This dataset is part of: Hubert, J., Wille, D.A., and Slabbekoorn H. (2020) Exploring effects of sound on the time budget of fishes: an experimental approach with captive cod. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 37 (1). 010012. DOI:10.1121/2.0001253. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File: Proportion_time__Behavioural_states.csv Description: The daily proportion of time each individual spent in each of the three behavioural states Column headings: Trial = Unique trial no. Day = Day no., each trial took 6 days. Fish = Each trial was conducted with two fish, a small and a large one. Behavioural_state = Behavioural state (Foraging, Swimming or Resting) Treatment = Sound treatment during the current day (Sound = Sound exposure; Silence = Silent control) Proportion = Proportion of time the specified individual [col: Fish] was in the specified Behavioural state (col: Behavioural_state) on the specified day (col: Day) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Files: *.mp4 Description: Several example clips from which the dominant behaviour of the individual fish was scored.