Halecium ovatum Totton, 1930

( Fig. 2 J, K)

Halecium ovatum — Vervoort, 1972 b: 339, fig. 1. — Watson, 2008: 172, fig. 8.

Material examined. Stn. RAS — 12.ii. 2010, Ant.07/ 2010 ( 10–40 m): small, sterile colony, with unbranched or sparingly-branched stems, up to 5 mm high; 19.ii. 2010, Ant. 13 / 2010 ( 43 m): luxuriant colony with both mono- and slightly polysiphonic stems, up to 3.5 cm high, bearing female gonothecae (MHNG-INVE- 79788).

Remarks. Vervoort ( 1972 b) reexamined the holo- and paratypes of H. ovatum and provided a lengthy description, supplementing Totton's ( 1930) account. Additional notes on the holotype are also given by Watson ( 2008). Geographical distribution. Summarized by Peña Cantero ( 2008).