Nopsma new genus

Type species: Nopsma juchuy ( Dupérré, 2014)

Other species included. Nopsma enriquei n. sp., N. armandoi n. sp. and N. florencia n. sp.

Etymology. The generic name is the equivalent in Latin to the expression “there’s no Nops ”, analogously constructed as the negative substantives usually employed in the language Ocaina, Witoto linguistic family, still spoken in Peruvian and Colombian Amazonia. Gender neutral.

Diagnosis. Members of Nopsma n. gen. can be distinguished from non-nopine genera by having subsegmented tarsi ( Figs 12K; 13 F–G) and from other two-eyed nopinae, except Nyetnops, by the absence of crista and arolium on anterior metatarsi ( Fig. 13A); they differ from Nyetnops by the presence of a gladius and by the shape of endites, without projected outer sides on anterior margin ( Figs 12E; 15G; 17E; 19F); whereas in Nyetnops the endites anterior margin are round and slightly projected ( Figs 1F; 2 I–J; 19D). In addition, males of Nopsma are distinguished from Nyetnops by the globose tegulum with elongated, prolaterally protruded embolus ( Figs 11 B–C; 15B–D; 17B– C, 18B–C). Females are presently known from a single species, but the straight proximal margin of receptaculum ( Fig. 16J) may be diagnostic, since in Nyetnops the proximal margin is slightly concave on both known species ( Fig. 10 A–B. Also in the Nopsma female the sclerotization around spiracles reach the anterior side of anterior spiracles ( Fig. 16J), a feature absent in both species of Nyetnops known by females.

Description. Small caponiids with only two eyes ( Figs 11A; 15A, F, H; 17A; 18A). Carapace orange-brown with weak to remarkable pattern, broadly oval, almost sub-circular, widest at front of coxa II, anteriorly narrowed to less than half its maximum width ( Fig. 15F). Pars cephalica flattened behind ocular area; pars thoracica strong sloping posteriorly ( Fig. 12A); without submarginal depressions opposite intercoxal spaces; thoracic groove almost obsolete or absent. Anterior median eyes dark, situated on slightly elevated black tubercle, separated by about a half of its diameter, set back from anterior margin of clypeus by about twice their diameter ( Fig. 12 B–C). Chelicerae pale brown, with median lamina; most of distance between lamina and fang base occupied by white membranous lobe ( Fig. 12 H–I); cheliceral paturon with scattered, long, weak bristles; ectal side with stridulatory ridges ( Fig. 12J). Endites pale orange except for anterior tips, with a white membranous projection, wide, without projected outer sides on anterior margin ( Fig. 19F), convergent along midline, but not touching ( Figs 12E; 15G; 17E; 18E), covered with scattered long setae, and with strong distal serrula consisting of single tooth row ( Fig. 12 F–G). Labium pale orange, slightly pentagonal, with broad base, fused to sternum along posterior groove ( Figs 11F; 15G; 17E; 18E), reborded in apical part ( Fig. 12 E–F). Sternum orange, broadly oval, surface with fine reticular lines with numerous long, stiff setae ( Figs 11F; 15G; 17E; 18E); pleural membrane with two sclerotized intercoxal extensions between coxae II and III, and III and IV, long precoxal triangles on coxae II, III and IV ( Figs 11F; 15G; 17E; 18E). Legs orange, coxae pale orange, formula 4123, without spines; femora and tibiae very enlarged ( Fig. 13F); metatarsi entire, with dorsal metatarsal stopper ( Fig. 13H), anterior lacking crista but preserving the gladius ( Figs 12 K–L; 13A); all tarsi bisegmented ( Figs 12K; 13 F–G); tarsi with three claws; paired claws usually with 8–11 teeth, most distal of which are largest ( Fig. 13B, I, L); unpaired claws short on all legs ( Fig. 13B, C, I); ventral frictional setae on tarsi ( Fig. 13B, C, I) and several other setae around pretarsal claws. Tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi with trichobothria in a single row, bases with semicircular rim bearing slight longitudinal ridges ( Fig. 13J), tarsal organ exposed, roundish, with marginal ring slightly pronounced ( Fig. 13K). Male and female palpal tarsus elongated, without claw, ventralprolateral surfaces densely covered with strong modified setae ( Figs 11B; 14A; 15C; 16A; 17B; 18B); with a pad of fine chemoreceptor setae on dorsal, distal part, with a tibial brush on the prolateral side of palp, near distal end ( Fig. 14B); pick on prolateral side of palpal femur, situated near proximal end of podomere ( Fig. 14C). Abdomen gray dorsally, lighter ventrally, with only slightly sclerotized epigastric and postepigastric scuta; abdominal pattern slightly outlined ( Figs 15A, H; 16A) or unnoticeable ( Fig. 18A); with two pairs of respiratory spiracles clustered around epigastric groove ( Fig. 15I); anterior spiracles leading to wide, short tracheal trunk ending in numerous long tracheoles; posterior spiracles leading to two large tracheal trunks extending anteriorly into prosoma, plus one or two much narrower trunk extending posteriorly for most of abdominal length and several short, small tracheoles extending posteriorly ( Fig. 15J). Six spinnerets in typical caponiid arrangement, ALS with one major ampullate gland spigot, PMS with five spigots, and PLS with multiple spigots. Male palpal tibia excavated ventrally ( Figs 14A; 16A); cymbium elongated, not swollen, tip pointed ( Figs 11 B–C; 14A; 15B–D; 16A; 17B–C); tegulum globose originating near base of cymbium ( Figs 11C; 15D; 17C; 18C), embolus elongated with a keel bordering the tip ( Figs 14 D–F; 16B–E). External female genitalia with anterior plate slightly sclerotized ( Fig. 15I); strongly sclerotized around spiracles and laterals extension ( Fig. 15I). Internal female genitalia consisting of transverse, anteriorly directed, slightly sclerotized receptaculum (re) with straight distal and proximal margins ( Fig. 16J), and a membranous uterus externus which usually extends anteriorly over the receptaculum ( Figs 15J; 16 G–J).

Distribution. Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Nicaragua ( Fig. 18G).