Variable;Unit;Explanation Microcosm_ID;;Identifier of the microcosm: the first letter identifies Oniscus asellus size composition (L=large, S=small, M=mixed sizes, C=control without Oniscus asellus), the second letter identifies leaf litter composition (A=Acer platanoides, B=Betula pendula, M=mixed), while the number indicates the replicate Date_start;;Date of experiment start (as continuous variable) Date_stop;;Date of experiment end (as continuous variable) Ind1_weight_start;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the start of the experiment Ind2_weight_start;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the start of the experiment Ind3_weight_start;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the start of the experiment Ind4_weight_start;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the start of the experiment Acer_weight_start;g;Total Acer platanoides mass at the start of the experiment Betula_weight_start;g;Total Betula pendula mass at the start of the experiment Ind1_weight_end;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the end of the experiment Ind2_weight_end;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the end of the experiment Ind3_weight_end;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the end of the experiment Ind4_weight_end;mg;Mass of one out of four Oniscus asellus individuals at the end of the experiment Acer_weight_end;g;Total Acer platanoides mass at the end of the experiment Betula_weight_end;g;Total Betula pendula mass at the end of the experiment Dead1_ID;;Identifier of dead individual nr. 1 at the end of the experiment Dead2_ID;;Identifier of dead individual nr. 2 at the end of the experiment Dead1_date;;Date when dead individual nr. 1 was found (as continuous variable) Dead2_date;;Date when dead individual nr. 2 was found (as continuous variable)