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Published December 16, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Breve panorámica de la lexicografía vasca anterior al "Diccionario Trilingüe" de Larramendi (1745)

  • 1. Eusko Ikaskuntza – Sociedad de Estudios Vascos


According to academic literature, the 1745 publication of Larramendi’s Diccionario Trilingue del Castellano, Bascuence y Latin represents the first important example of old Basque lexicography. In this article, we propose to examine, to the extent the length of this text permits, Basque lexicography prior to Larramendi’s dictionary. First, we will try to highlight its similarities (as well as it peculiarities) with the lexicographical works of European counterparts and then, provide a chronological assessment of all Basque lexicography of the period, while attempting to detail some of the principal characteristics of each: authorship, title, order of languages, length, sources, critical studies, etc.



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