<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Cosmorrhyncha osana Brown and Razowski 2020, new species</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <h2> <i> Cosmorrhyncha osana</i> Brown and Razowski, new species</h2> <p> Fig. 13, 21, 26</p> <p> <b> Diagnosis.</b> Superficially,<i> C. osana</i> is indistinguishable from<i> C. albistrigulana</i>. The male genitalia of<i> C. osana</i> share with those of<i> C. albistrigulana</i> a similarly small, unarmed subbasal process and a pair of stout spines from costa of valva beyond the subbasal process. The male genitalia of<i> C. osana</i> can be distinguished from those of<i> C. albistrigulana</i> by the longer, more evenly rounded outer margin of the cucullus and a small lobed expansion at the basal edge of the cucullus that bears a long spine. The female genitalia cannot be distinguished from those of<i> C. albistrigulana</i>, the two species sharing a U-shaped posterior margin of sternum 7.</p> <p> <b> Description.</b> <i> Head</i>. Vertex pale brown; frons lighter, with some orange; labial palpus pale brown with narrow, longitudinal metallic-blue stripe dorsally and slightly subdorsally along outer margin, bordered on each side by a narrow line of orange scales; third segment black; pedicel of antenna with subcircular patch of dark-brown scales.<i> Thorax</i>. Nota brown dorsally, with scales cream-tipped. Forewing ( Fig. 13) length 5.5–6.5 mm (<i> n =</i> 4) in males, 6.0–7.0 mm in females (<i> n =</i> 5); costa slightly and evenly arched throughout; ground color pale reddish brown with cream olive hue, suffusion in terminal area pale olivegrey; distal portion of costa and postapical portion of termen with narrow orange line; costal strigulae numerous, especially in basal 0.7, cream to white, divisions olive grey and pale orange; a slightly raised, roundish patch of silver opalescent scales near apex of discal cell, surrounded by small patch of black scales; similar patch near costa approximately 0.3 distance from base to apex, more elongate than rounded, less defined. Fringe cream. Hindwing pale brown. Fringe pale gray to cream.<i> Abdomen</i>. Brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 21) mostly symmetrical, with uncus short, stout, rounded-bifurcate apically, with cluster of long setae on each bifurcation; socii hairy, broadest at base, digitate in distal 0.8, angled in basal 0.1; valva slightly broader basally, somewhat parallel-sided without neck; costa with small, slightly hairy, triangular process at base; weakly elevated lobe with a pair of short, stout setae subbasally; a pair of long, slender setae near outer edge of basal cavity; cucullus occupying distal 0.40–0.45 of valva differentiated by slightly elevated ridge along basal margin, with small lobelike expansion bearing a single long seta near middle; ventral edge of cucullus mostly evenly rounded to apex, except for small, weakly concave region subapically; a few spines along outer edge; phallus short, broad, with slightly undulate dorsum bearing a few weak serrations in apical 0.25; vesica with a single small, socketed cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26) with papillae anales unmodified; sterigma large, weakly sclerotized, ostium bursae bordered subterminally by large, posteriorly expanding lobes; posterior part of antrum broad, urn-shaped, tapering proximally; ductus bursae membranous beyond antrum, slender, straight in posterior 0.5, then slightly expanded, half-coiled, with longitudinal wrinkles ~0.6 distance between ostium and junction with corpus bursae; corpus bursae irregularly rounded, signum with single, relatively short, spindle-shaped proximal blade from a narrow sclerotized patch.</p> <p> <b> Types.</b> Holotype ♂, Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Bosque Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa, 200 m, M. Segura ( MNCR). Paratypes ( 3♂, 5♀). COSTA RICA: Puntarenas: Bosque Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa, 200 m, Mar 1994 ( 1♂, 1♀), M. Segura ( MNCR). Golfito, Parque Naciónal Piedras Blancas, Estación El Bonito, 100 m, Jan-Feb 2002 ( 1♀), M. Moraga ( MNCR). Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa, 200 m, Oct 1991 ( 2♂, 2♀), F. Quesada ( MNCR). Fila Draque, Peninsula de Osa, 5 Apr 1992 ( 1♀), F. Quesada ( MNCR).</p> <p> <b> Distribution and biology.</b> <i> Cosmorrhyncha osana</i> is known only from the Osa Peninsula in southwestern Costa Rica, at elevations below 200 m.</p> <p> <b> Etymology.</b> The specific epithet refers to the type locality of the Osa Peninsula.</p> </body> </html>