SiteCode,SiteName,MegType,MegDescription,MegNotes ALD01,Aldhandi,StoneCircle,3 stone circle,Unknown ALP01,Alapalli,StoneCircle,8 stone circles,Unknown AMG03,Amgaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown AMR03,Armori,StoneCircle,20 stone circles,Unknown ASD02,Arsoda,StoneCircle,30 stone circles,Unknown ATD02,Aturdi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown BDG01,Badegaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown BGN04,Boregaon,StoneCircle,"""Forty-eight stone circles were located with diametersranging between 19.5 and 5.00 m. Five megaliths were excavated which yielded the black andd red ware, black burnished ware and micaceous red ware. Of these, Megalith 36 yielded a few human teeth and iron sickles, chisels and adzes as also a copper dish with a lid having on its knob a peacock motif. Megalith 3 is marked by a huge trough, cut out of a huge boulder, placed right in the centre of the stone-circle. Besides pottery, askeleton of a young horse, human teeth, ear-rings of gold and muller stone were exposed. Megalith 35 yielded a number of iron objects like arrowheads, tridents, legged querns, horse bits, nail parers and axes along with copper bangles, dishes and three hundred etched and non-etched beads of agate and carnelian.",Unknown BGN05,Borgaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown BGP02,Bangarampetta,StoneCircle,20 stone circles,Unknown BGT02,Bangaram Talodhi,StoneCircle,8 stone circles,Unknown BLG03,Bhilgaon,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown BMH01,Bramhi,Cist,cist,Unknown BML03,Brahmanpalli,StoneCircle,20 stone circles,Unknown BMR02,Bhagimahari,StoneCircle,"more than seventy stone circles; ""three of which were excavated. Their diameter ranged between 9 and 14 m. These circles revealed black and red ware, micaceaous red ware, the black burnished and the painted black on red. Iron objects like axes with cross-ring fastened, knives, daggers, arrowheads and bangles, besides, objects of copper such as bangles and fragments of decorative lid finials as reported from Takalghat and Mahurjhari were noticed. A few fragmentary teeth and bones of horse, as also a few human teeth were recovered from the stone circles. The most noteworthy feature of these stone circles, which was not noticed at any of the sites excavated so far, was the placement in a slanting position within the circle of a huge block of Gondwana formation. The Bhagi mohari stone circlesgave evidence for the first time of stone circles. There were three categories; i. the construction of two square chambers with a common middle wall built of medium sized boulders set in black clay and these boulders were much smaller in size than periphearl boulders of the stone circle. Each chamber was 3 sq. m. A passsage ran east-west; ii. 1 smaller circle at the centre of the stone circle and it was arranged with the help of meddium size boulders set in black clay. The circle had an opening of a little ledd than1m in the southern direction; iii. an irregular circular alignment of medium sized boulders within the stone circle."" In 1982-83 field season ""two circles- onne each in locality V and VI were excavated. The diameters of these ranged between 17.75 and 14 m and one stone of each circle was found to contain cut marks. The one in Loc. V was characterized by a centrally placed huge Gond-wana slab, afeature peculiar to Bhagimahari stone ccircles. These circles yielded iron objects like chisel, nail-parers and axes with cross-ring fasteners, adzes, spearheads, spikes, hoes, ladles with straight handles and beads of carnelian and res jasper. The pottery comprised mostly of the micaceous red ware and the black-and-red, both similar in fabric and typology to those encountered in the habitation. No painted pottery waas found in the burialshere. Another distinctive find was a group of twenty-one copper bangles found around the forearm bone. Not a single skeleton was reported although fragmentary human bones and teeth were recovered, indicating probably partial or secondary burials. ",Unknown BTL14,Bortala/ Bortola,Menhir,menhir,Unknown BWR02,Bhawar,Burial,"habitation cum burial, Megalithic burials are located on the north of the village whereas the village itself is situated on the ancient mounds.",Unknown BYG02,Boyegaon,StoneCircle,5 stone circles,Unknown CCL05,Chicholi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown CDL02,Chandhli,StoneCircle,12 stone circles,Unknown CDP03,Chodampalli,StoneCircle,10 stone circles,Unknown CHK01,Chak Kosambi,StoneCircle,stone circle,Unknown CHV01,Chak-Vithalwada,StoneCircle,stone circle,Unknown CKK05,Chakki Khapa,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown CKP01,Chakalpet,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown CMS01,Chamorshi,StoneCircle / Dolmen,8 stone circles and 1 dolmen,Unknown DDH02,Dudha,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown DDM01,Drugdhamna,StoneCircle,"stone circle, small tumuli without lithic appendage",Unknown DGG02,Dongargaon,StoneCircle,stone circle,Unknown DGM01,Dongar Mouda,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown DLM01,Deolimet,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown DLM02,Dhavalameti,Burial,"Only one burial out of 14 was excavated (Ismail 2006). It yielded new evidence of burial architecture. The outer circle had boulders supported by small rubble and cobbles. The inner circle was built of multiple courses of rubble and had an east-west oriented rubble structure inside. It yielded along with regular grave goods, horse ornaments and fragments of human skeletal remains.",Unknown DML01,Dhamna-Linga,Burial,"""Out of the 50 burials located, 12 were excavated. The excavation was important since it was planned to know burial architecture in details and it gave a few associated burials which can be termed as peripheral boulders. The important find was sarcophagi of oval shape with post cremated bones of children in them and lids to cover them. An ear-stud of glass was also found in one of the sarcophagi. Peripheral burials had only a filling of yellow murrum and pebble capping to demarcate them.""",Unknown DOL01,Deoli,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown DRC01,Damrecha,StoneCircle,4 stone circles,Unknown DWD07,Deurwada,Menhir,"1 Menhir of 5m height and 1.50m, with carved motiffs at the bottom belonging to later period",Unknown GCR01,Garhchiroli,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown GDI01,Gondi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown GGL01,Gangla,StoneCircle / Menhir,stone circles and menhir,Unknown GGP01,Gangapur,StoneCircle,"Two circles were excavated to supplement and cross-check the evidence from khapa. These circles were located right at the foot of a series of hills and had an average diameter of 11 m each. The structural pattern has also the ceramic content were found to be similar to those at Khapa. Iron objects recovered from these meagliths consisted of axes with ring-fasteners, sword fragments, daggers, lamps, nail-parers and double-edged adzes. copper was represented by bowls, shallow lamps, bangles and a series of interlocked thin rings. Etched and plain beads of carnelian, agate and jasper formed other finds.",Unknown GKB01,Ghek-Kosambi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown GLA01,Girola,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown GRD02,Ghorad,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown HGN02,Hingna-Kinhi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown HRP01,Hirapur,Dolmen,1 dolmen,Unknown JBH02,Jambhali,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown JDL02,Jodholi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown JPN01,Junapani,StoneCircle / Cairns,"Stone circles; cairns. 3 megaliths were excavated by B.K. Thapar. "" Megalith I consisted of a circle of undressed boulders with an average external diameter of 15m. A couple of circle-stones were, however, missing on the northern side. In the northerrn half of the circle was an irregular shallow pit measuring 8'80 by 3.50m., with the longer axis roughly east-west. On its floor as also in the clay filling above were placed funerary deposits, comprising pottery, iron also in the clay filling above were placed funerary deposits, comprising pottery, iron object and gold ornaments. A stone pestle along with some iron objects was also found in the rubble packing. Three ancillary pits in the southern half of the circle (marked B, C and D), two f them being very shallow, contained human and human skeletal remains. With the former, which included crushed part of the skull and some long bones, were also found some pots towards the head and forty four carnelian beads, twenty-four of which were etched in white. The latter pit (marked D) commprised bones of Equidae family. Megalith II consisted of a double circle of untrimmed boulders with an average external diameter of 10.21m. In the north-eastern quadrant was found a crushed pot entombed within the 0.33 high cairn. Apart from this the monument contained nothing. Megalith III consisted of a circle of undressed boulders with an average external diameter of 16 m. A noteworthy feature of the cairn was the occurrence of smaller boulders retaining the rubble packing along the fall of the clay-heap, as also that of the central truncated part, below which funerary objects, like pottery, gold ornaments, a silver stud, copper and iron objects, as also human skeletal remains, were found. Significantly enough, the gold ornaments, consisting of a bangle and a spiral ring, were found along with the latter, the bangle being worn on the radius and ulna, and the ring placed near about jaw-region. The skeletal remians were essentially fragmentary. No special grave-pit was dug into the natural trap-rock."" ",Unknown JVT01,Jivthi,StoneCircle,10 stone circles,Unknown KBR02,Kathgaon Bori (Rithi),Burial,Megalithic burial (no further details recorded),Unknown KCG02,Kachargad,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown KDL02,Jadholi,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown KGD04,Kunghada,StoneCircle,5 stone circles,Unknown KHI02,Kuhi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown KHI03,Kinhi,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown KHL02,Kahali,StoneCircle,hundred stone circles situated on 10 m high mound yielding micacious red ware with paintings in black and black and red ware,Unknown KKC01,Kukud-Chimda,StoneCircle,stone circle,Unknown KLI01,Kohli,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown KLZ06,Kelzar,Cist / Dolmen,"2 dolmen, cists",Unknown KMJ01,Khemjai,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown KMP01,Kamptee,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown KPA01,Khapa,StoneCircle,"""six stone circles, the largest with a diameter of 23 m. and otherss between 12 and 14 m., were exposed. Inside was found rubble and clay filling with an average thickness of 1.3 m. containing medium-sized pebbles capping browning-black clay. ",Unknown KRD02,Karadi,StoneCircle,10 stone circles,Unknown KRD03,Koradih,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown KRS01,Karunsur,StoneCircle,3 stone circles,Unknown KWD04,Khairwada,StoneCircle,"The site has "" about 1400 megalithic stone-circles and habitational deposit strewn over an area of nearly of nearly 13 hectars. The site was noticed in 1869 and a few excavated by Carey, the then Executive Engineer. He reported the find of iron and copper objects and afew human bones. However, there is no mention of habitational deposits."" The excavation carried out in the cementary area was divided into three sectors, viz., 1 to the east of the habitation, 2 in the reserve forest to the north of the habitation and 3 on the other bank of the river Dham and to the south-west of the habitation. The stone-circles were found to have been of two types: 1. those with pebbles and clay falling within a circle of boulders and 2. those with loose pebbles piled up without use of clay within a circle of boulders. In the latter type, the top of the pebble-filling was deliberately depressed. The stone-circles in sectors I and II gave all the ceramic data as in the habitational deposits in layers 7, 6 and 5, besides human teeth, fragmentary long bones, iron axes with cross-ring fastened, iron blades, iron hoes and bird-finials of copper lids, besides teeth and bones of horses. In the stone-circles with pebble and clay filling, there was exposed another smaller circle of boulders in the centre, below which human and horse remains were encountered. In the megaliths having loose pebbles heaps with a central depression, there was relatively greater occurance of coarse red ware along with micaceous red ware, though the typology of iron and copper artefacts remains unchanged. These seems to indicate a later phase of later burials.""",Unknown MDI01,Mundri (Bujri),StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown MDR01,Mandra,StoneCircle,25 stone cirlces,Unknown MHW01,Mahawada,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown MKD19,Makar Dhokara,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown MLC01,Mulud Chak,StoneCircle,60 stone circles,Unknown MLI02,Malhi,StoneCircle,"4 stone circles were excavated, ",Unknown MLR01,Maler,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown MND21,Mandhal,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown MSL03,Masala Tukum,StoneCircle,Stone circles associated with balck and red ware,Unknown MZR05,Mahurjhari,StoneCircle,"Stone circles at the site is concentrated in four localities (I,II, III and IV). Locality I (Raja-ki-tekdi) situated to the east of the village consist at least forty circles. Locality II situated 525 m south west of locality I consist fifteen stone circles. locality III situated west of the village consist at least seventy circles. Locality IV situated 1.2 km kilometres to the south of locality III. Three stone circles in locality I, 2 circles in locality II, 9 cirlces in locality III and 1 circle in liocality IV were excavated. Localities III and IV are rich in human and animal skeletal remains. The ceramic find includes thick and brittle micaceous red ware, medium thin, mica-coated red ware, black and red ware, burnished black ware and painted black on red ware, drab black ware and ill fired dark gray ware. other important antiquity are beads (380 from all burials), copper objects (utensil, bangles, smaller bells, bigger domical bells, ornaments for the horse), iron objects (axes with cross ring fasteners, chisel, plough-shares or hoes, daggers, arrowheads, leaf shaped blades, lamps/ ladles, nail, nail parer, cobblesr's adzes, horse equipment), gold ornament, stone objects (pounders, pestles).",Unknown MZR06,Mohzari,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown NBR01,Nagbhir,Menhir,"9 menhir of different shape and type 2-3 m height and 60-80cm width, made up of sandstone",Unknown NGP03,Aathva Milestone,StoneCircle,"stone circle, cairn circle",Unknown NGW01,Nagalwadi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown NGW02,Nagalwadi,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown NKD02,Naikund,Burial,"habitation cum burial site, ",Unknown NLD01,Neeldhoa,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown NLW03,Naleshwar,StoneCircle,35 stone circles,Unknown PKD03,Panchkhedi,Burial,habitation cum burial,Unknown PPG02,Pimpalgaon,StoneCircle / Dolmen,stone circle and dolmens,Unknown PRV01,Purana Vairagad,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown PSN04,Parseoni,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown PWD01,Patanwada,StoneCircle,8 stone circles,Unknown RGI01,Rangi,Menhir,menhir,Unknown RJP02,Raipur-Hingna,StoneCircle,"a total number of 262 stone circles (In four localites) are spread over an area of about 10 hectare on both sides of the Wenna river. Eight megaliths were excavated from the site. Three distinct ceramic fabrics are identified, which includes, Micaceous Red ware, Coarse Red ware and Black and red ware. of eight circles four (Megalith no. 1, 3, 6 and 7) yielded human skeletal evidence. Horse bones have been found in megallth no. 2 in locality IV and megalith no. 3 in locality III. Other important antiquity includes gold objects, copper objects (utensils, bangles, ring and chain necklances, horse-gear and horse ornamennts), iron objects (daggers, spearheads, arrowheads, axes, chisel, adzes, knives, lamps, nail-parers, horse gear), stone objects (pounders, muller), beads (of carnelian, jasper, crystal and agate). ",Unknown RNI02,Rani,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown RPS01,Ranparsodi,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown RPS02,Ranparsori,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown RVI01,Ravi,Menhir,menhir,Unknown SDL01,Sindhla,StoneCircle,2 stone circle,Unknown SGM01,Sangam,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown SGN02,Sawargaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown SGN03,Sawargaon,StoneCircle,30 stone circles,Unknown SKL01,Sukali-Takali,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown SLR02,Selur,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown SLR03,Selu Road,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown SMN01,Seminary hills,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown SNG04,Sonegaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown SRD02,Sarodi,Burial,Burial,None SSL01,Sirsala,Dolmen,dolmen,Unknown STJ01,Satejhari,StoneCircle,6 stone circles,Unknown STN01,Satona-Wadegaon,StoneCircle,stone circles and menhir,Unknown SWK01,Sawalkheda,StoneCircle,25 stone cirlces,Unknown SWT01,Sawartola,Menhir,menhir,Unknown TKL02,Takli,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown TLT01,Tilota Khairi,StoneCircle,stone circles and dolmen,Unknown UBR01,Umbari,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown UDS01,Udasa,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown UMR02,Umri,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown UMR03,Umrer ,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown URD01,Uradi,StoneCircle,30 stone circles,Unknown VDG01,Vadgaon,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown VGN01,Vagnak,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown VHD02,Vyahad,Cairns,around 20 cairn circles; There are around 100 megalithic burials at the site and a huge habitation mound with remains extending from the megalithic period up to the British period. One of the excavated burials had a central rectangular chamber and another inner circle encircling it. Burial goods such as iron and copper objects along with horse ornaments were found during the excavation. Even here peripheral burials were found.,Unknown VLT01,Veltur,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown VRG03,Vairagad,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown VTD02,Vathoda,StoneCircle,stone circles,Unknown WAG02,Wag,Megalith(Unknown),unknown,Unknown WDG01,Wanadongri,StoneCircle,stone circle enclosing cairns,Unknown WRR01,Warora,StoneCircle,Stone circles associated with balck slipped ware,Unknown YMN01,Yermanar,StoneCircle,10 stone circles,Unknown YRG01,Evranga,StoneCircle,20 stone circles,Unknown GDN01,Godhani,Megalith(Unknown),Unknown,Unknown KMW01,Kalmeshwar,Megalith(Unknown),Unknown,Unknown NMJ01,Nimji,Megalith(Unknown),Unknown,Unknown PPL01,Pipla,Megalith(Unknown),Unknown,Unknown TKG01,Takalghat,,,