EstSoil-EH v1.0: An eco-hydrological modelling parameters dataset derived from the Soil Map of Estonia

Included files, data and metadata:

- folders:
  - original_estonian_soilmap_archive: the reference Readme.txt for the archived original soilmap of Estonia (
  - figures: images, maps and figurs from the accompanying publication
  - soc_rf_model: the exported hyperparameter set and configuration for the RandomForest model for the prediction SOC (4-fold-8-variants-search-cv-results_3params.csv),
    as well as SOC RF training dataset (soil_drainge_merged_ml.shp zipped)
  - qgis3: QGIS project, layout configurations, styles (EstSoil-EH_v1.0_usda_textures_style.qml), QGIS/qmd (EstSoil-EH_v1.0-metadata.qmd) and text/PDF metadata

- the new extended Soilmap of Estonia with standardised soil types, textures and numerical eco-hydrological parameters
  in Shapefile and GeoPackage formats (EstSoil-EH_v1.0.shp and EstSoil-EH_v1.0.gpkg zipped)

- lookup tables for:
  - soil types in Estonian and WRB+English descriptions (soil_types_legend.csv)
  - texture code corrections for data entry and other errors (texture_rules_lookup.xlsx, texture_error_lookup.xlsx)

- K_sat rosetta task in- and outputs (soil_classes_output_mod2.txt, soil_classes_inp_mod2.txt)

- text/ISO metadata docouments (EstSoil-EH_v1.0_attribute_fields.txt, EstSoil-EH_v1.0_metadata_ISO19139.xml) for the EstSoil-EH_v1.0 spatial dataset and parameters