There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 13, 2019 | Version v2.0
Software Open

Telecominfraproject/oopt-gnpy: Greetings from the #TIPSummit19 in Amsterdam!

  • 1. ORANGE
  • 2. @KDE, @CESNET, @TelecomInfraProject
  • 3. Orange Labs
  • 4. Politecnico di Torino
  • 5. RISE
  • 6. UPCT
  • 7. Facebook
  • 8. Microsoft


Released not that long after ECOC'19, this release brings in bugfixes and usability improvements. It also paves the way towards enabling using GNPy as a backend for path feasibility computation.

You can see where we are going at the ONF booth at the conference venue.



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