Title of Dataset: Chromium(III) concentration from diel sampling in the North Pacific. Data Files: Janssen_etal_KM1713_CrIII_Data.xlsx Sample info: Samples collected from a conventional CTD rosette on board the RV Kilo Moana voyage KM1713 in September 2017. Notes: As diel samples were collected at 1-3 depths per station, the final three headers are repeated two times to show all diel sampling. NA identifies that a sample was not collected, and italics identify samples determined to be statistical outliers by a modified Thompson τ test. Outliers are not included in means presented in Janssen_etal_KM1713_Cr_data.xlsx. Station: Unique station identifier from RV Kilo Moana cruise KM1713 Cast: Unique identifier per station for CTD rosette casts Time (local): Local time of day when sample filtration began, shortly after recovery of the CTD rosette [HH:MM] Time (UTC): UTC time of day when sample filtration began, shortly after recovery of the CTD rosette [HH:MM] Date (local): Local date when sample was collected [dd-mmm-yy] Date (UTC): UTC date when sample was collected [dd-mmm-yy] Depth: Depth below the surface from which the sample was taken [m] Cr(III): Dissolved Cr(III) concentrations determined by shipboard Mg(OH)2 co-precipitation followed by isotope dilution [nmol kg-1] STDEV: A total Cr(III) uncertainty of 10% is applied to each measurement to account for all uncertainties in sample collection and analysis [nmol kg-1]