Raw and derived data for publication: Validity of accelerometry in step detection and gait speed measurement in orthogeriatric patients Authors: Keppler AM, Nuritdinow T, Mueller A, Hoefling H, Aigner G, Lederer C, Schieker M, Clay I, Daumer M, Böcker W, Fürmetz J DOI for paper: http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0221732 DOI for Data repository: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3153170 This is a description of the raw and derived data files generated in the mentioned study. * Raw data: ** raw.h5: raw acceleration data recorded at 100 Hz in HDF5 format This file contains all acceleation raw data with 100 Hz fequency. The sensors (when worn correctly) record x, y and z values corresponding to vertical, lateral and back-forward acceleration. The 4th column (“KSS”) can be ignored, it indicates if the belt buckle was a given time closed. To get acceleration gravity units the x, y or z value needs to be divided by 336. The KSS indicates whether the belt buckle was closed (1) or open (0). Note, the order in which the data is returned depends on the programming language you use, e.g. in R the dataset is returned as a matrix of 4 columns and n rows, in phython it is n- columns and 4 rows. In the HDF5file itself, h5ls will list it as a matrix with 4 rows and n columns. The subject id is the group in the H5 file and the snesor name (either 'wheel' or 'subject') the data set name. The 'wheel' contains the acceleratino of the perambulator wheel that was used to derive reference ("gold standard") speed averages per second. The 'subject' sensor contains acceleratino during walking. ** meta.cvs: sensor meta data subject_id: subject id subject_start: start time stamp (UTC) of the body-worn sensor subject_end: end time stamp wheel_start: start time stamp of the wheel-mounted sensor wheel_end: end time stamp ** raw-wheel.csv: subject_id: suject id for which this peramulator wheel records interval_start: start of the interval (UTC) interval_end: end of the interval (and interval should 1 second) wheel_speed: average wheel speed for this interval ** raw-steps-annot.csv: unprocessed video step annotation subject: subject id actheel: index of heel strike in the body-worn sensor acttoe: index oftoe-off in the body-worn sensor utcheel: UTC time from video of heel strike utctoe: UTC time from video of toe-off side: left/right foot annotation Note, from the index (acthell, acttoe) one can derive the UTC time: The meta.csv file contains the start time per sensor, and each recording is 0.01 sec (100Hz). ** raw-parcours.csv: subject_id: subject id test_label: lable of the parcour section interval_start: video start of this section in UTC interval_end: video end of this section * Derived data: ** step-speed.csv: Steps and step speed for different algorithms and parcours sections: subject_id: subject id algo: algorithm used (stepslc, stepwave, wavesvr, video) step_start: time stamp (UTC) for start of step duration: duratino of step in seconds utcheel: video time stamp of heel strike (UTC), only for algo = 'video' utctoe: video time stamp of toe-off (UTC), only for algo = 'video' speed: step speed reported dby algorithm GS_speed: "Gold Standard" speed (perambulator wheel speed) freq: step frequency (in a window) walk.ratio: walking ratio (in a window) running: logical, is this a running step? side: left/right bout: bout id for this step (continuous un-interrupted walking bout) test_label: the parcour section this step is in