Data set of "Motile cilia hydrodynamics: Entrainment versus synchronisation when coupling through flow" We gathered videos of cilia dynamics from already published dataset. For each animal/microorganism we have videos in different formats depending on the source: - .tiffs usually in a directory, it is composed by a series of images - .movie a format that we use in our lab and that it is combatible with our software in Matlab to tack cilium waveform - .avi For each video we also have the results of the cilia waveform tracking with our software. The resuts from a single video are all in a Matlab variable that has the same name of the video but with the extension .clclk_force for example for the video "filename", the results are in "filename.clclk_force". In Matlab these can be loaded as force = load('filename.clclk_force','-mat'); For all the videos these can be directly be found in the directory cilium waveforms force files. You can access this results for example: --------------- copy this to Matlab script -------------------- %%%%% go to youdir/cilium waveforms force files/brain/ force = load('15.20.clclk_force','-mat'); %%%% plot the cilium waveform with Matlab figure(); colors= jet(40); for jj=1:40; color=colors(jj,:); plot(force.px2mum*force.points(jj).cilium_x,-force.px2mum*force.points(jj).cilium_y,'color',color);hold on; end colorbar() axis equal %%%%Then you can access the cilia waveforms using the following commands force.px2mum; %%%% pixel to micron ratio force.points(jj).cilium_x; %x-coordinate of the timepoint jj force.points(jj).cilium_y; %y-coordinate of the timepoint jj (this one are inverted, indeed I put a - in the plot figure) force.clicked_frames(jj).timestamp; %%% timepoint jj in seconds force.approximate_clickrate; %%%% frame rate of the clicking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Code available on github ---------------------------------------- If you want to recreate such results from the movies you can use the software the Dr. Luigi Feriani developed (and that we used for the paper). This is explained in the Matlab file on github: From the cilia waveforms is possible to extract rower potentials. The code for doing that is on Dr. Hamilton github Check the on this link for detailed instructions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here info about the framerate and pixel to micron ratio for each movie. filename px2mu fps brain: atAno5_16000 0.0543 200 wtcNo7_40000 0.107 200 60X_15.20.55 0.086 625 chlamy and quadri: chlamy_3000 0.26 3000 quadri_gallop 0.26 3000 quadri_trot 0.26 3000 airways: 2.60x_1.5x_T72_i1_BSA_profile_day11 0.065 476 06_28_17_WTVito_500fps_edge_4-Movie_Export-0. 0.065 500 volvox: all the videos are 0.41 1000