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Published March 22, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Generalized Neutrosophic Separation Axioms in Neutrosophic Soft Topological Spaces


The idea of neutrosophic set was oated by Smarandache by considering a truth membership, an indeterminacy membership and a falsehood or falsity membership functions. The engagement between neutrosophic set and soft set was done by Maji. More over it was used eectively to model uncertainty in dierent areas of application, such as control, reasoning, pattern recognition and computer vision. The rst aim of this paper leaks out the notion of neutrosophic soft p-open set,neutrosophic soft p-closed sets and their important characteristics. Also the notion of neutrosophic soft p-neighborhood and neutrosophic soft p-separation axioms in neutrosophic soft topological spaces are developed. Important results are examed marrying to these newly dened notion relative to soft points. The notion of neutrosophic soft p-separation axioms of neutrosophic soft topological spaces is diused in dierent results concerning soft points. Furthermore, properties of neutrosophic soft -Pi-space (i = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4) and linkage between them is built up.



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