Benthonellania agastachys Bouchet & Warén, 1993

( Fig. 8 A-D)



Hernández et al. (2011) reported Benthonellania oligostigma Bouchet & Warén, 1993 from the Canaries, and illustrated a specimen (from the private collection of Winfried Engl, Germany) collected in 330 m depth off Fuerteventura. However B. oligostigma, originally described from off Madeira in 990 m depth, has a much more conical, not cyrtoconoid spire, has about half as many axial ribs as the species found in the Canaries, does not have a thickened outer lip and has a much more blurry spiral sculpture. Conversely, both our specimens and that illustrated by Hernández et al. adjust to Benthonellania agastachys, described from a single juvenile specimen collected in 500 m between Fuerteventura and Cape Juby, Morocco (actually in Moroccan waters but very close to the divide). Benthonellania agastachys was abundant in DW130 and a fully adult shell, with well-developed outer lip, is here figured.