id,version,text,quote,uri,created_at,updated_at,post_id,creator_id,type,shape,units,geometry,src,ext,container,start,end,code_id 15834,v1.0,,"moral code and how we understand it, how we build it and what influences it, and how it affects what is 21st century religion or spirituality. In the ever-growing complexity of life, it is difficult to fully understand how to help people not to feel restrained by the moral code determined primarily by traditions and religion (which I believe need redefining and adapting).",/post/54195,2019-07-16T10:53:10.606Z,2019-07-16T10:53:10.606Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1432 15836,v1.0,,"t all started with my family. In our house, taking care of each other, spending time together, being kind to people and always learning new things were the biggest religion. I was 16 when I figured out we were religious (Orthodox Christians) – I was so focused on the family customs and studying that I missed out on the God part completely.",/post/54195,2019-07-16T10:54:02.526Z,2019-07-16T10:54:02.526Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,824 15837,v1.0,,"They teachus to cherish and love our family, but the Church also seems to indicate that rule somehow does not apply to LGBTQ people or people of other race and class.",/post/54195,2019-07-16T10:59:15.196Z,2019-07-16T10:59:15.196Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,729 15838,v1.0,,"Most of the time It feels like I live in a bubble in which spirituality is not connected to some sort of God or some stone-written principles, but rather to a group of values which can be interpreted differently and are flexible enough to adapt to new realities.",/post/54195,2019-07-16T11:02:43.403Z,2019-07-16T11:02:43.403Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1610 15842,v1.0,,"the new culture and new spirituality, one that is human-centered and not tradition and/or religion oriented, can only be brought by bringing in more people to act on their beliefs and by showing that those who think like I do are not – in fact – alone.",/post/54195,2019-07-16T11:06:56.204Z,2019-07-16T11:06:56.204Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,394 15831,v1.0,,"Predsednik je rekao da se u Srbiji živi bolje nego u Nemačkoj.„Odgovorno kažem i tvrdim da se u Srbiji živi i zarađuje bolje nego u Nemačkoj. Jer, vidite… Nemac će možda i da zaradi tih 1200, 1300 evra. Srbin će zaraditi 500. Da, ali Srbin na račune da 20.000 dinara i ostane mu za hranu, obuću i ostalo, ali Nemac mora za stan da izdvoji i do 900 evra. Hrana je tamo mnogo skuplja, ujedno računi za struju, telefon, internet, registracija za kola. Ne živi se tamo toliko bajno.“ – rekao je Vučić.",/post/53685,2019-07-07T19:40:16.328Z,2019-07-07T20:15:06.695Z,53685,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3562 15832,v1.0,,"Iako je uobičajno da hvali ekonomiju Srbije više od bilo koje na svetu, sada je pohvalio i nešto drugo.Predsednik je rekao da se u Srbiji živi bolje nego u Nemačkoj.„Odgovorno kažem i tvrdim da se u Srbiji živi i zarađuje bolje nego u Nemačkoj. Jer, vidite… Nemac će možda i da zaradi tih 1200, 1300 evra. Srbin će zaraditi 500. Da, ali Srbin na račune da 20.000 dinara i ostane mu za hranu, obuću i ostalo, ali Nemac mora za stan da izdvoji i do 900 evra. Hrana je tamo mnogo skuplja, ujedno računi za struju, telefon, internet, registracija za kola. Ne živi se tamo toliko bajno.“ – rekao je Vučić.Tviteraši su naravno počeli masovno da se “sprdaju” sa Vučićem uz komentar da je na granici primećeno dota Nemaca koji traže srpsko državljanstvo i posao u Beogradu.",/post/53685,2019-07-07T20:20:01.571Z,2019-07-07T20:20:01.571Z,53685,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3563 15833,v1.0,,"U Srbiji ili Hrvatskoj je to neki drugi nivo vec. Naravno da populisti, kako ih nazivas, igraju na kartu nacionalizma i neprijatelja, vanjskih ili unutrasnjih ali ne pobjedjuju oni na izborima zbog toga.Razlog broj jedan je sto su vec ostvarili toliku kontrolu u drzavi i toliko para nakrali da mogu direktno kupiti glasove. -U Srbiji je to kroz mjesavinu kriminalnih metoda, kontrolu medija i direktne nagrade glasacima. -U Hrvatskoj se vise igra na nacionalizam i stvaranje straha kroz stvaranje neprijatelja i velika je podjela drustva. Pored toga nivo korupcije je vjerovato najgori u EU. Ima preko 500 000 ratnih veterana koji dobijaju mirovinu (a mozda bi 100 000 trebalo dobijati). Mnogi su tako kupljeni, a drugi kroz razne usluge i povlastice. Na primjer donesen je nedavno zakon koji daje prednost djeci ratnih veterana u odnosu na druge ljude ako su se prijavili za neki posao. To je isto nacin kupovine glasova.Oni su ujedno i grupa ljudi najpodloznija populistickim diskursima, ali i dobro su placeni.",/post/56251,2019-07-07T21:02:44.137Z,2019-07-07T21:02:44.137Z,56251,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3564 15835,v1.0,,"To me, a moral code is a set of values and principles a person adopts going through life and which is then used in all situations to determine her course of actions. Those values and principles originate from different sources – our family, education, religion, traditions, but are also shaped by experiences.",/post/54195,2019-07-16T10:53:45.416Z,2019-07-16T10:53:45.416Z,54195,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1818 15843,v1.0,,I also started to think about spirituality in a broader perspective,/post/54250,2019-07-16T11:07:56.221Z,2019-07-16T11:07:56.221Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1610 16478,v1.0,,at 30 I walked straight into a personal life crisis and found myself in a systematic process of understanding where I come from.,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:32:42.964Z,2019-09-16T14:32:42.964Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3872 16513,v1.0,,"have never even been to Romania (bad, I know...), but I can relate to this. I left Italy for the second time about ten years ago, and my environment of origin is now quite at odds with me.",/post/57952,2019-09-16T14:40:10.539Z,2019-09-16T14:40:10.539Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16518,v1.0,,Maybe if I left Facebook I would not feel so out of place in Italy.,/post/57952,2019-09-17T08:37:55.255Z,2019-09-17T08:37:55.255Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3900 16519,v1.0,,"Or maybe it's just perception: those guys are on Facebook, and I see them posting pretty bad stuff about migrants and climate, alongside normal or even nice stuff about going trekking.",/post/57952,2019-09-17T08:38:44.346Z,2019-09-17T08:38:44.346Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3901 16521,v1.0,,"I totally get this point with living in your own bubble abroad, and this is exactly why I want to live abroad. It",/post/58209,2019-09-17T10:01:45.874Z,2019-09-17T10:01:45.874Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16522,v1.0,,Many of us seem to be - which only means that we choose our battles,/post/58103,2019-09-18T10:19:17.151Z,2019-09-18T10:19:17.151Z,58103,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3903 16529,v1.0,,"And it's not just within your smaller community that this is the case, but the whole country feels alien. I really like how @matthias put it in the interview questions I had for him (working on that right on now by the way!):",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:37:59.987Z,2019-09-18T10:37:59.987Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3905 16540,v1.0,,"Very interesting, haven't thought about that. If you've been living in the new country for a short while, yes, but if you've been in Georgia for over 10 years and your now family is Georgian, can it possibly be the same? Does it take so long to feel at home again? Wow. I'll have to live and see it.",/post/58202,2019-09-18T10:40:28.798Z,2019-09-18T10:40:28.798Z,58202,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,832 16479,v1.0,,"I relocated to Brussels two years ago, and for the longest time I had been adamant about staying and possibly working in my own country. I was one of the last “Romanian patriots”,",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:33:08.758Z,2019-09-16T14:33:08.758Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3873 16494,v1.0,,(self-)Discipline and progressive family values (thanks mom and dad!) make one want to open horizons and look beyond the scarce value offer nationally: unfortunately it often entails getting out.,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:36:38.89Z,2019-09-16T14:36:38.89Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3887 16515,v1.0,,"It was always like that, but things seem to have radicalized.",/post/57952,2019-09-16T14:40:30.932Z,2019-09-16T14:40:30.932Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3884 16520,v1.0,,Facebook connected me to a bunch of childhood friends from the years I was growing up in the American suburbs. It sometimes shocks me a little when some of them express what I view as seriously misguided reactionary views.,/post/58072,2019-09-17T08:38:52.631Z,2019-09-17T08:38:52.631Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3900 16523,v1.0,,t of bubbles today,/post/58103,2019-09-18T10:19:22.21Z,2019-09-18T10:19:22.21Z,58103,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16530,v1.0,,"this resonates a lot with me as well, tho luckily (so far) my home country doesn't have a Trump as PM (yet - we do have a rightwing politician with the same kinda hair as Donald and Boris, whats up with that?).For me it's been partially the ""expat-experience:"" living from home you change, the people in your old space change, but you expect them to be the same, as if time hasn't moved, and they expect you to be the same as well. Insert: friction between reality and your idea of reality.",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:38:07.349Z,2019-09-18T10:38:07.349Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16535,v1.0,,"But living abroad you also live in a bubble. And I think that's where the shock of the continued polarization of our worlds lays. It's not that Belgium isn't experiencing its worst rise in extreme right political parties in decades, but you are not affected by it as it ""isn't your country."" So, you're worried about it, but it hurts more when it's you childhood friend who has fringe ideas about the earth being flat, than when it is your neighbor who you only say hi to.",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:39:13.547Z,2019-09-18T10:39:13.547Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16536,v1.0,,"But living abroad you also live in a bubble. And I think that's where the shock of the continued polarization of our worlds lays. It's not that Belgium isn't experiencing its worst rise in extreme right political parties in decades, but you are not affected by it as it ""isn't your country."" So, you're worried about it, but it hurts more when it's you childhood friend who has fringe ideas about the earth being flat, than when it is your neighbor who you only say hi to.",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:39:20.028Z,2019-09-18T10:39:20.028Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3912 16544,v1.0,,"I totally get this point with living in your own bubble abroad, and this is exactly why I want to live abroad.",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:06.329Z,2019-09-18T10:41:06.329Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16480,v1.0,,"more traditional values - marriage, job, house, and bank loans by the time we are 30. All could be well, nothing against traditional culture.",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:33:23.134Z,2019-09-16T14:33:23.134Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3874 16481,v1.0,,Member of the struggling middle class,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:33:34.286Z,2019-09-16T14:33:34.286Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3875 16484,v1.0,,as well as playing catch-up with the West,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:34:12.864Z,2019-09-16T14:34:12.864Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3877 16516,v1.0,,"It was always like that, but things seem to have radicalized.",/post/57952,2019-09-16T14:40:41.672Z,2019-09-16T14:40:41.672Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3898 16524,v1.0,,“fight or flight” dilemmas.,/post/58072,2019-09-18T10:19:58.566Z,2019-09-18T10:19:58.566Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3904 16531,v1.0,,nsert: friction between reality and your idea of reality.,/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:38:20.875Z,2019-09-18T10:38:20.875Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3908 16545,v1.0,,"I totally get this point with living in your own bubble abroad, and this is exactly why I want to live abroad. It",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:13.434Z,2019-09-18T10:41:13.434Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3916 16548,v1.0,,"But trying to be something else, say, German, makes little sense as well. I guess I need to stick to my passport and my identity as long as it's necessary :",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:41.091Z,2019-09-18T10:41:41.091Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,976 16552,v1.0,,"The feeling at home is an interesting one, @Noemi, and I think it depends on what you need to call a place a home = I need only myself. I immediately call every place home. Even when I'm only squatting friends for a week :)",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:42:21.828Z,2019-09-18T10:42:21.828Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,832 16554,v1.0,,"it's nice to feel you're not responsible for the mess in your country anymore, but you still get a good overview of what shapes the world and how you position yourself towards global, human challenges. National politics, my god, why did we even invent it :rofl:",/post/58211,2019-09-18T10:42:42.765Z,2019-09-18T10:42:42.765Z,58211,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3917 16482,v1.0,,most developed cities,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:33:44.123Z,2019-09-16T14:33:44.123Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,311 16485,v1.0,,hyper conservative values (i.e. “filthy Roma people do not deserve housing”),/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:34:36.855Z,2019-09-16T14:34:36.855Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3878 16487,v1.0,,olitical threat to democrac,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:34:51.721Z,2019-09-16T14:34:51.721Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3880 16492,v1.0,,When people you know who are the new generation become conservative,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:36:08.993Z,2019-09-16T14:36:08.993Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3885 16493,v1.0,,you realise that politics is down in your house now. So I felt that my living was contrived: I was friends with people whom maybe today I would not choose,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:36:22.234Z,2019-09-16T14:36:22.234Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3886 16501,v1.0,,"n my case staying in country in which you feel ""outsider"" and you are litterally called ""thread to healthy nation"" - hmm, seems a little masochistic",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:37:49.22Z,2019-09-16T14:37:49.22Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3892 16504,v1.0,,e reasons to stay for a long time were because my family and close support system were very warm,/post/57899,2019-09-16T14:38:34.869Z,2019-09-16T14:38:34.869Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,824 16517,v1.0,,Maybe if I left Facebook I would not feel so out of place in Italy.,/post/57952,2019-09-16T14:41:04.544Z,2019-09-16T14:41:04.544Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3899 16525,v1.0,,"On days when I read the news anyway. (Sorry to rant too much in this topic that isn’t about me, but this is my version of alienation and my inner conflicts around it. )",/post/58072,2019-09-18T10:20:14.15Z,2019-09-18T10:20:14.15Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3905 16526,v1.0,,but I’m just too invested in this society- and it is too militarily powerful,/post/58072,2019-09-18T10:20:37.939Z,2019-09-18T10:20:37.939Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3906 16532,v1.0,,"""I had a profound “reverse culture shock” experience when coming back from Nepal: nothing here in Europe made sense anymore [...] there is a lot of hope in Nepal: a road is coming to the village, or piped water supply arrives (actually they installed it in our house in Kathmandu while @natalia_skoczylas and I lived there!), or so many other little steps of progress. And they expect it will continue like that. That’s what a hopeful civilization feels like..""",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:38:31.135Z,2019-09-18T10:38:31.135Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3909 16546,v1.0,,"I totally get this point with living in your own bubble abroad, and this is exactly why I want to live abroad. I",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:19.796Z,2019-09-18T10:41:19.796Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16556,v1.0,,"ere in Brussels, Noemi's and my reaction has been to try to burrow deeper in the local context.",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:43:06.708Z,2019-09-18T10:43:06.708Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3916 16555,v1.0,,"Here in Brussels, Noemi's and my reaction has been to try to burrow deeper in the local context.",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:42:57.222Z,2019-09-18T10:43:12.844Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3921 16558,v1.0,,"Also resonates with my experience. But now, eight years on, I am really losing touch with the political mess in Italy",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:43:37.466Z,2019-09-18T10:43:37.466Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3923 16559,v1.0,,"Also resonates with my experience. But now, eight years on, I am really losing touch with the political mess in Italy",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:43:43.02Z,2019-09-18T10:43:43.02Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3913 16561,v1.0,,"Also resonates with my experience. But now, eight years on, I am really losing touch with the political mess in Italy: my overview is no longer so good. Just this week I was contemplating getting a subscription to some newspaper or something. I know, a terrible idea. But I look at Italian social media, and I see all this anger and sarcasm coming through, and don't get it. In the coming months, I think, I will have to decide if letting it go for good or going a bit closer.",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:44:11.206Z,2019-09-18T10:44:11.206Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3924 16560,v1.0,,"Also resonates with my experience. But now, eight years on, I am really losing touch with the political mess in Italy: my overview is no longer so good. Just this week I was contemplating getting a subscription to some newspaper or something. I know, a terrible idea. But I look at Italian social media, and I see all this anger and sarcasm coming through, and don't get it. In the coming months, I think, I will have to decide if letting it go for good or going a bit closer.",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:44:06.771Z,2019-10-02T10:58:00.943Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,778 16483,v1.0,,"But I found myself having to re-think everything due to the erosion in society that I saw happening. Erosion compared to what it should be, living in the 21st century",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:33:55.889Z,2019-09-16T14:33:55.889Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3876 16500,v1.0,,". Populist party, politics reaching our daily life,",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:37:30.522Z,2019-09-16T14:37:30.522Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3891 16502,v1.0,,"deciding to start from the beginning in another country seems just as scary. How did it happen to you? When did you decide to leave and what was your ""pull factor""?",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:38:07.187Z,2019-09-16T14:38:07.187Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16508,v1.0,,"""psychological wellbeing"" brought me to do volunteering abroad when I was living in Germany for one year also around 30 (is this year magical in a way or what? :P) .",/post/57904,2019-09-16T14:39:18.59Z,2019-09-16T14:39:18.59Z,57904,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3894 16527,v1.0,,"And then, there's the in betweeners, like some Edgeryders folks and the very culture we are building - of dialogue, but not compromising on the values.",/post/58103,2019-09-18T10:21:02.294Z,2019-09-18T10:21:02.294Z,58103,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3907 16533,v1.0,,there is a lot of hope in Nepa,/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:38:40.218Z,2019-09-18T10:38:40.218Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3910 16550,v1.0,,"But the comfort that comes from the fact you're not exactly, in some sense, a deep part of the community, is incredible. For people who need tight-knit groups and situations, I guess it might be frustrating. For those of us who enjoy freedom and want to lead adventurous, extravagant lives, this is just perfect. You can be whatever you want, free from the gaze and cultural and social limitations that your own country imposes.",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:42:08.518Z,2019-09-18T10:42:08.518Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,869 16486,v1.0,,with other bubbles - mainstream and generalised,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:34:43.003Z,2019-09-16T14:34:43.003Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16528,v1.0,,ay I wrestle with “fight or flight” dilemmas. My more,/post/58072,2019-09-18T10:21:09.85Z,2019-09-18T10:21:09.85Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3907 16534,v1.0,,"I feel the same, thi I had I never felt as a ""misfit"" back home. But the first time I returned after living abroad for a year, I was shocked with people being upset that the train was a 1 minute late - even though I would've been one of those people a year before that. I was upset that my colleagues at the Dutch Parliament couldn't understand I was giving up my job after a year to move to Ukraine to study a new language. I was annoyed that most of my friends would have time for lunch planned a few months ahead, and would feel uncomfortable if I'd call them to have a drink ""right now.""",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:39:03.151Z,2019-09-18T10:39:03.151Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16541,v1.0,,"And yes, everything about your country of birth or what was your home before hurts harder, for sure.",/post/58202,2019-09-18T10:40:47.583Z,2019-09-18T10:40:47.583Z,58202,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3913 16542,v1.0,,"And yes, everything about your country of birth or what was your home before hurts harder, for sure.",/post/58202,2019-09-18T10:40:53.444Z,2019-09-18T10:40:53.444Z,58202,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3914 16547,v1.0,,"It opens a possibility of living a life that is not determined by your, or any, nationality - in fact, the longer I am away, the less sense it makes for me to say I am Polish",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:27.064Z,2019-09-18T10:41:27.064Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3917 16549,v1.0,,"I'd assume that @Inge doesn't consider her family Georgian maybe (am I right?) - if I started a family, I'd probably have to think of a whole new way of calling this phenomena :D",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:41:51.245Z,2019-09-18T10:41:51.245Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,824 16551,v1.0,,"But the comfort that comes from the fact you're not exactly, in some sense, a deep part of the community, is incredible. For people who need tight-knit groups and situations, I guess it might be frustrating. For those of us who enjoy freedom and want to lead adventurous, extravagant lives, this is just perfect. You can be whatever you want, free from the gaze and cultural and social limitations that your own country",/post/58209,2019-09-18T10:42:14.634Z,2019-09-18T10:42:14.634Z,58209,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3918 16557,v1.0,,"I also made an effort to think myself more as a local, celebrating the parts of the local culture that I resonate with (easy in Belgium, and in Brussels in particular, with the anti-authoritarian, anarchic streak and the surrealist humor). I even made myself a citizen. But that only punctured the bubble, not dissolved it.",/post/58587,2019-09-18T10:43:24.278Z,2019-09-18T10:43:24.278Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3922 16562,v1.0,,Facebook connected me to a bunch of childhood friends from the years I was growing up in the American suburbs. It sometimes shocks me a little when some of them express what I view as seriously misguided reactionary views.,/post/58072,2019-09-18T10:44:27.718Z,2019-09-18T10:44:27.718Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3924 16563,v1.0,,"Or maybe it's just perception: those guys are on Facebook, and I see them posting pretty bad stuff about migrants and climate, alongside normal or even nice stuff about going trekking. Maybe if I left Facebook I would not feel so out of place in Italy.",/post/57952,2019-09-18T10:44:40.135Z,2019-09-18T10:44:40.135Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3924 16568,v1.0,,"Even though I have changed so much, just like you. The thing is, I believe we changed way more than people who stayed in our",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:33.06Z,2019-09-18T10:45:33.06Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16488,v1.0,,"places I least expected, friends of friends who let it slip that their true opinions are the opposite of inclusive progress and a shared future.",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:35:18.038Z,2019-09-16T14:35:18.038Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3881 16537,v1.0,,"he continued polarization of our worlds lays. It's not that Belgium isn't experiencing its worst rise in extreme right political parties in decades, but you are not affected by it as it ""isn't your country."" So, you're worried about it, but it hurts more when it's you childhood friend who has fringe ideas about the earth being flat, than when it is your neighbor who you only say hi to.",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:39:47.242Z,2019-09-18T10:39:47.242Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3913 16543,v1.0,,"'m interested what the home bubbles and abroad bubbles mean for you, and where you are finding wellbeing.",/post/58202,2019-09-18T10:40:58.892Z,2019-09-18T10:40:58.892Z,58202,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16564,v1.0,,"First time I came to Belgium was in 1999, high school. I got enrolled in Institut catholique Saint Boniface in Ixelles. Had a very weird episode there with the principle inviting me to his office, trying to find in a shady way if I was Ortodox or Catholic, beeting around the bush, then giving me special treatment when he found out. I also saw how all the kids kept separate in school, divided by race, it felt so wrong. I left Belgium 2 months later, disgusted.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:44:58.486Z,2019-09-18T10:44:58.486Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1432 16567,v1.0,,"Even though I have changed so much, just like you. The thing is, I believe we changed way more than people who stayed in our countries",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:28.432Z,2019-09-18T10:45:28.432Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16489,v1.0,,"places I least expected, friends of friends who let it slip that their true opinions are the opposite of inclusive progress and a shared future.",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:35:27.939Z,2019-09-16T14:35:27.939Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3882 16538,v1.0,,"shock of the continued polarization of our worlds lays. It's not that Belgium isn't experiencing its worst rise in extreme right political parties in decades, but you are not affected by it as it ""isn't your country."" So, you're worried about it, but it hurts more when it's you childhood friend who has fringe ideas about the earth being flat, than when it is your neighbor who you only say hi to.",/post/58199,2019-09-18T10:39:55.371Z,2019-09-18T10:39:55.371Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3914 16566,v1.0,,met people from all over the world and it was an amazing experience.,/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:20.878Z,2019-09-18T10:45:20.878Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3926 16569,v1.0,,"I am not distanced from local politics at all, especially not the one in Balkans.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:44.543Z,2019-09-18T10:45:44.543Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3919 16574,v1.0,,"Nations are a rather recent invention in human history so I really don't see why should anyone look at it as something permanent, I don't. I believe more and more people realise this and in fact solution to accelerate such an evolution is to create better living conditions. From what I see, poorer someone is more likely he is to be influenced by manipulators using nation, race, religion or any other mean to create bigger divisions in society and rule on that foundation of fear of 'the other side'.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:46:40.868Z,2019-09-18T10:46:40.868Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3931 16583,v1.0,,"Experiencing different things, meeting different people,cultures, viewpoints etc, expands your own and normally helps you a great deal in personal development. So even if you said that you evolved more than they did, it would make sense even though it would sound arrogant.",/post/58833,2019-09-18T10:47:59.773Z,2019-09-18T10:47:59.773Z,58833,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3935 16490,v1.0,,Populism captures many souls looking for quick solutions and intellectual shortcuts,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:35:44.46Z,2019-09-16T14:35:44.46Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3883 16491,v1.0,,new flavours in the past ten years or so are going left and right,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:35:55.367Z,2019-09-16T14:35:55.367Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3884 16498,v1.0,,"feeling of choking inside the ""happy bubble"" that supposed to protect you",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:37:17.465Z,2019-09-16T14:37:17.465Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3890 16509,v1.0,,"""psychological wellbeing"" brought me to do volunteering abroad when I was living in Germany for one year also around 30 (is this year magical in a way or what? :P) . I thought that being away from love-hate relationship with own country would help to get solutions for own future.",/post/57904,2019-09-16T14:39:27.304Z,2019-09-16T14:39:27.304Z,57904,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16510,v1.0,,"Didn't work in my case because i had terrible job there and was bored most of time sitting in the library which literally NO ONE was visiting, trying to work on phD thesis, feeling stucked in the middle. Seems like not only moving-away but also have meaningfull job could be that factor, no? What you are doing in Brussels?",/post/57904,2019-09-16T14:39:39.464Z,2019-09-16T14:39:39.464Z,57904,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3895 16570,v1.0,,"I am not distanced from local politics at all, especially not the one in Balkans.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:57.163Z,2019-09-18T10:45:57.163Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3928 16578,v1.0,,"And yes, as @nataliaskoczylas said, result of me moving so much around is that I feel at home everywhere as well :slightsmile:",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:47:21.544Z,2019-09-18T10:47:21.544Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3934 16580,v1.0,,"I think I see this too in my environment. But I would never say it out loud, it sounds a bit presumptious no? The implication seems to be: 'I evolved, you haven't'. And who wants to stay still?",/post/58807,2019-09-18T10:47:41.643Z,2019-09-18T10:47:41.643Z,58807,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16584,v1.0,,"This is so true, whenever I am back in Lublin, where I studied, i go to the hip bars and meet my old friends and they have the same conversations... For real! 10 years later. Nothing bad about it, it's just a different experience, i completely agree. Cancel Save",/post/58876,2019-09-18T10:48:21.058Z,2019-09-18T10:48:21.058Z,58876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16586,v1.0,,"On the other hand friends who went out into the world and experienced and did wild stuff- they went back home and settled into nice comfortable lives. They were somehow in the same place, and living fairly conventional lives - but the way they arrived there was one in which their personal development lead them there. An active, well thought through choice. And they are happy.",/post/58877,2019-09-18T10:48:41.292Z,2019-09-18T10:48:41.292Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16587,v1.0,,"On the other hand friends who went out into the world and experienced and did wild stuff- they went back home and settled into nice comfortable lives. They were somehow in the same place, and living fairly conventional lives - but the way they arrived there was one in which their personal development lead them there. An active, well thought through choice. And they are happy.",/post/58877,2019-09-18T10:48:46.817Z,2019-09-18T10:48:46.817Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16495,v1.0,,unfortunately it often entails getting out.,/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:36:46.67Z,2019-09-16T14:36:46.67Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16496,v1.0,,"Getting out is generalized and massive: in the early nineties people were flooding out for the “western mirage” in search of better lives. 3.4 millions left in just the last 10 years, and currently around 5 million live abroad, from a population of 22 million. That's a lot. 400 000 live only in the UK and are now facing risks of being pushed away by politics gone wrong.",/post/50139,2019-09-16T14:36:56.088Z,2019-09-16T14:36:56.088Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16505,v1.0,,the reasons to stay for a long time were because my family and close support system were very warm,/post/57899,2019-09-16T14:38:40.573Z,2019-09-16T14:38:40.573Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1641 16512,v1.0,,"rt of the core team of co-founders, so this has been a baby since 8 years. I got into it right after my studies, not wanting to go into PhD.. And now this is what I'm doing in Brussels, and what has become also personal life, more than a job:",/post/57922,2019-09-16T14:39:57.853Z,2019-09-16T14:39:57.853Z,57922,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3896 16571,v1.0,,"At first I resented it, felt powerless and frustrated, but as time passed by I felt I cannot just ignore it. I feel there is more hope and potential for change there, here the system became too strong. Also the change is more urgent there than here in western hemisphere but not for the reasons you might thin",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:46:06.599Z,2019-09-18T10:46:06.599Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3910 16572,v1.0,,"At first I resented it, felt powerless and frustrated, but as time passed by I felt I cannot just ignore it. I feel there is more hope and potential for change there, here the system became too strong. Also the change is more urgent there than here in western hemisphere but not for the reasons you might think.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:46:12.29Z,2019-09-18T10:46:12.29Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3929 16573,v1.0,,"Brussels is a city of nomads, of expats, of people out of place but actually in perfect place for might say we form a new nation. Nation based on similar experiences, feelings, perception or belief...I would say it is a belief we are human above all.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:46:34.823Z,2019-09-18T10:46:34.823Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3930 16575,v1.0,,"Nations are a rather recent invention in human history so I really don't see why should anyone look at it as something permanent, I don't. I believe more and more people realise this and in fact solution to accelerate such an evolution is to create better living conditions. From what I see, poorer someone is more likely he is to be influenced by manipulators using nation, race, religion or any other mean to create bigger divisions in society and rule on that foundation of fear of 'the other side'.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:46:51.531Z,2019-09-18T10:46:51.531Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3932 16576,v1.0,,"Nations are a rather recent invention in human history so I really don't see why should anyone look at it as something permanent, I don't. I believe more and more people realise this and in fact solution to accelerate such an evolution is to create better living conditions. From what I see, poorer someone is more likely he is to be influenced by manipulators using nation, race, religion or any other mean to create bigger divisions in society and rule on that foundation of fear of 'the other side'.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:47:10.449Z,2019-09-18T10:47:10.449Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3933 16577,v1.0,,"And yes, as @nataliaskoczylas said, result of me moving so much around is that I feel at home everywhere as well :slightsmile: Cancel Save",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:47:15.9Z,2019-09-18T10:47:15.9Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,832 16579,v1.0,,"I think I see this too in my environment. But I would never say it out loud, it sounds a bit presumptious no? The implication seems to be: 'I evolved, you haven't'. And who wants to stay still?",/post/58807,2019-09-18T10:47:36.986Z,2019-09-18T10:47:36.986Z,58807,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16581,v1.0,,Well I didn't say we changed in a good way (evolved) and they haven't :wink:,/post/58833,2019-09-18T10:47:47.584Z,2019-09-18T10:47:47.584Z,58833,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16582,v1.0,,"Experiencing different things, meeting different people,cultures, viewpoints etc, expands your own and normally helps you a great deal in personal development. So even if you said that you evolved more than they did, it would make sense even though it would sound arrogant.",/post/58833,2019-09-18T10:47:53.688Z,2019-09-18T10:47:53.688Z,58833,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16497,v1.0,,"feeling of choking inside the ""happy bubble"" that supposed to protect you",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:37:11.109Z,2019-09-16T14:37:11.109Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3889 16499,v1.0,,"Populist party, politics reaching our daily life,",/post/57876,2019-09-16T14:37:23.891Z,2019-09-16T14:37:23.891Z,57876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3886 16585,v1.0,,"This is so true, whenever I am back in Lublin, where I studied, i go to the hip bars and meet my old friends and they have the same conversations... For real! 10 years later. Nothing bad about it, it's just a different experience, i completely agree.",/post/58876,2019-09-18T10:48:25.978Z,2019-09-18T10:48:25.978Z,58876,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 16506,v1.0,,t's just that a clash of values,/post/57899,2019-09-16T14:38:48.367Z,2019-10-02T10:29:53.855Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4022 16503,v1.0,,"Haha, so well put! Choking inside the 'happy bubble' is exactly what I was feeling, Thank you @ALaAl, I'm so impressed by your read. You should be a community manager, great work supporting another to synthetise exactly what they mean and reinforce it :stuckouttongue:",/post/57899,2019-09-16T14:38:23.401Z,2019-09-16T14:38:23.401Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 16588,v1.0,,"On the other hand friends who went out into the world and experienced and did wild stuff- they went back home and settled into nice comfortable lives. They were somehow in the same place, and living fairly conventional lives - but the way they arrived there was one in which their personal development lead them there. An active, well thought through choice. And they are happy.",/post/58877,2019-09-18T10:48:53.987Z,2019-09-18T10:48:53.987Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,925 16589,v1.0,,"On the other hand friends who went out into the world and experienced and did wild stuff- they went back home and settled into nice comfortable lives. They were somehow in the same place, and living fairly conventional lives - but the way they arrived there was one in which their personal development lead them there. An active, well thought through choice. And they are happy.",/post/58877,2019-09-18T10:49:00.493Z,2019-09-18T10:49:00.493Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3936 16507,v1.0,,"The pull factor, to be honest, was the mental transition as I was nearing 30. I want to blog about it more, since these last 2 years were a tranformation. Maybe these days. It would go filed under 'psychological wellbeing' I believe.",/post/57899,2019-09-16T14:39:09.544Z,2019-09-16T14:39:09.544Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3894 16511,v1.0,,"e meaningfull job could be that factor, no? What you are doing in Brussels?",/post/57904,2019-09-16T14:39:47.212Z,2019-09-16T14:39:47.212Z,57904,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3896 16738,v1.0,,So I felt that my living was contrived: I was friends with people whom maybe today I would not choose.,/post/50139,2019-10-02T10:23:58.144Z,2019-10-02T10:23:58.144Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4020 16740,v1.0,,in search of better live,/post/50139,2019-10-02T10:26:06.892Z,2019-10-02T10:26:06.892Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4021 16741,v1.0,,"the way out is sometimes mentally healthier than staying. The fight remains though, but you do it from a ""sunnier"" place.",/post/50139,2019-10-02T10:26:46.608Z,2019-10-02T10:26:46.608Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3415 16514,v1.0,,"I have never even been to Romania (bad, I know...), but I can relate to this. I left Italy for the second time about ten years ago, and my environment of origin is now quite at odds with me. I",/post/57952,2019-09-16T14:40:16.096Z,2019-10-02T10:32:50.389Z,57952,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16739,v1.0,,So I felt that my living was contrived: I was friends with people whom maybe today I would not choose.,/post/50139,2019-10-02T10:24:34.896Z,2019-10-02T10:24:34.896Z,50139,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16742,v1.0,,"The pull factor, to be honest, was the mental transition as I was nearing 30. I want to blog about it more, since these last 2 years were a tranformation. Maybe these days. It would go filed under 'psychological wellbeing' I believe. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/57899,2019-10-02T10:30:33.744Z,2019-10-02T10:30:33.744Z,57899,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3415 16743,v1.0,,I’m just too invested in this society,/post/58072,2019-10-02T10:33:46.054Z,2019-10-02T10:33:46.054Z,58072,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3873 16746,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its politics and its views ""hurt"" me less than the news that the right wing party in the Netherlands has gained more seats in parliament. Talking with someone who says gays are evil hurts me, but when they say it in Georgia I sip from my coffee, politely smile and ask ""how come?"" whereas in NL I'd probably throw that same cup of coffee in their face. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:43:04.246Z,2019-10-02T10:43:04.246Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3886 16747,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its politics and its views ""hurt"" me less than the news that the right wing party in the Netherlands has gained more seats in parliament. Talking with someone who says gays are evil hurts me, but when they say it in Georgia I sip from my coffee, politely smile and ask ""how come?"" whereas in NL I'd probably throw that same cup of coffee in their face.",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:43:14.277Z,2019-10-02T10:43:14.277Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3913 16744,v1.0,,"And then, there's the in betweeners, like some Edgeryders folks and the very culture we are building - of dialogue, but not compromising on the values.",/post/58103,2019-10-02T10:38:28.106Z,2019-10-02T10:38:28.106Z,58103,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4023 16745,v1.0,,"but it hurts more when it's you childhood friend who has fringe ideas about the earth being flat, than when it is your neighbor who you only say hi to.",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:41:56.201Z,2019-10-02T10:41:56.201Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3886 16748,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). B",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:43:49.678Z,2019-10-02T10:43:49.678Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3899 16749,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its politics and its views ""hurt"" me less than the news that the right wing party in the Net",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:44:22.93Z,2019-10-02T10:44:22.93Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16750,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its politics and its views ""hurt"" me less than the news that the right wing party in the Netherlands has gained more seats in parliament. Talking with someone who says gays are evil hurts me, but when they say it in Georgia I sip from my coffee, politely smile and ask ""how come?"" whereas in NL I'd probably throw that same cup of coffee in their face. Edit Delete No Commentbubbles Edit Delete No Commentpolarisation Edit Delete No Commenthome country Edit Delete No Commentintense feelings Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:45:34.827Z,2019-10-02T10:45:34.827Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4024 16751,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its p",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:45:57.404Z,2019-10-02T10:45:57.404Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4025 16753,v1.0,,"Plus, I have to say, feeling distanced to my domestic politics makes me feel great. It'",/post/58211,2019-10-02T10:54:37.093Z,2019-10-02T10:54:37.093Z,58211,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,778 16755,v1.0,,"ith our different styles: she's out talking to local activists who reclaim unused buildings; I borrow books on Belgian history in the local library, and actually do have an idea of why we don't have a a government yet. I a",/post/58587,2019-10-02T11:00:22.963Z,2019-10-02T11:00:22.963Z,58587,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3928 16757,v1.0,,"I believe more and more people realise this and in fact solution to accelerate such an evolution is to create better living conditions. From what I see, poorer someone is more likely he is to be influenced by manipulators using nation, race, religion or any other mean to create bigger divisions in society and rule on that foundation of fear of 'the other side'. And yes, as @nataliaskoczylas said, result of me moving so much around is that I feel at home everywhere as well :slightsmile: Edit Delete No Commentnations Edit Delete No Commentpoor living conditions Edit Delete No Commentlower income Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58781,2019-10-02T11:04:27.074Z,2019-10-02T11:04:27.074Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3883 16758,v1.0,,"Nations are a rather recent invention in human history so I really don't see why should anyone look at it as something permanent, I don't. I believe more and more people realise this and in fact solution to accelerate such an evolution is to create better living conditions. From what I see, poorer someone is more likely he is to be influenced by manipulators using nation, race, religion or any other mean to create bigger divisions in society and rule on that foundation of fear of 'the other side'. And yes, as @nataliaskoczylas said, result of me moving so much around is that I feel at home everywhere as well :slightsmile: Edit Delete No Commentfeeling at home Edit Delete No Commentdraw of populism Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58781,2019-10-02T11:04:45.643Z,2019-10-02T11:04:45.643Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3917 16565,v1.0,,"When I moved to Brussels again 2 years later I found it refreshing nobody was asking me about my nationality or religion out of some hidden agenda, if it happened it was out of curiosity. I met people from all over the world and it was an amazing experience.",/post/58781,2019-09-18T10:45:08.001Z,2019-10-02T11:07:22.489Z,58781,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3935 16760,v1.0,,"On arrival we meet an old acquaintance of mine whom I hadnt seen in years. Asked him how he was. He had had two kids he said. i asked him how that was - ""well it is not as bad as my job"".",/post/58877,2019-10-02T11:09:36.792Z,2019-10-02T11:09:36.792Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4028 16761,v1.0,,radical life changes,/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:27:06.284Z,2019-10-02T11:27:06.284Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16763,v1.0,,"I think complexity is the norm, and navigating it is even harder for those of us coming from fairly traditional societies",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:29:10.258Z,2019-10-02T11:29:10.258Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3874 16768,v1.0,,"The Orthodox Church and traditions in my country are still highly influential both culturally and politically, so if you are walking away from them",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:30:25.726Z,2019-10-02T11:30:25.726Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4032 16769,v1.0,,"including a simple thing, like not wanting to be married in a church! - will, even in progressive bubbles, still require, at a minimum, for you to explain yourself.",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:31:59.392Z,2019-10-02T11:31:59.392Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4033 16771,v1.0,,find a home,/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:32:39.32Z,2019-10-02T11:32:39.32Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,832 16752,v1.0,,"I currently live in a country that is extremely homophobic, extremely religious, and extremely patriotic (Georgia) - all the things that I am not (I used to run the joke that my only religion is equality). But its politics and its views ""hurt"" me less than the news that the right wing party in the Netherlands has gained more seats in parliament. Talking with someone who says gays are evil hurts me, but when they say it in Georgia I sip from my coffee, politely smile and ask ""how come?"" whereas in NL I'd probably throw that same cup of coffee in their face. Edit Delete No Commenthitting close to home Edit Delete No Commenthomophobia Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58199,2019-10-02T10:48:01.819Z,2019-10-02T10:48:01.819Z,58199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4026 16754,v1.0,,t's nice to feel you're not responsible for the mess in your country anymore,/post/58211,2019-10-02T10:56:07.194Z,2019-10-02T10:56:07.194Z,58211,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4027 16756,v1.0,,"It's no longer so much my problem - I am interested in international relations, and I read mostly about American, Russian, Chinese, British politics. it's nice to feel you're not responsible for the mess in your country anymore, but you still get a good overview of what shapes the world and how you position yourself towards global, human challenges. National politics, my god, why did we even invent it :rofl: Edit Delete No Commentemotional distance",/post/58211,2019-10-02T11:00:40.605Z,2019-10-02T11:00:40.605Z,58211,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3928 16759,v1.0,,"well it is not as bad as my job"".",/post/58877,2019-10-02T11:09:16.273Z,2019-10-02T11:09:16.273Z,58877,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3896 16762,v1.0,,radical,/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:27:15.885Z,2019-10-02T11:27:15.885Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4029 16764,v1.0,,"The Orthodox Church and traditions in my country are still highly influential both culturally and politically, so if you are walking away from them - including a simple thing, like not wanting to be married in a church! - will, even in progressive bubbles, still require, at a minimum, for you to explain yourself.",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:29:28.147Z,2019-10-02T11:29:28.147Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16772,v1.0,,new morally support systems. Especially social and family,/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:32:56.449Z,2019-10-02T11:32:56.449Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4035 16765,v1.0,,"The Orthodox Church and traditions in my country are still highly influential both culturally and politically, so if you are walking away from them",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:29:43.461Z,2019-10-02T11:29:43.461Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4030 16773,v1.0,,new morally support systems. Especially social and family.,/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:33:17.583Z,2019-10-02T11:33:17.583Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4036 16774,v1.0,,"overwhelmed by the influx of various information ""just a click away"".",/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:34:57.261Z,2019-10-02T11:34:57.261Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4037 16775,v1.0,,"""new"" moral code for 21st century does not differ from moral codes from previous centuries, but we tend to forget what morality is,",/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:39:41.615Z,2019-10-02T11:39:41.615Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16779,v1.0,,the struggle to become a better person,/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:41:39.243Z,2019-10-02T11:41:39.243Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1504 16780,v1.0,,Is the complexity of life / society increasing,/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:44:29.083Z,2019-10-02T11:44:29.083Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,382 16782,v1.0,,"rate of change (over time, by geographical outreach; both for a given individual / group) increasing?",/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:44:54.158Z,2019-10-02T11:44:54.158Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4042 16789,v1.0,,"sure, lets do the traditional wedding, otherwise we will never hear the end of it. It's a quick fix solution that usually leads to more damage eventually - no one is happy and any other alternative options later become more and more difficult to explain and justify.",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:49:21.096Z,2019-10-02T11:49:21.096Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4045 16790,v1.0,,no one is happy and any other alternative options later become more and more difficult to explain and justify.,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:49:28.024Z,2019-10-02T11:49:28.024Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4046 16801,v1.0,,"But the challenge today really is how to make dominant churches back out of the secular arena in a healthy way, how to leave room for all the cultures",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:56:27.998Z,2019-10-02T11:56:27.998Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4050 16805,v1.0,,I doubt that Churches feel like they have that responsibility in countries like ours where they have become institutions pursuing their goals politically.,/post/54642,2019-10-02T12:05:47.684Z,2019-10-02T12:05:47.684Z,54642,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4048 16809,v1.0,,"ue to their professional knowledge and skills, geoscientists in particular should reflect on the ethical implications of their work that could guide responsible interactions. Geoethics offers geoscientists a framework for operationalising and exercising this responsibility whilst also orienting other professions and society towards responsible interactions with the Earth system",/post/54756,2019-10-02T12:06:50.774Z,2019-10-02T12:06:50.774Z,54756,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4054 16820,v1.0,,I think that a possible route to address them is an ecumenical way of performing and understanding faith in relation to morality (although for many people morality does not necessarily depend upon religious/spiritual faith).,/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:12:06.176Z,2019-10-02T12:12:06.176Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1432 16828,v1.0,,It seems that what Christians lack is embracing other religious traditions (though not only Christians).,/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:14:41.579Z,2019-10-02T12:14:41.579Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4048 16831,v1.0,,"To what extent religious pluralism enhances a concept of God that embraces ""all people"" (irrespective of their religious tradition)? Can this concept of God help us make better sense of the “new moral codes” adapted to contemporary needs and concerns?",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:17:13.673Z,2019-10-02T12:17:13.673Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4062 16842,v1.0,,"at in the current climate of pervasive economic, social and epistemic injustice churches (institutionalized religions) do not do much to restore the trust in the universal moral values of love, compassion and so on.",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:25:24.475Z,2019-10-02T12:25:24.475Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4058 16851,v1.0,,"Well, in Eastern Europe over at least last 1000 years their political significance was reduced only during communism :slightlysmilingface:. In west they have greatly diminished it's political influence because it's no longer in their interest. Money is the new god, works perfectly for those who have enormous amounts of it :wink:. I",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:29:43.309Z,2019-10-02T12:29:43.309Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4069 16852,v1.0,,"Well, in Eastern Europe over at least last 1000 years their political significance was reduced only during communism :slightlysmilingface:. In west they have greatly diminished it's political influence because it's no longer in their interest. Money is the new god, works perfectly for those who have enormous amounts of it :wink:. I be",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:29:50.251Z,2019-10-02T12:29:50.251Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4048 16854,v1.0,,"I believe the interest in ""alternative"" religious practices and spirituality grows and it is my understanding it must grow, there is a real need for it. People need to believe in more than what's being offered to them at the moment. Deep within, everyone is looking for a life of meaning.",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:30:30.797Z,2019-10-02T12:30:30.797Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4071 16766,v1.0,,"The Orthodox Church and traditions in my country are still highly influential both culturally and politically, so if you are walking away from them",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:29:48.546Z,2019-10-02T11:29:48.546Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1432 16767,v1.0,,"The Orthodox Church and traditions in my country are still highly influential both culturally and politically, so if you are walking away from them",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:30:20.847Z,2019-10-02T11:30:20.847Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4031 16770,v1.0,,"including a simple thing, like not wanting to be married in a church! - will, even in progressive bubbles, still require, at a minimum, for you to explain yourself.",/post/54250,2019-10-02T11:32:13.121Z,2019-10-02T11:32:13.121Z,54250,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4034 16776,v1.0,,"""new"" moral code for 21st century does not differ from moral codes from previous centuries, but we tend to forget what morality is",/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:40:05.599Z,2019-10-02T11:40:05.599Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4039 16778,v1.0,,the struggle to become a better person,/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:41:31.609Z,2019-10-02T11:41:31.609Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3927 16781,v1.0,,: Is the complexity of life / society increasing,/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:44:40.022Z,2019-10-02T11:44:40.022Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4041 16788,v1.0,,"As you say, moral codes have not changed that much. We still understand human decency more or less in the same way.",/post/54350,2019-10-02T11:47:09.795Z,2019-10-02T11:47:09.795Z,54350,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4039 16791,v1.0,,traditional societies are under stronger influence of whichever is the dominant church/religion and they are all more all less preaching the same. It's tiring indeed and many people take the easy way out when they can,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:49:55.392Z,2019-10-02T11:49:55.392Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4034 16792,v1.0,,traditional societies are under stronger influence of whichever is the dominant church/religion and they are all more all less preaching the same. It's tiring indeed and many people take the easy way out when they can,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:50:07.311Z,2019-10-02T11:50:07.311Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3874 16795,v1.0,,fairly traditional societies are under stronger influence of whichever is the dominant church/religion and they are all more all less preaching the same,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:53:57.293Z,2019-10-02T11:53:57.293Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4031 16802,v1.0,,but also find ways to create those spaces of togetherness for those who need them and would want them from the church.,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:57:08.182Z,2019-10-02T11:57:08.182Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4051 16803,v1.0,,but also find ways to create those spaces of togetherness for those who need them and would want them from the church.,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:57:14.514Z,2019-10-02T11:57:14.514Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4052 16804,v1.0,,"But the challenge today really is how to make dominant churches back out of the secular arena in a healthy way, how to leave room for all the cultures",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:57:44.86Z,2019-10-02T11:57:44.86Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4053 16806,v1.0,,I doubt that Churches feel like they have that responsibility in countries like ours where they have become institutions pursuing their goals politically.,/post/54642,2019-10-02T12:05:53.532Z,2019-10-02T12:05:53.532Z,54642,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4027 16808,v1.0,,"Hello @wlayche. I am a researcher, so my professional duties include looking at the ethical aspects of any research I participate in. In research,",/post/54350,2019-10-02T12:06:39.288Z,2019-10-02T12:06:39.288Z,54350,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4054 16821,v1.0,,. I think that a possible route to address them is an ecumenical way of performing and understanding faith in relation to morality (although for many people morality does not necessarily depend upon religious/spiritual faith).,/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:12:15.12Z,2019-10-02T12:12:15.12Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16824,v1.0,,"to prevent unhappiness, metaphysical loneliness, violence and social, political, economic and epistemic injustice (see T",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:13:19.266Z,2019-10-02T12:13:19.266Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1093 16827,v1.0,,It seems that what Christians lack is embracing other religious traditions (though not only Christians),/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:14:01.405Z,2019-10-02T12:14:01.405Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4059 16829,v1.0,,"“new comparative theology,” as it has been christened, is a confessional theology seeking to explore the meaning of one’s own religious tradition by critical investigation of another or aspects of another.",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:14:53.781Z,2019-10-02T12:14:53.781Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4060 16830,v1.0,,"is not a disinterested endeavor where the comparer seeks to bracket the truth claims of her own religious worldview. Rather, this work is done faithfully, moving beyond one’s own tradition, asking questions of the religious other’s texts or practices, seeking correlations and novel insights, then returning to examine what has been discovered in the process...""",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:15:57.076Z,2019-10-02T12:15:57.076Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4061 16832,v1.0,,"I ""discovered"" as my truth something. Spirituality and religion should be separated from the church.",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:18:04.648Z,2019-10-02T12:18:04.648Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4053 16834,v1.0,,"rganisations full of corrupt men which don't live what they preach. I know there are good men in there as well but, I researched the subject a lot and I must say my feeling is they were corrupted by enormous power.",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:18:55.884Z,2019-10-02T12:18:55.884Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4048 16835,v1.0,,"e institutions, organisations full of corrupt men which don't live what they preach. I know there are good men in there as well but, I researched the subject a lot and I must say my feeling is they were corrupted by enormous power. T",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:19:07.284Z,2019-10-02T12:19:07.284Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,426 16843,v1.0,,is that religious institutions and their commitments have a decreasing social significance whereas their political significance has increased (at least in some Central and East European countries).,/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:25:36.394Z,2019-10-02T12:25:36.394Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4031 16777,v1.0,,basic principles do not change,/post/54281,2019-10-02T11:40:53.607Z,2019-10-02T11:40:53.607Z,54281,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4040 16783,v1.0,,Does decreasing 'authority of authorities' (or: increasing autonomy of the individual) make a given complexity more challenging for a given individual / group?,/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:45:12.827Z,2019-10-02T11:45:12.827Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4043 16785,v1.0,,"Regarding 'moral code' (= code authority of the authorities) and its adjustments to contemporary needs, possibly the reply can be found in the enlightenment approach that has served to build the modern world. Hence, 'tu felix terra, sapere aude!'",/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:45:32.487Z,2019-10-02T11:45:32.487Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4044 16793,v1.0,,traditional societies,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:50:16.21Z,2019-10-02T11:50:16.21Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4047 16807,v1.0,,deep engagement with ethical consideration,/post/54756,2019-10-02T12:06:32.255Z,2019-10-02T12:06:32.255Z,54756,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,792 16823,v1.0,,"o prevent unhappiness, metaphysical loneliness, violence and social, political, economic and epistemic injustice (see T",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:13:10.595Z,2019-10-02T12:13:10.595Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4046 16833,v1.0,,"I ""discovered"" as my truth something. Spirituality and religion should be separated from the church.",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:18:13.999Z,2019-10-02T12:18:13.999Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4063 16844,v1.0,,is that religious institutions and their commitments have a decreasing social significance whereas their political significance has increased (at least in some Central and East European countries).,/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:25:50.528Z,2019-10-02T12:25:50.528Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4065 16853,v1.0,,"Well, in Eastern Europe over at least last 1000 years their political significance was reduced only during communism :slightlysmilingface:. In west they have greatly diminished it's political influence because it's no longer in their interest. Money is the new god, works perfectly for those who have enormous amounts of it :wink:. I b",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:30:00.686Z,2019-10-02T12:30:00.686Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4070 16784,v1.0,,"egarding 'moral code' (= code authority of the authorities) and its adjustments to contemporary needs, possibly the reply can be found in the enlightenment approach that has served to build the modern world. Hence, 'tu felix terra, sapere aude!' Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54308,2019-10-02T11:45:24.71Z,2019-10-02T11:45:24.71Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16787,v1.0,,"Much trickier, and more interesting, than moral codes is ethics, that @markomanka defines as ""how you translate your moral principles into action"".",/post/54350,2019-10-02T11:46:03.045Z,2019-10-02T11:46:03.045Z,54350,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,792 16794,v1.0,,fairly traditional societies are under stronger influence of whichever is the dominant church/religion and they are all more all less preaching the same.,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:53:47.449Z,2019-10-02T11:53:47.449Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1432 16810,v1.0,,I feel that the question of agency is tremendously important nowadays - for any given individual the agency must be bigger than it was in previous centuries.,/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:08:10.922Z,2019-10-02T12:08:10.922Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4055 16825,v1.0,,"to prevent unhappiness, metaphysical loneliness, violence and social, political, economic and epistemic injustice (see T",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:13:25.223Z,2019-10-02T12:13:25.223Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4058 16826,v1.0,,"le to prevent unhappiness, metaphysical loneliness, violence and social, political, economic and epistemic injustice (see",/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:13:32.992Z,2019-10-02T12:13:32.992Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1823 16836,v1.0,,"s far as the moral code goes, I focus on human interaction and try to make sure the end result in any case is beneficial for everyone involved.",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:23:06.112Z,2019-10-02T12:23:06.112Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16839,v1.0,,"As you said, family and our immediate surrounding are crucial for establishing that set of cores values, which becomes our guide in each his own perception of this reality.",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:23:37.65Z,2019-10-02T12:23:37.65Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3887 16841,v1.0,,"t in the current climate of pervasive economic, social and epistemic injustice churches (institutionalized religions) do not do much to restore the trust in the universal moral values of love, compassion and so on.",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:25:17.723Z,2019-10-02T12:25:17.723Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16845,v1.0,,political significance has increased (at least in some Central and East European countries). W,/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:26:06.385Z,2019-10-02T12:26:06.385Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4066 16855,v1.0,,"veryone is looking for a life of meaning. That cannot be become a drone and work, make money, consume always newer things,which last less and less by the way :wink:, pay for crap food, then spend what's left on poisoning yourself further with big pharma...beautiful circle.",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:30:36.894Z,2019-10-02T12:30:36.894Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1122 16786,v1.0,,"In research, moral codes are more or less uncontroversial: everyone agrees you should refrain from exploiting others, make sure anyone participating in research does so with full consent and awareness, and so on",/post/54350,2019-10-02T11:45:52.656Z,2019-10-02T11:45:52.656Z,54350,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16796,v1.0,,fairly traditional societies are under stronger influence of whichever is the dominant church/religion and they are all more all less preaching the same,/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:54:04.042Z,2019-10-02T11:54:04.042Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4032 16799,v1.0,,"the Church had bright spots in history in delivering exactly the experiences people needed to experience togetherness and gather strength for fighting injustice. In Montgomery bus boycott and M.L.King's journey the church played a central role. In Serbia - the churches and monasteries were crucial places for everyone who was fighting back the Ottomans, and held that role for over 400 years.",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:55:18Z,2019-10-02T11:55:18Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4048 16811,v1.0,,"But maybe we have more agency, so more potential for action, so maybe more need to make choices that have an ethical dimension.",/post/54350,2019-10-02T12:08:28.997Z,2019-10-02T12:08:28.997Z,54350,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4055 16837,v1.0,,"For me key things are empathy, humility, understanding and taking responsibility: if you at least try putting yourself in other person's shoes, if you try to understand them then you hardly can have negative intention and act in a way which would be detrimental to someone else. C",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:23:19.415Z,2019-10-02T12:23:19.415Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,781 16840,v1.0,,"in the current climate of pervasive economic, social and epistemic injustice churches (institutionalized religions) do not do much to restore the trust in the universal moral values of love, compassion and so on.",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:24:37.076Z,2019-10-02T12:24:37.076Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4064 16846,v1.0,,ts have a decreasing social significance whereas their political significance has increased (at least in some Central and East European countries).,/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:26:20.014Z,2019-10-02T12:26:20.014Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4067 16856,v1.0,,"Yes, I couldn't agree more on has taken a role of a religion, the way it affected and still affects the creation of new social structures. As far as I am concerned, one cannot be free as long as one has a banner, emblem or a flag above one's head.",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:30:43Z,2019-10-02T12:30:43Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4072 16857,v1.0,,"(sometimes viewed as a secularized religion) also play a substantial role in fostering epistemic and moral values only for the in-groups, excluding ""the others."" You said that ""Spirituality and religion should be separated from the church."" I fully agree that while churches need to work on their credibili",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:31:00.851Z,2019-10-02T12:31:00.851Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4072 16858,v1.0,,"Considering I lived through civil war I know very well there are many situations in life and not all rules apply universally. Cancel Save",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:31:56.671Z,2019-10-02T12:31:56.671Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4073 16861,v1.0,,"I thought running this meeting in a form of a panel, where 14 speakers were asked questions by two moderators, with the audience sitting on uncomfortable benches behind them, having to look at the screens if they wanted to see the person speaking, had as little transformative potential as it gets.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:45:56.635Z,2019-10-02T12:45:56.635Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4074 16869,v1.0,,"The last part turned into an exchange of experiences, strategies and ways to mobilize that these alternative movements design and devise.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:50:47.282Z,2019-10-02T12:50:47.282Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4079 16882,v1.0,,I was wondering how they were going to navigate having all of these different voices in one physical room with the clock ticking.,/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:56:40.738Z,2019-10-02T12:57:48.48Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4088 16883,v1.0,,"Perhaps it is rather a question of untangling the various needs that this, and any other, event is trying to fullfill...",/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:59:10.205Z,2019-10-02T12:59:10.205Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4089 16884,v1.0,,"I was wondering how they were going to navigate having all of these different voices in one physical room with the clock ticking. That's the thing about real-time ""broadcast"" conversations where one person at a time has the floor - there is simply not enough bandwidth for everyone to be heard on their own terms and relationship to language. And a nightmare for introverts.",/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:59:17.423Z,2019-10-02T12:59:17.423Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4090 16886,v1.0,,"I agree, there has to be a certain level of unionization and collaboration, as the struggles need to go beyond the local, and be well-embedded in local at the same time. I'd love to try to prototype something like this, maybe for our autumn session. We're on the path to it already anyway :)",/post/56212,2019-10-02T13:00:48.318Z,2019-10-02T13:00:48.318Z,56212,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,326 16797,v1.0,,"in the existing complexities it is more difficult to navigate relationships with other people as well, especially when they are multi-ethnical, multicultural, of different spiritual beliefs",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:54:48.149Z,2019-10-02T11:54:48.149Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3911 16800,v1.0,,"- the Church had bright spots in history in delivering exactly the experiences people needed to experience togetherness and gather strength for fighting injustice. In Montgomery bus boycott and M.L.King's journey the church played a central role. In Serbia - the churches and monasteries were crucial places for everyone who was fighting back the Ottomans, and held that role for over 400 years",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:55:24.24Z,2019-10-02T11:55:24.24Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4049 16812,v1.0,,": Is the complexity of life / society increasing or is it the rate of change (over time, by geographical outreach; both for a given individual / group) increasing?",/post/54308,2019-10-02T12:08:36.741Z,2019-10-02T12:08:36.741Z,54308,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4055 16838,v1.0,,"Combine that with owning your actions, taking responsibility for your actions, words and thoughts, would also naturally lead you to a better moral code...simply because ego wouldn't find excuses so easily ;",/post/55874,2019-10-02T12:23:27.312Z,2019-10-02T12:23:27.312Z,55874,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4027 16847,v1.0,,"We have to also keep in mind that nationalisms (sometimes viewed as a secularized religion) also play a substantial role in fostering epistemic and moral values only for the in-groups, excluding ""the others.""",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:27:19.377Z,2019-10-02T12:27:19.377Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4068 16848,v1.0,,"We have to also keep in mind that nationalisms (sometimes viewed as a secularized religion) also play a substantial role in fostering epistemic and moral values only for the in-groups, excluding ""the others.""",/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:27:38.782Z,2019-10-02T12:27:38.782Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,802 16859,v1.0,,"While it is true kids now are influenced greatly by wider world out there,l I believe they can nurture those core values always, the secret though would be to know when you can apply them and when not :wink:",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:32:42.104Z,2019-10-02T12:32:42.104Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4038 16862,v1.0,,"I thought running this meeting in a form of a panel, where 14 speakers were asked questions by two moderators, with the audience sitting on uncomfortable benches behind them, having to look at the screens if they wanted to see the person speaking, had as little transformative potential as it gets.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:46:07.025Z,2019-10-02T12:46:07.025Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4075 16870,v1.0,,"he need to decolonize ourselves from patriarchy, the way new structures of confederation have to be led by women, internationalization will be based on common struggle, which goes beyond efficiency, and beyond the circle of violence. An Egyptian artist, now in residence in Zamek Ujazdowski, talked about the need to develop new concepts of time, others criticised the NGOisation of resistance and the theft by these organizations of revolutionary ideas.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:52:35.126Z,2019-10-02T12:52:35.126Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4080 16877,v1.0,,"these old school formats with their old school ways of leading the discussion, and their exclusive content, have to be replaced by something that is driven by minorities and women, and communities. I",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:54:44.522Z,2019-10-02T12:54:44.522Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4085 16878,v1.0,,"these old school formats with their old school ways of leading the discussion, and their exclusive content, have to be replaced by something that is driven by minorities and women, and communities.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:54:51.371Z,2019-10-02T12:54:51.371Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4086 16887,v1.0,,"I agree, there has to be a certain level of unionization and collaboration, as the struggles need to go beyond the local, and be well-embedded in local at the same time. I'd love to try to prototype something like this, maybe for our autumn session. We're on the path to it already anyway :)",/post/56212,2019-10-02T13:01:18.924Z,2019-10-02T13:01:18.924Z,56212,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4092 16895,v1.0,,"uess so! And in fact this was another strange part of this event: gender equality - check! It was women who saved the women, and it will be people bold enough to rid of these hierarchical encounters who will then move us closer to better lives. It's also super hard to unlearn these patterns, but I would totally see us kneading these November meetings with local communities and ensuring very small, very participative, and very diverse situations happen there, where those who lost their jobs, who are in debt, who care for their parents, would kind of shape these discussions, and let the hipsters listen :)",/post/56338,2019-10-02T13:04:40.67Z,2019-10-02T13:04:40.67Z,56338,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4085 16897,v1.0,,"I guess so! And in fact this was another strange part of this event: gender equality - check! It was women who saved the women, and it will be people bold enough to rid of these hierarchical encounters who will then move us closer to better lives. It's also super hard to unlearn these patterns, but I would totally see us kneading these November meetings with local communities and ensuring very small, very participative, and very diverse situations happen there, where those who lost their jobs, who are in debt, who care for their parents, would kind of shape these discussions, and let the hipsters listen :)",/post/56338,2019-10-02T13:05:29.168Z,2019-10-02T13:05:29.168Z,56338,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4095 16798,v1.0,,"in the existing complexities it is more difficult to navigate relationships with other people as well, especially when they are multi-ethnical, multicultural, of different spiritual beliefs.",/post/54628,2019-10-02T11:54:57.369Z,2019-10-02T11:54:57.369Z,54628,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3935 16813,v1.0,,"he human rights, the technology, medicine, preservation, everything is more advanced than ever before and progressing and developing at a faster speed.",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:05.201Z,2019-10-02T12:09:05.201Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4042 16819,v1.0,,"I also think that the huge complexity of any given issue has contributed in making more noise in each of our heads when making decisions and choosing which way to act, even when it's not about the big ethical questions. Although, some might say that all the choices we make are now related to big moral codes - from buying vegetable for a salad to anything else (do you buy locally produced, are you sure it's fair trade, do they wrap it in plastics, etc).",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:10:20.151Z,2019-10-02T12:10:20.151Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4037 16849,v1.0,,the interest in non-institutional forms of religious practice and spirituality grows.,/post/56057,2019-10-02T12:29:10.17Z,2019-10-02T12:29:10.17Z,56057,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4063 16850,v1.0,,"Well, in Eastern Europe over at least last 1000 years their political significance was reduced only during communism :slightlysmilingface:. In west they have greatly diminished it's political influence because it's no longer in their interest. Money is the new god, works perfectly for those who have enormous amounts of it :wink:. I",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:29:38.184Z,2019-10-02T12:29:38.184Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4032 16860,v1.0,,"While it is true kids now are influenced greatly by wider world out there,l I believe they can nurture those core values always, the secret though would be to know when you can apply them and when not :wink:.",/post/56130,2019-10-02T12:33:14.455Z,2019-10-02T12:33:14.455Z,56130,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4035 16863,v1.0,,"Many of them do not wish for statehood or independence, rather self-determination that drives them towards peace",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:46:28.138Z,2019-10-02T12:46:28.138Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4076 16864,v1.0,,"that associates ""nations"" and groups that don't feel represented in their countries or internationally while considering the complexity of these entities, their stories, needs, and desires",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:46:36.331Z,2019-10-02T12:46:36.331Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3931 16871,v1.0,,"the need to decolonize ourselves from patriarchy, the way new structures of confederation have to be led by women, internationalization will be based on common struggle, which goes beyond efficiency, and beyond the circle of violence. An Egyptian artist, now in residence in Zamek Ujazdowski, talked about the need to develop new concepts of time, others criticised the NGOisation of resistance and the theft by these organizations of revolutionary ideas.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:52:42.172Z,2019-10-02T12:52:42.172Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4081 16879,v1.0,,"as, these old school formats with their old school ways of leading the discussion, and their exclusive content,",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:55:57.834Z,2019-10-02T12:55:57.834Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,802 16880,v1.0,,"That's the thing about real-time ""broadcast"" conversations where one person at a time has the floor - there is simply not enough bandwidth for everyone to be heard on their own terms and relationship to language. And a nightmare for introvert",/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:56:17.619Z,2019-10-02T12:56:17.619Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4074 16881,v1.0,,"hat's the thing about real-time ""broadcast"" conversations where one person at a time has the floor - there is simply not enough bandwidth for everyone to be heard on their own terms and relationship to language. And a nightmare for introverts.",/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:56:30.075Z,2019-10-02T12:56:30.075Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4075 16888,v1.0,,"I agree, there has to be a certain level of unionization and collaboration, as the struggles need to go beyond the local, and be well-embedded in local at the same time. I'd love to try to prototype something like this, maybe for our autumn session. We're on the path to it already anyway :)",/post/56212,2019-10-02T13:02:41.36Z,2019-10-02T13:02:41.36Z,56212,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4093 16891,v1.0,,Can similar mechanics be at play when it comes to standard formats? People refusing to speak when there's a podium and audience.,/post/56311,2019-10-02T13:03:52.986Z,2019-10-02T13:03:52.986Z,56311,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4095 16892,v1.0,,Can similar mechanics be at play when it comes to standard formats? People refusing to speak when there's a podium and audience.,/post/56311,2019-10-02T13:03:58.986Z,2019-10-02T13:03:58.986Z,56311,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4074 16814,v1.0,,"There is almost in all cases more exposure, more opportunity. Do we have a responsibility to think and act - I think we do. And I do agree that it is very stressful, which you outlined in a great way in your example of research",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:13.835Z,2019-10-02T12:09:13.835Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4027 16818,v1.0,,"I also think that the huge complexity of any given issue has contributed in making more noise in each of our heads when making decisions and choosing which way to act, even when it's not about the big ethical questions. Although, some might say that all the choices we make are now related to big moral codes - from buying vegetable for a salad to anything else (do you buy locally produced, are you sure it's fair trade, do they wrap it in plastics, etc).",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:54.012Z,2019-10-02T12:09:54.012Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4057 16865,v1.0,,"that associates ""nations"" and groups that don't feel represented in their countries or internationally while considering the complexity of these entities, their stories, needs, and desires. Many of them do not wish for statehood or independence, rather self-determination that drives them towards peace.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:46:43.544Z,2019-10-02T12:46:43.544Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3892 16872,v1.0,,"the need to decolonize ourselves from patriarchy, the way new structures of confederation have to be led by women, internationalization will be based on common struggle, which goes beyond efficiency, and beyond the circle of violence. An Egyptian artist, now in residence in Zamek Ujazdowski, talked about the need to develop new concepts of time, others criticised the NGOisation of resistance and the theft by these organizations of revolutionary ideas.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:52:53.079Z,2019-10-02T12:52:53.079Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1207 16874,v1.0,,"these old school formats with their old school ways of leading the discussion, and their exclusive content, have to be replaced by something that is driven by minorities and women, and communities.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:53:33.098Z,2019-10-02T12:53:33.098Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4082 16876,v1.0,,"as there is an obvious need of developing collaborations between the countries in the global south, the poorer countries in the ""North"", and various disadvantaged groups and communities all around the globe. This was not a setting where a strong platform and collaboration could be conceived - it rather showed how white, privileged men struggle breaking through some of the power structures in order to turn them into vehicles of radical change. Only when women, most of them of color, took over the floor, the debate seemed to be gaining the right energy - but then it was late, people were hurt and too much energy was already wasted.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:54:37.877Z,2019-10-02T12:54:37.877Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4084 16885,v1.0,,"I cannot let go of this idea to run federated events - you know, global date for local events type format. Auonomous groups organise their local events, but collaborating and coordinating online to build a strong, interesting program. Then document and post learnings online so people everywhere can learn what happens in different places and build on it.",/post/56201,2019-10-02T12:59:37.959Z,2019-10-02T12:59:37.959Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4091 16889,v1.0,,"It also starts with how selective we are about our own events, or the conditions under which people choose to participate. More and more so we see more gender equity in events: because of public shaming and saying no, something did change.",/post/56311,2019-10-02T13:03:27.232Z,2019-10-02T13:03:27.232Z,56311,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4090 16902,v1.0,,"Why ""replaced""? Different formats work for different people with different purposes. Some people gather around whiteboards, scribble equations and point excitedly at them. Others meditate in silence. Others still burn incense, or hug trees, or whatever.. It makes complete sense to want to innovate on formats (we do enough of that ourselves!); it even makes sense to refuse to go to event when we don't like their format. But I would never want to stop others from using whatever format works for them.",/post/57160,2019-10-02T13:07:29.978Z,2019-10-02T13:07:29.978Z,57160,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4098 16815,v1.0,,"I also think that the huge complexity of any given issue has contributed in making more noise in each of our heads when making decisions and choosing which way to act,",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:21.773Z,2019-10-02T12:09:21.773Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,382 16866,v1.0,,power struggles behind it,/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:47:41.683Z,2019-10-02T12:47:41.683Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4077 16873,v1.0,,"the need to decolonize ourselves from patriarchy, the way new structures of confederation have to be led by women, internationalization will be based on common struggle, which goes beyond efficiency, and beyond the circle of violence. An Egyptian artist, now in residence in Zamek Ujazdowski, talked about the need to develop new concepts of time, others criticised the NGOisation of resistance and the theft by these organizations of revolutionary ideas.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:53:02.324Z,2019-10-02T12:53:02.324Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4075 16890,v1.0,,"It also starts with how selective we are about our own events, or the conditions under which people choose to participate. More and more so we see more gender equity in events: because of public shaming and saying no, something did change.",/post/56311,2019-10-02T13:03:33.425Z,2019-10-02T13:03:33.425Z,56311,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4094 16816,v1.0,,I also think that the huge complexity of any given issue has contributed in making more noise in each of our heads when making decisions and choosing which way to act,/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:28.673Z,2019-10-02T12:09:28.673Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4041 16822,v1.0,,In light of this civic and political philosophy of reciprocity the mutual exchange between those who belong to different religious traditions can foster spiritual well being.,/post/55728,2019-10-02T12:12:26.023Z,2019-10-02T12:12:26.023Z,55728,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1415 16867,v1.0,,"What I found really intriguing in this part of the conference was Andrzej Nowak's suggestion that our role is now to do an ethnographic study of the nation-state and understand and hijack its roles, b",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:48:40.54Z,2019-10-02T12:48:40.54Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4078 16868,v1.0,,The idea is to learn to work and live together in diversity.,/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:49:23.007Z,2019-10-02T12:49:23.007Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,123 16875,v1.0,,"as there is an obvious need of developing collaborations between the countries in the global south, the poorer countries in the ""North"", and various disadvantaged groups and communities all around the globe. This was not a setting where a strong platform and collaboration could be conceived - it rather showed how white, privileged men struggle breaking through some of the power structures in order to turn them into vehicles of radical change. Only when women, most of them of color, took over the floor, the debate seemed to be gaining the right energy - but then it was late, people were hurt and too much energy was already wasted.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T12:54:23.894Z,2019-10-02T12:54:23.894Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4083 16893,v1.0,,"It also starts with how selective we are about our own events, or the conditions under which people choose to participate. More and more so we see more gender equity in events: because of public shaming and saying no, something did change.Can similar mechanics be at play when it comes to standard formats? People refusing to speak when there's a podium and audience.",/post/56311,2019-10-02T13:04:08.479Z,2019-10-02T13:04:08.479Z,56311,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4075 16817,v1.0,,"I also think that the huge complexity of any given issue has contributed in making more noise in each of our heads when making decisions and choosing which way to act, even when it's not about the big ethical questions. Although, some might say that all the choices we make are now related to big moral codes - from buying vegetable for a salad to anything else (do you buy locally produced, are you sure it's fair trade, do they wrap it in plastics, etc).",/post/55291,2019-10-02T12:09:46.522Z,2019-10-02T12:09:46.522Z,55291,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4056 16894,v1.0,,"gender equality - check! It was women who saved the women, and it will be people bold enough to rid of these hierarchical encounters who will then move us closer to better lives. It's also super hard to unlearn these patterns, but I would totally see us kneading these November meetings with local communities and ensuring very small, very participative, and very diverse situations happen there, where those who lost thei",/post/56338,2019-10-02T13:04:26.877Z,2019-10-02T13:04:26.877Z,56338,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4094 16898,v1.0,,"@christina_jordan has experience with organising gatherings for/with people in different contexts - rural uganda, thailand, us. A while back she started this thread on co-creative processes which includes some formats for events",/post/56201,2019-10-02T13:05:50.118Z,2019-10-02T13:05:50.118Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4095 16899,v1.0,,"@christina_jordan has experience with organising gatherings for/with people in different contexts - rural uganda, thailand, us. A while back she started this thread on co-creative processes which includes some formats for events",/post/56201,2019-10-02T13:05:57.493Z,2019-10-02T13:05:57.493Z,56201,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,322 16896,v1.0,,"I guess so! And in fact this was another strange part of this event: gender equality - check! It was women who saved the women, and it will be people bold enough to rid of these hierarchical encounters who will then move us closer to better lives. It's also super hard to unlearn these patterns, but I would totally see us kneading these November meetings with local communities and ensuring very small, very participative, and very diverse situations happen there, where those who lost their jobs, who are in debt, who care for their parents, would kind of shape these discussions, and let the hipsters listen :)",/post/56338,2019-10-02T13:05:08.424Z,2019-10-02T13:06:38.076Z,56338,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4097 16901,v1.0,,"Why ""replaced""? Different formats work for different people with different purposes. Some people gather around whiteboards, scribble equations and point excitedly at them. Others meditate in silence. Others still burn incense, or hug trees, or whatever.. It makes complete sense to want to innovate on formats (we do enough of that ourselves!); it even makes sense to refuse to go to event when we don't like their format. But I would never want to stop others from using whatever format works for them.",/post/57160,2019-10-02T13:07:00.63Z,2019-10-02T13:07:00.63Z,57160,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4090 16900,v1.0,,"There were more interesting stories to quote, but my key takeaway from this event was: if we want to work on world-shaping and revolutionary ideas, these old school formats with their old school ways of leading the discussion, and their exclusive content, have to be replaced by something that is driven by minorities and women, and communities. It needs to be more organic, community-based, and then somehow internationalized - as there is an obvious need of developing collaborations between the countries in the global south, the poorer countries in the ""North"", and various disadvantaged groups and communities all around the globe. This was not a setting where a strong platform and collaboration could be conceived - it rather showed how white, privileged men struggle breaking through some of the power structures in order to turn them into vehicles of radical change. Only when women, most of them of color, took over the floor, the debate seemed to be gaining the right energy - but then it was late, people were hurt and too much energy was already wasted.",/post/56086,2019-10-02T13:06:08.89Z,2019-10-02T13:06:08.89Z,56086,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4095 16903,v1.0,,"Andrzej Nowak’s suggestion that our role is now to do an ethnographic study of the nation-state and understand and hijack its roles, by determining what and how should they be provided and protected.",/post/57160,2019-10-02T13:09:42.4Z,2019-10-02T13:09:42.4Z,57160,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4078 16908,v1.0,,"He and I had this conversation about how beautiful our neighborhood is, were it not for the waste in the streets. We have decided we are going to clean up once a week. To make it realistic, we said we take 30mins. We did it for quite some time, before lunch, Mondays and Tuesdays, and always had quite some bags of waste, but also people joining us.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:22:10.688Z,2019-10-02T18:22:10.688Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1197 16910,v1.0,,"It’s about education, going into the schools and the homes of people, involving them in getting a feeling for their own environment, and not stopping at their doorstep.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:22:41.563Z,2019-10-02T18:22:41.563Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,766 16912,v1.0,,"There was this local waste organisation in Berlin who is responsible from the City, they have a small initiative where people say ‘I want to clean up’ and they give you the tools to work with. It’s a mini facebook for your neighborhood and you log in and ask for help, ask for tools etc. A digital form of community management.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:23:24.02Z,2019-10-02T18:23:24.02Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4103 16913,v1.0,,"That was our last big cleaning action. After that, Benedikt and I had a talk. We had really enjoyed the work with everybody who got involved, but the network that we were coming from wasn’t as involved as we would have needed them to be. There was little response, and a not equal situation because Benedikt was fully employed there and I did the whole project pro bono. It didn’t work for me: either we do it both for free, or both get paid. We said we take a rest and get together after winter.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:24:00.231Z,2019-10-02T18:24:00.231Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4104 16918,v1.0,,"I learned about how much work it is, this community work. Finding the motivation again and again is the most difficult part. That work is Sisyphus. You have to do it every couple of days. I have great respect for those who do this all the time, you need to have a lot of intrinsic motivation. You’re either not paid at all, or paid very badly. It’s not about the money though. I really enjoyed getting in contact with the people, now I feel more connected with where I live. I hardly knew the school, the cafe before.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:26:14.937Z,2019-10-02T18:26:14.937Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4109 16919,v1.0,,"dyž pro mě přijela Horská služba, jeden ze záchranářů",/post/55890,2019-10-03T09:59:11.531Z,2019-10-03T09:59:11.531Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4110 16920,v1.0,,"Normálně bych vás poslal do soukromého medical centru v nejbližším horském středisku, ale to byste se nedoplatil",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:02:42.489Z,2019-10-03T10:03:06.065Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4112 16921,v1.0,,Prahy,/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:03:21.428Z,2019-10-03T10:03:21.428Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 16925,v1.0,,"OK, říkám si, ještěže jsem se nerozhodl pro samoléčbu ledováním…",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:07:12.694Z,2019-10-03T10:07:12.694Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16926,v1.0,,"„Vždyť to na RTG snímku vypadá, že jste to zlomený vůbec neměl… Takže, abyste tu nohu uvedl do původního stavu, musíte jí dát plnou zátěž.“",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:07:54.059Z,2019-10-03T10:07:54.059Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16927,v1.0,,"On ale zvesela pokračoval, že to je dobře, že čím větší zátěž, tím efektivněji se to celé zahojí. Když jsem namítnul, že mi to určitě nateče, on přitakal a řekl, že to bude natejkat ještě tak rok, rok a půl, ať si zvyknu. Přišlo mi logické se dotázat, zda-li mám otoku předcházet nějakou ortézou, obinadlem, atp. To jsem dostal výslovně zakázáno, že prý by to hojení jenom zhoršovalo. Inu dobrá, vrhnul jsem se do svých oblíbených sportů s plnou vervou – bez ortézy.",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:08:18.637Z,2019-10-03T10:08:18.637Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16928,v1.0,,"že hraju florbal a skáču na kole,",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:08:48.968Z,2019-10-03T10:09:14.885Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4119 16933,v1.0,,"A tak mi poradil: „Nohu do klidu, používat ortézu, neběhat, nechodit, plavat a na kole jezdit maximálně na cyklostezce podél Vltavy.“ Když jsem mu řekl, jakou jsem dostal radu posledně (tedy právě přesně opačnou), doktor to nijak nerozporoval a řekl, že je to běžný postup (nejen jeho kolegy, ale zřejmě celé medicíny) a že to bylo dobře myšlené. Má fyzioterapeutka kroutila nechápavě hlavou a řekla, že by se klonila k radě „příliš nesportovat“ hned od začátku, ale že přece nová diagnóza nemůže rozporovat tu předchozí…",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:13:38.122Z,2019-10-03T10:13:38.122Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 16934,v1.0,,"Čímž se dostávám k pointě – a to chci zdůraznit, že si nestěžuju – mám v lékaře plnou důvěru, ale když dostanete o 180° odlišné rady (vedoucí k tomu, že už dva měsíce opět kulhám), jsem zmatený.",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:14:25.709Z,2019-10-03T10:14:25.709Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 16936,v1.0,,"#FNBforever",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:17:15.823Z,2019-10-03T10:17:15.823Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 16937,v1.0,,"Podle několika různých lékařů za to mohou dosti různorodé příčiny, od věku, přes artrózu až po nejrůznější infekce. Zkusila navštívit maximální množství odborníků, ale ve finále vlastně nikdo zcela rozhodně nepotvrdil, ani nevyvrátil názor toho druhého.",/post/55894,2019-10-03T10:17:50.941Z,2019-10-03T10:17:50.941Z,55894,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 16951,v1.0,,"někdy jsou situace tak akutní, že na konzultaci s jinými odborníky není prostor… Rozhodně si po této zkušenosti budu shromažďovat informace z více zdrojů, což od teď doporučuji i ostatním, aby tak dokázali předcházet dlouhodobějším problémům",/post/56437,2019-10-03T10:28:03.885Z,2019-10-03T10:28:03.885Z,56437,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4130 16955,v1.0,,"Přesun do Vinohradské nemocnice, kde mi doktor oznámí - nadvakrát zlomený kotník a přetrhané vazy... Ach jo... Doba léčby až 12 týdnů... Dvojité ach jo... Přesun na Vysočinu, kde se mám v následujícím týdnu dostavit na kontrolu do místní nemocnice.... Proběhl další rentgen a doktor na mě nechápavě hledí...",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:30:30Z,2019-10-03T10:30:30Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 16904,v1.0,,"(It's a general point, but in a project like this, even more care than usual must be displayed towards people that sympathize with the populist messages, etc.)",/post/57160,2019-10-02T13:10:12.34Z,2019-10-02T13:10:12.34Z,57160,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4099 16905,v1.0,,"(It's a general point, but in a project like this, even more care than usual must be displayed towards people that sympathize with the populist messages, etc.)",/post/57160,2019-10-02T13:10:20.688Z,2019-10-02T13:10:20.688Z,57160,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4100 16909,v1.0,,"He and I had this conversation about how beautiful our neighborhood is, were it not for the waste in the streets. We have decided we are going to clean up once a week. To make it realistic, we said we take 30mins. We did it for quite some time, before lunch, Mondays and Tuesdays, and always had quite some bags of waste, but also people joining us.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:22:15.912Z,2019-10-02T18:22:15.912Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4101 16914,v1.0,,eople living here don’t know about the spaces where they can leave that trash or they just don’t give a shit,/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:24:42.126Z,2019-10-02T18:24:42.126Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4105 16922,v1.0,,ale to byste se nedoplatil,/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:04:05.9Z,2019-10-03T10:04:05.9Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 16935,v1.0,,"Myslíte, že existuje nějaká nezávislá instance, kam se člověk může obrátit, když si není jistý správností diagnózy, doporučení, atd.? Jít se zeptat jiného odborníka v rámci té samé instituce podle mě smysl nemá, protože přece drží basu",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:16:52.653Z,2019-10-03T10:16:52.653Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4122 16954,v1.0,,"ale zajímá mě ještě názor alternativní (dá se pomoci bylinkami, správnou stravou, cvičením apod",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:29:31.965Z,2019-10-03T10:29:31.965Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 16956,v1.0,,Vysočinu,/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:30:52.345Z,2019-10-03T10:30:52.345Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4133 16953,v1.0,,"si nenechávám sdělit pouze dva či tři (ač když chcete třetí názor a natrefíte na doktora ""kruťase"" dá vám to sežrat, protože dva odborníci před ním se přece už vyjádřili",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:28:54.805Z,2019-10-03T10:28:54.805Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4130 16906,v1.0,,"the statement by Andrzej Nowak made me think exactly of the potential of our work in providing such answers and better understanding of complex systems. Translating it into practice is obviously super difficult, but we're collecting a lot of great proposals as we go here on this platform. Edgeryders hijacking the system, yes!",/post/57163,2019-10-02T13:10:38.794Z,2019-10-02T13:10:38.794Z,57163,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,382 16911,v1.0,,"hat we did next was to talk to an elementary school with a lot of Capri-Sun bags around it (famous lemonade drink in small plastic bags). We thought maybe it’s also the kids we should be talking to. We got in contact with teachers, who were very open to cooperate with us.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:23:00.141Z,2019-10-02T18:23:00.141Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4102 16915,v1.0,,people living here don’t know about the spaces where they can leave that trash or they just don’t give a shit,/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:24:49.503Z,2019-10-02T18:24:49.503Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4106 16916,v1.0,,"the City is responsible for cleanup in a different way, not so efficiently, a",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:25:14.994Z,2019-10-02T18:25:14.994Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4107 16923,v1.0,,"Doma jsem teda začal (dle instrukcí) ledovat, ale když jsem nebyl schopný se po několika hodinách na nohu postavit",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:05:20.675Z,2019-10-03T10:05:20.675Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16938,v1.0,,"Rozhodla se tedy pro léčbu doporučenou doktorem, ke kterému dochází dlouhodobě (a který spravoval koleno čirou náhodou ve FNB i mně:).",/post/55894,2019-10-03T10:18:16.383Z,2019-10-03T10:18:16.383Z,55894,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 16942,v1.0,,"podle mě smysl nemá, protože přece drží basu",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:22:13.36Z,2019-10-03T10:22:13.36Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4125 16943,v1.0,,"Říkáte, že věříte lékaři, dokud není prokázán vážný rozpor s jiným lékařským názorem.",/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:23:12.833Z,2019-10-03T10:23:12.833Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 16957,v1.0,,Prahy,/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:31:54.248Z,2019-10-03T10:31:54.248Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 16958,v1.0,,"Buď se Vám za pět dní zvládla zacelit dvojitá zlomenina i s poškozenými vazy nebo jsem blázen já, protože na snímcích nic není.",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:32:11.496Z,2019-10-03T10:32:11.496Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16960,v1.0,,"Happy end příběhu se nekonal - když mi po dalších 14 dnech sundali sádru z nohy, měla jsem kromě palce na pravé noze všechny prsty vykloubené a vytočené do pravého úhlu - neobula jsem ani sandály! Na mou otázku: ""Je tohle normální?"" Jsem dostala odpověď: ""Ano, nohu jste měla v sádře, takže čemu se divíte?""",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:33:48.05Z,2019-10-03T10:33:48.05Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16976,v1.0,,jelikož jsem byla zoufalá,/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:44:57.666Z,2019-10-03T10:44:57.666Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4139 16907,v1.0,,"greed with the replacement statement - it's too much and it's not necessary or productive. As I go with this project, I slowly realize the need for diversity and plurality. I keep on saying things like this, though, out of an old, radical habit :) Let's keep on innovating and tweaking :slight_smile:",/post/57163,2019-10-02T13:10:48.324Z,2019-10-02T13:10:48.324Z,57163,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4098 16917,v1.0,,"a not equal situation because Benedikt was fully employed there and I did the whole project pro bono. It didn’t work for me: either we do it both for free, or both get paid. We said we take a rest and get together after winter.",/post/54567,2019-10-02T18:25:48.213Z,2019-10-02T18:25:48.213Z,54567,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4108 16924,v1.0,,„mé oblíbené fakultní nemocnice B.“,/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:06:15.564Z,2019-10-03T10:06:41.562Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 16959,v1.0,,"Když Vám to ale řekl doktor z Prahy, tak sádru dotočíme a přijďte si 13. dubna na sundání.""",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:32:28.684Z,2019-10-03T10:32:28.684Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 16977,v1.0,,naše zdravotnictví mne nechalo ve štychu,/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:45:21.092Z,2019-10-03T10:45:21.092Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 16983,v1.0,,čarodějnici,/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:48:29.575Z,2019-10-03T10:48:29.575Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4141 16985,v1.0,,"Všechno to sice stojí ranec, ale děda žije a dokonce plnohodnotně.",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:49:16.102Z,2019-10-03T10:49:16.102Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 16961,v1.0,,"Z ničeho nic mi noha natekla a já se vrátil do kulhajícího stavu, tak jsem začal (opět) ledovat, což ale během týdne žádné zlepšení nepřineslo…",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:34:40.213Z,2019-10-03T10:34:40.213Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16999,v1.0,,skateboardisty,/post/60489,2019-10-03T10:55:01.839Z,2019-10-03T10:55:01.839Z,60489,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4142 17005,v1.0,,"Vzhledem k tomu, že má zlomenina byla způsobená rotací těla oproti statické levé dolní končetině přibližně o 270°, bylo to dosti nepříjemné. A bolelo to. Hodně. Nohu zasádrovala a šla operovat. Lýtkovou a holenní kost bohužel ve spěchu nedorovnala, což jsem samozřejmě nevěděl, a do konce mého pobytu to nezjistil ani nikdo další, na rentgenu měli asi nátřesk.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:14:49.048Z,2019-10-03T11:14:49.048Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 17001,v1.0,,"prevod engleskog „wellbeing“ naša reč „blagostanje“. Jer blagostanje može imati spiritualnu ili čak religijsku konotaciju i ima rajski prizvuk konačnosti. Dakle kada bih promišljao šta je za mene welbeing, radije bih govorio o dobrobiti. To implicira segmentiranost i stalno ulaganje, jer dobrobit može doći sa raznih strana, iz više oblasti i kada bismo stalno radili za sopstvenu i dobrobit društva u kojem živimo, možda bismo jednog dana i to blagostanje dostigli. No ipak, naše društvo sada je daleko od dobrobiti u svim oblastima. Toliko, da nam blagostanje zaista deluje kao stvar koju mi ateisti dočekati nećemo, a vernike možda sačeka u zagrobnom životu. Zato bih da ovde više govorimo o praktičnim stvarima, o tome da li naša društva danas rade za sopstvenu dobrobit, da li to rade naše države i političari. Najradije bih da govorimo o tome kako društvo i država brinu o zdravlju i socijalnoj zaštiti svojih građanki i građana.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:11:05.645Z,2019-10-03T11:25:33.626Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4150 17029,v1.0,,"Ono o čemu bih voleo da ovde zajedno promišljamo je – šta sada? Šta sada kada se u Srbiji spektakularno otvaraju velelepni, novi i moderni klinički centri, dok u domovima zdravlja i ambulantama više nema lekara koji bi pacijente uputili u te kliničke centre? Šta sada kada lekari i medicinske sestre odlaze u zemlje Evropske unije, dok im se u Srbiji obećavavaju veće plate i bolji životni standard za dve, najviše tri godine? Šta sada kada oni koji imaju, plaćaju na hiljade evra, na crno i bez računa, da se njihovi najmiliji leče ili da umru dostojanstveno u privatnim klinikama, dok oni koji te hiljade nemaju, bespomoćno gledaju kako im bliski ljudi odlaze? Šta sada kada jedan mali sloj društva svojim bakama i dekama mirnu starost pruža u preskupim staračkim domovima, dok mnogi penzioneri umiru u uslovima nedostojnim, a nakon svega što su uradili za ovo društvo? Šta sada? Upoznao sam nedavmo u Novom Pazaru gospođu koja ima oko sedamdeset godina. Bila je prodavačica u radnji lokalnog tekstilnog giganta, otišla u starosnu penziju koja je umanjena zbog nedovoljno radnog staža i iznosi 18.000 dinara. Nema stan i nema za stan. Nema za dom. Nema za lekove, nema za hranu, nema nikoga da je pomogne. Nema ni socijalnu pomoć, jer ima penziju, nema političare koji bi se sa njom slikali, jer ta slika nije lepa. I ta slika nikoga ne zanima. Hoću li i ja završiti tako? Koliko će nas iz moje, koliko vas iz vaše generacije će završiti život bez dostojanstva, jednog dana kada ne budemo više ciljna grupa populista koji su tu danas ili onih koji će sutra doći na vlast?",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:31:00.39Z,2019-10-03T11:35:50.087Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 16929,v1.0,,vrhnul jsem se do svých oblíbených sportů s plnou vervou,/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:09:41.624Z,2019-10-03T10:11:02.284Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4119 16941,v1.0,,Mor nejistoty a nedůvěry,/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:21:30.496Z,2019-10-03T10:21:30.496Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4125 16962,v1.0,,"Nehodlala jsem dál hádat, už jsem věděla kam pojedu. K bývalé zdravotní sestře, která se snaží skloubit moderní a alternativní medicínu.",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:35:05.781Z,2019-10-03T10:35:05.781Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 16979,v1.0,,"Nakonec k oné paní dojíždím od té doby, léčily jsme moje nohy dlouhodobě pomocí dornové metody, cvičení + byliny a masti.",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:46:13.826Z,2019-10-03T10:46:13.826Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 16980,v1.0,,"Od ní jsou příběhy, které mne opravdu nutí zamyslet se nad postupy západní medicíny",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:46:46.332Z,2019-10-03T10:46:46.332Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4140 16996,v1.0,,Na Bulovce,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:54:07.663Z,2019-10-03T10:54:07.663Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17002,v1.0,,"Řízením osudu jsem skončil v obvodní nemocnici ve městě T. v horách na severu Čech, státním zařízení.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:11:45.375Z,2019-10-03T11:11:45.375Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17006,v1.0,,"Pamatuju si, že jsem nebyl nejpopulárnější spolunocležník, jelikož jsem měl vysoké horečky (asi to punkové srůstání) a kříčel jsem v noci bolestí ze spaní - podle toho co mi pán vedle na posteli, asi tak 55, říkal, vždycky když mě budil ze sna. Ten ostatně přejal značnou část mojí péče a vysvětlil mi jak přežít, za což mu zpětně alspoň touto cestou děkuji.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:15:24.212Z,2019-10-03T11:15:24.212Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 17007,v1.0,,"Péče. Ihned po umístění na pokoj jsem dostal berle, které jsem vizuálně poznal z filmů pro pamětníky (ostatně tak vypadaly i prostory nemocnice), a bylo mi vysvětleno, že na velkou jen sám. Pamatuju si, že jsem se na pánskou toaletu belhal asi 25 minut. Nevím, jak to bylo daleko, ale když dostanete chodící pomůcku, ať jsou to berle, francouzské hole, či něco dalšího (v životě jsem testoval vícekrát více modelů), chvíli to trvá, než získáte tu správnou techniku a briskně akcelerujete na maximální rychlost.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:16:50.078Z,2019-10-03T11:16:50.078Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4147 17030,v1.0,,"Situaciju koju si naveo je često za vidjeti i u Hrvatskoj. Iako smo ušli u Europsku Uniju, dosta ljudi, najčešće stariji ljudi na selu, i dalje muku muče sa preživljavanjem. Penzije su uglavnom niske za veliku većinu ljudi, ljudi su se iselili u Irsku, Njemačku...a starci...ostaju doma. Da gledaju kako se koriste EU fondovi za obnove zgrada, a ljudi sve manje. u hr imamo ogromnih problema sa zdravstvom, puno ljudi umire lječničkom greškom i čistom nepažnjom.",/post/58463,2019-10-03T11:31:44.965Z,2019-10-03T11:51:10.69Z,58463,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4178 17035,v1.0,,"u hr imamo ogromnih problema sa zdravstvom, puno ljudi umire lječničkom greškom i čistom nepažnjom",/post/58463,2019-10-03T11:33:55.755Z,2019-10-03T11:54:08.547Z,58463,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4184 16930,v1.0,,"Zhruba po měsíci sportování, kdy jsem žádnou bolest necítil a radoval se",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:11:15.807Z,2019-10-03T10:11:15.807Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4119 16931,v1.0,,"„se to hezky zahojilo a jak mám uvědomělý doktory“, to přišlo. Z ničeho nic mi noha natekla a já se vrátil do kulhajícího stavu, tak jsem začal (opět) ledovat, což ale během týdne žádné zlepšení nepřineslo…",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:11:47.797Z,2019-10-03T10:11:47.797Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16963,v1.0,,"dyž jsem za ní přijela a ukázala jí v jakém stavu je moje noha, na kterou podle doktorů mohu normálně chodit, zhrozila se!",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:36:54.93Z,2019-10-03T10:36:54.93Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16981,v1.0,,"Např. můj děda už má 10 let rakovinu tlustého střeva. Od začátku všechno špatně. První diagnóza nádor není zhoubný, vyřízneme a bude to v pohodě. Potom co se dědy stav nezlepšoval, udělali lékaři nové testy a hle nádor je zhoubný a rozšiřuje se. Dávali dědovi max. pět let při dobré léčbě.",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:47:43.761Z,2019-10-03T10:47:43.761Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16997,v1.0,,Kdy Na Bulovce založí oddělení alternativní medicíny dostupné pro všechny,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:54:31.332Z,2019-10-03T10:54:31.332Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 17000,v1.0,,"Ony snahy začít s alternativní medicínou tu jsou, ale jak jsou ty vzájemné přesahy zatím slabé, tak je to trochu jeden krok kupředu, dva zpátky:",/post/60489,2019-10-03T10:55:50.094Z,2019-10-03T10:55:50.094Z,60489,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 17008,v1.0,,"Pamatuji si, jak na chodbě stály sestřičky, kouřily u okna a fandily mi, což mi v tu chvíli samozřejmě lichotilo, až zpětně mi došlo, že mě tam mohl jednou denně někdo odvézt na invalidním vozíku. Když jsem na toaletu konečně dorazil, nemohl jsem kvůli sádře až po pás zavřít dveře od kabinky. EPIC FAIL. Nedostávaly se snídaně, k obědu byl jeden kousek taveňáku a dva rohlíky, k večeři meruňkový rýžový nákyp, mám pocit, že asi každý den. Od té doby nepreferuji rýžové nákypy s ovocným kompotem z konzervy. Po několika vizitách, při kterých mě personál pochválil, jak se krásně belhám o berlích a asi týdnu, během kterého jsem naprosto ztratil představu o čase, prostoru a skvěle se desocializoval, mě nakonec pustili.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:17:37.829Z,2019-10-03T11:17:37.829Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4147 17012,v1.0,,"Následoval převoz do Prahy a 3 roky trvající řešení úrazu (a náprava první léčby podstoupené v nemocnici v T.), v mé oblíbené spádové fakultní nemocnici B, kde jsem byl od útlého mládí takříkajíc štamgastem.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:18:54.106Z,2019-10-03T11:18:54.106Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17018,v1.0,,"Zatímco musel dlouhé hodiny čekat na rumunských nemocničních chodbách, cítil, že jeho morálka klesá ještě předtím, než se vydal na bolestivou cestu, kterou léčba rakoviny je.",/post/53607,2019-10-03T11:23:36.522Z,2019-10-03T11:23:36.522Z,53607,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4147 17020,v1.0,,"To co původně vypadalo jako problém tělesného zdraví se ukázalo jako problém zdraví duševního, ostatně jako bytosti jsme jeden propojený systém, takže asi tak…",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:24:30.147Z,2019-10-03T11:24:30.147Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4149 17032,v1.0,,"dosta ljudi, najčešće stariji ljudi na selu, i dalje muku muče sa preživljavanjem. Penzije su uglavnom niske za veliku većinu ljudi",/post/58463,2019-10-03T11:32:46.534Z,2019-10-03T11:53:18.348Z,58463,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4181 17036,v1.0,,"Kako to promjeniti? Sve dok se glasa za potomke stranaka 90tih koje su dovele do raspada Jugoslavije, neće biti i ne može biti bolje.",/post/58463,2019-10-03T11:34:27.453Z,2019-10-03T11:56:10.542Z,58463,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4185 16932,v1.0,,"„Nohu do klidu, používat ortézu, neběhat, nechodit, plavat a na kole jezdit maximálně na cyklostezce podél Vltavy.“",/post/55890,2019-10-03T10:12:47.312Z,2019-10-03T10:12:47.312Z,55890,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4119 16964,v1.0,,"ysvětlila mi, že pokud ta noha nebyla zlomená a v nemocnici, kde mi ji měli ještě zrengovat, aby viděli co tam je, raději řekli ""když to řekl doktor z Prahy, tak to je pravda"" a zasádrovali, tak mi poničili měkké tkáně, protože tam byl otok. To znamená - žádném případě nesmí jít do sádry! Což je mimochodem jeden z důvodů, proč mi nedali sádru celou už hned v Praze, čekalo se na splasknutí otoku a nový snímek.",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:37:17.882Z,2019-10-03T10:37:17.882Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 16967,v1.0,,"Nohu jsem dávala dohromady další dva roky a pořád to není ono. Připadám si jakoby mi bylo 50 let, protože cítím každou námahu na nohu, změnu počasí a bolesti vystřelující z kotníku až do kolene. Podle lékařů na snímcích nic není a jsem životaschopná",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:38:19.712Z,2019-10-03T10:38:19.712Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16970,v1.0,,"nemůžu chodit a domáhám se něčeho jiného než ""Ibalgin dvakrát denně a ledujte.""",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:40:21.276Z,2019-10-03T10:40:21.276Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16972,v1.0,,"že nejspíš tak, ale z hlediska té dlouhodobé léčby trvalých následků, pokračovala jsi nějak i v té alternativní cestě? Ono to totiž není až tak jednoduchý někoho sehnat",/post/60432,2019-10-03T10:42:17.086Z,2019-10-03T10:42:17.086Z,60432,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 16982,v1.0,,"Dva a půl roku zpátky, než jsem se vydala k mé záchraně to s dědou už nevypadalo dobře, selhávaly mu ledviny, měl za sebou bypass, trápil ho žaludek, otékaly mu nohy, nemohl chodit, zavodňoval se.",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:48:09.352Z,2019-10-03T10:48:09.352Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 16984,v1.0,,"Dala ho celého do kupy. Zlepšila funkci ledvin (bylinami), napravila bolesti v nohou, celého ho srovnala, naordinovala tinktury a čaje.",/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:48:59.796Z,2019-10-03T10:48:59.796Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 16998,v1.0,,kterým nepomáhají tradiční - západní - postupy?!,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:54:44.606Z,2019-10-03T10:54:44.606Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4140 17023,v1.0,,vzdělávací systém,/post/53607,2019-10-03T11:25:59.057Z,2019-10-03T11:25:59.057Z,53607,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4151 17037,v1.0,,"Zdravstveni sistem i sistem socijalne zaštite urušeni su nebrigom, populističkim pristupom, nedostatkom novca i korupcijom.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:35:23.214Z,2019-10-03T11:47:26.747Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4173 17033,v1.0,,"ljudi su se iselili u Irsku, Njemačku...a starci...ostaju doma.",/post/58463,2019-10-03T11:33:09.902Z,2019-10-03T12:03:08.93Z,58463,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4196 16947,v1.0,,"Já jim nevěřím vůbec, a tak jsem se rozhodla, že pokaždé, když se objeví nějaký problém, zeptám se alespoň dvou doktorů.",/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:25:16.294Z,2019-10-03T10:25:16.294Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4125 16965,v1.0,,Prahy,/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:37:24.984Z,2019-10-03T10:37:24.984Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 16966,v1.0,,Praze,/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:37:32.854Z,2019-10-03T10:37:32.854Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 16986,v1.0,,čarodějnice,/post/60466,2019-10-03T10:49:46.078Z,2019-10-03T10:49:46.078Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4141 16989,v1.0,,"Podle mě by stát měl v jednadvacátém století podporovat i tyto metody, ačkoli je zatím nedokáže (a nechce!) zařadit do nějakých oficiálních škatulek",/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:50:34.503Z,2019-10-03T10:50:34.503Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 17010,v1.0,,Prahy,/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:18:09.976Z,2019-10-03T11:18:09.976Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 17015,v1.0,,"spádové fakultní nemocnice B. Což není úplně fér, jelikož obvodní nemocnice T. se podle všeho výrazně zlepšila a náš starý pokoj bych už teda určitě nepoznal.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:21:45.383Z,2019-10-03T11:21:45.383Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17034,v1.0,,debata o dvojí kvalitě potravin v rám,/post/55892,2019-10-03T11:33:42.422Z,2019-10-03T11:33:42.422Z,55892,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4159 17026,v1.0,,"Na početku sam pomenuo da su i republika i federacija u kojoj sam rođen u svom nazivu sadržale reč „socijalistička“. Bio je to poseban, jugoslovenski socijalizam. Nesavršen kao i svako državno uređenje, ali mnogi na to vreme i danas gledaju kao na doba socijalizma sa ljudskim likom. Jer svi građani te zemlje imali su pravo na besplatno školovanje, besplatnu zdravstvenu zaštitu, a svakovrsna socijalna zaštita bila je stvar koja se podrazumevala. Ne, naravno da nije sve bilo savršeno. Uprkos opšte-jugoslovenskoj potrebi da u svemu što je stvoreno imamo prefiks „naj“ taj sistem imao je mnogo mana. A opet, više smo verovali u sebe. Većina Jugoslovenki i Jugoslovena tako je mislila da su njihovi piloti najbolji, da su lekari najstručniji, da je bar nešto oko njih najveće, najbolje ili najlepše, makar u Evropi, ako ne i u svetu. Dok se u to verovalo, populizma nije bilo. Političari sve do kraja osamdesetih nisu govorili samo ono što su ljudi želeli da čuju. Tako se Tito već šezdesetih oštro verbalno obračunava sa nacionalistima i populistima, sedamdesetih se država oštro borila protiv buđenja proustaških i pročetničkih pokreta, a osamdesetih je jugoslovenska „čelična lejdi“ Milka Planinc zavodila stroge mere štednje koje joj svakako nisu mogle podići popularnost. Ali popularnosti i populizam nisu ni bili tako važni građanima koji su čak i kada nije bilo benzina ili kafe, bar uvek mogli da računaju na besplatnu i pristojnu zdravstvenu i socijalnu zaštitu.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:27:14.827Z,2019-10-03T11:35:02.321Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4162 16948,v1.0,,Mluvíte s nějakými podpůrnými skupinami,/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:25:51.805Z,2019-10-03T10:25:51.805Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4128 16968,v1.0,,"Oficiální stížnost? Ne, tu bych asi nepodala, nechci s tím ztratit zbytek života.",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:38:41.363Z,2019-10-03T10:38:41.363Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 16987,v1.0,,čarodejnice,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:50:00.699Z,2019-10-03T10:50:00.699Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4141 17011,v1.0,,3 roky trvající řešení úrazu (a náprava první léčby podstoupené v nemocnici v T.),/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:18:43.119Z,2019-10-03T11:18:43.119Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 17014,v1.0,,"Kamarádka se během posledního roku a půl řešení svého únavového syndromu propracovala přes fyziologická vyšetření až k psychiatrovi. Na základě odhadu, že trpí poruchou, kterou si obvykle nespojujeme s tím, že je téměř stále veselá, společenská, má ráda lidi kolem sebe a pořád něco tvoři, nasadil lékař psychofarmaka. Jejich efektem však bylo, že symptomy zhoršovala. Když chodíte k lékaři, je těžké vychytat moment, v němž začnete výrazně nesouhlasit, ale pokud spíte několik měsíců občas i 20 hodin denně a lékař Vám tvrdí, že si prostě musíte na léky zvyknout, už to s Vámi může pohnout ke kalifikovanému nesouhlasu. Správnost tohoto rozhodnutí potvrdil kamarádce i její současný, nový psychiatr.",/post/53423,2019-10-03T11:20:45.266Z,2019-10-03T11:20:45.266Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 17025,v1.0,,Asi bych si to dovolit nemoh,/post/55892,2019-10-03T11:26:56.319Z,2019-10-03T11:26:56.319Z,55892,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 17038,v1.0,,"sistem socijalne zaštite urušeni su nebrigom, populističkim pristupom, nedostatkom novca i korupcijom.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:35:38.898Z,2019-10-03T11:46:49.592Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4171 17040,v1.0,,"mnogi penzioneri umiru u uslovima nedostojnim, a nakon svega što su uradili za ovo društvo? Šta sada? Upoznao sam nedavmo u Novom Pazaru gospođu koja ima oko sedamdeset godina. Bila je prodavačica u radnji lokalnog tekstilnog giganta, otišla u starosnu penziju koja je umanjena zbog nedovoljno radnog staža i iznosi 18.000 dinara. Nema stan i nema za stan. Nema za dom. Nema za lekove, nema za hranu, nema nikoga da je pomogne. Nema ni socijalnu pomoć, jer ima penziju, nema političare koji bi se sa njom slikali, jer ta slika nije lepa. I ta slika nikoga ne zanima.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:39:15.269Z,2019-10-03T11:49:37.12Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4176 17045,v1.0,,"Do pre nekoliko godina, za mene je Hrvatska bila primer kako će Srbija u mnogim oblastima izgledati za pet ili deset godina. Jer taman toliko je Hrvatska bila ispred Srbije u segmentima života koji su meni bili važni. Na žalost, više n želim da to bude tako. Jer više ne želim da Srbija za pet ili deset godina bude tamo gde je Hrvatska danas. Upravo je Hrvatska, uz možda Bugarsku, najbolji dokaz da ulazak u EU ne znači automatsko rešavanje svih problema. Neki se problemi možda i reše, ali se novi, možda značajniji, tek otvaraju.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T11:45:16.134Z,2019-10-03T12:23:08.761Z,58507,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4205 17049,v1.0,,"Saglasan sam sa tobom da deo problema leži u tome što u obe zemlje na vlasti imamo one koji su te zemlje vodili i tokom ratova devedesetih. One koji su deklarativno naklonjeni nekakvim evropskim vrednostima, a neprekidno koketiraju sa nacionalizmom i njegovim najgorim pojavnim oblicima poput ustaštva i četništva. Da li smo se trajno zaglavili u toj populističkoj spirali, to je ono što ne znam. No čini mi se da ćemo još neko vreme biti u tome, jer u regionu ne vidim političare koji bi kvalitet života građana stavili ispred pitanja koja se tako lako lepe za svest birača - naciju, veru i ugroženost istih od strane nekih drugih i drugačijih. Nemačka tridesetih? Pa, nismo daleko od toga.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T11:49:47.752Z,2019-10-03T12:32:33.768Z,58507,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4216 16949,v1.0,,stížnost,/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:26:27.213Z,2019-10-03T10:26:27.213Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 16969,v1.0,,"Stačí mi, jak se ke mě chovají, když mě to jednou do roka chytne,",/post/60428,2019-10-03T10:39:31.982Z,2019-10-03T10:39:31.982Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4135 16988,v1.0,,"které umí léčit alternativními postupy, které opravdu fungují",/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:50:23.581Z,2019-10-03T10:50:23.581Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4132 17039,v1.0,,"u domovima zdravlja i ambulantama više nema lekara koji bi pacijente uputili u te kliničke centre? Šta sada kada lekari i medicinske sestre odlaze u zemlje Evropske unije, dok im se u Srbiji obećavavaju veće plate i bolji životni standard za dve, najviše tri godine? Šta sada kada oni koji imaju, plaćaju na hiljade evra, na crno i bez računa, da se njihovi najmiliji leče ili da umru dostojanstveno u privatnim klinikama, dok oni koji te hiljade nemaju, bespomoćno gledaju kako im bliski ljudi odlaze?",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:36:41.348Z,2019-10-03T11:50:24.999Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4173 16950,v1.0,,zeptám se alespoň dvou doktorů.,/post/56065,2019-10-03T10:27:34.514Z,2019-10-03T10:27:34.514Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4130 17028,v1.0,,"Onda su došle devedesete, raspad zemlje i rat, pa ti isti građani više nisu imali ni kafe, ni benzina, ali ni bilo kakvu vrstu sigurnosti. Zdravstveni sistem i sistem socijalne zaštite urušeni su nebrigom, populističkim pristupom, nedostatkom novca i korupcijom.",/post/58456,2019-10-03T11:27:49.494Z,2019-10-03T11:45:14.72Z,58456,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4169 16991,v1.0,,"Škoda! Můj příběh (vlastně i Jirkův) má původ v nemocnici Na Bulovce, kterou vnímáme jako symbol rigidity a naprosto nulového pokroku.",/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:51:07.341Z,2019-10-03T10:51:07.341Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17055,v1.0,,"dokle nam je god normalno davati doktorima i medicinskom osoblju ""poklone"" i kuverte da bi došli na red prije nekoga drugoga, nećemo naprijed. Europska Unija nam je donijela puno pozitivnih stvari, ali čini mi se kao da je promjena površinska, u dubini nismo riješili ni problem korupcije, a ni problem kolektivne inercije, ni nacionalizma / populizma, ni kontinuiranog glasanja za one iste koji su tek nedavno pokrali pola države, otišli nakratko u zatvor i sad su već vani, zaboravljeni. Ključna je svijest, ponajprije o tome da je moć u pojedincu i da svatko ako se pokrene može promijeniti stvari, izlazeći iz tradicionalnih okvira djelovanja.",/post/58537,2019-10-03T11:58:25.576Z,2019-10-03T11:58:25.576Z,58537,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4190 17059,v1.0,,"Ja bi rekao da je korupcija najveci neprijatelj napretka jednog naroda i generalno ljudske civilizacije, protivno je Darvinovoj teoriji evolucije i zdravom razumu. Nitko ne bi trebao biti na nekoj poziciji ako nije sposoban ostvariti doprinos firmi/zajednici/narodu/naciji ili ljudskoj civilizaciji. Posljedica korupcije je to da se smanjuje kvalitet u svakom aspektu zivota, ljudi se nalaze na pozicijama na kojima ne bi trebali biti dok drugi koji bi bili izuzetni na tim pozicijama rade nesto drugo, ne rade nista ili odlaze iz zemlje...a oni ce svojim kvalitetom doprinjeti drugim zajednicama, drzavama koje su stvorile povoljnije uvjete za njih.Kao sto je @marina rekla, jedni daju kuverte i to im je nazalost normalno a drugi koji ne mogu funkcionirati u takvom sistemu odlaze...najveci izazov je promijeniti svijest ljudi.",/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:02:45.632Z,2019-10-03T12:02:45.632Z,58639,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4190 17060,v1.0,,Slazem se da je moc je u pojedincu i da moramo poceti od sebe ali sustina naseg postojanja su medjuljudski odnosi. Vjerujem da je prava moc kad se pojedinci udruze i visestruko umnoze taj potencijal kroz zajednice kao sto je ova.,/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:03:54.792Z,2019-10-03T12:03:54.792Z,58639,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4197 17062,v1.0,,"The word wellbeing is also a strange concept in Polish - more economic than anything else, for me, mostly associated with the kind of plush comforts that we used to see as a dream come true since say after the war all around the world. It's interesting how irrelevant the pursuit of wellbeing, as the appears to me in Polish, became.",/post/58472,2019-10-03T12:08:48.102Z,2019-10-03T12:08:48.102Z,58472,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4150 17063,v1.0,,xenofobie,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:18:16.244Z,2019-10-03T12:18:16.244Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4200 17065,v1.0,,Babišovi,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:18:59.716Z,2019-10-03T12:18:59.716Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17066,v1.0,,premiéra,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:19:35.36Z,2019-10-03T12:19:35.36Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17081,v1.0,,scvrkla na máme/nemáme/zařídíme vodu,/post/57435,2019-10-03T12:26:42.285Z,2019-10-03T12:26:42.285Z,57435,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4209 17082,v1.0,,"Moje znalosti o našem ekosystém jsou minimální, můžu si jenom domýšlet. Znáš v tomhle ohledu nějakou webovku/ facebookovou skupinu v češtině, která by fungovala jako ekologický ""fact checking""? Mám pocit, že v ČR se v posledních letech podobné iniciativy s ohledem na ověřování různých tvrzení politiků poměrně rozjely, ale nějakou zaměřenou na životní prostředí jsem nezaznamenal..",/post/57435,2019-10-03T12:28:08.857Z,2019-10-03T12:28:08.857Z,57435,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4210 17083,v1.0,,"kologický ""fact checking""",/post/57435,2019-10-03T12:28:47.948Z,2019-10-03T12:28:47.948Z,57435,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4211 17084,v1.0,,"Neki se problemi možda i reše, ali se novi, možda značajniji, tek otvaraju. Kada već govorimo o zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti kao osnovama kvalitetnog života sveke građanke i svakog građanina, čini mi se da delimo probleme. Samo je Hrvatska možda i tu otišla korak dalje, odnosno u teže i veće probleme.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T12:29:07.896Z,2019-10-03T12:29:07.896Z,58507,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4182 17086,v1.0,,Ako naidjes na sposobnu osobu koja razmislja van standardnih okvira sve je moguce. To me odusevljava ali doduse to je usko povezano sa korupcijom ciji dio cesto moras biti.,/post/58640,2019-10-03T12:29:53.161Z,2019-10-03T12:29:53.161Z,58640,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4190 17088,v1.0,,"Neki se problemi možda i reše, ali se novi, možda značajniji, tek otvaraju. Kada već govorimo o zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj zaštiti kao osnovama kvalitetnog života sveke građanke i svakog građanina, čini mi se da delimo probleme. Samo je Hrvatska možda i tu otišla korak dalje, odnosno u teže i veće probleme.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T12:30:22.427Z,2019-10-03T12:30:22.427Z,58507,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4213 17089,v1.0,,staré lidí,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:30:40.491Z,2019-10-03T12:30:40.491Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4214 17090,v1.0,,Že starší lidi jsou lechtej ovlivnit to je taky nesmysl,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:31:05.636Z,2019-10-03T12:31:05.636Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4214 16992,v1.0,,skateboardistů,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:51:28.045Z,2019-10-03T10:51:28.045Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4142 16993,v1.0,,že v tomto ústavu,/post/60475,2019-10-03T10:52:04.776Z,2019-10-03T10:52:04.776Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 17057,v1.0,,"Ne vjerujem da pitanje penzije, besplatnog ili jeftinog obrazovanja i zdravstva (a slazem se da su to sustinska pitanja) mozemo rijesiti a da prvo ne rijesimo pitanje sistema koji je trul do srzi. Taj sistem sluzi samo sebi i to cak ni sebi ne sluzi potpuno vec sluzi tudjim interesima zadovoljavajuci se mrvicama ispod stola.Da bi napredovao unutar sistema treba da budes sluga, iskorumpiran i kukavica itd. Na zalost svih nas, vjerovatno najgora posljedica postavljanja takvog sistema vrijednosti je sto to postaje normalno stanje drustva. Mijenja se svijest stanovnistva i, zbog takvog poremecenog sistema vrijednosti, postaje sve teze i teze napraviti promijene na bolje.",/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:00:52.937Z,2019-10-03T12:00:52.937Z,58639,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4192 17064,v1.0,,fear is going beyond the states we tend to see as underdeveloped,/post/58472,2019-10-03T12:18:55.602Z,2019-10-03T12:18:55.602Z,58472,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4187 17091,v1.0,,"U Srbiji je izražen trend odlaska medicinskih sestara i lekara u zemlje EU, ali imamo ""sreću"" da još imamo veliki broj tih ljudi koji do sada nisu ni u Srbiji mogli da pronađu posao, pa ima ko da popuni ta mesta koja ostaju prazna.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T12:31:11.982Z,2019-10-03T12:31:11.982Z,58507,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4173 17093,v1.0,,multi-kulturňí město,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:31:31.777Z,2019-10-03T12:31:31.777Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4206 17095,v1.0,,"Ale že Praha se pomalu stává multi-kulturňí město, tak to ne. Že jsou tady turisty ze všech zemí neznamená že se Praha stává multi-kulturňí město. Hodňe zaleží na mistňí lidí přistu k ""cizích"" lidi co vážně žijí v Praze. Así přistup je lepší u mladých lidí co cestovalí a mají otevřeňeší názory.",/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:31:52.464Z,2019-10-03T12:31:52.464Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4206 17058,v1.0,,"Zasto toliko ljudi odlazi iz Srbije, Hrvatske, Bosne? Najocigledniji razlog je naravno ekonomske prirode ali po meni neki od velikih razloga su: ***Pogine nekome sestra, kcerka na semaforu zato sto je pregazio tatin sin koji za to nece odgovarati.***Ulaganje u sebe ne znaci puno ako posao dobije onaj sa najboljom vezom, a cak i da imas znanje mozes vrlo lako izgubiti svoje radno mjesto zato sto je potrebno nekome sa vezom.***Donose se kriminalni zakoni koji idu na stetu 95% stanovnistva i direktno uticu na tvoj kvalitet zivota.***Stite se kriminalci (danas se cesto nazivaju preduzetnicima) i radnici cesto u radnom odnosu ne dobijaju ni postovanje a kamoli korektnu placu.***Zelis otvoriti firmu i vrlo brzo shvatis da moras prekrsiti zakon da bi poslovao, a to znaci da ces placati reket ili te nece biti jer je sistem tako postavljen.",/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:01:52.924Z,2019-10-03T12:41:35.387Z,58639,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 17067,v1.0,,"eď jsem se však poprvé zapojila do protestu proti Babišovi na Letné a to z jediného důvodu – odmítnutí Pařížské dohody Českou republikou. Mojí motivací k takovému kroku bylo to, že nyní již pocitově jsou cítit velké teplotní změny a sucho se odráží na flóře ve městech i ve volné přírodě. Frustroval mě odmítavý a poněkud sobecký přístup ze strany premiéra.",/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:20:00.689Z,2019-10-03T12:20:00.689Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4202 17072,v1.0,,Babiš,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:21:59.359Z,2019-10-03T12:21:59.359Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17094,v1.0,,Praha,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:31:37.81Z,2019-10-03T12:31:37.81Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 17096,v1.0,,nationalismus,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:32:05.023Z,2019-10-03T12:32:05.023Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4215 17102,v1.0,,"Ale ma smysl pro business, ma skošenosťí v oboru financí, diplomatické vztahy a přehled co Česka republika potřebuje v budoucnosti.",/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:33:51.288Z,2019-10-03T12:33:51.288Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4218 17068,v1.0,,marketingu,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:20:29.137Z,2019-10-03T12:20:29.137Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4144 17097,v1.0,,"Medicinsko osoblje iz Hrvatske uživa sva prava na mobilnost unutar EU, pa mi se čini da je tamo problem odlaska još izraženiji. Dodatno, problem je što oni kojima smo se nekad tako ponosili, oni koji su bili najbolji, najstručniji, a uz to i najsavesniji, najmanje skloni korupciji - logično odlaze prvi.",/post/58507,2019-10-03T12:32:05.183Z,2019-10-03T12:32:05.183Z,58507,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4182 17100,v1.0,,Taky ma super Facebook page tak nato cvakňí a dozvíte se hodně aktuálních věci.,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:33:18.431Z,2019-10-03T12:33:18.431Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4217 17069,v1.0,,Babiš,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:20:49.288Z,2019-10-03T12:20:49.288Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17070,v1.0,,"sliboval větší důchody – a opravdu, důchod se zvýšil.",/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:21:19.468Z,2019-10-03T12:21:19.468Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4203 17075,v1.0,,Praha,/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:23:27.275Z,2019-10-03T12:23:27.275Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 17098,v1.0,,Babiš,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:32:39.85Z,2019-10-03T12:32:39.85Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17071,v1.0,,"I'm doing a research for an art project about retirement and aging, many of my friends in their 50-ties and 60-ties in Germany also fear about their future. They actually know they will not have enough and will need to work as long as possible. They're Germans, and they're mostly in the cultural/art field.",/post/58472,2019-10-03T12:21:26.965Z,2019-10-03T12:21:26.965Z,58472,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4194 17079,v1.0,,"Nad otázkou základní obecné informovanosti a toho nakolik se z politické debaty vytratil obsah se občas zamýšlím také. Neexistuje člověk, který má přehled úplně o všem. Já sám si často uvědomuju, že mnohdy principům problémů, ke kterým jsou diskutována řešení, nerozumím.",/post/57435,2019-10-03T12:25:59.593Z,2019-10-03T12:25:59.593Z,57435,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4208 17080,v1.0,,Babiše,/post/57435,2019-10-03T12:26:09.052Z,2019-10-03T12:26:09.052Z,57435,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17087,v1.0,,"Cau, No, prostě každá politická campaign je valsňe o marketing. Ale ve souvislostí české politice, jde vic o jak hnutí vytvoří campaign a jaké zpravy chce komunikovat veřejnosťí.",/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:30:09.335Z,2019-10-03T12:30:09.335Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4144 17092,v1.0,,zemlja sa jako puno potencijala i mogucnosti i sto se tice materijalnog i ljudskog bogatstva. Izvor velike frustracije za mene zato sto sam svjestan mogucnosti ali ne mogu funkcionirati u takvom korumpiranom sistemu.,/post/58640,2019-10-03T12:31:25.507Z,2019-10-03T12:31:25.507Z,58640,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4190 17101,v1.0,,"The number of people in Serbia supporting the country's accession to the European Union has been declining for years. My view was that only one interpretation of this trend was possible - populism and nationalism were growing in Serbia and they were stopping the progress of our society. However, it is now clear that at least a small part of this trend comes from the fact that even here, citizens have become aware that not everything is at its best in the European Union. Germany has always been a ""paradise on Earth"" for many people here. A place where all problems have long been resolved. What you are saying is another proof that this is no longer the case. Still, people from my country continue to massively travel to Germany and other European Union countries to work there at least occasionally and temporarily. But what will happen to these people when they are 60 or 70? What will happen to them when they can no longer work? Which state will take care of their health, which one will prevent them from dying on the street as homeless people?",/post/58508,2019-10-03T12:33:41.83Z,2019-10-03T12:33:41.83Z,58508,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4205 17108,v1.0,,Prahou,/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:35:25.258Z,2019-10-03T12:35:25.258Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 17112,v1.0,,"na političare se NE TREBA obazirati uopće. Dati im 0 važnosti. Ako imaš ideju kako pokrenuti svoj posao koji će biti koristan za zajednicu oko tebe, ili ćeš isporučivati neku uslugu ili kreirati svoj proizvod, na to se fokusiraj. Ima shema za dobivanje novaca od EU u Srbiji i razno-raznih fondova prekograničkih suradnji. Pokreni nešto, gledaj kako da zajednica od toga koristi, guraj sve koji imaju iole ikakve veze sa politikom van kruga zaposlenih. Jedino tako se može napred po meni.",/post/58516,2019-10-03T12:37:05.538Z,2019-10-03T12:37:05.538Z,58516,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4222 17073,v1.0,,"I'm doing a research for an art project about retirement and aging, many of my friends in their 50-ties and 60-ties in Germany also fear about their future. They actually know they will not have enough and will need to work as long as possible. They're Germans, and they're mostly in the cultural/art field. Huh, that was a reality check! I moved to Germany with the sweet feeling of finally being safe, only to discover it's not going to be much better. Not that I want to retire, or any of my friends - but we shall see what happens when we're all not fit to provide for ourselves.",/post/58472,2019-10-03T12:22:07.027Z,2019-10-03T12:22:07.027Z,58472,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4187 17109,v1.0,,Prahu,/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:35:32.419Z,2019-10-03T12:35:32.419Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 17114,v1.0,,Babiš,/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:37:47.016Z,2019-10-03T12:37:47.016Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 17074,v1.0,,"Kdo má více bilboardů, kdo je víc vidět. Pak už je jedno, co na ně napíšete. Pokud si dobře vzpomínám, Babiš například sliboval větší důchody – a opravdu, důchod se zvýšil. To, že ty peníze byly přislíbené již dávno a Babiš byl pouze ten, kdo je předal z ruky do ruky, to je vedlejší. Jenže o to jde: důvod, proč jsou tu úspěšní přesně tito politici, je ten, že jejich kampaně často míří na staré lidí, jejichž důvěra se získá snadno. Takže tak: malá politická gramotnost, marketingové kampaně a zacílení na početnou, snadno získatelnou skupinu.",/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:23:03.727Z,2019-10-03T12:23:03.727Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4204 17077,v1.0,,"Líbí se mi, kolik mladých lidí (18-30) je dneska otevřené změnám a aktivismu a vlastně i debatě o věcech, které nám nevyhovují",/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:24:34.321Z,2019-10-03T12:24:34.321Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4207 17104,v1.0,,"people from my country continue to massively travel to Germany and other European Union countries to work there at least occasionally and temporarily. But what will happen to these people when they are 60 or 70? What will happen to them when they can no longer work? Which state will take care of their health, which one will prevent them from dying on the street as homeless people?",/post/58508,2019-10-03T12:34:41.657Z,2019-10-03T12:34:41.657Z,58508,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4196 17105,v1.0,,Jo a protestí taky nevedou k prospěšních změnách,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:34:41.795Z,2019-10-03T12:34:41.795Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4219 17110,v1.0,,"Odlazak našeg naroda u Nemačku kao ""obećanu zemlju"" (ili druge razvijene ekonomije) najčešće je motivisan poštovanjem zaposlenog, njegovih obaveza i prava. Svi su svesni da zapadne zemlje znatno više poštuju ljudski resurs kao teško zamenljiv, dok su ovde prisutne dve (negativne) struje: 1) bitan je kvantitet, a ne kvalitet kadra (da se ima traženi broj zaposlenih uz parolu ""svako je zamenljiv"") i 2) da lice ne vidi materijalnu korist u poslovanju to onda ni nema finansijsku vrednost (npr. ideje, softverska rešenja, grafike itd... - ovde ne govorim o firmama koje se time bave već o freelancing-u). Dakle, odlazak je motivisan dobrim zakonima koji se poštuju i ne predstavljaju tek ""mrtvo slovo na papiru"". Mislim da je zapravo to ključ koji mi još uvek ne želimo da iskoristimo da bismo otvorili vrata prosperiteta. Jer dok zakon slabi (iliti slabo se primenjuje) obrnuto proporcionalno jačaju polja koja on zapravo treba da kontroliše, između ostalih i korupcija.",/post/59957,2019-10-03T12:35:35.699Z,2019-10-03T12:35:35.699Z,59957,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4193 17117,v1.0,,"Andrej Babiš má smysl pro business, ale myslím si, že záleží i na způsobu, kterým se věci dělají, u politiků jejich chování nastavuje nějaké vzory, které mohou výrazně měnit postoj společnosti. No jemu je asi docela jedno, když ho někdo usvědčí ze lží, zneužívání veřejných financí at",/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:38:47.03Z,2019-10-03T12:38:47.03Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4224 17076,v1.0,,"Líbí se mi, jak se například Praha stává víc a víc multikulturním městem",/post/57216,2019-10-03T12:23:59.937Z,2019-10-03T12:23:59.937Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4206 17106,v1.0,,Když vážne lidi chcou zmenít občanské práva tak musí přes lobby na občanská práva. Čo je možne ale dlouhé proces.,/post/57771,2019-10-03T12:35:01.865Z,2019-10-03T12:35:01.865Z,57771,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4220 17107,v1.0,,"je, u HR je sada veliki problem odlazaka van Hrvatske što je naravno naša vlast predstavila kao uspjeh. Prije ulaska u EU imali smo oko 300k nezaposlenih, sada oko 100 tisuća, oni kažu da su smanjili nezaposlenost...jesu da, tako što su se ljudi iselili. Kao što je Tito tamo 70tih isto tako 'smanjio' nezaposlenost kada je otvorio granice yuge.",/post/58516,2019-10-03T12:35:13.865Z,2019-10-03T12:35:13.865Z,58516,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4196 17111,v1.0,,"S tou Prahou je to otázka - já si myslím, že čím dál víc lidí z ciziny si Prahu vybírá jako skutečné místo k životu. Nejenom, že se přijedou podívat, nebo tady jsou kvůli práci na rok, dva, ale že skutečně zůstávaj. Moje manželka je toho příkla",/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:36:27.529Z,2019-10-03T12:36:27.529Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4221 17113,v1.0,,"Z posledních pět let, co tu spolu žijeme, se takový ten každodenní provoz hodně změnil k lepšímu, nejenom u mladých lidí. Přijde mi, že lidi už se prostě tolik nepozastavěj nad tím, že někdo nemluví česky a nebojí se s ní mluvit. To podle mě býval dřív docela problém.",/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:37:25.017Z,2019-10-03T12:37:25.017Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4223 17115,v1.0,,.,/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:38:33.445Z,2019-10-03T12:38:33.445Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4224 17121,v1.0,,,/post/53702,2019-10-03T12:42:38.937Z,2019-10-03T12:42:38.937Z,53702,4779,AnnotatorStore::ImageAnnotation,rect,pixel,"{""x"":98,""width"":110,""y"":806,""height"":3}",,,,,,4226 17122,v1.0,,"Zastrasujuca stvar za mene je letargija koju vidim kad je u pitanju politika. Poslje 20 godina kradje, manipulacije i laganja, ljudi vise ne vjeruju u mogucnost pozitivnih promjena. Ljudi se osjecaju bespomocno, izolovano i nemaju povjerenja u druge, cemu doprinosi uveliko i atomizacija drustva koja se radi na globalnom nivou.",/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:44:15.93Z,2019-10-03T12:44:15.93Z,58639,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4227 17123,v1.0,,"Život koji je dobio potpuno novi tempo u odnosu na pre koju deceniju, veliki obrti kapitala, masovna proizvodnja, stalno izazivanje ljudskog mozga da se stimuliše novim izazovima jednostavno ostavlja po strani sve koji mu stoje na putu, pa tako i nasjtariju populaciju. Oni više nisu interesna grupa iz koje savremeno društvo može da crpi svoj interes. To su ljudi svesni sebe, svojih godina, iskustva i znanja sticanog decenijama. Njima ne možete prodavati neku priču koja ih ne zanima. A u život su se naslušali svega i čini se da odlaskom u penziju čovek zaista postaje premoren od svega. Ne kažem i ne slažem se da starije generacije odlaskom u penziju okončavaju svoj životni vek i da ga ne mogu provesti na odličan i vrlo konstruktivan način. Naprotiv! Ali, to su ljudi svesni onoga što mogu shodno svojim godinama i fizičkom stanju. Oni nisu zainteresovani za ultra moderne gedžete jer ih vid već izdaje, a brzi razvoj tehnologije lako ih je za samo jednu deceniju isključio iz sopstvenog razvoja pa većina njih ne zna kako se većina tehnoloških spravica i softvera koristi. Istina, ima i onih koji ""hvataju korak"" sa savremenim rešenjima, ali njima opet ne treba najnoviji telefon, računar ili TV (koji se predstavljaju kvartalno) samo zato što ima X puta brže, Y puta veće i Z puta jače nešto. Ne treba im na tome zamerati. To je prirodan proces, a tehnologija je veštačka. Ne treba očekivati nerealno. Kako će izgledati starost svih nas ne samo ovde već bilo gde? Zavisi od nas. Zašto? Zato što ako odlazak u penziju budemo tretirali kao ""smrtnu presudu"", a ceo svoj život posvetili samo poslu bez interesovanja sa strane (porodica, hobi...), javiće se ogromna praznina u kojoj ćemo dozvoliti sebi da sa depresijom i očajanjem pratimo kako život promiče kraj nas, revoltirani na malu penziju. Ljudi moraju da shvate: niko vam neće dati bilo kakve garancije niti ih daje kada ste se rodili - ni koliko ćete živeti, ni gde ćete živeti, niti kakvu ćete starost imati. Nije sve do okoline. Mi smo prvi kreatori svog mikro sveta. A ako već društvo obrazovnje, kreativnost i znanje pojedinca ne uvažava, treba ga iskorititi za pametnu budućnost i bezbrižnu starost.",/post/60010,2019-10-03T12:47:58.154Z,2019-10-03T12:47:58.154Z,60010,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4194 17124,v1.0,,ljudi u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj isto stave kao vlasnika firme nekog stranca da bi ih ostavili lokalci na miru,/post/58684,2019-10-03T12:51:26.483Z,2019-10-03T12:51:26.483Z,58684,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4222 17141,v1.0,,"To był rok 2015, gdy w mediach pojawiła się wzmianka o planowanych masowych eksmisjach. Urzędnicy wynajęli prywatną firmę z Wrocławia, żeby wysiedlić mieszkańców z 15 lokali. Zaplanowano eksmisje w ciągu tygodnia. Z mediów uzyskaliśmy informacje o tym, na których ulicach odbędą się wysiedlenia – żadnych szczegółów – oraz kiedy. Poszliśmy na te ulice i pytaliśmy kolejno, czy ktoś coś o tym wie. Tak przypadkowo trafiliśmy na pierwszą eksmisję, która miała mieć miejsce za dwa dni, a potem docieraliśmy do kolejnych osób z listy.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T19:42:32.088Z,2019-10-06T19:42:32.088Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4230 17142,v1.0,,"Dzięki doświadczeniu z eksmisjami zrozumieliśmy, że w Lublinie brakuje polityki mieszkaniowej – a obecna jej namiastka opiera się na zupełnej nieznajomości sytuacji osób w zadłużonych mieszkaniach komunalnych. Na przykład osoby, których dług nie przekraczał 30 tysięcy złotych mogły skorzystać z programu, dzięki któremu go odpracują – ale trzeba spełniać różne kryteria: być jednocześnie bezrobotnym i korzystać z pomocy społecznej. Odpracowując dług, nie jesteś w stanie utrzymać się, bo w tym czasie nie pracujesz, więc wiele osób decyduje się na znalezienie pracy w szarej strefie, z nadzieją, że poza utrzymaniem siebie i rodziny, może wystarczy też na spłatę zaległości. Z reguły nie wystarcza. Reszta może podjąć próbę dogadania się z urzędnikami. Dwie niespłacone w terminie czynsze albo raty ugody równa się eksmisja.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T19:49:06.133Z,2019-10-06T19:49:06.133Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4232 17143,v1.0,,"Urzędnicy zrobili z tego długu narzędzie propagandowe i straszak. Opowiadają w mediach stereotypy o ""pasożytach"", nierobach i alkoholikach, którzy nie dość, że żerują na kieszeni płacącego czynsz mieszkańca Lublina, to jeszcze dewastują mieszkania komunalne.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:05:02.502Z,2019-10-06T20:05:02.502Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4233 17144,v1.0,,"I tu zaczął się drugi duży temat jaki podjęliśmy - tzw. programu oddłużeniowego. Zaczęliśmy apelować do Prezydenta Miasta, żeby stworzył politykę mieszkaniową dostosowaną do potrzeb i możliwości lokatorów – żeby po prostu sprawdzili, dlaczego ludzie nie płacą, znieśli bariery instytucjonalne i minimalizowali u ludzi strach związany ze zwróceniem się o pomoc do urzędu. Wiele z lokatorów i lokatorek po prostu boi się iść i prosić ZNK o pomoc. Apelowaliśmy też o to, żeby częściej korzystali z częściowego i całkowitego umorzenia długów, zainicjowali współpracę między instytucjami, taką, która da realną możliwość spłaty i wyjścia z problemów oraz regularnego płacenia czynszu. Przecież to korzyść dla wszystkich i realna pomoc.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:09:46.848Z,2019-10-06T20:09:46.848Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4234 17146,v1.0,,"Przez te wszystkie lata zobaczyłam, jak bardzo brakuje w Polsce solidarności społecznej",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:13:45.779Z,2019-10-06T20:13:45.779Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4235 17147,v1.0,,"Chodziliśmy na komisje rady miasta, namawialiśmy radnych do jego odrzucenia – za pierwszym razem nam się udało, za drugim - projekt przeszedł bez poprawek. Wcześniej radni zorganizowali otwartą dyskusję na ten temat i pomysły, jakie tam pojawiały się oraz niewiedza radnych zszokowała nas. Np.: zaproponowano nam jako Lubelskiej Akcji Lokatorskiej, żebyśmy z radnymi chodzili po mieszkaniach osób zadłużonych i sprawdzali, czy mają oni telewizory i komórki, pytali sąsiadów, czy mają samochód, jeśli sami nie powiedzą. Wszystko po to, żeby ocenić sytuację majątkową lokatorów i lokatorek.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:20:11.637Z,2019-10-06T20:20:11.637Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3445 17148,v1.0,,"Z jednej strony, pierwsze lata były bardzo intensywne i interesujące dla nas jako grupy – wszystko było nowe, dużo się uczyliśmy, konsultowaliśmy z innymi organizacjami. To był okres mojego największego personalnego rozwoju. Ale eksmisje były też wyczerpujące – ciągłe konfrontacje, towarzyszące im emocje, nieznajomość prawa i sytuacji.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:20:58.746Z,2019-10-06T20:20:58.746Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4234 17149,v1.0,,"Trzecim tematem, z jakim zmagaliśmy się było ""czyszczenie kamienic"". Nauczyliśmy się, że czyściciele kamienic w Polsce są dobrze zorganizowani – to elitarna grupa, która zna prawo, wymienia się ułamkami własności budynków, dzieli informacjami, współpracuje strategicznie przeciwko lokatorom. Są nawet strony internetowe, na których możesz przeczytać, jak w 10 krokach pozbyć się mieszkańców – prawnie i bezprawnie, ale skutecznie. O wiele łatwiej o dostęp do takich informacji, niż do tego, jak uzyskać pomoc.Jedną z takich sytuacji była sprawa czyściciela z Lublina, który jednocześnie był (i dalej jest) radnym jednej z dzielnic. Jest członkiem PISu, i nauczycielem WOSu w publicznej szkole. Po kupieniu jednej z kamienic (której ostatnia zarządczyni zniknęła lata wcześniej, nie upominając się o czynsz ani nie interesując się stanem budynku), przyszedł bez żadnych dokumentów i kazał wszystkim się wyprowadzić, bo rzekomo budynek grozi zawaleniem. Dał im na to 10 godzin. Mieszkańcy nie mieli dokąd pójść, więc zostali w kamienicy. Wtedy właściciel zaczął przyjeżdżać i upominać się o niebotyczne kwoty, zgłaszać zupełnie bezprawne roszczenia, zawiadamiał prokuraturę o kradzież okien itd.. Wniósł do sądu sprawę o eksmisję. Została uznana za bezpodstawną, a zachowanie właściciela sędzia określiła jako niezgodne z zasadami współżycia społecznego. Lokatorka, która jako pierwsza – trzy lata temu – wyprowadziła się z kamienicy, do tej pory jest oskarżana przez kamienicznika o zniesławienie i zdewastowanie lokalu. To od początku było jawne nękanie psychiczne przez niego. Mieszkania w tym budynku były małe (16 m2), podmokłe, zagrzybione, ogrzewane elektrycznymi grzejnikami, z prowizorycznymi łazienkami, zbudowanymi przez lokatorów. Czyściciel próbował różnych kroków aż w końcu zaczął podnosić czynsz i ludzie wyprowadzili się. Ciekawe, że wykonał tylko odświeżenie elewacji i remont kilku lokalów, które dzisiaj wynajmuje za rynkowe stawki studentom. Jednak stan kamienicy nie był tak tragiczny. Ale z lokatorów, którzy mieszkali tam po kilkadziesiąt lat, nie został nikt.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:26:44.948Z,2019-10-06T20:26:44.948Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4236 17116,v1.0,,"dokle nam je god normalno davati doktorima i medicinskom osoblju ""poklone"" i kuverte da bi došli na red prije nekoga drugoga, nećemo naprijed.",/post/58537,2019-10-03T12:38:37.228Z,2019-10-03T12:38:37.228Z,58537,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4182 17125,v1.0,,Slazem se da je to najbolji pravac djelovanja. Doduse moramo biti svijesni da politicari donose odluke koje uticu na sve nas i mogu uveliko uticati na kvalitet zivota koliko god ih mi ignorirali.,/post/58650,2019-10-03T12:51:47.456Z,2019-10-03T12:51:47.456Z,58650,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4216 17145,v1.0,,"Zorganizowali je w małym pomieszczeniu, na które sami zaprosiliśmy gości, bo ZNK się tym nie chciało zająć. Nie przyszła żadna osoba z kierownictwa – a rozmowa toczyła się głównie wokół szerokich problemów, z którymi się mierzymy, bo było to pierwsze takie forum dla Lublina. Nie przygotowaliśmy rozwiązań, zabrakło na to czasu, ZNK uznało, że kolejne spotkania za ""niezasadne"", pomimo próśb o ich zorganizowanie i stworzenie forum współpracy czy ciała doradczego. Podczas kilku miesięcy prac nad nowym programem oddłużeniowym nie pokazano nam projektu – odsyłano nas bez przerwy do różnych miejsc, w końcu stwierdzono, że projekt jest dokumentem wewnętrznym i nie można go pokazać. Kiedy wreszcie go zobaczyliśmy, na kilka dni przed uchwaleniem, mieliśmy mało czasu na przygotowanie opinii i wysłanie analizy oraz swojego stanowiska do radnych.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:12:02.072Z,2019-10-06T20:12:02.072Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4233 17150,v1.0,,"Do sukcesów Lubelskiej Akcji Lokatorskiej zaliczam to, że temat sytuacji lokatorów i lokatorek oraz mieszkań komunalnych czy czyszczenia kamienic w ogóle zaczął pojawiać się w lokalnych mediach i na językach loaklnych polityków – niektórzy mają nawet doradców do spraw mieszkaniowych. Bardzo blisko współpracowaliśmy z mediami. Dawali nam możliwość nagłośnienia różncyh spraw i naszej perspektywy, co przyczyniło się do tego sukcesu.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:27:24.288Z,2019-10-06T20:27:24.288Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4234 17118,v1.0,,"Model za očuvanje ideja svakako leži u tome da se one promovišu i stimulišu ali tu postoji već navedeni problem - on najčešće nije prepoznat (slučajno ili namerno) od strane onih koji bi te resurse trebali da prepoznaju kao posebno vredne i time dobro plaćene. Od početničkog entuzijazma u kojem će pojedinac pun ideja krenuti da ih deli sa okolinom, kroz neko vreme dobićemo frustriranog pojedinca razočaranog u sve i svakoga oko sebe.",/post/60010,2019-10-03T12:39:11.242Z,2019-10-03T12:39:11.242Z,60010,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4193 17126,v1.0,,"Bolje je biti stranac u bilo kojoj od tih zemalja nego gradjanin zemlje, sto je nevjerojatno. Volio bi da je to zato sto smo tako susretljivi i puni gostoprimstva ali u stvari razlog je taj da se oni kriminalci na vlasti plase naljutiti strane vlade a i ne postuju svoje gradjane.",/post/58640,2019-10-03T12:52:28.739Z,2019-10-03T12:52:28.739Z,58640,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4216 17151,v1.0,,"Nawiązaliśmy współpracę z innymi grupami w Polsce, zajmującymi się tym problemem – choć jest ich niewiele.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:30:33.992Z,2019-10-06T20:30:33.992Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4237 17159,v1.0,,"Jednak to też nie wystarczało, bo mąż miał dwa nałogi: dużo pił i palił papierosy. Na te cele przeznaczał dość duże środki finansowe",/post/58538,2019-10-06T20:53:43.566Z,2019-10-06T20:53:43.566Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4240 17160,v1.0,,W 2013 r. mąż zaczął chorować i w 2014 r. zdiagnozowano u niego chorobę nowotworową. I w tym momencie całą rodziną rozpoczęliśmy batalię o jego zdrowie,/post/58538,2019-10-06T20:56:31.572Z,2019-10-06T20:56:31.572Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4241 17162,v1.0,,"Zaczęłam spotykać się ze Świadkami Jehowy. Nauczyli mnie czytać Biblię. Pomagają mi w rzeczach prywatnych, np.: z internetem, dronami robili mi zdjęcia; doradzają mi, jak mam jakieś problemy, z którymi nie wiem jak sobie poradzić. To bardzo mądrzy, oczytani ludzie. Nigdy nie brałam pod uwagę przystąpienia do nich, bo uważam, że jak urodziłam się w wierze chrześcijańskiej, to w takiej chcę umrzeć.",/post/58538,2019-10-06T21:48:46.376Z,2019-10-06T21:48:46.376Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4243 17163,v1.0,,"Głosuję w wyborach. Na scenie politycznej nie widzę nikogo na kogo mogłabym głosować. Uważam, że ludzie, którzy mogliby rządzić dobrze, nie są dopuszczani do władzy, bo nie mają siły przebicia.",/post/58538,2019-10-06T21:55:53.309Z,2019-10-06T21:55:53.309Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4244 17169,v1.0,,"Zainspirowani, chcieliśmy zobaczyć, jak możemy zaangażować się w podobne sprawy w Lublinie. Przeczytaliśmy artykuł o kobietach, które zajmowały pustostany, czekając na mieszkania komunalne. Liczyły na to, że jak je wyremontują, to miasto zalegalizuje ich pobyt, tymczasem dyskwalifikowało je to i musiały od początku zapisywać się do kolejki, nie wspominając o konsekwencjach karnych za zajęcie pustostanów.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T22:32:24.868Z,2019-10-06T22:32:24.868Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4231 17170,v1.0,,"Starcy patriarchatu boją się mocy kobiet i znów próbują nas zniewolić, zawłaszczyć nasze ciała, seksualność i rozrodczość .Odpowiedź kobiet na świecie i w PolsceNie staniemy się ofiarami systemu, który dehumanizuje. Dajemy odpór i wybieramy wartości stanowiące opokę naszego człowieczeństwa! Wybieramy „kochaj i łącz!”. Im bardziej tym usiłują nas „odczłowieczyć”, zniszczyć nasze życie, złamać kręgosłup i wolną wolę tym bardziej stajemy w swojej mocy i prawdzie.",/post/60765,2019-10-08T13:55:42.351Z,2019-10-08T13:55:42.351Z,60765,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4250 17171,v1.0,,"Afera pedofilska nie powinna mieć miejsca. Jakby taki ksiądz – pedofil stał przede mną, to bym mu mordę obiła. Krzywdzi dziecko - popełnia przestępstwo. To jest osoba, która powinna moralizować, pokazywać swoim życiem jak powinno ono wyglądać, a to na pewno nie jest właściwe postępowanie. Chodzę do kościoła.",/post/58538,2019-10-08T15:17:24.1Z,2019-10-08T15:17:24.1Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4252 17119,v1.0,,"No myslím si, že proto lidi protestují, aby mu dali najevo, že to za normální nepovažují.",/post/57788,2019-10-03T12:39:29.75Z,2019-10-03T12:39:29.75Z,57788,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4219 17172,v1.0,,"Nie wszystkie kazania uważam za wartościowe, bo są o niczym, lanie wody. Nic nie wnoszą. Rzadko słyszę o polityce w kościele, bardziej przeszkadza mi ciśnienie na kasę. Księża za dużo , mieszają się do polityki, ale nie śledzę tego",/post/58538,2019-10-08T15:17:59.089Z,2019-10-08T15:17:59.089Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4253 17120,v1.0,,ja sam preduzetnik pa ne trazim sigurnost vec nacin kako da se sto bolje prilagodim uredjenom haosu koji nas okruzuje i osiguram svoju dobrobit radeci nesto korisno i za druge,/post/58639,2019-10-03T12:40:12.573Z,2019-10-03T12:40:12.573Z,58639,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4180 17153,v1.0,,"Część moich znajomych, która zdecydowała się zostać w Lublinie, czy innych miejscach, gdzie zarabia się mniej niż w pozostałych regionach kraju, uznaje za duży sukces wypłatę na poziomie 2000-2500 zł miesięcznie. To dla mnie frustrujące i - szczerze mówiąc - zaczyna mi brakować motywacji, żeby zostać w Lublinie, który zresztą od zawsze uważałam za swoje miejsce do życia. Od ponad 10 lat pracowałam w organizacjach pozarządowych, a przez ostatni rok jako księgowa w sektorze prywatnym. Nierzadko byłam zatrudniona w kilku miejscach jednocześnie. Mam stale poczucie, że nakład pracy w porównaniu do mojego wynagrodzenia jest nieadekwatny. Poziom mojej frustracji spowodowanej brakiem stabilności finansowej spowodował, że mam coraz większą potrzebę zmiany otoczenia i wyjazdu.",/post/53052,2019-10-06T20:34:40.472Z,2019-10-06T20:34:40.472Z,53052,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4239 17165,v1.0,,"Głosuję w wyborach. Na scenie politycznej nie widzę nikogo na kogo mogłabym głosować. Uważam, że ludzie, którzy mogliby rządzić dobrze, nie są dopuszczani do władzy, bo nie mają siły przebicia. Natomiast ci, co rządzą od dawna, im się nie chce. Są nastawieni tylko na branie kasy. Daleko są od rzeczywistości. To ich rządzenie nie ma nic wspólnego z czasami obecnymi. Młodzi ludzie nie mają siły przebicia, dlatego że nie mają pieniędzy, są blokowani przez tych starszych. Ostatnio głosowałam na Razem. Podoba mi się to, co mówią. Są mi bliżsi po prostu. Nie potrafię określić czy jestem lewicowa czy prawicowa.",/post/58538,2019-10-06T21:59:04.056Z,2019-10-06T21:59:04.056Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4246 17157,v1.0,,"Mąż pracował jako policjant i mieliśmy średnie dochody z tego tytułu. Wystarczało nam od pierwszego do pierwszego. Sytuacja finansowa pogorszyła się nam, kiedy dzieci zaczęły studiować. Mąż przeszedł na emeryturę w 1997 r. Miał wtedy 449 zł emerytury, a normalnie wtedy emerytury były na poziomie: 130, 150, 180 zł. Jego emerytura była dość wysoka. Pracował też dorywczo na budowie, aby zasilić budżet.",/post/58538,2019-10-06T20:49:53.368Z,2019-10-06T20:49:53.368Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4239 17158,v1.0,,"Mało tych pieniędzy było w domu. Nie wystarczało już od pierwszego do pierwszego. Brałam kredyty, pożyczałam. Jak mąż zaczął pracować na budowach, to te pieniądze przeznaczaliśmy na edukację dzieci.",/post/58538,2019-10-06T20:53:04.393Z,2019-10-06T20:53:04.393Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4239 17166,v1.0,,"Religia jest dla mnie ważna. Pomaga mi wartościować rzeczy. Wiele rzeczy zmieniłam w swoim życiu. Jak zaczęłam czytać Biblię, zaczęłam mieć bardziej krytyczny stosunek do księży, oparty na obserwacji",/post/58538,2019-10-06T22:00:50.435Z,2019-10-06T22:00:50.435Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4242 17377,v1.0,,"zmiany klimat, który bardzo mnie trapi. Mówi się w Polsce, że powinniśmy przestawiać nasz tryb życia tak, że maksymalnie, czasem nawet radykalnie obniżyć emisję CO2. OK, ale co z tego, że ja ograniczę emisję CO2 w moim codzienny życiu, skoro Rząd nadal chce inwestować w węgiel (często słabej jakości ze wschodu) i opierać na nim naszą politykę energetyczną.",/post/62148,2019-10-24T19:30:16.547Z,2019-10-24T19:30:16.547Z,62148,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4349 17379,v1.0,,"Aktualnie KRK bierze aktywny udział w życiu politycznym kraju, co tym bardziej mnie zastanawia i martwi.",/post/59248,2019-10-24T19:46:11.968Z,2019-10-24T19:46:11.968Z,59248,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4253 17380,v1.0,,"If you are living in your micro-environment and are surrounded by like minded people all the time, you might end up seeing a very narrow version of certain phenomena.",/post/50140,2019-10-28T14:33:18.253Z,2019-10-28T14:33:18.253Z,50140,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 17378,v1.0,,"sami możemy wpłynąć na nasz lokalny klimat. Mam na myśli smog z którym każde miasto się mierzy. I tutaj nawet kupno wspomnianego samochodu elektrycznego ma sens, bo nie zatruwamy własnego podwórka bezpośrednio i mimo, że nie wpływa to znacznie na globalną emisję CO2",/post/62148,2019-10-24T19:32:05.518Z,2019-10-24T19:32:05.518Z,62148,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4350 17381,v1.0,,"It is refreshing to talk to people with different backgrounds, life trajectories and career path and time to time it if great if your views are challenged by others.",/post/50140,2019-10-28T14:33:26.338Z,2019-10-28T14:33:26.338Z,50140,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4099 17382,v1.0,,"It is a great experience to join to this platform and to meet people with different backgrounds, interests and views.",/post/50140,2019-10-28T14:33:58.191Z,2019-10-28T14:33:58.191Z,50140,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3935 17412,v1.0,,"Ahoj všem :) mám podobnou zkušenost, když jsem si přetrhl vazy v koleni. Téměř dva roky mi byla diagnostikována u ortopeda distroze kolene, kterou jsem měl léčit neprve ledováním, ortézou, klidem a následně postupným zatěžováním, jízdou na rotopedu atd. Až po téměř dvou letech, kdy stav nebyl akutní, ale zároveň se výrazně nelepšil mi došla trpělivost a nechal jsem se znovu vyšetřit u jiného ortopeda. Ten řekl, že je pravděpodobně přetrhlý postranní vaz (ACL) a poškozené menisky. Poslal mě na magnetickou rezonanci, kde se jeho odhad potvrdil a musel jsem podstoupit operaci - plastiku vazu. Ztratil jsem tak téměř dva roky, kdy jsem mohl sportovat.",/post/61311,2019-11-04T18:21:02.244Z,2019-11-04T18:21:02.244Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 17413,v1.0,,"Po operaci a úspěšně absolvované rehabilitaci (cca půl roku), koleno nefungovalo tak, abych mohl aktivně sportovat. Absolvoval jsem druhou operaci na soukromé klinice (stála 20 000,-), později mi byly nabízeny inijekce s kyselinou hyaluronovou pro rychlejší regeneraci (jedna aplikace cca za 6000,-).",/post/61311,2019-11-04T18:21:24.429Z,2019-11-04T18:21:24.429Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 17416,v1.0,,"Až na potřetí to vyšlo, dostal jsem se k ortopedovi - kapacitě svého oboru (staré škole), který ordinuje mimo Prahu, který vyvrátil některá tvrzení svých ""kolegů"", aplikoval sérii injekcí za nesrovnatelně nižší částky a doporučil rehabilitaci, která mi poprvé za cca 4 roky těchto anabází dovoluje věnovat se opět naplno sportu.",/post/61311,2019-11-04T18:23:12.424Z,2019-11-04T18:23:12.424Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 17417,v1.0,,"Kryštofe, to je docela síla, že krom výše několikrát zmíněných nejistot v diagnózách se (možná) objevuje i falešná diagnóza vytvořená za účelem zisku - a to v nejvyhlášenější nemocnici! Kromě ztraceného času, kdy jsme mohli naplno sportovat a újmě na zdraví tu jsou ještě enormně vysoké částky, které po nás (někteří) odborníci chtějí, abychom platili za ""standardní"" procedury...",/post/61395,2019-11-04T18:23:39.77Z,2019-11-04T18:23:39.77Z,61395,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 17418,v1.0,,enormně vysoké částky,/post/61395,2019-11-04T18:24:08.331Z,2019-11-04T18:24:08.331Z,61395,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 17414,v1.0,,Absolvoval jsem druhou operaci na soukromé klinice,/post/61311,2019-11-04T18:21:41.372Z,2019-11-04T18:21:41.372Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4112 17415,v1.0,,"Přišlo mi, že ze mě ortoped z této nejvyhlášenější nemocnice v republice tahá jen další a další peníze.",/post/61311,2019-11-04T18:22:01.088Z,2019-11-04T18:22:01.088Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 17419,v1.0,,Podal jsi v tomto kontextu nějakou stížnost?,/post/61395,2019-11-04T18:24:25.57Z,2019-11-04T18:24:25.57Z,61395,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 17420,v1.0,,Nepodal jsem žádnou stížnost.,/post/61553,2019-11-04T18:24:37.581Z,2019-11-04T18:24:37.581Z,61553,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 17421,v1.0,,"Spokojil jsem se s tím, že jsem našel řádově lepší náhradu péče i co se týče nákladů a peníze investované u tohoto ortopeda beru jako ""vyhozené"".",/post/61553,2019-11-04T18:24:50.156Z,2019-11-04T18:24:50.156Z,61553,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 17423,v1.0,,"Rentgen potvrdil mé obavy a posílají mě domů s tím, že se uvidí, jestli to bude dobře srůstat nebo jestli půjdu na operaci. Po týdnu jdu na kontrolu a jiný doktor říka, že to ASI na operaci bude, ale že je to na mně. Jsem snad doktor? Operaci jsem schválil a šel jsem pod kudlu.",/post/61744,2019-11-04T18:25:49.992Z,2019-11-04T18:25:49.992Z,61744,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 17424,v1.0,,"Po operaci přijde třetí doktor, kouká na snímky a diví se, proč mi to operovali, že by to rozhodně neoperoval.",/post/61744,2019-11-04T18:26:09.09Z,2019-11-04T18:26:09.09Z,61744,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 17425,v1.0,,"Když přijdu po 14 dnech na kontrolu a ptám se čtvrtého doktora na jeho názor, co by podle prvního rentgenu udělal on, mi říká, že by to operoval na hned, že je tam kousek roztříštěné kosti. Takže podobně jako u tebe. Co doktor, to názor.",/post/61744,2019-11-04T18:27:17.092Z,2019-11-04T18:27:17.092Z,61744,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 17426,v1.0,,"Koukám na něj s 11 cm jizvou přes celý klíček a říkám si, kde je teda pravda.",/post/61744,2019-11-04T18:27:27.232Z,2019-11-04T18:27:27.232Z,61744,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 17427,v1.0,,"Natomiast ci, co rządzą od dawna, im się nie chce. Są nastawieni tylko na branie kasy. Daleko są od rzeczywistości. To ich rządzenie nie ma nic wspólnego z czasami obecnymi.",/post/58538,2019-11-05T16:13:12.841Z,2019-11-05T16:13:12.841Z,58538,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4233 17428,v1.0,,"nie kocham natomiast mojej pracy. Trudno wszystko opisać w kilku tylko akapitach, ale postaram się uchwycić sens. Po macierzyńskim wróciłam do pracy w korpo. Zaczęło się spokojnie, od wdrażania na nowe stanowisko, które miałam objąć już przed ciążą. Po jakimś czasie mój manager nałożył na mnie dodatkowe obowiązki, na co zareagowałam z zapałem, bo była to świetna okazja do nauczenia się czegoś nowego. Niestety, nie miałąm zapewnionego szkolenia (jakiegokolwiek!) dot. nowych obowiązków, więc starałam się sobie radzić jak mogłam, od czasu do czasu prosząc kolegów z zespołu o pomoc. Po kilku miesiącach okazało się, że moje stanowisko zostanie zlikwidowane i w związku z tym mogę aplikować na inne w obrębie tego samego działu. Od tego momentu zaczęły się regularne follow upy mojej pracy, udowadniające mi na każdym kroku jak bardzo nie nadaję się do zespołu i ja Żeby była pełna jasność - zdaję sobie sprawę, że wiele kwestii ""położyłam"", jednak żałuję, że nie dostałam dostatecznego wsparcia od moich współpracowników i przede wszystkim - szefa. Żałuję też, że odchodzę z firmy z poczuciem kompletnej porażki, po wielu latach pracy dla tej jednej korporacji.",/post/63077,2019-11-05T16:22:23.629Z,2019-11-05T16:22:23.629Z,63077,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4397 17429,v1.0,,"Ceny wszystkiego poszły tak w górę, jak ta technologia, którą wykładamy i serwujemy sobie na stół przy niedzielnym obiedzie. Z roku na rok możemy zaobserwować wzrost cen wszystkich możliwych rzeczy, wszystkich możliwych usług, wszystkiego co tylko możliwe do kupienia. Miniamalna 160 godzinna miesięczna pensja w 2020 ma wynosić 1470zł",/post/62215,2019-11-05T16:40:05.655Z,2019-11-05T16:40:05.655Z,62215,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4398 17430,v1.0,,"This is such an exciting post, @noemi I apologize it has taken me so long to answer your ping but, as you know, I moved once again to a new city. I left my hometown 14 years ago and I have been reconstructing my social world since then. I think the 'home bubbles' and the 'abroad bubbles' have always been fluid for me - 'home' and 'abroad' have blurry boundaries. Even in my darkest, least hopeful moments, when it felt like I didn't have a home anymore or a language that feels like home, I tried to remind myself that I left Romania for NYC because I was curious to learn about the world. This is also the reason for which I try to keep my bubbles porous - I believe that if I want to learn with others I cannot live in the comfort of a cozy space. My struggle has been to deconstruct ideas that society takes for granted - that 'home' needs to be a stable space, a comfortable one, a space of predictability and intimacy (hence my interest in co-housing). But most homes are not like that or, more accurately, they are like that only in the simplified narratives we create about them. From my experience, there is a lot of hard work involved in building a home both 'at home' and 'abroad'. So, it is this hard work of making a home that keeps me sane because I know that, if I am honest with myself, wherever I go I will have to engage in it. This realization has saved me from cultural shocks and the disappointment with old or new friends. Of course, some days it feels easier to fall back on given narratives about homes and homelands...but those days pass. More difficult is losing friends because of such relocations in space but then again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :)",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:02:52.606Z,2019-11-15T17:02:52.606Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3879 17431,v1.0,,"This is such an exciting post, @noemi I apologize it has taken me so long to answer your ping but, as you know, I moved once again to a new city. I left my hometown 14 years ago and I have been reconstructing my social world since then. I think the 'home bubbles' and the 'abroad bubbles' have always been fluid for me - 'home' and 'abroad' have blurry boundaries. Even in my darkest, least hopeful moments, when it felt like I didn't have a home anymore or a language that feels like home, I tried to remind myself that I left Romania for NYC because I was curious to learn about the world. This is also the reason for which I try to keep my bubbles porous - I believe that if I want to learn with others I cannot live in the comfort of a cozy space. My struggle has been to deconstruct ideas that society takes for granted - that 'home' needs to be a stable space, a comfortable one, a space of predictability and intimacy (hence my interest in co-housing). But most homes are not like that or, more accurately, they are like that only in the simplified narratives we create about them. From my experience, there is a lot of hard work involved in building a home both 'at home' and 'abroad'. So, it is this hard work of making a home that keeps me sane because I know that, if I am honest with myself, wherever I go I will have to engage in it. This realization has saved me from cultural shocks and the disappointment with old or new friends. Of course, some days it feels easier to fall back on given narratives about homes and homelands...but those days pass. More difficult is losing friends because of such relocations in space but then again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:03:05.09Z,2019-11-15T17:03:05.09Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4399 17435,v1.0,,"There is an old saying in English, ""home is where the heart is",/post/64087,2019-11-15T17:04:54.734Z,2019-11-15T17:04:54.734Z,64087,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4401 17436,v1.0,,"hometown 14 years ago and I have been reconstructing my social world since then. I think the 'home bubbles' and the 'abroad bubbles' have always been fluid for me - 'home' and 'abroad' have blurry boundaries. Even in my darkest, least hopeful moments, when it felt like I didn't have a home anymore or a language that feels like home, I tried to remind myself that I left Romania for NYC because I was curious to learn about the world. This is also the reason for which I try to keep my bubbles porous - I believe that if I want to learn with others I cannot live in the comfort of a cozy space. My struggle has been to deconstruct ideas that society takes for granted - that 'home' needs to be a stable space, a comfortable one, a space of predictability and intimacy (hence my interest in co-housing). But most homes are not like that or, more accurately, they are like that only in the simplified narratives we create about them. From my experience, there is a lot of hard work involved in building a home both 'at home' and 'abroad'. So, it is this hard work of making a home that keeps me sane because I know that, if I am honest with myself, wherever I go I will have to engage in it. This realization has saved me from cultural shocks and the disappointment with old or new friends. Of course, some days it feels easier to fall back on given narratives about homes and homelands...but those days pass. More difficult is losing friends because of such relocations in space but then again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Edit Delete No Commentencountering difference Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:05:36.581Z,2019-11-15T17:05:36.581Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4402 17432,v1.0,,"stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentbubbles Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:03:37.036Z,2019-11-15T17:03:37.036Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4400 17434,v1.0,,"'. So, it is this hard work of making a home that keeps me sane because I know that, if I am honest with myself, wherever I go I will have to engage in it. This realization has saved me from cultural shocks and the disappointment with old or new friends. Of course, some days it feels easier to fall back on given narratives about homes and homelands...but those days pass. More difficult is losing friends because of such relocations in space but then again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentbubbles Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentleaving home country Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:04:46.506Z,2019-11-15T17:04:46.506Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3935 17437,v1.0,,"stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentflux Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Edit Delete No Commentencountering difference Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:10:54.957Z,2019-11-15T17:10:54.957Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4401 17441,v1.0,,"Yes. And you know how sometimes you're so far from the normal idea of home that you have a hard time understanding just how far? I don't even distinguish between nuclear family home and co-housing as a home, because this is not where the action is imho (even thogh it could be a crucial distinction for many, and rightly so). I think it comes down to the heart, in the sense of feeling of belonging, no matter how the home setup looks like. That was hard to rebuild after I left Cluj for good, simply because I had thought I belong there, because my people were there.",/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:15:16.443Z,2019-11-15T17:15:16.443Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4404 17433,v1.0,,"n 14 years ago and I have been reconstructing my social world since then. I think the 'home bubbles' and the 'abroad bubbles' have always been fluid for me - 'home' and 'abroad' have blurry boundaries. Even in my darkest, least hopeful moments, when it felt like I didn't have a home anymore or a language that feels like home, I tried to remind myself that I left Romania for NYC because I was curious to learn about the world. This is also the reason for which I try to keep my bubbles porous - I believe that if I want to learn with others I cannot live in the comfort of a cozy space. My struggle has been to deconstruct ideas that society takes for granted - that 'home' needs to be a stable space, a comfortable one, a space of predictability and intimacy (hence my interest in co-housing). But most homes are not like that or, more accurately, they are like that only in the simplified narratives we create about them. From my experience, there is a lot of hard work involved in building a home both 'at home' and 'abroad'. So, it is this hard work of making a home that keeps me sane because I know that, if I am honest with myself, wherever I go I will have to engage in it. This realization has saved me from cultural shocks and the disappointment with old or new friends. Of course, some days it feels easier to fall back on given narratives about homes and homelands...but those days pass. More difficult is losing friends because of such relocations in space but then again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:03:56.204Z,2019-11-15T17:03:56.204Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 17438,v1.0,,"orld around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentbubbles Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentflux Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Edit Delete No Commentencountering difference Edit Delete No Commenthome Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:11:28.751Z,2019-11-15T17:11:28.751Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1262 17439,v1.0,,"en again friendships are dialogues and some dialogues end or morph into something else. I guess, I find my wellbeing in trying to stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentflux Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Edit Delete No Commentencountering difference Edit Delete No Commenthome Edit Delete No Commentopenness Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:12:13.597Z,2019-11-15T17:12:13.597Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4403 17440,v1.0,,"Yes. And you know how sometimes you're so far from the normal idea of home that you have a hard time understanding just how far? I don't even distinguish between nuclear family home and co-housing as a home, because this is not where the action is imho (even thogh it could be a crucial distinction for many, and rightly so). I think it comes down to the heart, in the sense of feeling of belonging, no matter how the home setup looks like. That was hard to rebuild after I left Cluj for good, simply because I had thought I belong there, because my people were there",/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:15:02.734Z,2019-11-15T17:15:02.734Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4401 17442,v1.0,,"think it comes down to the heart, in the sense of feeling of belonging, no matter how the home setup looks like. That was hard to rebuild after I left Cluj for good, simply because I had thought I belong there, because my people were there. O",/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:15:53.34Z,2019-11-15T17:15:53.34Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4052 17450,v1.0,,"tarting from the collective memories of the community, on the ground of photo documents, the film gathers together the legacy of personal stories, exploring the different shades of identity, migration and the aspirations of the people""",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:15.661Z,2019-11-15T17:19:15.661Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4407 17454,v1.0,,"the work of building your home, of making yourself at home in a community – be it the one you grew up in or one you arrived at later in life – is good work. Exhausting and frustrating at times, but good work overall. It carries meaning, and I am proud to do it.",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:27:47.983Z,2019-11-15T17:27:47.983Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4401 17458,v1.0,,"Leaving Emilia, and then leaving Italy, did not mean",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:29:57.77Z,2019-11-15T17:29:57.77Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 17461,v1.0,,"stay curious, kind and open to the world around me even when I don't feel like it or when the world around doesn't seem particularly kind to me (poetry helps too) :) Edit Delete No Commentbubbles Edit Delete No Commentleaving comfort zone Edit Delete No Commentflux Edit Delete No Commentcuriosity Edit Delete No Commentencountering difference Edit Delete No Commenthome Edit Delete No Commentstability Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64081,2019-11-15T17:34:51.83Z,2019-11-15T17:34:51.83Z,64081,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4409 17443,v1.0,,"That was hard to rebuild after I left Cluj for good, simply because I had thought I belong there, because my people were there. O",/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:16:41.078Z,2019-11-15T17:16:41.078Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,3888 17452,v1.0,,"dentity, migration and the aspirations of the people""",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:30.412Z,2019-11-15T17:19:30.412Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1150 17455,v1.0,,"id: the work of building your home, of making yourself at home in a community – be it the one you grew up in or one you arrived at later in life – is good work. Exhausting and frustrating at times, but good work overall. It carries meaning, and I am proud to do it.",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:28:25.094Z,2019-11-15T17:28:25.094Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4409 17444,v1.0,,r 'community of fate' being very much tied to land and rituals,/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:16:59.411Z,2019-11-15T17:16:59.411Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1473 17445,v1.0,,ur 'community of fate' being very much tied to land and rituals.,/post/64137,2019-11-15T17:17:09.183Z,2019-11-15T17:17:09.183Z,64137,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1060 17447,v1.0,,"On this topic I recommend @medhin_paolos 's beautiful account of the relationship of and within Diaspora communities that settle in the land of former colonial powers:""The Eritrean",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:18:53.782Z,2019-11-15T17:18:53.782Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,708 17448,v1.0,,"""The Eritrean/Ethiopian community has been present in Italy for at least half a century and it has been actively integrated into the social and cultural life of the city.",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:03.332Z,2019-11-15T17:19:03.332Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4405 17449,v1.0,,"tarting from the collective memories of the community, on the ground of photo documents, the film gathers together the legacy of personal stories, exploring the different shades of identity, migration and the aspirations of the people""",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:09.411Z,2019-11-15T17:19:09.411Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4406 17451,v1.0,,"Starting from the collective memories of the community, on the ground of photo documents, the film gathers together the legacy of personal stories, exploring the different shades of identity, migration and the aspirations of the people""",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:20.299Z,2019-11-15T17:19:20.299Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4408 17453,v1.0,,"dentity, migration and the aspirations of the people""",/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:19:36.157Z,2019-11-15T17:19:36.157Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,976 17456,v1.0,,@nadia evoked my own work as a musician with traditional music from the corner of the world I grew up in. L,/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:28:48.024Z,2019-11-15T17:28:48.024Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1182 17446,v1.0,,On this topic I recommend @medhin_paolos 's beautiful account of the relationship of and within Diaspora communities that settle in the land of former colonial powers:,/post/64148,2019-11-15T17:18:46.216Z,2019-11-15T17:18:46.216Z,64148,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,1060 17457,v1.0,,"Instead, I carry this identity with me, wherever I go. It does not make much of a difference, in fact: even in Italy, even in Emilia, it is very much a peripheral identity, although in some cases a respected one.",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:29:13.828Z,2019-11-15T17:29:13.828Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,976 17459,v1.0,,"Wherever I am, I and the people closest to me are never more than one small thread in the worldsong. As I go, I pick up new notes, and, very carefully, integrate them in the thread, so that they make a harmonious whole. There has never been any need to turn my back on anything important.",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:30:14.756Z,2019-11-15T17:30:14.756Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4410 17460,v1.0,,"Instead, I carry this identity with me, wherever I go. It does not make much of a difference, in fact: even in Italy, even in Emilia, it is very much a peripheral identity, although in some cases a respected one. Wherever I am, I and the people closest to me are never more than one small thread in the worldsong. As I go, I pick up new notes, and, very carefully, integrate them in the thread, so that they make a harmonious whole. There has never been any need to turn my back on anything important.",/post/64260,2019-11-15T17:30:56.164Z,2019-11-15T17:30:56.164Z,64260,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4411 18194,v1.0,,"W Polsce to jest za bardzo związane z religią. Państwo powinno być świeckie. Nie jestem osobą wierzącą. Jestem agnostykiem, jeśli już mam siebie jakoś nazywać, czyli nie jestem ani wierząca ani niewierząca. Byłam wychowywana w wierze katolickiej: z wierzącą i praktykującą mamą i wierzącym, niepraktykującym, antyklerykalnym ojcem",/post/57940,2020-01-27T22:18:53.527Z,2020-01-27T22:18:53.527Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4797 18195,v1.0,,"Zdarza się, że głosuję, w zależności od tego czy tu jestem i czy mam czas. Zdarzało się, że brałam zaświadczenie albo nie głosowałam – jak ostatnio - bo źle się czulam. Ogólnie staram się głosować. Głosuję na człowieka, nie na partię. Bywa, że partia ma znaczenie. Co o tym decyduje? Do żadnej partii nie jest mi blisko. To jest masakra. Naprawdę nie ma na kogo zagłosować.",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:15:00.845Z,2020-01-27T23:15:00.845Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4244 18196,v1.0,,"Gdy docierają do mnie informacje jak to wszystko wygląda, jak się kłócą z jednej i z drugiej strony, ile jest hejtu, ile jest nienawiści wobec siebie, to zniechęca mnie to na maksa, żeby zainteresować się tym poważnie, zbadać to. Strona medialna to jest jakieś oszołomstwo totalne, z jednej i z drugiej strony, tam nie ma żadnych informacji.",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:18:26.402Z,2020-01-27T23:18:26.402Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4798 18197,v1.0,,"Mam z deka prawicowe poglądy pod kątem państwowym i gospodarczym. Wydaje mi się, że w interesie Polaków jako ludzi zamieszkująych ten wyznaczony na mapie teren jest to, żeby jednak polityka gospodarcza i zagraniczna była narodowa, bo to wymusza polityka wszystkich państw w Europie. Każdy pilnuje swojego interesu. Trójkąt Wyszehradzki to nie jest taki głupi pomysł. Pod tym względem powinniśmy iść bardziej narodowo. Społeczne poglądy jednak mam bardziej liberalne, a liberalizm to też jest kapitalizm, taki krwiożerczy, przez co nie wydaje mi się to takie dobre, dlatego też mam poglądy socjalistyczne. Pod kątem prawa do aborcji, związków partnerskich, w tym homoseksualnych, czy podejście do przyrody, które PIS ma, to jest jakieś... Problem tej partii wydaje mi się jest taki, że tam nie ma jakichś zdrowomyślących ludzi. Pod kątem kultury - jak przeczytałam o nowym dyrektorze instytucji w O. - to jakby przenieść gbura i wsadzić do największej jednostki kulturalnej w województwie, bo oni chyba nie mają kadr. Przed tymi wszystkimi aferami, kilka lat temu, jedyną zmazą na wizerunku PIS była dla mnie katastrofa smoleńska, ale skłaniałam się bardziej do nich niż do PO ( przyp.: Platforma Obywatelska ). Jeżeli chodzi o gospodarkę mieli bardziej pronarodowe podejście. Ale to, co teraz się dzieje - płacą miliardy, żeby amerykańscy żołnierze stacjonowali na wschodniej granicy i ćwiczyli ewakucję do Niemiec. Słabo to teraz wszystko wygląda. Kaczyński był kiedyś bardziej... Nie wiem... Nie ma kultury politycznej w tym kraju.",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:28:41.2Z,2020-01-27T23:28:41.2Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4800 18198,v1.0,,"Mam duże doświadczenie ze służbą zdrowia. Mama i siostra partnera, mój tata, i moje ciąże. Uważam, że w naszej służbie zdrowia najsłabszą strona jest SOR ( przyp.: Szpitalny Oddział Ratunkowy ). To, co tam się dzieje, to jest... Jeden główny lekarz na zmianie i jednocześnie potrafi pójść na oddział i przeprowadzać operację. Zostaje na dole niedycyzyjny rezydent i czeka na tamtego, żeby ten coś potwierdził, a ludzie siedzą tam i czekają po kilkanaście godzin. Jest totalny chaos. Jeden ratownik medyczny, zakłada gips, rozwozi pacjentów po oddziałaach, pomaga lekarzowi w papierologii, a 10 pielęgniarek siedzi w kanciapie i sobie gada. Jest totalny brak organizacji; długie oczekiwanie pacjentów... Zdecydowanie poprawiłabym tam organizację. Nie chodziłam prywatnie leczyć się w czasie ciąży, tylko na badanie USG ze względu na to, że mam problem z dotrzymywaniem terminów. Dostaję skierowanie na badanie i zapominam umówić się tego samego dnia na termin. Ale też obawiam się braków w sprzęcie, choć nigdy tego nie doświadczyłam. Moja ginekolog daje mi skierowanie, bo u siebie w gabinecie co prawda ma aparat do USG, ale nie ma sprzętu do dokładnego badania wad rozwojowych. Jednocześnie to, że zapłacisz za prywatną wizytę, wcale nie oznacza, że ta porada będzie kompatybilna z oczekiwaniami. A zapisanie się do jakiegokolwiek specjalisty to jest dramat. Uważam, że w polskiej służbie zdrowia panuje niezła znieczulica na pacjenta. I na to mogę mnożyć przykłady. Partnera dziadka z zagrożeniem życia trzy razy z SOR odsyłali do domu, nie chcieli go przyjąć na oddział. Jego mamę traktują jakby była wariatką. Niektórzy mają wyznaczone wizyty na 2025. O czym mowa? Wydaje mi się, że jednak służba zdrowia powinna być częściowo sprywatyzowana. Chociaż prywatyzacja - tak jak w USA - że jak stracisz pracę, nie masz umowy o pracę albo lądujesz na ulicy, nie ma dla nich żadnej opieki zdrowotnej. Lekarzom się nie chce, bo mało zarabiają na oddziale. Oni zarabiają na prywantej praktyce. W Polsce to chyba zostają tylko specjaliści, którym nie chciało się uczyć na studiach albo ci, co zostają z wielkiego powołania, jak misjonarze w Kambodży będą ludzi ratować. Chyba średnio się opłaca pracować lekarzowi w państwowej służbie zdrowia? Mają dyżury po 12 godzin, potem jeszcze prywatnie. Kiedy oni mają odpocząć? Jak mają tam funkcjonować? System jest jakiś wadliwy w Polsce i łapówkarstwo. Spotkałam się z tym. Są dwa różne podejścia. Mamy wujka w szpitalu, który jest lekarzem. Jak tata zaczął chorować, coś tam niby miał mu załatwić po znajomości, skierował go do lekarki, która powiedziała wprost, że jak wyłoży dla niej hajs, będzie miał zapewnione wszystko – od tysiąca złotych wzwyż. Na państwowej wizycie. Z kolei partera mama przed operacją|: jej mama martwiła się i wsadziła w kopertę ok. 1 000 zł. Popędziła z kopertą do lekarza, który miał operować. Poszła do niego z tą łapówką, a on powiedział, że nie bierze żadnych pieniędzy, że ewentualnie jak będzie nadal chciała, może mu dać po operacji. Ostatecznie zaniosła mu ciasto. Są uczciwi lekarze, są i tacy, i tacy. Od generalizacji jestem daleka. Myślę, że ludzie prowokują taki klimat, do czego lekarze się przyzwyczajają. W innym mieście na SOR jest główny lekarz, w kitlu, z wystającym „gobelinem” i ze srebrnym czy złotym łańcuchem. Wyglądał jak gwiazda disco polo albo jak mafia pruszkowska z lat 90tych. A w gabinecie przyjmował rezydent. Wszystko tam robił. Byliśmy tam, bo syn przyciął sobie palca w samochodzie i myśleliśmy, że to złamanie. Sam wszystko robił. Nie było ratownika ani pielęgniarki. A lekarz prowadzący, normalnie, na SOR, w państwowej służbie zdrowia, przyjmował pacjentów poza kolejnością za dodatkową opłatą. W ogóle się z tym nie krył. Główny lekarz, ratownik i pielęgniarka przyszli do gabinetu, gdzie był tylko rezydent, dopiero jak dwóch policjantów przyprowadziło osadzonego ( przyp. więzień )",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:37:46.953Z,2020-01-27T23:37:46.953Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4804 18200,v1.0,,"Chciałabym przekazać dzieciom szacunek do drugiego człowieka, wolność rozumianą tak, że póki nikomu nie szkodzi, to może robić, co mu się podoba; dopóki jego zachowania nie wpływają negatywnie na otoczenie, środowisko, ludzi, bliskich. Wydaje mi się, że nie ma obiektywnych aksjomatów, na których można by się oprzeć, niepodważalnych. Tylko człowiek jest ich źródłem. Szukałabym bardziej wartości w człowieku i w umowie społecznej niż w bogu. Wierzę w rozsądek ludzki, wyższe wartości, które człowiek sam w sobie potrafi znaleźć. Nie wiem z czego wypływa moralność. Nie mam autorytetów. Za Kantem bym powiedziała: „Niebo gwiaździste nade mną i prawo moralne we mnie…”. To raczej umowa społeczna, bo nie wszyscy są katolikami. A czy są obiektywne idee, platońskie wartości, w które kościół też wierzy, nie wiadomo czy tak jest. Staram się konfrontować swoje myśli z otaczającymi mnie ludźmi: z rodziną, przyjaciółmi. Dużo do myślenia dają mi książki, które czytam. Mam ulubionych pisarzy, ale nie wpływają na moje postawy. Raczej są autorytetami w sensie literackim.",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:44:45.086Z,2020-01-27T23:44:45.086Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4806 18199,v1.0,,"Chyba średnio się opłaca pracować lekarzowi w państwowej służbie zdrowia? Mają dyżury po 12 godzin, potem jeszcze prywatnie. Kiedy oni mają odpocząć? Jak mają tam funkcjonować? System jest jakiś wadliwy w Polsce i łapówkarstwo. Spotkałam się z tym. Są dwa różne podejścia. Mamy wujka w szpitalu, który jest lekarzem. Jak tata zaczął chorować, coś tam niby miał mu załatwić po znajomości, skierował go do lekarki, która powiedziała wprost, że jak wyłoży dla niej hajs, będzie miał zapewnione wszystko – od tysiąca złotych wzwyż. Na państwowej wizycie. Z kolei partera mama przed operacją|: jej mama martwiła się i wsadziła w kopertę ok. 1 000 zł. Popędziła z kopertą do lekarza, który miał operować. Poszła do niego z tą łapówką, a on powiedział, że nie bierze żadnych pieniędzy, że ewentualnie jak będzie nadal chciała, może mu dać po operacji. Ostatecznie zaniosła mu ciasto. Są uczciwi lekarze, są i tacy, i tacy. Od generalizacji jestem daleka",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:38:52.386Z,2020-01-27T23:38:52.386Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4803 18201,v1.0,,"Partner pracuje jako psycholog dziecięcy. W czerwcu skończył pracę w innym mieście z osobami niepełnosprawnymi i jednocześnie pracował jako psycholog w interwencji kryzysowej. Jedna praca była na pół etatu, a druga - na 1/4 na najniższą krajową, z czego dużą część pieniędzy pochłaniały dojazdy, bo musiał codziennie dojeżdżać. Teraz ma umowę zlecenie w projekcie unijnym. Ma przepracować ponad 300 godzin z dzieciakami z sąsiedniego powiatu. To nie jest stricte terapia, ale ma zdiagnozować problem i pomagać im szukać rozwiązania. Pięć godzin przeznaczyli na jedno dziecko. Dobra stawka godzinowa, ale zlecenie: ma określoną liczbę godzin do wyrobienia. W naszym mieście też miał propozycję z zakładu aktywizacji zawodowej: praca na podstawie zlecenia, 8 godzin tygodniowo, wynagrodzenie liczone jak 1/5 minimalnej krajowej. Gdyby to była umowa o pracę, nawet za taką kasę, pewnie by się zdecydował. Jak ma zarobić 400 zł tutaj, a pracując przy projekcie na zleceniu w innym mieście w ciągu dnia zarobi tyle, to nie ma sensu. I ma jeszcze jakieś stypendium socjalne, i jakieś projakościowe w związku z tym, że studiuje, ma wyniki. Do końca maja też wnosiłam wkład w nasz budżet.",/post/57940,2020-01-27T23:49:11.437Z,2020-01-27T23:49:11.437Z,57940,4793,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4239 18414,v1.0,,"povezivanju čoveka i prirode u gradu. Od maja 2018.godine vodim i Nacionalnu Asocijaciju Zelenih Krovova Srbije, od kada intenzivno radim na edukaciji svih relevantnih aktera u ovoj oblasti. Do samog razvoja Asocijacije došla sam kroz saradnju na jednom predivnom projektu pod nazivom Zeleni koncept stanovanja, koji je početkom 2019.godine u potpunosti i realizovan u okviru stambenog objekta izgrađenog u Novom Sadu.",/post/69487,2020-02-15T15:04:44.953Z,2020-02-15T15:07:15.633Z,69487,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4914 18415,v1.0,,"Asocijacija organizuje različite događaje na zelenom krovu i aktivno radi na širenju ideje na kompletnu teritoriju grada, tj na uključivanju i drugih investitora u ovakav tip implementacije. Pored toga fokusirani smo na predloge izmena gradskih regulativa kako bi se ovakva vrsta rešenja promovisala i podržala i od strane grada. Nakon prvih 18 meseci spremni smo na saradnju na većim evropskim projektima",/post/69575,2020-02-15T15:08:57.051Z,2020-02-15T15:08:57.051Z,69575,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4914 18416,v1.0,,"zeleni krovovi jedan od vodećih modela koji bi u gradovima mogli da donesu neophodnu transformaciju. Razvijamo model saradnje sa jednim privatnim vrtićem koji ima krovnu baštu i već sa mališanima aktivno rade i koriste te površine.",/post/69596,2020-02-15T15:11:29.899Z,2020-02-15T15:11:29.899Z,69596,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4914 18419,v1.0,,"Izbegao sam u svet jer je, kada sam ja bezao, situacija koja je iz haosa ratova presla u stvarnost lazne nade i „bice bolje“ u vreme posle 5 Oktobra.",/post/68921,2020-02-15T15:21:25.81Z,2020-02-15T15:21:25.81Z,68921,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18421,v1.0,,"Stanje psihe u Srbiji je veliki problem, ponasanje mladih i starijih… porazavajuce. Mislim da je resenje u jednoj recenici „Milsi globalno, deluj lokalno“, kod nas je to obrnuto i dosta objasnjava kulturu pametovanja i „sveznanja“.",/post/68921,2020-02-15T15:23:41.136Z,2020-02-15T15:23:41.136Z,68921,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18422,v1.0,,"Prvi posao mi je bio u McDonaldsu, gde sam dobio komentar od devojke iz Srbije “Kakav si ti to Srbin?” jer nemam pojma ko je Milica Todorovic. Nikada nisam zaboravio njeno ime iako ni dan danas ne znam ko je ona ali mogu samo da pretpostavim.",/post/68921,2020-02-15T15:25:35.463Z,2020-02-15T15:25:35.463Z,68921,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4196 18423,v1.0,,"cilj je da se nasa situacija poboljsa...i u nasim glavama, pa nasem mikro svijetu pa onda i u siroj zajednici. Do toga nece doci ako nismo sposobni realno sagledati stvari i biti iskreni prema samim sebi, reci stvari koje ne zelimo cuti ;)",/post/69011,2020-02-15T15:28:10.102Z,2020-02-15T15:28:10.102Z,69011,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4222 18417,v1.0,,"neuređenog sistema primarne selekcije otpada, izuzetne zagađenosti vazduha i sve češće poplavljenih ulica.",/post/69487,2020-02-15T15:11:46.796Z,2020-02-15T15:11:46.796Z,69487,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4915 18420,v1.0,,"Deset godina se nista nije menjalo i bilo je samo losije. Osecao sam se, polako, kao deo rijaliti programa kome nije cilj da zabavi ljude vec da eksperimentise koliko moze covek biti sateran u cosak a da mu je bilo kakav otpor uzalud. Skolovanje mi nije mnogo pruzilo jer se ja nisam trudio da ucim. Devedesetih nismo mogli da vidimo primere uspesnih skolovanih ljudi koji su ziveli casno i posteno. Zavrsio sam trogodisnju skolu za elektromehanicara. Totalna iskrivljena stvarnost je u meni stvorila poremeceno shvatanje zivota i sustinskih ciljeva u samorazvoju, najbolji drugovi su vecinom otisli napolje.",/post/68921,2020-02-15T15:21:59.452Z,2020-02-15T15:21:59.452Z,68921,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4169 18424,v1.0,,"Zbog rata naša zemlja se zatvorila, i nisu predavali najnovije mogućnosti na računarima.",/post/67519,2020-02-15T15:38:09.1Z,2020-02-15T15:38:09.1Z,67519,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4169 18418,v1.0,,Mi smo za naš grad zacrtali viziju ekološke prestonice u budućnosti. (ne kao BG),/post/69849,2020-02-15T15:15:31.86Z,2020-02-15T15:15:31.86Z,69849,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4916 18425,v1.0,,"Učeničkih srednjoškolskih parlamenata. Od nihovog nastanaka, daleke 2003. godine, ako me ne vara utisak ta se inicijativa tadašnje vlade/ministarstva nije uopšte razvila. Sva ministarstva do sada se uporno ne bave ovom temom, kao ni mnogim drugim bitnim temama na žalost. Đački parlament jeste zamišljen ka pravi mali parlament gde učenici biraju svoje predstavnike koji će se baviti detekcijom i rešavanjem da li školskih da li nekih lokalnih/društvenih problema. Iskustvo rada u grupi, kreativna komunikacija, odgovornost, poverenje i solidarnost su dobrobiti koje đaci mogu da iskuse u tom vremenskom periodu. Time bi se generacije po završetku školovanja osnažile za društveni aktivizam i profesoinalne karijere. Naravno, generacije učenika bi razumele načine donošenja odluka i samu suštinu demokratski uređenog društva.",/post/66907,2020-02-15T15:43:49.727Z,2020-02-15T15:43:49.727Z,66907,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4917 18427,v1.0,,"naucno je dokazano da je najvaznija stvar za zdravlje i razvoj ljudi sredina u kojoj se nalaze. S'obzirom da prosjecno provedemo 8-10 sati u poslu, izuzetno je vazno da nasa percepcija sredine u kojoj radimo bude vise u pozitivnom svijetlu. Ako nije, to je siguran put ka losem zdravlju.",/post/59004,2020-02-15T15:48:29.321Z,2020-02-15T15:48:29.321Z,59004,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4918 18431,v1.0,,"Ja sam jedna od onih koja je otisla “trbuhom za kruhom” u nadi da pronadjem bolje uslove za svoje dete.Da razjasnim , svoje dete nisam rodila u Srbiji. Nisam otisla samo zbog vece plate , vec sam zelela da pruzim svom detetu bolju zdravstvenu pomoc i bolje mogucnosti obrazovanja . Upravo o tom obrazovanju je rec , koje ovde toliko zelimo - povezivanje teorije sa praksom.Isto tako postoje mogunosti doskolovanja u bilo kom razdoblju zivota sa finansijskom podrskom , neke od tih mogucnosti koristim i ja.Po mom misljenju to nedostaje Srbiji , jer su neki upisali skole koje su im bile namenute i sada se snalaze sa time sto imaju , umesto da nadju ono sto ih zapravo zanima i prekvalifikuju se .Ne mislim da nasa deca ovde nemaju mogucnost obrazovanja ili zdravstvene pomoci , samo mislim da je vreme da se ponesto tu promeni.",/post/66656,2020-02-15T16:01:39.906Z,2020-02-15T16:01:39.906Z,66656,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18432,v1.0,,"Ivan je držao govor. Obratio se Evropi. Pričao je u ime svih nas sa ovih prostora. Pričao je o miru, objasnio je mir. Rekao je ono što odzvanja u svima nama "" pravite se gluvi na zvuk ratnih bubnjeva nad Balkanom. Mi nismo stranci, mi smo Evropljani!""",/post/65226,2020-02-15T16:04:47.871Z,2020-02-15T16:04:47.871Z,65226,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4921 18434,v1.0,,"ako želimo da učinimo svoj život boljim i menjamo svoju okolinu, trebamo krenuti od uzroka, umesto da se baviti samo posledicama. Ni jedna promena nije laka i ne dolazi brzo, stoga trebamo uzeti odgovornost u svoje ruke i učiniti onoliko koliko je u našoj moći da doprinesemo okolini u kojoj živimo, a posle i šire. Kroz edukovanje mladih možemo društvu pružiti šansu da se postepeno menja i formira bolje i kvalitetnije okruženje",/post/64309,2020-02-15T16:14:51.886Z,2020-02-15T16:14:51.886Z,64309,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4922 18438,v1.0,,"Ono što mislim da karakteriše naše prostore jeste generalno nezadovoljstvo životom usled nedostatka prilika za zaposlenjem, lošeg obrazovnog sistema, kriminala i korupcije, zaposlenja preko veze-što podrazumeva zapošljavanja nestručnih kadrova i omalovažavanja kvalitetnih stručnjaka, nedostatka prilika za razvoj mladih, manjka promovisanja pravih vrednosti kroz kulturu i obrazovanje i još mnogo toga.",/post/64607,2020-02-15T16:24:03.24Z,2020-02-15T16:24:03.24Z,64607,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18442,v1.0,,"likvidacijom nekadašnjih giganata koji su slavno propali što tržišno što nebrigom društva i države, povećava se broj pripadnika armije nezaposlenih koji svoju budućnost vide van granica naše nebeske domovine.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:31:37.57Z,2020-02-15T16:31:37.57Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18444,v1.0,,"likvidacijom nekadašnjih giganata koji su slavno propali što tržišno što nebrigom društva i države, povećava se broj pripadnika armije nezaposlenih koji svoju budućnost vide van granica naše nebeske domovine.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:32:32.993Z,2020-02-15T16:32:32.993Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18426,v1.0,,"Otisao sam u inostranstvo 2001 godine. Tad mi se cinilo da je kraj svijeta, a u neku ruku je i bio kraj mog svijeta. Ostavio sam iza moju prvu ljubav, prijatelje, dio porodice, PONOVO sam ostavio sve sto mi je bilo poznato...sve sto je cinilo moju komfort zonu. Zbog rata sam bio prisiljen napustati komfort zonu puno puta, sto je u isto vrijeme lomilo moj duh i jacalo ga.",/post/59004,2020-02-15T15:46:08.051Z,2020-02-15T15:46:08.051Z,59004,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18428,v1.0,,Mislim da ce im moderna skola u kojoj se uci uveliko kroz igru (a uce se prakticne stvari) poboljsati sanse za uspijeh u buducnosti i to je moja glavna motivacija.,/post/59004,2020-02-15T15:50:14.379Z,2020-02-15T15:50:14.379Z,59004,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4222 18433,v1.0,,Srbija je mesto gde za ponos moraš imati mu...ovaj hrabrost.,/post/65226,2020-02-15T16:05:56.467Z,2020-02-15T16:05:56.467Z,65226,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18435,v1.0,,"Ono što mislim da karakteriše naše prostore jeste generalno nezadovoljstvo životom usled nedostatka prilika za zaposlenjem, lošeg obrazovnog sistema, kriminala i korupcije, zaposlenja preko veze-što podrazumeva zapošljavanja nestručnih kadrova i omalovažavanja kvalitetnih stručnjaka, nedostatka prilika za razvoj mladih, manjka promovisanja pravih vrednosti kroz kulturu i obrazovanje i još mnogo toga. Osvrnula bih se detaljnije na jednu od navedenih stavki, a to je – nedostatak prilika za razvoj i uspeh mladih ljudi. Susrećemo se sa apsurdnim zahtevima gde se od kandidata za posao očekuje bogato radno iskustvo i stručnost, a pri tome nedostaje prilika gde bi se takvo radno iskustvo steklo. Ne postoji poveznica između teorije i prakse, kao ni prilike za učenje praktičnih znanja. Studenti provode minimum tri do pet godina svog života učeći teoriju koju nemaju gde da iskuse. Sa fakulteta se izlazi sa gomilom informacija, gde se često naučeno razlikuje od primenjenog. Ako osoba ima priliku da se zaposli, susreće se sa tim da neke stvari primenjuje potpuno drugačije od onog što je do tada učila. Ono što takođe opažam, što sam iskusila i na svojoj koži, jeste da postoje poteškoće ne samo pri pronalasku posla, nego i pri traženju prakse ili volonterskog rada. Mladi konkurišu na dosta mesta i ne dobijaju nikakav odgovor ili im kompanija odgovori da trenutno nemaju prilike za praksu. Većina kompanija ne želi da troši svoje vreme na obučavanje mladih ako od toga nemaju određene koristi, tj ako u skorije vreme ne planiraju mesto za novog zaposlenog. Ukoliko ljudi nemaju sreće da pronađu posao, kasnije se susreću sa ejdžizmom- bivaju diskriminisani zbog toga što do određene dobi nisu stekli priliku za zaposlenje. Mladi ljudi imaju osećaj da gube vreme u ovoj državi bez prilike da iskoriste svoj potencijal, što rezultira odlivom mozgova tj odlaskom u druge zemlje za boljom budućnošču. Smatram da je to katastrofalno po naše društvo.",/post/64309,2020-02-15T16:16:18.188Z,2020-02-15T16:16:18.188Z,64309,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4923 18436,v1.0,,povezivanje ljudi i ideja jako važno za bilo kakvu promenu u društvu,/post/64309,2020-02-15T16:18:07.24Z,2020-02-15T16:18:07.24Z,64309,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4922 18437,v1.0,,"Volela bih da postoji način na koji bi fakulteti više sarađivali sa raznim organizacijama. Za sada na nekim fakultetima, uključujući i moj, postoji saradnja sa pojedinim organizacijama u vidu kratke prakse u trajanju od nedelju dana. Smatram da je to premalo da bi se išta naučilo i služi više da bi se studenti bar donekle susreli sa tim kako njihova profesija izgleda u praksi, bez mnogo aktivnog uključivanja. Onako kako ja zamišljam pravi vid saradnje jeste da su fakulteti i organizacije mnogo čvršće povezani na način koji je sistemski razrađen za dobrobit svih strana. Saradnja u kojoj bi studenti bar 1-2 puta nedeljno odlazili u kompanije i bili zaista uključeni u posao, te primenjivali znanja koja uče na fakultetu, gde bi program fakulteta pratio aktuelne trendove poslovanja. Idealna opcija bi bila promena celog sistema obrazovanja, gde bi npr jedan semester bio teorijski, a drugi praktični, ali to već iziskuje promenu na nivou države, što je jako teško i sporo. Nadam se da bi neki manji, ali vredni koraci doprineli tome u budućnosti. Kroz ovaj oblik saradnje na nivou od 1-2 puta nedeljno, studenti bi pri završetku studija mogli odmah biti osposoboljeni za rad.",/post/64309,2020-02-15T16:19:14.2Z,2020-02-15T16:19:14.2Z,64309,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4922 18439,v1.0,,"Ja kao pripadnik starije generacije imao sam sreću da se rodim u jednoj drugoj zemlji. Zemlji koja je imala perspektivu i potencijal da postane nešto drugo u odnosu na ovo u šta se pretvorila, a sam Bog zna kuda dalje plovi ovaj brod.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:25:04.426Z,2020-02-15T16:25:04.426Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4919 18443,v1.0,,"likvidacijom nekadašnjih giganata koji su slavno propali što tržišno što nebrigom društva i države, povećava se broj pripadnika armije nezaposlenih koji svoju budućnost vide van granica naše nebeske domovine",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:32:09.916Z,2020-02-15T16:32:09.916Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4196 18446,v1.0,,"Privatni univerziteti su počeli da niču kao pečurke posle kiše. Broj akademskih građana je dostigao zavidan nivo, a broj doktora nauka se u poslednjih 10 godina povećao za 880%! Fascinantno, zar ne? Postali smo zemlja magistara i doktora koji svoje znanje u najvećem broju slučajeva duguju internetu i „copy/paste“ komandi na računaru. Internet je nepresušni izvor informacija i znanja koje je dovoljno prepisati i potom plasirati kao sopstveno istraživanje bez imalo skrupula.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:35:44.389Z,2020-02-15T16:35:44.389Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4926 18429,v1.0,,gdje god da sam ja uvijek jednim okom gledam na Balkan. Razlozi za to su jednostavni. Najljepsa sjecanja su mi sa Balkana (i najruznija isto ali od toga se sastoji zivot).,/post/59004,2020-02-15T15:51:16.785Z,2020-02-15T15:51:16.785Z,59004,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4919 18440,v1.0,,"Živeo sam u 4 države u svom životu, a da se nisam pomerio iz svoje ulice. Bio sam svedok raspada moje rodne zemlje i njene transformacije od, kako su je nazvali „hibrida II svetskog rata“ do zemlje „nebeskog naroda“ i sve manje šljiva pod koje će preživeli moći da stanu.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:25:26.597Z,2020-02-15T16:25:26.597Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4169 18445,v1.0,,"likvidacijom nekadašnjih giganata koji su slavno propali što tržišno što nebrigom društva i države, povećava se broj pripadnika armije nezaposlenih koji svoju budućnost vide van granica naše nebeske domovine.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:33:26.819Z,2020-02-15T16:33:26.819Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4925 18447,v1.0,,"Privatni univerziteti su počeli da niču kao pečurke posle kiše. Broj akademskih građana je dostigao zavidan nivo, a broj doktora nauka se u poslednjih 10 godina povećao za 880%! Fascinantno, zar ne? Postali smo zemlja magistara i doktora koji svoje znanje u najvećem broju slučajeva duguju internetu i „copy/paste“ komandi na računaru. Internet je nepresušni izvor informacija i znanja koje je dovoljno prepisati i potom plasirati kao sopstveno istraživanje bez imalo skrupula.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:36:22.8Z,2020-02-15T16:36:22.8Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18430,v1.0,,"Zasto nisam u Hrvatskoj ili Srbiji? Zasto ne radim na poboljsanju zivota tu, zasto se ne borim zajedno sa ostalim ljudima koje toliko volim? Kompromis koji sam nasao a da mogu ostati srecan je taj da pomazem odavde gdje sam trenutno koliko mogu. Skupljam znanje i iskustvo koje cu danas-sutra moci primjeniti na Balkanu ili prosiriti dalje, takodje mijenjam svijest (nadam se na bolje) sto cu se isto potruditi prosiriti...kao valovi kad bacite kamencic u vodu.",/post/59004,2020-02-15T15:53:31.896Z,2020-02-15T15:53:31.896Z,59004,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4920 18441,v1.0,,"Sa godišnjim mortalitetom od 35.000 ljudi (što je gradić veličine Bečeja), Srbija spada u zonu u kojoj je „crvena lampica“ ne odavno upaljena, nego samo što nije pregorela. Kada ovoj cifri pridodam i broj onih koji su napustili zemlju od 2.000. godine (što je nekih 650.000 ljudi) shvatim da polako ali sigurno postajemo nacija staraca.",/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:26:46.577Z,2020-02-15T16:26:46.577Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4924 18448,v1.0,,Postali smo zemlja magistara i doktora koji svoje znanje u najvećem broju slučajeva duguju internetu i „copy/paste“ komandi na računaru. Internet je nepresušni izvor informacija i znanja koje je dovoljno prepisati i potom plasirati kao sopstveno istraživanje bez imalo skrupula.,/post/62143,2020-02-15T16:37:19.17Z,2020-02-15T16:37:19.17Z,62143,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4927 18449,v1.0,,"Vidi koliko se promijenila svijest ljudi na nasim prostorima od 1970 npr do danas. Za samo 50 godina se puno promijenilo, bar po prici (mene nije bilo). Promijenio se sistem vrijednosti kod vecine ljudi, a to je valjda neka osnova etike drustva.",/post/64796,2020-02-15T16:37:25.972Z,2020-02-15T16:37:25.972Z,64796,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4928 18451,v1.0,,"Na odlazak odavde mladi (I ne tako mladi) se odlučuju uglavnom zbog egzistencijalnih razloga. Plate su nikakve, a cene su na nivou EU (osim struje, ali je pitanje kada će i to otići u nebesa). Kada se sve sabere i oduzme, mladima je samo preostalo da žive sa roditeljima ili da čekaju da se neko od bliže rodbine preseli u večna lovišta pa da naslede neku nekretninu u kojoj bi mogli da zasnuju porodicu. Mada je i tada pitanje kako će živeti. Čisto sumnjam da mogu da prištede neku crkavicu kojom bi mogli da uzmu bar auto na lizing. Drugi razlog je mentalna i fizička struktura Srpskog naciona. Mi Srbi spadamo u grupu jedinki koje imaju pamćenje zlatne ribice. Niko se ne seća šta je rekao pre 5 minuta, a kamo li šta je neko drugi govorio pre par godina. Uživamo u demagogiji kojom nas zasipaju svakodnevno (a naročito pred izbore) i ne izvlačimo nikakve pouke iz toga. Poludimo kada se opečemo, ali na psu rana-na psu i zarasla.",/post/62214,2020-02-15T16:41:44.596Z,2020-02-15T16:41:44.596Z,62214,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18462,v1.0,,Oni koji ne zele primjenu zato sto im cirka malo sa vrha i to im je dovoljno...nema veze sto ce im dijeca vrlo moguce otici iz zemlje ili raditi za druge kao robovi.,/post/62600,2020-02-15T16:53:54.761Z,2020-02-15T16:53:54.761Z,62600,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18463,v1.0,,"Док су моју некадашњу државу бомбардовале европске државе 78 дана, чинило се да су Срби (и још неки уз њих) стварно заслужили бестијално бомбардовање на крају 20. века. Убеђивали су нас да је то за наше добро. После тога ће све бити боље. Пријатељи из родбина из ЕУ је у неверици причала телефоном и преко скајпа како смо ми Југословени (Срби, претежно), ненормални, шта то радимо, зашто је Милошевић још на власти и друге неке небулозе. Чинило ми се тада да смо заиста ми нека чудовишта, али ја то заиста нисам тако видео.",/post/59259,2020-02-15T17:03:37.019Z,2020-02-15T17:03:37.019Z,59259,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4932 18464,v1.0,,"у ЕУ је владало једноумље, влада и даље - прича се само о стандарду, али не и о томе одакле долазе толике избеглице, зашто ЕУ авиони лете негде тамо, бацају бомбе, на кога, када, колико, зашто? Никоме то у ЕУ није ни јасно ни битно. Важно да су комесари рекли да је то у реду и демократски.",/post/59259,2020-02-15T17:05:08.842Z,2020-02-15T17:05:08.842Z,59259,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4933 18466,v1.0,,"колико ЕУ грађана уопште зна да је ту ""преко баре"", у Африци, управо ЕУ, односно њена економија направила и даље прави глад, беду, сиромаштво, екслопатацију, смрт, патњу? Изгледа да никога није брига докле год је стандард добар. Поставља се морално питање које би само Кант поставио, али не би добио одговор: како могу да тврдим да живим у благостању ако моји суседи ту у Источној Европи или Африци живе бедно и сиромашно?",/post/59259,2020-02-15T17:08:47.406Z,2020-02-15T17:08:47.406Z,59259,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4935 18452,v1.0,,"Muškarci od 30 godina, zdravi i pravi, koji maštaju da odu barem do Beograda. To u meni budi bes. Apatija svuda. Kao da bi mogla da se ustanovi neka kolektivna dijagnoza. Kažu da koren tog stanja treba tražiti u kolapsu fabrika koje su nekada radile i zapošljavale hiljade radnika.",/post/64652,2020-02-15T16:41:59.663Z,2020-02-15T16:41:59.663Z,64652,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4930 18465,v1.0,,"колико ЕУ грађана уопште зна да је ту ""преко баре"", у Африци, управо ЕУ, односно њена економија направила и даље прави глад, беду, сиромаштво, екслопатацију, смрт, патњу? Изгледа да никога није брига докле год је стандард добар. Поставља се морално питање које би само Кант поставио, али не би добио одговор: како могу да тврдим да живим у благостању ако моји суседи ту у Источној Европи или Африци живе бедно и сиромашно?",/post/59259,2020-02-15T17:06:40.807Z,2020-02-15T17:06:40.807Z,59259,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4934 18467,v1.0,,"Treba da se uvede osnovni dohodak i da se time pojedinac ojaca u odnosu na poslodavca i da ne mora da prihvate sve i svaku vrstu posla i tretiranja zbog svoje egzistencije, kao i da se takvim rasterecenjem covek oslobodi teskobe oko svoje mogucnosti cime bi povratno postao produktivniji na svom poslu a i lakse bi podnosio periode kada je bez posla.",/post/60352,2020-02-15T17:09:48.075Z,2020-02-15T17:09:48.075Z,60352,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4936 18453,v1.0,,"Na odlazak odavde mladi (I ne tako mladi) se odlučuju uglavnom zbog egzistencijalnih razloga. Plate su nikakve, a cene su na nivou EU (osim struje, ali je pitanje kada će i to otići u nebesa). Kada se sve sabere i oduzme, mladima je samo preostalo da žive sa roditeljima ili da čekaju da se neko od bliže rodbine preseli u večna lovišta pa da naslede neku nekretninu u kojoj bi mogli da zasnuju porodicu. Mada je i tada pitanje kako će živeti. Čisto sumnjam da mogu da prištede neku crkavicu kojom bi mogli da uzmu bar auto na lizing. Drugi razlog je mentalna i fizička struktura Srpskog naciona. Mi Srbi spadamo u grupu jedinki koje imaju pamćenje zlatne ribice. Niko se ne seća šta je rekao pre 5 minuta, a kamo li šta je neko drugi govorio pre par godina. Uživamo u demagogiji kojom nas zasipaju svakodnevno (a naročito pred izbore) i ne izvlačimo nikakve pouke iz toga. Poludimo kada se opečemo, ali na psu rana-na psu i zarasla.",/post/62214,2020-02-15T16:42:03.502Z,2020-02-15T16:42:03.502Z,62214,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18470,v1.0,,"Slazem se u mnogo cemu, osim u tome da nikoga nije briga dok god je dobar standard. EU trosi ogromne kolicine novca na stvaranje misljenja stanovnistva, prema tome ne bi trebao kriviti ljude koji su u ogromnoj masineriji vec decenijama i nisu svijesni sto se desava.",/post/59266,2020-02-15T17:30:13.785Z,2020-02-15T17:30:13.785Z,59266,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4935 18473,v1.0,,Nije politika ni sistemi tako jednostavna. Ranije je jos i bilo neke ravnoteze izmedju ekonomske moci privatnika i moci javnog mjenja u vidu glasova koje su politicari trebali da bi vladali. Vec duze vrijeme ekonomska moc privatnih lobija je toliko porasla da oni bezkompromisno vladaju kroz politicare...danas se sve moze kupiti. Kombinuj to sa atomizacijom drustva o kojj Chomsky uveliko pise i dobijes jako losu situaciju sto se tice ravnoteze moci.,/post/59266,2020-02-15T17:39:52.368Z,2020-02-15T17:39:52.368Z,59266,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4939 18474,v1.0,,naravno da mozes zivjeti u blagostanju iako ljudi negdje drugdje zive bedno i siromasno. Osjecati se uzasno zbog toga je bespotreban utrosak energije. Blagostanje je po meni necije unutrasnje stanje i moze se steci i u siromastvu naravno. Mnogi bogati ljudi ga nemaju tako da mi mozemo mjeriti samo sopstveno blagostanje.,/post/59266,2020-02-15T17:40:43.711Z,2020-02-15T17:40:43.711Z,59266,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4150 18475,v1.0,,"Dok ne odeš iz mesta u kome si se ""oblikovao"" ne shvataš koliko ono utiče na tvoj identitet. Prvo se suočiš sa pitanjem da li možeš ostati ono što jesi kada se sve okolnosti oko tebe promene. Svi moji, i naši, prijatelji su ostali tamo. Izolacija koja nam je prvih par meseci prijala postala je veliko opterećenje.",/post/64652,2020-02-15T17:49:03.886Z,2020-02-15T17:49:03.886Z,64652,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4930 18476,v1.0,,"Nedávno jsem byl na několika protestech za oblast klimatu - pravidelně se konají v Bruselu. Nejsou namířeny proti jednomu politikovi, ale proti celé politické třídě. Myslím, že to je důvod, proč jsou tak populární a vybudovali kritické množství. Spojují lidi pro společnou věc, a ne proti jednomu zlu. To funguje při zvyšování povědomí a vzdělávání. Změnily protesty některé vaše chování a životní styl, Natalie (@In)?",/post/57702,2020-02-18T00:45:55.127Z,2020-02-18T00:45:55.127Z,57702,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4202 18478,v1.0,,bilboardů,/post/57216,2020-02-18T01:27:41.605Z,2020-02-18T01:27:41.605Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4941 18484,v1.0,,a třeba nutnosti řešit je v zahraničí,/post/56437,2020-02-18T10:33:58.022Z,2020-02-18T10:33:58.022Z,56437,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4949 18495,v1.0,,"Rentgen potvrdil mé obavy a posílají mě domů s tím, že se uvidí, jestli to bude dobře srůstat nebo jestli půjdu na operaci. Po týdnu jdu na kontrolu a jiný doktor říka, že to ASI na operaci bude, ale že je to na mně. Jsem snad doktor? Operaci jsem schválil a šel jsem pod kudlu. Po operaci přijde třetí doktor, kouká na snímky a diví se, proč mi to operovali, že by to rozhodně neoperoval. Koukám na něj s 11 cm jizvou přes celý klíček a říkám si, kde je teda pravda. Když přijdu po 14 dnech na kontrolu a ptám se čtvrtého doktora na jeho názor, co by podle prvního rentgenu udělal on, mi říká, že by to operoval na hned, že je tam kousek roztříštěné kosti. Takže podobně jako u tebe. Co doktor, to názor.",/post/61744,2020-02-18T10:41:12.471Z,2020-02-18T10:41:12.471Z,61744,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 18496,v1.0,,"Po přijetí mi velice nervózní a pravděpodobně velmi unavená paní lékařka,",/post/53423,2020-02-18T10:59:38.592Z,2020-02-18T10:59:38.592Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4944 18503,v1.0,,"že bych si mohl dovolit se nechat ošetřit jinde, než v Č",/post/55892,2020-02-18T11:10:00.031Z,2020-02-18T11:10:00.031Z,55892,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4949 18504,v1.0,,"Zase uběhlo několik let a můj stav se zhoršil, nevěděla jsem co tento stav vyvolalo, a tak začalo další kolo návštěv u lékařů jako alergolog, kožní, gastroenterolog, plicní a dalších několik kožních … popravdě už si ani nepamatuji co všechno, ale vše s nulovým výsledkem. Další léky, mastičky, inhalátory… spousty peněz nechané v lékárnách a v ordinacích. Věřila jsem, že mi to vše pomůže, ikdyž jsem měla občas pocit, že dostávám stále a tu samou odpověď – Trpím alergii a atopickým ekzémem ¯_(ツ)/¯ (ne jako kdybych si toho za ta léta nebyla vědoma :sweatsmile:).",/post/61549,2020-02-18T11:21:41.244Z,2020-02-18T11:21:41.244Z,61549,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4115 18507,v1.0,,"Eliminovala jsem veškeré chemické přípravky, už jen přírodní kosmetika, čistící prostředky.",/post/61549,2020-02-18T11:24:18.76Z,2020-02-18T11:24:18.76Z,61549,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4957 18508,v1.0,,Snažím se neplýtvat a být zero waste.,/post/61549,2020-02-18T11:24:55.261Z,2020-02-18T11:24:55.261Z,61549,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4958 18509,v1.0,,psychický pohodě?,/post/61571,2020-02-18T11:42:00.94Z,2020-02-18T11:42:00.94Z,61571,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4956 18512,v1.0,,"Přišlo mi, že ze mě ortoped z této nejvyhlášenější nemocnice v republice tahá jen další a další peníze. Až na potřetí to vyšlo, dostal jsem se k ortopedovi - kapacitě svého oboru (staré škole), který ordinuje mimo Prahu, který vyvrátil některá tvrzení svých ""kolegů"", aplikoval sérii injekcí za nesrovnatelně nižší částky a doporučil rehabilitaci, která mi poprvé za cca 4 roky těchto anabází dovoluje věnovat se opět naplno sportu.",/post/61311,2020-02-18T11:53:35.459Z,2020-02-18T11:53:35.459Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4959 18514,v1.0,,Prague,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:31:25.133Z,2020-02-18T12:31:25.133Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 18520,v1.0,,London,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:38:50.68Z,2020-02-18T12:38:50.68Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4960 18522,v1.0,,education system could be better,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:43:46.474Z,2020-02-18T12:43:46.474Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4151 18524,v1.0,,"Czech teachers are mostly female and not so progressive, maybe they just lack the agency, the energy to fight for themselves. They should protest and push for their interests and I would support them.",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:48:56.534Z,2020-02-18T12:48:56.534Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4966 18454,v1.0,,"Jedan deo, neki bi rekli srećnika ali ja ih ne vidim baš tako, radi u javnim ustanovama, školama, ćuti, ne talasa, zadovoljni su, ponosni na sebe verujući da je taj posao njihov uspeh. Vrlo često je on samo posledica veza i vezica, stranačkog zapošljavanja, ili već poodmaklih godina u toj ustanovi.",/post/64652,2020-02-15T16:43:24.676Z,2020-02-15T16:43:24.676Z,64652,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4930 18455,v1.0,,"mislim da je veliki problem sto su ljudi ove zatvoreni, strogi i rigidni. Jednostavno se mladji ljudi osecaju da ovde ne mogu da se izraze i budu sta jesu. Sinoc sam bila na tribini na kojoj je jedna doktorka pricala kako imaju kolegu koji je isto doktor ali za svoju dusu svira gitaru u bendu i ide na svirke. Ljudi na takve (fenomenalne) ljude sa vise interesovanja gledaju sa cudjenjem. ""Zamisli!! Doktor covek i sad tu izmislja kao hoce i gitaru da svira? Budala!"". Tako se kod nas reaguje na ljude koji nisu po ps-u. To je u najmanju ruku JAKO tuzno. Svuda u svetu bi bili u fazonu ""Koja faca!!"" Ako mene pitas, ne bih volela da moja deca odrastaju u takvom okruzenju, sa takvom svescu. ""Ko ti mislis da si?Sto se tripujes da nesto vredis?"" - ja to osecam u vazduhu.",/post/62269,2020-02-15T16:43:42.232Z,2020-02-15T16:43:42.232Z,62269,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4225 18469,v1.0,,"Ljudima treba da se da osnovni dohodak kao dividenda odnosno udeo od drustva/drzave na kome/u kojoj zive i u kome/kojoj ucestvuju svojim zivotom, od milionera do siromaha, da rade sa time sta hoce, da se ova vrsta kapitalizma pretvori u kapitalizam orijentisan na ljude odnosno kapitalizam u kojem se ne pocinje od nule, tako da to nikako nije besplatan novac vec tvoj udeo zato sto si stanovnik te i te drzave i imas taj novac da ucestvujes u drustvu u kojem zivis. Taj novac nece ispariti vec ce da se vraca u ekonomiju i da cirkulise, bice ravnamernija raspodela novca , a tenzija izmedju klasa ce da se smanji te ce drustvo biti stabilnije. Bice vise sansi za volontiranje u drustvu, ljudi ce imati vise vremena za razmenu ideja i unaprdejivanje ovog sveta.",/post/60730,2020-02-15T17:16:25.097Z,2020-02-15T17:16:25.097Z,60730,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4936 18471,v1.0,,"Doduse ti si sad rekao kritiku. Sto bi bilo rjesenje na ovaj specifican problem? :slight_smile: Da li imas neku ideju koja vodi ka osvijescivanju stanovnistva u EU? Ili mozda restrukturaciji EU? Razni ljudi pricaju o tome i stvaranju novih oblika demokratije, kao Varoufakis na primjer.",/post/59266,2020-02-15T17:33:21.639Z,2020-02-15T17:33:21.639Z,59266,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4938 18477,v1.0,,"Nedávno jsem byl na několika protestech za oblast klimatu - pravidelně se konají v Bruselu. Nejsou namířeny proti jednomu politikovi, ale proti celé politické třídě. Myslím, že to je důvod, proč jsou tak populární a vybudovali kritické množství. Spojují lidi pro společnou věc, a ne proti jednomu zlu. To funguje při zvyšování povědomí a vzdělávání. Změnily protesty některé vaše chování a životní styl, Natalie (@In)?",/post/57702,2020-02-18T00:46:34.865Z,2020-02-18T00:46:34.865Z,57702,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4940 18479,v1.0,,Praze,/post/57216,2020-02-18T01:28:58.016Z,2020-02-18T01:28:58.016Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 18480,v1.0,,marketingové kampaně,/post/57216,2020-02-18T01:29:23.101Z,2020-02-18T01:29:23.101Z,57216,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4144 18483,v1.0,,než abyste se léčil v zahraničí,/post/56065,2020-02-18T10:33:30.011Z,2020-02-18T10:33:30.011Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4949 18497,v1.0,,"Taky mi vrtalo hlavou, co se stalo s paní doktorkou, která mě rovnala a sádrovala nohu a dalšími lékaři a zdravotními sestrami a dalšími, co museli v tom domě hrůzy pracovat stovky a stovky hodin neplacených přesčasů ročně za naprosto směšné peníze.",/post/53423,2020-02-18T11:00:14.288Z,2020-02-18T11:00:14.288Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4944 18498,v1.0,,"obvodní nemocnici T.,",/post/53423,2020-02-18T11:00:30.238Z,2020-02-18T11:00:30.238Z,53423,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4117 18482,v1.0,,že byste raději čekal na změnu systému,/post/56065,2020-02-18T10:33:15.863Z,2020-02-18T10:33:15.863Z,56065,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4952 18505,v1.0,,"Vlastně jak ubíhal čas, uvědomila jsem si, že jsem u většiny doktorů byla léčena „od stolu“, vlastně se na mě ani nepodívali a jen předepisovali další a další recepty (že by jim to vynášelo peníze?). Nebyla jsem poslána na alergické testy, ani když jsem o to žádala. Došlo to do fáze, že jsem začala být apatická, nemohla spát a chodila k psychologovi.",/post/61549,2020-02-18T11:21:55.17Z,2020-02-18T11:21:55.17Z,61549,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4134 18510,v1.0,,hlavně že jim cinkají zlaťáky v kasičce :-/ držim palce v životě,/post/61743,2020-02-18T11:46:17.889Z,2020-02-18T11:46:17.889Z,61743,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4959 18513,v1.0,,"Kryštofe, to je docela síla, že krom výše několikrát zmíněných nejistot v diagnózách se (možná) objevuje i falešná diagnóza vytvořená za účelem zisku -",/post/61395,2020-02-18T11:53:52.807Z,2020-02-18T11:53:52.807Z,61395,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4959 18515,v1.0,,Prague,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:31:46.466Z,2020-02-18T12:31:46.466Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 18521,v1.0,,"How about the rents?Not surprising for capital, but I can afford to live in the center of the city, not alone, but I can, unlike in London",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:39:26.4Z,2020-02-18T12:39:26.4Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4963 18523,v1.0,,"Also, nurses and teachers are underpaid, for a job they are doing, and I think this is a p",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:45:34.179Z,2020-02-18T12:45:34.179Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4965 18525,v1.0,,"Do you think it has to do with sexism, gender inequality in the Czech Republic? I am not a girl, so it's hard for me to tell, and I live in my bubble, so I do not know about other occupations/. The girls around me are very successful, emancipated, but I read about the problems of others",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:55:12.641Z,2020-02-18T12:55:12.641Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4968 18456,v1.0,,"Dok ne odeš iz mesta u kome si se ""oblikovao"" ne shvataš koliko ono utiče na tvoj identitet. Prvo se suočiš sa pitanjem da li možeš ostati ono što jesi kada se sve okolnosti oko tebe promene. Svi moji, i naši, prijatelji su ostali tamo. Izolacija koja nam je prvih par meseci prijala postala je veliko opterećenje. Osećaš se kao van svih tokova, na rubu civilizacije, u prošlosti, jer si, u odnosu na mesto gde sada živiš, video budućnost. Usamljenost. Da, vidjaš ljude često, oduvek ih je moja pojava privlačila, kao i moj posao, ali oni su drugačijeg profila od prijatelja koje sam ostavila za sobom. U vazduhu se oseća nemoć. Kao da niko ne bi bio tu da ne mora, kao da niko nije odlučio da bude tu. Grad drugih i trećih izbora. To je zanimljivo, kakav god da je tvoj prvi izbor, makar se radilo o vrsti četkice koju želiš da kupiš, neće se desiti. Uvek plan B. Nikad nema to što ti treba, samo zamena. Muškarci od 30 godina, zdravi i pravi, koji maštaju da odu barem do Beograda. To u meni budi bes. Apatija svuda. Kao da bi mogla da se ustanovi neka kolektivna dijagnoza. Kažu da koren tog stanja treba tražiti u kolapsu fabrika koje su nekada radile i zapošljavale hiljade radnika. Često mi opisuju redove ljudi koji izlaze iz fabrike u petak popodne, preplavljen grad kada legne plata. Toga više nema. Jedan deo, neki bi rekli srećnika ali ja ih ne vidim baš tako, radi u javnim ustanovama, školama, ćuti, ne talasa, zadovoljni su, ponosni na sebe verujući da je taj posao njihov uspeh. Vrlo često je on samo posledica veza i vezica, stranačkog zapošljavanja, ili već poodmaklih godina u toj ustanovi.",/post/64652,2020-02-15T16:44:10.64Z,2020-02-15T16:44:10.64Z,64652,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18472,v1.0,,"Iskoristiti razvoj tehnologije i pustiti narod da odlucuje o vaznim pitanjima preko online platforme za referendume sa njihovom elektronskom licnom kartom? Da li to uopce ima smisla ako vecina stanovnika nije informisana i zivi u izmisljenoj stvarnosti, stvorenoj radi raznih interesa?",/post/59266,2020-02-15T17:34:09.642Z,2020-02-15T17:34:09.642Z,59266,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4938 18485,v1.0,,Prahy,/post/60428,2020-02-18T10:34:36.782Z,2020-02-18T10:34:36.782Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 18499,v1.0,,Budapešti,/post/53607,2020-02-18T11:01:19.408Z,2020-02-18T11:01:19.408Z,53607,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4954 18500,v1.0,,Vídni,/post/53607,2020-02-18T11:01:39.915Z,2020-02-18T11:01:39.915Z,53607,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4955 18506,v1.0,,"Po tom čím jsem si prošla, už vím, jak je důležité být psychicky v pohodě.",/post/61549,2020-02-18T11:23:13.627Z,2020-02-18T11:23:13.627Z,61549,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4956 18511,v1.0,,"O to víc mám, radost, že jsi našla toho správného doktora, protože všichni ostatní nebyli doktoři, ale jak jsi sama zmínila, obyčejní předepisovači pseudo léčiv",/post/61743,2020-02-18T11:46:32.687Z,2020-02-18T11:46:32.687Z,61743,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 18516,v1.0,,London,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:32:20.947Z,2020-02-18T12:32:20.947Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4960 18526,v1.0,,"I do not know, but the gap within the society is growing ad it is not going to be better",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:56:44.167Z,2020-02-18T12:56:44.167Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4969 18527,v1.0,,"Secretly, I am a liberal, but my father thinks I am a leftistIn which way liberal?Hard to tell, for me education is important, but I also think we should keep the free market.",/post/56882,2020-02-18T13:26:26.001Z,2020-02-18T13:26:26.001Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4974 18528,v1.0,,"Is it because of communist experience?Exactly. I think it is he is idealizing the USA because of this, the culture and so on, but we talked about it, and he started questioning it now as well. It is a very complicated country.",/post/56882,2020-02-18T13:30:50.735Z,2020-02-18T13:30:50.735Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4975 18529,v1.0,,Vídni,/post/57626,2020-02-18T13:40:36.942Z,2020-02-18T13:40:36.942Z,57626,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4955 18531,v1.0,,"Co dělám teď Teď mnohem jasněji vidím, co mi jde a co mě baví, a vím, že mi dává smysl angažovat se otázkách životního prostředí a taky v otázkách důstojného a smysluplného žití. Na Masarykově univerzitě se teď na částečný úvazek věnují rozvoji mezinárodního projektu pro program Horizont2020 na podporu environmentálního vzdělávání. V rámci projektu koordinuji spolupráci mezi fakultami několika univerzit, městskými samosprávami, vědeckými institucemi, neziskovkami a ekofarmami.",/post/57626,2020-02-18T13:44:11.015Z,2020-02-18T13:44:11.015Z,57626,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4977 18532,v1.0,,obecného environmentálního povědomí se,/post/57654,2020-02-18T13:50:12.715Z,2020-02-18T13:50:12.715Z,57654,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4210 18533,v1.0,,"K mojim enviro aktivitám...který mě teď děsně baví :smile: Jednak patřím do skupiny lidí, která se v Brně snaží vytvořit platformu, nebo až koalici ""všech"" enviro hnutí. Na té platformě se potkáváme a koordinujeme snahy našich hnutí..tak aby byly efektivní a spěly k našim hlavním cílům. Teď na září připravujeme Týden pro klima. Součástí budou velké akce, které mají upozornit veřejnost na problém klimatické krize. Bude to snad velký :wink:",/post/57696,2020-02-18T13:50:48.874Z,2020-02-18T13:50:48.874Z,57696,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4210 18534,v1.0,,"Teď na září připravujeme Týden pro klima. Součástí budou velké akce, které mají upozornit veřejnost na problém klimatické krize. Bude to snad velký :wink:",/post/57696,2020-02-18T13:51:11.933Z,2020-02-18T13:51:11.933Z,57696,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4202 18539,v1.0,,1) Klimatická krize nás bude nutit k drastickým změnám našeho chování (spotřebitelského chování například).,/post/57711,2020-02-18T13:58:04.854Z,2020-02-18T13:58:04.854Z,57711,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4202 18540,v1.0,,"2) Pro tyto reformy je nutné vysvětlit svému okolí, že konzum a spotřeba nejsou jediné cesty k lidskému stěstí.Pokud se zaměříme na hodnoty a osobnostní rozvoj, raději než na pouhý nákup předmětů, může se naše společnost posunout kupředu a navíc také snížit nároky na přírodní zdroje.Pro tento okruh lidí je tedy naše téma, myslím, velmi velmi zajímavé.",/post/57711,2020-02-18T13:58:47.823Z,2020-02-18T13:58:47.823Z,57711,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4977 18541,v1.0,,"PS: Já také pracuji jako manažer romské hudební skupiny Feri and the Gypsies. Tato pozice mi dovoluje přátelit se s lidmi z romské komunity. Romská komunita je velice zajímavá z mnoha důvodů a mýslím, že její členové budou taé rádi sdělovat svoje pocity ohledně svojí pozice ve společnosti a o jejich ""well-being"". Navíc práce s Romy a zviditelnění romské problematiky často odstartuje reakci části společnosti, která romskou komunitu pomlouvá. Možná i tito lidé mají svoje problémy a postrádají svůj ""voice"". Tito lidé pak taky často slyší na olání různých bizarních politických skupin.",/post/57711,2020-02-18T13:58:56.389Z,2020-02-18T13:58:56.389Z,57711,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4200 18457,v1.0,,To dovodi to osiromasenja gena jednog naroda zato sto najhrabriji i uspijesniji ljudi umiru a ovce i ljigavci ostaju zivi...i uce druge ovce pravilima ponasanja.,/post/62398,2020-02-15T16:47:14.535Z,2020-02-15T16:47:14.535Z,62398,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4931 18486,v1.0,,Oficiální stížnost?,/post/60428,2020-02-18T10:36:02.314Z,2020-02-18T10:36:02.314Z,60428,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 18501,v1.0,,"poptávku po kvalitnějších službách, dočkáme se jeji",/post/55892,2020-02-18T11:02:11.143Z,2020-02-18T11:02:11.143Z,55892,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4943 18502,v1.0,,Špatný zdravotní,/post/53607,2020-02-18T11:02:50.073Z,2020-02-18T11:02:50.073Z,53607,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4951 18517,v1.0,,multicultural,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:34:05.195Z,2020-02-18T12:34:05.195Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4206 18518,v1.0,,I am not saying this because I have a national pride or anything,/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:34:29.454Z,2020-02-18T12:34:29.454Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4215 18530,v1.0,,Brna,/post/57626,2020-02-18T13:40:48.78Z,2020-02-18T13:40:48.78Z,57626,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4976 18535,v1.0,,"Složení vody, znečišťující faktory, velice podrobně koloběh vody, monitoring vodních zdrojů, péče o vodu a management vody.",/post/57696,2020-02-18T13:51:27.942Z,2020-02-18T13:51:27.942Z,57696,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4209 18542,v1.0,,"PS: Já také pracuji jako manažer romské hudební skupiny Feri and the Gypsies. Tato pozice mi dovoluje přátelit se s lidmi z romské komunity. Romská komunita je velice zajímavá z mnoha důvodů a mýslím, že její členové budou taé rádi sdělovat svoje pocity ohledně svojí pozice ve společnosti a o jejich ""well-being"". Navíc práce s Romy a zviditelnění romské problematiky často odstartuje reakci části společnosti, která romskou komunitu pomlouvá. Možná i tito lidé mají svoje problémy a postrádají svůj ""voice"". Tito lidé pak taky často slyší na olání různých bizarních politic",/post/57711,2020-02-18T13:59:16.899Z,2020-02-18T13:59:16.899Z,57711,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4978 18458,v1.0,,"stanje svesti nacije se nije promenilo. Nimalo. Sviđa mi se tvoj optimizam da je ta promena uopšte moguća, a naročito danas. Osim ako neko nije pronašao način genetske modifikacije našeg degenerisanog karaktera.",/post/62538,2020-02-15T16:48:23.049Z,2020-02-15T16:48:23.049Z,62538,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4931 18487,v1.0,,"Většinou jsou tyhle kontakty přes známost, takže tipuju,",/post/60432,2020-02-18T10:36:35.543Z,2020-02-18T10:36:35.543Z,60432,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4946 18519,v1.0,,"And how is the job market in Prague?I got back those 4-5 months ago, and it is really great",/post/56882,2020-02-18T12:35:13.228Z,2020-02-18T12:35:13.228Z,56882,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4961 18536,v1.0,,"A na Masarykově Univerzitě koordinuju Horizon2020 projekt, kde budeme lidi vzdělávat ohledně vody. Složení vody, znečišťující faktory, velice podrobně koloběh vody, monitoring vodních zdrojů, péče o vodu a management vody. A krom vzdělávání chceme lidi vtáhnout do toho, aby se podílely i oni na ochraně vodních zdrojů.",/post/57696,2020-02-18T13:52:44.62Z,2020-02-18T13:52:44.62Z,57696,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4977 18537,v1.0,,"Osobně jsem pro to, aby v otázkách klimatu byla občanská činnost vzdělávacím nástrojem. Myslím, že učení se děje v ulicích víc než na konferencích - lidé, kteří chodí na pochody za klimatem a pracují na nich, jsou odborníci a pedagogové, pokud se ptáte mě. Uvědomil jsem si to, když někteří přátelé, kteří si vůbec neuvědomují problémy společnosti, přišli na protest a na konci byli změněnými lidmi :-) A pak je tu ještě radikálnější aktivismus, který také něco mění - jako Extinction Rebellion: https://rebelie.země/",/post/57699,2020-02-18T13:53:04.142Z,2020-02-18T13:53:04.142Z,57699,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4977 18543,v1.0,,"Cením si na ní, že jsem neustále s mladými lidmi. Každý den i každá hodina je jiná. I když teď jsem v podstatě manažer a úředník, ale ještě učím, takže je fajn, že to není nějaká rutina.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T16:55:19.344Z,2020-02-20T16:55:19.344Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4979 18544,v1.0,,"ale ještě učím, takže je fajn, že to není nějaká rutina",/post/57796,2020-02-20T16:57:33.676Z,2020-02-20T16:57:33.676Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4980 18545,v1.0,,A otravuje mě nedostatek vize tohoto státu pro školství. Žádná strategie tu netrvá déle než třeba rok nebo dva.,/post/57796,2020-02-20T16:59:57.526Z,2020-02-20T16:59:57.526Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4981 18546,v1.0,,"nedostatek financí, takže si nemůžeme moc vybírat kvalitní učitele a taky o každou korunu musíme bojovat přes různé dotace a programy.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:01:50.838Z,2020-02-20T17:01:50.838Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4982 18547,v1.0,,"Náš stát nemá ve vzdělávání koncepci. Koncepci, které by se držel, ať je u moci kterákoli ze stran. Takhle se každý ministr rozkoukává, pak něco teda změní - a je to od stěny ke stěně. Takže si nemůžeš nic naplánovat dopředu. Ministerstvo školství není silové ministerstvo a politiky zajímá jenom před volbami, bohužel.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:04:10.257Z,2020-02-20T17:04:10.257Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4981 18548,v1.0,,"A když učitel řekne ve třídě, kolik bere peněz, tak se mu děti smějí. Pak na některé předměty člověk musí vzít toho, kdo zaklepe na dveře, protože učitelé prostě nejsou. To se pak samozřejmě odráží na úrovni vzdělávání.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:04:30.541Z,2020-02-20T17:04:30.541Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4982 18549,v1.0,,"Na druhou stranu je potřeba říct, že se podmínky zlepšují v platech. Samozřejmě to není jenom o penězích, ale ve společnosti člověk má takovou prestiž, jaký bere plat.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:05:21.283Z,2020-02-20T17:05:21.283Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4983 18552,v1.0,,"Taky samozřejmě v současné době učitel nemůže být jen doručitel informací. Teď má hlavně pomoct v orientaci a v tom, kam se tam se to dítě vrtne. Ať je zajímá jakýkoliv obor, tak si může najít na internetu, co potřebuje. Děti teď mají víc možností vzdělávat se zcela sami, - už nemají jenom školu.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:10:53.866Z,2020-02-20T17:10:53.866Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4980 18559,v1.0,,"Já musím předeslat, že jsem pravicový volič. Vždycky jsem volil ODS.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:20:57.439Z,2020-02-20T17:20:57.439Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4974 18563,v1.0,,"Mrzí mě, že prezident překračuje své pravomoci dané ústavou",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:24:32.461Z,2020-02-20T17:24:32.461Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4992 18564,v1.0,,trestně stíhaný,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:26:23.674Z,2020-02-20T17:26:23.674Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4993 18565,v1.0,,překračuje své pravomoci dané ústavou,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:28:35.057Z,2020-02-20T17:28:35.057Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4994 18576,v1.0,,SPD,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:43:36.845Z,2020-02-20T17:43:36.845Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5000 18459,v1.0,,"Osim te glorifikacije autoriteta koja nam je u genima, mislim da je veliki problem sto su ljudi ove zatvoreni, strogi i rigidni.",/post/62269,2020-02-15T16:48:48.71Z,2020-02-15T16:48:48.71Z,62269,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4931 18488,v1.0,,naše zdravotnictví mne nechalo ve štychu,/post/60466,2020-02-18T10:37:13.502Z,2020-02-18T10:37:13.502Z,60466,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4942 18538,v1.0,,"Uvědomil jsem si to, když někteří přátelé, kteří si vůbec neuvědomují problémy společnosti, přišli na protest a na konci byli změněnými lidmi :-) A pak je tu ještě radikálnější aktivismus, který také něco mění - jako Extinction Rebellion: https://rebelie.země/",/post/57699,2020-02-18T13:53:21.431Z,2020-02-18T13:53:21.431Z,57699,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4940 18550,v1.0,,díky evropským projektům.,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:06:53.588Z,2020-02-20T17:06:53.588Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4984 18553,v1.0,,"Myslím, že děti jsou pořád stejné, akorát teď mají jiné možnosti. Když jsem začínal roku 82, tak se nám učilo jinak, protože nebylo tolik dalších věcí, které ty děti mohly dělat. Nebyly internety, nebyly sociální sítě. Takže děti se snadněji soustředily na školu, dělaly sport, byly venku. A teda nebylo tolik toho nebezpečí a šikany na sociálních sítích.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:12:14.124Z,2020-02-20T17:12:14.124Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4986 18560,v1.0,,"Nevadí mi, že volby vyhrálo ANO. Po tom jsem volal, když jsem zvonil klíči, aby byly svobodné volby.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:21:18.697Z,2020-02-20T17:21:18.697Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4990 18566,v1.0,,"Mám mám strach z toho, že se naše země bude přiklánět k Východu. A že se vzdalujeme z toho demokratického principu, k nějakému pseudo systému, kde si pár lidí bude dělat, co chce.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:31:45.487Z,2020-02-20T17:31:45.487Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4995 18460,v1.0,,"ovde se radi o sistematskom uništavanju sopstvene zemlje u kojoj ćemo za nekoliko godina biti samo fensi robovi koji će, ako bude sreće, imati pravo glasa.",/post/62538,2020-02-15T16:51:01.753Z,2020-02-15T16:51:01.753Z,62538,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4164 18461,v1.0,,"Nazalost mi ne mozemo racunati na razvoj tehnologije koja ce nam omoguciti genetsku modifikaciju ljudi. Logicki gledano, ta inovacija ce doci iz strane zemlje, vjerovatno iz Amerike, Japana ili Kine. Cak i ako neki Srbin prvi razvije proces, nece imati izbora pa ce to razviti u stranoj zemlji posto u Srbiji nece dobiti podrsku. Znaci oni ce je iskoristiti da naprave jos vece botove od nas Balkanaca tako da na to ne mozemo racunati...",/post/62600,2020-02-15T16:53:29.294Z,2020-02-15T16:53:29.294Z,62600,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4931 18489,v1.0,,"jestli to není ""zbytečně"" vynaložené úsilí, které je zacíleno na poměrně úzkou cílovou skupinu (z peněz všech daňových poplatníků) a jestli vlastně nejde spíš o marketingový tah od instituce, která má velmi špatné jméno.",/post/60475,2020-02-18T10:37:58.072Z,2020-02-18T10:37:58.072Z,60475,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4945 18551,v1.0,,"Hodně se změnilo vybavení škol, tam je obrovský skok dopředu. Je to bohužel ne tolik díky koncepci státu, ale hlavně díky evropským projektům. Třídní kniha, žákovská knížka se děje na elektronické bázi a to je pro všechny nástroj a zjednodušení.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:08:55.025Z,2020-02-20T17:08:55.025Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4985 18554,v1.0,,"Nebyly internety, nebyly sociální sítě.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:13:25.999Z,2020-02-20T17:13:25.999Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4382 18561,v1.0,,"Ale myslím si, že ANO nemá žádnou koncepci a že jsou spíš o tom, co zrovna chcou lidi a co je zrovna populární",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:23:16.6Z,2020-02-20T17:23:16.6Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4991 18567,v1.0,,Východu,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:33:19.678Z,2020-02-20T17:33:19.678Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4996 18490,v1.0,,"soukromé klinice (stála 20 000,-), později mi byly nabízeny inijekce s kyselinou hyaluronovou pro rychlejší regeneraci (jedna aplikace cca za 6000,-)",/post/61311,2020-02-18T10:38:59.556Z,2020-02-18T10:38:59.556Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4112 18555,v1.0,,sociálních sítích.,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:14:12.941Z,2020-02-20T17:14:12.941Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4987 18562,v1.0,,"A vadí mně předseda vlády, který je trestně stíhaný.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:24:14.523Z,2020-02-20T17:24:14.523Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 18568,v1.0,,ANO,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:35:15.808Z,2020-02-20T17:35:15.808Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4997 18491,v1.0,,"soukromé klinice (stála 20 000,-), později mi byly nabízeny inijekce s kyselinou hyaluronovou pro rychlejší regeneraci (jedna aplikace cca za 6000,-).",/post/61311,2020-02-18T10:39:18.904Z,2020-02-18T10:39:18.904Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4114 18556,v1.0,,sociální sítě.,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:15:11.625Z,2020-02-20T17:15:11.625Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4987 18557,v1.0,,"A velká změna je v tom, že rodiče nemají na děti čas. Pak svoje problémy řeší, nebo spíš neřeší, s tím, že: Aaaa za vše může škola; Aaaaa já budu všechno řešit s právníkem. Ono se může zdát, že ty děti jsou drzejší, ale já myslím, že je to spíš tím, že se učitelé ani děti nemůžou opřít o rodiče.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:15:47.525Z,2020-02-20T17:15:47.525Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4988 18569,v1.0,,ANO,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:36:46.609Z,2020-02-20T17:36:46.609Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4997 18570,v1.0,,premiérovi,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:36:57.195Z,2020-02-20T17:36:57.195Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 18571,v1.0,,ANO,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:37:10.755Z,2020-02-20T17:37:10.755Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4997 18606,v1.0,,prime minister,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:17:52.72Z,2020-02-23T19:17:52.72Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 18615,v1.0,,"The main sort is practical problems, if I am living in Vršovice, I am meeting drug dealers, etc., there are no politicians who would do something. Common people live in their place, locally, and they do not feel relations to politicians who solve GDP, etc.",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:24:36.376Z,2020-02-23T19:24:36.376Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5015 18616,v1.0,,Monty Python,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:27:10.099Z,2020-02-23T19:27:10.099Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5016 18618,v1.0,,People support them because of the same principle nicely described in Monty Python – What have the Romans ever done to us?,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:31:18.327Z,2020-02-23T19:31:18.327Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5016 18492,v1.0,,Prahu,/post/61311,2020-02-18T10:39:28.889Z,2020-02-18T10:39:28.889Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4113 18558,v1.0,,"Myslím, že děti jsou pořád stejné, akorát teď mají jiné možnosti. Když jsem začínal roku 82, tak se nám učilo jinak, protože nebylo tolik dalších věcí, které ty děti mohly dělat. Nebyly internety, nebyly sociální sítě. Takže děti se snadněji soustředily na školu, dělaly sport, byly venku. A teda nebylo tolik toho nebezpečí a šikany na sociálních sítích.Taky samozřejmě v současné době učitel nemůže být jen doručitel informací. Teď má hlavně pomoct v orientaci a v tom, kam se tam se to dítě vrtne. Ať je zajímá jakýkoliv obor, tak si může najít na internetu, co potřebuje. Děti teď mají víc možností vzdělávat se zcela sami, - už nemají jenom školu. A velká změna je v tom, že rodiče nemají na děti čas. Pak svoje problémy řeší, nebo spíš neřeší, s tím, že: Aaaa za vše může škola; Aaaaa já budu všechno řešit s právníkem. Ono se může zdát, že ty děti jsou drzejší, ale já myslím, že je to spíš tím, že se učitelé ani děti nemůžou opřít o rodiče.Ale vracím se zpátky k dětem. Podle mě jsou pořád stejné.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:17:23.169Z,2020-02-20T17:17:23.169Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4989 18572,v1.0,,"Bohužel to vypadá, že politický systém je teď o tom, co nějaký šéf charismatický možná i populistický namluví lidem. Lidi nezajímá nějaký program, hlasují podle pocitu a zajímá je nějaký ranař, který všechno zařídí.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:37:37.039Z,2020-02-20T17:37:37.039Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4991 18573,v1.0,,Babiš,/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:37:51.41Z,2020-02-20T17:37:51.41Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4201 18607,v1.0,,president,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:17:59.019Z,2020-02-23T19:17:59.019Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4992 18617,v1.0,,"Democracy is falling somewhere else. Our prime minister lies all the time – should not be possible, he steals European donations, he has gigantic possessions and he is a prime minister, and they are growing at velocity, which is much bigger than before.",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:27:56.311Z,2020-02-23T19:27:56.311Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5017 18619,v1.0,,EU,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:31:29.363Z,2020-02-23T19:31:29.363Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5018 18493,v1.0,,"který vyvrátil některá tvrzení svých ""kolegů""",/post/61311,2020-02-18T10:39:46.953Z,2020-02-18T10:39:46.953Z,61311,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4121 18574,v1.0,,"Zatím tam tam nikoho nevidím. Hovoří se o tom, že udělají čtyřkoalici, aby porazili ANO. Už to tady bylo jednou a tehdy to ztroskotalo, protože ty strany se pak nedomluvily. Tak uvidíme.Bohužel nevidím ani v ODS výraznou opozici. Pana Fialu uznávám jako osobnost - myslím, že je slušný chlap. Ale taky si myslím, že stavět politiku jenom na negování všeho, co řekne Babiš, je taky špatně. Nevidím ani tam žádnou koncepci a nemám rád politiku ve stylu: vy jste to zavedli, tak já to zruším. Bohužel to vypadá, že politický systém je teď o tom, co nějaký šéf charismatický možná i populistický namluví lidem. Lidi nezajímá nějaký program, hlasují podle pocitu a zajímá je nějaký ranař, který všechno zařídí. A já se musím přiznat, že taky moc nečtu ten program. Jsem takový pocitový volič ODS. (úškleb) Je to u mě taky o lenosti si to přečíst. Líbí se mi Piráti na celostátní úrovni, mají rozumný názory, ale zatím jsou tam krátce. Komunisty vůbec neřeším, neřeším SPD, to jsou strany pro mě obskurní.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:38:33.861Z,2020-02-20T17:38:33.861Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4998 18575,v1.0,,"Ne, netěším, chtěl bych pracovat co nejdéle, protože vidím v práci smysl. Neříkám, že ve škole, tam to mám ještě na pár let, dá-li Pán Bůh - a starosta. Ale pak by chtěl něco dělat určitě.",/post/57796,2020-02-20T17:39:21.953Z,2020-02-20T17:39:21.953Z,57796,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4973 18608,v1.0,,"Both were legally voted, standard process, despite the propaganda, my opinion is that propaganda is able to gain 35 and 25 percent of votes, these come from Marek Prchal, PR specialist for our Prime minister.",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:18:26.731Z,2020-02-23T19:18:26.731Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4144 18609,v1.0,,"The political campaign was full of propaganda, populistic slogans „it will be better“ and so on",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:18:48.299Z,2020-02-23T19:18:48.299Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4941 18620,v1.0,,"They keep on asking, what is EU giving us, and no answer is sufficient. Ok, so they give us roads and hospitals, but what else?",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:31:45.182Z,2020-02-23T19:31:45.182Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4984 18494,v1.0,,Nepodal jsem žádnou stížnost,/post/61553,2020-02-18T10:40:09.823Z,2020-02-18T10:40:09.823Z,61553,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4129 18610,v1.0,,populistic slogans „it will be better“ and so on,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:18:55.645Z,2020-02-23T19:18:55.645Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4991 18612,v1.0,,"Because some kind of people like a simple statement, it is a typical mechanism of how populism can be strong, simple promises are understandable for 50 % of people on the left side of the Gaussian curve, it looks like it is enough",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:19:23.906Z,2020-02-23T19:19:23.906Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5012 18611,v1.0,,"one of them is criminal, the other probably is a criminal.",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:19:06.193Z,2020-02-23T19:19:06.193Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,4993 18613,v1.0,,"It is not so simple, I do not know why they need it, why they listen to it, they were unsatisfied with the political situation, perhaps they thought that the politicians cannot understand their problems, the former did understand, but did not care",/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:20:30.241Z,2020-02-23T19:20:30.241Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5013 18614,v1.0,,I am meeting drug dealer,/post/56878,2020-02-23T19:22:56.293Z,2020-02-23T19:22:56.293Z,56878,4779,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,5014 15655,v1.0,,For me the virtual world is always just an extension of ‘real life’,/post/50138,2019-03-21T10:42:51.285Z,2019-03-21T10:42:51.285Z,50138,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3420 15736,v1.0,,I’d like to share with you an announcement of an event that will take place in the Common Theater in Warsaw this month - on the 23rd of February. Both the program and the text of the invitation are around various instances of fascist gestures and acts that took place in the past years in Poland.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:27:06.405Z,2019-04-05T13:27:06.405Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3495 15752,v1.0,,"I’d like to share with you an announcement of an event that will take place in the Common Theater in Warsaw this month - on the 23rd of February. Both the program and the text of the invitation are around various instances of fascist gestures and acts that took place in the past years in Poland. It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government. It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying. I am bringing it here also as a possible source of interesting people and stories to the platform - the Common Theater has invited various organisations, university groups and collectives that work against fascism in Poland to join a one-day discussion and to understand if there is fascism in Poland, and how to deal with the wave of xenophobic, violent acts that shake Polish society.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:30:04.268Z,2019-04-05T13:30:04.268Z,50619,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3516 15753,v1.0,,I’d like to share with you an announcement of an event that will take place in the Common Theater in Warsaw this month - on the 23rd of February. Both the program and the text of the invitation are around various instances of fascist gestures and acts that took place in the past years in Poland.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:30:08.137Z,2019-04-05T13:30:08.137Z,50619,4096,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3517 15754,v1.0,,"Thanks for posting Nat! I wish some of us could monitor those events, go and take stock, they might be interesting entries into a community conversation. I am less and less surprised that Krastev in his latest media article calls Poland the “posterchild of the new populism”. A big generalization as it is, alongside what you write above it opens many ways into better understanding what is going on - especially since his argument leans towards emotional reactivity - a common sense of loss and shame. Also pointed out by Rotschild in her book.",/post/50644,2019-04-05T13:30:13.633Z,2019-04-05T13:30:13.633Z,50644,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3516 15755,v1.0,,"Marta Kotwas, my doctoral student at UCL and I just published a blog post on the March in 2018. We attended it. And we just completed an extensive study of some elements of the far right/right culture and the role of Catholicism in it.",/post/50691,2019-04-05T13:30:25.852Z,2019-04-05T13:30:25.852Z,50691,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3516 15756,v1.0,,"I am bringing it here also as a possible source of interesting people and stories to the platform - the Common Theater has invited various organisations, university groups and collectives that work against fascism in Poland to join a one-day discussion and to understand if there is fascism in Poland, and how to deal with the wave of xenophobic, violent acts that shake Polish society.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:30:26.31Z,2019-04-05T13:30:26.31Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3518 15757,v1.0,,.,/post/50722,2019-04-05T13:30:39.101Z,2019-04-05T13:30:39.101Z,50722,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3516 15759,v1.0,,"Like here, with Trump, those are imagined realities. The problem is that the hatred these images generate is very real.",/post/50795,2019-04-05T13:31:08.17Z,2019-04-05T13:31:08.17Z,50795,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3519 15764,v1.0,,"Thanks for posting Nat! I wish some of us could monitor those events, go and take stock, they might be interesting entries into a community conversation. I am less and less surprised that Krastev in his latest media article calls Poland the “posterchild of the new populism”. A big generalization as it is, alongside what you write above it opens many ways into better understanding what is going on - especially since his argument leans towards emotional reactivity - a common sense of loss and shame. Also pointed out by Rotschild in her book.",/post/50644,2019-04-05T13:33:17.643Z,2019-04-05T13:33:17.643Z,50644,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3522 15790,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:44:46.66Z,2019-04-05T13:44:46.66Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3532 15665,v1.0,,end of March until end of July,/post/51661,2019-03-21T10:51:33.655Z,2019-03-21T10:51:33.655Z,51661,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3430 15657,v1.0,,Welcome and sign up for a virtual cafes!,/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:49:06.235Z,2019-03-21T10:51:35.515Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3421 15681,v1.0,,"sign up for a virtual cafes! This is the easiest way to learn about the community of participants in Wellbeing in Europe, meet interesting people, access information and opportunities in the project. The meetings are informal discussions with anyone who is interested in Wellbeing in Europe, is willing to share their experience, listen to others, and connect.",/post/51661,2019-03-21T11:01:29.128Z,2019-03-21T11:01:29.128Z,51661,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3446 15682,v1.0,,Europe,/post/51524,2019-03-21T11:01:40.87Z,2019-03-21T11:01:40.87Z,51524,4801,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3449 15684,v1.0,,This is a possible translation.,/post/51776,2019-03-21T11:02:09.035Z,2019-03-21T11:02:09.035Z,51776,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3451 15667,v1.0,,Europe,/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:57:52.911Z,2019-03-21T10:57:52.911Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3425 15669,v1.0,,"Where do I register? Each week you can choose from 4 community calls: in Czech - Register here in Polish - Register here in Serbian/Croatian - Register here in English - Register here Where do we meet? We will be hosting the calls on Zoom - an easy to use video/audio/chat communication platform. How to join a Zoom call: Learn more about the online gatherings here.",/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:58:45.666Z,2019-03-21T10:58:45.666Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3439 15670,v1.0,,We will be hosting the calls on Zoom - an easy to use video/audio/chat communication platform.,/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:59:10.907Z,2019-03-21T10:59:10.907Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3440 15672,v1.0,,"in Czech - Register here in Polish - Register here in Serbian/Croatian - Register here in English - Register here",/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:59:21.129Z,2019-03-21T10:59:21.129Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3442 15674,v1.0,,How to join a Zoom call:,/post/51524,2019-03-21T10:59:38.696Z,2019-03-21T10:59:51.862Z,51524,4794,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3440 15687,v1.0,,"I am not sure, whether you discussed the topic name further, but I would prefer “Životní spokojenost v Česku”, Instead of “Dobrý život.” But both are acceptable for me:)",/post/51778,2019-03-21T11:02:39.011Z,2019-03-21T11:02:39.011Z,51778,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3451 15688,v1.0,,Životní spokojenost v Česku,/post/51808,2019-03-21T11:02:58.28Z,2019-03-21T11:02:58.28Z,51808,4818,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3451 15689,v1.0,,"discussions with anyone who is interested in Wellbeing in Europe,",/post/51524,2019-03-21T11:04:14.029Z,2019-03-21T11:04:14.029Z,51524,4801,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3454 15686,v1.0,,"Welcome and sign up for a virtual cafes! This is the easiest way to learn about the community of participants in Wellbeing in Europe, meet interesting people, access information and opportunities in the project. The meetings are informal discussions with anyone who is interested in Wellbeing in Europe, is willing to share their experience, listen to others, and connect.",/post/51661,2019-03-21T11:02:36.346Z,2019-03-21T11:05:21.862Z,51661,4819,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3458 15690,v1.0,,"Czech call would work the best on Thursdays, 6",/post/51594,2019-03-21T11:08:16.462Z,2019-03-21T11:08:16.462Z,51594,4801,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3460 15737,v1.0,,"the Common Theater has invited various organisations, university groups and collectives that work against fascism in Poland to join a one-day discussion and to understand if there is fascism in Poland, and how to deal with the wave of xenophobic, violent acts that shake Polish society.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:27:16.382Z,2019-04-05T13:27:16.382Z,50619,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3507 15722,v1.0,,It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:22:23.958Z,2019-04-05T13:22:23.958Z,50619,4096,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3496 15738,v1.0,,It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:27:25.465Z,2019-04-05T13:27:25.465Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3500 15789,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:44:35.697Z,2019-04-05T13:44:35.697Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3531 15727,v1.0,,I’d like to share with you an announcement of an event that will take place in the Common Theater in Warsaw this month - on the 23rd of February. Both the program and the text of the invitation are around various instances of fascist gestures and acts that took place in the past years in Poland.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:24:46.61Z,2019-04-05T13:24:46.61Z,50619,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3490 15728,v1.0,,It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:25:02.025Z,2019-04-05T13:25:02.025Z,50619,3,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3501 15729,v1.0,,I’d like to share with you an announcement of an event that will take place in the Common Theater in Warsaw this month - on the 23rd of February. Both the program and the text of the invitation are around various instances of fascist gestures and acts that took place in the past years in Poland.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:25:09.201Z,2019-04-05T13:25:09.201Z,50619,4096,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3502 15742,v1.0,,"It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:28:31.11Z,2019-04-05T13:28:31.11Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3500 15744,v1.0,,"And a quick glance at a couple of reference tells me that not nearly so many refugees came to Poland compared with, say, Hungary and Serbia. Thus, refugees would not define populism in Poland quite as much as with those other countries?",/post/50791,2019-04-05T13:28:47.467Z,2019-04-05T13:28:47.467Z,50791,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3510 15745,v1.0,,They do for the refugees are intensely “imagined” by the right-wing media and politicians. And many hierarchs of the Catholic Church.,/post/50792,2019-04-05T13:29:00.025Z,2019-04-05T13:29:00.025Z,50792,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3510 15747,v1.0,,"It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:29:23.411Z,2019-04-05T13:29:23.411Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3512 15751,v1.0,,"It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:29:57.247Z,2019-04-05T13:29:57.247Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3515 15788,v1.0,,"Hungary also doesn’t have a huge number of migrants - and those who enter do not want to stay there anyway, both because the economical situation is pretty bad since many years, but also because of the hostility (and possibly the language). So it used to be a route for them to more prosperous European countries, but it isn’t anymore as much.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:44:13.286Z,2019-04-05T13:44:13.286Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3538 15734,v1.0,,"ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:26:16.574Z,2019-04-05T13:26:16.574Z,50619,3,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3506 15735,v1.0,,"It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government. It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:26:42.804Z,2019-04-05T13:26:42.804Z,50619,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3505 15739,v1.0,,It talks about an organisation “Pride and Modernity” that organised Hitler’s birthday in May 2017 (and later on the pro-government media called it a “photo-op” cooked up by journalists from the biggest commercial television in Poland - not necessarily warm towards the current government.,/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:27:37.952Z,2019-04-05T13:27:37.952Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3494 15741,v1.0,,there were representatives of several far right groups (we list them in the blog entry). We saw some members of German Pegida very close to us,/post/50722,2019-04-05T13:28:25.361Z,2019-04-05T13:28:25.361Z,50722,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3509 15743,v1.0,,"It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:28:43.608Z,2019-04-05T13:28:43.608Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3497 15746,v1.0,,They do for the refugees are intensely “imagined” by the right-wing media and politicians. And many hierarchs of the Catholic Church.,/post/50792,2019-04-05T13:29:20.69Z,2019-04-05T13:29:20.69Z,50792,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3511 15748,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:29:36.919Z,2019-04-05T13:29:36.919Z,50794,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3510 15749,v1.0,,"It mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy. Only a week ago, another group decided to disturb the commemoration of the liberation of Auschwitz. This time the event was led by Piotr Rybak, a person already known from burning a puppet of Soros in 2017 and being convicted for that. The group demanded that “Poland fought the Jews”. The list is a bit longer and terrifying.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:29:41.889Z,2019-04-05T13:29:41.889Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3513 15750,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:29:54.9Z,2019-04-05T13:29:54.9Z,50794,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3514 15760,v1.0,,"I am bringing it here also as a possible source of interesting people and stories to the platform - the Common Theater has invited various organisations, university groups and collectives that work against fascism in Poland to join a one-day discussion and to understand if there is fascism in Poland, and how to deal with the wave of xenophobic, violent acts that shake Polish society.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:31:21.382Z,2019-04-05T13:31:21.382Z,50619,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3520 15761,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:31:41.174Z,2019-04-05T13:31:41.174Z,50794,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3521 15762,v1.0,,"Like here, with Trump, those are imagined realities. The problem is that the hatred these images generate is very real.",/post/50795,2019-04-05T13:31:53.633Z,2019-04-05T13:31:53.633Z,50795,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3521 15740,v1.0,,And we just completed an extensive study of some elements of the far right/right culture and the role of Catholicism in it.,/post/50691,2019-04-05T13:27:54.154Z,2019-04-05T13:27:54.154Z,50691,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3511 15731,v1.0,,"t mentions the now-famous march that happened last year in Warsaw, where the government walked along ONR’s members (an extreme ultranationalist right-wing party) and some of the international fascists, i.e. Forza Nuova from Italy.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:25:38.495Z,2019-04-05T13:25:45.643Z,50619,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3509 15758,v1.0,,"And a quick glance at a couple of reference tells me that not nearly so many refugees came to Poland compared with, say, Hungary and Serbia. Thus, refugees would not define populism in Poland quite as much as with those other countries?",/post/50791,2019-04-05T13:30:50.23Z,2019-04-05T13:30:50.23Z,50791,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3516 15763,v1.0,,"Hungary also doesn’t have a huge number of migrants - and those who enter do not want to stay there anyway, both because the economical situation is pretty bad since many years, but also because of the hostility (and possibly the language). So it used to be a route for them to more prosperous European countries, but it isn’t anymore as much. The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:32:33.752Z,2019-04-05T13:32:33.752Z,50804,4,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3514 15766,v1.0,,Krastev in his latest media article calls Poland the “posterchild of the new populism”.,/post/50644,2019-04-05T13:34:04.859Z,2019-04-05T13:34:04.859Z,50644,3,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3524 15767,v1.0,,"Marta Kotwas, my doctoral student at UCL and I just published a blog post on the March in 2018. We attended it. And we just completed an extensive study of some elements of the far right/right culture and the role of Catholicism in it. Blog here:",/post/50691,2019-04-05T13:34:08.608Z,2019-04-05T13:34:08.608Z,50691,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3525 15769,v1.0,,"I am bringing it here also as a possible source of interesting people and stories to the platform - the Common Theater has invited various organisations, university groups and collectives that work against fascism in Poland to join a one-day discussion and to understand if there is fascism in Poland, and how to deal with the wave of xenophobic, violent acts that shake Polish society.",/post/50619,2019-04-05T13:35:02.502Z,2019-04-05T13:35:02.502Z,50619,4096,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3527 15770,v1.0,,The five stages of grief…,/post/50646,2019-04-05T13:36:05.038Z,2019-04-05T13:36:05.038Z,50646,3,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3528 15771,v1.0,,"Marta Kotwas, my doctoral student at UCL and I just published a blog post on the March in 2018. We attended it. And we just completed an extensive study of some elements of the far right/right culture and the role of Catholicism in it.",/post/50691,2019-04-05T13:37:32.749Z,2019-04-05T13:37:32.749Z,50691,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3529 15772,v1.0,,there were representatives of several far right groups,/post/50722,2019-04-05T13:38:04.722Z,2019-04-05T13:38:04.722Z,50722,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3529 15773,v1.0,,We saw some members of German Pegida very close to us,/post/50722,2019-04-05T13:38:30.996Z,2019-04-05T13:38:30.996Z,50722,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3500 15774,v1.0,,It is a very monochromatic country,/post/50725,2019-04-05T13:39:17.523Z,2019-04-05T13:39:17.523Z,50725,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3530 15775,v1.0,,"And a quick glance at a couple of reference tells me that not nearly so many refugees came to Poland compared with, say, Hungary and Serbia. Thus, refugees would not define populism in Poland quite as much as with those other countries?",/post/50791,2019-04-05T13:39:56.852Z,2019-04-05T13:39:56.852Z,50791,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3531 15776,v1.0,,"And a quick glance at a couple of reference tells me that not nearly so many refugees came to Poland compared with, say, Hungary and Serbia. Thus, refugees would not define populism in Poland quite as much as with those other countries?",/post/50791,2019-04-05T13:40:11.356Z,2019-04-05T13:40:11.356Z,50791,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3532 15777,v1.0,,"And a quick glance at a couple of reference tells me that not nearly so many refugees came to Poland compared with, say, Hungary and Serbia. Thus, refugees would not define populism in Poland quite as much as with those other countries?",/post/50791,2019-04-05T13:40:20.417Z,2019-04-05T13:40:20.417Z,50791,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3533 15778,v1.0,,They do for the refugees are intensely “imagined” by the right-wing media and politicians,/post/50792,2019-04-05T13:40:41.099Z,2019-04-05T13:40:41.099Z,50792,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3529 15779,v1.0,,And many hierarchs of the Catholic Church,/post/50792,2019-04-05T13:41:14.825Z,2019-04-05T13:41:14.825Z,50792,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3534 15780,v1.0,,They do for the refugees are intensely “imagined” by the right-wing media and politicians. And many hierarchs of the Catholic Church.,/post/50792,2019-04-05T13:41:29.1Z,2019-04-05T13:41:29.1Z,50792,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3531 15781,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:42:12.808Z,2019-04-05T13:42:12.808Z,50794,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3532 15782,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:42:23.236Z,2019-04-05T13:42:23.236Z,50794,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3535 15783,v1.0,,"Even though the numbers don’t support it. Or their bar is just set very very low. I was reading about Hungary recently in the New Yorker and it says before 2015 Hungary received about 3,000 asylum requests per year. Then in 2015 hundreds of thousands of people came through there trying usually to get to Germany.",/post/50794,2019-04-05T13:42:36.757Z,2019-04-05T13:42:36.757Z,50794,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3531 15784,v1.0,,"Like here, with Trump, those are imagined realities.",/post/50795,2019-04-05T13:42:51.024Z,2019-04-05T13:42:51.024Z,50795,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3536 15785,v1.0,,The problem is that the hatred these images generate is very real.,/post/50795,2019-04-05T13:43:06.621Z,2019-04-05T13:43:06.621Z,50795,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3537 15786,v1.0,,"Hungary also doesn’t have a huge number of migrants - and those who enter do not want to stay there anyway, both because the economical situation is pretty bad since many years, but also because of the hostility (and possibly the language). So it used to be a route for them to more prosperous European countries, but it isn’t anymore as much.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:43:29.728Z,2019-04-05T13:43:29.728Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3532 15787,v1.0,,"Hungary also doesn’t have a huge number of migrants - and those who enter do not want to stay there anyway, both because the economical situation is pretty bad since many years, but also because of the hostility (and possibly the language). So it used to be a route for them to more prosperous European countries, but it isn’t anymore as much.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:43:50.593Z,2019-04-05T13:43:50.593Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3531 15791,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up. Edit Delete No Commentrefugees Edit Delete No CommentHungary Cancel Save Annotate",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:44:56.322Z,2019-04-05T13:44:56.322Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3539 15792,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:45:22.195Z,2019-04-05T13:45:22.195Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3512 15793,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:45:38.478Z,2019-04-05T13:45:38.478Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3540 15794,v1.0,,"The fear of refugees is fueled by the notion that Orban has been actively promoting since a long time, that Hungary is the natural border and defender of Christian Europe - as it used to be in the Ottoman times, they are fending off the Muslim invasion. It’s classic fascist tactics - create a fear of a phantom threat and unite people around the idea of defending their own, white identities that are seemingly endangered. It has always worked in fascist rhetoric, despite being completely made up.",/post/50804,2019-04-05T13:45:55.125Z,2019-04-05T13:45:55.125Z,50804,2915,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,3541