lemma,page,ref,title,text.type,period,discourse,tradition,kwic,transl,domain,sem.field,sem.cat,sense,subsense,sem.pros,uncertainty,cotext,is_object_or_patient_of,is_subject_or_agent_of,is_modified_by,modifies,takes_as_object_or_patient,takes_as_subject_or_agent,is_listed_with,is_contrasted_with,is_glossed_by,glosses,is_juxtaposed_to,takes_as_oblique,is_oblique_of,Overview abhilap,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yā ca subhūte sarvadharmāṇāṃ śūnyatā na sā śakyā abhilapitum |,"""So it is, for one cannot properly express the emptiness of all dharmas in words."" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,śūnyatā na śakyā,,,na,śakyā,śūnyatā,,,,,,,,, abhilap,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa vyavahāramātreṇ^ābhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | vyavahāraś […],"""[…] a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows: […] In the conviction that “all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words, mere conventional expression,” – but the conventional expression does not refer to anything real, […]"" [Conze 274]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,dharma nāman vyavahāra,,,,,dharma,,,,nāman vyavahāra,,,,, abhilap,597,597,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,yena yena hi nāmnā vai yo yo dharmo abhilapyate |,"""indeed whatever factor which expressed through whatsoever name...""[Tseng 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,na,nāman dharma,,,,,dharma,,,,,,,nāman,, abhilap,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ sati na svabhāvo dharmāṇāṃ tathā vidyate yath^ābhilapyate |,"""That being the case, the essential nature of entities does not exist in the way it is described in words."" [Engle 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,svabhāva vind,,,,,svabhāva,,,vind,,,,,, abhilap,33,33,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yena rūpamityevamādinā nāmnā te rūpādisaṃjñakā dharmā abhilapyante anuvyavahriyante rūpam iti vā vedaneti vā […],"""By whatever names—such as those of ""form,"" etc.—the entities known as form, etc., are expressed and verbally described—[that is, the entities that are expressed by the names] ""form,"" ""feeling,"" [and so on] at length up to ""nirvana""…"" [Engle 85]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,nāman saṃjñaka dharma anuvyavahar iti,,,,,saṃjñaka dharma,,,,,,anuvyavahar,nāman,, abhilap,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,anabhiniveśaṃ n^ābhilapet | iti yadevaṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti | idamucyate nāma^iṣaṇāgataṃ yathābhūtaparijñānam|,"""When no [mistaken] adherence is made, then one will not make verbal assertions about it. [When a bodhisattva] truly discerns how this [process] occurs, that is called ""the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are [that is gained by] having completed the investigation of names."""" [Engle 98]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,abhiniveśa na nāman,,,na,,,,,,,,nāman,,, abhilap,180,180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] pravartante tadapi yairabhilāpairyat svabhāvam abhilapyate tadapi na tatsvabhāva paramārthataḥ |,"""Even though a real substance that is capable of being described is considered to exist and verbal expressions occur in relation to that [perceived substance], nevertheless the essential nature that is described by means of verbal expressions does not have such a mode of being in an ultimate sense."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,svabhāva paramārtha,,,,,svabhāva,,,paramārtha,,,,,, abhilap,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,nāmnā yo dharmo abhilapyate so api dharmo na deśastho na pradeśa,"""As for the Dharma expressed through a name, that dharma too is not placed in either a primary or a secondary location."" [M. Salvini 1.86]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,nāman dharma,,,,,dharma,,,,,,,nāman,, abhilap,37,37,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,vacanameva paramārthaḥ uta yadvacanen^ābhilapyate sa paramārthaḥ?,"""Again, Blessed One, are words themselves the highest reality? or is what is expressed in words the highest reality?"" [Suzuki 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,vacana paramārtha,,,,,paramārtha,,,,,,,vacana,, abhilap,37,37,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,na mahāmate vacanaṃ paramārthaḥ na ca yad vacanen^ābhilapyate sa paramārthaḥ |,"""Mahāmati, words are not the highest reality, nor is what is expressed in words the highest reality."" [Suzuki 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,vacana paramārtha,,,,,paramārtha,,,,,,,vacana,, abhilap,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,te ca mahāmate na bhāvā n^ābhāvāḥ abhilapyante ca |,"""[…] —they are not at all visible in the world but the words are; Mahāmati, they are neither entities nor nonentities but expressed in words."" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,bhāva abhāva,,,,,bhāva abhāva,,,,,,,,, abhilap,44,44,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,śaśaśṛṅgaṃ ca vandhyāyāḥ putra eva ca | asanto hy abhilapyante tathā bhāveṣu kalpanā ||,"""As space, the hare's horns, and a barren woman's child are non-entities except as expressed in words, so is this existence imagined."" [Suzuki 92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,asat bhāva kalpanā,,,,,asat,,,bhāva,,,kalpanā,,, abhilap,137,137,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,ākāśaṃ śaśaśṛṅgaṃ ca vandhyāyāḥ putra eva ca | asantaś c^ābhilapyante tathā bhāveṣu kalpanā ||,"""Space, the hare's horns, and a barren woman's child are unrealities, and yet they are spoken of [as if real]; so are all things imagined."" [Suzuki 260]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,asat bhāva kalpanā,,,,,asat,,,bhāva,,,kalpanā,,, abhilap,47,47,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,nāma ca vyañjanaṃ ca punarmahāmate catvāra arūpiṇaḥ skandhāḥ | nāmn^ābhilapyanta iti kṛtvā nāma […],"""Again, Mahāmati, names (nāma) and syllables (vyañjana) belong to the four Skandhas which being formless are indicated by names; thus are names made."" [Suzuki 98]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,arūpin nāman,,,,,arūpin,,,,,,,nāman,, abhilap,78,78,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,taiśc^ābhilapanti mām na ca prajānanti tathāgatasyaite nāmaparyāyā iti |,"""[…] and they address me by these names not knowing that they are all other names of the Tathagata."" [Suzuki 165]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,aham nāman,,,,,aham,,,,,,nāman,,, abhilap,58,58/S.Levi11.13,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatvaṃ yat satataṃ dvayena rahitaṃ bhrānteś ca saṃniśrayaḥ śakyaṃ na^iva ca sarvath^ābhilapituṃ yañ c^āprapañc^ātmakam |,"""Reality is that which is always free from duality, is the ground of error, and is absolutely inexpressible, naturally free from fabrication."" [Thurman 121]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,tattva śakya na sarvathā prapañca,,,na sarvathā,śakya,,,,tattva,,,prapañca,,, abhilap,77774,77774,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,ākāśaṃ śaśaśṛṅgaṃ ca vandhyāyāḥ putra eva ca | asantaś c^ābhilapyante tathā bhāveṣu kalpanā ||,"""As space, the hare's horns, and a barren woman's child are non-entities except as expressed in words, so is this existence imagined."" [Suzuki/Lankavatara, p. 92] [Susuki/Lankavatara 92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,asat bhāva kalpanā,,,,,asat,,,bhāva,,,kalpanā,,, abhilap,26429,26429,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,anyathaite sarvadharmā anyath^ābhilapyante na c^ābhilāpavinirmuktāḥ,"""Not available""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,na,dharma,,,,,dharma,,,,,,,,, abhilap,26429,26429,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,odāhārtuṃ vā pravyāhartuṃ vā abhilapituṃ vā |,"""Not available""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,na,udāhār pravyāhar,,,,,,,udāhār pravyāhar,,,,,,, abhilap,26429,26429,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sā na śakyā prajñapayituṃ vā udāhartuṃ vā abhilapituṃ vā vāk karmaṇā vā visarjayitum |,"""Not available""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,na,prajñap udāhar visarj,,,,,,,prajñap udāhar visarj,,,,,,, abhilap,24,24r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,guhyakādhipate tathāgato vilayati yo dharmam abhilapati ||,"""Guhyakādhipati, are you saying that the Tathāgata who talks about the Dharma is confused?"" [BTW]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu.neg,,tathāgata vilay dharma,,,,,dharma,tathāgata,,,,,vilay,,, abhilap,32,32r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa yathāyathā dharmaṃ deśayati | tathātathā te dharmā abhilapaṃty ābhimukhī bhavanti |,"""the more he teaches a dharma, the more the dharmas that are verbally expressed become present to him."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally express,verbally express,neu,,dharma abhimukhī bhav,,,,,dharma,,,,,,bhav,,, abhilāpa,247,247|09-247|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,lapanāgītanāṭyavat | kuśāstravac ca […] tadāpy āvāhavivāhadyabhilāpasadbhāvād asti saṃbhinnapralāpo na karmapatha ity apare |,"""For example, boasting, singing, declamations; for example, bad commentaries. […] Or, according to another opinion, there is, in this period inconsiderate words, since one speaks of āvāha, of vivāha, etc.; but this inconsiderate speech does not constitute the course of action of this name."" [Poussin, Pruden 656-57]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,lapanā gīta nāṭya āvāha vivāhady sadbhāva saṃbhinnapralāpa,,,āvāha vivāhady,sadbhāva,,,,,,saṃbhinnapralāpa,lapanā gīta nāṭya,,, abhilāpa,418,418|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nāmapadavyañjanakāyeṣv arthavācitā avivartyajñānaṃ dharmāthaṃ niruktipratisaṃvido yathākramam | caturthīyuktomukt^ābhilāpamārgavaśitvayoḥ ||,"""Infallible (avivartya) knowledge of names, phrases, and syllables is the Unhindered Knowledge of dharmas. Infallible knowledge of the thing is the Unhindered Knowledge of things. Infallible knowledge of speech is the Unhindered Knowledge of etymological explanation. The fourth is the knowledge of exact and facile expression, and of mastery with respect to the Path."" [Poussin, Pruden 1152]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,nāman pada vyañjana artha nirukti yukta mukta mārga,,,yukta mukta,mārga,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,viśeṣo vā nānākaraṇaṃ vā n^opalabhyate | abhilāpā ete subhūte tathāgaten^ākhyātāḥ […],"""[…] no distinction or difference can be apprehended between these dharmas. As talk have they been described by the Tathagata."" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,upalabh ākhyāta,,,ākhyāta,,,,,upalabh,,,,,, abhilāpa,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa cetpunar yathaiv^ābhilāpo yeṣu dharmeṣu yasmin vastuni pravartate tadātmakāste dharmā […],"""On the other hand, if entities or a substance actually did possess the very nature that is indicated by the verbal expressions that occur in relation to them, […]"" [Engle 78]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,dharma vastu pravart,,pravart,,,,,,,,,,dharma vastu,, abhilāpa,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathā hy ekasmin dharme ekasmin vastuni bahuvidhā bahavo bahubhir abhilāpaiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ kriyante |,"""Many designations and figurative expressions of many different kinds can be made using numerous terms in relation to a single entity or substance."" [Engle 78-79]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,dharma vastu bahu prajñapti upacāra,,,bahu,,,,,,,,,dharma vastu,prajñapti upacāra, abhilāpa,33,33,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yastasyaiva jñeyasy^ābhilāp^ānuśravas tadasya śrutam |,"""Whatever words are heard regarding an object of knowledge [that is understood] in just this way constitutes what is heard by him."" [Engle 87]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,jñeya anuśrava,,,jñeya,anuśrava,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāveṣu sarvadharmeṣu kasmād abhilāpaḥ prayujyate […],"""If it is true that all entities possess such an ineffable nature, why is it that words are used in relation to them?"" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,dharma prayuj,prayuj,,,,,,,,,,,dharma,, abhilāpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] tathā hi vin^ābhilāpena sā nirabhilāpyadharmatā pareṣāṃ vaktam api na śakyate śrotum api |,"""Without [the use of] words, it would not be possible for that ineffable true nature to be expressed to others nor [would it be possible for it] to be heard [by others]."" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,vinā dharmatā vakta/vaktum śrotum,,,,,,,,,,,,,vinā dharmatā, abhilāpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasmād abhilāpaḥ prayujyate śravaṇajñānāya |,"""Therefore, words are used so that [the explanation of the ultimate nature of all entities] might be heard and realized."" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,pos,,prayuj śravaṇa jñāna,prayuj,,,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadvastvadhiṣṭhāya sa nāmasaṃjñ^ābhilāpaparigṛhīto nāmasaṃjñābhilāpaparibhāvito vikalpaḥ prapañcayan tasminneva vastuni vicaratyanekavidho bahunānāprakāraḥ |,"""[…] the conceptual thought that is both controlled by and governed by expressions [that derive from] recognition of [an object's] name operates in numerous ways and in many different forms in relation to this very same substance."" [Engle 90]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,nāman saṃjñā vikalpa prapañc vastu,,,nāman saṃjñā,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadvastvadhiṣṭhāya sa nāmasaṃjñābhilāpaparigṛhīto nāmasaṃjñ^ābhilāpaparibhāvito vikalpaḥ prapañcayan tasminneva vastuni vicaratyanekavidho bahunānāprakāraḥ |,"""[…] the conceptual thought that is both controlled by and governed by expressions [that derive from] recognition of [an object's] name operates in numerous ways and in many different forms in relation to this very same substance."" [Engle 90]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,nāman saṃjñā vikalpa prapañc vastu,,,nāman saṃjñā,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yataśca bodhisattvo [vastuni] vastumātratāṃ paryeṣya sarv^ābhilāpaviśliṣṭaṃ nirabhilāpyaṃ tadrūpādisaṃjñakaṃ vastu paśyati |,"""Through having investigated, with regard to substances, the nature of being a bare substance, a bodhisattva perceives the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., as being separate from all expressions and incapable of being described."" [Engle 98]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,viśliṣṭa saṃjñaka vastu,,,,viśliṣṭa,,,,vastu,,,saṃjñaka,,, abhilāpa,69,69,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra sarvadharmāṇāṃ yan nāma nāmapūrvikā ca saṃjñā saṃjñāpūrvakaś c^ābhilāpaḥ | ayam ucyate teṣāṃ dharmāṇām anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names that relate to all entities, as well as the conceptions that are preceded by names and the statements that are preceded by conceptions, are called the causes of orderly discourse that relate to those entities."" [Engle 176]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,dharma nāman saṃjñā anuvyavahāra,,,,,,,,,,anuvyavahāra,nāman saṃjñā,dharma,, abhilāpa,180,180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yathā neme dharmāḥ sarveṇa sarvaṃ na saṃvidyante api tv abhilāp^ātmakaḥ svabhāva eṣāṃ n^āsti teneme niḥsvabhāvā ity ucyante |,"""These entities are not completely and totally nonexistent. However, they do not possess an essential nature that can be expressed in words. Therefore, they are described as ""lacking an essential nature."""" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,dharma ātmaka svabhāva na,,,na,svabhāva ātmaka,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,180,180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadyapyetav abhilāpyavastu vidyate yadāśrity^ābhilāpāḥ pravartante tadapi yairabhilāpairyat[…],"""Even though a real substance that is capable of being described is considered to exist and verbal expressions occur in relation to that [perceived substance], nevertheless the essential nature that is described by means of verbal expressions does not have such a mode of being in an ultimate sense."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,vastu pravart,,pravart,,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,180,180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] yadāśrityābhilāpāḥ pravartante tadapi yair abhilāpair yat svabhāvam abhilapyate tadapi na tatsvabhāva paramārthataḥ |,"""Even though a real substance that is capable of being described is considered to exist and verbal expressions occur in relation to that [perceived substance], nevertheless the essential nature that is described by means of verbal expressions does not have such a mode of being in an ultimate sense."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,,,,,svabhāva, abhilāpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasminnākāśasthānīye nirabhilāpye vastuni vividh^ābhilāpakṛtāḥ saṃjñā vikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñ^ānugatāḥ rūpakarmasthānīyāḥ pravartante |,"""In a similar way, the conceptions and false notions that resemble physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations arise in the ineffable reality that resembles space."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,vividha kṛta saṃjñā vikalpa prapañca,,,vividha,kṛta,,,,,,,prapañca,,, abhilāpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarveṣāñca teṣām abhilāpakṛtānāṃ saṃjñāvikalpānāṃ prapañcasaṃjñānugatānāṃ citrarūpakarmasthānīyānāṃ […],"""In addition, the ineffable reality that resembles space makes room for all those conceptions and false notions that resemble the variety of physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,kṛta saṃjñā vikalpa prapañca,,,,kṛta,,,,,,,prapañca,,, abhilāpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadā ca punarbodhisattvairjñānenāryeṇa te abhilāpasamutthitā mithyāsaṃjñāvikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñānugatāḥ […] tadā teṣāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ paramāryāṇāṃ tenāryajñānena tannirabhilāpyaṃ vastu[…],"""Moreover, when bodhisattvas, by means of an excellent knowledge, have completely and totally removed those false conceptions and notions that are caused to arise by expressions and that are accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations, the ārya knowledge of those supremely excellent bodhisattvas causes the ineffable reality that is a mere absence of all the essential natures that are expressed in words and that is a space-like purity to become evident."" [Engle 441-442]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,,samutthita mithyā saṃjñā vikalpa prapañca,,,,samutthita,,,,,,,prapañca,,, abhilāpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ na caite dharmā yathaiv^ābhilāpasaṃstavavaśena khyānti bālānāṃ tathaiva saṃvidyante |,"""Similarly, entities do not truly exist in the way that they appear to immature beings by the power of their habituation to expressions."" [Engle 442]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,,dharma saṃstava bāla saṃvind,,,,saṃstava,,,,saṃvind,,,,bāla,, abhilāpa,186,186,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarv^ābhilāpaiḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ svabhāv^ārth^āpariniṣpattiḥ |,"""No meaning that pertains to a [real] essence can be established by means of any expressions in relation to any entity."" [Engle 449]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,dharma svabhāva artha pariniṣpatti,,,dharma,,,,,svabhāva pariniṣpatti,,,,,artha, abhilāpa,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya sarv^ābhilāṣ^ātmakena svabhāvena virahitaṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu paśyataḥ yā cittasya sthitiḥ |,"""The stability of mind in which [a bodhisattva] perceives the reality that is an ineffable essential nature that is free of all forms of essential nature that can be described with verbal expressions."" [Engle 452]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,philological,ātmaka svabhāva vastu,,,,svabhāva ātmaka,,,,vastu,,,,,, abhilāpa,190,190,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yatsarveṣvabhilāpyeṣu vastuṣu sarv^ābhilāpasvabhāvo dharmo na saṃvidyate |,"""There is no entity whose essential nature is capable of being described in words that exists in relation to all the objects that are described in words."" [Engle 459-460]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,svabhāva dharma saṃvind,,,,dharma svabhāva,,,,saṃvind,,,,,, abhilāpa,235,235,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] abhilāp^ābhisaṃskārapratibhāsasy^ālakṣaṇasamatayā […],"""[…] (2) the sameness in which [all entities are perceived to] lack any attribute [that is possessed] by the appearances that are described with words and that carry out actions, […]"" [Engle 557]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,abhisaṃskāra pratibhāsa lakṣaṇa,,,,pratibhāsa abhisaṃskāra,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] paramārthato nirabhilāpyasvabhāve vastuny abhilāp^ābhisaṃskārapratibhāsasya svabhāvasya lakṣaṇena hetubhāvena c^āvidyamānasya […],"""[…] they have to do with the fact that the very same essence which appears to be capable of verbal description and [appears] to carry out an action, but which, in relation to the reality that is ineffable in an ultimate sense, does not exist by way of an attribute or a causal nature, […]"" [Engle 567]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,abhisaṃskāra pratibhāsa svabhāva lakṣaṇa vidyamāna,,,,pratibhāsa svabhāva abhisaṃskāra,,,,vidyamāna,,,lakṣaṇa,,, abhilāpa,12,12,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,abhilāpo jānikaḥ kena vaicitrasattvabhāvayoḥ |,"""Of whom is speech born? Whence is the differentiation of beings?"" [Suzuki 25]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,jānika vaicitra sattva bhāva,,,,jānika,,,,,,,,sattva bhāva,, abhilāpa,16,16,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,kena cittaṃ sabhādhyate | abhilāpas tathā jñānaṃ śīlaṃ gotraṃ jinaurasāḥ ||,"""How about eternalism and nihilism? How is the mind tranquillised? Again [how about] speech, knowledge, morality, family, O son of the Victor?"" [Suzuki 30]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,jñāna śīla gotra,,,,,,,jñāna śīla gotra,,,,,,, abhilāpa,33,33,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,mahāmate arth^ānusāriṇā bhavitavyaṃ na deśan^ābhilāp^ābhiniviṣṭena ||,"""For this reason, Mahāmati, be in conformity with the sense and be not engrossed in the word-teaching."" [Suzuki 68]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,artha na deśana abhiniviṣṭa,,,na deśana,abhiniviṣṭa,,,,,,,artha,,, abhilāpa,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yena vāgvikalpalakṣaṇahṛdayena bhagavan suprativibhāgavinibaddhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā abhilāp^ābhilāpy^ārthadvayagatiṃ gatāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ […],"""[…] whereby, Blessed One, I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, comprehending and becoming well acquainted with the essence of discrimination as regards words, will be thoroughly informed of the signification of two things, expression and expressed, […]"" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,na,vāc abhilāpya artha,,,,,,,abhilāpya,,,,vāc,,, abhilāpa,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbudhya abhilāp^ābhilāpy^ārthadvayagatiṃ sarvasattvānāṃ viśodhayeyuḥ |,"""[…] and, thereby immediately attaining supreme enlightenment, will explain the signification of these two things, expression and expressed, for the purification of all beings."" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,abhilāpya artha,,,,,,,abhilāpya,,,,,,, abhilāpa,37,37,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatkasya hetoḥ? yaduta paramārth^āryasukh^ābhilāpapraveśitvāt paramārthasya vacanaṃ na paramārthaḥ |,"""Why? Because the highest reality is an exalted state of bliss, and as it cannot be entered into by mere statements regarding it, words are not the highest reality."" [Suzuki 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,vacana paramārtha,,,,,,,,paramārtha,,,vacana,,, abhilāpa,42,42,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,katamat dviprakāram? yaduta abhilāpasvabhāv^ābhiniveśataśca vastusvabhāv^ābhiniveśataśca |,"""Further, Mahāmati, there are two kinds of characteristic signs of self-nature. (100) What are these two kinds? They are the attachment to words as having self-nature, and the attachment to objects as having self-nature."" [Suzuki 87]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,svabhāva vastu,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,vastu,,, abhilāpa,42,42,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate abhilāpasvabhāv^ābhiniveśo anādikālavākprapañcavāsan^ābhiniveśāt pravartate |,"""The attachment to words as having self-nature, Mahāmati, takes place owing to one 's clinging to the habit-energy of words and false imaginings since beginningless time."" [Suzuki 87]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,svabhāva vāc prapañca vāsanā,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,vāc prapañca,,, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,punaraparaṃ mahāmatirāha nanu bhagavan abhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvāḥ |,"""Further, Mahāmati said : Blessed One, is it not because of the reality of words that all things are?"" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,sadbhāva bhāva,,,,sadbhāva,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yadi punarbhagavan bhāvā na syuḥ abhilāpo na pravartate |,"""If not for words, Blessed One, there would be no rising of things."" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,bhāva na pravart,,pravart,na,,,,,,,,bhāva,,, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tasmād abhilāpasadbhāvād bhagavan santi sarvabhāvāḥ |,"""Hence, Blessed One, the existence of all things is by reason of the reality of words."" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,sadbhāva as bhāva,,,,sadbhāva,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,bhagavānāha asatām api mahāmate bhāvānām abhilāpaḥ kriyate |,"""Said the Blessed One : Even when there are no [corresponding] objects there are words, Mahāmati; […]"" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,asat bhāva karo/kuru/kri,karo/kuru/kri,,asat bhāva,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tadyadavocastvaṃ mahāmate abhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvā iti sa hi vādaḥ prahīṇaḥ |,"""If, Mahāmati, you say that because of the reality of words the objects are, this talk lacks in sense."" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,,sadbhāva as bhāva prahīṇa,,,,sadbhāva,,,,,,,,,as bhāva, abhilāpa,43,43,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,na ca mahāmate sarvabuddhakṣetreṣu prasiddho abhilāpaḥ | abhilāpo mahāmate kṛtakaḥ |,"""Words are not known in all the buddha-lands ; words, Mahāmati, are an artificial creation."" [Suzuki 91]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,,na buddhakṣetra prasiddha kṛtaka,,,na kṛtaka,,,,,buddhakṣetra prasiddha,,,,,, abhilāpa,44,44,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] ata evāsmātkāraṇān mahāmate n^ābhilāpasadbhāvāt santi sarvabhāvāḥ |,"""For this reason, Mahāmati, the validity of all things has nothing to do with the reality of words."" [Suzuki 91-92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,na sadbhāva as bhāva,,,na,sadbhāva,,,,as bhāva,,,,,, abhilāpa,44,44,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,iha loke kṛmimakṣikaivamādyāḥ sattvaviśeṣā anabhilāpena^iva svakṛtyaṃ kurvanti ||,"""It is observed, Mahamati, even in this world that in the kingdom of such special beings as ants, bees, etc., they carry on their work without words."" [Suzuki 92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,loka an svakṛtya karo/kuru,,,an,,,,,svakṛtya karo/kuru,,,,loka,, abhilāpa,46,46,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] prasajyate anutpādaṃ bhāvānāṃ māy^opamatven^ābhilapataḥ |,"""[…] but, Blessed One, is there not the fault of contradiction between the previous statement and the later one? It is asserted by thee that that all things are unborn is due to their having the nature of Maya."" [Suzuki 96]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,philological,utpāda bhāva māyā,,,māyā,,,,,utpāda bhāva,,,,,, abhilāpa,46,46,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] na mahāmate mam^ānutpādaṃ bhāvānāṃ māy^opamatven^ābhilapataḥ pūrvottaravacanavyāghātadoṣo bhavati |,"""Mahāmati, when all things are asserted to be unborn because of their having the nature of Māyā, there is no fault of contradiction between my previous statement and my later one."" [Suzuki 96]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,philological,utpāda bhāva māyā doṣa,,,māyā,,,,,utpāda bhāva,,,,,, abhilāpa,52,52,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate katamat parikalpitasvabhāvaprabhedanayalakṣaṇam? yaduta abhilāpavikalpo avidheyavikalpo lakṣaṇavikalpo […],"""What are the various features of the false imagination, Mahāmati? They are the discriminations as regards ( 1 ) words ( abhilāpa), ( 2 ) meaning, ( 3 ) individual marks, […]"" [Suzuki 110]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,parikalpita svabhāva prabhedanaya vikalpa abhidheya lakṣaṇa,,,,vikalpa,,,abhidheya lakṣaṇa,svabhāva,,,parikalpita,,, abhilāpa,52,52,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate abhilāpavikalpaḥ katamaḥ?,"""Now, Mahāmati, what is the discrimination of words?"" [Suzuki 110]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,vikalpa,,,,vikalpa,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,52,52,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yaduta vicitrasvaragītamādhury^ābhiniveśaḥ | eṣa mahāmate abhilāpavikalpaḥ |,"""That is the becoming attached to various sweet voices and singing —this is the discrimination as regards words."" [Suzuki 110]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,vicitra svara gīta vikalpa,,,,vikalpa,,,,,vicitra svara gīta,,,,, abhilāpa,52,52,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra arthavikalpaḥ katamaḥ? yaduta suvarṇarūpyavividharatnārthaviṣay^ābhilāpaḥ |,"""What is the discrimination of property ? It is to desire a state of wealth such as gold, silver, and various precious stones."" [Suzuki 110-111]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,vague,vikalpa viṣaya,,,viṣaya,,,,,,,vikalpa,,,, abhilāpa,115,115,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,abhilāpahetuko bhāvaḥ svabhāvo yadi vidyate |,"""If things are regarded as existing by themselves, they exist because of their being so designated in words; if there were no words to designate their existence, they are not."" [Suzuki 235]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,hetuka bhāva svabhāva vind,,,,hetuka,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,115,115,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,abhilāpahetuko bhāvaḥ svabhāvo yadi vidyate | abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo nāstīti ca na vidyate ||,"""If things are regarded as existing by themselves, they exist because of their being so designated in words; if there were no words to designate their existence, they are not."" [Suzuki 235]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,saṃbhava bhāva vind,,,,saṃbhava,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,115,115,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,nirvastuko hy abhilāpas tat saṃvṛtyā^pi na vidyate |,"""That which exists only as word and not as reality such is not to be found even in worldly knowledge; this comes from the nature of reality being erroneously understood, for no such perception is possible."" [Suzuki 236]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,vastuka saṃvṛti na vind,,vind,na,,,,,vastuka,,,,saṃvṛti,, abhilāpa,135,135,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,asatsu sarvadharmeṣu prajñaptiḥ kriyate mayā | abhilāpo vyavahāraś ca bālānāṃ tattvavarjitaḥ ||,"""I establish thought-constructions where all things are non-existent; whatever expressions and experiences that belong to the ignorant are not of the truth as it is (tattva)."" [Suzuki 259]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neg,,prajñapti vyavahāra bāla tattva,,,,bāla,,,vyavahāra,tattva,,prajñapti,,,, abhilāpa,52,52,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yaduta asti tatkiṃcidabhidheyavastu svabhāvakam āryajñānagatigamyaṃ yadāśrity^ābhilāpaḥ pravartate iti vikalpayati |,"""It is the discrimination by which one imagines that words rise depending on whatever subjects they express, which subjects one regards as self-existent belonging to the realisation of noble wisdom."" [Sukuzi 110]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,abhidheya vastu pravart,,pravart,,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,135,135,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo vidyate hy arthagocaraḥ |,"""Things born of words seem to belong to an objective realm; but when it is perceived that they are born of words, they become non-existent."" [Suzuki 259]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,saṃbhava bhāva vind artha,,,,saṃbhava,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,135,135,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo vidyate hyarthagocaraḥ | abhilāpasaṃbhavo bhāvo dṛṣṭvā vai n^āsti vidyate ||,"""Things born of words seem to belong to an objective realm; but when it is perceived that they are born of words, they become non-existent."" [Suzuki 259]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,saṃbhava bhāva na as vind,,,na,saṃbhava,,,,as,,,,,, abhilāpa,8480,8480,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[…] sa hy asau jalpamanaskāro abhilāpasaṃjñāparibhāvitatvāt grāhyagrāhakavikalp^āśrayo veditavyaḥ|,"""[…] this mental attention towards talk is itself to be known as the basis for the distinction between apprehended object and subject apprehendor, because it is suffused with cognitions of verbal specification."" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,jalpa saṃjñā grāhya vikalpa,,,,saṃjñā,,,,,,,jalpa,,, abhilāpa,64,64,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra yathā abhilāpam arthasaṃjñā caitasikī yathājalp^ārthasaṃjñā |,"""The concept of the referent corresponding to intentional expression is a mental function, (the same as) the concept of (objective) referents corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,artha saṃjñā jalpa,,,,saṃjñā artha,,,,,,,jalpa,,, abhilāpa,67,67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ādhāne satīti yoniśomanaskāre nāmamātraṃ paśyann ity abhilāpamātram artharahitaṃ |,"""""Product"" means appropriate conscientious attitude. ""Seeing name-only"" refers to (perception of) simple verbal expression devoid of sense."" [Thurman 135]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,nāman mātra artha,,,mātra artha,,,,,,,nāman,,,, abhilāpa,86,86,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,suyogo div^ālp^ākīrṇ^ābhilāpakatvāt rātrau c^ālpaśabd^ādikatvāt |,"""It should be ""conducive to yoga practice,"" so that in the daytime there is little commotion and senseless chatter, and at night there is little noise and so forth."" [Thurman 168]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,ākīrṇa śabda,,,,,,,ākīrṇa,,,,śabda,,, abhilāpa,162,162,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āpāyayati poṣayati saṃvardhayati apāyād rakṣate abhilāpaṃ ca śikṣayati |,"""A mother renders five types of assistance to her children: she bears them in her womb; gives them birth; nurses them, (that is) nourishes them and raises them; protects them from harm; and teaches them to speak."" [Thurman 296]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,śikṣ,śikṣ,,,,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvarutaravitaghoṣavākpathaniruktisaṃketavyavahār^ābhilāpair anabhilāpyatvāt |,"""[…] 2) it cannot be explained by any sound, voice, speech, way of speech, explanation, agreed term, designation, conversation [and so forth]; […]"" [Takasaki 166]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti saṃketa vyavahāra an abhilāpya,,,,,,,ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti saṃketa vyavahāra,,,abhilāpya,,,, abhilāpa,18,18.6,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,abhilāpamātra ima jānati sarvadharmāṃ buddhena deśitaprayukta prakāśitāṃś ca |,"""As mere talk he cognizes all these dharmas Which the buddha has demonstrated, practised and revealed."" [BP/Conze]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,mātra dharma,,,mātra,dharma,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,167,167,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] niruktivyavahāravivarjitān ajātānabhutān anasaṃbhūtān asaṃskṛtān asaṃtānān asatt^ābhilāpapravyāhṛtān asaṅgasthānasthitān saṃjñāviparyāsaprādurbhūtān |,"""Further, Mañgusrī, a Bodhisattva Mahāsattva looks upon all laws (and things) as void; he sees them […] escaping explanation and expression by means of common speech, not born, composed and simple, aggregated and isolated, not expressible in words, independently established, […]"" [Kern 264]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,na,nirukti vyavahāra a sattā pravyāhṛta,,,a sattā,pravyāhṛta,,,,,,,nirukti vyavahāra,,, abhilāpa,27,27,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatkasya hetoḥ? nānāniruktinirdeś^ābhilāpanirdeśanair mayā śāriputra vividhair upāyakauśalyaśatasahasrair dharmaḥ saṃprakāśitaḥ |,"""[…] for in elucidating the law, Sâriputra, I use hundred thousands of various skilful means, such as different interpretations, indications, explanations, illustrations."" [Kern 39]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,nānā nirukti nirdeśa nirdeśana upāya,,,nānā,,,,nirukti nirdeśa nirdeśana,,,upāya,,,, abhilāpa,135,135,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,etarhi ca mamaivedam upāyakauśalyaṃ dharmadeśan^ābhilāpena yad yūyam etarhi nirvāṇamiti manyadhve |,"""In this you have to see an able device of mine that from the expressions used by me, in preaching the law, you fancy Nirvana to take place at this moment."" [Kern 202]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,,upāya dharma deśana,,,deśana,,,,,,,upāya,,,, abhilāpa,26429,26429,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,anyath^ābhilapyante na c^ābhilāpa vinirmuktāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |,"""Not available""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,na,vinirmukta dharma,,,,dharma vinirmukta,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,26429,26429,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,anudāhāraḥ anabhihāraḥ an abhilāpaḥ |,"""Not available""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,na,udāhāra abhihāra an,,,an,,,,udāhāra abhihāra,,,,,,, abhilāpa,24,24r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasmād ucyate anabhilāppāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |,"""therefore it is said that all dharmas are inexpressible"" [BTW]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,an dharma,,,an,dharma,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpa,8,8.32,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaḥ sarvadharmāṇām anudāhāro apravyāhāro anudīran^ākīrtan^ānabhilapanam aprajñapanam ayam advayapraveśaḥ |,"""To know no one teaching, to express nothing, to say nothing, to explain nothing, to announce nothing, to indicate nothing, and to designate nothing—that is the entrance into nonduality."" [Thurman 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu.neg,,udāhāra pravyāhāra udīraṇa kīrtana an prajñā dvaya,,,an,,,,,,,,udāhāra pravyāhāra udīraṇa kīrtana prajñā,,, abhilapana,342,342|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,iti smṛtyupasthānaṃ prajñā yathādṛṣṭasy^ābhilapanāt | tadyathā hy uktam āyuṣmatā aniruddhena,"""[…] thus the prajñā is a foundation of mindfulness (smṛtyupasthāna = smṛter upasthānam); in fact, as the object is seen by the prajñā, so too it is expressed, that is to say, grasped by the attention."" [Poussin, Pruden 927-928]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbal expression,verbal expression,neu,vague,dṛṣṭa,,,dṛṣṭa,,,,,,,,,,, abhilapanatā,12,12,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,muṣitasmr̥titā katamā | yā kliṣṭā smṛtiḥ kuśalasy^ānabhilapanatā |,"""What is loss of mindfulness? It is an afflicted mindfulness, an unclarity as to the beneficial."" [Anacker 70]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,ability to articulate,ability to articulate,neu.neg,philological,kliṣṭa smṛti kuśala an,,,kuśala an,,,,,kliṣṭa,,,smṛti,,, abhilapita,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,abhilāpā ete subhūte tathāgatenākhyātāḥ abhilapitāḥ aprameyam iti vā asaṃkhyeyam iti vā,"""[…] no distinction or difference can be apprehended between these dharmas. As talk have they been described by the Tathagata. One just talks when one speaks of 'immeasurable,' or 'incalculable,' or […]"" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressed,verbally expressed,neu.neg,,aprameya iti asaṃkhyeya iti,,,,,aprameya asaṃkhyeya,,,,,,,,, abhilāpita,418,418|17-418|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,avivartyaṃ jñānamiti vartate | yuktamut^ābhilāpitāyāṃ samādhivaśisaṃprakyāne cāvivartyaṃ jñānaṃ pratibhānasaṃvit |,"""Infallible knowledge which confers the capacity to express oneself in an exact and facile manner and which also confers never failing attention on a person who is a master in absorption is the Unhindered Knowledge of eloquence."" [Poussin, Pruden 1152]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressed,verbally expressed,neu,,yukta mukta pratibhāna,,,yukta mukta,pratibhāna,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,subhūtirāha kiṃ punarbhagavan anabhilapyasy^ārthasya vṛddhirvāsti parihāṇirvā vidyate ?,"""Subhuti: Can something have growth, or diminution, if it is beyond all distinctive words?"" [Conze 212]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an artha,,,an,artha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,subhūtirāha sacedbhagavan anabhilapyasy^ārthasya na vṛddhir na parihāṇiḥ dānapāramitāyā api bhagavan na vṛddhir na parihāṇir bhaviṣyati |,"""Subhuti: But if there is no growth or diminution of an entity which is beyond all distinctive words, then there can be no growth or diminution of the six perfections."" [Conze 212]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an artha,,,an,artha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,174,174,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ khalu subhūte anabhilapyasy^ārthasya na vṛddhir na parihāṇir bhavati | evaṃ pāramitānāṃ na vṛddhir na […],"""It is certain that there can be no growth or diminution of an entity which is beyond all words, and that therefore neither the perfections, nor all dharmas, can grow or diminish."" [Conze 212]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an artha,,,an,artha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,53,53,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye tāṃ vijānanti jināna dharmatām anābhilapyaṃ sugatāna satyam |,"""Who can know the true nature of the jinas And the truth of the sugatas, which is beyond description?"" [Peter Alan Roberts 9.73[66]]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,philological,dharmatā an satya,,,an,satya dharmatā,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,82,082|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atha kiṃ pratisaṃyuktā ete nāmakāyādayaḥ […] kāmāptā rūpāptāś ceti | ārupyāptā api santi te tv anabhilāpyā ity apare |,"""We ask: (1) to which sphere of existence do the phonemes, words, and phrases belong? […] The phonemes, etc., belong to two spheres of existence. According to one opinion, they also exist in Arupyadhatu, but there they are ""unpronounceable."" [Poussin, Pruden 253]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nāman an,,,an,nāman,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[…] sarvadharmāṇāṃ dharmatā deśitā sā ca sarvadharmāṇāṃ dharmatā anabhilāpyā |,"""It is wonderful to see the extent to which the Tathagata has demonstrated the true nature of all these dharmas, and yet one cannot properly talk about the true nature of all these dharmas, [in the sense of Predicating distinctive attributes to separate real entities]."" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,deśita dharmatā an,,,an,dharmatā,,,,deśita,,,,,, abhilāpya,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathāhaṃ bhagavan bhagavato bhāṣitasyārtham ājānāmi tathā sarvadharmā api bhagavan anabhilāpyāḥ |,"""As I understand the meaning of the Tathagata's teaching, even all dharmas cannot be talked about, in any proper sense?"" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,dharma an,,,an,dharma,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,173,173,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evam etat subhūte evam etat | sarvadharmā api subhūte anabhilāpyāḥ |,"""So it is, for one cannot properly express the emptiness of all dharmas in words."" [Conze 211]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,dharma an,,,an,dharma,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,26,26,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] ca sarvadharmāṇāṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatām ārabhya prajñaptivādasvabhāvanirvikalpajñeyasamena jñānena,"""[This object,] which represents the ineffable [ultimate] nature of all entities, is perceived by [a form of] knowledge that corresponds exactly to a knowable entity that is free of the conceptual distinctions [that are implicit in] the essential natures [expressed by] designating assertions."" [Engle 67]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāvatā prajñapti vāda vikalpa,,,nir,,,,,svabhāvatā,,,prajñapti vāda,,, abhilāpya,28,28,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa khalu bodhisattvastena dūrānupraviṣṭe na dharmanairātmyajñānena nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ yathābhūtaṃ viditvā na kiñcid vikalpayati nānyatra vastumātraṃ gṛhṇāti tathatāmātram |,"""Indeed, a bodhisattva who has realized the ineffable nature of all entities as it truly is with [a form of] the knowledge of the insubstantiality of phenomena that has long since penetrated [into its meaning] does not form any type of conceptual thought whatsoever and does not grasp anything other than the bare substance [of entities] and [their] bare suchness."" [Engle 72]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāvatā yathābhūta vikalp vastu tathatā,,,nir,,,,,yathābhūta vastu tathatā svabhāvatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra kayā yuktyā nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatā sarvadharmāṇāṃ pratyavagantavyā |,"""Regarding this [knowledge of ultimate reality], what is the [form of] application by which the ineffable nature of all entities can be understood with precision?"" [Engle 77]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāvatā pratyavagantavya,,,nir,,,,,pratyavagantavya svabhāvatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tadanena kāraṇonānayā yuktyā nirabhilāpyaḥ svabhāvaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ pratyavagantavyaḥ |,"""For this reason and by means of this [form of] application, it can be understood with precision that all entities possess an essential nature that is ineffable."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharma,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,31,31,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yaścāpi prajñaptivādanimittasanniśrayaṃ nirabhilāpy^ātmakatayā paramārthasadbhūtaṃ vastv apadamāno […],"""[…] (2) [the individual] who, by repudiating the substance that truly exists as ultimate truth in the form of an ineffable essence, and that is also the basis for the signs [by which] designating assertions [are formulated] and the support for the signs [by which] designating assertions [are formulated], repudiates it [by declaring] that it is completely and totally nonexistent. [Engle 80]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,prajñapti vāda nir ātmaka sadbhūta vastu,,,nir,ātmaka,,,,sadbhūta vastu,,,prajñapti vāda,,, abhilāpya,32,32,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yathābhūtañca tathatāṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatāṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""There is a true realization of the genuine suchness [of things] and the ineffable essential nature [of things]."" [Engle 84]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,tathatā nir svabhāvatā yathābhūta,,,nir,svabhāvatā,,,,tathatā yathābhūta,,,,,, abhilāpya,32,32,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iyaṃ tāvadupapattisādhanayuktirānulomikī yayā nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatā sarvadharmāṇāṃ pratyavagantavyā |,"""This favorable form of application that relates to demonstrating correctness is the one by which the ineffable essential nature of all entities can be understood with precision."" [Engle 84]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāvatā dharma pratyavagantavya,,,nir,svabhāvatā,,,,pratyavagantavya,,,,,, abhilāpya,32,32,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,āptāgamato api nirabhilāpyasvabhāvāḥ sarvadharmā veditavyāḥ |,"""The ineffable essential nature of all entities can also be understood on the basis of trustworthy scripture."" [Engle 84]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharma,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,33,33,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yā punasteṣāṃ rūpādisaṃjñakānāṃ dharmāṇāṃ nirabhilāpyen^ārthena vidyamānatā saiṣā paramārthataḥ svabhāvadharmatā veditavyā |,"""On the other hand, the ineffable mode of existence that pertains to the entities known as form, etc., should be understood to constitute their true essential nature [that exists] in an ultimate sense."" [Engle 85]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,saṃjñaka dharma nir artha paramārtha,,,nir,artha,,,,paramārtha,,,,,, abhilāpya,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasmād āgamato api tathāgatāt paramāptāgamād veditavyaṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvāḥ sarvadharmā iti |,"""Therefore, it can also be understood on the basis of scripture-[which is to say,] through [relying upon] the Tathagata's supremely trustworthy word—that all entities have an [ultimate] nature that is ineffable."" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharma,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāveṣu sarvadharmeṣu kasmādabhilāpaḥ prayujyate […],"""If it is true that all entities possess such an ineffable nature, why is it that words are used in relation to them?"" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharma,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,dharma,,,,,, abhilāpya,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] tathā hi vin^ābhilāpena sā nirabhilāpyadharmatā pareṣāṃ vaktam api na śakyate śrotum api |,"""Without [the use of] words, it would not be possible for that ineffable true nature to be expressed to others nor [would it be possible for it] to be heard [by others].""",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir dharmatā vakta/vaktum śrotum,,,nir,dharmatā,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vacane śravaṇe cāsati sā nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatā jñātum api na śakyate |,"""Moreover, without speech and the hearing [of speech], it would also not be possible for that ineffable nature to be realized."" [Engle 89]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,vacana śravaṇa nir svabhāvatā jñātum,,,nir,,,,,svabhāvatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yataśca bodhisattvo [vastuni] vastumātratāṃ paryeṣya sarvābhilāpaviśliṣṭaṃ nirabhilāpyaṃ tadrūpādisaṃjñakaṃ vastu paśyati |,"""Through having investigated, with regard to substances, the nature of being a bare substance, a bodhisattva perceives the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., as being separate from all expressions and incapable of being described."" [Engle 98]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir saṃjñaka vastu,,,nir,,,,,vastu,,,saṃjñaka,,, abhilāpya,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na tadvastu bhāvo nābhāvaḥ | abhilāpyen^ātmanā apariniṣpannatvānna bhāvaḥ |,"""[…] that a substance is neither a thing that exists nor a thing that does not exist. Because its verbally described nature does not constitute an absolute mode of being, it is not a thing that exists."" [Engle 99]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,vastu ātman pariniṣpanna bhāva,,,,ātman,,,,pariniṣpanna bhāva,,,,,, abhilāpya,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na punar abhāvo nirabhilāpyen^ātmanā vyavasthitatvāt | evaṃ na rūpī paramārthasatyatayā | nārūpī saṃvṛtisatyena tatra rūp^opacāratayā |,"""On the other hand, it is also not a thing that does not exist, because it is characterized by a [real] nature that is ineffable. Similarly, [form] both lacks the quality of being material from the perspective of ultimate truth and does not lack the quality of being material from the perspective of relative truth, since it is described in a provisional sense as constituting form."" [Engle 99]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,abhāva nir ātman upacāra,,,nir,ātman,,,,,,,upacāra,,, abhilāpya,77,77,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yathāpi tadbodhisattvaḥ aṣṭākārāyāśvintāyāḥ susamāptatvān nirabhilāpye vastumātre arthamātre ālambane cittam upanibadhya […],"""[…] a bodhisattva then binds [his or her] mind to an object that is beyond expression—one that is a bare substance and a bare import—and then, […]"" [Engle 196-197]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir vastu artha ālambana citta,,,nir,,,,,vastu artha ālambana,,,,,, abhilāpya,135,135,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[niḥ]sattvāṃś ca sarvadharmān viditvā nirabhilāpyadharmamātradarśī dharmanidhyānato api kṣamate |,"""Having realized that all entities are devoid of a [real] sentient being, [a bodhisattva] who has perceived the ineffable [reality that sentient beings are a] mere [collection of] entities also develops patience through his or her meditation upon entities."" [Engle 326]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,sattva nir dharma,,,nir,,,,,dharma,,,sattva,,, abhilāpya,146,146,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yā bodhisattvānām anabhilāpyaṃ dharmanairātmyam ārabhya satyāvabodhāya vā satyāvabodhakāle vā […],"""The wisdom of bodhisattvas that [is cultivated] in order to realize the truth that relates to the ineffable insubstantiality of entities, or that is present at the time that this truth is [first] being realized, […]"" [Engle 356]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an dharma nairātmya,,,an,nairātmya,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,162,162,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] mṛdukṣāntikenāpi jñānena nirabhilāpyadharmasvabhāvatathat^ādhimukto nirvikalpena nirnimittena cetasā viharati |,"""[…] likewise, when he or she has generated devotion toward the suchness that is the ineffable [ultimate] nature of all entities with even just a limited [form of] the awareness that possesses a weak amount of forbearance and abides for a little while, for a moment, in a [state of] mind that is free of conceptualization and free of signs, […]"" [Engle 394-395]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir dharma svabhāva tathatā vikalpa nimitta,,,nir,,,,,svabhāva tathatā dharma,,,vikalpa nimitta,,, abhilāpya,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tañca kāyanirabhilāpyasvabhāvadharmatāṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""[That is to say], he or she accurately realizes the ineffable state of being that is the body's true nature."" [Engle 433]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharmatā,,,nir,,,,,svabhāva dharmatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nirabhilāpyasvabhāvadharmatayā ca duḥkhadharmatāṃ samudayadharmatāṃ nirodhadharmatāṃ mārgadharmatāṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""Moreover, he or she accurately realizes the true nature of suffering, the true nature of origination, the true nature of cessation, and the true nature of the path, in terms of the ineffable state of being that is their true nature."" [Engle 434]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva dharmatā,,,nir,,,,,svabhāva dharmatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] pāramārthikasāṃketikajñānaphalaṃ sarvaprapañcasaṃjñāsu anābhogavāhanaḥ tasmiṃśca nirabhilāpye vastumātrai nirnimittatayā ca nirvikalpacittāśāntyā sarvadharmasamataikarasagāmī |,"""[…](3) that which conveys [the mind to its object] effortlessly in relation to all elaborative conceptions; and (4) that which, by virtue of [both] the signlessness [that occurs] in relation to the ineffable bare substance [of entities] and the tranquility of the mind that does nor engage in conceptualization, leads to [the experiencing of] the single taste that is the sameness of all entities"". [Engle 435]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,prapañca saṃjñā nir vastu nimitta vikalpa,,,nir,,,,,vastu,,,nimitta vikalpa,,, abhilāpya,180,180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadyapyetav abhilāpyavastu vidyate yadāśrityābhilāpāḥ pravartante […],"""Even though a real substance that is capable of being described is considered to exist and verbal expressions occur in relation to that [perceived substance], nevertheless the essential nature that is described by means of verbal expressions does not have such a mode of being in an ultimate sense."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,,vastu vind,,,,vastu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasminn ākāśasthānīye nirabhilāpye vastuni vividhābhilāpakṛtāḥ saṃjñā vikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñānugatāḥ rūpakarmasthānīyāḥ pravartante |,"""In a similar way, the conceptions and false notions that resemble physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations arise in the ineffable reality that resembles space."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,ākāśa nir vastu,,,nir,,,,,ākāśa vastu,,,,,, abhilāpya,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] prapañcasaṃjñānugatānāṃ citrarūpakarmasthānīyānāṃ tan nirabhilāpyaṃ vastv ākāśasthānīyam avakāśaṃ dadāti |,"""In addition, the ineffable reality that resembles space makes room for all those conceptions and false notions that resemble the variety of physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations."" [Engle 441]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir vastu ākāśa,,,nir,,,,,ākāśa vastu,,,,,, abhilāpya,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] tenāryajñānena tan nirabhilāpyaṃ vastu sarvābhilāpyasvabhāv^ābhāvamātram ākāś^opamaṃ pariśuddhaṃ khyāti |,"""Moreover, when bodhisattvas, by means of an excellent knowledge, have completely and totally removed those false conceptions and notions that are caused to arise by expressions and that are accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations, the ārya knowledge of those supremely excellent bodhisattvas causes the ineffable reality that is a mere absence of all the essential natures that are expressed in words and that is a space-like purity to become evident."" [Engle 441-442]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir vastu svabhāva abhāva ākāśa khyā,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,vastu ākāśa,,,,,, abhilāpya,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na ca punaḥ sarveṇa sarvaṃ na saṃvidyante pāramārthikanirabhilāpy^ātmanā |,"""Nor are they completely and totally nonexistent, by virtue of their ultimate, ineffable nature."" [Engle 442]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,saṃvind pāramārthika nir ātman,,,nir,,,,,pāramārthika ātman,,,,,, abhilāpya,186,186,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yā punareṣāṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatā ayamevaiṣāṃ svabhāv^ārthaḥ |,"""This ineffable essential nature is the meaning that represents their essential nature."" [Engle 449]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāvatā artha,,,nir,,,,,svabhāvatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya tadeva nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu mithyāvikalpasamutthāpitena kleśena duḥkhena ca parigṛhītatvād anekadoṣaduṣṭaṃ […],"""Having perceived here how that very reality that is an ineffable essential nature becomes defiled by numerous faults through one's having been overpowered by the mental afflictions and suffering that are generated by [forming] wrongful concepts [about the nature of reality], […]"" [Engle 452]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva vastu mithyā vikalpa kleśa duḥkha,,,nir,,,,,vastu svabhāva,,,mithyā vikalpa,,, abhilāpya,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya tadeva nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu sarvavikalpaprapañcanimittāny apanīya […],"""Having cleared away from that very reality that is an ineffable essential nature all the signs that consist of mistaken notions and verbal elaborations [about it], […]"" [Engle 452]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva vastu vikalpa prapañca nimitta,,,nir,,,,,vastu svabhāva,,,vikalpa prapañca nimitta,,, abhilāpya,188,188,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvaḥ sarvasaṃskārāṇām abhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ nityakālameva n^āst^īty upalabhyānityataḥ sarvasaṃskārān paśyati |,"""Here a bodhisattva recognizes all formations as impermanent through having ascertained that the essential nature of all formations that is expressed in words is one that has never existed."" [Engle 455]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,saṃskāra svabhāva as,,,,saṃskāra svabhāva,,,,as,,,,,, abhilāpya,188,188,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,punar avijñātasya bhūtatastasyaiva nirabhilāpyasya vastunaḥ aparijñānahetukam udayavyayam upalabhyatān […],"""Moreover, through ascertaining that the arising and perishing [of formations] is caused by the failure to realize correctly their ineffable reality, he or she perceives all formations, which are [entities] whose essential nature is ineffable, as impermanent."" [Engle 455]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,na,vijñāta nir vastu,,,nir,,,,,vastu,,,vijñāta,,, abhilāpya,188,188,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] aparijñānahetukam udayavyayam upalabhyatān nirabhilāpyasvabhāvān sarvasaṃskārān anityataḥ samanupaśyati |,"""Moreover, through ascertaining that the arising and perishing [of formations] is caused by the failure to realize correctly their ineffable reality, he or she perceives all formations, which are [entities] whose essential nature is ineffable, as impermanent."" [Engle 455]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir svabhāva saṃskāra,,,nir,,,,,svabhāva,,,,,, abhilāpya,190,190,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yatsarveṣv abhilāpyeṣu vastuṣu sarvābhilāpasvabhāvo dharmo na saṃvidyate |,"""There is no entity whose essential nature is capable of being described in words that exists in relation to all the objects that are described in words."" [Engle 459-460]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,,vastu,,,,vastu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,199,199,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nirabhilāpyaṃ vastv ālambanīkṛtya sarvadharmeṣu yā tathatā nirvikalpasamatā niryāṇatā prajñā […],"""[…] (1) the wisdom that, having taken hold of the ineffable reality, has developed an awareness of the suchness that pertains to all entities and the sameness that does not engage in conceptualizarion about them, […]"" [Engle 482]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir vastu vikalpa,,,nir,,,,,vastu,,,vikalpa,,, abhilāpya,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] paramārthato nirabhilāpyasvabhāve vastuny abhilāpābhisaṃskārapratibhāsasya svabhāvasya lakṣaṇena hetubhāvena cāvidyamānasya […],"""[…] they have to do with the fact that the very same essence which appears to be capable of verbal description and [appears] to carry out an action, but which, in relation to the reality that is ineffable in an ultimate sense, does not exist by way of an attribute or a causal nature, […]"" [Engle 567]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,paramārtha nir svabhāva vastu,,,nir,,,,,paramārtha vastu svabhāva,,,,,, abhilāpya,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] tasmin vidyamāne vastuni nirabhilāpye ādau madhye paryavasāne sarvakālasaṃkleśasamatāṃ cārabhya tathatāsamyakpraveśanirvikalpasamatayā ca […],"""[…] they have to do with the fact that, in relation to the ineffable reality that does exist, [the process of] affliction—which is caused by ignorance of that [ultimate reality] or a belief that apprehends it wrongly—is characterized by a sameness that applies at all times [as indicated by the terms] beginning, middle, and end; […]"" [Engle 567]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,vidyamāna vastu nir,,,nir,vidyamāna,,,,vastu,,,,,, abhilāpya,36,36,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anabhilāpyarutaghoṣ^āpagataṃ ca prakṛtiśāntaṃ tathāgataghoṣam adhimucyate sarvasvarāṅgavibhaktiviśuddhyalaṃkārābhinirhāraṃ cābhinirharati |,"""He believes that the voice of Tathāgata is inexpressible, devoid of sound and voice and tranquil by nature, (yet) he accomplishes pure adornment which distinguishes all the voice-qualities."" [Megumu Honda 200-201]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an ruta ghoṣa svarāṅga,,,an,,,,ruta ghoṣa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,91,91,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śodhenti kṣetra khasamāśaya nirvikalpā jinalakṣanairupāgato acaladharmatāyām | abhilāpyaghoṣavigatā jagatoṣaṇ^ārthaṃ kṣaṇajñāna cittasya jināna samosaranti ||,"""7) Purifying realms, though their intentions are without thought-construction like empty space, 8) attaining immovable ultimate essence of things (acala-dharma­ta) with characteristics of the Conqueror, 9) (preaching) in order to please worldly people, though they are free from voice of speech, 10) (the wise ones) associate with (attain to comprehemion of) the mind of the Conquerors who can know (everything) in a moment."" [Megumu Honda 210]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,,ghoṣa vigata jagat,,,,vigata,,,ghoṣa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,1,1,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvabodhisattvaguṇapratipattisuparipūrṇ^ānabhilāpyakalpādhiṣṭhānasaṃprakāśanāparikṣīṇaguṇavarṇanirdeśakaiḥ |,"""[…] 11) were praised for their inexhaustible merits, having fulfilled the merits and exercises of all the Bodhisattvas and manifesting the (buddha's) sustaining power in innumerable world-ages, […]"" [Megumu Honda 118]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an kalpa,,,an,kalpa,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,2,2,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evaṃpramukhair aparimāṇ^āpramey^āsaṃkhyey^ācinty^ātuly^āmāpy^ānant^āparyant^āsīm^āprāpt^ānabhilāpyānabhilāpyair bodhisattvair mahāsattvaiḥ sārdhaṃ nānābuddhakṣetrasannipatitair,"""[…] and, having them as their leaders, (other) immeasurable, unfathomable, countless, unthinkable, unequalled, immense, endless, limitless, unlimited, unobtainable, and inexpressible Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas have come together from different buddha's realms, led by Vajragarbha Bodhisattva."" [Megumu Honda 118]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,na,aparimāṇa aprameya asaṃkhyeya acintya atulya amāpya ananta aparyanta asīma aprāpta an bodhisattva,,,an,bodhisattva,,,aparimāṇa aprameya asaṃkhyeya acintya atulya amāpya ananta aparyanta asīma aprāpta,,,,,,, abhilāpya,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…]triṃśadvā catvāriṃśadvā pañcāśadvā śataṃ vā yāvad anabhilāpyā api trisāhasramahāsāhasrā lokadhātūḥ spharitvā sattvānāṃ svakāyaṃ […],"""Thus having pervaded two or three or four or five or ten or twenty or thirty or forty or fifty or hundred or inexpressible triple thousand great thousand worlds, he produces his own body […]"" [Megumu Honda 224]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an trisāhasra mahāsāhasra lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,trisāhasra mahāsāhasra,,, abhilāpya,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] ekabuddhakṣetrācca na calati anabhilāpyeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu tathāgataparṣanmaṇḍaleṣu ca pratibhāsaprāpto bhavati ||,"""He, endowed with such knowledge, well abides in this stage and does appear in borrowed, reflected shape (pratibhāsa) in the assembly of Tathāgata in inexpressible buddha-realms without moving from one buddha-realm."" [Megumu Honda 224]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an buddhakṣetra,,,an,buddhakṣetra,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iti hi bho jinaputra yāvanto anabhilāpyeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu sattvānāmupapattyāyatanādhimuktiprasarāsteṣu tathatvāya svakāyavibhaktimādarśayati ||,"""Thus indeed, o son of the Conqueror, as long as there are various places of birth and locations of mental dispositions (character traits) of living beings in the inexpressible buddha realms, he shows varieties of his own body respectively in adaptation to them."" [Megumu Honda 225]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an buddhakṣetra,,,an,buddhakṣetra,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,46,46,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āyurvaśitāṃ ca pratilabhate anabhilāpy^ānabhilāpyakalp^āyuḥpramāṇ^ādhiṣṭhānatayā |,"""1) He attains the mastery in life because he abides in the span of life of inexpressible kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 227]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,na,an kalpa pramāṇa,,,an,kalpa,,,,,,,pramāṇa,,, abhilāpya,53,53,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan anabhilāpy^ānabhilāpyalokadhātvaparyantataḥ pṛthivyaptejovāyuskandhebhyaḥ sūkṣmaparamāṇurajaḥprabhedata […],"""He, as he wishes, emits the inexpressible entrances to the doctrine from each atom-dust, (all of) which are divided into subtle atom-dusts from the aggregates of earth, water, fire and wind in inexpressible limitless world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 249]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,na,an lokadhātu aparyanta,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,aparyanta,,, abhilāpya,53,53,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] sūkṣmaparamāṇurajaḥprabhedata ekaikaparamāṇuraj^onabhilāpyāni dharmamukhāni niścārayati |,"""He, as he wishes, emits the inexpressible entrances to the doctrine from each atom-dust, (all of) which are divided into subtle atom-dusts from the aggregates of earth, water, fire and wind in inexpressible limitless world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 249]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an mukha,,,an,mukha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,53,53,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] yāvad anabhilāpyalokadhātuparyāpannā vā sattvā upasaṃkramya ekakṣaṇalavamuhūrtena praśnān paripṛccheyuḥ […],"""Or if living beings involved in the inexpressible (number of) world-regions approaching (him) would ask questions in a moment and each of them would ask with the variety of immeasurable sounds and the second living being would not ask what the first one asks, […]"" [Megumu Honda 249]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,53,53,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvad anabhilāpyān api lokadhātūn spharitvā yathāśayendriyādhimuktitaḥ sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayati |,"""Or again having pervaded the inexpressible (number of) world-regions he teaches doctrine to the living beings according to their intentions, faculties and resolute beliefs."" [Megumu Honda 250]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,53,53,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sacedekasmin vālāgraprasare yāvanty anabhilāpyeṣu lokadhātuṣu paramāṇurajāṃsi tāvantastathāgatās tāvad apramāṇaprāpteṣveva parṣanmaṇḍaleṣu dharmaṃ deśayeyuḥ |,"""If the Tathāgatas on one point of a hair, who are the same (in number) as atom-dusts in inexpressible world-regions, would teach the doctrine at the assemblies which are almost immeasurable, […]"" [Megumu Honda 250]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu apramāṇa,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,apramāṇa,,, abhilāpya,60,60,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma bho jinaputra daśasu dikṣu daśabuddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpyakoṭiniyutaśatasahasraparamāṇurajaḥsamāsu lokadhātuṣu yāvat[…],"""For instance, o son of the Conqueror, now among the world-regions (the number of which is) comparable with the atom-dusts in the inexpressible ten hundreds thousands million-billions of buddha's realms in ten directions if there exists one living being […]"" [Megumu Honda 268]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,buddhakṣetra an koṭi,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭi,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dve api tisro api catasro api pañcāpi yāvad anabhilāpy^āpi lokadhātur ekasmin paramāṇurajasi sarvāḥ sacakravālaparikhā adhitiṣṭhati |,"""He sustains in one atom-dust two or three or four or five or as far as inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions containing everything together with Mt. Cakravāḍa range."" [270-271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,pañcan an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,pañcan,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan yāvad anabhilāpyalokadhātuvyūhamādarśayati |,"""He, as he wishes, shows as far as the arrangement of inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvad anabhilāpyāsu lokadhātuṣvādarśayati |,"""He shows (the arrangement of one world-region) as far as in inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan yāvad anabhilāpyāsu lokadhātuṣu yaḥ sattvadhātustamekasyāṃlokadhātau saṃdadhāti naca sattvān viheṭhayati |,"""He, as he wishes, puts all the mass of living beings, which are in as far as inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions, in one world-region without injuring living beings."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan ekasyāṃ lokadhātau yāvān sattvadhātustamanabhilāpyāsu lokadhātuṣu saṃdadhāti […]|,"""He, as he wishes, puts the mass of living beings, which are in one world-region, in inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions without injuring living beings."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan anabhilāpyalokadhātugatān sattvānekavālapathe saṃdadhāti […] |,"""He, as he wishes, puts the living beings, which are in inexpressible (numbers of) world-regions, in one hair-hole without injuring living beings."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan yāvad anabhilāpyān sarvākārabuddhaviṣayavyūhān ādarśayati |,"""He, as he wishes, shows the inexpressible (numbers of) arrangements in all sorts of buddha's spheres."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an vyūha,,,an,vyūha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,61,61,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan yāvanty anabhilāpyāsu lokadhātuṣu paramāṇurajāṃsi tāvata ātmabhāvānekakṣaṇalavamuhūrtena nirmimīte |,"""He, as he wishes, magically creates in a moment his bodies as many as atom-dusts in inexpressible world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 271]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,an lokadhātu,,,an,lokadhātu,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,aruto anabhilāpyo avyāhāro vyāhārasamucchinnaḥ ||,"""It is voiceless, ineffable, inexpressible, and cut off from any expressions."" [M. Salvini 1.69]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,ruta an vyāhāra,,,an,,,,ruta vyāhāra,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,yo niḥpudgal^ārthaḥ so an abhilāpy^ārthaḥ |,"""The meaning of being devoid of a person is the ineffable meaning."" [M. Salvini 1.92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,pudgala an artha,,,an,pudgala artha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,yaś c^ānabhilāpy^^ārthaḥ sa pratītyasamutpād^ārthaḥ |,"""The ineffable meaning is the meaning of dependent arising."" [M. Salvini 1.92]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an artha pratītyasamutpāda,,,an pratītyasamutpāda,artha,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,[…] digbhāgād daśabuddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpyakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraparamāṇu,"""[…] as many bodhisattva great beings as there are atoms of dust in ten ineffable quintillion buddhafields approached him from all the ten directions; […]"" [M. Salvini 1.4]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,daśa buddhakṣetra an koṭī niyuta śatasahasra,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭī,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,mañjuśrīr daśasu dikṣu buddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpya koṭīniyutaśatasahasraparamāṇu,"""[…] imagine that there were as many ordained bodhisattvas in the ten directions as there are atomic particles in inexpressibly numerous, tens of quintillions of buddhafields."" [M. Salvini 1.152]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,buddhakṣetra an koṭī niyuta śatasahasra,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭī,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,[…] digbhāge daśabuddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpyakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraparamāṇu,"""[…] as many buddhas, as many bhagavats, as there are atomic particles in inexpressibly numerous, tens of quintillions of buddhafields."" [M. Salvini 1.152]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,daśa buddhakṣetra an koṭī niyuta śatasahasra,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭī,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,sa śrāvakaṃ daśasu buddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpyakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraparamaṇu,"""[…] for as many eons as there are atomic particles in inexpressibly numerous, tens of quintillions of buddhafields."" [M. Salvini 1.152]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,daśa buddhakṣetra an koṭī niyuta śatasahasra,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭī,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,9522,9522,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,asya divase divase buddhakṣetr^ānabhilāpyakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraparamāṇu,"""[…] each and every day, he would offer as many world spheres as there are atomic particles in inexpressibly numerous, tens of trillions of buddhafields, […]"" [M. Salvini 1.152]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,buddhakṣetra an koṭī niyuta śatasahasra,,,buddhakṣetra an,koṭī,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,8,8,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,ādhyātmikānām apy avidyāniryātānāṃ skandhadhātvāyatanopagānāṃ sarvadharmāṇāṃ traidhātukopapannānāṃ dṛṣṭasukhasaṃsthānām abhilāpyagativiśeṣāḥ |,"""From ignorance there develop the Skandhas, Dhātus, Āyatanas, with all kinds of objects accompanying, which grow out in the triple world where we have, as we see, happiness, form, speech, and behaviour, each differentiating [infinitely]."" [Suzuki 17-18]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,,dharma dṛṣṭa sukha saṃsthāna gati viśeṣa,,,,viśeṣa,,,sukha saṃsthāna gati,,,,,,, abhilāpya,31,31,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] sarvadharmanirabhilāpyaśūnyatā […],"""[…] (5) the emptiness of all things in the sense that they are unpredicable (nirabhilapya), […]"" [Suzuki 66]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,dharma nir śūnyatā,,,dharma nir,,,,,śūnyatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,32,32,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,sarvadharmanirabhilāpyaśūnyatā punar mahāmate katamā ?,"""Again, Mahāmati, what is meant by the emptiness of all things in the sense that they are unpredicable?"" [Suzuki 66]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,dharma nir śūnyatā,,,dharma nir,,,,,śūnyatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,32,32,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yaduta parikalpitasvabhāv^ānabhilāpyatvān nirabhilāpyaśūnyāḥ sarvadharmāḥ |,"""It is that the nature of the false imagination is not expressible, hence the emptiness of all things in the sense of their unpredicability."" [Suzuki 66]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,parikalpita svabhāva an śūnya dharma,,,parikalpita svabhāva an,,,,,śūnya,,,,,dharma, abhilāpya,32,32,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tenocyate nirabhilāpyaśūnyat^eti ||,"""Thus one speaks of the emptiness of unpredicability."" [Suzuki 66]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,nir śūnyatā,,,nir,,,,,śūnyatā,,,,,, abhilāpya,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yena vāgvikalpalakṣaṇahṛdayena bhagavan suprativibhāgavinibaddhena ahaṃ ca anye ca bodhisattvā mahāsattvā abhilāp^ābhilāpy^ārthadvayagatiṃ gatāḥ kṣipram anuttarāṃ […],"""[…] whereby, Blessed One, I and other Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, comprehending and becoming well acquainted with the essence of discrimination as regards words, will be thoroughly informed of the signification of two things, expression and expressed, […]"" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,na,vāc abhilāpa artha,,,,artha,,,abhilāpa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbudhya abhilāp^ābhilāpy^ārthadvayagatiṃ sarvasattvānāṃ viśodhayeyuḥ |,"""[…] and, thereby immediately attaining supreme enlightenment, will explain the signification of these two things, expression and expressed, for the purification of all beings."" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu,,abhilāpa artha,,,,artha,,,abhilāpa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,118,118,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,buddhyā vivecyamānānāṃ svabhāvo n^āvadhāryate | yasmāt tad anabhilāpyās te niḥsvabhāvāś ca deśitāḥ ||,"""When the self-nature [of all things] is examined by knowledge, it is beyond reach; therefore, they are without self-nature and unattainable."" [Suzuki 240/100]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,avadhār an svabhāva,,,an,,,,svabhāva,,,avadhār,,,, abhilāpya,48,48,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,buddhyā vivecyamānānāṃ svabhāvo n^āvadhāryate | tasmād anabhilāpyās te niḥsvabhāvāśca deśitāḥ ||,"""When the self-nature [of all things] is examined by knowledge, it is beyond reach; therefore, they are without self-nature and unattainable."" [Suzuki 100]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,avadhār an svabhāva,,,an,,,,svabhāva,,,avadhār,,,, abhilāpya,58,58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,anabhilāpyam aprapañc^ātmakaṃ ca pariniṣpannaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""The inexpressible, naturally unfabricated (reality) is the perfect reality."" [Thurman 121]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an prapañca pariniṣpanna svabhāva,,,an,,,,,pariniṣpanna svabhāva,,,prapañca,,, abhilāpya,138,138,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nirjalpā prāptir adhigamajñānaṃ lokottaraṃ | tasy^ānabhilāpyatvāt |,"""""Inarticulable attainment"" is the transmundane intuition of realization, because it is inexpressible."" [Thurman 256]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,jalpa jñāna lokottara an,,,an,,,,,lokottara,,jalpa,,,jñāna, abhilāpya,1,1,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tatra śruticintāmayajñānaduṣprativedhād anabhilāpyasvabhāvaḥ pratyātmavedanīyo artho vajravadveditavyaḥ,"""Here, it being difficult to be penetrated by the knowledge consisting in studying and thinking, the meaning [of the Enlightenment] which is not capable of being explained but is to be realized by oneself, should be understood as 'like a thunderbolt'."" [Takasaki 142]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,śruti cintāmaya jñāna an svabhāva artha,,,an,artha svabhāva,,,,,,,jñāna,,, abhilāpya,2,2,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,anabhilāpyo hyānanda dharmaḥ | sa na śakyaḥ karṇena śrotum |,"""2) ‘Dharma’: “Verily, O Ānanda, unutterable is the Doctrine. It cannot be heard by ears”."" [Takasakai 143]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an dharma śrotu,,,an,dharma,,,,,,,,,, abhilāpya,8,8,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,svayamanācāryakeṇa svayaṃbhūjñānena nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatām abhisaṃbudhya tadanubodhaṃ pratyabudhānāmapi […],"""Thus, not having heard the buddhahood, which is a quite marvellous and unthinkable sphere, from somebody else, but having perfectly cognized its unutterable nature ‘by one self’, i.e. by means of self-born knowledge which needs no teacher, […]"" [Takasaki 157]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,jñāna nir svabhāva,,,nir,svabhāva,,,,,,,jñāna,,, abhilāpya,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvarutaravitaghoṣavākpathaniruktisaṃketavyavahār^ābhilāpair anabhilāpyatvāt |,"""[…] 2) it cannot be explained by any sound, voice, speech, way of speech, explanation, agreed term, designation, conversation [and so forth]; […]"" [Takasaki 166]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti saṃketa vyavahāra abhilāpa an,,,an,,,,,,abhilāpa,,,,, abhilāpya,25,25,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,anabhilāpyadharmatāṃ ca vāco na vijahāti yathārutavijñaptyā ca sattvebhyo dharmaṃ deśayati |,"""[…] without casting off the indescribable nature of his speech, he teaches the Doctrine for the sake of living beings through the proper word-communication; […]"" [Takasaki 193-194]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,an dharmatā vāc yathā ruta vijñapti,,,an,dharmatā,,,,,,,ruta vijñapti,,, abhilāpya,90,90,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,acintyo anabhilāpyatvād alāpyaḥ paramārthataḥ | paramārtho apratarkyatvād […],"""It is ‘inconceivable’ since it is unutterable It is ‘unutterable’ since it is the Highest Truth, It is ‘the Highest Truth’ since it cannot be constructed by thought."" [Takasaki 334]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,cintya an lāpya paramārtha pratarkya,,,an,,,,,paramārtha,lāpya,,cintya pratarkya,,, abhilāpya,145,145,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,alakṣaṇo nirnimitto yathaiva gaganaṃ tathā | kāyo nirabhilāpyo me durvijñeyo nidarśitaḥ ||,"""Without characteristics, without attributes, It is the same as space. My body is indescribable. It is taught to be difficult to understand."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.27[21]]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,lakṣaṇa nimitta kāya nir vijñeya,,,nir,kāya,,,,,,,lakṣaṇa nimitta vijñeya,,, abhilāpya,23,23,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] bodhisattvacaryāṃ caran apramey^āsaṃkhyey^ācinty^ātuly^āmāpy^āparimāṇ^ānabhilāpyāni varṣakoṭīnayutāśatasahasrāṇi na jātu […],"""[…] he never entertained thoughts of lust, malevolence, or violence, for measureless, countless, inconceivable, incomparable, immense, limitless, and inexpressible hundreds of thousands of millions of trillions of years."" [Gomez 78]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya tulya māpya parimāṇa an koṭi sahasra,,,an,sahasra koṭi,,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya tulya māpya parimāṇa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,25,25,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] bodhisattvacaryāś carato apramey^āsaṃkhyey^ācinty^ātuly^āmāpy^āparimāṇ^ānabhilāpyāni kalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi […],"""[…] so that as he practiced the conduct of the bodhisattva, during measureless, countless, inconceivable, incomparable, immense, limitless, and inexpressible hundreds of thousands of millions of trillions of cosmic ages, his mouth breathed the aroma of sandalwood, sweeter than any heavenly perfume."" [Gomez 79-80]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya tulya māpya parimāṇa an koṭi sahasra,,,an,sahasra koṭi,,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya tulya māpya parimāṇa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,48,48,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] yeṣāṃ c^āpramey^āsaṃkhyey^ācinty^āmāpy^āparimāṇ^ānabhilāpyānāṃ sattvānāṃ bodhivṛkṣaś cakṣuṣābhāsam […],"""And the measureless, countless, inconceivable, immense, limitless, and inexpressible numbers of living beings whose eyes are touched by the sight of the Tree of Awakening […]"" [Gomez 96]",Language,Language@Intelligibility,verbalization@Measurement,verbal expression,ineffable/indeterminate,neu.neg,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya māpya parimāṇa an sattva,,,an,sattva,,,prameya saṃkhyeya cintya māpya parimāṇa,,,,,,, abhilāpya,31,31r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yasya sarvavāsanā prahīṇā apagatavākpathānām anabhilāpya paramārthānām anabhiniviṣṭānām etat pratibhānaṃ |,"""eloquent are those who have extinguished all karmic traces, who have done away with the way of words and have attained the ultimate, which is inexpressible, those who are free from attachment."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,vākpatha an paramārtha pratibhāna,,,an,paramārtha,,,,,,,vākpatha,,, abhilāpya,,,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavān āha | piṇḍagrāhaś caivāvyavahāro anabhilāpyaḥ subhūte sa dharmaḥ sa bālapṛthagjanair udgṛhītaḥ,"""And yet seizing upon something solid is a dharma which is beyond linguistic expression, Subhūti, which is ineffable. It has been taken up by foolish ordinary people."" [Paul Harrison 158,7 - 15]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,vyavahāra an dharma,,,an,dharma,,,,,,vyavahāra,,,, abhilāpya,10,10.9,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,santy ānanda buddhakṣetrāṇi tādṛśāni pariśuddhāni yatr^ānudāhārat^āpravyāhārat^ānirdeśat^ānabhilāpyatā teṣāṃ satvānāṃ buddhakṛtyaṃ karoti |,"""Also, Ananda, there are utterly pure buddha-fields that accomplish the buddhawork for living beings without speech, by silence, inexpressibility, and unteachability."" [Thurman 86]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,udāhāra pravyāhāra nirdeśa an buddha,,,an,,,,,buddha,,,udāhāra pravyāhāra nirdeśa,,, abhilāpya,6,6,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tena kalpiten^ātmanā teṣāṃ nairātmyaṃ na tv anabhilāpyen^ātmanā yo buddhānāṃ viṣaya iti |,"""It is selflessness in reference to a constructed self, i.e. all those things that constitute the ""own-being"" believed in by fools, that is the constructed with its ""objects apprehended"" and ""subjects apprehendor"", etc. and not in reference to the ineffable Self, which is the scope of buddhas."" [Anacker 166]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,kalpita an ātman buddha,,,an,ātman,,,,,,,kalpita,,, abhilāpya,10,10,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ajñānād yathā buddhasya gocaraḥ || yathā tan nirabhilāpyen^ātmanā buddhānāṃ gocaraḥ | tathā tadajñānāt […],"""Because of non-knowledge, as in the case of the scope of buddhas. It's just like in the case of the scope of buddhas, which comes about through the ineffable Self."" [Anacker 174]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech,verbally expressible,verbally expressible,neu.neg,,jñāna nir ātman buddha,,,nir,ātman,,,,,,,jñāna,,, abhiprārthana,80,80,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhāventi tān janayatāṃ samavekṣya buddhim upastambhayanti praṇidhiṃ kṛtapūrvamaitrāḥ | sarvajñajñānam abhiprārthana buddhakṣetraṃ balaśreṣṭhamuttamapathaṃ anucintayantaḥ ||12||,"""12) They train their minds in affection and care for these creatures, they establish the vow of prevailing good will. They long for the knowledge of the Omniscient and the buddha’s realm, calling to their minds the most excellent power and the highest path."" [Honda 171]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,pursuit,pursuit,pos,,sarvajña jñāna buddha kṣetra,,,jñāna kṣetra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, ākalpa,4,2280955|4.20,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yac chrāvakapratyekabuddhākalpasaṃdarśanagocaraś ca buddhadharmātyajanagocaraś ca ayaṃ bodhisatvasya gocaraḥ |,"""The domain of manifesting the attitudes of the disciples and the solitary sages without sacrificing the qualities of the buddha, such is the domain of the bodhisattva."" [Thurman 49]",Bahaviour,Action/operation@Undertaking,Behaviour@practice,Doing,practice,neu,,śrāvaka pratyekabuddha saṃdarśana buddha dharma ātyajana,saṃdarśana,,śrāvaka pratyekabuddha,,NA,NA,,,,,dharma,,NA, anuvyavahāra,399,399|02-399|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pāramārthikayor api saṃvṛtibhajanāt kṣīṇā me jātirn^āparam asmād bhavaṃprajānāmiiti tadbalānuvyavahārataḥ|,"""In fact, these two knowledges, even though they are of the absolute level of truth, are also included in the conventional level of truth; they are therefore foreign to the aspects of emptiness and non-self. When an ascetic departs from the contemplation in which the knowledges of the absolute truth are realized, through the force of these knowledges, later knowledges are produced which are of the conventional level of truth: ""my births are cut off, the religious life has been fully cultivated, I have done what should have been done, and I do not know of any more existences for me."" [Poussin, Pruden 1108]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neg,other,pāramārthika iti bala,,,bala,,,,,pāramārthika,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,69,69//97,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,daśa hetavaḥ katame | anuvyavahārahetuḥ | apekṣāhetuḥ | ākṣepahetuḥ [...],"""What are the ten causes? They are (1) the causes of orderly discourse, (2) requisite causes, (3) propelling causes, (4) supporting causes, (5) originating causes, (6) producing causes, (7) fixed causes, (8) cooperating causes, (9) opposing causes, and (10) compatible causes."" [Engle 176]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,hetu apekṣā ākṣepa,,,,hetu,,,apekṣā ākṣepa,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,69,69//97,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra sarvadharmāṇāṃ yannāma nāmapūrvikā ca saṃjñā saṃjñāpūrvakaś ca abhilāpaḥ | ayam ucyate teṣāṃ dharmāṇām anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names that relate to all entities, as well as the conceptions that are preceded by names and the statements that are preceded by conceptions, are called the causes of orderly discourse that relate to those entities."" [Engle 176]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃjñā abhilāpa dharma hetu,,,,hetu,,,nāman saṃjñā abhilāpa,,,NA,,dharma,, anuvyavahāra,70,70//99,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vividhāni sasyāni [...] teṣāṃ tāvadyadidaṃ nāma saṃjñā vāg vyāhāro vividhas tad yathā yavaśāligodhūmatilamudgamāṣakulatth^ādikaḥ | ayam eṣām anuvyavahārahetuḥ [...],"""The various kinds of crops [...] have the following variety of names, conceptions, and forms of verbal usage: barley, rice, wheat, sesame, urad beans, mung beans, horse gram beans, etc. ""Let the barley be fetched,"" [...] are expressions that provide examples of their causes of orderly discourse."" [Engle 179-180]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,sasya nāman saṃjñā vāc vyāhāra hetu,,,sasya,hetu,,,nāman saṃjñā vāc vyāhāra,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,71,71//100,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra sarvasya pratītyasamutpādasya yadidaṃ nāmasaṃjñāvāgvyāhāras tadyathā [...] ity ayantāvat saṃkleśasya anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names, conceptions, and verbal expressions that relate to all [the elements that make up the doctrine] of dependent origination – ranging from [...]– constitute the causes of orderly discourse that pertain to the process of affliction."" [Engle 181]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃjñā vāc vyāhāra iti saṃkleśa hetu,,,saṃkleśa,hetu,,,nāman saṃjñā vāc vyāhāra,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,71,71//100,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,avidyāpratyayāḥ saṃskārā yāvajjātipratyayaṃ jarāmaraṇam ity evam ādikasya anuvyavahārasya viṣay^āsvādāpekṣā ca eṣu bhavāṅgeṣu pravṛtiḥ | ayam asya saṃkleśasy^āpekṣāhetuḥ |,"""Regarding [the series of limbs that make up] the orderly discourse that begins with ""formations are conditioned by ignorance"" and continues up to ""old age and death are conditioned by birth,"" the activities that occur in relation to the limbs of [a sentient being's] existence and that are dependent on the experiencing of objects represent the requisite causes of the process of affliction."" [Engle 181]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,iti viṣaya āsvāda pravṛtti,,,,viṣaya āsvāda pravṛtti,,,,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,71,71//101,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yaḥ sarveṣu vyavadānapakṣyeṣu dharmeṣu nirodhe ca nirvāṇe nāmasaṃjñāvāgvyāhāraḥ | ayaṃ vyavadānasya anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names, conceptions, and verbal expressions that relate to all the spiritual qualities that are conducive to purification, as well as the cessation [that occurs in the reversal of the twelve limbs of dependent origination] and nirvana, constitute the causes of orderly discourse that pertain to the process of purification."" [Engle 182]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,vyavadāna nirodha nirvāṇa nāman saṃjñā vāg vyāhāra vyavadāna hetu,,,vyavadāna,hetu,,,nāman saṃjñā vāg vyāhāra,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,71,71//101,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,it^īmāni smṛtyupasthānāni samyak prahāṇāni yāvad āry^āṣṭ^āṅgo mārgaḥ | avidyānirodhāc ca saṃskāranirodho vistareṇa yāvaj jātinirodhāj jarāmaraṇanirodha ity asyaivaṃ bhāgīyasy^ ānuvyavahārasya |,"""The kind of entities [that make up this form of the cause] of orderly discourse include [the thirty-seven qualities that are conducive to enlightenment –which begin with] the [four] closely placed recollections, the [four] forms of correct abandonment..."" [Engle 182]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,iti bhāgīya,,,bhāgīya,,,,,,,NA,,,, anuvyavahāra,74,74//105,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,śabdavidyāṃ bodhisattvaḥ paryeṣate | saṃskṛtalapit^ādhimuktān ātmani saṃpratyay^otpādan^ārthaṃ saniruktapadavyañjananirūpaṇatayā ekasya c^ ārthasya nānāprakāraniruttyanuvyavahār^ānupraveś^ārtham |,"""A bodhisattva seeks [to learn] the science of grammar in order to cause those who are devoted to well-composed speech to develop a firm sense of trust toward him or her by virtue of the presentation of well-derived words and syllables and so that he or she might engage in the orderly discourse that [provides] a variety of linguistic interpretations for a single meaning."" [Engle 190]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,śabdavidyā lapita nirukta pada vyañjana artha nirukti anupraveśa artha,,,artha,anupraveśa,,,,,,NA,lapita,nirukta pada vyañjana,, anuvyavahāra,97,97//140,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ālapanasaṃlapanapratisammodanaiḥ kālen^opasaṃkramaṇatayā parato bhojanapān^ādi [prati]grahato laukik^ārth^ānuvyavahārataḥ āhūtasy^āgamanagamanataḥ samāsataḥ sarv^ānarth^opasaṃhit^āmanāpasamudācāraparivarjanaiś citt^ānuvartanatā |,"""[11 forms of morality in regards to actions towards sentient beings, […] number 8 is:] receiving food, drink, and the like from others by approaching them at appropriate times and conversing with them, chatting with them, and pleasing them; engaging in orderly discourse [with others] regarding worldly affairs; coming and going in response to invitations [from others] -in short, [acting in a way that] complies with the minds [of others], while avoiding all forms of unattractive and wrongful behavior."" [Engle 243]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,ālapana saṃlapana pratisammodana laukika artha,,,laukika artha,,,,,,,NA,ālapana saṃlapana pratisammodana,,, artha,15,015|03-015|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃkleśavastujñāpanārthaṃ khalūpādānaskandhavacanaṃ,"""3. Furthermore, the expression upādānaskandha (i.8a) designates the totality of that which is the cause of defilements; [...]"" [Pruden 82]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,saṃkleśa vastu jñāpana ūpādāna skandha vacana,,,jñāpana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vacana, artha,119,119|24-119|26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,apare tvāhuḥ | śarīradhātūnām avasthāpanārthaṃ,"""2. Others explain that the Bodhisattva has taken up the womb in order that his body remains as relics after his Nirvana: [...]."" [Pruden 382]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,śarīra dhātu avasthāpana,,,avasthāpana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,237,237|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,viramārthena ca maunam |ato mana eva virataṃ maunam ity ucyate |,"""But ‘silence’ is abstention, thus the mind itself ‘which abstains’ receives the name of silence."" [Pruden 638]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,virama mauna,,,virama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,400,400|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,samyakpratipādanārthena pratipat |,"""3. Obtaining, because it brings about correct obtaining, that is to say one obtains (Nirvana through it.)."" [Pruden 1111]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,,samyañc pratipādana pratipad,,,pratipādana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,30,030|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,cakṣuridānīmasantīrakatve kathaṃ dṛṣṭiḥ | rūpālocanārthena | yasmāt cakṣuḥ paśyati rūpāṇi,"But, one would say, the organ of sight does not possess ""judgment which proceeds from a consideration of the object."" How do you then say that it is ""view?"" ""View"" is understood here as the seeing of visible matter. 42a. It is the organ of sight which sees visible matter. [BGH: Now, how can the eye be dṛṣṭi 'view' when it does not have judgement (loc. of circumstance? See Speijer, Syntax, §143)?] [Does dṛṣṭi 'possess' the sense (conc.rel.) or is it modifed by artha (dep./syntact.rel.)?] [Pruden 114]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,a dṛṣṭi rūpa ālocana,,,ālocana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,2,002|15-002|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sa hi śāstrasaṃjñako abhidharma etasminn arthato yathāpradhānamantarbhūta ityetacchāstraṃ tasya kośasthānīyaṃ bhavati |,"""The Treatise that bears the name of Abhidharma enters by its meaning into this work, which is thus the Abhidharmakośa, ‘the sheath of the Abhidharma.’"" [Pruden 57]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,other,antarbhūta,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,80,080|28-081|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tadyathā gaurityeṣa śabdo navasvartheṣu kṛtāvadhiḥ |,"""It is thus that the Ancients have invested the sound go with the power to signify nine things: […]."" [Pruden 249]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,other,śabda nava su avadhi,,,nava,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,avadhi, artha,1,001|14-001|15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na tu sarvathā | tathā hyeṣāṃ buddhadharmeṣvativiprakṛṣṭadeśakāleṣu artheṣu cānantaprabhedeṣu bhavatyevākliṣṭamajñānam |,"""But they do not know the qualities proper to the buddha (vii.28), objects very distant in space or time (vii.55), nor the infinite complex of things; therefore, they have not destroyed blindness in an absolute manner, for the ignorance freed from the defilements is active in them."" [Pruden 55]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,ativiprakṛṣṭa deśa kāla a jñāna,,,kāla,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,jñāna, artha,142,142|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadidaṃ loke pratītaṃ teṣāṃ teṣāmarthānāṃ pratyāyakaṃ gauraśvo rūpaṃ rasa ityevamādi |,"""In this phrase, ‘by reason of name,’ one takes the word ‘name’ in its popular sense, (saṃjñākaraṇa, ii.47a, English trans, p. 250), as a ‘designation,’ which designates and causes to be understood either a collection, ‘cattle,’ ‘horses,’ etc., or a single thing, ‘rūpa’ ‘taste,’ etc."" [Pruden 423]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,pratyāyaka,,,,pratyāyaka,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,142,142|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nāma tvarūpiṇaḥ skandhāḥ kiṃ kāraṇam | nāmendriy[...]vaśenārtheṣu namatīti nāma |,"""30a. Nāman are the skandhas that are not rūpa. The four nonmaterial skandhas,—sensation, ideas, saṃskāras, and consciousness, are called nāman, for nāman signifies ‘that which bends, yields,’ (namatīti nāma)."" [Pruden 422-3]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,indriya nam nāman,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,nam, artha,203,203|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃ tarhi na kiñcitsāsravamavyākṛtaṃ bhaviṣyati kuśalaṃ vā | saṃsārābhyantaratvāt | paramārthata evamuktaṃ,"""[…] hence can nothing which is impure be good or neutral? From the absolute point of view, this is true."" [Pruden 575]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence@Reality/real_existence/actuality,ultimate reality/truth,parmārtha ultimate reality/truth,pos,other,parama ukta,,,parama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,1,001|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yathārthamaviparītaṃ śāstīti yath[...]śāstā |,""" 'teacher of truth,' because he teaches in conformity with that which is, without error."" [Pruden 56]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence@Reality/real_existence/actuality,ultimate reality/truth,parmārtha ultimate reality/truth,pos,,yathā a viparīta śāstin,,,yathā viparīta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,124,124,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha sa rājakumāra evam āha | paśya mahārāja ayaṃ bhikṣur bodhisatvasamādhiṃ samāpannaḥ sarvakleśavinirmukto bhavasāgarapāraṃgataḥ sarvasatvahitārthaṃ ca mārgaṃ darśayate śubham |,"""The prince said, 'Look, Great King, this monk has entered into the samādhi of a bodhisattva, he is liberated from all the defilements, he has gone beyond the ocean of worldly existence, and he shows the resplendent path for the welfare of all beings'."" [Hirabayashi et.al. 121]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,sarva satva hita mārga dṛś/paś,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dṛś/paś, artha,328,328,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,yaduktaṃ bhagavatā dharmaṃ vo bhikṣavo deśayiṣyāmi ādau kalyāṇaṃ madhye kalyāṇaṃ paryavasāne kalyāṇaṃ svarthaṃ suvyañjanam kevalaṃ paripūrṇaṃ pariśuddhaṃ paryavadātaṃ brahmacaryaṃ prakāśayāmi,"""The Blessed One [previously] said, 'The Dharma, monks, that I shall teach you is virtuous in the beginning, virtuous in the middle, virtuous in the end, good in sense and letter, most perfect, pure, clear, leading to the highest path."" [Samtani 218]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,bhagavant dharma diś/deś kalyāṇa su vyañjana,,,su,dharma,,NA,vyañjana,,NA,,,NA,, artha,55,55,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,vakṣyati ca | āryo mauryaśrīḥ sa prajānāṃ hitārthaṃ kṛtsne stūpān yaḥ kārayāmāsa loke | caṇḍāśokatvaṃ prāpya pūrvaṃ pṛthivyāṃ dharmāśokatvaṃ karmaṇā tena lebhe ||,"""As it is said: For the benefit of beings throughout the world the noble Maurya built stūpas. He had been known as 'Aśoka the Fierce'; by this act he became 'Aśoka the Righteous'.""[Strong 221]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,prajā hita stūpa kṛ,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,kṛ, artha,91,91,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,rājāha | dīyatāmatra kākaṇiḥ | yāvadamātyairabhihitaḥ | deva kimarthaṃ tulyeṣvavasthiteṣvatra kākaṇī dīyata iti |,"""Aśoka said: 'Make an offering of a penny here.' Hearing this, his ministers immediately asked: 'Your majesty, why have you changed the pattern you established by your offerings to the other stūpas and given only a penny to this one?'"" [Strong 255]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,kim kākaṇī dā,,,kim,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dā, artha,27,27,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,utsṛjya dāridram anarthamūlaṃ yaḥ sphītaśobhāṃ śriyamicchatīha | svargāpavargāya ca yasya vāñchā sa śraddhayā dharmamataḥ śṛṇotu ||,"""All those who wish to abandon poverty, that is the root of calamity, [and to attain] prosperity, and ample splendor here below, and those whose desire is for heaven and release, listen with faith to the Dharma preached by this one."" [Strong 196]",Existence,Prosperity,Prosperity,welfare,prosperity (prototypical object of one's pursuit),neu.neg,,utsṛj dāridra an mūla sphīta śobhā śrī,,,an,mūla,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,45,45,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,sa tairyāvad rājño aśokasyopanāmitaḥ | tena rājño abhihitaṃ | mamārthāya gṛhaṃ kārayasveti |,"""Then they took Girika to King Aśoka. The first thing he did was to ask the king to have a building made for his purposes."" [Strong 212]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,neu.neg,,mad gṛha kṛ,,,mad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,kṛ, artha,67,67,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,prāptārthena phalāndhabuddhimanasaḥ saṃvejitāste vayaṃ saṃkṣepeṇa sabāṣpadurdinamukhāḥ sthāne vimuktā vayaṃ ||,"""We who blindly thought we knew about fruits, have been shaken by One who has truly attained the goal. "" [Strong 231]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,prāpta saṃvejita,,saṃvejita,prāpta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,11,11,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,akṛtā hi subhūte sarvajñatā avikṛtā anabhisaṃskṛtā | te api sattvā akṛtā avikṛtā anabhisaṃskṛtāḥ yeṣāṃ sattvānām arthāya ayaṃ saṃnāhasaṃnaddhaḥ ||,"""For all-knowledge is not made, not unmade, not effected. Those beings also for whose sake he is armed with the great armour are not made, not unmade, not effected. [Conze 21]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,ya sattva saṃnāha saṃnaddha,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,10,10,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,atha khalvāyuṣmān subhūtirbhagavantametadavocat mamāpi bhagavan pratibhāti yenārthena bodhisattvo mahāsattva ityucyate |,"""Subhuti: It is clear also to me in what sense a Bodhisattva is called a ‘great being.’ The Lord: Then make it clear what you think now!"" [Conze 19]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,other,pratibhā ya,,,ya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,9,9,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāṇāṃ hi subhūte bodhisattvo mahāsattvo anubodhanārthena asaktatāyāmanuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbudhyate |,"""For the Bodhisattva, the great being, awakes in non-attachment to full enlightenment in the sense that he understands all dharmas."" [Conze 18]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,other,sarva dharma anubodhana samyañc saṃbodhi abhisaṃbudh,,,anubodhana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,9,9,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavān āha mahataḥ sattvarāśer mahataḥ sattvanikāyasya agratāṃ kārayiṣyati tenārthena bodhisattvo mahāsattva ityucyate ||,"""The Lord: A Bodhisattva is called ‘a great being’ in the sense that he will cause a great mass and collection of beings to achieve the highest. "" [Conze 18]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,other,sa bodhisattva iti vac/uc,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,55,55,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saṃdarśayet samādāpayet samuttejayeta saṃpraharṣayet vācā neṣyati vineṣyati anuneṣyati arthamasyā asmai saṃprakāśayiṣyati evaṃ cāsya cittaṃ viśodhayiṣyati nirvicikitsaṃ kariṣyati,"""[…] explain this perfection of wisdom to him, instigate to it, fill with enthusiasm for it, (105) make him rejoice in it, would, by his words, lead him to it, educate him in it, illuminate its benefits to him, cleanse his thought and remove his doubts;"" [Conze 105]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,ayam saṃprakāś,saṃprakāś,,ayam,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,34,34,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,paryavāpnuyāt pravartayeddeśayedupadiśeduddiśet svādhyāyet parebhyaś ca vistareṇa saṃprakāśayet arthamasyā vivṛṇuyāt manasānvavekṣeta,"""[...] spread, demonstrate, explain, expound and repeat it, illuminate it in detail to others, uncover its meaning, investigate it with his mind;"" [Conze 62]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,ayam vivṛ,vivṛ,,ayam,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,66,66,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tebhyaḥ kaścideva kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā imāṃ prajñāpāramitāṃ pustakalikhitāṃ kṛtvā dadyādupanāmayet sārthāṃ savyañjanāmupadiśet |,"""[...] and having written it for others, would give it away, expound and light it up, both the meaning and the letter."" [Conze]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,prajñāpāramitā sa vyañjana upadiś/upadeś,,,sa,prajñāpāramitā,,NA,,vyañjana,NA,,,NA,, artha,246,246,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ekaikasyāpi tāvat kulaputra evaṃrūpasya dharmasyārthāya gaṅgānadīvālukopamān api kalpānātmabhāvāḥ parityaktavyā bhaveyuḥ prāgeva bahūnām[...] ekaḥ |,"""For the sake of even one of these dharmas should one be willing to renounce one’s bodies even for countless aeons, how much more so for the sake of many of them."" [Conze 499]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,dharma ātmabhāva parityaj artha,,,dharma,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,parityaj, artha,246,246,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,api nu khalu punaḥ kulaputra yena yena^ivārthena te kṛtyam tat tat te dāsyāmi suvarṇaṃ vā maṇīn vā muktāṃ vā rajataṃ vā vaidūryaṃ vā musāragalvaṃ vā lohitārkaṃ vā,"""But see, son of good family, I shall give you whatever you may require, and with that you may (500) then honour that Bodhisattva Dharmodgata!"" [Conze 499-500]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,other,ya kṛ suvarṇa,,,ya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,170,170,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te na śraddadhanti na pattīyanti pratikṣipanti teṣāṃ dīrgharātram anarthāya na hitāya na sukhāya vinipātāy bhaviṣyati |,"""And they do not believe, they do not have faith in it, they repudiate it. For a long time this will be for their non-profit and disadvantage and discomfort, for their downfall."" [Schopen 344]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,neu.neg,,an na hita na sukha bhū,,,an,,,NA,,,NA,,hita sukha,NA,bhū, artha,165,165,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sādhu sādhu mañjuśrīr yathāpi mahākāruṇiko yas tvam aprameyāṃ karuṇāṃ janayitvā mamādhyeṣase nānākarmāvaraṇenāvṛtānāṃ sattvānām arthāya hitāya sukhāya devamanuṣyāṇāṃ |,"""You, Mañjuśrī, having generated immeasurable compassion, make this request of me for the benefit of beings obstructed by the various obstructions of past actions for the advantage and ease of devas and men."" [Schopen 180]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,adhīṣ/adhyeṣ sattva hita sukha Deity manuṣya,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,hita sukha,NA,adhīṣ/adhyeṣ, artha,167,167,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śīlavipannā ye punaḥ śīlavanto bhavanti śīlaṃ rakṣanti na punar bahuśrutaṃ paryeṣyanti na ca tathāgatabhāṣitānāṃ gambhīram artham ājānanti |,"""Again, those who are possessed of morality guard morality, (but) they do not seek great learning and do not know the deep meaning of the sūtras of the Tathāgatas."" [BP reads: tathāgatabhāṣitānāṃ sūtrāntānāṃ gambhīram; Gretil typo or Vaidya lapsus?] [Schopen 253]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,bahuśruta na tathāgata bhāṣita gambhīra ājñā,ājñā,,gambhīra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,416,416,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,dharmaṃ deśayati sma ādau kalyāṇaṃ madhye kalyāṇaṃ paryavasāne kalyāṇaṃ svarthaṃ suvyañjanaṃ kevalaṃ paripūrṇaṃ pariśuddhaṃ paryavadātaṃ brahmacaryaṃ samprakāśayati sma,"""[...] the Blessed One was teaching the dharma. With fine meaning and expression, he revealed a holy life that is good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, and untainted, perfect, purified and accomplished."" [Vinita 417]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,dharma kalyāṇa su vyañjana sma,,,su,dharma,,NA,vyañjana,,NA,,,NA,, artha,132,132,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tanna me pratirūpaṃ syādyadahamevaṃ sarvasattvān upādāyaiṣāmarthaṃ kariṣyāmīty [...]eva kuryāmapakāramamarṣayan |,"""Therefore, having declared, 'I shall do what is beneficial as relates to all sentient beings,' it would be unseemly for me to do something injurious [to a particular sentient being because] I was unable to endure the harm [inflicted by him or her]."" [Engle 318]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,sarva sattva eṣa kṛ an,kṛ,,eṣa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,9,Dutt6/Wogihara9,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pravivekagatasya cāsya svārthaṃ paritulayataḥ pāpakāḥ asadvitarkā nāty[...] cittaṃ kṣobhayanti na paryādāya tiṣṭhanti |,"""Evil, improper thoughts do not greatly disturb the mind of [a bodhisattva] who has gone into seclusion and who is investigating the subjects that are of concern, nor do [such thoughts] remain [long in one's mind] when they have seized control [of it]."" [Engle 15]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,sva paritul ati,paritul,,sva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,165,Dutt113/Wogihara165,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pareṣāñ cārthāya kauśeyasaṃstaraṇaśatāni niṣadanasaṃstaraṇaśatānyūpasthāpayitavyāni |,"""For the sake of others, [a bodhisattva] should also provide [as many as] a hundred silk beds and a hundred sitting mats."" [Engle 278]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,para upasthā,,,para,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,upasthā, artha,238,Dutt163/Wogihara238,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,anukampakaśca bhavati kāruṇikaḥ so adhyupekṣya svaṃ dṛṣṭadharmasukhavihāraṃ pareṣāmarthāya prayujyate |,"""(4) He or she is sympathetic [in the sense of being] a compassionate person who has given up any interest in abiding in [a state of] ease in this life and one who is dedicated to the welfare of others."" [Dutt reads: parayujyate instead of prayujyate --> typo! Dutt: dṛṣṭadharmaṃ sukhavihāraṃ] [Engle 396-7]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,para prayuj,,,para,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,prayuj, artha,255,Dutt174/Wogihara255,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,dṛṣṭadharmahitārthaṃ vā bhogapratisaṃyuktamārabhya utthānasaṃpanno bhavatyārakṣāsaṃpannaḥ samajīvī |,"""In relation to the possession of wealth for the purpose of benefiting this life, [a bodhisattva] is energetic, watchful, one who shares the same way of living, [...]."" [Engle 425]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,dṛṣṭa dharma hita bhoga utthāna bhū ārakṣā,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhū, artha,155,155,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,dvitīyā koṭī hīnādhimuktikānāṃ sattvānāṃ gaṃbhīreṣu sthāneṣūttrastānāṃ pratisaṃkhyāya bodhisattvaḥ teṣāmeva sattvānāṃ tenopāyena vinayanārthaṃ sahadhārmikamātmānamupadarśayati |,"""The second alternative is a bodhisattva who, after having carefully considered [the value of doing so], shows him- or herself to be a follower of the same Dharma as those beings of inferior disposition who are frightened of the profound subjects, in order to spiritually tame them by [employing] this [expedient] means."" [Engle 380-81]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,sattva upāya vinayana upadṛś/upadarś,,,vinayana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,upadṛś/upadarś, artha,364,Dutt250/Wogihara364,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathaiva pariṣado anuśikṣaṇārtham ātmaviśeṣatāgamanatāyai ca |,"""He or she [maintains] such [qualities] as these in order to serve as an example for his or her following and so that he or she can reach a state of excellence."" [Engle 590]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,anuśikṣaṇa,,,anuśikṣaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,105,Dutt74/Wogihara105,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,śilpakarmasthānāni bodhisattvaḥ paryeṣate alpakṛcchreṇa bhogasaṃharaṇārthaṃ sattvānām[...],"""A bodhisattva seeks [to learn] the categories of worldly crafts and occupations in order to [be able to] amass wealth so that he or she can benefit sentient beings with little difficulty, [...]."" [Engle 191]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,śilpa karman bodhisattva paryeṣ bhoga saṃharaṇa,,,saṃharaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,paryeṣ, artha,288,Dutt195/Wogihara288,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,jñānamārakṣati yena jñānena dhṛtānāṃ dharmāṇāmarthamupaparīkṣate |,"""He or she preserves knowledge by means of a [form of] understanding that examines the meanings of those spiritual qualities that have been retained."" [Engle 470]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,jñāna dharma upaparīkṣ,upaparīkṣ,,dharma,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,12,Dutt8/Wogihara12,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yāni ca kānicidanyāni laukikalokottareṣvartheṣu kuśalāni samyakpraṇidhānāni teṣāṃ sarveṣāmagram etatsamyakpraṇidhānaṃ niruttaraṃ yaduta bodhisattvasya prathamaścittotpādaḥ,"""Compared to all other virtuous correct aspirations that relate to any of the mundane or transcendent aims, the bodhisattva's initial development of [enlightenment] mind is the unsurpassed and most supreme correct aspiration."" [Engle 23]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,laukika lokottara praṇidhāna,,,laukika lokottara,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,praṇidhāna, artha,140,Dutt97/Wogihara140,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathā laukikalokottareṣv artheṣu dharmadeśanāpūrvaka upāyopadeśapūrvakaśca nyāyopadeśaḥ |,"""[…] (2) similarly, giving proper instruction in the form of teaching Dharma and teaching methods that relate to mundane and transcendent aims;"" [Engle 243]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,laukika lokottara nyāya upadeśa,,,laukika lokottara,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,upadeśa, artha,20,Dutt13/Wogihara20,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na ca dīrgheṇa khareṇa vā ābādhena spṛśyate | sattvārtheṣu ca sattvakaraṇīyeṣva sya vyāyacchamānasya kāyena vācā dharmañca deśayataḥ nāty[...] kāyaḥ krāmyati,"""He or she also does not experience harm that is long-lasting or intense. When [a bodhisattva] is striving physically or verbally [to accomplish] the welfare of beings or [to carry out] activities on behalf of sentient beings, or when [a bodhisattva] is teaching the Dharma, [his or her] body does not experience excessive weariness, [his or her] recollection does not become clouded, and [his or her] mind does not become impaired."" [Engle 33]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,sattva karaṇīya vyāyam kāya vāc,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,karaṇīya,NA,vyāyam, artha,32,Dutt22/Wogihara32,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ubhayasaṃpadiṃ satyāṃ bodhisattvasya sattvārthakriyā pracurā bhavati pradakṣiṇā yena śaknoti par[...] kartum |,"""Therefore, it is [only] when both [of these conditions] are present and both [of these conditions] exist that a bodhisattva's activities on behalf of beings will be productive and favorable such that he or she is capable of accomplishing the aims of others."" [Engle 54]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,bodhisattva sattva kriyā bhū para,,,sattva,kriyā,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,91,Dutt64/Wogihara91,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatrāvitathavacanāttathāgataḥ | sarvaprāpyārthaprāptatvāt anuttarapuṇyakṣetratvāt pūjārhatvāccārhan |,"""(I) Regarding [these expressions], he is the Tathāgata because his speech is unerring. (2) He is an Arhat because he has attained everything that needs to be attained and because he is worthy of being revered in that he is the unsurpassed field of merit."" [Engle 164]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,sarva prāp prāptatva anuttara puṇya kṣetratva arhat,,,prāp,prāptatva,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,380,Dutt262/Wogihara379-380,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ahitāṃca sattvānāṃ nivārayitā hitāhite ca saṃniyojayitā siṃhapūrvārdhakāyatāṃ pratilabhate siṃhavatsarvārtheṣu parākramaśīlatvāt |,"""This is because [such a person's behavior] resembles that of a lion in that [he or she] acts courageously in relation to the concerns of sentient beings."" [Engle 614]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,pos,other,siṃha kāyatā sarva parākrama śīlatva,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,6,6.3,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sa vismayanivṛttyarthaṃ tapaḥpūj[...] eva ca svāṃ cānuvartitāṃ rakṣaṇn aśvapṛṣṭhād avātarat ||,"""To remove any arrogance, and to respect ascetic toil, to guard his own subservience,* he got down from the horse."" [Olivelle 161]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,vismaya nivṛtti tapaḥ pūja artha avatṝ,,,nivṛtti,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,avatṝ, artha,11,11.34,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kām[...] ajñaḥ kṛpaṇaṃ karoti prāpnoti duḥkhaṃ vadhabandhanādi kāmārtham āśākṛpaṇas tapasvī mṛtyuṃ śramaṃ cārchati jīvalokaḥ ||,"""For pleasures sake ignorant men do wretched things, incur sufferings such as jail and death; For pleasure’s sake mankind endures both toil and death, tormented and made wretched by yearning."" [Olivelle 309]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neg,,artha ādi kāma āśā kṛpaṇa tapasvin mṛtyu śrama arch jīvaloka,,,kāma,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,arch, artha,11,11.49,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tuṣṭyartham etac ca phalaṃ yadīṣṭam ṛte api rājyān mama tuṣṭir asti tuṣṭau ca satyāṃ puruṣasya loke sarve viśeṣā nanu nirviśeṣāḥ ||,"""If one desires this fruit to obtain contentment, I’m content even without a kingdom. When a man has obtained contentment in this world, don’t all luxuries seem quite ordinary?"" [Olivelle 315]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,tuṣṭi phala iṣṭa,,,tuṣṭi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,iṣṭa, artha,2,2.14,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kaścit siṣeve rataye na kāmaṃ kām[...] [...] na jugopa kaścit kaścid dhanārthaṃ na cacāra dharmaṃ dharmāya kaścin na cakāra hiṃsām ||,"""No one sought pleasure for the sake of lust; no one protected wealth for pleasure’s sake; no one served dharma for the sake of wealth; no one caused injury for dharmas sake."" [Olivelle 41]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu.neg,,kāma artha artha dhana na car dharma,,,dhana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,car, artha,3,3.51,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yadā ca śabdādibhir indriyārthair antaḥpure naiva suto asya reme tato bahir vyādiśati sma yātrāṃ rasāntaraṃ syād iti manyamānaḥ ||,"""But when within the seraglio his son found no delight in sounds and other objects of sense, he then ordered another excursion outdoors, thinking that it might produce a different affect."" [Olivelle 77]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu.neg,,śabda ādi indriya antaḥpura na suta ram,,,indriya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,ram, artha,2,2.33,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,nṛpas tu tasyaiva vivṛddhihetos tadbhāvinārthena ca codyamānaḥ śame abhireme virarāma pāpād bheje damaṃ saṃvibabhāja sādhūn ||,"""But the king to secure his son's success, and spurred by the future foretold for him, delighted in calm, desisted from sin, practiced restraint, gave gifts to holy men."" [Olivelle 47]",Existence,Prosperity,Prosperity,welfare,prosperity (prototypical object of one's pursuit),pos,other,sa bhāvin cud/cod śama abhiram,,,bhāvin,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,5,5.36,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,iti durlabham artham ūcivāṃsaṃ tanayam vākyam uvāca śākyarājaḥ tyaja buddhim imām atipravṛttām avahāsyo atimanoratho akramaś ca ||,"""To his son making such a hard request, the king of the Shakyas made this response: 'Withdraw this your request, it is inordinate; An extravagant wish is improper and extreme'."" [Olivelle 139]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,neu.neg,,iti durlabha vac tanaya,vac,,durlabha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,9,9.14,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,jānāmi dharmaṃ prati niścayaṃ te paraimi te bhāvinam etam artham ahaṃ tv akāle vanasaṃśrayāt te śokāgnināgnipratimena dahye ||,"""I know that you have resolved to follow dharma, and, I realize, this will be your future goal; but I am burnt up by this fire, the fire of grief, for you have gone to the forest at the wrong time."" [Olivelle 249]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,dharma tvam bhāvin agni,,,bhāvin,dharma,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,12,12,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ato asya lokajñatā saṃbhavati | lokajñaśca kālavelāmātracārī hryapatrāpyavibhūṣitayā saṃtatyā ātmārthaparārtheṣu prayujyate |,"""Therefore he produces the knowledge of the world. One who has the knowledge of the world and acts according to the correct time applies himself to the benefit of himself and others because his continuity (of mind) is decorated by shame and bashfulness."" [Honda 136]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,ātman para prayuj,,,ātman,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,prayuj, artha,63,Vaidya94/Rahder(Verses)63,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvi darśi vṛṣabhī dvipādaśreṣṭho darśi buddhaviṣayaṃ jagaddhitārtham | śabdamegha rucirān pratāḍamānāstūryatāla vividhāstada pramuktāḥ ||4||,"""4) O all-seer! The two-legged preeminent mighty bull has shown the sphere of buddha in order to benefit the world. ( Ko. p. 133) Then various kinds of musical instruments, being beaten, let loose the shining clouds of their sounds."" [Honda 214]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,dṛś/darś buddha viṣaya jagad hita,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dṛś/darś, artha,58,Vaidya91/Rahder(Verses)58,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śodhenti kṣetra khasamāśayanirvikalpā jinalakṣanairupāgato acaladharmatāyām | abhilāpyaghoṣavigatā jagatoṣaṇārthaṃ kṣaṇajñānacittasya jināna samosaranti ||16||,"""16) 7) Purifying realms, though their intentions are without thought-construction like empty space, 8) attaining immovable ultimate essence of things (acala-dharmato) with characteristics of the Conqueror, 9) (preaching) in order to please worldly people, though they are free from voice of speech, 10) ( Ko. p. 128) (the wise ones) associate with (attain to comprehension of ) the mind of the Conquerors who can know (everything) in a moment."" [Honda 210]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,abhilāpya ghoṣa jaga toṣaṇa kṣaṇa jñāna samavasar/samosar,,,toṣaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,samavasar/samosar, artha,92,Vaidya62/Rahder92,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃśayitā bateyaṃ bho jinaputra parṣat | sādhu asyāḥ saṃśayacchityarthaṃ kiṃcinmātraṃ bodhisattvavyūhaprātihāryaṃ saṃdarśaya |,"""Indeed, o son of the Conqueror, this audience is doubtful. Please show them a little bit of arrangement and miracle of Bodhisattva in order to remove their doubt."" [Honda 272]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,saṃśaya citi bodhisattva vyūha prātihārya saṃdṛś/saṃdarś,,,citi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,saṃdṛś/saṃdarś, artha,7,Vaidya5/Rahder7,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu vimukticandro bodhisattvaḥ punareva vajragarbhaṃ bodhisattvametamevārthamadhyeṣate smatatsādhu bho jinaputra prabhāṣasva |,"""Then indeed Bodhisattva Vimukticandra again requested Bodhisattva Vajragarbha (to explain) this meaning. 'Bravo! o son of the Conqueror, speak it. […]."" [Honda 123]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,bodhisattva bodhisattva etad adhyeṣ,adhyeṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,31,31,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasyaivaṃ bhavati kārakābhiniveśataḥ kriyāḥ prajñāyante | yatra kārako nāsti kriyāpi tatra paramārthato nopalabhyate |,"""He thinks thus 'From attachment to doer an action is conventionally designated. Where is no doer, there no action exists in an absolute sense'."" [Honda 189]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence@Reality/real_existence/actuality,ultimate reality/truth,parmārtha ultimate reality/truth,pos,,parama na upalabh,,,parama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,188,188,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,na samarthāstathā svārtham api pratipattuṃ sattvā yathā par[...] pratipannavān sa bhagavāniti tathāgatavarṇe api vācyam |,"""The [253] creatures are not as able to bring about their own profit, as the Lord was to bring about the profit of others."" [Speyer 349]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,na samartha sva pratipat sattva para artha,pratipat,,sva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,160,160,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ahetuvādādivirūkṣavāśitaṃ śṛgālavattatra viśeṣalakṣaṇam | ato na tānarhati sevituṃ budhaś caret tadarthaṃ tu parākrame sati ||23.61||,"""[61] The ranting style in which they preach noncausality and other such heresies is as characteristic as the howl of jackals. Therefore, if he is wise, a man will not frequent their company. Instead he should work for their reform, if he has the strength to do so."" [Khoroche 164]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,budha car sa,,,sa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,car, artha,140,140,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sumukha uvāca kathaṃ nu patatāṃ śreṣṭha dharme [...] na samīkṣase | dharmo hyupacitaḥ samyag āvahaty artham uttamam ||22.33||,"""[33] 'Most excellent of birds,' replied Sumukha, 'how can you be blind to the advantage of doing what is right? Due respect for the moral Law brings the very highest advantage'."" [Khoroche 146]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,dharma āvah uttama,āvah,,uttama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,7,7,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,duṣkaraśatasamudānīto ayam asmadarthaṃ tena bhagavatā saddharma iti satkṛtya śrotavyaḥ |,"""Since the Lord suffered hundreds of hardships to acquire the good Teaching for us, we should listen to it with respect."" [Khoroche 10]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,duṣkara śata samudānīta aham/asmad bhagavant saddharma,,,aham/asmad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,samudānīta, artha,224,224,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,apātakaṃ hi svaprāṇaparirakṣānimittaṃ gurujanaārthaṃ cānṛtamārgo vedavihita iti |,"""Perfidy is no sin if one has to resort to it to save one’s life or for the sake of one’s elders — those who know the Vedas say so."" [Khoroche 229]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,other,gurujana anṛta mārga,,,gurujana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,mārga, artha,70,70,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,dadau dhanaṃ śīlavidhiṃ samādade kṣamāṃ niṣeve jagadarthamaihata | prajāhitādhyāśayasaumyadarśanaḥ sa mūrtimāndharma iva vyarocata ||10.3||,"""[13] He gave alms, preserved his integrity, cultivated forbearance, and strove for the good of the world. His kind manner showed how dedicated he was to his subjects’ well-being—so much so that he seemed the embodiment of virtue."" [Khoroche 74]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,jagad īh prajā hita ādhyāśaya saumya,īh,,jagad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,59,59,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,dravyeṣu bāhyeṣu ka eva vādo dadyāmahaṃ sve nayane śiro vā | imaṃ hi lokārtham ahaṃ bibharmi samucchrayaṃ kimvatha vastravāhyam ||9.25||,"""[25] Quite apart from outward possessions, I would give away my own eyes, my head—it is purely for the good of the world that I keep my body alive. As to clothes or beasts of burden, that goes without saying."" [Khoroche 63]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,loka bhṛ samucchraya,,,loka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhṛ, artha,48,48,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sukheṣvasaktaśca bibharṣi deva rājyaśramaṃ lokahitārthameva | svamāṃsadānavyavasāyamasmātsvaniścayonmārgamimaṃ vimuñca ||8.28||,"""[28] Your majesty bears the onus of kingship with no thought for your own pleasure, purely for the benefit of your people, but your decision to give away your own flesh deviates from this main purpose So abandon it."" [Khoroche 52]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,bhṛ rājya śrama loka hita,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhṛ, artha,84,84,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tadyathānuśrūyate satyatyāgopaśamaprajñādibhirguṇātiśayairlokahitārtham udyacchamānaḥ kila bodhisattvaḥ kadācicchibīnāṃ rājā babhūva sākṣāddharma iva vinaya iva piteva prajānāmupakārapravṛttaḥ |,"""According to tradition, the Bodhisattva was at one time king of the Sibis and dedicated himself to the good of the world by practicing truthfulness, generosity, calm, wisdom, and other excellent virtues."" [Khoroche 88]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,loka hita udyam,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,udyam, artha,147,147,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,na citrametattvayi vā jitātmani prajāhitārthaṃ dhṛtapārthivavrate | tapaḥsamādhānapare munāviva svabhāvavṛttyā hi guṇāstvayi sthitāḥ ||22.92||,"""[92] Nor is this surprising in someone with your selfmastery, who performs his royal duties for the betterment of his subjects and is as devoted to penance and meditation as a holy man. Simply by following your natural disposition you have become a repository of virtues."" [Khoroche 151]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,prajā hita dhṛta pārthiva vrata,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dhṛta, artha,225,225,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ekākī vigatabhayadainayaḥ satyānurakṣī lokahitārthaṃ saudāsamabhivineṣyaṃstanniketamabhijagāma |,"""Then, without fear or misgivings, true to his word, he went all by himself to where Kalmāṣapāda lived, hoping, for the sake of the world, to reform him."" [Khoroche 230]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,loka hita abhivinī abhigam,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,abhivinī, artha,159,159,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,nirmitasya hi vānarasyedaṃ carma mayā gṛhītamasyaiva kathākramasya prastāvārtham |,"""[…] then took his skin to spark off these exchanges."" [Khoroche 163]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,aham gṛhīta kathākrama prastāva,,,prastāva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,gṛhīta, artha,197,197,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,drakṣyāma idānīṃ te kṣāntyanurāgamityuktvā nivāraṇārthamiṣadabhiprasāritamabhyucchritapratanudīrghāṅgaliṃ tasya munerdakṣiṇaṃ pāṇiṃ niśitenāsinā kamalamiva nāladeśād vyayojayat |,""" 'Now let us see how devoted you are to forbearance.' So saying, he aimed his sharp sword at the saint’s right hand, which, with its long, delicate fingers upraised, was slightly outstretched in an attempt to restrain him, and he severed it from his arm as a lotus from its stalk."" [Khoroche 202]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,nivāraṇa abhiprasārita pāṇi viyuj,,,nivāraṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,abhiprasārita, artha,120,120,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,mayā vinihitānyasmātparīkṣārthaṃ bisāni vaḥ ||19.29||,"""That is why I removed your lotus stalks—to test you."" [Khoriche 125]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,aham vinihita parīkṣā bisa,,,parīkṣā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vinihita, artha,116,116,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,athāparāhṇasamaye dharmaśravaṇārthamṛṣayaste yathocittaṃ bodhisattvasya parṇaśālāṃ samabhigatā dadṛśvāṃsaścainaṃ kṛśataraśarīraṃ parikṣāmakapolanayanaṃ,"""On the afternoon of the fifth day the hermits met, as usual, at the Bodhisattva’s hut to hear him teach, and they saw that he had got thinner: his eyes and cheeks were sunken, his face had lost its color, and his voice its resonance."" [Khoroche 122]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,dharma śravaṇa samabhigam,,,śravaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,samabhigam, artha,118,118,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha tatra dharmaśravaṇārthaṃ samāgatāstadvanādhyuṣitā yakṣadviradavānarāstāṃ kathāmupaśrutya parāṃ vrīḍāṃ saṃvegaṃ copajagmuḥ |,"""Now, a sprite, an elephant, and a monkey who lived in the forest had come to that spot to hear the teaching. On hearing this conversation they felt extremely awkward and upset."" [Khoroche 123-4]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,dharma śravaṇa samāgata,,,śravaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,118,118,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,āvāsikaḥ so astu mahāvihāre kacaṅgalāyāṃ navakarmikaśca | ālokasandhiṃ divasaiḥ karotu yastvayyapi praskhalito bisārtham ||19.21||,"""[22] He who sinned against you in this matter of the lotus stalks, may he be caretaker and surveyor of the fabric in the great monastery at Kacaṅgalā, and may he make one window every day."" [Khoroche 124]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,praskhalita bisa,,,bisa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,praskhalita, artha,,,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,lokārthamityabhisamīkṣya kariṣyate ayaṃ śrutyārṣayuktyaviguṇena pathā prayatnaḥ | lokottamasya caritātiśayapradeśaiḥ svaṃ prātibhaṃgamayituṃ śrutivallabhatvam||1.3||,"""[3] Conscious that my words have power to do good in the world, I will keep scrupulously to the evidence of tradition and revelation in my account of the outstanding deeds of the All Highest."" [Khoroche 3]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,loka kṛ prayatna,,,loka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,kṛ, artha,221,221,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,na jīvitaṃ yatsukhamaihikaṃ vā satyāccyutaṃ rakṣati durgatibhyaḥ | satyaṃ vijahyāditi kastadarthaṃ yaccākaraḥ stutiyaśaḥsukhānām ||31.23||,"""[23] Neither life nor the pleasures of this world can save a man from an evil fate once he has deviated from his word. Who, then, for the sake of these, would repudiate his word, the source of contentment, renown, and happiness?"" [Khoroche 226]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,vihā sa,,,sa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vihā, artha,73,73,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,iti pratigṛhītavacanaḥ paurajanāpadaiḥ sa rājā janaprakāśenāḍambareṇa pratyayitānamātyānpāpajanopagrahaṇārthaṃ janapadaṃ nagarāṇi ca preṣayāmāsa samantataśca pratyahamiti ghoṣaṇāḥ kārayāmāsa |,"""Such was the reaction to the king’s announcement from town and country alike. And so, with a great deal of noisy publicity, he despatched trusty agents to the towns and villages to arrest any miscreants, while every day he had this proclamation made throughout the land."" [Khoroche 77]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu.neg,,rājan amātya pāpa jana upagrahaṇa preṣ,,,upagrahaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,preṣ, artha,56,56,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,dviradavarāpaharaṇārthaṃ brāhmaṇāṃstatra praṇidadhe |,"""Accordingly, he dispatched some brahmins to carry off that prize elephant."" [Khoroche 59]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neg,,dvirada vara apaharaṇa praṇidhā,,,apaharaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,praṇidhā, artha,119,119,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kāmeṣu bandhamupayāti vadhaṃ ca lokaḥ śokaṃ klamaṃ bhayamanekavidhaṃ ca duḥkham | kāmārthameva ca mahīpatayaḥ patanti dharmopamardarabhasā narakaṃ paratra ||,"""[26] In satisfying their senses, men suffer bondage and death, sorrow, weariness, fear, and all kinds of misery. To satisfy their sensual appetites kings high-handedly infringe the laws and so fall to perdition when they come to die."" [Khoroche 124]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu.neg,,kāma mahīpati pat,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,pat, artha,139,139,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,svaprāṇatantumātrārthaṃ tyajatastvāṃ khagādhipa | dhigvādavṛṣṭyāvaraṇaṃ katamanme bhaviṣyati ||22.28||,"""[28] Were I to forsake you, king of birds, merely to save my skin, what would shield me from a storm of reproach?"" [Khoroche 145-6]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu.neg,,sva prāṇa tantu mātra tyaj,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,tyaj, artha,180,180,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yenānukampyas tu tavaiṣa jālmo hetuś ca naḥ sajjanadarśanasya | dadāmi tenepsitam artham asmai rājye tavāsmiṃś ca yatheṣṭacāram ||26.36||,"""[36] 'However, since you think this rascal deserves pity, and since it is thanks to him that I have seen a saintly being, I grant him the wealth he desired, and I grant to you free passage throughout this realm.'"" [Khoroche 184]",Existence,Prosperity,Prosperity,welfare,prosperity (prototypical object of one's pursuit),pos,other,dā īpsita,dā,,īpsita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,18,18,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tyaktavyaṃ vivaśena yan na ca tathā kasmaicid arthāya yat tannyāyena dhanaṃ tyajanyadi guṇaṃ kañcitsamudbhāvayet |,"""One day you will inevitably have to part with your money, and it will be of no use then. If one stands to gain some merit by parting with it now, in a suitable manner, is one likely in such circumstances to adopt a selfish attitude, knowing full well about the pleasure of doing good, about the other qualities, such as kindness, inherent in generosity and about the good repute that attends all these?"" [Khoroche 21]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Usefulness,purpose,purpose/use,neg,,tyaj na ka dhana,,,ka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,tyaj, artha,164,164,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,asārasya śarīrasya sāro hyeṣa mataḥ satām | yat pareṣāṃ hitārtheṣu sādhanīkriyate budhaiḥ ||,"""For good people would say that the sole worth of one’s otherwise worthless body is that a wise man can turn it into an instrument for helping others."" [Khoroche 168-9]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,para hita sādhanīkṛ budha,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,sādhanīkṛ, artha,135,135,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tau parasparapremaguṇāśrayājjvalitataraprabhāvāvāryaśiṣyamukhyāviva pariśeṣaṃ śiṣyagaṇaṃ pitṛjyeṣṭhaputrāviva ca śreṣṭhaśeṣaṃ putragaṇaṃ taddhaṃsayūtham ubhayalokahitodayeṣv artheṣu samyagniveśayamānau tatpratyakṣiṇāṃ devanāgayakṣavidyādharatapasvināṃ paraṃ vismayamupajahratuḥ |,"""Their noble qualities shone out all the more because of their mutual affection. Just as a teacher, assisted by his senior pupil, teaches the rest of his pupils, or a father, assisted by his eldest son, instructs his other sons, so those two gave that flock of geese a thorough initiation into such matters as would be to their advantage in this life and the next. In those who witnessed it — gods, serpents, goblins, sprites, and ascetics — they aroused the greatest astonishment."" [Khoroche 140]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,pos,vague,ubhaya loka hita udaya niviś/niveś,,,udaya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,niviś/niveś, artha,46,46,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,karuṇaikatānahṛdayaśca tān yakṣān anuśocanniya tamīdṛśam arthaṃ cintayāmāsa |,"""He felt nothing but pity as he bewailed the plight of the ogres. And, inexorably, he reasoned as follows: ...."" [Khoroche 51]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,neu,,cint,cint,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,78,78r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvasatvānām arthāya anayā saddharmanāvā sarvasatvā tārayitavyā caturbhir oghe uhyamānā īdṛśī nāvā kulaputra bodhisatvena samudānayitavyā,"""With this ship of the true dharma all beings should be saved that are adrift in the four floods. Such (78b) a ship, son of good family, a bodhisattva should rig."" [Pasadika 186]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,sarva sattva saddharma nau tṝ,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,tṝ, artha,14,14v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paripācanārthaṃ ca dadāti dānaṃ vipāka nākāṃkṣati karmaṇāṃ ca ||,"""[the fourth is his] generosity in order to bring beings to spiritual maturity, [but] without expecting any resulting [merit for himself]."" [Pasadika 113]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,paripācana dā,,,paripācana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dā, artha,6,6r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kulāni ca yojayati lābhārthato,"""coveting gain, he makes use of noble Families."" [Pasadika 103]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,neu.neg,philological,yuj lābha,,,lābha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,35,35,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvitīyayāgrārthaṃ yenāsyaivaṃ bhavati tasmāt tarhy asmābhiḥ samāne abhinirhāre sarvākārapariśodhanābhinirhāra eva yogaḥ karaṇīya iti,"""On the second stage, it counter-acts a further aim (of the Great Vehicle), by which one decides that one should do practises ( yoga ) for the sake of bringing about a clearing of all aspects (in a total rooting-out of afflicting characteristics)."" [Anacker 230]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,agra,,,agra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,70,70,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatparivarjanārthaṃ madhyamā pratipad yatra na cittaṃ na cetanā na mano na vijñānaṃ |,"""In order to avoid these extremes, there is the middle path, where there is neither 'citta' nor 'volition' nor 'manas' nor 'consciousness'."" [Anacker 266-7]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,sa parivarjana pratipad,,,parivarjana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,pratipad, artha,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārtham ākāśadṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""For avoiding these extremes discriminating a duality, there is the example of space."" [Anacker 268]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,anta parivarjana ākāśa dṛṣṭānta,,,parivarjana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dṛṣṭānta, artha,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,etasyāntadvayasya parivarjanārthaṃ | kāṣṭhadvayāgnidṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""For avoiding these extremes involving a duality, there is the example of two sticks of wood."" [Anacker 269]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,parivarjana dṛṣṭānta,,,parivarjana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dṛṣṭānta, artha,62,62,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,katamā daśety ekeṣāṃ tannāmavyutpādanārtham ucyate |,"""As there may be a question as to what these ten are, their names are given at this point: ...."" [Anacker 258]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,sa nāman vyutpādana vac/uc,,,vyutpādana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vac/uc, artha,26,26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhāvaśūnyatām abhāvasvabhāvaśūnyatāṃ ca | pudgaladharmasamāropasya tacchūnyatāpavādasya ca parihārārthaṃ yathākramaṃ |,"""[…] as the emptiness of nonbeing and the emptiness of the own-being of that non-being, in order to remove, the superimposition of 'personalities' and 'events', and the denial of this emptiness respectively. [Anacker 221]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,parihāra,,,parihāra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,47,47,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grahaṇārthena yāvad viśuddhidvay[...] teṣu tadādhipatyād rūpādiviṣayagrahaṇe hi cakṣurādīnāṃ ṣaṇṇām ādhipatyaṃ,"""The twenty-two faculties are thus ascertained according to their sovereignty regarding six functions. The sovereignty of the six faculties beginning with the eye (eye, ear, tongue, nose, body, manas) refers to the apprehension of sense-objects such as visibles, etc."" [Anacker 243]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,grahaṇa ādhipatya,,,grahaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,47,47,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kim aparam adhvatrayaṃ yathāyogaṃ phalahetūpayogārthenātīto adhvā phalahetvanupayog[...] ānāgatoadhvā hetūpayogaphalānupayogā[...] pratyutpanno adhvā veditavyaḥ |,"""And what is this 'yet another'? The three times. It should be known that the action of effect and cause which has already taken place or is yet to take place is, as the case demands, the distinguishing element marking what is called 'the three times'. The completed efficacy of both cause and effect is referred to as 'something in past time'."" [Anacker 243]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,phala hetu upayoga adhvan vid/ved,,,upayoga,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,47,47,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kim aparaṃ satyacatuṣṭayaṃ | tatra duḥkhasatyaṃ vedanāsanimittārthena yat kiñcid veditam idam atra duḥkhasyeti kṛtvā vedanānimittaṃ punar vedanāsthānīyā dharmā veditavyāḥ |,""" 'Yet others' are the Four Noble Truths. The Truth of Suffering is here called equivalent to feeling when it has preparatory ensnaring factors constricting it: whatever is felt in such a way involves or will involve suffering. The preparatory causes for suffering can be known as all events which make for the continuity of feeling-again (in a similar mode as before)."" [Anacker 243-4]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,duḥkha satya vedanā sa nimitta,,,vedanā nimitta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,45,45,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra veditopabhogāyadvārārthena ṣaḍ ādhyātmikāny āyatanāni |,"""The six internal sense-fields exist in the sense of being doors to felt experiences."" [Anacker 241]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,vedita upabhoga dvāra āyatana,,,dvāra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,46,46,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sthānāsthānaṃ saptavidhapāratantryārthena veditavyaṃ |,"""The so-called good and bad states can be known as referring to seven kinds of interdependence."" [Anacker 242]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,saptavidha pāratantrya vid/ved,,,pāratantrya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,76,76,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,aviparyāsapariṇatā ca vipaśyanābhāvanayā | yadarthaṃ ca madhyamayā pratipadā niryāṇ[...] |,"""[…] evolvement into lack of reversals through the cultivation of higher vision, which is undertaken for emancipation by means of a middle path, [...]."" [Anacker 272]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,neu,other,vipaśyanā bhāvanā yad artha,,,yad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhāvanā, artha,19,19,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kimarthaṃ punas tasyābhāva eva neṣyate |,"""Furthermore, it couldn’t be simply non-being, because, […]."" [Anacker 213]",Causation,Causation,Cause/reason,reason,why (kim artham),neu,,ka na iṣ,,,ka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,iṣ, artha,19,19,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paratra labdhvātmasamānacittatāṃ svato adhi vā śreṣṭhatareṣṭatāṃ pare | tathātmano anyārthaviśiṣṭasaṃjñinaḥ svakā[...]tā kā katamā parā[...]tā,"""2. When she attains the attitude of the equality of self and others or of caring for others more than for herself, then she feels that others' aims outweigh her own. What then (for her) is individualism? And what is altruism?"" [Thurman 43]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,vague,anya viśiṣṭa saṃjñin,,,anya,viśiṣṭa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,128,128,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kṛpayā duḥkhābhyupagame ślokaḥ | duḥkhamayaṃ saṃsāraṃ yatkṛpayā na tyajati satvārthaṃ | parahitahetor duḥkhaṃ kiṃ kārūṇikair na samupetam ||17.49||,"""One verse on the acceptance of suffering through mercy: 49. Through mercy, for the sake of beings he does not (even) forsake the life-cycle made of suffering; what suffering will the compassionate bodhisattvas not embrace in order to accomplish the benefit of others? [Thurman 237]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,na tyaj satva para hita,,,satva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,tyaj, artha,105,105,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,samyag ity anyatīrthikamokṣ[...]otsāhavyudāsārthaṃ |,""" ‘true’ excludes the religious fundamentalists' enthusiasm for liberation and so on."" [Thurman 202]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,samyañc iti artha utsāha vyudāsa,,,vyudāsa,,,NA,,,NA,samyañc,,NA,, artha,75,75,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dānādīnāṃ samatekṣaṇāmanaskāras tadanyair bodhisatvaiḥ sahātmanaḥ pāramitāsātatyakaraṇādhimokṣārthaṃ |,"""The attitude of observation of equality in generosity and so on is the wish always to accomplish the transcendences together with other bodhisattvas."" [Thurman 148]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,other,pāramitā sātatya karaṇa ādhimokṣa,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,2,2,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ataḥ paraṃ tribhiḥ ślokais tasmin dharme trividham upaśaṃsaṃ darśayaty ādarotpādanārthaṃ |,"""Now, the next three verses teach the threefold benefit of this Dharma, in order to instill reverence for it: [...]."" [Thurman 4]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,upaśaṃsa dṛś/darś ādara utpādana,,,utpādana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dṛś/darś, artha,141,141,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kṣetraviśuddhyarthaṃ traye api |,"""[…] the purification of the buddha-land on (these last) three;"" [Thurman 263]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,kṣetra viśuddhi,,,viśuddhi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,148,148,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āyatyāṃ vābhipret[...]siddhyarthaṃ,"""[…] and in the future also accomplishes the desired aim.[Thurman 274]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,abhipreta artha siddhi,,,siddhi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,71,71,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pāramitāparipūraṇārthaṃ ye pāramitāpratisaṃyuktā evaṃ manasikārā dhātupuṣṭaye bhavanti ta etābhir gāthābhir deśitāḥ |,"""These verses indicate certain attitudes associated with the transcendences for the purpose of fulfilling the transcendences and completely nourishing the element."" [Thurman 142]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,pāramitā paripūraṇa bhav,,,paripūraṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhav, artha,13,13,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadgābhīryāudāryavādini parahitakriyārtham ukte vistīrṇe mahāyānadharme,"""The teaching of the universal vehicle proclaims the magnificent and the profound; it was taught at length to bring help to others."" [Thurman 28]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,para hita kriyā ukta,,,kriyā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,ukta, artha,60,60,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,iṣyate | hīnayānagamanapratiṣedhārthaṃ ca |,"""[…] and to reject (the value of) progress achieved by means of the individual vehicle."" [Thurman 124]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,iṣ hīnayāna gamana pratiṣedha,,,pratiṣedha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,iṣ, artha,96,96,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yā satveṣu bodhisatvasya priyatā yā ca hitasukhaiṣitā yaś ca tadarthaṃ prayogo yaś cittaprayuktasyākheda etat sarvam āścaryaṃ paramaṃ lokeṣu |,"""The love and tenderness to benefit and gladden beings - which the bodhisattva possesses by his efforts on their behalf — and his tirelessness: (these) are the greatest wonders in the world."" [Thurman 184]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,hita sukha tad prayoga,,,tad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,prayoga, artha,26,26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sakarmajanmottamanirmitaiś ca satvārtham ātiṣṭhati sarvakālam ||7.6||,"""[…] while at all times carrying out beings' purposes through artistic, incarnational, and supreme emanations."" [Thurman 58]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,nirmita sattva ātiṣṭh,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,ātiṣṭh, artha,21,21,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bodhisatvas tu parārthaṃ pratipannaḥ svapar[...] saṃpādya nirvṛtisukhaṃ prāpnoty,"""But a bodhisattva who practices for the sake of others accomplishes her own and others' aims and attains the bliss of Nirvāṇa.""[Thurman 46]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,bodhisattva para pratipanna sva artha,,,para,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,pratipanna, artha,111,111,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra sakṛpe yat parārthaṃ duṣkaracaraṇād vīrthaṃ tadaduṣkaraṃ ca suduṣkaraṃ ca |,"""Whatever difficult tasks (are undertaken) for the sake of others, her effort is both not difficult and very difficult. [Thurman 209]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,para duṣkara caraṇa,,,para,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,20,20,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathā svātmanaḥ par[...] viśiṣyate tat sādhayati par[...] ātmano atyarthaṃ saṃtāpanāt |,"""The intense torment that he brings upon himself for the sake of others proves that (for the bodhisattva) altruistic aims are superior to individual aims."" [Thurman 44]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neg,,ati saṃtāpana,,,ati,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,70,70,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bhedena punar hetuvidyāṃ śabdavidyāṃ ca paryeṣate nigrahārtham anyeṣāṃ tad anadhimuktānāṃ |,"""In specific, he should investigate logic and linguistics in order to criticize those who have no faith in that (universal vehicle)."" [Thurman 141]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,nigraha,,,nigraha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,149,149,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,atas tatsādhanārthaṃ kṣaṇikatvavibhāge daśa ślokāḥ |,"""In order to establish that, (there are) ten verses analyzing momentariness."" [Thurman 276]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,tad sādhana śloka,,,sādhana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,151,151,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ādhyātmikānāṃ punaḥ sādhanārthaṃ pañca ślokā veditavyāḥ |,"""The next five verses are understood to establish (the momentariness of) internal creations: […]."" [Thurman 279]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,sādhana śloka,,,sādhana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,śloka, artha,70,70,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ity anyeṣāṃ nigrahaṇānugrahaṇāya svājñārthaṃ vā tatra karoty eva sa yogam ||11.60||,"""Therefore, he makes effort in those (sciences), in order to criticize and care for others as well as for the sake of his own knowledge."" [Thurman 141]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,sva ājñā kṛ,,,ājñā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,kṛ, artha,70,70,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,cikitsāvidyāṃ śilpakarmasthānavidyāṃ cānyeṣām anugrahārthaṃ tadarthikānāṃ |,"""(He should investigate) the science of medicine and the artistic sciences in order to care for others who have need of them."" [Thurman 141]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,anugraha tad,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,72,72,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tadadhipateyadharmadeśanārthaṃ ca buddhādhyeṣaṇā |,"""[…] the request to the buddha to teach the Dharma that possesses these remedies;"" [Thurman 143]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,tad adhipateya dharmadeśanā buddha adhyeṣaṇā,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,adhyeṣaṇā, artha,82,82,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatrāvatāraṇābhisaṃdhiḥ śrāvakeṣu draṣṭavyaḥ | śāsanāvatāraṇārtham anuttrāsāya rūpādyastitvadeśanāt |,"""The introductory ulterior implicative considers the disciples; in order to introduce them to the teaching and not to frighten them (by the idealistic teaching), the (external) existence of form and so on is taught."" [Thurman 160]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,śāsana avatāraṇa,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,91,91,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śrāmaṇyaphalārthaṃ vā,"""[…] of the fruition of asceticism, […]."" [Thurman 177]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,śrāmaṇya phala,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,161,161,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vīrye satv[...] vīryārambhāt svapar[...] samaṃ prayogāt sarvakuśalārthaṃ ca |,""" ‘(They are) great in effort to achieve all aims of beings,’ since they are equal in their dedication to the aims of self and others and to the aim of all that is virtuous."" [Thurman 295]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,sarva kuśala,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,76,76,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,caturbhir dharmaiḥ samanvāgatā bodhisatvā dharmaṃ paryeṣante | ratnasaṃjñayā durlabhārthena,"""Endowed with four ideas, the bodhisattvas investigate the teaching: the idea of (the teaching as) a jewel, as it is difficult to obtain;"" [Thurman 150]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,parīṣ/paryeṣ ratna saṃjñā durlabha,,,durlabha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,114,114,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,mokṣādhipaṃ vīryam indriyeṣu | mokṣādhipatyārthena yasmād indriyāṇi |,"""In the context of the spiritual faculties, effort rules over liberation, because the spiritual faculties have the sense of ruling over liberation."" [Thurman 215]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,vīrya mokṣa ādhipatya indriya,,,ādhipatya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,31,31,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,adhigamena pācanā adhipācanā aviparītārthena |,"""Auto-maturity is constant maturing through not mistaking the aim."" [Thurman 67]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,other,adhigama pācanā a viparīta,,,viparīta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,78,78,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident"". [Thurman 154]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,113,113,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The meaning of the rest is self-evident. [Thurman 213]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,śeṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,160,160,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 293]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,śeṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,172,172,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 312]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,śeṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,173,173,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 313]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,śeṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,173,173,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 313]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,śeṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,173,173,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 314]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,173,173,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""The rest is self-evident."" [Thurman 315]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,śeṣa gata,,,gata,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,55,55,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi grāhy[...] grāhakārtham abhinnaṃ paśyati,"""[…] when one sees that the cognizer is not different from the cognized, […] [Thurman 116]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,grāhya grāhaka abhinna paś,paś,,grāhaka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,93,93,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na cittād anyam arthaṃ |,"""[…] and no objects other than the mind."" [Thurman 181]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu.neg,,na citta anya,,,anya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,91,91,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āśāsticittaṃ yadarthaṃ prayukto bhavati,"""Willful thought is the will-power associated in function with whatever object one apprehends, […]."" [Thurman 177]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,pos,disputed,āśāsti citta yad prayukta,,,yad,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,64,64,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi yathānām[...] khyāti yathārthaṃ vā nāma ity etad abhūtaparikalpālambanaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ,"""When the object is perceived according to the name, or the name perceived according to the object, that is the object of unreal mental construction, which is the imaginatively constructed identity."" [Thurman 132]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu.neg,,yathā yathā,,,yathā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,55,55,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhak[...] ca grāhyārthaṃ dvayasya punaḥ samastasyādhyātmikabāhyālambanasya tathatāyā lābhas tayor eva dvayor anupalambhād veditavyaḥ |,"""[…] and the cognized is not different from the cognizer, respectively. Then, the reality of all internal and external objects is realized through the non-apprehension of either (as substantially distinct)."" [Thurman 116]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,other,grāhaka grāhya,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,9,9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śaraṇapratipattiviśeṣaṇe ślokaḥ | śaraṇagatim imāṃ gato mahārthāṃ guṇagaṇavṛddhim upaiti so aprameyām | ,"""A verse on the distinction of the accomplishment of taking refuge: 12. One who goes to this refuge of great import increases the host of excellences beyond measure, [fills the world with compassionate thoughts, and spreads the teaching of the peerless noble ones]."" [Thurman 22]",Existence,Advantage,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@meaningfulness,valuable/important,of great value/significance (mahārtha),pos,other,śaraṇa gati gata mahant,,,mahant,gati,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,97,97,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tannityadarśanaṃ buddhānāṃ mahārthaṃ bhavati |,"""Thus the constant vision of the buddhas has a great value."" [Thurman 186]",Existence,Advantage,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@meaningfulness,valuable/important,of great value/significance (mahārtha),pos,,darśana mahant bhū,,,mahant,darśana,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,25,25,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,karmārthaṃ ṣaḍvidham ārabhya catvāraḥ ślokāḥ |,"""Four verses on the topic of activity, which is sixfold."" [Thurman 57]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,pos,,karma śloka,,,karma,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,25,25,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,hetvartham ārabhya ślokaḥ |,"""A verse on the topic of the cause (of the bodhisattva's power): ...."" [Thurman 56]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,pos,,hetu śloka,,,hetu,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,44,44,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,eṣa hetvarthaṃ phal[...] cārabhya dvitīyaḥ ślokaḥ |,"""This second verse is concerned with the topics of cause and effect (in regard to the ultimate realm)."" [Thurman 94]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,pos,,hetu ārabhya śloka,,,hetu ārabhya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,115,115,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dharmato viniścayaḥ | ye sūtrādayo yeṣu dānādiṣv artheṣu saṃdṛśyante | ye ca dānādayo yeṣu sūtrādiṣu dharmeṣu saṃdṛśyante | teṣāṃ parasparaṃ saṃgraho veditavyaḥ |,"""Their ascertainment by means of the teaching should be understood as the mutual inclusion of whatever scriptures are seen to relate to the topics of generosity and so forth and whatever references to generosity and so forth appear in the scriptures."" [Thurman 216]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/subject matter,neu,other,dāna ādi saṃdṛś dharma,,,dāna,,,NA,,,NA,,dharma,NA,, artha,188,188,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,atra ṣaḍbhiḥ svabhāvahetuphalakarmayogavṛttyarthair buddhalakṣaṇaṃ paridīpitaṃ |,"""The buddha character is explained here under six headings: nature, cause, result, activity, endowment, and function."" [Thurman 343]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/subject matter,neu,other,ṣaṣ svabhāva hetu phala karma yoga vṛtti paridīpita,,,ṣaṣ svabhāva hetu phala karma yoga vṛtti,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,158,158,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kim arthaṃ prāk prayatno na syād yadā notpannaḥ |,"""Why? Because the function will not have prior existence at the time when it will not have arisen, [Thurman 289]",Causation,Causation,Cause/reason,reason,why (kim artham),neu,,kim,,,kim,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,,,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,anek[...] anānārtham anucchedam aśāśvatam | etat tal lokanāthānāṃ buddhānāṃ śāsanāmṛtam ||18.11||,"""11. Not having a single goal, not having many goals, not destroyed, not eternal: This is the nectar of the teachings of the buddhas, lords of the world."" [Siderits/Katsura 204]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,aneka artha a nānā śāsana amṛta,,,nānā,amṛta,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,,,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,atra brūmaḥ śūnyatāyāṃ na tvaṃ vetsi prayojanam | śūnyatāṃ śūnyatārthaṃ ca tata evaṃ vihanyase ||24.7||,"""7. [Reply:] Here we say that you do not understand the point of [teaching] emptiness, emptiness itself, and the meaning of emptiness; in this way you are thus frustrated."" [Siderits/Katsura 271]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,neu,,na vid śūnyatā,vid,,śūnyatā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,20,20,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ṣaḍ vijñānadhātavaś cakṣurādisanniśritā rūpādyālambanā vijñaptayaḥ | manodhātus ta eva samanantaraniruddhāḥ | ṣaṣṭhavijñānāśrayaparidīpanārtham aṣṭādaśadhātuvyavasthānam |,"""""The domains of the six consciousnesses are awarenesses with objects-of-consciousness in visibles, etc., and which are dependent on the eye, etc. The domain of manas is any of these consciousness-moments which are past immediately afterwards, because of the continuity of the sixth consciousness. In this way, the sensory domains have been determined as eighteen."" [Anacker 73]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,ṣaṣṭha vijñāna āśraya paridīpana aṣṭādaśa dhātu vyavasthāna,,,paridīpana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,17,17,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kenārthena skandhāḥ |,"""Why are the aggregates thus designated?"" [Anacker 72]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,other,ka skandha,,,ka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,17,17,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rāśyarthena | adhvasantānaprakāragatideśabhedabhinnānāṃ rūpādīnāṃ saṃkṣepasaṅgrahaṇatām upādāya ||,"""It is through their collectivity, i.e. various kinds of materialities, etc., being heaped up together that 'times', 'series', 'aspects', 'development', and 'sense-objects' seem to occur."" [Anacker 72]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,other,rāśi,,,rāśi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,125,125,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bahujanahitāya tvaṃ rāṣṭrapāla pratipanno bahujanasukhāya arthāya hitāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca etarhi cānāgatānāṃ ca bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ saṃparigrahāya |,"""For the benefit of many people, Rāṣṭrapāla, have you acted, and for the pleasure of many people and for the sake and benefit of gods and men, and for the accomplishment of bodhisattvas mahâsattvas in the present and in the future."" [Boucher 121]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,pratipanna bahujana sukha hita deva,,,deva,,,NA,sukha hita,,NA,,,NA,pratipanna, artha,131,131,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yasyepsitaṃ dharṣayituṃ hi māraṃ pravartituṃ cakravaraṃ hyanuttaram | sattvārtham evaṃ vipulaṃ ca kartuṃ varjyāśca tenāpi ca pāpamitrāḥ ||96||,"""He who has the desire to overcome Māra, to set in motion the highest, most excellent wheel [of the Dharma], and in this way to make [the Dharma] widespread for the sake of sentient beings—he must also reject corrupting friends. (96)"" [Boucher 129]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,ya īpsita sattva vipula kṛ,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,īpsita, artha,144,144,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,khalu rāṣṭrapāla rājñārciṣmatā anyatarasmin pṛthivīpradeśe ratipradhānaṃ nāma nagaraṃ māpitamabhūt kumārasya paribhogārtham | dakṣiṇenottareṇa ca sapta vīthīśatāni saptabhiḥ prākāraiḥ samantato,"""Then, Rāṣṭrapāla, King Arciṣmat had the city named Ratipradhāna constructed at a certain spot for the young prince’s enjoyment."" [Boucher 148]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,rājan nagara mā kumāra paribhoga,,,paribhoga,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,mā, artha,134,134,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mayi tyaktamaṅguli udārā sattvahitārtham eva caratā me | jālārcitā vimalaśuddhā kāñcanavarṇa pārthiva yada āsīt ||132||,"""[24] When I was the king Kāñcanavarṇa, training for the sake of sentient beings, I relinquished my exquisite fingers, which were adorned with webbing, stainless and pure. (132)"" [Boucher 133]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,sattva hita car aham,,,hita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,car, artha,159,159,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāyo araṇye smṛtirapi nagare lābhārthaṃ te caritavikalpe | dūre mokṣo nabha iva dharaṇi dūre jāhu bhujagavadetān ||346||,"""Their bodies are in the forest, but their attention is in the city. Their religious practice is contrived for the sake of profit. Far off, like the distance between heaven and earth, is liberation for them. Leave them far behind, like snakes. (130)"" [Boucher 168]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,lābha carita vikalpa,,,lābha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vikalpa, artha,71,71,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yaccittamaparyantakleśaduḥkhadharmānugatamapi prakṛtiprabhāsvaratayā vikārānudāhṛterataḥ kalyāṇasuvarṇavadananyathābhāvārthena tathatetyucyate |,"""That which is the Mind, though it is associated with the phenomena of Suffering [caused by] innumerable forms of Defilement, is unable to be shown as being alterable because of its being radiant by nature. Therefore, it is called ‘Reality’ in the sense of being unchangeable like excellent gold."" [Takasaki 287]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,kalyāṇa suvarṇa an anyathābhāva vac/uc,,,anyathābhāva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,18,18,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,saṃghaḥ śaraṇama gryatvād gaṇānām iti śāstuḥ śāsane supratipannaśiṣyaguṇodbhāvanārthena parataḥ śravaghoṣasyānugamāyopagatān śrāvakayānikān pudgalān saṃghe ca paramakārākriyādhimuktānadhikṛtya deśitaṃ prajñaptam |,"""The teaching: 'the Community [of the disciples] is a Refuge because it is the highest of communities'; it was established, in order to show the virtue of Disciples well enrolled in the Teaching of the Teacher, for the sake of those people who approach in order to understand the voice heard from others, i.e. who belong to the Vehicle of Śrāvaka, and those who are devotees to the highest religious observance in the Community."" [Takasaki 181]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,pos,other,iti supratipanna śiṣya guṇa udbhāvana deśita prajñapta,,,udbhāvana,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,deśita, artha,26,26,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yaduta sarvasattveṣu tathāgatadharmakāyaparispharaṇārthena,"""That is to say, by the following three meanings: the Absolute Body of the Tathāgata penetrates all living beings;"" [Takasaki 198]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,tathāgata dharmakāya parispharaṇa,,,parispharaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,26,26,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,samāsatastrividhenārthena sadā sarvasattvāstathāgatagarbhā ityuktaṃ bhagavatā |,"""In short, by three kinds of meaning, it is said by the Lord that all living beings are always possessed of the Matrix of Tathāgata."" [Takasaki 198]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,trividha iti ukta bhagavant,,,trividha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,59,59,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,ityetadaparāntakoṭisamadhruvadharmatāsaṃvidyamānatāmadhikṛtya daśavidhenārthena tathāgatagarbhavyavasthānamuktam |,"""Thus, with reference to the existence of the Essential Nature, as eternal as the ultimate limit [of the world], we have hitherto explained the characteristics of the Matrix of the Tathāgata from 10 points of View."" [Takasaki 268]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,daśavidha ukta,,,daśavidha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,3,3,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,itīmāni samāsataḥ sapta vajrapadāni sakalasyāsya śāstrasyoddeśamukhasaṃgrahārthena śarīramiti veditavyam |,"""In short, these are the Vajrapadas which should be known as the body of this whole text, in the sense of being a collection of preliminary explanations."" [Takasaki 145]",Language,Existence@Intelligibility,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@Meaning,meaning,in the sense of/referring to,neu,,uddeśa mukha saṃgraha śarīra vid/ved,,,saṃgraha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,1,1.25,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci sattvasaṃjña dukhasaṃjña upādayātī hariṣyāmi duḥkha jagatīṃ kariṣyāmi artham | so ātma(sattva) parikalpaku bodhisattvo na ca eṣa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā ||1.25||,"""But when the notion of suffering and beings leads him to think: ‘Suffering I shall remove, the weal of the world I shall work!’ Beings are then imagined, a self is imagined, - The practice of wisdom, the highest perfection, is lacking."" [Conze 1.25]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,jagat kṛ,kṛ,,jagat,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,30,30.6,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci kāyacittavacasā ca parākrameyyā paripācayitva jagatī kariṣyāmi artham | kausīdyaprāpta bhavatī sthitu ātmasaṃjñaiḥ nairātmabhāvanavidūri nabhaṃ va bhūmeḥ ||30.6||,"""If he would exert himself with body, thought and speech, [thinking] ‘Having matured [it] I will work the weal of the world,’ Then, established in the notion of a self, he is affected by indolence. He is as far distant from the meditational development of not-self as the sky is from the ground."" [Conze 30.6]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,jagat kṛ,kṛ,,jagat,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,21,21.7,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,so caṃkram^ārtham abhiyuktakabodhisattvān baladhyānaindriyavimokṣasamādhiprāptān | abhimanyate na imi raṇyavivekacārī na vivekagocaru ayaṃ hi jinena ukto,"""When he feels superior to Bodhisattvas who practise for the weal of the world, And who have attained the concentrations, emancipations, faculties, trances and powers, On the ground that they do not course in the detachment of the remote forest, - Of him the Jina has said that 'he is established in Mara’s sphere.'""",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,philological,caṃkrama bodhisattva prāpta abhiman,,,caṃkrama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,prāpta, artha,4,4.27,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,dharm[...] yadi te rājyaṃ na kīrtyarthaṃ na kāmataḥ |,"""If your kingdom is ruled by you not on account of worldly renown nor of worldly pleasures but with the purpose of protecting the law, [then it will be extremely fruitful; otherwise it will be conducive to misfortune.]"" [Tucci 426]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,neu,,artha rājya na kīrti,,,na kīrti,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,rājya, artha,4,4.54,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,ekam arthaṃ vijānāti yady apy ekam ihendriyaṃ |,"""If, in this world, one sense knows only one object, [then, without its object of perception, that sense would have no scope and the object also will have no scope without the sense which perceives it (in so far as both are reciprocally conditioned)]."" [Conze 428-9]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,eka vijñā indriya,vijñā,,eka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,2,2.11,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,māyopamasyalokasya tathā janmānta eva ca | dṛśyate paramārthena na ca janmānta eva ca ||,"""So too, the world, like a magical illusion, might seem to arise and cease, but ultimately there is not any arisal and cessation at all. 11"" [Dunne/McClintock 26]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence@Reality/real_existence/actuality,ultimate reality/truth,parmārtha ultimate reality/truth,pos,,dṛś parama janma anta,,,parama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,233,233,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu pradānaśūro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantametadavocat ahamapi bhagavan evaṃrūpāṇāṃ dharmabhāṇakānām arthāya dhāraṇīpadāni dāsyāmi,"""Thereupon the Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Pradānaśūra said unto the Lord: I also, O Lord, will, for the benefit of such preachers, give them talismanic words,...."" [Kern 372]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,aham dharmabhāṇaka dhāraṇī pada dā,,,dharmabhāṇaka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,dā, artha,28,28,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmaṃ ca deśayanti bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya hitāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca,"""[…] and who [BGH: i.e. the Tathāgatas] are preaching the law to gods and men (&c., as above till [i.e., Kern, p. 41: for the weal of many, the happiness of many, out of pity to the world, for the benefit, weal, and happiness of the great body of creatures,]) the right path."" [Kern 42]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,dharma diś/deś bahujana loka anukampā janakāya hita sukha,,,janakāya,,,NA,anukampā,,NA,,hita sukha,NA,diś/deś, artha,116,116,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadbhaviṣyati bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya hitāya sukhāya devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca ||,"""May the Lord move forward the wheel of the law! [&c., as above till both gods and men.]"" (Kern, p. 163:) ""It will tend to the weal of the public, to the happiness of the public; out of mercy to the world, for the benefit and happiness of the people at large, both gods and men."" [Kern 171]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,bhū bahujana loka anukampā janakāya hita sukha,,,janakāya,,,NA,anukampā,,NA,,hita sukha,NA,bhū, artha,266,266,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sādhu sādhu samantabhadra yatra hi nāma tvamevaṃ bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasyārthāya hitāya sukhāya pratipannaḥ |,"""Very well, very well, Samantabhadra. It is happy that thou art so well disposed to promote the weal and happiness of the people at large, out of compassion for the people, for the benefit, weal, and happiness of the great body of men, ...."" [Kern 437]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,bahujana loka anukampā janakāya hita sukha pratipanna,,,janakāya,,,NA,anukampā,,NA,,hita sukha,NA,pratipanna, artha,190,190,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarve ca te kulaputrā dharmaparyāyāstathāgatena sattvānāṃ vinayārthāya bhāṣitāḥ |,"""[…] and it is for the education of creatures, young men of good family, that the Tathāgata has revealed all Dharmaparyāyas."" [Kern 301]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,dharmaparyāya tathāgata sattva vinaya bhāṣita,,,vinaya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,bhāṣita, artha,106,106,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya bhagavataḥ satkārārthāya gurukār[...] mānan[...] pūjan[...] arcan[...] apacāyan[...] upasaṃkrāntāḥ |,"""They went up to the Lord in order to honour, respect, worship, revere, and venerate him, […]."" [Kern 158]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,satkāra gurukāra mānana pūjana arcana apacāyana upasaṃkrānta,,,satkāra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,upasaṃkrānta, artha,25,25,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evamukte bhagavānāyuṣmantaṃ śāriputrametadavocat alaṃ śāriputra | kimanenārthena bhāṣitena tatkasya hetoḥ utrasiṣyati śāriputra ayaṃ sadevako loko asminn[...] vyākriyamāṇe |,"""The venerable Śāriputra having spoken, the Lord said to him: Enough, Śāriputra; it is of no use explaining this matter. Why? Because, Śāriputra, the world, including the gods, would be frightened if this matter were expounded."" [Kern 37]",Existence,Existence,Topic/subject-matter,object,topic/matter,neu.neg,,ayam bhāṣita,,,ayam bhāṣita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,145,145,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śrutvā ca dharmaṃ gambhīraṃ yasya trāso na bheṣyati | na cāsau jīvitārthāya buddhabodhiṃ pratikṣipet ||22||,"""Those who have heard the profound Dharma And have not been frightened by it, Will not even for the sake of their life Forsake the enlightenment of buddhahood. {24}"" [Roberts/84000 23.30]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,na jīvita buddha bodhi pratikṣip,,,jīvita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,pratikṣip, artha,13,13,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasmāt tarhiṃ kumāra yo bodhisattvo mahāsattva ākāṅkṣati tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya bhūtaṃ buddhaguṇavarṇaṃ saṃprakāśayituṃ no cārthato vā vyañjanato vā paryādānaṃ gantuṃ sarvaṃ ca me vacanaṃ buddhaparigṛhītaṃ niścaritumiti,"""Then the Bhagavān said to the youth Candraprabha, 'Young man, therefore, if bodhisattva mahāsattvas wish to teach the buddha qualities as described by the Tathāgata, the arhat, the perfectly enlightened buddha, without any loss of meaning or words, and for all their words to come forth as those of the buddha, then those bodhisattva mahāsattvas, young man, [F.10.a] should, for the sake of all beings, obtain this samādhi, understand it, preserve it, recite it to others, promote it, proclaim it, chant it, meditate on it with unadulterated meditation, promulgate it, and make it widely known to others. [Roberts/84000 3.1]",Language,Language@Intention,Language@Intention,meaning,meaning/sense/purpose,pos,,bodhisattva ākāṅkṣ na vyañjana paryādāna gam,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,vyañjana,NA,, artha,9,9.12,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,yadāmbubhūvāyvanalāś ca dhātavaḥ sadā viruddhā viṣamā ivoragāḥ | bhavanty anarthāya śarīram āśritāḥ kathaṃ balaṃ rogavidho vyavasyasi ||,"""12. Seeing that the elements, water, earth, wind and fire coalescing in a body, ever war together like vicious snakes and lead to disaster, disease is part of your very nature; how then can you conclude you have strength?"" [Johnston 49]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,neu.neg,,ambu bhū vāyu anala dhātu bhū an śarīra āśrita,,,an,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,āśrita, artha,9,9.8,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,himātapavyādhijarākṣudādibhir yadāpy anarthair upamīyate jagat | jalaṃ śucau māsa ivārkaraśmibhiḥ kṣayaṃ vrajan kiṃ baladṛpta manyase ||,"""8. Seeing that the world is subject to attack from calamities such as cold, heat, disease, old age, hunger etc., like the water in the hot season from the rays of the sun, what are you thinking about, you who are so proud of your strength, as you pass to decay? [alt. tr. by M. Cross (BP): 9.8 By cold and heat, by sickness and aging, and by hunger and other such adversities, the living are being reduced Like water in the hot season by the sun’s rays. In these circumstances, what are you thinking, O taker of pride in strength! as you wander towards your end?] [BGH upamīyate? the world is being compared to//the world is being measured by ill/evil like hunger, etc.? I think Cross's tr. 'reduced' is very good here!]"" [Johnston 48]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,neu.neg,,him ātapa vyādhi jarā kṣud ādi an upamā jagat,,,ādi an,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,15,15.19,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,tasmād akuśalaṃ tyaktvā kuśalaṃ dhyātum arhasi | yat te syād iha cārthāya param[...] cāptaye ||,"""19. Therefore you should abandon evil and think only of what is good; for it will rebound to your advantage in this world and to the attainment of the supreme goal."" [Johnston 83]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,kuśala dhyā as iha parama āpti,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,as, artha,24,24,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvasattvānām arthāya mahāpraṇidhānaṃ samudānītavān,"""He continued to perfect the great vow, for the sake of all living beings,..."" [Gomez 78/§33]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object@Advantage,welfare,benefit,pos,,sarva sattva mahā praṇidhāna samudānī,,,sattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,samudānī, artha,63,63,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasmād asya dharmaparyāyasyādhyāśayena śravaṇodgrahaṇadhāraṇārthaṃ paryavāptaye vistareṇa saṃprakāśan[...] bhāvan[...] ca sumahadvīryam ārabdhavyam,"""Therefore, one who has the proper higher disposition should summon the greatest effort and remember this discourse on the Dharma, to make it known in full detail and in order to cultivate it in meditation for the sake of fully grasping it."" [Gomez 108/§149]",Existence,Intention@Existence,end/purpose/object,purpose,for the sake of,pos,,dharmaparyāya śravaṇa udgrahaṇa dhāraṇa paryavāpti saṃprakāśana bhāvanā sumahad vīrya ārabh,,,śravaṇa udgrahaṇa dhāraṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,ārabh, artha,299,299.2-307.4,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,śāntasya dāntasya sarvendriyārtheṣv aśaktasya,"""He is tranquil, subdued, and not attached to all objects of the senses."" [Rajapatirana 110]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu,,śānta dānta sarva indriya a śakta/sakta?,,,indriya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,śakta/sakta?, artha,130,130.1-133.134,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tathāṣṭākṣaṇanirmuktaṃ kṣaṇam āsādya durlabhaṃ | akṛtārthena martavyam iti me mahatī vyathā |,"""Likewise, great is my anguish that having obtained a favourable birth that is difficult to get and escaped from the eight inopportune births, I should die without accomplishing my object. (9)"" [Rajapatirana 53]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,a kṛta mṛt vyathā,,,kṛta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,270,270,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yadi kiñcid upalabheyaṃ pravarteyaṃ nivartayeyaṃ vā | pratyakṣādibhir arthais tadabhāvān me anupālambhaḥ ||30||,"""XXX . If I apprehended something with the help of perception, etc., then I would either affirm or deny (pravartayeyam nivartayeyam vā). [But] since that thing does not exist, I am not to blame (tadabhāvān me 'nupālambhaḥ)."" [Bhattacharya 24]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu.neg,other,upalabh pravṛt/pravart nivṛt/nivart pratyakṣa ādi a bhāva,,,ādi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,4,4.11,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yo ayaṃ vyādhir nāma nāyaṃ paramārthata upalabhyate anyatrātmābhiniveśāt |,"""[…] and except for arbitrary insistence on self, ultimately no 'I' which can be said to be sick can be apprehended."" [Thurman 45]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence@Reality/real_existence/actuality,ultimate reality/truth,parmārtha ultimate reality/truth,pos,,vyādhi parama upalabh,,,parama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,1,1-2,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kṛtakṛtyaiḥ kṛtakaraṇīyair apahṛtabhārair anuprāptasvakārthaiḥ parikṣīṇabhavasamyojanaiḥ,"""[…] they had fulfilled their duty done what they had to do laid down their burden achieved their aim completely destroyed the shackles of existence;"" [Lamotte/Boin 2]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,anuprāpta svaka,,,anuprāpta svaka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, artha,3,3,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na deśakālaniyamaḥ saṃtānāniyamo na ca | na ca kṛtyakriyā yuktā vijñaptir yadi nārthataḥ ||2||,"""If perception occurs without an object, any restriction as to place and time becomes illogical, as does non-restriction as to moment-series and any activity which has been performed."" [Anacker 161]",Existence,Existence,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,object,objective counterpart of cognition/perception/language,neu.neg,,vijñapti na,,,na,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,vijñapti, arthaka,93,093|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nahi niruddhe nirodhābhimukhe ca yatnaḥ sārthako bhavatīti |,"""There is no good reason to make an effort to destroy that which has perished or that which is perishing."" [Pruden 283]",Existence,Existence@Intelligibility@Importance,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@meaningfulness,valuable/important,meaningful/important,neu.neg,other,na yatna sa bhū,,,na sa,yatna,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, arthaka,148,148,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dhātūśca sarpasadṛśā vadhakāśca skandhāḥ cittaṃ ca sāsravam anarthaka śūnya grāmaḥ | viṣastambapuṣpita iveha narendra kāyaḥ oghe atiruhyati kathaṃ nu ratirmamātra ||265||,"""The basic psychophysical elements [dhātu] are like snakes, the aggregates [skandha] akin to murderers, and the mind, fraught with depravities, is like a worthless, empty village. The body, King, has bloomed, as it were, on a poisonous stalk and is carried away by a flood. How can I take pleasure in it? (49)"" [Boucher 153]",Existence,Existence@Intelligibility@Importance,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@meaningfulness,valuable/important,meaningful/important,neu.neg,,citta sa āsrava an śūnya grāma,,,an,grāma,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, arthaka,147,147,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,etāḥ striyo hi chavimātrakarūparabhyāḥ snāyvasthiyantramaśucībhi nirarthako aham | prasrāviṇī rudhiramūtraśakṛnmalānāṃ vyaktaṃ śmaśānasadṛśīṣu kathaṃ rameyam ||257||,"""These women are beautiful and pleasing only on the surface. On account of its impurities, I have no interest in this contraption of sinews and bones. Oozing of excretions—blood, urine, and excrement—how can I delight in what are surely only suitable for a cemetery? (41)"" [Boucher 152]",Existence,Existence@Intelligibility@Importance,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@meaningfulness,valuable/important,meaningful/important,neu.neg,,snāyu asthi yantra nis aham,,,nis,aham,yantra,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, arthatā,227,Dutt156/Wogihara227,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,samāsato bodhisattvasyaitatkuśalānāṃ dharmāṇāṃ karma veditavyam | tatra yacca dānamanekavidhaṃ pūrvavadyāvat samānārthatā ityeṣāmanekavidhānāmaprameyāṇāṃ kuśalānāṃ dharmāṇāṃ bodhipākṣikānāṃ tribhiḥ kāraṇaiḥ samudācāro veditavyaḥ |,"""In brief, these should be understood as the actions of a bodhisattva's virtuous qualities. Regarding this [topic], it should be understood that the practice of these multiple and immeasurable forms of virtuous qualities that are favorable to enlightenment-ranging from the multiple forms of generosity up to the sameness of purpose that have been described above-[is carried out] by means of three causes."" [381-2]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,samāna,,,samāna,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, arthatā,19,19,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svakārthatā kā katamā parā[...]tā ||,"""What then (for her) is individualism? And what is altruism?"" [Thurman 43]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,purpose,the object of one's pursuit,pos,,svaka ka para,,,svaka ka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, atyartha,6,Dutt5/Wogihara6,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvaḥ prakṛtyā utthānavān bhavati | kālyotthāyī sāyaṃ nipātī na nidrāsukhaṃ śayanasukhaṃ pārśvasukham atyarthaṃ svīkaroti |,"""In this case, a bodhisattva is naturally energetic. One rises at daybreak and goes to sleep [only] at the end of the day. One does not indulge excessively in the comfort of sleep, the comfort of lying down, or the comfort of lying on one's side."" [Engle 14]",Existence,Existence@Intention@Advantage,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@end/purpose/object,excessively,exceeding the purpose,pos,,na pārśva sukha ati svī kṛ,,,ati,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, atyartha,19,19,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svaparavavidhair vividhair atyarthaṃ baddhaḥ kleśakarmajanmasvabhāvaiḥ |,"""She is thus strongly bound with various bonds of her own and others, consisting of the mental addictions, evolutionary actions, and births."" [Thurman 41]",Existence,Existence@Intention@Advantage,object/that_which_is_outside_the_self@end/purpose/object,excessively,exceeding the purpose,neu,,ati baddha,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, aupacārika,278,278/08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sānuśayaṃ sānubandham ity arthaḥ | aupacāriko vā sūtre anuśayaśabdaḥ prāptau |,"""The expression ""with its anuśaya"" should be explained as ""with its anubandha"", that is, ""with its consequences."" Or rather the Sutra uses the word anuśaya in the sense of ""possession"" because possession is the cause of the anuśaya."" [Poussin, Pruden 769]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,artha śabda prāpti,,,,śabda,NA,NA,,,NA,,artha,prāpti,, avakalp,32,2280955|32,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavānāha ataḥ sa kauśika kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā bahutaraṃ puṇyaṃ prasavati ya imāṃ prajñāpāramitāmabhiśraddadhadavakalpayannadhimucya prasannacitto bodhāya cittamutpādya adhyāśayataḥ […],"""Now, those Bodhisattvas who have stood on the irreversible Bodhisattva-stage, and who have known full enlightenment, they expound the perfection of wisdom to other sons and daughters of good family (61) who are earnestly intent, who train themselves, and strive, in the perfection of wisdom. And they, in their turn, take up the perfection of wisdom, study and worship it."" [Conze 107]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,other,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prajñāpāramitā abhiśraddadhā adhimuc prasannacitta,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prasannacitta,abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,,NA, avakalp,36,2280955|36,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tasmāttarhi kauśika yaḥ kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā imāṃ prajñāpāramitām abhiśraddadhad avakalpayann adhimucya prasannacitto bodhāya cittamutpādya adhyāśayataḥ […],"""Greater would be the merit of someone who would truly believe in this perfection of wisdom; who would, trustingly, confiding in it, resolutely intent on it, serene in his faith, his thoughts raised to enlightenment, in earnest intent, hear it, learn it, bear it in mind, recite and study it, spread, demonstrate, explain, expound and repeat it, illuminate it in detail to others, uncover its meaning, investigate it with his mind;""",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prajñāpāramitā abhiśraddadhā adhimuc prasannacitta,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prasannacitta,abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,,NA, avakalp,47,2280955|47,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,viśiṣṭān guṇān parigṛhītukāmena kulaputreṇa vā kuladuhitrā vā iyameva prajñāpāramitā abhiśraddhātavyā avakalpayitavyā adhibhoktavyā |,"""[...] and finally, honours and worships this perfection of wisdom; then the latter begets the greater merit. He should be imitated by those who want to acquire these distinguished qualities here and now, and they should truly believe in the perfection of wisdom, etc., to: because their guide will not fail."" [Conze 115]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prajñāpāramitā abhiśraddadhā adhibhunák/adhibhuṅk,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ,abhiśraddadhā adhibhunák/adhibhuṅk,,,,,,NA, avakalp,53,2280955|53,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[...] yaḥ imāṃ prajñāpāramitāmantaśaḥ pustakagatām api kṛtvā abhiśraddadhadabhiśraddadhate avakalpayann avakalpayate adhimuñcannadhimucyate prasannacittaḥ prasannacittāya adhyāśayasaṃpanno adhyāśayasaṃpannāya,"""Greater would be the merit of someone who would make a copy of this perfection of wisdom, would believe in it and have faith in it, faith serene and firm; who would raise his thoughts to enlightenment, and with earnest intention would give this perfection of wisdom to another Bodhisattva who had raised his thought to enlightenment; [...]"" [Conze 120]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,ya prajñāpāramitā abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,ya,abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,,NA, avakalp,104,2280955|104,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ihaivaṃ gambhīrāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ bhāṣyamāṇāyāṃ deśyamānāyām upadiśyamānāyāṃ kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā abhiśraddadhad avakalpayann adhimucya prasannacitto bodhāya cittamutpādya enāṃ prajñāpāramitāmudgrahīṣyati dhārayiṣyati vācayiṣyati paryavāpsyati,"""Like an irreversible Bodhisattva should one regard that person who, when just this deep perfection of wisdom is being taught and explained, has faith in it, and, trusting, firmly believing, his heart full of serene faith, raises a thought directed towards enlightenment, takes up, etc., this perfection of wisdom, trains in Thusness, progresses to Thusness, makes efforts about Thusness."" [Conze 153]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,prajñāpāramitā kulaputra kuladuhitṛ abhiśraddadhā adhimuc prasannacitta,,,,,,kulaputra kuladuhitṛ prasannacitta,abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,NA, avakalp,107,2280955|107|156(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yas tatprathamata etad evaṃvidhaṃ śīlasaṃvarasamādānaṃ na adhimucyeta na avataren na avakalpayen na lubdhasya na lobhābhibhūtasya mahecchasyāsantuṣṭasya na śīlavipannasya śikṣāsvanādarakāriṇaḥ śaithilikasya na,"""[...] from someone who, from the outset, feels no devotion toward the acceptance of this form of moral discipline, does not take up its practice, and does not accommodate him- or herself to it in a well-regulated manner. Nor [should he or she receive it] from someone who is greedy, who is overcome by attachment, whose desires are great, or who is not satisfied with what he or she has; [...]"" [Engle 265]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,neu.neg,,ya śīlasaṃvara adhimuc avatar na,,,na,,śīlasaṃvara,ya,adhimuc avatar,,,,,,NA, avakalp,121,2280955|121,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] acintyaṃ tathāgatopāyaviṣayagocaram avataran dharmadhātunayasvabhāvāvatāratāṃ ca buddhānāṃ bhagavatām avakalpayamānaḥ anālayagaganagocarā hi buddhā bhagavanta iti saṃpaśyan [...],"""Putting trust in the buddhas’, the blessed ones’ comprehension of the principle and inherent nature of the dharma-realm, seeing that the buddhas, the blessed ones have domains that are without foundation like the sky, [...]"" [Boucher 116]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,avatar avatāratā buddha saṃpaś,,,,,avatāratā,,avatar saṃpaś,,,,,buddha,NA, avakalp,29,2280955|29|2.37,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,imeṣu buddhadharmeṣu śraddadhādhvaṃ me śāriputra pattīyata avakalpayata | na hi śāriputra tathāgatānāṃ mṛṣāvādaḥ saṃvidyate |,"""In respect to these things believe my words, Sâriputra, value them, take them to heart; for there is no falsehood in the Tathâgatas, Sâriputra."" [Kern 43]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,dharma śraddadhā aham śāriputra pattī,,,,,aham,śāriputra,śraddadhā pattī,,,,,dharma,NA, avakalp,189,2280955|189|15.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu bhagavān sarvāvantaṃ bodhisattvagaṇam āmantrayate sma avakalpayadhvaṃ me kulaputrāḥ abhiśraddadhadhvaṃ tathāgatasya bhūtāṃ vācaṃ vyāharataḥ |,"""Thereupon the Lord addressed the entire host of Bodhisattvas : Trust me, young men of good family, believe in the Tathāgata speaking a veracious word."" [Kern 298]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,aham kulaputra abhiśraddadhā,,,,,aham,kulaputra,abhiśraddadhā,,,,,,NA, avakalp,189,2280955|189|15.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tṛtīyakamapi bhagavāṃstan bodhisattvān āmantrayate smāvakalpayadhvaṃ me kulaputrāḥ abhiśraddadhadhvaṃ tathāgatasya bhūtāṃ vācaṃ vyāharataḥ |,"""A third and last time the Lord addressed the Bodhisattvas: Trust me, young men of good family, believe in the Tathāgata speaking a veracious word."" [Kern 298]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,aham kulaputra abhiśraddadhā,,,,,aham,kulaputra,abhiśraddadhā,,,,,,NA, avakalp,58,2280955|58,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sukhāvatyāṃ lokadhātāv upapattaye kuśalamūlāny avaropayanti buddhānāṃ bhagavatām asaṅgajñānam avakalpayanty abhiśraddhadhaty adhimucyante tatropapādukāḥ padmeṣu paryaṅkaiḥ prādurbhavanti [...],"""But those who, on the contrary, are free of doubt, who have cut through uncertainty, and who plant roots of merit in order to be reborn in the Iand of Bliss, and trust in the unimpeded knowledge of blessed buddhas, believe in it, and are committed to it, they are reborn miraculously to appear here sitting cross-legged in open lotus flowers."" [Gomez 104]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,asaṅga jñāna abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,jñāna,,abhiśraddadhā adhimuc,,,,,,NA, avakalp,2280955,2280955,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,na me bhagavann āścaryaṃ yad aham imaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ bhāṣyamāṇam avakalpayāmy adhimucya |,"""For me it is no great marvel, Lord, that I believe and have faith in the round of teachings when it is being preached."" [Paul Harrison 149, 7-9]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Faith,Believe,Believe/trust,pos,,aham dharmaparyāya bhāṣyamāṇa adimuc,,,,,dharmaparyāya bhāṣyamāṇa,aham,adimuc,,,,,,NA, jalp,15,2280955|15,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āha utpādo dharmo anutpādo dharma ityāyuṣman śāriputra na pratibhāti jalpitum |,"""Subhuti: To talk of a production-dharma as a non-production-dharma is not intelligible."" [Conze 94]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,parmārtha munitva sarva kleśa uparati,,,kleśa,uparati,,,,munitva,,NA,,,, jalp,15,2280955|15,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āhānutpādo api te āyuṣman subhūte pratibhāti jalpitum |,"""Sariputra: To talk of non-production is also not intelligible."" [Conze 94]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,iti na pratibhā,,pratibhā,na,,,,,,,NA,,,, jalp,19,2280955|19,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yāni tāni yakṣāṇāṃ yakṣabhāṣitāni yakṣarutāni yakṣapadāni yakṣamantritāni yakṣapravyāhṛtāni tāni vijñāyante jalpyamānāni |,"""What the fairies talk and murmur, that we understand though mumbled."" [Conze 98]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,anutpāda pratibhā pratibhāna,,,,anutpāda,,,,,,NA,pratibhā pratibhāna,,, jalp,42,2280955|42,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yadāpi sa dharmabhāṇako na jalpitukāmo bhaviṣyati tadāpi tasya te devaputrāstenaiva dharmagauraveṇa pratibhānamupasaṃhartavyaṃ maṃsyante yathā tasya kulaputrasya vā kuladuhitur vā bhāṣitum eva chando bhaviṣyati |,"""Even when he [the preacher of dharma] is not willing to talk, the Gods still expect that, through their respect for dharma, a readiness to speak will be induced in him, and that he will feel urged to teach."" [Conze 112]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,bhāṣita ruta pada mantrita pravyāhṛta vijānā/vijānī,vijānā/vijānī,,,,,,,,bhāṣita ruta pada mantrita pravyāhṛta,NA,,,, jalp,2,2280955|2 - 37,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sāntvaṃ babhāṣe na ca nārthavad yaj jajalpa tattvaṃ na ca vipriyaṃ yat sāntvaṃ hy atattvaṃ paruṣaṃ ca tattvaṃ hriyāśakan nātmana eva vaktum ||,"""He spoke only what was pleasant, never anything useless; he spoke only what was true, never anything unpleasant; he was unable, through shame, to say even to himself, anything pleasant but untrue, anything harsh though true."" [Olivelle 49]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,pos,,vivad aham vāc bhāṣ prativaca,,,,,,aham,,,,NA,vivad vāc bhāṣ prativaca,,, jalp,145,2280955|145|XXII.82,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,alabdhagādhā navasaṃstave jane na yānti kāmaṃ praṇayapragalbhatām | vacastu dākṣiṇyasamāhitākṣaraṃ na te na jalpantyupacāraśībharam ||,"""Surely, new acquaintances are not bold enough to speak frankly to the newly acquired friend, in whose mind they have not yet got footing. Still, they will use at least kind language, adorned by courteous terms."" [Speyer 272]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,bhāṣ tattva na vipriya vac/vak,,,na,,tattva vipriya,,bhāṣ vac/vak,,,NA,,,, jalp,52,2280955|52|9.57,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāyena cittena asaṃyatānāṃ na kiṃci vācāya sa jalpitavyam | sadā gaveṣanti parasya doṣān aparāddhu kiṃ kena vā codayiṣye ||,"""They do not restrain their body and mind. There is nothing that they will not say. They are always looking for faults in others, And criticize any mistake they make."" [Peter Alan Roberts 9.64[57]]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,artha,,,,artha,,,,,,NA,,,, jalp,3,2280955|3 - 33,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,anṛtaṃ jagāda na ca kaś cid ṛtam api jajalpa nāpriyam | ślakṣṇam api ca na jagāv ahitaṃ hitam apy uvāca na ca paiśunāya yat ||,"""No one said what was untrue or, if true, was unpleasant. No one spoke smooth things which were to the disadvantage of others. They spoke only to the advantage of others, avoiding backbiting."" [Johnston 18]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,pos,,artha vijānā/vijānī mātra nibha citta,vijānā/vijānī,,mātra,artha,,,,,,NA,nibha,,, jalpa,237,2280955|237|07-237|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kasmādaśaikṣameva nānyat | arhataḥ parmārthamunitvāt | sarvakleśajalpoparateḥ |,"""Why does only the mind of the Arhat receive this name? Because the Arhat is the true Silent One through the cessation of all murmuring of his defilements."" [Poussin, Pruden 638]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neg,,manas iti saṃkalpa,,,manas iti,,,,,,saṃkalpa,NA,,,, jalpa,15,2280955|15,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āhānutpāda evāyuṣman śāriputra jalpaḥ | anutpāda eva āyuṣmān śāriputra pratibhāti | anutpāda eva āyuṣman śāriputra pratibhānam | evamevāyuṣman śāriputra atyantaṃ pratibhāti ||,"""Subhuti: Non-production is just talk. Non-production just appears before the mind’s eye. Non-production is just a flash in the mind. Absolutely it is nothing more than that."" [Conze 94]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,anutpāda pratibhā,,pratibhā,,,anutpāda,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,179,2280955|179,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,punarmanojalpaistriratnanamaskriyayā abandhyaṃ kālaṃ karoti kārayati ca |,"""Furthermore, he or she uses the time in a productive manner by paying homage to the Three Jewels with forms of mental discourse and causes [others] to do so as well."" [Engle 439]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,pos,,artha khyāna,,,khyāna,artha,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,66,2280955|66|V.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tajjalpabhāvito jalpamanaskāras tadāśrayaḥ manaskāre aviparyāso dvayaprakhyānakāraṇe ||,"""[...] mental attention towards talk arises with a basis in talk, and a realization of this is lack of reversal in a mental attention where there is the appearance of a duality; [...]"" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,na upacāra,,,na,,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,66,2280955|66|V.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tajjalpabhāvito jalpamanaskāras tadāśrayaḥ manaskāre aviparyāso dvayaprakhyānakāraṇe ||,"""[...] mental attention towards talk arises with a basis in talk, and a realization of this is lack of reversal in a mental attention where there is the appearance of a duality; [...]"" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,ruta dvirepha aṅganā nṛtta gīta,,,aṅganā,,,,nṛtta gīta,,,NA,ruta,,, jalpa,66,2280955|66|V.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhyagrāhakajalpaparibhāvito jalpamanaskāras tasya grāhyagrāhakavikalpasyāśrayo bhavatīty ayaṃ manaskāre aviparyāsaḥ |,"""A lack of reversal in regard to mental attention is the cognition that a mental attention towards talk, being suffused with talk which leads to the notion of object apprehended and subject apprehendor, is the only basis for the discrimination between object apprehended and subject apprehendor."" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,bhāvita manaskāra,,,,manaskāra bhāvita,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,66,2280955|66|V.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhyagrāhakajalpaparibhāvito jalpamanaskāras tasya grāhyagrāhakavikalpasyāśrayo bhavatīty ayaṃ manaskāre aviparyāsaḥ |,"""A lack of reversal in regard to mental attention is the cognition that a mental attention towards talk, being suffused with talk which leads to the notion of object apprehended and subject apprehendor, is the only basis for the discrimination between object apprehended and subject apprehendor."" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,manaskāra,,,,manaskāra,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,66,2280955|66|V.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,katamasmin manaskāre grāhyagrāhakasaṃprakhyānakāraṇe sa hy asau jalpamanaskāro abhilāpasaṃjñāparibhāvitatvāt grāhyagrāhakavikalpāśrayo veditavyaḥ |,"""As regards mental attention which is the cause for the semblance of object apprehended and subject apprehendor as things apart, this mental attention towards talk is itself to be known as the basis for the distinction between object apprehended and subject apprehendor, because it is suffused with cognitions of verbal specifications."" [Anacker 262]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,grāhya grāhaka paribhāvita manaskāra,,,grāhya grāhaka,manaskāra paribhāvita,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...]hīnapūrṇāśrayo dvedhā sajalpo ajalpa eva ca | jñānena saṃprayuktaś ca yogopaniṣadātmakaḥ ||[...] yogināṃ hi manaskāra eṣa sarvātmako mataḥ ||,"""Such is the (eighteenfold) conscientious attitude of the yogis, composed of all (conscientious attitudes): triply genealogical; dutiful; in lifestyle bound or free; settled in faith; intensely enthusiastic; (contemplative) life twofold, incomplete or fulfilled; (in realms still) verbal or nonverbal; endowed with (conceptual) wisdoms or with the (wisdom) associated with meditative experience; [...]"" [Thurman 118]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,manaskāra,,,,manaskāra,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] hīnapūrṇāśrayo dvedhā sajalpo ajalpa eva ca | jñānena saṃprayuktaś ca yogopaniṣadātmakaḥ || [...] yogināṃ hi manaskāra eṣa sarvātmako mataḥ ||,"""Such is the (eighteenfold) conscientious attitude of the yogis, composed of all (conscientious attitudes): triply genealogical; dutiful; in lifestyle bound or free; settled in faith; intensely enthusiastic; (contemplative) life twofold, incomplete or fulfilled; (in realms still) verbal or nonverbal; endowed with (conceptual) wisdoms or with the (wisdom) associated with meditative experience; [...]"" [Thurman 118]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu,,manaskāra abhilāpa saṃjñā,,,,manaskāra,,,,,,NA,abhilāpa,,, jalpa,24,2280955|24|VI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ekena saṃbhṛtasaṃbhāratvaṃ dharmacintāsuviniśritatvaṃ samādhiniśrityabhāvanāt manojalpāc ca teṣāṃ dharmāṇām arthaprakhyānāvagamāt tatpraveśaṃ darśayati |,"""The first verse shows the entrance into (ultimate realization); for it shows the accumulation of merit, the decisive judgment about things developed from concentrative meditation, and the realization that the objective perception of these things is due to mental verbalization."" [Thurman 52]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,manas artha khyā,,,manas,,,,,,,NA,,,khyā artha, jalpa,24,2280955|24|VI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvitīyena manojalpamātrānarthān viditvā tadābhāse cittamātre avasthānamiyaṃ bodhisatvasya nirvedhabhāgīyāvasthā |,"""The second verse shows that once she understands that objects are merely mental verbalizations, (a bodhisattva) dwells in mind alone appearing as that."" [Thurman 52]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu.neg,,artha manas nāman,,,manas,,,,,,,NA,nāman,,artha, jalpa,55,2280955|55|XI.6,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,manojalpair yathoktārthaprasannasya pradhāraṇāt | arthakhyānasya jalpāc ca nāmni sthānāc ca cetasaḥ ||,"""The teaching as objective is discovered by the three wisdoms, (born of) learning, (reflection, and meditation, respectively,) when one with faith focuses on its stated meaning (learned) through mental verbalization, when one recognizes the fact that its objective appearance is because of mental verbalization, and when one fixes the mind itself (exclusively) upon the nominal (life systems). And this discovery of the threefold objective is based upon the previously mentioned (three baskets of the teaching)."" [Thurman 116-117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,sa manaskāra,,,sa,manaskāra,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,55,2280955|55|XI.6,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,manojalpair yathoktārthaprasannasya pradhāraṇāt | arthakhyānasya jalpāc ca nāmni sthānāc ca cetasaḥ ||,"""The teaching as objective is discovered by the three wisdoms, (born of) learning, (reflection, and meditation, respectively,) when one with faith focuses on its stated meaning (learned) through mental verbalization, when one recognizes the fact that its objective appearance is because of mental verbalization, and when one fixes the mind itself (exclusively) upon the nominal (life systems). And this discovery of the threefold objective is based upon the previously mentioned (three baskets of the teaching)."" [Thurman 116-117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,a manaskāra,,,a,manaskāra,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dharmālambanalābhaḥ punas tribhir jñānair bhavati śrutacintābhāvanāmayaiḥ | tatra samāhitena cetasā manojalpair yathoktārthaprasannasya tatpradhāraṇāt |,"""The teaching as objective is discovered by means of the three wisdoms born from learning, reflection, and meditation. When the mind is faithful and concentrated, focused upon a stated sense using mental verbalization, that (objective teaching) is discovered through the wisdom born of learning."" [Thurman 117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,yathā artha saṃjñā artha vikhyāna parikalpita,,,yathā,saṃjñā vikhyāna parikalpita artha,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra samāhitena cetasā manojalpair yathoktārthaprasannasya tatpradhāraṇāt | śrutamayena jñānena tallābhaḥ manojalpair iti saṃkalpaiḥ |,"""When the mind is faithful and concentrated, focused upon a stated sense using mental verbalization, that (objective teaching) is discovered through the wisdom born of learning. ""Mental verbalization"" means ""conceptual consideration."""" [Thurman 117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,parikalpita yathā artha saṃjñā,,,yathā,parikalpita saṃjñā artha,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,jalpād arthakhyānasya pradhāraṇāc cintāmayena tallābhaḥ |,"""When one focuses on the fact that the appearance of the object is only because of verbalization, one discovers the teaching as objective through the wisdom born of reflection."" [Thurman 117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,parikalpita vāsanā,,,,parikalpita vāsanā,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi manojalpād evāyam arthaḥ khyātīti paśyati nānyan manojalpād yathoktaṃ dvayālambanalābhe | cittasya nāmni sthānāt bhāvanāmayena jñānena tallābho veditavyo [...],"""When one sees that objects appear solely from mental verbalization and that there is nothing other than mental verbalization - comparable to what has been said in connection with the discovery of the two objects (in the preceding verse) - that is, when one fixes the mind upon the nominal, the teaching as objective is discovered through the wisdom born of meditation, [...]"" [Thurman 117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu.neg,,parikalpita a vyavahāra yathā artha saṃjñā,,,yathā,saṃjñā artha,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, jalpa,56,2280955|56|XI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi manojalpād evāyam arthaḥ khyātīti paśyati nānyan manojalpād yathoktaṃ dvayālambanalābhe | cittasya nāmni sthānāt bhāvanāmayena jñānena tallābho veditavyo [...],"""When one sees that objects appear solely from mental verbalization and that there is nothing other than mental verbalization - comparable to what has been said in connection with the discovery of the two objects (in the preceding verse) - that is, when one fixes the mind upon the nominal, the teaching as objective is discovered through the wisdom born of meditation, [...]"" [Thurman 117]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu.neg,,abhilāpa yathā artha saṃjñā,,,yathā,saṃjñā artha,,,,,,NA,abhilāpa,,, jalpa,91,2280955|91|XIV.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,eṣeta pratyavekṣeta manojalpaiḥ prabandhataḥ | nirjalpaikarasaiś cāpi manaskārair vicārayet ||,"""She should investigate (the sütras) and thoroughly examine them with a continuous mental inquiry. Further, she should experience (them) by means of conscientious attitudes which are nonverbal and experientially uniform."" [Thurman 177]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,"neu,neg",,eṣ/iṣ pratyavekṣ manas prabandha,,,manas prabandha,,,,,,,NA,,,eṣ/iṣ pratyavekṣ, jalpa,93,2280955|93|XIV.23,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tataś cāsau tathābhūto bodhisatvaḥ samāhitaḥ | manojalpād vinirmuktān sarvārthān na prapaśyati ||,"""Having become such, the bodhisattva in meditative concentration does not perceive any objects separate from her mental discourse."" [Thurman 180]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,nir ekarasa manaskāra vicār,,,nir,manaskāra,,,ekarasa,,,NA,,,vicār, jalpa,93,2280955|93|XIV.26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ata ūrdhvaṃ nirvedhabhāgīyāni | tathābhūto bodhisatvaḥ samāhitacitto manojalpād vinirmuktān sarvadharmān na paśyati svalakṣaṇasāmānyalakṣaṇākhyān manojalpamātram eva khyāti |,"""After this come the aids to penetration (of the application path). When the bodhisattva's mind is in such a concentration she does not perceive any thing apart from her inner mental discourse. [...]"" [Thurman 180]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,manas sarv artha prapaś,,,manas,,,,,,,NA,,,prapaś artha, jalpa,93,2280955|93,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] bodhisatvaḥ samāhitacitto manojalpād vinirmuktān sarvadharmān na paśyati svalakṣaṇasāmānyalakṣaṇākhyān manojalpamātram eva khyāti | sāsyoṣmagatāvasthā |,"""Perceiving the mental discourse itself appearing as general and specific characteristics is the condition of (the aid to penetration called) ""heat."""" [Thurman 180]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,manas sarva dharma paś,,,manas,,,,,,,NA,,,paś dharma, jalpa,23,2280955|23|VI.6,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saṃbhṛtya saṃbhāram anantapāraṃ jñānasya puṇyasya ca bodhisatvaḥ | dharmeṣu cintāsuviniśriś citatvāj jalpānvayām arthagatiṃ paraiti ||,"""Once she has gathered the limitlessly fulfilling stores of merit and wisdom, a bodhisattva becomes decisive in her judgment about things; thus, she realizes that the objective realm is caused by verbalization."" [Thurman 52]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,nir prāpti an abhilāpyatva,,,nir,prāpti,,,,,,NA,abhilāpyatva,,, jalpa,24,2280955|24|VI.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,arthān sa vijñāya ca jalpamātrān saṃtiṣṭhate tannibhacittamātre | pratyakṣatām eti ca dharmadhātus tasmād viyukto dvayalakṣaṇena ||,"""And once aware that objects are mere verbalizations she securely dwells in the realm of mind alone with such (objective) appearance. Then she realizes intuitively that the ultimate realm is (immanently) present, free of the nature of duality."" [Thurman 52]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,nir jñāna,,,nir,jñāna,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,64,2280955|64|XI.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyā nimittaṃ tasya vāsanā | tasmād apy arthavikhyānaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ ||,"""The cause of the concept of objective referents corresponding to verbalization, its instincts, and thence also objective perceptions - such is the nature of the imaginatively constructed (identity)."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,pratideśaka nir buddhi,,,nir,buddhi,,,pratideśaka,,,NA,,,, jalpa,64,2280955|64|XI.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ trividhaṃ yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyā nimittaṃ tasya jalpasya vāsanā tasmāc ca vāsanādyo arthaḥ khyāti avyavahārakuśalānāṃ vināpi,"""The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,pratideśaka nir buddhi,,,nir,buddhi,,,pratideśaka,,,NA,,,, jalpa,64,2280955|64|XI.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ trividhaṃ yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyā nimittaṃ tasya jalpasya vāsanā tasmāc ca vāsanādyo arthaḥ khyāti avyavahārakuśalānāṃ vināpi yathājalpārthasaṃjñayā |,"""The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,vitarka paryeṣaka manas cetanā prajñā citta,,,paryeṣaka manas,citta vitarka,,,cetanā prajñā,,,NA,,,, jalpa,64,2280955|64|XI.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ trividhaṃ yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyānimittaṃ tasya jalpasya vāsanā tasmāc ca vāsanādyo arthaḥ khyāti avyavahārakuśalānāṃ vināpi yathājalpārthasaṃjñayā | tatra yathā abhilāpam arthasaṃjñā caitasikī yathājalpārthasaṃjñā | tasyā yad ālambanaṃ tannimittam evaṃ yac ca,"""The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,vicāra pratyavekṣaka manas citta,,,pratyavekṣaka manas,citta vicāra,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,64,2280955|64|XI.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...]arthaḥ khyāti avyavahārakuśalānāṃ vināpi yathājalpārthasaṃjñayā | tatra yathā abhilāpam arthasaṃjñā caitasikī yathājalpārthasaṃjñā |,"""The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization. The concept of the referent corresponding to intentional expression is a mental function, (the same as) the concept of (objective) referents corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu,,na vācā sa,,,na,,,sa,,,,NA,,vācā,, jalpa,91,2280955|91|XIV.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,eṣeta pratyavekṣeta manojalpaiḥ prabandhataḥ | nirjalpaikarasaiś cāpi manaskārair vicārayet ||,"""She should investigate (the sütras) and thoroughly examine them with a continuous mental inquiry. Further, she should experience (them) by means of conscientious attitudes which are nonverbal and experientially uniform."" [Thurman 177]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,gad ka/kim na apriya gu/gav vac/vak,,,na,,apriya,ka/kim,gad gu/gav vac/vak,,,NA,,,, jalpa,138,2280955|138|XVIII.31,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ārṣaś ca deśanādharmo artho abhiprāyiko asya ca | prāmāṇikaś ca nītārtho nirjalpā prāptir asya ca ||,"""(The four reliances are on) the holy Dharma that is (literally) taught, its intended meaning, its authoritative definitive meaning, and its inarticulable attainment."" [Thurman 256]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,kath rājapuruṣa/rājapuṃs paraspara kar/kur,kar/kur,,paraspara,,,rājapuruṣa/rājapuṃs,,,,NA,kath,,, jalpa,138,2280955|138|XVIII.31,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nirjalpā prāptir adhigamajñānaṃ lokottaraṃ | tasyānabhilāpyatvāt | śeṣaṃ gatārthaṃ |,"""""Inarticulable attainment"" is the transmundane intuition of realization, because it is inexpressible. The rest is selfevident."" [Thurman 256]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,sa paraspara kar/kur,kar/kur,,paraspara,,,sa,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,138,2280955|138|XVIII.33,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,adhimukter vicārāc ca yathāvat parataḥ śravāt | nirjalpād api ca jñānād apraṇāśo hi dhīmatāṃ ||,"""(Using the reliances,) the (bodhisattva) geniuses do not suffer any ruinous loss through their faith, investigation, hearing properly from another, and through their nonverbal intuitive wisdom."" [Thurman 256]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,vadhyaghātaka parapara/paraspara kar/kur,kar/kur,,parapara/paraspara,,,vadhyaghātaka,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,175,2280955|175|XIX.80,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,lābhī hy alābhī dhīsaṃsthitaś ca boddhānuboddhā pratideśakaś ca | nirjalpabuddhir hatamānamānī hy apakkasaṃpakkamatiś ca dhīmān ||,"""(A bodhisattva) is a genius, his intellect accomplished, unaccomplished, and present, with realization and understanding, repentant and nonverbally aware, proud and pride-free, and spiritually immature and mature."" [Thurman 317]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,paraspara kar/kur iti,kar/kur,,paraspara,,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,175,2280955|175|XIX.80,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pratideśako nirjalpabuddhir ity audārikasūkṣmaṃ | mānī hatamānīti hīnapraṇītaṃ |,"""""Repentant and nonverbally aware"" refer to gross and subtle (insights into the past)."" [Thurman 317-318]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Expression@Thought,verbally articulated thought,verbally articulated thought,neu.neg,,sārthavāha patnī preṣyadārikā saha kar/kur iti,kar/kur,,saha,,,patnī,,,,NA,,preṣyadārikā,, jalpa,13,2280955|13|91,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vitarkaḥ katamaḥ | paryeṣako manojalpaś cetanāprajñāviśeṣaḥ | yā cittasyaudārikatā |,"""What is initial mental application? A discourse of inquiry by manas, a certain kind of volition and discernment, which can be characterized as an indistinct state of citta"" [Anacker 70]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,manas mātra khyā,khyā,,manas mātra,,,,,,,NA,,,, jalpa,13,2280955|13|92,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vicāraḥ katamaḥ | pratyavekṣako manojalpas tathaiva | yā cittasya sūkṣmatā ||,"""What is (subsequent) discursive thought? A discourse of examination by manas, which in the same way can be characterized as a more precise state of citta"" [Anacker 70]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Consider/deliberate,verbally articulated thought,inner speech,neu,,deśanā dharma artha nir prāpti,,,nir,prāpti,,,dharma artha,,,NA,,,, jalpita,208,2280955|208,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,so ahaṃ nāma svayam eva vivadāmi | lābhā me durlabdhā na sulabdhāḥ yo ahaṃ jalpite pratijalpāmi | yena mayā sarvasattvānāṃ saṃkramabhūtena bhavitavyam so ahaṃ pareṣu tvamity api vācaṃ bhāṣe paruṣaṃ vā karkaśaṃ vā prativaco dadāmi |,"""[...] yet I myself engage in disputes! It is indeed a loss to me, and not a gain, that I should answer back as I am spoken to. When I should be to all beings a bridge across the sea of birth-and-death, I nevertheless say to another, ‘the same to you,’ or return a harsh and rough answer."" [Conze 247]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,na kāma pratibhāna bhāṣ,,,na,kāma,,,,,,NA,pratibhāna bhāṣ,,, jalpita,190,2280955|190|XXVIII.10,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,madapragalbhānyapi kokilānāṃ rutāni nṛtyāni ca barhiṇānām | dvirephagītāni ca nābhirejustatrāṅganājalpitanṛttagītaiḥ ||,"""Even the bold lascivious cries of the cuckoos, the dances of the peacocks, and the humming of the bees were outdone by the tattle, the dances, and the songs of those women."" [Speyer 353]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neu.neg,,paraspa/paraspara prema iti sa,,,paraspa/paraspara,,,sa,,,,NA,,,, kalp,240,2280955|240|10-240|14|IV.68,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[...] vipratipadyeta tair eva tadghātanārtham anṛtapiśunaparuṣasāntvaiś cāsya mitrabhedaṃ kuryād yāny asya paritrāṇāya kalperan abhidhyāṃ ca tat svakuryāt [...],"""[...] through lying, malicious, injurious, and frivolous words, he causes a falling out between his enemy and his friends who would be able to defend him; he covets the goods of his enemy;"" [Poussin, Pruden 644]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu,other,ya/yad paritrāṇa,,,,,paritrāṇa,ya/yad,,,,,,,NA, kalp,81,2280955|081|19-081|21|II.46,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,apatyānāṃ pitṛbhiryathā iṣṭaṃ nāmāni kalpyanta iti kataman nāma tatsahajaṃ syāt asaṃskṛtānāṃ ca dharmāṇāṃ kena sahajaṃ nāma syādityaniṣṭireveyam |,"""Moreover, a father, a mother, or other persons arbitrarily fix the word that is the proper name of a son, etc.: how can you admit that the word, like the characteristic ""arising,"" arises simultaneously with the object?"" [Poussin, Pruden 252]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,other,pitṛ iṣṭa nāman,,,iṣṭa,,nāman,pitṛ,,,,,,,NA, kalp,159,2280955|159|23|III.50,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sa eva hi dharmī na saṃvidyate yasyāvasthitasya dharmāṇāṃ pariṇāmaḥ kalpyeta|,"""One cannot admit the simultaneous existence of a permanent dharmin, and of dharmas arising and disappearing."" [Poussin, Pruden 453]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,philological,na saṃvid pariṇāma,,,na,,pariṇāma,,,saṃvid,,,,,NA, kalp,151,2280955|151|13-151|14|III.37,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,siddhānn apānavad vastu pathā siddhamannaṃ pānaṃ ca kevalaṃ paribhogāya kalpyate na punar virohāya evaṃ vipākākhyaṃ vastu | nahi punarvipākādvipākāntaraṃ janmāntareṣu pravarhate |,"""Food and drink are not reproduced in food and drink: they are not good except by being consumed: so too the ""entity"" which is retribution. A new retribution does not preceed from retribution, for, in this hypothesis, deliverance would then be impossible."" [Poussin, Pruden 438]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu,vague,pāna paribhoga,,,,,pāna,,,,,,,paribhoga,NA, kalp,466,2280955|466|08-466|09|IX.0,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ātmā eva hyātmano n^āsti viparītena kalpyate | nāstīha sattva ātmā vā dharmāstvete sahetukāḥ ||,"""The self, in fact, does not have the nature of a soul; it is through error that one thinks that a soul exists; there is no being (sattva), no soul, but only dharmas produced through causes: [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 1325]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neg,vague,ātman as viparīta,,,viparīta,,ātman,,,as,,,,,NA, kalp,475,2280955|475|21|IX.0,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ātmā tu nirarthakaḥ kalpyate |,"""[buddhist reply to Vaiṣeśika argument:] But then of what use is a soul?"" [Poussin, Pruden 1348]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,vague,ātman nirarthaka,,,,,ātman nirarthaka,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,123,2280955|123|09|III.12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,anyāṃ gatimagatvetyabhiprāyaḥ | upapadyavedanīyatvaṃ tatra karmaṇo dyotitam | atha yathārutaṃ kalpyate | pañcaiva kṛtvā naikamiti prāpnoti |,"""We hold that the expression ""immediately"" signifies ""without intermediary,"" without passing through another realm of rebirth (gati): which is an action ""retributable in the next existence"" (upapadya, iv.50b). If you take the Sūtra literally, you come to absurd conclusions: you would have to say that one must have committed the five crimes in order to be reborn in hell [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 389]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Meaning,Believe,interpret/construe,neu.neg,vague,yathāruta iti,,,yathāruta,,,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,79,2280955|079|11-079|12|II.45,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prāpyānityatā vināśāyat^īti tasya harītakīṃ prāpya devatā virecayatīty āpannaṃ bhavati kiṃ punastāṃ kalpayitvā |,"""This is a theory as absurd as a sick person, who, after having taken a medicine, begs the gods to render it efficacious! In the logic of this system, it is the external causes of destruction which destroy, and the characteristic of impermanence serves no function."" [Poussin, Pruden 247]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,vague,harītakī,,,,,harītakī,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,214,2280955|214|22-214|23|IV.29,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na tu teṣām eva samyagdṛṣṭyādīnāṃ ta eva aṅgatvāya kalpanta iti |,"""But we would say [with the Sautrāntikas] that it is impossible for Right Views, Investigation into the Dharmas, and Samadhi to be parts of themselves."" [Poussin, Pruden 597]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,na aṅgatva,,,na,,,,,,,,,aṅgatva,NA, kalp,331,2280955|331|15-19|VI.3,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sā tu sukhato dṛśyamānā bandhāya kalpate tadāsvādanāt | duḥkhato dṛśyamānā mokṣāya kalpate | tadvairāgyād iti | yathā dṛśyamānā mokṣāya kalpate tathaināṃ draṣṭum ājñāpayanti buddhāḥ |,"""As for the declaration ""Agreeable sensation should be regarded as suffering,"" agreeable sensation is, on the one hand, agreeable in and of itself, being pleasant; but on the other hand, it is in a certain sense suffering, since it changes and as such is impermanent. Persons not free from desire are bound to regard it as agreeable, because they savor its taste; Aryans are free from regarding it as agreeable, because they are free from desire with regard to it. This is why the buddha enjoined one to regard agreeable sensation in a manner which would lead one to obtain deliverance."" [Poussin, Pruden 905]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,sa sukha bandha,,,,,,sa,,,,,,sukha bandha,NA, kalp,33,2280955|033|06-033|07|I.43,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi ca paramāṇor digbhāgabhedaḥ kalpyate spṛṣṭasyāspṛṣṭasya vā sāvayavatvaprasaṅgaḥ | no cet spṛṣṭasyāpy aprasaṅgaḥ ||,"""If you admit spatial division to the atom, then an atom certainly has parts, whether it enters into contact or not. If you deny it, why would the atom, even if it enters into contact, have parts?"" [Poussin, Pruden 122]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,yadi digbhāgabheda,,,yadi,,digbhāgabheda,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,67,2280955|067|26|II.40,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi pṛthagjanasabhāgatā nāma dravyam asti kiṃ punaḥ pṛthagjanatvena | nahi manuṣyasabhāgatāyā anyan manuṣyatvaṃ kalpyate |,"""If a certain entity called ""the genre of Pṛthagjana"" exists, for what purpose do we imagine the state of Pṛthagjana consisting of the non-possession of the Āryadharmas (ii.40c)? Someone will be a Pṛthagjana through the genre of Pṛthagjana in the way that someone is a human through the genre ""human"" for the Vaibhāṣikas do not imagine a state of human different from the genre ""human."""" [Poussin, Pruden 220]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,nahi manuṣyasabhāgatā anyat,,,nahi,,anyat,,,,,,,manuṣyasabhāgatā,NA, kalp,81,2280955|081|05-081|06|II.46,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,taccaita cchabdamātrādeva pratītapadārthakāt sidhyat^īti kimartharaṃ nāma kalpayitvā | idaṃ cāpi na jñāyate kathaṃ vāṅnāmni pravarttata iti |,"""The philosopher for whom ""it is the word (nāman) which illumines the object"" should admit that the sound go has been endowed by convention with these different meanings. Then if a given object is signified to the hearer by a certain word, it is indeed vocal sound and nothing else, that signifies it. What advantage is there in supposing the existence of an entity you call ""word?"""" [Poussin, Pruden 251]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,iti nāman,,,,,nāman,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,81,2280955|081|14-081|15|II.46,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,athāpyevaṃ kalpyeta vāgvyañjanaṃ janayati vyañjanaṃ tu nām^eti | atrāpi sa eva prasaṅgo vyañjanāṃ sāmargyābhāvāt |,"""It is not an evasion to suppose that voice engenders the phoneme (vyañjana), that a phoneme engenders a word, and that a word causes comprehension of objects. In fact, the same objection is present, ""The phonemes do not exist at the same time, etc."""" [Poussin, Pruden 252]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,vāc vyañjana jan iti,,,,,vāc vyañjana jan,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,194,2280955|194|08-194|09|IV.3,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,jvālāntareṣu tāvadd hetubhedakalpanāṃ parikalpeyuḥ | kṣarahimaśuktasūryodakabhūmisaṃbandhāttu pākajaviśeṣotpattau kāṃ kalpanāṃ kalpayeyuḥ |,"""Would you say that, if the successive flames are different,—long, short, large and small,—our conclusion does not become indispensable? Let us use another example. By the prolonged action of ashes, snow, caustics, sun, water, or earth, there arises and disappears in turn different ""products of cooking."" But you do not attribute the characteristic of momentariness to these diverse factors of cooking."" [Poussin, Pruden 555]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,parikalp ka/kim kalpanā,,,ka/kim,,kalpanā,,,,,,parikalp,,NA, kalp,278,2280955|278|24-279|01|V.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yastu kleśānāṃ bījārthamarthāntaraṃ vīprayuktamanuśayaṃ kalpayati tena smṛtibījamapyarthāntaraṃ kalpayitavyaṃ jāyate |,"""The masters for whom the seed of the kleśa is a certain dharma distinct from the kleśa itself, disassociated from the mind and called an anuśaya, must admit a dharma existing in and of itself, disassociated from the mind and the cause of memory. And the same would hold for the plant."" [Poussin, Pruden 770]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,ya bījārtha arthāntara,,,,,bījārtha arthāntara,ya,,,,,,,NA, kalp,278,2280955|278|24-279|01|V.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yas tu kleśānāṃ bījārthamarthāntaraṃ vīprayuktamanuśayaṃ kalpayati tena smṛtibījamapyarthāntaraṃ kalpayitavyaṃ jāyate |,"""The masters for whom the seed of the kleśa is a certain dharma distinct from the kleśa itself, disassociated from the mind and called an anuśaya, must admit a dharma existing in and of itself, disassociated from the mind and the cause of memory. And the same would hold for the plant."" [Poussin, Pruden 770]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,sa smṛtibīja arthāntara jāy,,jāy,,,smṛtibīja arthāntara,sa,,,,,,,NA, kalp,477,2280955|477|03-477|04|IX.0,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,phalasyāpi ca ka upabhogo yam ayam ātmā kurvann upabhoktā kalpyate |,"""[The Vaisesikas:] We understand this to be the agent, the taster."" [Poussin, Pruden 1351]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,upabhoga ātman,,,,,upabhoga ātman,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,76,2280955|076|06-076|07|II.45,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,asaṃskṛtasyāpi ca svalakṣaṇe sthitibhāvāt | anye punaḥ kalpayanti sthitiṃ jarāṃ cābhisamasya sthityanyathātvamityekaṃ lakṣaṇam uktaṃ sūtre | kiṃ prayojanam |,"""[The Sautrāntikas think that] the Sūtra does name duration; it names it by associating it with old age: sthityanyathātva, that is to say, ""sthiti and anyathātva."" What advantage is there, would you say, in making one single characteristic out of these two characteristics?"" [Poussin, Pruden 239]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Meaning,Believe,interpret/construe,neu,,anya sthityanyathātva iti lakṣaṇa sūtra,,,,,sthityanyathātva lakṣaṇa,anya,,,,,,sūtra,NA, kalp,79,2280955|079|27|II.46,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,viyuktaparāparasadādibuddhisiddhyartham | ṣaṣṭīvidhānārthaṃ ca rūpasya saṃyoga iti | eṣā ca ṣaṣṭo kathaṃ kalpyate | rūpasya svabhāva iti |,"""And again, in order to justify the ideas of one and two, large and small, separate, associated and disassociated, this and that, existant, etc., you would admit, in agreement with the Vaiśeṣikas, a long series of entities: number, extension, individuality, conjunction, disjunction, quality of being that, quality of being this, existence, etc. It obliges you to create a ""pot-ness"" in order to justify the idea of a pot. As for the genitive, you do not admit that the individual nature of warmth and warmth are different things, and yet you speak of the individual nature of warmth."" [Poussin, Pruden 248]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Meaning,Believe,interpret/construe,neu,,iti ṣaṣṭa,,,,,ṣaṣṭa,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,138,2280955|138|27|III.27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tāṃ tāṃ kāraṇa sāmagrīṃ prati ityānāṃ samavāyenotpādaḥ pratītyasamutpāda iti | eṣā tu kalpanā atraiva kalpyate | iha kathaṃ bhaviṣyati cakṣuḥ pratītya rūpāṇi cotpadyate cakṣurvijñānamiti iti |,"""Some other masters avoid the objection relative to the use of the gerundive by giving a very different explanation of the word Pratityasamutpada: prati has a distributive meaning; sam signifies ""coming together""; ity a signifies ""good at leaving,"" ""that which does not last;"" and the root pad preceeded by ut signifies ""appearance,"" ""arising."" We then have Pratityasamutpada which signifies ""arising together, by reason of such and such a coming together of causes, of perishable things."" This explanation holds for the expression Pratityasamutpada', but it does not take into account texts such as: a visual consciousness arises ""By reason (pratitya) of the eye and visible things."""" [Poussin, Pruden 415]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Meaning,Believe,interpret/construe,neu,,pratītyasamutpāda iti kalpanā,,,pratītyasamutpāda,,kalpanā,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,356,2280955|356|13-356|15|VI.33,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ekasyāṃ gatāvityabhiprāyaḥ | yathārutaṃ vā kalpyamāne antarābhavo api na syāt evamapyūredhvasrotaso bhavāgraparamasyaikasyāṃ gatāvaṣṭama upapattibhāvo na prāpnoti |,"""Taking up the objection again, if one should understand: ""He does not produce an eighth existence in the same realm of rebirth,"" how does it happen that an Ūrdhvasrotas of the Bhavāgraparama class (vi.38b)212 is reborn eight times in the same realm of its rebirth?"" [Poussin, Pruden 960]",Thought,Belief,Belief@Meaning,Believe,interpret/construe,neu,,yathāruta,,,,,yathāruta,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,69,2280955|69,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,bhūtapūrvaṃ bhikṣavo atīte adhvani anyatamo lubdho mṛgān praghātayitvā jīvikāṃ kalpayati | aṭavyāmudapānaṃ |,"""Long ago, O monks, in days gone by, there was a hunter who made a living killing wild animals. In the forest there was a pool where this hunter used to go to set up his snares and catch game"" [Strong 233]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu.neg,,lubdha praghāt/prahan jīvikā,,,,,jīvikā,lubdha,,,,,,,NA, kalp,82,2280955|82,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yadi subhūte bodhisattvayānikaḥ pudgalo atītāgatapratyutpannān gṛhṇīte na manyate naupalabhate na kalpayati na vikalpayati na paśyati na samanupaśyati evaṃ cainān dharmānupaparīkṣatekalpanāviṭhapitāḥ,"""If a person who belongs to the vehicle of the Bodhisattvas does not seize on past, future and present dharmas, does not mind them, does not get at them, does not construct, nor discriminate them, does not see nor review them, [...]"" [Conze 133]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,yadi bodhisattvayānika pudgala atīta agata pratyutpanna gṛhṇā/gṛhṇī man/manu upalabh na vikalp paś samanupaś dharma upaparīkṣ,,,yadi na,,atīta agata pratyutpanna dharma,bodhisattvayānika pudgala,gṛhṇā/gṛhṇī man/manu upalabh vikalp paś samanupaś upaparīkṣ,,,,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tān bālapṛthagjanā aśrutavanto abhiniviṣṭāḥ | tairasaṃvidyamānāḥ sarvadharmāḥ kalpitāḥ | te tān kalpayitvā dvayorantayoḥ saktāḥ tān dharmān na jānanti na paśyanti |,"""Foolish, untaught, common people have settled down in them. Although they do not exist, they have constructed all the dharmas. Having constructed them, attached to the two extremes, they do not know or see those dharmas [in their true reality]."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat asaṃvidyamāna kalpita dharma jānā/jānī/jān paś,,,,,asaṃvidyamāna dharma,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat,,jānā/jānī/jān paś,,kalpita,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tasmāt te asaṃvidyamānān sarvadharmān kalpayanti | [...],"""So they construct all dharmas which yet do not exist. Having constructed them, they settle down in the two extremes."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,sa asaṃvidyamāna dharma,,,,,asaṃvidyamāna dharma,sa,,,,,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,kalpayitvā dvāvantāvabhiniviśante abhiniviśya tannidānamupalambhaṃ niśritya atītān dharmān kalpayanti anāgatān dharmān kalpayanti pratyutpannān dharmān kalpayanti te kalpayitvā nāmarūpe abhiniviṣṭāḥ |,"""They then depend on that link as a basic fact, and construct past, future and present dharmas."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,atīta dharma anāgata pratyutpanna sa,,,,,atīta dharma anāgata pratyutpanna,sa,,,,,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,niśritya atītān dharmān kalpayanti anāgatān dharmān kalpayanti pratyutpannān dharmān kalpayanti te kalpayitvā nāmarūpe abhiniviṣṭāḥ |,"""They then depend on that link as a basic fact, and construct past, future and present dharmas. After they have constructed, they settle down in name and form."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,dharma sa abhiniviṣṭa,,,,,dharma,sa,,,,,abhiniviṣṭa,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tairasaṃvidyamānāḥ sarvadharmāḥ kalpitāḥ | te tānasaṃvidyamānān sarvadharmān kalpayanto yathābhūtaṃ mārgaṃ na jānanti na paśyanti |,"""They have constructed all dharmas which yet do not exist. But while they construct all dharmas which yet do not exist, they neither know nor see the path which is that which truly is."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,kalpita sa asaṃvidyamāna dharma yathābhūta jānā/jānī/jān paś,,,,,asaṃvidyamāna dharma,sa,,yathābhūta jānā/jānī/jān paś,,kalpita,,,NA, kalp,109,2280955|109,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavānāhaiha śāriputra bodhisattvo mahāsattvo balāni na kalpayati vaiśāradyāni na kalpayati buddhadharmānapi na kalpayati sarvajñatāmapi na kalpayati |,"""The Lord: Here a Bodhisattva does not construct the powers, nor the grounds of self-confidence, nor the buddha-dharmas, nor even the state of all-knowledge."" [Conze 158]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,bodhisattva mahāsattva bala na vaiśāradya buddhadharma sarvajñatā,,,na,,bala vaiśāradya buddhadharma sarvajñatā,bodhisattva mahāsattva,,,,,,,NA, kalp,161,2280955|161,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tathatāyāṃ sthitastathatāṃ na kalpayati na vikalpayati evam avatarati |,"""After he has stood firmly in Suchness, he neither imagines nor discriminates it. In that sense does he enter into it."" [Conze 200]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,sthita tathatā na vikalp avatar,,,na,,tathatā,sthita,vikalp,avatar,,,,,NA, kalp,253,2280955|253,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evameva kulaputra ye kecittathāgatarūpeṇa vā ghoṣeṇa vā abhiniviṣṭāḥ te tathāgatasy^āgamanaṃ ca gamanaṃ ca kalpayanti | ye ca tathāgatasyāgamanaṃ ca gamanaṃ ca kalpayanti sarve te bālajātīyā duṣprajñajātīyā iti vaktavyāḥ [...],"""Equally foolish are all those who adhere to the Tathagata through form and sound, and who in consequence imagine the coming or going of a Tathagata. For a Tathagata cannot be seen from his form-body."" [Conze 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,abhiniviṣṭa āgamana gamana bālajātīya duṣprajñajātīya,,,,,āgamana gamana,abhiniviṣṭa bālajātīya duṣprajñajātīya,,,,,,,NA, kalp,254,2280955|254,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathāpi nāma dharmatāmaprajānanto ye ca tathāgatānām āgamanaṃ vā gamanaṃ vā kalpayanti sarve te bālajātīyāḥ pṛthagjanāḥ |,"""All those who do not wisely know all dharmas as they really are, i.e. as like a dream, as the Tathagata has pointed out, they adhere to the Tathagatas through their name-body and their form-body, and in consequence they imagine that the Tathagatas come and go. Those who in their ignorance of the true nature of dharmas imagine a coming or going of the Tathagatas, they are just foolish common people, [...]"" [Conze 292]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,aprajānat āgamana gamana bālajātīya pṛthagjana,,,,,āgamana gamana,aprajānat bālajātīya pṛthagjana,,,,,,,NA, kalp,254,2280955|254,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ye ca tathāgataṃ dharmatayā prajānanti na te tathāgatānāmāgamanaṃ vā gamanaṃ vā kalpayanti | ye ca tathāgatasyedṛśīṃ dharmatāṃ prajānanti te āsannā anuttarāyāḥ samyaksaṃbodheścaranti |,"""They wisely know the Tathagata in his true nature, and they do not imagine a coming or going of the Tathagatas."" [Conze 292]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,dharmatā prajānā/prajānī na sa āgamana gamana,,,na,,āgamana gamana,sa,,dharmatā prajānā/prajānī,,,,,NA, kalp,166,2280955|166,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,te agāramadhyāvasanto na samaviṣameṇa jīvikāṃ kalpayanti | dharmeṇaeva jīvikāṃ kalpayanti nādharmeṇāpi |,"""Those who live the lives of householders and who are involved in the five kinds of sensuous pleasures do not earn their living in an irregular way, but in the right way."" [Conze 204]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,sa agāramadhyāvasat samaviṣama jīvikā dharma adharma,,,samaviṣama,,jīvikā,sa agāramadhyāvasat,,,,,,,NA, kalp,211,2280955|211,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[…] na mithyājīvena jīvikāṃ kalpayati | evaṃ śikṣamāṇaḥ subhūte bodhisattvo mahāsattvo na dīrghāyuṣkeṣu deveṣūpapadyate [...],"""[...] and he does not earn his livelihood in the wrong fashion. He is not reborn among the long-lived Gods, [...]"" [Conze 250]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,na mithyājīva jīvikā,,,na,,jīvikā,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,45,2280955|45,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,kauśika tasya kulaputrasya vā kuladuhiturvā na kāyaklamatho na cittaklamatha utpatsyate | sa sukhameva śayyāṃ kalpayiṣyati sukhaṃ ca prakramiṣyati suptaś ca san na pāpakān svapnān drakṣati paśyaṃś [...],"""Moreover, the devotee of the perfection of wisdom will not be fatigued in either body or mind. At ease he lies down, at ease he walks about. In his sleep he will see no evil dreams."" [Conze 114]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,assume a body posture,assume a body posture,neu,,sa sukham śayyā prakrām supta,,,sukham,,śayyā,sa,prakrām supta,,,,,,NA, kalp,172,2280955|172|66,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ṣaṣṭhakālamaraṇaṃ ye (siṃha) vyāghravyālacaṇḍamṛgamadhyagatā vāsaṃ kalpayanti mriyante ca |,"""...the sixth kind of untimely death consist in those who arrange for a living in the middle of wild beasts like lions, tigers and leopards and die."" [BTW]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu.neg,,ya vāsa mar/mri,,,,,vāsa,ya,mar/mri,,,,,,NA, kalp,114,2280955|114|167(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bahu ca puṇyaṃ prasūyate | pravrajitasya punar bodhisattvasya śrāvakaśāsanabhedamanurakṣamāṇasya sarvathā na kalpate abrahmacaryaniṣevaṇam,"""[...] also generates great merit. On the other hand, it is never acceptable for a bodhisattva who has gone forth [into the state of a celibate ascetic] and who is someone who is guarding himself against doing any harm to the [buddhist] teaching of the listeners to violate the [the vow of] chastity."" [Engle 280-281]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu,,pravrajita bodhisattva sarvathā na abrahmacarya niṣevaṇa,,,sarvathā na,,,abrahmacarya niṣevaṇa,,,,,,pravrajita bodhisattva,NA, kalp,177,2280955|177|260(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa na eva kāyādīn dharmān duḥkhato vā vikalpayati samudayato vā | nāpi tatkṛtaṃ prahāṇaṃ nirodhataḥ kalpayati |,"""He or she also does not conceive of the abandonment that is accomplished by means of this [practice] as a [real form of] cessation and does not conceive of the causes that bring about the attainment of that [abandonment] as a [real] path."" [Engle 434]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,sa vikalp na prahāṇa nirodha,,,na,,prahāṇa,sa,vikalp,,,,,nirodha,NA, kalp,177,2280955|177|260(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa naiva kāyādīn dharmānduḥkhato vā vikalpayati samudayato vā | nāpi tatkṛtaṃ prahāṇaṃ nirodhataḥ kalpayati | na api tatprāptihetuṃ mārgataḥ kalpayati | nirabhilāpyasvabhāvadharmatayā ca duḥkhadharmatāṃ samudayadharmatāṃ nirodhadharmatāṃ mārgadharmatāṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""He or she also does not conceive of the abandonment that is accomplished by means of this [practice] as a [real form of] cessation and does not conceive of the causes that bring about the attainment of that [abandonment] as a [real] path."" [Engle 434]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,sa vikalp na hetu mārga prajānā,,,na,,hetu,sa,vikalp prajānā,,,,,mārga,NA, kalp,70,2280955|70|99(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yāni imāni vividhāni sasyāni dhānyasaṃkhyātāni loke yairayaṃ loko jīvikāṃ kalpayati teṣāṃ tāvadyadidaṃ nāma saṃjñā vyāgvyāhāro vividhastad yathā yavaśāligodhūmatilamudgamāṣakulatthādikaḥ |,"""The various kinds of crops that are considered forms of grain in the world and by which the world maintains its livelihood have the following variety of names, conceptions, and forms of verbal usage: barley, rice, wheat, sesame, [...]"" [Engle 179]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,sasya loka jīvikā,,,,,jīvikā,loka,,,,,,sasya,NA, kalp,53,2280955|53|76(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatr^āryacāravihārasaṃgṛhītaḥ sahajaḥ prabhāvaḥ | tadyathā dakṣiṇena pārśvena siṃhaśayyāṃ kalpayati | sa cāsya tṛṇaparṇasaṃstara ekapārśvādhiśayito bhavati | avikopitas tathāgat^ārhatsamyaksaṃbuddhaḥ śayānaḥ |,"""Regarding the natural power that relates to excellence in moving about and remaining at rest, the following are examples: [A buddha] prepares to sleep by lying on his right side in the manner of a lion. Grass and leaves are spread out for him to lie down upon on one side."" [Engle 137]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,assume a body posture,assume a body posture,neu,,pārśva śayyā tathāgata arhat samyaksaṃbuddha,,,,,śayyā,tathāgata arhat samyaksaṃbuddha,,,,,,pārśva,NA, kalp,164,2280955|164|239(Wog),bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra pañcabhir ākārais tat kalyāṇamitraṃ prasādapadasthitaṃ bhavati [...] | niṣkuhakaś ca bhavati na pareṣāṃ kuhanārtham īryāpathaṃ sthairyaṃ vā pratisaṃkhyāya kalpayati |,"""(2) [A spiritual teacher] is one who remains firm in that he or she is unwavering and free of excitation in conducting physical, verbal, and mental activities. (3) [A spiritual teacher] is free of pretense in that he or she does not deliberately affect [a certain type of] physical behavior or [the quality of) steadfastness as an act of hypocrisy."" [Engle 398]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,assume a body posture,assume a body posture,neg,,kalyāṇamitra niṣkuhaka bhav na kuhana īryāpatha sthairya pratisaṃkhyāya,,,na,,īryāpatha sthairya,kalyāṇamitra,,niṣkuhaka bhav,,,,,NA, kalp,12,2280955|12 - 71,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,viśuddho yady api hy ātmā nirmukta iti kalpyate | bhūyaḥ pratyayasadbhāvād amuktaḥ sa bhaviṣyati ||,"""For, though the soul, being wholly pure, you consider to be released; Yet, because the causal roots are present, it will once again become unreleased."" [Olivelle 351]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,yadi ātman nirmukta iti,,,yadi,,ātman nirmukta,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,12,2280955|12 - 73,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yat karmājñānatṛṣṇānāṃ tyāgān mokṣaś ca kalpyate | atyantas tatparityāgaḥ saty ātmani na vidyate ||,"""And if you contend that release is effected by giving up action, ignorance, and desire; Their complete abandonment is impossible, so long as one upholds the existence of the soul."" [Olivelle 353]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,yad tyāga mokṣa vind,,,yad,,mokṣa,,,vind,,,,tyāga,NA, kalp,72,2280955|72v|143,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāpi te aparikalpitā utpadyante nirmitakāv avocatā | tena mā āyuṣmanto mā asmān kalpayata mā asmān vikalpayata yadāyuṣmanto na kalpayiṣyatha na vikalpayiṣyatha tadāyuṣmanto na raṃkṣyatha na,"""“Therefore, venerable sirs,” the illusory [monks] said, “do not vainly imagine and do not falsely discriminate; what you do not vainly imagine and falsely discriminate - that you will neither be attracted by nor become averse to. He who is neither attracted by nor averse to [any ‘thing’], venerable sirs, is called ‘passion- free’."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 179]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,āyuṣmat mā aham vikalp,,,mā,,aham,āyuṣmat,vikalp,,,,,,NA, kalp,72,2280955|72v|143,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena mā āyuṣmanto māsmān kalpayata māsmān vikalpayata yadā āyuṣmanto na kalpayiṣyatha na vikalpayiṣyatha tadā āyuṣmanto na raṃkṣyatha na viraṃkṣyatha yaś cāyuṣmanto na rakto na viraktaḥ sa śānta ity,"""“Therefore, venerable sirs,” the illusory [monks] said, “do not vainly imagine and do not falsely discriminate; what you do not vainly imagine and falsely discriminate - that you will neither be attracted by nor become averse to. He who is neither attracted by nor averse to [any ‘thing’], venerable sirs, is called ‘passion- free’."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 179]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,āyuṣmat na vikalp ram viram,,,na,,,āyuṣmat,vikalp,,,,ram viram,,NA, kalp,73,2280955|73r|144,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃjñāvedayitanirodhasamāpattim āyuṣmantaḥ samāpadyadhvaṃ mā ca kalpayatha mā vikalpayatha saṃjñāvedayitanirodhasamāpattisamāpannasya bhikṣor nāsty uttare karaṇīyam iti vadāmaḥ,"""As for the notion of final nirvāṇa, venerable sirs, give it up, and do not have any notion regarding a notion. Do not conceive any notion regarding a notion. He who does, will become entangled in his notions. Venerable sirs, attain the ‘cessation of perception and feeling’; we assure [you] that a monk who has attained the ‘cessation...’ has no higher [stage] to attain."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 179-180]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,saṃjñā vedayita āyuṣmat mā vikalp,,,mā,,,āyuṣmat,vikalp,,,,,,NA, kalp,72,2280955|72|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,samyaktve api vikalpo antaḥ mithyātve api bhūtapratyavekṣāṃ samyaktvena kalpayato mithyātvena vā etasyāntadvayasya parivarjanārthaṃ |,"""A discrimination as to ""rightness"" is also an extreme. A discrimnation as to ""wrongness"" is also an extreme, because one discriminates from an investigation of what already was, as regards either ""rightness"" or ""wrongness."""" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,other,vikalpa bhūta pratyavekṣā samyaktva mithyātva vā,,,vā,,pratyavekṣā,,,,,vikalpa,,samyaktva mithyātva,NA, kalp,73,2280955|73|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyāpṛtāv api vikalpo antaḥ | avyāpṛtāv api jñānasya buddhipūrvāṃ kriyāṃ niḥsāmarthyaṃ vā kalpayataḥ |,"""A discrimination as to ""practise"" is also an extreme and discrimination as to ""non-practise"" is also an extreme, by which one discriminates either an activity which is preceded by enlightenment, or by a lack of capacity."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,other,vikalpa buddhipūrvā kriyā niḥsāmarthya vā,,,vā,,buddhipūrvā kriyā niḥsāmarthya,,,,,vikalpa,,,NA, kalp,71,2280955|71|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] tena yadi dharmadhātuḥ saṃkliśyate vā viśudhyate vāiti kalpayaty ayam antaḥ |,"""So if there is the discrimination that something is being afflicted-together or thoroughly cleared, this is an extreme, because of the non-being of afflictions-together and thorough clearing in that which is unafflicted by nature"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,yadi dharmadhātu saṃkliśnā/saṃkliś vā viśudh vā iti anta,,,yadi vā vā anta,,saṃkliśnā/saṃkliś viśudh,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,73,2280955|73|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ajanmatve api vikalpo antaḥ samakālatve api yadi pratipakṣasyānutpattiṃ vā kalpayati saṃkleśasyaiva vā dīrghakālatvam [...],"""A discrimination as to ""a state of non-arising"" is an extreme. A discrimination as to simultaneity is also an extreme. Such as when one discriminates the non-arising of antidotes, or the long duration of the afflictions-together."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,vikalpa anutpatti vā vā dīrghakālatva,,,vā vā,,anutpatti dīrghakālatva,,,,,vikalpa,,,NA, kalp,91,2280955|91|14.6,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra mūlacittaṃ yatsūtrādīnāṃ dharmāṇāṃ nāmālambanaṃ | avavādaṃ śrutvā svayaṃ vā kalpayitvā | tadyathā anityaṃ duḥkhaṃ śūnyam anātmyaṃ ca yoniśo na cety ādi |,"""Basic thought has for its object the name of the teachings of the sūtras and so on, having heard instruction (given by another) or arrived at by oneself; as for example impermanent, painful, empty, selfless, strictly nonexistent, and so on."" [Thurman 176]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,vague,mūlacitta śṛṇó/śṛṇu svayam,,,svayam,,,,,śṛṇó/śṛṇu,,mūlacitta,,,NA, kalp,95,2280955|95|14.34,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhāvaśūnyatā parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ svena lakṣaṇenābhāvāt | tathā bhāvasya śūnyatā paratantrasya sa hi na tathābhāvo yathā kalpyate svena lakṣaṇena bhāvaḥ |,"""The ""voidness of nonexistence"" is the imaginatively constructed reality, because it does not exist through its intrinsic identity. Also, the ""voidness of existence"" is the relative reality, which does not exist in the way it is imagined, but does exist through its intrinsic identity."" [Thurman 182-183]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,parikalpita na tathābhāva yathā bhāva,,,na yathā,,bhāva,,,tathābhāva,,parikalpita,,,NA, kalp,145,2280955|145|18.61,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nirvikalpena vihāreṇa tatra nirvyāpāratayā vāsakalpanāt | yathā cakravartinaḥpariṇāyakaratnaṃ caturaṅgabalakāyam upanetavyaṃ ca upapraṇayati | apanetavyaṃ ca apanayati | tatra ca gatvā vāsaṃ kalpayati yatrākhinnaḥ caturaṅgo balakāyaḥ paraiti |,"""In similar fashion, the precious general of a universal monarch leads the advance of the fourfold army when necessary, leads them away when they must retreat, and prepares a camp where the fourfold army may rest without fatigue."" [Thurman 268]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,vāsa kalpana pariṇāyakaratna upapraṇay apanay vāsa,,,,,vāsa,pariṇāyakaratna,upapraṇay apanay,,,kalpana,,,NA, kalp,103,2280955|103|16.16,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvāupakaraṇanirantaravighātī trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātāv agnipratipūrṇe caturvidham īryāpathaṃ kalpayann ekaṃ śīlapāramitākṣaṇaṃ yāvat prajñāpāramitākṣaṇaṃ bhāvayed [...],"""[...] in bodies as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, in lives as long as eons as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, the bodhisattva, even though always deprived of possessions, should manifest the four behaviors in the great billion world universe filled with fire. And he should realize (eons of transcendent moral actions in) a single moment of the transcendence of morality up to (eons of transcendent wisdom in) a single moment of the transcendence of wisdom."" [Thurman 197]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,assume a body posture,assume a body posture,pos,,caturvidha īryāpatha,,,,,caturvidha īryāpatha,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,22,2280955|22-13,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,ghanagrāho gṛhītas tu yenāstīti tathāgataḥ | nāsti iti sa vikalpayan nirvṛtasyāpi kalpayet || 22 13 ||,"""Those who hold the dense apprehension, “the tathagata exists” conceive the thought, “he does not exist in nirvana.”"" [Batchellor Stephen]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,other,iti vikalp 22,,,,,,,,,,,vikalp,,NA, kalp,3,2280955|3|1.2,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,na mañjuśrīs tathāgataḥ kalpayati na vikalpayati | athavāsyānābhogena akalpayato avikalpayata iyamevaṃrūpā kriyā pravartate |,"""O Mañjuśri, the Tathāgata never imagines anything nor distinguishes falsely. That is to say, his acts of this kind flow forth without any effort, without any imagination or any thought construction."" [Takasaki 145]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,na tathāgata vikalp avikalp,,,na,,,tathāgata,vikalp,,avikalp,,,,NA, kalp,3,2280955|3|1.2,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,na mañjuśrīs tathāgataḥ kalpayati na vikalpayati | athavā asya anābhogena akalpayato avikalpayata iyamevaṃrūpā kriyā pravartate |,"""O Mañjuśri, the Tathāgata never imagines anything nor distinguishes falsely. That is to say, his acts of this kind flow forth without any effort, without any imagination or any thought construction.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,tathāgata ābhoga a vikalp kriyā,,,ābhoga a,kriyā,,tathāgata,vikalp,,,,,,NA, kalp,9,2280955|9|1.9,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,evameva mañjuśrīstathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho naīñjate na viṭhapati na prapañcayati na kalpayati na vikalpayati | akalpo avikalpo acitto amanasikāraḥ śītibhūto anutpādo anirodho adṛṣṭo aśruto anāghrāto,"""Thus, Mañjuśrī, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened One neither moves nor produces any thought, neither explains in a dualistic way nor imagines falsely nor discriminates. He is unimaginable, indiscriminative, devoid of thinking and minding, of quiescent character, of neither origination nor destruction."" [Takasaki 159-160]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,tathāgata arhat samyaksaṃbuddha īñj viṭhap prapañc na vikalp kalpa vikalpa,,,na,,,tathāgata arhat samyaksaṃbuddha,īñj viṭhap prapañc vikalp,,kalpa vikalpa,,,,NA, kalp,109,2280955|109|4.68,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,buddhacintāmaṇiṃ tadvat sametya pṛthagāśayāḥ | śṛṇvanti dharmatāṃ citrāṃ na kalpayati tāṃśca saḥ ||,"""Similarly, those who are of different inclinations, Having approached the wish-fulfilling gem of the buddha, Come to hear the Truth in its various aspects. But the buddha has no discrimination regarding them."" [Takasaki 372]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,pṛthagāśaya na sa,,,na,,pṛthagāśaya,sa,,,,,,,NA, kalp,1,2280955|1.13,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo asau na vidyati sa eṣa avidyamāno tāṃ bālu kalpayi avidya karoti vidyām | vidyā avidya ubhi eti asanta dharmā niryāti yo iti prajānati bodhisattvo ||,"""What exists not, that non-existent the foolish imagine; Non-existence as well as existence they fashion. As dharmic facts existence and non-existence are both not real. A Bodhisattva goes forth when wisely he knows this."" [Conze]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,philological,avidyamāna bālu/bāla kar/kuru,,,,,avidyamāna,bālu/bāla,,,,,kar/kuru,,NA, kalp,10,2280955|10.10,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,caramāṇu yo na iha kalpayi buddhadharmāṃ bala ṛddhipāda na ca kalpayi bodhi śāntām | avikalpakalpavigato adhiṣṭhānacārī eṣā […],"""When he courses therein, he does not imagine the buddhadharmas, Nor the powers, nor the roads to psychic power, nor does he imagine the peaceful calm of enlightenment. Not discriminating, free from constructions, coursing on resolutely, This is the practice of wisdom, the foremost perfection."" [Conze]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,philological,ya na buddhadharma bala ṛddhipāda śāntā avikalpa kalpa,,,na,,buddhadharma bala ṛddhipāda śāntā,ya,,,avikalpa kalpa,,,,NA, kalp,4,2280955|04 - 51,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,viṣayān pañcabhiḥ pañca cakṣurādibhir indriyaiḥ | na kalpayati yed gṛhṇan nāsmāt teṣu tadā sukhaṃ ||,"""The five sense faculties such as the eye do not conceptualize the five kinds of objects that they apprehend. Therefore, at that time, one does not (perceive) them as pleasant."" [Dunne & McClintock 64]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,vague,viṣaya indriya na yed/yadi gṛhṇat,,,na yed/yadi,,viṣaya,,,,,,gṛhṇat,indriya,NA, kalp,4,2280955|04 - 53,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,indriyair upalabdhasya viṣayasyākṛtiṃ manaḥ | upalabhya vyatītasya kalpayan manyate sukhaṃ ||,"""The mind perceives the image of an object that was perceived in the past by the sense faculties. Perceiving it, the mind conceptualizes the image and believes it to be ""pleasant."""" [Dunne & McClintock 65]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,manas upalabh man,,,,,,manas,,,,,upalabh man,,NA, kalp,1,2280955|01 - 69,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yathānto asti kṣaṇasyaivam ādir madhyaṃ ca kalpyatām | tryātmakatvāt kṣaṇasyaivaṃ na lokasya kṣaṇaṃ sthitiḥ ||,"""Just as one conceives of a moment as having an end, so too one should conceive of it as having a beginning and middle; since a moment has a threefold (temporal) nature, the world does not remain for (even) a moment."" [Dunne & McClintock 19]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,as ādi madhya,,,,,ādi madhya,,as,,,,,,NA, kalp,168,2280955|168|13.17,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,strī iti na ācarate dhīro puruṣa iti na kalpayet | sarvadharma ajātatvād gaveṣanto na paśyati ||,"""When the wise man does not remark, 'This is a woman,' nor marks, 'This is a man;' when in searching he finds no laws (or things), because they have never existed;"" [Kern 267]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,vague,ācar dhīra puruṣa iti na paś,,,na,,puruṣa,dhīra,,,,,ācar paś,,NA, kalp,81,2280955|81|4.42,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pratyātmikīṃ nirvṛti kalpayāma etāvatā jñānam idaṃ na bhūyaḥ | nāsmāka harṣo api kadācia bhoti kṣetreṣu buddhāna śruṇitva vyūhān ||,"""We fancy an individual Nirvāna; so far, no further does our knowledge reach; nor do we ever rejoice at hearing of the divisions of buddha-fields."" [Kern 113]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,nirvṛti jñāna,,,,,nirvṛti,jñāna,,,,,,,NA, kalp,73,2280955|73|4.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,niveśane saṃkāradhānaṃ śodhayeyuḥ | tasyaiva ca mahādhanasya puruṣasya gṛhaparisare kaṭapalikuñcikāyāṃ vāsaṃ kalpayeyuḥ |,"""Thereupon the two fellows conjointly with the poor man clear the heap of dirt in the house for the daily pay they receive from the rich man, while they take up their abode in a hovel of straw in the neighbourhood of the rich man's dwelling."" [Kern 104]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,gṛhaparisara vāsa,,,,,vāsa,,,,,,,gṛhaparisara,NA, kalp,74,2280955|74|4.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,gṛhapater niveśane viśrabdho bhavenniṣkramaṇapraveśe tatraiva ca kaṭapalikuñcikāyāṃ vāsaṃ kalpayet ||,"""[...] the householder affected with longing for his son employs him for the clearing of the heap of dirt during twenty years, at the end of which the poor man feels quite at ease in the mansion to go in and out, though he continues taking his abode in the hovel of straw."" [Kern 105]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,niveśana viśrabdha vāsa,,,,,vāsa,viśrabdha,,,,,,niveśana,NA, kalp,74,2280955|74|4.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatraiva ca kaṭapalikuñcikāyāṃ vāsaṃ kalpayet tāmeva daridracintāmanuvicintayamānaḥ ||,"""[...] he continues living in the same hovel of straw and considers himself as poor as before."" [Kern 106]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,uparikuṭī vāsa,,,,,vāsa,,,,,,,uparikuṭī,NA, kalp,99,2280955|99|6.17,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kūṭāgāraparibhogeṣu cātra puruṣā vāsaṃ kalpayiṣyanti |,"""And that buddhafield will be even, beautiful, crystalline, variegated with jewel-trees, devoid of pits and precipices, devoid of sewers, nice, covered with flowers. And there will men have their abode in palaces (or towers) given them for their use."" [Kern 145-146]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,kūṭāgāra puruṣa vāsa,,,,,vāsa,puruṣa,,,,,,,NA, kalp,259,2280955|259|25.0,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,rājñaḥ śubhavyūhasyānukampāyai buddhānujñātāni yamakāni prātihāryāṇyakurutām | tau tatraevāntarīkṣe gatau śayyāmakalpayatām |,"""[...] and performed miracles such as are allowed by the buddha, out of compassion for their father, the king Subhavyūha. They prepared in the sky a couch and raised dust; there they also emitted from the lower part of their body a shower of rain, and from the upper part a mass of fire; [...]"" [Kern 421]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,Prepare,prepare/produce,neu,,sa antarīkṣa śayyā,,,,,śayyā,sa,,,,,,antarīkṣa,NA, kalp,146,2280955|146|22.37,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pramāṇaṃ kalpamākhyāto apramāṇam akalpitam | akalpyaḥ kalpāpagatas tena buddho acintiyaḥ ||,"""The measured is taught to be a conception; The measureless is nonconceptual. That which is not conceived is without conception; Therefore the buddha is inconceivable."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.46[37]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,pramāṇa kalpa kalpita a buddha cintiya,,,a,,buddha,,,,kalpita cintiya,kalpa,pramāṇa,,NA, kalp,13,2280955|13 - 42,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,ālokya cakṣuṣā rūpaṃ dhātumātre vyavasthitaḥ | strī vāiti puruṣo vāiti na kalpayitum arhasi ||,"""When you see any object with your eye, you should concentrate on the basic elements in it only and not form any conception of it, as say, a woman or a man."" [Johnston 75]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,other,ālok strī vā iti puruṣa vā iti na arh,arh,,vā vā na,,strī puruṣa,,,ālok,,,,,NA, kalp,14,2280955|14 - 3,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,yathā cātyartham āhāraḥ kṛto anarthāya kalpate | upayuktas tathātyalpo na sāmarthyāya kalpate ||,"""And as too much food conduces to disaster, so eating too little leads to loss of capacity."" [Johnston 77]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,āhāra anartha upayukta sāmarthya,,,,,,āhāra upayukta,,,,,,anartha sāmarthya,NA, kalp,15,2280955|15 - 23,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,yā trikāmopabhogāya cintā manasi vartate | na ca taṃ guṇam āpnoti bandhanāya ca kalpate ||,"""For the thought that works in the mind towards enjoyment of threefold passion both fails to attain excellence and also conduces to bondage."" [Johnston 83-84]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,cintā āpno bandhana,,,,,,cintā,āpno,,,,,bandhana,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8 - 54,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,śubhatām aśubheṣu kalpayan nakhadantatvacakeśaromasu | avicakṣaṇa kiṃ na paśyasi prakṛtiṃ ca prabhavaṃ ca yoṣitām ||,"""The purity you see in nails, teeth, skin and hair which are impure is nothing but imagination on your part. Do you not see, you simpleton, the real nature and origin of woman?"" [Johnston 47]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,śubhatā nakhadantatvacakeśaroma avicakṣaṇa paś prakṛti,,,,,śubhatā,avicakṣaṇa,,paś prakṛti,,,,nakhadantatvacakeśaroma,NA, kalp,38,2280955|38v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] ca tathāgato na vitarkkayati na vicārayati na kalpayati | na vikalpayati na bhāṣayati na udāharati na pravyāharati [...] tatra ca tathāgato nirvikalpa upekṣakaḥ |,"""And the Tathāgata does not think, analyse, form ideas, make conceptual distinctions, speak, utter, or verbalize. [...] Again, the Tathāgata makes no distinctions, he is indifferent."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,tathāgata vitark vicar na vikalp bhāṣ udāhar pravyāhar upekṣaka,,,na,,,tathāgata,vitark vicar vikalp bhāṣ udāhar pravyāhar,upekṣaka,,,,,NA, kalp,4,2280955|4,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asatkalpo atra kaś cittaṃ yatastena hi kalpyate | yathā ca kalpayatyartha tathātyantaṃ na vidyate ||,"""What is a construction of the non-existent? A citta, by which it becomes constructed in such a way that the object which it constructs, cannot be completely found in that way"" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,asat kalpa citta kalp artha tathātyanta vind,,,,,citta,,,,kalp,kalpa,,,NA, kalp,4,2280955|4,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asatkalpo atra kaś cittaṃ yatastena hi kalpyate | yathā ca kalpayatyartha tathātyantaṃ na vidyate ||,"""What is a construction of the non-existent? A citta, by which it becomes constructed in such a way that the object which it constructs, cannot be completely found in that way"" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,asat kalpa citta kalp artha tathātyanta vind,,,,,artha,,,tathātyanta vind,,kalp,,,NA, kalp,2280955,2280955,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,api tu khalu punaḥ subhūte yaḥ kaścid evaṃ vadet tathāgato gacchati vā āgacchati vā | tiṣṭhati vā niṣīdati vā śayyāṃ vā kalpayati | na me sa bhāṣitasya artham ājānāti |,"""However, Subhūti, if someone were to say that the Realized One goes or comes or stands or sits or lies down, he does not understand the meaning of what I have preached."" [Paul Harrison 157, 17-21]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,assume a body posture,assume a body posture,neu,,tathāgata gacch āgacch tiṣṭh niṣīd śayyā,,,,,śayyā,tathāgata,gacch āgacch tiṣṭh niṣīd,,,,,,NA, kalp,3,2280955|3.62,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,etad avocam mā tvaṃ kauṣika akalpikena vastunā śramaṇān śākyaputrīyān nimantraya yathā na hy etā asmākaṃ kalpyanta iti |,"""I replied, ‘O Kausika, do not offer me, who am religious and a son of the Śākya, things which are not appropriate. It is not proper for me to have these maidens.’"" [Thurman 37]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,akalpika na eṣa/etad aham,,,na,,,eṣa/etad,,,,akalpika,,aham,NA, kalp,3,2280955|3.63,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,licchavis taṃ māraṃ pāpīyāṃsam etad avocat asmabhyaṃ pāpīyan etā apsaraso niryātaya | asmākam etāḥ kalpyante na śramaṇānāṃ śākyaputrīyāṇām iti |,"""Then the Licchavi Vimalakīrti said to Māra, ‘Evil Māra, since these heavenly maidens are not suitable for this religious devotee, a son of the Śākya, give them to me.’"" [Thurman 37]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,be appropriate,be appropriate,neu.neg,,apsaras aham na śramaṇa,,,na,,,apsaras,,,,,,aham śramaṇa,NA, kalp,6,2280955|6.8,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] puṣpāṇi kalpikāni | kiṃ kāraṇam | tathā hy etāni puṣpāṇi na kalpayanti na vikalpayanti | sthaviraḥ punaḥ śāriputraḥ kalpayati vikalpayati ca |,"""The goddess said, “Do not say that, reverend Śāriputra. Why? These flowers are proper indeed! Why? Such flowers have neither constructual thought nor discrimination. But the elder Śāriputra has both constructual thought and discrimination.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,puṣpa na vikalp,,,na,,,puṣpa,vikalp,,,,,,NA, kalp,6,2280955|6.8,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] vikalpayanti ca te akalpikāḥ | sthaviras tu kalpayati vikalpayati ca |,"""Reverend Śāriputra, impropriety for one who has renounced the world for the discipline of the rightly taught Dharma consists of constructual thought and discrimination, yet the elders are full of such thoughts. One who is without such thoughts is always proper.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neg,,akalpika sthavira vikalp,,,,,,sthavira,vikalp,,,,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8.23,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] yayā dṛṣṭyā satkāya iti vā satkāyanirodha iti vā kalpayati | so akalpo avikalpo atyantāvikalpo nirodhasvabhāvaprāptaḥ [...],"""The egoistic views of aggregates, being unproduced themselves, do not exist ultimately. Hence such views do not really conceptualize ’These are aggregates’ or ’These aggregates cease.’ Ultimately, they have no such discriminative constructions and no such conceptualizations."" [Thurman 75-76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu,,dṛṣṭi satkāya satkāyanirodha iti akalpa avikalpa,,,akalpa avikalpa,,satkāya satkāyanirodha,,,,,,,dṛṣṭi,NA, kalp,20,2280955|20-21,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,manodaṇḍo mahāvadyaḥ kathaṃ vā tena sidhyati ||yady evaṃ kalpyate | tadabhiprasannair amānuṣais tadvāsinaḥ sattvā utsāditā na tv ṛṣīṇāṃ manaḥpradoṣān mṛtā ity evaṃ sati kathaṃ tena,"""If not, how could it be demostrated that mental harm constitutes a great offense? If this situation were constructed as not taking place through a mental harming and it were to be said that those sentient beings that were living in that forest were destroyed by non-human spirits, [...]"" [Anacker 173-174]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,other,sidh yadi iti,,,yadi,,,,,sidh,,,,,NA, kalp,7,2280955|7,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vijñānasyaiva tatkarmabhis tathā pariṇāmaḥ kasmān naiṣyate kiṃ punar bhūtāni kalpyante ||,"""Why is a transformation of consciousness itself due to (past) actions not accepted, and why instead are material elements constructed?"" [Anacker 164]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,icch/iṣ bhūta,,,,,bhūta,,,icch/iṣ,,,,,NA, kalp,7,2280955|7,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,karmaṇo vāsanāny atra phalam anyatra kalpyate | tatraiva naiṣyate yatra vāsanā kiṃ nu kāraṇaṃ ||,"""It's being constructed that the process of impressions from actions takes place elsewhere than does its effect, and it is not being accepted that it exists there where the impressions take place: Now what is your reason for this?"" [Anacker 164]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,vāsana atra phala anyatra icch/iṣ,,,atra anyatra,,vāsana phala,,,icch/iṣ,,,,,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yena hi karmaṇā nārakāṇāṃ tatra tādṛśo bhūtānāṃ saṃbhavaḥ kalpyate pariṇāmaś ca tasya karmaṇo vāsanā teṣāṃ vijñānasaṃtānasaṃniviṣṭā nānyatra |,"""Because it is through their action that such an arising and transformation of material elements is constructed for those experiencing a hell-state, and inasmuch as impressions through actions enter together into their consciousness-series, and not anywhere else [...]"" [Anacker 164-165]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,karman saṃbhava pariṇāma,,,,,saṃbhava pariṇāma,,,,,,,karman,NA, kalp,8,2280955|8,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yatra vāsanā nāsti tatra tasyāḥ phalaṃ kalpyata iti kim atra kāraṇaṃ ||,"""What is the reason for an effect being constructed where there is no process of impression?"" [Anacker 165]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu.neg,,as phala kāraṇa,,,kāraṇa,,phala,,,as,,,,,NA, kalp,11,2280955|11,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yat tadrūpādikam āyatanaṃ rūpādivijñaptīnāṃ pratyekaṃ viṣayaḥ syāt tad ekaṃ vā syād yathāvayavirūpaṃ kalpyate vaiśeṣikaiḥ |,"""The sense-field of visibles, etc. which consists (in a moment) of a single sense-object of a perception of visibles, etc. is either a unity, like the composite whole constructed by the Vaiśeṣikas, [...]"" [Anacker 167]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,eka vā as vaiśeṣika,,,vā,,eka as,vaiśeṣika,,,,,,,NA, kalp,16,2280955|16,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi yāvad vicchinnaṃ nānekaṃ cakṣuṣo viṣayas tad ekaṃ dravyaṃ kalpyate pṛthivyāṃ krameṇetir na syād gamanam ity arthaḥ |,"""If one entity as a sense-object for the eye, with no separations, and no severalness, were constructed, the one couldn't arrive at anything gradually on the Earth: that is, there could be no act of going."" [Anacker 170]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,yadi dravya as,,,yadi,,dravya,,,as,,,,,NA, kalp,15,2280955|15,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi lakṣaṇabhedād eva dravyāntaratvaṃ kalpyate nānyathā | tasmād avaśyaṃ paramāṇuśo bhedaḥ kalpayitavyaḥ | sa caiko na sidhyati |,"""An otherness in entities is constructed if there is a division of characteristics, and not otherwise, so when speaking from the atomic point of view, one must by necessity construct divisions, and it cannot be demonstrated that they (the atoms) are in any way of one kind"" [Anacker 170]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,yadi dravya antaratva,,,yadi,,antaratva,,,,,,,,NA, kalp,15,2280955|15,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi lakṣaṇabhedād eva dravyāntaratvaṃ kalpyate nānyathā | tasmād avaśyaṃ paramāṇuśo bhedaḥ kalpayitavyaḥ | sa caiko na sidhyati |,"""An otherness in entities is constructed if there is a division of characteristics, and not otherwise, so when speaking from the atomic point of view, one must by necessity construct divisions, and it cannot be demonstrated that they (the atoms) are in any way of one kind"" [Anacker 170]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Believe,Hold/propose,neu,,avaśya bheda sidh,,,avaśya,,bheda,,,sidh,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180.16|III.92,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,iti loko vivṛttoayaṃ kalpāṃstiṣṭhati viṃśatim || ityanenāntarakalpanyāyenāyaṃ viṃśatimantarakalpānvivṛttastiṣṭhati | yāvantaṃ kālaṃ vivṛttastiṣṭhati tāvantameva kālaṃ vivartateatha,"""In this way then the world stays created for twenty kalpas. The world remains created for twenty small kalpas thus calculated. As long as this period of duration lasts, [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 479]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,iti kevalā,,,kevalā,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,261,2280955|261.01|IV.98,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,avīcau pacyate kalpan antarakalpamavīcau mahānarake vipacyate | anyaistu nāvaśyamavīcau | atha yena bahunyānantaryāṇi kṛtāni bhavanti,"""He falls into the great Avīci hell for an intermediary period (antarakalpa). Those guilty of other mortal transgressions are not necessarily in Avīci."" [Poussin, Pruden 682]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,sarva mātra,,,mātra,sarva,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,60,2280955|060.06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prathamena tāvat kalpena sagauravatā sapratīśatā na bhayavaśavrtitā hrīḥ | avadyeṣvabhayadarśiatā apatrāpyam | dvitīyena kalpenātmaparāpekṣābhyāṃ lajjane |,"""Their definition, according to the first theory, is ""respect, veneration, fearful submission,"" or ""fear of the consequence of transgression;"" according to the second theory, ""modesty,"" ""respect for humans."""" [Poussin, Pruden 201]",Order,Order@Dueness/propriety,established_order/system@method,manner_of_action/thinking,manner_of_action/thinking,neu,,prathama dvitīya,,,prathama dvitīya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,300,2280955|300.18-300.19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadanyatra bhagavatoktam etat bhikṣurmama śrāvako yāvatsa mayā kalpamavoditaḥ sāyaṃ viśeṣāya paraiṣyati | sāyamavoditaḥ kalpaṃ viśeṣāya paraiṣyati | sacca sato jñāsyati asaccāsataḥ sottarañca,"""[…] for the Blessed One explicitly said, ""From the moment when I said to him, 'Come, Oh Bhiksus', my Sravaka is instructed from evening until morning: he will know that which is as is (sacca satto jñāsyati) and that which is not as not, that which is not the highest (sa-uttara) as not the highest, and that which is the highest (anuttara=Nirvāṇa) as the highest."" [Poussin, Pruden 818]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,In_a_suitable/appropriate_manner,properly,pos,vague,śrāvaka avodita,,,śrāvaka,avodita,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,183,2280955|183.09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,dvividhā hi pratyekabuddhā vargacāriṇaḥ khaḍgaviṣāṇakalpāśca |,"""One distinguishes in fact two types of Pratyekabuddhas: those that live in a group (vargacārin), [and who also appear during the period of increase], and those who live like a rhinoceros."" [Poussin, Pruden 482]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,pratyekabuddha khaḍgaviṣāṇa,,,khaḍgaviṣāṇa,pratyekabuddha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,190,2280955|190.18-190.19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] pratheme hi dhyāne vitarkavicārā apakṣālāḥ | te ca manasaḥ paridāhakatvādagnikalpāḥ |,"""The heaven of the First Dhyāna then perishes by fire: in fact, the vice or imperfection of the First Dhyāna is vitarka-vicāra; these burn the mind and are thus similar to fire."" [Poussin, Pruden 494]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,vitarka vicāra apakṣāla agni,,,agni,vitarka vicāra apakṣāla,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,245,2280955|245.18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kiṃ kāraṇam | gandharasaspraṣṭavyānyavyākṛtatvānmṛtakalpāni | ata eteṣu matākhyeti vaibhāṣikāḥ |,"""The Vaibhāṣikas say that odors, tastes and tangible things, being morally neutral, are as dead (mṛtakalpa); this is why they are called mata."" [Poussin, Pruden 654]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,gandha rasa spraṣṭa mṛta,,,mṛta,spraṣṭa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,348,2280955|348.21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,śāstā budhaḥ khaḍgaviṣāṇakalpaḥ pratyekabuddhaḥ |,"""""The Master"" is the buddha. ""The Rhinoceros"" is one who resembles a rhinoceros, that is, the Pratyekabuddha."" [Poussin, Pruden 941]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,khaḍgaviṣāṇa pratyekabuddha,,,khaḍgaviṣāṇa,pratyekabuddha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,44,2280955|044.17-044.18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃbhāvitairahaṃ caturbhirṛddhi pādairākāṅkṣankalpamapi tiṣṭheyaṃ kalpāvaśeṣamapī ti |,"""Any Bhiksu who has well cultivated the four supernormal powers (ṛddhipāda, vi.69b), can live, if he so desires, a kalpa or more."" [Poussin, Pruden 168]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,ākāṅkṣa tiṣṭheya,,,ākāṅkṣa,tiṣṭheya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,119,2280955|119.21-119.23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] yathā anyatīrthyā apabhāṣante kalpaśatasyātyayādevaṃvidho māyāvī loke prādurbhūya māyayā lokaṃ bhakṣayatīti |,"""In fact non-buddhists masters calumniously say that at the end of one hundred cosmic periods there would appear in the world such a magician who devours the world through his magic."" [Poussin, Pruden 382]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śata atyaya,,,śata,atyaya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,174,2280955|174.02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nāstyahorātramāyustu kalpaiḥ svāśrayasaṃmitaiḥ ||,"""There is no day and night for the gods of Rupadhatu; their lifespans are calculated in kalpas whose number is fixed by the dimensions of their bodies."" [Poussin, Pruden 471]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,āyus svāśraya saṃmita,,,saṃmita,āyus,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,174,2280955|174.07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ākāśānantyāyatane viṃśatikalpasahasrāṇyāyuṣaḥ pramāṇam |,"""In Ākāśānantyāyatana, a lifespan is twenty thousand kalpas in length; […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 471]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,viṃśati sahasra āyus pramāṇa,,,viṃśati sahasra,āyus pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,174,2280955|174.11-174.12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,katamoatra kalpo veditavyaḥ kimantarakalpoatha saṃvartakalpoatha vivarttakalpoatha mahākalpaḥ |,"""There is a distinction between a small kalpa (antarakalpa), a kalpa of disappearance (samvarta), a kalpa of creation (vivarta), and a great kalpa."" [Poussin, Pruden 475]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,antara saṃvarta vivartta/vivarta mahā,,,antara saṃvarta vivartta/vivarta mahā,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,174,2280955|174.14-174.15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tasmādadho mahākalpasyārdha kalpīkṛtya mahābrahmādīnāmāyurvyavasthāpitam |,"""[…] below (Brahmaparisadyas, Brahmapurohitas, Mahabrahmans) they refer to half great kalpas"" [Poussin, Pruden 472]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahā ardha kalpī-kṛ,,,mahā,ardha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,175,2280955|175.06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ardhaṃ pratāpane pratāpane mahānarakeantarakalpasyārdhamāyuḥpramāṇam | avīcāvantaḥkalpaṃ tiraścāṃ tu niyamo nāsti |,"""In Pratapana, a lifespan lasts one half of an antarakalpa; in Avīci, one antarakalpa."" [Poussin, Pruden 472]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,antara ardha āyus pramāṇa,,,antara,āyus pramāṇa ardha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,178,2280955|178.08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadayaṃ loko viṃśatyantarakalpān vivṛttoasthāt tanniryātaṃ vaktavyam | yadviṃśatimantarakalpān saṃvartiṣyate tat pratipannaṃ vaktavyam |,"""When a being is born in the hells, the period of creation, of twenty small kalpas, is finished, and the period of duration begins."" [Poussin, Pruden 478]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,viṃśati antara,,,viṃśati antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,179,2280955|179.10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vivartakalpaḥ prāgvāyoryāvannarakasaṃbhavaḥ ||,"""The kalpa of creation lasts from the primordial wind until the production of hellish beings."" [Poussin, Pruden 477]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,vivarta prāgvāyu naraka saṃbhava,,,vivarta saṃbhava,,NA,NA,,,,,,prāgvāyu,NA, kalpa,179,2280955|179.26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,antaḥkalpoamitāt yāvaddaśavarṣāyuṣaḥ,"""A small kalpa, in the course of which a lifespan, from infinite, becomes a lifespan ten years in length."" [Poussin, Pruden 478]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,antaḥ/antara daśa varṣa āyuṣ,,,antaḥ/antara āyuṣ,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180.02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tataḥ | utkarṣā apakarṣāśca kalpā aṣṭādaśāpare ||,"""The eighteen kalpas which are of augmentation and of diminution."" [Poussin, Pruden 478]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aṣṭādaśa apara,,,aṣṭādaśa apara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180.25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kalpaḥ kiṃsvabhāvaḥ | pañcaskandhasvabhāvaḥ |,"""Of what does a kalpa consist? The kalpa is by nature the five skandhas."" [Poussin, Pruden 479]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,pañca skandha,,,,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180.25-181.01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yaducyate tribhirasaṃkhyeyaiḥ kalpānāṃ budhatvaṃ prāpyata iti |,"""It is said that the quality of buddhahood is acquired through cultivation that last three asamkhyeya kalpa."" [Poussin, Pruden 479]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tri asaṃkhyeya,,,tri asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,182,2280955|182.04-182.05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,mahatāṃ hi puṇyajñānasaṃbhāreṇa ṣaḍbhiḥ pāramitābhiḥ bahubhirduṣkaraśatasahasraistribhiḥ kalpāsaṃkhyeyairanuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbudhyante bodhisattvāḥ |,"""Because supreme Bodhi is very difficult to obtain: one needs a great accumulation of knowledge and merit, and of innumerable heroic works in the course of three asamkhyeya kalpas."" [Poussin, Pruden 480]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tri asaṃkhyeya,,,tri asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,183,2280955|183.17-183.18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,mahākalpānāṃ śataṃ bodhisaṃbhāreṣu caritaḥ khaḍgaṃ viṣāṇakalpo bhavati |,"""The Rhinoceros has cultivated for one hundred great kalpas in his preparation for Bodhi, [that is, he has cultivated morality, absorption, mdprajna]."" [Poussin, Pruden 483]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahā śata,,,mahā śata,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,187,2280955|187.26-188.02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,antarakalpasya niryāṇakāle daśavarṣāyuṣo manuṣyāḥ adharmarāgaraktā bhavanti viṣamalobhāvibhūtā mithyādharmaparītāḥ |,"""A small kalpa terminates when a lifespan is ten years in length. […] The kalpa terminates through iron, sickness, hunger, […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 489]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,antara niryāṇa kāla daśa varṣ āyuṣ,,,antara,kāla,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,266,2280955|266.05-266.06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kalpaśate ca śeṣa ākṣipati na bahubhavesu |,"""The Bodhisattva accomplishes these actions in the course of one hundred supplementary cosmic ages, and not during a longer time."" [Poussin, Pruden 691-692]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śata bahu bhava,,,śata,,NA,NA,,,,,bhava,,NA, kalpa,266,2280955|266.06-266.07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,bhagavatā tu śākyamuninottaptavīryatayā nava kalpā apāvartitā ekanavatyā kalpairākṣiptam |,"""Nevertheless the Blessed Śākyamuni, through the purification of his energy, leaped over nine of these cosmic ages and carried out the actions ripening in marks […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 692]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,navan apāvartita,,,navan apāvartita,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,274,2280955|274.11-274.12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yāvatā puṇyena kalpaṃ svargeṣu modate idaṃ brāhmaṃ puṇyam | brahmapurohitānāṃ kalpāyuṣkatvāt |,"""The merit of such a measure that one is happy in heaven for a kalpa is the Brahmin merit, for the lifespan of the Brahmapurohitas is a kalpa."" [Poussin, Pruden 706]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,āyuṣ,,,,āyuṣ,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,118,2280955|118,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yo durlabhaṃ darśanu bhikṣubhāvaṃ sudurlabhaṃ kalpaśatair acintiyaiḥ | yo lokanāthasya hi nāmu dhāraye kalpāna koṭīnayutān acintiyā ||,"""translation not available""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,śata acintiya/acintya,,,śata acintiya/acintya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,118,2280955|118,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yo durlabhaṃ darśanu bhikṣubhāvaṃ sudurlabhaṃ kalpaśatair acintiyaiḥ | yo lokanāthasya hi nāmu dhāraye kalpāna koṭīnayutān acintiyā ||,"""translation not available""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,koṭi ayuta acintiya/acintya,,,koṭi ayuta acintiya/acintya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,131,2280955|131,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ayaṃ rājā ajitaseno mama śāsane pravrajito bhaviṣyati | anāgate adhvany aparimitaiḥ kalpair acintyair aparimāṇair ajitaprabho nāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho loke bhaviṣyati [...],"""translation not available""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,anāgata adhvan aparimita acintiya/acintya aparimāṇa,,,aparimita acintiya/acintya aparimāṇa,,NA,NA,,,,,anāgata adhvan,,NA, kalpa,27,2280955|27,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,dṛṣṭo na yairvā dvipadapradhānaḥ śāstā mahākāruṇikāḥ svayambhūḥ | te śāstṛkalpaṃ sthaviropaguptaṃ paśyantu bhāsvat tribhavapradīpaṃ ||,"""And those who have not seen the greatly compassionate Teacher, the self-established foremost of men, look upon the elder Upagupta as the Teacher, a shining lamp in the three realms of existence."" [John S. Strong 196]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,śāstṛ sthavira upagupta,,,śāstṛ,sthavira upagupta,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,51,2280955|51,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,api ca | karomi caiṣa vyavasāyamadya tadgauravāt tatpravaṇaprasādāt | gāṃ maṇḍayiṣyāmi jinendracaityairhaṃsāṃśuśaṅkhendubalākakalpaiḥ ||,"""Because of my faith in the Blessed One, because of his venerability, resolve today to adorn the earth with the chief of Jinas’ caityas that are as white as the conch, the moon, and the crane.""",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,jinendra caitya haṃsāṃśu śaṅkh endu balāka,,,haṃsāṃśu,caitya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,26,2280955|26,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,yattat kalpasahasrakoṭiniyutairvākkāyacittobhdavaṃ dānakṣāntisamādhibuddhiniyamaistenārhatā śodhitaṃ |,"""By giving, patience, meditation, wisdom, and restraint, this arhat has purified that which was produced by [the acts of] body, speech, and mind, during innumerable kotis of thousands of aeons."" [John S. Strong 195]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,sahasra koṭi niyuta,,,sahasra koṭi niyuta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,242,2280955|242,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[…] gaganakalpo nāma samādhiḥ | vajropamo nāma samādhiḥ |,"""The names of the concentrations were as follows: […] “The unobstructed limit of all dharmas,” “Fashioned like the firmament,” “Like a thunderbolt,” […]"" [Conze 282]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,other,gagana nāma vajr upama,,,gagana,nāma,NA,NA,,,,,upama,,NA, kalpa,243,2280955|243,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[…] merukalpo nāma samādhiḥ | asaṃhāryo nāma samādhiḥ |,"""The names of the concentrations were as follows: […] “Fashioned like Meru,” “Irresistible,” […]"" [Conze 282]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,meru nāma,,,meru,nāma,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,24,2280955|24,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sacet kauśika tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho anantavijñaptighoṣeṇa gambhīranirghoṣeṇa svareṇa gaṅgānadīvālukopamān kalpān api vitiṣṭhamānaḥ sattvaḥ sattva iti vācaṃ bhāṣeta [...],"""If a Tathagata, with his voice of infinite range, with the deep thunder of his voice, should pronounce, for aeons countless as the sands of the Ganges, the word ‘being,’ ‘being,’[…]"" [Conze 101]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṅgā nadī vāluka upama,,,vāluka upama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,24,2280955|24,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhaviṣyasi tvaṃ māṇava anāgate adhvani asaṃkhyeyaiḥ kalpaiḥ śākyamunirnāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho […],"""You, young Brahmin, shall in a future period, after incalculable aeons, become a Tathagata, Sakyamuni by name, […]"" [Conze 102]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,anāgata adhvan asaṃkhyeya,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,anāgata adhvan,,NA, kalpa,35,2280955|35,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,stūpaṃ kārayet ekaikaś ca sattvastān sarvān stūpān kārayet kārayitvā ca tān pratiṣṭhāpya kalpaṃ vā kalpāvaśeṣaṃ vā sarvavādyaiḥ sarvagītaiḥ sarvanṛtyaiḥ sarvatūryatālāvacarairdivyaiḥ sarvapuṣpaiḥ sarvadhūpaiḥ,"""[…] and if each one of them should build all those Stupas, and honor them for an aeon or the remainder of an aeon;[…]"" [Conze 108]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,avaśeṣa,,,avaśeṣa,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,80,2280955|80,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tān sarvasattvānekaikaṃ parikalpya tāṃś ca sarvabodhisattvānekaiko bodhisattvo gaṅgānadīvālukopamān kalpānupatiṣṭheccīvarapiṇḍapātaśayanāsanaglānapratyayabhaiṣajyapariṣkāraiḥ sarvasukhopadhānaiḥ […],"""[…] and if, Subhuti, each single Bodhisattva were to furnish, for aeons countless like the sands of the Ganges, all those beings in the various great trichiliocosms, countless as the sands of the Ganges, with all they might need; […]"" [Conze 131]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṅgā nadī vāluka upama,,,vāluka upama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,84,2280955|84,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,lokadhātuṣu sarvairākruṣṭā abhihatāḥ paribhāṣitāḥ samānāḥ upalambhasaṃjñino gaṅgānadīvālukopamān kalpān kṣāntiṃ samādāya vartamānāḥ |,"""And the same would be true, if all those beings would for countless aeons practice patience, although they were ever so much abused, struck and reviled; […]"" [Conze 134]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṅgā nadī vāluka upama,,,vāluka upama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,115,2280955|115,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathā yathā ca apakramiṣyanti tairyāvadbhiścittotpādaistathā tathā tāvataḥ kalpān saṃsārasya punaḥ punaḥ parigrahīṣyanti yatra taiḥ punareva yogamāpattavyaṃ bhaviṣyati |,"""And each time they take their leave, they will again and again have to take to birth-and-death for as many aeons as they have had productions of thought, and during those aeons they will have to make new efforts."" [Conze 162]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tāvat,,,tāvat,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,171,2280955|171,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yāvantaḥ subhūte tasya puruṣasya divasasyātyayena vitarkā utpadyeran iyataḥ subhūte kalpān bodhisattvo mahāsattvaśchorayati vipṛṣṭhīkaroti saṃsārādvyantīkaroti [...],"""As many such ideas as he has in the course of a day, for so many aeons a Bodhisattva spurns birth-and-death, turns his back on it, seeks to end it. [Conze 210]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,yāvat/yāvantaḥ iyat,,,yāvat/yāvantaḥ iyat,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,181,2280955|181,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,buddho bhagavāṃlloka utpatsyate tārakopame kalpe anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbhotsyate |,"""In the starlike aeon he will appear in the world and know full enlightenment."" [Conze 219]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tāraka upama,,,tāraka upama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,226,2280955|226,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ca teṣāmavakīrṇakusumanāmnāṃ tathāgatānāmarhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ samamevāyuḥpramāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati viṃśatikalpasahasrāṇi |,"""They shall all live the same length of time, i.e. twenty thousand aeons.""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,āyus pramāṇa viṃśati sahasra,,,viṃśati sahasra,āyus pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,228,2280955|228,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bahv api te ānanda ahaṃ bhāṣeyaṃ prajñāpāramitāyāḥ parīndanāmāramya kalpaṃ vā kalpāvaśeṣaṃ vā kalpaśataṃ vā kalpasahasraṃ vā kalpaśatasahasraṃ vā kalpakoṭīṃ vā kalpakoṭīśataṃ […],"""For long could I speak to you about this bestowal of the perfection of wisdom, for one kalpa, or for the remainder of a kalpa, for one hundred kalpas, for up to hundreds of thousands of kotis of kalpas, and more."" [Conze 267]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śata koṭī/koṭi,,,śata koṭī/koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,246,2280955|246,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh," ekaikasyāpi tāvatkulaputra evaṃrūpasya dharmasyārthāya gaṅgānadīvālukopamān api kalpānātmabhāvāḥ parityaktavyā bhaveyuḥ , prāgeva bahūnāmarthāya ekaḥ | ","""For the sake of even one of these dharmas should one be willing to renounce one’s bodies even for countless aeons, how much more so for the sake of many of them."" [Conze 286]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṅgā nadī vāluka upama,,,vāluka upama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,256,2280955|256,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,durlabhāḥ kulaputra evaṃrūpāḥ sattvāḥ ye sarvasattvānāṃ kṛtaśo aprameyānasaṃkhyeyān kalpānutsahante mahāntaṃ bhāramudvoḍhuṃ yathā tvayā utsoḍham ||,"""Rare are the beings who, like you, have the strength, for the sake of all beings through countless aeons to bear the great burden."" [Conze 294]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aprameya asaṃkhyeya,,,aprameya asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,167,2280955|167,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya yat praṇidhānaṃ yac ca buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaṃ tan na śakyaṃ kalpena vā kalpāvaśeṣeṇa vā kṣapayitum |,"""translation not available""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,avaśeṣa,,,,avaśeṣa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,191,2280955|191,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] pitṛkalpairbuddhairbodhisattvaiśca mahābhūmipraviṣṭairnirvāṇapratyakṣadarśibhisteṣāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ śrāvakāṇāñca purastānnirvāṇasya,"""In the same way, the father-like buddhas, as well as the bodhisattvas who have attained the great [ārya] stages and perceived nirvana directly, describe nirvana exactly as they have seen it to those son-like bodhisattvas […]"" [Engle 461]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,pitṛ buddha bodhisattva,,,pitṛ,bodhisattva buddha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,13,2280955|13,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sahacittotpādācca sarvasattvānāṃ dakṣiṇīyabhūto bhavati gurubhūtaḥ puṇyakṣetraṃ pitṛkalpaḥ prajānāmavyābādhyasya ca puṇyasya parigrahaṃ karoti |,"""(1) As soon as [one] has generated [enlightenment] mind, [one] becomes worthy of being venerated by all sentient beings; [one] becomes worthy of honor; [one] becomes a field of merit and is like a father to all beings. (2) One also acquires the merit that will keep one from being harmed."" [Engle 32]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,,,neu,disputed,pitṛ prajā,,,pitṛ,,NA,NA,,,,,,prajā,NA, kalpa,86,2280955|86,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa cetpunaḥ sukhitasya yācanakasyecchāṃ na śaknoti paripūrayituṃ sa tameva pūrvakaṃ svacittābhisaṃskārakalpamupādāya taṃ yācakamevaṃ saṃjñapya preṣayati | asya mayā duḥkhitasya pūrvanisṛṣṭaṃpūrvapratijñātametaddeyavastu ato mayā asyaiva pratipāditam |,"""If [a bodhisattva] is unable to fulfill the wish of the petitioner who is comfortable, after having made that earlier mental determination, he or she should send away that petitioner after assuaging him or her in the following manner: ""That donation was committed earlierand promised earlier by me to that person who is in distress. […]"""" [Engle 218]",Rule,Law@Worship,rule@Observance/ritual,Desicion,determination,neu.neg,,svacitta abhisaṃskāra upādat pūrva nisṛṣṭa pūrva pratijñāta,upādat,,svacitta abhisaṃskāra,,NA,NA,,,,,nisṛṣṭa pratijñāta,,NA, kalpa,89,2280955|89,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,no cedyuktarūpaṃ samanupaśyati sa tameva kalpamupādāya parakīyametad bhadramukha na caitadyuṣmākamanujñātaṃ dātumiti ślakṣnena vacasā saṃjñapyainaṃ preṣayati |,"""If [a bodhisattva] perceives that [some gift] would be unsuitable, then, relying on that very determination, he or she sends away that [petitioner] after having assuaged him or her by declaring in a gentle voice, […]"" [Engle 223-224]",Rule,Law@Worship,rule@Observance/ritual,Desicion,determination,neu.neg,,upādat anujñāta,upādat,,,,NA,NA,,anujñāta,,,,,NA, kalpa,108,2280955|108,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bodhisattvo bhavati tāvadapramāṇenaiva so apuṇyaskandhenānuṣakto bhavati yāvattāṃ pāpikāṃ vācaṃ pāpikāṃ dṛṣṭiṃ pāpakān sakalpān sarveṇa sarva notsṛjati |,"""Moreover, one who speaks ill of it will remain bound fast to an immeasurable heap of wickedness that is commensurate with the immeasurable heap of merit that is possessed by the bodhisattva who is abiding in the discipline until he or she completely and entirely abandons that evil speech, that evil view, and that evil notion."" [Engle 266]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,vāc dṛṣṭi pāpaka sa utsṛj,utsṛj,,pāpaka sa,,NA,NA,vāc dṛṣṭi,,,,,,NA, kalpa,47,2280955|47,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yasya kalpagaṇanāyogena śakyā saṃkhyāṃ kartum aprameyāsaṃkhyeyamapyanusmarati |,"""He or she remembers as well a measure [of time] that is capable of being counted in terms of a discrete number of kalpas. He or she also remembers an immeasurable and countless [span of time] that is incapable of being counted in terms of a discrete number of kalpas."" [Engle 122]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṇanā saṃkhyā,,,,saṃkhyā gaṇanā,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,57,2280955|57,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yat kausīdyaṃ vā āgamya pratyayavaidhuryaṃ vā mahatā dīrgheṇa kālena prabhūtairjanmāntarāparivartaiḥ kalpaparivartairvā bhavyo bhavati viśuddhaye |,"""It is the condition which, due to lazines or the absence of [favorable] conditions, renders [a person] fit to attain complete purification [only] after a very long period time and with the passage of a multitude of lives or the passage of a multitude of kalpas."" [Engle 147]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,kāla prabhūta janma āntarā parivarta,,,,parivarta,NA,NA,,,,,kāla janma,,NA, kalpa,60,2280955|60,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra mṛdupākavyavasthito bodhisattvo mṛducchando bhavati mṛduprayogaḥ apāyāṃśca gacchati | prathamakalpāsaṃkhyeyaparyantataśca sa veditavyaḥ |,"""[…] a bodhisattva who is established in a state of weak ripening possesses a weak aspiration and a weak [form of] application; he or she also [can] go to the lower realms. It should be understood that [such a bodhisattva] is [situated] within the first [of three] periods of countless kalpas."" [Engle 155]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,prathama asaṃkhyeya paryanta,,,prathama asaṃkhyeya,paryanta,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,61,2280955|61,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,adhimātrapākasthito bodhisattvaḥ adhimātracchando bhavatyadhimātraprayogaśca | na cāpāyān gacchati | tṛtīyakalpāsaṃkhyeyaparyantataśca bhavati |,"""A bodhisattva who is established in a great form of ripening possesses a great aspiration and a great [form of] application. He does not go to the lower realms and is [situated] within the third [of three] periods of countless kalpas."" [Engle 156]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tṛtīya asaṃkhyeya paryanta,,,tṛtīya asaṃkhyeya,paryanta,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,65,2280955|65,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra prabhūtairapi kalpairekasyāpi buddhasya prādurbhāvo na bhavati |,"""Regarding this [topic], there are many kalpas in which not even a single buddha appears."" [Engle 168]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu.neg,,prabhūta,,,prabhūta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,73,2280955|73,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na cākṛtamanyakṛtaṃ vā kasyacidvipacyate | na ca svayaṃ kṛtānāṃ karmaṇāṃ kalpaśatairapi praṇāśo bhavati phaladānaṃ prati |,"""[A deed that] was not done by one individual or thar was done by another will nor yield any ripening for thar individual. Moreover, those deeds that [an individual] did perform will not perish even afrer a hundred kalpas with regard to [their ability to] yield a result."" [Engle 187]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śata,,,śata,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,138,2280955|138,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa cedahamekasattvasyāpi duḥkhavimokṣahetormahākalpasahasratulyai rātrindivasairnaṃrakavāsenaiva nānyagativāsena yāvatā kālena bodhisattvā anuttarāṃ,"""Even if I had to remain exclusively in the hells and not in any other migratory state for days and nights that last for a thousand great kalpas in order to liberate even a single sentient being from [his or her] suffering, and it took me one trillion times as long to arrive at unsurpassed and complete enlightenment as it does for [other] bodhisattvas to attain unsurpassed true and complete enlightenment, […]"" [Engle 332]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahā sahasra kāla,,,mahā sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,kāla,,NA, kalpa,173,2280955|173,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,niṣkaṣāyānutsadakaṣāyakālatāñca yaduta pañcakaṣāyānārabhya āyuṣkaṣāyaṃ [ sattvakaṣāyaṃ ] kleśakaṣāyaṃ kalpakaṣāyam |,"""That is to say, he or she does so with regard to the five degeneracies, which are (1) the degeneracy of life spans, (2) the degeneracy of sentient beings, (3) the degeneracy of the mental afflictions, (4) the degeneracy of views, and (5) the degeneracy of a kalpa."" [Engle 419]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu.neg,,āyuṣ sattva kleśa kaṣāya,,,kaṣāya,,NA,NA,āyuṣ sattva kleśa,,,,,,NA, kalpa,242,2280955|242,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,te tu sarve vihārāstribhirmahākalpāsaṃkhyeyaiḥ samudāgacchanti […],"""Moreover, concerning this [topic], each pleasurable state is achieved and then perfected over [a period lasting] many trillions of great kalpas, or over [a period lasting] even a much larger number [of great kalpas]."" [Engle 575]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tri mahā asaṃkhyeya,,,tri mahā asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,242,2280955|242,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yo api mahākalpaḥ so api rātrindivasamāsārdhamāsagaṇanāyogena kālāprameyatvādasaṃkhyeya ityucyate |,"""A great kalpa itself is said to be ""countless"" because it is a [period of] time that cannot be measured by an enumeration of days, nights, months, and half-months."" [Engle 575]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahā rātrin diva samāsārdha māsa gaṇanā kāla,,,mahā,,NA,NA,,,,,rātrin diva samāsārdha māsa,gaṇanā,NA, kalpa,243,2280955|243,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yastvadhimātrādhimātreṇa vīryārambheṇa prayujyate tataḥ kaścidantarakalpān prabhūtān vyāvartayati kaścit yāvanmahākalpān |,"""Nevertheless, some of those individuals who exert themselves with the greatest of the great forms of effort can reduce [the three intervals of innumerable great kalpas] by a great many intermediate kalpas."" [Engle 576]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,antara prabhūta,,,antara prabhūta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,5,2280955|5 - 45,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tata uttamam uttamāṅganās taṃ ca nāryo niśi tūryair upatasthur indrakalpam himavacchirasīva candragaure draviṇendrātmajam apsarogaṇaughāḥ ||,"""Then, during that night, splendid girls playing their musical instruments entertained that equal of Indra, that splendid man, as on the Himalayan peak as white as the moon, large throngs of apsarases entertained the son of the Lord of Wealth."" [Olivelle 141]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,sa/tad indra,,,indra,sa/tad,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,8,2280955|8 - 81,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,iti tanayaviyogajātaduḥkhaḥ kṣitisadṛśaṃ sahajaṃ vihāya dhairyam daśaratha iva rāmaśokavaśyo bahu vilalāpa nṛpo visaṃjñakalpaḥ ||,"""Thus did the king, grieving at being separated from his son, give up his innate steadfastness comparable to the earth's, and utter countless lamentations as if he were deranged, like Dashaá·ratha over Rama, as he succumbed to grief."" [Olivelle 239]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,iva vilap nṛpa visaṃjña,,,visaṃjña,vilap nṛpa,NA,NA,,,,,iva,,NA, kalpa,10,2280955|10 - 7,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,anyakriyāṇām api rājamārge strīṇāṃ nṛṇāṃ vā bahumānapūrvam taṃ devakalpaṃ naradevasūnuṃ dṛṣṭiḥ ||,"""Men and women on the royal highway, although they were busy with other tasks, as they looked with great reverence at that godlike son of that god of men, their gaze was still not satisfied."" [Olivelee 281]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,deva nara deva sūnu,,,deva,sūnu,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,13,2280955|13 - 41,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kaścij jalann arka ivoditaḥ khād aṅgāravarṣaṃ mahad utsasarja cūṛnāni cāmīkarakandarāṇāṃ kalpātyaye merur iva pradīptaḥ ||,"""One, blazing like the rising sun, released a great shower of burning coals from the sky, like mount Meru ablaze at eon's end showering lava fragments from golden rifts."" [Olivelle 387]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atyaya,,,,atyaya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,17,2280955|17|II,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,so anekān kalpānanekāni kalpaśatāni anekāni kalpasahasrāṇi anekāni kalpaśatasahasrāṇi anekāni kalpaniyutaśatasahasrāni anekakalpakoṭīranekānikalpakoṭiśatāni anekāni kalpakoṭiśatasahasrāni anekāni [...],"""He practises purified donation and morality by removal of the dirt of malice and wickedness for many world-ages, many hundreds of world-ages, many thousands of world-ages, many ten thousands of world-ages, many ten thousand millions of world-ages, many billions of world-ages, many hundred billions of world-ages, many hundred tbousand billions of world-ages, many hundred thousand million billions of world-ages."" [Megumu Honda 152]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,iti kalp,kalp,,,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,48,2280955|48,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iyaṃ bhavanto jinaputrā bodhisattvasya acalā nāma aṣṭamī bodhisattvabhūmiḥ samāsanirdeśataḥ | vistaraśaḥ punaraparyantakalpanirdeśaniṣṭhāto anugantavyā |,"""This instruction of the eighth (stage) has been condensed, o sons of the Conqueror! One cannot tell the whole in detail (even) with (the years of) million kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 236]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,parikalp paryudas/paryudās,paryudas/paryudās,,,,,NA,,,,,parikalp,,NA, kalpa,64,2280955|64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iyaṃ bho jinaputra bodhisattvasya dharmameghā nāma daśamī bodhisattvabhūmiḥ samāsanirdeśataḥ | vistaraśaḥ punarasaṃkhyeyāparyantakalpanirdeśaniṣṭhāto anugantavyā |,"""O son of the Conqueror, this is the tenth Bodhisattva-stage named 'Cloud of Doctrine' in summarized description, but in detail it requires the completion in the description of limitless kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 276]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,viṃśati antara,,,viṃśati antara,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,77,2280955|77,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te rogabhūtasahaśokaparadevanaṃ ca sopāyasaṃ ca priya apriyatānubaddham | duḥkhadaurmanasyanilayaṃ jvalitāgnikalpaṃ paśyanti saṃskṛtamananta samujjvalanti ||,"""They see (the fact) that conditioned things are in a state of disease, with grief and lamentations, with irritation (distress; upāyāsa), bound by love and non-love, residing in pain and dejection, and flaming endlessly like a flaming fire."" [Megumu Honda 164]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,jvalita agni samujjval,,,jvalita agni,samujjval,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,95,2280955|95,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ādāvajāta anutpāda alakṣaṇaṃ ca asaṃbhūtatamavinaṣṭata cāpravṛttam | bhāvasvabhāvavigatā tathatāvikalpā mama cittacāravigatāḥ khagatulyakalpāḥ ||,"""From the beginning (all things are) un-born, non-originated, without marks (which distinguish it from other things), not becoming (into existence), not dissolved, not acting, free from self-nature of existence, (all things are) suchness, without mental false construction, free from activity of thought and just like empty space."" [Megumu Honda 233]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,vague,khaga tulya,,,khaga,,NA,NA,,,tulya,,,,NA, kalpa,100,2280955|100,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te dharmabhāṇaka gatī anuprāpta ( sthānaṃ ) siṃhariṣabhanibhā girirājakalpāḥ | abhipravarṣanti madhuramamṛtasya varṣaṃ bhujagendrasāgara yathā anupūrayanti ||,"""They have obtained the destiny to preach doctrine, like lions or bulls or kings of mountains. They pour forth sweet rain of nectar as if a king of serpents füls an ocean (with rain)."" [Megumu Honda 253]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,sa/tad giri rāja,,,rāja,sa/tad,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,7,2280955|7,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sūkṣmaṃ durājñeyapadaṃ maharṣiṇāmakalpakalpāpagataṃ suduḥspṛśam | anāvilaṃ paṇḍitavijñaveditaṃ svabhāvaśāntaṃ hyanirodhasaṃbhavam ||,"""The subtle way of the great sages is incomprehensible, without constructive thought, free from constructive thought (akalpa-kalpāpagata), very difficult to touch, unstained, known (only) by the discretion of learned men, tranquil by nature and without destruction and origination."" [Megumu Honda 126]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,durājñeya pada maharṣi a,,,a,pada,NA,NA,,maharṣi,,,,,NA, kalpa,17,2280955|17,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evameva bhavanto jinaputrā bodhisattvo asyāṃ vimalāyāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau sthito anekān kalpān yāvadanekāni kalpakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇi mātsaryadauḥśīlyamalāpanītatayā tyāgaśīlaviśudvau,"""Just so, o honorable sons of the Conqueror, a Bodhisattva who stood in this Bodhisattva-stage (called) Immaculacy practises the purified donation and morality for many world-ages or even many hundred thousand million billions of world-ages because he has taken away the dirt of malice and wickedness."" [Megumu Honda 152]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aneka koṭi niyuta śata sahasra,,,aneka koṭi śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,22,2280955|22,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃvartakalpamapi vivartakalpamapi | […] anusmarati |,"""He remembers an evolution and a destruction of a world-age, […]"" [Megumu Honda 161]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,saṃvarta vivarta anusmar,anusmar,,saṃvarta vivarta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,22,2280955|22,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃvartakalpamapi vivartakalpamapi | anekānapi saṃvartavivartakalpānapyanusmarati | kalpaśatamapi kalpasahasramapi kalpakoṭīmapi kalpakoṭīśatamapi kalpakoṭīsahasramapi kalpakoṭīśatasahasramapi,"""He remembers an evolution and a destruction of a world-age, many evolutions and destructions of world-ages, hundred, thousand, million, hundred million, thousand million, hundred thousand million and even up to many hundred thousand million billions of world-ages."" [Megumu Honda 161]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,sahasra,,,sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,22,2280955|22,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃvartakalpamapi vivartakalpamapi | anekānapi saṃvartavivartakalpānapyanusmarati | kalpaśatamapi kalpasahasramapi kalpakoṭīmapi kalpakoṭīśatamapi kalpakoṭīsahasramapi kalpakoṭīśatasahasramapi yāvadanekānyapi,"""He remembers an evolution and a destruction of a world-age, many evolutions and destructions of world-ages, hundred, thousand, million, hundred million, thousand million, hundred thousand million and even up to many hundred thousand million billions of world-ages."" [Megumu Honda 161]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭī śata,,,koṭī śata,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,23,2280955|23,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evameva bhavanto jinaputrā bodhisattvasya asyāṃ prabhākaryāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau sthitasya anekān kalpān yāvadanekāni kalpakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇiprahāṇaṃ gacchanti |,"""Just so, o honorable sons of the Conqueror, in the case of the Bodhisattva who stands in this Bodhisattva-stage (called) Splendor for many worlda-ges---( see above)----his wrong passion is not accumulated----and goes to abandonment."" [Megumu Honda 162]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aneka koṭi niyuta śata sahasra,,,aneka koṭi niyuta śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,36,2280955|36,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ekakṣaṇatryadhvānubodhaṃ ca buddhānāṃ bhagavatāmavatarati nānālakṣaṇākalpasaṃkhyāvibhāvanāṃ cānupraviśati sattvāśayavibhāvanāya |,"""[...] he penetrates intellectually into clear perception of numbers of world-ages of various characteristics, in consideration of the mental dispositions of living beings."" [Megumu Honda 201]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,nānā lakṣaṇā saṃkhyā,,,nānā lakṣaṇā saṃkhyā,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,46,2280955|46,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āyurvaśitāṃ ca pratilabhate anabhilāpyānabhilāpyakalpāyuḥpramāṇādhiṣṭhānatayā |,"""He attains the mastery in life because he abides in the span of life of inexpressible kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 227]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,anabhilāpya anabhilāpya āyuḥ pramāṇa,,,anabhilāpya,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,52,2280955|52,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pratibhānapratisaṃvidā ekaikaṃ dharmapadamaparyantakalpāvyavacchedena nirdiśati ||,"""By the analytical knowledge of eloquence he explains each word of truth without intervals for infinite kalpas.""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aparyanta avyavaccheda,,,aparyanta,avyavaccheda,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,59,2280955|59,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,cittakṣaṇakalpasamavasaraṇatā | kalpacittakṣaṇasamavasaraṇatā | kalpākalpasamavasaraṇatā | akalpakalpasamavasaraṇatā |,"""He understands correctly these Tathagatas' varieties of knowledge of the adjustments…the adjustment of kalpas in a moment of mind, the adjustment of a moment of mind in kalpas, the adjustment of non-kalpa in kalpa, the adjustment of kalpa in non-kalpa, the adjustment of kalpas without Buddba in kalpas with buddha, […]"" [Megumu Honda 265-266]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,cittakṣaṇa samavasaraṇa,,,,cittakṣaṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,59,2280955|59,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dīrghakalpahrasvakalpasamavasaraṇatā | hrasvakalpadīrghakalpasamavasaraṇatā | sarvakalpeṣu saṃjñākṛtasamavasaraṇatā | sarvasaṃjñākṛteṣu,"""He understands correctly these Tathagatas' varieties of knowledge of the adjustments...the adjustment of a sbort kalpa in a long kalpa, the adjustment of a long kalpa in a short kalpa, the adjustment of what has been done by notion (saṃjñā) in all kalpas, and the adjustment of kalpa in what has been done by all notions."" [Megumu Honda 265-266]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,vague,hrasva dīrgha samavasaraṇa,,,hrasva dīrgha,samavasaraṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,63,2280955|63,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pūrṇāni bhaveyuryathekṣuvanaṃ vā naḍavanaṃ vā veṇuvanaṃ vā tilavanaṃ vā śālivanaṃ va teṣāmaparyantakalpābhinirhṛto bodhisattvacaryābhinirhāratathāgatasyaikakṣaṇajñānaprasṛtasya tathāgataviṣayasya| iti hi bho jinaputra,"""Even if, o son of the Conqueror, the buddha's realms (the number of which is) comparable with the atom-dusts in limitless world-regions in each direction of ten directions would be filled with Bodhisattvas who have reached such a stage, like sugar-cane wood or reed woods or bamboo woods or sesame bush or rice bush, the accomplishment of Bodhisattva's course of conduct produced by them in endless kalpas cannot reach even a part of one hundredth, of one thousandth, […]"" [Megumu Honda 275]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aparyanta tathāgataviṣayasya,,,aparyanta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,63,2280955|63,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa ekaikasmin kalpe aparyantāṃstathāgatān sarvākārābhinirhārapūjābhiḥ pūjayati |,"""He reveres an endless (number of) Tathāgata in each kalpa with all types of conduct and reverence."" [Megumu Honda 275]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,eka eka,,,eka eka,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,64,2280955|64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa bhūyasyā mātrayā asaṃhāryo bhavati dharmadhātuvibhaktiparipṛcchānirdeśaiḥ | anekān kalpānanekāni kalpaśatāni...anekāni kalpakoṭinayutaśatasahasrāṇi |,"""He, in specially high degree, is insuperable by the presentation of the question to distinguish the realm of ideas in many kalpas, many hundreds kalpas, - - - (Ko. P· 198) - - - , many hundreds million-billions of kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 275]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aneka koṭi nayuta śata,,,aneka koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,64,2280955|64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,asaṃhāryo bhavati dharmadhātuvibhaktiparipṛcchānirdeśaiḥ | anekān kalpānanekāni kalpaśatānianekāni kalpakoṭinayutaśatasahasrāṇi |,"""He, in specially high degree, is insuperable by the presentation of the question to distinguish the realm of ideas in many kalpas, many hundreds kalpas, - - - (Ko. P· 198) - - - , many hundreds million-billions of kalpas."" [Megumu Honda 275]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aneka koṭi nayuta śata sahasra,,,aneka koṭi nayuta śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,81,2280955|81,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,viryopapeta śatakoṭi mararṣabhāṇāṃ paśyantyananyamanasaḥ susamāhitatvāt | tata uttariṃ bahukalpamabhinirharanti jñānākarā praṇidhiśreṣṭha guṇārthacārī ||,"""Possessed of heroic energy they with undivided mind see hundred millions of the Bull among mankind because their minds are well concentrated. Those who practise the best merit and advantage of the vow in the store of knowledge accomplish what is Superior to that for many world-ages."" [Megumu Honda 173]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu,,,bahu,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,97,2280955|97,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ima bhūmideśupagatā na guṇānamanto no śakyate kṣayitu kalpasahasrakoṭyaiḥ | te bhūya buddha niyutān samupāsayante bhonto utapta yatha bhūṣaṇu rājamūrdhni ||,"""The merits of ones who have reached the place of this stage have no limit and cannot perish even by thousand millions of kalpas. Moreover they approach respectfully a billion of buddhas and become glowing like an ornament on the head of a king."" [Megumu Honda 235]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,sahasra koṭi,,,sahasra koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,146,2280955|146|22.84Vaidya,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] mahendrakalpena saha tvayā saṃbhāṣaṇotsavaḥ | iti darśitasauhārde kasya nātimanorathaḥ ||,"""A conversation with thee who art great Indra’s equal, is a kind of festival. Who, therefore, would not feel that this token of thy friendly disposition surpassed his wishes?"" [Speyer 272]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,mahendra tvam,,,mahendra,tvam,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,234,2280955|234|32.6Vaidya,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha sa mahāsattvaḥ puṇyaprabhāvasukhopanatairdivyakalpairanalpairapi ca viṣayairupalālyamānaḥ snehabahumānasumukhena ca pitrā viśvāsananirviśaṅkaṃ dṛśyamānaḥ [...],"""So then the Great Being was enjoying the bliss that had fallen to his share as the effect of the power of his merit. He was petted with plenty of objects of celestial brilliancy standing at his disposal, and his father, who loved him much and bore him high esteem, was no more anxious about him, trusting he would be safe."" [Speyer 435]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,vague,divya viṣaya,,,divya,viṣaya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,36,2280955|36|7.0Vaidya,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sa yathākramaṃ śrutismṛtivihitānavāpya jātakarmādīn saṃskārānadhītya sāṅgānvedānkṛtsnaṃ ca kalpaṃ vyāpya vidyāyaśasā manuṣyalokaṃ [...],"""He had in due order obtained the different sacraments ordained by the sacred texts and the tradition: jātakarma and the rest; he had studied the Vedas with their Aṅgas and the whole ritual, and the fame of his learning filled the world of men."" [Speyer 64]",Rule,Law@Worship,rule@Observance/ritual,manner_of_action/thinking,manner_of_action/thinking,pos,,adhye sāṅga veda kṛtsna,adhye,,kṛtsna,,NA,NA,sāṅga veda,,,,,,NA, kalpa,37,2280955|37v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] bhagavān āha evam eva kāśyapa kalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrasaṃcito api karmakleśa ekena yoniśomanasīkāraprajñāpratyavekṣaṇena vigacchati |,"""“Likewise, Kāśyapa,” the Exalted One said, “[one’s] actions and mental defilement[s], in spite of [their] prevalence for an ‘incredibly long time’, will ‘disappear’ once [the lamp of] the unique contemplation with wisdom [pertaining to] wise attention [is lit]."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 140]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭi ayuta śata sahasra,,,koṭi ayuta śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,79,2280955|79v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] ekaikaṃ ca tathāgatasyāprameyaśrāvakasaṃghaṃ gaṃgānadīvālukāsamān kalpāṃ ca sarvasukhopadhānaiḥ paricaret |,"""Furthermore, [suppose] for as many aeons as there are grains of sand... he [or she] were to wait, with all that makes for well-being, on an infinite community of Disciples belonging to each of so many Tathagatas…"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 188]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṃgā nadī vālukā sama,,,vālukā sama,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,19,2280955|19|1.5Nagao,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitaḥ paratantraś ca pariniṣpanna eva ca | arthād abhūtakalpāc ca dvayābhāvāc ca deśitaḥ ||,"""The constructed, the interdependent, and the fulfilled are indicated by objects of sense and understanding, the construction of that which was not, and the non-being of dualitites"" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,other,kalpita artha abhūta dvay abhāva,,,abhūta,,NA,NA,artha abhāva,,,kalpita,,,NA, kalpa,61,2280955|61|5.4Nagao,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āyatatvaparamatā trikalpāsaṃkhyeyaparibhāvanāt |,"""The highest form of practice through persistence comes with the ability to cultivate it even for three uncountable aeons."" [Anacker 257]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,tri āsaṃkhyeya,,,tri āsaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,59,2280955|59|IX.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paśyatām kalpanāmātraṃ sarvam etad yathoditaṃ | akalpabodhisatvānāṃ prāptā bodhir nirūpyate ||,"""It is said of the nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas, who consider what has been mentioned to be mere imaginative construction, that enlightenment has been attained."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,vinā dravyāntara,,,vinā dravyāntara,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,59,2280955|59|IX.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpanāmātraṃ tv etat sarvam iti paśyatāṃ tasyāpi kalpanāmātrasyāvikalpanād akalpabodhisatvānām anutpattikadharmakṣāntilābhāvasthāyām arthataḥ prāptaiva bodhirity ucyate |,"""Who consider that everything is 'mere imaginative construction' (refers to the fact that) they do not conceptualize what is merely conceptually constructed. It is said of such nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas that it is actually as if they have attained enlightenment when they attain the tolerance of the nonproduction of all things."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,praśna iti vak/vac,,,,vak/vac,,NA,,,,,praśna,,NA, kalpa,144,2280955|144|XVIII.58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvakalpanimittānāṃ bhaṅgāya vicayo asya ca ||,"""(The bodhisattva's) analysis causes the defeat of all signs of conceptual thought."" [Thurman 267]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,ayam/idam,,,ayam/idam,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,181,2280955|181|XX.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,karuṇā vihiṃsāpratipakṣo duḥkhāpagamāśayaḥ | svabhāvakalpanaṃ kalpaḥ | viśeṣakalpanaṃ vikalpo veditavyaḥ |,"""Compassion, the remedy for violence, is the ambition to eradicate (their) suffering. Mental construction is the construction of an intrinsic nature. Discrimination is to be understood as the construction of distinctions."" [Thurman 329]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,sādhvī,,,sādhvī,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,98,2280955|98|XV.3,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,suduṣkaraiḥ karmabhirudyatātmānāṃ vicitrarūpair bahukalpanirgataiḥ | na kāyavākcittamayasya karmaṇo jinātmajānāṃ bhavatīha saṃnatiḥ ||,"""Here in this world, great ordeals of various kinds over many aeons do not overcome the physical, verbal, and mental actions of the enterprising spiritual children of the victor."" [Thurman 190]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,hetu bheda parikalp,parikalp,,,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,166,2280955|166|XIX.37,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kṣetreṇa nāmnā kālena kalpanāmnā ca tatpunaḥ | parivārānuvṛtyā ca saddharmasya tad iṣyate ||,"""(Such) prophecy consists of field, name, time, name of eon, retinue, and duration of the holy teaching."" [Thurman 301]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,kalp,kalp,,,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,90,2280955|90|14.2BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathā saṃbhṛtasaṃbhāro hy ādiśuddhau jinātmajaḥ | suvijñaḥ kalpacittaś ca bhāvanāyāṃ prayujyate ||,"""Thus provided with the stores (of merit and wisdom), the victors' spiritual child, primordially pure, with fine intellect and good will, applies himself to the meditative practice (of the path of application)."" [Thurman 175]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,In_a_suitable/appropriate_manner,properly,pos,vague,jinātmaja suvijña citta,,,,jinātmaja citta,NA,NA,suvijña,,,,,,NA, kalpa,162,2280955|162|19.13BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,buddhādhyeṣaṇataś caiṣām āvṛteś ca vivarjanāt | pañcabhiḥ karmabhiḥ satvapitṛkalpā jinātmajāḥ ||,"""The spiritual offspring of the victors are like fathers to beings through five activities: [...]"" [Thurman 296]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,satva pitṛ jinātmaja,,,pitṛ,jinātmaja,NA,NA,,,,,,satva,NA, kalpa,162,2280955|162|19.15BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,avavādaṃ ca yacchanti mārān āvedayanti hi | pañcabhiḥ karmabhiḥ satvabandhukalpā jinātmajāḥ ||,"""The spiritual offspring of the victors are like relatives to beings through five activities: […]"" [Thurman 296]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,satva bandhu jinātmaja,,,bandhu,jinātmaja,NA,NA,,,,,,satva,NA, kalpa,59,2280955|59|9.81BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paśyatām kalpanāmātraṃ sarvam etad yathoditaṃ | akalpabodhisatvānāṃ prāptā bodhir nirūpyate ||,"""It is said of the nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas, who consider what has been mentioned to be mere imaginative construction, that enlightenment has been attained."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,kalpanā a bodhisatva,,,a,,NA,NA,,bodhisatva,,,kalpanā,,NA, kalpa,62,2280955|62|11.31BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtakalpo na bhūto nābhūto akalpa eva ca | na kalpo nāpi cākalpaḥ sarvaṃ jñeyaṃ nirucyate ||,"""The entire objective reality is experienced as unreal imaginative construction, as neither real nor unreal, as nonconceptual, and as neither conceptual nor nonconceptual."" [Thurman 128]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,abhūta sarva jñeya,,,abhūta,sarva jñeya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,62,2280955|62,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,akalpas tathatā lokottaraṃ ca jñānaṃ |,"""""The nonconceptual"" is suchness and its transcendental intuition."" [Thurman 128]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,a tathatā jñāna,,,a,,NA,NA,,jñāna tathatā,,,,,NA, kalpa,65,2280955|65|11.41BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhāvabhāvatā yā ca bhāvābhāvasamānatā | aśāntaśāntā akalpā ca pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam ||,"""Nonexistence, existence, existence and nonexistence in equality, peaceless peace, and freedom from discriminative construction - this is the perfect identity."" [Thurman 132]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,other,abhāva bhāva a pariniṣpanna,,,a,,NA,NA,abhāva bhāva,pariniṣpanna,,,,,NA, kalpa,76,2280955|76|11.77BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhāvabhāvādhyapavādakalpa ekatvanānāsvaviśeṣakalpāḥ | yathārthanāmābhiniveśakalpāḥ jinātmajaiḥ saṃparivarjanīyāḥ ||,"""The victor-children should absolutely avoid discriminative constructions of nonexistence, existence, reification, repudiation, unity, diversity, intrinsic identity, qualification, habitual naïve realism, and nominalistic substantialism."" [Thurman 150]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,philological,abhāva bhāva ādhi apavāda jinātmaja saṃparivarjanīya,saṃparivarjanīya,,abhāva bhāva,,NA,NA,,jinātmaja,,,,,NA, kalpa,173,2280955|173|19.68BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,duḥkhāpaho duḥkhakaro na caiva duḥkhādhivāso na ca duḥkhabhītaḥ | duḥkhād vimukto na ca duḥkhakalpo duḥkhābhyupetaḥ khalu bodhisatvaḥ ||,"""One is truly a bodhisattva who clears away suffering, who does not cause suffering, who willingly endures suffering, who does not fear suffering, who is free from suffering, who has no notion of suffering, and who accepts suffering."" [Thurman 313]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,na duḥkha bodhisatva,,,na duḥkha,,NA,NA,,bodhisatva,,,,,NA, kalpa,94,2280955|94|14.29BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sāsyāśrayaparāvṛttiḥ prathamā bhūmir iṣyate | ameyaiś cāsya sā kalpaiḥ suviśuddhiṃ nigacchati ||,"""This, her foundational transmutation, is accepted as the first (bodhisattva) stage. Only after innumerable aeons does she proceed to perfect purity."" [Thurman 181]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,ameya,,,ameya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,112,2280955|112|16.57BP,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ekasatvasukhaṃ dānaṃ bahukalpavighātakṛt | priyaṃ syād bodhisatvānāṃ prāg eva tadviparyayāt ||,"""Though he himself were hurt for many eons, the bodhisattva would love generosity if it made even one being happy; what need to mention the opposite case!"" [Thurman]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu,,,bahu,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,22,2280955|22.9LVP,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,aśubhaṃ vā śubhaṃ vāpi kutas teṣu bhaviṣyati | māyāpuruṣakalpeṣu pratibimbasameṣu ca ||,"""How can the pleasant and unpleasant occur in those [things] which are like phantoms and similar to reflections?"" [Batchellor, Stephen/BP]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,sa/tad māyā puruṣa pratibimba sama,,,puruṣa,sa/tad,NA,NA,,,,,sama,,NA, kalpa,149,2280955|149,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sīdanta durgatipathādapicoddhariṣye andhe cakṣurapi tṛṣṇalatāviśoṣī | prajñārciruttamavimuktikṛtapradīpo drakṣanti yena tribhavaṃ naṭaraṅgakalpam ||,"""I will extricate the despondent from the path of unfortunate destinies and pluck out my eye for the blind while drying up the pangs of the entanglements of craving. [I will be] the light of wisdom, a lamp that has accomplished the highest liberation, by which [sentient beings] will see the triple world as like an actor’s stage."" [Boucher 153]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu.neg,,tribhava naṭaraṅga,,,naṭaraṅga,tribhava,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,141,2280955|141,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te vṛtticaryāparihīnabhāvāḥ pramādalābhena smṛtipranaṣṭāḥ | ghoraṃ prayāsyanti mahāprapātaṃ yato na mokṣo astyapi kalpakoṭibhiḥ ||,"""Their dispositions are deficient in upright behavior and religious training while their mindfulness is ruined by negligence and profit. They will advance toward a great and terrible precipice from which there is no liberation for millions of aeons."" [Boucher 144]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭi,,,koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,143,2280955|143,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāmahetu bahukalpasāgarā anyamanyavadhitā nirarthakāḥ | kasyacinna ca kṛtaṃ tvayā hitaṃ vyartha eva ca niveśitaḥ śramaḥ ||,"""For many oceans of aeons have you killed one another out of passion and without reason. You have not done good for anyone. Useless indeed is the effort you are engaged in."" [Boucher 146]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu sāgara,,,bahu,sāgara,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,159,2280955|159,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śrutvaināṃ mama cārikāṃ samupadiṣṭāṃ bhūtādhyāśayato atra yujyathā pratipattyā | duṣprāpyaṃ bahukalpakoṭibhiḥ kṣaṇaprāptā tasmādatra yathoktadharmatāmabhiyujyet ||,"""Having heard about the religious course that I have taught, you should control yourselves with proper behavior as a result of genuine determination for it. You have obtained an opportunity that was unattainable for many millions of aeons. Therefore, one should apply oneself to the truth [dharmatā] as taught here."" [Boucher 169]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu koṭi,,,bahu koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,43,2280955|43,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,cittasya yāsau prakṛtiḥ prabhāsvarā na jātu sā dyauriva yāti vikriyām | āgantukai rāgamalādibhistvasāvupaiti saṃkleśamabhūtakalpajaiḥ ||,"""The innate nature of the mind is brilliant And, like space, has no transformation at all; It bears, however, the impurity by stains of desires, etc. Which are of accident and produced by wrong conception."" [Takasaki 237]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,citta āgantuka rāga mala rāgamalādibhistvasā abhūta,,,abhūta,rāga mala,NA,NA,,,,,āgantuka,,NA, kalpa,85,2280955|85,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,śāntaṃ nirodhasatyatvādvyāpi sarvāvabodhataḥ | akalpamapratiṣṭhānādasaktaṃ kleśahānitaḥ ||,"""It is 'perfectly pacified' as being the Truth of Extinction, It is 'all-pervading' since it cognizes everything; It is 'non-discriminative' as it has no insistence; And 'has no attachment' since it rejects defilements."" [Takasaki 323]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neg,,a apratiṣṭhāna kleśa,,,a,,NA,NA,kleśa,,,,,apratiṣṭhāna,NA, kalpa,10,2280955|10.1,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,cirayānaprasthitu sa vedayitavya sattvo bahubuddhakoṭinayutehi kṛtādhikāro | yo śrutva dharmi imi nirmitamāyakalpāṃ na ca kāṅkṣate ayu prayujyati śikṣamāṇaḥ ||,"""As one set out for long in the vehicle should that being be known, As one who has done his duty under many niyutas of kotis of buddhas, Who, when he has heard that these dharmas are fictitious and like an illusion, Does not hesitate, but makes efforts to train himself."" [Conze/BP]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu.neg,,dharma nirmita māya,,,nirmita māya,dharma,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,17,2280955|17.6,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,pratyantamlecchajanavarjitāntadeśāḥ svakabhūmi kāṅkṣavigatāḥ sada merukalpāḥ | dharmārtha jīvita tyajanti prayuktayogā avivartiyāna imi liṅga prajānitavyā || || bhagavatyāṃ,"""They have avoided the barbarous populations of outlying districts, of the border regions. They are free from doubts about their own stage, always fashioned like Meru. For the sake of Dharma they renounce their very life, intent on their practice. These should be wisely known as the characteristics of the irreversible."" [Conze/BP]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,pos,,svaka bhūmi meru,,,meru,bhūmi,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,24,2280955|24.4,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo bodhisattva ayu vyākṛtu vyākṛtasmiṃ cittaṃ pradūṣayi vivādu samārabheyyā | yāvanti cittakṣaṇikā khiladoṣayuktās tāvanta kalpa puna saṃnahitavya bhonti ||,"""The Bodhisattva’s Pride and Repentance If a Bodhisattva who has not had his prediction Should have angry thoughts for one who has had it, and should bring about a dispute: For as many moments as he persists in his obstinate faulty thoughts, For so many aeons he must again put on the armour."" [Conze/BP]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,yāvanti/yāvanta tāvanta,,,yāvanti/yāvanta tāvanta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,208,2280955|208|17.5Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,so teṣa dharmaṃ vadatīha paścānnirvāṇabhūmiṃ ca prakāśayeta | sarve bhavāḥ phenamarīcikalpā nirvidyathā sarvabhaveṣu kṣipram ||,"""He teaches them the law here on earth and points to the state of Nirvāna hereafter. 'All existences' (he says) 'are like a mirage; hasten to become disgusted with all existence.'"" [Kern 334]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu.neg,,bhava phena marīci,,,marīci,bhava,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,14,2280955|14|1.57Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atītamadhvānamanusmarāmi acintiye aparimitasmi kalpe | yadā jino āsi prajāna uttamaścandrasya sūryasya pradīpa nāma ||,"""I remember a past period, inconceivable, illimited kalpas ago, when the highest of beings, the Gina of the name of Kandrasūryapradīpa, was in existence."" [Kern 23]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atīta adhvāna/adhvan acintiya/acintya aparimita,,,acintiya/acintya aparimita,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvāna/adhvan,,NA, kalpa,22,2280955|22|2.13Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,eko bhavitvāna vicintayeyurmamāgradharmāṇa pradeśamātram | kalpāna koṭīnayutānanantānna tasya bhūtaṃ parijāni artham ||,"""And if combined for an endless number of myriads of kotis of Aeons, they were to investigate a part only of my superior laws, they would never find out its real meaning."" [Kern 33]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,koṭi ayuta ananta,,,koṭi ayuta ananta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,33,2280955|33|2.71Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye cāpyabhūvan purimāstathāgatāḥ parinirvṛtā buddhasahasra neke | atītamadhvānamasaṃkhyakalpe teṣāṃ pramāṇaṃ na kadāci vidyate ||,"""The former Tathāgatas also, living in the past for innumerable Aeons, the many thousands of buddhas who are gone to final rest, whose number can never be counted, [...]"" [Kern 49]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atīta adhvāna/adhvan asaṃkhya,,,asaṃkhya,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvāna/adhvan,,NA, kalpa,47,2280955|47|3.22Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api khalu punaḥ śāriputra bhaviṣyasi tvamanāgate adhvani aprameyaiḥ kalpairacintyairapramāṇairbahūnāṃ tathāgatakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇāṃ saddharmaṃ dhārayitvā vividhāṃ ca pūjāṃ kṛtvā imāmeva bodhisattvacaryāṃ,"""Again, Sāriputra, at a future period, after innumerable, inconceivable, immeasurable Aeons, when thou shalt have learnt the true law of hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Tathāgatas, showed devotion in various ways, and achieved the present Bodhisattva-course, thou shalt become in the world a Tathāgata, &c., named Padmaprabha"" [Kern 65]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,anāgata adhvan aprameya acintya apramāṇa,,,aprameya acintya apramāṇa,,NA,NA,,,,,anāgata adhvan,,NA, kalpa,48,2280955|48|3.22Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kiṃcāpi śāriputra sa tathāgato na kalpakaṣāya utpatsyate api tu praṇidhānavaśena dharmaṃ deśayiṣyati |,"""Now that Tathāgata Padmaprabha, &c., Sāriputra, will preach the law by the instrumentality of three vehicles. Further, Sāriputra, that Tathāgata will not appear at the decay of the Aeon, but preach the law by virtue of a vow."" [Kern 66]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu.neg,,kaṣāya,,,kaṣāya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,48,2280955|48|3.22Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,padmaprabhasya tathāgatasya dvādaśāntarakalpā āyuṣpramāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati sthāpayitvā kumārabhūtatvam |,"""As to the lifetime, Sāriputra, of that Tathāgata Padmaprabha, it will last twelve intermediate kalpas, if we leave out of account the time of his being a young prince."" [Kern 67]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,dvādaśa āntara āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,dvādaśa āntara,āyuṣ pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,48,2280955|48|3.22Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathāgatasya parinirvṛtasya dvātriṃśadantarakalpān saddharmaḥ sthāsyati |,"""Now the Tathāgata Padmavrishabhavikrāmin, Sāriputra, will have a buddha-field of quite the same description. The true law, Sāriputra, of that Tathāgata Padmavrishabhavikrāmin will, after his extinction, last thirty-two intermediate kalpas, and the counterfeit of his true law will last as many intermediate kalpas."" [Kern 67-68]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,dvātriṃśat antara,,,dvātriṃśat antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,49,2280955|49|3.25Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,acintiye aparimitasmi kalpe prabhūtaratnastada kalpu bheṣyati | virajā ca nāmnā tada lokadhātuḥ kṣetraṃ viśuddhaṃ dvipadottamasya ||,"""Within a period inconceivable and immense there shall be an Aeon rich in jewels (or, the Aeon jewel-rich), and a sphere named Viraga, the pure field of the highest of men; [...]"" [Kern 68]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,acintiya aparimita,,,acintiya aparimita,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,49,2280955|49|3.25Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,acintiye aparimitasmi kalpe prabhūtaratnastada kalpu bheṣyati | virajā ca nāmnā tada lokadhātuḥ kṣetraṃ viśuddhaṃ dvipadottamasya ||,"""Within a period inconceivable and immense there shall be an Aeon rich in jewels (or, the Aeon jewel-rich), and a sphere named Viraga, the pure field of the highest of men; [...]"" [Kern 68]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,prabhūta ratna bhī,,bhī,prabhūta ratna,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,66,2280955|66|3.114Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,cyutvā manuṣyeṣu avīci teṣāṃ pratiṣṭha bhotī paripūrṇakalpāt | tataśca bhūyo antarakalpa nekāṃścyutāścyutāstatra patanti bālāḥ ||,"""After having disappeared from amongst men, they shall dwell in the lowest hell (Avīki) during a whole kalpa, and thereafter they shall fall lower and lower, the fools, passing through repeated births for many intermediate kalpas."" [Kern 92]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,paripūrṇa,,,paripūrṇa,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,82,2280955|82|4.55Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ko nāma śaktaḥ pratikartu tubhyamudyuktarūpo bahukalpakoṭyaḥ | suduṣkarāṇīdṛśakā karoṣi suduṣkarān yāniha martyaloke ||,"""Who is there, even were he to exert himself during kotis of Aeons, able to thwart thee, who accomplishes in this world of mortals such difficult things as those, and others even more difficult?"" [Kern 115]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu koṭi,,,bahu koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,97,2280955|97|6.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa paścime samucchraye avabhāsaprāptāyāṃ lokadhātau mahāvyūhe kalpe raśmiprabhāso nāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho loke bhaviṣyati vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato,"""In his last bodily existence in the world Avabhāsa (i. e. lustre), in the age (Aeon) Mahāvyūha (i.e. great division) he shall be a Tathāgata, an Arhat, &c. &c., by the name of Rasmiprabhāsa (i.e. beaming with rays)."" [Kern 142]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahāvyūha,,,mahāvyūha,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,97,2280955|97|6.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dvādaśa cāsyāntarakalpānāyuṣpramāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati |,"""His lifetime shall last twelve intermediate kalpas [...]"" [Kern 142]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,dvādaśa antara āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,dvādaśa antara,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,98,2280955|98|6.9Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,so dvādaśa antarakalpa sthāsyati [...],"""He himself shall stay twelve intermediate kalpas, [...]"" [Kern 144]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,dvādaśa antara,,,dvādaśa antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,101,2280955|101|6.24Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dvādaḥa cāsya antarakalpānāyuṣpramāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati |,"""The measure of his lifetime shall be twelve intermediate kalpas; [...]"" [Kern 148]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,dvādaḥa/dvādaśa antara āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,dvādaḥa/dvādaśa antara,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,102,2280955|102|6.29Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,manobhirāmaṃ ca nāmāsya tadbuddhakṣetraṃ bhaviṣyati | ratiprapūrṇaśca nāma sa kalpo bhaviṣyati |,"""The field of that buddha will be called Manobhirāma; his period Ratipratipūrna."" [Kern 150]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,ratiprapūrṇaś nāma,,,ratiprapūrṇaś nāma,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,104,2280955|104|7.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstāḥ devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān saṃbhavāyāṃ lokadhātau mahārūpe kalpe |,"""[...] there appeared in the world a Tathāgata, &c., named Mahābhigñāgñānābhibhū, endowed with science and conduct, a Sugata, &c. &c., in the sphere Sambhava (i. e. origin, genesis), in the period Mahārūpa.""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,mahārūpa,,,mahārūpa,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,105,2280955|105|7.7Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya khalu punarbhikṣavo mahābhijñājñānābhibhuvastathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya catuṣpañcāśatkalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇyāyuṣpramāṇamabhūt |,"""To proceed, monks, the measure of the lifetime of the Tathāgata Mahābhigñāgñānābhibhū, the Arhat, &c. was fifty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Aeons."" [Kern 155]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,catuṣpañcāśat koṭi ayuta śata sahasra āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,catuṣpañcāśat koṭi ayuta śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,105,2280955|105|7.7Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tṛtīyamapi caturthamapi pañcamamapi ṣaṣṭhamapi saptamamapi aṣṭamamapi navamamapi daśamamapyantarakalpaṃ bodhivṛkṣamūle bodhimaṇḍe asthāt sakṛdvartanena paryaṅkena antarādavyutthitaḥ |,"""He remained a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth, a ninth, a tenth intermediate kalpa on the terrace of enlightenment at the foot of the tree of enlightenment, continuing sitting cross-legged without in the meanwhile rising."" [Kern 156]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,daśama antara,,,daśama antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,111,2280955|111|7.33Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śūnyaśca āsīddvipadottamehi apāyabhūmī tada utsadāsi | divyāśca kāyāḥ parihāyiṣū tadā aśīti kalpāna śatā supūrṇā ||,"""It was deprived of the most high of men; hell was prevailing and the celestial bodies constantly went on waning during eighty hundred complete Aeons."" [Kern 166]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,aśīti śata supūrṇa,,,aśīti śata supūrṇa,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,118,2280955|118|7.59Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathā pratisaṃlīnaśca bhikṣavaḥ sa tathāgataścaturaśītikalpasahasrāṇi vihārasthita evāsīt ||,"""[...] and in that retirement, monks, the Tathāgata continued in the monastery during eightyfour thousand kotis of Aeons."" [Kern 175]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,caturaśīti sahasra,,,caturaśīti sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,121,2280955|121|7.63Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,daśāna co antarakalpa atyayāt spṛśe sa bodhiṃ bhagavānanābhibhūḥ | hṛṣṭā udagrāstada āsu sarve devā manuṣyā bhujagāsurāśca ||,"""After the lapse of ten intermediate kalpas the Lord Anābhibhū attained enlightenment; then all gods, men, serpents, and demons were glad and overjoyed."" [Kern 183-184]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,daśa antara atyaya,,,daśa antara,atyaya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,133,2280955|133|8.22Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,samantaprabho nāma jino bhaviṣyati kṣetraṃ ca tasya pariśuddha bheṣyati | anantakalpasmi anāgate adhvani dṛṣṭvāna buddhān bahavo hyanantān ||,"""After seeing many endless buddhas, he shall in future, after the lapse of an endless period, become the Gina Samantaprabhāsa, whose field shall be thoroughly pure."" [Kern 199]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,ananta anāgata adhvan,,,ananta,,NA,NA,,,,,anāgata adhvan,,NA, kalpa,133,2280955|133|8.27Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ṣaṣṭiḥ sahasrā paripūrṇakalpānāyuṣpramāṇaṃ sugatasya tasya | tataśca bhūyo dviguṇena tāyinaḥ parinirvṛtasyeha sa dharma sthāsyati ||,"""The measure of the lifetime of that Sugata shall be sixty thousand Aeons, and, after the complete extinction of that mighty one, his true law shall remain twice as long in the world."" [Kern 199]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,ṣaṣṭi sahasra paripūrṇa āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,ṣaṣṭi sahasra paripūrṇa,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,137,2280955|137|9.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,aparimitāṃśca kalpāṃstasya bhagavataḥ sāgaravaradharabuddhivikrīḍitābhijñasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya āyuṣpramāṇaṃ,"""The lifetime of that Lord Sāgaravaradharabuddhivikrīditābhigña, the Tathāgata, &c., shall measure an immense number of Aeons, Aeons the term of which is not to be found by calculation."" [Kern 206-207]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aparimita āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,aparimita,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,137,2280955|137|9.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tāvadasaṃkhyeyāni tāni kalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi tasya bhagavata āyuṣpramāṇaṃ bhaviṣyati |,"""So many hundred thousand myriads of kotis of incalculable Aeons shall last the lifetime of that Lord."" [Kern 207]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,asaṃkhyeya koṭi ayuta śata sahasra āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,asaṃkhyeya koṭi ayuta śata sahasra,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,156,2280955|156|9.27Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na duṣkaramidaṃ loke kalpadāhasmi yo naraḥ | madhye gacchedadahyantastṛṇabhāraṃ vaheta ca ||,"""It will not be difficult for him to walk in the midst of the conflagration at the (time of the) end of the world, even if he carries with him a load of hay."" [Kern 241]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu.neg,,loka dāha,,,,dāha,NA,NA,,,,,loka,,NA, kalpa,157,2280955|157|9.41Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ sūtraṃ paryeṣitavānakhinno aviśrāntaḥ | pūrvaṃ ca ahamanekān kalpānanekāni kalpaśatasahasrāṇi rājābhūvamanuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau kṛtapraṇidhānaḥ |,"""Of yore, monks, in times past I have, unwearied and without repose, sought after the Sutra of the Lotus of the True Law, during immense, immeasurable Aeons; many Aeons before I have been a king, during many thousands of Aeons."" [Kern 243]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,aneka,,,aneka,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,164,2280955|164|12.13Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kalpasaṃkṣobhamīṣmasmin dāruṇasmi mahābhaye | yakṣarūpā bahu bhikṣū asmākaṃ paribhāṣakāḥ ||,"""In that dreadful, most terrible period of frightful general revolution will many fiendish monks stand up as our revilers."" [Kern 260]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu.neg,,saṃkṣobha mīṣma dāruṇa mahābhaya,,,dāruṇa mahābhaya,saṃkṣobha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180|14.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,unmajjatāṃ tathāgatāṃśca vandamānānāṃ nānāprakārairbodhisattvastavairabhiṣṭuvatāṃ paripūrṇāḥ pañcāśadantarakalpā gacchanti sma | tāṃśca pañcāśadantarakalpān sa bhagavān śākyamunistathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddhastūṣṇīmabhūt,"""And while those Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas who had emerged from the gaps of the earth were saluting and celebrating the Tathāgatas by various Bodhisattva hymns, fifty intermediate kalpas in full rolled away, during which fifty intermediate kalpas the Lord Sākyamuni remained silent, and likewise the four classes of the audience."" [Kern 283-284]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,pañcāśat antara gacch,,gacch,pañcāśat antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,180,2280955|180|14.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nānāprakārairbodhisattvastavairabhiṣṭuvatāṃ paripūrṇāḥ pañcāśadantarakalpā gacchanti sma | tāṃśca pañcāśadantarakalpān sa bhagavān śākyamunistathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddhastūṣṇīmabhūt |,"""And while those Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas who had emerged from the gaps of the earth were saluting and celebrating the Tathāgatas by various Bodhisattva hymns, fifty intermediate kalpas in full rolled away, during which fifty intermediate kalpas the Lord Sākyamuni remained silent, and likewise the four classes of the audience."" [Kern 283-284]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,pañcāśat antara,,,pañcāśat antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,192,2280955|192|15.2Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,samādapemī bahubodhisattvān bauddhasmi jñānasmi sthapemi caiva | sattvāna koṭīnayutānanekān paripācayāmī bahukalpakoṭyaḥ ||,"""I roused many Bodhisattvas and established them in buddha-knowledge. I brought myriads of kotis of beings, endless, to full ripeness in many kotis of Aeons."" [Kern 307]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bahu koṭi,,,bahu koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,199,2280955|199|16.18Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kalpakoṭīsahasrāṇi aṣṭau pūrṇāni yujyate | dānaṃ dadanto buddhebhyaḥ śrāvakebhyaḥ punaḥ punaḥ ||,"""Let him, during eight thousand kotis of complete Aeons, continue giving repeated alms to buddhas and disciples; [...]"" [Kern 318]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭī/koṭi sahasra aṣṭau pūrṇa,,,koṭī/koṭi sahasra aṣṭau pūrṇa,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,200,2280955|200|16.32Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bodhisattvāśca ye bhonti caritāḥ kalpakoṭiyaḥ | na te trasanti śrutvedaṃ mama āyuracintiyam ||,"""The Bodhisattvas also, who have practised those virtues during kotis of Aeons, will not be startled at hearing of this inconceivably long life of mine."" [Kern 319]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭi,,,koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,247,2280955|247|23.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,padmaśriyaṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvametadavocatbhūtapūrvaṃ kulaputra atīte adhvani asaṃkhyeye kalpe asaṃkhyeyatare vipule aprameye apramāṇe yadāsīt | tena kālena tena samayena meghadundubhisvararājo nāma,"""In the days of yore, young man of good family, at a past period there appeared in the world a Tathāgata called Meghadundubhisvararāga (i. e. the king of the drum-sound of the clouds), perfectly enlightened, [...]"" [Kern 399]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atīta adhvan asaṃkhyeya,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvan,,NA, kalpa,258,2280955|258|25.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sugato lokavidanuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān priyadarśane kalpe vairocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitāyāṃ lokadhātau |,"""[...] there appeared in the world a Tathāgata named Galadharagargitaghoshasusvaranakshatrarāgasaṅkusumitābhigña, an Arhat, &c., endowed with science and conduct, &c. &c., in the Aeon Priyadarsana, in the world Vairokanarasmipratimandita."" [Kern 419]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,priyadarśana lokadhātu,,,priyadarśana,,NA,NA,,,,,lokadhātu,,NA, kalpa,262,2280955|262|25.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śāstā devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān vistīrṇavatyāṃ lokadhātau | abhyudgatarājo nāma sa kalpo bhaviṣyati | tasya khalu punarbhikṣavaḥ śālendrarājasya [...],"""This king Subhavyūha, monks, after having become a monk under my rule shall become a Tathāgata in the world, by the name of Sālendrarāga, endowed with science and conduct, &c. &c., in the world Vistīrnavatī; his epoch shall be called Abhyudgatarāga."" [Kern 429]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,lokadhātu abhyudgatarāja bhav,,bhav,abhyudgatarāja,,NA,NA,,,,,lokadhātu,,NA, kalpa,129,2280955|129|8.0Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yadapi tadbhikṣavo bhaviṣyatyanāgate adhvani asmin bhadrakalpe caturbhirbuddhairūnaṃ buddhasahasram teṣāmapi śāsane eṣa eva pūrṇo maitrāyaṇīputro agryo,"""And as to the buddhas, monks, who have in future to appear in this Bhadra-kalpa, to the number of a thousand less four, under the mastership of them also shall this same Pūrna, son of Maitrāyanī, [...]"" [Kern 193]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,bhadrakalpa the current age,neu,,anāgata adhvan bhadra,,,bhadra,,NA,NA,,,,,anāgata adhvan,,NA, kalpa,28,2280955|28|2.37Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punaḥ śāriputra yadā tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā kalpakaṣāye votpadyante sattvakaṣāye vā kleśakaṣāye vā dṛṣṭikaṣāye vā āyuṣkaṣāye votpadyante | evaṃrūpeṣu śāriputra [...],"""Yet, Sariputra, when the Tathagatas, &c., happen to appear at the decay of the epoch, the decay of creatures, the decay of besetting sins, the decay of views, or the decay of lifetime; when they appear amid such signs of decay at the disturbance of the epoch; when creatures are much tainted, full of greed and poor in roots of goodness; [...]"" [Kern 42]",Time,Time,Period,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,neu.neg,,kaṣāya sattva kleśa dṛṣṭi āyuṣ,,,kaṣāya,,NA,NA,sattva kleśa dṛṣṭi āyuṣ,,,,,,NA, kalpa,29,2280955|29|2.37Vaidya,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] votpadyante sattvakaṣāye vā kleśakaṣāye vā dṛṣṭikaṣāye vā āyuṣkaṣāye votpadyante | evaṃrūpeṣu śāriputra kalpasaṃkṣobhakaṣāyeṣu bahusattveṣu lubdheṣvalpakuśalamūleṣu tadā śāriputra tathāgatā arhantaḥ samyaksaṃbuddhā upāyakauśalyena,"""Yet, Sariputra, when the Tathagatas, &c., happen to appear at the decay of the epoch, the decay of creatures, the decay of besetting sins, the decay of views, or the decay of lifetime; when they appear amid such signs of decay at the disturbance of the epoch; when creatures are much tainted, full of greed and poor in roots of goodness; [...]"" [Kern 42]",Time,Time,Period,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,neu.neg,,saṃkṣobha kaṣāya bahu sattva,,,saṃkṣobha kaṣāya,,NA,NA,sattva,,,,,,NA, kalpa,146,2280955|146,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pramāṇaṃ kalpamākhyāto apramāṇamakalpitam | akalpyaḥ kalpāpagatastena buddho acintiyaḥ ||,"""The measured is taught to be a conception; The measureless is nonconceptual. That which is not conceived is without conception; Therefore the buddha is inconceivable."" [23.46[37]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu,,kalpita kalpya cintiya/cintya,,,,,NA,NA,,,kalpita kalpya,,cintiya/cintya,,NA, kalpa,1,2280955|1,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] mahāmaitrīmahākaruṇāsaṃnāhasaṃnaddhaiḥ mahāvīryāsaṃkhyeyakalpāparikṣīṇamānasaiḥ mahāsiṃhanādanādibhiḥ [...],"""[...] they wore the armor of great love and great compassion; they had great undiminishing diligence throughout countless eons; they roared the great lion’s roar; [...]"" [Peter Alan Roberts 1.2]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,asaṃkhyeya aparikṣīṇa,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,15,2280955|15,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvat pṛthu kecidasti puṣpā tathariva gandha manoramā udārāḥ | tehi jinu maheyya puṇyakāmā bahumapi kalpa ananta aprameyān ||,"""If those wishing for merit Were to offer to the jinas Whatever flowers and incense exist For numerous, countless, endless eons, [...]"" [Peter Alan Roberts 3.20[14]]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,bahu ananta aprameya,,,bahu ananta aprameya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,16,2280955|16,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvata pṛthu gaṅgavālikāḥ syustāvata kalpa bhaṇeya ānuśaṃsā | na ca parikṣaya śakyu kīrtyamāne bahutara puṇyasamādhi dhārayitvā ||,"""The merit from possessing this samādhi is most vast. One would not be able to conclude reciting The description of its benefits even in as many eons As there are grains of sand in the Ganges."" [Peter Alan Roberts 3.23[17]]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,philological,tāvat,,,tāvat,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,146,2280955|146,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,aprameyā hi te dharmāḥ kalpakoṭyo niṣevitāḥ | teno acintiyaḥ kāyo nirvṛto me prabhāsvaraḥ ||,"""Those immeasurable qualities I have practiced for ten million eons. Therefore have I accomplished A body that is inconceivable and radiant, too."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.43[34]]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭi,,,koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,1,2280955|1 - 59,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,āpuḥ puraṃ tatpuruhūtakalpās te tejasāryeṇa na vismayena | āpur yaśogandham ataś ca śaśvat sutā yayāter iva kīrtimantaḥ ||,"""These Indra-like heroes protected this city with noble courage not with arrogance, and thus they acquired glory of everlasting fragrance like the famed sons of Yayāti."" [Johnston 6-7]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,tat puruhūta sa/tad,,,puruhūta,sa/tad,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,4,2280955|4 - 32,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,kṛtvāñjaliṃ mūrdhani padmakalpaṃ tataḥ sa kāntāṃ gamanaṃ yayāce | kartuṃ gamiṣyāmi gurau praṇāmaṃ mām abhyanujñātum ihārhasīti ||,"""Then joining his hands like a lotus bud and raising them to his head, he asked his beloved for leave to go, saying 'I want to go and do reverence to the Guru; please give me leave for this'."" [Johnston 23]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,,añjali padma,,,padma,añjali,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,16,2280955|16 - 30,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,asyābhyupāyo adhingamāya mārgaḥ prajñātrikalpaḥ [...] sa bhāvanīyo vidhivad budhena śīle śucau tripamukhe sthitena ||,"""The means to attain this end is the Path with its threefold wisdom and double tranquillity. It should be duly cultivated by the prudent man, governing himself by the pure threefold discipline."" [Johnston 91]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,other,mārga prajñā tri,,,prajñā tri,mārga,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,4,2280955|4,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan ānanda tathāgata ekapiṇḍapātena kalpaṃ vā tiṣṭhet[…],"""If the Tathagata so wished, Ananda, he could live for a whole cosmic age on one bowl of alms offerings, […]"" [Gomez 64]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,ākāṅkṣa tiṣṭh/sthā,,,ākāṅkṣa,tiṣṭh/sthā,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,5,2280955|5,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhagavāṃs tasyaitad avocat bhūtapūrvam ānandātīte adhvanīto asaṃkhyeye kalpe asaṃkhyeyatare vipule aprameye acintye yadāsīt tena kālena tena samayena dīpaṃkaro nāma tathāgato arhan,"""The Blessed One then spoke to Ananda: ""In a former age, Ananda, in the distant past, innumerable and more than innumerable, measureless, countless, inconceivable cosmic ages before now, a tathagata, arhat, perfect, full buddha called Dipankara appeared in the world […]""."" [Gomez 64-65]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atīta adhvan asaṃkhyeya,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvan,,NA, kalpa,9,2280955|9,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paripūrṇāṃś ca dvācatvārimśatkalpāṃs tasya bhagavata āyuṣpramāṇam abhūt,"""The measure of the blessed Tathagata's life span was at that time forty-two full cosmic ages."" [Gomez 68]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,paripūrṇa dvācatvārimśat āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,paripūrṇa dvācatvārimśat,āyuṣ pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,9,2280955|9,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,uttari ca pañcakalpān buddhakṣetraguṇālaṃkāravyūhasaṃpadam udāratarāṃś ca praṇītatarāṃś ca sarvaloke daśasu dikṣv[…],"""And after this, when he had gathered for five cosmic ages the most perfect array of wondrous qualities and ornaments from many buddha-fields, an array that was most noble and preeminent, and which had never before been brought together anywhere in all world spheres in the ten directions, Dharmakara took the noblest of vows."" [Gomez 68]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,pañcan,,,pañcan,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,12,2280955|12,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] api sarvasattvāḥ pratyekabuddhabhūtāḥ kalpakoṭīniyutaśatasahasram api gaṇayanto mā tāvad aham anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbudhyeyam,"""[…] and even if all those beings have become solitary buddhas, possess the marvelous powers of such buddhas, and count for hundreds of thousands of millions of trillions of cosmic ages.""",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭī niyuta śata sahasra gaṇayat,gaṇayat,,koṭī niyuta śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,29,2280955|29,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya bhagavato amitābhasya tathāgatasyāyuṣpramāṇaṃ yasya na sukaraṃ pramāṇam adhigantum iyanti vā kalpā iyanti vā kalpaśatāni iyanti vā kalpasahasrāṇi iyanti vā kalpaśatasahasrāṇi […],"""And, Ananda, the measure of the life span of the Blessed Amitabha the Tathagata is immeasurable, so that it is not easy to grasp its measure, whether one thinks of it as so many cosmic ages, so many hundreds of cosmic ages, so many thousands of cosmic ages, […]"" [Gomez 83]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,āyuṣ pramāṇa śata,,,śata,āyuṣ pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,29,2280955|29,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh," yathā cānandeha lokadhātau kalpasaṃkhyā kalpagaṇanā prajñaptikasaṃketas , tathā sāṃprataṃ daśakalpās tasya bhagavato amitāyuṣas tathāgatasyotpannasyānuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim abhisaṃbuddhasya ","""And, Ananda, according to the designations and conventions in use in this world system of ours for counting and calculating cosmic ages, ten cosmic ages have now passed since the Blessed Amitayus, the Tathagata, appeared in this world […]"" [Gomez 83]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,gaṇanā,,,,gaṇanā,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,49,2280955|49,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] sthāpayitvā tathārūpeṣu kalpasaṃkṣobheṣu ye pūrvasthānapraṇihitāḥ pañcasu kaṣāyeṣu vartamāneṣu yadā buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ loke prādurbhāvo bhavati,"""[…] except for those who, in a previous existence, have made the resolution to appear in the midst of the five corruptions in times of the decline of the cosmic age, when buddhas, blessed ones, make their appearance in the world, like my own appearance in the present age."" [Gomez 98]",Time,Time,Period,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,one_of_the_five_kaṣāyas,neu.neg,,saṃkṣobha kaṣāya,,,,kaṣāya saṃkṣobha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,222,2280955|222.4 - 224.5,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,[...] mama jīvitaṃ sarvaṃ tadenāṃ preṣyadārikām āgamya | eṣā hi me mātṛkalpā snehena | tat kiyantaṃ kālam ekākinī karma kurvāṇā sā parikhedaṃ gamiṣyati |,"""My whole life is dependent upon this handmaid. She is like my mother in affection. Now, working alone for so long a time, she will become exhausted."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa [86]]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,pos,,preṣyadārikā mātṛ sneha,,,mātṛ,preṣyadārikā,NA,NA,,,,,,sneha,NA, kalpa,185,2280955|185.2 - 196.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,prāpnuvanti mahātmāno ye api kalpaśatātyayāt | bodhiṃ pratyekasambuddhāḥ puṇyānām eva tat phalaṃ |,"""That even those magnanimous ones who are Pratyekasambuddhas (fully enlightened themselves) attain enlightenment after hundreds of Kālpas, is the fruit of meritorious deeds alone."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa [71.32]]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śata atyaya,,,śata,atyaya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,185,2280955|185.2 - 196.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,kalpadūṣyāṇi citrāṇi yat tatrābharaṇāni ca | ācchādayanti manujāḥ puṇyānām eva tat phalaṃ |,"""That therein men wear bright clothes issuing from the wish-fulfilling tree, and ornaments, is the fruit of meritorious deeds alone."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa [71.15]]",Will,Mythology@Will,Wish/inclination@Abundance,kalpadruma the wishing tree,kalpadruma the wishing tree,pos,,dūṣya ābharaṇa ācchād,,,,dūṣya,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,262,2280955|262.5 - 265.2,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,abhinavoditadivasakarādhikatararuciradīptatanuḥ sandhyābhrarekhāvaguṇṭhita iva śakalaśaracandramāḥ kalpadruma iva surapuropavanād amṛtavidrumalatālaṅkṛta iva suvarṇayūpaḥ kāñcanasthālopanihita iva tailapradyotaḥ |,"""His body was radiant with a lustre that was greater than that of the newly risen sun. He was like the full autumnal moon enveloped in a streak of twilight cloud. He was, as it were, the Tree of Plenty from the pleasure-garden of the city of the Gods."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa [97]]",Will,Mythology@Will,Wish/inclination@Abundance,kalpadruma the wishing tree,kalpadruma the wishing tree,pos,,druma sura pura upavana,,,,druma,NA,NA,,,,,,upavana,NA, kalpa,39,2280955|39r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ratnacchatreṇa vā aṅgulyagreṇeva sarṣapaṃ kalpodāhāgni pāṇinā praticchādayati | na cāsya kāyavipralopo bhavati |,"""With his hand, he covers the fire of the universal conflagration that marks the end of an eaon (kalpodāhāgni); and yet, his body is unscathed."" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,udāha/uddāha,,,,udāha/uddāha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,6,2280955|6r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nirdiśyet tato py uttarin yā dveṣacaritānāṃ yā mohacaritānāṃ yā samabhāgacaritānāṃ satvānāṃ caryā kalpamātreṇāsau nirdiśyo tato apy uttare sacecchāntamate tathāgataḥ kalpasthitikenāyuṣpramāṇena satvacaryām eva,"""Śāntamati, even if the Tathāgata were to teach exclusively these very practices of the sentient beings for an entire aeon, his life would come to an end before he could expound all the practices of the sentient beings."" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,other,sthitika āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,,pramāṇa sthitika,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,9,2280955|9r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,apramāṇaguṇavyūhā bodhisatvasya duṣkaracaryābhūn na sukarā kalpasthitikenāpy āyuṣpramāṇena vista { sta } ravibhāgato nirdeṣum atha ca punaḥ kiṃcit mātraṃ sūcayiṣyāmi |,"""It is not easy to analyse them in detail given the [short] life span we have in this era, but I shall sketch them out."" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,other,sthitika āyuṣ pramāṇa,,,,pramāṇa sthitika,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,16,2280955|16v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bodhisatvena sāgaramadhyagatā iva bhinnayānapātrāḥ adya yūyaṃ pāpīyāṃsaḥ mlāpayiṣyacca | bodhisatvena kalpādāhakāla iva tr̥ṇavanaspatayaḥ |,"""Today, Pāpīyān, the bodhisattva will wither you away like grass and trees in the universal conflagration at the end of the aeon."" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,udāha/uddāha kāla,,,,kāla udāha/uddāha,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,14,2280955|14v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tat kasmāddhetor abhijānāmy ahaṃ kulaputra atīte dhvani ito bhadrakalpād ekanavate kalpe vipaśyī nāma tathāgatorhan samyaksaṃbuddho loka utpādi vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato lokavid anuttaraḥ,"""“I shall prepare the seats for the awakening for all bodhisattvas of the Fortunate Aeon (bhadrakalpa)”"" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,bhadrakalpa the current age,neu,,atīta adhvan bhadra,,,bhadra,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvan,,NA, kalpa,20,2280955|20v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punar guhyakādhipate na te satvāḥ ekabuddhaparyupāśitā bhaviṣyanti || api tu khalu punar bhadrakalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraparyupāsitās te bhaviṣyanti kṛtaparikarmāṇo varopita kuśalamūlā iha mahāyāne ||,"""[...] these sentient beings will not venerate [only] one buddha, but they will venerate myriads of millions [of buddhas] during the Good eons; having done the preparation and having accumulated virtuous roots, [they will be established] here in the Mahāyāna."" [BTW]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,bhadrakalpa the current age,neu,,bhadra koṭi,,,bhadra koṭi,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,4,2280955|4,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asatkalpo atra kaścittaṃ yatastena hi kalpyate | yathā ca kalpayatyartha tathātyantaṃ na vidyate ||,"""What is a construction of the non-existent? A citta, by which it becomes constructed in such a way that the object which it constructs, cannot be completely found in that way."" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,asat citta kalp vid/vind,,,asat,,NA,NA,,vid/vind,citta kalp,,,,NA, kalpa,7,2280955|7,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,samāsato abhūtakalpaḥ sa caiṣa trividho mataḥ | vaipākikastathā naimittiko anyaḥ prātibhāsikaḥ ||,"""This construction of that which was not is thought of in brief to be three-fold: as maturational, as having signs, and as flashing appearances."" [Anacker 292]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,abhūta trividha vaipākika naimittika prātibhāsika,,,abhūta trividha vaipākika naimittika prātibhāsika,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,23,2280955|23,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvayābhāvātmakaḥ pūrvaṃ paratantraḥ praviśyate | tataḥ praviśyate tatra kalpamātramasaddvayam ||,"""At first, the interdependent, which consists of the non-being of duality, is entered, then and there cosntruction-only, non-existent duality, is entered, [...]"" [Anacker 294]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,mātra asat dvaya,,,mātra asat dvaya,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,28,2280955|28,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asatkalpastathā khyāti mūlacittād dvayātmanā | dvayamatyantato nāsti tatrāstyākṛtimātrakam || mantravanmūlavijñānaṃ,"""The construction of the non-existent appears in the same way from the root-consciousness by nature of duality; there is no duality there at all: there's only an appearerance there."" [Anacker 294]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,asat khyā mūla citta dvaya,,khyā,asat,,NA,NA,,,,,,citta,NA, kalpa,2280955,2280955,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,abhijānāmy ahaṃ subhūte atīte adhvany asaṃkhyeyaiḥ kalpair asaṃkhyeyatarair dīpaṃkarasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya pareṇa caturaśītir [...],"""I remember, Subhūti, that in the past, an incalculable aeon ago and more incalculable still, back before the Realized, Worthy and Perfectly Awakened One Dīpaṃkara and back further still, there were 84 hundred thousand million billion buddhas with whom I found favour and with whom, after finding favour, I did not lose favour."" [Harrison, Paul]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,atīta adhvan asaṃkhyeya,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,atīta adhvan,,NA, kalpa,226,2280955|226,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,syāt te buddhiḥ pratiṣedhaḥ pratiṣedhyo apy anenaiva kalpenānupapannaḥ | tatra yad bhavān sarvabhāvasvabhāvapratiṣedhaśūcanaṃ pratiṣedhayati | tad anupapannam iti | atra vayaṃ brūmaḥ |,"""You may think: ‘According to this very method (anenaiva kalpena), a negation of negation also is impossible; so your negation of the statement negating the intrinsic nature of all things is impossible (tatra yad bhavān sarvabhāvasvabhāvapratiṣedhavacanaṃ pratiṣedhayati tad anupapannam iti)‘. [Westerhoff, p. 21: You might think “By this very rule the negation’s negation fails to be accomplished, and in this context your negating the assertion of the negation of the substance of all things fails to be accomplished.”"" [Bhattacharya 8]",Order,Order@Dueness/propriety,established_order/system@method,manner_of_action/thinking,manner_of_action/thinking,neu,,ayam/idam anupapanna,,,ayam/idam,anupapanna,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,306,2280955|306,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yaś caiṣa kuśaleṣu nirdeṣṭaḥ kalpaḥ sa evākuśaleṣu sa evāvyākṛteṣu sa evānairyāṇikaprabhṛtiṣu [...],"""And the same method that has been indicated, concerning the good things (yaś caiṣa kuśaleṣu dharmeṣu nirdiṣṭaḥ kalpaḥ), applies also to the bad things, to the indeterminate things, to those things which lead to emancipation, and so on (nairyāṇikaprabhṛtiṣu). [Westerhoff, p. 37: The method which has been indicated with reference to the auspicious things is just the same for the inauspicious, for the indeterminate, for those leading to liberation, and so forth.]"" [Bhattacharya 38]",Order,Order@Dueness/propriety,established_order/system@method,manner_of_action/thinking,manner_of_action/thinking,neu,,kuśala nirdeṣṭa/nirdiṣṭa,,,nirdeṣṭa/nirdiṣṭa,,NA,NA,,,,,,kuśala,NA, kalpa,8,2280955|8.23,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathā hi sa satkāya iti dṛṣṭiṃ nopasthāpayati yayā dṛṣṭyā satkāya iti vā satkāyanirodha iti vā kalpayati | so akalpo avikalpo atyantāvikalpo nirodhasvabhāvaprāptaḥ na saṃbhavati na vibhavaty ayam advayapraveśaḥ |,"""Hence such views do not really conceptualize ’These are aggregates’ or ’These aggregates cease.’ Ultimately, they have no such discriminative constructions and no such conceptualizations."" [Thurman 75-76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,mental construct,mental construct,neu.neg,,kalp a a,,,a,,NA,NA,,,,kalp,,,NA, kalpa,5,2280955|5.15,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāni ca daśasu dikṣu buddhakṣetrāṇy uddahyante kalpoddāhena tad api sarvam agniskandhaṃ svamukhe prakṣipet |,"""He can take all the masses of fire of all the supernovas that ultimately consume all the universes of all the buddha-fields into his stomach without interfering with their functions."" [Thurman 53]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,buddha kṣetra uddāha,,,,uddāha,NA,NA,,,,,kṣetra,,NA, kalpa,5,2280955|5.18,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] ahaṃ bhadantaśāriputra kalpāvaśesaṃ vācintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitānāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ viṣayānāṃ viṣayāvatāranirdeśaṃ nirdiśeyam ato vottari |,"""Reverend Śāriputra, to explain to you the teaching of the full entrance into the domain of the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation would require more than an aeon, and even more than that."" [Thurman 54]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,avaśeṣa uttarin/uttara,,,avaśeṣa uttarin/uttara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,7,2280955|7.6,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kalpoddāhaṃ ca darśenti uddahya tāṃ vasundharām | nityasaṃjñīna satvānām anityam iti darśayī ||,"""They demonstrate the burning of the earth In the consuming flames of the world’s end, In order to demonstrate impermanence To living beings with the notion of permanence."" [Thurman 69]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,other,uddāha darś/dṛś vasundharā,,,,uddāha,NA,NA,,,,,vasundharā,,NA, kalpa,7,2280955|7.6,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śastrāntarakalpeṣu maitryādhyāyī bhavanti te | avyāpāde niyojenti satvakoṭīśatān bahūn ||,"""During the short aeons of swords, They meditate on love, Introducing to nonviolence Hundreds of millions of living beings."" [Thurman 70]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,śastra antara,,,antara,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,10,2280955|10.14,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyūhāḥ saṃdarśitāḥ te sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhair ṛddhiprāptaiḥ sarvarddhivikurvitaprātihāryaiḥ kalpakoṭīśatasahasrāṇi na śakyāḥ saṃdarśayitum |,"""Ānanda, these marvels displayed in a single morning by the Licchavi Vimalakīrti could not be performed by the disciples and solitary sages who have attained miraculous powers, were they to devote all their powers of incarnation and transformation during one hundred thousand millions of aeons."" [Thurman 87]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,koṭī śata sahasra,,,koṭī śata sahasra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,12,2280955|12.7,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhūtapūrvaṃ devānām indra atīte adhvany asaṃkhyeye kalpe asaṃkhyeyatare vipule apramāṇe acintye yad āsīt tena kālena tena samayena bhaisajyarājo nāma tathāgato arhan,"""The buddha then further said to Śakra, the prince of gods, ""Once, prince of gods, long ago, long before aeons more numerous than the innumerable, immense, immeasurable, inconceivable, and even before then, the Tathāgata called Bhaiṣajyarāja appeared in the world [...]"" [Thurman 97]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,bhūtapūrva adhvan asaṃkhyeya,,,asaṃkhyeya,,NA,NA,,,,,bhūtapūrva adhvan,,NA, kalpa,12,2280955|12.7,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya khalu punar devānām indra bhaiṣajyarājasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya viṃśatir antarakalpa āyuḥpramāṇam abhūt |,"""The length of life of this Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja, perfectly and fully enlightened one, was twenty short aeons. His retinue of disciples numbered thirty-six million billion, and his retinue of bodhisattvas numbered twelve million billion."" [Thurman 97]",Time,Time,Period,aeon,aeon,neu,,viṃśati antara āyuḥ pramāṇa,,,viṃśati antara,pramāṇa,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpa,12,2280955|12.15,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yat punas tad rājño ratnacchatrasya putrasahasram abhūt | ime te bhādrakalpikā bodhisatvā abhūvan | yad iha bhadrakalpe paripūrṇaṃ buddhasahasram utpatsyate [...],"""As for the thousand sons of the King Ratnacchattra, they are now the thousand bodhisattvas of the present blessed aeon, during the course of which one thousand buddhas will appear in the world."" [Thurman 100]",Time,Time,Period,curaeonrent_age,bhadrakalpa the current age,neu,,iha bhadra,,,bhadra,,NA,NA,,,,,iha,,NA, kalpana,72,2280955|72|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] tad yathā bhāve api vikalpo antaḥ | abhāve api pudgalo asti yasya vināśāya śūnyatā nairātmyam api vā nāstīti kalpanāt | tad etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārtham iyaṃ madhyamā pratipat |,"""A discrimination as to non-being, e.g. that personality must exist because it is through its destruction that emptiness, an absence of self, exists, or that it doesn't—these are extremes—and as there may be such discrimination, there is a middle path which avoids these extremes discriminating a duality, [...]"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,kṛṣyā di karmānta yātrā,,,yātrā,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,45,2280955|45|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra hetu sa nāropaḥ saṃskārādīnāṃ viṣamahetukalpanāt |,"""The aim of dependent origination is the aim of non-superimposition and non-denial as regards cause, effect, and activity. Here, a superimposition regarding causality would be to construct a cause different from motivating dispositions, etc. [...]"" [Anacker 241]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu.neg,other,antara,,,antara,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,46,2280955|46|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,hetvapavādo nirhetukatvakalpanāt phalasamāropaḥ sātmakānāṃ saṃskārādīnām avidyādipratyayapravṛttikalpanāt |,"""A denial regarding causality would be to construct that nothing like causality takes place at all."" [Anacker 241]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,etad,,,etad,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,46,2280955|46|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,hetvapavādo nirhetukatvakalpanāt phalasamāropaḥ sātmakānāṃ saṃskārādīnām avidyādipratyayapravṛttikalpanāt |,"""A superimposition regarding effect would be to construct the development of motivating dispositions, with ignorance, etc. as conditions, with selves entering in."" [Anacker 241]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,ayam/idam,,,ayam/idam,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,46,2280955|46|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,phalāpavādo na santy avidyādipratyayāḥ saṃskārādaya iti kalpanāt |,"""A denial regarding effect would be to construct that even when ignorance does not exist, ensnaring motivating dispositions would arise."" [Anacker 241]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu.neg,,viṭhapita sarva dharma ajāta anirjāta,,,,dharma,,NA,ajāta anirjāta viṭhapita,,,,,,NA, kalpana,46,2280955|46|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kriyāsamāropo avidyādīnāṃ saṃskārādyutpattau vyāpārakalpanāt kriyāpavādo niḥsāmarthyakalpanāt tadabhāvād asamāropānapavādo veditavyaḥ |,"""A superimposition regarding activity would be to construct an effort apart from ignorance being necessary for the arising of motivating dispositions."" [Anacker 241-242]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,gagana a,,,a,,gagana,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,46,2280955|46|III.18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kriyāsamāropo avidyādīnāṃ saṃskārādyutpattau vyāpārakalpanāt kriyāpavādo niḥsāmarthyakalpanāt tadabhāvād asamāropānapavādo veditavyaḥ |,"""A denial regarding activity would be to construct that even ignorance has no power to make the motivating dispositions arise. The non-being of these constructions can be known as an absence of superimposition and denial."" [Anacker 242]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,prajñāpāramitā a,,,a,,prajñāpāramitā,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,21,2280955|21|I.11,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tredhā dvedhā ca saṃkleśaḥ saptadhābhūtakalpanāt ||,"""Threefold, twofold, and sevenfold affliction-together, because of the construction of that which was not."" [Anacker 216]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,,sati apārthika jāti dravya saṃskāra,,,apārthika jāti dravya,,,NA,,sati,,,,,NA, kalpana,181,2280955|181|XX.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,karuṇā vihiṃsāpratipakṣo duḥkhāpagamāśayaḥ | svabhāvakalpanaṃ kalpaḥ | viśeṣakalpanaṃ vikalpo veditavhaḥ |,"""Compassion, the remedy for violence, is the ambition to eradicate (their) suffering. Mental construction is the construction of an intrinsic nature. Discrimination is to be understood as the construction of distinctions."" [Thurman 329]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,aneka śata sahasra,,,aneka śata sahasra,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,80,2280955|80|II.12.3,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvairbuddhaguṇairupetamamalairnityaṃ dhruvaṃ śāśvataṃ dharmāṇāṃ tadakalpanapravicayajñānāśrayādāpyate ||,"""This buddhahood is now eternal, everlasting and constant, Being endowed with all the pure properties of the buddha, And is attained when the elements [of existence] take resort To the Non-discriminative and Analytical Wisdom."" [Takasaki 314]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,aparyanta nirdeśa,,,aparyanta,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,1,2280955|1.10,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye tubhya dharmaratanena vinīta samyak teṣām akalpana punaḥ satate praśāntā | vaidyottamaṃ maraṇajātijarāntakāriṃ śirasā nato asmi guṇasāgaram aprameyam || 7 ||,"""Those who are well disciplined by your precious Dharma Are free of vain imaginings and always deeply peaceful. Supreme doctor, you put an end to birth, decay, sickness, and death. Immeasurable ocean of virtue, obeisance to you!"" [Thurman 14]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,,asaṃkhyeya aparyanta nirdeśa,,,asaṃkhyeya aparyanta,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpana,3,2280955|3.58,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] abhijñāmaṇḍa eṣa ṣaḍabhijñatayā vimokṣamaṇḍa eṣo akalpanatayā upāyamaṇḍa eṣa satvaparipācanatayā [...],"""‘It is the seat of paranormal perception, because it has the six superknowledges. It is the seat of liberation, because it does not intellectualize. It is the seat of liberative technique, because it develops living beings. [...]"" [Thurman 36]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,,āṭopa bhīṣaṇatara dvirada ratha turaga padāti,,,,dvirada ratha turaga padāti āṭopa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,122,2280955|122.07|III.11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,upapadyādayo api hi nāma devā evaṃ sati prasajyate | tasmānyeyaṃ kalpanā sādhvī |,"""But they should then admit the existence of Upapadya gods, etc. An absurd opinion."" [Poussin, Pruden 387]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,disputed,āropa viṣama hetu,,,hetu,āropa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,139,2280955|139.11-139.12|III.27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kecidya ātmani satyāśrayabhūte saṃskārādīnāṃ bhāvaṃ parikalpayanti avidyādīnāṃ cotpādāttadutpattim | atastām kalpanāṃ paryudāsayitumidaṃ nirdhārayāṃvabhūva yasyaivotpādādyadutpadyate tasminneva sati tat bhavati nānyasmin |,"""But certain non-buddhist teachers imagine that ""since the ātman exists as a support (of ignorance), then the saṃskāras, consciousness, etc, exist, being produced; that if ignorance is produced, then the saṃskāras are produced,"" and so on. In other words, they posit an ātman which serves as a substrate to the successive causation of the dharmas."" [Poussin, Pruden 416]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,kriyā samāropa vyāpāra,,,vyāpāra,samāropa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,86,2280955|086.08-086.10|II.51,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ca praśne yo dharmo yasya dharmasya samanantaraḥ kadācit sa dharmastasya dharmasya na samanantara iti śakyamanayā kalpanayā vaktuṃ syānna kadāciditi | kasmādevamāha |,"""Furthermore, this explanation cannot be reconciled with the answer that the Jnānaprasthāna gives to another question, ""Is there a period in which the dharma that is an immediately antecedent condition (samanantara) of a certain dharma is not samanantara! Yes, when it has not yet arisen."" [Poussin, Pruden 264]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,other,śīla manyanā na śīla vikalpanā saṃkalpanā parikalpanā,,,na,,śīla,NA,manyanā vikalpanā saṃkalpanā parikalpanā,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,77,2280955|077.21-077.22|II.45,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pratikṣaṇaṃ cāpi saṃskṛtasyaitāni lakṣaṇāni yujyante vinā api dravyāntarakalpanayā |,"""However, since one cannot consider characteristics as things in and of themselves, one can say that each moment taken separately possesse the four characterisitcs."" [Poussin, Pruden 243]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,vibhāga upaniyata niśita jvalita vividh āyudha virājita obhaya,,,,āyudha,,NA,vibhāga upaniyata,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,92,2280955|092.13-092.14|II.55,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,asyāṃ tu kalpanāyāmanityo apratisaṃkhyānirodhaḥ prāpnotyavinaṣṭe tadabhāvāt |,"""In this hypothesis, apratisaṃkhyānirodha would not be eternal, since it is non-existent as long as the dharma as cause (i.e., the defilement) has not perished."" [Poussin, Pruden 281]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,saṃkleśa abhūta,,,abhūta,saṃkleśa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,122,2280955|122.13-122.14|III.12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nacaivamantarā nāma devāstriprakārāḥ kāladeśaprakarṣabhinnāḥ santīti kalpanaiveyaṃ kevalā ||,"""Given this text, it is pure fantasy to suppose that an antarāparinirvāyin is an inhabitant of a heaven of the Antara gods, for these Antaras cannot be divided into three classes by reason of duration and place."" [Poussin, Pruden 387]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu.neg,,hetv apavāda nir hetukatva,,,hetukatva,apavāda,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,122,2280955|122.25|III.12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,| saṃjñayā ṣaṭṭikāṃ kṛtvā vargo bhavati samuditaḥ || ityetasyāyurdānagāthāyām | tasmādetadapi sarvaṃ kalpanāmātram | athaitānyapi sūtrāṇi tairnāmnāyante | kimidānīṃ kurmo yacchāstā ca parinirvṛtaḥ śāsanaṃ cedamanāyakaṃ bahudhā,"""This point is illustrated in the metrical formula, By the dhyānas, four decades; by the ārupyas three heptades; by ideas, one hexade: thus is the group bound. Yet if our adversaries do not read this Sutra, what can we do about it? The Master has entered Nirvāṇa, and the Good Law no longer has a leader. Many sects have been formed that change the meaning and the letter to their fantasies."" [Poussin, Pruden 388]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,phala samāropa avidyā di pratyaya pravṛtti,,,pravṛtti,samāropa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,138,2280955|138.27|III.27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tāṃ tāṃ kāraṇa sāmagrīṃ prati ityānāṃ samavāyenotpādaḥ pratītyasamutpāda iti | eṣā tu kalpanā atraiva kalpyate | iha kathaṃ bhaviṣyati cakṣuḥ pratītya rūpāṇi cotpadyate cakṣurvijñānamiti ti |,"""This explanation holds for the expression Pratītyasamutpāda; but it does not take into account texts such as: a visual consciousness arises ""By reason (pratītya) of the eye and visible things."""" [Poussin, Pruden 415]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,phal apavāda iti,,,,apavāda,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,194,2280955|194.07-194.08|IV.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na ca yuktaṃ yata eva tādṛśāddvā teṣāṃ bhāvastata eva tādṛśācca teṣāṃ punarabhāva iti | jvālāntareṣu tāvaddhetubhedakalpanāṃ parikalpeyuḥ | kṣarahimaśuktasūryodakabhūmisaṃbandhāttu pākajaviśeṣotpattau kāṃ kalpanāṃ kalpayeyuḥ |,"""Would you say that, if the successive flames are different,—long, short, large and small,—our conclusion does not become indispensable? Let us use another example. By the prolonged action of ashes, snow, caustics, sun, water, or earth, there arises and disappears in turn different ""products of cooking."" But you do not attribute the characteristic of momentariness to these diverse factors of cooking."" [Poussin, Pruden 555]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,kriy apavāda niḥsāmarthya tad abhāva,,,niḥsāmarthya abhāva,apavāda,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,194,2280955|194.08-194.09|IV.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tāvaddhetubhedakalpanāṃ parikalpeyuḥ | kṣarahimaśuktasūryodakabhūmisaṃbandhāttu pākajaviśeṣotpattau kāṃ kalpanāṃ kalpayeyuḥ | yattarhyāpaḥ kvāthyamānāḥ kṣīyante kiṃ tatrāgnisaṃyogāḥ kurvanti | tejodhātuṃ prabhāvato,"""Would you say that, if the successive flames are different,—long, short, large and small,—our conclusion does not become indispensable? Let us use another example. By the prolonged action of ashes, snow, caustics, sun, water, or earth, there arises and disappears in turn different ""products of cooking."" But you do not attribute the characteristic of momentariness to these diverse factors of cooking."" [Poussin, Pruden 555]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,māyā a,,,,,,NA,māyā,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,319,2280955|319.10-319.11|V.59,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,etasyāṃ tu kalpanāyāṃ samādhiskandhavirodhina auddhatyakaukṛtyanivaraṇasya pūrva grahaṇaṃ prāpnoti |,"""But, one would say, if this explanation is correct, dissipation-regret, which hinders absorption, should be listed, in the list of the hindrances, before torpor-languor."" [Poussin, Pruden 852]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,abhāva iti vikalpa dvay,,,,,,NA,,,vikalpa,,,abhāva,NA, kalpanā,335,2280955|335.02-335.03|VI.5,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,asyāṃ tu kalpanāyāṃ cintāmayī prajñā na siddhacyatītyapare | yāhi nāmālambanā śrutamayī prāpnoti yā arthālambanā bhāvanāmayīti | idaṃ,"""Having reflected, he gives himself up to the cultivation of meditation. With the wisdom (prajnā) arisen from the teaching (śrutamayī) for its support, there arises the wisdom arisen from reflection (cintāmayī); with this for its support, there arises the wisdom arisen from meditation (bhāvanāmayī)."" [Poussin, Pruden 912]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,vikalpa praheya prahāṇa,,,praheya prahāṇa,,,NA,,,,vikalpa,,,NA, kalpanā,82,2280955|82,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,nopalabhate na kalpayati na vikalpayati na paśyati na samanupaśyati evaṃ cainān dharmānupaparīkṣate kalpanāviṭhapitāḥ sarvadharmāḥ ajātā anirjātā anāgatikā agatikāḥ | nātra kaściddharma utpanno nāpi kaściddharma utpatsyate,"""[...] if he considers them with the conviction that all dharmas are fabricated by thought construction, unborn, not come forth, not come, not gone, and that no dharma is ever produced or stopped in the past, future or present; [...]"" [Conze 133]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,bahu,,,bahu,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,189,2280955|189|I.17,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasmājjātijanmanaḥ ananyadeva vā syāt | [ anyadeva vā | ] yadi tāvadananyadevaṃ satyapārthikā jātidravyakalpanā | anyā jātirdravyato astītiṃ na yujyate | atha ca punaranyadevaṃ sati saṃskārajanma jātirna bhavati |,"""If it were identical with it, then the notion that [the attribute of] arising is a real substance would be incoherent, because it would be logically untenable to maintain that a distinct [attribute of] arising exists as a real substance. On the other hand, [if the birth of the arising] were distinct [from the birth of the formation], then [the attribute of arising] would not be an arising that brings a formation into being. In that case, [the notion that the attribute of arising is] an arising that brings a formation into being would not be one that is logically sound."" [Engle 458]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,yathā vyavasthāna manasikāra tat jñāna a vikalpanā,,,tat,jñāna,,NA,vikalpanā,,,,manasikāra,,NA, kalpanā,77,2280955|77|XI.2,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[...]samyakparipālanopārjitāṃ sarvalokānuvyāpinīṃ kīrtisampadaṃ tāṃ ca lakṣmīmatyadbhutāmamṛṣyamāṇā daityagaṇāḥ kalpanāṭopabhīṣaṇataradviradarathaturagapadātinā kṣubhitasāgaraghoranirghoṣeṇa jājvalyamānavividhapraharaṇāvaraṇadurnirīkṣyeṇa mahatā balakāyena [...],"""They marched to his encounter to fight him with an enormous army of elephants, chariots, horsemen and footmen, being the more terrible, as they were drawn up in the proud array of battle and made a noise as awful as that of the wild Ocean."" [Speyer 145]",Creation,Undertaking@Creation,Preparation@arrangement,made or fashioned,artificially created,neu,,mātra sarva paś a vikalpana a kalpa bodhi,paś,,mātra,sarva,,NA,,bodhi,kalpa,,vikalpana,,NA, kalpanā,77,2280955|77,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[...] vividhamaṇiratnadīptivyavabhāsitamatijvaladvapuṣaṃ kalpanāvibhāgopaniyataniśitajvalitavividhāyudhavirājitobhayapārśvaṃ pāṇḍukambalinaṃ haimaṃ rathavaramabhiruhya mahatā hastyaśvarathapadātivicitreṇa devānīkena [...],"""Its outer appearance was exceedingly brilliant, owing to the lustre reflected by the manifold precious stones and jewels that adorned it, and to the brightness which irradiated its flanks and which proceeded from the different flaming weapons, sharp-pointed and well-disposed to be ready for use, on both sides of the chariot."" [Speyer 145-146]",Creation,Undertaking@Creation,Preparation@arrangement,made or fashioned,artificially created,neu,,kalpanā mātra sarva paś a vikalpana a bodhi,,,,,,NA,,,,kalpanā,,,NA, kalpanā,68,2280955|68r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na loko nālokaḥ na niśrayo nāniśrayaḥ nātmaśīlotkarṣaṇā | na paraduḥśīlapaṃsanā | na śīlamanyanā | na śīlakalpanā | na vikalpanā | na saṃkalpanā | na parikalpanā | iyam ucyate kāśyapa āryāṇāṃ śīla |,"""[...] where there is neither the world nor not the world, neither a basis nor a non-basis, neither commending one’s own virtue nor depreciating the virtue of others, neither conceit nor one’s fancying on account of one’s virtue, one’s being free from false discrimination and imaginary assumption - that, Kāśyapa, is called ‘the Noble Ones’ moral conduct’, [...]"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 174]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,sva citta a upāya,,,a,upāya,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,72,2280955|72|V.26,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śāmye api vikalpo antaḥ | śamane api vikalpo anataḥ praheyaprahāṇakalpanayā śūnyatāyās trasanād etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārtham ākāśadṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""A discrimination as to ˝something which is to be brought to rest˝ is an extreme. A discrimination as to a state of putting to rest is another extreme. Because of a fear of emptiness that comes with discriminating ˝something to be abandoned˝ and ˝its abandonment˝"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,manasikāra bhūmi vyavasthāna jñāna,,,,bhūmi vyavasthāna jñāna,,NA,,,,,manasikāra,,NA, kalpanā,69,2280955|69|V.22,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] yā ca yatra ca | bhrāntyabhrāntiphale caiva paryantaś ca tayor iti || sadasattāviparyāsaḥ āśrayo māyayopamā | akalpanā prakṛtyā ca bhāsvaratvaṃ sadaiva hi || saṃkleśo vyavadānaṃ cākāśopamatā tathā | [...],"""Where, which, and from which confusion; where and which lack of confusion; the two fruitions of confusion and lack of confusion; the termination of them both; lack of reversal in ˝existence˝ and ˝non-existence˝; likeness of the substrata to magical creations; lack of discriminations; luminousness by nature itself eternally; affliction and alleviation; [...]"" [Anacker 265]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,a upāya,,,a,upāya,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,145,2280955|145|XVIII.61,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvatra viharati tatpṛṣṭhalabdhena ca vihāreṇānyasyopagamāt | nirvikalpena vihāreṇa tatra nirvyāparatayā vāsakalpanāt | yathā cakravartinaḥ pariṇāyakaratnaṃ caturaṅgabalakāyam upanetavyaṃ copapraṇayati | apanetavyaṃ cāpanayati |,"""""Equanimity"" is nonconceptual intuitive wisdom, whereby the bodhisattva dwells anywhere, just as he likes; and it is followed by his living in its aftermath intuition, the two (intuitions) successively alternating. He builds himself a dwelling of nonactivity there, by living in nonconceptual intuition."" [Thurman 268]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,mātra vikalp,vikalp,,mātra,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,119,2280955|119|XVII.8,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,buddheṣu pūjā paramā svacittāt dharmādhimuktyāśayato vibhutvāt | akalpanopāyaparigraheṇa sarvaikakāryatvaniveśataś ca ||,"""The supreme worship of the buddhas comes from one's own mind; that is, from faith in the teaching, from aspiration, from mastery, from full incorporation of arts born of nonconceptual intuition, and from joining with all (bodhisattvas) in unity of purpose."" [Thurman 224]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,vague,yathā vyavasthāna manasikāra tat jñāna a vikalpanā,,,,jñāna,,NA,manasikāra vikalpanā,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,16,2280955|16|IV.14,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niryāṇaṃ yathāvyavasthānabhūmimanasikāreṇa | kathaṃ manasikāreṇa tasya bhūmivyavasthānasya kalpanājñānāt kalpanāmātram etad iti | tasyaiva ca kalpanājñānasyāvikalpanāt |,"""How is it that renunciation is due to an attitude? Because it knows the real structure of those stages to be mental constructions, nothing but constructions; and then again, one does not conceptualize that intuition of constructedness."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,hrī bhāvanā sva citta dharma a,,,a,,,NA,,bhāvanā citta dharma,,,,,NA, kalpanā,16,2280955|16|IV.14,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niryāṇaṃ yathāvyavasthānabhūmimanasikāreṇa | kathaṃ manasikāreṇa tasya bhūmivyavasthānasya kalpanājñānāt kalpanāmātram etad iti | tasyaiva ca kalpanājñānasyāvikalpanāt |,"""How is it that renunciation is due to an attitude? Because it knows the real structure of those stages to be mental constructions, nothing but constructions; and then again, one does not conceptualize that intuition of constructedness."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,sarva nimitta vicaya,,,sarva,nimitta,,NA,,vicaya,,,,,NA, kalpanā,24,2280955|24|VI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,akalpanājñānabalena dhīmataḥ samānuyātena samantataḥ sadā | tadāśrayo gahvaradoṣasaṃcayo mahāgadeneva viṣaṃ nirasyate ||,"""The power of the genius' nonconceptual knowledge, always and everywhere accompanied by equanimity, clears away the dense thicket of faults projected upon (relative reality), just as a powerful antidote dispels a poison."" [Thurman 52]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,vāsa,,,,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,24,2280955|24|VI.10,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,mūlacittasya dharmadhātau matim upanividhāya yā smṛtir upalabhyate tāṃ sarvāṃ smṛtipravṛttiṃ kalpanāmātrām avagacchaty evaṃ guṇārṇavasya pāraṃ buddhatvam āśu vrajatīty etat paramārthajñānasya māhātmyaṃ |,"""He thereupon realizes all activity of awareness, the functions of mindfulness, to be mere mental constructions. Thus he travels swiftly to the far shore of the ocean of excellences, which is buddhahood. This is the greatness of the intuition of ultimate reality."" [Thurman 54]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,niṣ prajñā,,,niṣ,,,NA,,,,,,prajñā,NA, kalpanā,25,2280955|25|VII.2,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dhyānaṃ caturthaṃ suviśuddham etya niṣkalpanājñānaparigraheṇa | yathāvyavasthānamanaskriyātaḥ prabhāvasiddhiṃ paramāṃ paraiti ||,"""Having reached the full purity of the fourth contemplation, through maintaining nonconceptual intuition and conscious attention to the structure of reality (revealed by the teachings), (the bodhisattva) attains the supreme accomplishment of power."" [Thurman 56]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,kāla nāman,,,,nāman,,NA,kāla,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,59,2280955|59|IX.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paśyatām kalpanāmātraṃ sarvam etad yathoditaṃ | akalpabodhisatvānāṃ prāptā bodhir nirūpyate ||,"""It is said of the nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas, who consider what has been mentioned to be mere imaginative construction, that enlightenment has been attained."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,nimitta a,,,a,nimitta,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,59,2280955|59|IX.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpanāmātraṃ tv etat sarvam iti paśyatāṃ tasyāpi kalpanāmātrasyāvikalpanād akalpabodhisatvānām anutpattikadharmakṣāntilābhāvasthāyām arthataḥ prāptaiva bodhirity ucyate |,"""Who consider that everything is 'mere imaginative construction' (refers to the fact that) they do not conceptualize what is merely conceptually constructed. It is said of such nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas that it is actually as if they have attained enlightenment when they attain the tolerance of the nonproduction of all things."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,a yatna parikalpita a tad upāya,,,a,upāya,,NA,,,,,parikalpita,,NA, kalpanā,121,2280955|121|XVII.16,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sanmitrasevā paramā svacittād dharmādhimuktyāśayato vibhutvaiḥ | akalpanopāyaparigraheṇa sarvaikakāryatvaniveśataś ca ||,"""Supreme service of the good teacher comes from one's own mind; that is, from faith in the Dharma, from aspiration, from mastery, from full incorporation of the arts born from nonconceptual intuition, and from joining (all bodhisattvas) in unity of purpose."" [Thurman 227]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,bhūmi vyavasthāna mātra jñāna a vikalpanā,,,mātra,vyavasthāna jñāna,,NA,,,,,vikalpanā,,NA, kalpanā,135,2280955|135|XVIII.15,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,hrībhāvanā pradhānā svacittato dharmato adhimokṣāc ca | āśayato api vibhutvād akalpanād aikyataś cāpi ||,"""The main meditative realization of conscience comes from one's own mind: from devotion to the teaching, from aspiration, from mastery, from nonconceptual (wisdom), and from unity."" [Thurman 250]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,tadbhūmi vyavasthāna mātra jānī/jānā,jānī/jānā,,mātra,vyavasthāna,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,160,2280955|160|XIX.2,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vīryārambho hy anāsvādo dhyāneṣu sukha eva ca | niṣkalpanā ca prajñāyām āścaryaṃ dhīmatāṃ gataṃ ||,"""This (transcendent conduct) of the genius (bodhisattvas) is considered wondrous: the total sacrifice of the body, the (sacrifice) of perfections for a vow, the tolerance for the weak, the energetic initiative without regard to body and life, the refusal to savor the pleasures in contemplations, and the nonconceptuality in intuitive wisdom."" [Thurman 293]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,svabhāva kalpa viśeṣa vikalpa,,,,svabhāva,,NA,,,,kalpa,vikalpa,,NA, kalpanā,167,2280955|167|XIX.40-41,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[...] nirīkṣaṇā | duḥkhādhivāsanā caiva kuśalasya ca bhāvanā || anāsvādaḥ sukhe caiva nimittānāmakalpanā | sātatyakaraṇīyaṃ hi dhīmatāṃ sarvabhūmiṣu ||,"""Constant duty for the geniuses on all stages is to know the drawbacks of desire, to be aware of aberrations, to accept suffering, to cultivate virtue, not to over-indulge in pleasure, and not to conceptually reify signs."" [Thurman 303]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,svabhāva kalpana viśeṣa vikalpa,,,,,,NA,,,kalpana,,,,NA, kalpanā,169,2280955|169|XIX.50,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sthitaṃ svayam eva yat prakṛtiyālambanībhūtam ayatnaparikalpitaṃ | tasya vibhāvanādhigamo nālambanībhāvaḥ | akalpanā tadupāyo nimittapratipakṣaḥ | tac cobhayaṃ kramād bhavati |,"""The causal process which ""stands on its own"" is that which is perceived naturally; it is not expressly imaginatively constructed. Their destruction is freedom, the nature of which is nonperception. Its art is nonconceptuality, the remedy for (such) causal processes. The two arise sequentially; [...]"" [Thurman 307]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,iti nivṛtta,,,nivṛtta,,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,180,2280955|180|XX.26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasya bhūmivyavasthānasya kalpanāmātrajñānāt tad avikalpanā ca ca veditavyā |,"""Therefore, (this stage) can be understood (as ""achieved"") when (the bodhisattva) knows that the stage system is a mere construction, and (as ""unachieved"") when he does not discriminate any (stage system)."" [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,doṣa yadi,,,yadi,doṣa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,180,2280955|180|XX.26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadā tadbhūmivyavasthānaṃ kalpanāmātraṃ jānīte | tad pai ca kalpanāmātraṃ na vikalpayaty evaṃ grāhyagrāhakāvikalpajñānalābhād bhūmipariniṣpattir uktā bhavati |,"""When the stage system is understood as mere construction and he no longer makes conceptual discriminations about that mere construction, then, as he has attained the wisdom of the nondiscrimination of subject and object, it is said that the stage is fully achieved."" [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,,doṣa na upapad,,upapad,na,doṣa,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,180,2280955|180|XX.26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadā tadbhūmivyavasthānaṃ kalpanāmātraṃ jānīte | tad pai ca kalpanāmātraṃ na vikalpayaty evaṃ grāhyagrāhakāvikalpajñānalābhād bhūmipariniṣpattir uktā bhavati |,"""When the stage system is understood as mere construction and he no longer makes conceptual discriminations about that mere construction, then, as he has attained the wisdom of the nondiscrimination of subject and object, it is said that the stage is fully achieved."" [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,pravak/pravac yunak/yuṅk buddha pratyekabuddha śrāvaka anuvarṇita,pravak/pravac,yunak/yuṅk,anuvarṇita,,,NA,,,,,,buddha pratyekabuddha śrāvaka,NA, kalpanā,17,2280955|17.13|XVII.13,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,imāṃ punaḥ pravakṣyāmi kalpanāṃ yātra yojyate | buddhaiḥ pratyekabuddhaiś ca śrāvakaiś cānuvarṇitām ||,"""I will fully declare the investigation which is taught by the buddhas, Pratyekabuddhas and Sravakas, which is valid here."" [Batchellor Stephen/BP]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neu,,smṛti mātrā avagacch,avagacch,,mātrā,smṛti,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,17,2280955|17.12|XVII.12,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,bahavaś ca mahāntaś ca doṣāḥ syur yadi kalpanā | syād eṣā tena naivaiṣā kalpanātropapadyate ||,"""If it were as that investigation, many great mistakes would occur. Therefore, that investigation is not valid here."" [Batchellor Stephen/BP]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,manasikāra bhūmi vyavasthāna mātra jñāna ā vikalpana,,,vikalpana,bhūmi vyavasthāna jñāna mātra,,NA,,,,,manasikāra,,NA, kalpanā,17,2280955|17.12|XVII.12,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,bahavaś ca mahāntaś ca doṣāḥ syur yadi kalpanā | syād eṣā tena naivaiṣā kalpanātropapadyate ||,"""If it were as that investigation, many great mistakes would occur. Therefore, that investigation is not valid here."" [Batchellor Stephen/BP]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,a jñāna samā gahvara doṣa,,,a,jñāna,,NA,,samā,,,,,NA, kalpanā,9,2280955|9.12|IX.12,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prāk ca yo darśanādibhyaḥ sāṃprataṃ cordhvam eva ca | na vidyate asti nāstīti nivṛttās tatra kalpanāḥ ||,"""Reject the concepts “it exists,” “it doesn’t exist” about that which is not evident prior to, now or after seeing etc."" [Batchellor Stephen/BP]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,buddha tad a pravicaya jñāna,,,a,,,NA,,buddha pravicaya jñāna,,,,,NA, kalpanā,4,2280955|04 - 47-48,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,duḥkhapratikriyāmātraṃ śārīraṃ vedanāsukhaṃ | saṃjñāmayaṃ mānasaṃ tu kevalaṃ kalpanākṛtaṃ || duḥkhapratikriyāmātraṃ kalpanāmātram eva ca | lokasya sukhasarvasvaṃ vyartham etad ato arthataḥ ||,"""47. Bodily pleasure is a pleasant sensation which merely consists in the removal of pain; the mental one consists in mere ideas, and is produced only by imagination. 48. In this world any kind of pleasure is either a mere removal of pain or a mere imagination; it is therefore in fact unreal."" [Giuseppe Tucci 428]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,saṃjñā mānasa kṛta kalpanā mātra vyartha,,,,mānasa kṛta,,NA,,,,,saṃjñā,,NA, kalpanā,4,2280955|04 - 47-48,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,duḥkhapratikriyāmātraṃ śārīraṃ vedanāsukhaṃ | saṃjñāmayaṃ mānasaṃ tu kevalaṃ kalpanākṛtaṃ || duḥkhapratikriyāmātraṃ kalpanāmātram eva ca | lokasya sukhasarvasvaṃ vyartham etad ato arthataḥ ||,"""47. Bodily pleasure is a pleasant sensation which merely consists in the removal of pain; the mental one consists in mere ideas, and is produced only by imagination. 48. In this world any kind of pleasure is either a mere removal of pain or a mere imagination; it is therefore in fact unreal."" [Giuseppe Tucci 428]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu.neg,,saṃjñā mānasa kalpanā kṛta mātra vyartha,,,mātra vyartha,,,NA,,,,,saṃjñā,,NA, kalpanā,48,2280955|48|9.26,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nivṛtti dharmāṇa na asti dharmā yeneti nāsti na te jātu asti | astīti nāstīti ca kalpanāvatām evaṃ carantāna na duḥkha śāmyati ||,"""There are no phenomena in the phenomena of nirvāṇa, For if it is nonexistent there could never be an existence. [F.27.a] Those who conceptualize teach existence and nonexistence, But practicing in that way will not bring an end to suffering."" [Peter Alan Roberts 9.33[26]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neg,,vimokṣa a,,,a,,,NA,,vimokṣa,,,,,NA, kalpanā,2,2280955|2,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yat khyāti paratantro asau yathā khyāti sa kalpitaḥ | pratyayādhīnavṛttitvāt kalpanāmātrabhāvataḥ ||,"""That which appears is the interdependent; ˝how it appears˝ is the constructed, through the former's state of developing subject to conditions, through the latter's being construction-only."" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,iti iti evam duḥkha,,,evam,duḥkha,,NA,,,,,,,NA, kalpanā,240,2280955|240|10,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,sa ca nopadiṣṭas tasmād yā kalpanāsti svabhāvo na punar dharmāṇām iti sā hīnā ||,"""You have, however, not explained that. Hence your assumption: ‘there is an intrinsic nature but it does not belong to the things’, is ruled out. [Westerhoff: But this is not explained. So far the assumption “substance exists but this in turn is not the substance of things” is deficient.]"" [Bhattacharya 12]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,dhyāna niṣ jñāna yathā vyavasthāna manaskriyā,,,niṣ,jñāna,,NA,,dhyāna,,,manaskriyā,,NA, kalpanā,276,2280955|276,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,sā ca nopadiṣṭaḥ tasmād iyam api kalpanā nopapanneti | atrāha | pramāṇāny eva mama svātmānaṃ parātmānañ ca prasādhayanti |,"""But you have not stated that. Thus this assumption, too, is not valid. The opponent replies: The pramāṇas establish themselves as well as other things. [Westerhoff: As this is not specified, your supposition is not adequate. At this point the opponent objects: “It is the very epistemic instruments which prove themselves as well as others.]"" [Bhattacharya 26]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,paś mātra a kalpa bodhisatva bodhi,paś,,mātra,,,NA,,bodhi,,,kalpa,,NA, kalpanā,278,2280955|278,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prāg agniḥ syād uttarakālam agneḥ prakāśanaṃ syāt | ataḥ svātmānaṃ prakāśayen naitad evaṃ | tasmād iyam api kalpanā nopapadyanteti |,"""If, in the same manner, fire, not being illuminated, first existed in darkness and then were illuminated, it would be possible to say: it illuminates itself. This, however, is not the case. Thus this assumption, too, is not valid. [Westerhoff: If there was first an unilluminated fire in the dark, which would be illuminated at a later time, then fire would illuminate itself. However, it is not like this. So far this assumption is not adequate.]"" [Bhattacharya 27]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,Hypothesis,Hypothesis,neg,,paś kalpanā mātra a bodhisatva bodhi,,,,,,NA,,,,,kalpanā,,NA, kalpanatā,259,2280955|259,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,meruvicitratayā prajñāpāramitāvicitratā | gaganākalpanatayā prajñāpāramitākalpanatā | rūpāparyantatayā prajñāpāramitāparyantatā |,"""As Meru shines in multicoloured brilliance, so does the perfection of wisdom. As the firmament is not fashioned, so is perfect wisdom not fashioned. Perfect wisdom is boundless, because form, and the other skandhas are boundless."" [Conze 297]",Creation,Undertaking@Creation,Preparation@arrangement,made or fashioned,artificially created,neu,,paratantra kalpita mātra bhāva,,,mātra,bhāva,,NA,,,,kalpita,,,NA, kalpanatā,259,2280955|259,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,meruvicitratayā prajñāpāramitāvicitratā | gaganākalpanatayā prajñāpāramitākalpanatā | rūpāparyantatayā prajñāpāramitāparyantatā |,"""As Meru shines in multicoloured brilliance, so does the perfection of wisdom. As the firmament is not fashioned, so is perfect wisdom not fashioned. Perfect wisdom is boundless, because form, and the other skandhas are boundless."" [Conze 297]",Creation,Undertaking@Creation,Preparation@arrangement,made or fashioned,artificially created,neu,,upadiṣ iti hīna,,,hīna,,,NA,,upadiṣ,,,,,NA, kalpanatā,133,2280955|133|I.11,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,parapratibaddhājīvikā kṛṣyādikarmāntavivarjitasya paralabdhena yātrākalpanatayā |,"""[...] relying upon others for one's livelihood, through [adopting] the practice of one who has abandoned all occupations such as agriculture, etc., and who sustains him- or herself with what is received from others; [...]"" [Engle 322]",Creation,Undertaking@Creation,Preparation@arrangement,made or fashioned,livelihood,neu,,upadiṣ na upapanna iti,,,na,,,NA,,upadiṣ upapanna,,,,,NA, kalpanatā,15,2280955|15|IV.14,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niryāṇaṃ vijñeyaṃ yathāvyavasthānamanasikāreṇa | tatkalpanatājñānād avikalpanayā ca tasyaiva ||,"""Its renunciation is to be known through its conscious attitude attuned to the structure (of reality), through its intuition of the constructed nature (of the stages), and through the nonconceptuality of that (intuition)."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,evam na upapad iti,,,evam na,,,NA,,upapad,,,,,NA, kalpanatā,179,2280955|179|XX.25,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niṣpattir vijñeyā yathāvyavasthānamanasikāreṇa | tatkalpanatājñānād avikalpanayā ca tasyaiva ||,"Achievement should be understood through a systematically trained attitude, through knowing it as construction, and through its nondiscrimination. [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@contriving/devising,Thought construct or idea,Thought construct or idea,neu,,dharma vinīta a praśānta,,,a,,,NA,,dharma vinīta praśānta,,,,,NA, kalpika,6,2280955|6.8,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhadantaśāriputra evaṃ vocaḥ | tat kasmād dhetoḥ | etāni hi puṣpāṇi kalpikāni | kiṃ kāraṇam | tathā hy etāni puṣpāṇi na kalpayanti na vikalpayanti | sthaviraḥ punaḥ śāriputraḥ kalpayati vikalpayati ca | ye bhadantaśāriputra svākhyāte,"""The goddess said, “Do not say that, reverend Śāriputra. Why? These flowers are proper indeed! Why? Such flowers have neither constructual thought nor discrimination. But the elder Śāriputra has both constructual thought and discrimination."" [Thurman 59]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,appropriate,appropriate,pos,,puṣpa vikalp,,,,puṣpa,,,,vikalp,,,,,NA, kalpita,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tān bālapṛthagjanā aśrutavanto abhiniviṣṭāḥ | tair asaṃvidyamānāḥ sarvadharmāḥ kalpitāḥ | te tān kalpayitvā dvayorantayoḥ saktāḥ tān dharmānna jānanti na paśyanti |,"""Foolish, untaught, common people have settled down in them. Although they do not exist, they have constructed all the dharmas. Having constructed them, attached to the two extremes, they do not know or see those dharmas [in their true reality]."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neg,,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat asaṃvidyamāna sarva dharma kalp jānā/jānī/jān paś,,,,,asaṃvidyamāna dharma,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat,,jānā/jānī/jān paś,kalp,NA,,,, kalpita,8,2280955|8,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tān bālapṛthagjanā aśrutavanto abhiniviṣṭāḥ [...] tair asaṃvidyamānāḥ sarvadharmāḥ kalpitāḥ | te tān asaṃvidyamānān sarvadharmān kalpayanto yathābhūtaṃ mārgaṃ na jānanti na paśyanti |,"""They have constructed all dharmas which yet do not exist. But while they construct all dharmas which yet do not exist, they neither know nor see the path which is that which truly is."" [Conze 87]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neg,,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat asaṃvidyamāna sarva dharma kalp yathābhūta jānā/jānī/jān paś,,,,,asaṃvidyamāna dharma,bālapṛthagjana aśrutavat,,yathābhūta jānā/jānī/jān paś,kalp,NA,,,, kalpita,12,2280955|12 - 81,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,athājña iti siddho vaḥ kalpitena kim ātmanā | vināpi hy ātmanājñānaṃ prasiddhaṃ kāṣṭhakuḍyavat ||,"""If, on the contrary, your settled view is that he is not a knower, then why do you invent a soul? For non-knowing is truly established even without a soul, as in a log or wall."" [Olivelle 355]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,held/posited (of opinions),held/posited (of opinions or arguments),neu.neg,,kim ātman,,,kim,,ātman,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,61,2280955|61r|123,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śramaṇaḥ iha kāśyapa [...] alpabhāṣyo alpamantraḥ te c^āsy^eryāpathāḥ kuhanalapanatayā kalpitā bhavanti |,"""Here there is, Kāśyapa, some śramaṇa who [...] is taciturn and monosyllabic. His deportment, [however,] is artificial because of his hypocrisy and [implicit] boasting and is not [conducive] to [real] self-restraint, calmness, purity and peace of mind."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 166-167]",Existence,Relative_position,the_body@Relative_position,with body posture,assume a body posture,neu.neg,,śramaṇa īryāpatha kuhana lapana,,,kuhana lapana,,īryāpatha,śramaṇa,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,19,2280955|19|I.5,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitaḥ paratantraś ca pariniṣpanna eva ca | arthād abhūtakalpāc ca dvayābhāvāc ca deśitaḥ ||,"""The constructed, the interdependent, and the fulfilled are indicated by objects of sense and understanding, the construction of that which was not, and the non-being of dualities."" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu,,paratantra pariniṣpanna artha abhūta kalpa dvaya abhāva,,,,,,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,artha kalpa abhāva,, kalpita,92,2280955|92|XIV.21,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,aparicchinnam ābhāsaṃ dharmāṇāṃ vetti sarvataḥ | akalpitāni saṃśuddhau nimittāni prapaśyati ||,"""He fully recognizes the unannihilated appearances of things; he discerns the nonconstructed signs of total purity."" [Thurman 180]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu,,a nimitta prapaś,prapaś,,a,,nimitta,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,169,2280955|169|XIX.51,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathatālambanatvena pariniṣpannaṃ svabhāvaṃ parijñāya | dvayagrāhavivarjitatvena kalpitaṃ |,"""The actual perception of suchness leads to the thorough knowledge of the perfect reality. The abandonment of dualistic perception leads to the (termination of) the imaginatively constructed reality."" [Thurman 307]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu.neg,other,pariniṣpanna parijñā dvaya grāha,parijñā,,,,,,pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,,, kalpita,141,2280955|141,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāhamakalpit^āryapathasya buddhasamavadhānaṃ vadāmi |,"""I do not speak of the encountering of buddhas of one whose pursuit of the noble path is contrived."" [Boucher 143]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu.neg,philological,ārya patha buddha,,,,,ārya patha,,,buddha,,NA,,,, kalpita,168,2280955|168|13 - 20,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,viparītasaṃjñīhi ime vikalpitā asantasantā hi abhūtabhūtataḥ | anutthitāścāpi ajātadharmā jātātha bhūtā viparītakalpitāḥ ||,"""[..] they have been divided into existing and non-existing, real and unreal, by those who had wrong notions; other laws also, of permanency, of being produced of birth from something already produced, are wrongly assumed."" [Kern 267]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,Assume/presuppose@as_basis_for_argument/posit,held/posited (of opinions),held/posited (of opinions or arguments),neg,,viparītasaṃjñin vikalpita ajāta dharma bhūta viparīta,,,viparīta,,dharma bhūta,viparītasaṃjñin,vikalpita,,,NA,,,, kalpita,146,2280955|146|22.36,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,apramāṇehi dharmehi pramāṇaṃ tatra kalpitam | akalpitehi dharmehi buddho apyevamakalpitaḥ ||,"""Because the qualities are immeasurable There is no measure that can be conceived for them. Because the qualities are not conceived The buddha also is inconceivable."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.45 [22.36]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu,disputed,apramāṇa dharma pramāṇa,,,,,pramāṇa,,,,,NA,,apramāṇa dharma,, kalpita,146,2280955|146|22.36,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,apramāṇehi dharmehi pramāṇaṃ tatra kalpitam | akalpitehi dharmehi buddho apyevamakalpitaḥ ||,"""Because the qualities are immeasurable There is no measure that can be conceived for them. Because the qualities are not conceived The buddha also is inconceivable."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.45 [22.36]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu.neg,,a dharma,,,a,,dharma,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,146,2280955|146|22.36,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,apramāṇehi dharmehi pramāṇaṃ tatra kalpitam | akalpitehi dharmehi buddho apyevamakalpitaḥ ||,"""Because the qualities are immeasurable There is no measure that can be conceived for them. Because the qualities are not conceived The buddha also is inconceivable."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.45 [22.36]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu.neg,,buddha a,,,a,,buddha,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,146,2280955|146|22.37,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pramāṇaṃ kalpamākhyāto apramāṇamakalpitam | akalpyaḥ kalpāpagatastena buddho acintiyaḥ ||,"""The measured is taught to be a conception; The measureless is nonconceptual. That which is not conceived is without conception; Therefore the buddha is inconceivable."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.46 [22.37]]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu.neg,,pramāṇa kalpa apramāṇa a kalp kalpa cintiya,,,a,,apramāṇa,,kalpa,,kalp cintiya,NA,,,, kalpita,45,2280955|45|96.9,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,asmehi pī lābha sulabdha pūrvā yad āgatasya ima buddhakṣetraṃ | paśyātha svapnopama kṣetra kīdṛśaṃ yat kalpitaṃ kalpasahasra śāstunā |,"""In the past we too have easily accomplished this great gain by coming to this buddha-field. Look, and see what sort of field is this dreamlike field, which the Teacher fashioned during thousands of cosmic ages."" [Gomez 94]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neu,other,paś svapno kṣetra kalpa sahasra śāstu,paś,,,,kṣetra,śāstu,,,,NA,svapno,kalpa sahasra,, kalpita,1,2280955|1,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitaḥ paratantraśca pariniṣpanna eva ca | trayaḥ svabhāvā dhīrāṇāṃ gambhīrajñeyamiṣyate ||,"""The constructed, the interdependent, and the fulfilled: these three own-beings are accepted as a most profound thing to be known by the discerning"" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,pos,,paratantra pariniṣpanna svabhāva dhīra gambhīra jñeya,,,jñeya,svabhāva,,dhīra,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,,, kalpita,28,2280955|28,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svabhāvaḥ kalpito hastī paratantrastadākṛtiḥ | yastatra hastyabhāvo asau pariniṣpanna iṣyate ||,"""The constructed own-being is the elephant, the interdependent is its appearance, and the fulfilled is the non-being of the elephant there."" [Anacker 294]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,,svabhāva,,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,,, kalpita,2,2280955|2,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yat khyāti paratantro asau yathā khyāti sa kalpitaḥ | pratyayādhīnavṛttitvāt kalpanāmātrabhāvataḥ ||,"""That which appears is the interdependent; ""how it appears"" is the constructed, thorugh the former's state of developing subject to conditions, through the latter's being construction-only."" [Anacker 291]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra khyā kalpanā mātra,khyā,,,,,,paratantra,,kalpanā,NA,,,, kalpita,11,2280955|11,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sattvena gṛhyate yasmādatyantābhāva eva ca | svabhāvaḥ kalpitastena sadasallakṣaṇo mataḥ ||,"""The constructed own-being is perceived as existent, yet it is complete non-being; so it is thought of as having an existent-and-non-existent characteristic."" [Anacker 292]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva sat asat lakṣaṇa,,,sat asat lakṣaṇa,svabhāva,,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,14,2280955|14,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvaividhyāt kalpitārthasya tadasattvaikabhāvataḥ | svabhāvaḥ kalpito bālairdvayaikatvātmako mataḥ ||,"""Because of the dual state of the constructed object, and because of its being one through the non-existence of duality, own-being as constructed by fools is thought of as consisting of duality and unity"" [Anacker 292]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neg,,svabhāva bāla dvaya ekatva ātmaka,,,,svabhāva,,bāla,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,17,2280955|17,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitaḥ paratantraśca jñeyaṃ saṃkleśalakṣaṇam | pariniṣpanna iṣṭastu vyavadānasya lakṣaṇam ||,"""The characteristic of the afflictions-together can be known as the constructed and interdependent, but the fulfilled is accepted as the characteristic of allevaiation"" [Anacker 293]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neg,,paratantra saṃkleśa lakṣaṇa pariniṣpanna,,,,saṃkleśa lakṣaṇa,,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,,, kalpita,18,2280955|18,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asaddvayasvabhāvatvāt tadabhāvasvabhāvataḥ | svabhāvāt kalpitājjñeyo niṣpanno abhinnalakṣaṇaḥ ||,"""Because of (one's) state as the own-being of a non-existent duality, and because of (the other's) being the own-being of the non-being of that duality, it can be known that the fulfilled is non-different in characteristic form the constructed"" [Anacker 293]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva niṣpanna abhinna lakṣaṇa,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,NA,,,niṣpanna lakṣaṇa, kalpita,19,2280955|19,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,advayatvasvabhāvatvād dvayābhāvasvabhāvataḥ | niṣpannāt kalpitaścaiva vijñeyo abhinnalakṣaṇaḥ ||,"""Because of (one's) state as the own-being of non-duality, and because of (the other's) being the own-being of the non-being of duality, it can be perceived that the constructed is non-different in characteristic from the fulfilled"" [Anacker 293]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu,,niṣpanna abhinna lakṣaṇa,,,abhinna lakṣaṇa,,,,,,,NA,,niṣpanna,, kalpita,23,2280955|23,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpito vyavahārātmā vyavahartrātmako aparaḥ | vyavahārasamucchedasvabhāvaścānya iṣyate ||,"""The constructed consists of conventional practise, that which consists of engaging in conventional practise is the other (the interdependent), and the severance of conventional practise is accepted as yet another own-being (the fulfilled)."" [Anacker 294]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neu.neg,,vyavahāra ātman vyavahāra samuccheda svabhāva,,,vyavahāra ātman,svabhāva,,,,,,NA,,,, kalpita,6,2280955|6|10,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yo bālair dharmāṇāṃ svabhāvo grāhyagrāhakādiḥ parikalpatas tena kalpiten^ātmanā teṣāṃ nairātmyaṃ na tv anabhilāpyenātmanā yo buddhānāṃ viṣaya iti |,"""It is selflessness in reference to a constructed self, i.e. all those things that constitute the ""own-being"" believed in by fools, that is the constructed with its ""objects apprehended"" and ""subjects apprehenders"", etc. [...]"" [Anacker 166]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neg,,bāla ātman nairātmya,,,,,ātman,bāla,,,,NA,,,, nāmadheya,125,125,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na jātu gacche vinipātadurgatiṃ yo nāmadheyaṃ śṛṇute muhūrtam || rājā āha |,"""He who hears (your) name for only an instant, never should go to a downfall or evil rebirth. The king continued..."" [Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya 123]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,na parikīrt,parikīrt,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,44,44,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,caṇḍo dārakas tasya caṇḍagirika iti nāmadheyaṃ kṛtaṃ |,"""He was a ferocious youth and so people called him Girika the Fierce (Caṇḍagirika)."" [Strong 211]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,parikīrt,parikīrt,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,83,83,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tato rājñā śuddhodanena bodhisattvo devatānām apy ayaṃ deva iti tena bodhisattvasya devātideva iti nāmadheyaṃ kṛtaṃ |,"""King Śuddhodana declared that his son was a god even for the gods, and so gave him the name: Devātideva."" [Strong 247]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,prajñāpāramitā labh,labh,,prajñāpāramitā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,4,4,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,atha khalvāyuṣmān subhūtirbhagavantametadavocat yo ahaṃ bhagavan etadeva bodhisattvanāmadheyaṃ na vedmi naupalabhe na samanupaśyāmi prajñāpāramitām api na vedmi naupalabhe na samanupaśyāmi |,"""Subhuti: I who do not find anything to correspond to the word ‘Bodhisattva,’ or the words ‘perfect wisdom,’…"" [Conze 7]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu.neg,,pārami̇tā labh pāramitā,labh,,pārami̇tā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,4,4,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ tannāmadheyaṃ na sthitaṃ nāsthitaṃ na viṣṭhitaṃ nāviṣṭhitam |,"""[Context: the word 'bodhisatta' and its referent are not permanent] That is why it [i.e. what is thus designated] is not continuous nor not-continuous, not discontinuous or not-discontinuous."" [Conze 7]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu.neg,,pāramitā labh,labh,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,40,40,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,na bhagavan dhyānapāramitāyā varṇaṃ bhāṣate na nāmadheyaṃ parikīrtayati |,"""The Lord does not praise the perfection of [meditation], nor any of the first five perfections; he does not proclaim their name."" [Conze 80]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,prajñāpāramitā pāramitā pāramitā śabda labh,labh,,pāramitā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,śabda,,NA, nāmadheya,40,40,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavānāha evametadānanda evam etat | prajñāpāramitāyā eva ahamānanda varṇaṃ bhāṣe nāmadheyaṃ ca parikīrtayāmi nānyāsāṃ pāramitānām |,"""The Lord: So it is, Ānanda. Only the perfection of wisdom do I praise, its name alone do I proclaim, not of the other perfections."" [Conze 80]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,mātra,,,mātra,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,40,40,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tatkiṃ manyase ānanda apariṇāmitā prajñā sarvajñatāyāṃ prajñāpāramitānāmadheyaṃ labhate ānanda āha no hīdaṃ bhagavan |,"""What do you think, Ānanda, can [gnosis] undedicated to all-knowledge be called perfect giving? Ānanda: No, Lord."" [Conze 81]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,sa bhū,,,sa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,40,40,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ānanda paramatvātsā prajñā pārami̇tānāmadheyaṃ labhate yayā sarvajñatāyāṃ pariṇāmitāni kuśalamūlāni pāramitā[...] labhante |,"""The Lord: The perfection of wisdom therefore gets its name from its supreme excellence [paramatvāt]. Through it the wholesome roots, dedicated to all-knowledge, get the name of ‘perfections.’ [Conze 81]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,udīrita nāman,,,udīrita,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,41,41,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,prajñāpāramitāparigṛhītatvāc ca pāramitānāmadheyaṃ labhante |,"""[Context: As gems grow in the earth, supported and nurtured by the earth, so grow the other prefections supported and nurtured by the perfection of wisdom] and as upheld by the perfection of wisdom do they get the name of ‘perfections.’"" [Conze 81]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,śruta tathāgata nāma,,,tathāgata śruta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,nāma,,NA, nāmadheya,87,87,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yadā punaḥ kauśika dānaṃ śīlaṃ kṣāntirvīryaṃ dhyānaṃ ca prajñāpāramitāparigṛhītaṃ bhavati tadā pāramitānāmadheyaṃ pāramitāśabdaṃ labhate |,"""When, however, Giving, Morality, Patience, Vigour and Trance are taken hold of by the perfection of wisdom, then they are termed ‘perfections,’"" [Conze]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,tathāgata śruta,,,tathāgata śruta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,174,174,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,api tu khalu punarasyaivaṃ bhavati nāmadheyamātram etad yaduta dhyānapāramitā ti |,"""But he knows that 'this perfection of [meditation/entering into the trances] is a mere word'."" [Conze 350]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neg,,tathāgata dhṛ,dhṛ,,tathāgata,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,193,193,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,iha subhūte māraḥ pāpīyān bhikṣuveṣeṇa upasaṃkramya bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvamevaṃ vyākariṣyati tavānuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbuddhasya sataḥ idaṃ nāmadheyaṃ bhaviṣyati iti,"""In the guise of a monk he comes to a Bodhisattva and predicts to him that 'this will be your name when you have won full enlightenment'."" [Conze 389]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,tathāgata anusmṛ,anusmṛ,,tathāgata,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,193,193,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yacca tena māreṇa pāpīyasā mārakāyikābhirvā devatābhir abhinirmitena mārādhiṣṭhitena vā bhikṣuṇā nāmadheyam udīritam tadubhayaṃ tulayitvā yathā ca mama cittotpāda utpannaḥ yathā ca anena bhikṣuṇā nirdiṣṭaṃ mama yathā cānenabhikṣuṇā nirdiṣṭaṃ mama [...] sameti nāmnā,"""[He compares the name which he had thought out by himself with the name] proclaimed by that monk, who is either beset by Mara, or was conjured up by Mara or his host, he finds that the two agree, and he concludes that he has in the past been predicted to full enlightenment by the Tathagatas by name."" [Conze 389]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,manas kṛ,,kṛ,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,167,167,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaiḥ pūrvaṃ manuṣyabhūtaiḥ śrutaṃ bhaviṣyati tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyam tatra teṣāṃ yamalokasthitānāṃ tiryagyonisthitānāṃ vā tasya tathāgatasya nāma su(saṃ?)mukhībhaviṣyati |,"""(But) by which of these, when formerly they were men, the name of that Blessed One Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha, the Tathāgata, will have been heard, to them now dwelling in the world of Yama, or dwelling among animals, the name of that Tathāgata will (again) come to be present."" [Schopen 245]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,bodhisattva bhūmi mātra parikīrt prabheda,,,mātra,bhūmi,NA,NA,,prabheda,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,168,168,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra yais tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṃ śrutaṃ bhaviṣyanti teṣāṃ tatra narake sthitānāṃ buddhānubhāvena tasya tathāgatasya [...] sumukhībhaviṣyati,"""By which of those, (however), the name of the Blessed One Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha, the Tathāgata, will have been heard [when formerly they were men] them now dwelling in a hell the name of that Tathāgata, through the power of the buddha, will (again) come to be present."" [Schopen 253]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,mātra parikīrt,,,mātra,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,169,169,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya pūrvapraṇidhānaviśeṣavistaravibhāgaṃ ca tasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṃ dhārayiṣyanti teṣāṃ nākālamaraṇaṃ bhaviṣyati |,"""[Who will preserve this sūtra and,] the name of the Blessed One Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha, the Tathāgata, and the extent of the excellence of his former vows - not for them will there be an untimely death,...."" [Schopen 296]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,sarva buddhakṣetra ruta anuravaṇa,,,,ruta,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,170,170,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaś ca mātṛgrāmaḥ prasavanakāle tīvrāṃ duḥkhāṃ kharāṃ kaṭukāṃ vedanāṃ vedayati yā tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyam anusmaret pūjāṃ ca kuryāt sā sukhaṃ ca prasūyate sarvāṅgaparipūrṇaṃ putraṃ ( ca ),"""(And) any woman who at the time of giving birth experiences excessively sharp unpleasant feelings, (and) who worships and does pūjā to the Blessed One Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha, the Tathāgata, she is quickly freed; she will give birth to a son having all his limbs fully formed,...."" [Schopen 314]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,daridra puruṣa iti bhū,,bhū,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,puruṣa,NA, nāmadheya,171,171,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabhasya nāmadheyaṃ triṣkṛtvā rātryāṃ triṣkṛtvā divase manasi kartavyam | navacatvāriṃśadvāre idaṃ sūtram uccārayitavyam |,"""three times in the night, three times in the day, to the Blessed One Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha, the Tathāgata, worship is to be performed, forty-nine times this sūtra is to be recited,... [note 1: T: ... The name of the Blessed One, the Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabha is to be fixed in mind.']"" [Schopen 360]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,anurūpa daridra puruṣa bhū,,bhū,anurūpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,puruṣa,NA, nāmadheya,3,3/5(Rahder),dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu vajragarbho bodhisattva āsāṃ daśānāṃ bodhisattvabhūmīnāṃ nāmadheyamātraṃ parikīrtya tūṣṇīṃ babhūva na bhūyaḥ prabhedaśo nirdiśati sma |,"""Then indeed Bodhisattva Vajragarbha, having narrated only the names of these ten stages of Bodhisattva, was silent and did not elucidate the division any more."" [Honda 121]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,tathāgata grahaṇa mātra saṃbhāṣā,,,tathāgata,grahaṇa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,3,3,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ko nu khalvatra hetuḥ kaśca pratyayaḥ yadvajragarbho bodhisattva āsāṃ bodhisattvabhūmīnāṃ nāmadheyamātraṃ parikīrtya tūṣṇīṃbhāvena atināmayati na bhūyaḥ prabhedaśo nirdiśatīti,"""By what reason and cause, indeed, Bodhisattva Vajragarbha, having narrated only the names of these ten stages of Bodhisattva, spends his time in silence and does not elucidate the division any more ?"" [Honda 122]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,prajñā bhū sa citrakarma,,bhū,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,55,55/83,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvadharmadhātvavabhāsakaraṇaṃ ca sarvalokadhātupariśodhanaṃ ca sarvabuddhakṣetranāmadheyarutānuravaṇaṃ ca sarvasabhāgacaritabodhisattvasaṃnipātanaṃ ca sarvalokadhātudevamanuṣyatūryasaṃgītisaṃpravādanaṃ,"""[Context: description of events unfolding after the bodhisattva 'obtains the meditation with the coronation of special knowledge of the omniscient'] all the realms of ideas glitter with splendor, all the world-regions are purified, all the names of buddha’s realms resound, all the Bodhisattvas with same allotments and deeds come together,...."" [Honda 260]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,māyākāra kāya citta na,,,,,NA,NA,kāya citta,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,63,63v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma kāśyapa daridrapuruṣasya samṛddhakośa iti nāmadheyaṃ bhavet tat kiṃ manyase kāśyapa,"""Let us suppose, for example, Kāśyapa, that a pauper is called a ‘millionaire’. What do you think, Kasyapa?"" [Pasadika 169]",Language,Language@Naming,Individual_character/quality,word/name,identity,neu,,vinipāta śru,śru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,64,64r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anurūpaṃ tasya daridrapuruṣasya tan nāmadheyaṃ bhavet āha no hīdam bhadanta bhagavan bhagavān āha |,"""'Would this be an apt (64a) designation for a pauper?' - 'By no means, revered Exalted One,' [Kasyapa replied.]"" [Pasadika 169]",Language,Language@Naming,Individual_character/quality,word/name,identity,neu,,sa iti kṛta,,,sa kṛta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,83,83,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ye sukhāvatyāṃ praṇidhānaṃ kariṣyanti te tatraupapatsyanta iti | vimalacandraprabhasya ca tathāgatasya nāmadheyagrahaṇamātreṇa niyato bhavaty anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhāv iti | alpamātrasaṃtuṣṭyāvaraṇasya pratipakṣasaṃbhāṣā |,"""A statement which remedies that obscuration which is laziness is such as: 'Those who will aspire to Sukhâvatī (buddhaverse) will be born there,' and 'By merely recollecting with faith the name of the Transcendent Lord Vimalacandraprabha one will certainly attain unexcelled perfect enlightenment."" [Thurman 162]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,paraṃpara udāhāra candrasūryapradīpa nāmaka eka viṃśati tathāgata sahasra,,,eka,sahasra,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,7,7.2,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yatrāntarasmi bhavate pragṛhīta prajñā tatu labdhacakṣu bhavatī imu nāmadheyam | yatha citrakarmapariniṣṭhita cakṣuhīno na ca tāva puṇyu labhate akaritva cakṣuḥ ||,"""Then, having gained the eye, do they get that designation [i.e. ‘perfection’]. It is like a [religious] painting [of a deity or a saint] which is complete except for the eyes. Only after the eyes are painted in does one get one’s fee. [Bruno Galasek: yatra antarasmi bhavate is left untranslated by Conze; cp. Edgerton, BHSD, s.v. antara]"" [Conze]",Language,Language@Naming,Individual_character/quality,word/name,identity,pos,,bodhisattva iti kṛta,,,bodhisattva kṛta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,26,26.4,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yatha māyakārapuruṣasya na eva bhoti te śiṣya māṃ janata so ca karoti kāryam | paśyanti taṃ vividha kāryu nidarśayantaṃ na ca tasya kāyu na pi citta na nāmadheyam ||,"""The Simile of the People Created by Magic: As it does not occur to a man whom a magician has conjured up [when he looks at the audience]: ‘I will please those people,’ and nevertheless he performs his work; They see him exhibiting manifold illusory works, Although he has no body, thought, or name."" [Conze]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,eka tathāgata śata bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,12,12,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iti hi ajita etena paraṃparaudāhāreṇa candrasūryapradīpanāmakānāṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānām ekanāmadheyānāmekakulagotrāṇāṃ yadidaṃ bharadvājasagotrāṇāṃ viṃśatitathāgatasahasrāṇyabhūvan |,"""after whom, O Agita, there were twenty thousand Tathâgatas, &c., all of them bearing the name of Kandrasûryapradipa, of the same lineage and family name, to wit, of Bharadvâga."" [Kern 18-19]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,samantaprabhāsa bhū,,,samantaprabhāsa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,132,132,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra kāśyapa anenaekena nāmadheyena pañca tathāgataśatāni bhaviṣyanti |,"""but of those (twelve hundred), Kasyapa, five hundred shall become Tathagatas of the same name. [Kern 198]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,avalokiteśvara namaskāra kṛ dhṛ/dhāray,dhṛ/dhāray,,avalokiteśvara,,NA,NA,namaskāra,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,132,132,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ataḥ pañca mahāśrāvakaśatāni sarvāṇyanantaramanuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃbhotsyante | sarvāṇyeva samantaprabhāsanāmadheyāni bhaviṣyanti | tadyathā gayākāśyapo nadīkāśyapaḥ urubilvakāśyapaḥ,"""Thereafter shall all those five hundred great disciples reach supreme and perfect enlightenment, all bearing the name of Samantaprabhāsa;"" [Kern 198]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,avalokiteśvara namaskāra kṛ dhṛ/dhāray,dhṛ/dhāray,,avalokiteśvara,,NA,NA,namaskāra,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,251,251,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaśca kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kariṣyati nāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayiṣyati yaśca dvāṣaṣṭīnāṃ gaṅgānadīvālikāsamānāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ namaskāraṃ kuryāt,"""Suppose, young man of good family, (on one hand) some one adoring the Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Avalokiteśvara and cherishing his name;..."" [Kern 409]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,abhāva śabda udīr tathāgata utpad,,utpad,tathāgata,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,251,251,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaśca avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya antaśa ekamapi namaskāraṃ kuryāt nāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayet samo anadhiko anatirekaḥ puṇyābhisaṃskāraḥ ubhayato bhavet |,"""Now, young man of good family, the accumulation of pious merit produced by that young gentleman paying homage to so many Lords buddhas, and the accumulation of pious merit produced by him who performs were it but a single act of adoration to the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Avalokitesvara and cherishes his name, are equal. [Kern 210]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,rājaputra,,,,rājaputra,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,41,41,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,abhāvaśabdam udīrayati | iti hyabhāvasamudgato abhāvasamudgata iti tasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyamudapādi |,"""[this Tathāgata, as soon as born, makes seven steps and] utters the words of non-existence. He is ,Born of Non-existence', ,Born of Nonexistence!' Thus the name was assigned to this Lord, the Tathagata."" [Regamey 67]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,buddha,,,,buddha,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,42,42,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasmiṃśca kāle abhu rājaputraḥ karuṇāvicintī sada nāmadheyaḥ | abhirūpa prāsādika darśanīya upāgamī tasya jinasya antikam ||8.6||,"""26) At that time, there lived a prince, handsome, gracious and comely, Karuṇāvicintin by name, who came to the presence of the Victorious One,... "" [Regamey 71]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,aham śru prasāda,śru,,aham,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,43,43,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa paścikāle abhu buddha loke sucintitārtho sada nāmadheyaḥ | kṛtvā ca arthaṃ bahuprāṇakoṭināṃ sa paścakālasmi śikhīva nirvṛtaḥ ||8.11||,"""31) Afterwards he appeared on earth as the buddha Suvicintitartha by name, and having saved many millions of beings, became wholly extinct like a flame."" [Regamey 71]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,aham śru praṇipat namaskāra,śru,,aham,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,18,18,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sacen me bhagavan bodhiprāptasya samantād aprameyāsaṃkhyeyācintyātulyāparimāneṣu buddhakṣetreṣu yāḥ striyo mama nāmadheyaṃ śrutvāprasādaṃ saṃjanayeyur bodhicittaṃ cautpādayeyuḥ strībhāvaṃ ca vijugupsyeran,"""§28(35). 'Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, full awakening if, after I attain awakening it is the case that women in measureless, countless, inconceivable, incomparable, and limitless buddha-fields in all regions of universe upon hearing my name have serene thoughts of faith, generate in their mind the aspiration to attain awakening, feel disgust at their female nature, [and yet are reborn again as women when they leave their present birth.]"" [Gomez 74]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,aham śru kuśala mūla,śru,,aham,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,18,18,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,daśasu dikṣv aprameyāsaṃkhyeyācintyātulyāparimāṇeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu ye bodhisattvā mama nāmadheyaṃ śrutvā praṇipatya pañcamaṇḍalanamaskāreṇa vandiṣyante te bodhisattvacaryāṃ caranto,"""[§28(36). 'Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, full awakening if, after I attain awakening,] those bodhisattvas in measureless, countless, inconceivable, incomparable, and limitless buddha-fields in all regions of universe who hear my name and salute me with full prostrations, [will not receive the homage of the whole world with its gods, as they follow the conduct of the bodhisattvas.]"" [Gomez 74]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,aham śru saha śravaṇa a vaivartika,śru,,aham,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,20,20,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sacen me bhagavan bodhiprāptasya tadanyeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu ye sattvā mama nāmadheyaṃ śrutvā tacchravaṇasahagatena kuśalamūlena yāvad bodhiparyantaṃ na sarve bodhisattvacaryāyāṃ,"""§28(43). 'Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, full awakening if, after I attain awakening, living beings in another buddha-field will hear my name and yet the root of merit that comes with hearing my name will not be enough to give them possession, until they have attained the highest limits of the essence of awakening, [of the root of merit which is joy and delight in the conduct of the bodhisattva.]"" [Gomez 75]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,arthavaśa amitābha tathāgata parikīrt varṇa ghuṣ/ghoṣ praśaṃsa,parikīrt,,tathāgata,,NA,NA,varṇa praśaṃsa,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,21,21,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra buddhakṣetre tadanyeṣu buddhakṣetreṣu ye bodhisattvā mama nāmadheyaṃ śṛṇuyur yas te saha[...]śravaṇān nāvaivarttikā bhaveyur anuttarāyāḥ samyaksaṃbodher mā tāvad aham anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhim,"""§28(46). ['Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect,] full awakening if, after I attain awakening, the bodhisattvas who in my buddha-field and in other buddha-fields hear my name are not, upon hearing the name, already beyond any possibility of falling back in their progress towards unsurpassable, perfect, full awakening."" [Gomez 75-76]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,vyavasthā nāma iti,,vyavasthā,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,43,43,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,imaṃ khalvānandārthavasaṃsaṃpaśyantas te tathāgatā daśasu dikṣv aprameyāsaṃkhyeyāsu lokadhātusu tasyāmitābhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṃ parikīrtayanto varṇān ghoṣayantaḥ praśaṃsām abhyudīrayanti,"""Now, Ananda, perceiving the meaning of this, the tathagatas in immeasurable, countless world systems everywhere in the universe extol the name of the Tathagata Amitabha, make its praises resound, proclaim its virtues."" [Gomez 93]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,nāma iti vyavasthāpita,,vyavasthāpita,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,14,14.3 - 17.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tasya ca kumārasya trīṇi saptakāny ekaviṃśati divasān vistareṇa jātamātrasya jātimahaṃ kṛtvā nāmadheyaṃ vyavasthāpyate | kiṃ bhavatu dārakasya nāmaiti |,"The birth festival was held extensively for three weeks comprising twenty-one days for the boy when he was born. Deciding upon a name saying 'What may be the name of the boy?'"" [Rajapatirana 8]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,nāma sa utkṣipta,,utkṣipta,sa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,14,14.3 - 17.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tasmād bhavatu kumārasya suvarṇavarṇa iti nāma suvarṇavarṇa iti nāmadheyaṃ vyavasthāpitaṃ,"""Therefore, let the name of the boy be Suvarṇavarṇa. He was given the name Suvarṇavarṇa."" [Rajapatirana 8]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu,,vimalaprabhāṣa utkṣipta nāma,,utkṣipta,vimalaprabhāṣa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,37,37r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,chākyamunis tena kālena tena samayena sunetro nāma śakro abhūt devānām indraḥ sa kumāro abhūt tasya nāmadheyam utkṣiptaṃ puṣyaḥ sa tathāgato bhaviṣyati,"""At that time Śākyamuni was the Śakra called Sunetra, lord of the gods; he was a prince. This identity will be cast off. He will become the Tathāgata Puṣya..."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Naming,Individual_character/quality,word/name,identity,pos,,bodhisattva na vid/ved upalabh samanudṛś prajñāpāramitā,vid/ved,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,prajñāpāramitā,,NA, nāmadheya,37,37r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasyānantaraṃ vimalaprabhāṣasya rājakumārasya nāmadheyam utkṣiptaṃ sunetraḥ sa tathāgato bhaviṣyati tataḥ pareṇa reṇur nāmarājakumāraḥ tasya [...] utkṣiptaṃ,"""Shortly thereafter the name of the Prince, Vimalaprabhāṣa, will be cast off. He will become the Tathāgata Sunetra."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Naming,Individual_character/quality,word/name,identity,pos,,na sthita,,,sthita,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,37,37r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa tathāgato bhaviṣyati | tatra śāntamate anantabuddhir nāma rājakumāraḥ sa ca kanīyāṃs tasya nāmadheyam utkṣiptaṃ sa taiḥ sarvaiḥ sālohitair uccaghyate yadāsmābhiḥ sarvaiḥ sarvaṃ buddhakāryaṃ kṛtaṃ bhaviṣyati satvāś,“translation not available”,Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,pos,,nāma sa utkṣipta,,utkṣipta,sa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāmadheya,7,7v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yatra manuṣyāṇām anyonyā nivacanāni anyonyā niruktāni anyonyasaṃketāḥ tatrāpi tathāgatena yathārutapraveśena nānānāmadheyāni satyāni vyavasthāpitāni tad yathedaṃ sakānāṃ pahlavānāṃ tukhārāṇāṃ yavanānāṃ kaṃbojānāṃ,“translation not available”,Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,word/name,word/name,neu.neg,,nivacana nirukta saṃketa yathā ruta praveśa nānā satya vyavasthāpita,vyavasthāpita,,satya,,NA,NA,nivacana nirukta saṃketa,,NA,NA,,,NA, nāman,18,057/18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kim idaṃ kaukṛtyaṃ nāma |,"""What does the word kaukṛtya (regret) mean?"" [Pruden 197]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,kim kaukṛtya,,,,kaukṛtya,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,12,068/12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atha kim idam āsaṃjñikaṃ nāma |,"""What is non-consciousness (āsaṃjñika)?"" [Pruden 221]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,āsaṃjñika,,,,āsaṃjñika,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,8,074/07 — 074/08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yas tu manyate saṃskāro nāma kaścin guṇaviśeṣa iṣau jāyate yadvaśād gamanam āpatanād bhavatīti |,"""[The Vaibhāṣikas believe that] a certain sort of guṇa or ""quality,"" called saṃskāra or vega (impetus) arises in the arrow. By the force of this guṇa, the arrow travels without stopping until the moment it falls."" [Pruden 234]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,saṃskāra guṇa iśu jan,,,,saṃskāra,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,4,168/02 — 168/04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sārdhadviśatapārśvo atra vaijayantaḥ śakrasya devānām indrasya vaijayanto nāma prāsādo nagarasya madhye,"""There is Vaijayanta, with sides of two hundred fifty [BGH leagues in length]. 3. In the middle of the plateau of Meru there is the royal city of Śakra, the chief of the gods, a city called ""Beautiful to Look At"" (Sudarśana) [...]."" [Pruden 46]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,vaijayanta prāsāda,,,,vaijayanta,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,25,266/25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,śākyamunir nāma samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ pūrvaṃ babhūva |,"""It was an ancient Sakyamuni (Vibhāṣā TD 27, p.89c), a perfect buddha, [...]."" [Pruden 693]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,śākyamuni,,,,śākyamuni,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,5,476/05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ko asāv ahaṃ nāma yad viṣayo ayam ahaṃkāraḥ |,"“[The Vaiśeṣikas:] What do you understand by ‘soul’? It is what one speaks of when one says ‘I,’ the object of the idea of self, the skandhas or object.” [Pruden 1349]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,aham viṣaya,,,,aham,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,20,016/19 — 016/20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,cakṣurādibhiś ca viśeṣitair yanna cakṣurādisaṃjñakaṃ rūpaṃ ca tadrūpakāyātanaṃ jñāsyata ity asya punar nāmāntaraṃ nocyate |,"""Nine are individualized by specific names: cakṣurayātana, śrotrāyatana, śabdāyatana . . . The āyatana which does not bear any of these nine names, and which is matter, is sufficiently designated by the expression rūpa-āyatana, without there being any need to give it another name."" [Pruden 85]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu,,cakṣur saṃjñaka antara vac/uc,,,antara,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,142,142/19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,teṣu teṣv artheṣu tasya nāmno namanāt |,"""Because the saṃjñākaraṇa causes the nonmaterial skandhas to bend (namayatīti nāma) towards their object."" [Pruden 423]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,namana,,,,namana,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,142,17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nāma tv arūpiṇaḥ skandhāḥ kiṃ kāraṇam |,"""30a. Nāman are the skandhas that are not rūpa. The four nonmaterial skandhas,—sensation, ideas, saṃskāras, and consciousness, are called nāman, for nāman signifies ‘that which bends, yields,’ (namatīti nāma)."" [Pruden 422-3]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,skandha arūpiṇa,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nāman,112,112,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena khalu punaḥ samayena padmāvatyāṃ rājadhānyāṃ padmaprabho nāma gṛhapatir abhūt * |,"""In the capital Padmāvatī there lived a householder named Padmaprabha."" [Hirabayashi et. al. 103]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,rāja padmaprabha gṛhapati bhū,,,padmaprabha,gṛhapati,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,127,127,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha te sarve mahāśrāvakā jvālāmālaṃ nāma bodhisatvasamādhiṃ samāpannā abhūvan * |,"""Then all of the mahāśrāvakas entered into the bodhisattva-samādhi called jvālamāla (Garland of Fire)."" [Hirabayashi et. al. 124]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,jvālāmāla bodhisattva,,,jvālāmāla,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,110,110,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye keci satvā iha jambudvīpe nāmaṃ ca vai dhāraya paśca kāle ||,"""Whatever beings here in Jambudvīpa will preserve your name in the final time, [...]."" [Hirabayashi et. al. 101]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,dhāraya,,,dhāraya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,311,311,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,nāmarūpapratyayaṃ ṣaḍāyatanam |,"""[...] through name and form the six sense fields are conditioned;"" [Samtani 67]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,rūpa pratyaya ṣaḍ āyatana,,,,pratyaya,NA,NA,rūpa,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,2,2,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,asyām ānanda mathurāyāṃ mama varṣaśataparinirvṛtasya gupto nāma gāndhiko bhaviṣyati |,"""Ananda, right here in Mathurā, one hundred years after my parinirvāṇa, there will be a perfumer named Gupta."" [Strong 174]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,gupta gāndhika bhū,,,gupta,gāndhika,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,2,2,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,eṣa ānanda urumuṇḍo nāma parvataḥ |,"""That, Ānanda, is the mountain called Urumuṇḍa."" [Strong 174]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,urumuṇḍa parvata,,,urumuṇḍa,parvata,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,75,75,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,asyām ānanda mathurāyāṃ varṣaśataparinirvṛtasya tathāgatasya gupto nāmnā gāndhiko bhaviṣyati |,"""Ananda, right here in Mathura, one hundred years after my parinirvana, there will be a perfumer named Gupta."" [Strong 174]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,gupta gāndhika bhū,,,gupta,gāndhika,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,36,36,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tasya vistareṇa jātimahaṃ kṛtvā pṛcchati kiṃ kumārasya bhavatu nāma |,"""When the prince’s full birth festival was being celebrated, she was asked what his name should be."" [Strong 205]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,kim kumāra bhū,,bhū,kumāra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,208,208,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,so ahaṃ nāma svayam eva vivadāmi |,"""[...] yet I myself engage in disputes!"" [Conze 421]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,neu,na,vivad,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,85,85,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āryāṣṭasāhasrikāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyām anumodanāpariṇāmanāparivarto nāma ṣaṣṭhaḥ ||,No translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,anumodanā pariṇāmanā parivarta ṣaṣ,,,anumodanā pariṇāmanā,parivarta,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,124,124,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āryāṣṭasāhasrikāyāṃ prajñāpāramitāyāṃ mārakarmaparivarto nāmaikādaśaḥ ||,No translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,māra karma parivarta ekādaśa,,,karma,parivarta,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,242,242,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathā sarvadharmasvabhāvavyavalokano nāma samādhiḥ |,"""The names of the concentrations were as follows: 'It surveys the own-being of all dharmas,'...."" [Conze 490]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,tadyathā sarvadharmasvabhāvavyavalokana samādhi,,,sarvadharmasvabhāvavyavalokana,samādhi,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,243,243,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvasārānugato nāma samādhiḥ |,"[BGH The samādhi called] ""Follower of all substantial excellence,...."" [Conze 491]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,sarvasārānugato samādhi,,,sarvasārānugato,samādhi,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,243,243,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvatathāgatadarśī nāma samādhiḥ |,"[BGH The samādhi called] ""Spectator of all Tathagatas."" [Conze 492]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,sarvatathāgatadarśī samādhi,,,sarvatathāgatadarśī,samādhi,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,259,259,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,gaganākalpaś ca nāma samādhiḥ,"""[...] boundless like the firmament, [...]."" [Conze 526]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,gaganākalpa samādhi,,,gaganākalpa,samādhi,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,95,95,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,nāmato api hi subhūto saṅgo nimittato api saṅgaḥ |,"""For also names and signs are sources of attachment."" [Conze 190]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neg,,saṅga nimitta,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,nimitta,NA,, nāman,191,191,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,iha subhūte bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvaṃ nāmāpadeśenāpi [...]ādhiṣṭhānenāpi māraḥ pāpīyān upasaṃkramiṣyati |,"""Mara uses even the annunciation of the name, and of the other details connected with it, to tempt a Bodhisattva."" [Conze 386]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,bodhisattva apadeśa adhiṣṭhāna māra upasaṃkram,,,,apadeśa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,193,193,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,punar aparaṃ subhūte bodhisattvena mahāsattvena nāmāpadeśena [...]vyākaraṇena mārakarma veditavyam |,"""(389) Furthermore, Subhuti, Mara also operates in connection with the prediction of the name which a Bodhisattva will have as a buddha."" [Conze 389]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,apadeśa vyākaraṇa māra,,,,apadeśa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,44,44,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,imam api sa kauśika kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vādṛṣṭadhārmikaṃ guṇaṃ parigrahīṣyati yatra hi nāma evaṃ mahaujaskā devā nāgā yakṣā gandharvā asurā garuḍāḥ kinnarā mahoragā manuṣyā amanuṣyā vā āgantavyaṃ maṃsyante ||,"""This is another quality which one acquires just here and now. (89) For very powerful Gods, and other supernatural beings, will decide to come to that place."" [Conze 89]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,guṇa parigrah deva man,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,108,108,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma bhagavan strī gurviṇī guru garbhā |,"""A woman, pregnant with a heavy womb, [...]."" [Conze 218]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,116,116,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma subhūte ratnārthikaḥ puruṣo mahāsamudraṃ dṛṣṭvā nāvagāheta,"""Just as if a person who desires jewels would not look for them in the great ocean, [...]."" [BGH I do not yet understand what the dep.head of nāma is... tadyathā or puruṣa??] [Conze 235]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api puruṣa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,145,145,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma subhūte sa eva puruṣo jīrṇo vṛddho mahallakaḥ sa viṃśativarṣaśatiko jātyā bhavet,No translation available,Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api subhūti puruṣa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,181,181,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma ānanda rājā cakravartīṃ prāsādāt prāsādaṃ saṃkrāmet,"""A universal monarch can pass from palace to palace, [...]."" [Conze 366]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api rājan saṃkram,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,213,213,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma subhūte satkāyadṛṣṭau dvāṣaṣṭidṛṣṭigatāny antargatāni bhavanti,"""The view of individuality includes all the sixty-two views, and even so, for a Bodhisattva who trains in the perfection of wisdom, all the perfections are included in that."" [Conze 431]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,api bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,165,165,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhagavāṃs tasy aitad avocat asti mañjuśrīḥ pūrvasmin digbhāge ito buddhakṣetrād daśagaṅgānadīvālukāsamāni buddhakṣetrāṇy atikramya vaidūryanirbhāsā nāma lokadhātuḥ |,"""The Blessed One said this to him: 'There is Mañjuśrī, in the eastern direction from this buddhafield, having passed beyond buddhafields equal in number to the sands of ten Ganges Rivers, a world-sphere named Vaiḍūryanirbhāsā'."" [Schopen 191]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,vaidūryanirbhāsā lokadhātu,,,vaidūryanirbhāsā,lokadhātu,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,173,173,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āryabhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharājaṃ nāma mahāyānasūtram ||,"""The Mahāyāna Sūtra named Ārya-bhaiṣajyaguru is completed."" [Schopen 375]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,āryabhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharāja mahāyāna sūtra,,,āryabhaiṣajyaguruvaidūryaprabharāja,sūtra,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,440,440,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,nāmnā [...]a na vidyate |,"""[The nature of naming is void of a name;] name does not exist in name; [...]."" [Vinita 441]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,philological,na vid,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,438,438,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,nāmamātraṃ idaṃ sarvaṃ saṃjñāmātre pratiṣṭhitam | abhidhānāt pṛthakbhūtam abhidheyaṃ na vidyate ||,"""All this which is nothing but name is established only in designation; separate from (its) expression that which is expressed does not exist, [1]."" [Vinita 439]",Language,Language@Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Name/appellation,nominal existence,neg,,mātra saṃjñā pratiṣṭhita abhidhāna pṛthak abhidheya na vid,,,mātra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,saṃjñā,NA,, nāman,48,Dutt33/Wogihara48,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,rūpādisaṃjñakasya dharmasya yad rūpamityevamādi nāma |,"""A name is [a term], such as ""form,"" etc., for the entities that are known as form, etc."" [Engle 85]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu.neg,,saṃjñaka rūpa iti,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,48,Dutt33/Wogihara48,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yena rūpam ity evam ādinā nāmnā te rūpādisaṃjñakā dharmā abhilapyante anuvyavahriyante rūpam iti vā vedaneti vā vistareṇa yāvannirvāṇam iti vā |,"""By whatever names-such as those of 'form,' etc.-the entities known as form, etc., are expressed and verbally described-[that is, the entities that are expressed by the names] 'form,' 'feeling,' [and so on] at length up to 'nirvana' ..."" [Engle 85]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,rūpa iti ādi saṃjñaka dharma abhilap anuvyavahṛ,,abhilap,ādi,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,51,Dutt35/Wogihara51,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yad vastv adhiṣṭhāya sa nāmasaṃjñābhilāpaparigṛhīto [...]saṃjñābhilāpaparibhāvito vikalpaḥ prapañcayan tasmin n eva vastuni vicaratyanekavidho bahu nānāprakāraḥ |,"""While continuously generating elaborations on the basis of [a particular substance], the conceptual thought that is both controlled by and governed by expressions [that derive from] recognition of [an object's] name operates in numerous ways and in many different forms in relation to this very same substance."" [Engle 90]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neg,,saṃjñā abhilāpa parigṛhīta vikalpa,,,,parigṛhīta,NA,NA,saṃjñā abhilāpa,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nāmaiṣaṇāgataṃ yathābhūtaparijñānaṃ katamat |,"""What is the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are that has completed the investigation of names?"" [Engle 97]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,eṣaṇā yathābhūta parijñāna,,,,eṣaṇā,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,26,2 — 26,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kulāt tato asmai sthiraśīlayuktāt sādhvīṃ vapur hrīvinayopapannām yaśodharāṃ nāma yaśoviśālāṃ vāmābhidhānaṃ śriyam ājuhāva ||2.26||,"""Then, from a family rooted in good conduct, he summoned for him Shri, the goddess of fortune, in the form of a virtuous maiden of great fame, by the name of Yasho-dhara, 'the bearer of fame' endowed with beauty, modesty, and good bearing."" [Olivelle 45]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,sādhvī yaśodharā yaśas viśāla vāmā abhidhāna śrī āhve,,,,sādhvī,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,45,11 — 45,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,rājye nṛpas tyāgini bahvamitre viśvāsam āgacchati ced vipannaḥ athāpi viśrambham upaiti neha kiṃ nāma saukhyaṃ cakitasya rājñaḥ ||11.46||,"""If a king places faith in his kingdom, fickle and full of enemies, he’s doomed; But if he fails to place his trust in it, then what happiness does a king enjoy, when he is trembling with fright?"" [Olivelle 313]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,a viśrambha na kiṃ saukhya,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,55,55,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bodhimaṇḍālaṃkāravyūhaś ca nāma |,"""[The meditation of Bodhisattva,] ..., named the ornament and decoration of the circle of the enlightenment, ..., [appears]."" [Honda 259]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,bodhimaṇḍālaṃkāravyūha,,,bodhimaṇḍālaṃkāravyūha,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,59,59,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tryadhvānugataṃ ca nāma,"""[Again indeed, o sons of the Conqueror, the Bodhisattva who has reached this Bodhisattva-stage obtains the emancipation (vimokṣa) of Bodhisattva] named, ... 7) understanding of the three times, ...."" [Honda 267]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,tryadhva anugata,,,anugata,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,110,110,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iti parīndanāparivarto nāmaikādaśamaḥ ||,No published translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,parīndanā parivarta aikā,,,parīndanā,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,21,21,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dhūmayati prajvalati tadyathāpi nāma mahānagniskandhaḥ |,"""He smokes and blazes up, just like a great aggregate of fire."" [Honda 160]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,prajval mahant agni skandha,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,29,29,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya tāni kuśalamūlānyuttapyante pariśuddhyanti prabhāsvaratarāṇi cabhavanti | tadyathāpi nāma bhavanto jinaputrās tad eva jātarūpaṃ musārgalva sṛṣṭaṃ bhūyasyā mātrayottapyate pariśudhyati prabhāsvarataraṃ bhavati,"""... his basic merits are heated, purified and become more brilliant. For instance, o honorable sons of the Conqueror, a piece of gold when overspread with precious stones (musāragalva) is in specially high degree heated, purified and becomes more brilliant."" [Honda 180]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,kuśala prabhāsvaratara tadyathā,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,47,47,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma bho jinaputra sāhasriko mahābrahmā sāhasralokadhātuṃ maitryā spharitvā prabhayāvabhāsayati,"""For instance, o son of the Conqueror, the great Brahman, (the king) of thousand (worlds), having pervaded thousand world-regions with benevolence, illuminates (them) with splendor."" [Honda 231]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,65,65,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma bho jinaputra gandhamādano mahāparvatarāja ākaraḥ sarvagandhajātīnām aparyantaḥ sarvagandhajātigrahaṇena,No published translation available,Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,57,57,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,gāvaḥ suvarṇaṃ vasanāni bhojyam iti dvijebhyo nṛpa deyarūpam | yasmiñ jayaśrīr niyatā dvipendre deyaḥ sa nām ety atidānaśauryam ||9.14||,"""[14] Cows, gold, food, and clothing are suitable presents for brahmins, your majesty, but to give away this superb elephant who assures us of victory—that really is taking generosity too far."" [Khoroche 60-61]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,neu,na,deya iti atidāna śaurya,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,155,155,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,nṛpasya sevāṃ ca karoṣi tatkṛte na hetur astīti ca nāma bhāṣase ||23.30||,"""[[30] Surely, sir, you procure such objects as you desire for your own happiness, and you have no wish to pursue those which go contrary to it?] That is why you are in the king’s service. And yet you say there is no causality."" [Khoroche 160]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,neu,na,iti bhāṣ,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,16,16,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,cittaprasādodgataṃ pātrātiśayapratipāditaṃ ca nālpakaṃ nāma dānamasti vipākamahattvāt |,"""No gift given in good faith to a worthy recipient can be called small, its effect is so great."" [Khoroche 18]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,disputed,na alpaka dāna as,,,alpaka,dāna,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,92,92,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tasya paramasiddhayātratvāt supāraga ity eva nāma babhūva |,"""His voyages proved so extremely successful that he came to be called Supāraga."" [Khoroche 96]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,supāraga iti bhū,,bhū,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,175,175,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tvadīyās tad ime prāṇāstvadarthe yadi nāma me | svalpe api viniyujyeran sa me syadatyanugrahaḥ ||26.9||,"""[9] Therefore, my life is in your hands. Should there be anything, however small, in which my life could be of use to you, that would give me the greatest pleasure."" [Khoroche 179]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,na,yadi aham viniyuj,viniyuj,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,20,20,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tyāgaśauryonnataṃ nāma tasya vyāpa diśo daśa ||4.1||,"""[i] [His petitioners were well-contented and praised him far and wide,] so that the name he earned for his largesse spread to every corner of the earth."" [Khoroche 22]",Esteem,Language@Esteem,Reputation,repute,renown,pos,,sa vyāp,,vyāp,sa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,41,41r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāmā kāśyapa rājā kṣatriyo mūrdhnābhiṣiktaḥ 3 pratyavarayā ceṭikayā saha pratipadyeta |,"""Let us [again] suppose, Kāśyapa, a [duly] anointed king endowed with sovereignty has an affair with a very low female servant [and that afterwards a son is born to him.]"" [Pasadika 144]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api kāśyapa rājan pratipad,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,41,41v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,82 tadyathāpi nāma kāśyapa rājñā cakravartinaḥ 4 putrasahasraṃ bhavet * na cātra kaści cakravartilakṣaṇasamanvāgato bhavet * na tatra rājñaś cakravartinaḥ 5 putrasaṃjña manyeta |,"""A universal monarch, for instance, Kāśyapa, might have a thousand sons; should, however, none among them bear the characteristic marks of a universal monarch, then [none of them] would be recognized as the universal monarch’s son."" [Pasadika 145]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api kāśyapa rājan bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,65,65v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,131 tadyathāpi nāma kāśyapa anarghaṃ 2 vaiḍūryamahāmaṇiratnam uccāre patitam akāryopakaṃ bhavati |,"""An invaluable and big jewel, Kasyapa, for example, that has fallen into faeces is not fit for use."" [Pasadika 171]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api kāśyapa an bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,25,25v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,44 tadyathāpi nāma kāśyapa abhraghanameghasamutthitā varṣadhārā sasyāny abhivarṣati |,"""Just as a downpour, Kāśyapa, (26a) emerging from a compact mass of thunderclouds showers on the crops, [so a bodhisattva's ‘rain’ of the true dharma, Kāśyapa, emerging from the dharma-clouds of great compassion showers on beings."" [Pasadika 128]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api kāśyapa sasya abhivarṣ,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,165,165,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,ity āryasaddharmalaṅkāvatāro nāma mahāyānasūtraṃ sagāthakaṃ samāptam iti ||,"""Here Ends 'The Mahāyāna Sūtra Called the Ārya-Saddharma-Laṅkāvatāra, Together with the Verses."" [Suzuki 295]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,āryasaddharmalaṅkāvatāra mahāyāna,,,āryasaddharmalaṅkāvatāra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,47,47,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,etanmahāmate nāmapadavyañjanakāyānāṃ [...]padābhidhānalakṣaṇam |,"""This, Mahāmati, is the meaning of the body of a name (nāma), a sentence (pada), and a syllable (vyañjana)."" [Suzuki 98]",Language,Language@Naming,Linguistic_unit,Name/appellation,word,neg,,pada vyañjana kāya abhidhāna lakṣaṇa,,,,,NA,NA,pada,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,113,Vaidya47/Nanjio113,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,nāmnābhilapyanta iti kṛtvā [...],"""[Again, Mahāmati, names (nāma) and syllables (vyañjana) belong to the four Skandhas which being formless] are indicated by names; thus are names made."" [Suzuki 98]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,abhilap kṛ,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,124,124,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,grāhyaṃ grāho grahītā ca nāsti nāma hy avastukam |,"""263. There is nothing grasped, nor grasping, nor one who grasps; there are no names, no objects; [...]."" [Suzuki 247]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neg,,na as avastuka,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,42,42,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate bodhisattvā mahāsattvāḥ prathamāyāṃ bhūmau buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitā mahāyānaprabhāsaṃ nāma bodhisattvasamādhiṃ samāpadyante |,"""Then, Mahāmati, sustained by the power of the buddhas, the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas at their first stage will attain the Bodhisattva-Samādhi, known as the Light of Mahāyāna, which belongs to the Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas."" [Suzuki 88]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,mahāyāna prabhāsa bodhisattva,,,prabhāsa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,21,21,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saṃparigrahān nāmarūpeṇ ātmabhāvasya |,"""[...] 'holding fast' is the holding fast to a 'self-being' through the psychophysical complex, [...]."" [Anacker 215]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,rūpa ātmabhāva,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,64,64,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathā nāmārtham arthasya [...] prakhyānatā ca yā | asaṃkalpanimittaṃ hi parikalpitalakṣaṇam ||11.39||,"""39. The projection of (disparate) name and referent corresponding to name and referent - the process of unreal mental construction - such is the imaginatively constructed identity."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Naming,Linguistic_unit,Name/appellation,word,neg,,artha prakhyānatā,,,,,NA,NA,,artha,,NA,,NA,, nāman,63,63,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svadhātusthānayogata iti svadhātur vikalpānāṃ tathatā tatra sthānaṃ nāmni sthānāc cetasaḥ |,""" 'Through cultivation of stability in their own realm' refers to the suchness of discriminative thoughts, which is their own realm; they stand therein when the mind is focused on name(-only)."" [Thurman 129]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,na,sthāna cetas,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,sthāna, nāman,67,67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paśyati hi nāmamātram iti vijñaptimātraṃ,"""One truly sees name-only, that is, information-only, [...]"" [Thurman 136]",Language,Language@Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Name/appellation,nominal existence,neu.neg,,paś vijñapti mātra,paś,,,,NA,NA,,,vijñapti,NA,,NA,, nāman,151,151,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathā vijñānapratyayaṃ nāmarūpam ity uktaṃ |,"""In the same way it is said: 'Name and form are conditioned by consciousness'; [they are therefore the effect of mind.]"" [Thurman 279]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,vijñāna pratyaya rūpa ukta,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,67,67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nāma arūpiṇaś catvāraḥ skandhā iti kṛtvā,"""[One truly sees name-only, that is, information-only,] since one says to oneself: 'Name' is the four systems apart from form."" [Thurman 135-6]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,catvar skandha,,,,,NA,NA,,,skandha,NA,,NA,, nāman,3,26 — 3,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,niṣikte nāmarūpe tu ṣaḍāyatanasaṃbhavaḥ | ṣaḍāyatanam āgamya saṃsparśaḥ saṃpravartate ||26.3||,"""When name and form develop, the six senses emerge. In dependence upon the six senses, impact actually occurs."" [Batchelor no p. no.]",Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,niṣikta āyatana saṃbhava,,,niṣikta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,14,14,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,te punaḥ katame | prāptir asañjñisamāpattir nirodhasamāpattir āsañjñikaṃ jīvitendriyaṃ nikāyasabhāgatā jātir jarā sthitir anityatā nāmakāyāḥ padakāyā vyañjanakāyāḥ pṛthagjanatvam ity evambhāgīyāḥ |,"""And what are they? Prāpti, the attainment without cognitions, the attainment of the cessation of cognitions and feelings, any non-meditative state without cognitions, life-force, taking part in an organism, birth, decrepitude, continuity, lack of duration, the collection of words, the collection of phrases, the collection of syllables, the state of being separate from Dharma, and other factors like these."" [Anacker 70]",Language,Language@Naming,Linguistic_unit,Name/appellation,word,pos,,kāya pada vyañjana,,,,kāya,NA,NA,,,,NA,pada,NA,, nāman,135,135,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na ca sattva tyakta maya jātu āsi nṛpo yadā kusuma nāma ||136||,"""I never abandoned sentient beings when I was the king named Kusuma. (136)"" [Boucher 133]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,as nṛpa kusuma,,,kusuma,nṛpa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,142,142,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,rājñaḥ punā rāṣṭrapāla arciṣmataḥ puṇyaraśmir nāma putro abhūd abhirūpaḥ prāsādiko darśanīyaḥ parama śubhavarṇapuṣkalatayā samanvāgataḥ |,"""Furthermore, Rāṣṭrapāla, King Arciṣmat had a son named Puṇyaraśmi, who was handsome, beautiful, pleasing to look at, and magnificantly endowed with the most excellent, splendid complexion."" [Boucher 145]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,rājan puṇyaraśmi putra bhū,,,puṇyaraśmi,putra,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,111,111,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sūtrasya tasya nāmnaiva dīpitaṃ tatprayojanam | yatraite nava dṛṣṭāntā vistareṇa prakāśitāḥ ||78||,"""Its purpose [of teaching] is explained By the very name of that Scripture, Where these nine illustrations Are demonstrated in detail. || 78 ||” [Takasaki 374]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,sūtra eva dīpita prayojana,,,sūtra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,47,47,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,syād yathāpi nāma sāgaramate śreṣṭhino gṛhapater eka putraka,"""For example, O Sagaramati, suppose there were an only son of some distinguished person or householder."" [Takasaki 246]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,eka putraka,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,28,1. 28,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,|| bhagavatyāṃ ratnaguṇasaṃcayagāthāyāṃ sarvākārajñatācaryāparivarto nāma prathamaḥ ||,No published translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,parivarta prathama,,,,parivarta,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,18,31. 18,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavatyāṃ ratnaguṇasaṃcayagāthāyāṃ dharmodgataparivarto nāmaikatriṃśatimaḥ ||,No published translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,parivarta ekatriṃśat,,,,parivarta,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,26,1. 26,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yāvanti loki parikīrtita dharmanāma sarveṣu pādasamatikramu nirgamitvā |,"""All words for things in use in this world must be left behind, All things produced and made must be transcended - The deathless, the supreme, incomparable gnosis is then won. That is the sense in which we speak of perfect wisdom."" [Conze no_p._no.]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neg,philological,parikīrtita dharma,,,,,NA,NA,dharma,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,100,04 — 100,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,ratnāvalyām rājavṛttopadeśe nāma caturthaḥ paricchedaḥ |,"""Chapter Four: Royal Policy"" [Tucci 433]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,upadeśa pariccheda,,,,pariccheda,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,154,154,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bahukalpakoṭīparinirvṛto api so nāma adyāpi śṛṇoti dharmam | tahiṃ tahiṃ gacchati dharmahetoḥ sudurlabho dharma yam evarūpaḥ ||11.2||,"""2. Albeit completely extinct for many koṭis of AEons, he yet now comes to hear the law; for the law's sake he moves hither and thither; very rare (and very precious) is a law like this."" [Kern 238]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,pos,na,śru dharma su,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,207,207,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paśya ajita ekasattvam api nāma utsāhayitvā iyat puṇyaṃ prasavati |,"""Mark, Agita, how much good is produced by one's inciting were it but a single creature;"" [Kern 333]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,neu,na,eka sattva api utsah,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,19,19,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāmaṃ ca tasyo imam evam āsīd yaśakāma [...]nā diśatāsu viśrutaḥ |,"""92. His name was Yaśaskāma, by which he was known everywhere."" [Kern 28]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu,,sa as yaśakāma viśruta,,,sa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,13,13,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena khalu punar ajita samayena sa bhagavāṃś candrasūryapradīpas tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho mahānirdeśaṃ nāma dharmaparyāyaṃ,"""It was at that time, Agita, that the Lord Kandrasuryapradipa, the Tathāgata, &c., after expounding the Dharmaparyaya called ' the Great Exposition,' [...]."" [Kern 20]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,mahant nirdeśa dharmaparyāya,,,nirdeśa,dharmaparyāya,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,119,119,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paścimottarasyāṃ diśi bhikṣavas tamālapatracandanagandhābhijñaś ca nāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho,"""In the north-west, monks, is the Tathāgata named Tamālapatrakandanagandhābhijña;"" [Kern 178]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,tamālapattra candana gandha abhijña tathāgata,,,abhijña,tathāgata,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,161,161,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha dakṣiṇasyāṃ diśi vimalā nāma lokadhātuḥ |,"""[...] in the world Vimala (i. e. spotless), [...]."" [Kern 253]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,vimalā lokadhātu,,,vimalā,lokadhātu,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,224,224,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra mahāsthāmaprāpta yo asau tathāgataḥ sarvapūrvako abhūd bhīṣmagarjitasvararājo nāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato lokājanvid anuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān,"""At the time, Mahasthamaprapta, after the complete extinction of the first Tathagata amongst all those of the name of Bhīshmagargitasvararaga, Tathagata, &c., endowed with science and conduct, &c. &c., [...]."" [Kern 355]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,sarva bhīṣmagarjitasvararājo tathāgata,,,bhīṣmagarjitasvararājo,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,37,37,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sugatāna teṣāṃ tada tasmi kāle parinirvṛtānāmatha tiṣṭhatāṃ vā | ye dharmanām āpi śruṇiṃsu sattvās te sarvi bodhāya abhūṣi lābhinaḥ ||2.97||,"""96. The creatures who in the days of those Sugatas, whether already extinct or still in existence, have heard no more than the name of the law, have all of them reached enlightenment."" [Kern 52]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,parinirvṛta dharma śru,śru,,,dharma,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,194,194,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na cāpi me nāma śṛṇonti jātu tathāgatānāṃ bahu kalpakoṭibhiḥ | dharmasya vā mahya gaṇasya cāpi pāpasya karmasya phalevarūpam ||15.15||,"""15. Ay, many koṭis of years they may pass without ever having mentioned my name, the law, or my congregation. That is the fruit of sinful deeds."" [Kern 309]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,na aham śru tathāgata,śru,,aham tathāgata,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,240,240,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña sarveṣāṃ kālaparvatānāṃ cakravālānāṃ mahācakravālānāṃ ca sumeruḥ parvatarājo mūrdhaprāptaḥ,"""Just as the Sumeru, the king of mountains, Nakshatraragasankusumitabhigña, all elevations at the cardinal points, [...]."" [Kern 386]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api sumeru,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,241,241,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña sarvabālapṛthagjanān atikrāntaḥ srot^āpannaḥ sakṛdāgāmī ananāgāmī arhan pratyekabuddhaś ca,"""As the Srotaapanna, Nakshatraragasankusumitabhigna, as well as the Sakṛdāgāmin, Anāgāmin, Arhat, and Pratyekabuddha, excels the ignorant people and the profanum vulgus, so, [...]."" [Kern 387]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api srotāpanna,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,266,266,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yatra hi nāma tvam evaṃ bahujanahitāya bahujanasukhāya lokānukampāyai mahato janakāyasy ārthāya hitāya sukhāya pratipannaḥ |,"""It is happy that thou art so well disposed to promote the weal and happiness of the people at large, out of compassion for the people, for the benefit, weal, and happiness of the great body of men; [...]."" [Kern 437]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,yatra tvam pratipanna,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,1,1,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,satatamabhayaṃdadānena ca nāma bodhisattvena mahāsattvena |,"""[…] and Satatamabhayaṃdad.” [Gomez/Silk 51-2]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,satatamabhayaṃdad bodhisattva,,,,bodhisattva,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,41,41,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena kālena tena samayena abhāvasamudgato nāma tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho loke udapādi vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato lokavid anuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān |,"""[…] in that age there appeared on earth the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the Fully Enlightened One, Endowed with Wisdom and Virtue, the Sugata, the Knower of the World, the Supreme Guide of men who have to be restrained, the Teacher of gods and men, the buddha and Lord, 'Born of Non-existence' 56) by name."" [Regamey 67]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,abhāvasamudgata tathāgata utpad,,,,tathāgata,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,5,5,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāmasaṃketaprajñaptisvabhāvāvatārajñānam |,"""It is knowledge which enters into the intrinsic nature of names, verbal conventions and designations."" [Gomez/Silk 57]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,saṃketa prajñapti svabhāva āvatāra jñāna,,,,svabhāva,NA,NA,saṃketa prajñapti,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,5,5,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,jyotiṣprabho nāma,"""Before him, in reverse order, there lived the tathagatas called ..., Jyotisprabha,...."" [Gomez 65]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,jyotiṣprabha,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,6,6,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,udakacandropamo nāma,"""And before Dipankara, long before him, Ānanda, there lived a tathāgata called .... Udakachandra,...."" [Gomez 65]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,udakacandropama,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,6,6,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,lokendro nāma,"""And before Dipankara, long befo.re him, Ananda, there lived a tathagata called... Lokendra,...."" [Gomez 65]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,lokendra,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,6,6,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyapagatakhiladoṣo nāma,"""And before Dipankara, long befo.re him, Ananda, there lived a tathagata called...Vyapagatakhiladosha,...."" [Gomez 65]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,vyapagatakhiladoṣa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,19,19,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,naivaṃvidhaṃsukhaṃ pratilabheraṃs tadyathāpi nāma niṣparidāhasy ārhato bhikṣos tṛtīyadhyānasamāpannasya,"§28(38). "" 'Blessed One, may I not awaken to unsurpassable, perfect, full awakening if, after I attain awakening, the living beings reborn in my buddha-field will not enjoy the moment they are reborn there, a happiness like that of an arhat monk who, free of the fever of desire, has entered the third stage of contemplation."" [Gomez 74]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,sukha tadyathā dhyāna,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,76,73. 3 — 75. 76,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,na māṃ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya kṛtānena ādya vandanā | evam eva kathan nāma nīyate bhoḥ suto mama |7|,"""He did not circumambulate and show reverence to me, today. How indeed, Sirs, is my son being taken away in this very fashion?"" [Rajapatirana [33]]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,that_which_intensifies@Reality/real_existence/actuality,actually,indeed/really/actually,neu,na,kathaṃ nī,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,321,318. 5 — 320. 321,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,bhūtapūrvaṃ mahārājātīte dhvani candro nāma samyaksambuddho loka udapādi,"""The Elder Ānanda said: 'Formerly, O great king, in the past, the Perfectly Awakened One, Candra by name, was born in the world."" [Rajapatirana [116]]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,candra,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,10,7. 3 — 9. 10,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,kulavaṃśo me cirasthitikaḥ syād asmākañ c ātyatītakālagatānām alpaṃ vā prabhūtam vā dānāni datvā puṇyāni kṛtvā asmākañ ca nāmnā dakṣiṇām ādekṣyate |,"""Would that my family line be long lasting. After we have passed away, he will make gifts, be it little or be it much, perform meritorious acts, and assign the profit in our name, [saying: 'Let it follow those two as they go, wherever they are reborn.]'"" [Rajapatirana [5]]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,aham dakṣiṇā ādiś,,,aham,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,46,43. 2 — 45. 46,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,bhoḥ puruṣa kas tavāsyāṃ upary anunayo yan nāma madīyām ājñāṃ vilaṅghya n ecchasy enāṃ praghātayituṃ,"""Man! What regard do you have for her that, violating my order, you do not wish to kill her?"" [Rajapatirana [19]]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,anunaya,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,7,7r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ya nv aham asmai ṛddhim upasaṃhare yaṃ tasya bhagavatā ṛddhir upasaṃhṛtā sa buddhānubhāvena svakena ca ṛddhibalena ito lokadhātoḥ paścimo digbhāge navanavati gaṅgānadīvālikāsamāni buddhakṣetrāṇy atikramya rasmidhvajā nāma lokadhātuḥ tatra rasmi rājo [...] tathāgataḥ |,No published translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,pos,,rasmidhvajā lokadhātu nāman,,,rasmidhvajā,lokadhātu,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,1,1v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasy opasaṃkrāmataḥ subhūmau nāma bhūmyāvacaro devaputraḥ sarvān bhūmyāvacarān devaputrān āmantry aivam āha ||,No published translation available,Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,na,subhūmi bhūmi avacara bhūmy,,,subhūmi,avacara,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,2,2v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evam eva bhagavann upāyakuśalasya bodhisatvasya prajñānirjātasya sarvadharmāḥ svagocaraḥ ye ca pṛthagjanadharmāḥ śaikṣāśaikṣadharmāḥ pratyekabuddhadharmāḥ bodhisatvadharmāḥ ye ca tathāgatadharmāḥ tat kasmāt sarve te ten ābhisaṃboddhavyāḥ tadyathāpi nāma bhagavan na tat kiñcit tṛṇaṃ vā vanaspatir vā yasmād agniḥ palāyeta sarve te tasy opakārībhūtā bhavanti uttaptolkājvālanāyai |,No published translation available,Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā tṛṇa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,2,2v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yad idam avidyāpratyayāḥ saṃskārāḥ saṃskārapratyayaṃ vijñānaṃ vijñānapratyayaṃ nāmarūpa,No published translation available,Existence,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,the bodily and mental aspects of a person,nāmarūpa the bodily and mental aspects of a person,neu.neg,,a vijñāna pratyaya,,,pratyaya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,4,4,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasya vyāvṛtir arhatve tadāśritya pravartate | tadālambaṃ mano nāma vijñānaṃ mananātmakam ||5||,"""Its de-volvement takes place in a saintly state: Dependent on it there develops a consciousness called 'manas', having it* as its object-of consciousness, and having the nature of always reflecting; 5"" [Anacker 186]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,tad ālamba manas vijñāna mananā,,,,vijñāna,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,5,Vaj San GMs 9b3 - 5 (BP ref.),vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tat kasya hetor dharmadeśanā dharmadeśaneti subhūte nāsti sa kaścid dharmo yo dharmadeśanā nāmopalabhyate |,"""Why is that? As for the so-called ‘teaching of the dharma,’ Subhūti, there exists no dharma whatsoever which can be apprehended called the teaching of the dharma."" [Harrison 154-55]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu,,dharmadeśanā upalabh,,,,dharmadeśanā,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,93,9b3 - 5,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tat kasya hetor dharmadeśanā dharmadeśaneti subhūte nāsti sa kaścid dharmo yo dharmadeśanā nām^opalabhyate |,"""Why is that? As for the so-called ‘teaching of the dharma,’ Subhūti, there exists no dharma whatsoever which can be apprehended called the teaching of the dharma."" [Harrison 154-55]",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,named/called,neu.neg,,dharmadeśanā upalabh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nāman,308,308,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yaḥ sadbhūtaṃ nāma brūyāt sa svabhāva ity evam | bhavatā prativaktavyo [...] brūmaś ca na vayaṃ sata ||57||,"""He who says that the name is existent, deserves indeed the answer from you: 'There is an intrinsic nature'. We, however, do not say that."" [Bhattacharya 38]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,sant bhūta brū nāman,brū,,bhūta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,310,310,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yadi bhāvānāṃ svabhāvo na syād asvabhāva iti nāmāpīdaṃ na syād iti |,"""If the things had no intrinsic nature, then even the name 'absence of intrinsic nature' would not exist."" [Bhattacharya 40]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,pos,,iti na as,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,308,308,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yaḥ sadbhūtaṃ [...] brūyāt sa svabhāva ity evam | bhavatā prativaktavyo nāma brūmaś ca na vayaṃ sata ||57||,"""He who says that the name is existent, deserves indeed the answer from you: 'There is an intrinsic nature'. We, however, do not say that."" [Bhattacharya 38]",Language,Language@Naming,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,Name/appellation,neu.neg,,prativac nāman,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,20,5. 20,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma bhadanta mahākāśyapa na śaktir asti khadyotakasya sūryamaṇḍalaprabhām abhibhavitum |,"""Reverend Mahākāśyapa, just as a glowworm cannot eclipse the light of the sun, [...]."" [Thurman 55]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, nāman,5,12. 5,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāmekṣuvanaṃ vā naḍavanaṃ vā veṇuvanaṃ vā tilavanaṃ v aivaṃ śālivanaṃ vā pratipūrṇaṃ,"""[Let us suppose, prince of gods, that this billion-world-galactic universe were as full of Tathāgatas] as it is covered with groves of sugarcane, with rosebushes, with bamboo thickets, with herbs, and with flowers, [...]."" [Thurman 97]",Language,Linguistics@Existence,Naming@Kind/sort,namely,namely,neu,,tadyathā api ikṣu vana naḍa tila śāli pratipūrṇa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,NA,, parikalp,94,2280955|094.05-094.06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atha prāpta ity abhisaṃbadhyate yata eva tatprāptiḥ parikalpyate tasminneva saṃmukhībhūte prāpte vā duḥkhasyeṣyatāmaprādurbhāvaḥ |,"""If this means asmin prāpta, ""if Nirvāṇa has been obtained,"" you would have to admit that future suffering will not appear while the Path—by virtue of which you suppose that Nirvāṇa is obtained—either is, or rather has been obtained."" [Poussin, Pruden 285]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu,vague,tat prāpti aprādurbhāva,NA,NA,,NA,NA,prāpti,NA,,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,121,2280955|121.16-121.17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yatra cāndhakāṇa eva prādurbhāva upapādukānāṃ tatra kiṃ parikalpyate | evaṃ tāvadyuktito neṣyate | na marāṇabhavādvicchinna upapattibhavaprādurbhāvaḥ |,"""Arising has no external support in the case of apparitional beings, because they appear suddenly in space...Reasoning thus proves the existence of an intermediate being since arising proceeds from death without there being any discontinuity between these two existences."" [Poussin, Pruden 385]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu.neg,vague,prādurbhāva kim,NA,NA,kim,NA,NA,prādurbhāva,NA,,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,129,2280955|129.08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kīdṛśa ātmā ya imān nikṣipatyanyāśca skandhān pratisaṃdadhātīti parikalpyate | sa tadṛśo nāstyantarvyāpārapuruṣaḥ |,"""The ātman in which you believe, an entity that abandons the skandhas of one existence and takes up the skandhas of another existence, an internal agent of action, a Puruṣa,—this ātman does not exist."" [Poussin, Pruden 399]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu.neg,,kīdṛśa ātman iti as,NA,NA,kīdṛśa,NA,NA,ātman,NA,as,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,12,2280955|12 - 75,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sūkṣmatvāc caiva doṣāṇām avyāpārāc ca cetasaḥ dīrghatvād āyuṣaś caiva mokṣas tu parikalpyate ||,"""The faults are subtle, the mind is dormant, and the span of life is, likewise, prolonged— On that basis one imagines that it is the state of release."" [Olivelle 353]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu,,mokṣa,NA,NA,,NA,NA,mokṣa,NA,,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,12,2280955|12 - 76,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ahaṃkāraparityāgo yaś caiṣa parikalpyate saty ātmani parityāgo nāhaṃkārasya vidyate ||,"""This abandonment of ego that you imagine to take place— When there’s a soul, the abandonment of the ego cannot take place."" [Olivelle 353]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu.neg,,ahaṃkāra parityāga vid/ved,NA,NA,,NA,NA,parityāga,NA,vid/ved,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,157,2280955|157|23.45,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,pūrvakarmakṛtaṃ sarvamathaivamapi manyase | vānarasya vadhaḥ kasmānmatkṛtaḥ parikalpyate ||,"""If, nevertheless, you persist in your doctrine of the former actions, for what reason do you judge me to have caused the death of that ape?"" [Speyer 294]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,suppose,suppose,neu.neg,,man vadha,NA,NA,,NA,NA,vadha,NA,,,NA,man,NA,NA, parikalp,39,2280955|39,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śūnyatā paratantralakṣaṇaṃ tathā nāsti yathā parikalpyate na tu sarvathā nāstīti tasyātadbhāvaḥ ( | ),"""Since the characteristic of the interdependent is that it is not as it is constructed, but yet is not non-existent, it is empty inasmuch as it entails the non-being of this or that definite thing"" [Anacker 234]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally fabricate,mentally fabricate,neu.neg,,paratantra lakṣaṇa as yathā,NA,NA,yathā,NA,NA,lakṣaṇa,NA,as,,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,64,2280955|64|11.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasyā yad ālambanaṃ tannimittam evaṃ yac ca parikalpyate yataś ca kāraṇād vāsanatas tad ubhayaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇamatrābhipretaṃ |,"""Thus, that to be imaginatively constructed, and that cause (of imagination), instinct — both are simply the imaginatively constructed identity."" [Thurman 131]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally fabricate,mentally fabricate,neu,,ālambana nimitta parikalpita,NA,NA,,NA,NA,nimitta ālambana,NA,,parikalpita,NA,,NA,NA, parikalp,64,2280955|64|11.39,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi yathānāmārthaḥ khyāti yathārthaṃ vā nāma ity etad abhūtaparikalpālambanaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ etāvad dhi parikalpyate yad uta nāma vā artho veti |,"""When the object is perceived according to the name, or the name perceived according to the object, that is the object of unreal mental construction, which is the imaginatively constructed identity. Everything imaginatively constructed is indeed either name or referent."" [Thurman 132]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally fabricate,mentally fabricate,neu,,parikalpita nāman artha,NA,NA,,NA,NA,artha nāman,NA,,parikalpita,NA,,NA,NA, parikalpa,195,2280955|195.14-195.16|4.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi tamapi dūrādvā varṇamapaśyantaḥ sthāṇvādīnāṃ dairghyādīni paśyanti varṇameva te tatrāvyaktaṃ dṛṣṭvā dīrghādiparikalpaṃ kurvanti |,"""In fact, one first sees color in an indistinct manner; one then forms—through the mental consciousness—the idea of shape, in the same way that one forms the idea of a line, or the idea of an army accordingly as one has seen, indistinctly, some birds, some ants, some elephants, etc.: [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 558]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,dīrghādi karo/kur,karo/kur,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,45,2280955|045.10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,daurmanasyaṃ hi parikalpaviśeṣair utpādyate ca vyupaśāmyate ca | nacaivam vipākaḥ |,"""[The Vaibhasikas:] Dissatisfaction is produced by the imagination, when one thinks of something that he fears; he is assuaged in the same way: when he thinks of something that he desires. Now such is not the case with retribution."" [Poussin, Pruden 169-170]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,other,daurmanasya viśeṣa vyupaśam,,,viśeṣa,daurmanasya vyupaśam,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,193,2280955|193.27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kṣaṇe kṣaṇe vṛttilābhapratibandhau bhavitumarhataḥ | sakyaṣcaiṣa kāraṇa parikalpaḥ sarvatra samskṛte kartum ity alaṃ vivādena | yadi ca kāṣṭhādīnāmagnyādisaṃyogahetuko vināśaḥ syādevaṃ sati,"""Now we cannot admit that dharma and adharma enter into activity and cease being active from moment to moment. Furthermore since this manner of explaining destruction would hold for all conditioned things, it is useless to pursue the discussion. You do not have the right to say that kindling perishes through its relationship with the flame."" [Poussin, Pruden 555]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,Supposition,Supposition,neu,other,vivāda,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,61,2280955|061.17|2.33,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,māna unnatiḥ | madaḥ svadharme raktasya paryādānaṃ tu cetasaḥ || yena kenacit parato viśeṣaparikalpena cetasa unnatiḥ mānaḥ | madastu svadharmeṣveva raktasya yaccetasaḥ paryādānam |,"""Māna, the error of pride, is arrogance. But mada, pride-intoxication, is the abolition of the mind of one who is enamoured with his own qualities. It is arrogance of mind (cetasa unnatiḥ) with respect to others. Measuring (mā) the superiority of qualities that one has, or that one believes to have over others, one becomes haughty and depreciates others."" [Poussin, Pruden 204]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,viśeṣa māna,,,viśeṣa,māna,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,195,2280955|195.16|4.2,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,paṅktisenāparikalpavat | itthaṃ caitadevam | yatkadācidanirdhāryamāṇaparicchedaṃ,"""In fact, one first sees color in an indistinct manner; one then forms—through the mental consciousness—the idea of shape, in the same way that one forms the idea of a line, or the idea of an army accordingly as one has seen, indistinctly, some birds, some ants, some elephants, etc.: [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 558]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,karo/kur paṅkti senā,karo/kur,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,102,2280955|102,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,niḥkleśapāramiteyaṃ bhagavan parikalpāsattām upādāya |,"""This perfection is undefiled, because imagination is something that is not."" [Conze 152]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,asattā upādā,upādā,,,asattā,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,34,2280955|34,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,lokadhātau sattvāḥ sacet punas te sarve apūrvācaramaṃ mānuṣyakam ātmabhāvaṃ pratilabheran parikalpam upādāya tata ekaikaḥ sattva ekaikaṃ saptaratnamayaṃ tathāgatadhātugarbhaṃ stūpaṃ kārayet ekaikaś ca[...],"""Or, if, to put an imaginary case, all beings in a great trichiliocosm should simultaneously become human beings, and each one of them build such a Stupa; and if each one of them should build all those Stupas, and honor them for an aeon or the remainder of an aeon; [...]"" [Conze 108]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,Supposition,Supposition,neu,,saced/ced upādā,upādā,,saced/ced,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,103,2280955|103|10.13,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye tu jñāna sugatāna arthiṃke kalpakalpaparikalpavarjitam | bhāvabhāvasamabhāvabuddhayaḥ kṣipra bheṣyati nareśa uttamāḥ ||,"""But those who aim (to get) the knowledge of Sugatas are free from productive thought, false productive thought and complete productive thought, and are enlightened on the equality of being and non-being, and will go quickly to the highest lord of mankind"" [Megumu Honda 258]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,philological,jñāna kalpa kalpa varjita bhāv abhāva samabhāva buddhi,,,,,,,kalpa kalpa,jñāna buddhi,,NA,,,, parikalpa,112,2280955|112|18.18,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sukhamatra kutaḥ kathaṃ kadā vā parikalpapraṇayaṃ na cedupaiti | viṣayopaniveśane api mohād vraṇakaṇḍūyanavatsukhābhimānaḥ ||,"""Why can there be happiness in that state, or how, or when, if man does not attain by it the longing for self-perfection, but on the contrary in his infatuation fancies happiness is to be obtained by attachment to sensual objects? Such a person may be compared to one who tries to heal his wounds by rubbing."" [Speyer 212]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,vague,sukha praṇaya moha,,,,praṇaya,,,,sukha,,NA,moha,,, parikalpa,47,2280955|47r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dveṣasya maitrī cikitsā mohasya pratītyasamutpādapratyavekṣaṇā cikitsā sarvadṛṣṭīgatānāṃ śunyatā cikitsā sarvakalpavikalpaparikalpāraṃbhaṇavitarkamanasīkārāṇām ānimitta cikitsā [...],"""The treatment for lust - that is [the contemplation of] foulness, the treatment for hatred is loving kindness, for delusion [one’s] wisely contemplating dependent origination; the treatment for all wrong views is [the liberating insight into] emptiness, for all fancying, false discrimination, imaginary assumption, conceiving ideas and fixing [them] in one’s mind it is [the liberating insight into] signlessness, [...]"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 152]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,moha sarva dṛṣṭīgata/dṛṣṭigata sarva kalpa vikalpa āraṃbhaṇa vitarka manasīkāra ānimitta,,,sarva,,,,kalpa vikalpa āraṃbhaṇa vitarka manasīkāra,ānimitta,,NA,moha dṛṣṭīgata/dṛṣṭigata,,, parikalpa,18,2280955|18|1.1,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatrābhūtaparikalpo grāhyagrāhakavikalpaḥ | dvayaṃ grāhyaṃ grāhakañ ca | śūnyatā tasyābhūtaparikalpasya grāhyagrāhakabhāvena virahitatā |,"""In this passage, ""the construction of that which was not"" is the discrimination between the object apprehended and the subject apprehendor. ""Duality"" is the object apprehended and the subject apprehendor. And ""Emptiness"" is the separation of the construction of that which was not from the being of object apprehended and subject apprehendor."" [Anacker 211]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta grāhya grāhaka vikalpa,,,abhūta,,,,,,vikalpa,NA,,,, parikalpa,18,2280955|18|1.2,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na śūnyaṃ śūnyatayā cābhūtaparikalpena ca |,"""It is not empty, either because of emptiness or the construction of that which was not"" [Anacker 212]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,śūnyatā abhūta,,,abhūta,,,,śūnyatā,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,18,2280955|18|1.2,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvaṃ saṃskṛtaṃ cābhūtaparikalpa^ākhyaṃ |,"""[...] and thus it has been taught, that ""Everything compounded is called 'the construction of that which was not';"" [Anacker 212]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,saṃskṛta abhūta,,,abhūta,saṃskṛta,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,18,2280955|18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vidhīyate nirdiśyate satvād abhūtaparikalpasya asatvād dvayasya satvāc ca śūnyatāyā abhūtaparikalpe tasyāṃ cābhūtaparikalpasya sā ca madhyamā pratipat |,"""[...] because of the non-existence of duality, and the existence of emptiness in the construction of that which was not, [...]"" [Anacker 212]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,asatva dvaya satva śūnyatā abhūta,,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,asatva satva, parikalpa,18,2280955|18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,evam abhūtaparikalpasya sallakṣaṇam asallakṣaṇaṃ ca khyāpayitvā | svalakṣaṇaṃ khyāpayati |,"""Having explained the existent character and the non-existent character of the construction of that which was not, he next explains its own-characteristic."" [Anacker 212]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta sat asat lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,19,2280955|19,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,manaḥ ṣaḍvijñānasaṃjñakaṃ caturvidhaṃ tasya grāhyasyārthasyābhāvāt tad api grāhakaṃ vijñānam asat | abhūtaparikalpatvaṃ siddham asya bhavaty ataḥ | na tathā sarvathābhāvāt |,"""Consciousness' character as the construction of that which was not is demonstrated by its being, because it is not in that way, and yet is not totally non-being."" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta bhav abhāva,,bhav,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,19,2280955|19|1.5,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,evam abhūtaparikalpasya svalakṣaṇaṃ khyāpayitvā saṃgrahalakṣaṇaṃ khyāpayati |,"""Having explained the own-characteristic of the construction of that which was not in this way, the author proceeds to explain its comprising characteristic."" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta sva lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,19,2280955|19,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtaparikalpamātre sati yathā trayāṇāṃ svabhāvānāṃ saṃgraho bhavati | kalpitaḥ paratantraś ca pariniṣpanna eva ca |,"""Even though this is only construction of that which was not, there comes to be a comprising of three own-beings in this way:"" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta mātra svabhāva kalpita paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,abhūta mātra,,,,,,kalpita,NA,,,, parikalpa,19,2280955|19|1.6,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,arthaḥ parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ | abhūtaparikalpaḥ paratantraḥ svabhāvaḥ | grāhyagrāhakābhāvaḥ pariniṣpannaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""""Objects of sense and understanding"" are constructed own-being. The construction of that which was not is interdependent own-being. The non-being of object apprehended and subject apprehendor is fulfilled own-being"" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,parikalpita abhūta paratantra svabhāva,,,abhūta,paratantra svabhāva,,,,,parikalpita,NA,,,, parikalpa,20,2280955|20,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtārthapratibhāsatayā tūpalabdhir ity ucyate anupalabdhisvabhāvāpi satī tasyaivedānīm abhūtaparikalpasya prabhedalakṣaṇaṃ khyāpayati |,"""Next, the author explains the construction of that which was not's characteristic of being divided."" [Anacker 214]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta prabheda lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,20,2280955|20,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtaparikalpaś ca cittacaittās tridhātukāḥ |,"""And the construction of that which was not is the cittas and caittas of the three realms."" [Anacker 214]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta citta caitta tri dhātuka,,,abhūta,citta caitta dhātuka,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,22,2280955|22,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvaś caiṣa saṃkleśo abhūtaparikalpāt pravartata iti |,"""In every way, afflictions-together develop because of the construction of that which was not: this is the compact meaning."" [Anacker 216]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,saṃkleśa abhūta,,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,saṃkleśa, parikalpa,22,2280955|22,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,piṇḍārthaḥ punar abhūtaparikalpasya navavidhaṃ lakṣaṇaṃ paridīpitaṃ bhavati | sallakṣaṇaṃ | asallakṣaṇaṃ svalakṣaṇaṃ |,"""So the nine-fold characteristics of the construction of that which was not have been illuminated: its character as existent, [...]"" [Anacker 216-217]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,22,2280955|22,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,evam abhūtaparikalpaṃ khyāpayitvā yathā śūnyatā vijñeyā tan nirdiśati |,"""Having in this way explained the construction of that which was not, in order that emptiness can also be known, he says: [...]"" [Anacker 217]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta khyā śūnyatā,khyā,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,23,2280955|23|1.13,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasmād abhūtaparikalpān na pṛthaktvaikalakṣaṇaṃ ||,"""Thus it is ""a characteristic neither the same nor different"" from the construction of that which was not."" [Anacker 217]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta pṛthaktva ika lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,lakṣaṇa, parikalpa,44,2280955|44|3.16,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yatas triṣu svabhāveṣu te skandhādayo antarbhūtāḥ | katham antarbhūtāḥ | parikalpavikalpārthadharmatārthena teṣu te || III1 6 trividhaṃ rūpaṃ parikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""In such a way that the aggregates are included in the threee own-beings, ""as constructions, as objects of discrimination, and as objects of Dharmatā"""" [Anacker 240]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,svabhāva vikalpa ārtha dharmatā III parikalpita,,,,,,,vikalpa dharmatā,,parikalpita,NA,,,, parikalpa,58,2280955|58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpopalakṣaṇaprāyogiko yena dvayam upādāya dvayaparikalpam upalakṣayate | nāmaparikalpam upādāyārthaparikalpam arthaparikalpamupādāya nāmaparikalpam aparikalpam,"""The applicational attitude concerned with construction observes dualistic constructions depending on dualism, (wherein) words are constructed depending on objects, and objects are constructed depending on words, while letters are not constructed.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,dvaya upalakṣ,upalakṣ,,dvaya,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,58,2280955|58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpopalakṣaṇaprāyogiko yena dvayam upādāya dvayaparikalpam upalakṣayate | nāmaparikalpam upādāyārthaparikalpam arthaparikalpamupādāya nāmaparikalpam aparikalpam akṣaraṃ |,"""The applicational attitude concerned with construction observes dualistic constructions depending on dualism, (wherein) words are constructed depending on objects, and objects are constructed depending on words, while letters are not constructed.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,nāma artha upādā,upādā,,nāma artha,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,58,2280955|58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvayaparikalpam upalakṣayate | nāmaparikalpam upādāyārthaparikalpam arthaparikalpamupādāya nāmaparikalpam aparikalpam akṣaraṃ |,"""The applicational attitude concerned with construction observes dualistic constructions depending on dualism, (wherein) words are constructed depending on objects, and objects are constructed depending on words, while letters are not constructed.""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,a akṣara,,,a,akṣara,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,59,2280955|59|11.16,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathā māyā yantraparigṛhītaṃ bhrāntinimittaṃ kāṣṭhaloṣṭādikaṃ tathābhūtaparikalpaḥ paratantraḥ svabhāvo veditavyaḥ |,"""Unreality construction, the form of the relative reality, should be understood as like sticks and clods and so on, the sources of error, which are manipulated by the magician's spells."" [Thurman 122]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta svabhāva,,,abhūta,svabhāva,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,59,2280955|59,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathā tasya māyākṛtasya hastyādibhāvenopalabdhis tathābhūtaparikalpasya saṃvṛtisatyatopalabdhiḥ |,"""(And) just as there is a perception of the (imagined) elephant and so on existing in that (relative) magical creation, so the superficial reality is the perception of the unreality (imaginary) construction (in the relative)."" [Thurman 122]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta saṃvṛti satyat upalabdhi,,,abhūta,upalabdhi,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,59,2280955|59,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasya nimittasya kāṣṭhādikasya vyaktir bhūtārthopalabhyate tathāśrayaparāvṛttau dvayabhrāntyabhāvād abhūtaparikalpasya bhūto artha upalabhyate |,"""In the same way, once (one attains) the foundational transmutation, one perceives unreal construction as an actual object, the error of duality being absent."" [Thurman 123]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta bhūta artha,,,abhūta,,,,,bhūta artha,,NA,,,, parikalpa,60,2280955|60,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathā atrābhūtaparikalpe dvayābhāsatāsti dvayabhāvaś ca nāsti | tasmād astitvanāstitvaṃ rūpādiṣu vidhīyate abhūtaparikalpasvabhāveṣu |,"""Thus there is the appearance of duality in unreal construction but there is not the reality of duality. Therefore, existence and nonexistence are attributed to forms and so on which in reality are the (relative processes of) unreal construction."" [Thurman 124]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta dvayā bhāsatā,,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,dvayā bhāsatā, parikalpa,61,2280955|61,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ye dharmā bhrāntilakṣaṇā vipakṣasvabhāvās te sadasanto māyopamāś ca | kiṃ kāraṇaṃ | santas tathā bhāvād abhūtaparikalpatvena | asantas tathā abhāvāt grāhyagrāhakatvena |,"""Things identifiable as error, having the nature of the resistances, both exist and do not exist, just like illusions. Why? They exist because they exist as such, as the (relative process of) unreal construction. They do not exist because they do not exist as such, as (the imagined reality of) subject and object."" [Thurman 126]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,sat bhāva abhūta,,,abhūta,sat,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,64,2280955|64,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi yathānāmārthaḥ khyāti yathārthaṃ vā nāma ity etad abhūtaparikalpālambanaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ etāvad dhi parikalpyate yad uta nāma vā artho veti |,"""When the object is perceived according to the name, or the name perceived according to the object, that is the object of unreal mental construction, which is the imaginatively constructed identity. Everything imaginatively constructed is indeed either name or referent."" [Thurman 132]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta ālambana,,,abhūta,ālambana,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,65,2280955|65,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,| vikalpo manovijñānaṃ | tatra prathamatrividhābhāso grāhyalakṣaṇaḥ | dvitīyo grāhakalakṣaṇaḥ | ity ayam abhūtaparikalpaḥ paratantrasya lakṣaṇaṃ |,"""""Conceptual construction"" is mental consciousness. The first threefold appearance has the nature of the object; the second has the nature of the subject. Thus this (process of) unreal mental construction (itself) is none other than the relative identity."" [Thurman 132]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta paratantra,,,abhūta,paratantra,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,94,2280955|94|14.32,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,traidhātukātmasaṃskārānabhūtaparikalpataḥ | jñānena suviśuddhena advayārthena paśyati ||,"""She sees the creations of the three realms as unreal imaginative constructions, with her well-purified nondualistic intuition."" [Thurman 182]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta paś,,,abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,paś, parikalpa,95,2280955|95|14.35,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,animittapadaṃ jñeyaṃ vikalpānāṃ ca saṃkṣayaḥ | abhūtaparikalpaś ca tadapraṇihitasya hi ||,"""The ground of signlessness should be recognized as the utter termination of conceptualization, and the ground of wishlessness as unreal mental construction (itself)."" [Thurman 183]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta tad apraṇihita,,,abhūta,,,,,apraṇihita,,NA,,,, parikalpa,149,2280955|149|18.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asadartho avikalpārthaḥ parikalpārtha eva ca | vikalpopaśamārthaś ca dhīmatāṃ tac catuṣṭayam ||,"""For the (bodhisattva) geniuses, those four (respectively) have thus the meanings of unreality, un(real) discrimination, imaginative construction, and the eradication of discriminative construction."" [Thurman 275]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,asad avikalpa artha vikalp upaśama,,,,artha,,,asad avikalpa upaśama,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,149,2280955|149|18.82,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nityaṃ nāsti tad anityaṃ teṣāṃ yat parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ | abhūtavikalpārtho duḥkhārtho yat paratantralakṣaṇaṃ | parikalpamātrārtho anātmārthaḥ | evaśabdenāvadhāraṇaṃ parikalpata ātmā nāsti parikalpamātraṃ tv astīti,"""The meaning of ""suffering"" is ""discriminative construction of the unreal,"" and such is the relative identity. The meaning of ""selfless"" is ""imagination-only."" The word ""thus"" in the verse is for emphasis. The constructed self does not exist, it is construction-only. Thus the meaning of ""selflessness"" is the nonexistence of the constructed identity."" [Thurman 276]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,parikalpita abhūta vikalpa mātr anātman,,,,anātman,,,vikalpa,,parikalpita,NA,,,, parikalpa,149,2280955|149|18.82,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yat paratantralakṣaṇaṃ | parikalpamātrārtho anātmārthaḥ | evaśabdenāvadhāraṇaṃ parikalpata ātmā nāsti parikalpamātraṃ tv astīti parikalpitalakṣaṇasyābhāvārtho anātmārtha ity uktaṃ bhavati |,"""The meaning of ""suffering"" is ""discriminative construction of the unreal,"" and such is the relative identity. The meaning of ""selfless"" is ""imagination-only."" The word ""thus"" in the verse is for emphasis. The constructed self does not exist, it is construction-only. Thus the meaning of ""selflessness"" is the nonexistence of the constructed identity."" [Thurman 276]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,ātman mātra as parikalpita abhāva,,as,mātra abhāva,,,,,ātman,parikalpita,NA,,,, parikalpa,174,2280955|174|19.77,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,atra punaś caturvidhabodhiviśeṣaṃ darśayati cittamanovijñānabodhataḥ | teṣāṃ cābhūtaparikalpatv^āvabodhataḥ |,"""This (verse) again teaches the special fourfold understanding: through the understanding of mind, mentality, and consciousness, and through the understanding of their unreal construction."" [Thurman 316]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,citta manas vijñāna abhūta avabodha,,,citta manas vijñāna abhūta,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,149,2280955|149|18.82,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtavikalpārtho duḥkhārtho yat paratantralakṣaṇaṃ | parikalpamātrārtho anātmārthaḥ | evaśabdenāvadhāraṇaṃ parikalpata ātmā nāsti parikalpamātraṃ tv astīti parikalpitalakṣaṇasyābhāvārtho anātmārtha ity uktaṃ bhavati |,"""The meaning of ""suffering"" is ""discriminative construction of the unreal,"" and such is the relative identity. The meaning of ""selfless"" is ""imagination-only."" The word ""thus"" in the verse is for emphasis. The constructed self does not exist, it is construction-only. Thus the meaning of ""selflessness"" is the nonexistence of the constructed identity."" [Thurman 276]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,abhūta vikalp ātman na as,,,na as,ātman,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,73,2280955|73,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tasmin sati gatiḥ sarveti | yadāha | sati bhagavaṃs tathāgatagarbhe saṃsāra iti parikalpam asya vacanāyeti |,"""The statement ‘Owing to its existence, there is all the Phenomenal Life’ means as follows: “Owing to the existence of the Matrix of the Tathāgata, there is Phenomenal Life, this, O Lord, is the proper saying on account of the Phenomenal Life”."" [Takasaki 292]",Order,Order@Morality,Suitability/appropriateness@Dueness/propriety,appropriate,appropriate,neu,other,iti vacana,,,,,,,,,,NA,,vacana,, parikalpa,12,2280955|12,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yatra cittamanovijñānāni na pravartante tatra na kaścit parikalpo yena parikalpenāyoniśomanasikuryāt |,"""O Mañjuśrī, in case there is neither origination nor extinction, mental actions as mind, intellect and consciousness never take place. Wherever no mental action takes place, there is no false imagination by which they would think irrationally."" [Takasaki 167]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,citta manas vijñāna na ayoniśas manasikar,,,na,manasikar,,,,,,NA,citta manas vijñāna,,, parikalpa,44,2280955|44,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,āgantukāḥ kleśāḥ | mūlaviśuddhā prakṛtiḥ | parikalpāḥ kleśāḥ | aparikalpā prakṛtiḥ |,"""Defilements are merely accidental, but the Innate Mind is of a pure root. Defilements are of wrong discrimination, but the Innate Mind is indiscriminative."" [Takasaki 239]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,āgantuka mūla viśuddha kleśa prakṛti,,,,kleśa,,,āgantuka,viśuddha prakṛti,,NA,,,, parikalpa,49,2280955|49,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,āgantukā ete kleśā abhūtaparikalpasamutthitāḥ |,"""Being accidental, these defilements are the production of unreal, wrong discrimination."" [Takasaki 249]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,āgantuka kleśa abhūta,,,abhūta,kleśa,,,āgantuka,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,1,2280955|1.25,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci sattvasaṃjña dukhasaṃjña upādayātī hariṣyāmi duḥkha jagatīṃ kariṣyāmi artham | so ātmasa(ttva) parikalpaku bodhisattvo na ca eṣa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā || ||,"""Thereby they practise wisdom, the highest perfection. But when the notion of suffering and beings leads him to think: ‘Suffering I shall remove, the weal of the world I shall work!’ Beings are then imagined, a self is imagined, - The practice of wisdom, the highest perfection, is lacking."" [Conze]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,philological,ātman sattva prajñavarapāramitā,,,,,ātman sattva,,,prajñavarapāramitā,,NA,,,, parikalpa,7,2280955|7.3,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci manyate ahu carāmi jināna prajñāṃ mociṣya sattvaniyutāṃ bahurogaspṛṣṭān | ayu sattvasaṃjñaparikalpaku bodhisattvo na ca eṣa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā ||,"""When he thinks, ‘I course in the wisdom of the Jinas, I will set free niyutas of beings touched by many ills’: This Bodhisattva is one who imagines the notion of beings, And this is not the practice of wisdom, the foremost perfection."" [Conze]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,philological,sattva saṃjña bodhisattva prajñavarapāramitā,,,,,sattva saṃjña,bodhisattva,,prajñavarapāramitā,,NA,,,, parikalpa,17,2280955|17 - 38,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,sa lobhacāpaṃ parikalpabāṇaṃ rāgaṃ mahāvairiṇam alpaśeṣam | kāyasvabhāvādhigatair bibheda yogāyudhāstrair aśubhāpṛṣatkaiḥ || ||,"""The small remains of the great foe, passion, whose bow is greed and arrows imaginations, he overwhelmed by the missiles of the weapon of Yoga, the arrows of meditation on impurity, which are acquired by considering the very nature of the body."" [Johnston 105]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,lobha rāga mahā vairiṇa,,,,vairiṇa rāga,,,lobha,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,13,2280955|13 - 49,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,nendriyaṃ viṣaye tāvat pravṛttam api sajjate | yāvan na manasas tatra parikalpaḥ pravartate ||,"""The senses, even though in activity, do not adhere to their objects, so long as imaginations about the latter are not conceived in the mind."" [Johnston 76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,,na manas pravart,,pravart,na manas,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,13,2280955|13 - 50,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,indhane sati vāyau ca yathā jvalati pāvakaḥ | viṣayāt parikalpāc ca kleś^āgnir jāyate tathā ||,"""As fire flames when wind and fuel are both present, so the fire of sin arises when the objects of the senses and imaginations about them are both present."" [Johnston 76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,viṣaya kleśa,,,,,,,viṣaya,,,NA,,,kleśa, parikalpa,13,2280955|13 - 51,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,abhūtaparikalpena viṣayasya hi badhyate | tam eva viṣayaṃ paśyan bhūtataḥ parimucyate ||,"""For a man is chained by the false conception of an object, while by seeing the same object as it really is he is liberated."" [Johnston 76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,abhūta viṣaya bandh paś bhūta,,,abhūta,viṣaya,,,,paś bhūta,,NA,,,, parikalpa,13,2280955|13 - 53,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,ato na viṣayo hetur bandhāya na vimuktaye | parikalpaviṣeṣeṇa saṃgo bhavati vā na vā ||,"""Hence an object of the senses is not of itself a determining cause either of bondage or of emancipation. Association with a special imagination may make it such or it may not."" [Johnston 76]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,viṣaya bandha vimukti saṃga,,,,saṃga,,,,viṣaya,,NA,,,, parikalpa,15,2280955|15 - 11,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,calān apariniṣpannān asārān anavasthitān | parikalpasukhān kāmān na tān smartum ihārhasi ||,"""Take heed not to fix your attention in this world on the passions, which are unstable, unreal, hollow and uncertain; the pleasure which they give is but a product of the imagination."" [Johnston 83]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,cala apariniṣpanna asāra anavasthita sukha kāma,,,,sukha kāma,,,cala apariniṣpanna asāra anavasthita,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,1,2280955|1v5,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iti hi śāntamate yāvantas trisāhasramahāsāhasrāyāṃ lokadhātau satvā ye ca gaṃgānadīvālikāsamāsu lokadhātuṣu satvās te sarvaparikalpam upādāya mānuṣyakam ātmabhāvaṃ pratilabheran |,"""Śāntamati, in this way, by grasping imaginary constructions, all sentient beings in the megatrichiliocosmos, as many as there are in universes as numerous as the grains of sand of the river Ganges, obtain a human birth."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu,other,satva/sattva sarva upādat,upādat,,sarva,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,8,2280955|8r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te khalu punaḥ kulaputra sarvasatvā apūrvvacaramaṃ mānuṣyakam ātmabhāvaṃ pratilabheran | parikalpam upādāya |,"""Let's imagine (parikalpam upādāya) that all the infinite beings obtain a human rebirth and be endowed with understanding and knowledge."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,Supposition,Supposition,neu,,sarva satva/sattva upādat,upādat,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,3,2280955|3.35,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,svapnamarīcisadṛśāḥ sarvadharmā vitathadarśanāḥ | dakacandrapratibimbasadṛśāḥ sarvadharmāś cittaparikalpen^otpadyante |,"""[...] all things are like dreams, hallucinations, and unreal visions; all things are like the reflection of the moon in water and like a mirror-image; they are born of mental construction."" [Thurman 31]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,svapna marīci vitatha darśana daka candra pratibimba sarva dharma citta utpad,,,citta,,,,,,,NA,svapna marīci darśana pratibimba,,dharma utpad, parikalpa,3,2280955|3.52,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] apracāro bodhiḥ sarvamanaskārāṇām paricchedo bodhiḥ sarvadṛṣṭigatānām vigamo bodhiḥ sarvaparikalpānām visaṃyogo bodhiḥ sarveñjitamanyasyanditānām [...],"""Enlightenment is free of the functioning of all intentional thoughts. Enlightenment is the annihilation of all convictions. Enlightenment is free from all discriminative constructions. Enlightenment is free from all vacillation, mentation, and agitation."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,sarva manaskāra sarva dṛṣṭigata vigama bodhi sarva sarv īñjita manya syandita,,,,vigama,,,manaskāra dṛṣṭigata īñjita manya syandita,bodhi,,NA,,,, parikalpa,4,2280955|4.11,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pūrvāntāsadviparyāsakarmasamutthānasamutthito ayaṃ vyādhir abhūtaparikalpakleśasamutthitaḥ | na punar atra kaścit paramārthato dharma upalabhyate yasyaiṣa vyādhiḥ |,"""Sickness arises from total involvement in the process of misunderstanding from beginningless time. It arises from the passions that result from unreal mental constructions, and hence ultimately nothing is perceived which can be said to be sick."" [Thurman 45]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,pūrvāntāsad viparyāsa karma samutthāna abhūta kleśa paramārtha,,,abhūta,kleśa,,,,paramārtha,,NA,viparyāsa karma,,, parikalpa,6,2280955|6.6,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āha icchālobhayoḥ kiṃ mūlam | āha icchālobhayor abhūtaparikalpo mūlam | āha abhūtaparikalpasya kiṃ mūlam | āha abhūtaparikalpasya viparyastā saṃjñā mūlam |,"""Mañjuśrī: What is the root of desire and attachment? Vimalakīrti: Unreal construction is the root of desire. Mañjuśrī: What is the root of unreal construction? Vimalakīrti: The false concept is its root."" [Thurman 58]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,icchā lobha abhūta,,,abhūta,icchā lobha,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,6,2280955|6.6,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āha icchālobhayor abhūtaparikalpo mūlam | āha abhūtaparikalpasya kiṃ mūlam | āha abhūtaparikalpasya viparyastā saṃjñā mūlam |,"""Mañjuśrī: What is the root of desire and attachment? Vimalakīrti: Unreal construction is the root of desire. Mañjuśrī: What is the root of unreal construction? Vimalakīrti: The false concept is its root."" [Thurman 58]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,,abhūta viparyasta saṃjñā,,,abhūta viparyasta saṃjñā,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpa,6,2280955|6|10,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitātmanā || 10 || yo bālair dharmāṇāṃ svabhāvo grāhyagrāhakādiḥ parikalpatas tena kalpitenātmanā teṣāṃ nairātmyaṃ na tv anabhilāpyenātmanā yo buddhānāṃ viṣaya iti |,"""Rather, it's in regard to a constructed self. It is selflessness in reference to a constructed self, i.e. all those things that constitute the ""own-being"" believed in by fools, that is the constructed with its ""objects apprehended"" and ""subjects apprehenders"", etc. and not in reference the ineffable Self, [...]"" [Anacker 166]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neg,other,bāla svabhāva kalpita,,,,,,bāla,,,kalpita,NA,,,svabhāva, parikalpana,58,2280955|58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatvaṃ parikalpitaḥ svabhāvo grāhyagrāhakalakṣaṇenātyantamasatvāt | bhrānteḥ saṃniśrayaḥ paratantras tena tatparikalpanāt | anabhilāpyam aprapañcātmakaṃ ca pariniṣpannaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""The reality which is always free from duality is the constructed reality, for it is absolutely nonexistent in terms of its subject-object nature. (The reality which is) the ground of error is the relative reality, since therein imagination constructs (subject-object duality)."" [Thurman 121]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,imagining,the process of mentally construing something,neu,,paratantra tat pariniṣpanna svabhāva,,,,,,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,NA,,,, parikalpana,108,2280955|108|16.36,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dauḥśīlyādyāsaktir veditavyā vipakṣasaktis tadvipakṣānuśayāsamudghātanāt | vikalpavikṣepaś ca yathāyogaṃ trimaṇḍalaparikalpanāt |,"""Attachment to resistances results from not overcoming their instinctual propensities. Discriminative distraction results from discriminatively discerning the three spheres (of actions) in various situations appropriate (to the other transcendences)."" [Thurman 205]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,imagining,the process of mentally construing something,neg,,vikalpa vikṣepa tri maṇḍala,,,tri maṇḍala,vikalpa vikṣepa,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpana,3,2280955|3.52,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punar maitreya yaiṣāṃ devaputrāṇāṃ bodhiparikalpanadṛṣṭis tām etām utsarjaya |,"""Maitreya, you should introduce these deities to the repudiation of all discriminative constructions concerning enlightenment."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,imagining,the process of mentally construing something,neu.neg,,maitreya bodhi dṛṣṭi utsṛj/utsarj,,,bodhi,dṛṣṭi,utsṛj/utsarj,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpanā,81,2280955|081.26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,paṅktivaccittānupūrvyavacca | astu vā vyañjanamātrasya dravyāntarabhāvaparikalpanā | tatsamūhā eva nāmakāyādayo bhaviṣyantītyapārthikā tatprajñaptiḥ |,"""[The Sautrāntikas answer that] word (nāman) is a sound (śabda) upon which persons have come to an agreement that it signifies a certain thing. A stanza (gāthā) is a certain arrangement of words: it is in this sense that it, according to the Blessed One, depends on words. To admit an entity in and of itself called pada, is a very superfluous hypothesis. You might as well maintain that there exists, distinct from ants and minds, things in and of themselves termed ""a row of ants"" or ""a succession of minds."" Recognize then that only the phonemes (akṣaras), which are sounds, exist in and of themselves."" [Poussin, Pruden 253]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,Supposition,Supposition,neu,vague,as dravy āntara bhāva,,as,,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpanā,77,2280955|077.15-077.16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kṣaṇikasya hi dharmasya vinā sthityā vyayo bhavet | na ca vyetyeva tenāsya vṛthā tatparikalpanā ||,"""Since the dharmas are momentary, would you say that the dharmas will perish [immediately] if duration is lacking? But [if the dharmas are momentary], they perish spontaneously: in vain you attribute duration to a momentary dharma"" [Poussin, Pruden 242-243]",Thought,Thought@Logical_reasoning,supposition,Supposition,Supposition,neg,,vṛthā tat,,,vṛthā,,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpanā,68,2280955|68r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nātmaśīlotkarṣaṇā | na paraduḥśīlapaṃsanā | na śīlamanyanā | na śīlakalpanā | na vikalpanā | na saṃkalpanā | na parikalpanā | iyam ucyate kāśyapa āryāṇāṃ śīla |,"""[...] neither commending one’s own virtue nor depreciating the virtue of others, neither conceit nor one’s fancying on account of one’s virtue, one’s being free from false discrimination and imaginary assumption - that, Kāśyapa, is called ‘the Noble Ones’ moral conduct’, [...]"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 174]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,śīla manyanā śīla kalpanā vikalpanā saṃkalpanā na śīla,,,na,,śīla,,manyanā kalpanā vikalpanā saṃkalpanā,,,NA,,,, parikalpanā,94,2280955|94|14.33,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sa traidhātukātmasaṃskārān abhūtaparikalpanāmātrān paśyati | suviśuddhena jñānena lokottaratvāt |,"""She sees the creations of the three realms as merely unreal imaginative constructions, through her completely purified transcendental intuition. ""Nondualistic"" means that it is not divided into subject and object."" [Thurman 182]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,,traidhātuk ātma saṃskāra abhūta mātra paś,paś,,abhūta mātra,saṃskāra,,,,,,NA,,,, parikalpanā,4,2280955|4.8,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āha aparikalpanāś ca śūnyatāyāḥ śūnyatāḥ | āha śakyā punaḥ śūnyatā parikalpayitum | āha yenāpi parikalpyeta tad api śūnyam |,"""Vimalakīrti: Constructions are empty, because of emptiness. Mañjuśrī: Can emptiness be conceptually constructed? "" [Thurman 43-44]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mental_construction,Mental_construction,neu.neg,philological,śūnyatā śūnyatā,,,śūnyatā,,,,,,,NA,,śūnyatā,, parikalpita,79,79,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃkhyāparimāṇapṛthaktvasaṃyogavibhāgaparatvāparatvasattādayo api tīrthakaraparikalpitā abhyupagantavyā ekadvimahadaṇupṛthaksaṃyuktaviyuktaparāparasadādibuddhisiddhyartham |,"""And again, in order to justify the ideas of one and two, large and small, separate, associated and disassociated, this and that, existant, etc., you would admit, in agreement with the Vaiśeṣikas, a long series of entities: number, extension, individuality, conjunction, disjunction, quality of being that, quality of being this, existence, etc."" [Poussin, Pruden 248]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,sat tīrthakara abhyupagantavya buddhi,,,tīrthakara abhyupagantavya,sat,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,93,93,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,devatā enaṃ pālayiṣyanti pālanīyaṃ cet maṃsyate | abhūtaṃ tu parikalpitaṃ syāt | kiṃ kāraṇam |,"""May the gods be charged with defending this doctrine, if they judge that it is possible! But to maintain the existence of unconditioned things in and of themselves is to affirm a non-existent thing to be real."" [Poussin, Pruden 284]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,abhūta as,,as,abhūta,,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,273,273,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra, yena nāmnā abhilapyate na tatra punastadapekṣā cakṣurityevaṃ buddhiḥ pravartate | nānyatra prakṛtyaivāśruto aparikalpitanāmakānām api tasmin vastuni cakṣur iti buddhiḥ pravartate |,"""[...] the awareness of [that which is called] an ""eye"" would no longer come into being in such a way that is dependent [upon the name ""eye""]; [instead,] the awareness of [that which is called] an 'eye' would simply occur naturally in relation to that substance, even without [one's] ever having heard or conceived of any names."" [Engle 643-644]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,prakṛti a śruta a nāmaka vastu buddhi,,,a,,nāmaka,,,prakṛti vastu buddhi,,,śruta,NA,, parikalpita,72,72,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na te ādhyātmena na bahirdhā nobhayam antareṇopalabhyante | nāpi te aparikalpitā utpadyante nirmitakāv avocatā | tenamāāyuṣmanto māsmān kalpayata māsmān vikalpayata yadāyuṣmanto na [...],"""“They do not occur within, or outside, or in between both,” the [five hundred monks] replied, “and, moreover, they will not occur [provided that] they are not vainly imagined.” “Therefore, venerable sirs,” the illusory [monks] said, “do not vainly imagine and do not falsely discriminate;"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 179]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu.neg,,na a utpad mā kalp vikalp,,utpad,na a,,,,,,kalp vikalp,,,NA,, parikalpita,72,2280955|72v|143,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāpi te aparikalpitā utpadyante nirmitakāv avocatā | tenamāāyuṣmanto māsmān kalpayata māsmān vikalpayata yadāyuṣmanto na [...],"""“They do not occur within, or outside, or in between both,” the [five hundred monks] replied, “and, moreover, they will not occur [provided that] they are not vainly imagined.” “Therefore, venerable sirs,” the illusory [monks] said, “do not vainly imagine and do not falsely discriminate;"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 179]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,Mentally constructed,Mentally constructed,neg,,sa a utpad kalp vikalp,,utpad,a,,,,,,kalp vikalp,NA,,,, parikalpita,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,trāsye api vikalpo antas tataś ca trāsyād bhaye api parikalpitarūpāditrasanāt duḥkhabhīrutayā [...],"""[...] a discrimination of fear that comes from assuming ˝something that is to be feared˝ is an extreme, because of the frightening aspect of suffering which comes from fear towards the aggregates of materiality, etc. when constructed into a frightening aspect due to suffering"" [Anacker 268-269]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,rūpā di,,,,,rūpā,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,19,19,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,arthaḥ parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ | abhūtaparikalpaḥ paratantraḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""˝Objects of sense and understanding˝ are constructed own-being. The construction of that which was not is interdependent own-being."" [Anacker 213]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,artha svabhāva abhūta,,,abhūta,artha svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,37,37,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra mūlatatvaṃ | svabhāvas trividhaḥ parikalpitaḥ paratantraḥ pariniṣpannaś ca |,"""What is here called ˝basic reality˝ is ˝the three-fold own-being˝, the constructed, the interdependent, and the fulfilled."" [Anacker 232]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,38,38,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ nityam asad ity etat parikalpitasvabhāve tatvam aviparītatvāt [...],"""The characteristic of the constructed is that it is always really non-existent, and thus there is reality in the constructed nature, because of its un-reversedness."" [Anacker 232]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,asat svabhāva,,,asat,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,38,38,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ nityam asad ity etat parikalpitasvabhāve tatvam aviparītatvāt [...],"""The characteristic of the constructed is that it is always really non-existent, and thus there is reality in the constructed nature, because of its un-reversedness."" [Anacker 232]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,38,38,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pudgaladharmayoḥ samāropāpavādadarśanaṃ yasya jñānān na pravartate | tat parikalpitasvabhāve tatvalakṣaṇaṃ |,"""The seeing of (false) superimposition and denial involved in assuming ˝personalities˝ or ˝events˝, through the knowledge of which it does not develop, is the characteristic of reality in the constructed own-being."" [Anacker 233]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,39,39,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ na kenacit prakāreṇāstīty abhāva evāsya śūnyatā [...],"""Since the characteristics of the constructed is that it is not truly existent in any form, non-being is its emptiness."" [Anacker 234]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,lakṣaṇa na as abhāva,,as,na abhāva,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,39,39,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parikalpitasya svabhāvasya lakṣaṇam eva nāstīty alakṣaṇam evāsya nairātmyaṃ [...],"""Since the characteristics of the constructed own-being themselves do not exist, its selflessness is that it has ˝no characteristic˝."" [Anacker 234]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,40,40,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vāsanāsamudayaḥ parikalpitasvabhāvābhiniveśavāsanā samutthānasamudayaḥ karmakleśāḥ |,"""There is the origination of suffering by means of the residual impressions that cause intentness on the constructed nature"" [Anacker 235]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva ābhiniveśa,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,41,41,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,mārgasatyaṃ samākhyātaṃ | parikalpitasya parijñāne paratantrasya parijñāne prahāṇe ca | pariniṣpannasya parijñāne prāptisākṣātkaraṇe ca evam atra,"""The arrangement of the truth of the Path in basic reality is to be known in full knowledge of the constructed (which leads to its dissolving as a major force), in the full knowledge of the interdependent and its abandonment [...]"" [Anacker 236]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,,,,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,42,42,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,lokaprasiddham ekasmāt parikalpitasvabhāvāt |,"""˝That which is accepted by the world at large is due to the one˝ the constructed own-being [...]"" [Anacker 237]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,43,43,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathāyogaṃ pañca vastūny ārabhya nimittavikalpayoḥ paratantreṇa saṃgrahaḥ nāmnaḥ parikalpitena |,"""Then there is the comprising done by naming, which occurs because of the constructed own-being""",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra,,,,,,,paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,43,43,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pravṛttitatvaṃ dvividhaṃ | mūlatatvaṃ veditavyaṃ | parikalpitaparatantralakṣaṇaṃ |,"""˝Development-reality is two-fold˝, and is to be known as basic reality with the characteristics of the constructed nd interdependent"" [Anacker 239]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra,,,,,,,paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,44,44,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,trividhaṃ rūpaṃ parikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""Inasmuch as the concept of the aggregate of materiality is a construction, it belongs to the constructed own-being"" [Anacker 240]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,68,68,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra svabhāvataḥ trayaḥ svabhāvāḥ | pariniṣpannaparikalpitaparatantrākhyā ādyais tribhiḥ padair yathākramaṃ |,"""""Through own-being"": through the three own-beings which are called the fulfilled, the constructed, and the interdependent: they relate to the first three Vajra-Words in order; [...]"" [Anacker 264]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva pariniṣpanna paratantra,,,,svabhāva,,,pariniṣpanna paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,\68,\68,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śiṣṭāni padāni tatredaṃ codyaṃ | yady ete parikalpitaparatantralakṣaṇā dharmā na saṃvidyante | katham upalabhyante |,"""To these remaining Vajra-Words, the objection may arise: ˝If these events which have the characteristics of the constructed and the interdependent are not to be found, how is it that they are apprehended? [...]"" [Anacker 265]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra,,,,,,,paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,23,23,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na tāvad ātmadṛṣṭir evātmalakṣaṇā | nāpi duḥsaṃsthitatā | tathā hi sā vilakṣaṇā ātmalakṣaṇāt parikalpitāt |,"""The self-notion itself does not have the nature of a (substantial) self, nor does the (selfish being's) deforming habit. Their nature differs from the (absolutist's) imaginatively constructed self."" [Thurman 50]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,ātma dṛṣṭi ātmalakṣaṇa,,,,ātmalakṣaṇa,,,,dṛṣṭi,,,,NA,, parikalpita,64,64,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,lakṣaṇaṃ samāsena trividhaṃ parikalpitādilakṣaṇaṃ | tatra parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ trividhaṃ yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyā nimittaṃ tasya jalpasya vāsanā tasmāc ca vāsanādyo arthaḥ khyāti […],"""""Identity"" is, in brief, threefold: the imagined identity and so on. The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization."" [Thurman 131]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu.neg,,lakṣaṇa nimitta vāsanā artha,,,nimitta vāsanā artha,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,66,66,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvividhaṃ nairātmyaṃ viditvā bhavatrayagataṃ bodhisatvaḥ samaṃ tac ca jñātvā dvividhinair ātmyaṃ parikalpitapudgal^ābhāvāt parikalpitadharm^ābhāvāt na tu sarvathaivābhāvataḥ | tatvaṃ praviśati vijñaptimātratāṃ grahaṇato grahaṇamātram […],"""Having recognized the two kinds of selflessness which are found in the three worlds, and having known this twofold selflessness as being equal, by virtue of the nonexistence of the constructed person and the constructed thing, but not by virtue of total nonexistence, the bodhisattva enters into reality, which is sheer information, ""through subjectivity,"" which means ""this is sheer subjectivity."""" [Thurman 135]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,pudgala abhāva dharma abhāva tatva,,,abhāva,dharma pudgala,,,,tatva,,,,NA,, parikalpita,22,22,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,advayārtho hi paramārthaḥ | tam advayārthaṃ pañcabhir ākāraiḥ saṃdarśayati | na satparikalpitaparatantralakṣaṇābhyāṃ na cāsatpariniṣpannalakṣaṇena | na tathā parikalpitaparatantrābhyāṃ pariniṣpannasyaikatvābhāvāt |,"""""Ultimate"" has the meaning of ""nondual."" This nondual meaning is illustrated in five ways. It is not existent from the point of view of the imagined and relative identities. It is not nonexistent from the point of view of the perfect identity. It is not such, for there is no oneness of the perfect with regard to the constructed and the relative."" [Thurman 49]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,sat paratantra lakṣaṇa,,,,sat lakṣaṇa,,,paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,22,22,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na satparikalpitaparatantralakṣaṇābhyāṃ na cāsatpariniṣpannalakṣaṇena | na tathā parikalpitaparatantrābhyāṃ pariniṣpannasya^ikatvābhāvāt |,"""It is not existent from the point of view of the imagined and relative identities. It is not nonexistent from the point of view of the perfect identity. It is not such, for there is no oneness of the perfect with regard to the constructed and the relative."" [Thurman 49]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,paratantra pariniṣpanna,,,,pariniṣpanna,,,paratantra,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,58,58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,satataṃ dvayena rahitaṃ tatvaṃ parikalpitaḥ svabhāvo grāhyagrāhakalakṣaṇenātyantam asatvāt | bhrānteḥ saṃniśrayaḥ paratantras tena tatparikalpanāt |,"""The reality which is always free from duality is the constructed reality, for it is absolutely nonexistent in terms of its subject-object nature. (The reality which is) the ground of error is the relative reality, since therein imagination constructs (subject-object duality)."" [Thurman 121]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,tatva svabhāva asatva,,,asatva,svabhāva tatva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,84,84,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvayamithyātvasamyaktvaṃ vivarjyaṃ trayaṃ | abhāve ca śūnyatāsamādhiḥ parikalpitasya svabhāvasya | bhāve cāpraṇihitānimittau paratantraniṣpannayoḥ svabhāvayoḥ | etat samādhitrayaṃ laukikaṃ na […],"""Concerning the falseness and authenticity in the duality (of being and nothingness), there are three abandonments: the concentration on voidness, focused on the nonexistence of the constructed reality, and the wishless and signless (concentrations), focused on the existence of the relative and perfect realities."" [Thurman 165-166]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,svabhāva,,,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,169,169,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra purataḥ sthāpitaṃ nimittaṃ yac chrutacintābhāvanāprayogen^ālambanīkṛtaṃ parikalpitaṃ | sthitaṃ svayam eva yat prakṛtiyālambanībhūtam ayatnaparikalpitaṃ | tasya vibhāvanādhigamo nālambanībhāvaḥ |,"""The causal process ""placed in front"" is the imaginatively constructed reality which is taken as an object in the practice of study, reflection, and meditation. The causal process which ""stands on its own"" is that which is perceived naturally; it is not expressly imaginatively constructed. Their destruction is freedom, the nature of which is nonperception. Its art is nonconceptuality, the remedy for (such) causal processes."" [Thurman 307]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu.neg,,nimitta chruta cintā bhāvanā ālambanīkṛta,nimitta,,,ālambanīkṛta,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,169,169,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yac chrutacintābhāvanāprayogenālambanīkṛtaṃ parikalpitaṃ | sthitaṃ svayam eva yat prakṛtiy^ālambanībhūtam ayatnaparikalpitaṃ | tasya vibhāvanādhigamo nālambanībhāvaḥ | akalpanā tadupāyo nimittapratipakṣaḥ |,"""The causal process ""placed in front"" is the imaginatively constructed reality which is taken as an object in the practice of study, reflection, and meditation. The causal process which ""stands on its own"" is that which is perceived naturally; it is not expressly imaginatively constructed. Their destruction is freedom, the nature of which is nonperception. Its art is nonconceptuality, the remedy for (such) causal processes."" [Thurman 307]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu.neg,,prakṛti ālambanībhūta ayatna a kalpanā nimitta,,,ayatna,ālambanībhūta,nimitta,,,prakṛti,,kalpanā,,NA,, parikalpita,59,59,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,avidyā katamā | karmaphalasatyaratneṣv ajñānam | sā punaḥ sahajā parikalpitā ca |,"""And what is ignorance? It is lack of knowledge regarding action, results of action, the Truthts, and the Gems, and also the mentally constructed that rises together with it."" [Anacker 68]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neg,,avidyā ajñāna,,,,avidyā ajñāna,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,10,10,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vicikitsā katamā | satyādiṣu yā vimatiḥ | kleśānāṃ tisro dṛṣṭayaḥ paścimā vīcikitsā ca parikalpitāḥ |,"""And what is doubt? It is any two-mindedness as regards the Truths, etc. The latter three of those afflicted views mentioned above, and doubt, are the basic mentally constructed."" [Anacker 69]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neg,,vimati kleśa dṛṣṭi vīcikitsā/vicikitsā,,,,dṛṣṭi vīcikitsā/vicikitsā vimati,,,,,,,,NA,, parikalpita,49,49,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,naiteṣāṃ kiṃcidbhūtapratiṣṭhānam | abhūtaparikalpita ete kleśāḥ | te yathābhūtayoniśomanasikāranirīkṣitā na kupyanti |,"""They have no real foundation at all. These defilements are [produced] by incorrect discrimination. These defilements, when they are inspected by the real and correct perception, cannot be excited by any means."" [Takasaki 249]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neg,,bhūta pratiṣṭhāna abhūta kleśa yathābhūta yoniśas manasikāra,,,abhūta,,kleśa,,,pratiṣṭhāna yathābhūta yoniśas manasikāra,,,,NA,, parikalpita,20,20,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yena yena vikalpena yadyad vastu vikalpyate | parikalpita evāsau svabhāvo na sa vidyate ||,"""Whatever range of events is discriminated by whatever discrimination is just the constructed own-being, and it isn't really to be found."" [Anacker 188]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,One of the three svabhāvas,neu,,vikalpa svabhāva na vid/ved,,vid/ved,na,svabhāva,,,,,,,vikalpa,NA,, parikalpita,6,6,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,evaṃ vijñaptimātrasyāpi vijñaptyantaraparikalpitenātmanā nairātmyapraveśāt vijñaptimātravyavasthāpanayā sarvadharmāṇāṃ nairātmyapraveśo bhavati [...],"""In the same way, one penetrates the selflessness of perception-only itself in reference to a ""self"" constructed by another perception, and through this determination of perception-only there is entry into the selflessness of all events [...]"" [Anacker 166-167]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,conceived/imagined,conceived/mentally constructed,neu,,vijñapti antara ātman nairātmya,,,,,ātman,vijñapti,,,,,,NA,nairātmya, parikalpita,6,2280955|6|10,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpitātmanā || 10 || yo bālair dharmāṇāṃ svabhāvo grāhyagrāhakādiḥ parikalpatas tena kalpitenātmanā teṣāṃ nairātmyaṃ na tv,"""[...] in regard to a constructed self. It is selflessness in reference to a constructed self, i.e. all those things that constitute the ""own-being"" believed in by fools, that is the constructed with its ""objects apprehended"" and ""subjects apprehenders"", etc. [...]"" [Anacker 166]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Philosophy@ontology,conceived/imagined,one of the three svabhāvas,neg,,bāla svabhāva grāhya grāhak,,,,,svabhāva,bāla,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,336,336|17-336|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kasmātpunariyamīdṛśī vṛttiridaṃ ca karma prajñaptam |,"""Why did the Blessed One establish such a regimen and such an activity?""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,karma,,,,,karma,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,129,129,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha rājñā ajitasenena āsanāni prajñaptāni |,"""Then King Ajitasena had seats arranged [and offered a Lion-throne to the Blessed One].""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,ajitasena āsana,,,,,āsana,ajitasena,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,80,80,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,yāvad rājā mahatā śrīsamudayena sthaviropaguptaṃ rājakule praveśayitvā sarvāṅgeṇānuparigṛhya prajñapta ev^āsane niṣādayāmāsa |,"""Then the king led Upagupta into the palace, with great pomp and ceremony, and clasping him in his arms, he had him sit down on the seat expressly provided for him.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,āsana,,,,āsana,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,55,55,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pravibhāgato yaḥ prajñapte śikṣāpade tad uddeśasya vibhāgaḥ |,"""[3] with regard to interpretation, that is, a regulation having been stated, there is a (detailed) analysis of what has been stated in brief;""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,śikṣāpada,,,,śikṣāpada,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,144,144,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra ca madhye āsanaṃ prajñaptaṃ saptaratnamayaṃ saptapauruṣamuccatvena aśītidūṣyakoṭibhiḥ [...] yatra puṇyaraśmī rājakumāro niṣetsyata iti |,"""And among them a seat made of the seven precious substances was set up to the height of seven men, spread with eighty million pieces of calico, where the Prince Puṇyaraśmi will sit.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,āsana nisad,,,,āsana,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,144,144,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra ca madhye āsanaṃ [...] saptaratnamayaṃ saptapauruṣamuccatvena aśītidūṣyakoṭibhiḥ prajñaptam yatra puṇyaraśmī rājakumāro niṣetsyata iti |,"""And among them a seat made of the seven precious substances was set up to the height of seven men, spread with eighty million pieces of calico, where the Prince Puṇyaraśmi will sit.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,aśīti dūṣya koṭi,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,17,17,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tatra kenārthena kimadhikṛtya bhagavatā śaraṇatrayaṃ prajñaptam || śāstṛśāsanaśiṣyārthairadhikṛtya triyānikān |,"""Now, for what purpose and for the sake of whom did the Lord teach the Refuges? In order to show [the virtues of] The Teacher, the Teaching and Disciples, With reference to those who belong to Vehicles....""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,bhagavat śaraṇa traya,,,,,traya,bhagavat,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,18,18,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,dharmaḥ śaraṇam agryatvād virāgāṇām iti śāstuḥ śāsanaguṇodbhāvanārthena svayaṃ pratītya gambhīradharmānubodhāyopagatān pratyekabuddhayānikān pudgalān dharme ca paramakārakriyādhimuktān adhikṛtya deśitaṃ prajñaptam |,"""The teaching: 'the Doctrine is a Refuge because it is the highest of what are devoid of passions'; it was established, in order to show the virtue of the Teaching of the Teacher, for the sake of those people who approach the enlightenment of profound Doctrine of the dependent origination by [depending on] themselves, i.e. who belong to the Vehicle of the Pratyekabuddha and those who are devotees to the highest religious observance of the Doctrine.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,iti śāsana deśita,,,,,,,,,deśita,NA,,,, prajñapta,118,118,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyutthāya ca sa bhagavān mahābhijñājñānābhibhūstathāgato yena taddharmāsanaṃ tenopasaṃkrāmat | upasaṃkramya prajñapta evāsane nyaṣīdat |,"""…the Tathagata, &c., rose from his meditation, in possession of memory and consciousness, whereafter he went up to the seat of the law, designed for him, in order to occupy it.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,āsana,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,151,151,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ekaikasmiṃśca ratnavṛkṣamūle siṃhāsanaṃ prajñaptam abhūt pañcayojanaśatāny uccaistvena mahāratnapratimaṇḍitam |,"""At the foot of each jewel tree stood prepared a throne, five yojanas in height, and adorned with magnificent jewels.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,siṃha āsana,,,,āsana,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,242,242,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,puṣpadhvajāni ima kṛta dakṣiṇenā vāmena anye surucira darśanīyāḥ | prajñapta mārgaḥ sphuṭa kṛta cīvarebhi uttiṣṭha bhikṣo pratibhaṇa dharma śreṣṭham || SRS_35.46,"""translation not available""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,neu,,mārga,,,,mārga,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,103,103,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,utthāyāsanāt prākrāmat | yena ca gṛdhrakūṭaparvatarājastenaiva upasamakrāmat | upasaṃkramya ca prajñapta evāsane nyaṣīdat |,"""translation not available""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,āsana,,,,āsana,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,10,10.2-12.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,āpannasattvāñ caināṃ viditvā upariprāsādatalagatām ayantritāṃ dhārayati | śīte śītopakaraṇai uṣṇe uṣṇopakaraṇair vaidyaprajñaptair āhārair nātitiktair nātyamlair nātilavaṇair nātimadhurair nātikaṭukair nātikaṣāyais,"""[6] Knowing her to be pregnant he maintained her, unconstrained, in the upper terrace of the palace; with remedies against the cold in the cold season and remedies against the heat in the hot season, and with foods prescribed by physicians,....""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,vaidya āhāra,,,,vaidya āhāra,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,149,149.1-150.4,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,teṣām api pañcānām arhacchatānām arthe divyāny āsanāni prajñaptāni |,""" Divine seats were also prepared for those five hundred Arhats.""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,āsana,,,,āsana,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,15,15r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pragr̥hītāni sarvaratnapratyuptāni ratnavedikāprahītāni ratnajālasaṃsthannāni kiṃkiṇījālāvanaddhāni | muktāhārapralaṃbitāni anekadūṣyaśatasahasraprajñaptāni | tatra kulaputra bodhisatvena sarveṣu teṣu siṃh^āsaneṣu niṣaṇṇaḥ || atmā upadarśito bhūt | na ca te devaputrā anyonyaṃ paśyanti sma | na tu,"""translation not available""",Creation,Communication@Action/operation,Indication@Preparation,designated/allocated/prepared,designated/allocated/prepared,pos,,aneka dūṣya śatasahasra siṃha āsane,,,dūṣya,āsane,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapta,113,11a3,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yat khalu punaḥ subhūte syād evaṃ bodhisatvayānasaṃprasthitaiḥ kasyacid dharmasya vināśaḥ prajñapta ucchedo vā na khalu punaḥ subhūte evaṃ draṣṭavyaṃ |,"""Moreover, Subhūti, if it should be thought that those who have set out on the bodhisattva path assert the destruction of any dharma or its annihilation, then once again, Subhūti, this is not the way one should see things.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,vināśa uccheda,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,293,293|05-293|07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ābhidharmikā āhuḥ | tathāgato bhagavānarhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ svākhyāto asya dharmaḥ supratipannaḥ śrāvakasaṃghaḥ rūpamanityaṃ yāvad vijñāna duḥkhaprajñaptiryāvanmārga[...]ekāṃśena vyākarttavyamarthopasaṃhitatvāt |,"""The Abhidharmikas say: 1. A categorical response: If someone asks, 'Is the Blessed One the Arhat Samyaksambuddha? Is the Dharma that he speaks well spoken? Is the Samgha of the Sravakas well instructed? Is physical matter (rūpa) impermanent? . . . Is consciousness (vijñāna) impermanent? Can Suffering be known .. . Can the Path be known?,' then to these questions one should answer in a categorical manner, by reason of the superior benefit (of such an answer).""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,disputed,vijñāna duḥkha mārga vyākṛ,vyākṛ,,duḥkha,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,81,081|26-081|27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatsamūhā eva nāmakāy^ādayo bhaviṣyantītyapārthikā tatprajñaptiḥ |,"""The statement that a mere collection of those [letters] constitutes the entirety iof words and verbal expressions is meaningless.”",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,neu.neg,,nāma kāya iti apārthika sa,,,apārthika,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,86,086|16-086|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,idaṃ tarhi prajñaptibhāṣyaṃ kathaṃ nīyate sarvadharmāścatuṣke niyatā hetauphale āśraye ālambane niyatā iti | heturatra saṃprayuktakahetuḥ sahabhūhetuśca |,"""4. If a future dharma is not sabhāgahetu, how do you explain the following gloss of the Prajñapti?""",Language,Language@Communication,Matter_of_book,explanation,title of treatise,neu,,,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,216,216|07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kathaṃ tāvadeṣāmupāsakasaṃvarādīnāmaṅgapratiniyamo bhavati | śāstṛprajñaptivaśāt |,"""Answer: How can we know the extent, the number of the rules of the disciplines of the Upasaka, the Sramanera, or the Bhiksu? Evidently through the teaching of the Master.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,upāsaka saṃvara aṅga śāstṛ vaśa,,,śāstṛ,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,216,216|08-216|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vināpi hi saṃvareṇopāsakaḥ prajñaptito na tu bhikṣuśrāmaṇerāviti te tvetannecchanti kāśmīrāḥ |,"""Now the Master speaks of the Upasaka not possessing the discipline in its entirety; but he does not speak of an incomplete discipline of the Bhiksus or of the Sramaneras. The Vaibhasikas of Kashmir do not admit this opinion.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,saṃvara upāsaka bhikṣu,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,219,219|01-219|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,utsargavihitasyāpi glāneṣu prajñaptisāvadyasya punarmadyasyāpavādaḥ prasaṅgaparihārārthaṃ madanīyamātrānīyamanāt | ata eva kuśāgrapānapratiṣedhaḥ,"""iii. The Abhidharmikas answer: 1. In general, the transgression of disobedience is permitted to the ill, as the answer to Upali proves. But strong liquor is an exception: though solely a transgression of disobedience, it is forbidden to the ill, and this with a view to preventing the unpleasant consequence of strong liquor, because its inebriating quantity is undetermined. Therefore the prohibition of even as little as a drop on a blade of grass.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,utsarga sāvadya,,,,sāvadya,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,419,419|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prajñaptau tu pratisaṃvidāmeva nirdeśaḥ |,"""According to the Prajñaptipāda, the Unhindered Knowledges are in the following order: [...].""",Language,Language@Communication,Matter_of_book,explanation,title of treatise,pos,,pratisaṃvidā nirdeśa,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,140,140|16-140|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ātmano hyasattvādātmavādopādānamityucyate | prajñaptimātrakasyopādānāt | [...],"""translation not available""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,ātman vāda upādāna vac/uc mātraka upādāna,,,mātraka,,,,,,,NA,vāda,,, prajñapti,140,140|17-140|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yathoktam ātmā ātmeti bhikṣavo bālo aśrutavān pṛthagjanaḥ prajñaptimanupatito natvatr^ātmā vā ātmīyaṃ vā iti |,"""It is said in fact, 'The fool, the ignorant, the Pṛthagjana, conforming to the manners of vulgar speech, thinks 'me,' or 'mine;' but there is not any 'me' or 'mine.'""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,iti anupatita na,anupatita,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,462,462|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na hi tattasya kāraṇaṃ nāpi tat prajñapteḥ | agnireva hi tat[...] kāraṇam |,"""For [if the analyses are correct, it is true not only that] fuel will not be a cause of fire, [but] also [that] it will not even be a cause of the conception of fire, since fire itself will be the cause of the conception [of fire].""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu,,kāraṇa tat,,,,kāraṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,462,462|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na hi tattasya kāraṇaṃ nāpi tat [...] | agnireva hi tatprajñapteḥ kāraṇam |,"""For [if the analyses are correct, it is true not only that] fuel will not be a cause of fire, [but] also [that] it will not even be a cause of the conception of fire, since fire itself will be the cause of the conception [of fire].”",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu,,agni sa,,,sa,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,463,463|05-463|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pudgalasyānupalambhāt | atha pudgalaṃ kathamasya skandhānupādāya prajñaptirbhavati | pudgala eva hi tasyā upādānaṃ prāpnoti | atha mataṃ satsu skandheṣu pudgala upalabhyate tataḥ skandhānupādāyāsya [...]ucyata iti |,"""But if he is conceived after he himself is perceived, then how can a person be conceived in reliance upon aggregates, since then the person himself is the basis upon which he is conceived?""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu,,a upalambha sa skandha bhū,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,463,463|06-463|07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atha mataṃ satsu skandheṣu pudgala upalabhyate tataḥ skandhānupādāyāsya prajñaptirucyata iti | tadevaṃ rūpasyāpi cakṣurmanaskārālokeṣu satsūpalambhāt tānupādāya [...]vaktavyā |,"""[They say that] a person is conceived in reliance upon aggregates because a person is perceived when aggregates are present. [But] in that case, since [if a person is conceived in reliance upon aggregates because a person is perceived when aggregates are present, and] a visible form is perceived when the eye, attentiveness, and light are present, they would have to say that a visible form is conceived in reliance upon them [rather than because of the visible form that is perceived]; and just as a visible form [is other than the eye, attentiveness, and light present when a visible form is perceived], clearly a person would be other [than aggregates present when a person is perceived].""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu,,upalabh sa vac,vac,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,463,463|07-463|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tadevaṃ rūpasyāpi cakṣurmanaskārālokeṣu satsūpalambhāt tānupādāya prajñaptirvaktavyā | rūpavacca pudgalasyānyatvaṃ spaṣṭam | idaṃ tāvadvaktavyam | ṣaṇṇāṃ vijñānānāṃ katamena pudgalo vijñeyaḥ |,"""[But] in that case, since [if a person is conceived in reliance upon aggregates because a person is perceived when aggregates are present, and] a visible form is perceived when the eye, attentiveness, and light are present, they would have to say that a visible form is conceived in reliance upon them [rather than because of the visible form that is perceived]; and just as a visible form [is other than the eye, attentiveness, and light present when a visible form is perceived], clearly a person would be other [than aggregates present when a person is perceived].They must state by which of the six consciousnesses a person is known to exist.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu,,cakṣus manaskāra āloka upalambha vac,vac,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,465,465|22-465|25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,bimbisārasūtre coktam ātmā ātmeti bhikṣavo bālo aśrutavān pṛthagjanaḥ prajñaptimanupatito na tvātrā tmā vā ātmīyaṃ vā,"""In the Bimbisāra Sūtra, the Bhagavān said, 'Bhikṣus, common people, [who are] ignorant [of the teachings] and without wisdom, hold on to the conception of a self, [and suppose that the aggregates belong to this self]'.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,iti anupatita,anupatita,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,461,461|03-461|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nahi te skandhasaṃtāna evātmaprajñaptiṃ vyavasyanti | kiṃ tarhi | dravyāntaramevātmānaṃ parikalpayanti ātmagrāhaprabhavāśca sarvakleśā iti |,"""The word as other doctrines conceive it is not a metaphoric expression for a series of skandhas.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,na skandha saṃtāna ātman vyavasā dravya antara,vyavasā,,ātman,,,,,dravya,,NA,,saṃtāna,, prajñapti,14,014|04-014|05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vibhāṣāyāṃ tūcyate yadyābhidharmikaḥ skandhaprajñaptimapekṣate | sa āha paramāṇurekasya dhātorekasyāyatanasyaikasya skandhasya pradeśaḥ | atha nāpekṣate | sa āha | paramāṇurekodhāturekamāyatanamekaḥskandhaiti|,"""5. On the other hand, the Vibhāṣa (TD 27, p. 384al8) expresses itself thus: 'When the Abhidharmikas take into consideration the fact that the term skandha is only the denomination of a heap, they say that an atom is part of a dhātu, an āyatana, and a skandha; when they do not take this fact into consideration, they say that an atom is a dhātu, an āyatana, a skandha.'",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,skandha apekṣ,apekṣ,,skandha,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,465,465|21-465|22,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,teṣām api caivaṃ paśyato yāvatā bhikṣo cakṣur yāvatā rūpāṇi vistareṇa etāvatā tathāgataḥ sarvaṃ ca prajñāpayati sarvaprajñaptiṃ ce ti |,"""This view, in fact, is expressed in sūtras accepted by the Pudgalavādins, where it is said, 'Bhikṣus, the Tathāgata teaches that all things exist to the extent that an eye, visible forms, [and so on] exist.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,pos,,dṛś/paś prajñā sarva,prajñā,,sarva,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,79,079|28,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tasmāt prajñaptimātramevaitadabhūtvābhāvajñāpanārthaṃ kriyate jātamiti |,"""When I want to teach someone that a certain dharma exists which formerly did not exist, I say to him, 'This dharma has arisen,' and I designate this dharma as being born.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,mātra bhāva jñāpana kṛ jāta iti,kṛ,,mātra,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,195,195|08-195|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na ca saṃsthānaṃ paramāṇau vidyate dīrghādi | tasmādbahuṣveva tathā saṃniviṣṭeṣu dīrghādiprajñaptiḥ | atha mattaṃ saṃsthānaparamāṇava eva tathā saṃniviṣṭā dīrghādisaṃjñāṃ labhanta iti |,"""There is no atom of length. [...] . Therefore what we designate as long is a number of real things,—atoms of color,—arranged in a certain manner.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,saṃniviṣṭa dīrgha ādi saṃsthāna dīrgha ādi saṃjñā,,,dīrgha,,,,,,,NA,saṃjñā,saṃniviṣṭa,, prajñapti,461,461|22-461|23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tadidamandhavacanamanunmīlitārthaṃ na budhyāmahe | kimidamupādāyeti | yadyayamarthaḥ skandhānāṃ lakṣyate teṣveva pudgalaprajñaptiḥ prāpnoti | yathā rūpādīnālambya teṣveva kṣīra[...] |,"""If we are to understand this obscure statement [of why a person is neither substantially real nor real by way of a conception], its meaning must be disclosed. What is meant by [saying that a person is conceived] 'in reliance upon [aggregates]'? If it means [that a person is conceived] 'on the condition that aggregates have been perceived,' then the conception [of a person] refers only to them, [not to an independently existent person,] just as when visible forms and other such things [that comprise milk] have been perceived, the conception of milk refers only to them, [not to an independently existent milk]. [BGH: If..., then the designation of those (ie, skandhas) as the pudgala obtains.]""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu.neg,,andha an unmīlita artha sa pudgala prāp rūpā kṣīra,,prāp,pudgala,,,,,,,NA,,sa,, prajñapti,463,463|04-463|05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadā ca pudgalaḥ prajñapyate kiṃ tāvatskandhānupalabhya prajñapyate āhosvit pudgalam | yadi tāvat skandhāṃsteṣveva pudgalaprajñaptiḥ prāpnoti |,"""When conceived, is a person conceived after aggregates are perceived or after a person is perceived? If he is conceived after aggregates are perceived, [a person is not conceived after a person is perceived, and] the conception of a person refers only to them, since a person is not perceived.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,prajñā/prajñapayati sa pudgala prāp,,prāp,pudgala,,,,,,,NA,,sa,, prajñapti,470,470|15-470|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prajñaptimātraṃ skandhesu jīva ityapināvadat | abhavyaḥ śūnyatāṃ boddhuṃ tadānīṃ tādṛśo janaḥ ||,"""Nor did he teach anyone incapable of understanding emptiness that an individual is a mere conception for the aggregates.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,mātra skandha iti na vad,,,mātra,,,,,,,NA,,skandha,, prajñapti,67,067|18-067|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,punaḥskandhāyatanadhātutaḥ yadi sattvasabhāgatā dravyamaviśiṣtaṃ na syāt anyonyaviśeṣabhinneṣu sattveṣu sattvasattva ityabhedena buddhirna syāt prajñaptiśca |,"""5. In the absence of a separate entity, namely sabhāgatā, how does one explain general ideas (buddhi) and expressions (prajñapti), such as 'living beings,' etc., applied to some beings that differ one from another?""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,skandha āyatana dhātu sattva dravya anyonya viśeṣa sattva sattva iti buddhi na as,,,,,,,buddhi,,,NA,,sattva,, prajñapti,67,067|20-067|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃ skandh^ādibuddhiprajñaptayo api yojyāḥ |,"""In this same way, it is solely by reason of dharmasabhāgatā that the ideas and expressions, 'skandha' 'dhātus' etc., are justified.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,skandha ādi buddhi,,,skandha,,,,buddhi,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,196,196|05-196|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,| avijñaptiḥ pūrvamevoktā | sā api dravyato nāstīti sautrāntikāḥ | abhyupetyākaraṇamātratvāt | atītānyapi mahābhūtānyupādāya prajñaptesteṣāṃ cāvidyamānasvabhāvatvādrūpalakṣaṇābhāvācca |,"""Avijñapti has already been defined ( i l l ; above n. 5). The Sautrāntikas say that the avijñapti does not really exist as a substance: (1) because it solely consists of not doing an action after having undertaken not to do it; (2) because one designates a thing which would exist by reason of past primary elements (i.11) as avijñapti.”",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,dravya rūpa lakṣaṇa,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,14,014|02-014|03,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rūpīnyapi tarhyāyatanāni prajñaptisanti prāpnuvanti | bahunāṃ cakṣurādiparamāṇūnāmāyadvārabhāvāt |,"""[The Sautrāntikas:] If this is the case, then the material āyatanas,—the organs and objects of the five sense consciousnesses,— have only a nominal existence, for the quality of being a 'gate of arising of the mind or mental states' does not belong to atoms taken one by one, which are solely real, but to collections of atoms which constitute an organ of sight, a visible object, etc.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,āyatana sat prāp,,,,sat,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,14,014|02-014|03,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rūpīnyapi tarhyāyatanāni prajñaptisanti prāpnuvanti | bahunāṃ cakṣurādiparamāṇūnāmāyadvārabhāvāt |,"""[The Sautrāntikas:] If this is the case, then the material āyatanas,—the organs and objects of the five sense consciousnesses,— have only a nominal existence, for the quality of being a 'gate of arising of the mind or mental states' does not belong to atoms taken one by one, which are solely real, but to collections of atoms which constitute an organ of sight, a visible object, etc.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,āyatana sat prāp,,,,sat,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,461,461|14-461|15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi vātsīputriyāḥ pudgalaṃ santimicchanti | vicāryaṃ tāvadetat | kiṃ te dravyata icchantyāhosvit prajñaptitaḥ |,"""The Pudgalavādins, [who profess to be followers of the buddha’s teachings,] assert that a person exists. [To determine whether or not their assertion conforms to the buddha’s teachings,] we must first consider whether in their view a person is substantially real or is real by way of a conception.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,iṣ dravya,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,461,461|15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kiṃ cedaṃ dravyata iti kiṃ vā prajñaptitaḥ | rūpādivat bhāvāntaraṃ cet dravyataḥ | kṣīrādivat samudāyaścet [...] |,“Does the pudgala exists as a real entity or as a nominal construct?”,Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,sa dravya ādi bhāva kṣīra ādi,,,,,,,,dravya,,NA,,,, prajñapti,461,461|16-461|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rūpādivat bhāvāntaraṃ cet dravyataḥ | kṣīrādivat samudāyaścet prajñaptitaḥ |,"""If a person is a distinct entity like visible form and other such things, he is substantially real; but if [by analysis] he is [shown to be] a collection [of substances], like milk and other such things, he is real by way of a conception.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,rūpa ādi bhāva antara dravya kṣīra ādi,,,,,,,,dravya,,NA,,,, prajñapti,461,461|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atastīrthikadṛṣṭiprasaṅgo niṣprayojanatvaṃ ca | atha prajñaptitaḥ | vayamapyevaṃ brūmaḥ | naiva hi dravyato asti nāpi [...] |,"""But if he is [other than aggregates and is] causally unconditioned, the false theory [of persons] espoused by the Tīrthikas is held and a person does not function [as a person. So since the Pudgalavādins cannot say that a person is other than aggregates, they cannot say that he is substantially real]. If he is real by way of a conception, [he is his aggregates, and] this is the theory [of persons found in the buddha’s sūtras and is] held by us. [But the Pudgalavādins assert that] a person is not substantially real or real by way of a conception, [...].""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,tīrthika dṛṣṭi dravya,,,,,,,,dravya,,NA,,,, prajñapti,64,064|10-064|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evamayaṃ samanvāgamaḥ sarvathā prajñaptidharmo na tu dravyadharmaḥ |,"""[Sautrānikas: the dharma] possession appears to us, not as an entity, a thing in and of itself, but as a 'dharma of designation'.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,dharma dravya,,,,dharma,,,,dravya,,NA,,,, prajñapti,89,89,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yadā na bhavati saṃjñā samajñā prajñaptir vyavahāraḥ tadā prajñāpāramitetyucyate ||,"""Where there is no perception, appellation, conception or conventional expression, there one speaks of ‘perfection of wisdom."" [Conze]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,na bhū saṃjñā samajñā vyavahāra prajñāpāramitā,,bhū,,,,,saṃjñā samajñā vyavahāra,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,21,21,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,atha khalu śakrasya devānāmindrasyaitadabhūt gambhīraprajño batāyamāryaḥ subhūtiḥ | tāṃ ca nāma padaprajñaptiṃ nirdiśati tāṃ ca na virodhayati tāṃ cottānīkaroti tāmeva copadiśati |,"""Then the thought came to Sakra, Chief of Gods: Profoundly wise, surely, is the Holy Subhūti, in that he explains this merely nominal existence [of all separate things], does not bring it into conflict [with the norm of truth], but enlarges on it and simply expounds it."" [Conze]",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,pada nirdiś,nirdiś,,pada,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,198,Dutt198/Wogihara292,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yā dvādaśāṅgasya sūtrādikasya vacogatasyānupūrvaracanā anupūrvavyavasthānasamāyogaḥ | idamucyate dharmaprajñaptivyavasthānam |,"""Regarding this [topic], the orderly expression and the arrangement of orderly formulations of the twelve divisions of the sūtras, etc., that consist of speech is called 'the formulation of teachings on the Dharma'.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,dvādaśa aṅga sūtra vaca ānupūrva anupūrva samāyoga dharma vyavasthāna,,,dharma,vyavasthāna,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara44,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tat kasya hetoḥ | tathā hyekasmindharme ekasminvastuni bahuvidhā bahavo bahubhirabhilāpaiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ kriyante | na ca bahuvidhānāñca bahūnāṃ [...]vādānāṃ niyamaḥ kaścidupalabhyate |,"""[This can be understood] in the following way. Many designations and figurative expressions of many different kinds can be made using numerous terms in relation to a single entity or substance. Yet among these many and diverse designating assertions, no determination whatsoever can be made which [establishes] that the essential character, composition, or nature of some entity or substance [that is expressed] by one particular designating assertion is correct, and that [the ones that are expressed] by [all] the other remaining designating assertions are not [correct].""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vastu bahu abhilāpa upacāra kṛ,kṛ,,bahu,,,,,,upacāra,NA,,vastu,, prajñapti,273,Dutt273/Wogihara395,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadā ca te kulaputra tasmin svanāmni āgantukasaṃjñā utpannā bhavati pratilabdhā sa tvaṃ yā te cakṣuṣi cakṣurnāma cakṣuḥsaṃjñā cakṣuḥprajñaptistāmadhyātmaṃ yoniśomanasikuru |,"""O child of good family, when this conception of being adventitious has arisen in you and been understood [by you] in relation to your name, then also direct your attention inwardly in a proper manner to the name 'eye,' the appellation 'eye,' and the designation 'eye' [that occur] in relation to your eye.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,āgantuka cakṣuḥ,,,cakṣuḥ,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,273,Dutt273/Wogihara395,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,idaṃ ca nāma saṃjñā [...]cakṣuriti | etacca vastumātram | yatredaṃ nāma saṃjñā prajñaptiḥ | nāta uttari nāto bhūyaḥ |,"""[One is,] 'This is the name, the appellation, and the designation 'eye,' and [the other is,] 'That is the bare substance in relation to which this name, appellation, and designation [occur].' There is nothing beyond that and nothing more than that.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vastu nāma saṃjñā,,,,,,,nāma saṃjñā,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara44,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na ca bahuvidhānāñca bahūnāṃ prajñaptivādānāṃ niyamaḥ kaścidupalabhyate |,"""Yet among these many and diverse designating assertions, no determination whatsoever can be made which [establishes] that the essential character, composition, or nature of some entity or substance [that is expressed] by one particular designating assertion is correct, ...""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,bahu vāda niyama,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara44,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadanyatamena prajñaptivādenaikena tasya dharmasya tasya vastunaḥ tādātmyaṃ tanmayatā tatsvabhāvatā syānnānyairavaśiṣṭaiḥ [...]vādaiḥ |,"""..., and that [the ones that are expressed] by [all] the other remaining designating assertions are not [correct].""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vāda,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara44,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasmātsakalavikalaiḥ sarvaprajñaptivādaiḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ sarvavastūnāṃ nāsti tādātmyaṃ nāsti tanmayatā nāsti tatsvabhāvatā |,"""Therefore, all entities and substances lack the [forms of] essential character, composition, or nature [that are attributed to them] by all designating assertions, both the ones that [appear] sound and the ones that are flawed. """,Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,sakala vikala sarva vāda vastu,,,sarva,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,26,Dutt26/Wogihara39,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,| tatpunastattvalakṣaṇaṃ vyavasthānataḥ advayaprabhāvitaṃ veditavyam | dvayamucyate bhāvaścābhāvaśca | tatra bhāvo yaḥ prajñaptivādasvabhāvo vyavasthāpitaḥ | tathaiva ca dīrghakālamabhiniviṣṭo lokena | sarvavikalpaprapañcamūlaṃ lokasya | tadyathā rūpamiti vā vedanā saṃjñā,"""Moreover, it should be understood that the [principal] attribute [of this last form of] reality, in the sense of a distinguishing trait, is that it is characterized by the absence of duality. [As it is being used here, the term] 'duality' refers to [the concepts of] being and nonbeing. With regard to these [two concepts], 'being' is that which is posited as the essential nature [that is expressed in] a designating assertion. This [notion is one that] has been adhered to by the world in just this manner for a long time. It is the root of all the world's conceptual thoughts and elaboration.' These include, for example, [the essential natures that are expressed by such designating assertions as] 'form,' 'feeling,' 'conception,' 'formations,' and 'consciousness';.…""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vāda svabhāva vyavasthā abhiniviṣṭa loka,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara45,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,prajñaptivādopacāre ca asati [...]vādasvabhāvatā dharmasya vastuno na yujyeta |,"""And if no application of a designating assertion is made, then it should not be right for an entity or substance to possess [the kind of] essential nature [that is expressed in] a designating assertion. """,Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vāda upacāra a as,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara45,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa cetpunaḥ pūrvameva prajñaptivādopacārādakṛte [...]vādopacāre sa dharmastadvastu tadātmakaṃ syāt |,"""On the other hand, suppose that an entity or a substance did possess such a nature prior to the application of a designating assertion when the designating assertion had not yet been made [...].""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vāda upacāra a tad,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara45,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ sati vinā tena rūpamiti prajñaptivādopacāreṇa rūpasaṃjñake dharme rūpasaṃjñake vastuni rūpabuddhiḥ pravarteta |,"""[...] If that were so, then even without the application of a designating assertion [to the entity called] 'form,' an awareness of form should occur in relation to the entity that is known as 'form' and the substance that is known as 'form'.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,rūpa iti vāda upacāra rūpa rūpa buddhi,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,31,Dutt31/Wogihara46,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ sati rūpādīnāṃ dharmāṇāṃ vastumātre [sa] rūpādidharmaprajñaptivādopacāro yujyate | nāsati [|] nirvastukaḥ [...]vādopacāraḥ |,"""Similarly, as long as the bare [underlying] substance of the entities of form, etc., does exist, then the application of designating assertions to the entities of form, etc., is valid. It would not be [valid] if [the bare underlying substance of form and the rest] did not exist.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vastu mātra rūpa ādi dharma vāda upacāra yuj,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,31,Dutt31/Wogihara46,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra prajñaptervastu nāstīti niradhiṣṭhānā [...]api nāsti |,"""According to this [interpretation], since no [real] substance exists in association with a [verbal] designation, that [verbal] designation lacks an [underlying] basis and [thus] it, too, does not exist.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vastu,,,,vastu,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,31,Dutt31/Wogihara46,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[...]mātrameva sarvametacca tattvam | yaścaivaṃ paśyati sa samyak paśyatīti | teṣāṃ prajñaptyadhiṣṭhānasya vastumātrasyābhāvātsaiva [...] sarveṇa sarvaṃ na bhavati |,""" 'Everything is nothing but a [verbal] designation and this represents [ultimate] reality. Whoever perceives [things] this way perceives [things] correctly.' Because, according to them, the bare [real] substance that is the [underlying] basis of a designation does not exist, [it must also be the case that] the designation itself does not exist at all.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,adhiṣṭhāna vastu,,,,adhiṣṭhāna,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,26,Dutt26/Wogihara39,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ityevaṃbhāgīyaḥ prajñaptivādanirūḍhaḥ svabhāvo dharmāṇāṃ lokasya bhāva ityucyate |,"""These and other similar kinds of essential natures that [are thought of as] pertaining to entities and that are conceived of on the basis of designating assertions are what is called the [notion of] 'being'.",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,iti vāda nirūḍha svabhāva,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,32,Dutt32/Wogihara47,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tadyathā rūpādisaṃjñake yathā nirdiṣṭe vastuni rūpamityevamādiprajñaptivādātmako dharmo nāsti |,"""That is to say, [such a person realizes] that there does not exist any entity that possesses the nature [that is expressed by] a designating assertion, such as those of 'form,' etc., [as they are expressed] in relation to those substances known as form, etc., that were indicated [earlier].”",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,saṃjñaka vastu iti evamādi vāda ātmaka,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,vastu,, prajñapti,32,Dutt32/Wogihara47,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,atastadrūpādisaṃjñakaṃvastu tena rūpamityevamādiprajñaptivādātmanā śūnyam |,"""Therefore,the substances that are known as form, etc., are empty of that nature [that is expressed by] designating assertions [that posit entities] such as 'form,' etc.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,rūpa iti evamādi vāda ātman,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,34,Dutt34/Wogihara50,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pṛthivyādisaṃjñake vastuni yā pṛthivītyevamādikā nāmasaṃketaprajñaptiḥ sā pṛthivyādisaṃjñetyucyate |,"""The designation of a conventional name, such as that of 'earth,' etc., to the substance known as earth,etc., is what is called 'the conception of earth,' etc.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,vastu iti nāma saṃketa pṛthivī ādi saṃjñā,,,,,,,,,saṃjñā,NA,,vastu,, prajñapti,27,Dutt27/Wogihara39,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatrābhāvo yā asyaiva rūpamiti prajñaptivādasya yāvadantato nirvāṇamiti [...]vādasya nirvastukatā nirnimittatā [...]vādāśrayasya sarveṇa sarvaṃ nāstikatā asaṃvidyamānatā yāmāśritya [...]vādaḥ pravartate |,"""Regarding this [topic], nonbeing [is the notion that] the insubstantiality and lack of causal efficacy of those very designating assertions which posit [the series of entities] that begins with 'form' and ends with 'nirvana' [constitute] the complete and total nonexistence and [the complete and total] absence of [that which is] the underlying support of designating assertions and which designating assertions are dependent upon in order to occur. This is what is called 'nonbeing'.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,iti vāda,,,,vāda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,37,Dutt37/Wogihara54,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,svabhāva[...]eṣaṇāgataṃyathābhūtaparijñānaṃ katamat yataśca bodhisattvaḥ rūpādisaṃjñake vastuni svabhāva[...] prajñaptimātratāṃ paryeṣya tayā svabhāva[...] atatsvabhāvasya vastunaḥ tatsvabhāvābhāsatāṃ yathābhūtaṃ pratividhyati prajānāti |,"""What is the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are [that is gained by] having completed the investigation of [what constitutes] the designation of an essential nature? Through having investigated, in relation to the designation of an essential nature that occurs with regard to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., the quality of being a mere [nominal] designation, a bodhisattva realizes and understands, as it truly is, that a substance that lacks this [nominally designated] essential nature [only] appears to possess it because of the manner in which the designation of an essential nature occurs.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,saṃjñaka vastu svabhāva mātratā paryeṣ tat svabhāva ābhāsatā,,,mātratā,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,37,Dutt37/Wogihara54,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,viśeṣaprajñaptyeṣaṇāgataṃ yathābhūtaparijñānaṃ katamat |,"""What is the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are [that is gained by] having completed the investigation of [what constitutes] the designation of a distinguishing characteristic?""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,viśeṣa eṣaṇā gata yathā bhūta parijñāna,,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara43,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra kayā yuktyā nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatā sarvadharmāṇāṃ pratyavagantavyā | yeyaṃ svalakṣaṇaprajñaptirdharmāṇāṃ yaduta rūpamiti vā vedaneti vā pūrvavadantato yāvannirvāṇamiti vā [...]mātrameva tadveditavyam |,"""It should be understood that any designation of a unique [essential] characteristic that occurs in relation to those entities that were [described] earlier [with the terms] that range from 'form' and 'feeling' up to 'nirvāṇa' is nothing more than a [nominal] designation. [BGH the conception/designation of dharmas according to their intrinsic characteristics...]""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,sva lakṣaṇa dharma iti,,,dharma,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,30,Dutt30/Wogihara43-44,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yeyaṃ svalakṣaṇa[...]dharmāṇāṃ yaduta rūpamiti vā vedaneti vā pūrvavadantato yāvannirvāṇamiti vā prajñaptimātrameva tadveditavyam | na svabhāvo nāpi ca tadvinirmuktastadanyo vāggocaro vāgviṣayaḥ |,"""It should be understood that any designation of a unique [essential] characteristic that occurs in relation to those entities that were [described] earlier [with the terms: that range from 'form' and 'feeling' up to 'nirvāṇa is nothing more than a [nominal] designation. [Such a designation] neither [describes] a [real] essential nature nor something separate from or different from [a real essential nature] that represents a thing to which speech refers or that is an object of speech.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,iti mātra vāc gocara,,,mātra,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,200,Dutt200/Wogihara294,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,svabhāva[...]paryeṣaṇāgataṃ viśeṣaprajñaptiparyeṣaṇāgataṃ yathābhūtaparijñānam |,"""(3) the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are that has completed the investigation of [what constitutes] the designation of an essential nature, and (4) the thorough knowledge of the way things truly are that has completed the investigation of [what constitutes] the designation of a distinguishing characteristic.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,viśeṣa paryeṣaṇā gata yathābhūta,,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,31,Dutt31/Wogihara46,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,rūpādīnāṃdharmānāṃvastumātramapavadato naiva tattvaṃ nāpi prajñaptistadubhayametanna yujyate |,"""For someone who denies the bare [underlying] substance of such entities as form, etc., neither [ultimate] reality nor [verbal] designations exist; they are both invalid.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu,,tattva na yuj,yuj,,,,,,tattva,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,31,Dutt31/Wogihara46,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tadyathāsatsu rūpādiṣu skandheṣu pudgalaprajñaptiryujyate | nāsatsunirvastukāpudgala[...] |,"""[This can be understood] in the following way: The [nominal] designation of a person is valid only if the heaps of form etc. [are entities that] exist. It would not be valid if they do not exist, [as then] the [nominal] designation of a person would be one that is not based upon an [underlying] substance.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu,,skandha pudgala yuj,yuj,,pudgala,,,,,,,NA,,skandha,, prajñapti,190,Dutt190/Wogihara280,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na ca punaḥ kulaputrasya vā kuladuhiturvā sarvakālāstitāñca dravyasatāṃ svabhāvapariniṣpattiñca prajñaptisatāṃ paśyato nirvidvirāgo vimuktiśca yujyate |,"""It is also unreasonable that a son of good family or a daughter of good family who believes that a substantively real form of existence is one that remains in existence at all times or [who believes] that a nominal form of existence is one that exists absolutely in that it possesses a [real] essential nature, could [develop] dissatisfaction and detachment, and [attain] liberation.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,dravya svabhāva sat,,,,sat,,,dravya,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,51,Vaidya51/Rahder77,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pratibhānapratisaṃvidā yathāprajñapty avikopanatā aparyantatayā dharmaṃ deśayati ||,"""By the analytical knowledge of eloquence he teaches doctrine with unshaken infinitude as his ideation.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,pratibhāna yathā a vikopanatā paryantatā dharma diś/deś,,,yathā,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,51,Vaidya51/Rahder77,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,niruktipratisaṃvidā sarvadharmaprajñaptyacchedanadharmaṃ deśayati |,"""By the analytical knowledge of etymological interpretation he teaches doctrine without interrupting the ideation of all things.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,pos,,nirukti sarva dharma a chedana dharma,,,dharma,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,66,Vaidya66/Rahder97,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prabhākaryāṃ bodhisattvabhūmau laukikaprajñaptisaṃkhyātyāgataḥ |,"""translation not available""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neg,,laukika saṃkhyā tyāga,,,tyāga laukika,,,,saṃkhyā,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,67,67v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śīlaṃ śīlam iti kāśyapa ucyate | yatra nātmā nair. nātmīyaṃ na satvo na satvaprajñaptiḥ,"""One always speaks of virtuous conduct, K. Where there is no Self and what pertains to a Self, where there is neither a being(per se)nor the designation of a being, …""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,na satva,,,satva,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,67,67v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na satvo na satva[...] na vāṅ na vākprajñapti na cittaṃ na citta[...] na loko nālokaḥ na,"""where there is neither a being nor the designation of a being, neither speech nor its designation,neither mind nor its designation,neither the world nor not the world;""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,satva na vāk,,,vāk,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,112,112,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,saṃkalā buddhabimbaṃ ca bhūtānāṃ ca vidāraṇam | adhiṣṭhanti jagaccitraṃ prajñaptyā vai suśikṣitāḥ ||,"""71. This heap of bones, the buddha-image, the analysis of the elements [these are subjects of meditation]; by means of mental images (prajñapti) good students handle the various aspects of the world.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,adhiṣṭhā,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,adhiṣṭhā, prajñapti,108,108,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,prajñaptirnāmamātreyaṃ lakṣaṇena na vidyate | skandhāḥ keśoṇḍukākārā yatra bālairvikalpyate ||,"""Here is nothing but thought-construction and name. You seek in vain for individual signs; the Skandhas are like a hair-net wherein discrimination goes on.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neg,,nāma lakṣaṇa na vid,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,68,68,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[...]mātrātribhavaṃ nāsti vastusvabhāvataḥ | prajñaptivastubhāvena kalpayiṣyanti tārkikāḥ ||,"""52. The triple world is no more than thought-construction (prajñapti), there is no reality in its self-nature; by means of this thought-constructed reality, logicians go on discriminating.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neg,,vastu bhāva kḷp,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,16,16,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yuktavyākhyā guruśiṣyaḥ sattvānāṃ citratā katham | annapānaṃ nabho meghā mārāḥ prajñaptimātrakam ||,"""91. What is meant by reasoning and illustrating, by master and disciple, by manifoldness of beings, food and drink, sky, intelligence, evil ones, and the statement that there is nothing but the thought-constructed?""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neg,,mātraka,,,mātraka,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,62,62,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,prajñaptisatyato hyātmā dravyasanna hi vidyate | skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvat[...] na tu dravyataḥ ||,"""27. An ego-soul is a truth belonging to thought-construction, in which there is no real reality;""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neg,,satyatas ātman satyatas na,,,,satyatas,,,,satyatas,,NA,,,, prajñapti,62,62,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[...]satyato hyātmā dravyasanna hi vidyate | skandhānāṃ skandhatā tadvatprajñaptyā na tu dravyataḥ ||,"""the self-nature of the Skandhas is also a thought-construction, as there is no reality in it.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neg,,na na dravyatas,,,,,,,,dravyatas,,NA,,,, prajñapti,76,76,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sā ca pratipattir yādṛśī paramā | yena ca yathāprajñaptito dharmamahāyānamanaskriyā ity evamādinā |,"""A practise is highest which is of such a kind by which there is 'Mahayana mental attention towards events as they have been prescribed' [V.7].""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,yathā dharma mahāyāna manaskriyā,,,yathā,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saprajñaptisahetukāt | nimittāt praśamāt sārthāt paścimaṃ samudāhṛtaṃ ||III.22.b||,"""The last one is explained through designation, cause, preparatory factors, putting to rest, and the objects contemplated in it. III. 22b.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,sa sahetuka,,,sa,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saprajñaptir nāmakāyādayaḥ,"""The term 'designation' means everything which goes into the function of naming, etc.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,sa nāma kāya ādi,,,sa,,,,,,nāma,NA,,,, prajñapti,54,54,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āpatter utthānād vyutthānān niḥsṛteś ca vinayatvam | pudgalataḥ prajñapteḥ pravibhāgaviniścayāc caiva ||AMsa_11.4||,"""4. 'Discipline' is so called because of offense, origin, remission, and absolution; and also with regard to person, proclamation, interpretation, and determination.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,vinayatva,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,80,80,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,akarkaśā śikṣāprajñaptisukhopāyatvāt |,"""It is 'without harshness' because it has the art of pleasantly announcing the precepts.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,śikṣā sukha,,,śikṣā,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,168,168,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tadubhayābhisaṃbandhe svabhāvaviśeṣa[...] [...]mātratvaparyeṣaṇā svabhāvaviśeṣaprajñaptiparyeṣaṇā veditavyā |,"""The investigation of the ascriptive and descriptive designations as mere designations upon the connection between those two (name and referent) is to be understood as investigating ascriptive and descriptive designations.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu.neg,,svabhāva viśeṣa paryeṣaṇā,,,svabhāva viśeṣa,paryeṣaṇā,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,156,156,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yatra punar vastuni rūpādisaṃjñake prajñaptiḥ pudgala iti tasmāt kim ekatvena pudgalo vaktavya āhosvid anyatvena | āha | ekatvānyatvato avācyas tasmād asau |,"""As for the fact called 'matter,' with respect to which 'person' is designated, should it be said that the person is the same or different? To explain, it is said that 'Therefore it should not be said to be either the same or different'.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Language@Naming,term/concept,designation,neu,,vastu rūpa ādi saṃjñaka iti vac,,,,,,,,,,NA,,vastu,, prajñapti,154,154,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,prajñaptyastitayā vācyaḥ pudgalo dravyato na tu | nopalambhād viparyāsāt saṃkleśāt kliṣṭahetutaḥ || ||AMsa_18.92||,"""93. The person is identifiable as conventionally existent and not substantial; since it is not perceived, is a distortion, is addictive, and is from an addicted cause.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neg,,astitā vāc/uc pudgala dravya upalambha viparyāsa,,,,astitā,,,,dravya,,NA,,,, prajñapti,22,22,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,śūnyam iti na vaktavyam aśūnyam iti vā bhavet | ubhayaṃ nobhayaṃ ceti prajñaptyarthaṃ tu kathyate ||MMK_22.11||,"""11. 'It is empty' is not to be said, nor 'It is non-empty,' nor that it is both, nor that it is neither; ['empty'] is said only for the sake of instruction.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,neu,,śūnya artha kath,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,artha, prajñapti,1,1,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prāgjātaḥ sahajātaś ca hetur ahetuko arthataḥ | prajñapter apratītatvād utpatteś caiva tattvataḥ ||1.47||,"""If a cause is born before the effect or along with it, in both cases, from the standpoint of the absolute truth it cannot be the cause. In fact, the notion of birth cannot be conceived either from the conventional or from absolute point of view.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,Existence,nominal existence,nominal existence,neu.neg,,hetu artha utpatti tattva apratītatva,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,79,79,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,aviṭhapanā asamutthāpanā | anutpādaḥ anirodhaḥ | kalpavikalpaparikalpasamucchedaḥ | cittānālambanatā | amanasikāraḥ | prajñaptisamucchedaḥ | vitarkavikalpasamucchedaḥ | rāgadveṣamohasamucchedaḥ | nāntānantamanasikāraḥ | manasikārasamucchedaḥ |,"""translation not available""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neg,vague,a manasikāra samuccheda vitarka vikalpa,,,,samuccheda,,,,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,40,40,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasmin khalu punar ānanda buddhakṣetre ye sattvā upapannā utpadyanta upapatsyante sarve te niyatāḥ samyaktve yāvan nirvāṇāt tat kasya hetoḥ na asti tatra dvayo rāśyor vyavasthānaṃ prajñaptir vā yad idam aniyatyasya vā mithyātvaniyatasya vā,"""And again, Ananda, in that buddha-field, whatever beings have been, are being, or will be born, they all will remain assured of following the correct path, for as long as it takes them to attain nirvana. Why is that? Because there is neither a distinction nor a designation of any other class of beings, that is to say, of beings whose future is uncertain or of beings who are certain to follow mistaken paths."" [Gomez 91]",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Idea/notion/concept,term/concept,concept,neu.neg,,na as vyavasthāna,,as,,,,,vyavasthāna,,,NA,,,, prajñapti,3,3.39,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paratīrthyapramardanī prajñaptisamatikrāntā,"""It disciplines the heterodox transcending all denominations.""",Language,Language@Communication,Statement,explanation,declaration,pos,,samatikrānta,,,samatikrānta,,,,,,,NA,,,, prakalp,49,2280955|49|1.69,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yatra hi nāma yatheṣyante tathā viṭhapyante viṭhapitāśca samānā na cetayanti na prakalpayanti | imāṃ sāgaramate dharmaviṭhapanāmadhimucya bodhisattvo na kasmiṃścid dharme parikhedam utpādayati |,"""Indeed, these elements are illusorily created according to desire. As being illusorily created, they cannot cause [one] to think or to imagine. Believing in the fact that separate elements are created illusorily, O Sagaramati, the Bodhisattva does never produce the feeling of disgust for any phenomenon."" [Takasaki 248]",Thought,Thought@Creation,Form_conception@Create/make/bring_about,mentally construe,conceptualize/forming of ideas,neu.neg,,viṭhap cit na,,,na,,,,viṭhap cit,,,,,,NA, prakalpa,165,2280955|165.06-165.07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,teṣāmanekaprakalpo bhedaḥ sthānaṃ cāniyataṃ nadīparvatamarupradeśeṣvanyeṣu vā adhaśca bhāvāt |,"""Their variety is great; their place is not determined: river, mountain, desert, and elsewhere."" [Poussin, Pruden 460]",Relationship,Relationship@Order,Similarity@Suitability/appropriateness,resemblance,made_or_fashioned_like,neu,other,aneka bheda,,,aneka,bheda,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, prakalpita,163,2280955|163,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasyaibhiḥ ṣaḍbhir adhyāśayaiḥ tathāgate tasya vā dharme tasya vā saṃghe pūjā prakalpitā parīttā apy aprameyaphalā bhavanti prāgeva prabhūtā |,"""Even [a bodhisattva's] minor act of worship of a tathāgata [that is carried out] with these six types of superior attitude, or his or her [minor act of worship] of the Dharma or the Sangha [that is carried out with similar forms of these six types of superior attitude], yields an immeasurably great result; [...]"" [Engle 395-396]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,perform,perform,neu,,adhyāśaya pūjā,,,,,pūjā,,,,,NA,,adhyāśaya,, prapañc,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadvastvadhiṣṭhāya sa nāmasaṃjñābhilāpaparigṛhīto nāmasaṃjñābhilāpaparibhāvito vikalpaḥ prapañcayan tasminneva vastuni vicaratyanekavidho bahunānāprakāraḥ |,"""While continuously generating elaborations on the basis of [a particular substance], the conceptual thought that is both controlled by and governed by expressions [that derive from] recognition of [an object's] name operates in numerous ways […]"" [Engle 90]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,nāma saṃjñā abhilāpa vikalpa vastu,,NA,,,,vikalpa,,,,,nāma saṃjñā abhilāpa,vastu,, prapañc,224.6,224.6,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yatra na prabhavanty ete pūrvāparasahakramāḥ | prapañcayanti tāṃ jātiṃ taj jarāmaraṇaṃ ca kim ||,"""Why fixate on that birth, that aging/dying, for which the phases of before, after, simultaneity are impossible?"" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,,jāti jarā maraṇa,,NA,,,jāti jarā maraṇa,,,,,,,,, prapañc,448,448,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prapañcayanti ye buddhaṃ prapañcātītam avyayam | te prapañcahatāḥ sarve na paśyanti tathāgatam ||,"""Those who make fixations about buddha who is beyond fixations and without deterioration -- all those who are damaged by fixations do not see the tathagata."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,buddha paś tathāgata,,NA,,,buddha,,,paś tathāgata,,,,,, prapañc,9,9,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,evameva mañjuśrīstathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho neñjate na viṭhapati na prapañcayati na kalpayati na vikalpayati |,"""Thus, Mañjuśrī, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened One neither moves nor produces any thought, neither explains in a dualistic way nor imagines falsely nor discriminates."" [Takasaki 159]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,tathāgata samyaksaṃbuddha īj/īñj viṭhap na kalp vikalp,,NA,na,,,,īj/īñj viṭhap kalp vikalp,tathāgata samyaksaṃbuddha,,,,,, prapañc,9,9,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na ca tac cittaṃ dharmeṣu kramato na ca tac cittam atītānāgatapratyutpannam avekṣate | […] satvasyāpariśuddhaṃ cittaṃ samanupaśyati sa paśyati ca na ca paśyati na ca vikalpayati paśyati ca | na ca prapañcayati |,"""His mind does not go after factors of existence and does not conceptualise (avekṣate) the past, present and future […] he does not consider the impure mind of any sentient beings. Although he sees, he does not see or conceptualize. Although he observes, he does not mistakenly imagine."" [BTW]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,avekṣ samanupaś vikalp paś na,,NA,na,,,,,,,,avekṣ samanupaś vikalp paś,,, prapañc,5,5,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra yaḥ prapañcayati duḥkhaṃ parijñāsyāmi samudayaṃ prahāsyāmi nirodhaṃ sākṣātkariṣyāmi mārgaṃ bhāvayiṣyāmīti […],"""Who verbalizes: ‘Suffering should be recognized, origination should be eliminated, cessation should be realized, the path should be practiced,’ […]"" [Thurman 50]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,vague,duḥkha parijānā/parijānī iti,,NA,,,duḥkha parijānā/parijānī,,,,,,,,, prapañca,69,69,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[…] tathāgatānāmarhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānāṃ chinnavartmanāṃ chinnavartmanīnāṃ chinnaprapañcabhavanetrīkāṇāṃ paryāttabāṣpāṇāṃ marditakaṇṭakānāṃ svapahṛtabhārāṇāmanuprāptasvakārthānāṃ […],"""[…] their tracks cut off, their course cut off, their obstacles annulled, guides through [the world of] becoming, their tears dried up, with all their impediments crushed, their own burdens laid down, with their own weal reached, in whom the fetters of becoming are extinguished, whose thoughts are well freed by right understanding, and who have attained to the highest perfection in the control of their entire hearts."" [Conze 124]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,vague,tathāgata samyaksaṃbuddha vartman vartmani chinna bhava kaṇṭaka bhāra,,NA,chinna,bhava,,,,tathāgata samyaksaṃbuddha,,,vartman vartmani kaṇṭaka bhāra,,, prapañca,71,71,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,iha maitreya bodhisattvo mahāsattvasteṣāmatītānāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ chinnavartmanāṃ chinnavartmanīnāṃ chinnaprapañcabhavanetrīkāṇāṃ paryāttabāṣpāṇāṃ marditakaṇṭakānāmapahṛtabhārāṇāmanuprāptasvakārthānāṃ […],"""their tracks cut off, their course cut off, their obstacles annulled, guides through [the world of] becoming, their tears dried up, with all their impediments crushed, their own burdens laid down, with their own weal reached, in whom the fetters of becoming are extinguished, whose thoughts are well freed by right understanding, and who have attained to the highest perfection in the control of their entire hearts.""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,vague,buddha vartman vartmani chinna bhava kaṇṭaka bhāra,,NA,chinna,bhava,,,,buddha,,,vartman vartmani kaṇṭaka bhāra,,, prapañca,102,102,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,aprapañcapāramiteyaṃ bhagavan sarvadharmamananasamatikramatāmupādāya |,"""This perfection is free from impediments, because it rises completely above all mental attitudes to dharmas."" [Conze 151]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neu.neg,vague,a pāramita sarva dharma manana,,NA,a,pāramita,,,,,manana,,,,, prapañca,132,132,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,aṇv api hi subhūte cittamanupalabdham | tato niṣprapañcāni tāni cittāni |,"""For he knows that those thoughts are unimpeded, because not even the least thought has been apprehended."" [Conze 175]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neu.neg,vague,an upalabdha niṣ cittam,,NA,niṣ,cittam,,,,,,upalabdha,,,, prapañca,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evamayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ asya trividhasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya saṃvartate yaduta vikalpādhiṣṭhānasya prapañcavastunaḥ dṛṣṭyasmimānasya rāgadveṣamohānāñca |,"""This is the manner in which the eight types of conceptual thought operate to bring about the three types of substance—that is, (1) the substance [that engenders] elaboration and is the basis of conceptual thought; (2) [the substance that consists of] the view [of the perishable collection] and egoistic pride; and (3) [the substance that consists of] desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,other,vikalpa vastu dṛṣṭi asmi rāga dveṣa moha,,NA,,vikalpa vastu,,,,,,,dṛṣṭi moha,,, prapañca,26,26,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra bhāvo yaḥ prajñaptivādasvabhāvo vyavasthāpitaḥ | […] sarvavikalpaprapañcamūlaṃ lokasya |,"""[…] ""being"" is that which is posited as the essential nature [that is expressed in] a designating assertion […] It is the root of all the world's conceptual thoughts and elaborations. These include, for example, [the essential natures that are expressed by such designating assertions as] ""form,"" ""feeling,"" ""conception,"" ""formations,"" and ""consciousness""; [those of] ""eye,"" ""ear,"" ""nose,"" ""tongue,"" ""body,"" and ""mind""; those of ""earth,"" ""water,"" ""fire,"" and ""air""; those of ""[visible] form,"" ""sound,"" ""smell,"" ""taste,"" and ""tangible object""; […]"" [Engle 68]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,bhāva prajñapti vāda sarva vikalpa loka,,NA,sarva,bhāva loka,,,vikalpa,,,,prajñapti vāda,,, prapañca,29,29,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ niṣprapañcanayārūḍho bodhisattva evaṃ caṃ bahvanuśaṃsa ātmanaśca buddhadharmaparipākāya pareṣāñca yānatrayadharmaparipākāya,"""The bodhisattva who has undertaken the system that is free of elaboration in this way and has pined these numerous benefits becomes one who is correctly established in the practice […]"" [Engle 74]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,niṣ naya bodhisattva buddhadharma,,NA,niṣ,naya,,,,bodhisattva buddhadharma,,,,,, prapañca,29,29,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ityayamevaṃbhāgīyo bodhisattvasya niṣprapañcanayārūḍhasya paramatattvajñānasanniśritasya samyakprayogo veditavyaḥ |,"""It should be understood that these are the kinds of correct practice [that are carried out] by a bodhisattva who has undertaken the system that is free of elaboration and who is relying upon the knowledge of the supreme form of reality."" [Engle 76]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,bodhisattva niṣ naya paramatattva jñāna,,NA,niṣ,naya,,,,bodhisattva paramatattva jñāna,,,,,, prapañca,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] itīme trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpādisaṃjñakam |,"""Three conceptual thoughts […] give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 90]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,vikalpa vastu jan rūpa ādi saṃjñaka,,NA,,vastu,,,vikalpa,,,,saṃjñaka,,, prapañca,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] itīme trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpādisaṃjñakam |,"""Three conceptual thoughts[…] give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 90]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,vikalpa vastu jan rūpa ādi saṃjñaka,,NA,,vastu,,,vikalpa,,,,saṃjñaka,,, prapañca,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra vikalpaprapañcavastvāśrayāsatkāyadṛṣṭirasmimānaśca |,"""Regarding these, the basis for the view of the perishable collection and egoistic pride is the substance [that is the basis of] conceptual thought and [that engenders] elaboration."" [Engle 91]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,vikalpa vastu satkāyadṛṣṭi asmimāna,,NA,,vastu,,,vikalpa,,,,,,, prapañca,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] samyak parijñānādāyatyāṃ tadadhiṣṭhānasya tadālambanasya prapañcapatitasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvo na bhavati |,"""[…] there will be no appearance [for him or her] in future [lives] of the substance that constitutes the basis and mental support for those [conceptual thoughts] and that bring about the occurrence [of conceptual] elaboration."" [Engle 100]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,parijñāna vastu,,NA,,vastu,,,,parijñāna,,,,,, prapañca,38,38,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasya savastukasya vikalpasya nirodho yaḥ sa sarvaprapañcanirodho veditavyaḥ |,"""This cessation of conceptual thought together with its [related] substance should be known as the cessation of all [conceptual] elaboration."" [Engle 100]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,vastu vikalpa sarva nirodha,,NA,sarva,nirodha,,,vastu vikalpa,,,,,,, prapañca,38,38,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evañca prapañcanirodho bodhisattvasya mahāyānaparinirvāṇamiti veditavyam |,"""The cessation of [conceptual] elaboration thar occurs in this manner should be known as the bodhisattva's [form of] complete nirvana [that is achieved through] the Great Vehicle."" [Engle 100]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,nirodha bodhisattva mahāyāna parinirvāṇa,,NA,,nirodha,,,,bodhisattva parinirvāṇa,,,,,, prapañca,77,77,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] vastumātre arthamātre ālambane cittamupanibadhya sarvaprapañcāpagatena sarvacittapariplavāpagatena saṃjñāmanasikāreṇa […],"""[…] and then, mantaining zealous devotion toward all [meditation] objects through bringing to mind conceptions that are free of all elaboration and mental unsteadiness, […]"" [Engle 196-197]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,vastu artha ālambana sarva apagata sarva cittapariplava saṃjñā manasikāra,,NA,sarva,saṃjñā manasikāra apagata,,,,,,,cittapariplava,,, prapañca,146,146,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] prajñā paramapraśamapratyupasthānā nirvikalpā sarvaṃprapañcāgatā sarvaṃdharmeṣu samatānugatā […],"""[…] [are forms of wisdom] that abide in a state of supreme peace, [forms of wisdom] that are free of conceptualization, [forms of wisdom] in which all [conceptual] elaboration has been eliminated, [forms of wisdom] that have arrived at [a realization of] the sameness of all entities, […]"" [Engle 356]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,prajñā nir vikalpa sarva āgata/apagata sarvaṃ dharma samatā,,NA,sarva,āgata/apagata,,,,prajñā samatā,,,vikalpa,dharma,, prapañca,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,śamatho veditavyaḥ | […] pāramārthikasāṃketikajñānaphalaṃ sarvaprapañcasaṃjñāsu anābhogavāhanaḥ […],"""[…] a bodhisartva's [practice of] quiescence should be understood as having four aspects: […] (2) that which is the result of ultimate and conventional forms of knowledge; (3) that which conveys [the mind to its object] effortlessly in relation to all elaborative conceptions; […]"" [Engle 435]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,,śamatha pāramārthika sāṃketika jñāna sarva saṃjñā anābhoga,,NA,sarva,śamatha saṃjñā,,,,,,,,,, prapañca,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasminnākāśasthānīye nirabhilāpye vastuni vividhābhilāpakṛtāḥ saṃjñā vikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñānugatāḥ rūpakarmasthānīyāḥ pravartante |,"""In a similar way, the conceptions and false notions that resemble physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations arise in the ineffable reality that resembles space."" [Engle 441]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,,nirabhilāpya vastu vividh abhilāpa saṃjñā vikalpa saṃjñā,,NA,,saṃjñā vikalpa,,,saṃjñā,,,,abhilāpa,,, prapañca,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarveṣāñca teṣāmabhilāpakṛtānāṃ saṃjñāvikalpānāṃ prapañcasaṃjñānugatānāṃ citrarūpakarmasthānīyānāṃ tannirabhilāpyaṃ vastvākāśa sthānīyamavakāśaṃ dadāti |,"""In addition, the ineffable reality that resembles space makes room for all those conceptions and false notions that resemble the variety of physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations."" [Engle 441]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,,abhilāpa saṃjñā vikalpa saṃjñā vastu,,NA,,saṃjñā vikalpa,,,saṃjñā,,,,abhilāpa,,, prapañca,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadā ca punarbodhisattvairjñānenāryeṇa te abhilāpasamutthitā mithyāsaṃjñāvikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñānugatāḥ sarveṇa sarvamapanītā bhavanti tadā teṣāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ paramāryāṇāṃ tenāryajñānena tannirabhilāpyaṃ […],"""Moreover, when bodhisattvas, by means of an excellent knowledge, have completely and totally removed those false conceptions and notions that are caused to arise by expressions and that are accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations, the ārya knowledge of those supremely excellent bodhisattvas causes the ineffable reality […]"" [Engle 441-442]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,abhilāpa mithyā saṃjñā vikalpa saṃjñā,,NA,,saṃjñā vikalpa,,,saṃjñā,,,,abhilāpa,,, prapañca,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya tadeva nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu sarvavikalpaprapañca nimittānyapanīya yathābhūtaṃ śāntato manasi kurvato yā cittasthitiḥ |,"""Having cleared away from that very reality that is an ineffable essential nature all the signs that consist of mistaken notions and verbal elaborations [about it], a bodhisattva's state of mental stability [that remains fixed upon it] as it truly is, […]"" [Engle 452]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,nirabhilāpya svabhāva vastu sarva vikalpa nimitta,,NA,sarva,nimitta,,,vikalpa,,,,,,, prapañca,235,235,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] vastugrāhakasya jñānasya niṣprapañcasamatayā […],"""[…] (6) the sameness in which [all entities are perceived to be] free of elaboration when the [transcendent] awareness that apprehends reality is present, […]"" [Engle 558]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,vastu jñāna niṣ samatā,,NA,niṣ,,,,,jñāna samatā,,,,,, prapañca,273,273,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa tvamevaṃ sarvajñeyasuvicāritayā buddhyā evaṃ te sarvadharmasaṃjñāsvāgantukasaṃjñayā sarvadharmeṣu sarvaprapañcasaṃjñāmapanīyāpanīya nirvikāreṇa cetasā nirnimittenārthamātragrahaṇapravṛttenāsmin vastuni bahalaṃ vihara |,"""In this way, having repeatedly cleared away all the elaborative conceptions that occur in relation to all entities by means of an awareness that effectively examines all objects of knowledge and by means of the conception that all the appellations regarding entities are adventitious, abide at length in the [real] substance […]"" [Engle 644]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,sarva dharma sarva saṃjñā apanī/apanay nir nimitta vastu,apanī/apanay,NA,sarva,,,,saṃjñā,,,,nimitta,dharma,, prapañca,31,31,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaduta sarvadharmānimittasamatayā ca sarvadharmālakṣaṇasamatayā ca sarvadharmānutpādasamatayāca sarvadharmājātatayā ca sarvadharmaviviktasamatayā ca sarvadharmādiviśuddhisamatayā ca sarvadharmaniṣprapañcasamatayā ca sarvadharmānāvyūhānirvyūhasamatayā ca […],"""What are the ten? Namely, 1) equality because all things are without external aspects, 2) equality because all things are without characteristics, 3)equality because all things are without origination, 4)equality because all things are unborn, 5) equality because all things are serene, 6) equality because all things are pure from the beginning, 7) equality because all things are without verbal designation, 8) equality because all things are without acceptance and rejection, 9) equality because all things are (like) illusion, dream, reflected image, echo, the moon in water, reflection and transformation, 10) equality because all things are free from duality of being and non-being."" [Megumu Honda 186]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,nimitta lakṣaṇa vivikta sarva dharma niṣ samatā sarva dharm anāvyūha anirvyūha,,NA,dharma niṣ,,,,,samatā,,,nimitta lakṣaṇa vivikta anāvyūha anirvyūha,,, prapañca,86,86,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śūnya prakṛtiśāntā sarvadharmānimittāḥ khagapathasamatulyā nirvikalpā viśuddhāḥ | gatisthitivinirvṛttā niṣprapañcā aśeṣā tathatasama tathatvāddharmatā nirvikalpā || 5 ||,"""All things are void, tranquil by their natures, without characteristics, the same as the path of a bird, devoid of thought construction, purified, separated from going and staying, beyond ever possible verbal designation. Because (all things are ) thus, the ultimate essence of things is the same as absolute reality."" [Megumu Honda 185]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,śūnya dharma nimitta khagapatha sama tulya vikalpa niṣ tathata,,NA,niṣ,,,,,śūnya sama tulya tathata,,,nimitta vikalpa,,, prapañca,87,87,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paripūrṇamārgacaraṇā vidu pañcamāyāṃ dharmānimittata alakṣaṇatā ajātā | anutpāda ādipariśuddhyatiniṣprapañcā bhāvetva jñānamati ṣaṣṭhi samākramanti ||,"""Having fulfilled the path and course of conduct in the fifth (stage) the wise ones consider that things are 1) without marks, 2) without characteristics, 4) unborn, 3) of non-origination, 6) purified from the beginning and 7) devoid of verbal designation, march with knowledge and thought into the sixth (stage)."" [Megumu Honda 195]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,vidu dharma nimitta lakṣaṇa niṣ,,NA,niṣ,,,,,vidu,,,nimitta lakṣaṇa,,, prapañca,95,95,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te eva kṣāntisamanvāgata niṣprapañcā gambhīracālya vidu śāntavicāraprāptāḥ |,"""They have obtained such receptivity, without verbal designation, and have attained the wise and calm deliberation of profound (stage of) immovability."" [Megumu Honda 233]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,kṣānti niṣ vidu śānta vicāra,,NA,niṣ,,,,,kṣānti śānta vicāra vidu,,,,,, prapañca,188,188,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niravagraha nirdoṣa niṣkāluṣyānavasthita | āniṅkṣya sarvadharmeṣu niṣprapañca namo astu te ||,"""You do not take, You are free of faults, Free of disturbance, You do not stand, Unagitated, You fabricate nothing anywhere! Homage to You!"" [Thurman 342-343]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,avagraha doṣa kāluṣya avasthita āniṅkṣya dharma niṣ,,NA,niṣ,,,,,,,,avagraha doṣa kāluṣya avasthita āniṅkṣya,dharma,, prapañca,40,40,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,[…]anāsrave dhātau niṣprapañcatvād ākāśopame gāmbhīryaprabhedadeśanā yathā raṅgair ākāśacitraṇī veditavyā |,"""It should be understood that since it is unfabricated, the uncontaminated realm is like space, and therefore teaching about the varieties of its profundity is like painting the sky with colors."" [Thurman 86]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,anāsrava niṣ ākāśa prabheda citra,,NA,niṣ,,,,,anāsrava ākāśa,,,prabheda citra,,, prapañca,58,58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatvaṃ yat satataṃ dvayena rahitaṃ bhrānteś ca saṃniśrayaḥ śakyaṃ naiva ca sarvathābhilapituṃ yañ cāprapañcātmakam |,"""Reality is that which is always free from duality, is the ground of error, and is absolutely inexpressible, naturally free from fabrication."" [Thurman 121]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,tattva dvaya bhrānti a ātmaka,,NA,a,ātmaka,,,,tattva,,,dvaya bhrānti,,, prapañca,58,58,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,satataṃ dvayena rahitaṃ tatvaṃ parikalpitaḥ svabhāvo […] anabhilāpyam aprapañcātmakaṃ ca pariniṣpannaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""The reality which is always free from duality is the constructed reality, […] The inexpressible, naturally unfabricated (reality) is the perfect reality."" [Thurman 121]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,dvaya tattva parikalpita abhilāpya a ātmaka pariniṣpanna,,NA,a,ātmaka,,,,tattva pariniṣpanna,,,dvaya parikalpita abhilāpya,,, prapañca,65,65,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pariniṣpannalakṣaṇaṃ punas tathatā sā […] avikalpā ca vikalpāgocaratvāt niṣprapañcatayā |,"""The perfect reality is suchness. […] It is without discriminative construction since it is beyond the range of discrimination, given that it is free of fabrications."" [Thurman 132-133]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,pariniṣpanna tathatā a vikalpa niṣ,,NA,niṣ,,,,,pariniṣpanna tathatā,,,,,vikalpa, prapañca,188,188,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niṣprapañcatvaṃ sarvavikalpaprapañcāsamudācārāt |,"""He makes no fabrications, because he does not engage in any discriminatory fabrication."" [Thurman 343]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,niṣ vikalpa,,NA,niṣ vikalpa,,,,,,,,,,, prapañca,188,188,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niṣprapañcatvaṃ sarvavikalpaprapañcāsamudācārāt |,"""He makes no fabrications, because he does not engage in any discriminatory fabrication."" [Thurman 343]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,sarva vikalpa samudācāra,,NA,sarva vikalpa,samudācāra,,,,,,,,,, prapañca,11.13,11.13,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,anirodham anutpādam anucchedam aśāśvatam | anekārtham anānārtham anāgamam anirgamam | yaḥ pratītyasamutpādaṃ prapañcopaśamaṃ śivam | deśayām āsa saṃbuddhas taṃ vande vadatāṃ varam |,"""I prostrate to the youthful Manjushri. I bow down to the most sublime of speakers, the completely awakened one who taught contingency (no cessation, no birth, no annihilation, no permanence, no coming, no going, no difference, no identity) to ease fixations."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,vague,pratītyasamutpāda upaśama śiva,,NA,,upaśama,,,,pratītyasamutpāda śiva,,,,,, prapañca,538,538,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,sarvopalambhopaśamaḥ prapañcopaśamaḥ śivaḥ | na kva cit kasyacit kaścid dharmo buddhena deśitaḥ ||,"""Totally pacifying all referents and totally pacifying fixations is peace. The buddha nowhere taught any dharma to anyone."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,vague,upalambha upaśama śiva,,NA,,upaśama,,,,śiva,,,upalambha,,, prapañca,349,349,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,karmakleśakṣayān mokṣaḥ karmakleśā vikalpataḥ | te prapañcāt prapañcas tu śūnyatāyāṃ nirudhyate ||,"""Through the ceasing of action and affliction, there is freedom. Action and affliction [come] from thoughts and from fixations. Fixations are stopped by emptiness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,mokṣa karma kleśa vikalpa,,NA,,,,,vikalpa,mokṣa,,,,,karma kleśa, prapañca,349,349,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,karmakleśakṣayān mokṣaḥ karmakleśā vikalpataḥ | te prapañcāt prapañcas tu śūnyatāyāṃ nirudhyate ||,"""Through the ceasing of action and affliction, there is freedom. Action and affliction [come] from thoughts and from fixations. Fixations are stopped by emptiness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,karma kleśa vikalpa śūnyatā niruṇadh/nirundh,niruṇadh/nirundh,NA,,,,,,śūnyatā,,,,,, prapañca,372,372,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,aparapratyayaṃ śāntaṃ prapañcair aprapañcitam | nirvikalpam anānārtham etat tattvasya lakṣaṇam ||,"""Not known through others, peaceful, not fixed by fixations, without conceptual thought, without differentiation: these are the characteristics of suchness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,śānta vikalpa nānārtha tattva lakṣaṇa,,NA,,lakṣaṇa,,,vikalpa nānārtha,śānta tattva,,,,,, prapañca,448,448,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prapañcayanti ye buddhaṃ prapañcātītam avyayam | te prapañcahatāḥ sarve na paśyanti tathāgatam ||,"""Those who make fixations about buddha who is beyond fixations and without deterioration -- all those who are damaged by fixations do not see the tathagata."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,buddha atīta vyaya,,NA,,atīta,,,,buddha,,,vyaya,,, prapañca,448,448,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,prapañcayanti ye buddhaṃ prapañcātītam avyayam | te prapañcahatāḥ sarve na paśyanti tathāgatam ||,"""Those who make fixations about buddha who is beyond fixations and without deterioration -- all those who are damaged by fixations do not see the tathagata."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,hata paś tathāgata,,NA,,hata,,,,paś tathāgata,,,,,, prapañca,128,128,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vanakandareṣu satataṃ nivasantidhīrā lābhena te sada anarthika bhonti nityam | pratibhānavān sada bhavanti asaṅgabuddhī gambhīradharmakuśalā vigataprapañcāḥ ||,"""The resolute always dwell in forests and caves; they are never desirous of profit. They always possess eloquence and an intelligence free of attachment; conversant in the profound Dharma, their conceptual proliferation has ceased."" [Boucher 125]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,dhīra anarthika pratibhāna asaṅga buddhi dharma kuśala vigata,,NA,vigata,,,,,dhīra anarthika pratibhāna asaṅga buddhi dharma kuśala,,,,,, prapañca,128,128,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na khila mala na cāpi roṣacittaṃ na ca punareṣati kasyacit sadoṣam | aśaṭha akuha niṣprapañcacitto bhavati anuttarabodhimīpsamānaḥ ||,"""Without hardness of heart, impurity, or angry thoughts, [the bodhisattva] does not seek out anyone else’s fault. He is without deceitfulness or hypocrisy, and his thoughts are free of conceptual proliferation as he desires to obtain the unexcelled enlightenment."" [Boucher 125-126]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,khila mala roṣa śaṭha niṣ citta bodhi,,NA,niṣ,citta,,,śaṭha,bodhi,,,khila mala roṣa,,, prapañca,34,34,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sa hi prakṛtiśuddhatvādvāsanāpagamācchuciḥ paramātmātmanairātmyaprapañcakṣayaśāntitaḥ ||,"""Verily, the Absolute Body of the Tathāgata is pure Because of his innate purity and removal of Impressions; He is the highest Unity because he is quiescent, Having destroyed the dualistic view of Ego and non-Ego."" [Takasaki 218]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,vāsana paramātman ātmya kṣaya,,NA,ātmya,kṣaya,,,,paramātman,,,vāsana,,, prapañca,34,34,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,dvābhyāṃ kāraṇābhyāmātmapāramitā veditavyā | tīrthikāntavivarjanatayā cātmaprapañcavigamāc[…],"""The Supreme Unity, too, should be understood by two reasons: 1) because of the removal of false imagination of Ego by rejecting the extremity peculiar to the Heretics, […]"" [Takasaki 218]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,ātma pāramitā tīrthika anta ātma vigama,,NA,ātma,vigama,,,,pāramitā,,,tīrthika,,, prapañca,34,34,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,dvābhyāṃ kāraṇābhyām ātmapāramitāveditavyā | […] chrāvakāntavivarjanatayā ca nairātmyaprapañcavigamāt |,"""The Supreme Unity, too, should be understood by two reasons: […] and 2) because of the removal of false imagination concerning non-substantiality by rejecting the extremity peculiar to the Śrāvakas."" [Takasaki 218-219]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,ātma pāramitā śrāvaka anta nairātmya vigama,,NA,nairātmya,vigama,,,,pāramitā,,,śrāvaka,,, prapañca,39,39,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,pṛthagjanā viparyastā dṛṣṭasatyā viparyayāt | yathāvadaviparyastā niṣprapañcāstathāgatāḥ ||,"""The Ordinary People are of erroneous conception, Being opposite to them, [the Saints are] the perceivers of the truth, And being of the perfectly right conception, The buddhas are apart from the dualistic view."" [Takasaki 229]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,pṛthagjana viparyasta satya niṣ tathāgata,,NA,niṣ,,,,,satya tathāgata,,,viparyasta,,, prapañca,40,40,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yaduta viparyastāviparyastā samyagaviparyastā niṣprapañcā ca yathākramam |,"""In other words, they are ‘of the erroneous conception’, ‘of the right conception’, and ‘of the perfectly right conception and of no dualistic view’, respectively."" [Takasaki 230]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,viparyasta niṣ,,NA,niṣ,,,,,,,,viparyasta,,, prapañca,40,40,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,samyagaviparyastā niṣprapañcā ca savāsanakleśajñeyāvaraṇasamudghātāt samyaksambuddhānām |,"""[And lastly], ‘of the perfectly right conception and of no dualistic view’ is because the Perfectly Enlightened Ones have dispelled the Obstructions of moral defilement and of knowable things along with their Impressions."" [Takasaki 230]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,viparyasta niṣ vāsana kleśa jñeya āvaraṇa samyaksambuddha,,NA,niṣ,,,,,samyaksambuddha,,,viparyasta vāsana kleśa jñeya āvaraṇa,,, prapañca,8,8,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvaprapañcavikalpopaśāntatvādanābhogam |,"""anābhoga: It is free from efforts because all dualistic views and false discriminations have ceased to exist."" [Takasaki 157]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,sarva vikalpa upaśānta anābhoga,,NA,sarva,upaśānta,,,vikalpa,anābhoga,,,,,, prapañca,9,9,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,anena svakriyāsu sarvaprapañcavikalpopaśāntatvādanābhogastathāgata iti paridīpitam |,"""By this it is indicated that, in his own acts, all dualistic views and false discriminations have ceased to exist; hence, the Tathāgata is free from efforts."" [Takasaki 160]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,sarva vikalpa upaśānta anābhoga,,NA,sarva,upaśānta,,,vikalpa,anābhoga,,,,,, prapañca,33,33,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tāmeva cāvidyāvāsabhūmiṃ pratītya sūkṣmanimittaprapañcasamudācārayogādatyantamanabhisaṃskāramātmapāramitāṃ nādhigacchanti |,"""And, on account of that Dwelling-place of Ignorance, and because of their being accompanied with the arising of the subtle-featured dualistic views, they cannot attain ultimately the Supreme Unity which is characterized as no accumulation of Active Force."" [Takasaki 216]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,avidyā sūkṣma nimitta samudācāra ātma pāramitā,,NA,,,,,nimitta,pāramitā,,,avidyā,,, prapañca,33,33,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tāṃ cāvidyāvāsabhūmimavidyāvāsabhūmipratyayaṃ ca sūkṣmanimittaprapañcasamudācārasamutthāpitamanāsravaṃ karma pratītya manomayaskandhasamudayāt […],"""And, on account of that Dwelling-place of Ignorance and Immaculate Action caused by the arising of the subtle-featured dualistic view conditioned by the Dwelling-place of Ignorance, there is [still] the arising of the Mind-made aggregate."" [Takasaki 216-217]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,avidyā sūkṣma nimitta samudācāra manomaya skandha,,NA,,,,,nimitta,,,,avidyā,,, prapañca,1,1,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,pūrvāntato na upalabhyati bodhisattvo aparāntato api pratiupanna triyadhvaśuddho | yo śuddha so anabhisaṃskṛtu niṣprapañco eṣā sa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā ||,"""The Bodhisattva’s past, his future and his present must elude us, Time’s three dimensions nowhere touch him. Quite pure he is, free from conditions, unimpeded. That is his practice of wisdom, the highest perfection."" [Conze/BP]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,vague,bodhisattva śuddha abhisaṃskṛta niṣ prajñavara pāramita,,NA,niṣ,,,,abhisaṃskṛta,bodhisattva śuddha prajñavara pāramita,,,,,, prapañca,15,15,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,te eva dharmasamudāgata niṣprapañcā kāṅkṣāvilekhavimatīvigatārthayuktāḥ |,"""Being thus endowed with dharma, unimpeded, Freed from hesitations, perplexity and consternation, intent on what is beneficial, […]"" [Conze/BP]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,vague,dharma niṣ kāṅkṣā vilekha vimati artha,,NA,niṣ,,,,,dharma artha,,,kāṅkṣā vilekha vimati,,, prapañca,31,31,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo evaśīlasamanvāgatu niṣprapañco anapekṣako bhavati sarvapriyāpriyeṣu |,"""But one who, endowed with morality, a pure being, Becomes unconcerned about anything that may be dear or unclear, […]"" [Conze/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,vague,śīla niṣ anapekṣa priya apriya,,NA,niṣ,,,,,śīla anapekṣa,,,,priya apriya,, prapañca,26,26,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo bodhisattva avikalpaku sarvadharmān śūnyānimitta parijānati niṣprapañcān | na ca prajña bodhi parieṣati āśayena […],"""The Bodhisattva who, not discriminating, comprehends All dharmas as empty, signless and unimpeded, Without any dualism he seeks in wisdom for enlightenment."" [Conze/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,bodhisattva vikalpa dharma śūnya nimitta niṣ bodhi,,NA,niṣ,dharma,,,nimitta,śūnya bodhi,,,,,, prapañca,1,1,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,evaṃ hetuphalotpādaṃ dṛṣtvā nopaiti nāstikyaṃ | abhyupetyāsya lokasya yāthābhūtyaṃ prapañcajam ||,"""When one understands that the origin of the notions of cause and effect is like this, one cannot be the follower of the nihilistic view, in so far as he admits that the real nature of this world consists in the display of subjective differentiation. (TLB)"" [Giuseppe Tucci 319]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu,,abhyupai/abhyupaya loka yāthābhūtya,abhyupai/abhyupaya,NA,,loka yāthābhūtya,,,,,,,,,, prapañca,1,1,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,nirodhaṃ ca prapañcotthaṃ yāthābhūtyād upāgataḥ | nopayāty astitāṃ tasmān mucyate advayaniśritaḥ ||,"""Destruction also is derived from the display of subjective differentiation, and therefore one cannot admit that it is something real in itself. In such a way one does not become a follower of the realistic doctrine. Therefore, in so far as one has taken standpoint in neither view, one attains to salvation."" [Giuseppe Tucci 320]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,nirodha yāthābhūtya dvaya,,NA,,nirodha,,,,,,,dvaya,,, prapañca,44,44,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,taṃ dharmamasamanupaśyannanupalabhamāno […] niṣprapañcaḥ| tīrṇaḥ pāragataḥ|,"""Those who have the patience of profound Dharma […] They are without conceptual elaboration. They have crossed over to the other side."" [Peter Alan Roberts 9.7]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neu.neg,,dharma niṣ pāragataḥ,,NA,niṣ,,,,,dharma,,,,,, prapañca,0,0,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,smṛtimatigatihrīdhṛticāritrācāragocarapratipattisthānam | araṇābhūmiḥ | śāntabhūmiḥ | sarvaprapañcasamucchedaḥ |,"""[…] it is the state of accomplishing the field of activity that is the performance of the conduct of mindfulness, understanding, comprehension, conscience, and stability; it is the level of freedom from corruptions; it is the level of peace; it is the termination of all conceptual elaboration; it is the training of all bodhisattvas; […]"" [Peter Alan Roberts 13.2]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neu.neg,,a raṇā/raṇa śānta sarva samuccheda,,NA,sarva,samuccheda,,,,śānta,,,raṇā/raṇa,,, prapañca,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] sukhaduḥkhāviprakampyaḥ sarvaprapañcasamatikrānto anirdeśyo aniketo buddhajñānaṃ prārthayitukāmānāṃ ghoṣapathasamatikrāntaḥ […],"""It is unaffected by bliss or suffering. It transcends all conceptual elaboration. It has no location, because it transcends the scope of the words of those who aspire to the wisdom of buddhahood."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.4]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,,sukha duḥkha sarva samatikrānta a nirdeśya ghoṣapatha,,NA,sarva,samatikrānta,,,,,,,sukha duḥkha nirdeśya ghoṣapatha,,, prapañca,303,303,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,[…] rūpavān śīlavān dhyāyavān vīryavān jñānayuktas tathā niḥspṛho nirjvaro niṣprapañco nirāyāsavṛttiḥ […],"""He is handsome, virtuous, intent on meditation, courageous and possessed of wisdom. He is likewise free from desire, free from sickness and free of artifice, and has a disposition free of trouble."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa [110]]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neg,vague,jñāna niḥ spṛha nir jvara niṣ nirāyāsa nirāyāsa vṛtti,,NA,niṣ,vṛtti,,,spṛha jvara nirāyāsa,jñāna,,,,,, prapañca,2,2,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha ca punaḥ śāntamate tathāgatakāyaḥ akāyaḥ dharmakāyaḥ arūpānimittakāyaḥ aprapañcāpracārakāyaḥ […],"""Śāntamati, the Tathāgata’s body is incorporeal; it is the embodiement of the Dharma; it is a body without form, features, differentiation or activity."" [BTW]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,tathāgata dharma rūpa nimitta a pracāra kāya,,NA,a,kāya,,,pracāra,tathāgata dharma,,,rūpa nimitta,,, prapañca,2,2,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma śāntamate ākāśaṃ niṣprapañcaṃ | evam eva śāntamate tathāgatakāyo niṣprapañca | […] tadyathā śāntamate ākāśam avikāram avikalpaṃ | evam eva śāntamate tathāgatakāyo avikāroavikalpaḥ |,"""Just as the sky, the Tathāgata’s body is free from conceptual proliferation […] Just as the sky, the Tathāgata’s body is immutable and free from conceptualization."" [BTW]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,ākāśa niṣ tathāgata a vikāra a vikalpa,,NA,niṣ,,,,,ākāśa tathāgata,,,vikāra vikalpa,,, prapañca,2,2,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma śāntamate ākāśaṃ niṣprapañcaṃ | evam eva śāntamate tathāgatakāyo niṣprapañca | […] tadyathā śāntamate ākāśam avikāram avikalpaṃ | evam eva śāntamate tathāgatakāyo avikāro avikalpaḥ |,"""Just as the sky, the Tathāgata’s body is free from conceptual proliferation […] Just as the sky, the Tathāgata’s body is immutable and free from conceptualization."" [BTW]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,ākāśa tathāgata kāya niṣ a vikāra a vikalpa,,NA,niṣ,kāya,,,,ākāśa tathāgata,,,vikāra vikalpa,,, prapañca,31,31,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punar guhyakādhipate sa saddharmaparigraho yaḥ sarvadharmāṇām agraho parāmarṣaḥ yaḥ satvanimittaprapañcānām agraho asamudācāro yā sarvavikalpānām akalpānām avikalpānāṃ ||,"""But yet, Guhyakādhipati, he fully understands the noble Dharma he who does not grasp or cling to any factor of existence; he who does not grasp or address (?) the characteristics of conceptual elaboration of sentience; he who does not fabricate or conceptualise any mental constructions."" [BTW]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,saddharma satva/sattva nimitta agraha asamudācāra a kalpa a vikalpa,,NA,satva/sattva,asamudācāra agraha,,,nimitta,saddharma,,,kalpa vikalpa,,, prapañca,5,5,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,aprapañco hi dharmo nirakṣaraḥ |,"""The Dharma is ultimately without formulation and without verbalization."" [Thurman 50]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,a dharma nir akṣara,,NA,a,,,,,dharma,,,akṣara,,, prapañca,5,5,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] nasau dharmārthikaḥ prapañcārthiko asau |,"""Who verbalizes: ‘Suffering should be recognized, origination should be eliminated, cessation should be realized, the path should be practiced,’ is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in verbalization."" [Thurman 50]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neu.neg,,dharma arthika,,NA,,arthika,,,,dharma,,,,,, prapañcita,372,372,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,aparapratyayaṃ śāntaṃ prapañcair aprapañcitam | nirvikalpam anānārtham etat tattvasya lakṣaṇam ||,"""Not known through others, peaceful, not fixed by fixations, without conceptual thought, without differentiation: these are the characteristics of suchness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,śānta a vikalpa a nānārtha tattva lakṣaṇa,,NA,a,lakṣaṇa,,,vikalpa nānārtha,śānta tattva,,,,,, prapañcita,221,221,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] sarveṣāṃ teṣāṃ sattvānāṃ cittacaritavispanditāni jñāsyati | iñjitamanyitaprapañcitāni jñāsyati praviciniṣyati |,"""Whatever creatures of this triple universe are subject to the mundane whirl, in any of the six conditions of existence, he will know their thoughts, doings, and movements. He will know and discern their motions, purposes and aims."" [Kern 351]",Thought,Perception/cognition@Difficulty,Faint/imperfect_idea@obstacle,False_notion/deceit,False_notion/deceit,neu,,citta carita vispandita iñjita manyita jānā/jānī,jānā/jānī,NA,,,,,iñjita manyita,,,,citta carita vispandita,,, prapañcita,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śītalo niṣparidānaḥ animittaḥ amanyitaḥ aninditaḥ aprapañcitaḥ alpaśabdo nirdeśena | aparyanto varṇanirdeśena […],"""It is calmness, the absence of anguish. It is groundless, and cannot be comprehended. There is no end to its description."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.5]",Relationship,Relative_properties@Perception/cognition,differentiation/distinguishing@multiplicity,Differentiation,Differentiation,neg,,niṣ paridāna a nimitta a manyita a nindita a alpaśabda nirdeśa,,NA,a,,,,paridāna nimitta manyita nindita alpaśabda nirdeśa,,,,,,, prārthanā,11,11.38,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,kāmānāṃ prārthanā duḥkhā prāptau tṛptir na vidyate | viyogān niyataḥ śoko viyogaś ca dhruvo divi ||,"""38. The quest of love is full of suffering and in its attainment there is no appeasement of desire. Grief ensues inexorably from separation, and separation is inevitable in heaven."" [Johnston 64]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,pursuit,pursuit,neu.neg,,kāma duḥkha,,,kāma duḥkha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, prārthanā,39,39v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,svarggopapattaye yāvatparinirvāṇāya tasya śīlavato ṛdhyati cetanā ṛdhyāti prārthanā ṛdhyāti praṇidhānaṃ tad anenāpi te śāntamate paryyāyeṇaivaṃ veditavyaṃ ||,"""Pious practitioners succeed in their intents, pursuits and resolutions""",Existence,Intention@Existence,Will@object/that_which_is_outside_the_self,pursuit,pursuit,pos,,śīlavat cetanā ṛdh praṇidhāna,ṛdh,,,,,NA,,,NA,,cetanā praṇidhāna,NA,, pratijalp,208,2280955|208,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,so ahaṃ nāma svayameva vivadāmi | lābhā me durlabdhā na sulabdhāḥ yo ahaṃ jalpite pratijalpāmi | yena mayā sarvasattvānāṃ saṃkramabhūtena bhavitavyam so ahaṃ pareṣu tvamity api vācaṃ bhāṣe paruṣaṃ vā arkaśaṃ vā prativaco dadāmi |,"""[...] yet I myself engage in disputes! It is indeed a loss to me, and not a gain, that I should answer back as I am spoken to. When I should be to all beings a bridge across the sea of birth-and-death, I nevertheless say to another, ‘the same to you,’ or return a harsh and rough answer."" [Conze 247]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,talking,neg,,vivad,,,,,,,,,,NA,vivad,,, pravyāhāra,299,299,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] nāmasaṃketaḥ? yadidaṃ apariniṣpannānāṃ nāmnām anubudhyanatā || [...]yadidaṃ lokavyavahāraḥ || [...] prajñaptisamuddhātaḥ? yadidaṃ pravyāhārajñānam ||,"""What is the knowledge of assigned names? It is the understanding that names are without reality. “What is the use of designations? It is worldly usage. “What is employing designations? It is the knowledge of speaking."" [Peter Alan Roberts 40.66-67]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃketa anubudhyanatā loka vyavahāra prajñapti,,,,,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, pūrvābhilāpin,149,149,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,"""Here it is the speech of a bodhisattva that is friendly, and it is the speech by which a bodhisattva who refrains from frowning, who speaks politely, and who shows a welcoming facial expression accompanied by a smile, […]"" [Engle 365366]",,Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,iha bodhisattvasya yā vāk--sammodanī yayā vācā bodhisattvo vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ pūrvābhilāpī uttānamukhavarṇaḥ smitamukha pūrvaṅgamaḥ […],,,,,,,,,,,,instrumental,, pūrvābhilāpin,250,250,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,"""He or she is amiable, speaks in a kindly manner, and speaks politely and accompanied by a smile."" [Engle 590]",,Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ peśalo madhura--bhāṇī pūrvābhilāpī smitapūrvaṅgamaḥ |,,,,,,,,,,,nominative nominative,,, pūrvābhilāpin,Bodhisattvabhumipūrvābhilāpin33,149,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya yā vāksammodanī yayā vācā bodhisattvo vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ pūrvābhilāpī uttānamukhavarṇaḥ smitamukha pūrvaṅgamaḥ […],"""Here it is the speech of a bodhisattva that is friendly, and it is the speech by which a bodhisattva who refrains from frowning, who speaks politely, and who shows a welcoming facial expression accompanied by a smile, […]"" [Engle 365-366]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,vāc smitamukha,,,,,,,,,,,,instrumental,, pūrvābhilāpin,Bodhisattvabhumipūrvābhilāpin66,250,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ peśalo madhurabhāṇī pūrvābhilāpī smitapūrvaṅgamaḥ |,"""He or she is amiable, speaks in a kindly manner, and speaks politely and accompanied by a smile."" [Engle 590]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,bhāṇin smitapūrvaṅgama,,,,,,,,,,,nominative nominative,,, pūrvābhilāpin,149,149,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya yā vāksammodanī yayā vācā bodhisattvo vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ pūrvābhilāpī uttānamukhavarṇaḥ smitamukha pūrvaṅgamaḥ […],"""Here it is the speech of a bodhisattva that is friendly, and it is the speech by which a bodhisattva who refrains from frowning, who speaks politely, and who shows a welcoming facial expression accompanied by a smile, […]"" [Engle 365-366]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,vāc smitamukha,,,,,,,,,,,smitamukha,vāc,, pūrvābhilāpin,250,250,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vigatabhṛkuṭiḥ peśalo madhurabhāṇī pūrvābhilāpī smitapūrvaṅgamaḥ |,"""He or she is amiable, speaks in a kindly manner, and speaks politely and accompanied by a smile."" [Engle 590]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,bhāṇin smitapūrvaṅgama,,,,,,,,,,,bhāṇin smitapūrvaṅgama,,, pūrvābhilāpin,145,145,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,"""They [These young girls] were gracious in speech, always smiling, skilled in service, and knew well the proper methods of all the arts."" [Boucher 149]",,Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,[…] pūrvābhilāpinyaḥ smitamukh^āś^opacāra--kuśalāḥ sarvakalāsu vidhijñā […],,,,,,,,,,,,,, pūrvābhilāpin,Rastrapalapūrvābhilāpin1,145,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] pūrvābhilāpinyaḥ smitamukh^āś^opacārakuśalāḥ sarvakalāsu vidhijñā […],"""They [These young girls] were gracious in speech, always smiling, skilled in service, and knew well the proper methods of all the arts."" [Boucher 149]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,smitamukha upacāra,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pūrvābhilāpin,145,145,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] pūrvābhilāpinyaḥ smitamukh^āś^opacārakuśalāḥ sarvakalāsu vidhijñā […],"""They [These young girls] were gracious in speech, always smiling, skilled in service, and knew well the proper methods of all the arts."" [Boucher 149]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,smitamukha upacāra,,,,,,,,,,,smitamukha upacāra,,, pūrvābhilāpita,4,4,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,"""It is to be gentle. It is having a smiling face. It is being courteous. It is to be welcoming."" [Peter Alan Roberts 1.28]",,Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,mādhuryam | smitamukhatā | pūrvābhilāpitā | ehīti svāgata--vāditā |,,,,,,,,,,,nominative nominative nominative,,, pūrvābhilāpita,Samadhirajapūrvābhilāpita1,4,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mādhuryam | smitamukhatā | pūrvābhilāpitā | ehīti svāgatavāditā |,"""It is to be gentle. It is having a smiling face. It is being courteous. It is to be welcoming."" [Peter Alan Roberts 1.28]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,mādhurya smitamukhatā vādita,,,,,,,,,,,nominative nominative nominative,,, pūrvābhilāpita,4,4,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mādhuryam | smitamukhatā | pūrvābhilāpitā | ehīti svāgatavāditā |,"""It is to be gentle. It is having a smiling face. It is being courteous. It is to be welcoming."" [Peter Alan Roberts 1.28]",Language,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@Kindness,verbal expression,greeting/salutation,pos,,mādhurya smitamukhatā vādita,,,,,,,,,,,mādhurya smitamukhatā vādita,,, śabda,254,254|01-254|05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pāruṣyeṇa amanojñaśabdaśravaṇaṃ,"""through injurious speech, he will only understand disagreeable speech;"" [Pruden 669]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,neg,vague,sa ākranda sva,,,ākranda,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,422,422|13-422|14,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ṛddhyādīnāṃ tu laghutvaśabd^ālokamanasikaraṇaṃ prayogaḥ |,"""f. La préparation (prayoga) des trois premières Abhijñās, rddhiviṣaya, divyaśrotra, divyacakṣus, consiste dans l'observation de la légèreté, du son, de la lumière (laghutva, śabda, ālokamanasikaraṇa). Quand le préparatif est achevé, l'ascète obtient dans chaque cas la maîtrise (vaśitā)."" [de la Vallée Poussin 104]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,na kīrti śloka miśrita dāna,,,,miśrita,NA,NA,kīrti śloka,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,422,422|17-422|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃ divyaśrotrābhijñayā svabhūmikameva śabdaṃ śṛṇotyadharabhūmikaṃ vā nordhvabhūmikam |,"""So too, through the Supernormal Knowledge of divine hearing, one understands the sounds of the sphere to which the Supernormal Knowledge belongs, or the sounds of a lower sphere, but not the sounds of a higher sphere."" [Pruden 1161]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,a varṇa a yaśas kīrti śloka niścāraṇatā,,,,niścāraṇatā,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,18,018|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pañca vimuktyāyatanāni prajñāsvabhāvatvāddharm^āyatanena | saparivārāṇi tu śabdomanodharm^āyatanaiḥ |,"""The five 'gates of entry into deliverance' (vimuktyāyatana) are, by their nature, speculative knowledge (prajñā); they are thus included within the dharmāyatana. If one considers their following, they are included within the sabdāyatana, the mana-āyatana, and the dharmāyatana."" [Pruden 88]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,bodhivṛkṣa śrotra avabhāsa āgam,,āgam,bodhivṛkṣa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,23,023|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ime te navānupāttāḥ | sapta cittadhātavo dharmadhātuḥ śabdadhātuśca |,"""These nine are never appropriated: the seven dhātus of mind (i.l6c), the dharmadhātu (i.l5c), and sound are never appropriated."" [Pruden 98]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,na amanojña,,,amanojña,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,25,025|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[...] aupacayiko naiḥṣyandikaścāsti | vipākajaḥ | na śabdaḥ kiṃ kāraṇam | īhātaḥ pravṛtteḥ |,"""iii. Sound is accumulation, for the voice is in a weak state when the body is emaciated. It is also outflowing. It is not a cause of fruition, for the voice proceeds from a desire for action {chanda, ii.24). 37b. Sound is not of retribution."" [Pruden 104]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,ākranda samāpūrita tūrya nighoṣa vīṇā svara,,,ākranda,,NA,NA,,svara,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,38,038|08-038|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rūpadarśanaśabdaśravaṇayośca asādhāraṇakāraṇatve |,"""and (4) with regard to their special activities, i.e., seeing visible things and hearing sounds."" [Pruden 153]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,madhura anuru,anuru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,100,100|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ālambanaṃ sarvadharmāḥ | yathāyogaṃ cakṣurvijñānasya sasaṃprayogasya rūpam | śrotravijñānasya śabdaḥ | ghrāṇavijñānasya gandhaḥ | jihvāvijñānasya rasaḥ | kāyavijñānasya spraṣṭavyam | manovijñānasya sarvadharmāḥ |,"""What is an object as condition? 62c. All dharmas are the objects of consciousness. All the dharmas, conditioned as well as unconditioned, are 'objects of consciousness' of the mind and its mental states, but not indiscriminately so. For example, the visual consciousness and the mental states, sensation, etc., which are associated with it, have all visible things for their object; the hearing consciousness, sounds; the smelling consciousness, odors; and the touch consciousness, tangible things."" [Pruden 302]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,śru,śru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,149,149|03-149|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,catvāro arūpisāmante ākāśānantyāyatanasāmantakamatrārūpisāmantakam | tatra catvāro rūpaśabdaspraṣṭavyadharmopavicārāḥ | te ca rūpagāḥ caturthaṃ hi dhyānameṣāmālambanam |,"""In Ārūpyadhātu, one must distinguish the preliminary absorption of Ākāśānantyāyatana and the absorption which follows it: 35a. In the preliminary stage of Ārūpyadhātu... In the Karika, the word 'arūpisāmanta' signifies Ākāśānantyāyatanasāmantaka (viii.22). Four upavicāras: the upavicāras of indifference (upekṣā) with regard to visible things, sounds, tangible things and dharmas of the Fourth Dhyāna are produced in this absorption."" [Pruden 435]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,rūpa śru,śru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,464,464|18-464|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi ca pudgalaḥ ṣaḍvijñānavijñeyaḥ pratijñāyate | sa śrotravijñānavijñeyatvādrūpādanyaḥ prāpnoti śabdavat | caturvijñānavijñeyatvāc[...]anyaḥ prāpnoti rūpavat | evamanyebhyo api yojyam |,"""You have said that the pudgala is discerned by the six consciousnesses. But, if it is discerned by the eye consciousness, it will be, like physical matter and shape, different from sound; if it is discerned by the ear consciousness, it will be, like sound, different from physical matter and shape. And thus for those (consciousnesses) that follow."" [Pruden 1322]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,manas dharma āyatana,,,,āyatana,NA,NA,manas dharma,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,4,004|14-004|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yathaikarūpavyāsaktacakṣurmanaso yāni rūpāṇi śabdagandharasaspraṣṭavyāni cātyayante tadālambanaiḥ pañcabhirvijñānakāyairna śakyaṃ punarutpattum |,"""For example, when the organ of sight and the mental organ are occupied with a certain visible matter, other visible things, sounds, odors, tastes and tangibles pass from the present into the past. It follows that the five sense consciousness, the visual consciousness, etc., which have had for their object other visible matter, sounds, odors, tastes and tangibles, cannot arise."" [Pruden 60]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,rūpa rasa sparśa gandha dharma,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa rasa sparśa gandha,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17,017|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,api cātrabahūnāṃ dharmāṇāṃ saṃgraho vedanāādīnām | ataḥ sāmānyenābhidhānaṃ kriyate dharmaśabdena | agrasya ca nirvāṇadharmasyātra saṃgraho nānyeṣviti |,"""It includes numerous dharmas, sensations, ideas, etc.; it includes the best dharma, that is to say, Nirvana. This is why the general name, dharmāyatana, is attributed to it par excellence."" [Pruden 86]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,tu eva kāra artha,,,artha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,22,022|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,savitarkavicārā hi pañca vijñānadhātavaḥ | nityamete vitarkavicārābhyāṃ saṃprayuktāḥ | avadhāraṇārtho hiśabdaḥ |,"""32a-b. Five consciousnesses always include vitarka and vicāra. They are always associated with vitarka and with vicāra, for they are gross, being turned towards externals. The word hi, 'always,' indicates restriction;"" [Pruden 96]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,tadyathā dṛṣṭānta vācaka iti,,,tadyathā vācaka,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,26,026|25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,etasya prasaṅgasya samuccayārthaś caśabdaḥ sahāpi ca iti |,"""The taking possession of and possession, simultaneous or not, of the organ of sight and visible matter, of the visual consciousness and visible matter, of the organ of hearing and sound, etc., shall be defined, as fitting, in each case."" [Pruden 107]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,tadyathā dṛṣṭānta vācaka,,,tadyathā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,34,034|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,pañcānāṃ sahajaśca taiḥ ||I.44|| atītaśceti caśabdaḥ | tatra cakṣurvijñānasya cakṣuḥ sahaja āśrayo yāvat kāyavijñānasya kāyaḥ |,"""44d. The point of support of the first five is also simultaneous. The point of support of the five consciousnesses is also simultaneous with them: that is, it is both earlier than, and simultaneous to the consciousness."" [Pruden 124]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,ghoṣa go nava svartha? kṛtāvadhi,,,kṛtāvadhi,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,40,040|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,caturdaśa tathā anyāni nivṛtterindriyāṇi vā ||2.6|| matavikalpārtho vāśabdaḥ | apare punarāhuḥ |,"""6. Or rather there are fourteen indriyas[, support of transmigration, origin, duration, enjoyment of this support; the other indriyas have the same function with regard to Nirvana. The expression 'or rather' [vā] introduces the explanation of other masters."" [Pruden 157]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,na kṣaṇa eka milana nāman,,,,milana,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,45,045|24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tattvekaṃ savipākaṃ | tadekaṃ savipākameva | tuśabda evakārārtho bhinnakramaśca veditavyaḥ |,"""1. Dissatisfaction always has retribution, for, on the one hand, it is never neutral, being the result of a concept (vikalpaviśeṣa: the idea of a thing liked, or of a thing hated, etc., ii.8c); but, on the other hand, it is never pure, never being produced in a state of absorption."" [Pruden 171]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,upavicar,upavicar,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,75,075|13-075|14,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,iyaṃ dvitīyā sukhopapattiriti ayamatra tadyathāśabdo dṛṣṭāntavācaka iti yukta etasmāccheṣasaṃpratyayaḥ |,"""[Context: jīvitendriya; How to interpret the buddha's reply to the question: Lord, What are the beings whose existence cannot be destroyed either by themselves, or by others?] In the two passages given above the word tadyathā is used to introduce an example. We must translate tadyathā not as 'namely' but as 'for example'. It is a rule concerning examples that when one names one case one designates all similar cases. [In this citation the word tadyathā expresses 'example'...]."" [Pruden 237]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,api,,,api,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,75,075|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadyayaṃ tadyathāśabdo dṛṣṭāntavācakaḥ syādiha na prāpnuyāt |,"""We would say that this explanation does not introduce an example, for we find it in Sutras that give a complete enumeration,…."" [Pruden 237]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,upasaṃgrahaṇa artha ādi,,,ādi,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,80,080|28-081|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kena punarghoṣeṇārthaḥ pratīyate | yo artheṣu kṛtāvadhirvaktṛbhistadyathāgaurityeṣa śabdo navasvartheṣu kṛtāvadhiḥ |,"""It is thus that the Ancients have invested the sound go with the power to signify nine things: 'The sages have established the sound go in nine things, that is, cardinal region, cattle, land, a beam of light, a word, a diamond, an eye, a haven, and water'."" [Pruden 251]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,aupacārika sūtra anuśaya,,,aupacārika,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,81,081|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na khalvapi śabdānāṃ sāmagryamasti kṣaṇaekamilanam | na caikasya bhāgaśa utpādo yukta iti kathamutpādayantī vāṅnāmotpādayet |,"""b. But it is absurd to suppose that the voice produces a word. In fact, sounds do not exist at the same time—one has, for example, r-ū-p-a—whereas the word, which you define as a dharma, an entity, cannot arise in parts. Then how can the voice, when it produces a word, produce it?"" [Pruden 251]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,dṛṣṭi ādi parāmarśa ādi lopa,,,ādi,lopa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,147,147|18-147|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yathā tu vyaktataraṃ tathoktaṃ yo api rūpāṇi dṛṣṭvā śabdānupavicarati so api manopavicāraḥ | yathā tvanākulaṃ tathoktamindriyārthasya vyavacchedataḥ |,"""4. the Sūtra says, 'Having seen visible things . . . he considers visible things,' because his 'consideration' is 'clearer' when it bears on an object which is 'experienced.' It is not doubtful that, having seen a visible thing, one cannot consider the sound [which accompanied the visible thing]; there is here 'consideration' or upavicāra, of a sound not experienced: but the text, in order to avoid any confusion, makes a correspondence between the organs and the objects which correspond to them."" [Pruden 432-3]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,mata vikalpa jñāpana artha vā,,,vā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,201,201|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra rūpe apyavijñaptiḥ kāme apītyapiśabdāt | ārūpyeṣu nāsti bhūtābhāvāt | yatra hi kāyavācoḥ pravṛttistatra kāyavāksaṃvarau |,"""The restriction of the stanza refers only to bad actions; hence good actions and neutral actions are in all of the Three Dhātus. 7c. Avijñapti also exists in Rūpadhātu. 'Also' that is to say: in Kāmadhātu as well as in Rūpadhātu; not in Ārūpyadhātu, for the primary elements are missing there [from whence the avijñapti is derived (iv.6b).]. Only where body and voice exist, do we find [the avijñapti which] is the discipline of the body and voice."" [Pruden 571]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,buddhakṣetra apagata apāya duḥkha,,,apagata duḥkha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,212,212|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,daśavidhā upasaṃpaditi vinayavibhāṣikāḥ | tasya upasaṃgrahaṇārthamādiśabdaḥ |,"""According to Vinaya scholars of the Vaibhāṣika School, there are six types of ordination. In order to include them all within his definition, the author says, ' . . . from the information of another et cetera'. [BGH prātimokṣākhyaḥ paravijñapanādibhiḥ (IV.26 //why 'six types of ordination'? Ten are enumerated!]"" [Pruden 592]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,pañcavidyāsthāna adhyātma hetu vidyā cikitsā śilpakarma sthāna,,,,vidyā,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,278,278|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sānuśayaṃ sānubandhamityarthaḥ | aupacāriko vā sūtre anuśayaśabdaḥ prāptau | yathā duḥkho agniriti |,"""Context: But the Sūtra which we have just quoted says that one abandons kāmarāga along with its anuśaya. Hence the anuśaya is not kāmarāga. The Vaibhāṣikas answer: The expression 'with its anuśaya' should be explained as 'with its anubandha' that is, 'with its consequences.' Or rather the Sūtra uses the word anuśaya in the sense of 'possession' because possession is the cause of the anuśaya (ii.35, trans, p. 208). [BGH (Pradhan, fn. 7, p. 278: Ms. reads prāpto) Or, rather, the word anuśaya is placed/used metaphorically in the sutra for 'possession' (prāpti), as (the word) fire is used for suffering.]"" [Pruden 769]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,ghoṣa śru iti nirvṛta,śru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,282,282|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kiṃ hīnam | sarvaṃ sāsravam | āryaiḥ prahīṇatvāt | tasyāgrato grahaṇaṃ dṛṣṭiparāmarśaḥ | dṛṣṭyādiparāmarśa iti vaktavye ādiśabdalopaḥ kṛtaḥ |,"""What does hīna mean? It refers to everything that is impure, because the Saints abandon it (prahīna). And the view that consist of esteeming this is called simply 'consideration' (parāmarśa). It would be best to say dṛṣṭyādiparāmarśa, 'esteeming that which is low, beginning with erroneous views.' But the word ādi is omitted here."" [Pruden 778]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,ādi iti,,,ādi,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,408,408|23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃvṛtijñānasyāpyubhayoriti kecit | tatra matavikalpajñāpanārtho vāśabdaḥ |,"""Some other masters say that conventional knowledge is cultivated by one who is not detached as well as by one who is detached."" [Pruden 1131]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,eka svara na eka vijñapti pratyupasthāpanatva,,,eka,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,419,419|20-419|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,āsāṃ ca kila pratisaṃvidāṃ gaṇitaṃ buddhavacanaṃ śabdavidyā hetuvidyā ca pūrvaprayogo yathākramam |,"""According to the School, the preparatory exercises of the Four Unhindered Knowledges are, in this order, the study of calculation, the word of the buddha, the study of sounds (śabdavidyā), and the study of causes (hetuvidyā),…"" [Pruden 1154-5]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,mṛṣāvāda paiśunya pārūṣya saṃbhinnapralāpa,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,8,008|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,acittakasyāpītyasaṃjñinirodhasamāpattisamāpannasyāpi | apiśabdenāvikṣiptasucittasyāpīti vijñāyate |,""" 'One without mind' is one who has entered into one of the absorptions of non-consciousness called asaṃjñisamāpatti [and nirodhasamapatti]. 'Also in a person' . . : the word 'also' indicates that avijñapti also exists in a person with a non-distracted mind, and in a person whose mind is not in the two absorptions."" [Pruden 68]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,hlād,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,107,107/95-6,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tāḥ atha bhagavāṃ anupūrveṇa nagarāvalambikāyā dārikāyā gṛhe samāgato abhūt | atha bhagavān nagarāvalambikāyā dārikāyā gṛhe cakrikaṃ kaṭakaṭāpayām āsa | atha sā dārikā taṃ cakrīśabdaṃ śrutvā saṃśayajātābhūt | ko hetuḥ kaḥ pratyayaḥ |,"""In due course the Blessed One came to the house of a beggar-girl, and the Blessed One rattled his begging-staff in front of the beggar-girl’s house. When she heard the sound of the staff, the girl was filled with apprehension. 'What is the cause of this? What is the reason for this?' she wondered."" [Hirabayashi et.al. 96]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,śru saṃjñā,śru,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,saṃjñā,NA,NA, śabda,114,114,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye kecid ānanda gaṇḍīśabdaṃ śroṣyanti teṣāṃ pañcānantaryāṇi kṛtyāni parīkṣayaṃ yāsyanti |,"""Whoever, Ānanda, hears the sound of the gaṇḍī -- for him the five deadly sins will be completely destroyed."" [Hirabayashi et.al. 106]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,a,,,a,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,311,311,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,tatra bhikṣavaṃ katame aṣṭadaśa dhātavaḥ tadyathā cakṣudhātuḥ | rūpadhātuḥ | cakṣurvijñānadhātuḥ | śrotradhātuḥ | śabdadhātuḥ | śrotravijñānadhātuḥ | ghrāṇadhātuḥ | gandhadhātuḥ | ghrāṇavijñānadhātuḥ | jihvādhātuḥ | rasadhātuḥ |,"""What , monks , are the eighteen elements? 'The eye element , form element ,and eye-consciousness element; the ear element, sound element , and ear-consciousness element; the nose element , smell element , and nose-consciousness element; the tongue element , taste element , ....""",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,citta dharma dhātu,,,,dhātu,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,citta dharma,NA,NA, śabda,311,311,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,yaduta cakṣuradhyātmikamāyatanam | rūpamadhyātmikamāyatanam | śrotramadhyātmikamāyatanam | śabdo bāhyamāyatanam | ghrāṇamadhyātmikamāyatanam | gandho bāhyamāyatanam | jihvā adhyātmikamāyatanam | raso,"""[Context: What are the dvādaśāyatanāni] The internal sense field of the eye and external sense field of form; the internal sense field of the ear and external sense field of sound; the internal sense field of the nose and external sense field of smell; the internal sense field of the tongue and external sense field of taste; ... [the internal sense field of the body and external sense field of touch; the internal sense field of mind and external sense field of objects of mind. These, monks, are called the twelve sense fields.] [Cf. Samtani ed.: rūpaṃ adhyātmikam should be corrected to r. bāhyam]"" [Samtani 65]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,vipāka jan na,,,jan,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,313,313,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,vedanāpratyayā tṛṣṇā | katamā tṛṣṇā ṣaṭ tṛṣṇākāyāḥ | katame ṣaṭ rūpatṛṣṇā | śabdatṛṣṇā | gandhatṛṣṇā | rasatṛṣṇā | sparśatṛṣṇā | dharmatṛṣṇā |,"""Craving is conditioned by feeling. 'What is craving? 'There are six classes of craving: craving for form, craving for sound, craving for smell, craving for taste, craving for touch, and craving for mental objects."" [Samtani 91]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,rūpa darśana śravaṇa a sādhāraṇa kāraṇatva,,,,śravaṇa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,16,16,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,divyāścāpsaraso nāṭayituṃ pravṛttāḥ | yāvad vītarāgo janakāyo divyāni rūpāṇi dṛṣṭvā divyāṃśca śabdān śrutvā māreṇākṛṣṭaḥ | ato māreṇopaguptasya parṣad ākṛṣṭā | prītamanasā māreṇa sthaviropaguptasya śirasi mālā,"""heavenly instruments were played and divine apsaras started to dance, and the once dispassionate crowd of men, seeing the divine forms and hearing the heavenly sounds, was drawn away by Māra."" [Strong 186]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,kīrti śloka śramaṇa,,,,,NA,NA,kīrti śloka,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,118,118,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,na khalveṣa kiṃ gītasya kunālasadṛśo dhvaniḥ | karmaṇyadhairyatāṃ caiva sūcayanniva lakṣyate || tadanenāsmi śabdena dhairyādākampito bhṛśaṃ | kalabhasyeva naṣṭasya pranaṣṭakalabhaḥ karī ||,"""Is the sound of that song not like Kunala's? It seems to be pointing out the inconstancy of acts. I am greatly moved by the sound of it, like an elephant who has found her long lost calf."" [Strong 280]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,pātra śrī vinaya,,,,pātra,NA,NA,vinaya,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,15,15,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tataḥ sa dharmaśravaṇe adhīṣṭaḥ | mathurāyāṃ ca śabdo visṛtaḥ | upagupto nāmālakṣaṇako buddho adya dharmaṃ deśayiṣyatiiti | śrutvā cānekāni prāṇiśatasahasrāṇi,"""Soon thereafter, he was asked to preach at a Dharma meeting; and the word spread throughout Mathura that, on that day, a buddha without the marks named Upagupta would expose the Dharma . And hearing this, several hundred thousand persons set out."" [Strong 185]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,neu,,bhāva svara niścar,,,bhāva,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,27,27,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,yāvan mathurāyāṃ śabdo visṛtaḥ sthaviropaguptena māro vinīta iti |,"""Then the word spread throughout Mathura that Mara had been converted by the elder Upagupta;"" [Strong 196]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,neu,,tūrya pravādita niścar dharma gāthā,,niścar,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,gāthā,NA,NA, śabda,156,156,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,so ajānann apaśyan śūnyatāyāḥ śabdaṃ śṛṇoti |,"""Ignorant of them, blind to them, he hears the word ‘emptiness',...."" [Conze 321]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu.neg,,evaṃrūpa bhagavat śru,śru,,evaṃrūpa bhagavat,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,156,156,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sa taṃ śabdaṃ nimittīkaroti |,"""...treats that [the word 'emptiness'] as a sign"" [Conze 312]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu.neg,,sarva upaviṣṭa apaśabda,upaviṣṭa,,,,NA,NA,,apaśabda,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,254,254,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma kulaputra vīṇāyāḥ śabda utpadyamāno na kutaścidāgacchati nirudhyamāno api na kvacidgacchati na kvacitsaṃkrāmati,"""When the sound of a boogharp is being produced, it does not come from anywhere. When it is stopped, it does not go anywhere, nor does it pass on to anywhere."" [Conze 515]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,kaṭakaṭā cakrī śru,śru,,cakrī,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,254,254,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sa ca śabdo na droṇyā niścarati na carmaṇo na tantrībhyo na daṇḍānnopadhānībhyo na koṇānna puruṣasya tajjavyāyāmataḥ,"""And yet that sound does not come forth from that hollow body of the harp, nor from the parchment sounding board, nor from the strings, nor from the hollow arm, nor from the bindings, nor from the plectrum, nor from the person who plays it, nor from his exertions. It is just the combination of all of them that makes the sound conceivable."" [Conze 516]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,gaṇḍī śru,śru,,gaṇḍī,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,239,239,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,asti hi kulaputra māraḥ pāpīyān dharmabhāṇakasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya rūpaśabdagandharasasparśānupasaṃharati sevituṃ bhaktuṃ paryupāsitum |,"""For there is always Māra, the Evil One, who may suggest that your teacher tends, enjoys and honours things that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched, [when in actual fact he does so from skill in means, and has really risen above them]"". [Conze 483]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,cakṣus rūpa śrotra vijñāna grāṇa gandha jihvā rasa kāya,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,167,167,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,suviśuddhaṃ tad buddhakṣetraṃ vyapagataśilāśarkarakaṭhalyam apagatakāmadoṣam apagatāpāyaduḥkhaśabdam apagatamātṛgrāmam |,"""That buddhafield is altogether purified, free of the defect of passion, free of (even) the word 'unfortunate rebirth' or 'suffering', free of women;"" [Schopen 235]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu.neg,,bodhisattva udāhṛ,udāhṛ,,bodhisattva,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,48,48/68,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,aṇukāḥ [...] | antato yāvat karṇajāpaśabdāḥ |,"""Faint sounds are the sounds that are as slight as a whisper in the ear."" [Pruden 124]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,cakṣus rūpa cakṣur śrotra dhātu śrotra vijñāna ghrāṇa gandha ghrāṇa jihvā rasa,,,,dhātu,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,48,48/69,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,dūrāḥ [...] | yatra grāme kṣetre vihāre vā tathāgato vā bodhisattvo vā viharati tatra ye śabdā niścaranti tān sthāpayitvā tadanyatra yāvadaprameyāsaṃkhyeyeṣu lokadhātuṣu,"""Distant sounds are those sounds other than the ones that occur in a village, field, or hall, in which a tathāgata or bodhisattva is present, [and they can be heard arising from] as far away as countless, immeasurable world spheres."" [Engle 125]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa kāmaguṇa,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,47/68,47/68,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra mānuṣyakāḥ śabdāḥ | tiryak sarvacāturdvīpakopapannānāṃ sattvānām |,"""Regarding this topic, human sounds are those that occur horizontally and [that are made by the human] beings who have been born in all of the four continents."" [Engle 123]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neu,,mata vikalpa artha vā,,,vā artha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,85,85/121,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na ca bodhisattvaḥ kīrtiśabdaślokamiśritaṃ dānaṃ dadāti |,"""A bodhisattva does not give a gift that is based on [a desire for] renown, fame, and reputation."" [Engle 216]",Language,Language@Esteem,Reputation,repute,renown,neu.neg,,bhṛ svarga diva ākaṅkṣ ātmasthiti,bhṛ,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,diva ātmasthiti,NA,NA, śabda,267,267/387,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yathocyate cabhagavāṃstadrūpaṃ samādhi samāpannaṃ | yathā samāhite citte sarvo brahmalokaudāreṇāvabhāsena sphuṭo babhūva | bhāṣitasya cāsya śabdaḥ śrūyate | na cainaṃ kaścitpaścatīti vistaraḥ |,"As a portion [of a sūtra passage] declares, 'The Blessed One entered a state of one-pointed concentration that conformed to that [aim]. In accordance with the way his mind was composed, the entire Brahmā realm became filled with extraordinary light. The sound of his speech was also heard, but no one could see him."" [Engle 628]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,rūpa gandha rasa spraṣṭavya saṃjñā,,,,saṃjñā,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa spraṣṭavya,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,146,146/212,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvajñeyapraveśāya ca sarvajñeyānupraviṣṭaśca yo dharmāṇāṃ pravicayaḥ pañcavidyāsthānānyālambya pravartate adhyātmavidyāṃ hetuvidyāṃ śabdavidyāñcikitsāvidyāṃ śilpakarmasthānavidyāñca | ayaṃ bodhisattvānāṃ prajñāsvabhāvo veditavyaḥ |,"""The discernment of entities that [seeks] to attain [a realization of] or has attained [a realization of] all objects of knowledge and that operates in relation to the five branches of learning-that is, (I) the inner science, (2) the science of logic, (3) the science of grammar, (4) the science of medicine, (5) and the science of crafts and occupations-should be understood as the essence of a bodhisattva's wisdom.""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,manojña abhigarjita nāma kalpa,,,manojña,abhigarjita,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,48,48/68,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatrānāryāḥ [...] | ye sattvānāṃ mṛṣāvādapaiśunyapāruṣyasaṃbhinnapralāpaśabdā adho vā apāyopapannānām ūrdhvaṃ vā devopapannānāṃ tiryag vā manuṣyeṣūpapannānām |,"""Regarding this topic, vulgar sounds are the sounds of sentient beings that constitute lying, slander, harsh speech, and idle speech, whether they [are made by beings who] have been born below in the lower realms, [beings] who have been born above in the divine realms, or [beings] who have been born horizontally among humans."" [Engle 124]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,neg,,iti parikīrt,parikīrt,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,2.53,2.53,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,babhāra rājyaṃ sa hi putrahetoḥ putraṃ kulārthaṃ yaśase kulaṃ tu svargāya śabdaṃ divam ātmahetor dharmārtham ātmasthitim ācakāṅkṣa ||,"""For he fostered his realm for the sake of his son, his son for his family, family for fame, scriptures for heaven, heaven for the sake of self, for dharma he sought the endurance of his self."" [Olivelle 55]",Language,Language@Aspects_of_Faith,Non-Judaeo-Christian_Scriptures,sacred word,scripture,pos,,paraṃparā udīraya/udīr as ghoṣa anuśru,,udīraya/udīr,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,2.7,2.7,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tathāsya mandānilameghaśabdaḥ saudāminīkuṇḍalamaṇḍitābhraḥ || vināśmavarṣāśanipātadoṣaiḥ kāle ca deśe pravavarṣa devaḥ ||,"""Heaven, likewise, poured down showers for him at the proper time and the proper place, the gentle sound of wind and thunder clouds, and rings of lightning adorning the sky, without the bale of hail or lightning strikes."" [Olivelle 39]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,laghutva āloka manasikaraṇa,,,,manasikaraṇa,NA,NA,laghutva āloka,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,3.51,3.51,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yadā ca śabd^ādibhir indriyārthair antaḥpure naiva suto asya reme tato bahir vyādiśati sma yātrāṃ rasāntaraṃ syād iti manyamānaḥ ||,"""But when within the seraglio his son found no delight in sounds and other objects of sense, he then ordered another excursion outdoors, thinking that it might produce a different affect."" [Olivelle 77]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,divya śrotra abhijñā sva bhūmika śru,śru,,bhūmika,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,13.28,13.28,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,mārasya ca pūrvarātre śākyarṣabhasyaiva ca yuddhakālam na dyauś cakāśe pṛthivī cakampe prajajvaluś caiva diśaḥ saśabdāḥ ||,"""Seeing in the early night the time of battle raging between Mara and the bull of Shakyas— the sky lost its glimmer and the earth shook, the directions blazed forth with a loud sound,...."" [Olivelle 383]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,divya śru,śru,,divya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,5.25,5.25,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha ghoṣam imaṃ mahābhraghoṣaḥ pariśuśrāva śamaṃ paraṃ ca lebhe śrutavān sa hi nirvṛteti śabdaṃ parinirvāṇavidhau matiṃ cakāra ||,"""Then, as he heard this voice, he obtained supreme calm, he whose voice was like that of a great thunder cloud; for, as he heard the word 'fulfilled,' he set his mind on the means to final Nirvanic fulfillment."" [Olivelle 133]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,na dharma saṃgha śru bhū,,,śru dharma,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,53,53/80,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ākāṅkṣan sarvalokadhātuparyāpannebhyo gītāvādyatūryaśabdebhyo dharmarutaṃ niścārayati |,"""He, as he wishes, utters the sound of doctrine from the sounds of song and musical instruments which belong to all the world-regions."" [Honda 249]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,gīta dhvani dhairyādā kampita,,kampita,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,94,94/63,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvi darśi vṛṣabhī dvipādaśreṣṭho darśi buddhaviṣayaṃ jagaddhitārtham | śabdamegha rucirān pratāḍamānāstūryatāla vividhāstada pramuktāḥ ||4||,"""4) O all-seer! The two-legged preeminent mighty bull has shown the sphere of buddha in order to benefit the world. (Ko. p. 133) Then various kinds of musical instruments, being beaten, let loose the shining clouds of their sounds."" [Honda 214]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,vīṇā utpad,utpad,,vīṇā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,7,7/9,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu tato mahāraśmighanābhrajālakūṭāgārādvuddhānubhāvena ayamevaṃrūpaḥ śabdo niścarati sma,"""Then indeed from this great house on the top of a dense cloud-net of beams such voice issued out by buddha's might."" [Honda 125]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,pos,,saṃprabhāṇita saṃgīti utpādaya/utpad,,utpādaya/utpad,saṃgīti,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,169,169,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha bodhisattvasturagakhuraśabdapraśamātkiṃ nu khalu pratinivṛttaḥ syādayaṃ rājeti samutpannavitarkaḥ paścādāvarjitāvadanaḥ samālokayan dadarśatamaśvamanārohakaṃ tasmin prapātoddeśe avasthitam |,"""When the sound of the horse’s hoof-beats ceased, the Bodhisattva began to wonder whether by any chance the king could have turned back. Twisting his head round , he looked carefully and saw that the horse was riderless and had come to a halt where the deep hole was."" [Khoroche 174]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,na niścar,,niścar,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,198,198/190,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,nimagne tu tasmin rājani bhīmaśabdamavadīrṇāyāṃ vahnijvālākulāyāṃ samudbhūte,"""The ground opened up with a terrific noise and was ablaze with leaping flames."" [Khoroche 203]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,manda anila megha deva,,,manda megha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,247,247,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha bodhisattvastena tasya rūkṣākṣarakrameṇa pratyākhyānavacasā samupajātavrīḍastatraiva nabhaḥ samutpapāta | pakṣiṇo vayamityarthataḥ pakṣavisphāraṇaśabdenainam uktvā pracakrāma |,"""This rebuff, expressed so rudely, made the Bodhisattva feel embarrassed, and he immediately flew up into the sky. With the sound of his flapping wings he said to the lion, in effect: 'Look! I am a bird,' then flew away."" [Khoroche 251]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,ādi indriya artha na ram,,,,ādi,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,122,122/118(Kern),jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha bodhisattvo rājakulāt svabhavanasamīpamupagataḥ s^ākrandaśabdaṃ svabhavanamavetya mahataśca janakāyasya saṃnipātaṃ svaṃ puruṣamanvādideśa jñāyatāṃ kimetaditi |,"""As the Bodhisattva reached home, on his return from the palace, he heard the sound of weeping and wailing and saw that a huge crowd had gathered there. He asked his bearer to find out what was going on."" [Khoroche 128]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neu.neg,,niścar,,niścar,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,33,33,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha te mahāsattvāstasya tena karuṇenākranditaśabdena samākampitahṛdayāḥ sasaṃbhramā drutataragatayastaṃ deśamabhijagmuḥ,"""The sound of this pitiable call for help shook those Great Beings to the core. Anxiously they made for the spot as fast as they could, and, catching sight of someone with the woebegone look of a traveler who had lost his way, they went up, [gave him a polite welcome, and consoled him, saying: ...]."" [Khoroche 35]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neg,,vijana vi śayyā āsana,,,vi,āsana,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,vijana,NA,NA, śabda,33,33,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,mārgāmārgajñānaniścetanaṃ māṃ diksaṃmohātkvāpi gacchantamekam | kāntāre asmingharmatarṣaklamārtaṃ mā bhaiḥ śabdaiḥ ko nu māṃ hlādayeta ||6.23||,"""(23) I cannot tell the right path from the wrong, have lost all sense of direction, and am walking at random, alone in this wilderness. Will anyone comfort me with some reassuring words?—I who am faint with heat and thirst."" [Khoroche 35]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,pos,,evaṃrūpa niścar sma,,niścar,evaṃrūpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,78,78r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vighuṣṭaśabdā daśasu dikṣu [...] ādāyaty āgacchatāgacchatābhiruhata mahādharmanāvaṃ nirvāṇapuragāminī | kṣemamārgagāminī,"""[The Dharma-ship should] have [someone on board with] a stentorian voice [who] shouts out in the ten directions: '‘Come, come! Mount on the great Dharma-ship,...."" [Pasadika 185-6]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,pos,,saṃjan/saṃjanaya,,saṃjan/saṃjanaya,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,7,7v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,avarṇāyaśokīrtiśabdaślokaniścāraṇatayā bodhisatveṣu,"""(4) [He deviates from his aspirations] because of his belittling bodhisattvas and his detracting from their good reputation and renown. "" [Pasadika 105]",Language,Language@Esteem,Reputation,repute,renown,neu.neg,,dharma śravaṇa visṛta iti,,,visṛta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,61,61v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra kāśyapa katamaḥ kīrtiśabdaślokaḥ śramaṇaḥ,"""Who then Kāśyapa, is the ascetic [interested just in] a name, in fame and praise?"" [Pasadika 167]",Language,Language@Esteem,Reputation,repute,renown,neu.neg,,visṛta iti,,,visṛta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,54,54v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra ekākinām advitīyānāṃ kāyapraviviktavihāriṇāṃ rajanīyās tajjakriyā rupaśabdagandharasasparśāvabhāsam āgacchanti | te tatrāvekṣakāḥ sukhalikānuyogam anuyuktā viharanti |,"""(Although) they will lead their solitary lives there as hermits in strict seclusion, [sooner or later] they will encounter seductive and at once stimulating forms ... and touch[ables]. Then paying attention [to them] and diverting themselves, they will become addicted to worldly pleasures."" [Pasadika 158]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neg,,rūpa spraṣṭavya dharma upavicāra,,,,upavicāra,NA,NA,rūpa spraṣṭavya dharma,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,78,78r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,daśasu dikṣu śabdam ādāyaty āgacchatāgacchatābhiruhata mahādharmanāvaṃ nirvāṇapuragāminī |,"""[who] shouts out in the ten directions: 'Come, come! Mount on the great Dharma-ship,.... [who spreads the word/news]."" [Pasadika 185-6]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,pos,,punarukta doṣa siṃha vega nāga svara megha ghoṣa sāgara garjita nāgendra ruta kinnara saṃgīti kalaviṅka ruta,,,svara,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,vega ghoṣa,NA,NA, śabda,42,42,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pṛthivy eveyaṃ nāgnī rūpam evedaṃ na śabda ity evamādi |,""" 'This is earth, not fire', 'This is a visible, not a sound', etc."" [Anacker 237]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,śrotra vijñāna vijñeyatva rūpa vat,,,,,NA,NA,,rūpa,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,66,66,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ādiśabdena marīcisvapnodakacandrādayo dṛṣṭāntā yathāyogaṃ veditavyā iti yan māyādyupamārthe darśanād avisāraṃ cetasaḥ paśyati,"""Because of looking at the 'object' like a magical creation, etc. cause (and by the word 'etc.', mirages, dreams, the moon in the water, and other examples are to be known), mental factors observe without gliding, and there is lack of reversal in this lack of gliding,...."" [Anacker 263]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,buddha dharma saṃgha,,,buddha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,dharma saṃgha,NA,NA, śabda,16,16,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yānasamo vijñeyo gandharvasamaś ca vetasaga[cetasaḥ]prabhavaḥ | ānandaśabdasadṛśo mahānadīśrota[strotaḥ]sadṛśaś ca ||4.19||,"""19. One should know that there are conceptions of the spirit like a vehicle, a fountain, a delightful sound, and the current of a great river."" [Thurman 36]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,prajval diśa sa,,,sa,diśa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17,17,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dharmoddānasahagata ānandaśabdasadṛśo mokṣakāmānāṃ vineyānāṃ priyaśravaṇāt |,"""Accompanied by epitomes of the Dharma it resembles a delightful sound, for it is delightful for disciples who desire to hear about liberation."" [Thurman 38]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,gītā vādya tūrya dharma ruta niścar,,,tūrya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,80,80,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nāgasvaraśabdā udāratvāt |,"""It is 'sounding like an elephant's trumpeting' because of its magnificence."" [Thurman 157]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,megha ruc tūrya pramukta,,,,megha,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,86,86,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,suyogo divālpākīrṇābhilāpakatvāt rātrau cālpaśabdādikatvāt |,"""It should be 'conducive to yoga practice,' so that in the daytime there is little commotion and senseless chatter, and at night there is little noise and so forth."" [Thurman 168]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,turaga khura praśama,,,khura,praśama,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,80,80,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvasvarapūraṇī eka svaranaikaśabdavijñaptipratyupasthāpanatvāt |,"""It is 'fulfilling all words' because it enables one expression to convey multiple verbal ideas. [BGH because one sound is able to communicate multiple words/meanings – quite a magical ability, not like Thurman tr.!]"" [Thurman 158]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,akuśala na as,,as,akuśala,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,23,23.7,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,rūpaśabdarasasparśā gandhā dharmāś ca ṣaḍvidham | vastu rāgasya doṣasya mohasya ca vikalpyate ||23.7||,"""7. [Opponent:] Concerning desire, aversion, and delusion, there is constructed six kinds of objects taken as real—color, sound, taste, touch, smell, and the object of inner sense (dharmas)."" [Siderits&Katsura 257]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,cakṣu rūpa cakṣur śrotra dhātu śrotra vijñāna ghrāṇa gandha ghrāṇa jihvā rasa,,,,dhātu,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,2,2,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,śabdaḥ katamaḥ | śrotraviṣayaḥ upāttānupāttobhayamahābhutahetukaḥ |,"""What is sound? The object of the ear, and it is caused by the great elements that are [either] retained, unretained, or both."" [Engle 230]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,bhīma,,,bhīma,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,19,19,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,aṣṭadaśa dhātavaḥ cakṣurdhātū rūpadhātuś cakṣurvijñānadhātuḥ śrotradhātuḥ śabdadhātuḥ śrotravijñānadhātur ghrāṇadhātur gandhadhātur ghrāṇavijñānadhātur jihvādhātū rasadhātur jihvāvijñānadhātuḥ,"""There are eighteen constituents: the eye constituent, the form constituent, the eye-consciousness constituent, the ear constituent, the sound constituent, the ear-consciousness constituent, the nose constituent, the smell constituent, the nose-consciousness constituent, the tongue constituent, the taste constituent, the tongue-consciousness constituent, [the body constituent, tangible-object constituent, the body-consciousness the mind constituent, the entity constituent, and the mind-consciousness constituent.]"" [Engle 241]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,cakṣus rūpa śrotra adhyātmika bāhya āyatana ghrāṇa gandha jihvā rasa,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,144,144,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvatra ca ratnasūtre caturdaśa tālapaṅktikoṭyo nibaddhānyabhūvan yāsāṃ vāteneritānāṃ vātasaṃghaṭṭitānāṃ tadyathāpi nāma tūryaśatasahasrasya ghoṣaśabdaḥ syāt |,"""And to each jeweled thread were fastened fourteen [40] million rows of [jeweled] palm trees, the sound of which, when agitated and struck together by the wind, would be like hundreds of thousands of musical instruments."" [Boucher 148]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa avabhāsa,,,,avabhāsa,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,145,145,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tāsāṃ madhyagataḥ puṇyaraśmī rājakumāraḥ saṃgītisaṃprabhāṇitena tatra ca saṃgītiśabde caivaṃ cittamutpādayati,"""Prince Puṇyaraśmi, situated among them with the sound of their chorus, thought to himself there in the midst of their singing and instrumental music: ['Alas! This great assembly of enemies has appeared before me to destroy my meritorious qualities.]"" [Boucher 150]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,tūrya śatasahasra ghoṣa,,,śatasahasra,,NA,NA,ghoṣa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,102,102,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,saṃgrāmakleśavṛttāvasurabalajayakrīḍāpraṇudanaṃ dundubhyāḥ śabdahetuprabhavam abhayadaṃ yadvat surapure | sattveṣu kleśaduḥkhapramathanaśamanaṃ mārgottamavidhau dhyānārūpyādihetuprabhavamapi tathā lokenigaditam,"""At the time of the trouble of battle, in the city of gods, There is destruction of the victorious play of the Asuras’ army Which is caused by the sound of drum And gives fearlessness [among the gods]; Similarly, in this world, in preaching the Highest Path, [buddha’s] speech destroys, the defilements And pacifies the sufferings in the living beings, Which is due to various practices like contemplations, Concentrations in the Immaterial Sphere and the rest. || 35 ||"" [Takasaki]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,pratyākhyāna vacas pakṣa visphāraṇa vac,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,103,103,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,[...] mahānto divi dundubhīnāṃ kṣitisthiteṣu śravaṇaṃ na yānti | saṃsārapātālagateṣu loke saṃbuddhatūryasya tu yāti śabdaḥ ||,"""The sounds of drums in heaven, though be great, cannot reach the ears of those abiding on the earth; In this world, however, the sound of the drum of buddha Reaches even those in the lowest sphere of Saṃsāra. || 37 ||."" [Takasaki]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,ānanda sadṛśa mahānadī śrota,,,ānanda,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,110,110,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,pratiśrutkāśabdavaditi | pratiśrutkārutaṃ yadvat paravijñaptisaṃbhavam | nirvikalpamanābhogaṃ nādhyātmaṃ na bahiḥ sthitam,"""(VII) It is said that [the buddha in his voice] is like an echo. (Kārikās 52-53) Just as the sound of an echo Arising from the voice of others Is of no discrimination and of no effort, And has no foundation, either inside or outside; || 71 || [In a similar way, the voice of the buddha Arising through the voice of others Is of no discrimination and of no effort, And has no foundation, either inside or outside. || 72 || ]"" [Takasaki]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,ānanda sadṛśa priya śravaṇa,,,ānanda,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,śravaṇa,NA,NA, śabda,29.9,29.9,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,kiṃcāpi rūpamapi śabda tathaiva gandho rasa sparśa kāmaguṇa pañcabhi yukta bhogī | rahapratyayāna vigato anantabodhisattvo satataṃ samāhitu prajānayitavya śūro ||29.10||,"""Although he applies himself to the five sense-qualities, - To form and sound, and likewise smell, and taste, and touch, When free from the vehicle of the Arhats and Pratyekabuddhas, the joyous Bodhisattva Should, a hero, be wisely known as being constantly concentrated."" [Conze]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,rūpa tṛṣṇā gandha rasa sparśa dharma,,,,tṛṣṇā,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,2.11,2.11,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci gaṅgavālukasamāni sthihitva kalpāṃ sattveti śabda parikīrtayi nāyako ayam | sattvasyupādu kutu bheṣyati ādiśuddho eṣā sa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā ||,"""If for aeons countless as the sands of the Ganges The Leader would himself continue to pronounce the word 'being': Still, pure from the very start, no being could ever result from his speaking. That is the practice of wisdom, the highest perfection."" [Conze]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu,,ākrandita samākampita hṛdaya,,,ākrandita,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye trisāhasramahāsāhasrāyāṃ lokadhātau vividhāḥ śabdā niścaranti yāvadavīcirmahānirayo yāvacca bhavāgraṃ sāntarbahiḥ tadyathā hasti[...] vā aśva[...] vā,"""The various sounds that are uttered in the triple universe, downward to the great hell Avīci, and upward to the extremity of existence, within and without, such as the sounds of horses, elephants, ... ."" [Kern 337-8]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,nāga svara,,,svara,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvacca bhavāgraṃ sāntarbahiḥ tadyathā hasti[...] vā aśva[...] vā uṣṭra[...] vā go[...] vā aja[...] vā janapadaśabdā vā,""" ... such as the sounds of horses, elephants, cows, peasants, goats, cars; the sounds of weeping and wailing;.... "" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,ākīrṇa abhilāpakatva alpa ādikatva,,,alpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,abhilāpakatva,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ghaṇṭāśabdā vā,""" ... the sounds of bells, ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,śrotra viṣaya,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nṛtyaśabdā vā,""" ... the sounds of playing and singing; [Skt. readings of list items problematic]."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,dundubhī hetu prabhava,,,dundubhī,hetu,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tūrya[...] vā vādyaśabdā vā strī[...],""" ... the sounds of tigers [Skt. readings of list items problematic; cp. Kern, note 3, p. 338: I follow Burnouf, who must have read vyāghra; my MS. has vādya.]."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,saṃbuddha tūrya yā,,yā,tūrya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,puruṣaśabdā vā,"""… the sounds of men, ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,pratiśrutkā vat ruta vijñapti,,,pratiśrutkā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,210,210,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dārakaśabdā vā,"""… the sounds of boys, ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,vividha niścar hasti aśva,,niścar,vividha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dārikāśabdā vā,""" ... the sounds of girls, ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,hasti aśva uṣṭra aja janapada,,,janapada,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmaśabdā vā,"""… the sounds of righteousness (piety), ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,ghaṇṭā,,,ghaṇṭā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,manojñaśabdā vā,""" ... pleasant [and unpleasant] sounds; ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,nṛtya,,,nṛtya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,agniśabdā vā,""" the sounds of ... fire"" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,tūrya vādya strī,,,vādya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,grāma[...] vā nagaraśabdā vā,""" ... [the sounds of cities,] ... ."" [BTW]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,puruṣa,,,puruṣa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhikṣuśabdā vā,""" ... the sounds of monks, ..."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,dāraka,,,dāraka,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,teṣāṃ teṣāṃ ca sattvānāṃ rutāni śṛṇvatastasya taiḥ sarvaśabdaiḥ śrotrendriyaṃ nābhibhūyate |,"""and when with his natural organ of hearing he hears the sounds of those creatures, his ear is not overpowered by any of those sounds."" [Kern 338]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,dārikā,,,dārikā,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,211,211,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,hastīna aśvāna śṛṇoti śabdān rathāna goṇāna ajaiḍakānām | bherīmṛdaṅgāna sughoṣakānāṃ vīṇāna veṇūnatha vallakīnām ||,"""8. He perceives the sounds of elephants, horses, cars, cows, goats, and sheep; of noisy kettle-drums, tabours, lutes, flutes, Vallakī-lutes."" [Kern 339]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,dharma,,,dharma,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,229,229,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ekasminneva kṣaṇalavamuhūrte samakālaṃ sarvairmahāsiṃhotkāsana[...] kṛtaḥ ekaścācchaṭāsaṃghātaśabdaḥ kṛtaḥ |,"""at the same moment, the same instant, made a great noise as of expectoration and of snapping the fingers, by which sounds all the hundred thousands of myriads of koṭīs of buddha-fields in every direction of space were moved, ... ."" [Kern 365]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,manojña,,,manojña,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,133,133,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prabhāsvaro buddhabalenupeto vighuṣṭaśabdo daśasu diśāsu | puraskṛtaḥ prāṇisahasrakoṭibhirdeśeṣyatī uttamamagrabodhim ||,"""23. Brilliant, gifted with the powers of a buddha, with a voice far resounding in all quarters, waited upon by thousands of koṭis of beings, he shall preach supreme and eminent enlightenment."" [Kern 199]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,pos,,bhāṣita śrū,śrū,,bhāṣita,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,75,75,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saced bhagavānasmākaṃ paśyedadhimuktibalam bodhisattvaśabdaṃ bhagavānasmākamudāharet |,"""the Lord perceives the strength of our disposition and applies to us the denomination of Bodhisattvas;"" [Kern 108]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,nīvaraṇa na as,,as,nīvaraṇa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,137,137,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anavanāmitavaijayantī ca nāma sā lokadhāturbhaviṣyati | manojñaśabdābhigarjitaśca nāma sa kalpo bhaviṣyati |,"""The sphere shall be named Anavanāmita-vaijayanta and the Aeon Manojñaśabdābhigarjita."" [Kern 206]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,duḥkha na as,,as,duḥkha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,227,227,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāpi dharmaśabdo na saṃgha[...] śruto abhūt | daśa ca kalpasahasrāṇyavīcau mahānarake dāruṇāṃ vedanāṃ vedayāmāsuḥ |,"""they in twenty hundred thousand myriads of koṭis of Aeons never saw a Tathagata, nor heard the call of the law, nor the call of the assembly, and for ten thousand ^Eons they suffered terrible pain in the great hell Avīci."" [Kern 359]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,udīr kṣema sādhu,udīr,,sādhu,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,179,179,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,imāmeva sahāṃ lokadhātuṃ niśritya te khalvimamevaṃrūpaṃ bhagavataḥ śabdaṃ śrutvā pṛthivyā adhaṃ samutthitāḥ,"""These then on hearing the word of the Lord came up from below the earth."" [Kern 282]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,pos,,vighuṣṭa,,,vighuṣṭa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,41,41,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena ca kumāra śabdena trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhātuḥ svareṇābhivijñapto abhūt |,"""By this utterance, o Kumāra, the entire Universe containing 3 thousand thousands of worlds, was instructed."" [Regamey 67]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,pos,,svara abhivijñapta bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,42,42,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvanti śabdās tahi lokadhātau sarve hy abhāvā na hi kaści bhāvaḥ | tāvanti kho tasya tathāgatasya svaru niścarī lokavināyakasya ||,"""All the sounds there were in the world Became the words 'all are nonexistent.' In that way there sounded The words of the Guide of the World. {5}"" [Roberts/84000 8.24]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neu,,as pratiṣedha,,,as,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,132,132,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yattebhyaḥ pañcabhyastūryaśatebhyaḥ saṃprayuktebhyaḥ pravāditebhyo yathānukampopasaṃhṛtaḥ śabdo niścarati dharmapratisaṃyuktaḥ | imāśca buddhadharmanidhyaptigāthā niścaranti,"""[15) And the Lord performed such a magic,] that out of those 500 cymbals well harmonized and producing concordant sounds there came a voice having an inconceivable meaning concerning the Absolute. And so, owing to the magical power of the buddha there resounded the following verses giving the understanding of the inconceivable dharmas of the buddha."" [Regamey 77]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,pos,,vedanā ādi sāmānya abhidhāna kṛ dharma,,,sāmānya dharma,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyavahāraśca śūnyaḥ nirviśeṣo nirvāṇena nirvṛtaḥ śabdena śānto ghoṣeṇa sāmānyaḥ saṃketena saṃketaḥ paramārthena paramārtho bhūtavacanena,"""undifferentiated in the aspect of Nirvāṇa, described in words as suppressed, quiescent in voice, homogenous with regard to conventional Truth, conventional with regard to the Absolute Truth, absolute according to the true teaching,... ."" [Regamey 88]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,pos,,vighuṣṭa,,,vighuṣṭa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,41,41,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra bhaumān devān upādāya yāvad brahmalokaṃ paraṃparayā śabdam udīrayām āsuḥ ghoṣam anuśrāvayām āsuḥ abhāvasamudgato batāyaṃ tathāgato bhaviṣyati,"""10) And starting from the terrestial gods up to the Brahma-world the following words were said and repeated from mouth to mouth: 'That is certainly the Tathāgata, Born of Non-existence, [he who, as soon as he was born, rose up to the skies to the height of seven palmtrees and having taken seven steps utters the words of non-existence. He is ,Born of Non-existence', 'Born of Non-existence'!] "" [Regamey 67]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,pos,,mā kṛ,kṛ,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,134,134,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra pade api ca keṣacid āyur varṣa acintiya vartati saṃjñā | tatra pade api vā kālu karonti no ciru jīvati śrūyati śabdaḥ ||,"""Within that space there are some who perceive That they live for countless years. Within that space there are those whose time is ending. They hear the words, 'You have not long to live.' {9}"" [Roberts/84000 19.21]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,neg,,vyāvartana kṛ,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17.46,17.46,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,khinnasya suptasya ca nirvṛtasya bādhaṃ yathā saṃjanayanti śabdāḥ | adhyātmam aikāgryam upāgatasya bhavanti bādhāya tathā vitarkāḥ ||,"""46. As noises harass a man who is tired and soundly asleep, so thoughts harass the man who has attained internal concentration."" [Johnston 106]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,vague,rūpa gandha rasa spraṣṭavya atī,,,,,NA,NA,gandha rasa spraṣṭavya,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,1.19,1.19,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,suvarṇastambhavarṣmāṇaḥ siṃhoraskā mahābhujāḥ | pātraṃ śabdasya mahataḥ śriyāṃ ca vinayasya ca ||,"""19. Tall they were like golden columns, lionchested, strong in the arm, distinguished for their great fame, majesty and good conduct."" [Johnston 3]",Language,Language@Esteem,Reputation,repute,renown,pos,,ādā,ādā,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,10.45,10.45,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,mahac ca rūpaṃ svaṇu hanti rūpaṃ śabdo mahān hanti ca [...] alpam | gurvī rujā hanti rujāṃ ca mṛdviṃ sarvo mahān hetur aṇor vadhāya ||,"""45. Great beauty eclipses minute beauty, a great noise drowns a little noise, severe pain destroys a faint pain. Every great cause leads to the destruction of a (similar) small one."" [Johnston 58]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,agni,,,agni,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,10.45,10.45,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,mahac ca rūpaṃ svaṇu hanti rūpaṃ [...] mahān hanti ca śabdam alpam | gurvī rujā hanti rujāṃ ca mṛdviṃ sarvo mahān hetur aṇor vadhāya ||,"""45. Great beauty eclipses minute beauty, a great noise drowns a little noise, severe pain destroys a faint pain. Every great cause leads to the destruction of a (similar) small one."" [Johnston 58]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,grāma nagara,,,grāma,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17.2,17.2,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,tatrāvakāśaṃ mṛdunīlaśaṣpaṃ dadarśa sāntaṃ taruṣaṇḍavantam | niḥśabdayā nimnagayopagūḍhaṃ vaiḍūryanīlodakayā vahantyā ||,"""2. There he saw a quiet glade in a group of trees with soft dūrvā grass and surrounded by a stream running noiselessly with water blue as beryl. "" [Johnston 101]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,bhikṣu,,,bhikṣu,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,14.46,14.46,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,yagānulomaṃ vijanaṃ viśabdaṃ śayyāsanaṃ saumya tathā bhajasva | kāyasya kṛtvā hi vivekam ādau sukho adhigantuṃ manaso vivekaḥ ||,"""46. Thus, my friend, betake yourself to a seat or couch, suitable for Yoga, solitary and free from noise; for by first making the body solitary it is easy to attain discrimination of mind."" [Johnston 80]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,vāraṇa,,,,vāraṇa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,47,47,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya khalu punar ānanda bodhivṛkṣasya vātasamīritasya yaḥ śabdaghoṣo niścarati so aparimāṇān lokadhātūn abhivijñāpayati,"""Furthermore, Ānanda, when that Tree of Awakening is swayed by the wind, the sound and voice it emits are heard in innumerable world system."" [Gomez 96]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,ruta śru sarva śrotra indriya na abhibhū,,abhibhū,sarva,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,47,47,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatrānanda yeṣāṃ sattvānāṃ bodhivṛkṣaśabdaḥ śrotrāvabhāsam āgacchati teṣāṃ śrotrarogo na pratikāṃkṣitavyo,"""Ananda, living beings in that buddha-field whose ears are touched by the sound of the Tree of Awakening will not have to fear diseases of the ear... ."" [Gomez 96]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,hasti aśva śru ratha go ajaiḍaka bherī mṛdaṅgā sughoṣaka viṇā veṇu vallakī,śru,,hasti aśva ratha go ajaiḍaka bherī mṛdaṅgā sughoṣaka viṇā veṇu vallakī,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,24,24,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na jātu rūpaśabdagandharasaspraṣṭavyasaṃjñā utpāditavān,"""He never even had any of the thoughts that usually follow the perception of visual forms, sounds, smells, tastes, or tactile objects."" [Gomez 78]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Philosophy@metaphysics,sound,sense of hearing,neu,,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa sev,sev,,,,NA,NA,rūpa gandha rasa sparśa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,36,36,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tad yathā buddhaśabdaṃ dharma[...] saṃgha[...],"""For instance, he will be able to hear the word 'buddha,' 'Dharma,' or 'Sangha'."" [Gomez 87]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,satpuruṣa,,,satpuruṣa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,36,36,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvaśaś cānanda sukhāvatyāṃ lokadhātāv akuśalaśabdo nāsti,"""And, Ānanda, in this Land of Bliss, the word 'unwholesome' is never heard,...."" [Gomez 88]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neg,,puṣṭa,,,puṣṭa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,36,36,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvaśo nīvaraṇaśabdo nāsti,"""the word 'hindrance,' [the words 'state of woe, 'bad destiny,' and 'misfortune' are] never heard."" [Gomez 88]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neg,,saumanasya,,,saumanasya,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,36,36,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvaśo duḥkhaśabdo nāsti,"""The word 'pain' does not occur at all."" [Gomez 88]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neg,,hita,,,hita,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,10.2,10.2 - 12.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,na cāsyāḥ kiñcid amanojñaśabdaśravaṇaṃ yāvad eva garbhasya paripākāya |,"""Nor did she hear an unpleasant noise till the maturing of the embryo."" [Rajapatirana 6]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,acchaṭā saṃghāta kṛ,,,kṛ saṃghāta,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,291,291.1 - 298.2,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,kva tad ākrandaśabdena samāpūritacatvaraṃ | kva cedaṃ tūryanighoṣavīṇāsvarasamanvitaṃ,"""How incongruous are that quadrangle filled with the sound of lamentation, and this filled with the sound of musical instruments and notes of the lute? (12) "" [Rajapatirana 48]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neg,,mahant han,,han,mahant,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,NA,NA,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ca jīvajivakasvararutaracitā ca devendramadhuranirghoṣā ca duṃdubhisvarā ca anunnatā ca anavanatā ca sarvaśabdānupraviṣṭā ca apaśabdavigatā ca avikalā ca alīnā ca pramuditā ca praśr̥tā ca sakhilā ca saritā ca luḍitā ca madhurā ca sphuṭā ca,"""having a sound as sweet as that of the king of the gods, (like) the sound of a kettledrum, not too high and not too low; engaged in purely/solely/exclusively (good) speech/right words, abstaining from using bad speech/words...."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,word,utterance,pos,vague,nirvṛta,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,santi tūryyāṇi yantrakr̥tāni tāvat suyuktāni kriyante yāni na ca pāṇinā spr̥śyante vāteritāni ca madhuraṃ śabdam anuravanti na ca tatra kaścid utsuko bhavati pravādanāya |,"""there are musical instruments arranged in a certain way so that they, being moved by the wind without being touched by a hand, produce/resound with a sweet sound. However, it is not too loud to have a conversation."" [BTW]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,pos,,han alpa,han,,alpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,16,16r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,taṃ ca kulaputra tathā rūpaṃ śabdaṃ śrutvā bodhisatvasyemāṃ tato romaharṣo py abhūt |,"""Having heard/Hearing/perceiving that noise/sound like/as the shape/form??, son of good family, the Bodhisattva's hair stood on end. [rūpaṃ?] (semantic pros. difficult to tell without context [Context: Māra(s) appear in front of the (meditating) buddha?])"" [BTW]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,niḥ nimnagā,,,,nimnagā,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17,17r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,māraparṣado paryantarikṣād bodhisatvānubhāvena iyam eva rūpaṃ śabdam aśroṣīt || prapātaśaraṇa hy etam r̥ṣiṃ śīlasamanvitaṃ abhayasyaiva data hi trātā vai sarvadehināṃ ||,"""Through the power of the bodhisattva the assembly of Māra heard/perceived this? form? material? (and) sound, originating from the surrounding space: 'This sage, endowed with ethical constraint, gives fearlessness and protection from the abyss/downfall, protector of all beings."" [BTW]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu.neg,,bodhivṛkṣa ghoṣa niścar,,niścar,bodhivṛkṣa,,NA,NA,ghoṣa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,NA,NA,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yuktā ca sahitā ca punaruktadoṣajahanī {mohavidhamanī ca māragrasanī} ca siṃhasvaravegā ca nāgasvaraśabdā ca meghasvaraghoṣā ca sāgaragarjitasvarā ca nāgendrarutā ca kinnarasaṃgītighoṣā ca kalaviṅkarutasvarā ca,"""together with that which/she who avoids the (mistake) of unnecessary repetition? and (like) the sound of the voice/cry of an elephant...."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,pos,,avadhāraṇa artha hi,,,hi artha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17v,17v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bodhisatvāḥ āgatyābhaya[...] codīrayanti sma | kṣema[...] ca | sukha[...] ānanda[...] ca śīghra[...] ca kṣipra[...] ca | sādhuśabdaṃ ca |,"""The bodhisattvas arrived and uttered the word (/uttered words of) 'good'."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,avabhāsa prajñapti buddha ghoṣa ruta,,,,avabhāsa,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17v,17v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,satpuruṣaśabdaṃ ca |,"""[The bodhisattvas arrived and uttered the word (/uttered words of)]...satpuruṣa, 'good/wise person'."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,ghoṣa anitya duḥkha śūnya anātma ruta niścāraya/niścar,,,anātma,ruta,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17v,17v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,puṣṭaśabdaṃ ca |,"""[The bodhisattvas arrived and uttered the word (/uttered words of)]... puṣṭa, 'bloom'."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,gaṇita buddha vacana vidyā hetu,,,,vidyā,NA,NA,gaṇita vacana,,NA,NA,hetu,NA,NA, śabda,17v,17v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saumanasyaśabdaṃ ca |,"""[The bodhisattvas arrived and uttered the word (/uttered words of)]...saumasya, 'happiness'."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,a jānat paśyat śūnyatā śru,śru,,śūnyatā,,NA,NA,,jānat paśyat,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,17v,17v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,hitaśabdaṃ ca |,"""[The bodhisattvas arrived and uttered the word (/uttered words of)]... hita, 'happiness'."" [BTW]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,nimittī kṛ,kṛ,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,226,226,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,atra vayaṃ brūmaḥ | etad aśabdena sad eva |,"""To this we reply: This also is false."" [Bhattacharya 8]",Language,Language@Communication,Information,word/news,word/news,neg,philological,mānuṣyaka,,,mānuṣyaka,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,260,260,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,mā [...]vad iti nāyaṃ dṛṣṭānto yas tvayā mamārabdhaḥ | [...] hi tac ca śabdasya vāraṇaṃ naidam eva caḥ ||,"The example given by you: 'It is like ""Do not make a sound"" is not appropriate. There a sound is prevented by another sound, but the case here is not just the same. [Bhattacharya 26]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,rūpa na,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,224,224,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,atra vayaṃ brūmaḥ | etad apy anupapannaṃ kiṃ kāraṇaṃ | satā hy atra śabdena hy atra bhaviṣyataḥ [...] pratiṣedhaḥ kriyate |,"""To this we reply: This also is not valid. - Why ? - Because here a sound that is existent negates the future sound."" [Bhattacharya 8]",Physical_sensation,Physical_sensation,Hearing/noise,sound,sound,neu,,karṇajāpa,,,karṇajāpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,224,224,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,syāt te buddhiḥ yathā nāma kaścit brūyāt mā [...] kārṣīr mā śabdaṃ kārṣīr iti | tena ca [...] vyāvartanaṃ kriyate |,"""You may think: When somebody says: 'Do not make a sound', he himself makes a sound, and that sound prevents the other sound;"" [Bhattacharya 8]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neu,,samuccaya artha ca,,,ca artha,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,262,262,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yathā mā [...] iti śabdena [...] vyāvartanaṃ kriyate | evaṃ yadi naiḥsvabhāvyena vacanena naiḥsvabhāvyānāṃ vyāvartanaṃ kriyate tato ayaṃ dṛṣṭānta upapannaḥ syāt |,"""This example would be appropriate if by a statement devoid of an intrinsic nature were prevented things devoid of an intrinsic nature - as by the sound: ‘Do not make a sound’ is prevented [sic; by?] another sound."" [Bhattacharya 27]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Sound/vocal_sound,sound,voice,neu,,iti ca,,,ca,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,5.17,5.17,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yāvantaś ca daśasu dikṣu śabdāvabhāsāḥ [...]prajñāptayaḥ tāḥ sarvā hīnamadhyaviśiṣṭānāṃ satvānāṃ sarvabuddhaghoṣarutaracitāny adhitiṣṭhan,"""The bodhisattva can transform miraculously all the cries and noises, superior, mediocre, and inferior, of all living beings of the ten directions, into the voice of the buddha,.…"" [Thurman 54]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,neu.neg,,api vijñā,,,api,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, śabda,5.17,5.17,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tataś ca rutaghoṣād anityaduḥkhaśūnyānātmaśabdarutāni niścārayet | yāvadbhiś cākāranirdeśair daśasu dikṣu buddhā bhagavanto dharmaṃ deśayanti tāṃs tato,"""...with the words of the buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, having them proclaim, ’Impermanent! Miserable! Empty! Selfless!’ And he can cause them to recite the words and sounds of all the teachings taught by all the buddhas of the ten directions."" [Thurman 54]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Linguistic_unit,word,word,pos,,a manojña śravaṇa,,,manojña,,NA,NA,,,NA,NA,,NA,NA, samartha,227,227,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bodhisattva uvāca mahatāpi prayatnena yacchaktyaṃ nātivartitum | pratīkārāsamarthena bhayaklaibyena tatra kim || iti parigaṇitalokasthitayo api tu kāpuruṣāḥ,"""What good is cowardly terror? It is a futile remedy for something one cannot evade even by taking enormous pains. Yet, even those who know this and have reflected on the human situation |61] are paralyzed by a fear of death."" [Khoroche 232]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Usefulness,purpose,purpose/use,neu.neg,other,pratīkāra a bhaya klaibya,,,pratīkāra a,klaibya,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, saṃjalpa,140,2280955|140|XXII.38,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,paraspapremaguṇāditi saṃjalpatostayoḥ | pratyadṛśyata naiṣādaḥ sākṣānmṛtyurivāpatan ||,"""While they were thus conversing, vying with each other in mutual affection, lo, the Niṣāda appeared, rushing upon them like the God of Death."" [Speyer 263]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu,,manas triratna namaskriyā,,,manas,namaskriyā,,,,,,NA,,,, saṃjalpa,52,2280955|52.3 - 54.5|22-23,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,sa kathayati bhavanto aham api na jāne mayāpy eṣā eva dṛṣṭeti | atha te rājapuruṣāḥ parasparaṃ saṃjalpaṃ kartum ārabdhāḥ | bhavanta eṣa kumāro atyantavinīto nāsyedaṃ karma saṃbhāvyate |,"""They questioned the lad Suvarṇavarṇa: ""Lad, who killed this woman?"" He replied: ""Sirs, I, too, do not know, I, too, saw her just so."" Then, the king’s officers began to speak to one another: ""Sirs, this lad is extremely well-behaved."" [BP/Tissa Rajapatirana]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu,,manas dharma artha prakhyāna,,,manas,dharma artha,,,,,,NA,,,prakhyāna, saṃjalpa,58,2280955|58.4 - 61.4|26,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,pracaṇḍo amātyas tān parasparaṃ saṃjalpaṃ kurvāṇāṅ dṛṣṭvā pṛcchati | bhavantaḥ kiṃ sthīyate | śīghramenaṃ nayatheti |,"""The minister, Pracaṇḍa, seeing them talking to one another, asked: ""Sirs, why do you just stand there? Take him away quickly."""" [BP/Tissa Rajapatirana]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu.neg,,manas mātra artha tad ābhāsa,,,manas mātra,artha,,,,,,NA,,,, saṃjalpa,123,2280955|123.2 - 125.3|50,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tatas tair vadhyaghātakaiḥ tat śūlaṃ pṛthivyāṃ nikhātaṃ paraparāṅ ca saṅjalpaṅ kartum ārabdhaḥ | ko asmākaṃ kumāraṃ śūle samāropayati |,"""Then, those executioners fixed that stake in the ground and began to talk to one another: ""Which of us will place the lad upon the stake?"""" [BP/Tissa Rajapatirana]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu,,manas yathokta artha artha nāman,,,manas,artha,,,,,,NA,nāman,,yathokta, saṃjalpa,181,2280955|181.4 - 184.185|70,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,samutpannābhilāṣāḥ sandehadolāruḍhāś ca parasparaṃ saṃjalpaṃ kartum ārabdhāḥ | teṣām etad abhavad eṣa eva mahātmā maharddhiko mahānubhāvaḥ siddhavrato divyajñānasamanvāgataś ca etam eva paripṛcchāma iti|,"""Their desire aroused, but wavering with doubt, they began to talk to one another. It occurred to them: ""This one is thus magnanimous, possessed of great power and of great might, has fulfilled his vows and is endowed with divine knowledge. Let us ask just him."""" [BP/Tissa Rajapatirana]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu,,artha khyāna nāman,,,artha khyāna,,,,,,,NA,nāman,,, saṃjalpa,228,2280955|228.1 - 231.5|88,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,yāvat sārthavāhapatnī tatyā preṣyadārikayā saha sañjalpaṃ kartum ārabdhā | apīdānīṃ karmāpi na kaścit kārayati | sarvathā bhikṣām aṭāma iti |,"""Now, the caravan leader’s wife began to converse with her handmaid: ""Perhaps now no one will even give us work? Let us by all means go begging for alms."""" [BP/Tissa Rajapatirana]",Language,Language@Communication,Speech@Statement,verbal communication,conversation,neu,,cetas manas yathokta artha,,,manas,artha,,,,,,NA,,,yathokta, saṃjñā,80,080|13,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nāmakāyādayaḥ katame | nāmakāy^ādayaḥ saṃjñāvākyākṣarasamuktayaḥ | ādigrahaṇena padavyañjanakāyagrahaṇam | tatra [...]karaṇaṃ nāma |,"""What is nāmakāya, padakāya, and vyañjanakāya? 47a-b. Nāmakāya, etc., are collections of saṁjñās, vākyas, and akṣaras. 1. Nāman, 'name' or 'word' is understood as 'that which causes ideas to arise,'311 for example the words 'warmth,' 'sound,' 'odor,' etc.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,disputed,nāma kāya vākya akṣara saṃvac/samuc ādi grahaṇa pada vyañjana kāya,,,saṃvac/samuc,,NA,NA,vākya akṣara,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,244,244|08.244|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi balādvā cauryeṇa vā parasvaṃ svīkaroti yatraiva ca balacauryābhiprāyeṇa anyatra saṃjñāvibhramāt iyatā adattādānaṃ bhavati |,"""To appropriate to oneself, through force or in secret, that which is possessed by another, when one does not confuse the person from whom one wants to steal with another person, constitutes stealing.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,recognition,neu.neg,disputed,anyatra vibhrama bhū,,,,vibhrama,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,283,283|21.283|22,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi sūtre uktam anitye nityamiti saṃjñāviparyāsaḥ cittaviparyāso dṛṣṭiviparyāsa iti |,"""But the Blessed One said, 'To consider the impermanent as permanent is an error of idea (saṁjñāviparyāsa), an error of thought (cittaviparyāsa), and an error of view (dṛṣitviparyāsa).""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,disputed,anitya iti viparyāsa citta dṛṣṭi,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,anitya,, saṃjñā,473,473|24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,āryairapi teṣāṃ saṃjñayā tathocyante vyavahārārtham |,"""(For like reasons they also say that Devadatta apprehends [vijånåti], since they think that they cause a consciousness [(vijñåna) to arise in their own continua and call this arising 'apprehending' an object].) These terms are also used, with their conventional meanings, by the Åryas.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,vac/uc vyavahāra,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,284,284|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tadetannecchanti vaibhāṣikāḥ | yadi hi sukhaśucisaṃjñācittasamudācārādāryasya tadviparyāsāvīkṣyete |,"""The Vaibhasikas do not consider this reasoning as conclusive. From the fact that these Aryans have ideas of happiness and purity, you conclude that they have error relative to happiness and purity.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,sukha śuci citta samudācāra īkṣ,,,sukha śuci,samudācāra,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,72,072|17.072|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kasmāt punarete cittacaittanirodhasvabhāve satyāv asaṃjñisamāpattiḥ saṃjñāveditanirodhasamāpattiś cocyate |,"""Why is the first called 'absorption free from ideas' (asamjnisamapatti) and the second 'absorption of extinction of ideas and sensations' (samjnaveditanirodhasamdpatti)?""",Thought,Philosophy@Contemplation,Philosophy@Contemplation,awareness/recognition,name of samapatti,neu,vague,citta caitta nirodha satya a saṃjñin vedita nirodha samāpatti,,,,vedita,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,72,072|02.072|05,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,so abhīkṣṇaṃ saṃjñāvedayitanirodhaṃ samāpadyate ca vyuttiṣṭhate ca,"""It is possible for him to enter many times into the absorption of extinction and leave it.""",Thought,Philosophy@Contemplation,Philosophy@Contemplation,awareness/recognition,name of samapatti,neu,vague,vedayita nirodha,,,,nirodha,NA,NA,vedayita,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,456,456|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃjñāveditavaimukhyātsarvasaṃskṛtādvā |,"""[It is called 'Deliverance'] because it turns away from ideas (saṁjñā) and sensations (vedita = vedanā) or rather because it turns away from all conditioned things.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,vedita vaimukhya sarva,,,,vaimukhya,NA,NA,vedita,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,24,024|13.024|14,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃjñā ca vedanā ca caitasika eṣa dharmaścittānvayāccittaniśrita iti sūtre vacanātsarāgacitt^ādivacanāc ca |,"""[...] the Sutra says 'Sensation and ideas are dharmas which are mental states, dharmas associated with the mind, having the mind for their point of support;' and the Sutra speaks of a 'mind possessing desire';""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a caitasika dharma,a caitasika dharma,neu,,vedanā caitasika dharma citta sa,,,caitasika,,NA,NA,vedanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,56,056|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,catuṣkoṭikaḥ | prathamā koṭirvedanā cetanā saṃjñā cchandaḥ sparśaśca |,"""There are four alternatives: 1. sensation, ideas, volition, contact and desire (chanda) are only mahābhūmikas;""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a caitasika dharma,a caitasika dharma,neu,,catuṣ vedanā cetanā chanda sparśa,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā cetanā chanda sparśa,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,146,146|12.146|14,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,cakṣuḥ pratītya rūpāṇi cotpadyate cakṣurvijñānaṃ trayāṇāṃ saṃnipātaḥ sparśaḥ sahajātā vedanā saṃjñā cetane ti |,"""[(The Vaibhasikas:) If sensation is later than contact, you have to take into account the Sutra,] 'By reason of the eye and visible things there arises visual consciousness; the coming together of the three is contact; together there arises (sahajāta) sensation, ideas, volition'.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a caitasika dharma,a caitasika dharma,neu,,cakṣus vijñāna sparśa vedanā cetanā,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā cetanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,318,318|19.318|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atha styānamiddhanivaraṇasya anāhāraḥ ālokasaṃjñeti |,"""What is the counter-nourishment [of styāna-middha]? Ālokasaṁjñā.""",Thought,act_of_imagining/picturing,Thought@Creation,idea,mental image,pos,,styāna middha āloka,,,āloka,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,67,067|15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sattvānāṃ sādṛśyaṃ nikāyasabhāga ityasyāḥ śāstre saṃjñā |,"""The Śāstra (Jñānaprasthāna, etc.) designates this entity by the name of nikāyasabhāga""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,nikāya iti,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,195,195|09.195|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tasmādbahuṣveva tathā saṃniviṣṭeṣu dīrgh^ādiprajñaptiḥ | atha mattaṃ saṃsthānaparamāṇava eva tathā saṃniviṣṭā dīrgh^ādisaṃjñāṃ labhanta iti | so ayaṃ kevalaḥ pakṣapātasteṣāmasiddhatvāt |,"""If you maintain that the expressions, 'long,' etc. refer to some atoms of shape arranged in a certain manner, and that some atoms that would not be 'shape' by nature could not be designated as 'long,' etc.—this is merely repeating your affirmation without the support of any argument.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,prajñapti saṃsthāna dīrgha ādi labh,labh,,dīrgha,,NA,NA,,,,NA,prajñapti,,, saṃjñā,223,223|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,eṣa hi vinaye nirdeṣaḥ | caturvidho bhikṣuḥ | saṃjñābhikṣuḥ pratijñābhikṣurbhikṣata iti bhikṣurbhinnakleśatvāt bhikṣuḥ |,"""The Blessed One has explained this himself. 'There are four Bhiksus: a samjnabhiksu, a Bhiksu in name only, is a person who is called Bhiksu without his having been ordained; a pratijñābhiksu, a self-styled Bhiksu, is one who is immoral, unchaste, etc; a person called Bhiksu because he begs, is a begger only; and the person who is called Bhiksu because he has cut off the defilements, that is to say, the Arhat'.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neg,,bhikṣu pratijñā bhikṣu bhinna,,,,bhikṣu,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,187,187|15.187|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tasya kṣetrāṇāmadhipatiḥ kṣatriyaḥ kṣatriya iti saṃjñotpannā |,"""this man was given the name ksetrapa or guardian of the fields, and, as he was a ksetrapa, he received the name of ksatriya""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,kṣatriya iti utpanna,utpanna,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,322,322|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sa eva visaṃyogastāsu tāsvavasthāsu parijñāsaṃjñāṃ labhate |,"""Under certain conditions, disconnection (visamyoga) receives the name of parijñā, 'perfect knowledge'.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,parijñā labh,labh,,parijñā,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,334,334|06.334|07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,teṣveva tu saṃvṛtisaṃjñā kṛteti saṃvṛtivaśāt ghaṭaścāmbu cāstīti brūbantaḥ satyamev^āhurna mṛṣetyetatsaṃvṛtisatyam,"""These things,—jug, clothes, etc., water, fire, etc.,—are given their different names from the relative point of view or conforming to conventional usage. Thus if one says, from the relative point of view, 'There is a jug, there is water,' one is speaking truly, and one is not speaking falsely. Consequently this is relatively true.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,sa saṃvṛti kṛ,,,saṃvṛti kṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,sa,, saṃjñā,465,465|16.465|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,iti hi bhikṣavaḥ saṃjñāmātrakamevaitad vyavahāramātrakamevaitat |,"""[Context: The verbal conventions are adopted that he is venerable, has a certain name, belongs to a given caste, is a member of some family, eats food of a certain sort, is aware of pleasure and pain, lives for a while or for a long time, and lives to a certain age.] Thus, bhikṣus, these are mere names or verbal conventions.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,mātraka vyavahāra,,,mātraka,,NA,NA,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, saṃjñā,284,284|17.284|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi sthavirānandenārthaṃ vāgīśamadhikṛtyoktaṃ viparyāse ca saṃjñānāṃ cittaṃ te paridahyate |,"""But the Sthavira Ananda said to the Aryan Vagīśa, 'Your mind is burned by the error of your ideas'.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,viparyāsa citta,,,,viparyāsa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,434,434|12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ākāśānantyāyatanasāmantakaṃ caturthadhyān^ālambanatvādvibhūtarūpasaṃjñāākhyāṃ na labhate |,"""The first sāmantaka, the threshold of Akasanantyayatana is not called a sāmantaka because it has the Fourth Dhyana for its object, and so the idea of physical matter is not completely transcended in it.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu.neg,,caturtha dhyāna vibhūta rūpa ākhyā labh,vibhūta,,rūpa,ākhyā,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,436,436|08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na hi sā paṭvī saṃjñā na ca punarnaiva [...]ti |,"""Ideas are not active in it, but neither is it completely without ideas.""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,paṭvin,,,paṭvin,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,436,436|09.436|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadyapi tatrāpyevaṃ prayujyante saṃjñārogaḥ [...],"""Without doubt, one prepares himself for this Arupya by considering, 'Ideas are a sickness'!""",Language,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,prayuj roga,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,14,014|20.014|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vedanāāsvādavaśāddhi kāmānabhiṣvajante viparītasaṃjñāvaśācca dṛṣṭīriti |,"""In fact, if one becomes attached to pleasures, it is because one relishes the sensation; if one becomes attached to opinions, it is by reason of erroneous or false ideas (viparītasaṁjñā, v.9).""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,vedanā āsvāda kāma abhi+svaj viparīta dṛṣṭi,,,viparīta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,128,128|25.128|26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃprajānaṃstu samyak prajānāti mātuḥ kukṣiṃ praviśāmyatraiva tiṣṭhāmi ata eva niryāmiiti | nāsya viparītau saṃjñādhimokṣau pravarttete |,"""A being who has full consciousness knows that he enters into the womb, that he dwells there, and that he leaves it. [La Vallee Poussin/Pruden no tr.; BTW: He has no erroneous notions or convictions.]""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,samprajñā prajñā viparīta adhimokṣa,,,viparīta,,NA,NA,adhimokṣa,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,284,284|11.284|12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na hi striyāmātmani ca vinā sattvasaṃjñayā kāmarāgo yukta iti |,"""[You should say that they also have the error relative to self, since they certainly have the idea and thought of a living being:] attachment to pleasure relative to a woman or relative to themselves evidently presupposses the idea and the thought of a being.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,vinā sattva kāma rāga yuj,,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,10,010|17.010|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yāvannīlapītadīrghahrasvastrīpuruṣamitrāmitrasukhaduḥkh^ādinimittodgrahaṇamasau saṃjñāskandhaḥ |,"""The grasping of the diverse natures—perceiving that this is blue, yellow, long, short, male, female, friend, enemy, agreeable, disagreeable, etc.—is saṁjñāskandha (see i.l6a).""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,nīla pīta dīrgha hrasva stri puruṣa mitra amitra sukha duḥkha ādi nimitta udgrahaṇa skandha,,,,skandha,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,14,014|17.014|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vivādamūlasaṃsārahetutvāt kramakāraṇāt | caittebhyo vedanāsaṃjñe pṛthak skandhau niveśitau ||,"""21. The two mental states, sensation and ideas, are defined as distinct skandhas because they are the causes of the roots of dispute, because they are the causes of transmigration, and also by reason of the causes which justify the order of skandhas (i.22b).""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neg,,vivāda saṃsāra krama caitta vedanā skandha,,,skandha,,NA,NA,vedanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,15,015|19.015|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ata eva ca kramakāraṇādvedanāsaṃjñe saṃskārebhyaḥ pṛthak skandhīkṛte | yata ete audārikatare saṃkleśānukramahetū bhājanavyañjanabhūte,"""[There are thus five skandhas, no more, no less.] One sees how the reasons which justify the order of the skandhas also justify the doctrine that makes sensation and ideas separate skandhas: they are grosser than the other saṁskāras; they are the cause of the process of defilement; they are the food and the seasoning; and they reign over the two spheres of existence.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu.neg,,vedanā saṃskāra skandha saṃkleśa,,,skandha,,NA,NA,vedanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,117,117|22,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,catasraḥ sthitayaḥ punaḥ | katamāścatasraḥ | rūpopagā vijñānasthitir vedanopagā saṃjñopagā saṃskāropagā iti |,"""7b. There are four other sthitis. These four are: rūpa as an abode of vijñāna, (rūpopagā vijñānasthitih), vedanā or sensation as an abode of vijñāna (vedanopagā vijñānasthitih), ideas as an abode of vijñana (samjñopagā vijñānasthitih), and the saṁskāras or forces as an abode of vijñāna (saṁskāropagā vijñānasthitih).""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,rūpa vijñāna vedanā upaga saṃskāra,,,,upaga,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,279,279|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,uktastayoḥ kila dhātvormokṣasaṃjñāvyāvarttanārthamekeṣāmiti |,"""Further, certain persons imagine that the two Dhatus constitute deliverance: this is why the Blessed One gives the name 'attachment to existence' to the attachment which has these two Dhatus for its object. [(BGH) In order to prevent some people from regarding the two dhātus as liberated states].""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu.neg,,mokṣa vyā+vṛt,,,mokṣa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,284,284|05.284|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,anitye nityamiti saṃjñādṛṣṭicittaviparyāsāstrayaḥ |,"""Another School says: The error which consists of holding as permanent that which is impermanent contains three errors: error of idea, of thought and of view;""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,a nitya nitya iti dṛṣṭi citta viparyāsa,,,,viparyāsa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,375,375|09.375|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,api khalvāryasyānupanidhyāyataḥ smṛtisaṃpramoṣāt kleśa utpadyate nopanidhyāyato rajjvāmiva sarpasaṃjñā |,"""[Context: even if already abandoned through meditation, defilements can still arise in Śaikṣas due to a lack of mindfulness] In the same way that one thinks a rope is a snake if one does not observe it carefully.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,rajju sarpa,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,rajju,, saṃjñā,320,320,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,divasasaṃjñāadhiṣṭhitena samaprabhāsaṃ cittaṃ bhāvayati |,"""[a monk] sustains the perception of daylight and develops a mind that is evenly luminous. [Alt. tr. Ānandajyoti: daily he cultivates his illumined mind, determined on the perception (of light)].""",Thought,act_of_imagining/picturing,Thought@Creation,idea,mental image,pos,disputed,divasa adhisthā sama,,,divasa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,314,314,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,rūpaṃ duḥkham | vedanā duḥkham | saṃjñā duḥkham | saṃskārā duḥkham | vijñānaṃ duḥkham |,"""In brief, all the aggregates of clinging are suffering. [Eds. Samtani and Vaidya differ]""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,philological,rūpa vedanā duḥkha saṃskārā vijñāna,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā saṃskārā vijñāna,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,320,320,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,evameva bhikṣavo bhikṣuṇā ālokasaṃjñā sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca sugṛhīto bhavati,"""Herein, Monks, a monk develops well a perception of light.""",Thought,act_of_imagining/picturing,Thought@Creation,idea,mental image,pos,,āloka,,,āloka,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,27,27,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,mṛnmayīṣu pratikṛtiṣvamarāṇāṃ yathā janaḥ | mṛtsaṃjñā[ntām] anādṛtya namaty [...],"""Just as men bow down to clay images of the gods, knowing that what they worship is the god and not the clay, …",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,philological,mṛn mṛt anādṛ,,,mṛt,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,93,93,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,atha rājā kathaṃcit saṃjñāmupalabhya prarudannuvāca |,"""[Context: The news made Asoka collapse on the ground in a faint, His attendants splashed some water in his face,] and when he had somewhat regained consciousness, he said, sobbing: ....""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,upalabh,upalabh,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,3,3,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tau urumuṇḍaparvate vihāraṃ pratiṣṭhāpayiṣyataḥ | tasya naṭabhaṭiketi saṃjñā bhaviṣyati | etadagraṃ me ānanda bhaviṣyati śamathānukūlānāṃ śayyāsanānāṃ yadidaṃ naṭabhaṭikāraṇyāyatanaṃ |,"""They will build a monastery on Mount Urumuṇḍa; it will be known as the Naṭabhaṭika, and will be the best of all my forest hermitages where the beds and seats are conducive to meditation.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,named/called,neu,,bhū,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,177,177,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,śāriputra āha sacedāyuṣman subhūte sa puruṣaḥ prativibuddhaḥ san vikalpayan hatasaṃjñāmutpādayati,"""...consciously forms the notion that he wants to kill someone. [(BGH) he thinks about/intends killing sb.?].""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,han utpad,utpad,,han,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,165,165,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,avinivartanīyo bodhisattvo mahāsattvo na rūpasaṃjñāmabhisaṃskāroti na rūpa[...]utpādayati | evaṃ na vedanā[...] na [...] na saṃskāra[...] | na vijñāna[...]abhisaṃskaroti na vijñāna[...]utpādayati |,"""Furthermore, an irreversible Bodhisattva does not piece together a perception of form, etc., nor produce one.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,na rūpa abhisaṃkṛ utpad,abhisaṃkṛ,,rūpa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,187,187,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,piṇḍasaṃjñāyāṃ caritāvinaḥ etarhy api piṇḍa[...] caranti |,"""[They have for a long time been in the habit of] coursing in ... perceptions of material objects.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,piṇḍa caritāvin,,,piṇḍa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,caritāvin, saṃjñā,170,170,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ vedanā [...] saṃskārāḥ | vijñānaṃ hi subhūte gambhīram | kathaṃ ca subhūte rūpaṃ gambhīram kathaṃ vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārāḥ kathaṃ ca subhūte vijñānaṃ gambhīram yathā subhūte tathatā tathā gambhīraṃ rūpam |,"""[Context: Emptiness as synonym for all dharmas] For form, etc., is deep. How is form, etc., deep? As deep as Suchness, so deep is form, etc.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,pos,,gambhīra vedanā saṃskārā,,,gambhīra,,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskārā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,199,199,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ hi caran bodhisattvo mahāsattvo na rūpe carati na vedanāyāṃ na saṃjñāyāṃ na saṃskāreṣu na vijñāne carati |,"Because he then does not course in form, or the other skandhas.",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,rūpa vedanā na saṃskāra vijñāna car,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna,,,NA,,,car, saṃjñā,237,237,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,rūpaṃ śūnyamaparyantadharmatā | evaṃ vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārāḥ |,"""[CONTEXT: Form, and each skandha, is the boundless true nature of all dharmas;] the empty, boundless true nature [of things];""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu.neg,,vedanā saṃskāra,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,137,137,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavānāha yadi subhūte na rūpārambaṇaṃ vijñānamutpadyate evaṃ rūpasyādṛṣṭatā bhavati | evaṃ vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārāḥ |,"""The Lord: Where there arises an act of consciousness which has none of the skandhas for objective support, there the non-viewing of form, etc., takes place.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu.neg,,vijñāna vedanā saṃskāra,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,147,147,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo rūpasyāśleṣaḥ ayaṃ rūpasyāsaṃbandhaḥ ayaṃ rūpasyāśleṣaḥ | evaṃ vedanāyāḥ saṃjñāyāḥ saṃskārāṇām |,"""non-attachment to form/matter is non-connection to form... likewise for vedanā, saṃjñā, saṁskāra.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,vedanā saṃskāra,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,158,158,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,subhūtirāha kiṃ punarāyuṣman śāriputra vedanātathatā saṃjñātathatā saṃskāratathatā vijñānatathatā boddhavyā anuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau,"""Subhuti: Does the Suchness of form, etc., know full enlightenment?""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,vedanā tathatā saṃskāra vijñāna budh,,,,tathatā,NA,NA,,,,NA,vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna,,, saṃjñā,14,14,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,duhitṛsaṃjñāṃ kṛtvā strīpuruṣeṣu | evametāḥ [...] kṛtvā bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bodhisattvacārikāṃ carati |,"""On the contrary, he forms the notion of ease, he forms the notion that all beings, whether men or women, are his parents and children, and thus he goes on the pilgrimage of a Bodhisattva. [(BGH) regarding all women as (his) daughters].""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,pos,,duhitṛ kṛ strī puruṣa,kṛ,,duhitṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,puruṣa,, saṃjñā,438,438,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,idam avocat bhagavān idam uktvā sugato hy athāparametad uvāca śāstā nāmamātraṃ idaṃ sarvaṃ saṃjñāmātre pratiṣṭhitam |,"""§8 Thus said the Blessed One. The Sugata having said so, then the teacher further said the following — All this which is nothing but name is established only in designation; ...""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu.neg,,nāma mātra mātra pratiṣṭhā,,,mātra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,nāma,,pratiṣṭhā, saṃjñā,34,34/49,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bhagavatā saṃthakātyāyanamārabhya iha saṃtha bhikṣurna pṛthivīṃ niśritya dhyāyati | n^āpaḥ | na tejaḥ | na vāyum | n^ākāśavijñān^ākiñcanyanaivasaṃjñānā[...]āyatanaṃ nemaṃ lokaṃ na paraṃ lokaṃ nobhau sūryācandramasau na dṛṣṭaśrutamatavijñātaṃ,"""Here, Samtha, a bhikṣu does not rely upon earth when he meditates. He does not rely upon water, fire, or air [when he meditates]; [he does not rely upon] the sphere of space, [the sphere of] consciousness, [the sphere of] nothingness, and [the sphere in which there is] neither conception nor absence of conception; [he does not rely upon] this world and the next world; the pair of the sun and moon; that which is seen, heard, considered, or perceived;""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,disputed,dhyā ākāśa vijñāna ākiñcanya na va a āyatana,,,,āyatana,NA,NA,ākāśa vijñāna ākiñcanya,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,115,115/167,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,kevala sattvahitakāmatānidānaṃ ca vinidhāya saṃjñāṃ samprajānan anyathāvācaṃ bhāṣate |,"""[Context: circumstances under which a bodhisattva does not commit an offence when lying to save beings from harm]... after having altered his conception [of the facts] motivated exclusively by a desire to benefit beings, he or she deliberately utters speech that is at variance [with the truth]. [(BGH) knowing/being aware of the difference...]""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,pos,,samprajñā,samprajñā,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,77,77/109,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vastumātre arthamātre ālambane cittamupanibadhya sarvaprapañcāpagatena sarvacittapariplavāpagatena saṃjñāmanasikāreṇa sarv^ālambanānyadhimucyamānaḥ adhyātmasamādhinirmitteṣu cittaṃ saṃsthāpayati,"""[Context: How to practice meditation – What is śamatha? Through having fulfilled the practice of reflection with its eight aspects, bodhisattvas] then bind their mind to an object that is beyond expression-one that is a bare substance and a bare import-and then, maintaining zealous devotion toward all meditation objects through bringing to mind conceptions that are free of all elaboration and mental unsteadiness, ... [(BGH) ]""",Thought,act_of_imagining/picturing,Thought@Creation,idea,mental image,neu,,sarva prapañca sarva citta pariplava manasikāra sarva adhimuc adhyātma samādhi,,,,manasikāra,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,69,69/97,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra sarvadharmāṇāṃ yannāma nāmapūrvikā ca saṃjñā [...]pūrvakaścābhilāpaḥ | ayamucyate teṣāṃ dharmāṇāmanuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names that relate to all entities, as well as the conceptions that are preceded by names and the statements that are preceded by conceptions, are called the causes of orderly discourse that relate to those entities. [(BGH) ideas are preceded by names and speech is preceded by ideas – these 3 elements are the causes of conventional ways of speaking].""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,nāma abhilāpa anuvyavahāra,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,209,209,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ābhiprāyikanigūḍhadharmasaṃjñāarthavibhāvanatā | idaṃ caturthamadhiṣṭhānam |,"""The clear ascertainment of terms and meanings that are associated with obscure Dharma teachings that possess an underlying meaning represents the fourth basis.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,vague,ābhiprāyika nigūḍha dharma artha vibhāvanatā,,,,vibhāvanatā,NA,NA,artha,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,18,18/26,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,saṃjñāveditanirodhasamāpattirveditopacchedasukhamityucyate |,"""The state of composure that causes the cessation of conceptions and feelings is called 'the aspect of happiness that cuts off feelings'.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,vedita nirodha samāpatti vedita upaccheda sukha,,,,nirodha,NA,NA,vedita,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,53,53/75,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,smṛtasya ca pratisaṃviditānāṃ vedanānāṃ saṃjñānāṃ vitarkāṇāmutpādaḥ sthānaṃ nirodhaśca |,"""[A tathāgata remains in a state of recollection with regard] to the arising, continuous existence, and cessation of each of the feelings, conceptions, and thoughts that he experiences.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,vedanā vitarka utpāda,,,,utpāda,NA,NA,vedanā vitarka,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,157,157/229,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ye kecitsattvā apadā vā dvipadā vā ] catuṣpadā vā bahupadā vā rūpiṇo vā arūpiṇo vā saṃjñino vāa[...] vā naivasaṃjñānā[...]āyatanopagā vā,"""[Context: the result that a tathāgata is the foremost of all sentient beings] —whether they have no feet, are two-footed, four-footed, or have many feet; whether they are of the form realm or the formless realm; and whether they have conceptions, they have no conceptions, or they have reached the sphere in which there is neither conception nor absence of conception—""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,rūpin saṃjñin na va na a āyatana,,,,āyatana,NA,NA,rūpin saṃjñin,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,100,100/145,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,badhirān hastasaṃvācikayāarthaṃ grāhayati saṃjñānimittavyapadeśena |,"""[Context: the bodhisattva helps beings in practical matters in all possible ways] [He] causes the deaf to understand meanings with a [form of] sign language that represents words through symbols, ...""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,hasta saṃvācika gṛh/grah nimitta vyapadeśa,,,,vyapadeśa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,273,273/395,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evañcapunarmanasikuruastimesakaścitṣaḍāyatanavinirmuktodharmaḥ svabhāvena pariniṣpannaḥ adhyātmaṃ vā bahirdhā vā ubhayamantareṇa vā vidyate | yatredaṃ nāma saṃjñā prajñaptiḥ upacāraḥ pravartate,"""Is there any inherently established entity apart from my six [inner] bases that exists internally, externally, or [in some way] other than those two, and [that constitutes the object] in relation to which this name, this appellation, this designation, and this figure of speech occur?""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu.neg,,nāma prajñapti upacāra pravṛt/-vart,,,,nāma,NA,NA,prajñapti upacāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,25,25/37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadvastu sarveṣāmeva laukikānāṃ paraṃparāgatayā saṃjñayā svavikalpaprasiddhaṃ,"""[Likewise, the existence of these objects] is recognized [by such persons] with their own conceptual thought [simply] on the basis of [familiarity with] the traditional usage of terms;""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,paraṃparā gam prasiddha,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nāmamātratāṃ paryeṣya tannāmaivaṃ yathābhūtaṃ parijānāti itīdaṃ nāma ityarthaṃ vastuni vyavasthāpyate yāvadeva saṃjñāartha dṛṣṭyarthamupacārārtham |,"""Having examined, with regard to names, the quality of being a mere name, a bodhisattva gains the following thorough knowledge regarding the true nature of names: This is the extent of the import of a name that is established in relation to [some] substance: its nominal import, its theoretical import, and its suppositional import.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,nāma vastu artha dṛṣṭi artha upacāra artha,,,,artha,NA,NA,,,,NA,dṛṣṭi upacāra,,, saṃjñā,173,173/253,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yā [...] ātmā vā sattvo veti saṃjñāmātramevaitat |,"""[Context: the bsattva realizes the full extent of what is called 'the state of being a human']} ... that, regarding this [topic], the term 'self' or 'being' is [nothing more than] a mere appellation.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu.neg,,iti,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,194,194/286,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bodhisattvaḥ sarvasattveṣu pratītyasamutpanneṣu ca sarvasaṃskāreṣu sattvasaṃjñeti viditvā,"""(4) Having realized [the meaning of] the term sattva both in relation to all sentient beings and in relation to dependently arisen formations,... [Context: a bodhisattva maintains an even mind toward all sentient beings by virtue of having a mind that [understands] the sameness of [all] entities, which is to say, true nature of any single sentient being is [the true nature] of all [sentient beings].] [(BGH) Having understood/realized that 'sattva' is the name for/given to all formations and ....].""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,sarva sarva saṃskāra sattva,,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,203,203,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,teṣāṃ punardaśasu dikṣvanantāparyanteṣu lokadhātuṣvanantānāṃ bodhisattvānāmaprameyāḥ pratyātmagatāḥ saṃjñāprāptayo veditavyāḥ |,"""Moreover, it should be understood that there are immeasurable numbers of individual names that have been received by [each of] the limitless numbers of bodhisattvas who are found throughout the endless and limitless world spheres that lie in the ten directions.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,pos,,prāpti,,,,prāpti,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,270,270/392,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,upapannāścayadupabhuñjate tadupabhogācca punaryadanyat svayaṃkṛtaṃ duḥkhāntaramabhinirvartayanti tadetadābhiḥ saṃjñābhiḥ paridīpitam |,"""On the basis of these terms, this [presentation] has clarified what causes [beings] to be born [in the hells], what [the beings] who are born there experience, and, due to those experiences, what other [forms of] suffering [those beings] create for themselves.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,ayam paridīpita,,paridīpita,ayam,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,273,273,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,te evaṃ bhaviṣyati | āgantukeṣveṣu dharmeṣviyamāgantukī saṃjñāpravṛtteti |,"""You will have no thought other than the following: 'This adventitious appellation only occurs in relation to these adventitious entities'.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu.neg,,āgantuka pra+vṛt,,,āgantuka,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,51,51/73,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,dhyānaṃ samāpadyamāno bodhisattvo dhyānavipakṣaṃ kleśaṃ vāgvitarkaprītisukharūpasaṃjñāādīṃścopakleśān prajahāti |,"""A bodhisattva who achieves meditative absorption abandons the mental afflictions [in general] and the secondary mental afflictions of discursive thought: joy, ease, and the conceptions of form, etc., which are [the faults that] directly oppose [the various forms of] meditative absorption.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,dhyāna vāg vitarka prīti sukha rūpa ādi,,,rūpa,,NA,NA,prīti sukha,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,177,177/260,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvaprapañcasaṃjñāsu anābhogavāhanaḥ tasmiṃśca nirabhilāpye vastumātre nirnimittayā ca nirvikalpacittaśāntyāsarvadharmasamataikarasagāmī|,"""[Context: the bsattva's practice of śamatha has four aspects] (3) that which conveys [the mind to its object] effortlessly in relation to all elaborative conceptions and (4) that which, by virtue of [both] the signlessness [that occurs] in relation to the ineffable bare substance [of entities] and the tranquility of the mind that does not engage in conceptualization, leads to [the experiencing of] the single taste that is the sameness of all entities.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu.neg,,sarva prapañca anābhoga vāhana nirabhilāpya vastu,,,sarva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasminnākāśasthānīye nirabhilāpye vastuni vividhābhilāpakṛtāḥ saṃjñāvikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃgānugatāḥ rūpakarmasthānīyāḥ pravartante |,"""[Context: Moreover, when those physical objects and their actions are removed, the pure space whose nature is a mere absence of physical objects becomes evident.] In a similar way, the conceptions and false notions that resemble physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations arise in the ineffable reality that resembles space.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,vividha abhilāpa kṛ vikalpa,,,,vikalpa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,163,163/237,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,katividhā ca kalyāṇamitrasaṃsevā bodhisattvasya | katyākārayā ca saṃjñayā kalyāṇamitrasyāntikādbodhisattvena dharmaḥ śrotavyaḥ |,"""What are the forms of service that a bodhisartva should perform in relation to a spiritual teacher? What kind of conceptions should a bodhisattva maintain when he or she listens to the Dharma in the presence of a spiritual teacher?""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,ākāra śru,,,ākāra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,26,26/39,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tadyathā rūpamiti vā vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārā vijñānamiti vā | cakṣuriti vā srotraṃ ghrāṇaṃ jihvā kāyo mana iti vā | pṛthivīti vā āpastejo vāyuriti vā |,"""[Context: Being and Nonbeing as duality; Being as the root of the world's conceptual thought] These include, for example, [the essential natures that are expressed by such designating assertions as] 'form,' 'feeling,' 'conception,' 'formations,' and 'consciousness'; [those of] 'eye,' 'ear,' 'nose,' 'tongue,' 'body,' and 'mind'; those of 'earth,' 'water,' 'fire,' and 'air';""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,rūpa vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna vijñāna,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,249,249,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,svāmibhūtasya mātāpitṛputradāradāsīdāsakarmakarapauruṣeyaparigrahe rājabhūtasya ca rājyajane bodhisattvasy^ādhipatyaparigrahasaṃjñā |,"""A bodhisattva who is the head [of a household] maintains the conception of embracing through authority toward the household that is made up of his or her mother, father, children, spouse, male and female servants, workmen, and hired persons; [(BGH) the bsattva regards all social relations as [constituting] his [own] family and himself as the sovereign.]""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,svāmi mātā pitṛ putra dāra dāsī dāsa karmakara pauruṣeya parigraha rāja rājya jana ādhipatya parigraha,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,jana,, saṃjñā,131,131/190,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,idaṃ pratisaṃkhyāya sa bodhisattvaḥ pañc^ākārāṃ saṃjñāṃ bhāvayan mitrāmitrodāsīnebhyaḥ hīnatulyaviśiṣṭebhyaḥ sukhitaduḥkhitebhyo guṇadoṣayuktebhyaśca sattvebhyaḥ,"""Having carefully considered these points, a bodhisattva who meditates on a five-part [set of] conceptions endures all forms of harm in relation to those sentient beings who are friends, foes, and neutral persons; those [sentient beings] who are inferior, equal, and superior, those [sentient beings] who are experiencing well-being as well as those who are suffering; and those [sentient beings] who possess good qualities as well as those who possess faults.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,pañca ākāra bhū,bhū,,ākāra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,90,90/130,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pratijñayā pratividhya duḥkhe me eṣa sukhasaṃjñāviparyāsaḥ āyatyāṃ duḥkhajanaka iti viparyāsaparijñānāttañca prahāya prati saṃkhyāya tadvastu dadāti |,"""[Context: Generosity–if a bodhisattva is not moved to Giving.] He or she should reflect, 'This erroneous conception in which I regard what is suffering as a state of well-being is one that will produce suffering for me in the future.' Through realizing that it is an error, [a bodhisattva] abandons [this fault that is a consequence of greed]. Then, after having completed this analysis, he or she gives the object.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,duḥkha sukha viparyāsa duḥkha,,,sukha,viparyāsa,NA,NA,,,,NA,,duḥkha,, saṃjñā,132,132/192,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasyaiva yoniśo manasi kurvataḥ apakāriṣu sattveṣu parasaṃjñā prahīyate |," [Context: a bodhisattva who has aspired to attain enlightenement for all beings' benefit would violate his vow, if he were to not embrace also those beings who harm him.] For [a bodhisattva] who cultivates proper attention in this way, the notion of being a foe that is held toward those sentient beings who harm him or her will be relinquished and the conception of embracing them will arise.",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,sattva para prahā,prahā,,para,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,sattva,, saṃjñā,162,162/236,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathā sarvasaṃskāreṣvanityasaṃjñāmanitye duḥkha[...] duḥkhe anātma[...] nirvāṇe cānuśaṃsa[...] bhāvayati |,"""Likewise, when he or she meditates upon the concept of impermanence in relation to all conditioned entities, the concept of suffering in relation to impermanence, the concept of selflessness in relation to suffering, and the concept of being advantageous in relation to nirvana;""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,sarva saṃskāra anitya bhū,bhū,,anitya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,saṃskāra,, saṃjñā,13.13,13.13,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tat kṣipram uttiṣṭha labhasva saṃjñāṃ bāṇo hy ayaṃ tiṣṭhati lelihānaḥ priyāvidheyeṣu ratipriyeṣu yaṃ cakravākeṣv iva notsṛjāmi ||,"""So, rise up quick and come to your senses, for this arrow is set, licking its chops! I wont shoot men servile to their lovers and delighting in sexual pleasures, as I won’t shoot at chakra-vaka ducks.""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,labh,labh,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,12.89,12.89,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tato hitvāśramaṃ tasya śreyoarthī kṛtaniścayaḥ bheje gayasya rājarṣer nagarīsaṃjñam āśramam ||,"""Then, after he had left his hermitage, seeking after bliss, firmly resolute, he repaired to the royal seer Gaya’s hermitage, having the name Nagari.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,named/called,neu,,nagarī āśrama,,,,nagarī āśrama,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,1 51,1 51,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sa pārthivāntaḥpurasaṃnikarṣaṃ kumārajanm^āgataharṣavegaḥ || viveśa dhīro vanasaṃjñayeva tapaḥprakarṣāc ca jarāāśrayāc ca ||,"""Feeling the thrill at the princes birth, he entered the vicinity of the kings seraglio, deeming it a forest and remaining steadfast, due to the strength of his austerities, and the succor provided by old age.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,pārthiva viviś vana tapaḥ jarā,,,vana,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,11.4,11.4,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yaḥ pittadāhena vidahyamānaḥ śītakriyāṃ bhoga iti vyavasyet duḥkhapratīkāravidhau pravṛttaḥ kāmeṣu kuryāt sa hi bhogasaṃjñām ||,"""A man who, as he’s burning with bilious fever, decides ‘cold remedies are enjoyments,’ He, indeed, while using remedies for suffering, would give the name ‘enjoyment’ to pleasures.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,,,vyavasā kāma kṛ bhoga,kṛ,,bhoga,,NA,NA,,,,NA,vyavasā,kāma,, saṃjñā,42,42/63A,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathāgatabalavaiśārady^āveṇikabuddhadharmānugatasaṃjñāmanasikāraḥ,"""[Context: 8th bhūmi: Every Bodhisattva who in the (preceding) seven stages of Bodhisattva...] has notion and concentration in mind in pursuit of the powers of Tathāgata, the convictions and charactersitics unique to buddha, ... [Kondo ed. omits saṃjñā].""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,philological,tathāgata bala vaiśāradya āveṇika buddha dharma anugam manasikāra,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,20,20/34K,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa sarvaśo rūpasaṃjñānāṃ samatikramāt,"""[Context: meditation, dhyāna] He, as he surpasses the notions of form (rūpa) entirely, ...""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,vague,rūpa samatikram,,,rūpa,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,9,9/13Y,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatkasya hetoḥ yathāpi idamātmasaṃjñāapagamādātmasneho asya na bhavati kutaḥ punaḥ sarvopakaraṇasnehaḥ,"""By what reason? Because, as he is freed from the notion of self, he has no affection towards self, how much less an affection towards implements?""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,ātman apagama sneha,,,ātman,apagama,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa sarvaścittamanovijñānavikalpasaṃjñāapagato,"""It is said that he is free from the notion of false mental construction of thought, mind and consciousness [BGH: free from forming ideas/notions about the variety of thoughts/mental states and (the contents/processes of) mental consciouness].""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,citta mano vijñāna vikalpa apagam,,,apagam,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,95,95/8.10b,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vipulasaṃjña bhavati rajanimitte |,"""[Context verse 10: A subtle thought arises in a wide realm,] a wide thought arises in the form of dust size. [Context verse 10: Such and such various supernatural faculties of Sugata will not be exhausted even when all the people in the world speak of them.]""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,recognition,neu,,vipula bhū raja,,bhū,vipula,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,85,85,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tadānanodvīkṣaṇaniścalākṣā manobhuvā saṃhriyamāṇadhairyāḥ | anīśvarā locanamānasānāmāsurmadeneva viluptasaṃjñāḥ ||,"""But no sooner did those Brāhmans 5. Behold her, than their eyes were compelled to remain closely fixed on her face. The god of Love had subdued their firmness. They had no power over their looks and minds, and they got rid of their consciousness as if drunkenness had befallen them. [Khoroche (p. 89): But, [5] at the sight of her face, their eyes fixed in a stare . Love robbed those brahmins of all composure Like men in a drunken stupor, they were no longer m control of their eyes or their feelings.]""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,pos,,locana mānasa mada vilupta,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,241,241,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ataśca nūnaṃ bhagavānavocadacintyatāṃ karmavipākayukteḥ | kṛpātmakaḥ sannapi yatsa bheje tiryaggatiṃ tatra ca dharmasaṃjñām ||,"""2. And it is for this reason, in truth, that the Lord declared the mystery of the result of karma to be inscrutable, since He, though compassion was at the bottom of his nature, obtained the state of a beast, yet even in this condition retained his knowledge of righteousness. [Khoroche, p. 245: ... born as an animal... and in that state could still recognize what was right.]""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,karma vipāka tiryag dharma,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,193,193,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,paroparodheṣu sadānabhijñā vyavasthitiḥ sattvavatāṃ manojñā | guṇāabhinirvārtitacārusaṃjñā kṣameti lokāarthakarī kṛpājñā ||,"""26. It is praised also as the lovely firmness of mind of the virtuous which is always indifferent to injuries done to them by others; as having obtained by its properties its lovely name of kṣamā; as benefiting mankind; as well acquainted with pity. [Khoroche, p. 197: That which goes by the fair name of Forbearance is the result of special qualities.]""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,pos,,guṇa abhinirvṛt cāru kṣamā iti loka artha,,,cāru,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,111,111,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,idaṃ snehodgatatvātte kāmamalpātyayaṃ vacaḥ | sukhasaṃjñāṃ tu mā kārṣīḥ kadācidgṛhacārake ||,"""10. What you said was spoken out of affection, of a truth, and on this account your words did not grieve me so much. Nevertheless, do not employ the term ‘comfort’, when speaking of one who lives in the world. [Khoroche, p. 117: but never apply the word 'happy' to the prison house of worldly life.]""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu.neg,,sneho sukha kṛ gṛha,kṛ,,sukha,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,170,170,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,dṛṣṭvāya taṃ tatra viceṣṭamānaṃ nar^ādhipaṃ bāṣpaparītanetraḥ | kṛpāvaśādvismṛtaśatrusaṃjñastadduḥkhasāmānyamupājagāma ||,"""8. Having seen the king in that wretched situation, he forgot that it was his enemy, and affected with pity felt an equal pain to his; tears welled up in his eyes.[Khoroche, p. 175: he no longer thought of him as an enemy.]""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,nara bāṣpa pari+i netra kṛpā vismṛ śatru,,,vismṛ śatru,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,211,211,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,athainamanye kṣuttarṣaśramadharmaduḥkhāturaśarīrāḥ kṛtāñjalayaḥ sāśrunayanāḥ samabhipraṇamyārtatayā hastasaṃjñābhiḥ pānīyamayācanta |,"""Then some of them, who suffered intensely from the pain of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and heat, after bowing to him with folded hands and eyes wet with tears, in the manner of supplicants, asked him for water by means of signs with their hands. [Khoroche, p. 216: Then some of the men, ravaged by hunger, thirst, fatigue, and heat, held their hands together in supplication. With tears m their eyes, they prostrated themselves and begged him for water, making signs with their hands—such was their sorry state.]""",Language,Language@Communication,Language@Communication,signal/gesture,signal/gesture,neu,,kṛta añjali hasta yāc,,,hasta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,73,73r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ete ca dharmā śūnyā viviktā agrāhyāḥ prajahīte atām āyuṣmantaḥ saṃjñā yaduta parinirvāṇam iti mā ca [...] [...] kārṣṭa,"""1).These dharmas are empty, isolated and elusive(12).This notion,venerable sirs,give up,namely(the notion of)final nirvana.Have no idea(s) with regard to ideas. [Pāsādika 2015, p. 179-80: notion]""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,prahā parinirvāṇa iti,prahā,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,28,28v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yā vedanāyāḥ saṃjñāyāḥ saṃskārāṇāṃ vijñānasya na nityam iti pratyavekṣā | nānityam iti pratyavekṣā iyam ucyate kāśyapa madhyamā pratipad,"""feeling, perception, karma-formations and consciousness are neither permanent nor impermanent(,but just empty).Seeing things thus - as they really are - it(can)be said that(one follows) the Middle Way.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna pratyavekṣā,,,,pratyavekṣā,NA,NA,vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,47,47v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvaviparyāsānā catvāro aviparyāsa cikitsā anitye nityasaṃjñāyāḥ anityāḥ sarvasaṃskārā iti cikitsā,"""and the cure for all fallacies are the four correct views(l):For the false notions of permanence,happiness and Self in respect of impermanence, suffering and non-self the cure is(to see that)all conditioned things are impermanent, unsatisfactory and not Self""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,a nitya nitya cikitsā,,,nitya,cikitsā,NA,NA,,,,NA,,nitya,, saṃjñā,4,4v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvabodhisatveṣu ca śāstṛsaṃjñām utpādayati |,"""With reference to all those on their way to (supreme? enlightenment (bodhisattva), he regards them as spiritual teachers""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,sarva bodhisatva śāstṛ utpad,utpad,,śāstṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,bodhisatva,, saṃjñā,41,41v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nacātrakaścicakravartilakṣaṇasamanvāgatobhavet na tatra rājñaś cakravartinaḥ putrasaṃjña manyeta |,"""(yet if)none were endowed with the marks of a cakravartin,he would not recognize them(20) as his sons.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,cakravartin lakṣaṇa tatra putra man,man,,putra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,50,50v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,cittaṃ hi kāśyapa pāṃsvāgārasadṛśam anitye nityasaṃjñayā,"""Thought, K. resembles a house(built on)sand,which looks permanent though it is not.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,,,a nitya nitya,,,nitya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,nitya,, saṃjñā,35,35,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,ebhya utpannā mahāmate skandhadhātvāyatanākhyā dharmāḥ pratītyasamutpādasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhante |,"""They are not separable [realities] but discriminated [as such] by the ignorant.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,,disputed,skandha dhātu āyatana ākhya dharma pratītyasamutpāda pratilabh,pratilabh,,pratītyasamutpāda,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,39,39,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,na ca mahāmate cittamano manovijñānacittaparāvṛttyāśrayāṇāṃ svacittadṛśyagrāhyagrāhakavikalpaprahīṇānāṃ tathāgatabhūmipratyātmāryajñānagatānāṃ yogināṃ bhāvābhāvasaṃjñā pravartate |,"""Mahamati, when a [psychological] revulsion takes place in the Yogins [by the transcendence of] the Citta, Manas, and Vijnana, they cast off the [dualistic] discrimination of grasped and grasping in what is seen of Mind itself, and entering the Tathagata-stage attain the realisation of noble wisdom; and in this there is no thought of existence and non-existence.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,recognition,neg,disputed,na mano vijñāna citta parāvṛtty sva citta dṛśya grāhya grāhaka vikalpa tathāgata bhūmi pratyātma arya jñāna bhāva a pravṛt,,,bhāva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,101,101,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra," vyādhibahulam , na ca pratikūlasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhate |","""He ceases to entertain any thoughts of aversion towards all diseases. [BGH: (Context: through eating meat, a person's intestines get infested with worms and becomes the cause for diseases like leprosy] but he does not regard/consider [this] an adverse condition (vyādhi-bahulaṃ syntactically belongs to the previous sentence)].""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,disputed,vyādhi na pratikūla pratilabh,pratilabh,,pratikūla,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,35,35,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra ādhyātmikaḥ pratītyasamutpādo yaduta avidyā tṛṣā karmetyevamādyā mahāmate dharmāḥ pratītyasamutpādasaṃjñāṃ pratilabhante |,"""As regards the inner factors of causation, Mahāmati, they are of such kind as ignorance, desire, and action, which make up our idea of causation. [BGH: these dharmas receive the name pratītyasamutpāda. Or: these dharmas are conceptualized as dependently arisen].""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,iti dharma pratītyasamutpāda pratilabh,pratilabh,,pratītyasamutpāda,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,131,131,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,svavikalpaviparyāsaiḥ prapañcaspanditaiśca vai | dṛṣṭaśrutamatajñāte bālā badhyanti saṃjñayā ||,"""372. On account of self-discrimination which causes errors and sets false reasonings in motion, the ignorant are bound up with ideas in what they see, hear, think, or understand.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,vague,sva vikalpa viparyāsa prapañca dṛṣṭa śruta mata jñāta badh,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,50,50,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatredam ucyate dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni ārūpyāśca samādhayaḥ | saṃjñānirodho nikhilaścittamātre na vidyate ||,"""So it is said : 176. The Dhyanas, the immeasurables, the formless, the Samadhis, and the complete extinction of thought (nirodha) these do not exist where the Mind alone is.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,samādhi nirodha citta na,,,,nirodha,NA,NA,samādhi,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,114,114,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,dhyānāni cāpramāṇāni ārūpyāśca samādhayaḥ | saṃjñānirodho nikhilaścittamātre na vidyate ||,Identical with cit 11!,Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,citta,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,66,66,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,katamasmin manaskāre grāhyagrāhakasaṃprakhyānakāraṇe sa hy asau jalpamanaskāro abhilāpasaṃjñāparibhāvitatvāt grāhyagrāhakavikalp^āśrayo veditavyaḥ |,"""As regards mental attention which is the cause for the semblance of object apprehended and subject apprehendor as things apart, this mental attention towards talk is itself to be known as the basis for the distinction between object apprehended and subject apprehendor, because it is suffused with cognitions of verbal specification.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu.neg,vague,jalpa manaskāra abhilāpa paribhāvitatva grāhya grāhaka vikalpa āśraya,,,abhilāpa,paribhāvitatva,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,21,21,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upabhogo vedanā | paricchedaḥ saṃjñā |,"""[Context: Attributes/functions of the store-consciusness] Experiencing itself is basically feeling, distinguishing is cognition, ...""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,vedanā pariccheda,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,64,64(11.38),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathājalpārthasaṃjñāyā nimittaṃ tasya vāsanā | tasmād apy arthavikhyānaṃ parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ ||,"""38. The cause of the concept of objective referents corresponding to verbalization, its instincts, and thence also objective perceptions - such is the nature of the imaginatively constructed (identity).""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,yathā jalpa artha nimitta vikhyāna parikalpita,,,artha,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,110,110(16.48),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upakara[...]modaṃ hy apakāriṇi parahitasaṃjñāṃ parahite sadā duḥkhe | labhate yadā kṛpāluḥ kṣamitavyaṃ tasya kiṃ na syāt ||,"""48. The compassionate (bodhisattva) always considers it a help when he is harmed and always finds pleasure in suffering that helps others; so what is there to tolerate for such a person?""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,pos,vague,upakara apakārin parahita labh,labh,,parahita,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,182 20.37,182 20.37,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvayasaṃjñāavicalanād acalā ca nirucyate,"""37cd. Because it cannot be disturbed by the two types of conceptualization, (the eighth stage) is called the 'immovable'.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,dvaya avicalana,,,dvaya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,72,72(11.65),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,akṛte kukṛte lajjā kaukṛtyaṃ viṣaye ratiḥ | amitrasaṃjñā khede ca racanodbhāvanāmatiḥ ||,"""65. (Further conscientious attitudes are) shame at the undone or badly done, guilt, delight in one's objectives, the consideration of fatigue as an enemy, and the intention to compose and to publish.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,amitra kheda racana udbhāvanā,,,amitra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,kheda,, saṃjñā,110,110(16.48),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upakarasaṃjñāmodaṃ hy apakāriṇi parahita [...] parahite sadā duḥkhe | labhate yadā kṛpāluḥ kṣamitavyaṃ tasya kiṃ na syāt ||,"""48. The compassionate (bodhisattva) always considers it a help when he is harmed and always finds pleasure in suffering that helps others; so what is there to tolerate for such a person?""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,pos,,upakara moda apakārin labh,,,upakara,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,111,111(16.49),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paraparasaṃjñāapagamāt svato adhikatarāt sadā parasnehāt | duṣkaracaraṇāt sakṛpe hy aduṣkaraṃ vīryaṃ ||,"""49. Since she has transcended the perception of others as 'others,' and since she always cherishes others very much more than herself, the compassionate person engaged in austerities finds effort both not difficult and very difficult.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu.neg,,para apagama,,,para,apagama,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,135,135(18.18),mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,līnatvāc ca calatvāc ca mohāc cotpadyate bhayaṃ | kṛtyeṣu tasmād vijñeyā dhṛtisaṃjñā nije traye ||,"""19. In the course of actions, fear arises from discouragement, distraction, and delusion. Therefore 'courage' is recognized as comprising a triple spontaneity. [BGH: one should know that three nijas are considered dhṛti.] (= ch. 18 verse 19 in Thurman tr.!)""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,,,vijñā dhṛti nija,,vijñā,dhṛti,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,nija,, saṃjñā,4.7,4.7,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,vedanācittasaṃjñānāṃ saṃskārāṇāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ | sarveṣām eva bhāvānāṃ rūpeṇaiva samaḥ kramaḥ ||,"""7. Feeling, consciousness, perceptions, and the volitions, collectively— indeed all existents should be considered in the same way as rūpa.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,vedanā citta saṃskāra bhāva,,,,,NA,NA,vedanā citta saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,4,4,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,saṃjñā katamā | viṣayanimittodgrahaṇam | tat trividham parīttaṃ mahadgatam apramāṇaṃ ca ||,"""And what are cognitions ? They are the grasping of signs in a sense-object.6 They are of three kinds : indefinite, definite, and inmeasurable.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,viṣaya nimitto udgrahaṇa,,,,,NA,NA,,,udgrahaṇa,NA,,,, saṃjñā,132,132,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,laukikenopāyena bhāvanatāprayoganimittasaṃjñā bodhisattvānāṃ bandhanam |,"""The notion that contemplation by worldly means is a sign of [religious] practice is a fetter for bodhisattvas.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,disputed,bhāvanatā prayoga nimitta,,,nimitta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,bhāvanatā,, saṃjñā,134,134,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāmeṣu mṛrcchitamanā me bāli sa rākṣasī pramadasaṃjñā | pañcaśatāni vaṇijānāṃ mokṣita te yadā bhave sunetraḥ ||,"""When I was Sunetra, I liberated some five hundred traders, fools who, infatuated with amorous desires, conceived of demonesses as young women.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu.neg,philological,rākṣasī pramadā,,,pramadā,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,rākṣasī,, saṃjñā,127,127,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śūnye ca te hi nivasanti śubhe araṇye nav^ātmasaṃjña bhavate,"""They dwell in a desolute albeit pleasant wilderness and have no conception of 'self' or 'life-principle'.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu.neg,,ātman bhū,,bhū,ātman,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,158,158,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na klāntasaṃjñotpāditā,"""He had no conception of being tired;""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,klānta,,,klānta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,22,22,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,saṃjñāgrāhavigamāt punaḥ sarvajñajñānaṃ svayaṃbhūjñānamasaṅgataḥ prabhavati |,"""By removing this taking of conceptions, the Wisdom of Omniscience, self-born Wisdom, makes its appearance again unobstructedly.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,vague,grāha vigama sarvajña jñāna svayaṃbhū prabhū,,,,vigama,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,74,74,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,śubhe tathāgatagarbheḥ satyuttaribhāvayitavye tacchubhasaṃjñābhāvanāviparyayeṇāśubha[...]bhāvanā bhiratāḥ |,"""And, though the Matrix of the Tathāgata is to be considered as ‘pure’ in the transcendental sense, they devote themselves to the practice of meditation on the notion of the ‘impurity’ [of the Phenomenal World] without doing meditation on ‘Purity’ of the former.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,sa śubha bhāvanā viparyaya aśubha,,,śubha,bhāvanā,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,19,19,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yasmādarhatāmapi kṣīṇapunarbhavānāmaprahīṇatvādvāsanāyāḥ satatasamitaṃ sarvasaṃskāreṣu tīvrā bhayasaṃjñā pratyupasthitā bhavati,"""As the Arhats (the Saints of the Vehicle of Śrāvaka), though having extirpated rebirth, have not yet destroyed the Impression [of Defilements], there therefore exists always and constantly a strong notion of fear in all physical life,""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,sarva saṃskāra tīvra bhaya pratyupasthā bhū,,bhū,tīvra bhaya pratyupasthā,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,22,22,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,na sa kaścitsattvaḥ sattvanikāye saṃvidyate yatra tathāgatajñānaṃ na sakalamanupraviṣṭam | api tu saṃjñāgrāhatastathāgatajñānaṃ na prajñāyate |,"""There is no one among the group of living beings in whose body the Wisdom of the Tathāgata does not penetrate at all. Nevertheless, as taking [wrong] conceptions, he cannot cognize the buddha’s Wisdom [residing in himself].""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,tathāgata grāha tathāgata jñāna prajñā,,,,grāha,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,24,24,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,apanīteṣu ca sarvasaṃjñākṛtabandhaneṣu tat tathāgatajñānam apramāṇaṃ bhavati sarvajagadupajīvyamiti |,"""And when all the obstacles created by wrong conceptions are withdrawn, then this immeasurable Wisdom of the Tathāgata becomes useful to all the world.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,apanīta sarva kṛta bandhana tathāgata jñāna sarva jagad,,,sarva kṛta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,30,30,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yātasminnevarūp^ādikevastuny duḥkhasaṃjñā | [...] | [...] | ayamucyate caturvidhaviparyāsaviparyayaḥ |,"""[Such a notion is called 'the fourfold delusion' (viparyāsa). Being opposite to this notion, there should be known ‘the fourfold non-delusion’. Which four? That is to say, [the notion of being non-eternal,] full of sufferings, [of no substantial Ego, and impure] regarding just those separate things of form, etc. Such a notion is called the fourfold Opposite of delusion.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neg,,rūpa vastu duḥkha caturvidha viparyāsa viparyaya,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,vastu,, saṃjñā,1.23,1.23,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yasmiṃś ca kāli samaye vidu bodhisattvo evaṃ carantu anupādu vicintayitvā | mahatīṃ janeti karuṇāṃ na ca sattvasaṃjñā eṣā sa prajñavarapāramitāya caryā ||,"""Wise Bodhisattvas, coursing thus, reflect on non-production, And yet, while doing so, engender in themselves the great compassion, Which is, however, free from any notion of a being [BGH: case? Acc. sing. (w. janeti) or nom.?]. That is his practice of wisdom, the highest perfection.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,na sattva prajña vara,,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,6.5,6.5,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,pariṇāmayantu yadi vartati citta[...] tatha bodhisattvapariṇāmana sattvasaṃjñā | [...] dṛṣṭisthitu citta trisaṅgayukto pariṇāmitaṃ na bhavatī upalabhyamānam || saci eva jānati,"""True and False Turning over: When in one who turns over there proceeds the perception of a thought, Or if the turning over of the perception of enlightenment involves the perception of a being: [Established in perception, false views, and thought, it is tied by the triple attachment. It does not become turned over to those who apprehend it.]""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu.neg,,citta bodhisattva sattva,,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,1.9,1.9,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci rupa saṃjña api vedana cetanā ca vijñāna skandha caratī aprajānamāno | imi skandha śūnya parikalpayi bodhisattvo caratī śūnya parikalpayi bodhisattvo caratī nimittānupādapade asakto,"""To course in the skandhas, in form, in feeling, in perception, Will and so on, and fail to consider them wisely; [BGH: -a/-ā seems to be loc. here; with carati?] Or to imagine these skandhas as being empty; Means to course in the sign, the track of non-production ignored.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neg,,rūpa vedanā cetanā vijñāna skandha car,,,,,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā cetanā vijñāna,,,NA,,,car, saṃjñā,1.6,1.6,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,na ca rupa vedana na saṃjña na cetanā ca vijñāna sthānu aṇumātra na bhonti tasya |,"""In form, in feeling, will, perception and awareness/recognition nowhere in them they find a place to rest on. [I.6 c-d: Without a home they wander, dharmas never hold them, nor do they grasp at them - the Jina’s Bodhi they are bound to gain.] [Conze translates as if loc. But perhaps rather: Form, etc., are no basis, not even as tiny as a grain of sand, for them [ie, bodhisattvas who 'course' in prajñāpāramitā].""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neg,,rūpa vedanā na cetanā vijñāna aṇu bhū,,bhū,,,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā cetanā vijñāna,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,5.1,5.1,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,saci rūpa saṃjña api vedana cetanāyāṃ cittaṃ anitya pariṇāmayi bodhisattvo | pra(ti)varṇikāya carate aprajānamāno na hi dharma paṇḍita vināśa karoti jātu ||,"""When a Bodhisattva [falsely] reveals form, perception, feeling, will, Or thought as impermanent [claiming that they are destroyed], - In the counterfeit [perfection of wisdom] he courses, considering not wisely; Because the learned never effect the destruction of a dharma. [BGH: is saṃjñā here loc. and citta used similarly to saṃjñā in construction: loc. + -saṃjñā ifc. + kṛ, consider/regard loc. as ibc.?]""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu.neg,,rūpa vedanā cetanā citta,,,,citta,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā cetanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,31.5,31.5,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,rakṣantu śīla pariṇāmayi agrabodhiṃ na ca tena manyati na ātmana karṣayethā | ahusaṃjñatā ca parivarjita sattvasaṃjñā sthitu śīlapāramiti vucyati bodhisattvo ||,"""When he guards morality, he turns [the resulting merit] over to the foremost enlightenment, But he does not feel conceited about that, nor does he exalt himself. When he has got rid of the notion of I and the notion of other beings, Established in the perfection of morality is that Bodhisattva called.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,agra mad/asmad saṃjñatā parivṛj sattva śīla,parivṛj,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,31.11,31.11,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,ahasaṃjñatastu mamatā bhavate ca rāgo kutu tyāgabuddhi bhaviṣyati sā muhānām | mātsarya preta bhavate upapadyayātī athavā manuṣya tada bhoti daridrarūpo ||,"""Through the notion of I comes about a sense of ownership about property, as well as greed; How can the deluded have the resolve to renunciation? The mean are reborn in the world of the Pretas, Or if as humans, then they are poor.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,aham mamatā rāga,,,aham,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,7.5,7.5,ratnagunasamcayagatha,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yo bodhisattva varapāramiteti cīrṇo paricārikā ya na ca kāṅkṣati paṇḍitehi | saha śrutva tasya puna bheṣyati śāstṛsaṃjñā so vā laghū anubudhiṣyati bodhi śāntām ||,"""Faith in the Perfection of Wisdom: The Bodhisattva who has observed this foremost perfection, When in the past he served [the buddhas], is learned and does not doubt: As soon as he has heard it he will again recognise the Teacher, And he will swiftly understand the Peaceful Calm of enlightenment.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,recognition,neu,,bhū śāstṛ,,bhū,śāstṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,4.47,4.47,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,duḥkhapratikriyāmātraṃ śārīraṃ vedanāsukhaṃ | saṃjñāmayaṃ mānasaṃ tu kevalaṃ kalpanākṛtaṃ ||,"""Bodily pleasure is a pleasant sensation which merely consists in the removal of pain; the mental one consists in mere ideas, and is produced only by imagination.""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,duḥkha pratikriyā vedanā maya mānasa kalpanā,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,4.61,4.61,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,vijñānavedanāsaṃjñāsaṃskārāṇām ca sarvaśaḥ | pratyekam ātmavaiyarthyād vaiyarthyaṃ paramārthataḥ ||,"""[In the same way the other] constituents like consciousness, sensation, ideas, and forces separately taken are in se completely unreal: therefore from the standpoint of the absolute truth there is only unreality.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,vijñāna vedanā saṃskāra ātman,,,,,NA,NA,vijñāna vedanā saṃskāra,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,190,190/318,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punaḥ sattvānāṃ nānācaritānāṃ nānāabhiprāyāṇāṃ saṃjñāvikalpacaritānāṃ kuśalamūlasaṃjanan^ārthaṃ vividhān dharmaparyāyān vividhairārambaṇairvyāharati,"""But in order to produce the roots of goodness in the creatures, who follow different pursuits and behave according to different notions, he reveals various Dharmaparyāyas with various fundamental principles.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,neu,,nānā abhiprāya vikalpa carita kuśalamūla saṃjanana dharma,,,,carita,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,14,14,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tasya yaśaskāma ityeva saṃjñāabhūt |,"""So he got the appellation of Yaśaskâma.""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,,,bhū,,bhū,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,54,54 (Vaidya)/78 (Kern),saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tena ca mahatā duḥkhaskandhena abhyāhatā na duḥkhamanasikārasaṃjñāmutpādayanti ||,"""Though overwhelmed by that mass of evil, they do not conceive the idea that they must beware of it.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,duḥkha manasikāra utpad,utpad,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,74,74/107,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa ca daridrapuruṣastasya gṛhapaterantike pitṛsaṃjñāmutpādayet |,"""[From that time, Lord, the householder, addresses the poor man by the name of son,] and the latter feels in presence of the householder as a son to his father.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,daridra antika pitṛ utpad,utpad,,pitṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,antika,, saṃjñā,132,132/206/8.19,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āhārasaṃjñā ca na tatra bheṣyati anyatra dharme rati dhyānaprītiḥ | na mātṛgrāmo api ca tatra bheṣyati na cāpyapāyāna ca durgatībhayam//,"""19. They shall know no other food but pleasure in the law and delight in knowledge.[BGH: He shall not regard as food anything other than delight in the Dharma and the joy of meditation.] No womankind shall be there, nor fear of the places of punishments or of dismal states.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,āhāra na tatra bhū dhyāna,,bhū,āhāra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,tatra,, saṃjñā,191,191,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kilīkṛtasaṃjñā bhaveyuḥ,"""and [they] fancy that all is a child's play""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,kilīkṛta bhū,,,kilīkṛta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,144,144,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,smarāmī pūrvajātīṣu asaṃkhyeyeṣu saptasu | tisro me pāpikāḥ saṃjñā naivotpannāḥ kadācana ||,"""28) I recollect, in my former lives, during the seven immeasurable periods the three evil saṃjñā never arose in me.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",Thought@Creation,idea,notion/concept,neg,,pūrva pāpika utpad,utpad,,pāpika,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,146,146,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yadrajo lokadhātūṣu pāṃsusaṃjñānidarśanam | utsahradataḍāgeṣu samudreṣu ca yajjalam |,"""As many as there are specks of dust designed under the name of powder, as many as there are water-drops in springs, ponds, lakes, and oceans...""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,pāṃsu nidarśana,,,pāṃsu,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,134,134,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra pade api ca keṣaci saṃjñā dṛṣṭu tathāgatu pūjitu buddho |,“not available”,Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,kaścit,,,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,24,24,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na jātu kāmavyāpādavihiṃsāsaṃjñā utpāditavān,"""[§32] He never had thoughts of lust, malevolence or violence.""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,,,na kāma vyāpāda vihiṃsā utpad,utpad,,vihiṃsā,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,63,63,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śastṛsaṃjñā ca tatrotpādāya kartavyā icchadbhiḥ kṣipram aparimitān sattvān avaivarttikāṃś cānuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau pratiṣṭhāpayituṃ,"""[§149] This discourse should be regarded as a teacher by those who wish to establish quickly innumerable beings in the state of never falling back from unsurpassable, perfect, and full awakening.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,,,śastṛ tatra utpad,utpad,,śastṛ,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,tatra,, saṃjñā,,,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,api tu khalu punar bhagavan na teṣām ātmasaṃjñā pravartsyate |,"""However, Lord, the idea of a self will not occur to them, ...""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,na sa ātma pravṛt,,pravṛt,ātma,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,,,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,subhūte kalirājāṅgapratyaṃgamāṃsāny acchaitsīt nāsīn me tasmin samaye ātmasaṃjñā vā satva[...] vā jīva[...] vā pudgala[...] vā |,"""the idea of a self, a soul, a person did not exist at that time.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,na as ātma satva jīva pudgala,as,,ātma,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,,,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ subhūte bodhisatvayānasaṃprasthitena sarvadharmā jñātavyā adhimoktavyās tathā cādhimoktavyā yathā na dharmasaṃjñāapi pratyupatiṣṭhet,"""[Context: the bodhisattvas should have faith in the dharmas] But he should have faith in them in such a way that even the idea of a dharma does not come to be present.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,,na dharma pratyupasthā,pratyupasthā,,dharma,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,,,vajracchedika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,āścaryena samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti ya iha sūtre bhāṣyamāṇe bhūtasaṃjñām utpādayiṣyanti |,"""They will come to be endowed with a most marvellous thing, Lord, who when this discourse is being preached conceive the idea that it is the truth. [BGH: when they regard/perceive this discourse that is being spoken as true].""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,sūtra bhūta utpad,utpad,,bhūta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,sūtra,, saṃjñā,232,232,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,iha dharmāvasthāvido manyante kuśalānāṃ dharmāṇām ekonaviṃśaṃ śataṃ | tadyathā ekadeśo vijñānasya vedanāyāḥ | saṃjñāyāś cetanāyāḥ |,"""People conversant with the state of things (dharmāvasthāvido janāḥ) think that the good things have a good intrinsic nature (kulalānām dharmānām manyante kuśalaṃ svabhāvaṃ). The same distinction (viniyoga) is made with regard to the rest [of the things] too (the bad things, and so on). (The commentary on this verse is a long list of 119 kuśaladharmas and of other dharmas, which is of no particular interest in a treatise on dialectics.)""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,neu,,dharma avasthā ekadeśa vijñāna vedanā cetanā,,,,ekadeśa,NA,NA,vijñāna vedanā cetanā,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,8.3,8.3,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mārgapratipannasya na kumārgaḥ samudācarati | asamudācārasthitasya na mārgasaṃjñā bhavati,"""[Context: It is dualistic to speak of good paths and bad paths.] One who is on the path is not concerned with good or bad paths. Living in such unconcern, he entertains no concepts of ’path’ or ’nonpath'.""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,recognition,neu.neg,disputed,a samudācāra na mārga bhū,,bhū,mārga,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,10.3,10.3,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhagavān āha tataḥ kā te saṃjñotpannā | āha acintyā saṃjñā me bhagavan tatrodapadyata yathā cintayituṃ tulayituṃ gaṇayituṃ na śaknomi tādṛśīṃ teṣām,"""[Context: Śāriputra, did you see the miraculous performances of the bodhisattvas, those best of beings? I have seen them, Lord.] What concept did you produce toward them?""",Thought,Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neu,,sa utpad,,utpad,,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,6.6,6.6,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,abhūtaparikalpasya kiṃ mūlam | āha abhūtaparikalpasya viparyastā saṃjñā mūlam |,"""[Context: Mañjuśrī: What is the root of unreal construction?] Vimalakīrti: The false concept is its root.""",Thought,Language@Perception/cognition,Perception/cognition,idea,notion/concept,neg,vague,abhūta parikalpa viparyasta,,,viparyasta,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,5.2,5.2,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yo bhadantaśāriputra dharmārthiko bhavati na sa rūpavedanāsaṃjñāsaṃskāravijñānārthiko bhavati na skandhadhātvāyatanārthikaḥ,"""Reverend Śāriputra, he who is interested in the Dharma has no interest in matter, sensation, intellect, motivation, or consciousness. He has no interest in these aggregates, or in the elements, or in the sense-media.""",Thought,Philosophy@metaphysics,Philosophy@metaphysics,a skandha,a skandha,,,dharma rūpa vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna arthika bhū skandha dhātu āyatana,,,,arthika,NA,NA,rūpa vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna,dharma,,NA,,,, saṃjñā,3.63,3.63,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mā atra kulaputra śakrasaṃjñām utpādaya |,"""Noble son, do not think that this is Indra!""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu.neg,,atra śakra utpad,utpad,,śakra,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,atra,, saṃjñā,3.76,3.76,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yasya dāyakasya dānapater yādṛśī tathāgate dakṣiṇīyasaṃjñā tādṛśī nagaradaridre nirnānātvena samā,"""The giver who makes gifts to the lowliest poor of the city, considering them as worthy of offering as the Tathāgata himself, ...""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,tathāgata dakṣiṇīya,,,dakṣiṇīya,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,tathāgata,, saṃjñā,10.17,10.17,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dhyānasamādhisamāpattiṣv avīcisaṃjñā,"""[Context: List of liberations (called destructible and indestructible, respectively) a bodhisattva should train in] conceiving of trance, meditation, and equanimity [BGH: meditative absorption] as if they were the Avici hell;""",Thought,"Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision","Perception/cognition@Judgement, decision",awareness/recognition,regarding as,neu,,dhyāna samādhi samāpatti avīci,,,avīci,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,samāpatti,, saṃjñā,5,5,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,teṣāṃ tarhi nārakāṇāṃ karmabhis tatra bhūtaviśeṣāḥ saṃbhavanti varṇ^ākṛtipramāṇabalaviśiṣṭā ye narakapāl^ādisaṃjñāṃ pratilabhante |,"""Then, particular types of gross material elements arise there through the karmic deeds of those hell beings, which, particularized as to color, form, size and strength, obtain the designations ‘hell guardian’ and so on. [Anacker: and are cognized as hell-guardians, etc.]""",Language,Language@Naming,Language@Naming,Name/designation,Name/designation,neu,,bhūta varṇa ākṛti pramāṇa bala naraka pāla ādi pratilabh,pratilabh,,pāla,,NA,NA,,,,NA,,,, saṃjñin,157,157/229,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ye kecitsattvā apadā vā dvipadā vā ] catuṣpadā vā bahupadā vā rūpiṇo vā arūpiṇo vā saṃjñino vāa[...] vā naivasaṃjñānā[...]āyatanopagā vā,"""[Context: the result that a tathāgata is the foremost of all sentient beings] —whether they have no feet, are two-footed, four-footed, or have many feet; whether they are of the form realm or the formless realm; and whether they have conceptions, they have no conceptions, or they have reached the sphere in which there is neither conception nor absence of conception—""",Thought,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,Perception/cognition@Physical_sensation,awareness/recognition,conscious/consciousness,,,rūpin na va saṃjñā na a āyatana,,,,,NA,NA,saṃjñā,,,NA,,,, saṃkalp,113,2280955|113|06-113|07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,natekāmāyānicitrāṇilokesaṃkalparāgaṃvadasīhakāmam|bhikṣurbhaviṣyatyapikāmabhogīsaṃkalpayansoakuśalānvitarkān|,"""If the fine things of this world are not kāmas, if kāma is the desire that is nourished by the imagination, the same Bhiksu would be a 'taster of the kāmas' when he produces bad imaginations."" [Poussin, Pruden 368]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neg,,prīti prasrabdhy upekṣa saṃbodhy samyak śīla,,,samyak,saṃbodhy,,,prīti prasrabdhy upekṣa śīla,,,,,,, saṃkalp,70,2280955|70,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tathā hi rāgo apyasaṃvidyamānaṃ vastu anitye nityamiti duḥkhe sukhamiti anātmanyātmeti aśubhe śubhamiti vikalpya saṃkalpya utpadyate saṃjñāviparyāsaścittaviparyāso dṛṣṭiviparyāsaḥ |,"""For in a greedy person also, when he has discriminated a nonexisting entity [foundation] and pondered on it –thinking that there is permanence in the impermanent, ease in suffering, the self in what is not the self, loveliness in what is repulsive– there arises a perverted perception, perverted thought, perverted view."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 126]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neg,,samyak dṛṣṭi vyāyāma prajñā skandha,,,samyak,skandha prajñā,,,dṛṣṭi vyāyāma,,,,,,, saṃkalp,106,2280955|106|7.8,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mahābhiṣaṭko asi anuttaro asi anantakalpaiḥ samudāgato asi | uttāraṇ^ārthāyiha sarvadehināṃ paripūrṇa saṃkalpu ayaṃ ti bhadrakaḥ ||,"""Thou art the great physician, having no superior, rendered perfect in endless Aeons. Thy benign wish of saving all mortals (from darkness) has to-day been fulfilled."" [Kern 158]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,pos,philological,śuddha smṛti jñāna guṇa,,,śuddha,,,,smṛti jñāna guṇa,,,,,,, saṃkalp,6,2280955|6 - 11,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,sā strīsvabhāvena vicintya tat tad dṛṣṭānurāge abhimukhe api patyau | dharmāśrite tattvam avindamānā saṃkalpya tat tad vilalāpa tat tat ||,"""Turning everything over in her feminine way, the real state of affairs never occurred to her that, although her husband's affection for her was well proved and although he was still devoted to her, he had turned to the Law; and imagining all sorts of things she uttered many lamentations:"" [Johnston 32]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neu.neg,,mithyā dṛṣṭi mithyā prabhav vāc mithyā karmānta,,prabhav,mithyā,,,,vāc karmānta,,,,,dṛṣṭi,, saṃkalp,7,2280955|7 - 6,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,puṣpāvanaddhe tilakadrumasya dṛṣṭvāanyapuṣṭāṃ śikhare niviṣṭām | saṃkalpayām āsa śikhāṃ priyāyāḥ śuklāṃśuke aṭṭālam apāsritāyāḥ ||,"""Seeing a cuckoo sitting on the flower-covered crown of a tilaka tree, he pictured it as the coils of hair of his beloved on her white robe as she leant against the parapet of the palace."" [Johnston 36]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neu,,āryāṣṭāṅṅga samyak dṛṣṭi vyāyāma smṛti samyag vāk karmānta ājīva samādhi,,,samyak,āryāṣṭāṅṅga,,,dṛṣṭi vyāyāma smṛti vāk karmānta ājīva samādhi,,,,,,, saṃkalpa,113,2280955|113|03-113|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na te kāmā yāni citrāṇi loke saṃkalparāgaḥ puruṣasya kāmaḥ | tiṣṭhanti citrāṇi tathaiva loke aṭhātra dhīrā vinayanti kāmam ||,"""The fine things of this world are not kāmas; kāma is the desire that the imagination nourishes among humans. The objects of the universe are of little importance: the sage overcomes all desire with regard to them."" [Poussin, Pruden 368]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neu.neg,,bodhi śraddhā vīrya smṛti prajñā samādhi prīti upekṣaṇa praśrabdhi śīla,,,,bodhi,,,śraddhā vīrya smṛti prajñā samādhi prīti upekṣaṇa praśrabdhi śīla,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,113,2280955|113|09-113|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,te cetkāmā yāni citrāṇi loke saṃkalparāgo yadi te na kāmaḥ | śāstā api te bhavitā kāmabhogī dṛṣṭvaiva rūpāṇi manoramāṇi ||,"""If the fine things of this world are kāmas, if kāma is not desire which the imagination nourishes, then the Master himself would be a taster of the kāmas when he sees objects."" [Poussin, Pruden 368-369]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neu.neg,,gardha smara prativinodana,,,smara,prativinodana,,,,,gardha,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,384,2280955|384|26-385|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,buddhīnāṃ nigrahārya smṛtyupasthānāni cetasa upanibaddhāni bhavanti yāvadeva gardh^āśritānāṃ smarasaṃkalpānāṃ prativinodanāya iti sūtre vacanāt |,"""The four foundations of mindfulness bind the mind, for it is said in the Sutra, ""...with a view to expelling the idea of desire which have their support in thirst..."" (Madhyama, TD 1, p. 758b5)."" [Poussin, Pruden 1028]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neu.neg,,dhyāna samyak varjya vitarka,,,samyak,varjya,,,,,vitarka,,,dhyāna,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,195,2280955|195|22-195|23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi cetanā karma cetayitvā ca ityuktaṃ saṃkalpacetanā pūrvaṃ bhavatyevaṃ saṃkalpacetanā pūrvaṃ bhavatyevaṃ caevaṃ ca kariṣyāmiiti | tathā cetayitvā paścāt kriyācetanāutpadyate|,"""[...] this is what the Scripture calls cetanākarman, action which is volition. Then, after this stage of pure volition, one produces a volition of action, the volition of doing an action in conformity with what has been previously willed, to move the body or to emit a voice: this is what the Scripture calls cetayitvā karman, action after having been willed, or willed action."" [Poussin, Pruden 559]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,sapratigha asat citta śūnya ārambaṇa,,,sapratigha asat śūnya,,,,,ārambaṇa,,citta,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,55,2280955|055|15-055|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,samyakdṛṣṭisaṃkalpavyāyāmāśca prajñāskandha uktāḥ |,"""The Sutra often expresses itself in this manner [...] It teaches that insight, resolution, and effort constitute ""the element of speculative consciousness."""" [Poussin, Pruden 192]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neu,,samyak dṛṣṭi lokottara pṛṣṭha para saṃprāpaṇa samyak samyak vāc para saṃbhāvanā samyag vāc karmānta ājīva,,,samyak,,,,dṛṣṭi vāc karmānta ājīva,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,196,2280955|196|24-196|26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhiidamuktaṃ tasyaevaṃ jānata evaṃ paśyataḥ samyagdṛṣṭirbhāvanāparipūriṃ gacchati samyak saṃkalpaḥ samyak vyāyāmaḥ samyak smṛtiḥ samyak samādhiḥ |,"""But, one would answer, a scripture says, ""When he knows thus, when he sees thus, samyagdṛṣṭi, samyaksaṃkalpa, samyagvyāyāma, samyaksmṛti, and samyaksamādhi are cultivated and achieved; samyagvāc, samyakkarmānta and samyagājīva have been previously purified."" Thus the last three are considered as vijñapti and as previous to absorption."" [Poussin, Pruden 562]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,cetas yatha uktārtha manojalpa iti,,,,,,,,,manojalpa,,,,cetas uktārtha,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,203,2280955|203|11-203|12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kiṃ tarhi bhagavatāuktaṃ tato api mithyādṛṣṭermithyāsaṃkalpaḥ prabhavati mithyā vāgmithyākarmānta mityevamādi | aviruddhametat |,"""Yet the Blessed One said, ""From bad views there proceeds bad resolution, bad speech, bad action, bad livelihood."" Now bad views are abandoned through Seeing."" [Poussin, Pruden 575]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neg,,nāman artha a nimitta parikalpita lakṣaṇa,,,a,nimitta,,,,,,,parikalpita,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,371,2280955|371|08-371|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evamāśugatvādibhiḥ arādibhiḥ sādharmyādāryāṣṭāṅṅgo mārgaścakramiti bhadantaghoṣakaḥ | samyagdṛṣṭisaṃkalpavyāyāmasmṛtayo hyarasthānīyāḥ | samyagvākkarmānt^ājīvā nābhisthānīyāḥ samādhirnemisthānīya iti darśanamārgo dharmacakramiti,"""The Noble Eightfold Path is a wheel, because its parts are in the nature of spokes, etc.: Right Views, Right Thought, Right Effort, and Right Mindfulness are similar to spokes; Right Speech, Right Actions, and Right Livelihood are similar to the axle; and Right Concentration is similar to the rim."" [Poussin, Pruden 996]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,upāya upasaṃhita karma manasikāra sarva prakāra dāna ādi prayoga,,,,,,,,,,,,,karma manasikāra,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,383,2280955|383|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,daśa dravyāṇi sarve bodhipakṣyāḥ | katamāni daśa | śraddhā vīryaṃ smṛtiḥ prajñā samādhiḥ prītyupekṣaṇe | praśrabdhiśīlasaṃkalpāḥ ityetāni daśa dravyāṇi |,"""[...] ten substantial entities. What are these ten entities? Faith, energy, mindfulness, prajñā, absorption, joy, indifference, resolution, morality, and aptitude."" [Poussin, Pruden 1023]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,bodhi aṅga yathā bhūta avabodha samyak dṛṣṭi pariccheda samyak,,,samyak,,,,,,pariccheda,,dṛṣṭi,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,383,2280955|383|19-383|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prītiprasrabdhyupekṣasaṃbodhyaṅgāni samyaksaṃkalpaḥ śīlāṅgani ca | tānyetāni pañca dravyāṇi evamete bodhipakṣyā daśa dravyāṇi bhavanti |,"""What do we have in addition that are not these first five items? Among the parts of Bodhi, joy, resolution, indifference; among the parts of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Thoughts and the three parts of morality —Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood— which are counted as being one item, morality."" [Poussin, Pruden 1024]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,prabhava rāga dveṣa moha śubha aśubha viparya,,,,prabhava,,,,,,,śubha aśubha viparya,,rāga dveṣa moha,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,386,2280955|386|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,dvitīye anyatra saṃkalpāt dvitīye dhyāne samyaksaṃkalpavarjyāḥ ṣaṭtriṃśadeva | tatra vitarkābhāvāt |,"""In the Second, with the exception of thoughts. In the Second Dhyāna, thoughts (a part of the Eightfold Path) are absent, but the other thirty-six adjutants of Bodhi remain. Thought is absent since vicāra is also absent."" [Poussin, Pruden 1030]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neu,,svapna abhirati abudha mohana lālasa abudha nāśa kleśa bālajana,,,,abudha nāśa bālajana lālasa,,,,,,,abhirati mohana kleśa,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,386,2280955|386|04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tṛtīyacaturthayordhyānayoḥ prītisaṃkalpābhyāṃ varjitāḥ pañcatriṃśat |,"""In the Third and the Fourth Dhyānas, there is absent both joy and thought, but the other thirty-five adjutants of Bodhi remain."" [Poussin, Pruden 1030]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neu,,paś cint ās/as pūrva paripūrṇa praṇidhānu/praṇidhāna,,ās/as,pūrva,,,,paś cint praṇidhānu/praṇidhāna,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,386,2280955|386|08-386|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ārupyesu samyagvākkarmānt^ājīvaiḥ prītisaṃkalpābhyāṃ ca varjitā dvātriṃśat |,"""In the three Arupyas there is also absent Right Speech, Right actions, and Right Livelihood, but thirty-two adjutants of Bodhi remain."" [Poussin, Pruden 1030-1031]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neu,,krīḍanaka ramaṇīya yathā īpsita yathā iṣṭa kānta priya manāpa,,,,krīḍanaka,,,ramaṇīya īpsita iṣṭa kānta priya manāpa,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,315,2280955|315,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,tatra bhikṣavaḥ katama āryāṣṭāṅgamārgaḥ ? tadyathāsamyagdṛṣṭiḥ | samyaksaṃkalpaḥ | samyagvāk | samyakkarmāntaḥ | samyagājīvaḥ | samyagvyāyāmaḥ | samyaksmṛtiḥ | samyaksamādhiriti || tatra,"""Now, monks, what is the Noble Eightfold Path? Right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration."" [161]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,anyonya gaurava bāla tuṣṭa giri,,,anyonya,,,,,bāla,,,gaurava tuṣṭa,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,315,2280955|315,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,samyaksaṃkalpaḥkatamaḥ ? buddhatvādipariṇāmitaṃ dānam śīlaṃ ca cakravartyādipariṇāmitam | ayaṃ bhikṣavaḥ samyaksaṃkalpaḥ ||,"""What is right thought? It is doing virtuous and generous deeds [with the aim that they] ripen into attaining buddhahood rather than leading to universal sovereignty. This is right thought."" [161]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,mahā ananta uttāraṇa sarva paripūrṇa bhadraka,,,paripūrṇa bhadraka,uttāraṇa,,,,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,128,2280955|128,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sattvānāṃ sāsravāṇi cittāni sāsravāṇi cittānīti yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti ? asvabhāvāni subhūte tāni cittāni asatsaṃkalpāni |,"""For he [the Tathagata] knows that those thoughts are without own-being, that they are just a false representation of what is not."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 174]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neg,,citra rāga kāma,,,,kāma rāga,,,,citra,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,135,2280955|135,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bodhiḥ prabhāvyate prakāśyate | ko atra bhagavan anyo adhimokṣyate avinivartanīyo bodhisattvo mahāsattvo arhan vā paripūrṇasaṃkalpo dṛṣṭisaṃpanno vā pudgalaḥ ?,"""The enlightenment of the buddhas, the Lords, is brought about and revealed through it. Who else could firmly believe in it, except an irreversible Bodhisattva, or an Arhat whose intentions are fulfilled, or a person who has achieved right views?"" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 177]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,wish,pos,,bodhi bodhisattva mahāsattva arhat paripūrṇa dṛṣṭi saṃpanna,,,paripūrṇa,arhat,,,,,,,bodhisattva mahāsattva dṛṣṭi saṃpanna,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,91,2280955|91,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,punaraparaṃ bodhisattvaḥ adhyātmyaṃ rahogataḥ śuddhen^āśayena ghanarasena prasādena saṃkalpairvicitrānudārānaprameyān deyadharmānadhimucya sattveṣu dānāya pratipāditāyābhilaṣati [...],"""Moreover, having gone to a secluded place, a bodhisattva fixes [his or her mind] inwardly with a pure attitude and a deeply felt sense of goodwill and, repeatedly visualizing limitless varieties of extensive objects suitable for giving, he or she generates the wish to give and present them to sentient beings."" [Engle 227]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neu,other,citra rāga kāma manorama,,,,kāma rāga,,,,citra,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,108,???|108|[157]???,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,soapuṇyaskandhenānuṣaktobhavatiyāvattāṃpāpikāṃvācaṃpāpikāṃdṛṣṭiṃpāpakānsaṃkalpānsarveṇasarvanautsṛjati,"""[...] the immeasurable heap of merit that is possessed by the bodhisattva who is abiding in the discipline until he or she completely and entirely abandons that evil speech, that evil view, and that evil notion. [Engle 266]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,neg,other,udyukta vīrya abhiyukta dṛḍha smṛti ananya manas bhav/bhāv kalpa,,bhav/bhāv,manas,,,,udyukta vīrya abhiyukta smṛti,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,240,2280955|240,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vaśitāprāptaḥ sa tāvadākāṃkṣati tāvattiṣṭhati | yena vā dhyānavimokṣ^ādicittavihāreṇ^ākāṃkṣati tena viharati | saṃkalpamātreṇaevāsya sarvabhojanādipariṣkārasampad bhavati | sarvaśilpakarmasthāneṣu cāsya yathākāmapracāratā bhavati |,"""[The bodhisattva] who has attained the [ten] controlling powers is able to live for as long as he wishes. He is able to remain in such mental states as the meditative absorptions and the deliverances for as long as he wishes. He can obtain an abundance of every kind of implement, such as food, etc., merely by forming the determination [to acquire it]. He is able to perform any artistic craft or occupation that he wishes to."" [Engle 569]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,wish,neu,,bodhisattva vicitra udāra aprameya deyadharma adhimuc abhilaṣ,,,,,,,,,,,,,adhimuc,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,279,2280955|279,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,teṣāñcalābhāt sarvasmin jñeye asaktamanāvaraṇaṃ suviśuddhaṃ nirmalaṃ jñānaṃ pravartate ābhogamātrapratibaddham | paripūrṇasaṃkalpaśca bhavati | tathā paripūrṇamanorathaḥ samatikrānto bodhisattvacaryā bodhisattvabhūmim |,"""By virtue of their attainment, the perfectly pure and immaculate [transcendent] awareness that engages the totality of objects of knowledge is free of any resistance or obstruction and is subject to nothing more than the turning [of the mind]. He becomes one who has fulfilled all his aims. Having become one who in this manner has fulfilled his desired object, he has transcended the conduct of a bodhisattva and the stage of a bodhisattva..."" [Engle 657]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,vaśitā ākā/ākan mātra sarva bhojanādi pariṣkāra sampad sarva śilpa kāma,,,mātra,,,,,,,,ākā/ākan kāma,,bhojanādi pariṣkāra sampad,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,5,2280955|5 - 64,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,vimṛśed yadi yoṣitāṃ manuṣyaḥ prakṛtiṃ svapnavikāram īdṛśaṃ ca dhruvam atra na vardhayet pramādaṃ guṇasaṃkalpahatas tu rāgam eti ||,"""If men reflect on womens true nature and this mutation brought about by sleep, surely their passion for them would not wax; yet, struck by the thought of their elegance, they become infatuated with them."" [Olivelle 149]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neg,,tṛtīya dhyāna prīti varjita,,,,varjita,,,prīti,,,,,dhyāna,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,15,15,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa saṃkalpair api prāṇivihiṃsāṃ na karoti kaḥ punarvādaḥ parasattveṣu sattvasaṃjñinaḥ saṃcintya^audārikakāyaviheṭhanayā ||,"""He does not kill a living (being) even in thought, how much less doing harm purposely on the gross body of one who has the notion of living being among other living beings."" [Megumu Honda 144-145]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,thought,neu,other,mana abhilakṣ,,,abhilakṣ,,,,mana,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,3,3,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kimarthaṃ śuddhasaṃkalpasmṛtijñānaguṇānvita | samudīryauttamā bhūmīrna prakāśayase vibho || 1 ||,"""For what purpose, o mighty one endowed with pure thought, memory, knowledge and merit, is it that you, having proclaimed the excellent stages, do not bring to light (the division of these stages)?"" [Megumu Honda 122]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,pos,vague,manoratha svarga tarṣa,,,,manoratha,,,,,,,tarṣa,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,11,11,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha ca punarime bālapṛthagjanāḥ kudṛṣṭipatitayā saṃtatyā avidyāandhakāraparyavanaddhamānasena mānadhvajasamucchritaiḥ saṃkalpaistṛṣṇājālābhilaṣitairmanasikārairmāyāśāṭhyagahanānucaritaiścittāśayair īrṣyāmātsaryasaṃprayuktairgatyupapattiprayogai rāgadveṣamohaparicitaiḥ karmopacayaiḥ [...],"""And then again these ordinary men (bāla-pṛthagjana), since 1) continuity (of their minds: saṃtati) fell down into bad views, 2) their minds were covered with ignorance and darkness, 3) their constructive thoughts raised the banner of pride (R. P· 18), 4) their acts of attention were longing in the net of thirst, 5) their mental intentions were roaming in the forest of deceit and guile, 6) their exertions caused states of existence because they are connected with envy and jealousy, 7) their accumulations of acts were piled up by affection, hate and stupidity..."" [Megumu Honda 134-135]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,neg,vague,viṣa pañca indriya cintā rai viṣaya ākāśa,,,,viṣa,,,indriya cintā rai viṣaya,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] tathāgatabalavaiśārady^āveṇikabuddhadharmānugatasaṃjñāmanasikāraḥ supariśodhitādhyāśayasaṃkalpa puṇyajñānabalābhyudgataḥ [...],"""Every Bodhisattva who in the (preceding) seven stages of Bodhisattva [...] (in the 4th stage) has notion and concentration in mind in pursuit of the powers of Tathagata, the convictions and the characteristics unique to buddha, and (in the 5th stage) is thoughtful with well purified resolute intention, and (in the 6th stage) is elevated by the power of virtue and knowledge..."" [Megumu Honda 215-217]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,pos,,ābhoga paripūrṇa bhav paripūrṇa manoratha,,bhav,paripūrṇa,,,,,,,,ābhoga manoratha,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,5,5,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,supariśuddho batāyaṃ bho jinaputra parṣatsaṃnipātaḥ supariśodhitādhyāśayānāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ supariśodhitasaṃkalpānāṃ sucaritacaraṇānāṃ suparyupāsitabahubuddhakoṭiśatasahasrāṇāṃ[...],"""Indeed, o son of the Conqueror, well-purified is this assembly of Bodhisattvas who have 1) well-purified resolute intentions, 2) well-purified thought, 3) well-performed the practices, 4) well-served thousand billions of buddhas, 5) well-collected the necessary preparations [...]"" [Megumu Honda 123]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,pos,,prasanna mana harṣita,,,prasanna,harṣita,,,mana,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,24,24,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,samyakdṛṣṭiṃ bhāvayati samyaksaṃkalpaṃ samyagvācaṃ samyakkarmāntaṃ samyagājīvaṃ samyagvyāyāmaṃ samyaksmṛtiṃ samyaksamādhiṃ ||,"""He practises the right view, the right thought, the right word, the right act, the right living, the right effort, the right mindfulness and the right meditation, depending on the separation etc."" [Megumu Honda 168]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,strī vicit dṛṣṭa tattva a vindamāna vilap,,,,,,,,tattva vindamāna,,,vicit vilap,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,73,73,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śrutvā etaduttamaṃ sthānaṃ bhūmyāḥ śreṣṭhaṃ manoramam | prasannamanasaṃkalpaharṣitāḥ sugatātmajāḥ || 1 ||,"""Having heard this supreme, best, agreeable point of the stage, the sons of Sugata are delighted with clear minds and thoughts."" [Megumu Honda 144]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,pos,,ṛdh/ṛdhno/ṛṇad paripūryantā manoratha,paripūryantā ṛdh/ṛdhno/ṛṇad,,,,,,,,,,manoratha,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,73,73,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kīdṛśā manasaṃkalpā dvitīyāmabhilakṣataḥ | pravyāhara mahāprājña śrotukāmā jinātmajāḥ || 5 ||,"""With what kind of mind and thought the second (stage) is distinguished? Speak, o one with great intuitive wisdom! the sons of the Conqueror want to hear!"" [Megumu Honda 144]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,neu,,ṛdh/ṛdhno/ṛṇad āśās manas,ṛdh/ṛdhno/ṛṇad,,,,,,,,,,āśās manas,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,54,2280955|54,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,samyagdṛṣṭir laukikī lokottarapṛṣṭhalabdhā yayā svādhigamaṃ paricchinatti | parasaṃprāpaṇāṅgaṃ samyaksaṃkalpaḥ samyagvāk ca | sasamutthānayā vācā tatprāpaṇāt | parasaṃbhāvanāaṅgaṃ tridhā samyagvākkarmānt^ājīvās tair hi,"""On the Path of Cultivation, the limb which serves for its accurate distinguishing is right views, by which one determines one's own realization of a worldly supermundane subsequently attained seeing. The limb which serves for its attainment by others is right intention and right speech, because by its development, it may be caused to be attained by others."" [Anacker 250]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,puṣpa tilaka paś/dṛś as,,,,,,,,,,,paś/dṛś,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,64,2280955|64|11.39,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathā nāmārtham arthasya nāmnaḥ prakhyānatā ca yā | asaṃkalpanimittaṃ hi parikalpitalakṣaṇam ||,"""The projection of (disparate) name and referent corresponding to name and referent - the process of unreal mental construction - such is the imaginatively constructed identity."" [Thurman 131]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neu,,jān paś samyag dṛṣṭi samyak vyāyāma smṛti,,,jān paś samyak,,,,dṛṣṭi vyāyāma smṛti,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,72,2280955|72,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upāyaupasaṃhitakarmamanasikāraḥ saṃkalpaiḥ sarvaprakāradān^ādiprayogamanasikaraṇāt |,"""There is the conscientious attitude of artful effort, which keeps all calculating thought intent upon every kind of generosity and so on (with the other transcendences)."" [Thurman 144]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,śīla manyanā śīla kalpanā vikalpanā na parikalpanā ārya,,,śīla na,,,,,,,,manyanā kalpanā vikalpanā parikalpanā,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,145,2280955|145,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bodhyaṅgakālād ūrdhvaṃ yathābhūtāvabodhānuvṛttiḥ samyagdṛṣṭiḥ | tasya^eva^avabodhasya avasthānaṃ paricchedaḥ samyaksaṃkalpaḥ |,"""Beyond the factors of enlightenment, the realistic view is attunement to the realistic understanding (of selflessness). The discernment of such an understanding is realistic consideration, which is also the engagement with such an interpretation, as contained in the discourses of the Lord, through which its import is understood."" [Thurman 270]",Will,Thought@Will,Philosophy@Morality,intention,resolve as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,iṅgita manas madhura dharma prayojana,,,manas,,,,,,,,iṅgita prayojana,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,56,2280955|56,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,cetasā manojalpair yathauktārthaprasannasya tatpradhāraṇāt | śrutamayena jñānena tallābhaḥ manojalpair iti saṃkalpaiḥ | prasannasyaity adhimuktasya niścitasya | pradhāraṇād iti pravicayāt |,"""When the mind is faithful and concentrated, focused upon a stated sense using mental verbalization, that (objective teaching) is discovered through the wisdom born of learning. ""Mental verbalization"" means ""conceptual consideration."" ""Faithful"" means ""having a decisive trust."" To be ""focused"" means ""to discern."""" [Thurman 117]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,neu,,abhikā/abhikan vastra ratna ādi sampada mātra samṛdh/samṛdhno,,,mātra,,sampada,,,,,,abhikā/abhikan,,samṛdh/samṛdhno,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,23.1,2280955|23.1,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,saṃkalpaprabhavo rāgo dveṣo mohaś ca kathyate | śubhāśubhaviparyāsān saṃbhavanti pratītya hi ||,"""It is said that desire, hatred, stupidity arise from conceptuality; they arise in dependence on the pleasant, the unpleasant and confusion. [they arise in dependence on confusion about the pleasant and unpleasant]"" [Batchellor, Stephen]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,neg,,sarva citta kleśa a kalpa a vikalpa viparyāsa,,,,kleśa,,,,,,,kalpa vikalpa viparyāsa,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,147,2280955|147,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,gītaṃ na śroṣyamapi vādyarutaṃ na grāhyaṃ svapnāya māabhiratayo abudhamohanāśca | saṃkalpalālasa gatā abudhā tu nāśaṃ kiṃ kleśadāsa iva bālajano bhaviṣye || 258 ||,"""I would not listen to song nor would I take up instrumental music; such pleasures are like dreams, bewildering to the ignorant. The ignorant, attached to false discrimination, end up in ruin. Why should I be like a stupid person who is a slave to his defilements?"" [Boucher 152]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neg,,ārupya samyak vāk karmānta ājīva prīti varjita,,,samyak,varjita,,,vāk karmānta ājīva prīti,,,,,ārupya,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,69,2280955|69,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anyonyasaṃkalpa sagauravāśca teṣāṃ ca bālehi na saṃstavo asti | ye cāpi tuṣṭā girikandareṣu tān śrāvayestvaṃ ida sūtra bhadrakam,"""Those who show mutual love and respect, keep no intercourse with ignorant people, and are content to live in mountain caverns, to them expound this hallowed Sutra."" [Kern 96]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,volition,pos,other,svapna pramāda guṇa hata rāga,,,guṇa,hata,,,,,,,pramāda rāga,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,32,2280955|32|2.61,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yathā ca paśyāmi yathā ca cintaye yathā ca saṃkalpa mam^āsi pūrvam | paripūrṇametat praṇidhānu mahyaṃ buddhā ca bodhiṃ ca prakāśayāmi ||,"""And while I am thinking and pondering, when my wish has been fulfilled and my vow accomplished, I no more reveal buddha-knowledge."" [Kern 47]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,vāc dṛṣṭi pāpaka utsṛj,utsṛj,,pāpaka,,,,vāc dṛṣṭi,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,200,2280955|200|16.25,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nityaudyuktaśca vīryasmin abhiyukto dṛḍhasmṛtiḥ | ananyamanasaṃkalpo bhaveyā kalpakoṭiyaḥ ||,"""Let him, always zealous, strenuous, studious, of good memory, without any other pre-occupation in his mind, practise meditation, during kotis of Aeons"" [Kern 319]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,parṣat supariśodhita adhyāśaya bodhisattva supariśodhita sucarita caraṇa suparyupāsita bahu buddha,,,supariśodhita,bodhisattva,,,adhyāśaya caraṇa,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,12,2280955|12 - 4,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,tasya svargān nivavṛte saṃkalpāśvo manorathaḥ | mahāratha ivaunmārgād apramattasya sāratheḥ ||svargatarṣān nivṛttaś ca sadyaḥ svastha,"""The chariot of his mind, desire, whose steeds are the fancies, turned back out of the road to Paradise, like the great chariot of a heedful charioteer from the wrong road. When his longings were diverted from Paradise, he seemed suddenly to become well..."" [Johnston 67]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neu.neg,,samyak buddhatva dāna śīla cakravartin samyak,,,samyak,,,,,cakravartin,dāna śīla,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,13,2280955|13 - 34,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,saṃkalpaviṣadigdhā hi pañcaindriyamayāḥ śarāḥ | cintāpuṅkhā raiphalā viṣay^ākāśagocarāḥ ||,"""For the arrows of the five senses are tipped with the poison of fancies, have anxieties for their feathers and pleasure for their target and fly in the air of the objects of the senses."" [Johnston 75]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,volition,neg,,rāga asaṃvidyamāna vastu vikalp saṃjñā viparyāsa citta dṛṣṭi,,,,viparyāsa,asaṃvidyamāna vastu,rāga,,saṃjñā citta dṛṣṭi,,,vikalp,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,11,2280955|11 - 21,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,tatas tasyaiṅgitaṃ jñātvā manaḥsaṃkalpasūcakam | babhāṣe vākyam ānando madhuraudarkam apriyam ||ākāreṇāvagacchāmitavadharmaprayojanam|,"""On this Ananda, taking note of his change of countenance which betrayed the motions of his mind, spoke to him words which were disagreeable but would have a pleasant conclusion for him: From your demeanour I understand why you follow the Law..."" [Johnston 62]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,neu,,bālapṛthagjana kudṛṣṭi avidyā andhakāra paryavanaddha mānasa māna dhvaja tṛṣṇā jāla manasikāra māyā śāṭhya gahana cittāśaya īrṣyā mātsarya gaty upapatti rāga dveṣa moha,,,māna,,,,kudṛṣṭi mānasa manasikāra cittāśaya,,,,,,bālapṛthagjana,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,17,2280955|17|3 - 19|5,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,tena patnyā eṣa vṛttānto niveditaḥ | sā kathayati svāmin ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ | paripūryantām manorathā iti |,"""BP: This incident was related by him to his wife and she said: ""Master, may your intentions prosper, may your wishes be fulfilled."" [She said: “Sir, may your wishes come true and your desires be fulfilled”]"" [Rajapatirana, Tissa/BP]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,wish,neu,other,prāṇi karo sattva saṃcintya audārika kāya,,,,,,,,,,,saṃcintya,,karo,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,0,2280955|0| 47,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,yatkiñcidabhikāṃkṣāmivastraratn^ādisampadāṃ|taccasaṃṅkalpamātreṇamamasarvaṃsamṛdhyati|,"""BP: Whatever abundance of garments and jewels I desire, all that, too, gets accomplished for me by the mere thought thereof."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa/BP]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,wish,neu,,sāsrava asvabhāva citta asat,,,sāsrava asvabhāva asat,,,,,,,citta,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,81,2280955|81|2 - 83|5,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpā ṛdhyatv āśāsitum manaḥ | apy eva tañ ca jīvantaṃ drakṣyāmi tava putrakam iti |,"""BP: May your wishes be fulfilled; may your mind accomplish its hope. Would that I see him, your son, alive. [BTW: She said: “Sir, may your wishes come true and your desires be fulfilled”]."" [Rajapatirana, Tissa/BP]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,wish,neu,,samyak dṛṣṭi bhav/bhāv samyak samyak vāc samyak karmānta samyak ājīva samyak vyāyāma samyak smṛti samyak samādhi,bhav/bhāv,,samyak,,,,dṛṣṭi vāc karmānta ājīva vyāyāma smṛti samādhi,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,10,2280955|10|18,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...]iti ca pratyavekṣate ariktapuṇyaś cātucchajñānaś ca paripūrṇasaṃkalpaś ca svayambhūjñānābhiṣiktaś ca svayambhūjñāne cābhiyukto nītārtho buddhavaṃśe pratiṣṭhito bhavati |,"""[...] he establishes himself on merits that are not vain, on knowledge that is not futile, on reflections that are substantial, on the striving for the consecration of the independent gnosis, and on the buddha-family in its definitive meaning."" [Thurman 89]",Will,Thought@Will,Intention@Motivation,intention,intention,pos,other,tathāgata bala vaiśāradya āveṇika buddha dharma anugata saṃjñā manasikāra supariśodhita adhyāśaya puṇya jñāna bala,,,supariśodhita adhyāśaya,,,,saṃjñā manasikāra,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpa,3,2280955|3|35,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āha tatprakṛtikāni bhadantaupāle sarvasatvānāṃ cittāni | saṃkalpo bhadantaupāle kleśaḥ | akalpāvikalpā ca prakṛtiḥ | viparyāsaḥ saṃkleśaḥ aviparyastā ca prakṛtiḥ |,"""Reverend Upāli, the minds of all living beings have that very nature. Reverend Upāli, passions consist of conceptualizations. The ultimate nonexistence of these conceptualizations and imaginary fabrications—that is the purity that is the intrinsic nature of the mind. Misapprehensions are passions."" [Thurman 31]",Thought,Thought@Will,process_of_thinking/cogitation,thinking/wanting,thought,neg,vague,arikta puṇya atuccha jñāna paripūrṇa svayambhū jñāna svayambhū buddha,,,paripūrṇa,,,,puṇya jñāna,,,,,,,"saṃkalpa pertains to the sphere of mind. It expresses a semantic continuum that bridges the conceptual fields of thought and will, with meanings ranging from the purely cognitive activity of thinking and imagining, to the quasi-emotional states of wanting and desiring. In our corpus, saṃkalpa expressesa set closely related senses:
  1. thought and thinking, especially with a visual character: picturing something in the mind
  2. the form of thought that guides action, that is intention, or will
  3. the aspect of volition that is linked to desire, in particular in relation to the pleasures of the senses
  4. a generic form of volition or wish , as in the idiomatic expressions 'at wish' (saṃkalpamātreṇa) and 'may your wish come true' (ṛdhyantu tava saṅkalpāḥ)
  5. one of the members of the eightfold path
The specialised buddhist use of saṃkalpa as one of the members of the eightfold path is very close to the non-specialised senses of this lemma and maintains the same degree of vagueness between English senses of ‘thought’ and ‘intention’. " saṃkalpanā,68,2280955|68r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,naniśrayonāniśrayaḥ n^ātmaśīlotkarṣaṇā | na paraduḥśīlapaṃsanā | na śīlamanyanā | na śīlakalpanā | na vikalpanā | na saṃkalpanā | na parikalpanā | iyam ucyate kāśyapa āryāṇāṃ śīla |,"""...where there is neither support nor no support, neither commending one's own virtue nor speaking ill of the virtue of others, neither conceit nor false discrimination on account of one's virtue, or imagination - that, K., is called 'virtuous conduct of the holy ones' which is free from evil influences..."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 38]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neu.neg,,cetay cetanā bhav karo iti,,,,cetanā,,,,,,,cetay,,, saṃkalpita,131,2280955|131,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,aprameyāṇāṃ sattvānāṃ sapratighāni cittāni sapratighāni cittānīti yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti ? asatsaṃkalpitāni subhūte tāni cittāni śūnyānyārambaṇavaśikāni |,"""For he [the Tathagata] knows that those thoughts represent what is not really there, that they are empty, devoid of objective support."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 175]",Thought,Thought@Will,act_of_imagining/picturing,imagining,imagining,neg,,bhikṣu kāmabhogin akuśala vitarka,,,,,akuśala vitarka,bhikṣu kāmabhogin,,,,,,,, saṃkalpita,52,2280955|52,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha khalu te kumārakāsteṣāṃ krīḍanakānāṃ ramaṇīyakānāmarthāya yathāīpsitānāṃ yathāsaṃkalpitānāmiṣṭānāṃ kāntānāṃ priyāṇāṃ manāpānāṃ nāmadheyāni śrutvā tasmādādīptādagārāt kṣipramev^ārabdhavīryā balavatā javena[...],"""And the boys, on hearing the names mentioned of such playthings as they like and desire, so agreeable to their taste, so pretty, dear, and delightful, quickly rush out from the burning house, with eager effort and great alacrity, one having no time to wait for the other, and pushing each other on with the cry of 'Who shall arrive first, the very first?..."" [Kern 74]",Thought,Thought@Will,Conceive_in_fancy/fantasize@Desire,thinking with desire or intent,wish,neu,,āryāṣṭāṅga mārga tadyathā samyak dṛṣṭi samyak samyak vāc samyak karmānta samyak ājīva samyak vyāyāma samyak smṛti samyak samādhi,,,samyak,,,,dṛṣṭi vāc karmānta ājīva vyāyāma smṛti samādhi,,,,,,, saṃketa,129,129|09-129|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃ tuuktaṃ bhagavatā asti karmāsti vipākaḥ kārakas tu na upalabhyate ya imāṃś ca skandhān nikṣipati anyāṃś ca skandhān pratisaṃdadhāty anyatra dharmasaṃketāt |,"""In fact the Blessed One said, 'Actions exist, and results exist, but there is no agent who abandons these skandhas here and takes up those skandhas there, independently of the causal relationship of the dharmas'.""",Existence,Relative_properties,Causation,connection,connection/sequence,pos,personal,tu karma kāraka skandha anyatra dharmas,,NA,dharmas,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,129,129|11-129|12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatrāyaṃ dharma saṃketo yadutāsmin satiidaṃ bhavatiiti vistareṇa pratītyasamutpādaḥ |,"""What is this causal relationship? Namely, if this exists, then that exists; through the arising of this, there is the arising of that; Pratītyasamutpāda.""",Existence,Relative_properties,Causation,connection,connection/sequence,pos,personal,dharma sati bhavati iti pratītyasamutpāda,,NA,dharma,,NA,NA,,,pratītyasamutpāda,,,,NA, saṃketa,468,468|23-468|24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,asti karmāsti vipākaḥ kārakas tu nopalabhyate | ya imāṃśca skandhān nikṣipati anyāṃśca skandhān pratisaṃdadhāty anyatra dharmasaṃketād iti | phalgusūtre cauktam upādatta iti phalgu na vadāmiiti | tasmānnāsti skandhānāṃ kaścidupādātā nāpi,"""[...] there is action and its maturation, but no agent is perceived that casts off one set of aggregates and takes up another elsewhere apart from the phenomena agreed upon [by us to arise dependently]. And since in the Phālguna Sūtra, it is said, 'Oh Phālguna, I do not speak of [a person] acquiring [or casting off different aggregates],' there is nothing that acquires or casts them off.""",Existence,Relative_properties,Causation,connection,connection/sequence,neu,personal,karma kāraka skandha anyatra dharmas ca vadāmi,,NA,dharmas,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,170,170,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tasya puruṣasya rāgacaritasya vitarkacaritasya striyā abhirūpayā prāsādikayā darśanīyayā saha saṃketaḥ kṛto bhavet |,"""If a man, moved by considerations of greed, had made a rendez-vous with a handsome, attractive and good-looking woman, ….""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,agreement,rendez-vous,neu.neg,,rāga vitarka strī saha kṛ bhū,,NA,kṛ,,NA,NA,,,,,,strī,NA, saṃketa,127,127,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,kathaṃ ca subhūte tathāgata imāṃ prajñāpāramitām āgamya aprameyāṇāṃ sattvānāṃ saṃkliṣṭāni cittāni saṃkliṣṭāni cittāniiti yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti | asaṃkleśasaṃkliṣṭāni subhūte tāni cittāni asaṃketāni |,"""[And how, Subhūti, does] the tathāgata [owing to the Perfection of Wisdom] know the polluted minds for what they are, for he knows that the minds [of ordinary people] are not actually polluted by the polluting forces [of perverted views, which, being nothing but wrong ideas,] do not really find a place in them.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention/name,neg,personal,saṃkleśa saṃkliṣṭa tad citta a,,NA,,citta,NA,NA,,,,,saṃkliṣṭa,,NA, saṃketa,8,Dutt8/Wogihara13,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bodhisattvo bodhisattva iti ca saṃkhyāṃ gacchati yaduta saṃketavyavahāranayena |," ""... and [the bodhisattva] also is counted among those who are referred to as bodhisattvas, according to the conventions of everyday usage.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu,,saṃkhyā vyavahāra naya,,NA,,vyavahāra,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,25,Dutt25/Wogihara37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra laukikānāṃ sarveṣāṃ yasmin vastuni saṃketasaṃvṛtisaṃstavan^āgamapraviṣṭayā buddhyā darśanatulyatā bhavati tadyathā pṛthivyāṃ pṛthivyaiveyaṃ nāgniriti |,"""Regarding this [fourfold distinction, the first category refers to] that substance toward which all worldly beings share the same view, based on judgments that operate through gaining familiarity with convention and accepted usage, such as when [one says] about the earth [element]: 'This is earth; it is not fire.'""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu.neg,,laukika vastu saṃvṛti saṃstavana āgama praviś buddhi darśana tulyatā,,NA,praviś,,NA,NA,saṃvṛti,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,34,Dutt34/Wogihara50,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,Kathañca punar etat sūtrapadam etam evārthaṃ paridīpayati pṛthivyādisaṃjñake vastuni yā pṛthivīityevamādikā nāmasaṃketaprajñaptiḥ sā pṛthivyādisaṃjñetyucyate |,"""How, then, does this sūtra passage set forth its meaning? The designation of a conventional name, such as that of 'earth,' etc., to the substance known as earth, etc., is what is called 'the conception of earth,' etc.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neg,,pṛthivī ādi saṃjñaka vastu evam nāma prajñapti pṛthivī ādi saṃjñā vac/uc,,NA,,prajñapti,NA,NA,nāma,,,saṃjñā,,,NA, saṃketa,35,Dutt35/Wogihara52,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yastasminneva rūp^ādisaṃjñake vastuni ātmasattvajīvajantusaṃjñāsaṃketopasaṃhitaḥ,"""What is the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]? [The type of conceptual thought] that occurs in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., is accompanied by such conventional names as 'self,' 'sentient being,' 'living being,' or 'living creature,' and is caused by grasping a collection that consists of a multiplicity of entities that have been combined into a [single] mass,.…""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neg,,piṇḍa grāha vikalpa rūpa ādi saṃjñaka vastu ātma sattva jīva jantu saṃjñā upasaṃhita,,NA,upasaṃhita,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,35,Dutt35/Wogihara52,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,gṛhasenāvan^ādiṣu bhojanapānayānavastr^ādiṣu ca tatsaṃjñāsaṃketopasaṃhitaḥ | ayamucyate piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ |,"""[...] as well as [the type of conceptual thought that occurs] in relation to such [composite things] as a house, an army, and a forest, etc., or food, drink, a vehicle, and clothing, etc., and is accompanied by the conventional name for those things, is what is called 'the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]'.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neg,,gṛha senā vana ādi bhojana pāna yāna vastra ādi sa saṃjñā upasaṃhita piṇḍa grāha vikalpa,,NA,upasaṃhita saṃjñā,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,268,Dutt268/Wogihara388,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,teṣām eva ca dhyān^ādīnāṃ vicitrāṇāmabhinirhṛtānāṃ nāmasaṃketānurūpeṇa yathāyogaṃ vyavasthitir vyavasthānām ity ucyate |,"""The [verbal act of] formulating, in an appropriate manner and using suitable words and expressions, those various states of meditative absorption, etc., that have been achieved is called their 'formulation'.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,pos,,dhyāna nāma anurūpa vyavasthiti vyavasthāna vac/uc,,NA,,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,268,Dutt268/Wogihara388,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vicitreṣu sattvanikāyeṣu tadyathā pūrveṣu dakṣiṇeṣu uttareṣu paścimeṣu nānā nāmasaṃketavyavasthānabhinneṣu aṣṭāsu vyavahārapadeṣv anugataṃ pūrvakeṣv abhyatītev^ātmabhāveṣu ṣaḍvidhaṃ samāsataś caritam anusmaraty anekavidhaṃ pūrvenivāse samanusmaran,"""As [the Tathāgata] recalls his diverse former existences, he remembers, in brief, six circumstances about his previous, bygone existences that correlate with the eight basic elements of life that consist of having distinct names, [observing distinct] customs, and [experiencing distinct] occurrences [due to having been born in] a variety of classes of sentient being—such as those that lie in the east, south, west, and north.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention/name,neu,,sattva nikāya nānā nāma vyavasthāna bhid aṣṭa vyavahāra,,NA,,,NA,NA,nāma vyavasthāna,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,269,Dutt269/Wogihara389,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ṣaḍvyavahārapadacaritāni katamāni | āhvānāya saṃketaḥ kṣatriy^ādayo varṇā mātāpitaraṃ bhojanapānavidhiḥ sampattivipattiḥ āyurvaicitryañ ca |[...]idaṃmenāmāsyedaṃnāmeti |,"""What are the six circumstances that relate to the basic elements of life? They are (I) the name with which one is addressed; (2) the caste, such as the ruling etc., to which one belongs; (3) one's mother and father; (4) the type of food and drink that one consumes; ( 5 ) one's good and bad fortune; and (6) the diversity of one's life span.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention/name,neu,,ṣaḍ vyavahāra pada āhvāna kṣatriya mātā bhojana pāna sampatti āyus nāman,,NA,,,NA,NA,,,,,,āhvāna,NA, saṃketa,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,karmavipākakāyānāṃ vibhaktisaṃketaṃ prajānāti |,"""He knows that the bodies matured from acts are the token of variety.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Indication,mark/sign,mark/sign,pos,,karma vipāka vibhakti prajñā,prajñā,NA,vibhakti,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evaṃ śrāvakakāyānāṃ pratyekabuddhakāyānāṃ bodhisattvakāyānāṃ vibhaktisaṃketaṃ prajānāti |,"""Thus he knows that the bodies of Śrāvakas Pratyekabuddhas and Bodhisattvas are the tokens of variety.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Indication,mark/sign,mark/sign,pos,,śrāvaka pratyekabuddha bodhisattva vibhakti prajñā,prajñā,NA,vibhakti,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,46,46,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmakāyānāṃ samatāṃ ca prajānāti | avikopanatāṃ ca avasthānasaṃketasaṃvṛtivyavasthānatāṃ ca sattvāsattvadharmavyavasthānatāṃ ca buddhadharmāryasaṃghavyavasthānatāṃ ca prajānāti |,"""And he knows that the bodies of the doctrine are the same, without disturbance, differentiating the situation and the token and the conditioned knowledge, differentiating the things of living beings and non-living beings and differentiating the buddha the doctrine and the holy community.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu,,samatā avasthāna saṃvṛtti vyavasthānatā sattva asattva dharma buddha dharma aryasaṃgha,,NA,,,NA,NA,saṃvṛtti,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,224,224,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yāsyāmi saudāsasamīpamasmādartho na me rājyapariśrameṇa | nivṛttasaṃketaguṇopamarde labhyaśca yo doṣapathānuvṛttyā || Jm_31.40,"""I will go therefore to the son of Sudasa. I do not want either the toil of royalty nor that other anxiety I should incur by following the way of wickedness, if I were to transgress my duty of keeping my engagement to come back.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,agreement,promise,pos,,saudāsa rājya nivṛtta guṇo labh doṣa patha,,NA,,guṇo,NA,NA,,dharmatā,,,,,NA, saṃketa,82,82,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,saṃketamātramevedamanyonyāpekṣasaṃkalā | janyamarthaṃ na caivāsti pṛthak pratyayasaṃkalāt || Lank_3.104,"""It is only in accordance with general convention that a chain of mutual dependence is talked of; (203) birth has no sense when the chain of dependence is severed.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,convention@Existence,convention,conventional truth,neg,,mātra ayam anyonya apekṣa saṃkala/saṃkalā pṛthak pratyaya saṃkala/saṃkalā,,NA,mātra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,92,92,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,mahāmatir āha | kathaṃ punar bhagavan bālānāṃ vikalpaḥ pravartate | na tvāryāṇām | bhagavān āha | nāmasaṃjñāsaṃketābhiniveśena mahāmate bālāścittamanusaranti |,"""Said Mahamati: How is it that the ignorant are given up to discrimination and the wise are not? Said the Blessed One: Mahamati, the ignorant cling to names, ideas, and signs; their minds move along [these channels].""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neg,,vikalpa āha nāma saṃjñā abhiniveśa bāla citta,,NA,saṃjñā,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,116,116,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,nāmanimittasaṃkalpo yadā tasya na jāyate | pratyayāvastusaṃketaṃ pariniṣpannalakṣaṇam || Lank_10.139,"""When the constructing of appearances and names, which come from the union of conditions and realities, no more takes place, we have the characteristic mark of perfected knowledge (parinishpanna).""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Indication,mark/sign,mark/sign,neu.neg,,nāma nimitta saṃkalpa pratyaya a vastu pariniṣpanna lakṣaṇa,,NA,vastu,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,119,119,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,dharmasaṃketa evāyaṃ tasmiṃstad idam ucyate |,"""This [world] is just a sign indicative of reality (dharmatā).""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Indication,mark/sign,mark/sign,neu.neg,,dharma eva,,NA,dharma,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,119,119,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,saṃketāc ca pṛthagbhūto na jāto na nirudhyate || Lank_10.185,"""apart from the sign, nothing is produced, nothing is destroyed.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Indication,mark/sign,mark/sign,neu.neg,,pṛthagbhūta,,NA,pṛthagbhūta,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,146,146,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,saṃketamātramevedamanyonyāpekṣasaṃkalāt | janyamarthaṃ na caivāsti pṛthakpratyayasaṃkalāt || Lank_10.600,"""It is only in accordance with general convention that a chain of mutual dependence is talked of; (203) birth has no sense when the chain of dependence is severed.""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,convention@Existence,convention,conventional truth,neg,,mātra anyonya apekṣa saṃkala/saṃkalā,,NA,mātra,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,42,42,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,lokaprasiddham ekasmāt parikalpitasvabhāvāt | yasmin vastuni saṃketasaṃstavānupraviṣṭayā buddhyā sarveṣāṃ laukikānāṃ darśanatulyatā bhavati | pṛthivy eveyaṃ nāgnī rūpam evedaṃ na śabda ity evamādi |,"""That which is accepted by the world at large is due to the one. [III.12.a] the constructed own-being, in which, regarding its range of events, there is a certain sameness of views among all worldly people because their intellects have adapted themselves with acquaintance to certain conventional symbol, e.g. 'this is earth, not fire', this is a visible, not a sound’. Etc.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neg,,loka prasiddha parikalpita vastu saṃstava anupraviś laukika darśana tulyatā,,NA,anupraviś,saṃstava,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,104,104,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saṃketadharmatālabdhaṃ saṃvarastheṣu vidyate | śīlam evaṃ parijñāya paṇḍitaḥ samudānayet || AMsa_16.20,"""The wise person should practice morality, having understood it thus ..., and as attained conventionally or naturally on the part of those ordained in vows.""",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,convention,common practice,pos,,dharmatā labh saṃvara,,NA,labh,,NA,NA,,dharmatā,,,,,NA, saṃketa,105,105,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,saṃketadharmatālabdhaṃ saṃvarastheṣu vidyata iti vṛttis,"""Attained conventionally or naturally on the part of those ordained in vows,"" describes its function.",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,convention,common practice,pos,,dharmatā labh saṃvara stha vid,,NA,labh,,NA,NA,,dharmatā,,,,,NA, saṃketa,105,105,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra saṃketalabdhaṃ prātimokṣasaṃvarasaṃgṛhītaṃ | dharmatāpratilabdhaṃ dhyānānāsravasaṃvarasaṃgṛhītam eṣāsya prabhedavṛttiḥ trividhena prabhedenavartanāt |,""" 'Attained conventionally' (refers to morality) cultivated through vows of individual liberation, and 'attained naturally' (refers to morality) cultivated through vows of the contemplative and the uncontaminated (realms); this analyzes its three types of functions.""",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,convention,common practice,pos,,labh prātimokṣa saṃvara saṃgrah dharmatā dhyāna anāsrava saṃvara prabheda tri,,NA,labh,,NA,NA,,anāsrava,prātimokṣa,,,,NA, saṃketa,109,109,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,jñeyaṃ ca yat sarvathety anantasvasaṃket^ādilakṣaṇabhedabhinnaṃ yad ajñeyaṃ |,""" 'Everything to be known' refers to the knowable divided into infinite categories (of things), by nature particular.""",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,convention,common practice,neu,,jñeya ananta sva ādi lakṣaṇa bheda bhid,,NA,,,NA,NA,,sva,,,,,NA, saṃketa,158,158,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asti karmāsti vipākaḥ kārakas tu nopalabhyate ya imaṃś ca skhandān nikṣipati anyāṃś ca skhandān pratisaṃdadhāti | anyatra dharmasaṃketād iti deśitaṃ |,"""Among the epitomes of the Dharma, the Lord taught that 'all things are selfless'. And according to the Ultimate Voidness (Discourse): 'There is action and its evolutionary effect, but an agent who forsakes this (set of) systems and takes up other systems is not perceived apart from its symbolic designation'.""",Existence,Relative_properties,Causation,connection,connection/sequence,neu,,karma anyatra dharma,,NA,dharma,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvarutaravitaghoṣavākpathaniruktisaṃketavyavahārābhilāpair anabhilāpyatvāt |,"""1) acintyatva: Unthinkability of the Truth of Extinction, in short, should be known by three causes. By which three? Because, 1) it is not a sphere of speculation even by four categories [of existence] i.e nonbeing, being, being and non-being together, and neither being nor non-being; 2) it cannot be explained by any sound, voice, speech, way of speech, explanation, agreed term, designation, conversation [and so forth]; and 3) it is to be revealed by the introspection of Saints.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu.neg,,sarva ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti vyavahāra abhilāpa abhilāpyatva,,NA,,vyavahāra,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,5,5,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nāmasaṃketaprajñaptisvabhāvāvatārajñānam |,"""It is knowledge which enters into the intrinsic nature of names, verbal conventions and designations.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu,,nāma prajñapti svabhāva avatāra jñāna,,NA,nāma,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,115,115,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃketaprajñaptivyāhāratāṃ ca saṃsāraduḥkhāni sadā vivarjanā | alābhi lābhe ca asaktabhāvamevaṃ jino deśayi dharmamuttamam || SRS_17.85,"""The description of designations and appellations, The continual avoidance of the suffering of saṃsāra, And indifference to whether there is gain or no gain: That is the supreme Dharma that the Jina teaches.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu,,prajñapti vyavahāra saṃsāra vivarjanā,,NA,,prajñapti,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyavahāraś ca śūnyaḥ nirviśeṣo nirvāṇena nirvṛtaḥ śabdena śānto ghoṣeṇa sāmānyaḥ saṃketena,"""eternal from the standpoint of common experience, undifferentiated in the aspect of nirvāṇa, described in words as suppressed, quiescent in voice, homogenous with regard to conventional truth,...""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,convention@Existence,convention,conventional truth,neu,,vyavahāra sāmānya,,NA,,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,saṃketaḥ paramārthena paramārtho bhūtavacanena |,"""... conventional with regard to the Absolute Truth, absolute according to the true teaching,""",Existence,Philosophy@ontology,convention@Existence,convention,conventional truth,neu.neg,,paramārtha,,NA,,,NA,NA,,paramārtha,,,,,NA, saṃketa,201,201,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vijñaptivākyasaṃketaṃ bodhisattvaḥ prajānati | karoti arthaṃ sattvānām aprameyacintiyam || SRS_32.91,"""The bodhisattvas know Communication, words, and terms, And they accomplish immeasurable, Inconceivable benefits for beings.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,pos,,vijñapti vākya prajñā aprameya,prajñā,NA,,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,239,239,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,akṣibhyāṃ cānena saṃketaḥ kṛtaḥ |,"""The king thought, 'This bhikṣu is looking at my queens with lust in his mind and he is winking at them'!""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,agreement,rendez-vous,neu,,akṣi kṛ,kṛ,NA,,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,299,299,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,.... nāmasaṃketaḥ | yadidaṃ apariniṣpannānāṃ nāmnāmanubudhyanatā ||,"""What is the knowledge of assigned names? It is the understanding that names are without reality.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu,,nāma,,NA,nāma,,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃketa,1,1.53,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,saṃnidhānam ivārthānām ādhānam iva tejasām | niketam iva vidyānāṃ saṃketam iva saṃpadām || Saund_1.53 ||,"""I.53. It was, so to speak, a 'thesaurus' of wealth, an abode of the sciences, a rendezvous of the perfections; and the sacred fires of courage were tended there.""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,agreement,rendez-vous,pos,,saṃnidhāna ādhāna niketa vidyā sampad,,NA,sampad,,NA,NA,,,,,niketa,,NA, saṃketa,6,6.16,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,devatāāha | akṣaragaṇanāsaṃketādhivacanam etad bhadantaśāriputra atītānāgatapratyutpannā buddhā iti | na punar buddhā atītā vāanāgatā vā vartamānā vā | tryadhvasamatikrāntā,"""Goddess: Reverend Śāriputra, the expression, 'the buddhas of the past, present and future,' is a conventional expression made up of a certain number of syllables. The buddhas are neither past, nor present, nor future. Their enlightenment transcends the three times!""",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,convention,linguistic convention,neu.neg,,akṣara gaṇanā adhivacana atīta anāgata try adhva,,NA,,adhivacana,NA,NA,,,,,,,NA, saṃvyavahāra,84,84//3.117//208,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,saṃsthānānityatā nāmayaduta yasya rūpamevānityaṃ tasya saṃsthānasyānityatā na bhūtānām | atha bhūtānāmanityatā syāt lokasaṃvyavahār^ābhāvaḥ syāt |,"""By the impermanency of external shapes is meant the impermanency of form (rupa) what is impermanent is thus the external shape and not the elements. If the elements themselves are impermanent all our everyday experiences come to naught."" [Suzuki 179]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,vague,nāman anityatā loka abhāva as,,,loka,abhāva,,,,anityatā,,NA,nāman,,, saṃvyavahāra,84,84//3.117//208,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,lokasaṃvyavahār^ābhāvāllokāyatikadṛṣṭipatitaḥ syāt vāgmātratvātsarvabhāvānām |,"""By the impermanency of external shapes is meant the impermanency of form (rupa) what is impermanent is thus the external shape and not the elements. If the elements themselves are impermanent all our everyday experiences come to naught. This is cherishing the view of the Lokayatika, according to which all things are reducible to mere words because their self-nature is never seen as born."" [Suzuki 179]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,vague,loka abhāva vāc,,,loka,abhāva,,,,,,NA,vāc,,, saṃvyavahāra,8,8//19,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,punarapy alabdh^ātmakā dharmāḥ katame? yaduta śaśakharoṣṭravājiviṣāṇavandhyāputraprabhṛtayo dharmāḥ | alabdh^ātmakatvān na lakṣaṇataḥ kalpyāḥ | te anyatra saṃvyavahār^ārthā abhidhīyante n^ābhiniveśato yathā ghaṭ^ādayaḥ |,"""What again is meant by the unattainability of dharmas? That is, it is like horns of a hare, or an ass, or a camel, or a horse, or a child conceived by a barren woman. They are dharmas the nature of which is unattainable; they are not to be thought [as real] because they are appearances. They are only talked about in popular parlance if they have any sense at all; they are not to be adhered to as in the case of jars, etc."" [Suzuki 18-19]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,dharma kalpya artha abhidadhā,,,dharma,artha,,,,kalpya,,NA,,,abhidadhā, saṃvyavahāra,24,24.6,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,śūnyatāṃ phalasadbhāvam adharmaṃ dharmam eva ca | sarvasaṃvyavahārāṃś ca laukikān pratibādhase ||,"“The existence of actions and fruits, what is not Dharma and what is Dharma, the conventions of the world: all these too are maligned.” [Batchellor, Stephen]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,common_social_practice,linguistic or social conventions,neg,,śūnyatā bhāva dharma sarva laukika pratibādh,pratibādh,,sarva laukika,,,,śūnyatā bhāva dharma,,,NA,,,, saṃvyavahāra,266,266//28,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,atha vā sādhyasamo yaṃ hetur na hi vidyate dhvaneḥ sattā | saṃvyavahārañ ca vayaṃ n^ ānabhyupagamya kathayāmaḥ ||,"""It is rather that the example is of the same nature as what we want to establish, for there is no existence of sound. We do not speak without assenting to the conventional truth."" [Westerhoff 29]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,vague,sādhyasama aham na anabhyupagacch kath,anabhyupagacch,,na,,,,,,,NA,sādhyasama,,, saṃvyavahāra,304,304//55,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,na adharmo dharmo vā saṃvyavahārāś ca lokikā na syuḥ | nityāś ca sarvabhāvāḥ syuḥ nityatvād ahetumataḥ ||,"""There would be neither right nor wrong nor worldly conventions. They would be permanent and substantial; because they are permanent they are acausal."" [Westerhoff 102]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,common_social_practice,linguistic or social conventions,neu,,na adharma dharma lokika/laukika as nitya,,as,na lokika/laukika,,,,adharma dharma,nitya,,NA,,,, saṃvyavahāra,306,306,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,dharmo na bhavati adharmo na bhavati | saṃvyavahārāś ca laukikā na sambhavanti |,"“There is no right, there is no wrong, there are no worldly conventions."" [Westerhoff 102]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,common_social_practice,linguistic or social conventions,neu,,dharma adharma laukika na sambhav,,sambhav,laukika na,,,,dharma adharma,,,NA,,,, saṃvyavahāra,330,330//70,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,sugatidurgatigāmī mārgaḥ | sugatidurgatigamanavyatikramaṇaṃ sugatidurgativyatikramopāyaḥ sarvasaṃvyavahārāś ca lokikāḥ svayam adhigantavyāḥ |,"""[...] the attainment of the fortunate and unfortunate states of rebirth, the way of going toward the fortunate and unfortunate states of rebirth, the passing beyond the fortunate and unfortunate states of rebirth, the means for passing beyond the fortunate and unfortunate states of rebirth as well as all worldly conventions are established."" [Westerhoff 130]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,common_social_practice,linguistic or social conventions,neu,,sarva lokika/laukika adhigantavya,adhigantavya,,sarva lokika/laukika,,,,,,,NA,,,, upacāra,337,337/15 — 337/16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,varṇarāgaḥ saṃsthānarāgaḥ sparśarāga upacārarāgaś ca |,"""Craving (rāga) is fourfold: (1) craving for colors, (2) craving for shapes, (3) craving for contact or for tangibles, and (4) craving for honors."" [Poussin, Pruden 917]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,vague,varṇa saṃsthāna sparśa rāga,,,,,NA,NA,varṇa saṃsthāna sparśa,,NA,,,,, upacāra,14,014/07 — 014/08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,bhavati hi pradeśe api pradeśivad upacāro yathā paṭṭaiakadeśe dagdhe paṭo dagdha iti |,"""In fact, one metaphorically designates the part by the whole; for example, ""The robe is burned,"" for ""One part of the robe is burned."""" [Poussin, Pruden 80]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,vague,bhav pradeśivat iti,,bhav,pradeśivat,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,260,260/15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,hetau phal^opacārāt saṃghabheda ānantaryamuktam |,"""???...We say that schism (saṅghabheda) is lying, and that this lying is the fourth mortal transgression. How is this?...???"" [Poussin, Pruden 681]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,vague,hetu phala ānantarya,,,phala,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,hetu,, upacāra,7,007/12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] ^ ābhilāṣakṛt | kāraṇe kāry^opacārāt |,"""In fact the tangible which produces hunger and thirst is designated by the word hunger: the cause is designated by the name of the effect."" [Poussin, Pruden 66]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,ābhilāṣa kāraṇa kārya,,,kārya,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,kāraṇa,, upacāra,25,025/13,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,bhavatu phalahetau phal^opacāro yathā […],"""In fact, a cause is often designated by the name of its effect, the same way that an effect is often designated by the name of its cause: […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 103]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,bhav hetu phala,,bhav,phala,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,hetu,, upacāra,25,025/13,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] yathā phale hetūpacāraḥ |,"""In fact, a cause is often designated by the name of its effect, the same way that an effect is often designated by the name of its cause: […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 103]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,phala hetu,,,hetu,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,phala,, upacāra,31,031/14 — 031/15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra vyavahār^ārthaṃ cchandata upacārāḥ kriyante | cakṣuḥ paśyati vijñānaṃ vijānāt^īti […],"""In the light of practice, one speaks, metaphorically, of this process: ""The eye sees, and the consciousness discerns."" [Poussin, Pruden 118]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,vyavahāra chanda karo/kuru/kri iti,karo/kuru/kri,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,chanda,, upacāra,57,057/22 — 057/23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ca kaukṛtyaṃ vipratisārasya | phale vā hetūpacāro ayam |,"""Kaukṛtya in its proper sense is the support, the raison d'etre of regret; hence regret is termed kaukṛtya. For the result receives the name of its cause, […]"" [Poussin, Pruden 197]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,phala hetu,,,hetu,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,phala,, upacāra,115,115/02 — 115/03,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,grāmagrahaṇe grām^opacāra grahaṇavat |,"""As one says 'village' for 'the confines of the village,' the Prakaraṇa can express itself as it does."" [Poussin, Pruden 372-373]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,grahaṇa grāma,,,grāma,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,grahaṇa,, upacāra,143,143/22 — 143/23,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] ^ āditi paṭhanti kāraṇe va kāry^opacāro ayam iti bruvanti |,"""They do not read the Sutra in this form; or rather they say that the expression is metaphorical: when the text says ""the coming together,"" it means ""the result of the coming together."""" [Poussin, Pruden 424]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,kāraṇa kārya,,,kārya,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,kāraṇa,, upacāra,198,198/06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kārye kāraṇ^opacārāt |,"""[…]—for the effect (transformation of the series) receives the name which belongs more properly to the cause (course of action),—[…]"" [Poussin, Pruden 564-565]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,kārya kāraṇa,,,kāraṇa,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,kārya,, upacāra,198,198/23 — 198/24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ato nimitte naimittik^opacārād avijñaptau tad^ākhyā kriyate |,"""A cause takes the name of its result: thus speech, action and livelihood are designated as avijnapti."" [Poussin, Pruden 566]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,nimitta naimittika ākhyā,,,naimittika,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,nimitta,ākhyā, upacāra,198,198/27 — 199/01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ato nimitte naimittik^opacāraṃ kṛtvā aṣṭau mārg ^ āṅgāni […],"""One gives to the cause (āśaya and āśraya) the name of their result; and we can thus affirm that the Path possesses eight parts."" [Poussin, Pruden 566]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,nimitta naimittika karo/kuru,karo/kuru,,naimittika,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,nimitta,, upacāra,279,279/04,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,hetau vā tad^upacāra eṣa draṣṭavyaḥ |,"""Or rather, we would say, when the Sutra says rāgānuśaya, it means rāga: the first is the effect of the second, and the cause can be designated by the name of its effect."" [Poussin, Pruden 771]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,hetu draṣṭavya,,,,draṣṭavya,NA,NA,,,NA,,,hetu,, upacāra,322,322/08,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,prahāṇaparijñā tu prahāṇam eva | phale hetūpacārāt |,"""[…] and prahāṇaparijñā, ""perfect knowledge which produces abandoning,"" which is abandoning itself, for the effect is designated by the name of its cause."" [Poussin, Pruden 859]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,phala hetu,,,hetu,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,phala,, upacāra,323,323/11 — 323/12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,rājaparivāre rāj^opacāravat | jñān ^ aikaphalatvāc ca |,"""Because the patiences are the associates of the jñānas or knowledges: in the manner in which the associates of a king improperly receive the name of king; or rather, because a patience and a knowledge have the same result."" [Poussin, Pruden 862]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,parivāra rājan,,,rājan,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,parivāra,, upacāra,476,476/09 — 476/10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ātmana upakārake api śarīra ātm^opacāro yathā ya ev āyaṃ sa ev āhaṃ sa ev āyaṃ me bṛtya iti […],"""It is through metaphor that the world designates the body by the word ""I"" when it says, ""I am white."""" [Poussin, Pruden 1349]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,śarīra ātman iti,,,ātman,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,śarīra,, upacāra,476,476/09 — 476/10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,[…] bṛtya iti bhavaty upakārake api ātm ^ opacāro natv ahaṅkāraḥ |,"""This metaphor is justified because the body is in the service of the true ""I."""" [Poussin, Pruden 1349]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,iti ātman ahaṅkāra,,,ātman,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,319,319,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,śalyavat tudan ^ ārthaḥ | duṣṭasvāmivaddurupacāraḥ | jīrṇagṛhavat pratisaṃskāradhāryaḥ |,n/a,???,???,???,???,???,,vague,duṣṭa svāmi vad jīrṇa pratisaṃskāra,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,444,444,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,[…] darśanaṃ yatra prakāśayati nāyakaḥ | āh^ opacārabhūmisthāṃ paramārthasya buddhimān ||,"""The leader reveals that seeing (occurs) when in completeness (of conditions); The wise one said (the above) standing on the ground of figurative application for ultimate reality."" [Bhikṣuṇī Vinītā 445]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,vague,bhūmi paramārtha,,,paramārtha,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ekasminvastunibahuvidhā bahavo bahubhir abhilāpaiḥ prajñaptaya upacārāḥ kriyante |,"""Many designations and figurative expressions of many different kinds can be made using numerous terms in relation to a single entity or substance."" [Engle 78-79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,bahuvidha bahu abhilāpa prajñapti karo/kuru/kri,karo/kuru/kri,,bahuvidha bahu,,NA,NA,,,NA,prajñapti,,abhilāpa,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,chandataḥ prajñaptivād^opacāraḥ |,"""In that case, a substance [would have to arise] first and then, afterward, a designating assertion could be applied to it, according to the wish [of some individual]."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,chanda prajñapti vāda,,,prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,prākprajñaptivād^opacārād akṛte prajñaptivād ^ opacāre sa […],"""[This would mean that,] prior to the application of the designating assertion, [which is to say, at a time] when the designating assertion had not yet been made, such an entity or substance would not possess an essential nature."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,prāk prajñapti vāda,,,prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] akṛte prajñaptivād^opacāre sa dharmas tadvastu niḥsvabhāva eva syāt |,"""[This would mean that,] prior to the application of the designating assertion, [which is to say, at a time] when the designating assertion had not yet been made, such an entity or substance would not possess an essential nature."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,kṛta prajñapti vāda dharma vastu,,,kṛta prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,dharma vastu, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,prajñaptivād^opacāre c^āsati prajñaptivādasvabhāvatā dharmasya […],"""And if no application of a designating assertion is made, then it should not be right for an entity or substance to possess [the kind of] essential nature [that is expressed in] a designating assertion."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,prajñapti vāda asat,,,prajñapti vāda asat,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa cet punaḥ pūrvam eva prajñaptivād^opacārād akṛte […],"""On the other hand, suppose that an entity or a substance did possess such a nature prior to the application of a designating assertion when the designating assertion had not yet been made."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,prajñapti vāda,,,prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] akṛte prajñaptivād^opacāre sa dharmas tadvastu tadātmakaṃ syāt |,"""On the other hand, suppose that an entity or a substance did possess such a nature""' prior to the application of a designating assertion when the designating assertion had not yet been made."" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,a kṛta prajñapti vāda dharma vastu,,,kṛta prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,dharma vastu, upacāra,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vinā tena rūpam iti prajñaptivād^opacāreṇa rūpasaṃjñake dharme rūpasaṃjñake vastuni […],"""If that were so, then even without the application of a designating assertion [to the entity called] ""form,"" an awareness of form should occur in relation to the entity that is known as ""form"" and the substance that is known as ""form."""" [Engle 79]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,vinā iti prajñapti vāda saṃjñaka rūpa,,,vinā prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,31,31,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] rūp^ādidharmaprajñaptivād^opacāro yujyate |,"Similarly, as long as the bare [underlying] substance of the entities of form, etc., does exist, then the application of designating assertions to the entities of form, etc., is valid."" [Engle 81]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,ādi dharma prajñapti vāda yunak/yuṅk/yuj,yunak/yuṅk/yuj,,dharma prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,31,31,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nā sati | nirvastukaḥ prajñaptivād^opacāraḥ |,"""It would not be [valid] if [the bare underlying substance of form and the rest] did not exist, [because in that case] the application of designating assertions would be [an act] that is not related to a [real] substance."" [Engle 81]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neg,,nirvastuka prajñapti vāda,,,nirvastuka prajñapti vāda,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] nāma ityarthaṃ vastuni vyavasthāpyateyāvadeva saṃjñ^ārtha dṛṣṭyartham upacār^ārtham |,"""This is the extent of the import of a name that is established in relation to [some] substance: its nominal import, its theoretical import, and its suppositional import."" [Engle 97]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,nāman saṃjñā dṛṣṭi artha,,,,artha,NA,NA,saṃjñā dṛṣṭi,,NA,,,,, upacāra,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,n^ārūpī saṃvṛtisatyena tatra rūp^opacāratayā |,"""Similarly, [form] both lacks the quality of being material from the perspective of ultimate truth and does not lack the quality of being material from the perspective of relative truth, since it is described in a provisional sense as constituting form."" [Engle 99]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,saṃvṛti satya rūpa,,,rūpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,,saṃvṛti satya,,, upacāra,166,166,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,dharmamātre sattv^opacāram āśayataḥ saṃpaśyaṃs tām eva maitrīṃ bhāvayati […],"""On the other hand, when [a bodhisattva] who possesses an understanding of [the existence of] mere entities meditates on that very [form of] loving-kindness [that was just described] while recognizing with deep conviction that this mere [collection of] entities is designated a sentient being [only] in a figurative sense, […]"" [Engle 402-403]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu.neg,,dharma sattva saṃpaś,saṃpaś,,sattva,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,dharma,, upacāra,273,273,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yatr^edaṃ nāma saṃjñā prajñaptiḥ upacāraḥ pravartate sa tvam evaṃ yoniśo manasikurvaṃs […],"""Is there any inherently established entity apart from my six [inner] bases that exists internally, externally, or [in some way] other than those two, and [that constitutes the object] in relation to which this name, this appellation, this designation, and this figure of speech occur?"" [Engle 643]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,nāman saṃjñā prajñapti pravart manasi,,pravart,,,NA,NA,nāman saṃjñā prajñapti,,NA,,,,, upacāra,2,2 — 23,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,evaṃ sa tais tair viṣay^opacārair vayoanurūpair upacaryamāṇaḥ bālo apy,"""Entertained thus by various sensory delights appropriate for his age, although a mere child, he appeared unlike a child in his steadfastness, and in purity, wisdom, and nobility."" [Olivelle 43]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,vague,viṣaya vayas anurūpa upacaryamāṇa,,,viṣaya anurūpa,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,upacaryamāṇa, upacāra,1,1 — 52,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] munim āsanasthaṃ pādyārghyapūrvaṃpratipūjya samyak nimantrayām āsa yath^opacāraṃ purā vasiṣṭhaṃ sa iv^āntidevaḥ ||,"""When seated, then, the king duly honored that sage, after he had given him water for his feet and the water of welcome, and entreated him with all due respect, as Anti·deva entreated Vasishtha in former times."" [Olivelle 19]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,muni samyak nimantray iv,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,samyak,,, upacāra,64,64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] anuprāptasya te bodhisattvajñan^opacārā asaṃhāryā bhavanti sarvasattvaiḥ […],"""Just so, o son of the Conqueror, the practices of Bodhisattva's knowledge who has reached this tenth Bodhisattva-stage (called) Cloud of Doctrine are not superable by all the living beings, […]"" [Megumu Honda 275]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,pos,,bodhisattva jñāna asaṃhārya bhav,,bhav,jñāna asaṃhārya,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,29,29,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] ^ābhinirhāraṇān^opacārakriyāprayogair api sattvān paripācayati |,"""Being so committed he matures living beings […] with accomplishment of great supernatural faculty and of miracles and exertion to do various expedient deeds (read ""upāya"" for ""upacāra"") he matures living beings."" [Megumu Honda 179]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,pos,philological,abhinirhāra nānā kriyā,,,abhinirhāra nānā,kriyā,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,54,54,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] dvisāhasrike lokadhātau gahananimn^opacārān avabhāsayati […],"""For instance, o sons of the Conqueror, the great Brahman of two thousands (worlds) shines on those who act in density and depth in all the two thousands world-regions."" [Megumu Honda 251]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,vague,lokadhātu gahana nimna avabhāsay,avabhāsay,,,,NA,NA,gahana nimna,,NA,,,lokadhātu,, upacāra,64,64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mah^ābharaṇ^opacāraṃ mahāmaṇiratnapratyuptaṃ vaśavartino […],"""For instance, o son of the Conqueror, the great decorating ornament set with great maṇi-jewels made by a divine artisan, when tied on the head and neck of the king of gods, Vaśavartin, is not superable by any other human and divine ornaments for decoration and adornment."" [Megumu Honda 275]",Pleasure,Pleasure@Beautification,pleasant/enjoyable_thing@ornamentation/decoration,an ornament,an ornament,pos,vague,ābharaṇa maṇiratna,,,ābharaṇa maṇiratna,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,64,64,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,divyamānuṣyakair ābharaṇavibhūṣaṇ^opacāraiḥ […],"""For instance, o son of the Conqueror, the great decorating ornament set with great maṇi-jewels made by a divine artisan, when tied on the head and neck of the king of gods, Vaśavartin, is not superable by any other human and divine ornaments for decoration and adornment."" [Megumu Honda 275]",Pleasure,Pleasure@Beautification,pleasant/enjoyable_thing@ornamentation/decoration,an ornament,an ornament,neu,vague,divya mānuṣyaka ābharaṇa vibhūṣaṇa,,,divya mānuṣyaka,,NA,NA,ābharaṇa vibhūṣaṇa,,NA,,,,, upacāra,20,20,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mān^ābhimān^otsarganirmāṇ^opacāratā yāṃ n^opādatte |,"""There is not any abandonment of conceit and self-conceit, nor any behaviour without conceit which he does not practise."" [Megumu Honda 158]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,pos,,nirmāṇa upādat,upādat,,nirmāṇa,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,buddhyā sattvacittagahan^opacāraṃ ca yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity of the minds of living beings, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,citta gahana prajānā,prajānā,,citta,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti |kleśagahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 2) of the evil passions, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā kleśa gahana,prajānā,,kleśa,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] karmagahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 3) of the acts, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā karma gahana,prajānā,,karma,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] indriyagahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 4) of the faculties, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā indriya gahana,prajānā,,indriya,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] adhimuktigahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 5) of the resolute belief, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā adhimukti gahana,prajānā,,adhimukti,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] dhātugahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 6) of elements (of mind), […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā dhātu gahana,prajānā,,dhātu,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] āśay^ānuśayagahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 7) of the intention, 8) of the latent disposition, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā āśaya anuśaya gahana,prajānā,,āśaya anuśaya,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] upapattigahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 9) of the birth, […]"" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā upapatti gahana,prajānā,,upapatti,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,prajānāti | […] vāsan^ānusaṃdhigahan^opacāraṃ ca … |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 10) of the continuity of perfumed impression, […] [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā vāsana anusaṃdhi gahana,prajānā,,vāsana,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,49,49,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,trirāśivyavasthānagahan^opacāraṃ ca yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""He, through the intelligence obtained by such knowledge, understands correctly 1) the density and activity […] 11) and of the differentiation of the three groups (of living heings)."" [Megumu Honda 240]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,vyavasthāna gahana prajānā,prajānā,,vyavasthāna,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,50,50,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ca prajānāti | sa vāsanānām upacār^ānupacāratāṃ ca … |,"""He understands correctly the fact that the perfumed impressions are active and not active, perfumed by the impressions which are bound according to the course of existence, […]"" [Megumu Honda 243]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,prajānā vāsana anupacāra,prajānā,,vāsana,,NA,NA,anupacāra,,NA,,,,, upacāra,50,50,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mātsary^erṣy^āghṛṇ^opacār^āvinivṛttyā mithyāniyatatāṃ ca … |,"""He understands correctly the fact that the groups of living beings are […] fixed to be false by not removing chariness, envy and incompassionate deeds, […]"" [Megumu Honda 243-244]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neg,,mātsarya īrṣya aghṛṇa avinivṛtti mithyā niyata,,,aghṛṇa,avinivṛtti,NA,NA,mātsarya īrṣya,,NA,,,,, upacāra,51,51,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[…] yathādhātu gahan^opacār^ānugamanato,"""[…] and because he understands the density and activity of region, […] he teaches the doctrine."" [Megumu Honda 244]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,dhātu gahana anugamana,,,dhātu,anugamana,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,55,55,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sattvadhātupraviṣṭagahan^opacāraḥ […],"""Every Bodhisattva who is said to have thus through his intelligence […] 7) entered into the density (gahana) and the activity of the regions of living beings, […]"" [Megumu Honda 258]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,sattvadhātu praviṣṭa gahana,,,sattvadhātu,,NA,NA,gahana,,NA,,,,, upacāra,145,145,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,vacastu dākṣiṇyasamāhit^ākṣaraṃ na te na jalpanty upacāraśībharam ||,"""Surely, new acquaintances are not bold enough to speak frankly to the newly acquired friend, in whose mind they have not yet got footing. Still, they will use at least kind language, adorned by courteous terms."" [Speyer 272]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,pos,,vacas dākṣiṇya akṣara jalp śībhara,,,,jalp śībhara,NA,NA,,,NA,,vacas akṣara,,, upacāra,170,170,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,spaṣṭa^padena sāmnā śiṣṭ^opacāreṇa manohareṇa ||,"""And he addressed him with modest and kind language, manifesting his innate pious disposition and comforting him by the proper and respectful words he used in a distinct and lovely-sounding voice."" [Speyer 317-318]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,pos,vague,pada sāman śiṣṭa manohara,,,śiṣṭa,pada sāman,NA,NA,manohara,,NA,,,,, upacāra,48,48,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,svakāry^ānurāgas tv ayam asmān evam upacārapathād bhraṃśayati |,"""Notwithstanding this, the attachment to our duty forbids us to show in this matter our usual obedience."" [Speyer 88]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,pos,,patha,,,,patha,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,7,7,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] yathābhiprāyasaṃpāditaṃ sopacāraṃ manoharam anatikrāntakālasubhagaṃ,"""And he distributed them in such a manner, as well became the loftiness of his mind, supplying the wants of each according to his desire, with lovely deference and kind speed, whereby he enhanced the benefit of his gifts."" [Speyer 14]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,sa manohara subhaga,,,sa manohara,subhaga,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,11,11,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sneh^āvegād anapekṣit^opacāro amātyamukhyastaṃ rājānam ity uvāca mā[…],"""After this, the first minister who more than the others had got into the intimate confidence of the king, overlooking, owing to his solicitude, the respect due to the king, spoke thus: “Pray, do it not. […]"""" [Speyer 20]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,sneha an apekṣita amātya rājan,,,an apekṣita,amātya,NA,NA,,,NA,,,sneha,, upacāra,12,12,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ovāca | svāgatam | ājñāpyatāṃ kenārtha iti | sa upacārapuraḥsaramukto rājānaṃ punar uvāca varaṃ vṛṇ īṣva,"""Thereupon the king welcomed him and said that he waited for his orders. After being thus complimented, he again addressed the king: […]"" [Speyer 22]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,sa puraḥsara ukta,,,,puraḥsara,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,24,24,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yath ābhilaṣitair akliṣṭaiḥ śiṣṭ^opacāravibhūṣaṇair vipulair arthavisargair yācanakajanaṃ,"""So then, that Great Being bestowed large gifts on the mendicant people all around, and satisfied them wholly, giving to each according to his desire and generously, and adorning his bounty by paying a pious respect to the requesters."" [Speyer 44]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,a śiṣṭa vibhūṣaṇa visarga yācanaka,,,śiṣṭa,vibhūṣaṇa,NA,NA,,,NA,,visarga,,, upacāra,33,33,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ainam abhisamīkṣya samabhigamy^opacārapuraḥsaraṃ samāśvāsayanta ūcuḥ kāntāre,"""[…] and beholding him who offered the miserable appearance of a traveller gone astray, approached him and in a respectful manner spoke to him these words of comfort:"" [Speyer 58]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,puraḥsara samāśvāsayat vac,,,,puraḥsara,NA,NA,,,NA,,samāśvāsayat,,, upacāra,34,34,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha śaśaḥ samupasṛtyainam upacārakriy^ānantaraṃ sabahumānamudīkṣamāṇaḥ svena,"""Then the hare approached, and as soon as he had made his reverence, he bade him accept the offer of his own body. Thus he spoke, looking up to him with great regard:"" [Speyer 60]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,kriyā anantara bahumāna udīkṣamāṇa,,,,kriyā,NA,NA,,,NA,,bahumāna,,, upacāra,54,54,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,śarīraṃ kṛtvā dākṣiṇyavinay^opacāramadhuraṃ pratipūjitas tena rājñā […],"""[…] and made his body as it was before. In return for which the king honoured him by kind attendance in a courteous and reverent manner."" [Speyer 98]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,dākṣiṇya vinaya madhura pratipūjita,,,,,NA,NA,dākṣiṇya vinaya madhura,,NA,,,,, upacāra,55,55,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,arthavisargaiḥ priyavacan^opacāramanoharair atīva prahlādayāmāsa |,"""So he was wont to fill day after day the mendicants who happened to come to him with the utmost gladness by his bounties, given without difficulty, surpassing the objects asked for, and the more lovely, as they were bestowed with deference and kind words."" [Speyer 101]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,visarga priyavacana manohara prahlād,,,,manohara,NA,NA,priyavacana,,NA,,visarga,,, upacāra,56,56,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sa tato vinigṛhya dviradavaram upacārapuraḥsaram abhigamanaprayojanam enān paryapṛcchad […],"""He stopped his excellent elephant, and asked them respectfully the reason of their coming; […]"" [Speyer 102]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,puraḥsara paripṛcch,,,,puraḥsara,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,57,57,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,sasaṃbhram^āmarṣasaṃrambhāt pariśithil^opacārayantraṇam ūcuḥ […],"""Owing to their agitation, resentment, and anger, they neglected the restraint imposed on them by the respect due to their monarch, and spoke:"" [Speyer 104]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,saṃbhrama āmarṣa saṃrambha pariśithila yantraṇa vac,,,pariśithila,,NA,NA,yantraṇa,saṃbhrama āmarṣa saṃrambha,NA,,,,, upacāra,67,67,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] ekānte nikṣipya mūlaphalaṃ yath opacārapuraḥsaraṃ bhartāram abhigamya kva dārakāviti papraccha,"""Having entered the hermitage-ground and put aside her roots and fruits, she went to her husband. After performing the usual salutation, she asked him for the children."" [Speyer 123]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,mūla puraḥsara bhartṛ pṛcch,,,,puraḥsara,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,110,110,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] vinay^aujasvinā yath^ārhamadhur^opacārasauṣṭhavena dharm^ādharmavibhāganipuṇena ca vacasā,"""[…] and his discourses being entirely free from miserable and troublesome hope for gain, were distinguished by his solid learning, by his softness in addressing the audience to whom he paid due honour, and by the skill he displayed in tracing the boundary between actions allowed and forbidden by the Law."" [Speyer 209]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,aujas arha madhura sauṣṭhava dharma adharma vacas,,,arha madhura,sauṣṭhava vacas,NA,NA,,,NA,,dharma adharma,,, upacāra,116,116,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] priyadarśanam upety^opacārapuraḥsaraṃ sasambhramāḥ kim idam iti kārśyanimittamenamapṛcchan,"""Accordingly, after coming into his presence and paying him the usual homage, they asked him with anxious excitement the cause of that emaciation."" [Speyer 221]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,puraḥsara sambhrama pṛcch,,,,puraḥsara,NA,NA,,sambhrama,NA,,,,, upacāra,123,123,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kṛt^ābhyanujñaś ca praviśya yath^opacāraṃ rājasamīpam upajagāma | kim idam iti ca rājñā […],"""After being admitted to the king’s presence, and after the usual salutations, being asked by the king the reason of his return, he said:"" [Speyer 233]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,abhyanujña rājan upagacch,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,abhyanujña,,, upacāra,138,138,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kṛtakamadhur^opacāravacanapracchan na tīkṣṇadaurātmyāni ca prāyeṇa […],"""Generally speaking, the hearts of men are false, their tender compassion is deceitful, and under the guise of delusive sweet words and kind attentions they conceal a cruel and wicked nature."" [Speyer 258]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,kṛtaka madhura vacana tīkṣṇa daurātmya,,,kṛtaka,vacana,NA,NA,madhura,tīkṣṇa daurātmya,NA,,,,, upacāra,150,150,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tatsamīpavartināṃ tu vinay^opacāraśaithilyasaṃdarśanād viraktahṛdayam avetya rājānaṃ,"""Still, when he perceived the coolness and lack of attention from the side of the courtiers, he understood that he had incurred the king’s displeasure, […]"" [Speyer 281]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,vinaya śaithilya virakta,,,,śaithilya,NA,NA,vinaya,virakta,NA,,,,, upacāra,154,154,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,c^ātithijan^opacāreṇa pratipūjyamānaḥ,"""The monarch went to meet him, and showed him every honour and respect due to a guest."" [Speyer 287]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,atithi jana pratipūjyamāna,,,atithi jana,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,172,172,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,rājā kṛtajñatvāttena tasya vinayamadhureṇ^opacāreṇa samāvartitahṛdayaḥ saṃpariṣvajya śarabham […],"""But the king, moved with gratitude for his kind service, so modestly rendered, embraced the śarabha affectionately, saying:"" [Speyer 320]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,vinaya madhura samāvartita,,,,,NA,NA,vinaya madhura,,NA,,,,, upacāra,172,172,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bodhisattvaḥ savinayamadhur^opacāraṃ saṃrādhayan pratyuvāca ,"""Then the Bodhisattva eulogized him in modest, soft and respectful terms, answering thus:"" [Speyer 320]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,vinaya madhura saṃrādhay,,,,,NA,NA,vinaya madhura,,NA,,,,, upacāra,173,173,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kāl^opacārasubhagair vipulaiḥ pradānaiḥ śīlena sādhujanasaṃgataniścayena,"""Gather meritorious actions, the instruments of glory and happiness, by munificent gifts, (taking care) to enhance their charm by (distributing them at the right) time and in a respectful manner; by a moral conduct, the right laws of which thou mayst learn by intercourse with virtuous persons; […]"" [Speyer 321-322]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,subhaga pradāna śīla sādhujana,,,,pradāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,śīla sādhujana,,, upacāra,176,176,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,mṛgā hi vayam anabhyastamānus^opacāraśāṭhyāḥ |,"""I am but a deer, unskilled in the deceitful politeness of men."" [Speyer 327]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,mānuṣa śāṭhya,,,mānuṣa,śāṭhya,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,191,191,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…]atithijanamanoharam upacāravidhiṃ pravartya […],"""He, for his part, performed to them the usual salutation, welcoming them and saying to them kind and courteous things which are agreeable to guests; […]"" [Speyer 354-355]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,atithi jana manohara vidhi pravart tat,,,,vidhi,NA,NA,,,NA,,manohara,,, upacāra,194,194,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ca bhraṣṭavinay^opacārasauṣṭhavaḥ saṃrambhapāpm^ābhibhavād […],"""[…] he lost his countenance, disregarding the laws of decency and politeness, and submitted to sinful wrath."" [Speyer 359]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,bhraṣṭa vinaya sauṣṭhava saṃrambha pāpman,,,bhraṣṭa,sauṣṭhava,NA,NA,vinaya,saṃrambha pāpman,NA,,,,, upacāra,195,195,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bhraṣṭavinay^opacāraśriyaṃ vismṛt^ātmahit^āhitapatham āgatavismayaḥ,"""[…] as he at once understood from that hostile proceeding, though not without astonishment, that it was the eagerness of wrath which caused the king to act in such an unbecoming way that he had thrown off all restraint of politeness and good manners and lost the faculty of distinguishing between his good and evil, […]"" [Speyer 362]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,bhraṣṭa vinaya śrī ātma hita ahita āgata,,,bhraṣṭa,śrī,NA,NA,vinaya,,NA,,hita ahita,,, upacāra,200,200,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,[…] parlokakathāsu śithilavinay ^ opacāragauravabahumānaḥ śramaṇabrāhmaṇeṣu kāmasukhaparāyaṇo babhūva |,"""Being inclined to laugh at tales concerning the other world, and showing but little respect and honour to Śramaṇas and Brāhmans, whom he held in little esteem, he was exclusively given up to sensual pleasures."" [Speyer 372]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,neu.neg,,śithila vinaya gaurava bahumāna śramaṇa brāhmaṇa,,,śithila,,NA,NA,vinaya gaurava bahumāna,,NA,,,śramaṇa brāhmaṇa,, upacāra,218,218,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kṛt^opacārasatkāraś ca tadrūpaśobh^āpahṛtamanās,"""After being received with due respect, he sat down in that place, absorbed in the contemplation of the prince’s beautiful figure."" [Speyer 404-405]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,satkāra,,,,satkāra,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,22,22,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,tu ta cchāntipathena gantum | gate prayāsaṃ hy upacāradoṣair vyādhau cikitsāpraṇayo vighātaḥ || 4 11,"""Nevertheless, it would have been wise to use that way of stopping the illness before its appearance, or immediately after its first symptoms. For if a sickness have already made progress by the fault of bad treatment, the desire for cure will but tend to calamity."" [Speyer 39]",Action/operation,Manner_of_action@Healing/cure,Medical_treatment@Medical_practice,Action/Behaviour,Medical treatment,neu.neg,,cchānti doṣa vyādhi cikitsā,,,,doṣa,NA,NA,,,NA,,cikitsā,,vyādhi, upacāra,61,61,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,vyatītya […] puravar^opacāram anupūrveṇa praviralacchāyadrumaṃ,"""And without the least agitation of mind he passed along the environs of the capital, crowned with charming gardens and groves, and approached the forest, betokened by the gradually increasing rareness of shady trees and […]"" [Speyer 112]",Existence,Relative_position,Nearness,vicinity,vicinity/environ,neu,,vyatye pura cchāya,vyatye,,pura,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,34,34,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,traidhātukavicitrarūp^opacār^opanibaddhaṃ dehabhogapratiṣṭha […],"""[…] that this triple world is manifested and imagined as real, under the influence of the habit-energy accumulated since beginningless time by false reasoning and imagination, and with the multiplicity of objects and actions in close relationship, and in conformity with the ideas of discrimination, such as body, property, and abode."" [Suzuki 71]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,vague,traidhātuka vicitra rūpa upanibaddha deha bhoga,,,vicitra,upanibaddha,NA,NA,rūpa,,NA,,,,, upacāra,86,86,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] yaduta bhūmikram^ānusaṃdhis traidhātukavicitr^opacāraś ca |,"""[…] all is nothing except what is seen of the Mind itself; that is, the continuous development of the successive stages and all the multiple doings of the triple world [—they are all of Mind itself]."" [Suzuki 184]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,vague,traidhātuka vicitra,,,vicitra,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,86,86,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,[…] bhūmikramānusaṃdhivyapadeśaṃ traidhātukavicitr^opacāraś ca vyavasthāpyate buddhadharm ^ālayā ca ||,"""I and all the buddhas establish the doctrine of the stages which develop successively as do all the doings of the triple world."" [Suzuki 184]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,vague,traidhātuka vicitra vyavatiṣṭh/vyavasthāp,vyavatiṣṭh/vyavasthāp,,vicitra,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,92,92,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,anusaranto vividhalakṣaṇ^opacāreṇa ātmātmīyadṛṣṭipatit^āśayā varṇapuṣkalatāmabhiniviśante |,"""As thus they move along, they feed on multiplicities of objects, and fall into the notion of an ego-soul and what belongs to it, and cling to salutary appearances."" [Suzuki 194-195]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,vague,vividha lakṣaṇa dṛṣṭi,,,vividha lakṣaṇa,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,154,154,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,vikalpaḥ puruṣākāro dvidhāvṛttyā pravartate | ātmadharm^opacāraiś ca na ca bālair vibhāvyate ||,"""It is on account of general usage that a dualistic discrimination is set up as regards persons and things; but this is not clearly understood by the ignorant so that [the thought of] an ego-soul and individual objects is cherished."" [Suzuki 278]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neg,vague,āvṛtti ātman dharma bāla,,,ātman dharma,bāla,NA,NA,,,NA,,āvṛtti,,, upacāra,134,134,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,ātm^endriy^opacāraṃ hi tricitte deśayāmy aham |,"""By means of a triple mentality I teach the self, senses, and their behaviour; but the Citta, Manas, and Vijñāna are devoid of self-nature."" [Suzuki 257]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu,,ātman indriya tri diś/deśay,diś/deśay,,,,NA,NA,ātman indriya,,NA,,,,, upacāra,7,7,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,niṣadya upacārāt smitapūrvaṃ bhagavatā kṛt^āvakāśo […],"""Sitting he made courtesy smiling first to the Blessed One for his permission and proposed him a twofold question: […]"" [Suzuki 16]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,,smita,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,smita,,, upacāra,87,87,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,avidyā bodhidharmatā syāt tad upacārāt |,"""Misknowledge is (called) the reality of enlightenment through metaphoric designation."" [Thurman 170]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,vidyā bodhi sa/tad,,,,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,vidyā, upacāra,145,145,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,pūrvābhilāpinyaḥ smitamukh^āś^opacārakuśalāḥ sarvakalāsu vidhijñān ^ ātidīrghā,"""They [the young girls] were gracious in speech, always smiling, skilled in service, and knew well the proper methods of all the arts."" [Boucher 149]",Action/operation,Language@Behaviour,Manner_of_speaking@due_respect/respectful_service,Action/Behaviour,Respectful behaviour,pos,philological,pūrvābhilāpin smitamukha āśā kuśala,,,āśā,kuśala,NA,NA,,,NA,,pūrvābhilāpin smitamukha,,, upacāra,26,26,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,bauddhe gotre tatphalasy^opacārād uktāḥ sarve dehino buddhagarbhāḥ ||,"""The multitudes of living beings are included in the buddha's Wisdom, Their immaculateness is non-dual by nature, Its result manifests itself on the Germ of the buddha; Therefore, it is said: all living beings are possessed of the Matrix of the buddha."" [Takasaki 197]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,vague,phala ukta buddha,,,phala,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,ukta, upacāra,18,18 — 63,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,kṛtiḥśrotṝṇāṃgrahaṇ^ ārtham anyamanasāṃ kāvy^opacārāt kṛtā | yan mokṣāt kṛtam anyad atra hi mayā tatkāvyadharmāt kṛtaṃ […],"""This poem, dealing thus with the subject of Salvation, has been written in the Kāvya style, not to give pleasure, but to further the attainment of tranquillity and with the intention of capturing hearers devoted to other things."" [Johnston 116-117]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,kāvya kṛta dharma,,,kāvya,,NA,NA,,,NA,,dharma,,kṛta, upacāra,16,16 — 38,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,[…] pravigāhyamārgaṃ[…]asy^opacāre dhṛtir ārjavaṃ ca hrīr apramādaḥ praviviktatāca […],"""In following it are required steadfastness, simple-mindedness, self-respect, heedfulness and discrimination, […]"" [Johnston 92]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,pos,,mārga dhṛti ārjava hrī,,,mārga,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacāra,8,8 — 3,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,[…] śrutavidhy^upacārakovidā dvividhā eva tayoś cikitsakāḥ ||,"""[…] and so there are two kinds of physician for it, those skilled in the methods of the sacred lore and those expert in medical treatment."" [Johnston 42]",Action/operation,Manner_of_action@Healing/cure,Medical_treatment@Medical_practice,Action/Behaviour,Medical treatment,neu,,śruta vidhi kovida cikitsaka,,,,cikitsaka kovida,NA,NA,vidhi,,NA,,,,, upacāra,16,16 — 61,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,[…] vadhāya pitt^ātmanas śīta iv^opacāraḥ ||,"""[…] just as pungent treatment does for the man of bilious temperament."" [Johnston 95]",Action/operation,Manner_of_action@Healing/cure,Medical_treatment@Medical_practice,Action/Behaviour,Medical treatment,neu,,a vadha pitta śīta,,,śīta,,NA,NA,,pitta,NA,,,vadha,, upacāra,16,16 — 64,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,[…] eṣa hi śāntimārgo vāyvātmake snigdha iv^opacāraḥ ||,"""[…] for this is the path to peace for the deluded mind, like unctuous treatment for the man of windy temperament."" [Johnston 95]",Action/operation,Manner_of_action@Healing/cure,Medical_treatment@Medical_practice,Action/Behaviour,Medical treatment,neu,,śānti vāyu snigdha,,,snigdha,,NA,NA,,vāyu,NA,,,,, upacāra,1,1,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ātmadharm^opacāro hi vividho yaḥ pravartate | vijñānapariṇāme […],"""The metaphors of ""self"" and ""events"" which develop in so many different ways take place in the transformation of consciousness: […]"" [Anacker 186]",Language,Language@Communication,Expression@Representation,non-literal expression,oblique application of an expression,neu,,ātman dharma vividha pravart vijñāna,,pravart,ātman dharma vividha,,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacārika,40,40,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,katamac catur vidham ? yaduta bāl^opacārikaṃ dhyānam arthapravicayaṃ dhyānam […],"""Further, Mahāmati, there are four kinds of Dhyānas. What are the four? They are : ( 1 ) The Dhyāna practised by the ignorant, […]"" [Suzuki 85]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,,bāla dhyāna,,,bāla,dhyāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacārika,40,40,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate bāl^opacārikaṃ dhyānaṃ katamat ?,"""What is meant by the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant?"" [Suzuki 85]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,,bāla dhyāna,,,bāla,dhyāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacārika,41,41,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,dhyānaṃ […] ottarat^āsaṃjñānirodhād bāl^opacārikaṃ bhavati |,"""This is called the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant."" [Suzuki 85]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,,dhyāna saṃjñā bāla bhav,,bhav,bāla,dhyāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacārika,41,41,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatredamucyate arthapravicayaṃdhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ bāl^opacārikam |,"""There are the Dhyāna for the examination of meaning, the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant; […]"" [Suzuki 86]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,,dhyāna bāla,,,bāla,dhyāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upacārika,117,117,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,arthapravicayaṃ dhyānaṃ dhyānaṃ bāl^opacārikam |,"""There are the Dhyāna for the examination of meaning, the Dhyāna practised by the ignorant; […]"" [Suzuki 238//86]",Action/operation,Action/operation@Behaviour,Manner_of_action@Customary/habitual_mode_of_behaviour,Action/Behaviour,Habitual activity,neu.neg,,dhyāna bāla,,,bāla,dhyāna,NA,NA,,,NA,,,,, upakalpita,20,2280955|20|4 - 3,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha kadācit tasya mahāsattvasya bhojanakāle snāt^ānuliptagātrasya kuśal^odārasūd^opakalpite samupasthite varṇagandharasasparś^ādiguṇasamudite vicitre bhakṣyabhojy^ādividhau [...],"""One day, at meal-time, when the Great Being had just bathed and anointed himself, and a complete dinner made up of various dishes of hard and soft food and the rest, dressed by skilled and excellent cooks, and so prepared as to please by their colour, smell, taste, touch, and so on, was served [pageup, a mendicant came near his house."" [Speyer 36]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,prepared,prepared (esp. food),neu,,bhojanakāla snāta anulipta kuśala udāra sūda samupasthita varṇa gandha rasa sparśa ādiguṇa samudita bhakṣya bhojya ādi vidhi,,,,,bhakṣya bhojya vidhi,kuśala udāra sūda,samupasthita samudita,,,NA,,bhojanakāla,, upakalpita,231,2280955|231|31 - 88,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,vaidyekṣitāni kuśalair upakalpitāni grāmyāṇy anūpajalajāny atha jāṅgalāni | māṃsāni santi kuru tairhṛdayasya tuṣṭiṃ nindāvahādvirama sādhu,"""Meat examined by physicians and dressed by skilful (cooks) is at your disposal. You may take the flesh of domestic animals, of fishes living in waterbasins, and also venison."" [Speyer 428]",Creation,Creation,Preparation@arrangement,prepared,prepared (esp. food),neu,,vaidya īkṣita kuśala māṃsa,,,,,māṃsa,kuśala,īkṣita,,,NA,,,, vac,26,26,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,imāṃ prajñāpāramitām udgṛhṇāti dhārayati vācayati paryavāpnoti pravartayati,no translation available,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,recite,pos,,prajñāpāramitā dhṛ paryavāp,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,NA,,,NA,,dhṛ paryavāp,NA,, vac,43,43,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa pravrajitvāna imaṃ samādhiṃ dhāritva vācitva paryāpuṇitvā | kalpāna koṭyaḥ paripūrṇa viṃśatiṃ na jātu gacche vinipātabhūmim||SRS_8.9||,"""29) And having been ordained he bore this samādhi in mind, read it, mastered it, and for full 200 millions of aeons never was he reborn in a miserable state."" [Regamey 72]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,recite,pos,,samādhi dhar paryāp,,,,,samādhi,NA,dhar paryāp,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,192,192/19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tajjaṃ vākkāyakarmaṇī ||4.1||,"""[Ic-d. Volition is mental action:] it gives rise to two actions, bodily and vocal action."" [Pruden 552]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,kāya karman,,,,karman,,NA,kāya,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,40,040/10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vāgādīnāṃ ca |,"""In the same way, the voice, [hands, feet, the anus, and the penis are predominant with regard to words, grasping, walking (viharanacankramana), excretion, and pleasure.]"" [Pruden 158]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,ādi,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,208,208/23 208/24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yattarhi bhagavatoktaṃ kāyena saṃvaraḥ sādhu sādhu vācā atha saṃvaraḥ | manasā saṃvaraḥ sādhu sādhu sarvatra saṃvaraḥ | iti,"""The Blessed One said, 'Good is discipline of the body, discipline of the voice, discipline of the mind, discipline in all things';"" [Pruden 586]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,sādhu saṃvara,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,211,211/10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra kāyavācor asaṃvaraṇād asaṃvaraḥ |,"""1. It is undiscipline, because there is no constraining of the body and voice."" [Pruden 590]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,kāya a saṃvaraṇa a,,,,saṃvaraṇa,,NA,kāya,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,217,217/07,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kiṃ svabhāvāni śaraṇagamanāni | vāgvijñaptisvabhāvāni |,"""What is the nature of the undertakings of the Refuges? They are vocal vijñapti (iv. 3d)."" [Pruden 603]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,vijñapti svabhāva,,,,vijñapti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,245,245/05 245/06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nirodhāc ca vāgvijñapter avijñaptir eva syāt karmapathaḥ |,"""[In the first hypothesis, you admit that the course of action takes place when the person addressed has understood the meaning;] it follows then that the course of action is solely avijñapti: [for the person addressed understood the meaning through mental consciousness, which is consecutive to auditory consciousness;] and the vijñapti, or vocal action, perishes [at the same time as the auditory consciousness. There is no longer any vijñapti at the moment when the person addressed understands.]"" [Pruden 653]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,vijñapti a,,,,vijñapti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,260,260/24 260/25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tat punar mṛṣāvādaḥ | sa punaḥ saṃghabhedasahaje vāgvijñaptyavijñaptī |,"""[The schismatic possesses the transgression of schism,] which is lying. This lying arises at the same time as the schism itself; it consists of vocal vijñapti and avijñapti."" [Pruden 682]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,mṛṣā vāda vijñapti a,,,,vijñapti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,418,418/13,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tisro nāmarthavāgjñānam avivartyaṃ yathākramam |,"""38a-b. The first three are unhindered knowledges bearing, in this order, on name, the thing, speech."" [Pruden 1152]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,vague,nāman artha jñāna,,,,jñāna,,NA,nāman artha,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,419,419/15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,vāci prathamakāmayoḥ |,"""40b. The Unhindered Knowledge of speech exists in Kāmadhātu and the First Dhyāna."" [Pruden 1154]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,prathama kāma,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,198,198/20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kathaṃ mārgasamāpannasya samyagvākkarmāntājīvā bhavantīti |,"""How does the saint, when he has attained the Way, [when he sees or meditates on the Truths,] possess correct speech, action, and livelihood?"" [Pruden 566]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,samyañc karmānta ājīva bhū,,,samyañc,,,NA,karmānta ājīva,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,203,203/11 203/12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tato api mithyādṛṣṭer mithyāsaṃkalpaḥ prabhavati mithyāvāg mithyākarmāntam ity evam ādi,"""Yet the Blessed One said, 'From bad views there proceeds bad resolution, bad speech, bad action, bad livelihood.'"" [Pruden 576]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,neu.neg,,dṛṣṭi saṃkalpa prabhav mithyā karmānta,,prabhav,mithyā,,,NA,saṃkalpa karmānta,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,371,371/09 371/10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,samyagvākkarmāntājīvā nābhisthānīyāḥ,"""Right Speech, Right Actions, and Right Livelihood are similar to the axle;"" [Pruden 996]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,samyañc karmānta ājīva,,,samyañc,,,NA,karmānta ājīva,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,43,043/14 043/15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sa tasmāt vyutthāya cittam utpādayati vācaṃ ca bhāṣate,"""... coming out of the absorption, he produces the thought and pronounces the words: ..."" [Pruden 165]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,citta bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,419,419/10 419/11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,anye tu dve dharmaniruktipratisaṃvidau saṃvṛtijñānasvabhāve nāmakāyādivāgālambanasvabhāvatvāt |,"""Two Unhindered Knowledges (of the dharmas and of etymological explanation) are conventional knowledge, for they have names, phrases, and syllables, etc., and speech, for their object."" [Pruden 1153]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,nāman ādi ālambana svabhāvatva,,,,ālambana,,NA,nāman,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,80,080/24 080/25,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,nanu caite vāksvabhāvatvāc chabdātmakā iti rūpasvabhāvā bhavanti,"""[1. Objection of the Sautrāntikas:] Are not words, phrases, and phonemes (nāman, pada, vyañjana) 'voice' (vāc) by nature, and consequently 'sound' (śabda)? Hence they form part of the rūpaskandha;"" [Pruden 251]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu,,svabhāvatva śabda ātmaka,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,śabda,NA,, vāc,80,080/25 080/26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,naite [....] svabhāvāḥ | ghoṣo hi vāk na ca ghoṣamātrenārthāḥ pratīyante |,"""[The Sarvāstivadins:] They are not 'voice.' Voice is 'vocal sound,' and a vocal sound only; for example, a cry does not cause one to attain to or comprehend an object."" [Pruden 251]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu,,ghoṣa pratī,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,6,006/26 006/27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sattvākhyo vāgvijñaptiśabdaḥ |,"""Third category: sound of vocal action."" [Pruden 65]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu,,sattva ākhya vijñapti,,,,vijñapti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,133,133,ajitasenavyakarana,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dvādaśahalyāni pravahiṣyanti ye evaṃ vāg bhāṣiṣyante |,"""[their tongues will be twelve yojanas long,] and will be furrowed by twelve plows. They will speak thus,..."" [Hirabayashi_et.al. 130]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,322,322,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,tatra katamā samyagvāk yayā rāge nātmānaṃ na parāṃś ca tāpayati,"""What is right speech? Monks, it is [speech] free from rudeness, falsehood, slander, and frivolity."" [Samtani 161]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,samyañc na,,,samyañc,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,322,322,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,iyam ucyate samyagvāk |,"""This, monks, is right speech."" [Samtani 161]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,samyañc,,,samyañc,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,322,322,arthaviniscaya,śāstra,commentarial,abhidharma,buddh,samyagdṛṣṭiḥ samyaksaṃkalpaḥ samyagvāk samyakkarmāntaḥ,"""Right view, right thought, right speech, right action,..."" [Samtani 161]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,saṃkalpa samyañc karmānta,,,samyañc,,,NA,,,NA,,saṃkalpa karmānta,NA,, vāc,86,86,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,kālika uvāca | na śakyaṃ vāgbhiḥ saṃprakāśayitum api tu saṃkṣepaṃ śṛṇu,""" 'I am unable fully to describe it in words,' replied Kalika,' but, in brief, listen: ..."" [Strong 249]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,na saṃprakāś,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,82,82,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,śrutāstvayā tasya nararṣabhasya vāco manojñāḥ prathamā vane asmin ||,"""You heard in this wood the first delightful words of the leader of mankind!"" [Strong 246]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,śruta nara rṣabha manojña,śruta,,rṣabha manojña,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,82,82,asokavadana,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,saṃśrutā yaiś ca vācas tasya manoramāḥ ||,"""[They are fortunate and of great merit those who witnessed] the birth of the Sage and heard his delightful voice."" [Strong 245]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,pos,,saṃśruta manorama,saṃśruta,,manorama,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,162,162,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathā yathā ca tasya tāni kuśalamūlāni vivardhante tathā tathā sa bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ kāyapariśuddhiṃ ca parigṛhṇīte vākpariśuddhiṃ ca parigṛhṇīte cittapariśuddhiṃ ca parigṛhṇīte|,"""And as those wholesome roots of his go on increasing, in due course he will gain the perfect purity of body, speech and thought."" [Conze 326]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,kāya parigṛh citta,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya citta,NA,, vāc,24,24,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sattvaḥ sattva iti vācaṃ bhāṣeta,"""[If a Tathāgata, with his voice of infinite range, with the deep thunder of his voice,] should pronounce, [for aeons countless as the sands of the Ganges,] the word ‘being,’ ‘being,’ – ..."" [Conze]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,iti bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,58,58,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,vācā neṣyati vineṣyati anuneṣyati," ""he would by his words, lead him to it, educate him in it, illuminate its benefits to him” [Conze]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,nī,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,62,62,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,vācā neṣyati vineṣyati anuneṣyati," ""he would by his words, lead him to it, educate him in it, illuminate its benefits to him” [Conze]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,nī,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,62,62,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ ca vācaṃ bhāṣeta,"""no translation available""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,63,63,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ ca vācaṃ bhāṣeta,"""no translation available""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,65,65,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,vācā neṣyati vineṣyati anuneṣyati," ""he would by his words, lead him to it, educate him in it, illuminate its benefits to him” [Conze]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,nī,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,65,65,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ ca vācaṃ bhāṣeta,"""no translation available""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,80,80,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ ca vācam abhāṣanta,"[""They played on heavenly musical instruments [in honour of the Lord]] and they said: ..."" [Conze 158]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,53,53,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,vācā neṣyati vineṣyati artham asyā asmai saṃprakāśayiṣyati,"""... would, by his words, lead him to it, educate him in it, illuminate its benefits to him,..."" [Conze 105]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,nī artha,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,91,91,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,neyaṃ tathāgatabhāṣiteti vācaṃ bhāṣiṣyante,“translation not available”,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,na tathāgata bhāṣita iti bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,178,178,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,na mayā āyuṣman śāriputra ete dharmā evaṃ sākṣātkṛtāḥ yathainān vācā bhāṣe |,"""[Sariputra: Maitreya, have you then perhaps really witnessed those dharmas in the way in which you teach?] Maitreya: I have not."" [Conze 360]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,168,168,bhaisajyaguru,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,te parasparaṃ vigrahītacittāḥ nānāvidham akuśalam abhisaṃskurvanti kāyena vācā manasā anyonyam ahitakāmā nityaṃ parasparamanarthāya parākrāmanti |,"""Those beings, having mutually aggressive thoughts, perform various kinds of unmeritorious action through body, speech (and) mind;"" [Schopen 256]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neg,,a kuśala abhisaṃskar kāya manas a,,,,,,NA,kāya manas,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,194,194,bhavanakrama1&3,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,yat kiñcid bodhisattvānāṃ kāyakarma yat kiñcid vākkarma yat kiñcin manaḥkarma,"""Now, whatever way the bodhisattvas act through body, speech and mind,...."" [Sharma 43]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,bodhisattva kāya karman manas,,,,karman,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,426,426,bhavasamkranti,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,mohajaṃ karmābhisaṃskaroti kāyena vācā manasā,"""Being enamoured, he enacts deed generated through desire, hatred and ignorance, with his body, speech and mind."" [Vinita 427]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,moha karman abhisaṃskṛ kāya manas,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,5,5.109,bodhicaryavatara,lit,commentarial,poetry,madhyamaka,kāyenaiva paṭhiṣyāmi vākpāṭhena tu kiṃ bhavet | cikitsāpāṭhamātreṇa rogiṇaḥ kiṃ bhaviṣyati ||109||,"""Thus I read with the body, but what good is speaking and reading? What good is a mere medical treatise to the sick?"" [Matics 181]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,kāya pāṭha,,,,pāṭha,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,261,261,bodhicaryavatarapanjikā9,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,tatra pañca karmendriyāṇi vākpāṇipādapāy ūpasthalakṣaṇāni |,"""Therein there are five action capacities characterised by speaking, grasping, moving, excreting, and generating;"" [Oldmeadow]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,karman pāṇi pāda pāyu upastha,,,,,,NA,pāṇi pāda pāyu upastha,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,202,202,bodhicaryavatarapanjikā9,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,ekakramapadavyatihāraṃ vā atikramya vācaṃ bhāṣeta namastasmai buddhāya bhagavate iti,no published translation available,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣ iti,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,76,Dutt76/Wog107,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yeṣāñ cābhyanujñātā kāyena vācā manasā kriyā,"""[Regarding those things that the Blessed One forbade being done by body, speech, and mind] and those that he approved of being done by body,..."" [Engle 194]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,kāya manas kriyā,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,79,Dutt79/Wog113,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ityebhiścaturbhirupāyairyatparigṛhītaṃ samastair vyastair vā bodhisattvasya kāyakarma vākkarma manaskarma |,"""Those deeds of body, deeds of speech, and deeds of mind that are governed by these four types of means, either collectively or individually,..."" [Engle 203]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,bodhisattva kāya karman manas,,,,karman,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,97,Dutt97/Wog139,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,apramādavihārī kāyena vācā |,"""One abides in [a state of] mindfulness in relation to [one's] body and speech."" [Engle 241]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,a pramāda vihārin kāya,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya,NA,, vāc,207,Dutt207/Wog301,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tad eva yathāśaktyā yathābalaṃ kāyena vācā upasaṃharati |,"""[The essential nature of [a bodhisattva's] sympathy that relates to his or her activities] is a bodhisattva's use of his or her body and speech [to provide sentient beings with [the aims of] that very attitude,] as much as he or she is able and with all his or her strength."" [Engle 495-6]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,kāya upasaṃhar,,,,,,NA,kāya,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,151,Dutt151/Wog220,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatreyaṃ caturvidhavāgviśuddhiḥ | mṛṣāvādāt prativiratiḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], these are the four types of purity of speech: (I) the abandonment of false speech;…"" [Engle 370]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,viśuddhi mṛṣā vāda,,,,viśuddhi,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,52,Dutt52/Wogihara74,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vācaś ca bhāṣaṇā,"[As soon as he is born, he takes seven steps upon the earth without being held by anyone,] ""...and he also utters speech."" [Engle 134]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,bhāṣaṇā,,,,bhāṣaṇā,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,89,Dutt89/Wog128,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,na khalu punarbodhisattvaḥ utsahate yācanakaṃ niṣṭhurayā vācā pratikṣeptum |,"""Now then a bodhisattva is incapable of rejecting a petitioner by saying in a harsh manner, ..."" [Engle 223]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,niṣṭhura pratikṣip,,,niṣṭhura,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,99,Dutt99/Wog142,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,kutaḥ punaḥ pāpikāṃ vācaṃ niścārayiṣyati pratihaniṣyati vā,"""[The bodhisattva who is established in the morality of restraint does not even become angry with others when struck with a hand, a lump of earth, a stick, or a weapon,] much less does he or she utter evil speech or return the blow."" [Engle 247]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,pāpika niścar,niścar,,pāpika,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,115,Dutt115/Wog168,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yathāpi tad bodhisattvaḥ utpathacāriṇo anyāyacāriṇaḥ sattvān paruṣayā vācā tīkṣṇayā avasādayati,"""Another example would be a situation in which a bodhisattva, using intensely harsh speech, reproaches beings who are pursuing a wrong path and conducting themselves improperly, ..."" [Engle 281]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,bodhisattva a sattva paruṣa tīkṣṇa avasad,,,paruṣa tīkṣṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,124,Dutt124/Wog180,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yasya kasyacicchrāvakayānīyasya vā mahāyānīyasya vā antike deśayitavyā yastāṃ vāgvijñaptiṃ pratibalaḥ syād avaboddhaṃ pratigrahītum |,"""[It should be understood that all of these offenses are included within (the category of) a bodhisattva's misdeeds and] they are to be confessed before any follower of the Listeners' Vehicle or follower of the Great Vehicle who is able to comprehend and accept the [appropriate] verbal informative form."" [Engle 301]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,vijñapti pratibala,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,127,Dutt127/Wog185,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,mṛṣā vācaṃ bhāṣeta,"""[I am one who does not want anyone to deprive me of my life, who does nor want anyone to take anything of mine that was nor given,] who does not want anyone to lie to me,..."" [Engle 308]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,mṛṣā bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,mṛṣā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,149,Dutt149/Wog217,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvo manāpāṃ satyāṃ dharmyāñ cārthopasaṃhitāñ ca sattveṣu vācam udāharati |,"""Here a bodhisattva utters speech to sentient beings that is appealing, truthful, relates to Dharma, and is meaningful."" [Engle 365]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,bodhisattva manāpa satya dharmya artha upasaṃhita sattva udāhar,Speech,,manāpa satya dharmya upasaṃhita,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,149,Dutt149/Wog217,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yā ca vāg bodhisattvasyānandanī,"""(2) It is also the speech of a bodhisattva that pleases [beings]."" [Engle 366]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,bodhisattva ānandanin?,,ānandanin?,bodhisattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,149,Dutt149/Wog217,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yā ca bodhisattvasya sarvākāraguṇopetadharmadeśanāpratisaṃyuktā vāk,"""(3) It is also a bodhisattva's speech that contains Dharma teachings endowed with every type of [spiritual] good quality,..."" [Engle 366]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,bodhisattva dharmadeśanā pratisaṃyukta,,pratisaṃyukta,bodhisattva,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,198,Dutt198/Wog292,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,trividhaṃ satyam | lakṣaṇasatyaṃ vāksatyaṃ kriyāsatyaṃ ca |,"""Truth is threefold [in the sense of] the truth that relates to attributes, the truth that relates to speech, and the truth that relates to actions."" [Engle 478]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,lakṣaṇa satya kriyā,,,,satya,,NA,,,NA,,lakṣaṇa kriyā,NA,, vāc,7,7 6,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,uccerur uccair iti tatra vācas tad darśanād vismayajā munīnām ||,"""The sages living there, when they saw him, exclaimed loudly these words of amazement: ['Is he, perhaps, an eighth Vasu? Or one of the Ashvins fallen to earth?'*]"" [Olivelle 189]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,udcar iti,udcar,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,3,3.7,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atho narendraḥ sutam āgatāśruḥ śirasy upāghrāya ciraṃ nirīkṣya gaccheti cājñāpayati sma vācā snehān na c ainaṃ manasā mumoca ||3.7||,"""Then, the king, his eyes filled with tears, sniffed his sons head, looked at him long;* although with the word 'Go!' he gave the command, in his mind out of love he did not let him go."" [Olivelle 61]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,gacch iti ājñā,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,3,3.41,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,ambeti vācaṃ karuṇaṃ bruvāṇaḥ paraṃ samāśritya,"""[His belly swollen, his body heaves as he pants; his arms and shoulders droop, his limbs are thin and pale;] Leaning on someone, he cries ‘Mother!’ piteously; [tell me, who is this man?]"" [Olivelle 73]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,ambā iti brū,brū,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1 56,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,divyā mayādityapathe śrutā vāg bodhāya jātas tanayas taveti ||,"""[But as to the reason for my visit, listen to it and be joyful at heart;] On the sun’s path I heard a voice divine: ‘To you a son is born For Awakening.’*"" [Olivelle 21]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,pos,,divya śruta iti,śruta,,divya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,10,10 5,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,prakīrṇavācaḥ pathi maunam īyuḥ,"""Those who were pompously dressed felt ashamed, those chattering on the road fell silent upon seeing him."" [Olivelle 281]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu.neg,,prakīrṇa mauna,,,prakīrṇa,,,NA,,mauna,NA,,,NA,, vāc,2,2.31,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,vāgbhiḥ kalābhir lalitaiś ca hāvair madaiḥ sakhelair madhuraiś ca hāsaiḥ | taṃ tatra nāryo ramayāṃ babhūvur bhrūvañcitairardhanirīkṣitaiśca ||2.31||,"""In that palace women entertained him with soft voices and alluring gestures, with playful drunkenness and sweet laughter, with curling eyebrows and sidelong glances."" [Olivelle 47]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu,,kala hāva mada hāsa nārī ram,,,kala,,,NA,hāva hāsa,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,22,22,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ime punarbhavantaḥ sattvāḥ kāyasucaritena samanvāgatā [vāksucaritena samanvāgatā manaḥsucaritena samanvāgatā]āryāṇāmanapavādakāḥ|,"""Again, o honorable ones, these living beings who are provided with good deeds of body (Ko. p. 59), of word and of mind, and who do not blame the saints,..."" [Honda 161]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,,kāya sucarita samanvāgata manas,,,,sucarita,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,16,16,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa c āntaśa itihāsapūrvakamapi vacanaṃ parihārya pariharati kaḥ punar vādo vāgvikṣepeṇa ||,"""He abandons the words to be left so much as (a word) based on legendary history, how much less a speech by confused words."" [Honda 146]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,vacana parihar vāda vikṣepa,,,,vikṣepa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,20,20,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmānudharmapratipattyā ime buddhadharmā anugantavyā na kevalaṃ vākkarmapariśuddhyeti |,"""...he reflects thus ‘These buddha’s laws should be attained by practising the law in all its parts, not only by purifying the act of (speaking) word.’"" [Honda 159]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,na karman pariśuddhi,,,karman,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,15,15,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,so antaśaḥ svapnāntaragato api vinidhāya dṛṣṭiṃ kṣāntiṃ ruciṃ matiṃ prekṣāṃ visaṃvādanābhiprāyo nānṛtāṃ vācaṃ niścārayati kaḥ punar vādaḥ samanvāhṛtya |,"""Even in a dream he does not utter false word intending deception, having fixed view, intellectual receptivity, pleasure, thought and consideration, how much less with deliberate intention."" [Honda 145]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,anṛta niścar,niścar,,anṛta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,15,15,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa yeyaṃ vāg adeśā karkaśā parakaṭukā parābhisaṃjananī anvakṣānvakṣaprāgbhārā grāmyā pārthagjanakī anelā akarṇasukhā krodharoṣaniścāritā hṛdayaparidahanī manaḥsaṃtāpakarī apriyā amanaāpā amanojñā svasaṃtānaparasaṃtānavināśinī tathārūpāṃ [...] prahāya,"""He abandoned such words — all the words of wrong place, rough, pungent for others, vulgar, low (Ko. p. 39), impure (of voice), not pleasant to hear, issuing out from anger and wrath, burning the heart, heating the mind, disagreeable, not attractive, not lovely, destructive to own mental continuity and other’s mental continuity."" [Honda 145-6]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,a deśa karkaśa,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,46,46,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,anikṣepam aprakṣepam vāk pathasamatikrāntam sarvatrānugatamapratiṣṭhitam |,"""[Space] ...no removal, no addition. It is beyond the realm of words. It reaches and enters everywhere."" [Salvini 1.58]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,a a patha samatikrānta a,,,,patha,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,27,27,jnanalokalamkara,sūtra,foundational,buddh,buddh,puṣpāṇi ca kṣiperan gandhāṃś ca kṣiperann evaṃ vācaṃ bhāṣante | vayam apy evaṃrūpā bhavema,"""They would scatter flowers and offer perfumes toward it, saying, ‘May we also obtain such a body [as that of Śakra,]..."" [Salvini 1.21]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,14,14,karikasaptati,śāstra,classical,buddh,yogācāra,deśitas tu dvayāgrāhyo avācyo avākpathalakṣaṇāt ||15||,"""15. [By the fact of being apparitional, the apparitional body is not really the buddha, nor any Law has been taught by it;] on the contrary it has been taught that no dharma can ever be grasped in either way, viz. either (as dharma or as non-dharma as stated before) and that it is therefore inexpressible because it transcends the path of words. [End of chapter 7] "" [Tucci 100]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,a vācya a patha lakṣaṇa,,,,patha,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,60,60v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,apariśuddhakāyakarmasamudācāra apariśuddha vākkarmasamudācāraḥ apariśuddhamanaskarmasamudācāraḥ,"""Nonetheless, his behaviour, his bodily, vocal and mental actions are impure."" [Pasadika 166]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,kāya a pariśuddha karma samudācāra manas,,,,karma,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,53,53v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatra na karmo na karmābhisaṃskāro nāpi tatra gotre kāyena karma kṛyate na vācā na manasā |,"""As for this lineage, there is no action and no performance of action, and in this lineage no bodily, vocal or mental action is performed."" [Pasadika 157]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neg,,kāya karman kṛ na manas,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,manas,NA,, vāc,42,42,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,samyaksaṃbuddhā mukhāny upadarśya sarva kāyamukhavācā saṃdarśanen^ādhiṣṭhānaṃ kurvanti |,"""[They will immediately see the Tathagatas, Arhats, Fully-Enlightened Ones appearing before them personally, who come from all the different abodes in the ten quarters of the world and] who now facing the Bodhisattvas will impart to them their sustaining power displayed with the body, mouth, and words."" [Suzuki 88]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,pos,,sarva kāya mukha saṃdarśana,,,,saṃdarśana,,NA,kāya mukha,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,tatra mahāmate lakṣaṇavāk svavikalparūpanimittābhiniveśāt pravartate |,"""Now, Mahāmati, the words denoting individual marks rise from discriminating forms and characteristic signs as real in themselves and becoming attached to them."" [is vāc really 'words' here or 'language/statements' in general? BGH: ""words denoting individual marks originate from attachment to (the presence of) obvious/""natural""? substance and characteristics (of things?)] [Suzuki 76]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,lakṣaṇa pravart,,pravart,lakṣaṇa,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,bhagavānāha śirauronāsākaṇṭhatālvoṣṭhajihvādantasamavāyān mahāmate vāk pravartamānā pravartate |,"""Said the Blessed One: Mahāmati, the word-discrimination goes on taking place by the coordination of the head, chest, nose, throat, palate, lips, tongue, and teeth."" [Suzuki 76]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,śiras uras nāsā kaṇṭha tālu oṣṭha jihvā danta samavāya pravart,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,bhagavān āha na hi mahāmate vāg vikalpād anyā nānanyā |,"""[Said Mahāmati; Again, Blessed One, (87) are words to be considered different (anya) or not-different (ananya) from discrimination?] Replied the Blessed One: Mahāmati, they are neither different nor not-different."" [Suzuki 76]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,na vikalpa anya,,anya,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,58,58,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,svapratyātmagatigocaraṃ vāgvikalparahitam akṣaragatidvayavinirmuktam|,"""...for the realm of self-realisation is free from words and discriminations, having nothing to do with dualistic terminology."" [Suzuki 124]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,gati vikalpa akṣara,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,60,60,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,pratyātmādhigamaviśeṣalakṣaṇaṃ vāgvikalpākṣararahitam,"""Now, Mahāmati, by the realisation itself is meant that it is the realm of inner attainment; its characteristic features are that it has nothing to do with words, discriminations, and letters;"" [Suzuki 128]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,vikalpa akṣara rahita,,,,rahita,,NA,vikalpa akṣara,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,63,63,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,evam eva mahāmate vāgvikalparutapradīpena bodhisattvā,"""Just so, Mahamati, by means of the lamp of words and speech originating from discrimination, the Bodhisattva[-Mahāsattvas can enter into the exalted state of self-realisation which is free from speech-discrimination.]"" [Suzuki 134]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,vikalpa ruta pradīpa,,,,pradīpa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,65,65,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,vāgakṣaraprativikalpanaṃ ca vinihatya,"""[When we understand well what is meant by attachment to the existence of all things and the detachment from them,] we shall destroy our discrimination of words and letters;"" [Suzuki 138]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,akṣara prativikalpana,,,,prativikalpana,,NA,akṣara,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,84,84,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,lokāyatikadṛṣṭipatitaḥ syāt vāgmātratvāt sarvabhāvānām |,"""This is cherishing the view of the Lokayatika, according to which all things are reducible to mere words [because their self-nature is never seen as born.]"" [Suzuki 179]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,mātra,,,mātra,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,36,36,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,bhagavān asyaitadavocat caturvidhaṃ mahāmate vāgvikalpalakṣaṇaṃ bhavati |,"""The Blessed One said this to him: There are, Mahāmati, four kinds of word-discrimination."" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,vikalpa lakṣaṇa bhū,,,,vikalpa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.21,madhyamakahrdayakarika,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,adarśanam asaṃkalpo vāgavyāhṛtir akriyā | anājīvo asamārambho asaṃpramoṣo asthitistathā ||,"""[Someone who practices the path that begins with right vision as] no vision, no thought, no speech, no action, no livelihood, no effort, no mindfulness, and no concentration, . . ."" [Eckel 135]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,neu.neg,philological,darśana saṃkalpa a vyāhṛiti kriyā ājīva,,,,vyāhṛiti,,NA,darśana saṃkalpa kriyā ājīva,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.74,madhyamakahrdayakarika,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,vāgnirvacanataḥ kaścit kriyate na praśāntadhīḥ | vidvāṃsastatra bhotsyante vacasaḥ sāraphalgutām ||,"""One does not calm the mind without using words. Let scholars understand which words have substance and which do not."" [Eckel 211]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,nis vacana vacas,,,,vacana,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,54,54,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parasaṃprāpaṇāṅgaṃ samyaksaṃkalpaḥ samyagvāk ca |,"""The limb which serves for its attainment by others is right intention and right speech,..."" [Anacker 250]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,saṃkalpa samyañc,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,54,54,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasya samyagvācā kath sāṃkathyaviniścayena prajñāyāṃ saṃbhāvanā bhavati |,"""It is through right speech, i.e. the certainty of suggestions and discourses, that a cultivation of insight arises in others."" [Anacker 250]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Philosophy@Morality,speech,speech as part of the Eightfold Path,pos,,samyañc kathā sāṃkathya viniścaya saṃbhāvanā bhū,,,viniścaya,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,78,78,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vāksaṃpattau ślokaḥ |,"""A verse on the perfection of speech:..."" [Thurman 155]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,sampatti śloka,,,,sampatti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,86,86,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,āgamādhigamavākkaraṇanirāmiṣacittākilāsitvaguṇayogāt|,"""[This second (verse) shows (the spiritual teacher to be a truly reliable) holy person] when he has the good qualities of doctrinal learning, realization, eloquence, non-exploitativeness, and non-indolence."" [Thurman 168]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,karaṇa citta guṇa yoga,,,,karaṇa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,3,3,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na hi vinā vācā padavyañjanair artho vibhāvayituṃ śakyata iti|,"""Without phonemes, words, and expressions, it is impossible to exhibit meaning."" [Thurman 3]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,other,vinā pada vyañjana artha vibhū śak,,,,,,NA,pada vyañjana,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,78,78,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,adīnā madhurā sūktā pratītā viṣadā tathā vāg jinātmaje | yathārhā nirāmiṣā ca parimitākṣayā tathā|| AMsa_12.7 ||,"""7. The speech of the victor-children is powerful, gentle, eloquent, sensible, appropriate, non-exploitive, measured, and expansive."" [Thurman 155]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,adīna madhura sūkta pratīta viśada,,,adīna madhura sūkta pratīta viśada,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,79,79,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,punaraparaṃ śāntamate tathāgatasya ṣaṣṭyākāropetā vāg niścarati,"""Furthermore Śāntamati, the speech of the transcendent lords issues forth endowed with sixty aspects."" [Thurman 156]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,vague,tathāgata ṣaṣṭi ākāra upeta niścar,,niścar,tathāgata upeta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,81,81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ākhyāti vācā | prajñāpayati padaiḥ suyuktaiḥ |,"""(Teaching) is given expression through speech. It makes the subject known with reasonable words."" [Thurman 158]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,ākhyā prajñā pada,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,25,25,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,utpattivākcittaśubhāśubhādhitatsthānaniḥsārapadāparokṣam | jñānaṃ hi sarvatragasaprabhedeṣv avyāhataṃ dhīragataḥprabhāvaḥ|| AMsa_7.1 ||,"""1. The power of the bodhisattva who has achieved bravery lies in his intuitive knowledge of lives, speech, minds, the sum of good and evil, proper destinations, and transcendence -- (such psychic powers being) unobstructed throughout the universe regarding all varieties (of beings)."" [Thurman 55]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,pos,other,utpatti citta aparokṣa jñāna,,,,aparokṣa,,NA,utpatti citta,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,17,17.4,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,vāg viṣpando aviratayo yāś cāvijñapti saṃjñitāḥ |,"""Whatever (1) speech and (2) movements and (3) 'unconscious not-letting-go,' (4) other kinds of unconscious letting-go are also regarded like that."" [Batchelor]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,viṣpanda virati a vijñapti,,,,,,NA,viṣpanda virati,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.105,pramanavarttika4,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,pramāṇa,sva[...]virodhe abhedaḥ syāt svavākśāstravirodhayoḥ | puruṣecchākṛtācāsya paripūrṇā pramāṇatā ||,"""If there is contradiction with one's own words, then there would be no difference between contradiction with one's own words and contradiction with a treatise. Moreover, its being a pramāṇa due to the person's acceptance is fulfilled [also in the case of one's own words! Therefore, a treatise is no different from one's own words]."" [Tillemans 147]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,a śāstra virodha,,,,virodha,,NA,śāstra,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.108,pramanavarttika4,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,pramāṇa,śāstraṃ yat siddhayā yuktyā svavācā ca na bādhyate | dṛṣṭe adṛṣṭe api tad grāhyaṃ iti cintā pravartate||,"""That treatise which is not invalidated by proven reasoning or by its own words with regard to [respectively] empirical [objects] (dṛṣṭa) and to nonempirical [objects] (adṛṣṭa) [i.e., atyantaparokṣa] is to be accepted. And thus [for this second purpose] analysis [consisting chiefly in revealing contradictions between prior and subsequent propositions] occurs."" [Tillemans 152]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,śāstra yukti sva na bādh a,,,sva,,,NA,yukti,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.57,pramanavarttika4,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,pramāṇa,dharmānanupanīyai va dṛṣṭānte dharmiṇo akhilān | vāgdhūmāder jano anveti caitanyadahanādikam ||,"""A person infers [things] such as consciousness and fire from [reasons] such as speech and smoke [respectively] without in any way adducing every one of the subject's properties in the example."" [Tillemans 87]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,dhūma ādi jana anve caitanya dahana,,,,,,NA,dhūma,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4.96,pramanavarttika4,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,pramāṇa,udāharaṇam apy atra sadṛśaṃ tena varṇitam | pramāṇānām abhāve hi śāstravācor ayogataḥ ||,"""Here he [i.e., Dignāga] stated the same example too [viz., 'There are no pramāṇas which have prameyas (something to be cognized) as their objects' (na santi pramāṇāni prameyārthānīti)]. Indeed, this is because both a treatise and [one's own] words are improper in the absence of any pramāṇas."" [Tillemans 136]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,a śāstra a yoga,,,,yoga,,NA,śāstra,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,225,225,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,sa rakto duṣṭo mūḍhaḥ san trividhaṃ karma abhisaṃskaroti kāyena vācā manasā |,"""En proie à la concupiscence, à l’aversion et à l’erreur, il effectue le triple acte par le corps, la parole et d'esprit."" [May 248]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,karman abhisaṃskar kāya manas,,,,,,NA,kāya manas,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,133,133,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,tatra kuśalākuśalā vā vāk sarvaiva viratyaviratilakṣaṇā,"""Enfin, toute voix bonne aux mauvaise caractérisée par un renoncement..."" [Lamotte 269]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,kuśalā akuśala,,,akuśala,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,144,144,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,evaṃ tair vāg bhāṣitā,no translation available,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣita,bhāṣita,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,156,156,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,vāg niścarati buddhasya,"""de même le mots de Bouddha se propagent,..."" [DeJong 24]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,niścar buddha,,niścar,buddha,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,159,159,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,prapañcair aprapañcitaṃ vāgbhir avyāhṛtam ity arthaḥ ||,""" 'Non-manifestée par des idées discursives', c'est-à-dire non-exprimée par des mots."" [DeJong 30]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,prapañca a vyāhṛta,,,,,,NA,,,NA,prapañca,,NA,, vāc,215,215,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,iti kṛtvā kutas tatra paramārthe vācāṃ pravṛttiḥ kuto vā jñānasya,"""comment les mots ou la connaissance pourraient-ils s’appliquer à la réalité absolue?"" [May 228]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neg,,paramārtha pravṛtti,,,,pravṛtti,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,236,236,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,atha ca yathādhimuktāḥ sarvasattvā nānādhātvāśayāstāṃ tāṃ vividhāṃ tathāgatavācaṃ niścarantīṃ saṃjānanti |,"""Yet all creatures, according to their propensities, perceive the voice of the perfected one as it issues forth in the various dialects of their homelands;"" [Sprung 263]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,vividha tathāgata niścar saṃjān,saṃjān,,tathāgata niścar,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,243,243,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,śokasamutthito vākpralāpaḥ paridevaḥ |,"""Les lamentations sont le flot de paroles que provoque le chagrin."" [May 264]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neg,,śoka samutthita pralāpa parideva,,,samutthita,pralāpa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,40,40,prasannapada,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,madhyamaka,ityuktam etat | etena vaktā vācaṃ bhāṣate kartā kriyāṃ karoti iti,"""...le parleur prononce la parole..."" [May 72]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,vaktṛ bhāṣ kriyā,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kriyā,NA,, vāc,154,154,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vākkāyamānasaviśuddha mune tribhaveṣvalipta jalapadmamiva|,"""[I salute you, Sage, who has gone to the farther shore of the three states of existence,] pure in speech, body, and mind, undefiled in the three states of existence like a lotus in water, ..."" [Boucher 160]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,kāya mānasa viśuddha,,,,viśuddha,,NA,,,NA,,kāya mānasa,NA,, vāc,149,149,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anusrota sarvajagatī pratisrotā so ahaṃ vācā na śakyam iha pārthiva bodhi prāptum |,"""The whole world goes with the stream, but I go against it. One cannot achieve enlightenment, King, by mere words."" [Boucher 154]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neg,,na śak bodhi prāp,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,13,13,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,te tatonidānaṃ kāyena vācā manasā rāgajam api karmābhisaṃskurvanti|,"""Due to this [origination of Defilement], they make the actions born of Desire by means of body, speech and thought,..."" [Takasaki 170]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neg,,kāya manas karma abhisaṃskṛ,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya manas,NA,, vāc,104,104,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,vāgghoṣodāharaṇena nairyāṇikīṃ pratipadamārabhya tadavavādānuśāsanam anuśāstiprātihāryam |,"""And, with reference to the Path leading to Deliverance, [the buddha] preaches and instructs that Path [to the others] by the example of the utterance of his voice. This is called ‘the manifestation of miracle through instruction’."" [Takasaki 363]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,pos,,ghoṣa udāharaṇa avavāda anuśāsana,,,,ghoṣa,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1.22,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,nivṛttir aśubhāt kṛtsnāt pravṛttis tu śubhe sadā | manasā karmaṇā vācā dharmo ayaṃ dvividhaḥ smṛtaḥ ||1.22||,"""Refraining from every sinfulness and constant practice of sinlessness with mind, body, and word: this is styled the twofold law."" [Tucci BP, no p. no.]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,pravṛtti manas karman,,,,,,NA,manas karman,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,159,159,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anekānyaprameyāṇyasaṃkhyeyāni sattvāni vinītāni | tāvad aprameyāṇy asaṃkhyeyāni yāvad vācā na śakyaṃ vijñāpayituṃ cittena vā cintayitum |,"""Mañjuśrī answered: Many, innumerable, incalculable beings have I educated, so innumerable that words cannot express it, nor thought conceive it."" [Kern 249]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,na śak vijñā,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,160,160,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,samanantarabhāṣitā ceyaṃ mañjuśriyā kumārabhūtena vāk tasyāṃ velāyām anekāni padmasahasrāṇi samudramadhyād abhyudgatāni upari vaihāyasam |,"""No sooner had Mañjuśrī, the prince royal, spoken these words than instantaneously many thousands of lotuses rose from the bosom of the sea up to the sky,..."" [Kern 249]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣita ayam an,,bhāṣita,ayam,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,160,160,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,smitamukhī paramayā śubhavarṇapuṣkalatayā samanvāgatā maitracittā karuṇāṃ ca vācaṃ bhāṣate |,"""With a bland smile on the face and in the bloom of an extremely handsome appearance she speaks words of kindliness and compassion."" [Kern 251]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,karuṇā bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,karuṇā,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,42,42,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,anumodi ekaṃ pi bhaṇeya vācaṃ kṛta sarvabuddhāna bhaveya pūjā||2.138||,"""137. [(So wonderful) and far more wonderful is the law I proclaim. Any one who, on hearing a good exposition of it,] shall cheerfully accept it and recite but one word of it, will have done honour to all buddhas."" [Kern 58]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,eka bhaṇ,bhaṇ,,eka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,267,267,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ye īdṛśānāṃ sūtrāntalekhakānāṃ sūtrāntavācakānāṃ ca sūtrāntadhārakāṇāṃ ca sūtrāntadeśakānāṃ ca apriyāṃ vācaṃ bhūtām abhūtāṃ vā saṃśrāvayiṣyanti,"""If one speaks an unkind word, true or not true, to such writers, readers, and keepers of this Sutrānta, it must be considered a very heinous sin."" [Kern 439]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,sūtrānta vācaka a priya bhūta saṃśru,saṃśru,,priya bhūta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,65,65,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaścāpi te bhāṣati kaści sattvo anumodayāmīti vadeta vācam | mūrdhnena cedaṃ pratigṛhya sūtraṃ avivartikaṃ taṃ naru dhārayestvam ||3.106||,"""106. And if some one speaks to you these words, 'I joyfully accept,' and with signs of utmost reverence receives this Sutra, thou mayst consider that man to be unable to slide back."" [Kern 91]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,iti vad,vad,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,4,4,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,katamaśca sa kumāra sarvadharmasvabhāvasamatāvipañcito nāma samādhiḥ yaduta kāyasaṃvaraḥ | vāksaṃvaraḥ | manaḥsaṃvaraḥ |,"""Young man, what is the samādhi called the revealed equality of the nature of all phenomena? It is restraint of the body. It is restraint of the speech. It is restraint of the mind."" [Roberts 1.26-1.27]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,kāya saṃvara manas,,,,saṃvara,,NA,kāya manas,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1.47,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,vyastais tais tair guṇair yuktān mativāgvikramādibhiḥ |,"""47. They appointed ministers according to their possession of the various qualities, such as wisdom of counsel, eloquence and courage, to corresponding offices."" [Johnston 5]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,pos,,guṇa mati vikrama ādi,,,,,,NA,mati vikrama,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,8,8.35,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,vacanena haranati valgunā niśitena praharanti cetasā | madhu tiṣṭhati vāci yoṣitāṃ hṛdaye hālahalaṃ mahadviṣam ||8.35||,"""35. Women captivate with sweet words and strike with their sharp minds. Honey is on their tongues and the great poison, hālahala, in their hearts."" [Johnston 45]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,madhu tiṣṭha yoṣit,,,yoṣit,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,tiṣṭha, vāc,10,10.54,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,asūn vimokṣyāmi vimuktamānasa prayaccha vā vāgamṛtaṃ mumūrṣave ||10.54||,"""I shall yield up my life, O Thou Whose mind is freed, if Thou dost not grant me, who am dying, the elixir of Thy speech."" [Johnston 59]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,vimukta prayacch amṛta mumūrṣu,,,,amṛta,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,7,7.24,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,bhāvena garveṇa gatena lakṣmyā smitena kopena madena vāgbhiḥ | jahruḥ striyo devanṛparṣisaṃghān kasmāddhi nāsmadvidhamāṣipeyuḥ ||,"""24. For women have captivated crowds of divine and royal seers by their passion, pride, gait, beauty, smiles, anger, intoxication and voices. How then should they not attract a man like me?"" [Johnston 38]",Physical_sensation,Language@Physical_sensation,Voice/vocal_sound,speech,uttered sound,neu.neg,,mada har,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,55,55,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,samanantarabhāṣitā cāyuṣmat ānandeneyaṃ vāk atha tāvad eva so amitābhas tathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ svapāṇitalāt tathārūpāṃ prabhāṃ prāmuñcat,"""Then, no sooner had the reverend Ananda said these words, than Amitabha, the Tathagata, Arhat, perfect and full buddha, sent a ray of light from the palm of his hand, [and this ray was so bright that even buddha-fields a hundred thousand million buddhafields away were filled with great splendor.]"" [Gomez 102]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣita,bhāṣita,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,24,24,sukhavativyuha,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathāvidhaṃ tyaktvā yad vākkarma svaparobhaye hitasukhasaṃvartakaṃ tad evābhiprayuktavān,"""Giving up such speech he used only those words that bring benefit and happiness to oneself, others, or both."" [Gomez 79]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,karman hita sukha saṃvartaka abhiprayukta,,,,karman,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,274,274.2-278.3,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,sarvavāc^ārthasaṃyuktaḥ sarvānarthavivarjitaḥ |,"""meaningful in every word, free from all that is evil;"" [Rajapatirana 102]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,sarva artha saṃyukta,,,,artha,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,153,153.3-156.5,suvarnavarna,avadāna,foundational,storyTelling,buddh,hā kena dāruṇañ vācā karmedaṃ tava kāritaṃ |,"""Alas! who by his order caused this dreadful deed to be done to you? [Who is persistent in his enmity towards me? To whom am I not dear? (10)]"" [Rajapatirana 61]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech@Command,speech,command,neu.neg,,ka dāruṇa karman kṛ,,,ka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,8,8,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,naitatsuvikrāntavikrāmin vāṅmātraṃ yaduta bodhisattvabhūmir iti | na ca vācā śakyam anuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhimabhisaṃboddhum|,""" 'The stage of a Bodhisattva,' that is not mere speech, nor can one through speech fully know the supreme enlightenment."" [Conze 13]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,na samyañc saṃbodhi abhisaṃbudh,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,8,8,suvikrantavikramin,sūtra,classical,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,na hi vākkarmaṇā bodhiḥ prāpyate,"""For it is not by a deed of speech that one can attain enlightenment..."" [Conze 13]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,na karman bodhi prāp,,,,karman,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,6,6r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ajñānānupraviṣṭāḥ na te tathāgata vācaṃ mukhadvārān niścarantīṃ saṃjānate |,"""[the beings who have penetrated the knowledge of the secret of Tathāgata’s speech] do not think that the Tathāgata’s speech issues forth from his mouth""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,a jñān tathāgata mukha niścar saṃjān,saṃjān,,tathāgata niścar,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evam eva śāntamate tathāgata vāk satvāśayavijñaptito niścarati,"“Just so, Śāntamati, the Tathāgata’s speech arises as a manifestation of the beings inclinations ”",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,tathāgata vijñapti niścar,,niścar,tathāgata,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śāntamate tathāgatavāgratnam adhyāśayapariśuddhaṃ mahākaruṇādhvajāgrāvabaddhaṃ yasya satvasya yādr̥śobhiprāyaḥ sa tādr̥śāṃ tathāgatavacaṃ niścarantīṃ saṃjānāte,"""the jewel of Tathāgata’s speech, once fixed on top of the standard of great compassion [and] purified with good intentions, is thought to produce a discourse of the Tathāgata that matches the aspirations of each sentient being""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,other,tathāgata ratna,,,tathāgata,ratna,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yādṛśobhiprāyaḥ sa tādṛśāṃ tathāgatavācaṃ niścarantīṃ saṃjānāte,"""[even if some beings, because of their karmic maturation,] are predisposed and inclined to think that the Tathāgata’s speech issues forth [from his body] in such ways""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,tathāgata niścar saṃjān,saṃjān,,tathāgata niścar,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,7,7v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,idam api kulaputra tathāgatasya vāgguhyaṃ ||,“This is the mystery of the Tathāgata’s speech”,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,other,tathāgata guhya,,,tathāgata,guhya,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,8,8r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,asyāṃ khalu punaḥ vāgāścaryatāyāṃ,“the wonder of the Tathāgata’s speech”,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,other,āścaryatā,,,,āścaryatā,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,paritrāyaśvety evaṃ vācaṃ bhāṣante sma |,"""They said: ‘please protect us!’""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,iti bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kulaputra yadā bhagavataivaṃ vākpravyāhṛtā cakṣuḥ kauṇḍinyānityam,"“then the buddha said: ‘Kauṇḍinya, the eye is impermanent’ """,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,pravyāhṛta,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,3,3r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kasyaitad devaputra pratibhānāṃ | āha yasya sarvavāsanā prahīṇā apagatavākpathānām anabhilāpya paramārthānām anabhiniviṣṭānām etat pratibhānaṃ ,"“Who is eloquent? one who has destroyed all karmic traces, is removed from the ways of word and is not attached to the inexpressible ultimate reality”",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,other,apagata patha an abhilāp,,,,patha,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,5,5r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathāgatasya khalu punaḥ śāntamate vāk ṣaṣṭyākāravaropetā niścarati | katamaiḥ ṣaṣṭyākārais tadyathā snigdhā ca niścarati mr̥dukā ca manojñā ca manoramā ca śuddhā ca vimalā ca …,"""Furthermore, Śāntamati, truly the Tathāgata’s speech issues forth endowed with sixty excellent characteristics. What are the sixty? It issues forth being soft, tender, pleasant, charming, pure…""",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,tathāgata ṣaṣṭi ākāra vara upeta niścar,,niścar,tathāgata,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,92,92,trimsikabhasya,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,yogācāra,ayañ ca vāgduścaritaprasavakarmakaḥ |,""" This is bad verbal action and its maturation """,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu.neg,,duścarita prasava,,,,duścarita,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,234,234,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,hāsasya vācaḥ viṣpandanāyāḥ,“translation not available”,Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,hāsa viṣpandanā,,,,,,NA,hāsa viṣpandanā,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,316,316,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,atra jñāpayate vāg asad iti tan na pratinihanti ||64||,"""[Regarding your assertion that the statement of the negation of the non-existent is established without words, we observe:] Here speech makes it known as non-existent, it does not deny it. [Bhattacharya 42]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,jñā a as iti,,jñā,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,3,3. 52,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sā na śakyā kāyena vācā cittenābhisaṃboddhum |,"""Enlightenment cannot be realized, either physically or mentally."" [Thurman 35]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu.neg,,śak kāya citta,,,,,,NA,,,NA,,kāya citta,NA,, vāc,12,12. 21,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,atha te bodhisatvā ekasvareṇa vācam abhāṣanta,"""Then all the bodhisattvas said together in one voice, ..."" [Thurman 101]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bodhisattva eka svara bhāṣ,bhāṣ,,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,7,7. 4,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sādhu sādhu mañjuśrīḥ subhāṣitā ta iyaṃ vāg bhūtam |,"""Good! Good Mañjuśrī! This is indeed well spoken! This is right!"" [Thurman 66]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,neu,,bhāṣita bhūta,,,bhūta,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,1,1. 10,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ekāṃ ca vācaṃ bhagavān pramuñcase nānārutaṃ ca pariṣad vijānati |,"""The blessed one expresses himself in a single sound and beings, each according to his category, grasp its meaning; this is an exclusive attribute of the Victorious One."" [Lamotte 12-13]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,utterance/words,pos,,eka bhagavant pramuñc nānā ruta,pramuñc,,eka,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vāc,9,9,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadi vijñāptimātram ev edaṃ na kasyacit kāyo asti na vāk ||,"""If this [world] is nothing but Manifestation-Only, and no one has a body or voice, [how does the death of rams and others being attacked by butchers come about?]"" [Silk 131]",Language,Language@Physical_sensation,Speech,speech,speech,neu,other,kāya as na,,as,,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vikalp,89,89,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,prāgevabodhisattvenasarvapariṣkārāḥ sarvadeyadharmā daśasu dikṣu viśuddhenāśayena buddhabodhisattvānāṃ nisṛṣṭā bhavanti vikalpitāstadyathāpi nāma bhikṣurācāryāya vā upādhyāyāya vā cīvaraṃ vikalpayet |,"""A bodhisattva has from the outset dedicated and entrusted, with a pure attitude, all his or her possessions and objects suitable for practicing charity to the buddhas and bodhisattvas throughout the ten directions, in the same way that a fully ordained monastic dedicates his or her robes to a teacher or preceptor."" [Engle 223]",Giving,Give@Offering,Divide@Distribute/deal_out,offering,offering,pos,,bodhisattva pariṣkāra deyadharma viśuddha āśaya nisṛṣṭa bhav vikalpita bhikṣu ācārya upādhyāya cīvara,,,,,cīvara,bhikṣu,,,,vikalpita,,ācārya upādhyāya,, vikalpa,22,022|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi pañca vijñānakāyāḥ savitarkāḥ savicārāḥ kathamavikalpakā ityucyante | nirūpaṇānusmaraṇavikalpenāvikalpakāḥ | trividhaḥ kila vikalpaḥ |,"""But, if the five sense consciousnesses are always accompanied by vitarka and vicāra, how are they defined as free from vikalpa?"" [Pruden, Poussin 97]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vijñāna vitarka vicāra a vac,,,a,vijñāna,,,,,,,vitarka vicāra,,, vikalpa,22,022|19,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,yadi pañca vijñānakāyāḥ savitarkāḥ savicārāḥ kathamavikalpakā ityucyante | nirūpaṇānusmaraṇavikalpenāvikalpakāḥ |,"""They are free from vikalpa to the extent that they are free from nirūpaṇavikalpa and from anusmaraṇavikalpa."" [Pruden, Poussin 97]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,nirūpaṇa anusmaraṇa a,,,nirūpaṇa anusmaraṇa,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,22,022|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,trividhaḥ kila vikalpaḥ | svabhāvābhinirūpaṇāanusmaraṇavikalpaḥ | tadeṣāṃ svabhāvavikalpo asti | netarau | tasmādavikalpakā ityucyante |,"""[...] vikalpa is of three types: vikalpa in and of itself or by definition, vikalpa consisting of examination, and vikalpa consisting of remembering."" [Pruden, Poussin 97]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,trividha svabhāva abhinirūpaṇā anusmaraṇa,,,trividha svabhāva abhinirūpaṇā anusmaraṇa,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,22,022|20-022|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tadeṣāṃ svabhāvavikalpo asti | naitarau | tasmādavikalpakā ityucyante | yathā ekapādako aśvo apādaka iti |,"""The five sense consciousnesses include the first type of vikalpa but not the other two. This is why one says that they are free from vikalpa, in the same way that when a horse has only one foot, one says that it does not have any feet."" [Pruden, Poussin 97]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,svabhāva as,,as,svabhāva,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,22,022|22,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra svabhāvavikalpo vitarkaḥ | sa caitteṣu paścānnirdekṣyate | itarau punaḥ kiṃsvabhāvau | yathākramaṃ tau prajñā mānasī vyagrā smṛtiḥ,"""""Vikalpa by definition"" is vitarka, which we shall study in the chapter on the mental states. As for the other two vikalpas: They are dispersed mental prajñā, mental memory whatever it may be."" [Pruden, Poussin 97]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,svabhāva vitarka prajñā mānasa vyagra smṛti,,,svabhāva vitarka prajñā mānasa vyagra smṛti,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,22,022|25-022|26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,manovijñānasaṃprayuktā prajñā mānasīityucyate | asamāhitā vyagrāityucyate | sā hyabhinirūpaṇāvikalpaḥ |,"""Mental prajna, that is, the discernment of the dharmas associated with the mental consciousness, but dispersed, that is to say, not concentrated, not in the state of absorption, is either vikalpa of examination or by definition."" [Pruden, Poussin 97-98]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,manas vijñāna prajñā mānasa asamāhita vyagra abhinirūpaṇā,,,vijñāna prajñā vyagra abhinirūpaṇā,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,40,040|20,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,matavikalp^ārtho vāśabdaḥ | apare punarāhuḥ[...],"""The expression ""or rather"" introduces the explanation of other masters."" [Pruden, Poussin 159]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,mata artha vā śabda,,,mata,artha,,,,,,vā,,,, vikalpa,54,054|01-054|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atra punarjātidravyaṃ gṛhyate | bhūtacatuṣkāntarāṇāṃ svajātyanatikramāt | kaḥ punaryatsa evaṃ vikalpena vaktum | cchandato api hi vācāṃ pravṛttirarthastu parīkṣyaḥ |,"""This answer is not good, for each of these four derived elements is supported by all four of the primary elements. The molecule will then consist of twenty dravyas. No, [answer the Vaibhasikas,] for we are speaking of the nature of the primary elements, solidity, etc. The nature of all four of the primary elements remains the same, in that they support the derived element of odor or the derived elements of visibles, tastes, and tangibles. But why do you express yourself in an ambiguous manner and use the word dravya in two different meanings? Words are subject to caprice, but one must examine their meaning."" [Pruden, Poussin 188]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,jāti bhūta catuṣka sva jāty ka vac/vak chanda vāc pravṛtti artha parīkṣya,,,,pravṛtti,,,,,,,,chanda,ka vac/vak, vikalpa,330,330|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,duḥkhapratikāre ca sukhabuddher duḥkhavikalpe ca | na hi tāvat sukhamiti vedyate kiñcidyāvanna duḥkhāntareṇopadruto bhavati,"""Because the idea of pleasure has for its object, not a real pleasure, but sometime a remedy for suffering or a modification of suffering. (a) As long as a person is not tormented by sufferings which are caused by hunger, thirst, cold, heat, fatigue, or desire, he will not have any sensation which he will feel to be agreeable."" [Pruden, Poussin 903]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,pratikāra sukha buddhi duḥkha,,,duḥkha,,,,,,,,pratikāra,,buddhi, vikalpa,330,330|20-330|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tasmāt pratīkāra evāviduṣāṃ sukhabuddhirnasukhe duḥkhavikalpe ca bālaḥ sukhabuddhimutpādayanti yathāṃśādaṃśaṃ bhāraṃ saṃcārayantaḥ |,"""Consequently the ignorant have the idea of pleasure, not with regard to true pleasure, but with regard to the relief of suffering. (b) Fools also have the idea of pleasure with regard to the modification of suffering: for example to pass a burden from one shoulder to another."" [Pruden, Poussin 903]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,pratīkāra sukha buddhi duḥkha sukha saṃcar,,,duḥkha,,,,,,saṃcar,,pratīkāra,,buddhi, vikalpa,412,412|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,daśa vā nava vāiti matavikalpā artho vāśabdaḥ |,"""Not available""",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,mata artha vā śabda,,,mata,artha,,,,,,vā,,,, vikalpa,38,038|15-038|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,strīpuruśaindriyayostāvatsattvabhedavikalpayoḥ | tatra sattvabhedaḥ strī puruṣa iti |,"""The sexual organs are the predominating influence (1) with regard to the distribution of living beings: it is by reason of these two that living beings form the categories of male and female;"" [Pruden, Poussin 154]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,sort/type,neu,,strī puruśa indriya sattva bheda,,,indriya bheda,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,38,038|17-038|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sattvavikalpaḥ stanaādisaṃsthānasvaraācārānyathātvam | saṃsleśavyavadānayorityapare |,"""[...] and (2) with regard to the differentiation of living beings: by reason of these two organs, there are, among the sexes, differences of physical form, voice, and manner of being. Some other masters do not admit this explanation."" [Pruden, Poussin 154]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,sort/type,neu,,sattva stana ādi saṃsthāna svara ācāra anyathātva,,,sattva,,,,,,anyathātva,,,,, vikalpa,40,040|12-040|13,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,cittaāśrayastadvikalpaḥ sthitiḥ saṃkleśa eva ca | saṃbhāro vyavadānaṃ ca yāvatā tāvadindriyam ||,"""The support of the mind; that which subdivides, prolongs, and defiles this support; that which prepares the purification and which does purify it: these are all the indriyas"" [Pruden, Poussin 158]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,sort/type,neu,,citta āśraya sthiti saṃkleśa saṃbhāra vyavadāna indriya,,,citta,indriya,,,,,,,āśraya sthiti saṃkleśa saṃbhāra vyavadāna,,, vikalpa,40,040|14-040|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra cittaāśrayaḥ ṣaḍindriyāṇi | etacca ṣaḍāyatanaṃ maulaṃ saṭtvadravyam | tasya strīpuruṣavikalpaḥ strīpuruṣaindraiyābhyāṃ sthitirjīvitaindriyeṇa saṃkleśo vedanābhiḥ |,"""The support of the mind consists of the six organs of consciousness, from the organ of sight to the mental organ. These are the six internal āyatanas which are the primary constituents of a living being. This sixfold support is differentiated by reason of the sexual organs. It lasts for a time by reason of the vital organ. It is defiled by reason of the five sensations."" [Pruden, Poussin 158]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,sort/type,neu,,citta āśraya āyatana saṭtva strī puruṣa indraiya,,,strī puruṣa,,,,,,,,,indraiya,, vikalpa,42,042|05-042|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,anyathācakāyikamsukhamanugṛhṇātyanyathā caitasikam | evam duḥkhamanyathā kāyikamupahantyanyathā caitasikam | upekṣāyāṃ tveṣa vikalpo nāstyata upekṣaṇaṃ pratyavikalpanādabhedaḥ |,"""Accordingly as the agreeable or disagreeable sensations are bodily or mental, they do good or harm according to a mode of operation that is special to them, and they are not felt in the same way."" [Pruden, Poussin 162]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu.neg,,anyathā kāyika caitasika upekṣā na as,,as,na,,,,,upekṣā,anyathā,,,,, vikalpa,330,330|17-330|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,duḥkhautpattirityādita eva te duḥkhahetavo na sukhasya | ante tu tadduḥkhaṃ vṛddhimāpannaṃ vyaktimāpadyata iti | evamīryāpathavikalpe api vaktavyam |,"""Because the causes of pleasure are not always the causes of pleasure. The things that one pretends to be causes of pleasure,-food, drink, cold, warmth, etc.,-when they are grasped or experienced to excess or out of season become causes of suffering. Now it is inadmissible that a cause of pleasure, because it has increased, or presents itself at a different moment,—even if it remains completely the same,—would produce suffering. Consequently these pretended causes of pleasure are, from their origins, the causes of suffering and not the causes of pleasure: for later suffering will grow and become felt. The same holds for the four positions (īryāpatha), the position of lying down, sitting down, etc."" [Pruden, Poussin 902-903]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,,duḥkha ādi anta īryāpatha,,,ādi anta īryāpatha,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,332,332|26,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,evaṃ śrāntasyaīryāpathavikalpeṣu veditavyam | ante kuto duḥkhabuddhirārambho yadi nādita iti cet |,"""The same explanation holds for the impression of pleasure brought about by the changing of bodily position which has caused fatigue."" [Pruden, Poussin 908]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,,īryāpatha anta duḥkha ādi,,,īryāpatha anta ādi,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,102,102,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,avikalpapāramitā iyaṃ bhagavan vikalpasamatāmupādāya |,"""This perfection is undiscriminated, because of the basic identity of all that is discriminated."" [Conze 152]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,pāramitā samatā upādāda,,,,,,,,pāramitā samatā,,,,,, vikalpa,147,147,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bodhisattvair mahāsattvair abhisaṃbuddhā evaṃ bhavanti sarvadharmāḥ tat kasya hetoḥ? na hyatra bhagavan kaścid vikalpaḥ | bhagavānāha evametatsubhūte evam etat | yattatpāraṃ na tatra kaścidvikalpaḥ |,"""Subhuti: If form, etc., and all dharmas are the Beyond, then surely the Bodhisattvas must fully know all dharmas. Because there is no discrimination between them. The Lord: So it is. In that Beyond there is no discrimination."" [Conze 189]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sarva dharma na,,,sarva dharma na,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,147,147,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,avikalpatvātsubhūte bodhisattvairmahāsatvairabhisaṃbuddhā eva bhavanti sarvadharmāḥ |,"""Subhuti: If form, etc., and all dharmas are the Beyond, then surely the Bodhisattvas must fully know all dharmas. Because there is no discrimination between them. The Lord: So it is. In that Beyond there is no discrimination. Through their non-discrimination do all dharmas become fully known to the Bodhisattvas."" [Conze 189]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,a abhisaṃbuddha sarva dharma,,,a,sarva dharma,,,,abhisaṃbuddha,,,,,, vikalpa,3,3,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,kā punareṣā āyuṣman subhūte acittatā ? subhūtirāha avikārā āyuṣman śāriputra avikalpā acittatā ||,"""Sariputra: What then is this state of absence of thought? Subhuti: It is without modification or discrimination."" [Conze 84]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vikāra a cittatā,,,a,cittatā,,,,,,,vikāra,,, vikalpa,148,148,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathāākāśamanāgatamagatamakṛtamavikṛtamanabhisaṃskṛtamasthitamasaṃsthitamavyavasthitamanutpannamaniruddham evamevasubhūte sarvadharmā anāgatā āgatā ākṛtā avikṛtā anabhisaṃskṛtā asthitā asaṃsthitā avyavasthitā anutpannā aniruddhā ākāśakalpatvādavikalpāḥ |,"""Space has not come, nor gone, it is not made, nor unmade, nor effected; it has not stood up, does not last, nor endure; it is neither produced nor stopped. The same is true of all dharmas which are, after the fashion of space, undiscriminate."" [Conze 189-190]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sarva dharma ākāśa kalpa a,,,a,sarva dharma,,,,ākāśa,,,,kalpa,, vikalpa,153,153,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathā tathāgatatathatā avikārā nirvikārā avikalpā nirvikalpā evaṃ hi subhūtitathatā avikārā nirvikārā avikalpā nirvikalpā |,"""Subhuti’s Suchness is immutable and unchangeable, undiscriminated and undifferentiated, just as the Suchness of the Tathagata."" [Conze 193]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathāgata tathatā vikāra a,,,a,,,,,tathatā,,,vikāra,,, vikalpa,153,153,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evaṃ hi subhūtiḥ sthavirastayā tathatayā avikāro nirvikāro avikalpo nirvikalpastathāgatasyānujātaḥ |,"""It is thus that Subhuti the Elder, immutable, unchangeable, undiscriminated, undifferentiated, through that Suchness, is born after the image of the Tathagata."" [Conze 193]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathatā vikāra a,,,a,,,,,tathatā,,,vikāra,,, vikalpa,154,154,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,yathā tathāgatatathatā sarvatra sarvadharmeṣvavikalpā nirvikalpā evaṃ subhūtitathatā sarvatra sarvadharmeṣvavikalpā nirvikalpā |,"""Just as the Suchness of the Tathagata is undiscriminated and undifferentiated, at all times and in all dharmas, so also the Suchness of Subhuti."" [Conze 194]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathāgata tathatā sarva dharma a,,,a,,,,,tathatā,,,,dharma,, vikalpa,157,157,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,asadbhūtatvātsubhūte durabhisaṃbhavā anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhiḥ | avikalpatvātsubhūte durabhisaṃbhavā anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhiḥ | aviṭhapitvātsubhūte durabhisaṃbhavā anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhiḥ |,"""The Lord: Because it cannot possibly come about is full enlightenment hard to win, because in reality it is not there, because it cannot be discriminated, because it has not been fabricated [as a false appearance]."" [Conze 197]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sadbhūtatva a samyaksaṃbodhi viṭhapitva,,,a,,,,,samyaksaṃbodhi,,,sadbhūtatva viṭhapitva,,, vikalpa,161,161,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvāścaetāstathatāyā advayā advaidhīkārā avikalpā nirvikalpā iti tāṃ tathatāṃ tāṃ dharmatāmavataranti |,"""With the thought that all these [levels] are, through Suchness, not two, nor divided, not discriminated, undiscriminate, he enters on this Suchness, this nature of dharma."" [Conze 200]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sarva tathatā dvaya dvaidhīkāra nir,,,nir,sarva,,,,tathatā,,,dvaya dvaidhīkāra,,, vikalpa,172,172,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,subhūtirāha yadā bhagavan abhisaṃskāro vikalpa ityuktaṃ bhagavatā tadā kathaṃ bahutaraṃ puṇyaṃ prasavatiityucyate ?,"""Subhuti: How can one say that he begets the greater merit since the Lord has described all accumulations as the result of false discrimination?"" [Conze 211]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,abhisaṃskāra vac/vak puṇya,,,,abhisaṃskāra,,,,puṇya,,,,,, vikalpa,176,176,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,avikalpo hi āyuṣman śāriputra svapnaś ca divasaścaukto bhagavatā |,"""Subhufi: If it increases through development by day, then it also increases in one who dreams [about it]. For the Lord has said that dream and waking are indiscriminate, [essentially the same]."" [Conze 215]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,a svapna divasa,,,a,svapna divasa,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,177,177,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,tasyāpi karmaṇa ācayo vā upacayo vā bhavet? subhūtirāha no hīdamāyuṣman śāriputra | tatkasya hetoḥ? sarvakalpavikalpaprahīṇo hi tathāgataḥ |,"""Sariputra: If as a result of such conscious reflections the deed of that man is added on to his collection of karma, then the deed of the buddha, the Lord, when he, thinking to himself, consciously forms the notion that he wants to enter extinction, will also be added to the buddha’s heap and collection of karma? Subhuti: No, indeed not, Sariputra. For the Tathagata is one who has forsaken all reflections and discriminations. Space on its own cannot raise a deed or a thought without the help of an objective support."" [Conze 215-216]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,sarva kalpa prahīṇa tathāgata,prahīṇa,,sarva,,,,kalpa,tathāgata,,,,,, vikalpa,218,218,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,nāma bhagavan ākāśasya naivaṃ bhavati kasyacidahamāsannaḥ kasyacidvā dūra iti | tatkasya hetoḥ? avikalpatvādbhagavan ākāśasya | evameva bhagavan prajñāpāramitāyāṃ carato bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya naivaṃ bhavati anuttarāṃ,"""It does not occur to space that “I am near to this, or, I am far from that.” For space does not make such discriminations. Just so it does not occur to a Bodhisattva who courses in perfect wisdom that “full enlightenment is near to me, the level of Disciple and Pratyekabuddha is far from me.”"" [Conze 257]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,a ākāśa prajñāpāramitā,,,a,,,,,prajñāpāramitā ākāśa,,,,,, vikalpa,218,218,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,samyaksabodhirmamāsannā śrāvakabhūmiḥ pratyekabuddhabhūmiś ca mama dūra iti | tatkasya hetoḥ ? nirvikalpatvādbhagavan prajñāpāramitāyāḥ |,"""Just so it does not occur to a Bodhisattva who courses in perfect wisdom that “full enlightenment is near to me, the level of Disciple and Pratyekabuddha is far from me.” For the perfection of wisdom does not make any discriminations."" [Conze 257]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nir prajñāpāramitā,,,nir,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,,,,,, vikalpa,218,218,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhavati māyākāro mam^āsannaḥ yaḥ punaranyo janakāyaḥ saṃnipatitaḥ sa mama dūra iti | tatkasya hetoḥ ? avikalpatvādbhagavan māyāpuruṣasya |,"""It is as with a man created by magical illusion to whom it does not occur that “the conjurer is near to me, but the assembled crowd of spectators is far from me.” For illusory men make no such discriminations."" [Conze 257]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,āsanna dūra a māyāpuruṣa,,,āsanna dūra a,,,,,māyāpuruṣa,,,,,, vikalpa,219,219,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,pratyekabuddhabhūmiś ca mama dūre anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhirmam^āsann^eti | tatkasya hetoḥ ? avikalpatvādbhagavannirmitasya |,"""An expert mason, or mason's apprentice, might make of wood an automatic man or woman, a puppet which could be moved by pulling the strings. Whatever action it were made to perform, that action it would perform. And yet that wooden machine would have no discriminations."" [Conze 258]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dūra āsanna a nirmita,,,dūra āsanna a,,,,,nirmita,,,,,, vikalpa,219,219,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,imāṃ prajñāpāramitāṃ bhāvayati tacca kṛtyaṃ karoti sā ca prajñāpāramitā avikalpā | tatkasya hetoḥ ? avikalpatvād eva bhagavan asyāḥ prajñāpāramitāyā iti ||,"""Just so a Bodhisattva performs the work for the sake of which he develops the perfection of wisdom, but the perfection of wisdom remains without discrimination. Because that perfection of wisdom is so constituted that it lacks all discriminations."" [Conze 259]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,a prajñāpāramitā,,,a,,,,,prajñāpāramitā,,,,,, vikalpa,9,9 - 92,bodhicaryavatara,lit,commentarial,poetry,madhyamaka,[…] kalpan^ābhiniveśo hi vedanetyāgataṃ nanu || ata eva vicāro ayaṃ pratipakṣo asya bhāvyate |vikalpakṣetrasaṃbhūtadhyānaāhārā hi yoginaḥ ||,"""[…] then what is called “sensation” has arisen only because of adherence to a fiction. This examination has for this very reason been its antidote. The food of the Yogīs is that contemplation which has arisen in the field of imagination."" [L. D. Barnett]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,pos,,kalpanā vicāra pratipakṣa kṣetra saṃbhūta dhyāna āhāra yogin,,,,āhāra kṣetra,,,,,,,kalpanā vicāra,,dhyāna, vikalpa,9,9 - 107,bodhicaryavatara,lit,commentarial,poetry,madhyamaka,paracittavikalpo asau svasaṃvṛtyā tu nāsti saḥ | sa paścānniyataḥ so asti na cennāstyeva saṃvṛtiḥ ||,"""The one [who is released] is the imagination of another’s thought; but he does not exist because of being hidden. He is arrived at afterwards. Likewise, if he does not exist, his hiddenness does not exist."" [L. D. Barnett]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,para citta sva saṃvṛti na as,,as,para citta sva na,,,,,,,,,saṃvṛti,, vikalpa,94,94,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,aniścitadānaṃ katamat | na hi bodhisattvaḥ kīrtiśabdaghoṣaślokaṃ niśritya dānaṃ dadāti | vikalpākṣarasaṃbhūtāṃ ghoṣamātrapratibaddhāṃ vṛṣamatraupamāṃ kīrtiṃ manyamānaḥ |,"""What is generosity that is disinterested? A bodhisattva does not make a gift that is based upon [a desire for] fame, praise, acclaim, or renown. He or she considers fame to be derived from words [generated by] the imagination, bound to nothing more than sound, and as insignificant as dried-up leaves."" [Engle 233-234]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,vague,bodhisattva śabda ghoṣa śloka dāna akṣara saṃbhūta ghoṣa mātra vṛṣamatra kīrti man,,,,kīrti saṃbhūta,,,,,,,akṣara ghoṣa mātra vṛṣamatra,,, vikalpa,139,139,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,acalaṃ sarvakalpavikalpakleśaupakleśaparapravādiduḥkhasaṃsparśairavicālyatvāt |,"""It is unshakable in that it cannot be moved [from its place] by any thought, false notion, [root] mental affliction, secondary mental affliction, verbal challenge from another person, or painful experience."" [Engle 333]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,acala sarva kalpa kleśa upakleśa parapravādi duḥkha saṃsparśa avicālyatva,,,sarva,duḥkha,,,kalpa kleśa upakleśa parapravādi,,,,,,, vikalpa,143,143,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yadbodhisattvānāṃ sarvavikalp^āpagataṃ kāyikacaittasikaprasrabdhijanakaṃ paramapraśāntaṃ manyanāapagatamanāsvāditaṃ sarvanimittāpagataṃ dhyānam |,"""Regarding this [topic], the meditative absorption of bodhisattvas that is free of all conceptual thought, that gives rise to physical and mental agility, that is a state of extreme tranquility, that is free of [mistaken] conjecture, that is not relished, and that is free of all signs, should be understood as [the form of meditative absorption that is cultivated by bodhisattvas] in order to abide in a state of ease during their current life."" [Engle 344]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,bodhisattva sarva apagata kāyika caittasika prasrabdhi praśānta manyanā anāsvādita nimitta dhyāna,,,sarva,apagata,,,,bodhisattva praśānta dhyāna,,,manyanā nimitta,,, vikalpa,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya tadeva nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu mithyāvikalpasamutthāpitena kleśena duḥkhena ca parigṛhītatvādanekadoṣaduṣṭaṃ samanupaśyato yā āyatyāṃ tatrāpraṇidhānapūrvikācittasthitiḥ |,"""Having perceived here how that very reality that is an ineffable essential nature becomes defiled by numerous faults through one's having been overpowered by the mental afflictions and suffering that are generated by [forming] wrongful concepts [about the nature of reality], a bodhisattva's state of mental stability that is preceded by the avoidance of any future aspiration for those [faults] is called ""one-pointed concentration on wishlessness."""" [Engle 452]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,bodhisattva abhilāpya svabhāva vastu mithyā samutthāpita kleśa duḥkha doṣa duṣṭa citta,,,abhilāpya svabhāva mithyā duṣṭa,citta samutthāpita,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,187,187,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,iha bodhisattvasya tadeva nirabhilāpyasvabhāvaṃ vastu sarvavikalpaprapañca nimittānyapanīya yathābhūtaṃ śāntato manasi kurvato yā cittasthitiḥ | ayamasyocyate animittaḥ samādhiḥ |,"""Having cleared away from that very reality that is an ineffable essential nature all the signs that consist of mistaken notions and verbal elaborations [about it], a bodhisattva's state of mental stability [that remains fixed upon it] as it truly is, in a tranquil manner, and in a manner that brings it to mind [properly] is called ""one-pointed concentration on signlessness."""" [Engle 452]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,abhilāpya vastu prapañca nimitta,,,,nimitta,,,prapañca,,,,abhilāpya,,, vikalpa,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,catasṛbhiḥparyeṣaṇābhirayaṃ bodhisattvaḥ sarvadhamān paryeṣya yadā caturbhireva yathābhūtaparijñānaiḥ parijānāti | tadā sarvamithyāvikalpābhiniveśeṣvapanīteṣu sarvadharmāṇāṃ dṛṣṭe ca dharme sarvasaṃkleśānutpattyanukūlatāṃ paśyati |,"""Having investigated all entities by means of the four investigations, when a bodhisattva fully comprehends them on the basis of the four kinds of thorough knowledge of the way things truly are, and after all forms of adherence to mistaken concepts have been dispelled, he perceives, in that life, a condition that is favorable to the nonarising of any afflictive states in relation to all entities"" [Engle 568]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,yathābhūta parijñāna sarva mithyā abhiniveśa apanīta dharma saṃkleśa,apanīta,,sarva mithyā,abhiniveśa dharma,,,,yathābhūta parijñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,samparāye ca sarveṇa sarvaṃ niravaśeṣato anutpatiṃ paśyati teṣāmeva pūrvamithyāvikalpābhiniveśahetusamutpannānāṃ dharmāṇām |,"""Moreover, he [will] perceive, in a future life, the complete and total nonarising without remainder [of those afflictive states] in relation to those very entities that previously arose because of adherence to mistaken conceptual thoughts."" [Engle 568]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,pūrva mithyā abhiniveśa dharma,,,mithyā,abhiniveśa dharma,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,taccaetad dvayaṃ bhavati samāsataḥ vikalpaśca vikalpādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaālambanañca vastu |,"""In brief, this [explanation] consists of these two [elements]: (1) conceptual thought and (2) the substance that forms the basis of and the mental support for conceptual thought."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,bhav vastu,,bhav,,,,,,,,,vastu,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,taccaetad dvayaṃ bhavati samāsataḥ vikalpaśca vikalpādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaālambanañca vastu |,"""In brief, this [explanation] consists of these two [elements]: (1) conceptual thought and (2) the substance that forms the basis of and the mental support for conceptual thought."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,adhiṣṭhāna vastu,,,,adhiṣṭhāna,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] vikalpādhiṣṭhānaṃvikalpaālambanañca vastu |,"""In brief, this [explanation] consists of these two [elements]: (1) conceptual thought and (2) the substance that forms the basis of and the mental support for conceptual thought."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,ālambana vastu,,,,ālambana,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,taccaetadubhayamanādikālikaṃ cānyonyahetukañca veditavyam | pūrvako vikalpaḥ pratyutpannasya vikalpaālambanasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya pratyutpannaṃ punarvikalpālambanaṃ vastu prādurbhūtaṃ pratyutpannasya tadālambanasyavikalpasyaprādurbhāvāyahetuḥ […],"""Both of these should be understood as having existed since beginningless time and as having been each other's reciprocal cause. A previous conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a present substance that constitutes the mental support for [a present] conceptual thought. Moreover, a present substance that has been caused to appear and that is the mental support for a conceptual thought [serves as] the cause for the appearance of the present conceptual thought for which it constitutes a mental support."" [Engle 95-96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,anādikālika pūrvaka ālambana vastu prādurbhāva hetu,,,anādikālika pūrvaka vastu hetu,,,,,,,,,prādurbhāva,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pūrvako vikalpaḥ pratyutpannasya vikalpaālambanasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya pratyutpannaṃ punarvikalpālambanaṃ vastu prādurbhūtaṃ pratyutpannasya tadālambanasya vikalpasya prādurbhāvāya hetuḥ |,"""Both of these should be understood as having existed since beginningless time and as having been each other's reciprocal cause. A previous conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a present substance that constitutes the mental support for [a present] conceptual thought. Moreover, a present substance that has been caused to appear and that is the mental support for a conceptual thought [serves as] the cause for the appearance of the present conceptual thought for which it constitutes a mental support."" [Engle 95-96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,pūrvaka ālambana vastu prādurbhāva,,,vastu,prādurbhāva,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pūrvakovikalpaḥpratyutpannasyavikalpaālambanasyavastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya pratyutpannaṃ punarvikalpaālambanaṃ vastu prādurbhūtaṃ pratyutpannasya tadālambanasya vikalpasya prādurbhāvāya hetuḥ |,"""Both of these should be understood as having existed since beginningless time and as having been each other's reciprocal cause. A previous conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a present substance that constitutes the mental support for [a present] conceptual thought. Moreover, a present substance that has been caused to appear and that is the mental support for a conceptual thought [serves as] the cause for the appearance of the present conceptual thought for which it constitutes a mental support."" [Engle 95-96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,punar ālambana vastu hetu,,,punar,ālambana,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,pūrvakovikalpaḥpratyutpannasyavikalpaālambanasya vastunaḥprādurbhāvāyapratyutpannaṃ punarvikalpaālambanaṃvastu prādurbhūtaṃ pratyutpannasya tadālambanasya vikalpasya prādurbhāvāya hetuḥ |,"""Both of these should be understood as having existed since beginningless time and as having been each other's reciprocal cause. A previous conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a present substance that constitutes the mental support for [a present] conceptual thought. Moreover, a present substance that has been caused to appear and that is the mental support for a conceptual thought [serves as] the cause for the appearance of the present conceptual thought for which it constitutes a mental support."" [Engle 95-96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,punar vastu pratyutpanna ālambana prādurbhāva hetu,,,pratyutpanna ālambana,prādurbhāva,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatraetarhivikalpasyāparijñānamāyatyāṃtadālambanasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya | tatsaṃbhāvācca punarniyataṃ tadadhiṣṭhānasyāpi tadāśritasya vikalpasya prādurbhāvo bhavati | kathañca punarasya vikalpasya parijñānaṃ bhavati | catasṛbhiḥ paryeṣaṇābhiḥ caturvidhena,"""Regarding this [point], the current lack of thorough knowledge regarding [the nature of] a conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a substance in the future that will become the mental support for [a conceptual thought that exists at] that [time]. Moreover, because of the arising of that [substance], inevitably the appearance of a conceptual thought for which that [substance] serves as the basis and the support will also occur."" [Engle 96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,aparijñāna ālambana vastu prādurbhāva,,,,aparijñāna,,,,,,,,prādurbhāva,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatsaṃbhāvāccapunarniyataṃ tadadhiṣṭhānasyāpi tadāśritasya vikalpasya prādurbhāvo bhavati |,"""Regarding this [point], the current lack of thorough knowledge regarding [the nature of] a conceptual thought [serves as the cause] for the appearance of a substance in the future that will become the mental support for [a conceptual thought that exists at] that [time]. Moreover, because of the arising of that [substance], inevitably the appearance of a conceptual thought for which that [substance] serves as the basis and the support will also occur."" [Engle 96]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,saṃbhāva adhiṣṭhāna prādurbhāva bhav,,,adhiṣṭhāna,prādurbhāva,,,,,,,,saṃbhāva,, vikalpa,230,230,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasya ca vimokṣasya samudāgamāya dharmadhātau sarvavikalpapracāra saṃkleśautpattipratipakṣaṃ prajñāṃ paśyati |,"""He also recognizes that, for the purpose of bringing about that liberation, wisdom regarding the ""entity-source"" is the antidote for all occurrences of conceptual thought and for the arising of afflicted existence"" [Engle 545]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,sarva pracāra saṃkleśa prajñā,,,sarva,pracāra,,,saṃkleśa,prajñā,,,,,, vikalpa,237,237,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa evaṃ sarvakleśaviviktena durvijñeyena sarvavikalpapracārāpagatena kāyavāṅmanaskarmaṇā viharati |,"""In this way, [the bodhisattva] abides in a state that is difficult to comprehend, one in which his actions of body, speech, and mind are isolated from all the mental afflictions, and in which all occurrences of conceptual thought have disappeared."" [Engle 564]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,kleśa sarva pracāra vāṅ manas karma,,,sarva,pracāra,,,kleśa,karma,,,,,, vikalpa,25,25,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evamidaṃ nānyathāiti niścitādhimuktigocaro yadvastu sarveṣāmeva laukikānāṃ paraṃparāāgatayā saṃjñayā svavikalpaprasiddhaṃ na cintayitvā tulayitvāupaparīkṣyodgṛhītam | idamucyate lokaprasiddhatattvam |,"""In short, it is any thing that is an object of settled and firm belief for all worldly persons, [such that it is held:] ""[The nature of] this [object] is this; it is not that""; or, ""This [object exists or is used] in this manner; it does not [exist nor is it used] in some other manner."" [Likewise, the existence of these objects] is recognized [by such persons] with their own conceptual thought [simply] on the basis of [familiarity with] the traditional usage of terms; it is not [a belief that is] held through having engaged in reflection, contemplation, and investigation. This is called ""the [form of] reality that is recognized [as true] in the world."""" [Engle 65]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,pos,,adhimukti gocara paraṃparā saṃjñā sva prasiddha na cint tul tattva,,,paraṃparā sva,tattva,,,,cint tul,,,saṃjñā,,prasiddha, vikalpa,26,26,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,praviṣṭena suviśuddhena ca sarvadharmāṇāṃ nirabhilāpyasvabhāvatāmārabhya prajñaptivādasvabhāvanirvikalpajñeyasamena jñānena yo gocaraviṣayaḥ sāsau paramā tathatā niruttarā jñeyaparyantagatā yasyāḥ sarva samyagdharmapravicayā,"""It is the object that bodhisattvas [pursue] in order to attain [a realization of] the insubstantiality of entities and that the buddhas, the blessed ones, have [fully] attained with their extremely pure [transcendent awareness]. [This object,] which represents the ineffable [ultimate] nature of all entities, is perceived by [a form of] knowledge that corresponds exactly to a knowable entity that is free of the conceptual distinctions [that are implicit in] the essential natures [expressed by] designating assertions."" [Engle 67]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prajñapti vāda svabhāva nir jñeya sama jñāna gocara viṣaya,,,prajñapti vāda nir,jñeya,svabhāva,,,sama jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,26,26,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra bhāvo yaḥ prajñaptivādasvabhāvo vyavasthāpitaḥ [...] sarvavikalpaprapañcamūlaṃ lokasya | tadyathā rūpamiti vā vedanā saṃjñā saṃskārā vijñānamiti vā | cakṣuriti vā srotraṃ ghrāṇaṃ jihvā kāyo mana[...],"""With regard to these [two concepts], ""being"" is that which is posited as the essential nature [that is expressed in] a designating assertion. [...] It is the root of all the world's conceptual thoughts and elaborations. These include, for example, [the essential natures that are expressed by such designating assertions as] ""form,"" ""feeling,"" ""conception,"" ""formations,"" and ""consciousness""; [those of] ""eye,"" ""ear,"" ""nose,"" ""tongue,"" ""body,"" and ""mind""; [...]."" [Engle 68]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,bhāva prajñapti vāda sarva prapañca mūla loka rūpa iti vā vedanā saṃskāra vijñāna cakṣus śrotra ghrāṇa,,,sarva loka vā,,,,prapañca,,,,prajñapti vāda,,, vikalpa,30,30,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vidyateasadbhūtasamāropāsaṁgrāhavivarjitaścabhūtāpavādāsaṃgrāhavivarjitaśca vidyate | sa punaḥ pāramārthikaḥ svabhāvaḥ sarvadharmāṇāṃ nirvikalpasyaeva jñānasya gocaro veditavyaḥ |,"""It [exists in a way that] is both the avoidance of a failure of understanding that represents the imputation of something that does not truly exist and the avoidance of a failure of understanding that represents the denial of something that does truly exist. Moreover, it should be understood that this essential nature of all entities in an ultimate sense is an object that is perceived exclusively by a [form of] knowledge that is free of conceptual thought."" [Engle 77-78]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,asadbhūta samāropā saṁgrāha bhūta apavādā svabhāva dharma nir jñāna gocara vid/vet,,,nir,jñāna,dharma,,,svabhāva,,,samāropā apavādā,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasyā eva tathatāyā evamaparijñātatvādbālānāṃ tannidāno aṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ pravartate trivastujanakaḥ | sarvasattvabhājanalokānāṃ nirvartakaḥ |,"""Because they have not fully realized this very suchness in the manner [that has just been described], immature beings develop the eight types of conceptual thought that give rise to three [kinds of] substance and that bring forth the entire world of sentient beings and their physical environment."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,tathatā aparijñāta bāla aṣṭavidha pravart vastu janaka sattva bhājana loka nirvartaka,,pravart,bāla aṣṭavidha janaka nirvartaka,,,,,tathatā,,,,aparijñāta,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,aṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ pravartate trivastujanakaḥ | sarvasattvabhājanalokānāṃ nirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo […],"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,aṣṭavidha sattva bhājana loka nirvartaka svabhāva,,,aṣṭavidha nirvartaka,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvasattvabhājanalokānāṃ nirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mameti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sattva bhājana loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa,,,nirvartaka,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvasattvabhājanalokānāṃ nirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mameti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sattva bhājana loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha,,,nirvartaka,,piṇḍa grāha,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvasattvabhājanalokānāṃ nirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mameti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sattva bhājana loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha aham iti,,,nirvartaka,,aham,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] lokānāṃnirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mam^eti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha aham iti,,,nirvartaka,,aham,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] lokānāṃnirvartakaḥ | tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mam^eti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha priya,,,nirvartaka,,priya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,lokānāṃnirvartakaḥ|tadyathā svabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mam^eti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha apriya,,,nirvartaka,,apriya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] lokānāṃnirvartakaḥ| tadyathāsvabhāvavikalpo viśeṣavikalpaḥ piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ ahamiti vikalpaḥ mam^eti vikalpaḥ priyavikalpaḥ apriyavikalpaḥ tadubhayaviparītaś ca vikalpaḥ |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these."" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,loka nirvartaka svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha priya apriya tadubhaya viparīta,,,nirvartaka viparīta,,tadubhaya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,34,34,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa punarayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ katameṣāṃ trayāṇāṃ vastūnāṃ janako bhavati |,"""[The eight conceptual thoughts] are the following: (1) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, (2) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, (3) the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity], (4) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I,"" (5) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine,"" (6) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, (7) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and (8) the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these. Which of these eight types of conceptual thought give rise to the three substances?"" [Engle 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,aṣṭavidha vastu janaka bhav,,bhav,aṣṭavidha janaka,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa punarayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ katameṣāṃ trayāṇāṃ vastūnāṃ janako bhavati | yaśca svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itīme trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ,"""Which of these eight types of conceptual thought give rise to the three substances? Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]—give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vastu janaka bhav svabhāva,,bhav,janaka,,svabhāva,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa punarayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ katameṣāṃ trayāṇāṃ vastūnāṃ janako bhavati | yaśca svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itīme trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcālambanaṃ vastu,"""Which of these eight types of conceptual thought give rise to the three substances? Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]—give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vastu janaka bhav viśeṣa,,bhav,janaka,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vikalpaḥ katameṣāṃ trayāṇāṃ vastūnāṃ janako bhavati | yaśca svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itīme trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpādisaṃjñakam |,"""Which of these eight types of conceptual thought give rise to the three substances? Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]—give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vastu janaka bhav piṇḍa grāha,,bhav,janaka,,piṇḍa grāha,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,trayāṇāṃ vastūnāṃ janako bhavati | yaśca svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itiime trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpādisaṃjñakam |,"""Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]—give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha iti tri vastu jan,,jan,tri,,svabhāva viśeṣa piṇḍa grāha,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yaśca svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itiime trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcādhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcaālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpaādisaṃjñakam |,"""Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]—give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prapañca adhiṣṭhāna vastu saṃjñaka,,,,,,,prapañca,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,svabhāvavikalpo yaśca viśeṣavikalpo yaśca piṇḍagrāhavikalpa itiime trayo vikalpā vikalpaprapañcāadhiṣṭhānaṃ vikalpaprapañcaālambanaṃ vastu janayanti rūpaādisaṃjñakam |,"""Three conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic, and the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]- give rise to the substance that is [variously] known as form, etc., and that serves as [both] the basis for conceptual thought and elaboration and the mental support of conceptual thought and elaboration."" [Engle 89-90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prapañca ālambana vastu saṃjñaka,,,,,,,prapañca,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadvastvadhiṣṭhāya sa nāmasaṃjñāabhilāpaparigṛhīto nāmasaṃjñāabhilāpaparibhāvito vikalpaḥ prapañcayan tasminneva vastuni vicaratyanekavidho bahunānāprakāraḥ |,"""While continuously generating elaborations on the basis of [a particular substance], the conceptual thought that is both controlled by and governed by expressions [that derive from] recognition of [an object's] name operates in numerous ways and in many different forms in relation to this very same substance."" [Engle 90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,adhiṣṭhā nāma saṃjñā abhilāpa parigṛhīta paribhāvita prapañc vastu vicar,,adhiṣṭhā vicar prapañc,parigṛhīta paribhāvita,,,,,,,,,nāma saṃjñā abhilāpa,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yañcāhamiti vikalpo yaśca mameti vikalpaḥ itīmau dvau vikalpau satkāyadṛṣṭiśca tadanyasarvadṛṣṭi [ mūlaṃ māna ],"""two conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I"" and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine""- give rise to the view of the perishable collection..."" [Engle 90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,aham iti,,,,,aham,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yañcāhamiti vikalpo yaśca mam^eti vikalpaḥ itīmau dvau vikalpau satkāyadṛṣṭiśca tadanyasarvadṛṣṭi [ mūlaṃ māna ] mūlamasmimānañca,"""two conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I"" and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine""- give rise to the view of the perishable collection..."" [Engle 90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,aham iti,,,,,aham,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yañcāhamiti vikalpo yaśca mamaiti vikalpaḥ itiimau dvau vikalpau satkāyadṛṣṭiṃcatadanyasarvadṛṣṭimūlaṃ mānamūlam ca asmimānañca tadanyasarvamānamūlaṃ janayataḥ |,"""two conceptual thoughts—that is, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an ""I"" and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] ""mine""—give rise to the view of the perishable collection, which is the root of all the remaining views, and [also give rise] to egoistic pride, which is the root of [ordinary] pride and the root of all the other forms of pride."" [Engle 90]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dvi satkāya dṛṣṭi mūla māna asmi jan,,jan,dvi,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra priyavikalpo apriyavikalpastadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpo yathāyogaṃ rāgadveṣamohān janayanti |,"""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these, according to circumstances, give rise to desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,priya rāga dveṣa moha jan,,jan,,,priya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra priyavikalpo apriyavikalpastadubhayaviparītaśca vikalpo yathāyogaṃ rāgadveṣamohān janayanti |,"""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these, according to circumstances, give rise to desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,apriya rāga dveṣa moha jan,,jan,,,apriya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra priyavikalpo apriyavikalpastadubhayaviparītaś ca vikalpo yathāyogaṃ rāgadveṣamohān janayanti |,"""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] agreeable, the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] disagreeable, and the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as being] the opposite of both of these, according to circumstances, give rise to desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,tadubhaya viparīta rāga dveṣa moha jan,,jan,viparīta,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evamayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ asya trividhasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya saṃvartate yaduta vikalpādhiṣṭhānasya prapañcavastunaḥ […],"""This is the manner in which the eight types of conceptual thought operate to bring about the three types of substance -that is, (1) the substance [that engenders] elaboration and is the basis of conceptual thought; (2) [the substance that consists of] the view [of the perishable collection] and egoistic pride; and (3) [the substance that consists of] desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,aṣṭavidha vastu prādurbhāva saṃvart,,saṃvart,aṣṭavidha,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evamayamaṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ asya trividhasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvāya saṃvartate yaduta vikalpādhiṣṭhānasya prapañcavastunaḥ dṛṣṭyasmimānasya rāgadveṣamohānāñca |,"""This is the manner in which the eight types of conceptual thought operate to bring about the three types of substance -that is, (1) the substance [that engenders] elaboration and is the basis of conceptual thought; (2) [the substance that consists of] the view [of the perishable collection] and egoistic pride; and (3) [the substance that consists of] desire, hatred, and ignorance."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,adhiṣṭhāna prapañca vastu dṛṣṭy asmi rāga dveṣa,,,,adhiṣṭhāna,,,,,,,prapañca,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra vikalpaprapañcavastvāśrayā satkāyadṛṣṭirasmimānaś ca | satkāyadṛṣṭyasmimānāśritā rāgadveṣamohāḥ |,"""Regarding these, the basis for the view of the perishable collection and egoistic pride is the substance [that is the basis of] conceptual thought and [that engenders] elaboration. Desire, hatred, and ignorance are based upon the view of the perishable collection and egoistic pride."" [Engle 91]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prapañca vastu satkāya dṛṣṭi asmi māna rāga dveṣa moha,,,,,,,prapañca,,,,asmi māna,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra svabhāvavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | rūpādisaṃjñake vastuni rūpamityevamādiryo vikalpaḥ | ayamucyate svabhāvavikalpaḥ |,"""Regarding [the eight types of conceptual thought], what is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature? The conceptual thought [that generates the mental construct] ""form,"" etc., in relation to the [type of] substance that is known as form, etc., is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature."""" [Engle 92]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,svabhāva katama saṃjñaka vastu rūpa ādri,,ādri,katama,,svabhāva,,,,,,,saṃjñaka vastu,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra svabhāvavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | rūpaādisaṃjñake vastuni rūpamityevamādiryo vikalpaḥ | ayamucyate svabhāvavikalpaḥ |,"""Regarding [the eight types of conceptual thought], what is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature? The conceptual thought [that generates the mental construct] ""form,"" etc., in relation to the [type of] substance that is known as form, etc., is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature."""" [Engle 92]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,svabhāva saṃjñaka vastu rūpa ādri,,ādri,,,svabhāva rūpa,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra svabhāvavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | rūpaādisaṃjñake vastuni rūpamityevamādiryo vikalpaḥ | ayamucyate svabhāvavikalpaḥ |,"""what is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature? The conceptual thought [that generates the mental construct] ""form,"" etc., in relation to the [type of] substance that is known as form, etc., is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an essential nature."""" [Engle 92]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,rūpa saṃjñaka vastu rūpa ādri vac/vak svabhāva,vac/vak,ādri,,,rūpa svabhāva,,,,,,,saṃjñaka vastu,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,viśeṣavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | tasminneva rūpaādisaṃjñake vastuni ayaṃ rūpī ayamarūpī ayaṃ sanidarśano ayamanidarśana evaṃ sapratigho […],"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic? The [form of] conceptual thinking that is based upon the conceptual thought of an essential nature and that forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., such as, ""This [object] is material,"" "" This [object] is immaterial,"" ""This [object] is visible,"" or ""This [object] is not visible,"" or that similarly [forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning] in an immeasurable variety of [other] ways including, ""This [object] possesses resistance,"" ""This [object] lacks resistance,"" ""This [object] is related to the outflows,"" ""This [object] is free of the outflows,"" ""This [object] is conditioned,"" ""This [object] is unconditioned,"" ""This [object] is virtuous,"" ""This [object] is nonvirtuous,"" [...]."" [Engle 92-93]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,viśeṣa katama rūpa saṃjñaka vastu,,,katama,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,rūpa saṃjñaka vastu,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,kuśalo akuśalo vyākṛto avyākṛtaḥ atīto anāgataḥ pratyutpanna ityevaṃbhāgīyenāpramāṇena prabhedanayena yā svabhāvavikalpādhiṣṭhānā tadviśiṣṭārthavikalpanā | ayamucyate viśeṣavikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic? The [form of] conceptual thinking that is based upon the conceptual thought of an essential nature and that forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., such as, ""This [object] is material,"" "" This [object] is immaterial,"" ""This [object] is visible,"" or ""This [object] is not visible,"" or that similarly [forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning] in an immeasurable variety of [other] ways including, ""This [object] possesses resistance,"" ""This [object] lacks resistance,"" ""This [object] is related to the outflows,"" ""This [object] is free of the outflows,"" ""This [object] is conditioned,"" ""This [object] is unconditioned,"" ""This [object] is virtuous,"" ""This [object] is nonvirtuous,"" [...]."" [Engle 92-93]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,iti prabheda naya svabhāva adhiṣṭhāna tadviśiṣṭa artha,,,,adhiṣṭhāna,svabhāva,,,,,,,prabheda,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ityevaṃbhāgīyenāpramāṇena prabhedanayena yā svabhāvavikalpādhiṣṭhānā tadviśiṣṭārthavikalpanā | ayamucyate viśeṣavikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic? The [form of] conceptual thinking that is based upon the conceptual thought of an essential nature and that forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., such as, ""This [object] is material,"" "" This [object] is immaterial,"" ""This [object] is visible,"" or ""This [object] is not visible,"" or that similarly [forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning] in an immeasurable variety of [other] ways including, ""This [object] possesses resistance,"" ""This [object] lacks resistance,"" ""This [object] is related to the outflows,"" ""This [object] is free of the outflows,"" ""This [object] is conditioned,"" ""This [object] is unconditioned,"" ""This [object] is virtuous,"" ""This [object] is nonvirtuous,"" [...] is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic."""" [Engle 92-94]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,iti prabheda naya svabhāva vac/vak viśeṣa,vac/vak,,,,viśeṣa,,,,,,,prabheda,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yastasminneva rūpaādisaṃjñake vastuni ātmasattvajīvajantusaṃjñāsaṃketaupasaṃhitaḥ piṇḍiteṣu bahuṣudharmeṣupiṇḍagrāhahetukaḥpravartate,"""What is the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]? [The type of conceptual thought] that occurs in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., is accompanied by such conventional names as ""self,"" ""sentient being,"" ""living being,"" or ""living creature,"" and is caused by grasping a collection that consists of a multiplicity of entities that have been combined into a [single] mass, as well as [the type of conceptual thought that occurs] in relation to such [composite things] as a house, an army, and a forest, etc., or food, drink, a vehicle, and clothing, etc., and is accompanied by the conventional name for those things, is what is called ""the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]."""" [Engle 94]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,piṇḍa grāha katama rūpa saṃjñaka vastu saṃjñā saṃketa dharma hetuka pravart,,pravart,grāha katama hetuka,,piṇḍa,,,,,,saṃjñā saṃketa,saṃjñaka vastu dharma,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,piṇḍagrāhahetukaḥpravartate gṛhasenāvanaādiṣu bhojanapānayānavastraādiṣu ca tatsaṃjñāsaṃketaupasaṃhitaḥ | ayamucyate piṇḍagrāhavikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity] ? [The type of conceptual thought] that occurs in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., is accompanied by such conventional names as ""self,"" ""sentient being,"" ""living being,"" or ""living creature,"" and is caused by grasping a collection that consists of a multiplicity of entities that have been combined into a [single] mass, as well as [the type of conceptual thought that occurs] in relarion to such [composite things] as a house, an army, and a forest, etc., or food, drink, a vehicle, and clothing, etc., and is accompanied by the conventional name for those things, is what is called ""the conceptual thought that grasps a collection [as a separate entity]."""" [Engle 94]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,hetuka pravart saṃjñā saṃketa vac/vak piṇḍa grāha,vac/vak,pravart,hetuka grāha,,piṇḍa,,,,,,saṃjñā saṃketa,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ahamiti mam^eti ca vikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yadvastu sāsravaṃ sopādānīyaṃ dīrghakālamātmato vā ātmīyato vā saṃstutamabhiniviṣṭaṃ paricitaṃ […],"""What are the conceptual thoughts [that conceive] of an ""I'' and [conceive] of [entities as being] ""mine""? The false conceptual thought that arises in dependence upon the substance that is related to the outflows and is related to the act of being grasped, that for a long time has being habitually thought of, [mistakenly] adhered to, and familiarly regarded as [constituting] an ""I"" or a ""mine,"" and that, because of this habituation to a mistaken understanding, represents the substance that constitutes the object of [an individual's] own [erroneous] views, is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an 'I' and [conceives] of [entities as being] 'mine.'"""" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,aham iti aham katama,,,katama,,aham aham,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,asadgrāhasaṃstavāt svadṛṣṭisthānīyaṃ vastu pratītyautpadyate vitatho vikalpaḥ | ayamucyate ahamiti mameti ca vikalpaḥ |,"""What are the conceptual thoughts [that conceive] of an ""I'' and [conceive] of [entities as being] ""mine""? The false conceptual thought that arises in dependence upon the substance that is related to the outflows and is related to the act of being grasped, that for a long time has being habitually thought of, [mistakenly] adhered to, and familiarly regarded as [constituting] an ""I"" or a ""mine,"" and that, because of this habituation to a mistaken understanding, represents the substance that constitutes the object of [an individual's] own [erroneous] views, is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an 'I' and [conceives] of [entities as being] 'mine.'"""" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,asad grāha saṃstava dṛṣṭi vastu utpad vitatha,,utpad,vitatha,,asad,,,,,,grāha,saṃstava vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] saṃstavāt svadṛṣṭisthānīyaṃ vastu pratītyautpadyate vitatho vikalpaḥ | ayamucyate ahamiti mam^eti ca vikalpaḥ |,"""What are the conceptual thoughts [that conceive] of an ""I'' and [conceive] of [entities as being] ""mine""? The false conceptual thought that arises in dependence upon the substance that is related to the outflows and is related to the act of being grasped, that for a long time has been habitually thought of, [mistakenly] adhered to, and familiarly regarded as [constituting] an ""I"" or a ""mine,"" and that, because of this habituation to a mistaken understanding, represents the substance that constitutes the object of [an individual's] own [erroneous] views, is called ""the conceptual thought [that conceives] of an 'I' and [conceives] of [entities as being] 'mine.'"""" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dṛṣṭi vastu utpad vitatha vac aham iti aham,vac,,vitatha,,aham aham,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,priyavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yaḥ śubhamanāpavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as] agreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is beautiful and attractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,priya katama śubha manāpa vastu ālambana,,,katama ālambana,,priya,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,priyavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yaḥ śubhamanāpavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as] agreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is beautiful and attractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,priya śubha manāpa vastu ālambana,,,ālambana,,priya,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,apriyavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yo aśubhāmanāpavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as] disagreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is ugly and unattractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,apriya katama aśubha amanāpa vastu ālambana,,,katama ālambana,,apriya,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,apriyavikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yo aśubhāmanāpavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities as] disagreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is ugly and unattractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,apriya aśubha amanāpa vastu ālambana,,,ālambana,,apriya,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,priy^āpriyaubhayaviparīto vikalpaḥ katamaḥ | yaḥ śubhāśubhamanāpāmanāpatadubhayavivarjitavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities] in a way that is the opposite of both agreeable and disagreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is neither beautiful nor ugly, and neither attractive nor unattractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,priya apriya ubhaya viparīta katama śubha aśubha manāpa amanāpa tad ubhaya vivarjita vastv,,,viparīta katama,,priya apriya ubhaya,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,36,36,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,priy^priyaubhayaviparītovikalpaḥkatamaḥ|yaḥ śubh^āśubhamanāp^āmanāpatadubhayavivarjitavastvālambano vikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of [entities] in a way that is the opposite of both agreeable and disagreeable? It is the [type of] conceptual thought whose mental support is a substance that is neither beautiful nor ugly, and neither attractive nor unattractive."" [Engle 95]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,priya apriya ubhaya viparīta śubha aśubha manāpa amanāpa ubhaya vivarjita vastu ālambana,,,viparīta vivarjita ālambana,,priya apriya ubhaya,,,,,,,vastu,, vikalpa,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yo asāvaṣṭavidho mithyāvikalpo bālānāṃ trivastujanako lokanirvartakaḥ so asya caturvidhasya yathābhūtaparijñānasyavaikalyādasamavadhānātpravartate,"""Regarding this [topic], the eight types of improper conceptual thought, which cause immature beings to give rise to the three substances and which bring forth the [entire] world [of sentient beings and their physical environment], arise because of [an individual's] lack of competency about and failure to establish the four forms of thorough knowledge of the way things truly are."" [Engle 100]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,aṣṭavidha mithyā bāla vastu janaka loka nirvartaka yathābhūta parijñāna vaikalya asamavadhāna pravart,,pravart,aṣṭavidha mithyā bāla janaka nirvartaka,,vastu,,,yathābhūta parijñāna,,,,vaikalya asamavadhāna,, vikalpa,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasmācca punarmithyāvikalpātsaṃkleśaḥ | saṃkleśātsaṃsārasaṃsṛtiḥ saṃsārasaṃsṛteḥ saṃsārānugataṃ jātijarāvyādhimaraṇaādikaṃ duḥkhaṃ pravartate |,"""Furthermore, [the states of] affliction [arise] from the [eight forms of] improper conceptual thought; continuous rebirth in samsara [arises] from [the states of] affliction; and the suffering of birth, old age, illness, death, etc., that follow samsaric existence arises from [the condition of] being reborn continuously in samsara."" [Engle 100]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,mithyā saṃkleśa saṃsāra jāti jarā vyādhi maraṇa duḥkha pravart,,,mithyā,,,,,,,,,,saṃkleśa, vikalpa,37,37,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadā ca bodhisattvena caturvidhaṃ yathābhūtaparijñānaṃ niśritya so aṣṭavidho vikalpaḥ parijñāto bhavati […],"""When a bodhisattva relies upon the four forms of thorough knowledge of the way things truly are, he or she develops thorough knowledge of the eight types of conceptual thought."" [Engle 100]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bodhisattva yathābhūta parijñāna aṣṭavidha parijñāta bhav,parijñāta,bhav,aṣṭavidha,,,,,yathābhūta parijñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,38,38,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] prapañcapatitasya vastunaḥ prādurbhāvo na bhavati | tasyānudayādaprādurbhāvāttadālambanasyāpi vikalpasyāyatyāṃ prādurbhāvo na bhavati |,"""[…] of the substance that constitutes the basis and mental support for those [conceptual thoughts] and that bring about the occurrence [of conceptual] elaboration. Because that [substance] does not arise or appear, there will also be no appearance [for him or her] in future [lives] of the conceptual thought for which that [substance would serve as] a mental support."" [Engle 100]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prapañca vastu anudaya aprādurbhāva ālambana āyati prādurbhāva na bhav,,bhav,ālambana na,prādurbhāva,,,,,,,prapañca,anudaya aprādurbhāva āyati,, vikalpa,38,38,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasya savastukasya vikalpasya nirodho yaḥ sa sarvaprapañcanirodho veditavyaḥ |,"""This cessation of conceptual thought together with its [related] substance should be known as the cessation of all [conceptual] elaboration."" [Engle 100]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,savastuka nirodha prapañca,,,savastuka,nirodha,,,,,,,prapañca,,, vikalpa,146,146,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bodhisattvānām [...] saty^āvabodhāya vā saty^āvabodhakāle vā saty^ābhisaṃbodhādvā ūrdhvaṃ prajñā paramapraśamapratyupasthānā nirvikalpā sarvaprapañcāpagatā sarvadharmeṣu samatāanugatā mahāsāmānyalakṣaṇapraviṣṭā jñeyaparyantagatāsamāropāpavādāntadvayavivarjitāmadhyamapratipadanusāriṇī |,"""The wisdom of bodhisattvas that [is cultivated] in order to realize the truth that relates to the ineffable insubstantiality of entities, or that is present at the time that this truth is [first] being realized, or that occurs subsequent to that [transcendent] realization of truth [are forms of wisdom] that abide in a state of supreme peace, [forms of wisdom] that are free of conceptualization, [forms of wisdom] in which all [conceptual] elaboration has been eliminated, [forms of wisdom] that have arrived at [a realization of] the sameness of all entities, [forms of wisdom] that have attained [a realization of] the great general characteristic, [forms of wisdom] that have reached the end of objects of knowledge, and [forms of wisdom] that conform to the Middle Way in that they reject the two extremes of [falsely] attributing [a mode of being that does not exist] and [wrongly] discrediting [a mode of being that does exist]."" [Engle 356]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bodhisattva satya abhisaṃbodha prajñā praśama nir prapañca dharma samatā lakṣaṇa jñeya samāropa apavāda dvaya madhyama,,,nir,,,,,satya abhisaṃbodha prajñā praśama samatā jñeya,,,prapañca lakṣaṇa dvaya,,, vikalpa,162,162,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[…] mṛdukṣāntikenāpi jñānena nirabhilāpyadharmasvabhāvatathatāadhimukto nirvikalpena nirnimittena cetasā viharati |,"""[…] likewise, when he or she has generated devotion toward the suchness that is the ineffable [ultimate] nature of all entities with even just a limited [form of] the awareness that possesses a weak amount of forbearance and abides for a little while, for a moment, in a [state of] mind that is free of conceptualization and free of signs, much less if [he or she generates and abides in] a [form of awareness] that is higher than this or greater than this; […]"" [Engle 394-395]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,jñāna abhilāpya dharma svabhāva tathatā nir nimitta cetas vihar,,,nir,,,,,jñāna tathatā cetas,,,nimitta,,, vikalpa,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarvaprapañcasaṃjñāsu anābhogavāhanaḥ tasmiṃśca nirabhilāpye vastumātre nirnimittatayā ca nirvikalpacittaāśāntyā sarvadharmasamatāekarasagāmī |,"""(4) that which, by virtue of [both] the signlessness [that occurs] in relation to the ineffable bare substance [of entities] and the tranquility of the mind that does not engage in conceptualization, leads to [the experiencing of] the single taste that is the sameness of all entities."" [Engle 435]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,prapañca saṃjñā abhilāpya vastu nimitta nir citta āśānti samatā ekarasa,,,nir,citta,,,,āśānti samatā ekarasa,,,prapañca saṃjñā nimitta,abhilāpya vastu,, vikalpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,evaṃ tasminnākāśasthānīye nirabhilāpye vastuni vividhābhilāpakṛtāḥ saṃjñā vikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñāanugatāḥ rūpakarmasthānīyāḥ pravartante |,"""In a similar way, the conceptions and false notions that resemble physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations arise in the ineffable reality that resembles space."" [Engle 441]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,ākāśa abhilāpya vastu vividha abhilāpa kṛta saṃjñā prapañca saṃjñā rūpa karma pravart,kṛta,pravart,abhilāpa rūpa karma,,,,saṃjñā,ākāśa,,,prapañca saṃjñā,abhilāpya vastu,, vikalpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sarveṣāñca teṣāmabhilāpakṛtānāṃ saṃjñāvikalpānāṃ prapañcasaṃjñāanugatānāṃ citrarūpakarmasthānīyānāṃ tannirabhilāpyaṃ vastvākāśasthānīyamavakāśaṃ dadāti |,"""In addition, the ineffable reality that resembles space makes room for all those conceptions and false notions that resemble the variety of physical objects and their actions and that are both created by a variety of expressions and accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations."" [Engle 441]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,abhilāpa kṛta saṃjñā prapañca saṃjñā citra rūpa karma vastu ākāśa,,,abhilāpa kṛta citra rūpa karma,,,,saṃjñā,ākāśa,,,prapañca saṃjñā,vastu,, vikalpa,181,181,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yadā ca punarbodhisattvairjñānenāryeṇa te abhilāpasamutthitā mithyāsaṃjñāvikalpāḥ prapañcasaṃjñāanugatāḥ sarveṇa sarvamapanītā bhavanti tadā teṣāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ paramāryāṇāṃ tenāryajñānena […],"""when bodhisattvas, by means of an excellent knowledge, have completely and totally removed those false conceptions and notions that are caused to arise by expressions and that are accompanied by attachment to [verbal] elaborations, the ārya knowledge of those supremely excellent bodhisattvas causes the ineffable realitv that is a mere absence of all the essential natures that are expressed in words and that is a space-like purity to become evident."" [Engle 441-442]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,bodhisattva jñāna abhilāpa samutthita mithyā saṃjñā prapañca saṃjñā apanīta bhav,,bhav,samutthita mithyā prapañca saṃjñā apanīta,,,,saṃjñā,,,,,jñāna,, vikalpa,199,199,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,nirabhilāpyaṃ vastvālambanīkṛtya sarvadharmeṣu yā tathatā nirvikalpasamatā niryāṇatā prajñā [...],"""[...] the wisdom that, having taken hold of the ineffable reality, has developed an awareness of the suchness that pertains to all entities and the sameness that does not engage in conceptualization about them, [...]"" [Engle 482]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dharma tathatā nir samatā prajñā,,,nir,prajñā,,,,tathatā samatā,,,,,, vikalpa,219,219,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,trividhamapyadhiprajñavihāramadhipatiṃkṛtvā abhisaṃskāreṇābhogena niśchidranirantaraḥ sarvadharmeṣu tathatā nirvikalpaprajñābhāvanā sahagato vihāraḥ |,"""It is the pleasurable state that, on the strength of those three [forms of] the pleasurable state of superior wisdom, is accompanied by a [form of] meditation that employs mental preparation and effort [to cultivate] continuously and uninterruptedly the nonconceptual wisdom [that perceives] the suchness that pertains to all entities."" [Engle 522-523]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dharma tathatā nir prajñā,,,nir,,,,,tathatā prajñā,,,,,, vikalpa,235,235,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,kleśaduḥkhasaṃkleśa visaṃyogād viviktasamatayā vikalpitasya jñeyasvabhāvasya māyānirmitaupamasamatayā nirvikalpajñānagocarasya svabhāvasya bhāvābhāvādvayasamatayā |,"""[...] (8) the sameness in which [all entities] are [perceived to be] isolated in the sense that those very [entities that do not engage in the activities of taking on and giving up] are separated from the stare of affliction [that is represented by] the mental afflictions and suffering, (9) the sameness in which [all] entities that possess conceptually fabricated essences [are perceived to] resemble illusions and magical creations, and (10) the sameness in which [all entities are perceived to be] beyond the duality of existence and nonexistence, this being their [true] essence and the one that is discerned by nonconceptual awareness."" [Engle 558]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,kleśa duḥkha māyā nirmita upama nir jñāna svabhāva bhāva abhāva dvaya samatā,,,nir,,,,,samatā jñāna,,,dvaya,,, vikalpa,239,239,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tasminvidyamāne vastuni nirabhilāpye ādau madhye paryavasāne sarvakālasaṃkleśasamatāṃ cārabhya tathatā samyakpraveśanirvikalpasamatayā ca tatsaṃkleśaāpanayanamārabhya |,"""[...] they have to do with the fact that, in relation to the ineffable reality that does exist, [the process of] affliction -which is caused by ignorance of that [ultimate reality] or a belief that apprehends it wrongly- is characterized by a sameness that applies at all times [as indicated by the terms] beginning, middle, and end; and they have to do with [the fact that] the process of affliction is eliminated by means of the sameness that does not conceptualize and that correctly enters into suchness."" [Engle 567]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,ādi madhya paryavasāna sarvakāla tathatā nir samatā saṃkleśa,,,nir,,,,,sarvakāla tathatā samatā,,,,ādi madhya paryavasāna,, vikalpa,89,89,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,sa evaṃ vikalpahetoḥ sarvavicitraudārapariṣkāradeyadharmasamnidhiprāpto apyāryavaṃśavihārī bodhisattva ityucyate |,"""Because of [having made] this dedication, even though [such an individual] may have obtained an extensive and varied quantity of possessions and objects that are suitable for practicing charity, he or she is referred to as ""a bodhisattva who abides in the ārya lineage."""" [Engle 223]",Giving,Give@Offering,Divide@Distribute/deal_out,offering,offering,pos,,hetu pariṣkāra deyadharma prāpta vihārin bodhisattva,,,pariṣkāra deyadharma,hetu,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,7,7 - 14,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,agrāmyam annaṃ salile prarūḍhaṃ parṇāni toyaṃ phalamūlam eva yathāāgamaṃ vṛttir iyaṃ munīnāṃ bhinnās tu te te tapasāṃ vikalpāḥ ||,"""“food not grown in a village, whatever grows in water, leaves and water, fruits and roots— according to scriptural texts that’s the livelihood of a sage; there are, however, numerous alternative ascetic paths; […]“"" [Olivelle 191]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,āgama vṛtti bhinna sa sa tapas,,,bhinna sa sa tapas,,,,,,,,,āgama,, vikalpa,95,95,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,ādāvajāta anutpāda alakṣaṇaṃ ca asaṃbhūtatamavinaṣṭata cāpravṛttam | bhāvasvabhāvavigatā tathatāvikalpā manacittacāravigatāḥ khagatulyakalpāḥ ||,"""From the beginning (all things are) un-born, non-originated, without marks (which distinguish it from other things), not becoming (into existence), not dissolved, not acting, free from self-nature of existence, (all things are) suchness, without mental false construction, free from activity of thought and just like empty space."" [Megumu Honda 233]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vinaṣṭata pravṛtta bhāva svabhāva tathatā a mana citta khaga tulya kalpa,,,bhāva svabhāva a,kalpa,,,vinaṣṭata pravṛtta,tathatā khaga tulya,,,,,, vikalpa,4,4,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sūkṣma durdṛśa vikalpavarjitaścittabhūmivigato durāsadaḥ | gocaro hi viduṣāmanāsravo yatra muhyati jagacchave sati ||,"""Subtle, difficult to see, free from constructive thought, devoid of the extent of mind (citta-bhūmi-vigata), hard to be met and without evil influence is the range of wise ones in which the worldly people (will) be bewildered if they hear it."" [Megumu Honda 122]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,sūkṣma durdṛśa varjita citta durāsada gocara vidus āsrava,,,,gocara varjita,,,,sūkṣma durdṛśa vidus,,,citta durāsada āsrava,,, vikalpa,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpināma bhavanto jinaputrā bhikṣurṛddhimāṃścetovaśipāramitāprāpto anupūrveṇa navamaṃ nirodhaṃ samāpannaḥ sarvaiñjitamanyanāspanditavikalpāpagato bhavati,"""For instance, o honorable sons of the Conqueror, a bhikṣu, having supernatural faculty and obtained the perfection of controlling his mind, has gradually accomplished the ninth perfect tranquillization and has become free from all moving mental events and flowing false mental constructions."" [Megumu Honda 218]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,cetas vaśi pāramitā sarva iñjita manyanā spandita apagata,apagata,,sarva iñjita spandita,,,,manyanā,vaśi,,,cetas,,, vikalpa,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,acalāyābodhisattvabhūmeḥ sahapratilambhātsarv^ābhogavigato anābhogadharmatāprāptaḥ kāyavākcitt^otsuky^āpagataḥ sarvaiñjitamanyanāspanditavikalp^āpagato vipākadharmatāvasthito bhavati |,"""[...] a Bodhisattva, from the simultaneous acquisition of this eighth Bodhisattva-stage (called) lmmovability, has become free from all endeavors and has attained the ultimate essence of non-effort and has become free from eagerness of body, speech and mind and has become free from all moving mental events and flowing mental false constructions and has abided in the ultimate essence of maturation."" [Megumu Honda 218]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,ābhoga kāya vāk citta autsukya sarva iñjita manyanā spandita apagata,apagata,,sarva iñjita spandita,,,,manyanā,,,,ābhoga autsukya,,, vikalpa,95,95,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evaṃ sthitānamanucintavikalpa nāsti bhikṣurnirodhyupagato apaprakalpaprāptaḥ | svapnoghaprāpta pratibuddha tathāvikalpā brahmāpureratisaṅgarahitotathaiva||,"""The ones who abide thus have no false construction of thought and mind. As a bhikṣu who has reached the perfect tranquilization obtains the state free from mental false construction, and as one who in his dream has dropped in a river and is awakened is free from mental false construction, and as one who is in Brahman's town is free from attachment to pleasure."" [Megumu Honda 233]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,anucinta na as prakalpa rati saṅga,,as,anucinta na,,,,,,,,prakalpa rati saṅga,,, vikalpa,34,34,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,avatāraśūnyatācanāmasamādhirājāyate|svabhāvaśūnyatāparamārthaśūnyatā paramaśūnyatā mahāśūnyatā saṃprayogaśūnyatā abhinirhāraśūnyatā yathāvadavikalpaśūnyatā sāpekṣaśūnyatā vinirbhāgāvinirbhāgaśūnyatā nāma samādhirājāyate |,"""To this Bodhisattva [...] the meditations named Negativity of comprehension (avatāra-śūnyatā), of self-nature, of absolute reality, of the highest, of the great, of mutual relation (samprayoga), of accomplishment (abhinirhara), of actuality (yathāvad) without thought-construction, of consideration (of 3 time divisions, Section J): sāpekṣa-śūnyatā, and of differentiation and non-differentiation (vinirbhagavinirbhaga; see Section M) are produced."" [Megumu Honda 193]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,avatāra samādhi paramārtha yathāvad a śūnyatā sāpekṣa vinirbhāga avinirbhāga,,,a,śūnyatā,,,,samādhi paramārtha,,,avatāra sāpekṣa vinirbhāga avinirbhāga,,, vikalpa,37,37,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarva [...] viṣayo asmābhiḥ samupasthāpayitavyo anābhogato akalp^āvikalpataśca paripūrayitavya iti |,"""We should establish the scope of all the Venerable buddhas and fulfill it without exertion and constructive thought (anābhogato 'kalpāvikalpataḥ)."" [Megumu Honda 202]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,viṣaya ābhoga kalpa a,,,a,,,,kalpa,,,,ābhoga,,viṣaya, vikalpa,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...]ādimadhyaparyavasānasamatāṃ ca tathat^āvikalpasarvajñajñānapraveśatāṃ ca sarvadharmāṇāṃ yathābhūtamavatarati |,"""He (such a Bodhisattva) understands correctly that all things are [...] equal in the past, in the present and in the future, and he understands correctly that all things (dharma) are the entrance to the knowledge of the omniscient because of non-differentiation of suchness"" [Megumu Honda 217]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,ādi madhya paryavasāna tathatā a sarvajña jñāna,,,a,,ādi madhya paryavasāna,,,tathatā sarvajña,,,,,, vikalpa,42,42,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa sarvaśaścittamanovijñānavikalpasaṃjñāapagato anavagṛhītaākāśasamo [...]ityucyate ||,"""It is said that he [such a Bodhisattva] is free from the notion of false mental construction of thought, mind and consciousness, and is not grasped like empty space, [...]"" [Megumu Honda 217-218]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,citta manas vijñāna saṃjñā apagata avagṛhīta ākāśa sama,apagata,,citta manas vijñāna,,,,saṃjñā,avagṛhīta ākāśa,,,,,, vikalpa,43,43,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punaḥ kulaputra ekastveṣa āloko yo ayaṃ sarvadharmanirvikalp^ālokaḥ | īdṛśāstu kulaputra dharmālokāstathāgatānāmaparyantagatā aparyantakṛtā aparyantabaddhāḥ [...],"""And again indeed, o son of noble family, you have one light (of knowledge), which illuminates all things without (false) discrimination. But, o son of noble family, such are the lights of the doctrines of Tathagatas extended without limit, made without limit and are bound without limit [...]"" [Megumu Honda 221]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,eka sarva dharma nir āloka,,,nir,,dharma,,,āloka,,,,,, vikalpa,69,69,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tryadhvaekavīkṣaṇavibuddhananirvikalpā nānāvidhe jagati kālaviśodhan^ārtham | saṃkṣepasarvaguṇa eṣitu nāyakānām ākāśatulya samudeti udāracittam ||,"""In order to purify the time-process in the world of various sorts, they understand the three times (past, present, future) in one moment without constructive thought (nirvikalpa). They endeavour to obtain succinctly all the merits of leaders. He raises a lofty mind equal to empty space (samudeti).” [Megumu Honda 140]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tri adhva eka vibuddhana nir kāla viśodhana,,,vibuddhana nir,,tri,,,eka viśodhana,,,,,, vikalpa,86,86,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śūnya prakṛtiśāntā sarvadharm^ānimittāḥ khagapathasamatulyā nirvikalpā viśuddhāḥ | gatisthitivinirvṛttā niṣprapañcā aśeṣā tathatasama tathatvāddharmatā nirvikalpā ||,"""All things are void, tranquil by their natures, without characteristics, the same as the path of a bird, devoid of thought-construction, purified, separated from going and staying (gati-sthiti-vinirvṛttā niṣprapañcā aśeṣā), beyond every possible verbal designation. Because (all things are) thus, the ultimate essence of things is the same as absolute reality and devoid of thought-construction (tathata-sama tathatvād dharmatā)."" [Megumu Honda 185]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,śūnya prakṛti śānta sarva dharma a nimitta sama tulya nir viśuddha prapañca aśeṣa tathatva,,,nir,,,,,śūnya śānta sama tulya viśuddha aśeṣa tathatva,,,nimitta prapañca,,, vikalpa,87,87,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmā vivikta apratigraha nirvikalpā māyāsvabhāva dvayabhāvatu viprayuktā | anulomayanta avilomanta dharmanetrī jñānānvitāḥ pravara ṣaṣṭhisamākramanti,"""Things are 5) serene, 8) without acceptance and thought-construction, 9) of self-natures like illusion and 10) free from dual state (of being and non-being). (The wise ones), going to right direction (anulo-mayanta avilomanta) not to opposite direction, leading the Law, endowed with knowledge, march into the sixth best stage."" [Megumu Honda 195-196]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,dharma vivikta apratigraha nir māyā dvaya anuloma dharma jñāna,,,nir māyā,,,,,dharma jñāna,,,dvaya anuloma,,, vikalpa,91,91,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,śodhenti kṣetra khasamaāśayanirvikalpā jinalakṣanairupāgato acaladharmatāyām | abhilāpyaghoṣavigatā jagatoṣaṇārthaṃ kṣaṇajñāna cittasya jinānasamosaranti||,"""7) Purifying realms, though their intentions are without thought-construction like empty space, 8) attaining immovable ultimate essence of things (acala-dharmatā) with characteristics of the Conqueror, 9) (preaching) in order to please worldly people, though they are free from voice of speech, 10) (the wise ones) associate with (attain to comprehension of) the mind of the Conquerors who can know (everything) in a moment."" [Megumu Honda 210]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,kha sama āśaya nir acala abhilāpya ghoṣa,,,nir,,,,,kha sama acala,,,āśaya abhilāpya ghoṣa,,, vikalpa,95,95,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evaṃ sthitānamanucintavikalpa nāsti bhikṣurnirodhyupagato apaprakalpaprāptaḥ | svapnaughaprāpta pratibuddha tathāvikalpā brahmāpure ratisaṅgarahito tathāeva ||,"""The ones who abide thus have no false construction of thought and mind. As a bhikṣu who has reached the perfect tranquilization obtains the state free from mental false construction, and as one who in his dream has dropped in a river and is awakened is free from mental false construction, and as one who is in Brahman's town is free from attachment to pleasure."" [Megumu Honda 233]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,prakalpa pratibuddha a rati saṅga,,,a,,,,,pratibuddha,,,prakalpa rati saṅga,,, vikalpa,96,96,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sada eṣa dharmata sthitā tathatāvikalpā sarveṣu buddhajinaśrāvakapratyayānam | na hi etinā daśabalāna prabhāvu loke nānyatra jñānavipulaṃ tribhiadhvasaṅgam||,"""This ultimate essence of things, being true and without mental false constructions, stands eternally and is of all buddhas, Conquerors, Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas (pratyayānam). Indeed, in the world the majestic one endowed with ten powers is (called buddha) not with this (ultimate essence of things), but with wide knowledge which has no obstruction in the three times."" [Megumu Honda 234]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sadā dharmata sthita tathatā a sarva,,,a,,dharmata,,,sadā sthita tathatā,,,,sarva,, vikalpa,43,43,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,naetayā tathāgatā eva kevalaṃ prabhāvyante sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhā api hyetāmavikalpadharmatāmanuprāpnuvanti |,"""Because of this (hypostasis) not only Tathagatas are called (Tathagatas), but also all Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas obtain this ultimate essence of things (which is) without false mental construction."""" [Megumu Honda 221]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu.neg,,sarva śrāvaka pratyekabuddha a dharmatā,,,a,dharmatā,,,,pratyekabuddha,,,,,, vikalpa,45,45,dasabhumika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sa sarvakāyavikalp^āpagataḥ kāyasamatāprāptaḥ ( taccāsya kāyasaṃdarśanam akṣūṇamavandhyaṃ ca sattvaparipākavinayāya )sasattvakāyaṃca prajānāti|,"""He is free from false mental construction of all bodies and he has obtained the equality of body. (This is the showing (saṃdarśana), infallibility and effectiveness of his body in order to train and mature living beings). And he knows the body of living beings [...]"" [Megumu Honda 225]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu.neg,,sarva kāya apagata samatā,,,sarva,apagata,kāya,,,samatā,,,,,, vikalpa,67,67 - 9.81,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,apiidānīṃ me vitathā mithyāvikalpā bhaveyuḥ | api rājaputrāya saputrāya svasti syāt | apyaniṣṭanivedināṃ nimittānāṃ maccharīra eva vipāko bhavet |,"""Oh! that my suspicions may prove to be groundless and false even now, and the prince and the children be well! Oh! may the evil-boding prognostics find their fulfilment on my body!"" [Speyer 122]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,vitatha mithyā bhav as,,bhav,vitatha mithyā,,,,,as,,,,,, vikalpa,9,9 - 2.10,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bodhisattvaḥsamabhilaṣitamanorathaprasiddhyā paraṃ prītyutsavamanubhavan kimsvididaṃ satyamevoktaṃ brāhmaṇena syāduta vikalpābhyāsānmayāevamavadhāritamiti jātavimarśaścakṣuryācñāpriyavacanaśravaṇatṛṣitamatistaṃ cakṣuryācanakamuvāca,"""Though the Bodhisattva experienced an extreme delight at his heart’s desire being realised, a doubt arose within him as to whether the Brāhman had really said so or, this thought being always present to his mind, himself had fancied so, and since he longed to hear the very sweet words of the eye being asked, he thus spoke to the eye-asker"" [Speyer 17]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,process_of_thinking,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,bodhisattva samabhilaṣita manoratha prasiddhi prīty utsava abhyāsa jāta vimarśa,,,,abhyāsa,,,,,,,vimarśa,,, vikalpa,124,124 - 20.17,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,svecchāvikalpagrathitāśca tāstā niraṅkuśā lokakathā bhramanti | kurvīta yastā hṛdaye api tāvatsyātso apahāsyaḥ kimuta prapattā ||,"""Rumour is the result of unrestrained imagination. Once abroad, it runs about free and unchecked. Ridiculous is he who in earnest minds such gossip, more ridiculous is he who acts up to it!"" [Speyer 234]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,svecchā grathita niraṅkuśa lokakathā bhram,,,svecchā,grathita,,,,,,,,,lokakathā, vikalpa,132,132 - 21-26,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,kāṣṭhādyathāgniḥ parimathyamānādudeti tasyaeva parābhavāya | mithyāvikalpaiḥ samudīryamāṇastathā narasyātmavadhāya roṣaḥ ||,"""As fire, by the process of attrition, arises from a piece of wood to the destruction of that very log, in the same way wrath, breaking out by the false conceptions it produces in the mind of a man, tends to his ruin."" [Speyer 248]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,mithyā samudīrya māṇa roṣa,,,mithyā,māṇa,,,,,,,,,samudīrya roṣa, vikalpa,20,20 - 4.0,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,cādhigatavipuladhanasamṛddhiraviṣamavyavahāraśīlatvālloke bahumānaniketabhūta udārābhijanavānanekavidyākalāvikalpādhigamavimalataramatirguṇamāhātmyādrājñā samupahṛtasammānaḥ pradānaśīlatvāllokasādhāraṇavibhavaḥ śreṣṭhī babhūva |,"""In the time, when our Lord was still a Bodhisattva, he was a head of a guild. In consequence of the excessive favour of his destiny, and owing to his own great activity, he had acquired a large estate. His fairness and integrity in commercial transactions procured him the highest esteem among the people; he was born of an illustrious family; he had acquainted himself with various branches of learning and art, and by them purified his mind. These qualities and his noble virtues caused him to be honoured by the king. As he was always keeping the precept of almsgiving, he shared his opulence with the people."" [Speyer 35]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,,aneka vidyā kalā adhigama vimalatara mati,,,vidyā kalā,adhigama,,,,,aneka,,,,, vikalpa,110,110 - 18.0,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,rājño lokābhisaṃmate janma pratilebhe | sa kālānāmatyayenābhivṛddhaḥ kṛtaśramo lokābhimateṣu vidyāsthāneṣvaparokṣabuddhirvividhavikalp^āśrayāsu kalāsu jananayanakāntena ca vapuṣā […],"""Being born in this family, he grew up in course of time, and studied such branches of science as are reputed of much value in the world, while he turned his mind with no less zeal to various arts, the knowledge of which is optional."" [Speyer 207]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,,vidyā sthāna vividha āśraya kalā,,,,āśraya,,,,,vividha,,,kalā,, vikalpa,162,162 - 24.0,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,himavatpārśve vividhadhāturuciracitrāṅgarāge nīlakauśeyaprāvārakṛtottarāsaṅga iva vanagahanalakṣmyā prayatnaracitairivānekavarṇasaṃsthānavikalpairvaiṣamyabhakticitrairvibhūṣitataṭāntadeśe […],"""There is a blessed region on one side of the Himavat. Its soil, pervaded with different, metallic ores, might be called its body perfumed with lovely and various ointments; and its magnificent woods and forests constituted its upper garment, as it were, consisting in a mantle of dark silk. The slopes and declivities of that landscape were adorned by their picturesque scenery, which harmonized the inequality of colours and shapes and combinations, so that they seemed to have been arranged purposely and with care."" [Speyer 302]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,,prayatna racita aneka varṇa saṃsthāna vaiṣamya bhakti citra,,,varṇa saṃsthāna,prayatna,,,,,aneka,,racita citra,,vaiṣamya, vikalpa,201,201 - 29.7,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,candrārkanakṣatravibhūṣaṇā dyaustiryagvikalpāśca bahuprakārāḥ | pratyakṣarūpaḥ paraloka eṣa mā te atra saṃdehajaḍā matirbhūt ||,"""The heaven, with its ornament of sun, moon and stars, and the many-shaped variety of animals, are the world hereafter in a concrete and visible form. Let not thy mind be benumbed by scepticism so as not to perceive this truth."" [Speyer 375]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu,other,vibhūṣaṇa dyu tiryag bahu prakāra,,,tiryag,dyu,,,,,bahu prakāra,,,,, vikalpa,47,47r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dveṣasya maitrī cikitsā mohasya pratītyasamutpādapratyavekṣaṇā cikitsā sarvadṛṣṭīgatānāṃśunyatā cikitsā sarvakalpavikalpaparikalpaāraṃbhaṇavitarkamanasīkārāṇām ānimitta cikitsā [...],"""Then, Kāśyapa, what is ‘real’ medical care? The treatment for lust — that is [the contemplation of] foulness, the treatment for hatred is loving kindness, for delusion [one’s] wisely contemplating dependent origination; the treatment for all wrong views is [the liberating insight into] emptiness, for all fancying, false discrimination, imaginary assumption, conceiving ideas and fixing [them] in one’s mind it is [the liberating insight into] signlessness, […]"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 152]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dṛṣṭī sarva kalpa parikalpa āraṃbhaṇa vitarka manasī ānimitta cikitsā,,,sarva manasī ānimitta,,,,kalpa parikalpa āraṃbhaṇa vitarka,cikitsā,,,dṛṣṭī,,, vikalpa,68,68r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,na śīlavantasya rajo na doṣaḥśāntapraśānta upaśāntamānaso kalpavikalpāpagato niraṃgaṇaḥ sarveñjanāmanyanavipramuktaḥ sa śīlavānkāśyapa buddhaśāsane na kāyasāpekṣi na jīvitārthiko hy,"""Passionless and without blemish, the man of virtue is At peace, absolutely tranquil in his mind. [He who] is Free from evil, from fancying and false discrimination. Free from all agitation and conceit - that, Kasyapa, [According to] the buddha’s Teaching, is the man of Moral conduct."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,doṣa upaśānta mānas kalpa apagata,,,,apagata,,,kalpa,upaśānta,,,doṣa,,, vikalpa,44,44v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tadyathāpi nāma kāśyapa yāni himavantaḥ parvatarājā bhaiṣajyāni virohanti sarvāny amamānyaparigrahānyavikalpāni |,"""The medicinal [herbs] growing in the Himālaya, The king of mountains, are not selfish and do not Falsely discriminate. Whenever administered, they Cure the disease; some also rejuvenate."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 149]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bhaiṣajya mama a,,,a,,,,,bhaiṣajya,,,,,, vikalpa,44,44v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,evam eva kāśyapa prathamacittautpādikobodhisatvo ya jñānabhaiṣajyaṃ samudānayati tat sarvanirvikalpa samudānayati samacittatāsarvasatveṣu cikitsā prayojayati |,"""Similarly, Kāśyapa, all the medicine of insight-knowledge that a bodhisattva provides who has just set out on his way [to buddhahood], that he provides, being free from false discrimination; he gives medical care to all beings [with] a mind [regarding all] as equal."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 148-149]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bodhisatva jñāna sarva nir samacittatā,,,sarva nir,,,,,bodhisatva jñāna samacittatā,,,,,, vikalpa,44,44v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tatredam ucyatehimavanta ye parvatarāja bheṣajā rohanti te nirmamanirvikalpā | yatraupanāmyanti ca taṃ śamenti vyādhiṃ jarā cāpanayanti kecit[...],"""The medicinal [herbs] growing in the Himālaya, The king of mountains, are not selfish and do not Falsely discriminate. Whenever administered, they Cure the disease; some also rejuvenate."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 149]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bheṣaja mama nir,,,nir,,,,mama,bheṣaja,,,,,, vikalpa,44,44v,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,jinātmajā api samudānayantiyaṃ jñānabhaiṣajya vikalpa muktvā | hitārtha sarvaṃ samudānayanti samacitta satveṣu cikitsa kurvan,"""Likewise The Conqueror’s spiritual sons provide, free From false discrimination, the medicine of insight- Knowledge. They provide everything [that is] For the good of beings and give [them] medical Care with a mind [regarding all] as equal."" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 149]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,jñāna muc samacitta,muc,,,,,,,jñāna samacitta,,,,,, vikalpa,27,27,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra etayācatuḥprakāradeśanayā śūnyatāyāḥ svalakṣaṇaṃ | karmalakṣaṇaṃ | saṃkleśavyavadānalakṣaṇaṃ | yuktilakṣaṇaṃ caudbhāvitaṃ bhavati | vikalpatrāsakauśīdyavicikitsāupaśāntaye |,"""Here, through this four-fold exposition, the own-characteristic of emptiness: its characteristic of action, its characteristic of affliction and alleviation, and its characteristic of logical fitness, is caused to occur, bringing discriminations, fears, inactivity, and doubts to complete rest."" [Anacker 222]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,karma saṃkleśa vyavadāna yukti lakṣaṇa trāsa kauśīdya vicikitsā upaśānti,,,,upaśānti,,,trāsa kauśīdya vicikitsā,,,,,,, vikalpa,44,44,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,rūpaṃ yo rūpasya parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ | vikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya paratantraḥ svabhāvas tatra hi rūpavikalpaḥ kriyate | dharmatārūpaṃ yo rūpasya pariniṣpannaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""Inasmuch as the concept of the aggregate of materiality is a construction, it belongs to the constructed own-being. Inasmuch as this construction rests on an object of discrimination, the discrimination of materiality is effected, which rests upon the interdependent own-being."" [Anacker 240]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,parikalpita paratantra svabhāva rūpa kar/kuru dharmatā,kar/kuru,,paratantra rūpa,,svabhāva,,parikalpita dharmatā,,,,,,, vikalpa,47,47,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,guṇadoṣ^āvikalpena jñānena parataḥ svayaṃ niryāṇād aparaṃ jñeyaṃ |,"""Emancipation relying on 'oneself' or others through the knowledge of good qualities and faults, and through knowledge free from discriminations, is to be known as the meaning of the vehicles"" [Anacker 244]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,guṇa doṣa a jñāna apara jñeya,,,a,,guṇa doṣa,,,jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,67,67,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvam idaṃ nāmamātraṃ | yad idaṃ cakṣūrūpaṃ yāvan manodharmā iti yaj jñānaṃ sarvavikalpānāṃ pratipakṣeṇa ayaṃ svalakṣaṇe aviparyāsaḥ |,"""""All this, from visibles seen by the eye, to mentally cognizables grasped by the manas, is only names"": this knowledge is lack of reversal in the own-characteristic, because of being an antidote to all discriminations."" [Anacker 263]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,nāman jñāna sarva pratipakṣa aviparyāsa,,,sarva,pratipakṣa,,,,jñāna aviparyāsa,,,nāman,,, vikalpa,36,36,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,caturdhā vaśitā nirvikalpavaśitā kṣetrapariśuddhivaśitā jñānavaśitā karmavaśitā ca,"""There is a four-fold potency: potency in absence of discriminations, potency in the total clearing of the buddha-field, potency in knowledge, and potency in action."" [Anacker 230]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nir vaśitā pariśuddhi jñāna karma,,,nir,,,,,pariśuddhi jñāna karma vaśitā,,,,,, vikalpa,18,18,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,abhūtaparikalpoasti dvayan tatra na vidyate | śūnyatā vidyate tv atra tasyām api sa vidyate || tatrābhūtaparikalpo grāhyagrāhakavikalpaḥ | dvayaṃ grāhyaṃ grāhakañ ca |,"""In this passage, ""the construction of that which was not"" is the discrimination between the object apprehended and the subject apprehendor"" [Anacker 211]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,dvaya śūnyatā abhūta parikalpa grāhya grāhaka,,,abhūta,,grāhya grāhaka,,,,,parikalpa,dvaya,,, vikalpa,42,42,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nimittasya vikalpasya nāmnaś ca dvayasaṃgrahaḥ | yathāyogaṃ pañca vastūny ārabhya nimittavikalpayoḥ paratantreṇa saṃgrahaḥ nāmnaḥ,"""There are two kinds of comprising together: that of the sign and its discrimination, and that of naming."" There is the comprising done by apprehending objects of senses of the five varieties (visibles, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations), and the discrimination of their sensuous characteristics."" [Anacker 238]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,nimitta nāman saṃgraha,,,,saṃgraha,,,nimitta,,,,nāman,,, vikalpa,44,44,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,katham antarbhūtāḥ | parikalpavikalp^ārthadharmatāarthena teṣu te || trividhaṃ rūpaṃ parikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ |,"""How are these ten kinds of skill in means included in basic reality? In such a way that the aggregates are included in the three own-beings, ""as constructions, as objects of discrimination, and as objects of Dharmatā. "" [Anacker 240]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,antarbhūta parikalpa arthadharmatā,,,,antarbhūta,,,parikalpa arthadharmatā,,,,,,, vikalpa,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatranirvāṇasaṃsārayorguṇadoṣajñānenaparataḥśrutvā niryāṇārthena śrāvakayānaṃ | tenaiva svayam aśrutvā parato niryāṇārthena pratyekabuddhayānaṃ | avikalpena jñānena svayaṃ niryāṇārthena mahāyānaṃ veditavyaṃ ||,"""If knowledge free from discriminations arises by itself, and through this knowledge there is emancipation, this can be known as the Great Vehicle"" [Anacker 244]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,a jñāna niryāṇa,,,a,,,,,niryāṇa jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,hetur bījasaṃgṛhītam ālayavijñānaṃ | nimittaṃ pratiṣṭhādehabhogasaṃgṛhītaṃ | pravṛttivijñānasaṃgṛhītāś ca mana^odgrāhavikalpaḥ |,"""""Preparatory factors"" are the environment, body, and objects of experience, along with manas, apprehension, and discrimination included in the evolving consciousnesses."" [Anacker 244-245]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,hetu nimitta vijñāna manas udgrāha,,,,,udgrāha,,vijñāna manas,,,,hetu nimitta,,, vikalpa,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra mano yan nityaṃ manyanākāraṃ | udgrāhaḥ pañcavijñānakāyāḥ vikalpo manovijñānaṃ ( | ),"""""Apprehension"" is the five consciousnesses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. ""Discrimination"" is the sixth consciousness, because it discriminates all these objects."" [Anacker 245]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,manas udgrāha vijñāna,,,,vijñāna,,,,,,,manas udgrāha,,, vikalpa,48,48,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra mano yan nityaṃ manyanākāraṃ | udgrāhaḥ pañcavijñānakāyāḥ vikalpo manovijñānaṃ | tasya vikalpakatvād asaṃskṛtaṃ punaḥ praśamaś ca nirodhaḥ |,"""""Apprehension"" is the five consciousnesses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. ""Discrimination"" is the sixth consciousness, because it discriminates all these objects."" [Anacker 245]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,manas udgrāha vijñāna,,,vijñāna,,,,,,,,manas udgrāha,,, vikalpa,66,66,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhyagrāhakajalpaparibhāvito jalpamanaskāras tasya grāhyagrāhakavikalpasy^āśrayo bhavatiity ayaṃ manaskāre aviparyāsaḥ |,"""A lack of reversal in regard to mental attention is the cognition that a mental attention towards talk, being suffused with talk which leads to the notion of object apprehended and subject apprehendor, is the only basis for the discrimination between object apprehended and subject apprehendor."" [Anacker 262]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,jalpa manaskāra grāhya grāhaka āśraya,,,jalpa manaskāra,āśraya,grāhya grāhaka,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,66,66,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,katamasminmanaskāre grāhyagrāhakasaṃprakhyānakāraṇe sa hy asau jalpamanaskāro abhilāpasaṃjñāparibhāvitatvāt grāhyagrāhakavikalp^āśrayo veditavyaḥ |,"""[…] this mental attention towards talk is itself to be known as the basis for the distinction between object apprehended and subject apprehendor, because it is suffused with cognitions of verbal specification."" [Anacker 262]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,jalpa abhilāpa saṃjñā grāhya grāhaka āśraya,,,jalpa abhilāpa saṃjñā,āśraya,grāhya grāhaka,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,69,69,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpadvayatāntaś ca sa ca saptavidho mataḥ | bhāvābhāve praśāmye atha śamane trāsyantadbhaye ||,"""[…] the seven-fold extremes of discrimination: extremes relating to being and non-being, something which is to be brought to rest, putting to rest, & something which is to be feared, […]"" [Anacker 266]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,dvayata anta saptavidha bhāva abhāva praśāmya śamana trāsyan bhaya,,,saptavidha,dvayata,,,,,,,,bhāva abhāva praśāmya śamana trāsyan bhaya,, vikalpa,70,70,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhyagrāhe atha samyaktvamithyātve vyāpṛtau na ca | ajanmasamakālatve sa vikalpadvayāntatā ||,"""[…] occupation with rightness and wrongness as regards objects apprehended and subjects apprehendors, and the extremes of discriminations as regards non-arising and simultaneity."" [Anacker 266]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,grāhya grāha samyaktva mithyātva dvaya antatā,,,,dvaya,,,,,,,,grāhya grāha samyaktva mithyātva,, vikalpa,70,70,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ity apavādāntaḥ prajñaptisato apy apavādāt | tatparivarjanārthaṃ madhyamā pratipad yad ātmanairātmyayor madhyaṃ nirvikalpaṃ jñānaṃ |,"""In order to avoid these extremes, there is the middle path which is a knowledge free from discriminations standing midway between maintaining elf and maintaining non-self."" [Anacker 266]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,prajñapti ātma nairātmya madhya nir jñāna,,,nir,,,,,madhya jñāna,,,,ātma nairātmya,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,aparaḥ saptavidho vikalpadvayāntas tad yathā […],"""Furthermore, there may be seven kinds of discrimination which involve an extreme of duality."" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,saptavidha dvaya anta,,,saptavidha,dvaya,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,71,71,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,aparaḥ saptavidho vikalpadvayāntas tad yathā bhāve api vikalpo antaḥ | abhāve api pudgalo asti yasya vināśāya śūnyatā nairātmyam api vā nāstiiti kalpanāt |,"""Discrimination even in regard to being is an extreme. A discrimination as to a non-being, e.g. that personality must exist because it is through its destruction that emptiness, an absence of self, exists […]"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,bhāva anta abhāva kalpana,,,,anta,,,,,,,,bhāva abhāva kalpana,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tad etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārtham iyaṃ madhyamā pratipat |,"""[…] as there may be such discrimination, there is a middle path which avoids these extremes discriminating a duality, which goes as follows: […]"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dvaya anta parivarjana madhyamā,parivarjana,,,dvaya,,,,madhyamā,,,,,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śāmye api vikalpo antaḥ | śamane api vikalpo anataḥ praheyaprahāṇakalpanayā śūnyatāyās trasanād etasya vikalpadvayāntasya,"""A discrimination as to ""something which is to be brought to rest"" is an extreme. A discrimination as to a state of putting to rest is another extreme."" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,śāmya anta śamana kalpanā,,,,anta,,,,,,,,śāmya śamana kalpanā,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śāmye api vikalpo antaḥ | śamane api vikalpo antaḥ praheyaprahāṇakalpanayā śūnyatāyās trasanād etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārtham,"""A discrimination as to ""something which is to be brought to rest"" is an extreme. A discrimination as to a state of putting to rest is another extreme."" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,śāmya śamana anta kalpanā,,,,anta,,,,,,,,śāmya śamana kalpanā,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śamane api vikalpo antaḥ praheyaprahāṇakalpanayā śūnyatāyās trasanād etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthamākāśadṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""Because of a fear of emptiness that comes with discriminating ""something to be abandoned"" and ""its abandonment""."" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dvaya anta parivarjana ākāśa,parivarjana,,,dvaya,,,,ākāśa,,,,,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,trāsye api vikalpo antas tataś ca trāsyād bhaye api parikalpitarūpaāditrasanāt |,"""A discrimination as to ""something that is to be feared"" is an extreme, and a discrimination of fear that comes from assuming ""something that is to be feared"" is an extreme, because of the frightening aspect of suffering which comes from far towards the aggregates of materiality, etc. […]"" [Anacker 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,trāsya anta bhaya parikalpita,,,,anta,,,,,,,,trāsya bhaya,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,duḥkhabhīrutayā etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthaṃ citrakaradṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""[…] because of the frightening aspect of suffering which comes from far towards the aggregates of materiality, etc. when constructed into a frightening aspect due to suffering. In order to avoid this extreme of discriminating a duality, there is the example of the painter."" [Anacker 268-269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dvaya anta parivarjana,parivarjana,,,dvaya,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhye api vikalpo antaḥ grāhake api etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthaṃ māyākāradṛṣṭāntaḥ | vijñaptimātrajñānakṛtaṃ hy,"""A discrimination as to ""an object apprehended"" is an extreme; a discrimination as to ""a subject apprehendor"" is also an extreme."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,grāhya anta grāhaka,,,,anta,,,,,,,,grāhya grāhaka,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhye api vikalpo antaḥ grāhake api etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthaṃ māyākāradṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""For avoiding these extremes discriminating a duality, there is the example of the magician."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,grāhya grāhaka dvaya anta parivarjana,,,,dvaya,,,,,,,,grāhya grāhaka,, vikalpa,72,72,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,samyaktve api vikalpo antaḥ mithyātve api bhūtapratyavekṣāṃ samyaktvena kalpayato mithyātvena vā etasyāntadvayasya parivarjanārthaṃ,"""A discrimination as to ""rightness"" is also an extreme. A discrimination as to ""wrongness"" is also an extreme, because one discriminates from an investigation of what already was, as regards either ""rightness"" or ""wrongness."""" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,samyaktva anta mithyātva kalp,,,,anta,,,,,,,kalp,samyaktva mithyātva,, vikalpa,73,73,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyāpṛtāv api vikalpo antaḥ | avyāpṛtāv api,"""A discrimination as to ""practise"" is also an extreme and discrimination as to ""non-practise"" is also an extreme, by which one discriminates either an activity which is preceded by enlightenment or by a lack of capacity."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vyāpṛti anta avyāpṛti,,,,anta,,,,,,,,vyāpṛti avyāpṛti,, vikalpa,73,73,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyāpṛtāv api vikalpo antaḥ | avyāpṛtāv api jñānasya buddhipūrvāṃ kriyāṃ niḥsāmarthyaṃ vā kalpayataḥ | etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthaṃ tailapradyotadṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""For avoiding these extremes discriminating a duality, there is the example of the oil-lamp."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,vyāpṛti avyāpṛti kalp dvaya anta parivarjana,parivarjana,,,dvaya,,,,,,,kalp,vyāpṛti avyāpṛti,, vikalpa,73,73,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ajanmatve api vikalpo antaḥ samakālatve api yadi pratipakṣasyānutpattiṃ vā kalpayati saṃkleśasyaiva vā dīrghakālatvam etasya,"""A discrimination as to a ""state of non-arising"" is an extreme. A discrimination as to simultaneity is also an extreme."" [Anacker 269]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,ajanmatva anta samakālatva,,,,anta,,,,,,,,ajanmatva samakālatva,, vikalpa,73,73,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpo antaḥ samakālatve api yadi pratipakṣasyānutpattiṃ vā kalpayati saṃkleśasyaeva vā dīrghakālatvam etasya vikalpadvayāntasya parivarjanārthaṃ dvitīyas tailapradyotadṛṣṭāntaḥ |,"""For avoiding these extremes discriminating a duality, there is the second example of the oil-lamp."" [Anacker 269-270]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,kalp dvaya parivarjana,parivarjana,,,dvaya,,,,,,,kalp,,, vikalpa,76,76,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svalakṣaṇāviparyāsena tatpratipakṣeṇāvikalpaṃ mārgaṃ bhāvayati | sāmānyalakṣaṇāviparyāsena vyavadānaprakṛtiṃ pratividhyati |,"""By lack of reversal in own-characteristics, one practises the path without discriminations which serves as its antidote."" [Anacker 272]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,aviparyās a mārga bhāv,,,a,,,,,aviparyās mārga,,,,,, vikalpa,89,89 - XIII.29,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paramavimalanirvikalpabuddhyā vrajati sa siddhim anuttamāṃ krameṇa ||,"""Gradually, with supreme, impeccable, and nonconceptual intelligence, he attains the unexcelled accomplishment."" [Thurman 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,parama vimala nir buddhi vraj siddhi,,,nir,,,,,parama vimala siddhi buddhi,,,,,, vikalpa,90,90 - XIII.29,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,iti nirvikalpena dharmanairātmyajñānena pratipattuḥ pratipattavyasya pratipatteś cāvikalpanā trimaṇḍalapariśuddhir veditavyā |,"""The purification of the three spheres should be understood as the nondiscernment of practitioner, to-be-practiced, and actual practice through the nonconceptual intuition of the selflessness of things."" [Thurman 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nir dharma nairātmya jñāna pratipattṛ pratipattavya pratipatti a vikalpanā pariśuddhi,,,nir,nairātmya,,,,jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,131,131 - XVI.65,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,maitr^ādibhāvanāagrā svacittato dharmato adhimokṣāc ca | āśayato api vibhutvād avikalpād aikyataś cāpi ||,"""The superior meditative practice of love and so forth comes from one's own mind, from faith in the teaching, from resolve, from mastery, from nonconceptualization, and from oneness."" [Thurman 242]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,bhāvanā svacitta dharma adhimokṣa āśaya vibhutva a aikya,,,a,,,,svacitta dharma adhimokṣa āśaya vibhutva,aikya,,,,,, vikalpa,41,41 - IX.44,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpaparāvṛttau sarveṣāṃ jñānānāṃ karmaṇāṃ ca sarvakālam avyāghāte paramaṃ vibhutvaṃ labhyate |,"""In the transmutation of discriminations, highest mastery is attained, intuitions and actions being entirely unimpeded at all times."" [Thurman 89]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,parāvṛtti jñāna karma avyāghāta vibhutva,,,,parāvṛtti,,,,avyāghāta,,,,,vibhutva, vikalpa,149,149 - XVIII.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,asadartho avikalp^ārthaḥ parikalp^ārtha eva ca | vikalp^opaśam^ārthaś ca dhīmatāṃ tac catuṣṭayam ||,"""For the (bodhisattva) geniuses, those four (respectively) have thus the meanings of unreality, un(real) discrimination, imaginative construction, and the eradication of discriminative construction."" [Thurman 275]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,vague,sat a artha parikalpa upaśama dhīmat,,,a,upaśama artha,,,,dhīmat,,,sat parikalpa,,, vikalpa,149,149 - XVIII.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bodhisatvānām [...] abhūtavikalp^ārtho duḥkh^ārtho yat paratantralakṣaṇaṃ |,"""For bodhisattvas [...] The meaning of ""suffering"" is ""discriminative construction of the unreal,"" and such is the relative identity."" [Thurman 276]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,abhūta artha duḥkha paratantra lakṣaṇa,,,abhūta,paratantra artha,,,,,,duḥkha,,,, vikalpa,149,149 - XVIII.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bodhisatvānām [...] vikalp^opaśam^ārthaḥ pariniṣpannalakṣaṇaṃ nirvāṇaṃ |,"""For bodhisattvas [...] The meaning of ""peace"" is ""eradication of discrimination""; it is the absolutely perfect identity, which is Nirvana."" [Thurman 276]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,upaśama artha pariniṣpanna lakṣaṇa nirvāṇa,,,,upaśama,,,,pariniṣpanna nirvāṇa,,,,,, vikalpa,165,165 - XIX.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bhogasaktiḥ sacchidratvaṃ mānaś caeva sukhallikā | āsvādanaṃ vikalpaś ca dhīrāṇāṃ hānihetavaḥ ||,"""The causes of the brave (bodhisattvas') downfall are attachment to possessions, laxity, pridefulness, a liking for pleasures, indulgence (in transient experiences), and superstitious notions."" [Thurman 300]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,other,sakti sacchidratva māna sukhallikā āsvādana dhīra hāni,,,,hāni,,,sakti sacchidratva māna sukhallikā āsvādana,dhīra,,,,,, vikalpa,174,174 - XIX.76,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ātmānubodhāt tanudṛṣṭibodhād vicitravijñaptivibodhataś ca | sarvasya cābhūtavikalpabodhāt tena ucyate hetuna bodhisatvaḥ ||,"""One is called ""bodhisattva"" for this reason: for understanding the self, for understanding subtle views, for recognizing the variousness of ideas, and for realizing the unreal construction of everything."" [Thurman 315-316]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,vicitra vijñapti sarva abhūta bodha bodhisatva,,,sarva abhūta,bodha,,,,bodhisatva,,,vicitra vijñapti,,, vikalpa,180,180,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nācchando na ca lubdhahrasvahṛdayo na krodhano nālaso nāmaitrīkarūṇāśayo na kumatiḥ kalpair vikalpair hataḥ | no vikṣiptamatiḥ sukhair na ca hato duḥkhair na vā vyāvartate satyaṃ mitram upāśritaḥ śrutaparaḥ pūjāparaḥśāstari ||,"""Not without will-power, with heart free of greed and fickleness, free of anger and laziness, free of unloving and callous thoughts, the intellect undisturbed by negative notions and discriminations, the mind free from distraction, not overcome by happiness, not daunted by suffering, relying on the spiritual friend, (the bodhisattva) seeks learning, and strives to honor the teacher."" [Thurman 328]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,kumati kalpa hata vikṣipta,,,,kumati,,,kalpa,,,,vikṣipta,,hata, vikalpa,96,96 - XIV.45,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vajr^opamaṃ samādhānaṃ vikalp^ābhedyam etya ca | niṣṭhāśrayaparāvṛttiṃ sarv^āvaraṇanirmalāṃ ||,"""He arrives at the diamond-like meditative concentration, unbroken by conceptualization, and obtains the final foundational transmutation, untainted by any obscurations."" [Thurman 185]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,samādhāna bhedya āvaraṇa,,,,bhedya,,,,samādhāna,,,,,, vikalpa,3,3 - I.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pratipakṣatvād bhāvyamānaṃ ca mahāyānaṃ sarvanirvikalpajñānaāśrayatvena kleśānāṃ pratipakṣo bhavati tasmād buddhavacanaṃ |,"""""Because it has medicinal power;"" if one practices the universal vehicle, it serves as the ground of all nonconceptual intuitions, thereby becoming the medicine for all the mental addictions. It is therefore the word of the buddha."" [Thurman 8]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,sarva nir jñānā kleśa buddha,,,sarva nir,,,,,buddha jñānā,,,,,, vikalpa,5,5 - I.11,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,avataratyevaidaṃ svasmin mahāyānasūtre svasya ca śleśasya vinayaḥ saṃdṛśyate | yo mahāyāne bodhisatvānāṃ śleśa uktaḥ | vikalpaśleśā hi bodhisatvāḥ |,"""[...] this (universal vehicle word of the buddha) arises in its own universal vehicle discourses and is evident in its own discipline for (treating) the mental addictions of the bodhisattvas, which, the universal vehicle teaches, (mainly) consist of conceptual thoughts"" [Thurman 10]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,śleṣa bodhisatva,,,,bodhisatva śleṣa,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,15,15 - IV.8,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sūpāsitasaṃbuddhe susaṃbhṛtajñānapuṇyasaṃbhāre | dharmeṣu nirvikalpajñānaprasavāt paramatāsya ||,"""When a perfect buddha has been well served, when the stores of merit and wisdom have been well amassed, when nonconceptual intuition of things has been born, (the spirit of enlightenment) has ultimacy."" [Thurman 34]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,saṃbuddha puṇya dharma nir jñāna prasava paramatā,,,nir,,dharma,,,saṃbuddha puṇya paramatā jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,24,24 - VI.10,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sadā sarvatra samat^ānugatenāvikalpajñānabalena yatra tatsamatānugataṃ paratantre svabhāve tadāśrayasya dūra anupraviṣṭasya doṣasaṃcayasya,"""Through the power of her nonconceptual intuition which is always and everywhere equal, she clears away, as a powerful antidote dispels poison, the long-persisting mass of the faults (of the imaginary nature) — negative instinctual conditionings themselves based upon the relative reality wherein (nonconceptual intuition) persists in equality."" [Thurman 53]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sadā sarvatra samatā a jñāna doṣa,,,a,,,,,sadā sarvatra samatā jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35 - IX.12,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,buddhatvaṃ śukladharmapravaraguṇayutā āśrayasyānyathāptis tatprāptir nirvikalpād viṣayasumahato jñānamārgāt suśuddhāt ||,"""buddhahood is attained as a transmutation of the vital foundation, endowed with the superior excellence of virtuous qualities, by means of the path of utterly pure nonconceptual (contemplative) intuition and of (aftermath intuition) extremely great in scope."" [Thurman 78]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,buddhatva nir viṣaya sumahat jñāna suśuddha,,,nir,,,,,buddhatva suśuddha jñāna,,,sumahat,,, vikalpa,41,41 - IX.42,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,manaso api parāvṛttau vibhutvaṃ labhyate param | vibhutvānucare jñāne nirvikalpe sunirmale ||,"""Highest mastery is attained in the transmutation of the (addicted) mentality, and in the perfectly immaculate, nonconceptual intuition"" which accompanies such mastery."" [Thurman 88]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,manas parāvṛtti vibhutva jñāna nir sunirmala,,,nir,,,,,sunirmala jñāna,,,parāvṛtti,,, vikalpa,63,63 - XI.32,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svadhātuto dvay^ābhāsāḥ s^āvidyākleśavṛttayaḥ | vikalpāḥ saṃpravartante dvayadravyavivarjitāḥ ||,"""Discriminative constructions evolve from their own realm with a dualistic appearance, functioning with addictions and misknowledge; (yet in reality) they are devoid of any substantial duality."" [Thurman 128]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dvaya avidyā kleśa saṃpravart dravya vivarjita,,saṃpravart,dvaya avidyā kleśa vivarjita,,,,,dravya,,,,,, vikalpa,65,65 - XI.41,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,mano yat kliṣṭaṃ sarvadā | udgrahaḥ pañca vijñānakāyāḥ | vikalpo manovijñānaṃ |,"""""Mentality"" is that (mind) which is always addicted. ""Subjectivity"" is the fivefold group of sense-consciousnesses. ""Conceptual construction"" is mental consciousness."" [Thurman 132]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,manas udgraha manas vijñāna,,,manas vijñāna,,,,,,,,manas udgraha,,, vikalpa,65,65 - XI.42,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pariniṣpannalakṣaṇaṃpunastathatāsā[...]avikalpā ca vikalpāgocaratvāt niṣprapañcatayā |,"""The perfect reality is suchness. [...] It is without discriminative construction since it is beyond the range of discrimination, given that it is free of fabrications."" [Thurman 132-133]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,pariniṣpanna tathatā a gocaratva prapañca,,,a,,,,,pariniṣpanna tathatā,prapañca,,,gocaratva,, vikalpa,66,66 - XI.45,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,caturdhā vaśitā vṛtter manasaś caudgrahaś ca ca | vikalpasyāvikalpe hi kṣetre jñāne atha karmaṇi ||,"""Through the mutation of mentality, perceptivity, and discriminative construction, there is a fourfold mastery over the nonconceptual, the land, intuition, and action."" [Thurman 134]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,vaśitā manas udgraha a kṣetra jñāna karma,,,a,,,,,vaśitā,,,manas udgraha kṣetra jñāna karma,,, vikalpa,66,66 - XI.47,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sā ceyam acalādibhūmitraye caturdhā vaśitā veditavyā | ekasyām acalāyāṃ bhūmau dvividhā | avikalpe na cānabhisaṃskāranirvikalpatvāt | kṣetre ca buddhakṣetrapariśodhanāt |,"""This fourfold mastery exists in the three stages from the immovable and so on. In one stage, the immovable, it is twofold: there being mastery over the nonconceptual due to the freedom from conceptuality in non-intentionality, and (mastery) over the land due to the perfect purification of the buddha-land."" [Thurman 135]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,vaśitā abhisaṃskāra nir kṣetra,,,nir,,,,abhisaṃskāra,vaśitā,,,kṣetra,,, vikalpa,73,73 - XI.67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,cayānusmaraṇaprītir māhārthyasya ca darśanam | yoge abhilāṣo avikalpe taddhṛtyāṃ pratyayaāgame ||,"""(Further conscientious attitudes are) joy in remembrance of accumulation, awareness of great purposefulness, and the willingness for practice, for nondiscrimination, for steadfastness, and for rising to occasions."" [Thurman 145]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,yoga abhilāṣa a dhṛti pratyaya,,,a,,,,,yoga dhṛti pratyaya,,,,,abhilāṣa, vikalpa,73,73 - XI.67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,avikalp^ābhilāṣamanaskāraḥ pāramitāparipūraṇārtham upāyakauśalyābhilāṣāt |,"""There is the conscientious attitude of willingness for nondiscrimination, coming from the will to skill in liberative art for the sake of succeeding in the transcendences."" [Thurman 145-146]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,a abhilāṣa manaskāra pāramitā kauśalya,,,a,manaskāra,,,,pāramitā kauśalya,,,,,, vikalpa,76,76 - XI.77,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,daśavidhavikalpo bodhisatvena parivarjanīyaḥ |,"""There are ten kinds of discriminative constructions that the bodhisattva should completely abandon"" [Thurman 150]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,daśavidha bodhisatva parivarjanīya,parivarjanīya,,daśavidha,,,,,bodhisatva,,,,,, vikalpa,76,76 - XI.77,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yathārthanām^ābhiniveśavikalpaś ca yasya pratipakṣeṇāha | tāni bodhisatvaḥ sarvanāmāni na samanupaśyat yasamanupaśyan nābhiniviśateyathārthatayetyabhiprāyaḥ,"""To remedy the addiction to naïve substantialism, it is said: ""The bodhisattva does not see any names at all; not seeing them at all, she is not addicted to attaching them to referents."""" [Thurman 151]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,vague,yathārthanāma abhiniveśa pratipakṣa sarva,,,abhiniveśa,,yathārthanāma,,,,,,,pratipakṣa,, vikalpa,85,85 - XIII.6,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyavasthānāvikalpena jñānena sahacāriṇā | anudharmaṃ caraty evaṃ pariśiṣṭāsu bhūmiṣu ||,"""By coordinating the situational and nonconceptual intuitive wisdoms, (the bodhisattva) cultivates the harmonious realizations on the remaining stages."" [Thurman 167]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,vyavasthāna a jñāna sahacārin anudharma,,,a sahacārin,,,,vyavasthāna,anudharma jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,87,87 - XIII.14,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śamabhavaguṇadoṣapreritā hīnayāne vividhaśubhavikalpā bādhakā dhīmatāṃ tu ||,"""[...] but even those geniuses [the victor-children] are harmed by the various virtuous discriminations prevalent in the individual vehicle, such as that between the excellence of peace and the evil of existence."" [Thurman 171]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,guṇa doṣa vividha śubha bādhaka dhīmat,,,vividha śubha bādhaka,dhīmat,guṇa doṣa,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,87,87 - XIII.15,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,svahitaparamaśītas tvanyayāne vikalpaḥ paramasukhavihāre apyantarāyaṃ karoti ||,"""[...] but the other vehicle's false notion of a self-benefiting supreme coolness causes interference, even though (they might enjoy) a state of highest bliss."" [Thurman 171]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,śīta anyayāna antarāya karo/kuru,,karo/kuru,śīta,,,,,,,,,anyayāna,, vikalpa,93,93 - XIV.28,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvayagrāhavisaṃyuktaṃ lokottaram anuttaraṃ | nirvikalpaṃ malāpetaṃ jñānaṃ sa labhate punaḥ ||,"""Further, he attains the unexcelled, transcendent intuition, free from perceptions of duality, nonconceptual, and free of taints."" [Thurman 181]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dvaya lokottara anuttara nir malāpeta jñāna,,,nir,,,,,lokottara anuttara malāpeta jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,94,94 - XIV.28,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,nirvikalpaṃ grāhyagrāhakavikalpavisaṃyogāt |,"""""Nonconceptual"" means that it is free from the conceptualizations of subject and object."" [Thurman 181]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,grāhya grāhaka visaṃyoga,visaṃyoga,,,,grāhya grāhaka,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,95,95 - XIV.35,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,animittapadaṃ jñeyaṃ vikalpānāṃ ca saṃkṣayaḥ | abhūtaparikalpaś ca tadapraṇihitasya hi ||,"""The ground of signlessness should be recognized as the utter termination of conceptualization, and the ground of wishlessness as unreal mental construction (itself)."" [Thurman 183]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nimitta saṃkṣaya abhūta parikalpa,,,,saṃkṣaya,,,,,,,parikalpa,,, vikalpa,96,96 - XIV.46,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dvividhaṃ jñānaṃ | nirvikalpaṃ ca yenātmano buddhadharmāṇ viśodhayati | yathāvyavasthānaṃ ca lokottarapṛṣṭhalabdhaṃ laukikaṃ yena satvān,"""The two types of intuition are the nonconceptual, by which one's buddha-qualities are purified, and the situationally attuned mundane intuition, the aftermath of transcendent intuition, by means of which one causes the development of beings."" [Thurman 185]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,jñāna nir buddha dharma viśudh vyavasthāna,,,nir,,,,vyavasthāna,jñāna buddha viśudh,,,,,, vikalpa,98,98 - XV.5,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,na karmiṇaḥ karma na karmaṇaḥ kriyāṃ sadāvikalpaḥ samudīkṣate tridhā | tato asya tatkarma viśuddhipāragaṃ bhavaty anantaṃ tadupāyasaṃgrahāt ||,"""The threefold discrimination between agent, objective, and action is never apprehended; thus, from such an incorporation of liberative art, the actions of (the bodhisattva) become perfectly pure, infinite, and transcendent."" [Thurman 190]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,na karmin karma kriyā samudīkṣ tridhā,samudīkṣ,,na tridhā,,karmin karma kriyā,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,99,99 - XVI.5,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bhogeṣu cānabhiratis tīvrā gurutādvaye akhedaś ca | yogaś ca nirvikalpaḥ samastam idam uttamaṃ yānaṃ ||,"""The whole supreme vehicle is epitomized in the (bodhisattva's) disinterest in possessions, intense reverence, indefatigability in both (tolerance and effort), and nonconceptuality in yoga."" [Thurman 192]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,abhirati gurutā kheda yoga nir uttama yāna,,,nir,yoga,,,abhirati gurutā kheda,uttama yāna,,,,,, vikalpa,100,100 - XVI.8,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,bodhisatvānāṃ dānaṃ caturvidhalakṣaṇaṃ | vipakṣahīnaṃ tātparyasya prahīṇatvāt | nirvikalpajñānasahagataṃ dharmanairātmyaprativedhayogāt […],"""The bodhisattvas' generosity has four characteristics. It weakens its resistance, because it abandons avarice. It goes with nonconceptual intuition because it applies to the realization of the selflessness of things."" [Thurman 194]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,bodhisattva dāna nir jñāna dharma nairātmya,,,nir dharma nairātmya,,,,,bodhisattva dāna jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,100,100 - XVI.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,śīlaṃ vipakṣahīnaṃ jñānena gataṃ ca nirvikalpena | sarvaicchāparipūrakam api satvavipācakaṃ tredhā ||,"""Morality weakens its resistance, goes with nonconceptual intuition, fulfills all wishes, and develops beings in three ways."" [Thurman 194]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,śīla jñāna nir,,,nir,,,,,śīla jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,103,103 - XVI.16,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upāyasaṃniśritā bhāvanā tryākārā | nirvikalpena jñānena trimaṇḍalapariśuddhipratyavekṣaṇatām upādāya | tathā hi sa upāyaḥ sarvamanasikārāṇām abhiniṣpattaye |,"""The realization based on liberative art has three types. By nonconceptual intuition she discerns the purification of the three spheres (of action; that is, the giver, the giving, and the recipient). Such is the liberative art for perfecting all conscientious attitudes."" [Thurman 198]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nir jñāna pratyavekṣaṇatā manasikāra,,,nir,,,,,pratyavekṣaṇatā jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,107,107 - XVI.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sa punar vikṣepo dvividhaḥ | manasikāravikṣepaś ca hīnayānaspṛhaṇāt | vikalpavikṣepaś ca dāyakapratigrāhakadānavikalpanāt |,"""Attachment to distraction is of two kinds: attitudinal distraction from interest in the individual vehicle, and discriminative distraction from discriminating between giver, recipient, and gift."" [Thurman 204]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,manasikāra vikṣepa dāyaka pratigrāhaka dāna vikalpana,,,,vikṣepa,dāyaka pratigrāhaka dāna,,manasikāra,,vikalpana,,,,, vikalpa,108,108 - XVI.35,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpavikṣepaś ca yathāyogaṃ trimaṇḍalaparikalpanāt |,"""Discriminative distraction results from discriminatively discerning the three spheres (of actions) in various situations appropriate (to the other transcendences)."" [Thurman 205]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,vikṣepa tri parikalpana,,,,vikṣepa,,,,,,,,parikalpana,, vikalpa,109,109 - XVI.41,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,dānaādīnāṃ nirvikalpajñānaparigraheṇākṣayatvaṃ nirupadhiśeṣanirvāṇe api tadakṣayāt |,"""Generosity and so on, fully integrated with nonconceptual intuitive wisdom, are inexhaustible, since they are not exhausted even in the Nirvana without remainder."" [Thurman 207]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dāna nir jñāna,,,nir,,,,,dāna jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,112,112 - XVI.52,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,jñānaṃ nirvikalpaṃ yena trimaṇḍalapariśuddhaṃ dānaṃ dadāti dātṛdeyapratigrāhak^āvikalpanāt |,"""The (supreme) intuition is the nonconceptual intuition with which one gives gifts in complete purity of the three sectors (of the act), free of discrimination of giver, gift, and recipient."" [Thurman 211]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,jñāna nir tri dātṛ deya pratigrāhaka a vikalpana,,,nir,,,,,jñāna,vikalpana,,,,, vikalpa,117,117 - XVI.79,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,iti satatam asaktabhogabuddhiḥ śamayamanaudyamapāragaḥ sthitaātmā | bhavaviṣayanimittanirvikalpo bhavati sa satvagaṇasya saṃgṛhītā ||,"""Thus the (bodhisattva's) mind is always unattached to wealth. Her soul at rest, she has gone beyond serenity, restraint, and effort. She no longer discerns existence, objects, or causal processes, and she embraces the company of beings."" [Thurman 219]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,satata buddhi bhava viṣaya nimitta nir bhav,,bhav,nir,,bhava viṣaya nimitta,,,satata buddhi,,,,,, vikalpa,118,118 - XVII.5,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,pariṇāmanā utpādaḥ syād iti pūrvapraṇidhānaṃ | jñānaṃ nirvikalpaṃ pūjakapūjyapūjānupalambhataḥ |,"""The cause is the previous vow ""May I not allow the birth of the buddha to be in vain!"" The intuitive wisdom is nonconceptual as there is no apprehension of worshipper, worshipped, and worship."" [Thurman 222]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,jñāna nir pūjaka pūjya pūja upalambha,,,nir,,pūjaka pūjya pūja,,,jñāna,upalambha,,,,, vikalpa,119,119 - XVII.9,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,ityebhiḥpañcabhirākāraiḥsvacittapūjābuddheṣuparamāveditavyā [...] nirvikalpajñānaupāyaparigrahataḥ |,"""The worship of the buddhas from one's own mind is to be understood as supreme. It has five modes: [...] full incorporation of liberative art developed through nonconceptual intuition; [...]"" [Thurman 224]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,parama nir jñāna upāya,,,nir,,,,,parama jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,121,121 - XVII.17,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,brāhmā vipakṣahīnā jñānena gatāś ca nirvikalpena | trividhaālambanavṛttāḥ satvānāṃ pācakā dhīre ||,"""In the brave (bodhisattvas), the sublime stations eliminate resistances, possess nonconceptual intuition, operate with three objects, and develop the maturity of beings."" [Thurman 227]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,jñāna nir dhīra,,,nir,,,,,dhīra jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,121,121 - XVI.18,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,anālambanās tattathatāyāṃ | te hy avikalpatvād anālambanā ivety anālambanāḥ |,"""When their object is objectless they function concerning their suchness (that is, in relation to the suchness of beings and things). They are objectless because (on the eighth stage, when the bodhisattva attains tolerance of noncreation), the (sublime stations) are nonconceptual, as if objectless."" [Thurman 228]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathatā a ālambana,,,a,,ālambana,,,tathatā,,,,,, vikalpa,132,132 - XVIII.1,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,lajjā vipakṣahīnā jñānena gatā ca nirvikalpena | hīnānavadyaviṣayā satvānāṃ pācikā dhīre ||,"""The conscience of the brave (bodhisattva) is free from (its own) resistant tendency, is associated with nonconceptual intuition, holds (even) blameless objectives to be inferior, and brings evolutionary maturity to beings."" [Thurman 245]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,lajjā jñāna nir dhīra,,,nir,,,,,dhīra jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,144,144 - XVIII.61,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,upekṣayā yathākāmaṃ sarvatra viharaty asau | paṣṭhalabdh^āvikalpena vihāreṇa sadāuttamaḥ ||,"""Through equanimity he lives in all situations just as he likes, always living in exaltation because of his aftermath and nonconceptual wisdoms."" [Thurman 268]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,upekṣā yathākāma sarvatra a vihāra sadā uttama,,,a,vihāra,,,,upekṣā sarvatra sadā uttama,,,,,, vikalpa,147,147 - XVIII.70,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra buddhadharmaparpūraye nirvikalpaṃ jñānam upāyaḥ | satvaparipācane catvāri saṃgrahavastūni |,"""This shows the types and functions of skill in liberative art. The liberative art that fulfills the buddhas' teachings is nonconceptual intuition. (The liberative art) that evolutionary develops beings consists of the four social practices."" [Thurman 272]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,buddha dharma nir jñāna upāya,,,nir,,,,,buddha upāya jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,148,148 - XVIII.78,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,grāhyagrāhakabhāvena trayaḥ samādhayo jñātavyāḥ | te punar yathākramaṃ | nirvikalpo api vimukho ratiyuktaś ca sarvadā ||,"""Therefore, according to object, subjectivity, and actuality, concentration should be understood as threefold. They are, respectively: Nonconceptual, aversive, and always pleasurable."" [Thurman 274-275]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,samādhi nir vimukha rati sarvadā,,,nir,,,,vimukha rati,sarvadā samādhi,,,,,, vikalpa,161,161 - XIX.4,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paramāṃ bhāvanām āgamyāṣṭabhāṃ bhūmau nirabhisaṃskāranirvikalpo vīryādiprayogo nāścaryaṃ |,"""Having achieved supreme meditative realization and so become free of discrimination and calculated activity on the eighth (bodhisattva) stage, dedication to energetic effort is no wonder."" [Thurman 294]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,parama bhāvanā abhisaṃskāra nir,,,nir,,,,abhisaṃskāra,parama bhāvanā,,,,,, vikalpa,167,167 - XIX.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,anābhogānutpattikadharmakṣāntilābhe niyatipātaś ca nityam anābhoganirvikalpajñānavihārāt |,"""One becomes predetermined in terms of attaining the spontaneous tolerance of things' nonproduction, because one always stands spontaneously in nonconceptual wisdom."" [Thurman 302-303]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,utpattika ābhoga nir jñāna,,,ābhoga nir,,,,,jñāna,,,utpattika,,, vikalpa,169,169 - XIX.52,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathatāālambanaṃ jñānam anānāākārabhāvitaṃ | sadasatt^ārthe pratyakṣaṃ vikalpavibhu caucyate ||,"""Meditating the intuitive wisdom which has suchness for its object without any aspect of differentiation, there is direct experience of what exists and what does not exist; such (a person) is called the ""master of discrimination."" [Thurman 308]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,tathatā ālambana jñāna nānā ākāra sad asattā pratyakṣa vibhu,,,pratyakṣa,vibhu,sad asattā,,,tathatā jñāna,,,nānā,,, vikalpa,170,170 - XIX.52,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpavibhutvalābhād yathāvikalpaṃ sarvārthasamṛddhitaḥ |,"""[...] they attain mastery over discrimination, in the sense that they can succeed in all their goals according to their discriminating discernment; and therefore, they are called ""masters of discrimination."" [Thurman 308]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,vibhutva yathā vikalpa samṛddhi,,,,vibhutva,,,,,,,vikalpa,,, vikalpa,173,173 - XIX.67,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,smṛtipradhāno dhyānavān smṛtibalena cittasamādhānāt | susamāhit^ātmā nirvikalpajñānaḥ |,"""Holding mindfulness most dear"" is possession of meditation through the power of mindfulness because the mind has been placed in equipoise. ""The self is well concentrated,"" because such a one is endowed with nonconceptual intuition."" [Thurman 313]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dhyānavat citta samādhāna susamāhita nir jñāna,,,nir,,,,,samādhāna susamāhita jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,181,181 - XX.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,karuṇā vihiṃsāpratipakṣo duḥkhāpagamaāśayaḥ | svabhāvakalpanaṃ kalpaḥ | viśeṣakalpanaṃ vikalpo veditavhaḥ |,"""Compassion, the remedy for violence, is the ambition to eradicate (their) suffering. Mental construction is the construction of an intrinsic nature. Discrimination is to be understood as the construction of distinctions."" [Thurman 329]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,kalpa viśeṣa,,,,,viśeṣa,,,,,,kalpa,,, vikalpa,188,188 - XX.59,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,anavasthitatvam alpaāvaraṇamātrādhigamānavasthānāt || āniṅkṣyatvam avikṣepāt | niṣprapañcatvaṃ sarvavikalpaprapañcāsamudācārāt |,"""He does not stand, since he does not dwell in small or trifling understanding. He is not agitated, as he is not distracted. He makes no fabrications, because he does not engage in any discriminatory fabrication."" [Thurman 343]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,vikṣepa sarva prapañca,,,sarva,prapañca,,,,,,,vikṣepa,,, vikalpa,170,170 - XIX.52,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vikalpavibhutvalābhād yathāvikalpaṃ sarvārthasamṛddhitaḥ |,"""[...] they attain mastery over discrimination, in the sense that they can succeed in all their goals according to their discriminating discernment; and therefore, they are called ""masters of discrimination."" [Thurman 308]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,vikalpa vibhutva yathā samṛddhi,,,yathā,,,,,,,,vikalpa,,, vikalpa,243,243,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,karmakleśakṣayān mokṣaḥ karmakleśā vikalpataḥ | te prapañcāt prapañcas tu śūnyatāyāṃ nirudhyate ||,"""Through the ceasing of action and affliction, there is freedom. Action and affliction [come] from thoughts and they from fixations. Fixations are stopped by emptiness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,mokṣa karma kleśa prapañca śūnyatā,,,,,,,,mokṣa śūnyatā,,,,prapañca,karma kleśa, vikalpa,53,53,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,niṣkāraṇaṃ punā rūpaṃ naeva naevaupapadyate | tasmād rūpagatān kāṃścin na vikalpān vikalpayet ||,"""Forms which do not have a cause are not at all tenable. Therefore, do not conceive the concept of form at all."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,kāraṇa upapad rūpa kaścid na vikalp,vikalp,,kāraṇa rūpa kaścid na,,,,,upapad,,,,,, vikalpa,247,247,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,aparapratyayaṃ śāntaṃ prapañcair aprapañcitam | nirvikalpam anānārtham etat tattvasya lakṣaṇam ||,"""Not known through others, peaceful, not fixed by fixations, without conceptual thought, without differentiation: these are the characteristics of suchness."" [Stephen Batchelor/BP]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,pratyaya śānta prapañca prapañcita nir nānārtha tattva lakṣaṇa,,,nir,,,,prapañcita nānārtha,pratyaya śānta tattva,,,prapañca,,, vikalpa,22,22,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kati savikalpāḥ | manodhātur manovijñānadhātur dharmadhātoś ca pradeśaḥ |,"""Not available""",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,sa manas vijñāna dharma,,,sa manas vijñāna dharma,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,4276,4276,pramanavarttika4,śāstra,commentarial,philosophy,pramāṇa,adṛśye niścaya ayogāt sthitir anyatra vāryate| yathā aliṅgo anyasattveṣu vikalpaādir na sidhyati||,"""Not available""",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,aliṅga sattva na sidh,,sidh,na,,sattva,,,aliṅga,,,,,, vikalpa,159,159,rastrapala,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāyo araṇye smṛtirapi nagare lābhārthaṃ te caritavikalpe | dūre mokṣo nabha iva dharaṇi dūre jāhu bhujagavadetān ||,"""Their bodies are in the forest, but their attention is in the city. Their religious practice is contrived for the sake of profit. Far off, like the distance between heaven and earth, is liberation for them. Leave them far behind, like snakes."" [Boucher 168]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,vague,lābha artha carita mokṣa,,,carita,,,,,mokṣa,,,,,lābha artha, vikalpa,8,8,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvaprapañcavikalp^opaśāntatvādanābhogam |,"""2) anābhoga: It is free from efforts because all dualistic views and false discriminations have ceased to exist."" [Takasaki 157]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,sarva prapañca upaśāntatva ābhoga,,,sarva,upaśāntatva,,,prapañca,,,,,,, vikalpa,9,9,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,evamevamañjuśrīstathāgato arhan samyaksaṃbuddho naīñjate na viṭhapati na prapañcayati na kalpayati na vikalpayati |akalpo avikalpo acitto amanasikāraḥ śītibhūto anutpādo anirodho […],"""Thus, Mañjuśrī, the Tathāgata, the Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened One neither moves nor produces any thought, neither explains in a dualistic way nor imagines falsely nor discriminates. He is unimaginable, indiscriminative, devoid of thinking and minding, of quiescent character, of neither origination nor destruction."" [Takasaki 159-160]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathāgata viṭh prapañc kalp vikalp kalpa a citta manasikāra,,,a,,,,kalpa citta manasikāra,tathāgata,,,viṭh prapañc kalp vikalp,,, vikalpa,9,9,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,anena svakriyāsu sarvaprapañcavikalpaupaśāntatvādanābhogastathāgata iti paridīpitam |,"""By this it is indicated that, in his own acts, all dualistic views and false discriminations have ceased to exist; hence, the Tathāgata is free from efforts."" [Takasaki 160]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,sarva prapañca upaśāntatva ābhoga tathāgata,,,sarva,upaśāntatva,,,prapañca,tathāgata,,,,,, vikalpa,10,10,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,abhisaṃbudhyāiti yathābhūtamavikalpabuddhajñānena jñātvā |,"""“Having enlightened” means ‘having known truly by means of buddha’s non-discriminative Wisdom’."" [Takaksaki 160]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,abhisaṃbudh yathābhūtam a buddha jñāna jñā,,,a,,,,,abhisaṃbudh yathābhūtam jñāna buddha,,,,,, vikalpa,12,12,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tatra dvayamucyate karma kleśāṃśca | vikalpa ucyate karmakleśasamudayaheturayoniśomanasikāraḥ |,"""Here, ‘dual’ means ‘action’ or ‘active force’, [as by deed, word and thought] and ‘Defilement’; ‘discrimination’ means ‘Irrational Thought’ which is the cause of origination of Action and Defilements."" [Takasaki 166]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,dvaya karma kleśa samudaya ayoniśo manasikāra,,,samudaya ayoniśo manasikāra,,,,,,,,dvaya,,, vikalpa,12,12,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,asya khalu duḥkhanirodhasaṃjñitasya tathāgatadharmakāyasya prāptiheturavikalpajñānadarśanabhāvanāmārgastrividhena sādharmyeṇa dinakarasadṛśaḥ veditavyaḥ |,"""Now indeed, the way to attain the Absolute Body of Tathāgata named Extinction of Suffering is the Path of perception and practice based upon the non discriminative Wisdom."" [Takasaki 168]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,duḥkha tathāgata a jñāna darśana bhāvanā,,,a,,,,,tathāgata darśana bhāvanā jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,21,21,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,śuddhyupakliṣṭatāyogāt niḥsaṃkleśaviśuddhitaḥ | avinirbhāgadharmatvādanābhog^āvikalpataḥ ||,"""Because, [the Germ is] pure but defiled [at one and the same time], [The Absolute Body is] of no impurity, and yet purified, [The Qualities are] of inseparable nature [from the Absolute Body], and [The Acts are] effortless and of no discrimination."" [Takasaki 188]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,avinirbhāga ābhoga a,,,a,,,,ābhoga,,,,avinirbhāga,,, vikalpa,24,24,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,adhiṣṭhitaṃ sarvabuddhakṣetreṣu | samat^ānugataṃ sarvabuddhaiḥ | samatikrāntaṃ sarv^ābhogakriyābhyaḥ | nirvikalpamākāśasamatayā | nirnītākāraṇaṃ dharmadhātukriyayā |,"""However, O Noble Youth, that which is the true act of the Tathāgata is immeasurable, inconceivable, uncognizable by all the world, indescribable by letters, difficult to be acquired by others, established in all buddhas’ lands, rendered in equality with all the buddhas, far beyond all works of exertion, of no discrimination as being equal to the sky, of no differentiation as being the act of the universal Essence"" [Takasaki 193]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,samatā ābhoga nir ākāśa nītākāraṇa,,,nir,,,,,samatā ākāśa,,,ābhoga nītākāraṇa,,, vikalpa,38,38,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,prajñāsamādhimukhabhāvanāyā ratnasādharmyaṃ tasya nirvikalpatvādacintyaprabhāvaguṇayogācca |,"""The practice of the introduction to the highest Intellect and Meditation has a similarity to ‘jewel’ because of its being indiscriminative and being endowed with inconceivable and powerful virtues."" [Takasaki 226]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,prajñā samādhi ratna nir acintya prabhāva guṇa,,,nir,,,,,prajñā samādhi ratna guṇa,,,,,, vikalpa,41,41,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,sarvatrānugataṃ yadvannirvikalpaātmakaṃ nabhaḥ | cittaprakṛtivaimalyadhātuḥ sarvatragastathā ||,"""Just as being of indiscriminative nature, Space pervades everywhere, Similarly all-pervading is the Essence, The immaculate nature of the mind."" [Takasaki 233]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,sarvatra nir nabha citta,,,nir,,,,,sarvatra nabha citta,,,,,, vikalpa,41,41,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,yāsau pṛthagjanaāryasaṃbuddhānāmavikalpacittaprakṛtiḥ sā tisṛṣvavasthāsu yathākramaṃ doṣeṣvapi guṇeṣv api guṇaviśuddhiniṣṭhāyām api sāmānyalakṣaṇatvādākāśam iva,"""That which is the indiscriminative Innate Mind of the ordinary people, of the Saints and of the buddhas has a common feature in these three states, irrespective of their being defective, virtuous or the ultimate point of pure virtue."" [Takasaki 233]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,pṛthagjana ārya saṃbuddha a citta sāmānya ākāśa,,,a,citta,,,,sāmānya ākāśa,,,,,, vikalpa,52,52,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,pūrvāvedhavaśāt sarvavikalpāpagamācca saḥ | na punaḥ kurute yatnaṃ paripākāya dehinām ||,"""Owing to the continuing force of the previous life, And because of being free from all discriminations, He does not use any exertion at all For bringing the living beings to their maturity."" [Takasaki 254]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,vaśa sarva apagama yatna paripāka,,,sarva,apagama,,,,paripāka,,,,,, vikalpa,57,57,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tatra sarvākāravaropetaśūnyatāsamādhimukhabhāvanayānutpattikadharmalābhādacalāyāṃ bodhisattvabhūmāvavikalpaniśchidranirantarasvarasavāhimārgajñānasaṃniśrayeṇa tathāgatānāmanāsrave dhātau guṇasarvatā samudāgacchati |,"""Because of this realization, [Bodhisattvas can] ascend to their 8th Stage called Acalā (Immovable), where they can get the knowledge of the Path which is indiscriminative, faultless, without any break and bearing its own taste. On the basis of this knowledge, the entireness of buddhas’ properties in the Immaculate Sphere is completed."" [Takasaki 264-265]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,a chidra antara svarasavāhi mārga jñāna,,,a,mārga,,,chidra antara svarasavāhi,jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,58,58,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tatra buddhasāntānikyā lokottaranirvikalpāyāḥ paramajñeyatattvāndhakāravidhamanapratyupasthānatayā prajñāyā dīptisādharmyam |,"""Here in the buddha’s body, 1) The transcendental Intellect which is supermundane and indiscriminative is, through its engaging in the destruction of darkness [that hides] the highest true Essence of everything cognizable, akin to the light [of the sun];"" [Takasaki 266]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,buddha lokottara nir parama jñeya andhakāra prajñā,,,nir,,,,,buddha lokottara prajñā,,,,,, vikalpa,69,69,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,garbhakośamalaprakhyāḥ saptabhūmigatā malā | vikośagarbhavajjñānamavikalpaṃ vipākavat ||,"""The stains remaining in the [first] Stages Are like the impurities of the receptacle of an embryo, And the non-discriminative Wisdom has a resemblance To the matured form of an embryo delivered from its covering."" [Takasaki 283]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,mala jñāna a vipāka,,,a,,,,,jñāna vipāka,,,mala,,, vikalpa,70,70,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,dvividho buddhānāṃ dharmakāyo anugantavyaḥ | suviśuddhaśca dharmadhātoravikalpajñānagocaraviṣayaḥ |,"""The absolute body of the buddha is to be understood in two aspects, [Namely], 1) the perfectly pure Absolute Entity itself, which is the acting sphere of Non-discriminative Wisdom; [...]"" [Takasaki 284-285]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,suviśuddha a jñāna gocara viṣaya,,,a,,,,,suviśuddha jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,190,190,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,api tu khalu punaḥ sattvānāṃ nānācaritānāṃ nānāabhiprāyāṇāṃ saṃjñāvikalpacaritānāṃ kuśalamūlasaṃjananārthaṃ vividhān dharmaparyāyān vividhairārambaṇairvyāharati |,"""But in order to produce the roots of goodness in the creatures who follow different pursuits and behave according to different notions, he reveals various Dharmaparyāyas with various fundamental principles."" [Kern 302]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu,,abhiprāya saṃjñā carita,,,saṃjñā,carita,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,42,42,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yathaiva teṣāṃ purimāṇa tāyināṃ anāgatānāṃ ca jināna dharmatā | mamāpi eṣāeva vikalpavarjitā tathaiva ahaṃ deśayi adya tubhyam ||,"""Even as the nature of the law of the former mighty saints and the future Gina is, so is my law free from any doubtfulness, and it is such as I today preach to thee."" [Kern 57-58]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neu.neg,,dharmatā varjita,,,,dharmatā varjita,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,14,14 - 8,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,yasmān nāsti vināāhārāt sarvaprāṇabhṛtāṃ sthitiḥ | tasmād duṣyati nāhāro vikalpo atra tu vāryate ||,"""Since no creature drawing breath can exist without food, therefore to take food is not wrong, but a choice of foods is prohibited, […]"" [Johnston 77]",Relationship,Variety@Change,Choice/choosing@alternative,variety,alternative,neg,,duṣ āhāra vār,vār,duṣ,,,,,,,,,,āhāra,, vikalpa,3,3 - 13,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,abhidhāya ca triparivartam atulam anivartyam uttamam | dvādaśaniyatavikalpam ṛṣir vinināya kauṇḍinasagotram āditaḥ ||,"""And explaining in detail with its three divisions and twelve separate statements the supreme fourfold truth, which is unequalled, pre-eminent and incontrovertible, namely, 'This is suffering, this is its origin which consists in the persistence of active being, this is its suppression and this the means', He converted first of all him of the Kauṇḍinya gotra."" [Johnston 16]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,sort/type,neu,vague,abhidadhā parivarta atula dvādaśa niyata ṛṣi vinay,vinay abhidadhā,,dvādaśa niyata,,,,parivarta atula,,,,,,, vikalpa,35,35r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tau tasya bhagavato antikādimāni mantrapadānyādhārya tasya bhagavataḥ paripūrṇṇāyā vikalpam pravarttitadharmacakram anuvartya,""" After the two preachers had kept expounding the wheel of the Dharma that had been set in motion by that Venerable One for the duration of an intermediate aeon, they reached awakening."" [BTW]",Time,Time@Period,immeasurable_period/aeon@epoch,cosmic_era,cosmic_era,neu,vague,paripūrṇa,,,paripūrṇa,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,6,6r,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,satvāḥ yathā paripakvāśayāḥ te tathaiva tathāgatavācaṃ niścarantīṃ saṃjānate | tatra ca tathāgataḥ avikalpaupekṣakaḥ tad yathāpi nāma śāntamate santi tūryyāṇi yantrakr̥tāni […],""" Śāntamati, sentient beings perceive the Tathāgata’s speech being uttered in a way that agrees with their inclinations and with the level of sophistication of their dispositions. In fact, the Tathāgata makes no distinctions, all is equal to him."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathāgata a upekṣaka,,,a,,,,,tathāgata upekṣaka,,,,,, vikalpa,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yat dhvajāgre avabaddhaṃ yasya satvasya yādr̥śobhiprāyaḥ tādr̥śas tataḥ śabdo niścarati tat ca maṇiratnaṃ nirvikalpaṃ | evam eva śāntamate tathāgatavāgratnam adhyāśayapariśuddhaṃ […],""" In the ocean, Śāntamati, there is a wish-granting jewel called ‘Fulfillment of all aspirations,’ which, once fixed to the top of a standard, produces a sound that matches the aspirations of each sentient being; and yet the jewel itself makes no distinctions."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,maṇiratna nir tathāgata,,,nir,,,,,maṇiratna tathāgata,,,,,, vikalpa,6,6v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yasya satvasya yādr̥śobhiprāyaḥ sa tādr̥śāṃ tathāgatavācaṃ niścarantīṃ saṃjānāte tatra ca tathāgato nirvikalpaupekṣakaḥ |,""" In the same manner, Śāntamati, the jewel of Tathāgata’s speech, once fixed on top of the standard of great compassion [and] purified with good intentions, is thought to produce a discourse of the Tathāgata that matches the aspirations of each sentient being; and yet the Tathāgata makes no distinctions, all is equal to him."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,tathāgata nir upekṣaka,,,nir,,,,,tathāgata upekṣaka,,,,,, vikalpa,38,38v,tathagatacintyaguhya,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,bhavati tathāgato asmākaṃ dharman deśayati vayaṃ ca tathāgatasya dharman deśitam ājānīmaḥ tatra ca tathāgato nirvikalpaupekṣakaḥ |,""" Śāntamati, sentient beings perceive the Tathāgata’s speech being uttered in a way that agrees with their inclinations and with the level of sophistication of their dispositions. In fact, the Tathāgata makes no distinctions, all is equal to him."" [BTW]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,tathāgata nir upekṣaka,,,nir,,,,,tathāgata upekṣaka,,,,,, vikalpa,17,17,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vijñānapariṇāmo ayaṃ vikalpo yadvikalpyate | tena tanna asti tenaidaṃ sarvaṃ vijñaptimātrakam ||,"""This transformation of consciousness is a discrimination, and as it is discriminated, it does not exist, and so everything is perception-only."" [Anacker 187]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vijñāna pariṇāma vikalp as vijñapti,vikalp,,,pariṇāma vijñāna,,,,as,,,vijñapti,,, vikalpa,18,18,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sarvabījaṃ hi vijñānaṃ pariṇāmastathā tathā | yātyanyonyavaśād yena vikalpaḥ sa sa jāyate ||,"""Consciousness is only all the seeds, and transformation takes place in such and such a way, according to a reciprocal influence, by which such and such a type of discrimination may arise."" [Anacker 188]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,vijñāna pariṇāma jan,,jan,,pariṇāma vijñāna,,,,,,,,,, vikalpa,19,19,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yena yena vikalpena yadyad vastu vikalpyate | parikalpita evāsau svabhāvo na sa vidyate ||,"""Whatever range of events is discriminated by whatever discrimination is just the constructed own-being, and it isn't really to be found."" [Anacker 188]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vastu vikalp parikalpita svabhāva vind/vid,,vikalp,,,vastu,,,svabhāva vind/vid,,,parikalpita,,, vikalpa,21,21,trimsika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,paratantrasvabhāvastu vikalpaḥ pratyayaudbhavaḥ | niṣpannastasya pūrveṇa sadā rahitatā tu yā ||,"""The interdependent own-being, on the other hand, is the discrimination which arises from conditions, and the fulfilled is its state of being separated always from the former."" [Anacker 188]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,paratantra svabhāva pratyaya udbhava niṣpannasta,,,pratyaya udbhava,paratantra svabhāva,,,,niṣpannasta,,,,,, vikalpa,30,30,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,mantravanmūlavijñānaṃ kāṣṭhavattathatā matā | hastyākāravadeṣṭavyo vikalpo hastivad dvayam ||,"""The root consciousness is like the mantra; suchness is like the wood; discrimination is like the elephant’s appearance, and duality is like the elephant itself."" [Anacker 294]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,vijñāna tathatā hasti ākāra dvaya,,,ākāra,,,,,,,,vijñāna tathatā dvaya,,, vikalpa,3,3.35,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,āha tatprakṛtikāni bhadantopāle sarvasatvānāṃ cittāni | saṃkalpo bhadantopāle kleśaḥ | akalp^āvikalpā ca prakṛtiḥ | viparyāsaḥ saṃkleśaḥ aviparyastā ca prakṛtiḥ |,"""Reverend Upāli, the minds of all living beings have that very nature. Reverend Upāli, passions consist of conceptualizations. The ultimate nonexistence of these conceptualizations and imaginary fabrications - that is the purity that is the intrinsic nature of the mind. Misapprehensions are passions. The ultimate absence of misapprehensions is the intrinsic nature of the mind."" [Thurman 31]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,citta saṃkalpa kleśa kalpa a prakṛti viparyāsa,,,a,citta prakṛti,,,kalpa,,,,saṃkalpa viparyāsa,,, vikalpa,8,8.23,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,tathāhi sa satkāya iti dṛṣṭiṃ naupasthāpayati yayā dṛṣṭyā satkāya iti vā satkāyanirodha iti vā kalpayati | so akalpo avikalpo atyantāvikalpo nirodhasvabhāvaprāptaḥ na saṃbhavati na vibhavaty ayam advayapraveśaḥ |,"""The egoistic views of aggregates, being unproduced themselves, do not exist ultimately. Hence such views do not really conceptualize ’These are aggregates’ or ’These aggregates cease.’ Ultimately, they have no such discriminative constructions and no such conceptualizations. Therefore, such views have themselves the nature of cessation. Nonoccurrence and nondestruction are the entrance into nonduality."" [Thurman 75-76]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,dṛṣṭi satkāya kalp kalpa a dvaya,,,kalp a,dvaya,,,kalpa,satkāya,,,,,, vikalpa,8,8.23,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,iti dṛṣṭiṃ naupasthāpayati yayā dṛṣṭyā satkāya iti vā satkāyanirodha iti vā kalpayati | so akalpo avikalpo atyantāvikalpo nirodhasvabhāvaprāptaḥ na saṃbhavati na vibhavaty ayam advayapraveśaḥ |,"""The egoistic views of aggregates, being unproduced themselves, do not exist ultimately. Hence such views do not really conceptualize ’These are aggregates’ or ’These aggregates cease.’ Ultimately, they have no such discriminative constructions and no such conceptualizations. Therefore, such views have themselves the nature of cessation. Nonoccurrence and nondestruction are the entrance into nonduality."" [Thurman 75-76]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,satkāya kalp kalpa a nirodha svabhāva na sambhav vibhav dvaya,,sambhav vibhav,a na,svabhāva dvaya nirodha,,,kalpa,satkāya,,,kalp,,, vikalpa,6,6.8,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yepunarnakalpayantinavikalpayanti te kalpikāḥ | paśya bhadantaśāriputra eṣāṃ mahāsatvānāṃ kāye puṣpāṇi na śliṣyanti | yathāpi nāma sarvakalpavikalpaprahīṇatvāt |,"""Reverend Śāriputra, impropriety for one who has renounced the world for the discipline of the rightly taught Dharma consists of constructual thought and discrimination, yet the elders are full of such thoughts. One who is without such thoughts is always proper. ""Reverend Śāriputra, see how these flowers do not stick to the bodies of these great spiritual heroes, the bodhisattvas! This is because they have eliminated constructual thoughts and discriminations."" [Thurman 59]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,kalp vikalp kalpika sarva kalpa prahīṇatva,,,sarva,prahīṇatva,,,kalpa,,,,vikalp,,, vikalpa,11,11.1,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,sarvasatvasamaḥsarvadharmanirviśeṣaprāptaḥ sarvato anavadyaḥ niṣkiṃcanaḥ niṣkaṣāyaḥ niṣkalaḥ nirvikalpaḥ akṛtaḥ ajātaḥ anutpannaḥ abhūtaḥ asaṃbhūtaḥ na bhaviṣyati nirbhayaḥ,"""He is [...] Equal toward all things, he does not discriminate between them. He is without reproach, without excess, without corruption, without conception, and without intellectualization. He is without activity, without birth, without occurrence, without origin, without production, and without nonproduction. He is without fear [...]"" [Thurman 92]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,sama viśeṣa avadya kiṃcana kaṣāya niṣkala nir kṛta,,,nir,,,,viśeṣa avadya kiṃcana kaṣāya kṛta,sama niṣkala,,,,,, vikalpa,17,17,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,evaṃ vitathavikalp^ābhyāsavāsanānidrayā prasupto lokaḥ svapna ivābhūtam arthaṃ paśyan na prabuddhas tadabhāvaṃ yathāvan nāvagacchati |,"""Just as people when they are asleep in a dream have their faculties concentrated on impressions of appearances of discriminations which appear differently than they do later, and, as long as they aren't awake, don't understand the non-being of objects of sense and understanding that weren't, just so [...]"" [Anacker 172]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,vitatha abhyāsa vāsanā nidrā abhūta abhāva,,,vitatha nidrā,abhyāsa vāsanā,,,,,,,abhūta abhāva,,, vikalpa,17,17,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,yadā tu tatpratipakṣalokottaranirvikalpajñānalābhāt prabuddho bhavati tadā tatpṛṣṭhalabdhaśuddhalaukikajñānasaṃmukhībhāvād viṣayābhāvaṃ yathāvad avagacchatiiti,"""[...]when they become awakened by the attainment of a supermundane knowledge free from discriminations, which is the antidote to these (discriminations), then they truly understand the non-being of these sense-objects through meeting with a clear worldly subsequently attained knowledge."" [Anacker 172]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,pratipakṣa lokottara nir jñāna prabuddha viṣaya abhāva,,,pratipakṣa nir,,,,,lokottara prabuddha jñāna,,,,,, vikalpa,21,21,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tathā tadajñānāt tadubhayaṃ na yathārthaṃ vitathapratibhāsatayā grāhyagrāhakavikalpasyāprahīṇatvāt ||,"""Thus both of these knowledges, because of their inherent non-knowledge, are not like an object, because it is through the state of an appearance of something which appears differently than it does later that there is a state of non-abandonment of the discrimination between object apprehended and subject apprehendor."" [Anacker 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,vitatha pratibhāsatā grāhya grāhaka aprahīṇatva,,,,aprahīṇatva,grāhya grāhaka,,,,,,,,pratibhāsatā, vikalpaka,233,233|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,cittakṣepo manaścitte | manovijñāna ityarthaḥ | nahi pañcasu vijñānakāyeṣu cittaṃ kṣipyate | avikalpakatvāt |,"""Mental-trouble is produced in the mental consciousness. The expression that the Karika uses, manascitta, ""mental thought,"" is equivalent to the expression manovijñāna, ""mental consciousness, consciousness of the manas."" The five sense consciousnesses cannot be troubled because they are free from imagining, inquiry and memory, and mental trouble is the imagining of that which does not exist (asadvikalpa)."" [Pruden, Poussin 632-633]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,citta manas vijñāna citta kṣip/kṣipya a,,,a,,,,,,,citta,manas vijñāna,,, vikalpaka,147,147|09-147|10,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,kasmāt kāyikī vedanā na manaupavicāraḥ | naeva hyasau mana evāśritā nāpyupavicārikā avikalpakatvādityayogaḥ |,"""Why not define bodily (kāyikī) sensation as manopavicāra. Without doubt bodily sensation has the manas for its support, but it also has the material organs (eye, etc) for its support. It is free from vikalpa (like the visual consciousness, etc, to which it is associated); and it is no longer upavicārikā, [that is, susceptible of ""consideration,"" samtīrikā]."" [Pruden, Poussin 432]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,kāyika vedanā manas upavicāra manas a,,,a,,,,,kāyika vedanā,,manas,upavicāra,,, vikalpaka,23,23,pancaskandhaka,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,manodhātur manovijñānadhātur dharmadhātoś ca pradeśaḥ | kati avikalpakāḥ | śeṣāḥ |,"""Not available""",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,manas vijñāna dharma a,,,manas vijñāna dharma a,,,,,,,,,,, vikalpaka,53,53,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,ananyath^ātmākṣayadharmayogato jagaccharaṇyo anaparāntakoṭitaḥ | sadādvayo asāvavikalpakatvato avināśadharmāpyakṛtasvabhāvataḥ ||,"""This [Essence of the buddha] is of unalterable nature Because it is endowed with inexhaustible properties, It is the refuge of the world Because it has no limit in the future; It is always non-dual Because it is indiscriminative, Also it is of undestructible nature Because its own nature is not created [by conditions]."" [Takasaki 256]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,ananyathā sadā dvaya a avināśa kṛta,,,a,,,,,ananyathā sadā,,,dvaya kṛta,,, vikalpana,42,042|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,upekṣ^endriyam | kiṃ kāyikī caitasik^ītyāha | ubhayī kiṃ punaḥ kāraṇamiyamabhisamasya ekamindriyaṃ kriyate | avikalpanāt ||,"""Intermediate sensation, which neither comforts nor harms, is the sensation ""neither-pain-nor-pleasure."" This is what is termed the sensation or indriya of equanimity. Is this sensation bodily or mental? It is both. (Either bodily or mental, intermediate sensation is a sensation of equanimity.) The sensation of equanimity presents then a double characteristic; consequently it constitutes only one indriya, because there is no vikalpana here.” [Pruden, Poussin 161-162]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,disputed,upekṣā eka indriya a,,,a,indriya,,,,upekṣā eka,,,,,, vikalpana,42,042|02,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,caitasikaṃ hi sukhaduḥkhaṃ prāyeṇa vikalpanādutpadyate na tu kāyikam | viṣayavaśādarhatāmapyutpatteḥ |,"""As a general rule, agreeable or disagreeable mental sensation proceeds from a concept, from the concept of ""dear"" or ""hateful,"" etc. Contrarily, bodily sensation is produced from an external object independent of psychological states: Arhats do not have sympathies and antipathies, they do not conceive of the idea of dear or the idea of hateful, and yet they are subject nevertheless to physical pain and pleasure."" [Pruden, Poussin 162]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,caitasika sukha duḥkha utpad kāyika,,,,,,,,kāyika,,caitasika,,,sukha duḥkha utpad, vikalpana,42,042|05-042|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,upekṣāyāṃ tveṣa vikalpo nāstyata upekṣaṇaṃ pratyavikalpanādabhedaḥ |,"""The sensation of equanimity creates neither good or harm; it is not differenciated; mental or physical, it is felt in the same way."" [Pruden, Poussin 162]",Relationship,Difference@Variety,Kind/sort@categorization,variety,variety,neu.neg,,upekṣaṇa pratya abheda,,,pratya,,,,,upekṣaṇa abheda,,,,,, vikalpana,237,237,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatsamutthānāya cānābhoganirnimitt^ākalp^āvikalpanatayā apramāṇabuddhiviṣayasamutthānaṃ paśyan nirantaraṃ niścchidraṃ prayujyate […],"""Perceiving as well that a tathāgata's immeasurable sphere of action arises by means of [the attributes of] effortlessness, signlessness, and becoming free of concepts and conceptual thoughts, he applies himself continuously and without interruption, in all physical behavior, conduct, pleasurable states of abiding, and forms of attention, to the aim of generating that [ability]."" [Engle 562]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,ābhoga nimitta kalpa a pramāṇa buddhi viṣaya,,,a,viṣaya,,,ābhoga nimitta kalpa,buddhi,,,,,, vikalpana,16,16 - IV.15,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kathaṃ manasikāreṇa tasya bhūmivyavasthānasya kalpanājñānāt kalpanāmātram etad iti | tasyaeva ca kalpanājñānasyāvikalpanāt |,"""Because it knows the real structure of those stages to be mental constructions, nothing but constructions; and then again, one does not conceptualize that intuition of constructedness."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,kalpanā jñāna a,,,a,,,,,jñāna,,,kalpanā,,, vikalpana,40,40 - IX.37,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,satvaparipācanakarma niṣṭhāāgamanakarma dharmadeśanākarma nirmāṇādikṛtyakarma jñānapravṛttikarma avikalpanakarma citraākārajñānakarma jñānāpravṛttikarma vimuktisāmānyajñānaviśeṣakarma cārabhyoktaṃ |,"""Profundity of actions has been spoken of from the point of view of actions based on the jewels of the accessories of enlightenment, and so forth (27ab), actions of bringing living beings to maturity (27cd), the action of arriving at culmination (28ab), the action of teaching the Dharma (28cd), the action of creating emanations and so forth (29— 30), the action of the function of intuition (31), the action of nonconceptuality (32), the action of intuition with various aspects (33), the action of non-functioning intuition (34), and the action of distinctive intuitions within similar liberations (35)."" [Thurman 86]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nirmāṇa kṛtya jñāna pravṛtti a karma citra,,,a,karma,,,,jñāna,,,nirmāṇa kṛtya pravṛtti citra,,, vikalpana,59,59 - IX.81,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpanāmātraṃ tv etat sarvam iti paśyatāṃ tasyāpi kalpanāmātrasyāvikalpanād akalpabodhisatvānām anutpattikadharmakṣāntilābhāvasthāyām arthataḥ prāptaiva bodhir ity ucyate |,"""""Who consider that everything is 'mere imaginative construction'"" (refers to the fact that) they do not conceptualize what is merely conceptually constructed. It is said of such nonconceptualizing bodhisattvas that it is actually as if they have attained enlightenment when they attain the tolerance of the nonproduction of all things."" [Thurman 103]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,kalpanā a kalpa bodhisatva bodhi,,,a,,kalpanā,,,bodhi bodhisatva,kalpa,,,,, vikalpana,107,107 - XVI.30,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,sa punar vikṣepo dvividhaḥ | manasikāravikṣepaś ca hīnayānaspṛhaṇāt | vikalpavikṣepaś ca dāyakapratigrāhakadānavikalpanāt |,"""Attachment to distraction is of two kinds: attitudinal distraction from interest in the individual vehicle, and discriminative distraction from discriminating between giver, recipient, and gift."" [Thurman 204]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,manasikāra vikalpa vikṣepa dāyaka pratigrāhaka dāna,,,,,,,,,,vikalpa,,,, vikalpana,112,112 - XVI.52,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,jñānaṃ nirvikalpaṃ yena trimaṇḍalapariśuddhaṃ dānaṃ dadāti dātṛdeyapratigrāhak^āvikalpanāt |,"""The (supreme) intuition is the nonconceptual intuition with which one gives gifts in complete purity of the three sectors (of the act), free of discrimination of giver, gift, and recipient."" [Thurman 211]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,jñāna nir vikalpa tri dātṛ deya pratigrāhaka a,,,a,,dātṛ deya pratigrāhaka,,,,,vikalpa,,,, vikalpana,119,119 - XVII.7,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,parīttā hīnā mahatī praṇītā | punaḥ samānā hīnā nirmānā praṇītā trimaṇḍal^āvikalpanāt |,"""(Worship in) the individual (vehicle) is inferior, in the universal (vehicle) superior. Again, (worship) accompanied by pride is inferior, without pride, superior, because of the latter's nondiscrimination of the three sectors."" [Thurman 223]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,samāna nirmāna tri maṇḍala a,,,a,,maṇḍala,,,,,,,,, vikalpana,179,179 - XX.25,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niṣpattir vijñeyā yathāvyavasthānamanasikāreṇa | tatkalpanatājñānād avikalpanayā ca tasyaiva ||,"""Achievement should be understood through a systematically trained attitude, through knowing it as construction, and through its nondiscrimination."" [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,niṣpatti manasikāra tat kalpana jñāna a,,,a,,,,,,,,manasikāra kalpana jñāna,,niṣpatti, vikalpana,5,5,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,kāyāvasthānajñānam | cittāvasthānajñānam | īryāpatharakṣaṇam | īryāpathavikopanam |īryāpathavikalpanam | īryāpathaprāsādikatā | arthānarthakauśalyajñānam |,"""It is knowledge of the states of the body and of the states of the mind, watching carefully one's deportment (īryāpatha), being unperturbed in one's deportment, discrimination (vikalpa) with respect to deportment and being serene in one's deportment. ""It is knowledge of and skill in what is meaningful and what is not; [...]"" [Gomez and Silk 57]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,vague,jñāna rakṣaṇa vikopana īryāpatha prāsādikatā kauśalya,,,,,īryāpatha,,jñāna rakṣaṇa vikopana prāsādikatā kauśalya,,,,,,, vikalpanā,9,9 - 140,bodhicaryavatara,lit,commentarial,poetry,madhyamaka,tasmātsvapne sute naṣṭe sa nāstiiti vikalpanā | tadbhāvakalpanautpādaṃ vibadhnāti mṛṣā ca sā ||,"""It follows that when in a dream one’s son is destroyed, he is not thought to be an object of imagination. The false assumption which has arisen eliminates his existence, which is also false."" [L. D. Barnett]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,svapna iti tadbhāva kalpana utpāda vibadhnā mṛṣā,,vibadhnā,mṛṣā,,,,,,,,kalpana,svapna,, vikalpanā,35,35,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,avyākṛtaḥ atīto anāgataḥ pratyutpanna ityevaṃbhāgīyenāpramāṇena prabhedanayena yā svabhāvavikalpādhiṣṭhānā tadviśiṣṭārthavikalpanā | ayamucyate viśeṣavikalpaḥ |,"""What is the conceptual thought [that conceives] of a distinguishing characteristic? The [form of] conceptual thinking that is based upon the conceptual thought of an essential nature and that forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning in relation to that very substance known as form, etc., such as, ""This [object] is material,"" "" This [object] is immaterial,"" ""This [object] is visible,"" or ""This [object] is not visible,"" or that similarly [forms a mental construct with some distinct meaning] in an immeasurable variety of [other] ways including, ""This [object] possesses resistance,"" ""This [object] lacks resistance,"" ""This [object] is related to the outflows,"" ""This [object] is free of the outflows,"" ""This [object] is conditioned,"" ""This [object] is unconditioned,"" ""This [object] is virtuous,"" ""This [object] is nonvirtuous,"" [...]."" [Engle 92-93]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu,,iti prabheda naya viśiṣṭa artha,,,,,viśiṣṭa artha,,,,,,,prabheda,, vikalpanā,177,177,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yā bodhisattvasyaeṣā dharmāṇāmevamavikalpanā so asya śamatho draṣṭavyaḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], a bodhisattva's avoidance of conceptualization in relation to these spiritual qualities should be regarded as his or her [practice of] quiescence."" [Engle 435]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neg,,bodhisattva dharma a śamatha,,,dharma a,,,,,bodhisattva śamatha,,,,,, vikalpanā,68,68r,kasyapaparivarta,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nasatvonasatvaprajñaptiḥnavāṅnavākprajñaptiḥnacittaṃnacittaprajñaptiḥnaloko nālokaḥ na niśrayo nāniśrayaḥnātmaśīlotkarṣaṇā | na paraduḥśīlapaṃsanā | na śīlamanyanā | na śīlakalpanā | na vikalpanā | na saṃkalpanā |na parikalpanā | iyam ucyate kāśyapa āryāṇāṃ śīla |,"""One always speaks of moral conduct, Kasyapa. [What is the Noble Ones’ moral conduct?] Where there is no [false notion of] a self, of [anything] possessed of a self; [...] where there is neither anything to be accepted nor anything to be refused, neither substance nor a statement about substance, neither speech nor a statement about speech, neither the mind nor a statement about it; where there is neither the world nor not the world, neither a basis nor a non-(68a)basis, neither commending one’s own virtue nor depreciating the virtue of others, neither conceit nor one’s fancying on account of one’s virtue, one’s being free from false discrimination and imaginary assumption - that, Kasyapa, is called ‘the Noble Ones’ moral conduct’, free from malign influences, […]"" [Bhikkhu Pāsādika 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,prajñapti manyanā śīla kalpanā na saṃkalpanā parikalpanā ārya śīla,,,śīla na,,,,kalpanā saṃkalpanā parikalpanā,śīla,,,prajñapti manyanā,,, vikalpanā,90,90 - XIII.29,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,iti nirvikalpena dharmanairātmyajñānena pratipattuḥ pratipattavyasya pratipatteś cāvikalpanā trimaṇḍalapariśuddhir veditavyā |,"""The purification of the three spheres should be understood as the nondiscernment of practitioner, to-be-practiced, and actual practice through the nonconceptual intuition of the selflessness of things."" [Thurman 174]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,nir vikalpa dharma nairātmya jñāna pratipattṛ pratipattavya pratipatti a pariśuddhi,,,a,,pratipattṛ pratipattavya pratipatti,,,pariśuddhi,,,,jñāna,, vikalpanā,5,5 - I.13,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,audāryād api gāmbhīryāt paripāko avikalpanā | deśanā ato dvayasyāsmin sa copāyo niruttare ||,"""From the magnificent and the profound come evolutionary development and nonconceptual (wisdom). (The universal vehicle) teaches both, and therein lies its art (for realizing) unexcelled (enlightenment)."" [Thurman 11]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,audārya gāmbhīrya paripāka a niruttara,,,a,,,,,paripāka niruttara,,,,audārya gāmbhīrya,, vikalpanā,5,5 - I.13,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,gāmbhīryadeśanayā avikalpanā ata etasya dvayasyāsmin mahāyāne deśanā sa copāyo niruttare jñāne tābhyāṃ yathākramaṃ satvānāṃ paripācanād,"""Teaching the profound (selflessness develops) nonconceptual (wisdom)."" [Thurman 11]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,speculative thought,neu.neg,,gāmbhīrya a niruttara jñāna,,,a,,,,,gāmbhīrya niruttara jñāna,,,,,, vikalpanā,15,15 - IV.14,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,niryāṇaṃ vijñeyaṃ yathāvyavasthānamanasikāreṇa | tatkalpanatājñānād avikalpanayā ca tasyaeva ||,"""Its renunciation is to be known through its conscious attitude attuned to the structure (of reality), through its intuition of the constructed nature (of the stages), and through the nonconceptuality of that (intuition)."" [Thurman 35]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,niryāṇa vyavasthāna manasikāra kalpanatā jñāna a,,,a,,,,,jñāna,,,manasikāra kalpanatā,,niryāṇa, vikalpanā,180,180 - XX.26,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tasya bhūmivyavasthānasya kalpanāmātrajñānāt tad avikalpanā ca ca veditavyā |,"""Therefore, (this stage) can be understood (as ""achieved"") when (the bodhisattva) knows that the stage system is a mere construction, and (as ""unachieved"") when he does not discriminate any (stage system)."" [Thurman 327]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,kalpanā jñāna a,,,a,,,,,,,,kalpanā,jñāna,, vikalpanā,35,35,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,tadanena dharmadhātunayamukhena paramārthataḥ saṃsāra eva nirvāṇamityuktam | ubhayath^āvikalpan^āpratiṣṭhitanirvāṇasākṣātkaraṇataḥ |,"""Therefore, by this introduction to the theory of the Absolute Essence, it is said from the highest viewpoint that the Phenomenal Life itself is Nirvāṇa, because [the Bodhisattvas] realize the Unstable Nirvāṇa, being indiscriminative of both [the Phenomenal Life and Nirvāṇa]."" [Takasaki 219-220]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,saṃsāra ubhayatha a apratiṣṭhita nirvāṇa sākṣātkaraṇa,,,a,nirvāṇa,ubhayatha,,,,,,,,, vikalpanā,166,166,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,carati yathābhūtaṃ ca dharmāṇāṃ svalakṣaṇaṃ vyavalokayati | yā khalveṣu dharmeṣvavicāraṇāvikalpanā ayam ucyate mañjuśrīrbodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyācāraḥ |,"""[...] when, moreover, Mañgusrī, he clings to no law whatever and see the real character of the laws (of things); when he is refraining from investigating and discussing these laws, Mañgusrī; that is called the conduct of a Bodhisattva Mahāsattva."" [Kern 262]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,dharma vicāraṇa a boddhisattva ācāra,,,a,,dharma,,vicāraṇa,boddhisattva,,,,,, vikalpatā,102,102,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,avacanapāramitāiyaṃ bhagavan sarvadharm^āvikalpatāmupādāya |,"""This perfection is inexpressible, because all dharmas are not discriminated."" [Conze 151]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,vacana pāramitā sarva dharma a upādādat,upādādat,,a,,sarva dharma,,,,,,vacana,,, vikalpatā,102,102,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,asamutthānapāramitāiyaṃ bhagavan sarvadharmanirvikalpatām upādāya | śāntapāramitāiyaṃ bhagavan sarvadharmanimittānupalabdhitāmupādāya |,"""This perfection does not rise up, because there is no discrimination in dharmas. This perfection is quieted, because no sign is apprehended in all dharmas."" [Conze 151-152]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,samutthāna pāramitā sarva dharma nir upādat śānta nimitta,upādat,,nir,,sarva dharma,,,,,,nimitta,,, vikalpatā,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,anena samāsato aṣṭābhirguṇaiḥ saṃgṛhītaṃ dharmaratnamudbhāvitam | aṣṭau guṇāḥ katame | acintyatvamadvayatā nirvikalpatā śuddhirabhivyaktikaraṇaṃ pratiparkṣatā virāgo virāgaheturiti |,"""By this verse, in brief, the Jewel of the Doctrine is explained as being contracted by eight qualities. Which are the eight qualities? They are 1) unthinkability, 2) non-duality, 3) non-discriminativeness, 4) purity, 5) [being] manifest, 6) hostility [against obstacles], 7) Deliverance [from passions], and 8) cause of Deliverance."" [Takasaki 164]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neg,,dharmaratna guṇa cintyatva dvayatā nir śuddhi abhivyaktikaraṇa pratiparkṣatā virāga,,,nir,,,,cintyatva dvayatā pratiparkṣatā,dharmaratna guṇa śuddhi abhivyaktikaraṇa virāga,,,,,, vikalpatā,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,eṣāmeva yathākramaṃ ṣaṇṇāṃ guṇānāṃ tribhirādyairacinty^ādvayanirvikalpatāguṇairnirodhasatyaparidīpanād virāgasaṃgraho veditavyaḥ |,"""Of these six qualities, by the first three qualities, i.e. unthinkability, non-duality and non-discriminativeness, the Truth of Extinction is explained."" [Takasaki 165]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu.neg,,cintya advaya nir guṇa nirodha satya paridīpana virāga,,,nir,,,,cintya advaya,satya paridīpana guṇa,,,,,, vikalpika,17,17,vimsatika,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tato hi vijñapteḥ smṛtisaṃprayuktā tatpratibhāsa eva rūp^ādivikalpikā manovijñaptir utpadyata iti na smṛtyutpādād arthānubhavaḥ sidhyati |,"""From that means from the perception. A mental perception arises with the discrimination of a visible, etc. when that appearance is linked with memory, so an experience of an (external) object can't be demonstrated through the arising of a memory."" [Anacker 171]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,speculative or discriminative thought,discrimination/process of distinguishing,neu,,smṛti pratibhāsa rūpa manas vijñapti artha anubhava,,,,vijñapti,pratibhāsa rūpa,,,artha anubhava,,,smṛti,,, vikalpita,290,290|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sahajā satkāyadṛṣṭiravyākṛtā | yā mṛgapakṣiṇāmapi varttate | vikalpitā tvakuśalāiti pūrvācāryāḥ |,"""An innate belief in a self, which is to be found among the savage animals and birds, is neutral. But a cogitated belief in a self is bad."" (The same holds for an innate and cogitated belief in the extremes)."" [Pruden, Poussin 798]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination@Intention,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually crafted,neg,other,sahajā satkāya dṛṣṭi akuśala,,,akuśala,satkāya dṛṣṭi,,,,sahajā,,,,,, vikalpita,235,235,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,kleśaduḥkhasaṃkleśa visaṃyogād viviktasamatayā vikalpitasya jñeyasvabhāvasya māyānirmitaupamasamatayā nirvikalpajñānagocarasya svabhāvasya bhāvābhāvādvayasamatayā |,"""[...] (8) the sameness in which [all entities] are [perceived to be] isolated in the sense that those very [entities that do not engage in the activities of taking on and giving up] are separated from the stare of affliction [that is represented by] the mental afflictions and suffering, (9) the sameness in which [all] entities that possess conceptually fabricated essences [are perceived to] resemble illusions and magical creations, and (10) the sameness in which [all entities are perceived to be] beyond the duality of existence and nonexistence, this being their [true] essence and the one that is discerned by nonconceptual awareness."" [Engle 558]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually singled out,neg,,kleśa duḥkha jñeya svabhāva māyā nirmita samatā jñāna,,,,svabhāva,,,,samatā,,,māyā nirmita,,, vikalpita,89,89,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,prāgevabodhisattvenasarvapariṣkārāḥ sarvadeyadharmā daśasu dikṣu viśuddhenāśayena buddhabodhisattvānāṃ nisṛṣṭā bhavanti vikalpitāstadyathāpi nāma bhikṣurācāryāya vā upādhyāyāya vā cīvaraṃ vikalpayet |,"""A bodhisattva has from the outset dedicated and entrusted, with a pure attitude, all his or her possessions and objects suitable for practicing charity to the buddhas and bodhisattvas throughout the ten directions, in the same way that a fully ordained monastic dedicates his or her robes to a teacher or preceptor."" [Engle 223]",Giving,Give@Offering,Divide@Distribute/deal_out,offered,offered,pos,,bodhisattva pariṣkāra deyadharma viśuddha āśaya nisṛṣṭa bhav bhikṣu ācārya upādhyāya cīvara vikalp,,,,bhav,pariṣkāra deyadharma,bodhisattva,,,vikalp,,nisṛṣṭa,viśuddha,, vikalpita,222,222 - 31.26,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,atha saudāsastad bodhisattvavacanaṃ vikalpitam ivāmṛṣyamāṇaś cintāmāpede suṣṭhu khalvayaṃ satyavāditayā ca dharmikatayā ca vikatthate |,"""Now these words of the Bodhisattva irritated the son of Sudāsa, as if they spoke of something fanciful, and he entered upon this reflection: “Verily, he does greatly boast of his veracity and righteous behaviour. [300] Well then, I will see them, both his attachment to truth and his love of righteousness."" [Speyer 412]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually crafted,neu.neg,,vacana ā-mṛṣ cintā,ā-mṛṣ,,,vacana,,,,,,,,,, vikalpita,44,44,madhyantavibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,trividhaṃ rūpaṃ parikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya parikalpitaḥ svabhāvaḥ | vikalpitaṃ rūpaṃ yo rūpasya paratantraḥ svabhāvas tatra hi rūpavikalpaḥ kriyate | dharmatārūpaṃ yo rūpasya,"""Inasmuch as the concept of the aggregate of materiality is a construction, it belongs to the constructed own-being. Inasmuch as this construction rests on an object of discrimination, the discrimination of materiality is effected, which rests upon the interdependent own-being."" [Anacker 240]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually singled out,neu,,parikalpita rūpa paratantra dharmatā,,,paratantra,rūpa,,,parikalpita dharmatā,,,,,,, vikalpita,181,181 - XX.31,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,avikalpitāni cāsya viśuddhibhāgīyāni nimittāni samudācaranti | dharmakāyaparipūripariniṣpattaye ca uttarād uttarataraṃhetusaṃparigrahaṃkaroti,"""Without being conceptualized, the signs of purification present themselves to her. In order to perfect the fulfillment of the truth-body, she creates an assemblage of causes which always increases from ultimate to more ultimate."" [Thurman 329]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually singled out,neu.neg,,a nimitta,,,a,nimitta,,,,,,,,,, vikalpita,168,168,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,viparītasaṃjñīhi ime vikalpitā asantasantā hi abhūtabhūtataḥ | anutthitāścāpi ajātadharmā jātātha bhūtā viparītakalpitāḥ ||,"""They have been divided into existing and non-existing, real and unreal, by those who had wrong notions; other laws also, of permanency, of being produced, of birth from something already produced, are wrongly assumed."" [Kern 267]",Thought,Thought@Judgement/decision,Process_of_reasoning/ratiocination@Discernment/discrimination,conceptually crafted or individuated,conceptually singled out,neg,,viparīta saṃjñin asanta santa??? abhūta bhūta kalpita,,,viparīta,,asanta santa???,saṃjñin,,,,,kalpita,abhūta bhūta,, vyāhāra,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | [...] sarvadharmā avyavahārā avyāhārā avyavahṛtā avyāhṛtā iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" [...] In the conviction that ""all dharmas lie outside conventional expression and discourse, that it is not they that have been conventionally expressed or uttered."""" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap dharma a vyavahāra a a vyavahṛta a vyāhṛta,,,a,,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, vyāhāra,70,70//99,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vividhāni sasyāni [...] teṣāṃ tāvadyadidaṃ nāma saṃjñā vāg vyāhāro vividhas tad yathā yavaśāligodhūmatilamudgamāṣakulatth^ādikaḥ | ayam eṣām anuvyavahārahetuḥ [...],"""The various kinds of crops [...] have the following variety of names, conceptions, and forms of verbal usage: barley, rice, wheat, sesame, urad beans, mung beans, horse gram beans, etc. ""Let the barley be fetched,"" [...] are expressions that provide examples of their causes of orderly discourse."" [Engle 179-180]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,sasya nāman saṃjñā vāc anuvyavahāra hetu,,,,,,,anuvyavahāra,,,NA,,,, vyāhāra,71,71//100,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra sarvasya pratītyasamutpādasya yadidaṃ nāmasaṃjñāvāgvyāhāras tadyathā [...] ity ayantāvat saṃkleśasya anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names, conceptions, and verbal expressions that relate to all [the elements that make up the doctrine] of dependent origination – ranging from [...]– constitute the causes of orderly discourse that pertain to the process of affliction."" [Engle 181]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃjñā vāc iti saṃkleśa anuvyavahāra hetu,,,,,,,anuvyavahāra,,,NA,,,, vyāhāra,71,71//101,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yaḥ sarveṣu vyavadānapakṣyeṣu dharmeṣu nirodhe ca nirvāṇe nāmasaṃjñāvāgvyāhāraḥ | ayaṃ vyavadānasya anuvyavahārahetuḥ |,"""Regarding this [topic], the names, conceptions, and verbal expressions that relate to all the spiritual qualities that are conducive to purification, as well as the cessation [that occurs in the reversal of the twelve limbs of dependent origination] and nirvana, constitute the causes of orderly discourse that pertain to the process of purification."" [Engle 182]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,vyavadāna nirodha nirvāṇa nāman saṃjñā vāg vyavadāna anuvyavahāra hetu,,,vyavadāna nirodha nirvāṇa,,,,anuvyavahāra,,,NA,,,, vyāhāra,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nityo vyāhāreṇa | vyavahāraś ca śūnyaḥ nirviśeṣo nirvāṇena nirvṛtaḥ śabdena śānto ghoṣeṇa sāmānyaḥ saṃketena saṃketaḥ paramārthena paramārtho,"""It is ‘permanent’ in terms of words, and terminology is empty. It is undifferentiated because it is nirvāṇa. It is ‘nirvāṇa’ because of a word. It is ‘peace’ because of speaking. There is equality in terms of conventional appellations. There are appellations in terms of ultimate truth. There is ultimate truth through correct speech."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.4]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,vyavahāra śūnya śabda ghoṣa saṃketa paramārtha,,,,,,,vyavahāra,,,NA,,,, vyāhṛta,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | [...] sarvadharmā avyavahārā avyāhārā avyavahṛtā avyāhṛtā iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" [...] In the conviction that ""all dharmas lie outside conventional expression and discourse, that it is not they that have been conventionally expressed or uttered."""" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap dharma a vyavahāra a vyāhāra a vyavahṛta a,,,a,,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, vyartha,4,4.51,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,jānīte viṣayaṃ yaṃ yaṃ yena yenendriyeṇa ca | tadā na śeṣaiḥ śeṣāṇi vyarthāny eva yatas tadā ||,"""When one is aware of one (of the five kinds of) objects by means of one of the senses, one has no awareness of the remaining (kinds of objects) by means of the remaining senses, because (those remaining objects) are not (taken as) objects at that time. 52"" [Dunne/McClintock 64-65]",Existence,Intention@Existence,Usefulness,purpose,purpose/use,neu.neg,,jñā vi,,,vi,,,NA,,,NA,,,NA,, vyavahar,246,246|05-246|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ete ca panca viṣayāḥ pratyekaṃ dṛṣṭā iti vā kṛtvā vyavahriyante | śrutā matā vijñātā iti vā | ṣaṣṭho anyatra dṛṣṭāt iti n^āsti gandh^ādiṣu vyavahār^ābhāvaprasaṅgaḥ |,"""Thus five categories of objects–visible matter, sounds, odors, tastes, and tangible things–are seen, heard, known, and cognized; the sixth category –dharmas– is not seen: such is the fourfold experience that the Sūtra refers to. It is thus false that, in the hypothesis where mata does not designate odors, tastes, and tangible matter, the experience relative to these objects would be omitted in the Sūtra: thus the argument of the Vaibhāṣikas does not hold."" [Poussin, Pruden 655]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,iti na as gandha vyavahāra abhāva prasaṅga,,,,,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,, vyavahāra,21,021|05-021|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tābhyāṃ hi vin^ āśrayaśobhāeva na syād iti vyavahāraś ca | yady etat prayojanam adhiṣṭhānamevāstu śobhāarthaṃ vacanārthaṃ ca mā bhūd indriyam |,"""[Answer of a master who speaks for the Vaibhāṣikas, vaibhāṣikadeśīya.] The organs of smell and taste are useful in Rūpadhātu, for, without them, beauty and elocution would be missing. The nose, support of the subtle matter that constitutes the organ of smell, suffices for beauty; the tongue, the place of the organ of taste, suffices for elocution."" [Poussin, Pruden 94]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,śobhā na as vacana,,as,na vacana,,,,śobhā,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,31,031|14-031|15,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,tatra vyavahārārthaṃ cchandata upacārāḥ kriyante | cakṣuḥ paśyati vijñānaṃvijānātiitinātrābhiniveṣṭavyam | uktaṃ hi bhagavatā janapadaniruktiṃnābhiniviśeta saṃjñāṃ ca lokasyanābhidhāved iti |,"""In the light of practice, one speaks, metaphorically, of this process: ""The eye sees, and the consciousness discerns."" But one should not cling to these metaphors. The Blessed One has said that one should not take them in the manner of popular speech, that one should not seriously grasp an expression in use in the world."" [Poussin, Pruden 118]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,artha chanda upacāra janapada nirukti saṃjñā loka,,,,,,,,,,NA,nirukti saṃjñā,chanda,, vyavahāra,61,061|21,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,uktāḥ saha cittena caittāḥ prakāraśa steṣāṃ punarimāḥ saṃjñāḥ paribhāṣyante | pravacana etābhiḥ sadvyavahārāt | cittam mano atha vijñānam ekārtham,"""We have defined the mind and its mental states. We have seen in what categories the mental states are placed, in what numbers they are generated together, and what their different characteristics are. The mind and its mental states receive, in the Scriptures, different names. The names mind (citta), spirit (manas), and consciousness (vijñāna) designate the same thing."" [Poussin, Pruden 205]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,saṃjñā pravacana sat artha,,sat,,,artha,,,,,NA,,,pravacana, vyavahāra,138,138|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na c^ātra bhavitur arthāt bhūtim anyāṃ kriyāṃ paśyāmaḥ | tasmād acchalaṃ vyavahāreṣu | eṣa tu vākyārthaḥ | asmin satyasya bhāvaḥ asy^otpādād idam utpadyata iti yo arthaḥ so arthaḥ pratītyasamutpāda,"""Now one does not maintain that the action of arising is distinct from the one who arises. There is thus nothing wrong in using, of course as conventional expressions, the words, ""it arises, it is produced after having gone to the pratyayas""."" [Poussin, Pruden 414]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,acchala vākya artha,,,,,,,,artha,,NA,vākya,,acchala, vyavahāra,245,245|09,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ṣoḍaśa vyavahārāḥ sūtra uktāḥ |,"""The Sūtra teaches that there are sixteen ""vocal actions"" [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 653]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,ṣoḍaśan sūtra ukta,ukta,,ṣoḍaśan,,,,,,,NA,,sūtra,, vyavahāra,245,245|09-245|11,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,adṛṣṭe dṛṣṭavāditā aśrute amate avijñāte vijñātavāditā dṛṣṭe adṛṣṭavāditā yāvad vijñāte avijñātavāditā iti ime anāryā aṣṭau vyavahārāḥ |,"""[...] ""vocal actions"", eight of which are bad: to say that one has seen what one has not seen, to say that one has heard, cognized, or known what one has not heard, cognized, or known; to say that one has not seen when one has seen; and to say that one has not heard, cognized, or known when one has heard, cognized, or known [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 653]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neg,,vad/vād iti anārya aṣṭan,,,anārya aṣṭan,,,,,,vad/vād,NA,,,, vyavahāra,245,245|11-245|12,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,dṛṣṭe dṛṣṭavāditā yāvad vijñāte vijñātavāditā adṛṣṭe adṛṣṭavāditā yāvad avijñāte avijñātavāditā iti ime āryā aṣṭau vyavahārāḥ |,"""[...] and eight [vocal actions] are good: to say that one has no seen when one has not seen [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 653]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,vad/vād iti ārya aṣṭan,,,ārya aṣṭan,,,,,,vad/vād,NA,,,, vyavahāra,245,245|26-245|27,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,dṛṣṭaśrutavijñātaśabdāpadeśād gandhādiṣu mat^ākhyā gamyate | ata evaṃ c^āniṣyamāṇe dṛṣṭ^ādibhāvabāhyatvāt gandh^ādiṣu vyavahāro na syād ity eṣā yuktiḥ |,"""The words ""seen,"" ""heard,"" and ""cognized,"" certainly refer to visible things, to sounds, and to the dharmas: hence the word mata refers to smells, tastes, and tangible things. If it were otherwise, the experience relative to smells, tastes and tangible things would not be refered to in this teaching of the Blessed One."" [Poussin, Pruden 654]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,śabda ākhyā bāhyatva gandha ādi na as,,as,na,,,,,,,NA,ākhyā,bāhyatva gandha ādi,, vyavahāra,245,245|27-245|28,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,na hy atra sūtre bhagavān vyavahārānāṃ lakṣaṇaṃ śāsti sma |,"""The Blessed One does not aim to define the characteristics of the four experiences, having seen, having heard, having cognized, having mata."" [Poussin, Pruden 654]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,na lakṣaṇa śās,,,na,lakṣaṇa,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,245,245|28-246|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atra ca te ṣaḍvidhe viṣaye caturṣu vyavahāreṣu [...] |,"""In the fourfold experience, seeing, etc., -each of which bears on the sixfold objects, visible things, sounds, smells, tastes, tangible things, and dharmas."" [Poussin, Pruden 654]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,viṣaya catur,,,catur,,,,,,,NA,,viṣaya,, vyavahāra,245,245|28-246|01,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,dṛṣṭ^ādivyavahāramātraṃ bhaviṣyati na priy^āpriyanimitt^ādhyāropa ity ayam atra sūtr^ārtho dṛśyate |,"""[...] you maintain only that this experience takes place, that you see, etc., without attributing to the object the characteristic of disagreeable or agreeable."" [Poussin, Pruden 654]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,dṛṣṭa ādi mātra bhav adhyāropa,,bhav,mātra,,,,,adhyāropa,,NA,,dṛṣṭa ādi,, vyavahāra,246,246|05-246|06,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,ete ca panca viṣayāḥ pratyekaṃ dṛṣṭā iti vā kṛtvā vyavahriyante | śrutā matā vijñātā iti vā | ṣaṣṭho anyatra dṛṣṭāt iti n^āsti gandh^ādiṣu vyavahār^ābhāvaprasaṅgaḥ |,"""Thus five categories of objects–visible matter, sounds, odors, tastes, and tangible things–are seen, heard, known, and cognized; the sixth category –dharmas– is not seen: such is the fourfold experience that the Sūtra refers to. It is thus false that, in the hypothesis where mata does not designate odors, tastes, and tangible matter, the experience relative to these objects would be omitted in the Sūtra: thus the argument of the Vaibhāṣikas does not hold."" [Poussin, Pruden 655]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,vyavahar iti na as gandha abhāva prasaṅga,,as,na,abhāva prasaṅga,,,,,,NA,vyavahar,gandha,, vyavahāra,465,465|15-465|16,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,atr^eyaṃ pratijñā ahaṃ cakṣuṣā rūpāṇi paśyām^īti | atr^āyaṃ vyavahāra ity api sa āyuṣmān evaṃ nāmā evañ jātya evaṅ gotra evam [...],"""One says to oneself, ""My eyes sees physical matter,"" and according to current usage, ""This venerable one is of such a name, of such a family, of such a gotra [...]"" [Poussin, Pruden 1324]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,pratijñā iti api,,,,,,,,,,NA,pratijñā,,, vyavahāra,465,465|16-465|17,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,iti hi bhikṣavaḥ saṃjñāmātrakam evaitad vyavahāramātrakam evaitat |,"""Oh Bhikṣus, know that these are only manners of speaking, words, expressions conforming to the usage of the world."" [Poussin, Pruden 1324]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,saṃjñā mātra,,,mātra,,,,,,,NA,saṃjñā,,, vyavahāra,473,473|18,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,sa vaktavyaḥ | ko ayaṃ devadatta iti | yady ātmā sa eva sādhyaḥ | atha vyavahārapuruṣaḥ | so api na kaścid ekaḥ saṃskārā hi ta evaṃ nāmānaḥ |,"""We would ask what it is that they understand by ""Devadatta."" If they regard Devadatta as a real individual, we have discussed and refuted this theory. Devadatta is an imaginary individual and not an individual entity; Devadatta is only the name that one gives to the series of saṃskāras."" [Poussin, Pruden 1342]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neg,,ātman puruṣa saṃskāra nāman,,,,puruṣa,,,,ātman,,NA,saṃskāra nāman,,, vyavahāra,473,473|24,abhidharmakosabhasya,śāstra,classical,abhidharma,buddh,āryair api teṣāṃ saṃjñayā tathā ucyante vyavahārārtham |,"""[...] in order to conform to received usage, the āryans also express themselves in this manner, which is inexact."" [Poussin, Pruden 1343]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,saṃjñā artha,,,artha,,,,,,,NA,,saṃjñā,, vyavahāra,9,9,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,bhagavān āha tat kim manyase subhūte atraiṣāṃ saṃjñā samajñā prajñaptir vyavahāraḥ pañcas^ūpādānaskandheṣu yad uta bodhisattva iti?,"""The Lord: What do you think, Subhuti, is that notion 'Bodhisattva,' that denomination, that concept, that conventional expression,–in the five grasping skandhas?"" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 88]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,saṃjñā samajñā prajñapti skandha,,,,,,,saṃjñā samajñā prajñapti,,,NA,,skandha,, vyavahāra,89,89,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,śūnyatvād viviktatvāt |evaṃ śāntatvān n^opalabhyate | yo anupalambhaḥ sarvadharmāṇām sā prajñāpāramit^ety ucyate | yadā na bhavati saṃjñā samajñā prajñaptir vyavahāraḥ tadā prajñāpāramit^ety ucyate ||,"""As a result of their emptiness, isolatedness and quietud they cannot be apprehended. The lack of a basis of apprehension in all dharmas, that is called 'perfect wisdom.' Where there is no perception, appellation, conception or conventional expression, there one speaks of 'perfection of wisdom'."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 138]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,na bhav saṃjñā samajñā prajñapti prajñāpāramitā,,bhav,na,,,,saṃjñā samajñā prajñapti,prajñāpāramitā,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,177,177,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,evam eva āyuṣman śāriputra sarv^ārambaṇāni viviktāni | nimittena viviktā cetanā lokavyavahāram upādāy^otpadyata iti ||,"""Even so objective supports are isolated. The act of will is isolated from the sign [which seems to cause it], and it arises only in reference to the conventional expressions current in the world."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 216]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nimitta cetanā loka upādat,upādat,,loka,,,cetanā,,nimitta,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāṇām anātmavijñaptitaḥ prajñ^ānubodhanataḥ prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa vyavahāramātreṇ^ ābhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] Because he has recognized by wisdom that all dharmas, as without self, give us no hint [about their true nature or intentions]. In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words, mere conventional expression,""..."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,vijñapti dharma nāman mātra abhilap,,,mātra,,,,,,,NA,vijñapti nāman,,abhilap dharma, vyavahāra,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | vyavahāraś ca na kvacin na kutaścin na kaścid [...],"""[a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" -but the conventional expression does not refer to anything real, it is not derived from anything real, nor is itself anything real."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap na kvacid kutaścid kaścid,,,na kvacid kutaścid kaścid,,,,,,,NA,nāman,,, vyavahāra,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |[...] na kvacin na kutaścin na kaścid vyavahāraḥ |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" -but the conventional expression does not refer to anything real, it is not derived from anything real, nor is itself anything real."" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap kvacid kutaścid na kaścid,,,kvacid kutaścid na kaścid,,,,,,,NA,nāman,,, vyavahāra,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | [...] sarvadharmā avyavahārā avyāhārā avyavahṛtā avyāhṛtā iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" [...] In the conviction that ""all dharmas lie outside conventional expression and discourse, that it is not they that have been conventionally expressed or uttered."""" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap dharma a a vyāhāra a vyavahṛta a vyāhṛta,,,a,,,,,dharma,,NA,nāman vyāhāra vyavahṛta vyāhṛta,,, vyavahāra,242,242,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,nānārutapadavyañjan^ābhinirhāro nāma samādhiḥ | astambhito nāma samādhiḥ | prakṛtyavyavahāro nāma samādhiḥ | anāvaraṇavimokṣaprāpto nāma samādhiḥ |,"""The names of the concentration were as follows: [...] ""Consumation of the whole variety of letters, words, and vocal sounds,"" ""The state which comes from feeling no rigidity,"" ""Inexpressible in its essential nature,"" ""Attainment of unobstructed emancipation,"" [...]"" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 282]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,ruta pada vyañjana prakṛty a nāman,,,a,nāman,,,,,,NA,,prakṛty,, vyavahāra,119,119,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,[...] nṛtyamanasikārā kāvyanāṭak^etihāsamanasikārāḥ śāstramanasikārā vyavahāramanasikārā hāsyamanasikārā lāsyamanasikārāḥ śokamanasikārā āyāsamanasikārā ātmamanasikārāḥ ity etāṃś c^ānyāṃś ca subhūte manasikārān […],"""Moreover, Subhuti, while they write down the perfection of wisdom, their minds are on all sorts of things: [...], lucky times, unlucky times, on songs, music, dances, poems, plays, treatises, business, jokes, musical shows, sorrows, troubles, and themselves. These and other acts of attention Mara, the Evil One, will arrange when this perfection of wisdom is being taught, studied, or merely written down [...]"" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 166]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,neu.neg,,kāvya nāṭaka itihāsa śāstra manasikārā hāsya lāsya śoka āyāsa,,,,manasikārā,,,kāvya nāṭaka itihāsa śāstra hāsya lāsya śoka āyāsa,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,8,8//13,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,bodhisattvo bodhisattva iti ca saṃkhyāṃ gacchati yaduta saṃketavyavahāranayena |,"""[...] a bodhisattva [...] is counted among those who are referred to as bodhisattvas, according to the conventions of everyday usage."" [Engle 23]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,saṃketa naya,,,saṃketa,naya,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,70,70//99,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yavā ānīyantāṃ dīyantāṃ piṣyantāṃ sthāpyantām ity evam ādikasya vyavahārasya yathā yavā evam avaśiṣṭheṣv api veditavyam,"""""Let the barley be fetched,"" ""Let it be reaped,"" ""Let it be ground,"" ""Let it be stored,"" etc., are expressions that provide examples of their causes of orderly discourse. Just as with barley, the same can be understood to apply in relation to the remaining [crops]."" [Engle 180]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,iti ādika veditavya,,,ādika,,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,151,151//220,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra katamābodhisattvānāṃ vighātārthikapriyavāditā | sā aṣṭavidhā draṣṭavyā | yā bodhisattvasya caturvidhāṃ vāgviśuddhiṃ niśrity^āṣṭaṣuāryeṣu vyavahāreṣu vāk | iyaṃ vighātārthikapriyavāditā bodhisattvānām ucyate |,"""Regarding this [topic], what is the agreeable speech of bodhisattvas that relates to the distressed and what they want? It should be regarded as being of eight types. A bodhisattva's speech that relates to the eight noble forms of verbal behavior on the basis of four types of purity of speech is what is called ""the agreeable speech of bodhisattvas that relates to the distressed and what they want."""" [Engle 370]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,vad/vād vāg aṣṭan ārya vāc,,,aṣṭan ārya,,,,,,,NA,vad/vād,,vāc, vyavahāra,151,151//220,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatr^eme aṣṭāvāryā vyavahārāḥ | dṛṣṭe dṛṣṭavāditā śrute mate vijñāte vijñātavāditā | adṛṣṭe adṛṣṭavāditā | aśrute amate avijñāte avijñātavāditā |,"""Regarding this [topic], these are the eight noble forms of verbal behavior: (1) saying that you saw what you saw; (2) [saying that you heard] what you heard; (3) [saying that you thought] what you thought; (4) saying that you understood what you understood; (5) saying that you didn't see what you didn't see; (6) [saying that you didn't hear] whar you didn't hear; (7) [saying that you didn’t think] what you didn't think; and (8) saying that you didn't understand,what you didn't understand."" [Engle 370]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,aṣṭan ārya vad/vād,,,aṣṭan ārya,,,,,,,NA,vad/vād,,, vyavahāra,173,173//253,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra yā pratijñā ahaṃ cakṣuṣā rūpāṇi paśyāmi yāvan manasā dharmāna vijānām^īti pratijñāmātram eva tat | tatra yo vyavahāra ity api sa āyuṣmānevaṃ[...],"""Regarding this [topic], the assertions ""I see forms with the eye,"" up to ""I realize entities with the mind,"" are mere assertions; and that, regarding this [topic], the expressions [that describe an individual's life, such as] ""He or she was the Long-Lived One who had this name..."" [Engle 421]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,pratijñā pratijñā iti,,,,,,,,,,NA,pratijñā pratijñā,,, vyavahāra,173,173//254,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[...] iti pratijñāmātram evatat[...] dīrgh^āyur evaṃ cirasthitika evam āyuṣparyanta iti vyavahāramātram evaitad iti sarvaṃ yathābhūtaṃ prajānāti |,"""""...he or she was long-lived to such an extent, he or she remained alive for such a period, his or her life ended in this way"" are [nothing more than] mere expressions."" [Engle 422]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,pratijñā iti mātra yathābhūta prajānā,prajānā,,mātra yathābhūta,,,,,,,NA,pratijñā,,, vyavahāra,175,175//256,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tath^āryair aṣṭābhir vyavahāraiḥ samanvāgato bhavati | dṛṣṭe dṛṣṭavāditayā śrute mate vijñāte vijñātavāditayā adṛṣṭe adṛṣṭavāditayā aśrute amate avijñāte [...],"""Similarly, [a bodhisattva] is endowed with the eight forms of noble expression-that is, he or she is endowed with the qualities of saying in relation to something that was seen, ""I saw it""; in relation to something that was heard, ""I heard it""; [...]"" [Engle 426]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,ārya aṣṭan samanvāgata bhav vad/vād,,,ārya aṣṭan,samanvāgata,,,,,,NA,vad/vād,,bhav, vyavahāra,268,268//389,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,vicitreṣu sattvanikāyeṣu tadyathā pūrveṣu dakṣiṇeṣu uttareṣu paścimeṣu nānā nāmasaṃketavyavasthānabhinneṣu aṣṭāsu vyavahārapadeṣv anugataṃ pūrvakeṣv abhyatīteṣv ātmabhāveṣu ṣaḍvidhaṃ samāsataś caritam anusmaraty anekavidhaṃ pūrve nivāse samanusmaran |,"""As [the Tathāgata] recalls his diverse former existences, he rememebers, in brief, six circumstances about his previous, bygone existences that correlates with the eight basic elements of life that consist of having distinct names, [observing distinct] customs, and [experiencing distinct] occurrences [due to having born in] a variety of classes of sentient being - such as those in the east, south, west and north."" [Engle 633]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃketa vyavasthāna aṣṭan pada ṣaḍ,,,aṣṭan,pada,,,,,,NA,,nāman saṃketa vyavasthāna,, vyavahāra,268,268//389,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,aṣṭau vyavahārapadāni katamāni | evaṃ nāmā | evaṃ jātyaḥ | evaṃ[...],"""What are the eight basic elements of life? They are (1) having a certain name, (2) being of a certain family, (3) being of a certain clan, (4) eating certain kinds of food, (5) experiencing certain kinds of happiness and suffering, (6) being one who has a certain [potential] longevity, (7) being one who [actually] remains alive for a certain period of time, and (8) being one whose life ends in a certain way."" [Engle 633]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,aṣṭan pada nāman jātya,,,aṣṭan nāman jātya,pada,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,269,269//389,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ṣaḍvyavahārapadacaritāni katamāni | āhvānāya saṃketaḥ kṣatriy^ādayo varṇā mātāpitaraṃ bhojanapānavidhiḥ sampattivipattiḥ āryur vaicitryañ ca |,"""What are the six circumstances that relate to the basic elements of life? They are (1) the name by which one is addressed; (2) the caste, such as the ruling class, etc., to which one belongs; (3) one's mother and father; (4) the type of food and drink that one consumes; (5) one's good and bad fortune; and (6) the diversity of one's life span."" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,ṣaṣ pada carita āhvāna saṃketa kṣatriya varṇa mātā bhojana pāna sampatti,,,ṣaṣ saṃketa,pada carita,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,269,269//389,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathā hi loke etāny aṣṭau vyavahārapadāni upaniśritya ṣaṭ caritāni pareṣām ātmano vyapadiśanto vyapadiśanti |,"""Thus when individuals describe themselves and others in the world, they make reference to these six circumstances that are based on the eight basic elements of life."" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,loka aṣṭan pada carita vyapadiś,vyapadiś,,aṣṭan,pada carita,,,,,,NA,,loka,, vyavahāra,269,269//390,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,ity etāni ṣaḍ [aṣṭa] vyavahārapad^ānugatāni caritāni bhavanti |,"""These are the six circumstances that correlate with the [eight] basic elements of life."" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,aṣṭan pada carita bhav,,,aṣṭan,pada carita,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,269,269//390,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,n^āsti c^āta uttari vyavahārapadaṃ tac caritañ ca | tasmād etāvad ev^ānusmarati | n^āto bhūyaḥ |,"""There are no circumstances or basic elements of life beyond these. Therefore, this is the full range of what [a tathāgata] recalls. There is nothing more than this."" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,na as pada carita,,as,na,pada carita,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,269,269//390,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tatra vyavahāracaritāni ākāro [...],"""Regarding this [topic], the circumstances that constitute the affairs of [a person's] life are its ""aspects."""" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,carita ākāra,,,,carita,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,269,269//390,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,[...] vyavahārapadāny uddeśaḥ | tasya c^ ānusmaraṇāt s^ākāraṃ s^oddeśam anusmarat^īty ucyate |,"""The basic elements of [a person's] life are its ""features."" Because [a tathāgata] recalls them, [the sutra] declares that ""[the Tathāgata] recalls [multiple former existences] together with their aspects and features."""" [Engle 634]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,pada uddeśa anusmar,anusmar,,,pada uddeśa,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,277,277//401,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,yatpunaḥ pravibhajya vyavahārapad^ānugataṃ pūrvavat ṣaḍvidhaṃ caritaṃ prajānāti | idaṃ pūrve nivās^ānusmṛtijñānabalāt |,"""By contrast, the way in which [a tathagata] distinguishes and knows the six circumstances that correlate with the [eight] basic elements of life as [described] earlier is through the power of knowledge regarding the recollection of former existences."" [Engle 650-651]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,pravibhaj pada carita prajānā,,,,pada carita,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,147,147//214,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,rājanītilaukikavyavahāranītiṣu ca bodhisattvasya yā niścitā prajñā |,"""(8) the wisdom that has ascertained the proper [form of] statecraft [to be followed by] a king and the proper conduct [to be pursued] in secular affairs."" [Engle 360]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,rājanīti laukika nīti prajñā,,,laukika,prajñā nīti,,,rājanīti,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,175,175//256,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,tathā laukikīṣu vyavahāranītiṣu lok^ānugrahakāriṣu paṭur bhavati |,"""Similarly, [a bodhisattva] is also skilled in the principles of ordinary secular behavior and the acts that are beneficial to the world."" [Engle 426]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,laukika nīti loka kāri,,,laukika,nīti,,,,,,NA,kāri,,, vyavahāra,234,234//342,bodhisattvabhumi,śāstra,foundational,abhidharma,yogācāra,śilpakarmaṃ sthānāni tāni sarvāṇy ābhinirharati sattvakaruṇatayā | anupūrveṇa yāvat bodhipratiṣṭhāpan^ārthaṃ laukikavyavahār^ānukūlatayā dāridryanāś^opāyatayā[...],"""Out of compassion for sentient beings and with the aim of ultimately establishing them in enlightenment, [this bodhisattva] engages in every kind of secular occupation and craft that is beneficial to sentient beings, such as scribal work, treatises, signing, counting, keeping security deposits, etc. [...] With the aim of [benefiting sentient beings] progressively until they have been brought to enlightenment, [the bodhisattva engages in these occupations] in a manner that conforms with the affairs of secular life, using methods for overcoming poverty; […]"" [Engle 555]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,śilpa karman artha laukika anukūlatā,,,artha laukika,anukūlatā,,,,,,NA,śilpa karman,,, vyavahāra,2,2.39,buddhacarita,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,iṣṭeṣv aniṣṭeṣu ca kāryavatsu na rāgadoṣ^āśrayatāṃ prapede | śivaṃ siṣeve vyavahāraśuddhaṃ (vyavahāralabdhaṃ) yajñaṃ hi mene na tathā yathā tat (yathāvat) ||,"""Toward litigants, whether friend or foe, he never displayed either love or hate; honesty in court he practiced as a sacred act, for he deemed it better than a sacrificial act"" [Olivelle 49]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,kāryavat śiva sev śuddha yajña,sev,,śiva,śuddha,,,,yajña,,NA,kāryavat,,, vyavahāra,20,20//4.0,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bodhisattvabhūtaḥ kil^āyaṃ bhagavān bhāgy^ātiśayaguṇād utthānasampadā c^ādhigatavipuladhanasamṛddhir aviṣamavyavahāraśīlatvāl loke bahumānaniketabhūta udār^ābhijanavān anekavidyākalāvikalp^ādhigamavimalataramatir guṇamāhātmyād rājñā samupahṛtasammānaḥ pradānaśīlatvāl lokasādhāraṇavibhavaḥ […],"""In the time, when our Lord was still a Boddhisattva, he was a head of a guild. In consequence of the excessive favor of his destiny, and owing to his own great activity, he had acquired a large estate. His fairness and integrity in commercial transactions procured him the highest esteem among the people; he was born of an illustrious family; he had acquainted himself with various branches of learning and art; and by them purified his mind. These qualities and his nobles virtues caused him to be honoured by the king. As he was always keeping the precept of almsgiving, he shared his opulence with the people."" [Speyer 35]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,dhana samṛddhi aviṣama śīlatva loka bahumāna niketa vidyā kalā vikalpa adhigama rājan śīlatva,,,aviṣama,śīlatva,,,,,,NA,dhana samṛddhi vidyā kalā śīlatva,loka,bahumāna, vyavahāra,121,121//20.0,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,bodhisattvaḥ kilaśrutakulavinayamahān akṣudranipuṇamatir aviṣamavyavahāraratir anekaśāstr^ābhyāsādālakṣitavacanasauṣṭhabaḥ karuṇ^ānuvṛttyā samantato visyandamānadhanasamṛddhir mahāpradānair mahādhanatvād gṛhapatiratnasaṃmato anyatam asya rājñaḥ śreṣṭhī babhūva |,"""One time the Bodhisattva is said to have been a king’s treasurer, illustrious for his learning, his noble family and his modest behaviour. He had lofty aspirations and a clever intellect, loved honest practices in business, and owing to his thorough study of many branches of science, attracted notice by his elegance of speech."" [Speyer 229]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,śruta vinaya mati aviṣama rati śāstra dhana samṛddhi dhanatva rājan śreṣṭhin,,,aviṣama,rati,,,,,,NA,śruta vinaya mati śāstra dhana samṛddhi dhanatva śreṣṭhin,,, vyavahāra,203,203//29.18,jatakamala,lit,foundational,poetry,buddh,yameva paśyanti tu savyapatrapaṃ śam^ābhijātaṃ vyavahāranaipuṇam | ṛṇaṃ prayacchanti raho api tadvidhe tadarpaṇaṃ hy abhyudayāvahaṃ dhanam ||,"""But if they see one bashful, with thoroughly subdued senses, and skilled in business, to such a one they offer a loan, even unwitnessed. Such a bestowal of money produces bliss."" [Speyer 377]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,pos,,vyapatrapa śama abhijāta naipuṇa/nipuṇa ṛṇa dhana,,,,vyapatrapa naipuṇa/nipuṇa,,,,,,NA,śama abhijāta ṛṇa dhana,,, vyavahāra,113,113//2.144//85,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,na c^otpādyaṃ na c^otpannaḥ pratyayo api na kimcana | saṃvidyante kvacitkecid vyavahāraḥ tu kathyate ||,"""There is nothing that is to be born, nor is there anything that has been born; even causation is not; it is because of worldly usage that things are talked of as existing."" [Suzuki 75]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,vague,saṃvid kath,kath,,,,,,,saṃvid,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,76,76//3.78//188,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,yacca na san n^āsat tac cātuṣkoṭikabāhyam | cātuṣkoṭikaṃ ca mahāmate lokavyavahāraḥ | yacca cātuṣkoṭikabāhyaṃ tad vāgmātraṃ prasajyate vandhyāputravat |,"""That which is neither an effect nor a cause, Mahamati, is neither a being nor a non-being; and that which is neither a being nor a non-being is outside the four propositions. The four propositions, Mahamati, belong to worldly usage. That which is outside the four propositions is no more than a word, like a barren woman's child."" [Suzuki 162]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,cātuṣkoṭika loka vāc,,,cātuṣkoṭika loka,,,,,,,NA,vāc,,, vyavahāra,135,135//10.430//319,lankavatara,sūtra,classical,homiletic,yogācāra,asatsu sarvadharmeṣu prajñaptiḥ kriyate mayā | abhilāpo vyavahāraś ca bālānāṃ tattvavarjitaḥ ||,"""I establish thought-constructions where all things are non-existent; whatever expressions and experiences that belong to the ignorant are not of the truth as it is."" [Suzuki 259]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neg,,prajñapti abhilāpa bāla tattva,,,bāla,,,,abhilāpa,tattva,,NA,prajñapti,,, vyavahāra,64,64//11.38,mahayanasutralamkara,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,tatra parikalpitalakṣaṇaṃ trividhaṃ yathājalp^ārthasaṃjñayā nimittaṃ tasya jalpasya vāsanā tasmāc ca vāsan^ādyo arthaḥ khyātiavyavahārakuśalānāṃ vin^āpi yathājalp^ārthasaṃjñayā |,"""The imagined identity is threefold: the cause of the concept of the objective referent corresponding to verbalization; the instinct for verbal expression; and the referent which is perceived due to such an instinct even without — among those not skilled in linguistic conventions - the concept of referent corresponding to verbalization. The concept of the referent corresponding to intentional expression is a mental function, (the same as) the concept of (objective) referents corresponding to verbalization. Its object is its cause."" [Thurman 131]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,parikalpita jalpa saṃjñā a kuśala jalpa artha,,,a,kuśala,,,,,jalpa,NA,jalpa saṃjñā,,, vyavahāra,16,16.24,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,vyavahārā virudhyante sarva eva na saṃśayaḥ | puṇyapāpakṛtor naiva pravibhāgaś ca yujyate ||,"""All conventions also without doubt would be contradictory. Also the distinction between doing good and evil would not be valid."" [Batchellor, Stephen]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,common_social_practice,linguistic or social conventions,neu.neg,vague,viruṇad sarva pravibhāga,viruṇad,,sarva,,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,24,24.10,mulamadhyamakakarika,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,vyavahāram anāśritya paramārtho na deśyate | paramārtham anāgamya nirvāṇaṃ n^ādhigamyate ||,"""Without relying on conventions, the sublime meaning cannot be taught. Without understanding the sublime meaning, one will not attain nirvana."" [Batchellor, Stephen]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,āśray paramārtha,āśray,,,,,,,paramārtha,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,11,11,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,nirodhasatyasya tribhiḥ kāraṇair acintyatvaṃ veditavyam | katamais tribhiḥ | asat sat sadasan n^obhayaprakāraiś caturbhir api tark^āgocaratvāt | sarvarutaravitaghoṣavākpathaniruktisaṃketavyavahārābhilāpair anabhilāpyatvāt | āryāṇāṃ ca pratyātmavedanīyatvāt |,"""Unthinkability of the Truth of Extinction, in short, should be known by three causes. By which three? Because, 1) it is not a sphere of speculation even by four categories [of existence], i.e. non-being, being, being and non-being together, and neither being nor non-being; 2) it cannot be explained by any sound, voice, speech, way of speech, explanation, agreed term, designation, conversation [and so forth]; and 3) it is to be revealed by the introspection of Saints."" [Takasaki 166]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,sarva ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti saṃketa abhilāpa an abhilāpya,,,sarva,,,,ruta ravita ghoṣa vākpatha nirukti saṃketa abhilāpa,,,NA,,,abhilāpya, vyavahāra,45,45//66,ratnagotravibhaga,śāstra,classical,philosophy,TG,ebhir api mṛtyuvyādhijar^āgnibhir avikāratvam ārabhya tathāgatadhātor aśuddh^āvasthāyām idam uktam | lokavyavahāra eṣa bhagavan mṛta iti vā jāta iti vā |,"""Even by these fires, the Essence of the Tathāgata in its impure state cannot be changed at all. With reference to this point, it is said [in the Scripture]: “Lord, something is dead, something is born, such sayings are merely a worldly usage. The saying ‘something is dead’, Lord, this means the destruction of sense organs. Something is born means, Lord, origination of new sense organs."" [Takasaki 242]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,loka mṛta iti jāta iti,,,loka mṛta jāta,,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,2,2,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,traikālyavyativṛtt^ātmā loka evaṃ nu ko arthataḥ | yo asti n^āsty athavāpi syād anyatra vyavahārataḥ ||,"""What is, therefore, in its essence this universe, which, transcending the threefold temporal relation, cannot be said to be or not to be, except from the standpoint of the conventional truth?"" [Tucci, 1936 242]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,loka artha as anyatra,,,anyatra,,,,,artha,,NA,,,loka as, vyavahāra,4,4,ratnavali,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,kaḥ paśyat^īti cec cittaṃ vyavahāreṇa kathyate | na hi caittaṃ vinā cittaṃ vyarthatvān na saheṣyate ||,"""If you ask who can see that, we reply that from the standpoint of conventional truth it is the mind which sees that (but not from the absolute standpoint); in fact (the function of) mind is not possible without mental contents nor alone with these, since it will serve no purpose."" [Tucci, 1936 430]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,iti citta kath,,kath,,,,,,,,NA,,,citta, vyavahāra,167,167,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,vyavalokayati yathāvat pratiṣṭhitān dharmān aviparītasthāyino yathābhūtasthitān acalānakampyānavivartyān aparivartān sadā yathābhūtasthitān ākāśasvabhāvān niruktivyavahāravivarjitān ajātān abhutān anasaṃbhūtān asaṃskṛtān asaṃtānān asatt^ābhilāpapravyāhṛtān asaṅgasthānasthitān saṃjñāviparyāsaprādurbhūtān |,"""[...] he sees them duly established, remaining unaltered, as they are in reality, not liable to be disturbed, not to be moved backward, unchangeable, existing in the highest sense of the word (or in an absolute sense), having the nature of space, escaping explanation and expression by means of common speech, not born, composed and simple, aggregated and isolated, not expressible in words, independently established, manifesting themselves owing to a perversion of perception."" [Kern 264-265]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,dharma nirukti vivarjita abhilāpa pravyāhṛta saṃjñā,,,,dharma vivarjita,,,nirukti,,,NA,abhilāpa pravyāhṛta saṃjñā,,, vyavahāra,221,221,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,yaṃ ca dharmaṃ bhāṣiṣyati so asya smṛto na sa saṃpramoṣaṃ yāsyati | ye kecil laukikā lokavyavahārā bhāṣyāṇi vā mantrā vā sarvāṃs tān dharmanayena saṃsyandayiṣyati |,"""And the sermon he preaches will not fade from his memory. The popular maxims of common life, whether sayings or counsels, he will know how to reconcile with the rules of the law [IO: with the doctrine.]"" [Kern 351]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,bhāṣ laukika loka bhāṣya mantra dharma,,,laukika loka,,,,,dharma,bhāṣya mantra,NA,,,, vyavahāra,72,72,saddharmapundarika,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,mahatyā brāhmaṇakṣatriyaviṭśūdrapariṣadā parivṛtaḥ puraskṛto mahāsiṃh^āsane sapādapīṭhe suvarṇarūpyapratimaṇḍite upaviṣṭo hiraṇyakoṭīśatasahasrair vyavahāraṃ kurvan vālavyajanena vījyamāno vitatavitāne pṛthivīpradeśe muktakusum^ābhikīrṇe ratnadām^ābhipralambite mahatyaddharyā upaviṣṭaḥ syāt |,"""[...] he was sitting on a magnificent throne with a footstool decorated with gold and silver, while dealing with hundred thousands of koṭis of gold-pieces, and fanned with a chowrie, on a spot under an extended awning inlaid with pearls and flowers and adorned with hanging garlands of jewels; sitting (in short) in great pomp. The poor man, Lord, saw his own father in such pomp sitting at the door of the house, surrounded with a great crowd of people and doing a householder's business."" [Kern 101]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,neu,,brāhmaṇa kṣatriya viṭ śūdra pariṣadā hiraṇya koṭī śatasahasra kar/kur,kar/kur,,hiraṇya koṭī śatasahasra,,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,143,143,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nityo vyāhāreṇa | vyavahāraś ca śūnyaḥ nirviśeṣo nirvāṇena nirvṛtaḥ śabdena śānto ghoṣeṇa sāmānyaḥ saṃketena saṃketaḥ paramārthena paramārtho,"""It is ‘permanent’ in terms of words, and terminology is empty. It is undifferentiated because it is nirvāṇa. It is ‘nirvāṇa’ because of a word. It is ‘peace’ because of speaking. There is equality in terms of conventional appellations. There are appellations in terms of ultimate truth. There is ultimate truth through correct speech."" [Peter Alan Roberts 23.4]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,vyāhāra śūnya śabda ghoṣa saṃketa paramārtha,,,śūnya,,,,vyāhāra śabda ghoṣa saṃketa,paramārtha,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,148,148,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmajñāne yo arthaḥ iyam ucyate arthapratisaṃvit | dharmajñāne yac chandaḥ iyam ucyate niruktipratisaṃvit | dharmajñāne yā vyavahāradeśan^ ācakṣaṇā prajñapanā prakāśanā prasthāpanā vicaraṇā vibhajanā uttānīkaraṇatā asaktavacanatā anelāmūkavacanatā anavalīnavacanatā [...],"""Young man, the discernment of eloquence is teaching terminology, explaining, expounding, clarifying, disseminating, analyzing, differentiating, proclaiming, having unimpeded speech, having unalloyed speech, not being mute, not stammering, and speaking without loss of confidence in relation to the knowledge of phenomena."" [Peter Alan Roberts 24.65]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,artha chandas deśanā ācakṣaṇā prajñapanā prakāśanā prasthāpanā vicaraṇā vibhajanā karaṇatā vacanatā,,,,deśanā ācakṣaṇā prajñapanā prakāśanā prasthāpanā vicaraṇā vibhajanā karaṇatā vacanatā,,,,,,NA,artha chandas,,, vyavahāra,299,299,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] nāmasaṃketaḥ? yadidaṃ apariniṣpannānāṃ nāmnām anubudhyanatā || [...] prajñaptivyavahāraḥ? yadidaṃ lokavyavahāraḥ || prajñaptisamuddhātaḥ? yadidaṃ pravyāhārajñānam ||,"""What is the knowledge of assigned names? It is the understanding that names are without reality. “What is the use of designations? It is worldly usage. “What is employing designations? It is the knowledge of speaking."" [Peter Alan Roberts 40.66-67]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃketa prajñapti loka,,,prajñapti loka,,,,,,,NA,nāman saṃketa,,, vyavahāra,299,299,samadhiraja,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,[...] nāmasaṃketaḥ? yadidaṃ apariniṣpannānāṃ nāmnām anubudhyanatā || [...]yadidaṃ lokavyavahāraḥ || [...] prajñaptisamuddhātaḥ? yadidaṃ pravyāhārajñānam ||,"""What is the knowledge of assigned names? It is the understanding that names are without reality. “What is the use of designations? It is worldly usage. “What is employing designations? It is the knowledge of speaking."" [Peter Alan Roberts 40.66-67]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,,nāman saṃketa anubudhyanatā loka prajñapti pravyāhāra,,,loka,,,,,,,NA,nāman saṃketa anubudhyanatā prajñapti pravyāhāra,,, vyavahāra,18,18.19,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,aniśritaś c^āpratibaddhacitto dṛṣṭaśrut^ādau vyavahāradharme | yasmāt samātm^ānugataś ca tatra tasmād visaṃyogagato asmi muktaḥ ||,"""Since I am not dependent on nor bound in mind to seeing, hearing, etc., in the ordinary affairs of life and since I use them with my mind in equipoise, therefore I am disjoined from them and emancipated."" [Johnston 112]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,neu,,citta dharma,,,,dharma,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,22,22,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kramabhedaḥ svabhāvānāṃ vyavahār^ādhikārataḥ | tatpraveś^ādhikārāc ca vyutpattyarthaṃ vidhīyate ||,"""Still, as far as their arising is concerned, a difference in the order of occurrence of these own-beings is taught, from the point of view of conventional practise, and from the point of view of entry into them [22]"" [Anacker 293-294]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,linguistic or social conventions,neu,vague,bheda svabhāva adhikāra praveśa artha vidadhā,,,,adhikāra,,,,,,NA,praveśa,,bheda vidadhā, vyavahāra,23,23,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,kalpito vyavahār^ātmā,"""The constructed consists of conventional practise"" [Anacker 294]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,linguistic or social conventions,neu,vague,kalpita ātman,,,,kalpita ātman,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,23,23,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyavahār^ātmako aparaḥ |,"""[...] that which consists of engaging in conventional practise is the other (the interdependent)"" [Anacker 294]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,linguistic or social conventions,neu,vague,ātmaka apara,,,,apara ātmaka,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,23,23,trisvabhavanirdesa,śāstra,classical,philosophy,yogācāra,vyavahārasamucchedasvabhāvaś cānya iṣyate ||,"""[...] and the severance of conventional practise is accepted as yet another own-being (the fulfilled) [23]"" [Anacker 294]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,linguistic or social conventions,neu.neg,vague,samuccheda svabhāva,,,,svabhāva samuccheda,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,266,266//28,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,api ca na vayaṃ vyavahārasatyaṃ pratyākhyāya [...] kathayāmaḥ | śūnyāḥ sarvabhāvā iti |,"""Moreover, we do not speak without assenting to the conventional truth."" [Westerhoff 29]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,vague,na satya pratyākhyā kath,pratyākhyā,,na,satya,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,266,266//28,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,api ca na vayaṃ [...] vyavahārasatyam anabhyupagamya kathayāmaḥ | śūnyāḥ sarvabhāvā iti |,"""[...] rejecting the conventional truth when we say “all things are empty.”"" [Westerhoff 29]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,vague,na satya anabhyupagacch kath sarva,anabhyupagacch,,na,satya,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,266,266//28,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,[...] vayaṃ [...]kathayāmaḥ | śūnyāḥ sarvabhāvā iti | na hi vyavahārasatyam anāgamya śakyā dharmadeśanā kartuṃ |,"""For it is not without having had recourse to the conventional truth that the nature of things can be explained."" [Westerhoff 29]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,kath na satya anāgacch dharma,anāgacch,,na,satya,,,,,,NA,,,, vyavahāra,266,266//28,vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,yathāuktaṃ vyavahāram anāśritya paramārtho na deśyate | paramārtham anāgamya nirvāṇaṃ na adhigamyata iti |,"""As it was said: Not having had recourse to the conventional, the absolute is not taught."" [Westerhoff 29]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,pos,,anāśray paramārtha diś/deś,anāśray,,,,,,,,,NA,,,paramārtha, vyavahāra,11,11.1,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,nirbhayaḥ niṣkleśaḥ niḥśokaḥ niṣprītikaḥ nīrūrmikaḥ sarvavyavahāranirdeśair avacanīyaḥ | īdṛśo bhagavan tathāgatasya kāyaḥ | sa tathāeva draṣṭavyaḥ | ya evaṃ paśyanti te samyak paśyanti | ye tvanyathāpaśyantitemithyāpaśyanti,"""He is without fear, and without subconsciousness; without sorrow, without joy, and without strain. No verbal teaching can express him. ""Such is the body of the Tathāgata and thus should he be seen. Who sees thus, truly sees. Who sees otherwise, sees falsely""."" [Thurman 92]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,sarva nirdeśa avacanīya tathāgata,,,sarva,tathāgata,,,,,,NA,nirdeśa,,avacanīya, vyavahāra,2,2.4,vimalakirti,sūtra,foundational,homiletic,buddh,dharmavādī ca vṛddhamadhyadahrasahāyakaś ca lok^ānuvartanāya | sarvavyavahār^odyuktaś ca na ca lābhabhog^ābhilāṣī | [...] rājakāry^ānupraviṣṭaś ca satv^ārakṣāyai |,"""In order to be in harmony with people, he associated with elders, with those of middle age, and with the young, yet always spoke in harmony with the Dharma. He engaged in all sorts of businesses, yet had no interest in profit or possesions."" [Thurman 21]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,neu,,sahāya loka sarva udyukta lābha bhoga kārya,,,sarva,udyukta,,,,,,NA,sahāya kārya,,, vyavahāratā,232,232//16(7),vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,[…] jarāyāḥ paridrāsyatārateḥ | vitarkānāṃ prīteḥ pramādasya aprasrabdheḥ | vyavahāratāyāḥ | prekṣupratikūlasya pradakṣiṇagrāhasya vaiśāradyagauravasya citrīkārasya […],"""[...] (45) old age, (46) utter torment, (47) dissatisfaction, (48) deliberation, (49) pleasure, (50) clarity, [...], (51) grasping the discordant, (52) affection, (53) discordance, (54) grasping the concordant, (55) fearlessness, (56) reverence, (57) veneration, (58) devotion, (59) lack of devotion, (60) obedience, (61) respect [...]"" [Westerhoff 22]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,vague,jarā vitarka prīti pramāda prekṣupratikūla pradakṣiṇagrāha citrīkāra,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,jarā vitarka prīti pramāda prekṣupratikūla pradakṣiṇagrāha citrīkāra, vyavahāratā,234,234//16(7),vigrahavyavartani,śāstra,foundational,philosophy,madhyamaka,hāsasya vācaḥ viṣpandanāyāḥ siddhasyāprasādasya aprasrabdheḥ vyavahāratāyaḥ | dākṣyasya sauratyasya vipratisārasya […],"""[...] (67) attainment, (68) lack of faith, (69) lack of suppleness, (70) purification, (71) steadfastness, (72) gentleness, (73) repentance, (74) anguish [...]"" [Westerhoff 22]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu,vague,siddha aprasāda aprasrabdhi dākṣya sauratya,,,,,,,,,,NA,,,siddha aprasāda dākṣya sauratya, vyavahārin,5,5.1,saundarananda,lit,foudational,poetry,buddh,ath^āvatīry^āśvarathadvipebhyaḥ śākyā yathāsvarddhi gṛhītaveṣāḥ | mah^āpaṇebhyo vyavahāriṇaś ca mahāmunau bhaktivaśāt praṇemuḥ || kecit praṇamya anuyayur muhūrtaṃ kecit praṇamya arthavaśena jagmuḥ |,"""[5.1] Then the Śākyas, dismounting from their horses, chariots, and elephants and clothed according to their wealth, devoutly made obeisance to the Great Sage, as did the merchants from their great shops. [5.2] Some paying reverence to Him followed Him a moment, others after making obeisance went away under stress of their business..."" [Johnston 25]",Society,Society@A_standard_of_conduct,convention@Behaviour,Social/commercial_interaction,everyday activities/trading,neu,,śākya āpaṇa praṇam artha,,praṇam,,,,,,,,NA,,āpaṇa,, vyavahṛta,235,235,astasahasrika,sūtra,foundational,Prajñapāramitā,buddh,sarvadharmāś ca nāmamātreṇa [...] abhilapyante iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā | [...] sarvadharmā avyavahārā avyāhārā avyavahṛtā avyāhṛtā iti prajñāpāramitā anugantavyā |,"""a Bodhisattva should approach the perfection of wisdom as follows [...] In the conviction that ""all talk about dharmas [is extraneous to them], consists in mere words [...],"" [...] In the conviction that ""all dharmas lie outside conventional expression and discourse, that it is not they that have been conventionally expressed or uttered."""" [Conze (1975 [1973]) 274]",Language,Language@Society,convention@Language,Practical_communication,token_of_communication,neu.neg,,nāman abhilap dharma a vyavahāra a vyāhāra a a vyāhṛta,,,a,,,,,,,NA,vyavahāra,,,