Symplectoscyphus vanhoeffeni Totton, 1930

( Fig. 12 H)

Symplectoscyphus vanhoeffeni Totton, 1930: 187 –188, fig. 38a –d; Peña Cantero, 2010a: 41 (synonymy); 2014a: 1725, fig. 6h; Galea & Schories, 2012: 12 –13, fig. 2X –Z.

Material examined. Stn 51, fragment 11 mm long (NIWA 117584); Stn 128, mass of stems, ca. 50 mm in diameter, with gonothecae (NIWA 117585); Stn 129, fragment 5 mm long (NIWA 117586); Stn 130, a few tiny stems on Billardia subrufa (MNCN 2.03/641); Stn 132, mass of stems ca. 10 mm in diameter, with remnants of gonothecae (NIWA 117587); Stn 198, several stems up to 15 mm high on Schizotricha nana and holothurians (MNCN 2.03/642).

Ecology and distribution. Shelf and slope species, found at depths from 6 ( Naumov & Stepanjants 1972) to 964 m ( Peña Cantero 2014a); present material collected at depths between 85 and 222 m, epibiotic on holothurians, Billardia subrufa and Schizotricha nana, and with gonothecae in February.

Circum-Antarctic distribution ( Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa 1995). Recently reported from off King George Island ( Galea & Schories 2012), in West Antarctica, and off Queen Mary Coast ( Peña Cantero 2014a), in East Antarctica. See Peña Cantero (2010a) for previous records. In the Ross Sea, already known from McMurdo Sound and off Cape Adare ( Totton 1930). Present material collected in Robertson Bay and off Cape Adare, Adare Peninsula and Cape Hallett.