Particulate organic carbon concentration in seawater profiles collected on board the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017 as part of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Data file(s): ace_ctd_particulate_organic_carbon_concentration.csv File header: ace_station_number: unique station number within the ACE expedition where the CTD rosette was deployed ace_event_number: unique number of the CTD deployment which resulted in the seawater sample, within the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition ace_sample_code: unique code of the sample within the ACE expedition. In format shipname/ACE/legnumber/projectnumber/julianday(UTC]/eventnumber/PIinitials/samplenumber project_sample_number: number of the sample as defined by the ACE project depth [m]: depth of sample collection [metres] date_time [UTC]: date and time of the start of the CTD deployment from which samples were collected, in ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00 [UTC] latitude [degree_north]: latitude of start of CTD deployment from which sample was collected [degree_north] longitude [degree_east]: longitude of start of CTD deployment from which sample was collected [degree_east] particulate_organic_carbon_concentration [umol]: measured concentration of particulate organic carbon in seawater sample [micromols] low_poc_concentration_flag: flag of values that are considered unreliably low concentrations of particulate organic carbon [1 – low, 0 - normal]