Zischkaia baku Zacca, Dolibaina & Dias, sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 363A2374-8CF5-46CB-A9F8-DA6371590583

Figs 1, 2 I–L, 4 D, 6 C–D, 14


See relevant section of Z. chullachaki sp. nov.


The specific epithet is derived from the nickname ‘Baku’ of our friend and Brazilian butterfly researcher, André V.L. Freitas, who has made significant contributions to our understanding of Neotropical butterflies, especially satyrines. His nickname is derived from the Portuguese common name for a nightjar ( Caprimulgidae), ‘Bacurau’, and was given in recognition of his faithful imitations of the song of this bird while at college. The specific epithet is regarded as a Latinized masculine noun in apposition.

Type material examined


BRAZIL • ♂; “ // Imperatriz, MA [ Maranhão, Brazil], 18-VI- [19]74, Exc [ursão]. Dep [artamen]to. Zool [ogia, Universidade Federal do Paraná]. //DZ 21.242 //”; DZUP.

Paratypes ( 53 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀)

BRAZIL – Goiás • 1 ♂; Goianésia; 700 m; 5 Sep. 1969; Ebert leg.; DZ-36661; DZUP • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Goianésia; 900 m; 5 Sep. 1969; Ebert leg.; DZ-5572, DZ-5571; DZUP • 1 ♀; Goiás Velho; [ 15°34′30″ S, 50°18′ W]; 9 Feb. 1980; Gifford leg.; DZ-36943; DZUP. – Maranhão • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Imperatriz; [ 5°31′ S, 47°28′ W]; 12 Aug. 1974; Dep. Zool. UFPR leg.; DZ-36733, DZ-36913; DZUP • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 20 Jul. 1974; DZ-36933; DZUP • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 25 Aug. 1974; DZ-36404; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 6 Aug. 1974; DZ-36923; DZUP. – Mato Grosso • 1 ♂; Aragão, Jacareacanga; 14 Feb. 2009; ZUEC • 1 ♂; Barra do Garça; 19 Apr. 1978; Gifford leg.; DZ-36673; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 21 Apr. 1978; DZ-36712; DZUP • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 26 Apr. 1978; DZ-36623; DZUP • 2 ♂♂; Cáceres; 13 Nov. 1984; Buzzi, M. Casagrande, C. Elias and O.H.H. Mielke leg.; DZ-36593, DZ-5573; DZUP • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 15 Nov. 1984; DZ-36703, DZ-36979; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 18 Nov. 1984; DZ- 36721; DZUP • 1 ♂; Diamantino, Alto Rio Arinos, Faz. [enda] S.[ão] João; [ 14°21′18″ S, 56°9′2″ W]; 14 Jan. 1978; O.H.H. Mielke and M.M. Casagrande leg.; DZ-36903; DZUP • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 17 Jan. 1978; DZ-36893, DZ-36953; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 21 Nov. 1984; DZ-36681; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 6 Sep. 1978; DZ-36683; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 12 Jan. 1978; O.H.H. Mielke and Furtado leg.; DZ-36603; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 14 Jan. 1978; DZ-36701; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 22 Jan. 1978; DZ-36691; DZUP • 1 ♂; Diamantino, Alto Rio Arinos, Faz. [enda] S.[ão] João, [ 14°21′18″ S, 56°9′2″ W]; 300– 400 m; 2 Sep. 1975; H.-H. Ebert leg.; DZ-36723; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 26 Jul. 1975; DZ-36593; DZUP • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 2 Sep. 1975; E. Furtado leg.; DZ-36583; DZUP • 1 ♂; Jaciara; 9 Feb. 1967; K.S. Brown leg.; FLMNH-MGCL-1036032; FLMNH • 1 ♂; nr. Melguira, Alto Rio Paraguai, Barra do Bugres; [ 15°4′ S, 57°10′ W]; 150 m; 26–29 Jul. 1974; H.-H. Ebert leg.; DZ-36693; DZUP • 1 ♂; Rio Teles Pires, Cachoeira Sete Quedas; [ 9°20′15″ S,

56°46′39″ W]; 170 m, 11 Apr. 2009; ZUEC. – Rondônia • 1 ♂; Fazenda Rancho Grande, Cacaulândia ( 62 km S Ariquemes, 5 km S of Cacaulândia on linea C-10); [ 10°17′51″ S, 62°32′07″ W]; 1 Apr. 1995; O. Gomes leg.; FLMNH-MGCL-1036022; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 10 Apr. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036023; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 11 Feb. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036028; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 15 Apr. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036012; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 17 Dec. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036021; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 18 Sept 1993; FLMNH-MGCL-1036014; FLMNH • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 19 Nov. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036017, FLMNH-MGCL-1036027; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 2 Apr. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036009; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 2 Aug. 1993; FLMNH-MGCL-1036016; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 21 Jan. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036015; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 22 Apr. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036007; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 24 Jul. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036026; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 24 Nov. 1994; FLMNH-MGCL-1036008; FLMNH • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 25 Mar. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036011, FLMNH-MGCL-1036013; FLMNH • 1 ♀; same collection data as for preceding but 27 May 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036029; FLMNH • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 28 Jan. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036018, FLMNH- MGCL-1036020; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 30 Jan. 1994; FLMNH- MGCL-1036019; FLMNH • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for preceding but 30 Mar. 1994; FLMNH- MGCL-1036024, FLMNH-MGCL-1036025; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 7 Jan. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036006; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 8 Jan. 1996; FLMNH-MGCL-1036010; FLMNH • 1 ♂; [ 10°32′ S, 62°48′ W]; 15 Apr. 1995; O. Gomes leg.; FLMNH-MGCL-1036030; FLMNH • 1 ♂; same collection data as for preceding but 7 Jul. 1995; FLMNH-MGCL-1036031; FLMNH.



FOREWING LENGTH. 21–24 mm (n = 21).

HEAD. Eyes naked, with grayish scales at base; frons brownish with grayish scales and hair-like scales; post-genal area with brownish long hair-like scales and grayish scales; labial palpi first segment with whitish scales laterally and dorsally, and light brown long hair-like scales and whitish long hair-like scales ventrally; second segment length almost twice as great as eye depth and with brown and white scales laterally, dorsally with brownish and whitish hair-like scales, ventrally with brownish and white hair-like scales, about 3–4 times as long as segment width; third segment almost half of second segment in length and covered with brownish scales, ventrally with brownish and whitish hair-like scales, and slight patch of creamy-white scales laterally; antennae approximately two-fifth of forewing length, with ca 45–50 segments (n = 2), distal 12–14 segments composing club, club not prominent.

THORAX. Dorsally, laterally and ventrally scattered with grayish scales with long multi-colored hair-like scales.

LEGS. Foreleg brownish, foretarsus shorter than tibia and femur, tibia and femur similar in length; midleg and hindleg with femur creamy white ventrally, tibia and tarsus grayish dorsally, whitish to ocher ventrally, tarsus and tibia spined ventrally, and a pair of tibial spurs present at distal end.

ABDOMEN. Eighth tergite as stripe at base of eighth abdominal segment, in addition to presence of distal broader patch; eighth sternite divided into two patches.

WING VENATION. Basal half of forewing Subcosta swollen; base of Cubitus swollen; forewing recurrent vein absent; origin of M 2 towards M 1 than M 3; hindwing humeral developed.

WING SHAPE. Forewing subtriangular and elongated, apex angular, costal margin convex, outer margin slightly convex (almost straight), inner margin straight, but rounded towards thorax near base; hindwing slightly elongate, rounded, costal margin almost straight, angled towards thorax near base, outer margin slightly undulating, inner margin slightly concave near tornus, anal lobe convex, slightly round.

DORSAL FOREWING. Ground color grayish brown; prominent black androconial scales present in middle of DFW, from base to submedian region occupying the space between Radius and inner margin; trace of submarginal and marginal line visible.

DORSAL HINDWING. Ground color similar to forewing, black androconial scales present in discal cell and adjacent area (not reaching the submarginal line), from Rs to 2A; trace of submarginal and marginal line visible.

VENTRAL FOREWING. Ground color grayish chestnut brown; submedian line invisible; dark brown narrow median line extends from near costa to Cu 2 -2A, terminates within this cell, in slightly outward diagonal direction, concolorous undulating submarginal line extending from apex towards tornus, terminates around 2A; concolorous marginal line, narrower than submarginal line, extending from apex towards tornus, terminates around 2A; fringe dark brown.

VENTRAL HINDWING. Ground color similar to forewing; regular dark-brown submedian line almost straight, extending from costal to inner margin, curves inwards in 2A-3A; median line almost parallel to submedian line, concolorous, similar in width, passing origin of M 3, curved inwards after passing origin of M 3, and posterior end bent inwards in 2A-3A; undulating submarginal line extending from apex towards tornus, anterior end occasionally fused with median line near costa, posterior end slightly broadening and occasionally fused to submedian line in 2A-3A, space between the marginal line and outer margin ochre; marginal line, concolorous, slightly undulating along outer margin, narrower than submarginal line; submarginal ocelli from M 1 to 2A, rounded (but elliptical in M 2 -M 3), pupil appear as scattered silverish scales placed distally, black central spot ringed with orangish ring then with thin dark brownish indistinct ring; light purplish lilac coloration visible between submedian line and submarginal line when seen under lighting; fringe dark brownish.

GENITALIA ( Fig. 4D). Tegumen subtriangular in lateral view, somewhat elongated, elongated posterior projection of tegumen developed, straight in lateral view, shorter than uncus, tapering posteriorly and hooked at terminal point, posterior end of ventral margin appearing as small projection; combination of ventral arms of tegumen and dorsal arms of saccus slightly sinuous, broadens towards saccus; appendices angulares present, but somewhat reduced; saccus straight, similar to uncus in length; uncus long and narrow, with sparse hair-like setae, well-curved in lateral view, rounded at terminal point forming a ‘bulb’; either side of base of uncus with hair-like setae; brachia smaller than uncus in length, but similar in width, hooked-like in lateral view, tapering posteriorly and not crossing over each other near terminal point; fultura inferior present; valva subtriangular in lateral view, apical process subtriangular, dorsal margin convexed, ventral margin concave, scarcely covered by hair-like setae; costa developed and triangular, dorsal margin slightly sinuous; phallobase about one-third of phallus, curved upwards; ductus ejaculatorius visible; aedeagus straight with manica covering more than half, reduced winglet, distal opening located ventrally where vesica is visible.


FW length 21–23 mm (n = 7).

Similar to male except as follows: foreleg whitish, foretarsus variable in number of tarsomers (see below); forewing appears slightly more rounded and broad, ground color of both wing surfaces paler; DFW androconia absent.

FEMALE ABDOMEN AND GENITALIA ( Fig. 6 C–D): inter-segmental membrane between seventh and eighth tergite not pleated, but folded posteriorly of ostium bursae with its sclerotized region forming a ‘scooplike’ structure below lamella antevaginalis; lamella antevaginalis fused to lateral sclerotized plate of eighth abdominal segment; lateral plate of eighth abdominal segment expanding laterally with small spiracle at superior third; ductus bursae basally sclerotized, median region until the connection with corpus bursae membranous, but with three times longer than wide and strongly sclerotized half-ring at the median region; corpus bursae ⅔ longer than ductus bursae, with paired signa ventrally almost entirely occupying the corpus bursae.


Width of ventral lines of the wings is variable, especially those from Rondônia which seem to have broader lines; number of female fore tarsomers variably fused.

Distribution ( Fig. 14)

This species is known to date from northeastern and midwestern Brazil, namely states of Rondônia, Maranhão, Mato Grosso and Goiás, occurring in forested areas of the western Amazon and within the Cerrado biome.


We were unable to obtain DNA data for this taxon to assess its taxonomic status, especially in relation to Z. chullachaki sp. nov., which is phenotypically similar and might arguably be considered conspecific. However, the external morphological differences between these two taxa documented under the ‘Diagnosis’ section of Z. chullachaki sp. nov. support our decision to treat this taxon as a species until further evidence becomes available.