Raw stable water isotope measurements in water vapour at 8 m a.s.l. on the port side of the ship, made in the austral summer of 2016/2017 during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Data files: HBDS2190-${year}${month}${day}-${time:HHmmss}Z-DataLog_User.dat File header DATE: Date of measurement [UTC] TIME: Time of measurement hh:mm:ss [UTC] FRAC_DAYS_SINCE_JAN1: Days since 1 January of the year of measurement FRAC_HRS_SINCE_JAN1: Hours since 1 January of the year of measurement JULIAN_DAYS: Continuous count of days of the year, including fraction for hours of the day EPOCH_TIME: Number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 [midnight UTC] ALARM_STATUS: Alarm status of instrument INST_STATUS: Instrument status CavityPressure: Pressure in instrument cavity [Torr] CavityTemp: Temperature in instrument cavity [degrees C] WarmBoxTemp: Temperature in instrument warm box [degrees C] DasTemp: Temperature in instrument case [degrees C] EtalonTemp: Instrument temperature [degrees C] (not relevant) species (not relevant) MPVPosition: MPV position (not relevant) OutletValve: Outlet valve flow rate ValveMask: Mask denoting which valve was used for measurements solenoid_valves (not relevant) H2O: Water vapour mixing ratio [ppmv] h2o_ppmv: Water vapour mixing ratio [ppmv] Delta_18_16: Delta-values of 18O [per mill] Delta_18_16_30s (not relevant) Delta_18_16_2min (not relevant) Delta_18_16_5min (not relevant) Delta_D_H: Delta-values of deuterium (2H) [per mill] Delta_D_H_30s (not relevant) Delta_D_H_2min (not relevant) Delta_D_H_5min (not relevant) organic_82 (not relevant) organic_MeOHampl (not relevant) organic_base (not relevant) organic_c2h6conc (not relevant) organic_ch4conc (not relevant) organic_res (not relevant) organic_shift (not relevant) organic_slope (not relevant) organic_splinemax (not relevant) organic_squish (not relevant) organic_y (not relevant) standard_base (not relevant) standard_residuals (not relevant) n2_flag: N2 flag (not relevant) Where parameters are noted as (not relevant) these were measurement modes in which the instrument wasn't operated/set up during this expedition and should not be used.