Material examined of Anthepiscopus ribesii

AUSTRIA • 2 ♂♂; Admont, Styria; 1896; Strobl leg.; NHMW.

Material examined of Anthepiscopus oedalinus (Zetterstedt, 1838)

SWEDEN • 1 ♀; [ Lapponia inferior, Lappland]; [ D. Boheman leg.]; NHRS-GULI000058763 • 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; NHRS-GULI000058764.


Eyes bare; males holoptic. Scape with setae; postpedicel tapering, at least three times as long as wide; stylus cylindrical. Labrum straight in both sexes; epipharyngal blades and ventroapical comb absent. Postgena bare or with setae, not spine like. Prosternum separated from proepisternum forming an isolated sclerite; laterotergite bare. Stout spine like setae on anterior face of fore coxa and on inner ventral margin of fore trochanter absent; tubercle on fore coxa absent; male fore tarsal claws present. In wings, costal bristle absent; subcosta reaching costa; R 4+5 unbranched; CuA recurved ( Fig. 9F). Female: tergite 10 fused to cercus. Male: postgonites as fused processes from hypandrium; apex of phallus simple.


This genus is represented in the Nearctic and west Palearctic. In addition, one species is recorded from Australia.