Aprionus mossbergi sp. nov.

Figs 5–7

Diagnosis. Male genitalic characters to distinguish A. mossbergi from other Aprionus are as follows. The tegmen, which is broadest on the apical half, has 5–6 pairs of large fingerlike processes with slightly intersecting apices; these, together with numerous much smaller processes in their periphery, are dorsomedially oriented ( Fig. 5, ↓ 1). The subanal plate, whose outline resembles a V, has a nearly complete sclerotized border ( Fig. 6, ↓ 2), while the central portions may have several tiny, bright spots, possibly holes. The slender gonostylus with slightly convex base ( Fig. 5, ↓ 3) is dorsoposteriorly oriented; its apex is equipped with a fingernail-like tooth. The safest way to distinguish species of the spiniger group from each other is by means of the subanal plate. In this respect A. mossbergi closely resembles A. karsios Jaschhof, a species occurring in Sweden and Russian Karelia, but the outline of the subanal plate there is a X rather than a V ( Jaschhof & Jaschhof 2009: fig. 101D). Females and preimaginal stages of A. mossbergi are unknown.

Other male characters. Body size 1.2–1.3 mm. Head. Eye bridge 3–4 ommatidia long dorsally. A single row of 8–10 postocular bristles. Neck of fourth flagellomere slightly shorter than node; translucent sensilla usually simply hair-shaped, occasionally thicker (narrow leaf-shaped) and / or two-pointed ( Fig. 7). Palpus with a variably 3 or 4 segments, with both conditions found in the holotype. Wing. R 1 twice as long as Rs. Legs. Claws sickle-shaped, about 2 fine teeth on basal half. Empodia vestigial. Genitalia ( Fig. 5). Ninth tergite short; anterior edge sharply contoured but not reinforced; posterior edge broadly rounded to truncated. Gonocoxal apodemes long with broad posterior portions; dorsal transverse bridge tapered towards the rounded apex, occasionally with strongly sclerotized median. Gonostylus with 2 bristles subapicomedially.

Etymology. In naming this species after Bo Mossberg, we honor Sweden’s outstanding, incredibly productive nature illustrator. His oeuvre, recorded in a number of successful books including Nordens flora, has fascinated and inspired generations of nature and art lovers in Sweden and abroad.

Type material. Holotype. Male, Sweden, Öland, Borgholm, Norra Bäck, backyard with diverse flora including woody plants, 1 June–4 August 2018, Malaise trap, M. & C. Jaschhof (spn. CEC 2702 in NHRS). Paratypes. 1 male, Öland, Borgholm, Rönnerum-Abbantorp NR, small scrubby mire surrounded by broadleaf forest, 17 June–15 July 2015, MT, MCJ (spn. CEC 2703 in SDEI); 1 male, Öland, Mörbylånga, Ullevi, herb-rich meadow next to broadleaf forest, 10 May–1 June 2016, MT, MCJ (spn. CEC 2704 in SDEI).

Other material examined. Sweden: 2 males, Skåne, Höganäs, Kullaberg NR, near Hjortstugan and Ransvik, oak forest, 27 June–30 July 2005, MT, SMTP (trap 1004, collecting event 1797) (spns CEC2705 – CEC 2706 in NHRS); 1 male, Skåne, Malmö, Limhamns kalkbrott, 31 August–16 September 2009, MT, B.W. Svensson (spn. CEC 2926 in SDEI).