Neurolyga venusta (Mamaev & Rozhnova)

Described originally from the Russian Far East, N. venusta was recently recorded from Europe based on a series of three males collected in the Republic of Karelia ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2009: 138 f.). Here we document the occurrence of this species even farther west, in central Sweden. Our specimens, again three males captured together by one and the same Malaise trap, represent the third finding of this species within nearly 30 years.

Material examined. Sweden: 3 males, Uppland, Uppsala, Ekdalen NR, young broadleaf forest with old oak trees, 9–26 May 2005, MT, SMTP (trap 27, collecting event 1700) (spn. CEC 2681 in SDEI, spns CEC2682 – CEC 2683 in NHRS).