Published January 21, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Proschizorhynchus algarvensis Gobert & Monnens & Eerdekens & Schockaert & Reygel & Artois 2020, sp. nov.

  • 1. Hasselt University, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Agoralaan Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium.


Proschizorhynchus algarvensis sp. nov. B9703F24-3367-4329-BFB0-8A36051890B0

Fig. 2A


The species epithet, ‘algarvensis’, refers to the Algarve region of southern Portugal, where the specimen was collected.

Material examined

Holotype PORTUGAL • 1 whole-mount (photographs of live specimen available); Algarve region, Sagres, east of Mareta beach; 37°00′10″ N, 08°56′06″ W; 20 May 2013; B. Tessens leg.; coarse sand with shell gravel; HU 615.


The living specimen is colourless. A pair of reniform eyes is present. A pair of small, round testes is situated in the anterior half of the body. The atrial genital organs are situated in the posterior quarter of the body, surrounding the common genital pore. A pair of seminal vesicles enters the proximal end of the elongate copulatory bulb, along with the gland necks of a number of prostatic glands. The distal part of the copulatory bulb contains the sclerotised parts of the copulatory apparatus (Fig. 2A). These consist of a stylet (st, Fig. 2A) enclosed by a sclerotised and grooved cirrus sheath (ci, Fig. 2A) and surrounded by a penis papilla (pp, Fig. 2A). The stylet measures 207 μm and is curved back upon itself. The distal edge of the penis papilla is armed with rod-like spines (sp, Fig. 2A). The cirrus sheath surrounding the stylet measures 80 μm and has a distal opening of 73 μm. A small, sclerotised, tubular spermatic duct connects the bursa to the single ovary.


See taxonomic discussion following P. reniformis Brunet, 1970.


Published as part of Gobert, Stefan, Monnens, Marlies, Eerdekens, Lise, Schockaert, Ernest, Reygel, Patrick & Artois, Tom, 2020, Schizorhynchia Meixner, 1928 (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela) of the Iberian Peninsula, with a description of four new species from Portugal, pp. 1-17 in European Journal of Taxonomy 595 on pages 5-6, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.595,


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  • Brunet M. 1970. Turbellaries Schizorhynchidae de sables infralittoraux de la cote Marseillaise. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 11: 279 - 306.