Limnoricus ceter Jankowskiı 1981

Report as epibiont on nematodes

Ansari et al. (2017) reported this species on harpacticoid copepods and nematodes from Suvadiva atoll lagoon (Maldivian archipelago) at a depth of 62– 63 m.

Other hosts

It was described as an epibiont on marine isopods from the Sakhalin and Kunashyr Islands ( Jankowski 1981). This species was also reported on halacarid mites from the Barents Sea ( Jankowski 1981; Dovgal et al. 2008a).


Since the specimens from the halacarid mites differ from the specimens from isopods based upon the form of the stalkı Jankowski (1981) proposed that the halacarid epibiont forms are possibly restricted to a particular species.