README_2019-08-12 PROJECT AND DATA LAVEL DOCUMENTATION Survey on the attitudes of researchers to sharing research data in the field of medical sciences conducted by the Main Library of the Medical University of Gdansk TITLE Open Research Data in Medicine - Polish scientists' attitudes towards data sharing CREATORS Agnieszka Milewska, Main Library, Medical University of Gdansk, Natalia Wiśniewska, Main Library, Medical University of Gdansk, METHODOLOGY Data was collected online with Google Forms. The survey was directed to scientists working at 9 Polish medical universities: Medical University of Gdańsk Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin Wroclaw Medical University Medical University of Bialystok Medical University of Lublin Medical University of Lodz Medical University of Warsaw Medical University of Silesia (no responses) PROCESSING The initial Google Forms survey report file was exported to a .xslx file which was analyzed with .xslx tools. Open field answers have been categorized. LANGUAGE: The survey was conducted in Polish. The questions and the responses have been translated into English. DATA COLLECTION DATES The survey ran between the dates of March to May, 2019. SURVEY Data was collected online. The survey was directed to scientists working at 9 Polish medical universities: Medical University of Gdańsk, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Wroclaw Medical University, Medical University of Bialystok, Medical University of Lublin, Medical University of Lodz, Medical University of Warsaw, Medical University of Silesia. RESPONSES: A total of 603 responses were receieved. Each respondent has been assigned a permanent unique identifier (1-603). The respondents' identifiers have been listed in the same order in all files (in sheet "results"), so there is a possibility to compare the responses of two or more survey questions. DATA FILES FORMAT .xlsx, .csv, .txt ETHICAL ISSUES The survey was anonymous and do not contain sensitive data. DATA FILE DESCRIPTIONS Dataset contains the files with respondents' answers to survey questions. The files contain the processed and converted data. Each file contains the responses to one question of the survey. Q1_What is the format of data you generate.xlsx contains the responses to checkbox question: What is the format of data you generate? Q2_Where do you store your data after finishing your research project.xlsx contains the responses to checkbox question: Where do you store your data after finishing your research project? Q3_Who do you share your research data with.xlsx contains the responses to single choice question: Who do you share your research data with? Q4_Do you use open research data.xlsx contains the responses to Yes/No question: Do you use open research data? Q5_What are the benefits of sharing research data.xlsx contains the responses to checkbox question: What are the benefits of sharing research data? Q6_Have you ever created a DMP.xlsx contains the responses to Yes/No question: Have you ever created a Data Management Plan? Q7_Are you going to share your research data on the Polish Medical Platform.xlsx contains the responses to Yes/No/Don't know question: Are you going to share your research data on the Polish Medical Platform? Q8_What problems regarding sharing research data do you consider important.xlsx contains the responses to checbox question: What problems regarding sharing research data do you consider important? Q9_What help related to sharing research data do you expect from the library.xlsx contains the responses to checkbox question: What help related to sharing research data do you expect from the library? RP1_Select the institution you represent.xlsx contains information regarding responent's particulars and contains the responses to single choice question. RP2_How many years of experience in scientific work do you have.xlsx contains information regarding responent's particulars contains the responses to single choice question. RP3_What is the field of your research.xlsx contains information regarding responent's particulars contains the responses to open question. ACCESS Open access through Zenodo The Main Library of the Medical University of Gdansk Citation for dataset is as follows: Author: Agnieszka Milewska, Natalia Wiśniewska, Title: Open Research Data in Medicine - Polish scientists' attitudes towards data sharing; Year of publication: 2019; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3368256