Ballester, BenjamínCalás, ElisaLabarca, RafaelPestle, WilliamGallardo, FranciscoCastillo, ClaudiaPimentel, GonzaloOyarzo, Cristobal2019FIG. 5 in The ways of fish beyond the sea: fish circulation and consumption in the Atacama desert, northern Chile, during the Formative period (500 cal B.C. - 700 cal A.D.)10.5281/zenodo.3690034FIG. 5. — Human isotope values from the different cemeteries mentioned, separated by localities (Knudson et al. 2012; Torres-Rouff et al. 2012a; Ballester & Clarot 2014; Pestle et al. 2015a, b; Pestle 2017).-21InSanCoastCalamaChiuchiuQuillaguarouteSalvador-19-17613C-co-PDB15(‰)-13-11-95302520151015)‰(N6co-AIR