Aulacorthum aff. rufum

Material. NUO: near to Valyok Vill., 21.vii.2017, Pyrola grandiflora Radius, on lower side of leaves, imm. [ 28. vii.2017, apt., al.]; near to Talnakh, 26.vii.2017, Pyrola grandiflora, on lower side of leaves, apt. ( AS).

Comments. Collected specimens are identifiable with the key of Blackman and Eastop (2019) as Aulacorthum rufum Hille Ris Lambers, but exhibit some differences from this species: setae on the 3rd antennal segment are longer than 0.33 of the articular diameter of this segment; the cauda has more than 7 setae; 4th and 5th antennal segments of alatae are shorter than 3rd segment. They also exhibit similarities with Aulacorthum pirolacearum Szelegiewicz, however, their processus terminalis has a smaller ratio to the base of the 6th segment (4.46 for alatae and 4.76–5.04 for apterae versus to 4.67–5.80 and 5.40 respectively for alatae and apterae of Aulacorthum pirolacearum). The results indicate the need for further study of the morphology and biology of these two species.

Macrosiphoniella artemisiae (Boyer de Fonscolombe)

Material. NDU: 8.vii.2017, Artemisia vulgaris L., shaking, fund., imm. [ 13 and 20.vii.2017, apt.] and 17.vii.2017, Artemisia vulgaris, shaking, fund. and apt. ( AS).

Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria (Kaltenbach)

Material. NDU: 9.vii.2017, Tanacetum vulgare, shaking, fund. ( AS). NUO: near to Talnakh, 23 and 26.vii.2017, Tanacetum vulgare, on apices of stems and on flower stalk, apt. ( AS).

Macrosiphoniella tapuskae (Hottes et Frison)

Material. NUO: near to Valyok Vill., 21.vii.2017, Tanacetum vulgare, shaking, apt., al. and imm. [ 23.vii.2017, apt.] ( AS). Macrosiphoniella ( Phalangomyzus) oblonga (Mordvilko)

Material. NDU: 8.vii.2017, Artemisia vulgaris, shaking, fund. and 17.vii.2017, Artemisia vulgaris, shaking, fund. and apt. ( AS).

Macrosiphum chukotense Stekolshchikov et Khruleva

Material. PLA: 24.vii.2001, forb-grass meadow, sweeping, al. (OKh). NDU: 1.vii.2017, Saussurea parviflora (Poir.) DC., on flower stalk, imm. [ 5.vii.2017, fund.], 3.vii.2017, Ranunculus borealis Trautv., on upper side of leaf, imm. [ 8.vii.2017, apt.] and 4.vii.2017, Petasites frigidus (L.) Fr., on on flower stalk, imm. [ 7–18.vii.2017, apt.] ( AS). NUO: near to Talnakh, 22.vii.2017, Angelica archangelica subsp. decurrens (Ledeb.) Kuvaev, on lower side of leaves, apt.; 25.vii.2017, Epilobium angustifolium, on flower stalk, apt.; 26.vii.2017, Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill, on stem and flowers, apt.; 29.vii.2017, Arnica angustifolia subsp. iljinii (Maguire) I.K. Ferguson, on stem, apt. ( AS).

Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus)

Material. NDU: 2.vii.2017, Rosa acicularis Lindl., on petiole of apical leaves, fund., imm. [ 9.vii.2017, al.] ( AS).

* Metopolophium alpinum Hille Ris Lambers

Material. NDU: 2.vii.2017, Rosa acicularis, on lower side of leaves, imm. [ 6.vii.2017, al.] and 7.vii.2017, Rosa acicularis, on lower side of leaves, apices of stems and flower stalk, fund., apt., al. ( AS).

Comments. The collected specimens are easily identified as Metopolophium alpinum Hille Ris Lambers, although the antennae of the alate viviparous females have more rhinaria than is typical, and the abdomen has no dorsal sclerites; these differences can be interpreted as due to geographical variability.