( Fig. 5–7, 25)
Mutilla paradoxa Gerstaecker 1874: 76, holotype female, Colombia, Bogotá, ZMB; Nonveiller 1990: 87, incertae sedis.
Sphaerophthalma [ sic] icaris Cameron 1895: 360, holotype female, Nicaragua, Chontales, No. 15.813 BMNH, examined.
Traumatomutilla icaris: Cambra (1997): 122, additional distribution and material examined.
Dasymutilla icaris: Manley and Pitts (2007): 57, transferred to Dasymutilla.
Dasymutilla guanacaste Manley and Pitts 2007: 56, holotype male, Costa Rica, Pr. Guanacaste, Guanacaste NP, Volcan Cacao Sta., IV-13-95, UCDC. New synonymy.
Dasymutilla paradoxa: Luz et al. (2016): 365, placed D. icaris in synonymy under D. paradoxa; created D. paradoxa species-group for eight Dasymutilla species.
Diagnosis. FEMALE. This species is apparently unique among Dasymutilla in having most of body clothed with appressed golden setae ( Fig. 5). It can be recognized first by its placement in the paradoxa group, based on having four integumental patches on T2, having black tibial spurs, and having an elongate mesosoma that lacks a scutellar scale, then separated from other paradoxa group members by its coloration, its defined pygidium, and by the erect clypeal tubercle. MALE. This species can be placed in the paradoxa group by its elongate arm-like axillae. It can be separated from the other paradoxa group members by its predominantly black body color, its unarmed hypopygium, and by lacking a seta-filled pit on S2. Its coloration is similar to that of D. phya, particularly in the almost entirely yellow T2 ( Fig. 7).
Distribution. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia ( Cambra 1997; Manley and Pitts 2007; Luz et al. 2016).
Material examined ( MIUP except where noted). PANAMA: Darién Province: P. Nac. Darién, Estación Cruce de Mono, 25–28.ii.1993, R. Cambra, 2f (1f, CDFA). Panamá Province: 15 specimens collected in Barro Colorado Island with ten Malaise traps from the years 2001 to 2006 ( Saavedra 2014). COSTA RICA ( INBio): Alajuela Province: San Cristobal, 600–620m, 8–25.iv.1997, F. Quesada, 1f. Guanacaste Province: Est. Maritza, 600 m, W ladera volcan Orosi, 27.ii–10.iii.1992, R. Vargas, 1m; Est. Pitilla, 700 m. 9 km S de Sta. Cecilia, ix. 1989, 1m; Est. Cacao, 1000–1400 m, ladera SO volcan Cacao, 21–29.v.1992, F. Chavarría, 1m; Est. Pitilla, 700 m, 9 km S Sta. Cecilia, P.N. Guanacaste, 27.vii–14. viii.1992, C. Moraga, 1f; 31.iii–15.iv.1992, 1f; Est. Sta. Rosa, 300 m, P.N. Guanacaste, vii.1989, 1f; i.1990, 1f; xii.1990, D. Enezen, 1f; 3–12.vi.1992, 1f; Est. Maritza, 600 m, ladera O. volcan Orosi, v.1990, R. Blanco, 1f; Fca. Pasmompa, Est. Pitilla, 400 m, 5 km SW Sta. Cecilia, iii.1989, 1f; Est. Murciélago, 8 km Sw Cuajiniquil, 100 m, ii.1989, 1f; Est. Palo Verde, 10 m, P.N. Palo Verde, 6–16.iii.1993, U. Chavarría, 1f; A.C.T. Bagaces, P. Nac. Palo Verde, 6–18.i.2000, I. Jimenez, 1f. Limón Province: Est. Hitoy Cerere, 100 m, R. Cerere, Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere, iv.1992, G. Carballo, 1m; Sector Cerro Cocori, Fca. de E. Rojas, 150 m, 28.v–17.vi.1992, E. Rojas, 1m; iv. 1993, 1m; iii. 1992, 1m. Puntarenas Province: Rancho Quemado, 200 m, Península de Osa, v.1992, F. Quesada, 2m; vi.1992, F. Quesada, 2m; iv.1992, D. Brenes, 1m; Est. Sirena, 0–100 m, P.N. Corcovado, iii–vi. 1991, 3m; Rancho Quemado, 200 m, Península de Osa, 21.iii–7.iv.1992, F. Quesada. NICARAGUA: Masaya District, Laguna de Apoyo, xi.1992, E. van den Berghe, 1f.
Remarks. Cambra (1997) mentioned the sex association for Traumatomutilla icaris (Cameron), but did not describe the male. The male associated with T. icaris by Cambra is here recognized as morphologically identical to Dasymutilla guanacaste Manley and Pitts, syn. nov.