The folders are named with figures numbers for which the data were used. 1) The folder "Fig_1_S21Lineplot_Wavelength" contains two Origin files. "S21_Lineplot" includes the VNA data for fig.1b the lineplot of neighbor subtraction of S21 signals at 90 mT and 88 degree. "wavelength" file is the data of fig.4b the wavelength and wavevector change with the magentic field. 2) The folder "Fig_2_VNA" contains raw VNA data for mCPW with 155 nm Fe with angular scaning with magnetic field applied at 90 mT and field scaning with magnetic field applied along 90 degree. 3) The folder "Fig_3_SimulationEffectiveField" contains raw data Mumax3 simulations for static magnetic fields near mCPW with 155 nm Fe. 4) The folder "Fig_4_ThermalBLS@150mT01" contains raw BLS data on mCPW with 155 nm Fe when the magnetic field of 150 mT was applied at 90 degrees. 5) The folder "Fig_5_TimeResolvedBLS@87.2mT_6.64GHz01" contains raw time-resolved BLS data for specific spots at CPW1 and CPW2. The folder "Fig_5_VNAGroupVelocity" contains group veloticies read out from VNA measurmeent of mCPW with 155 nm Fe at 90 degree and 90 mT. 6) The folder "Fig_6_Wavevector_Conversion" contains dispersion relations at 0.176 T and 0.09 T for showing the wave vecotr transition in Fig. 6a. The folder "Fig_6_Intensity" contains data of the intensities of signals for mCPW with 155 nm Fe at 90 mT and 90 degree. 7) The folder "Fig_S1_SimulationThickness" contains Mumax3 simulation data on effective magnetic field near mCPW with Fe of different thickness in 100 nm YIG. 8) The folder "Fig_S2_VNA" contains raw VNA data of angular scaning with magnetic field applied at 90 mT for conventional CPW without any Fe. 9) The folder "Fig_S3_ThermalBLS@87.2mT" contains raw BLS data on mCPW with 155 nm Fe when the magnetic field of 87.2 mT was applied at 90 degrees. 10) The folder "Fig_S4_SimulationDynamic" contains Mumax3 simulation file on a 100 nm thick YIG film with a 5 m wide FeCo stripe with _0M_S = 2.45 T fully embeddedan and a 100 nm thick YIG film with a 5 m wide with air gap of 5 m. Data can be generated by running the file on Mumax3.9 platform. 11) The folder "Fig_S5_PhaseResolved" contains the phase-resolved BLS data measured in YIG film far away from mCPW in sample with 155 nm Fe with 87 mT field applied at 90 degree, at an excitation frequency of 4.7 GHz, 4.8 GHz, 5.24 GHz and 5.34 GHz.