Calyptooecia conuma n. sp.

( Figs 2–5; Table 1)

Material examined. Holotype: UFBA 552, Camaçari, Bahia State, Brazil, 12 ° 47 ' S, 38 °06' W, 26 m, collected July 2006 by Walter Andrade. Paratypes: UFBA 466, Monte Besnard, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 19 ° 40 ' S, 38 °08' W, 47 m, collected April 1996 by REVIZEE Expedition; UFBA 534, Barra Grande, Bahia State, Brazil, 13 ° 55 ' S, 38 ° 77 ' W, 48 m, collected 2002 by Walter Andrade; UFBA 549, Camaçari, Bahia State, Brazil, 12 ° 47 ' S, 38 °06' W, 46 m, collected September 2006 by Walter Andrade. Additional material: UFBA 532, Camaçari, Bahia State, Brazil, 12 ° 51 ' S, 38 ° 11 ' W, 26 m, collected 1994 by Walter Andrade; UFBA 535, Camaçari, Bahia State, Brazil, 12 ° 47 ' S, 38 °07' W, 28 m, collected September 2006 by Walter Andrade. UFBA 537, Barra Grande, Bahia State, Brazil, 13 ° 45 ' S, 38 ° 45 ' W, 47 m, collected September 2006 by Walter Andrade. UFBA 538, Barra Grande, Bahia State, Brazil, 13 º 45 ' S, 38 º 45 ' W, 47 m, collected August 2004 by Walter Andrade.

Diagnosis. Brooding zooids with smaller orifices and without perioral tubercles; non-brooding zooids with larger orifices surrounded by 4–5 conical tubercles. Marginal and frontal-shield pores mostly circular; orificial poster very broad, shallowly concave.

Etymology. Latin conum, cone, alluding to the shape of peristomial tubercles.

Lz lz Lo lo Lav lav Lzb lzb Lob lob MIN. 0.235 0.365 0.088 0.103 0.124 0.081 0.221 0.163 0.057 0.058 MAX. 0.494 0.487 0.122 0.145 0.184 0.121 0.361 0.278 0.075 0.080 MEAN 0.366 0.422 0.108 0.117 0.153 0.100 0.289 0.239 0.063 0.071 STD DEV. 0.065 0.036 0.009 0.010 0.019 0.013 0.035 0.035 0.006 0.007 Description. Colony encrusting, uni to multilaminar, spot-like to nodular, translucent-white, growing at the edge of irregular substrata such as calcareous nodules, shells, coralline algae and encrusting sponges. Zooids hexagonal to irregularly polygonal, erect, globose, delimited by a thin raised suture line. Frontal shield thickly calcified, perforated by marginal and scattered frontal pores, the majority circular, a few cruciform. Orifice weakly campanuliform, anter high-arched, poster very broad and slightly concave, separated by two rounded, conspicuous condyles. Two types of zooids—non-ovicellate brooding zooids with smaller orifices and no perioral tubercles and non-brooding zooids with larger orifices and 4–5 conical perioral tubercles. A single asymmetrically placed suboral avicularium on almost all zooids, obliquely proximolaterally directed, with complete cross-bar, short triangular columella and triangular rostrum and mandible.

Remarks. The unique known species of the genus is Calyptooecia insidiosa Winston, 1984, reported from Belize and Jamaica. Calyptooecia conuma n. sp. differs from C. insidiosa in the shape of the peristomial tubercles (conical vs flat-topped) and the shape of the orifice (more parallel-sided). In Calyptooecia conuma n. sp. the dimorphic zooids are easily recognized by the smaller size of the zooid and orifice and by the absence of perioral tubercles. In Calyptooecia insidiosa the distinction between the dimorphic orifices is less obvious in non-living material in which there has been secondary calcification, particularly since both brooding and non-brooding zooids have perioral tubercles. These two species also differ in the length of the zooid, orifice and avicularium, the latter being proportionately broader in C. insidiosa (metrics respectively about 0.466, 0.124 and 0.164 mm in C. insidiosa vs 0.366, 0.108 and 0.153 mm in C. conuma).

Distribution. Brazil: States of Bahia and Espírito Santo, 26–48 m depth.

Superfamily Celleporoidea Johnston, 1838

Family Hippoporidriidae Vigneaux, 1949

Genus Hippotrema Canu & Bassler, 1927

Type species. Lepralia janthina Smitt, 1873, by original designation.

Diagnosis. Colony encrusting to nodular or branching. Frontal wall with rugose calcification and some small pores, lateral or proximal, but imperforate centrally. Orifice, large, rounded distally, with small condyles and a very broad and shallow sinus. Asymmetrically placed adventitious avicularia may be present. Ooecium hyperstomial, not closed by operculum and ectooecium with a membranous slit or less calcified frontal area.