Alpheus agilis Anker, Hurt & Knowlton, 2009

Alpheus agilis Anker et al. 2009: 12, figs. 4, 5F; Soledade & Almeida 2013: 94.

Material examined. Brazil: 1 male, 2 ovig. females, MZUSP 33315, Trindade Island, Praia do Andrada, 20 ° 30 ’ 34.5 ”S – 29 ° 20 ’ 29.5 ”W, rocky intertidal, under rocks, coll. J.B. Mendonça, 11.xi. 2014. Size of male: cl 5.2 mm; larger female: cl 7.0 mm.

Description. See Anker et al. ( 2009) for description and illustrations, including colour photographs.

Distribution. Amphi-Atlantic: Cape Verde Archipelago; São Tomé & Príncipe; Brazil: Atol das Rocas and Trindade Island ( Anker et al. 2009; present study).

Ecology. Rocky shores; in tide pools and under rocks; possibly confined to intertidal.

Remarks. Alpheus agilis was previously known from Brazil based on a single record from Atol das Rocas ( Anker et al. 2009; Soledade & Almeida 2013) and is here recorded for the first time from Trindade Island. This species is closely related to A. bouvieri A. Milne-Edwards, 1878, an amphi-Atlantic snapping shrimp fairly common on the continental coast of Brazil (Soledade & Almeida 2013) and in Ascension Island ( Manning & Chace 1990; De Grave et al. 2014), but curiously not (yet?) found in the Trindade and Martin Vaz Archipelago. Alpheus agilis can be separated by A. bouvieri most easily by the presence of a stout spiniform seta on the ischium of the third and fourth pereiopods, which is absent in A. bouvieri.