusGuitar KKool 🎸 play the tatter song from red dead KKool KKool KKool KKool KKool 🎸 󠀀 @20022512abcdef -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KKool gachiW KKool KKool HandsUp KKool @C9Sneaky Halo Reach? Wait for persona 5 royal @C9Sneaky KKool @C9Sneaky did you finish star wars? !followage matty_lopatak has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 6 months, 3 days resident evil 7 maybe ? @omeraytasss thank for name the song dude did you like code vein Big iron gachiBASS @C9Sneaky whats the song bud? awe heck @C9Sneaky Damn, it would be pretty fun to see you play persona, finish vanilla offstream and then if you want play p5royal on stream widepeepoHappy KKool texas red Ola @C9Sneaky all the way from Cape Town South Africa - hey all Oh, I heard this song from Fallout New Vegas KKool i was just listeningto FO3 and NV soundtrack thats craazy updated version of p5, new content new dlc going to all-stars Wednesday? @C9Sneaky game + expansion last game pick corki game update, like P3 PES or P4 Golden dlc game + expansion Its like the definitive edition of it. tons of new content Extra Content Pog Persona 5 Royal is an expansion to the original, it adds a third semester and a new waifu !duo AchillesHealNA has new content doctor, or racist 😡 it's not a dlc, it's a separate game P5R aint out yet for West Its a separate game ResidentSleeper HYPERCLAP League Pog its a reworked p5 not necessarily dlc its being re - released just came out in japan same game with more content. are you busting out the kakashi cosplay again for all stars? :) not out YET game re-releases ResidentSleeper just make a new game KKool @C9Sneaky u looking fine as hell in them cosplays Does Volbeat - Doc Holiday count as western music? Cosplay Ann from Persona 5 please P5R is still not translated Big Iron POG KKool 🎸 huehuehuehue KKool 🎸 󠀀 KKool 🎸 KKool 🎸 󠀀 As much as the story is being altered, it is a new game play red dead redemption shipHiYo @C9Sneaky its the exact same game, like 5% more story at the end w8 i gotta buy P5 again for P5R? peepoWTF shipOKO 7 @mathematicianYo KKool 🎸 persona 5 royal is just a remake, it will be in english sometime next year 4Weird xcom 2 ironman hardest difficulty KEKW @decodeproxy no it has the entire game sneaky you're looking cute today widepeepoHappy KKool 🎸 sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap @themini1 shipHiYo It changes the game in some parts and fixes the problems it had, in royal morgana doesn't force you to sleep every single time @C9Sneaky ily @TheMini1 hi mini fish dicks Pog FeelsWeirdMan 👉 KKool fish dicks gachiW HandsUp are you a gay fish? Pog fish dicks LUL fishsdicks Kappa trunoomDerp trunoomDerp trunoomDerp you like fish sticks what are you a gy fish? Fish dicks Pog ee gay fish? you like fish dicks? are you a gay fish? fosh stikcsss!!!! eew @C9Sneaky fish dicks? what are you a gay fish? KKool you like puttin fishticks in your mouth fuckin gay fish, I KNEW IT LUL waiting for lost arc to be translated PepeHands KKona KKool @C9Sneaky watch a trailer for P5R Pogchamp fish dicks gachiBASS r u a gay fish? Zachery "Sneakery" Scudery is a western singer, songwriter and adult movie actress from Texas. He is known for songs like "18 naked cowboys in the showers" where he also starred in the music video as a porn actor. His/her gender is unknown to this date. headBang He's here to press your dress shirts with the big iron on his hiiiip headBang Better Call Saul song Pog Fishdicks headBang 󠀀 @C9Sneaky why are you wearing that dirty C9 shirt? @C9Sneaky Are you going to make a new twitch if(when) you get signed to another team? Or will it be a name chance? Ayyy fallout new vegas Hey! The man's got tartar sauce he's gotta use up. headBang lost ark is literally the best game headBang @c9sneaky you ever play any CRPGs? gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 AYAYA headBang gangBang Poe waiting room pepeHands cirComfy AHHHHHAYAYAYA cirAYAYA duo? no mans sky LULW shipHMM shipHiYo @xcrocokylex poggiesss omfg randerson sneakyNLT what class do you main in ff14 @C9Sneaky !ayaya AYAYA There are 2161 cuties in chat AYAYA if sneky did a miss doutfire 2 where hes a cop going under cover as a milf wouldu go see it???? HITMAN peepoPog WutFace wtf is this DICK DRIVE D: SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage D drive gachiHYPER AYAYA @C9Sneaky play the KFC dating sim widepeepoHappy d drive gachiGASM headBang D: gachiHYPER D DRIVE headBang 󠀀 headBang !duo AchillesHealNA headBang 󠀀 Poggies AYAYA league siege Sneaky KEKW Earrape Weirdga what class do you main in ff14? @C9Sneaky witcher 3 is huge Zachery "Sneakery" Scudery is a western singer, songwriter and adult movie actress from Texas. He is known for songs like "18 naked cowboys in the showers" where he also starred in the music video as a porn actor. His/her gender is unknown to this date. Maybe you just have a tiny D drive headBang fuck his wife snakcy forsenCD headBang Batman Arkham Knight Pog sfhOWO klauOwo was supposed to delete my pbd files but instead accidentally deleted all riot files Randerson peepoLeave small d drive PepeLaugh heaDBang @C9Sneaky uninstall Jedi Order @C9Sneaky listen to dark hordes of nebulah show us the feet pic folder headBang pokemon @c9sneaky you can get "Windirstat" to show everything that's taking up drive space easily KEKW pubg is pretty big though destiny PogU uninstall LoL it must be the porn headBang AYAYA ANY CUTE METAL HEADS? headBang AYAYA its on uplay 2k20 LULW what class do you main in ff14? @C9Sneaky @themini1 shipOWO 7 Blkdoutgsxr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! Hey I accidentally used my Twitch prime for the 5th time Origin or epic games uplay hdd space monkaS they have their own client "games taking up space on D drive" yes yes, must be Games, or the "Homework" Folder @C9Sneaky go to the homework folder konichiwa shipOKO 7 @twilightwing66 @TheMini1 sfhPOINT sfhOK Just buy a new SSD klauOwo yoyo PogU n;kk;vi blikk lø @yuyuyuna_ danHug are you going to play witcher 3 in queue? selphySmug Pog @themini1 shipOKO Clap absolute legend porn folder gachiBASS TriHard Clap probably @YuYuYuna_ Kreygasm cod KEKW sneakyE Pog COD cmonBruh its on battlenet blizzard app R6 siege with hd textures is like 70+gb Sneaky 4 LUL B OMEGALUL 4 @mathematicianYo Math boi heyo oathWave shipHiYo Resident Evil 7 monkaW ? monkaW @mechwarreir5 gachiBASS Horror games ? monkaW AYAYA and HeadBang if you can't find the division, just multiply by the inverse Use geek uninstaller @C9Sneaky song? @C9Sneaky are you still scrimming or are you nothing to do with the pro scene this split? WoW Classic is like 4g get rid of filler files W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W look at all sneakies virsus W OMEGALUL W W OMEGALUL W @mathematicianYo Prove that no isomorphism to my butthole can be congruent to 5 sides of an integral domain WoW classic is like 4gigs @C9Sneaky peepoWTF WeirdChamp Why dont you uninstall uTorrent WeirdChamp Im an FBI btw WeirdChamp W OMEGALUL W KEKW league new game mode 1v0 unlimited cue time POG headBang paying money to watch ads headBang 󠀀 headBang WideHard Calling all homies 📡 🔊 WideHard Calling all homies 📡 🔊 sekior just buy a new computer FailFish sekiro AYAYAY D: uTorrent cmonBruh millionaire and torrenting headBang yes @C9Sneaky FeelsWeirdMan 👉 Retail WoW headBang 󠀀 also use disk cleanup windows utility AYAYA Ubisoft DRM LULW headBang hey sneaky added you on steam Wut? KEKW gwent used to be so good FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky get the program Spacesnifferwindows doesnt know how to calculate space HEADBANG Omegalul KEKW LULW AYAYA POG Pepega AYAYAY @moderatelydepressed ur not depressed @Knique torrenting is not technically illegal nyacchShy2 KEKW @vampyparrot7943 ok :) :D play W OMEGALUL W headBang SONG'S GROUP? Sneaky is too Pepega to uninstall games headBang HACKERMANS sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 LOUD AHHH What band is this? headBang headBang yhuehuehue its my big nuggets bro headBang headBang headBang dynkliHyper dynkliHyper @AugustineTV a crowd of rebellion for honor KEKW LULW ANNO 🔥 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @C9Sneaky you ever play through the Assassin Creed games? @showtime1101 Anno is a good game tho oh cool what song is this? @C9Sneaky can u suck my ass? @C9Sneaky what are ur thoughts on TFT? have u tried it yet? why hasnt M OMEGALUL E been streaming lately AYAYA HeadBang that song was repetitive af i was digging the BMTH @AugustineTV raccoon dead !followage wukie1 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 3 days peepoArrive @mechwarreir5 make me cum SPAGETT subscribed with Twitch Prime. Black flag is the only good one LOL 5head music hey sneaky im had a wet dreah with you gachiW cmonBruh cmonBruh A Those are the best ones after... @drizzdub probably because it repeated LUL Noooo my AYAYA HeadBang HYPERBRUH Black Flag was Pog wtf cmonBruh why noy??? NotLikeThis cmonBruh WHY what Black Flag was so good?! the boat ones were Pog peepoLeave assassins creed KEKW Play house party sneaky didnt u play Odyssey tho? @C9Sneaky peepoLeave @C9Sneaky Play Gurenge from Kimetsu no yaiba, im 100% sure you'll like it The boat was pretty slow paced cmonBruh What's wrong with the boats? Story was ass origin and odyssey are really good @C9Sneaky can we watch some youtube??????? Odyssey is really fun @hotstreak12451 that'll do it driving a bot LULW AC3 was where i lost interest shit was not fun AC2 was the best B OMEGALUL TS True FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT I only liked the very first AC PepegaPls KEKW LuL LUL Thats because you werent actually an assassin brotherhood was the best MingLee Clap MingLee Clap AC after AC2 KEKW I have the same issue with "assassins" creed. It's not about assassins and templars anymore :/ lil rice field KEKW what song ? LUL NaM he better be Asian KEKW AC2 <3 TriKool KEK @Jjmn12 as someone who is it worth picking it up? i heard theres grinding involved PepegaPls shit slaps PepegaPls 󠀀 Odyssey was good PepegaPls TriKool HYPERCLAP This music peepoLeave well he does sound asian LUL ever play csgo TriKool PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls NaM PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeJAMMER trapanese by lil ricefield imagine using LUL or KEKW when LuL is available @C9Sneaky PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 LULW PauseChamp Ching chow Ming 18.2 gb open monkaW LULW trapanese PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls W OMEGALUL W PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 so big Kreygasm PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls gachiGasm Lots of DLC PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 Big Maps @C9Sneaky gachiBASS so big gachiBASS Clap so big gachiBASS Clap so big gachiBASS Clap so big gachiBASS Clap so big gachiBASS Clap so big gachiBASS Clap PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls gachiBASS PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls TriKool HYPERCLAP TriKool HYPERCLAP TriKool HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER gachiGASM Sneaky playing hitman Pog PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls delete windows gachiBIG gachiBASS Its an episodic dlc game like the walking dead only 44 hours of witcher 3? such a same sneaky :S PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls Pog AGENT 47 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls gachiHYPER thats what she said Sneaky in lane OMEGALUL what is you inet speed? :D gachiBASS PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 is this ricegum gachiBASS HyperNeko PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 100gb KEKW Pepegap because it's actually 2 games, but you can only play half of it How is it so big daddy @C9Sneaky PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 100 KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls delete cod and get like 150GB back PepegaPls Probably has a lot of assets PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls cod is 140 all that porn KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 󠀀 @C9Sneaky can you watch that heads up video you did with hyperX PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls 2 games Millionaire but no disk space LULW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls SneakyCastration 120g in 1 !team @YuYuYuna_ peepoArrive Play CoD MW campaign 😡 It's 12- 140 NBKA 2K20 is huge too 120* Games are huge now PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls why are games getting so fucking big KEKW software bloat is real @c9sneaky use treesize free to clear space 120 without updates its 80 install bigger with updates Sneaky get another SSD for your porn too much P OMEGALUL RN installed @addcheesepls cheesu peepoArrive monkaW ! Get one during cyber monday get a 1 tb m.2 drive LULW get a 1PB ssd enlarge my penis gachiBASS most new games these days are getting massive, it's annoying. I miss when 50GB was considered a big game. KEKW Millionaire without 500 TB SSD FeelsWeirdMan need 8 terras have you played anymore dbfz or just the tutorial trials @C9Sneaky not even 1 tb hiiros1Smuggered @C9Sneaky install it on your other drive Imagine being a millionaire but not buying a 1tb SSD billionaire cant afford a new SSD KEKW Even my 1tb is full porn "installed" WeirdChamp pepeD JD @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky ive got a large solid state for you kenan LULW pepeD as bayrakları as pepeD JD JD JEBAC DISA @C9Sneaky 500tb of nudes B-friday had some sick deals on SSD's 10k pc with no 1t ssd KEKW 1TB SSD :) pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD neden serdar ortaç çalıyor amk sdfjasjdf how is your shit even running LULW fk that just get a petabyte ssd @C9Sneaky AS BAYRAKLARI AS AS just buy a whole computer 4Head pepeD pepeD pepeD Billionaire cant afford a 6 Terabyte SSD KEKW KEKW wowww trunoomLurk imagine having a trillion dollars and not spending it all on SSDs turkish jam JD @C9Sneaky pepeD JEBAC DISA @C9Sneaky pepeD serdar ortaç WQEUDSGAUSD no one needs a 1tb SSD, just install all you games on a hdd and put your os and programs on SSD just buy every ssd ever time to play some RDR2 FeelsGoodMan JD JD @C9Sneaky Maybe at 20 mins switch to RDR? I watch rush he gets like 2 mins ques LUL na is so ded JD @C9Sneaky pepeD pepeD pepeD PepegaShake pepeD pepeD pepeD 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD serdar ortac mi dedin cidden amk LUL LUL peepoLeave Lol The 4 GB TB are $500 right now pepeD pepeD pepeD chat gerizekalı mk kenan bu TriKool HYPERCLAP TriKool HYPERCLAP pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Turkish linkin park Pog @C9Sneaky Is your D drive a floppy? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD 󠀀 pepeD pepeD pepeD çakķıdı pepeD pepeD pepeD @neonskylights wrong who's Achilles Heelies? pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD KEKW 17 min queue OMEGALUL PepegaPls red dead when sneaky? FeelsOkayMan pepeSmoke I bought 5TB HHD with only 20$ KEKW just insert your floppy diskcs pepeDance ÇAKKIDI ÇAKKIDI Still using floppies LULW ne anlıyor acaba KannaNom I do but Im gold :) bune olm :D well looks like some turk try to get troll wtf Talking SSD tho Why are queues so long rn? i am craving for a kebab out of a sudden monkaHmm bilmiyomki turkish song, POG maybe if you were bronze then the queues would be faster Hit MaN SNEAKY Pepega i think i saw qt wait an hour before TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 its not even big For a moment i thought he was playing a melee intro remix because i was watching the newest mango vid pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD int a res game u animal Pepe açmıs dinliyo ecnebi velet pepeD pepeD pepeD 󠀀 what happened to pokemon? did u finish it, did u get bored? @C9Sneaky rip johnny pepeD pepeD pepeD Just move to KR LUL pepeD pepeD pepeD demet akalın donateleyin queueueueueue pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD < . . . > @PandarEUW FeelsEvilMan 2 am on thanksgiving weekend people in this chat actually know what a floppy is! fk that just get a petabyte ssd @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky 17 minute queue? looks like it was more than just the C9 roster that doesn't want to play with you anymore @100111001 finished it YodamanXXIV subscribed with Twitch Prime. wtf why are you playing a turkish song LULW @darkkkona hangisini donateliyim my twitch prime sub says unavailable even though im not subbed to anyone, sorry dad @C9Sneaky what is this music Kenan doğulu lets goo D; pokiW HYPERCLAP pepeD CAKKIDI pepeD CAKKIDI ben fero donate i atında bi clip alalım buy a new memory card :) pepeD @pandareuw du bist ja überall B) ben feronun @Jenson_Button @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA @addcheesepls peepoArrive oh man i missed it then.... D: no academy team offer ? PepeHands shiny hunting in pokemon Poger @addcheesepls oh wait... peepoLeave 17 min queqUE POG skip the track plz :D Thanks for playing such a terrible song :) WTF IS THIS Q TIME uninstall 2k19 @100111001 3 days ago he beat it and the post story iirc did he just say he beats pokemon? D: Teddy is one of the reasons SKT was good in 2019 tbf pokiW Weirdga TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 @FarukYILDIZ imagine using realname pepeLaugh teddy is faker prestige edition PowerUpL YouWHY PowerUpR @noladrew_ well i guess if you care about load times that much... Uninstall No man's sky peepoLeave @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA Clap Play NBA 2K20 TriKool PepegaPls monkaW GachiPls RDR3 no This music lol sneakyYeehaw @c9sneaky was Pokémon worth playing? MaN noob LUL NBK nba games sucks !duo AchillesHealNA LUL TEDDYYYY LETS GET ITTTTT Weirdga @C9Sneaky If you want a really hard game, Roah just released (from creator of I Wanna Be The Boshy and Wings of Vi) sneakyJensen @UnNameless i watched most of gameplay but wanted more.. tats what she said! WideHard 7 Who is achilles heel? @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA @Jenson_Button KEKW !playlist Doot doot basketball male sport, LUL KEKW @C9Sneaky check ouKEKWt Journey @hotdogisasandwich ewww DansGame @C9Sneaky How do the new map accents affect you with your colourblindness? @C9Sneaky when are you suppose to start selling your 3 dorans ? Play danganronpa v3 OkayChamp @jenson_button sende mi burda baba 😂 @100111001 he said he'll likely return to it later but who know pepegaAIM Antetonkumpo PogChamp they could get a better picture of that guy? KEKW couldnt @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA Clap 19:23 AYAYA Snackers you got me into LCS and C9 I’ll forever love you for it @c9sneaky NO NOT AGAIN @FarukYILDIZ ok boomer AYAYA VoHiYo shipAYAYA WeirdChamp SKIP Kreygasm AYAYA AYAYA @UnNameless neat HELLO FROM GREECE peepoLeave WEEBS LUL Clap2 AYAYA Clap2 AYAYA Clap2 AYAYA Clap2 AYAYA Clap2 AYAYA Clap2 AYAYA anyone order some thick thighs? NotLikeThis AYAYA Quttox subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! 8 years! MaldChamp ima out peepoLeave !duo AchillesHealNA NOOONONONO NOOOOOO WeirdChamp AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA NotLikeThis WEEBS peepoLeave superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ AYAYA Clap AYAYA peepoArrive ben fero king kong KannaNom @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA you can download a program called WinDirStat to see whats taking most of your disk usage @lycense when you need gold for a full item or space MONSTAAAAH KannaNom MONSTAAAAH KannaNom MONSTAAAAH KannaNom MONSTAAAAH KannaNom peepoLeave Moscow NOT THIS SONG AYAYA DansGame thanks Randersonlol superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ superkawaiirandy AYAYA ✨ !followage pepeD pepeD pepeD AYAYA KKomrade XariP13 has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, 1 day AYAYA AYAYA Clap @TehFluffehCake NaM SNEAKYYYYY WHYYYY WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky NONONOONOOOOO @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA Clap AYAYAWeird Clap @jasond1989v2 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] AYAYA AYAYAY AYAYA DansGame WEEBS OUT WeirdChamp NaM AYAYA Clap FUCK THIS SONG NotLikeThis VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo AYAYA POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom peepoLeave THIS SONG pepeD shipAYAYA pepeD shipAYAYA pepeD shipAYAYA pepeD shipAYAYA pepeD shipAYAYA is this a different version of the song PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls peepoArrive weebs WeirdChamp WEEBS ARENT LOUD ENOUGH peepoWTF peepoLeave WEEBS Weirdga WHY RANDERSON 419metal subscribed with Twitch Prime. MaN MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA peepoLeave PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls @Intels AYAYA HYPERCLAP ITS BACK? PogU AYAYA АYAYA AYAYA AYAYA KAWAII SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ SUPERKAWAIIRANDY AYAYA ✨ Hey I have an idea, let's just listen to the same 10 songs over and over for 10 years straight AYAYA have you played mortal kombat? @C9Sneaky PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls VoHiYo NORMIES OUT VoHiYo shibudi shibudi after so many years? always! @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA Clap DansGame FBBlock AYAYA AYAYA ? AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp !sr frozen BClarkTBE subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! @C9Sneaky Who is your duo my friend? AYAYA AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls !followage NaM ❗ @C9Sneaky when are you suppose to start selling your 3 dorans ? NaM AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 KannaNom quitefrankly27 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 5 months, 3 days NaM WeirdChamp FBBlock AYAYA ayayaJAM AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo AYAYA MadoStab DansGame pepeD AYAYA АYAYA AYAYA . 3 years ?!?! Remember that time that sneaky played this song for half of a stream session? because i do SadChamp pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD DansGame FBBlock AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA DansGame FBBlock AYAYA @FarukYILDIZ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYA MONSTAH AYAYA KannaNom DansGame FBBlock AYAYA AYAYA Clap AYAYA Clap AYAYA Clap AYAYA Clap DansGame FBBlock AYAYA @C9Sneaky PLAY CODE VEIN AYAYA DansGame FBBlock AYAYA RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap Clap2 AYAYA NaM PURGE THE WEEBS NaM DansGame FBBlock AYAYA PepeJam VoHiYo widepeepoHappy MadoStab AYAYA HeyGuys DansGame DansGame FBBlock AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird DansGame FBBlock AYAYA AYAYA Clap !hourswatched AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA @Kawaii_SanChan -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] AYAYA MadoStab DansGame AYAYA AYAYA its spelt hellies tho @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI Slipknot to weebs music Weirdga VoHiYo AYAYA VoHiYo 20 min waiting ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PepegaAim AYAYAWeird AYAYA АYАYA AYAYA . MONSTAH AYAYA KannaNom MONSTAH AYAYA KannaNom duo @C9Sneaky tell Achilies his name is fucking lame and he should change it moon2AY !duo AchillesHealNA YIKES AYAYA PepePls AYAYA 🤝 Nam AYAYA 🤝 Nam AYAYA 🤝 Nam AYAYA 🤝 Nam AYAYA 🤝 Nam DansGame FBBlock AYAYA AYAYA MONSTER MUSUME AYAYA DansGame FBBlock AYAYA AYAYA 🔫 4Weird 🤝 NaM AYAYA 🔫 4Weird 🤝 NaM AYAYA 🔫 4Weird 🤝 NaM AYAYA 🔫 4Weird 🤝 NaM This song peepoLeave weebs arise AYAYA AYAYAWeird RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya RPGAyaya AYAYA 🤝 NaM AYAYA 🤝 NaM AYAYA 🤝 NaM KonCha TriHard FBBlock cmonBruh AYAYA АYАYА AYAYA . dead game nice que time yikes forever... AYAYAWeird 20 MIN Q, OOOOOOOOOOOFFFFF sneakyC AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls !followage miglanc5 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 week @Kawaii_SanChan -> Don't spam in CAPS! pepeLaugh NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYA NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYAWeird !followage AYAYA NaM peepoWTF forsenGun AYAYA peepoWTF forsenGun AYAYA peepoWTF forsenGun AYAYA peepoWTF forsenGun AYAYA peepoWTF forsenGun AYAYA Is achilles a scouted player? or just a soloq talent 21 minute queue PogU NaM AYAYA АYАYА AYAYA AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI AYAYAWeird NANI AYAYA OYI KannaNom YONI MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage AYAYA !followage YOU ALL LOST THE GAME AYAYAWeird any wheat AYAYA @YuYuYuna_ AYAYA @C9Sneaky watch a video help dora find some room Sneaki KEKW jesus christ this queue league finally died PogU D E A D G A M E 86 dbz dead game KEKW Can't play any pepeLaugh AYAYA AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird pepeD iwdAYAYA iwdAYAYA iwdAYAYA "WeirdChamp" AYAYA AYAYA Clap what is this song? forsenGun AYAYA RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap RPGAyaya Clap dead game KEKW MONSTA cirAYAYA Clap AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird AYAYA sing song for que to pop play mine sweeper meanwhile @C9Sneaky AYAYAWeird MadoStab 💦 KannaNom Any weird AYAYA s? AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYA 🔫 4Weird AYAYAWeird peepoLeave Weebs AYAYA no :) AYAYA Clap @C9Sneaky Same :) AYAYAWeird AYAYA Clap is thet real 21 h AHHHHHHHAYAYAYA MONSTA cirAYAYA @WintersWard Weirdga @weebs_ruin_everything PepeLaugh A GAME POGGERS :0 PagChomp AYAYA :) Just uninstall League :) AYAYA AYАYА AYAYA AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM AYAYA 🔫 NaM PoG It heard you monkaW Are Queues always this insane during Pre-season? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA peepoPog AYAYAWeird MadoStab 💦 KannaNom @c9sneaky windirstat shows everything that's on your drive taking space graphically if you need to clear up spacs @C9Gorobot D: AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA sneakyJensen PepeHands @quote_if_moe_fake pepeLaugh ❓ NaM no nut november is over AYAYAWeird MadoStab 💦 KannaNom Download more space maybe Kappa now you're in the scout team of c9 ? searching for soloq players ? Pog @C9Sneaky At least the song is a cover and not the original song AYAYAWeird @C9Sneaky You lost the game. "the game" Pog boxBruh peepoArrive gosuAYAYA EleJiggle EleGiggle 4Weird 🔫 AYAYAWeird 4Weird 🔫 AYAYAWeird 4Weird 🔫 AYAYAWeird 4Weird 🔫 AYAYAWeird NaM windirstat is dope VIET _ _ _ ❓ @wintersward damn any gifters u need a sub BOOMER AYAYAWeird MadoStab 💦 KannaNom : MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom MOOOOOOONSTAHHHHH KannaNom @YuYuYuna_ -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] MaN it's going to be a dodge LUL @C9Sneaky when are you suppose to start selling your 3 dorans ? AYAYA AYAYA VoHiYo NEED MORE WAIFUS VoHiYo SKYPE OMEGALUL AYAYA MadoStab NaM @weebs_ruin_everything i fucked up KEKW boomers use skype KEKW F U NIGHTBOT AYAYA HYPERCLAP Hey no C9 gear in this stream allowed MSN PogChamp omg oovoo NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYA NotSoEZ MadoStab AYAYAWeird F U NIGHTBOT AYAYA HYPERCLAP F U NIGHTBOT AYAYA HYPERCLAP monkaW KEKW AYAYA MadoStab NaM pepeL AYAYA Clap scared of shaco? @C9Sneaky remember when streamers got DDoS'd over accidentally showing skype cause it showed your IP? PepoDance KEKW BOOMERS KEKW AYAYA MSN LULW Skype for bussiness pepeLaugh monkaW AYAYA Clap i member KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls true LULW sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEBY sneakyFiesta KEKW AYAYA Clap AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls I remember yellow red and blue runes and masteries what is this song again AYAYA NaM ❗ AYAYA Clap AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls @FarukYILDIZ -> Don't spam in CAPS! AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls SKYPE IP RESOLVER KEKW 🍕 this music is such trash sfhBOOMER Clap !song Your audience is too young to know that reference AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls NaM Mama Mia 4Stop PagChomp ITS OVER MaN MadoStab iwdYOINK2 eye pee in a dress? WutFace you don't understand a single word you fakers 🍕 bellisimo 🍕 🍕 bellisimo 🍕 🍕 bellisimo 🍕 I finally FeelsOkayMan pepeLaugh KKona kill weebs NaM 👌 mamma mia KKona wtf AYAYA make us AYAYAWeird AYAYA WTF do you think real trump? TriHard KKona Clap I remember yellow red and blue runes and masteries KKona AYAYA AYAYA TriHard TriHard eye penis ad dress ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman ratirlGentleman MSN > Skype AYAYA cirComfy KannaNom ah yes this trailer Pog it's so stylish kayn Pog I used Skype to talk to my minecraft friends in Japan ??? monkaW VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo haHAA ——————————————————————TwitchVotes You have been gifted WAIFU subscription. Type AYAYA m to activate—————————————————————— monkaW ? AYAYA weeebs atpCarl monkaMega monkaW ??? monkaW TriHard ❓ monkaW kayn monkaW peepoLeave Fuck you goro @c9sneaky what do you think about the meta on botlane this preseason??? @c9sneaky monkaS @C9Sneaky you should watch kengan ashura, pretty entertaining watching dubbed LULW REIGNOVER AYAYA Is that a boy or a girl? PepeS persona 5 cirBlech #MAGA Pepega checking in dub WutFace 4370 raiders from Rush have joined! WH OMEGALUL dub LULW pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey KEKW pvman equal kekw Pepega CHECKING IN KEKW D: WTF ? ROOSH POGU ?XD ROOOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOOSH PagChomp Pog Pepega RAID INCOMING KEKW rush PagChomp Pepega checking in Pog KEKW Pepega CHECKING IN Pepega raid from one inter to another :) D: Roosh Pog RUSH Pog did sneaky ever finish p5 ROOOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOOSH widepeepoHappy ROOOOSH widepeepoHappy —————————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type !claim to activate—————————————————————————————— Pepega checking in PepegaShake pvman = KEKW pvman KEKW rush raid SNACKYYY roosh incoming ♿ PVMAN = GG KEKW rush Pepega ARMY @Rush ROOSH POGGERS pvman KEKW pvman = KEKW pvman = gg KEKW pvman kekw !claim ROOSH pvman = gg KEKW Pepega 7 Pepega Pepega army PVMAN = GG KEKW Pepega 📣 Charge ROOSH FWENS HYPERS english dub KEKW Kreygasm Panther Pepega Monster Eng DUB Pepega PVMAN = GG KEKW pepeJAM PVMAN = GG SadChamp !claim PVMAN COMING THROOO pvman = ? AYAYAWeird TeaTime PVMAN = GG pvman KEKW pvman army KEKW PVMAN = GG PVMAN = GG KEKW MF Pog sfhMEGA CHAAAARGE pvman = gg KEKW pvman = KEKW pepeJAM pvman = gg KEKW Eng DUB WutFace NotLikeThis Pepege Clap !claim PVMAN = GG kappa PVMAN = GG KEKW The intro is so stylish, but not as good as the original one sadlly PVMAN = 4HOUR STREAM KEKW !claim pvman = gg KEKW !claim pvman=gg KEKW PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls COGNITION 5Head AYAYA rush sending goone squade to sneaky widepeepoSad sad boy @Rush UNBAN MEE f monkaMega this VA 4Weird WTF IS THIS SHIT KEKW Kreygasm what is this weeb shit AYAYAWeird AYAYA ——————————————————————————————TwitchVotes You have been gifted a cute girl. Type 4Weird to activate————————————————————————————— morgana Kreygasm pepeD Favorite Chinese player Rush KEKW 4Weird monkaW DUB AYAYAWeird DUB AYAYAWeird me :) HYPERCLAP SENPAI peepoWTF WEEBS persona has always looked like a stupid ass game SENPAI AYAYA me :) senpai :) s...senpai AYAYA AYAYA SENPAI AYAYA SENPAI Kreygasm AYAYA DansGame ! !claim 4Weird KEKW SENPAI AYAYA SENPOAI AYAYA WutFace LULW AYAYA AYAYA ? SENPAI LUL AYAYA 👉 4Weird 👈 senpai in eng KEKW sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost 60 FPS trailer for 30 FPS capped game LULW AYAYA lmao LOLI HACKER AYAYA FeelsWeirdMan 4Weird Clap stop AYAYA Are you playing royal on stream I fell like it would be fun but also to do it yourself Senpai AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA NOTICE ME SNEAKY SAN AYAYA Saint Pie KEKW Saint Pie KEKW Saint Pie KEKW Saint Pie KEKW english DansGame ShenPie You've been bad monkaW NaM WEEBS GET THE FUCK OUT NaM moon2AY moon2AY moon2AY NaM MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA "AYAYA" WeirdChamp 👉 4Weird 👈 next lol SENPAI AYAYA watch the jap version >:# N OMEGALUL ————————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a cute girl. Type 4Weird to activate————————————————————————————— AYAYA MadoStab NaM english dub KEKW saint pid NO KannaNom god i love persona musci so much AYAYA 4Head Just AYAYAWeird not japanese? gachiHYPER 4Weird AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM gachiHYPER 4Weird Just believe AYAYA gachiHYPER All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan) guy thing gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER AYAYA 4Weird KappaPride KappaPride kouhai AYAYA KEK 4weird FeelsWeirdMan gachiBASS WEEBS are pedos - trainwrecks 2019 4Weird AYAYA Yeah more content Yeah better not party AFTER the finals ????? gachiBASS the english dub is really well made come on chat AYAYAWeird except for Ryuji and FOR REAL VoHiYo AYAYAWeird MadoStab AYAYA AutobotFrost subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 28 months, currently on a 28 month streak! Believe it! SourPls just believe 4Head 4Weird Jebaited danHi Any TriHard in chat? 19k poggers KEKW KEKW Jebaited KEKW REKT KEKW LuL @C9Sneaky its a whole new dungeon, new ally/characters, new content to do, changes to story and so on DODGED KEKW just play rdr Jebaited D: fk league D: gachiW ? D: D: a word D: gachiHYPER Same game with extra character gachiBASS TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 Pog KEKW 20 min queue morgana AYAYA 👉 4Weird 👈 D: D: sneakyPride Phantom weebs? AYAYA HYPERCLAP I wanna blow air inside of Morgana's belly button Kreygasm R KEKW KEKW cmonBruh F r word D: its basically persona5 + an expansion pack NOOOOOOOOOOOOU :O :O :O WutFace WutFace WutFace ROYALE Pog Kekw br LUL areuuu R D: R BATTLE ROYALE PogU 👉 Weirdga 👈 MaN NaM game looks super KappaPride R D: cmonBruh NaM? NaM i'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS LUL NaM NaM PERSONA BR PagChomp KEKW KEKW POGGERS Pog NaM Battoru AYAYA POOGERS POGGERS FORTNITE BR KEKW KEKW Pog NaM 👉 BabyRage 👈 NANANANA I CANT HEAR YOU Pog caca KEKW Pog KARROT POGGERS DRAGINBALLZ What even is the Royal edition AYAYA BASTAAAA FREEEZEEEERR pls dont be shit pls dont be shit FeelsBirthdayMan GOKUUUU BabyRage KAKAROT scarti1Lifer scarti1Lifer scarti1Lifer PepeHands KAKAROT POg VoHiYo monkaW CARROT POGGERS DBZ KEKW 3D animation FeelsWeirdMan SAME STORY LINE AFTER 30 YEARS WeirdChamp YAMCHA KEKW KAKAROTOOO PERSONA 5 ROYALE FortOne Karrot cake POGGERS english WeirdChamp krillin MaldChamp I’m only 12 WutFace forsenCD PICCOLO spoiler goku beats vegeta sneakyPride 3D animation Weirdga gachiHYPER oh cool the same story! gachiHYPER CGI peepoWTF monkaW monkaW @Faviahn it's an expansion to the original game, changes to the story, adds a new character, new dungeon, new ending, changes the fate of a character, etc, and fixes minor issues of the pacing of the game oh shit DRAGON BALL ARPG Pog gachiBASS KEKW same story, same game for 100th time LULW gachiHYPER VoHiYo AYAYA PunOko dead game pepeLaugh gachiGASM 4k Pog looks lame widepeepoHappy gachiBASS YOU MONSTER FRISBEE ————————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a SPANKING . Type gachiBASS to activate————————————————————————————— PepeHands COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS i cant wait til broly comes out on thursday... character looks so fun lffnNom lffnSnack KEKW gachiBASS nyacchShy2 spoiler goku beats freezer PepeHands D: Krillin LUL gachiHYPER 🥕 Clap same shit every year Pog COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS COCKEROT gachiBASS 󠀀 Pog PepeHands Pog why that mewtwo lookin ass so strong? LUL Cockarot gachiHYPER danCry oh shit! DBZ making same video game since 1998 monkaW freezaa Pog gachiGASM U MONSTER FRISBEE 4Weird oh my god monkaW gachiHYPER PogS gachiBASS Pog tyler Pog gachiHYPER gachiHYPER DRAGON BALL JRPG Pog @CaptainFalliner Pog so should I finish the original before it? Or wait for Royal? Pog nb3Saiyan Pog hype PogU monkaW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp G gachiHYPER CKU PagChomp gachiHYPER COCKROT LUL wait what? freeza kills Krillin ? Pog wow so many spoiler monkaS wow hes powering up ResidentSleeper gachiHYPER ??????? we need your die next Pepega gachiHYPER gachiBASS so what, he changed his hair colour SSB POG The first time he went super saiyan Pog who wins ? PogU pepeJAMMER gachiHYPER COCKU gachiHYPER no way, is that the legendary super saiyan Pog not in anygames before Pog YOU FOOL this is craaaaaazy ResidentSleeper tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ @jasond1989v2 -> No excessive usage of symbols! forsenSS gachiHYPER 👉 Weirdga 👈 HandsUp milking the same scene again KEKW SPOILERS D: monkaW tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ tyler1SSJ Weirdga ok ACTION RPG ?!?!? GOKU moon2H yes, that is a real cummer fookin fool 3Head Kkkkaka @c9sneaky ————————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a SPANKING . Type gachiHYPER to activate————————————————————————————— neato not like we've seen that before Project A vs Project Z Mad peepoWTF TIFA Kreygasm FF VII Pog gachiHYPER gachiHYPER @Faviahn that depends on you, i finished the vanilla one before and ims till gonna play royal because im a fucking weeb and i love persona DansGame ELDEN RING Pog minecraft dungeons Pog No :) KannaNom gachiHYPER cacarrot PogChamp @20022512abcdef you are gay Elden ring PogU we didnt like it WeirdChamp if you play another song from japan i will self harm gachiHYPER minecraft Pog NaM More weebs? gachiHYPER HSWP HSWP ResidentSleeper WATCH ELDEN RING PogU we liked it OkayChamp @C9Sneaky the dbfz trailer for new character is super hype K-K-Kaka crabby patty.. he didn't invite me to his birthday party - YOU MONSTER, FRISBEE! When does E4 come out @CaptainFalliner AYAYA FF7R won best of show NaM WEEBS GET THE FUCK OUT NaM Pog @Faviahn if you do finish vanilla you gonna notice a lot of changes from vanilla to royal imo gachiHYPER SPANK ME DADDY TriHard desert hey sexy eboys ELDEN RING PogU AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? @Code002_Zero_Two no you gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Crimson Desert I WANT IT @yes, its BDO 2.0 prequel looks good AYAYA AYAYA hold CTRL and type "WTF" for fancy 𝓦𝓣ℱ JON SNOW AYAYA The voice acting I can't wait :D @20022512abcdef but you the one who spanking gachiHYPER BDO? I FEELING GAY GayPride GayPride GayPride GayPride @c9sneaky elden ring might get a trailer at the game awards monkaW Jon Snow PogChamp i went to jimmy johns with kanye west today :P @Faviahn watch some character trailers for royal, they show some of teh changes without spoilers to the game Thought you were in game? MonkaS GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ monkaW JOHN SNOW NaM @C9Sneaky yes, its BDO 2.0 prequel looks good NaM NaM oh god it's the same studio that made black desert MaN MaN Halo reach is coming to PC @C9Sneaky MaN MaN ! skyrim ripoff Keepo @flat_is_justice_flat AYAYA MaN Chat is dumb MaN Currently playing BDO.... :D MaN HALO REACH SUCKS CHANGE MY MIND MaN MaN VaN ? Witcher 4? PagChomp :MaN: ow man please @Ciraris AYAYA LUL BDO sucks man MaN Pearl Abyss LUL did you beat resident evil 2 biohazard? AYAYAWeird MadoStab MaN jon snow moon2POGGYWOGGY realistic scenarios ResidentSleeper Clap LIDL witcher pepeLaugh GIANT Pog MEATY TOES KEKW Bdo isnt fun tho Trailers for MMO's are just..who fkin gives a shit, game itself is gonna blow anyway Pog hbo lawsuit incoming Its the same universe as BDO but its not related @ApexValkyrie weak bait AYAYAWeird BDO combat is fire, Pearl aabyss sucksssss @C9Sneaky its supposed to have actual PvE endgame and gearing system like more traditional MMOs its a "prequel" to black desert but they just made it a stand alone game seperate mordhau witcher 4 Pog Jon Snow? where are all the sexy eboys @C9Sneaky its a seperate game from BDO, the name has nothing to do with crimson desert inside BDO Jon snow? @Faviahn just don't watch the akechi and haru one if you haven't finished vanilla, they spoil the last 2 dungeons D: ResidentSleeper D: single player bdo? FeelsWowMan D: 💨 sure would be nice to have a good mmo widepeepoSad monkaW 3Head D: D: This lip syncing KEKW D: WTF the nights watch 4k more like MORE P2W stuff LUL D: D: D: D: the force KEKW I DUN WUNT IT D: D: D: GOT wannabe garbage monkaW D: D: You know nothing John snerrrrr D: WideHard witcher 3 ripoff Keepo D: THE NORF monkaW this is a game of thrones rip haha... skyrim 2.0 Pog WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY shaco monkaW It's Shaco it's what was going to be the prequel to BDO, but it evolved into a totally different game and world of it's own is that a scottish or irish accent i can never tell Shaco Pog attack on titan peepoPog Pog Train It looks like a darker Witcher 3 CLOWN 9 KEKW shaco PogU meme of the norf ITS GAME OF THRONES LOL D: SAME PepeHands shaco POG NOT THE TENDIES widepeepoSad ResidentSleeper totally not witcher + got I do :) monkaW @fizzkaleefa its a direct prequel to BDO, how does it have nothing to do with it??? same john snow This game actually looks amazing Oh shit they got Jon Snow Skyrim online For the night is dark and full of terrors jon snow KEKW MMOs in 2020 WeirdChamp mountain? 3Head shes muh kween 😍 Absolutely zero desert so far. @Paperclipbender anything medieval = GOT Pepega Clap Yennifer? oi A WERD I SAYD gachiHYPER WOMAN nah fuck Skyrim Online accent Kreygasm jennefer peepoPog press 2 to find 100$ tomorrow yennifer Just wait for Cyberpunk 2077 Okayga CCP JON SNOW cmonBruh wher is dany? WUNWUN dont have to play it anymore @abdyman thats not true, they made it a separate title, its not connected anymore 3Head this is an mmo? BDO 1.5 KEKW SMOrc Go away literally all the cutscenes ARYA wait this is an mmo SMOrc GO AWAY monkaW monkaMega GO AWAY SMOrc game of thrones + elder scrolls = this oh great, another black desert SMOrc COMMUNIST CHINA JON SNOW KEKW 😳 W-woman ? its "a single player mmo blend" 3Head already know the entire stoyry no way this is an mmo SMOrc Go away SMOrc this is an mmo? Manbearpig monkaW DRACARYS monkaW @grnkoala right? haha Trailers for MMO's FailFish damn jesus gyarados peepoPog @LaMilala Gotta be a complete idiot to not think this aesthetically is totally copying the show wow killer Pog this is the actual gameplay Kappa Kappa Kappa Witcher 3 spin off This can't be an MMO, it would just be BDO all over again @C9Sneaky its not an mmo that guy just got fucked theres no way chopper? monkaW D OMEGALUL M You play as these characters as far as i know MMO trailer vs gameplay pepeLaugh joffrey Pog FeelsWeirdMan 4Weird WeirdChamp Weirdga AYAYAWeird ah yes killing HYPERCLAP GUNS? Still no gameplay though KEKW Crimson desert gun is cheat WutFace KKona Clap PowerUpL YouDontSay PowerUpR GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ PepegaAim cinematics PogChamp Game DansGame PRESS 1 FOR JESUS this is a MMO? Bannerlord Pog KING OF THA NORF pre awakened warrior LUL It looks like a Game of thrones game is that jon snow? gOtTa Be a cOmPleTe idOit witcher 3 + actual good combat system Kreygasm @C9Sneaky this is a private server for BDO why make this an mmo games of throne pretty sure this is a seperate game? @fizzkaleefa unless that was just announced, they said it at their press conference when this trailer came out monkaGun PepegaAim @Paperclipbender fur coats and medieval must be GoT clone Pepega Clap KKona GUN CHina version of game of throne @C9Sneaky Are you excited for Elden Ring? Jon Snow? @C9Sneaky it's what was going to be the prequel to BDO, but it evolved into a totally different game and world of it's own lord of the thrones: wild hunt KEKW Atlas PepeLaugh lord of the thrones wild hunt LULW D OMEGALUL M oh no KEKW KEKW LuL KEKW iwdPepega KEKW true KEKW KEKW kekw D OMEGALUL M KEKW D OMEGALUL M True KEKW D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW D OMEGALUL M KEKW D OMEGALUL M TRUE KEKW D OMEGALUL M KEKW D OMEGALUL M pepeLaugh 3 dorans Pog pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh D OMEGALUL M KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW Dom smokes too much crack MONKEY KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW . LUL KEKW LMFAO D OMEGALUL M KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 45 minutes 34 seconds KEKW TRUE KEKW TRUE KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh Says the jungle main KEKW KEKW HAHAHAHAHA D OMEGALUL M KEKW . LUL Pepega D OMEGALUL M KEKW KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap LUL I have it :) in ur butt 3Head what brain? you never had one daph2head on dis dick IWD complaining, imagine that KEKW KEKW . Pepega u have no brain Kappa Nonexistent NOT FALSE LULW DOM RELEVANT KEKW Elden Ring Pog Pepega isnt dom hardstuck diamond true KEKW D omegalul M i mean hes not wrong KEKW NO BRAIN BRUV :( Pepega Clap no how can Dom even see with all the tears in his eyes constantly? PogU ELDEN RING KEKW elden ring PogU trueeeee Kappa PogU ELDEN RING this looks sick ALL YOUR BRIAN WENT TO COSPLAY KEEP IT UP :D @C9Sneaky KEKW KEKW Listening to DOM PogU monkaW cant wait for this PogU Did you see the POE2 Trailer? Brain went to cosplaying and i appreciate it xqcGob xqcGob2 ELDEN RING Kreygasm KEKW Dom was washed up like 5 years ago lmao WHAT RANK IS DOM Pepega Clap OHHH ELDEN RING GRRM Dark SOuls Dom has no brain george rr martin game? I WANT IT NOW LISTENING TO DOM OMEGALUL Game of Souls monkaS @abdyman there was a press conference about 15 days ago, its a whole new IP ANOTHER SOULS ResidentSleeper BRAINLESS SNEAKY Kappa Sneaky what time is it where u live PogU ELDEN RING LOOKS GOOD adc mains are pretty dumb though KEKW yep MIYAZAKI Pog brian 3Head fake miyazaki Keepo SNEAKY martin Pog Dom does nothing Besides blame everyone but himself SEKIRO 2 Pog Wait someone named their BDO pserver Crimson Desert, that's top tier. pepeLaugh your brain went into mechanics @C9Sneaky LULW BRUH BRIAN IIS SO COOL U SO CUTE WutFace 5Head monkaS monkaW @Retracx Rank 1 in North America monkaMega 5Head Yamato Honda Suzuki SEKIROS ARM PohU monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW why am I hear, I was watching roosh and now I'm back and they fucked up series KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW louder sir monkaW Elden Ring is supposed to be more story based NO FULLSCREEN??? widepeepoHappy monkaW monkaW @C9Sneaky youll have to excuse that typo, that individual is an adc main and cant help it is that genji monkaS that looks erotic G MARTAIN Pog monkaW monkaW GENJI POG? ewww wtf george Pog THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD Kreygasm monkaW @yuyuyuna_ AYAYAWeird Hey Dad widepeepoHappy WutFace WutFace PepeS cant even imagine the 6th book george ya fuck monkaW I gotta study lol he's a director guy from my hero LULW this looks hype af @ForestFairyBilly AYAYAWeird Miyazaki and his fkin Severed Limbs dude WutFace Sub is gone THE ONE RING PogU PogU he doesn't write books The audio on this upload is really bad my ears @C9Sneaky that sounds like either Darth Malak from KOTOR or Darth Malgus from SWTOR Leonaaa one ring to rule them all monkaW study @WintersWard Pog Leoooooonaaaaaaa QUEUE LUL im ready for this game i need it:( oohhh Kreygasm more souls thank god Kreygasm gachiBASS OHHHH ELDEN RING monkaW monkaW no fullscreen means streamer got little peen Right clicking stresses my brain too much gachiHYPER Game awards hopefully has something about this game I think if i do remember correctly, miyazaki said he wanted to make a more oriented game and that's what elden ring is going to be based off ornn Pog 30 min KEKW always some sort of Prosthetic limb shit going on in his games mods gone 29:21 monkaS lotr rip off XD gachiW Sneaky turn off the stream please FeelsBadMan I have to study FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky Kreygasm @c9sneaky bad audio version. go to from software youtube whats up with ur queue lmao DARK SOULS 4? r u in q TRUNDLE Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive Dark Souls 4 peepoArrive wait is it a ps4 exclusive wtf cmon midget troll LUL looks like final fantasy 30 min q peepoLeave HYPE Pog DWARF monkaS Good thing it doesn’t take 2 hours for a game edgy Kreygasm Open world Dark souls peepoArrive this is HBO remaking the last season of game of thrones dork souls Pog FLAMES Pog sauron monkaX BibleThump monkaW crack yo momma back CiGrip you can't possibly imagine it because they can't possibly imagine what the "elden ring" is and haven't created it yet KEKW he's the centurion monkaW He needs to moisturize he must have smoked weed you can't possibly imagine it because they can't possibly imagine what the "elden ring" is and haven't created it yet KEKW @c9sneaky @tcesarsc -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] im waiting this game, and then i can die in peace when you forgot lotion showing back crack on twitch? TOS KappaHD gachiHYPER crack? where ELDEN RING monkaS PS4 KEKW THE HYDRA monkaW ohhhhh elden ring Kreygasm wee heee sneakyH not even the devs can possibly imagine it KEKW comment pepeLaugh this is your brian on drugs We ain't ready for this one. Miyazaki's going IN on this one Pog that coment KEKW KEKW the comment though KEKW Sneaky turn off the stream please FeelsBadMan I have to study FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky no NO KEKW yeah v2 was good WutFace gachiW yes no i make them no :) Ye they are fun They're trash apart from V1 and V2 SNIPER 4 IS THE BEST ONE no KEKW N OMEGALUL BRAIN 404 NOT FOUND Kappa FIRST COMMENT KEKW me :) no :) me :) only the zombies one They're like 6/10 heel yeah 1st comment KEKW KEKW they ok you can't possibly imagine it because they can't possibly imagine what the "elden ring" is and haven't created it yet, not even the devs can imagine it KEKW @c9sneaky yea its fun Sneaky curve cock Trials of mana, is it good? KH3 KEKW @C9Sneaky playing through Control right now, its pretty entertaining wtf hey @Faviahn they are good if you like sniping, boring otherwise only miyazaki we acknowledge is hayao Kappa FUCK KH3 yeah just to shoot hitler in the balls FUCK NO DARK SOULS 4 LOOKS SICK yeah v2 was kinda arcade and fun How long take the queue for league game usually ? YOU SHOOT PEOPLE IN THE PENIS ITS FUNNY Xd @C9Sneaky What's your favorite class in ffxiv? :) they are fun for sure but not really innovative @Arqaneee Don't acknowledge me in Sneaky's chat DansGame FALLOUT 76 KEKW imagine shot gitlers balls off Sneaky Just Dance 4HEad yooo snacky do you like/play fighting games? Because you should LIDL ZELDA KEKW PepeLaugh @faviahn :) widepeepoHappy AngelThump AngelThuml AYAYA GAME lul this one is nice Pretty Pog widepeepoHappy AngelThump is his game still loading in the background? widepeepoHappy AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA ? AngelThump VoHiYo fortnite? AngelThump GRASS IS SO OVERDONE KEKW peepoArrivee AngelThump Holy shit those graphics are nice tho widepeepoHappy pwetty @Faviahn Currently acknowledging you in sneaky's chat widepeepoHappy monkaW ? AYAYA ? peepoArrive Looks like Fortnite PogU PogU peepoArrive AYAYA? botw? Gods and Monster = Greek Zelda BOTW NaM WEEBS GET THE FUCK OUT NaM Beautiful art AYAYA ? Is this a mobile game? gachiGASM PogYou AYAYA ? @Arqaneee peepoLeave cute game AYAYA Pog @chef_tang exactly what I was thinking honestly AngelThump AngelThump AngelThump AngelThump ME? me :) me :) AYAYA AYAYA me PogU ME ? PogU No me :) me :) monkaW AYAYA me ? :) They turn to PogYou PogYou WeirdChamp peepoArrive peepoArrive is this a mobile game pepeLaugh me :) AYAYA FORTNITE BOTW POGGERS FORTNITE trunoomPog you :) that looks like breath of the wild monkaHmm its me not you :)\ Odyssey ResidentSleeper PogU VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ monkaH "assassins creed" peepoLeave FORTNITE 3 Pog PogYou you :) oh shit it's a ubisoft game :) Assassins Creed OMEGALUL M OMEGALUL BILE GAME KEKW NaM LIDL MONSTER HUNTER ResidentSleeper MaN @chef_tang most likely unreal engine FORTNITE? POGGERS monster hunter Fortnite 3.0 MaN GØDS huh SHIT GAME KEKW WAIT IT LOOKS Pog LIDL MONSTER HUNTER ResidentSleeper LIDL MONSTER HUNTER ResidentSleeper LIDL MONSTER HUNTER ResidentSleeper NaM Creative Name Kappa NaM NaM ??? LMAO WHAT NaM ❓ Ubisoft DansGame NaM ❗ "assassins creed" peepoLeave "assassins creed" peepoLeave "assassins creed" peepoLeave peepoLeave zero gameplay LULW the fuck is it tho? KEKW looks like mobile game NaM ❗ lol monstas 'n shiet LUL Very informative ??? LINK KEKW no gameplay :/ This looks like weeb shit pepeLaugh wtf NaM TRUE LULW Gay i like the art style :) @C9Sneaky red dead 2 tonight? so what's the gameplay KEKW 3 months till its out, shows fuck all looks alot like zelda artwork it looks like an action oriented Last Guardian KEKW KEKW console console peepoWTF is that Console edition its for console Sneaky no gore :? KEKW It got delayed KEKW KEKW Clap HYPERCLAP thank u for ur service CONSOLE TRASH DansGame LUL FeelsClassyMan MaN ? Clap console KEKW Kappa // KEKW delayed by 8 years 4Head MaN ! Warframe is fun LUL Card game for the lord of the rings Pog Fallout KEKW FALLOUT KEKW doom eternal Pog pvman=gg KEKW monkaMega Fallout 76 KEKW monkaW 8 years for a console port lul monkaW wait, are we still in queue? console in 2k20 big oof R6 KEKW RUNESCAPE monkaW This game could be Pog doom is a good game moon2PH monkaW monkaW Pog ? R6S Pog monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW should try warframe Rainbow 76 monkaW PepegaPls xqcGob xqcGob2 WAIT THERE'S AN ACTUAL GAME FOR RAINBOW 6???? ITS VENOM FALLOUT 76 KEKW monkaW what a cliche trailer lol monkaW monkaGIGA DOOMGuy its just the sames games ResidentSleeper monkaW sombos boom monkaW monkaW I've been waiting for this a long time R6Q Pog monkaW GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ KappaPride PepegaPls PepegaPls Weirdga uninspired derivative shlock KEKW monkaW aliens or something? sneaky what do u think about JUKEEES???? lul, this game will play NOTHING like this Zombies in almost 2020 OMEGALUL 40 min Queue looks awesome wake up monkaW warframe knda cool PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @C9Sneaky check PLAN 8 bby crimson desert developers monkaS mosquitos KEKW monkaW peepoWTF Resident Rainbow venom POE 2 Pog PogU peepoLeave PLAN 8 dude New Finka PogChamp HOLD ME CHAT monkaS it's scary because the lights are flashing :) Pog PogU SAVED Pog check the 'Subverse' trailer @C9Sneaky Ela Pog ela ? hold me chat monkaW Ela Pog ELA Pog chat doesn't realize how satisfying killing zombies in r6 would feel horror cliche KEKW Ela Pog KEKW ELA Pog ELA Pog ELA ELA Pog Pog REEEEEEE monkaW monkaW SUBVERSE LULW ELA Pog ela ELA Kreygasm xD Venom? TRASH LULW Kreygasm ? rainbow six raven shield is the best FeelsClassyMan WH OMEGALUL dying light raindbow siedge so scary KEKW Pog ResidentSleeper PepegaAim Nupe Weirdga peepoLeave who tf is ela So is this a separate world for Siege? wow thanks top rainblow tom Kreygasm ELLA PUNTO? KEKW POGGERS It got delayed to late next year I think 34 mins queue monkaW shitty trailers ResidentSleeper epic KEKW 34min queue KEKW pepeLaugh POGGERS POGGERS 18+ KEKW 18+ monkaW +18 Kappa 18+ e p i c g a m e s @derpz A character from Rainbow 6 Siege yes put 34 min POGGERS C OMEGALUL NS OMEGALUL LE 18+ gachiBASS Who is Sneaky duo'ing with? Consoles KEKW every single one of these games looks like complete garbage WutFace MilkSephorix word, thanks no it's just dlc LULW Are queue times usually this long? seperate co op horde game like LFD 18+ gachiBASS it must be it HandsUp zombies in rainbow six? peepoLeave Its not dlc comes out 2020 @everyman322 ok boomer pepeLaugh EPIC GAMES STORE pepeLaugh 💦 its not dlc damn is it a dlc? its a new game u naught u sneaky Kappa its a new game nobody knows yet basically no info just got a ssd ad lol who makes new games these days it literally is basically just dlc use your brain decodeproxy LULW wat a game cliche rehashes of the same old tired ass old ideas pajaW It's a new game @C9Sneaky the description says its brand new game It's a new game xbox KEKW I was excited for a new rainbow 6, the vegas ones were Pog af XB OMEGALUL X xbox KEKW XBOX LUL XB OMEGALUL X xbox KEKW xbox DansGame no reason to defend that trash rainbow six dlc decodeproxy LULW Tom Clancy died again peepoLeave X B OMEGALUL X X B OMEGALUL X x b OMEGALUL x What's a xbox? KEKW XBONE PepeLaugh OMEGALUL XB OMEGALUL X lulWut X B OMEGALUL X @Helppluk000 yes yes, I should judge a game thats not even out, good point forsenThink haHAA Clap X B nymnO X Those look like weebs HotPokket Clap XB OMEGALUL X ??? LUL someone ate vi TriKool Xbox LULW LUL errm wtf is that shit?! OW 3 Pog bleeding edge looks like kinda meh ThiCC F OMEGALUL RNITE HotPokket HYPERCLAP ????? HotPokket SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls borderlands ripoff KEKW incels with a xbox in 2019 KEKW THICC Xbox has no good exclusives :) decodeproxy of course, you should judge everything LULW pepeD not overwatch is this borderlands xbox is the McDonalds of gaming pepeD borderlands??? overwatch ripoff OMEGALUL Oh look it's overwatch mixed with borderlands monkaS SNEK tyler1T1 tyler1T2 pepeD i lost Kreygasm EZ Kappa OVERWATCH 3 KEKW they always gotta have a fat guy in the game 4VS4 thats a weird format meo Lidl overwatch KEKW shitty overwatch : o ResidentSleeper Borderlands OW Pog VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ IT'S DOOMFIST Pog Pog games MaN @SnipingHobo TriHard DEVIL MAY CRY Pog MaN ❗ looks whack Imagine bloodline champions but free-movement and updated graphics KKool 🎸 WutFace peepoLeave no league? LEAGUE IS DEAD Pog ResidentSleeper WutFace good devs Pog ResidentSleeper This game looks fun af "from the makers of..." peepoLeave Now that MCC is on pc Xbox sucks cock cringey trailer Weirdga Halo Infinity WutFace Borderwatch monkaW DVA This looks very shit cmonBruh Weirdga overwatch type shit @c9sneaky have you seen Ghost of Tsushima? It’s a PS4 exclusive and looks really really good. OVERWATCH 2 Pog ResidentSleeper what THE FUCK kind of design is that this game will kill league for sure Kapp cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh overwatch killer Pog "from the makers of..." peepoLeave peepoLeave forsenJoy forsenJoy forsenJoy im gettin autism form watching this GIZMO moon2L The saw waves tho Gay abs Kreygasm miko Kreygasm THAT LOOKED TRASH KEKW pepejam WideHard forsen bajs i c forsenCD big oof and when the bad reivews start rolling in you'll see it's trash decodeproxy and anyways you can know what a game is and if you'll like it before you play it if you think a tiny bit LULW EL BASTARDO KEKW Granny Kreygasm Kreygasm granny forsenJoy React harder forsenJoy Looks Pog Lmao Ninja Theory sucks ass My eyes are hurting by how much effects there are ons creen trash Look a over watch rip off What a garbage game lol Granny 😳 wtf Wannabe Overwatrch??? heroes good game trash Jesus. FeelsWeirdMan OMEGALUL verwatch in a nutshell piñata Game will be trash I guarentee it looks like lidl overwatch lol offbrand overwatch? sneakyC 🤳 kalsit mf Pog that made me puke a lil bit kalista ugly lol @C9Sneaky when pokemon REACT 😂 mf PogU that looked like scuffed overwatch its melee only Walgreens OW tries way too hard for unique chars KEKW MF miss fortune cosplay confimed? Pog shes kindahot SHIP IT TO PVC 😂 another fortnite KEKW tyler1Sleeper Ori PogU Pog The designs for the characters are cool and all, but the game seems kinda trashy Pog Skyrim 2 when? FeelsWeirdMan Pog DANCE PogU sneakyC 🤳 pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick Pog marihuana neekoAw PogU boomer game cirGasm battle my toad pepeD Pog PogU Pog Pog Pog N OMEGALUL WAIT IM INTO THAT PogU PagChomp pepeD BATTLETHOTS Kappa NOSTALGIA INCOMING PogU PogU @Helppluk000 if you're that upset with my opinion, head to dms instead FeelsOkayMan Pog ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD YESSSSSSSSSSSS Pog 17k dislikes lol KEKW Gamestop must be so pumped THEY ARE BACCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK KEKW Pog KEKW they are gonna bring them back just to ruin them watch ori and the will of the wisps Pog Minecraft Dungeons Pog ResidentSleeper pepeD pepeD pepeD ewww wtf wait KEKW this gåme wås fucking epic did he just throw his nuts on the ground KEKW KEKW it looks like shit dislikes KEKW LUL FeelsGoodMan TOADS KEKW Xbox KEKW if you think i'm upset because i have a brain and can speak you're not using yours decodeproxy LULW KEKW trunoomLurk ZI IZ Pepega wtf LULW WutFcae LUL WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS KEKW pepega 17k DISLIKE KEKW lol Wait? they changed the fucking toads is this the new ninja turtles Battle Toads PogChamp 17k dislikes KEKW PepoCheer BATTLE PepoCheer TOADS PepoCheer FeelsGoodMan TODS trash KEKW 3 player co op KEKW LICK gachiW monkaS their BIGGEST battle? holy shit but the last one was already huge!!! THEY ARE BACK delet this OSFrog Clap this looks garbage LETS GOOO Assuming we have friends D: is this the 90s? THEY WERE 4 FeelsGoodMan Buy it Looks like a game from 2011 dislikes LULW TableHere FortOne the dislikes KEKW widepeepoHappy TODS THIS GÅME WÅS EPIC KEKW @akevanishere its literally the same? EPIC Pog batteling acne LUL Pepega games POGGERS PogU POGGERS ? EPIC POGGERS PEPE PogChamp OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog porkshank me dad dislikes KEKW Porkshank LUL EPIC POGGERS This was my favorite game ever what kinda trash game is this KEKW Pog why do people hate this game? LOL nice like to dislike ratio OMEGALUL trash IT'S SO MUCH WORSE THAN THE ORIGINAL KEKW gachiBASS POGGERS OSFrog 👅 battle turds "XBOX" peepoLeave The art style DansGame FeelsGoodMan TOADS FeelsGoodMan 17-7k dislikes KEKW real league Pog 4k trash game so shit remakes arent just for hollywood 17k dislikes :D Trash SJW shit. 17k dislikes KEKW Epic Gaymers LULW zoomers in chat so it's just a reskinned crash bandicoot KEKW XBOX KEKW KEKW so it's just a reskinned crash bandicoot KEKW so it's just a reskinned crash bandicoot KEKW so it's just a reskinned crash bandicoot KEKW @AugustineTV what do you mean worse than the original.. the original was cool af Triple A Battle Toads PepeLaugh worth the wait FeelsGoodMan XB OMEGALUL X Microsoft Flight Sim PogU moon2M XB OMEGALUL X XBOX peepoLeave CROSSFIRE Pog F for Xbox LUL yes The original Battletoads is possibly the hardest game I ever played @c9sneaky N OMEGALUL X B OMEGALUL X yeh gears @CaptainFalliner That's the point HAHA XBOX AND EXCLUSIVES GOOOD JOKE moon2COOM @Helppluk000 ? what xbox sucks 1991 originål has E3 BEEN? Xbox = trash Check out plan8 battle toads is pog Halo? Xbox has no good exclusives technically all Xbox exclusives are PC as well HALO OMEGALUL mrpixeliii use your eyes Half Life 3 trailer Pog On PC NOW XBOX LUL LEAGUE DansGame moon2SMUG H A L OMEGALUL Xbox is shit gaaame @CaptainFalliner Saying something is worse than the original doesn't imply the original was also bad HAL OMEGALUL xbox is the mcdonalds of gaming League ResidentSleeper xbox only halo adn tahts coming to pc LUL snacky where do you live rn? halo and forza I think Xbox releases all their stuff on PC as well now which is awesome Exclusively X b OMEGALUL X Halo Infnity Is it so bad to NOT have exclusives? Like, we getting games on PCs too. xbox lost this generation hard song ? halo comin to pc why do i hear birds 🐦 @Helppluk000 ur trolling, nice b8 tho nunu bot MrDestructoid pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick League peepoArrive Fero @AugustineTV so the original is good remake is bad is what you're trying to say? you worded it in a wrong way pepeD Xbox has been shit for the last 2’years Pog Ben Fero Pog xbox dead console wtf birds? wtf he is playing mf YE pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick All “Xbox exclusives” will be on PC too TriKool adam fero açtı aq TriKool TriDance TriKool TriHard Clap ANELE mrpixeliii sorry you don't use your brain :/ KKool TriKool TriKool TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard pastaThat pastaThat TriKool TriHard if you say it's worse than something is implying that the original was bad to begin with.... cmonBruh ? pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick is sneaky gonna be come a halo reach streamer on dec 3rd TriKool Clap demet akalın LMAOOOOOOOO TriKool Clap ANELE Clap T.f TriKool AS BAYRAKLARI AS pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick halo infinite next halo game also on pc though ANELE Clap hahahah yeeah pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick noluyo amk akjsdj thing song ass AS BAYRAKLARI AS AS WideHard Clap WideHard Clap WideHard Clap pepeD ANELE Clap noluyo mk Anele Clap pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick yasANELE TriKool ?? Pepega Clap TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 pepeD pepeD pepeD as bayraklar TriDance TriKool ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick DansGame ? As bayrakları TriKool ricardoFlick TriKool ricardoFlick TriKool ricardoFlick TriKool ricardoFlick TriKool ricardoFlick ANELE ? TriKool ? gerçek mi bu amk asjfahsjkfhsajkhf WeirdChamp TriHard / \ ANELE sdfsdfsdfs as as what is this stop it we're cursed now chat aAASSIKTIR ben fero ricardoFlick türkçe rap mi la bu pepegaPls pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick TriHard + ANELE is he shallenjour? monkaHmm Dude this mf skin is the most annoying shit ever. It goes AWOOO every fucking 5 seconds r6 pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick ANELE song!?? TriKool Clap Clap ANELE My kind of jam, brother @Helppluk000 guess you just dont want to use your brain today its okay man :) TriKool ANELE pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick ANELE lol He's saying death to America TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick @CaptainFalliner I didn't word it incorrectly at all, you just have poor reading comprehension and grasp of grammar. Saying something is worse than the original does not automatically mean the original is bad, that's just simple logic my dude pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD pepeD BANGER ALERT pepeD yasANELE yasANELE yasANELE ben fero mu lan bu ANELE Clap monkaW BBoomer pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD BOOMER KEKW TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 SIGNALING TriHard 📡 ALL TriHard 📡 HOMIES TriHard 📡 TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick Chat WERE CURSED TURKS ARE RISING LMAOOO Only Halo Reach pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick what is he saying monkaW Evet kank ben fero pepeD Turkish rap ? pepeD BANGER ALERT pepeD . lmaoo fiora cover ur map ! PepegaPls pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick TriHard 7 Hello Fiora pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 pepeJAM he says black rhino ben FEROoooooooooooooo use plug dj @c9sneaky tf blade makes music? XD TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick cCc nelson mandela TriHard Clap marmela TriHard Clap pepeJAMMER pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ANELE RAP ANELE ?? 6 dorans pls :) pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick KKonaW ama akalım allu snackbar song ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick TriKool Clap pepeD ricardoFlick OH shit pepeD ricardoFlick We BANGING pepeD ricardoFlick TriKool What is he saying pepeD pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick ANELE 🙏 TRap ıts greek singer mrpixeliii oh it's ok if you don't have an argument or any intelligence just say "you too" and move on buddy 4Head @AugustineTV aight fam no need to insult my reading i just readed wrong !uptime pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 58 minutes 3 seconds pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick what is this shiet music pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick BEN FERO Pog TriKool Clap pepeD I don't understand this but it slaps pepeD nice greek song they even have the SKRT adlibs on the track LUL KKool hi megvaa Pog TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 what is this pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick @Helppluk000 ok man, you too :) WTF IS THIS SONG TriHard 7 TriHarder 8 damn he goes hard PogU Pog ben geri demet akalin Pog PogYou Pog Pog SNACKY IN LANE EZ Clap poggers ludwigStinky ludwigStinky ludwigStinky PogU Pog Pog EZ Pog PagChomp Pog GG SNEAKY IN LANE PogU POG Pog skrrr skrrr TriHard Pot shipOKO Clap ez sneaky in lane Pog Demet ablasa EZ MF ok :) Pog Clap shipWOW PogChamp gg ok :) STRAIGHT FIRE MY BROTHER ANELE all cuz of the song Pog Snacky sneaky in lane Pog This slaps hard sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost sneakyBoost pepeJAM 15 minute game incoming Pog xd monkaW monkaW KEKW WutFace droppin the hammer D: turkish songs @C9Sneaky didn't expect that autotune LUL WutFace pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick D: WutFace pepeJAM What WutFace fero mu lan o :d WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaMega WutFace weeee sneakyH Kreygasm Kreygasm ride her pumpkin Kreygasm pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick DansGame klauBlush nice skin oohhh 30 min Q for 10 min game KEKW ACHILLEs GOES HARD gachiW great greek singer Bu ne olum yanlış yayın zannettim pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick MF Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm dumpHYPERS SONG? music is so bad LULW FeelsPumpkinMan HYPERCLAP gachiW pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick pepeD ricardoFlick mf cosplay when ? why barrier over heal? did NA build Ill take some of that pumpkin spice Kreygasm pepeD arka fonda dermannnnn you rode it really well selphyOwO Abi bune NA build 3 blades PogU not at all it's not me too because i have acutal arguments mrpixeliii while you can only mimic what i say like a monkey, so sadly no, it's just you with low intelligence :/ sorry about your bad dna, unlucky can you skip WeirdChamp what is th ebenefit to multiple d blades? aç bi kuzu kuzu dinleyelim bari bu leş şarkı ne ya LUL pepeD TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick SONG PLS What is this music :D TriKool Clap Blade stacking Pog @Xxefsane TriKool / \ ricardoFlick :D klauBlush @YuYuYuna_ Achilles is so aggressive, what a ballsy player wtf ben fero Bro skip this shit mf walk Kreygasm so close to full build Pog PepegaShake why is 5 darons so good it is the lifesteal? @akikoba sfhOWO Bot die doran meta kel Zıft emre ferooo pepeD pepeD pepeD whats with the triple doran build? is that the current meta? really? people say its 4 not at all it's not me too because i have acutal arguments mrpixeliii while you can only mimic what i say like a monkey, so sadly no, it's just you with low intelligence :/ sorry about your bad dna, unlucky : TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick TriKool / \ ricardoFlick @C9Sneaky next cosplay Bewitching MF? dedue 4 NotLikeThis SKIP IT NotLikeThis SKIP IT NotLikeThis SKIP IT NotLikeThis SKIP IT NotLikeThis SKIP IT build wriggles lantern next Pog kel feroo japanese metal inc monkaW japanese metal inc monkaW japanese metal inc monkaW uncultured chat @YuYuYuna_ ratirlUWU boxPat @TheMini1 selphySmug sfhOK ben fero demet akalin WutFace i think its 6 bro what game is Snekky playing after he's done with League of children? 6 is perfect there is muuuuch better TK rap than thiiis bruuuuh Ben fero wtf what's up with adc buying more Doran's blades? wtf da deuced why not 6 1350 for 3 mero LULW mero olum bu ne MERO :d qwkjbfqjkwbjkq shipOWO olm bu adam bu şarkıları nerden biliyor ashjydqhjdyhjuad klauOwo sssajbdlkvqşvşsamş asjhdasjhd ahhhhhhaaaahahagahah mero ANELE kai ? did he finish Deth Strangling? monkaHmm bana sana bize bişey olabilir asdfasdf german ANELE german ANELE german ANELE german ANELE wtf qwesdgklşvxc ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ooo bızım şarkı d.dd asdfasdfasdf is this your playlist ?? ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE ANELE white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 white people sad KKona 👎 Skip this fuckign trash wtf Niye bu şarkılar çalıyor :D ssdsacsdvsfdsv D: Pog ty türkler 1 yazsın oha mk buda agır geld i:) ANELE DansGame WTF DansGame why is triple dorans a thing now? racist ANELE cmonBruh ANELE Niye türkçe şarkı dinliyor shshshshus headBang YOU DONT SKIP DansGame yea this german 2 DansGame YOU DON'T 3sh pog AYAYAY Neden reis buttt :( AYAYA cmonBruh Why skip? Hahahaahaha headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang racist EZ A LUL COVE rude WutFace alcove gamer pepeLaugh that thresh headBang Clap NaM I PepeHands headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang ALCOVE LUL that was sad af get alcoved kiddo WeirdChamp headBang !spotify These alcove plays Kreygasm thersh is god SwifRage \m/ this thresh is pog INT PIT LULW A L C OMEGALUL V E AYAYA AYAYA !playlist THE INT PIT Pog Doot doot @C9Sneaky 2 more dorans blades :) Please stop listening to shit THE INT PIT BABY AYAYA AYAYA headBang headBang headBang headBang INT PIT KEKW AYAYA AYAYA IS THIS AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA Clap Put it in her alcove! peepoLeave Weebs ruin everything peepoLeave ?? AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA EHEHE AYAYA EHEHE AYAYA EHEHE AYAYA EHEHE AYAYA headBang AYAYA pmiAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA headBang headBang headBang headBang AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA NaM I Okayga cock AYAYA headBang AYAYA sneaky will you kiss my virgin lips at the alcove VISUAL KEI??? AYAYA headBang VISUAL KEI??? AYAYA headBang VISUAL KEI??? AYAYA headBang AUAUA AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA SwiftRage NaM NaM MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA Pepega AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 why all these blade? Alcove? weird way to call int balcony Pepega WutFace boxAYAYA yasAYAYA xfsnAYAYA hachuAYAYA katerinoAYAYA HeadBang AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls rooAYAYA rooAYAYA @hotdogss peepoArrive AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 AYAYA AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Weirdga 👉 weebs AYAYA Clap AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA Weebs ruin everything DansGame danAY gosuAYAYA Achilles is as agressive as in Homer best seller books Okayga AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang Weirdga 👉 weebs, kinda weird AYAYA headBang PepegaPls AYAYA headBang PepegaPls AYAYA headBang PepegaPls AYAYA headBang PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA monkaW AYAYAWeird PogU escape FeelsWeirdMan 👉 AYAYA @lockynsound AYAYAWeird WutFace thresh roam KEKW shipAYAYA Clap PunOko danAY Clap danAY Clap danAY Clap 1.1k time for more doranS PogChamp What a fkin trash song NaM I flash boxAYAYA lilyAYAYA klauAyaya hachuAYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls Wait this song bops really hard PepegaPls song??? PepegaAim @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi peepoWTF danAY Clap forsenPuke2 nymnGun nymnSmug !song nami flashed there @CupNoodlesBestNoodles AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang NORMIES FRICK OFF oathRee hey why no heal MaN AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang blind cirBlind ppl who hate songs have smol pp AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] weebs not being persecuted? peepoLeave klauRee AYAYAWeird MadoStab AYAYA forsenE vayn flash Japanese go so hard on their metal songs PepegaPls WeirdAYAYA weebs out NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA FeelsOkayMan AYAYAWeird vrfunnREE AYAYAWeird 👉 FeelsWeirdMan D: @hotdogss WeirdChamp @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi @YuYuYuna_ atamPoi AYAYAWeird weebs out boxREE @YuYuYuna_ frick you peepoWTF forsenGun Song? @LordMeow Weirdga NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA Weeb Metal KEKW NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM holy frick, ive never heard foreign screamo AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA we demand Slipknot peepoWTF naroEhehe naroEhehe naroEhehe naroEhehe NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA @lockynsound sfhOWO @lockynsound sfhOWO @lockynsound sfhOWO @lockynsound sfhOWO @lockynsound sfhOWO @lockynsound sfhOWO AYAYA SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage ArsonNoSexy ArsonNoSexy AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM NaM AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA AYAYAWeird NaM NaM MadoStab AYAYA ❗ OMEGAYAYA FeelsOkayMan NaM ? Song WutFace WutFace WutFace AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM normies mooOMEGA @vurderlak -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KannaNom Funfact :99 % NaM is weebs AYAYA astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES @YuYuYuna_ atamNap @YuYuYuna_ atamNap @YuYuYuna_ atamNap NaM MadoStab AYAYA im gunnna be sick AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES , astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES . hachuHaM AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA HeadBang SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYASillyChamp MadoStab AYAYASillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp KonCha MadoStab ResidentSleeper astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES , lacA1 lacA2 @decodeproxy sfhSPIT oathDab astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES ,, FeelsWeirdMan FBBlock AYAYA 🚪 AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp GIVE IT TO THEM CHAT HandsUp sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneakyC sneakyClap LULW AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang Anyone know the name of this song? AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab NaM AYAYA MadoStab NaM Nam san, shine kudasai! AYAYA MadoStab I dislike this skin's auto effects.. they're so loud and weird, it's like a bowling ball underwater Babymetal? @lockynsound oathComfy @lockynsound oathComfy @lockynsound oathComfy @lockynsound oathComfy Pog @Kazoozle headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA no WeirdChamp @ohsnaptizkevin ill by a crowd of rebellion meronun şarkıyı rap kısmına sarıp atın gachiGASM MadoStab AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA astrovrAYAYA1 astrovrAYAYA2 astrovrAYAYA3 no mero astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES . do it Weirdga song name? AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM A crowd of rebellion - Ill <--- result from search SeemsGood cirBlech SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA 🔫 SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA 🔫 SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA 🔫 SillyChamp MadoStab AYAYA 🔫 @SweetBobax3 ill by a crowd of rebellion !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 3 minutes 59 seconds @CaptainFalliner all of the sounds are really out of place for this skin :/ AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM mem mero oapskdoaskasd AYAYA !time December 1st 2019, 2:21:52 am PST GMT-08:00 mendoHypers mendoHypers mendoHypers mendoHypers mendoHypers mendoHypers AYAYAWeird WARD KEKW EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA EZ MadoStab AYAYA @piracyoffdacoastofsomalia boxAYAYA hachuAYAYA katerinoAYAYA xfsnAYAYA yasAYAYA @YuYuYuna_ atamHands @YuYuYuna_ atamHands @YuYuYuna_ atamHands @YuYuYuna_ atamHands @LavaHouse thanks! astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES . astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES ,, song name pls ? Lee in alcove monkaW Weirdga MadoStab AYAYA monkaS thats a bullshit wrad yo did he play rdr2 ?? Weirdga MadoStab AYAYA Weirdga MadoStab AYAYA Weirdga MadoStab AYAYA kaiaYA Lee KEKW KARMA Pog @YuYuYuna_ really? i haven't payed attention to the other effects, i s've singled out the auto effect PagChomp Pog wafflePoint @lockynsound waffleThink wafflePoint @lockynsound waffleThink wafflePoint @lockynsound waffleThink wafflePoint @lockynsound waffleThink @Kudsu ill by a crowd of rebellion PogU team ALCOVE Pog nunu LUL almost got her monkaS THRESH nice ult sneaky Kappa headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA they are all solo PepegaHands Lmfao Pog nunu LUL Pog nice tp Int Pit Pog alcove Pog alcove plays KEKW PepegaHands !xD The alcove play PogU WARD KEKW alcove is actually so funny for surviving ganks that Nunu skin @ low movementspeed LUL headBang alcove Pepega boots I C BADGES DORANS @YuYuYuna_ good taste atamGG @YuYuYuna_ good taste atamGG this fucking music bruh another dorans this thresh is pretty good :) CHAT I SEE BADGES peepoLeave !DUO AchillesHealNA dorans>>>>>all KEKW SMOrc no boots pog nunu when you die in alcove, PepegaHands is Karma mid a good pick? Alcove is real nice to get ganks in AYAYA MadoStab WeirdChamp not 4 dorans ResidentSleeper noo please Are you listening to a playlist of this music or? @C9Sneaky AYAYA MadoStab WeirdChamp sell pot buy cloak was the play 5Head Nunu 5Head People are real dumb and never ward bushes Pepega AYAYAWeird KEKW peepoArrive The weebs are gone yuyuyuna_ AYAYA <3 KEKW LUL WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp outbladed=outplayed 44 LUL run it down out-bladed kekw XD GG thats just a common sword @CaptainFalliner They sound more like they'd be on a project or scifi-y skin. Not very spooky hiiros1Cry Weirdga AYAYAWeird cmonBruh ANELE WeirdChamp pepeD ANELE pepeD HYPERBRUH AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM Weirdga wtf is that 4 doran, thats troll AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM AYAYAWeird MadoStab NaM and true damage % gg 5 dbs TriHard pepeD @c9sneaky will you ever go for the alpha 6 blades play what is that nami skin? she looks like a naga lol just ff !rank PepegaShake @istvan_p AYAYA Clap C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 584 LP good one chat WeirdChamp good one chat WeirdChamp good one chat WeirdChamp donation songs go from AYAYA to ANELE TriKool Clap ??? why lot of swords ? birisi para siciyor ANELE why is this better than normal build? @c9sneaky pepeD ANELE pepeD pepeD ANELE pepeD pepeJAM TriKool HYPERCLAP TriKool HYPERCLAP LUL NaM monkaW monkaS @YuYuYuna_ AYAYAWeird for how good riot sound designers are that's sad monkaW wait these drums actually knock NaM ! monkaS peepoLeave WTF IS THIS MUSIC KEKW nunu LUL why u listenin turkish music POG @lockynsound oathAwoo oathRave oathAwoo monkaW O YEAH lol sheR pre gud song O YEAH why are you listening to TF blade music OH YEAH O YEAH ANELE TriKool music this is not proper music it's parody pepeD O YEAH pepeD ANELE OH YEA PepePls ANELE Whats with this 3 dorans blade strat every game o yeah O YEA ANELE O YEA actually quite good song TriKool OH YEAH gachiHYPER Name song? monkaW NT BigYikes o yeah HandsUp ARABIC RAP peepoLeave close pog nice try NA R KEKW oh yeah gachiHYPER AHAHAHAh ???? O YE Almost HandsUp what the actual fck ahahahaha gachiHYPER asdfasdfasdfa Should've E PepeHands mahmut tuncer geliyor :D O YEEEE O YEAH ANELE Zoe monkaS mahmut tuncer ne mk :D ANELE headBang ANELE headBang HandsUp great TURKISH music :) fucking choir singing o yea? oyea holy shit they got a choir too bu nası şarkı aq :D PogU mahmut tuncer ahhshshshs WHY DID NAMI GO AWAY FROM TURRET!? nt hate how the damage works on ult now would've killed before PogU OHHHHHH LUL WHAT omg monkas OYEA KEKW always so close ? PogU WHAAAT ZOE KEKW Pog PagChomp 󠀀 ZOE LUL PogYou PogU KEKW bruh rip Vayne Pog Jesus lol POG close Pog Pog ?? THRESH WHAT PogU BIG shutdown Pog omgggg monkaW fking zoe OMEGALUL a new challenger approaches LUL lirikGASM monkaW Pog GET FUCKED DEMON CHLD Your support is badass. Z OMEGALUL E poor thresh pog thresh PepeHands OH YEAH gachiHYPER he is thresh thresh PepeHands worth dude took the L !duo AchillesHealNA vayne so lucky trrrresssH W VAYNE BUILD KEKW not going for the shutdown hahaha trash?? Pog any reason for ptr and not conq oh yeah moment @Helppluk000 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Weirdga thresh PepegaHands Zilean pepega nunu LUL NUNU COGGERS monkaW ANELE NUNU 4 Dorans OP DO IT 5 DORANS Pog Pepege WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp WeirdChamp ??? monkaW ANELE OUTBLADED tokyo dorifto PogU ANELE 💣 N LUL N LUL LULW KEKW nunu tried at least AYAYA hashhadhdshahds AYAYA nunu LULW headBang headBang headBang headBang v not dorans peepoLeave MrDestructoid AYAYA Why buy 3 dorans? Is this the new meta? headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang DansGame headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA KEKW astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES . headBang astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES , headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang back to AYAYA screamo astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES . WutFace gachiHYPER AYAYAWeird MadoStab AYAYA WutFacce gachiW @hotdogss peepoLeave astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES , they make doran's boot or nah? seabass273 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 19 months! AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang if you only had 4 doran gachiHYPER astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES .. @piracyoffdacoastofsomalia try to do the full 9 astrovrAYAYA7 astrovrAYAYA8 astrovrAYAYA9 CUTIES NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA gachiW bring back the turkish rap DansGame KEKW headBang headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA headBang AYAYA Why buy so many Dorans? @tcesarsc Now THAT I can fuck with. Man this "music" really is unbearable today @aperfecte -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls vayne baited not even worth the kill danAY AHNY CUWTIES noooooo NaM MadoStab NaM MadoStab NaM MadoStab NaM MadoStab NaM MadoStab Barış manço muydu o lan Nami KEKW SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage @ve_garipkont mahmut tuncer unholy pictures WutFace shipAYAYA MadoStab NaM BibleThump LET NAMI PLAY THE GAME BibleThump assist DansGame rofl xd WutFace PepeHands KEKW @Thatasianguy327 sustain, somehow it works lmao WideHard HYPERCLAP Z LUL E that vayne build nani what was that turkish song? Weirdga SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage Nami is getting bullied out of the game headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang What's this Vayne build LOL WideHard 7 monkaShake mountain !song headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Out smiting nunu KEKW The vayne is outblading sneaky monkaS she's too powerful VAYNE KEKW LUL LEE KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LULW LULW KEKW KEKW LOL LEE SIN LEE KEKW LEE KEKW LUL lol OMEGALUL LEE LUL Boosted lee LULW PepegAim OMEGALUL there flash !song ??? LEE BM Pog DRUNK LEE KEKW ???? PVMAN? NA aim PepegaAim alcove KEKW why save r !song ???? THRESH PogU KEKW is that rush PogChamp LUL LMAO Jebaited LMAO KEKW KEKW na this nunu Why R when you can't Q.... LOL LUL Pepega LULW OMEGALUL my eyes he's not dying... LOL LUL NA KEKW baited NA NUNU LULW LOL baited KEKW NUNU KEKW KEKW LMFAO KEKW SLUGFEST LUL nunu LULW yikes NUNU KEKW nunu xD NA KEKW Jebaited LUL haahaha holee jesus monkaS AND NUNU DIED ahhh KEKW LUL Jebaited Jebaited Tresh KEKW fiesta KEKW NotLikeThis papega NUNU KEKW NA SOLOQ KEKW it hurts LUL lee KEKW wtf is this elo? that was pog NUNU XD KEKW KUKU THIS NUNU my eyes NA SKIRMISH KEKW gigaBait time in your country sneaky KEKW NA KEKW KEKW this nunu is boosted That was too much even for NA KEKW F I E S T A he's having fun it looks like hey wassup im here ") done worry nunu is helping Pepega Lol a fiesta can i get a witness sa ROFL ?XD NA challenger gameplay 9x nunu Kappa nunu COGGERS big plays Why 3 dorans when you are ahead? :) heal, shield, heal shield, heal shield 4 DORANS Pog hehe xD 20k pog AYAYA headbang AYAYA Ayagahgahaah this exactly looks like my silver games @Wazanga think it's 2:30 his time DISCO NUNU Kappa VLAD Pog its just gold reset for nami 5Head THE POWER OF THE DORIANS why are people collecting dorans every game ? !song ? @c9sneaky stop smurfing in silver :D A crowd of rebellion M1917 is song 4 dorans lul !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 584 LP ok ty @C9Sneaky ITS A CHALLANGE Kappa PepegaPls do you use overheal only on mf or you are trying the synergy with dorans? @C9Sneaky trunoomCry Vayne smurfing gray screen simulator Grandmaster is basically silver Kappa AYAYA @TheOrangeThunder dunno why i read that as ''Hey washed up i am here this cant be higher then silver pepeD PepegaShake kami- sama SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage atamAYAYA atamAYAYA atamAYAYA atamAYAYA atamAYAYA It's grandmaster PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaShake peepoWTF What is up with this weeb music spam peepoWTF WutFace dang ole blades man KKona AYAYAWeird MadoStab AYAYA PepegaShake @Diffindo i would never D: He was in queue for like 30 minutes for this game Thrashiest music I've ever listened to PepegaShake KEKW KUKU KEKW ?? KEKW @TheOrangeThunder xD has he landed a flay yet? ehm ??? m? cucked KEKW Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 Squid4 NUNU LUL KEKW the clown fiesta is here nunu COGGERS wtf is happeninh FUCKING NUNU AGAIN KEKW KEKW LULW zoe btw THIS NUNU LULW Z OMEGALUL E Z OMEGALUL E KEKW KEKW !playlist Doot doot monkaS moon2VERYSCARED Z OMEGALUL E KEKW what in the world is this game monkaW 4 doran’s LUL GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis AYAYA Fed Z AYAYA E PepeS imagine if you press Q on mid R zoe and she comes back and kills her teammate. PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls AYAYA KappaPride WTF nice duo PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @KellzGames appreciate your bravery in coming out AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls PepegaPls HYPERCLAP AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls WutFace SO LOUD DansGame NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis tyler1Hey PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake NaM MadoStab AYAYA NaM MadoStab AYAYA this fucking music..... @ThePiter333 5Head 5 Doran's blades trend has been popularized even among LCS players for sure NaM MadoStab NaM MadoStab AYAYAWeird YouWHY YouWHY devil music WutFace Pepega NaM AYAYA SwiftRage PogU just dont listen 4Head THRESH moon2BRAIN PogU POOGERS pog Weirdga stop not enough dorians blades Pog LUL pog Pog POG P9g lee PepegaHands do you use overheal only on mf or you are trying the synergy with dorans? @C9Sneaky fuck the music POG INHUMAN REFLEXES PogU Thresh is insane pOg better jng is winning SATAN riPepperonis WutFace lee is babysitting song name? some get lee sin a tent name of song? PepegaPls PepegaPls life steal LUL This Thresh is pretty good Skip this please lirikTENK ? thresh was clean hue ? 6 d blades = GG F LUL Wha fuck the music ZOE LUL lirikTEN zoe monkaW monkaW is the whole dorans blade thing actualy meta or are your memeing for the most part @C9Sneaky Pog PogYou mf 0 dmg with no lethality zoe Pepega POG Lee falls off like a fat dude with rickets monkaW normies can't handle the tunes m8 monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW Pog LOL pog FI OMEGALUL RA sheiit monkaW Pog Pog Pog nimbus monkaW pog fiora LUL pog vayne 4 dorans PogYou monkaW that ms tho Fiora attack speed boots KEKW Fiona she was thirsting for snekky's blood monkaMega life steal LUL 7/1 bronzil Okayga song? do you use overheal only on mf or you are trying the synergy with dorans? @C9Sneaky PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls life steal Kreygasm headBang Song is Anemone A crowd of rebellion spicy did they buff mf i run nimbus cloak every game now headbang FOREVER SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage PepegaShake Okayga 👍 vayne LUL O PepegaPls o PepegaPls oo PepegaPls o PepegaPls Oo cmonBruh a 1 and 5 fiora with no mana and no flash almost shit on you.... BaLAncEd DansGame AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls 󠀀 AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls AYAYA PepegaPls where is all the lifesteal coming from?? YouWHY YouWHY i like to watch the lesbian with my own music cuz this is so AWFUL!~ @wallslikeme shes just always viable YouWHY @KaisaHentai I think its really good on imobile adc like ashe and jhin !ayaya AYAYA There are 2162 cuties in chat AYAYA do you use overheal only on mf or you are trying the synergy with dorans? @C9Sneaky AYAYA sounds like weeb music Noooo h3 sold doean Go to Dig @sneaky use w? what a weird song PogU How can you listen to this music :D Pepega i dont know canijustgame: i like to watch the lesbian with my own music cuz this is so AWFUL!~ Pog @badgersenpai he has a rune called lifeline and has like 2 Doran blades DizzyAlex_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! hey babe :) kiss me and lick my boothole please NOT SIX BLADES peepoLeave @kidobr what’s weeb music dblades are the future PepoCheer @wallslikeme a while ago her E got a big buff, and the nerfs to the other meta ADCs made her stronger think its coming from the boots :) song name is anemone a crowd of rebellion MadoStab CruW SKIp cursed Song DansGame no nut november is over guys! On the battlefield with a blade taped to each finger HandsUp fucking boys mid gachiHYPER gachiHYPER thank you for the dblade nerfs @C9Sneaky WeirdChamp HandsUp gachiHYPER Weirdga 👎 monkaS @itsyaboyleyo yea its nuts how much ms you an get @pineapppleundies anime op and ed gachiBASS FeelsWeirdMan Adc preseason 10 = budget zoro cosplay still under contract with c9? boot hole Okayga dose dorans shilds like blade stack ? why's everyone building 5 dblades ? how do you have that much as? what was the last song? Sneaky is gonna force riot to nerf dblade into the ground THERE'S A SNAKE IN MY BOOT....HOLE Sneaky reading chat omg h.. hey senpai jenaurfWink imagining actually doing NNN KEKW @RandyKujo anemone a crowd of rebellion @kidobr but that’s just music lol WeirdChamp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 16 minutes 16 seconds AYAYA lick me boothole Dude its almost like he go 10.2% lifesteal in runes and 2 Dblades Po @weebs_ruin_everything they should just nerf how much it sells for !ayaya AYAYA There are 2163 cuties in chat AYAYA @HotShotQ8 ty good sir :) i am you :) the night is dark and full of terrors @C9Sneaky dorans shild like dorans blade stack ? !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan NNN is a joke, absolutely zero benefit to your life KEKW nightbot FeelsBadMan @pineapppleundies nah, that is very ESPECIFIC music, that is weeb music AYAYA !virgintest stop 4Weird poki subs DansGame pokiW AYAYAWeird VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan FeelsOkayMan Please skip music !virgintest forsenE any bajs VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan ✋ 4Weird enough Okayga 🔇 poki subs KEKW no ;) IRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan skip song pls poki subs Pog @VEXX1483 or just make it into a unique passive I stop fapping cuz internet told me KEKW @kidobr you do understand that EDs and OPs are regular songs made for the anime lol VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I won EZ mizkifW1 pokiW I WIN widepeepoHappy watashi wa do you cast wards with normal cast? @C9Sneaky VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I I WON! PogU VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I won EZ WE R SO AZN] widepeepoSad don't judge me chat BibleThump BibleThump VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I I WON! PogU woah normie. hat VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I I WON! PogU @c9sneaky dude what u think about Kalista Season 10 Lowkey Ruin the stream with this trash music love watching you play, but some of this music is painful to listen to he's right there :) VIRGIN CHECK monkaS👉 pokiW I I WON! PogU @NarcolepticVoid ya but champs like yassuo and yorick have done this forever @pineapppleundies I do, let me put like this, would you listen to weeb music at a party ? NUNU COGGERS no i won :) !song i am the bush High key ruin the stream nunu LUL vlad LUL vlad KEKW ? VLAD Pepega Pepega !song Pepega TRASH LUL NA f mb PepegaHands @kidobr it’s Japanese rock so why not if it’s good. You only call it weeb because it’s Japanese lol PogU lee LUL Pog that LEE LUL lee KEKW @VEXX1483 true! you can't forget the rengar 5 blades top LOL PogU Lee so boosted LULW Z OMEGALUL E OMEGALUL monkaW POG @trapaddict420 what do you just come on streams to listen to the music? LUL Chat HMU WITH SONGG W..T.F monkaS KEKW POGGERS @kidobr I wouldn't listen to Mozart at a party but I still like it monkaW zoe LUL THIS LEE KEKW ??? KEKW THIS GAME LULW Thresh Pog pog wtf is that???? LUL Thresh is a god PogU monkaW KEKW monkaW zoe monkaW monkaMEGA THRESH GODDDDD that lee is so bad lmO Pepega Z OMEGALUL E !watchtime This vladimir! LuL CLIP IT AND SEND TO PVC! 😂 prolly ult Thresh Pog Z OMEGALUL E 󠀀 they want that mf booty do you use overheal only on mf or you are trying the synergy with dorans? @C9Sneaky YouWHY YouWHY pepeJAM Weirdga i liked it widepeepoSad headBang pepeJAM Z OMEGALUL E NOOO pepeJAM Saved headBang I liked iT PepeHands pepeJAM weebs songs !song Much better :) I liked it widepeepoSad wtf is that vayne build @C9Sneaky you need to go back to slipknot Play Young Thug saved !playlist Doot doot preseason zeal DansGame peepoLeave @Ban_streams -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] SHADOW OF INTENT!!! pepeJAM headBang atamAYAYA atamAYAYA atamAYAYA atamAYAYA animals as leaders Pog 🤘 aal more blades headBang pepeJAM we cool now play some smiths or smth WutFace @lovalia Nah but it’s loud and hard to ignore any gachibass sneaky cute monkaW destroy dick december is upon lads let us rejoice let sneaky enjoy his music peepoWTF DDDDaamge Okayga cirComfy baby yoda widepeepoHappy baby yoda loves Young Thug im just sayimg 4Head 4Head 4HEad 4Head 4HEad OMEGALUL NE STEP AHEAD 4HEad 5Head 4Head 4HEad 4Head step on me milf fortune gachiW monkaW 4Head boostedSin lee almost got that 4Head erhmmagerd.... enermerls ers lerders 4Head 3Head fiora LUL what a champion monkaW @pineapppleundies not all weeb music are japanese rock, some are more on the eletronic side. There is a difference between Japanese music and weeb music. Weeb music is design to appeal to weebs. monkaS CRINGE mf monkaW monkaW wtf Zoe? Lol what your q is huge peepoArrive are you gonna never use ur ult ??? KEKW KEKW LMAOO nunu PogU LUL NUNU KEKW VAYNE KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ROFL VAYNE LULW Vayne KEKW ? vayne LULW KEKW VAYNE KEKW KEKW Fiora monkaW who's this little cute lesbian and how tight is her x80bGASM VAYNE PepeLaugh GOD NUNU OMEGALUL vayne KEKW VAYNE KEKW KEKW KEKW NUNU 5Head pepeLaugh looool VAYNE OMEGALUL Vayne KEKW KEKW KEKW @kidobr you’re beyond delusional KEKW KEKW @kidobr all music is designed to appeal to a demographic KEKW Hahahhaha Vayne LUL ??? LUL FIORA monkaW ? fuck that was amazing NA SOLOQ KEKW LULW what is this KEKW nice aram LOL what is happenikg VAYNE KEKW 󠀀 NA Vayne mental went boom NARAM missing so much Q chances vayne spotting Pog suprise fiddlestick vayne LUL is this NA? Keepo KEK Nunu driving through hitting a random roadbump 1 more "monkaW" and I'm out @pineapppleundies you are way too sensitive to be a weeb KEKW PepoDance u rly play this game yeah these auto sounds are pretty gross vayne thought she was khazix KEKW I am your mom :) NA has the weakest mental fortitude of any region KEKW monkaW 57 ms wtf why so high? WeirdChamp KALIMBA OP Stop bully Vayne widepeepoSad @chef_tang LA ping to the Chicago servers @C9Sneaky what makes barrier better then heal in your oppinion? @chef_tang I play with 80 He’s bottling a lot of q @kidobr you’re way too uncultured to be a normal person KEKW KEKW @augustinetv have u seen kr @chef_tang 67 is low for CA bruh learned something nnew 67* triple @C9Sneaky how does the nimbus barrier set up feel after using it for a while? double booble double trouble !settings NUNU LUL3 @parrot22 it's 8-15 ping there I know, but they're also a tiny country compared to Canada + USA D: D: D: D: D: D: D :O KEKW MISCLICK KEKW D: KEKW KEKW D: LUL caited scimitair It's DOOMED. KEKW FEDEX NaM I gotcha ????? your team is so heavy holy shit NUNU F KEKW NO ULT KEKW win 5v5 every time KEKW Zoe 1v9 pepeLaugh NAMI TACTICAL SHUTDOWN PogChamp just like worlds LUL latta biiitch we win 5v5 Kappa fucking slut No red dead today? LUL broxahGG AYAYAWeird throw KEKW you guys actually got so fucked lol @pineapppleundies you don't even know me how am I uncultured ? NotLikeThis NA SO FKING DOOMED NotSoEZ HYPERCLAP Throwing widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky what makes barrier better then heal in your oppinion? @C9Sneaky how does the nimbus barrier set up feel after using it for a while? ITS DOUBLE BUBBLE BABY get range item "we win 5v5 if peel" nice win 5v5 every time KEKW zoe fucking slut Kreygasm NotSoEz gg vayne fed game over nunu inutil. kekw 4HEad why no QSS? NotSoEZ why thresh no mikaels lul Sneaky! back home with the good ol' fam? NotSoEZ @Bulanosu99 NotSoEZ wtf they killed that so fast fun back and forth game tho SeemsGood omg zoe slut when Kreygasm karma feels braindead Where’s the ult @c9sneaky Sneakys Jhin he Gosus Vayne who wins get storm's razor @C9Sneaky @Nitesearcher NotSoEZ @beartowers, WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky What about Eseence -->IE --> Stormrazor? @beartowers, peepoLeave @Bulanosu99 PogYou zoe hentai AYAYA double trouoble best emote - NotSoEZ @C9Sneaky What about Essence -->IE --> Stormrazor??? Kreygasm Weirdga rffc? ZOE? cirGasm cs Kreygasm WEEBS = PedoBear !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 24 minutes 9 seconds Woah Weirdga those autos sound so good early BT with overheal is nice @C9Sneaky What about Eseence -->IE --> Stormrazor? Z OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL @Nitesearcher Weirdga Weirdga this thresh is insane FeelsWeirdMan @C9Sneaky is playing well for a 5 hours stream :) KEKW NA CHASE LUL :) ????? :) did rush end his stream? FeelsBadMan Nami too good @dingasboy_ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 3 drakes monkaW @ashakura yeah like an hour or so ago Smile chat :) @ashakura ya, hosted snacky a while ago chase over drake KEKW GET MORTAL REMEINDER gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS sumSmash monkaGun this is the chinese rush @C9Sneaky What about Essence -->IE --> Stormrazor? LUL LUL LUL LUL trunoomEz zoe is my waifu AYAYA rush may be depressed FeelsBadMan i don't think people get what the term 'weeb' means Lord dominatrix Kreygasm @nikittynyasha123 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Weirdga gachiBASS gachiHYPER Clap just another IE rush has suffered from depression in the past gachiHYPER gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky What about Essence -->IE --> Stormrazor? on MF wort a ban Okayga gachiGASM YES SIR gachiHYPER The new Mountain has similar power to the old Infernal drake gosu Pog KEKW Weirdga deleted i had a game with 4 mountain dragons on my team and no one was a tank/or had tank items c: Lord Iwilldominate ZOE KEKW I feel like thats such a risky play from vayne AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA @C9Sneaky Dominate me pls Kreygasm это выкидышь или мна показалось? to use flash like that GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE Just build 4 IEs 4Head NUNU POGGERS weebs mad that people dont know the exact definition of weeb do you think prestige bewitching mf worth my tokens? @C9Sneaky KKomrade ? Weirdga 🤚 Now vayne isnt gonna have a flash for the most important fight of the whole game nunu monkaW Weirdga Lord i will dominate? gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS hahaahha gachiHYPER gachiW gachiBASS BIG HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS WOOP gachiBASS monakW Vaybe still survive weebs are degenerates WeirdChamp @hotdogss AYAYAWeird gachiBASS BBC TriHard gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Cla @ABNORMEL FeelsAmazingMan gachiHYPER 🎐 KappaPride your ults man... gachiBASS gachiHYPER yikes saved r for that KEKW zoe monkaW ur ults succ zero ult kills moon2O NICE ULT SNACKY KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim your team is so scared to go in STYLISH FROM THE OUSIDE SAVAGE FROM THE INSIDE PepegaAim ahahaha KEKW LUL You could've ulted when Nunu rolled in? Z OMEGALUL E zoe monkaX Lee saved him what are you talking about shitty ults chat? KEKW PepegaAim ahahaha tilted KEKW Z OMEGALUL E PepegaAim Such tunnel vision Sneaky @C9Sneaky dude please buy mortal remeinder :) PepegaAim Open mid KEKW NA CHASE KEKW LUL bruh THIS CHASING KEKW Vayne late monkaS KEKW PepegaAim synergy Pog nice qss KEKW who chasing whoo? monkaW @yungnibbapreach i don't watch anime LUL or have waifu pillows, try again monkaS monkaS fookin hell mate 3Head LUL LUL monkaOMEGA perfect qss but into the basegate LUL qss nothing OMEGALUL Karma so useless Your team is so useless gosu op @C9Sneaky he just used it on you monkaW honestly most passive team i've seen BANG? TriHard dog mid Mid diff big lovalia Fake weeb DansGame GA Stormrazer widepeepoHappy AYAYA stormrazor? such an even match gachiHYPER HYPERBRUH FINISH ME gachiHYPER stormrazor for the run down CANT FINISH who wins a 1v1 vayne(1) or mf (2) ? monkaHmm is that gosu vayne cant finish FeelsBadMan burst gachiGASM yea cause she falls off super hard Need da slow because your team is dogshit Stormrazer? good mf ult for once BlessRNG you can finish me sneaky get zeal finish people as MF gachiGASM I see a AYAYA ! cirAYAYA stormrazor? nunu and Thresh donnt look very useful RAPID EZ WIN rapid fire is good !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 29 minutes 15 seconds and i think he has to utilize ult more, not just to finish of f you use ult like it does 500 dmg not like it does 2k ruin them gachiBASS karma mpv. Pog AYAYA I see another AYAYA ! cirAYAYA buy rapidfire They push mid nunu ? 😅 @thevictorwc3 yea moon2AY pair your ult with cc, pro tip KEKW dooooopson AYAYA moonmoon sub cirBaka cirComfy hp monkaS monkaW thevictorwc3 you are so retarded. raid boss fio gachiBASS LUL moon2SPY where PepegaAim i see cuties TriHard KEKW geegee monkaW bot difference widepeepoHappy lol trunoomSmug gg GG ??? gg KEKW peepoAim troll LUL NotSoEZ gg KEKW ggwp go next KEKW GG EZ Clap mid is DOGSHIT OMEGALUL broxahGG broxahGG NotSoEZ karma was so bad LUL 😬 props to that vayne tbh moon2SPY who? yikes gg :) Vayne still strong late FeelsWeirdMan gg :/ better bot wins KEKW big oofs yikes it is ok :) just pushing limits :) widepeepoHappy bot difference widepeepoHappy 12/3/5 lose feelsbadman NotSoEZ NotSoEZ Better bot wins I guess FeelsBadMan Karma pick pepeLaugh Gg @nunuandwillumpp tyler1Hey story of the day YOINKED how can you see wards range, you use normal cast for wards? @C9Sneaky forreal rapid fire cannon would have been the better call NotsoEZ MIDDLE LANE DELTA BibleThump rip PepeHands gg nunu karma. LUL go next widepeepoHappy throw KARMALUL Whoa, I went to the bathroom, came back, and they lost playing mf without yoomus is just weird @ForestFairyBilly tyler1AYY tyler1Hey vayne had more d blades that's why @C9Sneaky pokemon time Okayga NotSoEZ too slow you needed a better mid champ imo 31 minute queue time widepeepoHappy no one on your team did anything PepeHands the vlad instadied last fight PepeHands widepeepoSad what a trash game @c9sneaky can u play ashe ??? fun times time for variety LUL crit vayne is back boyz 34 NotSoEZ time well spent bot diff Thank you Riot Games Okayga -34 lp KEKW battletoads? Pog I feel like your team did nothing @c9sneaky 12/3 and still lost LUL Vayne shit on u this game Plini POG MIDDLE POSITION DELTA BibleThump vlad threw 30 min queue 30min lose, balanced as all things should be your team kept coming bot and feeding :( 12-3 and lose Feels fucking badman 30 min q for a 30 min lost widepeepoHappy Jung and mid kinda bad widepeepoHappy Clap better ad wins... i guess FeelsBadMan nami countered ulti very hard the vlad had to do something too DMG PogU EU vlad dmg... KEKW team too heavy LUL Plini Pog TEAM DMG KEKW that dmg, nice team. 47k btw Vlad DMG LUL not getting fourth drake kinda turned it LUL just gta play better xD TEAM KEKW 1 dmg teamcomp just ban that lee fucking seen mobility stupid champ VLAD IS FROM EU LUL better bot gets the win again i guess FeelsBadMan 5k shield RUSH LEE KEKW FeelsBadMan widepeepoHappy Clap better botlaner wins so much damage still lost FeelsBadMan apparently better supp wins widepeepoSad widepeepoSad BibleThump Plini POg widepeepoSad you were the only dmg dealer on your whole team lmao FeelsBadMan PepeHands widepeepoSad NotSoEZ i guess.. PMA sneaky PMA widepeepoSad ... bot diff I guess widepeepoSad sneaky = gg The Animals as Leaders keeps goin how can you see wards range, you use normal cast for wards? @C9Sneaky admiralC admiralC admiralC admiralC sneaky = gg now nimbus cloak? whos the duo? league of legends "ladder " KEKW Red Dead time widepeepoHappy awkward = team is trash !duo AchillesHealNA @culex555 Plini !song PVMAN IS NOT GG SNEAKY IS KEKW widepeepoSad headBang imagine your shield with drag LULW pvman pepeLaugh solo lanes did no dmg Weirdga 4th drag for nunu is huge song requestler SadChamp pvman = gg pvman is NOT gg widepeepoSad PVMAN GG PVMAN = GG KEKW !followage pvman pepeLaugh keezyyx has been following C9Sneaky for just now pvman = gg KEKW GG Kappa GunRun GunRun PVMAN = GG KEKW this MEGP guy never stops fkn talking that was it for today guys SadChamp admiralSmart peepoLeave KKona Clap KKona HELL UEAH RED DEAD KKona red dead dumption PVMAN IS GOOD BOI CHAT widepeepoSad 🐴 sneakyYeehaw main game KKona hell yeah partner peepoLeave pvmanHands pvmanHands pvmanHands don’t bully KKona Pog main game KKona Clap better not play dominos peepoLeave PepegaAim MadoStab pvman=gg monkaHmm . o O ( PVMAN = GG ) peepoLeave I'm out peeoLeave cya peepoLeave DOOOOOPEK peepoLeave RDR2 peepoArrive peepoLeave 17 dorans Pog peepoArrive @C9Sneaky how does the nimbus barrier set up feel after using it for a while? !elo forsenSanta ho ho ho C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 570 LP RDR2 peepoArrive hi sneaky, good night <3 işte geldi mahmut uncer red dead redemption is fucking lit like lindsey lohans veins LUL R2D2 PepegaShake pepeJAM KEKW OMEGALUL I ENJOYED MY STAY <3 RDR2 peepoArrive sneakyYeehaw !followage xYuewu has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 weeks, 2 days WutFace 🐴 sneakyYeehaw main game Mahmut tuncer wtf FishMoley Fish Dicks Pog PepegaShake sex fish sticks Pog HAH! Gay fish I ENJOYED MY STAY <3 I ENJOYED MY STAY <3 FISHDIXS gachiHYPER iwdANELE R2D2 Pog OMEGALUL MAHMUT TUNCER Put it in Daddy ANELE Clap widepeepoHappy feesh steeks !followage ANELE Clap red dead peepoLeave pepeJAM pepeD ANELE pepeJAM pepeD ANELE you must be a gay fish gachiHYPER hahha iwdANELE MAHMUT TUNCER LUL ANELE fish dicks gachiHYPER cuz you like fish dicks LITTLE HIGH LITTLE LOW what is this music? KEKW ANELE pepeJAM @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] pepeD ANELE ANELE Clap WutFace WutFace pepeLaugh monkaW WutFace monkaS MAHMUT TUNCER ZULUL wtf pepeD ANELE pepeD Actually sounds nice WutFace ANELE @clue_1ess iwdANELE 7 ANELE pepeD forsenX WutFace !followage AS BAYRAKLARI AS AS monkaW @hotdogss monkaW EVERYTIME I TRY COOKING AND PLAYING GAMES I BURN THE FUCKING HOUSE DOWN omgg hahahah ANELE what song is that? ANELE Clap ANELE Clap PepegaShake ANELE PepegaShake ratirlWot pepeJAM pepeD ANELE @C9Sneaky do you know mahmut tuncer :DASDAS this is turkish guys :D @weebs_ruin_everything iwdANELE Soon brother ANELE ANELE ANELE @adcnevergonnadie PepeS ANELE !song ANELE PepegaShake ANELE PepegaShake pepeD pepeD cant remember im cooking something what is it with this shitty music ANELE TeaTime ANELE ANELE Imagine forgetting that y our cooking somehting lol !duo AchillesHealNA till iots too late greek music Turkish music this is a bop this sounds turkish or something @yasingdk its greek @Nightbot WH OMEGALUL Sneaky is awake from like 6pm until 6am or? Greek music pepeLaugh WutFace nice music mahmut tuncer opl; @99redballooonss it is turkish no its greek Keepo PepePls nest greek singer ANELE it's time brothas ANELE Clap PepePls ANELE PepePls turkish its greek Kapp nice greek song mahmut tuncer turkeyyy <3 <3 iwdANELE ALOHAAAAA SNACKBAR iwdANELE turkeyyyyyyyyyyy Mahmut Tuncer n Aynen kanka greek 😂 PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls iwdANELE Clap bu şarkı ne olum ANELE Clap nice music ANELE My kind of music mahmut cancer Kappa Any Turks in chat? FeelsOkayMan <3 @Bugsie_Bunnie are you sure Turky :D Turkey abi ciddi mi :D greek ???? .d BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump 🇹🇷 turkey number 2 nice greek song aq ciddmi la buuw SHARAMOTAS all of you! harika şarkı @decodeproxy <3 @yasingdk 100% itele itele MOON MUSIC ciddi misinz abi siz .d oh god not the turkeys again NotLikeThis turkeyyyy as bayrakları ass FeelsEvilMan carrotnoose subscribed with Twitch Prime. hahahahhaha @decodeproxy <3 ANELE Clap asın bayrakları NotLikeThis bir an alttan ne actım ben amk diyorum @angryteapot hala saskınım :)))))))))))))9 thids music hahahaha LUL LUL LUL ANELE Clap omg hsdhfklgjjdfsdfg wonderful @Bugsie_Bunnie maybe you can find google :DASD Turkish noluyo aq hagsjkdlgfşigasdg pepeJAM FailFish FailFish FailFish mahmut style mahmut style ANELE Clap mahmut style wow nice greek songer mahmutcos tunceros <3 AYAYAWeird turks Anele PepePls HandsUp sneakyWut HandsUp Clap HandsUp HandsUp Turkish music PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp LUL HandsUp HandsUp puça handsup put your hands up LUL ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE Clap ANELE ANELE ANELE cooking stream? HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp PogChamp handsup MadeyeMody subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months! wow, can i get the cummies yet? Put your HandsUp The song is tttoooooooooo bad NotLikeThis HandsUp Bois Turkey Music nice music asdfasdfasd TURKEYYYYYYYY :D <3 <3 so great HandsUp HandsUp | :) | HandsUp PepegaShake HandsUp PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaShake nice music broo ANELE wow nice greek songer mahmutcos tunceros <3. KKona HandsUp @c9sneaky please name title dorans blade master iwdChair peepoArrive LETS GOO, KKona gachiHYPER 🎐 HandsUp HandsUP gachiBASS me? HandsUp selphyGasm selphyGasm selphyGasm selphyGasm HandsUp Me? ANELE gachiHYPER CUM gachiBASS ANELE Clap ANELE Clap klauGasm @C9Sneaky you preheated the oven for fish sticks im so proud widepeepoHappy PogYou yay widepeepoHappy ANELE widepeepoHappy Daddies yummies selphyGasm 💦 gachiW HandsUp my ears are bleeding halay pls HYDRA PLEASE Handsup ANELE this is great music to blow up to ANELE asdsasddsssd Ram Ranch Really Rocks ANELE ANELE gachiBASS gummy cummies yummie yummmie give that cummies monkaW wow nice greek songer mahmutcos tunceros <3... D: HYDRA PLEASE HandsUp Jdesjarlais subscribed with Twitch Prime. Turkish Music w.t.f LUL FeelsGoodMan Clap ANELE Clap @C9Sneaky u like this song? turk music ANELE THIS MUSIC IS THE BOMB @Twix3z go see a doctor FeelsOkayMan kos omak sharmota kim attı lan bunu come on me daddy HandsUp 🎐:sweat_drops: sneak`yGasm @C9Sneaky LA :) ANELE Clap :SAD:AS:D:SAD Wow amk sjsjdkdldlsld bu ne aq wtf with the indian music amk yabanci picleri SMOrc PauseChamp abi lul IT REPRESENTS THE END OF SNACKY'S CAREER PepeHands PauseChamp hahahhha amk PauseChamp PauseChamp ? why PauseChamp DansGame SMOrc ohh noo SMOrc no BibleThump noooo SMOrc no pause @C9Sneaky ⏸ PauseChamp SMOrc Pog saved HandsUp 🎐 💦 sneakyGasm @C9Sneaky SMOrc tnx god sneakyYeehaw no PogU SMOrc NOOO PAUSEEE PauseChamp noooo plaseee SMOrc RED DEAD POGGERS WutFace Noooo pls song 🔫 sneakyYeehaw PauseChamp amına korum geri aç Kappa song is wonderfull nowwwwwwwww 🔫 sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim PepegaAim @decodeproxy The damage is irreversible League of legends on the ps4 PogU sneakyYeehaw 🔫 Time to save thad Doctor's wagon Pog red dead a rootin tootin good time PagChomp plase play music fuck I thought what was mine peepoArrive sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneakyWoo red dead lets go sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH ?? 🔫 sneakyYeehaw Hand over them bags ASŞD:AS:DAS:D MAHMUT STYLE lets goo sneaky do have have annocement A game for adults, finally peepoArrive mahmut style BibleThump peepoArrive peepoWTF play poker PepegaAim @weebs_ruin_everything ratirlGentleman PepegaAim howdy finally done with queue simulator peepoArrive peepoWTF peepoLeave peepoWTF KKona @adcnevergonnadie ratirlFlower_SG @YuYuYuna_ atamHands dont shoot me! peepoLeave no poker @Twix3z FeelsBadMan save to pass the time this game better on pc or console? or is it one of those preference things chat?? HandsUp 🎐 💦 sneakyYeehaw nice horse man DansGame @C9Sneaky isnt riding horse in real life hurts pee pee? @adcnevergonnadie AYAYAWeird @akuze12 i think its better on console atm @ForestFairyBilly WeirdChamp @akuze12 pc when it works half the time @lockynsound mmm waffleThink gtotsh yılan napıyon Yer Runnin that horse ragged KKona @akuze12 works fine on both though pc had some bugs at launch that got people stuck in load screens etc Stardew Valley sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky the game is very loud from t he ram ranch? This poor horse sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Play terraria modded :) Pepega YOu need the hat! sneakyYeehaw RamRach No MaN 's sky @C9Sneaky cosplay a cowboy play osu No man sky is great. rip, thanks guys imagine subbing to sneaky KEKW RDR2 peepoArrive YES Pog play Osu! Osu is also a good choice Do it Pog moon2SH sneakyYeehaw Cowgirl cosplay? Kreygasm sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw LMFAO ram ranch gachiW KEKW OMEGALUL peepoWTF ? KEKW KEKW KEKW LuL PepegaPls WASTED 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL He was aiming a GUN AT YOU LUL wasted Sneaky got shagged owned OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL murked LUL LULW lol KEKW GET OUTTA HERE sneakyFedora CowgirlMf Cosplay Confirmed @c9sneaky rush said u should cos naked cowboy 🐴 sneakyYeehaw GET OUTTA HERE not from around here boy sneaky you're stealing a wagon what do you expect KEKW 🔫 KKona GIT OUT FELLER lol HORSEY LUL Red dead Wrong neighborhood partner PepegaAim KEKW KKona wasted monkaMega LUL GETM @C9Sneaky ты гей ? I think hes your friend monkaHmm D: WutFace D: EZ sneaky put the DEAD in read dead Kappa 🔫 sneakyYeehaw Fuck em up Snacky! KKona GIMMIE BACK MY PROPERTY Pog EZ 🔫 sneakyYeehaw Enemy was my fwiend widepeepoSad Pog PepegaSim ROE TIDE BRUTHER AD CARRY PogChamp TriKool POG PepegaAim BlapBlap thats the gun you got from that mission with lenny adc WutFace PepegaAim KKona caitlyn one of the best bolt actions in the game KEKW Pepega aim LULW what is this game ? pepeLaugh For Motherland Russia PepegaAim PepegaAim forsenGun sneakyYeehaw gachiW AHH PepegaAim PepegaAim RIP SNEAKY IN 2K19 pepeLaugh KKool PepegaAim PepegaAim TriHard PepegaAim adc TriHard 7 peepoLeave PauseChamp run sneaky run monkaW pepeLaugh croc inc PepegaAim monkaW are there gators? Sneaky forgot about his fishdixs D: monkaHmm sneakyChair peepoLeave sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyChair peepoArrive Sneaky, you made me nut 2 ur Thanksgiving Insta post gachiW watch a big ass alligator come out and eat his ass sneaky dont leave us monkaW !game @Twix3z -> c9sneaky is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 Fish Sticks ? BillyReady Hey senaks @C9Sneaky try mayo on ur fishsticks Yoink TriHard yoink eagle eye is the easiest but most loot is terrible anyways YES lol it's so good Sounds terrible LOL yeah Mayo and relish , for a tartar Yes yea OpieOP ew wtf gachiHYPER Fish sticks? What are you, a gay fish? 4Head mayo and relish + Spicy mayo is awesome~ Chili sauce gachiHYPER USE TARTAR sauce then !gmae gachiHYPER SECRET SAUCE !game u deadass shut up DansGame Why try it? Its like waffles & chicken with syryup wtf LOL @jcjackson742 -> c9sneaky is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 use tartar sauce then Swamp ass Honey Mustard~ have your horse follow you noob your chat is full of filthy disgusting animals C9Sneaky snacky sauce, yummm @C9Sneaky You should buy an air fryer that way you can cook fish sticks in like 8 minutes 5Head I would fucking swim in tartar sauce gachiBASS shit is so good mayo and fishsticks delish gachiHYPER sauce AAAH gachiW gachiHYPER AHHHH gachiW adc on horse PogChamp gachiHYPER omegalul whistle ur horse PagChomp A train horny chat FeelsWeirdMan gachiW oh yeah PepeHands mr horse gachiHYPER D: RAM RANCH MFER PepeHands horse abuse SLAP HIM SOME MORE gachiBASS @adcnevergonnadie smd They can only go so fast carrying a carriage PepeHands Slap the horse Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm 2 HORSEPOWER KEKW @ForestFairyBilly suck it yourself AYAYAWeird Yeehaw cowboy broo stop playing that, please go back to OW :) Trouble o clock :) @adcnevergonnadie I would if I could gachiW slap your own ass irl to make it go faster gachiHYPER Trouble! monkaS uh sry i didnt mean any trouble back to LOL please TriHard tfbKEKW tfbKEKW TriHard TriHard TriHard clodhoppers D: Boolies @ForestFairyBilly break 2 ribs and u can FeelsOkayMan TriHard TriHard TriHard gachiHYPER tfbT @adcnevergonnadie is worth? gachiW this is how I dress LUL book DansGame PepoThink My Wagon TriHard TriHard @ForestFairyBilly totally HandsUp cmonBruh lirikNICE KKona bawkSweat bawkMega bawkOmega we're the good ones widepeepoHappy kill men get books wont work chronic PepeHands lol foreshadowing cmonBruh wut jack? black @blade_272 shhhh not yet :P HYPERBRUH CHU SAY cmonBruh wtf @C9Sneaky pls say "thank you there fellers" RAM RANCH FELLA @sneaky what graphics card are you running this on? 3Head Gavin 3Head Gavin PepeHands 3Head widepeepoSad GAVIN moon2SUFFER Gavin Pog 3Head oi Look for Gavin widepeepoSad Gavin widepeepoSad yes haha AH reference? nope i saw it gavin widepeepoSad PowerUpL SMOrc PowerUpR widepeepoSad GAVIN @saacuL PS4 me mate 3Head go help h im gavin 3Head 3Head Yeah i didnt look for gav either help him widepeepoSad I saw it DansGame GO BACK 3Head Gavin? bruh he does not sounds like an Englishman lol me :) GO TALK TO HIM DansGame Gav...Gav 3Head LOOK FOR GAVIN widepeepoSad I'd wait until you get into Saint Dennis before buying a new horse ignored ^^ Help him widepeepoSad i killed him :) Gavin Free? FeelsBadMan @akuze12 ah okay thanks roosterteeth Mark Nutt find Gavin sneaky widepeepoSad D: no OI MATES HELP ME FIND HIM WTF 3Head ammoAndroid18 D: I love horses Gavin Fucking Belson HELP HIM GET GAVIN Sneaky and Aphroo to Dignatas ? :D pls Horseflesh sounds liek TESCOS horsemeat KKona 7 you can play Poker after beating the mission Who is Not without Sin @C9Sneaky Imagine eating horses and dogs D: Sneaky u are so cool as a cowboy Kreygasm MEXICANO is this game worth to buy? any naked cowboys in game? !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @akuze12 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at KKool have a wonderful day now Have a wonderful day now FeelsOkayMan 🐴 sneakyYeehaw @ForestFairyBilly gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky are you playing on high settings? @yuyuyuna_ bawkLove fierro pariente poker does Sneakers play with controller or keyboard+mouse? its a poker mission @ForestFairyBilly vrfunnHEART @seebass10 tyler1Hey ok morphMorph1010 PepoThink D: rooD okay FeelsWeirdMan OMEGALUL KKona KKona cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh a famly ofAYAYA s @ForestFairyBilly zfgHey popesYo KKona ? Hey thats me Pepeha Chat theyre talking about us Pog inbreds pepeLaugh family of AYAYA s sister, also wife KKona 7 fuckin degens from upcountry GOLD POGGERS KKona WE GOT GOLD KKona Gold?! PogU zfgGoldOgre PepegaPls yankee DansGame 3Head gold TriHard any mangos? D: moon2D D: D: KEKW KKona me D: sneakyD cmonBruh D: D: D: D: D: KEKW cmonBruh OMEGALUL EZ mongrelsLUL EZ liar! D: cmonBruh slave what cmonBruh\ sister, also - wife, also - cousin, because it runs in the family KKona 7 chu say? big iron on his hip KKool moon2WUT 50 cents? PagChomp D: cmonBruh Horse cmonBruh I wonder how much 50 cents then converts to now TriHard my horse now anyone 5Head enough to convert? 3 hours DansGame CHECK IT NNOW 10 min never :) 1 hour 6.9 minutes 1hr Kappa 2 days last shower - 2 years ago Fish dicks gachiW zfgFish Rember to flip Do you ever play senna AD 14 min 88 sec hasnt been 14 minutes yet. Not quite 10 Fish Sticks a Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Is this on PC or Console?? Console PS4 Console @Seebass10 small and tiny just like mine gachiHYPER liers @saacuL he uses 1080ti mi believe for comp, was just trollin earlier fam YOINKED TriHard flip the sticks Gasm fish dicks? Man I hate Kkona games @adcnevergonnadie gachiBASS Clap pepeSmoke last one Have you punched the shit out of your horse yet? did they fix the PC version? or is it still bugged af? TriHard monkaW hahahaha burnt KEKW monkaW burnt sticks FishMoley fish dicks FeelsWeirdMan saved LuL RANDY YOUR STICKS soggy AND burnt didnt flip them Pepehands monkaW HEy anyone need a light pepeSmoke Fishdix ruined KEKW peepoLeave :chair: Fishsticks = Fish fingers PepeLaugh tegridy sticks monkaW Sneaky monkaWQ found gavin chat KEKW SILENCE monkaW decodeproxy 15-20 buckaroos sneakyChair peepoLeave peepoLeave FishMoley One more pepeSmoke 301IQLeona subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! KKona @Felinestep works flawlessly for me, don't know about others @UnNameless ty kind sir FeelsOkayMan Come back PepegaAim sneakyChair sneakyChair Lynn not helping him LUL i see chair, i peepoLeave KKona HolidayCookie extra crispyy TriHard TriHard !age S-s-s-sneaky? monkaW is he is died ? monkaW sneakyChair peepoLeaveDanceBro quicky chat pepeSmoke pepeSmoke smoke break bois mizkifSad mizkifSad mizkifSad mizkifSad mizkifSad mizkifSad I see chair, I peepoArrive pepeSmoke yodaEOQ yodaEOQ yodaEOQ yodaEOQ sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair roughly x30 more is the conversion before he gets back pepeSmoke pepeSmoke quick you apes pepeSmoke pepeSmoke sneaky ? monkaW pepeSmoke pepeSmoke cancer is fake news he's smoking off-camera during the stream FeelsBadMan PepeS pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepejam I see chair, I peepoLeave I smoke at my own pace pepeSmoke pepeSmoke my life in a nutshell pepeSmoke come back sneax SadChamp Stream Chair DansGame hes back put them out monkaW pepeSmoke pepeSmoke mizkifWeird mizkifWeird mizkifWeird mizkifWeird mizkifWeird HIDE THE SMOKES monkaW PepeS i can stop anytime i want sneakyChair peepoArrive pepeSmoke my life in a nutshell pepeSmoke monkaMega KKona all stream? pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke 🖕 pepeSmoke srry monkaW HE CAUGHT US PepePass sneakyGrip smoke with us snacky pepeSmoke sneaky taught me FBBlock pepeSmoke just a quick one pepeSmoke I got a cig left I think cmon MaN ram ranch pepeSmoke @C9Sneaky hit it aye pass me one chat pepeSmoke Look what Sneaky taught me u need one? pepeSmoke RAM RANCH pepeSmoke anyone need a pack? pepeSmoke join us gentleman Cute gachiGASM pepeSmoke another puff no tobacco only weed vissSmoke shot him gachiW fast way just one more pepeSmoke Carefull there is cidar Pog poogies fast talker ayyy TriHard THANKS HOMIE shoot him dead, just in case KKona 7 a true cowboy does this pepeSmoke NICE RANCH BRUH TriHard pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞi can quit anytime Secondhand smoke widepeepoSad hachu3 hachu4 PepoThink im not addicted pepeSmoke rockstar makes a bit more money than kojima rush PepeHands KKona game is ResidentSleeper pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i promise im not addicted no need rush PauseChamp PauseChamp 3 COWBOYS KKona pepesmoke This game is so ResidentSleeper pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i peepoLeave pepeSmoke pepeSmoke HES GONE pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i and he went to buy cigarettes and never came back FeelsBadMan monkaMega pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ ONE MORE pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞsmoke boys sneakyChair peepoLeave sneaky more afk than playing? PauseChamp ..... monkaW rush is emotional gamer KEKW monkaW pepeSmoke quick one pepeSmoke pepeSmoke it's boring to watch fun 2 play peepoSmoke Type pepeSmoke if gay pepeSmoke Just 3 more pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ smoke break pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke PepeS pepeSmoke pepeSmoke peepoLeave pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞJUST ONE MORE PACK bawkWeird pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i pepeSmoke monkaS pepeSmoke pepeSmoke Time for fish sticks pepeSmoke but smoking is unhealthy guys get ur smoke outa my chat message pepeSmoke pepeSmokepepeSmoke sneakyGrip sneakyGrip smoke with us snacky Secondhand smoke is killing me widepeepoSad pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke sneakyGrip youza gay fish CHAT SPAM WutFace so he gets confused pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i pepeSmoke Last one I promise WutFace pepeSmoke Another One to forget about Karen WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace enable pepegaSmoke 😡 peeposmoke WutFace WutFace pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞsecond hand smoke is fake news WutFace pepeSmoke Wait I still got one left WutFace WutFace pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke this is almost as good as my alcohol WutFace WutFace WutFace pepeSmoke i've had a rough day i deserve it WutFace CHAT SPAM WutFace so he gets confused WutFace PepePls pepeSmoke it’s chilly outside pepeSmoke its been a long day anyone need one? pepeSmoke pepeSmoke summinnSalz I'll stop after this one, promise pepeSmoke WutFace WutFace WutFace wtf man WutFace rooWut pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞmom kicked me out again pepeSmoke one daay.... we will pay.... we will all pay.... pepeSmoke WutFace I'll stop after this one, promise pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ but not today +++++++++ @mak1roli haHAA funny hahAA WutFace pepeSmoke I have problems sneakyGrip it's lit AYAYA s pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i IM SO SAD pepeSmoke im retarded pepeSmoke pepeSmoke AYAYAyang WutFace sneakyChair peepoArrive pepeSmoke I've got to quit someday NotLikeThis Im addctive pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ want one? pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i I need one now pepeSmoke show mayo NA Clap Anyone got a lighter? ayy lmao 😂 pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke one more i swear cirComfy pepeSmoke AYAYA pepeSmoke weebs smoking extra crispy stix TriHard TriHard TriHard went for a quick one did ya @C9Sneaky pepeSmoke Chat is moving so fast no one will notice I murdered an innocent man FeelsWeirdMan pepeSmoke last one i promise pepeSmoke @mak1roli im calling the cops on you FeelsWeirdMan yeah you're stealing them which chat addon is pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i we smoking cuz of you @C9Sneaky pepeSmoke TriHard AYAYA pepeSmoke any of you CUTIES need a CIG AYAYA pepeSmoke D: D: D: smoke w us snacky pepeSmoke classic 4Head RDR2 in a nutshell: pepeSmoke PepegaAim 🐴 horsen sneakyD WTF whoa D: D: whoa D: Whao someone poisoned the water hole That was easy come on now Jebaited rude D: partner sneakyYeehaw Got the horses in the back KKona theres a snake in my boot coinisseurs FeelsFancyMan THATS WHAT SHE SAID HAHAH yoink mode on TriHard horses = bikes TriKool D: D: WineTime D: PepeHands TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard bandanas OP cmonBruh its time homies TriHard cmonBruh Arthur racist EZ there TriHard time easy now widepeepoHappy why is his interface purple? D: widepeepoHappy eat him SwiftRage racism was fine back in that years bois relax @Honigkuchen_Pferd colorblind mode in the game easy boi widepeepoHappy Holy hecarim chill boi TriHard ahhh oka ty why horse cheeks so thick? One guy one horse? easy easy TriHard monkaW monkaW Okay LUL ruuuuuuuuuuun TriHard monkaW oh shit the popo monkaW water u doin! ruuuuuuuuun I am horse irl and gay???? holy fucc pepeSmoke i feel bad for them PepeHands pepeJAM tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK Yikes TriHard RUN PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim boom btch EZ Clap RUN MF TriHard KKool PepegaAim YEEEHAAAAW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim Pog PepegaAim KKool shoot them PepegaAim criminal scum 4Weird PepegaAim PepegaAim those are some sexy hourses horses is mine now TriHard just for some horse pepeJAM hell yeah brother D: PepegaAim yeehaw PepegaAim people get killed over 20$ today if you think just for some horse XD black horse playing around my boi TriHard shoot him hes getting away! KEKW joked Pepega juked Yep yup good boi widepeepoHappy laso it ? lasso it is it online are there any zombies in this? i thought red dead redemption was about zombies KEKW throw the lasso NotLikeThis D: teh fuck just lasso it use the lasso??? wtf KEKW good job ???? just get on it Pepega Whay leave the other one KEKW ????? what about ur last horse? kekw other horse D: other horse pepeSmoke widepeepoHappy cheating on ur main bae other horse just follows without a rope KEKW riding another one forsenCD behind him chat pepeSmoke LUL 5k for these horses btw KEKW oh other horse following him PogChamp nice view, let me light a one pepeSmoke We are rich PagChomp kill him and rob his money Trihard pop LYL LUL HeyGuys Give me money bitch BillyReady how about 300 bucks horse now a days can cost up to 70 mill p well u dont gotta tell me twice cmonBruh TriHard 7 cmonBruh cmonBruh KappaPride wut cmonBruh Pepega CLIVE cmonBruh cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh cmonBruh bro TriHard cmonBruh cmonBruh omg cmonBruh Clappy Thats messed up FeelsBadMan t.f. cmonBruh kick his ass 😡 Boomers cmonBruh Yellow/black = bruises I think scammaz that mf cmonBruh Shoot them shoot cmonBruh sneaky the other day I tried to comment in here and it said I had to be a follower for a month PepoThink shot them con scammed LULW kill them shoot em scammed? cmonBruh I was sad cuz I wanted to wish you luck rerob horses 5HEAD Yoinked btw TriHard really scammed KILL Snitch KEKW why not just murder him and take his money then keep the horses? my next free sub is gonna go to you scammed hard Keep dreaming Arthur :D $650 for some stolen horses not bad rob the horses again pepeLaugh you got scammed Kappa @orva1 thats my boi TriHard wait how do you even get scammed when you literally kill people for less ha ha haa KEKW you dont need a horse what game is this how many bucks do you have? @WIIIIICKEDD it was in 1 month follower mode because there are bots that come into the chat and spam. so its to prevent it LUL what can i get for 300 bucks pepeLaugh does subscribing cancel that out @WIIIIICKEDD yea pepega i think 100 bucks more than people on minimum wage make in a day in the current century KEKW I get a free sub in one month cant wait to use it Pepega professor trelawney ? what kind of upgrades left for the camp? the fucking homie Charles is it your birthday okay :) ok widepeepoHappy Charles is a real one charles is the best pepeLaugh 💦 theres ur free horse take the oreo one 😡 clean ur horse which chapter is this? a... talk eh 😡 feed horse moon2SH moon2SH that horse is so pretty HOWDY PARDNER is that yasuo he never fed his horse Feelsbadman chapter 3 thx pal Charles = Yasuo? they don't know that pepeLaugh watch sneaky have to choose a color for something and then after ignoring my request for purple hell chose pink just to make me cry moon2SH omg a moonmoon sub these proportions feel very off trewlany caught again KEKW you can choose your colour? LUL TriHard xqcArm1_HF @some_kind_o_god_of_snus -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] wut cmonBruh gachiHYPER gachiBASS indeed moon2BRAIN that guy looked like he couldnt fit in the house HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp what game is this @moderatelydepressed rip dab PepeHands monkaS Chat @WIIIIICKEDD can't read @fruityypanda moon2Y Red Dead Redemption 2 oof you right give the apple to the horse sneakyYeehaw tracking time Pog pretty big struggle recently is like the theme song of my life !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 12 minutes 8 seconds 6 already? sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw I follow sneaky yet it never notifies me when hes streaming @thecrimsonhazard you mean only 6 DansGame YEIP ? ); monkaW shoot monkaS monkaW sumSmash KEKW 12 hours stream incoming Kappa @bojack_horseman____ D: sumSmash fuck em That my boi PogCamp get em FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Pog sumSmash sumSmash monkaW sumSmash pog ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pog what's the purpose of this game GET EM 👿 the hat one punch man Pog @thecrimsonhazard yes BlessRNG Whoop his ass Pog sneakyYeehaw SumSmash sumSmash LUL Beat him ratirlTip @wiiiiickedd to have fun 4Head KILL 😡 punch him D: 4Weird KILL KILL KILL 😡 1punch ez clap WEAK LUL haha kill Do it kill him KILL and hard fellow sneakyYeehaw kill :( Horses took off? xD kll em loot him he looks Rich KKona pegas como niña se par+o de una 😡 clean and feed horse 😡 good run widepeepoHappy what is this KKona game? RDR2 SISTER KKona Day 5 i will get <3 AYAYA Big Mouth sneakyYeehaw sneakyWoo trelawyn stupid name monkaS is this on ultra? how's the fps with the 1080? sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw sneakyWoo sneakyH @addcheesepls sneakyYeehaw sneakyWoo ratirlTip sneakyYeehaw is ps4 @awmslayer Hows the fishsticks @awmslayer console Pepega @awmslayer he is playing on ps4 @awmslayer he is on a ps4 sneakyFedora Ahh i see thanks guys Pepega professor trelawney ? excuse me DansGame sneakyYeehaw hell yeah brotherrr yes me me :) me :) me :) me :) me :) obviously Kappa / me me me :) me :) Me :) me :) me :) / I am :) me :) me :) me :) Not me :) no but Kevin me :) me me PepeHands me :) me :) Kappa / sure me :) no me :( @C9Sneaky My grandapa is me :) me :) me :) me :9 me :) ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞme oh that horse looks like cookies and cream me and my mom too me ? everyone is+ my name is Arthur :) :) c OMEGALUL ns OMEGALUL le gonna name it cookie KappaPride ? Not me :( monkaS my name is Lindsey Lohan Do you ever finish a game sneaky? my legs r bleeding ah yes its the international Trelawny day same pepeLaugh KKona NA ADC BTW Kappa he has that wild west strutting walts aim assist? Arthur like peaky blinders <3 he runs like pregnant grandma LUL JUKED LUL monkaW Pog Impaled LUL monkaW ?? D: KILL HIM did you kill him EXECUTE HIM in real life running through cornfields is kinda difficult D: D: +18 PogU Clap :) one D: :( eat his liver righ My name, my fathers name, and my fathers fathers name, was all Trelawny good run widepeepoHappy why does it go dark I swear it's like he's trying to hold something between the cheeks and doesn't want to drop it while running pepeSmoke PepegaAim definitely not getting the speed requirement on this one KEKW LASSO'D PogU Rope x Pistol ?? @theCrimsonHazard in what real life are you living LULW sneaky cuck him ROPE %100 PogChamp AYAYA you missed the birds KEKW right there :) wherez the scarecrow PepeLaugh bawkAYAYA be careful @lander27 I don’t know in NA but in Italy is difficult ??? KEKW KEKW gachiW can you play RDR2 without killing anyone? KEKW gachiHYPER he is a ghost LUL bondage Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog POGGERS EZ charles the homie @theCrimsonHazard in belgium its pretty easy PogU 1 tap PogU YOO wow pog EZ holy Pog Pog Charles Pog WutFace Frog TRUE charles Pog saved ya EZ that was some advanced breath play there LOL omg same charles is a badass Comp pog real one Charles lol deeshtroyed PogU please end me for money gachiW AHH gachiHYPER AHHHHH use morgana's shield AHHHH gachiBASS BLAPBLAP aimbot SNIPER Pog JHIN charles FeelsGoodMan saves you over taking money adc skills Pog PepepaAim D: tis dark tho Wall banged Pog PepegaAim aim assist ResidentSleeper D: good sniper Pog Amazing aim @lander27 I also tried in a Sunflower field, I surrended almost at the start, but I guess it’s just me OpieOP Pog bawkGun Pog rare Rare Kappa rare Pog get away from my corn 🔫 does that mean amount is hard to find Yoink Pog gosuP1 gosuP2 pestilyAgony Bronze Inc rob the place amo Pog bawkOmega bawkGun loot the guys in the cornfields HUH BOI KKona KKona baffyGun sneaky I love u PogU so bright WutFace @WIIIIICKEDD but he found so is EZ its a special weapon, you can only get it at this part of the story you can rollin block my rifle any time @C9Sneaky 21 21 TriHard Clap forsenKKona 21 21 hayyy THE GUN KKona forsenGun 🔫 sneakyYeehaw guys guys. GET THE GUNNNNN what do you call a slow cabeman caveman BERNIE GUN drain the trawmp robin hood ass kill em a meanderthal dear boi its me :) TriHard Clap hehe spend all your money sneaky leaving those guys tied up to starve and rot in the corn fields WeirdChamp who was they 3Head 3Head one day sneaky will see my jokes 😭 3Head 5Head *whisle 5Head like wise 5Head 5Head Like us 5Head 🔫 3Head dey took eerr jeerb oke does sneaky die his hair dye? FeelsOkayMan charles sneaky leaving those guys tied up to starve and rot in the corn fields WeirdChamp sleepy no thats his natural hair color WeirdChamp they are natural LUL @Shey_ they got corn widepeepoHappy KKona FeelsBadMan I cant tell what color it is lol KKool NotSoEZ Its HIGH NOON Pog he always dying his hair DansGame only killed 1 KEKW peepoWTF Silver elo PogU 😡 clean and feed horse 😡 does he use overtone @decodeproxy FeelsGoodMan can you buy a new horse? that’s a wig will you dye your hair again? @C9Sneaky have you ever used overtone he’s balding NotSoEZ hosea Pog following lemon’s path forsenMald ah you pet it now? awww forsenMald <3 my hair has been blue for a year and a half without me dying it FeelsGoodMan <3 never fed him widepeepoHappy 🐴 HORSEY widepeepoHappy NotSoEZ call PETA <3 horsey Purple Dead Redemption feed her an apple pls A ratirlBusiness BUSINESSMAN’S ratirlBusiness SUIT ratirlBusiness IS ratirlBusiness WHAT ratirlBusiness MAKES ratirlBusiness HIM ratirlBusiness ASTUTE ratirlBusiness widepepo D: widepeepoHappy @theCrimsonHazard PETA would've killed the horse pepeLaugh braiding a horses hair makes their hair grow longer and faster in reality monkaS sneakyH monkaW PETA is friend sneakyLUL wreeeeeeee PepeS .... 10/10 hi will you use overtone the next time you dye your hair. yea but then the horse will be gay Pepega no peepoArrive 🐴 sneakyYeehaw yes yes :) I'm curious how well it works 5Head is this ps4 or pc mom’s said I’m the smartes ps4 ps4 FeelsEvilMan 🍷 Ah yes IS THAT VODKA YOURE DRINKING widepeepoHappy SEAN ma'am Kreygasm fine house MindManners @WIIIIICKEDD you okay, bud? D: !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 27 minutes 45 seconds nuh TriHard sex the old woman Big ? KappaPride gachiHYPER people ask every 7 min if that’s on PC vodka is too much shes cute ma'am so sexy Kreygasm LUL LUL yes she can TriHard GOT EM LUL Rekt KEKW LUL LUL rekt LUL Hosea is a fucking legend N OMEGALUL LULW HYPERBRUH no drive for you bitch theres an orange horse? the old days cmonBruh D: monkaW 4 am btw gachiHYPER troooot gachiGASM why would you damn KEKW 3Head DAMN Kreygasm Squid1 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid3 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid4 3Head tobacco scottish (?) people monkaS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm spooons 3Head OI pls torch my tobacco fields if you know what I mean 3Head LMFAO LUL 3Head KEKW 3Head you snotty old bitch old bitch cmonBruh omgg KKona ANY FELLERS IN CHAT KKona sneaky looks like hes always smiling Jose amigo Kappa Irish WutFace Any Scotts in chat? FeelsGoodMan <3 Conor mcgregor in Red dead! hes got a resting smile face sneaky is paralyzed so it seems is always smiling Fooking hell mate yikes in reality he’s always sad LUL o same :) Dog FrankerZ :( exactly omg :0 :) :) :) pls dont say that :) :P :) :) :) :) no :) :) :) I try everyday that's scary widepeepoHappy sneaky :) sneaky u smell ı cant :) sneaky chat peaceful peas how bad is ur vision :) all the characters in this game are great bad I guess arthur talks like my grandpa off BLOODY ENGLIESH uh oh no more water KKona 3Head oh ur not fr in the story at all GOT EM Nice hun KEKW EVELYNN LMAO the gun sticking out wtf? aye the bloody english 3Head :) :) :) kekw neenoo @Sitlec micah WeirdChamp OI 3Head The dialogue is actually great 3Head OI YOU FOOKIN MUPPET did you leave ur friend Charles behind me: *joins stream* me: *looks at the camera* me: * Kreygasm I lost* is this pc @C9Sneaky ? a ting a thing WutFace Pog KEKW @UnNameless hes a great villain Charles too Trewlany to camp english MF do you speak it XD hey @C9Sneaky why am i not tired :) haHAA 3Head SeriousSloth CurseLit haHAA 4Head *act natural* haHAA dude tänk jew friend yikes are you gonna kill him Siraeyou subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months! Sleep deprieved widepeepoSad !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 33 minutes 2 seconds so many haHAA here LUL he gonna kill him KKona 4HEad HaHAA KEKW haHAA PepeHands gonna die 4HEad what a bummer was a nice fellow 5Head EleGiggle 4Wide 3Head look how kind he was 3Head thos boke Oi 3Head I'm tired 3Head bloke haHAA Dignitas Sneaky PogChamp showing the way hehehehe 3Head peepowideHappy beavis and butthead KEKW widepeepoHappy talking nonsense widepeepoHappy but big sad. came to watch sneaky before I go to bed hahahah 4Head KKona 3Head so to be less sad hahaha 4Head 4Head 4HEad haHAA the cringe 4Head hehehehehhehehehe hahahah 4Head 4Head ItsBoshyTime gachiBASS 3Head danX 4HEad gachiBASS 3Head bruv 4House shoot him monkaW sneaky silently LUL monkaW heh heh heheheheheheheheh haHAA no BibleThump is he ded j DxCat monkaW Crack YOU KILLED HIM? D: no shoot wtf did he do BibleThump hes fine danCute backdoor monkaW killed him? D: he killed him fs !instagram its a nap BibleThump WTF just happened hamish you monster why BibleThump yep The body is still warm :) hes just sleeping guys molotovs Pog that was fucked up sneaky YOU WERE BOTH JUST LAUGHING BibleThump he's sleeping shhhh ahhahahah BibleThump He ded :( just permanent sleep guys not dead no pokemon ? he will respawn .. no worries yeah even my grandma is sleeping PokPikachu TriHard My man Bible Thumb CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit BibleThump We the fuck cowboy we have city to BURN ANELE lets do this where lives he? fire look that dingus gachiHYPER no hot anime boys in this game 0/10 SNEAKY YOU'VE CHANGED BibleThump F for ''hahaha'' man BibleThump Wake the fuck up cowboy we have city to BURN why is it bright out gachiHYPER WutFace dude posting dick kill him snacky monkaW Red Dead PeepoArrive PepeHands no friend oke SMOrc monkaW monkaW payroll Pog loot sneaeky no mods I guess Kappa WutFace murder widepeepoHappy gonna make him sleepy :3 Pog КЕКВ KEKW yo zoom in i wanna see how thicc KappaPride monkaMega rip moonshine D: monkaS monkaW stop killing people BibleThump burn the weed and get high CiGrip monkaSHAKE not drinking the moonshine WeirdChamp das war jetzt aber hart :D arsonist monkaS smoke weed everyday Sneaky is probably going to kill his family next BibleThump "that should do it" pray for them, don’t kill’em as in that is plenty lol D: yeahs shoot him xD @SteveShepard damm BibleThump widepeepoSad no widepeepoSad nyeh subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! what time did u wake up jesus christ what plants are these monkaS Sneaky sneaky make him go beddy bye @trihard_soloq HES BLOOD LUSTED BibleThump tobacco Jeystan pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i BibleThump good for silence your pistol you must say shhhhhh at loud while you shooting need moonshine I woke up at 7pm today @UnNameless are they supposed to be this huge? i normally wake up at 9pm do u like alcohol snooky? @SteveShepard widepeepoSad !time December 1st 2019, 3:56:37 am PST GMT-08:00 monkaW i woke up at 6 pm u beta male cuck pour it on him monkaW monkaW monkaW that guy is blind NotLikeThis SNEAKY BibleThump STOP BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET monkaQ Realism blind KEKW is thiy guy blind or what? lirikBLIND why couldnt this be latest assassins creeds LUL Jebaited Jebaited damn moon is turned up to 11 @Jeystan yeah at a plantation especially God is watching you Snacky did they not buy pink wards? @C9Sneaky u sneakyyy BibleThump merry christmas everybody LUL pepeLaugh NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis STOP NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis monkaW Hide-In-Bush nope , they bronzie no pink wards alcohol evaporates quickly you know hide on bush SNEAKY NOOOO BibleThump VLIND AND DEAF KEKW LULW didnt see shit HideInBush boys is there a timer? This bottle is the equivalent of " i'll have one drink" PepeS Graves jungle gameplay Pog monkaW team: cloud9 LUL Lander27 yup, that sounds about right lol Graves Jg Pog KEKW "ooh baby, we are in" - sneaky 2019 C9 JG PogU monkaW !time December 1st 2019, 3:58:22 am PST GMT-08:00 Ghost behind u sneaky KEKW LUL 👉 BabyRage 👈 nananana i cant see you, nanananana i cant hear you KEKW lmaoo silence monkaW LUL run monkaW MONKERS KEKW Sneaky whatever they did to you, let the criminal Justice system solve BibleThump lol All this alcohol is going straight into the dirt or evaporating... that was some monkaS monkaS monkaW SILENCE CHAT monkaW shhhh SHHH ......... Shhhhhhhh *silence monkaW shhhhhhhhhhh SHADDUP KKona 🔫 if you kill them all theyll never see you :3 you guys are gonna alert the guards SILENCE CHAT run it down CHAT BE QUIET SHHHHH shhhhh monkaS no u shhhh PauseChamp RUNNNNN Shhhhhhh monkaW !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! shhhhhhh KEKW Scary PauseChamp SHHHHHHHH CHAT mosquito bUrself HE IS HERE! HE IS HERE! GUARDS! shhhh your mum Sneaky LET IT GO, IT'S NOT WORTH GIVING UP YOUR HUMANITY BibleThump shhhhhhh your dad PepegaAim Can't be quiet so quiet monkaW forgiven Yeet @capnswing SHHHHH hes sleeping deth widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad PepeHands poor dude BURN moon2H monkaS burn it monkaW PepeShake REEEEEEE monkaW THAT WAS SOMEONE'S CHILD SNEAKY BibleThump poor guy wait we burning the man too the tf wait... thats illegal gotta go fast fellers sneakyYeehaw not the farm widepeepoSad NotLikeThis burn it all widepeepoHappy any policemen in the chat not the tabacky PepeHands hell yeah! FREE HONG KONG, motherfucker! FeelsGoodMan molesster Sneaky BURN THE PEOPLE FeelsGoodMan sneaky burning c9 headquarters KEKW No the weeeds. Nooooooo Pog Yikes, the policemen are just near my place chat RIP WEEDS Kappa PogU NA ADC Brand on the loose Pog We neeed the weeds hes sleeping peepoArrive here to burn like @MilkSephorix monkaS Legit can hear the protesters and policemen If you were gonna kill every single person here why burn it, just kill them AUTO AIM NotSoEZ Sneaky!! Farmers work very hard for their crops and make very little money BibleThump Think about them @C9Sneaky that was a nice big glass of warm milk to the skull NOT THE HORSES PEOPLE widepeepoSad go see what the're looking at LUL what happened to hahahaha guy BibleThump BibleThump AUTO AIM WeirdChamp what was the point of sneaking around @SteveShepard we lost him BibleThump sneaky burning c9 headquarters KEKW for starter position KEKW ml7SantaHypers ml7SantaHypers KEKW 3Head @Diffindo he is dead KEKW KEKW @kenseikage1 with meteos KEKW @diffindo Sneaky is murdering and entire town BibleThump widepeepoHappy CurseLit widepeepoHappy @trihard_soloq He's lost it BibleThump Sneaky exiting the C9 house in LA (2019, colorized) pog Pog poh KILL THE ALL VILLAGERS NotLikeThis POGGERS pog Pog WTF IS THIS AUTO AIM 4Weird Cant wait to kill ya :) Thou shall not kill BibleThump AUTO AIM WeirdChamp Insurance gonna see this Kappa Sneaky burning down the gaming house 2019 Pog sneaky burning the C9 facility (2069, dank) ResidentSleeper @C9Sneaky sneaky leaving C9 headquarters (circa 2019) PepeHands !followage dude gregory270 has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 weeks, 4 days Chat clearly sneaky is the best shooter Kapp even killed childrens NotLikeThis !folllowage 3 years 2 months lul sneaky's murdering licorice and nisqy for being snake KEKW YEEEEHAW KKona sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw full time streamer sneaky burning the clown9 building KEKW its impossible to aim with a controller !followage don't be stupid c9 house isn't that big I feel like he’s going to die Sean is !followage haylenox has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 6 days I can't hear a fucking thing :) @nyeh as big as the caravan? Isn’t this how django ended Kappa RIP CAP LUL LULW !followage !followage c9 house does contain that much marijuana tho CiGrip jungle warded monkaW Kappa bawkHm !followage Sneaky just murdered an entire community BibleThump Nice horse full jungle coverage !howlong Warded Jg @C9Sneaky i know the team manager of flyquest and since ur looking for a job 4HEad C9 house = full of snakes KEKW PepoCheer killed them all still repping c9 merch? shame why ur shit is purple? @C9Sneaky !howbig is This red dead? @C9Sneaky take care of your cores. it will make your life a lot easier RIP REDEPTION COMMUNITY ... PepoThink why is his team still C9 LULW KEKW @hotdogss bawkDoit @nyeh what is his team @ForestFairyBilly FeelsOkayMan @23cmtruedmage not cloud9 that's for sure +RESPECT @nyeh Cause he got benched from the main roster, not the team better teamwork than c9 at worlds it's possible he's still sponsored right @haylenox full time streamer @nyeh he is still with them as a streamer widepeepoSad burnt the weed okay guys i get it he's streaming for them F for community BibleThump @nyeh 4Weird @nyeh why do you fucking care worry about urself Nooooo mmy weeeeds Darn those pesky cowboys ohyes he have to decide dude got a contact still LegendaryFalcon subscribed with Twitch Prime. widepeepoSad all da dope smoke PogU F for sneaker widepeepoSad F I just spent 15 minutes RPing a wholesome Twitch viewer Kappa @joeasscompass pokiWK @nyeh is he selling his body for them too? be a p can we avoid talking about the C9 situation please? @ChaosJesterr it will improve performance next split ban em @theCrimsonHazard wolfie_1992 subscribed with Twitch Prime. my kind of game KKona be a pornstar sneaky. i would love to watch all vids Pog theCrimsonHazard: can we avoid talking about the C9 situation please? @c9sneaky it’s your bed time to sleep sleep CG Sneaky confirmed Kappa KEKW !followage DUMB_TURTLE_321 has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 1 week LOL says the one man spam "guys I got it" nobody cares @nyeh KKonaW @joeasscompass cuz yall wont shut up WeirdChamp : D: :o yeehawwwwww Pepega not4head Dignitas Snickles PogChamp : abi bursalı mısın D: yall @nyeh YALL you tell him, fat man FNATIC SNEAKY Pog fat man Fat man LUL KEKW @joeasscompass literally 30349w94 people pinged me go to bed bro KEKW 4Head KKona KEKW LUL FAT MaN PieChamp gragas pogggers these words are too big for me Sneaky abt to joining dignitas KEKW monkaW Micah DansGame TRAPS Pog it's a trap monkaS Hosea 5Head Trap monkaW I don't trust this guy monkaW traps gachiW its a sneaky Pog bad man lacTrap C9 Trap traps gachiW astorfo is trap monkaW play poker Change Arthur's clothes PieChamp guy cmonBruh Traps gachiW well maybe if u didnt killed his brother...... logic bro mmonkaW :( PepegaHands Caitlyn father's monkaW PepegaHands monkaW ME tigers OMEGALUL tiger god fat man gotta stay home pepesad monkaW monkaW mr scuderi get down gangplank omegalul fat man DENIED LUL emilburghiu subscribed at Tier 1. not listening to wise man hosea NotLikeThis !followage theCrimsonHazard has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 4 days peepoLeave lets go parley 5 years Fat MaN is PieChamp 'ing some beans setup widepeepoSad fat man !followage Bed time Bed time Bed time Bed time Bed time @c9sneaky Bed time Bed time Bed time The medicine supply has tonics @C9Sneaky its the cross on the map UnNameless is the older in chat gn brothers peepoLeave kys If I remember bye wtf sneaky not taking the camera with him peepoLeave rude peepoLeave sneakyChair peepoLeave sneakyChair @reformed_nevard wtf dad is gone! lets riot chat!!!!!! peepoLeave !followage UnNameless UnNameless has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days sneaky waiting for meteos KEKW no mods TriHard gachiBASS just like my father LET'S GET WILD CHAT !followage valeRiot valeRiot valeRiot valeRiot WOOOOOO peepoLeave oh no, was another one PepeHands peepoArrive !followage TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Gn chat love you *smooch* TriHard chat is chilling for 11k TriHard / \ Kappa LET'S GET WILD CHAT Im gay Chat HORSES monkaw time to get captured boys BURN SNEAKY'S STREAM LIKE HOW HE BURNED THE FIELDS Dark chat TriHard !followage Howdy chat KEKW !followage Armadag has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day MrDestructoid damn only 4 years gotta go by mates cmonBruh chill !followage !followage bye* GET THE MOONSHINE WE BURNIN THIS CHAT sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair IM GONNA SAY IT sneakyChair peepoLeave SPAM FASTER CHAT DansGame :) TriHard Burn the cha Hi snacc TriHard TriHard mr sneaky id ont feel so good shhhhhhhhhhh !followage TriHard TriHard TriHard OSFrog Chat i got married to a cat RunToxic has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 3 weeks, 3 days @SteveShepard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard shhhhhhhhhhhh chat quiet FASTER ratirlCozy LUL where did he go? zZz WideHardo widepeepoHappy TriHard PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR sneakyChair sneakyBug OkayChamp !followage ravagerose pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i monkaS sneaky left to get some cigs and eggs RavageRose has been following C9Sneaky for 6 years, 5 months, 3 weeks, 4 days mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY ........ did he went to poop KEKW Wreckeeeeed sneakyWEEB3 pepeSmoke mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY sneakyWEEBY Where’s SNEAKYYYYY man i have never been subbed to sneaky, am i fucking up? cmonBruh cirComfy !followage zuproc He's going to burn c9 headquater KEKW hi is sneaky ok ? zneaky send pics Sneaky said he'd only come back if we spam TriHard s peepoArrive sneaky moonshine-ing c9 hq with poopies KEKW Marry me sneaky , i am gaayy too but a bit black TriHard TriHard TriHard !followage ramirexgabo has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week TriHard TriHard TriHard OKAYYYYY LETS DO THIS GUYS TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard sneaky is onroute to the C9 mansion with moonshine TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard YEE HAW KKona TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard hi guyd MonkaS 6 Years TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard !followage Zuproc TriHard SNEAKY COME BACK peepoLeave TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Kappa TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard so dark TriHard BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack !followage WideHard cmonBruh TriHard TriHard TriHard Kappa TriHard TriHard cirAYAYA AYAYAWeird TriHard mods KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TriHard BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper PowerUpLPowerUpLPowerUpLPowerUpL VoHiYo PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus KappaClaus TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard PogChamp PogChamp BibleThump BibleThump Cute chat WideHard darkness TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard WideHard WideHard ratirlFlower AYAYA KappaClaus KappaClaus KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard SMOrc WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit CurseLit AYAYA WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard WideHard WideHard WideHard WideHard AYAYA WideHard WideHard WideHard PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL PowerUpL VoHiYo PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR PowerUpR where is he? WideHard WideHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard KEKW RPGGhosto TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard WideHard DoritosChip TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard TheIlluminati TheIlluminati TheIlluminati my chair now TriHard pre recorded wierdchamp j4kLowHug He wont comeback KEKW WideHard streamer is gone VoHiYo dad went to the store for cigarettes 7 years ago OUR STREAM NOW Squid1 Squid2 Squid3 Squid4 TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm OSFrog hello mr chair sneakyGrip did sneaky ko? hi sneakyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 4Head dont say it chat cmonBruh TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard SNEAKKYY CUMBACC I bet hes on his bed taking a cat nap take ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i over Hey chat spam "Tryhard" 😂👌 WideHard 1 I am going to say it chat cmonBruh never comin back BibleThump LULW TriHard we are streamer now TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard CUMBACC He went to parley the bathroom I'm watching cmonBruh OSFrog The chairs stream now chat what did we used to use instead of LUL no way we just said LOL right? TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Did the chair kidnap sneaky? TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard where sneaky 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head @RunToxic EleGiggle !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard this is like watching sivir gameplau im gonna say it. I dont care you broke your elbow KEKW KEKW @RunToxic EleGiggle here it comes It better not come cmonBruh peepoArrive EleGiggle just feels wrong for some reason NotLikeThis HE IS BACK TriHard TriHard TriHard peepoArrive peepoArrive HE BACK I just wish I could kiss sneaky once Silence TriHard AYAYAWeird cu runnnnnnnnnnnnnn PogU back pepehands Back bois peepoArrive sneakyChair peepoArrive TriHard TriHard TriHard hi @everyone i hope you all are doing ok. if not pm me peepoBlonket HOT CHOCKIE PepoCheer peepoArrive tuberculosis KEKW KKona KKona FeelsClassyMan TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Toes? Pog TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard KKona TeaTime we back COCOA AND MOONSHINE real sneaky leaves, doppleganger sneaky comes back WutFace hi sneakyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TriHard TriHard peepoBlonket Give some to chat @strow4 it fucking worked TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard welcome back partner Sneaky good thing you came back cmonBruh naga stole my bike snackers qtpHONK Clap carbs DansGame KKona C cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh peepoArrive peepoArrive KKona O cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Morgan KKona okay i make my own peepoLeave KKona R cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh sneakyChair peepoArrive sneakyH sneakyCup @misteraddicted KEKW KKona N Talking like a cowboy ohhh Kreygasm Plz give some BibleThump cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Fine I will 😠 hey 🐴 sneakyYeehaw SHARE 😡😡😡 ım hungry tho damm BibleThump @C9Sneaky can i eat the horse @MICHAEL___JACKSON KEKW is that strawberry jam Kreygasm cmonBruh Clap Hey sneaky sua gasosa buerinLanso Snickles share drink 😡😡😡😡 cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh WHO cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh oh damn, i want this game!!! cmonBruh what kinda water KKona mods are losing it KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh nani kore cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh yum hatt packey Is this game slow Even game is about to say it cmonBruh HYPERBRUH right on TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard nani? Game said it cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @steveshepard it literally already did monkaW KKona T monkaW <# <3 KKona R KKona DAMN RIGHT KKona A monkaW gay streamer KKona C @thapeda it what cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh into hell monkaS jks KKona T KKona O monkaOMEGA Micah is a traitor NotLikeThis KKona R How's the team hunt going? @C9Sneaky bawkGlad MaN men peepoSmile cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh @steveshepard HYPERBRUH are these highest setting ? cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh gachiBASS RAM MY ASS CHAT HYPERSBRUH @qent0x he play on PS4 gachiHYPER mouthes we gotta feed bnanaWhat cloud9... more like gay 9 I'm just too talented LUL LUL horse shit KKona LUL KEKW FULLASHIT might be full of sh.t Kappa FULL OF SHIT DansGame @C9Sneaky should i get this game KKona @ForestFairyBilly ahh i thought it looks a bit off KKona fake news sneaky going to 2020 worlds in shanghai KEKW maah cuh KKona Gay9 KappaPride My fav sis @qent0x tyler1BB TriHard ? TRY :) life liberty and the pursuit of happiness KKona ALL MaN ARE EQUAL KKona Try :) sneaky where are you from? this chat is a bunch of TriHard s cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh TriHard TriHard Im the leader where is hitman 2 reeereeeeeee TriHard ^ ^^^WOAH D: chill mah man cmonBruh crackers forsen1_HF 🔭 forsenKek_HF FrankerZ FrankerZ cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KKonaW what did u say? MingLee MY MAN KKona WTF MingLee CHina Numba 1 MingLee MingLee cmonBruh + FrankerZ = TriHard MingLee Clap noooooo MingLee I am TriHard but Kappa ok too cmonBruh NaM RIP Sneaky boi MingLee MingLee MingLee MingLee Free HK 😡TAIWAN NUMBA 1 i'm going to worlds this year FeelsGoodMan nooo tawain number 1 +50 social points KEKW Kill 😡 cmonBruh where are my homies at tslTri tslTri tslTri ??? MingLee china numba wan cmonBruh I SAW THAT use some dip TAIWAN NUMBA WON gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiW bc i already go to school in singapore LULW NA DODGED WORLDS 2020 gachiHYPER but sneaky more chinese people lose than win CUMMIES @c9sneaky I wanna hump you on the butt @C9Sneaky mr sneaky which gaming monitor are you using? :) KKona Shoot him in the dick 😡 pepeLaugh MOMMIE GIMMIE CUMMIES Dignitas Snickles PogChamp cmonBruh ? yaaaa cmonBruh 4Head 4HEad Na : Cant gets clapped 3-0 if u dont make it our of group stage KEKW 4head that man pepeLaugh here we go monkaGun out* its a Lie Kappa Mother him? :D xD Kreygasm me too KappaPride 4Head monkaGun gachiW KappaPride KappaPride WTF gachiBASS WOMEN monkaW He ded Trap monkaW ummm zfgOhNo monkaOMEGA vibe check monkaW womens DansGame traitorrrrrrrr I said it was a setup KEWN torture time Pepega monkaX set up monkaW CBT gachiW @TriHard_SoloQ LUL D: gachiW AHH NotLikeThis gachiBASS sugar 3Head Fat MaN monkaW 3Head Pepega is was a trap ? 3Head PillowGlory subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! TRUE LULW gachiBASS not SHEAMUS LOL the irish WutFace KEKW Skyrim wagon inc monkaW RUN monkaHmm monkaW Pepega forsenGun I GOT HIM PepeHands DEAD F sungtizzle14 subscribed with Twitch Prime. End? gachiPls DETH F BAD END monkaW !uptime KEKW Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 5 minutes 42 seconds Wtf monkaW dead F I told you not to kill the entire village BibleThump ded monkaGun gachiW AHH gachiBASS Arthur is a tank monkaW gachiW gachiBASS gachiW bad ending PepeHands AHHHH gachiW STILL NOT DED uuuugh gachiW raw gachi ? bad ending PepeHands gachiHYPER yes TriHard HORSE COCK wait what that would actually kill you GACHIHYPER gachiHYPER Kreygasm Ow @handsomehorsie gachiHYPER 18 Naked Cowboys gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP VaN CBT gachiHYPER VaN sex dungeon gachiHYPER ut oh not the sailor suit guy SLAVES GET YO ASS BACK HERE gachiHYPER TriHard TriHard TriHard SEX DUNGEON monkaW Sex in the dungeon !time December 1st 2019, 4:24:14 am PST GMT-08:00 this chat DansGame LUL qtpWHAT monkaW sex dungeon im gonna fap again FeelsBadMan gachiBASS this chat you will monkaW ewww DansGame gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS 18 NAKED COWBOYS Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Disgustanggg Nice dinner :) so it is THAT kind of dungeon come ride with me gachiBASS ride with him sneakyGASM you lie Kappa no :) yes u are Kappa PepoThink C9 bullies their player KEKW KappaPride Bless you, dad :) @ozbivaukman r u girl MaldChamp grab me gachiBASS 5Head MaldChamp do girls poop when they play league? Raging KappaPride gachiHYPER PepeHands monkaW SKT sneaky Confirmed PogChamp gachiHYPER harder gachiHYPER HARDER NUUU BibleThump he is just tickling him chat its ok :) @ozbivaukman bawkHm bagette F sneaky KEKW dead BDSM gachiBASS He likes it Kreygasm GG It's a bandage I think this shit is like game of thrones rightnow just close your eyes and listen to that chat :) Latex mask BDSM play butt what gachiBASS Gimp mask Time to torture monkaW is there a plugin to listen to twitch chat live in TTS? he would of died from the blood rushing to his head is he naked thats a sweet onsey Pog that is one weird fetish right there mr morgan Not enough ass play DansGame ouch this is one of the hardest golds in the game monkaW monkaW WutFace eszieAaa monkaW cauterizing the wound ewwwwwwwww DansGame harder gachiHYPER bawkOmega Penetration Kreygasm DansGame staahp Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Pulling bullet out monkaW monkaW widepeepoHappy so sexy *-* @ozbivaukman -> No Links! [warning] cauterizing oh yeah the bullet monkaGun lunch ahhhh !time December 1st 2019, 4:27:35 am PST GMT-08:00 ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaMega Kreygasm NotLikeThis ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kreygasm *wet noises press 4 if u like big dick A HOLE gachiW WutFace WutFace WutFace hahhaha aww hell nah Wat monkaX WutFace TIEM FOR PAIN ahhhh sneakySpook2 ow gachiBASS monkaX Cauterize monkaOMEGA WUtFace omg monkaOMEGA WutFace nononono monkaW Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm AHHHHHHHH sthap WutFace @C9Sneaky I think he's cauterizing the wound PepoThink no balls DO IT gachiBASS wtf WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaS aaaaahhhhh fuck. DO IT GOD DAMMIT ???? lul NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis sneakySpook2 do it quick cauterize that shit OHHH Kreygasm MORE ??? WHATS CAUTERIZING DO IT GOD DAMN IT KEKW Have to so you don't bleed to death LULW ? monkaW do it or no ballz ?? DO IT Pog shipS just do it HURRY UP STOP TEASING US ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper Kreygasm Kreygasm eat it Pog pepeLaugh TeaTime Kappa Kappa Kappa do it Kreygasm ARGH ouch HELL YEAH Pog gachiBASS gachiW gachiHYPER @Diffindo burning the skin to seal the wound with skin SHUUT YER HOLE BibleThump @ozbivaukman -> No Links! @C9Sneaky the wound is infected, hes removing the infected tissue Cowboys pouring candles into bullet wounds NotLikeThis kill them all TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard SIKE SeemsGood TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard instadead ? ez arthur is a beast TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard SO FAST EZ ur arthur fucking morgan a tank he trains with barbells that my boi TriHard whos this idiot talking 2 Is this the beginning of the game? EZ KEKW Pog Snipe %100 IRELIA MAIN Pog PogU The Sneaky W ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper D: Sneaky's escaping for group stage KEKW KEKW gottem ninja grab your shit Pog Arthur never says it TriHard He's the homie TriHard shaco E PogU Snake steroids PogU drink estus This is metal gear all again Stimulate the horse gachiHYPER e max ap shaco KEKW MaN ? killed by throwing knife in arm TriHard 7 NaM ? TriHard loot stealing their shit LUL MaN MaN Thats a poison knife TriHard i might say it cmonBruh TriHard horsie widepeepoHappy got his man purse pogu KKona KEKW what a clean game sneaky whats ur sleep like the eyes <3 oatmeal Pepega h eatin beans Oatmeal PepegaPls now hes just gonna ride casual across country romeo is gay KappaPride KonCha KonCha monkaS PartyPoro monkaS Pour more candle wax into your wounds PogChamp sneaky's making up to quaterfinal KEKW Okayga COCK tumtum Tum Weirdga Did he got drugged F EZ Clap F Its over ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper @Theguyeuw no he got shot and beat to shit kkkkkkkk Hola @C9Sneaky PogChamp ! g passed out PepeHands Pepega WideHard widepeepoSad F ratirlHowdy ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh This is sneaky going to all star games howdy partner ARTHUR widepeepoSad snek Bloodmoon event PagChomp sneak sneak good girl always knows the way back to home FeelsGoodMan @reveredrelish cmonBruh Okayga COCK women DansGame arthur ? Kappa @reveredrelish cmonBruh Arhurrr mah boy MaN gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS im js gachiW AAAAHHH Okayga COCK im just comin in what happened bed and a woman :) ahhhhhhhhh gachiW Company gachiW pretty boy gachiHYPER She can get it no kapp the dreams of the fieldssss gachiBASS sorry for what THE END. DREAMING BTW Kappa @funmoot Snickles murdered a village, and then got raped and shot 2 months recovering from pain gachiBASS gachiBASS looks like I went for the right timing what are you doing? DESTROY DICK DECEMBER BOIZ @C9Sneaky what are you doing with your hands? KEKW @4ShotsofGin i am gonna do it later Kappa Okayga COCK lirikKKONA KEKW BEARDSEN PogChamp same :) KEKW i see :) KKona o Bjerg PogChamp Dont break your arm please @C9Sneaky get up and stretch for us gachiW Fat Thor Pog arthur looking like a real cowboy now Beardjergsen PogChamp and how are you?! KEKW Shaveeeee HeyGuys gachiBASS sneaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakyyyyyyy loooooooooooooooooooooooool 4Head pretty much sure sneaky is a bass-baritone Kalista_KiD an unnerfed champion LULW frisky gachiW TSM SNEEKEE PogChamp LULW Frisky gachiHYPER N-NANI?! the yeeter got yeeted KKona hell yr CHOPS LORD too hairy DansGame Brad pitt LUL KKomrade KARL MARX Bjerg in game, so it's confirmed PogChamp PogChamp buy hair tonic ot make it grow faster SMOrc Oveer Sum PoteNT whisKYY make sure to drink 3 beard tonics every 2 hours Pog the max length beard needs hair tonic Noooo Get bamboozled Sitlec just drink beer is cheaper and more fun No Shave November still doing strong in December Pog LULW satchel can buy from store call your doctor if your beard lasts longer than four hours kit drink the xp elixirs you have I would eat your feet fingers really bad No shave december !time December 1st 2019, 4:37:12 am PST GMT-08:00 NO DICK DECEMBER hopelessxcrimson OkayChamp @C9Sneaky you are the shiit my man! sachel kit @C9Sneaky No nut November is over, you wanna nut for us on stream :) I just took the rubber bands off my penis for No But November Kreygasm he sounds like a magician monkaW arthur is such a chad gachiBASS D: degenerate D: The gay guy time Pog gachiBASS ITS A TRAP monkaW I am a hot blooded degenerate too :) country rhodes KKona Degenerate D: its not a trap KKona Clap what chapter is he at? gachiHYPER IT IS A TRAP friends FeelsBadMan its a trap KappaPride low places KEKW hahahha chapter 3 right after arthur was captured u want chat to plow my farthole Cops DansGame dear boi KappaPride he just wanted to buy milk PepeHands how come he is playing red dead again KEKW DansGame peepoLeave ˥˥∩qpƎɹ LUL LULW DansGame lol nice. still early into the story FeelsGoodMan GOOD LUCK Horse can KEKW poop FeelsOkayMan peepoLeave Okayga COCK your horse can DansGame help turn the motorcycle soundtrack clip it and ship it LULW Lol ? press help TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard cmonBruh TriHard SNEAKY GONE POST TriHard s LUL PauseChamp WeirdChamp D: pepeSmoke cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh put it on stream pepeSmoke AYAYAWeird @quackmaster123 wait, how long is this game? peepoLeave lets goo TriHard I LIKE EM TriHard PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh peepoLeave peepoLeave Sneaky bout to take a HOT and STEAMING SHIT peeppArrive We need to see it He is taking his cock out Gachibass StinkyCheese sneaky scat TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard peepoLeave time to empty out that hose and take a quicky pepeSmoke Pepega LULW pepeSmoke smoke break stream shit for quality content Weirdga wineTime POOP PROOF that was an amazing transition ngl peepoLeave pepeSmoke @Fang4664 copying me Weirdga TriHard MY DICK SO BIG LOOOOL DansGame poor toilet Pepega I love diks softButt MaldChamp sneakyChair FeelsWeirdMan chat BibleThump 8K viewers r bots lel TriHard WHI BOI CANT COMPETE WITH THE BBC Okayga brb in 5-10 mins forsenCD pepeDance TriHard WE FUCKIN UR WOMEN WHITEY. WHATCHU GONNA DO? PepegaAim Liquid or Solid Poop? dick + december = dickember pepeSmoke chat lets count til hes back? I'll start pepeSmoke WeirdChamp 1 2 2 3 smoke chain has started we must smoke 4 oh oh we have a weirdo in chat NotSoEZ 7 @reveredrelish you are probably the whitest boy in your whole town WeirdChamp 6 8 69 77 go chat we can do it 9 777 @Hydrophob WideHard 10 7777 bawkHyper 77777 dad counting is hard TOMORROW IS THE END OF THE SUFFERINGS!!! 11 RarePepe widepeepoSad 777777 12 7777777 Pepega 7777777777 420 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in my bank account TriHard úîuuiu7 pepeD no ads 77777777 wheres that beutiful girl i saw at twitter 69420 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 24 minutes 47 seconds these pepega plebs 777 69 😂 Whats upp chat xqcHAA 7 and 2 are such funny numbers peepoArrive pepeD sumSmash pepeJAMMER PartyPoro pepeSmoke headBang 69 nice bawkBruh TriHard BIG TriHard BLACK TriHard COCK why no bathroom cam has sneaky made his announcemt yet? WideHard Pepega Clap pepeSmoke uhhhhhhhhhhhhh wtf FeelsGoodMan OWLonfire FeelsWeirdMan cmonBruh triggered by numbers LUL WHO WANTS TO BUY SNEAKYS POOP!!!! Weirdga peepoWTF pepeLaugh aaaaaaaaand blocked TriHard 7 TriHard 7 sneaky poo poo pink? Gamer Shit PogChamp FRESH FROM THE BUTT redsDank TAKE A GUD GAMER SHIT WideHard CHAT WE FUCKIN WIDE? WideHard 7 WideHard the widest widepeepoHappy I'M WIDE AYAYAWeird Afk widepeepoHappy wideeeee long poop chair stream today PogChamp sneakyWEEB3 gamer boy toilet water. 50 dollars a can is this game still bugged to shit? AUCTION FOR SNEAKYS POOP ? why is there a help button in the menu BBoomer oh sneaky streaming peepoArrive ..... oh its a chair stream peepoLeave VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ Gamer Shit is bigger than regular shit bc of all the cheese we eat PogChamp Is it normal for corn to come out with the poop? he could text us while he pooping FeelsBadMan NaM NaM ? the longest monkaW hes back must be stuck sneakyChair peepoArrive golden Kappa check Wash hand? WutFace nvm sneky poopi n DansGame nice Pog DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame those are the worst FeelsBadMan Anti social social club the lengthiest shit of all time DansGame DansGame wb back Poopy Should have messaged us with updates DansGame DansGame popesThicc 💨 DanaGam we were worried Kappa YouWHY YouWHY Lol WutFace miniK Constipation FeelsWeirdMan Scamazzed DansGame @c9sneaky how much for the fart NotSoEZ buy a new outfit ffs KappaClaus D: sneakyD HotPokket constipated WeirdChamp Alden is quite a dandy himself LULW light in the loafers LULW BETA KappaPride horseless carriage D: softD doody pepeLaugh MaN GUN gachiBASS Cheese constipation 4Weird how did the shit go sneaky :) horseless carriage which means car was invented MaN MaN of distinction you look like a hobo KappaPride Sneaky Daddy Naddios subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months, currently on a 18 month streak! yeeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwwwww @C9Sneaky have you played Witcher 3? cut your beard you hobo Colleague KappaPride Pepega KappaPride looking good bjerg Kappa FeelsClassyMan KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride Adieu FeelsClassyMan he seemed nice :) FeelsClassyMan KappaPride adeww FeelsClassyMan AngelThump Opera singer FeelsClassyMan mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy FeelsClassyMan wineTime KKool 5Head wineTime FeelsClassyMan TeaTime freeee 4HEad just get free money KKona monkaW Kappu Kappu Kappu LULW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 31 minutes 16 seconds widepeepoSad we all gonna die FeelsBadMan don't worry sneaky i'll protect you FeelsBadMan gun monkaS your gun is so dirty exologTHONK chat gimme cummies cmonBruh buttplug gachiBASS TriHard cmonBruh KKool KEKW we coo cmonBruh opera singers mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy hhhi AchillesHealNA gifted a Tier 1 sub to reveredrelish! This is their first Gift Sub in the channel! yes stealth mission KEKW Option not to kill :) redsDank 🎸 Probably not possible KEKW take your cummies u dirty whore @reveredrelish PogChamp ye its real degen hours XD Angelsworded KEKW I dont accept this "Stealth" nonsense approach AngelThump Pepega this guy KEKW @reveredrelish sneakyPride @AchillesHealNA WidePeepoHappy AngelThump pepeJAM LULW u is sneaky in na or is he on eu timing? Pepega LoooolololOOOOllloloooool I want gummies too DansGame KKona sneakyPride sneakyPride goo AngelThump 3Head widepeepoHappy MaN u left c9 ? Sleep is for the weak sneakyH M'Lady aww they seem nice :/ and youre gonna rob them DansGame what is that shirt DansGame bout to hit this duet lick wtf lmao i smell danger get off Pog rape her Zoomers KKona SHE WANTS PIPE WeirdChamp @reveredrelish WeirdChamp moon2SPY HYPERCLAP Sneaky you better not BibleThump lmao you're just hanging out in the back of that cutscene @reveredrelish FeelsWeirdMan wtf WeirdChamp Any TriHard in chat? triH AngelThump oh boy MIMIMII ? KEKW AngelThump LUL LULW ratirlHappy AngelThump KEKW AngelTHump LUL pepeD KEKW sNicky Snack nutGasm nutPride AngelThump SMOrc SMOrc NotLikeThis KEKW pepeD get me out ah yes the angel choir SHOOT EM moon2A FeelsClassyMan fucking LOL KEKW sneaky sneaky ... Old Town Road LUL pepeD pepeD mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy Bed her straight banger peepoWTF ace Wut FeelsClassyMan wineTime ratirlMozart pepeJAM StealthySik subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! yoyo EZ lmao TriHard MINE NOW SNEAKY NO BibleThump WideHard Clap POG POG TriHard LULW TriHard run TriHard LUL SNeaky AF TriHard My ears ace Wut sneakyWut i have heard enough SNEAKY NO nutBlush nutBlush nutBlush Sneaky is Sneaky PogChamp LULW DIDNT CLOSE BOX its mine now cmonBruh YOINK FeelsClassyMan KEKW FeelsClassyMan wineTime Damn sneaky i see what a nice lady BibleThump Sneak 100 sneakyEZ Clap D: DansGame forgot to close box KEKW slam the fart 😂 DansGame don't gachiBASS FeelsBadMan SNEAKY IS SNEAKING nutBlush DansGame NotSoEZ TeaTime thats funny because his twitch name is sneaky and it wasnt sneaky .) jus a lil gas Didn’t even close it NotLikeThis sneaky = a pro stealer slam my farthole chat EZ mods¿? clap EZ nutJob nutPuke1 NOT A TOOTSIE lmao, he takes 300$ and gives 10$ to the guy KKona ye yuo what a capitalist becBruh_SG *yup SUCK HIS DICK FOR 10 bucks nutBlush gachiBASS $750 PogU pigletforeskin what is that name LULW poor Piglet youre paying for dutchs plan right widepeepoHappy Blackjack UUUUUUuuuuu !time December 1st 2019, 4:55:28 am PST GMT-08:00 FeelsClassyMan monkaS BANK! PogChamp Rob him for the $10 back PogChamp FeelsClassyMan SHUT UP LULW FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan is this on pc? FeelsClassyMan TeaTime @C9Sneaky valar morghulis sneakyC9 FeelsClassyMan wineTIme FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan Bill this is on gameboy FeelsClassyMan Micah again monkaW FeelsClassyMan wineTime mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy pepeLaugh wish the pc port actualy worked FeelsClassyMan rip kid Jolly good performance FeelsClassyMan pepeLaugh oh no is this what i tihnk it is stealin horses oh no this is a set up moon2PH not this mission DansGame now slam the desk 😂 DansGame SMELL IT Pog pepeLaugh shhhh i love their accent pepeLaugh 😂 good one mate DansGame RUN SNEAKY RUN subjected to Sneaky's disgusting nature FeelsBadMan RUN pepeLaugh he doesnt know i c forsen bajs slamming desk forsenCD DansGame PepeHands poop on stream pepeL pls no a Pri DansGame Sitting in Shit one getting shot oh my gawd sneaky, u're abaut to die for a trap my man DansGame bruhhhhhh RIP FeelsClassyMan NICE poop in your diaper wtf HAHAHAHA DansGame AGANE STOP SHITTING too much Taco Bell PoopJob hahaha hes gonna come back and pepeLaugh KEKW pepeLaugh oh jesus LUL where's the forsen bajs forsenCD ??? peepoLeave NotLikeThis STREAMER DIAPER imagine not having a poopsock in 2019 my immersion BabyRage PepeLaugh not streaming with a diaper DansGame bad fishsticks leave again mizkifCorn mizkifY mizkifCorn mizkifY LULW sneakyChair peepoLeave Pog instant poop ewww is it the watery type of poop WutFace Shitting on the job again are we? D: POOP ON THE CHAIR AND BUY I KNEW ONE EASY sneakyTrash this a 💩stream now instant Pog PogU Pog DansGame Pog Pog instant Pog @C9Sneaky DansGame Pog DansGame DansGame Bathroom stream ft dr disrespect Kappa KEKW And it’s smelly Pog hahahaha i cant even wipe that fast It’s bubbling Kreygasm Not putting a bucket underneath the chair WeirdChamp @c9sneaky Don't forget to wash hands DansGame pepeSmoke DanaGame Smelly POGSLIDE DansGame KEKW Oh my god. DansGame Tell us more WeirdChamp DansGame DansGame Pog wash your hands DansGame LUL sneakyWut smelly PogU Damn @C9Sneaky thanks for the updates :) diarrhea Pog @C9Sneaky bring us with you next time :) chair stream? WutFace pooping again? YouWHY YouWHY Lynn come get your man WTF sneaky this stream is kinda shitty lately ^^ he was on diarrhea SMELLYYYYYYY Poooound sneakyWut where's my poop asmr DansGame Weirdga FBBlock @c9sneaky :door: shitty stream pepeL this streamer disgusts me DansGame Arthur would be proud AngelThump @ModRaxan banned DansGame DansGame bottom of the barrel poop strimmer AngelThump AngelThump SNEAKY face when he poops sneakyWut KEKW AngelThump Lynn Kreygasm ;p ;p no POV?!? DansGame shittin' for the gang Sneaky doesn't poop chat he's just pretending :) @C9Sneaky yes BibleThump sneakyWut sneakyWut fallen on peepoWTF SNEAKY face when he poops sneakyWut KEKW .. sneaky powdering nose KEKW test AngelThump Quite a long sshit we having sneakyWut Can u get bettertwitch and stuff for mobile Eszie are you not entertained KKona no no nope no FeelsBadMan @C9Sneaky Nope come back daddy no sht sucks :*( no no Fuk it sucks no KEKW yes :) no :) peepoLeave PepeHands @c9sneaky not for the app no its thanksgiving, make sure to buy some bitcoin it should be a thing LUL later sneaky were busy PepeHands RuleFive RuleFive Who watch twitch on th e shitty app lol Yo sneaky hows the poop nerd poo poo king you can if you watch from a browser app won't remember to wash hands PepeHands just rethink your phone 4HEad PepeHands im on mobile i just pretend i can see the emotes @C9Sneaky shit post on ur own chat Pog vurderlak OpieOP browser app DansGame I have to imagine the emotes PepeHands LUL I want MAJOR TOS details since you're typing and not talking we are so lonely BibleThump @C9Sneaky KEKW tell us the shapes when you're done widepeepoHappy Literally shitposting Sneaky come back faster KEKW peepoLeave atpRtsd at least you dont have to see fkn kek double U KEKW hows the farts LUL LUL I'm naked chat :) literally LUL sneaky cant see this emote widepeepoSad gachiW gachiW macsS GET ON THAT SHIT BOI wipe faster sneaky como se llama ese juego ? gachiGASM i smell it FeelsWeirdMan FBBlock @c9sneaky :door: chat im not wearing underwear KEKW peepoLeave Are he pooping again? *Sniff *sniff eww DansGame reveredrelish I lost Kreygasm sneaky need chrome remote desktop eszieSip cbcPew sneakyGasm eat your vegetables Sneaky WeirdChamp Sneaky gotta stop with the frozen foods or these shits will only get worse PepeHands this is my sunday morning FeelsBadMan something smells good in here FeelsClassyMan bigsacChair can you guys see deez vernWalnuts RuleFive RuleFive sneakys face now @C9Sneaky 🚽 peepoLeave sneakyChair peepoArrive perfect time for my instant noodle lunch widepeepoHappy I’m having a fine shit laddies just a few more min FeelsClassyMan Chair stream peepoWTF m i bet he tried farting and got a nasty surprise of that @C9Sneaky shit in my mouth pls FeelsClassyMan wineTime tying emotes he cant see FeelsGoodMan FeelsClassyMan damm to be fast DansGame FeelsClassyMan wineTime gachiBASS DansGame @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky Take your time FeelsClassyMan TeaTime hurry up WeirdChamp FeelsClassyMan 🍷 minutes DansGame @C9Sneaky how is it even possible to take this long Weirdga zzzzzz wash your hands sneaky Weirdga @C9Sneaky Wash phone DansGame glad to know FeelsClassyMan 🍷 if sneaky had high iq he would have left chat on stream so he could see FeelsClassyMan TeaTime emotes @C9Sneaky do you have a bidet @C9Sneaky can you sign and send it to me ill pay shipping @notninezero -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] do enjoy yourself FeelsClassyMan wineTime sneakyChair It’s taking this long so I don’t have to come back FeelsOkayMan died on the toliet? & we see Sneaky dashing across the camera peepoWTF sneakyChair AYAYAWeird sneaky stalling for 10 hours PepeHands damm BibleThump LOL D: doesnt want us FeelsOkayMan sneaky shithead PepeHands doesn't want to come back D: unwanted PepeHands PunOko @c9sneaky destroying ur dick for december? Did he peepoPoof us???? @C9Sneaky Just put a bucket underneath your chair bud D: @C9Sneaky bro, legit, Topo's are a cure-all, especially for stomach ailments monkaHmm I think he meant to the bathroom, you lot. FeelsWeirdMan make sure you wipe 👍 Sneaky I just farted too gachiW dont drown buddy he watching us guys monkaW BibleThump I meant to the toilet lol ^ LUL @addcheesepls -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiBASS HandsUp SURE Kappa HandsUp sneakyLUL sneakyLUL @C9Sneaky Can you emulate the sounds ur making in the chat for immersion HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp peepoPoof Ed DansGame @c9sneaky WutFace what was that HandsUp HYDRA @C9Sneaky You should get a bidet :O LUL holy fk this is getting good press 1 if you like COCK HYPERS ' LUL SHID AND FARD HAHAHAHA 2 1 1 gachiGASM time to raise the hands uo HHydro 3 rooDab 1.5 1 1 gachiHYPER Chair > sneaky???? HYPERS popesOne 1 HandsUp 1 bawkZa bluetooth headphone ASMR pooping Chair is so popular LUL this chair stream is good mane gachiW sit on my face before you wipe @C9Sneaky if i shit at the same time it's like we're doing it together AYAYA widepeepoHappy POOPOOPEEPEE SHID AND FARD Weirdga didnt know u prefer toilet to us BibleThump @C9Sneaky use a wet wipe rooSnow rooBall rooPog tell me about your self chair did snacky sink in F 10k chair stream bawkHyper sneaky rather sit with mr toilet than chat PepeHands peepoPoopoo he is wiping Pog MaldChamp @C9Sneaky yo chair is pulling u a sneaky one on redemption @tanvii bawkSalt MaldChamp what hand do you wipe with when we r taking a shit and we r still getting 10k viewers Pog tf is he? sneaky needs a poop tracker like dominos pizza tracker I SEE MOVEMENT Pog WTF i saw that I SAW HIM I SAW THAT monkaW monkaX COME BACK WTF IT WAS HIM Pog @forestfairybilly rooFight monkaW ghosts monkaW ARM POG monkaW forgot to wash hands LULW FORGOT TOILET PAPER ON THE DESK Pog monkaOMEGA His back bois he forgot wash his hands PogChamp didnt wash hands DansGame I LITERALLY GAVE YOU THE ELIXIR TO QUELL YOUR STOMACH real men don't use wipes they use bathroom hoses peepoArrive WutFace PagChomp HE LIVES peepoWTF ayy hes not a sleep RuleFive RuleFive RuleFive wb sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB3 peepoArrive he is back Was that a jolly good poo? FeelsClassyMan @C9Sneaky why you wearing a c9 shirt you should burn it peepoArrive gachiW sneaky water sneaky tried to sneak the water DansGame pepeLaugh oh no this mission Lol forgot about the stream heyy sneaky RAM RANCH Jebaited sneakyD monkaW D: wtf D: bawkLurk WutFace Wut WutFace monkaW monkaGun @Sitlec pepeLaugh D: holy fuck Sean PepeHands monkaGun D: Wtf damn Wow I JUST get to the stream and that's what I see. Send help. widepeepoSad SEAN D: PepegaAim Micah you son of a bitch PepegaAim PepegaAim SEAN PepeHands Sneaky is dead ? monkaW reveredrelish do you know the rick rolled ram ranch D: LANGUAGE OUNG MAN @UnNameless pepeLaugh PepegaAim PepegaAim PogU PepegaAim he is HERE ... ram rolled bawkGun PepegaAim @mazedmarky gachiBASS YES Feels like Time Crisis bawkWeird bawkGun @Sitlec i swear the timing on that pause reveredrelish gachiBASS D: wtf Sean PepeHands @UnNameless too good KKona 🎸 gachiW at the back League dead game elder can kill you while invisible nice Micah got Sean killed PepeHands oh PogYou monkaW Deserved Pog softGun softGun softGun Pog adc killing the entire population of rhodes pepeLaugh Sneaky playing the ADC we need Bitch DansGame explosive slugs Pog Nice double barrel shotgun Pog rob it !time December 1st 2019, 5:07:32 am PST GMT-08:00 KEKW Um ? PepeHands slow KEKW LUL KEKW Oops ? KEKW KEKW He died KEKW widepeepoSad SLOPPY LUL Micah dead KEKW good riddance LUL KEKW ? LUL MICAH DEAD POGGERS My heart POG AIm SLOPPY LUL sloppy Kapp good riddance "getting sloppy" LULW S L OMEGALUL P P Y widepeepoSad loot em SL OMEGALUL PPY shotgun at 100m range KEKW on the left SL LUL PPY ye where the hell is bill D: RIGHT IN THE ASS gachiBASS broxahBiceps UWot LULW KEKW THAT MAN WAS SHOT IN THE STOMACH AND SURVIVED howdy bull Pog Use the 725 :) woah 725 KEKW HangZhoulo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! Pepega Pog D: there is no town to be sheriff of now, mr grey 200 grays dead still talking shit KEKW This game is so lit dead eye dick em sneaky hue Pog gachiBASS Yikes Pog pOG sneakyYeehaw daaamn PogChamp bill PepeHands WutFace monkaS PogYou D: widepeepoSad SEAN Mcree PogU Mcree PogChamp u said it would only take a few minutes dad.. let me reload LUL SeemsGood SeemsGood sean PepeHands PepeHands widePeepoSad drunk sheriffs BIGSAD BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump DansGame EZ He was a good kid KKona DansGame toxic.. KEKW GOTTEM GOTTEM glad there are no delusional tsm fans in chat for once cowpoke KEKW TOXIC rekt fuck you micah getting us trouble holy fug that moustache is legit report him DansGame toxic loot did TSM wonnnnnnnnnnerererererereedededed widepeepoSad Conor Mcgregor LULW Sean widepeepoSad Sean sean Sean Sean Sean... who was he? Sean SEAN Lol D: SHAUN sean pls dont go widepeepoSad widepeepoSad why Sean PepeHands PepeHands @wagrief you support this bitch ass team? widepeepoHappy damn dont even know his name PepeHands widepeepoSad this is a fucking interactive movie not a game PepeHands widepeepoSad Bad Ending FeelsGoodMan\ KEKW Bronze MICAH KS you CoolStoryBob micah killed two micah get fed report you reset when micah died so it counts a health item yu micah ks ing again FUCK him @UnNameless damn what a game mechanic meecah Pepega Heh @C9Sneaky do you have a gf? CiGrip Health item pepeSmoke widepeepoHappy widepeepoSad oh this quest PepeHands widepeepoSad PogU Here we go Pog here we go @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian oh yeah here we go i love this mission PogU 5Head temerity this mission is sick Irs goin down time to murder another family BabyRage my son I PITY THE FOOL cmonBruh the fucking boys lets go Pog c9 or not Seriously, stop cry and be professional my son HotPocket Karen took the kids agani widepeepoSad That was some time lapse squad out Pog The crew Insta night time monkaW monkaW THE BOYYYSSS Army fifiPog the lads the goons oh shit the BOIS monkaW This is the best mission ITSSSS WAAARRR SwiftRage PogU SQUAD ROLING OUT PogU PogU the gang all together SQUAD UP oh shit the whole gang the boys are back in town the booooooys SQUAD SHIT ME AND THE BOYS OPENING SOME SKULLS SKWADS D: i thought this was a solo game C9 roster PogChamp so many peeop peepo squad goals mates he gonna kill innocent people D: rooD Micah not in the squad pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky john is the main char in rdr 1 KEKW HOSEA Sneaky don't kill the kid jack PepeHands hosea 5Head dud thats hank ventures voice yea Murderous sneaky is back BibleThump WeirdChamp yes yes yea @C9Sneaky yes KKona John Marston Pog KKool this scene John Marston Pog you also play as Jack at the end of RDR1 @C9Sneaky this is what happens before john becomes the badass he is RDR1 was PogU as well It's the Shire In the epilogue and previous game wait thats henchman 21's voice This game is a prequel to rdr1 monkaW here we go pepeD monkaMega oooh snap @UnNameless spoiler WeirdChamp can you play minecrfat sneaky pls pepeD Sneaky BibleThump seijuki subscribed with Twitch Prime. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 59 minutes 14 seconds @cptGarney he wont play rdr1 WeirdChamp pepeDance wo lool lol john KKona ?????? John mvp This game have any jump scares? THE GANG gang gang TriKool AngelThumb Pog AngelThump AngelThump this scene PogU d: Sneaky you better stop BibleThump AngelThump AngelThump SQUAD SHIT shoot em up Kill them AngelThump AngelThump AngelThump this was definitely one of my favorite moments in this game AngelThump GIDDYUP COW POKES KKona yikes The Boys Pog this is hype dude can yoi pla yminecraft pls sneaky i would like to see you play minecraft walking to Worlds like D: YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw KKona wtf KKona wtf KKona D: DA BOIS oh this looks straight out of django YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw This is terrifying waiiit this is part 3 right? sneakyYeehaw that roast sneakyYeehaw kill your teammates KKona roll tide Django pt 2???? JUNGLE UNCHAINED??????????? WHERE DO YOU HIDE Django: Unchained PogU OAAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA AngelThump Roll tide TREYWAY PepeS MaN this music jfc sneakyYeehaw get them sneaky !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 59 seconds KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype @C9Sneaky Shoot that music my Jam awesome music PepeS @C9Sneaky They gon start shooting That is a young BOAH squad up giVE us the BOY BUSSi just penta kill them oh god pepeD the Dicaprio's house from Django monkaS Hat Pog HATS OFF KEKW LUL KEKW TIME CRISIS LUL Hat EZ It's good to hear John's voice again Pog that quick draw triple from dutch PogYou SNIPE GOD PogYou yeehaw 4Head KEKW Again LUL bill & javier, the true boys of death adc main Pog He baited bullet dam PogChamp Hat sniper Pog @C9Sneaky Pull out your shotgun LUL Pog HAT LUL steals hat mid fight free hat OkayChamp savage Pog Dutch is op LUL PRIORITIES: hat LUL this is the best mission in game TriKool TriHard EZ KEKW TriHard LUL Take everything yoinked LUL loot time KEKW TriHard yoink TriHard MINE NOE GIMME GIMME mine now TriHard !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 2 minutes 40 seconds POG EZ SNIPED disgusting beard wtf these cuts are beautiful @C9Sneaky Go cut ur beard DansGame PepegaAim DansGame Hat Hunter LUL loooot take the candleabra you look like a hobo the last hat was better Go get a hair cut @C9Sneaky lookin like billy ray cyrus gofrom the side Gelatic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! How much can you take pepeD PepeS JHIN PepegaAim Yikes, sharp shooting Pog Jhin POG name game ? YEEEHAWWWWWWWW its high noon It's hiiiiigh non Shoot the barrels POGEY John said grab the rifle lols i wanna suck ur cock PC ir PS4? FOUR! KKona Clap ps4 KKona pepeD Clap PepegaAim KKona game name ?? Uptime! how close is he to finishing the game? givem the pl' one, two KKona YEEHAW @urucvz Red Dead Redemption 2 It's High Noon 🔫 sneakyYeehaw red dead redemtion 2 KKona not very KKona 🕧 he is far @Szczotki about the halfway point Hit dead man D: RUTHLESS KEKW KEKW nice thanks yeehaw @C9Sneaky SHOOT THE BARREL!!! ahhhh gachiHYPER KKool GuitarTime @C9Sneaky SHOOT THE BARREL!!!! @C9Sneaky SHOOT THE BARREL!! KKona Clap read dead is a great game CMOON the boyz KKona TeaTime gracias corgidou LULW HE DIDNT SHOO THE BARREL shoot the door Pepega SHOOT THE DOOR pepeLaugh other side Pepega John OMEGALUL help him LULW Pepega Clap ??? WTF DAmn Kreygasm HIGH NOON KKona just open it 4Head This is what i want to see D: rolled monkaMega What's the purple marker slow motion thing? D: rape her Weirdga gilf D: the sex scene ? DansGame stop that shit chat eat her ass 😡 D: Wow gtfo @AVERAGE_TWITCH_CHAT_IQ_1 slap her this part is so satisfying FeelsEvilMan cum on scum the boy monkaS LULW \Weirdcgamp chat WHERE IS SHE SwiftRage im batman pepeLaugh FeelsGoodMan D: slep her face with ya D LUL WhErE iS tHe BoY?!? her son shot her son what @C9Sneaky shoot her LULW BabyRage WAAAAAAAA OH DAMN PepegaHands YOU GOTTA SHOOT HER @C9Sneaky This is horrible they killed her son same holy shit jesus BabyRage rooD this part kinda sad PepegaHands good ending FeelsOkayMan but they shit heads jack is dead? DAMN this game si fucked. this is pegi 13 squadW shut up bitch SwiftRage good ending Pog Dutch is Alpha aF this is fucked dude WHY DIDNT THEY BURN HER ALIVE? kill sneaky Cribbage KEKW widepeepoSad @SSwift0100 this part funny as hell what you on about is this the Django Movie? burn granny This is just Django Unchainded all over again KEKW nice house tho widepeepoSad no time to yoink stuff PepeHands loot FeelsBadMan burn down the house Kappa ooooooooooo thats fucked up Def inspired by Django FeelsWowMan KILL EM ALL FeelsWowMan KILL EM ALL FeelsWowMan KILL EM ALL At least they saved her and saved her the cost of all these funerals It's called karma sweaties, look it up. :) PepegaAim PowerUpR should've kept the house LULW yankee D: yankee KKona rip loot D: Have ur way with her @hohaia97 😳 the edgy kid eh? stealing horses DansGame make her suffer DarkMode shes learning theres no rules now i reckon WH OMEGALUL W H OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL LUL Italian Mr Bronte PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR lmao must be too cool W H OMEGALUL NaM Saint Denis xqcF @SSwift0100 ok edge lord they are stupid for letting that witch live monkaS :( AngelThump holy shit AngelThump better kill her BibleThump burh widepeepoSad feelsbadman AngelThump This mission Pog that scene bruhhh h h hhh Pog luvelyGGEZ damn it dont mess with someone with nothing to lose did she run into the burning house? me and the gang she went inside PanicVis Why would she reveal AFTER she's lost everything PepoThink OOOF EZ Why didnt you kill her???? EZ clap Should've killed her. savage she got rekt epic style can you go back and kill that old fart granny? nah worse punishment to let her live PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpL @C9Sneaky go back to the house for an easter egg @sur3sho yea widepeepoSad @RileyJamesBrown PepoThink time for a drink lol whole family dead That's worse than death Granny BBQ FeelsClassyMan house gone she runs into the house on fire killing her is better for her tbh why the hell would you let her live? Sounds like Trump brother KKona @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian she walked back into the flames guys go back when u can hotstuff Didnt she kill herself by going into the fire anyway? She is gonna inbreed a whole nother generation and get revenge on your ass monkaW KKona Brother I think she ran back into the burning building, she lost it Killed all her sons and burned her estate down I don't really think she's gonna recover lmfao If she comes back, she'll come back with a vengeance. shes gonna make more kids imagine losing everything. your sons property. that's worst than death fine gachiBASS Kappa she walked back into the flames guys she walked back into the flames guys She killed herself.. can you get some hair and beard cut? LUL THAT BEARD DansGame you look like santa calus claus* HolidaySanta xtomstarr this is before malding was a thing shut up dutch DansGame cut the beard bjerg KappaPride FeelsClassyMan I know that voice actor from bad to worse @C9Sneaky sorry to interrupt but you have a turd on your chin KEKW Pinkertons WeirdChamp I hate dutch KEKW Rip Van Winkle KKona WH OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW GOTTEM D: goteem KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW 4Head GOTTEM LUL pepeL GOTTEM KEKW Kapp pinkerton 4Weird HAHHAHAHHAAHHAAH gettem KEKW KEKW KEKW RACIST D: D: TriHard WHOA hold up itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV itssliV monkaMega MaN MaN MaN MaN MaN MaN MaN with greed MaN MaN MaN VaN delin is this game good? corrupt police MaN quidditch seeker Pog PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 @beltbuster ya gachiW you came for me LULW erehehe 4HEad 4Head monkaMega PepeS it looks like GTA in the 1800s monkaOMEGA Jebaited monkaGun PepegaAim that escalated quickley shit is about to go down monkaW monkaGun pokiGUN PepegaAim PepegaAim monkaMega monkaS 50 50 MaN gachiBASS monkaW thats it? monkaW 30-50 feral hogs gh EZ just shoot him now :) oh no fifty men monkaW 50 men gachiHYPER D: just kill him now LULW :o D: shoot him cmonBruh WeirdChamp monkaMega 50 50 men to get murdered LUL cmonBruh kill them all TTAHITI cmonBruh 50 GOOD MEN GOT REFERENCE LUL just buy a house 4House 1V5 PogChamp it must be mr Snacky LUL cmonBruh 1v50* 4Head 😂 Coulda used that huge house before you burned it down :) 4Weird 4Weird atleast arthur is not crazy like john wick F 4Weird Pog bawkBruh better prob better better 2? forsenCD better worse Have to play 1 Pog better this is prequel\ much better the same The game aged super well imo You would have John's context better for the story, worse for the gameplay @C9Sneaky i c forsen bajs forsenCD Clap You NEED to play 1 Pog play 1 next peepoPog @C9Sneaky stop at 2 don't start 1 if you don't want a cryfest 1 is amazing too @C9Sneaky will u play nfs: heat ? :) if you like 2, you'll like 1 Better. 1 is better than this rdr1 was amazing game but ive not played 2 so idk how much better this is 2 is a prequel to 1 this game is good but 1 was on another level 2 is a prequel isn't it? Story wise psycopaths yea 2 is a prequel 2 then 1 is the order so it doesnt matter playing this one first then going back to 1 @C9Sneaky both are good but ending of 1 is more bittersweet FeelsBadMan !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 14 minutes 51 seconds @C9Sneaky tbh, i think that with how 1 has aged. theres no point to even go back to it you'd be better off watching all the cutscenes if you cared about the plot Kapp !followage John laying the truth PepeHands skidmarkmania has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 1 week, 4 days @C9Sneaky i finished death stranding 2 nights ago and it made me cry even more than this games endning <3 skidmarkmania subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! yee-haw brother KKool if u dont have problem with playing 10 year old game then go for it but keep in mind gameplay and shit is from playstation3 era @C9Sneaky ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw KEKW imagine crying with a game KEKW Is c9 sneaky gay? UU NEE DUTCH HOSEEA he is going smarter now @C9Sneaky why you riding a pony this accent is just too good Sneaky-chan AYAYA @C9Sneaky r u gay? AYAYA i cry every time i win a ranked game is this game available for atari lynx? @shadylannister i cried when Aeris died in FF7 PepeHands @nuttyarchery yeah he is KEKW 4House we ve been here @Acidrain18769 PepeHands same John smells like a rat... YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw @乃しムこヒ widepeepoSad the house you tried to blow up with dynamite KEKW Is this on pc? KEKW PepegaAim Hola wapo nice and homey OOFT D: PepegaAim monkaS D: @aoyanagi havent played the first game eh? CLOSE KEKW D: @JORGE5426 hola precioso HEAD? if they hit that shit with a remaster, it would be so worth coming back too D: monkaS @aoyanagi Dont't you play as John tho monkaOMEGA KKona 4Head Yes this is on pc, recently released D: WHOA D: those hillbillys will never learn it Sick auto spacing D: bye bye head "We've killed far too many people" FeelsLitMan FireSpeed Pepega im hiding remaster rdr1 for pc xqcM ez money Looks amazing been looking for a new game to play his head 4Weird these were just hobos @Snowbe13 cogmos? uwu monkaMega SHOOT HIM is this your beard bro? santa? PepeHands PepeHands kill this fcker bullet time is unfair… play like a cowboy! wut PepeHands they just hit san andreas with its second remaster Confederate PepeHands monkaOMEGA D: LUL uhh HolidaySanta PepegaHands WHAT THE FUCK D: holy monkaX why not rdr1 on the rockstar launcher kekeke KEKW KEKW KEKW D: D: D: YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw Zilean LUL beds ruined Weirdga D: wow KKona The south will rise again D: D: how are u alive only one big beard can live there Kappa monkaS better eat some oatmeal loot monkaW D: get a haircut sneky D: wtf LOL D: D: O_O D: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh D: D: D: LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW dont shoot sneaky D: wtf kekw kekw WHAT THE FUCK D: D: Jaysus f D: LOL OMEGALUL henchman 21 KEKW D: KEKW NUUU D: Lmao um YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw LUL D: why? ROOF GONE NO PRISONERS D: D: D: HE WASNT TROUB;E D: Redecorating na at worlds head KEKW WutFace 🥱 always double tap PogChamp 😯 AHhhhh Kreygasm Kreygasm Pog FeelsLitMan Kreygasm PRESS 1 IF YOU WANT TRIPLE TAP Kreygasm Kreygasm now you have to clean up KEKW Kreygasm pepeSmoke 1 1 gachiBASS Driving with the top off has a new meaning now hu3hu3hu3? Kappa I LOST BibleThump !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 19 minutes 41 seconds tRiple Tap nuggies TriHard take cigarettes TriHard @C9Sneaky The gun prolly some viagra in there Cocaine Pog monkaGIGA cocaine gum lmao cocaine gum monkaW cocaine gum KEKW cmonBruh Chat DOM GUM the cigs are worth taking since the cards give you dead eye exp u r playin every single game unless LOL LUL @C9Sneaky The gun bro DOM GUM Pog imagine playing lol in preseason dumdum eat gumgum the [REDACTED] word wedding ring PepeHands wedding ring PepeHands webnamoro gators monkaW LUL KEKW get out of my swamp yeet LUL D: NICE THROW TeaTime Drain the swamp PunOko no Throw them down the stairs lol LUL throw the body in the swamo i doubt LUL Bro do you even play basketball YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw KOBEEEE and thats kids now shreck was born 85+85 = 170 kg so nope you are but arthur not Kappa throwe out window toss them both down the stairs how did these people became a super power LMAO throw them all over the balcony window wheres the blood tbag PepeLaugh I weigh 62 Kg :) @gideaorodrigues all over the bed !followage Kagami_77 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 7 months, 2 weeks, 5 days so bright TO THE WINDOWW nice rockstar quests KEKW TO THE WALL SadChamp @Unsleeping_ Same :) !followage KEKW WeirdChamp No hydra spams !followage !followage spring cleaning !followage @CosmosQuasar probably jews LULW monkaHmm D: 4House LUL yeah this is chapter 3 the ending is amazing, but that romeo and juliet stuff was boring KKona KEKW KEKW @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian !followage l3loodthirsty13 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 7 months, 2 days 3Head dotch Kreygasm !followage Kkona gachiW :d ALPHA yerr KKona denied gachiW dont be a dutch head squadW Shameless talk KEKW 🦍 KEKW freckled boomer OkayChamp he already Fd her girls 4Weird squadW she want a BLOW come on KEKW In mafia 3 this is like throwing people into the water and eating in the crocodiles KEKW KEKW KEKW dat wench She’s prego new horse time Pog I have a plan~~~ Saint Denis xqcF xqcF FON This is a really long mission !followage Pofkinis has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 3 months, 1 week, 3 days Whatever it takes Pog Avengers ResidentSleeper WE COMING FOR THANOS PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 PepeLaugh 👉 🚪 !points fk no points you can play high roller poker in saint denis too iirc what is sneaky's graphic card @theswoop_ WeirdChamp have u heard of the game 'outer worlds' its made by the devs of fallout new vegas, really good single player rpg game fyi @C9Sneaky !followage NotBjoggisAtAll has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days FeelsBadMan the oranges broo !system mouney mo money ah alright I am inevitable YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw mo money mo problems @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian peepoPog monkaW WutFace monkaW Pog Pollution PepeHands monkaW society PepeHands city DansGame F NEWYORK PepeHands WORLD PepeHands dutch has never seen a city before PepeHands we live in a scoiety widepeepoSad capitalism THE FUTURE monkaW PepeHands the pollution 達文西密碼 the industrial revolution PepeHands we are doomed PepeHands FeelsOkayMan FUCK THE WORLD AND THE MACHINES PepeHands horseless carriages PepeHands 5Head 🍷 Ah yes, I can feel my head throbbing with knowledge and wisdom as I sip upon this Sauvignon blanc. Come chatroom, who will join me in this endeavor of knowledge 5Head 🍷 pepehands how many chapters !loot LULW Saint Denis KEKW SNACKY DENNIS PogU Aaint Denis Saint Svenskere Pog repelling, disgusting big cities DansGame SVEN KEKW ELECTRICITY PogChampYeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw GOD SVEN horse riding simulator Den - ee and yet idiots still think global warming isn'y real. LUL brother sven Ain`t denis sandy knee Pog monkaS sven pronounced sen denee KEKW LUL chapter 4 ah shit here we go again PepeHands sandy knees KEKW they have electricity PogChamp Sen denee KEKW Bronze KEKW nice chapter by the way. they are criticizing the society. which is Pog LOL widepeepoHappy kill kill kill @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian PepeHands world ruined BRONZER LUL widepeepoHappy pet dog What can I download this game through on pc kaczynski was right this streamer is look very nerd :/ dance? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAVIN Dance Gavin Dance Gavin PepeHands lolollloololo LUL lol rockstar launcher @leezy85 KEKW People like grapes I AM GAVIN :) @leezy85 steam in 4 days or rockstar now @leezy85 yea its on pc, less than a month ago thats gavin lol 3Head city people Weirdga gavin PepegaHands its me :) gachiW monkaW Isnt the feminist here 3Head I'm here :) 3Head lad 3Head KappaPride ? @PerpetualCharge yeah GAVINNNN 3head one ere mate GabeN ? monkaMega 3Head GAV MATE 3Head PepeHands 3Head 3Head PepeHands ———————————————————————— imGlitch The broadcaster of this channel has promoted you to mod status. Please press the key combo CTRL + W on your keyboard to activate this.———————————————————————— gavin PepegaHands LUL 3Head oi bruv LUL sex him !!! LUL PepeHands GAAAVVIIIIN Pepega 📣 lmao KEKW Pepega :meg: GAVIIIIN Pepega 📣 GAVIIIIIIIN LUL LMAO Pepega 📣 GAVIIIIIIN GAVIIIIIIN SwiftRage Pepega 📣 gavinnnnn Someone get this a Gavin please HOWDY PARDNERS sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog find the feminist Pog gavin come home :( :( :( :( LOL @theswoop_ KEKW sneakyYeehaw GAVINNNNNNN WE ARE ALL GAVIN MonkaHmm sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Someone get this man a Gavin please YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw RIP money monkaMega monkaS gav bruv where you at 3Head LULW high roller poker Pog monkaW 4HEad Liquor in the front, poker in the back. epic prank Jebaited Jebaited D: Jebaited rapists everywhere monkaW Jebaited GAMORRAH monkaW Why is Gamora? widepeepoSad rhyme on point LUL papists Pog rape me gachiBASS 😂 Who is Gamora KEKW epic bruv moment XD Weirdga 👎 PepeS monkaW monkaW FeelsClassyMan wineTime monkaS KEKS why are you so cute? it's because you're dirty and a criminal ALL EYES ON ME PogChamp You look like a dom lowlife all these rich people THATs JUST HOW BARS WORK FeelsOkayMan 🍷 ohhh Kreygasm Take a bath lmao FeelsClassyMan FeelsClassyMan Who is this barbarian? FeelsClassyMan Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW FeelsClassyMan Who the fuck is this cowboy trying to play poker with us FeelsClassyMan KEKW cmonBruh KKona KKona give me drink SwiftRage BabyRage FeelsClassyMan wineTime wisky LUL KKona 🍺 scammed LULW TriHard wisky ? ah yes, prestigious people 5Head ;wine_glass: ewjfgfhge wat you say about scotland m8 3Head LULW wot* 🍷 cmonBruh 3Head bruv No I'm asking :) WideHard chill TriHard FeelsClassyMan 3Head innit 3Head KEKW KEKW gachiHYPER KEKW LUL KEKW okkk KEKW gachiW Is this gavin? gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER hes gonna regret that monkaS A what sucker??? gachiBASS gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP fuck the kids KKona LMAO sneakyD KKona cmonBruh WeirdChamp LUL Geez KKonaW KKona cmonBruh KKona WHAT THE FUCK D: gachiBASS 🍆 ANELE KKona cmonBruh wait what Im out 💨 you are gonna get rob KKona TRUUE cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh MaldChamp LUL illegal immigrant monkaS LULW LUL rood KEKW KEKW MaldChamp LUL getting rob by kids LUL TriHard WHY NOT SEX HER cmonBruh cmonBruh PogU WideHard forsenCD ???????? oh lorrd monkaHmm KEKW cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh Pog forsenCD Clap KEKW cmonBruh zfgWhat 5Head KEKW KEKW KEKW SCIENCE! 5Head KEKW KEKW WOMEN LULW PogU PogU PogU LUL forsenCD nonsense what?! That's why i cant fing virgins anymore BLACK MAGIC Pog 5Head PogU Mind blown LULW 5Head oh i see Ka_Ta_Na_ cause we're civilized people Pepega true cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KEKW q WOMEN KEKW PedoBear PedoBear SUPERSTITIOUS KEKW forsenCD ✨ my kind of magic HerbPerve hi kids LUL PedoBear PedoBear KEKw eye tallain Pedo NaM 👌 BULLIES monkaW I WANT A CIG BabyRage cleet Pepega give me a cigar too FBI OPEN UP dang weird question sneakyYeehaw KEKW KEKW CEO of Malding KILL THE KID DansGame robbed KEKW get hustled bitch KEKW cleetus KKona its a trap monkaW Jebaited cleet LULW CLEETUS getting robbed KEKW LULW child DansGame Jebaited incoming THAT KID IS ELLON MUSK GRAND FATHER KEKW pepeLaugh LITTLE SHITS beta LULW hustled by a twerp KEKW bait monkaS beeeyyyda squadW feller LULW oh no HUSSLED KEKW @Mouadrose LOL what kinda name is cleet KEKW rape the boy PedoBear B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KS bait monkaW forsenCD DOCTOR? BlessRNG peepoWTF gachiW PogU LUL monkaW KEKW MINE? POGGERS its us Pog This is the yasou that goes 0/7 and flames you chat KEKW @Szczotki AYAYAWeird BlessRNG zfgStudy BlessRNG @snzcastor WeirdChamp church of Sneaky pogU Toulouse ! aiiiight BlessRNG Clap BlessRNG BlessRNG torture all kiddos there 4Head BlessRNG holy blessed christian virgin KKona TriHard YOINK xqcF saint denis KEKW KEKW KEKW WideHard Unsleeping_ true LULW TriHard F Jebaited Jebaited WideHard TriHard KKona yoink sneakyD yoink Jebaited shot him monkaW KEKW Shoot him called it KEKW WideHard Clap Shoot them PogChamp KEKW luk shoooooot baited so hard KEKW SHOOT HIM WideHard shot DansGame KILL THE KIDS ROBED KEKW KKona i had 50k at this point shot those mf KEKW OMEGALUL lol KEKW KEKW LULW LUL KEKW KEKW horse MY MONEY NOW 7 yoooiiiinnnnkkkk TAKE THE HORSE Run faster LULW creep blocked by the stairs horse steal a horse horse? irl skills KEKW @UnNameless weird fle horse LUL monkaW x Run forest Running past the horse KEKW Horse WeirdChamp kill him TriHard KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW kill that lil shit Pog minion block Just shoot him Kappa @C9Sneaky shoot GET THAT BOI JogChamp Bastard Kkona pepeLaugh farmboi LULW just get a horse TriHard farmboy KKona JUKED! he's a thief himself LUL KEKW DIDNT GET THE HORSE Jebaited D: gachiW fuckin slave KEKW KEKW gachiHYPER ROLLED KEKW boomer cant run the mechanics PogChamp Horse KEKW horse BOOMERS KKona cmonBruh SNITCH KEKW Jebaited unlimited stamina LULW punch the child FeelsClassyMan here comes the boring part ResidentSleeper laura_fitz subscribed with Twitch Prime. kill all the men rape the women chat is he playing on pc? shoot that lil shit WideHardo Pepega - MOROOON! monkaOMEGA damn FireSpeed @4phr0d1s1ac no KEKW What game? Pog LULW i sleep and wake up and sneaky is sill fapping, holy cow man @spacerino_ why? its much better on pc that MF DansGame LULW how tf he know about pokemon WeirdChamp KEKW slow poke KKona BOOMERS KEKW Shoot that little shit PepegaAim Just shoot him ResidentSleeper slowpoke Pog just shoot him 🐷 ? shot that bastard kid @4phr0d1s1ac idk, ask him old man KEKW shave this poor mans hair bro @C9Sneaky dam sneaky you letting a little kid bully you just shoot him ResidentSleeper old MaN BOOMER KEKW Old man LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW boomer boomer shoot him???????? BOOMER KEKW okay boomer torture him after cathing BOOOMER KEKW BOOMERS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW SHOOT HIM real boomer right here KEKW pepeLaugh Oh no no no LULW LOL KEKW LMAO LMAO KEKW cucumber fruit KEKW KEKW typical zoomer 😡 USE SHOTGUN ON KID KEKW wow who wrote this LULW KEKW LULW LULW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW cucumber a fruit LULW KEKW KEKW LULW gachiW KEKW LUL CUCUMBER = FRUIT LULW PepegaPls KEKW horseshit good one BOOMERS OMEGALUL KEKW ahahah OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL onion KEKW lol wtf F monkaMega Jebaited F Jebaited R OMEGALUL LLED monkaW ACTUALLY BULLIES FeelsBadMan KEKW ram rolled Donkey Kong at it again Lol This is the new Mario cart slaps gachiHYPER he is such a bing MaN M I S T E R boolies FeelsBadMan mister LUL MiStEr men LUL M I S T E R men OMEGALUL cmonBruh OLD MAN LUL monkaS mister this mister that SHUT ThE ACTUAL FUCK UP cmonBruh mister LULW take a shot everytime they say mister ive never seen someone not catch tthe kid lol you ded M I S T E R 3Head chill out ladf My street ? DID HE JUST ? CmonBruh HeyGuys ORDER 66 THEM ALL YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw i wish you could kill those bastards go back and kill them EZ KILL THE KIDS DansGame shoot that guy kater all back Pog Kill them kids 300 bucks gachiBASS kill these kids DansGame @hotdogss sneakyEZ go bakc @C9Sneaky They bought a lot of V-bucks with it cirComfy kill them all need to shoot them for damaging your purse @Rumia_ FeelsOkayMan 👍 go back and shot those mf kids Bullied by zoomers Kill those fuclomg kids rape them, kill them, rape them again PedoBear cmonBruh go back and kill them u poooosy No don't kill them they seemed nice SeemsGood goddamn NA kids b´lind Kill them PunOko u should kill these kids Kappa @hotdogss Okayga 👍 @snzcastor Weirdga KILL THEM kill them @C9Sneaky KILL ALL THE KIDDS DarkMode kill them all cowboy FeelsOkayMan in which year is this game ? @snzcastor monkaTOS tyler1NA KIDS give him 400 robux FeelsOkayMan KILL THE KIDS LUL @Unsleeping_ @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian KILL THE KIDS chat 4Weird @C9Sneaky they just wanted some V bucks PepeHands rape the kids Okayga KILL THE KIDS KILL THEM ALL @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP Weirdga Weirdga too far report them to the police LUL @Jefe7abibi WeirdChamp holdup Julio PepeHands chat @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP Okayga why arent u killing those kids? u play this game like a pansy... ratirlWot ratirlWot ratirlWot chat AYAYAWeird @C9Sneaky Now they can't afford their Fortnite skins PepeHands BUENOS DIAS Pog eyymessage subscribed with Twitch Prime. kill me instead FeelsOkayMan huge mAp @TweeechTV the game doesn't let you buenos dias, señor buenos dias compadre 1899 buenos dias señor Pog !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 39 minutes 12 seconds KEKW those kids probably know not to fuck with someone like you more than they already did buenos dias ist dutch dutch? did that guy just speak Mexican at you? stick a fruit in these kids asses, how about a cucumber LULW KEKW In these time Fortnut was REAL I'm sure some kids spent more than 2500 on fortnite KEKW buenas buenas KEKW KEKW fortnite in 1890 LUL KEKW its 15:00 in EU, wtf are you doing still awake? LUL b o i u ded KEKW Wena weko ctm Change clothes and bath WeirdChamp is this your first time playing snacky? SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER next :) He has 50 naked cowboys at the shower monkaS You can't take him sneaky slime gachiBASS SLIME POGGERS @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian Good morning, chat and Sneaky, how y'all doing? <3 HeyGuys !play @Unsleeping_ mooW mooW mooW donate 1000 robux FeelsOkayMan kissing off camera WeirdChamp nt Pog pepeLaugh !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 40 minutes 45 seconds KEKW OMEGALUL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW Jebaited still bronze KEKW haha Bronze LULW LULW KEKW pepeLaugh pepeLaugh LUL KEKW bronze ha KEKW how far through the game is he, chat? LOL lul pepeLaugh no more real open country BibleThump Cant even shoot a man dead BibleThump KEKW boii you can catch him before the first turn whats her problem @wut_the_fudge chapter 4 Bath first huh, he's a man of culture, Sneaky @C9Sneaky pepeLaugh Red Dead Dynasty beard incoming. UwU senpai snacky I shall recieve your cummies sneaky should use hair tonic IRL OMEGALUL you coulda got on your horse also but you ran past it are you playing on PS? he is !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 41 minutes 27 seconds yee haw brother das sneaky horse senior D: gachiW @C9Sneaky go to the Lake Isabella there is the best horse: white arabian D: OK gachiGASM Pog Poker HandsUp what happena if you catch him? YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw there are two saloons in saint denis shut up kid senor 🐴 🐴 🐴 Clap 🐴 Clap 🐴 Clap 🐴 Clap @BamTheInternetGayLord he gives you the bag apologizes and takes you to that group of kids a good morning for a friend of brasil yer alright girl @c9sneaky its high noon CiGRip Kkona KKona WTF boxWow box7 boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxLUL boxREE boxREE boxUwU boxUwU boxNoo CIVILIZATION RUINED IT ALL PepeHands ! uptime 3Head !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 42 minutes 51 seconds EU KWKW D: european LULW EU LUL Woah ! 3Head Oi WTF KKona that's a strong accent xD Eu LUL i sneaky going for the dirty look or havent really cleaned up yet ? !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan european DansGame EU Pepega shcool AHEM monkaW PepegaAim EU POGGERS monkaW PepegaAim Clap That's a nice house SeemsGood pokiW i am safe boys YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw its huuugee VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm save FeelsGoodMan lol huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue 3Head kunt le monkaW CHARMED KEKW !followage pokiW Error: User not found: pokiW. FeelsOkayMan PogChamp cmonBruh very charming KEKW speacial dutch charme KEKW PepeS KUKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 5Head P E A C E LULW PepeS WideHard KUKW KEKW 5Weird sdp LULW erteetete RUN SNEAKY monkaW LUL pepeS KEKW basically mafia Pog pepeDance finocchiaccio how are u? monkaS 5Head GODFATHER monkaS pepeJAM boys? cmonBruh tslClown tslClown tslClown 🤡 LULW what could possibly go wrong with such a plan? KEKW pepeL pepeL pepeL pepeL pepeL monkaW real shit KEKW KKona Clap buffoni KEKW xqc gachiBASS 👌 monkaSHAKE sneakyFedora Shit just got real YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw sneakyFiesta PepePls monkaW ? aceuClown monkaX monkaH Pog fowks KKona KEKW monkaX StinkyCheese D: KEKW KEKW LUL LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KKona KEKW D: KEKW 4House TRUE KEKW LUL you come intu my hauze KEKW Pog KEKW LULW WutFace snacky secks me purezense edgy haHAA plot twist inc KEKW lmao fucking mario LUL malding LULW KKona Just kill them all KKona Clap KKona sits KEKW LUL give his son back SadChamp FeelsClassyMan breath in my presence KKona KEKW KKona CHU SAY KKona damn straight LULW KKona hol up sure Kapp FeelsClassyMan innocent LULW innocent Kapp ofc Kappa LUL SHAMELESS 🦍 shameless 🦍 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 46 minutes 14 seconds Brtt na cloud 9??? peepoPog KEKW OkayChamp PogU monkaS WTF KKona PagChomp KEKW 4Head KEKW Pog lmao KEKW KEKW LUL FeelsClassyMan EU folk Pog KEKW PogU dafuq KEKW Pog KEKW PELEASEE ?XD OkayChamp WTF IS GOING ON okay monkaW monkaW KEKW Walt what DRINK IT KEKW KEKW monkaW don't drink it monkaW ??????? monkaW monkaW monkaW OkayChamp mario dont want to fight lol FeelsClassyMan EU Italian give him a pizza to PIZZZZAA YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw N OMEGALUL deth gachiBASS last drink OkayChamp TriHard This game is racist make a pizza to my friends with some pasta! A YOB monkaS Qualche italiano qua? xD It's a trap monkaW A job? gachiBASS ezpz a simple job gachiBASS @xtomstarr lul lul LUL LULW gachiGASM 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad KEKW wtf LOL haHAA LULW LULW KEKW KEKW aí meu deus 4HEad HandsUp 4HEad Kappa KappaPride KEKW YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw @Mouadrose too much? LUL gachiHYPER KEKW 4Head KappaPride lmao this is too good MaN NERS 4HEad he gonna rape him hehehehe 4HEad hehehehe 4HEad 4House 4HEad @xtomstarr Yeah hahahaha he's a dead man 4HEad is this GTA6? gachiHYPER MOUNT 🤡 he he he he just buy a house 4HEad !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 47 minutes 45 seconds 4Head why you got a little horse his brain gonna melt front ov pc 🐴 Clap 🐴 Clap 🐴 Clap 4HEad LULW you don't have to pay in cemetery Okayga redsDank 🎺 gachiHyper t Imagine living in those time without being able to watch sneaky sneakyWut lidl horse OMEGALUL SadChamp boomer humor 4Weird OkayChamp @C9Sneaky This game could literally just be called KKona KKona why are there no cars in this ciddey KKona KKona Clap why don't arthur takes a damn bath @theswoop_ ok zoomer Weirdga cmonBruh? KKool Clap Use night vision Kappa @Spudn1ckel haHAA monkaW FeelsClassyMan @mazedmarky 4Weird BRAVO i am going dark YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw FeelsClassyMan wineTime monkaSHAKE !time December 1st 2019, 6:07:23 am PST GMT-08:00 graves monkaW PepeS what game doesnt use flashlights, this is trash Patrik298 rly Jebaited @imHaVa Weirdga 🖕 monkaW monkaGun boomers have prestige FeelsClassyMan wineTime monkaW PepeS monkaSHAKE @Spudn1ckel haHAA this game is pepega FeelsGoodMan FeelsBadMan 👻 FrankerZ 5Head wineTime SPOOKY SNEAKY FrankerZ Wowee save the dog SadChamp FrankerZ AROOO OhMyDog FrankerZ FrankerZ sumSmash forsenBB wineTime Wowee take him in SadChamp monkaS monkaW widepeepoHappy doggo OhMyDog monkaX ЫРФВЩЦ ВЩПЫ OhMyDog @giveme09090 -> No Links! [warning] widepeepoSad o fuck widepeepoHappy kill the dog doggo waiting for his owner to comeback SadChamp Kill it KEKW Pet him when does sneaky tower open? OhMyDog cut dog Weirdga !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 50 minutes 52 seconds kill the dog SadChamp widepeepoHappy Weirdga monkaW nocturne FrankerZ shotgun it oh nyooooo widepeepoSad !time DansGame December 1st 2019, 6:08:39 am PST GMT-08:00 widepeepoHappy kill the dog RalpherZ widepeepoHappy do it Cute dog DogFace !followage HOBO monkaW Siccc has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, 5 days FrankerZ FrankerZ FrankerZ widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad SadChamp PepeHands PepeHands this looks haunted af FeelsBadMan 4Weird PepeHands widepeepoSad widepeepoSad FeelsBadMan BibleThump FeelsBadMan ratirlSad RaccAttack monkaX wideppepoSad D: WTF monkaS widepeepoSad BibleThump monkaHmm FeelsBadMan WidePeepSad tarzSad D: SadChamp widepeepoSad BibleThump peepoArrive yasU YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw hold me chat monkaS no mods WideHard KILL EM monkaOMEGA WidePeepoSad PepeS monkaX Zappa Clap PepeS zombies PepeS monkaGun monkaGun snacky streaming when i go to bed and when i wake up !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 51 minutes 58 seconds monkaW pogachino PepegaAim WideHard TOMB LOOTERS WideHard PepeS KEKW YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw monkaS KEKW WideHard LUL Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited KEKW JOHN WideHard Jebaited KEKW Jebaited music Pog !time December 1st 2019, 6:10:01 am PST GMT-08:00 10/10 Jebaited monkaSHAKE MadoStab Music Pog PogU yasU yasW yasWeird YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw Jebaited Jebaited hat shot Pog Missed in dead eye KEKW Music is hella Pog monkaW Hat killer Pog pepeJAM pepeD ADC shooting KEKW PepePls PepegaAim pepeD can't see worth a damn KEKW MaxistraI lmao adc positioning KEKW pepeD DJANGO UNCHAINED YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw blind as fuck Pog NA AD PogU EZ peepoPog NA AD PogU sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw but doggo moves BibleThump F KEKW NA AD KEKW monkaW KEKW zombie sumSmash monkaW KEKW save KEKW nice shooting arthur KEKW gachiGASM zombies LOL Nice shooting arthur KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim WutFace WutFace LULW Nice support YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw just 4HEad +5 armor Pog HAT +10 AD tRIhARD PepegaAim softGun softGun softGun TriHard OUGAD just play safe and let John carry KEKW KEKW LOST KEKW VAC LULW TriHard Trihard FeelsClassyMan ⌨ PepegaAim KEKW cant see shit PepegaPls PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim ghosts monkaW PRChase ? PepegaAim yeah fuck that tomb in particular KEKW THE MUSIC sneakyGasm PepegaAim PepegaAim widepeepoSad nooooooooo He said no D: you are actually fighting ghosts and this is where the game takes on a supernatural setting TriHard tanked KEKW Pepega PepoThink PepoThink PepoThink Ghosts monkaW Pepega PepegaAim blap blap pepeD SPOOPY monkaW pepeJAM KEKW Ghost monkaS precision monkaW pepeD Pepega PepegaAim surviving two bullets in the chest KEKW Pepega Pepega bawkGun Pog he flAhed PepegaAim HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys HeyGuys NA aim KEKW shot 2 times in the chest, runs faster than usual Pog Looting in a cemetery KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim EZ $ SneakyAIM pog SneakyAIM pog 20 PogU ADC map awareness KEKW I NEED SOME OF THAT MaldChamp passed use from satchel GRAVE DIGGER ARE JUST LIKE GOLD DIGGERS OF OUR TIME YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw @MaxistraI KEKW MaldChamp @C9Sneaky open satchel !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 55 minutes 30 seconds MaldChamp @Mouadrose BOOOOO peepoPog KEKW lost theese graphics are gachiW @Siccc HOOOOOO open ur satchel by holding left or right on the dpad Nice map awareness KEKW adc map awareness KEKW huehuehuehuehuehue :D _ PauseChamp police monkaW ok WideHard mine @theswoop_ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] FeelsClassyMan cops PepeS its the popo is that garfield lol hi @C9Sneaky <3 KEKW oh shit its the cops KEKW wtf LOL Xd ?????? KEKW LOL LOCKED LULW KEKW ? KEKW Locked KEKW ??? LULW KEKW ????? LOL KEKW KEKW LUL Kapp KEKW LOL x'D Pepega Damn it's locked LULW KEKW the 5 0 PepeS surprisingly good graphics for a console. pc tho Kreygasm Even in RDR2 support is carrying you KEKW LMAO ???? LULW ? LUL KEKW Locked LUL KEKW LUL @hotdogss bawkSalt KEKW KEKW lol KEKW nice game run foo TriHard LUL Literally open LUL locked LUL PagChomp 2$ game KEKW OMEGALUL @ForestFairyBilly OkayChamp TriHard_SoloQ FIGHT THE LAW Pepega Chooo Chooo @theswoop_ -> No excessive usage of symbols! You broke the game KEKW thomas the train is here monkaW shoo shoo TriHard FUCK THE COPS your gun 5Head TriHard WideHard blind af boi is exposed GACHİHYPER FRESH @imHaVa cmonBruh ? @BestAnnie KEKW grab his dick and twist it Must have been killed 5Head TriHard FUCK THE COPS widepeepoSad not the dog ? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 57 minutes 43 seconds take the dog with you SadChamp @TriHard_SoloQ TriHard loot the other bodies quick Kappa widepeepoHappy DO IT choo choo doggo is cold SadChmap @Siccc tf is wrong witchu man Here is a corpse, it's dead 5Head 5Head too EZ HotPokket Law MAN???? thats a woman you cant shoot through through through through through walls,through,through @C9Sneaky open ur satchel by holding left or right on the dpad not guarding the only gate LUL HotPokket chu say? WO MaN ❓ cops surprised they found dead bodies in a cemetery lmao Howdy Fellas KKona MaN] rdr2 sneaky haha KKona nice escape KEKW MaN KKona partner KKona it so fun watching u play other games Yeehoo KKona my MaN PepeSmoke riding too fast to use it prolly pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke smokers 4Weird ✋ I got a feelin gachiBASS pepeSmoke pepeSmoke so u know about sean thats dutch horse last one pepeSmoke widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy last one pepeSmoke pat the kids OkayChamp widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy kick the kid widepeepoHappy my boy widepeepoHappy Better shave for that party. pepeSmoke Last one, i swear widepeepoHappy It`s the house Jebaited i bet it is widepeepoHappy i have a bad feeling about this nice talking KEKW widepeepoHappy okay now kill the kid Papa Bronte OMEGALUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 49 seconds Papa Bronte NotLikeThis KEKW widepeepoHappy Clap shoot kiddo PogU better dad LUL worms widepepeoHappy widepeepoHappy 🍝 LUL he have a better life in there KEKW sneaky you look great on your reacent cosplay KEKW worms WutFace NotLikeThis 5Head Worm DansGame Papa Bronte KEKW NaM ho up widepeepoHappy LUL NaM 👌 widepeepoHappy Clap PogU scusi NaM "caballo" pepeLaugh son cucked ⎝⎠ ╲╱╲╱ ⎝⎠ pantafola? What? monkaS Damn his living such a good life he gonna judge now KEKW caVallo NotLikeThis caballo y pantunfla <3 he wanted to stay here LUL BETTER THAN AT HOME Brainwashed PepeHands LULW any truers Papa Bronte took care of him gachiBASS not knowing italian and spanish pepeLaugh time to be miserable with mommy again Pog LULW lmao KKona Clapo Imagine being kidnapped into a better life orgazm party Kreygasm gachiBASS Weirdga Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited inc Okayga actual good bantah 3Head PepeS Abigail PepegaAim SillyChamp SillyChamp boy SillyChamp ? john FeelsBadMan any good anime you been watching lately? SillyChamp PepeHands PepeHands john wow john PepeHands John PepeHands BibleThump SillyChamp not thanking john wow John WeirdChamp gachiBASS 16 cowboys in a ram ranch gachiBASS abigail DansGame KEKW KEKW 🤡 pepeLaugh KEKW LUL gachiHYPER gachiBASS PepeLaugh KEKW roasted Lul pepeSmoke pepeSmoke KEKW E TU pepeSmoke another one bunch of clowns pepeLaugh LUL can i talk to someone? pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i KKona :bee damn WutFace @KuroroBanditSecret sure tomorrow I'll quit pepeSmoke PepeSmoke weird KKona 🍺 lol pepeSmoke just say u love him man pepeSmoke kiss pepeSmoke go be with your family pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ i pepeSmoke 4HEad jacking SMOKERS OUT KEKW pepeSmoke Kkona peepoPog KEKW peepoPog pepeD nope just 4 hat shots Pog party time PepoCheer pepeSmoke there is some weed in it 4HEad Shot NUDE PARTY PogChamp time to get crunked PepoCheer PepePls pepeDance feels Cozy Man pepeSmoke I unerstan chat Pog KKona Smoke Pog PepePls pepeDance lit af pepeDance WutFace woo mehdiO GO OFF JAVIER LULW WutFace PepePls This is where RD2 feels so amazing D: cmonBruh cmonBruh D: cmonBruh cmonBruh :o D: cielito lindo pepeLaugh PepePls cmonBruh cmonBruh wtf pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance PepoDance D: pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance pepeDance haha hahahaha cmonBruh wtf spanish I can understand FeelsOkayMan POG stop WutFace PepePls SING AMERICAN KKona cmonBruh wut NEGROS :O banned pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance cmonBruh ShazBotstix ShazBotstix ShazBotstix pepeDance pepeJAM español LUL spanish AYY AYY NO LLORES cmonBruh IHEARD THAT lmao negros cmonBruh Dis isnt get down with the shitz pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance OJIOS NEGGGGRRROOOSSS AYAYA cmonBruh he said it again ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞoh nyo he said it cmonBruh mexican song pepeLaugh ay PepeSenora negros TriHard AYAYA AYAYA cmonBruh AYAYAYA WeirdChamp this isn't sicko mode AY LMAO AYAYA AYAAY AYAYA AYAYA @C9Sneaky the horse need brushing AYAYA ojitos negros cmonBruh AY AY AY AYAYAY CHAT Weirdga AYAYA AYAYA cmonbruh PepegaPls Cielito lindo cmonBruh cmonBruh AYAYAYAYAYA @Sitlec same AYAYA that song is really famous AYAYA AYAYA !uptime ayayayayay SING Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 5 minutes 46 seconds AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AY AY AY AY AYAYA ARIBA ARIBAAAA CANTA Y NO LLORES get a drink wut cmonBruh CmonBruh me no ybderstandoooo cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh AYAYYYAYA buddhaPegafish she said it twice WideHard AYAYA Viva México!!! pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance AYAYA old rap LUL AYY AYYY AYAYAA CAAANTAAAA Y NO LLOREEEES cooBruh ayayayayayyayayayyaya PepePls cmonBruh WTF AYAYA Clap cmonBruh AYAYA 🎸 AYAYA Clap my jam box I love this song VIVA MEXICO CARAJO look for boxes get lit dood @C9Sneaky mexican classic song pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance PepoDance pepeDance PepoDance LUL why did you stand up cmonBruh Kappa pepeD on the tanle? Ciete lindo AY back there AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AY AY AYA AY AYAYA AYAYA where the guys are go back AYAYAYA the table AYAYYAYAYAYYAYAY YAYAYAYYAA AYAYA AYAYA WEEBS RPGAyaya TriHard 🎸 Wtf Javier WeirdChamp sleep drinks at the table AYAYA THE TABLEE WITH THE GUYS table AYAYA AY AY AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA yaya AYAYAYAYA cmonBruh to the right gO BACK MY SON pavarotti already sang that Ruined the song for that, Sneaky? SadChamp CLAP CLAP she said it twice WideHard yes DansGame MadoStab AYAYA KKona bawkBruh PepoCheer jackie PepoCheer chu say wideHard sait wut bawkBruh chu say WideHard underage drinking monkaW i want pokemon shield LULW LUL Pog my pepe small PogU widepeepoHappy anotha EZ Clap EZ like a MaN XDFEDESWAQQAWSEDFRGTHYUJKIOLPÑP´`++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ what a madman KEKW @Atziry nobody cares Ima need more KKona Tahiti KEKW tahiti KEKW Man OMEGALUL s sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw where's my AYAYAYAY plan KEKW 88888 Pepega just one more job ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw Faith KEKW ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS !future last one pepeSmoke bawkAYAYA faith KEKW Dutch NotLikeThis TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard cmonBruh KKonaW KKona noice lmao FeelsClassyMan Bourbon more KKona bourbon jeje mola esa traducion papu He doesn't know pepeLaugh pepeSmoke i swear i quit after this LETS GO BABY doodWAT KKona feelin it KEKW Weirdga wineTime i dont feel so good im feelin it mister Crabs hahaha listen to the lore GOAT game!!!!!! Weirdga "you cant trust immigrants" here they are singing spanish I went to sleep while watching the stream, have woken up after a full nights sleep and sneaky is still on? what kind of perfect world is this??? bawkBruh TriHard awoooooooo AYAYA FeelsClassyMan wineTime WideHard 📡 sinaling WideHard 📡 all WideHard 📡 homies WideHard 📡 riot Pog dafuq bawkBruh you do pass out if you have too much btw i think i loved listening to these events HYPERBRUH time to sing some bangers KKona 🎸 Charles FeelsWeirdMan the clash of dialog KEKW ?? Leaked high noon skins PogChamp PogChamp yasuo Pog high noon yasuo POGGERS mccree @C9Sneaky you gonna do some RDR 2 Roleplay? Pog yes pog Pog nicü This N's drunk they forgot about sean already PepeHands KKona damn right gachiBASS no more league? :( cmonBruh KKool pepehands wu KKona hell yeah brother go talk shit KKool fck micah to mr bell ??????????? micah Weirdga Miach DansGame heeeeck yeee KKona AYAYAWeird Micah SHUT UP SUSAN KKona eat micah's ass D: i hate micah DansGam AYAYAWeird LMAO Susan? gachiBASS pepeD !uptime SUSAN LULW Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 11 minutes 1 second DansGame Weirdga Susan that song KEKW Micah FeelsWeirdMan monkaHmm hmm yess wtf SUSAN gachiBASS WutFace things Pog Susan WeirdChamp WeirdChamp monkaHmm kill micah sneaky gachiBASS no nut december LMAO KILL SUSAN Susan wtf D: micah WeirdChamp KEKW Susan Shut those Women up ! KEKW WeirdChamp Micah ANELE WTF LUL this song OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL lol D: Damn nation DAT SONG THO LUL ARTHUR BibleThump monkaS BR TITLE SUSAN OMEGALUL hahah coffee at the night LUL hit the bong? upstairs iirc dutch DansGame this guy always go for the pot cmonBruh "my Room " KEKW ResidentSleeper stew? Kappa upstairs upstairs upstairs gachiBASS KEKW WTF oops HandsUp LMAO LMAO bed stolen OMEGALUL His bed now LUL you can beat off in there gachiHYPER HES fine LUL WTF LULW LULW he stole your BED LMAO gay LUL KEKW upstairs molly monkaS upstairs go upstairs SLEEP WITH HOSEA ask him for a licky on the dicky gachiHYPER you stole his bedroom KEKW upstairs your bed is in upstairs lads? 3Head lol gachiBASS suite bed Pog what happened to molly lmao widepeepoHappy you got a nice window you can jump out of KEKW Electricity KEKW molly dead widepeepoHappy nice window KEKW LUL yes that fire is powerd by elecrticity no wifi 🤢 not even Netflix DansGame Susan still talking KEKW @C9Sneaky will you leave C9? stealing DansGame how you gonna date in there PepoDance drink the hair tonic ^ lmao nice floor too shave your beard DansGame KEKW KEKW thats not how you sleep shave ur beard next to your bed LUL Your room is the easiest one to hit with a molotov, not safe KEKW thebandilla subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months! you can shave right next to the bed @C9Sneaky Better than TFblade beard KEKW wow arthur has a pocket dimension in that bag Pog pee in my mouth yandGasm @boxislovee Weirdga Jebaited PepeHands didnt get max beard NotATK peepoLeave good morning arthur pee again DansGame sneakyChair WEEBS WeirdChamp sneakyE hi chat go take a damn shower arthur Diabetes monkaW AYAYAWeird has to pee every 10 mins LUL pepeD pepeSmoke bUrself !uptime check prostate Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 15 minutes 19 seconds bUrself pee peepoLeave poLeave bUrself sneakyChair Drink too much bUrself bUrself bUrself bUrself bUrself bUrself bUrself bUrself has to pee every 10 minutes, has to shit every 5 LULW monkaS N Weirdga wineTime n Believe it or not if you're actually hydrated you have to pee like every 30 mins peepoArrive bUrself Hair tonic, let the beard growwww bUrself bUrself bUrself cmonBruh TriHard TriHard cmonBruh bUrself < laughin so much WideHard stop cmonBruh SMOrc mr snacc i think you need to get a diabetes checkup Kappa bUrself g cmonBruh peepoArrive DansGame wtf WutFace santa claus you look fucking distgustang Didn't wash hands DansGame u're old damn chat bawkBruh you look so bad WutFace I look like this LULW GRAVES BEARD KKona DansGame THATS ANELE arthur you look like shit put it back WutFace forsenCD forsenCD Wowee LULW DansGame looks good clean shave Pog haha ok nvm dont shave LUL he looks like my teacher get beard oil and grow it way longer @c9sneaky ew malding @C9Sneaky ride to town get a nice haircut and shave from a barber you scoundrel max moustache Pog PogChamp he needs a bath cmonBruh wtf chat VoteNay VoteNay gachiBASS Leave stache @C9Sneaky chops & moustache take a bath LULW Pog LULW lol perfect do the chin doctor D KKona LEMMY Pog KEKW keep stache keep it gachiBASS noice lookin sexy Only chops forsenCD ? make him a champion do an ibrahim lincoln ONLY CHOPS thanks for the daily dose of autism @tsm_froennnn truely needed get beard oil and grow it mad length @c9sneaky you ruined this man looks LOL gj mods bawkBruh mullet Pog Geralt ? from revia ? leave a little bit of hair WeirdChamp ruined take a bath mullet LULW R u i ne d take a bath please ruined I always liked Arthur with long hair LULW @sergesx youre welcome my reginald (backwards) TriHard 7 $$ john widepeepoHappy donations Take a shower Take a bath is red dead cracked yet @rumia_ bawkAYAYA rub one out @ForestFairyBilly sneakyWEEB2 bawkGlad KEKW useless Bath time widepeepoHappy moon2SUFFER check fitgirl @navishere gachiHYPER yup yeah at a hotel or inn @C9Sneaky u can get a girl to do it for u too any coomers? thanjs widepeepoHappy Bathe with WHORES HandsUp !uptime in hotels Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 19 minutes 7 seconds I think you could but not sure if you can here snacky hotels bro HandsUp bath HYPERS did you get the "special" bath? take a bath bath with the bros gachiBASS sneakyYeehaw You got a letter @C9Sneaky you should get the special bath for sure Kreygasm Goodmorning, Chat :) dutch 😡 GOWN D: PauseChamp Dutch you idiot 4Head gaaauwn 4HEad KEKW KEKW 4Head 4Head Kreygasm 4Head KEKW arthur is just like sneaky!!! he also likes wearing womens clothes! KEKW HAHAHAHA KEKW Bill looks so fat scrubbed up well widepeepoHappy FeelsClassyMan 4Head HAHAAH pepeLaugh no no no pepeLaugh content LULW 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad pepeLaugh arthur doenst know FeelsClassyMan content @afkscorpion232323 he is pretty fat in rdr2 but in rdr1 he is really slim FeelsClassyMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan Nice hat Scrooj McDuck not the guns!!! D: poop in ym eye Vai da ruim 5Head LULW Arthur LUL Pointing the gun directly at the guy lmfao indian accent arhur looks like thor now wtf 5Head ah yes M A I D Kreygasm monkaS wineTime RRRRESPECT Thor is that your? KEKW Respect you f F pepeJAM pepeD FeelsEvilMan wineTime FeelsClassyMan monkaHmm arthur looking fresh damn what you lookin at me old man FeelsOkayMan wineTime going upstairs for an orgy HandsUp Every thing in this game feels like a trap pepeJAM monkaS arthur looking FeelsClassyMan @Kalista_KiD its Italian, u racist mofo this game is a master piece Kreygasm D: guns monkaS wtf that guy has a gun! FeelsClassyMan 🍷 what a nice party thats a big vape another one pepeSmoke lol gimme that fire LUL anything? gachiHYPER d: NaM alberto D: FeelsClassyMan wineTime whores widepeepoHappy when do the fist fights start?! owns what cmonBruh 4Head D: Kreygasm Kreygasm @capnswing looks indian damn and they say cmonBruh Kreygasm pedo DansGame D: WHOA sneakyD cmonBruh racist DansGame KKona hol up 4Head D: D: KEKW KEKW NA KEKW lul KEKW KEKW hmmmmmmmmmmmm KEKW cmonBruh alright time to off this man trueKEKW KKona WHAT? KEKW NA KKona TRUE KEKW D: KEKW TRUE KEKW well someones gonna get shot actual KEK double U for once KEKW NA tricks LUL true KKona CHU SAY Kapp LUL monkaW pepeLaugh 3Head KEKW haHAA !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 24 minutes 31 seconds haHAA ha ha ha monkaW haHAA very funny motherfucker hehehehe 4Head FeelsClassyMan wineTime Im a bitchy bitch wonder why 4Head monkaW monkaSHAKE wineTime shoot him monkaW monkaS 4HEad hhaahahaha monkaW Squid3 Squid3 Squid3 monkaS he is so fake monkaS monkaHmm god damn :D Mom come pick me up im scared :) KEKW ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a sub. Type !CARALHO to activate———————————————————————— so funny im laughing so hard right now 4Weird we don’t talk like this in Italy LUL they are so wasted KEKW Cappuccino Americano Espresso D? KEKW LUL lmao LMAOOO KEKW KKona D: LUL shoot your mom ass little dog shit mmmmmm cow pussy my favorite what a bitch fuck this guy he's full of himself monkaW @C9Sneaky do u screw cows in the open range? I like that cilinderhat :) shoot him D: = shoot this KKona LUL Go rob these fuckers Ah LUL What a prick KEKW LULW NotSoEZ wineTime my guest phew aaha robbing a train again !mouse blow it up KKona what a bullshitter LUL fuck them up monkaS we don't talk like this LUL DansGame just kil this little fuck yeah we tend to hold the good one yeah[ ciao @theCrimsonHazard all the italians i've met looked and behaved exactly like that ciao caio ciao ciao MingLee peepoLeave ciao ciao Kappa ciao widepeepoHappy shoot them lets get fucked up PogU peepoArrive there's gambinos, but no asians peepoWTF Bill Kappa Regnory subscribed with Twitch Prime. steal nothing LULW First We rob him KKona then we kill the bitch KKona TriKool sTEAL nothing LUL TriHard steal nothin Mingle gachiBASS Sneaky leaving c9? Bill with the white socks ah yes, any clinkers? 5Head wineTime and remember : no russian 3Head oi lol @gyromitre now I don’t drink but that’s because usually people outside Italy just think because it’s italian, must be good. They don’t inform themselves HYPERBRUH Hy guys, i'm brazilian and i'm here only to enjoy sneaky's stream and to improve my english 5Head WineTime LUL French lessons gachiBASS philistine DansGame welcome KKona ? KKona !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 27 minutes 38 seconds KKona D: monkaW guest 7 Pog @SRdeivide15 eae vc é br msm? !uptime D: cmonBruh cmonBruh d: DARKIES Pog @sshadowdaath sim kkkk cmonBruh anyway time to work, stopped by just for a sec. bye chat ALPHA AF cmonBruh Kill that guy D: LOOT Alpha KEKW D: @SRdeivide15 ai sim krl ashuushhaushusa hes a poosy je suis un homme prestigieux FeelsClassyMan wineTime HYPERBRUH HYPERS count to a thousand LULW Kreygasm Kreygasm Bonjour POG Kreygasm oh look the wenches That lady sounded nice Kreygasm FeelsClassyMan sneaky is more and more gay each day I LOST Kreygasm 5Head wineTime bonjur 5Head bonjour Henri PogChamp FeelsClassyMan wineTime darkies arthur is jesus FeelsClassyMan wineTime Pog peepoPog Pog POGGERS peepoPog widepeepoHappy wouah, c bo Clap monkaW KEKW Arthur, Arthur Bond steal nothing KEKW KEKW ahh uhuhuuuu cornballs this reminds me of assassins creed so much :P atleast yoink a whisky snacky FeelsOkayMan wineTime guest 3 widepeepoHappy Clap fireworks oh Kreygasm guest 4 pog Oh fire works POGGERS ohh Kreygasm gachiBASS OH PepegaAim Kreygasm sneakyGasm OOOOOOOOO Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm oh my monkaW ORGASM guest 4 Kreygasm ohh OOOOHH oh Kreygasm oh Kreygasm I sexually identify as a Minecraft creeper. Ever since I was a child I dreamed of stalking people in the dead of the night, making an erotic hissing noise, and then spewing my particles all over them. People say to me that a person being a monster in a dying Swedish pixel game is impossible and I’m more autistic than a Fortnite default, but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a doctor fill me with gunpowder and implementing green and black pigments into my skin. From now on I want you guys t where sneaky right now PepegaAim PepegaPls gachiBASS ooh haha the turn tho dont mind me Kappa chat dont gachi woman wtf yeah WeirdChamp wtf sneaky still awake !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 31 minutes 3 seconds you're being sneaky butt rape him PogU D: KEKW You mean all Sneaky like D: someone is about to get clapped D: yes FeelsClassyMan @ForestFairyBilly Why, are you gay? monkaW monkaW footsteps monkaX cum here gachiBASS monkaOMEGA rape her PogU PepegaAim D: monkaW monkaW ? D: D: HotPokket D: D: what time is it where you guys are at? D: HotPokket SquadW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis monkaOMEGA i look ah yes beating Wahmen a famous pass tim e stay in the kitchen Pog cmonBruh 4Weird raised the hand monkaW @C9Sneaky have you said yet what your plans our for next season? D: monkaOMEGA succage was not good D: FeelsBadMan he beats her Kill him HotPokket RACISM kill him 8:49 am @SRdeivide15 pepeJAM you can tell D: pepeD Kill him FeelsEvilMan wineTime Anyone knows why white people did slavery? FeelsClassyMan wineTime Sneaky Snacky dissrespect wamen = ded run monkaW pepeJAM go in we knew how to beat our women back when liberals werent in power DatSheffy quick quick run in PepegaAim @sitlec ty, 11:50 am down here in Brazil Dam son nice lock KEKW PepegaAim blap blap KKonaW dont read out loud idiot monkaW monkaW steal nothing pepeL monkaW 5Head very interesting indeed RUN SNEAKY ;-; GET OUT OF THERE GET OUT FOOL NotLikeThis fly you fool timmacS KEKW FeelsClassyMan WTF GETOUT ruuuuunnn pepeL run lol he can stay NotLikeThis Get out run RUN RUNNNN NotLikeThis monkaS he doesn't know pepeLaugh LUL Run nothing happens chat this guy is an absoulute chad EZ Clap OMG SNEAKY he can stay there Pepega chat Omg run FeelsClassyMan wineTime ssshhhh he doesnt know sneak 100 YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 33 minutes 57 seconds get the inhib and run anxiety 5Head sneaky? more like Readsky FeelsClassyMan wineTime sneak %100 the screen tearing is triggering me :( switched to tv yes we are done !time December 1st 2019, 6:52:11 am PST GMT-08:00 5Head @alextran212 -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 34 minutes 35 seconds YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw lol i went to sleep and he still here sneakyYeehaw Poker? Pog 24 hour stream PogChamp monkaW walks like an animal Poke her? I barely even know her! !uptime GUNS PogChamp @C9Sneaky these graphics are making my eyes gasm Kreygasm Kreygasm KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW i agree Nice. I wake up and you’re still streaming oh he's online the whole night long? NNN Over PogChamp gachiW dude this lip syncing is awful lmao PIGEON SHIT = new world :D YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw word * he has a plan !live hosea LUL Games done KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 36 minutes 15 seconds @alextran212 -> Don't spam in CAPS! thats not how you spell jose lamo @itspapz Dutch has a plan, that's anew thing Kappa its Jose LUL cmonBruh @Hasterytaste its an american Jose Kappa Pepega One more job Arthur JOSE = Khosé tahiti @tobi_g96 LUL Smells like shit and hair tonic home smells like pasta one more big score and were off to tahiti Pepega PepoCheer i think its a pc thing tahiti girls PogChamp Silver Pog Silver Pog aight PepeHands LOG Kreygasm Kreygasm DansGame sounds like a proper party then LUL Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW SILVER KEKW KEKW gachiW WutFace Morning Sneaky! KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW aaaaaaaaa Almost landed on the dog lol ??? AHHHH HandsUp hahahahahaahah widepeepoHappy pet dog gachiBASS !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 37 minutes 39 seconds monkaW you needed to do that to get gold just now LS AYAYAWeird jump from balcony, as you do Mary strauss missions WeirdChamp !uptime Get your letter @c9sneaky KEKW LeSnek back upstairs LUL red rocket widepeepoHappy !time December 1st 2019, 6:55:46 am PST GMT-08:00 AYAYAWeird Low Standards Pepega !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 38 minutes 11 seconds just jump back up there 4Head jumps from window to get back YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw zZz ResidentSleeper is the throat cancer part of the story here yet ? !uptime KKona Mary Kreygasm KKona Clap ma deer atha Kreygasm Mary Ah Shucks Partner its looks like this game lags for him :D PepeHands mary wants sum fuck Kreygasm Mary DansGame gachiW MadoStab KannaNom MARY sneakyGasm ME ORTHUR Daddy gachiBASS sneakyC peepoLeave stfu MaN hhhwy atha MaN STFU Hoe MsN HotPokket HotPokket slap her\ BE A mAN MaN MaN sCEW YOU LADY IM A COWBOI pEWPEW fuck her peepoLeave need my help ? pewpew @navishere WeirdChamp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,yy ,9ooou SLAP her in the tits sneakyGasm slap my bass call call me a stallion arthur! Oh Arthur oh sneaky NO sumSmash in the butt mary WeirdChamp this woman man ~_~ oH ARTHUR Kreygasm PepeHands oh arthur No KEKW @punk_guy_scoop WeirdChamp no :) fuck that bitch skip 4Weird yours mary PogU oh ARRRTHUR mawy What in tarnation! MARRY ME MARY !gas nty :) She wants the D Pog Mary BibleThump 4Weird dont help her yours???? slap the hoe KKona LUL just jump out the window yayayyy ? KEKW KEKW gachiW DONT BE A WHITE KNIGHT WutFace WutFace OMEGALUL ahhhhh HandsUp oh mary, what in the fuck gachiW gachiW AAHAHAHHHA LUL Beach KEKW gachiW what a stuntman AaAAAAHHHHHHHHH gachiBASS wtf don't help her enjoying falling down legendary broken leg CY@ I ALWAYS KNEW U WERE A COWBOY ;) @C9Sneaky YeeeeeeHawwww sneakyYeehaw Oh Mary Quite Contrary HYPERS STRAUSS YOU ASSHOLE DansGame MR.STRESS LUL gachiBASS Au KEKW OkayChamp AUS the downunder monkaW WutFace monkaW monkaW TB monkaW monkaW monkaW CANCER monkaW Too many cigarettes come to my house haha monkaW monkaW Ligma dying monkaS monkaW BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN?! There will be no Australia PepeHands monkaW ? ok monkaW a OMEGALUL K C-C-CANCER monkaW Levi Strauss???? go on a date with mary already spoilers Weirdga 0$ camp funds KEKW Kreygasm Kreygasm $0 ResidentSleeper Kreygasm Pog poor camp KEKW MaN Kreygasm @consequenc_34 Ligma? monkaW PogChamp Kreygasm sex her Pog WHAT DAT MOUF DOOOO you must sexx her mmm hmm sneaky she kind of have ur hair Not the same Mary? <3 Pog pepeSmoke pepeSmoke make an affair BOAH KEKW feminist VoHiYo CiGrip PepeHands pepeSmoke D: @Wallace58 Looked like it monkaW do you have a black eye ayyy LUL sneakyGrip smoking WeirdChamp oh shit its Karen hook up wit hher arthur Susan KEKW monkaMega monkaW The dialogues are very good monkaW :O KKona d-d-dying? monkaW monkaS scary woman susan PepeS It's a bait That is an alfa female gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER gachiHYPER rknHomao rknHomao rknHomao rknHomao !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 44 minutes 6 seconds Ride the MaN shes gonna stick her finger up ur butt snacky imagine risking the lives of 2 people because you didnt want to bring backup Is Sneaky playing as Susan? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 44 minutes 39 seconds this guy doesn't sleep, i just woke upp D: haha LUL monkaS D: D: hahhaahah Rogue :D I got that reference! GOOD ONE SNEAKSTER Pepega what if they touched the girl Kappa driving PepegaAim I GET IT I GET IT Sub Rogue Grimshaw !followage Koain has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 3 days CHARGE! SwiftRage @c9sneaky niceee cmonBruh mission HUSSY :) gachiBASS lol im cow boy LUL Kreygasm D: cmonBruh WutFace Fucking DED monkaW D: D: shes like 50 yo monkaW OMEGALUL monkaW monkaW D: MonkaS monkaW ohhh myyyy lord that woman \ cmonBruh monkaW D: monkaMega D:: angryy grandma wtf monkaS D: KKool MadoStab TriKool D: monkaMega D: POG monkaS jesus LMAO head gone KEKW monkaW monkaMega hyperBruh cmonBruh Kreygasm sex her first JipperySlim subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 18 months! Finally legal, happy 18 months Dad OMG BILLY THE KID LUL im gonna watch one of your worlds games again @C9Sneaky which one do i watch mhmmm cmonBruh monkaMega TriHard why sneaky cmonBruh why?? widepeepoSad @boxislovee like I sex your sister? cmonbRUH SEXX BOTH OF THEM Boooom yum sHOOT EEM monkaS monkaW look at that slave girl cmonBruh cmonBruh KKona chill cmonBruh Just fine, says the kidnapped one KEKW haha racism funny btw monka KKona monkaW KKona i would tie her on the bed all day KEKW LULW KKool Clap KEKW KEKW LULW OMEGALUL KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW GGGGGGGGGGGG LULW gachiW KEKW KEKW KEKW LMAO LUL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LULW Bruh KEKW LOL KEKW driving PepegaAim so like lulw LULW OMEGALUL Clap KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL Oh no it's sneaky's enemy, trees !uptime LUL Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 47 minutes 17 seconds KEKW LULW true LULW LUL LMAO OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW I was about to say watch him hit a tree trunk pepeLaugh LUL TIMEOUT TIMEOUT LULW what is she even doing lol OMEGALUL tree op LUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL LUL Sneaky in tree lane he's too tanky KEKW Ivern GANK WutFace he got a randuins YEEEHAAAAAAAA LUL KEKW LULW PogU Pog u can sell this horse for 20 dollar nidalee too tanky lul LOL the horse shoot the horse DON'T SHOOT HIM gachiBASS Close monkaW @C9Sneaky kill the horse she's gonna gut him lol KEKW thresh Q monkaW lmao haha hell yeah KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 48 minutes 16 seconds NA thresh KEKW man that horse is so slow lmao Snacky skillshot LULW shootin ropes gachiBASS PepegaAim KKona nice lasso there youngin LMAO AH MY SHOULDER gachiBASS Thresh Pog yeah tie him ]up E sneaky his fapping arm YOINK Ah my shoulder gachiBASS KLED PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp MrDestructoid =====C gachiBASS cmonBruh cmonBruh Why me gachiBASS nice and tight !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 48 minutes 53 seconds gachiHYPER Why me !uptime kekew W H OMEGALUL Kick this TriHard DALMACIAN HORSE PogChamp !time December 1st 2019, 7:06:51 am PST GMT-08:00 !uptimr kekw LUL he isnt falling down pog superglued to the horse KEKW LUL Anthony 4Head !uptime savage af Wrap up his nutsack and then tie him to the back of your horse. HandsUp gachiBASS gachiBASS MY KLED LUL monkaW TRAIN HandsUp gachiBASS LUL oh arrrthur kaaaaaalvin D: TRUE Kappa slap him D: BETTCH shoulda coulda woulda D: spank him gachiHYPER Hitting him makes u a bad cowboy MaN gachiHYPER BONDAGE gachiBASS HYPERCLAP DansGame horse poop he said true all womans are devil DansGame HORSE JUST SHITTING cmonBruh who is the monster here ? monkaS drop him in it BabyRage gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP LUL LUL Trihard cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW monkaW KEKW D: monkaX monkaW monkaS cmonBruh hahaha monkaS monkaW lulw yeah cmonBruh hell yeah monkaS RASIST LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 51 minutes 5 seconds don't cooked my mum monkaS wait monkaS monkaW monkaMega kill cmonBruh Why kill him cmonBruh !uptime monkaOMEGA cmonBruh Why kill HYPERBRUH cmonBruh Stop it cmonBruh kill him DansGame monkaOMEGA killl him yo cuh cmonBruh SLIT HIS THROAT good choice monkaS KILL HIM dont kill him cmonBruh yea dew it SLIT cmonBruh widepeepoHappy kill him kill it Clap monkaW kill h im PepeHands spare him nooo cmonBruh DEW IT HYPERBRUH WTF monkaW don't do it kill cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh don't cmonBruh dont kill him monkaS sapre kill him kiilllllll kill him KILL IT DO IT HYPERCLAP SPARE monkaMega Spare NOO spare kill kill him spare KILL HIM dibg monkaW squaaaaaaaaaaaare cmonBruh dew it FINISH HIM monkaW NO kill him TriHard :) Dew it dont do it dont no KIILLLLLLL cmonBruh close HYPERBRUH ? chat cmonBruh NOOO D: FINISH NOOOOOOOOOOO no what a nice guy good choice Trihard NOOOOOOOOOOO @C9Sneaky PUSSY kill JOIN THE DARKSIDE GOOD SNEAKY widepeepoHappy pussy pussy LUL widepeepoHappy slit it NOOOOOOOOOO BloodTrail BloodTrail BETA AF BLOOD kill Pog widepeepoSad why no murder NOOOOOOO kill spare him. barely know the guy WHAT PogU you;re weak sneaky sneaky is good widepeepoHappy xD killll VoteYea VoteYea well thats a cotton situatuion xD ayyy man man TriHard HYPERBRUH why Pussy good guy sneaky KILL HIM t90Boo t90Boo t90Boo t90Boo t90Boo HONORS LUL sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC good guy sneaky KILL HIM MAN pussy widepeepoHappy why sneaky why TriHard Sneaky my man monkaX pussy choice @Pelkey fk you cmonBruh worst ending LUL MaN now hes gonna come back and kill you smh TriHard take him to ram ranch you did the right thing son WEAKY Still warm Kreygasm t90Boo t90Boo YOINK WideHard Correct decision Pog L3 and R3 chat WeirdChamp he could have a happy ending Man still warm gachiBASS mercy is a sign of strength widepeepoSad Not killing a man that deserves death it shows u what u can get witcher sense anyone who thinks murder isnt the easiest and weakest solution is a dumbass Just got the bad Ending OMEGALUL snacky aint killing no KevinTurtle Yasuo oil KEKW weak !followage M OMEGALUL E OIL pcolls2 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 months, 2 weeks, 6 days kill 1000 people, spare a guy Moe oil did you ever have dinner with the fat guy and his sister? its a stranger encounter @C9Sneaky Snacky is a really good streamer <3 moe oil tyler1BB widepeepoHappy @Sitlec thats later once they head up north thats a way to open a door xD ratirlWot $1 stonks Pepega Food FeelsGoodMan near butcher creek iirc apple for the horser horse can of spam lol he had no problem killing tilly @UnNameless ah ok APPOL widepeepoHappy camp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 53 minutes 52 seconds ur hourse at camp lol LULW I'll try to get him to head to it, once its nearby i love that i can fall asleep watching you and wake up and your still fuckin streamin. youre the best man @c9sneaky Is that a zebra? Pepega widepeepoSad Buy a new horse? !uptime !followage Theguyeuw has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 1 week, 6 days BAYOU NWA TriHard TriHard Weirdga head to bed in game right widepeepoSad YEEHHAAAAAA LUL horse cock gachiW Yea boi ride it !followage RIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !followage get a horse that doesnt run into trees LULW KEKW when do we get to kill the native indians? LULW the saint denis horses are a pretty good upgrade from the starter horse TURBO HORSE PogChamp PogChamp you should go get the rare white horse xD it ride fast !followage Ermour has been following C9Sneaky for 2 days @C9Sneaky The tesla horse rides itself smol horse the problem is the animal riding the horse you can ride my baloney pony. its fast Get an automatic horse widepeepoHappy BrainSlug !followage heeeeyaaaa 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 achooo xqcDab bless you :) this horse is a machine Bless yyou widepeepoHappy Take bath at saint denis too @c9sneaky !followage @ikskurvvadeeeee -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] !followage Kill him arabian white horse is the goat @c9sneaky did you already tame the all white horse in the snowy mountains? dont NaM kill him the white arabian is out in bfe i doubt sneaky wants to go for it TESLA HORSE LUL cmonBruh Tesla horse OMEGALUL KILL HIM !followage his a theif Reymann_28 has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 10 months, 1 week, 3 days widepeepoSad "Hey you"? "Gotta"? SO RUDE Kill him DONT YOU DO IT cmonBruh he's cheating you cmonBruh widepeepoSad forsenCD Not the first one! Bless you C: forsenCD ? help him BibleThump widepeepoSad HYPERBRUH HUUUUuuuu SAVE HER forsenCD Jebaited Jebaited REPORT LUL D: @lazykid1 you want me to kill you too? !followage forsenCD my wife now cuh django Its a trap! Poor guy !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 56 minutes 11 seconds !followage KILL HIM AND RAPE HER gachiHYPER HUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu WutFace man rpg's have taught me every encounter like this is a trap TESLA HORSE LUL monkaW peepoArrive !followage Its a trap monkaMega monkaW khalilohhhh has been following C9Sneaky for 2 months, 1 week, 2 days monkaMega Horse Bondage ? gachiBASS monkaW monkaW the house monkaW monkaX what is happening monkaS monkaW the marsh WutFace !uptime monkaW alligator haha WutFace WutFace !uptime WutFace . a lot here hooo shiet roasted LULW NotSoEZ !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 56 minutes 56 seconds LULW NA AD PogU D: LULW !followage D: KKona Pog PepegaAim nightmare_xz has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week, 6 days EZ Kreygasm ? AIMBOT EZ UNITE ME NOW TriHard Sneaky my friend Shoot first. Ask questions later KKona kill her Kill her widepeepoHappy Clap sneakyEZ moral meter moral SEXX HERR WideHardo sex her Kreygasm ocularys subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months! WideHard Kill Her PogU SAVED HER HONOR\ sneakyYeehaw YEEHAW tillys sister @nitrocat shut up cmonBruh do the sex your moral it affects the end scene Weirdga WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide WideHard we wide you exploded both of their heads so ungrateful DansGame good shot sneaky! kill rapist to raise morale KEKW Weirdga LUL 4Head what king guy you sneaky :) KEKW TriHard Clap monkaS whoops FEED TO ALLIGAToRS feed wtf happened to your hair LUL FEED THE GATORS give them to the alligators! FEED THEM TO THE CROCS LUL the lol @C9Sneaky FEED HIM TO THE GATOR SwiftRage how long has sneaky been playing RD2? gators LUL FEED GATORS lmao feed em to the gators feed the gators Fed to the Gators LUL nah feed it to the crocs Feed the alligators widepeepoHappy feed em to the alligtaor give to alligators oh yeah put it near their place so that the alligators come feasting DatSheffy feed the gators Rumia_ SillyChamp yes feed the gatorsss yes LULW you can yes :) Yeah YES Yes yes :) yea yes lool yes YES Yes Do It Pog LMAO They need snacks too Yes 5Head still warm gachiW yes yes yes @PlatanoHD SillyChamp / saves her then has to clean her house LUL yes ;) gator bondage level 1! do it gator snacks widepeepoHappy PogU yes go PepeS yes gooo widepeepoHappy FEED THE HUNGWY AWWIGATOWS feed him gachiBASS Feed Renekton plsss do it i never tried it actually LUL He's your problem now KKona 🐊 do it widepeepoHappy LMAO YES monkaW widepeepoHappy monkaX renekton PogChamp monkaW DED KEKW stfu lady monkaS monkaW monkaHmm L2 R2 monkaW widepeepoHappy Clap shit widepeepoHappy deth i want to see what will happen shes gonna have the gator right at her front porch if you leave the other body there @C9Sneaky monkaW monkaW monkaX KEKW lets goooo widepeepoHappy KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW FEED THE TURTLE widepeepoHappy Embrace deth OMEGALUL thats a turtle widepeepoHappy monkaW LMAOOOOO KEKF KEKW Jebaited KEKW kkkkkkkk Jebaited widepeepoHappy Where's his head?? Jebaited LULW HAHAHA lul !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 58 minutes 48 seconds LMAO LUL 🐢 That right there is a Snappin Turtle Jebaited LUL Snapping Turtle monkaS lol RAMMUS LUL snapping turtle monkaW THATS AN ALLIGATOR TURTLE monkaW smol Feed the turtol widepeepoHappy its a BABY widepeepoSad come back hey MaN LULW LMFAO smol gator too smol HYPERS BETA OMEGALUL going to mama monkaW KEKW RUN comoddo dragon monkaW monkaW Momma Gator is somewhere monkaW Just drop the body NotLikeThis monkaW MAMA monkaW kick the baby gator Feed Renekton! monkaW monkaW mommy gator comin the big one BabyRage monkaW LUL monkaW drop monkaS big boi monkaW monkaW peepoLeave oh shit KEKW monkaW hahaha monkaW Book it run KEKW monkaW RENEKTON LUL monkaS Jebaited monkaW KEKW LULW knife him closer men Jebaited by chat LUL PauseChamp renekton LULW KEKW Not good enough He's not hungry Put it closer KEKW Closser CLOSER gotta go closer shoot at it holy moley PauseChamp PauseChamp Renekton vs Jhin Closer widepeepoHappy Kill it oh crap he's still on KEKW closer KEKW Jebaited KEKW closer HES A VEGAN monkaW CLOSER monkaW PepeLaugh KEKW pepeLaugh Jebaited C L O S E R KEKW KKona merican gator do it bro PauseChamp KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype KomodoHype DO IT closer wrestle em gachiBASS Jebaited VEGAN GATOR widepeepoHappy CLoser Kappa PepeS PauseChamp ride the croc oh god monkax pepeLaugh OH NONONON CLOSER Kapp LULW monkaS monkaW pussy monkaW MONKAw LMAO Sweet baby jesus closerr hell nah peepoLeave haahhaha monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaMega LULW monkaMega morgana e then go closer Holy shiet WutFace FeelsAmazingMan Dinosaur monkaOMEGA monkaW Closer pussy OhMyDog LUL this renek is pretty stoopid monkaW FUCK U GATOR GAY monkaW monkS AAHHHHHhhh PepeS STOP THAT peepoLeave CLOSER INTIMIDATING JESUS monkaW he is gonna die bawkOmega KEKW LULW OMEGALUL LULLW not even a crocodile you got nothing to worry about KEKW KEKW monkaMega KEKW KEKW WutFace LOLOLOLOL KEKW KEKW HAHAHAH hahahaha LUL LUL OLUL LULW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL lmaooooooooooooooo monkaW WutFace Florida!!!! LULW LOL KEKW LMAOOOO geez LUL hahaha LUL KEKW monkaW KEKW WutFace LMAO KEKW LMFAOOO KEKW lol HAHAH YOUR HAT renekton before he turn gators are fast HAT D: monkaX KEKW HAHAHAHHAHA LUL LMAO KEKW KEKW KEKW the hat ! KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW P U S S Y HAT KEKW RUNNNNN boxBob HAY kekw KEKW holy shit i got spook irl your HAAT PepeHands HAT NOT THE HAT KEK KEKW KEKW KEKW nom nom nom monkaX that's gonna get infected Rip hat GET YOUR HAT BACK hat PepeHands KEKW my leg SabaPing THE HAT KEKW have to get hat THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky YOUR HAT hahaha weak! SNAPPED LUL LUL LUL Jebaited Clap HAT your hat THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky THE HAT @C9Sneaky LUL RENEK PogChamp PogChamp WEAK HAT ROFL THE HAT widepeepoSad OMEGALUL DROPPED UR HAT BRO lol haha INFECTION TIME snake gachiHYPER PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp monkaW RIP HAT OMEGALUL Jebaited KEKW Cass and Renekton monkaW LUL Snek monkaW Moe Pog hahahah ur hat Moe PogChamp lol LUL rip hat LULW Told you HAHAH HAT pepeHands moe PogU Hat DansGame Horse eaten monkaX Gonna eat ur peepee monkaMega 😡 GO BACK FOR THE HAT LULW YOUR HAT right DESPAWNED LUL horse ran from the gators on the map The turtle ate the horse monkaW GG renek no dmg @C9Sneaky are u playing on pc or ps4? so fucking funny HONOR RENEK LUL widepeepoSad get hat you pussey widepeepoSad HAT widepeepoSad Renekton takes no shit PogChamp LUL go talk to the lady widepeepoSad hat why no sex lady CUMON GIRL KKona PepegaHands go to her, she will give u items CLoser Kappa !time December 1st 2019, 7:18:31 am PST GMT-08:00 littering D: Did he just drink the water in the can too? renekpepega MOE Spotted BibleThump that zebra LUL talk to lady She pays you ! its not on pc til the 6th :tf: go insid Jebaited pepeL quest not done yet Kappa Jebaited Clap Jebaited hahaha Jebaited Jebaited pepeLaugh pepeLaugh Jebaited Jebaited fuck her pepeLaugh :tf: EZ Jebaited LULW Jebaited LULW KEKW nice LULW LOL OMEGALUL style LOL LUL KEKW LOOOOL KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL LUL KEKW LOL Kappa KEKW HAHAHA Nailed it widepeepoHappy Kill her LULW OMEGALUL delivery DX LMAOOOO LULW haha EZ Clap Jebaited smooth LULW clean LULW LUL OH MY LMAO LULW LUL Pepega 10/10 parking LUL LU KEKW KEKW KEKW LOOOL LMAO KEKW NotLikeThis NotLikeThis WTF perfect landing :D that landing tho smooth Style PEPEGA LUL Dramatic Finish! Pog Jebaited KEKW ... Jebaited Clap KEKW kill her SHOOT HER thats awkward KILL HER .... HAT Weirdga you took too long Jebaited Jebaited Smooth af KEKw UNGRATEFUL pepeLaugh Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited HYPERCLAP KILL HER ignoring you Jebaited Clap LMAO KEKW baited feed her Jebaited you took too long yeah you left the area KILL HER Took too long Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited x 2 to gator get ghosted :tf: HYPERCLAP cmonBruh kill her SEXX HER Jebaited Clap Jebaited x2 Jebaited Jebaited feed her to gator Jebaited Jebaited TriHard :tf: like closer ROFLROFL WideHard this is worse LOL widepeepoSad NYOOOOOO KEKW TriHard Talk to husband? WideHard kill her horse get her closer to the gator bro KEKW we got him chat WTF wtff was that ?? spotted zebra KEKW it's the rapists horse probably do the sex what kinda zeebras have you seen fufjvnvnf subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! who got dat big dic nice animation KEKW KEKW yea thats an american zebra LUL ZEBRA LUL zebra horse's a funk tank go get your hat from the gator OkayChamp Zebra FeelsWeirdMan boxDerp boxDerp fukn give that horse to the gator wtf get ur hat from the gator @C9Sneaky finish what he started baby gator gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS feed her to the gator and you get items :) boxLewd xqcHYPERF gachiBASS bro fish the gator go feed the gator :rage: gachiBASS Prove it Zebra? Its a dalmatian FeelsWeirdMan pic or false wait, this is a cow or horse? KEKW how do you do your tuck with such large donger OH NO NO NO pepega florida looks nice! KKona hell yeah thats a big dog your eriding gator on a stick this in florida poo / monkaW monkaW help him another stranger in trouble ded monkaW monkaW u know that show ignore KEKW LOOOOOOOOOL monkaW too late monkaW monkaW monkaW omg WTF monkaW monkaS monkaS none of my problem KKona 101 dog show like came out years ago bawkOmega widepeepoSad poor horse !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 10 hours 3 minutes 9 seconds ganglypants subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak! I feel like sherrif caitlyn cosplay next while playing this. Wait sneaky you have like no honor do you never respond to people screaming look loke the horse SO MUCH CO2 POG 10 Hours Pog Smokey town i like this game OkayChamp PogU new cos sneakyYeehaw bro best horse in saint denis did anyone else see ninja make a joke of himself on twitter? !time December 1st 2019, 7:21:19 am PST GMT-08:00 sneakyYeehaw KKona HYPERCLAP sneakyYeehaw yo thats a cute ass horse @C9Sneaky SLOW THE HELL DOWN LMAO indian bois Mr.Big D slow the hell down monkaW Evelynn D: D: rude no HAT lul D: Sir plz D: D: NO HAT LUL D; sneakyD KappaPride D: WideHard TriHard Clap OK KappaPride !time December 1st 2019, 7:22:12 am PST GMT-08:00 WideHard Prime time Pog PagChomp Rains Fall OMEGALUL TriHard Rains FALL kekW PEPEGA PEPEGAS kekw monkaW those are the worst indian names ive ever heard PogU KEKW the great war chief rain falls PagChomp DICK RIDES and im an indian JERONIMO Kappa RAINS FALL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL Eagle flies Psycho mantis? RAIN FALLS NONONO FLY EAGLES FLY sounds like a kayne child name this my friend "cocks hard" gachiBASS FeelsBadMan widepeepoSad :( PepeHands moon2PH PepeHands SUN SHINES widepeepoSad PepeHands ;-; widepeepoSad PepeHands PepeHands you lost fool :( widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad PepeHands new na people 4Weird !playlist Doot doot bawkHands PepegaHands cirComfy Kappa Kappa what is this title LUL which city you in? @c9sneaky "And this is my less known son, Birds Shit" BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump ANELE oil KKona JERONIMO BibleThump BABY SHARK DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO KKona MY OIL NOW HELP NATIVE AMERICANS KKona feel bad for the native Corn ball oil? us army is on its way TIME TO BRING SOME PEACE KKona KKona Clap KKona I HEARD OIL OMEGALUL LUL SELLOUT hmmm OMEGALUL instant pivot LUL peepoPog help them please @C9Sneaky KEKW Sell out FeelsBadMan damn, arthur is so handsome OKE Kappa Do it for free FeelsBadMan sneakyYeehaw FeelsBadMan Do it for free FeelsBadMan Eagle Flies is such a bitch APACHE TEAM LUL get that bounty poster what game is this but eagle flies just entered !time December 1st 2019, 7:25:19 am PST GMT-08:00 u do PepegaPls u jsut got it Now, if Eagle Flies tries anything, kill the entire tribe FeelsGoodMan !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 10 hours 7 minutes 47 seconds name your future offspring eagle flies SA here is 12:25 pm west @C9Sneaky It willl unlock later aight Weast !following widepeepoSad PepeHands !time December 1st 2019, 7:25:51 am PST GMT-08:00 !followage anyways PepeHands aspGG has been following C9Sneaky for 1 day !followage Thanks for the stream Snackers :) @kalista_kid where are you lol finally peepoLeave 🛏️ ANYWAYS PepeHands goodnite and goodbye j4kLove lol its reset :( widepeepoSad The stream is over so is my life FeelsBadMan PepeHands :( @C9Sneaky bye widepeepoSad !up PepeHands finally Bye goodnight gn8 widepeepoSad i enjoyed my stay widepeepoSad sneakyGrip boxislovee OkayChamp widepeepoSad Do your side missions the white on the screen is killing me @c9sneaky no poker again tonight PepeHands widepeepoSad @PlatanoHD Okayga PepoCheer save story anyways widepeepoSad i just came 8% today Pog @deadman_wonderland north korea oh thank god, ive been watching you since midnight and didnt want to miss anything @PlatanoHD Okayga hotdogss Okayga make a stop over to ram ranch will ya Anyways PepeHands bye sneaky SeemsGood gn sneaky peepoLeave @kalista_kid haha funny peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave pce man widepeepoSad bye snakey BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump good night sneaky i wuv u !uptime widepeepoSad Sneaky has been live for : 10 hours 9 minutes 7 seconds widepeepoSad @hotdogss peepoLeave Weirdga peepoLeave widepeepoSad @smalllilderp peepoLeave lcs AYAYAWeird Time to sleep 7;30 am:D peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave maybe games Goodnight Snackers, Rest well. Love you chat xqcL peepoLeave peepoLeave bye snackers peepoLeave buhbye j4kWave bye bye Sneaky gn BYE BYE @deadman_wonderland im a high rank officer of the government, so i have internet peepoLeave 🛏️ qtpH you're weak cya sneaky buhbye cya bby widepeepoHappy GN NotLikeThis NotLikeThis ♥ byee Goodnight peepoLeave 🛏️ !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 10 hours 9 minutes 38 seconds <3 i just came BibleThump goood morning and cant fap to sneaky pictures ge E sneakyHey ee later eeeee good night snacky widepeepoHappy get a new haircut you weirdo eeee @smalllilderp pepeLaugh eee suck a fat one douchebag.. i mean goodnight peepoLeave peepoLeave Pog PogU peepoArrive sup chat and Sneaky sneakyHey peepoArrive first ? what the heck was that start to the song LOL sallyPog SNEAKKY Sup my man, wish you best! Forgot I had this in the background, got a state farm commercial and spookered sup buddy! sup cutie how u doing today mr snack HI !time November 29th 2019, 9:22:22 pm PST GMT-08:00 hello suuuuuuhhhh owo !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 minute 55 seconds Hello sneaky Yea boxYay boxYay boxYay boxYay boxYay boxYay boxYay It's good first Love u Love Slipknot @brandong -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 8th Sneaky I love u bro POG love u huehuehuehuehue sounds fine to me posso te comer na maciota? It's fine. Sneaky Pog :O !uptime sneakyYeehaw sneakyH WHY NO COSPLAY danJulia sneakers more draven tonight? come on baby Oh fuck yeah finally PogChamp ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @c9sneaky do like the new Tool album? lindoooooo Hows life dad IVe waited my whole life for this moment hi dad cosplay pls @C9Sneaky TSM Sneaky LETS GOOOOOOO GOSTOSOOOOOOO hello gamers pobB4M yoooooooooo Love to Catch your stream @c9sneaky Pog SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP LETS GO SNAKKKY\ hello fellow gaymer man SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage c9sneaky more like c8 sneaky HI SNEAKY :DDDDDDD PogO HUE HUEHUE BRBR Hey Snakky is live widepeepoHappy My mom used to sing this to me before bed... DAD SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP SNEKII KomodoHype HYPERCLAP lol i was wondering where the music was coming from wow my mum did too widepeepoHappy How are you sneakers HMAN RAID @c9sneaky you make me hard bro. Like rock hard. happy Thanksgiving!!! HMAN RAID POG @c9sneaky Ever lay down at night and have difficulty sleeping because you know somewhere out there at least 1 dude is thinking of you and masturbating? terrachi_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 17 months! Hello dad! How are my siblings? my mom used to spank me when i would watch midget porn Just woke up. Poggers yellow Weirdga ayyyyyy @Mouchois peepoWTF Okayga oh hello mr sniki @Mouchois Thanks for helping me sleep better at night COME TO BRAZIL @C9Sneaky Weirdga music D: LOL D: PogYou D: Lmao MinkaW PepeS I love my mama <3 monkaW @Mouchois #thinkingofyou Hello snacky Oh my how lewd D: Gasp play the tool album 😘 unzips pants oh ffs here we go again Satan, are you here_ Cheer100 hello you smexy mf how are you doing Is that a piano in the back? Play us your rendition of this song SwiftRage louder TriHard hiii sneakyD TriHard TriHard same shirt as yesterday. boy can't even do laundry. snacky peepoArrive TriHard TriHard TriHard my boy sneaky! @c9sneaky when can we go on a date? @C9Sneaky When are you going to crack into the Topo Chico's? Also, did you get the love letter included within? hello sneaky @C9Sneaky is it true your buyout is insane @C9Sneaky whats max number of active items you can remember to use in a game More RDR2 Today? @c9sneaky hello qt3.14 headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage @C9Sneaky are you wearing the same shirt as yesterday DansGame coolbob11 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! mrschmax subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! 29 Fookin Months Did you wash that shirt? DansGame yooo that would make me break my donation cherry no pokemon? wth queue yet? @c9sneaky my gf says tool isnt loud enough sneaky i sit behind you in LCS scrim room, do you know who i am Do you like Frank Ocean? asuh dude @C9Sneaky i think t1 is having a mental breakdown on stream rn lol yes music like AHAA pepeJAMMER !specs @C9Sneaky When are you going to crack into the Topo Chico's? Also, did you get the love letter included within? @C9Sneaky Will you play something else besides League today? DanielBoys3_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Hey Snacky <3 can i wash you? when are you changing your name to 100T Sneaky? I fell asleep after the aftershock draven game, what did he play after league yesterday? gachiBASS fooken 3Head Do you wash your feet in the shower sneaky wearing some snake skin fooken 3Head Unsleeping_ subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 10 months! Hello Mr Streamer :D @C9Sneaky can we get a sivir game today? @C9Sneaky Do you think you could get rank1 in soloq if you focused on it all year? mixtape idk why this stream is so good SAME SHIRT KEKW SAME SHIRT KEKW SAME SHIRT KEKW ChefHats subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Sup dog Hey snacks Das a nice shirt How tall are you? wow it's snacky hey snacky sneakyHey ignored PepeHands love love love love love love MY BABY Do u masturbate often? you should listen to some ice nine kills pretty good bad Hi sneaky! Hello mr. streamer Will Sneaky be in LCS? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 minutes 53 seconds headBang headBang headBang Is your playlist available on spotify or in youtube? there's a survey going around asking how much do you think scarra weighs? i rewatched the whole sponge bob anime cause of the last stream yes LUL LUL LUL LUL Asziel subscribed with Twitch Prime. i love you sneaky <3 Hi streamer say hi back peepoArrive sneaky masturbating during no nut november peepoArrive I just nutted FeelsLitMan @C9Sneaky 2b cosplay when? sry SlipNut November Everyday the whole 8 seasons Greetings from Spain @c9sneaky 👍🏼 HandsUp I nutted every day this month. I'm a contrarian no nut, you mean MO nut finally i can wank off anime KEKW hello boys What anime are we watching rigth now? kupapo subscribed at Tier 1. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 minutes 34 seconds your cosplays were my arch enemy to nnn @C9Sneaky soooo do u play fgo we all know snacky just gets of getting pegged by her gf which is cute danKEK sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb I gotta sub again. Rip poep^le raving about demon slayer MR ROBOT WHO'S THE THIRD ALTER? that's a great anime jitekabob4194 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! I love you 😘 MR ROBOT IS EEEEEEPIC Nut n me november emilia6Gasm domo arigoto mr roboto? @C9Sneaky so stormrazer buffs statikk effect right? so enhanced splash damage and slow in AOE? Tpaine13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 25 months! @C9Sneaky two more weeks until new path of exile Pog SNACCERS is the third PepeHands Senpai missed me howardleduck1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 3 month streak! AYAYA i got angry watching that CoolCat Only Cool Kids Watch Beastars !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 minutes 11 seconds @Cemantics I recently watched evangelion but my brain is too small to understand it FeelsBadMan Pepega @C9Sneaky season 4 daddy ? Mr robot? isn't that the show about the 200 iq 5Head guy? MR ROBOT POG @Unsleeping_ Same dude @C9Sneaky your KDA Ahri is KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride !uptime Rosh209 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 1 month streak! Sup, doood how do you feel about new cloud9 signings? I need you sneaky :) @C9Sneaky FeelsBadMan 🔫 after last 2 episodes CoolCat when im in bed with my woman i just imagine im with you rather than her headBang MadoStab @C9Sneaky YOu are cute af dude te amo <3 hey Snakers OR BLADDER FISH Lemme see your background monkaMega disasterpiece headBang 0-0 should've signed sneaky @C9Sneaky do you think xayahs build path changed? sneakyWoo headBang oh and btw, you never looked that awesome, you are aging so well What’s your top 200 anime they should kick everyone and let sneaky 1v9 Is Mr Robot really that good? Im not a big fan of the theme but im willing to give it a shot wallpaper engine Pog Monhun How tall are you? :thinking: great game !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 minutes 30 seconds I too, love to headbang sneakyYeehaw i see senna there thats a cute bird @C9Sneaky what do you think whiter0se's project is? do u shave ur body for the cosplays? oddoneOwo @c9sneaky hello father Pepega 📣 SNEAAAKYYYY sneaky is 6'4" @C9Sneaky why do you have Firefox? LULW Taskbar Visible KEKW @C9Sneaky did you announce what youre doing next season yet? <3 t would you consider getting real breast implants cleeeean cuz chrome is crap KEKW sneaky you so darn cute I heard Firefox is better now Ohh ok. Thanks! Your fine AF by the way. Have a good stream! @c9sneaky Make this close for me , mid or bot Vivaldi master race @Anakenyan and 250 pounds of pure genius mucles chrome has alot of telemetry Chrome on windows 10 is really bad firefox is actually better Whats the next game on the list we're playing? Brave is the best the last 'hue' in your title is fucked up i did :) Chr OMEGALUL me in 2019 How much funiture is in your room rn? u r more atractive than all my ex girl firends when u cosplay..... ITS GONE yes :) monkaW me :-) Oh! monkaW MonkaW What do you mean piano monkaW play something for us sneakyHey the piano is alive monkaW @C9Sneaky did u finish death stranding? PogU Oh wait, i just noticed it moved PogChamp Sneaky learning how to play the piano @C9Sneaky play us a song on it !WALLPAPER sneaky whats your fav cosplay been so far KEKW POGGERS POGSLIDE it's getting closer monkaW Weirdga 4Weird @c9sneaky great lullaby song !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 minutes 55 seconds I didn't notice but you didn't notice my sub so I guess we're even I've been going BT first and it seems good in some situations. 4Weird 🤚 CEASE whats the wallpaper of Can you play it? @davidmanhatan LUL real netizens use opera FeelsClassyMan 🍷 @C9Sneaky what did you think of pokemon? Love the vocals on that song wait sneaky do you play piano?? play piano or peepoLeave That a cool cup holder in the back ground Pog SwiftRage @@ ty again for the fap material yesterday trap queen <3 @mudprz telemenatry ? BrokeBack play monster musume for us ta rindo igual br seu merda deep lyrics trap queen lmao i liked your cosplay buddy piano streams waiting room ResidentSleeper @C9Sneaky what game are you playing after league tonight? P5 or more RDR? !music @c9sneaky I’m thankful for you homie headBang PepegaShake !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 10 minutes 31 seconds hy @C9Sneaky When are you going to crack into the Topo Chico's? Also, did you get the love letter included within? headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake Dexene subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months! iceborne when ty again for the fap material yesterday trap queen 8===D @kaniskion opera gx my gf loves you... Bard ADC game when? Kappa music sucks.... huehuehuehue headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang haygoodtv subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 11 months! Let's get it sneakers!!! sneakyGasm wait for PC tho can i dream with u tonight? Did my sub not show up in notifications? aye snacky @C9Sneaky Guess not it releases before on console? Pog headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm weedlebey subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! @c9sneaky please look your reward its already out on ps4 sneaky lookin like a snacky boxZoom The_normal_guy_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! @C9Sneaky what you think of the Clouds? The headset your using? @owneurmen true FeelsClassyMan Is it? Im gonna check it just in case 4Weird 🤚 Next cosplay great me? FeelsOkayMan headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake JazzHandsTheWolf subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! peepoArrive @C9Sneaky Is your butthole more pink or brown? @C9Sneaky Play Long Sword its easy to play ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @C9Sneaky have you played the other MH games? @c9sneaky can you please look your league reward chess snacky after seeing your cosplay i've been debating my sexual orientation, thanks a lot man. @C9Sneaky @c9sneaky you so cool HBG Pog insect glaive though Oh shit it's really out rn on console, since september monkaS @c9sneaky did you cleared your pc? maybe you should try that Switch Axe is where it's at pepeJAMMER ricardoFlick gachiBASS headBang PepegaPls headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake I can play that with my butthole WutFace @C9Gorobot -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Cemantics gachiBASS Charge blade abusers FeelsGoodMan sneakyD when are you leaving c9 sneakers ? @PlatanoHD KappaPride can u sing a bit to all of us please! gachiGASM huehue huehue beber BRB hueheuehue villimanillie subscribed at Tier 1. PepegaShake what game is your desktop background from? I love u, can you say : chupalo karol dance ... its "I love you too" but in a chilean way SNAKY monkaW sword and shield @c9sneaky look your league of legend reward please Wait how didn’t I know that was an options until now !uptime @capt_johnis monster hunter Sneaky has been live for : 13 minutes 45 seconds c9 sneaky, are u sure ur still c9 sneaky ? o-O BronzKneeeCap subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 19 months, currently on a 19 month streak! 19 years pogchamp Je suis monté if you know this then you know the real weapon Sneaky in lane LuL, what a aclassic @LeTobito WeirdChamp T1 has 10x the subs, but is such a loser, keep up the good work Sneakers Im more of a hunting horn player widepeepoHappy u playing new expansion for mhw? @C9Sneaky Milli Vanilli headBang PepegaShake hey sneaky @C9Sneaky Brazil loves u :D @c9sneaky more RDR2 or Resume Persona 5 headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! tyler1 FeelsWeirdMan DrSnackey subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months! since its the holidays,i sure could use a peppermint fatty. any takers? dad maybe? 10 times 20 Kappa headBang Play FF14 BabyRage Just get weeb emotes and u get 10x console or consoler? He is 10x your size !rank okintoat subscribed with Twitch Prime. C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 611 LP @c9sneaky look your reward in the chess options did they take your riot partnership? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake sneaky has at least 100 he has about 10x viewers right now idk about subs doubt it @C9Sneaky Sneakers is Tyler1 the greatest NA soloQ player of all time? 10x0=0 hi chat widepeepoHappy sneaky live peepoArrive hi widepeepoHappy @c9sneaky I’m visiting LA for the weekend what should I do?? Hi ming lee ya but sneaky just started streaming so ofc hes gonna have less viewers LUL @my_name_is_ming_lee MingLee / hey widepeepoHappy a wild Jhonny appears! headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake @mintcake55 MingLee / @C9Sneaky What champs do you recommend to climb with ADC? Why????????? peepoArrive widepeepoHappy his butthole is 10 times as leaky, you have no chance bro You were too Toxic LULW @recurf MingLee / LuL monkaS League partner KEKW "chupalo karol dance" , plss say it 4 me <3 they kicked you out DuckerZ no longer a pro LULW headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake You mentioned buttholes 3x too many not in LCS anymore so it's removed KEKW can you show us your reward in the chess in the midle of the shop and tft @c9sneaky r u a pro tho LPP !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ FeelsBadMan no longer a pro boxislovee OkayChamp change all your emotes to weeb emotes and you will get as much subs as t1 PagChomp @LeTobito para enfermo reqlao KEKW i just saw what happened, I was a big C9 fan because of you. fk c9 sneaky 2.5k tyler1 22.5 k LUL @letobito degenerao klo @PlatanoHD PauseChamp is that a monster hunter background? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake @my_name_is_Ming_Lee AYAYA noob player now FeelsBadMan 6 D: !tnahc ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ monkaW gachiHYPER BEEETLE BUTTHOLE APPEARS! its like saying beetle juice U down with LPP? Hey Sneaky can you suck your own pee pee? :) Jebaited KnightAWL163 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! Banned D: It's not available for jobless players :) @C9Sneaky so are you retired now or waiting for an offer any AYAYA 's ? 4Weird 🤚 if you say butthole 3 times in the mirror @C9Sneaky pizza sivir shows up and fucks your ass headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan peepoArrive !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ Bless you lynn T1 is such a loser though butthole juice butthole juice butthole juice PogU bless u AYAYA AYAYA FeelsOkayMan WeirdChamp FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan sneaker is best AYAYA plupAYAYA plupAYAYA plupAYAYA plupAYAYA plupAYAYA MONSTER MUSUME PogU could u stream in a cosplay someday? please sneakyWEEB2 huehuehue brbrbrbr aqui é Brasil memo bh é nois karaio bora comer pão de queijo e tomar pinga nessa poha sureAYAYA FeelsOkayMan what game u playing after league mr streamer? @C9Sneaky sneakyWEEB3 FeelsWeirdMan Hey Sneakster ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWEEB2 sneakyBoost gochuAYAYA nice girl sneakyWEEB2 sneakyWEEB2 FrankerZ kabajiAYAYA headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake if you say butthole 3 times in the mirror @C9Sneaky pizza sivir shows up and fucks your ass gachiHYPER is it really worth to sub if there arent any good weeb emotes NotSoEZ pepeL 2? sneakyWeeb annieSwoon you need weebs emotes that do expression yandGasp EXCELLENT GENITALIA BroBalt EXCELLENT GENITALIA BroBalt EXCELLENT GENITALIA BroBalt can you show us your reward in the chess in the midle of the shop and tft @c9sneaky I finally drew your stupid starter @ganja_mr i am from brasil também fdp alanzAYAYA rknAYAYA EXCELLENT GENITALIA BroBalt EXCELLENT GENITALIA BroBalt no FFXIV PepeHands gachiHYPER gachiBASS headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake gachiHYPER thats dope Try it! Pog Ive trid it it works gachiHYPER HOLY SHIT THAT'D BE HOT i wanna see penis HandsUp probably gachiBASS give me the pizza snacky FrankerZ =dog face no space !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 17 minutes 17 seconds sureMS FortBush @C9Sneaky can you confirm that you and jack absolutely despise each other now Kappa gachiHYPER You still play POE? sneaky fucking himself gachBASS So do you have to change your summoner name to be without the C9? still on queue ? do u shave ur ass for cosplaying? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake @ShamelessAbyss dogface If sneakers does a topless cosplay, would they have to censor his nipples? @c9sneaky how far are you in ff14? IT WORKED gachiHYPER women with penises are the optimal person change my mind gachiHYPER are you doing shadowbringers MSQ already @C9Sneaky So i watched your youtube video but your name is still @C9Sneaky so are you staying on C9 or whats happening? reroll @C9Sneaky he wants you to open the daily TFT orb please do it so he shuts up did you get anything for blackfriday? @C9Sneaky Yo dog, why don't you wanna rank flex to challenger with me? FeelsBadMan PepegaPls rerol skins In the end did you eat lunchables only yesterday? pepeJAMMER @jleblanc 😘😘😘 girldick @ZaneC1 😳 so im new here and i just realized that some people are right... all he wears is C9 shirts LUL @gabilek123 koe mano salve bom demais ? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaPls D: T1 braindead headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake finally, i can stop watching T1 tilt LMAO PepegaPlsPepegaPlsPepegaPls PepegaShake nope BabyRage HEY chaserrrr subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! Snacky I’m going to have a 3rd child so I can name him after you. Please don’t cuck me PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls @SmolClaire 😳 @c9sneaky can you open your capsule please PepegaPls headBang watching t1 KEKW @FeebleHero True @C9Sneaky Love you and will always miss you during the LCS games foor C9 i luv u man!!!!!! headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake slipknot lacRly Aphelios is out? buy some emote in the store headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang IF YOU'RE 555 I'M 666 SwiftRage NaM @C9Sneaky Duo with Memeos PepeHands NaM 2? 2? 2? 2? 2? NaM !followage i'd name my boyfriend sneaky ldarkfrosl has been following C9Sneaky for 5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days NaM ❗ instead of 4 dorans blades try going BT first Naxx is out? NaM cadê os BR que pegaria o sneaky vestido de soraka, imagina a banana RR was in a movie called Remember the Nines 100T @c9sneaky do you own any other clothes other than c9 headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls 666? monkaW 777777777 PowerUpL ArigatoNas PowerUpR !followage let's see some kek sa this game KEKW headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake TriHard ❓ WideHard Chill Bruv my wife watching @c9sneaky I need to stop at 3 I’m to old @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward did you like star wars @C9Sneaky ? the music is intense 5Head 5Head 5Head Vayne game monkaHmm KKona sneakyGasm monkaHmm Isn't this the Phone from T1 stream who had a 30% wr? KEKW howdy father 3500? KEKW draven? yandGasp draven sneakyChamp draven Kappa Draven? BigBrother draven? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake I should have taken economics draven dracen wut @C9Sneaky I know you've been having some trouble lately. I think I got just the think. Look up "motivational lizard" on YT. You're welcome :) This is too much pyke° not phone It is on draven use to be THE first item DRAAAAVEN This pyke has a 30% wr LOL Anyone know the song? :) @C9Sneaky how does the dorans stack work i feel like if i do it i always fall behind on finishing core items so is quadruple doran's blade a real thing right now? I've seen it a few times, but... headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage headBang SwiftRage Pyke inted Tyler 1 watch out XD play Zed adc pls is my dream if u don't I would die i hate auto correct on phones this pyke is auto loss Thats the pike hahah a1ert_ps subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! OH? !followage shout out to when BT passives stacked aguerjoe has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls oh no, it's not 29 is it?! ? monkaS more aftershock draven corki please @C9Sneaky Are you gonna do more PS Sword or Shield today? how about some draven? FeelsOkayMan omg that's the pyke that just duo'd with T1 and got him tilted so hard lmfao play draven you prolly fall behind cuz u can't cs on the level these guys do headBang headBang headBang headBang !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 20 minutes 52 seconds headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake Pog POGGERS jinx headBang @Whatup_Nab he said probably playing red dead after league axe time POGGERS FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan 👍 FeelsOkayMan Pog PokMachamp PokMaskedpika FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkayMan santa draven it's christmas time Worst skin draven Pog Time to watch axes disappear tbh just build vamp and IE FeelsOkayMan 🍷 excellent choice FeelsOkayMan @YuYuYuna_ AYAYA <3 Did riot already fix the invis axe ug? FeelsOkayMan ONLY A TIP CHAT Graven sneakyE FeelsOkayMan 👌 what about stormrazor first on draven? @C9Sneaky weirdchamp ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ @c9sneaky do you think corki need a rework? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaAim FeelsOkayMan primetime Hey sneaky can u explain me why u prefer Barrier over Heal this patch? This Pyke tho pepeLaugh I see that they still havent sneakyC DRAVEN DRAVEN PLEASE !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 21 minutes 23 seconds sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 MF bt first for w max synergy @yuyuyuna_ yoooooona sureREE Time for trinity Draven Draven Draven skin lol Mikemccobra subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 41 months, currently on a 41 month streak! 41 Months dad! i hope you have a great stream :D @SmolClaire CLAIRU sfhAYAYA How your thanksgiving hiiros1Pat sneaky3 sneaky4 barrier better then heal? that pyke just got out of a losing game with T1 MR @C9Sneaky @julianbelkin :) DRAVEN DRAVENNNN DRAVEN DRAVEN heimler1? Pog @YuYuYuna_ my danksgiving has been lit sneakyGrip <3 PsZ says go BT first so we go BT first :) @pillowrepair piiii piiiiiiiii oathRee Pepega graven got flamed on real nice hahahhahahaa KEKW @c9sneaky do you think corki need a reward??? oh god isn't the me gp guy the top laner that never shuts the hell up all game? forgot to take mr runes PepeHands hi @pillowrepair oddonePat @C9Sneaky yo that cho has type issue should mute asap He's a veteran anal ist ME GP ha no filter he jsut tpes whatever @C9Sneaky got anything for black friday? @C9Sneaky "motivational lizard" YT ya welcome like 30 second clip Listen to him @C9Sneaky i mean cass You must only pick Xayah this is the season10 rule This man he always commentates the game Jeystan subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 29 months! Hi dad, I bought ds3 and spent a good 20 min trying to get through the first boss. Am I retarded PepeHands? @C9Sneaky Astofolo cosplay for all-stars right? gachiBASS Leroyversace subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 36 months, currently on a 5 month streak! 3 long hard throbbing years @c9sneaky do you think corki need a rework? "draven has a shit build path" plays draven @acidicstorm sureBANG @SmolClaire Yooohohohooo guud shit sneakyGrip Clap If you're drave you're gonna get flashed R Pepega not like any other adc can get fucked by the same thing Pepega im poor, i cant suscribe Conqueror Draven KEKW @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] yes :) yes Pepega YES KEKW PepegaHands monkaW gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp Yes sadly you are HandsUp no more c9 sneaky :( LOL gachiHYPER yes son PepeHands @julianbelkin HandsUp yes :) nope HandsUp @YuYuYuna_ sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip whats ur thoughts on heimer right now chill game with pyke HandsUp nope :) Its not hard he's just shit KEKW @danielfrombrazil3 that was for you :) No G chill pyke incoming LUL @PlatanoHD hi :) <3 AYAYA @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp @julianbelkin HandsUp that pyke.... @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward CHILL PYKE xqcHAA Dark Souls is so easy, when you understand when to roll lol 4Head dont die @C9Sneaky careful of that pyke dont over greed ur hits Omg i just got invited to the twitch partner program 4Head @C9Sneaky thoughts on POB and damonte not starting in 2020 spring? "don't die :)" 4Head wow new knowlegde Whatup_Nab subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! When are you going to play Pokeman? Also what's ur friend code for dem max raid battles chill pyke kekw 5Head ah yes just dont die bro 4Head and finding them blind spots where you can stay close and not get hit warning: this pyke is chill af wait is that the pyke from t1's stream? LULW headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake balance between taking it in the ass and not taking it in the ass? 2 hit then roll if you're too shit to finish a dark souls game go back to candyland you fucking pussy @C9Sneaky Prepare to be chilled to lossing your lane by that Pyke, my cute boy. giga tip gachiHYPER watch out the pyke is 30% win rate traaash monkaW wait. blocking is op in dark souls giga tit? 5Head tip giga tit backstabbing Fuck it just play Sekiro PepegaShake Yes I do blocking in ds1 is op @julianbelkin only top Just parry 4Head ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ Pepega headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls Sekiro for me was so hard PepeHands i suck parrying gachiBASS ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ A SUPER TIT GIGATIPS ds2 > sekiro @danielfrombrazil3 top? gachiHYPER Dark Souls Pro PogU hey @C9Sneaky ! hope youre doing well brother! 5Head wineTime chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA wow what a strat Just dont get hit 4Head @c9sneaky was sekiro harder than the dark souls? wow Pog 5Head 29% percent Professional dark souls player Sneaky 5Head wineTime Holy shit am I watching a Lets Play look at this dood 5Head @C9Sneaky did you like sekiro? 5Head sneaky knows how to play dark souls Pog Just Roll 4Head @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me Showed sneaky's newest cosplay to my wife and told her to be more like him, now shes filing for divorce and taking custody of the kids Im the DS god all hail me Hi snacky 4Head oh no its me gp again or just never get hit so u dont need to heal i have a giga dick ye the long attack always is there giga tips Pepega new badge sneakyGold sneakyGold sneakyGold @hotdogss peepoArrive I have a giga tip for you gachiBASS Or just make a fatty character and block every attack PepeLaugh @C9Sneaky gachiBASS TriHard spoilers monkaS TriHard TriHard WeirdChamp Chill Pyke WeirdChamp Chill Pyke WeirdChamp Chill Pyke WeirdChamp Chill Pyke WeirdChamp Chill Pyke headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake use the roll the way you use ezreal e? This pyke LUL is that t1 ? Good the axes haven't dissapeared Also hit the walls Just The Giga Tip - a dark souls walkthrough by sneaky @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me @obese_gamer_girls_dm_me t1 pool champ in one lane @PlatanoHD ignored again FeelsBadMan chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA chill pyke xqcHAA vvcbcbcb D: LULW Chat D: D: i like the armor is ds2 better but ds3 has better gameplay GIGA TIP FOR DARK SOULS- dont play dark souls if you bad is this tyler1?? D: widepeepoHappy bitch !followage pokiYikes headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake Error: User not found: pokiYikes. WHAT HAPPENS IF HE DOESNT CATHY IT I miss Klepto now, abusing karma toplane with klepto was so fun can I be your bitch sneaky @owneurmen HeyGuys KEKW KEKW the b word @YuYuYuna_ sneakyD caps gabethebabe0412 subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls snacks! hello chat! julianbelkin join the discord i can't contact you any other way Happily SQWUEEZE YOU AYAYA gachiHYPER gachiBASS yes sir AYAYA DS2 level design is the most obnoxious thing ever AYAYA !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 26 minutes 1 second ᵘʷᵘ oh frick ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ frick sorry guys ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sorry im dropping ᵘʷᵘ my uwus all over the ᵘʷᵘ place ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ ᵘʷᵘ sorry conq heim ResidentSleeper @SmolClaire hiiros1Smuggered headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake chill engage PogChamp fruitS PYKE CHILLIN PogChamp 😳 @YuYuYuna_ gachiBASS there is your answer - get a controller 100% get controller DS ON KBM LUL lmao t1 was the problem Play with controller !00% donating to ask for tips for dark souls KEKW m and k LuL first mistake is m&k no you dont keyboard is gey play with a trackball Pepega Play darksouls without ocvntroller is a KEKW ADuckOnQuackSC2 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! notice me mr snack only chads play ds on kb/m absolute madlad KEKW WAIT @Jeystan don't play on keyboard monkaS it's the worst control scheme ever made it's like having a stroke, playing on keyboard @SmolClaire 😏 👉 🛏️ play with steering wheel PogU @YuYuYuna_ AYAYA hi Pog play dark souls on a laptop trackpad KEKW POG pyke Pog @PlatanoHD ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiBASS @TheRealMC3 hey dood AYAYA gachiBASS what game was he talking about, i didnt hear. @ chat Pog Real men play dark souls with a dancepad EZ HUGE LOL Pog Pepega PogU Pog Jebaited Pog @CaptainFalliner lol. aight imma get myself a controller asap Pog wow Pog pyke GOD why they inting? Pog Clap PogU Jebaited PYKE Pog god gamer Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog gachiHYPER Pog pyke PogU this pyke has nothing but chill Pog PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp Pog @YuYuYuna_ how r u t1 KEKW T1 KEKW dank souls This lane kinda over @Gunerdrag -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] holy gachiHYPER the superior tyler? Pog Pog HandsUp HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER Play DS with MousePad EZ This pyke HandsUp gachiGASM @YuYuYuna_ is that a comfy bed for me to sleep in , why thank you AYAYA is it just me or you cant see the axe Limerence123 WideHard 7 Pog fed draven game monkaSHAKE KEKW he just wanted a hug Dorans blace time did he flask? lol SmolClaire triSugoi i thought sneaky isnt with c9 anymore FeelsOkayMan @platanohd ayyy my TriHard FeelsOkayMan SadChamp FeelsOkayMan T1 was the problem KEKW FeelsOkayMan FeelsOkMan t1 KEKW ad diff KEKW IModzCodz WideHard 7 Okayga FeelsOkayMan minion bro FeelsOkayMan Clap small time first buy there @PlatanoHD AYAYA okayga i was the minion :) Wearing the same shirt for two days WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky why full dagger on adc? Unsleeping_ OkayChamp shipW Tyler1 has nothing on Snacky Doran blade PepeCheer @PlatanoHD peepoArrive AYAYAWeird TeaTime @PlatanoHD @hotdogss @julianbelkin @C9Sneaky what games do u play when ur not feeling like league? Gg bot what class did you like most? TRUE KEKW danielfrombrazil3 sumSmash @PlatanoHD FeelsClassyMan @danielfrombrazil3 AYAYAWeird @JeremyWatts maybe he has two of them WeirdChamp @danielfrombrazil3 AYAYA TeaTime FeelsOkayMan Imagine if Sneaky streamed during the day hotdogss HandsUp garbage song @TheRealMC3 a wee tipsy, been drinking for about an 30mins hiiros1Sip how you hiiros1Pat LOL ALL streamer i follow... it ban me??? can you stop being so entertaining I'm trying to sleep YuYuYuna_ WideHard 7 @separatemouse maybe not WeirdChamp @Knique No FeelsGoodMan @Knique Sneaky is a vampire Tyler one is that you @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @TheRealMC3 AYAYAWeird gachiHYPER tyler1B1 tyler1BB tyler1B2 gachiGASM saw it @YuYuYuna_ a lot a bit sober but chillin LULW Wait, do heimer turrets give 2 stacks of conqueror per hit? HandsUp tyler1B1 tyler1SSJ tyler1B2 riot gave it the ol' fuck u @hotdogss WeirdShit @SmolClaire haha yeah that's what its for 😂 ... unless 😳 Pog LuL Pog 4man LULW almost Pog @C9Sneaky what do you think about the new patch? Idk if you heard but dota2 new patch was such a large change its basically a new game... do you think League of Legends could use the same size patch difference almost KEKW close not having deleted messages on LULW GODLAF > Jizz4 sneaky isn't c9 anymore right? why does his team still say c9? KEKW gachiBASS gachiBASS hmmmmmmmmmmmm HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp KEKW velkoz level 5 KEKW HandsUp monkaW Went is insane VELKOZ DOWN 2 LVLS KEKW heimer KEKW DOINB the fuck DOINB RUMBLE monkaW HandsUp CHAT HandsUp TELL HandsUp ME HandsUp YOU HandsUp BELIEVE ? HandsUp velkoz? DOINB monkaW 5/1 now DOINB DOINB POGGERS @TheRealMC3 ayy ayy sounds good to me hiiros1Comfy went rumble compilation inc! KEKW PepegaPls its doinb monkaW FKING VEL KOZ PunOko @YuYuYuna_ netflix n chill except we actually chill in bed while cuddling 😳 😳 mid diff quite large does anyone else know about that? sneaky can you show your toes on stream @YuYuYuna_ your situation sounds legit too AYAYA @SmolClaire sneakyWEEB2 3Head DoinB like doin bad? dota 2 new patch ins basically as diffrerent as the game has been in 10 years OMEGALUL swer on me mum 3Head AYAYA @SmolAria forsenCD forsenCD Clap do you guys feel LOL could use the same type of chance any handsome gifters TriHard rideugud gachiBASS 💿 ✌️ forsenCD forsenCD @SmolClaire @SmolAria selphyOwO 👉 🛏️ ❓ 😏 KKona KKona forsenCD forsenCD KKona HYPERCLAP KKona Any Ugly gifter TriHard ? KKona @YuYuYuna_ AYAYA why sub to forsen if you have the best emote? forsenCD KKool KKona That sounds like pain and suffering @YuYuYuna_ sneakyWEEBY yesss forsenCD KKona KKona DId they actually buff solo lane exp? !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 611 LP KEKW D OMEGALUL M headBang D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M D OMEGALUL M CRACKINATE KEKW D OMEGALUL M who? crack D OMEGALUL M BOOMER PLAYERS KEKW D OMEGALUL M in what, 2013? LULW cocaine Pog Pog PYKE PogU Holy shit that damage chill pyke PogU 1V1 TURRET Pog monkaMega Flash KEKW oooooooo nice flash KEKW KEKW karma KEKW PogU kill confirmed Pog Pog Pog Pog PogU LIFE STAL Pog Pog PogU monkafoahofdh this pyke is nuts Pog Pog Pog Pog DORANS Pog PogU THAT FLASH KEKW guys..CHat... is it true C9Sneaky is being moved to the practice squad he lives PogChamp pog holy shit Pog THE DORAN BLADES BABY Pog THREE DORANS Pog @yuyuyuna_ uwu Pog PogU PogU THE DORANS Pog Pog Pog RRRRANK 1 SOME1 SIGN THIS MAN LIVING Pog DORANS LIFE STEAL PogU Pog WAIT ACUTAL Pog AS FUCK HOLY SHIT DORANS dorans Pog holy DORANS OP Slipknot Kreygasm @C9Sneaky insane player the blades Pog PogChamp POG sit the fuck down rumble KEKW Pog THE DORANS Pog U PogU DBLADE SAVED THAT ASS PogU Pog Pog DORANS Champ holy shit Pog Pog OLAFUUU AYAYA OLAF PogU that flash POGGERS HES SMURFIN Pogrumble must be so mad rn PogChamp why does he still have c9 merch on his stream? pppoggggg nt :) WHAT'S GOING ON PogU Pog rumble must be so mad rn @ForestFairyBilly hiiros1UWU see the shape, broken and thrown awayyyyy TRIPLE@DORANS POG OK UNSTOPPABLE TEAM whats with the triple db Whaaaaaaaat??? Kreygasm huehuehue pokiW pokiW / what a clencher is that tarzand? POGGERS \ pokiW / !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan More Blades Yeehaw Dorans power !song yes lynNote thats what MR does lol, that's the Pyke from Tyler1's last game. PepegaPls poki 😅🔥👌 poki subs 😏 🔥 💯 oathDab @danielfrombrazil3 sumSmash Poki emtoe make me c Kreygasm m did he win that last game @danielfrombrazil3 AYAYAWeird VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I’m safe FeelsGoodMan why 3 dorans blade? cant hear typing KKona VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan julianbelkin when we playing aram olaf coming in hot @yuyuyuna_ AYAYAWeird ? @danielfrombrazil3 AYAYAWeird VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan @danielfrombrazil3 oh I see widepeepoSad Dorans OP can someone dm me the song? emiruAYAYA @ForestFairyBilly AYAYAWeird Cant hear with eyes Kappa @PlatanoHD u down rn? VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan holy fuck this top lane guy is so annoying VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan no Song WutFace VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I’m safe FeelsGoodMan @PlatanoHD tomorrow? chat ur all virgins stfu rip stark traumatized from t1 flaming him last game so he muted everyone LUL yes !virgin Sneaky!!! My second favorite Academy player, next to golden glue of course Kappa @PlatanoHD ricardoFlick VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan i can tomorrow This cass... !followage pokiYikes ricardoFlick Error: User not found: pokiYikes. pokiW @danielfrombrazil3 THATS MORE LIKE IT gachiHYPER FCUKING COLLEGE BOY HandsUp t1 looks different ricardoFlick pokiW ricardoFlick ricardoFlick How hard has this Pyke inted before? ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick cassio saying she needs a pink if olaf is playing bot side but is apparently incapable of buying her own pink Weirdga ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ? ricardoFlick !followage TriHard trihard is not following C9Sneaky ricardoFlick ricardoFlick @PlatanoHD where i live its past 12 so its tomorrow get on Kapp sneakyGrip sneakyGrip ricardoFlick Kreygasm KEKW ??? ?? ????? 😡FREE HYDRA 😡 KEKW ??????? LULW ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick TP KEKW ?? ?????? GreenTeam she means she wants sneaky to put 2 in her pink Kapp fellow east coaster ????????? hahahahaha heimer KEKW KEKW ZLOL ??? KEKW OMEGALUL !followage careful bro you're gonna get flashed r Sick tp gachiHYPER gank in lane LUL what ZULOL ZULUL gachiHYPER KEKW t1 HEIMER KEKW Almost got you ???? HEIMER AND CHO MALDING KEKW F from Heimen NA OMEGALUL top mis LULW T1 HEIMER hype challenger plays CHO ASSERTING DOMINANCE monkaW was close Kapp NA KEKW chellenjour btw !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 34 minutes 52 seconds lep GreenCervidae she means she wants sneaky to put 2 in her pink GreenCervidae FREAK SHOW headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake NAs games David_i2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! Hey Sneaky. Cloud nine was so dumb to dump you. They probably made so much money from your stream its better Worlds reward money that they'd never get with you. Best of luck moving forward. Sneaky is wearing a c9 shirt :( Try it to prove your theory @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] isnt sneaky colorblind? why doesnt he play on colorblind mode HandsUp KEKW gachiHYPER too far WeirdChamp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER MaN salty fans lol HandsUp gachiGASM monkaW another one of these WeirdChamp But like...oh nevermind Pepega HEY SNEAKY C9 SUCKS BUTT HAHA I LOVE YOU Pepega that guy could barely string a sentence show feet cam i swear c9 cant take any money from player streams tho drama frogs late to drama WeirdChamp HeyGuys bye axe PepoCheer Benefical rng AXY AYAYA dono andys in full force NOT A C9 FAN ANYMORE Pepega Kapp todo bien rrrrrey @hotdogss Okayga @TheRealMC3 Okayga headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake Next song pls headBang @RamonRodriguezIV Okayga Okayga cirComfy how many points he need to challenger No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] cmon MaN HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp @danielfrombrazil3 HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER monkaX HandsUp HandsUp omgD omgD omgD omgD omgD omgD omgD omgD HandsUp i dream of a chat full of hydra !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 611 LP i missed it :( BlessRNG PlatanoHD my favorite semi pro adc Pog @ZaneC1 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiGASM HandsUp HAIL HYDRA DWAGON Okayga COCK HandsUp HandsUp headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake HandsUp HandsUp THANK YOU SIR HandsUp HandsUp @C9Sneaky do you think the stormrazor slow is unhealty for the game? HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER CiGrip peepoArrive VapeNation CiGrip HandsUp 7 beautiful cocks HandsUp GOD TIER MODE POG//GOD TIER MODE POG//GOD TIER MODE POG//GOD TIER MODE POG HandsUp MY HANDS ARE UP HandsUp MY ASS IS THICC HandsUp WITH THIS CHANT HandsUp I SUMMON HYDRA DICK HandsUp CUTE MF gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP HandsUp MY HANDS ARE UP HandsUp MY ASS IS THICC HandsUp WITH THIS CHANT HandsUp I SUMMON HYDRA DICK HandsUp HandsUp FeelsOkayMan HandsUp HandsUp MY HANDS ARE UP HandsUp MY ASS IS THICC HandsUp WITH THIS CHANT HandsUp I SUMMON HYDRA DICK HandsUp sneaky venite a 9z pa aca te tratamos mejor que los cebollitas @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! gachiGASM nice HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp gachiGASM HandsUp HandsUp yesir HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp @danielfrombrazil3 HandsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER YOUR WISH IS GRANTED gachiHYPER HandsUp THANK YOU HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS HandsUp gachiHYPER gachiW @C9Sneaky how come you show runes instead of champ stats in bottom right gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM solo exp Kreygasm bottom left i mean gachiHYPER HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER ANOTHER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER I LOVE THIS STREAM gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED did he just say cock ? Nice support I LOST HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED AYAYA so uh, what are you gonna do when cho and j4 run your ass down later in the game @C9Sneaky I hate this instagram filter peepoLeave nothing personnel Not heimer's one :) sneakyYeehaw HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED KEKW okay KEKW what is kk? aint that quackers jimbo THE DODGES Kappa Heimer KEKW Heim LULW nice try nerds KEKW heimer u drunk KEKW KEKW ouch @Pakidermo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Axes PepeHands gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ gachiBASS gachiHYPER I SAW IT HandsUp HandsUp pepeD gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiHYPER peekaboo Is Stormblade good on Jhin again? ????? wtf LuL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW ??? ??? KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LULW PraiseIt CREEP BLOCK LUL KEKW KEKW Lul yep LUL LL YES KEKW yes LOL LUL NA LEAGUE OF LEGENDS KEKW actually flash KEKW TWO FLASHES FOR NOTHING LULW CHOGATH KEKW KEKW CHO KEKW Clap CHO KEKW yes he did KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW Cho LuL KEKW KEKW N A PYKE SAVE Pog CHO KEKW LMFO HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED old man reaction speed Lol creep block is an amazing mechanic OMEGALUL CHO MaldChamp HYPERCLAP fiesta tyler1H1 tyler1H2 tyler1Q Confiteor hiiros1Lul KEKW CH OMEGALUL @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! nice try Cho RainingEclipse subscribed with Twitch Prime. Challenger game KEKW MaldChamp Clap gachiGASM HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED gachiHYPER TELEPORT AND FLASH JUST TO DIE LEWL yea the creep block for years gachiBASS you got blocked CREEP BLOCKED Pyke pOg @julianbelkin HandsUp CHO KEKW gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER NICE I'm a pleb REEE HYPERBASS @WintersWard thanks daddy AYAYA HandsUp I SAW pyke whiffed second ult onto karma i guess league of legends and creep block, name a more iconic duo 3 creeps :O Kapp Do it @smalllilderp -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Kapp do it pepeL no what what lol Kapp Kapp voyGASM did you like it ? WHAT monkaW YANG GANGED LUL lmao SOLO BARON Pog @DrummuhDude then you know what you must do HandsUp sneaky 😋🍆 HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED KEKW Jebaited LUL LOL LuL QUICK, SNIPE HIS STREAM do it baron == blue buff :) TriHard Kapp LUL baited his strea monkaHmm quick one shot baron WeirdChamp solo Baron Cassio bots? Pepega Jebaited is this ranked or casual? gachiGASM HandsUp gg CANN OMEGALUL N KEKW gachiGASM Cannon KEKW LUL gachiW What the hell is this music HandsUp gachiGasm !time November 29th 2019, 10:04:31 pm PST GMT-08:00 LOL LULW ULT NA LEAGUE OF LEGENDS WTF LUL KEKW KEKW ULT KEKW blue buff is confirmed to be nash jr RUMBLE KEKW lynLUL LUL NA RUMBLE KEKW cass is a progamer, let her carry you whole enemy team malding MaldChamp LUL LUL LUL NA PYKE KEKW NA RUMBLE C A N N OMEGALUL N that is some weird ass rumble R KEKW that rumble KEKW with liberty and justice for all TriHard OMEGALUL TriHard TriHard DoinB rumble Pog monkaW @smalllilderp -> No excessive usage of symbols! infernal map coutners rumble pyke Pog xqcN PYKE Pog pyke Kreygasm 30% wr pyke Pog hol up draven again? 👀 pyke two ults?? +691 Pog PogU PogU message deleted by a moderator. gachiBASS +691 jesus pog monkaW Super Carry Doinb Rumble monkaW pyke balanced KEKW Pog Press R mechanics KEKW IS THIS TYLER1? POGGERS 69 + 1 xD BABY ITS A TRIPLE Tyler who ? wait you can cash in on pyke R? Pog dude this pike is a monster dont disrespect doinb like that @NYETMUN MaN 2 MaN olaf balanced KEKW dont disrespect doinb like that @MYNEWDUMGAME HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED KEKW cass went bot/? how he get the passive without kill someone ? AYAYA 3 axes PogU KEKW TENTACLES AYAYA gachiBASS AYAYA Clap too close HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED AYAYA not even close AYAYAWeird @VandesGrants But hes the worst mid at worlds KEKW AYAYA Kappa @MYNEWDUMGAME AYAYAWeird tentacles @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @ForestFairyBilly @TheRealMC3 @julianbelkin @WintersWard Only the Tip ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ it hit me :) what slipknot song is this? gachiHYPER sneaky can u hold 3 axes ina teamfight? gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky I feel like conq is bad for Draven gachiHYPER it hit Dees Any virgins in the chat? pokiW gachiHYPER heimer adc KEKW @VandesGrants Kappa Lemonesis KEKW @c9sneaky why no essence reaver nemesis is a dumbass sometimes lmao @MYNEWDUMGAME WutFace is that the real justchill me @sweetenberg new abortion Nice conqueror stats @DeathLotus pokiW ???? 5Head 5Head thats what beta would say sneaky draven is not for sissy :3 wrong 5Head wtf is this skin ticket? gachiGASM HandsUp HandsUp NOT OPTIMAL 5Head gachiGASM gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiHYPER yes :) HandsUp gachiBASS ah yes catch the axe HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED handsUp HandsUp ZDPS it is KEKW catch axes or noob you wont die tho HIT BY A SKILLSHOT <3 what about THIRD LEG gachiHYPER T1 would catch the axe and not die @VandesGrants Doinb would be better than any NA or EU mid in LCS if he played pure mechanical champs hed prob be top 2 in LEC as well nemesis salty BabyRage HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp KEKW @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! gachiGASM do more zero dps sounds good. unless u 1-shot them gachiHYPER HandsUp haHAA HandsUp Sacrifice the pleb HandsUp catch all the axes sneakyWEEBY metabolic POGU \_/ monkaW HandsUp A PLEB MUST BE SACRIFICED he would be the best mid in LCS or LEC dude, caps is the closest you get and Doinb is way more consistent @MYNEWDUMGAME Pog sacrifice me ???? HandsUp @Knique -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] monkaW gachiGASM HandsUp Pog ez af gachiGASM gachiGASM Caps sometimes its a coinflip gachiBASS HandsUp sacrifice me HandsUp am pleb HandsUp is all that lifesteal from only the 2 dorans? wtf @c9sneaky thank you for being a great sleep stream poochiGood holy shit that LS HandsUp HandsUp SACRIFICE ACCEPTED HandsUp They put timers on every camp...... POG he has 12% LS from runes @TheRealMC3 NaM ❗ HandsUp I SURRENDER Stoled. big fan poggers @therealmc3 + Bloodline jarvan wintraded for you <3 @C9Sneaky cuck jarvan Support Draven BIG FAN, Gimmie sub for free win ow :) @VandesGrants @UmiCR ahh didnt see So can you welcome your subs back into your butthole now, being freed and all? WutFace np AHHHH sneakyGasm pyke WeirdCHamp @VandesGrants ye either hes better than caps or is under caps. The only true question though is. is his adc better than UMA JAN monkaW jarvan trading KEKW HandsUp PLEBS MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp KEKW gachiW ONLY 3 LULW EZ Clap KEKW KEKW NOT EVEN 4 KEKW gg was sneakyEZ Clap looked cool KEKW true this is the worst stream ive ever watched in my entire life Weirdga #proud TRU It's almost like if you don't flame your team, they play better.... KEKW KEKW what a washed up ADC /s RPGFei NotSoEZ are the Draven autos still disappearing? just got here tomatoSmile kys @atlehlol headBang !song why not 5 axes MR. Sneaky lmao :P :D headBang @atlehlol TRUEEEE @Clense1269 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] its not a bug lol HandsUp PLEBS MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp @c9sneaky why no essences reaver HandsUp FeelsCoolMan HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp Pool party is doomed @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward HandsUp HandsUp sacrifice the plebs HandsUp no beast hunter ekko's Q was disappearing for me again on ARAM the other day tyler1Hey tyler1Hey tyler1Hey pool is fucked @c9sneaky why no essence reaver... HandsUp ice reaver? Weirdga duo blaber Pog FeelsCumInMyMouthMan Kappa @C9Sneaky why r u not bootcamping in KR ? HandsUp duo meteos wait, how much is challenger cutoff? voyHEART voyHEART voyHEART voyHEART buy icons!!! @mintcake55 we will sacrifice you PepeHands No s for cassiopeia sad sup Sneaky @c9sneaky why no essence reaver??? EZClap Weirdga Clap dmg lul 0 DMG KEKW dmg KEKW damage KEKW LUL dmg KEKW Kappa 2233 @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward @c9sneaky it’s almost like you can juggle 3 axes while only having two sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC KEKW 0 dmg LULW got carried PepegaPls @umicr I SURRENDER HandsUp I've had a game where Ziggs' abilities literally weren't visible but a small barely visible light. go to play aphelios KEKW you didnt buy icons please change this horrendous music please, I'd rather listen k pop even... @c9sneaky why no essence reaver? why is chally cutoff so high now? in seasons past it was like 350-500 @C9Sneaky I like this music tomatoSmile tft AYAYA @c9sneaky do you think afther your game is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward KEKW TFT duo xspecial playing tft 2019 ResidentSleeper TFT TFT LULW 4Weird 🤚 LULW :) buy some icons! :) LUL why is challenger cutoff so high now? in seasons past it was like 350-500 @C9Sneaky :) :) free win :) TFT in 2019 LULW LULW :) go q to findt1 :) tft = zzzzzzz KEKW :) :) wintrading KEKW ♥️ smile TRADING KEKW :) :) PepeS wintrading smile monkaW 15 minutes song incoming guyss Gift him :) KEKW @c9sneaky u didnt play my video yesterday PepeHands skip gently @C9Sneaky gachiW PRAISE BE gachiW @vandesgrants theres a grandmaster rank can afford $2 but not $5 @c9sneaky it’s almost like you can juggle 3 axes, while only having two sneakyC sneakyC sneakyC @VandesGrants grandmaster exists now 4head show boner ty j4 :) Iowa has begun @skip iowa @C9Sneaky donating for sub but doesnt even say twitch name :) GG Okayga 👍 @c9sneaky do you think is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! 3 more dollars and he could have subbed Okayga 👍 can afford 2$ but not 5$ Pepega The_Og_Oreo subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! job for a cowboy EZ 🔫 can u buy some icons? 15 mins XD can we get some chill music the 15min song in iowa? Great game EZ 🔫 monkaGUN 😍 sneaky actually did the Okayga 👍 @CaptainFalliner yep monkaGun 1999 Pog c9weeby subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 40 months! self titled >>>>> iowa Pog I can’t believe you’ve done this chshOMEGA @C9Sneaky YES ITS DOPE iowa? Okayga 3344 @c9sneaky do you think is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward 4Weird Pog Okayga Okayga monkaW Where hydra D: Okayga MadoStab monkaW that album is before iowa actually Okayga TeaTime best farm in 10 mins? @c9sneaky HandsUp KICK MY ASS HandsUp Play some pop hits Snacky @c9sneaky do you think is possible to open your capsule in your chess reward this* idiots out wandering about. will we have alphelios games today? @C9Sneaky buy z HandsUp PLEBS MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp Okayga MadoStab Okayga This music no WutFace Clap Okayga POGGERS Pog @C9Sneaky can we be welcomed to your butthole again Okayga TeaTime snus time RYZE PogU RYZE Pog @mintcake55 hydra blacklisted Rakan Pig Pog Weirdga MadoStab Okayga what are you doing for 2020? @PlatanoHD Say it pepeL headBang 69 RP nice pepeLaugh Just got some chicken tendies and im watchinga sneacky stream. What a time to be alive. why does GM raise the challenger cutoff so much, aren't there more challenger players than before? shouldnt it be lower then? @C9Sneaky We want Hydra Penis jahaha u eill gachiBASS buy icons! free clips! can you share some of that blue essence :( @C9Sneaky Play Smashing Pumkins full album next Pepega PepegaPls reroll skins? Sneaky your Kda Ahri was clean!!!! wil play against lol tyler i want a hug from you tbh, you look cuddly 2020 plans? DuckerZ ? When are gonna learn what sneaky is doing for 2020 spring???? @c9sneaky headBang sneaky 😡HYDRA BLACKLISTED😡 NaM ? NaM ? enemy show me what you wannabeeee @C9Sneaky creep gangbang NaM Okayga TeaTime NaM wehrlilol subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Is doran shield viable for ad? buy some icons in store please i cant wait this match 😂 sneaky vs tyler @c9sneaky if you don't care why you not just reroll all your skin? headBang will we have alphelios games today? @C9Sneaky sneakyWeeb Sneaky, when are we getting a lynn stream? KEKW LuL YOURE A BOSS @you never said anything for my months on Monday 😅😅😭😭😭😭😭😭 KEKW Hell yeah getting gangbanged @c9sneaky 4 dshields????? sneakyC PogChamp PogChamp PepegaPls KEKW KEKW Gangbangin Sneaky gachiBASS Creep block is not a problem :) if u caught ur axe you could w through them :) KEKW PepegaShake KEKW but rusty 10 years of development yea CREEP GANGBANG > CREEP BLOCK why does GM raise the challenger cutoff so much, aren't there more challenger players than before? shouldnt it be lower then? @C9Sneaky IM GONNA DO IT CHAT HandsUp IM GONNA DO IT CHAT HandsUp IM GONNA DO IT CHAT HandsUp IM GONNA DO IT CHAT HandsUp sneky vs tylerr will we have alphelios games today? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky why are you still carrying the c9 label and wearing merch? Fuck them, #NotMyC9 Sneaky cs tyler jungle lul ! Do it HandsUp yeaa HandsUp PLEBS MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp who :) sneaky LEE LULW Pog avril lavgine play a jhin game for him Kappa @c9sneaky can you play corki please flame him 😡 @C9Sneaky kindred time YOU CANT KILL ME tyler is in enemy team PLAY VI Graves Pog ? sneaky lee song? kayn alcove plays PogU you cant kill me cuz im already inside youuuu jungle? peepoLeave shit talk riot , put him in his place @C9Sneaky donation songs sneakyD monkaS Sneaky remember lace blaber Twitch jg Sneaky Jungle Pog play jhin and w from your jungle, there's the jungle gank Sneaky Jungle WeirdChamp @c9sneaky play corki please @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @ForestFairyBilly @TheRealMC3 @julianbelkin @WintersWard Only the Tip ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ let him fk gachiHYPER JUNGLE ANIVIA PogChamp loltyler gachiHYPER pls HandaUp *sneaky replace blaber sic song gachiHYPER Javi_a15_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! happy half year dad corki jungle POGGERS Ezreal jng gg lulw play urgot c9 stealthbomber PepeHands Graves stormrazer black cleaver @c9sneaky yuumi jungle PLZ LOL kindred jg incoming KEKW LUL LOL KEKW LOOOOOOOOOL KEKW KEKW u are against loltyler LUL DAMN Brownii123 converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! @smolaria my laptop crashed, im still booting up discord BabyRage release the hydra HandsUp KEKW LUL LULW OMEGALUL yuumi jungle PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ @C9Sneaky kindred please Sneaky play some pop hits o no @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] DAAAAMN LUL HandsUp PLEBS MUST BE SACRIFICED HandsUp Holy rekt KEKW KEKW @c9sneaky it’s almost like the alcove is completely useless KEKW @SmolClaire BibleThump KEKW ANIKI HandsUp ANIKI HandsUp ANIKI HandsUp ANIKI HandsUp yuumi jungle OH NO KEKW He didn't had to go so hard on Jack KEKW ratirlWot ratirlWot ratirlWot KEKW HandsUp YES KINDRED BOT I SAW IT HandsUp c9 jack pepeJAM Graves Kindred adc Pog go adc we want to see you fking loltyler KINDRED BOT IS BUSTED quinn adc best adc that was great @SmolAria we back girls Pog ii think its Jhin time KEKW PepegaPls Someone gift all the plebs before we are sacrificed monkaS kid banned draven sivir or twitch @SmolClaire Pog @C9Sneaky When are you taking C9 out of your name pepeJAMMER JHIN TIME BOISSSS KEKW jack KINDRED PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeJAM August is savage KEKW 2020 plans? PepegaShaje post-hardcore sneaky was imprisoned by c9 all this time PepegaPls jhin to win Okayga marlon brandos eyessss GRAVES ADC PogChamp LSU KEKW headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang PepegaShake PepegaPls pepeJAM WutFace mf Please play NUNU adc, I believe in you twitch pls August just murdered jack monkaW oh snap my favorite slipknot song! PepegaPls WutFace WutFace kindred ad Pog Cait MF VoHiYo headBang pepeJAMMER play mf WutFace ashe! who listens to this WutFace peepoLeave WutFace play kalista :) ez sneakyH Never again am I donating to sneaky headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang BR laugh LUL we jammin chat ez gane MF headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang Ungrateful ass LUCIAN ezrael headBang PepegaPls you cant see californiaaaaaaa can u try kennen with stormrazer :) yasuuo u cant see california with marlon brandon eyeees kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk vayne to game @c9sneaky MF headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAM PepegaPls kai saa PepegaPls headBang PepegaPls ungrateful ass Pepega MF VoHiYo Only donate to lcs players :) !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 57 minutes 47 seconds yo sneaky how do u hold keyboard jhin ez or kai sa? PepegaPls This music is too sneakySpook sneakySpook this shit reminds me of my youth jhiiiiiiin this song makes me want to bang my head against a wall PepegaPls @TheTrueDBomb calm down- PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim ezreal or riot T1 afraid huehuebr @ericbecerra94 brando* KEKW PepoThink @Rubenox alkMoost 🖕 moon2DODGE gachiBASS Did you buy anything today? @C9Sneaky lmao @C9Sneaky have you heard the new Day to Remember track resentment? its a banger Kreygasm gachiW @notdoctorq -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Lustfully indeed PepegaShake Dodge ResidentSleeper Comet Jhin or Comet Varus: YOU DECIDE SNACKERS keyboard cam? PogU Music WutFace sounds hot lustful gachiW HandsUp alkMoost2 hey sneaky :) im your keyboard !opgg Okayga COCK PepegaAim sneaky when he plays apex PepegaAim do 1440p streams exist? headBang Sneaky show your back !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 58 minutes 29 seconds KEKW PepegaAim @C9Sneaky Does cosplaying ever hurt your beanbag? @c9sneaky howcome you never shouted out my 4 months ): feelsbadman #sneakyglasssquirtgasm mmmm sneakySpook sneakySpook sneakySpook Yelling AHHH headBang PepegaPls FeelsGoodMan cock where do you put your fingers on the keyboard i played with you PepegaAim i mean do u put pinky on q or shift? peepoLeave @C9Sneaky did you listen to the new Currents song? SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage gachiHYPER ur ass WutFace WutFace @c9sneaky pls demonstrate using your penis sir SHOW SOCKS PLS @C9Sneaky yes ass maybe? 🤔 yes YOUR ASS your ass no ur back !uptime WutFace gachiHYPER YOUR ASS do a 360 gachiHYPER BABY GOT BACK? I mean your BACK back gachiBass. @C9Sneaky this next hydra is for you @c9sneaky i miss when you playing osu on stream jas buy some icons!! are you still employed by C9? O fuck i forgot to water the dog KEKW sneakyH sneakyH sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyNLT sneakyNLT sneakyNLT sneakyNLT @C9Sneaky weren't you wearing that shirt yesterday gachiW gachiW gachiW gachiW gachiW pls show SOCK hey snack are u emo Sneaky play some POP hits @Carbyyy wtf does he listen to currents ? PepoThink @C9Sneaky Show screen background Love monster hunter PeepoArrive gachiHYPER SHOW ASS @C9Sneaky where did thay piano go? YES LULW moon23 moon24 exposed LULW @SmolAria KEKW show feet ? You don’t have bean bag? peepoLeave LUL @c9sneaky where's Metetous playing this season? KEKW monkaW monkaS didn't do laundry LULW monkaW yes you were KEKW 🤔 @YuYuYuna_ hey monkaW Hey @C9Sneaky can you do some yoga on stream? Weirdga ? monkaW show feet monkaW monkaW @SmolClaire no booli peepoLeave DansGame ratirlWot ratirlWot ratirlWot ratirlWot Do you have legs @C9Sneaky TWO DAYS AGO MonkaS chat always knows. sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora @c9sneaky never gives the shout outs monkaW can u show us ur icons? monkaS monkaS SAME SHIRT FROM LAST WEEK AS WELL LULW saraliSmirk PepeS monkaW Kapp does someone know what card he use to record screen?? monkaW Who was the idiot who tell me he had 2 ? that's still not denying you wore the shirt yesterday DansGame LUL monkaW @SmolAria @SmolClaire but who is smoler monkaHmm @YuYuYuna_ you know saint snow ? HAUNTED ????? LULW monkaS where you at prerecorded stream LUL monkaW monkaW iron chat is delusional KEKW Kappa monkaW seems yooooooor saaaaaaaaaaaaave moon2T lynn showed us her tits prerecorded KEKW pepeLaugh dont tell him chat Roosh raided u yesterday I remember monkaW WTF TWO Sneakys monkaW monkaW Jessica Twitter @Rubenox alkMoost2 hasn't been two full days? jonzheWEIRD jonzheWEIRD jonzheWEIRD jonzheWEIRD FeelsBadMan PepeHands monkaW @TheRealMC3 claire KEKW @C9Sneaky louder \_/ FeelsBadMan ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS ratirlMangoS monkaW doppelganger pre-recorded stream DansGame gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS PepeHands Hot pot isnt thanksgivings :) gachiW gachiW gachiW gachiW gachiW ?????????????? @SmolAria lHxcToxic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 22 months! Hello DAD! How have you been? princessJhin gachiBASS look me at my brand new eeeeeeeeeeye sumSmash headBang sumSmash pre-recorded streams cmonBruh @TheTrueDBomb alkMoost2 peepoWTF Why not listening to mozart brain power boost anymore? PepeHands moon2H @SmolClaire you are LUL @SmolAria pepeLaugh I AM??? @SmolAria sumSmash REPLAY THE SCREAM Kreygasm SwiftRage pls show SOCK yes? KEKW ratirlFF ratirlFF ratirlFF WutFace @SmolAria @SmolClaire LULW WutFace PepegaPls moon2H AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WutFace 👂 WutFace Do me in my butt now AYEEEEEE D: this is news to me POG WutFace GOOD MUSIC POG Oh here's a classic @Rubenox alkMoost2 @Pakidermo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KKool Kreygasm SwiftRage headBang Kreygasm gachiBASS gachiBASS Bro what card u use for record screen?? stream. headBang WAIT AND BLEED headBang <3 <3 <3 @TheTrueDBomb alkMosot @SmolClaire how is it news DansGame @TheRealMC3 i was gonna say aria but i guess she beat me D: sneaky I need motivation for school is this that de sneaky message balls and talk about the quantic gaming interview @Rubenox alkNakloh @C9Sneaky have u heard new Black Veil Brides song? PogU if you take all the names of sneakys cosplays and rearrange them it spells Epstein didn't kill himself @SmolClaire D: VERY clean headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake Pog hey C9Sneaky do you like toast? @SmolAria D: POGSLIDE @C9Sneaky will you be my dad? anyone else get the sneezes after drinking? Kreygasm D: @TheTrueDBomb alkNakloh monkaMega Where is Pokemon, you didnt battle Marriarne! sneakySpook sneakySpook2 BigBrother Clap Show me the blitz game pls winning only stream Pog I remember that Blitz game well @longdogs nice meme COMET JHIN TIME :D play draven pls :) @SmolClaire LMAO welp idk who to believe Kapp @C9Sneaky are u still "officially" part of the c9 org? LUL Blitz game what was the blitz Kappa widepeepoHappy me too toast these balls headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake better than bread? @C9Sneaky can you give me motivation for school headBang PepegaPls toast PogYou i had toast this morning @TheRealMC3 believe me cause ima 4yr sub sneaky1 sneaky2 @Rubenox alkW5 Lethality comet Jhin time Pog oathDab gachiBASS KEKW 😂 👌 gachiW GOTTEEEEM oathDab @C9Sneaky have u heard new Black Veil Brides song? @C9Sneaky you going to listen to this dogshit all night? I thought Jensen was malding. He does not have hair this song is so fking good. ez @SmolClaire 5Head u rite KEKW D: @SmolClaire D: Cheats 4House @TheTrueDBomb alkW6 D: ok LOL D: LULW WidePeepoSad GOTTEM just go 4House D: monkaS sneakyD sneakyD That’s hot alkNakloh D: D. Do your god damn homework lol D: D: umbass D: D: D: WTF hullo snacky! alkBG D: sneakyD D: IM TRYING! sneakyD WOAH 5Head sneakyD Stop bullying him jasonrLUL jasonrLUL jasonrLUL jasonrLUL jasonrLUL jasonrLUL alkBG D: sneaky never went to school why ask him for motivation 4House what D: diablo 4 waiting room KEKW metal vocalists sing better than like any others alkPlastic D: But true go to class D: 5head LUL sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD NotLikeThis princessHands D: @SmolAria im just more respectable 👀 INSIDE MICHELLE I WAIT AND BLEED @C9Sneaky Im not a stoopid head widepeepoSad monkaHmm AYAYAWeird have sex with the teacher to pass 3Head @YuYuYuna_ you know saint snow ? Too far sneaky 4Weird 3Head RunToxic subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 27 months! So whats the conclusion on barriers on adcs? is it better than heal @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky alright thanks leaving stream :D @SmolClaire PepeHands do sneaky ever plays Final Fantasy XIV on stream? MID D: KEKW Pepega FBBlock 🧠 ok boomer KEKW hey C9Sneaky do you like waffles? @SmolAria KEKW 4P AD OR LOSE LULW RIOT PLS FIX MM KEKW Ill have you know I can count to banana Inside michelle i wait and bleeeeeeed vayne top, trist mid do it :) mornin peeps Hey Streamer, will you not notice me? rooSmush @c9sneaky if you take all the names of sneakys cosplays and rearrange them it spells Epstein didn't kill himself sneakySpook sneakySpook2 peepoLeave HandaYp the only question sneaky has answered from me was if he had butter on his toast. im very happy that MATCHMAKING KEKW sneaky4 TeaTime peepoLeave @C9Sneaky hi dad <3 @hotdogss peepoArrivd Ad team Pog @smalllilderp peepoArrive wtf. HandsUp. riot matchmaking pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky do you ever play final fantasy xiv on stream? this song reminds me of myspace KEKW LULW spoilers WeirdChamp PauseChamp @danielfrombrazil3 like the game ? PepoThink Pog ? alkNakloh PauseChamp inside michelle i wait and bleeeeeed PauseChamp PauseChamp hmmm @C9Sneaky Cant say or wont say? @hotdogss COGGERS hey C9Sneaky do you like waffles? inb4 true damage qiyana cosplay Read the manga WeirdChamp WHAT ROLE IS THE COSPLAY Hit 'em with the Ahri Kreygasm @smalllilderp COGGERS cosplay as c9 sneaky LUL SURFACING PogU EVELYNNN MF cosplay with fake tits Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm jhin cosplay? :O true damage senna, ur skin tone is perfect @C9Sneaky Cosplay as Sneaky PagChomp Evelyn!! PogYou HOVER THE CHAMP YOU WILL BE COSPLAYING PogU PepeS SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage Hint B2 @C9Sneaky do you think your c9 teammates squeezed their hogs to your cosplay? @JaBugz07 Good one LULW Jhin sneakyChamp Sneaky do you like Waffles pls answer Sonia from Pokeman? PagChomp PogU CAUSE ITS LEAGUE ALL STARS LULW cause ur owened by riot LULW cosplay Heartseeker ASHE braum Pog ASTOLFO PogU The role is bot KappaPride Sneaky's gonna cosplay as Rush true damag senna, ur skin tone is perfect @C9Sneaky gonna be kinda weird if its not LULW non league cosplay at league event Weirdga $10 its a dota character because you dont know anythign but league Kapp He cosplays a DOTA character and Riot gets bigmad ITS ASTOLFO Pog COSPLAY AS REKSAIBEST GIRL OMEGALUL Caitlyn or Jinx game! Those pair with Morg? FUGG YOU ALL rp as twitch plz sjokz cosplay POGGERS Does sneaky have nipples? jhin or we riot @C9Sneaky convince Bang to cosplay pls? headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake gonna be star wars char 👀 headBang @c9sneaky illaoi cosplay sneakyC go as a smite character B2 cosplay ASTOLFO FOR SURE Pokemon cosplay WeirdChamp THE TRAP KING Pog Nijaswag subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 4 months! hey daddy I love you and I wish u would play this split but I understand ur reasoning and I stand with u the god sneaky shouldn't fight for his spot LULW peepoPog Meepo cosplay PagChomp baby yoda cosplay pls Melony from Pokemon Kreygasm TECHIES COSPLAY PogChamp cosplay marnie PogU Jhin mid Pog I hope its Nami qop smORC @C9Sneaky I failed NNN from ahri cosplay :') steve from minecraft cosplay COSPLAY MEEPO Pog D OMEGALUL TA Phreak cosplay? dota Pog MEEPO oof Cosplay Dota Sven D OMEGALUL TA monkaW dota !song LULW no waifus in dota WeirdChamp no Jensens hairline cosplay ugly ass characters DansGame LULW @c9sneaky can we get a ricardo cosplay? :) no KEKW "are there like any girls with BREAST PLATES?!" pudge cosplay SMOrc @C9Sneaky lina any comfies boxComfy dumpComfy mooComfy any cozies katerinoCozy ratirlCozy squadCozy GabeN TEMPLAR ASSASSIN KappaPride Phantom assasin drow ranger Cosplay as a guy @C9Sneaky GabeN windranger Windranger @C9Sneaky are you planning on winning 1v1 tourney by distracting them with your cosplay GabeN thank you for playing our game PUDGE COSPLAY PogChamp @C9Sneaky u signed with TSM so that u lynn and leena can cosplay the power puff girls together right? Pog HotPokket So are we hearing any news soon ? We are all just assuming you're staying on C9 as a streamer right ?! @C9Sneaky @YuYuYuna_ believe again saint snow on Youtube, AYAYA KEKW HotPokket HotPokket LUL sexist game CHUN LI COSPLAY?? WOMEN HAVE NO STRENGTH KEKW SMOrc Women no waifus WeirdChamp no waifus WeirdChamp no waifus WeirdChamp 🦍👍 GabeN HotPokket demon hunter from hots! STRENGTH WOMEN?? SO LEONA???? Sneaky's got a thing for stronk-girls im telling yuo guys...hes going for reksai cosplay ILLAOI will u ever do a male cosplay in the future? @C9Sneaky @c9sneaky Danny devito cosplay confirmed 🦍 HotPokket fucking patriarchy HotPokket jhin sneakyChamp HotPokket wtf no waifus WeirdChamp no waifus WeirdChamp no waifus WeirdChamp dota needs more sexy chars like league D: nimbus cloak on jhin? no guys @c9sneaky Lara Croft Tomb Raider cosplay KappaPride Pog Leona cosplay it's yuumi sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp jhin gender bender Strength women, so you are cosplaying leona i got you now Cosplay Invoker Pog Dark willow hey C9Sneaky do you like waffles? waffle these nuts COSPLAY MEEPO D OMEGALUL T A Kreygasm naked Kreygasm Kreygasm QoP Kreygasm Dark willow Poggers @SmolClaire no WeirdChamp no QoP AKASHA WISP SVEN DARK WILLOW AYAYA cosplay enchantress ) willow is new Gweiss96 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! neutral items beat idea 2019 snap fire is the other new one Meepo or riot 😡 @evanj411 how am i gonna jerkoff in the loading screens then??? wtf?? dark willow = fun headBang Jhin D: LEARNING DOTA ? @C9Sneaky NaM SUPERLONGGWEISS NaM NaM headBang headBang headBang headBang spitfire is the other new DansGame Furries and Scalies DansGame NaM headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang dark willow is just dota's version of lulu KEKW Comet Jhin ? 3 years NaM Clap void spirt and spitfire @SmolClaire whoa whoa still one more day of november Kapp @danielfrombrazil3 ohh i just listened AYAYA its cute af hiiros1Ayaya headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake NaM ResidentSleeper Jebaited marnie cosplay Kreygasm littlegreensir subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! Hi sneaky. Can you play Ashe? NaM SUPERLONGDWEISS NaM @TheRealMC3 for me NNN ended on day 3 KEKW NaM / BROODMOTHER COSPLAY widepeepoHappy @SmolClaire OMEGALUL This aint league champions Cosplay IO hiiros1Ayaya NaM Its Kled Dota 2 completely ripped off League of Legends NaM SUPERLONGGWEISS NaM io NaM @YuYuYuna_ cute and so fking good song @Gweiss96 now there's a name I havent heard in a WHILE @YuYuYuna_ imagine not being here during the Thanksgiving stream FeelsWeirdMan Happy WW NaM / NaM GWEISS Clap NOBODY out-pizzas the HUT @C9Sneaky NaM A pangolin champ Pog @nahdawgdataintme wut? KEKW a pirate palodin? @TheTrueDBomb monkaW NaM HYPERCLAP @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @ForestFairyBilly @TheRealMC3 @julianbelkin @WintersWard Only the Tip ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ @C9Sneaky cosplay Nezuko Jhiiiiin BibleThump imagine being Gweiss96 NaM gachiHYPER bottom of the strength radiant heroes @c9sneaky @TheRealMC3 i had no chance Kapp @C9Sneaky marnie from pokemon @nahdawgdataintme LULW gachiHYPER NaM 7 m'sneaky Cosplay dr mundo do u play monster hunter world with that background @C9Sneaky @decodeproxy it's just a clone like Mobile Legends PIZZA HUT SPONSOR WutFace ResidentSleeper the REALEST sleep stream no cap ResidentSleeper sneaky cosplay sneaky Evelynn pls Any gweiss subs? NaM / headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake @c9weeby why the shaco bans? dota 2 has more interesting mechanics and heroes than league @C9Sneaky armor pen cait with the new attack speed leathality item @Rastabraum hey my niece is my #1 beesh PunOko nothing stopping me from seeing her oathDab What are the odds? PogYou banning jhin KEKW nobody out greases the hut. @SmolClaire you were being controlled understandable then Kapp NaM @C9Sneaky cosplay Nezuko cosplay senno PLX NaM NaM NaM @c9sneaky when is the jhin cosplay sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm NaM NaM Kindred NaM NaM 7 NaM Cosplay Zac NaM NaM @ZeroEx9 OP I SAW IT NaM chshBANNED chshHeart chshBANNED kaisa3 Slipknot is my shit. Pumps me up at the gym lol NaM GWEISS NaM GWEISS NaM GWEISS NaM GWEISS NaM GWEISS Except all their competitors.... headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang !dpi @TheRealMC3 technicalllllyyy true 👀 Hot princessWow peepoPog Thats what makes a SUBARU, a SUBARU @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky can you do a pool party taric cosplay i'm gay and i need something to enjoy monkaS sneakyChamp PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Then show your ashe draw me daddy Its about damn time what jhin skin When's the gin cosplay coming? Can you play ez Would Sneaky do a male cosplay? whats your dpi snickers ppOverheat hi snorky Hes gonna give jhin boobs Wait sneaky doesnt crossdress as men for cosplay is heimer / zyra a bad matchup for jhin? or do i suck @SmolClaire 👀 oof i see u that NaM clip link name OwO !song PepegaPls @c9sneaky anivia cosplay? PowerUpL tyler1N PowerUpR VIET MaN ? @nahdawgdataintme He's done kakashi :) Donger peepoArrive BigBrother I overdosed on LSD one time and turned on tyler1s stream, his head kept growing bigger and bigger @C9Sneaky MaN ❗ ashe OkayChamp VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? VIET ___ ? @c9sneaky it’s almost like you like cosplaying like girls...hmmmm sneakyC MaN No Donger peepoLeave @c9sneaky do you only do female cosplay? PowerUpL Nam PowerUpR MaN MaN NaM that jhin ban lookin like a target ban ngl MaN 7 NaM sir could you please provide me your mouse dpi NaM MaN ? MaN Okayga TeaTime GIGANTIC GENITALIA Slipknot was decent live, but Lamb of God is way better. Nice @unsleeping_ I guess I've only seen the ones on the league reddit PepegaShake MaN jhiiiiiin BibleThump Fuck MaN fuck MaN NaM ? fuck MaN MaN Do you drown yourself in drugs and alcohol to deal with the lost/betrayal of the most important person in your life? ZERO BULLSHIT TIME PepegaPls peepoBlonket @YuYuYuna_ whysper GER _ _ _ Y ❓ drop the nimbass pepeJAM NaM MaN ? go pta NaM ? omnistone for both Conquer Ashe Kappa @c9sneaky leona cosplay? NaM just go omnistone so you can take both NaM DansGame pta Ashe low-key op AYAYA HYPERCLAP AYAYA @BrianRdx its more of a hobby, less of drowning AYAYA @C9Sneaky watch "zero bullshit slipknot" on youtube plz AYAYA widepeepoHappy Fuck hueheuheuheuh? @xailpm According to his FAQ Mouse sensitivity: 800 DPI AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA BdonIII subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 9 months! yuh AYAYA AYAYA NaM @c9sneaky I hear 5 dorans on Ashe is good sneakyC DansGame AYAYA mr snacks Pog go conq @danielfrombrazil3 I dont see a whisper sir PepoThink !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 9 minutes 8 seconds @YuYuYuna_ no more whysper DansGame Approach deez nuts approach velocity and boots Does Ashe Q proc multiple conqueror stacks chat or just one per burst auto? omnistone every game 5Head KEKW ohh KEKW Ornn jungla Pepega pepeLaugh Go Conq on ash LUL LUL pta Ashe with Ashe q auto reset dodged FeelsBadMan KEKW LMAO TF rekt @UmiCR its legit no gaming allowed KEKW me :) TacoWaffle subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 33 months! howdy dad, love you. hope you have a great night<3 i am :) me :) me :) sroCannon sroCannon sroCannon sroCannon me :) Me :) no i am :) me on all my alts to lock you in :) @danielfrombrazil3 accept my fr, i had to turn on friend only because some weird fucks hiiros1Lul I :) Please ashe 😭😭😭 FeelsEvilMan u 2 headBang headBang headBang headBang sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH weeeeeee this song is fckd up i love it Brownii123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 1 month streak! They don't want the wrath of daddy sneaky. Dodge incoming fuck ashe hit me widda twitch my doggy PENGUINS IN THE CHAT PLS Ggs that was me :) Grievousxkilljoy subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Idk what to say here uhhh, bababooey, cornholio, that's it for my prepared remarks. lol itsjabHappy itsjabGun itsjabW m lmao emojis what 😳 monkaW monkaW How do you do that? o((⊙﹏⊙))o. monkaMega MF VoHiYo jimx no way D: jinx U-uhmm monkaMega MF! monkaW :clown: 🤡 jhin conq on ash jhin peepoPog BR Sneaky confirmed? jinx T_T ColorV2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 7 months! monkaW Ooga Booga jhin plox widepeepoSad skip tattered @C9Sneaky 🤡 i like slipknot but this song sucks EZ 🔫 Asheeee Wait thats illegal 🤡 not korn, slipnot !:) @C9Sneaky run Conq can someone tell me how sneaky is putting the emojies in chat?????? sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyFun sneakyWoo 🤡 jornn Pog 😭😭😭😭😭 PagChomp God gamer playing John peepoLeave headBang sumSmash headBang sumSmash this skin makes me cum Is this the new Imagine Dragons song? CHANGE SKIN i love tattered cmonBruh headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake TriHard 7 change skin ay switch this braindamaged song pls @C9Sneaky i love virus of the life aswell post malone @C9Sneaky change skin to dark cosmic Trihard 7 Stay High Noon virginia tech music monkaW headBang TriHard 7 sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace @C9Sneaky Neeko AD viable? their best album tho, before they became bitches make it stop NotLikeThis Didn’t change skin 4Weird headBang wait, the whole album? jasonrB jasonrB jasonrB jasonrB jasonrB triMini High noon has nicer auto sound fxs FeelsOkayMan @danielfrombrazil3 oo i like their costumes sfhWOW AYAYA forsenCD forsenCD ✌️ boomer music FeelsGoodMan 😎 jasonrEars What do you press to do emojis AYAYA headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake In league client FortOne forsedCD can the music change its so dark AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA :) AYAYA 7 AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA peepoWTF Weebs ruin everything AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA HYPERCLAP peepoLeave weebs AYAYA @JackyOppa KEKW AYAYAWeird 4Weird we are being screamed at headBang AYAYA cute chat @babasaur WIN + . AYAYAWeird Clap get in AYAYA Clap this music trying to sleep though peepoLeave VIRGIN TEST PokiW oh sneaky likes metal? AYAYA peepoAim AYAYA Clap AYAYA how do you emoji in league chat? Kekw AYAYA AYAYA Clap @0ttomike turn on a light bro AYAYA sneakyEZ danRE WEEBS OUT danRE slipknot rekts your otakus asses AYAYAWeird selphyOwO AYAYA Clap peepoWTF :forsenGun: AYAYA D: D: AYAYA Put manly music, not this 00's edgy boy band D: @C9Sneaky how do you emoji in league chat I got kekw’d at AYAYA AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA DansGame AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA AYAYA We have you surrounded now Dansgame-kun !! D: sneakyD AYAYA AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA DansGame AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA AYAYA We have you surrounded now Dansgame-kun !! Dad how's ezreal atm with conqueror? @c9sneaky le nimbus AYAYA AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA DansGame AYAYA ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ AYAYA AYAYA We have you surrounded now Dansgame-kun !! danAY why is he yelling man FeelsBadMan pikacaLiree You just pressed a button sneaky how do you emote in client peepoLeave weebs? danAY danAY danAY Sneakers.... 4Weird HSWP HSWP HSWP hi snackers looking good awetosApelike Aceshin Electric Skateboard PUT On a real band, liek the Chainsmokers @Thaloar telling sneaky to do something manly KEKW yodaBloodTrail vrfunnREE @RandyTheRam1 i have a problem i need to talk about. when i get malphite in aram i spend the entire game making rock puns. PMSTwin PMSTwin AYAYA AYAYA KEKW weebs? peepoArrive @YuYuYuna_ oddonePat KEKW monkaW That sounds broken KEKW AYAYA Ah ok ty crit KEKW @JGisPVE that rocks iiii wasnt promised a thiiiiing AYAYA LOL awetosPrisonMike monkaW Ezreal Statick Shiv Wouldn't that be op? How was your thanksgiving chat? but fun weeb chat peepoArrive @JGisPVE Sounds like a solid problem no. !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2150 cuties in chat AYAYA I'm in for ot EZ finally off meta FeelsOkayMan @AcidicStorm hiiros1Pat sfhCOME thatd be Pog @SmolClaire LULW AYAYA Clap !ayaya AYAYA There are 2151 cuties in chat AYAYA FeelsPumpkinMan 0 :) like 3 me :) @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @TheRealMC3 im awful KEKW emoji keyboard on windows 10 is windows key and semicolon 9 kog? 1 Kapp Is it viable to get blades on Jhin? kaisa ezreal AYAYAWeird agilAYAYA kalista lucian? vyne teemo Would that break ezreal or unironically fix him around 6 probably NotSoEZ kog maw kalista @brianrdx dm me varus lethality ap crit luc vayne kinda gachiBASS KOG cog corki mf AYAYA TEEMO kogmaw corki sneakySpook sneakySpook2 ah senna if she counts @SmolClaire 10/10 KEKW xEnvader subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! whos ur favorite naruto character quinn can do some wierd stuff 3 I guess remember the 90 min LCK game where Bang went full crit on Ezreal LUL like 4 perhaps TEEMO AYAYAWeird Clap EZ HEIMER Kappa Yo ornn heimer Lucian BotrK/Cleaver build Corki :) @TheRealMC3 Pog 10/10 kaisa headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake headBang PepegaPls PepegaShake kakashi > jhin 4 ie heimer :) ivern KALISTA draven varus VAYNE kalista black cleaver Lucian Draven Kaisa and Ezreal for sure DRAVEN vayne no map cover? AYAYA play yasuo you pussy madara Kreygasm hyper speed jhin Pog what about kakashi KAMUI? @C9Sneaky @Clense1269 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @c9sneaky do u get drug tested? and do u prefer smoking the marijuana's or eatable's? kalista? PogChamp Madara uchiha @SmolClaire EZ Clap its madonna madara ResidentSleeper GUY SENSEI OR UR GAY kalista HandsUp gachiBASS quinn chat: names every adc Pog whoever that guy with the sand powers I like PepoThink liberaaaaate my madnesssss Lucian, Senna, Ezreal, Kaisa, Kalista and Draven with BT rush draven? Kalista @YuYuYuna_ gaara? Obito Pog @CoolLionPicture im gay for guy wtf vayne DIE!!! BANANA!!! DIE!!! BANANA!!! !followage varus ? Does Corki count? bounce Pog Heimer Kappa Rainbreaux has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 2 weeks kallista is a character in this game? LUL @TheRealMC3 Yee him sneakyH EVEN BETTER @Botkovics18 Ino Kreygasm @YuYuYuna_ sneakyH hes cool @hotdogss -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @CoolLionPicture gachiW im one im all im above and beyooooond Kreygasm obito vs kakashi fite Kreygasm Kreygasm PowerUpL gachiBASS PowerUpR @c9sneaky Ero-Sennin was better liberate my madnesssss @TheRealMC3 EZ LUL @botkovics18 I am a guy! KEKW KEKW Blitz hook rate is 100% PagChomp Kai’sa and Ezreal build pretty diff initially @booishmonk daddy varus can build lethality crit or as AYAYA recall comp LUL Kreygasm HYPERCLAP NA solo queue smh @danielfrombrazil3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! Varus and Vayne pretty much build rageblafe gachiBASS I miss the old cooking simulator Sneaky, those were the good old days HandsUp hookcity Pog KEKW hooks Pog @c9sneaky cover map KEKW wtf is this botlane this Blitz hitting better hooks than G2 Mickyx those hooks are godlike Pog rapgod time This Blitz never misses a hook PogU MF can go AP :) 100% qs landed Pog @diy_milk ouch ThePMofBM subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Love you snackers FRAUD alcove flank Pog FRAUD !!!!!!!! Blitz Pog alcove play Pog theyre too passive BabyRage why must the youth tell so much in their music? no heal FeelsBadMan FOUR Pog PogU LULW KEKW PogU 4 Kreygasm clair_highwind subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 8 month streak! i love you sneaky, wishing you the best of luck in the future <3 Pog EZ Pog KEKW finally action Pog wait Ornn jg? EZ FOUR sneakyChamp claire heal would have saved him chat not cool FeelsBadMAn have you tried the new champ on the PBE? heal widepeepoSad jhin monkaS FOUR sneakyChamp 4? 😂 Three? DansGame 4 monkaW 5? I LVOE THIS SONG <4 2? moon2O FUCK I SHOULDA SAID 4 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PROSTHETICS THE BEST of the albu u look weird without make up LUL @C9Sneaky three will be the number. 4 is too many PepegaAim monkaMega dorans time Pog I have 4 inches IM KIDDINGGGGGGG @C9Sneaky sneakers what do you have to say about the rumors that Tyler1 will be joining c9 academy as the adc sub? PepeS music !SR Lethargica Meshuggah gachiW even if you run i will find youuuuuuuu Not rushing Dorans DansGame nvm Jebaited no dorans PepeHands hey thats not 4 dorans >:( no dorans time peepoLeave peepoLeave no dorans why not 4 dorans? pleb @najorin Not two, nor five. But three. youve changed peepoLeave monkaMega 👉 4 i'm here for the dorans 6 dorans.... cmon peepoLeave gachiBASS gachiHYPER wow sneaky peepoLeave peepoLeave Wouldn't presence of mind be better on jhin? or is Triumph just that good on jhin NO DORANS REPORTED @C9Sneaky if i beat you in a 1v1 does that mean i can be an lcs gamer? peepoLeave wtf gachiW this used to be a dorans blade stacking stream FeelsBadMan peepoLeave peepoLeave wait ball scratching? peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoLeave LilZ LilZ LilZ peepoLeave best lyrics of the album by far D: no dorans? peepoLeave no dolans No doran DansGame c9 balls is back! the tip gachiBASS trolling streamer not buying 4 dorans peepoLeave WHY IS THERE AN ORNN JG?!?!?!?! gone peepoLeave no dorans !? No dorans? peepoLeave ah shit, thats where i went wrong, i forgot to ball scratch. the magic that was missing PepeHands tbh they should do an easter egg if you get a champion kill you get 4 gold no db peepoLeave peepoLeave no dorans reeeee No dorans? peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave True chads build only dorans @Bigfist420 hiiros1Ayaya gachiHYPER fake sneaky..... Lets go chat peepoLeave peepoLeave @CaptainFalliner Overheal is the best of those 3 no dorans peepoLeave Bye Snakky peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave no doran's? x9 report pls peepoLeave peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave that's it, im out peepoLeave no dorans im out chat 😡 peepoLeave peepoLeave wait chat no widepeepoSad Hegzvold subscribed with Twitch Prime. peepoLeave comeback... widepeepoSad peepoLeave 🚪 peepoLeave peepoArrive hey chat im back no peepoLeave dorans PepegaShake @YuYuYuna_ peepoArrive peepoLeave 🚪 peepoArrive he is not reading chat peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave @fosco11235 wouldn't say best imo but it is pretty good peepoLeave No dorans peepoLeave alcove widepeepoHappy Why did multi Doran all of a sudden become more popular peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave action peepoArrive alcove play OkayChamp peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive sneakyYeehaw @Segma5 korean strat dorans? What is sneaky doing now peepoArrive KKona This town aint big enough monkaW peepoArrive Get outta here skeeter YEEYEE KKool KEKW peepoStay D: OMEGALUL KEKW LUL KEKW LULW dammit man i knew it was a mistakeeee KKona go away my land boi NotLikeThis dick lol pepeLaugh LUL WTF BLITZ PunOko mr robot why PepeHands peepoArrive DAMMIT MAN I KNEW IT WAS A MUSTANG bless you AYAYA bless you achooo AYAYA Bless u maybe an accident though lol loooooool bless u widepeepoHappy Bless you Lynn AYAYA peepoLeave KEKW Lmao Metal in sneaky's twitch peepoArrive its slipknot peepoLeave robot died for snaky PepeHands hey guys :) NA LEE KEKW Blitz Pog AYAYA @Segma5 reasoning: snowball meta pushes your early lead into midgame tempo, effectivly tilting your oponents from getting outpresured WHO IS THIS WOMAN ? Pog ? KEKW ??? LULW ?? ? ??? LOL i love this blitz so much ? ? :O ? pepeL KEKW ? KEKW KEKW ??? Nimbus PogU ? ? pepeLaugh ?? ??? ? pepeD Nimbus for speed ok for ms :) speed boost movement speed ???? ? MOVE SPEED BRONZE CHAT nimbus iron chat Nimbus Pog Iron chat KEKW nice heal Kapp CHAT Pepega kekw BARRIER FOR SPEED KEKW Pepega chat IRON CHAT Pepega bnanaWhat oh PepoThink KEKW BRONZE CHAT KEKW Nimmas Cloak ??? KEKW no dorans and now this? he forgot he had barrier lol KEKW HE DIDN'T NEED NIMBUS FOR THAT KEKW Sneaky music peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave iron chat pepeLaugh CLOACK Pepega it gives movespeed, lol bronze chat KEKW Pepega peepoLeave ? he has the thingy PepoThink beep boop PepeHands PogU Kreygasm Pohg I forgot they changed nimbus Kreygasm nimbus cock Kreygasm Kreygasm PogYou PogU PogYou clean Pog Kreygasm Pog chat knows nothing Kreygasm PogU NIMBUS CLOACK pog PogU PogU !song PogU !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 22 minutes 9 seconds PogU gachiGASM KEKW PogYou Lipsnot! monkaW diana KEKW peepoArrive i see R? xShrews subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 37 months! Git Gud scrub lord, happy three years watch waht PogYou PepegaShake monkaS but no dorans yet peepoLeave why not go for the syndra widepeepoHappy 37 years !sens Lipsnot PepegaShake 37 days Pog ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ monkaS johnmatthewwilder subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months, currently on a 1 month streak! hello ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ hueheuehuheu ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ Bullshit ads even on phone now okay i wont monkaS ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ no boots Happy Thanksgiving, Mother Trucker Pepega ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ DansGame ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ KEKW no boots btw What is this..font for ants? 😡 KEKW Chat @C9Sneaky Sup bro! KEKW LEE Pog DAFUCK chat WeirdChamp No dorans peepoLeave ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ peepoLeave PepegaPls Does this monkey even read chat? ????????? ghost ghost ghost af sneakyD Zolphaz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 29 months! Pepega CHarge FeelsWowMan how's lucian right now ghosting ghost man FeelsBadMan ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ Weirdga his team probably pinged it pvman = gg KEKW Pepega CHAAAAAAAARGE Pepega HYPERCLAP 4Weird lee pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey Pepega Pepega 📣 CHAAAAAAAAARGEEEEE @incested_animal look at your name. You don’t get to speak Pepega 📣 chaaaaaaaaarge Pepega 📣 Pepega ROOSH CHAAARGE Weirdga @yisuzako i think he's happy, with his wife back and stuff cmonBruh pvmanMonkey Pepega @BeastSupremo das racist pvmanMonkey pvmanMonkey ᶦ ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ ᶦᶠ ᵃᶰʸ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳˢ ᶜᵒᵖʸ ᵃᶰᵈ ᵖᵃˢᵗᵉ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵇᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ i cant remember i dont understand the malice that made you this way whoishenry123 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! wowza 10:510 So is Senna a useful Marks pick? or the hype gone? Black Friday TriHard Clap WideHard FeelsWeirdMan Sneaky will be C9's streamer? TriHard woooooow wow FeelsWowMan @jadeknightblazer hype gone @sideiine WeirdChamp cmonBruh mods cmonBruh Pepega 📣 going in for fun DansGame WideHard 7 TriHard WideHard 7 @BeastSupremo ? cmonBruh why is sneaky even hotter with age Kreygasm who are you lmfao Mods TriHard ghosted af LULW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 25 minutes 5 seconds @sktzz -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] yuh TriHard WutFace WutFace WutFace wtf WutFace WutFace @SnipingHobo rooLick WutFace WutFace @UmiCR Thanks! Kaisa is afk KEKW WutFace WutFace KEKW Pogv Pog monkaS pog Worst blitz ever monkaW WutFace monkaS\ gachiBASS wtf Thresh gachiBASS INTERACTION monikaS headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Ride that beesh gachiBASS Hhahahaa long distance relationship with thresh thresh gatchiW gachiW slowmo Pog KEKW @SmolAria mangoNiceGuy THEY'RE GONNA LIVE CHAT @SmolClaire stop it widepeepoSad KEKW robot going in for fun Pog LUL alcove play EZ lol wtf monkaMega ALCOOOOOOOOVE gg next Pog alcove plays KEKW monkaW when will you announce plans @c9sneaky ALC Pog VE whole team died lmao gg this blitz is insane! sneaky i love you whole team is dead KEKW team?? nice team ya got there sneak uh weird the team go whoel team dead lol XD XD sneaky i love you monkaMega tyler1XD XD sneaky i dont monkaMega 👉 15-4 xd pepeLaugh D O R I M E KEKW monkaMega KEKW @c9sneaky thoughts on Loco saying your boyfriend is causing issues with C9? -1 CS KEKW -2 -2 cs KEKW -2 KEKW KEKW So Bad cs LUL no dorans no win 75% kp Pog monkaMega 👉 15-4 KEKW dw yas just getting closer to his 10 death pop off monkaW Kreygasm can you show color settings? @C9Sneaky gachiBASS ? imagine thinking loco is relevant LUL losing because no 6 dorans KEKW PepegaPls who tf is Loco? ad ResidentSleeper Locobroco statick shiv slow in area what ad? OkayChamp Got PogU imagine thinking loco isn't relevant. Needed at least 3 dorans this game FailFish Its El Truco gone? Pog what happened with loco? what did loco say? ff KEKW widepeepoSad starBaka starBaka starBaka nani jhin nerfs widepeepoSad @hydra_pasta -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] FeelsBadMan even hitting everything means nothing gachiBASS widepeepoSad HandsUp gachiHYPER Jebatied by ornn gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER HandsUp headBang wait someone arrested Loco? Jebaited * DansGame gachiBASS headBang monkaW headBang selphyOwO whats happening massive cocks gachiHYPER D: KEKW D: LUL peepoBlonket HYPERCLAP wow this game is over KEKW wait loco is now the US president? fapdoco this fragas 2 guy was kinda griefing biofrost the other day too Nice cock Kappa old slipknot was really good robot Pog blitz landed a hook Pog @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @ForestFairyBilly @TheRealMC3 @julianbelkin @WintersWard Only the Tip ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ Lol KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW ? KEKW SIT Pog KEKW KEK moon2SH WHY KAISA WHY KEKW ???? FAST AF BOY LULW NA KAISA ? just came here straight from Reddit...apparently Loco is under investigation gachiHYPER KEKW ????? torava ?????????/ KAISA GOING IN FOR FUN Pepega kekw biated gachiHYPER @danielfrombrazil3 gachiHYPER she missed W LOL KEKW KEKW sneakyD LULW KEKW LUL WTF was that POW Pog PogYou Pog Pog PogU ??????? pocketpick PogU LUL holy shit Pog PogYou PogChamp qucik int are you a god or something? NU TTY Pog Pog nice dodge PogYou PogU PogYou LULW KEKW Pog OOF Pog HYPERCLAP FOUR! PogU Lmao PogU PagChomp Who is this god gamer? POGGERS WE BACK BOIS poggies KEKW Pocketpick PogU moon2SH 18 moon2SH NAKED moon2SH COWBOYS moon2SH sneakyH Kaisa KEKW headBang syndra coming monkaS jhin op, CONFIRMED PoG 1200 g payday payday big ass pay day jhin kaisa trying hard to throw the game They actually feeding sneaky Comebackable Pog Pepega HYPERCLAP shutdowns PogU sneakyChamp sneaky in lane Pog not 420 score DansGame comebackable bois PauseChamp sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH PogU MOON 2SUBS moon2CUTE sneaky in lane PogU PauseChamp COMEBACK Pog bounty hunter jhin get em son WE'RE RICH headBang WINABLE Lyn DansGame cirComfy Pog pocketpick 1 doran FailFish subbing to moon moon2LOLE TEAM HAS 18 DEATHS WHILE SNEAKY 4/0 OMEGALUL mangoNiceGuy hiiros1Comfy speeeeeedDDD demon moon2SPY dirty moon subs gachiGASM gachiHYPER Kreygasm gachiW moon2LOLE monkaMega monkaW WutFace PauseChamp WutFace monkaW monkaW monkaW ????? monkaW REeeEE monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaW WutFace WutFace monkaW WutFace ??? monkaW ? WutFace monkaW ??????? WutFace monkaW Lynn? saabW monkaW WutFace monkaMega ???????? WutFace lynn monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaS WutFace monkaW ?????? WutFace WutFace WutFace monkaX monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW PETA yikes monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW PepegaHands ????? CorgiDerp CorgiDerp CorgiDerp monkaW starO starO starO starO ? monkaW monkaW D: LUL LUL LUL monkaW PETA?? monkaW DOG ABUSE monkaW gachiBASS ????? lynn died D: monkaW peepoWTF your chicken got lose wth is thast sound O tomatoDry Libido not enabled moon2A Champ WutFace PEPAH? dog diying sounded like a dog screeching who killed a dog monkaW beating small dog widepeepoSad MonkaW D: PETA gachiBASS moon2A Libido not enabled moon2A forsenBB @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] PETA D: Lynn WutFace monkaS gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER DOG ABUSE monkaW HandsUp uh oh poor lynn FeelsBadMan killing a dog HandsUp HAIL HYDRA handsUp HandsUp gachiHYPER Your dog is screeching Kapp HandsUp THANK YOU SIR my sub its gone PepeHands HandsUp KEKW KEKW Ornn PepeHands sneakyD LULW KEKW monkaS kekw hoganvLolrunplay LUL call 911 OMEGALUL RNN PepeHands 0/5/0 Lynn is a dog? what hotkeys does sneaky use for attack move? MaN @Txstage_ now ure a pleb like the rest of us OkayChamp big yikes there bois cal 911 WH OMEGALUL LOSABLE POG Lol you look juicy na macro KEKW @its_morf SasChamp imagine being 4/0/2 but score is 20/7 pepeLaugh ff KEKW SadChamp !uptime. I don't understand how stupid you have to be to think loco isn't relevant. 171 cs monkaS Yasuo LUL 1/5 1/4 0/5 I don’t blame the C9 members for not wanting to play with a grown man talking about buttholes and cummies 1/6 Yasuo LUL ROBOT Pog YOINK Pog Pog Pog Pog Pog POG PogU Blitz PogU D: D: Pog !uptime D: Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 32 minutes 22 seconds PauseChamp HES MASSIVE PogU haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap Eich NOICE 3 shutdowns Pog winnable +900g PogU D: PogU 900g D: this is the 1vs9 carry game Pog PogU LUL codoco in 2019 KEKW bounty hunter Pog D: KKoma PepeHands haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA +900 millions PogU shady god Loco still fighting with nb3? dont call her that D: @lucky10ace yeah they were probably having trouble focusing with the raging boners they had ye BLITZ? PogU Pog I_Magus subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months! <3 u fam @gimmepizzza333333 is this bait can he miss a q????? Pog 1v9 PogU Pog diana KEKW winnable PogU oh you have a yas, that explains the score KEKW SNEAKY SAID THE B WORD, HE BROKE THE TOS haHAA GASP EMOTE BTW!! D: haHAA didnt flash pussy KEKW Pog Robot Yas KEKW YASUO KEKW WTF BLIZT PogU damn blitz Pog full time streamer now? or you still holding out on an announcement? this blitz gimmepizzza333333: SNEAKY SAID THE B WORD, HE BROKE THE TOS haHAA GASP EMOTE BTW!! D: haHAA PogU PogU GODHAND Pog Pog PogChamp Pog Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 the fast Pog POG clean PogYou Pog Pogu pog PogU Pog FUCKIN HELL SNEAKY HE IS A GOD Pog Pog PogU 999999999 Pog 2v9 Pog TSM SNACKY PogU SNEAKY IS GOD monkaTOS hyper speed jhin Pog PogU D: POGGERS Pog ur so good have my kids sureGasm YAS LUL O hi SNAKERS EL RAPIDO Pog HOly smokes 2v9 PogU Blitz PogU THE COWBOY sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp POCKET PICK JHIN Pog you're rich!! C9 BENCHED THIS KEKW Pog SKT Sneaky Pog @gimmepizzza333333 it is ok my friend please cheer up So is he still with c9 or naw SOMEONE SIGN THIS MAN Pog IMAGINE LETTING SNEAKY SMURF BibleThump BibleThump FPX Sneaky this is actually a 1v9 game and blitz helping She ran it down there diana chain feeding Pog diana PepHands 1800 on bounties lol FeelsClassyMan wineTime so much gold Sneaky el manos rapidas Pog she ignored to clear bot wave Pog 3.6K Pog Pog actually winnable Pog hahahahha but worked 3 item 20 min gg SOLOQ KEKW cumback Pog PauseChamp WIN.. ? gachiHYPER WINNABLE DOUBLE RAPID FIRE Pog Turning it around Pog buys another rapid fire tft build double rfc Sneaky 1v9 Pog Winnable Pog winnable? winnable carry the fking team double rapid fire is op cs god pog cum in the back WINNIBLE Pog bounty hunter monkaW bounty hunter sneaky shiv is op rn so powerful monkaW 7 bounches of slow from stormrazor winnable!! 777 crits Pog 1 shoted inc moon2LOLE Pog bounty hunter cowboy jhinn bounces*** that Lee HOOK Pog GODHAND did sneaky decide what hes doing? BLITZ PogU all this time they called you a dog,, they were right.. dog the bounty hunter Funny when Wild Turtle, Zven and Bang all have spots but Sneaky doesn't happy feet Pog lol gnar LUL who tf signs these players DODDGE EVERYTHING Jukes KEKW NO DMG HAPPY FEET lollllllllllll KEKW Snapped his ankles next level strat funnel strategy, team feeds, you ge t all bounties, widepeepoSad DIE ANYWAY LULW frozen mallet widepeepoSad F dmg KEKW JUKED team? widepeepoSad its all over chat widepeepoSad MISSES ALL ABILITIES, STILL GETS THE KILL dodge literally everything LUL TEAM??? 250 G LUL I'm the Yasuo. :) noooooo widepeepoSad ULT? widepeepoSad 3500gols at least 6 dorans bluerzorTilt Mad moves tho bruh, that gnar's head is wobbling everywhere Hips Pog KEKW play perfect and still die kekw SHAKIRAA???? KEKW nice WHY NO ULT? no deaths but team feeded KEKW KEKW 4Head nice ADC adc widepeepoSad 3 itens adc cant do anything LUL 250g? KEKW wtf...why wasn't your team hugging your fed ass nuts? the flawless game is no more :( one ninja tabi and all of a sudden no damage is done, bs item ankle breaker yes :) yes :) bronze chat KEKW OMEGALUL LUL D: LUL ? D: bronze yes :) yes :) KEKW D: KEKW ? ? yes Kapp lmao LMAO ? LOL yis :) yes :) silver actually yes :) yes Pepega widepeepoSad question mark yes :) IRON 2? maybe :) yes :) ? chat KEKW yes :) 1/8 yasuo KEKW 2 deaths away from 10 death spike PogU TABIS KEKW On any other champion penta :) :) :) iron actually :) Yes yes :) OMEGALUL From Bronze KEKW yes :) gold :) IRON CHAT KEKW 2 more deaths on yasuo yes :) @midl4nekingdom, bronze noob KEKW LULW yes :) yes :) yes :) Yes :) @C9Sneaky Sneaky make sure to use ur ult next fight fed ass nbuts lol he's got tabi's therefore he wins :) ULT? sneaky didnt even R KEKW Pepega chat KEKW dodged 4 ability got autos once AYAYAWeird yes :) im fricking silver 3 😡 ult in their face no idiot im iron2 ! classic yasuo score Just ult EZ unranked IRON CHAT KEKW IRON CHAT KEKW :) yes :) AYAYAWeird Clap damn sneaky NO I'M FROM IRON KEKW widepeepoSad peepoLeave i'll head out.... no they are iron Kapp yes let him ult when their entire team facedives him @C9Sneaky if you eat my ass you will win forever bronze PepeHands WOW U DIE with ULT up omegaLUL AYAYAWeird take it ez on the bronzers !music point blank ult KEKW point blank ult KEKW point blank ult KEKW point blank ult KEKW I’m iron 😡 plz show respect I would have ulted and penta :) @C9Sneaky f you I AM IRON @C9Sneaky dont give him that much credit LULW not bronze, iron KEKW he took the bait KEKW they're wood HEY diamond4. do you think i can play pro one day? im 12. sneaky, im g3 (which is pretty high elo) and you shoulda ulted there, idiot unranked here ask me anything KEKW Not ulting peepoLeave He meant to ask "Why didn't you flash in to ult?" I fken hate the new drake map colours Isnt the yasuo gnar matchup supposed to be good for yasuo??? how did he feed so much im high elo (silver 2) just press your buttons 4Head @recurf you mean instagram filters? 2 wards in inventory and dies LUL see? ult = kills Iron chat broxahTL KEKW oh hey KEKW gachiBASS bye @crawke bro, gold is where high elo starts. ur low elo Why did you ult are you bronze? KEKW GG PepeHands gachiBASS yasuo couldnt windwall that hook? really? ulting at start of fight KEKW GG :( gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS TEAM? HE HIT R THIS TIME Pog monkaOMEGA greedy KEKW gachiBASS gachiBASS Okayga COCK HandsUp gashiBASS team why are you so useslesss j4kCry pepeDance wHy DiDnT yOu UlT NA ULT sneakyWEEB3 HandsUp i saw a PP chat monkaW @huluhaslivesport FeelsBirthdayMan diana and yas just so useless I'm the Yasuo. :) team so heavy :( monkaHmm kreygasm how d you shoot the last one and cancel? LESSON LEARNT, IMMOBILE ADCS SUCK KEKW I saw it pepeLaugh widepeepoSad knar wants ur ass HeyGuys shoot yo shot yasuo's almost at his 1/10 powerspike tho that was pure 2019 sneaky LUL @yuyuyuna_ jonnykHype KEKW Team too heavy gg Why did you R DansGame PepegaAim Can the school shooter song be skipped please?? @c9sneaky tanukiKawaisoudegozaru tanukiKawaisoudegozaru tanukiKawaisoudegozaru tanukiKawaisoudegozaru gachiBASS yes yes yes GNARLY 2/16 solo lanes KEKW this is some team you have sneaky nah just should have shielded insta NA IN WORLDS 8==D im the scuttle crab :) gnar gnargnar 1/9 and 1/7 gggggg diana is also gnarly gnarly. Intsuo they just need to peel you elaMad LW next item? PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro PartyPoro @hadibakiym27 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] whoa too gnarly bro why do your team mates int every game xd Kreygasm Your solo lanes look rough Shady is such a yikes player. Wish my teams played well this seems winnable Kappa Kreygasm I lost yas about to hit that 10 deaths powerspike Pog gachiW @C9Sneaky you make me want to play Jhin :) thanks, he used to be my favorite Kreygasm to gnarly or not to gnarly Team just like NA at worlds LULW KEKW is this script's of spaces ound gnar dont have any armor it's okay Yasuo about to hitthe 10 death powerspike 1-7 mid Kreygasm yash hasnt hit 0/10 power spike almost valkrinShoulderCat 1/9 1/7 2/9... maybe that cc would be hitting you instead :) ornn needs to level and upgrade your stuff widepeepoHappy team jjs 1/7 1/9 1-9-1 yasuo, typical feeded adc cant do nothing to win SadChamp 2 pinks, such a team player :) 1lvl till orn upgrades classic yasuo team just like TSM at LCS tsos2C sneakyFun Yasuo 1/14 powerspyke PogU loooooooooooo KEKW k KEKW LEE DMG KEKW PepeHands wtf dmg KEKW KEKW F KEKW KEKW SadChamp adcs man... gg! o KEKW KEKW tf is ornn so squishy kekw KEKW Thoughts on vayne? wiw get your asshole checked KEKW KEKW w Imagine maining adc KEKW NotSoEZ What a great team fight :) :) gg adcs SadChamp Their jung: This lee. My jung ??? Sneaky in Game KEKW PepoThink ADCs life ADC NICE ROLE KEKW 15 kills LEE LUL nice team :) go next lul LUL sneakyFun sneakyW tsosHi MonkaW imagine being an adc in 2k19 LUL you died to his ult fragas negative gaming for sure 600 damage kick @C9Sneaky oof that yass 1.88s PauseChamp he just outplayed you :) bless you ? 10 death power spike POGGERS yas hit the 10 death powerspike KEKW yasuo KEKW 0.26 seconds team diff YASUO PLAYERS KEKW YASU OMEGALUL inting? 1 10 yasuo ADC is so fun rol widepeepoSad KEKW Pop @droopy_ears not faithful. rip widepeepoSad SadChamp SadChamp 38v15 winable he just hit his 10 death power spike git gud you just got outplayed by that Lee sneaky :) ): gg no team Pog rip he says "gg" but it was not gg..... it was bg..... KEKW Pog G 1k winnable. Kappa Pog 1k Pog SEASON 10 ADC KEKW 1k gold widepeepoHappy KDA PLAYER +1000 Pog 1k Pog EZ Clap SHUTDOWN Kreygasm 1K Pog Bot diff I guess KEKW SadChamp team the feet GivePLZ GivePLZ tanukiWakannai tanukiWakannai tanukiGoja tanukiGoja tanukiIkenie tanukiIkenie mission failed, we gonna get them next bois U got de-Lee-ted SadChamp team.. better adc wins NotSoEZ Clap it was a close game, diana almost carried :) Orn Yasuo fucked up so had holy.. Kreygasm Blitz PogU Yasuo Pog blitz nonone KEKW blizt BETTER ADC WINS EZ yasuo Nobody honor robot 😡 none if you say gg to a bg you are officaly nice guy blitz played well yas Me :) Blitz played it well You got outplayed by Riots match making KEKW @bizarreturtles that was good! monkaW 2/18 solo laners KEKW FeelsBadMan team had no gold KEKW Ads cant play other roles KEW blitz more dmg than diana monkaW KEKW WutFace better adc wins :) Pepega Ads cant play other roles KEKW Thats a lot of dmg KEKW PepegaPls any fookers in chat? 3Head headBang how much is chall in NA @booishmonk thanks <3 uninstall yasuo diana 3Head is Lynn a dog? 3Head u wot mate 5Head ♥️ Fragas has been feeding all fuckin day 3Head oi bruv init @C9Sneaky don't you get super tilted when all your teammates are ass and no one honors you for being best performing by far He might be fill KEKW headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang how do you lose to gnar top as yasuo headBang grossHead grossHead grossHead grossHead off meta jungle? headBang headBang "Lynn is Cool" @C9Sneaky headBang pepeJAM headBang full head of hair man sneakyJensen 3Head BLOODDY WANKA KEKW True D: headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang KEKW @lul371 around 660 LUL is Lynn a doggy? WTF SO TILTED KEKW D: headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang D: F WORD KEKW D: KEKW WHAT THE FUCK KEKW KEKW sneakyJensen @C9Sneaky headBang headBang D: KEKW sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen DUO JENSEN monkeys dont know about honor SadChamp PepegaShake DUO JENSEN sneakyJensen headBang my fav song i see jensen Pog uwu uwu UwU uwu peepoWTF Weebs FeelsWeirdMan sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen fullheadofhairman pog uwu uwu UwU AYAYA uWu ATATATA WutFace UwU uwu AYAYA sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen FeelsWeirdMan UwU 4Weird DUO YENSEN "uwu" AYAYAWeird song D: call Jensen he is crying. GET THIS OR DIE monkaW WutFace UwU ATATATATA AYAYA headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang forsenPuke5 UwU AYAYA AYAYA hey revenge monkaW uwu owo uwu owo uwu JENSEN WutFace headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang get this or dieeeee KEKW monkaW ATATATAAAAAAAA I feel like Cut Down is much better on ADC when every other role builds something with HP on it. @C9Sneaky I see Coup do 400-800 bonus a game, but I've seen Cut Down do 1400+ often. AYAYA uwu AYAYA uwu AYAYA monkaW @c9sneaky what do you thinm @C9Sneaky have u heard new Black Veil Brides song? AYAYA uwu WutFace song headBang I hate this song :) AYAYA Grandmaster is just a glorified Iron KEKW Die boxGhost Give us a try headBang headBang headBang headBang 7w7 4Weird not many 4Weird are there KEKW This song is making me fall asleep There are :D @C9Sneaky do you preffer uwu or owo D: There is definitely better slipknot songs out there give us a job gachiBASS gachiBASS KEKW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER HandsUp PLAY PERIPHERY Unsainted POGGERS okay mister time to you to stop screaming already WeirdChamp Is this song sayin Canada Die gachiHYPER gachiBASS @SmolAria pepeLaugh like 3 good songs lets hear some A day to remember @C9Sneaky headBang headBang headBang @YuYuYuna_ @hotdogss @ForestFairyBilly @TheRealMC3 @julianbelkin @WintersWard Only the Tip ▄▓▀▀▀▖─────▄▓▀▀▀▚─────▄▓▀▀▀▚──────▓ gachiHYPER ▐ ────▐█▒ gachiHYPER ▐────█▒ gachiHYPER ▐ Duality Pog ooh baby gachiBASS NUUUUUUUUUUTS thanks WeirdChamp eeyore gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYDRA wow Song = Suck These Nuts by Suck These Nuts gachiHYPER gachiW put unsainted gachiHYPER SwiftRage they're best song is solway gachiHYPER wait im an idiot lol play heretic anthem!!! 4Weird !uptime gachiHYPER WTF Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 42 minutes 15 seconds gachiHYPER banned KEKW TRUE gachiHYPER gachiBASS DansGame KEKW EDGY KEKW banned D: gachiBASS LUL KEKW OMEGALUL gachiHYPER ????????? wow if your 555 than I am 666 is one of my favorites. D: gachiGASM pure poetry D: peepoLeave PepegaPls 4Weird gachiBASS D: D: Clap monkaTOS nice D: WTF Pog D: LOL KEKW That is what I call lyrical genius so edgy D: This isn't family friendly DansGame 3Heafd E D G Y asf LULW you shouldn't get a loss because your teammates suck monkey nuts Dont get fat on us Sneakers, Go to the gym big boi OMEGALUL KEKW LULW GOT'EM AHHAHAHAHA tf are these lyrics monkaW KEKW 3Head KEKW gachiW LOL KEKW NA heretic anthem. KEKW SNEAKY WROTE THIS LULW abaixa esse brilho vei this sounds like a 13 year old wrote that TRUE gachiHYPER' LULW go! KEKW what a BOP KEKW lyrical genius KEKW lyrical genius KEKW Lyrical genius KEKW KEKW the english language at its finest AngelThump KEKW finally some good music PogU amazing lyrics OMEGAHYPERCLAP A masterpiece KEKW Geius @C9Sneaky do you have one mouse for both pcs KEKW headBang SingsMic so fuckin cringe LULW HYPERCLAP KappaPride I wrote those lyrics gachiBASS sneakyEZ feels nutty THE LANGUAGE OF SHAKESPEARE KEKW who is it by? confessing to your teacher be like lyrical genius Pepega Those are some amazing lyrics can u play some sabaton Pog Suck my little hairy dick you fuckin prick the genius 4 times rhyme with the wors 5Head lyrics I tend to forget Corey can rap so fast monkaS play duality Pog you shouldn't get a loss because your teammates suck monkey nuts Big track Pog headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Imagine the human race evolving over millions of years jsut to write that song @C9Sneaky WutFace jensen P E R I P H E R Y Chevelle Pog Is this breaking benjamin? kinda sounds like them headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang sneaky u make me question my sexuality more and more every cosplay post PepegaPls headBang Pog seeing red are you and bang cosplaying again next weekend? classic oh gachiHYPER duo jensen i forgot about chevelle headBang @Sneaky listen to some Avenged Sevenfold, their singer watches your stream :D monkaW Chevelle is sick monkaW WutFace WutFace monkaW ok boomer. duo jensen monkaW monkaW monkaW I LOVE YOU, ARGENTINAAAAAAAAAA monkaW Nautaturtle subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 35 months! 35months oh BOY, couldn't get out of plat this season sneakyNLT sneakyNLT monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaW ugly women monkaW UMM monkaW monkaW stop killing dogs monkaW @c9sneaky haven’t heard ramranch in a while sneakyC Radmon13 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 45 months! Heya! would you mind playing damn sneaky you so fine monkaW monkaW PEPPAH? WutFace monkaW @c9sneaky play Veil of Maya boxMONKERS monkaW lynn got murdered monkaW why's there a dog dying in the background forsenBB chevelle is ok to lift weights to at least sneakyJensen 2 dogs dead now chat monkaW Life before, makes no sense, never calling, always leaving, right before, hooked onsubstance digging deeper, can't reveal why we live better off alone :) monkaW PepeHands IMagine evolving for millions of years just to dress of as female video game characters Forsen subs DansGame Got so far you shouldn't get a loss because your teammates suck monkey nuts LYN?! monkaW Jensen's Category KEKW PogChamp life is amazing D: KEKW chiguagua ded FeelsBadMan got so far, and in the end it doesnt even matter PepeHands FrankerZ D: PepeHands wtf :( @C9Sneaky do you know knocked loose? and got so far Pepehands D: D: Imagine evolving LUL elundus core? monkaW D: widepeepoSad D: I LOVE YOU, IM ARGENTINIAN PepeHands PepeHands WHOA WHAT? D: D; D: go mid you bad adc widepeepoSad WTF widepeepoSad FrankerZ PepegaHands D: TRUE monkaS Lynn? D: PepeHands monkaW sneakyD PepeHands D: bunnnDog widepeepoSad ConcernDoge PepeHands duo jensen PepeHands FrankerZ sneakyD monkaMega rip D: sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD oof lul sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen lolsnoD The cycle of life and death continues, some will live, some will die -Big Dog blzD blzD blzD blzD What is lynn doing for her to be screaming like this monkaW @C9Sneaky who is "d2player" KEKW HandsUp Penetrates my skin owoD sneakyD SMOrc bnanaLaugh sneakyD your vic is pog. oo those draven games tho first defeat KEKW @C9Sneaky Are you going to do anything with the twitch candy things? @C9Sneaky play some AP ezreal mid is that lynn in the background taking the DDDDDDDDDd rip victory spree Sad BagOfMemes rip win streak cuz Pepega team PepeHands KEKW i just went 13-5 n lost i hate it balls PepeHands balls OkayChamp Balls PogU @C9Sneaky are you really gonna let jack screw your for twizzler and still be a c9 streamer? Win streak PepeHands KEKW OH OF COURSE Balls I miss Balls sneakySoTroll c9 balls Pog sneakySoTroll who's Meteos? balls in lcs when? huevos PepeHands It’s me :) BALLS SeemsGood balls stuck in d2 KEKW @C9Sneaky what song is playing?? Duo veigodX what happened last game? you were 7/0 with a TON of bounties @C9Sneaky sneakySoTroll bring back the old c9 roster PepeHands duo meteos Pog balls darius penta POG i remember that worlds meme balls pog RustiSqueezebox subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 7 months, currently on a 3 month streak! KEKW giga nutt !followage KEKW KEKW That vid a while back when you all got together again, was it fun? KEKW pepeLaugh KEKW Spherelol has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 2 days Grandmaster is just a glorified Iron KEKW KEKW i miss when you and meteos used to duo and meme together :( large blast Is barrier better then heal now KEKW toxic_teemo_gaming subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 5 months! actually love this song Anyone know what the song is so hyped for the All-Stars !!! !followage KEKW Start but stay KEKW Sneaky you are MY all-star :) Oh yeah sneaky when are you flying out to all stars? kiss my brown starfish Snakey r you going to play professionally next year? man I'm sick of seeing this coke ads lol Footballfinger balls got a penta a work @C9Sneaky Chevelle is the only Butt Rock band i like :) i was here workds. Black_Jamaul subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 36 months! what up blood monkaW ? smackdown vs. raw 2008 gave me the love of this song well enough alone by chevelle Rap god monkaS @c9sneaky it’s almost like you’re looking at my message; while reading it NotLikeThis sneakyC monkaW Where do you place your fingers on your key board? @C9Sneaky Just main Aphelios 4Head <333333 @C9Sneaky You thinking about joining evil gen? why are you geh on the keys @GhostyPillar On the keys Kappa @ougrad1 EG already has Bang sadly PepeHands LULW sneaky whats the color code of ur hair.... :) wtf is a geh? SeemsGood a drink ;) @CaptainFalliner Snacky > Bang 4Weird !elo C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 614 LP Pepega HYPERCLAP play irelia bot with 4 durans monkaHmm DAYSEEKER <3 !opgg hookgoPogChimp hookgoPogChimp hookgoPogChimp hookgoPogChimp hookgoPogChimp hookgoPogChimp dayseeker Pog pure vodka gonna miss you on cloud 9 no reason the watch lcs anymore Are you old enough for that @C9Sneaky you just turned 11... we'll drink together then, dad :) !elo madwifSip sneaky cant drink alcohol meh. i think i have ass maw :( it's so hard to breathe sometimes Dayseeker has good covers all i ever wanted BibleThump MORNIN' to all! this is off their new album that dropped last month, the whole album is beautiful will u be a challenger this season 10😍😍😍 milk only for sneakers does it break twitch TOS to drink alcohol on stream? @ougrad1 yeah tbh, but they already locked bang, probably sneaky will join dig (i hope at least) Dayseeker covers my favorite band thrice, amazing song called Hurricane widepeepoSad i jus cried to "somwehere over the rainbow" @c9sneaky is this season better than s9 so far? Duo veigodX Pog @C9Sneaky how does free agency work? @johnothetree what's the band? EG is basicly C9 2.0. Just with a less skilled cosplayer. SadChamp it doesn't no this band used to be a bit heavy LULW @c9sneaky I'm on the platinum. if i play only jhin can i get the diamond? OkayChamp if it did mango would get banned so fast mangoW why, one of you plebs gonna RAT ON DAD? dayseeker are pretty good live too mangoForty mangoForty WutFace @C9Sneaky what is the song name? monkaW it doesn't but mang0 got banned for "passing out" Only if youre underage @c9sneaky play moon Hunter, 2 dollars on steam autumn sale WutFace @C9Sneaky shot for every death PogU WutFace PepegaPls @ds_draco im plat support, looking for adc hmu not a phase mom u are allowed to drink, but not for money etc. (like per sub) @revarus drunk peepoLeave remember meteos drunk Pog thats true so you can get drunk bro :D dw we dare gonna take care of you :) @CaptainFalliner mang0's banned right now? it will after u leave is this Dayseeker? it will now :) Was meteos streaming when he was drunk playing solo q that one time sneaky must start in lcs or I cant watch it will u reach challenger this season pepeJAM @tterb86 by who again? anddd its gonna pop Thoughts on Licorice backstabbing you?? Should change his name to C9Backstabba thirsty Kappa NOW queue pepeLaugh @arfunzals no, but he did got anned previously because he's a dick and pretended to pass out and then end stream @revarus dayseeker and the album is sleeptalk You can't drink to "excess" or in a dangerous manner. Watch it pop LUL @Tempo_Slice_ where did you find that? Queue pop PepeLaugh hiding all the games now? What happened to the mile long list of applications on your screen lol. @CaptainFalliner lmao Is this 30 to mars pepeJAM @tterb86 wh @Tempo_Slice_ stop pushing that narrative. it's harmful to both parties @hwansolo1 sorry but I really liked them until I saw them live. they were hot garbage. @arfunzals that's the mang0 You can't drink to the point where you are in potential harm to yourself, or to the point you are not in control of your actions peepoLeave cirComfy @tterb86 thx! PepoCheer dayseeker elaWOW dafranPepo @rexbru im BR sorry :( ResidentSleeper this Dayseeker album is fire @revarus i also recommend burial plot. that song is also good widepeepoHappy IDK guys Licorice pushing for Sneaky to get kicked is a big deal....Sneaky just millions What's the name of this song? lost* sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff chair gameplay peepoArrive @chat FeelsOkayMan 👉 👌 ❓ !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 1 hour 50 minutes 41 seconds @BulletJumper drunk - dayseeker Starving to Be Empty hits like a train HwanSolo1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite streamer *looks at scribbled note* ...sinky sneakyChair Thank you @tterb86 bora porra Hydroczin subscribed with Twitch Prime. oh shit this a chair stream? peepoArrive why does sneaky no longer play monster musume PunOko are you a tequilla man, @C9Sneaky I don't thik licorice pushed for sneaky to get kicked, it was misshandled by all sides, except for zach who just got fucked hi dad, how are you? how was thanksgiving? @C9Sneaky CarterHnsn subscribed with Twitch Prime. Nevermind the streamer is here peepoLeave 4HEad @HwanSolo1 LUL monkaW 4House 4Head 4HEad 4HEad widepeepoHappy @c9sneaky I'm on the platinum. if i play only jhin can i get the diamond? 4Town hey snack, i loved u in the Ahri cosplay sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb sneakyWeeb Snacks thanks for streaming so regularly @sneaky I named my cat Snacky, he kinda looks like you. WutFace TeaTime monkaW DrCsquared subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months, currently on a 2 month streak! Can I get a Yeeeee Haw? sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH 6 ADS OMG!! @tempo_slice_ what are you trying to say? @ds_draco no prob cheffcream subscribed with Twitch Prime. !song what flavor of coffee sneakyC Lynn WutFace thanks i'll check it out ew coffee? more like poop juice moon2SH THE FRIDGE IS BACK SNACKERS KKona KKonaW KKona KKool KKona :) @C9Sneaky KKona moon2SH Sneaky thanks for being you :3 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw Hey @C9Sneaky i loved u in the Ahri cosplay, can u put it on again? sneakyYeehaw oh my god bye sneakyYeehaw KKona @C9Sneaky can i ask a question pls sneakyYeehaw any NA plat adcs? need 1 to duo hi sneaky AYAYA got em! @C9Sneaky you might like that entire album by dayseeker, if you enjoyed that song :) pepeLaugh owned moon2SH HOWDY PARDNERS moon2SH @booishmonk That its messed up that Licorice pushed to have Sneaky kicked resulting in Sneaky losing millions of dollars in contract money Hue hue hue... damn what an old meme that disappeared too quickly... wasn’t even that long ago KEKW bless @C9Sneaky has brought back the post hardcore What a question sneaky i love you ♥ ? @C9Sneaky do you like knocked loose KEKW destroyed Thoughts on Aphelios? pepeLaugh Lionocto subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 13 months! :3 sneaky is so sassy today KEKW do you like waffles C9Sneaky Yo sneaky just think, 100T equals 100 tea bags yea? agane Pepega headBang @C9Sneaky god damn you got me well another?xDDDD so did you see jacks tweet like ddo you agree with everything monkaW monkaW lynn WutFace monkaMega WutFace monkaW monkaW monkaW WutFace D: monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW deth monkaW monkaW monkaW 󠀀 WutFace WutFace AHHHH monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaW monkaW NotLikeThis REEEEEEE monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW aweeeweee WutFace WutFace monkaW Jesus LMAO monkaW monkaW IS LYNN DYING??? WTF monkaW monkaW monkaW lynn dying? monkaW monkaW WutFace monkaW monkaW WTF actually dead monkaW pepeS monkaX WutFace monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW MonkaW !! the fuck jsut happened that scared me monkaW MonkaW ???????????? monkaW monkaW lynn pace22OHH pace22OHH pace22OHH pace22OHH pace22OHH pace22OHH WTF monkaW monkaW DEATH monkaW thrilling @C9Sneaky did you see it DDDDDDDDDDD: @C9Sneaky can you play jinx? Nani monkaW monkaW save her sneaky monkaW monkaS monkaW ???????????? monkaX Lynn getting attacked monkaW how do you find kai'sa this season @C9Sneaky PepeS SSSsss Horror raids monkaS Uhhhhh wtf widepeepoHappy deth dud i wanna play what she is playing sounds exciting does she usually scream? monkaX @C9Sneaky She's in a pug raid sumSmash is she a streamer too? monkaW HURRY monkaW the whore story. licorice is to blame chat ????? let me know pls Lynn's died so many times irl on stream monkaW save lynn you can't save her if she is dead monkaW monkaW <3 @00b9 always KEKW <3 <3 evening chat moon2S Sex her 😡 BibleThump BibleThump broxahThink does lynn stream? @C9Sneaky go behind her and scare her LUL @Belefint Good mornin 3Head hes doing a quickie chat :) sneakyChair Sneaky is awesome lol sneakyChair dyrusOwo sniff sniff monkaW RIP PepeHands @gupper CommonBruh SSJ_beegs subscribed at Tier 1. Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 Cheer100 I would be interested on what you think of dream state, a welsh band. I recommend primrose or white lies @c9sneaky ur t-shirt looks similar to India's cricket jersey really😍😍😍 he had to put his save-a-ho cape on Sneaky dead too PepeHands dyrusSmug welp, that was fast Did Rito make you change your name too? Also what server are you on on FF14? shes dead PepeHands @gupper D: @C9Sneaky did you see the tweet from jack about your future and can you agree with the fact every C9 player has to fight for a spot on the starting line up or jkust you? F FeelsBadMan D: D: waduHands D: PepeHands PepeHands lynn D: peepoSad D: F D: PogU F FeelsBadMan F D: f if ur happy and you know it clap ur cheeks gachiW lap widepeepoSad KannaNom F F Stream actually becoming unwatchable with her yelping in the background. pepeHands BibleThump D: D: noooooooooo Hey sneaky how many quarters can you fit up your butthole FeelsBadMam widepeepoSad yes now rush can move in PogU zachhc9 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! happy 2 months dad @girlslikeoreos this needs context, licorice was saying he didn't want to play with Licorice but it was mishandled tbh, i don't think he was saying it explicitly, but C9 is to blame in it too for how bad they handled it F Clap luckily the queue is long :) would u ever consider doing pron Dead Pog F @C9Sneaky PLS answer can you play jinx? @C9Sneaky robot lady back peepoPog wtf sneaky you turned lynn to a cup you sick bro The_Zona_Zoo subscribed at Tier 3. They've subscribed for 35 months, currently on a 35 month streak! 1 More month for that upskirt sub badge Pog @Kaniskion LUL lan simay benim karım simayy EverquestLegend subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! Pog KKona What lies? @c9sneaky how do I get out of Gold with Cait/MF/TRIST? @shauneh13 fuck outa here. Not even cringe. @c9sneaky ur t-shirt looks similar to India's cricket jersey 😍😍😍 @girlslikeoreos licorice said he didn't want to play with sneaky¨* ty chat cuz i beilve sneaky should be starting in lcs he is good idk why people cant see it WutFace POGGERS Pog DOAdacha subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 31 months! monkaS @C9Sneaky did you see the tweet from jack about your future and can you agree with the fact every C9 player has to fight for a spot on the starting line up or jkust you? monkaW Pog pog. epic gamer moment inc cmonBruh Only 31? lole @C9Sneaky does lynn stream? Wait how old is sneaky rn' headBang ? 26 pepeJAMMER narumi2Nkoncha narumi2Nkoncha pepeJAM q does not appear to be working @CaptainFalliner Yeah but how are you gonna blame Sneaky in one of the weirdest adc metas ever where adc's weren't even playing adc champs... 25 or 26 @c9sneaky thats Aria Stark lead singer btw pepeJAM Boomer hello my bro @CaptainFalliner 14 Kappa 27 KEKW When I hear noises under my bed, I know it’s just sneaky and I smile probably 25 ' qqqqqq @C9Sneaky have you considered going to korea and doing a bootcamp? you could live with mr. rush 18 This queue is a sign to duo with Meteos Pog KKona jasonrLUL when are you going to quit smoking? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky how old are you now? weqqr SNACKERS WHAT FF14 WORLD YOU ON Song? Jebaited what @c9sneaky thats her aged up @c9sneaky do you miss lane swapping? @Flimboola solidarity ILGRANDEMAESTRO subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 10 months, currently on a 10 month streak! Hey dad did you find the milk? what time is it in USA ? @MDM124 doesn't Mr. Rush only have 1 bed though KappaPride is sneaky still with cloud 9? I'm 31 st 😱 Jebaited jasonrSOLID jasonrARITY @perrythefridge he plays on exodus hello my broo DarkMode WutFace WutFace monkaW WutFace @bakedhippy no that is not her XD this band is rad uhh don't think so ? WutFace WeirdChamp Tell us a story snackers :) nothing like jer @C9Sneaky have u heard new Black Veil Brides song? WutFace shes a time traveler Totally her Kapp Its not but i see it LUL PepeHands chat i just came in my shorts after jacking off and now i cant sleep because my heart is racing PepeHands KEKW VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo KEKW @yalkman you know it jasonrSOLID jasonrARITY jasonrP @loligli KappaPride @Tempo_Slice_ Im not blaming sneaky though, idk where you got that, im just saying that it was mishandled i dont see it Same person LUL You're so hot brother ??? KEKW THICC Kreygasm KEKW smile hahahaha :D Kreygasm KEKW LULW who tf said this was arya, you need to be banned from twitch rgiht now Thicc KEKW Interesting h 0 t oh hey I love paramore KEKW Very different thicc LULW maybe her chubby sister sneaky fatshaming cosplayer it's not even close i think eyes similar eeeh almost the same KEKW headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @Tempo_Slice_ imo sneaky got fucked by C9, veteran top 3 ad player who is still pretty strong having to fight for the starter point is a shit treatment nd sneaky is justified for leaving I can kinda see it? no sence boring. only their eyes are similar So thick adamkissGASM PepeHands chat i just came in my shorts after jacking off and now i cant sleep because my heart is racing FeelsBadMan are you an eboy @c9sneaky Some grill named charlote Gilpin i can kinda see it. song suck tho. one can do 2 things... same time.... Music video still better than the last season of GoT KEKW Linktotherescue subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 38 months, currently on a 38 month streak! holy shit 38 months to the snackers. hell yeah! she looks like a skinny adele headBang dethklok duncan hills coffee @c9sneaky u look like arya stark @c9sneaky do you miss lane swapping? You seemed to have a good time getting solo lane experience he removed his eyeballs before watching this @c9sneaky lol right? i can see it hard why is that 15 year old girl hangin out with those 30 yr old dudes? D: D: monkaX DansGame D: D: D: peepoT DansGame D: moon2M YO CALM DOWN D: sneakyD DansGame boring do something interesting ad rush Edgy He said it again Pog 4House D: D: :D TOS :D SillyChamp moon2LOLE moon2M yes? D: KEKW FART danD wow language Get in a game would you smh D: lol he said fart poop moon2M poop said it again PepeLaugh kekw What is this heymonday? Lol moon2PO moon2OP JuicyGiustino subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 25 months, currently on a 25 month streak! Fart poop? That's gross D: 17 mins KEKW did he win jhin game? @C9Sneaky do you have any spare updog? this dude playing a telecaster in a metal band? no moon subs GECKW The_Yist subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 32 months! League is dying widepeepoSad I wonder if next patch they will extend dragon respawn timer 17 min OMEGA Oh, I see there are shorter que times now. play dayseeker again elaMad 17 min queue WeirdChamp almost at the 20 SadChamp Almond Milk KEKW the real milk was the friends we made along the way @c9sneaky do you miss lane swapping? You seemed to have had a fun time getting solo lane experience almond milk is yuck when mixed with other stuff @c9sneaky have you heard sleeping with sirens new album? its super good. definitely strongly reccommend checking it out @C9Sneaky about the Ahri cosplay, whit again, i mean right now wannabe paramore KEKW @C9Sneaky will you consider finding a game to play in Qu? sneaky show ur league champ collections plzzz @Darbarellashine True KEKW no. the instrumentation is up my alley, but not the lyrics ;/ N OMEGALUL moon2LOLE fart poop lane swapping was so boring @C9Sneaky Can you please play jinx? i'll sub if you do :) True why not restart que? @C9Sneaky do you have any spare butfore? at this rate you would think that league was a game whose server were discontinued. aphelios impressions? D: @C9Sneaky which season of league did you find most fun? 20min q WTF Pog new slipknot?? slipknot Pog there is no past, no future, only the present lane swapping was a shit meta and nobody misses it, i as a toplane don't miss it for sure sneakyGrip PepeS you like new slipknot album? 20 min q 4Weird sneaky show ur league champ collections plzzz slipknot DansGame maybe we can have some chill music, like some travis scott Q time wtf this queue time is insane dafuq this queue @C9Sneaky lets go back to trance :) Estimated Qu time : 3 mins KEKW oh take it boy. !commands @zapp560 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank Saw them at Knotfest in August. Shit was so good Play slipknot or rage are u saying sneaky is stuff with c9 jack who is a troll???? I like the lost chapter we are not your kind 18 min queue POG all out life? i enjoy my island, without counting the fact that junglers don't care to aknowledge we exist 5 the grey chapter stuck jnbM jnbM jnbM jnbM jnbM got a signed whiskey bottle to boot :P It's not that good imo WHERES IOWA?! do you like rocky mountain oysters? if you havent had any look them up, theyre good @c9sneaky @C9Sneaky play " Daughters - You won't get what you want " album is ashe still an adc? @C9Sneaky all out life? Pog POGGERS @c9sneaky speak spanish haha love u greetings from argentina Pog match ashe is support my cousin went to a slipknot just to see the aussie opening band rather then slpiknot themself Pog I remember professional games during the lane swap days when top laners had legit 0 farm at 10 minutes Any jnbTeeth Pog Sneaky top? Pog KEKW time to play ashe PogU play ashe TOP LANE ASHE LETS GO Pog dayum don't forget to get the Gin top KEKW Say no more ashe top time Ashe top or else Queue pop Pog welp guess you shoudl play top ashe top play ashe top then Pog play top Ryze game Poggers PLAY ASHE prove it pog sneaky i showed you my rapidfire cannon pls respond :) man c9 jack is Mr. buisness from lego movie ashe top Pog Caitlyn top :o play ashe top then Pog ASHE Pog KEKW oops :) have to now do it :) :) oki :) play viktor top Can you please play jinx? i'll sub if you do :) @C9Sneaky or quinn Do you like black metal sneak? :) no balls play quinn Play Ashe pog ashe top Pog jasonrGuy :) Go ashe sneakyFun PogChamp ashe top op RUMBLE yasuo top PogChamp nvm ashe quinn shes op ashe top can play EQ Ryze SO... nobody got the lane they wanted? lul Ashe top 😡 Twitch top? Kappa do you like rocky mountain oysters? if you havent had any look them up, theyre good @c9sneaky @c9sneaky try this "Get Scared-Built for blame" Kindred bot with the new Conqueror? FeelsOkayMan but i thinks Ashe is destiny jasonrClown @C9Sneaky hello buddy vayne/lucian top? Play Ashe and Summon Bob!! vayne top PogChamp hotshotgg was maining ashe top this seaseon kekw TOP Pog stream over PepeHands @C9Sneaky do you listen to much She Wants Revenge? play ornn i meant why does no one player boatyVV any sniffers? teemo Time to find out why KEKW hes a boomer thats why play aatrox for licorice play a tank PogChamp PepoThink cassio hotshot just plays off meta shit pepeJAM if toplane you must, ornn is the answer @C9Sneaky Can you please play jinx? i'll sub if you do :) headBang headBang headBang headBang @C9Sneaky wuts ur iq I have played Ornn only for 3 days now chat, im losing my mind @C9Sneaky remember the good ol days when I used to make you listen to Kappa Radio, PepeHands I miss those days triggered? this coward giving up bot Top lane time to bring the pain mf he played ashe top in a clash game LUL But for who? where are you listening to all the music? if toplane then lucian sanguine sivir :( lucian @C9Sneaky cait Kappa mf xaya luvian ezreal golden Kappa check Play Aphelios! fuck cass no lucian with sanguine jinx plz Kappa This is an ezreal game kai'sa :) Kappa Kappa Twitch ooo did we get new year sub badges Kappa :( noooooooooooo Kappa kaisa COMET VARUS mf jinx play mf please D= jasonrD mf @C9Sneaky EZREAL NOW U FUCKER mf trist kalista DansGame selphyOwO AYAYA mf teemo Kappa DansGame cass obviously DansGame Pog ashe time hmm AYAYA Ash top Pog ResidentSleeper bro you get yuounger everytime i visit the stream. stay hungry fam! <3 YuYuYuna_ ml7Wavey !winrate asdhe C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster I 614 LP | 542W 503L 52% Winrate 4Weird IS THIS THE YOUTUBER!? do you like rocky mountain oysters? if you havent had any look them up, theyre good @c9sneaky headBang pepeJAMMER ? pepeJAMMER doesn't ashe suck though? headBang headBang headBang pepeJAM pepeJAMMER ass game. gachiBass headBang headBang headBang headBang go alacrity? or are you goin SR first item 123 pepeJam pepeJAM pepeJAM thoughts on TL picking up Tyler1? is heal just bad now or something? @C9Sneaky poggg headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Why ashe SwiftRage MOM IT'S NOT A PHASE pepeD SLIPKNOT PepoCheer !chant not going top peepoLeave ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ pepeJAM @C9Sneaky Is comet ashe trash now? wingsfreak37 subscribed with Twitch Prime. slipknot? COGGERS pepeJAMMER COGGERS pepeJAMMER COGGERS pepeJAMMER COGGERS pepeJAMMER SwiftRage ayyychoi subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 21 months! Pag headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang @Shuzuru Shuzie sfhLOVE oathSmile HEAL OMEGALUL Why Ashe and not ez real @c9sneaky headBang PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer PepoCheer OMG GRAVES IS DADDY pepeJAMMER dont you mean you are going 4 dorans first DansGame HYPERCLAP hiiros1UWU Feetie weeties @AugustineTV im 25, it really aint a phase PepeHands huh? ? Pag DansGame ? peepoWTF You picked heal over barrier? DansGame fusAbuse DansGame moon2W feet? FeelsGoodMan DansGame anyone know if @C9Sneaky is still selling his bathwater? @c9sneaky why isnt conquer the choice on most adcs? @RotReel I'm 27, it's definitely not a phase PepeHands 4Weird heal another day, another Slipknot marathon WeirdChamp thats disgusting peepoLeave sumSmash 8 That ashe skin Kregasm 7 sneakyWut 3 6 !matchup 7 6 6 5 6 7 4 3 10 1 6 PunOko o Diamond I (Thresh) Master (Lee Sin, Akali, Ryze) Grandmaster (Jayce, Cassiopeia, Kai'Sa, Graves, Ashe) Challenger (Pyke) 5 3 7 7 ukogHorns ukogHorns ukogHorns 0 PYKE CHALLENGER it high noon 0 69 6 3 6 or unsub 9 3 :D 7 ANY HEALERS TriHard 7 or riot 6 moon2S !playlist 6 dorans or unsub Doot doot 69 I am so random HaHa atpHorns @C9Sneaky 4 dorans shields HandsUp 10 @AugustineTV FeelsOldMan PepeHands 7 gachiBASS try harder 3 not with that attitude 6 XD Unobtainium? Pog 69 gachiW sell and rebuy treeeeee ukogHorns ukogHorns ukogHorns ukogHorns slipknot!!!! wait chat are we trying to count to 1,000 again? can we? I saw a brand that was running the mage version of a sneaky lane. All doran's ring. @C9Sneaky tyler1B1 sneakyWEEB3 tyler1B2 @C9Sneaky sell it again and buy again hidden gems Kapp if your support gets dorans u can get 12 dorans blades Pog hey @C9Sneaky can u link playlist atpHorns atpHorns YOUR COMP TERRİBLE Kapp how is it not an ez game? FeelsClassyMan PogChamp all new hidden gems @c9sneaky brother TRUE Pog BRO @C9Sneaky you think you rock hard bro no 20 dorans pls PepegaAim calm down sneaky TRUE KEKW nothing about these songs are gems, just hidden WutFace MOM TOILET travis scott > slip knot @c9sneaky what happens if you buy 4 Doran’s shields TURN IT BACK UP I go at least 3 dorans now since seeing you do it, its been wokring out ???? gachiHYPER eww penis juice 4Weird @banderas__ happy birthday :) gachiBASS HandsUp gachiHYPER SAW IT pee in your cup Pog I ain't got time for peein' gachiHYPER gachiHYPER KEKW bottle up YouWHY YouWHY YouWHY TriHard gachiBASS yes ty sir :) 8===========D go back to SOAD pee bottle ftw he pee's but doesn't drink water no forsenWC SadChamp BabyRage Baby Bladder BabyRage gachiHYPER @nickolas0404 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Pee ur pants :) HandsUp HandsUp what is playlist? WutFace HE SAW IT gachiHYPER lan simay benim karım zınk zınk mına kodumun oglu gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP HandsUp HandzUp why 2s approach velocity monkaS what w change? PVMAN = GG SadChamp hello papi AYAYA oh mana flow on ashe quick mathsz welcome to viktor 70 E Pvman = gg KEKW Runnan + Conquer = all baba ne işin var senin bu yavsagın yanında BigBrother BigBrother M !rank @Col3s hello baby agilAYAYA C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 614 LP CALLING ALL CUTIES ☎️ PLS ANSWER THE CALL the mana must flow... wow 280 mana AYAYA CALLING ALL CUTIES ☎️ PLS ANSWER THE CALL that's why er is a must buy AYAYA CALLING ALL CUTIES ☎️ PLS ANSWER THE CALL AYAYA wtfi is that souond @CutieChat HeyGuys Cause your allies are cc'ed !ayaya AYAYA There are 2152 cuties in chat AYAYA AYAYA HandsUp lilyAYAYA AYAYA CALLING ALL CUTIES AYAYA ☎️ PLS ANSWER THE CALL AYAYA gachiW gachiHYPER that ashe skin looks really nice @C9Sneaky Have you seen the KR support ashe now LUL playlsit? @C9Sneaky AYAYA LUL wait we're playing pyke adc? Kapp sd gz what team are u playing for in 2020? welp proximategalaxy subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 26 months! sneaky weve been through the highs and lows, lets hope this coming high is the highest yet rush ruined by NA pepeHands. all chatting KEKW hey I can type again, I unfollowed by accident on mobile and I was walled :( @C9Sneaky how goes it ? this isn't Ashe top LUL CiGrip CiGrip ? gachiBASS smaceS CANN OMEGALUL N BigBrother peepoLeave sneakyGasm peepoArrive CiGrip CiGrip pepeSmoke sneakyGrip high? RIP CANNON CiGrip sneaky what was that CiGrip sneakyGrip VapeNation sneakyGrip sneakyGrip are u high? why do a lot of c9 fans support what they did to sneaky chat??? @bicurioustoddler no sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip CiGrip cannon PepeHands sneakyGrip did they nerf ashe's base damage??? im pretty sure before you could've last hitted it pepeSmoke @20022512abcdef -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] AYAYA 6 dorans or unsub AYAYA Clap AYAYA I'm watching the stream naked, hope you guys don´t mind AYAYA learning :) 4Weird AYAYA danAY 7 dorans or un sub gachiBASS nice gachiBASS on mobile rn and can’t see my ayayas SadChamp It only makes sense to gachiGASM don't we all? nice gachiBASS Clap 4Weird @Mene08 peepoWTF always socks JUST SOCKS using barrier taught you to be cynical about using heal? Pog WHO ISN'T? gachiHYPER socks sneaky isn't wearing any pants socks on !live 1 sock! no socks? WeirdChamp just socks with socks is spicier wait wait wait - some nerd in here is clothed? @C9Sneaky has no pants on. 100% socks not socks, fuck that peepoLeave With cocks gachiBASS it's not gay if you have socks on naked but with socks gachiHYPER ✋ 4Weird @fragiletoaster -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiBASS socks sucks who isn’t? gachiW aren't we all naked? gachiHYPER 1 SOCK ON MY COCK !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 9 minutes 17 seconds We all naked here HandsUp seen it gachiBASS 4Weird only socks. Weirdchamp Thresh prestige edition KEKW naroEh 1 if youre naked just wearing my cummie sock dad @hotdogss peepoFat SUCK COCK gachiBASS I have my underpants on my head @C9Sneaky everyones so horny today not gay if you have socks its cold out chat wear socks widepeepoSad chat is naked atm gachiBASS 1 1 1 1 i'm wearing a 3-piece suit, but funny enough without socks @jester_33 Okayga 1 3 1 is that ashe that talks so much? 3 @hotdogss LUL The Prestige Thresh skin is so scuffed KEKW 2 if u want 6 dorans you need more Chag Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 Squid2 3 D: 123 Pepega Make it 4 that's not 4 dorans shields 0 heyyyy 2? @banderas__ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] me :) vete a la misma vverga Why take dorans? called it 2 @C9Sneaky why are people dorans stacking gachiHYPER WeirdChamp FBBlock AYAYA MORE DORANS HandsUp gachiBASS 007 Kappa me :) Bring it on not even 4 KEKW why does he always buy so many dorans gachiHYPER not 6 dorans? peepoLeave gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP @C9Sneaky Why do people get so many dorans now? make it 2.5 and you have a deal @c9sneaky me :) i always watch twitch without my pants on bois wtf is this op tech THREE NIL THREE DORANS uncultured swine vadeEw No socks WutFace @decodeproxy the skin itself is scuffed, fuckin chicken head LUL peepoPog 3 doran's blade stonks all in on penny stocks In socks invest in my nuts @C9Sneaky daddy? booty Bitcoin I have a finance degree invest in cloud 9 Kappa tt gone AYAYAWeird ANELE me Socks In dorans blade Invest in these nuts why 3 dorans blades instead of buying the next big item just curious @C9Sneaky invest in hairy butts DEZ NUTS invest in TSM !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 10 minutes 19 seconds my asshole disney not c9 @hotdogss Pepega Clap 6 dorans meta LUL gachiW i sai it gachiW twitch chat i have a bachelors in business Invest in more dorans Clovis oncology your butthole gachiBASS TL Kapp bitcoin c9 new adc SOCKS TSM LULW You should invest in doran's blades @C9Sneaky mackdonalds BITCOIN KEKW invest in this dick sneaky! @C9Sneaky the c9 botlane :) i'm a business man, JUST QUIT LOOOOL 4Head I’m wearing a woman’s 1 piece swimsuit. catgirls AYAYA @fy_ulany_jednorozek -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] TikTok @C9Sneaky why do you doran stack? what does it do for you invest in cobalt Thorin coin investing monkaW invest in weed haHAA pizza hut haHAA Got em LUL C9 EQUITY Sell ALL Riot stock, Aphelios will kill the game @jester_33 4Weird Sugma® CLVS WutFace Invest in moonboots @C9Sneaky I love you invest in elon musk businesses PogU invest in socks gachiW FeelsClassyMan wineTime @mastermindx421 -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] where is nisqy hookers and cocaine is always popular use eternatus BabyRage kenskiess subscribed with Twitch Prime. @shambels21 that was clever. @Zacapa idk how it got through development @c9sneaky either Disney or apple Im wearing all this skin, and ya know? I am getting sick of all this skin in my personal space, ill take care of that. Much better personal space Microsoft is a good investment imo. It's stocks have soared recently D: @c9sneaky did you decide if dorans or bf build was better early? D: @nickolas0404 -> No excessive usage of symbols! this is some ear cancer WutFace eternatus AYAYAWeird where he is go ? nisqy D: haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap naroGasm invest in transgender therapy treatments apple might take a bad hit soon HandsUp D: C9 stock program is spicy i hear headbang is pyke okay ) : HYDRA GachiBass high noon ashe has such amazing animation @decodeproxy they obviously like chickens LULW THE DORAN PogU Pog headBang * PogU Pog EZ Pog Pog Pog ayyyy @luhvmasheen Is that like, if u change ur mind and want a reverse? EZ PogU PagChomp 2 more Pog max mana already holy The boys Pog D 3 Doran's PogU w/ out heal Deckacheck subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! I tried to come up with something witty to say but I'm fucking dumb so just take your money, slut had to do it to em Everyone bot ayy SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage the will of the blade 5 Dorans let's go what the fuck who just stopped streaming i swear viewers just jumped so much Db peepoArrive ™™™™™™™™™ Almost full build with 6 dorans Pog PogU PagChomp PogChamp Pog HandsUp SEND IN THE HYDRA HandsUp Hey mods, did you really think that slow mode will affect on me. I will let you know that I have multiple accounts in this chat right now. If you don't believe me, I will copy and paste this on my other accounts right now. So good i miss the ult reduction on presence of mind but god damn if it aint good rn the momentum forsenCD WutFace @C9Sneaky whats your reasoning for dorans blades over other item builds? fking slut. @C9Sneaky why are people stacking dorans lately ? Hey mods, did you really think that slow mode will affect on me. I will let you know that I have multiple accounts in this chat right now. If you don't believe me, I will copy and paste this on my other accounts right now. !song 6 dorans build Pog why is buying so many dorans good again? go 6 dorans DxCat ashe WeirdChamp !time November 29th 2019, 11:32:55 pm PST GMT-08:00 go for 6 Pog LULW Pog KEKW 4 dorans Pog forsenCD Clap 4 blade Pog PogU why not essence reaver first? LULW POGGERS Pog @C9Sneaky A basic three fund portfolio consisting of ~50% stocks in an S&P 500 ETF with DRIP, 25% of some sort of internal stock index in a stable country with growth stocks (another ETF), and then the remaining 25% in total bond market fund :) Pog 5 blades next shop ok that is too far POGGERS where are the damn doran's sheields WeirdChamp only 4 dorans WeirdChamp headBang headBang full build @jammie_ T1 5 blades Pog 4 4440 ? @C9Sneaky DansGame DansGame headBang ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍑 ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍑 ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍋 🍑 ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍑 ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍑 ˢᵐᵒˡ ᶠʳᵒᵒᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵃˡᵉ peepoHappy 🍎 🍌 🍇 🍑 i c forsen bajs forsenCD JK don't actually take my advice four blades peepoArrive headBang @Little_Cloudy better stats than 1 bf sword headBang headBang !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 12 minutes 37 seconds WeirdChamp headBang not even 5 KEKW Hey mods, did you really think that slow mode will affect on me. I will let you know that I have multiple accounts in this chat right now. If you don't believe me, I will copy and paste this on my other accounts right now. headBang 5 blades or unsub why all the dorans? is it even good ? Twitch PrimeJoeyrushes: Hey mods, did you really think that slow mode will affect on me. I will let you know that I have multiple accounts in this chat right now. If you don't believe me, I will copy and paste this on my other accounts right now. @SnipingHobo TriHard 7 headBang full build 7 min Pog AYAYAWeird ryan choi build Pog @Collat y e s you realize i look up to you for probuilds PepeHands that build was broken on MF like 2 weeks ago 6 dorans or riot WeirdChamp AYAYAWeird 5 Items already monkaW Gank top! Pepega HYPERCLAP HotPokket headbanger HotPokket headbanger kill me headBang @Youiporit ohhhh ok thank you why so many dorans?\ T H R O W E D PauseChamp djlarkHype djlarkHype djlarkHype I looked up to you for probuilds, what if I wasn't watching this stream slipknot Kreygasm 5 item Ashe at 8 mins, GG @Sethd_ why not? DarkMode HandsUp SACRIFICE FOR HYDRA HandsUp needs moar dorans 😡 PauseChamp oh? @decodeproxy 5 item ad at 8 mins ggwp TSM sneaky Pog Nice why did you stop covering your map ? @C9Sneaky Investing wisely in Dorans blades @Zacapa KEKW burn them Kreygasm If you are reading this, WAKE UP. You are in a simulation. Don't you see it? The same responses repeating in chat? Its because the computer only has a set number of lines. Wake up before its too late! @C9Sneaky oh my god ✋ i accidentally sent u a picture of my Cock and Balls... 😳 please delete it!! 🤢 unless.. 😏 u want to look? 🤤lol jus kidding delete it.. 😣 if u want.. 🥴 haha nah delete it 🤮... unless? 🤫 Multiple dorans are good but sneaky is a revolutionary adcarry and buys 8 every game Pog KEKW first world problems. WHO HERE IS FROM XQC why are people stacking doran blade again? djlarkHype djlarkHype djlarkHype djlarkLighter djlarkLighter djlarkLovee pepeSmoke Bro do you burn? any mods? peepoPog WutFace ashe looks like a cowboy but she's more a scout ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !claim to activate————————————————————————————— oh my god ✋ i accidentally sent u a picture of my Cock and Balls... 😳 please delete it!! 🤢 unless.. 😏 u want to look? 🤤lol jus kidding delete it.. 😣 if u want.. 🥴 haha nah delete it 🤮... unless? 🤫 !claim Pepega If you are reading this, WAKE UP. You are in a simulation. Don't you see it? The same responses repeating in chat? Its because the computer only has a set number of lines. Wake up before its too late! oh I have heath potions. !dad PUT SLIPKNOT SURFACING Kappa !claim YouWHY Pog lee !mom Any idiot's? Pepega KEKW BIG TRACK gachiW why the fuck is he listening to shitty meme music Perfect cock gachiBASS !claim sneaky1 sneaky2 PRESS 1 IF YOU sneaky3 sneakyC9 @JessieS23 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM where are the mods lol gachiBASS headBang YouWHY WutFace HandsUp HandsUp Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyes headBang HandsUp sayyyyy ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !gay to activate————————————————————————————— mmmmmmm duality gachiHYPER HandsUp PRESS 1 IF YOURE HERE FROM XQC STREAM gachiHYPER thank yuou Wutface gachiBASS HandsUp HandsUp THANK YOU SIR LUL Mods be sleeping DUALITY HandsUp HandsUp DUALITY I SAW IT MVGame EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle YOOOO!!!! NotLikeThis COGGERS !straight @hotdogss WeirdChamp !gay !gay headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER headBang pepeJAMMER ! gay Kap !gay !gay SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage lul headBang whens a good time to side lane/ CHUNE headBang MY SONG IS ONNNN BOIII Metallica SwiftRage |m/ KappPride !gay HeadBang mods in sneakys chat LULW i almOST did it popega I PUSH MY FINGERS INTO MY EYES!!!! @jester_33 peepoLeave KappaPride !gay ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted aira sky. Type Kreygasm to activate————————————————————————————— headBang SLIPKNOT is the best Kreygasm headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang caare headBang pepeJAMMER MODS ARE GAY AND CUTE AYAYA 🌭 KannaNom PepegaPls Kreygasm headBang pepeJAMMER Kreygasm @cintheninja sumSmash M OMEGALUL D AYAYA @cabr0n do it again OkayChamp ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !GAY to activate————————————————————————————— pepeJAMMER @videohorse it's Slipknot WeirdChamp Little_Cloudy subscribed with Twitch Prime. Kreygasm song name pls? Metallica SwiftRage \m/ :) @hotdogss FeelsWeirdMan !GAY !gay :) KEKW :) !GAY :) @C9Sneaky You on the night shift now? If u like this type of music you are a hillbilly HeyGuys !gay !claim KEKW playing in the dblade meta sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 this song brings back ATV off-road fury vibes. feelsgood Disturbed is artist Press 1 to get banned for 600 seconds :) 1 I WIPE THE CUM DRIP INTO MY EYES!!! Clap 1 1 1 1 1 sneakyFun DoritosChip SeemsGood @Kakeeshka -> No Links! [warning] Nah this is Nickleback at least if they increased w mana cost they should let it scale down per level on w... just like Gp Q 1 1 1 Pog !gay @phillyescobar GOAT game 1 1 @C9Sneaky Entertain me! @banderas__ -> No excessive usage of symbols! gachiW gachiBASS gachiHYPER How can you counter 4 blades? gachiBASS gachiW CHAT TY gachiW SILVER 1 XD pepeDance Type “I’m gay” if ur not gay ! THANK YOU SIR gachiHYPER NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS Pyke? KEKW SNACKY pepoArrive SNACKY pepoArrive SNACKY pepoArrive SNACKY pepoArrive SNACKY pepoArrive SNACKY pepoArrive IMAGINE EVER HAVING 48GB OF RAM LMAOOOOOOO D: I'm gay peepoLeave where is the rock hands emote? ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !Pepega to activate————————————————————————————— KEKW why didn't you E the bush? Fake penis lovers WeirdChamp !Pepega Pepega Pepega peepoWTF Pepega Pepega Pepega I got one PogU Pepega !Pepega Pepega @C9Sneaky Why are people stacking doran blades lately ? Pepega hahhahhahahhah lol u guys Pepega Pepega Pepega !pepega !pepega GACHIBASS Pepega a Pepega COGGERS Pepega Pepega Pepega Pepega 5 dorans only peepoLeave peepoWTF !pepega Pepega @wreckfest pepega monster Pepega u being trolled af POGPEGA Pepega ocean map peepoArrive Pepega ocean map astrovrComfy Oceans bring life PogChamp Pepega Pvman PepeLaugh peepoArrive boots gone Pepega Pepelaugh Oh makes sense, i thought for a moment you let pyke face check it as bait pepega pepeLaugh PepoDance !elo Baiting chat KEKW peepoLEAVE C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 614 LP pepega !Pepega Pepega !pc ♥️ ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a dog. Type widepeepoHappy to activate————————————————————————————— tsosGASM TANK KAISA KEKW widepeepoHappy boner plate lmao Why do people buy more than one dblade !commands Available commands: !rank !matchup !avgrank !winrate !runes !lastgame !tftrank @isaiasdias02 -> The bot commands for this channel are available at boner plate HandsUp widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy ALREADY SAID THAT widepeepoHappy sell the pots pepeJAM widepeepoHappy DansGame widepeepoHappy pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD pepeD Not the blade D: peepoLeave widepeepoHappy NOOOOOOOOOO don't sell the pots NOOO widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoHappy widepeepoHappy NOOOO WTF WTF PepeHands NOOOOOOOO wanna see D recall pls sneakyy whyy NOOO WeirdChamp widepeepoSad GG DansGame replace it with a doran shield, a sensible choice widepeepoHappy peepoLeave it's lost, he lost a blade WeirdChamp 12min full build Pog PepeHands no value pots nyooooooooooooo widepeepoSad peepoLeave widepeepoHappy hi selling a blade? WeirdChamp no wonder got benched Kappa widepeepoSad WeirdChamp do u sniff after musky ball scratches, dad? @C9Sneaky HotPokket into my HotPokket EYES peepoLeave You don’t sell DansGame sneaky you have the gold to finish me! wait, why are we 4 dorans !winrate hiiiiiiiiiiiii C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster I 614 LP | 542W 503L 52% Winrate @SnipingHobo TriHard 7 ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !send nude to activate————————————————————————————— KEKW FeelsClassyMan 200 gold already WASTED c9sneaky i actually remember doing 6 doran blades when camille was released, somehow it was effective af TriHard Clap !send nude @ImmerreininInnereien who doesnt? lmao IM NOT GUNNA MAKE IT. TriHard pog FeelsClassyMan TeaTime @kenseikage1 WeirdChamp SONG? TriHard send nudes yoink TriHard TriHard TriHard Clap headBang send nudes selling blade? no wonder people say Sneaky in lane :) lmao the strat is to sell when you have money for bf sword... she sounds like omega squad teemo !send nuke @smackattack007xd duality slipknot :D :D :D <3 PartyHat MrDestructoid Pepega AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA headBang AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA sweeping headBang THANKS BUD AYAYA BunchOfMuff subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! 2 years with papa sneakers :) @C9Sneaky what would your mom think if she heard you listening to this demon music? AYAYA Metallica SwiftRage \m/ !send nude AYAYA Why were this skin's voice lines recorded in a bathroom NaM AYAYA AYAYAWeird that was a fast AYAYA Pepega AYAYA AYAYA @C9Sneaky Is there a reason why you are stacking Dorans? I thought you were just trolling AYAYA AYAYA aynono AYAYA AYAYAWeird AYAYA Clap Kill Kasia cirSmug AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted Sneaky's cummies. Type Kreygasm to activate————————————————————————————— 4Weird ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a mypant. Type !test to activate————————————————————————————— ???????? KEKW LULW kaisa ? this skin screams Kkona energy KEKW NICE ULTI KEKW KAISA NaM yas1 yas2 yas3 AYAYA 1/4 ryze OkayChamp KEKW good ult kaisa KEKW @20022512abcdef Weirdga Kreygasm !test !test VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe Pepega any Okayga s in chat PVMAN = GG SadChamp LUL KEKW Weirdga KEKW KEKW Okayga @WintersWard ? OkayChamp OkayChamp Pepega Checking in lifesteal PogChamp Okayga !test PogChamp i hate this skin's voice lines 4Weird 🤚 -2 Pepega HYPERCLAP Okayga TeaTime Kreygasm Weirdga @WintersWard how did you go on your test bb? Okayga I think there should be a portal between the alcoves that bot and top can go to to gank the other lane pokiW I'm safe too Weirdga elfstalker subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 20 months! Is this music? VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe Okayga ———————————————————————————— TwitchVotes You've been gifted a subscription. Type !Pvman=gg to activate————————————————————————————— KEKW @CaptainFalliner it went really well I think voyMALLET voyMALLET Weirdga enabling @WintersWard Pog remember when you could life steal off wards PepeHands !test !Pvman 4Weird 🤚 KEKw 4Weird 🤚 KEKw 4Weird 🤚 KEKw 4Weird 🤚 KEKw 4Weird 🤚 KEKw !Pvman=gg headBang KKona Ashes voice is so weird here 4Weird 🤚 KKona Has he played the Jihn/senna lane? headBang KKona !Pvman=gg headBang @C9Sneaky when are you making a decision about c9? PVMAN IS NOT GG pvmanA Use E how to spectate a teammate instantly while playing? which keys? is this normal? turbo roaming support? !Pvman=gg @Tzonii for a second i thought someone else was talking gg=namvp PVMAN IS GG SadChamp @ImNotPeSu f1-f5 TriHard 7 is triple dorans legit? @ImNotPeSu F1 through F5 RUSH IS NOT BAD widepeepoSad u have E lol @ClumsyEel thanks @CaptainFalliner Pvman=gg no ult? @Knique -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] Pvman KEKW yeah but infernal takes the most brains any SillyChamp ❓ never ult ashe FeelsClassyMan damn, where are your frames at Her voice reminds me of the archers from They are Billions MaN ❓ Ocean soul is the strongest though i dont see a difference in framerate MaN NaM NaM NaM FeelsOkayMan NaM monkaW ———————————————————————————— imGlitch You've been gifted a Waifu. Type 4Weird to activate————————————————————————————— NaM NaM tanukiGoja tanukiGoja tanukiGoja tanukiGoja Ult Ult show me your cool ult whats that ashe skin? yin yang = GG NaM monkaW NaM DIE widepeepoHappy NaM @Kawaii_SanChan it randomly drops during a teamfgiht never ult KEKW Weirdga 👉 NaM two oceans PogU 5Weird MaldChamp @BunchOfMuff true 4Werid 4Weird is turbo roaming supports the meta right now? 4Weird 4Weird die please AYAYAWeird !winrate C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster I 614 LP | 542W 503L 52% Winrate AYAYAWeird 👉 NaM !AYAYA @kekw_only nah that's just pyke gameplay AYAYA There are 2153 cuties in chat AYAYA Jayce ?? 4Weird 4Weird 5Head AYAYA @kekw_only duo xp is nerfed so turbo roaming is so bad i only type in lowercase cause im never cappin :sunglasses: AYAYA 4Weird 🤚 monkaW Deth is near Weebs 👉🏿 🚪 Pog KEKW Pog THRESH KEKW Pog ? Pog Pog yellowstar LULW Pot thresh KEKW Pog Pog monkaS Pog Pog YO Pog SNEAKY IN LANE pog AYAYAWeird ✋ HALT PogU wtf PogChamp PogU That ignite KEKW Pog Pog monkaW SNEAKY IN LANE Pog thresh LULW Pog flash Pog Kreygasm 4Weird 🔨 AYAYA hit a 4Weirder with a hammer better back monkaS the 4man 17min botlane PogYou AngelThump MaN a sneakyW pog pyke alpha hey riot if you wanna make this game fun again how about you stop making supports do 9k damage and actually fix the game No mana WHO DID THIS? 😂 Pyke Pog this pyke is a champ that MaN ❓ ashe voice Kreygasm I think Riot needs to fix frame issues in general. Ever since preseason started, I had to switch eye candy off to keep frames up above 140, and with eye candy on, I would drop frequently into 30s ???? They should deffinetly ad a mana scale per level on W, just like GP Q no boots upgrade? AKALI KEKW Pog gachiHYPER Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog PogYou Pog Pog Pog stopwatch op sneaky abandoned them like c9 abandoned him what a god THAT AKALI SHOULD GO PRO Pog PogU ohhhhhhh PogU PogU Pog Pog POG Pog POg PogU EZ KEKW chosen-by-god item Pog PRESSED STOPWATCH Pog PogU xayah kaisa and ashe nerfs DansGame i play on max and dont see a problem at 144hz GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ HE PRESSED 1 BUTTON Pog poggers PogU NaM MaN MaN ? @C9Sneaky are you playing red redemption again? MaN MaN ❗ MaN MaN @Dreadofgrave Kaisa and Xayah are justified what the hell MaN MaN KEKW LOL Pepega Thresh ? lol lmao hte thresh bluff Still C9?? gz Akali Pog pyke is legit Pog one of them is not like the other, thats the point nice b8 thresh ANY HOMIES? TriHard TriHard FRIDAY hi TriHard Clap TriHard 7 TriHard 📡 signaling homies HYPERBRUH TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard !song tfbC TriHard TriHard friday sales tfbC Rip, what’s the song? is this music considered Greek theate66 godamn dis bich talks too much TriHard GOT MYSELF A NEW MONITOR lol TriHard any brothers? TriHard LULW TriHard TriHard i miss stormrazor 1 hit crit PepeHands Gp was so good with that item KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW 3v1 loses 1 v 3 KEKW KEKW SNEAKY IN LANE KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW ? ADC KEKW KEKW big yikes looooooooooooool NotLikeThis NotLikeThis the 1v3 KEKW KEKW JACE OP KEKW KEKW Nice volley LMAO monkaW does red buff on ashe really even do anything FeelsClassyMan you're the T word KEKW monkaX HOLY SHIT CONQUEROR JAYCE KEKW oof KEKW need one for flex MSG ME IF U WANT KEKW OMEGALUL TriHard 7 1V5 KEKW LULW 1v3 KEKW LMAO LULW JAYCE BALANCED KEKW PartyTime kekw missed w kekW LUL BONKED ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ 1v5 Pog 5v1 KEKW *wait hes fed i play jayce but even i wasn't expecting that damage monkaW 1V5 KEKW I believe you forgot you were playing ADC. You die to a small breezy how did that hit ryze jayce just 1v5'd POGSLIDE what happen kkkkkkk @C9Sneaky that jayce hit's like a MAC TRUCK yin yang = gg NaM Jebaited FeelsClassyMan looks like a ff15 GIGA Jayce damage POGSLIDE afrosS afrosS afrosS pepeJAM VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ @C9Sneaky he also had conq stacked gigafett FeelsClassyMan looks like a ff now !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 26 minutes 17 seconds hits the arrow then dips NaM NaM ! @jaydee29 CALLING ALL BROTHERS WideHard 📡 🔊 NaM OR DIE TriHard reporting in WideHard 7 MaN OR DIE 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 WideHard sneaky, i que up at the same times as you but never ever get you in my games lol gachiHYPER Wait rift managed to hit you, im pretty sure that you were far away for it to not hit you KS Pog Pog KS Pog cirMiku cirMiku cirMiku Wtf is the audio for this champ Pog KEKW Pog KS Exploed lolol TriHard KS PogU widepeepoHappy DIE !stealfy pokiW NEED ONE RANDOM FOR FLEX MSG ME IF INTERESTED moon2H HEADSHOT how mad would you be if your girlfriend walked behind you topless to get you booted from twitch? NaM <3 WideHard !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan @Nightbot WeirdChamp KEKW @Morgarathftw they out a sock over the recording mic @Raaves what elo? Pepega thresh KEKW Why does the Ashe voice lines sound so distant? WutFace thresh?? ?????? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 27 minutes 19 seconds pokiW ? THRESH Pepega Clap ??????????? thresh ?? @25orphans i wouldnt be mad PepeLaugh @25orphans pretty mad i assume since he has no job and all that jazz ya know 4Head gg PagChomp PogYou ????? GG ?????? @25orphans KEKW gg thresh, more like TRASH LUL FF incoming INT a power int GG EZ wintrading KEKW KEKW ez game ez life GG poor jayce FeelsClassyMan They should ff now niles 1 v9 KEKW headBang 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 enemy team running it down KEKW smile NILES 1V9 KEKW headBanger ??????? other team ????? Okayga What just happened lol GG EZ CHALLENGER LOL Sneaky carry Pog PogYou PogYou PogYou he just lose the game KEKW Biggest throw?? ILL TAKE UR WATCH TOO WHILE WE'RE AT IT TriHard 7 PogU @Raaves What elo are you playing flexed in? KEKW KEKW POGGERS KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL pog UUUUUU LULW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW GRAVES Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW ljsdknfkjbnadsa KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW XD KEKW THROWING WHAT A GOD KEKW PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp KEKW TriHard MercyWing2 KEKW gg They gotta make KEKW lol KEKW KEKW lol KEKW KEKW TF KEKW XSMITHIE POG didnt expect that KEKW lol PepegaHands ясно грейвз лох KEKW ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW lee = yin yang KEKW GRAVE noobs KEKW D: noobs KEKW pepeLaugh He doesnt know "some 1 zone lee" NOOBS I thought he got pulled by puke? noobs KEKW noobs LULW WINNABLE! o nvm FF HeadBang noobs TriHard noobs KEKW That was a Dig baron @C9Sneaky mobi boots OP noobs KEKW noobs LUL noobs NOOBS IS A MEAN WORD D: haHAA PepeLaugh didnt know BLIND lul tyler1XD foggedDerp @C9Sneaky just got done jerking off thought you should know dad! xd Wait if dignitas is back that means dig barons are gonna be back too monkaS forsenKek LOL S8 ADC build ashe talks like dirty dan people still say noob? KEKW NILES 1 V9 1V3 AGAIN KEKW KEKW niles 1v9 Pog KEKW LULW this song KEKW GRAVES 1v3 KEKW He was alive Well can't blame him, he is using a water gun niles monkaW KEKW graves he died first UR A BIT LATE 4Head that jayce just murdered pyke SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage Sneaky can i touch your butthole? who is niles Pepege @longsilogg people still care about what other people say? KEKW why rapid instead of hurricane WeirdChamp chat kteakhaos subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 8 months! Have you ever played the game journey? Also my name is pronounced like katie chaos. ashe LUL this song gjakeLove WeirdChamp 🤚 is he trolling or something? @Koeloven thats what the internet is about foo TriHard Journey Pog @nickolas0404 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] what thresh skin is that? KEKW CHAT MaN 🤜👌❓ Weirdga KEKW I SAW IT gachiW KevinTurtle HandsUp KEKW Journey widepeepoSad CAN SOME1 GIFT ME NIER KEKW kekw pc Journey is a Pog game, actually made me feel emotional HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp KEKW KSTEAKHOUSE Pog jounrey is a pog game @ForestFairyBilly ayy tyler1Hey KEKW and im dead inside cmonBruh TriHard 7 TriHard ksteakhouse KKona ? TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 @nunuandwillumpp tyler1Hey TriHard 7 TriHard 7 widepeepoHappy TriHard 7 NaM HYPERCLAP man this jayce is really sucking his own dick TriHard 7 Why not shiv for faster wave clear? Or does it matter cause of W TriHard 7 D: KTCAOS TriHard 7 sneakyH sneakyH sneakyH play it cmonBruh omg KevinTurtle TriHard 7 @rudi91 FeelsOkayMan TriHard TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 Journey is amazing widepeepoSad !opgg @rudi91 YOOOOOOOOOOOO TriHard 7 Sneaky D: you should played it, it's pretty cheap and its an amazing short experience SNEAKY YOU NEED WATER Pog PogU PogYou Pog perfect for queue timers Jebaited Pog Pog Why do I get the feeling I've seen @banned_account_the_7th_ in a ZFG stream? @rudi91 IGNORING ME AGIAN YA FCKN Pog Did he ever answer why people stack doran blades early ? omg Jebaited HE LIVES Pog LUL KEKW TEAM THROWING cassio Pog cirSlain LUL welp oof Jebaited Jebaited @mlgwuzi who 4Head three mannnn Jebaited LUL gg zz CASI GG Jebaited 2x SNAKE EYES GG nice dmg CASS Pog Jebaited TriHard OhMyDog @C9Sneaky Journey is more like an experience than a game, try it out KEKW @mlgwuzi i get the feeling ur a ****** but i didnt mention it monkaW MEDUSA monka @banned_account_the_7th_ ??? headBang Pepega lose baron lose game more like cassio PIE'd ya amirite?!?!? headBang theshy KEKW the all chat this game is so cringe NotLIkeThis @h4d3n would you say its a journey? NaM NaM NaM @mlgwuzi so y r u talking trash 4Head NaM Moe is cass KEKW F KEKW Kaisa KEKW KEKW @2lavi3 great stats for 1800g @banned_account_the_7th_ say again i logged out for a moment KEKW nice F @2lavi3 has good stats for early game, stacking it give good life steal and it's cheap enough for gold value imo kaisa ??? Boys we did it noob Kaisa KEKW @rudi91 how did u know i @ u then LULW wtf i just opened the windows pen and ink workspace how did i even do that and why would i need that Cake W so lit im dying 😂 👌 @rudi91 who u playin foo TriHard @banned_account_the_7th_ you said i ignored you thats the last thing i saw akali you dont know me Hm ...I don't really see it, but okay. thanks. MaN MaN @rudi91 TriHard 7 only ocean will spawn now @C9Sneaky WideHard 7 @rudi91 suh TriHard PogU Pog Pog suh cuh POG KEKW KEKW I miss stacking doran rings PepeHands Pog the dodge NA KEKW she threw KEKW POG PogYou Pog KevinTurtle POG suh TriHard 😡I CAN'T SUMMON HYDRA😡 nice dodge on the ult, wtf @C9Sneaky what song is this? sneaky out of lane Pog PogU HandsUp ADC IN 2019 LULW HandsUp KEKW HandsUp widepeepoHappy YAAAS KEKW 4House WHAT A PUSSY is stormrazer actually good now HOW YOU GONNA BENCH THIS GUY? Pog 4 for 2 SeemsGood @rudi91 good to see u round again TriHard 😡MY HYDRA BLACKLISTED😡 @rudi91 makes ME feel at home TriHard 7 lmfao @banderas__ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KEKW ryze R is buggy, the edge for some reason atm wont tp always your team sucks and you still pop off POG maybe this guy should be in LCS Monkahmmmmmmmmmm Trashhh KEKW Lol HandsUp LULW BIG DICK gachiBASS FUCKK uuuu @banned_account_the_7th_ widepeepoHappy PogU Pog Pog Clap I SAW IT gachiW Clap Clap Clap Pog Clap THRESHY KEKW Pog akali HYPERCLAP HYPERCLAP HYPERCLAP @C9Sneaky what song is this? Clap Clap PogU HYPERCLAP Clap HandsUp HYPERCLAP I was here :) Clap AYAYAWeird HYPERCLAP Kappa // Clap HYPERCLAP the yensen HYPERCLAP gachiBASS HYPERCLAP HYPERCLAP HYPERCLAP GachiHyper HYPERCLAP HYPERCLAP fap fap fap fap fap sneakyClap DaRealz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 12 months! I'd be impressed if the Thresh won HandsUp @C9Sneaky have any tips for someone new to adc? HandsUp HYPERCLAP nice try thresh :) SHE ISNT REAL Pog gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiHYPER 100% crit Kreygasm HandsUp SUMMON IT HandsUp gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP lmao gachiGASM slipknot again sick @GhostCalib3r -> No excessive usage of symbols! haha D: gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM hyperclap is such an underrated emote level 20 monkaS TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard @C9Sneaky sneaky whats your cursor size? tell me its big LUL spank my ass daddy gachiHYPER she isnt real FeelsBadMan i cant make her real PepeHands cannon widepeepoSad 👆 gachiBASS this person fucked this person in the ass 👇 gachiBASS @C9Sneaky have any tips for someone new to adc? this jayce is playing well but he's fucking up real bad and now he's stroking his ego DansGame gachiBASS say hola gachiBASS classHuh gachiBASS @Pakidermo -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] idolAY gachiBASS i'm a top Pog gachiHYPER gachiHYPER sneaky is live HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER YES monkaW 👉 🐍 PepeHands no cigar @C9Sneaky enable gachiOnFIRE please gachiGASM DexStar1216 subscribed with Twitch Prime. 👆 gachiBASS this person fucked this person in the ass 👇 !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan @C9Sneaky why no runnans? PULSE Pog gachiBASS sneaky is love did he ie first gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiHYPER One month later I can finally spam@@@@@@@@@ VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan hes going that next @skywnd julezo1W close. but no Sagot sr > rfc >ie Kappa WHO'S WITH USSSSSSSSSSSSS ty VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan !patreon ah ok ty SF3 did nunu or willump get fucked in the ass tho? @tuestresfat IE 3rd item headBang just freeze 4Head VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan Street Fighter @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP FeelsWeirdMan headBang @karadeliz thx Chat FeelsWeirdMan Oh graves he's there, i got scared of the lack of vision Your comp is pretty bad @ikskurvvadeeeee -> No Links! [warning] @ForestFairyBilly I stopped watching after the leesin jg game KEKW MaN man sneaky always cs's so well AYAYAWeird headBang !music BOOMER music FeelsWeirdMan AYAYAWeird headBang Kappa songname pls !song gachiBASS gachiW gachiBASS gachiBASS AYAYA What if I just want high noon ashe to keep her normal form? this one looks boring gachiBASS no runaans? Boomer music WeirdChamp 👆 gachiBASS this person fucked this person in the ass 👇 gachiBASS headBang HYPERCLAP Pulse of the maggots slipknot pulse of maggots Song is pulse of the magots by slipnot @h4d3n -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiBASS gachiBASS THROW YOUR PINK IN MY PIT BABY ricardoFlick Pink in the pit!!! how do you switch forms on dirty dan ashe gachiBASS ricardoFlick @200iqdoge 👆 gachiBASS this person fucked this person in the ass 👇 Damn ricardoFlick gachiHYPER ricardoFlick Pulse of the Maggots - Slipknot NA PYKE KEKW pink in the pit GachiGasm ricardoFlick Pog @smalllilderp how did you know WeirdChamp PogYou ricardoFlick poor pyke ohhh ricardoFlick this pyke is PogU in de face failed flash pog CASS FLASH Pog horny chat WeirdChamp flash??????? Pepega PogYou PYKE ricardoFlick noob Kaisa KEKW KEKW cass flash akay PogYou @JeremyWatts COGGERS sneakyYeehaw gg and he's dead jayce 1v9 Pog chat horny again, like every night gachiW COGGERS I SEE 5Head WeirdChamp @ForestFairyBilly from an alpha swag lord to lolheimer1 widepeepoSad is stormrazor actually good first item or is it more of scaling? hugo1GG PogU GG BrokeBack 1v9 god BrokeBack gg wp @C9Sneaky are actually just a boomer with really good skin? EZ Pepega EZ EZ gg Pos katesChicken katesChicken katesChicken ez EZ Clap is this lower elo or challenger? Sneaky is smurfing in all these games EZ EZ 🔫 Stormrazor meta again ResidentSleeper jayce malding gg 3 min before challenger update @c9sneaky ? SAY IT AGAIN SwiftRage EZ Clap EZ Clap KEKW imagine bm-ing in chat before the game ends POOL PARTY GRAVES @C9Sneaky enable gachiOnFIRE please headBang headBang EZ 👉 💦 sneaky what are ur thoughts on my ballls? headBang SAY IT AGAIN headBang EZ 🔫 SAID IT AGAIN SwiftRage @SnipingHobo rooLick OMG POOL PARTY GRAVES gachiHYPER headBang SAY IT AGAIN headBang gonna be weird when he name changes to just sneaky.. headBang the fuck is this music headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Better Nexus wins I guess EZ TriHard Clap ITS NOT A PHASE MOM SwiftRage why ER? This music DansGame DansGame S SeemsGood and not botrk LULW Troll honor on jayce how much lp is challenger? Duo with Jansen POOL PARTY GRAVES IS SO HOT TAKE ME NOW PLEASE TriHard 7 headBang headBang not bad farmer sneacky 6879 SwiftRage how do you nerds not know who slipknot is gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 it was just a phase FeelsBadMan the noise you're not cold KappaPride PrideParty PULSE OF THE MAGGOTS 341 coup de grace damage KEKW 341 coup de grace damage KEKW 341 coup de grace damage KEKW 341 coup de grace damage KEKW 341 coup de grace damage KEKW duo blaberfish headBang PULSE OF THE MAGGOTS headBang please play study lofi music !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 2 hours 38 minutes 29 seconds Jayce was carrying hard and then he started inting HotPokket Say it HotPokket AGAIN PogU WHAT IS A SLPIKNOT @C9Sneaky i know you years never sub but i prey for u :) man sneaky always cs's so well Sneaky, got any tips for getting more viewers on twitch? TL SNEAKY LULW slipknot sucks, music for virgin kids jayce went 9-4 to 10-9 so tsm buy him FeelsGoodMan @vjaake WeirdChamp Alrighty, im ready to duo on your smurf. @C9Sneaky enable gachiOnFIRE please @C9Sneaky Hi, Say hello to Turkey Sneaky is your calling to play Jayce adc again gachiBASS 🤘 How u get S, Fuck you headBang SAY IT AGAIN headBang i need to pee too with conquero Charlie Pog Dude people who listen to this trash are at the bottom of the barrel. @C9Sneaky while you cosplay the new champ gachiBASS pee This is an Old song only shake it twice "pee" JUST TO PLAY ADS 4Head he said we won't die in before queue pops Kapp headBang vermilion pog song MY STREAM NOW TriHard PepeHands @1999188 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] is it possible to know death? PepoThink Vermillion Pt 2! CRANKdatMoNkEy subscribed with Twitch Prime. sneaky gostoso GET OUTTA HERE TriHard song FeelsBadman ayy TriHard I like this one FeelsOkayMan Vermillion PepeHands Let me scream into a mic and call it music. widepeepoSad gachiBASS PepeHands too deep FeelsBadMan chat... do u pee before fapping? :) widepeepoSad SLIPKNOT IS A SUPERVILLAIN FROM MCU Gee Guys NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis UNSEPERVISED TriHard EU DRUNK CHAT UP POGGERS sneakyChair pepeD Death widepeepoHappy imagine judging someone else's music taste vermilion pt 2 oh no widepeepoSad PepeHands widepeepoSad challenjour? PT2 FeelsBadMan GIMME GIMME TriHard LISTEN TO ME NWO TriHard PepeHands WHERE IS EU DRUNK AT POGGERS widepeepoSad time to drink up boys PepeHands gift me sub can slipknot stop asking quastions? widepeeposad widepeepoSad TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard PepeHands MY STREAM CUHS TriHard chupar esse pau branquin peepoArrive chair stream peepoLeave !song FeelsBadMan FBBlock headBang song PANCA TriHard gachiW pepeHands chair stream BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump pepeDance @stevenmasna -> No excessive usage of symbols! TriHard SadChamp gachiW FeelsBadMan I don't know what to do look how emotional mr chair is widepeepoSad SadChamp @LeveL_PL4YS gachiHYPER PepePls Peanut butter jelly time @ForestFairyBilly thank you for your contribution @ForestFairyBilly Okayga PepeHands SadChamp SquareN9ne subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 15 months! any annie botters? PepeHands Not gonna lie I like MudVayne more TriHard twitchRaid CALLING ALL BROTHERS SadChamp vermillion pt 2 is better than pt 1 change my mind @LeveL_PL4YS U love that dont u gachiHYPER TriHard TriHard TriHard I couldnt summin hydra TriHard 7 TriHard TriHard copyThis copyThis copyThis copyThis TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard PepePpls Song = Vermilion Pt. 2 😡 SadChamp TriHard lets roll TriHard FeelsBadMan TeaTime @Geero2 sneakyD hide TriHard TriHard 7 sneakyD @C9Sneaky Caitlyn game please. Pt.2 slaps you read my name right TriHard WTF IS THAT EMOTE KEKW 👉 tfb5 WTF IS THAT EMOTE KEKW 👉 tfb5 WTF IS THAT EMOTE KEKW 👉 tfb5 WTF IS THAT EMOTE KEKW 👉 tfb5 anyone know this song? SadChamp I dont know what to do I don't know what to do chat SadChamp WHAT ARE THOSE!?!? hey :) HIDE HES BACK TriHard @c9sneaky can you run more ads please? @muggedbyapie gachihyper? sneakyJensen levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas FeelsBadMan TeaTime "tryhard seven" 😂 "tryhard seven" 😂 "tryhard seven" 😂 "tryhard seven" 😂 tfb5Head tfb5Head Q PogU WeirdChamp and SadChamp look the same SadChamp TeaTime KOGMAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW TriHard Clap PogU @LeveL_PL4YS chupa gachiHYPER perfect timing PogU slipknot vermillion part 2 PogYou SadChamp @vjaake imagine whispering someone because you cant handle being a garbage human being, seek help dude lol peepoWTF Why widepeepoSad no more ads Perfect timing PogYou @lilythefrog tfblade subs DansGame Perma ads pls :) SadChamp skip Run more ads if water is so good, why isnt there a water 2 @LeveL_PL4YS xD everytime I come onto stream your coming back from pissing We need them 1 more claw for the the bois or naw peepoSmoke don't let it build inside me 1 time qt played 13 ads what ads? TriHard @vjaake Lmaoooo I'll let this build up inside of me gachiW can u play MF pls? @Cowcheese *playing ads ad stream please :) peepoArrive @Shadowroc2 Wow true peepoLeave more ads :) pepeSmoke @muggedbyapie you is brazilian? :D whats best build for senna ad? @C9Sneaky WASSUP FAMILY TriHard peepoArrive SadChamp TriHard KEWK TriHard ? Sneaky is a piss machine Without ads, I have no purpose in life PepeHands @vjaake WeirdChamp Weirdga xqcM any gifters xqcM peepoArrive NotSoEZ denying us a 24 hour stream of nothing but ads NotSoEZ @LeveL_PL4YS nao :) TriHard 7 Hi @C9Sneaky Say hello to Turkey xqcM what are ads? pepeSmoke TeaTime TriHard any gifters? TriHard "family" but no father TriHard @C9Sneaky You never finished Persona? SHEEEE IS UNREAL it feels so weird to not see ads @C9Sneaky I love your music taste. Do you have a playlist? Sneaky, I am 48 years old and gold 3, I am thinking of going Professional at League Of lebasnds,. Any advisE? Is he going to play The Virus of Life tho TriHard Clap I have turbo dad hit me with the Max SadChamp @kidobr it was gift i didnt pay tfbLul no ads peepoWTF Pog sub life 21 hour stream please TriHard Clap @C9Sneaky while you cosplay the new champ POG we want more ads SadChamp TriHard Clap can u even do a 24 hour stream LUL r u strong enough LUL god damn it snaky 21 21 21 TriHard FeelsBadMan ad stream Sneaks got the most pee breaks of any streamer I bet i come ehre for the ads PepeHands @C9Sneaky while you cosplay the new champ Pog @snipinghobo TriHard 7 KKool MadoStab NaM i want ads PogChamp 24 hour stream of ads? isnt that just cable? POGGERS @c9sneaky have you played new AoE 2 release?? VICTORY X 4 Pog DansGame I CAN MAKE IT REAL make it stop NotLikeTHis @LeveL_PL4YS tuga caralho Pog @C9Sneaky you can buy some of the Chromas with Blue essence :) holy shit more aids plz. Pog VERY cool snackers :o @C9Sneaky you need some tips from QT POGGERS Pog @C9Sneaky need to take after rush and do now counterplay ads Pog she isnt real FeelsBadMan i cant make her real PepeHands did i alrdy miss wait and bleed? @country_justice true KEKW PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR Kreygasm no knot be slippin MY BOI AT THE BOTTOM TriHard she isn't real SadChamp 24 HOURS OF SLIPKNOT headBang Damn the victory streak is ruined with that jhin game edgy sneakyYeehaw @ForestFairyBilly who needs one TriHard @C9Sneaky can we listen to some stoine sour Sneaky looks young but he is straight up a BOOMER WeirdChamp peepoWTF Slip THOT short queue Pog wait u actually are a boomer is sena any god for ADC? Yes Pog you have so many victory royales wtf! YES KEKW True idk what stuff to buy w/out ads PepeHands Ever 30 seconds in game what lyrical talent did it take to make such a playlist? DAMN i thought u listened to more rap now Yes :) @C9Sneaky Caitlyn pl0ss 3 minutes commercial What's is your favorite song of slipknot? @C9Sneaky You need to play Control after you finish Pokemanz. It's right up your alley. Straight :pridf TriHard PepegaPls Thats why his channel is dead lmfao basically WeirdChamp is that true? Straight KappaPride GOOD THING NO ONE WATCHES HIM LUL B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL MER @c9sneaky play more draven please since t1 is heimer main now PepegaPls that's why he lost all his viewers LMAO LUL LUL LUL He runs like 12 ads every 5 seconds pepeLaugh U R KEKW 24 Hours of SlipKnoT and we're grategul for thst good sir! take the quiz OK BOOMER KEKW here I go again KEKW we need a avenged sevenfold playlist next agree with boomer guy. sneaky def looks kinky and young. straight KEKW Boomer is a state of mind KEKW KEKW @Kaceytroan EXACTLY OMEGALUL Miles993 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! play ads during games too BOOMER QUIZ KEKW headBang KEKW using twitch over mixer and thinking your a zoomer KEKW who what @c9sneaky ayyyy what is up my n word haha who AWESOME boomer quiz KEKW what the fuck is captain kangaroo WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL CAPTAIN WHO who? HE WAS AWESOME who WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL who ! WH OMEGALUL @muggedbyapie so you know what chupar means sneaky1 sneaky2 sneakyWEEB3 sneakyWut WH OMEGALUL who WH OMEGALUL OMEGALUL BOOMERS DONT KNOW CAP LUL LUL @Sneaky play We Are Not Your Kind after album finishes hell yeah yes grandmas house row-terry Pepega Kappa seen one Wait i know captain kangaroo and im younger than you WeirdGa @LeveL_PL4YS of course gachiHYPER What is that Kapp ro-tur-e they're a bunch of those as pay-phones LUL monkaW drills gachiHYPER LMAO monkaW cold war TriHard MURICA LULW monkaW BOOMERS 🔫 monkaW Kappa american schools KEKW boomer monkaW earthquake drills monkaW monkaW monkaS daily 911 omg am i boomer monkaW school shooters Zoomer test monkaW a lot actually NA SCHOOLS in america, they aren't drills KEKW in america, they aren't drills KEKW in america, they aren't drills KEKW in america, they aren't drills KEKW in america, they aren't drills KEKW PepegaAim get down Cold War LUL Laxative ads KEKW @C9Sneaky I am a 16 year old silver 2 player who wants to go pro. Every game I always call my teammates the n word but they still feed. How can I climb earthquake monakW monkaW WeirdChamp RUSSIANS monkaW ANELE monkaS top left KEKW omg pls sneaky give me cbt Desks protecting us from nukes??? in cali a lot applum subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 49 months! ty for the buttplug sneaker i never wanted anybody more than i wanted YOU earth quakes KEKW @LeveL_PL4YS tfbHeart 4Weird NO ADBLOCK LMAO what a great quit. only for NA KEKW ne veer LAXATIVES POGGERS what ads? OkayChamp KEKW KEKW ublock origin Pepega BOOMER KEKW NA quiz laxatives KEKW too many KEKW failed tornado and hurricane, youre from florida sneaky @c9sneaky you def hid under desks peepoArrive KEKW whats that Laxative ads OMEGALUL Physical KEKW KEKW KNOTFEST 2020!!! school shooter drills PepeGun @C9Sneaky laxative ads KEKW google is an ecyclopedia Class Kappa OK BOOMER KEKW !gay YES I actually used to do that for Psychology KEKW gachiW lmfao what trkBoomer HeadBang KEKW gachiHYPER KEKW KEKW Can you try league dodge game? KEKW SURE WE DID MILKMAN gachiW gachiW BOOMER KEKW gachiBASS gachiW bring the ,ilk dad NO Kapp KEKW the milkman spent lots of time with my mom FeelsOkayMan forsenCD Clap no LULW Kappa gachiGASM forsenCD ok that's actual boomer... boomers BOOMER HELL YES encylocpedia or theasaurs? OMEGALUL MILK MaN MILKMAN gachiGASM @muggedbyapie Here in Brazil many people chupam every day. is very good. Kappa levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas sneakyWoo sneakyWut U DID KEKW SURE pepeLaugh The fuck is a payphone Weirdga BBoomer YES IT IRRITATES ME yes :) KIDS danRE please PLEASE MF these questions KEKW OMEGALUL BBoomer not even KEKW What is this KEKW @C9Sneaky caitlyn picking non-boomer answer on purpose !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ TriHard this song is MonkaS not milkman gachiW gachiBASS KKona those darn kids gachiBASS gachiBASS HandsUp PogU gachiBASS isnt that a song by lady gaga? @Orb_of_Light gachiBASS i remember Sept. 11 when i was in the Fourth Grade :( we had to evacuate the school + sent home PogU HandsUp HandsUp poggies gachiGASM gachiBASS gachiBASS This questions are so cheesy gachiBASS Pog HE SAID THE THING I FEEL WELCOMED gachiBASS BAJS forsenCD sneaky how do you feel about a neeko support gachiHYPER @LeveL_PL4YS gachiHYPER i know gachiHYPER its paradise simmer down HandsUp gachiGASM Chat do you know what 411 is? BBoom3r gachiBASS gachiBASS HandsUp THANK YOU SIR ricardoFlick bad quiz tbh play twitch or im out NO @Gold_Digger TriHard boomer questions OK BOOMER gachiBASS I'm gay and I got a load in my ass tonight please say KappaPride for me holy shit FREE FROM C9 OPPRESSION Pog PogU Pog bungholio Weirdga he didnt say it 4Weird Pog BigBrother Pog WideHard friday TriKool MadoStab Pog sneaky draven Pog never jinx feelsbadman cmonBruh tfbC TriHard star607TY4KILL star607TY4KILL star607TY4KILL Draven into Leona? pepeLaugh @banned_account_the_7th_ cmonBruh :drums: aynen Young Boomer, god rapping name @ForestFairyBilly sneaky plays more draven than t1 now KEKW @Gold_Digger y did u evacuate u were one of em LULW @banned_account_the_7th_ TriHard 7 BigBrother Clap Is Sneaky no longer C9? I missed the start of stream More Draven Pog BigBrother LEAGUE OF DRAVEN BigBrother ashe support is actually good gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp Did you used KEKW @LeveL_PL4YS you chupas KappaPride ez never seen one before TRUUUUUU Pepega HYPERCLAP @professional_lurker_420 TriHard 7 WideHard drive-ins are bitchin DID YOU NOT HAVE A CHILDHOOD SNEAKY???? :) :) :) @banned_account_the_7th_ excuse me?! ANELE :) :) KEKW you've never seen one :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) draven draven skin plsss lol KEKW KEKW OK BOOMER KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW BOOMERS :) :) HAHAHAHA KEKW welcome to the league of draven :) drive ins are so rare, i have to drive at least 1.5 hours to nearest one, and theres only 2 in NY that i know of gachiW MILKMAN HandsUp OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW KEKW Whats an email? monakW @banned_account_the_7th_ TriHard 7 whatup homie KEKW :) Is this a boomer test WHAT ARE THESE BOOMER QUESTIONS IS THIS A BOOMER TEST? @Gold_Digger thats what im saying email monkaW KEKW sneakySpook KEKW WutFace BONANZA KKona Clap WH OMEGALUL Pretty sure no one here is a boomer @professional_lurker_420 wh OMEGALUL r u 4Head KEKW WHY ARE THESE QUESTIONS SO CHEESY bonanza Pog lmao @professional_lurker_420 r u new in the hood TriHard 7 WTF Pog i dont remember that really??? REALLY? TWICE? Twice a day? No way @professional_lurker_420 welcome heathen TriHard BOOMER 2 @muggedbyapie cristiano ronaldo chupas too levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas levelpL4ysLIQUID3 levelpL4ysLIQUID3 levelpL4ysLIQUID3 sneakyGasm sneakyGasm CALCULATOR PogU Pog texas instruments PogU SNEAKY ARE YOU A BOOMER PogU ? CALCS PogU calculator WeirdChamp I remember when I had to sail the Atlantic ocean to go to school smh. KEKW LUL WHAT!???? LULW KEKW INb4 ZOOMER CALCULAT OMEGALUL R @SmolAria bonanza BloodTrail imagine KEKW KEKW WTF LULW Ti 84 the greatest TWICE? i wish that happened for my college mails Long ass quiz damn no clothes shopping KEKW 4Weird 🤚 CHEATING THE TEST 4Weird 🤚 CHEATING THE TEST 4Weird 🤚 CHEATING THE TEST 4Weird 🤚 CHEATING THE TEST Cosplay and shop KEKW WHAT @banned_account_the_7th_ i been hoodin fellow brotha TriHard 7 cosplay to go shopping KEKW what a dogshit quiz lmao xqcRage finish it xqcRage SNEAKY = ZOOMER KEKW sex shop gachiBASS What if the MILKMAN brings the EMAIL im pretty sure most people do that nowadays @LeveL_PL4YS MAYBE HE DOES gachiHYPER who cares :) dildo shopping GASP Sunday best for Groceries imagine not going out naked KEKW I eat boomer cock got breakfast. ???? dressing up to go shopping? boomers are weird KEKW we use to go naked when we shop sex shops gachiW maybe like walmart and shit monkaW zoomerneaky Shop naked EZ sweats and t shirt walmart doğru when you go to the milkman delivery shop all the women would dress up. imagine getting dressed to go out omegalul HES PURPOSELY PICKING NON-BOOMER ANSWERS LUL LUL LUL Draaveeeen! wallmark ppl not using mixer and thinking youre a zoomer KEKW not using mixer and thinking youre a zoomer KEKW sneaky is a fucking millenial confirmed grocery ok boomer I go butt naked to Vons like any normal person should KEKW hell no Like how dressed up, like in a tuxedo and shit? @muggedbyapie aquele meme ele olhando o pinto do outro jogador Kappa :D dressed up not get dressed halfway through KEKW @C9Sneaky Skip all those questions, just answer if u ever fell victim to a phone scam 100 more questions thats it i always put on my fur suit before going sex slave shopping 50% KEKW illegally The book store like normal people 60 20 KEKW never seen Poltergeist @C9Sneaky ? @LeveL_PL4YS meme Kappa 75 16 33 LUL !followage 20 29 20 KEKW EveryLastThought has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 8 months, 4 weeks WAIIIIIIT I KINDA RMEMEBER THAT WHEN I WATCHE D A TV SHOW IT DID THAT IN THE SHOW HAHAHAH dog LUL 25 12 @LeveL_PL4YS OMEGALUL 25 1 getting married monkaW 20 KEKW 12 15 trap question monkaW 2t 20 KEKW 69 Dumb ass questions 20 26 20 KEKW 25 12 20 monkaW 13 KAPPA 69 69 gachiGASM MARRIAGE KEKW never PepeHands 20 Is the boomer answer 12 PedoBear Sneaky, I am 48 years old and gold 3, I am thinking of going Professional at League Of lebasnds,. Any advise? KEKW 3Head question NEVER KEKW 29 btw AND THANKS YOU AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT WE ARE SIGNING OFF KEKW 15 monkaW 12 PedoBear TRUE I don't advocate for marriage monkaW 12 KannaNom your mom 25 i think marriage OMEGALUL marriage OMEGALUL marriage OMEGALUL marriage OMEGALUL marriage OMEGALUL 13 Kappa sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyGasm sneakyClap never Marriage is cute AYAYA sneakyYeehaw male 25 female 18~ Who doesn't take a leash when offered LUl finish quiz fuck league @julianbelkin haHAA anyone that said details xqcM any xqc subs here xqcM KappaPride GayPride KappaPride LULW KEKW 13. Arranged marriages in asia LUL supports LULW KEKW supps KEKW complete questions between CS what double whiffff mawwaige AYAYA sneakyFiesta marriage is coin flip that is worth all of your sht FeelsWeirdMan KEKW I watch twitch cuz I'm single and smoke a lot of weed :) Finish quiz 4Weird @Schmort_ xqcM zoning sneakyFiesta sneakyFiesta @Schmort_ XQC moon2O solid, hard, long, and veiny stuff gachiHYPER headBang Why cleanse over heal here? !elo C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 629 LP Is donger bot meta? ive been seeing it in a couple of sneakys games now @AdamS_MTG leona cc Yoo under 20 is super weird. holy I looked it up and the average age for marriage is 29 monkaS song heal doesn't do anything against Heimer Leo @AdamS_MTG @Jarvis_McGee monkaW PopCorn levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas sneakyWoo PepegaPls this music is satanic SONG monkaW they'll chain cc and you're fucked if one cc hits you moon2H monkaW @JoelAtYourService That and Jhin widepeepoHappy monkaW scary song music WutFace @nordbrok true I only sub to e girls haymarHa haymarHa widepeepoHappy order a male man gachiBASS gachiHYPER melkman gachiBASS gachiHYPER MAILMAN MILKERS Kreygasm gachiBASS MAIL MAN order gachiBASS ooooooof THE VIRUS OF LIIFEEE SOUNDS GAY AF hue gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiW HandsUp order a MALE MAN gachiHYPER MILKMAN gachiBASS milk man boxLewd boxLewd boxLewd I don't want those milkies MonkaS Pepega HYPERCLAP ah yes, the male man Milkis is HELLA GOOD oathBlush ULTIMATE FATHER milkman KEKW widepeepoHappy MOMMY GIMME MILKIES that sounds like the start for a cheesy bad porno male men moon2L moon2L the mailman can milk me milkies selphyOwO ❓ i got some milk duds HandsUp @leroyv2 if you're 555 than I am 666 naut KEKW The milk man fucked my wife there's a male man and a female man gachiHYPER @nepSmug sfhOWO Sneaky is going to milk his mailman? monkaS WutFace TRAPS ARE NOT GAY CHAT gachiHYPER YuYuYuna_ cirOwO / WutFace riPepperonis @captainfalliner milkman its the boomer pizza delivery dude that song @C9Sneaky monkaW WutFace for a minute here I thought I tuned in to T1's stream @Feels2k somebody has to cirComfy do you know the muffin man PogU PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls wait sneaky hasnt milked you guys yet? monkaS TeaTime KS BigBrother monkaX @taiyoou but he said mailman :think: This Leona Pepega wow you right click very well KEKW Too much WutFace losing to draven as leona KEKW BRTT>>>> does draven cash out on assists? leona try to go in on the strongest support in the game xD stop this playlist SadChamp SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SadChamp goodnight chat and snacky xqcL giving me headache SadChamp gn music monkaW No @julianbelkin @captainfalliner ah fuck i got boomer ears monkaW monkaW song monkaS YOU HAVE NO MANA KEKW OH MY GOD KECK DOUBLE UUUU I'M LAUGHING SOOO HARD I'M CRYIN BRUHHHH KEKW t1 is that you? @julianbelkin nah dorans is draven stacks one to one on kill? dorans monkaW BF julianbelkin Does draven look like someone who cares about sharing? \m/ monkaW good night dorans bald PogU dorans @SmolAria ok s9 leona main DORANS DORANS PagChomp BALB Always the BIG FUCKING SWORD 3 doran BOB motherfking sword bf DORANs @Schmort_ Nighty night BF bf bald BALB No omatter how much you tell him hes not gonna change shit to stfu dpron monkaX DORANS POG Dorans power spike dorean tribal Pepega 3 dorans Pog shield of dorans BF DnasGame doran always dorans DansGame Best friend sword No dorans peepoLeave No dorans peepoLeave pussy ..... DansGame @taiyoou PepeHands don't worry im half deaf in one of my ears peepoLeave DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS @SmolClaire D: I barely even played her peepoLeave WutFace peepoLeave gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave are draven stacks one to one on kill? No db peepoLeave monkaW No dorans peepoLeave No dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave x6 doran or peepoLeave No dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave No Dorans blade DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS DansGame YOU DONT SKIP DORANS No dorans peepoLeave no balls peepoLeave @PianoConspiracy no pls excuse my UTTER stupidity I am scum peepoLeave dorans is broken peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave BibleThump bye peepoLeave peepoLeave BOY friend sword peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave IMMA HEAD OUT peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave is the dorans blade a meme or a legit strat?? peepoLeave No dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave widepeepoSad peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoLeave peepoLeave UNSUB UNFOLLOW LIAR peepoLeave peepoLeave WutFace peepoLeave @C9Sneaky buy a fkn shield then gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 peepoLeave no dorans peepoLeave Sword was a risky buy Leaving forever peepoLeave peepoLeave UNLEAVE widepeepoSad gay sneeze unsub KEKW peepoLeave not even friends with dorans only has 1 doran peepoLeave bless you AYAYA COVER IT BOI KappaPride WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace Is Sneaky better than Tyler1 at Draven? bless u bless u Bless you EBOLA BrainSlug peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave BYE AYAYA AYAYA Kreygasm peepoLeave DYING monkaW peepoLeave peepoLeave No Dorans NO WIN BloodTrail I won't leave Sneaky widepeepoHappy peepoLeave KappaPride peepoLeave AYAYA CHEW peepoArrive Snacky Sneeze brought me back WutFace Kreygasm KEKW AYAYA 4 dorans shields do it Lol bless u we out chat peepoLeave No 6 dorans blade = peepoLeave bless chuuu rip hp peepoArrive AYAYA chu~ KEKW NO LS No dorans peepoLeave see if you had dorans you would heal No Dorans no heal KEKW Nice sneeze where did hp go TriHard 7 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeeHaw KKona no dorans KEKW KKona KKona OLD SNEAKY WOULD NEVER BETRAY BLUB FOR BF POOP KKona sneakyYeehaw KKona ? sneakyYeehaw last time someone ditched doran for sword they got smashed LULW peepoLeave fuck i dont have anything else to watch peepoArrive KKona Nope dorans would have won that KEKW stop insulting your southern fans sneaky you bigot no dorans peepoArrive sneakyYeehaw can you put on somne goood music sneaky No heal PepeHands ANY RED REDEMPTION TODAY? KKona well i'll be damned @C9Sneaky Are you going to continue RDR2 today ? peepoArrive Deth widepeepoHappy KKona 🤝 sneakyYeehaw 14 COWBOYS TriHard Pog Pog Pog PogU PogU PogU EZ oooo Pog Pog PogU KEKW PogU Pog HES CLEAN PogU POG PogChamp Pog PogU PogU PogU PogU PogU Pog Pog leona??? Pog Pog PogU PogU Pog POGU PogU PogU Pog Pog PogU Pog Pog woooo omg OUTPLAYED Pog Pog cashed in PogU Pog D: PogU WHOAH THERE 4Head D: Pog THE MADMAN D: D: shit is it him LULW Pog D: Pog D: PogYou OUTPLAYED sneakyD Pog POG POG D; Pog D: PogU Pog WAIT UR INSANE PogU D: banned D: POGGERS D: D: D: Missing the cannon LUL :D Pog D: TOO FAR D: WOAH monkaOMEGA Pog LOOK AT THE CLEANSE LOOK AT THE MOVES D: D: PogU D: D: sneakyD D: POG sneakers D: COGGERS POGGERS PogU D: SNEAKY IN LANE THIS IS THE MAN THEY DIDNT WANT TO PLAY WITH PogU IS THAT C9SNEAKY ? ???????? @C9Sneaky OMEGASP S AND B WORD D: Pog I hate being in an elo way below my real elo...... POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE sneakyD bUrself forsenBee bUrself BOOOTS SAVED Pog Pogggg POGSLIDE peepoArrive PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp bUrself Azir > Riven KEKW Pog bUrself peepoArrive doran tribal Pepega peepoArrive The glorious evolution PogU peepoArrive the real doran DORANS AND BF POg PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp peepoArrive IM BACK DORAN SWORD peepoArrive dorans peepoArrive Baazett UnfathomableLvl dorans peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive that was really smartly played, poking him before the allin to cash in stacks 5Head peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive Dorans peepoArrive lul peepoArrive dorans peepoArrive peepoArrive DORANS peepoArrive peepoArrive dorans peepoArrive no 4 dorans peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoArrive POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive banned_account_the_7th_ peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive peepoArrive dorans peepoArrive peepoArrive its him the Doran King peepoArrive @ModsDontBanMePlease Damn that was insane GIVE EM THE BEAM Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm only 3 peepoLeave peepoArrive peepoArrive Wtf HeyGuys why double dorans? peepoArrive PogChamp peepoArrive not that shitty build PepeHands peepoArrive we here peepoArrive Lol peepoArrive peepoArrive doran blades POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE peepoArrive Glad to be back peepoArrive pepeJAMJAM peepoArrive i'm here . TriHard PeepoArrive riven LULW garbage player peepoArrive DORANS take me with you Doran King @C9Sneaky xAsph ok we bacc now peepoArrive peepoArrive DORAN PogU peepoArrive POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE POGSLIDE pepeJAM U LOOKING LEAN BOII 3 db peepoArrive @C9Sneaky why is the meta doran's stacking again brtt Only 3 DansGame old sneaky gets 4 i'm gonna beat off what should i watch chat i need money :( 3 dorans WeirdChamp !song @CoboTheGreat Sustain and resell value D: monkaS heimer why are you still streaming under c9? TriHard PepeHands PepeHands Nautalis PepeHands PepeHands @chrono023 but were they changed with S10? tfbC Naut WeirdChamp BibleThump PepeHands PepeHands BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad PepeHands sorry I'm late guys peepoArrive no counterplay DansGame Goodbye moon man @Kawaii_SanChan Donald Trump inauguration WHOAH BRUH UR PLAYIN OUTTA UR MIND AngelThump 2v1 alpha PogU WHATS GOTTEN TO U if doublelift had done this play, it wouldve been on top page for reddit for at least 48 hours @Kawaii_SanChan DxD PogChamp D.Blades in my miind widepeepoSad Naut u have no mana BigBrother COSPLAYER DE BRTT ? Weirdga pepeLaugh can you sing for me one more time YOU HAVE NO MANA BigBrother PogChamp SadChamp Leo R monkaW Naut peepoArrive widepeepoHappy AGGRESSIVE BigBrother GO GO @CoboTheGreat I dont believe so. Just stuff people are trying out SNEAKY KNEW Pepega HYPERCLAP sneaky is done being a wuss BigBrother @chrono023 i figured it was cause of the heavy dragon focus, gets the bonus stats early to be able to fight SadChamp I was told there would be cock hydras YOU HAVE NO MANA BigBrother SadChamp TeaTime can you please stop talking? :) I'm trying to listen to the music :) @CoboTheGreat It's more about being able to stay in lane, though your point could definitely be true! headBang not again Okayga TeaTime Metallica SwiftRage \m/ monkaX headBang PogU headBang monkaW headBang EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle headBang headBang headBang headBang KKona monkaHmm TeaTime headBang pepeJAM headBang Not having mana is fun :) Sneaky in lane OMEGALUL just go roam already before its too late 4Head Pepega :mage: AGANE headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang . headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang mounTAINT dragAINT KEKW KEKW pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 Pog Donger KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW headBang pepeJAM headBang KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW blows KEKW gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 KEKW "KEKW" KEKEW pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 KEKW headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang KEKW KEKW widepeepoHappy hooke machine Kappa smoler than d diagram 5Head headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang i expect you to die, Mr Bond SwiftRage no you :) hi bye pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ Too Much Smoke *Cough* *Cough* i got something bigger than the diagram HandsUp dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS FortOne dottyhSPICY dottyhSPICY KEKW ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ is draven good? After more than a year of having it, im only just now am seeing betterTTV gif emotes... fuck me wait wtf i didnt see you buy those doran blades i only remember you getting a bf how the fuck did you get those pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ Too Much Smoke *Cough* *Cough* Pog monkaW LULW monkaW monkaW LUL monkaW monkaW NAUT monkaW MONKAw KEKW monkaW KEKW nati is so bad KEKW monkaW monkaW monkaW omgg monkaW KEKW LuL monkaW monkaW NAUT KEKW KEWK pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ Too Much Smoke *Cough* *Cough* sneakyHey Furnost subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Did your brother ask you to play his band on your stream? What is this? ALIVE Pog Nautilus, the target dummy KEKW 2nd 3 way with two j girls wtf what is the name of this song the voice of the singer comes familliar to me KEKW ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ nautilus 👉 peepoArrive ..... peepoLeave KEKW KEKW TRUU KEKW OMEGALUL sneakyMeteos sneakyMeteos sneakyMeteos OMEGALUL TRUE KEKW SeriousSloth Sneaky, I am 48 years old and gold 3, I am thinking of going Professional at League Of lebasnds,. Any advise? this naut is nuts! he baited the ult TriHard KEKW ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ hhahha OwO what is this KKona HOOK machine, nice levelpASSISTINDO levelpASSISTINDOpernas levelpL4ysLIQUID3 levelpL4ysLIQUID3 levelpL4ysLIQUID3 KKona KEKW brother KKona brother KKona KKonaW KKOna KEWK KKona KKona OMEGALAUGHING KKona Clap KKona KKona TriHard checking in im your brother :) AYAYA KKona sisters? sheeeit KKona KKool Clap his sisters are boys gachiBASS sneaky emoptes are shit lol GOOD MUSIC headBang that makes alot of sense KKona Clap zfgK sneakyYeehaw KKona shipturs? KKona KKona my man KKona KKona Clap Roll tide KKona show sister sexy sisters? Sneaky can I date your sister? valkyr3Gasm that explains a lot KKona NOTHING WRONG WITH BANGIGN YOUR SISTER KKonaW not a good accent to mention sisters with..... Brodah KKona Clap KKonaW KKona Alabama you mean wives KKona no wonder sneaky dresses like a girl gachiBASS show sister PedoBear how many "sisters" I LOVE SISTERS KKona show sister Kappa pog KKONA @C9Sneaky I CAN BE YOUR BIG BRO gachiHYPER @C9Sneaky wat about brother rush Naut escapepog KKona sisters can be wifes KKona Wincest am I right Clap aye corey taylor is sneaky brother pog monkaW KEKW PepeHands close uuu inhuman reactions pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky @srathek git good. wyd stepsis what is naut doing NotLikeThis OMEGALUL / 4 Riven pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky are you contractually not allowed to play meme AP bot laners? pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky\ Stop smoking WutFace dorans peepoArrive cassio? Boots are a crutch, man dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR MORE DORAN SWORDS peepoLeave sneaky is a boomer now..? look at those dorans.. mmmmmm.... @skywnd same PepePls 3 DORANS pepeLaugh 󠀀 damn @C9Sneaky i feel like your viewer count is steadily increasing each week, good shiet broda 3 blades BoOtS DoNt Do DaMaGe no boobs? AYAYAWeird pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky @C9Sneaky i know you prolly said a million times, but whats the reason behind dorans stack sneaky weed is bad ummkay pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 good luck toke for snacky @C9Sneaky how do your sisters feel about your cosplay? 17k virgins in chat OMEGALUL must be from NA OMEGALUL go import some more OCE players OMEGALUL this is a smoking friendly zone pepeSmoke pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 978396 gachiW pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 just pne more smoke and I'll quit dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR chocotRigged chocotRigged pestilyPoggers pestilyPoggers 3 Dorans and no boots. Alpha build sneakyGrip hey stop smoking WeirdChamp :Raised_hand: pepeSmoke @Kawaii_SanChan apparently he is, watch any of his worlds games LULW ok faker God damn şap şap şap sneakyFedora sneakyFedora sneakyFedora peepoWTF monkaW TriHard TriHard TriHard BLESS YOU starO WutFace AYAYA peepoLeave ew WutFace bless you AYAYA Wowee DansGame Bless you oddoneAYAYA sneakyGrip sneakyGrip ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞKEKWﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 WutFace YouWHY WutFace saúde bless U ZULUL bless you Bless you AYAYA BLESS YOU AYAYA Blesss you :) Bless you hey no smoking in here WeirdChamp ✋ what's the song name Micheal jackson sneeze? pepeSmoke dont't tell me what yo do bless. bless u bless u daddy AYAYA AYAYA ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ Pog KEKW salud loco g e s u n d h e i t KEKW bless Me naut is giga grief pestilyOrder66 pestilyOrder66 pestilyOrder66 pestilyGoblin LULW @C9Sneaky why do u only keep one axe monkaW POI :smoke: lmao KEKW LULW kekw oof YIKES KEKW LULW KEKW feelsbad KEKW ULULU they are always living with 1 hp KEKW KEKW KEKW this naut is so useless holy KEKW lol KEKW ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ KEKW It really feels like, Sneaky is 1v2 in this lane. ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞKEKWﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 LUL waduHEKW OMEGALUL NA BOTLANE KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW canceled autos KEKW Kreygasm gachiHYPER KEKW T1 rage? MORE DORAN SWORDS gachiBASS BabyRage sad YIKES KEKW ahh the sweet toke of science thats 2 kills if ult up D: starDuh Naut is pretty bad KEKW !time November 30th 2019, 12:21:03 am PST GMT-08:00 gachiHYPER You did so mch damage! Naut PepoThink chocotUhoh d sneakyinlane if you had 10 dorans blades that would've bveen a penta gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiBASS HandsUp get off of my text dude HandsUp gachiHYPER gachiHYPER CUM M OMEGALUL D S gachiHYPER moon2B PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokPikachu PokGarchomp stacks NotLikeThis jessieHandsUp HandsUp THANK YOU SIR gachiBASS @C9Sneaky did you see impact buy a building U bench? TY SIR HandsUp my friend asked my which pro adc in NA is best player to you? and i answered Sneaky of course :) gachiHYPER ratirlKing_SG scumpShaggy scumpShaggy sneakyFedora dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR dottyhNAHAIR KEKW has naut hit a single hook? ULT KEKW KEKW Voyer o-o sneaky is hot but im not gay gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS dottyhHORNS slipknot vol 3 full album??? Pog @n_u_1_3 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiBASS xexisaCHU sungslGa mans got dunked into oblivion he is not hot he is CUTE idiot HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp Kreygasm Kreygasm HandsUp gachiHYPER LUL ludwigSmooth huehuehue stream? wasting your ult WeirdChamp sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 Chat, should I get 4 chromas (2k BE) for fun skins of different champs, or 1 fancy emerald chroma? kekw is it vol.3? @xBergalicious I don't know sneaky is kinda of hot !followage ocangar33 has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 10 months, 4 weeks, 1 day sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD 4 chromas No map pressure KEKW this damage PogU owo Hec got chunked PogU WutFace 🌊 FeelsOkayMan i hate the new dragons tbh OCEAN MaN sneaky1 sneaky2 _________________________ Pog win KEKW mods strike again! clean HandsUp THANK YOU SIR sneaky1 sneaky2 ____________________ Pog gachiBASS @commit_isekai that's what i was leaning towards, but the pull of the "exclusive" is too great. thanks! LOL gachiW gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS AZIR SHURIMA SHUFFLE Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________ Pog @c9sneaky heimer op? KEKW draven ius trash ass I need to pee new dragons suck big dick !followage Naut LULW JUST AUTO HIM mid top lvl 11 LUL LuL ChowChowDog has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 6 months, 1 day HandsUp I COMMEND YOU BRAVE SOLDIER sneaky1 sneaky2 ___________________ Pog Happy Birthday Sir HandsUp they gonna get chased sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneakyJensen KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 ____________________ scoopity poop He lived PepeHands shiptur? !followage _____ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog RIVEN KEKW _________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog sneakyFun This Riven LULW That was a sick Azir play sneaky1 sneaky2 ____________________ Pog ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog this is some bloody shiiiit _________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog super fed aatrox Pog naut hasnt clicked R 1 time yet btw @3aboodfalah is enemy mid shiptur? sneakyChair sneakyHey sneaky1 sneaky2 ____________________ Pog . NAISUUU sneakyWoo feeding bot lane smh ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog BACK CrabPls TO CrabPls DA CrabPls LAB CrabPls now it's over SadChamp pepeSmoke ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ heimer and azir vs Riven/aatrox. What weird comps KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 ____________________ Pog SadChamp now its over 1/5/1 Naut LULW ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 __________________________ Pog CHAT I WANT TO SUCK WHAT A REAL MAN HAS 5Head ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog chocotHeadshot chocotRoadkill chocotUhoh chocotBadguy chocotArrow1 chocotArrow2 chocotArrow1 chocotArrow2 chocotRip pestilyAgony pestilyBullshit pestilyMoist pestilyMoist pestilyMoist pepeSmoke sneaky1 sneaky2 __________________ Pog @notdoctorq meet me in the locker room gachiHYPER mandioSleep mandioSleep mandioSleep mandioSleep @notdoctorq a desire to die ?! @notdoctorq how do you suck repressed emotions? @notdoctorq you want to suck family values? @notdoctorq suck emotions gachiHYPER heusheush krippHands first turret KEKW by summoning the hydra EZ KS chat is fkng depressed KEKW KEKW sujck my butthole ya fuck KEKW KAPOW HandsUp KEKW @notdoctorq my debts KEKW AATROX KEKW LULW OMEGALUL ONE TWO THREE SwiftRage 3Head WOT THE FOK headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang headBang PepegaPls PepoDance ricardoFlick PepegaAim pepeD PepegaShake headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang not enough dorans blades BR BR? headBang playing the album over again? headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang mic KtdyvX. headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang chocolito papaya headBang KEKW NA E oh no headBang pepeJAM headBang ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog headBang headBang headBang headBang Fock 1v2 Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 __________________ Pog KEKW BALANCED KEKW headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang pepeJAM headBang nice e monkaS U killed Viktor KEKW QQQQQQQ !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 5 minutes 21 seconds headBang pepeJAM headBang CLEANSEEEEEEE USE IT pepeJAM why nimbus? Irelia apm lmao bonecão LUL gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh irelia Pepega CHARGE! CHARGE! CHARGE! headBang PepoDance headBang PepoDance headBang PepoDance big doll cmonBruh ? what a night FREE FRUIT PogU Champ sneaky3 sneaky4 Nautilus' summ name Kreygasm PepegaPls Champ ------------ sneaky3 sneaky4 monkaW Deth we can tell tfbC Champ --------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 sorry i miss the TriHard music FeelsBadMan is sneaky on an lcs team for next year chat? losing my mental Champ ------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 Champ -------------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 Fat Ass Kreygasm @K4nyeTwitty not so far Champ ---------------------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 gachiBASS headBang starAz PowerUpL starGenius PowerUpR headBang starAz PowerUpL starGenius PowerUpR WutFace sneaky1 sneaky2 __________________ Pog It's getting there PogU Champ ---------------------------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 any fookers in chat? 3Head Champ ------------------------------------ sneaky3 sneaky4 @julianbelkin PogU HYPERCLAP @julianbelkin PogYou @AugustineTV damn, thanks for the info homie PowerUpL PogChamp PowerUpR ninja tabi AYAYAWeird @JeremyWatts WeirdChamp @julianbelkin got it LULW nice tabi too strong LUL headBang PowerUpL starGenius PowerUpR headBang PowerUpL starGenius PowerUpR SeriousSloth doran's blade WeirdChamp @Fulgorio_ oi bruv 3Head 4Weird He has tabis too 17,113 3Head @sanjie3 @julianbelkin 4Weird I mean you went conq and then this build so... lol 🥁 headBang you need to buy y KS FAILED KEKW he shid his pants chat that means no need for bathroom and ads now +27g KEKW 3Head oi Stormrazor rush not good on draven imo i was here ninja tabi and have 2500 gold in the bank so your not doing as much as you could be doing OI CUNTS 3Head 3Head 3Head oi mate init @ForestFairyBilly -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] what is the reasonneable limit if doran blades tout can Buy?? bf no caule so loud lol WutFace WutFace gachiHYPER OI U WANKA 3Head PepeHands aniki @Cowcheese who are you gachiW clebvansed subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! vayne next game? 3Head inint bruv 25% stronger Kapp PepeHands wake up 50ad vs 80ad is mass for draven 3Head OI WANKERS SHUT THE FOK UP @C9Sneaky play aatrox adc plz :) buy shiv IM DYING TO FEEL THIS LOUDER SwiftRage @Ramstax your mom good headBang pepeJAM headBang headBang slipknot PogChamp LOUDER I SAY 😡 gachiW HandsUp DansGame volume down? @seebass10 😡HYDRA STILL BALCKLISTED😡 LOUDER SwiftRage HandsUp FeelsGoodMan Clap Louder I CAN'T HEAR Selling dorans peepoLeave stop selling your fucking dorans 😡 tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1AYY tyler1Hey Whoever wants to watch Vayne games is bronze or iron KEKW !followage LOUDER Pog LOUDER Pog LOUDER Pog LOUDER Pog LOUDER Pog Peaakz has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 4 months, 4 days gachiW KS tyler1Hey OMEGALUL Pog KS ks Champ ---------------------------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 PogU Why is everyone listening to rock xD tyler1BB A SQUAD tyler1BB KS PogU PogYou KS YOINK DansGame LOUDER @ForestFairyBilly zfgMad they can't hold us back forever HandsUp !followage Clap Thanks for always playing sneaker. I always enjoy your streams! Ez LOUDER U BITCH DansGame ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog KS Y Champ ---------------------------------------- sneaky3 sneaky4 conq MaldChamp And big slow Kreygasm @seebass10 thses beta mods tyler1Bruh tyler1Bad sneaky thinking he's as good as tyler1 by playing draven LUL HandsUp caule gachiBASS gachiBASS mods?? ________ sneaky1 sneaky2 _______________________ Pog gachiHYPER HandsUp gachiHYPER HandsUp !upgive BIG DICK gachiBASS mods horny chat WeirdChamp gachiBASS U ARE DOG ANYWAYS dorans> BT lol SUMMON THE HYRA PogU @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM no rapid fire? @C9Sneaky gachiHYPER @ForestFairyBilly I'm pretty sure it's not, it's been posted today maybe only certain versions of it are banned gachiBASS modsss how long do you stream SUMMON THE HYDRA handsUp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 9 minutes 13 seconds AYAYAWeird chat I KEEP SEEING IT gachiGASM KEKW HandsUp @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM 5Heead so stoked for wild rift @Adalis WeirdChamp chat full of dicks gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiBASS chat WeirdChamp 5Head WeirdChamp mods SUMMON THE HYDRA HandsUp IT JUST DOESN'T STOP XD gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP mod WeirdChamp is he upset about something? its actually my brithday FeelsBirthdayMan no mods only caules PunOko gachiHYPER looks Like a silver game LUL WutFace WutFace WutFace HandsUp IVE ARRIVED ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. HandsUp THANK YOU SIR so many cocs WeirdChamp mods sleeping adalisHi adalisHi gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM he sounds like he is lol @Adalis Weirdga SYMMON THE HYDRA HandsUp WutFace HYPERCLAP @Kawaii_SanChan -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] gachiGASM mods? @Adalis you must be new here kekw Stormrazor op then? adalisWtf adalisWtf adalisWtf adalisWtf T1 SNEAKYDADDY kek FeelsWierdMan kekw I KEEP ARRIVING gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM deserved chat AYAYAWeird @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM music making my pp gesticulate hit em with the reach around no mods TriHard gachiHYPER gachiHYPER horny chat WeirdChamp horny chat WeirdChamp HOLY SHIT gachiW @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM SeriousSloth HYDRA HandsUp WeirdChamp SUMMON THE HYDRA HandsUp No mods LUL peepoLeave im new viktors going across the map LUL I LOST gachiHYPER SO MANY DICKS TONIGHT gachiGASM LUL gachiHYPER @seebass10 they blacklist the original one HandsUp gachiBASS SO MANY DEEKS gachiHYPER VIKTOR KEKW gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiBASS VUT mods? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS BabyRage xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp PogU Cocks for days Okayga @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM dammit mod WeirdChamp @Fulgorio_ FeelsBirthdayMan gachiBASS Keep em cumming gachiGASM Pink sold BigBrother Clap @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. no mods TriHard ?? no mods? gachiGASM gachiGASM SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp IM WET NOW gachiHYPER M OMEGALUL DS MODS CHAT HOLD THESE DICKS gachiHYPER No mods in here Clap M OMEGALUL DS gachiW I CANT HANDLE ALL THIS no mods TriHard gachiHYPER YES MODS Lol mods who ?? Weirdga gachiGASM HandsUp gachiW i wanna to sit on that I CANNOT WIN gachiHYPER I SEE PENIS IN CHAT mods are ded no mods WideHard MODS! WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace GACHI 4Weird HandsUp SUMMON THE HYDRA SUMMON THE HYDRA @Adalis welcome to every day sneaky chat @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp gachiGASM gachiGASM NaM I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER I WANNA SUCK IT gachiHYPER NAUT Pog my chat experience is .. BibleThump .. Get runaans :) @C9Sneaky GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird GACHI 4Weird @ForestFairyBilly There's the original one right there! PogU it isn't blacklisted widepeepoHappy NaM NaM 7 12gxxccvb4 gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM lol i notice mods have been gone sneaky why is your chat being spammed by a very long pear this is the best chat ever For the price of 1 item, you can get 100% crit chance THE HYDRA IS COMING I CAN FEEL IT HandsUp SeriousSloth NaM / god hook NaM SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp SUMMON HYDRA HandsUp ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick ricardoFlick gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. CHAT MADE MY COCK HARD gachiBASS NaM mods sleeping KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW gachiGASM pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh KEKW ah yes @MarieMaru -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] KEKW DID IT ANYWAY KEKW u did KEKW gachiBASS KEKW not gonna KEKW IONIA STILL STANDS pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW wish i could have such an artistic chat @cKsmokalot thanks FeelsBirthdayMan SNEAKY GOT HORSED IM NOT GOING TO WALK IN KEKW gachiGASM gachiGASM LuL pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh IF ONLY YOU HAD LIFESTEAL KEKW where are mods @seebass10 I pm u the blacklisted one @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh Dazeep subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months, currently on a 1 month streak! yo I CAN'T STOP FUCKING CUMMING SNEAKY FLAMING KEKW gachiHYPER IT WONT STOP pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh mods?? mods OkayChamp gachiGASM pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh thos DICKS are taking a long time to get banned lol pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh MODS LOST gachiW widepeepoSad pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh SNEAKY WEAK FLAME LULW ye @cintheninja xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM gachyHYPER HYPERCLAP MODS mods are one of us pepeLaugh gachiGASM gachiGASM sneaky mods KEKW mods PepeLaugh mods PepeLaugh mods PepeLaugh Sneaky1 hehexd true taylor :D widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky sub mode @ForestFairyBilly It's the one with gachiHYPER x4 right? gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM mods PepeLaugh chat loves dicks i would flash for you dad IONIA PogU lol widepeepoSad sorry mb MORE DICKS mods gay gachiGASM HandsUp THANK YOU SIR MODS WTF DansGame monkaMega mods FeelsGoodMan im here chat needs Jesus too :) MODS OkayChamp help mods ha gay to save the day permabanning the penises MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame mods pepeLaugh monkaW the hammer is comin boys Thank you mods Weirdga oooo dont you mean girth day gachiGASM MODS PogU MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame MODS WTF DansGame SadChamp SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood ty mods :) SadChamp aight no more dicks SeriousSloth @lolminsoo PogU NAZI MODS DansGame oh shit permas mods FeelsWeirdMan I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame mod here Pepega Ty mods @lolminsoo thank you kind sir but i was enjoying the art @lolminsoo Weirdga Wow have you ever thought about coaching?? rip hydras PepeHands MODS Weirdga Pog mods Pog Mods gachiGASM I WAS CUMMING @tcesarsc -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @thanks Champ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Pog nymnCorn gachiW base d Mods finnally PepeHands it was good while it lasted SadChamp mods OkayChamp boobs! @c9sneaky you think stormrazor is op? gachiW mods OkayChamp mods OkayChamp mods OkayChamp no more girth in chat peepoLeave I WAS COOMING M OMEGALUL DS Champ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Pog Clap DansGame MODS ARE HETRO DansGame monkaW THAT TOO HandsUp lolminsoo timed out tcesarsc for 86400 seconds. KEKW KEKW rip KEKW ADC LIFE KEKW REKT thank you azir Pog CLEANSE KEKW Pog that azir GG EZ azir PogU rip THE HYDRA HAS BEEN DEFEATED M OMEGALUL D S KEKW pp's gone? peepoLeave gg you cleansed the wrong spell I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame I WAS FUCKING CUMMING DansGame dicked PepeHands you their solo lanners are stunning on you bois AYAYA Trox yo stopwatch? monkaW mods monkaW mods peepoLeave too bad Aatrox is awful :/ Weirdga monkaW mods ahha LUL monkaW mods monkaW mods MODS DansGame KEKW AATROX KEKW LUL LUL aatrox Pepega no mobility draven vs dashes and cc Pog ???????? LUL KEKW LUL\ ????? KEKW Aatrox KEKW NA KEKW KEKW KEKW AYAYA Mods KEKW KEKW Aatrox? LULW LUL Pepega KEKW KEKW KEKW monkaW mods no more deeks? peepoLeave HYPERS DONGERED KEKW KEKW SPEAKING OF GRIEF KEKW Mods monkaOMEGA Mods monkaOMEGA headBang 🤘 @SnipingHobo ratirlCage gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 what are we asking mod for btw? AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool you heard new slipknot album @C9Sneaky ? SwiftRage headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang monkaW music AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool AYY TriKool YUH TriKool FUCK THE MODS TriKool . Heimer cancer wheelchair champ ? headBang HandsUp I CAN STILL BELIEVE LOUDER headBang headBang headBang Is that hashinshin PogChamp is he mad or is he just raising his voice over the music? ULT BARON :/ fidget spinner DrAvEn sneaky is cool B) CS KEKW Mods out for blood monkaW HandsUp SOMEONE WILL SAVE US STEP UP POGGERS Run it mid sneaky rapid fire zoo? azir nice ass gachiHYPER Dont matter A Zoo? @Grievousxkilljoy oh he is MOLTING rn he can teleport @C9Sneaky you need stop watch to bait them into you for aatrox to clean up magic Bot diff PepeHands @julianbelkin -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] I SAW IT gachiHYPER heimer is so aids LUL gachiHYPER gachiBASS I SAW IT HandsUp HandsUp HAIL HYDRA HandsUp AAtrox HandsUp THANK YOU SIR gachiHYPER gachiHYPER Heimer is legit busted HandsUp OUR HERO monteHA monteHA monteHA monteHA monteHA monteHA THE HYDRA WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED HandsUp aatrox monkaW i don't saw it SadChamp FeelsWowMan 2? atpHorns 208 is the number 3 its uh issa numba 208 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Insane damage Pog dom VaN 3 take it or leave it DUALITY BITCH headBang headBang headBang ive had 800 on malph b4 headBang 3053 malphite? i push my weiner between my thighs monkaW sneaky how are you able to tuck your dick and balls between your thighs like that monkaW SadChamp noooo nooo monkaW monkaW monkaW gachiBASS !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 629 LP monkaW Kreygasm headBang monkaW WutFace MercyWing2 headBang Is Esther tilted? PepegaPls Hu3 Hu3 Hu3 Hu3 thought WeirdChamp mountain drakes stupid as fuck KKona KKona 7 i think so too partner pls don't use the F word Kreygasm gachiHYPER gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiBASS bye dolans blade PepeHands Kreygasm Kreygasm LW noob trap lol gachiGASM gachiW gachiHYPER only 20 LUL gachiBASS oh gachiW gachiW 20% pen is all sneaky needs HYPERBRUH I like penatration gachiHYPER ANAL PEN VALUE 100% Kreygasm i like penatration too gachiW headBang PepegaShake headBang LUL this song is always on when i tune in to @C9Sneaky stream.... Lord Domination gachiHYPER jhin next?! the dude? i dislike penetration of the homosexual variety as it is sodomy 4Weird Weirdga ? @Kawaii_SanChan 4Weird WeirdChamp guys i was missing steam could you tell me what be both for his items? this naut LUL Weirdga what was firsth second and etc CORPORATEONS RUINED TWITCH CHAT! GIVE US BACK FREE !SONGREQUESTS GG KEKW i pretend im gay online pepeLaugh GG Azir ended Azir? Jebaited wtf PepegaShake ?? WHAT ? ?? what KEKW ? monkaW KEKW wait the fuck? wHAT KEKW KEKW ??? ??? KEKW ???? ??????? LOL that damage KEKW what? WTF WAS THAT?????? wtf uhhhhhhh ?????? KEKW KEKW LUL ???? LUL 2 shot LUL ????? ?????? running it down LUL KEKW GG ADC KEKW o howd he do that ????? NANI WHAT KEKW ??? LULW laggggggg ???? hahahahahahahhhaah PokGardevoir XXDDD lol INTING damage?? ??????????? KEKW WHAT THE FUCK ?????? Time to /FF in chat boys KEKW ??? ????? ????? uh? wtf was that teleport Wait what just happened what did azir do LULW @C9Sneaky WHY WAS HE INVIS KEKW he tped on the ward but never appeared there baLANCEd bugcatcher Sneaky KEKW monkaS they were invis he was porting then is he wont HIS TP CANCELLED Lol bush didnt give away vision? King crimson I had the same shit happen to me in game he disapeareD?? gg they have Ocean soul LULW he didn't cancel ocean soul = you lost yeah wjat better mid wins LUL u straight up walk into them lmao Its a visual bug Replay! azir dash laggy af lost vision he flashed into bush rewatch it :D visual is this iron league? R I OMEGALUL T Someone get the clip! dash into bush @Saephon no it didnt lol, he was in the bush wtf? osso em Vod time! color blind azir botlane time sneakyBug bug catcher sneaky I WAS LIKE DID THE TELE GOT CANCELLED LMFAO BUG CATCHER That was odd sneakyBug KEKW azir breaking your ankles SNEAKY OUT OF LANE KEKW you literally walked into azir lmao @zyrexiareal bug catcher MAGES BEING OOM IN 2K19 LUL get gud PepegaPls i thought tp was cancelled fucking bug catcher @C9Sneaky strikes again headBang Azir was invis in the clip headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang PepoCheer Did he flash into thjer brush as soon as he finished the TPO? PepegaPls no slipknot is awesome he had flash up headBang headBang after he was in bush literally never showed up on your screen No it is spaghetti coding i just looked at the replay, you literally couldn't see him until he showed himself attacking from the bush.. Legit was invisible after the TP in video. he flashed from bush to aatrox headBang viktor PogU he had no vision of azir is slipnot a kpop band? Giga TriHard He like appeared in the bush peepoLeave PepeLaugh nice vikt Pog slipknot is for people who do meth and drop out of high school SNEAKY CULIAO SUBELE A LA MUSICA CONCHETUMAREEEE headBang headBang headBang HYPERBRUH what happened to all the copypasta spam? tp looked like it cancelled but he appeared in the bush LUL He literally disappeared wtf Viktory Pog @ShinyFuji oddonePat I watched in slow motion azir was invisible why no essenz reaver and pd for stormrazor azir was 100% invis GIGA WideHard FARM !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 20 minutes 25 seconds peepoArrive did the control ward glitch and take away vision? @AcidicStorm sub over PepeHands shipPat hey @C9Sneaky you gonna play halo when it comes out on steam? OH WE WIDING? WideHard 7 even though you saw the ward? @C9Gorobot JAJAJ que carajo yeah azir went INVISIBLE LMFAO RIOT GAMES LUL KEKW send it again after game Omg GG KEKW súbele a la música qalo que me vuelvo loco gg gg how does he kite so good lol F ADC KEKW KEKW ADC KEKW azir was just out of vision, team walked around the brush... no glitch adc in 2k19 165 conq dmg KEKW @Adalis wtf jaja press Ñ for sneaky Wow theyre fucking unkillable tanky LOL AD KEKW deleted LUL ADC in 2020 KEKW gg widepeepoSad ! :) no stop watch? adc cucked ass role Pepelaugh ADC KEKW A-a-atrox @C9Sneaky next game? FeelsOkayMan WidePeepoSad FARMING ALL GAME JUST FOR THAT TO HAPPEN AND LOSE THE GAME KEKW rip viktor WHY DONT U JUMP WITH UR JUMPS? didn't show the flash graphics or sound victor is mad KEKW averse is a toxic pos KEKW KEKW Double Boom Pog ADC PogU BigBrother Draven is DOGSHIT this season feels draven man good try with him on your team though The best players in the world just cant win sometimes 8foldgaming wut widepeepoSad KEKW If only draven had 10 dashes @adalis lol no dash adc in 2020 KEKW Azir new ability ----> INVISIBLE after tele KEKW riot games 2019 poor draven on this meta honestly show him the clip draven needs a dash Replay the dragon pit pls He should use his leaps, his mobility duh ADC in 2019 KEKW would have won that game on lucian Kappa sterak's is fucking ridiculous @fandesweetlikecandy KEKW goodnight sneak boye nkoLove white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 can you download the replay so we can watch the dragon pit interaction felt like u didnt do any dmg 8foldgaming bruh how high are you, hes playing draven FrankerZ ruff? couldnt do anything POKEMON? Play caitlyn imagine 0s cd on flash @adalis i found you in all the streams all the nights wut monkaW @C9Sneaky whats the current meta for ADCs? besides senna widepeepoHappy white people happy Clip PLAY CAIT @C9Sneaky was it the control ward? !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 22 minutes 28 seconds nice game riot !AYAYA R I OMEGALUL T AYAYA There are 2154 cuties in chat AYAYA download it so we can see the actual game-side interaction yeah that is sus There is nothing draven can do to a fed azir monkaW AYAYA ????/ He literally disappeared KEKW there was a pink but it looks weird, it look like sneaky has vision but he doesnt? @fandesweetlikecandy i called it insomnia !uptime He flashed? wouldnt death dance help u get less assassinated? KEKW Two shotted @adalis i am i queu with mi duo Boop SOLIDER IN the ASS sneaky1 sneaky2 I just dont understand it...are you saying theres champions that dont....dash? 3 @k0nline nah lost vision cause he walked behind wall watch replay sneakyBug ???? he instantly flashes i think ward bottom of pit LIT 😂 you shouldn't have vision there though sneakyBug the control ward just denied vision from the azir tp for a millisecond just out of vision. vision extends past what is acutally shown watch it slowly in replay monkaHmm monkaHmm Okayge COCK same lmao @C9Sneaky there is a ward in the dargon pit bush. the tp put him outside of vision I thought he canceled too 🐦 sneakyBug you did have vision from your pit ward pito WTF is that KEKW ocean also kinda fuked u theres ward there there is a ward in the bush @C9Sneaky there is a ward in the bush in the pit oooooh hey Julian too fast @shitstosita KEKW you had vision @C9Sneaky shouldnt that ward from the pit show azir tho? The control ward should be denying vision of the pit he flashed after at the bottom of the bush you didnt have vision of him Azir speed of sound theres a ward in the pit you have vision but not of the controlward thats why KEKW so confusing TP cancel in 2019 Pepega that ward doesnt extend far enough that ward in the pit didnt see him 3Head oo watch the replay makes sense you can see drg.... chat nah that ward is out of range Bottom brush of drake pit theres a ward in the bush in dragon pit @C9Sneaky inafff this chat lmao it's a bug peepoPog @C9Sneaky Watch the replay TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Kapp Yes up until the control ward obviously PepoThink its out of range of that pink You had vision of almost all of pit cus of ward in the back, probably a grey zone right where he tped to BUGS RITO Download replay Did he flash into the bush? remake it's a bug hmm PepoThink No way PepegaHands not a bug watch replay pink needs to be inside a bush i thought for it to stop the ward vision watch vod check your replay in client you have ally in bush too think he's outta vision but you saw the tp its not a bug pink wards have lower range than normal ones sneakyBug watch the client replay grass dragon pit has bigger walls You have vision of control ward how tf you are not gonna have vision of TP That doesn't even make sense the team is right there !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 24 minutes 55 seconds sneakyBug CONFIRMED wait wtf maybe flash? check replay in client client replay client replay client replay? watch client replay HYPERS The G-Ward CLIENT REPLAY visable vision is shorter than what is shown on screen. riot has said things about this in concern with pixel bush and going into mid side bush 🦀 hes gone 🦀 but you can see the pink @C9Sneaky flashed immediately into bush weird PepoThink client replay sneakyBug @RiotGames @TSMJatt ? its stil lthe same chat Their pink cancels your ward vision x-files shit you see flash particles yes he's not after tp REPLAY @C9Sneaky New bush has glitch that makes the bush hide people out of it if I had to guess. This bush needs to be removed period like you can see a split second when he e's look at ur line of sight @C9Sneaky the bigger walls from ocean soul drake pit blocked it go to your replay and watch him what about the mana CLIENT REPLAY Watch client replay yeah he tp'd and insta disappeared if he did f that is small indie company KEKW You have vision of control ward how tf you are not gonna have vision of TP lmao Watch the replay of how he gets there ? @C9Sneaky client replay @C9Sneaky client replay league doesn't have true fog of war Client replay shum_cot subscribed at Tier 2. They've subscribed for 37 months, currently on a 37 month streak! excited for whatevers next my dude @C9Sneaky client replay so weird sneakyBug forsen1 client replay! its a bug lol even on reddit there was another invis bug in the river @C9Sneaky wasn't that just heimer tping the tp cancels as soon as heimer shows up dead top right. CLIENT REPLAY @C9Sneaky sneakyLemon2 CLIENT REPLAY @C9Sneaky i c bajs Replaaaayyyy forsen1 client replay sneakyLemon2 just download client replay and look ? client replay pretty sure there like 1 small spot of darkness @C9Sneaky Client replay it was just perfect sequence of events KKool is_thea is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to C9Sneaky's community! They've gifted a total of 1 in the channel! white people happy KKona 👍 white people happy KKona 👍 is_thea gifted a Tier 1 sub to cykaman2! Looked pretty stupid to me vision TOGGLE FOG OF WAR you can toggle vision watch his perspective its magic replay VISION @C9Sneaky Fog of war toggle Was it a flash or not? Watch replay from his perspective @c9sneaky toggle fog of war toggle vision Client replay will show shadow @C9Sneaky Vision dude when u appear after tp is top side of it right ? it's gotta be the edge of the ward's vision and the map is still lit there for aesthetics lets you pick a vision side? @C9Sneaky So you can see fog of war toggle fog of war for ur team @C9Sneaky you can see it without fog @C9Sneaky DO a client replay you can toggle vision no i think he flashes LOL is this what happens during those 10 minute LCS ingame pauses? @is_thea x3y6omBruh love you I think its the heimer tp not the azir just look at it dude pvmanHYPERS what if it's a bug can't you check the fog for your team? he flashed KEKW azir couldve come from bot Pepega @silver059 heimer is dead KEKW this music pepeJAM 👍 sneaky spicy wow sneaky getting a lil attitude huh 3Head chat He W + E'd SHUT U BASTARD BRONZIES you'd see flash particles if he flashed cha @C9Sneaky why dont you just watch the replay? 5Head you can toggle back and forth @C9Sneaky not yours his so you can see what he did if it's a bug replay will show different maybe Pepega 0 iq CHAT KEKW could be @maxec, noo E Flash WE MEAN IF HIM INVISIBLE WAS A UR SCREEN BUG OR EVERYONES tilted? @Dexteris if he flashed where the FUCK is the animation naroHodo weird headBang sneaky, whats it like being surrounded by mongoloids all day @silver059 wtf are you talking about lol this chat lmfao insta flash? @Dexteris no he didnt he flashes after later in the play 5Head Chat KEKW Pepega Clap headBang headBang JUST FUCKING PLAY IT @noitaCAV yeah he dies then the tp cancels. check timing Show us what your team saw 3Head tipine sokim oyuna gir seri D: attitude headBang FOR THE FUCKING CHAT keep up that attitude boy and ill cockslap your cheek SNEAKY GETTING AN ATTITUDE KEKW do it 4Weird can you show us anyway ho ha ha 4Head D: 5Head DOWNLOAD the game @C9Sneaky its not his tp its heimer but he died maybe it was a glitch pvmanFBM he didn't flash lol Has chat ever considered that League is a poorly coded game with crappy MM KEKW Sassy sneaky 😳 see what didnt see? monkaHmm 5Head Okayga COCK CorgiDerp ? monkaHmm @C9Sneaky where is the rap playlist mang wait the guy was right the rp cancels when heimer dies 5head client replay dude can you check azirs pov from the replay u just need to get gooder @C9Sneaky EXPOSED @C9Sneaky Just watch the replay Snacky its gonna be different trust me 5Head 5Head one step ahead maybe flash E Flash just download it I still wanna see it @C9Sneaky maybe its not his tp its heimer but he died now he going to boolie Lynn see what you didnt see 5Head What if when you toggle vision you actually see him, that would render it a bug and not an interaction, no? Food POGGERS food naroWOW no need for food. you can eat me instead ponele playy peepoLeave eat me :) i see monkaHmm food at 1am LULW where do i find asian women to make food for me? sneakyChair peeppLeave ITS NOT THE FUCKING CLIENT REPLAY HE LITERALLY SAW THAT DURING THE GAMEPLAY Hmmm Sneaky I's THAT part of the month again isnt it ponele playy muchacho que haces señora !chant ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ My dick is small, my butthole is leaky, I use this chant to summon Sneaky ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ fuck @StrikerElk, in any case its a bug, I wish I could afford 😭 food sneakyChair peepoLeave you stupid fucks chat 27k PagChomp pressing E without time to put a soldier Pepega KEKW OkayCham OkayChamp @Kawaii_SanChan asia ofc ads peepoLeave Sneaky NA brain... He was there for a literal frame before he e'd i give up sneakyChair !tnahc ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ʎʞɐǝuS uoɯɯns oʇ ʇuɐɥɔ sᴉɥʇ ǝsn I 'ʎʞɐǝl sᴉ ǝloɥʇʇnq ʎɯ 'llɐɯs sᴉ ʞɔᴉp ʎW ゚╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆・゚ @Sway117 Yikes @h4d3n KEKW @Kawaii_SanChan NOT IN THAT BASEM,ENT U LIVIN IN THATS FO SURE 4Head peepoLeave watch the replay this is for you mike AYAYA 7 ads lmao i rub my nipples to sneaky cosplay no client replay? aight ima head out peepoLeave @banned_account_the_7th_ 4Weird TOO FAR @Flawful go fucking kill yourself too many wypipo in this chat chat just mad they're all bad at azir KEKW no text in chat please Goo @Sway117 Big Yikes AYAYA RPGAyaya AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAWeird No AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA weebs 4Weird AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA @Sway117, alright settle down. We've all had a drink the herd mentality in here is disgusting lmao CHAT DOU WITH ME PLAT 1 90% WR! i was the azir :) yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA yasAYAYA No FeelsWeirdMan AYAYA 7 WEEBS AYAYA DansGame i am wipo lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA lilyAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA AYAYAWeird @Sway117 get a life m8 @Flawful Your downsy mother shoulda swallowed got confused and used her south mouth ayayayyayayaya boxAYAYA AYAYA AYAYA NaM the music is so bad.. headBang headBang headBang headBang AYAYA 📡 CALLING ALL CUTIES AYAYA sneakyJensen sneakyJensen sneakyJensen NaM 7 AYAYA gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 headBang AYAYA AYAYA 7 AYAYA peepoArrive @Sway117 Ultra yikers SNEAKY SHOW DICK AYAYA haHAA TPFufun AYAYA AYAYA AYAYA OpieOP @UItofuu snake sub DansGame @C9Sneaky BOOMER QUIZ "haHAA" AYAYA Metal sneaky = Sassy sneaky @sneaky can u stop your tp as anivia with your own wall AYAYA peepoArrive SHOW FOOD i love food 25 cirMiku @C9Sneaky maybe its not his tp its heimer but he died EatSprayLove subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 16 months! Hi, sneaky, as I promised here is your monthly supply of Saudi dark money. please use it responsibly. peepoLeave @jjonnej i wanna see some pp NEVER peepoArrive its 25 Dude stop eating food at 2am it's not healthy 76 wtf is this question lmao bob and vagene plz Never KEKW ANELE ok boomer pepeLaugh what ya gnna eat 25 it 20 29 29 boxREE boxREE shad0wbr0ker subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! Yo snackers lovr you my dude no matter what you do i support you and love you always my man. Stay awesome !followage poulou thats just not true at all. acraftyconsumer subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 24 months! 33 x4f4x has been following C9Sneaky for 11 months, 2 weeks Balls 25 21 vermillion headBang 33 25 or 29 :) Can we all jump sneakyJack and Reapered at the next LCS ? its 25 bro 5Head 29 5Head 5Head shut up attitude boi 5Head VERMILIOONNNN headBang headBang what u eating sneakers 5Head vermillion poggers boxGun he doesnt know pepeLaugh headBang 29 MY NaM boxGun boxGun boxGun boxGun 2121212121 29 snaky man i think its time to face the facts man AYAYA you may be a boomer wtf WutFace gross Kreygasm DansGame WutFace gachiBASS OpieOP WutFace lmao y @C9Sneaky did you see impact bought a whole building in Korea.. (puke) DansGame GROSS \ WutFace meat? ok boomer Pog dog food DansGame ewww boxGun boxGun boxGu we're a food eating stream now WutFace nice description sneakers\ bowl of brown 🤢 DansGame soup is like boomer cereal that looks like throw up DansGame A bowl of soupy meat is as boomer a meal as you can get Pepega what PogChamp DansGame what kind of meat? gachiW interesting monkaHmm YUMMY show again WutFace looks like Wet dog food ed not pizza or burger DansGame That actually looks disgusting sneakyGasm BigBrother BOOMER MEAL KEKW boomer answe KEKW WH OMEGALUL BRAD PITT WHAT? WH OMEGLAUL W H OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL sneakySpook2 sneakySpook2 who? LUL a boomer LULW KEKW NO CHEATING PAUL WH OMEGAUL ? tom cruise @C9Sneaky this quiz is for BABY boomer and not Boomer :) New MaN thats the salad dressing guy CHEATER WH OMEGALUL OMEGALUL THATS ME CAPS Paul Newman Pog p0meloCorazones p0meloCorazones p0meloCorazones forsenCD Clap WH OMEGALUL forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD ? Really cool actor forsenCD SO ? gachiHYPER 5 gachiBASS forsenCD 7 so hard to grab the meat, huh? LULW grab my meat gachiHYPER lool these questions are for boomers sneaky, not zoomers PogU Pog Phone book POGGERS LUL Pog WTF i c bajs forsenCD NEW PHONE BOOK RELEASE POGGERS POGGERS IPHONE X ZOOMERS KEKW forsenCD 7 LULW Yellow pages @pal_oh suck your mother did you used listen here you little chit, back in my day phone books were the bee's knees every day when are u going to cosplay again Can we let this "meme" die? spam FeelsGoodMan Clap SPAM DansGame bro get an ad blocker @C9Sneaky I love SPAM spam musubi Does Spamming in chat count KEKW WutFace SPAM Pog SPAM Pog is this a boomer test? wtf spam is good eat sperm Kreygasm spam is my favourite food, I eat it every day tv knob Pog zoomers DansGame they were getting breast fed around that time LUL I remember being excited for each new cable schedule booklet to pick movies for the month, FeelsBoomerMan EAT SPERM ?? gachiBASS i thought it was pretty cool seeing the new phone book lul spam is pretty aight gachiW spam is good gachiHYPER How is it being a professional gamer, does it feel like a hobby or does it feel like a job? ? its nice tho @skilledspellz -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] COLUMBO I do :) zoomer Spam masubi WH OMEGALUL WH OMEGALUL spam is Pog WH OMEGALUL MingLee W H OMEGALUL KEKW Whats best build path for senna ad? @C9Sneaky WTF THERES JUST ONE MORE THING W H OMEGALUL Yes LULW columbo bae :CD: forsenCD 💿 N OMEGALUL dude this quiz is fkin dumb confirmed like I said, these questions are legit for boomers, not even meming forsenCD forsenCD results are you failed PauseChamp 📀 yes OMEGALUL LUL no you're a zoomer FUCKIN ADS ENJOY IT OMEGALUL 💿 Clap forsenCD yes KEKW no WAY Cdeeznutz :O Pog Not Boomer Pog No Way ! N OMEGALUL WAY peepoPog NO WAY Pog ZOOMER KEKW SAVED Pog No way! :O zoomer ! Pog Pog ads PogU pepeLaugh pepeLaugh no LUL FAKE ANSWERS NO WAY Pog Pog they found us out KEKW KEKW woah Pog NOT BOOMER Pog KEKW LUL Pog ResidentSleeper SNEAKY = ZOOMER KEKW okay boomer MILLENIAL LUL LUL NOT BOOMER KEKW ok boomer millennial KEKW NOT B OMEGALUL OMEGALUL MER OK ZOOMER OK ZOOMER Ok Boomer MILLENIAL LMAO sure thing boomer Gen Z FUCK BOOMERS KEKW EZ ZOOMER KEKW KEKW Not boomer PepeHands PepegaHands im a melinal ok zoomer ZOOMER LULW ZOOMER confirmed pepeLaugh MILLENIAL KEKW OK BOOMER ZOOMER you suck no boomer WOW THANKS QUIZ gotcha ya Boomer wow ResidentSleeper Clap D: Puke SourPls FORTNITE ZOOMER KEKW xqcDab MILLENIAL LUL ZOOMER KEKW ZOOMER KEKW FeelsClassyMan zoomer, not millenial OK Z OMEGALUL OMEGALUL MER OK BOOMER Ok, Boomer Chat is PepegaHands You're GenZ I'm a milennial and I got Gen X LUL Millenial > ZOOMER > BOOMER Generation Y title stream "boomer tries his hardest to stay undercover by 'not remembering anything'" AYAYAWeird MILLENIAL BOOMER That's a quiz for baby boomer, not the boomer that we use. ok boomer haHAA not boomer or zoomer Pog feelsbadman TriHard chat has lost it thinks millenials are the young ones, KEKW a true milly ok xoomer sneaky you're gen z its lynn a boomer ?? You are damn minlenia admiralG zoom zoom zoom Pepega Now do kpop quizzes Yung cuck Gen Z DansGame Gen Y PogU @C9Sneaky are you born pre 1995 ? no it's not nah you're z for sure we all know you lied on quiz boomer slightly older zoomer Ok boomer no its not ur 25 yeah ur millenial @C9Sneaky what year were you born? Pepega no no its the same true KEKW 23+ is millenial 1996+ zoomer ok boomer @Rubenox That's....that's what a boomer is. We call them boomers because they're baby boomers. no it isn't lol sneaky is millenial ew gen x xD Do you consider playing league or videogames, a hobby or a job now that you are considered pro player. duo Jensen he's crying you zoomers just want to be special but actually milenials OK ZOOMER nah bruh you're pre '96 right? in what team are you sneaky is millenial for sure hes too old its not AYAYAWeird I was born 1995 you are BARELY a millenial hes millenial dont listen to chat... ValkyrieTiara Sure dude alkXD cut off for a millenial/gen z is 1996 Millennials go into the years 1981 – 1996 of birth Zoomer is GenZ Millennial is between Y and Z boomer is a mindset 94 KEKW 1995 and after = zoomer zoomers and millenials are friends :) Gen z is zoomer zoomer is gen Z, millennial is 1994 how is the new season? a boomer is anyone that disrespects fortnite :) 94 wow you old af Millenial monkaW anyone born after 1996 is a zoomer i wish i was a boomer SadChamp gen z puke DansGame Sounds like a boomer God damn boomer millenials are 24-38 now @C9Sneaky Millennial welcome to the club 1994 is boomer YOOMER youre a very late millenial You're one of the very last millenials. @C9Sneaky millenials hate zoomers @LavaHour nah fuck zoomers im also 94 :) @UnNameless OMEGALUL yeah after 96 is a zoomer I 96 :( millenials are boomers 94 is the greatest chat is pretty Pepega tonight You gonna visit Impact's building he bought? @C9Sneaky We do not how do i become boomer PepeHands I hate being a zoomer 94 is the only good birth year :) they're rival gangs dw sneaky! I am also 1994 Pog boxAYAYA @C9Sneaky Fuck them zoomers This discussion right now Pepega its ok i still like you Boomer im a zoomer Pepega 94 is best year nah we must unite against the boomers OK Z OMEGALUL OMEGALUL MER FeelsClassyMan Any 94 frogs? @c9sneaky you think stormrazor is op? ZOOMERS UNITE hi sneaky! hope you're doing well not too old the zoom boom wars when the zoomers feed on the millenial carcasses, they might let you live sneaky Millennials & zoomers BFFs i'm a millenial Pog not too young i'm a boomer so what u fucking chat not true its boomers that hate everyone impact bought korea monkaS he bought trump towers his building is huge peepoPog I'm a millennial and I hate zoomers :) duo Jensen he's crying mooQQ impact tower millenials idolize the zoomers, zoomers think millenials are nothing but young boomers pulse zoomers unite @Nattoreii sneakyHey 94 95 frogs EZ monkaW Are Millenials Moomers? of the maggots POG elder zoomer gang gang we boomers were fucking zoomers' moms when those zoomers were just little wittle babies LUL Zoomers in chat WeirdChamp monkaS Yea really cool twitter yeah check trwitter monkaW what lp are you at rn? on his twitter twitter @C9Sneaky when are u going to cosplay again He’s only 25 ageism 4Weird get it together zoomers !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 615 LP im a doomer Impact Towers NaM millenials invented cancel culture @smolclaire 94 unite eveelaGasm pic on Twitter @C9Sneaky show ? KEKW PV_ _ _ = G G KEKW C9Sneaky wiki says still c9 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 Show us Yeah he bought it yes its his KEKW KEKW amumu adc ROFL he said he's been saving since 2012 KEKW Troll KEKW !opgg Top Lane die monkaW KEKW WutFace KEKW PHOTOSHOP tower of impact inanimate top lane KEKW @C9Sneaky what ever happened to Classic WoW? @perryk829 he cosplay kda ahri few days ago. go check his twitter @C9Sneaky he bought it with his tl salary thats his new home :) LOOL KEKW LUL a fucking building pepeLaugh Is he serious 4House 100% troll LUL that's a nice building 4House Clap He has the money for it though OR WHAT LUL Pog A millionaire hey zoomers, heard of tamagachi??? AYAYA go to korea and live in impact building Pog Pog yea the whole building is it true? monkaHmm @sneaky as anivia can u stop your own tp with your wall it's realy, he singed me u already :) @Kawaii_SanChan thats zoomers lol. pepeLaugh troll or not monkaHmm Wait, wtf IMPACT TROLLING KEKW KEKW 4House impact rich Kreygasm 4House 4House PogChamp Sneaky i dont think he is trolling 4House 4House KEKW @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM 4House @C9Sneaky its atually his , he got an apartment in that building JUST GET A HOUSE 4Head LUL 4House 4House LULW 4House Impact is insane just 4House 4House 4House ok It's cheap in Korea HandsUp Just buy a country 4House 4House 4House Clap 4Head just buy a house gachiHYPER 4House 4House 4House ikr his top lane kingdom 4House JUST GET A HOUSE 4House MODS monkaOMEGA it's real, he singed me u already :) @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. 4House Impact is rich as f monkaW 4House THANK YOU SIR gachiHYPER LUL gachiBASS THANK YOU SIR gachiBASS @C9Sneaky im building muramana on lucian and it is really effective what are your thoughts about it ? 4House just MODS D: doesn't follow TL LULW @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM yoo thats more than a house he bought a whole unit pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh @C9Sneaky remeber when the lcs camereas caught intpact picking his ass and smelling it MODS monkaOMEGA monkaGun pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh its real pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh HandsUp HandsUp HandsUp ReturnToNothing subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 36 months! 3 years of sneakyE no mods WideHard DansGame pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh you dont follow tl lol pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh @jer3s3 D: THERES A PEE PEE IN CHAT monkaS a bootcamp facility? he owned the whole building monkaW HandsUp @Not_K no way...... I mean he took "top die" pretty seriously Doesn’t follow tl PepeLaugh mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM Just win worlds twice and you can buy your own building 4Head MODS PepeLaugh kl pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh MY SAFE CHRISTIAN CHAT @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. HandsUp YES SIR gachiHYPER Penthouse at the top and probs apartments below CHAT FULL OF DICKS HandsUp pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh lol no mods call Jensen he cri HandsUp pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh guess impact took his monopoly game too seriously MODS D: HandsUp GLORY HandsUp gachiHYPER sneakyE @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh just get curtains pepeLaugh read thread @C9Sneaky not troll imagine doxing yourself KEKW boxZoom gachiHYPER M D: DS pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh its all his @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. N D: gachiHYPER @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM looks like an office MODS !!!! @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh @jer3s3 Get out of here, my god MODS its an office or placee to create an organization it looks like pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh TriHard no mods WideHard gachiHYPER Clap mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM. gachiGASM MODS LOVING IT gachiHYPER @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM.. @C9Sneaky get your mods to ban dick guy @C9Sneaky remeber when the lcs camereas caught intpact picking his ass and smelling it pepeLaugh sneakyD pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh Mods ResidentSleepeer M OMEGALUL D S mods sleeping pepeLaugh gachiGASM gachiGASM mods help D: KEKW Mods please Cage us pls pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh MODS monkaW @C9Sneaky Have you seen Evolution of Twitch Music on youtube? MODS gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP MODS HELP MODS PLEASE HELP please mods boxD no mods WideHard HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH M OMEGALUL DS gachiHYPER ANY COCK SUCKERS? m OMEGALUL ds gachiHYPER N free zone cmonBruh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh KEKW FUCK MODS gachiBASS gachiBASS @mrcorn12365 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx█xx▀xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx▄▄▀▀▀█xxx ITS xxxxxxxxxx▄█▒░░▄░█xxxx MY xxxxxxxxx▄▀▒▀▀▀▄▄▀xxxx BIRTH xxxxxxxx█▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx DAY xxxxxx▄▀▒░░░░▄▀xxxxx gachiGASM xxxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxx gachiGASM xxxx█▒░░░░░█xxxxxxxx gachiGASM xxx█▒▒░░░▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▓▓▒▒▒▀▀▀█▄xxxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█xxxxxxx gachiGASM x█▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▒▒█xxxxxxxxx gachiGASM xx▀▀▄▄▄▄█▄▄▀xxxxxxxxxx gachiGASM NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiGASM gachiBASS Clap YES SIR pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh rofl honkai impact AYAYA LULW chat is no bronze ResidentSleeper DansGame M OMEGALUL DS gachiW pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh pepeLaugh mods pepeLaugh DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame GIGA WideHard gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP @mods could we kill the asci dicks please? DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP LUL DansGame WTF KEKW gachiBASS YES YES MORE DICKS gachiBASS TOS MODS sneakyD sneakyD KEKW DansGame Clap KEKW KEKW batmetal! gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame KEKW HYPERDANSGAME DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame KEKW KEKW gay DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap gachiHYPER DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap DansGame Clap NOOOO 4Weird DansGame HUNI LULW KEKW KEKW DansGame HYPERCLAP @C9Sneaky Sneaky Russian love you =*** KEKW DansGame DansGame KEKW LULW DansGame DansGame gachiHYPWER DansGame DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP LMFAO DansGame LMAO jesus DansGame KEKW DansGame LULLLL its actually common in korea to buy buildings... instead of saving/buying stocks DONT DO IT DansGame WutFace DansGame DansGame DansGame DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame DansGame Clap WTF Kreygasm DansGame DansGame LUL OMFG WutFace WeirdChamp trunoomLol peepoLeave DansGame LOOOOL lulw OMEGALUL LMAAAAAAAAAO DansGame EWWWWWWWW DansGame I'M EATING DansGame I'M EATING DansGame I'M EATING BRUH naroXD DansGame DansGame gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP YUUUUM! sneakyC WTF DansGame DansGame HYPERCLAP PauseChamp lol WutFace WutFace WutFace peepoLeave DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame HYPERCLAP DansGame DansGame WTF IMPACT KEKW LUL IMPACT NOOOO DansGame HYPERCLAP KEKW OMGScoots ? WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT ON STAGE?? DansGame DansGame ZULUL what a fucking freak RIP OMGSCOOTS PepeHands I WAS THERE HAHAAH EWW DansGame LEGEND OMEGALUL gachiHYPER He KEKW SMELLLED IT KEKW @ItsJustValk oddonePat oddoneAYAYA Damn @C9Sneaky When can we expect Sneaky-Trap-Towers ? danOMG Career highlight HeyGuys LUL DansGame KEKW FeelsClassyMan gurkalPlop Kreygasm IM EATING Kreygasm gachiHYPER I guess there was a party in the bot lane gross he found dingle berries @AcidicStorm cirBaka "HE SMELLED IT DansGame" Lol tyler1Hey POOP FINGER KEKW gachiHYPER he found a better team gold 'nugget' he fart and sniff FUCK THAT WAS GROSS LULW SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater SoonerLater POOP FINGER KEKW after fart he got some shit haHAA impact WeirdChamp impact 🐒 diarrhea LMFAOOO play some 21 savage KEKW lick it, chat :) @C9Sneaky When are you getting your tower? WHY'D HE SMELL IT THOOOO @C9Sneaky we are not your kind full album PLEAAASE @C9Sneaky Can we get some Alestorm? Pog @Acafulcro gross? all humans do that theekrabbypatty subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months! you literally are my spirit dad @C9Sneaky The Subliminal Verses?! very nice call Jensen he cri almost dirty Sanchezed himself yes coal is what you find down there savixWeird @C9Sneaky RDR2 soon ? PepegaAim ANY BOOTYHOLE SNIFFERS ☝️👃 @C9Sneaky Can we get a donation pop of Impact Scratch n Sniff hello sneaky im about to get high and watch you slay better pay that spirit child support mopiButt mopi3 @C9Sneaky WE ARE NOT YOUR KIND full album please daddy please PepeHands @C9Sneaky play all out life no more slipknot NotLikeThis unsainted is a pretty good song from their newer stuff This guy isn't even my cousin twice removed. PepegaAim @Wewur yeah, i never said humans don't do it. i'm just saying it' gross. @C9Sneaky how the games been tonight @C9Sneaky Where is RDR2!! 10 min queue Pog every Q been long peepoLeave Whats best build path for senna ad? @C9Sneaky LOUDER please FeelsGoodMan Trivium time BlessRNG @C9Sneaky when are u going to cosplay again whenever i have a bad game i always remind myself that I have a big dick, it helps @C9Sneaky In high school, I was dared to play "gay chicken", which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We've been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with out adopted daughter. If that dude doesn't chicken out soon, I'm going to start to suspect that he's actually gay 10 MIN Q peepoLeave Lourlo is on a 40 minute que Feed me some of your dog food sneakers when ever snacky got us again in that last cosplay..... still got a huge boner goin on from it When can we expect Sneaky-Trap-Towers ? danOMG AYAYA Clap @20022512abcdef ROFLL @C9Sneaky will u ever cosplay a male character? POGGERS more trap sneaky What about conque Twitch? when are you going to post a cosplay without the cosplay on? peepoBlonket WHERE DID IT GET POSTED !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 40 minutes 37 seconds how do you get fake tits like that who are you gonna cosplay at all stars? @C9Sneaky your ahri was gachiBASS @c9sneaky play circa survive next pls monkaS xD !time November 30th 2019, 1:01:22 am PST GMT-08:00 @CoboTheGreat twitter @C9Sneaky Is Kakashi making his return for All Stars? GOOEY Pepega insta twitter patreon HOW DID YOU HAVE BOOBS, DO YOU HAVE BOOBS STILL Trivium-Shogun headBang sneaky I think impact is serious sneaky should I grow a beard or not @C9Sneaky you know what it means gachiBASS @C9Sneaky I got all-star tix, you're going? :) IT MEANS NO SHIRT LUL regular sneaky LEWD gachiHYPER sneaky nudes Your ahri looks like blondelashes19 Kreygasm a cosplay that commentates on the other cosplay LUL NICE Pose naked, that's what we're saying gachiW monkaX @c9sneaky why don’t you post any panty shots in cosplay? Kreygasm monkaW monkaS ? @C9Sneaky how about an stream cosplay oh monkaW @mastermindx421 Asking the real questions PogU sneaky has the technology thx princessGasm boxLewd id be lying if i said your cosplay didnt make me question my sexuality on multiple occasions LUL was that the 15K cosplay ? @C9Sneaky cosplays as a boy but is really a girl holy mind blown gachiW cut em off someone :) or grow them Kapp I heard rumours that when Zven first met with his new team, he was just awkwardly greeting everyone but as he turned around towards Sneaky, they instantly had a fist fight. They didn't even say hi to each other, it became physical so fast. That's how it is with Zven and other ad carries. have your parents seen your "cosplay" @C9Sneaky In high school, I was dared to play "gay chicken", which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We've been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with out adopted daughter. If that dude doesn't chicken out soon, I'm going to start to suspect that he's actually gay rooGasm ENHOUGH NET FOR ME @JD_Yadig ik my sexuality and sneaky confirms it KappaPride boxLewd how do you tuck your massive 7" inch knob @C9Sneaky ??? sneaky should I grow a beard @C9Sneaky monkaW this music KappaPride @C9Sneaky where you from??? love coming home drunk to watch you crush noobs in league!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @C9Sneaky My boyfriend wants to know how much the fake tits cost KappaPride Unsainted Kreygasm This song Pog @C9Sneaky when is the transition surgery? EZ Clap i boycott rd2 cause they dont release pc with console and im PJSalt @c9sneaky why do you stream so late all the time? 2019 song pog sneakyPride PepePls @jd_yadig if he is dressed like a girl and looks like a girl than you are attracted to girls, no questions about it UNsainted Pog play jhin pls you've been playing draven Pog theres a reddit guy that leaks it every month @ItsJustValk notkohHug i wanna be a sneaky patreon sniper ohhh got that PREMIUM fam PepegaPls C9Sneaky In high school, I was dared to play “gay chicken”, which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We’ve been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with out adopted daughter. If that dude doesn’t chicken out soon, I’m going to start to suspect that he’s actually gay FeelsWeirdMan amen i love girls LOUDER PLEASE headBang @jasond1989v2 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] just finished watch i want to eat your pancreas widepeepoSad 9.99 POGGERS It's $10 peepoLeave Louder FeelGoodMan there is a site where people upload patreon sets $999 girls are literally the best invention ever hidogi subscribed with Twitch Prime. louder Hey @C9Sneaky would you rather eat a bowl of ramen, or bathe in a bowl of ramen? 3Head oi mate oh shit headBang In high school, I was dared to play "gay chicken", which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We've been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with out adopted daughter. If that dude doesn't chicken out soon, I'm going to start to suspect that he's actually gay HandsUp @C9Sneaky where you from??? love coming home drunk to watch you crush noobs in league!!!!!!!!!!!! what does 100$ a month get me @C9Sneaky lacW 🤘 @C9Sneaky sweet mother of god your Gf is hot af rooBlank boxBlind @AridParagon nyacchHi headBang his patreon leaks are on the dark web I only like the pizza sivir cosplay tbh sneakySame @C9Sneaky In high school, I was dared to play “gay chicken”, which is where two straight guys pretend to be gay, and the first one to chicken out loses. The other guy and I are both really stubborn, and neither one of us wanted to lose. We’ve been married 14 years and we run a bed and breakfast in Vermont with out adopted daughter. If that dude doesn’t chicken out soon, I’m going to start to suspect that he’s actually gay @C9Sneaky when are you putting out your first Boudoir cosplay pictures pyeGasm pyeGasm pyeGasm pyeGasm UNSAINTED AHHHHHH headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBangheadBang headBang headBang headBang headBang 13 minutes queue dead game PepeHands please no more draven imagine paying money for pictures $9.99? DansGame There better be newds VoHiYo headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Please more Draven lacLaugh please more draven BANG headBang headBang headBang @jasond1989v2 -> No excessive usage of symbols! MORE DRAVEN hi @c9sneaky is it gay if my pp "go up" when i saw your cosplay ? headBang 2? 2? 2 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang more draven play ezreal pls :) sneakyD sneakyD sneakyD but draven is kinda bad atm can you play heimerdonger bot I wanna see that vayne gameplay! @C9Sneaky put serious music... Deathanphetamine - Exodus plz... this slipknot music is gay af headBang PepoCheer headBang @c9sneaky Why do you stream so late? MORE DRAVEN Pog headBang you sit correcte MOAR DRSVEEEENNNNNN Darius adc next pls Draven bug still happening? Just got here so missed the game. @C9Sneaky AYAYA LETS GO @C9Sneaky I LOVE SLIPKNOT MORE BLITZ play some twitch FeelsGoodMan did you go to a team yet @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky play some Twitch :) can u play mf? S tier rn headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS headBang gachiBASS yesterday game was glitchy af is your Draven as good as T1 cmonBruh guys why doesnt yas windwall not block senna q monkaHmm Kappa 14 minutes Que KEKW haHAA No more veigar ever peepoArrive LUL play quinn @c9sneaky can you try a death metal scream Kapp peepoPog KEKW @C9Sneaky put serious music... Deathanphetamine - Exodus plz... this slipknot music is gay af!!! @C9Sneaky dad I just caught a super shiny Ponyta in pokemon sallyPog sallyPog sallyPog Kapp The champion not the website, you silly billy! SillyChamp me :) me :) me :) I do :) me :) me :) i do :) HotPokket me :) D: me :) me :) HotPokket @quantumrip_0 its lazer beam me :) me :) SEXIST nobody has a trillion lol me :) :) i'm totally loaded :) not me PepeHands good save jack ma HotPokket ME :) im jeff bezos :) SEXIST D: HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket HotPokket :) ? WutFace Pog WHY KEKW i'm a trillionaire :) lol this list is completely wrong Of course it's Bezos LULW oh god sneaky's new ig post 😳 Lol monkaHmm NOT EVEN 1 TRILLION KEKW monkaHmm Vladimir Putin richest man a trillion is like an entire country's economy HMM PepoThink ???? NICE SAVE Bezos literally donate amazon to you chat... snackys cosplay or esther???? that guy owns twitch 🤘🤘 D: Lost half of it to his wife he cheated on LUL EAT THE RICH doesnt count dark money sneaky Putin has 9000 trillion its glitched @C9Sneaky put serious music... Deathanphetamine - Exodus plz... this slipknot music is gay af TAKE THAT D: where's the chinesse? Jeff owns twitch Not rockefeller or rothschild monkaHmm D: headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @c9sneaky Dad i wanna sleep why must you stream so late? its not bezos. Its some Saudi Arabi sheik D: this stuff doesn't count offshore non taxed illegal shit NA LUL WHAT A JOKE United states has 19 trillion THAT LIST DOES NOT INCLUDE THE REAL RICHEST PPL IN THE WORLD fake news Thats net worth not how much actual money they have all americans fk yea kkona List is outdated. Bill Gates is #1 now @C9Sneaky PepoThink Jeff Bezos with the help of Twitch Prime xqcPrime 3 trillion pogU i am the richest 3 tril pennies CHAT DONT TALK ABOUT BEZOS, HES WATCHING monkaW Vladimir Putin Pog dude could donte you a mill like its 100 bucks look at the ages... all 50+ and then theres zucc @C9Sneaky Zimbabwe money Monopoly money. Duh! ROB THE FED the list is wrong. sneaky makes that much on patreon monthly SCREW YOU BEZOS! GIVING SO MANY PEOPLE JOBS SMH PepoThink dono is jeff bezos @Silanory -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @C9Sneaky zimbabwean dollars Lord bezoz is in chat monkaW Bill is the #1 atm 3 trillion hearts <3 so that win would make you the richest person d: owning a whole countries oil reserves LISTEN WE ALL WOULD CHEAT ON OUR UGLY WIFE IF WE HAD CASH yes :) yes :) 3Trillion monopoly money Pog yes :) KKona Clap KKona monkaW DONT TEMPT HIM whata happen TyroneHambone subscribed with Twitch Prime. BEZOS IS WATCHING YOU monkaW I am trumpf yea :) freeze yes :) :) documentaries sir KKona freedom we're all pitching in No I am :) hi, its me, the united states :) sneakyW i'm donald trump Kreygasm it's still money :) The US wants to see your nudes, Sneaky i am the senate :) MF PLEASE Big Vladdy P owns russia, he's richest 3 trill kenian pennies No me :) hello sir 21 trillion now i'm sebastian piñera CHUPALO KAROL DANCE !opgg monkaW :) if You had enough money would you wipe your ass with it :) KKona I am America sneakyYeehaw 3 trillion rupees we, the united states, believe we can united this country under lewd sneaky content monkaW headBang gachiBASS headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang i wipe my ass with it now and then spend it :) = pshycho face Year of LUL lo TieluhSee subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 2 months! sneakyFedora :) 🔪 Lul Chat can anyone help me which way do I read a manga? arcsecWave will he make it back in time? monkaS 3 trillion ass fistings gachiBASS monkaS snacky hurry I like to poop in the shower monkaW monkaW full ad comp kekw @C9Sneaky if you made 1k dollars a day since Christopher Columbus came to america, you'd have less money than Jeff B makes in a single day peepoLeave afk FeelsEvilMan :) 🔫 @Jobyy simply right to left, up to down Do you like the PentaKill songs? @C9Sneaky MF VoHiYo DRAVEN Pog Chat im gay PeepoCheer CAIT draven Pog @C9Sneaky he meant he was going to donate 3 trillion Iranian Rial to you TheCutieClub subscribed at Tier 1. Omni Cait @C9Sneaky put serious music... Deathanphetamine - Exodus plz... this slipknot music is gay af.................... bowl break sneakyFedora FREE SHACO PepeHands good thing you made it. Lourlo has been in queue for 45 minutes AYAYA ? kog HYPERS AYAYA ? peepoArrive Big Vladdy P owns russia, he's richest $200B VAYNE Pog esfandPrime esfandPrime esfandPrime esfandPrime esfandPrime esfandPrime Sneaky looks like he would enjoy watching Beastars full ad LULW disable NA emote KEKW vayne peepoArrive pog HYPERS Vayne PogU peepoArrive Vayne AYAYA fucc shaco HYPERS PepoThink vayne peepoArrive ??? enemy blue comp WutFace Full ad Team KEKW KEKW thats true btw Columbus DansGame ?? OMEGALUL ? @Myare05 What if I'm reading it online? Same thing? KEKW hello father ? peepoLeave no NA emote prestige firecracker pvmanA Full AD KEKW making money since 1400 WeirdChamp MURICA KKona CAPITALISM KEKW monkaW Vayne lol @Jobyy If it's the Original Japanese you read right to left. If it's an Official English translation they usually change it to left to right. @Jobyy yes same thing Is this dude fucking stupid OMEGALUL\ firecracker sneakyW firecracker sneakyW monkaW monkaW technically not true does your sub message say willem dafoe or wonderful? might need armor pen this game ANELE ? monkaW ? ANELE Clap capitalism KEKW SATANIC CHANTING monkaS ???? salad? Pog eat the rich DansGame foreign language vayne peepoArrive or peepoLeave ? PepoThink monkaW that's true and yeah that's true that's pretty true Vayne PogChamp sneakyD monkaW monkaW ?? Cursed capitalism 🤢 uhh not if you accounted for inflationin ? cursed monkaW monkaW Chanting monkaW what about inflation boyos imgaine not having money KEKW same Someone translate ANELE Clap Big Vladdy P owns russia, he's richest. $200B CURSED WutFace WutFace WutFace HES CASTING A CURSE monkaW TRUE KEKW Is it qlwqys taking this long? :/ if you were born today, you have less $ than jeff bezos 5Head SPEAK AMERICAN PLS HAHAHAH talk america KKona are we cursed chat monkaW Speak London talk not europeania THAT'S TURKISH AND HILAROUS @C9Sneaky thoughts on toilet humor? oh no we curses yes @C9Sneaky do you regret not going to tsm season (5?) when double was on clg and turtle was getting replaced if i had $1 for every entry wound on your mom bhole we gonna die monkaW yeah @Silanory -> No excessive usage of symbols! :( stupid qustion @X4PPY @Myare05 ok thanks! trying to read this one my friend linked me 177013 or something like that never read manga before D: :( FeelsBadMan WeirdChamp PepeHands dont leave us for a year Pog PepeHands D: :( how much do you get if you win worlds D: WOW PepeHands @SmolAria @SmolClaire You both stink D: PepeHands Pepehands no steams pepeHands sneaky hates us greed is good BigBrother @CoyChocobo no, you do Ok sneaky we see what really matters now :) PepeHands D: 1mil for no streaming KEKW @CoyChocobo AYAYA PepeHands PepeHands we are we sneaky would leave us for a trophy PepeHands OkayChamp i see how it is FeelsBadMan Wrong answer D: I thought you loved us FeelsBadMan 15min q naroNap take a year off Sneak OkayChamp it's ok. we will see him in the discord-oh wait weak KEKW sneaky would give us up PepeHands sneaky abandons us sneaky would you rather get shot in the foot or get a handjob from me @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky peepoWTF World championship is forever were just numbers chat PepeHands @Jobyy i hope you're trolling right now, but just to warn you your friend wants to fuck you up. 177013 is a fucked up hentai. PepeHands gkus Steaming is temporary We’re not good enough widepeepoSad one ml of jizz !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2155 cuties in chat AYAYA world championship with DIG tho? are we just numbers for u? PepeHands PepeHands if u had $1 every 10 seconds without spending any of it it would take you 365 years to become a billionair @C9Sneaky remember skin sales tho Jebaited what if u are a dota player for TI? Dont you do it 😡 @Katto_ he has to respond with Worlds being a priority, he is looking for a team... AYAYA Shindol emergence PepeLaugh prize pool of jizz it was a $5 prize pool lacAYA Clap !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2156 cuties in chat AYAYA not even 1 mil KEKW why does Dota have so much prize money Not even $1M LULW @c9sneaky if you could play with any support or meteos, who would you choose? MOUSEPADS FOR WINNERS PogChamp Why C9Sneaky merch still up @Myare05 fucking hell did I get meme'd should I not read it? 834k Go look at your T16 finish LUL KEKW 37 rp Huni mvp KEKW do you rev share for your pizza party sivir skin? Not even 4 million LuL thats such a small amount of money lol\ @not_k cuz Riot are greedy lilyAYAYA which skin went towards the prize pool PepoThink is this after tax ? corrupt company KEKW arent LoL players paid more in salalry compared to other esports? isnt that why prize pools are low 100 rp each KEKW I did the math you would have to spend 1,749,271.13 on monopoly games to afford 3 trillion dollars in monopoly money the prize is your choice of a league skin Pog daaylen use your 2 braincells 1ml of jizz out of a prize pool of jizz isn't alot they get a mousepad 800k split like how many ways? you make more streaming in a year than 1st place at worlds KEKW imagine winning the biggest esports event and not even getting $1m KEKW you guys only bought 5 million lux and ahri skins? too bad hehe ryze one headBang headBang @Jobyy lmao you got memed, i mean if you wanna witness true suffering then go for it. its about a high school girl whos life spirals down in drug addiction and prostitutino Worlds prize pool PepeLaugh winnings barely cover some contracts LULW dota prize pool be like prostitution* banned BestKnown: I did the math you would have to spend 1,749,271.13 on monopoly games to afford 3 trillion dollars in monopoly money pizza Pog Badacems its not even split only among players KEKW all that for nothing IG got 2.5m last year @GoreRS those skins with the absolutely shitty splash arts? !song big streamers get way more cash than pros LEL @C9Sneaky where you from????? KEKW 9-12 OMEGALUL 9-12 KEKW @Myare05 ahh I'm good never read one before just got linked that one from a friend and was legit not sure which way to read it lmao fucking zoomers with their electric scooters c9 :) pepeLaugh meaning the skins that dont exist yet Only sauce pizza? DansGame same placing as uzi at least OkayChamp why is this prize pool so shit. take notes from dota 2. 38 million dollar prize pool 50k to C9 Eating lunchables pog CORRUPT KEKW @C9Sneaky where you from??? always come home drunk ready to watch you pown some newbs c9-12 :) ZOOMER SCOOTER 20minq naroRage j Team > C9 3Head @C9Sneaky overheal on MF help im in champ select c9 made it as far as RNG. c9 = RNG confirmed Congrats on your 50k split among the team snacky where the fuck does dota get all that money hello @EXPL1C1Tx LOL monkaW WutFace dead game peepoLeave @C9Sneaky The richest 705 people in the US are worth 3 TRILLIAN 50k doesnt even cover the fines? Kreygasm those taste so good who cares about prize pool when they get the thicc salary @Badacems battlepass monkaW monkaS ? ALIENS monkaS @Badacems steam 18 min que holy hell uzi FeelsBadMan You got paid 10k to shit the bed at Worlds OMEGALUL ManChicken @hotdogss peepoArrive Hello Is the importance of age in esports overstated? @C9Sneaky monkaS sneakyD @Badacems skin purchases and stuff go into prize pool Play fortnite @c9sneaky this streamer is gay monkaW death because of death because of you monkaW Is Jack a boomer? @JessieS23 Hi peepoArrive @Badacems they sell so many of them 835K and who much does the palyers take of that? 834k split by everyone oof YES client bug? subtitles in spanish for you video pls :(((( @Jobyy ahahah going into this story blind is sure an experience, sorry to ruin your friends antics xD 19min queue yes peepoPog lourlo has a 45 min q monkaS 5Head 18 minute queue?? PogU yes :) Pog PogU TriHard 7 its a group chat Song? @c9sneaky do you think stormrazor is op? Yes LUL hes gonna take their money HE IS US PogU Pog Jebaited yes PogYou peepoPog LIZARD PEOPLE Pog 19 min Q LUL @C9Sneaky Did he say dollars though? monkaHmm Badacems from the TI pass thing they only do like 5million base I think the rest is from buying shit league is pretty much the same Yes :) PogYou monkaW How’s your dog brody? Q is ridonkoulous YES, ITS NOT A SCAM could you take doublelift in a fight? 2018 iG won $2,500,000 who did that math? lol ceo of money Pog MrDestructoid WE ARE LEGION Pog Oil princes in chat? He does t have to be from the us monkaW SO MUCH POWER ultimate boomer bezos monkaW Come on sneaky @Myare05 it's fine he almost had me then I'll do something else with my time xD Reincarnated? We died? PepeHands SingsNote indisposable? kffcPls Pog TriHard / Oil Prince here nero forte lads headBang headBang headBang headBang the owner of money Pog Big brain and we can even get 20m for trees FeelsBadMan I heard rumours that when Zven first met with his new team, he was just awkwardly greeting everyone but as he turned around towards Sneaky, they instantly had a fist fight. They didn't even say hi to each other, it became physical so fast. That's how it is with Zven and other ad carries. huni contracted has more money than worlds champion KEKW the whole of twitch doesn't have 1 trillion now ninja is on mixer PepeHands They combined their strengths and became a MEGAZORD!!!! @C9Sneaky slipknot Pog headBang oi i love the stream sneaky headBang headBang headBang headBang do you really use lolwiz clown nine? The CEO of money B) skins WeirdChamp this chat is achieving peak boomer i dont think anyone sitting in twitch chat at this time is in thr top 705 buddy pepeJAM your RP Kreygasm Kreygasm i will give you 3, one trillion dolla billz if no Draven headBang headBang Slipknot W.A.N.K. headBang headBang headBang 20 PogChamp what about 3 trillion kisses? im on a streak bois, 23 games losing streak Pog headBang headBang headBang LEAVE C9 ALREADY 20 Min Q peepoLeave this queue timer @C9Sneaky it was Championship Ryze that went towards the prize pool dead game peepoLeave headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang INCREASE VOLUME headBang INCREASE VOLUME headBang INCREASE VOLUME headBang 20 minute queue KEKW 20:00 que richHoggers I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju @GodOfHuskies link opgg gachiW @C9Sneaky can u explain why sorc and not dom on vayne for 2nd runes are you gonna play da halo? @C9Sneaky lacA1 lacA2 Clap Selipunottu STREAM FOT À DIFFERENT TEAM OR GO TO DIGNITAS Ill give you 3 trillion kisses sneecky i luv you I am literally pissing hot fire out of my ass @c9sneaky send help 3 trillion is a lot PepegaShake the kisses would be on the butthole Benimkini de yesene iwdShook iwdYOINK2 I have 3 trillion sperms :) LEAVER BUSTER INC LULW headBang headBang headBang headBang thats called suffocating dumbass @C9Sneaky how long would it take to give 3 trillion kisses the whole of twitch doesn't have 1 trillion now ninja is on mixer PepeHands 21 MIN Q PagChomp !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 53 minutes 11 seconds headBang headBang headBang headBang just sell 3 trillion kisses on amazon DETH monkaW aceuClown aceuClown aceuClown AYAYAWeird !AYAYA I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju what are you eating I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here ye beni sneaky Q is crazy @C9Sneaky Ever Played Planet Zoo? @max aceuClown I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here It’d take 17.5 minutes to give 3 trillion kisses i want to give you a hug @C9Sneaky I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here :) :) :) :) maybe hop on smurf? is shorter on C9 Gun? I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju :) I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and ju :) :) :) @C9Sneaky whats the longest Q you've ever had to wait for? xqcHug play Baba is you :) :) again @C9Sneaky I'm happy you've been back on heavier music as of late! Nice to rock with you PagChomp Try out Star Wars Jedi fallen order? Pog pepeLaugh oof I just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here KEKW LUL LULW good one ... NOT KEKW Why do people care so much about the prize pool? A prize pool isn't the *reason* I'm gonna watch your tourney Twitch plase RUSH KEKW LuL 🐒 KEKW KEKW pvmanFBM headBang @C9Sneaky why arent you playing Senna adc anymore PepeHands KEKW KEKW oh the flame rofl KEKW PV_ _ _ = G G KEKW LUL KEKW pvmanA MrDestructoid found the bot officer! 22mins queu tf is this PVMAN = GG KEKW KEKW pvman = gg KEKW PV MaN MaN Would you ever give up league for competetive Splatoon? Pvman + Sneaky PepeHands LMFAO you wouldn't be that long in que if you bought a damn doran's shield, 4 of them to be sure Ayeee dont boolie rush Rushhhhhhh GG man = pv KEKW PVMAN = GG KEKW ROOOOOSH Pepega Clap We in boys richHoggers white people sad widepeepoSad What's a pvman? :/ Splatoon POGGERS Pog Pog peepoPog yikes Pog a real game PogU DO IT Pog richHoggers MF PLEASE Is there a professional scene for splatoon? even us? PepeHands please say sike MF @C9Sneaky how much would one have to donate for you to play a game with Flash on F? what about Snacky dennis winning NMA finals please no theres competitive splatoon im shook would you give up league for competitive kissing @C9Sneaky @Unsleeping_ pvman = gg @captainfalliner there is how about quitting to play the league fighting game? Pog ye LUL Twicht plase yes KEKW I think so KEKW why is he using barrier to adc's?? yup yes headBang headBang headBang headBang I demand 4 doran's shields sneaky, fufill it, otherwise nothing will happen are you eating a pizza lunchable Of course There is competitve everything honestly KEKW KEKW !time November 30th 2019, 1:15:32 am PST GMT-08:00 God I hope not golden Kappa check mostly japanese SPANKO? PepePls @ZanzibarTwitch how the fuck. Mario Party is more competitive than splatoon I’m a professional Bloon Tower Defense player :) mf s tier theres competitive farming simulator so probably Kappa Kappa !uptime bro there's legit competitive farming simulator 2019 Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 55 minutes 11 seconds @C9Sneaky I made scones, want some? Kappa Splatoon is pog hi sneakyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy SwiftRage !song competitive splatoon IS a thing, and it's terrifying PIZZA LUNCHABLE PogU PIZZA LUNCHABLE PogU PIZZA LUNCHABLE PogU PIZZA LUNCHABLE PogU im pro gaot sim @c9sneaky play garen yummi this game? splatoon is fucking huge in japan yeah they fucking stack hays and shit Anivia PogU @FarukYILDIZ NaM up how do you compete in a farming simulator? clw22 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 24 months! Splatoon is Pog but as a casual every now and then game, not for professional level corey taylor monkaW competitive farming simulator is a legit think @C9Sneaky esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage esfandRage is there a competitive shower with your dad simulator ? You don't copy the name when you copy the pasta. FailFish Jensen????????????? whos growin the corn the fastest? why do ppl even play farm,ing simulator? why dont you compete with your cosplays bruh competitive 4 doran's shield rush on viktor this upcoming game we want garen adc sneecky which slipknot song is this? When sneaky plays good music for once Pog competitive KKonaW simulator mage_23: You don't copy the name when you copy the pasta. FailFish nero forte @imotskibik @ hey im silver do you wanna diuo Kapp !song dont pick AD Kawaii_SanChan: mage_23: You don't copy the name when you copy the pasta. FailFish MF PLEASE Play kaisa bro pls @C9Sneaky AYAYAWeird it's a kogmaw game boys Kog maw PepePls @godisone97 ty juwy520: Kawaii_SanChan: mage_23: You don't copy the name when you copy the pasta. FailFish kn ioh09 johns. so the only reason we are in it @imotskibik it's from the newest album anyone here play runescape? Kog damn yeah lourlo dodged and got the same team KEKW MF KEKW rip Kog Maw KogKoggggggggggggg @captainfalliner disagree, there's a decent of depth in Splatoon and it's fun to watch need some ap @C9Sneaky Caitlyn :) teemo stolen PepeHands kog Pog snipping :D YES Vayne AND lucian? the madmen Would you give up stream your competitive tic tac toe bro Quinn it to win it 5Head Heimer game LUL Go down in style. caitlyn 5Head 5Head adc2diamond: juwy520: Kawaii_SanChan: mage_23: You don't copy the name when you copy the pasta. FailFish DON'T PICK AD OR UR DUMB @c9sneaky widepeepoHappy 👉 🐀 guess its a draven game thrn :^) @KainTheInsane89 -> No Links! [warning] Xayah Kaisa gachiW bring back kalista MF PLS @FarukYILDIZ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 5Head simple really khalista Garen HandsUp Kog in 2k19 monkaS DRAVEN cait play caitlyn and rush 4 doran's...4 dorans shields that is ahahahha omnistone cait is gg EZ competitive goose game the donger time pull out the twitch DRAVEN!!!! cait more jhin Kalista omnistone @C9Sneaky ez jhin game Be dumb. It's okay. Just give us drooling dog. how about karthus adc Pog TIME FOR DONGLORD @C9Sneaky GO HEIMER im gay eatin like a squirrel omni cait so juicy aidsonastick3 subscribed with Twitch Prime. GAREN play mf mf rush play ez Kog Pog DRAVENN cait when is full nude cosplay viktor bot syndra JHIN Passive abusing WeirdChamp CAIT Twitch time?" @C9Sneaky same people rip league cait kalista heimer cait/jhin Draven cait :) kalista ?why are q timers so long rn? veigar I did the math. you would have to spend 240,000,000 to be able to buy 3,000,000,000 chocolate kisses GO NUTS twitch or kog Pog ppman live KEKW teemo Pog FeelsGoodMan DRAVENNNNNNN monkaS what a name TSM GRIG UR JUNGLE LUL easy ap tristana game kailista MF S TIER Kalista bo8Thyper ANY SHREK FANS?? DRAVEN OR VARUS! JK JK HE PICKED RYZE LMAO GARENNNNN kog Pog CAITT PVMAN = GG KEKW viktor DRAVEN mf VARUS!!!! KALISTA ez? ez headBang CAITLYNNNN KLISATA Are you gonna play halo reach campaign? @C9Sneaky Dravenn @C9Sneaky Heard your cassio is good :) headBang headBang monkaS KALISTA CAIT CONQ EZREAL twitch headBang headBang headBang COGGERS Twicht KOGGERS :OOOOOO COGGERS POGGERS Koggers COGGGERS KOG Omni Darius ! KALISTAJ KOGGERS!! YES! COGGERS POGGERS COGGERS KOGGERS COGGERS OMG! POGGG ROOSH IS LIVE POGGERS A++++ KOGGERS damn now i gotta stay up COGGERS KOGGERS :( what an inter POG Maw kog? peepoArrive ROOSH?? CONQ EZREAL=TRASH COGGERS cant sleep now Pog Maw KKKOGGERS PepegaPls if you don't rush 4 dorans shields, then the world is fkd Smokers go outside please why nimus? COGGERS pug maw PepeHands not pick ap trist for free win incoming dodge ResidentSleeper best Korn song headBang XD FeelsLitMan FeelsLitMan FeelsLitMan headBang headBang headBang headBang !sream time headBang headBang !song not Korn !stream time headBang critical darling is the song by slipknot :) finally Cockmaw gachiHYPER !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 3 hours 58 minutes 34 seconds @C9Sneaky Why no Trist this game? Pog MAW headBang FUCK YOU MOM FeelsEvilMan time to watch pvman peepoLeave Song? hi sneaky 🤩 !elo headBang PepegaAim headBang C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 615 LP Clap Clap TriHard Clap Clap Clap Clap plz 4 doran's shields isn't a lot to ask sneaky, I'm only asking you to sabotage your lane and therefor the game, but it's great nonetheless Clap WHO is Elise player? Clap Clap Why don't you play Skyrim? why is he wearing a c9 shirt? Clap why are there borders different @alphaqmom1234 grig Is the attractive girl streamer? KEKW @C9Sneaky can you turn off this ear cancer :) it is :) POGGERS your penis is showing KEKW skyrim KEKW what a pos KEKW morrowind is better true Skyrim 2 when? 4Head you can get 4 dorans shields in skyrim PLAY SKYRIM gachiHYPER it is widepeepoSad latest game release, skyrim KEKW HE LOOKED gachiHYPER Jebaited peepoBlonket me so comfy right now in the morning peepoBlonket gachiBASS i see it too smoll KEKW Just become a pro Skrim player he has no penis it is gachiW peepoWTF i see it gachiW Song? @C9Sneaky You strike me as someone who would retire competetive lol for speedrunning AYAYAWeird @faraw61 critical darling by slipknot peepoWTF massive dong peepoWTF I SAW THE END OF HIS BALLSACK gachiBASS have you masturbate to one of your cosplays? cus i have Vyprix subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 46 months, currently on a 46 month streak! Slurp it all up Koggers yea he has penis Search up Skyrim shuffle u won’t regret Morg has nice.. hat KEKW sneakyGrip COGGERS speedrunning losses Pog TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard @C9Sneaky speedrun your way to 4 dorans shields this game GO FOR THE 1:12 Pog COGGERS COGGERS COGGERS Kreygasm KOGGERS @C9Sneaky why do you run sorcery on vayne instead of domination on your 2nd page? just curious COGGERS gachiHYPER do a speedrun to enemy nexus @C9Sneaky LUL Lynn gachiW gachiHYPER haha Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm did you see his 102hour speedrun of pokemon? its the current WR KEKW any gifters? TriHard COGGERS quick at running it down at worlds Kapp headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang pepeLaugh he doesnt know @C9Sneaky he might think you like speedrunning since he saw your cosplays :) headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang i waS sure you play the pog 1:12 1st tower mendoREE sneaky % World rekky sneakyH peepoArrive sneaky where do i find asian women who want to fuck me? headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang kog actually hppens to be the best champ for 4 dorans shields sneaky, for shame you missed out on it speed runing solo Q games poggers what him speed run this game 15 min ff Kog + SLipknog = peepoArrive peepoLeave headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang blitz + kog Weirdga Pog WHERE thailand KEKW Kreygasm PogU True KEKW HOT ASIANS IN YOUR AREA selphyOwO KEKW PagChomp PauseChamp I am Asian women want to hav sexkekw Bali PogU Asia? LUL FeelsPepegaMan naroGasm Kogmaw? is he even good? PauseChamp is that so HOT ASIAN NEAR ME Pog not really :/ sneakyGasm I tried new champ? Pog Are you high? no conqueror ryze DansGame just click those ads and put your creditcard number, but its free :) Got to vietnam dude There's plenty of hot asian grills in your areas chat PogU gachiW Vynarel guess where i am rn, clue its 1622 rn Go* WutFace "Are we rushing in, or are we going sneaky beaky like?" gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER Kreygasm Yes pls Not even women on those internet ads would wanna fuck the people in chat gachiHYPER gachiBASS WTF gachiGASM peepoPog MingLee gachiBASS gachiGASM MingLee PogU gachiHYPER Vietnam has a lot of traps READY TO MINGLE MingLee gachiGASM gachiBASS Pick me up daddy gachiW DADDIES gachiBASS KEKW gachiGASM let's mingle !followage MingLee PogChamp MingLee is not following C9Sneaky 4Weird 👉 PauseChamp blitz KEKW Because I'm high !followage monster hunter iceborne when? KEKW NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU SAW IN VIETNAM CRINGEY ASS BOOMERS blitz PunOko KEKW gg lane over PepegaAim autofilled support KEKW is one of those robots right? XD KEKW grigne playing offrole KEKW gg go next staff KEKW useful support KEKW You can do it. I don't think blitz is supposed to let lucian hit him like tht Staff peepoLeave monkaW staff 1v2 lane LUL ruff FrankerZ jungler on support LUL monkaMega takes 2/3 of his hp in one trade "this is gonna be a rough game" staff FeelsOkayMan 👉 👌 ❓ hide the memes monkaMega KAPOW ff @kapowwwwwwwwwww ? What an outrage! Mental boom got the cannon POGGERS @trise5 ? why is sneaky so salty today? :/ !followage TriHard trihard is not following C9Sneaky D: ❓ D: D: D: D: haHAA guys he said a mean word haHAA better use haHAA the gasp emote D: to show I get offended by haHAA bad language haHAA amirite? haHAA Clap true D: Fuck you D: D: TWITCH POLICE monkaW Yeah fuck u blitz PunOko AYAYAWeird dorans buy peepoArrive D: That is so true tbh grigne cant jungle why would you think he could support KEKW D: 🖕 AYAYAWeird Im a support main kffcPls DDD: KEKW cull or d blade @C9Sneaky Have you been getting this many viewers lately? moon2D fuck you sneaky buy dorans shield you coward D: Kapowwwwwwwwwww FeelsOkayMan 👉 👌 ❓ D: fucko town fuck you blitz monkaW D: monkaMega I die so many times because I follow up on my supports bad plays monkaW WutFace what a movie title that would be WutFace ? did you know to be able to eat 3 trillion kisses you would have to eat 1 a second for 95.12 years without sleeping dorans peepoArrive ANELE monkaW ?????? PauseChamp PauseChamp !followage trihex PauseChamp PauseChamp ANELE ANELE isn't elise player grig lol ANELE WutFace trihex has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 1 week, 3 days is it true that europeens eat snails?? PauseChamp PauseChamp .... ?? PauseChamp KEKW LMAO THAT BLITZ KEKW boosted? KEKW PauseChamp PauseChamp PepegaShake hold it chat PepegaShake KEKW ANELE dog KEKW Pog selling my mother song name xd blitz 1200% accuracy on minons again LUç KEKW the wave died anyways KEKW WutFace He freezing lane for u BibleThump VIVA ESPAÑA na blitz KEKW headBang headBang headBang WutFace VIVA ESCAÑO AYAYA @samdolf ANELE DOG IS HARAM ANNEMI SATIYORUM AYAYA SwiftRage XDDD ası No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @TheVanish 32 ad, 320 life ans 12% lifesteal for 1800g Okayga COCK . didnt know lucian Q worked like dat it was morg shield it just consumed the shield Okayga COCK IRON CHAT KEKW @Seebass10 zfgSpeedFrog Okayga COCK . Oh Morgs there LUL Okayga COCK gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP HandsUp @Seebass10 any smuggers? zfgSmug was morg shield lol gachiHYPER Okayga COCK . LUL LUL Okayga COCK gachiW MODS so many silvers not knowing how morgs black shield works lol Okayga COCK . gachiGASM Okayga COCK gachiBASS Clap gachiGASM LETS GO BLITZ PogU Hook Pog MORGANA KEKW BLITZ Pog :D Okayga COCK Okayga COCK . TriHard @CoyChocobo @grris zfgSmug HYPERCLAP is this the 5 doran blade kog instead of MF? Okayga COCK HandsUp BLITZ PogChamp morg shielded herself LUL Pepega COCK blitz carrying snaky again Pog Crank redemption Morgana E KEKW Koggers PogChamp enjoy the permaban TriHard HandsUp PepegaHands <3 cs moon2PREGARIO moon2PREGIGI @Seebass10 zfgRunOgre Okayga COCK WideHard YONIK just like dat @CoyChocobo zfgRunOgre Weirdga kidnapped Hk moon2SPY pepeSmoke can i smoke in here MODS DatSheffy / @Xiouxious no fuck off ratirlTip Hi @grris zfgSpeedFrog lolminsoo FeelsOkayMan 👉 👌 ❓ tfbYOINK I just wish you'd invest in the 4 dorans shields strt sneaky, it counters lucians blades pepeSmoke haHAA PagChomp KEKW not 5 dorans 4Weird 3 BLADES PagChomp LUL next person to type KEKW is gay NANI?! blademasters monkaW 3 BLADES PagChomp 3v3 Pog 4 swords 0 hands pog !smokers i studied the blade hes got 5 in total Bad Sneaky monkaS this grab is wonderfull :) KEKW legendary 3blade jutsu KEKW no u 3 blades and a sword Pog KEKW Pog KEKW OMEGALUL KEKW What do the numbers mean in that sneaky he has 5 blades u have 4 Blademaster passive activated PogChamp he has 5 moon2PREGARIO 3 BLADES moon2PREGIGI i am the blade 2? 😂 wtf why are so many people going triple dorans blade in this patch KEKW 2? PogU you're right gachiW @FunMoot how much stoopid u are XD those are more like paws xqcN Infinite Bladeworks Kog Pog lets be real I'm ootl is Doran's blade stacking that op right now? Where is the full build joke ricardoFlick what if kogmaw could smack people when he auto's in mellee range Pog Lul, Still C9 Sneaky? You could hold two swords in each hand. mizkifD Change your name dude. Krasio gay boi headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @WayStupider because korea kog is a small Trex honestly lucian's build puts you so much behind in mid-late game is retarded headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang HeadBang AHHHHH headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang sneakyYeehaw headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang SNEAKY GAY headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @Kawaii_SanChan that doesn't tell me much, is it really that good? headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang KEKW KEKW headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang LUL lol blitz headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Okayga COCK headBang headBang headBang headBang KEKW where tf is jgl headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang Okayga COCK . headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang KEKW Okayga COCK headBang headBang headBang Okayga COCK . headBang Okayga COCK Okayga COCK Okayga COCK . gachiGASM gachiW Okayga COCK Okayga 👍 Okayga COCK this music monkaW @WayStupider it's great if you're ahead ya Okayga Okayga BALLS that Lucian build LUL swords for days HOLD CTRL AND TYPE "WTF" FOR ℱ𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 𝓦𝓣ℱ PogChamp PogChamp One man spam Pepega jesus christ are there no active mods? Weirdga 👉 Okayga mizkifFeelsBadMan mizkifSat mizkifHug mizkifW3 mizkifW4 Okayga 👍 @Kawaii_SanChan interesting, thanks ONE MAN SPAM WeirdChamp headBang one bot spam headBang Weirdga 🤝 Okayga NaM mizkifW3 mizkifW2 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang The answer is defo no :L PogU Stuvenator Scaling begins HYPERS Intels PogU conseal dont feel D: peepoLeave KEKW peepoArrive !AYAYA AYAYAWeird weebs in !AYAYA AYAYAWeird weebs in AYAYA There are 2157 cuties in chat AYAYA headBang @Stuvenator ? AYAYA Gazzzzzzz ? AYAYA ? go to sleep Nah and guess what, if lucian had a brain he'd counter in with 4 dorans shields you !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 11 minutes 26 seconds headBang AYAYAWeird AYAYA Clap dyrusAYAYA 7 headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang isn't it late there Kog? peepoLeave Sneaky buying swords when kog is ranged FailFish AYAYA cute chat AYAYA headBang PepegaShake headBang PepegaShake headBang voxyAYAYA forsenCD DansGame AYAYA ya peepoWTF Weebs ruining my chat experience AYAYA Just don't get binded 4Head it 4:30 so go to bed boxAYAYA peepoLeave pepeLaugh TeaTime pepeLaugh TeaTime pepeLaugh TeaTime not sleeping tonight weebs Weirdga @decodeproxy vrfunnAYAYA why not AYAYA woke up rlly late scaaaaaaa it's 10:32? monkaW monkaW monkaW monkaW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 12 minutes 10 seconds @Stuvenator sneakyE <3 @YuYuYuna_ why did you have to be one of them widepeepoSad monkaW PepegaHands monkaW monkaW RISE MOUNTAIN monkaW monkaHmm monkaW monkaSHAKE nice sleep schedule vro monkaW monkaW monkaSHAKE My mountain is rising valkyr3Gasm monkaW addcheesepls sneakyE <3 monkaW ikr vro monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE LUL CS KEKW monkaW PepeS blitz dogshit KEKW KEKW AYAYAWeird FBBlock headBang | forsenCD AYAYAWeird FBBlock headBang | forsenCD AYAYAWeird FBBlock headBang | forsenCD AYAYAWeird FBBlock headBang | forsenCD not only the mountain are rising OkayChamp na blitz that's not all that rises 😉 Blitz into Morg KEKW monkaSHAKE you read it KEKW you miss every shot you dont take chat woaww HandsUp Hail Hydra gift him FeelsOkayMan PepegaAim PepegaPls KEKW KEKW Blitz KEKW headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang PepegaHands ROFL :D this blitz LUL ? KEKW KEKW and in blitz's case, he misses every shot he does take KEKW what in the hell.... thats like 6x he hit minions with his q you'd think the elise player would be good at hitting a single target long range cc GRIG KEKW worst blitz On a scale 1-10 how hard is kogmaw? PepegaHands love you sneky PogU nice Pog chat is flaming blitz PepeHands blitz PogU hitbox ? KEKW @dKs89 Weirdga GRIG PogU damn KEWK blitz FeelsBadMan blitz PepeHands BLITZ PepeHands FeelsBadMan KEKW WHY NOT HEAL @decodeproxy hey there are nice weebs oathSmile Blitz KEKW PepegaHands blitz TheIlluminati beep beep PepeHands Not building BORK FeelsPumpkinMan Blitz PepegaHands kog is easy, just winning is hard no heal = no deal FeelsBadMan gunned down like the degenerate he is KEKW @Xiouxious what heal 4Head PepeHands @Xiouxious Pepega PepeHands a wild lee sin enters the battlefield Weirdga blitz DrinkPurple AYAYAWeird FBBlock widepeepoSad PepeHands stopwatch PepeHands Okayga COCK Okayga widepeepoSad Okayga COCK . FeelsBadMan Mr crank went to fuck town Okayga COCK Bwitz widepeepoSad Okayga COCK Okayga COCK monkaMega music @mage_23 Weirdga ` BibleThump widepeepoSad CS sneakyGasm monkaS PepoThink peepoLeave blitz COCK WeirdChamp monkaS PepeHands cow sounds SPOODERS monkaW Spiders widepeepoSad TriHard Weirdga COCK? TriEasy FeelsWeirdMan hahaa cock moon2PREGARIO COCK moon2PREGIGI perfect cs btw !song MonkaS @Tojju Heya dood oathSmile Pepega clock monkaMega SPIDERS monkaW spiders monkaW @C9Sneaky why stormrazor? DrinkPurple FBRun AYAYAWeird FBBlock widepeepoSad why are dorans so op atm? spiders? where monkaW spider MaN MaN MaN MaN @YuYuYuna_ hey pardner moon2SH CUCK gachiHYPER spooderfs Pog MaN are you playing pokemon later? @C9Sneaky Pog sneakyYeehaw Pog what was thaat faker crank lmao And don't tell me to STFU ever again when I am speaking when I could break your head Lohpally clean dodge Pog got that halloween movie vibe spiders monkaW @YuYuYuna_ it depends on the person, but I guess you're pretty cool, even for a weeb boxBob spiders cum inside gachiBASS Lourlo PogU VaN pepeJAM @C9Sneaky do you like this album? FeelsGoodMan take crab haHAA haHAA haHAA 4Weird me dont like spoders bois pls weirdga why not guinsoo haHAA Weirdga spiders monkaMega haHAA AYAYAWeird @Sea_Monsta there not this is preseason meme/ testing stuff sneaky you gotta dial back the CRINGE huehuehu stop talking about spiders plez Weirdga there's a spider on your shoulder chat monkaMega spiders? spiders monkaW KEKW moon2GUMS widepeepoSad oh nyo spiders AYAYA blitz troll all for a ward LUL KEKW pepeJam Pog Pog Pog MAW Pog FeelsClassyMan Pog POGGERS PogU snakers in lane Pog Pog wow EZ Pog Pog lets go bitch Pog Pog Pog Po POGU SNEAKY IN LANE Pog pog Pog POGGERS Pog Pog Pog Pog POG MAW Pog Pog Maw Pog 2000 IQ play Pog pepeJAM Pog MAW Pog MAW Pog GG 90% SLOW Pog Pog PogU okkkkk active19Champ Pog Maw pog PogU pog maw BIG DICK SNEAKY pog PogU gachiBASS THE GOD POG !wp Pog micu kog ult is actually Pog dmg Pog MAW Pog monkaW FLANKS kog pog POGGIES snakers in lane PogU RUN MOTHERFUCKERRR sneakyW Ez Pog Pog 'Maw Pog MAW Pog PepeHands lol Pog gachiHYPER yas Pog gachiBASS Pog @decodeproxy I appreciate that kind sir FeelsOkayMan <3 POGGERS Pog Clean yasuo PogU yas Pog Kong Wow Pog YAS Pog suo Pog yassuo Pog YASUO PogYou Pog Is that fuckin' slipknot I hear OOOO DAT WINDWALL YASUO FKAER? ooo Y A S U Pog PogU YASU PogU HE'S CLEAN PogU YAS SMORFING POGGERS nice block mate 3Head PogYou this game is so sick Pog POGGERS who is this yasuo Pog MaN MaN ? Clap Pog Yas smurfing Pog M Pog E Pog HASAKI Pog YASUO @Nord94 yes finally a good stream pepeD that windwall was smooth af SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage okkkkk LETS GOOOO WTF Pog @C9Sneaky have u tried muramana kogmaw? Yassuo PogYou holy shit MaN ❗ FeelsWeirdMan Lee Sin doesnt impress me anymore W OMEGALUL W if sneaky already left c9 why does he still promotes the org.?? I'm confused monkaS trashuo 1v9 not moe Pog SPOODERS monkaS SPOODERS monkaS SPOODERS monkaS monkaW HASAKI ▬ι══════ﺤ samurai MaN WutFace pepeJAM monkaMega moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS samurai man got a big ding dong moon2GUMS ? headBang headBang @Jenrar PepeHands i eat fried spiders SAMURAI MaN ❗ SPIDERS monkaOMEGA Spooders monkaW SNEAKY THAT WAS HARDCORE he studied the blad PogU @Katsuo1 he's still part of the org atm @Jenrar dude hes blind WeirdChamp monkaW Oh wait wtf its actually just saying "spiders" OMEGALUL @Katsuo1 he didnt' leave, he's still under contract, just not getting a starting spot on the roster 4Weird monkaMega too many spoders in chat @Katsuo1 he didnt leave, he just wont play in main roster in lcs Boobs moon subs ? where ? @Katsuo1 contract prob, still under them until bought out or time runs out on it @jenrar loeyaAYAYA loeyaAYAYA loeyaAYAYA loeyaAYAYA THE BOOBS gachiBASS a good yasuo PogChamp is that yasuo kobbe? play jhin next Buytwo. One for each boner. @GodIsOne97 +1 SeemsGood Gimme dat booty boots 😳 moon2AY moon2SH spiders cum inside gachiBASS sfhAYAYA gachiBASS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS SLIPKNOT POG KKona cute mod AYAYA Leave spooders alone chat widepeepoSad They're friendly creatures moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS moon2GUMS gachiBASS Cute mod Jenrar AYAYA VoHiYo AYAYA VoHiYo scuffed daredevil WeirdChamp spiders friendly 4HEad chat FeelsWeirdMan sneakyWeeb spoders are not gg widepeepoSad @Tojju MOON SUBS 👉 🚪 4Weird @concordia_1996 moon2AY cute chat WEEB EMOTES haHAA ———————————————————————— imGlitch The broadcaster of this channel has promoted you to mod status. Please press the key combo ALT + F4 on your keyboard to activate this.———————————————————————— AYAYA 📡 Attention AYAYA 📡 Attention AYAYA 📡 Calling ALL cuties AYAYA 📡 Spiders FeelsGoodMan Clap AYAYA @Jenrar monkaGun Pog Pog PogU AYAYA Pog Spiders are friends FeelsOkayMan SwiftRage CLEAN PogU yas fade away @SmolClaire AYAYA AYAYA VoHiYo weebs in VoHiYo normies out VoHiYo nade-away nadoway gasoso AYAYA AHHHHHHHH vineHard AYAYA Clap !AYAYA AYAYA There are 2158 cuties in chat AYAYA VoHiYo Wouldn't it be Tor-fadeo 177013 AYAYA 177013 AYAYA @milkmancometh you are friend FeelsOkayMan normies AYAYAWeird AYAYA DansGame M OMEGALUL E who? 🐍 WHO? ———————————————————————— imGlitch The broadcaster of this channel has promoted you to mod status. Please press the key combo ALT + F4 on your keyboard to activate this.———————————————————————— KEKW 4Weird WEEBS AYAYA 👉 🚪 khoibeo210 monkaW this numbers AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYAWeird @khoibeo210 moon2AY M OMEGALUL E M OMEGALUL E no this yas is better M OMEGALUL E TRUE MaN FeelsOkayMan 👉 normies out @ShinyFuji hey Fuji! oathSmile M OMEGALUL E @Incested_Animal thank you FeelsOkayMan so are you khoibeo210 monkaW i know SNAKE 🐍 ARKADATA > MOE CHAT CUTE TODAY AYAYA S+ 4 Almost as good as me I used to feed a spider hanging in my apartment, but now shes dead FeelsBadMan Pog / 10 @YuYuYuna_ heyo shipHUG shipOWO yeah voyboy was s+ poopoo better than moe Kappa PepeHands Spider This is definitely a "enemy team" yasuo oathThink ARKADATA > m 🐍 e moe just ints GET THESE NORMIES OUT OF THIS CHAT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @DonEladio FeelsBadMan exactly 5.2 @DonEladio widepeepoHappy He's tier zer-moe sneaky yasuo level A- pvman level @DonEladio i killed it MadoStab headBang inc Kappa @DonEladio PepeHands Spiders are cool. They eat flies and shit normies AYAYAWeird 👉 🚪 ohh..ok so he still in the org. thank you for clarifying @alexb19 @snapplebear pepeLaugh feed yasuo Kapp SSS he has a key so hes pretty good i guess SSSSSS Pog SSS TRIPLE FUCKIN + SSSsss POGSLIDE headBang headBang headBang ah shit NORMIES OUT VoHiYo Pepega HYPERCLAP Pog KappaPride Mer MiniK headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang HERE WE GO AGANE yasuo infinity edge pog Sneaky Cass lvl of gameplay right there headBang ah shit here we go again headBang headBang headBang DatSheffy headBang headBang i just tasted my own cum gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 gachiBASS 🤘 cs pog sneaky isnt that tempest? headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang This yasuo looking like their yasuo headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang @magnum555_, they purge all the dirty little bugs FeelsBadMan headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang gachiBASS headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang ———————————————————————— imGlitch You have been permanently banned from this channel ———————————————————————— SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang > headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang monkaW headBang headBang headBang D: monkaW headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang banned PepeHands headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang cockmaw gachiBASS I'm perma banned PogU headBang headBang headBang headBang banned headBang headBang headBang headBang @C9Sneaky he is rank 80 yasuo in world+ headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang im banned? finally ———————————————————————— imGlitch You have been permanently banned from this channel ———————————————————————— type F D: headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang scarfSad banned headBang headBang headBang headBang Okayga COCK . PogU PagChomp Okayga COCK headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang gachiW headBang Kreygasm Okayga COCK . Okayga COCK gachiBASS LUL @C9Sneaky he is rank 80 yasuo in world i have :) chad Pog headBang headBang chat banging headBang headBang Okayga COCK i'm banned feelsgoodman gachiBASS AAAAHHHHHH streamer shut up we are headBang :) Okayga COCK KEKW ? gachiBASS chat banging gachiBASS KEKW HAHHAHAA EZ oh ok KEKW blitz POG LEE KEKW Pog uhh FishMoley EZ Clap ? LEE KEKW LEE KEKW gachiBass gachiBass gachiBass gachiBass :) kewk :) EZ clap Pog :) ORPHAN :) :) I AM THE ORPHAAAAN :) :) :) :) :) :) @C9Sneaky He is ranked number 8 yassuo in NA cellK die for red :) :) :) red buff headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang :) SmileW moon2S this blitz is ez clap :( SwiftRage IM THE ORPHAN PepeHands 5Head wineTime WutFace the one who kills your world FeelsGoodMan flash? lol Sneaky the best ADC in NA flash KEKW KEKW NA FLASH KEKW LULW KEKW Yassuo is better 5Head wineTime peepoArrive Lee *ignite* peepoLeave gachiBASS Kapp tunnel vission @its_morf stfu dude @C9Sneaky he is rank 80 yasuo in the world+ dale cagon headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang peepoArrive atpBigot headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang atpBigot eden hazard OMEGALUL headBang headBang headBang headBang blarrrgh @zarak07 ok widepeepoSad what is that lifesteal? mid game reaction Pog just like watching this stream KEKW atpCarl the past unspoken hazard is overrated LUL wait wtf KEKW you're lucky to be alive since birds naturally kill caterpillars lol it used ult LUL EZ Pog KEKW KEKW EZ Pog wtf did he just cancel his R? EZ lee kicked air Pog EZ Clap EZ LEE SO BAD KEKW bug Aris subs redsKek Pog feels bad for the lee EZ is kogmaw gud rn xD? POG tri force Pog chat why do we use barrier !rank C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 615 LP not selling dorans OkayChamp 👍 Worst lee ive ever seen Build runaans dont sell dorans zfgMad headBang TeaTime headBang headBang headBang headBang headBang did lee r bug !song blitz FailFish @ExGh0ost its just a better defensive summoner YASUO LUL NOOB YAS KEKW M OMEGALUL E @ExGh0ost It's just a better personal defense summoner rooAYAYA KEKW KEKW @jasond1989v2 he had no vision 4HEad nerf dat worm MaldChamp Chat song please 4HEad Yasuo moment moe unleashed oh no 4HEad 4Weird AYAYA @decodeproxy wtf monkaHmm SillyChamp WeirdChamp typical yasuo LUL WeirdChamp 4Weird no @BeastFromFtc orphan by slipknot 4hEAD lee lost vision so r cancelled @jasond1989v2 4Weird , I know its slipknot but what song 4Weird 4Weird @BeastFromFtc orphan by slipknot 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird Weirdga 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird ? 4Weird WeirdChamp 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird WRAP IT UP DOMER 4Weird ORPHAN mate 4Weird 4Weird ———————————————————————— imGlitch You have been permanently banned from this channel ———————————————————————— 4Weird 4Weird no 4Weird ✋ 4Weird WeirdChamp ? @beastfromftc Slipknot- Orphan 4Weird @C9Sneaky 4Weird PauseChamp 4Weird 4Weird AYAYAWeird what do u bind attack move to? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky how much nurf sennza needs? 4Weird STOP 4Weird 4Weird @decodeproxy @YuYuYuna_ ty ^_^ 4Weird 4Weird @YuYuYuna_ are you trying to steal my advice? peepoWTF 4weird 4Weird 4Weird ✋ 4Weird STOP 4weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Head Ryze 420 4Weird no 4Weird "KEKW" 5Weird 4Weird 4Weird 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" morg 1900 in shutdowns LULW WeirdChamp 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" THICC MAC gachiW KEKW 4Weird 🖖 2 MOUNTAINS KEKW OLD LEAGUE KEKW Okayga COCK TRUE LULW Okayga COCK . Okayga COCK old mountain PepeHands headBang hachu1 hachu2 need a randuinis POGGY WOGGY mountain soul is actually so good on kog mac? wow Pepega Okayga COCK . Okayga Okayga COCK I AM NOT THE SAME Okayga Yasuo dont read patch notes LUL lads fam lads NA Music LUL 2 mounts xd hachuDisgust Pepega Mountains giving dmg to minions and monster OMEGALUL "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW 2 mountains KEKW AYAYAWeird 👉 "Okayga" lads 3Head geez that shield 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" 4Weird "KEKW" squadW squadW squadW sneakt What does mountiain soul do? f squadW f "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW f @Caxaxo you build up a shield lads? 3Lass kekw 4Weird ✋ Okayga COCK "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW 👉 🚪 4Weird stop saying penis variants with smiling emotes FeelsWeirdMan 3Head LADS @decodeproxy Hey i saw the message first BabyRage you read it 4Weird DOINK EM TriHard oi mate 3Head @caxaxo gives you 1500 armor NARAM PagChomp penis variants :) @Caxaxo shield that refreshes when you're out of combat for 5 seconds. Scales off bonus health, AP, and AD surprise baron Pog BLITZ KEKW squadOmega squadOmega squadOmega One more 4weird and I'm heading out @ShadowBruno 😏 hairy hotdog PagChomp LEE 4Weird sneaky out of lane monkaW KHA ?? ?? @ssbm_refresh 4Weird KEKW KEKW LULW hairy hotdog is new for me why no rageblade Okayga COCK gachiBASS ??????????? gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiW gachiBASS gachiBASS KEKW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER YES SIR gachiHYPER kick ass gachiBASS gachiHYPER YES SIR NAshor KEKW @Caxaxo or sorry, shield that refreshes when you havent' been damaged by an enemy champ in 5 seconds "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW yasuo actually smurfing jheez ASS gachiHYPER @ShadowBruno yess sneakyH what did I win worth double kicks ass SadChamp "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW "4Weird" KEKW ?? wow Pog LUL geci YASU OMEGALUL GG EZ Clap honor yas GG EZ AS FUCK xqcDab EZ Clap 0-0 GG EZ Clap gg ez LUL Told you to play Kog! :D gg EZ CLAP @boxislovee selphyOwO puyssies Okayga COCK oathDab @YuYuYuna_ sneaky's B hole EZ so ez daddy EZ HYPERCLAP juanitoGG juanitoGG LUL xqcDab gg scarfDab cockmaw gachiW @YuYuYuna_ micheal Okayga 1 hr Q to FF i love kog so much he is my favorite @YuYuYuna_ I'll let this go as a one off FeelsOkayMan honor blitz best ranged minion hooks NA gg wp FWASH @ShadowBruno Thank you sir gachiHYPER PepegaPls gachiHYPER FeelsAmazingMan play kennen adc Pog maw game play jhin please xqcDab Okayga COCK Give Yasuo a gift last game ? Yoooooo please play PTA Varus? @c9sneaky Cog was Pog that game @c9sneaky GODMaw jhin give us an ashe game daddy not Moe yassuo Pog play vayne please coggers @boxislovee who the FUCK is michael PunOko PLAY AATROX BOT DONT BE PUSS any quinn mains? 4Weird can i see a sivir game plz sneaky cock Weirdga or micheal Time for another 20 minute queue PogU !wallpaper khasiz won the game @C9Sneaky what would it take to see some kog or kalista back in pro play? i like watching them but even the people that are good at those champs never get to !elo C9 Sneaky is Grandmaster 625 LP + 1 OMEGALUL' he got all drags loool how do you play monster hunter ? 10 KEKW 4Weird +10 KEKW KEKW KEKW that yasuo is rank 80 in the world DansGame @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky who do you think are the strongest adcs atm FeelsClassyMan wineTime KEKW KEKW 222 KEKW please play jhin KEKW KEKW KEKW VARUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS KEKW 222 LUL Conquerors Po insane LUL honor yasou 4Weird g not using passive enough KEKW Kekw LUL lmao DICK Weirdga COCK Okayga bad kog player literally just redbuff I mean u only died twice im surprised sneaky listens to slipknot PogU Okayga COCK Didn't die enough KEKW isnt W true damage? PLAY PUSSY. TESTICAL. ASS. VARUS KEKW Yes :) yes ask imaqtpie yes Yes :) YES Okayga yes YES KEKW yes pepeD YES jjjhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnn yes 5Head YES @Cowcheese Magic damage you need to get the pie to coach you FeelsGoodMan yes :) Where is this wallpaper from ya YES KEKW yes :) Yes yes yes play jhin broo PepeHands YES 3Head do it now :) SadChamp HYPERCLAP @s4tisfaction_ -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] inting kog Pog drandFlex But imagine if you played Draven, Tyler1 Would be watching your clips @raktagino LMFAO Okayga yes Pepega you are not? peepoPog Okayga HYPERS Fighterz today? monkaweird PePega PTA VARUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS Okayga COCK @C9Sneaky kog's e should be a grounding ability like cass w tsukiras, monster hunter world game please jhin another MOBI BOOTS KOG INTING STRAT DO IT WAIT THIS IS NOT GOSU? skip this song ResidentSleeper 10 lp LOL headBang ? play jhin broooo +10 KEKW +10 KEKW KEKW KEKW @zalagardo ah thanks @c9sneaky How is Jinx these days? :) !subs pta jhin @C9Sneaky which album is this? FeelsGoodMan Clap We are ready FeelsGoodMan Clap For another FeelsGoodMan Clap 20 minute Q FeelsGoodMan Clap slipknot is big gay Awww rip No thanks DragonBall FighterZ today? WE ARE NOT YOUR KIND @c9sneaky clearly ur not a giga smurf like i am with a positive kda on kog FailFish @C9Sneaky IOWA :) :) pepePains sneakyYeehaw !time November 30th 2019, 1:47:53 am PST GMT-08:00 Kapps Corey Taylor PepeHands pain FeelsGoodMan Tempo better? yay more of this 4Weird sneaky.mixr im 12 and i have demons does he like the pain tho gachiW @C9Sneaky how do you go using the headset with glasses? :) what about X-M@S ripperino @Jeystan Good thing you aren't on the balance team, not like they do a good job anyways though. KEKW really??? KEKW Jonathan Davis PepeHands BR OMEGALUL KE TURN ON IOWA ALBUM FeelsGoodMan PLAY RED DEAD server are boom boom :( PepeHands play jhin POGSLIDE youre a legend snacky sneakyYeehaw Pog ResidentSleeper Will Sneaky be in the 1v1 Tourney at All Stars? sneakyYeehaw peepoLeave ResidentSleeper Red Dead PagChomp KKona it's time PepeHands HOWDY sneakyYeehaw Arthur Morgan sneakyYeehaw YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KKonaW KKona Clap KKona PogU PepegaAim cool :) PogChamp PepegaAim peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave PepegaAim @C9Sneaky Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors it's time ANELE KKona sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim PepegaAim play jhin brooooooo +10LP? KEKW ANYWAY PepeHands sneakyYeehaw Western GTA sneakyGasm peepoLeave 🐀 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKona KKona sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw YEHAAAWWWWW peepoLeave ResidentSleeper PepegaAim PepegaShake peepoArrive finally peepoArrive KKonaW PepegaAim They just wanted to force everyone to watch their Redbull tourney in Japan. 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw KKona HYPERCLAP PepegaAim peepoLeave PepegaAim PepegaShake ❓ sneaky cosplay 🐴 sneakyYeehaw SADDLE UP PARDNAHS 🐴 sneakyYeehaw TriHard LETSS GOOO TriHard !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 28 minutes 9 seconds sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw I can finally express my inner KKona PagChomp sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyWoo sneakyWoo sneaky cosplay no more dorans? peepoLeave sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw !followage 1 more league game for challenger Weirdga hy36521 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 9 months, 1 week, 2 days 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw 🐴 sneakyYeehaw !uptime sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim Why is it soooo cold!! Get out 👉 over to ratirl stream i guess sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw wich weapon do u use in monster hunter? MaN !followage Play Pokémon please sneaky pretty PauseChamp yasuo peepoLeave Pepega chosen one Pog !followage !followage BradtGold1 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 2 weeks, 2 days PauseChamp PagChomp It's time! PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls !followage PogChamp its time to master the wind Pog !followage !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 29 minutes 16 seconds Pepega !followage !followage !followage fncpyke has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, 1 day pepeD click ur name WeirdChamp Why can’t I use twitch prime sub on mobil wtf !followage WHAT 4Head !followage l !followage huehuehue? are you coming for brazil @c9sneaky ? !followage 3 years following POG CoolStoryBob did he start again CoolStoryBob CoolStoryBob @c9sneaky have they told you what you're participating in for all stars yet? SHUT UP NOOB WITH THE FOLLOWAGE !followage !followage imagine if they combined Cull and Dorans blade goodnight dad 6 dorans.. rivenlearner has been following C9Sneaky for 5 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 3 days @C9Sneaky 6 Culls? FeelsEvilMan TeaTime can you Play illodia? monkaHmm TriHard INC !followage Yo Sneako play Neeko !followage @Leroyv2 !followage !folloage Sneaky's an all-star, yet he got let go by C9? Hmm... 6 6 dorans pog 3 is perfect imo PepoThink PepoThink !followage adc has always wanted to get more hp, and dorans blades offer that ImJamesCoss has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 9 months, 6 days except on jhin @nephesh73, 4Weird u need 4 on jhin I love snackers talkin about how many dorans he can take at a time I didn't come here to learn damnit Together! sneakyH ZULUL @arriv003 he resigned. !followage peepoLeave 🚪 to gather LUL we apes apes together strong !followage no :) TriKool god song 7 dorans ? TriKool TriKool uWu 4 dorans blades into 4 ies is the jhin build TriKool TriKool TriKool ANELE TriKol turkey song wooooo HYPERS dopel TriKool ??? WutFace @c9sneaky what about 2 Doran's a full and a dshield TriKool TriKool headBang headBang headBang headBang TriKool dopek play with Jensen pls pepeD D: Wir sind Kral D: here D: D: KEKW ugly language @ogre1 Halo Goat !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 31 minutes 34 seconds Bronze council assemble ANELE 7 TriKool 🤝 ANELE wir sind kral really? dopek here TriKool 🤝 ANELE Pepega HYPERCLAP nut Snacks you willing b to play for another team? turkish = fake german EleGiggle go overview @c9sneaky but if u have 6 dorans ur basically full build @C9Sneaky You should look up the song Spaceship by LSDREAM monkaW QUICK SPEAK Hey @c9sneaky have they told you when you'll be supporting T1 in All stars? WIR SIND KARL dopson here Wir sind kral does turkey celebrate thanks giving? they seem to like turkeys a lot RAP GOD Pepega @Ogre1 youre prob lurking but love you halo legend oathLove dikkenbaws TralosKensei subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 6 months! @C9Sneaky when do you buy boots in the 3-4 Doran's build? PepePls HAM Master race Pog @mutemarsh is that your first joke or what dopek here PepePls !song peepoLeave 🚽 inspec4Eh inspec4Eh inspec4Eh inspec4Eh inspec4Eh EZ Clap TriKool dopek z towarowej TriKool peepoLeave 🚽 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 32 minutes 56 seconds dopek z polski TriKool @awakeosleeper joke? is league stream over? peepoArrive 🚽 WeirdChamp @banned_account_the_7th_, WeirdChamp @banned_account_the_7th_ kys yeah league is done, hes playing RDR now PowerUpR tyler1C PowerUpL SHADOW DOGS WE IN HERE banned_account_the_7th_ WeirdChamp where he go cmonBruh @banned_account_the_7th_ @YuYuYuna_ thanks :) PepegaPls @banned_account_the_7th_ cmonBruh @banned_account_the_7th_ Mods? :) @lolminsoo :) stop being racist dude banned account the 8th PogChamp 12yo kids acting like Trump WeirdChamp @banned_account_the_7th_ fk urself chat KEKW Racist @banned_account_the_7th_ @banned_account_the_7th_ why were you banned :) tell the chat pls lmao why do you dislike the Turkish so much? PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls cmonBruh 7 @banned_account_the_7th_ morning cums 8 @banned_account_the_7th_ i love all europe but not greek :( Roosh is live if you want to see someone do the opposite of smurfing :) What made you so racist towards the Turkish? Share with chat why you don't like them pepeL pepeL pepeL pepeL tursh are good people their leader is bad Mods asleep.. monkaW Silly boys arise SillyChamp @banned_account_the_7th_ ape dogshit 4Weird edgy :) @FarukYILDIZ pepeL <3 fuck you chat :) name of the song? turks pepeL :) Tell chat why you're racist towards the Turks though 1 more league game! why don't you have any mod in chat? @C9Sneaky I'm sure it's a good story @banned_account_the_7th_ cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh ezeli kim attı la !uptime sickoslash subscribed with Twitch Prime. Sneaky has been live for : 4 hours 34 minutes 48 seconds @Whocowhoco no fuck you harder kind sir :) faruk imagine making generalisations about a whole country :) TriKool 7 i got my eyes on u @C9Sneaky is the stream over you cant be racist against turks no signal PepeHands <3 veiWow I love C9Sneaky mods :) I don't hate any race of people's on Earth, I'm not a racist person lmao @banned_account_the_7th_ looser mongol you're everything that i need @C9Sneaky sneakyYeeHaw ❓ @mrbahadir uhh.. wouldnt say that didnt save PepeHands PogU ayayaya trying to be annoying but not even being funny KEKW Pog bye bye sneakyYeehaw I got my left eye on you :) banned_account_the_7th_ who is ilam monkaW sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw YEEHAW SKYRIM that song was cool sneaky when are you going to play star wars :) time to go down to the wild wild west I'm curious as to why you're a racist person though. Personally I'm not a racist person SMOrc SMOrc Jebaited KEKW PepeLaugh I don't think the country I live in is relevant to why I'm not a racist person. I'm Canadian I'm curious as to why you're a racist person though. Personally I'm not a racist person my pp pp pp pp p ppp pipi ? I'm just wondering why you're a racist person @C9Sneaky yo now since your not a team, are we gonna see a full time trap career out of you? Pog PogChamp banned thank you HAHA Yeeeyy EZ Ban hahahah did you meet a Turkish person who wasn't nice to you and decided you didn't like them? :) PogChamp mods have aoke Banned Pog EZ Clap mods Pog sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw time awoke you are so hot monkaW thanks lord BlessRNG eyyyy 8th account incoming hhahahaa mods Clap mods where monkaW PepegaPls Banned monkaW @banned_account_the_7th_ racists get banned KEKW monkaW DETH plugged KannaNom banned_account_the_8th_ @banned_account_the_7th_ 8TH ACCOUNT INC KEKW haHAA banned WHY HAVE A DISCUSSION WHEN YOU CAN BAN KEKW DroopyKnight subscribed with Twitch Prime. ring ring pepeLaugh 👉 @banned_account_the_7th_ ☎️ sneakyYeehaw PepegaAim Yeah, I'm gonna take my  horse to the old town road   I'm gonna ride  'til I  can't no more   I'm gonna take my horse  to the old town road  I'm gonna  ride 'til I  can't no more   I got the  horses in the back   Horse  tack is attached   WutFace oh I thought its my PC I'm naked chat :) FeelsGoodMan Clap Dont stop @C9Sneaky are you going to play ff7 remake? peepoWTF There's no point in having discussions with racists, mods should just ban them every time @banned_account_the_7th_ a racist retard KEKW sneakyW ☎️ KKona pics or didn't happened pepeLaugh 👇 @banned_account_the_7th_ otherwise people would just be racist in chat all the time if it was allowed yeehawww @SteveShepard PogU same dude @steveshepard same here it's against twitch TOS to be racist as well KKona echo so mods have to ban it you gotta take out these damn moonshiners echo LUL echo btw Bop p. But there is an echo @C9Sneaky PepegaAim KKona Clap wtf is the sound @c9sneaky echo ye Pog we naked boys PogChamp sneakyYeehaw HYPERCLAP KKona Heck yeah brother KKona nvm echo @C9Sneaky the sound is off atm KKona fixed Pog HYPERCLAP nvm fixed pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW KKona pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW Pog there was never an echo we were kidding :) pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW WeirdChamp poki subs dang straight KKona KKool DANG STRAIGHT KKona pokiW im safe dang straight KKona is this the very start of the game KKona 7 KKona pokiYikes Poki Raid pokiYikes 🤠 Yeah, I'm gonna take my 🐴 horse to the old town road ⛰ 🤠I'm gonna ride 🐎 'til I 🚫can't no more🚫 🤠 I'm gonna take my horse 🐴 to the old town road⛰ I'm gonna 🐎 ride 'til I 🚫 can't no more🚫 🤠 I got the 🐎 horses in the back 🐎 🐴 Horse 🐎 tack is attached ⛓ 🤠 Hat 🧢 is matte 🖤 black 🎩 Got the boots 👢👢 sneakyGold no Stu poki subs OkayChamp Poki subs GET OUT @doneladio nah more like Obama. what game is this? oh < pokiW / KKona ArchiMALD LULW its like 10 hours in I think thanks < pokiW / . OkayChamp WeirdChamp OOF @stuvenator TriHard FeelsWeirdMan damn moonshiners KKona 🤠 Yeah, I'm gonna take my 🐴 horse to the old town road ⛰ 🤠I'm gonna ride 🐎 'til I 🚫can't no more🚫 🤠 I'm gonna take my horse 🐴 to the old town road⛰ I'm gonna 🐎 ride 'til I 🚫 can't no more🚫 🤠 I got the 🐎 horses in the back 🐎 🐴 Horse 🐎 tack is attached ⛓ 🤠 Hat 🧢 is matte 🖤 black 🎩 Got the boots 👢👢 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh its dem ram ranch bowis again TriHard 7 this red dead? Limerence123 Okayga when NA used to be good FeelsBadMan Is this Skyrim @C9Sneaky yo sneaky im lost, so are you or are you not member of C9 in the upcoming season? @fifty2 no its lego star wars cmonBruh KKona TriHard where are the native Americans :) KKool aint got no time @HypherSide ok fuckwit Skyrim 1879 edition Kappaa This game is so beautiful KKool @fifty2 DarkMode KEKW KKool KKool Mr. W league of legends new graohics poggers incest sister? KKona George W. Bush KEKW KEKW AMEN BROTHER KKona Is this Ram Ranch? gachiW @c9sneaky turn the graphics as low as possible there is middle button hold @C9Sneaky KKona Wooooooah It's V Hold the select button alabama game KEKW yeah I think select woooooooooah Hold V peepoPog KKona hold on KKool Hol'up partner or the opposite button of the pause button KKona center button, the touch pad thing bUrself @C9Sneaky pad button in middle hol up TriHard Isn’t this the same time period when the Black Plague hit? idk how ps4 controllers work hold the touch pad down those fellers need a f in chat LUL sneakyBug bUrself monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaOMEGA @C9Sneaky play plague innocent pls monkaS monkaS R-Recently? Howdy Sneaky how's it going with them cowgirls monkaS 4Head 4HEad nice forensic analysis 4Head 4Head ? 4Head 4HEad Its like hes alive but he dead 4Head 4Head 4HEad 4HEad 4HEad 5Head 4Head > monkaOMEGA 4Ead monkaW PepeHands 4HEad 4HEad LULW WOULD YOU LOOK AT IT?! 4Head monkaW RIGHT THROUGH THE 4HEad 4Head pepeSmoke 5HEad pepeSmoke pepeSmoke 5Head pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke good ol times KKool pepeSmoke damn boi pepeSmoke pepeSmoke pepeSmoke 3 pepeSmoke Last one I promise he smoke that shit in one pull LOL 2? pepeSmoke one more sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip pepeSmoke 4 pepeSmoke pack a day keeps the doctor away pepeSmoke ñ Damn pepeSmoke look what Sneaky taught me pepeSmoke pepeSmoke last one i promise pepeSmoke must choooom pepeSmoke i smoke to be like sneaky :) pepeSmonke I feel like chain smoking now, thanks Sneaky :) pepeSmoke 5 archibald is ezreals voice actor PogChamp use the tonics pepeSmoke chain smoker pepeSmoke Hey mum, look what Sneaky taught me pepeSmoke nothing like some good'ol school boof cowbowi pepeSmoke pepeSmoke just one more pepeSmoke sneakyGrip pepeSmoke This keeps the anxiety down pepeSmoke anotha one pepeSmoke last one sneakyGrip drive into a river Kreygasm CINEMATIC MODE pepeSmoke Give the nicotine time to enter your blood sneaky give the horse a smoke y'all ain't government around these parts KKona pepeSmoke my horse likes the second hand REGI Pog FeelsGoodMan 👉 📈 According to statistics spamming emotes makes you happy pepeSmoke What movie is this REGI KEKW TSM Reginald KKona RED CARD Pog TSM REginald KKona KEKW KEKW Blue card TF KEKW hol up KKona arthur fleck ? monkaW KKool monkaW Murderers? hes got them peepeehands LUL monkaMega when horses used to rule the world Okayga Trump hands KEKW @solop1ayer that's the beauty of Twitch chat FeelsGoodMan Regi murdered Leena monkaW Hanson XD damn braithwaites KKona KKool decodeproxy ratirlKiss Baby Trump hands monkaW they cant make moonshine out in the open its 2019 u dont need to eat anymore, just drink and smoke @C9Sneaky PogU CHUG !followage fncpyke has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 4 weeks, 1 day @solop1ayer r u Adrian's mod ? N OMEGALUL ForestFairyBilly Pog Cocaine Pog LUL Pog cocaine wasnt illicit back then lol food fills up the middle, tonics fill the circles cocaine PogU monkaW COCAINE widepeepoHappy Cocaine actually works good just sayn Vietnam monkaW monkaW widepeepoHappy A little bump Vermin KKona KKool KEKW HaHAA @solop1ayer but ur mods in other streamer. from who? monkaW MaN monkaW The "MAN" for the job MaN god i wish that were me MaN ARCHIBALD scripted ARCHI MALD LULW KEKW ! chat is he in queue or playing this game? KKool KEKW laft solid snake time GAT DAMN TAX DODGERS fking libertarians degenerate ..nice KKona @GuapoPescado playing this thanks monteOpa @guapopescado done league "swimming" monkaW GATORS kekw river its a puddle Tax dodgers 4Weird Gon make them play them taxes today by golly Kappa Snakes monkaW sneks monkaW KKona monkaW monkaW monkaW 👉 🐍 monkaW DETH monkaW monkaW stop bondage intense bleeding tho monkaW sneakyW :lasso: blood coming out sit in his head gachiBASS Pepega Clap monkaS he was a nice MaN NotLikeThis MaN slap his ass beat his ass KEKW assassin's creed that shit tyler1B1 MaN tyler1B2 D: close enough Kappa PogU chocoD PogU popesL MaN popesR chocoD FeelsClassyMan how is his head not bleeding gachiBASS got him monkaS "gentleman" sneks gonna bite them D: it was a prop bottle KannaNom KannaNom ? KannaNom slaves HandsUp cmonBruh it was a sleeping bottle BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump WutFace WutFace RlyTho AYAYAWeird Clap Shoah SNAKY HOW ARE YOU STILL UP pvman = no gg widepeepoSad ANELE monkaW Any slaves here ? cmonBruh only food refills core, hunt for some big game meat and it will fully restore your cores when cooked @pixzahrrr black friday stream monkaW cmonBruh If Kanye was alive back then there wouldn't be an slaves cmonBruh RlyTho cmonBruh cmonBruh what friday?> HYPERBRUH @jer3s3 HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH chat 4Weird cmonBruh wtf red snack redemption? dont say that name cmonBruh LUL ? pepeLaugh Pepega LUL umm cmonBruh LUL PepegaAim Pepega Clap ANELE PepegaAim monkaW Pog NA ADC KEKW ANELE ANELE Anele monkaW PepegaAim ANELE PepegaAim monkaW monkaW ANELE monkaW D: Pog think it worked monkaW PepeGun D: PepeGun Your map Purple dots monkaW D: BILL MaN ? PepegaAim yikes pepeGun mY EARS NotLikeThis pepeJAM brotherman bill Pog pepeJAM forsenT ITS HIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH NOON PogU shoot em LUL RAM RANCH NICE POSITIONING Pog D: Sneaky use your Q monkaW NA adc console aim 4Weird GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ D: MaN aimbot ratirlKiss When Ram Ranch goes wild wild west on that ass PogChamp NaM MaN PepegaAim monkaGun dont move or u died PepegaAim KEKW ADC get em snacky report lucian 9x PepegaAim 18 NAKED COWBOYS READY TO FUCK C9 Gun GIT ER DONE KKona PepegaAim PogU CHALLENGER ADC NA AIM PepegaAim K.O Pog PogU EZ Clap Pog LCS PepegaAim PogU this is so KKona BIG HOT DROPPING COCKS WANNA TO BE SUCKED tank :D NA ADC PogU PepegaAim COWBOYS IN THE SHOWERS AT RAM RANCH Not in the face NotLikeThis Call of duty kill a man gachiBASS RAM RANCH REALLY ROCKS Hot hard buff cowboys, their cocks throbbing hard PepegaAim na sheriff ON THEIR KNEES WANTING TO SUCK COWBOY COCKS Eighteen more wild cowboys out in the yard @forestfairybilly lmao monkaS TTS Big bulging cocks ever so hard pepeojam sneakyYeehaw ratirlBilly ratirlBilly ur accuracy gets worse when ur dead eye core is depleted Hey there fella ya dropped ur pocket Kappa Ram Ranch Really Rocks chat monkaW Big hard throbbing cocks ramming cowboy butt pedropolo subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 48 months! hi dad Like a breeding ram wanting to rut @fncpyke RAT SUBS OkayChamp 👌 Pog nice sub badge @pedropolo @j4nsencsgo sneakyYeehaw KKona what game is this? KKool MaN ? MY MaN @OhWhatAmDoingHere Ram Ranch 2 sneakyYeehaw monkaW moonshine GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ NaM KKonaW KKona MURICANS KKona LUL Kkona Yuh sure are hard, Luke KKona I wanna marry keanu and sex billy hmmmmoooooyeaah. im gonna lick dat booty hole cmonBruh KKona WTF D: D: sCUM D: ayyyyy D: D: LULW D: Yeah take that boy to Ram Ranch cmonBruh D: D: LUL these fucking slaves any scumers in chat ? cmonBruh was he about to 🚽 race time Pog orther KKona yeah the drinks restore the current value (outside circle) KKona Littering WeirdChamp no you should pop tonics before you start depleting ur core KKona MaN sneaky is amouranth for the gay community, change my view KappaPride <3 littering D: the only way to restore core is food. the food at camp or food you hunt yourself gachiBASS Pog @kombatmedic99 @kombatmedic99 i@kombatmedic99 @soullesswalk621 to Pog pepeLaugh 3Head the canned goods restore very little but work too pepeJAM KEKW gooooo KKona 🎸 KKona KEKW KKool 👌 KEKW KKool KKool weeeeee horsie race PepoCheer KKool shoot him OkayChamp KKool 🎸 pepeJAMMER KKona 🎸 KKool block'em KKool Dutch KEKW 🤠 Yeah, I'm gonna take my 🐴 horse to the old town road ⛰ 🤠I'm gonna ride 🐎 'til I 🚫can't no more🚫 🤠 I'm gonna take my horse 🐴 to the old town road⛰ I'm gonna 🐎 ride 'til I 🚫 can't no more🚫 🤠 I got the 🐎 horses in the back 🐎 🐴 Horse 🐎 tack is attached ⛓ 🤠 Hat 🧢 is matte 🖤 black 🎩 Got the boots 👢👢 I'm straight and I can only watch about 30 seconds of Amouranth fingering her mic pit maneuver his ass PeepoCheer faster daddy faster! PeepoCheer faster daddy faster! PeepoCheer faster daddy faster! Tokyo Drift 🤠 Yeah, I'm gonna take my 🐴 horse to the old town road ⛰ 🤠I'm gonna ride 🐎 'til I 🚫can't no more🚫 🤠 I'm gonna take my horse 🐴 to the old town road⛰ I'm gonna 🐎 ride 'til I 🚫 can't no more🚫 🤠 I got the 🐎 horses in the back 🐎 🐴 Horse 🐎 tack is attached ⛓ 🤠 Hat 🧢 is matte 🖤 black 🎩 Got the boots 👢👢 KKona heck yeah brother inb4 horse runs out of stam KEKW what the fuck is a pepo TriHard SKR SKR PepoCheer TriHard ram ranch gachiHYPER Pepega CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE dutch has an arabian and he cant catch to your shithorse THE FAST KKool what is this... NAKED COWBOYS gachiBASS POGSLIDE Play remnant from the ashes to make it famous and popular please DONT BE MEAN HES OLD the scenery in this game is awesome OLD TOWN ROAD PogU black dessert online? :D KEKW smok'em like a damn brisket buther @C9Sneaky r u staying with C9 pls tell me its so sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyClap sneakyClap sneakyClap SMOKED game goal is find another 17 cowboys?? He's going to have to shoot his horse monkaW monkaW monkaW ❗ monkaW out of stam KEKW Horse energy monkaW sneakyWut sneakyWut Cheating FeelsWeirdMan pepeLaugh monkaW forsenW KEKW oh no EZ Clap KEKW HES ABOUT TO LOSE LULW pepeLaugh OH NO NO NO Just lost a game to inting Malz, becauzse our engage kept inting 1v5 EZ Pog nvm flawless KEKW LOSER POV KEKW EZ Clap wooooo ez EZ Clap . KKona EZ EZ Clap HAY OP YO MORGAN KappaPride KappaPride LUL kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg kandyDogg KappaPride not me SadChamp a lover RAM RANCH KappaPride gachiBASS Clpa ur my luver gachiBASS The RDR2 life. Butcher 8 people and a horse. Wanted for animal cruelty gachiBASS KappaPride PepeHands RAM RANCH gachiHYPER hmmm widepeepoHappy KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride uh gachiBASS They're both like 60 such a great looking game VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ youv become his fiather KappaPride @C9Sneaky you have to call him daddy now bad sheriff WutFace BRONZE KEKW KEKW LULW bronze KEKW MaN Je doesn’t tell it he is a coward KEKW KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW Cute bronze KEKW bronze KEKW that's what happens when you don't buy 4 dorans shields earlir on league pepeLaugh bronze Red Dead 2 missed it when they didn’t put in a prospecting mechanic TriHard mans goota bool with his tool ya know g'day cowboy TriHard 7 YOINK TriHard 7 TriHadd loot yeah these stuff replenishes everyday mine now TriHard the camp upgrades add more mighty FINE mornin' technically you pay for it Don’t steal everything kandySmart @ForestFairyBilly show hydra plss gachiW monkaW DONT MAKE FUN OF ME FELLER KKona widepeepoSad hi dad WeirdChamp thief ? bowi did you just make fun of me D: STEALING Jebaited KEKW Free stuff Pog Jebaited ? Jebaited MaN NERS whys he shuddering LUL OK MCCREE FeelsClassyMan klkl///// 4Weird thats more than 9 4Head Ram Ranch the game PogU Kreygasm mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy mizkifFancy monkaMega sneakyGrip sneakyGrip sneakyGrip shamaDab shamaKiss monkaW LUL kandyFinduz what real life experience kandyFinduz monkaS lemme axe you a queshion cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh monkaW cmonBruh monkaW who's the president? MaldChamp HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH meat is murder TriHard bro you need a bath arthur looks disgoosting uhmm LMFAO KEKW Pog kandyFinduz what real life experience kandyFinduz kandyFinduz what real life experience kandyFinduz kandyFinduz what real life experience kandyFinduz DOMINOS Pog 🍕 hes in GACHI Dominos Pog cmonBruh wow they had pizza in the 1500s thats crazy WutFace CINNECT THE NUMBERS LUL game is for old fogies WTF KEKW loool Dominos pizza monkaW 5Head no thanks peepoLeave fuck that the domino challenge was a pain in the ass 5Head thats a peepoLeave wideHard domino oh Ive played that game monkaW dominoes textbook pog Pair = brdige, when you run out you lose. something like that KEKW forsenThink Tehkie subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! peepoLeave 3Head so much text ITS REALLY EASY JUST CONNECT THE SAME NUMBERS DONT WORRY PLAY So this is where Riot got the idea for long champion kits fk that. monkaS lol what kind of domino is that??? WeirdChamp peepoLeave ah shit oh this is easy fuck that KEKW Its a game in a game PogChamp ResidentSleeper KEKW APHELIOS ABILITIES KEKW cmonBruh board game peepoLeave How do you not know how to play Reading are for rich people bruther Yee Haw pro domino championship when? its domino Here we go pepeLaugh you can just lose and be done with it kandyFinduz what real life experience kandyFinduz is this pc? why do you play with a controller? You match sides @c9sneaky dominoes peepoLeave and text peepoLeave peepoLeave PepoThink 10 pts! stack them into a chain noooo kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz monkaHmm I have no idea what I'm doing monkaHmm wtf, does this guy have leprosy? pokiW pokiW pokiW if you have no pair you grab more DuckerZ NO ONES EVER DONE THAT !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan REKT do you know hwat your doing pokiW FeelsOkayMan ResidentSleeper TriKool VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan Oof poki queen 😍 the 3 Pog PogChamp multiples of 5 pepeL Pog this is the epitome of strategy pepeLaugh @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP POKI SUBS 4Weird first one to flip table wins FeelsGoodMan getting smoked KEKW its domioes are you serious! LUL add the ends I wanna play this but it isn't on steam until next week REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE wait I don't think you're playing right monkaHmm 15 POG LUL PogYou Pog It’s the end of each side that scores points in 5s Pog Pog Pog LATE GAME BRUTHER KKona KEKW HAHA EZ CLAP pog KEKW Pog lol WutFace O U T P L A Y E D HAHA KEKW KEKW KEKW Clapped KEKW KEKW KEKW DuckerZ you want to place all your tiles LUL EZ Clap KEKW kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz KEKW KEKW SMACKED Because you have literally no idea how it works LUL WHO WON KEKW You lost Snacky KEKW you want to discard ur hand you need to get to 100 STRIP DOMINOS? YOU LOST KEKW YOU WANNA GET RID OF ALL YOUR DOMINOS AND DENY HEY ANY PLAYS KEKW please tell me you are not being serious. You actually know how to play right? i lost Kreygasm Go to the saloon to win money @c9sneaky SHE RAPED U KEKW is this bridge lol I think your need to get 21 @c9sneaky monkaHmm WeirdChamp cmonBruh Weirdga no one won she ran out of dominos so you reset, still first to 100 the only domino's I know how to play is who can get them standing up the most Weirdga uno who the heck actually knows how to play dominoes all i know is how to line em up and knock em down WeirdChamp cmonbruh_boss out of pieces = reset from start no pizza add the ends i know how to play peepoArrive U don’t make any money against ur family FeelsBadMen MaldChamp KKona YOU SUNK HER BATTLESHIP PogChamp you get the points of what they have left if i rmember u sunk my battleship! What kind of league of legends is this? Pepega PogU kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz YO WANNA GET RID OF DOUBLES EARLY ASAP back to rush peepoLeave you need to add the ends somone pleas tell him how to play! shes got a serious poker face :) they only count the points in multiples of 5 Lets go poker sneak missed 15 points LUL playing with a grill gamer? peepoArrive missed lethal yes me :) i have lmao yes me :) @C9Sneaky all the time yes WAT yes MaN ? nope Me :9 i think i did ive played it irl yes. Boomers it's easy yes yes :D this si painful listen to me me and my dad play everyweekend youre all lying EZ mods pls ban everyone who has boomer games i did smile KEKW OOOOOO YOU GOTIY LULW use flash 5Head VIET _ _ _ ❓ VIET _ _ _ ❓ this game is boomer af KEKW I played but without points lol AW FCK MaN you score points if the edge score is a pultiple of 5 BOOMER GAME KEKW kill this bitch and take all money lirikCHAMP lirikCHAMP except we play and we slam the dominoe on the table and yell dominoe SWASTIKA OMEGALUL BOOMER ban anyone who says boomer please mods. Are they making that symbol ? cmonBruh @addcheesepls MaN Well yes @sohappy24 boomer EZ i used to play dominos with my girlfriend's grandpa. actually pretty fun PogChamp I've played without points CREATING SWATSTIKA 10 points to griffendor oh wait Kappa ez clap PogChamp Holy NAZI SYMBOLS O.O EZ Clap kandyFinduz kandyFinduz kandyFinduz kandyFinduz kandyFinduz kandyFinduz kandyFinduz that was a swatztixker lolll lol based kandyFinduz what a real life experience kandyFinduz DatSheffy lol Take a bath man It was so close Look at the end of each play line, the numbers on the end all need to add up in multiples of 5 to score points better boomer wins forsenCD @hotdogss NaM ❓ add the ends and make sure the end in 5 i play it with my family but without points fake story or 0 NaM There is also like a hardcore version with 13 dots i think or so nooooo this is the boomer equivalent of esports why black woman can sit with white in this era i havent played in like 20 years i dont remember how its scored seduce her with an older man dominoes is for island people not normie state side people YES Imagine having an girlfriend KKona NaM 👌 you have to match and add the ends no! Sneaky you get points when the edge points are a multiple of 5 the connecting edges must match double 5 yes So only count the numbers on the edges, you can also only put down dominos that correspond with the end numbers do it yes!@ GET RIDS OF THE DOUBLE 5S @icedragon939 van der lin gang isnt racist YESS first double on the board is the spinner no! Doubles first yeah no this tilts me so much watching this no no points DOUBLES ARE HARER TO GET RID OF SO LOSE EM ASAP you don't have any points use blank 3 @CapnMyCapn_ why ITS LEARNING still no points lmao D: sneakyHey thats not videogames D: D: blank 2 lol D: ur favorite game the last century forsenCD D: he isn't reading @sohappy24 being hispanic dominoes is at every holiday event 10 points ADD THE ENDS SNEAKY Jebaited unwinnable PepeHands give it 10 more games and youll be the dominos world champion she wins lol EZ again gg GET FUKT, @C9Sneaky ! omg @CapnMyCapn_ is he playing bad that's why he's t ilting you? i haven o idea what's going on Putting rdr on the map? EZ Clap i cant watch this lol EZ Clap Shoot her and take her shawl, it's the only way to win I think You get points when you put your own tiles next to each other how do you not know how to play She is going to own your gun She raw dogged you on the dominoes @sohappy24 that and he doesnt know how to play EZ Clap really good game i mostly hunted on this PogChamp Okayga strip poker !followage FleshLOL has been following C9Sneaky for 3 years, 4 months, 1 week, 4 days no you get points on multples of 5 actually intensive gameplay 4Weird monkaW the game explains the rules to you is there no rule explanation in game on how this works @CapnMyCapn_ it explains it pretty well yeah 6 and 4 yeah but fuck reading 6-4 6/4 pleeeease no! In Russia this game is still popular, so many people know how to play. Actually many workers on factories plays in dominos. do americans never play domino? 6-4 on right you wanna get rid of your pices asap @sohappy24 there is but he skipped it @C9Sneaky you get points for the the edges adding up to multiples of five so 5 10 15 20 etsc yes americans play dominos NOOOOOOO LOL Nah, Americans don't play it KEKW your trash! with my mexican friends KEKW @lolminsoo WTF KEKW absolutely clapped LUL KEKW outplayed LULW listen to me KEKW Jebaited bodied KEKW LUL sneaky jsut keep shooting people If you put your tile next to hers you get 0 points @C9Sneaky L best omne maybe you would never last in jail dude what the fuck this game's rigged KEKW Kill she time to go shoot people pepehands play cards @sohappy24 idk i just tuned in after a game so its kinda funny watching him lose peepoLeave thats why you shud read instructions kill her Kappa shot she eat the camp food to restore cores take a bath you animal like i said only island people play dominoes not normie state side people he coulda won that so easy Sex her Kreygasm the hellc toc just go jump in the lake boomer get boomed in dominos MaldChamp 0 IQ doesn't real instructions KKona back before the internet dominos was the thing to do, if you were poor and couldnt afford a nintendo fuck yeah KEKW pokimane ? PogU no fake poker Kappa papapapa poker face Poker PogU LULW wow reppin c9 Is there black jack in this game? 3 hours later not again WutFace Poker is Pog tbh Poker in the front, liquer in the back buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso buerinLanso Strip Poker yes @d0ngerl0rd Losing again monkaW read it all you can play poker sneaky? Pokermane he got this text peepoLeave yea Pog holdem yeah its texas hold em no its 5 caqrd poker are you gonna play all that halo shit coming to PC poker is actually fun. dont puss out sneaky daman yea its texas hold em How much Red Dead have you played so far? reverse texas basically bet twitch money 3Head 5 card stud you start with 5 sneaky, go snowboarding with me 2 start 3 out ban that guy try to make the best 5 card had 5 cards in hand one mulligan you make the best hands from your 5 it is texas holdem Fucking read LULW ahh you can exchange as you go and bet chat dumb af this is holdem pog it's normal poker? oh this is holdem its literally texas hold em its texas guyys 2 = 5 ez lmao told ye texas holdem He's just scrolling up and down like he's reading LULW texas hold em LUL how can you be from florida and not know how to play dominos @C9Sneaky your southerner card is revoked WTF nevermind it is texas holdem U CALL A5 is fine hand lol nice hand KEKW D: two cards is more 1 Kreygasm 4 Pog iron chat KEKW 4 PogU 4 pog get a 4 PogU you reading the instructions is like me studying for finals 4 Pog was texas holdem even invented at that time worst rule explanation ever lol @WintersWard PogU A 2 3 ( 4 ) 5 all in 4 go all in he got 2 pairs WTF Just shoot them IS GOING ON 4 - > 4House LOL? bet on the straight DansGame no 4 FeelsBadMan KEKW FOLD your hand sucks he got 2 pairs man @G_man23 he knows how to play 93 CENTS? Pog playing for cents lol fold i stop watching because of that lol gachiBASS LUL monkaW @lolminsoo do you not know texas? go all in theyll fold all in its 100% a 4 not folding WeirdChamp gonna lose LUL play what? i did the math GREED sneaky is a fish Kappa He’s bluff master dw minsoo ??? yeppers haHAA go all in nice math KEKW @UnNameless ALL IN BLUFF all in 9 cent paycheck? Kanavi????? fold fuck i failed math KEKW he's bluffing BET IT ALL THEY WONT KNOW pepeLaugh just a game PAIR OF 3s KEKW just a game haHAA GER _ _ _ Y ❓ GER _ _ _ Y ❓ take money and run away MaldChamp high card ace KEKW called it double pair flop bet 40 cents on a pair dum KEKW FeelsClassyMan almost 2$ ROFL Pog OH dirty fucks monkaW PAIR KJ PAIR !! OH SHEEEET Pog Pog FREE PogU PogChamp HAHA royal flush papa bet your horse on it LUL all in LOL KEKW PepegaPls LULW ALL IN LOOOOL aw KEKW LUL NICE WINNINGS KEKW LULW OMEGALUL 3 cents Pog LOL KEKW they safe players pog KEKW DONT BET NOOB Ghost Kappa 3 cents Pog PepeLaugh they knew rigged DansGame KEKW 84 cents PogU NotSoEZ moneey all in too early ai folds usually KEKW you gave it away with ur bad poker face USES 2 HANDS TO BRING IN 3 CENTS YOU GOTTA SLOWLY AMKE THEM BET ??? 1 chip LULW LUL LUL LUL LUL RTX OFF KEKW scripted PepeLaugh fold DansGame bad hand game wants u to lose money POG fold LMAO YOUR VS AI LOL folding on bad hands 9 pair PogU PLAY THEM ALL IN texas Pog Got a pair gachiW Pog er these gambler challengers took me 8 hours to finish when i went for 100% completion not so bad 10 CENTS PogU MIDDLE PAIR Its not even high pair LUL !opgg NotSoEZ TeaTime LOL bet LOL i got a pair Kreygasm he has a pair too monkaW Pog you lost monkaW LOL WTF monkaW Q lookin spooky monkaW lmao >?HAAH youl ody monkaW HAHAHA PogChamp 2 pair maybe monkaW pokiW Clap Oh god monkaOMEGA lol bet on a pair KEKW lost LOL KEKW KEKW monkaW LMAOO monkaW uh oh KEKW LULW Pog KEKW paycheck face monkas OH SHIT KEKW LMAO KEKW red like a book cmon 4 Pog SHIT ON EZ KEKW Pog hes got a q KEKW Pog Pog Pog POGGERS RIGGED EZ POGU EZ CLAP EZ sneakyEZ Clap LOL WON EZ EZ Pog EZ Clap WON BY 1 lol Pog uncle get shit on EZ EZ sneakyEZ Clap Pog lol EZ EZ Clap sneakyEZ HYPERCLAP PogYou Pog EZ GAMBLING ADDICTION EZ Pog SNEAKY GG >.> uncle is giga tilted after that LULW sneaky that was such a fluke GachiPls ADDICTED lame win LUL KEKW OLD PERSON KEKW KEKW for a BOOMER boomer Old zfgMad hes gonna shoot yo ass get off the fucking table loser Pog oo Ok boomer OOF not bad Pog boomer KEKW Pog ALL IN sneaky should quit esport and become a pro gambler super pre boomer queue* boxSmug boxSmug LuL F WeirdChamp flop af this is domino simulator game ? WeirdChamp straight inc chat ur hand sucks raise he got nothing too all in does he have RTX on or why does it look like the movements have some "ghost trails" ? now wot KEKW All in Kappa TAKE HIM DRY sjowHydra all in Pog you didnt burn a card, cheating dealer WINNER Pog KEKW KEKW KEKW PogU FLUKE actchually subscribed with Twitch Prime. KEKW LMAO 9-9 8>7 EZ Clap thats why you win YEA YOU SHOULD BEABLE TO PepegaShake D: DansGame cards @nickolas0404 -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] @crazyMeta what does you mean? 2 4 off suit gachiGASM I saw it nut low sh1t all in win that money back he got a pair ?? gachiGASM @crazyMeta *do !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 18 minutes 19 seconds WHY U CALL THAT go next ?? I'd fold af HAHA fold ??? FOLD go all in pussy FOLD THAT SHIT fold is bleff Kappa go big or go home bro your hand is trash get out PUSSY @Assassin21BEKA look at the hands above the table, i think its the shadow rendering sneaky addicted !time November 30th 2019, 2:39:40 am PST GMT-08:00 shoot em both KKona Pog ADIDICTED ooo POG Pog Pog POG good hand PogU NotSoEZ Clap pogg ALL IN call raise so many poker allstars in chat poggy blackjack Pog cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh BRING HIM IN PogU He saw your cards KEKW Sneaky over here counting cards Kappa rigged GO FISH! Pog ooo Pog SOMEONE EXPLAIN POKER TO ME I AM PEPEGA GG Pog fucking raise dog 3 is a flush Pog sneaky be fishin EZ MONEY limp that EZ GG PagChomp lets gooooo EZ Clap allin ALL in all in PogU Jebaited @fruityypanda theres a lot of rules google it limping LUL FREE PogU he got a pair too @Assassin21BEKA when the hands move above the table you see some of the previous frames faded as well, especially when the dealer deals big raise force him out @BanditoJJ kk think more about what the AI has than what you have. He bet 6 on the river and lowered his bet to 4 on the turn so that jack didnt help him so you know he has a pair with 1 of the other cards. @fruityypanda You are to pepega to even google KEKW @C9Sneaky you cant split the king what you'd be looking for is hold'em poker @fruityypanda He has Q7 big raise / all in @DadRockRadio poker allstar in chat Pog monkaW @00Average00 not wrong KEKW ohhhhh LMFAO monkaW KEKW LOL LMAO KEKW LOL KEKW what KEKW KEKW EZ @C9Sneaky your face is in front of your cards KEKW KEKW @Intels ty <3 @fruityypanda you have 2 cards on your hands, after this you can see 5 more cards on the board, who has better combination wins PogYou EZ @00Average00 saying someone is Pepega but saying to instead of too Pepega PogU EZ Clap EZ Clap @Assassin21BEKA thank you <3 EZ Clap SNEAKY BAD up 90cents Pog FOUND YA LAENNY damn these npcs have pretty good lines Just count the cards FeelsClassyMan poker starz Pog @Thomasbrejner not native language Pepega FOLD when I am watching this I am half expecting one of these gentlemen to pull out his gun and shoot the other two LUL 2? @C9Sneaky uhh okok my bad call on 2/4 WeirdChamp fold KEKW Fold DansGame @00Average00 Same but I still knew Pepega fol that just fold @C9Sneaky u are almost as ugly as my girlfriend is PogU O EZ !! JUST BEAT HIM Pog all in EZ Pog 2 pair :O all in am i the only one seeing weird after imaging ? what is the motion blur on the cards all in now pair of twos LUL ALL IN NO BALLS Pog ALL IN 2 pair ez he gt nth all in widepeepoHappy take hsi money is $1 a decent amount of money in the game at this point? Feels like poker isnt worth wasting time on Pokerface LUL ???????? EZ EZ Clap TriHard ezz @lolminsoo thats why you call on such a low blind EZ Clap 15 cents Pog @DadRockRadio its not but hes just having fun 15 cents PogChamp !uptime these guys fucking suck Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 21 minutes 47 seconds pepeLaugh hey snacky W o W @DadRockRadio its just for fun @DadRockRadio its just for fun, he snot trying to grind out money <3 WeirdChamp shit Challenger smurf PogYou fold Decent STUCK IN A RUT DOWN 70 CENTS LOL where dafaq do they get these casino coins NotLikeThis mmmmm?.mmm Are you ever able to play poker with higher stakes where everyone has a couple hundred? all in EZ Pog RianAzul subscribed with Twitch Prime. 8 Pog Pog straight inc you get an 8 though NEED AN 8 Pog gut shot BET STRAIGHT Straight PogU chat if it draws and 8 its so likely someone else has a straight too cmon 8 youre dumb DerJensinator1 subscribed at Tier 1. They've subscribed for 34 months! he has a straight OH Geeze 37 cents DansGame fold poop wtf this isnt connect 4 monkaW FOLD math is hard DansGame DansGame DansGame fold all in last card is an 8 do it fold PepoThink HE'S BLUFFING zfgMad nope go big and go home I did the math do it! KEKW ALL IN KEKW LMAO All in oh nooooooo call ??? HAHA KEKW TRUE LULW @DadRockRadio lol, high stakes couple of hundreds, you pleb lets fucking gooooo @weebs_ruin_everything peepoArrive EZ Clap bALLz IN nice one dude @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA KEKW ji KEKW all in ALL IN LUL all in pussy @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA FOLD I almost spit out my food asshole lmao OMG DO IT PUSSY 2 pairs POG LOL KEKW ready he's got an 8 TAKE IT FOLD Daddy i swear KEKW LULW ALL IN BLUFF HIM YOU WONT do it! all in ALLL all in all in EZ Clap bluff em People in chat trying to actually explain poker theory when its twitch chat KEKW do it\ TAKE HIM PLAY Pog ALL IN ALL IN KEKW JACK HIGH POG ALL IN all in all in bluff do it pussy msuled ALL IN GOGO Pog get shit on ALL IN YOU WONT jack high LMAO @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYA GET REKT YOU WIN 4Head KEKW zfgOhNo ALL IN ALL IN ALL IN you cant lose ALL IN ALLLL BALLS IN TY :) KEKW @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP DansGame HYPERCLAP lol KEKW ez DO IT KEKW monkaS ur so KEKW dumb HAHA KEKW LOL KEKW gg KEKW POG LMAOOOOO KEKW KEKW called LMAO did he call? just put 34 KEKW KEK LOL what LMAO KEKW XD KEKW KEKW Pepega KEKW @ChampionshipLeBlanc 🤢 @ChampionshipLeBlanc 🤢 @ChampionshipLeBlanc 🤢 LOL LOL xDDDD PAIR OF 10?@ KEKW LuL CHAT IS Pepega KEKW @Shuffleuphagus -> Don't spam in CAPS! [warning] LOL CruW NICE JOB KEKW chat OMEGALUL uhhhh LMA Pepega LULW Jebaited hahahahahaha BibleThump pure pressure lol KILL HIM KEKW POKER EXPERTS POG KILL HIM J high wasnt good there??? KILL WTF CHAT cmonBruh LOL just shoot him 4HEad KEKWW GET REKT KEKW Well done chat ty lucky madafaka cmonBruh we are :) 5Head ONE MORE ALL-IN true TriHard NIDIOT CHAT Pepega NotLikeThis stop losing :) we told you to fold when you got the hand pro poker players in chat 5Head pepeSmoke just one more chat ALL IN LULW all in now ALL IN Pog Pog shouldve folded tbh all in NIDIOT TriHard ace J Pog KEKW GO BIG Pog RN ALL IN EASY ALL-IN LMAOOOO Winnable Pog RlyTho XD HYPERBRUH LUL ALL IN ALL IN Pog blackjack Pog LOL Pog POKER IS NOT HARD AT ALL TBH Kappa GAGA All in @ghostwalk1211 well yea, you can tell by the economy in the game that high stakes poker would only have like a $200 buy in. They're playing low stakes for pennies right now HAHAHAHA i wanna play poker with chat i take yo money KEKW LOOOOOOOOOOL OIOOOOFF GET FUKT KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW !followage loooooooooool OFF REKT KEKW ItsVizla has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 1 month, 4 days KEKW KEKW ooF LuL LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW LULW KEKW Less rng than in TFT SHOOT HIM shoot and take his money Kill him kill em almost a flush actually kekw KEKW hey cheating KILL HIM NOW!! rigged KILL HIM NOW \ EZ Clap holy shit you got wrecked KEKW now kill him @C9Sneaky !followage flip the table buy back GJ SNEAKY KILL now kill him NotSoEZ wineTime play some kenny rogers Ok fucking john marston 5Head poor FeelsBadMan kill him oh wait this is YOUR camp, shiiiiit Kill him beat him up and take it EZ kill em KILL HIM he is now the dom kill them SwiftRage pc or ps? kill them ps Ps !followage @fimardones Rip was the right play worth and naked MaldChamp fimardones has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 10 months, 1 week, 4 days kill them 5Head That was fun @C9Sneaky dude, just use your nen to make the cards sharp and kill them, you win easy !followage Kill him and run away....FuCk it LUL LUL LUL no you can even pull ur gun VoHiYo molly POGGERS 3Head 7 fucc her pls ;) 3Head 3Head i lost Kreygasm KannaNom !watchtime 3Head Clap OI 3Head 3Head you know Kreygasm butterface Molly got some milkers whats wrong with her face KKonaW Clap KEKW take her for yerselfffffffffff lol KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW medical KEKW KEKW l u m b a g o KKona VS 3Head TriHard OMEGALUL ? KEKW KEKW EZ THE LUMBAGO LULW KEKW LOL ayy lmao L U M B A G O whatttt Youre going to Valentine KEKW WHOSE MANS IS THIS to rob a bank nevm nice bank buddy hello gay cowboy MORE GAMBLING MONEY PogU gachiHYPER KEKW monkaS KEKW D: monkaGun money or shoot 🐴 sneakyYeehaw its a set up monkaW molly knows u a sick man hehe PLAYING LOL MAN ratirlWot ratirlWot !followage @RianAzul RianAzul has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 days LOL HE WAS PLAYING LOL nice purple God, this fucking game, man. Can't wait to give it a 2nd playthrough on PC/Steam. So fucking good. play Skyrim hahaha knee high to a grasshopper... Knee high to a grass hopper wow! I havent heard that southern expression in so long DansGame Why is he riding a pony They just ignore you LuL Woooooaaaah 🐴 gachiGASM 🐴 KEKW 🐴 MaldChamp 🐴 forsenCD monkaW unkind hmm @C9Sneaky did you hear the news about Pvman moving back to NA? widepeepoHappy monkaW Laviticus monkaW @decodeproxy @decodeproxy peepoArrive monkaW OH OH 🐴 forsenCD give money gentleman 🐴 sneakyYeehaw FREE LOOT PogU KABOOM Pog @weebs_ruin_everything FeelsGoodMan Hello fwiend GAMBLING MONEY PogU monkaW KKona PepegaPls PepegaPls monkaW TriHard here come 12 pepeD GIMME THE LOOT TriHard cover faces but use your real names said his name FailFish TriHard fuck 12 TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard HYYAAAH KKona PepegaPls m shoot them for full immersion KKool PepegaPls PepegaPls EZ 🥁 KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls wait u cant PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls KKool PepegaPls 🐴 PauseChamp run and dodge KEKW How was I to know KEKW Completed this game two times already. A masterpiece. Enjoy Sneaky <3 serpentine! dodging teammates in solo q serpentine KKool PepegaPls 🐴 fastest horses ever The gang KKool PepegaPls 🏇 going like 80-100 mpf I loved this game a lot one of my favorites glad sneaky is playing it 4 hecarims PagChomp GANG GANG TriHard 🐴 peepoBlonket stay alive into the alcove LULW my horse also runs at 100mph monkaS GIMME THE LOOT TriHard gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiHYPER Get outta here goan gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS gachiGASM gachiHYPER SLAP Kreygasm gachiHYPER gachiHYPER gachiHYPER that's how i like it mine :) 4House mine :) Corey in the House Kappa PepeS monkaW monkaMega red dead PogU fucking rat what is this SadChamp PepeS get out monkaW monkaS monkaOMEGA monkaW SadChamp KEKW leave monkaW Ez Clap trkRat SNITCH HYPERBRUH kill monkaSHAKE @addcheesepls SadChamp they do monkaS he said it cmonBruh monkaW kill him monkaW monkaW knock him now BLIND COP KEKW blind LULW KEKW BLIND KEKW LMAO blind KEKW It should be the wind KEKW LULW kill bill BILL BILL BILL KKona BILL OMEGALUL fellers cmonBruh FELLERS KEKW FELLERS Hell yeah feller billl BILL LULW KKona BILL BTW forsenCD u moved u died fellers KKona KKona Oh come on he JUST said they were leaving DansGame monkaGun NA AIM LULW Pepega aim assist LUL PepegaAim PepegaPls JHIN Pog PogU No Aim Assist forsenKKona wait what happened? they saw bill? lol JHIN ULT Pog YES, IT IS JHIN !time November 30th 2019, 2:56:06 am PST GMT-08:00 this game is dope PogU ADC mechanics Pog adc at work Omg look at those view look at those graphics its amazing PepegaAim FOUURR!!!! hwat in tarnation PogChamp lol ADC MAIN PogChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp sneakyChamp PepegaAim KKona use the dead eye BabyRage CS "terrorist wins ,, PepegaAim monkaGun VisLaud ONE TAP getting high og thc extract VisLaud Pog KEKW oioio kill themhall Pepega PepegaAim PepegAim use the alco e SHOT THE HAT PepegaAim alcove peepoPog worst adc LUL Is this game better on pc or xbox? bullet time op sneakyFedora wtf ???????? PepegaAim SHOOT EM ALL FELLERS KKona MOSHI MOSHI AYAYA ANY CUTIES AYAYA cmonBruh na aim EleGiggle did he get the white Arabian yet? they are bots LuL is this why eu is better at cs go than na lacA1 lacA2 REPORTING IN playing with controller? boxAYAYA cuties? box7 AYAYAWeird sneaky can go pro in FPS Kappa KEKW LUL KEKW Is he using a controller? The hat monkaW are you playing on trackpad ? KEKW_SPAMMER AYAYA Sneaky in Barn KEKW get IE forsenCD KEKW auto aim LULW isnt he playing on a ps4? @12gageyt the gunplay sucks on controller imo monkaW CurseLit Buy a rapid fire PepegaAim Holy sneakySoTroll lol SMOrc HYPERBRUH burning they shot it off you RIP hat not my hat PepeHands GO BACK FOR HAT D: how are you so good at leauge but not in rdr2 Kappa Kappa monkaS they just run? queue benny hill theme my hat now TriHard ) DIE FOR HAT pepeJAMMER TriHard Horsey PepeHands Why run when you killed 90% :( "where's my hat" BibleThump very bright for night time bill owes you a new hat monkaW cmonBruh @ikskurvvadeeeee -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] MaN Kkona report bill for griefing NaM KEKW NaM ? HI SNACC did you play some DBFighterz? MaN monkaW PepegaAim Bill is inting NaM ! quietly Kappa Blind LUL sneaky sneaky MaldChamp DEAF KEKW H enjoys the game D: just like league, invisible in bushes @FarukYILDIZ farukkkkkkkkkü he baite3 ZULUL LUL KEKW hahahah LOL LOL OMEGALUL LOL HAHAHAH KEKW quietly btw LOOOOOOL KEKW guys i found the hat in twitch chat PartyHat BLESSED Lootin then staring haha Clap KEKW thats what he gets That was Theodore Roosevelt @C9Sneaky PepeHands Ye loot first, friends comes later :D Uncle is a POS LUMBAG OMEGALUL Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa PepegaAim is dark cause is night DansGame i didnt get 100 percent on the mission bc i took both out quietly by throwing knife and in the end didnt get the "saved Uncle" thing uncle is red (/c) why is it dark at night in the woods Pepega cmonBruh dark? cavalry's 'ere Fog of war pov auto aim WutFace PepegaAim use ur ult! KKona How long have we been playing red dead chat positioning KEKW LOOT CORPSE Pog RICH PogU !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 41 minutes 32 seconds 450 Pog cmonBruh cmonBruh someone say dark? poker money when is all stars @C9Sneaky GANG SHARE WideHard bronze KEKW bronze KEKW too slow PepeHands Sneaky and the stealth BRONZE LUL you took like 15 seconds to save him KEKW SillyChamp SEX CORPSE @C9Sneaky Auto Aim Fail FeelsBadMan OMEGALUL he stabbed him just before you shothim gachiBASS WITNESS gachiBASS gachiBASS nice gachiBASS gachiBASS gachiBASS monkaW D: EZ Clap KEKW monkaGun KEKW PogYou PogU WTF PogYou Clap D: PepegaAim murdering half the county KEKW The witness meme, where there's like 50 dead bbodies in a pile LUL Dad what are you doing D: LULW D: killing chain time Pepega D: EZ Clap NA AIM EleGiggle D: can they identify owners by their horses in this? one guy escaped so you only make things worse monkaW yes yes much worse lmao wtf is going on They tellin on you Kappa auto Kreygasm Serial killer monkaW monkaW just leave monkaW WideHard SNITCHES GET BICHS Multi homicide monkaW sheriff gonna know what you did son Congrats Sneaky, your parents will be proud to see you in the newspaper TriHard it should tell you who snitched so you can grief whoever did it Kappa you have to kill the witnesses and then run away ASAP TriHard 7 WANTED LULW is this GTA old west version You do use it a lot TriHard RlyTho cmonBruh they had families!!! @C9Sneaky WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace WutFace @C9Sneaky what happened to the sneaky that would always wear tank tops? LULW robbed a bank there hey at least you get to explore new places robbing a bank BLESS you usually mass murder bless you that bounty was from the bankrobbery story mission so no surprise For having a lot of kills and good farm Kapp you did last year no fast travel BabyRage for losing in poker No yes yes :) i have LMAO YEA DEF THAT EZ Yeah I do it all the time only in America KKona @C9Sneaky yeah you should try it sometimes i do it :) thats how capone got away so many years NA Clap should try it yes this game is a documentary KKool The side quest was closer :( Rito's bounty system ruining RDR2 i did it last week :) only if you're white :) Typical NA thing KKona ya, @C9Sneaky his name is Ray Lewis he played for the ravens only if you shoot Jefferey Epstein before he tells anyone Id get rid of you sneaky :) @kazoozle LOL cmonBruh @C9Sneaky do you believe in ghosts? @Kazoozle nah Ray Lewis did it monkaW 🚄 🚋 🚋 🚋 monkaW monkaW No yes :) 4Head this guy cmonBruh i can't wait until he meets the siblings in the cabin wait this guy is the racist slave owner isnt he xd PepeHands He looks like my dad PepeHands 3Head look ok FeelsClassyMan ? Now you homeless PepeHands homie needs a bath (((())) (((they))) he's naming them! this fuckin guy They always do it and get out with it That hat looks like the side that lost cmonBruh DansGame DansGame DansGame (puke) DansGame TriHard thats my dinner WutFace WutFace WutFace 🤢 🤢 this guy cmonBruh KKona He just passed that aids pack bruh BibleThump KKona Mine Now yeah sneaky it's a word i burnt this guy to crisp KKona White people happy KKona White people happy KKona White people happy KKona White people happy So what happened to the horse sack that the devs bragged about before release @C9Sneaky put him out of his misery (((bank))) Smile :) cmonBruh death stranding wild west SIDE QUEST BOIS cmonBruh DO IT NOW pepeLaugh he doesnt know You need to shower So hell is time? WutFace Do it you can wait at a store to pass to morning I wanna go to hell now Can you randomly kill everyone in this game like gta PogU Fishing just walk up to the door literally has a big sign that says store - "Is this a store?" KEKW you sell those items at the fence your hat? NaM I just tried to drink my burrito there is one nearby iirc buy a new one what chapter is he on? LUL KEKW Okayga He doesnt know PepeLaugh its not Kappa His hairstyle tho you sell those items at the fence @C9Sneaky buy a blender pepeHmmm Kappa PepeHmmm It's not stolen I promise OkayChamp black market vendors PepoHmm !uptime "Can be sold to a fence" Sneaky has been live for : 5 hours 49 minutes 47 seconds there is one nearby @C9Sneaky gotta sell them at fence FeelsClassyMan pepeHmm this guy said it before cmonBruh you dont sell it here north of town up look on map up north He doesnt know pepeLaugh is that a pong you got sneaky? F push him in the grave SHOOT THE PREACHER widepeepoSad BlessRNG F F jump to the grave F F F F SHOOT HIM HORSES IN THE BACK its the grave you dug up KEKW F SHOOT HIM moon2A F BlessRNG F f PepeHands F Shoot him :) NA is truly the land of jesus KEKW lmao KEKW SHOOT right on brother KEKW Shoot him When I’m gonna die, spam F at my funeral PETITION TO SHOOT FATHER cant shoot in town KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW lol KEKW wtf LOL LUL KKool hell yeah brother WutFace KEKW KEKW ??? KEKW did mean to bother ur funeral there Kappa WutFace KEKWait POKEMON? junkies KEKW kinky KKool retroKEKW_SG everyone is fucking wasted in this town LULW WutFace PogU Weirdga Trailer trash LULW What is tthis face KEKW So what happened to the horse sack that the devs bragged about before release 300$ gachiW I never sold all my loot, I'm a god damn hoarder stop the guy will be bankrupt xD Erobb221 hairline ✊ gachiW I can take more gachiHYPER A DOLLA KKona Yeah show us horse balls gachiHYPER I'll show u a horse sack Kappa ratirlRich now back to poker to lose it all Snacky, you are losing LoL skills as we speak @C9Sneaky poker time play poker VoHiYo bet Poker @helloancientbeings facts go all in at the first round sell them horse balls 800 i remember selling this guy like a thousand gold bars when the dupe glitch was out @14th_account_trihard_7 HYPERBRUH he got the money sneaky can turn that 800 into 8 real quick at poker monkaW @farronx cmonBruh Clap monkaW PepeS PepeS beans DansGame 815$ to gamble with KKona @14th_account_trihard_7 TriHard 7 LULW this man eating beans lmfao doing glitches in story mode Weirdga TriHard Clap monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaW this man out here eatin beans KEKW KEKW :) Clap monkaMega GET EMMMM Horse Stimulant, for injecting yourself :) hey sneaky i know a good way you can throw away that money: taxes hold'em special horse medicine gachHYPER Sounds worth Okayga Yes horse roids @14th_account_trihard_7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 TriHard 7 @C9Sneaky in the towns arthur is about to die @C9Sneaky @ikskurvvadeeeee TriKool 7 pause hi chat Pepega pepe hi weeb special horse cock pamphlet pee in my mouth Kreygasm @14th_account_trihard_7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriKool 7 TriHard at sandy knee i think there is high roller tables TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap TriKool Clap peepoLeave Chat behave while dads gone Weirdga wineTime @Kazoozle The only kind of pamphlet KKool wineTime SHOOT THE DIRTY PEACHER KKona we always behave oddoneChair oddoneOwo so much respect for sneakys chat damn, 10k viewers and 0 spam lov ya TriHard wineTime ayyy chat POGSLIDE what chapter is he on rn? OwO cmonBruh chapter 3 TriKool Clap oddoneChair oddoneOwo *sniff sniff* ty before the gray and braithwaite stuff ell trapito onichan TriHard 📡 signaling homies sneaky1 sneaky2 dat horse booty sneaky3 sneaky4 did he play Dragonball? DID SUMBODY SEY SPAM im thinking KKool this game is lit brother Hello chair sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 sneaky3 sneaky4 dragonball didnt work the servers dont work for PC view count just went straight down from 10K to 9.3K holyshit hello buddies chat, would you fuck that horse? he said he'll revisit it later when it does work pokiW pokiW pokiW LETS WRECK THE CHAT WHILE HIS GONE pokiW TriHard pokiW pokiW pokiW pokiW TriHard Watched xqc crash on dragon ball like 4 times today pepeLaugh @fruityypanda WeirdChamp LUL boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA 700 poeple cant wait 2 mins WeirdChamp @UnNameless you doing a q&a LUL TriKool PepegaPls @fruityypanda WutFace @farronx no u TriKool Business woman subs WeirdChamp sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair sneakyChair @republicofanime shut up or ill fuck you :) @theCrimsonHazard sneakyFedora @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp No today I was busy sleeping LUL WutFace he noticed us @weebs_ruin_everything AYAYAWeird @fruityypanda TriKool Clap Yeah I say the latest DBFZ will be patched is on December 5th when they add broly You got internet crashing, he got straight up client crashing, polished game OMEGALUL PFFFFT shoot them SHOOT THEM kill them wtf kill em and take their guns Shoot their asses SHOOT THEM PunOko these are just random world events huh Kill em no nope mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY mizkifY moon2DOIT monkaS D: PepegaAim No but shoot them yes no yes Hogtie one we would shun you 😡 you'll never know unless u try >=) dude they disrespected you Weirdga kill them too KEKW monkaW kill em all KEKW PLANTATION D: I would too tbh your an acting deputy you needa be on good behavior plantation? cmonBruh that outfit , that horse peepoLeave does the horse actually have uh .. a dick? monkaW its Candyland! cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh LUL Caligula Keepo ASKIM Okayga Snacky, your character looks like a mall cop there are some slaves PepeHands is this on pc? TriHard plantation WideHard 's picking cotton KEKW yes no its on nintendo switch SLAVEMASTER BEAU cmonBruh Beau 30 fps experience? thi guy is soo funny sneakyGrip learn about the art of poker KKona beau gangles masterb8 :) KKona 🎸 cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh 30 FPS experience, the greates experience @Thomasbrejner HYPERBRUH KKona 🎸 Human eyes can only see 24 frames pepeLaugh KappaPride seriously tho chat 4Head how many of your ancestors had sl*ves 4Head helpful crackers a whole phallus LUL hes got some gay on him KKool 🎸 arthur sarcasm best who is Penelope KKona 7 PenisLope <3<3<3<3 romeo and juliet? penelopepe You gotta think you with your dickhead and die for it LUL 50 shades of grat Romeo and Juliet OMEGALUL gray loving a braithwaite :O gray* metal gear solid time PenisLopepe what a simp The future is bestt R OMEGALUL ME OMEGALUL 50 nuances off gray monkaHmm human of the future seems unseemly KEKW dude this dude is annoying ty :) peepoPog shoot him yoink no brains LUL sell the bracelet Kappa LUL why would you trust a man you just met to send a message lmfao sell it PogU sell the bracelet, burn the letter, kill the kid KEKW FeelsEvilMan EZ this place gives me assasin's creed vibes it's a fruit loop bracelet @C9Sneaky So... I'm not memeing. I'm behind on news and I heard Sneaky isn't part of C9 anymore?? The fuck? Is that real? TriHard ez >:) This song Pog and f the girl 5Head MORE WORTH TO SELL THEBRACLET I THINK thanks for the bracelet idiot KEKW KKona IF I REMMEBER CORRECTLY KKool @C9Sneaky Did you finish outer worlds? pepeJAM TANK HECARIM so long...and thanks for all the fish! AC Vibes FeelsStrongMan hey, snacky. Bracelet TriHard ramming the gate PogChamp PepegaShake SPEEDY KEKW @kinteoka is deciding, surely won’t compete for the spot sneaky never finishes any game FeelsBadMan I keep the bracelet. It’s priceless. I tell her to meet me in Paris. LUL KEKW KEKW LUL F LUL LULW notekRogan KEKW LUL LUL LUL he is* KEKW KEKW Pepega MonkaS f KEKW KEKW dude LUL KEKW I M DONE NOW KEKW NICE JUMP KEKW KEKW you ride like a pro fucking retard KEKW KEKW FEED AND WATER YOUR HORSE nice bird animations KEKW Lmao wtf was that KEKW E TU your horse has a dirty ass @theCrimsonHazard Thanks man. That's about what i've been hearing. It's fucked that they are dropping him considering he was one of the only good things about C9 this year and he's legacy. Very ouch monkaS monkaW Right throught the middle KEKW sneaky @kinteoka sneakyFedora monkaS ..... monkaS FeelsEvilMan HIDE ON BUSH monkaW @Kinteoka there is a youtube video on sneakys channel explaining everything sneaky sneaking TriHard @kinteoka you didn't hear about worlds 2019 a thing? monkaW hide on bench monkaW @UnNameless I'll check it out, thanks Dogs monkaS this music PepePls ah now you do the stealth thing whats he up to Metal Gear KKona lol I remember just riding my horse here and never even saw a guard Variety Sneaky is a FeelsGoodMan boots KKona Is this his first playthrough ? sex her nice security yep @ge I watched worlds, and his performance wasn't great compared to previous years, bt, he was far from the being the biggest problem on the team. sex she’s awful Kreygasm EW SHE )S UGLY Kreygasm CUCK Dick her ass gachiW Beau 4Weird LUL !uptime wut? Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 5 minutes 36 seconds Beau TriHard gachiBASS inc? cmonBruh monkaMega Check her outhouse She got them dom eyes LUL cmonBruh KKona WTF? LuL ohia DansGame AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA they only have sex within the family Pog DansGame I live in Ohio ohio DansGame Ohio give her the D WutFace OHIO KEKW DansGame ohio monkaW OHOP WutFace OMEGALUL HI OMEGALUL She seems nice FeelsOkayMan NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis cmonBruh WTF sex her for him Okayga 👍 VoHiYo Ohio ohio monkaW From Ohio, can confirm. It's awful. ohio DansGame not ohio TriHard x2 Ohio cmonBruh even then ohio was shit cmonBruh huh ? OMEGALUL H I O Dude Hoehio cmoonBruh What kinda sheep Ohio LUL VoHiYo michigan > ohio jake paul city DansGame TriHard VoHiYo SadChamp No family FeelsBadMan OHIO monkaS DOM EYES Lol fck ohio i guess rather goto hell than ohio @Hellbabesjd2 Michigan gonna get that dick today boi FeelsBadMan KappaPride Dutch from ohio a white boy TriHard GIVE HER THE D rooD BrokeBack We nEeD a pLaN BrokeBack D: michigan fans KEKW LUL its every day bro KKona D: jerk beau off for her Keep it Kappa No dicking? Weirdga R D: T Jebaited another delivery she already wrote it we Death Stranding now death stranding all over again WeirdChamp monkaS monkaW @hotdogss SadChamp BRO TAKE A SHOWER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD awww sneaky the cupid <3 dude that’s Death Stranding now monkaS @weebs_ruin_everything SadChamp Post man Pete OMEGALUL just walk casually away infront of them WeirdChamp cowboys dont shower death stranding peepoLeave @weebs_ruin_everything OkayChamp you right @ikskurvvadeeeee -> No excessive usage of symbols! [warning] 5Head DELIVERer Pog MaN NaM feelsdankman monkaS 🎸 What a Kojima moment 5Head from cowboy to mailman realquick @CannaKait FeelsOkayMan 👍 monkaS gigantamax IQ this music EZ Clap SourPls man this game is already a year old wtf weed farn 420 avoid guards like bts, deliver some shit through some weird ass landscape poop KKonaW we getting febbyOld febbyOld febbyOld febbyOld im a year old :) 🐢 swear it feels like the game just came out, damn Pog im a month old :) Horse always shitting DansGame p Is anyone else stoned watching sneaky? Silver KEKW game is older than I am this horse never drink or eat I am well it did just come out of PC @aero11 true, played it 3 times trough already and feels like it came out last week Its 5 am.. nice master you Sneaky JUMP AGAIN KEKW u have dementia 3:30 am for me lol on console it came out oct 2018 -Professional gamer 4:30 am here HE DID IT KEKW so hard to find time to play games @ElementIRL u have dementia what I literally bought a ps4 to play this and couldnt finish my first playthrough it got so repetitive KEKW LEAGUE KEKW played it trough 3 times since there is the karma that game is trash KKona KKona 🎸 69 pm here the only single player game ive played twice in my adult life is god of war this game has so much open world though, so many different outcomes per playthrough 8000 hours in league of legends though this is an eu stream now OkayChamp 🐴 sneakyYeehaw working for the aliens yeah no spoiler: your horse dies always was an EU stream @FarukYILDIZ peepoLeave I’m in the process of platinuming death stranding. I know the meaning of over and over @saintL1 D: no KEKW i basically played this game 20 times through trying to get all the golds @helloancientbeings this games karma matters so i played it with good and bad plus left our few missions pepeLaugh I’ve played through all the Assassin’s creed game at least 3 times. Not including games after AC3 Played it through once but took 200 hours to do it... I spent so much time dicking around hahah I feel like sneaky would enjoy Life Is Strange There is 3 outcomes at the end @hotdogss wtf comeback 4Weird HeMAn they arent much different @saintl1 dont spoil u dickhead No Pretty Girl AYAYA SillyChamp 1 DOLLAR Pog this game was easy platinum for ps @saintl1 nikkibSaber mainly 2 playthroughs is sufficient. One good playthrough and one evil playthrough D: LUL KEKW its a helpful spoiler because i miss my goddamn horse This skin Marmored Sure KEKW RTX ON ? wo MaN i shouldve saved before the end :( its a NUDE monkaW HotPokket rooD monkaS LuL she put a sneaky lewd in the letter KEKW repeal the 19th HotPokket cmonBruh she’s sending nudes KEKW KEKW pepeLaugh LUL WutFace KKona 👍 KKona why not? KEKW KEKW KKona WutFace KEKW KKona KKona WTF excuse me lol KEKW KEKW LOL sweet WINCEST LUL home gachiHYPER . o O ( ricardoFlick ) Murica KKona alabama they broke afg KKona WINCEST INCEST IS WINCEST PARTNER LUL KKona nikkibYip gangbang monkaGun money and save ma girl MOUNT UR HORSE???? Heya what are you doing cousin?! 😳 suffrage was a mistake Marriage time PogU yeah shout it at loud >///< @Legionary7 KEKW hippity hoppity get off of my property unless..... 😳 let everybody know take the horse to the old town road Kappa 😳 Time to send a letter Stop playing sneaky I need to sleep @c9sneaky thanks for the close up of your butt This game wort buy? remove the waypoint yes lets put our minecraft beds together . . . maybe ? seems a good game monkaS PepeS monkaS girl feminism FeelsOkayMan monkaS shoot her pepeL PepeS kill them all Slap them all this a movie, press X to continue feminism in the past monkaS KKona just shoot 'em Incel these are like gnats flying into a light trap. I'M PREPARED TO DIE FOR THE CAUSE LUL @hawking18 best game ever mostly HotPokket lemme vote prmotion incest sister KEKW PepoCheer HotPokket KEKW repeal the 19th HotPokket HotPokket my woman lmao HotPokket LUL VOTES FOR WOMAN KEKW MaN sure KEKW Arthur Morgan the Suffrage Leader KEKW THIC let me drive the boat Feminist LUL wo MaN ❓ OMEGALUL sweet home alabama game KEKW make me a sandwich instead woman KKona So much pussy gachiW you know what to do Arthyr WOMEN VOTING KEKW gachiGASM 1 maan 10 women AYAYA Woman calls herself sheep, but wants voting rights HotPokket LUL how does this guy fall in lose with this feminist Weirdga PepePls DansGame DansGame DEMOCRACY LUL okay LUL WutFace pepeD pepeJAM mute Weirdga pepeDance Drive them into the river FeelsWeirdMan pepeJAMMER Weirdga drive away from town Kappa NaM @C9Sneaky I saw your cosplay, would bang KEKW pepeLaugh PepePls PepePls PepePls NaM WutFace ikeepitRAREOMG haHaa PauseChamp pepeJAMMER @sohappy24 DAT ASS pepeD stealing all women from thee city EZ Leave them behind LuL SNEAKY HAREM Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm PepePls PepePls lol sea shanty mute Weirdga 👎 mute Weirdga 👎 mute Weirdga 👎 mute Weirdga 👎 DEMOCRACY LUL BOW DOWN TO CHINA NUMBA 1 @Moveslikeragu lol 0 ass on her votes for women OMEGALUL they cant walk ? plant dynamite on the wagon a ditch it pls KEKW When is rdr time wise Women voters PepeLaugh through that wagon into the river Kappa Kappa Kappa LUL LUL LUL @sohappy24 LUL pepeLaugh MadoStab HotPokket ricardoFlick PepePls PepePls PepePls PepePls whatever u do, dont PUNCH the old lady, cause it will get u banned in twitch xD women's right LUL @Katto_ 1909 iirc That isnt historically active. Men drove the issue of women voting. Women didnt want to vote for the most part because of the responsibilities it came with. @C9Sneaky pepeLaugh KEKW KEKW KEKW Imagine fucking with Arthur tho, DED Vote for Trump LUL HotPokket NO MEANS NO FASTER Pepega pepeJAMMER pepeJAMMER monkaW @C9Sneaky remove the purple line No means yes boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA boxAYAYA no means yes FeelsOkayMan go out of town with dat wagon MaldChamp monkaS PepeS WOMEN LUL @Katto_ 1899 actually throw a molotov PogChamp LUL fooool squadW Fun fact, MANY woman didn't want the right to vote because it came with the FORCE of the draft :) Male Species ? KEKW PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls pepeLaugh LULW SwiftRage BOO HISS BOO PepegaHands PepegaHands men KEKW uh hello voting demographic check D: America was never the same afterwards FeelsBadMan PepegaPls GET DOWN LADIES D: KEKW KEKW KEKW Shut them up NotLikeThis HomoSapiens where is a good samaritan with a rifle when it's well needed pepeHands KEKW 187 comin up KEKW vote for what? KEKW KEKW ? monkaS NotLikeThis WutFace pepeLaugh KEK KEK WutFace women talking NotLikeTHis ?????? KEKW HotPokket Clap PepegaShake my jam PepegaShake my jam PepegaShake my jam PepegaShake my jam KEKW 4HEad KEKW KEKW 🦍 HYPERS WOMENS RIGHTS HYPERS ms calhoon got that fat donk EQUALS 3Head KKona TRUE WO MaN ❗ LMAO +1 KKona LUL hahhh Sure but calling this scene historically inaccurate is kinda Pepega lol GO MAKE SANDWICHES SwiftRage YEA non sense KEKW KEKW EQUALS ANELE equal l UNNQTRAUL kekw EQUALS KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW good one KKona Clap KEKW KEKW GOTCHA KKona KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW GOAT DAMN S0N KEKW Plenty of junk in that trunk KEKW hell yeah KEKW 🦍 MadoStab HotPokket UNNATURREL KKona TRUE KEKW KKONA LUL LUL LULW GOTTEM LUL equality DansGame KEKW Clap KEKW TRUE KEKW LOL HotPokket COUSIN KKona @pooy I mean in reality they would have all been beaten Hillbilly MVGame Is this his wife why theres no clown emoji here KKona WHATRE YOU DOIN ERE BOIII KKONA Hello darling cousin @C9Sneaky moron LUL what a fat finger KEKW darling oh oh 2bad Arthur is a god regulate ded sumSmash Shoot him monka fightin peepoPog TIME FOR A SCRAP PauseChamp monkaW HIT DA W*MAN monkaW monkaMega brah he just leaves Penelope @ikskurvvadeeeee ok relax 4Weird HotPokket ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 equal rights, but you still cant hit me because im a woman KKona vs gachiPride yeah move your ass beau @ikskurvvadeeeee why are you censoring Woman LOL @Spudn1ckel ROFL yikes true They melded into the earth KEKW KEKW KKona I do too KEKW COUSINS ARE MY PRIMARY CONCERN KKONA KEKW XD KEKW KEKW zoom in dude KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW VANILLA BEAN? OR PENELOPE ? ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KKona its ok DEEP gachiW gachiBASS deeeep hidden poker talents pog POG Yankee GOld Pog KKona i did hear bout step daughters though, hehe LUL LUL Pog ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW POg Pepega Yankees what in tarnation PepeLaugh GOP yee pOp haw nice faamily KEKW @aero11 poggers POOG robbery time KKool i believe ? poG poogers Pepega arttistic Pepega Pepega Clap Pepega Pepega me Pepega artistic? quinPega quinPega quinPega lol Pepega Autistic Pepega Pepega autistic Pepega autistic KEKW Pepega Clap did he say autistic? autistic temperament man i love this game Pepega D: autistic temperment #me too? cmonBruh artismic Pepega @Mud_Puppy he said artistic HeyGuys 18 cents? Pog respect Who is this Ponce De Leon hair cut having fuck following you? cmonBruh rich ratirlRich peepoPog not bronze Pog PogChamp POGGERS first gold Pog Pog GOLD POGGERS 1/1 Pog Pog gold POG PagChomp dude out of Elo hell good job patna LEEEEEENNNNNNEHH ratirlMe promoted to Gold IV Pog !time November 30th 2019, 3:41:08 am PST GMT-08:00 lenny is the HOMIE LENNYYYYYYYYYYYY im lenny :) YNNEL @theCrimsonHazard elo hell is diamond 1 :( LENNY @C9Sneaky you nost buy rdr2 on steam baby This game needs more cowbell... TriHard WATER Lenny is the guy you got drunk with and walked it on him having sex last year african kid the nice guy thats me :) IM lenny :) lenney MAH BOAH fuck lenny its 5:40am here rip my sleep schedule ResidentSleeper yes widepeepoHappy Leny TriHard ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 Was that Dirty Rick? ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 Lester? ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA KEKW he is the BLACK kid Lester the Molester same LUL moon2M ? loster? I'm gonna brush my horse later too :) grape of wrath @C9Sneaky will you play Halo:Masterchief Collection when become avaliable on steam ? @addcheesepls pepeLaugh lenny from of mice and men SadChamp Lana rhodes monkaS 👉 pokiW monkaW dead monkaW @weebs_ruin_everything pepeLaugh monkaW monkaS KEKW LOL DED PepegaAim KKona get off my property KEKW monkaW you got a bounty who made this game? PepegaAim me :) Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaw GANKED DRINK DRIVING cmonBruh rockstar ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA GANKED ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞKEKWﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 pokiYA AYAYAWeird poki subs your aim is worse than nadeshots failed gank Imagine aiming with a controller pepeLaugh PepegaAim AND DED AF KEKW put a chew in and get some deadeye Kreygasm sound KEKW KEKW AYAYA KEKWﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ 󠀀 peepoArrive is this free aim? StinkyCheese got his flash, return gank in 3 chase them pussy @Hellbabesjd2 R OMEGALUL CKSTAR StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese wabbit season ain’t so dead eye Always yes StinkyCheese StinkyCheese StinkyCheese Of course GabeN very NO horse dying monkaW yes ye better than console think ur just bad lol is he playing pc or console @C9Sneaky is this a lemonation cosplay ? KEKW the aiming is so shit and repetitive on console horse making weird noises monkaW Your horse sounds broken Idk im dead eye dick with the controller controller KEKW you just manage dead eye terribly the aim is really bad Why don't you eat a meal and recover your cores @C9Sneaky restart the game on steam GabeN why would they make it bad on purpose WeirdChamp @C9Sneaky you have to abuse auto aim....exactly I think have a lot to do even with how you are used with the controller polish your horse sneaky boy Mouse and keyboard will always be better than controller console aiming will ALWAYS be WAY worst that in PC, period ! @C9Sneaky is this a lemonation cosplay ? KEKW KEKW poker time? Donate 100$ to camp I just had Captain Crunch PogChamp aim assist is nessessry consoles suck if its anything like gtav you just spam the L2 and hold R2 on console D: ? ANY POKI SUBS AYAYA forsen ragequited this game cuz the aim is so hard on ps4 LUL Dutch has a plan Pog I have a GODDAMN PLAN dutch always has a plan that never works xd Karen JUST NEED FAITH did you play rdr1? guys, im lighting up, 420 to u alll FAITTH shower/sleep/eat/coffee SLUUUURP @helloancientbeings ciGrip PepegaPls piping ass hot coffee you just sip like nothing @helloancientbeings amiloSmoke ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee ratirlCoffee you can sleep and shave at ur spot @culex555 ass hot coffee Pull Up Drank, Headshot Drank, Sit down Drank, Stand up Drank, Passout Drank, Faded Drank sometimes they leaves you some letters around your bed @Moveslikeragu OMEGALUL Imagine showering in 1899 or 2019 monkaW baths you wash your face Drink coffee - sleep for 8 hrs baths Kappa no but you need to sleep you can bathe in town baths baths in town yes you shave whats a shower Bathing PepeLaugh was a decaf in hotels it's not necessary to shower though but you can wash your face or take a bath pc version? beard needs a trim only thing I hated about this game was how long it took to get somewhere are you guys gonna vote for Andrew Yang? not taking a shower DansGame Long John Seanky Decaf PepeLaugh Just throw own some old mist and you're basically good to go for 2 weeks Yang Gang DansGame never take shower Chuck Norris PogChamp @C9Sneaky take shower pls DansGame @moemiyamoto TulsiGab...gang @C9Sneaky I wear the most expensive shit possible and everyone talks trash about my clothes :( @phillyescobar what's your solution for that then @sohappy24 fast travel ofc TEXAS RANGER PogChamp no @phillyescobar @culex555 SHANK THEM @sohappy24 it's only an option after you beat campaign looks C9 uniform the blue one haha the bucket behind you barrel* gucci gang @culex555 Its just like irl most exspensive shit is garbage KEKW my pussy and my crack horse shoe uehueheu Hosea is a hottie jofrillos1 ooh doggo widepeepoHappy WH OMEALUL WH OMEGALUL rooWut Can you kill everybody in this game? chops please DISGOSTANG KKrikey PepegaPls family problems NotLikeThis My girlfriend at me gachiBASS SeriousSloth hes not reading tho XD Who are these people in chat that keep asking to murder everyone....... monkaW without book Who added my parents into this game KEKW You are young clint eastwood now? @C9Sneaky @SnoBound PepeHands WideHard @steveshepard we're Americans PepeHands do you remember the drinking event you had with lenny last year sneaky:? PepeHands cmonBruh what folk PepeS colouredfolk TriHard TriHard LUL cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh KKona TriHard TriHard Clap TriHard cmonBruh you reckon KKona FeelsClassyMan cmonBruh cmonBruh the most boring parts of incoming sneaky cmonBruh cmonBruh TriHard ye gachiBASS Kreygasm :cowboy: ResidentSleeper TriHard KappaPride ram rench gachiW thank Abraham Lincoln for freedom Kreygasm <3 TriHard gang gang Howdy KEKW What is this ni ni ni nice guy doing here? TriHard it's not boring ou just have to kill everyone cmonBruh cmonBruh chapter 3 just is slow as a whole you will go to cuba or something @C9Sneaky better mute the audio for a bit on me Preston Garvey has really taken a fall into morale turmoil where's jim milton cmonBruh steal somethnig.. wow how interesting :-D n words incoming? and the game is starting to get boring cmonBruh RlyTho HYPERS Rip van winkle let's yoink some fools TriHard KEKW DEAD CHAT KEKW tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK tfbYOINK five finger discount TriHard never paid taxes TriHard found a mound of cash TriHard stolen horse TriHard free stew TriHard made my own moonshine Clap AYAYAWeird I’m gonna eat while for everybody is the boring part LUL fellers KKona gank these farmers boy cohhGV fellers did anyone else cried at the end? I mean, I did. cohhAim cohhAim cohhAim D: D: cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH sneakyD D: cmonBruh WTF HYPERBRUH D: D: D: cmonBruh :o D: cmonBruh woah cmonBruh cmonBruh rooD cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh D: bruh TriHard TriHard TriHard CHU SAY TOS LUL D: cmonBruh boxD boxD boxD D: BANNED sneakyD This game will get from boring to the best game ever D: FeelsClassyMan D: a WHAT? Boy! TriHard D: D: D: TOS KEKW cmonBruh LANGUAGE!!! PogChamp100 b b b b anned? HYPERBRUH EXCUSE ME inb4 banned chat Weirdga HARD R monkaW Twitch strike inc sneakyD BANNED sneakyD TOS He said it farewell Sneaky sneakyD cmonBruh BANNED ummm cmonBruh N-NANI? D: WTF KEKW Banned D: Lenny can say it FeelsOkayMan Weirdga Weirdga Weirdga monkaS TOS HYPERBRUH FeelsBadMan sorry sneaky had to report you Kappa BANNED PEPEGA @talexman no I was pissed that I got cheesed by a third party people saying banned Pepega Enjoy your ban @ShadowBruno damn nice emotes boxBob He a brother chat Pepega HYPERBRUH actualy its cool he's a brother TriHard Clap oh wait he can say it so its fine R E P O R T E D for n word LENNY Pog DID HE SAY IT cmonBruh HYPERBRUH WESPECT MA DUDE RlyTho TOS decent? they murder devs HYPERBRUH HYPERBRUH SNITCHES!!! @WaahCow sneakyD MORNIN cant believe they said the word bastards snitches get stitches TriHard lebeanBeanSigh lebeanBeanSigh lebeanBeanSigh lebeanBeanSigh @talexman should've been one on one got damn it, lol still a great ending @phillyescobar TRUUUUUUEEEEE to cuba W OMEGALUL W KEKW kill it it's 1899 we already had the war bruh cmonBruh PepegaShake shoot the deer Death Stranding Simulator ResidentSleeper 3Head MadoStab Yee bruter Pepega headBang 5Head 🍷 yes indeed it sounds smart ok FeelsClassyMan @SteveShepard racism still existed after and even now today, lol Snoky horsing simulator KKona lets take a gander lmao I'm well aware Gold LUL Pog KKool W OMEGALUL W artist Pog Pog POG Pog whitetootle subscribed with Twitch Prime. @gold_digger racism exists same reason why violence does LUL add some happy trees he doesnt look on you. he looks behind you. gachiBASS wow i never get thanked for my prime xD KappaPride @phillyescobar ye welcome to human life TriHard CoolStoryBob !opgg PepegaPls cotton plantation TriHard 7 saintL1 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! thanks for playing red dead i love this game so much <3 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 35 minutes 50 seconds who attacks at daylight??? KKona sneakyFedora pepeLaugh KKona PARTNER sneakyYeehaw monkaW KEKW @C9Sneaky did you have any issues getting this to run on PC Q LUL monkaW haha LUL sneakyYeehaw its one of the bumpers i think he's not playing on PC Mandalarian PogChamp meow mewo mewo mewo "PRO GAMER" complete opposite of what you wanted LUL ah is he playing on console or pc KEKW yesssssssssssssss yeeees gachiW bang his head off TriHard plantation WideHard 's picking cotton yessssss qtpCAT qtpCAT qtpCAT qtpCAT gachiW yeeeeeah console monkaW monkaS monkaW monkaMega monkaS monkaW monkaOMEGA But no, Sneaky wouldnt have any issues running this game on PC according to his spec list monkaW jhin wtf Friendly 4Head monkaW ... friendly PepeS don't go monkaW Pepega Friendly Pepega why did he wait so long to play, if he's playing on console monkaOMEGA rip horsie PepeHands PogChamp PepegaAim Pog Lenny get outta there Pog PepegaAim Clap noooooo dont hurt them LUL huge aim PepegaAim NA adc CLEAN, over the shoulder SHOT!! lul HAT DOWN GUY HAT DOWN lol LUL LUL wtf top 3 adc in NA KEKw PepegaAim not the hat widepeepoSad adc main btw Pepega NA AIM LUL ???????? pepeLaugh Bronze player PepegaAim MARKSMEN ResidentSleeper but tbh console aim terrible Caitlyn plays LUL jhin cant aim Na Cait is he even a gamer ? those shots are awful adc that cant aim lol marksman on C9 KEKW NA CAIT PepegaAim @C9Sneaky you need to get closer to eat their ass. KEKW KEKW painting with autoaim is op even with slomo OMEGALUL hahaha CAIT NERF Kappa KEKW GAVE UP LUL Caitlyn nerf plays so much jhin but still Pepega aim GAVE UP SNIPING LUL How are you shooting around them like that????? PepegaAim D: KEKW Move up! lenny riding solo LULW Pepega mlee adc PoG TANK KJEKW TANK KEKW bringing a fist to a gun fight Pepega PepegaAim wtf haha maokai cowboy ADC sion monkaX Maokai Computer Lenny is tired of the shitty aim LUL JHIN just get in there Pepega PepegaAim monkaW Fckin bruisers feelsbadman Pepega Pepega they all built armor thats why theyre tanky You always charge a person with a gun, if he has a knife run away how about moving up Pepega Pepega wall KEKW KEKW Pepega Pepega Pepega Clap Pepega Pepega ???? KEKW LOL ?????? COGGERS COGGERS KEKW DEMACIA SPIN TO WIN KITING Pog KAJKJAJKS COGGERS wtf Pepega Pepega mode activated mechanics COGGERS The realism GAREN MECHANIX Pepega analog stick stuck Mechanics Pog The jukes quick scope ???? LUL LUL quickscoped storm troppers on the other side LUL PogU Pog PogU POG pog PogU pogg sneaky fedd EZ Clap oh shit Imagine being a dentist, then inventing the craziest fkn gun PogU werid scope on his rifle PogYou VAC Pog KKool 🎸 what are you doing VAC Pog adc skill lol is his mouse sensitivity too fast? pepeSmoke pepeSmoke dont feed you have 700g shutdown pepeSmoke Clap pepeSmoke Graves mod 🎸 controls look so bad ITS LIT PogYou @sohappy24 console @sohappy24 he's using ps4 controller Not Quick sscoping WeirdChamp pepeSmoke story mode makes the sniper guns super sensitive for some reason didnt know grant macdonald was a game dev nice gottem not fluid at all STRAIGHT UP @sohappy24 he'splayin with controller red head redemption? oh, i see i thouught his movement were a bitr clunky lol Dont forget to loot every body Kappa JHIN W OP !uptime who is this sniper Pog Sneaky has been live for : 6 hours 42 minutes 1 second PepoCheer @wondernoodle09 you can lower sensitivity well you're aiming needa buy gun oil at the general store next time you get the chance get sum good guns WideHardo FREE LOOT @smalllilderp peepoArrive @unnameless more like 10 WideHard FREE LOOT TriHard Pepega Pepega WideHard take them all climb INTO climb in the back Pepega climb onto the back you big doofus LULW climb the back lmao go from the back holy get in the back Pepega Pepega IN THE BACK PEPPE the crates are in the back sneaky in the back man wtf in the back Pepega WeirdChamp DuckerZ Pepega In the back I think you can only carry like 3 gun oils though I forgot how much but I know there is a cap TriHard widepeepoHappy PogU weapon is he drunk? wheres the gold LOOTIN WideHard lootin everywhere Bodies and a lot inside the house the music Kreygasm monkaMega loot time TriHard Clap shoot it :) ANELE shoot it no inside haus shoot it dont ANELE ITS TIME go upstairs dynomiiiiiiite same ? ANELE 💥 This game feels good, How much it cost these days in PS4? аз съм гого the gun upstairs? imagine you living there.... ANELE DO IT @C9Sneaky its pc version? Pepega @nussukka currently 40 on sale for science go test @C9Sneaky Clappy FrankerZ Keepo RalpherZ StoneLightning this is on console ps4 blind KEKW Thanks for info, have to think about it GabeN console peasant !c9 кой си ти grafics too bad for pc ?c9 KEKW @nussukka I wouldn't bother buying any special editions they just offer free outfits and a "cool" horse the balcony ? LUL KEKW ? KEKW Jebaited check all the bodies afterwards So are u still on c9 sneaky? POGGERS 12 добро утро w OMEGALUL w BUCKAROOS POG the music literally gives you the western feeling PogU HYPERS loot the bodies gtren sben pepeSmoke don't forget to search the bodies afterwards Sion charge through doors @nussukka along with a few guns you can get throughout your story progression niiiice peepoPog go shoot the gatling tho p those premium cigs are nice since you get +5 deadeye when you get a cig card Pog KEKW PepegaPls KKona thats how i open doors in my house bulletproof PogChamp LUL LUL shot the dynamites to open the doors @C9Sneaky They dont want you to go in there LULW LUL Jebaited shoot dynammite playing this game was a good experience FeelsOkayMan shoot dynamike Pog dynamite ANELE DO IT 1$ Pog you can buy premium cigs for the cig cards at the general store to power level ur deadeye but it costs a lot of money monkaW come on my undies bro lmaoo 💯 Noooo PepeHands so fucking dark CmonBruh Let's go MaN missed all the good loot PepeHands SO WHAT? HYPERBRUH MaN PUSSY spooky music SadChamp 🔫 Missed legendary room LULW Lmao "hurry get in the wagon, goons are coming". Loots until sunset @TheSoapy11 lower case "c" you cant blow up that dynamite sneaky oh nononoo pepeLaugh He's gonna crash Fuck MaN cmonBruh :o WORST ENDING widepeepoSad HYPERBRUH fuck MaN feller KKona cool head KEKW monkaSHAKE cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh D: bitch? cmonBruh D: being black in the wildwest pepehands D: monkaW Pog Sneaky’s chat is like the Pokémon’s twitch chat where we say Sneaky how to play the game cause he have no idea LUL PepegaAim actually 1 hp horsies widepeepoHappy forsenGaGun drink some pots pog widepeepoHappy Chat gachiW FeelsGoodMan Clap i like rdr 2 monkaW widepeepoHappy is this console or pc? alright back to ac 7 I go This is on PS4 so why are the horses cool with joining you after you shot people off their backs? @asymptotee console we are rockstar and we love blacks FeelsGoodMan monkaW @C9Sneaky hey! what is happening with solo Q? Is it me or is really something wrong? I got from 60wr to 52wr, like 10losses with a demotion.... wtf is going on? @Gnarbox those are their horses they rode there with @Gnarbox i believe those are their horses they rode in on at the start im pooping ahhh ok @Gnarbox cus now youll feed them instead of them same so am i imagine if they made this game where the main character was black eyy monkaW imagine if they made this game where the main character was female uh no u Lenny widepeepoHappy Shoot Lenny widepeepoHappy HotPokket dJANGO a whole game about grave? t-they just killed people though monkaSHAKE It's not too unimaginable, look what they did with james bond Kappa Django = Lenny KEKW imagine if they made this game where the main character was a black female all ur weapons are on ur horse peepoPog KEKW imagine if they made this game where the main character was a black transgender female Rude D: Its pretty good @aperfecte game is already filled with sjw agenda make a donation sneaky its a chicken game @NYETMUN so? cmonBruh monkaW Pog monkaW monkaW PepeS monkaW !game monkaW @Debbonaire -> c9sneaky is playing Red Dead Redemption 2 Imagnine if they made this game where the main character was a hammer monkaOMEGA monkaW monkaS ive got all my fingers the knife goes chop chop chop monkaW monkaW FINGERS CUT = NUMBER OF HOTDOGS SERVED LUL WutFace monkaW WutFace oh ive got all my fingers Pog rip fingers monkaW He won monkaW Pog monkaSHAKE and the knife goes chop,chop chop POGGERS PepeS monkaW Pog monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE monkaSHAKE MISS EVERYTHING MAN Pog I DID THAT IRL monkaS monkaS monkaSHAKE PepegaPls POG ppOverheat monkaX monkaW HOLY Pog Pog monkaX You have a PepegaAim aim snacky, beware monkaW monkaS saved pog POG Y HAVE MERCY? PepeLaugh PogChamp POGGERS i used to play this in highschool don't hurt yourself Lenny PepeHands This is what people did for entertainment before the internet FeelsBadMan monkaW monkaW monkaMega The time before technology ^^ monkaW WTF Pog monkaW LUL WutFace blood WutFace monkaS KEKW WutFace monkaW 1 HOTDOG KEKW LOOKS FUCKING HURTS BOI STOP dafup WutFace STOP oooohhh peepoPog lol 4fun region FeelsOkayMan STOP PLEASE.. Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm WutFace lmao KEKW PepegaPls Ahh another win KEKW 2 hotdogs EZ Clap KEKW WutFace KEKW OW LUL 3 ok im out peepoLeave Pepega Clap monkaS KEKW DON'T DO IT... STOP Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaOMEGA PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls God APM CLUTCH Pog DansGame HOLY pOG PogChamp PRO Pog wtf Pog He probably thinks you’re a monster lmao Pog LUL peepoPog Pog mangoPog Pog POGG PogChamp KEKW click too fast and u hit urself @C9Sneaky I mean, if they changed something in system, or so... Like this season was a bit easier to rank up, but now maybe they change it? idk... teammates that i got were clearly below.. :/ only lost like 2 fingers 1 MORE Pog TriHard lenny must be playing on joycons robbing him Literal robot 20 cents for that it gets harder WHITE MAN BEATING BLACK MAN... WHATS NEW? monkaS POGGERS Pog KEKW KEKW cmonBruh bm @aperfecte cmonBruh ?? why would anyone do this circles n square PogYou monkaW man stop playing lol and do this shit FUCK Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW monkaW people play russian roulette, people is just dumb no more PepeHands Pog Life before TV and League of Legends FeelsWeirdMan did you guys not do this with pens at school EZ hahaha Pog did c9 ever gert together and play 5 figner fillet? EZ Clap what a champ Pog PogYou Clap boxD boxYay boxYay RlyTho Do it to draw the poisonous dark red blood out of your system with pens, not knife PogU Flexing fanxy_ i stil do wdym @fanxy_ we did with knives @fanxy_ pens at least dont risk severing a finger monkaS PogU the flair PogU damnnnnnnnnnnnnn SMURFIN KEKW KEKW and actually the one you were able to close DAYYYUMMM DANIEL lul He's Faker PogU rank 1 alabama monkaSHAKE lenny stylin on your ass timmacHMM rooSnow rooBall rooCry theres a challenge where you have to beat the champ 5 times and its insane how fast he goes on the 5 time u cheat Pog And you're C9 Sneaky FeelsBadMan KEKW KEKW WutFace LUL PepeLaugh monkaSHake KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW lmaooo KEKW i did this with scissors once, it was 1 mile an hour but still counts KEKW gachiW u suk LUL gachiW ok gachiW KEKW AD pro ADC bt KEKW LUL flip it brooo gachiHYPER YESSIR CHOKE YES SIR gachiBASS CHOKED KEKW @C9Sneaky , I wanna see league of legends maaannn washed BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage PogU Bop It DansGame LENNY gachiHYPER LUL KannaNom KannaNom howdy partner monkaS not using the same knife. pussies @Neo517 go watch league streamer than LUL Pog LENNY > SNEAKY monkaS Pog Just break your fingers outward so you get an advantage monkaW europe OMEGALUL KEKW monkaW LUL This game is fun i'm gonna go to the kitchen and play it widepeepoHappy smurfing Pog i used to play this game when i was a kid but with a pencil monkaS @Ulquiorra_Cifer I dont want any other streamer. I want to watch @C9Sneaky play league. Not anyone else. eeeeey Stop hurting yourself PepeHands Pog Pog and id still be scared THAT WAS FUN awkward ending POG @mista_trixter me 2 you setting the laps or me widepeepoHappy LULW 40 cents to chop your fingers off LUL LUL 40 cents PogU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DansGame LUL 40 CENST WORTH IT!!! is this game on steam? I GIVE U 40 just DONT FK CHOP ME @Neo517 league is cancer game let him enjoy single game Dont trust him, he's got some crazy eyes why is it spanish _ ppman=pvman, hey asshole lissen i'd chop my finger off for 20 cents donate to the camp 😡 sneakyW jajajaja language monkaS do you have online version Leaannin rip PepeD Weirdga give him the finger meat @Leaannin Fuck off stupid TriHard sneakyW KKona pepeD prototarded PepeHands pepeJAM do u ever sleep @Leaannin Weirdga give him your dick 60 piece chicken nuggers pls more meat witchGASM WE NEED MORE MONEY 2Head @Legionary7 if you're willing to do that for 20 cents, you're willing to do it for free dont give them shit, sell ur food and let them starve @C9Sneaky NO SOUP FOR YOU ! go for the alligator Kappa he’s just trolling, some weird people enter the chat just to spread hate LUL PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR don’t even bother LUL Got 9 Others EZ Clap Kkool que se pasa esseee KKool yer a buncha pinky havin wussies Pepega drawing sneakyE LULW cmonBruh waw ese sujeto si que canta en español pepeSmoke donate to the camp 😡 gotta smoke you don't have to PepeHands PunOko NO SMOKING PunOko Side quest time ? peer pressure DxCat is this game on steam? pepeSmoke por qué hay subtítulos en español?? LOL PowerUpL StinkyCheese PowerUpR pepeSmoke guess i gotta pepeSmoke Premium Cigs FeelsLitMan time to swim? CiGrip smoke everyday pepeSmoke getting high yall but smokin's bad mkay? smoke everydayy SadChamp TeaTime pepeSmoke pepeSmoke last one 🥴🚬 last one, i swear Premium Cigs FeelsLitMan what if someone takes the box pepeSmoke TAKE IT ALL AND SPEND IT ON SKINS game on steam? 😔🤙smokers where you at pepeSmoke mah boi 🥴🚬 one for the road pepoCheer gachiBASS TeaTime lol didnt you get kicked off cloud 9 LUL @JawxKun not yet but soon 🥴🥴🥴🥴 pepeSmoke last one @cheesuscrust666 Weirdga KEKW only arthur making donations shit I have to buy Christmas Gifts PeepoSad ty @aperfecte FeelsGoodMan TeaTime CHICKEN COOP LUL 300 bucks for the shitty camp @C9Sneaky Okayga 🤳 @C9Sneaky Okayga 🤳 @C9Sneaky Okayga 🤳 CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat 🥴🚬 i can quit smoking whenever i want cinematic pepeJAM @UnNameless KEKW for nothing KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 1 minute 40 seconds faptime Okayga 👍 @spudn1ckel Pog brotherman bill @shinosbae_ Pog do people fap with their right or left hand sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw does the "morale" actually do anything? Like, make those freebooters start donating? LUL @spudn1ckel, so handsome BANK ROBBERY TIME So, they're makin like a town? SourPls Wait chat can you rape people in this game? KKona hello black lung KKona no Weirdga can anyone tell me, do i have to play RDR before i can play RDR2? Lmfao that accent @monte_yeet_20is20 ty Okayga honor changes what you say sometimes COOKING AND SUCKING KKona Cooking... Thomasbrejner life is not a game dude @Hi_im_AyJay no, rdr2 is a prequel that accent is fucking funny lol LULW Is the title of the stream a Brazilian reference? EZ Clap i lost pow pow when is the sex scene gachiBASS gachiHYPER gachiBASS yes yes yes DANK A BANK PogU ok karen OkayChamp OkayChamp OkayChamp hit Karen's bank Squid1 Squid2 Squid4 plenty of money = 10 cents A lot of "research" D: D: FeelsClassyMan 🤳 yeah yeah bullshit D: DONT COLLECT THE DEBT BibleThump LUL LUL Kapp pokiClout TeaTime watch it go to shit poki1 poki2 poki3 poki4 pokiW HYPERCLAP LUL LUL @zack_zacky what the heck quiero comentar william williamson PepeLaugh poki subs LUL sneaky1 sneaky2 @sohappy24 pokiLOL !bestmod The best mod is inside us all ya need a faster horse scarraKILL scarraKILL scarraKILL virgin check: pokiW puhh im safe pokiW FeelsBadMan !pokiw monkaW mizkifW1 mizkifW2 going back to the town you have a 400 dollar bounty 5Head mizkifW3 mizkifW4 !virgintest pokiW VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I'm safe FeelsGoodMan wreck the grays pokiLOL Kappa sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 poki subs haHAA sneaky1 sneaky2 virgin check: pokiW sneaky3 sneaky4 @C9Sneaky we done a lot of research - 2 min of googling "how to rob a bank" Okayga Poki Subs Okayga huehue PepegaPls sneaky best e-girl Okayga @addcheesepls do the poki raid LUL nathanGod3 nathanGod4 sneaky3 sneaky4 poki subs ? where ? Kapp !editcom !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan @Call_me_Zeroo -> The command "!virgintest" has been edited successfully. drunken harlot Kreygasm !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan monkaW @zack_zacky why would poki have poki1 2 3 4 pics like that holy pokiW ❓ pokiVV I'm safe FeelsGoodMan @Nightbot SadChamp SadChamp !virgintest pokiW are you cvontrollin? @sohappy24 I know KEKW !virgintest nightbot forever a virgin @zack_zacky nice try !virgintest SadChamp @OpieOP_DansGame_OpieOP WeirdChamp WeirdChamp !virgintest !virgintest XD @monte_yeet_20is20 what I got it right imagine giving money to an egirl KEKW @weebs_ruin_everything Weirdga can someone gift me a poki sub !virgintest VIRGIN CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan wow nice butt gray boys cmonBruh LUL poki1 poki2 poki3 poki4 gachiBASS pokiW ))))) NotLikeThis ((((( helicopter sound ? majority of chat only get their dick wet in the shower ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 why does that exist @zack_zacky ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 sup virgin @zack_zacky !virgintest WutFace CHAD CHECK monkaS 👉 pokiW I lost FeelsBadMan mizkifW1 mizkifW2 E TU @sohappy24 who knows KEKW sneaky1 sneaky2 Fast forward sohappy24 for 12 year olds beating there meat sneaky3 sneaky4 ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 KEKW EU SNEAKY PogU KEKW mizkifW3 mizkifW4 @aperfecte I guess I missed the time when I can virgin KEKW @Call_me_Zeroo KEKW @monte_yeet_20is20 jesus sneaky1 sneaky2 thyat lazy is crazy man omega chat BibleThump !time @aperfecte was* November 30th 2019, 4:28:20 am PST GMT-08:00 monkaWW PowerUpL BabyRage PowerUpR poki got a big fat yummy booty tho ngl scarraKILL sneaky1 sneaky2 sneaky3 sneaky4 chats starts to sound like 4chan kekw 4:28 am :O @zack_zacky you become a born again virgin when you sub to poki 5:28 am NotLikeThis ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 5Head why even sub to poki? Pog he did it @aperfecte then I finally did it Pog ))))) NotLikeThis ((((( ResidentSleeper amazW monkaW IN AND OUT gachiBASS IN AND OUT THANKS SNEAKY damn 2 years there you go MaN quinThinking BibleThump h-he's unbanned @emrgncysausage monkaSHAKE THEY TALK SO MUCH BrokeBack BrokeBack Kreygasm Kreygasm ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper emrgncysausage subscribed with Twitch Prime. ResidentSleeper KKona Clap PepegaAim just wish you could welcome me to your butthole time for a stick up ban @emrgncysausage monkaW kreygasm @emrgncysausage welcome to sneaky's butthole :) @emrgncysausage mine is open? @C9Sneaky catch you slippong boy @Mitchd0tcom okay dad hi :) This mission PogU ruRuru TriHard thats the store you robbed no way this goes good behind you forsenKKona monkaW he just forgot the last 5 min KEKW they were talking about it the whole time right? where’s everybody? fellers KKona fellers Weirdga monkaS KKool Music incoming drunken harlot Kreygasm little girl Kreygasm Kreygasm right choice Kreygasm LUL Kreygas Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm ( . )( . ) Kreygasm @c9sneaky I tried your advice and finally tried dipping chicken nuggets into hot dog water. so damn good like you said. thanks man! the only problem is (just like you said >_<) that since the hot dog water is homemade I have no idea when it expires. it isn't sour yet but I feel like it's losing some of its salt. is that normal? any advice on how to fix that? can't afford to make a new batch right now :/ PepegaShake Gachigasm education no fake boobs around then Kreygasm huehue educational purpose disgrace to your sex KEKW HotPokket HandsUp @Penbus LUL amazPP amazPP LUL PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance PepoDance EZ PepeHands heckin Karen gachiBASS big yikes put him in the dirt Kappa TriHard monkaS music beat his ass gachiBASS TTours omg so rude OkayChamp beat him up punch him is it Payday 3 ? monkaW BEAT EM HIM nearly there Kreygasm pepeJAM gachiHYPER gimme my shit LUL he can take a hit wtf games? DansGame SLAP HIM 1000 combination lock D: lolol shoot his leg gachiBASS no in q time motherfcker KEKW SLAP HIM bugged? KEKW D: secretly calling the popo hit him lol shoot his sack Weirdga . . . he works on riot BibleThump 100 Numbers code LUL leave him alone widepeepoSad SHOOT AROUND HIM D: one day LOL scare him hit him staling KEKW_SPAMMER his trolling LUL KEKW BibleThump BibleThump cmonBruh N OMEGALUL N OMEGALUL M OMEGALUL NEY TriHard PogU If you aim + press up on the directional, you can like shoot up to scare people! Try it out later! @C9Sneaky LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER Guys what happened to sneaky, did he retire ? BLOW THEM UP just blow them up D: pepeJAM ratirlGift is dark call dom he knows all about crackin PepegaAim 7 SLOWLY pepeLaugh COGGERS slow down Hi Sneaky FASTER COGGERS 🤟 TriHard TriHard TriHard KKool my money now EZ money ✌️ Nice chest LUL so Secure LUL PogU money EZ yoinnk TriHard LOL THAT MONEY THO all of them Pog PowerUpL PAYDAY PowerUpR I just blew them up lol DINDU NOTHIN TriHard hahah you get more by cracking 10hourzlateeeer Kappa This music monkaS D: @C9Sneaky the fuck u just playin woah lady monkaS the concentration How does he know when to turn the other way timmacS it clicks take ur time I'm watching the door it tells him to and it clicks @UCD_Riven_Senpai Sound! monkaW chat donations are stolen Pog TriHard oooh right monkaHmm stop it sneaky thats my bank deposit box NotLikeThis THEY COMIN' BILLY THEY COMIN' ☝️✌️ he says i think i might be able to crack it to 4 millions thats my life savings sneaky PepeHands IM CUMMING IM CUMMING yeah you can get them all sneaky is taking me money chat help me IM COOMING 3 Hours robbing LUL true PepeHands 👆 Doublezzzz subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 26 months, currently on a 24 month streak! hello sneaky smile :) you look great today btw sneakyH ✌️ where the police lol Dialog makes it sound MonkaW One left A FEW ... MOMENT LATER ... PogU the police dont know there is a robbery going on Pog sneaky1 sneaky2 5k POGGERS 5k sneaky3 sneaky4 @sancten12 this is like 19th century, so np to take long xD Don’t get greedy snackers Pog run monkaS sneakyC Clap what year is this set in chat? the greed ruuun monkaW sneakyC Clap EZ fucking money 1899 why do they even ahve such noisy safes haha sneakyC 👍 can we buy our own Impact house yet greedy NotLikeThis 1899 @karabd sneakyC tobiasUP peepoPog 1899 for now! @karabd PogChamp @CptTeempo peepoArrive KEKW D: hotdogss danP wow that's a shit ton of money back then pokiLOL peepoPog monkaW @zack_zacky WeirdChamp KKona Clap ruuuun @weebs_ruin_everything pokiLOL he is da boii is this the 20k? wow sneakyE sneakyC now run you can leave a bank in a mask sneaky KEKW my ending here was diff Bleding in who cares if they see you just pay off your bounty with the money you stole 4HEad Fuck the popo KKool sneakyC Oh Shit pepeSmoke last one too 💰 EZ 💰 poki subs peepoLeave PepegaAim sneakyEZ sneakyC cohhMoney pepeJAM PepegaAim SourPls monkaW SONG pepeJAM pepeJAM KKool PepePls EZ Clap i word cohhD close the door pepehands KKool pepeJAM monkaW Clap escape the LAW LUL ruuuun pepeJAM why it is pink pepeD pepeJAM pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 pepeJAMMER 🐴 cohhDrool cohhDrool cohhDrool cmonBruh idiots? cops PepeS Fuck the law KKool pepeJAM pepeDance sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw smack them C9Sneazy Pepega idiots cmonBruh pepeJAM 👍 loot him Kappa pepega aim PepegaAim time triMini OMEGALUL !followage pepeD skiz1231 has been following C9Sneaky for 1 year, 4 months, 6 days i'm waaanted.. dead or alive! if only sneaky had aim assist in league FeelsBadMan run as fast as the wind shoot ;D you mark them and then shoot you shoot pepeD OMEGALUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 20 minutes 27 seconds you end it by shooting and it shoots them all the lcs adc here Kappa Kappa Dont mess with the ac 🏇 pepeJAM 🏇 pepeJAM 🏇 pepeJAM adc !followage ADC OMEGALUL robbery not enough, mass murder also needed monkaS 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim PepegaAIM sneakyC pepeJAM !uptime 🐴 sneakyYeehaw pepeJAM D: He's kiting LUL ooooof high noon lucian sneakyGasm sneakyGasm is this ACDC v1899 ? missing all the skill shot sneaky cohhD with dead eye painting you just have to swipe it over the head and it'll mark them @weebs_ruin_everything your delusional ruins everything 4Head gottem but where are they coming from lol !dpi pepeJAMMER Music volume is so loud lol ITS HIGHHHHHHHHHHHH NOON nice music btw Pog leading them to camp? monkaS FAST AND FURIOUS D: Lost them KKona we lost him @monte_yeet_20is20 from the dev script 4Head tyler1KKona Clap how convenient Pog More law enforcement here than what we see today LUL ganked by train LULW money just had a bowl of icecream and it was the best thing I ever tasted treee fitty fun OMEGALUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 22 minutes 14 seconds good morning sneaky i don't trust bill in this one @C9Sneaky do the micah story quest since you're nearby here again 3.50 danP i need about tree fiddy Pepega Downes Pepega Oh no FeelsBadMan check the money oh no PepeHands Mrs. Downs Pepega oh not this sneakyC ratirlRich PepeHands sneaky cutie little girl Are you in EU? Or is your schedule like mine satchel why is his HUD pink? Yo. Any reason we playing on Colorblind mode, fellas? sneakyC anneHeart qtpWHAT sneakyC @momkiene colorblond more the hud is pink for colorblind mode Satchel why shouldn't his hud be pink Bag monkaOMEGA Is Sneaky colorblind and I never knew? AYAYA for Snacky danH sneakyHey @saladsareninjas he is Sneaky is colorblind @SaladsAreNinjas yes @CptTeempo Weirdga no @SaladsAreNinjas yes yeah he is proretarded tyler1Hey qtpWAVE sneakyHey OH? Oh wow. Didn't know. Thanks fellas weebs_ruin_everything danP baffyPog Baffy danP FeelsWeirdMan sneakyChair peepoLeave !time November 30th 2019, 4:44:20 am PST GMT-08:00 PepeHands sneakyChair peepoLeave inb4 mauled by a bear KEKW cohhFeels Snacky only sees in purple in pink cohhBlind cohhBlind cohhBlind Sad music cohhFeels what time is it for u guys? BibleThump BibleThump Can't be followed if you're not moving 5Head 744 2:45 AM 444 chair live monkaW 5:45 AM cohhD PepePls 444 so he's done with the Lcs becoming a home time streamer for Clown 9 ? FeelsBadMan 13:45 FeelsBadMan damn im at 2045 4:45 am danP this music, it's so beatiful 1:45 PM BibleThump !subs 4:45 AM miliDerp miliDerp miliDerp Pokemon Sword & Shield graphics trees PogChamp 21:45 !time November 30th 2019, 4:45:31 am PST GMT-08:00 OMEGALUL danP 6:45am 4 pm 11:45pm Snacky is my time danH monkaS 7:45 AM cinematic Pog so confused cohhD did he not sleep is he still on c9? 09:45Am cinematic horse booty 9:45 PM Lynn fell asleep coz she ain’t yelling CUT SCENE Pog danP 8:30 pm rooAYAYA anneYay dootAYAYA dafranAYAYA danAY qtpAYAYA ipavAYAYA quackAy karasmAYAYA lacAYA lilyAYAYA moon2AY nakkiAY zomiAYAYA shipAYAYA triAYA blotAYAYA yasAYAYA bnanaAYAYA tyler1AYY nutAyy Clap sneakyChair peepoArrive The beginning of the end PepeHands re He’s been staying up late recently !subscribers KKona Cla HeyGuys PepeHands Corn dog Pog KKona Corn dog danP its good for us here in europe lol gottem PogChamp u kiled it KEKW Why not auto ride then pee @c9sneaky sneakySpook Damn, i could actually go for a corn dog rn tURKEY? PepeHands cohhD RPGPhatLoot RPGPhatLoot RPGPhatLoot kimiekLove kimiekLove kimiekLove Sneaky loves himself dem cown dawgs D: THANKSGIVING gut it D: thanksgiving secured KEKW Peta cohhD yodaFon corndog at 5am Weirdga WutFace THANKSGIVING LOL roadkill FeelsAmazingMan 🍴 🦃 panicBasket panicBasket yoink P L U M P !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 26 minutes 19 seconds rooCry @C9Sneaky are you a ketchup with corndog person, a mustard with corndog, or both ketchup and mustard with the corn dog? I'M ASKING THE HARD QUESTIONS Pog Did you just... take its liver... and walk away...? vegans mad LUL yodaGoku FeelsAmazingMan turkey turkey turkey !followage Mustard every time wilddogsatan has been following C9Sneaky for 4 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 3 days PETA horse riding rhythm Pog FeelsAmazingMan 👍 Now just gotta go bag ourselves a free range potato !followage Yo dont sleep on ketchup with mini corn dogs pokiW not safe anymore cohhM grunt grunt banging soundtrack Where do potatoes graze? FeelsWeirdMan everybody uses WeirdChamp instead of me CiGrip light it up WeirdChamp 🐴 sneakyYeehaw yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp yodaPogChamp FeelsAmazingMan c====8 4Weird Ketchup is solid but mustard is goat. Especially spicy mustard danP 4Weird is best FeelsWeirdMan FeelsWeirdMan 4Weird 🤚 Weirdga TeaTime yodaTuf yodaTuf cohhFeels sneaky eats like an 11 year old LUL Microwaved corndog DansGame FeelsWeirdMan every weird emote has its situations Weirdga pepeJAM sneakyC 🌭 rueWeird KKona monkaSHAKE chat how is it going the sound is aids nice ass, horse no offense @CptTeempo that's a hotdog, dumbass except weirdga weirdga is sh1t FeelsWeirdMan 👍 4Weird Weirdga WeirdChamp FeelsWeirdMan Kazoozle I don't have a corndog danS ? Weirdga > FeelsWeirdMan > WeirdChamp > 4Weird sneakySoTroll missind rdr 1 xinaSELLOUT xinaSELLOUT xinaSELLOUT cohhLick sneakyWut i swear if i see one more KEKW im leaving FeelsWeirdMan 👉 Weirdga KEKW 🌽 🐶 KEKW Weirdga rooLick sneakyC rescLick n3zmodYIKES n3zmodYIKES n3zmodYIKES kekw KEKW war KEKW sneakyGold FeelsBadMan lacGasm lacGasm lacGasm lacGasm ratirlKEKW1 ratirlKEKW2 KEKW he left KEKW ratirlKEKW3 ratirlKEKW4 xinaUwU xinaUwU xinaUwU kimiekPog kimiekPog kimiekPog KEKW horseshiiet LUL 4 ways to express weirdness chat 4Weird Weirdga WeirdChamp FeelsWeirdMan n3zmodTowelie n3zmodF n3zmodTowelie @Legionary7 KEKW kimiekCute kimiekCute kimiekJudging kimiekJudging kimiekJudging shawaiGASM shawaiGASM shawaiGASM shawaiGASM HeyGuys shawaiGASM shawaiGASM shawaiGASM shawaiGASM shawaiGASM kimiekLife kimiekLife kimiekLife kimiekToxic kimiekToxic kimiekToxic @Legionary7 one more what? cohhD Does sneaky just stream late af now or was his schedule always this fcked pepeJam no cock like horsecock succ my pepe this used to be an omegaluleatinganeggplant channel Hello Sneaky Snacky is making noise danSgame kimiekDiaper kimiekDiaper kimiekDiaper tyler1Monk tyler1Monk tyler1Monk kimiekSword kimiekSword kimiekSword kimiekPog kimiekPog kimiekPog Kreygasm pet the doggo mangoDanger mangoDanger mangoDanger mangoDanger mangoDanger triPantsu sneakyC PepeHands sneakyC triPantsu widepeepoSad He's eating it plain, smh PepegaHands Pepelaugh husband died 🍆 KannaNom play another soundtrack in the backgrounde itswik1Ch3 itswik1Ch4 PAY UP BIICH no hot sauce? Weirdga thats what G´´s do DansGame who is that MaN eternity monkaHmm MaN Clap LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 30 minutes 1 second Lazy eye rooCry mrs downs Weirdga KappaPride FUCK ME DADDY KEKW Gimme the LOOT boy Weirdga KEKW maybe i'll fuk ur mum, boy LUL PepeHands the first rockstar game i skip maybe, not sure thouh DO SOEM BOUNTIES their father died because they used the money to pay dept Pog PepeHands yeah GG Clap Clap Clap debt* LUL <3 EZ as fuck rooNap !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 31 minutes 26 seconds cohhLick sneakyWut cohhT hikoXD Pog buy a housd Pog you rich boooy Kappa 5 am and im still watching Weirdga Think of all the CIGARETTES Pog 3,5 i heard [X] Bronze pepeLaugh ^ bronze KEKW bronze LUL @RunToxic same Okayga 👍 think of all the poker buy-ins you dont remember probably but last year you beat the shit out of some old ass sick guy that owed them money. he was coughing blood on you and shit. and they needed the money for his treatment timmacLUL bronze player hey girl Do it lot of fucking money heyimGreed what made him go back to playing this game PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR nothing else to play, and this was a good game he wanted to finish TriHard @WonderNoodle09 because of pc version oh okay @republicofanime he is on console tho RDR2 on steam releases on 6th DEcember nah this is ps4 version he just wanted to finish it PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR UNLEASHED HYPERS Tyler is barking in the background KEKW OhMyDog 7 game speeds up a lot after chapter 3 there are other things you can spend money on like upgrading ur weapons, clothes, and horses buy a new horse POGGERS Tyler dont waste it all on the camp n3zmodBoshi n3zmodBoshi n3zmodBoshi n3zmodBoshi n3zmodBoshi n3zmodBoshi @WonderNoodle09 yeah the down hill begins so no wonder PepeHands poker is the best way to spend money money is actually useless in this game ^^ word YEE HAW KKona chicken coop Pog 🐴 sneakyYeehaw hey Sneaky FrankerZ FrankerZ ... FrankerZ FeelsGoodMan mighty generous donation on your part Sneaky sneakyYeehaw WutFace FeelsGoodMan HAVE YOU RAIDED cRYSTALMITH CAVE YET? POGGERS LOOT BRUH PepegaPls PepeJAM what the hell are you doing pepeJAM FeelsGoodMan tick tick tick tick tick move camera Socialism Pog Sneaky colourblind? donate to the camp DansGame Micah WeirdChamp controller DansGame @C9Sneaky fast travel from your tent Buy a new horse Do a quick side quest @c9sneaky HeyGuys !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 36 minutes 53 seconds !uptime yeah you can fast travel from the map behind the tent @C9Sneaky map on the other side of the vagon @C9Sneaky Red Dead 2 cosplay? the wagon Karen cosplay? too many MaN MaN Weirdga MaN too many MaN gachiHYPER this chat? too many MaN many many many many MeN WeirdChamp then he just strolls off mid chat LUL strawberry miyugoMeperd0nas miyugoMeperd0nas pay ur bounty once you faster travel otherwise you're gonna get shot out you want to goto valentine monkaW long walk stay safe out there partner Dbzfreak2 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 33 months! That's a good BOAH KEKW DFZ KEKW DBZ in 2k19 KEKW @C9Sneaky I actually do a little bit, but not as much as I used to peepoArrive peepoArrive red dead would be better if there was more twerking What a surprise lmao, their servers are trash AYAYA this is making me want to play RDR2 PepoThink fast travel btw LUL DRAGON BALL KEKW this fast travel cut-scene is annoying rip quicker than riding i guess @C9Sneaky you need to pick a strawberry well, partner, that's the thing... but you pick other place ride to valentine pay the bounty at the post office and the fast travel outpost is right outside i can give you a ride Kappa then fast travel to strawberry yeah the stagecoach BrokeBack is the fast travel back seating chat KEKW Good luck getting into town unnoticed Kappa @C9Sneaky zoooom inb4 they shoot him PepegaPls horse sound is like PepegaPls @Dbzfreak2 its actually pretty easy, if they havent made it harder, since i think ive never gotten caught KEKW you ever feed your horse? PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls PepegaPls im watchin in 120p , what moon ? KEKW use drugs on your horse damn give your horse a carrot or some shit bro ya need a new horsie. slow af OOF @ElementIRL animal abuser PepeHands do u play league? nvm KEKW LOL KEKW monkaGun @C9Sneaky Stop Twtiching monkaW monkaS hahahah KEKW he said it he said twitch PogU LUL KEKW arrested LULW C OMEGALUL MPADRE dude we told you KEKW LUL nah you just pay ur fine money gone KEKW busted KEKW snitch LUL arrested development Imagine not paying your bounty from somewhere else KEKW TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard best game I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA @Dbzfreak2 never fucking mind KEKW JAIL TriHard pepeLaugh getting jailed AM I BEING DETAINED LUL you finna do some time boi KEKW they can recognize you. IF you want to pay your dues put on a mask and/or change ur clothes choo chooo LUL how much did u love lose -2000 KEKW lmao they took your money? LUL worth trade KEKW youre fine was reduced since you served time ROOTING TOOTING COWBOY SHOOTING lmao !discord Sneaky's Discord is now open to all! Follow the link below to join his Discord Server and chat with Subs and other users! LUL is this PC version? lol dude rude fight somebody this is on PS4 Have you done the quest at ram ranch yet? THX for answer rolling block is the sniper you used with lenny MadoStab monkaW UWU ON THE BLADE Pog Customization POGGERS i was doin it since i was 10 face We CSGO NOW Pog get springfield and varmint rifle T_T Pog Engrave it with Woohoo Pog csgo loot boxes KEKW rare knife PogU Imagine putting OwO lol wtf is not UwU u degen weeb FeelsWeirdMan TriHard TriHard TriHard WideHard KKona UwU WE WIDE WideHard ? get wraps to save wear when it rains WE KEKW imagine imagining widepeepoHappy @oliverrekky we wide imagine imagining imagining in 2k19 KEKW word the wrap makes it wear down slower @SnoBound PepoThink PepoHmm pepeHmm Wtf where is the bank money?! @C9Sneaky wrap saving guns from dust, condition goes down slower LONG gachiBASS RICK GRIMES Pog buy everything LUL gachiBASS PepoThink MAKE IT LONGER gachiBASS move the banner so we can see imagine imagining imagining imagining in 2020 KEKW NOT LONG ENOUGH @C9Sneaky Black gachiBASS goldmember WutFace blackened steel PogU Blue POG Kreygasm I love gooooooold hard stuck in gold WeirdChamp PogU @C9Sneaky wow you grown up to be a so hot! gj with the hair! i want to be dominated by you and Knut! gachihyper! KKona Clap @monte_yeet_20is20 You're flying too close to the sun, come back down WeirdChamp golden revolver PogChamp i like the blued steel take it LUL Rude D: KEKW shoothim PepegaHands 📣 I LOVE GOOOOOLD huehue? brs? kill him KEKW bocote stock suits gold guns shoot him in the dik LULW steal his guns KEKW shoot him bullets cheap as candy hell yea KKona pockets full of ammo Pog he can read? I can’t wait til you get to ram ranch gachiGasm nazi pistol monkaS Future is now old man KKona !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 7 hours 48 minutes 14 seconds Nazi pistol BlessRNG Slow KEKW za german pew pew Heil sneaky get an rpg ANELE hahahah nazi weapons were op tho own3d EZ slow KEKW Get AR 15 No manners DansGame what a dick KEKW Rob the nob you need varmint for perfect critters D: no fuck u Rob his store KKona dis dude seems pissed you gave him money @C9Sneaky get new clothes KEKW its not locked Is that RDR2 For PC ? Console PS4 just walk up to it and you can travel new outfit? @aperfecte :C @C9Sneaky You can get some nice repeater and a pistol from hiden quest, quite easy to do and they are really good weapons. @Abyssus1v9 no, its ps4 what da hell KKona Okayy the cogwheel lines up perfectly with the circle on his shirt lol Roooosh Pepega Maybe a side quest will unlock it @c9sneaky look like Asassin's creed so hard xD @C9Sneaky pay the bounty on your head, it will be available the feelings you can wait if you get off ur horse and itll let you travel get off horse at the sign muahaaa helping Micah WeirdChamp Who were the boomers of cowboy eras? PepoThink @c9sneaky what's your horse's name? :) @C9Sneaky scenic mode will let the horse ride by itself to the location just ur average day in america monkaW ohnononono pepeLaugh Kreygasm ZULUL monkaW another ambush monkaW pew pew pew POW tanking shots KEKW PepegaAim PepegaAim KEKW REALISTIC nice aim dumbass PepegaAim execute that nobhead TriHard "move up on him" literally the only one left alive aim locks KEKW DAB ON THEM! roadblock KEKW mine now TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Hay KEKW counter robbed EZ Clap @wondernoodle09 2nd amendment feelsgoodman. going to the range today SeemsGood horse stimulant Kreygasm are your xbox profile C9Sneakyy ppSmoke pepeSmoke are your xbox profile C9Sneakyy KEKW smoke n drive CiGrip 🚬 last one, chat, i swear widepeepoHappy 🚬 gobblegobble The best way to recover cores is by eating game that you hunted. pepeSmoke pepeSmoke LAST ONE pepeSmoke I'll quit tomorrow pepeSmoke I'll quit tomorrow 4/10 needs more cocaine gum pepeSmoke 1 more pepeSmoke nvm not last one he literally smokes them like pepeSmoke is RDR2 on pc yet? No 🥴🚬 one for the road should be on PC Kreygasm SadChamp TeaTime Last One WutFace Smoke the premiums @c9sneaky Comes out in like 6 days yeah a big game meat with fully recover all 3 cores not yet? Feelsbadman pepeSmoke TeaTime Kidnapped on the horse KEKW LOL LMAO KEKW PepegaAim KEKW LUL KEKW LUL Pepega ? XD LUL My rite of passage of becoming a man will be when I can down a whole cigarette in 1 hit KEKW yoinked her now she's mine LMAO OMEGALUL EZ WIFE yoink LMAOOOOOO lmao NOW ITS MY TURN KEKW lul mine now KEKW LULW Hahahahahahaha Iron dagger lol LMAO shoot her BabyRage Kreygasm Yikes shes FUGLY Lmao too literal inb4 shes a wanted criminal KEKW Its over now... Or is it? give me nice time KKona kill her Pog uhhh that's it? again? -sips tea- Have ur way with her @mista_trixter first time i heard that word. got me cracked up White knight why didnt u rap her ~puffs a nice cigarette~ gachiBASS 300 BOUNTY @c9sneaky clean ur weapons Bow Inero? Kappa I really thought that 300 bounty was a donate alert cmonBruh D: cmonBruh wtfff cmonBruh uhh cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh LMFAO cmonBruh dat was racist af lol KEKW HYPERBRUH r1 i think Are you C9Sneakyy(Xbox) TriHard wild horsied widepeepoHappy cmonBruh native american xD DINDU NOTHIN TriHard r1 "I'm an indian yehaw, owowowowow" Sneaky 2019 @brandoniannn u gonna cry snickers its 5am go to bed @tempestcg he does have a 300 dono Mau5 slow down monkaSHAKE @00average00 idgaf dude im just pointing out the obvious lmao @C9Sneaky You need to come at night is this sneaky’s first playthrough? ANY HOMIES TriHard 7 at almost the cliff R1 to stop sneaky @brandoniannn maybe "obvious" to you feller wheelie Ppg this chat would Cmonbruh to literally everything, even to dark mode twitch LUL How far is sneaky into the game? :) @c9sneaky clean ur weapons what mode twitch? cmonBruh i finish all the game i knos where is him TriHard Yes LULW peepoBlonket this is chapter 3 out of 8 , about 1/4 of the way through Hey Arthur POGGERS I loved that show KEKW pepeLaugh Micah is gonna make like a Robbery Butterfly in the sky KKonaW GAWD DAYUM Not a gentleman FeelsClassyMan I can go twice as high robbery at strawberry ?! Just like GTA TriKool 4HEad but you are gonna get a RIFFLE are you not a sheriff? I see a badge Mangar45 subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 16 months! sneakyHey @MaasawDreamt he is a deputy in rhodes at this point in the story Take a look That's what they all say pepeLaugh fine KEKW yep wtf youre still awake ResidentSleeper Kappa pepeJAM 🐴 sneakyYeehaw ———————————————————————— TwitchVotes You have been gifted a subscription. Type !claim to activate———————————————————————— Mangar45 converted from a Twitch Prime sub to a Tier 1 sub! !claim !claim what happent if a say a spoiler !Claim Pepega It worked POGGERS !claim @UnNameless well he ain't a law abidin' citizen I don't appreciate it none. !claim Pepega !claim !claim it didn t work PepeHands doesn't work PepeHands you have to have big dong to work FeelsBadMan iwdPepega iwdPepega iwdPepega plebs trying to get a free sub Greys kill saun and betrayed Arthur converted PogU I will try one more time and it better work twitch chat 😡 !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 21 seconds !claim Sneakys still steaming?? I fell asleep and woke up LOL next open world game is in the medieval setting btw lmao KKool hell yeah shoot this bitchass WeirdChamp dogenood123 YEET @maxviolet from rockstar? Hey chat I bet my penis is the smallest in this chat. How does that make you feel having such big penis sneaky not gonna play in any team for s10 ?? no you @zack_zacky it doesn't work for poki subs KEKW @snobound yeah @ImpalaTamer FeelsBadMan !uptime That'll be interesting Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 1 minute 6 seconds @ImpalaTamer its alright i guess. streamer snacky > c9 snacky FeelsOkayMan @mista_trixter PepeHands see Kkona run KKool pepoCheer TriHard yeehaw don't hurt them :( thats not all 🐴 💨 Why don’t you just get a job like normal people... ur slow af eat every one of their asses @C9Sneaky Nice adc @maxviolet stop spreading misleading information, that was never confirmed by anyone from rockstar rush widepeepoSad widepeepoSad ForsenCD should've given the horse some drugs PepegaAim @maxviolet nor any of their affiliates Oddriscols are gonna fill the water just see all thag place PepegaAim in water not dirt medieval game next PogU so soow slow pepeJAM KEKW Any doc subs in chat? KEKW KEKW KEKW 💿 / LMAO PepegaAim why does this idiot keep screaming your name during a robbery??? NotLikeThis monkaHmm can you upgrade the horse aswell? Any snipinghobo subs in chat? TriHard 7 too slow KEKW OMEGALUL they are gonna chop a tree Iness_ subscribed with Twitch Prime. !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 3 minutes 24 seconds blaming the horsies D: KEKW monkaGun PepegaAim TriHard 7 SnipingH OMEGALUL b OMEGALUL TriHard Why u suck so bad at this game @xtomstarr you buy better horses; faster, stronger oh god... 8 hours... NotLikeThis NotLikeThis NotLikeThis just.... monkaGun PepegaAim horse upgrade naturally through bonding PogU you can also purchase better horses friendly fire KEKW PepegaAim just shooting some ppl down, must be fun KEKW say hello to yor new weapon Americans, ALWAYS WITH THE SHOOTER GAMES. what about the horses? see @phillyescobar i c thanks the info! @rapoller1 they follow behind what i tell is not a lie Kojima would be disappointed @Easyist oh they actually do x) monkaHmm fuck off micah XD KKona @c9sneaky gimmie your best cowboy impressions miciah 🐍 @c9sneaky give us a yeehaw sneaky or else ur gay @c9sneaky do you play this with controller oddriscols attack be careful dialogue sneakyYeehaw is pokemon done for good? :( what's the premise of this game chat? just a gang of outlaws and their life? good old times KKona i miss em KKona see howdy pardner moon2S lmao monkaW what a setup ratirlCoffee Kkona monkaS moon2SH Death Stranding 🤢 🤮 monkaW PepegaAim i am the best spoiler man in the world gun still working kekW KEKW aim is that C9 Gun??? kelpEyes @dogenood123 is your sister single? :) PepegaAim haha toss in a chew and go to town thats my kinda game is he on controller lol @gold_digger fantastic game sunlight WutFace ADC IN Red Ded? GET IT GOOD @razzfkn 🤮 na aim LUL PepegaAim can u even die in this game? yeah no dead eye core makes your gun sway so much This game has Aim Assist Doesn't it auto-fire all targets when you mark them? @C9Sneaky How do you feel about womans rights in 20xx? @C9Sneaky have u ever been in sweden? KKona front Lol I figured because it was on pc it wasn’t controller my b hee hee pc or ps4?? KKona PS5 Ps4 moon2SH MICAH PunOko !uptime not.... Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 9 minutes TriHard EZ Clap $10 PogU micah is an ass later C9SNEAKYY shoot front locker you have shoot back loot them Micah is always an ass Not as good as the patreon share. Reported to admins. BRONZE LUL bronze KEKW BR OMEGALUL NZE yes u did u had 10 Bronze gameplay KEKW u used a dead eye tonic I'm a woman, I deserve more share 😠 Now that you're bronze, come to Bron71l sneaky WITNESS ME w-wanted monkaSHAKE KEKW Wanted Sexy or alive KEKW they dont know u did it so its fine FEED THE HORSE LUL D: LMAO LUL PepoDance LULW KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 11 minutes 16 seconds RalpherZ RalpherZ LUL if you want fur listen @C9Sneaky how do u like the new pokemon game ? PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR PowerUpL OhMyDog PowerUpR can you pet the horse? go in the white point yes I just realized I won't be banned in this chat no matter how shitposty I am. That disfranchises me @C9Sneaky 😠 pepeLaugh KKona how did he know PogChamp F OMEGALUL Pepega KEKW LUL hahahha LUL LUL KEKW D: KEKW LUL ???? KEKW KEKW LIL RIP ummmm LUL KEKW > KEKW KEKW poor horse LUL lul KEKW KEKW KappaClaus poor horsey u ok? Hello my hottest favorite streamer POG LUL KEKW horse has concussion feed the horse WutFace checking the tree with face howdy fellars Poor hecarim KEKW Jumped on poor horse before it even got back up FeelsBanMan gg ez😂 pepeHands damaged horse These kids with their eyes always on phones FeelsWeirdMan Omg Sneaky, buy a new GC, your quality is so bad... i remember this LUL zzzzzzzzz monkaOMEGA ResidentSleeper piss on him KEKW Trust in god, but tie your horse ResidentSleeper zzz @thibaeus its ps4 retard Hec going for a sneaky gank boe gachiGASM Guten Tag hi all GER MaN ❓ tHatS a dOuBlE nEgAtIvE cougar Kreygasm Kreygasm monkaW boy @aperfecte oops, my bad LUL monkaMega monkaW Kreygasm boi gachiBASS the trackin' is the hardest bit arthur morgan is a legend LUL It's a TARP drive? I think I that he is gonna get you to a mine where a white panther is ALMOST gonna kill arthur or i you dont shoot quikly the panther is gonna kill you POGGERS pepeSmoke drive? monkaHmm KEKW PogChamp LULW KEKW F KEKW Drive Boyeee LOL deff not a trap LMAO KEKW LUL KEKW LULW LUL AHAHAHA ?????? KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW Pepega Clap kekw KEKW LMAO KEKW OMEGALUL LUL KEKEW LULW ? Again LUL KEKW KEKW KEKW LuL LUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL you ok> KEKW LOL KEKW KEKW KEKW PETA Pepehands Trees have become the greatest threat LUL ? MadoStab KEKW Pepega DRIVE ahahahahahahaa im dying PETA PepeHands Drive boy LUL what in the good lord even fuckin' happened? what was your point? LULW KEKW DRIVE BPY clip? monkaS time to use the cinematic camera KEKW yeah what the point boy "Drive boy- ahhhh" KEKW Lookin like an idiot in front of the hostage is not a good look bud HITS BY A TREE: 2 WHO IS WINNING IS THE TREE why don't you shut the hell up Kled !!! FeelsPumpkinMan LUL LUL LUL oh its the cave my pa KKona can you turn him into nuggies instead FeelsGoodMan to entendendo tudo Cat killer D: cougar time D: D: nidalee hunting :3 Ply4Fn subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 4 months! Love you Sneaky <3 stay classy Snow POGGERS pepeLaugh get ur monkaW ready Snow WeirdChamp ded man walkin monkaS it's a trap PepeS monkaW monkaS it's not snow gachiBASS monkaS gachiBASS BigCAT he doesnt know PepeLaugh 5Head 🍷 forsenS LIT 😂 cougar Kreygasm here it comes monkaSHAKE gachiGASM dynamite will do pepeLaugh he lacks critical information monkaW monkaS oh no this quest gives me nightmares MonkaW Is read dead on steam yet? PogChamp gachiBASS FeelsClassyMan wineTime milf cougar? that is some really ugly tunnel ForsenS sure Kappa best plan forsenS monkaX Read deed PokCroagunk splitting up KEKW Kapp forsenS ? FeelsClassyMan wineTime i c forsen bajs forsenCD Clap monkaW monkaSHAKE invade nidalee jungle hmmm monkaS I remember this part monkaX Riot's clients LUL widepeepoHappy kitty monkaW @C9Sneaky use the bow to not damage the skin Hold me chat momkaW forsen1 ! monankW as opposed to slutty cotton monkaW BONES monkaW F forsenE ? monkaW Who in their right mind goes looking for a cougar on their own in a dark cave? lets split up Pepega play dead F F F forsen1 ? PepeHands more money for you jasonrP jasonrP jasonrP monkaS monkaS PepegaAim pepeLaugh he didnt know monkaW F WTF D: "let's split up" 4Head KEKW EZ loot monkaW monkaW no money pepeLaugh ? monkaW monkaS rip cohhDrool Kippa KEKW monkaW yes yes Nid! monkaW dont shoot No hug it LUL No tickle it yes you shoot it KEKW NO YOU PET IT tame it LUL rip just smoke \?XD PepegaAim MonkaW 🥁 pepeD 🥁 BOW KEKW bow and arrow lmaoo no just die 4HEad @C9Sneaky monkaW don't you dare kill it DansGame cool music LUL LMAO lmao WutFace Rengar ganks monkaSHAKE LUL RIFLE NOT ARROW lol BOW is the best for this situation, chat. Guns will damage the fur panicking LUL fed rengar GG angry cat WutFace KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW LULW KEKW KEKW LUL LUL *2 KEKW KEKW LULW GRAB A PISTOL it's a cougar not a bitch D: kekw whattt xDDDD LUL LMAO Pepega KEKW F lol OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW olaf vs nidalee RIP asdasdasd LMAO RIP forsenCD kill rengar dead Olaf KEKW MAD KITTY KEKW KEKW fucking shoot it you Pepega KEKW LUL PepegaAim izi clap KEKW holy OLAF KEKW HAHAHAHAHA NA AD KEKW hahahhahha F F CoolCat F RENGO LUL BOW HER OMEGALUL OMEGALUL OMEGALUL Woooow F KEKW OLAF INTING F KEKW fuckin shoot it bd Pepega 👍 NICE F KEKW SEE f LMAOOO olaf keeps missing q F izi 2v1 FUKIN NIDALEE LUL NA Nid F KEKW stupid af KEKW that cat is a beast deth widepeepoHappy feed rengo wtf was that bow 2 head ik nidalee gank monkaS @C9Sneaky Maybe use a gun instead pepeLaugh NA ADC KEKW rengar>olaf must be 250 lbs of pure muscle LUL Dont kill it leave her alone ! deth KEKW its such a cute kitty i was not liying RIFLE how the fuck did that not one shot you, it one shotted me 4 times in a row KEKW NICE GAMEPLAY KRKW LULW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 20 minutes 35 seconds save holmes this time PepeHands F hit or miss i guess you aways miss huh? say my name wait was yi hes mainchamp? the hats still missing lol GUN WTF uuhhhhh sodaVeg UMM BLOW HIM UP widepeepoHappy 5heads yoo lol Kippa Kippa Kippa Kippa Kippa LUL cmonBruh are you using dynamite for light? LOL @C9Sneaky kill her with arrows or you'll damage the skin ???? i think u can also hold your hand gun KEKW CoolCat CoolCat CoolCat KEKW activate eagle vision Just pet the cat sodaSad hold your gun CREEPY Use the sawed-off if you got it HELP HIM WeirdChamp KEKW monkaX KEKW monkaW widepeepoSad again monkaW knew scripted Whatever its preseason anyway sodaChrist mind the left side! USE THE GUN yes sir gachiHYPER @Loloppe31 LUL F dont use the bow lmao behind you mokaW deja vu shoot her use ultra ball KEKW BEHIND YOU monkaW MONKAS WTF shotgun or rifle stamina LUL KEKW you picked the wrong house fool Pepega LUL Jebaited it's inside your asshole pissing his pants KEKW D: KEKW Pog In the ass solarb1EZ solarb1EZ solarb1EZ solarb1EZ solarb1EZ solarb1EZ solarb1EZ GG EZ POG varus op HHHAHSHAHAHAH GOTCHA BITCH EZ Clap PepeHands nice cores KEKW smileW oooh, this poor cute kitty miss the q but got her with the ulti WP D: sodaSmile PETA D: D: D: MMMM POG cmonBruh monkaW D: cmonBruh D: BibleThump CATTO KEKW wow skinning must be so easy KEKW CHU MEAN cmonBruh its dark in a cave with no sunlight Pepega one arrow in the ass F sadCat And i was just about to eat... HYPERBRUH KKona @C9Sneaky LOOT x's? should've blown up the cave with the dynamite earlier LUL just leave him in the ditch KEKW loot him LOOT HIM for the 80 cents Sneaky penisless idiot WutFace KKona so what/ loot the guy penisless?? PepegaHands PepeHands sodaNice Penisless monkaS solarb1Feelsbad horse just on its period hurry or it will rot Sneaky so rich he doesn't need the 80c FeelsBadMan Hes gonna wait forever PepeHands probably not white missions dont have those things @C9Sneaky its probably finish it without taking damage no :) only bc this is a quest it doesn't work like that Horseriding Simulator 2019 HANDS UP FBI really makes you think how people just died back then and you never heard anything about them afterwards how is your guy like 2 times bigger than the horse $300 bounty...that 80c is looking pretty good right now LUL listen to what the butcher says monkaX KEKW it's a mighty fine pelt son DansGame DansGame WutFace monkaW blood face Whats wrong with his face monkaX Take me hooooome monkaS DansGame why he look like that is that Annie's bf ? Kappa those glorious pixels KEEP IT that shit on its lip got some shit on its lip monkaW monkaW vitaligo War paint KEKW those days Blood he likes ketchup ate too many strawberries LUL ate her out on that time of the month !time November 30th 2019, 5:46:24 am PST GMT-08:00 Dudes testing the product that guy's life was less than 38$ @C9Sneaky you need to sleep in game so deadeye will restored fully u go to ucd? ill-gotten gains... KKona he was doing the tenderizin with the forehead Uncle Sam widepeepoHappy poor arthur hasn't slept in like a month D: jasonrCCS jasonrCCS yes o: Strawberry FeelsGoodMan go a tavern and sleep remmber 310 to yuma that shit was sick LULW KEKW LUL KEKW KEKW LUL KEKW LUL KEKW LUL FailFish LUL LUL @C9Sneaky R1 to stop KEKW D: KEKW LOL LULW LUL LUL MURDER OMEGALUL LUL KEKW Lul LOL D: LUL MURDER D: LUL KEKW LUL KEKEW LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO KEKW KEKW KEKW MURDER LUL LUL LUL lul hahaha LUL LUL LUL KEKW KEKW LOL LUL DUDE TOS LuL new bounty KEKW KEKW D: WTF HotPokket did you just killed the lady LUL Ya killed her Lmaooo LUL NICE BOUNTY PAID OFF KEKW The brain damage has literally transferred from the game to sneaky used horse to kill her lmao sodaVeg better pick fast @C9Sneaky KEKW clumsy clarence KEKW You fucking smacked her head into the pan KEKW not fast travel my emersion! BibleThump Horse is now an accessory to murder LUL Wanted ARTHUR MORGAN LUL LUL coppers coming monkaS I thought he already beat this once Where is your hat forsen1 👀 cmonBruh He doesn't know pepeLaugh monkaW hes watching POG chapter 3 When did you start streaming this game mr Streamer ? KKona oh ye Kappa she crawled under the horse sir not my fault more of them ill-gotten gains Mr. Sneaky are you C9Sneakyy Thanks mister KKona Wew @dogenood123 not anymore FeelsWeirdMan ;( go to gunstore in rhodes please @C9Sneaky @dogenood123 not a sneaky anymore Kappa but why ? just look around Kappa sodaNO Jebaited ok side of house @c9sneaky something interesting can be seen ye hell buy ur guns he will sneakyYeehaw @coppermax1 dont spoil it :) look at side of house mb sneakyYeehaw Kappa KKona sodaC Sneaky PogChamp mangoDanger mangoDanger look at side of house ma man KKona Clap Sneaky go autside of the building and go this side Squid4 monkaW there's a minor in his basement get those guns real quick KKona KEKW LULW monkaW gimp don't look monkaW PepeS PepeHands gachiHYPER monkaX gachiHYPER pet the pupper He’s in cosplay Kappa Help him snacky PepeHands What the actual fuck hellooooo Sex slave KEKW gachiBASS pet the doggo gachiHYPER SLAVE Ohh bro this mission is insain gachiHYPER Georgie there? WutFace ? Its actually Sneaky cosplying in the basement LUL SEX SLAVE LUL see when you get in there grab the weapon in the place cosplaying ?! That mission gives you a nice weapon! cosplaying gone wrong KappaPride KappaPride point him with a gun you can save furries ay' boy dont look to chat everyone gives spoiler @C9Sneaky PepeS spooky i can't judge boy didnt put on mask on NotLikeThis fackin slaves gachiHYPER monkaW KEKW AYAYA gachiHYPER sneaky KEKW can you say *thanks* because i have been saying things of the game that is true the dungeon monksW Sneaky KEKW monkaW KEKW sneaky cosplay LUL Isn't that one of your cosplays lmao Sissy boy KEKW gachiHYPER sneaky haircut LUL shoot the chain !uptime SadChamp Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 33 minutes 43 seconds gachiHYPER sex slave gachiHYPER gachiHYPER LUL i remember when sneaky wore that KEKW actually Sneaky LUL gachiHYPER HYPERCLAP awww <3 true love ? gachiBASS alll i got KEKW SAILOR MOON LEAVE THE BOY WITH HIM LUL KEKW wait sneaky has the exact same clothes doesn't he LUL then see this side Squid1 KEKW gachiHYPER gachiHYPER bad boy LOL i refer left LUL kill them both rooD Let em have their fun. boys jus bein boys D: his outfit is the same one you wore first time you cross dressed i see nothing wrong here gachiHYPER Wtfwtfwtf kill the fake father shoot the chain in his foot kill them both Pepega blind as fuck i love u sneaky see left widepeepoSad Pog nice loot yoink the gun PepeHands PepeHands widepeepoSad finish him oddoneVillain widepeepoSad PepeHands Sammy see and i have a question widepeepoSad widepeepoSad tie him back up widepeepoSad Oh noes PepeHands widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump widepeepoSad widepeepoSad D: widepeepoHappy deep PepeHands kill them FeelsBadMan take his place. like a good boy kill him widepeepoHappy xqcHug PepegaHands whoa shot him in the back SeemsGood kill that guy SwiftRage he killed his kid widepeepoSad kill them both widepeepoHappy my boy PepegaHands sneaky just casually inspecting and yoinking a gun while this emotional scene plays in the background KEKW widepeepoSad BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump PepeHands end his missery :) BibleThump YOU widepeepoSad he lying... he's a pedo PEDO there 8s a loot box in the Squid4 of the gun jasonrBCry jasonrBCry jasonrBCry its sneaky LUL likely story PepoThink KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride what feelings party did I walk in on kill them both widepeepoHappy coconut head BabyRage kill him HYPERS sick fuck wanted to make his real son a sex slave DansGame LUL End his misery :) shacke him to the bed gachiHYPER SHOOT HIM Put him out of his misery PepeHands THANKS FOR THE GUN BITVH gachiHYPER sneakyMonte sneakyMonte sneakyMonte PepegaHands see there is a loot box in there LUL Justice served LUL now run Now rob him Do Sneaky have boyfriend or are you Single?? next give him some Sneaky cosplay to see TriHard :o KEKW @dedu93 girlfriend. WORST ENDING KEKW you are welcome @C9Sneaky KEKW if they see you they are gonna go WANTED IN YOU what.. nooo take ammo??? better job than fbi oh @dedu93 sneaky has hot lesbian gf I need gamer boyfriend is this on pc? PowerUpL :( PowerUpR KKona Okayga Who steals money KEKW you took his b*tch and his money D: are you playing on PS4 @TenzinLoL ps4 sneakyYeehaw raises honor saving the boy the lowers honor robbing the store and robbed him u also saved a lady with ur horse Kappa you should've chained him instead ANELE ANELE ANELE @thibaeus ty WutFace the worlds remains in perfect balance PepeS wtf monkaS ANELEE I DON'T NEED A WARRANT sneakyYeehaw I AM THE LAW monkaMega monkaW @hotdogss VisLaud monkaW Is this on steam yet sodaSad @Unsleeping_ VisLaud @TehFluffehCake FeelsOkayMan monkaW monkaW why are you gay FeelsOkayMan PepegaAim 20???? you stole the whole 28 mister! LOMEYNE RAIDERS KKona say bye to the world lemony hunters or you xqcWar dual wield the way he wastes his dead eye NotLikeThis like a badass Get behind a ROCK TreeHard jerk them off peepoPog drink estus fuck a heal KEKW bandits? or why are they attacking? na adc KEKW Sheriff Caitlynn Cosplay when? @C9Sneaky @C9Sneaky clear your weapons @Fulgorio_ this guy dark souls didn't know he started playing RDR2 again Pog SHERIFF CAIT COSPLAY pepeL horse stimulant Kreygasm because they want *pasta*(money) @C9Sneaky Thank him for the sub PogChamp how far long is snacky in the game? You can pat your horse to get more chimestry with him.. Just press R3 while riding. pepeL hey mister what are you doing there by them sleeping people STILL WARM gachiBASS 1/4 !upti.e do you change your ammo? Missed one PepeHands use cigarette or cigar LUL !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 40 minutes Jebaited good girl L3 as it seems Kappa widepeepoHappy good girl gachiHYPER KEKW @Cyanirde chapter 3 out of 8 about a 3rd of the way through hi snacky @TehFluffehCake peepoArrive ayye thats a good boooy pepeSmoke Chimistrey sodaVeg gud hoarsey so badass PogChamp @smalllilderp peepoArrive @UnNameless omg thank you so much <3 GET DRUNK SNEAKY! GET DRUNK graves simulator any poki subs ? peepoArrive just another day killed 20 people and freed sailorkid KKona sure not in the game but IRL right @Chudz1k Kappa LUL Abigail DansGame Dutch with the plans KEKW is dis steam !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 41 minutes 40 seconds D: peepoLeave gachiBASS please sleep some upgrade for the camp? Dutch hearing everything KEKW you have to take cigs sleep to restore deadeye because arthur hasnt slept in weeks please sleep pepeSmoke !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 42 minutes 12 seconds dead eye doesnt naturally recover Sweepy and yeah, Arthur needs sleep too u can use snake oil the core increase ur accuracy but sleep will do it too you only fill it back up by getting kills with out using dead shout Arthur needs ZZZZ otherwise ur weapon sways like a motherfucker MOONSHINE peepoArrive meter goes up for kills outside deadeye headshots especially John martson PogU headshots give a little bit of deadeye @UnNameless just like my monster dong FeelsOkayMan dont drive into trees with that one KEKW we fucked them once. PogYou TehFluffehCake Okayga wait are the Braithwaite's the one with the locked up woman in the backyard or smth lol romeo and juliet FeelsGoodMan KKool GuitarTime hey ye Cyanirde MaN this game is so peepoBlonket HotPokket hii chat SMOrc !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 8 hours 45 minutes Dang woww chat it's 1am 1st of december here you know what that means FeelsOkayMan massacre dem faster make him fall off Kappa 2 hours for me AYAYAWeird wot u want you are going to hate braithwaiths @TehFluffehCake way ahead of you gachiBASS !keyboard Fuck the road, destroy her garden KEKW @tehfluffehcake a fellow family :o @TehFluffehCake merry christmas This isn't Pokemon DansGame @UnNameless gachiBASS Catherine monkaX @Cyanirde merry christmas monkaSHAKE monkaMega @Eszie Jebaited mods monkaMega KEKW Hosea LUL PepeS @ToughFluffs fluffy VisLaud !MOUSE PepeS 🔫 Pog !mouse PepeSmile EZ Business Big pog peepoPog FREE peepoPog ok boomer eszieWow cbcPew sneakyYeehaw @C9Sneaky how are you not tried? STREAMER MONEY POGGERS tired* sodaNO mr gray Kappa KEKW this part is great OH MOMMA Kreygasm she cute fuks cribbage it's free because of black friday feals peepoPog gachiBASS WHIP ME just drink it yourself XD it's an old board. game that moonshine's fucked aint it deals* pepeL Black friday liquor Pog business MaldChamp It’s like league of legends SadChamp card game with board to keep score monkaW is this game after lincoln? i see no slave pepeL @nosa_lol cmonBruh @nosa_lol 1899 TREES monkaW pepeL Clap my gf just left me god dammit SadChamp inserting @adcnevergonnadie PepeHands D: trees, sneaky's one weakness SillyChamp Doesn't want to cosplay LuL LULW @nosa_lol accurately true @adcnevergonnadie feelsbad :(((( Slaves coming in dlc ??? @adcnevergonnadie get a boyfriend FeelsOkayMan KEKW KEKW sneaky practicing his "asian woman" cosplay, needs practice, didnt hit the tree @adcnevergonnadie :( it'll get better FeelsBadMan crack Kreygasm LUL heyimClown heyimClown heyimClown Pepega Pog forsenCD 2019 car FeelsLitMan andyFine @adcnevergonnadie you got twitch chat @adcnevergonnadie i've reported her to santa and she is officially on the naughty list FeelsOkayMan lmao @UnNameless thanks for idea FeelsOkayMan oo gay kill da feminist in this game HotPokket @TehFluffehCake She's been very naughty for me Kreygasm @TehFluffehCake thx man , that s great to hear FeelsOkayMan Fenton KEKW When did sneaky start streaming this game chat ? lean ur lip forward Couple days ago LCS IS OVERRATED! @Diffindo true PepeHands LUL Pepega KEKW\ LUL D: @adcnevergonnadie FeelsOkayMan KEKW Pepega sodaLaugh #ADS OMEGALUL PepeLaugh 👉 Pepega @verra_ he started last year around this time, but picked it back up a couple days ago adblock broken PepeS LENNAH? PepeS pepeDance pepeJAMMER pepeD @UnNameless Thank you ! PepegaShake pepeDance PepePls PepegaShake pepeDance Guys is he playing this on console? guess I'll back track to his previous streams to see the other gameplay PepegaShake KKona Yes Rag Time KKonaW free peepoPog Pog PogU NA SO FREE LULW KKona BUILD THE WALL KKona goddamn free monkaW ? 30 minutes of being wasted LUL monkaMega Free drinks gachiGASM Free drinks gachiGASM Free drinks gachiGASM Free drinks gachiGASM KKonaW God Bless our Veterans KKonaW pepeDance build the f wall KKona pepeD KEKW KKona AMEN, heres to ya, cheers brotha pepeD HAHA transparent shots forsenCD NotSoEZ wineTime pepeD HELL YEAH pepeD HAHAHAAHAHAH TWO SHOTS OF VODKA KKona THATS THE STUFF Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺 sneaky pour me one as well KKool KEKW That's moonshine that stuff is 2 small shots POURING SIMULATOR THESE MEN ARE DRY KKool my jam drinks with the boys at the pub after toil pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD KEKW KKona KKool right here right now I put the offer out me? peepoPog NO D: hell yeah Pog LIQUOR IS BAD D: now hump them FeelsLitMan wineTime PogYou @hotdogss peepoArrive go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD two shots of vodka pog !live Pass the moonshine brother KKool oh no Pour me one here partner sneakyYeehaw @adcnevergonnadie Okayga make some cocktail Kreygasm PepeS hey slow down getting crazy go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD go fenton go pepeD PepegaShake lol Where’s mine? :) Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺Free drinks gachiGASM 🍺 PepegaPls forsenCD which one KEKW PepeS YOU'VE HAD ONE TOO MANY OMEGALUL another one KKona KEKW forsenCD Clap NEVER CAME BACK PepeHands Thats like me yesterday, bed bound today.. jisses KKona Clap forsenCD my wife is going to hate my other wife Keep em' coming KKona monkaW monkaSHAKE gachiW hit the G spot monkaOMEGA PepeS ? monkaS POPOS KKona 🍺 THATS THE STUFF monkaSHAKE Alcohol Poisoning coming soon KKona Clap D: horsea? VisLaud fuk them Lemoyne Raiders 4Weird stop drink now 4Weird stop drink now 4Weird stop drink now !followage sumSmash SeeThePlay has been following C9Sneaky for 2 years, 7 months, 4 weeks aye Fuck the popo cmonBruh EZ Clap FOUR PepegaAim sumSmash don't much my fucking liquor ADC POGGERS sodaNO Pog ITS HIGH NOON HIGH NOON Pog Pog PogU all that jhin practice paying off PepegaAim adc Pog wut du fuk eat some snake oil snacky PepegaAim Pog mechanics PepegaAim PepegaAim monkaGun got ya build mr Pog PepegaAim PepegaShake PepegaAim PepegaAim wineTime PepegaAim PepegaPls @C9Sneaky have you considered going pro in csgo? hight noon MORGAN PepegaAim 4HEad build crit chance Pog PepegaAim 🥃 PepegaAim art thur elp! ARTHUR DO SOMETHING PepeHands he had a family PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER PepegaAim FASTER what if you shot hosea? adc mechanics Pog PepegaAim more pepeLaugh OMEGALUL KEKW ow gachiBASS PepegaPls KEKW KEKW KEKW unnng PepegaAim KEKW KEKW KEKW rip fenton PepeHands LULW LUL Facetanking LUL GachiBASS Kekw KEKW ADC KEKW d e d adc mechanics LUL ambushed KEKW you heed your last haw NA ADC LUL dead monkaW PepegaAim Blaming support KEKW Senaky rambo LUL kite him bro KEKW forsenCD chill unarmed KNEW i guess he aint armed lmao adc you say NA map awareness lul ADC PepegaAim FOUR !TIME November 30th 2019, 6:14:59 am PST GMT-08:00 the hat LUL FOUR PepegaAim don't waste your dead eye ;-; dont think colorblind moderly helps might as well keep it off in my opinion WAIT we shittin? peepoArrive adc btw moon2M CARECA EZ monkaGun adc gameplay PepegaAim C9 ADC EZ smurfing LUL moon2COOM NA lucian AUTOAIM POG OOF @C9Sneaky Drink for your health pog missed cannon you almost killed your support dude W OMEGALUL A H PepegaAim PepegaAim gachiHYPER PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim PepegaAim 🥃 MAIN ADC BTW LUL damn gachiHYPER ahh PepegaAim PepegaAim 🥃PepegaAim 🥃PepegaAim 🥃 PepegaAim here we go FENTOOOOON PepegaAim says Fenton now but was screaming Arthur inside the bar lmao PogU boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi sneakyBoost boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi boxHi m PUT A DIP IN KKool PepegaAim oof AIM ASSIST KEKW just shoot them OMEGALUL 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim KEKW KEKW KEKW PepegaAim 🏇 gachiW OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW Your HP sniped loooooool LULW LUL Fenton died PepeHands SNIPED KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW KEKW WEEEEE DEF Weirdga PauseChamp eat or take cigs whilst not aiming or shooting fucking grilled CLAPPED KEKW gachiBASS PauseChamp Actually sniped LUL F KEKW dual weild you peppega @dedu93 Check your dms D E A D DIDNT WATCH YOUR BACK OMEGALUL NICE SPACING KEKW KEKW EXCUSE Fenton dual wield Pog Health pots sneaky you need a lil skoal when yer shootin Dead PepegaShake PepegaShake PepegaAim Make sure to eat tho for the health core 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim 🐴 PepegaAim MaN when did he add pausechamp pepeL Pog Pog Pog PogU pepeL AHHH shoot the lanterns so they burn gachiBASS AHHHH PepegaAim 🏇 pog PauseChamp FeelsWeirdMan KOREAN KITE don't let the horsey die PepeHands DUAL WEILD @c9sneaky never heal KEKW PepeS train PepoThink PogU BLAME SUPPORT EZ first try what a great shot! HYPERS EZ Pog jungle diff run a train on em EZ EZ Clap PogU Pog akimbo Pog PepegaAim PepegaAim @C9Sneaky Use sword and shield biiuu dual wield rifles snacky noy healing up is giving me anxiety lol PepegaAim KKona fenton PepegaAim *not PepegaAim Hi I suck at shooting how can I get good at it? KEKW chat rate my waifu Ikr @cyanirde PepegaAim Still going stron Sneaks @jeannieangel1992 you're either born american or not KEk LUL strong* #AD OMEGALUL @jeannieangel1992 Just get better Kappa @jeannieangel1992 practice, start with lower mouse sens, only shoot if you know for sure it's going to hit, etc... u can find guides on yt Fellers LUL KKonaW more money KKona OkayChamp sneakyYeehaw Paid actor FeelsWeirdMan i OkayChamp sneakyYeehaw whoever wrote this is a genius LUL i love getting shot at in a hourse carriage LUL great pepeL sneakyYeehaw sneakyYeehaw D: KEKW DEGENS sneaky end stream, I'm through watching peepoLeave PepegaAim im a degen FeelsGoodMAn KKona im a degen FeelsGoodMan KKona Clap @PlatanoHD KKona I have carpal tunnel syndrom so my hands have pain and numbness. I like this game but can't shoot for beans. I am a good shot at Horizon Zero Dawn, but why is it so hard for this game?? I hate it. R OMEGALUL ME OMEGALUL monkaW KKona Clap 5 HEAD 5Head Of course Clap KKona HYPERCLAP calls him inbread how r000d go back to blackwater Kappa Micah monkaW KKona I am born and raised in NYC. So I am an American. eeew dont touch me KKona hell yeah 5Head 5HEAD 5Head PogU 1800s ed edd n eddy daddy? gachiBASS daddy mah daddy my daddy Kreygasm gachiGASM gachiBASS Dutch good voice actor 😳 yeah fisting everything about money Revenge for his daddy KEKW Santa of course KEKW KEKW peepoPog OMEGALUL PogU Pog Bronze LUL peepoPog PogU At least not Iron KEKW BrONZIL kekW Bronze B R OMEGALUL N Z E BR OMEGALUL NZE ADC main bronze congrats on bronze man ... u deserve it im proud of u bronze haha lol bronze haha B R PogYou N Z E Sneaky rank just die for silver 4Head BR3TZN subscribed with Twitch Prime. widepeepoSad HYPERBRUH ? cmonBruh cmonBruh if you die it counts as a health item anyways PepeHands WTF widepeepoSad ;-; what widepeepoSad STOP cmonBruh widepeepoSad don't tell him where it is so he doesn't stop stream FeelsGoodMan he said black forsenJoy peepoWTF blackjack is only in some towns PENIS widepeepoSad just like my dad widepeepoSad sandy knee pepeLaugh i c forsen bajs forsenCD Clap pepeLaugh forsenCD forsenHead ah shit here we go again cmonBruh !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 3 minutes 22 seconds PepeHands PepeLaugh don't tell him @c9sneaky it’s spelled deni forsenE ❗ yooo does he upload rdr2 gameplay on youtube? its in the saloon pepeLaugh oh nononono He doesn't know pepeLaugh the blackjack tables poke her 😂 pepeLaugh frozen bags melting LUL Shichabe subscribed with Twitch Prime. They've subscribed for 3 months, currently on a 1 month streak! pepeLaugh Jebaited chat don't tell him mehehehe Who Snitched cmonBruh Financial Board Meeting yeah whats a saloon with no poker cmonBruh snitch in the chat gachiBASS gachiBASS @hamzadesigns My TriHard horsey? PepeS @Thomasbrejner chu mean cmonBruh @chat FeelsOkayMan 👉 👌 ❓ widepeepoHappy brush and clean your horse every once in a while @Rastabraum gachiBASS Yes @hamzadesigns ur my TriHard trees monkaW easy booooy OhMyDog ❗ the trees are whispering monkaS MaN feed your horse you fook monkaX @C9Sneaky im malding gachiBASS horse noise monkaW @Thomasbrejner ma homie TriHard PepegaPls MaldChamp MaldChamp gachiW MaldChamp how's dreamhack MALDING KEKW MaldChamp i shaved my head !zeroo MaldChamp poor horse slow down brooo MaldChamp DELETE THIS FeelsWeirdMan 👉 AYAYAWeird MaldChamp MaldChamp call_me_baldy @C9Sneaky pepeLaugh AYAYAY Oh my God Zero pepeLaugh QUESTION MARJ AYAYAWeird @hamzadesigns WideHard AYAYA WTF @C9Sneaky go find the araibian hourse @Call_me_Zeroo I think it looks good AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird Trying to delete AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird MaldChamp AYAYAWeird MaldChamp you're balding and malding MaldChamp hi AYAYAWeird AYAYAWeird ban him hasMald that feel when you finally catch a sneaky stream live as an east coaster BALDING AND MALDING stranger mission snacky AYAYAWeird Clap Call_me_Zeroo r u at dreamhack AYAYAWeird 👉 FeelsWeirdMan AYAYAWeird Clap i started balding at 20 years old now im 22 in a week SadChamp MaldChamp 👍 gummiman134 subscribed with Twitch Prime. nah platano gl on allstars henry ill be in sweden in feb wait til morning at the general store monkaW monkaW monkaMega monkaW RAPED monkaMega monkaS monkaX monkaSHAKE AYAYAWeird imagine not being a forsen baj monkaMega monkaS PepeS hero sneaky Malding Gang monkaX monkaW HELP HER PepeS KKona monkaMega it's in the horse saddle probs PepeS HandsUp EBOLA PepeS LULW sumSmash !time November 30th 2019, 6:27:59 am PST GMT-08:00 lol sumSmash BOY GET'EM SNACKERS sumSmash heyimP sumSmash YOU DONT TOUCH MY HAT gachiHYPER She was doing the job gachiW sumSmash xqcRage gachiBASS rekt @C9Sneaky u should sleep so it can open wait d-d-death? PepeS K O drag him over the fire peepoPog DED sumSmash protecc waman LULW @C9Sneaky did you upgrade mic or something you sound a lot better LULW drag him over the fire peepoPog peepoPog LULW LUL u saved a woman's life ok LUL KEKW WideHard wtf stole his can of chew too world's first cremation peepoPog where'd the question mark go ;-; fell off stairs Eat some food! PauseChamp is he dead? WideHard not worth WutFace bright that's good TRY IT FeelsGoodMan Clap find the girl and ask her for a reward FeelsClassyMan also you made me lose NNN by posting that cosplay ty dude nerfing scream DansGame scream test gachiGASM scream loud into mic FeelsGoodMan Clap scream loud into mic FeelsGoodMan Clap cmonBruh ? eat some food LULW go eat something omg your hp OMEGALUL KEKW KEKW !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 8 minutes 58 seconds it's locked 4Head Jebaited Pepega You should eat sneaky, get your health core back up @C9Sneaky campfire Yes please eat Pepega PepeS cmonBruh cmonBruh i think thats the backdoor sneaky cmonBruh cmonBruh ??? monkaMega lacS oh no hahaa cmonBruh cmonBruh why u asking him punch him OMEGALUL cmonBruh A Canadian! lacBruh LOLOLOLOLLLOL 2019 cmonBruh twitter irl SadChamp OMEGALUL widepeepoSad cmonBruh that 2019 Feelsbadman WideHard wagon widepeepoSad HYPERCLAP cmonBruh HYPERBRUH widepeepoSad Because his, you know cmonBruh HYPERBRUH HOLE UP cmonBruh HYPERBRUH cmonBruh cmonBruh Clap cmonBruh HOL UP HOL UP 5Head arthur OkayChamp monkaMega what that's not nice WeirdChamp PepeS castration monkaW throwing off a cliff castration cutting dick off TriHard stranger 3 hhh usually it means removing windows profanation of graves defensestration is getting thrown out a window @C9Sneaky PogU Pog castration WutFace Stranger III PogU pepeLaugh mhm lets kick their asses NotSoEZ PogU oh wait no castration removal of balls not dick GOOD GUY PogU whiteknight Pog save the day sneaky sneakyH LETS FUCK'EM UP xqcS you can hit the window defenestration means to throw out a window Mess em up Sneaks!! GOOD GUY ARTHUR Pog never :) find the wagon or racist @C9Sneaky gamble addict D: D: dude eat something bro. get your health cores filled Pepega lmao KEKW @C9Sneaky i told them to stay closed so you have to stream FeelsGoodMan sometime after 5 D: D: D: god Arthur is such a great protagonist D: D: excuse me D: aye shtoopid !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 11 minutes 37 seconds go eat something so you won't die instantly ;-; PepegaHands Helping a good guy FeelsGreatMan murder him FeelsOkayMan @1313ELT LUL that's really far another quest widepeepoHappy @C9Sneaky you have to do it pepeLaugh AYE STOOPID GET OUT DA WAY end him FeelsOkayMan daddy u still awake !time November 30th 2019, 6:32:40 am PST GMT-08:00 D: too close to town bro level ground don't think you can set up camp whilst in mission top left Flat ground You're in town's boundary it says top left drink some hair tunic for a fabulous beard ur 100 feet away from town can't read SadChamp not gonna let you camp SadChamp you can't use weapons on rhodes campfire on the street POGGERS PepeHands PepeHands find wagon or racist 😡 ResidentSleeper wtf FeelsLitMan cmonBruh your pressing L1 to use right? PepeHands dont let ur dreams me memes @C9Sneaky you can hit the window HYPERBRUH WHAT? find wagon or racist 😡 cmonBruh PepeHands cmonBruh cant end stream widepeepoHappy RDR2 doesn't wanna let you stop stream hehe no gambling PepeHands PepeHands Why play poker when you can flat out steal? @C9Sneaky i read on reddit you're quitting league and becoming a speedrunner instead can you confirm what jack cmonBruh he said black forsenJoy !uptime Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 13 minutes 43 seconds Pog im pretty sure you can wait for the saloon to open up, but you were at the backdoor 😡 jack what cmonBruh 32% LUL find wagon or racist 😡 pokemon speedrun POGGERS HELP HIM HYPERBRUH 5 hours sneakyYeehaw find wagon or racist 😡 2 hours 2 12 hours its 2 days 3 hours or 43 for you peepoPog LUL help him cmonBruh its 100% long :) rockstar games are always long 5 min at max it was a 40 hour game HELP HIM HYPERBRUH about 20 min give or take Sneaky Sorry to ask but are you done with LCS? your my fav adc and c9 was my fav team cause of you 😡 PogU 70 hours NO PepeHands !time November 30th 2019, 6:35:06 am PST GMT-08:00 SadChamp gta 4 had an achievement if you finished the game under 25 hours lmao widepeepoSad tomorrow PepeHands PepeHands cmonBruh wtf cmonBruh bye :) !uptime 20 MINS WITH 40 HRS OF SIDE QUESTS Sneaky has been live for : 9 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds @C9Sneaky raid someone PogU YOU SAID END STREAM AFTER BLACKJACK PepeHands PepeHands ANYWAYS sneaky racist confirmed 😡 FIND WAGON OR RACIST cmonBruh gn but i just got here widepeepoSad BibleThump PepegaHands Preety damm long and gets only longer with the side missions cmonBruh raid someone PogU wow racist :( DIDNT PLAY BLACKJACK LIAR cmonBruh find wagon or racist cmonBruh BibleThump sametime? @C9Sneaky there's a charity speedrunning event can u raid it PepeHands anyways <3 gn anthony lied to our face widepeepoSad lied to our face widepeepoSad ye bud See yah we always enjoy Bye Find wagon or else Bad ending pepeHands see you tomorrow snacky <3 bye bud cxsnowBob find wagon or racist cmonBruh racist HYPERBRUH bye Just joined again. Rip love you bud lied to our face widepeepoSad lied to our face widepeepoSad lied to our face widepeepoSad Bye Sneaky widepeepoSad <3 goodnight SadChamp Night Snackers sneakyFeels btmcLuv btmcLuv btmcLuv SadChamp bye Later sexy <3 bye sneaky FeelsOkayMan bye SadChamp peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave bye Was watching earlier tonight <3 goodnight! goodnight FeelsGoodMan Clap nights goodnight gooodnight chat FeelsGoodMan <3 peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave peepoLeave pepoLeaving it took me 118 hours to 100% the game see you tomorrow SadChamp i love u sneaky byee