Tubulipora sp.

( Fig. 19A)

Material examined. VNMN-0271 (CT-42), on SEM stub with Oncousoecia sp.

Measurements. AzOr inside diameter, 0.06–0.10 (0.082 ±0.012) (n = 15).

Description. Young colony with about 24 zooids, forming a recumbent lobe. Zooids with openings circular, irregularly polygonal, or transversely elliptical; singly arranged or in connate bundles of two; surface perforated by minute pseudopores. Peristomes probably tall, but broken in most zooids. Ancestrula and reproductive structures not observed.

Remarks. Without a more fully developed colony and reproductive structures, this specimen can only tentatively be identified to genus Tubulipora, and not at all to species.