This file describes the fields that correspond to the file ycFlightData_Spring2019.csv The data contained in the csv file represent measurements taken during 4 separate flights of a UAV in SW Montana, USA. The data correspond to a manuscript submitted to WRR in Fall 2019. Please refer to this document for further information. FID - Feature ID. Just a simple identifier. Time - dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss in Mountain Standard Time. These data are a result of matches to the second between the UAV GPS and data logger recording irradiance data. Flight_num - corresponds to the flight number to distinguish the different flights. Incoming - Incoming solar radiation (Wm-2) Reflected - Reflected solar radiation (Wm-2), bias corrected by a factor of 1.0287. Albedo - ratio of Reflected/Incoming radiation relativeHe - relative height above ground (altitude - in m) absoluteHe - absolute height based upon the base elevation (m) gpsLong - Longitude as recorded by the internal GPS of the Matrice V210V2 gpsLat - Latitude as recorded by the internal GPS of the Matrice V210V2 gpsDate - Date and as recorded by the internal GPS of the Matrice V210V2 heightMSL - internal barometric measurement of altitude above sea level. gpsHDOP - Horizontal Dilution of Precision value for the internal GPS on the UAV. gpsPDOP - Position Dilution of Precision value for the internal GPS on the UAV. numGPS - the number of GPS satellites used to make locational calculation. numGLNAS - the number of GLNAS satellites used to make locational calculation. Underneath - the landcover type directly below the UAV at the given time. albedoLand - Broadband albedo albedo value as described in Wang et al., 2019. Id - identifier gridcode - the Landset grid cell corresponding to the albedo measurement