Alnetoidia ( Alnetoidia) straminea Anufriev, 1972

( Figs. 23–33)

Alnetoidia straminea Anufriev, 1972, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. (Ser. Sci. Biol.) 20 (10): 723 ( Russia: Maritime Territory). Alnetoidia straminea: Anufriev, 1978, Acad. Sci. USSR Hor. Soc. Ent. Uni. Sov. 60: 81 ( Russia).

Alnetoidia straminea: Anufriev & Emel’yanov, 1988, Keys Ins. Far East USSR 2: 111 ( Russia, Japan).

Alnetoidia straminea: Song & Li, 2010, Pan-Pac. Entomol. 86 (3): 70 ( Russia, Japan).

Description. General coloration pale yellow to yellow, with dorsum shiny. Crown broadly rounded apically, with irregular milky whitish patches anteriorly and at both sides of midline. Eyes light brown. Face whitish yellow; frontoclypeus broad; anteclypeus comparatively short and inflated; rostrum yellowish. Pronotum yellowish; anterior margin white; posterior and lateral margins yellowish with hypodermal irregular markings; scutellum whitish yellow; scutellar suture not prominent. Forewing slender, shiny pale yellow, unicolorous from base to apex. Second sternal apodeme in male with posterior lobes well developed, extending to anterior margin of 5th sternite.

Male genitalia. Pygofer lobe relatively long, roundly produced caudodorsally, with dorsal margin almost straight. Pygofer with dorsal appendage more or less triangular apically, and extending beyond hind margin of pygofer; ventral appendage comparatively long, directed backwards and pointed apically, base broadened with 3 rigid setae; subapical teeth absent on dorsal side. Subgenital plate relatively long, with 3 macrosetae on outer surface and several marginal microsetae in a row. Style long, with prominent preapical lobe, more or less long and truncate apically. Connective with short stem, and with broad median anterior lobe. Aedeagal shaft gently curved ventrally in lateral view; subapical processes apparently shorter than level of shaft tip in caudal view, with outer margin subtriangularly produced; gonopore apical, on ventral side.

Length. Male 3.0− 3.2mm, female 3.3−3.5mm.

Materials examined. Korea, Gyeongbuk Province: 7 males & 14 females, KPNU campus, on Acer saccharum, 28.VII.2016, Y.J. Kwon; 3 males & 6 females, same locality and host, 18.VIII.2016; Gyeongnam Province: 11 males & 8 females, Geoje city, 23−25. V.2015, all same collector.

Distribution. Korea (new record: South), Russia (Kurils, Maritime territory, Sakhalin).

Host Plant. Acer saccharum (observed).