Timestamp,1. Do you represent a repository manager/curator?,2. Which country is your repository primarily based in?,Other info - entity,3. Is your repository,3. (Other info),"4. Do you track metrics for metadata, data downloads, or both?",5. Which usage metrics do you track?,6. Which usage metrics do you expose?,6. (Other info),"7. If you expose metrics, how do you display them?",7. (Other info),Other info (6+7) : access reserved?,Other info (6+7) : access reserved - who?,8. (Original text),"8. If you track but do not expose data metrics, why?",8. (Categorization),9. What kind of tracking software do you use?,9. (Other info),"10. Do you combine usage metrics for datasets with usage metrics for other related items, eg. articles?",11. Do you follow any privacy policies for collecting usage metrics? ,12. Do you receive requests from depositors to provide metrics about use of their datasets?,Are you aware of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data (https://www.projectcounter.org/counter-code-practice-research-data-usage-metrics-release-1/)?,Do you plan to standardize your usage metrics against this Code of Practice? ,15. If you do not plan to standardize your usage metrics against this Code of Practice - why not?,15. (Short text),15. (Category),16. What do you see as barriers that stand between your repository and implementation of comparable usage metrics?,17. Any other information or questions about data metrics that you'd like to provide to our WG?,,, 2/11/2019 22:27:41,Yes,Australia,,Domain Specific,Multiple domains around HPC/programmatic,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",,n/a,,Yes,Reports with Stakeholders and Funders,,,,In house developed software,,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,We require more information than provided by those metrics.,We require more information than provided by those metrics.,Lack of data in COUNTER reports,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 21:11:30,Yes,Australia,,Domain Specific,,Metadata only,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,No answer,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 16:24:58,Yes,Austria,,General Use,,Both,"Views, Downloads",Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Matomo, Repository software",,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/11/2019 22:51:17,Yes,Canada,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations",None,,n/a,,,,"It hasn't been a high priority yet. However, we are currently working on a project to implement data citations, which may lead to exposing some of the related metrics.",It hasn't been a high priority yet.,Not a priority,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,We are intending to evaluate the Code of Practice for potential integration.,We are intending to evaluate the Code of Practice for potential integration.,We are working on it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 15:53:30,Yes,Canada,,Domain specific,Polar,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,We do not have that available in the application,We do not have that available in the application,Not available in our software,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 5:09:26,Yes,Canada,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Views,Views,,n/a,,,,don't have the knowledge to expose them properly,We don't have the knowledge to expose them properly,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Google Analytics, Repository software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 19:46:03,Yes,Canada,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads",Downloads,downloads -- a list of most downloaded objects,On the collection's landing page,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,No answer,,,, 2/13/2019 8:54:56,Yes,China,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",None,Registered users,Web Forms,,Yes,Registered users,End users don't care about these,End users don't care about these,Not interesting for our users,In house developed software,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/11/2019 20:34:50,Yes,United States,Environmental Data Initiative,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,"API, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,No answer,,,, 3/6/2019 16:15:33,Yes,France,,National open archive,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads, Deposits (file upload and metadata)",,"Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,"Matomo, In house developed software, Ezpaarse",,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 8:04:10,Yes,Germany,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Download volume (size), Project specific metrics","Downloads, Download volume (size)",per project and end of the year downloads per user location (continent),Web forms,Statistics section,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,"Main problem with the Code of Practice is the granularity: Citations (DOIs) and project specific information are on large collections but our statistics are on datasets. And there are important information on dataset level, e.g. which parameter out of the large collection is of highest interest.","Main problem with the Code of Practice is the granularity: Citations (DOIs) and project specific information are on large collections but our statistics are on datasets. And there are important information on dataset level, e.g. which parameter out of the large collection is of highest interest.",Other,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Not a fit for different granularities",,,, 2/13/2019 12:14:17,Yes,Germany,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",Aggregated data only,n/a,,,,Must be checked due to GDPR.,Must be checked due to GDPR.,GPDR compliance problems,OA Statistics service VZG,,No,No,No,Yes,Maybe,,,,"GDPR, inhouse lawyers are really crazy about this.",,,, 2/15/2019 13:24:13,Yes,Germany,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,No obvious demand.,No obvious demand.,Not interesting for our users,In house developed software,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/15/2019 16:55:54,Yes,Germany,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,AWStats,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 3/5/2019 13:44:50,No,Germany,,Domain Specific,,No answer,None,None,,n/a,,,,Not yet implemented,Not yet implemented,,"Matomo, Not yet implemented",,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Not a fit: we do not count views, downloads, citations",,,, 3/12/2019 13:25:44,Yes,Germany,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,"Upload area, full view of the dataset",,,,,,,"Matomo, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,No answer,,,, 2/11/2019 20:24:41,Yes,Hong Kong,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size), social media mentions",Citations,"Social media mentions and ""Dimensions""",On the dataset landing page,,,,"unsure how to display metrics, and lack of developer time to make it happen","Unsure how to display metrics, and lack of developer time to make it happen","Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,"COUNTER is too journal article focused, and doesn't seem relevant to data","COUNTER is too journal article focused, and doesn't seem relevant to data",COUNTER is not about data,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 10:09:18,Yes,Italia,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,We are working for this,We are working on this,We are working on it / considering it,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 9:12:56,Yes,Italy,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,No,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 3/5/2019 12:58:24,No,Ethiopia,Jimma University,Institutional,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Citations",,"Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,Yes,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 9:04:29,Yes,Netherlands,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations",,"Web Forms, Annual reports",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, Matomo",,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Have an alternative standard we use",,,, 3/5/2019 11:57:25,Yes,Nepal,,Institutional,,Both,"Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations",,"API, Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 9:19:14,Yes,Netherlands,,Domain Specific,technical scientific research data,Both,"Views, Downloads, Download volume (size)","Views, uploads",,Blog,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,We are now running a procurement process for a new repository solution.,We are now running a procurement process for a new repository solution.,Other,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 11:41:42,Yes,Netherlands,,General Use,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,"API, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 14:44:46,Yes,Netherlands,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Download volume (size)",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,No,No,No,Maybe,Can't easily find my way at the COUNTER site,Can't easily find my way at the COUNTER site,Other,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 6:04:48,Yes,Norway,,Both institutional and domain specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads",Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,Some of the usage track is used internally in order to optimize our services.,Some of the usage tracking is used internally in order to optimize our services.,,"Google Analytics, Matomo", We are implementing Matomo. We also use SQL queries on the database underlying the repository.,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,"The repository software we use, Dataverse, is planning to integrate with Make Data Count and report standardized usage metrics.",Dataverse is implementing Make Data Count.,We are working on it / considering it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 14:26:26,Yes,Norway,,Institutional,,Metadata only,Views,None,,n/a,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Metrics has so far not been a priority of this data centre.,,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 17:50:46,Yes,Portugal,,Institutional,,Metadata only,Download volume (size),Download volume (size),,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,None,,No,No,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, we don´t analyze this Code yet","Currently, we don´t have any tracking tools in our repository, but in the future, we would like to implement an adequate tracking tool for data usage metrics. Moreover, we expect to apply existing recommendations. ",,, 2/11/2019 22:18:11,Yes,Slovenia,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations",,yearly report to funders and data depositors,,,,time / place / use,"No time, no place, no use",Not interesting for our users,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,No,Yes,No,Maybe,will check it out and see if it's doable,,We are working on it / considering it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",data depositors thing that without promoting data will be just used / they will not. Is archive supposed to do promotion of use? To which level.,,, 2/20/2019 14:09:10,Yes,Spain,,Institutional,,Metadata only,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations, Altmetrics",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software, Dspace-CRIS statistics module",,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/15/2019 9:13:48,Yes,Switzerland,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Atmire DSpace Add-On Module für Content and Usage Analysis,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,Because metrics are mainly a marketing instrument for the repository and it's maybe not worth the effort,Because metrics are mainly a marketing instrument for the repository and it's maybe not worth the effort,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 9:58:59,Yes,Netherlands,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Downloads,Downloads,,"On the dataset landing page, On the homepage of the repository portal.",,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/15/2019 0:04:08,No,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations",Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,Our local catalog tracks voluntarily-supplied email addresses which we obviously keep private and only use when a dataset is revised due to error. The network catalog does not collect that information. ,,,In house developed software,,No answer,No,Yes,No,Yes,,,,No answer,"Our network data repository is developed by input from many sites, not just ours.",,, 2/12/2019 12:30:10,Yes,United Kingdom,,Domain Specific,It is a pilot repository for cultural heritage orgs. The below responses related to our plans rather than reality now.,Both,"Views, Downloads, Download volume (size)",Not sure yet,,On the dataset landing page,On the page probably in future,,,,,,Google Analytics,,Yes,Yes,No answer,Yes,Maybe,Too soon for us to plan this,,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Still a project, ask us in a year!",,,, 2/12/2019 13:55:01,Yes,United Kingdom,,General Use,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Views, Downloads, Citations","We have a general use repository, and we provide institutional and domain specific","API, Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",Researcher wish list is very different to other stakeholders. AI testing datasets add an interesting usage angle,,, 2/13/2019 9:55:23,Yes,United Kingdom,,Domain Specific,,Metadata only,Views,None,,n/a,,,,Not yet implemented,Not yet implemented,We are working on it / considering it,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,Not yet required; Does not appear to be finalised,,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Have an alternative standard we use",,,, 2/13/2019 12:51:29,Yes,United Kingdom,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations",None,,n/a,Internal use and manual requests,Yes,,Not seen as a requirement to expose externally unless under request.,Not seen as a requirement to expose externally unless under request.,Not interesting for our users,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 13:46:15,Yes,United Kingdom,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Download volume (size)",None,"We expose some metrics in our quarterly reports to our funders, but not publicly ",n/a,,Yes,Funders,"We track them to report to our funders, but haven't got around to exposing them yet","We track them to report to our funders, but haven't got around to exposing them yet",We are working on it / considering it,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 3/7/2019 12:20:41,Yes,United Kingdom,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,Currently we provide data through web services and software. Data could be viewed or downloaded through our desktop software which we wouldn't know about. We also provide advanced analysis tools that utilise the collection of data rather than an individual structure and so just because an individual dataset hasn't been viewed or downloaded it doesn't mean the data hasn't been used to generate new insights/knowledge. Having said that exposing data metrics is something we are considering,Problem of definition what constitutes usage regarding research data,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software, Kibana and CRM",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, see above",,,, 2/11/2019 20:53:39,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Views,Views,,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Samvera-Hyrax out of the box analytics,,No,No answer,No,No,Maybe,We are institutionally not opposed to doing so but it would require a good deal of work to develop out our software infrastructure around use metrics and analytics.,We are not opposed to doing so but it would require a good deal of work to implement use metrics and analytics.,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/11/2019 23:41:45,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",I'm not sure who has access to them.,"API, Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,Whatever Figshare is using.,,No,No,No,Yes,No,Vendor controls the usage metrics,,Software vendor controls what's possible,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 0:36:44,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, None",,"On the dataset landing page, In Science Advisory Meeting presentations",,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,We will need to look carefully a this code-of-practice to see if it fits our community's need.,We will need to look carefully a this code-of-practice to see if it fits our community's need.,We need to review it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 20:34:30,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 17:04:05,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, PlumX Metrics",PlumX metrics,Integrated with Bepress,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,PlumX Metrics,,No,No,No,No,No,bepress handles this for us,bepress handles this for us,Software vendor controls what's possible,No answer,,,, 2/13/2019 19:41:40,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations",None,,n/a,,,,our repository is a young effort and usage is not high enough to publicly display...yet ,Our repository is a young effort and usage is not high enough to publicly display...yet ,We are working on it / considering it,No answer,,No answer,No answer,No answer,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 19:57:24,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Downloads, Download volume (size), Requests to the URL resource from Apache logs","Downloads, Download volume (size), Requests from Apache logs",,"API, Statistics section",Link off of landing page will show metrics and time selection options,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 22:15:59,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,Views,None,,n/a,,,,Never been asked to. Not funded for that. ,Never been asked to. Not funded for that. ,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it",In house developed software,,No,No,No,No,No,"Only one entry of the COUNTER metrics fits what we are doing now: Total Searches, Result Clicks and Record Views by Month and Platform - currently we record searches by type of information. Our query volume bears little resemblance to citation references for data actually used. ",,COUNTER is not about data,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Have to justify need to funding agency. ",,,, 2/13/2019 22:31:23,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations",None,,n/a,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 0:56:10,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",None,,n/a,,,,We just started tracking metrics and haven't had the resources yet to figure out which metrics to expose and how - nor to develop code/webpages to do so.,We just started tracking metrics and haven't had the resources yet to figure out which metrics to expose and how - nor to develop code/webpages to do so.,We are working on it / considering it,"Google Analytics, In house developed software, Hotjar",,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff","We aren't yet in the position to assign DOIs to our datasets - when we do, this will greatly increase our ability to track data usage rather than just views and downloads.",,, 2/14/2019 3:52:13,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations",,On the dataset landing page,,,,N/A,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 15:54:59,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Google Analytics,Heap Analytics still in implementation phase,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,"need to read into it more, hadnt heard of previously","need to read into it more, hadnt heard of previously",We need to review it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 16:04:33,Yes,United States,,Funder specific,Funder specific - We mainly archive data from research funded by specific grant programs,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Download volume (size), User status (logged in or anonymous)",Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,"We previously tracked and exposed metrics using PiWik, but have since moved to Google Analytics and have not yet worked on exposing them","We previously tracked and exposed metrics using PiWik, but have since moved to Google Analytics and have not yet worked on exposing them",We are working on it / considering it,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,Looks like a lot of work,Looks like a lot of work,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/14/2019 18:36:15,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Altmetrics","Downloads, Altmetrics ",via the altmetric badge and PlumX when applicable,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, built in analytics that comes with Digital Commons",,No,No,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,No answer,,,, 2/14/2019 19:25:02,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads",Download volume (size),,Web Forms,,,,,,,"Zabbix, AWstats",,Yes,No answer,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,No answer,,,, 2/14/2019 22:57:22,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Downloads,None,,n/a,,,,Don't want to appear to criticize undownloaded content. people who have deposited can see their own metrics.,We don't want to appear to criticize undownloaded content.,We don't want to appear to criticize undownloaded content.,Google Analytics,,No,No,Yes,No,Maybe,Time,Time,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/22/2019 18:32:56,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Altmetrics","Views, Downloads, Altmetrics","Altmetrics (Mendeley captures, Twitter and other social media mentions, blog post mentions, etc.)",On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,PlumX Metrics is integrated into repository platform,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,"Repository is on a hosted cloud platform, so we the software vendor to implement this",,,, 2/26/2019 20:34:16,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Citations",Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,In implementation phase; we're very pleased about standardized metric - previous metrics seemed ad-hoc,,,, 3/6/2019 15:56:25,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/26/2019 19:08:25,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/11/2019 20:07:43,Yes,Uran,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",,"Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,In house developed software,,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 19:33:57,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",None,,Reports to funder,,Yes,Funders,"Resources to do so and because reports become public record, so data exists elsewhere",Resources to do so,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it",Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 20:56:50,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Citations",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,No answer,,,, 2/13/2019 1:21:41,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,I'm not convinced of their accuracy yet.,I'm not convinced of their accuracy yet.,We are working on it / considering it,"Google Analytics, reports from web logs",,No,No,Yes,Yes,Maybe,Limited resources and uncertainty about repository roadmap,Limited resources and uncertainty about repository roadmap,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it","Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 19:02:28,Yes,United States,,General Use,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,"Was not aware of it previously, so need to review it first","Was not aware of it previously, so need to review it first",We need to review it,No answer,,,, 2/11/2019 19:41:55,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",Citations,,On the dataset landing page,,,,Challenges processing and displaying metrics,Challenges processing and displaying metrics,"Lack of skills, time and/or resources to implement it",Matomo,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/11/2019 19:48:35,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",Citations,,Statistics section,Citations can be retrieved through a searchable database,,,,,,"Google Analytics, Feeds from bibliographic indexes",,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,,,,Implementation requires resources from repositories that are already being asked to do more with less.,Thank you!,,, 2/12/2019 18:33:36,No answer,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads","Views, Downloads",,Web Forms,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 19:08:04,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Views, Downloads, Citations",,"API, Web Forms, On the dataset landing page",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Data usage metrics are complex and the current Code of Practice doesn't yet handle those complexities, including versioning and partial downloads of subsets of data sets.",,,, 2/12/2019 19:34:09,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size), Number of Unique users to download data products per time unit","Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",,"On the dataset landing page, Statistics section",Central metrics page for full repository statistics,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,No,Yes,Yes,Maybe,It needs to make sense/be applicable for our use cases and stakeholder reporting.,It needs to make sense/be applicable for our use cases and stakeholder reporting.,We need to review it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Have an alternative standard we use, We provide access through means outside of web downloads.","Better mechanisms to track and link to citation metrics are needed (e.g. programmatic way to harvest metrics from google scholar, full participation between publishers and crossref in providing data citation information).",,, 2/12/2019 20:01:58,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)",,"Web Forms, Periodic presentations",,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, We have a well established system that is working well to serve our purposes. It will take time and effort to possibly revise and retool to conform to a new standard with whihc we are currently unfamiliar",,,, 2/12/2019 20:16:54,Yes,United States,,General Use,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Download volume (size)",,Annual reports available online,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Our usage metrics answer to government legal/policy requirements,Our usage metrics answer to government legal/policy requirements,No need,Have an alternative standard we use,,,, 2/12/2019 20:36:46,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Views, Downloads, Citations",None,,n/a,,,,"Just now considering it, previously only used for grant proposals",We are considering it,We are working on it / considering it,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,Just learned of it will raise it with project administers,Just learned of it will raise it with project administers,We need to review it,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 21:43:08,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Metadata only,"Views, Citations",None,,n/a,,,,System doesn't allow for it easily,System doesn't allow for it easily,Not available in our software,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,We've got bigger issues to resolve!,,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 22:33:43,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,"Haven't implemented exposing them on data landing pages yet, but plan to in near future. Also plan to track citations, but this requires additional development at this time.",,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 14:45:57,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Downloads,Downloads,,"On the dataset landing page, Summary stats for entire repository",,,,,,,DSpace native. Working on Google but config &privacy concerns ,,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,We'd be delighted if DSpace supported COUNTER; don't have resources to do it ourselves.,,Software vendor controls what's possible,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 16:55:18,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Citations",,On the dataset landing page,,,,Sensitivity to providers. Some metrics seem like a popularity contest.,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Waiting to see how widespread the implementation becomes. Requires direction from parent organization.",Harvesting dataset citation and alt metrics is more difficult than it should be.,,, 2/13/2019 18:06:54,Yes,United States,,Institutional,,Both,"Views, Downloads",None,,n/a,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,Yes,Yes,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/13/2019 20:10:36,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,"Downloads, Download volume (size)","Downloads, Download volume (size)",,Web Forms,,,,,,,"In house developed software, apache/web server logs",,No,No,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, need to know more about it",,,, 2/13/2019 22:37:47,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Data package or file download,Downloads,Downloads,,Web Forms,,,,,,,In house developed software,,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,not a community requirement,,Not a priority,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Not a fit: we do not count views, downloads, citations",,,, 2/13/2019 22:38:27,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size), number of submissions & sample registrations","Downloads, Citations, Download volume (size), Number of submissions",Number of sample registrations.,"Web Forms, email to authors",,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,No,No,No,No,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff","We still have major problems with giving credit to authors, whose data are integrated into fusion databases that generate data downloads from hundreds of originally separate data sources",,, 2/19/2019 21:24:28,Yes,United States,,General Use,,Metadata only,Views,None,,n/a,,,,Because we have not prioritized this work due to limited resources and the perception that it is of limited value.,,,Google Analytics,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/28/2019 0:18:24,Yes,United States,,Domain Specific,,Metadata only,Views,None,,n/a,,,,,,,Google Analytics,,No,Yes,No,Yes,Maybe,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff",,,, 2/12/2019 11:46:54,Yes,No answer,,Institutional,,Data package or file download,Downloads,Downloads,,On the dataset landing page,,,,,,,No answer,,No,Yes,No,No,Maybe,,,,Don't know this code of practice,,,, 2/12/2019 23:07:58,No,No answer,,No answer,,No answer,Information and data only,None,,n/a,,,,,,,No answer,,No,Yes,No answer,No answer,No answer,,,,"Resourcing: tools, time, staff, Do not agree with the methods described in the Code of Practice",,,, 2/28/2019 1:31:08,Yes,No answer,,Domain Specific,,Both,"Views, Downloads, Citations","Views, Downloads, Citations",,Reports,,,,,,,"Google Analytics, In house developed software",,Yes,No,Yes,No,Maybe,Our metrics are fairly basic so I expect we already comply,Our metrics are fairly basic so I expect we already comply,Our metrics are fairly basic so I expect we already comply,No answer,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 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