Damasippus Stål, 1875
Figs. 1 and 2A.
Type species: Damasippus westwoodii Stål, 1875 by subsequent designation of Kirby (1904).
Damasippus Stål, 1875: 60; Kirby 1904: 407 (list of synonyms of former Orthoptera); Redtenbacher 1906: 147 (taxonomy); Bradley & Galil 1977: 79 (taxonomic arrangement); Zompro 2004: 309 (phylogeny); Rafael & Heleodoro 2017 (Brazilian catalog); Brock et al. 2019 (world catalog).
Examined material.
Damasippus discoidalis: “Coll. Br. V., Theresopolis [Teresopolis, state of Rio de Janeiro], Michaelis col.” (2 \ syntypes NMW).
Damasippus spatulatus: “Serra de Macahe [Macae], Estado do Rio de Janeiro [state of Rio de Janeiro]” “ Damasippus spatulatus, Piza _ ” ( _ holotype MZUSP).
D. westwoodii: “ Panama ” “ Boucard [col.]” ( \ holotype NHRS).
Damasippus discoidalis: “Floresta da Tijuca, D. [istrito] Federal [ Rio de Janeiro], Brasil, iii.1952, C. A. Campos Seabra” ( \ MNRJ lost in the burning), “ Distrito Federal [ Rio de Janeiro], Paineiras [host plant], 2.ii.1953, Newton Santos” ( \ MNRJ lost in the burning), “S ao~ Paulo, Alto da Serra [Paranapiacaba]” ( _ MZUSP).
Damasippus piceippenis: “S~ao Paulo, Horto da Cantareira, v.1982, E. Berti Filho col.” ( \ ESALQ).
Damasippus spatulatus: “[ Brazil], Fazenda Peneco, Itatiaia [ Rio de Janeiro], 21.ii.1942 ”, “Maromba, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, 29.xii.1952, Leite, Seabra e Zikan col.” (2 _ MNRJ lost in the burning).
Diagnosis. Head subshiny, dorsally globose ( Fig. 2A, B). Anterior femur with inconspicuous anterior and posterior expansions ( Fig. 2C). Posterior wing with complete, widely arched infuscate band along posterior and anal margins, leaving a regular semicircular or somewhat irregular semicircular light-coloured area basally ( Fig. 2A). Male genitalia with left and right posterior process, forming a bifurcated posterior margin on the genitalia; dorsal left sclerite slender, tubulliform, almost straight; basal pouch bacilliform ( Fig. 2D, E).
Description of genitalia ( _). Dorsal and ventral lobe continuously connected. Dorsal lobe with small, scattered setae, having the area near the basal pouch dorsally projected ( Fig. 3A, B). Left and right posterior process present, forming a bifurcated posterior margin on the genitalia ( Fig. 3A, B). Dorsal left sclerite slender, tubuliform, slightly curved ( Fig. 3A, B). Basal pouch bacilliform, separated from dorsal lobe ( Fig. 3A, B), having small, scattered bristles ventrally. Ventral lobe subdivided in small conspicuous lower lobule and upper lobule, having small scattered setae at the distal-most potion; lower lobule with small inconspicuous bifid digitiform projection.