Key to apterous viviparous females of genus Aspidophorodon

[excluding fundatrices, but including data of apterous adults of A. (E.) sorbi although their exact morph remains unknown)

1. Median processes on tergites also marginal proсesses on body absent. On Salix spp. (subgenus Aspidophorodon) .. 2

-. Median processes on tergites (at least on VIII), and sometimes marginal processes on body present. On various Rosaceae (subgenus Eoessigia) .................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Processes on antennal tubercles as high as median tubercle; dorsal setae on body and antennae pointed. On Salix udensis and Salix sp. Japan (Hokkaido), Russia (Sakhalin, Kurile Islands), China (Beijing, Hebei, Gansu) ................................................................................................................................................................. A. (A.) salicis Miyazaki

-. Processes on antennal tubercles much higher than median tubercle; dorsal setae on body and antennae blunt or capitate. On Salix and an unknown plant. Northwest India (Kashmir)........................................... A. (A.) harvensis Verma

3. Siphunculi shorter than cauda; processus terminalis of last antennal segment more than 1.5 times as long as base of segment. On Spiraea sp. Canada (British Columbia)...................................................... A. (E.) longicauda (Richards)

-. Siphunculi much longer than cauda; processus terminalis of last antennal segment less than 1.5 times as long as base of segment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

4. All thoracic and abdominal tergites with paired or unpaired median processes, thorax and abdominal segments I –IV with marginal processes; processes on antennal tubercles much higher than median tubercle. On Sorbus foliolosa. Northwest India (Uttar Pradesh)............................................................................ A. (E.) sorbi (Chakrabarti & Maity)

-. Median processes present on abdominal tergites VI –VIII, VII –VIII or VIII only, marginal processes absent; processes on antennal tubercles absent, median tubercle extending to or beyond the level of antennal tubercles............ 5

5. Median processes on abdominal tergites VI –VII absent; subgenital plate with 2 setae on anterior half; chaetotaxy of first tarsal segments 3, 3, 3. Host alternation between Cotoneaster obtusus & Cotoneaster sp. and Potentilla. Northwest India (Himachal Pradesh)........................................................................................... A. (E.) indica (David et al.)

-. Abdominal tergite VII, and seldom VI with median process or with two more or less large tubercles with thick setae at apex situated close to the central line of body; subgenital plate with 3–8 setae on anterior half; chaetotaxy of first tarsal segments 3, 3, 2 (sometimes one hind tarsus with 3 setae). On Pentaphylloides fruticosa. Russia (the Altai Republic).......................................................................................................................................... A. (E.) vera sp.nov.