(restricted synonymy and bibliography)
Tanais Latreille, 1831 (partim): G.O. Sars, 1877: 347, 370.
Strongylura G.O. Sars, 1882 (partim): Norman & Stebbing, 1886: 110, 116– 117.
Cryptocope G.O. Sars, 1882 (partim): G.O. Sars, 1882: 50 –51. Hansen, 1913: 106.
Leptognathia G.O. Sars, 1882 ( partim): Hansen, 1913: 82 –83. Kudinova-Pasternak, 1965: 82. Kudinova-Pasternak, 1976: 119. Kudinova-Pasternak, 1977: 120. Kudinova-Pasternak, 1981: 102.
Species included (Japanese waters, Kurile-Kamchatka Trench and Japan Trench species in bold): B. arctophylax ( Norman & Stebbing, 1886), NE Atlantic; B. distincta ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1981), Central Pacific, 1600–1900 metres; B. elegans ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1965), Bougainville Trench, 7974–8006 metres; B. greveae ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1976); B. mironovi ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1981), Central Pacific, 1735–2430 metres; B. parabranchiata ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1977), Palau Trench, 7000–7170 metres; B. parelegans ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1970); B. tuberculata ( Hansen, 1913); B. voeringi ( G.O. Sars, 1877), Arctic Ocean.
Diagnosis (after Larsen & Shimomura 2007). Female. Leptognathiid with cheliped fixed finger and dactylus simple. Uropodal exopod two-articled.
Remarks. Although deriving from a revision and splitting of the genus Leptognathia (Larsen & Shimomura op.cit.), this new genus is a pragmatic (and probably temporary) formation and is clearly polyphyletic, the only common feature among the largely disparate species being the bi-articulated uropod exopod. A significant problem faces potential revisers of Biarticulata, if no existing genus can accommodate transferred species, as no type species was designated.