Physical and biogeochemical oceanography data from underway measurements with an AquaLine Ferrybox during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) Data file(s): ace_ferrybox_data_1min.csv File header: datetime [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: Date and time [UTC] latitude [degree_north]: Latitude [decimal degree North] longitude [degree_east]: Longitude [decimal degree East] leg [-]: Leg number [1-3] pressure [dbar]: Pressure on underway system relative to atmospheric standard pressure 1013.25 mbar [decibars] sea_water_temperature [degree_celsius]: Temperature on international temperature scale 1990 [degree Celsius] sea_water_practical_salinity [-]: Practical salinity on Practical Salinity Scale 1978 [-] sea_water_sigma_theta [kg m-3]: Potential density anomaly (potential density - 1000 kg m-3) referenced to 0 dbar [kg m-3] turbidity [FTU]: Turbidity [FTU] concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water [ug L-1]: Chlorophyll-a concentration [ug L-1] moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water [mol kg-1]: dissolved_oxygen [mol kg-1] fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water [-]: Fractional saturation of dissolved oxygen [0-1] sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale [-]: pH on total scale [-] Missing values are filled with value ‘NaN’ Data file(s): ace_satellite_data_1min.csv File header: datetime [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: Date and time [UTC] latitude [degree_north]: Latitude [decimal degree North] longitude [degree_east]: Longitude [decimal degree East] leg [-]: Leg number [1-4] sea_surface_temperature [degree_celsius]: Sea-surface temperature on international temperature scale 1990 [degree Celsius] sea_ice_area_fraction [1]: Sea-ice area fraction (concentration) [0-1] sea_surface_height_above_geoid [m]: Absolute dynamic topography [m] surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic eastward velocity [m s-1] surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic northward velocity [m s-1] surface_geostrophic_sea_water_speed [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic speed [m s-1] Missing values are filled with value ‘NaN’ Data file(s): ace_merged_uw_data_1min.csv File header: datetime [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: Date and time [UTC] latitude [degree_north]: Latitude [decimal degree North] longitude [degree_east]: Longitude [decimal degree East] leg [-]: Leg number [1-3] ocean_zone [-]: Ocean zone between fronts [1-5] pressure [dbar]: Pressure on underway system relative to atmospheric standard pressure 1013.25 mbar [decibars] sea_water_temperature [degree_celsius]: Temperature on international temperature scale 1990 [degree Celsius] sea_water_temperature_flag [-]: Flag indicating the source of the temperature [1=Ferrybox, 3=Satellite, 8=Interpolated, 9=Missing] sea_water_practical_salinity [-]: Practical salinity on Practical Salinity Scale 1978 [-] sea_water_practical_salinity_flag [-]: Flag indicating the source of the salinity [1=Ferrybox, 2=Sample, 8=Interpolated, 9=Missing] sea_water_sigma_theta [kg m-3]: Potential density anomaly (potential density - 1000 kg m-3) referenced to 0 dbar [kg m-3] sea_water_sigma_theta_flag [-]: Flag indicating the source of sigma_theta [1=Ferrybox, 2=Salinity sample, 3=Satellite temperature, 7=Interpolated temperature, 8=Interpolated salinity, 9=Missing] turbidity [FTU]: Turbidity [FTU] concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water [ug L-1]: Chlorophyll-a concentration [ug L-1] moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water [mol kg-1]: dissolved_oxygen [mol kg-1] fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water [-]: Fractional saturation of dissolved oxygen [0-1] sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale [-]: pH on total scale [-] sea_ice_area_fraction [1]: Sea-ice area fraction (concentration) [0-1] sea_surface_height_above_geoid [m]: Absolute dynamic topography [m] surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic eastward velocity [m s-1] surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic northward velocity [m s-1] surface_geostrophic_sea_water_speed [m s-1]: Surface ocean geostrophic speed [m s-1] Missing values are filled with value ‘NaN’ Data file(s): ace_fronts.csv File header: datetime [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: Date and time [UTC] latitude [degree_north]: Latitude [decimal degree North] longitude [degree_east]: Longitude [decimal degree East] leg [-]: Leg number [1-3] Front [-]: Oceanic fronts (STF, SAF, PF, SACCF) [-] Data file(s): ace_ferrybox_data_raw/AT_ACE_ferrybox_YYYYMMDD.csv Note that variables and units below are provided to the best of our knowledge. File header: Date [0DDMMYY] Time [HHMMSS] Longitude [DDD MM.dddd E] Latitude [DD MM.dddd S] Ship state [-] Speed [m/s] Chlorophyll-a [µg/L] Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Lux Voltage 1 [V] Lux Voltage 2 [V] Temperature [degree_celsius] Oxygen [µmol] Oxygen Saturation [%] Temperature [degree_celsius] D Phase [-] B Phase [-] R Phase [-] B Amp [-] B Pot [-] R Amp [-] Salinity [-] Conductivity [mmhos cm-1] Temperature [degree_celsius] Pressure [dbar] Turbidity [FTU] Supply voltage [V] Current supply [A] Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field pH sensor voltage [V] Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Empty [-]: empty field Error Indications [-]: indicating potential data issues Missing values are filled with value ‘0.000000’