Contents of supplemental material: File "": "grip": Our own postprocessing framework, plugin-based. The used plugins are found in "gripNodes" "gripNodes": Plugins for our postprocessing framework "grip" "spark": Our own OptiX-based path tracer, modified to implement the described HashCache functionalities "spark_pt": Our own OptiX-based path tracer "spatialSubdiv": Tool for determining the occupied cells of a scene "tonemapper": Tool for tonemapping an image based on our postprocessing framework "grip" File "": "celldata": Contains the cell occupation data for scenes "Streets of Asia" and "Country Kitchen" "configs": JSON config files for evaluation runs "fifar_sequences": camera paths used for evaluation "runscripts": Shell scripts for automated execution of evaluation runs "scenes": "Streets of Asia" and "Country Kitchen" in obj format File "": Reference rendering and HashCache renderings for the both scenes used for evaluation