Pareuthria fuscata ( Bruguière, 1789)

Fig. 3K

Buccinum fuscatum Bruguière, 1789: 282

Pareuthria fuscata — Powell, 1951: 132; Pastorino, 2016: 304, figs. 1A–Q, 2A–G (synonymy, protoconch and radula)

Examined material. 8 sh. (MACN-In 40683).

Description. Shell height to 28.5 mm (up to 44.6 mm according to Pastorino 2016); fusiform, solid. Protoconch of about 1 convex whorl; transition to teleoconch poorly defined. Teleoconch of up to 5 whorls, slightly convex in outline, with a very weak shoulder; last whorl comprising about 70% of total shell height. Suture impressed. Surface grayish, with a narrow, diffuse, clear band below the suture; sculptured with weak spiral threads, more evident at the base; in addition, faint growth lines are evident along all teleoconch whorls. Aperture ovate, interior dark brown, with margin white; columellar callus moderately thick, slightly expanded over the base; siphonal canal short, almost straight, wide.